Имам важни новини. I have some important news. I have important news. Той е популярен въпреки всичките си недостатъци. Despite all his faults he is popular. He's popular despite all his flaws. Просто искам да поговорим. I just want to talk. I just want to talk. Ранените се възстановяват. The wounded are getting better. The wounded are recovering. Ходи си! Go away! Go away! Той ме нарече Ичиро. He called me Ichiro. He called me Ichiro. Мисля, че можеш да се справиш. I think you can handle it. I think you can handle it. Трябва да остана тук. I have to stay here. I have to stay here. Том прехапа устна. Tom bit his lip. Tom bit his lip. Затвори си очите. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Подозирам, че в тая кръчма сипват вода в бирата. I suspect they water down the beer in that pub. I suspect they're pouring water into the beer in this pub. Том попита Мери дали може да заеме учебника ѝ по френски. Tom asked Mary if he could borrow her French textbook. Tom asked Mary if she could borrow her French book. Мери изглежда като майка си. Mary looks like her mother. Mary looks like her mother. Трябва да си опъна краката. I need to stretch my legs. I need to stretch my legs. Том не мога да го разбера. I can't figure Tom out. Tom, I don't get it. Нямам време за посетители. I have no time for visitors. I don't have time for visitors. Миналия месец се простудих. I caught a cold last month. I had a cold last month. Наистина ли не ги харесваш? Do you really not like them? You really don't like them? Мога да поставя длани на пода, без да сгъвам коленете си. I can place the palms of my hands on the floor without bending my knees. I can put palms on the floor without folding my knees. Том може да чете малко на френски, но изобщо не може да го говори. Tom can read some French, but he can't speak it at all. Tom can read a little French, but he can't speak it at all. Радваме се, че идваш в нашата група. We are glad to have you in our class. We're glad you're joining our group. Има ли вода в тенджерата? Is there any water in the pot? Is there water in the pot? Мисля, че трябва да си починеш за известно време. I think you ought to rest a while. I think you should rest for a while. Имам няколко идеи. I have some ideas. I've got some ideas. Да отидем да поздравим Джаксънови. Let's go say hi to the Jacksons. Let's go say hello to the Jacksons. Мъжът кара кола. The man is driving a car. The man's driving a car. В никакъв случай! No way! No way! Вероятно утре ще вали сняг. It will probably snow tomorrow. It's probably snowing tomorrow. Не можех да знам, че това ще се случи. I couldn't anticipate that that would happen. I couldn't have known this would happen. Том и Бил достигнаха до края независимо един от друг. Tom and Bill arrived at the conclusion independently of each other. Tom and Bill reached the end independently of each other. Харесва ли ти да играеш волейбол? Do you like playing volleyball? Do you like playing volleyball? Поздравления! Congratulations! Congratulations! Анализирай резултатите от експеримента, и ги съобщи. I'm going to analyze the experimental results, and write a report. Analyze the results of the experiment, and report them. Пихме доста. We drank a lot. We had a lot to drink. Чух, че може да завали сняг. I heard it might snow. I heard it might snow. Неговото тяло беше покрито с кафява козина. His body was covered with brown fur. His body was covered in brown fur. Той раздели ябълките между нас петимата. He divided the apples among the five of us. He split the apples between the five of us. Тя е най-скучното момиче което някога съм познавал. She is the most boring girl I ever knew. She's the most boring girl I've ever known. Радвам се, че успя да се върнеш. I'm glad you finally made it back. I'm glad you made it back. Мисля, че знаеш, че това е невъзможно. I think you know that's impossible. I think you know that's impossible. Това прилича малко на френски, но не е. This looks a little like French, but it isn't. That's a little French, but it's not. Може ли да го видя това? Can I see this one? Can I see that? Можеш ли да го изключиш? Could you turn it down? Can you turn it off? Трябва да говоря с тебе за нещо. I have something to talk to you about. I need to talk to you about something. Слонът има дълъг нос. An elephant has a long nose. The elephant has a long nose. Имам блед спомен за събитието. I have a faint recollection of the event. I have a faint memory of the event. Том не е като Мери. Tom isn't like Mary. Tom's not like Mary. Том не е млад. Tom isn't young. Tom's not young. Свали оръжието! Put the gun down. Put the gun down! Можеш ли да прочетеш този йероглиф? Can you read this kanji? Can you read this character? Беше приятно. It felt nice. It was nice. Том не благодари на Мери за помощта ѝ. Tom didn't thank Mary for her help. Tom didn't thank Mary for her help. Тръгвате ли? Are you leaving? You're leaving? Бебето ми иска да говори. My baby wants to talk. My baby wants to talk. Това е мястото, на което се състоя битката . This is the place where the battle took place. This is where the battle took place. Този път изглежда аз греша. This time, it looks like it is me who is wrong. This time it seems I'm wrong. Прави ли ме дебел? Does this make me look fat? Does it make me fat? Предоставихме на бежанците одеала. We furnished the refugees with blankets. We gave the refugees blankets. Делфинът е бозайник. A dolphin is a mammal. Delphine is a mammal. Извинете, колко струва това? Excuse me, how much does this cost? Excuse me, how much is this? Трябва да призная, че доста се изкушавам. I have to admit it's very tempting. I have to admit, I'm quite tempted. Чувствам се спокойна. I feel at ease. I feel calm. Кои ядки обичаш най-много? What's your favorite dried fruit? Which nuts do you like the most? Не мога да го направя точно сега. I can't do it right now. I can't do this right now. В Северна Америка,когато човек свие раменете си това означава "не знам". In North America when a person shrugs his shoulders it means "I don't know". In North America, when a man shrinks his shoulders, it means "I don't know." В тази стая е разрешено да се пуши. You can smoke in this room. You're allowed to smoke in this room. Има малка вероятност да не успея да дойда на срещата. There's a slim chance I won't be able to make it to the meeting. There's a small chance I won't be able to make it to the meeting. Когато Том се събуди, откри, че Мери беше изчезнала. When Tom woke up, he found that Mary had vanished. When Tom woke up, he found out Mary was missing. Том като че ли през цялото време разговаря по телефона с Мери. Tom always seems to be on the phone with Mary. Tom seems to be on the phone all the time with Mary. Заради тебе го направих. I did it for you. You're the reason I did it. Неговата температура спадна. His fever subsided. His temperature's down. Да не ти става навик. Don't make it a habit. Don't make a habit of it. Всички ли са полудели? Has everyone gone crazy? Is everyone out of their minds? Станаха три години, откак той почина. He has been dead for three years. It's been three years since he died. Случило ли се е нещо? Has something happened? Did something happen? Том преподава френски в училището на Мери. Tom teaches French at the school Mary goes to. Tom teaches French at Mary's school. Той умира да види Сейко. He's dying to see Seiko. He's dying to see Seiko. Не съм спал от три дена. I haven't slept in three days. I haven't slept in three days. Кой е този? Who's that? Who's that? Том забеляза, че Мери беше заспала. Tom noticed that Mary was asleep. Tom noticed Mary was asleep. Том няма добър френско-английски речник. Tom doesn't have a very good French-English dictionary. Tom doesn't have a good French-English dictionary. Къщата на Фред има пет стаи. Fred's house has five rooms. Fred's house has five rooms. Мисля, че трябва да излезеш. I think you should leave now. I think you should get out. Просто искам да си седя тук. All I want to do is sit here. I just want to sit here. Том се провали на френския миналия семестър. Tom failed French last semester. Tom failed the French last semester. Нашата работа никога не свършва. Our work never ends. Our work never ends. Въпреки че Том ми го обясни подробно, все още не съм сигурен, че наистина разбирам. Even though Tom explained it in detail, I'm still not sure I really understand it. Although Tom explained it to me in detail, I'm still not sure I really understand. Опасявам се, че това няма да е достатъчно. I'm afraid that won't be enough. I'm afraid that won't be enough. Отивам на училище в седем часа. I go to school at seven o'clock. I'm going to school at seven o'clock. Той е фотогеничен. He is photogenic. He's photogenic. Абсурд! No way! That's absurd. Напоследък гледал ли си някакви филми? Have you seen any movies lately? Have you seen any movies lately? Иска ми се да бях мъртъв. I wish I were dead. I wish I was dead. Нищо ли не може да бъде направено? Can't anything be done? Can't anything be done? Успях да го видя от рейса. I caught a glimpse of him from the bus. I got a look at him from the bus. Може ли да отчетеш всички пари, които си похарчил по време на пътуването си? Can you account for all the money you spent on your trip? Can you account for all the money you spent on your trip? Марта е отличен пианист. Martha is an excellent pianist. Martha is an excellent pianist. Можеш ли да отмениш резервацията ми? Could you cancel my reservation? Can you cancel my reservation? Нямаш ли нищо друго за правене? Don't you have something else to do? Don't you have anything else to do? Аз убих Бог. I killed God. I killed God. В този ресторант предлагат добро обслужване. They give good service at that restaurant. This restaurant offers good service. Никой не можа да работи. No one could work. No one could work. Къде Ви е детегледачката? Where's your babysitter? Where's your babysitter? Не само аз мисля, че Том не трябва да прави това. I'm not the only one who thinks Tom shouldn't be doing that. I'm not the only one who thinks Tom shouldn't be doing this. Почти няма вода в кофата. There's hardly any water in the bucket. There's hardly any water in the bucket. Том изглежда мотивиран. Tom seems motivated. Tom seems motivated. Отиваш ли някъде? Are you going anywhere? Going somewhere? Тези хора бяха големи късметлии. These people were very lucky. These people were very lucky. Том не искаше Мери да излиза с други мъже. Tom didn't want Mary to go out with other guys. Tom didn't want Mary to date other men. Нямам пералня вкъщи, затова трябва да ходя до пералното помещение да пера дрехите си. I don't have a washing machine at home, and so I have to go to the washing room in order to do the laundry. I don't have a washing machine at home, so I have to go to the laundry room to wash my clothes. Каква е минималната заплата в Дания? What's the minimum salary in Denmark? What's the minimum wage in Denmark? Чудя се дали Том знае какво направи Мери. I wonder if Tom knows what Mary did. I wonder if Tom knows what Mary did. Върви, няма какво да го мислиш! Go without thinking twice! Go on, there's nothing to think about! Силен дъжд ми попречи да отида. A heavy rain prevented me from going. A heavy rain prevented me from going. Почти нямам английски книги. I have hardly any English books. I barely have any English books. Тича. He runs. He's running. Впечатлена съм, Том. I'm impressed, Tom. I'm impressed, Tom. Започна да вали вечерта. It began to rain in the evening. It started raining in the evening. Том се опита да убеди Мери, че е време да си ходят. Tom tried to convince Mary that it was time to leave. Tom tried to convince Mary it was time for them to leave. Иззад хладилника излиза хлебарка. From behind the fridge, a roach comes out. There's a cockroach coming out from behind the fridge. Вчера посетих Тони. I visited Tony yesterday. I paid Tony a visit yesterday. Той си свали палтото и се захвана за работа. He took his coat off and set to work. He took off his coat and got to work. Платих около петдесет долара. I paid about fifty dollars. I paid about 50 bucks. Все още съществува вероятност това да се случи. There's still a possibility that that'll happen. There's still a chance this will happen. Двата експеримента доведоха до подобни резултати. Those two experiments yielded similar results. Both experiments led to similar results. Швейцария е красива страна. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Дай по-полека. Take it easy. Take it easy. Мисля, че това е добър план. I think that's a good plan. I think that's a good plan. Това е майка ми. This is my mother. That's my mom. Тук няма нищо. There's nothing here. There's nothing here. Кралят наложи високи данъци на хората. The king imposed heavy taxes on the people. The King has imposed high taxes on the people. Знаех си, че ще се ядосаш. I knew you'd be mad. I knew you'd be mad. Казвал съм ти за това преди. I've told you about it before. I've told you about this before. Лодката преминава през джунглата. This boat goes through the jungle. The boat is passing through the jungle. Всяка минута е от значение. Every minute counts. Every minute counts. Той не отстъпва пред никога по любовта му към музиката. He yields to nobody in love of music. He never gives in to his love of music. Баща ми има ресторант. My father runs a restaurant. My dad owns a restaurant. Том няма да ни повярва. Tom won't believe us. Tom won't believe us. Да се сменим. Let's switch. Let's switch. Трябва да отговоря на това повикване. I have to take this call. I have to answer that call. Той ми създава големи трудности. He is giving me a hard time. He's giving me a hard time. Тя даде по две ябълки на всяко дете. She gave the children two apples each. She gave two apples to each child. И без друго не ми се ходеше. I didn't want to go anyway. I didn't want to go anyway. Мога ли да направя друго предложение? May I make another suggestion? Can I make another suggestion? Ще ти се обадя веднага щом стигна на летището. I'll phone you as soon as I get to the airport. I'll call you as soon as I get to the airport. Усилията ти са напразни. Your efforts are futile. Your efforts are in vain. Том поздрави всички. Tom greeted everyone. Tom says hi to everyone. Нямам представа пред какво съм изправен. I have no idea what I'm up against. I have no idea what I'm up against. С какво се занимава твоят баща? What does your father do? What does your father do? Каква е минималната заплата в Сиера Леоне? What's the minimum salary in Sierra Leone? What's the minimum wage in Sierra Leone? Аз бих могла да ви направя щастливи. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Никога не съм виждала да се продават такива неща. I've never seen things like that for sale. I've never seen anything like it sell. Мисля, че ще имаш нужда от това. I think you're going to need this. I think you're gonna need this. Изгаси светлината. Turn off the light. Turn off the light. Аз никога не съм го виждала с дънки. I never saw him in jeans. I've never seen him in jeans. Абониран съм за два вестника. I subscribe to two newspapers. I subscribe to two papers. И двата метода проработиха безпроблемно. Both methods worked flawlessly. Both methods worked smoothly. Хайде, да вървим. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Не искам да си продавам душата. I don't want to sell my soul. I don't want to sell my soul. Къде е тоалетната? Where's the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Той се втурна в трафика. He ran out into traffic. He ran into traffic. Ще разгледам обстойно доклада ти. I'll study your report. I'll take a closer look at your report. Ти ще пееш ли? Are you going to sing? Are you going to sing? Том отключи входната порта. Tom unlocked the front gate. Tom unlocked the front gate. Не е важно кой университет си завършил, а какво си научил, докато си бил там. What's important isn't which university you've graduated from, but what you learned while you were there. It's not about which university you went to. It's about what you learned while you were there. Почти стана. It was pretty close. It's almost there. Най-лошото свърши. The worst is over. The worst is over. Не разбирам кучешки език. I don't understand dog language. I don't understand dog language. Още не ми е минало замайването. My dizziness still hasn't gone away. I haven't had my dizziness yet. Той окачи сакото си на закачалка, защото не искаше да се измачка. He hung his blazer on a hanger because he didn't want it to get wrinkled. He hung his jacket on a hanger because he didn't want to wrinkle. Изглеждате много изморени. You look very tired. You look very tired. Защо не би ме пуснал да ида на партито на Том? Why wouldn't you let me go to Tom's party? Why wouldn't you let me go to Tom's party? Кен се оплакваше от главоболие. Ken complained of a headache. Ken was complaining about a headache. По това време тя си правеше слънчеви бани. At that time, she was bathing in the sun. At the time, she was sunbathing. Защо не си свалиш палтото? Why don't you take off your coat? Why don't you take off your coat? Това може да го направи всеки. Anyone can do that. Anyone can do that. Мисля да присъствам лично. I plan on being there in person. I think I'll be there in person. Знам, че мога да го направя. I know I can do it. I know I can do this. Как е жена ти, Том? How's your wife, Tom? How's your wife, Tom? Том имаше нужда от помощта на Мери. Tom needed Mary's help. Tom needed Mary's help. Мисля, че е ужасно. I think that's horrible. I think it's terrible. Имаше голям замък в моя град. There was a large castle in my city. There was a big castle in my town. Кажи кой предпочиташ. Say which one you would like. Tell me which one you prefer. Развали всичко. You ruined everything. You've ruined everything. Трябва да направим нещо за да помогнем на Том. We have to do something to help Tom. We have to do something to help Tom. Изглежда, че си сам. It looks like you're on your own. Looks like you're on your own. Танковете не се страхуват от калта. Tanks aren't afraid of dirt. Tanks aren't afraid of mud. Някои мислят, че берберският език може да отмре. Some think that the Berber language might die out. Some think the Berber language can die. Рибата може да плува. The fish can swim. Fish can swim. Нека те представя на Том. Let me introduce you to Tom. Let me introduce you to Tom. Дясната ми ръка е изтръпнала. My right hand is numb. My right hand is numb. Много хора, като чуят как Том говори френски, решават, че той е носител на езика. Many people who hear Tom speaking French think he's a native speaker. Many people, when they hear Tom speaking French, decide that he is the bearer of the language. Ти психично болна ли си? Are you psychotic? Are you mentally ill? На нас ни е известна легендата за Робин Хууд. We are familiar with the legend of Robin Hood. We know the legend of Robin Hood. Една чаша вода, ако обичате. A glass of water, please. A glass of water, please. Хайде да се поупражняваме. Let's practice. Let's practice. Мери е куратор в музей. Mary is a museum curator. Mary's a curator at a museum. Родителите на Том са разочаровани, че той не успя да влезе в Харвард. Tom's parents were disappointed that he couldn't get into Harvard. Tom's parents were disappointed that he couldn't get into Harvard. Работи бавно и няма да правиш грешки. Work slowly, and you won't make mistakes. Work slowly and you won't make mistakes. Ти си всичко, което имат те. You're all they have. You're all they have. Говорил ли си някога с Том на френски? Have you ever spoken to Tom in French? Have you ever spoken to Tom in French? Къде са ми драконите? Where are my dragons? Where are my dragons? Върви си! Go away! Go away! Моля Ви, елате добре облечена. Please come dressed up. Please come well dressed. Съжалявам, нямам дребни. I'm sorry, I don't have change. I'm sorry, I don't have any change. Когато враговете пред теб са много, погледни зад себе си - ти имаш и много съюзници. When many enemies appear in front of you, look back, you have many allies as well. When there are many enemies before you, look behind you - you also have many allies. Изчакайте докато светне зелено. Wait until the light changes to green. Wait until the light's green. Мисля, че трябва да се срещнеш с Том в Бостън. I think you should meet Tom in Boston. I think you should meet Tom in Boston. Гладна съм. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. Мисля, че това, което Том прави, си заслужава. I think what Tom is doing is worthwhile. I think what Tom's doing is worth it. Джейн е болна на легло. Jane is sick in bed. Jane's sick in bed. Селфи стиковете са забранени в много музеи и галерии. Selfie sticks are banned in many museums and galleries. Selfie clubs are forbidden in many museums and galleries. Сложи го там, откъдето го взе. Put it back where you got it from. Put it where you got it. Той събра нещата си и си тръгна. He gathered up his things and left. He packed his things and left. Том не ти е приятел. Tom isn't your friend. Tom's not your friend. В джоба на якето ми е. It's in my jacket pocket. It's in my jacket pocket. Не мога да разбера защо Джеймс винаги връзва кусури на жена си. I can't understand why James always finds fault with his wife. I don't understand why James is always giving his wife a hard time. Том може да дойде тук. Tom may come here. Tom can come here. Той ми отговори едносрично. He gave me a curt answer. He answered me one way or the other. Да опитаме отново. Let's try again. Let's try it again. Мисля, че ѝ се е случило нещо. I think something happened to her. I think something's happened to her. Какво каза тя? What did she say? What did she say? Не съм толкова уморен. I'm not so tired. I'm not that tired. Може ли да говоря с вас насаме за секунда? Could I talk to you alone for a second? Can I talk to you alone for a second? Ризата Ви ми харесва. I like your shirt. I like your shirt. В някои отношения то приличало на футбола, който се играе в наши дни. It was similar in some ways to soccer which is played today. In some ways, it resembled football that is played today. Умирам от глад! I'm starving! I'm starving! Том може да знае нещо за това. Tom might know something about that. Tom might know something about this. За Ай е трудно да се сприятели с Кен. Ai finds it difficult to make friends with Ken. It's hard for Ai to make friends with Ken. Направи така, че да стане. Make it happen. Make it happen. В Лондон всичко е скъпо. Everything is expensive in London. Everything's expensive in London. Самолетът каца в осем часа. The plane gets in at eight o'clock. The plane lands at eight o'clock. Избърши си носа. Wipe your nose. Wipe your nose. Побърках се от притеснение. I was worried sick. I was worried sick. Том няма да има шанс. Tom won't have a chance. Tom won't stand a chance. Том не направи опит да убеди Мери, че е невинен. Tom made no attempt to convince Mary that he was innocent. Tom didn't try to convince Mary that he was innocent. Сигурен съм, че не си искал да обидиш Том. I'm sure you didn't mean to hurt Tom's feelings. I'm sure you didn't mean to offend Tom. Това ведро е пробито. There's a hole in this bucket. This bucket is punctured. Чувствам се объркана. I feel lost. I feel confused. Ню Йорк е борсовият център на САЩ. New York is the center of America's stock exchange. New York is the U.S. Stock Exchange Center. Не искам да изгубя Мери. I don't want to lose Mary. I don't want to lose Mary. Кучето ми има дълга опашка. My dog has a long tail. My dog has a long tail. Какво те кара да мислиш така? What makes you think so? What makes you think that? Възприемам мълчанието ти като съгласие. I interpreted your silence as consent. I take your silence as consent. Ядосан съм и на двама ви. I'm mad at both of you. I'm mad at both of you. Чух телефона си да звъни. I heard my phone ring. I heard my phone ring. Помолих Боб за помощ. I asked for Bob's help. I asked Bob for help. Ще ви подкрепя. I'll back you up. I'll back you up. Извинете, колко е часът? Excuse me, what time is it? Excuse me, what time is it? Следващия въпрос, моля. Next question, please. Next question, please. Ще ви застрелям и двете. I'll shoot both of you. I'll shoot you both. Няма проблем, ще те придружа до асансьора. It's no problem, I'll walk you to the elevator. It's okay. I'll walk you to the elevator. Вторият му син се ожени и се установи. His second son married and settled down. His second son got married and settled down. Ти си моят живот, всичко, което искам и от което се нуждая. You're my life and all that I want and need. You're my life, everything I want, everything I need. Дълга история е. That's a long story. It's a long story. Концертът мина успешно. The concert was successful. The concert went well. Това е малко разфокусирано. That's a little out of focus. It's a little out of focus. Крис не можа да скрие тъгата си когато чу,че Бет не може да намери ценният си часовник. Chris could not conceal his sadness when he heard that Beth had been unable to find his valuable watch. Chris couldn't hide his sadness when he heard Beth couldn't find her precious watch. Тъй като днес нямаше училище, си останах вкъщи и гледах телевизия цял ден. Since we had no school today, I stayed home and watched TV all day. Since there was no school today, I stayed home and watched TV all day. Боб може да готви. Bob can cook. Bob can cook. Надявам се, че това ще се случи. I'm hoping that will happen. I hope this will happen. Ние сме от една кръв, вие и аз! We be of one blood, thou and I. We're of the same blood, you and me! Не беше идея на Том. It wasn't Tom's idea. It wasn't Tom's idea. Той има три по-големи сестри. He has three older sisters. He has three older sisters. Тя се отказа от всичко заради децата си. She gave up everything for her children. She gave up everything for her children. Чух Том и Мери да говорят. I heard Tom and Mary talking. I heard Tom and Mary talking. Избери си карта, напиши си името върху нея и я върни обратно в тестето. Pick a card, write your name on it and put it back in the deck. Pick a card, put your name on it and put it back in the deck. Колко ти дължа? How much do I owe you? How much do I owe you? Това е фалшиво. That's a fake. That's a fake. В днешното общество медиите поощряват младите да се стремят към успех. In today's society, the media encourage young people to strive for success. In today's society, the media encourage young people to strive for success. Това е вярно отчасти. That's partly true. That's partly true. Иска ми се да можех да говоря на френски. I wish I could have spoken French. I wish I could speak French. Тя получи подарък от приятеля си. She got a present from her boyfriend. She got a gift from her boyfriend. Моля, направете три копия на тази страница. Please make three copies of this page. Please make three copies of this page. Ще се радвам, ако можеш да дойдеш с нас. I'd be happy if you could come with us. I'd love it if you could come with us. Беше решено. It's been decided. It's been decided. Жив ли си? Are you alive? Are you alive? Не бих могла да направя това без теб. I couldn't have done this without you. I couldn't have done this without you. Нямам достатъчно пари. I am short of money. I don't have enough money. Никога при не съм печелил нищо. I've never won anything in my life. I've never won anything in my life. Хайде да отидем утре следобяда. Let's go tomorrow afternoon. Let's go tomorrow afternoon. Мисля, че трябва да разберем на кого Том планира да даде това. I think we need to find out who Tom plans to give that to. I think we need to find out who Tom's planning to give this to. Още ли не си приключил с домашното по френски? Have you finished your French homework yet? You haven't finished your French homework yet? Той се катери по дърветата без проблеми. He has no trouble climbing trees. He climbs trees without a problem. Том прави вечеря. Tom is preparing supper. Tom's making dinner. Това, което казват, няма много смисъл. They don't make much sense. What they're saying doesn't make much sense. Не обичам филмите. I don't like movies. I don't like movies. От всичко, което Том е правил миналия уикенд, той казва, че уиндсърфингът му е бил най-забавен. Of all the things Tom did last weekend, he says that windsurfing was the most fun. From everything Tom did last weekend, he says his windsurfing was the funniest. Том често си променя решенията. Tom changes his mind a lot. Tom often changes his mind. Ние ядем ябълки. We're eating apples. We eat apples. Знам малко френски. I know a little French. I know a little French. Том наистина ли иска да отида на партито му? Does Tom really want me to come to his party? Does Tom really want me to go to his party? Не ти ща ни златото, ни среброто. I don't want your gold or your silver. I don't want our gold, I don't want our silver. Не отидох за риба с Том миналия уикенд. I didn't go fishing with Tom last weekend. I didn't go fishing with Tom last weekend. Можете да я видите сутринта. You can see her in the morning. You can see her in the morning. Сигурен съм, че Том не искаше да каже това. I'm sure Tom didn't mean it. I'm sure that's not what Tom meant. Забелязах, че той ми носи чехлите. I noticed he was wearing my slippers. I noticed he was wearing my slippers. Том ще учи френски догодина. Tom will study French next year. Tom's studying French next year. Тя ядоха енчилада. They ate some enchiladas. They ate enchiladas. Имам да ви задам един въпрос. I have a question to pose you. I have a question for you. Мисля, че злоупотребих с тяхното гостоприемство. I think I've overstayed my welcome. I think I abused their hospitality. Том понякога пее на френски. Tom sometimes sings in French. Tom sometimes sings in French. Да си говорим честно. Let's talk turkey. Let's talk honestly. Брат ми живее в едно малко село. My brother lives in a small village. My brother lives in a small village. Аз се разбирах с всички. I got along with everybody. I got along with everyone. Какво е времето днес? How is the weather today? What is the weather today? Наглеждай я. Take care of her. Keep an eye on her. Той има три дъщери, едната от тях е омъжена, а другите две още не са. He has three daughters; one is married, but the others aren't. He has three daughters, one of them is married, and the other two are not yet. Той е студент по медицина. He is a medical student. He's a medical student. Том е употребявал наркотици в миналото. Tom has a history of drug abuse. Tom used drugs in the past. Познавам Том от едва няколко месеца. I've only known Tom for a few months. I've only known Tom a few months. Премери онази блуза. Try on that shirt. Try on that shirt. Трябва ли Ви тази книга? Do you need this book? Do you need this book? Трябва да отида да взема Том от училище. I have to go pick up Tom from school. I have to go pick up Tom from school. Тук ще ми бъде добре. I'll be fine here. I'll be fine here. Каква е минималната заплата в Лихтенщайн? What's the minimum salary in Liechtenstein? What's the minimum wage in Liechtenstein? Официалното обявяване на война не е в стила на Америка от 1942 година насам. Formal declarations of war haven't been America's style since 1942. The official declaration of war hasn't been America's style since 1942. Извинете, колко струват тези? Excuse me, how much do these cost? Excuse me, how much are these? Предполагам, че не ти си купил това. I'm guessing you didn't buy this yourself. I guess you didn't buy this. Това не би трябвало да е проблем. That shouldn't be a problem. That shouldn't be a problem. Нямаме лаборатория. We don't have a lab. We don't have a lab. Том се нуждаеше от помощта на Мери. Tom needed Mary's help. Tom needed Mary's help. Първоначално,не бяхме близки,с времето се опознахме. At first, we weren't familiar at all. Over time we got to know each other. At first, we weren't close, we got to know each other. Чудя се дали родителите на Том ще му позволят да дойде с нас. I wonder if Tom's parents will allow him to go with us. I wonder if Tom's parents would let him come with us. Кое ти е любимото анимационно? What's your favorite cartoon? What's your favorite animation? Трябва да откажа на тази молба. I have to deny that request. I must decline this request. Страхувам се, че няма да мога да се обясня на френски. I'm afraid I won't be able to make myself understood in French. I'm afraid I won't be able to explain myself in French. Тя заплака горчиво. She cried bitterly. She cried bitterly. Преподавам френски вече три години. I've been teaching French for three years. I've been teaching French for three years. Том преподава френски. Tom teaches French. Tom teaches French. Трябва да си взема нещо за ядене. I have to get something to eat. I need to get something to eat. Не съм говорил с Том. I haven't spoken to Tom. I didn't talk to Tom. Да се планира е важно. Planning is important. Planning is important. Том дойде тук да учи френски. Tom came here to study French. Tom came here to study French. Обичам тенис и голф. I like tennis and golf. I love tennis and golf. Бихте ли били така любезна да затворите онзи прозорец? Would you be so kind as to shut that window? Would you be so kind as to close that window? Той ли е Вашият учител? Is he your teacher? Is he your teacher? Аз ли съм първият ти приятел, който не е японец? Am I your first friend who's not Japanese? Am I your first friend who's not Japanese? Тя каза: "Не е смешно! Много ли щеше да ти хареса, ако някой беше постъпил така с тебе - ти какво щеше да направиш?" She said, "It's not funny! How would you like it if someone did that to you - what would you do?" She said, "It's not funny! Да си поръчаме суши. Let's have sushi. Let's order sushi. Оставете ни, ако обичате. Leave us alone, please. Leave us, please. Мисля, че е щастлив. I think he's happy. I think he's happy. Ето ни и нас! Here we are! Here we are! Честит Ден на Майката! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! След злополуката го вързаха за много апарати. After the accident, they connected him to a lot of machines. After the accident, they tied him to a lot of machines. Аз ли съм първа? Am I first? Am I first? Натиснах звънеца. I rang the doorbell. I rang the bell. Какъв цвят е косата на Том? What color is Tom's hair? What color is Tom's hair? Остави ми колата на мира. Leave my car alone. Leave my car alone. Обичате ли да пътувате? Do you like to travel? Do you like to travel? Един и половина е. It's half past one. It's one and a half. Том има оръжие. Tom has a gun. Tom's got a gun. Моля те, гледай този филм. Please watch this movie. Please watch this movie. Мисля, че сгреши. I think you were wrong. I think you were wrong. Няма да ме има известно време. I won't be back for a while. I'll be gone for a while. Възрастната жена трудно изкачи стълбите. The old lady climbed the stairs with difficulty. The old woman had a hard time climbing the stairs. Говори ясно. Speak clearly. Speak clearly. През отпуската прочетох всички трудове на Милтън. In the vacation, I read the entire works of Milton. During the holidays, I read all Milton's papers. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да се преместиш в Бостън? Are you sure you don't want to move to Boston? Are you sure you don't want to move to Boston? Какво те накара да мислиш така? What made you think so? What made you think that? Писна ми от френски. I'm sick of French. I'm sick of French. Ей, гледай да не му се мяркаш днеска на шефа, че нещо яко го е разлютило. Hey, steer clear of the boss today, he seems really ticked off about something. Hey, make sure you don't show up at the boss's today, 'cause something's got him all riled up. Крадец влезе с взлом в къщата A burglar broke into his house. A thief broke into the house. Той лесно се уморява. He gets tired easily. He gets tired easily. Той напъха писмото в джоба си. He shoved the letter into his pocket. He put the letter in his pocket. Той го направи, и което е по-учудващо, направи го сам. He did it, and what was more surprising, he did it by himself. He did it, and what's more surprising, he did it himself. Вярвайте ми, знам за какво говоря. Trust me, I've been there. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. Не заслужавам нищо. I don't deserve anything. I don't deserve anything. Свършихме чая. We've run out of tea. We're out of tea. Аз никога няма да те нараня. I'd never hurt you. I'll never hurt you. Това е другият проблем. That's the other problem. That's the other problem. Помислих си, че вероятно вече си се прибрала вкъщи. I thought you'd probably already gone home. I thought you'd probably be home by now. Трябва ли да отварям всичко? Must I open everything? Do I have to open everything? Той е нещастен мизерник. I'm a good-for-nothing bum. He's a miserable wretch. Знаете ли дали Том може да говори френски? Do you know whether Tom can speak French? Do you know if Tom can speak French? В колко музея бяхте? How many museums did you visit? How many museums were you at? Баба ми е най-възрастната в този град. My grandmother is the oldest in this town. My grandmother is the oldest woman in this town. Дай ми едно парче тебешир. Give me a piece of chalk. Give me a piece of chalk. Мистър Сато говори добре английски. Mr. Sato speaks English well. Mr. Sato speaks good English. Бяха представени около тридесет страни. About thirty countries were represented. About thirty countries were represented. Най-накрая истината ни беше разкрита. At last, the truth became known to us. The truth has finally been revealed to us. Чух, че Том бил добър човек. I heard Tom is a nice guy. I hear Tom's a good man. Тя е с дълъг нос. She has a long nose. She's got a long nose. Той с какво се занимава днес? What did he do today? What does he do today? Ти си добър човек. You're a nice person. You're a good man. Аз бях в отпуск. I was on vacation. I was on vacation. Има нещо, което трябва да ти покажа. There's something I've got to show you. There's something I need to show you. Те всъщност не се интересуват. They don't really care. They're not really interested. Имам само един въпрос. I have only one question. I just have one question. От нея взех това. I got that from her. That's where I got this. Имам право на личен живот. I have a right to my private life. I have a right to my own life. Търся си бяла минипола! I am looking for a white mini skirt! I'm looking for a white miniskirt! Мисля, че Том вече знае. I think Tom already knows. I think Tom already knows. Това номер 223-1374 ли е? Is this 223-1374? Is this 223-1374? Бъди внимателен. Не искам да се нараниш. Be careful. I don't want you to hurt yourself. Be careful, I don't want you to get hurt. Имам да ти задам един въпрос. I have a question to pose you. I have a question for you. Имаше пожар в този град миналата нощ. Не можем да кажем точно кога започна. There was a fire in this city last night. We can't tell exactly what time it broke out. There was a fire in this town last night. Слабото сърце няма да спечели истинска жена. Faint heart never won fair lady. A weak heart won't win a real woman. Ще ми се да знаеше френски. I wish you spoke French. I wish you knew French. Приятелите ми не играят тенис. My friends don't play tennis. My friends don't play tennis. Изглежда всичките момичета са влюбени в Том. All the girls seem to have fallen in love with Tom. Looks like all the girls are in love with Tom. Няма надежда за неговото възстановяване. There is no hope of his recovery. There is no hope of his recovery. Чух, че пленили Том. I heard Tom was captured. I heard they took Tom. Иска ми се всичко, което Том каза, да бе лъжа. I wish everything Tom said was a lie. I wish everything Tom said was a lie. Имаш ли запалка? Have you got a lighter? Do you have a lighter? Мисля, че ще ни трябва всичко. I think we're going to need it all. I think we're gonna need everything. Никога нямам почивка. I never get a break. I've never had a break. Мразя го, но не знам защо. I hate him, but I don't know why. I hate him, but I don't know why. Можеш да разчиташ на мен. You can rely on me. You can count on me. Да танцуваме. Let's dance. Let's dance. На колко години са братовчедите Ви? How old are your cousins? How old are your cousins? Ти студент по обмен ли си? Are you an exchange student? Are you an exchange student? Ще сляза тук. I'll get off here. I'll get down here. На целия остров има само един магазин. There is only one store on the whole island. There's only one store on the entire island. Не съм искала да нараня чувствата на Том. I didn't mean to hurt Tom's feelings. I didn't mean to hurt Tom's feelings. Джейн идва от Австралия. Jane comes from Australia. Jane comes from Australia. Липсваш ми толкова много! I miss you so much! I miss you so much! Чух какво Том каза на Мери. I heard what Tom said to Mary. I heard what Tom said to Mary. Трябва да си намерите истинска работа. You need to get a real job. You need to get a real job. Том носи очила с черни рамки. Tom is wearing glasses with black frames. Tom wears glasses with black frames. Трябва да внимаваш,да не пропиляваш времето си. You must be careful not to waste time. You have to be careful not to waste your time. Хареса ми историята ти. I liked your story. I like your story. На мен не ми пречи. I'm OK with that. I don't mind. Том не мисли, че Мери ще се справи много добре. Tom doesn't think Mary will do the job very well. Tom doesn't think Mary's gonna do very well. Какви са вашите изводи? What are your conclusions? What are your conclusions? Изглежда Том ще го изяде всичкото. It looks like Tom will eat the whole thing. Looks like Tom's gonna eat it all. Не очаквах да те видя на място като това. I didn't expect to see you at a place like this. I didn't expect to see you in a place like this. Богатството си натрупа с търговия. He made his fortune from commerce. He's made his fortune in trade. Надявам се, че виното е по вкуса Ви. I hope the wine is to your taste. I hope the wine is to your liking. Твърде е скъпо! It's too expensive! It's too expensive! Как мога да спя? How can I sleep? How can I sleep? Ти не говориш френски, нали? You don't speak French, do you? You don't speak French, do you? Уверявам ви, че ще успеем да платим наема навреме. I assure you we'll be able to pay the rent on time. I assure you, we will be able to pay the rent in time. Какво искаше Том? What did Tom want? What did Tom want? Том пресече улицата. Tom walked across the street. Tom crossed the street. Моля кажете ми как да стигна до летището. Please tell me how to get to the airport. Please tell me how to get to the airport. Иска ми се да ми го беше казала по-рано. I wish you'd said that before. I wish you'd told me sooner. Той закъсня заради снега. He was late because of the snow. He was late because of the snow. Вече три пъти се опитах да направя това. I've already tried doing that three times. I've tried to do this three times already. Имаме само един шанс. We've only got one chance. We only have one chance. Том загуби службата си. Tom lost his job. Tom lost his job. Той скриваше окаяното си сърце зад усмивката си. He conceals a despicable heart behind his smile. He hid his wretched heart behind his smile. Не виждам какво друго има за обсъждане. I don't know what else there is to discuss. I don't see what else there is to discuss. Това е ок. That one's OK. That's okay. Това не е мое. This isn't mine. That's not mine. Оттам пътеката се качва стръмно нагоре. The path ascends steeply from there. That's where the path goes up steeply. Не ме бива с имената. I'm not good with names. I'm not good with names. Имам три милиона долара. I have three million dollars. I've got three million dollars. Хайде да играем. Let's play! Let's play. Водата е живот. Water is life. Water is life. Той дойде пръв. He came first. He came first. Това още не е краят. It's not over yet. This isn't over yet. Чудех се кога ще се върнеш. I was wondering when you'd get back. I was wondering when you'd be back. Ако не беше слънцето, нас нямаше да ни има. If it were not for the sun, we could not live. If it weren't for the sun, we wouldn't be here. Чудя се дали ще можеш да ми помогнеш. I wonder if you might be able to help me. I wonder if you can help me. Той може да чете. He can read. He can read. Изглежда, че ще вали сняг. It looks like it's going to snow. Looks like it's going to snow. Какво ще кажеш да играем шах довечера? How about playing chess tonight? What do you say we play chess tonight? Хайде да не ходим. Let's not go. Let's not go. "Негро" е обидна дума. "Negro" is an offensive word. "Negro" is an offensive word. Той не може да си позволи елементарни неща, да не говорим за луксозни стоки. He cannot afford the common comforts of life, not to mention luxuries. He can't afford simple things, not to mention luxury goods. Том плете. Tom knits. Tom's knitting. Те са сами. They're on their own. They're alone. Харесвам френския. I like French. I like French. Том сигурно е ядосан. Tom must be angry. Tom must be pissed. Мисля, че ни е нужен лекар. I think we need a doctor. I think we need a doctor. Никога не бих те излъгал. I would never lie to you. I would never lie to you. Гледай да не се случи отново. Don't let it happen again. Don't let it happen again. Искам да ти покажа нещо в моя офис. I want to show you something in my office. I want to show you something in my office. Раненият беше докаран с линейка. The wounded arrived by ambulance. The wounded man was brought in by ambulance. Разликата между правилната дума и почти правилната дума е като между светкавицата и светулката. The difference between the right word and almost the right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug. The difference between the right word and the almost correct word is like the lightning and the firefly. Ти не си желана тук. You're not wanted here. You're not wanted here. Тази тоалетна хартия е като шкурка. This toilet paper is like sandpaper. This toilet paper is like sandpaper. Стафидите са сухо грозде. Raisins are shrivelled grapes. Raisins are dry grapes. Дръж здраво въжето. Hold the rope tight. Hold the rope tight. Като си в Рим, прави като римляните. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When you're in Rome, do like the Romans. Случва ли се? Is it happening? Is it happening? Прекъсваш ни. You're interrupting us. You're interrupting. Обичам френските филми. I love French movies. I love French movies. Може ли да извикаш Том? Could you call Tom? Can you get Tom? Какви ги говориш! What are you saying?! What are you talking about? Всъщност не исках да те питам нищо. Actually, I didn't want to ask you anything. Actually, I didn't want to ask you anything. Забраниха им да напускат хотела. They were prohibited from leaving the hotel. They're not allowed to leave the hotel. Том стигна до асансьорите и натисна копчето за третия етаж. Tom got on the elevator and pressed the button for the third floor. Tom reached the elevators and pressed the third floor button. Ще бъда наказан. I'll be punished. I'll be punished. Не знам как Том е получил работата си. I don't know how Tom got his job. I don't know how Tom got his job. Христофор Колумб бил известен с това, че често заглушавал будилника си, като го удрял с юмрук. За нещастие, будилникът му обикновено бил първият му помощник-капитан. Christopher Columbus was notorious for repeatedly snoozing his alarm clock by hitting it with his fist. Unfortunately, his "alarm clock" was usually his first mate. Christopher Columbus was known for often jamming his alarm clock by punching him with a fist. Unfortunately, his alarm clock was usually his first assistant captain. "Снегът е красив, нали?" "Да, но Мери, ти си още по-красива." "The snow is beautiful, isn't it?" "Yeah, but Mary, you're even more beautiful." "The snow is beautiful, isn't it?" "Yes, but Mary, you're even more beautiful." Ще можете ли да изчакате секунда? Hold on just a second, would you, please? Can you hold on a second? Просто съм толкова уморен. I'm just so tired. I'm just so tired. Не харесвам Алис. I don't like Alice. I don't like Alice. Ще платя. I'll pay. I'll pay. Колко даде за роклята? How much did you pay for the dress? How much did you pay for the dress? Корабът беше претърсен основно, но наркотици не бяха открити. The ship was searched thoroughly, but no illegal drugs were found. The ship was thoroughly searched, but no drugs were found. Не мога да ти дам незабавен отговор. I can not give you an immediate answer. I can't give you an immediate answer. На мен ми е лесно да говоря на френски. Speaking French is easy for me. It's easy for me to speak French. Муириъл вече е на 20. Muiriel is 20 now. Muriel's already 20. Това е доста невероятно. It's pretty incredible. That's pretty amazing. Трябва да купя едно. I need to buy one. I have to buy one. Аз знам, че си права. I know you're right. I know you're right. Дочух вашия разговор. I overheard your conversation. I overheard your conversation. Аз съм близнак. I'm a twin. I'm a twin. Мисля, че това е много ясно. I think that's very clear. I think that's very clear. Играта ме изтощи. The game exhausted me. The game wore me out. Мисля, че тази вечер ще си прекарате добре. I think you're going to enjoy yourself tonight. I think you're gonna have a good time tonight. Не си тръгвайте, преди да сте приключили с работата. Be sure to complete the work before you go home. Don't leave until you've finished your work. Ще се видим тогава. See you then. I'll see you then. Приемам всякакви предложения. I'm wide open for suggestions. I'll take any suggestions. Мисля, че това ще проработи. I think this is going to work. I think this is gonna work. Ще ми замръзнат ушите, ако не вляза вътре. My ears are going to freeze if I don't go in. I'll freeze my ears if I don't go inside. Вестници се продават на павилиона. Newspapers are sold in the kiosk. Newspapers are sold at the pavilion. Недей да напълняваш. Don't get fat. Don't get fat. Искам да отида в чужбина. I want to go abroad. I want to go abroad. Напоследък той ме укорява. Lately, he reproaches me. He's been taunting me lately. Предложението ти изглежда разумно. Your suggestion seems reasonable. Your offer seems reasonable. И двамата родители на Том бяха преподаватели. Both of Tom's parents were teachers. Both Tom's parents were professors. Той стана пианст. He became a pianist. He became a pianct. Нямаш сърце. You don't have a heart. You don't have a heart. Том изнесе впечатляваща презентация. Tom made an impressive presentation. Tom gave an impressive presentation. Моля ви, дайте ми възглавница и одеяло. Please give me a pillow and a blanket. Please give me a pillow and a blanket. Тази история ме накара да се замисля върху бъдещето на Токио. That story made me think over the future of Tokyo. That story made me think about Tokyo's future. Нямам представа къде е сега Том. I have no idea where Tom is now. I have no idea where Tom is now. Покажи ми какво имаш в джоба си. Show me what's in your pocket. Show me what's in your pocket. Хайде да ядем суши. Let's have sushi. Let's eat sushi. Трудно е да се разбере какво иска Том. It's hard to figure out what Tom wants. It's hard to understand what Tom wants. Чувствах се притеснен в присъствието на директора. I felt ill at ease in the presence of the principal. I felt worried in the principal's presence. Връщащите се войници бяха поздравени за тяхната смелост в битката. The returning soldiers were commended for their bravery in battle. The returning soldiers were congratulated for their courage in the battle. Ти си в шок. You're in shock. You're in shock. Къде ги изхвърлихте? Where did you throw them away? Where did you throw them? Успях да се обясня на френски. I managed to make myself understood in French. I was able to explain myself in French. Днес плаках. I cried today. I cried today. Кога купи това? Where did you buy that? When did you buy this? "Кой ти помогна?" "Том" "Who helped you?" "Tom did." "Who helped you?" "Tom." Ако имаш някакви въпроси, не се колебай да питаш. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Внимавай да не го развалиш. Be careful not to tamper with it. Be careful not to spoil it. Чета изключително само детективски истории. I read detective stories exclusively. I read exclusively detective stories. Не се тревожи за мен. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. Как се казва неговата по-голяма сестра? What is his older sister's name? What's his older sister's name? Бездомна ли си? Are you homeless? Are you homeless? Чух телефона ми да звъни. I heard my phone ring. I heard my phone ring. Лимоните са кисели. Lemons are sour. Lemons are sour. Какво би причинило нещо такова? What would cause something like that? What would cause something like that? Президента държеше отговорен себе си за спада на бизнеса и напусна поста си. The president held himself responsible for the slump in business, and left his post. The president held himself responsible for the decline in business and left his post. Паркирал сте на моето място. You're parked in my spot. You're parked in my spot. Тя живее в огромна къща. She lives in a huge house. She lives in a huge house. Ще ви застрелям и двамата. I'll shoot both of you. I'll shoot you both. Хората твърде много се оплакват. People complain too much. People complain too much. Всички знаят, че Том може да говори добре на френски. Everybody knows Tom can speak French well. Everybody knows Tom can speak good French. Ако утре времето е хубаво, ще играем бейзбол. If it is fine tomorrow, we will play baseball. If the weather's good tomorrow, we'll play baseball. Той се справя добре. He's doing well. He's doing well. Проблемът не е в парите. Money isn't the problem. It's not about the money. Надявам се, че Том може да ме вмести в натоварения си график. I hope Tom can fit me into his tight schedule. I hope Tom can fit me into his busy schedule. Юмико се омъжи миналия юни за приятел от детските си години. Yumiko married a childhood friend last June. Yumiko married a childhood friend last June. Някой от вашия офис говори ли френски? Does anyone in your office speak French? Does anyone from your office speak French? По-добре да се връщам вкъщи. I'd better get back home. I'd better get back home. Не мога да повярвам, че Том постъпи така с Мери. I can't believe Tom did that to Mary. I can't believe Tom did that to Mary. Мисля, че направи голяма грешка. I think you've made a big mistake. I think you made a big mistake. Петдесет семейства живеят в това малко градче. Fifty families live in this tiny village. Fifty families live in this small town. Подозирам, че сте прави. I guess you are right. I suspect you're right. Леля ми ми даде един албум. My aunt gave me an album. My aunt gave me an album. Кърпичките се продават в пакет по десет. Paper napkins are sold in packs of ten. The towels are sold in a package of ten. Бедуините живеят в пустинята. Bedouins live in the desert. Bedouins live in the desert. Не съм виждала Том от известно време. I haven't seen Tom for a while. I haven't seen Tom in a while. Трябва да дам на Том това, което той иска. I have to give Tom what he wants. I have to give Tom what he wants. Не разбирам. I don't understand. I don't understand. Не искам да разочаровам родителите си. I don't want to be a disappointment to my parents. I don't want to disappoint my parents. Том носи тиранти. Tom is wearing suspenders. Tom wears suspenders. Каква е минималната заплата в Кипър? What's the minimum salary in Cyprus? What is the minimum wage in Cyprus? Том си облече пижамата и си легна. Tom put on his pajamas and climbed into bed. Tom put on his pajamas and went to bed. Водата не става за пиене. The water is not fit to drink. Water's not good for drinking. Том клекна, за да остави нещо на долната лавица. Tom squatted down to put something on the lower shelf. Tom squatted down to leave something on the bottom shelf. Войниците се оттеглиха от позициите си. The soldiers retreated from their positions. The soldiers have withdrawn from their positions. Той се предаде. He threw in the towel. He gave up. Онези панталони са малко доста тесни в кръста. Those pants are a little too tight in the waist. Those pants are a little tight in the waist. Аз уча в един университет в Бостън. I study at a university in Boston. I go to a university in Boston. Той няма велосипед. He has no bicycle. He doesn't have a bicycle. Бъдете по-точни. Be more precise. Be more specific. Каквото и да говориш, не можеш да ме разубедиш. No matter what you say, I won't change my mind. Whatever you say, you can't talk me out of it. Момчето хвърля камък. The boy throws a stone. The boy throws a rock. Часът е вече единайсет. It is already eleven. It's eleven o'clock. Сигурна съм, че Том не мисли така. I'm sure Tom doesn't think that. I'm sure Tom doesn't think so. Това е моята книга. That's my book. That's my book. Заради проблема със замърсяването на въздуха, някой ден колелото би могло да измести автомобила. Because of the problem of air pollution, the bicycle may some day replace the automobile. Because of the air pollution problem, one day the bike could replace the car. Единственото, което трябва да направите, е да натиснете това копче. All you have to do is press the button. All you have to do is press this button. Никой не дойде освен Мери. No one came except Mary. No one came but Mary. Няма да имат шанс. They won't get the chance. They won't have a chance. Трябва да взема нещо. I have to get something. I need to get something. Бих предпочел да не говоря на френски. I'd prefer not to speak French. I'd rather not speak French. Плажът е иделно място за игра за децата. The beach is an ideal place for children to play. The beach is a perfect place for children to play. Току-що го съобщиха по радиото. They just announced that on the radio. It's just been reported on the radio. Вчера спах дванайсет часа. I slept twelve hours yesterday. I slept 12 hours yesterday. Посещавал ли си Рим някога? Have you ever visited Rome? Have you ever visited Rome? Брат ми казва, че не се страхува от тъмното. My brother says he isn't afraid of the dark. My brother says he's not afraid of the dark. Всичко е наред. Everything's OK. It's okay. Мисля, че си лъжец. I think you're a liar. I think you're a liar. Имам някаква информация по въпроса. I have some information regarding this. I have some information on the matter. Какво купи? What did you buy? What did you buy? Не ми се сърди за това. Don't hold it against me. Don't be mad at me about this. Имаше пожар в този град миналата нощ. There was a fire in this city last night. There was a fire in this town last night. Закопчай си ризата. Button up your shirt. Cuff your shirt. Това зависи от контекста. It depends on the context. That depends on the context. Аз не съм управителят. I'm not the manager. I'm not the manager. Отидоха ли си? Are they gone? Are they gone? Да пази Господ! God forbid! God forbid! Привлекателен си. You're attractive. You're attractive. Вчера следобед валя. It rained yesterday afternoon. It rained yesterday afternoon. Преди няколко дена ти дори не искаше да разговаряш с мене. A few days ago, you didn't even want to talk to me. A few days ago, you didn't even want to talk to me. Това е мястото, където Том работи. This is the place where Tom works. This is where Tom works. Няма определен дрескод. There is no dress code. There's no particular dress code. Повече няма да имаш проблеми. You'll have no more problems. You won't have any more problems. Това бяло палто много ще Ви отива. This white coat will look very nice on you. This white coat will suit you very well. Том е истински зубър. Tom is a real nerd. Tom's a real nerd. Чичо ми ми даде този часовник. My uncle gave me this watch. My uncle gave me this watch. Тук е много горещо през лятото. It is very hot here in the summer. It's very hot in here in the summer. Махни се от мен. Keep away from me. Get away from me. Единственото нещо, което трябва да направиш, е да отидеш там. The only thing you need to do is go there. The only thing you have to do is go there. Гордея се с теб. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you. Наистина ли не харесваш тези момчета? Do you really not like those guys? You really don't like these guys? Татко се прибира утре. Father is coming home tomorrow. Dad's coming home tomorrow. Тази рокля ми стои много добре. This dress fits me very well. This dress looks really good on me. Аз не разбирам музиката. I don't understand music. I don't understand music. Мисля, че заслужаваш повече от това. I think you deserve more than this. I think you deserve better than that. Тя ми е съученичка. She's my classmate. She's my classmate. Това е глупава традиция. It's a stupid tradition. It's a stupid tradition. В Япония почти всички пътища са еднолентови. In Japan almost all roads are single lane. In Japan, almost all roads are single. Защо не си с Том? Why aren't you with Tom? Why aren't you with Tom? Едно дете не е съд за запълване, а е огън за запалване. A child is not a vessel for filling, but a fire to light. A child is not a vessel to fill, it's a fire for ignition. Сигурен съм, че Том даже не е забелязал, че ти закъсня. I'm sure Tom didn't even notice you were late. I'm sure Tom didn't even notice you were late. Всичко, което искам, е една пералня. All I want is a washing machine. All I want is a washing machine. В крайна сметка, всички трябва да се научат сами. Everyone must learn on their own in the end. After all, everyone has to learn for themselves. В това е целият проблем. That's the whole problem. That's the whole problem. Да не ме обвиняваш за неуспехите си? Are you blaming me for your lack of success? Are you blaming me for your failures? Няма да позволя на Том да го направи. I won't let Tom do that. I'm not gonna let Tom do this. Сложих го в чекмеджето. I put it in the drawer. I put it in the drawer. Това е кучето на Том. This is Tom's dog. That's Tom's dog. Изглежда, че Том успя да получи това, което искаше. It looks like Tom was able to get what he wanted. Looks like Tom got what he wanted. Има ли музей в този град? Is there a museum in this town? Is there a museum in this town? Ето я тук снимката на Том. I have Tom's picture right here. Here's Tom's picture. Това е най-добрият ресторант за морска храна в този квартал. This is the best seafood restaurant in the neighborhood. This is the best seafood restaurant in this neighborhood. На г-н Тейлър му се искаше да не беше идвал на партито. Mr. Taylor wishes he hadn't come to the party. Mr. Taylor wishes he hadn't come to the party. Чух те да пищиш. I heard you scream. I heard you scream. Забравих си адреса на електронната поща. I forgot my email address. I forgot my e-mail address. Какъв е вашият отговор? What's your response? What's your answer? С всяка седмица финансовата ситуация се влошава. The financial situation is getting worse week by week. Every week, the financial situation gets worse. Сега изобщо не съм заета. I'm not at all busy now. I'm not busy right now. Мисля, че вашият отговор е верен. I think your answer is correct. I think your answer is correct. През лятото аз нося ризи с къс ръкав. In the summer I wear short-sleeved shirts. In summer, I wear short sleeve shirts. Наистина не знам за какво говориш. I really don't know what you're talking about. I really don't know what you're talking about. Мери току-що дойде. Mary has just come home. Mary just got here. Ярко светещите светлини ни заслепиха за момент. The glaring headlights dazzled us for a moment. The bright lights blinded us for a moment. Това не е напълно сигурно. That's not absolutely certain. That's not entirely certain. Мисля, че вероятно си прав. I think you're probably right. I think you're probably right. Ще ти разкажа останалата част от историята утре. I'll tell you the rest of the story tomorrow. I'll tell you the rest of the story tomorrow. Ние вярваме в Бог. We believe in God. We believe in God. Легни на дясната си страна. Lie on your right side. Lie on your right side. Подкрепям те напълно. I support you whole-heartedly. I totally support you. В коя страна сте родена? What country were you born in? What country were you born in? Не отваряй тази врата, моля те. Don't open this door, please. Don't open that door, please. По-добре да побързаш, иначе няма да стигнеш там преди мръкване. You'd better hurry, otherwise you won't get there before dark. You better hurry, or you won't get there before dark. Каква е минималната заплата в Словения? What's the minimum salary in Slovenia? What's the minimum wage in Slovenia? Стори ми се, че чух нещо. I thought I heard something. I thought I heard something. Моля Ви, покажете ми още. Please show me more. Please show me more. Искам да се видя с Том. I want to meet with Tom. I want to see Tom. Вчера получих писмото ти. I received your letter yesterday. I got your letter yesterday. Искам да знам говорила ли си с Том. I want to know if you've been talking to Tom. I want to know if you talked to Tom. Мангата "Едно парче" е много популярна в Малайзия. The "One Piece" manga is very popular in Malaysia The Manga "One Piece" is very popular in Malaysia. Не Ви ли е студено? Aren't you cold? Aren't you cold? Може ли квитанция? I'd like a receipt, please. Can I get a receipt? Момчето не можа да устои на глада, затова открадна парите от касата. Hunger compelled the boy to steal money from the cash register. The boy couldn't resist hunger, so he stole the money from the cash register. Сигурнa съм, че си много зает. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Червеният светофар означава "Спри". The red traffic light indicates "stop". The red light means "stop." Възползвах се от момента и го превърнах в преимущество. I seize the moment and turn it to my advantage. I took advantage of the moment and turned it into an advantage. Мисля, че вероятно си права. I think you're probably right. I think you're probably right. Не искаш ли да отидеш? Don't you want to go? Don't you want to go? Том можеше да дойде тук, ако искаше. Tom could get here if he wanted to. Tom could have come here if he wanted to. Прочел съм много книги. I have read a lot of books. I've read a lot of books. Каква е твоята кръвна група? What's your blood type? What's your blood type? Колко дълго останахте? How long did you stay? How long did you stay? Аз изкачих хълма. I walked up the hill. I climbed the hill. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш сок? Are you sure you don't want some juice? You sure you don't want some juice? Остави ме! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Книгата беше интересна. That book was interesting. It was an interesting book. Искате ли да купите риза? Do you want to buy a shirt? Would you like to buy a shirt? Не познавам всички. I don't know everybody. I don't know everyone. Не се съмнявам в теб. I don't doubt you. I don't doubt you. По-добре да се прибера вътре. I'd better get back inside. I'd better get back inside. Мисля, че Том казва истината. I think Tom is telling the truth. I think Tom's telling the truth. Моето гадже не знае. My girlfriend doesn't know. My boyfriend doesn't know. Конят прескочи над оградата. The horse jumped over the fence. The horse jumped over the fence. Нищо не е толкова жалко от уважение, базирано на страх. Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear. Nothing is so pathetic out of respect based on fear. Той каза, че е оставил портмонето си вкъщи и ме попита дали не мога да му заема 1000 йени. He said that he had left his purse at home and asked me if I could lend him 1,000 yen. He said he left his wallet at home and asked me if I could lend him 1,000 yen. Аз познавам тези момичета. I know those girls. I know these girls. Приготвих вечеря. I made dinner. I made dinner. Говориш ли индонезийски? Can you speak Indonesian? Do you speak Indonesian? Имам проблем. Трябва ми Вашата помощ. I'm in trouble. I need your help. I have a problem, I need your help. Учил съм френски три години. I've studied French for three years. I studied French for three years. Мисля, че нещо не е както трябва. I think there's something wrong. I think something's wrong. Не искам да чакам толкова дълго. I don't want to wait that long. I don't want to wait that long. Избягах бързо. I ran away in a hurry. I ran away fast. Том не беше на празненството. Tom wasn't at the party. Tom wasn't at the party. Джейн носеше същата панделка като майка си. Jane wore the same ribbon as her mother did. Jane was wearing the same ribbon as her mother. Стотици хора са умрели от глад в този район. Hundreds of people have starved to death in that district. Hundreds of people have starved to death in this area. Дръж Том здраво. Hold Tom tight. Hold Tom tight. Много е вероятно Том да не е разбрал какво направи Мери. There's a good chance that Tom doesn't know what Mary has done. It's very likely Tom didn't find out what Mary did. За какво? For what purpose? For what? Ти приятел на Том ли си? Are you Tom's friend? Are you Tom's friend? Всички къщи в този квартал толкова си приличат, че не мога да ги различа. All the houses in this neighborhood look so much alike that I can't tell them apart. All the houses in this neighborhood are so similar, I can't tell them apart. Имам ли право да те придружа? Do I have the right to accompany you? Do I have the right to accompany you? Искам нещо за пиене. I want something to drink. I want something to drink. Добър съм на тенис. I'm good at tennis. I'm good at tennis. Току-що разбрах, че Том е мъртъв. I just found out Tom is dead. I just found out Tom's dead. Опитах се да те предупредя. I've tried to warn you. I tried to warn you. Може ли да те видя за момент? Can I see you a moment? Can I see you for a moment? Салонът беше украсен с японски картини. The hall was decorated with Japanese paintings. The salon was decorated with Japanese paintings. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да отидеш на лекар? Are you sure you don't want to go see a doctor? Are you sure you don't want to see a doctor? Ние изпратихме поканите вчера. We sent out the invitations yesterday. We sent the invitations yesterday. Сигурна ли си, че искаш да напуснеш? Are you sure you want to quit? Are you sure you want to quit? Нали няма проблем? It's not a problem, is it? It's okay, isn't it? Иска ми се да го бях знаела. I wish I'd known. I wish I knew that. Не плачи, Том. Don't cry, Tom. Don't cry, Tom. Мисля, че ти си го счупил. I think you are the one who broke it. I think you broke it. Учите ли френски в училище? Do you study French at school? Do you learn French at school? Сложи си палтото. Put on your coat. Put your coat on. Тръгвате ли си? Are you leaving? Are you leaving? Мисля, че съм доста добър с френския. I'm pretty good at French, I think. I think I'm pretty good with French. Видях гъбата в мивката. I saw the sponge in the sink. I saw the sponge in the sink. Животът е забавен. Life is fun. Life is fun. Най-добрият начин да разбереш какво представлява една страна е да отидеш и да я видиш със собствените си очи. The best way to know what a country is like is to go and see it with your own eyes. The best way to find out what a country is is to go and see it with your own eyes. Какъв е номерът? What's the number? What's the number? Досадник е човек който говори, когато ти искаш от него да слуша. A bore is a person who talks when you wish him to listen. A pain in the ass is a man who talks when you want him to listen. Мисля, че е по-добре да полегнеш. I think you'd better lie down. I think you'd better lie down. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да чакам тук с Том? Are you sure you don't want me to wait here with Tom? Are you sure you don't want me to wait here with Tom? Тя иска да работи в болница. She wants to work at the hospital. She wants to work in a hospital. Вярвам на вас. I believe you. I trust you. Позволете ми да остана. Permit me to stay. Let me stay. Съществуваме ли? Do we exist? Do we exist? Не напускай града. Don't leave town. Don't leave town. Никой не заслужава това. Nobody deserves that. No one deserves this. От време на време се случва. It happens occasionally. It happens once in a while. Той ми заби нож в гърба! He stabbed me in the back! He stabbed me in the back! Радиото не работи. The radio doesn't work. The radio's not working. Зоната беше тиха. The area was quiet. The area was quiet. Френският е един много интересен език. French is a very interesting language. French is a very interesting language. Нямам дребни в мен. I have no small change on me. I don't have any change on me. Можеш ли да ми кажеш как се случи? Can you tell me how it happened? Can you tell me how it happened? Уча френски сама. I'm learning French on my own. I'm learning French on my own. Не ходи никъде без Том. Don't go anywhere without Tom. Don't go anywhere without Tom. В този район няма плаж. There is no beach in this area. There's no beach in this area. Сънувах те. I dreamt about you. I had a dream about you. Нямам представа къде е бил Том миналата нощ. I have no idea where Tom was last night. I have no idea where Tom was last night. Трябва да си призная, че още не съм го чел. I must confess I haven't read it yet. I have to admit, I haven't read it yet. Ами, хайде да започваме! Well, let's get going! Well, let's get started! Том ме принуди да отворя кутията. Tom forced me to open the box. Tom forced me to open the box. Вярна ли е нейната история? Is her story true? Is her story true? Познавам онези момичета там доста добре. I know those girls over there quite well. I know those girls there pretty well. Взел съм предвид всичко. I've taken everything into consideration. I've taken everything into account. Той започна да крещи. He began to shout. He started screaming. Тези не ги пипай! Don't touch these. Don't touch those! Да се срещнем на обичайното място. Let's meet at the usual place. Meet me at the usual place. На Том му беше наистина студено. Tom was really cold. Tom was really cold. Отново трябва да напусна. I have to leave again. I have to leave again. Когато бях ученик, си водех дневник на френски. I kept a diary in French when I was a student. When I was a student, I kept a diary in French. Разбрах за теб и Том. I heard about you and Tom. I heard about you and Tom. Ако ми дадете пари назаем, ще ви бъда много задължен. If you will lend me the money, I shall be much obliged to you. If you could lend me money, I'd be much obliged. Обичам костенурките. I love turtles. I love turtles. Ние обичаме крастотата. We love beauty. We love scabbard. Влакът пристигна. The train has arrived. The train has arrived. Разчитаме на теб за финансова помощ. We are counting on you for financial help. We're counting on you for financial assistance. Кажи на Том, че няма да имам нужда от неговата помощ. Tell Tom I won't need his help. Tell Tom I won't need his help. Искаш ли да те прегръщам така до сутринта? Shall I stay like this until morning embracing you? Do you want me to hold you like this till morning? Когато се озовеш на страната на болшинството е време за почивка и размишления. Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. When you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time for rest and reflection. Търся работа. I'm looking for work. I'm looking for a job. Той е със среден ръст. He is of average height. He's medium-sized. Опасно! Високо напрежение! Danger! High voltage. It's dangerous! Да импровизираме. Let's improvise. Let's improvise. Никой човек не би могъл да го направи. No one man could do it. No human could have done that. Нека ти задам един въпрос. Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question. Ти карай. You drive. You drive. Извинявам се. I'm sorry. I apologize. Аз съм против смъртното наказание. I'm against the death penalty. I'm against the death penalty. Татоеба: не идвайте тук в петък вечер, деца. Tatoeba: Don't cum here on Friday nights, kids. Tatoeba: don't come here Friday night, kids. Трябва да си призная, че се бях разтревожила. I have to admit I was worried about it. I have to admit, I was worried. Обещах да не казвам нищо. I promised I wouldn't say anything. I promised not to say anything. Останах с впечатлението, че ти също не повярва на Том. I got the impression you didn't believe Tom either. I was under the impression that you didn't believe Tom either. Моля, сипете му чаша бира. Please pour him a glass of beer. Please pour him a glass of beer. Сигурна съм, че Том знае достатъчно френски да се оправи. I'm sure Tom knows enough French to get by. I'm sure Tom knows enough French to get better. Ще те привикам утре. I'll call you up tomorrow. I'll call you in tomorrow. Мисля, че ще останете доволни. I think you'll be pleased. I think you'll be pleased. Том преведе документа от френски на английски. Tom translated the document from French into English. Tom translated the document from French to English. Аз съм за твоето предложение. I am in favour of your proposal. I'm here for your offer. Чух те да говориш с Том. I heard you talking to Tom. I heard you talking to Tom. Къде е баща ви? Where is your father? Where's your father? Покажи ми това. Show me that. Show me that. Какво сирене искате? What cheese do you want? What kind of cheese do you want? Какви са шансовете на Том? What are Tom's chances? What are Tom's chances? Надявам се, че това е достатъчно. I hope that's enough. I hope that's enough. Видях Том преди той да ме види. I saw Tom before he saw me. I saw Tom before he saw me. Някой може ли да вдигне телефона? Can someone answer the telephone? Can somebody pick up the phone? Защо не е щастлив Том? Why isn't Tom happy? Why isn't Tom happy? Обещавам да я донеса обратно. I promise I'll bring it right back. I promise I'll bring it back. Какво има в папката? What's in the file? What's in the file? На нас ни беше приятно да играем бейзбол. We enjoyed playing baseball. We enjoyed playing baseball. Аз пих кафе. I drank coffee. I had coffee. Тези стават ли за ядене? Are these edible? Are these good to eat? Това е глупав въпрос. That's a stupid question. That's a stupid question. Здравето и веселбата благоприятстват за красотата. Health and gaiety foster beauty. Health and fun favor beauty. Ела с нас. Come with us. Come with us. Каква е минималната заплата в Ирландия? What's the minimum salary in Ireland? What's the minimum wage in Ireland? Макар че нямаме много пари, искам да купя тази картина. Although we don't have much money, I want to buy this painting. Although we don't have much money, I want to buy this painting. Том не е свестен човек. Tom isn't a nice person. Tom's not a nice guy. Къде е Вашият баща? Where's your father? Where's your father? Бихте ли ми прочели това? Could you read this for me? Would you mind reading this for me? Беден съм. I'm poor. I'm poor. Един човек дойде да ме види вчера. A man came to see me yesterday. A man came to see me yesterday. Нямах представа, че Том е толкова наивен. I didn't realize that Tom was so gullible. I had no idea Tom was so naive. Еленът бягаше сам. The deer was running by itself. The deer was running alone. Можеш ли да четеш на френски? Can you read French? Can you read French? Мисля, че това е вярно. I think that it's true. I think that's true. Том взе грешния автобус. Tom took the wrong bus. Tom took the wrong bus. Сбърках ли? Was I wrong? Was I wrong? Нашата тема на седмицата е: _____. Our topic of the week is: _____. Our theme of the week is: _____. Дори умните хора понякога са разсеяни. Even smart people are sometimes absent-minded. Even smart people are sometimes distracted. "Това е първият ми полет. Нервен съм", каза Хироши. "This is my first flight. I'm nervous," says Hiroshi. "This is my first flight, I'm nervous," Hiroshi said. Аз предполагам, че ти си гладен. I suppose you're hungry. I guess you're hungry. Хайде да пием чай в 3:00. Let's have tea at 3:00. Let's have tea at 3:00. Чел съм тази книга. I've read that book. I've read this book. Вие винаги сте бил малко странен. You were always a little strange. You've always been a little weird. Иди да тренираш навън. Go exercise outside. Go train outside. Не мога да поправя хладилникът. I cannot repair this refrigerator. I can't fix the fridge. Къде е твоят баща? Where's your father? Where's your father? Тази книга не е на Том. This book doesn't belong to Tom. This isn't Tom's book. Бъди много внимателна с това. Be very careful with this. Be very careful with that. Просто ми се иска да мога да говоря френски малко по-добре. I just wish I could speak French a little better. I just wish I could speak French a little better. Какво щеше да направиш, ако беше с 10 години по-млад? What would you do if you were ten years younger? What would you do if you were 10 years younger? Юми ще стане учител. Yumi will become a teacher. Yumi will become a teacher. Чух Том и Мери да разговарят за това. I heard Tom and Mary talking about it. I heard Tom and Mary talking about it. Защо не си сложиш рокля? Why don't you wear a dress? Why don't you put on a dress? Как възприемаш отношението му към нас тези дни? What do you make of his attitude towards us these days? How do you feel about him these days? Има ли още свободни места? Are any seats still available? Are there any more vacancies? Мисля, че направи достатъчно. I think you've done enough. I think you've done enough. Том си откопча якето. Tom unbuttoned his jacket. Tom unbuttoned his jacket. Мери хвърли око на Том. Tom caught Mary's eye. Mary had her eye on Tom. Има нещо важно, което трябва да обсъдя с вас. I have something important to discuss with you. There's something important I need to discuss with you. Хайде да го оставим за друг път. Let's schedule it for some other time. Let's save it for another time. Какво ще бъде времето утре? What'll the weather be like tomorrow? What's the weather going to be tomorrow? Аз ще почистя. I'll clean it up. I'll clean up. Тя ми подари една хубава кукла. She gave me a pretty doll. She gave me a nice doll. Не съм те виждала откакто бяхме студенти. I haven't seen you since college. I haven't seen you since we were students. Знаеш ли, смешно е. It's funny, you know. You know, it's funny. Много ви благодаря! Thank you very much! Thank you very much! Не ме интересува какво мислиш ти. I'm not interested in what you think. I don't care what you think. Тези чорапи не се разпускат при пране. These socks don't stretch when you wash them. These socks don't relax during laundry. Осъдиха ме. I was convicted. I've been convicted. Тя продължи да плаче. She kept on crying. She kept crying. Когато изтече отпускът по майчинство, тя се върна на старата си работа. After her maternity leave, she resumed her old job. When maternity leave expired, she went back to her old job. Забравих да заключа шкафчето. I forgot to lock the drawer. I forgot to lock the locker. За мен има други по-важни неща. I have other priorities. There are other things that are more important to me. Те гледат само светлата страна на американската икономика They are looking at only the sunny side of the American economy. They only look at the bright side of the American economy Трябва да си плащаш наема предварително. You should pay your rent in advance. You have to pay your rent in advance. Искам да си открия депозит. I'd like to open a savings account. I want to find a deposit. Готов съм да говоря. I'm ready to talk. I'm ready to talk. Как може да не ти харесва Том? How can you not like Tom? How could you not like Tom? Аз плаках днес. I cried today. I cried today. Онази ябълка е голяма. That apple is big. That apple's big. Един учен изнесе чудесна реч върху човешките права. A scholar made an excellent speech about human rights. A scientist gave a wonderful speech on human rights. Вашият план е в разрез с нашата политика. Your plan is not in line with our policy. Your plan is against our policy. Трябва да учите повече. You must study more. You need to learn more. Колата ни се развали миналата нощ. Our car broke down last night. Our car broke down last night. Г-жа Суон е нашата учителка по английски. Ms. Swan is our English teacher. Mrs. Swan is our English teacher. Хайде да пуснем хвърчило. Let's fly a kite. Let's fly a kite. Има нещо друго, което трябва да свърша. There's something else I need to do. There's something else I have to do. Да ядем суши. Let's eat sushi. Let's eat sushi. Ти си луд да му даваш пари назаем. You are crazy to lend money to him. You're crazy to lend him money. Взех си стая в хотел и веднага легнах да спя. I checked into a hotel and went right to sleep. I got a room in a hotel and went straight to bed. Има нещо у Том, което не ми харесва. There's something about Tom that I don't like. There's something about Tom I don't like. Едва го разбирах. I could hardly understand him. I barely understood him. Аз търся Том. I'm looking for Tom. I'm looking for Tom. Том никого не целуна. Tom didn't kiss anyone. Tom didn't kiss anyone. Том има карта. Tom has a map. Tom has a map. Купих го. I bought it. I bought it. Научих доста. I learned quite a bit. I've learned a lot. Работя с Том от три години. I've worked with Tom for three years. I've been working with Tom for three years. Тя се поддаде на изкушението да купи бижуто. She gave way to the temptation to buy the jewel. She gave in to the temptation to buy the jewel. Нищо от това, което Том прави, не ми харесва. I don't like anything Tom does. I don't like any of what Tom's doing. Не му остава много живот. He doesn't have long to live. He doesn't have much life left. Том искаше Мери да научи френски. Tom wanted Mary to learn French. Tom wanted Mary to learn French. Какво донесе Том със себе си? What did Tom bring with him? What did Tom bring with him? Скоро ли тръгваме? Are we leaving soon? Are we leaving soon? Човек трябва да си изпълнява задълженията. One should do one's duties. One has to do one's duty. Никога не беше валяло на острова. It has never snowed on the island. It never rained on the island. Мисля, че така ще бъде най-добре. I think that would be best. I think it's for the best. Радвам се да го чуя. I'm glad to hear that. I'm glad to hear that. Идеята която обсъждахме в клас вчера наистина привлече вниманието ми. That idea we were discussing in class yesterday really piqued my interest. The idea we discussed in class yesterday really got my attention. Какво би се случило, ако непреодолима сила удари непоклатим обект? What happens when an unstoppable force hits an unmovable object? What would happen if an insurmountable force struck an unshakable object? Хайде да играем. Let's play. Let's play. Защо решихте да се занимавате с френски? Why did you decide to study French? Why did you decide to do French? Тя отсъства от училище пет дена. She's been absent from school for five days. She's been out of school for five days. Иска ми се да бях продължил с френския. I wish I'd kept up my French. I wish I'd gone on with the French. Утре се дипломираме. We're graduating tomorrow. We're graduating tomorrow. Да се надяваме. Let's hope so. Let's hope so. Той погледна назад към мен и се ухили. He looked back at me and grinned. He looked back at me and smiled. Иди се приготви да си лягаш. Go get ready for bed. Go get ready to go to bed. Това не е оръжие. It's not a weapon. It's not a weapon. Това палто е подплатено с кожа. The coat is lined with fur. This coat is lined with leather. Не знаех от какво се отказвам. I didn't know what I was giving up. I didn't know what I was giving up. Да говориш на френски е голяма забава. Speaking French is a lot of fun. Speaking French is a lot of fun. Опитвала ли си всъщност? Have you actually ever tried it? Have you actually tried? Здрасти. Hi. Hey. Това са кучетата на Том. Those are Tom's dogs. These are Tom's dogs. Ще ти го дам безплатно. I'll give it to you for free. I'll give it to you for free. По-добре да не отиваш. You'd better not go. You better not go. Тази година пролетта закъснява. Spring is late this year. Spring is running late this year. Ако не говориш английски, вероятността да заемеш добра позиция, е много по-малка. You're much less likely to get a good position if you don't speak English. If you don't speak English, the probability of taking a good position is much less. Не сте ми дали толкова ресто, колкото трябва. You gave me the wrong change. You haven't given me as much change as I need. Може да успея да намеря време да ти помогна. I might be able to find the time to help you. I might be able to find time to help you. Том го намери. Tom found it. Tom found it. Том не беше много зает. Tom wasn't very busy. Tom wasn't too busy. Валя пет дни подред. It rained five successive days. It rained five days in a row. Дрехите му винаги миришат лошо. His clothes always smell bad. His clothes always smell bad. Имам разни неща, които трябва да свърша. I have things to do. I have things to do. Тя роди момченце. She gave birth to a baby boy. She gave birth to a boy. Всички булки са красиви в деня на свойта сватба. All brides are beautiful on their wedding days. All brides are beautiful on their wedding day. Чух, че да седиш изправен, е лошо за гърба ти. I've heard that sitting up straight is bad for your back. I hear standing up is bad for your back. Той е финансово независим от родителите си He is economically independent of his parents. He's financially independent from his parents. Какво е тяхното предназначение? What's their purpose? What is their purpose? Чудесна идея ми дойде на ум. A wonderful idea occurred to me. That's a great idea. Мечтата ми е да стана учителка. My dream is to become a teacher. My dream is to be a teacher. Честита Коледа! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Том не искаше да изоставя Мери. Tom didn't want to leave Mary behind. Tom didn't want me to leave Mary. Да я питаме нещо друго. Let's ask her something else. Let's ask her something else. Кен е добър в плуването. Ken is good at swimming. Ken's good at swimming. Ето къде си. Here you are. There you are. Обирджията сграбчи чантата от ръката му. The robber seized the bag from his hand. The robber grabbed the bag from his hand. Моля напуснете незабавно. Please leave right away. Please leave immediately. На сладки ли ми мирише? Do I smell cookies? Does it smell like sweets? Тя се притесняваше, че може да закъснее за влака. She was worried that she might be late for the train. She was worried she might be late for the train. Том и Мери се спогледаха и станаха. Tom and Mary looked at each other and stood up. Tom and Mary looked at each other and got up. Влезте вътре. Go inside. Go inside. Колко е този чадър? How much is this umbrella? How much is that umbrella? Том заключи вратата. Tom locked the door. Tom locked the door. Трябва да се хващам пак за работа. I have to go back to work. I have to get back to work. Изглежда, че Том харесва новата си работа. It looks like Tom likes his new job. Looks like Tom likes his new job. Trier е най-старият град в Германия. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Те винаги пропускат училище. They always skip school. They always miss school. Колко висока е тази планина? What is the height of this mountain? How high is this mountain? Моля затворете вратата когато излизате. Please close the door when you leave. Please close the door when you leave. Ти върви напред, аз ще те настигна по-късно. You walk on and I'll catch up with you later. You go ahead, I'll catch up with you later. Бил ли си някога в Нара? Have you ever been to Nara? Have you ever been to Nara? Наистина съм уморен. I'm really tired. I'm really tired. Имам само десет книги. I only have ten books. I only have ten books. Аз съм новата секретарка на Том. I'm Tom's new secretary. I'm Tom's new secretary. Том говори френски перфектно. Tom speaks French perfectly. Tom speaks French perfectly. Извинете, колко е това? Excuse me, how much is this? Excuse me, how much is that? Време е да поразсъждаваш върху миналото си. It is time to reflect on your past. It's time to think about your past. Ще се възстанови ли? Will he recover? Is he going to recover? Започвам да разбирам, че ще бъде невъзможно. I'm beginning to see that it's going to be impossible. I'm starting to realize it's going to be impossible. Чаках три дена. I've waited for three days. I waited three days. Той нямаше представа кога да започне. He was at a loss when to start. He had no idea when to start. Мокрите дрехи прилепват по тялото. Wet clothes cling to the body. Wet clothes stick to the body. Аз съм доста зает. I'm fairly busy. I'm pretty busy. Тръгнете по това шосе и като стигнете до светофар, завийте наляво. Go down this road until you get to a traffic light and then turn left. Take this road and when you get to a traffic light, turn left. Том знае, че съм вкъщи. Tom knows I'm home. Tom knows I'm home. Не изпускай тази възможност! Don't let the chance slip! Don't lose this opportunity! Изглежда, тя има много приятели. It looks like she's got a lot of friends. Looks like she's got a lot of friends. Внимавай да не паднеш. Take care not to fall. Be careful you don't fall. Ти си най-добрият ми приятел. You're my best friend. You're my best friend. Колко е стара Айфеловата кула? How old is the Eiffel Tower? How old is the Eiffel Tower? Ще решим въпроса. We'll work the problem out. We'll figure this out. Момчето зарадва родителите си. The boy made his parents happy. The boy made his parents happy. Ако имах избор, нямаше да правя това. If I had a choice, I probably wouldn't be doing this. If I had a choice, I wouldn't be doing this. Може ли да ме запознаеш с адвокат, който говори френски? Can you introduce me to a lawyer who speaks French? Can you introduce me to a lawyer who speaks French? Отпечатахме 50 бройки от поканата. We ran off 50 copies of the invitation. We printed 50 copies of the invitation. Защо Том искаше да научи френски? Why did Tom want to learn French? Why did Tom want to learn French? Той ти е много ядосан. He's very angry with you. He's very angry with you. Може ли някой да отговори на въпроса ми? Can anyone answer my question? Can someone answer my question? Това е мое. Не знам къде е твоето. That is mine. I don't know where yours is. I don't know where yours is. Някой тук знае ли френски? Does anyone here know French? Does anyone here know French? Той ми извика такси. He called a cab for me. He called me a cab. Идната неделя нали заминаваш за Лондон? You're going to leave for London next Sunday, aren't you? You're going to London next Sunday, right? Той говори също и френски. He also speaks French. He also speaks French. Том обича конете. Tom loves horses. Tom loves horses. Защо реши да се занимаваш с френски? Why did you decide to study French? Why did you decide to do French? Това отново ще ти потрябва. You'll need this again. You're gonna need this again. Радвам се на нейната компания. I am glad to have her company. I'm happy with her company. Плати ли си сметката за телефона? Have you paid your phone bill? Did you pay your phone bill? Свършихме работата, така че можем да си ходим. We've finished the work, so we may as well go home. We're done here, so we can go. Предайте домашните си! Turn in your homework. Hand over your homework! Нищо интересно не се случва в това малко градче. Nothing interesting happens in this small town. Nothing interesting is happening in this little town. Познавам някой, който говори френски много добре. I know somebody who speaks French very well. I know someone who speaks French very well. Честит рожден ден! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday! О, сега разбирам. Oh, now I understand. Oh, I get it now. Обърка го с някой друг. She mixed him up with someone else. You mistook him for someone else. Том отиде за лекар. Tom went for a doctor. Tom went to get a doctor. Не ме интересува защо. I don't care why. I don't care why. Кашлицата ми се влошава. My cough is getting worse. My cough is getting worse. Карън ми е сърдита. Karen is angry with me. Karen's mad at me. Те не са толкова лоши. They're not so bad. They're not that bad. В стаята имаше малко обзавеждане. There was little furniture in the room. There was some furniture in the room. Том изпрати Кейт до вкъщи. Tom walked Kate home. Tom walked Kate home. Ризата трябва да се изглади. The shirt must be ironed. The shirt needs to be ironed out. Том няма да дойде на време. Tom won't be in time. Tom won't be here in time. Той какво прави днес? What did she do today? What did he do today? Той за малко да бъде убит. He narrowly escaped being killed. He almost got himself killed. Една чаша вода, моля. A glass of water, please. A glass of water, please. Уплаши ме. You startled me! You scared me. Трябва да реша какво да правя. I have to decide what to do. I have to decide what to do. Мисля, че Том се справя добре. I think Tom's doing a good job. I think Tom's doing well. Не разбираш. You don't understand. You don't understand. Свикнал съм родителите ми да ме игнорират. I'm used to being ignored by my parents. I'm used to my parents ignoring me. Аз съм изключително заета. I'm extremely busy. I'm extremely busy. Не говоря френски добре. I don't speak French well. I don't speak French very well. В писмото му имаше снимка. His letter enclosed a picture. There was a picture in his letter. Какво носиш в куфара? What do you have in your suitcase? What do you have in the suitcase? Том почина вчера. Tom passed away yesterday. Tom died yesterday. Ходим в едио и също училище. We go to the same school. We go to edio and we go to school. Той би ми дал да му помогна. He would let me help him. He'd let me help him. Бих искала да преведете този документ на френски. I'd like you to translate this document into French. I'd like you to translate this document into French. Мисля, че бяхте прави. I think you were right. I think you were right. Том беше разочарован, че не успя да влезе в Харвард. Tom was disappointed that he couldn't get into Harvard. Tom was disappointed he couldn't get into Harvard. Коя е любимата ти топла напитка? What's your favorite hot drink? What's your favorite hot drink? Аз следвам музика в един университет в Бостън. I study music at a university in Boston. I'm studying music at a university in Boston. Може ли да Ви взема палтото? May I take your coat? Can I take your coat? Направих план на маршрута ни. I've planned our route. I've made a plan for our route. Пих кафе. I drank coffee. I had coffee. Той може да кара кола. He can drive a car. He can drive a car. Помислих, че може да отидем до музея заедно. I thought we could visit the museum together. I thought maybe we could go to the museum together. Том се качи на грешния автобус. Tom got on the wrong bus. Tom got on the wrong bus. Той постигна целта си. He achieved his goal. He's achieved his goal. Това добър френски ли е? Is this good French? Is that good French? Ти заслужаваш наградата. You deserve the prize. You deserve the reward. Ще ме научиш ли някои френски фрази, които може да ми потрябват? Could you teach me some French phrases that I might need? Can you teach me some French phrases I might need? Тези условия приемливи ли са за вас? Are these conditions acceptable to you? Are these conditions acceptable to you? Том има трийсет години и повече. Tom is in his thirties. Tom's got 30 years or more. Платих 30 долара за това. I paid 30 dollars for that. I paid 30 bucks for that. Може ли да взема ножицата ти назаем? Can I borrow your scissors? Can I borrow your scissors? Една красива жена беше настанена един ред пред мен. A beautiful woman was seated one row in front of me. A beautiful woman was placed in a row in front of me. Том и Мери се ожениха три години, след като се запознаха. Tom and Mary got married three years after they first met. Tom and Mary got married three years after they met. Не искам той да се отказва. I don't want him to give up. I don't want him to give up. Не казвай нищо на никого. Don't say anything to anyone. Don't say anything to anyone. Виждала съм те как играеш тенис. I've seen you play tennis. I've seen you play tennis. Изглежда пак са се захванали с това. It looks like they are at it again. Looks like they're back on it. Ще го имам предвид. I'll take it into consideration. I'll keep that in mind. Само затворете очи. Just close your eyes. Just close your eyes. Тя запази тайната за себе си. She kept the secret to herself. She kept the secret to herself. Това твоята химикалка ли е? Is this your pen? Is that your pen? Той изчезна безследно. He disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace. Сигурнa съм, че сте много зает. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Мисля, че това трябва да се очаква. I think that's to be expected. I think that's to be expected. Тази книга е на лесен френски. This book is written in easy French. This book is in easy French. Аз трябва да тръгвам сега. I must be leaving now. I have to go now. Желанието му най-накрая се изпълни. He finally got his wish. His wish finally came true. Желаете ли да станете доверен потребител? Would you like to become a trusted user? Would you like to become a trusted user? Обърквам се. I'm getting confused. I'm confused. Защо да ти помогнем? Why should we help you? Why should we help you? Нямам желание да излизам тази вечер. I don't feel like going out tonight. I don't want to go out tonight. Тук сервират отлична храна. They serve excellent food here. They serve excellent food here. Том, къде си? Tom, where are you? Tom, where are you? Ще уча по френски този следобед. I'm going to study French this afternoon. I'm studying French this afternoon. Имах трудности при разрешаването на този проблем. I had difficulty in solving this problem. I had a hard time solving this problem. Колко време ще отнеме? How long will it take? How long will it take? Толкова много си приличат, че не знам кое кое е. They are so much alike that I don't know which is which. They look so much alike, I don't know which is which. Извадихме много лош късмет. We've had very bad luck. We've had a lot of bad luck. Моля те, имай търпение. Please have patience. Please be patient. Том говори френски по-добре от Мери. Tom speaks French better than Mary. Tom speaks French better than Mary. Можете ли да ми препоръчате някакви други хотели? Can you recommend any other hotels? Can you recommend any other hotels? Дъждът ми попречи да дойда. The rain prevented me from coming. The rain prevented me from coming. Кен ми се обажда всеки ден. Ken calls me every day. Ken calls me every day. Нашето заминаване беше отложено. We were compelled to put off our departure. Our departure has been postponed. Не искам Том да ме види гол. I don't want Tom to see me naked. I don't want Tom to see me naked. Не заслужавам съчувствие. I don't deserve sympathy. I don't deserve sympathy. Не можеш ли да го направиш? Can't you do that? Can't you do that? Не. Прекалено са малки. No. They are too small. No, they're too small. Той ми даде това, от което се нуждаех. He gave me what I needed. He gave me what I needed. Как ми липсваше! How I've missed you! How I've missed you! Като порасна, ще се омъжа за Том. When I grow up, I'm going to get married to Tom. When I grow up, I'm gonna marry Tom. Това ще бъде някакво начало. It'll be a start. That would be a start. Колко захар слагаш? How much sugar do you use? How much sugar do you put in? Изглежда тя има много приятелки. It looks like she's got a lot of friends. Looks like she's got a lot of girlfriends. Не беше сериозно. It wasn't serious. It wasn't serious. Том прошепна на Мери нещо на ухо. Tom whispered something into Mary's ear. Tom whispered to Mary something in her ear. Вие не можете да говорите английски, нали? You can't speak English, can you? You can't speak English, can you? Дърветата започнаха да се покриват с листа. The trees began to come into leaf. The trees began to cover themselves with leaves. Гледай ми пръстите. Watch my fingers. Look at my fingers. Тя говори добре английски, но не колкото брат си. She is good at speaking English, no less so than her brother. She speaks good English, but not as good as her brother. Бях действително объркан. I was really confused. I was really confused. Ти не яде от тортата, която направих; а сестра ти яде. You didn't eat the cake I made; your sister did. You didn't eat the cake I made; your sister ate. Бих искала да ви задам още няколко въпроса. I'd like to ask you a few more questions. I'd like to ask you a few more questions. Днес не ми се говори френски. I don't feel like speaking French today. I don't want to speak French today. Мисля, че това е Ваше. I think this is yours. I think this is yours. Станете, ако обичате. Stand up, please. Stand up, please. Кой ви каза, че името ми е Том? Who told you my name was Tom? Who told you my name was Tom? Това е Томово. That's Tom's. This is Tomovo. И аз ще дойда. I'll come, too. I'll come too. Може ли да отворя прозореца? May I open the window? Can I open the window? Дайте да го питаме. Let's ask him. Let's ask him. Тя е на диета. She's dieting. She's on a diet. Говори гласно, за да могат всички да те чуят. Speak clearly so that everyone may hear you. Speak out loud so everyone can hear you. Вината не е наша. It's not our fault. It's not our fault. Ще се върнете ли на плажа следобеда? Are you going back to the beach this afternoon? Are you going back to the beach this afternoon? Тя е три години по-голяма от мен. She's three years older than me. She's three years older than me. Не искам да казвам на Том, че съм бил в Бостън. I don't want to tell Tom I've been to Boston. I don't want to tell Tom I was in Boston. Възхищавам се на културата и учтивостта на германците. I admire the culture and the politeness of the Germans. I admire the culture and courtesy of the Germans. Приятелите ме наричат Кен. My friends call me Ken. My friends call me Ken. Том не успя да намери работа. Tom couldn't find work. Tom couldn't find a job. Не искам Том да влоши нещата още повече. I don't want Tom to make the situation any worse than it already is. I don't want Tom to make things any worse. Той бе господар на положението. He was master of the situation. He was the master of the situation. Трябва да дочета тази книга. I need to finish reading this book. I have to finish this book. Той се ожени за стюардеса. He married a stewardess. He married a flight attendant. Всички те чакат. Everybody is waiting for you. Everyone's waiting for you. Това, което той обича, е желе. What he likes is jelly. What he loves is Jell-O. Том изостави семейството си и потъна в нелегалност. Tom abandoned his family and went into hiding. Tom abandoned his family and went underground. Хайде да поговорим на английски. Let's speak English. Let's talk in English. Честно казано, скъпи, не ми пука! Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn! Honestly, honey, I don't care! Кога за последно ходи на плажа? When was the last time you went to the beach? When was the last time you went to the beach? Не отстъпвай. Don't back off. Don't fall back. Понеже валеше, не отидохме на пикник. Since it rained, we did not go on a picnic. Because it was raining, we didn't go on a picnic. Иска ми се Том да можеше да бъде днес тук с нас. I wish Tom could be here with us today. I wish Tom could be here with us today. В къщата съм. I'm at the house. I'm in the house. Трябва ли да отварям прозореца? Do I have to open the window? Do I have to open the window? Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да го направиш? Are you sure you don't want to do this? Are you sure you don't want to do this? Трябва да стигна до болницата. I have to get to the hospital. I have to get to the hospital. Дай да го видя това. Let me see that. Let me see that. Новините ни въодушевиха. We are excited at the news. The news has inspired us. Студено ли ти е? Are you cold? Are you cold? Никога не съм крал нищо от Том. I've never stolen anything from Tom. I never stole anything from Tom. Трябваш ми. I need you. I need you. Обичам да слушам класическа музика. I'm fond of listening to classical music. I like to listen to classical music. Съгласен съм с мнението му. I agree with his opinion. I agree with his opinion. Том може малко да говори френски. Tom can speak French a little. Tom can speak a little French. Сигурна съм, че Том няма да иска да работи до късно. I'm sure Tom won't be willing to work late. I'm sure Tom won't want to work late. Аз бях мотивиран. I was motivated. I was motivated. Ще си намеря работа. I'll find work. I'll get a job. Имам ли право да Ви придружавам? Do I have the right to accompany you? Do I have the right to accompany you? Не успях да открия това, което ти търсеше. I couldn't find what you asked for. I couldn't find what you were looking for. Той рядко ходи на църква. He seldom goes to church. He rarely goes to church. Те се разбират добре със съседите си. They're on good terms with their neighbors. They get along well with their neighbors. Том нищо ли не каза за това? Didn't Tom say something about that? Didn't Tom say anything about it? Френският изобщо не е толкова труден за научаване. French is not all that difficult to learn. French isn't that hard to learn at all. Мисля, че направихте достатъчно. I think you've done enough. I think you've done enough. Кога започна да изучаваш френски? When did you start studying French? When did you start studying French? Аз ще дойда у вас. I'll come to your place. I'll come to your place. Никой друг не предложи да помогне. Nobody else offered to help. No one else offered to help. Вземете си палтото. Get your coat. Get your coat. Беше му трудно да диша. He had trouble breathing. He had a hard time breathing. Ще те направя щастлив. I will make you happy. I'll make you happy. Да играем на нещо. Let's play something. Let's play something. Какво целите? What're you after? What are you up to? Ако само спрем да се опитваме да бъдем щастливи, бихме си прекарвали доста добре. If only we'd stop trying to be happy we could have a pretty good time. If we just stopped trying to be happy, we'd have a pretty good time. Забравих му името. I've forgotten his name. I forgot his name. Ние не бързаме. We're in no hurry. We're in no hurry. Тя по-скоро е срамежлива, отколкото асоциална. She is not so much unsociable as bashful. She's more shy than social. Стигнах до гарата, след като влакът тръгна. I only got to the station after the train had left. I got to the station after the train left. Никога не съм виждал кит наживо. I've never seen a live whale. I've never seen a whale in person. Искаш ли да ми носиш якето? Do you want to wear my jacket? Do you want to wear my jacket? Не смятам да го питам. I'm not about to ask him. I'm not going to ask him. Бъдете кратък, моля. Be brief, please. Be brief, please. Това е всичко, което Том трябва да свърши. This is all Tom has to do. That's all Tom has to do. Мисля, че трябва да си луда да не отидеш. I think you'd be crazy not to go. I think you should be crazy not to go. На тези хора много им провървя. These people were very lucky. These people are very lucky. Толкова дълго чаках. I've waited so long. I've waited so long. Ти очевидно не искаш да направиш това за мене. It's quite apparent that you don't want to do this for me. You obviously don't want to do this for me. Свежите плодове са полезни за теб. Fresh fruit is good for you. Fresh fruit is good for you. Той има добро чувство за хумор. He has a good sense of humor. He's got a good sense of humor. Той завърши Токийския университет. He graduated from Tokyo University. He graduated from Tokyo University. Очевидно съм съгласен, че трябва да вървиш напред в живота със собствени усилия. Obviously I agree that you should advance in life through your own efforts. Obviously, I agree that you must move forward in life with your own efforts. Виждала съм ги наоколо. I've seen them around. I've seen them around. Том е красив мъж. Tom is a handsome guy. Tom is a handsome man. Страшно скъпо е. It's terribly expensive. It's so expensive. Безкрайните постижения на Христофор Колум са заплаха за Гугъл, който не знае как да индексира безкрайността когато някой търси "Христофор Колумб". Christopher Columbus's infinite accomplishments are a threat to Google, who do not know how to index infinity when someone searches for "Christopher Columbus". Christopher Colum's endless achievements are a threat to Google that doesn't know how to index infinity when someone's looking for Christfor Columbus. Моля Ви да отговаряте на френски. Please answer in French. I'm asking you to answer in French. Заради усърдието си той успя. Diligence enabled him to succeed. Because of his diligence, he succeeded. Твърде дълго чаках този момент. I've waited too long for this. I've waited too long for this moment. Децата ти знаят ли френски? Do your children know French? Do your kids know French? Купих няколко румънски книги за студентите. I bought some Romanian books for the students. I bought some Romanian books for the students. Сигурен ли си, че искаш да напуснеш? Are you sure you want to quit? Are you sure you want to quit? Перфектно е. It's perfect. It's perfect. Не мога да си позволя да го купя. I can't afford to buy it. I can't afford to buy it. Къде отиваме? When do we go? Where are we going? Мисля, че трябва да разберем къде е Том. I think we need to find out where Tom is. I think we need to find out where Tom is. Бих искал да благодаря на родителите си, Том и Мери. I would like to thank my parents, Tom and Mary. I'd like to thank my parents, Tom and Mary. Още ли си щастлива? Are you still happy? Are you still happy? Мисля, че си била тук твърде дълго. I think you've been here too long. I think you've been here too long. Да не прекъснах нещо важно? Did I interrupt something important? Did I interrupt something important? Пациентът оздравяваше малко по малко. The patient got better little by little. The patient was healing little by little. Трябва да отида да видя Том. I have to go see Tom. I have to go see Tom. Том попита Мери за нейното семейство. Tom asked Mary about her family. Tom asked Mary about her family. Само през трупа ми! Over my dead body! Over my dead body! Каква е минималната заплата в Мароко? What's the minimum salary in Morocco? What's the minimum wage in Morocco? Странно, нали? Трябваше вече да сме пристигнали. Odd, isn't it? We should have already arrived. We should be here by now. Болят ме ставите. My joints ache. My joints hurt. Да отидем да говорим в другата стая. Let's go talk in the other room. Let's go talk in the other room. Трябва да отида там. I have to go there. I have to go there. Чух, че Том се жени. I hear Tom is getting married. I heard Tom's getting married. Том не знаеше и дума френски, когато за пръв път пристигна във Франция. Tom couldn't speak a word of French when he first arrived in France. Tom didn't know a word of French when he first arrived in France. Полетът ви е отменен. Your flight's canceled. Your flight has been cancelled. Чух те да разговаряш с Том. I heard you talking to Tom. I heard you talking to Tom. Сестри ли сте? Are you sisters? Are you sisters? Помислих си, че има нещо странно. I thought something was odd. I thought there was something strange. Тук ли живееш? Do you live here? Do you live here? Не мога да намеря Тим. I can't find Tim. I can't find Tim. Не си чувствам левия крак. I have no feeling in my left leg. I can't feel my left leg. Какво има в кошницата? What's in the basket? What's in the basket? Имам документация за оформяне. I have paperwork to finish up. I've got paperwork to process. Аз ще дойда с теб. I will come with you. I'll go with you. Моля, подпишете тук. Please sign here. Please sign here. Баща ми посети чичо ми в болницата. My father visited my uncle in the hospital. My father visited my uncle at the hospital. Толкова стига. That's enough. That's enough. Войниците отказаха да се подчинят на заповедта. The troops refused to obey the command. The soldiers refused to obey the order. Чух какво се е случило с Том. I heard about what happened to Tom. I heard what happened to Tom. Сигурно знаеш, че си изправен пред криза. You must know you're faced with a crisis. You must know you're facing a crisis. Аз нямам билет. I don't have a ticket. I don't have a ticket. Няма изречения на английски в Tatoeba които да съдържат думата "Lego". There are no English sentences on Tatoeba that contain the word "Lego". There are no sentences in English in Tatoeba that contain the word "Lego". Къде ти е училището? Where is your school? Where's your school? Той притежава не по-малко от сто монети. He has no less than one hundred coins. He owns no less than a hundred coins. Трябва да намеря друго. I have to find another one. I need to find something else. Взе изпита. He passed the exam. You passed the test. Аз поканена ли съм? Am I invited? Am I invited? Нямам доказателства за това. I have no proof of that. I don't have any proof of that. Аз обичам костенурките. I love turtles. I love turtles. Той няма деца. He doesn't have any children. He doesn't have kids. Младото момиче избухна в сълзи. The young girl burst into tears. The young girl burst into tears. Джон ли си? Are you John? Are you John? Обувките ти са развързани. Your shoes are untied. Your shoes are untied. Лягам си късно през нощта. I go to bed late at night. I go to bed late at night. Вие решихте така. That was your decision. That's what you thought. Мисля, че си съвършен. I think you're perfect. I think you're perfect. Началното училище ще бъде задължително. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Primary school will be mandatory. В случай на пожар, използвайте стълбите. In case of a fire, use the stairs. In case of fire, use the stairs. Доволен ли си, Том? Are you satisfied, Tom? Satisfied, Tom? Аз имам вяра в теб. I have confidence in you. I have faith in you. Мери обича да гледа телевизия. Mary likes watching TV. Mary likes to watch TV. Тя ѝ е приятелка. She is her friend. She's her friend. Скоро ще бъдем заедно. We'll soon be together. We'll be together soon. Тя се бъзика с теб. She's making fun of you. She's messing with you. Защо не ме последваш? Why don't you follow me? Why don't you follow me? Том и Мери са имали средновековна сватба. Tom and Mary had a medieval wedding. Tom and Mary had a medieval wedding. Винаги чакаме с нетърпение ежегодното посещение на Том. We always look forward to Tom's annual visit. We always look forward to Tom's annual visit. Няма време. There isn't time. There's no time. Ти обичаш децата, нали? You love children, don't you? You love kids, don't you? Мислех, че не харесваш Том. I thought you didn't like Tom. I thought you didn't like Tom. Мисля, че трябва да разберем на кого Том планира да го даде. I think we need to find out who Tom plans to give that to. I think we need to find out who Tom's planning to give it to. Невероятно! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Това е всичко, което наистина можеш да направиш. It's all you can really do. That's all you can really do. Време е да си вземем "довиждане". It's time to say goodbye. It's time to say good-bye. Франция граничи с Италия. France borders Italy. France borders on Italy. Простите числа са като живота, те са напълно логични, но правилата за тях не могат да бъдат открити, дори и да отделяте цялото си време, за да мислите за тях. Prime numbers are like life; they are completely logical, but impossible to find the rules for, even if you spend all your time thinking about it. The prime numbers are like life, they are completely logical, but the rules for them cannot be found, even if you spend all your time thinking about them. Баща ѝ я накара да му каже всичко. Her father made her tell him everything. Her father made her tell him everything. Тази седмица работих през цялото време. I worked all this week. I've been working all week this week. Случи се днес. It happened today. It happened today. Не съм виждала Том близо месец. I haven't seen Tom in a month. I haven't seen Tom in over a month. Можеш ли да ми препоръчаш някакви други хотели? Can you recommend any other hotels? Can you recommend any other hotels? Всичко, което трябва да направиш, е да пометеш пода. All you have to do is sweep the floor. All you have to do is sweep the floor. Виждал ли си ми фотоапарата? Did you see my camera? Have you seen my camera? Не съм виждала Том от известно време. I haven't seen Tom in a while. I haven't seen Tom in a while. Покажи ни го. Show it to us. Show it to us. Нищо му няма на плана. There's nothing wrong with the plan. There's nothing wrong with the plan. Правете добро на тия, които ви мразят. Do good to those who hate you. Do good to those who hate you. Смятам да завърша този проект. I intend to see the project through. I'm going to finish this project. Аз само гледам. I'm just looking. I'm just looking. Учителят го накара да остане след училище. The teacher made him stay after school. The teacher made him stay after school. Студентите не помнеха какво са чели в тази книга. The students didn't remember what they read in that book. The students didn't remember what they read in that book. Като последна предпазна мярка си пънах и фенерче в раницата. As a last precaution, I put a flashlight into my pack. As my last precaution, I put a flashlight in my backpack. Преди никога не съм имал такива проблеми. I've never had this kind a problem before. I've never had this kind of trouble before. Колата му е на две години. His car is two years old. His car is two years old. Не мисля, че Том знае френски. I don't think Tom knows French. I don't think Tom knows French. Няма да е толкова трудно да убедим Том. Tom won't be that hard to convince. It won't be that hard to convince Tom. Том купи подарък за сина му. Tom bought a present for his son. Tom bought a gift for his son. Ако зависеше от мен, сигурно нямаше да се занимавам с това. If I had a choice, I probably wouldn't be doing this. If it were up to me, I probably wouldn't be doing this. Аз не ревнувам. I don't get jealous. I'm not jealous. Имам проблеми с гърба. I have back problems. I've got back problems. Те ще правят парти за Сам. They are going to throw a party for Sam. They're having a party for Sam. Джейн е секретарката на президента. Jane is the president's secretary. Jane is the president's secretary. Лекарят се приведе над болното момче. The doctor bent over the sick boy. The doctor leaned over the sick boy. Познанията ми по френски не са кой знае какави. My knowledge of French doesn't amount to much. My French knowledge is no big deal. Кой е собственика на тази кола? Who is the owner of this car? Who owns this car? Трябва да бъдеш внимателна. You must be careful. You have to be careful. Погледни отзад. Look behind you. Look in the back. Не съм предателка. I'm not a traitor. I'm not a traitor. Том се обвиняваше за смъртта на Мери. Tom blamed himself for Mary's death. Tom blamed himself for Mary's death. Луната е направена от сирене. The moon is made out of cheese. The moon is made of cheese. Техният начин на живот е различен от нашия. Their lifestyle is different from ours. Their way of life is different from ours. Не искам да те задържам. Don't let me keep you. I don't want to keep you. Това месо е пилешко. That meat is chicken. This meat is chicken. Аз съм по-възрастен от него с три години. I am older than he by three years. I'm three years older than him. Мисля, че е ОК. I think it's OK. I think it's OK. Какво още има в джоба ти? What else do you have in your pocket? What else is in your pocket? Нямаше друго място, на което да отида. I had no place else to go. There was no other place for me to go. Мъжът я избута настрани. The man shoved her aside. The man pushed her aside. Една прегръдка от тебе ще ме направи щастлив. A hug from you would make me happy. A hug from you will make me happy. Не мога да повярвам, че все още имаш доверие на Том. I can't believe you still trust Tom. I can't believe you still trust Tom. Моля прости ми. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. Чакахме с слабо очакване. We waited with a faint expectation. We waited with little anticipation. Чувам, че Бостън бил приятен по това време на годината. I hear Boston is nice this time of year. I hear Boston was nice this time of year. Какъв е прякорът ти? What's your nickname? What's your nickname? Нито Том, Нито Мери ги бива в готвенето. Both Tom and Mary aren't very good at cooking. Neither Tom nor Mary are good at cooking. Растящите цени подхранват тревогата на потребителите. Rising costs are fueling anxieties among consumers. Growing prices fuel consumers' anxiety. Мисля, че в Бостън ще ви хареса. I think you'd like it in Boston. I think you'll like Boston. Аз чух всяка дума. I heard every word. I've heard every word. Том си облече пижамата и се качи в леглото. Tom put on his pajamas and climbed into bed. Tom put on his pajamas and went to bed. Той няма да напредне. He is not going to get ahead. He's not gonna make any progress. Не ми харесва вкусът на доматите. I don't like the taste of tomatoes. I don't like the taste of tomatoes. Момичета от провинцията обичат да изрязват прасковени и сливови цветчета от червена хартия и да ги лепят по врати и прозорци. Country girls like to cut red paper into peach and plum blossoms and paste them onto doors and windows. Country girls like to cut peach and plum blossoms out of red paper and stick them on doors and windows. Френският на Том е отличен. Tom's French is excellent. Tom's French is excellent. Маслото се продава на фунт. Butter is sold by the pound. The oil is sold on a pound. Имах толкова много неща за правене, че се почувствах депресиран. Having much to do, I felt depressed. I had so much to do, I felt depressed. Похвалихме го за добрата му работа. We commended him for his good work. We praised him for his good work. Летището беше затворено заради мъглата. The airport was closed because of the fog. The airport was closed because of the fog. Къщата на Том пострада при наводнението. Tom's house was damaged by the flood. Tom's house was damaged in the flood. Не ме гледай с тия тъжни очи. Don't look at me with such sad eyes. Don't look at me with those sad eyes. Тя иска да знае кой е изпратил цветята. She wants to know who sent the flowers. She wants to know who sent the flowers. Не си заслужава много да се обсъжда. It is hardly worth discussing. It's not worth discussing. Том каза, че ще дойдете. Tom said you'd come. Tom said you'd come. Честно казано, скъпа, не ми пука! Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn! Honestly, honey, I don't care! Той самият отказа да говори с нея. He himself refused to talk to her. He himself refused to talk to her. Тази рисунка е прекрасна. That's a beautiful painting. That's a beautiful drawing. Той не каза нищо, което я ядоса. He said nothing, which made her angry. He didn't say anything that made her angry. Това е твърде малко. This is too small. That's too little. Не съм те виждал тук преди. I haven't seen you here before. I've never seen you here before. Идването им тук беше грешка. Coming here was a mistake. Coming here was a mistake. Той беше ранен при катастрофата. He got injured in the traffic accident. He was injured in the crash. Въпросът сега е "как". The question now is how. The question now is "how." Обичам да говоря на френски. I like speaking in French. I like to speak French. Разпространяваха се широко слухове за поражението. Rumors of defeat were abroad. There were widespread rumors of defeat. Много е кратък. It's very short. It's very short. Спри да се връщаш към славните ти дни или ще останеш там. Stop clinging to your glory days, or you'll be left behind. Stop going back to your glory days or you'll stay there. Изобщо не съм уморен. I'm not at all tired. I'm not tired at all. Какъв е смисълът да се идва навреме, ако всички останали закъсняват? What's the point of showing up on time if everyone else shows up late? What's the point of getting here on time if everyone else is late? Поривът на вятъра духаше дъжда директно в лицето ми. A gust of wind blew a shower of rain directly into my face. The gust of wind was blowing the rain right in my face. Искам вечен живот. I want eternal life! I want eternal life. Сигурен ли си, че искаш да го чуеш? Are you sure you want to hear about this? Are you sure you want to hear this? Мисля, че ще останете доволна. I think you'll be pleased. I think you'll be pleased. Това не е никакъв проблем. That's not a problem at all. That's not a problem. Остави ли бакшиш? Did you leave a tip? Did you leave a tip? Изглежда вкъщи няма никой. It looks like no one's home. Looks like nobody's home. Ще трябва да откажа тази молба. I have to deny that request. I'm going to have to decline this request. Значи просто нищо няма да направиш, така ли? So, are you just going to do nothing? So you're just not gonna do anything, are you? Колко е часът? What is the time? What time is it? Всеки път, когато Мери му се усмихва, Том се чувства щастлив. Every time Mary smiles at him, Tom feels happy. Every time Mary smiles at him, Tom feels happy. Той има пълно доверие на търговците. He believed the merchant entirely. He has complete confidence in the merchants. Това са най-грозните обувки, които съм виждал някога. Those are the ugliest shoes I've ever seen. These are the ugliest shoes I've ever seen. Искам да ям малко сирене. I want to eat some cheese. I want to eat some cheese. Уча френски всеки ден. I study French every day. I learn French every day. Отложих събитието. I postponed the event. I've postponed the event. Идването ви тук беше грешка. Coming here was a mistake. Coming here was a mistake. Имам един въпрос към теб. I have one question for you. I have a question for you. Том е на абсолютно сигурно място. Tom is perfectly safe. Tom's in a perfectly safe place. Имам среща с един студент. I'm going to see some student. I'm meeting a student. Пандата е национално съкровище на Китай. The panda is China's national treasure. The panda is a national treasure of China. Ако не го направиш, си мъртъв. If you don't do that, you will be a dead man. If you don't, you're dead. Том е импулсивен. Tom is temperamental. Tom's impulsive. Те повече няма да ви притесняват. They won't bother you anymore. They won't bother you anymore. Няма да мога да пренеса Том от другата страна на моста. I won't be able to carry Tom across the bridge. I won't be able to carry Tom to the other side of the bridge. Пациента припадна от гледката на кръвта. The patient fainted at the sight of blood. Patient collapsed from the sight of the blood. Остави го на мен. Leave it to me. Leave it to me. Изглежда, че ще трябва да почакам още малко. I guess I'll have to wait a little longer. Looks like I'm gonna have to wait a little longer. Ай стига бе! You don't say! Oh, come on! Хобито ми е да колекционирам марки. My hobby is collecting stamps. My hobby is to collect stamps. Опитах се да спра Том по всякакъв начин. I've tried everything to stop Tom. I tried to stop Tom any way I could. Том вероятно ще бъде изписан от болницата утре. Tom will likely be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Tom will probably be out of the hospital tomorrow. Значим брой тежки и неочаквани жертви сред програмистите на C++ всяка година са причинени от грешки в сегментацията. Numerous violent and sudden casualties among C++ developers are caused by segmentation faults every year. A significant number of serious and unexpected casualties among the programmers of C++ each year are caused by segmentation errors. Хайде да говорим на френски. Let's speak in French. Let's talk French. Паркирали сте на моето място. You're parked in my spot. You parked in my spot. Мари и Алис са сестри. Mary and Alice are sisters. Marie and Alice are sisters. Мисля, че беше права. I think you were right. I think you were right. Неговият чичо ще поеме отговорността за него. His uncle will undertake the responsibility for him. His uncle will take responsibility for him. Какъв е адресът на Том? What's Tom's address? What's Tom's address? Онези две ризи са направени от един и същи материал. Those two shirts are made from the same material. Those two shirts are made of the same material. Сигурна съм, че това няма да се наложи. I'm sure that won't be necessary. I'm sure that won't be necessary. Написа ли си домашното? Have you finished your homework? Did you do your homework? Трябва да реша какви са ми приоритетите. I have to prioritize. I have to decide what my priorities are. Как се казва твоят баща? What's your dad's name? What's your father's name? Том не разпозна Мери. Tom didn't recognize Mary. Tom didn't recognize Mary. Той ти е ядосан. He is angry with you. He's mad at you. Кажи на Том, че не може да отиде. Tell Tom he can't go. Tell Tom he can't go. Коледата наближава. Christmas is coming. Christmas is coming. Възнамерявам да спечеля. I plan on winning. I intend to win. Много от децата бяха почти голи. Many of the children were almost naked. A lot of the kids were almost naked. Том, мисля, че трябва да помогнем на Мери. Изглежда тя е в беда. Tom, I think we need to help Mary. It looks like she's in trouble. Tom, I think we should help Mary. Наеха хамалска фирма, за да си пренесат нещата на новия адрес. They hired a moving company to transport their belongings to their new home. They hired a moving firm to move their stuff to the new address. Ще ми кажете ли пътя до гарата? Will you tell me the way to the station? Can you tell me the way to the station? Том не беше навит. Tom wasn't in on it. Tom wasn't into it. Този пътеводител може да ти е от полза при пътуването. This guidebook might be of use to you on your trip. This guidebook might be of some use to you on your journey. Часовникът ти верен ли е? Is your watch correct? Is your watch correct? Дайте ми още една възможност. Give me another chance. Give me another chance. Кен иска колело. Ken wants a bicycle. Ken wants a bike. Обичам да се занимавам с градинарство. I love gardening. I love gardening. Те си бъбриха на кафе повече от два часа. They chatted over coffee for more than two hours. They've been chatting over coffee for over two hours. За мен е чест да бъда тук. I'm honored to be here. It's an honor to be here. Някой тук говори ли френски? Can anyone here speak French? Does anyone here speak French? Мисля, че Том трябва да започне да излиза и с други хора, освен с Мери. I think Tom needs to start hanging out with someone other than Mary. I think Tom should start dating other people besides Mary. Мери току-що изпусна влака. Mary just missed the train. Mary just missed the train. Вие виждали ли сте Том? Have you seen Tom? Have you seen Tom? Направих първата крачка. I've taken the first step. I took the first step. Внимавай къде ходиш. Watch where you're going. Watch where you're going. Той се счита за изчезнал. He is regarded as missing. He's considered missing. Том си свали вратовръзката и започна да си разкопчава ризата. Tom took off his tie and started unbuttoning his shirt. Tom took off his tie and started unbuttoning his shirt. Мария е млада и красива. Mary is young and beautiful. Maria is young and beautiful. Ами ти? How about you? What about you? Това не е толкова просто. It isn't that simple. It's not that simple. Никога преди не съм те виждала тук. I've never seen you here before. I've never seen you here before. Том се чувства некомфортно сред непознати. Tom is ill at ease among strangers. Tom feels uncomfortable with strangers. Брой до десет. Count to ten. Count to ten. Туитър акаунтът ми е спрян заради спам. My Twitter account is suspended because of spamming. My Twitter account was canceled because of spam. Момичетата са обърнати с лице една към друга. The girls are facing each other. The girls are facing each other. Моля те, недей. Please don't do it. Please don't. Започни сега. Start now. Start now. Като допълнение са се сформирали много групи, за да може възрастните да се социализират помежду си и да останат активни участници в Американският живот. In addition many groups have been formed so that the elderly can socialize with one another and remain active participants in American life. In addition, many groups have formed so that adults can socialize among themselves and remain active participants in American life. Как си? Добре ли пътува? How are you? Did you have a good trip? How are you? Какви са другите ми опции? What other options do I have? What are my other options? Аз обичам твърдо сварени яйца. I love hard-boiled eggs. I like hard-boiled eggs. Осъзнах какво се случваше. I realized what was happening. I realized what was happening. Не ме забравяйте. Don't forget me. Don't forget me. Чух, че ме търсиш. I hear you've been looking for me. I heard you were looking for me. Мисля да стигна до края въпреки нейното несъгласие. I'm going to go through with it in spite of her opposition. I think I'll go to the end despite her disagreement. Не може всички новини да са лоши. The news can't all be bad. It can't be all bad news. Имаме нужда от помощ. We're in need of help. We need help. Те не говорят ли френски? Can't they speak French? Don't they speak French? И двете изглеждате много млади. You both seem very young. You both look very young. Бях принуден да излъжа. I was constrained to tell a lie. I was forced to lie. Тази е любимата камера на Том. This camera is Tom's favorite. This is Tom's favorite camera. Том ми открадна портфейла. Tom stole my wallet. Tom stole my wallet. Том нямаше много време. Tom didn't have much time. Tom didn't have much time. Тя сама е прочела всичките ми книги. She read all my books by herself. She read all my books herself. Том не прави грешки често. Tom doesn't often make mistakes. Tom doesn't make mistakes often. Досещам се колко е объркващо това за теб. I know how confusing this must be for you. I know how confusing this must be for you. Тя го презираше. She despised him. She despised him. Ти си шефът! You're the boss! You're the boss! Том също може да говори малко френски. Tom can also speak a little French. Tom can speak a little French, too. Трябва да си призная, че се бях разтревожил. I have to admit I was worried about it. I have to admit, I was worried. Не изглеждаш много щастлив да ме видиш. You don't seem too happy to see me. You don't seem too happy to see me. Може ли да отворя една консерва? Is it OK if I open a can? Can I open a can? Ученето на чужд език е интересно занимание. Learning a foreign language is interesting. Learning a foreign language is an interesting activity. Том е вярващ. Tom is a believer. Tom's a believer. Тази книга е твоя. This book is yours. This is your book. Звучи интересно. It sounds interesting. Sounds interesting. Приготвих списък. I've prepared a list. I've prepared a list. Аз вече не залагам. I don't gamble anymore. I don't gamble anymore. То е на брат ми. It belongs to my brother. It's my brother's. Тази рокля си струва парите. This dress is a good bargain. This dress is worth the money. Том си закопча ризата. Tom buttoned up his shirt. Tom buttoned his shirt. Не си спомням да съм изпращал писмото. I don't remember mailing the letter. I don't remember sending the letter. Защо той изглежда ядосан? Why does he look so black? Why does he look angry? Том говори на френски. Tom spoke French. Tom speaks French. Колко си гладна? How hungry are you? How hungry are you? Накарахме ги да запазят тишина. We kept them quiet. We made them stay quiet. Пристигнахме малко късно. We've arrived a little late. We got here a little late. Дори да загубя работата си, ще мога да се издържам от спестяванията си. I can fall back on my savings if I lose my job. Even if I lose my job, I can support myself from my savings. Което е наше, е наше. What's ours is ours. What's ours is ours. Имам същия брой книги, колкото има и той. I have the same number of books as he has. I have the same number of books as he does. Вчера валя дъжд. It rained yesterday. It rained yesterday. Искам да те обичам завинаги! I wanna love you forever! I want to love you forever! Мисля, че трябва да избереш Том. I think you should pick Tom. I think you should choose Tom. Аз ще ви дам пет долара. I'll give you five dollars. I'll give you five dollars. Мисля, че Том се справи наистина добре. I think Tom did a really nice job. I think Tom did really well. Аз съм преподавател. I am a teacher. I'm a teacher. Говоря ти като приятел. I'm speaking to you as a friend. I'm talking to you as a friend. Те бяха ужасени от новините. They were horror stricken at the news. They were terrified of the news. Носът ми е запушен. My nose is stuffed up. My nose is clogged. Силен съм колкото Вас. I am as strong as you. I'm as strong as you. Влез вътре. Go inside. Go inside. Том казва, че той е гладен. Tom says he's hungry. Tom says he's hungry. Аз съм стара приятелка. I'm an old friend. I'm an old friend. Това чадърът ти ли е? Is this your umbrella? Is that your umbrella? Възможно ли е пералнята да бъде поправена? Is it possible to repair the washing machine? Is it possible to fix the washing machine? Преди хората живееха на село. People used to live in villages. People used to live in the country. Аз искам да бъда учителка. I want to be a teacher. I want to be a teacher. Ти си луд да си купиш такова скъпо колело. You're crazy to buy such an expensive bike. You're crazy to buy such an expensive bike. Много съм самотен. I'm very lonely. I'm very lonely. Чаках един месец. I've waited for a month. I waited a month. Моля те, обясни ми правилата във футбола. Please explain the rules of soccer to me. Please explain to me the rules of football. Това е една наистина тъпа идея. That's a really stupid idea. It's a really stupid idea. Снощи беше забавно. Last night was fun. Last night was fun. Щастлив ли си? Are you happy? Are you happy? Има ли вода на Марс? Is there water on Mars? Is there water on Mars? Всичко е наред. All is well. It's okay. Том няма да е в банката по това време. Tom wouldn't be at the bank this time of day. Tom won't be at the bank at this hour. Аз не мисля, че наистина искаш да го направиш. I don't think you really want to do that. I don't think you really want to do this. Изглежда си постигнал значителен успех от последният път в който те видях. You seem to have made considerable progress since I saw you last. You seem to have achieved considerable success since the last time I saw you. Гарата е в центъра на града. The station is the middle of the city. The station's in the middle of town. Дори не си прави труда да идваш. Don't even bother coming. Don't even bother coming. И двамата са непредсказуеми и нетърпеливи. Both of them are unpredictable and impatient. They're both unpredictable and impatient. И аз така. Me, too. So do I. Не ми харесва как се държиш. I don't like the way you're acting. I don't like the way you're acting. Какво правим тук? What're we doing here? What are we doing here? Обекта е извън насочеността на това разследване. This subject is outside the scope of our inquiry. Subject is outside the scope of this investigation. Седнала си ми на мястото. You're in my seat. You're in my seat. Напълно прав си. You are quite right. You're absolutely right. Невъзможен си. You're impossible. You're impossible. Том каза, че ще дойдеш. Tom said you'd come. Tom said you'd come. Трябва да внимавате. You've got to be careful. You have to be careful. Мисля, че ще ни трябва помощта на Том. I think we're going to need Tom's help. I think we're gonna need Tom's help. Какво харесваше? What do you like? What did you like? Всичко ще бъде наред. Everything will be fine. It's gonna be okay. Почти нямам френски книги. I have hardly any French books. I barely have any French books. Въпреки че аз съм стар, вие сте все още млади. Though I am old, you are still young. Even though I'm old, you're still young. Да не забравяме, че Том не разбира френски. Let's not forget that Tom doesn't understand French. Let's not forget Tom doesn't understand French. Планирам да отида там I plan to go there. I plan to go there. Красива червеношийка кацна на перваза на моята стая. A pretty robin landed on my room's windowsill. A beautiful robin has landed on the ledge of my room. Обзалагам се, че ще бъдете чудесен баща. I bet you'll be a great father. I bet you'll make a great father. Лека нощ! Good night! Good night. Някой трябва да отиде за помощ. Somebody has to go for help. Someone's got to go get help. Твърдят, че свириш добре на банджо. I hear you're good at playing the banjo. They say you play a good banjo. И ти ли си ерген? Are you a bachelor, too? Are you single, too? Цените паднаха напоследък. Prices have dropped recently. Prices have fallen lately. Като говорим за пътешествия, били ли сте някога в Австралия? Speaking of travel, have you ever been to Australia? Speaking of trips, have you ever been to Australia? Том говори френски сравнително добре. Tom speaks French fairly well. Tom speaks French fairly well. Мислех, че е забавно. I thought it was fun. I thought it was funny. Виждала съм други хора да го правят. I've seen other people do it. I've seen other people do it. Имаше трийсет свидетели. There were 30 witnesses. There were 30 witnesses. Той прокле съдбата ѝ. He cursed her fate. He cursed her fate. Открих ключа под изтривалката. I found the key underneath the mat. I found the key under the mat. Доколкото разбирам, те ще се споразумеят с нас. I gather that they'll agree with us. As I understand it, they'll agree with us. Не е нужно да си измисляш причина, ако не искаш да дойдеш с нас. You don't have to make up an excuse if you don't want to go with us. You don't have to make up a reason if you don't want to come with us. Видях я да чисти стаята. I saw her clean the room. I saw her cleaning the room. Как си днес ? How are you doing today? How are you today? Аз наистина се интересувам. I really am interested. I'm really interested. Твоята книга е. It's your book. It's your book. Дочух разговора ти с Том. I overheard your conversation with Tom. I overheard you talking to Tom. Това е един проблем по-малко. That's one problem solved. That's one less problem. Том помоли Мери да вземе паста за зъби и тоалетна хартия от супера. Tom asked Mary to pick up some toothpaste and some toilet paper at the supermarket. Tom asked Mary to get toothpaste and toilet paper from the supermarket. Трябва да работиш усърдно. You should work hard. You have to work hard. Тази шапка не ми става. This hat doesn't fit me. This hat doesn't fit me. Каква е минималната заплата в ЮАР? What's the minimum salary in South Africa? What's the minimum wage in South Africa? Той е на диета, понеже е с леко наднормено тегло. He's on a diet because he is a little overweight. He's on a diet because he's slightly overweight. Сигурни ли сме, че искаме да назначим Том? Are we sure we want to hire Tom? Are we sure we want to hire Tom? Взимаш си нещо за пиене, пробиваш си път с лакти до шведската маса и ядеш като прасе! You take a drink, then you elbow to the buffet and eat like a pig! You get a drink, you make your way with elbows to the buffet and you eat like a pig! Тези технически термини са от гръцки произход. These technical terms derive from Greek. These technical terms are of Greek origin. Това не е проблем на Том. It's not Tom's problem. That's not Tom's problem. Дръж здраво ракетата. Hold the racket tight. Hold on tight to the missile. Отивайки си към вкъщи,я видях отново. Going home last night, I saw her again. Going home, I saw her again. Нейната коса е дълга. Her hair is long. Her hair is long. Сложих го в стаята ти. I put it in your room. I put it in your room. Мислех, че излизаш сериозно с Том. I thought you were going steady with Tom. I thought you were serious about Tom. Те повече няма да те притесняват. They won't bother you anymore. They won't bother you anymore. Аз не се мразя. I don't hate myself. I don't hate myself. Не давам уроци. I don't give lessons. I don't give lessons. Сега е твой ред. Now it's your turn. Now it's your turn. Обичаш ли майка си? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Мисля, че имаш нужда от почивка. I think you need some rest. I think you need a break. Том е нахален. Tom is insolent. Tom's insolent. Мисля, че това, което Том направи, беше много глупаво. I think what Tom did was very stupid. I think what Tom did was really stupid. Иска ми се да можех да говоря френски като носител на езика. I wish I could speak French like a native speaker. I wish I could speak French as a language bearer. Бих искал да си открия сметка. I'd like to open an account. I'd like to open an account. Чух те да говориш. I heard you talking. I heard you talking. Ние веднага станахме приятели. We immediately became friends. We became friends right away. Том прекара уикенда в къщата си на брега. Tom spent the weekend at his beach house. Tom spent the weekend at his beach house. Черното ти отива. Black suits you. Black looks good on you. Знаеш всичко за мен. You know everything about me. You know everything about me. Дай ми да помисля малко и ще се свържа с тебе. Let me think about it and I'll get back to you. Give me a second to think about it, and I'll get back to you. Те са интересни хора. They're interesting people. They're interesting people. Моля те, обаждай се от време на време. Please keep in touch. Please call me from time to time. Том провери джобовете на панталона си. Tom checked his pants pockets. Tom checked his pants pockets. Придържай се към фактите. Stick to the facts. Stick to the facts. Исках да си поговорим за оценките ти. I wanted to talk to you about your grades. I wanted to talk to you about your grades. Никой не беше ранен. Nobody was injured. No one was hurt. Това не е буквален превод, това е направо грешно. That isn't a literal translation, it's just plain wrong. It's not a literal translation, it's totally wrong. Забравих вашия номер. I forgot your number. I forgot your number. Колко пшеница това поле ражда? How much wheat does each field yield? How much wheat does this field give birth to? Не съм те виждала от три години. I haven't seen you in three years. I haven't seen you in three years. Сигурна ли си, че искаш да знаеш? Are you sure you want to know? Are you sure you want to know? Не можеш да го спреш да не пие. You can't prevent him from drinking. You can't stop him from drinking. Справяш се много добре. Давай все така. You are doing very well. Keep it up. You're doing very well. Прав ти път, крива ти пътечка. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Good riddance, you curved path. Ще ми дадеш ли огънче? Will you give me a light? Can I have a light? Той всеки път си пие кафето чисто. He drinks his coffee black every time. He drinks his coffee clean every time. Не разполагам с никаква информация за Том. I have no information on Tom. I don't have any information about Tom. Тя намери работа като машинописка. She found a job as a typist. She got a job as a typist. Остави на мен. Leave it to me. Leave it to me. Излъгали са те. You've been deceived. They lied to you. Трябва да отида да питам Том. I have to go ask Tom. I have to go ask Tom. Трябваше да работиш по-усърдно. You should have worked harder. You should have worked harder. Нейният пуловер е лилав. Her sweater is purple. Her sweater is purple. Сега, след като се регистрирах, какво трябва да правя? What do I have to do now that I'm registered? Now that I've checked in, what am I supposed to do? Ясно е, че американците не могат да разрешат дори собствените си проблеми, така че как изобщо си въобразяват, че са способни да се занимават с проблемите на останалия свят? It is clear that the Americans can't even solve their own problems, so how can they possibly think themselves capable of dealing with the rest of the world's problems? Clearly, Americans can't even solve their own problems, so how do they even think they're capable of dealing with the problems of the rest of the world? Говорете ясно, за да могат да Ви чуват всички. Speak clearly so that everyone may hear you. Speak clearly so that everyone can hear you. Аз имам гъдел. I'm ticklish. I'm ticklish. Отсега нататък ще уча по френски по-сериозно. I'll study French harder from now on. From now on, I'm going to study French more seriously. Имаш ли други въпроси? Do you have any other questions? Do you have any other questions? Вчера беше ужасно студено. It was terribly cold yesterday. It was awfully cold yesterday. Забравих да му предам съобщението. I forgot to give him the message. I forgot to give him the message. Завърших американска литература в колежа. I majored in American literature at college. I graduated American literature in college. Мамка му, забравих си камерата! Darn it, I forgot my camera! Shit, I forgot my camera! Бяхме се побъркали от притеснение. We were worried sick. We were worried out of our minds. Мисля, че ще останеш доволен. I think you'll be pleased. I think you'll be pleased. Тийнейджърите напуснаха. The teenagers left. Teenagers quit. Иска ми се да бях богат. I wish I were rich. I wish I was rich. Аз едва съм започнал. I've only just begun. I'm just getting started. Ако ви трябва нещо, просто се обадете. If you need anything, just call. If you need anything, just call. Не забравяйте, че утре е рождения ден на Том. Don't forget that it's Tom's birthday tomorrow. Don't forget it's Tom's birthday tomorrow. Научих доста неща. I learned quite a bit. I've learned a lot. Тя купи играчка за детето. She bought a toy for the kid. She bought a toy for the kid. Не получих отговор от тебе. Чудех се дали имейлът ми изобщо е стигнал до тебе. I have not heard from you. I was wondering if maybe my mail never got to you. I didn't get an answer from you, and I was wondering if my e-mail ever got to you. Тя решеше косата си пред огледалото. She was brushing her hair in front of a mirror. She was brushing her hair in front of the mirror. Том се опита да вземе ключовете си с пръстите на краката си. Tom tried to pick up his keys with his toes. Tom tried to get his keys with his toes. Метода му на преподаване е и добър и лош. His teaching method is both good and bad. His teaching method is good and bad. Чух версията на Том за това, какво се е случило. I heard Tom's side of the story. I heard Tom's story about what happened. Всичко, което искам, си ти. All I want is you. All I want is you. Търся малък куфар. I'm looking for a small suitcase. I'm looking for a small suitcase. Той стана свидетел на убийството. He witnessed the murder. He witnessed the murder. Утре летя за Бостън. I'm flying to Boston tomorrow. I'm flying to Boston tomorrow. Той даде ясно да се разбере, че няма нищо общо по въпроса. He made it clear that he had nothing to do with the matter. He made it clear that he had nothing to do with it. Обичам партита. I love parties. I love parties. Това е камерта, която купих вчера. This is the camera I bought yesterday. This is the camera I bought yesterday. Късите поли вече не са на мода. Short skirts are already out of fashion. Short skirts are out of style. Мисля, че ще ни трябва повече време. I think we're going to need more time. I think we're gonna need more time. Те ще се срещнат в хотела утре. They are going to meet at the hotel tomorrow. They're meeting at the hotel tomorrow. Извинете, колко са тези? Excuse me, how much are these? Excuse me, how many are these? Моля те, повтори го още веднъж. Please say it one more time. Please say it one more time. Така мисля. I think so. I think so. Много музеи не работят понеделник. Many museums are closed on Mondays. A lot of museums don't work Monday. Закараха Том в болницата да му промият стомаха, защото той яде нещо отровно. They took Tom to the hospital to have his stomach pumped because he ate something poisonous. They took Tom to the hospital to get his stomach pumped because he was eating something poisonous. Не ме карай да го правя. Don't make me do it. Don't make me do this. Ти си седнал на моето място. You're sitting in my seat. You're sitting in my seat. Да не дава Господ! God forbid! God forbid! Зеленото ти отива. Green suits you. Green looks good on you. Обзалагам се, че знаете френски. I bet you know French. I bet you know French. За вечеря Том заведе Мери на ресторант на брега на морето. Tom took Mary to a beachfront restaurant for dinner. For dinner, Tom took Mary to a restaurant on the beach. Не е нужно да плащаш за апартамента предварително. You don't have to pay for an apartment in advance. You don't have to pay for the apartment in advance. Хайде да играем тенис днес следобед. Let's play tennis this afternoon. Let's play tennis this afternoon. Колкото и да остаряваш, винаги можеш да се учиш. It doesn't matter how old you get, you can learn. No matter how old you get, you can always learn. В Сасаяма ли живеете? Do you live in Sasayama? Do you live in Sasayama? Ще ми се всичко, което Том каза , да беше лъжа. I wish everything Tom said was a lie. I wish everything Tom said was a lie. Какво ще бъде времето утре? What will the weather be like tomorrow? What's the weather going to be tomorrow? Има ли деца? Are there kids? Does he have any kids? Не отваряй онези прозорци. Don't open those windows. Don't open those windows. Винаги се наслаждавам, слушайки те как пееш. I always enjoy hearing you sing. I always enjoy listening to you sing. Можеш ли да дойдеш утре? Can you come tomorrow? Can you come back tomorrow? Убиецът можеше да бъде спрян. The killer could have been stopped. The killer could have been stopped. Не мислиш ли, че всичките ни политици са твърде стари? Don't you think that all our politicians are too old? Don't you think all our politicians are too old? Няма как да скрием този факт от нея. There is no disguising the fact from her. There's no way to hide that fact from her. Мисля, че не разбираш най-важното. I think you're missing the point. I don't think you understand the most important thing. Някои казват, че френският е един от най-красивите езици на света. Some people say that French is one of the most beautiful languages in the world. Some say that French is one of the most beautiful languages in the world. Обичам да правя снимки. I enjoy taking pictures. I love taking pictures. Ще ти платя. I'll pay you back. I'll pay you. Имаш ли кола? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? Обичаш ли френските вина? Do you like French wines? Do you like French wines? Трябва да спазваш обещанията си. You should keep your promise. You have to keep your promises. Том седна на един дънер. Tom sat on a log. Tom sat on a log. Момичетата танцуваха в салона. The girls danced in the gym. The girls were dancing in the gym. Тя е убедена, че синът ѝ е още жив. She is convinced that her son is still alive. She's convinced her son is still alive. Имаш ли някакви книги на френски? Do you have any books in French? Do you have any books in French? Накрая спрях пред старата къща и зърнах още веднъж града. At last he stopped before an old house, and caught another glimpse of the town. Finally, I stopped at the old house and saw the city again. Няма да виждаш нищо без фенерче. You won't be able to see anything without a flashlight. You won't see anything without a flashlight. Баща ми е малко старомоден. My father is a bit old-fashioned. My dad's a little old-fashioned. Засмях се на шегата му. I laughed at his joke. I laughed at his joke. Отговорът Ви е правилен. Your answer is correct. Your answer is correct. Тя написа писмо. She wrote a letter. She wrote a letter. Има много начини да се направи едно нещо. There are a lot of ways of doing it. There are many ways to do one thing. Както и да е, къде е Том? Where's Tom anyway? Anyway, where's Tom? Трябва да призная, че хъркам. I must admit that I snore. I have to admit, I snore. Използваме този инсектицид от 2 години. We have been using this insecticide for two years. We've been using this insecticide for two years. Ела да ми помогнеш. Come help me. Come help me. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш нищо? Are you sure you don't want anything? Are you sure you don't want anything? Моята сестра живее близо до Йокохама. My sister lives near Yokohama. My sister lives near Yokohama. О, много лошо! Oh! That's too bad. Oh, that's too bad! Автобусът пристигна празен. The bus arrived empty. The bus arrived empty. Ние трябва да продължим да помагаме на Том. We should continue helping Tom. We need to keep helping Tom. Майка ми има хубав почерк. My mother has good handwriting. My mother's got good handwriting. Кой ден обикновено си свободен? What day are you usually free? What day are you usually free? Том реши да отложи съвещанието. Tom decided to postpone the meeting. Tom decided to postpone the meeting. Том си закопча ризата и после си сложи вратовръзката. Tom buttoned up his shirt and then put on his tie. Tom buttoned his shirt and then put on his tie. Днес е много студено, нали? It's very cold today, isn't it? It's really cold today, isn't it? Няма да можеш да ни помогнеш. You won't be able to help us. You won't be able to help us. Тя е популярна, но не защото е красива, а защото се държи добре с всички. She's popular, not because she's beautiful, but because she's kind to everyone. She's popular, but not because she's beautiful, but because she's nice to everyone. Кен играе футбол всеки ден. Ken plays soccer every day. Ken plays football every day. Заповядай пак по всяко време. Come again any time. Come back anytime. Искам не чай, а кафе. What I want isn't tea, but coffee. I don't want tea. I want coffee. Адвокатите и автомобилните механиците са хората, на които вярвам най-малко. Lawyers and auto mechanics are the people I trust the least. Lawyers and car mechanics are the people I trust the least. Бихте ли изчакали отвън? Could you wait outside? Would you mind waiting outside? Можеш ли да ядеш сурови стриди? Can you eat raw oysters? Can you eat raw oysters? Какво ви попречи да работите? What prevented you from working? What stopped you from working? Кой е мениджърът? Who's the manager? Who's the manager? Какво питаш? What're you asking? What are you asking? Аз бях осъдена. I was convicted. I was convicted. Влакът изминаваше 500 мили за час. The train was going 500 miles per hour. The train was 500 miles per hour. Тя ми даде този компактдиск. She gave me this compact disc. She gave me this CD. Директорът обмисли възможността да уволни Том, но реши да не го прави. The boss considered firing Tom, but decided against it. The director considered firing Tom, but decided not to. Трябва да го съблека. I have to take it off. I have to take it off. Том седна до прозореца. Tom sat by the window. Tom sat by the window. Аз не мисля, че ти наистина искаш да го направиш. I don't think you really want to do that. I don't think you really want to do this. В по-голямата си част студентите бяха от Западния бряг. The students were for the most part from the West Coast. For the most part, the students were from the West Bank. Възможно ли е това да е любов? Could this be love? Is it possible that this is love? Ще го изям тук. I'll eat it here. I'll eat it here. Том има две деца. Tom has two children. Tom's got two kids. Полицията не трябва да взима подкупи. Police shouldn't take bribes. The police shouldn't take bribes. Бях в планината. I was in the mountains. I was in the mountains. Това е, което казах. That's what I said. That's what I said. Лъжеш, нали? You're lying, aren't you? You're lying, aren't you? Пътуващите през южна Германия ще видят ферми със слънчеви панели накъдето и да обърнат поглед. People driving through southern Germany will see farmhouses with solar panels everywhere they look. Travelers across southern Germany will see farms with solar panels wherever they look. Не гледайте в кутията. Don't look into the box. Don't look in the box. Тичате. You run. You're running. Чух телефона да звъни. I heard the telephone ringing. I heard the phone ring. Затова не мога да повярвам. That's why I cannot believe it. That's why I can't believe it. Той беше ядосан, че никой нищо не каза. He resented everyone's being very quiet. He was angry that no one said anything. Том е единственият ученик в нашия клас, който може да говори френски. Tom is the only student in our class who can speak French. Tom is the only student in our class who can speak French. Съжалявам, че обърках плановете ти. I'm sorry to upset your plans. I'm sorry I messed up your plans. Ще ви помоля да преведете този доклад на френски. I'd like you to translate this report into French. I'm going to have to ask you to translate this report into French. Никой не е объркан. No one's confused. No one's confused. Всички подскочиха. Everybody jumped. Everyone jumped. Много търговци бяха ограбени по време на размириците. Many businesses were plundered during the riots. Many merchants were robbed during the riots. Защо трябва да уча френски? Why should I learn French? Why do I have to learn French? Тя не е висока. She is not tall. She's not tall. Вярно е! It's true! It's true! Благодарни сме ти за помощта ти. We are grateful to you for your help. We appreciate your help. Откакто носим дрехи, ние не се познаваме. Ever since we've been wearing clothes, we haven't known one another. Since we've been wearing clothes, we don't know each other. Да започваме. Let's start. Let's get started. Той посети вуйчо си вчера. He visited his uncle yesterday. He visited his uncle yesterday. Том е по-нисък от средния ръст. Tom is shorter than average. Tom's lower than average height. Намерих ключа. I've found the key. I found the key. Знам, че това е важно. I know that this is important. I know this is important. Леля ми, която живее в Токио, ми изпрати красива блуза. My aunt, who lives in Tokyo, sent me a beautiful blouse. My aunt, who lives in Tokyo, sent me a beautiful blouse. Вкусно е. It is delicious. It's delicious. Имаш много приятели, които се тревожат за теб. You have many caring friends. You have a lot of friends who are worried about you. Нямам никакви моливи. I don't have any pencils. I don't have any pencils. Наитина Том не го познавам толкова добре. I really don't know Tom that well. I don't really know Tom that well. Сега ще ти кажа истината. I'll tell you the truth now. Now I'm gonna tell you the truth. Пияна си. You're drunk. You're drunk. Това отчасти е вярно. That's partly true. That's partly true. През последните десет години той живее тук. He has been living here these ten years. He's been living here for the last ten years. Имам чорапи, но нямам обувки. I have socks, but I have no shoes. I have socks, but I don't have shoes. Мамка му. Damn. Shit. Тя ми вика Кенджи. She calls me Kenji. She calls me Kenji. Имам информацията, която поискахте. I have the information you requested. I have the information you requested. По един мистериозен начин чувството за хумор е свързано с националните особености. The sense of humor is mysteriously bound up with national characteristics. In a mysterious way, a sense of humor is related to national peculiarities. Плуването е едно от нещата, които Том обича да прави. One of the things Tom enjoys doing is swimming. Swimming is one of the things Tom likes to do. Той ще се върне утре. He will be back tomorrow. He'll be back tomorrow. Забрави да нахрани кучето. He forgot to feed the dog. He forgot to feed the dog. Трябва да проуча нещата. I need to do some research. I need to look into it. Ще те гледам. I'll be watching you. I'll watch you. Някога исках да стана астрофизик. I once wanted to be an astrophysicist. I wanted to be an astrophysicist once. Том повърна кръв. Tom vomited blood. Tom threw up blood. Този фотоапарат е на Том. This camera is Tom's. That's Tom's camera. Лошо ми е. I feel sick. I'm sick. Наистина оценявам помощта ти. I really appreciate you helping me. I really appreciate your help. Аз купих червена вратовръзка. I bought a red tie. I bought a red tie. Искаш ли да го намаля малко? Would you like to turn it down a little? You want me to turn it down a little bit? Това е книга. That's a book. It's a book. Трябва да правя всичко, което Том ми каже. I have to do whatever Tom tells me to do. I have to do everything Tom tells me to do. Можеш да го направиш,давай,аз съм с теб. You can do it, let's go, I'm with you You can do it, go ahead, I'm with you. Спрял ли е Майк да пие? Has Mike quit drinking? Has Mike stopped drinking? Не се ли радваш да ме видиш? Aren't you happy to see me? Aren't you happy to see me? Наистина нямаше да успея без теб. I really couldn't have done this without you. I really couldn't have done it without you. Не съм ти ядосан, просто съм много разочарован. I'm not angry at you, just very disappointed. I'm not mad at you, I'm just very disappointed. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да те закарам вкъщи? Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home? Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home? С по-малката ми сестра по едно и също време ли заминахте? Did you leave at the same time as my younger sister? Did you and my younger sister leave at the same time? Мачът беше отложен за неизвестно време. The game has been indefinitely postponed. The match was postponed for a while. Брат му учи много. His brother studies very hard. His brother's been studying a lot. Кен е пристигнал в Киото. Ken has arrived in Kyoto. Ken has arrived in Kyoto. Виждала ли си Том? Have you seen Tom? Have you seen Tom? Иска ми се да бях по-висок. I wish I were taller. I wish I was taller. Много ли хора посещават музея? Is the museum visited by many people? Do many people visit the museum? Крадците ограбиха музея. Thieves plundered the museum. Thieves robbed the museum. Той е луд по теб. He's crazy about you. He's crazy about you. Идва му отвътре да говори на френски. It comes natural to him to speak French. It comes from the inside to speak French. Том помогна на Мери да си облече палтото. Tom helped Mary put her coat on. Tom helped Mary put her coat on. Онази книга за кабуки може да е скъпа. That book on kabuki might be expensive. That kabuki book could be expensive. Съжалявам. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Тази книга твоя ли е? Is this book yours? Is this your book? Аз винаги съм искал да уча френски. I've always wanted to study French. I've always wanted to learn French. Ще се обадиш ли на Том, или искаш аз да го направя? Are you going to call Tom or do you want me to? Are you gonna call Tom, or do you want me to call Tom? Не се плаши от Том. Don't let Tom scare you. Don't be scared of Tom. Той се облегна на лактите си. He leaned on his elbows. He leaned on his elbows. Каква е минималната заплата в Англия? What's the minimum salary in England? What's the minimum wage in England? Може би трябва да кажем на Том,че е противен. Maybe we should tell Tom that he's being obnoxious. Maybe we should tell Tom he's disgusting. Каква е минималната заплата в Нова Зеландия? What's the minimum salary in New Zealand? What's the minimum wage in New Zealand? Спазарявам се с него за цената. I make a bargain with him over the price. I'm negotiating with him for the price. Ти можеш да говориш френски, нали? You can speak French, can't you? You can speak French, can't you? Баща ми пуши рядко. My father seldom smokes. My father rarely smokes. Напразните му опити да я съблазни, му показаха че е сбъркал адреса; тя беше майка на две дечица. His vain efforts to seduce her showed he was barking up the wrong tree; she was a mother of two tots. His vain attempts to seduce her, showed him that he had the wrong address: she was the mother of two children. Изгубих го. I lost it. I lost him. Тя направи куклата за мен. She made the doll for me. She made the doll for me. Какво има в бутилката? What's in the bottle? What's in the bottle? Чух всичко, което ти току-що каза. I heard everything you just said. I heard everything you just said. Ние сме сродни души. We're soul mates. We're soul mates. Шефката е много разстроена. The boss is very upset. The boss is very upset. Това не променя нищо. That doesn't change a thing. It doesn't change anything. Аз имам среща с него по обед. I have an appointment with him at noon. I'm meeting him at noon. В поканата пишеше, че ще има пуканки и безалкохолни напитки. The invitation said that popcorn and soft drinks would be served. The invitation said there'd be popcorn and soft drinks. Том изглежда блед. Tom looks pale. Tom looks pale. Дано това да помогне. I hope that helps. I hope this helps. Какво открихте? What have you discovered? What did you find? Мисля, че трябва да се махнем от тук. I think we should get out here. I think we should get out of here. Работил съм с Том дълго време. I've worked with Tom a long time. I've worked with Tom for a long time. Той е много по-стар от Кен. He is much older than Ken. He's much older than Ken. Къде са душовете? Where are the showers? Where are the showers? Майк бяга много бързо вчера. Mike ran very fast yesterday. Mike ran really fast yesterday. Имате ли Европейска здравноосигурителна карта? Do you have a European health insurance card? Do you have a European Health Insurance Card? Нито една от топките не е жълта. None of the balls are yellow. None of the balls are yellow. Познавам един човек, с когото трябва да се запознаеш. I have someone you should meet. I know someone you should meet. Бях груб. I was impolite. I was rude. Куала Лумпур си струва да се посети. Kuala Lumpur is worth visiting. Kuala Lumpur is worth a visit. Не успях да ги накарам да ме разберат. I couldn't make myself understood. I couldn't make them understand me. И ти ли говориш френски? Can you speak French, too? You speak French, too? Съвсем наскоро започнах да уча френски, така че не съм много добра. I've just started to learn French, so I'm not very good at it yet. Just recently, I started learning French, so I'm not very good. Тези ръкавици принадлежат на Том. These gloves belong to Tom. These gloves belong to Tom. Kъде е входа ? Where's the entrance? Where's the entrance? Том се опитва да получи отговор от Мери. Tom tried to elicit a response from Mary. Tom's trying to get an answer from Mary. Едно момче, не по-голямо от пет години, попита Том как да стигне до пощата. A young boy, who couldn't have been more than five years old, asked Tom how to get to the post office. A boy, no older than five years, asked Tom how to get to the post office. Том все още живее с родителите си. Tom still lives with his parents. Tom still lives with his parents. Понякога ги срещаме. We sometimes meet them. Sometimes we meet them. Мисля, че Том спи. I think Tom is asleep. I think Tom's asleep. Това експлозиви ли са? Are those explosives? Are those explosives? Ако не искаш да бъдеш сама, мога да ти правя компания. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. Ан няма сестри. Ann doesn't have any sisters. Anne doesn't have any sisters. Том има малки ръце. Tom has small hands. Tom's got little hands. Той пристигна два дни по-рано. He arrived two days previously. He arrived two days earlier. Хубаво пътуване ли беше? Was it a nice trip? Was it a good trip? Той ми направи костюм. He made me a suit. He made me a suit. Мъжете правят къщи, жените – домове. Men make houses, women make homes. Men make houses, women make homes. Къде е тоалетната ? Where is the bathroom? Where's the bathroom? Обикновено се прибират преди нас. They usually get home later than us. They usually come home before us. Не знам какво да кажа. I just don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. Аз съм твоят брат. I'm your brother. I'm your brother. Няма да мога да пренеса Том по моста. I won't be able to carry Tom across the bridge. I won't be able to carry Tom over the bridge. Ако бях на твое място, бих подал молба за тази работа. Were I you, I would apply for the job. If I were you, I'd apply for this job. Пациентът беше изписан от болницата. The patient was discharged from hospital. The patient was discharged from the hospital. Интернет връзката ми е бавна. My internet connection is slow. My Internet connection is slow. Трябва да продължим да работим. We must continue working. We have to keep working. Побързай! Ще закъснеем. Hurry up! We'll be late. Hurry up, we're gonna be late. Колко дълго трябва да чакаш? How long will you have to wait? How long do you have to wait? По-умен съм от Вас. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you. Бях очарован от оперното ѝ пеене. I was fascinated by her opera singing. I was fascinated by her opera singing. Ще го намериш. You'll find one. You'll find him. Не се влюбвайте в мен. Don't fall in love with me. Don't fall in love with me. Кой е при Том сега? Who's with Tom now? Who's with Tom now? Концертът му беше много добър. His concert was very good. His concert was very good. Пристигна друго множество туристи. Another lot of tourists arrived. Another crowd of tourists has arrived. Вратата щракна и се затвори. The door clicked shut. The door clicked and closed. Аз съм гладен! I'm hungry! I'm hungry! С Том е лесно да се разговаря. Tom is easy to talk to. It's easy to talk to Tom. Братята близнаци си приличат напълно. The twin brothers look exactly alike. The twins are totally alike. Не се мотай с Том. Don't hang out with Tom. Don't hang out with Tom. Не разбрах смешката. I didn't get his joke. I didn't get the joke. Бас ловя, че го знаеш. I bet you know this. I bet you know that. Студено е. It is cold. It's cold. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да дойдем с тебе? Are you sure you don't want us to go with you? Are you sure you don't want us to come with you? Дръж си устата затворена. Keep your mouth shut. Keep your mouth shut. Би ли повторил това, ако обичаш? Could you repeat that, please? Could you say that again, please? Колко пари имате? How much money do you have? How much money do you have? А, аз бях болен. Oh, I was ill. And I was sick. Имам много лоши новини. I have some very bad news. I have some very bad news. Виждал ли си нецензурираната версия? Have you seen the uncensored version? Have you seen the uncensored version? Като се има предвид колко време уча френски, би трябвало да мога да го говоря по-добре. Considering how long I've been studying French, I should be able to speak it better. Considering how long I've been learning French, I should be able to speak it better. Нека те запозная с Том. Let me introduce you to Tom. Let me introduce you to Tom. Трябва да си призная, че съм малко нервен. I have to admit I'm a little anxious. I have to admit, I'm a little nervous. Искаш ли да купиш риза? Do you want to buy a shirt? You want to buy a shirt? Мисля, че имате право да не пускате Том да отиде. I think you're right not to let Tom go. I think you have the right not to let Tom go. Том прие поканата да посети празненството на Мери. Tom accepted the invitation to attend Mary's party. Tom accepted the invitation to attend Mary's party. Няма да сте само вие там. You won't be the only one there. You won't be the only one there. Чух какво казаха. I heard what was said. I heard what they said. Тази история завършва щастливо. The story ends happily. This story ends happily. Яд ме е на себе си. I'm mad at myself. I'm mad at myself. Това е направено саморъчно от Том. This is Tom's handiwork. This was made by Tom himself. Няма да повярвате какви неща изхвърлят хората. You wouldn't believe the stuff people throw away. You wouldn't believe the things people throw away. Спрях да пуша за една година. I gave up smoking for a year. I stopped smoking for a year. Не носи много багаж, когато пътуваш. Don't carry too much baggage when you travel. Don't bring much luggage when you're traveling. Имам тук снимката на Том. I have Tom's picture right here. I got Tom's picture right here. Не съм ти казала всичко. I haven't told you everything. I haven't told you everything. Функционират и двете. They both work. They're functioning both. Том не е добре дошъл тук. Tom isn't welcome here. Tom's not welcome here. Обвини я, че го е излъгала. He accused her of having lied to him. She accused her of lying to him. Няма смисъл да се заблуждаваш,знаеш,че тя си играе игрички с теб. There is no point in deluding yourself; you know it well that she's just playing games with you. There's no point in fooling yourself, you know she's playing games with you. Джордж е много ентусиазиран за новата си работа. George is very enthusiastic about his new job. George is very enthusiastic about his new job. Беше забавно. It was amusing. It was fun. Той даде фотоапарата си на неговия приятел. He gave his camera to his friend. He gave his camera to his friend. Трябва да му бъде дадено преимущество пред останалите. He should be given preference over the others. He needs to be given an advantage over the others. Преметнах те. I tricked you. I double-crossed you. Вземи го с вас. Bring him along. Take him with you. Изчакай само за момент. Wait just a moment. Just hold on a second. Плувам по веднъж седмично. I swim once a week. I swim once a week. Чаках час и половина. I waited for an hour and a half. I waited an hour and a half. Той ми се подигра публично. He made fun of me in public. He made fun of me publicly. Крушката изгоря. The light bulb burned out. The light bulb's on fire. Том работеше много усърдно. Tom worked very hard. Tom worked very hard. Колко пари ви трябват? How much money do you need? How much money do you need? А, бях болна. Oh, I was ill. Ah, I was sick. На позиция сме. We're in position. We're in position. Смали го. Make it smaller. You narrowed it down. Какво ще кажеш да вечеряме заедно? How about having dinner together? What do you say we have dinner together? Мисля, че ме излъга. I think you lied to me. I think you lied to me. Това е невероятно. This is incredible. That's amazing. Къде е автобусният терминал? Where is the bus terminal? Where's the bus terminal? Ако не беше заради мен, Том не би бил тук. Tom wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me. If it wasn't for me, Tom wouldn't be here. Това е снимката, която направих на Томовата къща. This is the picture I took of Tom's house. This is the picture I took of Tom's house. Това не е наш проблем. That's not our problem. That's not our problem. Никога не съм говорил на френски на Том. I've never spoken French to Tom. I never spoke to Tom in French. Всички приемахме за дадено, че Том може да говори френски. We all took it for granted that Tom could speak French. We all assumed that Tom could speak French. Том се върна обратно вътре. Tom went back inside. Tom went back inside. На кого говори Том? Who's Tom talking to? Who's Tom talking to? Бих искал да науча нещо повече за музеите. I would like some information about museums. I'd like to learn more about museums. Тази риза има нужда да бъде изпрана. This shirt needs to be washed. This shirt needs to be washed. Няма да повярваш. You wouldn't believe it. You're not gonna believe this. Търся си къща. I'm looking for a house. I'm looking for a house. Не се чувствам добре. I don't feel good. I don't feel well. Защо подрани? Why did you come early? Why are you early? Той реши да отиде в чужбина. He decided to go abroad. He decided to go abroad. Не те обвинявам. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Аз съм нощна птица. I'm a night owl. I'm a night owl. Радвам се, че мислите така. I'm glad you think so. I'm glad you think so. Мери прилича на майка си. Mary looks like her mother. Mary looks like her mother. Ти си съгласен с Том, нали? You agree with Tom, don't you? You agree with Tom, don't you? Прави каквото искаш; но аз ще го възпрепятствам, ако мога. Do what you want, but I'll stop it, if I can. Do what you want; but I will hinder him if I can. Може би трябва да кажете на Том. Maybe you should tell Tom. Maybe you should tell Tom. Трябва да се доверя на Том. I have to trust Tom. I need to trust Tom. Мисля през ваканцията да се науча да плувам. I am going to learn to swim over the holiday. I think I'll learn how to swim on vacation. Накъде е плажът. Which way is the beach? Which way is the beach? Джайънтс играят ли тази вечер? Are the Giants playing tonight? Are the Giants playing tonight? Имам чувството, че той няма да ми позволи да се откача толкова лесно. I have a feeling he's not going to let me off the hook that easily. I feel like he's not gonna let me get off so easily. След малко ще стане 5:30. It will be 5:30 presently. It'll be 5:30 in a minute. Училището започва в осем и половина. School begins at eight-thirty. School starts at eight and a half. Том се къпе. Tom is taking a bath. Tom's taking a bath. Плажът е недалеч от тук. The beach isn't far from here. The beach is not far from here. Кен прескочи стената. Ken jumped over the wall. Ken jumped the wall. Горната част на планината е покрита със сняг. The upper part of the mountain is covered with snow. The upper part of the mountain is covered in snow. Една прегръдка от тебе ще ме направи щастлива. A hug from you would make me happy. A hug from you will make me happy. Кога ще тръгваш? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Аз съм точно зад него. I'm right behind him. I'm right behind him. Моят най-добър приятел е една книга. My best friend is a book. My best friend is a book. Точно до плажа има един наистина добър ресторант, който мисля, че ще ви хареса. There is a really good restaurant just off the beach that I think you'd enjoy. There's a really good restaurant right next to the beach that I think you're gonna like. Какво Ви накара да мислите така? What made you think so? What made you think that? Идвам. I'm coming. I'm coming. Той изпусна последния влак. He missed the last train. He missed the last train. Погледнах изображението. I looked at the picture. I looked at the image. Нямахте друг избор, освен да я чакате. There was nothing for it but to wait for her. You had no choice but to wait for her. Напълно те изтрих от паметта си. I forgot all about you. I completely erased you from my memory. Още не съм казала "не". I haven't said no yet. I haven't said no yet. Не е толкова дълбок. It's not that deep. It's not that deep. Не съм пациент. I'm not a patient. I'm not a patient. На френски ли мислиш? Do you think in French? Are you thinking French? Никога не съм те виждала толкова нервен. I've never seen you look so nervous. I've never seen you so nervous. Каква е минималната заплата в Литва? What's the minimum salary in Lithuania? What is the minimum wage in Lithuania? Ето я болницата, в която съм се родил. Here is the hospital where I was born. Here's the hospital I was born in. Който сее ветрове, ще жъне бури. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. Whoever sows winds will reap storms. Според данните от последното преброяване, общото население на страната е малко над 7 милиона души. Latest census data shows that the total population of the country is slightly above 7 million people. According to the latest census, the total population of the country is just over 7 million people. Временните мерки няма да имат никакъв ефект върху наркотичната зависимост. Stopgap measures won't make a dent in drug addiction. Temporary measures will have no effect on drug dependence. Не знам къде съм оставил ключовете. I don't know where I've left the keys. I don't know where I left the keys. Между другото, напоследък да си се чувал с него? By the way, have you heard from him lately? By the way, have you heard from him lately? Осъден на смърт. Condemned to death. Sentenced to death. Искам да разговарям с тебе за нещо друго. I want to talk to you about something else. I want to talk to you about something else. Том не може да говори френски, нали? Tom can't speak French, can he? Tom can't speak French, can he? Аз нямам нищо. I have nothing. I don't have anything. Поне веднъж мисли с главата си. Use your head for a change. Think with your head for once. Реших, че може да си гладен. I thought you might be hungry. I thought you might be hungry. Това е началото на нова ера. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Трябва да си сложа обувките. I have to put my shoes on. I have to put my shoes on. Чат-пат си мисля за това. I think about that from time to time. I'm thinking about it. Нищо друго ли нямаш? Don't you have anything else? Don't you have anything else? Мисля, че си удивителен. I think you're amazing. I think you're amazing. Защо не вдигнеш? Why don't you answer? Why don't you answer it? Не съм единствената, която харесва Том. I'm not the only one who likes Tom. I'm not the only one Tom likes. Най-накрая спечелих неговото сърце. I have finally won his heart. I finally won his heart. Трябваше да се подчиним на тяхната молба. We had to yield to their request. We had to obey their request. Избери тази, която харесваш. Choose the one you like. Pick the one you like. Съвсем скоро ще знаем. We'll know soon enough. We'll know soon enough. Изглеждаш изморен, затова си легни рано. You look tired, so you should go to bed early. You look tired, so go to bed early. Това си беше направо глупаво. That was just plain stupid. That was stupid. Скоро ще сме заедно. We'll soon be together. We'll be together soon. Нямам какво да предложа. I have nothing to offer. I have nothing to offer. Говоря със служителите си на френски. I speak French to my staff. I'm talking to my employees in French. Това е снимка на сестра ми. That's a photo of my sister. It's a picture of my sister. Том трудно се оправя с хора като Мери. Tom has trouble dealing with people like Mary. Tom's hard to deal with people like Mary. Всичките съм ги пробвала. I've tried them all. I've tried them all. Той ѝ даде един съвет. He gave her a piece of advice. He gave her some advice. Стаята беше толкова опушена, че трудно можех да дишам. The room was so full of smoke that I could hardly breathe. The room was so smoky, I could hardly breathe. Мери и Джейн са братовчедки. Mary and Jane are cousins. Mary and Jane are cousins. Той със сигурност те обича. He must love you. He sure loves you. Изгубих жена си миналата година. I lost my wife last year. I lost my wife last year. Изглежда тя малко не се чувства добре. It looks like she is a little under the weather. Looks like she's a little out of it. Спот също ли отиде? Did Spot go, too? Did Spot go, too? Обещавам да го върна. I promise I'll bring it right back. I promise I'll bring him back. Имам роднини в Бостън. I have relatives in Boston. I have family in Boston. Махайте се! Go away! Get out! Том носи шлифер. Tom is wearing a trench coat. Tom's wearing a raincoat. Не ме гледайте! Don't look at me! Don't look at me! Недей да бъдеш разочарован. Don't be disappointed. Don't be disappointed. Трябва да отида да говоря с Том. I have to go talk to Tom. I need to go talk to Tom. Какво ще кажеш да учим заедно в библиотеката? How about studying together in the library? How about we study together in the library? Имам работа, която трябва да свърша. I have work that must be done. I have work to do. Предложението за работа още е в сила. The job offer still stands. The job offer still stands. На ризата ти ѝ липсва едно копче. Your shirt has a button missing. Your shirt is missing a button. Трябва да изляза за малко. I've got to get away for a while. I have to go out for a while. Зеленото ви отива. Green suits you. Green looks good on you. Стискайте палци. Cross your fingers. Fingers crossed. Бих искала да купя колата, която продаваш, но в момента нямам достатъчно пари. I'd like to buy the car you're selling, but I don't have enough money right now. I'd love to buy the car you're selling, but right now I don't have enough money. Може ли аз да я видя тази? Can I see this one? Can I see this one? Вуйчо ми ми даде този часовник. My uncle gave me this watch. My uncle gave me this watch. Истинското приятелство е завинаги. A true friendship will last forever. True friendship is forever. Том е свикнал да работи на открито. Tom is accustomed to working outside. Tom's used to working outdoors. Том натисна спусъка. Tom pulled the trigger. Tom pulled the trigger. Том и Мери са пияни. Tom and Mary are drunk. Tom and Mary are drunk. Игра ли тенис вчера? Did you play tennis yesterday? Did you play tennis yesterday? Шегуваш се! You're kidding! You're kidding! Да се върнем. Let's come back. Let's go back. Качвам се на автобуса. I'm getting on the bus. I'm getting on the bus. Том учи френски всеки ден. Tom studies French every day. Tom learns French every day. В този магазин се занимават с кухненски пособия. At that shop they deal in kitchen utensils. They're in this shop with kitchen supplies. Мисля, че направи правилния избор. I think you made the right choice. I think you made the right choice. Том не отговори веднага. Tom didn't answer right away. Tom didn't answer right away. От теб се очаква да свършиш добра работа. You are expected to do a good job. You're supposed to do a good job. На колко години е синът ви? How old's your son? How old is your son? Момичето, което работи в онази пекарна, е симпатично. The girl who works at that bakery is cute. The girl who works at that bakery is cute. Моля те, налей ми още една чашка кафе. Please give me another cup of coffee. Please pour me another cup of coffee. Алис може би ще дойде. Alice may possibly come. Alice might be coming. Как го правиш? How do you do it? How do you do it? Прекарах си хубаво. That was a good time. I had a good time. Ще остана до вдругиден. I'll stay until the day after tomorrow. I'll stay the day after tomorrow. Аз не обичам изкуствените цветя. I don't like artificial flowers. I don't like artificial flowers. Не съм виновна аз. I'm not at fault. It's not my fault. Някой от твоя екип говори ли френски? Does anyone on your team speak French? Does anyone on your team speak French? Изглежда, че ще започне да вали сняг. It looks like it's going to snow. Looks like it's about to start snowing. Никога не съм виждал подобен. I've never seen one like that. I've never seen anything like it. Ела веднага щом можеш. Come as soon as you can. Come as soon as you can. Никога не съм се качвал на връх Фуджи. I've never climbed Mt. Fuji. I've never been to Mount Fuji. Ти не играеш голф, нали? You don't play golf, do you? You don't play golf, do you? Том не работи вече. Tom doesn't work anymore. Tom's not working anymore. Вероятно не е нищо важно. It's probably nothing. It's probably nothing important. Лъвът е царят на джунглата. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. Том скочи. Tom jumped. Tom jumped. Каква е минималната заплата във Франция? What's the minimum salary in France? What's the minimum wage in France? Забравих ѝ името. I forgot her name. I forgot her name. Този политически проблем предизвика разгорещени дебати. This political problem gave rise to hot discussions. This political problem has sparked heated debates. Изяждайте по една жива жаба всяка сутрин и през целия остатък от деня няма да ви се случи нищо по-лошо. Eat a live frog every morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. Eat a live frog every morning and for the rest of the day nothing worse will happen to you. Том няма да се зарадва да те види. Tom won't be happy to see you. Tom won't be happy to see you. Безработицата расте. Unemployment is rising. Unemployment is growing. Миналата нощ не можах да мигна. Last night I did not get a wink of sleep. I couldn't sleep last night. Русия губи 20 милиона души по време на Втората Световна Война. Russia lost 20 million people during World War II. Russia lost 20 million people during World War II. Не съм искала да нараня ничии чувства. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. Нанси се усмихва. Nancy seldom smiles. Nancy's smiling. Ако ще ходиш във Франция, трябва да си опресниш френския. If you're going to go to France, you should brush up on your French. If you're going to France, you need to refresh your French. Разбирам какво казваш. I understand what you're saying. I understand what you're saying. Никога не съм имал доверие на Том. I've never trusted Tom. I never trusted Tom. Учим френски в училище. We learn French at school. We learn French at school. Той самият каза така. He himself said so. That's what he said. Сигурнa съм, че си много заетa. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Направи го сега. Do it now. Do it now. Няма да мога да ти кажа какво е станало. I won't be able to tell you about what happened. I won't be able to tell you what happened. Мисля, че трябва да се откажете. I think you should quit. I think you should give it up. Моля ви, имайте търпене. Please have patience. Please have patience. Шегата ти стига твърде далеч. You are carrying your joke a bit too far. Your joke goes too far. Днес си прекарах много добре. I had a very good time today. I had a really good time today. Христофор Колумб пил нефилтрирана морска вода. Christopher Columbus drank unfiltered seawater. Christopher Columbus drank unfiltered seawater. Искам да бъда учител по френски. I'd like to be a French teacher. I want to be a French teacher. Радвам се, че това не ми трябва. I'm glad I don't need that. I'm glad I don't need this. Всички са гладни. Everyone's hungry. Everyone's hungry. Японците имат черни очи. The Japanese have dark eyes. The Japanese have black eyes. Том е професионален бейзболист. Tom is a professional baseball player. Tom's a professional baseball player. На Том му се искаше още да е необвързан. Tom wished he were still single. Tom wanted to be still single. Имам три деца. I have three kids. I have three children. Остави ме да спя още десет минути. Let me sleep for another ten minutes. Let me sleep for ten more minutes. Вуйчо ми ми даде часовника. My uncle gave me the watch. My uncle gave me the watch. Всички коне са животно, но не всички животни са коне. All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. Сигурен съм, че Том не те мрази. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. Миналата седмица ядох пица всеки ден. I ate pizza every day last week. Last week I had pizza every day. Обещавам да го донеса обратно. I promise I'll bring it right back. I promise I'll bring it back. Изпратих Том вкъщи. I sent Tom home. I sent Tom home. Имаш ли някаква дъвка? Do you have any gum? Do you have any gum? Явно си в грешка. Clearly you are mistaken. You must have made a mistake. Дъщеря му е станала хубава жена. His daughter has become a pretty woman. His daughter has become a beautiful woman. Сигурни ли сте, че не искате да дойдете? Are you sure you don't want to come? Are you sure you don't want to come? Напълни го. Fill it up. Fill it up. Том е на бюрото си, пише нещо. Tom is at his desk writing something. Tom's on his desk, he's writing something. Искате ли кафе? Would you like some coffee? Would you like some coffee? Ще ти се обадя за Том. I'll get back to you about Tom. I'll call you about Tom. Отворих си чекова сметка. I opened a checking account. I opened a checking account. Той беше тук по това време. He was here at that time. He was here at the time. Веднага си сложих обувките. I put on my shoes at once. I put my shoes on right away. Той се почувства неудобно в присъствието на баща си. He felt uneasy in his father's presence. He felt uncomfortable in the presence of his father. Развързали са ти се обувките. Your shoes are untied. Your shoes are untied. Том не трябва да бъде тук. Tom can't be here. Tom shouldn't be here. Той си свали палтото. He took off his coat. He took off his coat. Мога да плувам в реката. I can swim in the river. I can swim in the river. Всеки ден ли се занимаваш с френски? Do you study French every day? Do you do French every day? Не вдигай толкова шум, моля те. Don't be so noisy, please. Don't make so much noise, please. Ти си доста добър по френски, нали? You're pretty good at French, aren't you? You're pretty good at French, aren't you? Аз съм изключително зает. I'm extremely busy. I'm extremely busy. Никой не считаше неговите думи за важни. No one conceived his words to be important. No one thought his words were important. Това е странен проблем. That's a strange problem. It's a strange problem. Това не го разбирам. I don't get this. I don't understand that. На какво място живееш ? OK, what kind of place do you live at? What place do you live in? Не знаех какво да правя. I didn't know what to do next. I didn't know what to do. Време е да обядваме. It's time to eat lunch. It's time for lunch. Толкова съм щастлив, че дойде. I'm so happy you came. I'm so happy you came. Още не съм допуснал грешка. I haven't made a mistake yet. I haven't made a mistake yet. Том получи шестица. Tom got an A. Tom got an A. За тебе го направих. I made this for you. I did it for you. Виждала съм Ви някъде. I've seen you someplace. I've seen you somewhere. Те ще играят баскетбол след училище. They are going to play baseball after school. They're playing basketball after school. Онези дрехи ти стоят добре. Those clothes suit you well. Those clothes look good on you. Нямаше как да откажа. I couldn't refuse. I couldn't say no. Това е изненадващо. This is surprising. That's surprising. Чух някой да влиза. I heard someone come in. I heard someone come in. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да дойдеш довечера? Are you sure you don't want to come tonight? Are you sure you don't want to come tonight? С автобус ли ходиха до музея? Did they go to museum by bus? Did they take a bus to the museum? Трябва да обсъдя нещо лично с Вас. I have something personal to discuss with you. I need to discuss something in person with you. Той беше транспортиран до болницата с хеликоптер. He was transported to the hospital by helicopter. He was transported to the hospital by helicopter. Когато Том се събуди, той откри, че Мери беше изчезнала. When Tom woke up, he found that Mary had vanished. When Tom woke up, he found out Mary was missing. Шия си ризата. I am sewing my shirt. I'm sewing my shirt. Идвате ли? Are you coming? Are you coming? Не ме прекъсвай! Don't interrupt me! Don't interrupt me! Играх с Тони вчера. I played with Tony yesterday. I played with Tony yesterday. Джил е сгодена за Джак. Jill is engaged to Jack. Jill's engaged to Jack. Пожелавам ти късмет. I wish you good luck. Good luck to you. Той беше сам вкъщи. He was alone in the house. He was home alone. В есперанто съществителните завършват на "о". Множествено число се образува, като се добави "j". In Esperanto, nouns end in "o". The plural is formed by adding a "j". In Esperanto the nouns end in "o". A plural is formed by adding "j". Том иска да стане лекар, когато порасне. Tom wants to be a doctor when he grows up. Tom wants to be a doctor when he grows up. Няма ли да получа прегръдка? Don't I get a hug? Don't I get a hug? Аз съм по-стар от който и да било друг ученик от моя клас. I'm older than any other student in my class. I'm older than any other student in my class. Аз купувам касети. I buy tapes. I buy tapes. Ще имаме нужда от помощта на Том. We'll need Tom's help. We're gonna need Tom's help. Колко е висок брат ти? How tall is your brother? How tall is your brother? Ела ни на гости. Come and see us. Come visit us. Ще ми разкажеш ли нещо за себе си? Could you tell me something about yourself? Can you tell me something about yourself? Джейн има сериозни неприятности. Jane is in serious trouble. Jane's in serious trouble. Беше перфектен ден. It was a perfect day. It was a perfect day. Не съм си взимала душ от три дена. I haven't taken a shower in three days. I haven't showered in three days. Триъгълниците нямат четири ъгъла. Triangles don't have four angles. Triangles don't have four angles. Сигурен ли си, че искаш да знаеш? Are you sure you want to know? Are you sure you want to know? Приемам предложението ти. I agree to your proposal. I accept your offer. Каква е минималната заплата в Румъния? What's the minimum salary in Romania? What is the minimum wage in Romania? Брайън остави вратата отворена. Brian left the door open. Brian left the door open. Том, събуди се. Tom, wake up. Tom, wake up. Как ще се прибереш? How are you going to get home? How are you gonna get home? Аз мия дрехите ми. I wash my clothes. I wash my clothes. Чувал съм, че френският е труден език. I've heard that French is a difficult language. I've heard French is a difficult language. Не съм се нахранил съвсем I haven't quite finished eating. I haven't really eaten. Скоро ще престанеш да мислиш за нея. You will soon cease to think of her. Soon you'll stop thinking about her. Дай да погледна. Let me look into it. Let me see. Виждала съм ви да правите невероятни неща. I've seen you do amazing things. I've seen you do amazing things. Том работи за една голяма фирма. Tom works for a large firm. Tom works for a big firm. Поздравете вашите приятелки. Say hello to your friends. Say hello to your friends. Да попитаме. Let's ask. Let's ask. Качи се горе и си лягай. Go upstairs and go to bed. Go upstairs and go to bed. Хайде, докосни го. Come on, touch it. Come on, touch it. Това ми е работата. It's my job. It's my job. Не пипай топката на вратата. Don't touch that doorknob. Don't touch the ball on the door. Колко години си учил френски? How many years have you studied French? How many years did you learn French? Карол се върна в хотела си. Carol returned to her hotel. Carol went back to her hotel. Харесва ли ти този цвят? Do you like this color? Do you like this color? Моля Ви, бъдете кратък. Please be brief. Please be brief. Още не съм го видял. I haven't seen it yet. I haven't seen him yet. Планината е покрита със сняг. The mountain is covered with snow. The mountain is covered in snow. Да се махаме. Let's leave. Let's get out of here. Мамка му, забравих си фотоапарата! Darn it, I forgot my camera! Shit, I forgot my camera! Слезе от влака. He got off the train. He got off the train. Мери излиза с двама едновременно. Mary is dating two different guys at the same time. Mary's dating two at the same time. Още няма и помен от Том. There's still no sign of Tom. There's still no sign of Tom. Подай ми го на мене. Pass it to me. Give it to me. Успя ли да свършиш всичко, което искаше? Were you able to do everything you wanted to get done? Did you manage to do everything you wanted? Ще трябва да изчакаш и да видиш. You will have to wait and see. You're gonna have to wait and see. Бях събудена в пет часа. I was awakened at five o'clock. I was woken up at five o'clock. Боях се, че може да съм закъснял. I was afraid I might be late. I was afraid I might be late. Том казва, че може да се свързва с мъртвите. Tom says that he is able to communicate with the dead. Tom says he can connect with the dead. Можеш ли да останеш? Can you stay? Can you stay? Какво искаш? What do you want? What do you want? Том слага твърде много захар в чая си. Tom puts too much sugar in his tea. Tom puts too much sugar in his tea. Не ми говори сега. Don't talk to me now. Don't talk to me now. Какво искате да ми кажете? What is it you want to tell me? What do you want to tell me? Търся нещо не толкова скъпо. I'm looking for something less expensive. I'm looking for something less expensive. На Том му е много по-лесно да говори на английски, отколкото на френски. Tom finds it much easier to speak English than French. It's much easier for Tom to speak English than in French. Мисля, че ще бъдете изненадан. I think you'd be surprised. I think you'd be surprised. Следващия път ще положа повече усилия. I'll try harder next time. Next time, I'll try harder. Свърших си работата вече. I've already finished my work. I've done my job already. Той е герой. He's a hero. He's a hero. Нямам никакви изисквания. I don't have any demands. I don't have any requirements. Нейния чар е смес от веселие и доброта. Her charm is compounded by her gaiety and kindness. Her charm is a mixture of joy and kindness. Трябваше да ви послушам. I should've listened to you. I should have listened to you. Аз имам кестеняви коси. I have brown hair. I have brown hair. Ще се срещнем в парка. We'll meet in the park. I'll meet you at the park. Преди никога не съм печелила. I've never won anything before. I've never won before. Малко остава. Little remains to be done. We're almost there. Харесвам този цвят. I like this color. I like that color. Баба ми беше оперирана в Германия. My grandmother had an operation in Germany. My grandmother was operated on in Germany. Мисля, че трябва да купиш това. I think you should buy this. I think you should buy this. Виждала съм ви с Том. I've seen you with Tom. I've seen you and Tom. Аз не мисля, че е вярно. I don't think it's true. I don't think that's true. Имам три фотоапарата. I have three cameras. I've got three cameras. Поискай да извикат Том. Ask for Tom. Ask them to call Tom. Всички съжаляваме за Том. We all felt sorry for Tom. We're all sorry about Tom. Надявам се да имам шанс да ти върна услугата. I hope I get a chance to return the favor you've done me. I hope I have a chance to return the favor. Том прерови чекмеджето да види дали има някоя химикалка, която може да използа. Tom looked through the drawer to see if there was a pen he could use. Tom went through the drawer to see if there was any pen I could use. Това изисква внимателно обсъждане. That requires careful consideration. This requires careful consideration. Том няма да го повярва. Tom won't believe it. Tom won't believe it. Трябва да науча истината. I have to find out the truth. I need to know the truth. Мисля, че трябва да се срещнете с Том. I think you should meet Tom. I think you should meet Tom. Ние изтичахме след котката. We ran after the cat. We ran after the cat. Ще отида, ако Том отива. I'll go if Tom goes. I'll go if Tom goes. Иска ми се да бях млада. I wish I were young. I wish I was young. Бъдете по-точен. Be more precise. Be more specific. Френският на Том е наистина доста добър. Tom's French is really quite good. Tom's French is really good. Не е ли времето страхотно! Isn't this weather just great! Isn't the weather great? Това не ми е неприятно. I don't hate this. I don't feel bad about that. Не искам да принадлежа към елита изобщо. Вече ми е достатъчно да съм най-добрият. I don't want to belong to the elite at all. It's already enough for me to be the best. I don't want to belong to the elite at all. Виждал съм Ви по телевизията. I've seen you on TV. I've seen you on TV. Трябва да учите усърдно. You must study hard. You have to study hard. Скоро ще се върна. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. Сам питай Том. Ask Tom yourself. Ask Tom yourself. Том обясни подробно нещата. Tom explained the matter in detail. Tom explained things in detail. Недей да оставяш да му се размине на Том. Don't let Tom get away. Don't let Tom get away with this. Той играеше футбол с една празна консерва. He was playing football with an empty can. He was playing football with an empty can. Мисля, че наистина ще ти хареса. I think you're really going to like it. I think you're really gonna like it. Само затвори очи. Just close your eyes. Just close your eyes. Тази седмица съм ваканция. I am on holiday this week. I'm on vacation this week. Учителката ми по френски е на моите години. My French teacher is the same age as me. My French teacher is my age. По-добре си сложи пуловер под якето. You'd better wear a sweater under your jacket. Better put a sweater under your jacket. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да помолиш Том за помощ? Are you sure you don't want to ask Tom to help? Are you sure you don't want to ask Tom for help? Новият производствен процес постига добри резултати. The new production process achieves a high yield. The new production process achieves good results. По това се разбира неговото невежество. This fact accounts for his ignorance. That's what his ignorance is all about. Абсолютно прав си. You are absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Всички знаят името му. Everybody knows his name. Everyone knows his name. Моят френски изобщо не е добър. My French is not good at all. My French is not good at all. Аз никога не бих ги наранила. I'd never hurt them. I would never hurt them. Те престъпници ли са? Are they criminals? Are they criminals? Можеш ли да извадиш шест от десет? Can you subtract six from ten? Can you take six out of ten? Прекалено зает съм, за да му помогна. I'm too busy to help him. I'm too busy to help him. Можеш да я видиш сутринта. You can see her in the morning. You can see her in the morning. Забавлявай се. Have fun. Have fun. Ще му устроим прощално парти. We are going to hold a farewell party for him. We'll throw him a farewell party. В кой клуб членуваш? Which club do you belong to? What club do you belong to? Ацуши може да е бил болен. Atsushi may have been sick. Atsushi could have been sick. Том не се качи на автобуса. Tom didn't get on the bus. Tom didn't get on the bus. Някои книги си струва да се препрочитат отново и отново. Some books are worth reading over and over again. Some books are worth rereading over and over again. Сега работим заедно. We now work together. We're working together now. Върнете се на мястото си. Go back to your seat. Go back to your seat. Той е завършил Кеймбридж с отличие. He graduated from Cambridge with honors. He's a Cambridge graduate with honors. Трябва да я върна тази вечер. I have to give it back tonight. I have to get her back tonight. Трябва да започна да се приготвям. I have to start getting ready. I have to start getting ready. Том учи ли френски в училище? Is Tom studying French at school? Does Tom study French at school? Кои обувки стават? What shoes fit well? Which shoes are they? Ние определено се потрудихме здраво. We definitely worked hard. We've certainly worked hard. Ще отложа пътуването си до Шотландия, докато се затопли. I'll postpone my trip to Scotland until it's warmer. I'll postpone my trip to Scotland until it warms up. Той започна да се оправдава. He began to make excuses. He started to justify himself. На колко си години? How old are you? How old are you? Всичко е наред. It's OK. It's okay. Къде се случи? Where did it happen? Where did it happen? Защо той се крие под масата? Why is he hiding under the table? Why is he hiding under the table? Не ме принуждавай да го правя. Don't make me do it. Don't make me do this. Децата ти колко са големи? How old are your children? How old are your kids? Ще остана до утре. I will stay until tomorrow. I'll stay until tomorrow. Моля извикайте доктор! Please call a doctor! Please call a doctor! Мисля, че Том може да споделя твоите чувства. I think Tom might feel the same way you do. I think Tom can share your feelings. Аз се отказах. I gave up. I gave up. Ти и половината не знаеш. You don't know the half of it. You don't know half of it. Това е снимката, която направих на къщата на Том. This is the picture I took of Tom's house. This is the picture I took of Tom's house. Тя самата му даде нещо за ядене. She herself gave him something to eat. She gave him something to eat herself. Умирам от глад! I'm starving. I'm starving! Ще ти помогна да станеш по-добър в това. I'm going to help you get better. I'm gonna help you get better at this. Баща ми ходи да тича всяка сутрин. My father goes jogging every morning. My dad goes running every morning. Видях Том да се разхожда по плажа. I saw Tom walking down the beach. I saw Tom walking down the beach. Брат ми стана инженер. My brother became an engineer. My brother became an engineer. Колко пари искате? How much money do you want? How much money do you want? Не се изправяй твърде бързо. Don't get up too quickly. Don't get up too fast. Тя раздаде всичките си кукли. She gave away all her dolls. She gave away all her dolls. Не съм казал нищо. I didn't say anything. I didn't say anything. Ккакво ще направиш? What will you make? What are you gonna do? Наистина го оценявам. I really do appreciate it. I really appreciate it. Знаех, че ще бъдеш заета. I knew you'd be busy. I knew you'd be busy. Ходи си. Go away. Go away. Голям град е. It's a big city. It's a big city. Том не успя да помогне на Мери. Tom couldn't help Mary. Tom couldn't help Mary. Ким е облечена много привлекателно. Kim is dressed very attractively. Kim's dressed very attractive. Не ми искайте пари. Don't ask me for money. Don't ask me for money. Том мрази училището. Tom hates school. Tom hates school. Няма проблем да създадеш уебстраница, само внимавай да не нарушиш нечие авторско право. It's fine to set up a web page, just be sure you don't infringe anybody's copyright. It's okay to create a website, just be careful not to violate someone's copyright. Том защити съпругата си. Tom protected his wife. Tom defended his wife. Тя има прекрасен почерк. She has beautiful handwriting. She's got a lovely handwriting. Пръстите на ръката са пет: палец, показалец, среден пръст, безименен и кутре. The hand has five fingers: the thumb, the index finger, the middle finger, the ring finger, and the pinky. Fingers on the hand are five: thumb, forefinger, middle finger, nameless and puppy. Фолиото е направено от полиетилен. Cling film is made from polyethylene. The foil is made of polyethylene. Реших задачата с лекота. I solved the problem easily. I solved the problem with ease. Някой забеляза ли това? Did anybody notice this? Did anyone notice that? Тя е малко срамежлива. She is a little shy. She's a little shy. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да се обадя на Том? Are you sure you don't want me to call Tom? Are you sure you don't want me to call Tom? Ти си млад. Аз, обаче, съм много стар. You are young. I, on the contrary, am very old. You're young, but I'm very old. Още не съм започнала. I haven't started yet. I haven't started yet. Горе-долу колко излиза едно такси от там? About how much would a taxi be from here? How much does a cab get out of there? И двамата изглеждате много млади. You both seem very young. You both look very young. Напълно сте прави. You are absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Това твое ли е, Том? Is this yours, Tom? Is this yours, Tom? Нямам много английски книги. I have few English books. I don't have many English books. Имаме време до утре сутринта. We have until tomorrow morning. We have until tomorrow morning. Ризата ти ми харесва. I like your shirt. I like your shirt. Ентусиазиран започна неговото заслужаващо уважение начинание. He enthusiastically engaged himself in this honorable undertaking. Enthusiasted began his respectful undertaking. Виждала съм те по телевизията. I've seen you on TV. I've seen you on TV. Отидохме в музея. We went to the museum. We went to the museum. Кой го е грижа за мене? Who cares about me? Who cares about me? В началото местните каубои му се изсмяха. At first, the local cowboys laughed at him. At first, the local cowboys laughed at him. Той изглежда е в дупка. He seems to be in a slump. He seems to be in a hole. Мисля, че трябва да дойдете да го видите. I think you should come and see it. I think you should come and see him. Том не говори френски толкова добре, колкото Мери. Tom doesn't speak French as fluently as Mary. Tom doesn't speak French as well as Mary does. Бъди по-точна. Be more precise. Be more specific. Тази седмица съм отпуск. I am on holiday this week. I'm on leave this week. Пера си чорапите. I wash my socks. I'm washing my socks. Обещавам повече да не правя така. I promise I won't do this again. I promise I won't do that again. Току-що дадох кръв. I just gave blood. I just gave blood. Той не знае нито френски, нито немски. He knows neither French nor German. He doesn't know French or German. Не съм предател. I'm not a traitor. I'm not a traitor. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да я задържиш? Are you sure you don't want to keep it? Are you sure you don't want to keep her? Не се съмнявам в неговата искреност. I have no doubt as to his sincerity. I have no doubt of his sincerity. Моля те, отвори пакета. Please open the package. Please open the package. Аз черпя. The drink is on me. It's on me. Нямам идея кой е той. I have no idea who he is. I have no idea who he is. Бихте ли ми казали името си, ако обичате? May I have your name, please? Could you tell me your name, please? Този вид грешки са неизбежни. These kinds of mistakes are inevitable. This kind of mistake is inevitable. Изобщо не говоря френски. I don't speak French at all. I don't speak French at all. Ти гледа ли играта? Did you watch the game? Did you watch the game? Това е твоят дом. It's your home. This is your home. Загубите бяха тежки и за двете страни. Losses were heavy on both sides. The losses were heavy on both sides. Ще следвам твоите указания. I'll follow your instructions. I'll follow your instructions. Той ни каза една лъжа. He told us a lie. He told us a lie. Бог ми дава щастие. God gives me happiness. God gives me happiness. За пиене искам нещо топло. I want something hot to drink. I want something warm to drink. Том се опита да убеди Мери, че е време да си тръгват. Tom tried to convince Mary that it was time to leave. Tom tried to convince Mary it was time for them to leave. Тя се гримира всяка сутрин. She makes herself up every morning. She wears makeup every morning. Не забравяйте празненството довечера. Don't forget the party tonight. Don't forget the party tonight. На френски ли предпочитате да говорите? Would you prefer to speak in French? Would you rather speak French? Еха, това е яко. Wow, that's cool. Wow, that's cool. Не ми прави мили очи. Don't get cute with me. Don't make nice eyes for me. Нямам пари. I don't have any money. I don't have any money. Мили яде хляб. Millie is eating bread. Milly's eating bread. Имам други планове за Том. I have other plans for Tom. I have other plans for Tom. Не бих могъл да направя това без теб. I couldn't have done this without you. I couldn't have done this without you. Том не е свикнал да живее в града. Tom isn't used to living in the city. Tom's not used to living in the city. Дръж Том под око. Keep a good eye on Tom. Keep an eye on Tom. Джейн излезе да пазарува. Jane is out shopping. Jane went shopping. Тази торта е хубава. This cake is good. This cake is nice. Казах на Том защо няма да мога да отида. I told Tom the reason why I wouldn't be able to go. I told Tom why I couldn't go. Дългите поли сега са демоде. Long skirts are out of fashion now. Long skirts are out of date now. Той се справя много добре с деца. He is good at dealing with children. He's doing very well with children. Влезте, моля. Please come in. Come in, please. Ние наистина се забавлявахме. We really enjoyed ourselves. We were really having fun. Том мрази това. Tom hates it. Tom hates that. Вярно е, че тя е мъртва. It's true that she's dead. It's true she's dead. Да не ви става навик. Don't make it a habit. Don't make a habit of it. Най-накрая спря да вали сняг и времето се затопли. It has finally stopped snowing and has warmed up. It finally stopped snowing and the weather warmed up. Тя правеше не особено леки намеци какво иска за Коледа. She's been dropping some not-so-subtle hints about what she would like for Christmas. She didn't exactly hint at what she wanted for Christmas. Студентите не помнеха какво са прочели в тази книга. The students didn't remember what they read in that book. The students didn't remember what they read in that book. Уча по френски всеки ден. I study French every day. I study French every day. Чух всяка дума. I heard every word. I've heard every word. Къде си събухте чорапите? Where did you take your socks off? Where'd you take your socks off? Хайде да ходим на кино. Let's go to a movie. Let's go to the movies. Изглежда Том реши да остане. It looks like Tom decided to stay. Looks like Tom decided to stay. Том няма да се откаже. Tom isn't giving up. Tom's not gonna give up. Някои отрови, използвани правилно, са полезни. Certain poisons, properly used, are useful. Some poisons used properly are useful. Какво ще похапнем? What are we going to eat? What are we going to eat? Пази го в тайна. Keep it to yourself. Keep it a secret. Караш ме да се чувствам толкова виновен. You make me feel so guilty. You make me feel so guilty. Ядосана съм ти. I'm angry with you. I'm mad at you. Хайде да го направим. Let's do it. Let's do this. Тя ми даде позволение да ползвам речника ѝ. She gave me permission to use her dictionary. She gave me permission to use her vocabulary. Той е с три години по-възрастен от нея. He's three years older than her. He's three years older than her. Не се надявай много. Don't get your hopes up. Don't get your hopes up. Каква е цената на този чадър? What's the price of this umbrella? What's the price of this umbrella? Мамо! Ще ми подадеш ли тоалетната хартия? Mum! Can you pass me the toilet paper? Mom, can you hand me the toilet paper? Как мина? How did it go? How'd it go? Мисля, че ще го намериш. I think you'll find it. I think you'll find him. Очаквах те миналата нощ. I was expecting you last night. I was expecting you last night. Изглежда, че си променила цялата стая. It looks like you changed the whole room. Looks like you've changed the whole room. Бих искал да купя колата, която продаваш, но в момента нямам достатъчно пари. I'd like to buy the car you're selling, but I don't have enough money right now. I'd love to buy the car you're selling, but right now I don't have enough money. Том показа на Мери няколко ефективни начина да учи френски. Tom gave Mary advice on effective ways to study French. Tom showed Mary several effective ways to learn French. Не съм добре със спортовете. I'm bad at sports. I'm not good with sports. Съдията го осъди на смърт. The judge condemned him to death. The judge sentenced him to death. Онзи висок мъж е г-н Смит. That tall man is Mr. Smith. That tall man is Mr. Smith. Това беше доста добро. That was pretty good. That was pretty good. Наистина не очаквах Том да успее. I really didn't expect Tom to succeed. I really didn't expect Tom to make it. Открих, че той е гений на химията. I found him a genius at chemistry. I found out he's a genius at chemistry. Не може ей така, както си ходиш насам-натам, да започнеш да злословиш по адрес на хората. You can't just walk around and start slandering people. You can't just walk around talking about people like that. Имах среща в 2:30, но попаднах в задръстване и не можах да стигна навреме. I had an appointment at 2:30, but I got caught in traffic and couldn't get there in time. I had a meeting at 2:30, but I got stuck in traffic and couldn't get there in time. Те ходиха до морския музей. They went to the maritime museum. They went to the sea museum. Том полага много усилия да подобри френския си. Tom is working hard to improve his French. Tom is making a lot of effort to improve his French. Много време беше загубено напразно. A lot of time was wasted. A lot of time was wasted for nothing. Те не говореха. They didn't speak. They weren't talking. Не съм те наричал "глупак". I didn't call you stupid. I didn't call you a fool. Днес ми се говори на френски. I feel like speaking French today. I'd like to speak French today. Ще ми кажеш ли какво да правя? Can you tell me what to do? You want to tell me what to do? Сигурна ли си, че не искаш аз да ти купя билет? Are you sure you don't want me to buy you a ticket? Are you sure you don't want me to buy you a ticket? Не са толкова лоши. They're not so bad. They're not that bad. Аз съм внимателен. I'm careful. I'm careful. Не го взимай навътре. Don't take it so hard. Don't take it so hard. Ние всички сме свързани. We're all related. We're all connected. Една дума подкрепа, когато се проваляш, струва повече от цял час хвалби, когато си успял. A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success. A word of support when you fail costs more than an hour of praise when you succeed. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да те закарам вкъщи? Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home? Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home? Беше завършено. It's been completed. It was finished. Ризата му беше изцапана със сос. His shirt was stained with sauce. His shirt was covered in sauce. Том намери историята на Мери за интересна. Tom found Mary's story interesting. Tom found Mary's story interesting. От Мери Том няма да получи никаква помощ. Tom won't be getting any help from Mary. Mary Tom won't get any help. Никъде няма да бъдеш защитена. You won't be safe anywhere. You won't be protected anywhere. Тя носеше кожено палто. She was wearing a fur coat. She was wearing a fur coat. Обещавам да не го правя повече. I promise I won't do this again. I promise I won't do it again. Направих на Ан кукла. I made Ann a doll. I made Anne a doll. Какво си завършил, Том? What's your major, Tom? What did you graduate from, Tom? Мислех, че ще си уморен. I thought you'd be tired. I thought you'd be tired. Историята е много интересна за мен. The story is very interesting to me. It's a very interesting story for me. Чела съм тази книга. I've read that book. I've read this book. Това беше добра година за теб. You've had a good year. That was a good year for you. Беше почистен. It's been cleaned. It was cleaned. Не мога да направя това. I can't do this. I can't do that. Аз съм учител по френски. I'm a French teacher. I'm a French teacher. Искам да купя подарък на Том. I want to buy a gift for Tom. I want to buy Tom a present. Едно е сигурно, никой не може да ме спре! One thing's for sure: nobody can stop me! One thing's for sure, no one can stop me! Тя може да говори френски. She can speak French. She can speak French. Той е дружелюбен човек. He is a friendly person. He's a friendly man. Аз бях осъден. I was convicted. I've been convicted. На Том му казаха съвсем наскоро, че има рак. Tom was told he had cancer just recently. Tom was told recently that he had cancer. Том се прибра с автобус. Tom came home by bus. Tom came home by bus. За мен една среща следобед е по-добър вариант. An afternoon appointment is more convenient for me. For me, a meeting this afternoon is a better option. Какво имаш да правиш? What's on your plate? What do you have to do? Том учи френски три часа миналата нощ. Tom studied French for three hours last night. Tom studied French for three hours last night. Вдигни ръката си. Raise your hand. Raise your hand. Какво е това? What is that? What's this? Беше твърде лесно. It was just too easy. It was too easy. Аз често пътувам. I often travel. I travel a lot. Ето я болницата, в която съм се родила. Here is the hospital where I was born. Here's the hospital where I was born. Никога не съм обичал биологията. I never liked biology. I never liked biology. Много съм ти задължен заради твоята доброта. I'm very much obliged to you for your kindness. I owe you a lot for your kindness. Хайде да делим наградата петдесет на петдесет. Let's split the reward fifty-fifty. Let's split the prize fifty-fifty. Стисни ми ръката. Shake my hand. Shake my hand. Бих искала да купя колата, която продавате, но в момента нямам достатъчно пари. I'd like to buy the car you're selling, but I don't have enough money right now. I'd love to buy the car you're selling, but right now I don't have enough money. Разкажи ми за Том. Tell me about Tom. Tell me about Tom. Мисля, че е по-добре да полегнете. I think you'd better lie down. I think you'd better lie down. Не съм виждал Том от рождения му ден насам. I haven't seen Tom since his birthday. I haven't seen Tom since his birthday. Трябва да зная. I have to know. I need to know. Обичаш ли да пътуваш? Do you like to travel? Do you like to travel? Планът ви се провали. Your plan failed. Your plan has failed. Том направи голямо парти в къщата си, докато родителите му бяха на почивка. Tom threw a big party at his house while his parents were away on vacation. Tom had a big party at his house while his parents were on vacation. Бях принуден да напусна училище. I was compelled to leave school. I was forced to leave school. Току-що приключих със закуската. I've just finished breakfast. I just finished breakfast. Трябва да отида да помогна на Том. I have to go help Tom. I have to go help Tom. Случи се един път. It happened once. It happened once. Колко дълго ще трябва да чакаш? How long will you have to wait? How long do you have to wait? Том е човекът, който ми каза кога ще бъде срещата. Tom is the one who told me when the meeting would be. Tom's the guy who told me when the meeting was gonna be. Оценявам съдействието ви. I appreciate your cooperation. I appreciate your cooperation. Войниците започнаха да се връщат вкъщи. The soldiers began returning home. The soldiers started coming home. Имам проблем. Трябва ми помощта ти. I'm in trouble. I need your help. I have a problem, I need your help. Да се качваме в автобуса. Let's get on the bus. Let's get on the bus. Идвате ли, или не? Are you coming or not? Are you coming or not? Том не искаше Мери да си играе с децата му. Tom didn't want Mary to play with his kids. Tom didn't want Mary to play with his kids. Забравих да му кажа. I forgot to tell him. I forgot to tell him. Нанси изглежда толкова изморена. Nancy looks so tired. Nancy looks so tired. Наистина оценявам предложението. I really appreciate the offer. I really appreciate the offer. Не говори за хората зад гърба им. Don't talk about people behind their backs. Don't talk about the people behind their backs. Тя е достигнала зряла възраст. He has attained to years of discretion. She's reached adulthood. Ела с мен да се поразходим. Take a walk with me. Come with me for a walk. С удоволствие ще гледам филма. I'd love to see the movie. I'd love to watch the movie. Който е добре подготвен, няма грижи. Well prepared means no worries. Whoever's well-prepared has no worries. Вчера ми беше забавно да гледам телевизия. I enjoyed watching TV yesterday. Yesterday was fun watching TV. Имаш ли си хоби, Том? Do you have a hobby, Tom? Do you have a hobby, Tom? Това са дърветата, върху чиито листа живеят копринените буби. These are the trees on the leaves of which silkworms live. These are the trees on whose leaves silkworms live. Кой говори френски по-добре, Том или Мери? Who can speak French better, Tom or Mary? Who speaks French better, Tom or Mary? Имам новини за Том. I have news about Tom. I have news about Tom. Сигурен ли си, че Том стои зад всичко това? Are you sure that Tom is behind this? Are you sure Tom's behind this? Моля те, не позволявай това да се повтори. Please don't let this happen again. Please don't let this happen again. Ставите ме болят. My joints ache. My joints hurt. Опитах всичко, което знам. I've tried everything I know. I've tried everything I know. Защо хората се страхуват от нея? Why are people scared of her? Why are people afraid of her? Той се бори с хепатита от шест месеца, но изглежда отскоро е започнал да се възстановява. He's been battling hepatitis for 6 months now, but it looks like he's just starting to recover. He's been struggling with hepatitis for six months, but it looks like he's just begun to recover. Вселената е загадка. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is a mystery. Върнах се в Бостън. I've returned to Boston. I went back to Boston. Къде е твоят баща? Where is your father? Where's your father? Колко е сметката? What does the bill amount to? How much is the bill? Един мъж дойде да ме види вчера. A man came to see me yesterday. A man came to see me yesterday. Ще си бъда в лабораторията. I'll be in my lab. I'll be in my lab. Може ли да ми кажете номера на Вашата стая? May I have your room number? Can you give me your room number? Подозирам, че Том няма представа какво направи Мери. I suspect that Tom is unaware of what Mary has done. I suspect Tom has no idea what Mary did. Пациентите често умират просто защото се огъват пред техните болести. Patients often die simply because they yield to their diseases. Patients often die simply because they bend to their diseases. Не бих си помислил, че тофуто е толкова вкусно. I wouldn't have thought that tofu tastes this good. I wouldn't have thought tofu was so good. Ревнуваш ли? Are you jealous? Are you jealous? Кой планира това пътуване? Who planned out this trip? Who's planning this trip? Сега колко е часът? What time is it now? What time is it now? Тогава какво означава? Then what does it mean? Then what does it mean? Още не ми е минал световъртежът. My dizziness still hasn't gone away. I haven't gotten over the dizziness yet. Той те моли да му помогнеш. He's asking you to help him. He's asking you to help him. Бил съм в Бостън само веднъж. I've only been to Boston once. I've only been to Boston once. Тази е моя. Не знам къде е твоята. That is mine. I don't know where yours is. I don't know where yours is. Той би могъл да си промени мнението. He might change his mind. He could change his mind. Чувстваш ли се виновен? Do you feel guilty? Do you feel guilty? Мислиш ли? Do you think so? You think? Той се научи да плува. He learned how to swim. He learned how to swim. Наистина ли не можеш да плуваш? Can you really not swim? You really can't swim? Ню Йорк е голям град. New York is a big city. New York is a big city. Твърде нисък съм. I am too short. I'm too short. Надявах се да мога да се върна на плажа следващия уикенд. I was hoping I could go back to the beach next weekend. I was hoping I could go back to the beach next weekend. Тече ми гной от венците. I have pus coming out of my gums. I'm getting pus from my gums. Не мога да го направя сама. I can't do it by myself. I can't do this alone. Дано да си права. You'd better be right. I hope you're right. Ако ѝ кажеш за това, после тя ще каже на своите най-добри приятели, после нейните най-добри приятели ще разкажат на своите най-добри приятели и накрая всички ще разберат. If you tell her about it, then she'll tell her best friends and then her best friends will tell their best friends and then everyone will know. If you tell her about it, then she'll tell her best friends, then her best friends will tell their best friends and eventually everyone will understand. На нея ѝ беше студено. I feel cold. She was cold. Том говори с френски акцент. Tom speaks with a French accent. Tom speaks French. Никога не съм виждал дъга. I've never seen a rainbow. I've never seen a rainbow. Кен може да плува, нали? Ken can swim, can't he? Ken can swim, right? Том и Мери отидоха в лунапарка. Tom and Mary went to the Luna Park. Tom and Mary went to the amusement park. Реших, че е най-добре да не казвам нищо по въпроса. I found it best to say nothing about the matter. I thought it best not to say anything about it. Аз не съм студент. I'm not a student. I'm not a student. Гледаш ли внимателно? Are you watching carefully? Are you looking closely? Няколко минути по-късно, телефонът звънна. Several minutes later, the telephone rang. A few minutes later, the phone rang. Тя дори не беше там. She wasn't even there. She wasn't even there. Джейн е от Австралия. Jane comes from Australia. Jane's from Australia. Затвори вратата, ако обичаш. Please shut the door. Close the door, please. Том най-накрая отиде. Tom has finally gone. Tom's finally gone. Том предположи, че Мери няма да дойде на партито. Tom assumed Mary wouldn't be at the party. Tom assumed Mary wasn't coming to the party. Това е най-сладкото кутре, което някога съм виждал. This is the cutest puppy I've ever seen. That's the cutest puppy I've ever seen. Не съм злопаметна. I don't hold grudges. I don't hold grudges. В този ресторант храната е хубава. In this restaurant the food is good. In this restaurant, the food is good. Не се занимавам с това. I don't do that. That's not what I do. Объркани ли са? Are they confused? Are they confused? Паркирала сте на моето място. You're parked in my spot. You parked in my spot. Тази е моя. Не знам неговата къде е. That is mine. I don't know where his is. This one's mine, I don't know where his is. Безработицата те я създават. They created the unemployment. Unemployment, they're creating it. Трябва да взема сина си в 2:30. I have to pick up my son at 2:30. I have to pick up my son at 2:30. Захарта е сладка. Sugar is sweet. Sugar's sweet. Къде отиваш? Where are you going? Where are you going? Това е велико стихотворение. That's a great poem. It's a great poem. Напоследък цените са паднали. Prices have dropped recently. The prices have fallen lately. Том е интересен човек. Tom is an interesting guy. Tom's an interesting guy. Да ме свалиш ли се опитваш? Are you trying to hit on me? Are you trying to get me down? Ако закъснееш с предаването на контролното, то няма да бъде прието. If you turn in a test late, it will not be accepted. If you're late with the test, it won't be accepted. Малко съм зает в момента. I'm a little busy here. I'm a little busy right now. Притеснена ли си? Are you worried? Are you worried? Успокой се. Chill out. Calm down. Том иска повече пари. Tom wants more money. Tom wants more money. Това твоето семейство ли е? Is this your family? Is this your family? Това беше един ужасен ден. It was a terrible day. It was a terrible day. Не живея с Том. I don't live with Tom. I don't live with Tom. Още ли обичаш Том? Do you still love Tom? Do you still love Tom? Аз няма да мога да пренеса Том от другата страна на моста. I won't be able to carry Tom across the bridge. I won't be able to carry Tom to the other side of the bridge. Къде да отидем? When do we go? Where should we go? Не можеш да ми се сърдиш за това. You can't hold that against me. You can't be mad at me for this. Сграбчих котката за врата. I seized the cat by the neck. I grabbed the cat by the neck. Изглежда, че той ще победи. It looks like he's winning. Looks like he's gonna win. Мисля, че ти трябва една ваканция. I think you need a vacation. I think you need a vacation. Не може да е това, на което прилича. This can't be what it looks like. It can't be what it looks like. Мисля, че открих нещо по-добро. I think I've found something better. I think I found something better. В това езерце някога имаше много жаби. There used to be a lot of frogs in this pond. There were a lot of frogs in that pond once. Разбирам го прекрасно. I can understand him perfectly. I understand him perfectly. Зависи от контекста. It depends on the context. Depends on the context. Нещо променило ли се е? Has anything changed? Has anything changed? Не съм толкова смела. I'm not so brave. I'm not that brave. Той предпочита френския пред немския. He prefers French to German. He prefers French to German. Ти можеш да четеш на френски, нали? You can read French, can't you? You can read French, can't you? Фред често закъснява за час. Fred often comes late for class. Fred's often late for class. Не плачи. С реване нищо няма да оправиш. Don't cry. Crying doesn't solve anything. Don't cry, crying won't fix anything. Кой е жаден? Who's thirsty? Who's thirsty? Момичето яде хляб. The girl is eating bread. The girl eats bread. Обичам купони. I love parties. I love parties. Не знам кое какво е. I don't know which is which. I don't know what's what. Не мога да ви купя тази рокля. I can't buy you that dress. I can't buy you this dress. Чух го да слиза по стълбите. I heard him go down the stairs. I heard him coming down the stairs. Един приятел ще идва на гости утре. A friend's coming over tomorrow. A friend of mine is coming to visit tomorrow. Надявам се, че това ще се случи. I'm hoping that that'll happen. I hope this will happen. Може госпожица Сатоу да е изпратила цветята. It might have been Miss Satoh who sent these flowers. Maybe Miss Satow sent the flowers. Закарай ни до центъра. Give us a ride downtown. Take us downtown. Морето беше спокойно. The sea was calm. The sea was quiet. Тя е атеист. She is an atheist. She's an atheist. Том беше нетърпелив и нервен. Tom was impatient and restless. Tom was impatient and nervous. Трябва ми нов USB кабел. I need a new USB cable. I need a new USB cable. Прекалено бързо караш. You're driving too fast. You're going too fast. Може ли да ти имам доверие? Are you trustworthy? Can I trust you? Трудно е да му се угоди на Том. It's hard to please Tom. It's hard to please Tom. Докога ще ми се сърдиш? Are you going to stay mad at me? How long are you gonna be mad at me? Мисля, че Том се страхува от теб. I think Tom is afraid of you. I think Tom's afraid of you. Защо избяга? Why did you run away? Why did you run away? Коя е любимата ви птица? What is your favourite bird? What's your favorite bird? Можеш да учиш тук. You can study here. You can go to school here. Дайте да ви помогна. Let me help. Let me help you. Ще ви се! In your dreams! You wish! Опасявам се, че те засегнах. I'm afraid I've offended you. I'm afraid I've offended you. Няма за какво да се тревожа. I have nothing to be worried about. I have nothing to worry about. Това е моята къща. This is my house. This is my house. Той е лишен от преживявания. He is destitute of experiences. He's devoid of experience. Не знаех, че готвиш. I didn't know you cooked. I didn't know you were cooking. Том не обръщаше никакво внимание на Мери. Tom paid no attention to Mary at all. Tom wasn't paying any attention to Mary. Сложете си тези чехли, ако обичате. Please put on these slippers. Put these slippers on, please. Чух, че било хубаво. I heard it was nice. I hear it's nice. На Том този цвят не му харесва. Tom does not like this color. Tom doesn't like that color. Тук се чувствам по-сигурна. I feel safer here. I feel safer here. Искам отново да съм млада. I wish that I were young again. I want to be young again. Том отказа да отиде. Tom refused to go. Tom refused to go. Той е с руса коса. He has blond hair. He's got blond hair. Не знам той кога ще дойде. I don't know when he'll come. I don't know when he's coming. Мери каза на Джон тайната. Mary told John the secret. Mary told John the secret. През следващия семестър ще уча френски. I'm going to study French next semester. Next semester, I'm going to study French. Том няма да изнася реч днес. Tom won't be making a speech today. Tom's not giving a speech today. Ще се видим довечера! До скоро! See you tonight! See you soon! I'll see you tonight. Свършиха ми парите. I've run out of money. I'm out of money. Взех му чаша кафе. I took him a cup of coffee. I got him a cup of coffee. Къде е твоята детегледачка? Where's your babysitter? Where's your babysitter? Нищо никога не става така, както си го мислил. Things never turn out the way you thought they would. Nothing ever goes the way you thought it would. Защо не искаш да носиш вратовръзка? Why don't you want to wear a tie? Why don't you want to wear a tie? Децата трябва да се подчиняват на родителите си. Children should obey their parents. Children should obey their parents. Има ли грешки в това упражнение? Are there any mistakes in this exercise? Are there mistakes in this exercise? Можеш ли да дойдеш в неделя вечерта? Can you come on Sunday evening? Can you come Sunday night? Помня, че сме се срещали преди. I remember meeting you before. I remember we've met before. Гледам на него като на най-добрия ми приятел. I look on him as my best friend. I think of him as my best friend. Никой не вдигна телефона. Nobody answered the telephone. No one answered the phone. Виждала съм те някъде преди. I've seen you somewhere before. I've seen you somewhere before. Учиш есперанто. You're learning Esperanto. You're studying Esperanto. Новото колело ми струва 50 000 йени. The new bicycle cost me as much as 50,000 yen. The new bike cost me 50,000 yen. Аз мисля, че си луд. I think you're mad. I think you're crazy. Запазете го до по-късно. Save it till later. Keep it till later. Те са най-добри приятели. They're best friends. They're best friends. Ти си проблем. You're a problem. You're a problem. Толкова си повърхностна. You're so shallow. You're so shallow. Аз имам чудесни новини. I have wonderful news. I have great news. Изглежда, че вали сняг, нали? It looks like snow, doesn't it? Looks like it's snowing, doesn't it? Това е дълга история. That's a long story. It's a long story. Ние разрешихме проблема. We've resolved the problem. We solved the problem. Том знае ли къде е родена Мери? Does Tom know where Mary was born? Does Tom know where Mary was born? Той се реши да отиде там. He made up his mind to go there. He decided to go there. Мразя я, но не зная защо. I hate her, but I don't know why. I hate her, but I don't know why. Том изглежда обективен. Tom seems objective. Tom seems objective. Тунелът пропадна заради земетресението от предишния ден. The tunnel caved in because of the earthquake the other day. The tunnel fell because of the earthquake the day before. Трябва да говоря с тебе за Том. I have to talk to you about Tom. I need to talk to you about Tom. Мери говореше японски бавно. Mary spoke Japanese slowly. Mary spoke Japanese slowly. Ти какво прави през всичкото това време? What have you been doing all this while? What have you been doing all this time? Моят вуйчо никога не пише писма. My uncle never writes letters. My uncle never writes letters. Затвори проклетата врата! Shut the damned door! Close the damn door! Ние му се подигравахме за това. We made fun of him about this. We made fun of him for it. Джон дойде преди една седмица. John arrived a week ago. John came in a week ago. Той отказа предложението. Аз също. He declined the offer and so did I. He refused the offer, and so did I. Ох, забравих си ключовете. Oh, I forgot my keys. Oh, I forgot my keys. Извинете, имам молба. Excuse me, I have a request. Excuse me, I have a request. Бръснарят е човек, който бръсне брадите и подстригва косите на мъжете. A barber is a man who shaves and cuts men's hair. A barber is a man who shaves beards and cuts men's hair. Харесва ли ти музиката на Моцарт? Do you like Mozart's music? Do you like Mozart's music? Това е мой проблем. That's my problem. That's my problem. Твое ли е това, Том? Is this yours, Tom? Is this yours, Tom? Не сме всички толкова глупави. We're not all that stupid. We're not all that stupid. Всеки проблем може да бъде разрешен, ако си упорит и търпелив. Any problem can be solved if you are persistent and patient. Any problem can be solved if you are persistent and patient. Том започна да учи френски преди три години. Tom started studying French three years ago. Tom started studying French three years ago. Имаш телефон. You have a telephone. You have a phone. На колко години си? How old are you? How old are you? Том работи там. Tom is working there. Tom works there. Не съм неин тип. I'm not her type. I'm not her type. Утре вечерта свободен ли си? Are you free tomorrow evening? Are you free tomorrow night? Той живее някъде наоколо. He lives somewhere about here. He lives around here somewhere. Том обичаше да пее. Обаче никой не искаше да го слуша как пее. Tom loved singing. However, no one wanted to listen to him sing. Tom liked to sing, but no one wanted to hear him sing. Том не е легнал на земята. Tom isn't lying down. Tom's not on the ground. Мисля, че можем да се справим и по-добре. I think we can do better. I think we can do better. Мисля, че трябва да размислиш. I think you should reconsider. I think you need to change your mind. Не съм злопаметен. I don't hold grudges. I don't hold grudges. Аз съм най-обикновен офис работник. I'm just a plain old office worker. I'm just an office worker. Той беше във Франция. He was in France. He was in France. Не се оставяй това да те притеснява. Don't let it bother you. Don't let that bother you. Някога виждал ли си кенгурата? Have you ever seen a kangaroo? Have you ever seen the kangaroo? Том не може да измисли как да отвори кутията. Tom can't figure out how to get the box open. Tom can't figure out how to open the box. Мисля, че Том е сериозен. I think Tom is serious. I think Tom's serious. Ще им кажа, че няма да дойда навреме. I'm going to tell them that I won't be there on time. I'll tell them I won't be here in time. Той често върви пеша до училище. He often walks to school. He often walks to school. Чорапите смърдят. The socks smell bad. Socks stink. Кога ще се жените? When will you get married? When are you getting married? Това е фазан. That's a pheasant. It's a pheasant. Той слезе от влака. He got off the train. He got off the train. Жестока сте. You're cruel. You're cruel. Колко епизода на "Уан Пийс" си гледала? How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? How many episodes of "Wan Peace" have you seen? Нейното име е известно на всички. Her name is known to everyone. Her name is known to everyone. Мисля, че сте перфектен. I think you're perfect. I think you're perfect. Голяма ли е разликата? Does it make a big difference? Is that a big difference? Можете да правите снимки извън музея, но не и вътре. You may take photos outside this museum, but not inside. You can take pictures outside the museum, but not inside. Пусни ме. Please let me go. Let go of me. Ти си и сладка, и мила. You are both cute and nice. You're sweet, and you're kind. Сестра ми живее до Йокохама. My sister lives near Yokohama. My sister lives near Yokohama. Мисля, че ти трябва да направиш сделката. I think you should make the deal. I think you should make the deal. Моето намерение не беше такова. That wasn't my intention. That wasn't my intention. Трябва да се махна за малко. I have to go away for a while. I need to get out of here for a while. Тя обожава цвета на своята тениска. She loves the color of her T-shirt. She loves the color of her shirt. Хей, човече, много те моля - напръскай с малко инсектицид зад хладилника. Hey man, I beg you - spray some insecticide behind the fridge. Hey, man, please spray some insecticide behind the fridge. Тя ме порица, че не отговорих на писмото. She reproached me for not answering the letter. She accused me of not answering the letter. Изморен съм. I'm tired. I'm tired. Вашият английски се подобрява. Your English is improving. Your English is getting better. Твой ред е. It's your turn. It's your turn. Сложи си още един чифт чорапи в багажа. You should pack an extra pair of socks. Put another pair of socks in your luggage. Скоро след това започна да вали. Soon after, it began to rain. Soon after that, it started raining. Утре трябва да се върна в Бостън. I have to go back to Boston tomorrow. I have to go back to Boston tomorrow. Не се искат разрешения. No permits are required. You don't ask permission. Том изпрати на Мери съобщение, написано на френски. Tom sent Mary a message written in French. Tom sent Mary a message written in French. Радвам се, че си доволен. I'm happy you're happy. I'm glad you're happy. Когато разговорът свърши,той казва приятелски довиждане и ми пожелава приятна вечер. After the conversation ends, he says a friendly goodbye and wishes me a pleasant evening. When this conversation is over, he says a friendly goodbye and wishes me a pleasant evening. Да проверим. Let's check. Let's check it out. Дотук свърши добра работа. You've done good work so far. You've done a good job so far. Аз сготвих вечерята снощи. I cooked supper last night. I cooked dinner last night. Том не може да се изправи. Tom can't stand up. Tom can't get up. Днес ми е трудно да се концентрирам. It's hard for me to concentrate today. I'm having a hard time concentrating today. Предварително ви благодаря за съдействието. Thank you for your cooperation in advance. In advance, thank you for your cooperation. Кой Ви каза, че името ми е том? Who told you my name was Tom? Who told you my name was Tom? Не си ли впечатлен? Aren't you impressed? Aren't you impressed? Том не е тук днес. Tom isn't here today. Tom's not here today. Трябва да купя една от тези. I must buy one of these. I have to buy one of these. Тя сама му помогна. She herself helped him. She helped him. Имам работа за Том. I have work for Tom. I have a job for Tom. Къде си ги изхвърлил? Where did you throw them away? Where did you throw them? Както обикновено, учителят по физика закъсня за часа. As usual, the physics teacher was late for class. As usual, the physics teacher was late for class. Дай да изясним кое е правилно и кое - грешно. Let's make clear which is right and which is wrong. Let's figure out what's right and what's wrong. Забравих да изключа лампите. I forgot to turn off the light. I forgot to turn off the lights. Може ли да те снимам? May I take your picture? Can I take a picture of you? "Може ли да паркирам тук?" "Не, не можете." "May I park here?" "No, you can't." "Can I park here?" "No, you can't." Виждала съм те някъде. I've seen you someplace. I've seen you somewhere. Вие сте седнала на моето място. You're sitting in my seat. You're sitting in my seat. Вече опитах по този начин. I've already tried doing it that way. I already tried that way. Вие не говорите френски, нали? You don't speak French, do you? You don't speak French, do you? Готов съм да поръчам. I'm ready to order. I'm ready to order. Студентите не трябва да използват тази тоалетна. Students must not use this toilet. Students shouldn't use this bathroom. Влязла си в печеливша серия. You're on a roll. You're on a winning streak. Искам да пийна нещо. I want to drink something. I'd like a drink. Страхувам се, че това не е възможно. I'm afraid that won't be possible. I'm afraid that's not possible. Не ѝ остава време за друго, освен да се грижи за бебето. Her hands are full taking care of the baby. She has no time for anything but to take care of the baby. На мен също ми е приятно да се запознаем. Nice to meet you too. Nice to meet you, too. Филмът не беше толкова интересен, колкото книгата. The movie wasn't as interesting as the book. The film wasn't as interesting as the book. Хайде да тръгваме! Let's go. Let's go! Не искам да бъда обезпокояван. I don't want to be disturbed. I don't want to be disturbed. Мисля, че номерът на Том не е в указателя. I think Tom's number is unlisted. I don't think Tom's number is in the phone book. Можеш ли да го направиш сама? Can you do it alone? Can you do it yourself? Много ви благодаря за подробното обяснение. Thank you very much for your detailed explanation. Thank you very much for the detailed explanation. Аз съм единствената, която ги познава. I'm the only one who knows them. I'm the only one who knows them. На нея и се придряма след вечеря. She became drowsy after supper. She's having a nap after dinner. Тези контейнери се затварят херметично. These containers are airtight. These containers are sealed hermetically. Той е най-добрият играч в нашия отбор. He is the best player on our team. He's the best player on our team. Виждал съм ви преди. I've seen you before. I've seen you before. Няма никакви. There aren't any. There aren't any. Искам по-подробна информация. I want more detailed information. I want more detailed information. Носиш ли оръжие? Are you armed? Do you carry a gun? Той казва,че е избегнал опастността като се е преструвал на мъртъв. He says he avoided the danger by playing dead. He says he avoided danger by pretending to be dead. Вкъщи ли си си? Are you at home? Are you home? Можеш ли да ми кажеш ли какво да правя? Can you tell me what to do? Can you tell me what to do? Внимавай с нея. Be careful with it. Be careful with her. Не стреляйте. Излизам. Don't shoot. I'm coming out. Don't shoot, I'm coming out. Това не е ли изненадващо? Isn't that a surprise? Isn't that surprising? Той се сприятелява с всички, които срещне. He makes friends with everybody he meets. He makes friends with everyone he meets. Трябва да учиш по-усърдно. You should study harder. You should study harder. Съжалявам, но не го вярвам. I'm sorry, I don't buy it. I'm sorry, but I don't believe it. Просто не го разбирам това. I simply don't understand this. I just don't get it. Той е нахлул в една къща. He broke into a house. He broke into a house. Пристигнах по-късно от обичайното. I arrived later than usual. I got here later than usual. Не сме разочаровани. We aren't disappointed. We're not disappointed. Тя трепереше от страх. She trembled with fear. She was shivering with fear. Аз бях първият приятел на майка ти. I was your mother's first boyfriend. I was your mother's first friend. Караницата развали нашето единство. Quarrelling spoiled our unity. The fight ruined our unity. Колко пари да взема със себе си? How much money should I take along with me? How much money do I have to take with me? Том го бива с френския. Tom is good at French. Tom's good with French. Падам си по такива истории. That kind of story appeals to me. That's the kind of story I like. Привикнала съм към това. I'm accustomed to this. I'm used to it. Добре дошъл в Япония. Welcome to Japan. Welcome to Japan. Тя само пазарува. She is just going shopping. She's just shopping. Не забравяй, че утре е рождения ден на Том. Don't forget that it's Tom's birthday tomorrow. Don't forget it's Tom's birthday tomorrow. "Чии са тези чорапи?" - "На сестра ми." "Whose socks are these?" "They are my sister's." - "Whose socks are these?" - "My sister's." Мисля, че трябва да се обадиш на Том. I think you need to call Tom. I think you should call Tom. Тя беше висока, стройна блондика. She was a tall, slender blonde. She was a tall, slender blonde. Дадох на Мери една книга. I gave Mary a book. I gave Mary a book. Докорът му каза да не яде между основните часове за хранене. The doctor advised him not to eat between meals. The doc told him not to eat between the main feeding hours. Има ли оцелели? Are there survivors? Are there any survivors? Поличката прилепва по краката и. The skirt clings tight to her legs. The skirt sticks to her legs. Избрахме Джак за председател. We elected Jack chairman. We chose Jack as chairman. Това е моят приятел Том. This is my friend, Tom. This is my friend Tom. Те се изпокараха помежду си. They quarreled among themselves. They had an argument with each other. Том е учител по френски. Tom is a French teacher. Tom's a French teacher. Ние слизаме на следващата гара. We are getting off at the next station. We're going down to the next station. Том помоли Мери да се срещне с него в офиса му утре. Tom has asked Mary to meet him at his office tomorrow. Tom asked Mary to meet him in his office tomorrow. Виждал съм ви да правите невероятни неща. I've seen you do amazing things. I've seen you do amazing things. Том е със светла кожа. Tom has a light complexion. Tom's light-skinned. Благодаря, това е всичко. Thanks, that's all. Thank you, that's all. Моторът не иска да запали. The engine won't start. The bike won't start. Подранила съм. I'm early. I'm early. Да отидем на закрито. Let's go indoors. Let's go indoors. Джеси веднага прие поканата. Jessie accepted the invitation at once. Jesse immediately accepted the invitation. Джак Никълсън е израснал в Ню Джърси. Jack Nicholson was raised in New Jersey. Jack Nicholson grew up in New Jersey. Съществува ли свободната воля? Does free will exist? Is there free will? Ще присъствам. I'll attend. I'll be there. Мисля, че това е мотоциклетът на Том. This is Tom's motorcycle, I think. I think this is Tom's motorcycle. Трябва да отида да се видя с Том. I've got to go meet Tom. I have to go see Tom. Много време мина от последната толкова хубава изненада за мен. It's been a long time since I had such a pleasant surprise. It's been a long time since the last such a nice surprise for me. Да играем на канадска. Let's arm wrestle. Let's play Canadian. Мисля, че имаме достатъчно време. I think we have enough time. I think we have plenty of time. Юнко е хубаво момиче. Junko is a pretty girl. Yunko is a nice girl. Хайде да обядваме. Let's eat lunch. Let's have lunch. Толкова съм го чакала. I've waited so long for this. I've waited so long for him. Не са ли сладки? Aren't they adorable? Aren't they cute? Аз не мога да променя тези планове. I can't change these plans. I can't change those plans. Скоро ще съм вкъщи. I'll be home soon. I'll be home soon. Той пътуваше по работа. He traveled on business. He was on a business trip. Тази сутрин имах малко температура. I had a little fever this morning. I had a little fever this morning. Лекарството действа. The medication is working. The medicine's working. Не мога да вървя повече. I can't walk any further. I can't walk anymore. Том има много голям нос. Tom has a very large nose. Tom's got a very big nose. Това ли е правилната посока за музея? Is this the right way to the museum? Is this the right direction for the museum? Училището започва в осем и половина. School begins at half past eight. School starts at eight and a half. Случи се два пъти. It happened twice. It happened twice. Дълбокото дишане е здравословно. It's healthy to breathe deeply. Deep breathing is healthy. Кога беше последният път, когато ходихте на плажа? When was the last time you went to the beach? When was the last time you went to the beach? Побъркахме се от притеснение за тебе. You had us worried sick. We've been worried sick about you. Той не може да чете. He can't read. He can't read. Съвсем добре си се справяш. You're doing just fine. You're doing just fine. Разправиите няма да решат нищо. Fighting won't settle anything. It's not gonna solve anything. Може би греша. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm wrong. Надявам се това да направи по-лесно разбирането на смисъла и запаметяването на новонаучените думи. I hope this will make it easier to get a grasp of the meaning and to memorize the newly learnt words. I hope this will make understanding the meaning and memorizing of the newly learned words easier. Мисля, че те ни познават. I think they know us. I think they know us. Нямам намерение да те нараня. I have no wish to harm you. I have no intention of hurting you. Можеш ли да ме запознаеш с лекар, който говори френски? Can you introduce me to a doctor who speaks French? Can you introduce me to a doctor who speaks French? Спиш ли? Are you sleeping? Are you asleep? Нашият отбор беше с червени фланелки. Our team were wearing red shirts. Our team was wearing red T-shirts. Какво ще кажете за една разходка по плажа? How about a walk on the beach? How about a walk on the beach? Тези кучета са големи. These dogs are big. These dogs are big. Всички кажете "сирене". Everyone, say cheese. Everybody say "cheese." На Том няма да му се плати. Tom won't be paid. Tom's not getting paid. Дъждът ме спря да изляза. The rain prevented me from going out. The rain stopped me from coming out. Когато бях на твоята възраст, трябваше да вървим пеша нагоре по склона до училище, и в двете посоки. When I was your age, we had to walk uphill to school, both ways. When I was your age, we had to walk up the slope to school, both ways. Той ще бъде зает утре. He will be busy tomorrow. He'll be busy tomorrow. Нямам никаква представа какво правя тук. I have no idea what I'm doing here. I have no idea what I'm doing here. Нищо повече, благодаря. Nothing more, thanks. Nothing more, thank you. Вече опитах. I've already tried. I've already tried. Мисля, че работиш твърде усърдно. I think you're working way too hard. I think you're working too hard. Той вчера пи много. He drank a lot yesterday. He had a lot to drink yesterday. Това няма да ти помогне. That won't help you. That's not gonna help you. Просто прави, каквото Том казва. Just do what Tom says. Just do what Tom says. Затворниците бяха освободени. The prisoners were set free. The prisoners have been released. Внимавайте с това. Be careful with that. Be careful with that. Нищо не виждам. I can't see anything. I can't see anything. Събранието беше отложено. The meeting has been postponed. The meeting was postponed. Не е нужно да си тръваш. You don't have to leave. You don't have to leave. Беше чудесен ден. It was a perfect day. It's been a great day. На колко години беше той? How old was he? How old was he? Това е изключено! It's out of the question! That's out of the question! Том не те вижда. Tom can't see you. Tom can't see you. Писах на учителката си по френски на френски. I wrote to my French teacher in French. I wrote my French teacher. Няма ли да дойдеш? Aren't you coming? Aren't you coming? Ще остана до обяд. I stay until midday. I'll stay till noon. Забравих как се казва. I forgot what his name was. I forgot his name. Мисля, че ще останете доволен. I think you'll be pleased. I think you'll be pleased. Нека не говорим повече за това. Let's not talk about it anymore. Let's not talk about this anymore. Тогава къде е проблемът? So, where's the problem? Then what's the problem? Не беше толкова тежка. It wasn't that heavy. It wasn't that heavy. Това е бизнес. It's business. It's business. Моля заключете сейфа. Please lock the safe. Please lock the safe. Тя ме прекъсна. She interrupted me. She interrupted me. И двамата са живи. Both are alive. They're both alive. Твърде ниска съм. I am too short. I'm too short. Том замина в чужбина да учи френски. Tom went abroad to study French. Tom went abroad to study French. Том си даде визитката на Мери. Tom gave Mary his business card. Tom gave Mary his card. Мисля, че е по-добре да останеш с Том. I think you'd better stick with Tom. I think you'd better stay with Tom. Не го е направил Том. Tom didn't do it. Tom didn't do it. Това е работата, която аз сам избрах. This is the job of my own choice. That's the job I chose for myself. Мисля, че бензинът ни е свършил. I think we're out of gas. I think we're out of gas. Позволете ми да Ви разкажа нещо за себе си. Let me tell you something about myself. Let me tell you something about myself. Ние бутнахме колата. We gave the car a push. We pushed the car. Каква е минималната заплата в Германия? What's the minimum salary in Germany? What's the minimum wage in Germany? Имаме нещо за тебе. We've got something for you. We got something for you. На него му беше трудно да диша. He had trouble breathing. He had a hard time breathing. Не ям свинско. I don't eat pork. I don't eat pork. Идването ти тук беше грешка. Coming here was a mistake. Coming here was a mistake. Вестникът публикува профил на новия си редактор. The paper published a profile of its new editor. The newspaper published a profile of its new editor. Начинанието беше провал още от самото начало. The undertaking was a failure from the beginning. The venture was a failure from the very beginning. Защо не му вземем бутилка вино? Why don't we take him a bottle of wine? Why don't we get him a bottle of wine? Пет дена след като тя завърши, дъщеря ми отлетя от летище Осака към Германия. It was five days after she graduated that my daughter left Osaka Airport for Germany. Five days after she graduated, my daughter flew from Osaka Airport to Germany. Момчето се присмя на момичето. The boy made fun of the girl. The boy laughed at the girl. Моля не пипайте. Please do not touch. Please don't touch. Виждала съм Том тука наоколо. I've seen Tom around. I've seen Tom around here. Трябва да вляза във връзка с Том. I have to get in touch with Tom. I need to get in touch with Tom. Не съм се къпал от три дена. I haven't showered in three days. I haven't showered in three days. Просто затворете очи. Just close your eyes. Just close your eyes. Хайде да се сприятелим. Let's be friends. Let's be friends. Току-що създадох нов текстообработваща програма, с която думите може да произнасят наобратно. I've just invented a new word processor allowing to pronounce words backwards. I've just created a new word processing program with which words can spell backwards. Със сигурност се нуждаем от помощта на Том. We definitely need Tom's help. We certainly need Tom's help. Моля те, дай ми възглавница и одеяло. Please give me a pillow and a blanket. Please give me a pillow and a blanket. Сакото и вратовръзката ти не си отиват. Your jacket and tie don't go together. Your jacket and tie don't go away. Ще ми се да съм млад като теб. I wish I were as young as you. I wish I was as young as you. Бях удивен от това колко добре говори Том френски. I was amazed at Tom's fluency in French. I was amazed at how well Tom spoke French. Том живее малко по-надолу на същата улица, на която живее Мери. Tom lives just down the street from Mary. Tom lives a little further down on the same street that Mary lives on. Новият учител е в класната стая. The new teacher is in the classroom. The new teacher is in the classroom. Побързай, или ще изпуснеш автобуса. Hurry up, or you will miss the bus. Hurry up or you'll miss the bus. Мисля, че ти казах никога да не ходиш там сама. I thought I told you never to go there alone. I thought I told you never to go there alone. Мисля, че ще бъдеш впечатлен. I think you'll be impressed. I think you'll be impressed. Той е в затвора. He's in prison. He's in jail. Мисля, че твоят отговор е правилен. I think your answer is correct. I think your answer's right. Не говоря френски толкова свободно, колкото Том. I don't speak French as fluently as Tom does. I don't speak French as freely as Tom does. Утре е Денят на майката. Tomorrow is Mother's Day. Tomorrow's Mother's Day. Избери този, който харесваш. Choose the one you like. Pick the one you like. При ясно време оттук човек може да види планината Фуджи. In clear weather one can see Mount Fuji from here. In the clear weather, one can see Mount Fuji from here. Кейт му съчувстваше. Kate sympathized with him. Kate felt sorry for him. Ти си мечтател. You're the dreamer. You're a dreamer. Той ми каза, че заминава във Франция през юни. He told me that he would go to France in June. He told me he was going to France in June. Компанията стана публична и излезе на фондовата борса през 1990. The company went public and became listed on the stock exchange in 1990. The company became public and went on the stock market in 1990. Моля те, запази го в тайна. Please keep it a secret. Please keep it a secret. Те преминаха реката. They made their way across the river. They crossed the river. Том си удари коляното. He banged his knee. Tom hit his knee. Бяха им наложени тежки данъци. They were burdened with heavy taxes. They were charged heavy taxes. Уча по френски всеки ден след вечеря. I study French after dinner every day. I study French every day after dinner. Той се сгоди за братовчедка ми. He got engaged to my cousin. He got engaged to my cousin. Какво има в тази кутия? What's in this box? What's in that box? Колко ни дължите? How much money do you owe us? How much do you owe us? Скоро идва Коледа. Christmas is coming soon. Christmas is coming soon. Дебелото черво е дълго около 1.5 метра. The large intestine is about 1.5m long. The colon is about 1.5 meters long. Кой иска да бъде милионер? Who wants to be a millionaire? Who wants to be a millionaire? Том клекна до кучето си. Tom squatted down next to his dog. Tom squats next to his dog. Нищо ли не може да се направи? Can't anything be done? There's nothing you can do? Имам някаква информация. I have some information. I have some information. Обичам френския. I love French. I love French. Той ни беше водач. He acted as our guide. He was our guide. Ще го донеса. I'll bring it back. I'll get it. Корабът транспортира суровини от Индонезия. The ship transports raw materials from Indonesia. The ship is transporting raw materials from Indonesia. Тук е снимана сестра ми. That's a photo of my sister. This is where my sister was photographed. Ще съжаляваш. You'd regret it. You'll be sorry. В нейното училище никой не е по-добър плувец от нея. She is second to none in swimming in her school. In her school, no one's a better swimmer than she is. Има ли голяма къща? Does he have a big house? Is there a big house? Той пие прекалено много бира. He drinks too much beer. He drinks too much beer. Тя е много стеснителна и се притеснява, когато е някъде на парти. She is very shy and feels ill at ease at parties. She's very shy, and she worries when she's at a party somewhere. Мисля, че Том е хубаво име. I think Tom is a nice name. I think Tom's a nice name. Докато съм жив аз, вие няма да бъдете лишени от нищо. You shall want for nothing as long as I live. As long as I live, you will not be deprived of anything. Аз чух какво се е случило. I heard what happened. I heard what happened. Вашата риза ми харесва. I like your shirt. I like your shirt. Казвам ти, тя изглежда като майка си. She looks like her mother, I tell you. I'm telling you, she looks like her mother. Трябва да се извиниш. You should apologize. You should apologize. Ти откъде го знаеш? How do you know? How do you know that? Том може да възрази. Tom might object. Tom might object. Ще Ви се обадя утре сутринта. I will call you tomorrow morning. I'll call you tomorrow morning. Мисля, че е по-добре да се откажете. I think you'd better give up. I think you'd better give it up. Родителите често правят жертви, за да дадат добро образование на децата си. Parents often make sacrifices to give a good education to their children. Parents often make sacrifices to give good education to their children. Откъде си? Where are you from? Where are you from? Изглежда кучето ти е жадно. It looks like your dog is thirsty. Looks like your dog's thirsty. Нали заминаваш за Лондон следващата неделя? You're going to leave for London next Sunday, aren't you? You're going to London next Sunday, right? Имам планове за тази вечер. I have plans tonight. I have plans tonight. Не бих заложила на това. I wouldn't bet on it. I wouldn't bet on that. Не изглеждаш твърде изненадан. You don't look too surprised. You don't seem too surprised. Очевидно сработи. Apparently it worked. Obviously, it worked. Трябва да науча Том на това. I have to teach Tom that. I need to teach Tom that. Това е добър знак. This is a good sign. That's a good sign. Том скочи през прозореца. Tom jumped out of the window. Tom jumped out the window. Да ти кажа, вината е моя. It's my fault, you know. To tell you the truth, it's my fault. Дай аз да ти се обадя. Let me call you back. Let me call you. Дадох им дрехи и малко храна. I gave them clothing and some food. I gave them clothes and some food. Обули сте си чорапите наопаки. You are wearing your socks inside out. You're wearing your socks upside down. Утре ще ставам рано. I will get up early tomorrow. I have to get up early tomorrow. Френският ти харесва, нали? You like French, don't you? You like French, don't you? Замалко да я прегази кола. She came very near to being run over by a car. She almost got run over by a car. Том не е като тях. Tom isn't like them. Tom's not like them. Оставих си кредитната карта вкъщи. I left my credit card at home. I left my credit card at home. Твърде е горещо. It's too hot. It's too hot. Тече ти кръв. You're bleeding. You're bleeding. Просто искам да бъда с вас. All I want to do is hang out with you guys. I just want to be with you. Искам да уча френски. I'd like to study French. I want to learn French. Тя яде ябълка. She's eating an apple. She's eating an apple. Мисля, че трябва да провериш под дивана. I think you should check under the couch. I think you should check under the couch. Колата ми бе открадната снощи. My car was stolen last night. My car was stolen last night. Том не беше на купона. Tom wasn't at the party. Tom wasn't at the party. Доволна ли си? Are you happy about this? Satisfied? Защо не си вземеш чадър за всеки случай? Just to be on the safe side, why don't you take an umbrella with you? Why don't you get an umbrella just in case? Аз наистина го искам. I really do want that. I really want it. Може пък да не съм прав. I may indeed be wrong. Maybe I'm wrong. Приключи ли със закуската вече? Have you finished breakfast yet? Are you done with breakfast yet? Не беше моя грешка. This wasn't my mistake. It wasn't my fault. Прочети го още веднъж. Read it once more. Read it again. Той пристигна по-рано от обичайното. He arrived earlier than usual. He arrived earlier than usual. Говорих с него за това по телефона. I talked with him about it over the telephone. I talked to him about it on the phone. Мисля, че си много талантлива. I think you're very talented. I think you're very talented. Рейсовете се движеха почти празни. The buses ran back and forth almost empty. The races were moving almost empty. Трябват повече проучвания. More research is needed. We need more research. Това е твоя отговорност. That's your responsibility. It's your responsibility. Елате ни на гости. Come and see us. Come visit us. Трябва да бутам колелото си, защото едната от гумите е спаднала. I have to push my bike because one of the tyres is flat. I have to push my bike because one of the tires is down. Тази риза е стандартен размер. This shirt is the standard size. This shirt is standard size. Не ми се подигравайте. Don't make fun of me. Don't make fun of me. Сложих ръка на рамото ѝ. I put my hand on her shoulder. I put my hand on her shoulder. От магазина до вкъщи носех тежкия багаж и си подвиквах хо-о-оп-хоп. I carried the heavy bags back from the store chanting yo-hee-ho all the way home. From the store to home, I took the heavy stuff and I called myself a ho-o-op-hop. Какви езици се говорят в Америка? What languages are spoken in America? What languages are spoken in America? Това е невероятно. This is unbelievable. That's amazing. Чувайки новините, тя припадна. On hearing the news, she fainted. When she heard the news, she passed out. Недей да се разочароваш. Don't be disappointed. Don't be disappointed. Той се успа сутринта. He overslept this morning. He overslept this morning. Ако не си доволен от обслужването, не оставяй бакшиш. If you don't like the service, don't leave a tip. If you're not happy with the service, don't leave a tip. Аз ще помня тази вечер. I'll remember this evening. I'll remember tonight. Не ми плащат достатъчно. I'm not being paid enough. They don't pay me enough. Аз вчера рано станах. I got up early yesterday. I got up early yesterday. През последните два месеца Том непрекъснато се мести от място на място. Tom has been living out of a suitcase for the past two months. For the past two months, Tom has been constantly moving from place to place. Мисля, че трябва да излезете. I think you should leave now. I think you should get out. Той идва тук два пъти седмично. He comes here twice a week. He comes here twice a week. Това основно училище има силен футболен отбор. That primary school has a strong soccer team. This elementary school has a strong football team. Как може Том да не Ви харесва? How can you not like Tom? How could Tom not like you? Хитоми изглеждаше много щастлива. Hitomi looked very happy. Hitomi seemed very happy. Абониран ли си за някакви списания? Do you subscribe to any magazines? Do you subscribe to any magazines? Страхувам се, че няма да успея за обяда, който уговорихме. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it for our luncheon appointment. I'm afraid I won't make it to the lunch we agreed. Правилно! Correct! Right! Това вероятно е ключът, който Том търси. This is probably the key that Tom is looking for. That's probably the key Tom's looking for. Трябваше да ходя до там пеша, защото колата ми се развали. I had to walk there because my car broke down. I had to walk there because my car broke down. Продължава да се случва. It keeps happening. It keeps happening. Имам доста приятели, които говорят френски добре. I have quite a few friends who speak French well. I have a lot of friends who speak French well. Почувствах се изолиран. I felt isolated. I felt isolated. Да се диша дълбоко е здравословно. It's healthy to breathe deeply. Deep breath is healthy. Тяхната къща е точно срещу автобусната спирка. Their house is just opposite the bus stop. Their house is right across the street from the bus stop. Това не е лоша идея. It's not a bad idea. That's not a bad idea. Разликата в годините ни не е голяма. The difference in our ages is not significant. There's not much difference in our age. Кутията е твърде тежка за носене. The box is too heavy to carry. The box is too heavy to carry. Да гласуваме. Let's vote. Let's vote. Ранените бяха докарани с линейка. The wounded arrived by ambulance. The wounded were brought in by ambulance. Не мърдай! Stand still! Don't move! Той кръсти кучето си Попай. He named his dog Popeye. He named his dog Popeye. Има хора, с които имам нужда да говоря. I have people I need to talk to. There are people I need to talk to. Том говори малко френски. Tom knows some French. Tom speaks a little French. Мисля, че пропускате нещо. I think you're missing something. I think you're missing something. Ти винаги пееш. You always sing. You always sing. Забравих го в гаража. I forgot it in the garage. I left it in the garage. Дължа му 1000 йени. I owe him 1000 yen. I owe him 1,000 yen. Как мога да те намеря? How can I reach you? How can I find you? Ник ми дължи десет долара. Nick owes me ten dollars. Nick owes me ten bucks. Не искам да работя при тези условия. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work under these conditions. Не наказвай Том за това. Don't punish Tom for that. Don't punish Tom for that. Никога не съм те виждал толкова уплашен. I've never seen you look so scared. I've never seen you so scared. Том отбеляза три точки. Tom scored three points. Tom scored three points. Обичате ли да се разхождате по плажа? Do you enjoy walking on the beach? Do you like to walk on the beach? Кога ще напуснеш? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Има ли някой с тебе? Is there someone with you? Is anyone with you? Том не можа да повярва какво става. Tom couldn't believe what was happening. Tom couldn't believe what was going on. Забавлява ли се миналата вечер? Did you enjoy yourself last evening? Did you have fun last night? Казано направо, той греши. To put it bluntly, he's mistaken. To put it bluntly, he's wrong. Те вече са тук. They're already here. They're already here. Седи си един човек в кухнята. A man is sitting in his kitchen. There's a man sitting in the kitchen. Връщам я. I'm giving it back. I'm bringing her back. Кога затваря музеят на изкуствата? When does the art museum close? When does the art museum close? Бях зает тази седмица. I have been busy this week. I've been busy this week. Вие идвате от Швеция. You come from Sweden. You come from Sweden. Мислех, че ще закусим заедно. I thought we would have breakfast together. I thought we were having breakfast together. Преглътни го. Deal with it. Suck it up. Том преподава спортна психология. Tom teaches sport psychology. Tom teaches sports psychology. Какво желаеш? What do you desire? What do you want? Изглежда, че си променил цялата стая. It looks like you changed the whole room. Looks like you changed the whole room. Те се подиграваха на прическата на Джак. They made fun of Jack's haircut. They made fun of Jack's hair. Проблемът е, че нямам много пари. The trouble is that I am short of money. Problem is, I don't have a lot of money. Много ми липсваш. I miss you very much. I miss you so much. Автомобилните продажби претърпяха влошаване към края на финансовата година. Automobile sales suffered a setback at the end of the financial year. Car sales suffered a deterioration at the end of the financial year. Каквото и да правя, тя винаги казва, че може и по-добре. No matter what I do, she says I can do better. Whatever I do, she always says she can do better. Той е футболист. He is a soccer player. He's a football player. Аз съм твърдо против. I am firmly opposed to this. I'm strongly against it. Самолетът уби романтиката в пътуването. The airplane has robbed travel of its poetry. The plane killed the romance of the journey. Бих предпочел да говоря на френски. I'd prefer to speak French. I'd rather speak French. Нямам идея как работи. I have no idea how it works. I have no idea how it works. Може ли да ми изгладите тези дрехи? Could I have these clothes ironed? Can you iron these clothes for me? Ти си толкова отзивчива. You're so helpful. You're so cooperative. Мисля, че сте перфектна. I think you're perfect. I think you're perfect. Армията трябваше да се оттегли. The army had to retreat. The army had to withdraw. Успехът ти зависи от това, дали ще си вземеш STEP изпита, или не. Your success depends on whether you pass the STEP examination or not. Your success depends on whether you take the STEP exam or not. Винаги съм се чудела дали ще се върнеш. I always wondered whether you'd come back. I always wondered if you'd come back. Том никога не говори за чувствата си. Tom never talks about his feelings. Tom never talks about his feelings. Той си вдигна ръцете. He raised his hands. He put his hands up. Едно кафе, ако обичате. Coffee, please. A cup of coffee, please. Не съм се чувал с Джейн, откакто тя се премести в Токио. I haven't heard from Jane since she moved to Tokyo. I haven't heard from Jane since she moved to Tokyo. Валеше като из ведро. It rained cats and dogs. It was raining like a bucket. Мисля, че ще бъдеш впечатлена. I think you'll be impressed. I think you'll be impressed. Той ми благодари че съм дошъл. He thanked me for coming. He thanked me for coming. Той е по-нисък от Том. He's shorter than Tom. He's shorter than Tom. Можеш ли да караш? Can you drive? Can you drive? Не мога да говоря английски, да не говорим за испански. I cannot speak English, much less Spanish. I can't speak English, not to mention Spanish. Някой трябва да ти е откраднал часовника. Someone must've stolen your watch. Someone must have stolen your watch. Том израсна, говорейки на френски и английски. Tom grew up speaking both French and English. Tom grew up speaking French and English. Какво правиш сега? What're you doing now? What are you doing now? Музеят си заслужава да бъде посетен. The museum is worth visiting. The museum is worth a visit. Том ще отсъства една седмица. Tom won't be back for a week. Tom's gonna be gone for a week. Търся подарък за баща си. I'm looking for a gift for my father. I'm looking for a present for my father. Проблема не си заслужава обсъждане. The problem is not worth consideration. It's not worth discussing. Беше доста хладно. It was quite cold. It was pretty chilly. "За тук или за вкъщи?" - "За тук, благодаря." "Do you want it to eat here, or take away?" "Eat here please." - "For here or for home?" - "For here, thank you." Боб се прибра много късно. Bob came home very late. Bob came home too late. Асансьорите не работят. The elevators aren't working. The elevators aren't working. Иска се кураж да направиш такова нещо. It takes courage to do such a thing. It takes courage to do such a thing. Не бой се, ще се справиш. Don't worry. You'll make it. Don't worry, you'll be fine. Аз я закарах до града. I gave her a lift to town. I drove her into town. Както и да е, никога няма да разбереш. Anyway, you'll never know. Anyway, you'll never know. Вярвате или не, праскови и бадеми са от едно семейство. Although it it does not seem that way, peaches and almonds are family. Believe it or not, peaches and almonds are from the same family. Искаш ли да чуеш нещо смешно? Do you want to hear something funny? You want to hear something funny? Няма достатъчно столове в конферентната зала. There aren't enough chairs in the conference room. There aren't enough chairs in the conference room. Нямам представа. No idea. I have no idea. Том не беше съвършен. Tom wasn't perfect. Tom wasn't perfect. Когато бях студентка в университета, никога не спях в нощта преди изпита. When I was a university student, I always pulled an all-nighter before a test. When I was a university student, I never slept the night before the exam. Аз наистина го искам това. I really do want that. I really want this. Днес научих много испански думи и сега знам как да кажа "буза", "брадичка" и "коляно". Today I learned a lot of Spanish words and now I know how to say "cheek," "chin," and "knee." I learned a lot of Spanish today, and now I know how to say "butt," "brade" and "knee." През зимата спя с два юргана. During the winter, I sleep with two quilts. In winter, I sleep with two quilts. Да го разделим. Let's split it. Let's split it up. Ще се навъртам наоколо. I'll stick around. I'll stick around. Можеш да тръгваш. You may go. You can go now. Не съм виждал тези снимки преди. I haven't seen these pictures before. I've never seen these pictures before. Том трудно се справя в подобни ситуации. Tom has trouble dealing with this kind of situation. Tom can't handle things like this. Той не ѝ хареса. She didn't like him. She didn't like it. Той има силно тяло. He has a strong body. He's got a strong body. Страх ли те е? Are you scared? Are you scared? Всички знаеха, че Том може добре да говори френски. Everybody knew Tom could speak French well. Everyone knew Tom could speak French well. Утре е неделя. Tomorrow is Sunday. Tomorrow's Sunday. Том не вижда без очилата си. Tom can't see without his glasses. Tom can't see without his glasses. Тези ядливи ли са? Are these edible? Are those edibles? Нещо мърда там долу. There's something moving down there. Something's moving down there. Не бих те обвинила. I wouldn't blame you. I wouldn't blame you. Може би Том не беше сбъркал. Maybe Tom wasn't wrong. Maybe Tom wasn't wrong. Беше завършен. It's been completed. It was finished. Бих искал едно копие от този доклад. I'd like to get a copy of that report. I would like a copy of this report. Том е развалина. Tom is a nervous wreck. Tom's a wreck. Осъдени на смърт. Condemned to death. Sentenced to death. Тя прекара много дни, плетейки пуловер за него. She spent many days knitting a sweater for him. She spent a lot of days knitting a sweater for him. Возил ли се се наскоро с експресен влак? Have you been on an express train recently? Did you take an express train recently? Гледай да не закъсняваш. Now, don't be late. Don't be late. Замесен ли си? Are you involved? Are you involved? Чух, че Том бил ранен. I heard Tom was hurt. I heard Tom was hurt. Колко епизода на One Piece си гледал? How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? How many episodes of One Piece have you seen? Чух, че хванали убиеца на Том. I heard they caught Tom's killer. I heard they caught Tom's killer. Наистина си прекарах чудесно. I really did have a great time. I really had a great time. Време е да си вървиш. It's time for you to go. It's time for you to go. Само като си помисля за инцидента настръхвам. Just to think about the accident makes me shudder. Just thinking about the accident gives me goose bumps. Виждал съм ги преди. I've seen them before. I've seen them before. Защо е ядосан Том? Why is Tom angry? Why is Tom angry? Той говори японски добре. He speaks Japanese well. He speaks Japanese well. Директорът мисли дали да не уволни Том. The boss is thinking about firing Tom. The director's thinking about firing Tom. Аз ще съм с Том. I'll stick with Tom. I'll be with Tom. "Колко свещички духна на рождения си ден?" "Петдесет и шест." "How many candles did you blow out on your birthday?" "Fifty-six." "How many candles did you blow on your birthday?" "Fifty-six." Шарените чорапи са плетени на ръка. These multicolored socks are hand-knitted. The patterned socks are hand knitted. Закъсня с три дни. You're three days late. You're three days late. Прочети я още веднъж. Read it once more. Read it again. Думата изразява моите чувства. The word is expressive of my feelings. The word expresses my feelings. Том има лоши новини. Tom got some bad news. Tom's got some bad news. Къде каза Том, че трябва да отидем? Where did Tom say we should go? Where did Tom say we should go? Иди събуди Том. Go wake Tom up. Go wake Tom up. Току-що свърших да правя домашното си по френски. I've just now finished doing my French homework. I just finished my French homework. Търся си химикалката. I'm looking for my pen. I'm looking for my pen. Да вечеряме. Let's eat dinner. Let's have dinner. Ще го посетя утре. I'll visit him tomorrow. I'll visit him tomorrow. Този тип беше кретен. That dude was a jerk. This guy was a jerk. Том обича да носи бели чорапи със сандалите си. Tom likes wearing white socks with his sandals. Tom likes to wear white socks with his sandals on. Това е в разрез с принципите ми. It's against my principles. It's against my principles. Не знам защо Том е толкова бесен. I don't know why Tom is so angry. I don't know why Tom's so mad. Какви са фактите? What're the facts? What are the facts? Прииска ми се да изкрещя. I felt like screaming. I wanted to scream. Аз съм тази, която спаси Том. I'm the one who saved Tom. I'm the one who saved Tom. Виждал съм Ви някъде. I've seen you someplace. I've seen you somewhere. Тя преведе писмото от японски на френски. She translated the letter from Japanese into French. She translated the letter from Japanese into French. Уволнена ли съм? Am I fired? Am I fired? Някой видя ли те? Anybody see you? Did anyone see you? Селото е надалече. That village is a great distance off. The village is far away. Какво те ядоса? What are you angry about? What made you angry? Вие откъде го знаете? How do you know? How do you know that? Аз забравих. I have forgotten. I forgot. Той е в пандиза. He's in the joint. He's in jail. Не знам какво да правя по-нататък. I don't know what I'm going to do next. I don't know what to do next. От сутринта няма ток. The power has been off since this morning. There's been no power since this morning. В дънките ми има дупка. I got a hole in my jeans. There's a hole in my jeans. Том работи извънредно. Tom is working overtime. Tom's working overtime. Той наистина говори добре. He does speak well. He really speaks well. Мисля, че допускаш грешка. I think you're making a mistake. I think you're making a mistake. Никога преди не съм чувала Том да се оплаква. I've never heard Tom complain before. I've never heard Tom complain before. Те вероятно са пияни. They're probably drunk. They're probably drunk. Ще ви покажа откъде да минете. I'll show you the way. I'll show you where to go. Не разполагам с лично пространство. I have no privacy. I don't have any privacy. Ние имаме нещо за теб. We've got something for you. We have something for you. Току-що приключих с домашното си по френски. I've just now finished doing my French homework. I just finished my French homework. Том току-що успя. Tom just did it. Tom just made it. Не очаквах Том да бъде там. I didn't expect Tom to be there. I didn't expect Tom to be there. На колко години са братовчедките Ви? How old are your cousins? How old are your cousins? Френският ти се е подобрил значително. Your French has improved a lot. Your French has improved significantly. Какво има в куфара ви? What's in your suitcase? What's in your suitcase? В края на март ще се оженим. At the end of March we'll marry. We're getting married at the end of March. Той вдигна ръце. He raised his hands. He raised his hands. Мога ли да ви задам един личен въпрос? Can I ask you a personal question? Can I ask you a personal question? Късмет ти желая. I wish you good luck. Good luck to you. Мисля, че Том се опитваше да ни предупреди за нещо. I think Tom was trying to warn us about something. I think Tom was trying to warn us about something. Той се ожени за едно хубаво момиче. He married a pretty girl. He married a pretty girl. Погрижих се за това. I've taken care of that. I took care of it. Не проявявате ли интерес? Aren't you interested? Aren't you interested? Това е нещо доста различно. That's quite another thing. This is something quite different. Братята му, сестрите му или пък той самият ще отиде до гарата да посрещне баща си. His brothers, sisters or he himself is to go to the station to meet their father. His brothers, his sisters, or he himself will go to the station to meet his father. Отказах се от Том. I gave up on Tom. I gave up on Tom. Той изчезна без следа. He disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace. Много сте смели. You are very brave. You're very brave. Като стана дума за пътешествия, бил ли си някога в Кобе? Speaking about trips, have you ever been to Kobe? Speaking of trips, have you ever been to Kobe? Трябва да ида на пазар; ще се след час. I have to go shopping; I'll be back in an hour. I have to go shopping; I'll be there in an hour. Мери е висока. Mary is tall. Mary's tall. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да дойдеш? Are you sure you don't want to come? Are you sure you don't want to come? Може ли сметката, ако обичате? Could I have the bill, please? Can I have the check, please? Дай да я питаме. Let's ask her. Let's ask her. Сменям влака на другата гара. Change trains at the next station. I'm changing trains at the other station. Чух те как ме окуражаваше. I heard you cheering. I heard you encourage me. Ще ти дам назаем тази книга. I'll lend you this book. I'll lend you this book. Това не го помня. I have no memory of that. I don't remember that. Откъде купи цветя? Where did you buy flowers? Where did you get the flowers? Няма да работя тук за дълго. I won't be working here long. I won't work here for long. Искаме собствена къща. We want a house of our own. We want our own house. Трябва да го кажа. I have to say this. I have to say it. На теория би трябвало да свърши работа. Theoretically it should work. In theory, it should work. И Том, и Мери могат да говорят френски. Tom and Mary are both able to speak French. Both Tom and Mary can speak French. Лично е. That's personal. It's personal. Не съм говорил с Том. I haven't talked to Tom. I didn't talk to Tom. Том свиреше на цигулката си. Tom played his violin. Tom was playing his violin. Том се събуди с главоболие. Tom woke up with a headache. Tom woke up with a headache. По-добре да не ходите. You'd better not go. You'd better not go. Мик кръсти бебето Ричард. Mick named the baby Richard. Mick named the baby Richard. Планирам да уча в чужбина догодина. I intend to study abroad next year. I plan to study abroad next year. Можете ли да броите до сто на френски? Can you count to one hundred in French? Can you count to a hundred in French? Мисля, че ми дължиш обяснение. I think you owe me an explanation. I think you owe me an explanation. Трябва да намеря друга. I have to find another one. I need to find another one. Трябва да напуснеш веднага. You should leave immediately. You need to leave right now. Снегът беше до коляно. The snow was knee deep. The snow was up to its knees. Чувствам се зле днес. I feel bad today. I feel bad today. Толкова е тъжно да гледаш как Том проси пари на улицата, след като загуби всичките си пари на хазарт. It's so sad to see Tom begging for money in the streets after he lost all his savings gambling. It's so sad to see Tom begging for money on the street after losing all his gambling money. Никога не съм виждал нещо подобно. I've never seen anything quite like this. I've never seen anything like it. Няма да сте единствените там. You won't be the only one there. You won't be the only ones there. Разбра ли ме? Am I understood? Do you understand me? Говориш ли турски? Do you speak Turkish? Do you speak Turkish? Сложих я в стаята ти. I put it in your room. I put it in your room. Няма никой вкъщи. There's no one home. There's no one home. Още иска да дойде. He still wants to come. He still wants to come. Трябва да отложим честването. We need to postpone the celebration. We have to postpone the celebration. Том изглежда страхотно. Tom looks cool. Tom looks great. Какво ли би могъл да прави Том там? What could Tom be doing there? What could Tom be doing there? Мисля, че това е Том. I think that's Tom. I think that's Tom. Точно каквото казах, че може да се случи, се случи. Exactly what I said might happen, happened. Just what I said could happen happened. Бях обучен в това училище. I was given training in that school. I was trained at this school. Добър ден. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Мисля, че това ще ви е интересно. I think you'll be interested in this. I think you'll find this interesting. За колко време стига шатълът до летището? How long does the airport shuttle take to get to the airport? How long till the shuttle gets to the airport? Том мислеше, че Мери е необвързана, но не беше съвсем сигурен. Tom thought Mary was single, but he wasn't really sure. Tom thought Mary was single, but he wasn't quite sure. Идете в парка. Go to the park. Go to the park. Тя го мразеше. She hated him. She hated him. Том не е зает. Tom's not busy. Tom's not busy. Поискай експерт. Ask an expert. Ask for an expert. Неговото начинание се провали заради липса на средства. His undertaking failed for lack of funds. His venture failed because of lack of funds. Сигурен съм, че Том не може да говори френски. I'm pretty sure Tom can't speak French. I'm sure Tom can't speak French. Майк беше избран за председател. Mike was elected chairperson. Mike was elected chairman. Том играе футбол. Tom plays football. Tom plays football. Тя вярва, че синът ѝ е още жив. She believes her son is still alive. She believes her son is still alive. Той ще играе бейзбол утре. He will play baseball tomorrow. He's playing baseball tomorrow. Забравих ПИН кода. I forgot the PIN number. I forgot the PIN code. Бих искала да благодаря на родителите си, Том и Мери. I would like to thank my parents, Tom and Mary. I'd like to thank my parents, Tom and Mary. Иска ми се, когато бях млад, да бях учил френски по-сериозно. I wish I had studied French harder when I was younger. I wish when I was young I'd studied French more seriously. Аристократът се придържа към славата от миналото си. The aristocrat clings to the glory of his past. The aristocrat clings to the glory of his past. Колко пъти на ден летите до Токио? How many flights to Tokyo do you offer a day? How many times a day do you fly to Tokyo? Няма да съм в състояние да пренеса Том от другата страна на моста. I won't be able to carry Tom across the bridge. I won't be able to carry Tom to the other side of the bridge. Не правя така. I don't do that. I don't do that. Виждал съм това и преди. I've seen that before. I've seen this before. В кухнята е. It is in the kitchen. It's in the kitchen. Има ли някакви въпроси? Are there any questions? Are there any questions? Мълния удари къщата на Том. Lightning struck Tom's house. Lightningman hit Tom's house. Чудесата се казват чудеса, защото не се случват! Miracles are called miracles because they don't happen! Miracles are called miracles because they don't happen! Прекалено е голямо. It's too big. It's too big. Каква е минималната заплата в Австралия? What's the minimum salary in Australia? What's the minimum wage in Australia? Просто ми е любопитно. I'm just curious. I'm just curious. Града е разположен в подножието на планината. This city lies at the base of a mountain. The town is located at the foot of the mountain. Тя е доста по-висока от мен. She's way taller than me. She's a lot taller than me. Става все по-трудно. It keeps getting harder and harder. It's getting harder and harder. Том отвори очи и видя Мери. Tom opened his eyes and saw Mary. Tom opened his eyes and saw Mary. Другата неделя ще заминаваш за Лондон, нали? You're going to leave for London next Sunday, aren't you? You're going to London next Sunday, right? Носиш ли пари у себе си? Do you have any money with you? Do you have any money on you? Защо не ми каза предварително? Why didn't you tell me in advance? Why didn't you tell me in advance? Ще се върна следващата седмица. I'll be back next week. I'll be back next week. Остани с мен,Том. Stay with me, Tom. Stay with me, Tom. Старецът даде подслон на детето. The old man gave the child shelter. The old man gave shelter to the child. Доскоро. See you around. See you later. Бих искал да живея близо до твоята къща. I wish I could live near your house. I'd like to live near your house. Мисля, че имахме късмет. I think we were lucky. I think we got lucky. Трябва да сложа край на това. I have to stop this. I have to put an end to this. Толкова си повърхностен. You're so shallow. You're so shallow. Това няма да промени нищо. It won't make any difference. It won't change anything. Въпреки че животът на хората в Китай сега става все по-добър и по-добър, все още има много какво да се желае. Although the life of Chinese people is getting better and better now, there is still room for improvement. Although the lives of people in China are now getting better and better, there is still much to be desired. Ние, съпругите, трябва да се поддържаме. We wives have to stick together. We wives have to stick together. Аз съм партньорът на Том. I'm Tom's partner. I'm Tom's partner. Знаеш ли кой е нарисувал тази рисунка? Do you know who painted this picture? Do you know who drew this picture? Никой не може да ме спре да говоря с Марика. Nobody can stop me from talking to Marika. No one can stop me from talking to Marika. Никога не съм си давала сметка, че Том се интересува от френския. I never realized Tom was interested in French. I never realized Tom was interested in French. Надявам се, че Том не е сгрешил. I hope that Tom wasn't mistaken. I hope Tom wasn't wrong. Тя здрава ли е? Is she healthy? Is she healthy? Позволи ми да остана. Permit me to stay. Let me stay. Някой казвал ли ви го е? Did anyone tell you? Has anyone ever told you that? Изгубих си билета. I've lost my ticket. I lost my ticket. Толкова съм дебела. I'm so fat. I'm so fat. Бактерията няма да се размножава в алкохол. Bacteria will not breed in alcohol. Bacteria won't reproduce in alcohol. Каквото и да кажеш, няма да се откажа. No matter what you say, I won't give up. Whatever you say, I'm not giving up. Какво ще кажете да си починем? How about taking a rest? What do you say we take a break? Не бих те обвинил. I wouldn't blame you. I wouldn't blame you. Той често цитира Милтън. He often quotes Milton. He often quotes Milton. Понякога той е много странен. Sometimes, he's very strange. Sometimes he's very strange. Пепелникът беше пълен догоре с фасове. The ashtray was brimming with cigarette butts. The ashtray was full of cigarette butts. Уча френски сам. I'm learning French on my own. I'm learning French by myself. Мислите ли да ходите някъде това лято? Are you going to go anywhere this summer? Are you thinking of going somewhere this summer? Нямам време за губене. I have no time to waste. I don't have time to waste. Ти изтрещя ли? Are you nuts? Did you freak out? Трябва да се съобразявам с желанията на Том. I have to respect Tom's wishes. I have to respect Tom's wishes. Моето мнение е, че френският е труден за научаване език. In my opinion, French is a hard language to learn. My opinion is that French is a difficult language to learn. България е единствената европейска страна, където един бивш монарх е бил избиран за министър-председател. Bulgaria is the only country in Europe where a former monarch has been elected prime minister. Bulgaria is the only European country where a former monarch has been elected Prime Minister. Чух го днес по новините. I heard it on the news today. I heard it on the news today. Някои хора казват, че френски се учи лесно. Some people say French is easy to learn. Some people say French is easy to learn. И ти какво си помисли? So what did you think? What did you think? Децата ми често искат пари от мене. My children often ask me for money. My children often ask me for money. Наистина го оценявам, Том. I really appreciate it, Tom. I really appreciate it, Tom. Фолклора на острова още разказва историята на сала. Island folklore still recounts the story of the raft. The Falklora on the island is still telling the story of the raft. Тя продължи да работи. She kept on working. She kept working. Скрих се под масата. I hid under the table. I hid under the table. Ти го правиш в момента. You're doing it now. You're doing it right now. Йоко ходи да пазарува вчера. Yoko went shopping yesterday. Yoko went shopping yesterday. Искам да се оженя за нея. I want to marry her. I want to marry her. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш едно? Are you sure you don't want one? You sure you don't want one? Днес бързам. I'm in a hurry today. I'm in a hurry today. Присъствието за всички членове е задължително. Attendance is compulsory for all members. The presence of all members shall be mandatory. Том може да е прав. Tom might be right. Tom might be right. Цените се повишиха. Prices went up. Prices have gone up. Когато детето искаше последната версия на софтуера за PlayStation,то се държеше като разглезено дете. When the kid wanted the latest PlayStation software, he acted like a spoiled child. When the kid wanted the latest version of the PlayStation software, he was acting like a spoiled child. Доказателствата го потвърждават. The evidence confirms it. The evidence confirms it. Аои е добър танцьор. Aoi is a good dancer. Aoi is a good dancer. Умираш ли? Are you dying? Are you dying? Защо учиш френския толкова усърдно? Why are you studying French so hard? Why are you learning French so hard? Не искам да ви задържам. Don't let me detain you. I don't want to keep you. Като стигнеш до светофара, завий надясно. After you get to the traffic lights, turn right. When you get to the light, turn right. Мисля, че Том си почива. I think Tom is taking a nap. I think Tom's resting. Сигурна ли си, че искаш да се откажеш? Are you sure you want to quit? Are you sure you want to quit? Изпратих Том вкъщи. I've sent Tom home. I sent Tom home. Том не може да те понася. Tom can't stand you. Tom can't stand you. Том още е безработен. Tom is still unemployed. Tom's still unemployed. Точно когато се канеше да излезе от магазина, тя видя на витрината една прекрасна рокля. Just as she was about to leave the store, she saw a beautiful dress in the window. Just as she was about to leave the store, she saw a beautiful dress in the window. Том не е толкова лош. Tom isn't that bad. Tom's not that bad. Какво друго има да се каже? What else is there to say? What else is there to say? Том пренасяше нещо. Tom was carrying something. Tom was carrying something. Май трябва да го оставиш да се пече още малко. It looks like you need to cook this a bit longer. Maybe you should let him bake a little more. Нещо имам проблем да си го представя. I have trouble picturing that. I've got a problem imagining it. Имам да свърша много работа утре. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Фокусът е върху статистически значими лексико-граматически особености използвани в специфични подмножества от текстове свързани с дадена дисциплина. The focus is on statistically significant features of lexico-grammar used within particular sub-sets of texts associated with a particular discipline. The focus is on statistically significant lexico-grammatical features used in specific subsets of texts related to discipline. Чувствам се толкова самотна. I feel so alone. I feel so alone. Няма тоалетна хартия. There is no toilet paper. There's no toilet paper. Не ви мразя. I don't hate you. I don't hate you. Не съм ви виждал почти три години. I haven't seen you in almost three years. I haven't seen you in almost three years. Всички правила трябва да бъдат съобразени с политиката на компанията. All of the rules must be in line with company policy. All rules must comply with the company's policy. Понякога ги виждаме. We sometimes see them. Sometimes we see them. Не схванах последната дума. I didn't catch the last word. I didn't get the last word. Америка има нужда от вас. America needs you. America needs you. Аз имам три пораснали сина. I have three grown sons. I have three grown sons. Том се нуждае от кръвопреливане. Tom needs a blood transfusion. Tom needs a blood transfusion. Виждал съм го това. I've seen that. I've seen this before. Далече ли е от тук? Is it far from here? Is it far from here? Честно казано, не мисля, че става дума за плагиатство. Honestly, I don't believe it's a matter of plagiarism. Honestly, I don't think this is about plagiarism. Ти в комисията ли си? Are you on the committee? Are you on the committee? Всичко е наред. Everything is alright. It's okay. Марк никога не беше играл на сцена и беше притеснен. Mark had never acted on the stage and he was ill at ease. Mark was never on stage, and he was worried. Когато почувствам песимизъм за бъдещето на света, аз просто се подсещам колко много се е променило дори само през времето, което аз помня. Whenever I'm feeling pessimistic about the future of the world, I just think of how much has changed even in the time that I can remember. When I feel pessimism about the future of the world, I just remind myself how much has changed even during the time that I remember. Моля ви, прочетете го още веднъж. Please read it once more. Please read it one more time. Те се подиграваха на Мери. They made fun of Mary. They were making fun of Mary. Искаш ли деца? Do you want kids? Do you want kids? Нямам нищо общо с онзи случай. I have nothing to do with that case. I had nothing to do with that case. Том е завършил японска филология. Tom majored in Japanese literature in college. Tom graduated from Japanese philology. Имам информацията, която искаше. I have the information you wanted. I have the information you wanted. Ние слизаме на следващата спирка. We are getting off at the next station. We get off at the next stop. По-добре да тръгваш. You'd better go. You'd better go. Имате ли нещо против да отворите прозореца? Would you mind opening the window? Would you mind opening the window? И какво? Мене това не ме интересува. So what? It doesn't matter to me. I don't care about that. Бети я уби. Betty killed her. Betty killed her. Аз не съм като Том. I'm not like Tom. I'm not like Tom. Не можах да отида на работа, защото бях болен. I couldn't go to work because I was sick. I couldn't go to work because I was sick. Том доста ходи. Tom talks quite a lot. Tom's been walking a lot. Тя обича ли портокали? Does she like oranges? Does she like oranges? Единственото, което Джак прави, е да спи. All Jack does is sleep. The only thing Jack does is sleep. Никога не бих ви излъгала. I would never lie to you. I would never lie to you. Въздухът, подобно на водата, е сред основните неща, необходими за човека. Air, like food, is a basic human need. The air, like water, is among the basic things needed for man. Интересна ли беше книгата? Was the book interesting? Was the book interesting? Аз не обичам кафе с лед, а и тя също не обича. I don't like iced coffee, and she doesn't either. I don't like coffee on the rocks, and neither does she. Няма да видиш нищо без фенерче. You won't be able to see anything without a flashlight. You won't see anything without a flashlight. Това е най-грозната шапка, която някога съм виждал. That's the ugliest hat I've ever seen. This is the ugliest hat I've ever seen. Търсите ли нещо? Are you looking for something? Looking for something? Аз знам, че си прав. I know you're right. I know you're right. Том разбира каквото ти не разбираш. Tom understands what you don't. Tom understands what you don't understand. Ела възможно най-бързо. Come as soon as possible. Come as soon as you can. Той взима пет процента от продаденото. He makes five per cent on what he sells. He gets five percent of what's sold. Нейните дискове не се купуват от младите хора. Her CDs are not bought by young people. Her CDs are not bought by young people. Днес не ми се учи по френски. I don't feel like studying French today. I don't want to learn French today. Том е човекът, който ми каза за него. Tom is the one who told me about it. Tom's the guy who told me about him. Опасно беше. It was dangerous. It was dangerous. Здравей, Сюзън. Как си? Hi, Susan. How are you? Hi, Susan, how are you? Щастлив ли сте? Are you happy? Are you happy? Не е нужно да ми благодарите, защото вие заслужавате най-доброто. You do not need to thank me because you deserve all the best. You don't have to thank me because you deserve the best. Джак изчетка прахта от палтото си. Jack brushed the dust off his coat. Jack brushed the dust out of his coat. Без съмнение ще закъснее. He will doubtless be late. No doubt he'll be late. Винаги ми изневеряват. I am always cheated on. They always cheat on me. Американците харесаха това, което чуха от Франклин Рузвелт. Americans liked what they heard from Franklin Roosevelt. The Americans liked what they heard from Franklin Roosevelt. Мисля, че подценявате Том. I think you underestimate Tom. I think you're underestimating Tom. Мария има дълга коса. Maria has long hair. Maria has long hair. Това не е сън. It's not a dream. This isn't a dream. Направиха ДНК анализ, за да видят дали тялото е на Том. They did a DNA comparison to see if the body was Tom's. They ran DNA to see if it was Tom's body. Трябва ми добър съвет. I need some good advice. I need some good advice. Искам въже за скачане с дървени дръжки. I want a jump rope with wooden handles. I want a jump rope with wooden handles. "Да живееш е най-рядкото нещо на света. Повечето хора съществуват, това е всичко." "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." "Life is the rarest thing in the world, most people exist, that's all." Остави го да лае като куче. Let him bark like a dog. Let him bark like a dog. Той разтвори малко захар в кафето си. He dissolved some sugar in his coffee. He dissolved some sugar in his coffee. Тя винаги отделя толкова време, колкото ѝ е нужно за избирането на рокля. She always takes her time in choosing her dress. She always spends as much time as she needs to choose a dress. Нагазихме в студената вода инч след инч. We waded into the cold water inch by inch. We're in the cold water an inch after an inch. Пластмасовата магнитна карта, на която е запаметен банковият номер, дебитна карта ли се нарича? Is the magnetic card made of plastic which stores your bank account called a cash card? The plastic magnetic card on which the bank number is stored, is it called a debit card? Другия месец ще ни се ражда дете. We are going to have a baby next month. We're having a baby next month. Говори тихо. Speak quietly. Keep your voice down. Загрижени сме за недостига на стоките. We are concerned about the shortage of the commodities. We're concerned about the shortage of goods. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да се обадя на Том? Are you sure you don't want me to call Tom? Are you sure you don't want me to call Tom? Вие обичате ли майка си? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Прочети съобщението още веднъж. Read the message once more. Read the message again. С кого ходите на плажа? Who did you go to the beach with? Who do you go to the beach with? Тя отказа поканата. She declined the invitation. She refused the invitation. Дължах на Том пари за едни неща, които той беше купил за мен. I owed Tom some money for some things he bought for me. I owed Tom money for some things he had bought for me. Бях укорен строго от онзи учител. I got scolded severely by that teacher. I was harshly condemned by that teacher. Имам три избора. I have three choices. I have three choices. Считам се за късметлия. I consider myself lucky. I consider myself lucky. Човешка физиология е курс, който дава три кредита. Human physiology is a three-credit course. Human physiology is a course that gives three credits. Утре свободен ли си? Are you free tomorrow? Are you free tomorrow? Върни я! Give it back! Give it back! Няма да си единствения там. You won't be the only one there. You won't be the only one there. Ти си побъркан. You're a lunatic. You're out of your mind. Напълни го с обикновен, ако обичаш. Fill it with regular, please. Fill it with plain, please. Том има работа. Tom has a job. Tom's got work to do. Преди никога не съм те виждал да се смееш. I've never seen you laugh before. I've never seen you laugh before. Пази се от мен. Keep away from me. Take care of me. Казваш ми, че нашият план е одобрен? Надявам се, че не ми показваш никакво прибързано щастие. Are you saying that our plan was accepted? I hope you're not showing me any premature happiness here. You're telling me our plan is approved? Не харесвам нито една от песните, които Том пее. I don't like any of the songs that Tom sings. I don't like any of the songs Tom sings. Написах си домашното. I have finished my homework. I did my homework. Силният дъжд ми попречи да отида. The heavy rain prevented me from going. The heavy rain prevented me from going. Да. Yes. Yeah. Има много думи, които не разбирам. There are many words that I don't understand. There's a lot of words I don't understand. И двамата се подсмихнаха. They both snickered. They both laughed. Каква е вашата връзка с него? What's your relation with him? What's your relationship with him? Ще отида да донеса малко. I'll go get some. I'll go get some. Хайде, бейби, бий се с моя лъжец! Come on, baby, fight my liar! Come on, baby, fight my liar! Наясно съм с това. I'm aware of that. I'm aware of that. Той кръстил сина си Джеймс. He named his son James. He named his son James. Не съм Ви виждал от три години. I haven't seen you in three years. I haven't seen you in three years. Кога започна да учиш френски? When did you start learning French? When did you start learning French? Борсовите инвестиции не винаги носят печалба. Stock investments do not always yield profit. Stock investments don't always bring profit. Човекът, на когото вярвах, ме предаде. The man I trusted betrayed me. The man I trusted betrayed me. Омръзна ми от оплакванията ти. I'm tired of your complaints. I'm sick of your complaints. Мисля, че си перфектна. I think you're perfect. I think you're perfect. Стоях в Чикаго повече от два месеца. I stayed in Chicago over two months. I've been in Chicago for over two months. Чувам, че играеш покер. I hear you're a poker player. I hear you play poker. Готов съм с поръчката. I'm ready to order. I'm ready to order. Няма да позволя на Том да направи това. I won't let Tom do that. I'm not gonna let Tom do that. Трябва да пробваш да научиш малко френски. You should try to learn a little French. You should try learning some French. Той по-добре ли се чувства днес? Is he feeling better today? Is he feeling better today? Тези ръкавици са собственост на Том. These gloves belong to Tom. These gloves are Tom's property. Седемте въпроса, които трябва да си зададе един инженер, са: кой, какво, кога, къде, защо, как и колко. The seven questions that an engineer has to ask himself are: who, what, when, where, why, how and how much. The seven questions an engineer has to ask himself are: who, what, when, where, why, how, and how much. Нанси не играе тенис. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Свободен ли си в сряда? Are you free on Wednesday? Are you free on Wednesday? Не съм ходил при лекар. I haven't seen a doctor. I didn't see a doctor. Бас ловя, че Том Мери даже не я познава. I bet Tom doesn't even know Mary. I bet Tom Mary doesn't even know her. Заключих се пред стаята ми. I have locked myself out of my room. I locked myself in front of my room. Не трябва да се поддаваш на желанието да пиеш. You must not yield to your desire to drink. You don't have to give in to the urge to drink. Не вярвам в Бог. I don't believe in God. I don't believe in God. Ще се кача на следващия автобус. I'm going to get on the next bus. I'll get on the next bus. Том ми показа писмото, което Мери беше написала на френски. Tom showed me the letter that Mary had written in French. Tom showed me the letter Mary had written in French. Този е ок. That one's OK. This one's okay. Аз мисля, че си луда. I think you're mad. I think you're crazy. Радвам се, че съм приятелка на Том. I'm glad I'm Tom's friend. I'm glad I'm Tom's friend. Миналата вечер беше много гореща и задушна и не можах да спя много добре. Last night was very hot and muggy, so I didn't sleep so well. Last night was very hot and stuffy and I couldn't sleep very well. Не съм те виждал от години. I haven't seen you in years. I haven't seen you in years. Мога ли да ти помогна? Can I help you? Can I help you? Кой е малчуганът? Who's the little guy? Who's the little guy? Изглежда пак са се захванали. It looks like they are at it again. Looks like they're back on it. Последния филм на Клинт Ийстууд го дават в киното. Clint Eastwood's latest movie is on at the theater. Clint Eastwood's last movie is on at the movies. Том живее над възможностите си. Tom lives beyond his means. Tom's out of his league. Връщам го. I'm giving it back. I'm bringing it back. "Ще те пусна да преминеш," каза Сфинксът, "ако отговориш правилно на моята гатанка." "I will let you pass safely," the Sphinx said, "if you can answer my riddle." "I'll let you pass," the Sphinx said, "if you answer my riddle correctly." Казах им да ми изпратят още един билет. I told them to send me another ticket. I told them to send me another ticket. Започнах да уча френски. I've started learning French. I started learning French. Най-добре работя под напрежение. I work best under pressure. I'm best at working under pressure. Голямото куче ги плаши. The big dog is frightening them. Big dog scares them. Нищо не съм казал. I haven't said anything. I didn't say anything. Истинския учен не би изопачил фактите. A true scientist would not distort facts. A true scientist wouldn't distort the facts. Честността ѝ е неоспорима. Her honesty is beyond question. Her honesty is undeniable. Мама каза същото. Е, и какво? Това няма нищо общо с мене. Mum said the same thing. But, so what? It's got nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with me. Ние не живеем в страни, живеем в езиците си. Там е твоят дом, там и никъде другаде. We don't live in countries, we live in our languages. That is your home, there and nowhere else. We don't live in countries, we live in our tongues, there's your home, there's nowhere else. Предчувствам една добра ваканция. I anticipate a good vacation. I'm sensing a good vacation. Детето нарисува цветя. The child painted flowers. The kid drew flowers. Ще ти дам една книга. I'll give you a book. I'll give you a book. Има един малък проблем. There's one small problem. There's just one small problem. Направихме всичко, което можехме, за да му помогнем. We made every effort to help him. We did everything we could to help him. Том е изключително срамежлив. Tom is extremely shy. Tom is extremely shy. Последната седмица бях на легло с грип. I've been laid up with flu for the last week. Last week, I was in bed with the flu. Треската отслабна. The fever has abated. The fever's getting weaker. Сигурен съм, че сте много заета. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Аз имам твоето разписание тук. I have your schedule here. I have your schedule here. Били сте заблудени. You've been deceived. You've been deluded. Аз лично ще те посетя. I'll personally visit you. I'll pay you a visit myself. С удоволствие бих останала. I'd love to stay. I'd love to stay. Намерихме момчето дълбоко заспало. We found the boy fast asleep. We found the boy deeply asleep. С кого ходиш на плажа? Who did you go to the beach with? Who do you go to the beach with? Никога няма да те нараня. I'd never hurt you. I'll never hurt you. Алгебрата е любимият ми предмет. Algebra is my favorite subject. Algebra is my favorite subject. Не се тревожи за това. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Не съм го взимал. I didn't take it. I didn't take it. Той е с ново палто. He's wearing a new coat. He's wearing a new coat. Невинаги съм си вкъщи в неделя. I'm not always home on Sundays. I'm not always home on Sundays. Ще се срещна с него на автобусната спирка. I will meet him at the bus stop. I'll meet him at the bus stop. Той е по-голям от мене с шест години. He is six years older than I. He's six years older than me. Всъщност те искат да ни платят. Actually, they want to pay us. Actually, they want to pay us. Казвам се Ноелиа, а ти? My name is Noelia, and you are? My name is Noelia, and you? Какво мислиш? What do you think? What do you think? Том не може да намери. Tom can't find one. Tom can't find one. Закопчай си палтото. Button up your overcoat. Cuff your coat. Може ли да отворя тази кутия? Can I open this box? Can I open this box? Може ли да подпишеш тук, ако обичаш? Could you sign here, please? Can you sign here, please? Той използва времето си добре. He makes good use of his time. He used his time well. Или той греши, или аз греша. He is wrong or I am. Either he's wrong or I'm wrong. Надявам се, че това ще се случи. I'm hoping that'll happen. I hope this will happen. Ние трябва да вземем този автобус. We need to take that bus. We have to take this bus. Момчето мълчеше. The boy was silent. The boy was silent. Още не съм ти казала, нали? I haven't told you yet, have I? I haven't told you yet, have I? Това отне един час. It took an hour. That took an hour. Том знае ли защо не си бил на партито му? Does Tom know why you weren't at his party? Does Tom know why you weren't at his party? Това е най- интерената исторая която съм чел някога. This is the most interesting story that I have ever read. This is the most interesting story I've ever read. Е, какво мислиш? So, what do you think? So, what do you think? Имам три малки деца. I have three young kids. I have three little children. Винаги сте била малко странна. You were always a little strange. You've always been a little weird. Правило ли ти е впечатление, че дясното ухо на Том е много по-голямо от лявото му ухо? Have you ever noticed that Tom's right ear is much larger than his left ear? Do you have the impression that Tom's right ear is much bigger than his left ear? При спешен случай, обадете се на сто и деветнайсет. In case of emergency, call 119. In case of emergency, call 100-nineteen. "Виждали ли сте ми телефона?" - "На масата е." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." "Have you seen my phone?" "It's on the table." Г-ца Юнг е много добра. Miss Young is very kind. Miss Jung is very good. То не е ли черно? Isn't it black? Isn't it black? Тя ми се усмихна признателно. She gave me a smile of recognition. She smiled at me gratefully. Ан има много приятели. Ann has many friends. Anne has a lot of friends. Том се опита да го направи. Tom tried to do it. Tom tried to do it. Птиците пеят. Birds sing. The birds are singing. Боях се да не заспя, както карам. I was afraid I might fall asleep while driving. I was afraid I'd fall asleep like I was driving. Недей да взимаш никакви решения тази нощ. Don't make any decisions tonight. Don't make any decisions tonight. Том говори френски добре, но не толкова добре, колкото английския. Tom speaks French well, but not as well as he speaks English. Tom speaks French well, but not as well as English. Том прескочи плета. Tom jumped over the hedge. Tom jumped over the knitting. Какво сме направили? What have we done? What have we done? Не може да бъде. You don't say! It can't be. Мисля, че ти си най-великият. I think you're the greatest. I think you're the greatest. Събуй си чорапите, ако обичаш. Take off your socks, please. Take off your socks, please. Аз също имам някои добри идеи. I have some good ideas, too. I've got some good ideas, too. Винаги вървя пеша до училище. I always walk to school. I always walk to school. Какво прави това лято? What did you do this summer? What did you do this summer? Не искам да казвам на Том, че съм била в Бостън. I don't want to tell Tom I've been to Boston. I don't want to tell Tom I was in Boston. Том е практичен. Tom is practical. Tom's practical. Какво правиш братле? What are you doing bro? What are you doing, bro? Само се пробвай да ме спреш. Just try and stop me. Just try to stop me. От време на време си мисля за това. I think about that from time to time. I think about it every once in a while. Той учеше икономика в колежа. He studied economics at college. He studied economics in college. Нося много тъжни новини. I have some very sad news. I have some very sad news. Дадох книгата на моята приятелка. I gave the book to my friend. I gave the book to my girlfriend. Лекциите му са много дълги. His lectures are very long. His lectures are very long. Татко ще идва у нас утре. Father is coming home tomorrow. Dad's coming to my place tomorrow. Той следва модерна литература. He majors in modern literature. He's studying modern literature. Страхувам се от земетресения. I'm afraid of earthquakes. I'm afraid of earthquakes. Черното ви отива. Black suits you. Black looks good on you. Никога не те видях. I never saw you. I never saw you. Неговата изложба в градския музей изобщо не ме впечатли. His exhibition at the city museum didn't appeal to me at all. His exhibition at the city museum didn't impress me at all. Сигурнa съм, че сте много заета. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Мисля, че френският ти се е подобрил значително. I think your French has improved a lot. I think your French has improved significantly. Не е нужно да го правите веднага. You needn't do it at once. You don't have to do this right away. Студентският съвет обсъждаше плановете за деня на дипломирането. The student council discussed plans for the graduation. The student council was discussing plans for graduation day. Том продължи да говори. Tom went on talking. Tom kept talking. Не мога да го обясня,но смятам,че зърнах разликите между японската и американската култури и техните начини на живот. I can't quite explain it, but I believe I've caught a glimpse of the differences between Japanese and American cultures and lifestyles. I can't explain it, but I think I've seen the differences between Japanese and American cultures and their ways of life. Беше ми тежко. I had a hard time. It's been hard on me. Том си закопча униформата. Tom buttoned up his uniform. Tom cuffed his uniform. Сигурен съм, че докато ти стигнеш до тук, ние ще сме готови. I'm sure that by the time you get here, we'll be ready. I'm sure by the time you get here, we'll be ready. Трябва да заложим капан. We should set a trap. We have to set a trap. Аои танцува добре. Aoi dances well. Aoi dances well. Кучето се беше запъхтяло. The dog was out of breath. The dog was squeaky. Музеят е на ъгъла. The museum is on the corner The museum's on the corner. Може ли да ми платите предварително? Can you pay me in advance? Can you pay me in advance? Тя си разкопча ципа на панталоните. She unzipped her pants. She unzipped her pants. Той може да чете достатъчно добре. He can read well enough. He can read well enough. Мразя немите филми. I hate silent movies. I hate silent movies. Виждала съм Том да прави невероятни неща. I've seen Tom do some amazing things. I've seen Tom do amazing things. Всичко мина по план. Everything went according to plan. Everything went as planned. Питай го как да стигнеш до гарата. Ask him the way to station. Ask him how to get to the station. Масако обикновено върви пеша до училище. Masako usually walks to school. Masako usually walks to school. Ще върна паспорта си в сейфа. I'll put my passport back in the safe. I'll put my passport back in the safe. Тайфунът ни попречи да се върнем в Токио. The typhoon prevented us from returning to Tokyo. The typhoon prevented us from returning to Tokyo. Искам да говоря френски гладко. I'd like to speak French fluently. I want to speak French smoothly. Можете ли да отменте резервацията ми? Could you cancel my reservation? Can you cancel my reservation? Американците са много дружелюбни хора. Americans are very friendly people. Americans are very friendly people. Той често свири на китара. He often plays the guitar. He plays guitar a lot. Мисля, че Том го направи. I think Tom did it. I think Tom did it. Просто ми кажи какво искаш и ще ти го дам. Just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you. Just tell me what you want, and I'll give it to you. Може би трябва да уча френски. Maybe I should study French. Maybe I should study French. През зимата стават много пожари. There are a lot of fires in the winter. In winter, a lot of fires happen. Не мога да изчистя двора сам. I cannot clear the backyard by myself. I can't clean the yard alone. Навън е студено. Сложете си палтото. It is cold outdoors. Put on your coat. It's cold outside. Квала е в чужбина и ви праща много поздрави. Klava is abroad and sends her regards to you. Kvala is abroad and sends her regards. Имате ли някакви подобни изрази във френския? Do you have any similar expressions in French? Do you have any similar phrases in French? Вчера ме изписаха. I was discharged from hospital today. I got discharged yesterday. Стигнахме. We've arrived. We're here. Губиш си времето, опитвайки се да го убедиш. You're wasting your time trying to convince him. You're wasting your time trying to convince him. Реката, която тече през Париж, се казва Сена. The river which flows through Paris is the Seine. The river that runs through Paris is called the Seine. Прибрах се, Том. I'm home, Tom. I'm home, Tom. Никога не съм гласувал. I've never voted. I never voted. Смяташ ли че е слабост да се поддаваш на изкушението? Ще ти кажа,че има ужасни изкушения за които се изисква сила,сила и кураж за да не се поддадеш. Do you really think it is weakness that yields to temptation? I tell you that there are terrible temptations which it requires strength, strength and courage to yield to. Do you think it's a weakness to give in to temptation? Харесва ли ти въдицата? Do you like the rod? Do you like the fishing line? Сали продължи да се оправдава и обвини кучето. Sally continued to make excuses and blamed the dog. Sally kept making excuses and blaming the dog. Реших, че може да си ми сърдит. I thought you might be mad at me. I thought you might be mad at me. Мислех си, че е богат. I thought he was rich. I thought he was rich. Том очевидно много го бива с ръцете. Tom is obviously very good with his hands. Tom's obviously very good with his hands. Защо го казваш? Why do you say that? Why do you say that? Том е облечен с шлифер. Tom is wearing a trench coat. Tom's wearing a raincoat. Тя си сложи новата рокля за парито. She put on her new dress for the party. She put on her new dress for the pariah. Това е Томовото куче. This is Tom's dog. That's Tom's dog. Готови сме да се върнем. We're ready to return. We're ready to go back. На колко изглеждам? How old do I look? How old do I look? Ти ми държиш ръката на тази снимка. You are holding my hand in that picture. You're holding my hand in this picture. Имам три въпроса към тебе. I have three questions for you. I have three questions for you. Алгебрата е раздел в математиката. Algebra is a branch of mathematics. Algebra is a section of mathematics. Качвам се в автобуса. I'm getting on the bus. I'm getting on the bus. Той лесно губи самообладание. He loses his temper easily. He loses his temper easily. Том не говори френски толкова гладко, колкото ти. Tom doesn't speak French as fluently as you. Tom doesn't speak French as smoothly as you do. Ти го правиш сега. You're doing it now. You're doing it now. Някой от вас някога да е разговарял с Том? Have any of you ever talked to Tom? Have either of you ever talked to Tom? Разбирам, че музеят е затворен в понеделник. I understand the museum is closed on Mondays. I understand the museum is closed Monday. Той наистина ми скъса нервите. He really ticked me off. He really got on my nerves. Трябва да разбера къде е отишъл Том вчера. I have to find out where Tom went yesterday. I need to find out where Tom went yesterday. Черешовите цветове са много красиви. Cherry blossoms are very beautiful. Cherry blossoms are very beautiful. Очакваш ли някой? Are you expecting anybody? Are you expecting someone? На нея ѝ харесват къси поли. She likes short skirts. She likes short skirts. Фред винаги лъже. Fred is always telling lies. Fred's always lying. Казаха ми, че работата ми седнал с часове на компютъра се отразява зле на гърба ми. I've been told that sitting for hours working on my computer is bad for my back. They told me that my work sat on my computer for hours was bad for my back. Какво правиш на тъмно място като това? What are you doing in a dark place like that? What are you doing in a dark place like this? Времето ти изтече. Your time is up. Your time's up. Нямам представа защо бях избран аз. I have no idea why I was chosen. I have no idea why I was chosen. Добре дошъл у дома. Welcome home. Welcome home. Том е доволен. Tom is satisfied. Tom's happy. Кажи ни, каквото знаеш за проблемите на Том. Tell us what you know about Tom's problems. Tell us what you know about Tom's problems. Облякох си сакото наопаки. I put my coat on inside out. I put my jacket on backwards. Прекалено шумно е. It's too loud. It's too loud. До после. See you later! I'll see you later. Изпращам Том в Бостън да ви помогне. I'm sending Tom to Boston to help you. I'm sending Tom to Boston to help you. Обяд ще бъде осигурен. Lunch will be provided. Lunch will be provided. Защо го правят? Why did they do that? Why are they doing this? На срещата Том говори на френски. Tom spoke in French at the meeting. At the meeting, Tom speaks French. Аз не съм искал да нараня ничии чувства. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. Мисля, че Том може да е болен. I think Tom may be sick. I think Tom might be sick. Мисля, че тичането е добро упражнение. I think jogging is good exercise. I think running is a good exercise. Вали дъжд. It's raining. It's raining. Трябва да го върна тази вечер. I have to give it back tonight. I have to get him back tonight. Това е жестоко. That's cruel. That's awesome. Въпросите й показват че тя разбира темата много добре. Her questions indicate that she understands the subject very well. Her questions show that she understands the subject very well. Разполагам с доказателство, че Том е убиецът на Мери. I have proof that Tom is the one who killed Mary. I have proof that Tom is Mary's killer. Къде се намира най-близкият магазин? Where's the nearest store? Where's the nearest store? Той не е бил във Франция. He has not been to France. He wasn't in France. На хора като тях не мога да им имам доверие. I can't trust people like him. I can't trust people like them. Тя е упорита жена. She's a stubborn woman. She's a stubborn woman. Не ме гледай така, нищо лошо не съм направил. Don't look at me that way, I haven't done anything bad. Don't look at me like that. I didn't do anything wrong. Какво означава абревиатурата USB? What does USB stand for? What does USB abbreviation mean? Изглеждаш добре, Том. You look fine, Tom. You look good, Tom. Бетовен е бил велик музикант. Beethoven was a great musician. Beethoven was a great musician. Побързай! Hurry up. Hurry up! Той е италианец по рождение. He is Italian by birth. He's Italian by birth. Отецът е атеист. The priest is an atheist. Father's an atheist. Той ми е по-малък брат. He's my younger brother. He's my little brother. Бил може да кара колело. Bill can ride a bicycle. Bill can ride a bike. Джон е много небрежен по отношение на облеклото си. John is very careless about his clothes. John is very careless about his clothing. Старите хора вървят бавно. Old people walk slowly. Old people walk slowly. Можеш ли да разрешиш този проблем? Could you solve the problem? Can you solve this problem? След като запалиш фитила ще имаш петнайсет секунди, за да отидеш на безопасно място. Once you light the fuse you'll have fifteen seconds to get to safety. After you light the fuse, you'll have 15 seconds to go to a safe place. Това ми е любимият стол. That's my favorite chair. This is my favorite chair. Ще се отбия при тебе през някой от следващите дни. I'll call on you one of these days. I'll stop by your place for a few days. Том целуна Мери за сбогом. Tom kissed Mary goodbye. Tom kissed Mary good-bye. Не гледай Том. Гледай мене. Don't look at Tom. Look at me. Don't look at Tom, look at me. Световната икономика е изложена на сериозна опасност. The world economy is in grave danger. The world economy is in serious danger. Трябва да разбера къде е ходил Том вчера. I have to find out where Tom went yesterday. I need to find out where Tom went yesterday. Той беше смел. He was brave. He was brave. Той пострада в мача вчера. He got hurt in the game yesterday. He got hurt in the game yesterday. Щеше ли да ме обичаш, ако не бях върколак? Would you still love me if I wasn't a werewolf? Would you love me if I wasn't a werewolf? Том какъв цвят коса има? What color is Tom's hair? What color is Tom's hair? Това място е яко. This place is cool. This place is cool. Каква е минималната заплата в Съединените щати? What's the minimum salary in the United States? What's the minimum wage in the United States? Аз написах домашната си работа. I did my homework. I did my homework. Можете да правите каквото искате, разбира се. You can do whatever you want to do, of course. You can do whatever you want, of course. Коя е любимата ви топла напитка? What's your favorite hot drink? What's your favorite hot drink? Сигурен съм, че сте много зает. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Карайте внимателно. Drive safely. Drive safely. Аз нямам ли права? Don't I have any rights? Don't I have rights? Те си я искат обратно. They want it back. They want her back. Ще ти се обадя по-късно. I'll call you later. I'll call you later. Стига си ми викал "Том". Stop calling me Tom. Stop yelling at me, "Tom." Дали това е жребец, или кобила? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is it a stallion or a mare? Том твърди, че може да говори на френски. Tom claims that he can speak French. Tom says he can speak French. Придържайте се към фактите. Stick to the facts. Stick to the facts. Вече свикнах. I'm used to it by now. I'm getting used to it. Трудното при биографията е, че тя е отчасти документ, отчасти изкуство. The difficulty with biography is that it is partly record and partly art. The hard part about biography is that it's part document, part art. Това семейството ти ли е? Is this your family? Is this your family? На теория би трябвало да работи. Theoretically it should work. In theory, it should work. Всички животни са равни. All animals are equal. All animals are equal. Работиш твърде много. Давай го по-полека за известно време. You're working too hard. Take it easy for a while. You work too hard, take it easy for a while. Мисля, че мога да ти спестя известно време. I think I can save you some time. I think I can save you some time. Баща ми управлява ресторант. My father runs a restaurant. My dad runs a restaurant. Как може Том да не ти харесва? How can you not like Tom? How could you not like Tom? Не мога да отворя вратата. I can't open the door. I can't open the door. Бъдете много внимателни с това. Be very careful with this. Be very careful with that. Аз си написах домашната работа. I did my homework. I did my homework. Мисля, че сме извън опасност. I think we're out of danger. I think we're out of danger. С екипаж, изгубен в открито море, Христофор Колумб успял да спаси всички, като извадил от шапката си 100 заека. With his crew stranded at sea, Christopher Columbus was able to save them from starvation by pulling 100 rabbits out of his hat. With a crew lost at sea, Christopher Columbus managed to save everyone by pulling 100 birds out of his hat. Знаеш ли защо се случва това? Do you know why this is happening? Do you know why this is happening? Мисля, че не беше прав. I think you were wrong. I think you were wrong. Том дори не трепна. Tom didn't even flinch. Tom didn't even flinch. Том е бърз. Tom is fast. Tom's fast. Не се опитвам да те притискам. I'm not trying to pressure you. I'm not trying to push you. Всичко наред ли е тук? Is everything alright here? Is everything okay here? Назначиха Том за председател. They appointed Tom chairman. Tom's been appointed chairman. Трябва ли да отворя прозореца? Do I have to open the window? Should I open the window? Дядо Коледа живее на Северния полюс. Santa lives at the North Pole. Santa lives in the North Pole. Тя ще излезе в отпуск по майчинство следващата седмица. She will start her maternity leave next week. She'll be on maternity leave next week. Искам да останеш тук. I want you to stay here. I want you to stay here. Том гледа японски филм със субтитри на френски. Tom watched a Japanese movie subtitled in French. Tom's watching a Japanese movie with subtitles in French. Те го оправиха. They fixed it. They fixed it. Искам един портокалов сок. I'd like orange juice. I'd like an orange juice. Том ходи подире ми навсякъде напоследък. Tom has been following me around. Tom's been following me around lately. Том преподава френски в една гимназия. Tom teaches French at a high school. Tom taught French at a high school. "Написано е: само Линк може да надвие Генън." "Защо Линк?" "Така е написано тук!" "Кой го е написал?" "Не е твоя работа!" "It is written: only Link can defeat Ganon." "Why Link?" "It is written here!" "Who wrote it?" "That is of no concern of yours." "It's written, only Link can defeat Gannon." "Why Link?" "It's written here!" "Who wrote it?" "It's none of your business!" Изпълнявам си задълженията. I'm doing my duty. I'm doing my job. Обичам да ходя на плаж. I love going to the beach. I like to go to the beach. Той пи бира. He drank beer. He had a beer. Том с никого не се е срещал. Tom didn't meet anyone. Tom hasn't met anyone. Мари е била в Унгария. Mari has been in Hungary. Marie was in Hungary. Стоиш на моя земя. You're on my land. You're standing on my land. Не се притеснявай да задаваш въпроси. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't worry about asking questions. Мисля, че може да си бъдем от помощ. I think we could help each other. I think we can be of help. Направих се, че не ме притеснява. I pretended that it didn't bother me. I acted like it didn't bother me. Бъди по-конкретна. Be more precise. Be more specific. Мисля, че знаеш, че това е неуместно. I think you know that's inappropriate. I think you know that's inappropriate. Том си изглади панталоните. Tom ironed his pants. Tom ironed his pants. Джим ходи на училище с рейс. Jim goes to school by bus. Jim goes to school on a bus. Мъжът беше среден на ръст. The man was of normal height. The man was medium-sized. Притежавам яхта. I own a yacht. I own a yacht. Аз не говоря френски толкова добре, колкото си мислиш. I don't speak French as well as you think I do. I don't speak French as well as you think. Считам се за късметлийка. I consider myself lucky. I think I'm lucky. Том не можел да помогне на Мери. Tom couldn't help Mary. Tom couldn't help Mary. Бива го в голфа. He is good at golf. He's good at golf. Това трябва да го направя сама. I ought to do this by myself. I have to do this alone. Това месо е развалено. This meat has gone bad. This meat is rotten. Искаш ли да дойда в Япония да те видя? Do you want me to come to Japan to see you? Do you want me to come to Japan to see you? До миналата нощ никога не бях пяла на френски. Until last night, I had never sung in French. Until last night, I had never sung in French. Ето нещо любопитно. Here's a fun fact. Here's something curious. Имам един съвет към тебе, Том. I have some advice for you, Tom. I have some advice for you, Tom. Не мога да си позволя да поддържам кола. I can not afford to keep a car. I can't afford to keep a car. Трябва да отидеш на лекар. You need to see a doctor. You should see a doctor. Тръгваш ли? Are you leaving? You're leaving? Не ме слагай на изчакване. Don't put me on hold. Don't put me on hold. Цял живот съм чакал този ден. I've waited all my life for this day. I've waited my whole life for this day. Не ме гледай така тъжно. Don't give me that sad look. Don't look at me so sad. Не съм единственият, който харесва Том. I'm not the only one who likes Tom. I'm not the only one who likes Tom. Всеки може да опита. Anybody can try. Anyone can try. Жалко, че той не може да се ожени за нея. It's a pity that he can't marry her. Too bad he can't marry her. Не трябваше да те оставям да носиш това сама. I should never have let you carry that by yourself. I shouldn't have let you wear this alone. Той седеше и четеше, а жена му шиеше край огъня. He sat reading, with his wife sewing by the fire. He sat and read and his wife sewed by the fire. Как мога да продължа? How can I go on? How can I go on? Стига си си правил майтапи. Stop joking around. Stop making jokes. Том призна това. Tom admitted that. Tom admitted that. Нищо не съм пипал. I haven't touched anything. I didn't touch anything. Ти вероятно вече знаеш за нашата компания. You probably already know about our company. You probably already know about our company. Не беше забавен. You weren't funny. He wasn't funny. Тя отсъства, защото е болна. She's absent because she's sick. She's gone because she's sick. Том пресече улицата. Tom crossed the street. Tom crossed the street. Джон наследи голямо състояние. John inherited a large fortune. John inherited a great fortune. Не бих си помислил, че тофуто има толкова добър вкус. I wouldn't have thought that tofu tastes this good. I wouldn't have thought tofu had such good taste. Няма проблеми. There are no problems. It's okay. Мисля, че трябва да се прибирате. I think you should go home. I think you should go home. Том обичаше да пее, но никой не искаше да го слуша как пее. Tom loved to sing, but nobody wanted to listen to his singing. Tom liked to sing, but no one wanted to hear him sing. Моля ви, позволете ми аз да платя. Please let me pay. Please let me pay. Трябва ми молив. I need a pencil. I need a pencil. По кое време пристигаш в Бостън, Том? What time will you arrive in Boston, Tom? What time do you get to Boston, Tom? Май не ме вземаш на сериозно. It seems you aren't taking me seriously. I don't think you're taking me seriously. Гледала съм всичките Ви филми. I've seen all your movies. I've seen all your movies. Том умря, докато беше в Бостън. Tom died during his stay in Boston. Tom died while he was in Boston. Докато излизаше от стаята, Том се усмихваше на Мери. Tom smiled at Mary as he left the room. As he walked out of the room, Tom smiled at Mary. Пролетта скоро ще бъде тук. Spring will be here soon. Spring will be here soon. Той обича всякакви сладки неща. He likes anything sweet. He likes all kinds of sweet things. Какво е това? What's this? What's this? Удобно ли ви е? Are you comfortable? Are you comfortable? Искам да живея в града. I want to live in the city. I want to live in the city. Всеки ден ли учиш по френски? Do you study French every day? Do you study French every day? Защо те не са притеснени? Why aren't they worried? Why aren't they worried? Харесва ми да уча френски. I like studying French. I like learning French. Трябва да използвам този шанс. I have to take the chance. I have to take this chance. Ще уча френски този следобед. I'm going to study French this afternoon. I'm studying French this afternoon. Стойността на един човек се определя не от това какво притежава, а от това какъв е той самият. A man's worth lies in what he is rather than in what he has. The value of a person is determined not by what he owns, but by what he is. Реших, че си си тръгнал. I thought you'd left. I thought you'd left. Той е добър шофьор. He is good at driving. He's a good driver. Тези условия приемливи ли са за теб? Are these conditions acceptable to you? Are these conditions acceptable to you? Тук не трябва да говорите. You shouldn't talk here. You shouldn't talk here. Може ли да отида до тоалетната? May I go to the toilet? Can I go to the bathroom? Ами! You don't say. Well! Предпочитам да остана вкъщи. I'd rather stay at home. I'd rather stay home. Човешката кожа е много чувствителна към промени в температурата. Man's skin is very sensitive to temperature changes. Human skin is very sensitive to changes in temperature. Това е страхотен план. That's a great plan. That's a great plan. Може би в това е проблемът. Maybe that's the problem. Maybe that's the problem. Чух Том да крещи. I heard Tom scream. I heard Tom screaming. В морето има острови. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. Може ли да използвам твоя телефон? May I use your phone? Can I use your phone? Те използват стаите си добре. They make good use of their rooms. They use their rooms well. Не ви ли е любопитно? Aren't you curious? Aren't you curious? Каква е минималната заплата в Конго? What's the minimum salary in Congo? What's the minimum wage in Congo? Бих искал да съм учител по английски език. I would like to be an English teacher. I'd like to be an English teacher. Кутията беше пълна с книги. The box was full of books. The box was full of books. Наблизо ли живеете? Do you live around here? Do you live around here? Спомням си, че бях заключил вратата. I remember locking the door. I remember locking the door. Баба му изглежда здрава. His grandmother looks healthy. His grandmother looks healthy. Още не съм закусвал. I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I haven't had breakfast yet. Трябва да използвам телефона. I have to use the phone. I need to use the phone. Това все още не съм го проумял. I haven't really figured that out yet. I haven't figured that out yet. Цял живот съм чакала този ден. I've waited all my life for this day. I've waited my whole life for this day. Съжалявам за оняден. I'm sorry about the other day. I'm sorry about the other day. Мисля, че Том е направил това. I think Tom did this. I think Tom did this. Дядо ми е роден през 1920. My grandfather was born in 1920. My grandfather was born in 1920. Може ли да Ви попитам нещо? Could I ask you something? Can I ask you something? Видяхме детето да се качва на автобуса. We saw the child get on the bus. We saw the kid get on the bus. Френският определено не е най-лесният език за научаване. French is definitely not the easiest language to learn. French is definitely not the easiest language to learn. Тя искаше да отложи сватбата. She wanted to postpone the wedding. She wanted to postpone the wedding. Къщата гори. The house is burning. The house is on fire. Може ли да ти искам мнението за нещо? Can I get your opinion on something? Can I ask your opinion on something? Ще ви помоля да преведете това писмо на френски. I'd like you to translate this letter into French. I'm going to have to ask you to translate this letter into French. "Имаш ли нещо против да отвориш прозореца?" "Не, няма проблем." "Do you mind opening the window?" "Not at all." "Do you mind opening the window?" "No, it's okay." Той е фотогеничен. He's photogenic. He's photogenic. Том не е баща на Мери. Tom isn't Mary's father. Tom's not Mary's father. Видях една червена кола и една бяла. Червената изглеждаше по-добре от бялата. I saw a red car and a white one. The red one was nicer looking than the white one. I saw a red car and a white car, and the red one looked better than the white one. Обявиха го за изчезнал. He was counted as lost. He's been reported missing. Тя няма да успее. She won't make it. She's not gonna make it. Още не съм намерила това, което търся. I still haven't found what I'm looking for. I haven't found what I'm looking for yet. Той затвори вратата. He closed the door. He closed the door. Около трийсет бунтовници са били убити. About thirty insurgents were killed. About thirty rebels were killed. Сигурен ли си напълно, че искаш да го направиш? Are you absolutely positive you want to do this? Are you absolutely sure you want to do this? На Том му беше писнало от работата му. Tom was sick of his job. Tom was sick of his work. В девет от десет класа той би заел първо място. In nine cases out of ten he will take the first place. In nine out of ten classes he would have taken first place. Възрастен мъж с бастун помоли Том да му помогне да пресече улицата. An old man walking with a cane asked Tom to help him across the street. An old man with a cane asked Tom to help him cross the street. Тук някъде го сложих. I put it here somewhere. I put it here somewhere. Съветвам те да отидеш да намериш Том. I suggest that you go and see Tom. I suggest you go find Tom. Трябва да ме изслушаш. You should listen to me. You have to listen to me. Том говори френски добре. Tom speaks French well. Tom speaks French well. Том вече не е тук. Tom isn't here anymore. Tom's not here anymore. Дай ми втори шанс. Give me a second chance. Give me a second chance. Наистина изглеждаш добре. You do look nice. You really look good. Аз знам, че ти си права. I know you're right. I know you're right. Ще си правим парти в костюми от осемнайсти век. We're going to the party in eighteenth century costumes. We're having a party in costumes from the 18th century. Внимание! Не отваряй! Опасност от токов удар. Caution: risk of electric shock. Do not open. Attention, do not open, the danger of electrocution. Стоите на моя земя. You're on my land. You're standing on my land. Том примами мишката от дупката на стената с парченце хляб. Tom coaxed the mouse out of the hole in the wall with a piece of bread. Tom lured the mouse out of the hole on the wall with a piece of bread. Не се отказвам лесно. I'm not a quitter. I don't give up easily. Мисля, че трябва да се върнеш в Бостън. I think you should come back to Boston. I think you should go back to Boston. Том щеше да разбере. Tom would've understood. Tom would've known. Мери и Джон се скараха,но след малко се оправиха. Mary and John quarreled, but made up after a while. Mary and John had a fight, but they got better soon. Просто повече не можех да гледам как Том страда. I just couldn't watch Tom suffer anymore. I just couldn't watch Tom suffer anymore. Не го харесвам особено, всъщност го мразя. I don't like him much, in fact I hate him. I don't really like him. I actually hate him. Какво откри? What have you discovered? What do you got? Аз не мога да карам мотор, ти ми говориш за кола. I cannot drive a motorcycle, much less a car. I can't ride a bike, you're talking about a car. Ние събрахме всички материали. We got all the materials together. We've collected all the materials. Това е колелото на Мишо. This is Mike's bicycle. That's Michaud's bike. Свършват ми парите. I am running short of money. I'm running out of money. Чаша чай, моля. A cup of tea, please. A cup of tea, please. Това е мястото, където е роден Том. This is the place where Tom was born. This is where Tom was born. Нямаше да звъня, ако не беше важно. I wouldn't be calling if it weren't important. I wouldn't be calling if it wasn't important. Щастлива ли си наистина? Are you really happy? Are you really happy? Чувал съм, че френският е език, труден за научаване. I've heard French is a difficult language to learn. I've heard that French is a hard language to learn. Той успяваше да свърже двата края. He managed to make both ends meet. He was able to make ends meet. Ние няма да се преклоним пред волята на един тиранин. We will not bend to the will of a tyrant. We will not bow to the will of a tyrant. Къде си ходил напоследък? Where have you been lately? Where have you been lately? Утре ще стана рано. I will get up early tomorrow. I'll get up early tomorrow. Майка Ви още ли е жива? Is your mother still living? Is your mother still alive? Ще си взема обратно всичко, което казах. I'll take back all I said. I'll take back everything I said. Той поздрави онази госпожа. He greeted that lady. He said hello to that lady. Чувал ли си се скоро със сестра си? Have you heard from your sister lately? Have you heard from your sister lately? Не трябва да се поддаваме на тези безочливи искания. We mustn't give way to these impudent demands. We must not give in to these brazen demands. Чух, че си много добра с френския. I hear you're very good at French. I hear you're very good with French. Защо Том още стои отвън на дъжда? Why is Tom still standing outside in the rain? Why is Tom still out there in the rain? Какъв цвят са очите на Том? What color are Tom's eyes? What color are Tom's eyes? Изглежда, че той ще дойде тук следващия месец. It looks like he'll be coming here next month. Looks like he's coming here next month. Какви други варианти имам? What other options do I have? What other options do I have? Това е рибата, която хвана той. This is the fish he caught. That's the fish he caught. Не ме карайте да го правя. Don't ask me to do that. Don't make me do this. Не е по вина на Том. It isn't Tom's fault. It's not Tom's fault. Всичко, което те искат, е да изкарат много пари. All they want to do is make a lot of money. All they want is to make a lot of money. Том е дюстабанлия. Tom has flat feet. Tom's a dick. Чух, че са ги хванали. I heard they caught them. I heard they got caught. Не съм говорила с Том. I haven't spoken to Tom. I didn't talk to Tom. Каква е причината за вашето крещене. What was the cause of your quarrel? What's the reason for your yelling? Майк обича да играе баскетбол. Mike likes to play basketball. Mike likes to play basketball. Тя ще отседне в хотел ли? Is she staying at a hotel? She's staying at a hotel? Тя е популярна сред другите момичета. She is popular with other girls. She's popular with other girls. Той се опита да не бие на очи. He tried to be less obtrusive. He tried to stay out of sight. Вярваш ли в чудеса? Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in miracles? В оптимално състояние е. It's in peak condition. He's in optimal condition. Да побързаме. Let's hurry. Let's hurry. Много приятели го изпратиха. Many friends saw him off. A lot of friends sent him. Минах оттам миналата нощ. I went by there last night. I went through there last night. Боли ме глава. I have a headache. I have a headache. Тази сутрин е твърде студена за юни месец. It is a cold morning for June. It's too cold this morning for June. Тези снимки винаги ми напомнят за миналите дни. These pictures always remind me of the old days. These pictures always remind me of the past days. Сложете си палтото. Put on your coat. Put your coat on. Чувам, че ще се жениш. I hear you're getting married. I hear you're getting married. Нямам намерение да ловя риба в мътна вода. I have no intention of fishing in troubled waters. I have no intention of fishing in muddy water. Забравих си паролата. I forgot my password. I forgot my password. Том и Мери са в едно и също положение. Tom and Mary are in the same boat. Tom and Mary are in the same situation. Коя е любимата Ви топла напитка? What's your favorite hot drink? What's your favorite hot drink? Не беше толкова добра. It wasn't that good. She wasn't that good. Не съм свикнал с такова отношение. I'm not accustomed to such treatment. I'm not used to that kind of attitude. Том каза на Мери, че тя греши. Tom told Mary that she was wrong. Tom told Mary she was wrong. Аз съм по-умна от вас. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you. Доволен ли си от новата си бас китара? Are you happy with your new bass guitar? Are you happy with your new bass guitar? Нямам представа какво да очаквам. I have no idea what to expect. I have no idea what to expect. Ние всички сме готови. We're all ready. We're all ready. Заблудена от непредпазливите ми погледи,тя започна да вярва,че тя е причината за тях. Deluded by the imprudent language of my looks, she surrendered to the sweet belief that she was the idol of these looks. Deluded by my careless looks, she began to believe that she was the reason for them. Нищо не чувствам. I don't feel anything. I don't feel anything. Всеки мъж е свободен да прави това което иска,като се грижи да не наруши свободата на някой друг мъж. Every man is free to do that which he wills, provided he infringes not the equal freedom of any other man. Every man is free to do what he wants by making sure he doesn't violate another man's freedom. Ужасна съдба го очакваше. A terrible fate awaited him. It was a terrible fate that awaited it. Това беше наистина мило. That was really nice. That was really nice. Том се почувства добре. Tom felt fine. Tom felt good. Каква е минималната заплата във Финландия? What's the minimum salary in Finland? What's the minimum wage in Finland? Том няма да повярва на нито една твоя дума. Tom won't believe a word you tell him. Tom won't believe a word you say. Ти изглеждаш изморен. You look tired. You look tired. Харесва ли Ви Япония? How do you like Japan? How do you like Japan? Мисля, че трябва да избереш Том. I think you should choose Tom. I think you should choose Tom. Толкова сте сладки заедно. You're so cute together. You guys are so cute together. Благодарни сме Ви за Вашата помощ. We are grateful to you for your help. We are grateful for your help. Все още имам работа за вършене. I've still got work to do. I still have work to do. Казвам ти, тя прилича на майка си. She looks like her mother, I tell you. I'm telling you, she looks like her mother. Ти си чудовище. You're a monster. You're a monster. Винаги получавах високи оценки по френски. I always got good grades in French. I always got high marks in French. Той си закачи палтото. He hung up his coat. He hung up his coat. Къде се научи да говориш френски? Where did you learn to speak French? Where did you learn to speak French? Виж го! Check it out! Look at him! Том преведе документа на френски. Tom translated the document into French. Tom translated the document into French. Часовникът изостава. The clock is slow. The clock is falling behind. Деби, училището ти наблизо ли е? Debbie, is your school near here? Debbie, is your school around here? Какво имаш в чинията? What's on your plate? What's on your plate? Джейн нямаше представа кога трябва да отиде, нито къде трябва да отиде. Jane had no idea when she should go or where she should go. Jane had no idea when she had to go or where she had to go. Никога повече няма да я видя. I'll never see her again. I'll never see her again. Много си сладък. You're very cute. You're so cute. Искаш ли да го опиташ? Do you want to try it? Do you want to try it? Ще изчакам още пет минути. I'll wait another five minutes. I'll wait five more minutes. Това е, което търся. That's what I'm looking for. That's what I'm looking for. Не знам точно кога ще се върна. I don't know exactly when I'll be back. I don't know exactly when I'll be back. Том работи в Бостън. Tom works in Boston. Tom works in Boston. Тя се подиграваше на съпруга си. She made fun of her husband. She was making fun of her husband. Всеки не може да бъде добър пианист. Every man cannot be a good pianist. Everyone can't be a good pianist. Аз се чувствам много по-добре днес. I'm feeling much better today. I feel much better today. Вземи автобуса. Take a bus. Take the bus. Мери влезе. Mary came in. Mary's in. Всички бяха щастливи. Everyone was happy. Everyone was happy. Изглежда той ще ходи в Кашгар. It sounds like he is going to Kashgar. Looks like he's going to Kashgar. Каква е минималната заплата в Холандия? What's the minimum salary in the Netherlands? What's the minimum wage in Holland? Не мога да си спомня точно. I can't really remember. I can't remember exactly. Той свали очилата си. He took off his glasses. He took off his glasses. Това е за теб. This is for you. This is for you. Можеше да кажеш "не". You could've said no. You could have said no. Мислиш ли, че съм красив? Do you think that I'm handsome? Do you think I'm handsome? Ела веднага щом можеш. Come as soon as possible. Come as soon as you can. Искам отговора ти до края на деня. I want your answer by the end of the day. I want your answer by the end of the day. Том се опита да гъделичка Мери, обаче установи, че нея я е гъдел много по-малко от него. Tom tried to tickle Mary, but found out she was much less ticklish than he was. Tom tried to tickle Mary, however, found that she tickled much less than he did. Сигурна ли си наистина, че не искаш да го направиш? Are you still sure you don't want to do that? Are you sure you don't want to do this? Виждала съм Том тук преди. I've seen Tom here before. I've seen Tom here before. Толкова съм чакал да се случи. I've waited so long for this. I've waited so long for this to happen. Имате ли нещо против да отворим прозореца? Would you mind opening the window? Do you mind if we open the window? Наистина не се чувствам добре. I really don't feel good. I really don't feel well. Защо си толкова умен? Why are you so smart? Why are you so smart? Може ли да отхапя малко? Can I have a bite? Can I have a bite? Линкълн бил против робството. Lincoln was opposed to slavery. Lincoln was against slavery. Благодаря ви, че ме поканихте. Thank you for inviting me. Thank you for inviting me. Мисля, че си луд. I think you're mad. I think you're crazy. Фолиото се прави от полиетилен. Cling film is made from polyethylene. The foil is made of polyethylene. Фурната е гореща, така че гледай да не се изгориш. The oven's hot so be careful not to burn yourself. The oven is hot, so don't burn yourself. Вярвам в редовните упражнения. I believe in exercising regularly. I believe in regular exercise. Моля те, запази тази тайна. Please keep this secret. Please keep this secret. Вие сте доктори. You are doctors. You're doctors. Много ми харесва. I like it very much. I like it a lot. Аз би трябвало да знам, нали? I ought to know, shouldn't I? I should know, shouldn't I? Беше му казано да се стане, и той така и направи. He was told to stand up, and he did so. He was told to get up, and he did. Том си изпържи яйца. Tom fried himself some eggs. Tom's fried his eggs. Кой е с Том сега? Who's with Tom now? Who's with Tom now? Не е ли по-добре от време на време човек да се напие и да му отпусне края, та да разтовари напрежението от ежедневния стрес? Isn't it better to get drunk and cut loose once in a while and blow off the tension of daily frustration? Isn't it better from time to time to get drunk and let go of the end to relieve the tensions of everyday stress? Знам какъв ти е проблемът на тебе. I know what's wrong with you. I know what your problem is. Категорично не трябва да лижеш пода. You must absolutely not lick the floor. You absolutely shouldn't lick the floor. Да го направим. Let's do it. Let's do this. Ще ви обърна внимание след малко. I'll get back to you in a moment. I'll be with you in a minute. Извинете, че Ви прекъсвам. Excuse me for interrupting you. Sorry to interrupt. Вие наистина сте чудесни. You're really wonderful. You guys are really great. Всичко стана добре. It all worked out OK. It all worked out fine. Кървят ли ви венците? Do your gums bleed? Are your gums bleeding? Хората бяха озадачени от неочакваната ситуация. People were bewildered by the unexpected situation. People were puzzled by the unexpected situation. Регистриран ли си? Are you registered? Are you registered? Откъде знаеш френски толкова добре? How come you know French so well? How do you know French so well? Говоря френски. I speak French. I speak French. Тя го извади от лошото му настроение. She coaxed him out of his dark mood. She got him out of his bad mood. Какво има в сака? What's in the sack? What's in the bag? Той не е толкова нетърпелив, колкото баща си. He is less impatient than his father. He's not as impatient as his father. Цената на живота се покачва. The cost of living is rising. The cost of life is rising. Не сме ли приятели? Aren't we friends? Aren't we friends? Върви бавно и аз ще те настигна. Walk slowly, and I will catch up with you. Walk slowly and I'll catch up with you. Имаш ли фотоапарат? Do you have a camera? Do you have a camera? Може ли да погледна това? Can I see that? Can I take a look at this? Баща ми не ми позволява да ходя сама на кино. My dad doesn't let me go to the cinema alone. My dad won't let me go to the movies alone. Къде е най-близката аптека? Where's the nearest drugstore? Where's the nearest pharmacy? Том е човекът, който ми каза какво да правя. Tom is the one who told me what to do. Tom's the one who told me what to do. Том разбира каквото вие не разбирате. Tom understands what you don't. Tom understands what you don't understand. Това не е номер. It's not a trick. It's not a trick. Той се маскира като жена. He disguised himself as a woman. He disguises himself as a woman. Казах ти, че мразя тази риза. I told you I hated that shirt. I told you I hate that shirt. Бъди по-винателен. Ти често пропускаш някое писмо. Be more careful. You often leave out some letter or other. Be more guilty, you often miss a letter. Искам пълен списък на твоите книги. I want a complete list of your books. I want a full list of your books. Казват, че е хубаво. I hear it's nice. They say it's nice. Родителите ми ти пращат специални поздрави. My parents send you their best regards. My parents send you special greetings. Ти си най-добрият ми приятел. You are my best friend. You're my best friend. Къде искаш да ядеш? Where do you want to eat? Where do you want to eat? Всъщност нямам избор. I have no real choice. Actually, I don't have a choice. Прави това, което те прави щастлив. Do whatever makes you happy. Do what makes you happy. Нощем Роджър ходеше по музикалните клубове и локали, където свиреха кънтри и уестърн групи. На тези места той получаваше музикалното си образование. At night, Roger went to music clubs and drinking places where country and western bands played. These places provided him with a music education. Roger went to music clubs and locals at night, where country and western bands played, where he received his musical education. Имам висока температура. I have a high fever. I have a high fever. Честно казано, той греши. Frankly speaking, he's wrong. Honestly, he's wrong. Лека нощ, мамо. Good night, Mom. Good night, Mom. Познавам твоя баща. I know your father. I know your father. Чух да се затръшва врата. I heard a door slam. I heard a door slam. Имате ли кола? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? Поздрави ме любезно. She greeted me politely. Say hello to me kindly. Смит поиска заплатата си. Smith demanded payment. Smith asked for his salary. Не съм те виждал от няколко дена. I haven't seen you in days. I haven't seen you in a few days. Не съм виждала Том от тринайсетгодишен. I haven't seen Tom since he was thirteen. I haven't seen Tom since I was 13. Можеше да пишеш. You could've written. You could've written. Честно казано, не го харесвам. Frankly, I don't like him. Honestly, I don't like him. Внимавайки в клас може да води до високи оценки. Paying attention in class may lead to high marks. Careful in class can lead to high grades. Аз бих ти казал "Давай!" I'd say go for it. I'd say, "Go!" Не ми помагай. Искам да го направя сам. Don't help me. I want to do this by myself. Don't help me, I want to do this alone. Не изхвърляйте нищо. Don't throw anything away. Don't throw anything away. Том преподава френски в същото училище, където ходи Мери. Tom teaches French at the school Mary goes to. Tom taught French at the same school Mary went to. Ти си точно каквато си те представях. You're just the kind of person I imagined you'd be. You're exactly what I imagined you to be. Хайде стига толкова. Let's call it a day. All right, that's enough. Том падна и си ожули коляното. Tom fell and scraped his knee. Tom fell and scraped his knee. Как ти е името? What's your name? What's your name? Том бе победен. Tom was defeated. Tom was defeated. Том още не е разбрал какво направи Мери. Tom hasn't found out yet what Mary did. Tom still hasn't figured out what Mary did. Свършиха ми идеите. I have no more ideas. I'm out of ideas. Татко ми купи фотоапарат. Dad bought me a camera. Dad bought me a camera. Един език никога не стига. One language is never enough. One language is never enough. Той обича влаковете. He loves trains. He likes trains. Обичам да се разхождам нощем. I like walking at night. I like to walk at night. Тя ми даде една хубава кукла. She gave me a pretty doll. She gave me a nice doll. Недей да се тревожиш за това. Don't you worry about it. Don't worry about it. Мисля, че тази ще ви хареса. I think you're going to like this one. I think you'll like this one. Мъдрецът ме боли. My wisdom tooth hurts. The wise man is hurting me. Връщай се в леглото. Go back to your bed. Go back to bed. Аз имам трима пораснали синове. I have three grown sons. I have three grown sons. Моето момиче не знае. My girlfriend doesn't know. My girl doesn't know. Изглежда повечето хора се предават, преди да са осъзнали своите възможности. It looks like most people give up before realizing their abilities. It seems that most people give up before they realize their abilities. Липсваше ми. I've missed you. I missed you. Трябва да има нещо друго за ядене. There must be something else to eat. There must be something else to eat. Знам, че ти си прав. I know you're right. I know you're right. Никога не съм яла китайска храна. I've never eaten Chinese food. I've never had Chinese food. Не сте ли женен? Aren't you married? Aren't you married? Разказах на Том всичко за Мери. I've told Tom all about Mary. I told Tom all about Mary. Бебето изглеждаше точно като майка си. The baby looked just like her mother. The baby looked just like her mother. Аз не искам да си продавам душата на дявола. I don't want to sell my soul to the devil. I don't want to sell my soul to the devil. Коя ти харесва повече, кока-колата или пепсито? Which do you like better, Coke or Pepsi? Which one do you like better, the Coke or the Pepsi? Том беше получил образованието си вкъщи. Tom was homeschooled. Tom had received his education at home. Баща ми е тук. My father is here. My dad's here. Той извади паспорта си. He took out his passport. He pulled out his passport. Том отпи още една глътка бира от чашата си. Tom took another sip from his glass of beer. Tom had another sip of beer from his glass. Том не осъзнава как неговото поведение се отразява на другите. Tom doesn't realise how his behaviour affects others. Tom doesn't realize how his behavior affects others. Той е човекът, който оглавява маркетинга на парфюмите. He's the one who heads the marketing of the perfumes line. He's the guy who runs perfume marketing. Садако им се усмихна. Sadako smiled at them. Sadako smiled at them. Имаш симпатични очи. You have cute eyes. You have nice eyes. Не мърдай. Don't move. Don't move. Книгата е малка. The book is small. It's a small book. Луси обича да играе тенис. Lucy likes playing tennis. Lucy likes to play tennis. Това е нещо, което просто трябва да направя. This is just something I have to do. It's something I just have to do. Отложихме събитието. We postponed the event. We've postponed the event. Том сложи портфейла си на бюрото. Tom put his wallet on the desk. Tom put his wallet on the desk. Тази книга е твърде трудна за мене. This book is too difficult for me to understand. This book is too difficult for me. Не ме гъделичкайте! Don't tickle me! Don't tickle me! Очите на Том са сини. Tom's eyes are blue. Tom's eyes are blue. Гледам телевизия. I watch television. I'm watching TV. Сигурен съм, че тя е права. I'm sure that she's correct. I'm sure she's right. Ще се заемеш ли? Are you volunteering? Will you take care of it? Нямам представа къде живее тя. I have no idea where she lives. I have no idea where she lives. Тези книги на Кенджи ли са? Are these books Kenji's? Are these Kenji's books? Мъже сме. We are men. We're men. Как се работи с този фотоапарат? How do you use this camera? How do you work that camera? Не пушете в тоалетната. Don't smoke in the toilet. Don't smoke in the bathroom. Имате ли асансьор във вашата къща? Do you have an elevator in your house? Do you have an elevator in your house? Имаш ли тази нова книга? Do you have this new book? Do you have this new book? Том, тези твои ли са? Are these yours, Tom? Tom, are these yours? Да тръгваме? Should we go? Shall we go? Той ще се прибере скоро. He'll be back home soon. He'll be home soon. Две места за обедния бюфет, ако обичате. Two for the lunch buffet, please. Two seats for the lunch buffet, please. Мисля, че Том ще спечели. I think Tom will win. I think Tom's gonna win. Мег понякога дразни Кен. Meg sometimes annoys Ken. Meg sometimes annoys Ken. Ще ходиш ли или не? Are you going or not? Are you going or not? Мисля, че трябва да почакаме. I think we should wait. I think we should wait. Родителите ми бха приключили с храненето, преди да стигна вкъщи. My parents had already eaten by the time I got home. My parents had finished feeding before I got home. Забравих книгата. I forgot the book. I forgot the book. Ние закусваме вътре. We're eating breakfast inside. We're having breakfast inside. Том не можеше да повярва какво се случва. Tom couldn't believe what was happening. Tom couldn't believe what was happening. Любимият ми отбор загуби вчера. My favorite team lost yesterday. My favorite team lost yesterday. Наситих се. I'm full. I'm fed up. Нося важни новини. I have some important news. I have important news. Те всички познаваха Том. They all knew Tom. They all knew Tom. Том и Мери си говорят на френски. Tom and Mary speak to each other in French. Tom and Mary speak French. Направих кафе. I made coffee. I made coffee. Том не каза какво планираше да прави. Tom didn't say what he was planning to do. Tom didn't say what he was planning to do. Том е над трийсетгодишен. Tom is in his thirties. Tom's over 30 years old. Чух те да говориш на Том. I heard you talking to Tom. I heard you talking to Tom. Само малко ревнувам. I'm a little bit jealous. I'm just a little jealous. Дайте си ми я! Give it back! Give it to me! Том е винаги отнесен. Tom is always daydreaming. Tom's always blown away. Не бих ви обвинявал. I wouldn't blame you. I wouldn't blame you. Това е пълен абсурд. That's completely ridiculous. That's ridiculous. Как го измисли това? How did you come to think of that? How did you come up with that? Мълчи и слушай. Shut up and listen. Shut up and listen. Докторите откриха някои стряскащи факти. Doctors have discovered some startling facts. The doctors found some startling facts. Радвам се, че се познавам с вас. I'm glad to make your acquaintance. It's good to know you. Нямахме друг избор, освен да я чакаме. There was nothing for it but to wait for her. We had no choice but to wait for her. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш малко? Are you sure you don't want some of this? You sure you don't want some? Почти десет часа е. It is almost ten o'clock. It's almost 10:00. Том ми каза,че може да е чул нещо,но не беше сигурен какво беше. Tom told me that he could hear something, but he wasn't sure what it was. Tom told me he might have heard something, but he wasn't sure what it was. Ти ли си новият асистент? Are you the new assistant? Are you the new assistant? Мисля, че сте наистина удивителна. I think you're really amazing. I think you're really amazing. Ако изпусна влака, ще хвана автобуса. If I miss the train, I'll get on the bus. If I miss the train, I'll take the bus. Наистина ли искаш да плуваш? Can you really swim? Do you really want to swim? Пускането на хвърчила може да бъде опасно. Flying kites can be dangerous. Flying kites can be dangerous. Аз не съм учител. I am not a teacher. I'm not a teacher. Той е спал добре последната нощ. He slept well last night. He slept well last night. Не трябва ли да тръгваш? Shouldn't you be going? Don't you have to go? Да не би случайно Том да остави Мери да кара колата? Did Tom, by any chance, let Mary drive the car? Did Tom happen to let Mary drive the car? Ще го върна обратно, където му е мястото. I'll put it back where it belongs. I'll put him back where he belongs. Том още никакъв го няма. There's still no sign of Tom. Tom's not here yet. Тя ме попита дали ще бъда свободен следващата неделя. She asked me if I would be free next Sunday. She asked me if I'd be free next Sunday. Викат ми Боб. They call me Bob. They call me Bob. Миналата неделя гледахме един смешен филм. We saw a funny movie last Sunday. Last Sunday we saw a funny movie. Това цвете е най-красивото от всички цветя. This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers. This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers. Никой не знаеше колко силно Том обичаше Мери. No one knew how much Tom loved Mary. No one knew how much Tom loved Mary. Той ще дойде скоро. He will come soon. He'll be here soon. Тя ми разреши да ползвам речника ѝ. She gave me permission to use her dictionary. She let me use her dictionary. Той ми зададе въпрос. He asked me a question. He asked me a question. Виждала съм го и преди. I've seen it before. I've seen it before. Нашата кола се развали миналата нощ. Our car broke down last night. Our car broke down last night. Не съм получил дори и едно писмо от нея. I didn't even receive one letter from her. I didn't get a single letter from her. Мисля, че имаш нужда от помощ. I think you need help. I think you need help. Мисля, че Том беше роден в Бостън. I think Tom was born in Boston. I think Tom was born in Boston. Защо се изнесе? Why did you move out? Why did you move out? Том ми каза, че знае къде живее Мери. Tom told me he knew where Mary lived. Tom told me he knows where Mary lives. Мисля, че имаш нужда от сън. I think you need some sleep. I think you need to sleep. Ще пеете ли? Are you going to sing? Are you going to sing? Не ме вълнува какво ще стане. I don't care what happens. I don't care what happens. Аз трябва да помагам на майка си. I must help my mother. I have to help my mother. Том мисли, че съм прав. Tom thinks I'm right. Tom thinks I'm right. Уча френски по три часа всеки ден. I study French for three hours every day. I study French for three hours every day. Познаваш ли го изобщо? Do you know him at all? Do you even know him? "Няма да ти позволя да нараниш приятелите ми!" "Не се канех да да наранявам приятелите ти. " "I won't let you hurt my friends!" "I wasn't going to hurt your friends." "I won't let you hurt my friends!" "I wasn't going to hurt your friends." Спя с два юргана през зимата. I sleep with two quilts in the winter. I sleep with two quilts in the winter. Много английски думи произлизат от латински. Many English words derive from Latin. Many English words come from Latin. Срещнахме се с тях в младежкото общежитие. We met them at the youth hostel. We met them at the youth dorm. Обичам да пиша на френски. I like to write in French. I like to write in French. Том мислеше, че Мери е свободна, но не беше съвсем сигурен. Tom thought Mary was single, but he wasn't really sure. Tom thought Mary was free, but he wasn't quite sure. Тя още ли е тук? Is she still here? Is she still here? Така се случи, че я познавах лично. It happened that I knew her by sight. I happen to know her personally. Какво би могло да му се е случило на Том? What could've happened to Tom? What could have happened to Tom? Всичко се нарежда, точно както го предсказа Том. Everything is working out just as Tom predicted. Everything's working out just like Tom predicted. Може ли да седна до теб? May I sit next to you? Can I sit next to you? Можеш да си ходиш. You may go. You can go now. Мисля, че това, което Том направи, беше много смело. I think what Tom did was very brave. I think what Tom did was very brave. Аз няма да мога да пренеса Том през моста. I won't be able to carry Tom across the bridge. I won't be able to carry Tom across the bridge. Защо не идват? Why aren't they coming? Why aren't they coming? Това е възможно най-лошото. This is the worst of all. That's as bad as it gets. Жестоко грешиш. You're dead wrong. You're so wrong. По кое време ходиш до пазара? What time do you go to the market? What time do you go to the market? Том пръв забеляза музикалната дарба на Мери. Tom was the first one to recognize Mary's musical talent. Tom first noticed Mary's musical gift. Би ли ми помогнал да преведа това? Would you please help me translate this? Can you help me translate this? Очаквам помощта ти. I expect your help. I'm waiting for your help. Айнщайн е обичал да свири на цигулка. Einstein loved playing the violin. Einstein loved playing the violin. Том не може да се справи с това. Tom can't handle this. Tom can't handle this. Имаш красиви ръце. You have beautiful hands. You have beautiful hands. Юми учи английски усърдно. Yumi studies English hard. Yumi's been studying English hard. Чаках месец. I've waited for a month. I've been waiting a month. Има нещо, което трябва да ви покажа. There's something I've got to show you. There's something I need to show you. Трябва им някаква посока. They need some direction. They need some direction. Казах ви какво да направите. I've told you what to do. I told you what to do. От теб зависи. It is up to you. It's up to you. Разбрахте ли ме? Am I understood? Do you understand me? Нека силата бъде с теб! May the force be with you. May the power be with you! След вечеря, си написах домашното. After dinner, I did my homework. After dinner, I did my homework. Никой няма да узнае. No one will know. No one will know. Каква е минималната заплата в Ливан? What's the minimum salary in Lebanon? What's the minimum wage in Lebanon? Том беше намерен за виновен и осъден на смърт. Tom was convicted and sentenced to death. Tom was found guilty and sentenced to death. Не е нищо сериозно. It's nothing serious. It's nothing serious. Да говорим на английски. Let's speak English. Let's speak English. Кой ден е днес? What day is it today? What day is it? Том не може да остане дълго, затова нека срещата започне. Tom can't stay for long so let's get the meeting started. Tom can't stay long, so let's get this meeting started. Да вървят по дяволите. To hell with them. To hell with them. Виждала съм Том да свири на китара с групата си. I've seen Tom play guitar with his band. I've seen Tom play guitar with his band. Всичките им усилия бяха напразно. All their efforts were in vain. All their efforts were for nothing. О Господи. Закъснявам за уроци. Oh my gosh. I will be late for lessons. Oh, my God, I'm late for class. Направих си една здравословна закуска. I had a healthy breakfast. I made myself a healthy breakfast. Той често пише на родителите си. He often writes to his parents. He often writes to his parents. Като последица от тежкия алкохолизъм той загуби здравето си. His health was the forfeit of heavy drinking. As a result of heavy alcoholism, he lost his health. И двата плана бяха отхвърлени. Both plans were rejected. Both plans were rejected. Ако гласуването променяше нещо,те щяха да го отменят. If voting changed anything, they'd abolish it. If the vote had changed anything, they would have canceled it. Имам проблеми с немската граматика. I'm having a hard time with German grammar. I'm having trouble with German grammar. Уау, т'ва не е ли страхотно? Wow, isn't that amazing? Wow, isn't that great? Не трябва да се предавате. You must not give up. You mustn't give up. Камбаната бие в осем. The bell rings at eight. The bell rings at eight. Спри да бъдеш така наивен. Stop being so naive. Stop being so naive. Аз продължих да пея. I continued singing. I kept singing. Това е готино. That's cool. That's cool. Влезе ми пясък в окото. I got some sand in my eye. I got sand in my eye. Не беше толкова тежък. It wasn't that heavy. It wasn't that heavy. Трябва да си почина. I have to take a break. I need to rest. Опитвал ли си всъщност? Have you actually ever tried it? Have you actually tried? Чухме се по-рано с Том. I heard from Tom earlier. I heard from Tom earlier. Вчера се натъкнах на Том. I ran into Tom yesterday. I ran into Tom yesterday. Мери пристигна в болницата. Mary arrived at the hospital. Mary arrived at the hospital. Това може да ви заинтересува. This might interest you. This might interest you. Чакай малко. Hang on a sec. Wait a minute. Той обича кафето без захар. He likes coffee without sugar. He likes coffee without sugar. Виждам светлината. I can see the light. I see the light. Изглежда, че си права. Действително Том е откраднал цигулката на Мери. It looks like you were right. Tom was the guy who stole Mary's violin. Looks like you're right, Tom did steal Mary's violin. Да. Точно така. Yes. That's right. Yeah, that's right. Имам едно старо колело. I have an old bicycle. I've got an old bike. Том няма да може да шофира известно време. Tom won't be able to drive for a while. Tom won't be able to drive for a while. Започваше да вали сняг. It was beginning to snow. It was starting to snow. Обичам да се занимавам в градината. I love gardening. I like gardening. Растенията увяхнаха, защото не бяха поливани. The plants withered because they had no water. The plants died because they weren't watered. Родителите ми се бяха нахранили, преди да се прибера. My parents had already eaten by the time I got home. My parents had eaten before I got home. Том мами Мери през цялото време. Tom lies to Mary all the time. Tom cheats Mary all the time. Разходите ми нарастват с всяка изминала година. My living expense is rising year by year. My expenses are increasing with each passing year. Тя прекара повече от половин час, скубейки веждите си! She spent over half an hour plucking her eyebrows! She spent over half an hour plucking her eyebrows! За партито си облякох любимата рокля. I put on my favorite dress for the party. I put on my favorite dress for the party. Те го поправиха. They fixed it. They fixed it. Всички делегати знаеха, че трябва да го обсъдят. All the delegates knew they must discuss it. All the delegates knew they had to discuss it. Благодаря още веднъж. Thanks again. Thanks again. Оставих вратата отворена. I left the door open. I left the door open. Том ми каза добри неща за теб. Tom has told me good things about you. Tom told me good things about you. Тази земя е собственост на Том. This land belongs to Tom. This land is Tom's property. Това не е ли твоята риза? Isn't that your shirt? Isn't that your shirt? Мисля, че трябва да слушаш Том. I think you should listen to Tom. I think you should listen to Tom. Почти никой не ми чете блога. Hardly anyone reads my blog. Almost no one reads my blog. Още ли мислиш, че работата ще ти хареса? Are you still thinking that you'd like the job? You still think you're gonna like this job? Да хапнем. Let's eat. Let's eat. Обичам инструменталната музика. I like instrumental music. I love instrumental music. Едва го чувах. I could hardly hear him. I could barely hear him. Току-що изпуснахте влака, нали? You just missed the train, didn't you? You just missed the train, didn't you? Вече си написах домашното. I've already finished my homework. I've already done my homework. Какво изследва един советолог? What does a Sovietologist study? What's a soutologist researching? "Благодаря." "Няма защо." "Thanks." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "You're welcome." Том не закъснява за първи път. It won't be the first time that Tom's been late. It's not the first time Tom's been late. Попълнете този формуляр, ако обичате. Fill out this form, please. Fill out this form, please. Говорих на Том на френски. I spoke French to Tom. I spoke to Tom in French. Аз я научих наизуст. I learned it by heart. I taught her by heart. Бях приел за дадено, че Том може да говори френски. I took it for granted that Tom could speak French. I had accepted that Tom could speak French. Каква е минималната заплата в Полша? What's the minimum salary in Poland? What is the minimum wage in Poland? Никога не бих ви излъгал. I would never lie to you. I would never lie to you. Майка ми ми премери температурата. My mother took my temperature. My mom took my temperature. По кое време ходите до пазара? What time do you go to the market? What time do you go to the market? Време е за вечеря. It's supper time. It's time for dinner. Ето ти чантата. Here is your bag. Here's your bag. Ти знаеше ли, че Том напусна града? Did you know that Tom had left town? Did you know Tom left town? Къде можем да ядем? When can we eat? Where can we eat? Тази роза е красива. This rose is beautiful. This rose is beautiful. Трябваше да обърна повече внимание на това, което говореше Том. I should've paid more attention to what Tom was saying. I should have paid more attention to what Tom was saying. Престанете да хленчите. Stop whimpering. Stop your whining. Светът е изправен пред проблема със замърсяването на околната среда. The world is confronted with the problem of environmental pollution. The world is facing the problem of environmental pollution. Излишно е да се казва, че Рим не е бил построен за един ден. It goes without saying that Rome was not built in a day. Needless to say, Rome wasn't built in one day. Този автобус ходи ли до музея? Does this bus go to the museum? Does this bus go to the museum? Сигурна ли си, че искаш да го продам? Are you sure you want me to sell this? Are you sure you want me to sell it? По-умна съм от нея. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than her. Анна прие предложението на Хенри. Anne accepted Henry's proposal. Anna accepted Henry's offer. Ти знаеше ли, че Том е напуснал града? Did you know that Tom had left town? Did you know Tom left town? Всички ученици в нашето училище учат френски. All of the students at our school study French. All the students in our school are learning French. Ще бъдеш ли там? Will you be there? Will you be there? Напоследък Том се държи странно. Tom has been acting strange lately. Tom's been acting weird lately. Колко години си учила френски? How many years have you studied French? How many years have you studied French? Отдъхни си. Get some rest. Take a break. Том е паркирал отпред. Tom is parked out front. Tom's parked out front. Има ли публичен плаж тук наблизо? Is there a public beach around here? Is there a public beach around here? Никога не съм чувала Том да говори френски. I've never heard Tom speak French. I've never heard Tom speak French. Готова ли си за игра? Are you ready to play? Are you ready to play? В повечето случаи модернизацията се отъждествява с уестернизацията. In most cases, modernization is identified with Westernization. In most cases, modernization is identified by westernization. Не си спомням името му. I can't remember his name. I don't remember his name. Тя украси тетрадката си с хартийки от дъвки, така че корицата цялата блестеше. She decorated her notebook with gum wrappers so the cover was all shiny. She decorated her notebook with gum wrappers, so the cover was all shiny. Как беше плажа? How was the beach? How was the beach? Сам набрах тези цветя. I picked these flowers myself. I picked these flowers myself. Отидоха в парка на следващата сутрин. They went to the park the next morning. They went to the park the next morning. Не ме гледайте така! Don't look at me that way. Don't look at me like that! Страхотно е, че се срещаме. It's great to meet you. It's great to meet you. Бях изненадана, че Том говори френски толкова добре. I was surprised that Tom spoke French so well. I was surprised Tom spoke French so well. Не излизай с Том. Don't go out with Tom. Don't go out with Tom. Къде е вашият баща? Where's your father? Where's your father? Сигурни ли сте? Are you sure? Are you sure? Ако бях по-млад, щях да замина в чужбина да се уча. If I were younger, I would go abroad to study. If I was younger, I'd go abroad to learn. Бих искала да преведеш този доклад на френски. I'd like you to translate this report into French. I'd like you to translate this report into French. Мишо беше много любезен. Оправи ми колата безплатно. Mike was very kind. He got my car repaired for free. Michaud was very kind, fix my car for free. Моля шофирайте внимателно. Please drive carefully. Please drive carefully. Не отваряй прозореца. Don't open the window. Don't open the window. Получихме една интересна информация. We got an interesting piece of information. We've received some interesting information. Казах ти всичко, за което мога да се сетя. I've told you everything I can think of. I've told you everything I can think of. Не ми плащат за това. I'm not being paid for this. I don't get paid for this. Карайте бавно. Drive slowly. Drive slowly. Той с часове чакаше нейното обаждане. He would wait for hours for her call. He waited hours for her call. Къде е ЖП гарата? Where is the railroad station? Where's the train station? Тези портокали са развалени. These oranges have gone bad. These oranges are broken. Името ти ми е познато. Your name is familiar to me. I know your name. Каква е цялата истина? What's the whole story? What's the whole truth? Ето тук една книга. Here is a book. Here's a book. Крушката изгоря. The light bulb has burned out. The light bulb's on fire. Ще ти кажа, когато се върна. I'll tell you when I get back. I'll tell you when I get back. Том, какво ти става тази вечер? Tom, what's wrong with you tonight? Tom, what's wrong with you tonight? Ние използваме градския транспорт. We use public transportation. We use the city's transport. Ходя на кино средно веднъж седмично. On the average, I go to the movies once a week. I go to the movies on average once a week. Каква е минималната заплата в Словакия? What's the minimum salary in Slovakia? What is the minimum wage in Slovakia? Мисля, че сте достатъчно възрастни. I think you're old enough. I think you're old enough. Те направиха драма по романа. They made the novel into a drama. They made a drama about the novel. Здравей. Hello! Hello. Не бих заложил на това. I wouldn't bet on it. I wouldn't bet on that. Всички участници трябва да се регистрират. All participants must be registered. All participants must register. Едно колело би ръждясало, ако го оставиш на дъжда. A bicycle will rust if you leave it in the rain. A bike would rust if you left it in the rain. Надявам се да не е вярно. I hope it's not true. I hope that's not true. Мога да спя навсякъде. I can sleep anywhere. I can sleep anywhere. На кого му пука? Who cares? Who cares? Да послушаме. Let's listen. Let's listen. Хайде да се срещнем пак тук утре. Let's meet here again tomorrow. Let's meet back here tomorrow. Каква е минималната заплата в Северна Ирландия? What's the minimum salary in Northern Ireland? What's the minimum wage in Northern Ireland? Изкарах много пари този месец. I earned a lot of money this month. I made a lot of money this month. Мисля, че знаеш защо не мога да го направя. I think you know why I can't do that. I think you know why I can't do that. Забравих да ти кажа телефонния си номер. I forgot to tell you my phone number. I forgot to tell you my phone number. Търся си ключовете. I'm looking for my keys. I'm looking for my keys. Тя му даде парите. She handed him the money. She gave him the money. Колко дължиш на Том? How much money do you owe Tom? How much do you owe Tom? Мисля, че няма да стане. I think it won't succeed. I don't think so. Миналата година се отказах. I retired last year. I gave up last year. Близо ли е хотелът до летището? Is the hotel close to the airport? Is the hotel near the airport? Това не е фалшификат. It's not a fake. It's not a fake. Мисля, че трябва да изчакаш. I think you should wait. I think you should wait. Не ми хареса. I didn't like it. I didn't like it. В Япония често стават земетресения. Earthquakes frequently hit Japan. In Japan, earthquakes often occur. Не дърпай дявола за опашката. Let sleeping dogs lie. Don't pull the devil by the tail. Размина се за малко. It was pretty close. You've been away for a while. Искам да говоря с тебе по друг въпрос. I want to talk to you about something else. I want to talk to you about something else. Най-накрая дойде денят, в който той трябваше да се раздели с нея. The day came at last when he had to part from her. Finally came the day he was supposed to part with her. Каква е минималната заплата в Швеция? What's the minimum salary in Sweden? What's the minimum wage in Sweden? Не съм сигурен, че това е правилно. I'm not sure if this is correct. I'm not sure that's right. Наистина съм доста зает. I'm really quite busy. I'm really busy. Те може да се целунат. They might kiss. They can kiss. Той е голям лъжец. He's a big liar. He's a big liar. Том, който беше работил цял ден, искаше да си почине. Tom, having worked all day, wanted to take a rest. Tom, who worked all day, wanted to rest. С Том няма проблеми. There's no problem with Tom. There's no problem with Tom. Ще я намериш. You'll find one. You'll find her. И двамата мотоциклетисти носеха каски. Both motorcyclists were wearing helmets. Both riders wore helmets. Ако трябва да сме справедливи, той не е мързелив. To do him justice, he is not idle. If we have to be fair, he's not lazy. Том напоследък е в дупка. Tom's in a slump lately. Tom's been in a hole lately. Том отбеляза трийсет точки. Tom scored 30 points. Tom scored 30 points. Не съм Ви виждала от три години. I haven't seen you in three years. I haven't seen you in three years. В неделя съм зает. I'm busy on Saturday. I'm busy Sunday. Трябваше да отхвърлиш едно толкова несправедливо предложение. You should've rejected such an unfair proposal. You should have rejected such an unfair offer. Том остави Мери да го целуне. Tom let Mary kiss him. Tom let Mary kiss him. Полетът ти е отменен. Your flight's canceled. Your flight's been cancelled. Том не се среща с Мери. Tom isn't seeing Mary. Tom's not dating Mary. Кафето със захар ли го пиеш? Do you take sugar in your coffee? Do you drink sugar in your coffee? Чичо ми никога не пише писма. My uncle never writes letters. My uncle never writes letters. Мълчи сега. Be quiet now. Shut up now. Може да измислим нещо. We can work something out. Maybe we can work something out. Вълните спадат. The waves are subsiding. The waves are falling. Генералът разпореди всички затворници да бъдат избити. The general ordered the massacre of all war prisoners. The general has ordered that all prisoners be killed. Искаш ли тази тениска? Do you want this T-shirt? Do you want this shirt? Можеш ли да ми препоръчаш хотел близо до летището? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? Помоли приятелите ми. Ask my friends. Ask my friends. Мисля, че грешиш. I think you're mistaken. I think you're wrong. Той винаги държи чисто в стаята. He always keeps his room clean. He always keeps it clean in the room. Каква е минималната заплата в Чили? What's the minimum salary in Chile? What's the minimum wage in Chile? Трябва да Ви поздравя. I should congratulate you. I must congratulate you. Той ме спаси от опасност. He saved me from danger. He saved me from danger. Да се упражняваме. Let's practice. Let's practice. Отидох на италианска пицария. I went to an Italian pizzeria. I went to an Italian pizza place. Кой е твоят учител? Who is your teacher? Who's your teacher? Получих писмото ти. I received your letter. I got your letter. Мислех, че ще бъдете доволен. I thought you'd be happy. I thought you'd be pleased. Нека Ви заведа до Вашата стая. Allow me to show you to your room. Let me take you to your room. Те не можаха да убият Том. They couldn't kill Tom. They couldn't kill Tom. Тая нощ сънувах ужасен сън. I had a dreadful dream last night. I had a terrible dream last night. Всъщност, Том, аз съм малко зает. Actually, Tom, I'm a little busy. Actually, Tom, I'm a little busy. Каквото и да кажеш, тя е тази за която ще се оженя. Whatever you say, she is the one I'm going to marry. Whatever you say, she's the one I'm gonna marry. Не изглежда толкова зле. It doesn't look so bad. It doesn't look that bad. Тази порта трябва да се боядиса. This gate needs painting. This gate needs to be painted. Том е кълбо нерви. Tom is a bundle of nerves. Tom's a bunch of nerves. Чисти ли са ти ръцете? Are your hands clean? Are your hands clean? Имам две котки. I have two cats. I have two cats. Мисля, че там ще ви хареса. I think you'd like it there. I think you'll like it there. Не мога да си позволя да купя кола дори на старо, камо ли нова. I can't afford to buy a used car, much less a new one. I can't afford to buy a car even if it's old, let alone a new one. Аз плащам заплатата на Том. I pay Tom's salary. I pay Tom's salary. Правилната дума би могла да бъде ефективна, но никоя дума никога не е била толкова ефективна, колкото поставената на място пауза. The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause. The right word could be effective, but no word has ever been as effective as a pause put in place. Не мога да забравя Том. I can't forget Tom. I can't forget Tom. Ще трябва пак да се чуем. I'll have to get back to you. We'll have to talk again. Трябва да наема някой, който може да говори френски. I need to hire somebody who can speak French. I need to hire someone who can speak French. Аз живея наблизо. I live near here. I live nearby. Той побеля от ужас. He turned pale with fright. He went white with horror. Том кога закусва? When does Tom eat breakfast? When did Tom have breakfast? Това не е за теб, Том. This isn't for you, Tom. This isn't about you, Tom. Не ни трябва това. We don't need that. We don't need that. Мисля, че ще одобриш. I think you will approve. I think you'll approve. Прие ли поканата му? Did you accept his invitation? Did you accept his invitation? Ще сляза от влака на следващата спирка. I'm getting off the train at the next stop. I'll get off the train at the next stop. Изчезвайте. Get lost. Get out of here. Мисля, че трябва да носиш вратовръзка. I think you should wear a tie. I think you should wear a tie. И аз не мога да го направя. I can't do it either. And I can't do it. Забравих телефонния му номер. I forgot his phone number. I forgot his phone number. Том често е последният, който си тръгва от работа. Tom is often the last one to leave the office. Tom's often the last to leave work. Откраднаха ми телефона. My mobile has been stolen. They stole my phone. Не. Искам да платя в брой. No. I want to pay in cash. No, I want to pay cash. Свърши ли с домашното? Have you finished your homework? Are you done with your homework? Чувам, че Том бил много добър в плуването. I hear Tom is very good at swimming. I hear Tom was very good at swimming. Пиеш ли? Are you drinking? Do you drink? Иска ми се да го бях знаел. I wish I'd known. I wish I knew that. Може ли да ти използвам молива? May I use your pencil? Can I use your pencil? Мисля, че Том го направи. I think Tom did this. I think Tom did it. Реших, че може да си ми сърдита. I thought you might be mad at me. I thought you might be mad at me. Чух един интересен слух. I heard an interesting rumor. I heard an interesting rumor. Той е твърде уморен, за да учи. He is too tired to study. He's too tired to study. Забравих да питам. I forgot to ask. I forgot to ask. Жена ми роди преждевременно момиче, което тежеше 1500 грама. My wife gave birth prematurely to a 1500-gram baby girl. My wife gave birth to a premature girl who weighed 1,500 grams. Очевидно гладът е най-добрата подправка. It goes without saying that hunger is the best sauce. Apparently, hunger is the best spice. За глупаци ли ни взимаш? Do you think we're stupid? Do you take us for fools? Том не може да готви. Tom can't cook. Tom can't cook. Юпитер е планета, съставена главно от водород и хелий. Jupiter is a planet principally composed of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter is a planet made mainly of hydrogen and helium. Оставихте ли бакшиш? Did you leave a tip? Did you leave a tip? Довърши ли го? Have you finished it? Did you finish him? Търся някъде място, където да хапна. I'm looking for a place to eat. I'm looking for a place to eat. Засега ти си най-добрият плувец сред нас. You are by far the best swimmer of us all. For now, you're the best swimmer among us. Ние не сме се оплаквали. We didn't complain. We didn't complain. Чух стъпки, но не видях никой. I heard footsteps, but I didn't see anyone. I heard footsteps, but I didn't see anyone. Не сме терористи. We're not terrorists. We're not terrorists. Казах ти какво трябва да направиш. I've told you what you must do. I told you what you had to do. Мери е в отпуск по майчинство. Mary is on maternity leave. Mary's on maternity leave. Огледах се, но не видях никого. I looked around, but saw nobody. I looked around, but I didn't see anyone. Този човек трябва да бъде осъден на смърт. That man should be sentenced to death. This man should be sentenced to death. Учех френски, когато бях в гимназията. I studied French when I was in high school. I studied French when I was in high school. Купих само една книга, която дадох на един от студентите. I bought only one book which I gave to a student. I only bought one book that I gave to one of the students. Закъде бързаш, Том? What's your hurry, Tom? What's the hurry, Tom? Мисля, че трябва да следваме Том. I think we should follow Tom. I think we should follow Tom. Мъжът с червената вратовръзка е единственият тук когото не познавам. The man wearing the red tie is the only one here I don't know. The guy in the red tie is the only one I don't know. Този въпрос не е лесен. This question is not easy. That's not an easy question. Трябваше да вземем предвид графика. We should have taken the schedule into consideration. We should have taken the schedule into account. Каква е минималната заплата в Намибия? What's the minimum salary in Namibia? What's the minimum wage in Namibia? Боб и Том са братя. Bob and Tom are brothers. Bob and Tom are brothers. Не ми казвай, че няма да ходиш на партито на Том? Don't tell me you're not going to Tom's party? Don't tell me you're not going to Tom's party? Не искам да се отказвам точно сега. I don't want to give up right now. I don't want to give up right now. Скочи колкото се може по-високо. Jump as high as you can. Jump as high as you can. Донеси ми днешния вестник, моля. Bring me today's paper, please. Bring me today's paper, please. Не мога да го свърша сега. I can't do it now. I can't do this right now. Не си ли впечатлена? Aren't you impressed? Aren't you impressed? Освен това безработицата се увеличава. Besides that, unemployment is increasing. Moreover, unemployment is increasing. Подранил ли съм? Am I early? Am I early? Помислих, че играта е свършила. I thought the game was over. I thought the game was over. Преобладаващото мнозинство гласува да се забрани бруталното насилие. An overwhelming majority voted to abolish the brutal punishment. The overwhelming majority voted to ban brutal violence. Вие сте зъл. You're evil. You're evil. Имаше гръмотевици и светкавици миналата вечер. There was thunder and lightning last night. There was thunder and lightning last night. Тя има красив почерк. She has beautiful handwriting. She's got a beautiful handwriting. И двете се изкискаха. They both snickered. They both sneezed. Изобщо нямам представа защо. I have absolutely no idea why. I have no idea why. Той беше прав да откаже пушенето. He was right to give up smoking. He was right to quit smoking. О, моля те, недей толкова бързо. Oh please, not so fast. Oh, please, don't go so fast. Мисля, че трябва да изчакаме, докато Том дойде тук. I think we should wait until Tom gets here. I think we should wait until Tom gets here. Благодаря за пицата. Thanks for the pizza. Thanks for the pizza. Наистина не мисля, че Том го е направил. I really don't think Tom did it. I really don't think Tom did it. Всичко, което някога съм искал, е просто да бъда оставен на мира. All I ever wanted was to just be left alone. All I ever wanted was to be left alone. Колко пъти звъня Том? How many times has Tom called? How many times did Tom call? Бях изненадан, че Том говори френски толкова добре. I was surprised that Tom spoke French so well. I was surprised Tom spoke French so well. Ти беше, нали? It was you, wasn't it? It was you, wasn't it? Не разбирам какво имаш предвид. I don't understand what you mean. I don't know what you mean. Кървят ли ти венците? Do your gums bleed? Are your gums bleeding? Пресечете улицата. Cross the street. Cross the street. Не съм удушила Том. I didn't strangle Tom. I didn't strangle Tom. Моля те, премисли го. Please think it over. Please think about it. Ще ми разтриеш ли гърба? Can you rub my back? Will you rub my back? Аз ще ви покажа пътя до там. I'll show you the way. I'll show you the way there. Том говори френски по-добре от който и да е от неговите съученици. Tom speaks French better than any of his classmates. Tom speaks French better than any of his classmates. Том едва не припадна. Tom almost passed out. Tom almost passed out. Крис утре не може да работи. Chris can't work tomorrow. Chris can't work tomorrow. Забравих да си сложа колан. I forgot to wear a belt. I forgot to put my seat belt on. Чух, че телефонът звъни. I heard the telephone ringing. I heard the phone ringing. Мисля, че имаме проблем. I think we have a problem. I think we have a problem. Посетителите се редиха на дълга опашка, за да влязат в музея. The visitors waited in a long line to get into the museum. Visitors were lining up in a long line to get into the museum. Направих каквото можах. I did my best. I did what I could. Настинах лошо. I've caught a bad cold. I got a bad cold. Видя ли доктор? Did you see a doctor? Did you see a doctor? Не съм застрахована. I don't have insurance. I'm not insured. Чух те да приказваш. I heard you talking. I heard you talking. Чух те как го окуражаваше. I heard you cheering. I heard you encourage him. Той не обичаше да пее, но те го накараха. He didn't like to sing but they made him sing. He didn't like to sing, but they made him. За съжаление, аз почти не говоря френски. Unfortunately, I hardly speak any French. Unfortunately, I hardly speak French. Млякото се вкисна. The milk turned sour. The milk's getting sour. Том говори френски добре като Мери. Tom speaks French as well as Mary. Tom speaks French as well as Mary. Ти обичаш ли майка си? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Не мисля, че е щастлива. I don't think she is happy. I don't think she's happy. Каквото и да кажа, то няма да накара Том да промени решението си. There's nothing I could ever say that would make Tom change his mind. Whatever I say, it won't make Tom change his mind. Аз изобщо не разбирам немски. I don't understand German at all. I don't understand German at all. Тези истински ли са? Are these real? Are these real? Наистина не мислех, че ще се стигне дотук. I really didn't mean for this to happen. I really didn't think it would come to this. Ще поканя Мери да излезем. I'll ask Mary out. I'm gonna ask Mary out. Може ли да попитам кой сте Вие? May I ask who you are? May I ask who you are? Шегуваш се! You're joking! You're kidding! Казах ти всичко, което ти трябва да знаеш. I've told you all you need to know. I've told you everything you need to know. Още не съм се отказал. I haven't given up yet. I haven't given up yet. Това няма нищо общо. That has nothing to do with it. This has nothing to do with it. Не разполагаме с толкова време. We don't have that long. We don't have that kind of time. Том се смееше на шегите на Мери. Tom laughed at Mary's jokes. Tom was laughing at Mary's jokes. Какво ще е времето утре? What'll the weather be like tomorrow? What's the weather tomorrow? Готови ли сте за игра? Are you ready to play? Are you ready to play? Мислиш ли да дойдеш с нас да пийнем по нещо после? Do you plan to join us for a drink afterwards? Are you thinking of coming with us for a drink later? Това си е направо грешно. That's just plain wrong. That's totally wrong. Още не мога да повярвам. I'm still not buying it. I still can't believe it. Каква е минималната заплата в Аржентина? What's the minimum salary in Argentina? What's the minimum wage in Argentina? Трябва да викнем полицията. We have to call the police. We need to call the police. Не яж само риба. Яж и някакво друго месо. Don't just eat fish. Eat some meat, too. Don't just eat fish, eat some other meat. Благодаря! Thank you! Thank you. Внимавай с Том. Be careful with Tom. Be careful with Tom. Бихме могли да спасим Том, ако бяхме пристигнали само няколко минути по-рано. We could've saved Tom if we'd arrived just a few minutes earlier. We could have saved Tom if we had only arrived a few minutes earlier. Искам да си оправиш стаята. I want you to clean your room. I want you to fix your room. Това не може да се случи. That won't happen. That can't happen. Знам какво не е наред. I know what's wrong. I know what's wrong. Докато съм жив аз, ти няма да бъдеш лишена от нищо. You shall want for nothing as long as I live. As long as I live, you won't be deprived of anything. Чувствам се толкова самотен. I feel so alone. I feel so alone. Не излизай след мръкване. Don't go out after dark. Don't come out after dark. Имам три хиляди долара в брой. I have three hundred dollars in cash. I have $3,000 in cash. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да ти купя билет? Are you sure you don't want me to buy you a ticket? Are you sure you don't want me to buy you a ticket? Тя не може да кара ски. She can't ski. She can't ski. При все че беше тъмно, ние успяхме да се върнем при палатката си. Dark as it was, we managed to find our way back to our tent. Even though it was dark, we were able to get back to our tent. Не можем да отложим събранието. We can't postpone the meeting. We can't postpone the meeting. На мен не ми звучи толкова зле. It doesn't sound too bad to me. Doesn't sound so bad to me. Моля те, кажи ми защо беше уволнен Том. Please tell me why Tom was fired. Please tell me why Tom was fired. Том излезе да покара. Tom went for a drive. Tom went for a drive. Май съм щастлив. I'm sort of happy. I guess I'm happy. Ан слезе. Ann came downstairs. Anne's down. По време на пресконференцията, президентът засегна темата за международните отношения. During the press conference, the President touched on foreign relations. During the press conference, the President discussed the topic of international relations. Хайде да не говорим за работа, става ли? Let's not talk shop, OK? Let's not talk about work, okay? Той си събра нещата и си тръгна. He gathered up his things and left. He packed his things and left. Не всички можем да говорим френски. Not all of us can speak French. We can't all speak French. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш малко от това? Are you sure you don't want some of this? Are you sure you don't want some of this? Не съм ти казал всичко. I haven't told you everything. I haven't told you everything. Бас ловя, че знаеш това. I bet you know this. I bet you know that. Майка ми ми направи една много симпатична пола. My mother made me a cute skirt. My mother made me a very nice skirt. Това е семейството ми. This is my family. This is my family. Дано да е вярно. I hope it's true. I hope that's true. Не умирай. Don't die. Don't die. Не гледат. They're not looking. They're not looking. Как се казва твоят син? What's your son's name? What's your son's name? Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да го направиш? Are you sure you don't want to do that? Are you sure you don't want to do this? Чух някой да казва, че Том е болен. I heard someone say Tom was sick. I heard someone say Tom was sick. Мисля, че сте наистина удивителни. I think you're really amazing. I think you're really amazing. Не съм се сещала за Том от години. I haven't thought about Tom in years. I haven't thought about Tom in years. Направих го нарочно. I did it on purpose. I did it on purpose. Най-накрая взех шофьорска книжка. I got a driver's license at last. I finally got my driver's license. Трябва да отида да попитам Том. I have to go ask Tom. I have to go ask Tom. Трябва да отида до офиса си. I have to go to my office. I have to go to my office. Той умее да чете. He can read. He knows how to read. Том чу нещо и отиде да види какво е. Tom heard something and went to find out what it was. Tom heard something and went to see what it was. Тя ми е ядосана. She is angry with me. She's mad at me. Имам три сина. I have three sons. I have three sons. Свършихме наличностите. We're out of stock. We're out of stock. Неговата работа каква е? What's his job? What's his job? Мисля, че трябва сама да го прочетеш. I think you should read it yourself. I think you should read it yourself. Случи се тук. It happened here. It happened here. Напълно ли си сигурен, че искаш да го направиш? Are you absolutely positive you want to do this? Are you absolutely sure you want to do this? Не искам да ходя на училище. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Стига ми, мерси. I've had enough, thank you. That's enough for me, thanks. Картофа беше толкова горещ,че дори ми изгори устата. The potato was so hot that it burned my mouth. The potato was so hot, it even burned my mouth. Знам как се чувствате. I know how you must be feeling. I know how you feel. Чух какво се е случило миналата нощ. I heard what happened last night. I heard what happened last night. Мисля, че за момента сме в безопасност. I think we're safe for a while. I think we're safe for the moment. Пристигнах тук вчера. I arrived here yesterday. I got here yesterday. Позволете ми и аз да дойда. Let me come, too. Let me come too. Заповядайте! Be our guest. Here you go. Лъжете ли? Are you lying? Are you lying? Мисля, че Том трябва да бъде зашит. I think Tom needs stitches. I think Tom needs to be stitched up. Не мисля, че мога да изкарам шест часа насаме с тебе. I don't think I could spend six hours alone with you. I don't think I can spend six hours alone with you. Егати лузъра! What a loser! What a sight! Качи се на автобуса за Бадщрасе и слез на Зеещрасе. Get on the bus bound for Badstraße, and get off at Seestraße. Get on the bus to Badstrasse and get off on Zeeshtrace. Млякото се е вкиснало. The milk turned sour. The milk's sour. Учителят ни обърка имената. The teacher mixed up our names. Teacher's got our names mixed up. Опитвам се да науча френски. I'm trying to learn French. I'm trying to learn French. Не разбирам немски. I don't understand German. I don't understand German. Мисля, че ще ви бъде интересно. I think you'll find it interesting. I think you'll be interested. Мисля, че вие трябва да се присъедините към нас. I think you should join us. I think you should join us. Направих се, че не знам кой е Том. I pretended I didn't know who Tom was. I pretended I didn't know who Tom was. Доколкото знам, Том не може да плува. To the best of my knowledge, Tom can't swim. As far as I know, Tom can't swim. Вие сте жесток. You're cruel. You're cruel. Аз съм този, който спаси Том. I'm the one who saved Tom. I'm the one who saved Tom. Пробвай каквото искаш, ще видиш, че е невъзможно да се отървеш от този си навик. Try as you may, you will find it impossible to give up that habit. Try whatever you want, you'll see it's impossible to get rid of this habit. Том дори не трепнал. Tom didn't even flinch. Tom didn't even flinch. Може ли да Ви имам доверие? Are you trustworthy? Can I trust you? Аз ще бъда тук, когато се върнеш. I'll be here when you get back. I'll be here when you get back. Вие заслужавате да бъдете много щастлив и аз ще Ви направя щастлив! You deserve to be so happy and I'll make you happy! You deserve to be very happy and I will make you happy! В малката стая бяха наблъскани десет човека. Ten people were packed into the small room. Ten people were stuffed in the small room. Той прегледа доклада ми. He looked over my report. He's been through my report. Мисля, че то няма да успее. I think it won't succeed. I don't think it's gonna make it. Ако трябва да избираш между пиано и цигулка, кое би избрала? If you had to choose between piano and violin, which would you prefer ? If you had to choose between a piano and a violin, which would you choose? Нищо ѝ няма на паметта ми. There's nothing wrong with my memory. There's nothing wrong with my memory. Харесва ми да си говоря с теб. I like talking to you. I like talking to you. Изчисти огледалото. Clean the mirror. Clear the mirror. Уча английска драма. I'm studying English drama. I'm learning English drama. Този стол е много удобен. This chair is very comfortable. This chair is very comfortable. И така съм си добре. I'm happy where I am. I'm fine as it is. Това аз не мога да го направя. That's impossible for me. That I can't do. Убедена съм, че Том разбира френски. I'm pretty sure Tom understands French. I'm sure Tom understands French. Том даде на Мери целенасочено грешната книга. Tom gave Mary the wrong book deliberately. Tom gave Mary the wrong book on purpose. Шосето беше много неравно. The road was very rough. The road was very uneven. Той е много добре запознат с международните дела. He knows a lot about foreign affairs. He's very familiar with international affairs. Съвсем наскоро започнах да уча френски, така че не съм много добър. I've just started to learn French, so I'm not very good at it yet. Just recently, I started learning French, so I'm not very good. Бих искала да уча френски. I'd like to study French. I'd like to learn French. Качеството на ориза се влошава. The quality of rice is getting worse. The quality of rice is getting worse. Трябва да предупредя Том. I've got to warn Tom. I have to warn Tom. Търся банка. Има ли някоя наблизо? I'm looking for a bank. Is there one near here? I'm looking for a bank. Положението е смешно. This situation is funny. It's a funny situation. Линкът ти не работи. Your link isn't working. Your link isn't working. Идеите му винаги са много практични. His ideas are always practical. His ideas are always very practical. Том не може да стои на едно място. Tom can't stand still. Tom can't stay still. Слагам ръка на рамото ѝ. I put my hand on her shoulder. I'm putting my hand on her shoulder. Изглежа Том се страхува от нещо. Tom seems to be afraid of something. Looks like Tom's afraid of something. За да изкарваш пари първо трябва да ги искаш. To make money one must want money. To make money, you have to want it first. Уби ли някого? Did you kill anybody? Did you kill someone? Тази кутия е много тежка и не мога да я пренеса. This box is very heavy, so I can't carry it. This box is very heavy, and I can't carry it. Ще Ви се обадя утре сутринта. I'll call you tomorrow morning. I'll call you tomorrow morning. Залепи бележка на дъската. Stick a notice on the board. Put a note on the board. За нас всичко свърши. It's all over for us. It's over for us. Няма да повярвате кой се отби у нас днес. You won't believe who came by today. You won't believe who stopped by my place today. Всеки може да се опита. Anybody can try. Anyone can try. Не ме бива да се преструвам. I'm not good at pretending. I'm not good at pretending. Така по-добре ли е? Does that feel better? Is that better? Том е световно известен композитор. Tom is a world-famous conductor. Tom is a world famous composer. Мисля да уча довечера. I'm planning to study tonight. I think I'll study tonight. Не искам да се оженя за теб. I don't want to marry you. I don't want to marry you. Тези коне са на Том. These horses are Tom's. These horses belong to Tom. Просто не можех да кажа "не". I just couldn't say no. I just couldn't say no. Президентът замина за Америка тази сутрин. The President left for America this morning. The president went to America this morning. Изобщо не съм толкова зает. I'm not all that busy. I'm not that busy at all. Тази страна на къщата улавя сутрешното слънце. This side of the house catches the morning sun. This side of the house captures the morning sun. Зеленото Ви отива. Green suits you. Green suits you. Обади ми се утре сутринта в девет. Call me at nine tomorrow morning. Call me tomorrow morning at nine. Той се разбира добре с г-н Браун. He's on good terms with Mr. Brown. He's getting along well with Mr. Brown. Нямам нищо да ти казвам по въпроса. I have nothing to say about that. I have nothing to say to you about it. Каква е твоята кръвна група? What is your blood type? What's your blood type? Колко пъти годишно ходите до брега? How many times a year do you go to the beach? How many times a year do you go to shore? Защо не си свалиш палтото? Why don't you take your coat off? Why don't you take off your coat? Загубих си чадъра. Трябва да си купя нов. I've lost my umbrella. I must buy a new one. I lost my umbrella, I have to buy a new one. Не бих те обвинявала. I wouldn't blame you. I wouldn't blame you. Серия от взривове превърна лабораторията в руини. A series of blasts reduced the laboratory to ruins. A series of explosions turned the lab into ruins. Тя се нарича Ейми. She goes by the name of Amy. She's called Amy. Знам как изглежда. I know what it looks like. I know what it looks like. Мисля, че трябва да кажеш това на Том. I think you should tell Tom that. I think you should tell Tom that. Днес чух един добър виц. I heard a good joke today. I heard a good joke today. Без твоето съгласие,нищо не може да се направи. Without your consent, nothing can be done about it. Without your consent, nothing can be done. Том почисти тоалетната. Tom cleaned the toilet. Tom cleaned the toilet. Пичове, заети ли сте? Are you guys busy? Are you guys busy? Тъй като не може да реши проблема по този начин, опита по друг. Since he could not work out the problem that way, he tried another way. Since you can't solve the problem in this way, try another. Мисля, че е по-добре да се откажеш. I think you'd better give up. I think you'd better give it up. Как е брачният ти живот? How's your married life? How's your marriage life? Да си побъбрим. Let's chat. Let's have a little chat. Линда стана да пее. Linda stood up to sing. Linda got up to sing. Не съм виждал такова от години. I haven't seen one of these in years. I haven't seen one in years. Обещах на Том, че няма да го правим. I promised Tom we wouldn't do that. I promised Tom we wouldn't do this. Том излъга къде е бил миналата нощ. Tom lied about where he'd been last night. Tom lied about where he was last night. Ще те изпратя. I'll walk you out. I'll walk you out. Чувам да звъни телефон. I hear a phone ringing. I hear a phone ringing. Тая история съм я чела в някаква книга. I have read that story in some book. I've read that story in a book. Много се радвам да ви срещна. It's great to meet you. It's so nice to meet you. На Том много му се спи, защото той не можа да спи добре миналата нощ. Tom is very sleepy, because he didn't sleep well last night. Tom was very sleepy because he couldn't sleep well last night. Няма да можеш да го направиш без мен. You won't be able to do that without me. You won't be able to do it without me. Доскоро! See you soon! See you later. Имам някакви книги на френски. I have some French books. I have some books in French. Какво ви пречи да направите едно изследване? What's stopping you from doing a study? What's stopping you from doing a test? Тя се освежи преди вечеря. She freshened herself up before supper. She freshened up before dinner. Възнамеряваш ли да вземеш участие в събранието? Are you planning to take part in the meeting? Do you intend to take part in the meeting? Квала е в чужбина и ти праща много поздрави. Klava is abroad and sends her regards to you. Kvala is abroad and sends her regards. Мисля, че кракът на Том е счупен. I think Tom's leg is broken. I think Tom's leg is broken. Забравих да ви кажа нещо. I forgot to tell you something. I forgot to tell you something. Тя не обръща много внимание на това, как се облича. She doesn't pay much attention to how she dresses. She doesn't pay much attention to how she dresses. Не я знам. I don't know her. I don't know her. Хотела ни е на следващата улица. Our hotel is on the next street. Our hotel's on the next street. Спазихме думата си. We kept our word. We kept our word. Том говореше на френски доста свободно. Tom spoke French quite fluently. Tom spoke French quite freely. Приличаш на сестра ми. You look like my sister. You look like my sister. Познах го веднага, защото съм го виждала и преди. I recognized him at once, because I had seen him before. I recognized him right away because I've seen him before. Какво преследваш? What're you after? What are you after? Какво имаш в ръката? What's in your hand? What's in your hand? Ален е поет. Allen is a poet. Alain is a poet. Попитах го направо. I asked him point-blank. I asked him straight. По-добре да се връщам на бюрото си. I'd better get back to my desk. I'd better get back to my desk. Не добавяйте изречения от източници със запазени авторски права. Don't add sentences from copyrighted sources. Do not add sentences from copyrighted sources. Как може да не Ви харесва Том? How can you not like Tom? How could you not like Tom? Всеки от тях се опитваше много усърдно да спечели предимство пред другия. They tried very hard to gain an advantage over one another. Each of them tried very hard to gain an advantage over the other. Том се пенсионира на 65. Tom retired at 65. Tom retired at 65. Какво държите в дясната си ръка? What do you have in your right hand? What do you have in your right hand? Имаш ли обувки и чорапи? Do you have shoes and socks? Do you have shoes and socks? Френският на Том е доста добър. Tom's French is quite good. Tom's French is pretty good. Майка ми не може да дойде. My mother can't come. My mom can't come. На 14 февруари американците празнуват Свети Валентин. On February 14 Americans celebrate St. Valentine's Day. On February 14th, Americans celebrate Valentine's Day. Ти също може да дойдеш. You may also come. You can come too. Безработна съм. I'm unemployed. I'm unemployed. Пак си подранила. You're early again. You're early again. Имахме своите проблеми. We've had our problems. We had our problems. Ще стигнем там до час. We'll arrive there within an hour. We'll be there in an hour. Беше доста студено. It was quite cold. It was pretty cold. Той не може да каже и дума на френски, но пък затова говори английски сякаш му е роден. He can't say one word of French, but then again he speaks English like a native. He can't say a word in French, but he speaks English like he was born to him. Би ли ми го прочела? Could you read this for me? Would you mind reading it for me? Кога за последен път ходи на плажа? When was the last time you went to the beach? When was the last time you went to the beach? Какво има в тази чанта? What's in this bag? What's in that bag? Аз ще науча Том. I'll teach Tom. I'll teach Tom. Защо не си свалите палтото? Why don't you take your coat off? Why don't you take off your coat? Докторите все още се опитват да спасят Том. The doctors are still trying to save Tom. The doctors are still trying to save Tom. Измислихме го. We figured it out. We got it. Ученето на английски е трудна работа. Learning English is hard work. Learning English is hard work. Мисля, че още си влюбена в Том. I think you still love Tom. I think you're still in love with Tom. Мислех, че не вярваш в призраци. I thought you didn't believe in ghosts. I thought you didn't believe in ghosts. На път са. They're on their way. They're on their way. Не губете кураж. Keep up your courage. Don't lose your courage. Да превеждаш изречения в Tatoeba е по-забавно от това да си пишеш домашното. Translating sentences on Tatoeba is more fun than doing homework. To translate sentences into Tatoeba is more fun than to do your homework. Тя се съгласи с моята идея. She agreed with my idea. She agreed to my idea. Ще бъда наказана. I'll be punished. I'll be punished. Къде се намира Париж? Where is Paris? Where's Paris? Шофирането с толкова висока скорост е опасно. Driving too fast is dangerous. Driving at this high speed is dangerous. Бе обречен никога да не я срещне отново. He was destined never to meet her again. He was doomed to never meet her again. Том стои в ъгъла на стаята. Tom is standing in the corner of the room. Tom's standing in the corner of the room. Винаги настоявам нещата да се изобразяват такива, каквито са. I always make a point of painting things as they are. I always insist that things be portrayed as they are. Прозорецът се отвори. The window opened. The window's open. Току-що изпусна влака. He just missed the train. You just missed the train. Мисля, че правите грешка. I think you're making a mistake. I think you're making a mistake. Оценките ми са над средното ниво. My grades are above average. My grades are above average. Бих искала да уча френски, но нямам време за това. I'd like to study French, but I don't have the time. I'd love to learn French, but I don't have time for this. Той не пуши. He does not smoke. He doesn't smoke. Забравих го. I forgot it. I forgot it. Цялата минала седмица валя. It rained all last week. It rained all last week. Каква храна обичате да ядете? What kind of food do you like to eat? What kind of food do you like to eat? Измами ме човекът, когото считах за свой най-добър приятел. I have been deceived by the man who I thought was my best friend. I was deceived by the man I thought was my best friend. Том се усмихна, когато Мери влезе в стаята. Tom smiled when Mary entered the room. Tom smiled when Mary walked into the room. Искам да уча в чужбина догодина. I want to study abroad next year. I want to study abroad next year. В наши дни никой не вярва в призраци. Nowadays nobody believes in ghosts. No one believes in ghosts these days. Цената може ли да се сваля? Can the price be discounted? Can the price be lower? Не бъди толкова мързелив. Don't be so lazy. Don't be so lazy. Едно време хората вярваха, че това е вярно. People used to think that was true. Once upon a time, people believed that was true. Най-важното нещо, което можеш да направиш сега, е да запазиш спокойствие. The most important thing you can do now is to remain calm. The most important thing you can do now is stay calm. Аз забравих. I've forgotten. I forgot. Мисля, че сте пили твърде много. I think you've had too much to drink. I think you've had too much to drink. Церемонията по завършването се състоя на първи март сутринта. The graduation ceremony took place on the morning of the first of March. The graduation ceremony took place on March 1st in the morning. Много е рано да го обсъждаме сега. It is premature to discuss it now. It's too early to discuss it now. Обикновено кога свършваш работа? When do you usually get off work? When do you usually get off work? Хайде да играем бейзбол! Let's play baseball! Let's play baseball! Още ли играеш голф? Are you still playing golf? Are you still playing golf? Френският ми се подобри, след като се ожених за носителка на езика. My French got better after I got married to a native French speaker. My French got better after I married a language-bearer. Не се притеснявайте. Don't worry. Don't worry. Още не съм сигурна. I'm not sure yet. I'm not sure yet. Момичето ми не знае. My girlfriend doesn't know. My girl doesn't know. Дали хубавото време ще се задържи до утре? Will the fine weather keep up till tomorrow? Will the good weather last until tomorrow? Имам по-важни неща за вършене. I have something more important to do. I have more important things to do. Мисля, че френският е труден език. I think French is a difficult language. I think French is a difficult language. Момчето бързо свикна с новия си клас. The boy soon accommodated himself to his new class. The boy quickly got used to his new class. С какви пари разполагате? How much money do you have? What money do you have? Още не съм казала на децата, че се развеждаме. I haven't told the kids yet that we're getting divorced. I haven't told the kids we're getting a divorce yet. Това е деликатен въпрос. That's a delicate problem. It's a delicate matter. Трябва ли да отговоря на всички въпроси? Do I have to answer all of the questions? Do I have to answer all the questions? Имаш ли нещо против да отвориш вратата? Do you mind opening the door? Do you mind opening the door? Не съм разговарял с Том от години. I haven't talked to Tom in years. I haven't spoken to Tom in years. Том и Мери живеят на една и съща улица. Tom and Mary live on the same street. Tom and Mary live on the same street. Том спря да ръкопляска. Tom stopped clapping. Tom stopped clapping. Вие се възползвате от слабостта ѝ. You're taking advantage of her weakness. You're taking advantage of her weakness. Забравих си кредитната карта вкъщи. I forgot my credit card at home. I left my credit card at home. Леглото на Том е празно. Tom's bed's empty. Tom's bed is empty. Тя отиде там вчера. She went there yesterday. She went there yesterday. Трябва да ядеш повече зеленчуци. You should eat more vegetables. You should eat more vegetables. За следващи запитвания,не се притеснявайте да се свържете с нас на безплатният ни телефон 0120-00-0000. For further inquiries, please feel free to contact us toll-free at 0120-00-0000. For further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us on our free phone 0120-00-0000. Том свири и на китара. Tom also plays guitar. Tom plays guitar, too. Да вземем ли такси? Shall we take a taxi? Should we take a cab? Кога започна да изучаваш френски? When did you begin studying French? When did you start studying French? Идете и събудете Том. Go and wake Tom up. Go and wake Tom. Не трябва да чакаш тук. You shouldn't wait here. You don't have to wait here. Отивам в провинцията за уикенда. I'm going to the country for the weekend. I'm going to the country for the weekend. Той отиде в Америка да учи медицина. He went to America to study medicine. He went to America to study medicine. Мразя съквартиранта си. I hate my roommate. I hate my roommate. Понякога се случва. It happens sometimes. Sometimes it happens. Чувам, че разполагаш със списък. I hear you have a list. I hear you have a list. Може ли да предложа друга стратегия? May I suggest another strategy? May I suggest another strategy? Том още не може да пише. Tom can't write yet. Tom can't write yet. Това не е ли шапката на Том? Isn't that Tom's hat? Isn't that Tom's hat? Трябва да го купим от чужбина. We have to buy it from abroad. We have to buy it from abroad. Ще си намериш. You'll find one. You'll find one. Мисля, че трябва да съобщим на родителите на Том. I think we should notify Tom's parents. I think we should tell Tom's parents. Много съм Ви задължен за помощта. I am much obliged to you for your help. I'm very grateful for your help. Може ли да пусна телевизора? Can I turn on the TV? Can I turn on the TV? Очите ми бяха заслепени от слънцето. My eyes are dazzled by the sun. My eyes were blinded by the sun. Той използва възможността добре. He made good use of the opportunity. He used the opportunity well. Мисля, че е по-добре да дойдете с мене. I think you'd better come with me. I think you'd better come with me. Том беше арестуван за шофиране в нетрезво състояние. Tom was arrested for driving while drunk. Tom was arrested for drunk driving. Тя изчезна в тъмнината. She disappeared in the dark. She disappeared into the darkness. Тя препрочете писмото му отново и отново. She read his letter again and again. She reread his letter over and over again. Какво става тук? What is going on here? What's going on here? В онзи магазин нямаше шапки, които да ми станат. There were no hats in that store that fit me. There weren't any hats in that store that fit me. Те объркани ли са? Are they confused? Are they confused? Затова съм зает. That's why I'm busy. That's why I'm busy. Това е имитация. That's an imitation. It's an imitation. Хайде да ни снимат. Let's get our photograph taken. Let's get a picture of us. Ще се срещнем в моята къща. We'll meet at my house. I'll meet you at my house. Още нищо не съм започнал. I haven't started anything yet. I haven't started anything yet. Ще взема моята кола. I'll take my car. I'll take my car. Това са моите гащи. Those are my pants. These are my pants. Вашето предложение изглежда разумно. Your suggestion seems reasonable. Your proposal seems reasonable. Попитайте Том. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Тази книга, която съм прочел, беше подарък от Петър. This book, which I've read twice, was a gift from Peter. This book I read was a gift from Peter. Не можеш да си представиш колко щастлива беше тя. You can't imagine how happy she was. You can't imagine how happy she was. Ей ти! Изчакай, моля те. Hey you! Please wait. Hey, you, hold on, please. Моля започнете веднага. Please begin immediately. Please begin immediately. Нямам представа. I have no idea. I have no idea. Боб го видя отново. Bob saw him again. Bob saw him again. Трябва ли да отговарям на всички въпроси? Do I have to answer all of the questions? Do I have to answer all the questions? Якето ми е в колата. My jacket's in the car. My jacket's in the car. Спите ли? Are you sleeping? Are you asleep? Сестра ми прилича на майка ми. My sister resembles my mother. My sister looks like my mother. Кен има китара. Ken has a guitar. Ken's got a guitar. Ще дойдеш ли на партито, което организирам на плажа тази вечер? Would you like to come to my beach party this evening? Are you coming to the party I'm throwing on the beach tonight? Нека да го видя. Let me see it. Let me see it. Бягахме след котката. We ran after the cat. We were running after the cat. Той е гимназист. He's a high school student. He's a high school kid. Искам ми се да бях по-млад. I wish I were younger. I wish I was younger. Линда наистина харесва шоколад. Linda really likes chocolate. Linda really likes chocolate. Видях го. I met him. I saw him. Аз трябва да отида до Бостън. I have to go to Boston. I have to go to Boston. Интересува се от музика. He is interested in music. He's interested in music. Използвам картончета, за да уча думи на френски. I use flashcards to study French vocabulary. I use cards to learn words in French. Тогава какъв ти е проблемът? Then what's your problem? Then what's your problem? Нищо не беше смешно. Nothing was funny. Nothing was funny. В Америка можем да чуем хор от коментари отдясно, които се присмиват на футбола, всеки път, когато има световно първенство. In America, we can hear a chorus of comments from the right ridiculing soccer every time there's a World Cup. In America, we can hear a choir of comments on the right that make fun of football every time there's a world championship. Трябва да спазваш диетата си. You must stick to your diet. You have to follow your diet. Карол посети Бостън миналия месец. Carol visited Boston last month. Carol visited Boston last month. Нейната работа е по-добра от моята. Her work is superior to mine. Her job is better than mine. Хайде да отидем до някои храмове утре. Let's visit some temples tomorrow. Let's go to some temples tomorrow. Бурж Халифа е понастоящем най-високият небостъргач в света. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burge Halifa is currently the highest skyscraper in the world. Може би си изпуснал нещо. Maybe you missed something. Maybe you missed something. Притеснен ли си? Are you worried? Are you worried? Билетът важи три дни. The ticket is good for three days. The ticket is valid for three days. Не взимам наркотици. I'm not on drugs. I don't do drugs. Обясни я още веднъж, Джери. Explain it once more, Jerry. Explain it one more time, Jerry. Това е твоята книга. This is your book. It's your book. Той кара своя собствена кола. He drives his own car. He drives his own car. Скъпи, знам, че бюджетът ни е ограничен, но какво ще кажеш малко да се поглезим и да отидем в някой скъп ресторант този уикенд? Honey, I know the budget is tight, but do you think we could splurge a bit and have a night out at a fancy restaurant this weekend? Honey, I know our budget is tight, but what do you say we spoil ourselves a little bit and go to an expensive restaurant this weekend? Имаш много книги. You have many books. You've got a lot of books. Не трябва да нарушаваме обещанието си. We must not break our promise. We mustn't break our promise. Изглежда на Том му харесва просто да си седи на пристанището и да наблюдава чайките. Tom seems to enjoy just sitting on the dock and watching the seagulls. Tom seems to like just sitting in the harbor watching the seagulls. Играхме тенис вчера. We played tennis yesterday. We played tennis yesterday. Изборът на примерно изречение не беше добър. The choice of example sentence wasn't wise. The choice of an example sentence was not a good one. Ходя на работа с колело. I go to work by bicycle. I go to work on a bike. Питай ме всичко, което искаш да знаеш за Бостън. Ask me anything you want to know about Boston. Ask me anything you want to know about Boston. Аз никога не съм ходил там, но мисля, че е след светофара. I've never been there, but I think it's past that traffic light. I've never been there, but I think it's after the light. Това не е голяма изненада, нали? It's not much of a surprise, is it? That's not a big surprise, is it? Аз идвам. I'm coming. I'm coming. Трябва да изляза. I have to go out. I have to get out. Майка Тереза е родена в Югославия през 1910 година. Mother Teresa was born in Yugoslavia in 1910. Mother Teresa was born in Yugoslavia in 1910. В Сасаяма ли живееш? Do you live in Sasayama? Do you live in Sasayama? Той се прибира вкъщи в пет и половина. He comes home at five-thirty. He comes home at five and a half. Ние сме наистина заети. We're really busy. We're really busy. Трябва да го сваля. I have to take it off. I have to take it off. Да поиграем на топка. Let's play catch. Let's play ball. Къде ги измъчвахте? Where did you torture them? Where did you torture them? Той се съгласява с мнението ми. He agrees with my opinion. He agrees with my opinion. Джейн си купи пола и блуза. Janet bought a skirt and a blouse. Jane bought a skirt and a blouse. Аз искам да напиша книга. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. Стани, ако обичаш. Stand up, please. Get up, please. Дай да побързаме. Let's hurry up. Let's hurry. Чух какво му се е случило на Том. I heard about what happened to Tom. I heard what happened to Tom. Много ми се гади. Искам да повърна. I feel very sick. I want to throw up. I'm so sick, I want to throw up. Тя обича да бяга. She likes to run. She likes to run. Нанси обича игрите на закрито. Nancy enjoys indoor games. Nancy loves indoor games. Виж черните облаци,ще вали. Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain. Look at the black clouds, it's going to rain. Ти би могъл да помогнеш. You could help. You could help. Да почакаме до понеделник. Let's wait until Monday. Let's wait till Monday. Тя избродира инициалите си върху една бяла кърпичка. She embroidered her initials on a white handkerchief. She embroidered her initials on a white handkerchief. Работехме заедно. We were working together. We worked together. Не помня кога за първи път срещнах Том. I can't remember when I first met Tom. I can't remember the first time I met Tom. Още на никого не съм казала какво открих. I haven't told anybody yet what I found. I haven't told anyone what I found yet. Губите си времето. You're wasting your time. You're wasting your time. Свободен ли си утре вечер? Are you free tomorrow evening? Are you free tomorrow night? Този месец имаме международен търговски панаир. We are having an international trade fair this month. We have an international trade fair this month. По-голямата част от противниците на робството не гласуваха. Most opponents of slavery did not vote. Most of the opponents of slavery did not vote. Ожених се за полякиня. I married a Polish woman. I married a Pole. Имам проблем. Трябва ми помощта Ви. I'm in trouble. I need your help. I have a problem, I need your help. Маргарет, с чийто баща се срещнахте миналата неделя, е много добър играч на тенис. Margaret, whose father you met last Sunday, is a very good tennis player. Margaret, whose father you met last Sunday, is a very good tennis player. Отново трябва да тръгвам. I have to leave again. I have to go again. Да не се е случило нещо? Did something happen? Did something happen? Уча в един университет в Бостън. I study at a university in Boston. I'm studying at a university in Boston. Тя е със среден ръст. She is of average height. She's medium-sized. Какво има, Том? Плачеш ли? What's the matter, Tom? Are you crying? What's the matter, Tom? Том е студент. Tom is a student. Tom's a student. Давай да взимаме рейс. Let's take a bus. Let's take a bus. Чаках я вече един час. I've been waiting for her for an hour. I've been waiting for her for an hour. Нямаха друг избор, освен да я чакат. There was nothing for it but to wait for her. They had no choice but to wait for her. Тя имаше уговорен час при лекаря. She had an appointment with the doctor. She had an appointment with the doctor. Сложете морковите в тенджерата. Put the carrots in the pot. Put the carrots in the pot. Той няма да успее. He won't make it. He's not gonna make it. Джейн също играе тенис. Jane plays tennis too. Jane plays tennis, too. По дяволите! Darn! Damn it! Може ли да ти викам Боб? Can I call you Bob? Can I call you Bob? Намерих го. I found it. I found it. Нямам никакво намерение да ловя риба в мътни води. I have no intention of fishing in troubled waters. I have no intention of fishing in cloudy waters. Том си няма идея какво си мисли Мери. Tom doesn't have any idea what Mary is thinking. Tom has no idea what Mary's thinking. Бих искал да купя колата, която продавате, но в момента нямам достатъчно пари. I'd like to buy the car you're selling, but I don't have enough money right now. I'd love to buy the car you're selling, but right now I don't have enough money. Това е фотоапаратът на сестра ми. This is my sister's camera. That's my sister's camera. Не харесвам лицето ѝ. I don't like her face. I don't like her face. Страхувам се, че това няма да е възможно. I'm afraid that won't be possible. I'm afraid that won't be possible. Това е всичко за днес. That's all for today. That's all for today. Той напредва страшно бързо с английския. He is making great progress in English. He's moving really fast with English. Бях напълно озадачен от рязката смяна на настроението му. I was completely bewildered by his sudden change of mood. I was completely puzzled by his sudden mood swing. Това ще ти го оставя на теб. I'll leave that to you. I'll leave that to you. Децата Ви колко са големи? How old are your children? How old are your kids? Често прекарвам свободното си време слушайки музика. I often spend my free time listening to music. I often spend my spare time listening to music. Тези мебели са на майка ми. That furniture is my mother's. These are my mother's furniture. Ние не преговаряме. We don't negotiate. We don't negotiate. Извинете, може ли да ми стесните тази блуза? Could I have this blouse taken in, please? Excuse me, can you narrow my shirt? Мисля да отворя магазин. I'm thinking of opening up a store. I'm thinking of opening a store. Не говорете такива неща. Don't say things like that. Don't say such things. Всеки, който беше някой, беше там. Everybody who was anybody was there. Everyone who was someone was there. Влюбен съм в нея. I'm in love with her. I'm in love with her. Само колко си настоятелен! How persistent you are! How persistent you are! Италианският език умира по малко всеки път, когато някой англофон поръча 'едно панини'. The Italian language dies a little every time an anglophone orders "a panini". The Italian language dies a little every time an Anglophone orders a panini. Виждал съм те по телевизията. I've seen you on TV. I've seen you on TV. Още не съм си сложил якето. I haven't put on the jacket yet. I haven't got my jacket on yet. Том е същински зубър. Tom is a real nerd. Tom's a real nerd. Мисля, че ще си промените мнението. I think you'll change your mind. I think you'll change your mind. Това е на Том. That's Tom's. That's Tom's. Това е къщата, в която Том е израснал. This is the house where Tom was brought up. This is the house Tom grew up in. Чета много списания. I read a lot of magazines. I read a lot of magazines. Студентите се върнаха. The students are back. The students are back. Не можем ли да направим нещо? Can't we do anything? Can't we do something? Тя ми даде няколко книги. She gave me several books. She gave me some books. Много е кратка. It's very short. It's very short. Той говори бързо. He talks fast. He's talking fast. Мислех, че не харесвате Том. I thought you didn't like Tom. I thought you didn't like Tom. Внимавай с това, Том. Be careful with that, Tom. Be careful with that, Tom. За Том френският е роден език. Tom is a native French speaker. To Tom, French is a native language. Тя знае ли ви? Does she know you? Does she know you? Сила, мъдрост, търпение и иновации. Притежаваш ли всичко това? Ти, който искаш да носиш короната, ще понесеш нейния товар. Power, wisdom, patience and innovation. Do you possess all these? Thou who wishes to wear the crown shall bear its burden. Power, wisdom, patience, and innovation. Имам затруднения с френския. I have difficulty in French. I'm having trouble with French. Каква е минималната заплата в Чехия? What's the minimum salary in the Czech Republic? What is the minimum wage in the Czech Republic? Сега тръгвам. I'll be going now. I'm leaving now. Външната скромност е често просто израз на учтивост, изчакване да се обърнат към теб преди да заговориш. Perceived shyness is often simply an expression of politeness in waiting to be addressed before speaking. External modesty is often just an expression of courtesy, waiting for them to turn to you before you speak. Ще те направя щастлив. I'll make you happy. I'll make you happy. Можете да изберете което си поискате. You may choose whichever you want. You can choose anything you want. Том със сигурност ще се съгласи. Tom would surely agree. Tom will definitely agree. Той взе пари назаем при висока лихва. We borrowed money at high interest. He borrowed money at a high interest rate. Моля те, събуди ме в 6:30. Please wake me up at 6:30. Please wake me up at 6:30. Според полицията пожарът беше подпален умишлено. Police think the fire was deliberately lit. Police say the fire was set on fire deliberately. Нищо не съм крала. I didn't steal anything. I didn't steal anything. Много е вкусно. It tastes very good. It's delicious. Изчезвай! Go away! Get out of here! Мисля, че допускате грешка. I think you're making a mistake. I think you're making a mistake. Колко високо можеш да скачаш? How high can you jump? How high can you jump? Проявявам търпение. I'm being patient. I'm being patient. Той има прекрасен характер. He has a wonderful personality. He's got a wonderful temper. Не благодаря, просто разглеждам. No, thank you. I'm just looking. No thanks, I'm just looking. Това не го бях виждал през живота си никога. I've never seen that before in my life. I've never seen that before in my life. Ще отида да взема няколко. I'll go get some. I'll go get some. Петър изглежда много млад. Peter looks very young. Peter seems very young. Том посъветва Мери как да учи френски ефективно. Tom gave Mary advice on effective ways to study French. Tom advised Mary how to study French effectively. Помоли Том. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Не се ли радвате да ме видите? Aren't you happy to see me? Aren't you happy to see me? Днес беше забавно. Today was fun. Today was fun. Страхотно е да се работи тук. It's great working here. It's great to work here. Някои животни могат да усетят настъпваща буря. Some animals can sense the coming of a storm. Some animals can feel a storm coming on. Той трябва да говори английски. He has to speak English. He has to speak English. Аз съм дъщерята на Хелън Картрайт. I'm Helen Cartwright's daughter. I'm Helen Cartwright's daughter. Том прекарва цял ден, говорейки френски в училище, а вкъщи говори само на английски. Tom spends all day speaking French at school and only speaks English at home. Tom spends all day speaking French at school, and at home he only speaks English. Опаковай го, ако обичаш? Please wrap it up. Can you wrap it up, please? Том ми даде една ябълка. Tom gave me an apple. Tom gave me an apple. Мисля, че пропускаш нещо. I think you're missing something. I think you're missing something. Правиш го сега. You're doing it now. You're doing it now. Пих чая на закуска с питка нан. I had naan with the tea for breakfast. I had the tea for breakfast with bread nan. Ако Том не може да го направи - никой не може. If Tom can't do it, nobody can. If Tom can't do it, no one can. Вера трябваше да скъса връзките си с някогашните си най-добри приятели, които се забъркаха с наркотици. Vera had to disassociate herself from her former best friends, who got into drugs. Vera had to break ties with her old best friends who got mixed up in drugs. Тази задача е толкова лесна, че всеки студент може да я реши. This is such an easy problem that any student can solve it. This task is so easy that any student can solve it. Кога свършва? When does it finish? When does it end? Да вечеряме. Let's have dinner. Let's have dinner. Не отваряй още подаръка. Don't open the present yet. Don't open the present yet. Да направим компромис. Let's compromise. Let's compromise. Нищо не видях. I haven't seen anything. I didn't see anything. Бяхме започнали да губим надежда. We were starting to lose hope. We were beginning to lose hope. Лягай на пода! Get down on the floor! Get down on the floor! Тя си закърпи чорапите. She mended her socks. She patched up her socks. Ударих Том в лицето. I punched Tom in the face. I punched Tom in the face. Да продължим. Let's go on. Let's move on. Чудя се дали ще можете да ми помогнете. I wonder if you might be able to help me. I wonder if you can help me. Ако ми заемеш пари, ще ти бъда много благодарен. If you will lend me the money, I shall be much obliged to you. If you lend me money, I'd be very grateful. Такива неща се случват постоянно. Such things happen all the time. These things happen all the time. Няма да съм си вкъщи една седмица. I won't be home for a week. I won't be home for a week. Аз купих една добра камера. I bought a good camera. I bought a good camera. Според едно изследване, вероятността да имат близнаци при едрите жени е по-голяма. According to a study, big women are more prone to have twins. According to one study, the likelihood of twins in large women is greater. Излизам. I'm going out. I'm going out. Казвам се Хенри. My name is Henry. My name is Henry. Иска ми се да живея близо до твоята къща. I wish I could live near your house. I wish I could live near your house. Престани да ме наричаш "Том". Stop calling me Tom. Stop calling me "Tom." Хайде да си починем тук. Let's rest here. Let's take a break here. Мисля, че трябва да слушате Том. I think you should listen to Tom. I think you should listen to Tom. Момичето, с което той разговаря, е Нанси. The girl he's speaking to is Nancy. The girl he's talking to is Nancy. Казах ви какво трябва да направите. I've told you what you must do. I told you what you should do. Той не е толкова прост, колкото изглежда. He is not as simple as he seems. He's not as simple as he looks. Ако ядеш от това, Том ще се ядоса. If you eat that, Tom will be angry. If you eat this, Tom will be angry. Ние няма да правим това. We won't be doing that. We're not doing that. Не видях нищо. I did not see anything. I didn't see anything. Това е моят стол. That's my chair. That's my chair. С Майк сме приятели. I am friends with Mike. Mike and I are friends. Защо още слушам това? Why do I still listen to this? Why am I still listening to this? Радвам се, че това те прави щастлив. I'm glad it makes you happy. I'm glad that makes you happy. Трябва да прибера нещо мое. I have to get something of mine. I need to pick up something of mine. Мислиш ли, че съм красива? Do you think that I'm handsome? Do you think I'm beautiful? Аз все още трябва да отида до банката. I still have to go to the bank. I still have to go to the bank. Тя ни даде много за ядене. She gave us lots to eat. She gave us a lot to eat. Моля карайте внимателно. Please drive carefully. Please drive safely. Трябва да пробвате да научите малко френски. You should try to learn a little French. You should try learning some French. Мисля, че Том е в градината. I think Tom is in the garden. I think Tom's in the garden. Изглежда попаднахме в капан. It looks like we fell into a trap. Looks like we're trapped. Усещам течение. I feel a draft. I'm sensing a draft. Когато пътувам, предпочитам да пътувам по въздух. When I travel, I prefer to travel by air. When I travel, I prefer to travel by air. Мисля, че сте били тук твърде дълго. I think you've been here too long. I think you've been here too long. Слава Богу аз съм атеист. Thank God I am an atheist. Thank God I'm an atheist. Къде е входът за музея? Where's the entrance to the museum? Where's the entrance to the museum? Дръж топката с две ръце. Hold the ball with both hands. Hold the ball with both hands. Кейт едва говори китайски. Kate can hardly speak Chinese. Kate barely speaks Chinese. Трябва да спреш Том. You have to stop Tom. You have to stop Tom. Ще правим купон в събота вечер. We are going to have a party on Saturday night. We're having a party Saturday night. Утре е рожденият ми ден. Ставам на 17. Tomorrow is my birthday; I will be seventeen. Tomorrow's my birthday, I'm turning 17. Не съм откраднал нищо. I didn't steal anything. I didn't steal anything. Престанах да се надявам. I gave up hope. I stopped hoping. Искате ли да го опитате? Do you want to try it? Would you like to try it? Намерих играта за доста вълнуваща. I found the game very exciting. I found the game quite exciting. Никога не съм си давал сметка, че Том се интересува от френския. I never realized Tom was interested in French. I never realized Tom was interested in French. Мисля, че трябва да послушате Том. I think you should listen to Tom. I think you should listen to Tom. Не мога да кажа точно. I can't say exactly. I can't say exactly. Тя може да ме е излъгала. She may have told me a lie. She may have lied to me. Той е предубеден против евреите. He has a prejudice against Jews. He's prejudiced against the Jews. Виждал съм ви с Том. I've seen you with Tom. I've seen you and Tom. Добре ли говориш френски? Do you speak French well? Do you speak French well? Това вече не е на мода. That has fallen out of style. That's out of style. Пожелай ми късмет. Please wish me luck. Wish me luck. Том си разкопча ризата. Tom unbuttoned his shirt. Tom unbuttoned his shirt. Някакъв мъж дойде да ме види вчера. A man came to see me yesterday. Some guy came to see me yesterday. Какво правиш? What are you doing? What are you doing? Том знае какво не е наред. Tom knows what's wrong. Tom knows what's wrong. Не го отричам. I don't deny it. I'm not denying it. Това е хубава история. That's a nice story. That's a good story. Животът е труден. Life is hard. Life is hard. Тя му даде книга. She gave him a book. She gave him a book. Том дъвче дъвка. Tom is chewing bubble gum. Tom's chewing gum. Голяма тълпа от хора чакаха. A huge crowd of people waited. A lot of people were waiting. Досега не бях виждала нищо подобно. I've never seen anything like that before. I've never seen anything like it. Тя умря от шок. She died of shock. She died of shock. Кен обича да ходи на лагер. Ken likes camping. Ken likes to go to camp. Изглежда, че те са доволни от резултата. It looks like they're satisfied with the result. They seem to be satisfied with the outcome. Кога заминава този влак? When does this train leave? When does this train leave? Том преведе писмото на френски. Tom translated the letter into French. Tom translated the letter into French. Том иска да научи някакви френски песни. Tom wants to learn some French songs. Tom wants to learn some French songs. Колко бързо тича той? How fast does he run? How fast does he run? Днес открих, че има филм, който се казва "Руснаците идват! Руснаците идват!" Today I discovered that there's a movie called "The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!" Today I discovered that there is a film called "The Russians are coming! Поправих му радиото. I've fixed the radio for him. I fixed his radio. Том няма нужда да знае това. Tom doesn't need to know that. Tom doesn't need to know that. Можеш ли да яздиш кон? Can you ride a horse? Can you ride a horse? Беше ужасен ден. It was a terrible day. It's been a terrible day. Не може да бъде! Unbelievable! It can't be! Трябва да предложим на децата безплатни билети за кино като стимул да посещават училище. We should offer children free movie tickets as an incentive to attend school. We have to offer the kids free movie tickets as an incentive to attend school. Автобусът закъснява. The bus is behind time. The bus is late. Том няма да отстъпи. Tom won't back off. Tom won't back down. Мисля, че отговорът ви е верен. I think your answer is correct. I think your answer is correct. Мислиш ли, че Том лъже? Do you think Tom is lying? Do you think Tom's lying? Ние играхме с цел да победим. We played to win. We played in order to win. Те са неразделни. They stick together like glue. They're inseparable. Каква е температурата сега? What's the temperature now? What's the temperature now? Чух, че било доста вълнуващо. I heard it was pretty exciting. I hear it's pretty exciting. Сега изборът е само един. There exists only one option now. Now there's only one choice. Музеят е затворен в неделя. The museum is closed Sundays. The museum is closed on Sunday. Бих искал да помогна. I'd like to help. I'd like to help. Вярвай ми, знам за какво говоря. Trust me, I've been there. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. Имам други неща, с които да се занимавам. I have other matters to deal with. I have other things to do. Това можеше да бъде предотвратено. That could've been prevented. That could have been prevented. Не поправяй това, което не е развалено. Let well enough alone. Don't fix what's not broken. Виждала съм ви преди. I've seen you before. I've seen you before. Джейн чакаше, подпряна на дървото. Jane was waiting with her back against the tree. Jane was waiting, leaning on the tree. Том може да пее няколко френски песни. Tom can sing some French songs. Tom can sing a few French songs. Чух някой да казва, че Том бил болен. I heard someone say Tom was sick. I heard someone say Tom was sick. Това беше моя грешка. That was my mistake. It was my fault. Том продължи да натиска клаксона. Tom continued to honk the horn. Tom kept honking the horn. Беше доста близко. It was pretty close. It was pretty close. Днес за пръв път ядох оризови спагети. I ate noodles for the first time today. Today was the first time I had rice noodles. Том не може да го търпи. Tom can't stand it. Tom can't stand it. Не позволявай на Том да те заплашва. Don't let Tom intimidate you. Don't let Tom threaten you. Извинете, имате ли нещо против да отворя прозореца? Excuse me but, would you mind if I opened the window? Excuse me, do you mind if I open the window? Те направиха дупка в стената. They made a breach in the wall. They made a hole in the wall. Мисля, че тази вечер ще се забавлявате. I think you're going to enjoy yourself tonight. I think you'll have fun tonight. Мисля, че ще ви хареса. I think you'll like it. I think you'll like it. Нямаше да мога да направя това без теб. I couldn't have done this without you. I couldn't have done this without you. Удобно ли ти е? Are you comfortable? Are you comfortable? В училище ни учеха как да четем френски, но не ни научиха как да го говорим. We learned how to read French in school, but didn't really learn how to speak it. In school, they taught us how to read French, but they didn't teach us how to speak it. Ранена ли сте? Are you injured? Are you hurt? Том реши да отложи събранието. Tom decided to postpone the meeting. Tom decided to postpone the meeting. От доста време не съм го правила. It's been a while since I've done this. It's been a while since I've done this. Най-близкия полет е в 10:00. The next flight is at 10:00. The nearest flight is at 10:00. Казах, че ще отида. I said I'd go. I said I'd go. Защо не пораснеш? Why don't you grow up? Why don't you grow up? Забавлявах се снощи. I had fun last night. I had fun last night. Какво правиш там? What're you doing there? What are you doing there? Точно сега наистина не мога да говоря. I really can't talk right now. I really can't talk right now. Гледал съм този филм преди много време. I saw this movie a very long time ago. I saw that movie a long time ago. Марила имаше проблеми с белите си дробове. Marilla had problems with her lungs. Marilla had trouble with her lungs. Надявам се да е добро. I hope it's good. I hope it's good. Моля те, не питай. Please don't ask. Please don't ask. Оттам пътят се качва. The road rises from there. That's where the road goes. Ти си ми враг. You're my enemy. You're my enemy. Не искам да играя. I don't want to play. I don't want to play. Не мога да променя тези планове. I can't change these plans. I can't change those plans. На мен ми харесва всякаква музика. I have an eclectic taste in music. I like all kinds of music. Не ме изненадва. It doesn't surprise me. Doesn't surprise me. Никога не отлагай за утре това, което можеш да свършиш днес. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Never put off what you can do tomorrow. Завъртях бравата. I turned the doorknob. I turned the lock. Чух, че Том ти е дал цигулката на дядо си. I heard Tom gave you his grandfather's violin. I heard Tom gave you his grandfather's violin. Бяхме разочаровани, че тя не дойде. We were disappointed at her absence. We were disappointed she didn't come. Кой вярва в Бог? Who believes in God? Who believes in God? Няма да предам доверието ти. I won't betray your trust. I won't betray your trust. Той ми даде пример. He gave me an example. He gave me an example. Нямам представа как се е случило. I have no idea how this happened. I have no idea how it happened. Не искаш ли да знаеш защо не го направих? Don't you want to know why I didn't do that? Don't you want to know why I didn't? Бих могъл да те направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Господине, забравили сте си запалката на масата. Sir, you have left your lighter on the table. Sir, you left your lighter on the table. Мисля, че Том иска нещо за писане. I think Tom wants something to write with. I think Tom wants something to write. Аз ли съм пръв? Am I first? Am I first? Нека да кажа нещо. Let me say one thing. Let me say something. Том не помръдна повече от час. Tom hasn't budged for over an hour. Tom hasn't moved in over an hour. Миналата вечер ми звънна стар приятел от колежа, с когото не се бях чувал от години. Last evening I was rung up by an old college friend whom I had not heard from for years. Last night I got a call from an old college friend I hadn't heard from in years. Пристигнах тук снощи. I arrived here last night. I got here last night. Като основно ястие ядем риба. We are having fish for our main course. As a main course, we eat fish. Учудвам се, че Том не спомена Мери. I'm surprised Tom didn't mention Mary. I'm surprised Tom didn't mention Mary. Тя му отдели лично внимание. She gave it her personal attention. She gave him personal attention. Мостът е безопасен; може да шофирате по него. The bridge is safe; you can drive across. The bridge is safe; you can drive on it. Прочетете го още веднъж. Read it once more. Read it again. Това много ме ядосва. This makes me very angry. It really pisses me off. Изчисти си стаята. Clean your room. Clean your room. Говори по-високо, ако обичаш. Please speak more loudly. Speak up, please. Тревожиш ли се? Are you worried? Are you worried? Не те мразя. I don't hate you. I don't hate you. Аз много обичам тенис. I like tennis very much. I love tennis very much. Това е твоята книга. That is your book. It's your book. Моля те, ела добре облечен. Please come dressed up. Please come well dressed. Аз съм по-умен от Вас. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you. Оттогава не съм разговаряла с Том. I haven't spoken to Tom since. I haven't spoken to Tom since. Ще ти дам тези пари. I'll give you this money. I'll give you that money. Ние още работим здравата. We're still working hard. We're still working hard. Най-накрая времето се оправи. The weather has settled at last. At last, the weather is back to normal. Чух, че Том мрази Мери. I heard Tom hates Mary. I heard Tom hates Mary. Модерното изкуство не ме интересува. Modern art has no interest for me. I don't care about modern art. Какво е знаел Том? What did Tom know? What did Tom know? Том е много скромен. Tom is very humble. Tom is very modest. Мисля, че ти си тази, която има нужда от помощ. I think you're the one who needs help. I think you're the one who needs help. Том искаше да си ходи, но Мери искаше да остане още малко. Tom wanted to leave, but Mary wanted to stay a little longer. Tom wanted to go, but Mary wanted to stay a little longer. Карлос почака за момент. Carlos waited a moment. Carlos, wait a minute. Имам неща, за които трябва да се погрижа. I have things to attend to. I have things to take care of. Върхът на планината е покрит със сняг. The top of the mountain is covered in snow. The top of the mountain is covered in snow. Извинете, къде е тоалетната? Excuse me, where's the toilet? Excuse me, where's the bathroom? Не е толкова трудно. It's not that hard. It's not that hard. Това е къщата, където живеех, когато бях дете. This is the house where I lived when I was a child. This is the house where I lived when I was a kid. Ще бъда там до петнайсет минути. I'll be there in fifteen minutes. I'll be there in 15 minutes. Закопчайте колана си, моля. Fasten your seat belt, please. Fasten your seat belt, please. Аз съм по-умна от Вас. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you. Баща ми не ми разрешава да ходя сам на кино. My dad doesn't let me go to the cinema alone. My father won't let me go to the movies alone. Роден съм в годината, в която е умрял дядо ми. I was born the year my grandfather died. I was born the year my grandfather died. Без бира преди четири! No beer before four! No beer before four! Искам нещо за ядене. I'd like something to eat. I want something to eat. Видях Джеси да стои там. I saw Jessie standing there. I saw Jesse standing there. Обади ми се в офиса. Call me at the office. Call me at the office. Как е в Шотландия през лятото? What's Scotland like in summer? How's Scotland this summer? Ние още се придържаме към мечтите от младостта си. We are still clinging to the dreams of our youth. We're still clinging to the dreams of our youth. Том се усети, че няма тоалетна хартия. Tom realized there was no toilet paper. Tom realized there was no toilet paper. Помислих си, че Том може да го направи. I thought Tom might do that. I thought Tom could do it. Обичаш ли да играеш волейбол? Do you like playing volleyball? Do you like to play volleyball? Тези Ваши ли са? Are those yours? Are these yours? Може ли да седна? Can I sit down? Can I sit down? Това не е за тебе. It's not for you. This isn't for you. Том може да говори френски. Tom can speak French. Tom can speak French. Том се записа на курс по френски. Tom signed up for a French class. Tom signed up for a French course. Нямам никакъв избор. I have no choice at all. I don't have a choice. Коледа е на 25 декември. Christmas is December 25th. Christmas is December 25th. Би могъл да помогнеш. You could help. You could help. Няма да съм тук толкова време. I won't be here that long. I won't be here that long. Какво бихте искали? What would you like? What would you like? Какво прави твоят приятел напоследък? What has your friend been doing recently? What's your friend been doing lately? Не съм виновен аз. I'm not at fault. It's not my fault. Видях я как пресича улицата. I saw her crossing the street. I saw her cross the street. Мъча се да спестя пари. I'm trying to save money. I'm trying to save money. В един кюп сме! We're on the same boat. We're in the same boat! Красиво, нали? Pretty, isn't it? Beautiful, isn't it? Трябва ми малко помощ с това, по което работя. I need some help with my work. I need a little help with what I'm working on. Не разбирам тази дума. I don't understand this word. I don't understand that word. Сложи морковите в тенджерата. Put the carrots in the pot. Put the carrots in the pot. Горещо ли ти е? Are you hot? Are you hot? Жестоки сте. You're cruel. You're cruel. Работата е, че напоследък нямам много пари. The trouble is that I am short of money these days. The thing is, I don't have a lot of money these days. Чух го да слиза надолу. I heard him coming downstairs. I heard him coming down. Мълчете, всички. Be quiet, all of you. Keep quiet, all of you. Трябва да отивам до болницата. I have to go to hospital. I have to go to the hospital. Днес работят все по-малко подрастващи. Fewer teenagers are working nowadays. Less and less teenagers are working today. Проучване показва, че 53 000 американци умират всяка година в резултат от това, че са пасивни пушачи. A study reports that 53,000 Americans die each year as a result of secondhand smoke. Research shows that 53,000 Americans die every year as a result of being passive smokers. Искам да отида в Австрия, за да уча музика. I would like to go to Austria in order to study music. I want to go to Austria to study music. Бих искала да науча нещо повече за музеите. I would like some information about museums. I'd like to learn more about museums. Някога чели ли сте френски стихове? Have you ever read any French poems? Have you ever read French poems? Май Том си е пийнал повечко. It looks like Tom has had a few too many drinks. Looks like Tom's had a little too much to drink. Харесва ми да слушам добра музика. I like to listen to good music. I like listening to good music. Флашката ми има вирус. My pen-drive has a virus. My flash drive has a virus. Трябва да се свържа с Том. I have to get in touch with Tom. I need to get in touch with Tom. Беше толкова хубав ден, че решихме да се разходим. It was such a pleasant day that we went for a walk. It was such a nice day, we decided to take a walk. Тя е по-възрастна от мен с три години. She's three years older than me. She's three years older than me. Няма да ме принудят да направя това. I won't be bullied into doing that. They won't force me to do this. Сигурен съм, че си много заетa. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Том има дъщеря на твоите години. Tom has a daughter about your age. Tom has a daughter your age. Този каскет принадлежи на Том. This cap belongs to Tom. This cap belongs to Tom. Том сигурно е самотен. Tom must be lonely. Tom must be lonely. Хванах ужасна настинка. I've caught a terrible cold. I caught a terrible cold. Мислиш ли, че бих могъл да разговарям с Том? Do you think I could talk to Tom? Do you think I could talk to Tom? Жегата ми пречи да спя. The heat's preventing me from sleeping. The heat keeps me from sleeping. Светофарът светна в зелено. The traffic light turned green. The traffic light went green. Не всяко дете харесва ябълки. Not every child likes apples. Not every kid likes apples. В каква ситуация ще го направиш? In what kind of situations would you do that? What kind of situation are you going to do that in? Джейн съвсем не беше наясно кога и къде да отиде. Jane was quite at a loss when and where to go. Jane had no idea when or where to go. Този джиесем е доста скъп. This cell phone is really expensive. This mobile is very expensive. Какво ти попречи да дойдеш вчера? What prevented you from coming yesterday? What stopped you from coming yesterday? Може ли да ви целуна? May I kiss you? Can I kiss you? Защо дойдохте толкова рано? Why did you come this early? Why did you come so early? Никога не съм се гордял толкова с Том. I've never been so proud of Tom. I've never been so proud of Tom. Купих хляб, кафе, захар и други такива неща. I bought bread, coffee, sugar and the like. I bought bread, coffee, sugar and stuff. Мисля, че си много талантлив. I think you're very talented. I think you're very talented. Аз нямам деца. I don't have kids. I don't have kids. Заспах с дрехите си. I slept with my clothes on. I fell asleep in my clothes. Изречение номер 888 888 ще донесе на собственика си щастие за години напред. Sentence Number 888,888 will bring its owner years of happiness. Sentence number 888 888 will bring its owner happiness for years to come. Мисля, че искам още кафе. I think I'd like some more coffee. I think I want more coffee. Имаш ли някакви пари? Don't you have any money? Do you have any money? Том не носи чорапи. Tom isn't wearing socks. Tom doesn't wear socks. Той носи дрехи в китайски стил. He wears Chinese-style clothes. He wears Chinese-style clothes. Ето я чантата ти. Here is your bag. Here's your bag. Мисля, че трябва да внимаваш повече по време на часа. I think you ought to pay more attention in class. I think you should be more careful during class. Един от навиците на служителите е да се съберат в някой бар или ресторант в края на работния ден, за да се напият и да забравят мизерния си живот до следващия ден. One of the employees' habits is to gather in some bar or restaurant at the end of the workday to get drunk and forget their miserable life until the next day. One of the employees' habits is to gather at a bar or restaurant at the end of the day to get drunk and forget their miserable lives until the next day. Не знам какво имаш предвид. I don't know what you mean. I don't know what you mean. Всичко стана черно. Everything went black. It's all gone black. Тази седмица съм във ваканция. I am on holiday this week. I'm on vacation this week. Сега си спомних, не бива да пушиш в нейната кола. Now remember, you must not smoke in her car. Now I remember, you shouldn't smoke in her car. Скоро протестиращата тълпа стана неуправляема. After a while, the protesting mob became disorderly. Soon the protesting crowd became unmanageable. Не ми се подигравай. Don't make fun of me. Don't make fun of me. Харесвам тениса и голфа. I like tennis and golf. I like tennis and golf. Математиката е онази част от науката, с която би продължил да се занимаваш, ако утре се събудиш и установиш, че вселената е изчезнала. Mathematics is the part of science you could continue to do if you woke up tomorrow and discovered the universe was gone. Mathematics is the part of science that you would continue to do if you woke up tomorrow and found that the universe had disappeared. Том няма да успее навреме. Tom won't make it in time. Tom won't make it in time. Кой може да ми помогне? Who will help me? Who can help me? Всеки ден ли говориш френски? Do you speak French every day? Do you speak French every day? Бих могъл да Ви направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Имам ранен спомен как дядо ми си замрежва чорапите. I have an early memory of my grandmother darning socks. I have an early memory of my grandfather cutting off his socks. Аз съм опасен. I'm dangerous. I'm dangerous. Нищо не съм пипала. I haven't touched anything. I didn't touch anything. Бях много жаден и исках да пия нещо студено. I was very thirsty and I wanted to drink something cold. I was very thirsty and wanted to drink something cold. Разбрах защо Том беше закъснял. I found out why Tom was late. I figured out why Tom was late. Той ги хвана да крадат ябълки. He caught them stealing apples. He caught them stealing apples. Къщата е малка. The house is small. It's a small house. Том е тук с мене. I have Tom here with me. Tom's here with me. Стой настрани от мен. Keep away from me. Stay away from me. Мисля, че сме роднини. I think we're related. I think we're related. Тя изглеждаше самотна. She looked lonely. She seemed lonely. Не искам да купувам този килим. I don't want to buy this carpet. I don't want to buy this carpet. За мен е все тая. It's the same to me. It doesn't matter to me. Сигурна ли си, че искаш да го чуеш? Are you sure you want to hear about this? Are you sure you want to hear this? Трябва да видя Том. I have to see Tom. I need to see Tom. Аз бях ранен при катастрофата. I got injured in the traffic accident. I was injured in the crash. Не е ли така? Isn't that right? Isn't that right? Не трябва да даваш пари назаем на такъв човек. You should not have lent the money to such a person. You shouldn't lend money to a guy like that. Не трябва да се предаваш. You must not give up. You don't have to give up. Останали са само няколко парчета. There are only a couple of pieces left. There's only a few pieces left. Децата често са нетърпеливи и неспокойни. Children are often impatient and restless. Children are often impatient and restless. Мисля, че ще ви хареса там. I think you'd like it there. I think you'll like it there. Ключът ти е у мене. I have your key. I've got your key. Мисля, че Том каза, че фамилията му е Джаксън. I think Tom said his last name is Jackson. I thought Tom said his last name was Jackson. Всичко се постига с желание. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. It's all done with desire. Не боли толкова много. It doesn't hurt so much. It doesn't hurt that much. Не беше възможно човек да се свърже с Том. Tom couldn't be contacted. It wasn't possible for anyone to contact Tom. Няма да я видя пак. I won't see her again. I won't see her again. Знаеш ли нещо за детството на Том? Do you know anything about Tom's childhood? Do you know anything about Tom's childhood? Вероятно трябваше да кажа нещо. I probably should have said something. I should probably have said something. Умряха млади. They died young. They died young. Светофарът светна зелено. The traffic light turned green. The light went green. Тази статия е написана на френски. The article was written in French. This article is written in French. Тя не обича суши. She doesn't like sushi. She doesn't like sushi. Тя има десет деца. She has ten children. She's got ten kids. Том има един шкаф пълен с USB кабели. Tom has a drawer full of USB cables. Tom has a cabinet full of USB cables. Срам ли те е? Are you embarrassed? Are you ashamed? Аз съм жител на Сапоро. I am a citizen of Sapporo. I'm an inhabitant of Sapporo. Когато аз ти кажа: "Скачай", ти скачаш! When I tell you 'jump', you jump! When I say, "Jump," you jump! Аз съм просто човек, който обича знанието. I am just a person who loves knowledge. I'm just a man who loves knowledge. Какъв ти е проблемът с Том? What's your problem with Tom? What's your problem with Tom? Том ми каза, че говори френски. Tom told me that he spoke French. Tom told me he speaks French. Мери иска една дузина яйца. Mary wants a dozen eggs. Mary wants a dozen eggs. Той е просто приятел. He's just a friend. He's just a friend. Не мислите ли, че всичките ни политици са твърде стари? Don't you think that all our politicians are too old? Don't you think all our politicians are too old? Тази фабрика прави играчки. That factory makes toys. This factory makes toys. Той използва талантите си добре. He makes good use of his talents. He uses his talents well. Том трябва да отиде. Tom has to go. Tom has to go. Никога повече не казвай това. Don't ever say that again. Don't ever say that again. Том пътуваше в първа класа. Tom traveled first class. Tom was in first class. Бети може да свири на пиано. Betty can play the piano. Betty can play the piano. Мисля, че утре няма да завали. I think it won't rain tomorrow. I don't think it's gonna rain tomorrow. Том вече си тръгна. Tom already left. Tom's already gone. Чугунът е сплав от желязо и въглерод. Cast iron is an alloy of iron and carbon. Chugun is an alloy of iron and carbon. Том ще отсъства задълго. Tom won't be here for a long time. Tom's gonna be gone a long time. Той дойде, въпреки че му казах да не го прави. He came even though I told him not to. He came, even though I told him not to. Познаваш ли някой, който говори френски? Do you know anyone who speaks French? Do you know anyone who speaks French? Нашето мнение - това е някаква представа, която ние притежаваме; нашето убеждение - това е представа, която притежава нас. Our opinion is an idea which we have; our conviction an idea which has us. Our opinion - this is some idea that we have; our conviction - this is an idea that we have. Така не е честно. This isn't fair. That's not fair. Том изглежда ли да е зает? Does Tom look like he's busy? Does Tom seem busy? Не излизам с тях. I don't hang out with them. I don't date them. Моля, продължете разказа си. Please continue with your story. Please continue your story. За мен ще е удоволствие да пея за вас. I'd be happy to sing for you. It would be my pleasure to sing for you. Съобщението е написано на френски. The message is written in French. The message is written in French. Той още не е дошъл, нали? He hasn't come already, has he? He's not here yet, is he? Не знам. I don't know. I don't know. Сравни си превода с неговия. Compare your translation with his. Compare your translation with his. Още един скоч и вода, моля. Another Scotch and water, please. Another scotch and water, please. Видях го да бяга от там. I saw him run away. I saw him run from there. Бих искала да преведеш това писмо на френски. I'd like you to translate this letter into French. I'd like you to translate this letter into French. Нищо не разбирам. I don't understand a fucking thing. I don't understand anything. Как е времето. How is the weather? How's the weather? Вече е единадесет. It's already eleven. It's eleven. Всичките им тайни бяха разкрити. All their secrets have been revealed. All their secrets have been revealed. Помириши това мляко. Мислиш ли, че е развалено? Smell this milk. Do you think it's gone bad? Smell that milk, do you think it's broken? Той сам го направи. He himself did it. He did it himself. Не искам да бъда част от проблема. I don't want to be part of the problem. I don't want to be part of the problem. Аз просто искам да те направя толкова щастлив! I just want to make you so happy! I just want to make you so happy! Том падна по стълбите. Tom fell down the stairs. Tom fell down the stairs. Предполагам, че си прав. I guess you are right. I guess you're right. Надявам се, че не притеснявам никого. I hope I'm not bothering anybody. I hope I'm not disturbing anyone. Тук храненето навън излиза доста скъпо. The cost of eating out is quite high here. There's a lot of food out here. Някога чели ли сте книга на френски? Have you ever read a book in French? Have you ever read a book in French? Идея нямам кой е Том. I have no idea who Tom is. I have no idea who Tom is. Това са приятели на Том. These are Tom's friends. These are Tom's friends. Той си обърна палтото наопаки. He turned his coat inside out. He turned his coat upside down. Няма нужда да се извиняваш. There's no need to apologize. You don't have to apologize. Ще им се обадя утре, като се върна. I'll call them tomorrow when I come back. I'll call them tomorrow when I get back. Получих ролковите кънки без да давам нищо. I got the roller skates for nothing. I got the roller skates without giving anything. Не беше толкова силно. It wasn't that loud. It wasn't that loud. Френският на Том е по-добър от моя. Tom's French is better than mine. Tom's French is better than mine. Джейн искаше фунийка сладолед. Jane wanted an ice cream cone. Jane wanted an ice cream cone. Не говорих с Том. I didn't speak with Tom. I didn't talk to Tom. От доста време не съм го правил. It's been a while since I've done this. It's been a while since I've done this. Ако обичате, звъннете ми в 9 сутринта. Please call me at nine AM. Please call me at 9:00 in the morning. Лекарството го излекува от болестта му. The medicine cured him of his illness. The medicine cured him of his illness. Приключихме ли? Are we finished? Are we done here? Тя носи красива рокля. She got a beautiful dress on. She's wearing a beautiful dress. Прекъсвам ли ви? Am I interrupting? Am I interrupting? Баща ѝ е японец. Her father is Japanese. Her father's Japanese. Майката на Куки умря от рак. Cookie's mother died of cancer. Cookie's mom died of cancer. Защо си бил там? Why were you there? Why were you there? Аз забравих. I forgot. I forgot. Никога не лъжи! Never tell a lie! Don't you ever lie! Джон се бори с Том. John is wrestling with Tom. John's fighting Tom. Човек не може да оцени напълно удоволствието от нищоправенето, ако не е затрупан до гуша с работа. It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do. You can't fully appreciate the pleasure of doing nothing unless you're swamped with work. Започна да вали веднага щом се прибрахме вкъщи. It started raining as soon as we got home. It started raining as soon as we got home. Искам да мога да говоря френски. I want to be able to speak French. I want to be able to speak French. Къде е твоето училище? Where is your school? Where's your school? Няма връщане назад. There is no going back. There's no turning back. Сега е моментът. The time is now. Now's the time. Апартаментът ми е в тази сграда. My apartment is in that building. My apartment is in this building. Направи го вместо мене. Do it for me. Do it for me. Ще ти дам този фотоапарат. I'll give you this camera. I'll give you this camera. Някой казвал ли ти го е? Did anyone tell you? Has anyone ever told you that? Свършихме хартията за копирната машина. We've run out of paper for the photocopier. We're out of paper for the copy machine. Има твърде много неща, които не знам как да готвя. I don't know how to cook too many things. There's too much I don't know how to cook. Той разказа неговите необикновени преживявания. He recounted his unusual experiences. He told his extraordinary experiences. Последвайте го. Follow him. Follow him. Опасявам се, че няма да стане. I'm afraid it won't work. I'm afraid that's not gonna happen. Той рисува прави линии. He draws straight lines. He's drawing straight lines. Ела по-близо, за да мога да ти видя лицето. Come nearer so that I can see your face. Come closer so I can see your face. Сигурни ли сте, че искате да го продам? Are you sure you want me to sell this? Are you sure you want me to sell it? Аз няма да дойда. I will not come. I'm not going. Мисля, че отговорът ти е верен. I think your answer is correct. I think your answer's right. Мисля, че още сте влюбена в Том. I think you still love Tom. I think you're still in love with Tom. Сега съм на трийсет. I'm thirty now. I'm 30 now. Не бих ви обвинила. I wouldn't blame you. I wouldn't blame you. Къде е музеят? Where's the museum? Where's the museum? Търся работа. I'm looking for a job. I'm looking for a job. Ще имаме изпит по английски утре. We are going to have an examination in English tomorrow. We'll have an English exam tomorrow. Хайде да играем игра. Let's play a game. Let's play a game. Реших, че сте си тръгнали. I thought you'd left. I thought you'd left. Трябва да разбера какво уби Том. I have to find out what killed Tom. I need to find out what killed Tom. Ще ти струва около 10000 йени. It will cost around 10,000 yen. It'll cost you about 10,000 yen. Внимавай къде стъпваш. Be careful where you step. Watch your step. Той си издейства усмивка от бебето. She coaxed a smile from the baby. He got a smile out of the baby. Можеш ли да ми кажеш защо Том прави това? Can you tell me why Tom is doing that? Can you tell me why Tom's doing this? Притежавам 30 акра земя на около 3 мили извън града. I own 30 acres of land about 3 miles out of town. I own 30 acres of land about three miles out of town. Висок съм почти колкото нея. I am nearly as tall as she. I'm almost as tall as she is. Каква е минималната заплата в Египет? What's the minimum salary in Egypt? What's the minimum wage in Egypt? Тя ме изгледа странно. She gave me a strange look. She looked at me funny. Не Том е проблемът. Tom isn't the problem. Tom's not the problem. Имаме ли шанс? Do we have a chance? Do we have a chance? Валеше на потоп. It rained cats and dogs. It was raining in a flood. Писна ми от тъпата работа. I've had it with this stupid job. I'm sick of this stupid job. Ние отложихме събитието. We postponed the event. We postponed the event. Той работи сутрин. He works in the morning. He works in the morning. Защо боядиса пейката в червено? Why did you paint the bench red? Why did you paint the bench red? Вкусно ли е? Does it taste good? Is it good? Благодаря на г-н Нагата. Thanks to Mr Nagata. Thank you to Mr. Nagata. Това уиски е много силно. This whisky is very strong. This whiskey is very strong. Не бях честен с Том. I wasn't honest with Tom. I wasn't honest with Tom. Том искаше да узнае причината Мери да не го харесва. Tom wanted to know the reason Mary didn't like him. Tom wanted to know why Mary didn't like him. Имам домашни за писане. I have some homework to finish. I have homework to do. Ние трябва да запалим огън. We need to build a fire. We have to build a fire. Ти винаги си бил малко странен. You were always a little strange. You've always been a little weird. Мисля, че Том направи нещо, което не биваше да прави. I think Tom did something he shouldn't have. I think Tom did something he shouldn't have done. Ти имаш ли си? Do you have one? Do you have one? Мисля, че и двете трябва да си тръгнем. I think we both should leave. I think we should both leave. Като те дразни толкова, подай оплакване. If it annoys you so much, file a complaint. If it bothers you so much, file a complaint. Запазил съм най-хубавото за най-накрая. I've saved the best for last. I've saved the best for finally. Бях точно зад Том. I was right behind Tom. I was right behind Tom. Том е нюйоркчанин, но няма нюйоркски акцент. Tom is a New Yorker, but he doesn't have a New York accent. Tom's a New Yorker, but he doesn't have a New York accent. Спри да си задаваш безполезни въпроси. Stop asking yourself useless questions. Stop asking yourself useless questions. Той отложи пътуването си до Окинава. He put off his trip to Okinawa. He postponed his trip to Okinawa. В Германия призраците не плащат данъци. In Germany ghosts don't pay taxes. In Germany, ghosts don't pay taxes. Том си го бива, нали? Tom is neat, isn't he? Tom's good, isn't he? Сега свободен ли си ? Are you free now? Are you free now? Прочети го отново, ако обичаш. Read it again, please. Read it again, please. Не може да са излезли, защото вътре свети. They can't have gone out because the light's on. They can't have gone out because the light's on inside. Мисля, че трябва да отидеш на погребението на Том. I think you should go to Tom's funeral. I think you should go to Tom's funeral. Страхувах се, че няма да успея да го направя като хората. I was afraid I might not be able to do it correctly. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do it right. Ще се опитам да не закъснявам за в бъдеще. I'll try not to be late in the future. I'll try not to be late for the future. Надявам се, че всичко е наред. I hope that everything is okay. I hope everything's okay. Трябва да платят предварително. They have to pay in advance. They have to pay in advance. Том ще бъде там. Tom will be there. Tom will be there. Събуди Том. Wake Tom up. Wake up, Tom. Хей, вали сняг. Hey, it's snowing. Hey, it's snowing. Той направи това от ревност. Jealousy made him do that. He did this out of jealousy. Невъзможно е. It's impossible. It's impossible. Нямам представа къде е Том. I have no idea where Tom is. I have no idea where Tom is. Колко захар използваш? How much sugar do you use? How much sugar do you use? Треньорът чакаше играчите да започнат да плуват. The coach was waiting for the players to swim. Coach was waiting for the players to start swimming. Не разбирам какво имате предвид. I don't understand what you mean. I don't know what you mean. Толкова съм дебел. I'm so fat. I'm so fat. Мисля, че знаеш защо съм тук. I think you know why I'm here. I think you know why I'm here. Един съсед се погрижи за котката, докато ние бяхме на почивка. While we were on holiday, a neighbor took care of our cat. A neighbor took care of the cat while we were on vacation. Тя дори не би се изпикала върху мен, ако се запаля. She wouldn't even piss on me if I were on fire. She wouldn't even piss on me if I set myself on fire. Никога няма да направя същата грешка. I'll never make that mistake again. I'll never make the same mistake. Ти не помниш, а аз никога няма да забравя. You don't remember, I'll never forget. You don't remember, and I'll never forget. Том е единственият тук, който не познава Мери. Tom is the only one here who doesn't know Mary. Tom's the only one here who doesn't know Mary. Това е прекалено голямо. This is too big. This is too big. Яж повече плодове. Eat more fruit. Eat more fruit. Не ми се умилквай. Don't get cute with me. Don't be mean to me. Бил често пее в тоалетната. Bill will often sing in the toilet. Bill sings in the bathroom a lot. Не си ли уплашен, Том? Aren't you scared, Tom? Aren't you scared, Tom? Колкото повече учим, толкова повече научаваме. The more we learn, the more we know. The more we learn, the more we learn. Образованието в този свят ме разочарова. Education in this world disappoints me. Education in this world has disappointed me. Проблемът не е дали мислят машините, а дали мислят хората. The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do. It's not about thinking machines. It's about thinking people. Каква е твоята история, Том? What's your story, Tom? What's your story, Tom? Няма да предам доверието Ви. I won't betray your trust. I will not betray your trust. Аз никога не съм го виждал с дънки. I never saw him in jeans. I've never seen him in jeans. Не може да ходиш по чехли във фоайето. You're not supposed to wear your slippers down to the lobby. You can't walk in slippers in the lobby. Времето лети. Time flies. Time flies. Кажи кой би искала. Say which one you would like. Tell me who you'd like. Чух за теб и Том. I heard about you and Tom. I heard about you and Tom. Решението не беше мое. It wasn't my decision. It wasn't my decision. Много хора, като чуят как Том говори френски, решават, че френският му е роден. Many people who hear Tom speaking French think he's a native speaker. Many people, when they hear Tom speaking French, think his French was born. Има ябълка на масата. There is an apple on the desk. There's an apple on the table. В едно писмо той отбелязва: "Животът е само сън". In one letter he remarks, "Life is but a dream". In a letter he notes: "Life is only a dream." Тя не е и мечтала, че ще го срещне в чужбина. She never dreamed she'd meet him overseas. She never dreamed she'd meet him abroad. Разрешено е за домашни животни. Pets are permitted. It's allowed for domestic animals. Не се ли радваш, че Том ни даде достатъчно пари да си купим нещо за ядене? Aren't you glad Tom gave us enough money to buy something to eat? Aren't you glad Tom gave us enough money to buy something to eat? Защо не искате да носите вратовръзка? Why don't you want to wear a tie? Why don't you want to wear a tie? Аз не взех участие в разговора. I didn't take part in the conversation. I didn't take part in the conversation. Том не знаеше дали е прав или не. Tom didn't know whether he was right or wrong. Tom didn't know if he was right or not. Казвам ти истината. I'm telling you the truth. I'm telling you the truth. Понеже той не отговаряше, аз отново му писах. Not having heard from him, I wrote to him again. Because he didn't answer, I texted him again. Те го правят в момента. They're doing it now. They're doing it right now. Ние се качваме и слизаме от автобуса тук. We get on and off the bus here. We get on and off the bus here. Името ми е Саша. My name is Sasha. My name is Sasha. Моля те, не го прави. Please don't do it. Please don't do this. Качете се в автобуса. Get on the bus. Get on the bus. Аз мога да скачам. I can jump. I can jump. Финансите на правителството са жестоко ограничени заради намаляването на данъците. The government finances are severely constrained because of falling tax revenues. The government's finances are severely limited because of tax cuts. Аз оставам с Том. I'm sticking with Tom. I'm staying with Tom. Том остана без думи. Tom was at loss for words. Tom was speechless. Каква е минималната заплата в Китай? What's the minimum salary in China? What's the minimum wage in China? Мразя френския. I hate French. I hate French. Достатъчно горещо ли е за плуване? Is it hot enough to go swimming? Is it hot enough for a swim? По дяволите, пак изпуснах влака! Damn, I missed the train again! Damn it, I missed the train again! Изглежда Том малко е отслабнал. It looks like Tom has lost a little weight. Looks like Tom's lost a little bit of weight. Можете да пишете на какъвто език искате. В Татоеба всички езици са равни. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You can write in any language you want. In Tatoeba all languages are equal. Тук не трябва да говориш. You shouldn't talk here. You shouldn't talk here. Изглежда, че Том има алиби за нощта, през която Мери беше убита. It looks like Tom has an alibi for the night Mary was murdered. Looks like Tom had an alibi for the night Mary was killed. Миналата вечер ми позвъни стар приятел от университета, когото не бях чувал от години. Last evening I was rung up by an old college friend whom I had not heard from for years. Last night I got a call from an old friend at the university I hadn't heard from in years. По-голямата част от живота си прекарах в Бостън. I've spent most of my life in Boston. I spent most of my life in Boston. Дайте ми втори шанс. Give me a second chance. Give me a second chance. Кой знае! Who knows! Who knows? Сега съм добре. I'm all right now. I'm fine now. Наистина се забавлявах. I really did have a great time. I was really enjoying myself. Искам да отида в Австралия още веднъж преди да ми е изтекъл паспортът. I want to go to Australia one more time before my passport expires. I want to go to Australia one more time before my passport is expired. Не съдете, за да не бъдете съдени. Do not judge so that you will not be judged. Do not judge, lest you be judged. Оттогава не съм разговарял с Том. I haven't spoken to Tom since. I haven't spoken to Tom since. Давай най-доброто от себе си във всичко, с което се захващаш. Do your best in anything you do. Do your best in everything you're dealing with. Учителят ми по френски е на моите години. My French teacher is the same age as me. My French teacher is my age. Липсвахте ми. I missed you. I've missed you. Ще ти дам лаптопа си. I'll lend you my notebook. I'll give you my laptop. Кога ще заминеш ти? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Том има дъщеря на твоята възраст. Tom has a daughter about your age. Tom has a daughter your age. Имате ли някакви френски вестници? Do you have any French newspapers? Do you have any French newspapers? На пръв поглед въпросът изглеждаше лесен. At first sight, the question seemed easy. At first glance, the question seemed easy. Маюко сама си прави дизайна на дрехите. Mayuko designed her own clothes. Mayuko designed her own clothes. Аз съм атеист. I'm an atheist. I'm an atheist. Запазихме тишина в стаята. We kept quiet in the room. We kept quiet in the room. Не ми стана съвсем ясно, но ще се опитам да направя каквото мога. I don't understand it completely, but I'll try to do what I can. I didn't quite get it, but I'm gonna try to do what I can. Може ли да те попитам нещо? Could I ask you something? Can I ask you something? Чорапите му са пурпурни. His socks are purple. His socks are purple. Учил съм френски в училище, но не го говоря много добре. I studied French in school, but I'm not very good at it. I learned French in school, but I don't speak very well. Още не съм допуснала грешка. I haven't made a mistake yet. I haven't made a mistake yet. Отдавна не ти се е ходило там, нали? You have wanted to go there for a long time, haven't you? It's been a long time since you wanted to go there, hasn't it? Прочел съм много най-различни книги. I've read many kinds of books. I've read a lot of different books. Тя се беше изплезила. She was sticking her tongue out. She was out. Той съвсем изперка. He's totally lost it. He's out of his mind. Том не може да ходи. Tom can't walk. Tom can't walk. Дребнавият съдия развали реда. A fussy referee can ruin a bout. The petty judge ruined the order. Няма да повярваш кой се отби у нас днес. You won't believe who came by today. You won't believe who stopped by my place today. Т.е. не искаш да ходиш на партито на Том? Are you saying you don't want to go to Tom's party? So you don't want to go to Tom's party? Мисля, че трябва да извикате Том. I think you should call Tom. I think you should call Tom. Баща ми обожава пица. My father loves pizza. My dad loves pizza. Стареца го бяха оставили да умре от глад. The old man was starved to death. The old man was starved to death. Те плуваха. They swam. They were swimming. Том има добри оценки по френски. Tom got good grades in French. Tom's got good grades in French. Дойдох да ти пожелая късмет. I came to wish you good luck. I came to wish you luck. Том е човекът, който ми каза защо трябва да отида в Бостън. Tom is the one who told me why I needed to go to Boston. Tom's the one who told me why I had to go to Boston. Беше много трудно. It was very difficult. It was very difficult. Той се поклони с глава. He bowed his head. He bowed his head. Дай да ти помогна да си сложиш палтото. Let me help you put on your coat. Let me help you put your coat on. Том се беше прибрал вкъщи. Tom has gone home. Tom had come home. Тя мразеше съпруга си. She hated her husband. She hated her husband. Аз ще се заема с това. I'll take care of it. I'll take care of it. Той обича да слуша радио. He likes to listen to the radio. He likes to listen to the radio. Когато сме заедно, времето изглежда спряло. When we are together, time seems to stand still. When we're together, time seems to have stopped. Бих искал да намеря лекар, говорещ френски. I'd like to find a French-speaking doctor. I'd like to find a doctor who speaks French. Заключи портата. Lock the gate. Lock the gate. Трябва да учиш френски, независимо дали ти харесва или не. You have to study French whether you like it or not. You have to learn French, whether you like it or not. Каква е тая шапка? What's with the hat? What's with the hat? Трябва да се върна до Босътн. I have to go back to Boston. I have to get back to Bossen. Изглежда Том не иска да стои тук. It looks like Tom doesn't want to be here. Looks like Tom doesn't want to stay here. Не те ли заинтересува? Aren't you interested? Aren't you interested? Вашите неща всичките са тук. Your things are all here. Your stuff's all here. Аз ще ти разхождам кучето, ако искаш. I'll walk your dog for you if you like. I'll walk your dog if you want. Мисля, че Том спи. I think Tom is sleeping. I think Tom's asleep. Майк кръсти кучето си Спайк. Mike named his dog Spike. Mike named his dog Spike. Изпусна си носната кърпичка. You dropped your handkerchief. You dropped your handkerchief. Ние си прекарваме добре в Рим. We are having a nice time in Rome. We're having a good time in Rome. Не ме карай да те удрям. Don't make me hit you. Don't make me hit you. Мисля, че френският ми е наистина лош. I think my French is really bad. I think my French is really bad. Том разхлаби вратовръзката и си разкопча горното копче на ризата. Tom loosened his tie and unbuttoned his top shirt button. Tom loosened the tie and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt. По време на престоя си в Индия останах без пари. I ran out of money during my stay in India. During my stay in India, I ran out of money. Ще звънна на някого. I'll call someone. I'll call someone. Том няма котка. Обаче Том има куче, нали? Tom doesn't have a cat. However, Tom does have a dog, doesn't he? Tom doesn't have a cat, but Tom does have a dog, doesn't he? Тя изглежда много болна. She seems to be very ill. She looks very sick. Чудя се, какъв е смисъла да се задават такива въпроси на учениците? I wonder: What is the point of asking such questions of the students? I wonder, what's the point of asking students such questions? Ние се събираме по веднъж седмично. We gather here once a week. We get together once a week. Тревожите ли се? Are you worried? Are you worried? Правя твърде много грешки. I make too many mistakes. I make too many mistakes. Асистентът ми заплаши, че ще напусне. My assistant threatened to quit. My assistant threatened to quit. Том учи в библиотеката сега. Tom is studying in the library now. Tom's studying at the library now. Иска ми се Том да ми даде още един шанс. I wish that Tom would give me another chance. I wish Tom would give me another chance. Гледай да не натиснеш грешното копче. Don't hit the wrong button. Don't push the wrong button. Бих искала да получа повече информация за музеите. I would like some information about museums. I'd like to get more information about museums. Том учи френски. Tom studies French. Tom's studying French. Ти чул ли си нещо за вчерашния пожар? Did you hear about the fire yesterday? Did you hear anything about yesterday's fire? Мисля, че Том прилича на Джон. I think Tom looks like John. I think Tom looks like John. Той все още не е дошъл. He hasn't come yet. He's not here yet. Казвал съм ти толкова пъти да не го правиш. I've told you over and over again not to do that. I've told you so many times not to. Чувствам се объркан. I feel lost. I feel confused. Близнаците си приличат толкова много, че е трудно да ги различиш. The twins were so alike that it was difficult to tell them apart. The twins look so much alike, it's hard to tell them apart. Боб ми помогна. Bob helped me. Bob helped me. Том беше доволен. Tom was contented. Tom was happy. Да го оставим това той да го реши. Let's leave it up to him. Let's let him decide that. Днес е топло, а? It's warm today, isn't it? It's hot today, huh? Това може и да е било вярно, когато си била дете, но вече не е. That may have been true when you were a kid, but it's not true anymore. That may have been true when you were a kid, but it's not anymore. Какво си купил? What did you buy? What did you buy? Да бъде светлина! Let there be light! Let there be light! Учителят ми по френски е на същата възраст, на която съм и аз. My French teacher is the same age as I am. My French teacher is the same age I am. Хайде да играем баскетбол след училище. Let's play basketball after school. Let's play basketball after school. Няма да позволя това да ме тормози. I won't let that bother me. I won't let that bother me. Г-жа Юнг не би имала нищо против да я посетя без предизвестие. Mrs. Young wouldn't mind my dropping in on her unexpectedly. Mrs. Jung wouldn't mind if I paid her a visit without notice. Уморен съм. I'm tired. I'm tired. Ти си зъл. You're evil. You're evil. Не мисля, че Том е себичен. I don't think Tom is selfish. I don't think Tom is selfish. Не позволявай на Том да го извърши. Don't let Tom do it. Don't let Tom do it. Правете това, което ви прави щастливи. Do whatever makes you happy. Do what makes you happy. Взела съм предвид всичко. I've taken everything into consideration. I've taken everything into account. Имам чудесни новини. I have wonderful news. I have great news. Мисля, че ще бъдете приятно изненадани. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. По това време все още бях буден. At that time, I was still awake. At the time, I was still awake. Как се казва баща ти? What's your dad's name? What's your father's name? Кой го нарисува? Who drew it? Who drew it? Том още стои. Tom is still standing. Tom's still standing. Майк не играе бейзбол добре. Mike can't play baseball well. Mike doesn't play baseball well. В тази стая има повече от 50 маси. In this room there are over 50 tables. There are more than 50 tables in this room. Не съм длъжен да уча френски. I don't have to study French. I don't have to learn French. Почти не ни остана време. We're almost out of time. We're almost out of time. Какво донесе Том? What did Tom bring? What did Tom bring? Не мисля, че ти наистина искаш да го направиш. I don't think you really want to do that. I don't think you really want to do this. Токийската фондова борса отбеляза силен ръст в края на деня. The Tokyo Stock Exchange rallied at the end of the day. The Tokyo Stock Exchange showed strong growth at the end of the day. Тя купи риза за него. She bought a shirt for him. She bought a shirt for him. Времето се развали. The weather turned bad. The weather's broken. Той не искаше да те наранява. He didn't mean to hurt you. He didn't want to hurt you. Каквото и да правиш, не казвай на Том. Whatever you do, don't tell Tom. Whatever you do, don't tell Tom. По-евтино е да си поръчваш нещата на дузини. It's cheaper to order things by the dozen. It's cheaper to order your stuff in dozens. Не слушай този човек. Don't listen to this man. Don't listen to this man. В този квартал ли живеете? Do you live in this neighborhood? Do you live in this neighborhood? Том е в склада. Tom is in the warehouse. Tom's in the warehouse. Имам трима сина. I have three sons. I have three sons. Чаках те да дойдеш миналата нощ. I was expecting you last night. I was waiting for you last night. Планът ти звучи страхотно. Your plan sounds great. Sounds like a great plan. Бих искала да ти задам още няколко въпроса. I'd like to ask you a few more questions. I'd like to ask you a few more questions. Не вярвай на всичко, което чуеш. Don't believe everything you hear. Don't believe everything you hear. Ходиш на училище, нали? You go to school, don't you? You go to school, don't you? Виждал съм на какво е способен Том. I've seen what Tom can do. I've seen what Tom's capable of. Помня, че съм ви срещал преди. I remember meeting you before. I remember meeting you before. Напиши адреса си тук. Write your address here. Write down your address here. Моля говорете по-бавно. Please speak more slowly. Please speak slowly. Аз не ти прощавам. I don't forgive you. I don't forgive you. Не си струва парите. It's not worth the money. It's not worth the money. Той говори английски много добре. He speaks English fluently. He speaks English very well. Мисля, че това ще ви хареса. I think you're going to like this one. I think you'll like this. Говориш ли английски? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Келнер, извинявайте. Има косъм в супата. Excuse me, waiter. There's a hair in my soup. Waiter, I'm sorry, there's a hair in the soup. Тази книга има много илюстрации. This book has many pictures. This book has many illustrations. Не се колебай да задаваш въпроси. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Джак се интересува от рисуване. Jack is interested in painting. Jack's interested in painting. Момчето си изцапа ръцете. The boy got his hands dirty. The boy got his hands dirty. Позволи ми да танцувам с теб. Let me dance with you. Let me dance with you. Тези твърдения са смехотворни. These allegations are ridiculous. These allegations are ridiculous. Хайде! Ще закъснеем. Come on! We'll be late. Come on, we're gonna be late. Върши страхотна работа. It works incredibly well. He's doing a great job. Том не може да понася присъствието на Мери. Tom can't stand being around Mary. Tom can't stand Mary's presence. Те ще вземат контрол над ситуацията. They'll take control of the situation. They'll take control of the situation. Получих писмо на френски миналата седмица. I received a letter in French last week. I got a letter in French last week. Тя отсъства от училище пет дни. She's been absent from school for five days. She's been out of school for five days. Същото стана 2013-та. The same thing happened in 2013. The same thing happened in 2013. Том плака цялата нощ. Tom has been crying all night. Tom cried all night. Том не знае кой цвят да избере. Tom doesn't know which colour to choose. Tom doesn't know which color to choose. Каква е минималната заплата в Испания? What's the minimum salary in Spain? What's the minimum wage in Spain? Те нямат намерение да ти помогнат. They aren't going to help you. They have no intention of helping you. Искам само пералня. All I want is a washing machine. All I want is a washing machine. Хайде да обядваме. Let's have lunch. Let's have lunch. Аз не мразя нищо. I don't hate anything. I don't hate anything. Нищо не съм видял. I didn't witness anything. I didn't see anything. На Том му се иска да можеше да говори френски така добре, както го говори Мери. Tom wishes he could speak French as well as Mary. Tom wishes he could speak French as well as Mary does. Внимавай, окей? Be careful, OK? Be careful, okay? Той отиде в Хокайдо. He has gone to Hokkaido. He went to Hokkaido. Тогава не бях болен. I wasn't sick then. I wasn't sick then. Колко дълго остана? How long did you stay? How long did you stay? Много животни са били унищожени от хората. Many animals have been destroyed by men. Many animals have been destroyed by humans. Ще спечели със сигурност. He'll win for sure. He'll win for sure. Тръгвам след един час. I leave in an hour. I'm leaving in an hour. И защо ще го правиш? Why would you want to do something like that? And why would you do that? Не съм те виждал откакто бяхме студенти. I haven't seen you since college. I haven't seen you since we were students. Том е добряк. Tom is easygoing. Tom's a good guy. Надявам се, че не те отегчавам. I hope I'm not boring you. I hope I'm not boring you. Пия вода в кухнята. I'm drinking water in the kitchen. I drink water in the kitchen. Тя може да закъснее и в такъв случай ще чакаме. She may be late, in which case we will wait. She may be late, and then we'll wait. Асансьорът е с автоматична врата. The lift has an automatic door. The elevator has an automatic door. Борсата е в продължителен спад. The stock market is in a prolonged slump. The stock market is in a long decline. Излизаме заедно всеки уикенд. We go out together every weekend. We go out every weekend. Мейнфрейм компютрите днес са загубили онова значение, което имаха, когато никой работен компютър не можеше да се побере на едно бюро. Mainframes are much less important now than they were when no working computer would fit on a desk. Mainframe computers today lost what they had when no working computer could fit on a desk. Аз съм по-умен от нея. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than her. Ризата ѝ беше изцапана със сос. Her shirt was stained with sauce. Her shirt was covered in sauce. Статистиката показва, че стандартът ни на живот е висок. The statistics show that our standard of living is high. Statistics show that our standard of living is high. Не съм Ви виждал няколко седмици. I haven't seen you in weeks. I haven't seen you in weeks. Ходи говори с Том. Go talk to Tom. Go talk to Tom. Ти заслужаваш да бъдеш много щастлив и аз ще те направя щастлив! You deserve to be so happy and I'll make you happy! You deserve to be very happy, and I will make you happy! Том хвърли камък по дървото. Tom threw a rock at the tree. Tom threw a rock at the tree. Том не го е направил. Tom didn't do it. Tom didn't do it. Том ме заплаши. Той каза, че ако не му дам парите, ще ми отреже един от пръстите. Tom threatened me. He said if I didn't give him the money, he'd cut off one of my fingers. Tom threatened me, he said if I didn't give him the money, he'd cut off one of my fingers. Въпреки че никой никога не говореше за това, всички знаеха, че нещо не беше наред. Although no one ever spoke about it, everyone knew that something wasn't quite right. Even though no one ever talked about it, everyone knew something was wrong. Глутница вълци нападна пътника. A pack of wolves attacked the traveler. A pack of wolves attacked the passenger. Чух един необичаен звук. I heard an unusual sound. I heard an unusual sound. Може ли да дойда да те видя в офиса утре сутринта ? May I come to see you at your office tomorrow morning? Can I come see you at the office tomorrow morning? Срамно е ,че трябваше да напусна работа точно когато започвах да навлизам надълбоко в нея. It's a shame that I had to quit my job just when I was getting the hang of things. It's a shame I had to quit my job just as I started going deep into it. Трябва да попреча това да се случи. I have to stop that from happening. I have to stop this from happening. Ние се хранехме. We were eating. We were eating. Пиеш ли? Do you drink? Do you drink? Обуй си обувките. Put on your shoes. Put your shoes on. Неговата жена е изтощена след гледането на децата. His wife is worn out after looking after the children. His wife's been exhausted since watching the kids. Те няма да ти помогнат. They aren't going to help you. They're not gonna help you. Ако времето позволява, тръгваме след час. Weather permitting, we will leave in an hour. If time permits, we leave in an hour. Имам информация за Том. I have some information for Tom. I have information about Tom. Бъди внимателна. Не искам да се нараниш. Be careful. I don't want you to hurt yourself. Be careful, I don't want you to get hurt. Мисля, че трябва да го погледнеш още един път. I think you should look at this once more. I think you should take another look at it. Допуснах грешка. I made a mistake. I made a mistake. Ще се случи. It'll happen. It's gonna happen. Къде е Ним? Where is Nîmes? Where's Nim? Много обичам филмите. I like movies a lot. I love movies very much. Той се придържа към обичаите си. He clings to his customs. He sticks to his customs. Помниш ли какво каза тя? Do you remember what she said? Do you remember what she said? Не откраднах нищо. I didn't steal anything. I didn't steal anything. Том не изглеждаше зает. Tom didn't look busy. Tom didn't seem busy. Не трябва да носиш кожено палто. You should not wear a fur coat. You shouldn't be wearing a fur coat. Какъв е проблемът, Том? What's the problem, Tom? What's the problem, Tom? По-късно пак ще говорим. Talk to you later. We'll talk later. Той има прекалено много книги. He has too many books. He's got too many books. Том наистина не те харесва. Tom really doesn't like you. Tom really doesn't like you. Мисля, че трябва да се върнете в Бостън. I think you should come back to Boston. I think you should go back to Boston. Той може да те е разбрал неправилно. He may have misunderstood you. He may have misunderstood you. Напълно съм съгласен с твоето мнение. I agree with you absolutely. I couldn't agree more with your opinion. Забравих за това. I forgot about that. I forgot about that. Мисля, че това е твое. I think this is yours. I think this belongs to you. Не може да говориш сериозно. You can't be serious. You can't be serious. Преди колко време започнахте да учите френски? How long ago did you start studying French? How long ago did you start learning French? Мисля, че Том умря. I think Tom died. I think Tom died. Жени; вероломството им няма граници. Women, their treachery knows no limits. Women; their treachery has no limits. Не мога да ти купя тази рокля. I can't buy you that dress. I can't buy you that dress. Това палто няма джобове. This coat hasn't pockets. This coat has no pockets. Те не са мои врагове. They're not my enemies. They're not my enemies. Нямам представа кой е това. I have no idea who that is. I have no idea who that is. Извинете, къде са тоалетните? Excuse me, where's the toilet? Excuse me, where are the bathrooms? Мисля, че може и да съм останал без работа. I think I might be out of a job. I think I might be out of a job. Изглежда ще трябва отново да лакирам лавиците. It looks like I'm going to have to varnish my bookshelves again. Looks like I'm gonna have to paint the shelves again. Филмът я разплака. The movie moved her to tears. The movie made her cry. Том свири на пиано. Tom plays piano. Tom plays the piano. Ще се свържа с теб след секунда. I'll get back to you in a moment. I'll get back to you in a second. Не съм ли те срещал по-рано? Haven't I seen you before? Haven't I met you before? Коя е любимата ти порода куче? What's your favorite breed of dog? What's your favorite breed of dog? Тя ми подари един прекрасен подарък. She gave me a wonderful present. She gave me a wonderful gift. Няма трева на луната. There is no grass on the moon. There's no grass on the moon. Не искам повече. I don't want any more. I don't want any more. Свърши ли с обяда? Have you finished your lunch yet? Are you done with lunch? Винаги държа няколко плажни кърпи в колата си. I always have a couple of beach towels in my car. I always keep a few beach towels in my car. Надявам се да ми дадете разрешение да го ползвам. I'd like your permission to use it. I hope you'll give me permission to use it. Изчаках месец. I've waited for a month. I waited a month. Преди да отида да тичам, винаги си връзвам обувките стегнато. I always tie my shoes tightly before I go jogging. Before I go running, I always tie my shoes tight. Не ми пука какво ще стане. I don't care what happens. I don't care what happens. Това твоето колело ли е? Is this your bicycle? Is that your bike? Моля те, не започвай отново. Please don't start that again. Please don't start that again. Кен е по-възрастен от Сейко. Ken is older than Seiko. Ken is older than Seiko. Мостът се строи. The bridge is under construction. The bridge is being built. Ще ти кажа истината. I'm gonna tell you the truth. I'll tell you the truth. Не исках това. That wasn't my intent. That's not what I wanted. Името ми е Джак. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. Ние ходим в училище, за да учим. We go to school to study. We go to school to study. Том може да е жив. Tom may be alive. Tom could be alive. Момчета, много сте зле. You guys suck. You guys are so bad. Разбирам какво искаш да кажеш. I get your point. I see what you're saying. Мисля, че трябва да размислите. I think you should reconsider. I think you should reconsider. Том изглежда като психическа развалина. Tom looks like a nervous wreck. Tom looks like a mental wreck. Той е ненужен боклук. I'm a good-for-nothing bum. He's a useless piece of shit. Откога сте в България? How long have you been in Bulgaria? How long have you been in Bulgaria? Небето е чисто. The sky is clear. The sky is clear. Прекарахме си стрхотно вакнцията в Швеция. We had a fantastic holiday in Sweden. We had a great vacation in Sweden. Съжалявам, нямам представа. I'm sorry, I have no idea. I'm sorry, I have no idea. Тя си събу старите обувки и обу новите. She took off her old shoes and put on the new ones. She took off her old shoes and put on the new ones. Африка е континент, но Гренландия не е. Africa is a continent, but Greenland is not. Africa is a continent, but Greenland is not. Не може да бъде. You don't say. It can't be. Нямаше никой друг на пътя. There was no one else on the road. There was no one else on the road. Аз не съм управителката. I'm not the manager. I'm not the manager. Като стана дума за пътешествия, били ли сте някога в Кобе? Speaking about trips, have you ever been to Kobe? Speaking of trips, have you ever been to Kobe? Нямам намерение да го правя. I have no intention of doing that. I have no intention of doing that. Аз ще те обичам завинаги. I'll love you forever. I'll love you forever. Тичам. I run. I'm running. Том не беше забелязал Мери. Tom hadn't noticed Mary. Tom hadn't noticed Mary. Трябва да презаредя батериите. I have to recharge the batteries. I need to recharge the batteries. Тази риза трябва да бъде изпрана. This shirt needs to be washed. This shirt needs to be washed. Защо говориш на френски? Why are you speaking in French? Why do you speak French? Линкълн освободил робите. Lincoln set the slaves free. Lincoln freed the slaves. Том си беше обул чорапите наопаки. Tom had his socks on inside out. Tom had his socks on upside down. Майк говори добър японски. Mike speaks good Japanese. Mike speaks good Japanese. Аз се надявам това да се случи. I'm hoping that will happen. I hope that happens. Том не може да го има. Tom can't have it. Tom can't have it. Какъв ви е номерът на телефона? What's your phone number? What's your phone number? Самоличността му трябва да бъде запазена в тайна. His identity must be kept secret. His identity must be kept secret. Научих Том на всичко, което знам. I've taught Tom everything I know. I taught Tom everything I know. Мисля, че там ще ти хареса. I think you'd like it there. I think you'll like it there. Сега ти го направи. Now you do it. Now you do it. Аз още не съм си написал цялото домашно. I haven't finished all my homework yet. I haven't done all my homework yet. Какво ви попречи да дойдете вчера? What prevented you from coming yesterday? What stopped you from coming yesterday? Чела съм тая история в някаква книга. I have read that story in some book. I read that story in some book. Закъсняхте. You are late. You're late. Това не е нещо, което съм искал да правя. This isn't something I wanted to do. That's not something I wanted to do. Подкрепям те с цялото си сърце. I support you whole-heartedly. I support you with all my heart. Не съм се сещал за Том от години. I haven't thought about Tom in years. I haven't thought about Tom in years. Тя ни даде неясен отговор. She gave us a vague answer. She gave us a vague answer. Моля те, покажи ми още. Please show me more. Please show me more. Той обича и бейзбола, и футбола. He likes either baseball or football. He loves baseball and football. Тя мисли ли да ходи до Америка тази година? Is she going to go to America this year? Is she thinking of going to America this year? Реших, че може да сте ми ядосани. I thought you might be mad at me. I thought you might be mad at me. Напротив, никога не съм казвал такова нещо. On the contrary, I've never said such a thing. No, I never said that. Днес ще си взема патица. I'll choose duck today. I'm getting a duck today. Харесва ли ти тази блуза? Do you like this blouse? Do you like this shirt? Всички това казват. They all say that. That's what they all say. Не искам да уча днес. I don't want to study today. I don't want to study today. Те се караха. They quarreled. They were fighting. Имаш ли запалка? Do you have a lighter? Do you have a lighter? Не гледайте директно в Том. Don't look directly at Tom. Don't look directly at Tom. Иска ми се да можех да отида в Япония. I wish I could go to Japan. I wish I could go to Japan. Джон се подиграва на кучето си. John makes fun of his dog. John's making fun of his dog. Ако трябва да кажа истината, карах колата на баща ми без негово позволение. To tell the truth, I drove my father's car without his permission. To tell the truth, I drove my father's car without his permission. Спри. Боли. Stop. It hurts. Stop. lt hurts. Яденето включваше десерт, както и напитка. The meal includes dessert as well as beverage. The meal included dessert, as well as a drink. Тя говори високо. She speaks loudly. She's talking loud. Може ли да ми направиш една голяма услуга? Could you do me a big favor? Can you do me a big favor? Бог създаде човека по свой образ и подобие. God created man in his own image. God created man in his image and likeness. Не бях ли прав? Was I wrong? Wasn't I right? Ако Том се усмихва по-често, вероятно би имал повече приятели. If Tom would smile more often, he'd probably have more friends. If Tom smiled more often, he'd probably have more friends. Искам да ми кажеш всичко, което знаеш за Том. I want you to tell me everything you know about Tom. I want you to tell me everything you know about Tom. Да започнем да превеждаме! Let's start translating! Let's start translating! Храната изобщо не беше толкова лоша. The food didn't taste all that bad. The food wasn't that bad at all. Всъщност аз не обичам толкова много да пътувам. I don't like traveling all that much. Actually, I don't like to travel that much. Той стои на сцената. He is standing on the stage. He's standing on stage. Каква е минималната заплата в Ямайка? What's the minimum salary in Jamaica? What's the minimum wage in Jamaica? Трябва да си внимателен. You've got to be careful. You have to be careful. Да изсвирим нещо. Let's play something. Let's play something. Ризите ни са в един цвят но с различни размери. Our shirts are all the same color but are all different sizes. Our shirts are in the same color but different sizes. Кой град е това? Which town is this? What city is this? Какви са тия приказки? What kind of talk is this?! What are you talking about? Съществуват 340 вида колибри. There are 340 species of hummingbirds. There are 340 species of hummingbird. Казах ти да стоиш настрана. I said stay back. I told you to stay away. Тази зима при нас не е валял много сняг. We have had little snow this winter. We haven't had much snow this winter. Боб беше много щастлив. Bob was very happy. Bob was very happy. Моля отворете бутилката. Please open the bottle. Please open the bottle. Мисля, че те ме познават. I think they know me. I think they know me. Днес два пъти имаше фалшива тревога. Today, we had two false alarms. There was a false alarm twice today. Не говоря японски. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Трябва да се сбогувам. I have to say goodbye. I have to say goodbye. Кен ме вика всеки ден. Ken calls me every day. Ken calls me every day. Том играе лакрос. Tom plays lacrosse. Tom plays lacrosse. Ела долу. Come downstairs. Come down here. Не съм виждал Том от известно време. I haven't seen Tom for a while. I haven't seen Tom in a while. Преподавам френски. I teach French. I teach French. Том си изплю дъвката. Tom spit out his gum. Tom spit out his gum. Том знае ли защо не си била на партито му? Does Tom know why you weren't at his party? Does Tom know why you weren't at his party? Няма да ме принудят. I won't be coerced. They won't force me. Той попита майка ми. He asked my mother. He asked my mother. Опитах се да се свържа с Том. I've tried to contact Tom. I've been trying to reach Tom. Речта на Том беше отлична. Tom's speech was excellent. Tom's speech was excellent. Животът е несправедлив. Life isn't fair. Life is unfair. Не мога да си намеря очилата. Може да съм ги оставил във влака. I can't find my glasses. I may have left them behind on the train. I can't find my glasses. Не се и съмнявам в това. I don't doubt that. I don't doubt that. Да си разделим сметката. Let's split the bill. Let's split the bill. Подранил съм. I'm early. I'm early. Толкова съм го чакал. I've waited so long for this. I've waited so long for him. Сънуваш ли на френски? Do you dream in French? Do you dream in French? Харесвам тази музика. I like this music. I like this music. Подранили са. They're early. They're early. Разбрах защо Том закъсня. I found out why Tom was late. I figured out why Tom was late. Ела, ако можеш. Come if you can. Come if you can. Том скъса с приятелката си. Tom broke up with his girlfriend. Tom broke up with his girlfriend. Свикнал съм да се храня сам. I'm used to eating alone. I'm used to eating alone. Заспах, докато четях книга. I fell asleep while reading a book. I fell asleep reading a book. Мисля, че сте съвършени. I think you're perfect. I think you're perfect. Опасявам се, че в момента не може и дума да става за повишение. I'm afraid a promotion is out of the question now. I'm afraid this can't be about a promotion right now. Това съобщение беше на френски. The message was in French. That message was in French. Том не мисли, че Мери го лъже, но аз знам, че тя лъже. Tom doesn't think Mary lies to him, but I know she does. Tom doesn't think Mary's lying to him, but I know she's lying. Да пием. Let's drink. Let's drink. Том завърши гимназия след три години без нито един пропуснат ден или закъснение. Tom attended high school for three years without missing a single day or ever being late. Tom graduated from high school after three years without a single missed day or delay. Том нямаше желание да се мести в Бостън. Tom had no desire to move to Boston. Tom didn't want to move to Boston. Дай да побързаме. Let's hurry. Let's hurry. И Том, и Мери носеха шлифери. Both Tom and Mary were wearing trench coats. Both Tom and Mary wore raincoats. Има ли някакви промени? Have there been any changes? Are there any changes? Изглежда на Том му се спи. It looks like Tom is sleepy. Looks like Tom's getting some sleep. Смяхме се на Том. We laughed at Tom. We laughed at Tom. Дайте си домашното. Turn in your homework. Give me your homework. Мисля, че заслужаваш повече. I think you deserve more than this. I think you deserve better. Ще ми се обадиш ли довечера? Could you call me tonight, please? Will you call me tonight? Току-що се случи. It just happened. It just happened. Не исках да раздухвам нещата. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. I didn't want to blow the whistle. Да разпуснем малко. Let's relax. Let's loosen up a little bit. Писна ми да гледам телевизия. I'm tired of watching television. I'm sick of watching TV. Тя се опита да плува. She tried to swim. She tried to swim. Аз ще вляза. I'll get in. I'll go in. Казвала съм ви за това преди. I've told you about it before. I've told you about this before. Иска ми се да отида да видя Том, но каква ще е ползата? I'd like to go and see Tom, but what good will it do? I wish I could go see Tom, but what's the use? Ще те черпя. I'll treat you. I'll buy you a drink. Не съм те виждал тук наоколо преди. I haven't seen you around here before. I've never seen you around here before. Не говоря с лаещи кучета. I don't talk to barking dogs. I don't talk to barking dogs. Да, мисля да остана тук, ако баща ми ми позволи. Yes, I think that I'm going to stay here if my father will give me the permission. Yeah, I think I'll stay here if my dad lets me. Не прозрях лъжите му. I couldn't see through his lies. I didn't see his lies. Трябва да занеса нещо на Том. I have to take something to Tom. I need to get something to Tom. Том само загрява. Tom is just warming up. Tom's just warming up. Том преведе един френски роман на английски. Tom translated a French novel into English. Tom translated a French novel into English. Няма да говоря повече за това. I won't mention it again. I won't talk about it anymore. Мисля, че не схващате основното. I think you're missing the point. I don't think you get the basics. Приятелите ми твърдят, че говоря по-добър френски, когато съм пиян. My friends say I speak better French when I'm drunk. My friends say I speak better French when I'm drunk. Ние сме добър екип. We're a good team. We make a good team. Кейт не е ли дошла още? Hasn't Kate arrived yet? Isn't Kate here yet? Нужни са ни по-малко приказки и повече действие. We need less talk and more action. We need less talk and more action. Време е да се прощаваме. It's time to say goodbye. It's time to say goodbye. Майка ми беше заета с приготвянето на вечерята. My mother was busy cooking dinner. My mother was busy making dinner. Дай ми книгата си, моля те. Lend me your book, please. Give me your book, please. Този фотоапарат е произведен в Германия. This camera was made in Germany. This camera was manufactured in Germany. Завършил съм Университета Киото. I graduated from Kyoto University. I graduated from Kyoto University. Харесва ми колата ти. I like your car. I like your car. Тя живее в Лондон. She lives in London. She lives in London. Той няма да си промени мнението. There was no budging him. He won't change his mind. Казах ти да наблюдаваш Том внимателно. I told you to watch Tom carefully. I told you to watch Tom closely. Всичко е невъзможно на теория, докато не бъде направено. Everything is theoretically impossible until it's done. Everything's impossible in theory until it's done. Това правило е тъпо. It's a stupid rule. That rule is stupid. Наистина не знам какво да кажа. I really don't know what to say. I really don't know what to say. Очевидно е, че той излъга. It's obvious that he lied. It's obvious he lied. Сигурни ли сме, че искаме да наемем Том? Are we sure we want to hire Tom? Are we sure we want to hire Tom? Онези кучета са големи. Those dogs are big. Those dogs are big. Кой е любимият ти композитор? Who is your favorite composer? Who's your favorite composer? Какви са условията? What're the terms? What are the conditions? Имах лоша седмица. I've had a bad week. I've had a bad week. Ела когато искаш. Come whenever you want. You can come whenever you want. Имам три въпроса към вас. I have three questions for you. I have three questions for you. Можете ли да го направите сами? Can you do it alone? Can you do it yourself? Не съм писала това. I didn't write that. I didn't write that. Питър и Керол не бяха на едно мнение за това къде да прекарат почивката си. Peter and Carol were at odds with each other over where to spend their vacation. Peter and Carol didn't agree on where to spend their vacation. Може ли да говоря с теб за минутка? May I speak to you a minute? Can I talk to you for a minute? Утре ще отсъствам. I'll be absent tomorrow. I'll be gone tomorrow. Трябваше да се обадиш предварително. You should have telephoned in advance. You should have called ahead. Никой не може да отрече фактът. No one can deny the fact. No one can deny the fact. Може ли да ползвам колата ти днес? May I use your car today? Can I use your car today? Сама ли си? Are you alone? Are you alone? Том отиде до бюрото. Tom walked over to the desk. Tom went to the desk. Понякога падам, но никога не се предавам. I sometimes fall, but I never give up. Sometimes I fall, but I never give up. Том и Мери са страхотни приятели. Tom and Mary are great friends. Tom and Mary are great friends. Нямаш никакво основание да мислиш по този начин. You have no good reason for thinking as you do. You have no reason to think that way. Повече не ми взимайте цветя. Don't get me flowers anymore. Don't take any more flowers from me. То тъкмо излезе. It just came out. It just came out. Не съм толкова глупав. I'm not that stupid. I'm not that stupid. Започвам да свиквам да се храня сам. I'm getting used to eating alone. I'm getting used to eating alone. Том избягваше Мери. Tom avoided Mary. Tom was avoiding Mary. Няма ми го портмонето. I don't have my purse. I don't have my purse. Може ли да отида до тоалетната? May I go to the bathroom? Can I go to the bathroom? Инцидентът му е попречил да дойде. The accident prevented him from coming. The accident prevented him from coming. Майка ви още ли е жива? Is your mother still living? Is your mother still alive? Тук беше добре. It was all right here. It was good here. Той използва възможностите си по най-добрия начин. He makes the most of his opportunities. He's using his abilities the best he can. Ще ти върна парите следващата седмица. I'll pay you back next week. I'll pay you back next week. Нямам нищо напротив. I don't mind. I don't mind. От Бразилия съм. I come from Brazil. I'm from Brazil. Онова, което не искам да изгубя, е любовта. What I don't want to lose is love. What I don't want to lose is love. Моля, говорете по-високо. Please speak more loudly. Please speak up. Колкото повече знаеш, толкова по-малко знаеш. The more you know the less you know. The more you know, the less you know. Имаш ли брат или сестра? Не, само аз съм. "Do you have any siblings?" "No, I'm an only child." Do you have a brother or a sister? Трябва ли ти тази книга? Do you need this book? Do you need that book? Не бях заета. I wasn't busy. I wasn't busy. Има нещо, което трябва да кажа на Том. I have something I need to tell Tom. There's something I need to tell Tom. Къде е кафенето? Where is the coffee shop? Where's the coffee shop? Изкарахме си почивката на един плаж в Хавай. We spent our holiday on a beach in Hawaii. We had our vacation on a beach in Hawaii. Не съм виждал Том. I haven't seen Tom. I haven't seen Tom. Това е мотоциклетът на Том, струва ми се. This is Tom's motorcycle, I think. This is Tom's motorcycle, I think. В този район няма плажове. There are no beaches in this area. There are no beaches in this area. Изядохме няколко ябълки. We ate some apples. We ate a few apples. Получих го за рождения си ден. I got it for my birthday. I got it for my birthday. Този, който пита, става глупак за пет минути, но този, който не пита, става глупак завинаги. He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever. The one who asks becomes a fool for five minutes, but the one who doesn't ask becomes a fool forever. Изтрих дъската за учителя. I erased the blackboard for the teacher. I deleted the board for the teacher. Влюбваш ли се в Том? Are you falling for Tom? Do you fall in love with Tom? Спомням си събитията толкова живо, сякаш че беше вчера. I remember the event as vividly as if it were just yesterday. I remember the events so vividly, as if it were yesterday. Какво му става на Том? What's with Tom? What's wrong with Tom? Виждала ли си ми фотоапарата? Did you see my camera? Have you seen my camera? Ципът на панталона ти е разкопчан. Your pants are unzipped. The zipper on your pants is unbuttoned. Какво е на дневен ред? What's on the agenda? What's on the agenda? Проблемът си е техен, не наш. It's their problem, not ours. It's their problem, not ours. Простреляха ли те? Were you shot? Did you get shot? Питай Том сама. Ask Tom yourself. Ask Tom yourself. Прочети ми го. Read it to me. Read it to me. Да си говорим откровено! Let's talk turkey! Let's talk frankly! Подай ми солта, моля. Pass the salt, please. Pass me the salt, please. Аз съм от онези хора, които се притесняват пред хора, затова не умея да държа речи. I'm the type who gets nervous in front of people, so I'm bad at speech making. I'm one of those people who worry in public, so I don't know how to make speeches. Това твоят велосипед ли е? Is this your bicycle? Is that your bike? Имаше много публика на пиано рецитала миналата нощ. There was a large audience at the piano recital last night. There was a lot of audience at the piano recital last night. Вратовръзката ми е оранжева. My tie is orange. My tie is orange. Моля те, махни това нещо. Please take this away. Please put that thing away. Приехте ли поканата му? Did you accept his invitation? Did you accept his invitation? Няма да купя нищо. I'm not buying anything. I'm not buying anything. Стойте вътре. Stay in there. Stay inside. Защо не отговаряш? Why don't you answer? Why aren't you answering? Изисква се да се направят още изпитания. Further testing is required. More trials are required. Затичахме се надолу по хълма. We ran down the hill. We ran down the hill. Получих писмото ти вчера. I received your letter yesterday. I got your letter yesterday. Благодаря за поканата. Thanks for the invite. Thanks for the invite. Той не яде нищо освен плодове. He eats nothing but fruit. He eats nothing but fruit. Дръж се като пич. Be cool. Act like a dude. С Том пътувахме на автостоп. I hitched a ride with Tom. Tom and I were hitchhiking. Понякога гледам телевизия. I sometimes watch TV. Sometimes I watch TV. Не трябва да се вреш в работата на другите. You shouldn't interfere in other people's business. You shouldn't get caught up in other people's business. Ако искате да участвате, трябва да се регистрирате. If you want to participate, you have to register. If you want to participate, you have to register. Кой е любимият ти спорт? What's your favorite sport? What's your favorite sport? Том говори френски много по-добре отколкото Мери. Tom speaks French much better than Mary does. Tom speaks French much better than Mary. Тя е сестрата на Том. She's Tom's sister. She's Tom's sister. Писна ми. I've had enough. I'm sick of it. Бебето спеше дълбоко. The baby was fast asleep. The baby was sleeping deeply. Моля те, не плачи. Please don't cry. Please don't cry. Потисната ли си? Are you depressed? Are you depressed? Том е нагъл. Tom is insolent. Tom's insolent. В беда сме. We're in trouble. We're in trouble. Има нещо в Том, което не ми харесва. There's something about Tom that I don't like. There's something about Tom I don't like. Какъв нещастник! What a loser! What a loser! Не си сваляй палтото. Keep your coat on. Don't take your coat off. Къде е ключът? Where's the key? Where's the key? Така може да продължаваме до безкрай. This is never going to end. That way we can go on forever. Той каза, че не е влизал в стаята, което беше лъжа. He said he did not enter the room, which was a lie. He said he didn't go into the room, which was a lie. Том не беше на събранието. Tom wasn't at the meeting. Tom wasn't at the meeting. Чудя се дали би могла да ми помогнеш. I wonder if you might be able to help me. I wonder if you could help me. Вчера срещнах баща ти. I met your father yesterday. I met your father yesterday. Моля, премислете го. Please think it over. Please think about it. Изглежда той ще ходи в Кашгар. It sounds like he's going to Kashgar. Looks like he's going to Kashgar. Говорете бавно и ясно. Speak slowly and clearly. Speak slowly and clearly. Подозирам, че Том няма да го иска. My guess is that Tom isn't going to want that. I suspect Tom won't want it. Това е добър план. That's a good plan. That's a good plan. Том видя ваза с цветя на масата до прозореца. Tom saw a vase of flowers on the table near the window. Tom saw a vase of flowers on the table by the window. Подготвен ли си? Are you prepared? Are you prepared? Може ли да го видя? Can I see that? Can I see him? Казвал съм ви за това преди. I've told you about it before. I've told you about this before. Тайландският е официалният език на Тайланд. Thai is the official language of Thailand. Thai is the official language of Thailand. Не те виня. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Румънците от Трансилвания говорят много бавно. The Romanians from Transylvania speak very slowly. The Romanians from Transylvania speak very slowly. Том започна да си развързва обувките. Tom started to untie his shoes. Tom started to untie his shoes. По света има близо седем милиарда души. There are almost seven billion people in the world. There are nearly seven billion people around the world. Не очаквам да си спомняш. I don't expect you to remember. I don't expect you to remember. Трябва да се справим с този проблем веднага. We must deal with this problem right away. We need to deal with this problem right now. Всички заеха поза за снимка. Everyone posed for a picture. Everyone took a picture pose. Аз никога не бих го наранил. I'd never hurt him. I would never hurt him. Ножът ми е остър. My knife is sharp. My knife is sharp. Прав ли съм? Am I correct? Am I right? Днес няма да може да видиш Том. You won't be able to see Tom today. You won't be able to see Tom today. Няма да мълча. I won't be quiet. I won't shut up. Трябва да учиш повече. You must study more. You need to learn more. Не минавай през фоайето. Don't go through the lobby. Don't go through the lobby. Камион събори улична лампа и светофар. A truck knocked over a light pole and a traffic light. A truck knocked over a street lamp and a traffic light. Това е хубаво палто. That's a nice coat. That's a nice coat. Положих усилия да си подобря успеха. I made efforts to improve my grades. I've made an effort to improve my grades. Обратите в сценария бяха предсказуеми. The plot twists were predictable. The reverses in the script were predictable. Донеси ми вестника, моля. Bring me the newspaper, please. Bring me the paper, please. Имам само две деца. I only have two children. I only have two kids. Никога не съм виждала нещо толкова красиво. I've never seen anything so beautiful. I've never seen anything so beautiful. Това са очилата на Том. These are Tom's glasses. These are Tom's glasses. Тя къпе бебето. She is giving the baby a bath. She's showering the baby. Дойде ми идея. An idea came to me. I've got an idea. Иди разбери. Go figure. Go find out. Това трябва да е приятно за всички. That should be pleasing to anyone. This must be nice for everyone. Бих могъл да я направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make her happy. Това не е лошо нещо. This isn't a bad thing. That's not a bad thing. Не съм те виждала Том от рождения му ден насам. I haven't seen Tom since his birthday. I haven't seen you since Tom's birthday. Янките победиха Доджърс. The Yankees got the better of the Dodgers. The Yankees beat the Dodgers. В интерес на истината го обичам много. As a matter of fact, I love him very much. As a matter of fact, I love him very much. Том винаги изглеждаше щастлив. Tom always looked happy. Tom always seemed happy. Ходя на работа с автобус. I go to work by bus. I take a bus to work. Какви са новините? What is the news? What's the news? Мъглата попречи на самолетите да излетят. The fog prevented the planes from taking off. The fog stopped the planes from taking off. Досега не бях виждала затъмнение. I've never seen an eclipse before. I've never seen an eclipse before. Млякото замръзва и става твърдо. The milk froze and became solid. Milk freezes and gets hard. Том свири също и на китара. Tom also plays guitar. Tom also plays guitar. Чел съм тая история в някаква книга. I have read that story in some book. I read that story in some book. Това е само вода. This is just water. It's just water. Никога не съм виждала нещо такова. I've never seen one like that. I've never seen anything like it. Да или не? Yes or no? Yeah or no? Инцидентът причини смъртта на много хора. The accident has caused many deaths. The accident caused the deaths of many people. Тя слизаше по стълбите. She was coming down the stairs. She was coming down the stairs. Том трябва да получи смъртна присъда. Tom should be given the death penalty. Tom needs to get a death sentence. Том просто искаше да се представи като добър съсед. Tom just wanted to be neighborly. Tom just wanted to introduce himself as a good neighbor. Трябва ли ми вратовръзка? Do I need a tie? Do I need a tie? Ранена ли си? Are you injured? Are you hurt? Не съм бил тук много. I have not been around much. I haven't been here much. Никой човек не може да има двама господари. No man can serve two masters. No man can have two masters. Нямам никаква представа какво означава това. I have no idea what this means. I have no idea what that means. Какво те кара да мислиш, че няма да мога да го направя? What makes you think I won't be able to do it? What makes you think I can't do that? Изглеждаш ужасно. You look awful. You look terrible. Това е нещо, което трябва да направя сам. This is something I need to do alone. It's something I have to do alone. Имаме ли го вече този текст? Do we already have that text? Do we have that text yet? Тя го шамароса. She slapped him in the face. She slapped him. Защо не мога да ида на партито на Том? Why can't I go to Tom's party? Why can't I go to Tom's party? Грейс още не е дошла. Grace has not come yet. Grace isn't here yet. Тези стари закони бяха отменени. Those old laws were all done away with. These old laws have been lifted. Ябълката падна! The apple fell! The apple has fallen! Нека да поговорим за слънчевата енергия. Let's talk about solar energy. Let's talk about solar energy. Малко ме боли вратът. My neck hurts a little. My neck's a little sore. "Мога ли да Ви помогна?" - "Не, благодаря. Само гледам." "May I help you?" "No, thank you. I'm just looking." "Can I help you?" "No, thank you. Това е началото на нова ера. This is a beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Мисля, че работите твърде усърдно. I think you're working way too hard. I think you're working too hard. Студент ли си? Are you a student? Are you a student? Говоря на френски почти всеки ден. I speak French almost every day. I speak French almost every day. Мисля, че този ще ви хареса. I think you're going to like this one. I think you'll like this one. Той помоли за малко пари. He asked for some money. He asked for some money. Том включи десния мигач. Tom turned on the right blinker. Tom turned on the right blinker. Вината не е в Том. Tom isn't to blame. It's not Tom's fault. Том има две котки. Едната е бяла, а другата е черна. Tom has two cats. One is white and the other is black. Tom has two cats, one's white, the other's black. Ти трябва да останеш да нощуваш. You must stay the night. You should stay the night. Опитвала ли си се да разкажеш виц на френски? Have you ever tried telling a joke in French? Have you ever tried to tell a joke in French? Това струва 30 евро. That costs 30 euros. That's 30 euros. Идвате ли? Aren't you coming? Are you coming? След като урокът свърши, учителят ни обикновено остава за малко, за да отговори на въпросите ни, ако имаме такива. After class is over, our teacher usually sticks around to answer any questions we may have. After the lesson is over, our teacher usually stays a little while to answer our questions if we have any. Върнете го! Give it back! Bring him back! Сигурна ли си, че наистина искаш да бъдеш тук? Are you sure you really want to be here? Are you sure you really want to be here? Трябва да премахнем всички ядрени оръжия,защото са смъртоносни за човечеството. We have to abolish all nuclear weapons, because they are deadly to mankind. We need to eliminate all nuclear weapons because they're deadly to humanity. Том кандидатства за работа като учител по френски. Tom applied for a job as a French teacher. Tom applied for a job as a French teacher. С какво се занимава баща ти? What does your father do? What does your father do? Изкачвал съм връх Фуджи два пъти. I've climbed Mt. Fuji twice. I climbed Mount Fuji twice. Хората са все по-загрижени за този проблем. People are getting more concerned about the matter. People are getting more and more concerned about this problem. Не оставяй водата да си тече. Don't leave the water running. Don't let the water flow. Стигнах до гарата, след като влакът вече беше тръгнал. I only got to the station after the train had left. I got to the station after the train had already left. Алистър уби Барбара. Alister killed Barbara. Alistair killed Barbara. Аз съм от Сапоро. I'm from Sapporo. I'm from Sapporo. Тази работа може да се свърши за седмица. This work can be done within a week. This job can be done in a week. Моля Ви, говорете ми на френски. Please speak to me in French. Please speak to me in French. Той е готин по свой собствен начин. He's cool in his own way. He's cool in his own way. Запознах се с него миналата година. I got acquainted with him last year. I met him last year. Джордж много обича да говори. George is quite talkative. George loves to talk. Никога не съм бил толкова горд с Том. I've never been so proud of Tom. I've never been so proud of Tom. Убедих Том да ми помогне. I persuaded Tom to help me. I convinced Tom to help me. За съжаление, тя отсъства. Unfortunately, she is absent. Unfortunately, she's not here. Още нищо не е изхвърлено. Nothing has been thrown away yet. Nothing's been thrown out yet. Как си тези дни? How are you these days? How are you these days? Беше завършена. It's been completed. It was finished. Банката си иска парите обратно. The bank wants its money back. The bank wants their money back. Няма да се опитвам да избягам. I won't try to escape. I won't try to escape. Мислех, че Том не ви харесва. I thought you didn't like Tom. I thought Tom didn't like you. Ще поработим над това. We'll work on that. We'll work on it. Дръпни се от компютъра. Back away from the computer. Get away from the computer. Часовника ми май изостава. My watch must be slow. My watch seems to be falling behind. Бил може да бяга по-бързо от Боб. Bill can run faster than Bob. Bill can run faster than Bob. Вие двете нямате нищо общо. You two have nothing in common. You two have nothing in common. Грейс изглеждаше ядосана. Grace looked angry. Grace seemed angry. Том си отвори раницата. Tom unzipped his backpack. Tom opened his backpack. Не съм ви виждала почти три години. I haven't seen you in almost three years. I haven't seen you in almost three years. Ние ще посетим вуйчо си идната неделя. We are going to visit our uncle next Sunday. We'll visit our uncle next Sunday. Обувката не ми става. Много е малка. The shoe doesn't fit me. It's too small. My shoe doesn't fit, it's too small. Кратка разходка по плажа ми донесе апетит за закуска. A short stroll along the beach gave me a good appetite for breakfast. A short walk on the beach brought me an appetite for breakfast. Нямам представа коя сте Вие. I have no idea who you are. I have no idea who you are. Не се притеснявай за това. Don't you worry about it. Don't worry about it. Вечното мълчание на тези безкрайни пространства ме ужасява. The eternal silence of these infinite spaces terrifies me. The eternal silence of these endless spaces terrifies me. Завъртях дръжката на вратата. I turned the doorknob. I turned the doorknob. Доведете го. Bring him in. Bring him in. Не е възможно Джон да живее в Лондон сега. John cannot be living in London now. It's impossible for John to live in London now. Наркотиците са рак на съвременното общество. Drugs are a cancer of modern society. Drugs are cancer of modern society. Против насилието сме. We dislike violence. We're against violence. Напук на нея реших да го направя. I'm going to go through with it in spite of her opposition. In spite of her, I decided to do it. Те са сгодени. They're engaged. They're engaged. Том вярва. Tom is a believer. Tom believes. Чух те как пищиш. I heard you scream. I heard you scream. Той извади една монета от джоба си. He took a coin out of his pocket. He took a coin out of his pocket. Аз ще платя. I'll pay. I'll pay. Контролирайте емоциите си. Control your emotions. Control your emotions. Тя си направи дупка в блузата. She tore a hole in her blouse. She made a hole in her shirt. Наистина трябва да тръгвам. I really do have to go. I really have to go. Днес просто е много студено. It's simply too cold today. It's just too cold today. Няма да съм тук толкова дълго. I won't be here that long. I won't be here that long. Хайде да отидем да я питаме. Let's go and ask her. Let's go ask her. Това ти е единственият шанс, Том. This is your one chance, Tom. This is your only chance, Tom. Сам няма сили да завърши маратона. Sam doesn't have the stamina to finish a marathon. Sam doesn't have the strength to finish the marathon. Какво има в чантата? What's in the bag? What's in the bag? Не забравяйте за купона довечера. Don't forget the party tonight. Don't forget about the party tonight. Не скачай! Don't jump! Don't jump! Това е ново за мен. This is new to me. This is new to me. Музиката е вид развлечение. Music is a form of entertainment. Music is a form of entertainment. Не се страхувам от тях. I don't fear them. I'm not afraid of them. Том не говореше френски много добре. Tom didn't speak French very well. Tom didn't speak French very well. Той ми е батко. He's my older brother. He's my big brother. Не разбирам проблема; не мога да кажа нищо конкретно по него. I don't understand the problem; I could make neither head nor tail of it. I do not understand the problem; I cannot say anything specific about it. Бил е най-добрият ми приятел. Bill is my best friend. He was my best friend. Можеш ли да дойдеш в неделя вечер? Can you come on Sunday evening? Can you come Sunday night? Завиждах му за новата му къща. I envied his new house. I was jealous of his new house. Трябва да сме справедливи. We must be fair. We have to be fair. Дали ще се провали на изпита? Will he fail the examination? Do you think he'll fail the exam? Колко ти дължа? How much money do I owe you? How much do I owe you? Харесва ми да уча френски. I like to study French. I like learning French. Мисля, че Том е болен. I think Tom is sick. I think Tom's sick. Око за око, зъб за зъб. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Не знам много думи на френски. I don't know many words in French. I don't know many words in French. Това не е игра. It's not a game. This isn't a game. Обичам да каня приятелите си вкъщи. I like to invite my friends home. I like to invite my friends home. Какво има в куфарчето? What's in the briefcase? What's in the case? Моля ви да загасите цигарите си преди да влезете в музея. Please put out your cigarettes before entering the museum. I'm asking you to put out your cigarettes before you go into the museum. Представих се добре на теста. I did well on the test. I did a good job on the test. Мисля, че ти трябва да го вземеш. I think you should get it. I think you should take it. Съжалявам за това, което казах. I feel bad about what I said. I'm sorry about what I said. Родителите ми ми забраниха да се виждам отново с Том. My parents forbid me from seeing Tom again. My parents banned me from seeing Tom again. Няма да трае повече от два или три часа. I won't be more than two or three hours. It won't take more than two or three hours. Знаеше ли, че носиш различни чорапи? Did you know that you were wearing odd socks? Did you know you wore different socks? Не. No. Nope. Кога ти е полетът? What time's your flight? When's your flight? Вече е много късно. It's very late now. It's too late. Той ме представи на Сю. He introduced me to Sue. He introduced me to Sue. Том тази работа няма да го заинтересува. Tom wouldn't be interested in this job. Tom won't be interested in this job. Да наблюдаваш диви птици е много забавно. Watching wild birds is a lot of fun. Watching wild birds is a lot of fun. Пушенето в офиса е против нашите правила. Smoking in the office is against our rules. Smoking in the office is against our rules. Може ли да ти взема назаем речника? May I borrow your dictionary? Can I borrow your dictionary? Готова съм да поръчам. I'm ready to order. I'm ready to order. Яж повече пресни зеленчуци. Eat more fresh vegetables. Eat more fresh vegetables. Тя не ми върна парите. She didn't give me my money back. She didn't give me my money back. Ти не си един от нас. You're not one of us. You're not one of us. Не го гледай в очите. Don't make eye contact. Don't look him in the eye. Сам успя да влезе в училищния отбор по баскетбол. Sam made the school basketball team. Sam made it on the high school basketball team. В този магазин се продават мъжки дрехи. That store sells men's wear. This shop sells men's clothes. Ще отида с колелото. I'll ride my bike. I'll go on my bike. Защо не си вземем такси? Why don't we take a taxi? Why don't we take a cab? Наред съм. I'm OK. I'm fine. Том не се отказа. Tom didn't give up. Tom didn't give up. Не мислиш ли, че всички наши политици са твърде стари? Don't you think that all our politicians are too old? Don't you think all our politicians are too old? Защо не сте с Том? Why aren't you with Tom? Why aren't you with Tom? Имам ключовете. I have the keys. I've got the keys. Вече съм пълнолетен. I'm an adult now. I'm an adult now. Имам ли право да те придружавам? Do I have the right to accompany you? Do I have the right to accompany you? Бихте ли извикали Том? Could you call Tom? Can you get Tom for me, please? Ще съжаляваш за това! You'll regret that! You're gonna regret this! Всичките съм ги виждала. I've seen them all. I've seen them all. Не си го изкарвай върху Том. Don't punish Tom for that. Don't take it out on Tom. Не знаех, че е трябвало да го направим. I didn't know we were supposed to do that. I didn't know we were supposed to do this. Изглежда, че парите ни свършват. It looks like we're running out of money. Looks like we're running out of money. Аз съм сериозен. I'm serious. I'm serious. Ще помогнем ли на Том? Are we going to help Tom? Are we gonna help Tom? Тя повиши глас. She raised her voice. She raised her voice. За съжаление, случаят не е такъв. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Значителен брой студенти искат да учат в университета. A considerable number of students want to go to college. A significant number of students want to go to university. Експериментът беше успешен. The experiment was successful. The experiment was a success. Хората тук са добри. The people here are good. The people here are good. Мисля, че сте абсолютно прави. I think you're absolutely right. I think you're absolutely right. Сега трябва да тръгвам. I have to go now. Now I have to go. Инцидентът му попречи да дойде. The accident prevented him from coming. The accident prevented him from coming. Това не е честно. That's not fair. That's not fair. Преместих се в Англия от Германия, когато бях на девет. I moved to England from Germany when I was nine. I moved to England from Germany when I was nine. Колко ти върви! How lucky you are! How you're doing! Искам да стана учителка по френски. I want to become a French teacher. I want to be a French teacher. Вече говоря на френски. I already speak French. I'm already speaking French. Аз съм от Гърция. I'm from Greece. I'm from Greece. Тази пола ми харесва. Може ли да я пробвам? I like this skirt. May I try it on? I like that skirt. Изядохме по няколко ябълки. We ate some apples. We ate a few apples. Мисис Томсън иска да скрие факта, че е милионер. Mrs. Thompson wants to conceal the fact that she is a millionaire. Mrs. Thompson wants to hide the fact that he's a millionaire. Маларията се пренася от комарите. Malaria is carried by mosquitoes. Malaria is carried by mosquitoes. Каква е минималната заплата в Гибралтар? What's the minimum salary in Gibraltar? What's the minimum wage in Gibraltar? Не бих разчитала на това. I wouldn't bet on that. I wouldn't count on it. Нямам представа. I have no clue. I have no idea. Те вдигнаха голям купон за мен. They gave a big party for me. They threw me a big party. Лин бяга бързо. Lynn runs fast. Lynn's running fast. Той напредва. He's making progress. He's making progress. Не ми давай нищо. Don't give me a thing. Don't give me anything. Животът е несправедлив. Life's not fair. Life is unfair. Изглежда си си вързвърнал самообладанието. It looks like you've regained your confidence. Looks like you got your temper back. Извини ме. Excuse me. Excuse me. Мисля, че е най-добре да тръгваме. I think we'd better be going. I think we'd better get going. Ти беше уплашен. You were scared. You were scared. Том носи слънчеви очила. Tom is wearing sunglasses. Tom wears sunglasses. За тебе го направих. Харесва ли ти? I made it for you. Do you like it? I did it for you. Не ние атакувахме първи. We didn't start the fire. We didn't attack first. Вие заслужавате наградата. You deserve the prize. You deserve the reward. Трябва да вземете автобус номер пет. You should take the number 5 bus. You have to take bus number five. И аз искам да го поздравя. I want to greet him, too. I'd like to congratulate him, too. Очакваш ли някого? Are you expecting anybody? Are you expecting someone? Слезте на следващата спирка и хванете автобус в посока летището. Get off at the next stop and take a bus headed to the airport. Get off at the next stop and take a bus towards the airport. Том отхвърли молбата. Tom denied the request. Tom rejected the request. Мисако се омъжи за канадец миналия юни. Misako married a Canadian last June. Misako married a Canadian last June. Шофьорите трябва да слагат предпазни колани. Drivers should wear seat belts. Drivers have to put seatbelts on. Моята майка се страхува от асансьори. My mother is afraid of lifts. My mother's afraid of elevators. Накрая той се пречупи. At last he yielded. In the end, he broke. Лицето му изразява радост. His face expresses joy. His face expresses joy. Аз се предавам. I surrender. I give up. Тук има ли човек, който познава Том? Is there anyone here who knows Tom? Is there anyone here who knows Tom? Градът спечелва популярност като главна туристическа дестинация. The city is gaining popularity as a major tourist destination. The city is gaining popularity as the main tourist destination. Не, не аз. По-малкият ми брат. No, not me. It's my younger brother. No, not me, my younger brother. Какво казваш? What're you saying? What are you saying? Иди да се упражняваш навън. Go exercise outside. Go practice outside. Опасен съм. I'm dangerous. I'm dangerous. И това съм виждал. I've seen that, too. I've seen that, too. Вие сте нейни дъщери. You are her daughters. You're her daughters. Трябва да се срещна с Том. I have to meet with Tom. I have to meet Tom. Когато отидеш в Румъния, ще посетиш замъка на Дракула. When you go to Romania, you will visit Dracula's Castle. When you go to Romania, you will visit Dracula's castle. Той изкарва три пъти повече от мене. He earns three times more than me. He makes three times as much as I do. Крие се в гардероба. He's hiding in the closet. He's hiding in the closet. Да,това е правилният отговор. Yes, that's the right answer. Yeah, that's the right answer. Имам няколко френски книги. I have a few French books. I have some French books. Имат друг план. They have another plan. They have another plan. Може би са заети. Maybe they're busy. Maybe they're busy. Току-що загубих най-добрия си приятел при пътен инцидент. I just lost my best friend in a traffic accident. I just lost my best friend in a traffic accident. Нейното палто е с обърната кожа. Her coat is fur on the inside. Her coat is inverted. Не съм сигурна, че искам да видя това. I'm not sure I want to see this. I'm not sure I want to see this. Том можеше да отиде. Tom could've gone. Tom could have gone. Кошницата беше пълна с ягоди. The basket was filled with strawberries. The basket was full of strawberries. Ако дойдеш в Рио, мога да ти бъда ексурзовод. If you come to Rio, I could be your guide. If you come to Rio, I can be your tour guide. Това близо ли е до вас? Is it near your house? Is that close to you? Търпението на Том се изчерпа. Tom's patience was exhausted. Tom's patience has run out. Тя ми е като собствено дете. She is like my own child. She's like my own child. Дръж се здраво. Hold on tight. Hold on tight. Трябва да се справим с каквото имаме. We have to make do with what we have. We have to deal with what we have. Харесвате ли тази блуза? Do you like this blouse? Do you like this shirt? Много се радваме да видим всички вас тази вечер. We take great pleasure in meeting all of you this evening. We're very happy to see you all tonight. Чух, че си много добър с френския. I hear you're very good at French. I hear you're very good with French. Доведете и него. Bring him along. Bring him along. Всички те са специални. They're all special. They're all special. Как чу за това? How did you come to hear that? How'd you hear about that? Това, което най-много ме е изненадало, откакто съм в Япония, е огромният брой вендинг машини. The thing that most surprised me since coming to Japan is how many vending machines there are. What has surprised me most since I've been in Japan is the huge number of vending machines. Ще те закарам вкъщи. I'll give you a ride home. I'll take you home. Бъди обичана. Be loved. Be loved. Том говори френски като носител на езика. Tom speaks French like a native speaker. Tom speaks French as the bearer of the language. Обещавам да я върна. I promise I'll bring it right back. I promise I'll bring her back. Това бюро ми струва 20000 йени. This desk cost me 20,000 yen. This desk cost me 20,000 yen. Съдебните заседатели обвиниха Том в убийство. The grand jury indicted Tom for murder. The jury accused Tom of murder. Том поздрави Мери. Tom said hello to Mary. Tom says hi to Mary. Мисля, че това е преувеличение. I think that's an exaggeration. I think that's an exaggeration. Той има висока заплата. He gets a high salary. He's got a high salary. Ние не сме глупаци. We're not fools. We're not fools. Това се превръща в проблем. That's becoming a problem. This is becoming a problem. Синоптикът казва, че следобед ще вали. The weatherman says we'll have rain in the afternoon. The weatherman says it's gonna rain this afternoon. Любимият ми танц е танго. My favorite dance is the tango. My favorite dance is tango. Трябва да го боядисам. I have to paint it. I have to paint it. Том винаги е искал да учи френски и най-накрая му се отдаде случай да го направи. Tom had always wanted to study French and he finally got his chance to. Tom always wanted to learn French and finally got a chance to do it. Том не може да върви. Tom can't walk. Tom can't walk. Вчера беше моят рожден ден. Yesterday was my birthday. Yesterday was my birthday. Том, събуждай се. Tom, wake up. Tom, wake up. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да кажа на Том? Are you sure you don't want me to tell Tom? Are you sure you don't want me to tell Tom? Ще ми помогнеш ли да напиша писмо на френски? Could you help me write a letter in French? Can you help me write a letter in French? Моят дядо е сериозно пострадал от бомба през войната. My grandfather got seriously injured by a bomber during the war. My grandfather was seriously hit by a bomb during the war. Пътят беше кален и хлъзгав. The road was muddy and slippery. The road was muddy and slippery. Аз ще се присъединя към вас по-късно. I'll join you later. I'll join you later. Ние не сме терористи. We're not terrorists. We're not terrorists. Той беше беден и не можеше да си купи палто. He was poor and couldn't buy a coat. He was poor and couldn't buy a coat. Не ме гледайте така. Don't look at me that way. Don't look at me like that. Трябва да си призная, че още не съм я чел. I must confess I haven't read it yet. I have to admit, I haven't read it yet. Имам много способности. I have many abilities. I have a lot of abilities. Четири човека бяха в колата по време на инцидента. Four people were in the car when the accident happened. Four people were in the car at the time of the accident. Само като те погледна и виждам, че природата има чувство за хумор. Looking at you, I understand that nature has sense of humor. Just by looking at you and seeing that nature has a sense of humor. Никой не го интересува кого е взел Том на работа. Nobody cares who Tom hired for the job. No one cares who Tom took to work. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да изчакаш Том? Are you sure you don't want to wait for Tom? Are you sure you don't want to wait for Tom? Имаш ли разрешително за лов? Do you have a hunting license? Do you have a hunting license? Приемам предложението ви. I agree to your proposal. I accept your offer. Не съм виждала Том от цяла вечност. I haven't seen Tom in ages. I haven't seen Tom in forever. Том внимателно изкачи паянтовата стълба. Tom carefully climbed up the rickety staircase. Tom carefully climbed up the ladder. Прочете ли тази книга вече? Have you read this book already? Have you read this book yet? Не знам къде. I don't know where. I don't know where. Зайците имат дълги уши и къси опашки. Rabbits have long ears and short tails. Rabbits have long ears and short tails. Тя ме поздрави възпитано. She greeted me politely. She greeted me politely. Скъпа, ти май криеш нещо от мен! My dear, maybe you are hiding something from me! Honey, I think you're hiding something from me! Ти си панда. You're a panda. You're a panda. Това трябва да го направя сам. I ought to do this by myself. I have to do this alone. Момчето се придържа към майка си. The boy is clinging to his mother. The boy sticks to his mother. Не бих била толкова сигурна. I wouldn't be so sure. I wouldn't be so sure. Разбираш ли ме? Did you understand me? Do you understand me? Том няма да бъде на училище днес. Tom won't be at school today. Tom's not going to school today. Полях цветята. I've finished watering the flowers. I watered the flowers. Нека хвърлим картите на масата. Let's put our cards on the table. Let's throw the cards on the table. Никой не можа да спи в онази нощ. No one could sleep that night. No one could sleep that night. Виждал съм Том да прави някои забележителни неща. I've seen Tom do some remarkable things. I've seen Tom do some remarkable things. Лятото свърши. Summer has ended. Summer's over. Ще бъдете ли утре всички тук? Will you all be here tomorrow? Will you all be here tomorrow? Това малко ужаси Том. Tom was a bit freaked out by it. That's a little creepy, Tom. Забрави ли да ме поздравиш? Did you forget to greet me? Did you forget to congratulate me? Том говори френски като да му е роден. Tom speaks French like a native speaker. Tom speaks French like he was born to him. Най-вероломният начин да навредиш на една кауза е да я защитаваш преднамерено с неверни аргументи. The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments. The most powerful way to harm a cause is to deliberately defend it with false arguments. А, аз бях болна. Oh, I was ill. And I was sick. Моля те веднага да започнеш. Please begin immediately. I'm asking you to start right now. Направих нещо за теб. I made something for you. I made something for you. Трябва да видя Том. I've got to see Tom. I need to see Tom. Трябва да откажеш пушенето. You should quit smoking. You have to quit smoking. Сандвичите с шунка бяха наистина добри. The ham sandwiches were really good. The ham sandwiches were really good. Внасянето на редки диви животни в тази страна е строго забранено. The importation of rare wild animals to this country is strictly prohibited. The introduction of rare wild animals into this country is strictly prohibited. Не ме карай да го казвам на глас. Don't make me say it. Don't make me say it out loud. Обичам да играя бейзбол. I like playing baseball. I like to play baseball. Не го взимайте навътре. Don't take it so hard. Don't take it too hard. Най-щастливите жени, подобно на най-щастливите нации, нямат история. The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history. The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history. Хубав ден е. It's a nice day. It's a good day. Джон винаги се опитваше да следва примера на Линкълн. John always tried to live up to the example of Lincoln. John was always trying to follow Lincoln's example. Ще се изгубите. You'll get lost. You'll get lost. Мисля, че трябва да дойдеш да го видиш. I think you should come and see it. I think you should come and see him. Коледата е скоро, нали? Christmas is soon, right? Christmas is soon, isn't it? Аз имам три малки деца. I have three young kids. I have three little children. Том се наведе към Мери. Tom leaned towards Mary. Tom leaned over to Mary. Том живее в същата част на града, в която живее Мери. Tom lives in the same part of town as Mary. Tom lives in the same part of town that Mary lives in. Мисля, че ще ти бъде много интересен. I think you'll find it very interesting. I think you'll find it very interesting. Имам да кажа само едно нещо. I have only one thing to say. I just have one thing to say. Тази река е широка. That river is wide. This river is wide. Готови ли сме? Are we ready? Are we ready? Имаш ли някакви френски вестници? Do you have any French newspapers? Do you have any French newspapers? Маюко яде хляб на закуска. Mayuko eats bread for breakfast. Mayuko eats bread at breakfast. Да си поиграем на семейство! Let's play house! Let's play family! Мисля, че бяхме късметлии. I think we were lucky. I thought we were lucky. Страшно е скъпо. It's terribly expensive. It's so expensive. Стрелбата започна около обед. The shooting started around noon. The shooting started around noon. Още един път. One more time. One more time. Вчера ходих в Дисниленд. I went to Disneyland yesterday. I went to Disneyland yesterday. Ти си моят живот и всичко, което искам и от което имам нужда. You're my life and all that I want and need. You're my life and everything I want and need. Дай ми книгата. Give me the book. Give me the book. Ще мина да те видя. I'll come see you. I'll come by and see you. Ние му викаме Майк。 We call him Mike. We call him Mike. Това се случи внезапно. It happened suddenly. It happened suddenly. Не можеш да бъдеш сериозен. You can't be serious. You can't be serious. Беше предизвикателство. It was a challenge. It was a challenge. Аз се надявам това да се случи. I'm hoping that that'll happen. I hope that happens. Мисля, че е по-добре да останете с Том. I think you'd better stick with Tom. I think you'd better stay with Tom. Не съм виждал Том, откакто бях тринайсетгодишен. I haven't seen Tom since I was thirteen. I haven't seen Tom since I was 13. Сега спокойно. Now keep calm. Now take it easy. Дано да не е Том. I hope it's not Tom. I hope it's not Tom. Тези ръкавици са на Том. These gloves are Tom's. These are Tom's gloves. Говоря ти като приятелка. I'm speaking to you as a friend. I'm talking to you as a friend. Страх ме е да пресека улицата в Пекин, понеже там шофьорите не се съобразяват с пешеходците. I'm afraid to cross the street in Beijing since drivers don't respect pedestrians there. I'm afraid to cross the street in Beijing because that's where drivers don't take into consideration pedestrians. Не стой буден до късно. Don't stay up too late. Don't stay up too late. Ела да се видим след часа. Meet me after class. Come see me after class. Казвам се Джак. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. Чувствам се така, сякаш познавам Том от години. I feel as if I've known Tom for years. I feel like I've known Tom for years. Радваме се, че сив нашия клас. We are glad to have you in our class. We're glad you're in our class. Том счупи прозореца. Tom broke the window. Tom broke the window. Колата ми е в гаража. My car's in the garage. My car's in the garage. Мисля, че Мери е една от най-красивите жени, които съм срещал. I think Mary is one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. I think Mary is one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. Той запали една клечка. He struck a match. He lit a match. Трябва да си призная, че още не съм го чела. I must confess I haven't read it yet. I have to admit, I haven't read it yet. Сигурна ли си, че искаш да изгорим тези документи? Are you sure you want us to burn these documents? Are you sure you want to burn those papers? Трябва да се обадим на лекаря. We should call the doctor. We need to call the doctor. Бях много изненадан да видя ученици, които чистят класната си стая след училище. I was very surprised to see students cleaning their classroom after school. I was very surprised to see students cleaning their classroom after school. Това бюро е твърде малко за Том. This desk is too small for Tom. This desk is too small for Tom. Мисля си за това от време на време. I think about that from time to time. I think about it once in a while. Всички знаят, че Том не може да говори френски много добре. Everybody knows Tom can't speak French very well. Everybody knows Tom can't speak French very well. Нямам почти никакви френски книги. I have hardly any French books. I don't have nearly any French books. Изберете си карта, напишете името си върху нея и я върнете обратно в тестето. Pick a card, write your name on it and put it back in the deck. Choose a card, write your name on it and put it back in the deck. Едно, две, три, четири, пет, шест, седем, осем, девет, десет. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Том не беше там вчера. Tom wasn't there yesterday. Tom wasn't there yesterday. Това би било твърде лесно. That would be too easy. That would be too easy. Мисля, че си направила грешка. I think you've made a mistake. I think you made a mistake. Разсмях се на вица му. I laughed at his joke. I laughed at his joke. Няма да можем да се измъкнем от тази килия. We won't be able to get out of this cell. We won't be able to get out of this cell. Трябва ли да слагам масата? Do I need to set the table? Do I have to set the table? Наемате ли се? Are you volunteering? Are you hiring? Можете ли да ми препоръчате хотел близо до летището? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? Френският ми не е добър. I'm not good at French. My French is not good. Изглежда дойдох тук малко рано. It looks like I got here too early. Looks like I got here a little early. Не забравяй да ми се обадиш утре сутринта. Be sure to call me up tomorrow morning. Don't forget to call me tomorrow morning. Съжалявам, че попитах. I'm sorry I asked. I'm sorry I asked. Яж много зеленчуци. Eat a lot of vegetables. Eat a lot of vegetables. Пречиш ми. You are in my way. You're in my way. Мисля, че вие наранихте Том. I think you've hurt Tom's feelings. I think you hurt Tom. Онзи човек имаше странна усмивка на лицето си за малко.Какво смяташ,че се крие зад това. That person has had an odd grin on his face for a while. What do you suppose is behind it? That guy had a weird smile on his face for a while. What do you think he's hiding behind it? Мисля, че ще познаваш всички на паритито. I think you'll know everybody at the party. I think you'll know everyone at the parity. Огледайте се наляво и надясно, преди да пресечете улицата. Look to the left and right before crossing the street. Look left and right before you cross the street. Bсеки човек има право на закрила на моралните и материалните си интереси, които са резултат от каквото и да е научно, литературно или художествено произведение, на което той е автор. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. Everyone has the right to protect his moral and material interests, which are the result of any scientific, literary or artistic work of which he is the author. Аз пристигнах в Токио вчера. I arrived in Tokyo yesterday. I arrived in Tokyo yesterday. Щеше ли да ни кажеш какво е станало? Would you tell us what happened? Were you going to tell us what happened? Трябва да си събуя чорапите. I have to take off my socks. I have to take off my socks. Мисля, че и двете знаем защо съм тук. I think we both know why I'm here. I think we both know why I'm here. Колко искате? How much money do you want? How much do you want? Трябваше да работим по-сериозно. We should've worked harder. We should've worked harder. Той може да дойде утре следобед. He may come tomorrow afternoon. He can come tomorrow afternoon. Вали. It's raining. It's raining. Том колко време е учил френски? How long has Tom studied French? How long did Tom study French? Том не можеше да ме пипне. Tom couldn't touch me. Tom couldn't touch me. Вече направи това. You did that already. You've already done that. Том не е такъв. Tom isn't like that. Tom's not like that. Започни да пишеш. Start writing. Start writing. Сега застани мирно. Now stand still. Now stand still. Как е това на френски? How do you say that in French? How's that in French? Няма да се справиш без мен. You won't be able to do that without me. You can't do this without me. Всеки път, когато се появи Том, вали дъжд. Every time Tom shows up, it rains. Every time Tom shows up, it rains. Това е истина. This is true. That's true. Това е болницата, в която се е родил Том. This is the hospital where Tom was born. This is the hospital where Tom was born. Току-що обядвах. I have just eaten lunch. I just had lunch. Мислехме да те поканим да се присъединиш към нашата компания. We were thinking of asking you to join our company. We thought we'd invite you to join our company. Преподавам френски на възрастни. I teach French to adults. I teach French to adults. Аз обичам любовни романи. I love romance novels. I love romance novels. Не се притеснявам за тебе, Том. Притеснявам се за Мери. I'm not worried about you, Tom. I'm worried about Mary. I'm not worried about you, Tom, I'm worried about Mary. Никому нищо не правя. I don't cause trouble. I'm not doing anything. Кой е изобретил телефона? Who invented the telephone? Who invented the phone? Кой е твоят учител? Who's your teacher? Who's your teacher? Отивам с Том. I'm going with Tom. I'm going with Tom. Том е буден. Tom is awake. Tom's awake. Ще ти дам назаем този диск, при условие, че не го заемаш на никого другиго. I will lend you this CD on condition that you don't lend it to anyone else. I'll lend you this CD, provided you don't lend it to anyone else. Трябва да решиш, и при това - веднага. You must make up your mind, and that at once. You have to decide, and you have to decide now. Понеже обикновено могат да се намерят много уебсайтове на дадена тема, обикновено кликвам бутона "Назад", когато попадна на някоя уебстраница с изскачащи реклами. Просто отивам на следващата страница, която ми предлага Google, и се надявам тя да дразни по-малко. Since there are usually multiple websites on any given topic, I usually just click the back button when I arrive on any webpage that has pop-up advertising. I just go to the next page found by Google and hope for something less irritating. Because you can usually find a lot of websites on a subject, I usually click the "Back" button when I run into a pop-up page. I just go to the next page that Google offers me, and I hope it irritates me less. Кучето умира. The dog is dying. The dog is dying. Мисля, че имаш право да не пускаш Том да отиде. I think you're right not to let Tom go. I think you have a right not to let Tom go. Говориш несвързано. You're rambling. You're not making any sense. Искам да пия нещо. I want to drink something. I want something to drink. Веднага щом свърши работа, Том се прибра вкъщи. As soon as Tom finished work, he went home. As soon as it worked, Tom came home. Ти идваш от Швеция. You come from Sweden. You come from Sweden. Том си изкара чудесно, когато отиде в Бостън. Tom had a wonderful time when he went to Boston. Tom had a great time when he went to Boston. Нека помогна. Let me help. Let me help. Майката на Том си помисли, че той има нужда от нови приятели. Tom's mother thought he needed to make some new friends. Tom's mom thought he needed new friends. Том говори ли свободно френски? Does Tom speak French fluently? Does Tom speak French freely? Какъв е твоят проблем? What is your problem? What's your problem? Мразя нямото кино. I hate silent movies. I hate silent movies. Това беше просто случайност. It was nothing more than an accident. It was just an accident. Том и Мери се ожениха три години, след като се срещнаха за първи път. Tom and Mary got married three years after they first met. Tom and Mary got married three years after they first met. Искам една стая от задната страна. I'd like a room in the back. I want a room on the back. Това е яко. That's cool. That's cool. Том и Мери харесват да одумват знаменитости. Tom and Mary like to gossip about celebrities. Tom and Mary like to talk about celebrities. Не е от мен. It's not from me. It's not from me. Изпуснах последния влак. I missed the last train. I missed the last train. Не се ли забавлявате? Aren't you enjoying yourself? Aren't you having fun? Мисля, че си в опасност. I think you're in danger. I think you're in danger. Никой не ме харесва. Аз никога не съм бил харесван, защото не съм красив. Nobody likes me. I have never been liked by anybody, because I am not beautiful. I've never been liked because I'm not handsome. В коя страна сте роден? What country were you born in? What country were you born in? Всеки път, като те търся, тебе те няма. Every time I call on you, you are out. Every time I look for you, you're gone. От двадесет студенти само един е прочел книгата. Out of twenty students, only one has read the book. Of twenty students, only one has read the book. Ще ти се обадя пак после. I'll call you back later. I'll call you back. Боя се, че нося лоши вести. I'm afraid I've got bad news. I'm afraid I have some bad news. Не си ли нервна? Aren't you nervous? Aren't you nervous? Хайде да изпеем заедно няколко френски песни. Let's sing some French songs together. Let's sing some French songs together. Единият от чорапите му беше наопаки. He had one of his socks on inside out. One of his socks was upside down. Надявам се, че е цял. I hope it's complete. I hope he's in one piece. Птиците запяха. The birds sang. The birds were singing. Поне се направи, че ти е приятно да ме видиш. At least pretend you're happy to see me. At least pretend you're happy to see me. Каква е минималната заплата в Исландия? What's the minimum salary in Iceland? What's the minimum wage in Iceland? По-хубав съм от теб. I am more handsome than you. I'm prettier than you. Няма да повярваш какво намерих. You won't believe what I found. You won't believe what I found. Недей! Don't do it! Don't! Преди започването на този вид терапия,желанията на пациентката трябва да бъдат взети под внимание. Before embarking on this type of therapy, the wishes of the patient herself must be carefully taken into consideration. Before starting this type of therapy, the patient's wishes should be taken into account. Мисля, че трябва да извикаш Том. I think you should call Tom. I think you should call Tom. Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изгорим тези документи? Are you sure you want us to burn these documents? Are you sure you want to burn these documents? Намерих една бележка на бюрото си, но не знам от кого е. I found a note on the table, but I don't know who it's from. I found a note on my desk, but I don't know who it's from. Имаш време до полунощ. You have until midnight. You have until midnight. Файлът ти е у мене. I have your file. I've got your file. Тука никой никога нищо не ми казва. No one ever tells me anything around here. No one here ever tells me anything. Дадох на всеки поотделно подарък. I bought them each a present. I gave each individual a gift. В неделя музеят не работи. On Sunday, the museum is closed. Sunday, the museum doesn't work. Отговорът ти е грешен. Your answer is wrong. Your answer's wrong. Тя помни колата на господин Блек. She remembers the car of Mr. Blek She remembers Mr. Black's car. Вкараха Том в затвора. They put Tom in jail. They put Tom in jail. Майка ми се чувства по-добре. My mother's feeling better. My mom's feeling better. Том току-що се прибра вкъщи. Tom came home just now. Tom just got home. Не го излагайте на дъжд. Don't expose it to the rain. Don't put him in the rain. Говорят много бързо. They talk very fast. They're talking fast. Колко е часът сега? What time is it now? What time is it now? Може ли да изям този портокал? May I eat this orange? Can I eat this orange? Мери обича романтичните комедии. Mary likes romantic comedies. Mary loves romantic comedies. Какво пият? What are they drinking? What are they drinking? Хайде да станем приятелки. Let's be friends. Let's be friends. Доколкото знам, той трябва да е роден в Италия. For all I know, he was born in Italy. As far as I know, he must have been born in Italy. "Ама наистина?" "Да, наистина." "Really?" "Yes, really." "Really?" "Yeah, really." Не казвай на никого. Don't tell anyone. Don't tell anyone. Учудвам се, че тази сграда още стои. I'm surprised that building is still standing. I'm surprised this building is still standing. Трябва да се срещна с Том. I have to meet Tom. I have to meet Tom. Въпреки че понякога английският на Том изглежда доста добър, той няма представа докъде се простират възможностите му и е невъзможно да го убедиш, че не е прав, когато допусне грешка. Though Tom's English seems quite good at times, he doesn't seem to know his limitations and it's impossible to convince him that he's wrong when he makes a mistake. Although Tom's English sometimes seems pretty good, he has no idea how far his capabilities go and it's impossible to convince him that he's wrong when he makes a mistake. Ти Джон ли си? Are you John? Are you John? Америка има нужда от теб. America needs you. America needs you. Ти трябва да решиш. It's for you to decide. It's up to you to decide. Видях много туристи на плажа. I saw many tourists on the beach. I saw a lot of tourists on the beach. Чух ви да се карате с Том. I heard you and Tom fighting. I heard you and Tom arguing. Ще се отзовете ли? Are you volunteering? Will you respond? Какъв е домашният ви адрес? What's your home address? What's your home address? Извън кучето, книгата е най-добрият приятел на човека. Вътре в кучето е твърде тъмно да се чете. Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. Outside the dog, the book is the man's best friend. Inside the dog is too dark to read. Не става. This is useless. It's not working. Моята майка ми направи една много симпатична пола. My mother made me a cute skirt. My mother made me a very nice skirt. Трябва да започнете веднага. You are to start at once. You need to start now. Това е старо писмо. This is an old letter. It's an old letter. Участваш ли в някаква обществено полезна дейност? Do you take part in any community activities? Are you involved in any community service? Интересува ли ви? Are you interested? Are you interested? Очевидно Том е бил известен още преди да издаде този албум. Apparently, Tom was already famous before he released that album. Apparently Tom was famous even before he released this album. Римляните нямаше да имат никакъв шанс да завладеят света, ако първо им беше наложено изискване да научат латински. The Romans would never have had the chance to conquer the world if they had first been required to study Latin. The Romans would have no chance of conquering the world if they were first required to learn Latin. Аз платих петдесетина долара. I paid about fifty dollars. I paid 50 bucks. Не пий това. Don't drink that. Don't drink that. Мисля, че е най-добре да се махнем от тук. I think we'd better get out of here. I think it's best if we get out of here. Не си ли омъжена? Aren't you married? Aren't you married? Това сте искали винаги. That's what you've always wanted. This is what you've always wanted. Бих искала да преведеш този документ на френски. I'd like you to translate this document into French. I'd like you to translate this document into French. Том бил уволнен. Tom was fired. Tom was fired. Изчисти масата вече! Clean the table already! Clear the table already! Мери се интересува от политика. Mary is interested in politics. Mary's interested in politics. Тя няма да повярва. She won't believe it. She won't believe it. Говорите ли турски? Do you speak Turkish? Do you speak Turkish? Не се колебайте да задавате въпроси. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Пчелите правят мед. Bees make honey. Bees make honey. Том не иска да признае, че не знае как да го направи. Tom doesn't want to admit that he doesn't know how to do it. Tom doesn't want to admit he doesn't know how to do it. Само аз ги познавам. I'm the only one who knows them. I'm the only one who knows them. В този град са добивали желязо 350 години. They mined iron in this town for 350 years. They've been mining iron for 350 years in this town. Играя една телевизионна игра. I'm playing a TV game. I'm playing a TV game. Бил беше в Япония. Bill was in Japan. He was in Japan. Да се разсеем с една разходка. Let's take a walk for a change. Let's take a walk. Още ли събираш пощенски марки? Are you still collecting stamps? Do you still collect stamps? Казвам се Ичиро Танака. My name is Ichiro Tanaka. My name is Ichiro Tanaka. Миналата година вносът надхвърли износа. Imports exceeded exports last year. Last year, imports exceeded exports. Нямаш температура. You do not have a fever. You don't have a fever. Някой казвал ли Ви го е? Did anyone tell you? Has anyone ever told you that? Не ме е страх от смъртта, просто не искам да бъда там, когато се случи. I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens. I'm not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens. Не го оставяйте да го направи. Don't let them do this. Don't let him do it. Тя иска да знае кой изпрати цветята. She wants to know who sent the flowers. She wants to know who sent the flowers. Сложих си палтото на масата. I put my coat on the table. I put my coat on the table. Това е мястото. This is the spot. This is the place. Жена в инвалидна количка се крие в супермаркет. Woman in a wheelchair holes up in supermarket. A woman in a wheelchair is hiding in a supermarket. Това е последният ти шанс да прекараш известно време с Том. This is your last chance to spend time with Tom. This is your last chance to spend some time with Tom. Можеш ли да говориш френски добре? Can you speak French well? Can you speak French well? Що за човек би направил нещо такова? What kind of person would do that kind of thing? What kind of person would do something like that? Аз не обичам снега. I don't like snow. I don't like snow. Джейн чакаше, опряла гръб в дървото. Jane was waiting with her back against the tree. Jane was waiting, holding her back to the tree. Благодаря. Ще дадем най-доброто от себе си. Thank you. We'll do our best. We'll do our best. Да се качим горе и да поговорим. Let's go upstairs and talk. Let's go upstairs and talk. Том не ми се е обаждал. Tom hasn't called me. Tom didn't call me. Том не обича шах. Tom doesn't like chess. Tom doesn't like chess. Онези дрехи Ви стоят добре. Those clothes suit you well. Those clothes look good on you. Учила съм френски три години. I've studied French for three years. I studied French for three years. Мисля, че сега трябва да излезеш. I think you need to leave now. I think you should get out now. Моля те, върви си. Please leave. Please go away. Мислех, че Том не ти харесва. I thought you didn't like Tom. I thought you didn't like Tom. Том изглежда наистина щастлив. Tom seems really happy. Tom seems really happy. До вчера никога не бях чувал Том да говори на френски. Until yesterday, I had never heard Tom speak French. Until yesterday, I never heard Tom speak French. Тя е французойка. She is French. She's French. Войниците са свикнали с опасностите. Soldiers are used to danger. Soldiers are used to danger. Аз знам малко френски. I can speak a little French. I know a little French. Моля, напишете адреса си за контакт тук. Please write your contact address here. Please write down your contact address here. Приятен апетит! Enjoy your meal! Bon appétit! Знаех, че ще намериш Том. I knew you'd find Tom. I knew you'd find Tom. Ние пристигнахме първи. We were the first to arrive. We were the first to arrive. Ще успееш ли? Can you make it on time? Can you make it? Полицията намери тяло, изхвърлено на брега недалече от тук. The police found a body washed up on the beach near here. The police found a body washed ashore not far from here. Ние всички говорим френски. We all speak French. We all speak French. Господинът най-добре знае стойността на собствения си живот. The gentleman best knows himself the value of his own life. The gentleman knows best the value of his own life. Оценявам това, че дойде да ме вземеш. I really appreciate you picking me up. I appreciate you coming to get me. Провери дали си изключила телевизора, преди да заспиш. Be sure to switch off the television before you go to sleep. Check to see if you turned off the TV before you go to sleep. И ръцете ми трепереха. And my hands were shaking. And my hands were shaking. От сега нататък бъди по-внимателна. Be more careful from now on. From now on, be more careful. Том скочи в студената вода. Tom jumped into the cold water. Tom jumped in the cold water. Регистрирана ли си? Are you registered? Are you registered? Щом няма живот след смъртта, по-добре направи нещо с този си живот. If there's no life after death, then you'd better make this life count. If there's no life after death, you better do something about this life. Дано за тебе нещата да се оправят, Том. I hope it works out for you, Tom. I hope things work out for you, Tom. Позволи ми да ти помогна. Let me help you out. Let me help you. Не се оставяй да бъдеш използван. Don't let yourself be used. Don't let yourself be used. Мисля, че вие сте тези, които имат нужда от помощ. I think you're the one who needs help. I think you're the ones who need help. Коридорът е хлъзгав, внимавай. The hallway is slippery, so watch your step. The hallway's slippery, be careful. Езици като руския, полския, чешкия и българския имат общи славянски корени. Such languages as Russian, Polish, Czech and Bulgarian have common Slavic roots. Languages such as Russian, Polish, Czech and Bulgarian have common Slavic roots. Том трябва да направи това сега. Tom needs to do that now. Tom has to do this now. Не трябва да казваш онова нещо на родителите си. You mustn't tell that to your parents. You don't have to tell that thing to your parents. Да си кажем нещата честно! Let's talk turkey! Let's be honest with each other. Тя е жената, на която дадох подаръка. She is the woman to whom I gave the gift. She's the woman I gave the gift to. Остави ме да отида сам. Let me go alone. Let me go alone. Не разбирам какво каза той. I don't understand what he said. I don't understand what he said. Тази ситуация е смешна. This situation is funny. This situation is ridiculous. Тази земя е на Том. This land belongs to Tom. This land belongs to Tom. Мисля, че трябва да се срещнеш с Том. I think you should meet Tom. I think you should meet Tom. Не добавяйте анотации. Don't add annotations. Don't add annotations. Още никакъв го няма. There's still no sign of him. He's not here yet. Муахахахаха! Душата ти ще бъде моя! Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha! Your soul will be mine! Muhahahaha, your soul will be mine! Много от моите приятели могат да говорят френски. Many of my friends can speak French. A lot of my friends can speak French. Той свири добре на китара. He plays the guitar well. He's a good guitar player. Играл ли си Майнкрафт? Have you played Minecraft? Have you ever played Minecraft? Нанси се страхува от кучета. Nancy is afraid of dogs. Nancy's afraid of dogs. Ще се изненадаш какво мислят хората. You'd be surprised what people think. You'd be surprised what people think. Взимате ли в момента някакви лекарства? Are you currently using any medication? Are you taking any medication right now? Дървото гори. Wood burns. The tree's on fire. Чух всяка дума, която ти каза. I heard every word you said. I heard every word you said. Още не съм се съгласил. I haven't said yes yet. I haven't said yes yet. Трябва да си призная, че съжалявам. I have to say that I'm sorry. I have to admit, I'm sorry. Джак говори английски. Jack speaks English. Jack speaks English. Искам да ви видя. I want to see you. I want to see you. Аз не ревнувам. I'm not jealous. I'm not jealous. Ние се редувахме да караме. We took turns driving. We took turns driving. Може ли да ти взема палтото? May I take your coat? Can I take your coat? Баща ми ще ми сготви вкусна гозба утре сутринта. My father will cook me a delicious meal tomorrow morning. My dad's cooking me a delicious meal tomorrow morning. Телевизора ми е счупен. My television is broken. My TV's broken. Том просто затвори телефона. Tom has just hung up the phone. Tom just hung up the phone. Подготвена ли си? Are you prepared? Are you prepared? Няма да го повярвам, докато не го чуя от Том. I won't believe it until I hear it from Tom. I won't believe it until I hear it from Tom. Том не може да те види. Tom can't see you. Tom can't see you. Бас ловя, че си зает. I bet you're busy. I bet you're busy. Ела да ни видиш. Come and see us. Come and see us. Изглежда си имал тежък ден. It looks like you had a tough day. Looks like you've had a rough day. Том не се отказва. Tom isn't giving up. Tom doesn't give up. Обаче искам да разбереш какво ти казвам. But I want you to understand what I'm saying. But I want you to understand what I'm saying. Трябва да говоря с вас. I have to talk to you. I need to talk to you. Това не го вярвам изобщо. I don't believe that at all. I don't believe that at all. Още не съм говорил с Том. I haven't spoken to Tom yet. I haven't talked to Tom yet. Вие замесена ли сте? Are you involved? Are you involved? Какво направи с фотоапарата? What did you do with the camera? What did you do with the camera? Продължих да снимам. I continued taking photographs. I kept shooting. Днес работят все по-малко тинейджъри. Fewer teenagers are working nowadays. Less and less teenagers are working today. Защо ли още слушам това? Why do I still listen to this? Why am I still listening to this? Моля ви, недейте. Please don't do it. Please don't. Почеркът на Том не е много красив, но е четлив. Tom's handwriting isn't very good, but it's easy to read. Tom's handwriting isn't very pretty, but it's legible. Лицето на Шоичи побледня. Shoichi's face turned pale. Shoichi's face turned pale. Електрически поток може да генерира магнитно поле. An electric current can generate magnetism. An electrical current can generate a magnetic field. Ще ти пречи ли, ако включа радиото? Will it bother you if I turn on the radio? Would it bother you if I turned on the radio? Утре имам да правя разни неща. I have things to do tomorrow. I have things to do tomorrow. Кулата беше разбита на пух и прах. The tower was blown to atoms. The tower was smashed to pieces. Америка е много голяма. America is very large. America is very big. Чух да спира кола. I heard a car pull up. I heard a car stop. Прати ѝ моите поздрави. Send her my regards. Tell her I said hi. Твоята жена блондинка ли е, или е брюнетка? Is your wife a blonde or a brunette? Is your wife blonde, or is she a brunette? Навън съм,карам колелото си. I'm out riding my bike. I'm out riding my bike. Мъжете носеха момчето към болницата. The men were carrying the boy to the hospital. The men were carrying the boy to the hospital. Те говореха твърде бързо, за да разбера какво казват. They spoke too quickly for me to understand. They were talking too fast to understand what they were saying. Том е ранен! Повикайте линейка! Tom is hurt! Call an ambulance! Tom's hurt, call an ambulance! Сигурен ли си, че Том знае какво трябва да направи? Are you sure Tom knows what he's supposed to do? Are you sure Tom knows what he has to do? Може ли да ѝ се доверим? Can we trust her? Can we trust her? Това е камерата, с която Том направи снимките. This is the camera that Tom took the pictures with. This is the camera Tom used to take the photos. Да погледаме телевизия. Let's watch TV. Let's watch TV. Той уби онзи човек. He killed that man. He killed that man. Правете добро на тези, които ви мразят. Do good to those who hate you. Do good to those who hate you. Трябва да тръгвам. I have to take off. I have to go. Каква е цялата история? What's the whole story? What's the whole story? Не ме бутай. Don't push me. Don't push me. Какви са плановете ти за Коледа? What are your plans for Christmas? What are your plans for Christmas? Още една бутилка вино, моля. Another bottle of wine, please. Another bottle of wine, please. Време е да се ходи на работа. It's time to go to work. It's time to go to work. Беше ти дадена възможност. You've had your chance. You've been given an opportunity. Би ли сложил чиниите в мивката. Would you put the dishes in the sink? Could you put the dishes in the sink? Открихме къде живее той. We found out where he lives. We found out where he lives. Не е толкова дълбока. It's not that deep. It's not that deep. Той е велик учен. He is a great scientist. He's a great scientist. Тя иска развод. She wants a divorce. She wants a divorce. Новото списание ми се стори много интересно. I found the new magazine very interesting. The new magazine seemed very interesting to me. Може би можем да помогнем на Том. Maybe we can help Tom. Maybe we can help Tom. Тръгнахме на пътешествие пълни с надежда. We set out on our journey full of hope. We went on a journey full of hope. Ще съм тук. I'll be over here. I'll be here. Не ми се дръвчи. Don't talk back to me. Don't give me a hard time. Мисля, че си наистина удивителна. I think you're really amazing. I think you're really amazing. Мисля, че Том е ранен. I think Tom is hurt. I think Tom's hurt. Том помогна на Мери да премести шкафа. Tom helped Mary move the dresser. Tom helped Mary move the cupboard. Кажи на Том да ти обясни. Ask Tom to explain it. Tell Tom to explain. Каква е връзката ти с него? What's your relation with him? What's your connection to him? Аз съм Том Хънтър. I'm Tom Hunter. I'm Tom Hunter. Това ми е малко странно. It's a bit strange to me. This is a little weird for me. Можете ли да го направите сама? Can you do it alone? Can you do it yourself? През пролетта дните стават по-дълги. In spring, the days get longer. In the spring, the days get longer. Мери остави Том да я целуне. Mary let Tom kiss her. Mary let Tom kiss her. Никога не съм те виждал да плачеш. I've never seen you cry. I've never seen you cry. Понякога чувам баща ми да пее в банята. I sometimes hear my father singing in the bath. Sometimes I hear my dad sing in the bathroom. В Сингапур се говори английски. English is spoken in Singapore. English is spoken in Singapore. Аз ям хляб. I eat bread. I eat bread. Онази молба беше отхвърлена. That request was denied. That request was rejected. Права беше. You were right before. You were right. Беше уморен и въпреки това отиде да им помогне. He was tired, and yet he went to help them. He was tired and still went to help them. Том няма да ходи на училище следващата седмица. Tom won't be going to school next week. Tom's not going to school next week. Прави каквото ти казвам. Do what I tell you to do. Do as I say. Децата вече са уморени. The children are already tired. The kids are already tired. Ти искаш да гледаш френски филм, нали така? You want to watch a French movie, don't you? You want to watch a French movie, don't you? Ние играхме за победа. We played to win. We played for victory. Какво има в кафето? What's in the coffee? What's in the coffee? Крушката е изгоряла. The light bulb has burned out. The light bulb's gone. Трябва да върна парите на Том. I have to give the money back to Tom. I have to give Tom his money back. Колкото книги има той, толкова имам и аз. I have as many books as he does. As many books as he has, so do I. Не намериха Том. They haven't found Tom. They didn't find Tom. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да изчакаш до утре? Are you sure you don't want to wait till tomorrow? Are you sure you don't want to wait till tomorrow? Винаги ще помня добрината ти. I'll always remember your kindness. I'll always remember your kindness. Тази миризма и друг път съм я усещал. I've smelled this smell somewhere before. I've smelled that smell before. Всички умират. Everyone dies. Everyone's dying. Не ви разбрах. I didn't understand you. I don't understand. Дай ми чук. Give me a hammer. Give me a hammer. Той мрази да пазарува. He hates shopping. He hates shopping. Мисля, че ще останеш доволна. I think you'll be pleased. I think you'll be pleased. Аз не му казах всичко. I didn't tell him everything. I didn't tell him everything. Не искам тя да се отказва. I don't want her to give up. I don't want her to give up. Мери е книжен червей. Mary is a bookworm. Mary's a bookworm. Мисля, че си способна на всичко. I think you're capable of anything. I think you're capable of anything. Той възрази срещу плана ѝ. He objected to our plan. He objected to her plan. Мисля, че не трябва да го правим. I feel like we shouldn't be doing this. I don't think we should do this. Няма да бъдеш сама. You won't be on your own. You won't be alone. Изглежда кучето иска да яде нещо. It looks like the dog wants something to eat. Looks like the dog wants something to eat. Тази кутия е малко по-тежка, отколкото трябва. This box is a trifle too heavy. This box is a little heavier than it should be. Това е известна планина. That's a famous mountain. It's a famous mountain. Бих могъл да Ви направя щастлив. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Той ми каза как да стигна до музея. He told me how to get to the museum. He told me how to get to the museum. Той обича да ходи за риба. He likes fishing. He likes to fish. Том още ли е на училище? Is Tom still at school? Is Tom still at school? Тексас е почти два пъти по-голям от Япония. Texas is nearly twice as large as Japan. Texas is almost twice the size of Japan. Или ти тях, или те тебе! Get 'em before they get you! It's you or them! Надявам се да не е твърде късно. I hope it's not too late. I hope it's not too late. Неговите дрехи винаги миришат зле. His clothes always smell bad. His clothes always smell bad. Мисля, че трябва да ме послушаш. I think you should listen to me. I think you should listen to me. Забравих ти номера. I forgot your number. I forgot your number. Била съм там само веднъж. I've only been there once. I've only been there once. Сложи си якето на закачалката до вратата. Hang your jacket on the hook by the door. Put your jacket on the hanger by the door. Том живее на три пресечки от брега. Tom lives three blocks from the beach. Tom lives three blocks from the coast. Той е нещо малко знаменитост. He is something of a celebrity. He's a little celebrity. Много обичам пица. I like pizza very much. I really like pizza. Ще го пробвам пак. I will try it again. I'll try it again. Просто отговорете на въпроса. Just answer the question. Just answer the question. Остави го заради друг мъж. She left him for another man. Leave him for another man. Том призна, че е бил уплашен. Tom admitted that he was scared. Tom admitted he was scared. Ако слушаш малко по-внимателно какво казва учителят, вероятно ще разбереш. If you'd listen a little more carefully to what the teacher says, you'd probably be able to understand. If you listen a little more carefully to what the teacher says, you'll probably understand. Мисля, че трябва да провериш под леглото. I think you should check under the bed. I think you should check under the bed. Филмът не беше толкова забавен, колкото книгата. The movie wasn't as funny as the book. The movie wasn't as funny as the book. Работата не ме влечеше. My heart wasn't in the work. I wasn't interested in the job. Мисля, че сте съвършен. I think you're perfect. I think you're perfect. Всяко човешко същество е част от цялото, наречено от нас Вселена - част, ограничена във времето и пространството. То възприема себе си, своите мисли и чувства като нещо отделено от останалото - един вид оптическа илюзия за неговото съзнание. Тази илюзия е своеобразен затвор за нас, ограничавайки ни в рамките на нашите лични желания и привързаността към най-близките ни хора. Наша задача трябва да бъде да се освободим от този затвор, разширявайки кръга на нашето състрадание, така че да обхване всички живи същества и природата в цялата и красота. A human being is part of the whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Every human being is part of the whole of what we call the Universe - a part limited in time and space. It perceives itself, its thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical illusion of its consciousness. This illusion is a kind of prison for us, limiting us within our personal desires and attachment to our loved ones. Our task must be to get rid of this prison, extending the circle of our compassion, so that it embraces all living beings and nature in all of its beauty. Той несъмнено ще дойде. No doubt he will come. He'll surely come. Познато ми е. It's familiar to me. I'm aware of that. Няма ли да отидеш? Won't you go? Aren't you going? Той пристигна в Токио вчера. He arrived in Tokyo yesterday. He arrived in Tokyo yesterday. Трябва ли да попълня този формуляр на френски? Do I have to fill out this application form in French? Do I have to fill out this form in French? Този местен вестник се публикува веднъж седмично. This local newspaper is published once a week. This local paper is published once a week. Не знам кой кой е. I don't know which is which. I don't know who's who. Почти три часа е. It's nearly three o'clock. It's almost three o'clock. Искам да знам повече за тебе, Том. I want to know more about you, Tom. I want to know more about you, Tom. Той току-що е станал директор. He has just become a principal. He's just become a director. Изучаваме френски. We're studying French. We're studying French. Мисля, че Том и Мери се харесват. I think Tom and Mary like each other. I think Tom and Mary like each other. Какво е това нещо? What's this stuff? What is that thing? Никога не давайте кучешка храна на котката си. Never feed dog food to your cat. Never give your cat dog dog food. Имам проблеми с френската граматика. I'm having a hard time with French grammar. I'm having trouble with French grammar. Зашлевих го през лицето. I slapped his face. I slapped him in the face. Ще те зарадвам. I'll make you happy. I'll make you happy. Няма да повярвате. You wouldn't believe it. You're not gonna believe this. Трябва ли да отворя всичко? Must I open everything? Do I have to open everything? Сега е тотално различно. Now it's completely different. It's totally different now. Винаги закъсняваш. You are always late. You're always late. Да продължаваме. Let's proceed. Let's keep going. Стените бяха боядисани в светлокафяво. The walls were painted light brown. The walls were painted in light brown. Бети го уби. Betty killed him. Betty killed him. Започна ли вече да учиш френски? Have you already started learning French? Have you started learning French yet? Не можеш да четеш на френски, нали? You can't read French, can you? You can't read French, can you? Блузата ти си подхожда много добре с тази пола. Your blouse goes beautifully with that skirt. Your blouse suits you very well with that skirt. Не можете ли да направите нещо? Can't you do something? Can't you do something? Луси е от Америка. Lucy is from America. Lucy's from America. Наистина ли искаш да работиш в Бостън? Do you really want to work in Boston? Do you really want to work in Boston? Том не лежи долу. Tom isn't lying down. Tom's not lying down. Вие замесен ли сте? Are you involved? Are you involved? Много е голямо. It's very big. It's too big. Том току-що се върна от Бостън. Tom just got back from Boston. Tom just got back from Boston. Попитай пак по-късно. Ask again later. Ask again later. Той ми е по-голям брат. He's my older brother. He's my older brother. Тя стана известна. She became famous. She's become famous. Тя отказа поканата му. She turned down his invitation. She refused his invitation. Ние се молим за мир. We pray for peace. We pray for peace. Мисля, че ще ти бъде много интересно. I think you'll find it very interesting. I think you'll find it very interesting. Не съм те обиждал на "глупак". I didn't call you stupid. I didn't insult you at "dumb." Той и аз сме приятели. He and I are friends. He and I are friends. Нашият най-добър приятел е лекар. Our best friend is a doctor. Our best friend is a doctor. Има нещо в Том, което ме изнервя. There's something about Tom that gets on my nerves. There's something about Tom that makes me nervous. И двамата родители на Том са били преподаватели. Both of Tom's parents were teachers. Both Tom's parents were professors. Не играйте бейзбол тук. Don't play baseball here. Don't play baseball here. Том далече от тук ли живее? Does Tom live far from here? Does Tom live far from here? Лошото време не ми позволи да тръгна. The bad weather's preventing me from leaving. Bad weather wouldn't let me leave. Тя е мило момиче. She is a kind girl. She's a nice girl. Боб е приятен човек. Bob is a nice person. Bob's a nice guy. Изглежда, че той е щастлив. It seems that he's happy. Looks like he's happy. Излезли са ми пришки по краката. I've got blisters on my feet. I've got blisters on my legs. Защо това е толкова смешно? Why is this funny? Why is that so funny? Следвай моя пример и си вземи чаша вино. Be like me and have a glass of wine. Follow my example and get yourself a glass of wine. Ти ли си Джон? Are you John? Are you John? Забранявам пушенето в моята стая. I forbid smoking in my room. I forbid smoking in my room. Трябва да разбера Том кога смята да тръгва. I have to find out when Tom plans to leave. I need to know when Tom plans to leave. Тя прочете писмото. She finished reading the letter. She read the letter. Никога през живота си нищо не съм откраднал. I've never stolen anything in my life. I've never stolen anything in my life. Той стреля в мен. He shot at me. He shot me. Кучетата са разрешени. Dogs are permitted. Dogs are allowed. Всеки мисли за промяна на света,но никой не мисли за промяна на самият себе си. Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. Everyone thinks about changing the world, but no one thinks about changing themselves. Тя иска да се разведе. She wants a divorce. She wants to get a divorce. Ти трябва да учиш усърдно. You must study hard. You have to study hard. Вие приехте ли поканата му? Did you accept his invitation? Did you accept his invitation? Ако не искаш да бъдеш сам, мога да ти правя компания. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. Чух изстрели. I heard shots being fired. I heard gunshots. Нямах намерение да те поставям в неудобно положение. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I didn't mean to embarrass you. За кого преведе това? Who did you translate this for? Who did you translate this for? Щом има желание, има и начин. Where there's a will, there's a way. If there's a desire, there's a way. Мисля, че Том направи голяма грешка. I think Tom made a big mistake. I think Tom made a big mistake. Ако се отпуснеш и си починеш, ще се почувстваш много по-добре. If you sit back and rest, you will feel much better. If you relax and relax, you'll feel much better. Приключи ли със закуската? Are you through with your breakfast? Are you done with breakfast? Имам няколко стари компютъра. I have several old computers. I've got some old computers. Том се зачуди къде ли е прекарала детството си Мери. Tom wondered where Mary had spent her childhood. Tom wondered where Mary spent her childhood. Идваш ли, или не? Are you coming or not? Are you coming or not? Говориш ли грузински? Do you speak Georgian? Do you speak Georgian? И Том, и Мери извадиха оръжията си. Tom and Mary both drew their guns. Both Tom and Mary pulled their weapons. Котките сънуват ли? Do cats dream? Do cats dream? Познаваш ли това момиче? Do you know this girl? Do you know this girl? Ще ти се обадя утре сутринта. I'll call you tomorrow morning. I'll call you tomorrow morning. Това е хотелът, в който Том обикновено отсяда. This is the hotel where Tom usually stays. This is the hotel Tom usually stays at. Том се потеше. Tom was sweating. Tom was sweating. По-добре да не ходиш. You'd better not go. You'd better not go. Аз знам какво искам. Просто още не съм го открила. I know what I want. I just haven't found it yet. I know what I want, I just haven't found it yet. Да отидем да я питаме. Let's go and ask her. Let's go ask her. Обикновено разговаряме на френски. We usually speak to each other in French. We usually speak French. Бих искала блуза, която да подхожда на това сако. I would like to get a blouse to go with this blazer. I'd like a blouse that fits that jacket. Нямам идея какво каза Том. I have no idea what Tom said. I have no idea what Tom said. Той е един вид звезда. He is something of a celebrity. He's kind of a star. Помислих си, че може Том да ти е гадже. I thought Tom might be your boyfriend. I thought maybe Tom was your boyfriend. Винаги се оплаквате. You are always complaining. You're always complaining. Млякото е вкиснало. The milk has gone bad. The milk's sour. Вторият урок е много лесен. The second lesson is very easy. The second lesson is very easy. Обожавам името ти. I love your name. I love your name. Ние трябва да защитим нашите деца. We must protect our children. We have to protect our children. Ще си остана вкъщи. I'll stay home. I'm gonna stay home. Вземи един от тези. Take one of these. Take one of these. Каква е връзката ви с него? What's your relation with him? What's your relationship with him? Дяволския обичай трябва да бъде забравен. This evil custom must be abolished. Devil's custom must be forgotten. Брат ми каза, че не страхува от тъмното. My brother says he isn't afraid of the dark. My brother said he wasn't afraid of the dark. Том наистина го мразя. I really do hate Tom. Tom, I really hate him. Проблемът беше, че нямах какво да му кажа. The problem was that I had nothing to say to him. The problem was, I didn't have anything to say to him. Мисля, че Том наистина се забавляваше. I think Tom really enjoyed himself. I think Tom was really enjoying himself. Аз не бих го направила. I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't do that. Защо не си свалите палтото? Why not take your coat off? Why don't you take off your coat? Хайде да си поговорим сериозно за твоето бъдеще. Let's have a serious talk about your future. Let's have a serious talk about your future. И аз имам да направя няколко обаждания. I had some calls to make, too. I've got some calls to make, too. Каквото ще да става, ще ги накараме да говорят. We'll get them to talk no matter what it takes. Whatever happens, we'll make them talk. Бихте ли били така любезен да затворите онзи прозорец? Would you be so kind as to shut that window? Would you be so kind as to close that window? Старата двойка тръгна на пътешествие около света. The old couple embarked on a tour around the world. The old couple went on a journey around the world. Когато се събудих, вкъщи нямаше никой, и бях изоставен през целия ден. When I woke up, no-one was at home, and I was abandoned all day. When I woke up, no one was home, and I was abandoned all day. Математиката ми е любимият предмет. Mathematics is my favorite subject. Math is my favorite subject. Кой ден почиваш обикновено? At what day are you off, usually? What day do you usually take off? Том се върна да си вземе палтото. Tom went back inside to get his coat. Tom came back to get his coat. По-добре да отида да видя какво е открил Том. I'd better go see what Tom found out. I'd better go see what Tom found. Том се върна вкъщи целят покрит с кал. Tom came back home covered in mud. Tom's back home. They're all covered in mud. Опитвали ли сте всъщност? Have you actually ever tried it? Have you actually tried? Буря попречи на самолета да излети. A storm prevented the plane from taking off. Storm stopped the plane from taking off. Кажи ми, че имаш добри новини. Tell me you've got good news. Tell me you have good news. Кой браузър използваш? What browser are you using? Which browser are you using? Помня какво беше казал той. I remember what he said. I remember what he said. Каква е минималната заплата в твоята страна? What's the minimum salary in your country? What's the minimum wage in your country? Мисля, че трябва да си помислите отново. I think you should reconsider that. I think you should think again. Много ми липсваше. I've really missed you. I missed you so much. Какъв четец ще си вземеш - Kindle, Nook или Kobo? Will you buy a Kindle, a Nook or a Kobo eReader? What kind of reader are you gonna get, Kindle, Nook or Kobo? Тази книга твоя ли е, Майк? Is this your book, Mike? Is this your book, Mike? По принцип бягам всяка суртрин. I make it a rule to jog every morning. I usually run away every morning. Звънецът звъни в осем часа. The bell rings at eight. The bell rings at eight o'clock. Г-н Смит е обвинен в пропуск в договора. Mr Smith is accused of breach of contract. Mr. Smith is charged with a breach of contract. Кен бяга по-бързо от теб. Ken runs faster than you. Ken's running faster than you. Те си поговориха. They've had a talk. They've been talking. Спи ли ти се, скъпа? Are you sleepy, honey? Do you want to sleep, honey? Тя роди близначки. She gave birth to twin girls. She gave birth to twins. Пет галона нормален, ако обичате. Five gallons of regular, please. Five gallons normal, please. Не съм бил тук много. I haven't been around much. I haven't been here much. Пази се. Take care of yourself. Take care of yourself. Това е много голямо. That's very big. That's very big. Мисля, че ще бъдеш изненадана. I think you'd be surprised. I think you'd be surprised. Говориш ли немски език? Do you speak German? Do you speak German? Сложи си халат. Put on a robe. Put on a robe. Купих няколко книги от книжарницата. I bought a few books from the bookstore. I bought some books from the bookstore. Бъди обичан. Be loved. Be loved. Вчера стана ужасна злополука. An awful accident happened yesterday. There was a terrible accident yesterday. Той отговори правилно на въпросите. He gave correct answers to the questions. He answered the questions correctly. Слагай си туристическите обувки и не губи време. Put on your hiking shoes and don't let any time be lost. Put on your hiking shoes and don't waste time. Защо си дошъл толкова рано? Why did you come this early? Why are you here so early? Ако се съди по страхотния ти тен, изглежда си прекарала по-голямата част от ваканцията си на плажа. Judging by that great tan, it looks like you spent most of your vacation on the beach. Judging by your great tan, it looks like you spent most of your vacation on the beach. Вероятно утре ще вали сняг. Probably it will snow tomorrow. It's probably snowing tomorrow. Нямам си на идея кой е Том. I have no idea who Tom is. I have no idea who Tom is. Лаура може да е била болна. Laura may have been sick. Laura could have been sick. Том знае какво всъщност се случва. Tom knows what's really going on. Tom knows what's really going on. Том може да се възпротиви. Tom might object. Tom can resist. Тя беше перфектна. She was perfect. She was perfect. Трябва да продължа да се опитвам. I have to keep trying. I have to keep trying. Преди в този район имаше музей на изкуствата. There used to be an art museum in this neighborhood. There used to be an art museum in this area. Помислих си, че може чувствата ти да са се променили. I thought you might have a change of heart. I thought maybe your feelings had changed. Рано или късно късметът му ще свърши. He'll run out of luck sooner or later. Sooner or later, his luck will run out. Излгежда, че тази нощ ще вали. It looks like it is going to rain tonight. Looks like it's gonna rain tonight. Ан няма никакви сестри. Ann doesn't have any sisters. Anne doesn't have any sisters. Наистина ли е толкова трудно да се говори на френски? Is it really that hard to speak French? Is it really that hard to speak French? Кога беше последният път, когато пътува с влак? When was the last time you travelled by train? When was the last time you took a train? Том също го видя. Tom saw it, too. Tom saw it, too. Не се опитвам да те притисна. I'm not trying to pressure you. I'm not trying to push you. Тичаш. You run. You're running. Не стой в леглото, освен ако не можеш да изкарваш пари от леглото. Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed. Don't stay in bed unless you can make money out of bed. Том трябва да направи това сега. Tom has to do that now. Tom has to do this now. Бих могла да те направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Скъпа моя, ако яденето не е готово до седем часа, ще отида на ресторант. My love, if the food isn't ready by seven o'clock, I'm going to go to the restaurant. My dear, if the meal is not ready by seven o'clock, I'll go to a restaurant. Той ме остави да чакам дълго. He kept me waiting for a long time. He left me waiting a long time. Сега веднага ще отида. I'll go right now. I'll go right now. Накараха ни да работим цяла нощ. They made us work all night. They made us work all night. Той много харесва английския. He likes English very much. He likes English very much. Разбрах за твоето парти. I heard about your party. I heard about your party. Трябва да си променят нагласата. They need to change their mindset. They need to change their attitude. Искаш ли да повторя въпроса? Do you wish me to repeat the question? Do you want me to repeat the question? Книгата е интересна. The book is intresting. It's an interesting book. Тя беше млада. She was young. She was young. Крият се в гардероба. They're hiding in the closet. They're hiding in the closet. Каква е минималната заплата в Русия? What's the minimum salary in Russia? What's the minimum wage in Russia? Той я обича. He loves her. He loves her. Опитай се да разбереш кога тръгва влакът. Try and find out when the train leaves. Try to figure out when the train leaves. Трябва да се занимаваш с френски по-сериозно. You should study French harder. You need to deal with French more seriously. Искам да отида там още веднъж. I want to go there once more. I want to go there one more time. Голяма глупост е от твоя страна да кажеш такова нещо. You are foolish to say such a thing. It's so stupid of you to say such a thing. Те трябва да платят предварително. They have to pay in advance. They have to pay in advance. Обичаш ли музиката? Do you love music? Do you like music? Той е роден и израснал в Токио. He was born and raised in Tokyo. He was born and raised in Tokyo. Правя се, че работя. I pretended to work. I'm pretending to be working. Тя изчака докато водата заври преди да направи чай с нея. She waited until the water boiled before making the tea with it. She waited until the water boiled before making tea with her. Мисля, че Том говори френски добре. I think Tom speaks French well. I think Tom speaks French well. Том трябва да си отиде. Tom has to go. Tom has to go. Той беше много търпелив. He was very patient. He was very patient. Не е никак вероятно те да дойдат в този късен час. They are hardly likely to come at this late hour. They're not likely to come at this late hour. Учителят твърдеше, че за три месеца ще направи така, че всички да проговорим френски без запъване. The teacher claimed that he'd have us all speaking fluent French in three months. The teacher claimed that in three months he would make sure that we all spoke French without stumbling. Вчера хванах три риби. I caught three fish yesterday. I caught three fish yesterday. Той ходи там всеки ден. He goes there every day. He goes there every day. Станала е катастрофа. There's been an accident. There's been an accident. Някога чувал ли си някой да говори на френски? Have you ever heard someone speaking in French? Have you ever heard anyone speak French? И никому нито дума за това, което ти казах. Don't breathe a word of what I've told you to anyone. And not a word about what I told you. Искаме да наемем апартамент в града. We want to rent an apartment in the city. We want to rent an apartment in town. Мисля, че трябва да дойдеш тук долу. I think you should come down here. I think you should come down here. Пристигнахме вчера следобед с влака. We arrived yesterday afternoon by train. We arrived yesterday afternoon on the train. Том си тръгна, но Мери е още тук. Tom has left, but Mary is still here. Tom's gone, but Mary's still here. Избери си любимата ракета. Choose your favorite racket. Pick your favorite rocket. Ще те черпя със суши. I'll treat you to sushi. I'll buy you sushi. Хайде толкова за днес. Let's call it a day. All right, that's it for today. Брат ми твърди, че не се страхува от тъмното. My brother says he isn't afraid of the dark. My brother says he's not afraid of the dark. Спаси човек. Изяж канибал. Save a human. Eat a cannibal. Save a man, eat a cannibal. Всичко изглежда наред. Everything seems fine. Everything seems to be fine. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да ти помогна? Are you sure you don't want me to help you out? Are you sure you don't want me to help you? Том говори френски ужасно. Tom is terrible at speaking French. Tom speaks terrible French. Не приемате ли кредитни карти? You don't accept credit cards? Don't you take credit cards? Том пие вода. Tom is drinking water. Tom's drinking water. Той предложи ли ти? Did he propose to you? Did he propose to you? Искаш ли да ти помогна. Do you want me to help you? You want me to help you? Не трябва да ходите. You shouldn't go. You don't have to go. Моля те, дай ми един плик. Please give me an envelope. Please give me an envelope. От какво се страхува Том? What's Tom afraid of? What's Tom afraid of? Вие винаги пеете. You always sing. You always sing. Напълно забравих за Том. I completely forgot about Tom. I completely forgot about Tom. Не бих била толкова сигурна. I wouldn't be so sure of that. I wouldn't be so sure. Баща ми беше на път да си тръгне, когато телефонът иззвъня. My father was about to leave when the phone rang. My father was about to leave when the phone rang. Той питаше за теб. He asked after you. He was asking about you. Кен никога не е ходил в Киото. Ken has never visited Kyoto. Ken never went to Kyoto. Мъглата му пречеше да вижда надалеч. He couldn't see very far because of the fog. His fog kept him from seeing far away. Ан е мажоретка. Ann is a cheerleader. Anne's a cheerleader. Опитвам се да науча английски. I'm trying to learn English. I'm trying to learn English. Том отиде до пощата да изпрати едно писмо. Tom went to the post office to mail a letter. Tom went to the post office to send a letter. Погледни внимателно картата на стената. Look at the map on the wall carefully. Look closely at the map on the wall. Може и да не е достатъчно. It might not be enough. It might not be enough. Повече не ми изпращай бележки. Don't send me notes anymore. Don't send me any more notes. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш ти да караш? Are you sure you don't want to drive? Are you sure you don't want to drive? Мисля, че ще ви бъде много интересно. I think you'll find it very interesting. I think you'll find it very interesting. Не съм те виждал почти три години. I haven't seen you in almost three years. I haven't seen you in almost three years. Не съм си взимал душ от три дена. I haven't taken a shower in three days. I haven't showered in three days. Загубила съм форма. I'm out of shape. I'm out of shape. Донеси ми един стол, моля. Get me a chair, please. Bring me a chair, please. Не беше глупава идея. It wasn't a stupid idea. It wasn't a stupid idea. Може би ще си по-щастлива на друга работа. Perhaps you would be happier in another job. Maybe you'll be happier at another job. Твоята риза ми харесва. I like your shirt. I like your shirt. Това е много важно. This is a matter of great importance. This is very important. Благодаря ви за свършената работа. Thanks for all your hard work. Thank you for your work. Карайте направо по пътя и като подминете светофара, сте там. Go straight down the road, and when you pass the traffic light you're there. Drive straight down the road, and when you pass the light, you're there. Постъпи както искаш. Do as you like. Do what you want. Някои хора със сигурност биха попитали, защо просто не си съберем нещата и не се изтеглим от Афганистан? Some people are sure to ask, why don't we just pack up and leave Afghanistan? Some people would certainly ask, why don't we just pack up and get out of Afghanistan? Събуйте си чорапите, ако обичате. Take off your socks, please. Take off your socks, please. Не хабя амуниции. I don't waste ammunition. I don't waste ammunition. Бих искал да получа Ваша снимка. I would like your picture. I'd like to get a picture of you. Моля те, прибери го. Please take this away. Please put it away. "Каква марка е колата ти?" "Форд е." "What make is your car?" "It is a Ford." "What brand is your car?" "It's Ford." Опитах се да бъда твоя приятелка. I've tried to be your friend. I tried to be your friend. Вторият братовчед на жена му беше член на еврейския управителен съвет. His wife's second cousin was a member of the Jewish ruling council. His wife’s second cousin was a member of the Jewish Board of Governors. Би ли ми помогнала да преведа това? Would you please help me translate this? Can you help me translate this? Америка има врагове. America has enemies. America has enemies. Ти виждал ли си Том? Have you seen Tom? Have you seen Tom? Ние ще се върнем. We'll come back. We'll be back. Върни ми я! Give it back! Give it back! Поздрави Джими от мене. Say hello to Jimmy. Say hi to Jimmy for me. Не съм говорила с Том от три седмици. I haven't spoken to Tom in three weeks. I haven't talked to Tom in three weeks. Престани да хленчиш. Stop whimpering. Stop whining. Знам какво прави Том тук. I know what Tom is doing here. I know what Tom's doing here. Познавам човек, който говори френски добре. I know someone who speaks French well. I know a man who speaks French well. Мисля, че сгрешихте. I think you were wrong. I think you were wrong. Не му пречеше да стои буден цяла нощ. He thinks nothing of staying up all night. He didn't mind staying up all night. Вие вероятно вече знаете за нашата компания. You probably already know about our company. You probably already know about our company. Мисля, че зададе достатъчно въпроси. I think you've asked enough questions. I think you've asked enough questions. На Том не му трябва да знае това. Tom doesn't need to know that. Tom doesn't need to know that. Някои хора имат непоносимост към пътуване по море. Some people cannot bear traveling by sea. Some people are intolerant to sea travel. Самолетът ми отлита в шест часа. My plane leaves at six o'clock. My plane leaves at six o'clock. Не познавам нито едно от момчетата. I don't know either boy. I don't know any of the guys. Готови сме да тръгваме. We're ready to leave. We're ready to go. Това е улика. This is evidence. It's evidence. Наистина е много вкусно. It tastes really good. It's really good. Докато съм жив аз, ти няма да бъдеш лишен от нищо. You shall want for nothing as long as I live. As long as I live, you won't be deprived of anything. Мария ни показа домът им. Maria showed us their home. Maria showed us their home. Чух стъпки, но не видях никого. I heard footsteps, but I didn't see anyone. I heard footsteps, but I didn't see anyone. Това наш проблем ли е? Is that our problem? Is that our problem? Той ѝ даде един лист. He gave her a piece of paper. He gave her a sheet. Чичо ми даде колата си на мен. My uncle yielded his car to me. My uncle gave his car to me. Наистина оценявам това. I really appreciate this. I really appreciate that. Том си сложи каската. Tom put on his helmet. Tom put his helmet on. Никога не съм виждал нещо такова. I've never seen one like that. I've never seen anything like it. Имам мнение. I have an opinion. I have an opinion. Сам го направих. I did it myself. I made it myself. Казвам се Емили. My name is Emily. My name is Emily. Нищо друго не свърши работа. Nothing else has worked. Nothing else worked. Трябва да се обличам. I have to get dressed. I have to get dressed. Мисля, че не разбирате най-важното. I think you're missing the point. I don't think you understand the most important thing. Това все още не съм го проумяла. I haven't really figured that out yet. I haven't figured that out yet. Трябва да говоря с Том. I have to speak with Tom. I need to talk to Tom. Миналата нощ играта беше вълнуваща. The game was exciting last night. Last night the game was exciting. Широките якета са последния писък на модата. Loose jackets are the latest fad. Wide jackets are the latest scream of fashion. Не се губи. Don't get lost. Don't get lost. С малко добра воля от двете страни нашите проблеми би трябвало да могат да бъдат разрешени. With a bit of good will on both sides, our problems should be able to be resolved. With a little goodwill on both sides, our problems should be able to be solved. Нямам много пари. I don't have much money. I don't have much money. Тя бързо се изкачи по стълбите. She quickly went up the stairs. She quickly climbed the stairs. Къщата, в която преди живеехме, е съборена. The house we used to live in was torn down. The house we used to live in was destroyed. Другата неделя ще се женя. I'm getting married next Sunday. I'm getting married next Sunday. Цените ще продължат да се покачват. Prices will continue to rise. Prices will continue to rise. Ние учим френски заедно. We study French together. We're learning French together. В гимназията френският ми беше любимият предмет. In high school, French was my favorite subject. In high school, French was my favorite subject. Би ли извикал Том? Could you call Tom? Can you get Tom for me? Никой не знае обича ли я той, или не. No one knows if he loves her or not. No one knows if he loves her or not. Свалете ме от тази страна на светофара, ако обичате. Please let me off on this side of that traffic light. Get me off this side of the light, please. Мисля, че Том се крие от Мери. I think Tom is hiding from Mary. I think Tom's hiding from Mary. А, бях болен. Oh, I was ill. Ah, I was sick. Покажете ни го. Show it to us. Show it to us. Защо не се смееш? Why aren't you laughing? Why aren't you laughing? Някога поздравявал ли си Pfirsichbäumchen на немски? Have you ever greeted Pfirsichbäumchen in German? Have you ever congratulated Pfirsichbäumchen in German? Стана произшествие. There's been an accident. There's been an accident. Никога не бих ги наранила. I'd never hurt them. I would never hurt them. Знам за това изследване. I know about that research. I know about this research. Няма ли да е хубаво? Wouldn't that be nice? Wouldn't that be nice? Аз не знам френски, а пък гръцки - съвсем. I don't know French, much less Greek. I don't know French. I know Greek. Той даде да се разбере, че е против плана. He made it clear that he was against the plan. He made it clear he was against the plan. Тя може да скача високо. She can jump high. She can jump high. Защо толкова ми се спи? Why am I so sleepy? Why do I need to sleep so much? Тя отговори през сълзи. She answered in tears. She responded through tears. Кога ще тръгвате? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Ханако е израсла по-висока от майка си. Hanako grew taller than her mother. Hanako grew taller than her mother. Това е съвсем различно. This is completely different. This is completely different. Слонът е сив. The elephant is grey. The elephant is gray. Уча френски вкъщи. I study French at home. I'm learning French at home. Не вдигайте толкова шум, моля ви. Don't be so noisy, please. Don't make so much noise, please. Някой от вас виждал ли е Том някога? Have any of you ever met Tom? Have either of you ever seen Tom? Ще отида сама. I'll go by myself. I'll go alone. Той е по-силен от теб. He's stronger than you. He's stronger than you. Аз съм опасна. I'm dangerous. I'm dangerous. Покажете ми този списък. Show me that list. Show me that list. Това е всичко, което трябва да направи Том. This is all Tom has to do. That's all Tom has to do. Синът ни се жени и искаме да понаправим главите. Our son is getting married and we want to get a bit drunk. Our son is getting married, and we want to make heads. Не ходи в онази сграда. Don't go in that building. Don't go in that building. Защо Том не е на училище? Why isn't Tom at school? Why isn't Tom at school? Ще го ядеш ли това кексче? Are you going to eat that cupcake? Are you gonna eat that cupcake? Работих усърдно през последния месец. I worked hard last month. I've been working hard for the last month. Знаех си, че той ще приеме. I knew he would accept. I knew he'd take it. Не напускайте града. Don't leave town. Don't leave town. Чух Том и Мери да си говорят. I overheard Tom and Mary talking. I heard Tom and Mary talking. Ние се запознахме в Лондон. We got to know each other in London. We met in London. Имаш ли някакво вино? Do you have some wine? Do you have any wine? Това може да се окаже малко натоварващо. This could be a little tough. This could be a bit of a burden. Изглежда, че водата ни е на свършване. It looks like we're running out of water. Looks like we're running out of water. Вземи каквото си харесаш. Take anything you like. Take whatever you like. Трябва да кажа на Том. I have to tell Tom. I have to tell Tom. Това беше много лично. That's very personal. That was very personal. И двамата ли разбират френски? Do they both understand French? Do they both understand French? Нещо бе взето. Something was taken. Something's been taken. Зеленото подхожда на Алис. Green suits Alice. Green suits Alice. Боклукът ни се събира три пъти седмично. Our garbage is collected three times a week. Our garbage gathers three times a week. Те хванаха лисицата в капан. They trapped the fox. They've got the fox trapped. Подранили сте. You are early. You're early. Обичаш децата, нали? You love children, don't you? You love kids, don't you? Чувствах се изолирана. I felt isolated. I felt isolated. Какво искате? What do you want? What do you want? Тъжен съм. I'm sad. I'm sad. Те закъсняха заради бурята. They arrived late because of the storm. They're late because of the storm. Предполагам, че няма да е проблем. I'm assuming it won't be a problem. I guess that won't be a problem. Говори по-бавно, ако обичаш. Please speak more slowly. Speak slowly, please. "Къде живееш?" "Аз живея в Токио." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." Зает съм в момента. I'm busy at the moment. I'm busy right now. Чувствам се много зле. I feel very sick. I feel really bad. Били сме войници. We had been soldiers. We were soldiers. Трудът не е само необходимост, но и удоволствие. Labor is not merely a necessity but a pleasure. Work isn't just a necessity, it's also a pleasure. Трябва да сме внимателни. We have to be careful. We have to be careful. Вече е единайсет. It is already eleven. It's eleven. Всеки ден тичам. I run every day. I run every day. Мисля, че това там е Том. I think that's Tom over there. I think that's Tom over there. Как беше последният уикенд, Нанси? How was last weekend, Nancy? How was your last weekend, Nancy? Френски ли учиш? Are you studying French? Are you studying French? Ще ви се обадя утре сутринта. I will call you tomorrow morning. I'll call you tomorrow morning. Не съм неразумна. I'm not being unreasonable. I'm not being unreasonable. Трябва да докладвам това. I have to report this. I have to report this. Никога не съм се гордяла толкова с Том. I've never been so proud of Tom. I've never been so proud of Tom. Трябва да използваш дезодорант. You should use a deodorant. You need to use deodorant. Когато се изправя ми се вие свят. I get dizzy spells when I stand up. When I get up, I get dizzy. Всъщност аз не съм сигурен кой е Том. Actually, I'm not sure who Tom is. Actually, I'm not sure who Tom is. Има някои неща, за които трябва да се погрижа. I have some things to take care of. There are some things I have to take care of. Никога не подлагам на съмнение неговата честност. I would never question his honesty. I never question his honesty. Не ме гледай така. Don't look at me that way. Don't look at me like that. Няма да учствам в това. I won't be a party to this. I'm not gonna be a part of this. Не изглеждаш твърде изненадана. You don't look too surprised. You don't seem too surprised. Това е предупреждение, което трябва да вземем на сериозно. This is a warning that we must take seriously. This is a warning we need to take seriously. Какво казва лисицата? What does the fox say? What does the fox say? Бихме искали да ядем. Можете ли да ни обслужите бързо? Трябва да сме тръгнали до един и половина. We would like to eat. Could you serve us expressly? We need to be on our way before half past one. We'd like to eat, can you serve us quickly? Да си вземем саке. Let's have sake. Let's get some sake. Кажи ми виц. Tell me a joke. Tell me a joke. Том се упражнява да говори френски при всяка възможност. Tom practices speaking French every chance he gets. Tom is practicing to speak French at every opportunity. Виждал съм Том да прави невероятни неща. I've seen Tom do some amazing things. I've seen Tom do amazing things. Ябълките са червени. Apples are red. The apples are red. Имаш хубави ръце. You have beautiful hands. You've got nice hands. Хората като цяло са срещу войната. The people at large are against war. People in general are against the war. Косата ти има нужда от подстригване. Your hair needs cutting. Your hair needs a haircut. По-добре съм. I'm getting better. I'm better. Том не се е срещал с мене преди. Tom has never met me before. Tom's never met me before. Може ли да видя шофьорската Ви книжка? Could I see your driver's license? May I see your driver's license? Това никога няма да свърши. This is never going to end. This will never end. Том ми преподава френски два пъти седмично. Tom teaches me French twice a week. Tom teaches me French twice a week. Защо просто не ни кажеш какво те тормози? Why don't you just tell us what's on your mind? Why don't you just tell us what's bothering you? Може би разполагат с нещо. Maybe they have something. Maybe they have something. Аз бих могъл да Ви направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Кой зъб те боли? Which tooth hurts? What tooth hurts? Ние учим френски. We study French. We're learning French. Какво Ви кара да мислите така? What makes you think so? What makes you think that? Ти си седнала на моето място. You're sitting in my seat. You're sitting in my seat. Ние знаем кой си ти. We know who you are. We know who you are. Обичаш ли черни котки? Do you like black cats? Do you like black cats? В училище учим френски всеки ден. We study French at school every day. We learn French every day at school. Вярвате ли в чудеса? Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in miracles? Мисля, че ще бъдеш приятно изненадан. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. I think you'd be pleasantly surprised. Том изглежда самотен. Tom looks lonely. Tom seems lonely. Нека ти разкажа нещо за себе си. Let me tell you something about myself. Let me tell you something about myself. Не съм виждала Том, откакто бях тринайсетгодишна. I haven't seen Tom since I was thirteen. I haven't seen Tom since I was 13. Нейното хоби е да събира пощенски марки. Her hobby is collecting stamps. Her hobby is to collect stamps. Аз нямам нищо. I don't have anything. I don't have anything. Някога боядисвали ли сте тази къща? Have you ever painted this house? Have you ever painted this house? Ако се очакваше от нас да говорим повече, отколкото да слушаме, щяха да ни бъдат дадени по две усти и едно ухо. If we were supposed to talk more than listen, we would have been given two mouths and one ear. If we were supposed to talk more than we were supposed to, we'd be given two mouths and one ear. Недейте да играете бейзбол тук. Don't play baseball here. Don't play baseball here. Държа ти палтото. I have your coat. I've got your coat. Миналата нощ си изкарахме страхотно. We had a very good time last night. We had a great time last night. Аз ще карам до Детройт. I'll drive to Detroit. I'll drive to Detroit. Няма да повярваш колко популярен е станал Том. You won't believe how popular Tom has become. You wouldn't believe how popular Tom has become. Донаправи ли го? Have you finished it? Did Donna do it? Баща ми често ме води на бейзболни мачове. My father often takes me to baseball games. My dad often takes me to baseball games. Вие братя ли сте? Are you brothers? Are you brothers? Чувствах се много некомфортно, понеже не говорех френски. I was ill at ease because I didn't speak French. I felt very uncomfortable because I didn't speak French. Приятелката на Том заплаши, че ще го напусне. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Да не те е страх от нещо? Are you afraid of something? Are you afraid of something? За него не се знаеше нищо, откакто беше заминал за Америка. Nothing has been heard from him since he left for America. He hasn't been heard from since he left for America. Сега ще трябва да се оправям с това. I have to deal with this now. Now I'm gonna have to deal with this. Мушнах си ръцете в джобовете . I shoved my hands into my pockets. I put my hands in my pockets. Никога не бих ги наранил. I'd never hurt them. I would never hurt them. Как се казва синът ти? What's your son's name? What's your son's name? Никога не съм те виждал толкова нервна. I've never seen you so nervous. I've never seen you so nervous. Той е станал голям музикант. He became a great musician. He's become a great musician. Разчитам на теб. I am counting on you. I'm counting on you. Не си ли нервен? Aren't you nervous? Aren't you nervous? Чувала ли си се скоро със сестра си? Have you heard from your sister lately? Have you heard from your sister lately? Всички са гладни. Everybody's hungry. Everyone's hungry. Тя слезе по стълбите. She went down the stairs. She went down the stairs. Бях сам, учех. I was alone, studying. I was alone, studying. Не съм казвал на Том. I haven't told Tom. I didn't tell Tom. Мисля, че още си влюбен в Том. I think you still love Tom. I think you're still in love with Tom. Мисля, че е по-добре да седнете. I think you'd better sit down. I think you'd better sit down. Нашите продажби спадат. Our sales are decreasing. Our sales are falling. Видях Боб тази сутрин. I saw Bob this morning. I saw Bob this morning. Донесете ми нещо за ядене. Bring me something to eat. Get me something to eat. Ако не сте платили поради недоглеждане, моля изпратете дължимата сума и ни позволете да отстраним проблема незабавно. If an oversight is the reason why you have not paid, please send us the amount due, and let us solve the problem immediately. If you have not paid for oversight, please send the amount due and allow us to remedy the problem immediately. Тук мирише на тоалетна. It smells like a toilet in here. It smells like a toilet in here. Тук съм на почивка. I'm here on vacation. I'm here on vacation. Изглежда, че си сама. It looks like you're on your own. Looks like you're on your own. Въпроса се разглежда. The matter is now under consideration. It's a matter of consideration. Том беше спасен от един случаен минувач. Tom was rescued by a passer-by. Tom was rescued by a random passerby. Кметството е в центъра на града. The city hall is in the center of the city. City hall's in the middle of town. Те не са гладни. They're not hungry. They're not hungry. Извикайте ме, ако имате нужда от мене. Call me if you need me. Call me if you need me. Дайте да сменим темата. Let's change the subject. Let's change the subject. Барът е пълен с хора. The bar is crowded. The bar is full of people. Ужасно съм гладна. I'm terribly hungry. I'm terribly hungry. Много любезно от твоя страна да се отклониш от пътя си, за да ми помогнеш. It is kind of you go out of your way to help me. It's very kind of you to get out of your way to help me. Том реши, че историята на Мери е интересна. Tom found Mary's story interesting. Tom thought Mary's story was interesting. Какво ще кажеш да спрем колата и да си починем? How about stopping the car and taking a rest? What do you say we stop the car and get some rest? Том живее в същата част на града, в която живее Мери. Tom lives in the same part of town as Mary does. Tom lives in the same part of town that Mary lives in. Сега е малко след единадесет без четвърт. It is a little after a quarter to eleven. Now it's a little after 11 without a quarter. И двете произношения са правилни. Both pronunciations are correct. Both pronunciations are correct. Досега не бях виждал затъмнение. I've never seen an eclipse before. I've never seen an eclipse before. Трябва да се обадим на полицията. We should call the police. We need to call the police. Имам информация за Том. I've got some information for Tom. I have information about Tom. Сигурен съм, че тази книга никога не е била превеждана на френски. I'm pretty sure this book has never been translated into French. I'm sure this book has never been translated into French. Ще се видим пак. I'll be seeing you. I'll see you around. Ще го опитам пак. I will try it again. I'll try it again. Тази нощ никой не можеше да спи. No one could sleep that night. No one could sleep that night. Рунда продължи около пет минути. A bout lasts about five minutes. The runda lasted about five minutes. Той обикаляше страната. He traveled around the country. He was all over the country. Сумата на всички ъгли в триъгълника е 180 градуса. The sum of all the angles in a triangle equals 180 degrees. The sum of all angles in the triangle is 180 degrees. Работя с Том от дълго време. I've worked with Tom a long time. I've been working with Tom for a long time. Мери може да говори японски. Mary can speak Japanese. Mary can speak Japanese. Трябва да се обадя на Том. I have to call Tom. I need to call Tom. Днес е малко студено. It's a little cold today. It's a little cold today. Ще ви съдя. I'll sue you. I'll sue you. Сигурнa съм, че сте много заети. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Кой пусна кучетата? Who let the dogs out? Who let the dogs in? Не се чувствам болен. I don't feel sick. I don't feel sick. Аз дори не мога да чета френски, а какво остава да го говоря. I can't even read French, much less speak it. I can't even read French. I can't even speak French. Ще дам всичко от себе си. I will do my best. I'll do my best. Ще дойда с Том. I'll come with Tom. I'll go with Tom. Майк плува много добре. Mike swims very well. Mike swims very well. Бъдете внимателни! Be careful! Be careful! Искам лодка, която ще ме отведе надалеч от тук. I want a boat that'll take me far away from here. I want a boat that will take me away from here. Да поговорим. Let's talk. Let's talk. Диамантите са най-добрите приятели на момичето. Diamonds are a girl's best friends. Diamonds are the girl's best friends. Още когато е бил млад, родителите му починали, затова го е отгледал чичо му. Because his parents had died when he was young, his uncle brought him up. When he was young, his parents died, so his uncle raised him. Виждал съм Том да прави невъзможното. I've seen Tom do some pretty remarkable things. I've seen Tom do the impossible. Трябва да го предупредя. I have to warn him. I have to warn him. Къде е гарата? Where is the station? Where's the station? Не изхвърляй нищо. Don't throw anything away. Don't throw anything away. Какво става там горе? What's going on up there? What's going on up there? Кучето не можеше да лае. The dog couldn't bark. The dog couldn't bark. Безопасно ли е? Are we safe? Is it safe? Той спи като бебе. He's sleeping like a baby. He sleeps like a baby. Никога не си споменавал колко е красива сестра ти. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister is. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister was. Ще следвам вашите указания. I'll follow your instructions. I'll follow your instructions. Имам остър нож. I have a sharp knife. I have a sharp knife. Боядисал си стените, нали? You've painted the walls, haven't you? You painted the walls, didn't you? Майка ми преподава аранжиране на цветя. My mother teaches flower arranging. My mom teaches flower arrangements. Какво прекрасно време! What lovely weather! What a lovely time! Не пропилявайте младостта си, иначе после ще съжалявате. Don't waste your youth, otherwise you'll regret it later. Don't waste your youth, or you'll regret it later. Мисля, че ще ти бъде интересна. I think you'll find it interesting. I think you'll find it interesting. Но той не е ли над закона? But isn't he above the law? But isn't he above the law? Една съвременна фабрика е напълно автоматизирана. A modern factory is totally automated. A modern factory is fully automated. Не позволявай на Том да те уплаши. Don't let Tom scare you. Don't let Tom scare you. Усвояването на английския е трудно. Mastering English is difficult. Learning English is hard. Мисля, че ти трябва да се присъединиш към нас. I think you should join us. I think you should join us. Може ли да отворя една консерва? Can I open a can? Can I open a can? Не го направих нарочно. I didn't mean it. I didn't do it on purpose. Напоследък не съм виждал Том. I haven't seen Tom lately. I haven't seen Tom lately. Мисля, че на Том кракът му е счупен. I think Tom's leg is broken. I think Tom's leg is broken. Том ми каза, че иска да живее на усамотен плаж. Tom told me he wanted to live on a secluded beach. Tom told me he wanted to live on a private beach. Защо Том искаше да учи френски? Why did Tom want to learn French? Why did Tom want to learn French? Това е мястото, на което се е родил Том. This is the place where Tom was born. This is where Tom was born. Къде си роден? Where were you born? Where were you born? Помолих го да ни изпрати книгата. I asked him to send us the book. I asked him to send us the book. Идея нямам как става. I have no idea how it works. I have no idea how this works. Вие всички сте глупаци. You're all fools. You're all fools. Те си разменят подаръци. They give presents to one another. They're exchanging gifts. Аз лично нямам нищо против. I personally don't have anything against it. Personally, I don't mind. На г-н Колкот японската храна започна да му харесва. Mr Colcott came to like Japanese food. Mr. So many Japanese food began to like. Сложих парите в сейфа. I put the money into the safe. I put the money in the safe. Бързаме. We're in a hurry. We're in a hurry. Том чу нещо. Tom heard something. Tom heard something. Надявам се това да е достатъчно. I hope that's enough. I hope that's enough. Трябва да наблегнеш на този факт. You should emphasize that fact. You have to stress that fact. Тази е ок. That one's OK. This one's okay. Аз бях първото гадже на майка ти. I was your mother's first boyfriend. I was your mother's first boyfriend. Том ме учи да говоря на френски. Tom teaches me French. Tom taught me how to speak French. Бихте ли ми разказали нещо за себе си? Could you tell me something about yourself? Can you tell me something about yourself? Мисля, че това е много малко вероятно. I think that's highly unlikely. I think that's highly unlikely. Искам да си открия сметка. I'd like to open an account. I want to open an account. Сигурен съм, че Том знае достатъчно френски да се оправи. I'm sure Tom knows enough French to get by. I'm sure Tom knows enough French to get better. Отидох да плувам в реката. I went swimming in the river. I went swimming in the river. Мери е по-голямата сестра на Том. Mary is Tom's youngest sister. Mary's Tom's older sister. Не познавам нито едното, нито другото момче. I don't know either boy. I don't know either boy. Гостите трябва да започнат да идват скоро. The guests should be arriving soon. The guests should start coming soon. Луд съм по футбола. I'm crazy about football. I'm crazy about football. Изглежда, че ще вали дъжд. It looks like it's going to rain. Looks like it's going to rain. Беше ми изключително приятно! It was a great pleasure! It was very nice to meet you. Това не е твоята къща. This isn't your house. This isn't your house. Нищо не съм видял. I haven't seen anything. I didn't see anything. Ей, току-що дойдох тук. Hey, I just got here. Hey, I just got here. Аз съм герой. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Проклета да си! Damn you! Damn you! Том бутна Мери от ръба на скалата. Tom pushed Mary off the edge of the cliff. Tom pushed Mary off the edge of the cliff. Надявам се Том да е прав. I hope Tom is right. I hope Tom's right. Не си ли щастлив? Aren't you happy? Aren't you happy? Подготви се за най-лошото. Prepare for the worst. Prepare for the worst. Плодовете гният под слънцето. Fruits decay in the sun. Fruits rot under the sun. Винаги закъснява за училище. He is always late for school. He's always late for school. Том е направил някои грешки на контролното. Tom made some mistakes in the test. Tom made some mistakes on the test. Времето е на моя страна. Time's on my side. Time is on my side. Не сте ли щастливи? Aren't you happy? Aren't you happy? Може да отнеме известно време. It might take a little while. It might take some time. Помислих си, че може да се отметнеш. I thought you might back out. I thought you might want to back off. Нека Ви помогна да си сложите палтото. Let me help you put on your coat. Let me help you put your coat on. Внимавайте, идва кола! Be careful, there's a car! Watch out, there's a car coming! Тя говори три езика. She can speak three languages. She speaks three languages. Вие какво мислите за този пуловер? What do you think of this sweater? What do you think of this sweater? Вземете го с вас. Bring him along. Take him with you. Сега се сетих, не трябва да пушиш в нейната кола. Now remember, you must not smoke in her car. I just remembered, you shouldn't smoke in her car. Нанси се усмихна щастливо. Nancy smiled happily. Nancy smiled happily. Той е само на четири минути от тук с влак. It's only four minutes from here by train. He's only four minutes from here by train. Какво се опитва да постигне Том? What's Tom after? What's Tom trying to accomplish? Някой може ли да ти вярва? Can anyone believe you? Can anyone trust you? Малко е мазно. It's a bit greasy. It's a little greasy. Май е по-добре да си тръгваме. It looks like we'd better leave. I guess we'd better get going. Том каза, че вероятно няма да отнеме твърде много време. Tom said that it probably wouldn't take too much time. Tom said it probably wouldn't take too long. Каква е истинската причина да не искаш да го правиш? What's the real reason you don't want to do this? What's the real reason you don't want to do this? Можеш ли да пазиш тайна? Can you keep a secret? Can you keep a secret? Ей, момчета, айде запазете тишина! Hey guys, please be quiet. Hey, guys, come on, be quiet! Аз никога не бих ги наранил. I'd never hurt them. I would never hurt them. Учила съм френски. I've studied French. I studied French. Не можеш ли да останеш още малко. Can't you stay a little longer? Can't you stay a little longer? Останахме в Дорчестър. We stayed at the Dorchester. We stayed in Dorchester. Потиснат ли си? Are you depressed? Are you depressed? Докато ние бяхме на почивка, един съсед се погрижи за котката. While we were on holiday, a neighbor took care of our cat. While we were on vacation, a neighbor took care of the cat. И двамата родители на Том бяха учители. Both of Tom's parents were teachers. Both Tom's parents were teachers. Децата трябва да слушат родителите си. Children should obey their parents. Children should listen to their parents. Днес е мъгливо. It's foggy today. It's foggy today. В този квартал ли живееш? Do you live in this neighborhood? Do you live in this neighborhood? Те ни накараха да работим цял ден. They made us work all day long. They made us work all day. Мисля, че си способен на всичко. I think you're capable of anything. I think you're capable of anything. Той се върна вкъщи след като беше отсъствал десет месеца. He returned home after being away for ten months. He came home after he'd been away for ten months. Следващата седмица се местим в Бостън. We're moving to Boston next week. We're moving to Boston next week. Никога преди не съм срещала Том. I'd never met Tom before. I've never met Tom before. Вчера го извиках. I called him up yesterday. I called him in yesterday. Да си починем тук. Let's rest here. Let's rest here. Трябва да видя Том. I need to see Tom. I need to see Tom. Мисля, че трябва да напуснеш. I think you should quit. I think you should leave. Мисля, че заинтригувахме Том. I think we got Tom's attention. I think we're interested in Tom. Ще хвана следващия автобус. I'm going to catch the next bus. I'll take the next bus. Том е два пъти по-стар от Мери. Tom is twice Mary's age. Tom's twice as old as Mary. Мери има две гаджета. Mary has two boyfriends. Mary has two boyfriends. Кейт говори английски много бързо. Kate speaks English very fast. Kate speaks English very quickly. Не съм толкова уморена. I'm not so tired. I'm not that tired. Имате инфекция на венеца. You have a gum infection. You have an infection on the wreath. Той започна да пише роман. He's started writing a novel. He started writing a novel. Той е удовлетворен от резултата. He is satisfied with the result. He's satisfied with the result. Побързай и ще можеш да хванеш влака си. Hurry up and you can still catch your train. Hurry up and you can catch your train. Това няма да ти трябва вече. You won't be needing that again. You won't be needing this anymore. Върни го там, откъдето го взе. Put it back where you got it from. Put it back where you got it. Да започваме. Let's start! Let's get started. Прецаках те. I tricked you. I screwed you. Том откри, че Мери краде от парите в касата. Tom found out Mary was stealing from the cash register. Tom found out Mary was stealing from the cash register. Дайте ми едно питие, моля. Give me a drink, please. Give me a drink, please. Къде беше онова? Where was that? Where was that? Малко съм подранил. I'm a little early. I'm a little early. Ние не сме сигурни какво се е случило. We're not sure what happened. We're not sure what happened. Искам нещо за ядене. I want something to eat. I want something to eat. Значи все пак успя. You managed it after all. So you did it after all. Можеш ли да го направиш сам? Can you do it alone? Can you do it yourself? Тя се изчерви. She blushed. She's blushing. За толкова глупав ли ме имаш? Do you think I'm that stupid? Do you think I'm that stupid? Ако дадеш на някого 20 долара и повече никога не го видиш, значи вероятно си е заслужавало. If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it. If you give someone 20 bucks and you never see him again, it's probably worth it. Това е чантата на Джейн. This is Jane's bag. That's Jane's purse. Том винаги се усмихва. Tom is always smiling. Tom always smiles. Том не вярва в еволюцията. Tom doesn't believe in evolution. Tom doesn't believe in evolution. Мислиш ли, че Мери е привлекателна? Do you think Mary is attractive? Do you think Mary's attractive? Каква е минималната заплата в Индия? What's the minimum salary in India? What's the minimum wage in India? Недей да взимаш решение по този въпрос днес. Don't make this decision today. Don't make a decision on this today. Тя нямаше много пари. She didn't have much money. She didn't have much money. Седнал си ми на мястото. You're in my seat. You're in my seat. Кога почина Том? When did Tom pass away? When did Tom die? Тези две ризи са направени от един и същи материал. These two shirts are made from the same material. These two shirts are made of the same material. Френски учиш ли? Do you study French? Do you study French? Не трябва да се отказваш от английския. You shouldn't quit English. You don't have to give up on English. Беше несправедливо. It was unjust. It was unfair. Губиш си времето. You're wasting your time. You're wasting your time. Не съм те виждала от няколко дена. I haven't seen you in days. I haven't seen you in a few days. Какво яде Кен? What is Ken eating? What's Ken eating? Отидох до болницата. I went to the hospital. I went to the hospital. Той самият го направи. He himself did it. He did it himself. Следващата година ще учим в колеж. We'll be starting college next year. Next year we're going to college. Ти какво яде, риба или месо? Which did you eat, fish or meat? What did you eat, fish or meat? Направих си чекова сметка. I opened a checking account. I made a check. Мислех, че Том има почивен ден. I thought Tom had a day off. I thought Tom had the day off. Защо Том не е тук? Why is Tom not here? Why isn't Tom here? Какво прави Кен сега? What's Ken doing now? What's Ken doing now? Има много изречения за ДНК, но няма нито едно за РНК. There are many sentences about DNA, but none about RNA. There's a lot of sentences about DNA, but there's not one for RNA. Единият от родителите ми трябва да отиде на срещата. One of my parents has to go to the meeting. One of my parents has to go to the meeting. Благодаря, че обърнахте внимание на това. Thanks for pointing this out. Thank you for paying attention to that. Не си бъркай в носа. Don't pick your nose. Don't pick your nose. Вятърът духаше на пориви. The wind blew in gusts. The wind was blowing. Искам нещо сладко. I want something sweet. I want something sweet. Казах на Том истината. I told Tom the truth. I told Tom the truth. Голямата ѝ дъщеря е омъжена. Her older daughter is married. Her eldest daughter is married. Том говори френски много по-добре от кой да е от неговите съученици. Tom is better at speaking French than any of his classmates. Tom speaks French much better than any of his classmates. От двайсет студенти само един е прочел книгата. Out of twenty students, only one has read the book. Of 20 students, only one has read the book. Имам работа в сряда. I have work on Wednesday. I have work on Wednesday. Къде е моят дядо? Where's my grandfather? Where's my grandfather? Японците имат склонността да се доверяват на утвърдени авторитети. Japanese people tend to rely on established authority. The Japanese tend to trust established authorities. Върнах се у дома с влака. I returned home by train. I took the train home. Мисля, че мога да го правя в свободното си време. I think I can do it in my spare time. I think I can do that in my spare time. Ще излезем ли? Shall we go out? Shall we go out? Те ме наричат Боб. They call me Bob. They call me Bob. В коя ситуация би го направил? In what kind of situations would you do that? What situation would you do that in? Как беше името на тоя, с който излизаше преди Том? What was the name of the guy you dated before Tom? What was the name of the guy you dated before Tom? Пробвай го пак. Try it once more. Try it again. Бих искала да преведете това писмо на френски. I'd like you to translate this letter into French. I'd like you to translate this letter into French. Наистина съм уморен и искам да си легна рано. I'm really tired and want to go to bed early. I'm really tired and I want to go to bed early. Френският на Том е много добър. Tom speaks very good French. Tom's French is very good. Не съм филолог. I am not a philologist. I'm not a philologist. Тя живее в Ню Йорк. She lives in New York. She lives in New York. Той трябва да е директорът на училището. He must be the principal. He must be the headmaster of the school. Обзалагам се, че ще стигна там преди теб. I bet I get there before you. I bet I'll get there before you do. Той е бил боядисан като клоун. He was painted like a clown. He was painted like a clown. В нейно присъствие ми е неловко. I feel ill at ease in her company. In her presence, I'm embarrassed. Тя му купи куче. Той обаче имаше алергия към кучета и им се наложи да го дадат на други. She bought him a dog. However, he was allergic to dogs, so they had to give it away. She bought him a dog, but he was allergic to dogs and they had to give it to others. Още не съм ти казал, нали? I haven't told you yet, have I? I haven't told you yet, have I? В онези времена нямаше нито телевизия, нито радио. There was no TV or radio in those days. There was no TV or radio in those days. Тя отиде до музея с такси. She went to the museum by cab. She went to the museum in a cab. Гледай си работата! Mind your own business! Mind your own business! Той е написал писмо. He has written a letter. He wrote a letter. Аз не мога да се съглася с Том. I can't agree with Tom. I can't agree with Tom. Тези чорапи имат дупки на петите. There are holes in the heels of these socks. These socks have holes in their heels. Том обича да плете. Tom likes to knit. Tom likes to knit. Ти си добър лекар. You're a good doctor. You're a good doctor. Повече да не си повторила тази дума. Don't say that word again. Don't ever say that word again. Видях го да спира. I observed him stop. I saw him stop. Тя усети, че коленете ѝ треперят. She felt her knees tremble. She felt her knees shaking. Едисън е изобретил електрическата лампа. Edison invented the electric lamp. Edison invented the electric lamp. Том попита Мери дали тя може да говори френски. Tom asked Mary if she could speak French. Tom asked Mary if she could speak French. Ще се срещна с него някой друг път. I will meet him some other time. I'll meet him some other time. Не беше толкова силна. It wasn't that loud. She wasn't that strong. Какъв силен вятър! What a strong wind! What a strong wind! Това е моето CD, нали? It's my CD, isn't it? That's my CD, isn't it? Казах ти да не ме търсиш, Том. I've told you not to call me, Tom. I told you not to look for me, Tom. Ето защо сме тук. That's why we're here. That's why we're here. Той излиза с групата деца, с които не трябва. He hangs around with the wrong group of kids. He's dating a bunch of kids he shouldn't. Добре ще бъде ако не се бъркаш в личните дела. It's better for you to keep out of private affairs. It would be nice if you didn't interfere in personal matters. Трябва ли да ходиш до пощата? Do you have to go to the post office? Do you have to go to the post office? Венците ми кървят всеки път, когато ползвам конец за зъби. My gums bleed whenever I floss my teeth. My gums bleed every time I use dental floss. Стигнахме бързо, понеже движението не беше натоварено. We made good time since the traffic was light. We got here fast because the traffic wasn't busy. Трябва да сте внимателни. You've got to be careful. You have to be careful. Какво ти липсва ? What don't you have? What do you miss? Той се завърна наскоро от Франция. He has recently returned from France. He just got back from France. Моли има голям часовник. Molly has a large clock. Molly's got a big watch. Том не ми помага. Tom isn't helping me. Tom's not helping me. Не съм бил във връзка с него от много време. I haven't got in touch with him for a long time. I haven't been in touch with him in a long time. Онези очила ви отиват. Those glasses suit you. Those glasses look good on you. Какво изпусна? What did you miss? What did you miss? Том отвори кутията и погледна вътре. Tom opened the box and looked inside. Tom opened the box and looked inside. Не се храни, докато схващането не мине. Don't eat till the numbness wears off. Don't eat until the cramp passes. Никога не бих Ви излъгал. I would never lie to you. I would never lie to you. Кейт гледа куче. Kate keeps a dog. Kate's watching a dog. Не знам всичко. I don't know everything. I don't know everything. Това няма да го правя никога повече. I'll never do this again. I'll never do that again. Том няма да ни помага утре. Tom won't be helping us tomorrow. Tom's not helping us tomorrow. Негов приятел е бивш сенатор. His friend is an ex-Senator. A friend of his is a former senator. Френският по-труден ли е от английския? Is French more difficult than English? Is French harder than English? Този чифт обувки не ми става. This pair of shoes doesn't fit me. This pair of shoes doesn't fit me. Страх ли те е от нещо? Are you scared of something? Are you afraid of something? Аз имам две братовчедки. I have two cousins. I have two cousins. Листата падат през есента. Leaves fall in the autumn. The leaves fall in the fall. Няма ли да направите нещо? Aren't you going to do something? Aren't you going to do anything? Сигурна съм, че Том не те мрази. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. Не можем да отложим съвещанието. We can't postpone the meeting. We can't postpone the meeting. Откога Тоим учи френски? How long has Tom been studying French? Since when does Toim learn French? Той беше напълно изтощен. He was completely fagged out. He was completely exhausted. Благодаря ти, че дойде! Thanks for coming! Thank you for coming! Здрасти. Малко ми е лошо. Hi. I feel kind of sick. Hey, I'm a little sick. Толкова ме е срам. I'm so ashamed. I'm so ashamed. Изглежда вече има над две хиляди изречения на уйгурски в Татоеба! It looks like there are now over two thousand Uyghur sentences on Tatoeba! Looks like there's already over two thousand Uighur sentences in Tatoeba! Том е упорит. Tom is persevering. Tom's stubborn. Не можем да отложим събирането. We can't postpone the meeting. We can't postpone the reunion. Срам ме е, че постъпих така. I am ashamed of having done so. I'm ashamed I did that. Да пресечем тук. Let's cross here. Let's cross here. Знам, че това е трудно. I know this is hard. I know this is hard. Вие студент по обмен ли сте? Are you an exchange student? Are you an exchange student? Ако ти трябва помощ, питай. If you need help, just ask. If you need help, ask. Винаги си била малко странна. You were always a little strange. You've always been a little weird. Мислиш ли да ходиш в Токио утре? Are you going to go to Tokyo tomorrow? Are you thinking of going to Tokyo tomorrow? Дано да си струва. I hope it's worth it. I hope it's worth it. Не давай на Том номера си. Don't give Tom your number. Don't give Tom your number. Вярно ли е, че Том и Мери са били арестувани? Is it true that Tom and Mary got arrested? Is it true Tom and Mary were arrested? Ако човечеството не се грижи за околната среда, околната среда ще унищожи човечеството. If mankind doesn't take care of the environment, the environment may eliminate mankind. If humanity doesn't care about the environment, the environment will destroy mankind. Не, благодаря. Само гледам. No, thank you. I am just looking. No, thanks, I'm just looking. Почуствах се като отхвърлен сред тези хора. I felt like an outcast among those people. I felt like I was being rejected among these people. Мисля, че тази вечер ще си прекараш добре. I think you're going to enjoy yourself tonight. I think you're gonna have a good time tonight. Не го прибирай още. Don't put that away yet. Don't put it away yet. Извинявай, че те прекъсвам. Excuse me for interrupting you. Sorry to interrupt. Това, че е прекалено щедър, е най-големият му недостатък. Being overly generous is his greatest fault. Being too generous is his biggest flaw. Натиснете бутон Shift. Press the Shift button. Press Shift button. Разбираш, нали? You understand, don't you? You understand, don't you? Джейн винаги се държеше така, сякаш е много богата. Jane always behaved like she was very rich. Jane always acted like she was very rich. Том не беше най-младият. Tom wasn't the youngest. Tom wasn't the youngest. Мисля, че той е невинен. I think he's innocent. I think he's innocent. Да, знам го. Yes, I know it. Yeah, I know that. Чудя се какво имаше предвид Том. I wonder what Tom meant by that. I wonder what Tom meant. Нищо не коства. This costs nothing. It doesn't cost anything. Нямам нищо против горещото време. I don't mind hot weather. I don't mind the hot weather. Мисля, че имаш нужда от някой, с когото да говориш. I think you need someone to talk to. I think you need someone to talk to. Искам нови визитки. I want new business cards. I want new business cards. Жаден съм. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty. Цветята вехнат без вода. The flowers wilt without water. The flowers are fading without water. Знаете ли защо съм тук? Do you know why I'm here? Do you know why I'm here? Том искаше да разбере по каква причина Мери не го харесва. Tom wanted to know the reason Mary didn't like him. Tom wanted to know why Mary didn't like him. Видя ли, нали ти казах, че Том не може да плува. See, I told you Tom couldn't swim. See, I told you Tom can't swim. Забравих. I have forgotten. I forgot. Сметката, моля. Check, please. Check, please. Цената включва ли закуска? Does that price include breakfast? Does the price include breakfast? Познай какво ми каза той. Guess what he told me. Guess what he told me. Солта свърши. There's no more salt. We're out of salt. Тя забрави да нахрани кучето си. She forgot to feed her dog. She forgot to feed her dog. Проблемът не е в това. The problem isn't that. That's not the problem. Иди го посрещни и междувременно пусни това писмо. Go and meet him, and while you're about it mail this letter. Go meet him and drop this letter in the meantime. Тази кокошка напоследък не е снесла нито едно яйце. That chicken hasn't laid any eggs recently. This chicken hasn't laid a single egg lately. Чувам, че Том бил откраднал кола. I hear Tom stole a car. I hear Tom stole a car. Не бяхме гладни. We weren't hungry. We weren't hungry. Делфините са много интелигентни. The dolphins are very intelligent. Dolphins are very intelligent. Разочаровах ли те? Have I disappointed you? Did I disappoint you? Изчакай ме да довърша, моля те. Bear with me. Wait for me to finish, please. Том не можа да помогне на Мери. Tom couldn't help Mary. Tom couldn't help Mary. Той е много щастлив, че неговият живот в училище върви добре. He is very glad that his school life is going well. He's very happy that his life at school is going well. Г-жа Юнг нямаше нищо против, че я посетих неочаквано. Mrs. Young didn't mind my dropping in on her unexpectedly. Mrs. Jung didn't mind me visiting her unexpectedly. Имаш хубави устни. You have beautiful lips. You have nice lips. Много хора ще загубят работата си заради свиването на автомобилната индустрия. Many people will lose their jobs due to the slump in the auto industry. Many people will lose their jobs because of the contraction of the car industry. Той ми се притече на помощ. He came to my rescue. He came to my rescue. Ще започнем снижаването за кацане в Хонолулу. We're going to begin the descent for Honolulu. We'll start landing in Honolulu. Чух, че си ме търсел. I hear you've been looking for me. I heard you were looking for me. Храната ни е на свършване. We're running short of food. We're running out of food. Моментът на слава за Ханшин не продължи дълго. Те набързо бяха изместени от първото място. Hanshin's moment of glory didn't last. They fell out of first place in a hurry. The moment of fame for Hanshin did not last long. They were quickly shifted from first place. Голяма къща ли има? Does he have a big house? Is there a big house? Това няма ли да доведе до проблеми? Wouldn't that cause problems? Won't that lead to trouble? Той се възмути,че е наричан глупак. He resented being called a coward. He resented being called a fool. Състоянието им се влошава. They're getting worse. They're getting worse. Наистина ли го искаш? Do you really want it? Do you really want to do this? Дали той ще се провали на изпита? Will he fail the examination? Will he fail the exam? Не мога да разбера защо той не каза истината. I can't figure out why he didn't tell the truth. I don't understand why he didn't tell the truth. Не съм ученик. I'm not a student. I'm not a student. До какви изводи стигнаха? What conclusions did they come to? What conclusions did they come to? Ето ни тук най-накрая! Well, here we are at last! Here we are at last! По-висок съм от теб. I'm taller than you. I'm taller than you. Аз се считам за късметлийка. I consider myself lucky. I consider myself lucky. Том можеше и да е излъгал. Tom could've been lying. Tom could have been lying. Добре се чувствам. I feel fine. I feel good. Тя натисна копчето. She pressed the switch. She pushed the button. Не се чувствах добре, но отидох на работа. I didn't feel well, but I went to work. I wasn't feeling well, but I went to work. Щастлив ли си наистина? Are you really happy? Are you really happy? Аз знам какво искам. Просто още не съм го открил. I know what I want. I just haven't found it yet. I know what I want, I just haven't found it yet. Трябва да се размърдам. I have to get moving. I've got to move. Той е известен композитор. He is a famous composer. He's a famous composer. Том сложи пая на перваза на кухненския прозорец, за да изстине. Tom put the pie on the kitchen windowsill to cool. Tom put the pie on the ledge of the kitchen window to get cold. Щастлив е онзи мъж, който се ожени за добра жена. Happy is a man who marries a good wife. Happy is that man who married a good woman. Том ми даде добър съвет. Tom gave me good advice. Tom gave me good advice. Той винаги казва истината. He always tells the truth. He's always telling the truth. Не мога да живея така повече. I can't live this way anymore. I can't live like this anymore. Ах, колко жалко! What a pity it is! Oh, that's too bad! Поздравете Джими. Say hello to Jimmy. Say hello to Jimmy. Добре ли е на вкус? Does it taste good? Does it taste good? Ще ходиш ли? Are you going? Are you going? Чух какво се е случило. I heard about what happened. I heard what happened. Естествено, тя е права. Certainly she is correct. Of course, she's right. Не ме принуждавай да те застрелям. Don't make me shoot you. Don't make me shoot you. Екваторът разделя Земята кълбо на две полукълба. The equator divides the globe into two hemispheres. The equator divides the Earth orb into two hemispheres. Беше лично. It was personal. It was personal. Не ви ли заинтригува? Aren't you intrigued? Aren't you interested? За нас е огромно удоволствие да гледаме бейзболни мачове. We derive a great deal of pleasure from watching baseball games. It's a great pleasure to see baseball games. Мисля, че е добре да си починеш малко. I think you'd better rest for a while. I think you should get some rest. Кога започнахте да учите френски? When did you begin learning French? When did you start learning French? Тя си решеше косата пред огледалото. She was brushing her hair in front of a mirror. She was brushing her hair in front of the mirror. Аз вече си свърших работата. I've already finished my work. I've already done my job. Не беше лесно. It hasn't been easy. It wasn't easy. Мислиш ли, че ще вали днес? Do you think it'll rain today? Do you think it's going to rain today? Ти си много смела. You are very brave. You're very brave. На бюрото има чанта. There is a bag on the desk. There's a bag on the desk. Къде си ги изхвърлила? Where did you throw them away? Where'd you throw them? Том как смята да се справи с проблема? How does Tom plan to cope with the problem? How's Tom going to handle the problem? Крадецът се измъкна с парите. The thief got away with the money. The thief got away with the money. Преди не съм говорила с тебе, нали? I haven't spoken to you before, have I? I haven't talked to you before, have I? Том закъсняваше за вечеря. Tom was late for dinner. Tom was late for dinner. Това е снимката на новата ми къща. It is the photo of my new house. This is the picture of my new house. Искам да спя. I want to sleep. I want to sleep. Тази камера е на Том, нали? This camera is Tom's, isn't it? This is Tom's camera, isn't it? Изпратих ѝ една кукла. I sent her a doll. I sent her a doll. По-умен съм от нея. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than her. Чичо ми ми даде часовника. My uncle gave me the watch. My uncle gave me the watch. Моля, извинете ме за закъснението. Please pardon me for coming late. Please excuse me for being late. Почувствах се изолирана. I felt isolated. I felt isolated. Доста съм заета. I'm quite busy. I'm pretty busy. Те са доста важни. They're rather important. They're pretty important. Японец ли сте? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Нанси прилича на сестра ми. Nancy looks like my sister. Nancy looks like my sister. Приятелката ми не знае. My girlfriend doesn't know. My girlfriend doesn't know. Познавам човек, който може да говори френски добре. I know a man who can speak French well. I know a man who can speak French well. Премери този пуловер. Try on this sweater. Take a look at that sweater. По-добре да остана вкъщи. I'd rather stay at home. I'd better stay home. Това не е много забавно. This isn't much fun. That's not very funny. Телефонът е нещо, без което не можеш. A telephone is something you can't do without. A phone is something you can't do without. Преди няколко дена се свързах с тях, но не можах да получа отговор. I contacted them the other day, but I was not able to get an answer. I contacted them a few days ago, but I couldn't get an answer. Защо устата ти е отворена? Why is your mouth open? Why is your mouth open? Баща ми шофира много добре. My father drives very well. My dad drives very well. Трябва да защитим децата си. We must protect our children. We have to protect our children. До нови срещи. See you around. See you later. Напълно съм изтощен. I'm completely exhausted. I'm completely exhausted. Просто гледам на нещата реалистично. I'm just being realistic. I'm just looking at it realistically. Чух те как ги окуражаваше. I heard you cheering. I heard you encourage them. Знаем, че не си глупава. We know you're not stupid. We know you're not stupid. Том не хареса името му. Tom didn't like his name. Tom didn't like his name. Никога не си споменавал колко красива е сестра ти. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister is. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister was. През лятото смятам да отида във Франция. During summer, I'm going to go to France. In the summer, I intend to go to France. Моля разбъркайте картите внимателно. Please shuffle the cards carefully. Please stir the cards carefully. Качете се на автобуса за Бадщрасе и слезте на Зеещрасе. Get on the bus bound for Badstraße, and get off at Seestraße. Get on the bus to Badstrasse and get off on Zeeshtrace. Смехът е полезен за вашето здраве! Laughing is good for your health! Laughter is good for your health! Това не е грешка. It's not a mistake. This isn't a mistake. Предполагам, ти си този Том, за когото всички ми казваха. I assume you're the Tom everybody's been telling me about. I guess you're the Tom everyone told me about. Добави този сайт в "Предпочитани". Bookmark this site. Add this site to "Prefered". Когато слънцето на културата е ниско,дори и джуджетата хвърлят голяма сянка. When the sun of culture hangs low, even dwarfs will cast long shadows. When the sun of culture is low, even dwarves cast a great shadow. Кога е отворен музеят? When is the museum open? When is the museum open? Виждал съм те някъде. I've seen you somewhere. I've seen you somewhere. Той седна на пейката си. He sat on the bench. He sat on his bench. Току-що почистихме тоалетните. We've just cleaned the toilets. We just cleaned the toilets. С Том имаме среща в мола. I have to go meet Tom at the mall. Tom and I have a meeting at the mall. Няма да се поддам на заплахите. I won't be intimidated. I won't give in to threats. В по-добра форма си от мен. You're in better shape than I am. You're in better shape than I am. Имаш ли гъдел? Are you ticklish? Are you ticklish? Надявам се да е от полза. I hope it's useful. I hope it helps. Той самият го опита. He himself tried it. He tried it himself. Аз съм от ФБР. I'm from the FBI. I'm with the FBI. Том работи за мен. Tom works for me. Tom works for me. Той стоя буден до късно. He stayed up late. He's up late. Том се оправя. Tom is getting better. Tom's getting better. Аз ходя като пингвин. I walk like a penguin. I walk like a penguin. Не сменяй канала. Don't change the channel. Don't change the channel. Внимавайте къде стъпвате. Be careful where you step. Watch your step. Може ли да ти взема ножа? May I borrow your knife? Can I take your knife? Ти трябва да предадеш доклада до края на тази седмица. You are supposed to hand in the report by the end of this week. You have to submit the report by the end of this week. Не съм те виждала почти три години. I haven't seen you in almost three years. I haven't seen you in almost three years. Въоръжен ли си? Are you armed? Are you armed? Иска ми се да ми го беше казал по-рано. I wish you'd said that before. I wish you'd told me sooner. Не гледай в камерата. Don't look at the camera. Don't look at the camera. Вали, но въпреки това ще отидем. It's raining, but we'll go anyway. It's raining, but we're still going. Том и Мери не говореха на френски. Tom and Mary weren't speaking French. Tom and Mary didn't speak French. Аз го направих един път. I did it once. I did it once. Той не се вслуша в съвета ми. He disregarded my advice. He didn't take my advice. Имаше много хора от двете страни на улицата. There were a lot of people on both sides of the street. There were a lot of people on both sides of the street. Не ме карай да съжалявам за това. Don't make me regret this. Don't make me regret this. Мислех, че Том ще се разплаче. I thought Tom was going to cry. I thought Tom was gonna cry. Тя е нейна приятелка. She is her friend. She's her friend. Дрехите му винаги миришат. His clothes always smell bad. His clothes always smell. Искам да ям нещо. I want to eat something. I want to eat something. Никога не си споменавала колко красива е сестра ти. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister is. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister was. Ние сме като братя. We're like brothers. We're like brothers. Аз дори не мога да сложа водата да кипне, камо ли да опека пуйка. I cannot even boil water, much less roast a turkey. I can't even put the water to boil, let alone bake a turkey. Как се казва тази река? What's the name of this river? What's the name of this river? Тази вечер свободна ли ти е? Are you free this evening? Is she available for you tonight? Мислех, че Том е влюбен в Мери. I thought Tom was in love with Mary. I thought Tom was in love with Mary. През зимата шосетата са покрити с лед. In winter, the roads are covered with ice. In winter, the roads are covered in ice. Почти не ни остана време за вечеря. We hardly had time to eat our dinner. We barely have time for dinner. Не искам да бъда твой враг. I don't want to be your enemy. I don't want to be your enemy. Вече съм пълнолетна. I'm an adult now. I'm an adult now. Искам да отида. I want to go. I want to go. Върнете я! Give it back! Bring her back! Не ти казвам да отидеш сам. I'm not telling you to go alone. I'm not telling you to go alone. Искам един портокалов сок. I'd like an orange juice. I'd like an orange juice. Никога не бих Ви излъгала. I would never lie to you. I would never lie to you. Няма да се изненадам, ако Том си е тръгнал по-рано. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom left early. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom left early. Том говори френски като французин. Tom can speak French like a native. Tom speaks French like a Frenchman. Мисля, че трябва да се споразумеем. I think we should make a deal. I think we should make a deal. Аз купувам само мека тоалетна хартия. I only buy soft toilet paper. I only buy soft toilet paper. Нямам проблем с това. I have no problem with that. I don't have a problem with that. Къде се намира билетната каса? Where is the ticket office? Where's the ticket box? Наистина съм доста заета. I'm really quite busy. I'm really busy. Мисля, че трябва да се прибираш. I think you should go home. I think you should go home. Дайте ми мнението си, моля. Give me your opinion, please. Give me your opinion, please. Мисля, че ще имате нужда от това. I think you're going to need this. I think you're gonna need this. Мразя да летя. I hate flying. I hate flying. Какви са другите варианти? What other options are there? What are the other options? Донеси ми нещо за пиене. Get me a drink. Get me something to drink. Ще умра ли? Am I going to die? Am I gonna die? Малко се поувлякох, докато танцувах, и се качих на масата. I got a bit carried away when I was dancing and got up on the table. I got a little carried away dancing, and I went up to the table. Аз ти вярвам. I believe you. I believe you. Колко братя имаш? Колко сестри имаш? How many brothers do you have? How many sisters do you have? How many brothers do you have? Мисля, че това ще го запомниш. I think you'd remember that. I think you'll remember that. Моля обърнете това в паунди. Please change this into pounds. Please turn this into pounds. Мисля, че Том ни излъга. I think Tom lied to us. I think Tom lied to us. Ще ми се Том да се усмихва по-често. I wish Tom would smile more often. I wish Tom would smile more often. Просто искам да си седя на плажа и да си почина една седмица. I just want to sit on the beach and relax for a week. I just want to sit on the beach and rest for a week. Жадна съм. I am thirsty. I'm thirsty. Автобуса се тресеше по неравният път. The bus jolted over the rough road. The bus was shaking down the bumpy road. Том има право да знае. Tom has a right to know. Tom has a right to know. Вятърът вие. The wind is howling. The wind. Тя си взе изпита. She passed the exam. She passed the test. Утре ще уча в библиотеката. Tomorrow, I'm going to study at the library. I'm going to the library tomorrow. Казах истината на Том. I told Tom the truth. I told Tom the truth. Не можете ли да го направите? Can't you do that? Can't you do that? Аз съм го срещал и преди. I have met him before. I've met him before. Том така и не се отказа. Tom never gave up. Tom never gave up. Том не е загазил. Tom isn't in trouble. Tom's not in trouble. Направих няколко грешки на изпита. I made several mistakes in the exam. I made a few mistakes on the exam. Тази книга не е собственост на Том. This book doesn't belong to Tom. This book isn't Tom's property. Това къде беше? Where was that? Where was that? Трябва да го махна. I have to take it off. I have to get rid of it. Мога ли да направя нещо, за да помогна на Том? Can I do anything to help Tom? Is there anything I can do to help Tom? Свали си очилата. Take off your glasses. Take off your glasses. Губите си времето, опитвайки се да го убедите. You're wasting your time trying to convince him. You're wasting your time trying to convince him. Тя иска да работи в болница. She wants to work in a hospital. She wants to work in a hospital. Том вече е зрял мъж. Tom is a grown man now. Tom's a grown man now. Хайде да не се залъгваме. Let's face reality. Let's not kid ourselves. Пооправих се. I've gotten better. I'm all right. Това не е изкуство. Това е вагина със зъби. That is not art. That is a vagina with teeth. It's not art, it's a vagina with teeth. Така и не те видях. I never saw you. I never saw you. Няма от какво да те е срам. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. There's nothing to be ashamed of. Вземи едно от тези. Take one of these. Take one of these. Ти си толкова отзивчив. You're so helpful. You're so cooperative. Чувал ли си за него? Have you heard from him? Have you heard of him? Тя изпра блузата набързо. She gave the blouse a quick wash. She washed the shirt in a hurry. Има ли някой с вас? Is there someone with you? Is anyone with you? Музеят е отворен за посетители. The museum is open to the public. The museum is open to visitors. Том наистина ли иска да спечели? Does Tom really want to win? Does Tom really want to win? Дядо ми много обича да чете. My grandfather is very fond of reading. My grandfather loves to read. Знаехте ли, че носите различни чорапи? Did you know that you were wearing odd socks? Did you know you were wearing different socks? Той прави копие. He's making a copy. He's making a copy. Какъв цвят е колата на Том? What color is Tom's car? What color is Tom's car? Ти заслужаваш да бъдеш щастлив, скъпи. You deserve to be happy dear. You deserve to be happy, baby. Том имаше едно-единствено желание. Tom had one wish. Tom only had one wish. Моля ви, кажете истината. Please tell the truth. Please tell the truth. Том излезе с Мери петък вечерта, а с Алис събота вечерта. Tom went out with Mary on Friday night and with Alice on Saturday night. Tom went out with Mary Friday night and Alice Saturday night. Изглежда, че ще вали. It looks like it's going to rain. Looks like it's going to rain. Том не говори френски толкова добре, колкото Мери. Tom doesn't speak French as well as Mary. Tom doesn't speak French as well as Mary does. Вие не можете да четете на френски, нали? You can't read French, can you? You can't read French, can you? Точно това искам. That's exactly what I want. That's exactly what I want. Хартия за писма. She bought some paper that she could use for writing letters. It's a letter paper. Някои от учениците на Том говорят френски много добре. Some of Tom's students speak French very well. Some of Tom's students speak French very well. Не чувам нищо. I don't hear anything. I don't hear anything. По-добре би било да се уверим. We'd better make sure. We'd better make sure. Няма да мога да ти помогна. I won't be able to help you. I can't help you. Той излезе изпод колата. He got out from under the car. He came out from under the car. Той пише на майка си от време на време He writes to his mother every now and then. He writes to his mother from time to time Мъжете влизат във форма, карайки колело. The men are getting into shape riding bicycles. Men get in shape, riding a bike. Това не е краят на историята все още. This isn't the end of the story yet. This isn't the end of the story yet. Не бързай. Take your time. Take your time. Том взе грешния автобус. Tom got on the wrong bus. Tom took the wrong bus. Хайде да си починем малко под дървото. Let's take a little rest under the tree. Let's take a break under the tree. Можете да подобрите английския си, ако поискате. You can improve your English if you try. You can improve your English if you want. Донеси ми суха кърпа. Bring me a dry towel. Get me a dry towel. Джим се казва на Джеймс. Jim is short for James. Jim's name is James. Има ли други хотели, които можеш да ми препоръчаш? Are there any other hotels you can recommend? Are there any other hotels you can recommend? Това колело принадлежи на мен. This bicycle belongs to me. This bike belongs to me. Майтапиш се! You're kidding! You're kidding! Нужни са повече изследвания. More research is needed. We need more tests. Сигурни ли сте, че Том е сам? Are you sure Tom is alone? Are you sure Tom's alone? Никога няма да бъдеш сам. You'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. Във френския има ли подобен израз? Does French have a similar expression? Is there a similar expression in French? На мен ли говориш? Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me? Ти си най-добрата ми приятелка. You're my best friend. You're my best friend. Ан е малко момиче. Ann is a little girl. Anne's a little girl. Само стискай палци. Just keep your fingers crossed. Just keep your fingers crossed. Тръгнах към парка. I walked toward the park. I'm on my way to the park. Обичам да играя баскетбол. I like to play basketball. I like to play basketball. Влакът пристигна с десет минути закъснение. The train arrived ten minutes behind time. The train arrived ten minutes late. Тя живее в дълбоката провинция. She lives in rural seclusion. She lives in the deep countryside. Извинявайте. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Аз не хабя амуниции. I don't waste ammunition. I don't waste ammunition. Ти си най-добрата ми приятелка. You are my best friend. You're my best friend. Организирах среща. I've set up a meeting. I set up a meeting. Не съм казала на никого за нас. I haven't told anyone about us. I haven't told anyone about us. Това беше просто тъпо. That was just plain stupid. That was just stupid. Сигурен ли си? Are you sure? Are you sure? Някога чел ли си някакви френски стихове? Have you ever read any French poems? Have you ever read any French poems? Кен не тичаше. Ken wasn't running. Ken wasn't running. Платих видеото на пет вноски. I paid for the video in five installments. I paid the video in five instalments. Просто искам да движа с вас. All I want to do is hang out with you guys. I just want to hang out with you. Тя стана на двайсет и една. She turned eighty-one. She turned twenty-one. Чух то да излиза. I heard him go out. I heard it coming out. Боли ме стомахът, докторе. I have a stomachache, doctor. My stomach hurts, Doctor. Вие не разбирате. You don't understand. You don't understand. Какво може да означава това? What can be the meaning of this? What's that supposed to mean? Те идват от Швеция. They come from Sweden. They come from Sweden. Внимавай, когато пресичаш натоварена улица! Be alert when you cross a busy street! Watch out when you cross a busy street! Един мъж трябва да работи. A man must work. A man has to work. Това е интригуващо. That is intriguing. That's intriguing. Каква е вашата националност? What's your nationality? What's your nationality? Онази част е добра. That part is good. That part's good. Весела Коледа! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Елате долу. Come downstairs. Come down here. Мери се затича. Mary ran. Mary ran. Те копнеят за градския живот. They are longing for city life. They yearn for urban life. Радвам се, че си успял. I am glad that you have succeeded. I'm glad you made it. Кучето обикаляше около масата. The dog is walking around the table. The dog was walking around the table. Ще бъда в офиса си. I'll be in my office. I'll be in my office. Мисля, че трябва да извикаме Том. I think we should call Tom. I think we should call Tom. Случи се между осем и десет часа. It happened between eight and ten. It happened between 8:00 and 10:00. Том не беше дебел. Tom wasn't fat. Tom wasn't fat. Всички тук сме приятели. We're all friends here. We're all friends here. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш една? Are you sure you don't want one? Are you sure you don't want one? Том дойде тичешком с писмо от Джуди. Tom came running with a letter from Judy. Tom came running in a letter from Judy. Чух, че Том целунал Мери. I heard that Tom kissed Mary. I heard Tom kissed Mary. Мисля, че Том се предаде твърде лесно. I think Tom gave up too easily. I think Tom gave up too easily. Чух Том и Мери да го обсъждат. I heard Tom and Mary talking about it. I heard Tom and Mary talking about it. Да ядем суши. Let's have sushi. Let's eat sushi. Изхвърли тия чорапи, ако обичаш. Throw away these socks, please. Throw those socks away, please. Моля те, внимавай повече в бъдеще. Please take more care in the future. Please be more careful in the future. Том бе обзет от пристъп на паника. Tom had a panic attack. Tom was overwhelmed by a panic attack. Може ли да отворя една консерва? May I open a can? Can I open a can? Бил е бейзболист. Bill is a baseball player. He was a baseball player. Не говори такива неща. Don't say things like that. Don't say such things. Той дойде след като ти си тръгна. He came after you left. He came after you left. Ядохте ли закуска? Did you eat breakfast? Did you eat breakfast? Стаята е изцяло обзаведена. The room is fully furnished. The room is fully furnished. Възхищавам ти се за куража. I admire your courage. I admire your courage. Ще проверя на горния етаж. I'll check upstairs. I'll check upstairs. Том пътува в първа класа. Tom traveled first class. Tom's on his way to first class. Не стой навън до много късно. Don't stay out too late. Don't stay out too late. Утре си взимам почивен ден. I am taking tomorrow off. I'm taking the day off tomorrow. Нито пък съм казал това. I didn't say that either. Nor did I say that. По-добре е да даваш, отколкото да взимаш. It is better to give than to take. It's better to give than to take. Можеш ли да вземеш това, ако обичаш. Could you take this, please? Can you take this, please? Джейн написа писмото сама. Jane wrote the letter herself. Jane wrote the letter herself. Можеш ли да решиш тази задача? Could you solve the problem? Can you solve this problem? Мисля, че ти стига толкова. I think you've had enough. I think you've had enough. Казвала си ми това и друг път. You've told me that before. You've told me this before. Минаха 6 години, откакто започнах да уча английски. It is six years since I started to study English. It's been six years since I started learning English. Аз не мога да ви купя тази рокля. I can't buy you that dress. I can't buy you this dress. Работя като пчеличка. Work like a bee. I work like a bee. Брайън накара Кейт да го чака. Brian kept Kate waiting. Brian made Kate wait for him. Забранявам ти да пушиш. I forbid you to smoke. I forbid you to smoke. Забелязах, че Том обикновено не си заключва вратата. I've noticed that Tom doesn't usually lock his door. I noticed Tom doesn't usually lock his door. Бихте ли ми помогнали да преведа това? Would you please help me translate this? Can you help me translate this? Том почти нищо не разбира от френски. Tom can hardly speak French at all. Tom doesn't know much about French. Това е същата болница, където работи Том. This is the same hospital where Tom works. It's the same hospital where Tom works. Том не е толкова умен. Tom isn't so smart. Tom's not that smart. Защо искате да станете медицинска сестра? Why do you want to become a nurse? Why do you want to be a nurse? Карл изглеждаше много щастлив. Carl looked very happy. Carl seemed very happy. Линда обожава шоколад. Linda loves chocolate. Linda loves chocolate. Този климатик харчи много ток. This air conditioner consumes a lot of electricity. This air conditioner spends a lot of electricity. Не се връзвайте на тази ловка пропаганда. Don't swallow that slick propaganda. Don't fall for this subtle propaganda. Том смята,че смъртното наказание трябва да бъде отменено. Tom believes that the death penalty should be abolished. Tom thinks the death penalty should be lifted. Първо добрият Бог направи Мъжа, а после направи Жената. След това, Той се смили над Мъжа, и му даде тютюна. First the good God made Man, then He made Woman. After this, He took pity on Man, and gave him tobacco. First the good God made the Man, then he made the Woman, then he took pity on the Man, and gave him the tobacco. Забравих да заключа вратата. I forgot to lock the door. I forgot to lock the door. Харесва ли ти? Do you like it? Do you like it? Момчете, не вдигайте никакъв шум. Boys, don't make any noise. Boys, don't make any noise. Не ги гледай в очите. Don't make eye contact. Don't look them in the eye. Ще се върна след час или там някъде. I'll be back in an hour or so. I'll be back in an hour or so. Това изглежда ли ти познато? Does this look familiar to you? Does this look familiar? Вземи си палтото. Get your coat. Get your coat. С какви пари разполагаш? How much money do you have? What kind of money do you have? Това няма да промени нищо. That won't change anything. It won't change anything. Сградата е почти на приключване. This building is near completion. The building's almost finished. Мислех, че са безработни. I thought they were unemployed. I thought they were unemployed. По-добре да се захващам за работа. I'd better get back to work. I better get to work. Аои танцува. Aoi dances. Aoi's dancing. Днес машините могат да правят много неща за хората. Machines can do a lot of things for people today. Today, machines can do a lot of things for people. Той отиде на разходка. He's out taking a walk. He went for a walk. Моля те, започни веднага. Please begin immediately. Please start now. Виждал съм шофьорската ти книжка. I've seen your driver's license. I've seen your driver's license. Къде е моята стая? Where's my room? Where's my room? Том страда от плоскостъпие. Tom has flat feet. Tom suffers from flat feet. Продължавайте да копаете. Keep digging. Keep digging. Къде е музеят? Where is the museum? Where's the museum? "Човешката глупост е безкрайна", казвам аз, и заради тази си самокритичност, се считам за изключение. "Human stupidity is endless", I say, and for this self-criticism, I consider myself an exception. "Human stupidity is infinite," I say, and because of this self-criticity, I consider myself an exception. Бурята не спираше, напротив, ставаше все по-силна. Far from stopping, the storm became much more intense. The storm wouldn't stop, on the contrary, it was getting stronger. Том накара Мери да преведе писмото на френски. Tom had Mary translate the letter into French. Tom had Mary translate the letter into French. Безработицата още е висока. Unemployment is still high. The unemployment is still high. Том предполагаше, че Мери няма да дойде на партито. Tom assumed Mary wouldn't be at the party. Tom thought Mary wasn't coming to the party. Не говорех за него. I wasn't talking about him. I wasn't talking about him. Това ли би искал Том? Is that what Tom would want? Is that what Tom would want? Цялото шосе върви по нанагорнище. The road is uphill all the way. The whole road's going uphill. Не те ли е срам? Aren't you ashamed? Aren't you ashamed? Мисля, че трябва да изпратиш Том в Бостън. I think you should send Tom to Boston. I think you should send Tom to Boston. Питай Том отново. Ask Tom again. Ask Tom again. Иска ми се нещата да са пак както си бяха. I wish things could get back to normal. I wish things were back to the way they were. Покажи ми. Show me. Show me. На Том му извадиха зъб миналата седмица. Tom had a tooth pulled out last week. Tom got a tooth out last week. Колкото повече тичаш, толкова повече се изморяваш. The more you run the tired you become. The more you run, the more you get tired. Не прикривай как се чувстваш заради това. Don't conceal what you feel about it. Don't cover up how you feel about it. Има ли нещо за мене? Is there anything for me? Is there something for me? Може ли да ми отвориш вратата? Can you open the door for me? Can you open the door for me? Момичето е ирландка. The girl is Irish. The girl's Irish. Ще бъде предизвикателство. This is going to be a challenge. It'll be a challenge. Сигурен съм, че това няма да е необходимо. I'm sure that won't be necessary. I'm sure that won't be necessary. Том често боледува. Tom often gets sick. Tom's been sick a lot. Ключът не влиза в ключалката. This key won't go in the lock. The key doesn't fit the lock. Каква е минималната заплата в Италия? What's the minimum salary in Italy? What's the minimum wage in Italy? Том отново включи лампата. Tom turned the light back on. Tom turned the light back on. Това колело е мое. This bicycle is mine. That's my bike. Не съм свикнал да ям люто. I'm not used to spicy food. I'm not used to eating spicy. Избери което ти харесва. Choose whichever you like. Pick what you like. Отивай там и говори с нея. Go there and talk to her. Go over there and talk to her. Срещнахме се на един летен лагер. We met at summer camp. We met at a summer camp. Не говорете в класната стая. Don't talk in the classroom. Don't talk in the classroom. Това не е от мене. It's not from me. That's not from me. Когато баща ми разбра, че излизам с Нимрод Ник, той много се ядоса. When my father found out that I've been going out with Nimrod Nick, he got very angry. When my father found out I was dating Nimrod Nick, he got very angry. Учителят ни накара да повторим думата. The teacher made us repeat the word. Master made us repeat the word. Том е починал вчера. Tom passed away yesterday. Tom died yesterday. Мислех, че ще закусваме заедно. I thought we would have breakfast together. I thought we were having breakfast together. Мисля, че Том си забрави камерата. I think Tom forgot his camera. I think Tom forgot his camera. Мисля, че ще откриеш, че вината е на Том. I think you'll find it's Tom's fault. I think you'll find it's Tom's fault. Тя си сложи пуловера. She pulled her sweater on. She put on her sweater. Понякога ми свършват парите. Sometimes I run out of money. Sometimes I run out of money. Не се притеснявайте, Г-н Президент: с толкова лоши венци, тя едва ли даже ИМА зъби. Don't worry Mr. President: with gums that bad, I doubt she even HAS teeth. Don't worry, Mr. President: with such bad gums, she hardly even has teeth. Не съм те виждала тук преди. I haven't seen you in here before. I've never seen you here before. Мисля, че Том ще умре. I think Tom is going to die. I think Tom's gonna die. Той живее в уютна малка къща. He lives in a cozy little house. He lives in a cozy little house. Връщай се в леглото. Just go back to bed. Go back to bed. Защо не пробва роклята, преди да я купиш? Why didn't you try the dress on before you bought it? Why didn't you try on the dress before you bought it? Том се самоуби, скачайки от една скала. Tom committed suicide by jumping off a cliff. Tom killed himself jumping off a cliff. Къде си родена? Where were you born? Where were you born? Тези дрехи ти стоят добре. These clothes suit you. These clothes look good on you. Те се отправиха направо към целта си. They made straight for their destination. They headed straight for their goal. Момчето влезе през прозореца. The boy got in through the window. The boy came in through the window. Още нищо не съм започнала. I haven't started anything yet. I haven't started anything yet. Сметката, моля. The check, please. Check, please. Мислех, че ще бъдеш доволен. I thought you'd be happy. I thought you'd be pleased. Свършихте ли с вечерята? Have you finished dinner? Are you finished with dinner? Чух, че Том ти дал цигулката на дядо си. I heard Tom gave you his grandfather's violin. I heard Tom gave you his grandfather's violin. Прави каквото мислиш, че е правилно. Do whatever you think is right. Do what you think is right. Да не се влюбваш в Том? Are you falling for Tom? Are you falling in love with Tom? Постоянството се отплаща. Persistence pays off. Perseverance pays off. Те пристигнаха отделно. They arrived separately. They arrived separately. Да се говори френски е забавно. Speaking in French is fun. To speak French is fun. Том няма да преуспее. Tom won't be successful. Tom's not gonna make it. Подгответе се за най-лошото. Prepare for the worst. Prepare for the worst. Вярвам, че Земята се наблюдава от извънземно разузнаване. I believe that an alien intelligence is watching the Earth. I believe the Earth is being monitored by alien intelligence. Хайде да ходим на плаж. Let's go to the beach. Let's go to the beach. Мисля, че е станала грешка. I think there's been some mistake. I think there's been a mistake. Баща ми се разхожда в парка. My father is taking a walk in the park. My dad's walking around in the park. Не си толкова стара. You're not that old. You're not that old. Той даде на всеки от тях по един молив. He gave each of them a pencil. He gave each of them a pencil. Не ме пришпорвай. Мисля. Don't rush me. I'm thinking. Don't rush me. Мисля, че ти трябва да си пуснеш брада. I think you should grow a beard. I think you should grow a beard. Харесва ли ти френския? Do you like French? Do you like French? Изглежда, че ни игнорират. It looks like we're being ignored. Looks like they're ignoring us. Какво става тук? What's going on? What's going on here? Сигурна ли си, че не искаш още едно безалкохолно? Are you sure you don't want another soda? Are you sure you don't want another soda? Много хора споделят моето виждане по въпроса. A lot of people feel the same way about this as I do. A lot of people share my view on this. Блузата е чиста. The blouse is clean. Shirt's clear. Малко чай, моля. I'd like some tea, please. Some tea, please. Имам един глупав въпрос. I have a stupid question. I have a stupid question. Той завърши голямото си начинание най-накрая. He accomplished the great undertaking at last. He's finished his big venture at last. Трябва да стоя тук. I have to stay here. I have to stay here. Той няма нужда да работи. He doesn't need to work. He doesn't need to work. Току-що изпусна влака, нали? You just missed the train, didn't you? You just missed the train, didn't you? Детето не е съд, който трябва да бъде напълнен, а огън, който трябва да се запали. A child is not a vessel for filling, but a fire to light. The child is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited. Мисля, че трябва да видиш това. I think you'd better look at this. I think you should see this. Не говориш ли френски? Can't you speak French? Don't you speak French? Подреди думите по азбучен ред. Put the words in alphabetical order. Order the words in alphabetical order. Том може да говори френски много по-гладко от мене. Tom can speak French much more fluently than I can. Tom can speak French a lot smoother than me. Ще се скрия тук вътре. I'll hide in here. I'm gonna hide in here. Тя се грижеше за болния си съпруг. She attended on her sick husband. She was taking care of her sick husband. Той си свиреше, докато вървеше. He whistled as he walked. He was playing while he was walking. Зърнах момичето между тълпата. I glimpsed the girl among the crowd. I saw the girl in the crowd. Аз бих могъл да те направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Аз не мога да говоря английски, а пък за немски да не говорим. I can't speak English, much less German. I can't speak English, let alone German. Нямам застраховка. I don't have insurance. I don't have insurance. Той е завършил Йейл с почести през 1921. He graduated from Yale with honors in 1921. He graduated Yale with honors in 1921. Мисля, че имам начин да ти спестя известно време. I think I have a way to save you some time. I think I have a way to save you some time. Моето име е Роберто. My name is Roberto. My name is Roberto. Отворих вратата и я задържах отворена за Мери. I opened the door and held it open for Mary. I opened the door and kept it open for Mary. От млякото правим сирене и маслко. We make milk into cheese and butter. We make cheese and butter from milk. Колко епизода на One Piece сте гледали? How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? How many episodes of One Piece have you seen? Не съм мислила сериозно за това. I haven't really thought about it. I haven't really thought about it. Тази седмица съм почивка. I am on holiday this week. I'm off this week. Ако някоя болна жена сгъне хиляда хартиени жерави, желанието ѝ ще се сбъдне. If a sick person folds one thousand paper cranes, her wish will come true. If a sick woman folds a thousand cranes, her wish will come true. Учудвам се, че тая сграда още стои. I'm surprised that building is still standing. I'm surprised this building's still standing. Изобщо не съм ти длъжен! I don't owe you squat! I don't owe you anything! Шофьорът на автобуса не видя пешеходеца. The bus driver didn't see the pedestrian. The bus driver didn't see the pedestrian. Защо напусна? Why did you quit? Why did you leave? Аз си искам ризата обратно. I want my shirt back. I want my shirt back. Прекарах си отпуската в Хаконе. I spent my vacation in Hakone. I spent my vacation in Hacone. Прегледай тези документи. Look through these papers. Take a look at these documents. Бих искала да преведа това на френски. Би ли ми помогнала? I'd like to get this translated into French. Could you help me? I'd like to translate that into French. Той не каза и дума. He didn't say a word. He didn't say a word. Те пият чай в хола. They are having tea in the living room. They drink tea in the living room. Том запали двигателя. Tom started the engine. Tom started the engine. Какво ти става по дяволите? What the hell's wrong with you? What the hell is wrong with you? Изглежда, че той е бил много добър атлет. He seems to have been a great athlete. Looks like he was a very good athlete. Дай ми и малко мляко. Give me some milk, too. Give me some milk, too. Сварете 300 грама ориз. Cook 300 grams of rice. Boil 300 grams of rice. Това не ти ли стига? Isn't it enough for you? Isn't that enough for you? Между другото, напоследък да си се чувала с него? By the way, have you heard from him lately? By the way, have you heard from him lately? Твоето колело е по-хубаво от моето. Your bicycle is better than mine. Your bike is better than mine. Не съм ти давал разрешение да напуснеш. I didn't give you permission to leave. I didn't give you permission to leave. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да дойда с теб? Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? Внимавайте. Be careful. Be careful. Как да стигна до летището? How do I get to the airport? How do I get to the airport? Кой го изтегли? Who drew it? Who pulled it? Парите не купуват щастие. Money doesn't buy happiness. Money doesn't buy happiness. Ние сме момчета. We are boys. We're boys. Лошото време ни попречи да тръгнем. Bad weather prevented us from departing. Bad weather prevented us from leaving. Сега уча френски. I'm studying French now. I'm learning French now. Понеже не знаех къде да сляза, попитах шофьора на автобуса. Not knowing where to get off the bus, I asked the driver. Since I didn't know where to get off, I asked the bus driver. Получи ли това, което ти изпратих? Did you get what I sent you? Did you get what I sent you? Страшно съм зает. I have my hands full. I'm so busy. Как се научи да говориш френски? How did you learn French? How did you learn to speak French? Бъдете там тази вечер. Be there tonight. Be there tonight. Влязъл си в печеливша серия. You're on a roll. You're on a winning streak. Не мога да ти се сърдя за това. I don't hold that against you. I can't be mad at you for this. Разпространяването на телевизията значително ни е лишило от нашето време за четене. The spread of television has considerably deprived us of our time for reading. The spread of television has greatly deprived us of our reading time. Ще ми трябва цяла вечност, за да обясня всичко. I'd need a whole eternity to explain everything. It'll take me forever to explain everything. Не ми надничай в килера. Don't look in my closet. Don't peek in my closet. Новият коронавирус е много заразен. The new coronavirus is very infectious. The new coronavirus is very contagious. Всеки път, като те търся, тебе те няма. Every time I call on you, you're out. Every time I look for you, you're gone. Вие слизате на следващата спирка. The next station is where you get off. You get off at the next stop. Почакай за момент. Wait a moment. Wait a minute. Тук съм неофициално. I'm here unofficially. I'm here unofficially. Не гледай директно в Том. Don't look directly at Tom. Don't look directly at Tom. Сигурна ли си, че Том няма да дойде до 2:30? Are you sure Tom won't be here until 2:30? Are you sure Tom won't be here by 2:30? Том ме научи да сърфирам. Tom taught me how to surf. Tom taught me how to surf. Той не вярва в Бог. He doesn't believe in God. He doesn't believe in God. Всичко, което искам, е чаша кафе и препечена филийка. All I want is a cup of coffee and a piece of toast. All I want is a cup of coffee and toast. Трябва да поправя това. I have to fix this. I have to fix this. Приготвих закуска. I made breakfast. I made breakfast. Той следва Английска литература. He majors in English literature. He's studying English literature. Ножът е тъп. The knife is dull. It's a dumb knife. Тя ме погледна многозначително. She gave me a meaningful look. She gave me a big look. Забранено е да се пуши в сградите на училището. It is forbidden to smoke on school premises. It's forbidden to smoke in school buildings. Наистина съм уморена и искам да си легна рано. I'm really tired and want to go to bed early. I'm really tired and I want to go to bed early. Обичм те повече от всичко. I love you more than anything. I love you more than anything. Защо сте дошли толкова рано? Why did you come this early? Why are you here so early? Някои хора умеят да говоят добре, а други са добри слушатели. Some people are good talkers and others good listeners. Some people can speak well, and others are good listeners. Аз не разбрах последната дума. I didn't catch the last word. I didn't get the last word. Колкото и да е богата, тя не е щастлива. For all her riches, she's not happy. No matter how rich she is, she's not happy. Иди и виж сам. You should go and see for yourself. Go and see for yourself. Виждал ли си ми очилата някъде? Have you seen my glasses anywhere? Have you seen my glasses anywhere? Можеш да го срещнеш. You might meet him. You can meet him. Затворете си учебниците. Close your books. Close your books. Чух, че някой влиза. I heard someone come in. I heard someone's coming in. Том тръгна по пътя на баща си. Tom followed in his father's footsteps. Tom went his father's way. Никога през живота си нищо не съм откраднала. I've never stolen anything in my life. I've never stolen anything in my life. Том се обърна към мен на френски. Tom spoke to me in French. Tom approached me in French. Той също може да говори руски. He can speak Russian, too. He can also speak Russian. Япония има много отличителни черти. Japan has many distinctive traits. Japan has many distinctive features. Вярваш ли, че има бог? Do you believe in God? Do you believe there is a god? Вечер се разхождам с кучето. In the evening, I walk with my dog. I walk with the dog at night. Каква е твоята кръвна група? What's your blood group? What's your blood type? Десет къщи изгоряха. Ten houses were burned down. Ten houses burned down. Изобщо не трябваше да те оставям да го правиш сам. I should never have let you do that by yourself. I should never have let you do this alone. Осъдена на смърт. Condemned to death. Sentenced to death. Чаках едва от пет минути. I've only been waiting for five minutes. I've only been waiting five minutes. Ще ми покажеш ли фотоалбума си, моля те? Would you please show me your photo album? Can you show me your photo album, please? Къщата на Том изгоря. Tom's house burned down. Tom's house burned down. Най-голямото щастие в живота е да обичаш и да бъдеш обичан. It is the greatest happiness in life to love and to be loved. The greatest happiness in life is to love and be loved. Колко тежи дъщеря ти? How much does your daughter weigh? How much does your daughter weigh? Том не трябваше да прави това. Tom shouldn't have done that. Tom shouldn't have done that. Аз съм атеист. I'm atheist. I'm an atheist. Никога не пиша думите "борш" и "шчи" на немски език! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! I never write the words "borscht" and "schit" in German! Отидох до пазара. I went to the market. I went to the market. На Том му се подкосиха коленете. Tom's knees buckled. Tom's got his knees clenched. Ще дойда с тебе обратно до хотела. I'll walk you back to your hotel. I'll come back to the hotel with you. Дайте ми и на мен мляко. Give me some milk, too. Give me some milk, too. Мисля, че тя е над четирийсетгодишна. I think she is over forty years old. I think she's over 40. Носиш ли шофьорската книжка? Do you have your driver's license? Do you have your driver's license? Не ми трябва вашата помощ. I don't need your help. I don't need your help. Той е пред вратата. He is in front of the door. He's at the door. Бизнесът ми отново се възражда. My business is picking up again. My business is being revived again. Ключовете са на масата. The keys are on the table. The keys are on the table. Запътих се към парка. I walked toward the park. I'm on my way to the park. Той съобщи за катастрофата на полицията. He reported his accident to the police. He reported the accident to the police. Не го виждам. I don't see it. I don't see him. Родителите ти говорят ли френски? Do your parents speak French? Do your parents speak French? Боя се, че сега не може да се говори за повишение. I'm afraid a promotion is out of the question now. I'm afraid we can't talk about promotion now. Винаги си бил малко странен. You were always a little strange. You've always been a little weird. Не ви ли е страх? Aren't you scared? Aren't you afraid? Днес не съм разговарял с никого, освен с Том. I haven't talked to anyone but Tom today. I didn't talk to anyone today except Tom. Почти не те чувам. I can hardly hear you. I can barely hear you. Не трябва да излизаш. You shouldn't go out. You don't have to go out. Може ли да загасиш светлината? Could you turn off the lights? Can you turn off the light? Той пие средно голямо количество кафе. He drinks a moderate amount of coffee. He drinks an average amount of coffee. Разочарован съм, че него го няма. I'm disappointed that he's not here. I'm disappointed he's gone. Обула си си чорапите наопаки. You are wearing your socks inside out. You're wearing your socks upside down. Тъкмо получихме сведения от Канзас касаещи брат ти. We have just received an inquiry from Kansas concerning your brother. We just got word from Kansas about your brother. Мислех, че мога да имам доверие на Том. I thought I could trust Tom. I thought I could trust Tom. Изучавам френски. I'm studying French. I'm studying French. Този нов модел има ли го на пазара? Is this new model available on the market? Is this new model on the market? Познавате ли г-н Браун? Do you know Mr. Brown? Do you know Mr. Brown? Не очаквай всеки да те харесва. Don't expect everyone to like you. Don't expect everyone to like you. За какво става въпрос всъщност? What's it really about? What's this really about? Пази се от Том. Be careful of Tom. Watch out for Tom. Не можем да живеем със 150 000 йени месечно. We can't live on 150,000 yen a month. We can't live with 150,000 yen a month. Пречите. You're in the way. You're in the way. Тя получи билета без да дава нищо. She got the ticket for nothing. She got the ticket without giving anything. Много хора смятат,че ретро автомобилите са доста скъпи. Many people think that antique cars are overpriced. A lot of people think retro cars are pretty expensive. БНП за третото тримесечие надвишаваше с 1% предходното тримесечие. The third quarter GNP growth was 1% over the preceding quarter. GNP for the third quarter exceeded 1% the previous quarter. Съжалявам, трябва да уча. Sorry, I have to study. I'm sorry, I have to study. Забравих да ви кажа какво да донесете. I forgot to tell you what to bring. I forgot to tell you what to bring. Можеш ли да видиш изобщо нещо там? Can you see anything at all there? Can you even see anything out there? Всички бяха на работа. Everybody was at work. Everyone was at work. Свърши ми бензинът. I've run out of gas. I'm out of gas. Да го питаме. Let's ask him. Let's ask him. Къде е вашият баща? Where is your father? Where's your father? Ще го направя така, както ми казахте да го направя. I'll do it the way you've told me to do it. I'll do it the way you told me to. На кой етаж живееш? What floor do you live on? What floor do you live on? Том беше в моя автобус. Tom was on the same bus with me. Tom was on my bus. Изчаках един месец. I've waited for a month. I waited a month. Трябва да отида да посрещна Том. I've got to go meet Tom. I have to go meet Tom. Той беше принуден да подпише договора. He was compelled to sign the contract. He was forced to sign the contract. Не толкова болестта го повали, колкото мързелът. It is not his illness that ruined him so much as his idleness. Not so much the disease brought him down as the laziness. Не те ли е страх, Том? Aren't you scared, Tom? Aren't you scared, Tom? Аллах е велик! Allah is great! Allah is great! Просто се чувствам ужасно. I just feel awful. I just feel terrible. В края на филма тя е много различна. She's very different at the end of the film. At the end of the movie, she's very different. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да учиш в моята къща? Are you sure you don't want to study at my house? Are you sure you don't want to go to my house? Върни се в леглото си. Go back to your bed. Go back to your bed. Том не е ял все още, нали? Tom hasn't eaten yet, has he? Tom hasn't eaten yet, has he? Моето куче също гледа телевизия. My dog is also watching TV. My dog's watching TV too. Хайде на работа. Let's work. Let's get to work. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да дойдеш с мене? Are you sure you don't want to join me? Are you sure you don't want to come with me? Не съм побъркан. I'm not a lunatic. I'm not crazy. Той понякога гледа телевизия. He sometimes watches TV. He watches TV sometimes. Трябва да уважавам желанията на Том. I have to respect Tom's wishes. I have to respect Tom's wishes. Това е доста екстремно. This is pretty extreme. That's pretty extreme. Побързай! Остават само трийсет минути до тръгването на влака. Hurry up! There's only 30 minutes left before the train leaves. Hurry up, it's only 30 minutes till the train leaves. Участниците се подготвят за последния кръг на състезанието. The contestants are gearing up for the final round of competition. The participants are preparing for the final round of the competition. Имам планове за събота вечерта. I have plans for Saturday night. I have plans Saturday night. Като че ли се уморих. I'm kind of tired. I feel like I'm tired. Надявам се скоро да се чуем. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. I hope to hear from you soon. Идването ни тук беше грешка. Coming here was a mistake. Coming here was a mistake. Не ни придиряй толкова. Cut us some slack. Don't be so hard on us. Хобито ѝ е да колекционира пощенски марки. Her hobby is collecting stamps. Her hobby is to collect stamps. Не разбирам немски език. I don't understand German. I don't understand German. Мисля, че ще ти хареса там. I think you'd like it there. I think you'll like it there. Ще бъда ок. I'll be all right. I'll be fine. От това Том няма да разбере нищо. Tom won't be able to understand any of this. Tom won't know anything about this. Не забравяй да си донесеш кухненски пособия като ножове и съдове за готвене. Don't forget to bring kitchen utensils such as knives and cooking pots. Don't forget to bring kitchen supplies like knives and cooking dishes. Пристигнахме. We've arrived. We're here. Къде отивате? Where are you going? Where are you going? Ние тръгваме към плажа. Ти искаш ли да дойдеш с нас? We're heading for the beach. Would you like to come with us? We're going to the beach. Обещах си повече никога да не го правя. I promised myself I wouldn't do this again. I promised myself I'd never do it again. Джейн понякога тича до училище. Jane sometimes runs to school. Jane runs to school sometimes. Мисля, че това ще ти хареса. I think you'll like this. I think you're gonna like this. Бих могла да Ви направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Всеки студент си има шкафче. Each student has a locker. Every student has a locker. Виждала ли си коала? Have you ever seen a koala? Have you seen the koala? Том не можа да повярва, че Мери наистина го обича. Tom couldn't believe that Mary really loved him. Tom couldn't believe Mary really loved him. Аз не мога да ти купя тази рокля. I can't buy you that dress. I can't buy you that dress. Мисля, че ти се паникьоса. I think you panicked. I think you panicked. Той излезе да се разходи. He's out taking a walk. He went for a walk. Дано да си прав. You'd better be right. I hope you're right. Не по-малко от 100 души присъстваха на срещата. No less than 100 people attended the meeting. No less than 100 people attended the meeting. Знам, че си прав. I know you're right. I know you're right. Плановете ми за почивката се провалиха. My holiday plan has fallen through. My vacation plans have failed. Не съм Ви виждала от няколко дена. I haven't seen you in days. I haven't seen you in a few days. Той дойде в Токио и там се ожени за нея. He came up to Tokyo, and there married her. He came to Tokyo and married her there. Не мисля, че е вярно. I don't think it's true. I don't think that's true. Изгубих представа за времето. I lost track of time. I lost track of time. Той си помисли, че това може да е номер. He thought maybe this was a trick. He thought it might be a trick. Башо е най-великият поет. Basho was the greatest poet. Basho is the greatest poet. Какъв е вашият проблем? What is your problem? What's your problem? Ще посетя баба си в болницата. I'm visiting my grandmother in the hospital. I'm going to visit my grandmother at the hospital. Адът е място, където мирише лошо и никой никого не обича. Hell is a place where it smells bad and nobody loves anybody. Hell is a place where it smells bad and nobody loves anyone. Том си обели коляното. Tom skinned his knee. Tom peeled his knee off. Къде е тоалетната? Where's the restroom? Where's the bathroom? Трябва да докладвам за това. I have to report this. I have to report this. Доста те бива с френския, нали? You're pretty good at French, aren't you? You're pretty good with French, aren't you? Той отложи празненството. He postponed the party. He canceled the party. Мари каза, че Том е неин братовчед. Mary said that Tom is her cousin. Marie said Tom was her cousin. Те хванаха пет пеперуди. They caught five butterflies. They've got five butterflies. Направи го заради мене. Do it for me. Do it for me. "Как я караш, Майк?" "Името ми е Том." "How are you doing, Mike?" "My name is Tom." "How you doing, Mike?" "My name is Tom." Какво точно се случи с вас? What exactly happened to you? What exactly happened to you? Прибери колата в гаража. Put the car into the garage. Put the car in the garage. Сигурна ли си, че Том знае какво трябва да направи? Are you sure Tom knows what he's supposed to do? Are you sure Tom knows what he has to do? Видях баща му да му се кара. I saw him scolded by his father. I saw his father arguing with him. Поддържай стаята си чиста и спретната. Keep your room neat and tidy. Keep your room clean and tidy. Имах тежка нощ. I had a rough night. I had a rough night. Тя не харесваше съпруга си. She disliked her husband. She didn't like her husband. Изучавах лицето му за белези на изтощение. I studied his face for signs of weariness. I studied his face for signs of exhaustion. Музиката е общият език на човечеството. Music is a common speech for humanity. Music is the common language of mankind. Дай ми и малко захар. Give me some sugar, too. Give me some sugar, too. Ще те закарам у вас. I'll give you a ride home. I'll take you home. Чудя се дали Том би ми преподавал френски. I wonder if Tom would teach me French. I wonder if Tom would teach me French. За мен ще е удоволствие да пея за теб. I'd be happy to sing for you. It would be my pleasure to sing for you. Умеете ли да яздите кон? Can you ride a horse? Do you know how to ride a horse? Том се интересува силно от рисуване. Tom had a great interest in painting. Tom's very interested in painting. Том не е подготвен. Tom isn't prepared. Tom's not prepared. Жива ли си? Are you alive? Are you alive? Може би е истина, но не ми се вярва. That could be true, but I don't really think so. Maybe it's true, but I can't believe it. Чаках колкото ми беше възможно. I've waited as long as possible. I waited as long as I could. Не можеш да се скриеш от мен. You can't hide from me. You can't hide from me. Не искам да бъда различен. I don't want to be different. I don't want to be different. Гледай как аз го правя. Watch how I do it. Watch me do it. Отиваме на кино. Ела с нас. We are going to the movies. Come with us. We're going to the movies. Той често ходи на кино с нея. He often goes to the cinema with her. He often goes to the movies with her. Не може да пушиш в тази стая. You may not smoke in this room. You can't smoke in this room. Чух, че членството на Том е било прекратено. I heard Tom's membership has been revoked. I heard Tom's membership was suspended. Ще бъда до теб, ако тръгнеш да го правиш. I'll stand behind you if you are going to do it. I'll be there for you if you go through with it. Как се казва хотелът в Бостън, в който беше отседнал миналата година? What was the name of the hotel where you stayed in Boston last year? What's the name of the hotel in Boston you stayed at last year? Това е сложен проблем. It's a complex problem. It's a complicated problem. Сега е точно 10:00. It's exactly 10:00. Now it's 10:00 sharp. Вали като из ведро. It's raining cats and dogs. It's raining like hell. Ти също ли си ерген? Are you a bachelor, too? Are you single, too? Той е известен като велик поет. He is known as a great poet. He's known as a great poet. Няма да сме тук след 2:30. We won't be here after 2:30. We won't be here after 2:30. Видях, че Джеси беше застанал там. I saw Jessie standing there. I saw Jesse standing there. Купувах книги от книжарницата. I was buying some books from the bookstore. I was buying books from the bookstore. Трябва да купя един от тези. I must buy one of these. I have to buy one of these. Обичам да спортувам. I like playing sports. I like to play sports. Той често закъснява. He often comes late. He's often late. Иска ми се да имах приятел като теб. I wish I had a friend like you. I wish I had a friend like you. Аз говоря френски всеки ден на работата. I speak French every day at work. I speak French every day at work. Не вярвам в съвпаденията. I don't believe in coincidences. I don't believe in coincidences. Той е мил. He is nice. He's nice. Все още съм малко зает. I'm still a little busy. I'm still a little busy. Просто не можах да накарам Том да разбере. I just couldn't make Tom understand. I just couldn't make Tom understand. Той е един от съседите ми. He is one of my neighbors. He's one of my neighbors. Почти свършихме. We're almost finished. We're almost done. Аз си затворих вратата. I closed my door. I closed my door. Аз бих могла да Ви направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Досега не бях виждал нищо подобно. I've never seen anything like that before. I've never seen anything like it. Отвори бутилката, ако обичаш. Please open the bottle. Open the bottle, please. По-умна съм от Вас. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you. Последните нововъведения в медицината са забележителни. The recent advances in medicine are remarkable. The latest innovations in medicine are remarkable. Ти трябва да се контролираш. You must control yourself. You have to control yourself. Нямам интерес да го правя. I have no interest in doing that. I'm not interested in doing that. Том смята, че ще вали. Tom thinks that it's going to rain. Tom thinks it's gonna rain. Можете ли да говорите френски? Are you able to speak French? Can you speak French? Те го отписаха като изгубен. They gave him up for lost. They wrote him off as lost. Чаках три дни. I've waited for three days. I waited three days. Материалното богатство често върви ръка за ръка с отхвърлянето от обществото. Material wealth often goes hand in hand with social deprivation. Material wealth often goes hand in hand with public rejection. Преброихте ли кърпите? Have you counted the towels? Did you count the towels? Трябва да си намериш истинска работа. You need to get a real job. You need to get a real job. Вие двамата нямате нищо общо. You two have nothing in common. You two have nothing in common. В това малко село живеят много учени. Many scientists live in this small village. Many scientists live in this small village. Убеден съм, че Том разбира френски. I'm pretty sure Tom understands French. I'm sure Tom understands French. Не знаех, че не трябва да го правим. I didn't know we weren't supposed to do that. I didn't know we didn't have to do this. Вие сте добра певица. You're a good singer. You're a good singer. Котката яде. The cat is eating. The cat eats. Свикнал съм родителите ми да не ми обръщат внимание. I'm used to being ignored by my parents. I'm used to my parents ignoring me. Като говорим за пътешествия, бил ли си някога в Австралия? Speaking of travel, have you ever been to Australia? Speaking of trips, have you ever been to Australia? Мислех, че ще сте уморени. I thought you'd be tired. I thought you'd be tired. Трябва да те видя. I've got to see you. I need to see you. Нанси изглежда като сестра ми. Nancy looks like my sister. Nancy looks like my sister. Том не обича математика. Tom doesn't like math. Tom doesn't like math. Той образова децата си добре. He gave his children a good education. He educated his children well. Просто се държах любезно. I was just being polite. I was just being polite. Том отглежда домати в градината си. Tom grows tomatoes in his garden. Tom grows tomatoes in his garden. Аз обичам да ходя за риба. I like fishing. I like to fish. Тя ми предостави достъп до записите си. She gave me access to her records. She gave me access to her records. Ти не си ли Том? Aren't you Tom? Aren't you Tom? Тя изгледа младежа срамежливо. She glanced shyly at the young man. She looked at the young man shy. Това е изработено от Том. This is Tom's handiwork. This was made by Tom. Ти можеш да четеш френски, нали? You can read French, can't you? You can read French, can't you? Много ми се спи. I'm very sleepy. I want to sleep a lot. Бъди по-точен. Be more precise. Be more specific. Бях отпуск. I was on vacation. I was on leave. Никой няма да разбере. No one will know. No one will know. Том излиза да пие всяка вечер. Tom goes out drinking every evening. Tom goes out to drink every night. Музеят днес е затворен. The museum is closed now. The museum is closed today. Тя ми даде риза. She gave me a shirt. She gave me a shirt. Том не си беше сложил колана. Tom wasn't wearing a belt. Tom didn't have his seat belt on. Мислите, че сте забавни ли? You think you're funny? You think you're funny? Вие така решихте. That was your decision. That's what you thought. Къде се намира библиотеката? Where is the library? Where's the library? Момчето натъпка всичките си дрехи в чантата. The boy crammed all his clothes into the bag. The boy stuffed all his clothes in the bag. Донеси ми списанията. Bring me the magazines. Bring me the magazines. Тя го завърза за стола. She tied him to the chair. She tied him to the chair. Млад съм. I'm young. I'm young. Градът е голям. The city is big. It's a big city. Той ми обеща, че няма да каже на никого. He promised me that he wouldn't tell anybody. He promised me he wouldn't tell anyone. Задлъжнял ли си вече? Are you in debt yet? Are you in debt yet? Ще ме научиш ли да говоря френски? Can you teach me French? Can you teach me how to speak French? Ти си жесток. You're cruel. You're cruel. Том остава твърд. Tom remains obstinate. Tom stays tough. Проблемът изглежда много по-сложен. The issue seems much more complicated. The problem seems much more complicated. Пия вода. I'm drinking water. I'm drinking water. Не се тревожете. Don't worry. Don't worry. Том не е добре напоследък. Tom hasn't been well. Tom hasn't been well lately. Първо трябва да ти кажа нещо. I have to tell you something first. There's something I need to tell you first. Едно кафе, моля. Coffee, please. A cup of coffee, please. Аз съм вдовица. I am a widow. I'm a widow. Имах ли друг избор? What other choice did I have? Did I have any other choice? Той е сам. He is alone. He's alone. В Китай ние слагаме отпред първо фамилията, а после името. In China, we put our family name first, then our name. In China we put first the last name and then the name. Дай му ги. Give them to him. Give it to him. Момчето бледо напомняше на баща си на външен вид. The boy faintly resembled his father in appearance. The boy palely reminded his father of appearance. Той винаги успява да пише на майка си поне по веднъж седмично. He never fails to write to his mother every week. He always manages to write to his mother at least once a week. Той ме погледна право в очите. He looked me straight in the eyes. He looked me right in the eye. Недей да спираш заради мене. Don't stop on my account. Don't stop for me. Как ги различавате? How do you tell them apart? How do you tell them apart? Времето е на наша страна. Time's on our side. Time is on our side. Обичате ли Вашата майка? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Подобриха резултатите си. They have improved their results. They've improved their results. Не им придиряй толкова. Cut them some slack. Don't be so hard on them. Къде е шефът? Where's the boss? Where's the boss? Кога може да кажем, че човек има проблеми с алкохола? When can one say that a person has alcohol issues? When can we say that a person has problems with alcohol? Ще има ли някой на гарата да ме посрещне? Will anybody be at the station to meet me? Will there be anyone at the station to meet me? Тези няколко месеца не съм го чувала. I haven't heard from him these several months. I haven't heard from him in months. Не свиря на обой. I don't play the oboe. I don't play oboe. Прочетох един вълнуващ разказ. I read an exciting story. I read an exciting story. Не се страхувай. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Този въпрос донякъде го разбирам. I can understand this problem to some extent. I kind of understand that question. Защо не сте тук? Why aren't you here? Why aren't you here? Том е човекът, който ми даде това колело. Tom is the one who gave me this bicycle. Tom's the guy who gave me that bike. Няма да се огънем под натиска на тиранина. We will not bend to the will of a tyrant. We will not bend under the pressure of the tyrant. Том е пълна загадка. Tom is a mystery. Tom is a complete mystery. Нося слънчеви очила. I'm wearing sunglasses. I'm wearing sunglasses. Не знам защо Том е толкова ядосан. I don't know why Tom is so angry. I don't know why Tom's so angry. Толкова се радвам да те видя отново. I'm so happy to see you again. It's so good to see you again. Не ме карай да стоя тук. Don't make me stand here. Don't make me stay here. Това е храна. This is food. It's food. Бихте ли претеглили това? Can you weigh this, please? Would you weigh that, please? Коя е любимата Ви птица? What is your favourite bird? What's your favorite bird? Всички освен мен бяха поканени. Everyone except me was invited. Everyone except me was invited. Нито пък съм казала това. I didn't say that either. Nor did I say that. Той обича географията и историята. He likes geography and history. He loves geography and history. Сам ли дойде тук? Did you come here alone? Did you come here alone? Имаш ли подчинени, които говорят френски? Do you have any employees who speak French? Do you have any subordinates who speak French? Не ме бива много да говоря на френски. I'm not very good at speaking French. I'm not very good at speaking French. Питай го за пътя до гарата. Ask him the way to station. Ask him about the way to the station. Бил ходи за риба през ден. Bill goes fishing every other day. Bill goes fishing every other day. Търся си очилата. I am looking for my glasses. I'm looking for my glasses. Отказвам се. I give up. I'm out. Очите ми са уморени. My eyes are tired. My eyes are tired. Пътниците в автобуса бяха петдесет. There were fifty passengers on board the bus. There were 50 passengers on the bus. Том работи във винарна. Tom works at a winery. Tom works at a winery. Том нямаше какво да прави. Tom didn't have anything to do. Tom had nothing to do. Кой слуша Том? Who listens to Tom? Who's listening to Tom? Мисля, че Том е заспал. I think Tom is asleep. I think Tom's asleep. Децата често плачат, защото искат да им се обърне внимание. Children often cry just because they want some attention. Children often cry because they want to be paid attention. Любопитно ми е. I am curious. I'm curious. Моля те, събуди ме в шест утре сутринта. Please wake me up at six tomorrow morning. Please wake me up at six tomorrow morning. С нея се чувствам неловко. I feel ill at ease with her. I'm uncomfortable with her. Не искаме да се чувстваш притиснат. We don't want you to feel pressured. We don't want you to feel pressured. Стафидите са изсушени гроздови зърна. Raisins are shrivelled grapes. Raisins are dried grapes. Бил съм в Индия. I have been to India. I've been to India. Кафе паузата е традиция в Америка. The coffee break is an American institution. Coffee break is a tradition in America. Казах ти, каквото знам. I've told you what I know. I told you what I know. Те имат друг план. They have another plan. They have another plan. Животът е пълен с възможности. Life is full of chances. Life is full of possibilities. Ние карахме, като се сменяхме. We took turns driving. We were driving when we switched. Ако искаш нещо, не се колебай да ми кажеш. If there is anything you want, don't hesitate to ask me. If you want something, don't hesitate to tell me. Том не беше толкова лош. Tom wasn't that bad. Tom wasn't that bad. Не мога да си намеря очилата. Може да съм ги оставила във влака. I can't find my glasses. I may have left them behind on the train. I can't find my glasses. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да чакам тук с Том? Are you sure you don't want me to wait here with Tom? Are you sure you don't want me to wait here with Tom? Изглеждаш уморен. You look tired. You look tired. Той игра бейзбол след училище. He played baseball after school. He played baseball after school. Звука на ужасния писък го накара да се разтрепери. The sound of an awful scream made him shudder. The sound of that terrible scream made him tremble. Имате ли тази риза в черно? Do you have this shirt in black? Do you have this shirt in black? Не беше празненство. It wasn't a party. It wasn't a celebration. Еми си поръча нова рокля. Emi ordered herself a new dress. Amy ordered a new dress. Виждала съм Ви по телевизията. I've seen you on TV. I've seen you on TV. Мег говори прекалено много. Meg talks too much. Meg talks too much. Свалих си разни неща. I've downloaded some stuff. I took things off. Не мога да повярвам на очите си. I can't believe my eyes. I can't believe my eyes. Няма място за притеснение. There's nothing to be worried about. There's no need to worry. Имаме физическо. We have PE class. We've got gym. Ти забавлява ли се вчера? Did you enjoy yourself yesterday? Did you have fun yesterday? Този пуловер струва над петдесет долара. This sweater costs more than fifty dollars. That sweater's worth over $50. Просто го остави при мене. Just leave it with me. Just leave him with me. Аз не обичам лекарите. I don't like doctors. I don't like doctors. Том отказа да говори на френски. Tom refused to speak French. Tom refused to speak French. Том не кара Мери да чака твърде дълго. Tom didn't keep Mary waiting too long. Tom doesn't make Mary wait too long. Тони не знаеше как се казват. Tony did not know their names. Tony didn't know their names. Това е за Том. It's for Tom. This is for Tom. Това е мястото, където Том е роден. This is the place where Tom was born. This is where Tom was born. Колата ми е в сервиза. My car's in the shop. My car's in the shop. Аз имам едно старо колело. I have an old bicycle. I've got an old bike. Не говорите ли английски? Can't you speak English? Don't you speak English? Том няма да те остави да платиш. Tom won't let you pay. Tom's not gonna let you pay. Простри си ризите, преди да са се намачкали. Hang up your shirts before they wrinkle. Clean your shirts before they squish. Ще бъда там. That's where I'll be. I'll be there. Не ставай твърде бързо. Don't get up too quickly. Don't get up too fast. Защо знаеш това? Why do you know that? Why do you know that? Ти си панда. You are a panda. You're a panda. Просто не искам да те видя разочарован. I just don't want to see you get disappointed. I just don't want to see you disappointed. Инвестицията му донесе 6%. The investment now yields him 6%. His investment brought him 6%. Да вечеряме. Let's eat supper. Let's have dinner. Трябва да стигна до Том. I have to get to Tom. I need to get to Tom. Не ги изхвърляй. После ще ти потрябват. Don't throw them away. You'll need them later. Don't throw them away, you'll need them later. Коя е приятелката на Том? Who's Tom's girlfriend? Who's Tom's girlfriend? Той убеди майка си да му даде допълнителни пари. He coaxed extra money from his mother. He convinced his mother to give him extra money. Тази книга беше лесна. This book was easy. That book was easy. Аз му поправих радиото. I've fixed the radio for him. I fixed his radio. Поех по Магистрала 58. I took Highway 58. I took Highway 58. Мисля, че Том го е страх от теб. I think Tom is afraid of you. I think Tom's afraid of you. Не ме оставяйте да умра тук. Don't let me die here. Don't let me die here. Никога не съм те виждал толкова нервна. I've never seen you look so nervous. I've never seen you so nervous. Мисля, че трябва да тръгваме. I think we should go. I think we should go. Разкопчай си блузата, моля те. Please unbutton your blouse. Unbutton your shirt, please. За малко да го забравя. I almost forgot it. I almost forgot that. Том не може да забрави първия път, когато той и Мери се скараха сериозно. Tom can't forget the time he and Mary had their first big argument. Tom can't forget the first time he and Mary had a serious fight. Тук сте в опасност. You're in danger here. You're in danger here. Ще кажа, че аз съм го направил. I'll say I did it. I'll say I did it. Аз нямам нищо. I've got nothing. I don't have anything. Ако ви трябва помощ, не се притеснявайте да ме потърсите. If you need help, feel free to call me. If you need help, don't hesitate to contact me. Успяхме да се сдобием с малко чуждестранни марки. We managed to get some foreign stamps. We were able to acquire some foreign stamps. Изсмях се. I laughed. I laughed. Трудно е да се обясни. It's hard to explain. It's hard to explain. Качихме се на рейса в Шинджуку. We got on the bus at Shinjuku. We boarded the bus in Shinjuku. Полицията разследва случая. The police are investigating the accident. The police are investigating the case. Вие пиете от моята часа. You're drinking out of my cup. You're drinking from my class. Беше по-евтино, отколкото си мислех. It was cheaper than I thought. It was cheaper than I thought. Как върви работата? How is your work going? How's work? Написал съм няколко песни на френски. I've written several songs in French. I've written a few songs in French. Нанси обича музиката. Nancy likes music. Nancy loves music. Телефонът е едно удобство. The telephone is a convenience. A phone is a convenience. Продавате ли френски вестници? Do you sell French newspapers? Do you sell French newspapers? Сега сервисът е твой. Now it's your serve. Now the serve is yours. Аз ще отсъствам утре . I'll be absent tomorrow. I'll be gone tomorrow. Искам нещо топло за пиене. I want something hot to drink. I want something warm to drink. Том отиде там да учи френски. Tom went there to learn French. Tom went there to study French. Още не съм казала "да". I haven't said yes yet. I haven't said yes yet. Едва се оправях със светофарите. I could hardly make out the traffic lights. I could barely handle the traffic lights. Не разговаряй с мен. Don't talk to me. Don't talk to me. Какво направи с фотоапарата си? What did you do with your camera? What did you do with your camera? Том е много скромен. Tom is very modest. Tom is very modest. Благодаря ти за това. Thank you for this. Thank you for that. Ала бала ница, турска паница, ой гиди Ванчо, наш капитанчо. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers let him go, eeny, meeny, miny, moe. My mother told me to catch the very best one and you are not it. But the ball, the Turkish bowl, the tour guide Vancho, our captain. Ще се свържа с теб веднага щом мога. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Искам да отида в същото училище, в което Том възнамерява да се запише. I want to go to the same school that Tom plans to go to. I want to go to the same school that Tom intends to go to. Състоянието на ранените се подобрява. The wounded are getting better. The wounded are getting better. Имаме много големи лотусови листа. We have very big lotus leaves. We have very large lotus leaves. Твърдо сме убедени, че когато съставя изречения, авторът трябва да избягва да се поддава на вредните привички, присъщи при използването на твърде много непотребни думи, които всъщност са абсолютно излишни в светлината на целения смисъл. We firmly believe that when composing sentences, the author should avoid falling into the bad habit inherent in the use of too many unnecessary words, which are actually absolutely superfluous in light of the intended meaning. We firmly believe that when drawing up sentences, the author should avoid succumbing to the harmful habits inherent in the use of too many useless words, which are actually absolutely unnecessary in the light of the whole meaning. Том не те видя. Tom didn't see you. Tom didn't see you. Том каза,"мръдни се",направи си път и седна. Tom said, "move over"; forced his way through and sat down. Tom said, "Move," make your way and sit down. Забравих как му беше името. I forgot what his name was. I forgot what's-his-name. Боб прав ли е? Is Bob right? Is Bob right? Трябва да знам. I have to know. I need to know. Кога приключва? When's it over? When does it end? Призлява ми всеки път, като видя кръв. I feel sick whenever I see blood. I get sick every time I see blood. Недейте! Don't do it! Don't! Мислех, че ще успеем до 2:30. I thought we could make it by 2:30. I thought we were gonna make it by 2:30. Том не мисли, че Мери прилича на майка си. Tom doesn't think that Mary looks like her mother. Tom doesn't think Mary looks like her mother. Виждал съм Том да прави някои доста забележителни неща. I've seen Tom do some pretty remarkable things. I've seen Tom do some pretty remarkable things. Той не успя да мине на изпита. He couldn't pass the examination. He didn't pass the exam. Почти всички студенти обичат английския. Almost all the students like English. Almost all students love English. Бог знае какво може да се случи за един час! God knows what might happen for an hour! God knows what could happen in an hour! Заспах, докато четях една книга. I fell asleep while reading a book. I fell asleep reading a book. Тя отново закъсня. She was late once again. She's late again. Не беше толкова силен. It wasn't that loud. He wasn't that strong. Нищо не съм крал. I didn't steal anything. I didn't steal anything. Те си проправиха път през тълпата. They made their way through the crowd. They made their way through the crowd. Доведи го. Bring him in. Bring him in. Съмнява ме, че Том ще остане. I doubt Tom will stick around. I doubt Tom will stay. Твърде е скъпо! It's too expensive. It's too expensive! Довиждане! Goodbye! Goodbye! Мисля, че Том иска да се самоубие. I think Tom wants to kill himself. I think Tom wants to kill himself. Не искам да продавам душата си. I don't want to sell my soul. I don't want to sell my soul. Том, имам нещо да ти казвам. Tom, I have something to say to you. Tom, I have something to tell you. Полицията претърси къщата и намери 2 килограма хероин. The police searched the house and seized 2 kilograms of heroin. The police searched the house and found 2 kilos of heroin. Какъв цвят е кучето на Том? What color is Tom's dog? What color is Tom's dog? Това наблизо ли е до дома ти? Is it near your house? Is that near your house? Джейн попълни едно заявлени. Jane filled out an application. Jane filled out a request. Аз бих могъл да ви направя щастливи. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Защо френският ти е толкова добър? Why is your French so good? Why is your French so good? Глупаците тичат там, където ангелите ги е страх да стъпят. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Fools run where angels are afraid to step. Том не знае нищичко за Мери. Tom doesn't know squat about Mary. Tom doesn't know anything about Mary. Цял живот съм се занимавал със спорт. I've played sports all my life. I've been in sports my whole life. Аз ще ям тук. I'll eat here. I'll eat here. Аз обичам тениса. I like tennis. I love tennis. Разрешавате ли да вляза? Am I allowed to enter? May I come in? Трудно ли е да се научи френски? Is it difficult to learn French? Is it hard to learn French? Толкова съм чакала да се случи. I've waited so long for this. I've waited so long for this to happen. Хайде! Let's go! Come on! Знаеш ли дали Том може да говори френски? Do you know whether Tom can speak French? Do you know if Tom can speak French? Много съм щастлив. I'm very happy. I'm very happy. Не трябва да говориш такива неща когато наоколо има деца. You shouldn't say that kind of thing when children are around. You shouldn't say things like that when there are kids around. Той настива лесно. He catches colds easily. He makes it easy. Искам да подобря произношението си по френски. I'd like to improve my French pronunciation. I want to improve my French pronunciation. Няма да повярваш какво чух. You won't believe what I heard. You're not gonna believe what I heard. Аз ще уча Том. I'll teach Tom. I'm gonna study Tom. Днес влакът закъснява с десет минути. The train is 10 minutes late today. Today, the train is ten minutes late. Настана тишина. There was silence. There was silence. Напълно ли си сигурна, че искаш да го направиш? Are you absolutely positive you want to do this? Are you absolutely sure you want to do this? Тя не го хареса. She didn't like him. She didn't like him. Вие учите френски, нали? You study French, don't you? You learn French, don't you? Трябва да отида на среща. I have to go to a meeting. I have to go on a date. Надявам се да намерим Том. I hope we find Tom. I hope we find Tom. Макар че знам малко френски, мисля, че трябва да разговаряме на английски. Even though I know a little French, I think we should speak in English. Although I do know a little French, I think we should speak English. Тя става все по-хубава. She is getting prettier and prettier. She's getting prettier. Какво правиш през уикенда? What sort of things do you do on weekends? What are you doing this weekend? Не сте ли нервни? Aren't you nervous? Aren't you nervous? Трябва да говоря с Том сега. I have to talk to Tom now. I need to talk to Tom now. Чекмеджето не се отваря. The drawer won't open. The drawer won't open. Опитай да се успокоиш. Try and take it easy. Try to calm down. Трябва да проведем допитване относно дата на изпита. We need to make inquiries about the date of the examination. We need to run a poll on the exam date. Може би ни убягва очевидното. Maybe we're overlooking the obvious. Maybe we're missing the obvious. Всеки умира. Everyone dies. Everybody dies. Том е монах. Tom is a monk. Tom's a monk. Имам вяра в теб. I have confidence in you. I have faith in you. Ще послушам съвета ви. I'll follow your advice. I'll take your advice. Преди няколко дена компютърът ми спря да работи. My computer stopped working a few days ago. A few days ago, my computer stopped working. В Япония практически всяко семейство има пералня. In Japan, practically every family has a washing machine. In Japan practically every family has a washing machine. Местим се в Бостън следващата седмица. We're moving to Boston next week. We're moving to Boston next week. Гарванът отлетя надалеч. The crow flew away. The crow flew away. Ще се омъжиш ли за мен? Will you marry me? Will you marry me? Затворете книгите си. Close your books. Close your books. С какво точно се занимаваш,какъв е обхвата на проучването,твоят главен интерес. What is your field of study, your domain of inquiry, your major interest? What exactly do you do, what is the scope of the study, your best interest. Ти трепериш. You're shivering. You're shaking. Малко съм зает. I'm a little bit busy. I'm a little busy. Мислех да отида да поздравя Том. I thought I'd say hello to Tom. I thought I'd go say hi to Tom. Мисля, че Том май е пиян. I think Tom might be drunk. I think Tom might be drunk. Много ме били главата. I have a bad headache. I've got a lot on my mind. Защо не спите? Why aren't you sleeping? Why aren't you sleeping? Марк Зукърбърг е атеист, не вярващ. Mark Zuckerberg is atheist, not theist. Mark Zuckerberg is an atheist, not a believer. Има малка вероятност да не успея да дойда на заседанието. There's a slim chance I won't be able to make it to the meeting. There's a small chance I won't be able to make it to the hearing. Поздравяваше винаги с поклон. He always bowed when he greeted someone. He'd always bow down. Откъде да знам? How should I know? How should I know? Не би ли отишъл? Won't you go? Wouldn't you go? Мисля, че трябва да видите това. I think you'd better look at this. I think you should see this. Той може да чете доста добре. He can read pretty well. He can read pretty well. Том е ОК, нали? Tom is OK, isn't he? Tom's OK, right? Тя се взря за кратко във вестника. She glanced briefly at the newspaper. She looked briefly at the paper. Дж.Ф. Кенеди е погребан в гробищата в Арлингтън. J.F. Kennedy was buried in Arlington Cemetery. J.F. Kennedy is buried in Arlington Cemeteries. Не се отказвам. I'm not giving up. I'm not giving up. От какво се интересуваш? What are you interested in? What are you interested in? Бих могла да те направя щастлив. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Карлос изкачи планината. Carlos climbed the mountain. Carlos climbed the mountain. Той добави малко захар в кафето. He added a little sugar to the coffee. He added some sugar to the coffee. Дай ми твоята риза. Give me your shirt. Give me your shirt. Не взимам никакви лекарства. I don't take any medicine. I'm not taking any medication. Никога няма да бъдете сами. You'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. Той има ли голяма къща? Does he have a big house? Does he have a big house? Съжалявам. Не разполагам с много време. I'm sorry. I don't have a lot of time. I'm sorry, I don't have much time. Не можах да му разбера идеите. I couldn't understand his ideas. I couldn't understand his ideas. Той знае как да плени публиката си. He knows how to captivate his audience. He knows how to capture his audience. Той ще стигне до Хакодате довечера. He will reach Hakodate tonight. He'll make it to Hakodate tonight. Не съм туристка. I'm not a tourist. I'm not a tourist. Човек трябва да се труди. A man must work. You have to work hard. Здравейте! Hello! Hello! Те ядат ябълки. They're eating apples. They eat apples. Получих писмото ѝ вчера. I received her letter yesterday. I got her letter yesterday. Напоследък съм много избухлив.Моят любим футболен отбор запада. I'm really irritable lately. My favorite soccer team is in a slump. I've been very violent lately. My favorite football team is going downhill. Лесно му се връзвах на сладките приказки. I was easily taken in by his smooth talk. I could easily fall for the sweet talk. Том не знаеше какво не е наред. Tom didn't know what was wrong. Tom didn't know what was wrong. Аз знам, че ти си прав. I know you're right. I know you're right. Трябва да знам какво видя онази нощ. I need to know what you saw that night. I need to know what you saw that night. Учих френски три години с носител на езика. I studied French for three years with a native speaker. I studied French for three years with a language bearer. Това не е моята кола. It's not my car. That's not my car. Ако скоро не тръгнем, няма да стигнем там докато е още светло. If we don't leave soon, we won't get there while it's still light. If we don't leave soon, we won't get there while it's still bright. Том се нарани. Tom hurt himself. Tom got hurt. Стаята му е бъркотия. His room's a mess. His room is a mess. Те отделят част от свободното си време, за да се грижат за болните. They give part of their spare time to take care of the sick. They take some of their spare time to take care of the sick. Сигурни ли сте, че не искате да дойдем с вас? Are you sure you don't want us to go with you? Are you sure you don't want us to come with you? Наистина не мисля, че Том възнамерява да отиде. I really don't think Tom is going to go. I really don't think Tom intends to go. Попитай Том. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Пусни радиото. Turn on the radio. Turn on the radio. Ще остана още три дена. I'll stay for three more days. I'll stay three more days. Отложихме заминаването за утре. We put off the departure till tomorrow. We've postponed the departure until tomorrow. Природата не знае граници. Nature knows no boundaries. Nature knows no boundaries. Аз съм много щастлив в Грузия. I am very happy in Georgia. I'm very happy in Georgia. Зает съм с разни неща. I've been keeping busy. I'm busy with things. Чувам, че ме смяташ за луд. I hear you think I'm crazy. I hear you think I'm crazy. Аз съм музикант. I'm a musician. I'm a musician. Трябва да разбера каква е истината. I have to find out the truth. I need to find out what the truth is. Ако Джон беше дошъл, нямаше да се налага аз да идвам. If John had come, I wouldn't have had to come. If John had come, I wouldn't have to come. По-добре си облечи пуловер под сакото. You'd better wear a sweater under your jacket. You'd better put a sweater under your jacket. Мислех, че ще сте уморен. I thought you'd be tired. I thought you'd be tired. Мисля, че си идиотка. I think you're an idiot. I think you're an idiot. Колко е сложно? How complex is it? How complicated is it? Чух те как се смееш. I heard you laughing. I heard you laughing. Напълно го изтрих от паметта си. I forgot all about him. I completely erased it from my memory. Как мога да си тръгна? How can I leave? How can I leave? Не можете да влезете в музея. В момента е в реконструкция. You cannot enter the museum. It is currently under repair. You can't go into the museum. Той настояваше на своето, въпреки че му казах да не го прави. He stuck to his opinion though I told him not to. He insisted on his own, even though I told him not to. Не съм искал да нараня чувствата на Том. I didn't mean to hurt Tom's feelings. I didn't mean to hurt Tom's feelings. Том плува много бързо. Tom swims very fast. Tom's swimming really fast. Добавете този сайт към "Предпочитани". Bookmark this site. Add this website to "Prefered". По този въпрос имам много за казване. I have much to say about it. I have a lot to say about this. Обичам своите врагове. I love my enemies. I love my enemies. Нямам представа защо. I have no idea why. I have no idea why. Това те засяга. This concerns you. It's none of your business. Най-лошото е, че не винаги беше така. The worst part is, it wasn't always like this. The worst part is, it wasn't always like that. Всичките усилия на лекаря бяха напразни и мъжът скоро почина. All the doctor's efforts were in vain and the man soon died. All the doctor’s efforts were in vain, and the man soon died. Забелязах, че не си беше у вас снощи. I noticed you weren't at home last night. I noticed you weren't home last night. Грози ни заплаха. We're all at risk. We're facing a threat. Искаш да купиш тази пола. You want to buy this skirt. You want to buy this skirt. Той е отличен мозъчен хирург. He's an excellent brain surgeon. He's an excellent brain surgeon. Миналия месец изстинах. I caught a cold last month. I got cold last month. Той може да говори и френски. He can also speak French. He can speak French. Отиваш ли? Are you going? Are you going? Дайте да сменим темата. Let's change the topic. Let's change the subject. В училище беше много интересно. School was exciting. It was very interesting at school. Те обзаведоха библиотеката с нови книги. They furnished the library with new books. They decorated the library with new books. Не можех да говоря на френски. I couldn't speak French. I couldn't speak French. Може ли да си тръгна сега? May I leave now? Can I leave now? Каквото и да кажете, няма да се откажа. No matter what you say, I won't give up. Whatever you say, I'm not giving up. Водих си дневних на френски през последните три години. I've kept a diary in French for the past three years. I've been living my day in French for the last three years. Аз съм много по-голям от тебе. I'm a lot bigger than you are. I'm much older than you. Той яде само плодове. He eats nothing but fruit. He only eats fruit. Не беше толкова смешно. It wasn't that funny. It wasn't that funny. Или той, или аз греша. He is wrong or I am. It's either him or me. Ти учиш френски, нали? You study French, don't you? You learn French, don't you? Момичето е свикнало да си играе само. The girl is used to playing all by herself. The girl's used to playing on her own. Свиря в една група. I play in a band. I play in a band. Птиците пяха. The birds sang. The birds sang. Том свършва работа в 5:00. Tom gets off work at 5:00. Tom gets off work at 5:00. Въпреки че днес Том тръгна рано от вкъщи, той закъсня за работа. Even though Tom left home early today, he was late for work. Although Tom left early today, he was late for work. Бих предпочела да не говоря на френски. I'd prefer not to speak French. I'd rather not speak French. Беше страшно, нали? Scary, wasn't it? It was scary, wasn't it? Той изглежда силен. He looks strong. He looks strong. Толкова те бива. You're so good at it. You're so good at it. Ще дойде време, когато тя ще съжалява за това, което е казала. The time will come when she will regret what she has said. There will come a time when she will regret what she said. Помисли си за това, моля те. Please think about it. Think about it, please. Най-добрият начин да предскажете бъдещето е да го изобретите. The best way to predict the future is to invent it. The best way to predict the future is to invent it. С автобус ли стигнаха до музея? Did they go to museum by bus? Did they take a bus to the museum? Той ли е вашият учител? Is he your teacher? Is he your teacher? Внимавай с него. Be careful with it. Be careful with him. Бъди точна. Be on time. Be exact. Какво друго искаш да чета? What else do you want me to read? What else do you want me to read? Има едно златно правило: у когото е златото, той определя правилата. The world follows one golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules. There's a golden rule: who has the gold, he makes the rules. Къщата е обитавана от духове. The house is haunted. The house is haunted. Том отива в града. Tom is going to town. Tom's going into town. Всичко, което не е завинаги, е завинаги остаряло. All that is not eternal is eternally out of date. Everything that's not forever is always outdated. Пак си подранил. You're early again. You're early again. Том се ожени когато беше на 30 години. Tom got married when he was 30 years old. Tom got married when he was 30. Помогнах на Том да си направи домашното. I helped Tom with his homework. I helped Tom do his homework. Мога ли да ви помогна? Can I help you? Can I help you? Винаги не се съгласяваш с твоят шеф . You're always disagreeing with your boss. You always disagree with your boss. Купих го за 10 долара. I bought it for ten dollars. I bought it for $10. Не трябва да ходиш. You shouldn't go. You don't have to go. Том живее сам в голяма къща. Tom lives in a large house by himself. Tom lives alone in a big house. Ходил ли си на плаж с Том? Have you ever gone to the beach with Tom? Did you go to the beach with Tom? Пука ми. I don't give a damn about it. I care. Чул ли си Том да говори на френски? Have you heard Tom speaking French? Did you hear Tom speak French? Красив залез, нали? A beautiful sunset, isn't it? Beautiful sunset, isn't it? Ти наистина говориш френски доста добре. You really do speak French quite well. You really speak French pretty well. Поздрави Джими. Say hello to Jimmy. Say hi to Jimmy. Чух какво каза. I heard what you said. I heard what you said. Том не се опита да скрие истината. Tom didn't try to hide the truth. Tom didn't try to hide the truth. Мисля, че трябва да изберете Том. I think you should pick Tom. I think you should choose Tom. Нещо се случва. Something's happening. Something's happening. Ясен ли съм? Am I clear? Do I make myself clear? Много родители се притесняват, че децата им не получават основни познания за числата. Many parents are worried their children are not being given a basic understanding of numbers. Many parents worry that their children do not receive basic knowledge of numbers. Завърших философия в моя университет. I majored in philosophy at my university. I graduated philosophy at my university. На кой плаж обичате да ходите? Which beach do you like to go to? Which beach do you like to go to? Винаги можеш да дадеш част от работата на младшите служители. You could always hand off some of the work to the junior staff. You can always give some of the job to junior employees. Може би това е проблемът. Maybe that's the problem. Maybe that's the problem. Тя е много красиво момиче. She's a very beautiful girl. She's a very beautiful girl. Том не може да го направи. Tom can't do that. Tom can't do this. Каквото и да правиш, не можеш да заставиш човек да повярва в нещо, още по-малко пък себе си. Try as you might, but you cannot force a belief onto someone else, much less your own self. Whatever you do, you can't force a man to believe in something, much less yourself. Не се чувствам много добре. I don't feel great. I don't feel so good. Климатикът не работи. The air conditioner doesn't work. The air conditioning isn't working. Седиш ми на мястото. You're sitting in my seat. You're sitting in my seat. Да не би нещо да те плаши? Are you afraid of something? Is there something that scares you? Всички са съгласни с теб. Everybody agrees with you. Everyone agrees with you. Том ме насърчи да уча френски. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Искам MP3 плеър! I want an MP3 player! I want an MP3 player! Къде се крие Том? Where's Tom hiding? Where's Tom hiding? Разтрепервам се като си помисля за това. I shudder to think of it. I'm shaking when I think about it. Платих двеста долара данъци. I paid $200 in taxes. I paid $200 tax. Мисля, че трябва да проверите под кревата. I think you should check under the bed. I think you should check under the bed. Това няма да се повтори. This won't happen again. It won't happen again. Заради вас го направих. I did it for you. I did it for you. Престани или ще ти дам да разбереш. Stop that, or I'll fix your wagon. Stop it or I'll let you know. Имаме нужда от помощта на Том. We needed Tom's help. We need Tom's help. Тя е атеистка. She is an atheist. She's an atheist. Няма за какво да се тревожиш. There's nothing to be worried about. There's nothing to worry about. Има нещо, за което трябва да се погрижа. I have some business to take care of. There's something I need to take care of. Не мога да приема поканата, защото имам друг ангажимент. I can't accept the invitation because I have another engagement. I can't accept the invitation because I have another appointment. Когато се срещнах за пръви път с Том, той не можеше да говори френски. Tom couldn't speak French when I first met him. When I first met Tom, he couldn't speak French. Виждала съм Том да прави невъзможното. I've seen Tom do the impossible. I've seen Tom do the impossible. Какво по дяволите е това? What on earth is that? What the hell is this? Има ли нещо друго, с което мога да ти помогна? Is there anything else I can help you with? Is there anything else I can help you with? Нямам никакво намерение да отстъпвам за малко тоя часовник, а въобще да не говорим да се разделям с него окончателно. I have no intention of lending this watch to anyone, much less parting with it. I have no intention of giving up this watch for a while, and let alone parting with it permanently. Той не успя да получи работата. He couldn't get the job. He didn't get the job. Мисля, че ще се справиш отлично. I think you're going to do great. I think you're gonna do great. Том искаше да си тръгне, но Мери искаше да остане още малко. Tom wanted to leave, but Mary wanted to stay a little longer. Tom wanted to leave, but Mary wanted to stay a little longer. Мисля, че имаме достатъчно храна. I think we have enough food. I think we have enough food. Ще бъда в следващия автобус. I'm going to be on the next bus. I'll be on the next bus. Мери направи сандвичи с яйце. Mary made some egg sandwiches. Mary made egg sandwiches. Какво си видял? What have you seen? What did you see? През лятото се къпя всяка сутрин. I take a bath every morning in the summer. In summer, I bathe every morning. Закопчайте си ризата. Button up your shirt. Cuff your shirt. Прочетете я още веднъж. Read it once more. Read it again. На твое място не бих била толкова сигурна. I wouldn't be too sure if I were you. I wouldn't be so sure if I were you. Мисля, че си луда. I think you're mad. I think you're crazy. За съжаление не стигнах навреме за речта му. Unfortunately I was not in time for his speech. Unfortunately, I didn't get there in time for his speech. Предпочитам грейпфрутите пред портокалите. I prefer grapefruits to oranges. I prefer grapefruit to oranges. Това място си заслужава да се посети поне веднъж. That place is worth visiting at least once. This place is worth a visit at least once. Той продължи да чете книгата. He continued reading the book. He kept reading the book. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш едно? Are you sure you don't want one? Are you sure you don't want one? Този цвят ми харесва. I like this color. I like that color. Просто го приеми. Just deal with it. Just accept it. Сестра ѝ ѝ изглади блузата. She had her blouse ironed by her sister. Her sister ironed her blouse. Казвал съм ви го и друг път, нали? I've told you that before, haven't I? I've told you this before, haven't I? Защо непрекъснато повтаряш, че има предостатъчно време? Why do you keep saying there's ample time? Why do you keep saying there's plenty of time? Утре ще те посетя. I'll visit you tomorrow. I'll visit you tomorrow. Не ти искам нито златото, нито среброто. I don't want your gold or your silver. I don't want your gold or your silver. Забравих да затворя вратата. I forgot to close the door. I forgot to close the door. Бих искал един портокалов сок. I'd like orange juice. I'd like some orange juice. От момента, в който взех книгата ти, докато не я оставих, се превивах постоянно от смях. Някой ден смятам да започна да я чета. From the moment I picked up your book until I laid it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it. From the moment I took your book, until I left it, I'd roll all the time laughing, and one day I'm going to start reading it. Опитах се да споря с Том. I've tried to reason with Tom. I tried to argue with Tom. Боеца се стегна за рунда. The fighter toughened up for the bout. The fighter's got it together for the round. И това съм виждала. I've seen that, too. I've seen that, too. Делфинът е вид бозайник. A dolphin is a mammal species. Delphine is a species of mammal. Какъв цвят са тези? What color are those? What color are these? Той разтърси рамото на сина си. He shook his son by the shoulder. He shook his son's shoulder. Том чу нещо и се зачуди какво ли може да е. Tom heard something and wondered what it was. Tom heard something and wondered what it might be. Том ме помоли да остана. Tom asked me to stay. Tom asked me to stay. Не искам да бъда въвлечен. I don't want to be involved. I don't want to be involved. Не взимам наркотици. I don't do drugs. I don't do drugs. Умирам да видя Париж. I'm dying to see Paris. I'm dying to see Paris. В "Деня на майката" подарих на майка ми деветнайсет цветя. I gave my mother 19 flowers on Mother's Day. On Mother's Day, I gave my mother nineteen flowers. Мисля, че сте абсолютно права. I think you're absolutely right. I think you're absolutely right. Ако мирът не може да бъде поддържан с чест, той престава да бъде мир. If peace cannot be maintained with honor, it is no longer peace. If peace cannot be maintained with honor, it ceases to be peace. Тя обзаведе стаята с красиви мебели. She furnished the room with beautiful furniture. She furnished the room with beautiful furniture. Джобните калкулатори могат да се купят на цената на чифт чорапи, а са необходими на хиляди британски деца в училище, не по-малко от молива и гумата. Pocket calculators are as cheap to buy as a pair of socks, and as essential to thousands of British school children as a pencil and eraser. Pocket calculators can be bought at the price of a pair of socks and are needed by thousands of British children at school, no less than a pencil and a tire. Това е болницата, в която Том се е родил. This is the hospital where Tom was born. This is the hospital where Tom was born. Не трябва да чакате тук. You shouldn't wait here. You don't have to wait here. И Том, и Мери си покриха очите. Tom and Mary both covered their eyes. Both Tom and Mary covered their eyes. Това е моето бебе. This is my baby. That's my baby. Ще ти предоставя цялата необходима информация. I will provide you all the necessary information. I'll provide you with all the information you need. Престани да хленчиш. Stop whining. Stop whining. Не може просто така да вървиш и да злословиш срещу хората. You can't just walk around and start slandering people. You can't just walk around talking about people like that. Не отваряй онези прозорци. Do not open those windows. Don't open those windows. Не съм застрахован. I don't have insurance. I'm not insured. Аз вземам пари назаем. I borrow money. I'm borrowing money. Тя се готви за колежа. She is preparing for college. She's getting ready for college. Мисля, че сте наистина удивителен. I think you're really amazing. I think you're really amazing. Изглежда всичко, което Том иска, са пари. All Tom seems to want is money. Looks like all Tom wants is money. Няма да дойда с тебе. I won't be coming with you. I'm not going with you. За студеното време, когато ви се иска да пиете нещо горещо, препоръчвам този тип термос. In the cold season when you want to drink something hot I recommend this sort of thermos flask. For the cold weather when you want to drink something hot, I recommend this type of thermos. Том търчи наоколо като пиле без глава. Tom is running around like a headless chicken. Tom's running around like a headless chicken. Гърция е древна страна. Greece is an old country. Greece is an ancient country. Няколко човека посетиха срещата. Few people attended the meeting. A few people attended the meeting. Той си облече палтото и излезе от къщата. He put on his coat and left the house. He put on his coat and left the house. Новият сайт на Татоеба ще изплзва домашна "хипер" база от данни, "построена от основите" търсачка, и ще върви на татоебукс-ОС сървър с татоетелско CPU, направено изцяло от татоебий. The new Tatoeba website will use a home-made "hyper" database, a "made-from-scratch" search engine, and will run on a tatoebux-OS server with a tatoetel CPU made entirely out of tatoebium. The new website of Tatoeba will use a home "hyper" database, "built from the basics" search engine, and will go to a Tatoebux-OS server with a tattooed CPU made entirely by the tatoebebius. Старецът ѝ попречи. The old man got in her way. The old man stopped her. Тя мразеше да я наричат страхливка. She resented being called a coward. She hated being called a coward. Много ми харесва. I like it a lot. I like it a lot. Никога не съм гласувала. I've never voted. I never voted. Къде е тоалетната? Where's the washroom? Where's the bathroom? Просто си върви в стаята. Just go to your room. Just go to your room. Ще се върна навреме за вечеря. I'll make it back in time for supper. I'll be back in time for dinner. Съвсем забравих. I totally forgot. I totally forgot. Тя ми подари един хубав подарък. He gave a nice present to me. She gave me a nice gift. Идваш ли? Aren't you coming? Are you coming? Хайде да се срещнем в 2:30 Let's meet at 2:30. Let's meet at 2:30. Короната е символът на кралете. The crown is the symbol of kings. The crown is the symbol of kings. Нямам намерение да се извинявам на Том. I have no intention of apologizing to Tom. I have no intention of apologizing to Tom. С какво се занимавате? What is your occupation? What do you do? През ваканцията прочетох всичките трудове на Милтън. In the vacation, I read the entire works of Milton. During the holidays, I read all of Milton's work. Какво ще ми препоръчаш? What do you recommend to me? What do you recommend? Сигурна съм, че Том даже не е забелязал, че ти закъсня. I'm sure Tom didn't even notice you were late. I'm sure Tom didn't even notice you were late. Ще го посрещна на автобусната спирка. I will meet him at the bus stop. I'll meet him at the bus stop. На всеки студент беше зададен по един въпрос. Every student was asked one question. Each student was asked one question. Сигурни ли сте, че искате да я продам? Are you sure you want me to sell this? Are you sure you want me to sell it? Наистина се тревожа за бъдещето ти. I'm really concerned about your future. I'm really worried about your future. Том не беше заспал. Tom wasn't asleep. Tom wasn't asleep. Не съм ви виждала тук наоколо преди. I haven't seen you around here before. I've never seen you around here before. Днес е много горещо. It's very hot today. It's very hot today. Не бързай да ме защитаваш. Don't rush to my defense. Don't be so quick to protect me. Коя е столицата на Гърция? What is the capital of Greece? What is the capital of Greece? Том не може да говори френски. Мери също не може да говори френски. Tom can't speak French. Mary can't speak French either. Tom can't speak French, and Mary can't speak French either. Срещнах я за първи път в Лондон. I met her in London for the first time. I met her for the first time in London. Том може ли да дойде утре? Can Tom come tomorrow? Can Tom come tomorrow? Гледай къде ходиш. Watch where you're going. Watch where you're going. Те описаха момичето като малко. They described the girl as being small. They described the girl as a little girl. Том не е свикнал с градския живот. Tom isn't accustomed to city life. Tom's not used to city life. Спази обещанието си. He kept his promise. Keep your promise. Забравих за това. I forgot about it. I forgot about that. Мисля, че слагате твърде много захар. I think you're putting in too much sugar. I think you're putting too much sugar in it. Обичаш ли мексиканска храна? Do you like Mexican food? Do you like Mexican food? Ще те закарам вкъщи. I'll drive you home. I'll take you home. Човекът е единственото животно, използващо огън. Man is the only fire-using animal. Man is the only animal using fire. Всички цветя в градината увехнаха. All the flowers in the garden withered. All the flowers in the garden have faded. Накараха ни да работим цял ден. They made us work all day. They made us work all day. Избрахме го за председател. We elected him chairman. We chose him as chairman. Без майтап? No kidding? No kidding? Виждал съм тези снимки. I've seen these pictures. I've seen these pictures. Ако не бях забелязал, щях да ти кажа. If I hadn't noticed, I would have told you. If I hadn't noticed, I would have told you. Каква е минималната заплата в Люксембург? What's the minimum salary in Luxembourg? What is the minimum wage in Luxembourg? Неговата съдба е предопределена. His doom is sealed. His destiny is predestined. Това свещи ли са? Are these candles? Are those candles? Ако трябва да избираш между пиано и цигулка, кое би избрал? If you had to choose between piano and violin, which would you prefer ? If you had to choose between a piano and a violin, which one would you choose? Отговорът е верен. The answer is right. The answer is correct. Мисля, че това е чудесно. I think this is perfect. I think that's great. Минал ли е той на изпита? Did he pass the exam? Did he pass the exam? Не изпускай автобуса. Don't miss the bus. Don't miss the bus. Внимавай да не разбиеш сърцето на Том. Be careful you don't break Tom's heart. Be careful not to break Tom's heart. Отидохме там за седмица. We went there for a week. We went there for a week. Дотук добре. So far, so good. So far, so good. Този вид е застрашен. It is an endangered species. This species is in danger. Мисля, че е по-добре да легнеш. I think you'd better lie down. I think you'd better lie down. Аз те харесвам много. I like you very much. I like you a lot. Позвъних на звънеца. I rang the doorbell. I rang the bell. Вълците се движат на глутници. Wolves travel in packs. Wolves move in packs. Имаш ли медицинска застраховка? Do you have medical insurance? Do you have medical insurance? Внимавай, Том! Be careful, Tom! Look out, Tom! В неделя музеят е затворен. On Sunday, the museum is closed. On Sunday, the museum is closed. Преподавам руски от три години. I've been teaching French for three years. I've been teaching Russian for three years. Женени сме един за друг. We're married to each other. We're married to each other. Том няма да отстъпи. Tom won't back down. Tom won't back down. Ще струва около 10000 йени. It'll cost about 10,000 yen. It'll cost about 10,000 yen. Том говори френски толкова добре, колкото и Мери. Tom speaks French as well as Mary does. Tom speaks French as well as Mary. Колко си гладен? How hungry are you? How hungry are you? Тоя пич е стабилен. This guy's tough. This guy's stable. За малко не спечелих. I almost won. I almost won. Това не беше моя грешка. It was not my mistake. It wasn't my fault. Изряза ли хартията? Did you cut the paper? Did you cut the paper? Не ме интересува какво ще стане. I don't care what happens. I don't care what happens. Виждал съм те с Том. I've seen you with Tom. I've seen you with Tom. Том е мой приятел. Tom is my friend. Tom's my friend. Подхождаш към това по неправилен начин. You're going about it in the wrong way. You're going about this the wrong way. Нещо се случва. Something is happening. Something's happening. Запълни го. Fill it up. Fill it up. Имаме малък шанс за успех. We have only a slender chance of success. We have little chance of success. Да отидем да питаме нея. Let's go ask her. Let's go ask her. Мога само да се чудя дали това е същото за всички останали. I can only wonder if this is the same for everyone else. I can only wonder if it's the same for everyone else. Сигурна ли си, че искаш да го изхвърлиш? Are you sure you want to throw that one away? Are you sure you want to throw it away? Том говори френски. Tom speaks French. Tom speaks French. Ситуацията се е подобрила осезаемо спрямо това което беше. The situation has improved considerably compared with what it was. The situation has improved markedly to what it was. Изиграх те. I tricked you. I played you. Шегата му беше страхотна. His joke was great. His joke was great. Полицията ще разследва престъплението. The police are going to investigate the crime. The police will investigate the crime. Историите, които ще прочетете в тази книга, се занимават с някои от многото проблеми, пред които са изправени младите хора. The stories which you will read in this book deal with some of the many problems which face young people. The stories you will read in this book deal with some of the many problems that young people face. Най-накрая се видяхме.Чакал съм дълго за този момент. So, we finally meet! I've waited so long for this moment. We finally met. I've waited a long time for this moment. Можеш ли да разясниш малко по-подробно? Can you elaborate on this a little more? Can you elaborate a little bit more? Греша ли? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Том не искаше Мери да държи ръката му. Tom didn't want Mary to hold his hand. Tom didn't want Mary to hold his hand. Мисля, че трябва да проучим нещата. I think we should look into it. I think we should look into it. Значи всички сме съгласни. We're all agreed then. So we're all in agreement. Ако времето позволява, ще отида в музея. If time permits, I'll visit the museum. If time permits, I'll go to the museum. Онази вратовръзка наистина ти стои добре. That tie really suits you. That tie really looks good on you. Мисля, че ще бъдеш страхотен баща. I think you would make a great father. I think you're gonna make a great dad. Няма начин да се свържете с него. There's no way to get in touch with him. There's no way to contact him. Никога не се отказвай. Никога не се предавай. Never give up. Never surrender. Never give up, never give up. Бихте ли ми показали тази чанта? Could you show me this bag? Could you show me this bag? Това е моят компютър. This is my computer. That's my computer. Берн е столицата на Швейцария. Bern is the capital of Switzerland. Bern is the capital of Switzerland. Няма да ми повярваш. You wouldn't believe me. You won't believe me. Можеш ли да дойдеш в девет? Can you come at nine? Can you come at nine? Дай да си синхронизираме часовниците. Let's synchronize our watches. Let's synchronize our watches. Пазарувам всяка сутрин. I do the shopping every morning. I shop every morning. Иска ми се да можех да говоря френски като тебе. I wish I could speak French like you. I wish I could speak French like you. Моля ви, не го правете. Please don't do it. Please don't do this. Това безмитен магазин ли е? Is this a duty-free shop? Is this a duty-free shop? Търся подарък за моята приятелка. I'm looking for a gift for my friend. I'm looking for a gift for my friend. И да бях ти казал, кел файда. You wouldn't be any happier if I told you. I wish I'd told you, Celfida. Това е фотоапаратът, с който Том направи снимките. This is the camera that Tom took the pictures with. That's the camera Tom used to take the photos. Гледай да не се загубиш. Be careful that you don't get lost. Don't get lost. Омръзна ми да променям плановете си всеки път, когато решиш, че искаш нещо друго. I'm tired of altering my plans every time you change your mind. I'm tired of changing my plans every time you think you want something else. Отдалече прилича на човек. Seen from a distance, it looks like a man. He looks like a human from afar. Работихме здраво, за да вържем двата края. We worked hard to make ends meet. We worked hard to make ends meet. Добро утро. Good morning! Good morning. Бабата на Джон почина след дълго боледуване. John's grandmother passed away after a long illness. John's grandmother died after a long illness. Трябва да си почивам. I have to rest. I need to rest. Тя каза, че няма да помръдне и инч, без значение кой какво ѝ казва. She will not budge an inch no matter what anyone says. She said she wouldn't move an inch, no matter what anyone told her. Дори не знам на колко години е Том. I don't even know how old Tom is. I don't even know how old Tom is. На ответника беше дадено право да обжалва. The defendant was granted an appeal. The defendant was given the right to appeal. Да не прибързваме. Let's not jump the gun. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Баща ми отиде за риба. My father went fishing. My dad went fishing. Те не ми предложиха нищо за ядене. They didn't offer me anything to eat. They didn't offer me anything to eat. Не трябва да правите прибързани изводи. You must not jump to conclusions. You shouldn't jump to conclusions. Не се притеснявай. Don't worry. Don't worry. Той се отказа. He threw in the towel. He gave up. Виното е млякото на възрастните. Wine is the milk of old men. Wine is the milk of adults. Том отваря прозорците всяка сутрин веднага щом влезе в офиса си. Tom opens the windows every morning as soon as he gets to his office. Tom opens the windows every morning as soon as he walks into his office. Не мога да работя с теб, ако ти ми нямаш доверие. I can't work with you if you don't trust me. I can't work with you if you don't trust me. Това беше преди години. That was years ago. That was years ago. Сънувам кошмари. I have nightmares. I'm having nightmares. Когато Том се събуди, той откри, че Мери беше изчезнала. When Tom woke up, he found that Mary had disappeared. When Tom woke up, he found out Mary was missing. Виждала съм тези снимки. I've seen these pictures. I've seen these pictures. Силен съм колкото тебе. I am as strong as you. I'm as strong as you. Никога не съм бил в Европа. I've never been to Europe. I've never been to Europe. Безработен съм. I'm unemployed. I'm unemployed. Защо не вземем такси? Why don't we take a taxi? Why don't we take a cab? Надявам се, че не съм закъсняла. I hope I'm not late. I hope I'm not too late. Върнах се вкъщи с влака. I returned home by train. I came home by train. Защо винаги си толкова зъл? Why are you always so evil? Why are you always so mean? Уви! Alas! Alas! Затова ли не искаше да дойдеш с мен? Is this the reason you didn't want to come with me? Is that why you didn't want to come with me? Решихте ли какво искате да поръчате? Have you decided what you want to order? Have you decided what you'd like to order? Заварих момчето дълбоко заспало. I found the boy sound asleep. I found the boy fast asleep. Тя го наричаше как ли не. She called him bad names. She used to call him everything. Способни ли сме на това? Do we have it in us? Are we capable of that? Името на сестра ми е Патриша. My sister's name is Patricia. My sister's name is Patricia. Трябваше да си отворя куфара. I had to open my suitcase. I had to open my suitcase. Обсъдихме дали да отменим резервацията. We deliberated whether we should cancel the reservation. We discussed canceling the reservation. Децата мислеха, че родителите им са направени от пари. The children thought that their parents were made of money. The kids thought their parents were made of money. Плувците бяха вцепенени от студа. The swimmers were numb with cold. The swimmers were numbed by the cold. Разрешено е за кучета. Dogs are permitted. It's allowed for dogs. Децата са цветята в нашия живот. Children are the flowers of our lives. Children are the flowers in our lives. Трябваше да откажа поканата, защото бях болна. I had to decline the invitation because I was ill. I had to cancel the invitation because I was sick. Том не би бил толкова глупав. Tom wouldn't be that stupid. Tom wouldn't be that stupid. Те мразеха Том. They hated Tom. They hated Tom. Продължи напред. Keep going straight. Move on. Това е предизвикателство за мен и научавам много. It is challenging and I am learning a lot. It's a challenge for me, and I'm learning a lot. Том беше изнурен. Tom was all worn out. Tom was exhausted. Разчитах на нея. I called on her. I was counting on her. Не гледай Том. Don't look at Tom. Don't look at Tom. Трябва да платя за него. I have to pay for it. I have to pay for it. Искам да се оженя за теб. I want to marry you. I want to marry you. Успокой се. Calm down. Calm down. Това е една от рибите, които хвана Том. This is one of the fish that Tom caught. It's one of the fish that Tom caught. Добре, да тръгваме. Okay, let's go. All right, let's go. Идва кола. There's a car coming. There's a car coming. Изглежда ще успеем да стигнем навреме. It looks like we'll get there in time. Looks like we'll be able to get there in time. Да бъдеш трол е изкуство. Trolling is a art. Being a troll is an art. Поръчах ти бира. I've ordered you a beer. I ordered you a beer. Аз не съм го виждал от около три години. I haven't seen him for about three years. I haven't seen him in about three years. Да поиграем бейзбол. Let's play baseball. Let's play baseball. Тя е бодибилдърка. She's a bodybuilder. She's a bodybuilder. Мъжът яде хляб. The man is eating bread. The man eats bread. Той преплува реката. He swam across the river. He swam across the river. Вие не помните, а аз никога няма да забравя. You don't remember, I'll never forget. You don't remember, and I'll never forget. Чудя се защо съм толкова уморена. I wonder why I'm so tired. I wonder why I'm so tired. Моля, предайте моите поздрави на Вашето семейство. Please send my regards to your family. Please give my regards to your family. Когато някой посредствен изпрати послание в бутилка, това е просто детинска фантазия. Когато Христофор Колумб изпрати послание в бутилка, съдбата на цяла една страна е заложена на карта. When an average person sends a message in a bottle, it's just a childish fantasy. When Christopher Columbus sends a message in a bottle, the fate of an entire country is at stake. When someone mediocre sends a message in a bottle, it's just a childish fantasy, and when Christopher Columbus sends a message in a bottle, the fate of an entire country is at stake. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да ми помогнеш? Are you sure you don't want to help me out? Are you sure you don't want to help me? Съжалявам, че ти създадох толкова много проблеми. I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble. I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble. Децата играят доджбол. The kids are playing dodgeball. Kids play dodgeball. Вали сняг. It's snowing. It's snowing. Искам да си почистиш стаята. I want you to clean your room. I want you to clean your room. Опитах се да се държа човешки. I've tried to be reasonable. I tried to be human. Какъв е планът, Том? What's the plan, Tom? What's the plan, Tom? Благодаря Ви предварително за съдействието. Thank you for your cooperation in advance. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Да не говорим повече за това. Let's not talk about it anymore. Let's not talk about it anymore. Състоянието ѝ продължи да се подобрява. She kept getting better. Her condition continued to improve. Том наистина ли иска да отида на купона му? Does Tom really want me to come to his party? Does Tom really want me to go to his party? Изобщо не съм уморен. I'm not tired at all. I'm not tired at all. Повечето хора ме мислят за луд. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. Колко музея посетихте? How many museums did you visit? How many museums have you visited? Изчаках възможно най-дълго. I've waited as long as possible. I waited as long as I could. Той нахлу в стаята с без да сваля палтото си. He rushed into the room with his coat on. He broke into the room without taking off his coat. Миналата събота ходих на шопинг. I went shopping last Saturday. Last Saturday, I went shopping. Днес е 18-ти юни и Муйриъл има рожден ден. Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday! It's June 18th, and it's Muriel's birthday. Начинът, по който той работи, не показва нищо, с което да може да се похвали. His work shows nothing to brag about. The way he works doesn't show anything he can brag about. Ние не виждаме нещата такива, каквито са, а такива, каквито сме ние. We don't see things as they are, but as we are. We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are. Тя лекичко бутна вратата. She gave the door a gentle push. She pushed the door a little bit. Ела, когато ти е удобно. Come whenever it is convenient to you. Come when you're comfortable. Александър написа няколко изречения на берберски. Alexander wrote some sentences in Berber. Alexander wrote several sentences in Berber. Мисля, че само на тебе ти пука. I think you're the only one who cares. I think you're the only one who cares. Какво точно се случи с Вас? What exactly happened to you? What exactly happened to you? Тогава посетих музея за първи път. It was the first time that I visited the museum. That's when I first visited the museum. Тя в хотел ли остава? Is she staying at a hotel? Is she staying in a hotel? Това сако не ми харесва. I don't like this jacket. I don't like this jacket. Том и Мери слязоха по стълбите заедно. Tom and Mary walked down the stairs together. Tom and Mary went down the stairs together. Подранил си. You are early. You're early. Искаш да си тръгнеш в последния момент? Want to leave at the last minute? You want to leave at the last minute? Той е атеист. He is an atheist. He's an atheist. Реших, че може да си ми ядосана. I thought you might be mad at me. I thought you might be mad at me. Предавам се. I surrender. I give up. Много добре я познавам. I know her very well. I know her very well. Какво има в плажната чанта, дето ти е в багажника на колата? What's in the beach bag that's in the trunk of your car? What's in the beach bag that's in the trunk of your car? Аз не вярвам на жените. I don't trust women. I don't trust women. Атеист е. He is an atheist. He's an atheist. Наркотиците могат да ти съсипят живота. Drugs can ruin your life. Drugs can ruin your life. Не си тръгвай, Том. Don't go, Tom. Don't go, Tom. Дима спа с 25 мъже за една нощ и след това ги уби. Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. Ей ме на де съм, ако това е вярно. I'll be damned if it's true. Here I am, if that's true. Никого не обвинявам. I'm not placing blame. I don't blame anyone. Никога няма да забравя добрината ти. I'll never forget your kindness. I'll never forget your kindness. Няма тоалетна хартия. There's no toilet paper. There's no toilet paper. Седнали сте ми на мястото. You're in my seat. You're in my seat. Не говоря френски толкова добре, колкото Том. I can't speak French as well as Tom can. I don't speak French as well as Tom does. Тя получи добри оценки по английски. She got good grades in English. She got good grades in English. Какво искаш ? What do you want? What do you want? Три месеца преди Том да завърши колежа, той умря. Three months before Tom was to graduate from college, he died. Three months before Tom graduated from college, he died. Надявам се Джон да дойде. I hope that John comes. I hope John comes. Ще отворя виното и ще го оставя да подиша. I'm going to open the wine and let it breathe. I'll open the wine and let it breathe. Оправям се. I'm getting better. I'm handling it. Вашето образование е важно. Your education is important. Your education is important. Том ти открадна колелото. Tom stole your bike. Tom stole your bike. Ще се радвам, ако можете да дойдете с нас. I'd be happy if you could come with us. I'd be happy if you could come with us. Случва се. It's happening. It happens. Нещо лошо ли казах? Is it something I said? Did I say something wrong? Като стигнете до светофара, завийте надясно. After you get to the traffic lights, turn right. When you get to the traffic light, turn right. Мисля, че си го правила и преди. I think you've done this before. I think you've done this before. Присъствието на пресата вътре не е позволено. The press is not allowed inside. The presence of the press inside is not allowed. Не се продаваше. It wasn't on sale. It wasn't for sale. Къде е тоалетната? Where is the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Всички пееха, освен мен. Everybody was singing except me. Everyone was singing, except me. Чичо ми ми подари подарък. My uncle gave me a present. My uncle gave me a gift. Пристигнахме там преди обяд. We arrived there before noon. We got there before noon. Не сте ли женени? Aren't you married? Aren't you married? Той пресече Тихия океан за тридесет дни. He crossed the Pacific Ocean in thirty days. He crossed the Pacific for thirty days. Том винаги спи, прегърнал мечето си. Tom always sleeps hugging his teddy bear. Tom always sleeps, hugs his teddy bear. Имам достатъчно пари да я купя. I have enough money to buy it. I have enough money to buy it. Мисля, че подценяваш Том. I think you're underestimating Tom. I think you're underestimating Tom. Том няма да успее да ти смогне. Tom won't be able to keep up with you. Tom won't be able to keep up with you. Мисля, че сте абсолютно прав. I think you're absolutely right. I think you're absolutely right. Оставих я на бюрото ти. I put it on your desk. I left it on your desk. Въпреки че аз съм стар, ти си все още млада. Though I am old, you are still young. Even though I'm old, you're still young. Том знае, че Мери греши. Tom knows Mary is wrong. Tom knows Mary's wrong. Някога пял ли си на френски? Have you ever sung in French? Have you ever sung in French? Помогнах на Том един път. I helped Tom once. I helped Tom one time. Дано е ок. I hope it's OK. I hope it's okay. Сигурна бях, че ще те намеря тук. I was sure to find you here. I was sure I'd find you here. Вчера си купих този фотоапарат. I bought this camera yesterday. I bought this camera yesterday. Нямам време да обяснявам. I don't have time to explain. I don't have time to explain. В къщата беше хубаво и топло. It was nice and warm inside the house. The house was nice and warm. Трябваше да вървя, понеже нямаше никакви таксита. I had to walk because there were no taxis. I had to go because there weren't any taxis. Той изглеждаше сякаш някога е бил богат. He seemed to have been rich. He looked like he was once rich. Тя подреди цветята прекрасно. She arranged the flowers beautifully. She arranged the flowers beautifully. Всеки с вкусовете си. Each to their own. Each with his own tastes. Прочетох още няколко глави, преди да заспя. I read a couple of more chapters before I went to sleep. I read a few more chapters before I went to sleep. Какво ще стане, когато свършим водата? What happens when we run out of water? What happens when we're done with the water? Може ли да те попитам нещо? May I ask you something? Can I ask you something? 2001 е годината, с която започва 21-ви век. 2001 is the year when the 21st century begins. 2001 is the year with which the 21st century begins. Защо протестират? Why are they protesting? Why are they protesting? След изпита забравих всичко. After the exam, I forgot everything. After the exam, I forgot everything. Ние изкачихме стръмния склон. We climbed the steep slope. We climbed the steep slope. Чувал съм слухове. I've heard rumors. I've heard rumors. Още не съм се съгласила. I haven't said yes yet. I haven't said yes yet. Още не съм започнал. I haven't started yet. I haven't started yet. Срещата ми е в 2:30. My appointment is at 2:30. My meeting's at 2:30. Кислородът е необходим за горенето. Oxygen is necessary for combustion. Oxygen is necessary for combustion. Пиши скоро! Write soon! Write soon! Не знам коя е жената на Том. I don't know who Tom's wife is. I don't know who Tom's wife is. Бъди внимателен! Be careful! Be careful! Не съм длъжен да ти казвам каквото и да било. I don't have to tell you squat. I don't have to tell you anything. Безсмислено е да се опитваш да убедиш Том. It's no use trying to convince Tom. It's pointless to try to convince Tom. Той не успя да изпълни заръката ни. He failed to follow our advice. He couldn't fulfill our orders. Бил съм там само веднъж. I've only been there once. I've only been there once. Имам нужда от вас. I need you. I need you. Радвам се, че се познавам с вас. I am glad to make your acquaintance. It's good to know you. Започвам да те харесвам. I'm starting to like you. I'm starting to like you. В Америка колите се движат в дясното платно на пътя. In America cars drive on the right side of the road. In America, cars move in the right lane of the road. Имате ли някакви френски списания? Do you have any French magazines? Do you have any French magazines? Обядвах набързо. I quickly ate lunch. I had a quick lunch. Аз живея в Япония. I live in Japan. I live in Japan. Познаваш ли брат му? Do you know his brother? Do you know his brother? Зле ли е? Is it bad? Is it bad? Ти знаеш малко френски, нали? You know some French, don't you? You know a little French, don't you? Уморих се да гледам телевизия. I'm tired of watching television. I'm tired of watching TV. Мисля, че Том ще победи. I think Tom will win. I think Tom's gonna win. Планирам да отседна в хотел. I'm planning to stay at a hotel. I plan on staying in a hotel. Музеят днес отворен ли е? Is the museum open today? Is the museum open today? Канада се намира на север от САЩ. Canada is to the north of the United States. Canada is located north of the United States. Дори децата могат да четат тази книга. Even children can read this book. Even children can read this book. Том си нарани коляното. Tom hurt his knee. Tom hurt his knee. Водя си дневник на френски. I keep a diary in French. I keep a diary in French. Сигурен ли си, че искаш да се откажеш? Are you sure you want to quit? Are you sure you want to quit? Ще те помоля да преведеш това писмо на френски. I'd like you to translate this letter into French. I'm going to ask you to translate this letter into French. Потупването по гърба беше дразнещо. The pat on the back was offensive. The pat on the back was annoying. Ще остана още три дни. I'll stay for three more days. I'll stay three more days. Той няма велосипед. He hasn't got a bicycle. He doesn't have a bicycle. Наясно ли си защо се случа това? Do you know why this is happening? Do you know why this happened? Том не може да играе тенис. Tom can't play tennis. Tom can't play tennis. Аз едва съм започнала. I've only just begun. I'm just getting started. Трябва да отида да кажа на Том. I have to go tell Tom. I have to go tell Tom. Имам нещо, което трябва да свърша. I have something to do. I have something to do. За съжаление, това не е вариант. Unfortunately, that's not an option. Unfortunately, that's not an option. Пресечи улицата. Cross the street. Cross the street. Не го прави, Том. Don't do it, Tom. Don't do it, Tom. Седалището на нашата компания е в Токио. Our company's base is in Tokyo. The headquarters of our company is in Tokyo. Том винаги си слага колан. Tom always wears his seatbelt. Tom always puts on a belt. И още нещо. Ако се опиташ да направиш нещо на Маю, ще ти счупя гръбнака. One more thing. If you try anything on Mayu I'll break your spine. One more thing, if you try to do something to Mayu, I'll break your spine. Не разбирам френски. I don't understand French. I don't understand French. Дайте си домашните. Hand in your homework. Give me your homework. Студа скоро проникна през неговото подплатено яке. The cold soon penetrated his quilted jacket. The cold soon penetrated his padded jacket. Ще трябва да откажа. I have to say no. I'm gonna have to say no. Това твоята стая ли е? Is that your room? Is this your room? Том няма куче. Tom doesn't have a dog. Tom doesn't have a dog. По-голямата ми сестра я бива в пеенето. My older sister is good at singing. My older sister is good at singing. Той беше толкова тъжен, че почти полудя. He was so sad that he almost went mad. He was so sad, he almost went crazy. Те са умрели млади. They died young. They died young. Ние трябва да опитаме нещо различно. We've got to try something different. We have to try something different. Значи Отец е Бог, Синът Му е Бог и Светият Дух е Бог. И въпреки това те не са трима богове, а един Бог. So the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God. And yet they are not Three Gods, but One God. So the Father is God, His Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and yet they are not three gods, but one God. Има градина пред къщата. There is a garden in front of the house. There's a garden outside the house. Ще трябва да се справя с това сам. I have to deal with this myself. I'm gonna have to deal with this on my own. Съжалявам, но ще се окаже, че през този ден съм зает. Sorry, but it looks like I'm booked up on that day. I'm sorry, but I'll be busy that day. Помня, че пуснах писмото. I remember mailing the letter. I remember mailing the letter. Ще се радвам да помогна. I'd like to help. I'd be happy to help. Мисля, че се държите наивно. I think you're being naive. I think you're being naive. Помолих Том да ми дава уроци по френски. I asked Tom to teach me French. I asked Tom to give me French lessons. Можеш ли да препоръчаш друг хотел? Could you recommend another hotel? Can you recommend another hotel? Всеки ден ходя на работа. I go to work every day. I go to work every day. Мисля, че ще ти бъде интересно. I think you'll find it interesting. I think you'll be interested. Съмнявам се, че той е адвокат. I doubt that he's a lawyer. I doubt he's a lawyer. Морковът е здравословна лека закуска. A carrot is a healthy snack. Carrot is a healthy snack. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да помислиш за друг вариант? Are you sure you don't want to consider another option? Are you sure you don't want to think about another option? Може да успея да дойда да те взема. I might be able to come and pick you up. I might be able to come get you. Извикай ме, ако ти трябвам за нещо. Call me if you need me. Call me if you need me. Прочетете го отново, ако обичате. Read it again, please. Read it again, please. Не обичам да се бия. I don't enjoy fighting. I don't like fighting. Тази миризма и друг път съм я усещала. I've smelled this smell somewhere before. I've smelled that smell before. Послушай съвета ми и говори с нея. Take my advice and talk to her. Take my advice and talk to her. Не мога да дойда с тебе тази вечер. I can't go with you tonight. I can't go with you tonight. Отново ще го направя. I'll do it again. I'll do it again. Мислех, че ще се задуша в претъпкания влак. I thought I was going to suffocate on the crowded train. I thought I was gonna suffocate in the crowded train. Да обядваме! Let's have lunch! Let's have lunch! Джон няма да отговори на въпроса. John will not answer the question. John won't answer the question. Имаш ли пари изобщо? Don't you have any money? Do you have any money at all? Сигурен съм, че Том няма да иска да плати толкова. I'm sure Tom won't be willing to pay that much. I'm sure Tom won't want to pay that much. Благодаря ти, Господи. Thank you dear Lord. Thank you, God. Пак се случи. It happened again. It happened again. Сенатора ме обвини,че съм изопачил данните. The senator charged that I had distorted the data. The senator accused me of distorting the data. Какъв ти е никнеймът? What's your nickname? What's your nickname? Тя не ме разбира. She doesn't understand me. She doesn't understand me. Вие говорите френски много добре. You speak French very well. You speak French very well. Това е всичко, което Том трябва да направи. This is all Tom has to do. That's all Tom has to do. Пазете тоалетната чиста. Keep the toilet clean. Keep the toilet clean. Не прекалявай. Don't overdo it. Don't push it. Нищо от това което Том каза не беше истина. None of what Tom said was true. None of what Tom said was true. Мери често носи дълги поли. Mary often wears long skirts. Mary often wears long skirts. Том не обича да говори на френски. Tom doesn't like to speak French. Tom doesn't like to speak French. Обвиняемият е осъден на смърт. The accused was sentenced to death. The defendant is sentenced to death. О, не! Забравих си камерата. Oh no! I forgot my camera. Oh, no, I forgot my camera. Какви са новините? What's the news? What's the news? Заети ли сте? Are you guys busy? Are you busy? Някои жени изглеждат по-скоро мъжествено, отколкото женствено. Some women look more masculine than feminine. Some women look more masculine than feminine. Джон счупи прозореца вчера. John broke the window yesterday. John broke the window yesterday. Тъкмо се върнахме и започна да вали. We had scarcely returned when it began raining. We just got back and it started raining. Навън светлината беше ослепителна, но вътре беше мрачно. It was as gloomy inside the mansion as the sunlight was dazzling outside. Outside the light was dazzling, but inside it was dark. Има нещо друго, което трябва да направя. There's something else I need to do. There's something else I have to do. Някои видове птици не могат да летят. Some kinds of birds can't fly. Some bird species can't fly. Прекоси Тихия океан за тридесет дни. He crossed the Pacific Ocean in thirty days. Cross the Pacific for thirty days. Закъснях с един час. I'm an hour late. I'm an hour late. Опитай го още веднъж. Try it once more. Try it one more time. Тогава Том беше щастлив. Tom used to be happy. Tom was happy then. Когато бях дете, живеех в Бостън. I lived in Boston when I was a kid. When I was a kid, I lived in Boston. Том не пие бира вкъщи. Tom doesn't drink beer at home. Tom doesn't drink beer at home. Изобщо не разбирам френски. I don't understand French at all. I don't understand French at all. Изключи телевизора. Turn off the TV. Turn off the TV. Бих искал да отида на летния лагер. I would like to join the summer camp. I'd like to go to summer camp. Възстановен ли съм на длъжност? Am I reinstated? Have I been reinstated? Харесва ли ти колчето? Do you like the rod? Do you like the peg? Хайде да се съберем отново! Let's get together again! Let's get back together! Беше ударена от кола, докато пресичаше улицата. She was hit by a car while she was crossing the street. She was hit by a car crossing the street. Поначало японците са стеснителни. Generally, Japanese people are shy. In the beginning, the Japanese are shy. Той обича да ходи на пътешествия. He loves taking trips. He likes to travel. Родният език на Том е френският. Tom's native language is French. Tom's native language is French. Том не се интересува от политика. Tom is not interested in politics. Tom doesn't care about politics. Кен боядиса колелото си в бяло. Ken painted his bicycle white. Ken painted his bike white. Попитайте пак по-късно. Ask again later. Ask again later. Веднъж го направи това. You did that once. You did that once. Изобщо не знаех, че Том може да говори френски. I never knew Tom could speak French. I didn't even know Tom could speak French. Пробвах всичко, което ми е известно. I've tried everything I know of. I've tried everything I know. Смъртната присъда е окончателна и не подлежи на обжалване. The death penalty is final and irreversible. The death penalty is final and non-appealable. Чудя се дали Том още ме помни. I wonder if Tom still remembers me. I wonder if Tom still remembers me. Ще ми се всичко, което Том каза , да бе лъжа. I wish everything Tom said was a lie. I wish everything Tom said was a lie. Майната ти! Fuck you! Fuck you! Том беше на абсолютно сигурно място. Tom was perfectly safe. Tom was in a perfectly safe place. Аз съм безработен. I'm unemployed. I'm unemployed. Как е Кристиян? How is Cristian doing? How's Christian? Мисля, че си абсолютно права. I think you're absolutely right. I think you're absolutely right. Вдигни ръка преди да отговориш. Raise your hand before you answer. Raise your hand before you answer. Прочети секцията за обяви ако търсиш работа. Read the advertisement section if you're looking for a job. Read the ad section if you're looking for a job. Нанси има пиано. Nancy has a piano. Nancy has a piano. Нямам търпение да те видя. I'm anxious to see you. I can't wait to see you. Това е къщата, в която Том е бил отгледан. This is the house where Tom was brought up. This is the house where Tom was raised. Ще ти направя нов костюм. I'll make you a new suit. I'll make you a new suit. Скрежта е замръзнала роса. Frost is frozen dew. The frost is frozen dew. Не съм виждал Том от известно време. I haven't seen Tom in a while. I haven't seen Tom in a while. Опитахме се да го убедим. We tried to persuade him. We tried to convince him. Ние набрахме ябълки,така ,че можехме да си направим ябълков пай. We picked apples so we could make an apple pie. We picked apples so we could make apple pie. Ти имаш ли? Do you have one? Do you have one? Това твоето колело ли е? Is this your bike? Is that your bike? Той кръсти сина си Джеймс. He named his son James. He named his son James. Моля, фокусирай го. Please just focus it. Please focus it. Ще застрелям и двама ви. I'll shoot both of you. I'll shoot you both. Виждам съм това момиче преди. I have seen that girl before. I've seen this girl before. Това е къщата, в която се роди Том. That's the house where Tom was born. This is the house where Tom was born. Гледай да не натиснеш грешното копче. Don't press the wrong button. Don't push the wrong button. Ще се върна в шест и трийсет. I'll return at 6:30. I'll be back at 6:30. Аз съм на осемнайсет. I'm eighteen. I'm 18. Тук ли са? Are they here? Are they here? Свършваме храната. We're running short of food. We're running out of food. Може ли да ти видя паспорта? May I see your passport? Can I see your passport? Да, портокалов сок, моля. Yes, orange juice, please. Yes, orange juice, please. Той пренебрегна задълженията си. He neglected his duties. He ignored his duties. Дадох книгата на моя приятел. I gave the book to my friend. I gave the book to my friend. Реших, че може да е важно. I thought it might be significant. I thought it might be important. Той е силен. He's strong. He's strong. Той даде живота си за своята страна. He gave his life for his country. He gave his life for his country. Няма да се изненадам, ако изхвърлят Том от училище. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom got kicked out of school. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom got kicked out of school. Денят е по-топъл от нощта. The day is warmer than the night. The day is warmer than the night. Ако всичко е наред, ще се върнете. Hopefully, you will come back. If everything's okay, you'll be back. Каква е минималната заплата в Белгия? What's the minimum salary in Belgium? What's the minimum wage in Belgium? Имаш ли пари в себе си? Do you have any money with you? Do you have any money on you? Трябва да говоря с Том. I have to talk to Tom. I need to talk to Tom. Сигурен съм, че има нещо, с което мога да помогна. I'm sure there must be something I can do to help. I'm sure there's something I can do to help. Този вид държи рекорда за миграция на най-голямо разстояние. This species holds the record for long-distance migration. This species holds the record for migration at the greatest distance. В колко часа тръгва следващия влак? What time does the next train leave? What time does the next train leave? Да продължим. Let's continue. Let's move on. Все още иска да дойде. He still wants to come. He still wants to come. Вие можете ли да дойдете утре? Can you come tomorrow? Can you come back tomorrow? То чия книга? Whose is that book? Whose book? Трябва да си взема довиждане. I have to say goodbye. I have to say good-bye. Ще ти дам този диск, при условие, че не го заемаш на никой друг. I will lend you this CD on condition that you don't lend it to anyone else. I'll give you this CD, provided you don't lend it to anyone else. Какво би искала? What would you like? What would you like? Разбъркайте боята с пръчка. Stir the paint with a stick. Stir the paint with a stick. Ние сме на една и съща страна. We're on the same side. We're on the same side. Мисля, че трябва да кажеш на Том къде си. I think you should tell Tom where you are. I think you should tell Tom where you are. Това е кучето на Мери. This is Mary's dog. That's Mary's dog. Беше по-евтино, отколкото мислех, че ще бъде. It was cheaper than I thought it would be. It was cheaper than I thought it would be. Планът му е да построи мост над тази река. His plan is to build a bridge over that river. His plan is to build a bridge over this river. Том и Мери се държаха като деца. Tom and Mary acted like children. Tom and Mary were acting like children. Джиесемът на Том звънна и той вдигна. Tom's cellphone rang and he answered it. Tom's cell phone rang and he answered. Давайте да ядем! Let’s eat already! Let's eat! Никой от мотоциклетистите не носеше каска. Neither motorcyclist was wearing a helmet. None of the bikers wore a helmet. Гледате ли внимателно? Are you watching carefully? Are you looking closely? Мисля, че зададохте достатъчно въпроси. I think you've asked enough questions. I think you've asked enough questions. Папката ми е под ръка. I have the file right here. My file's on hand. Том обича сирене. Tom likes cheese. Tom likes cheese. Те не говориха. They didn't speak. They didn't talk. Достатъчно ми беше, благодаря ти. I've had enough, thank you. I've had enough, thank you. Получих информацията директно от него. I got the information from him directly. I got the information directly from him. Момчето, на което му се бяха скарали, хлипаше. The scolded boy was sobbing. The boy they had an argument with was crying. Том живее на същата улица като Мери. Tom lives on the same street as Mary. Tom lives on the same street as Mary. Вървях към парка. I walked toward the park. I was walking to the park. Наистина се радвам, че си тук. I really am glad you're here. I'm really glad you're here. Патриотите се изправиха в защита на правата на своята нация. The patriots stood up for the rights of their nation. The Patriots stood up to defend the rights of their nation. Мисля, че си губиш времето. I think you're wasting your time. I think you're wasting your time. Ако го изядеш, Том ще се ядоса. If you eat that, Tom will be angry. If you eat it, Tom will be angry. Тя изглежда развълнувана. She seems to be excited. She seems excited. Не съм го взимала. I didn't take it. I didn't take it. Мисля, че това е ваше. I think this is yours. I think this is yours. Аз похарчих само три долара. I only spent three dollars. I only spent three dollars. Известен ли си? Are you famous? Are you famous? Каква е основната причина да учиш френски? What's your main reason for studying French? What is the main reason to study French? Ан ми подари този подарък. Ann gave me this present. Anne gave me this gift. Имам някъде адреса на Том. I have Tom's address somewhere. I have Tom's address somewhere. Малко сме подранили. We're a little early. We're a little early. В каква ситуация ще направиш това? In what kind of situations would you do that? In what situation are you going to do this? Помислих си, че може да се окаже сложно. I thought it might be complicated. I thought it might be complicated. Какъв ти е телфонният номер? What's your phone number? What's your phone number? Още ли мислиш да ходиш на купона? Are you still planning to come to the party? Are you still thinking about going to the party? Казал съм на Том всичко, което съм казал и на тебе. I've told Tom everything I've told you. I've told Tom everything I've told you. Работила съм с Том дълго време. I've worked with Tom a long time. I've worked with Tom for a long time. Веднага ще ти обърна внимание. I'll get right back to you. I'll be right with you. Всички мъже бяха арестувани. The men were all arrested. All the men were arrested. Казахме си сбогом. We've said our goodbyes. We said goodbye. По-голямата част от противниците на робството не са гласували. Most opponents of slavery did not vote. Most of the opponents of slavery did not vote. Мери дори не може да чете на френски, камо ли да го говори. Mary can't even read French, much less speak it. Mary can't even read French, let alone speak it. Дарих кръв този следобед. I donated blood this afternoon. I donated blood this afternoon. Том не можа да си намери работа. Tom couldn't find work. Tom couldn't find a job. Каквото и да кажеш, аз няма да се откажа. No matter what you say, I won't give up. Whatever you say, I'm not giving up. Том идва в Бостън веднъж годишно. Tom comes to Boston once a year. Tom comes to Boston once a year. Сложих си дрехите в сушилнята. I put my clothes in the dryer. I put my clothes in the dryer. Много мислих за това. I've thought a lot about it. I've been thinking about it a lot. Себеотрицанието е най-доброто нещо, което можеш да направиш за себе си. Selflessness is the best thing you can do for yourself. Self-denial is the best thing you can do for yourself. Още не съм говорила с Том. I haven't spoken with Tom yet. I haven't talked to Tom yet. Не си толкова стар. You're not that old. You're not that old. Продължих да правя снимки. I continued taking photographs. I kept taking pictures. Том е танцьор. Tom is a dancer. Tom's a dancer. Никой не знае какво ще донесе бъдещето. No one knows what'll happen in the future. No one knows what the future will bring. Том не прилича много на брат си. Tom doesn't look much like his brother. Tom doesn't look much like his brother. Мери има скоби. Mary has braces. Mary's got braces. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да дойдеш с мен да си вземеш едно кафе? Are you sure you don't want to come with me to get a cup of coffee? Are you sure you don't want to come with me to get some coffee? Мисля, че не схващаш основното. I think you're missing the point. I think you're missing the point. Това не ви ли стига? Isn't it enough for you? Isn't that enough for you? Майка ми е учителка. My mother is a teacher. My mom's a teacher. Сигурна ли си, че наистина искаш да го направиш? Are you sure you really want to do that? Are you sure you really want to do this? Внимавай, идва кола! Be careful, there's a car! Watch out, there's a car coming! Мери помогна на майка си да сготви. Mary helped her mother cook. Mary helped her mother cook. Опитът ни учи, че хората никога не научават нищо от опита си. We learn from experience that men never learn anything from experience. Experience teaches us that people never learn anything from their experience. На диета съм. I'm on a diet. I'm on a diet. Още не е завършено. It's not done yet. It's not finished yet. Боб ми е приятел. Bob is my friend. Bob's my friend. Няма да кажа на никого. I won't tell anyone. I won't tell anyone. Не съм сигурен, че искам да видя това. I'm not sure I want to see this. I'm not sure I want to see this. Добавете този сайт в "Предпочитани". Bookmark this site. Add this site to "Prefered". Страстта му към него не стихва. His passion for me doesn't cool. His passion for him doesn't subside. Имам други планове за тебе. I have other plans for you. I have other plans for you. Аз ще присъствам на срещата. I'll attend the meeting. I'll attend the meeting. През нощта родителите грижливо завиват децата си. At night, parents tuck their children into bed. At night, parents take care of their children. Къде сте ги изхвърлили? Where did you throw them away? Where did you dump them? Мислите ли, че хищниците от род лалугери имат нощно зрение? Do you think that Spermophilus predators have night vision? Do you think lizard predators have night vision? Бъди много внимателен с това. Be very careful with this. Be very careful with that. Ще го видиш. You'll see it. You'll see. Карай бавно. Drive slowly. Drive slowly. Ще се видим на партито. See you at the party. I'll see you at the party. Аз мисля така. I think so. I think so. Кой звъня на Ан? Who telephoned Ann? Who called Anne? Не виждам къде е проблемът. I see nothing wrong with this. I don't see what the problem is. Никога не бих те излъгала. I would never lie to you. I would never lie to you. Мисля, че ще се оправим. I think we'll be OK. I think we're gonna be okay. Точно сега не съм заета. I'm not busy right now. I'm not busy right now. Ние вече знаем. We already know. We already know. Не можех да го оставя да умре. I couldn't leave him to die. I couldn't let him die. Нямам рак. I don't have cancer. I don't have cancer. Сигурна ли си, че искаш да ти помогна за домашното? Are you sure you want me to help you with your homework? Are you sure you want me to help you with your homework? Улови сигнал. Catch a signal. Get a signal. Той ѝ купи пуловер. He bought her a sweater. He bought her a sweater. Книгите са наши. The books are ours. The books are ours. Самолетите прелетяха над селото. The planes flew over the village. The planes flew over the village. Не бих се изненадала. I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't be surprised. Том не беше на срещата. Tom wasn't at the meeting. Tom wasn't at the meeting. Тъкмо щях да изляза от къщата си, когато тя се обади. I was about to leave my house when she called. I was just about to leave my house when she called. Няма да се върна с Том. I won't be coming back with Tom. I'm not going back with Tom. Виждал съм го и преди. I've seen it before. I've seen it before. И аз те обичам. I love you, too. I love you, too. Татоеба: Защото езикът е нещо повече от сбор на думите в него. Tatoeba: Because a language is more than the sum of its words. Tatoeba: For language is more than a sum of words in it. Около 29% от жителите на Окинава доживяват до 100 години. Around 29% of Okinawans live to be a 100. About 29% of Okinawa residents live to 100 years. Джейн изглежда щастлива. Jane looks happy. Jane seems happy. Вероятно не трябваше да го правя. I probably shouldn't have done that. I probably shouldn't have done that. Той си свали очилата. He took off his glasses. He took off his glasses. Бебето кашля цяла нощ. The baby has been coughing all night. The baby coughed all night. Те са със среден ръст. They are of average height. They're medium-sized. Благодаря ви за това. Thank you for this. Thank you for that. Кога беше последният път, когато се случи? When was the last time that happened? When was the last time it happened? Давай,скачай в езерото. Go jump in the lake. Go ahead, jump into the lake. Дай ѝ ги. Give them to her. Give it to her. Аз ще бъда наказана. I'll be punished. I'll be punished. Мисля, че това е правилният начин. I think that's the right thing to do. I think this is the right way. Те вероятно са уплашени. They're probably scared. They're probably scared. Къде е най-близката автобусна спирка? Where's the closest bus stop? Where's the nearest bus stop? Ще ти стискам палци. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Къде беше? Where were you? Where have you been? Кандидатът раздаде доста голяма сума пари по време на изборите. The candidate handed out a great amount of money in the election. The candidate gave away quite a large amount of money during the election. Напишете адреса си тук. Write your address here. Write down your address here. Участваха почти всички. Almost everyone participated. Almost everyone was involved. Не мисля, че той ще дойде. I don't think he'll come. I don't think he's coming. Том не е уплашен. Tom isn't frightened. Tom's not scared. Сега трябва да тръгвам. I've got to go now. Now I have to go. Може да закъснея, но ще дойда. I'll be there, although I may be late. I may be late, but I'll be there. Каква е минималната заплата в Мексико? What's the minimum salary in Mexico? What's the minimum wage in Mexico? Трябва да обсъдя нещо лично с тебе. I have something personal to discuss with you. I have something personal to discuss with you. Том ми каза да се срещна с него там. Tom told me to meet him there. Tom told me to meet him there. Том знае как да направи Мери щастлива. Tom knows how to make Mary happy. Tom knows how to make Mary happy. Разбираш френски, нали? You can understand French, right? You understand French, don't you? Не знам как. I don't know how. I don't know how. Не съм толкова смел. I'm not so brave. I'm not that brave. Опитът е най-добрият учител. Experience is the best teacher. Experience is the best teacher. Защо не сте вкъщи? Why aren't you home? Why aren't you home? Никога при не съм печелила нищо. I've never won anything in my life. I've never won anything in my life. Мога да играя тенис. I can play tennis. I can play tennis. Ако не се лъжа... If I am not mistaken. If I'm not mistaken... Би ли яла това? Would you eat this? Would you eat that? Палтото ти залепна. This coat fits you perfectly. Your coat's stuck. Мисля, че има нещо, което не ми казваш. I think there's something you're not telling me. I think there's something you're not telling me. Мисля, че това ще ти хареса. I think you'd like that. I think you're gonna like this. Слонът е по-голям от всички останали животни. The elephant is bigger than all the other animals. The elephant is bigger than any other animal. Не ви ли е страх? Aren't you afraid? Aren't you afraid? Не ни остана за какво да говорим. We've got nothing left to talk about. We don't have much left to talk about. Аз притежавам тази собственост. I own this property. I own this property. Той даде фотоапарата си на своя приятел. He gave his camera to his friend. He gave his camera to his friend. Вие обичате децата, нали? You love children, don't you? You love kids, don't you? Чух, че Том е бил ограбен. I heard Tom was mugged. I heard Tom was robbed. Вземи което искаш. Take whichever you want. Take what you want. Том е човекът, който ми показа как да го направя. Tom is the one who showed me how to do it. Tom's the guy who showed me how to do it. Пътешествията са голяма забава. Taking trips is a lot of fun. Traveling's a lot of fun. Мисля, че ще стане. I think this will work. I think it'll work. Тук си в опасност. You're in danger here. You're in danger here. Не казвай на никой. Don't tell anyone. Don't tell anyone. Мисля, че може да имаш нужда от помощ. I think you might need some help. I think you might need some help. На френски ли предпочиташ да говориш? Would you prefer to speak in French? Would you rather speak French? Той пътува по бизнес. He traveled on business. He's on a business trip. Излизаш ли с Том? Are you dating Tom? Are you going out with Tom? Изглежда вкъщи няма никого. It looks like no one's home. Looks like nobody's home. Това е модел с кодово заключване, който може да използвате и в преддверието. This is a code lock type that you can use on the entranceway as well. This is a model with a code lock that you can also use in the anteroom. Смях се. I laughed. I laughed. Ще се наложи да не спим. We'll have to pull an all-nighter. We'll have to stay awake. Ще ни извиниш ли за момент? Will you excuse us for a moment? Would you excuse us for a moment? Той как изглежда? What does he look like? What does he look like? Поряза ли се? Are you cut? Did you cut yourself? Френският не е моят първи език. French isn't my first language. French is not my first language. Храната ни свършва. We're running short of food. We're running out of food. И двата метода сработиха добре. Both methods worked well. Both methods worked out well. Не забелязах как беше облечена. I didn't notice how she was dressed. I didn't notice what she was wearing. Благоразумието на зрителите е препоръчително. Viewer discretion is advised. The discretion of the viewers is advisable. Чух те как я окуражаваше. I heard you cheering. I heard you encourage her. Том знае, че чакам. Tom knows I'm waiting. Tom knows I'm waiting. Какви спортове обичаш? What sports do you like? What kind of sports do you like? Калкулаторът на масата е мой. The calculator on the table is mine. The calculator on the table is mine. Не взимай прибързани решения. Don't make any quick decisions. Don't make any rash decisions. Юми има много книги. Yumi has many books. Yumi has many books. Нашето училище е използвало неговите методи на обучение. Our school adopted his teaching methods. Our school used his methods of learning. За това ще трябва да платитш допълнително. That'll cost you extra. That's why you're gonna have to pay extra. Не мога да те чакам. I can't wait for you. I can't wait for you. Опитвам се да спестя пари. I'm trying to save money. I'm trying to save money. Том няма да види пари от мене. Tom won't be getting any money from me. Tom won't see any money from me. Страхувам се за сигурността на Том. I fear for Tom's safety. I'm afraid for Tom's safety. Том се молеше. Tom was praying. Tom was praying. Дай си ми я! Give it back! Give it to me! По-голямата ѝ дъщеря е омъжена. Her older daughter is married. Her eldest daughter is married. Изглежда Том малко е напълнял малко. It looks like Tom has gained a little weight. Looks like Tom got a little fat. Защо трябва да си взема куче? Why should I get a dog? Why do I have to get a dog? Мислех, че ще дойде сам. I thought he would come alone. I thought he was coming alone. Том изобщо не може да играе голф. Tom is terrible at golf. Tom can't play golf at all. Чух Том да влиза. I heard Tom come in. I heard Tom come in. Таро, можеш ли да ми помогнеш? Taro, could you help me? Taro, can you help me? Джейн изглежда много щастлива. Jane looks very happy. Jane seems very happy. Казах ти да не ме наричаш Том. I've told you not to call me Tom. I told you not to call me Tom. Юджи разказа на приятеля си история за своето приключение по време на лятната ваканция. Yuji told his friend a story about his adventure during the summer vacation. Yuji told his friend a story about his adventure during summer vacation. То възкръсна даже по-жизнено от преди. It revived with even greater vigor. It rose even more alive than before. Средният пръст е най-дълъг. The middle finger is the longest. The middle finger is the longest. Ще прочета книгата. I'll read the book. I'll read the book. Виж какво се случи на Том. Look what happened to Tom. Look what happened to Tom. Огромен е! It's enormous! It's huge! Мислех да отида да кажа "здрасти" на Том. I thought I'd say hello to Tom. I thought I'd go say hi to Tom. Исках да я изненадам. I wanted to surprise her. I wanted to surprise her. Той е изгубил работата си. He has lost his job. He's lost his job. Когато се опитвате да докажете нещо би било от помощ за вас да знаете, че то е вярно. When you're trying to prove something, it helps to know it's true. When you're trying to prove something, it would help you to know that it's true. В твоите ръце е, Том. It's in your hands, Tom. It's in your hands, Tom. Той трябва да е братът на Том. He must be Tom's brother. He must be Tom's brother. Бесен съм ти. I'm mad at you. I'm mad at you. Станал съм кожа и кости. I wasted away to skin and bone. I've become skin and bones. Изглежда си имала тежък ден. It looks like you had a tough day. Looks like you've had a rough day. С всяка година разходите ми нарастват. My living expense is rising year by year. Every year, my expenses increase. Нещо изглеждаше ли не както трябва? Did something seem wrong? Did something look wrong? Изглеждаш точно като по-големия си брат. You look just like your older brother. You look just like your older brother. Аз гласувах за Кен. I voted for Ken. I voted for Ken. Просто използвай моето засега. Just use mine for now. Just use mine for now. Искам да отида на летния лагер. I would like to join the summer camp. I want to go to summer camp. Има нещо, което трябва да обясня. There's something I need to explain. There's something I need to explain. Ако искаш да опознаеш една нация, трябва да научиш нейната история. If you are to know a nation, you must learn its history. If you want to know a nation, you have to learn its story. Внимателно обмислих проблема. I gave careful consideration to the problem. I've carefully considered the problem. Нужно е време, за да се съвземеш след развод. It takes time to get over a divorce. It takes time for you to recover from a divorce. Това е най-тъпото нещо, което някога съм казвал. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. Напоследък не съм се чувала с нея. I have not heard from her recently. I haven't heard from her lately. В колко часа започва киното? What time does the movie begin? What time does the movie start? Хенри иска да те види. Henry wants to see you. Henry wants to see you. Той гледаше бебето. He looked after the baby. He was looking after the baby. Не можем да се върнем там. We can't go back there. We can't go back there. Том се намуси. Tom frowned. Tom's sulking. Това просто трябва да е шапката на Том. This just has to be Tom's hat. This just has to be Tom's hat. Вече не те обичам; затова съм тъжен. I no longer love you; therefore, I am sad. I don't love you anymore; that's why I'm sad. Къде е автогарата? Where is the bus terminal? Where's the bus station? Дай да ти покажа един пример. Let me show you an example. Let me show you an example. Някои от вас няма да успеят. Some of you won't make it. Some of you won't make it. Ще го имам предвид. I'll take that into consideration. I'll keep that in mind. Не бях тук миналата седмица. I wasn't here last week. I wasn't here last week. Ще пее ли Джейн? Will Jane sing? Is Jane going to sing? Ще сложа обратно нещата там, където им е мястото. I'm going to put everything back where it belongs. I'll put things back where they belong. Получих още едно съобщение от Том. I've received another message from Tom. I got another text from Tom. Не съм виждал Том от няколко дена. I haven't seen Tom in days. I haven't seen Tom in a few days. Реших, че може да си ми ядосан. I thought you might be mad at me. I thought you might be mad at me. Вероятността за валеж е голяма. There is a high chance of precipitation. There's a high probability of rain. Събуди се, Том. Wake up, Tom. Wake up, Tom. Бих искал да можех да отида. I wish I could go. I wish I could go. Това бяло палто много ще ти отива. This white coat will look very nice on you. That white coat would look really good on you. Имам това, което ми е нужно. I have what I need. I have what I need. Той пие твърде много бира. He drinks too much beer. He drinks too much beer. Мисля, че Том е в предния двор. I think Tom is in the front yard. I think Tom's in the front yard. Случвало се е. It's happened. It's happened. Мамят ни. We're being conned. They're cheating us. Ще ми се да можех да говоря на френски. I wish I could have spoken French. I wish I could speak French. Аз не схванах неговия вица. I didn't get his joke. I didn't get his joke. Запознах се е изпълнителния директор. I got acquainted with the chief executive. I met the CEO. Защо питаш? Why do you ask? Why do you ask? Мен ме е страх от земетресения. I'm afraid of earthquakes. I'm afraid of earthquakes. Тя е много добра учителка. She's a very good teacher. She's a very good teacher. Мисля, че този ще ти хареса. I think you're going to like this one. I think you're gonna like this one. Никой не можеше да работи. No one could work. No one could work. Забравих да сложа марка на плика. I forgot to put a stamp on the envelope. I forgot to put a stamp on the envelope. Те го правят сега. They're doing it now. They're doing it now. Опаковайте го, ако обичате. Please wrap it up. Pack it up, please. Прочетете ми го. Read it to me. Read it to me. Демократа е свободен гражданин който се поддава на волята на мнозинството. A democrat is a free citizen who yields to the will of the majority. Democrat is a free citizen who succumbs to the will of the majority. Легни на пода! Get down on the floor! Get down on the floor! И преди се е случвало. It happened before. It's happened before. Любимият ми превод е този. My favorite translation is this one. My favorite translation is this one. Мислиш ли, че Том може да се върне? Do you think Tom might come back? Do you think Tom can come back? Един момент. Не съм решил. Just a moment. I haven't made up my mind. Wait a minute, I haven't decided. Знаех, че ще бъдеш зает. I knew you'd be busy. I knew you'd be busy. От Библията е. It's from the Bible. It's from the Bible. Нанси се бои от кучета. Nancy is afraid of dogs. Nancy's afraid of dogs. Аз нямам деца. I have no kids. I don't have kids. Бил ли си някога в Бостън? Have you ever been to Boston? Have you ever been to Boston? Уплашена ли си? Are you frightened? Are you scared? Той вдигна ръцете си. He raised his hands. He raised his hands. Седни където искаш. Sit wherever you like. Sit wherever you want. Пиши ми някой път, чу ли? Write me sometime, OK? Text me sometime, okay? Не ми хареса как свърши филмът. I didn't like the way that movie ended. I didn't like how the movie ended. Все още съм малко заета. I'm still a little busy. I'm still a little busy. Те бяха захвърлени на забравен остров. They were stranded on a deserted island. They were dumped on a forgotten island. Добре дошла в Япония. Welcome to Japan. Welcome to Japan. Няма да се изненадам, ако Том не е дошъл. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom didn't come. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom hadn't come. Искате ли тази тениска? Do you want this T-shirt? Do you want this shirt? Толкова е лесно. This is so easy. It's so easy. Оставете ме да ида сам. Let me go alone. Let me go alone. Мислиш ли, че френският е труден? Do you think French is difficult? Do you think French is hard? Какво криеш зад гърба си? What do you have hidden behind your back? What are you hiding behind your back? Ако имаш дъвка в устата си, изплюй я. If you have gum in your mouth, spit it out. If you have gum in your mouth, spit it out. Азиатците обикновено се движат заедно. Asians tend to stick together. Asians usually move together. Аз изобщо не говоря френски. I don't speak French at all. I don't speak French at all. Престани. Ставаш смешен. Stop it. You're being ridiculous. You're being ridiculous. Да се позабавляваме. Let's have some fun. Let's have some fun. Том е истински каубой. Tom is a real cowboy. Tom's a real cowboy. Не съм виждала Том с месеци. I haven't seen Tom in months. I haven't seen Tom in months. Той се е оправил, затова скоро ще може да излезе от болницата. He has gotten better, so he'll soon be able to leave the hospital. He's fine, so he'll be able to get out of the hospital soon. Нямам представа защо бях избрана аз. I have no idea why I was chosen. I have no idea why I was chosen. Приятен апетит! Have a nice meal! Bon appétit! Нямаше забавяне. There was no delay. There was no delay. Срещнах трудности, когато се занимавах с проблема. I had difficulty working out the problem. I had a hard time dealing with the problem. Аз притежавам това място. I own this place. I own this place. Джеф търси три месеца, докато намери работа. Jeff searched for three months before he found a job. Jeff's been looking for three months to find a job. Том излъга Мери, когато каза, че не познава Джон. Tom lied to Mary when he said he didn't know John. Tom lied to Mary when he said he didn't know John. Защо не извършиш това, което вече си решил да направиш? Why don't you carry out what you've set out to do? Why don't you do what you've already decided to do? Той гледа телевизия всеки ден. He watches TV every day. He watches TV every day. Ревнувате ли? Are you jealous? Are you jealous? Реших, че може да ти е любопитно. I thought you might be curious. I thought you might be curious. Аз съм мъж. I'm a man. I'm a man. Той нямаше намерение да напуска неговият роден град. He had no notion of leaving his hometown. He had no intention of leaving his hometown. Говорихме по телефона. We talked on the telephone. We spoke on the phone. Дотук минах всички тестове. I've passed every test so far. So far, I've passed all the tests. Нямах друг избор, освен да я чакам. There was nothing for it but to wait for her. I had no choice but to wait for her. Изглеждаш като сестра ми. You look like my sister. You look like my sister. Нека ида сам. Let me go alone. Let me go alone. Той направи важно откритие. He made an important discovery. He made an important discovery. Посрещнаха ни топло. They greeted us warmly. They gave us a warm welcome. И какво да правя сега? So what do I do now? What am I supposed to do now? Превъртях. I lost it. I'm freaking out. Мисля, че има някой в съседната стая. I think there's somebody in the next room. I think there's someone in the next room. Гледай да не се нараниш. Be careful not to hurt yourself. Don't hurt yourself. Оценявам съдействието ти. I appreciate your cooperation. I appreciate your cooperation. Още не смятам да се отказвам. I'm not giving up yet. I'm not giving up yet. Том трябва да говори френски на работа. Tom has to speak French at work. Tom needs to speak French at work. Баща ми ми четеше преди да заспя. My father used to read to me at bedtime. My dad used to read to me before I went to sleep. Това значеше много за мен. It meant a lot to me. That meant a lot to me. Том произнесе реч на френски. Tom gave a speech in French. Tom gave a speech in French. Той е безраличен към страданието на другите. He is indifferent to the suffering of others. He's immoral to the suffering of others. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да се преместиш в Бостън? Are you sure you don't want to move to Boston? Are you sure you don't want to move to Boston? Чух как някой влиза. I heard someone come in. I heard someone come in. Точно под носа ти е. It's right under your nose. It's right under your nose. През лятото той излизаше на дълги разходки. He would go to out for a long walk in summer. In the summer, he went on long walks. Къде трябва да се подпиша? Where is it that I must sign? Where do I sign? Аз не мога да си позволя да си купя кола на старо, а да не говорим нова. I can't afford to buy a used car, much less a new one. I can't afford to buy an old car, not to mention a new one. Всичко е перфектно, защото ти съществуваш. Everything is perfect because you exist. Everything is perfect because you exist. То се стресна от взрива. He was startled by the explosion. It was startled by the blast. Тръгваш ли си? Are you leaving? You're leaving? Билетите ти са у мене. I have your tickets. I've got your tickets. Ти не беше ли уплашен до смърт? Weren't you freaked out? Aren't you scared to death? Нека да пием кафе по време на почивката. Let's have some coffee during recess. Let's have coffee on our break. Ела да ни гледаш как играем. Come to watch us play. Come watch us play. Том стоеше без да мърда. Tom was standing still. Tom didn't move. Сигурен ли си, че наистина искаш да бъдеш тук? Are you sure you really want to be here? Are you sure you really want to be here? Том много добре свири на пиано. Tom plays the piano very well. Tom plays the piano very well. Чаках ви да се върнете. I was waiting for you to get back. I've been waiting for you to come back. Ти си в по-добра форма от мене. You're in better shape than I am. You're in better shape than me. Харесва ли ти вечерта? Are you enjoying the evening? How do you like tonight? "Виждал ли си ми мобилния телефо?" "На масата е." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." Радвам се да съм от помощ. I'm glad to be of help. I'm glad to be of help. Коя е любимата ти анимация? What's your favorite cartoon? What's your favorite cartoon? Това не трябва да те спира. Don't let it stop you. That doesn't have to stop you. Млякото вкисна. The milk turned sour. The milk's sour. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да ти купя нещо от супермаркета? Are you sure you don't want me to buy you something at the supermarket? Are you sure you don't want me to buy you something from the supermarket? Мери няма да заинтересува Том. Tom wouldn't be interested in Mary. Mary won't be interested in Tom. Оцени ли контролните? Did you grade the tests? Did you evaluate the controls? Японската икономика се разви бързо. The Japanese economy developed rapidly. The Japanese economy has developed rapidly. Какво искаш да ми кажеш? What is it you want to tell me? What do you want to tell me? Мисля, че ви стига толкова. I think you've had enough. I think you've had enough. Чух някакъв сблъсък. I heard a crash. I heard a collision. Не съм те виждала няколко седмици. I haven't seen you in weeks. I haven't seen you in weeks. Какво ще кажеш да си починеш? How about taking a rest? How about you get some rest? Този часовник ми го даде чичо ми. I was given this watch by my uncle. This watch was given to me by my uncle. Мисля, че забравихме някого. I think we forgot someone. I think we forgot someone. В началото Том мислеше, че френският е труден, а сега мисли, че е лесен. At first, Tom thought French was difficult, but now he thinks it's easy. At first Tom thought French was hard, and now he thinks it's easy. Той си взе изпита. He passed the exam. He passed the test. Не исках да подслушвам, но чух какво казахте. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I did overhear you. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I heard what you said. Сигурен ли си, че искаш да го изхвърлиш? Are you sure you want to throw that one away? Are you sure you want to throw it away? Тази камера е Томова. This camera is Tom's. This camera is Tomova. Съгласни сме. We agree. We're in agreement. Трябваше да я сграбча, за да не падне. I had to grab her to keep her from falling. I had to grab her so she wouldn't fall. Това е за децата. It's for the children. This is for the kids. Можеш ли да плуваш? Can you swim? Can you swim? Нямам какво друго да добавя. I have nothing else to say. I don't have anything else to add. На седлото е самотно, откакто конят умря. It's lonely in the saddle since the horse died. It's been lonely in the saddle since the horse died. Колко са безработните в света? How many unemployed are there in the world? How many unemployed people in the world? Роден съм в годината, когато войната свърши. I was born the year the war ended. I was born the year the war ended. Благодаря, че дойде. Thanks for coming. Thanks for coming. Бях удивена от това колко добре говори Том френски. I was amazed at Tom's fluency in French. I was amazed at how well Tom spoke French. Изведнъж пред тях изскочи някакъв мъж. Suddenly, a man stepped in front of them. All of a sudden, there's a man in front of them. Той ми писа вчера. He wrote to me yesterday. He texted me yesterday. Какво те питаше Том? What kind of questions did Tom ask you? What did Tom ask you? Би ли искал да кажеш нещо, Том? Would you like to say something, Tom? Would you like to say something, Tom? Том казва, че може малко да говори френски. Tom says he can speak a little French. Tom says he can speak a little French. Ако тогава можех да говоря френски, нямаше да съм загазил. If I'd been able to speak French then, I wouldn't have gotten into trouble. If I could speak French then, I wouldn't be in trouble. Ние нямаме часове в сряда следобед. We don't have class on Wednesday afternoons. We don't have classes on Wednesday afternoon. Том има три френски речника. Tom has three French dictionaries. Tom has three French dictionarys. Математиката не е кофти, ти си кофти. Math doesn't suck, you do. Math isn't bad, you suck. Какъв е номерът на стаята ти? What's your room number? What's your room number? В едно средно човешко тяло има достатъчно кости, за да направи цял човешки скелет. The average human body contains enough bones to make an entire human skeleton. There are enough bones in an average human body to make a whole human skeleton. Не съм носил тази вратовръзка почти три години. I haven't worn this tie in almost three years. I haven't worn this tie in almost three years. Ние гледаме зеленчуци в градината. We grow vegetables in our garden. We watch vegetables in the garden. Моля те, направи три копия на тази страница. Please make three copies of this page. Please make three copies of this page. Забравих да го питам. I forgot to ask him. I forgot to ask him. Пътуването ще струва най-много 1000 долара. At the most, the trip will cost $1,000. The trip will cost a thousand dollars at the most. Том се върна до колата си и взе фенерче. Tom went back to his car and got a flashlight. Tom went back to his car and got a flashlight. Бих могъл да те направя щастлив. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Може ли да отворите прозореца? Can you open the window? Can you open the window? Не мога да говоря на френски, без да допусна няколко грешки. I can't speak French without making some mistakes. I can't speak French without making a few mistakes. Населението на Япония е по-голямо от това на Нова Зеланция. The population of Japan is larger than that of New Zealand. The population of Japan is larger than that of New Zealand. Мисля, че онова яке ще ми стане. I think that jacket would fit me. I think that jacket's gonna fit me. Впечатлен съм, Том. I'm impressed, Tom. I'm impressed, Tom. Той мина през всичко това за нищо. He has taken all this trouble for nothing. He went through all this for nothing. Том беше изхвърлен от вкъщи от родителите си, когато призна, че е атеист. Tom was kicked out of his house by his parents when he confessed to being an atheist. Tom was thrown out of the house by his parents when he admitted to being an atheist. Що не си траеш, а? Какво, боя ли си търсиш? You just can't stand still, huh? What are you, looking for a fight? Why don't you keep your mouth shut? Не е атрактивно. It's not attractive. It's not attractive. Той е по-висок от средния ръст. He is above average height. He's taller than average height. Том отказа да отиде в болницата. Tom refused to go to the hospital. Tom refused to go to the hospital. Моля, запишете си това, което ще кажа. Please write down what I am going to say. Please write down what I'm about to say. Том няма да си признае, обаче здраво го е загазил. Tom won't admit it, but he's in big trouble. Tom won't admit it, but he's in a lot of trouble. Той почука на вратата. He knocked on the door. He knocked on the door. Знаеш ли как се кара кола? Do you know how to drive a car? Do you know how to drive a car? Мисля, че трябва да разберем защо Том не беше тук вчера. I think we need to find out why Tom wasn't here yesterday. I think we need to find out why Tom wasn't here yesterday. Том не може да стане. Tom can't get up. Tom can't get up. Това палто ти става перфектно. This coat fits you perfectly. This coat is perfect for you. Поръчах ти питие. I ordered you a drink. I ordered you a drink. Мисля, че бъркаш. I think you must be mistaken. I think you're wrong. Макар че Джейн имаше с един куфар по-малко от мен, тя все пак твърдеше, че багажът ѝ е твърде много. Although Jane had one suitcase less than me, she still said she had too much to carry. Although Jane had one suitcase less than me, she still claimed her luggage was too much. Птицата на щата минесота е комарът. Minnesota's state bird is the mosquito. The bird of the state of Minesota is the mosquito. Казвала съм ти го и друг път, нали? I've told you that before, haven't I? I've told you this before, haven't I? Нещо странно се случи миналата нощ. A strange thing happened last night. Something weird happened last night. Видях мръсното куче да влиза в двора. I saw the dirty dog go into the yard. I saw the dirty dog go into the yard. Това не е имитация. It's not a fake. That's not an imitation. Беше ли ви казано за проблема? Have you been told about the problem? Were you told about the problem? Френският на Том е перфектен. Tom's French is perfect. Tom's French is perfect. Всичките съм ги виждал. I've seen them all. I've seen them all. Какво е времето? What's the weather like? What's the weather? Той напуска Чикаго утре. He is leaving Chicago tomorrow. He's leaving Chicago tomorrow. Мисля, че е по-добре да излезеш. I think you should leave now. I think you'd better get out. Той сложи ските върху покрива на колата. He put the skis on top of the car. He put the skis on the roof of the car. Това, което е било вярно, може вече да не е вярно. What used to be true may not still be true. What was true may no longer be true. Интелектуалецът е човек, който казва нещо просто по сложен начин; творецът е човек, който казва нещо сложно по прост начин. An intellectual is a man who says a simple thing in a difficult way; an artist is a man who says a difficult thing in a simple way. The intellectual is a person who says something simple in a complicated way; the artist is a person who says something complicated in a simple way. Нанси беше изненадана, че Боб спечели първа награда в състезанието. Nancy was surprised that Bob won the first prize in the contest. Nancy was surprised that Bob won first prize in the race. Кой ти каза, че името ми е Том? Who told you my name was Tom? Who told you my name was Tom? Каква е твоята фамилия, Том? What's your last name, Tom? What's your last name, Tom? Сериозната турбуленция и лошото обслужване в самолета направиха началото на нашата почивка не особено приятно. Severe turbulence during the flight and very poor cabin service didn't make for an enjoyable start to our holiday. Serious turbulence and poor service on the plane made the beginning of our vacation not particularly pleasant. Не ме карай да чакам. Don't put me on hold. Don't make me wait. Минал си се. You've been had. You've passed. Той без съмнение ще закъснее. He will doubtless be late. He'll no doubt be late. Къде са книгата и моливът? Книгата е на масата, а моливът е на перваза. Where are the book and pencil? The book's on the table, and the pencil's on the windowsill. The book is on the table and the pencil is on the ledge. Не се приближавай до това! Don't go near that! Don't come any closer! Ела с нас. Come along with us. Come with us. Какво те кара да мислиш че планът на Том няма да проработи? What makes you think Tom's plan won't work? What makes you think Tom's plan won't work? Каквото и да кажете, аз няма да се откажа. No matter what you say, I won't give up. Whatever you say, I'm not giving up. Има ли някаква причина за да пазиш тези стари бутилки? Is there some reason you're saving these old bottles? Is there any reason for you to keep these old bottles? Мястото ни не е тук. We don't belong here. We don't belong here. Това е ключът ти. This is your key. That's your key. Къщата ни е с добро разположение. Our house is conveniently located. Our house is well-placed. Какво мислите за този пуловер? What do you think of this sweater? What do you think of this sweater? Отидох до гарата да кажа чао на приятеля си. I went to the station to say good-bye to my friend. I went to the station to say goodbye to my friend. Къде е баща Ви? Where's your father? Where's your father? Макар това да значеше, че ще се изложи на опасност, той се реши да отиде там. Even though it meant risking danger, he decided to go there. Although that meant that he would put himself in danger, he decided to go there. Би ли вдигнал телефона? Answer the telephone, will you? Can you answer the phone, please? Чувствах се изолиран. I felt isolated. I felt isolated. Позицията на Том по въпроса е добре позната. Tom's position on this matter is well known. Tom's position on the matter is well known. Мисля, че не беше права. I think you were wrong. I think you were wrong. Не искам да се отказва. I don't want him to give up. I don't want him to give up. Срещнах Том, когато бях в Бостън. I met Tom when I was in Boston. I met Tom when I was in Boston. Харесвам всякаква музика. I have an eclectic taste in music. I like all kinds of music. Не отстъпвайте. Don't back off. Don't fall back. Нека погледна. Let me look into it. Let me see. Идването ѝ тук беше грешка. Coming here was a mistake. Coming here was a mistake. Аз получих това. This is what I got. I got this. Мисля, че злоупотребих с вашето гостоприемство. I think I've overstayed my welcome. I think I abused your hospitality. Ще ми се наложи да се свържа с вас. I'm going to have to get back to you. I'm gonna have to get back to you. Футболният отбор се състои от единадесет играчи. A soccer team consists of eleven players. The football team consists of eleven players. Когато и последното дърво бъде отсечено, и последната река - отровена, и последната птица - уловена, само тогава ще разберете, че парите не стават за ядене. When the last tree is cut down, when the last river is poisoned, when the last bird is caught, - only then will you realize that money can not be eaten. When the last tree is cut down, and the last river poisoned, and the last bird caught, only then will you know that money is not worth eating. Бирата, която донесох за купона, беше излишна, семейството на домакина притежаваше пивоварна. The bottles of beer that I brought to the party were redundant; the host's family owned a brewery. The beer I brought for the party was superfluous, the host's family owned a brewery. Най-накрая спечелих сърцето му. I have finally won his heart. I finally won his heart. Бягаш. You run. You're running away. Мисля, че си достатъчно възрастна. I think you're old enough. I think you're old enough. Трябва да ходя да си събирам багажа. I have to go pack. I have to go pack. Набрах ти малко цветя. I picked you some flowers. I picked you some flowers. Благодаря ти за всичко. Thank you for everything. Thank you for everything. Не те обвинявам. I'm not blaming you. I don't blame you. Мислех си, че е богат. I thought that he was rich. I thought he was rich. Забравих да ти кажа нещо. I forgot to tell you something. I forgot to tell you something. Какви книги на френски си прочел? What books have you read in French? What books did you read in French? Тази книга беше много интересна. This book was very interesting. This book was very interesting. В центъра на града се строи нов музей. A new museum is being built in the center of the city. A new museum is being built in the center of the city. Аз ще направя останалото. I'll do the rest. I'll do the rest. Трудно можех да кажа кой кой е. I could hardly tell who was who. It was hard to tell who was who. Как може Том да не ви харесва? How can you not like Tom? How could Tom not like you? Няма как да знам това. I have no way of knowing that. I wouldn't know that. Идната седмица се местим в Бостън. We're moving to Boston next week. We're moving to Boston next week. Защо Том говори френски толкова добре? Why can Tom speak French so well? Why does Tom speak French so well? Свалянето приключи. The download is complete. The download's over. Подай му пръст - ще ти отхапе ръката. Give him an inch and he'll take a yard. Give him a finger. He'll bite your hand off. Единственото, което трябва да направите, е да се извините за закъснението си. All you have to do is apologize for being late. All you have to do is apologize for being late. Трябва да изчакам обаждането на Том. I have to wait for Tom's call. I have to wait for Tom's call. Недей да оставяш да му се размине на Том. Don't let Tom walk away. Don't let Tom get away with this. Къде е Вашата детегледачка? Where's your babysitter? Where's your babysitter? Мисля, че тук ще бъдем в безопасност. I think we'll be safe here. I think we'll be safe here. Том също може да говори на френски. Tom can speak French as well. Tom can speak French, too. Казвам се Ятароу. My name is Yatarou. My name is Yataro. Дяволите да те вземат! Damn you! Damn you! Бих искала да преведа това на френски. Би ли ми помогнал? I'd like to get this translated into French. Could you help me? I'd like to translate that into French. Къде е асансьорът? Where is the elevator? Where's the elevator? Трябва да стигна обратно в Бостън. I have to get back to Boston. I have to get back to Boston. Имаш ли френски речник? Do you have a French dictionary? Do you have a French dictionary? Не забравяй да заключиш вратата. Remember to lock the door. Don't forget to lock the door. Всички напрегнато очакваха да научат какво се беше случило. Everybody was anxious to know what had happened. Everyone was anxious to learn what had happened. Да не мислиш, че съм дошъл тук, само за да си изгубя времето? Did you think I came here just to pass the time of day? You think I came here just to waste my time? Щастлива ли си? Are you happy? Are you happy? Просто се опитвам да бъда любезен. I'm just being polite. I'm just trying to be nice. Не е нужно да учиш теология, за да бъдеш вярващ. You don't have to study theology to be a believer. You don't have to study theology to be a believer. Очевидно. Obviously. Obviously. Той отиде във Франция не толкова да разглежда забележителности, колкото да прави наблюдения. He went to France not so much for sightseeing as for observation. He went to France not so much to explore sights as to make observations. Не ми остава много. I don't have long. I don't have much time left. Ужасно е скъпо. It's awfully expensive. It's terribly expensive. Не откланяй поглед от мене. Don't look away from me. Don't take your eyes off me. Щраусите не могат да летят. Ostriches can't fly. Strausses can't fly. Не бих ги обвинявал. I wouldn't blame them. I wouldn't blame them. Живял някога един цар в един стар замък. There lived a king in an old castle. Once lived a king in an old castle. Отегчен съм. I am bored. I'm bored. Подай ми я на мене. Pass it to me. Give it to me. Получихме добра цена за това. We got a good price for that. We got a good price for that. Той успя при втория опит. He succeeded on his second try. He did it on the second try. Подготвяйте се за най-лошото. Prepare for the worst. Prepare for the worst. Това е животът. That's life. That's life. Тя отива на връх Тате. She is going to Mount Tate. She's going to Mount Dad. Преподава ли се френски в началните училища? Is French taught in elementary schools? Do you teach French in elementary schools? Хайде да гласуваме. Let's vote. Let's vote. Френският е един от езиците, които винаги съм искал да науча. French is one of the languages I've always wanted to learn. French is one of the languages I've always wanted to learn. Тя се омъжи за един богат старец. She married a rich old man. She married a rich old man. Трябва да се преместя в друго училище. I have to transfer schools. I have to move to another school. Всеки може да участва. Anyone can participate. Anyone can participate. Чух нещо отвън. I heard something outside. I heard something outside. Мисля, че това е ужасно. I think that's horrible. I think that's terrible. Мисля, че трябва да отидеш. I think you should go. I think you should go. Колко пъти съм ти казвал да не правиш така. I've told you over and over again not to do that. How many times have I told you not to do that? Том не разбира нищо от програмиране. Tom doesn't know anything about computer programming. Tom doesn't know anything about programming. Не съм ви давал разрешение да напуснете. I didn't give you permission to leave. I didn't give you permission to leave. Момичето любезно ме упъти към музея. The girl kindly told me the way to the museum. The girl kindly directed me to the museum. Сам ли си в момента? Are you alone right now? Are you alone right now? Том не се страхува от неуспеха. Tom isn't afraid to fail. Tom's not afraid of failure. В мазето е. It's in the basement. It's in the basement. Мисля, че ти си страхотна. I think you're swell. I think you're great. Той ще бъде много зает следващия месец. He will be very busy next month. He'll be very busy next month. Твърде дебел съм. I'm too fat. I'm too fat. Ти си правиш шеги! You're kidding! You're making jokes! Както обикновено, учителят по физика закъсняваше за час. As usual, the physics teacher was late for class. As usual, the physics teacher was late for class. Имам други приоритети. I have other priorities. I have other priorities. Взех си душ. I took a shower. I took a shower. Том не те игнорира. Tom isn't ignoring you. Tom's not ignoring you. Когато бях малък ходех пеш на училище. I walked to school when I was young. When I was a kid, I used to walk to school. Не можеш да се самоубиеш, задържайки дъха си. You cannot kill yourself by holding your breath. You can't kill yourself holding your breath. Възнамерявам да отида там. I intend to go there. I intend to go there. Окей, съгласен съм. OK. I agree. Okay, I agree. Откъде знаете? How do you know? How do you know that? Кучето ти е тук. Your dog is here. Your dog is here. Нямам идея какво може да е това. I have no idea what that could be. I have no idea what this could be. Искам да бъда учителка по френски. I'd like to be a French teacher. I want to be a French teacher. Това не сработи. This didn't work. That didn't work. Избягах от къщи. I ran out of the house. I ran away from home. В коя част има грешка? What part is wrong? What part is there a mistake? Френският ти става все по-добър. Your French is improving. Your French is getting better. Директорите не бяха склонни да поемат такъв риск. The directors were reluctant to undertake so risky a venture. The directors weren't willing to take that risk. Би било забавно да се види как нещата се променят с годините. It would be fun to see how things change over the years. It would be fun to see how things change over the years. Проектът беше пълен провал. The project was a complete failure. The project was a complete failure. "Благодаря." "Моля." "Thanks." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "Please." Какво ѝ попречи да дойде вчера? What prevented her from coming yesterday? What prevented her from coming yesterday? Не ми пипай фотоапарата. Leave my camera alone. Don't touch my camera. Това е писалка. This is a pen. It's a pen. Тя направи същата грешка отново. She made the same mistake again. She made the same mistake again. Вятърът и течението изтласкаха кораба на брега. The wind and tide impelled the ship to the shore. The wind and the current pushed the ship ashore. Какви книги на френски си прочела? What books have you read in French? What books did you read in French? Тя често се простудяваше. She caught colds often. She often got cold. Ан обича шоколад. Ann loves chocolate. Anne likes chocolate. Венчелистчетата на тази роза са много крехки. The petals of this rose are very tender. The petals of this rose are very fragile. Едно от нещата, които Том обича да прави, е да плува. One of the things Tom enjoys doing is swimming. One of the things Tom likes to do is swim. Не те ли заинтригува? Aren't you intrigued? Aren't you interested? Трябва да уча през цялото време. I have to study all the time. I have to study all the time. Мисля, че трябва да кажем на Том. I think we should tell Tom. I think we should tell Tom. Том ни правеше сладки. Tom used to bake us cookies. Tom made us cookies. Чорапите ми не са тук. My socks aren't here. My socks aren't here. Продадох книгите. I sold the books. I sold the books. Този въпрос често възниква. This question has often arisen. This question often arises. Моля, напиши го. Please, write it down. Please write it down. Трябва да се върна в Бостън. I have to go back to Boston. I have to get back to Boston. Какъв ти е домашният адрес? What's your home address? What's your home address? Някой отсъства ли днес? Is anyone absent today? Is anyone out today? Не съм виждал нищо, което може да се сравнява с това. I've never seen anything quite like this before. I've never seen anything like that. Ти си вярващ, нали? You're a believer, aren't you? You're a believer, aren't you? Идете събудете Том. Go wake Tom up. Go wake up, Tom. Дори да вали, той ще играе голф. Even though it is raining, he will play golf. Even if it rains, he'll play golf. Тази риза вече не ми става. This shirt doesn't fit me anymore. This shirt doesn't fit me anymore. Том е лишен от амбиция. Tom has no ambition. Tom is devoid of ambition. Знам, че сте в отпуска. I know you're on vacation. I know you're on vacation. Мисля, че имаме достатъчно пари. I think we have enough money. I think we have enough money. Бях зает тази седмица. I was busy this week. I've been busy this week. Том е с кръвна група 0 отрицателна. Tom's blood type is O negative. Tom's blood type O-negative. Том отскочи назад тъкмо навреме. Tom jumped back just in time. Tom bounced back just in time. Трудно е да се откаже човек от един лош навик, след като веднъж вече се е оформил. A bad habit, once formed, is difficult to get rid of. It's hard to give up a bad habit once it's formed. Той е бил великолепен учен, а при това е бил и велик поет. He was an excellent scientist, and what is more, was a great poet. He was a great scientist, and he was also a great poet. Не искаме да се чувстваш длъжен. We don't want you to feel pressured. We don't want you to feel obligated. Купи ли каквото те помолих? Did you buy what I asked you to buy? Did you buy what I asked? Хайде да ядем суши. Let's eat sushi. Let's eat sushi. Тя ми се усмихна срамежливо. She gave me a shy smile. She smiled at me shyly. Когато пристигнахме на пристанището,вятъра беше утихнал. When we arrived at the port, the wind subsided. When we arrived at the harbor, the wind was quiet. Безцветни зелени идеи яростно спят. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Colourless green ideas sleep fiercely. Президентът Артур наложи вето върху закона. President Arthur vetoed the bill. President Arthur vetoed the law. Том внимава с бюджета си. Tom is paying attention to his budget. Tom's paying attention to his budget. Аз съм идеалист. Не знам къде отивам, но вървя по своя път. I'm an idealist. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way. I'm an idealist, I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way. Майка ми купи на брат ми жълт чадър. My mother bought my brother a yellow umbrella. My mother bought my brother a yellow umbrella. Направи го по-малко. Make it smaller. Make it less. Том трябваше да го обсъди с родителите си. Tom should have discussed it with his parents. Tom had to discuss it with his parents. Книгата на Том беше преведена на френски. Tom's book was translated into French. Tom's book was translated into French. Затова съм заета. That's why I'm busy. That's why I'm busy. Трябва да си върша работата. I have to do my job. I have to do my job. Не мислите ли, че всички наши политици са твърде стари? Don't you think that all our politicians are too old? Don't you think all our politicians are too old? Баща ми ще заминава за чужбина следващата седмица. My father is going to go abroad next week. My dad's going abroad next week. Мисля, че ни трябва още лед. I think we need more ice. I think we need more ice. Мисля, че от Том и Мери би излязла чудесна двойка. I think Tom and Mary would make a nice couple. I think Tom and Mary would make a great couple. Нямам намерение да правя нищо такова. I have no intention of doing that. I have no intention of doing anything like that. Нищо няма да купя. I'm not buying anything. I'm not buying anything. Време е да тръгваш за училище. It's about time you went to school. It's time for you to go to school. Къде е детегледачката Ви? Where's your babysitter? Where's your babysitter? Ако не работиш, не можеш да ядеш. If you don't work, you can't eat. If you don't work, you can't eat. Опитах се да бъда твой приятел. I've tried to be your friend. I tried to be your friend. Понеже е написано на опростен френски, мога да го разбера. Since it's written in easy French, I can understand it. Since it's written in simplified French, I can understand it. Изглежда дъждовният сезон ще започне по-следващата седмица. It looks like the rainy season is going to start after next week. Looks like the rainy season's about to start next week. Паркирала си на моето място. You're parked in my spot. You parked in my spot. Том не могъл да помогне на Мери. Tom couldn't help Mary. Tom couldn't help Mary. Той направи снимка на коалата. He took a picture of the koala. He took a picture of the koala. Трябва да приемете неизбежното. You have to accept the inevitable. You must accept the inevitable. Хей, къде беше? Hey, where've you been? Hey, where have you been? Не изпускай Том от поглед. Don't let Tom out of your sight. Don't let Tom out of your sight. Невъзможно е да се оправи. It's impossible to fix. It's impossible to fix. В съседната стая се провежда заседание. There's a meeting going on in the next room. There's a meeting next door. Аз съм по-умен от теб. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you. Ще се съгласим само при едно условие. We will only consent on that condition. We'll agree on one condition. Те мият съдове. They're washing dishes. They wash dishes. Толкова съм щастлив. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. Имам главоболие. I have a headache. I have a headache. Не оставяй никакви следи. Don't leave any traces. Don't leave any tracks. Том завинти крушката. Tom screwed in the light bulb. Tom screwed up the light bulb. Искам да спреш да мислиш за това. I don't want you to think about it anymore. I want you to stop thinking about it. Тука прилича на кочина. It looks like a pigsty in here. This place looks like a pigsty. Не съм виждал Том, откакто бях на тринайсет. I haven't seen Tom since I was thirteen. I haven't seen Tom since I was thirteen. Той извади монета от джоба си. He took a coin out of his pocket. He took a coin out of his pocket. Не говориш ли английски? Can't you speak English? Don't you speak English? Още не съм се разсънил напълно. I'm not wide awake yet. I haven't fully woken up yet. Изглеждаш много блед. You look very pale. You look very pale. Виждал съм те да правиш невероятни неща. I've seen you do amazing things. I've seen you do amazing things. Разбират ли и Том, и Мери френски? Do both Tom and Mary understand French? Do they understand Tom and Mary French? Мисля, че сте го правили и преди. I think you've done this before. I think you've done it before. Аз трябва да направя същото. I have to do the same thing. I have to do the same. Том я е намерил. Tom found it. Tom found her. Какво още държиш в джоба си? What else do you have in your pocket? What else do you have in your pocket? Хората, които не работят, няма да бъдат хранени. People who don't work, won't be fed. People who don't work won't be fed. Срещали ли сте се и преди? Have you met her before? Have you met her before? Математиката е трудна за мен. Mathematics is difficult for me. Math is hard for me. Няма нищо между Том и Мери. There's nothing going on between Tom and Mary. There's nothing going on between Tom and Mary. Ще се върнем рано или късно. We will return sooner or later. We'll be back sooner or later. Ще ти го дам назаем. I'll lend it to you. I'll lend it to you. Много ученици по света учат английски език. A lot of students around the world are studying English. Many students around the world are learning English. Той учеше френски сам. He taught himself French. He was learning French on his own. Отиди и намери Том. Go and find Tom. Go find Tom. Планът ти се провали. Your plan failed. Your plan failed. Те са чудесни. They're wonderful. They're great. Невъзможна си. You're impossible. You're impossible. Кен събира стари монети. Ken collects old coins. Ken collects old coins. Кой сте вие? Who are you? Who are you? Прекалено усърдно работиш. You work too hard. You're working too hard. Джайънтс играят ли довечера? Are the Giants playing tonight? Are the Giants playing tonight? Не удуших Том. I didn't strangle Tom. I didn't strangle Tom. Как сте? How are you? How are you? Мерси! Thank you! Thanks! Той кара много бързо. He drives very fast. He's going too fast. Компанията публикува ново списание. The company published a new magazine. The company has published a new magazine. Той се простудява много лесно. He catches colds very easily. He gets cold very easily. Най-накрая седмицата свърши. The week is finally over. The week's finally over. Забравих, че Том знае как да чете френски. I forgot Tom knew how to read French. I forgot Tom knows how to read French. Преподавал ли си някога френски на някого? Have you ever taught French to anyone? Have you ever taught French to anyone? Това животно е много интелигентно. This animal is very intelligent. This animal is very intelligent. За толкова глупава ли ме имаш? Do you think I'm that stupid? Do you think I'm that stupid? Том и Мери изглежда навсякъде ходят заедно. Tom and Mary always seem to be hanging out together. Tom and Mary seem to be going everywhere together. Това всички го знаят. Everybody knows that. Everybody knows that. Срещнах Мери вчера. I met Mary yesterday. I met Mary yesterday. Надявам се да не е Том. I hope it's not Tom. I hope it's not Tom. Отиде на работа, въпреки че беше болен. He went to work in spite of his illness. He went to work even though he was sick. Трябва да се владееш. You must control yourself. You have to control yourself. Има ли намаление за деца? Is there a discount for children? Is there a children's discount? Ще ми се да можех да говоря френски като тебе. I wish I could speak French like you. I wish I could speak French like you. Джейн би искала да види сумо в Англия. Jane wishes she could see sumo in England. Jane would like to see Sumo in England. Том получи похвала за смелостта си, спасявайки жена от горяща къща. Tom received a commendation for bravery for rescuing a woman from a burning house. Tom received praise for his bravery, saving a woman from a burning house. Вярваш ли във феи? Do you believe in fairies? Do you believe in fairies? Влакът се движеше с 500 мили в час. The train was moving at 500 miles per hour. The train was going 500 miles an hour. Нека погледнем реалността в очите. Let's face reality. Let's look reality in the eye. Времето е слънчево. The weather is sunny. The weather is sunny. Не исках да направя нищо лошо. I meant no harm. I didn't mean to do anything wrong. Той ми се обади от Токио. He called me up from Tokyo. He called me from Tokyo. Питай Том дали говори френски. Ask Tom if he can speak French. Ask Tom if he speaks French. Правихме статуи от дърво. We made statues out of wood. We made statues out of wood. Започвай сега. Start now. Start now. Всеки трети в този град има кола. One out of three people in this city owns a car. Every third person in this town has a car. Ти вече си забравил. You've already forgotten. You've already forgotten. Тя напредва с английския. She is making progress with her English. She's progressing with English. Да ходиш на училище не е забавно. School's not fun. Going to school isn't funny. Не ме интересува. Мразя я. I don't care. I hate her. I don't care. Изглежда Том не знае как да го направи. It looks like Tom doesn't know how to do that. Looks like Tom doesn't know how to do it. Няма да ти се сърдя за това. I won't hold it against you. I won't be mad at you for that. Откога изучаваш френски? How long have you been studying French? How long have you been studying French? Уморена съм. I'm tired. I'm tired. Той ми обеща да не казва на никого. He promised me he wouldn't tell anyone. He promised me he wouldn't tell anyone. Трябва да съм станала до 6:30. I have to be up by 6:30. I must be up by 6:30. Излъгали са ви. You've been deceived. You've been lied to. Не обичам математиката, а пък физиката съвсем. I don't like math, much less physics. I don't like math. I like physics. Сама ли си в момента? Are you alone right now? Are you alone right now? Назначена ли съм? Am I hired? Am I hired? Лъжеш ли? Are you lying? Are you lying? Важно е да ги намерим. It's important we find them. It's important we find them. Том харесва катерици. Tom likes squirrels. Tom likes squirrels. Откакто комунизмът стана неактуален и диктатурата на пролетариата остаря, капитализмът се оказва най-добрият вариант засега, въпреки че той самият също е заплаха за човечеството. Since communism became obsolete and the dictatorship of the proletariat is out of date, capitalism proves to be the best so far, even though it itself is still a threat for humanity. Since communism has become obsolete and the dictatorship of the proletariat has grown old, capitalism has proved to be the best option so far, although it is also a threat to humanity. Том има два френски речника. Tom has two French dictionaries. Tom has two French dictionarys. Той ми даде властта да ги уволня. He gave me authority to fire them. He gave me the authority to fire them. Том не е енергичен. Tom isn't energetic. Tom's not energetic. Не одобрявам решението ти. I don't approve your decision. I don't approve of your decision. Той ще бъде свободен утре. He will be free tomorrow. He'll be free tomorrow. Трябва ли да наемеш кола? Do you have to rent a car? Do you have to rent a car? Аз винаги ще те обичам. I will love you always. I'll always love you. Скучно ми е. I am bored. I'm bored. Не ти ли става самотно понякога? Don't you ever get lonely? Don't you get lonely sometimes? Загубих се в гората. I've got lost in the forest. I got lost in the woods. Тя успяваше да поддържа вида си. She managed to keep up appearances. She was able to maintain her appearance. Ти ми даде само петдесет цента. You gave me only fifty cents. You only gave me fifty cents. Мисля, че това наистина ще ти хареса. I think you're really going to like this. I think you're really gonna like this. Още много има да се прави. Much still remains to be done. There's still a lot to be done. Той не може да си позволи нова кола. He can't afford a new car. He can't afford a new car. Котката изсъска срещу Том. The cat hissed at Tom. The cat squeaked at Tom. Той мисли да продаде къщата си. He is thinking of disposing of his house. He's thinking of selling his house. Очилата не ми стават. Много са големи. These glasses do not fit me well. They are too large. My glasses don't fit, they're too big. Мисля, че наистина ще ви хареса. I think you're really going to like it. I think you'll really like it. Джак не е тук. Jack isn't here. Jack's not here. Яжте повече плодове. Eat more fruit. Eat more fruit. Не е безполезно да ходиш в университета. It isn't futile to go to university. It's not useless to go to university. Моля те, дай ми още малко време да помисля над това. Please give me a little more time to think about it. Please give me a little more time to think about this. Риболовът тук не е разрешен. Fishing is not allowed here. Fishing here is not permitted. Аз чух какво каза Том. I heard what Tom said. I heard what Tom said. Защо френският ти е толкова добър? How come you speak French so well? Why is your French so good? Линкът ви не работи. Your link isn't working. Your link isn't working. Ако изпусна влака, ще се кача на автобуса. If I miss the train, I'll get on the bus. If I miss the train, I'll get on the bus. Подранила си. You are early. You're early. Трябва ли да нося вратовръзка? Do I need to wear a tie? Do I have to wear a tie? Каква е минималната заплата в Кения? What's the minimum salary in Kenya? What's the minimum wage in Kenya? Този филм го гледах преди много време. I saw this movie a very long time ago. I saw that movie a long time ago. Забавляваш ли се? Are you enjoying yourself? Are you having fun? Знам как се чувстваш. I know how you feel. I know how you feel. Проверете дали сте изключили телевизора, преди да заспите. Be sure to switch off the television before you go to sleep. Make sure you turn off the TV before you go to sleep. Не тостерите пекат филийки, а хората. Toasters don't toast toasts, people do. It's not toasters who bake toast. It's people. Френският ми трябва за работата. I need French for my job. I need the French for the job. Винаги си добра. You're always good. You're always good. Винаги си добър. You're always good. You're always good. Имаш само един шанс да дадеш правилен отговор. You have only one chance to answer correctly. You only have one chance to give the right answer. Свиря малко на китара. I play a little guitar. I play a little guitar. Предполагам, че си прав. I guess you're right. I guess you're right. Ще ти платя добре. I'll pay you well. I'll pay you well. Той самият така каза. He himself said so. That's what he said. Мисля, че знам кой е това. I think I know who it is. I think I know who that is. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да дойдеш с мен да си вземеш едно кафе? Are you sure you don't want to come with me to get a cup of coffee? Are you sure you don't want to come with me to get some coffee? В неделя съм заета. I'm busy on Saturday. I'm busy Sunday. Благодаря ти за обяснението. Thanks for your explanation. Thank you for your explanation. Не зная. I don't know. I don't know. Ние ходим на риба от време на време. We go fishing once in a while. We go fishing from time to time. Качвайте се в автобуса един по един. Get on the bus one by one. Get on the bus one by one. Том има куче. Tom has a dog. Tom's got a dog. Иска ми се да бях говорила повече на френски. I wish I could have spoken more French. I wish I'd spoken more in French. Нещо ново на работа? What's going on at work? Anything new at work? Том ходи да бяга в парка всяка сутрин. Tom goes jogging in the park every morning. Tom goes to the park every morning. Очите на Том са огромни. Tom's eyes are huge. Tom's eyes are huge. Искам да дам тази стая под наем на някой студент. I want to rent this room to a student. I want to rent this room to a student. Италия е много хубава страна. Italy is a very beautiful country. Italy is a very nice country. Има три различни вида хора по света: тези, които могат да броят, и тези, които не могат. There are three different types of people in the world: those who can count, and those who can't. There are three different types of people around the world: those who can count, and those who can't. Не ми се прави това сега. I don't feel like doing that now. I don't want to do this right now. Обичат ли да четат родителите ви или други членове на вашето семейство? Did your parents or other members of your family like to read? Do they like to read your parents or other members of your family? Том се поправи. Tom corrected himself. Tom's made up his mind. Усети ли земетресението тая нощ? Did you feel the earth shake last night? Did you feel the earthquake last night? Кучето е най-добрият приятел на човека. A dog is a man's best friend. A dog is a man's best friend. Това не е нещо, което мисля, че мога да направя. It's not something I think I can do. That's not something I think I can do. Чия е тази къща? Who owns this house? Whose house is this? Затвори вратата. Shut the door. Close the door. Тайфун наближава Япония. A typhoon is approaching Japan. Typhoon is approaching Japan. Някой тук говори ли френски? Does someone here speak French? Does anyone here speak French? Луната вече е изгряла. The moon is already out. The moon's already up. Според това, което тя каза, той е виновен. According to what she said, he's culpable. According to what she said, he's guilty. Каква е минималната заплата в България? What's the minimum salary in Bulgaria? What is the minimum wage in Bulgaria? Съдията обяви затворника за виновен. The prisoner was found guilty by the judge. The judge has declared the prisoner guilty. Том не би могъл да бъде по-мил. Tom couldn't be nicer. Tom couldn't have been nicer. Той винаги излиза от вкъщи в седем. He always leaves home at seven. He always leaves the house at seven. Единственият начин на света да се умножава щастието е то да се разделя. The only way on Earth to multiply happiness is to divide it. The only way in the world to multiply happiness is to separate it. Трябва да спазиш обещанието си. You should keep your promise. You have to keep your promise. Според мен френският е език, труден за научаване. In my opinion, French is a hard language to learn. In my opinion, French is a hard language to learn. Къде е дядо ми? Where's my grandfather? Where's my grandfather? Мисля, че Том вероятно вече знае за това. I think Tom probably knows about it already. I think Tom probably already knows about this. Слизам на следващата гара. I am getting off at the next station. I'm going down to the next station. Как се пише тази дума? How do you spell that word? How do you spell that word? Трябва да приемеш неизбежното. You have to accept the inevitable. You have to accept the inevitable. Тя ме попита ще бъда ли свободен идната неделя. She asked me if I would be free next Sunday. She asked me if I'd be free next Sunday. Време е да отидеш. It's time for you to go. It's time to go. Игра ли бейзбол вчера? Did you play baseball yesterday? Did you play baseball yesterday? Искам много повече. I want a lot more. I want a lot more. Всички ме нападнаха заради мнението ми. Everyone attacked my opinion. Everyone attacked me because of my opinion. Харесваш ли тази блуза? Do you like this blouse? Do you like this shirt? Нямаш ли нещо друго? Don't you have anything else? Don't you have anything else? И Том, и Мери се обърнаха да гледат. Tom and Mary both turned around to watch. Both Tom and Mary turned to watch. Аз разбирам малко френски. I understand French a little. I understand a little French. Моля, напишете го. Please, write it down. Please write it down. Ние сме нови в града. We're new in town. We're new in town. Том не е толкова уверен. Tom isn't so confident. Tom's not that confident. Никога не съм била толкова щастлива. I've never been happier. I've never been so happy. Питайте Том. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Това трябва да го направя сама. I have to do this by myself. I have to do this alone. Свърших с четенето на книгата. I've finished reading the book. I'm done reading the book. Това никога преди не съм го виждал. I've never seen this before. I've never seen this before. Купих ѝ часовник. I bought her a watch. I bought her a watch. Имам списъка. I have the list. I have the list. Аз съм почти на трийсет. I'm almost thirty. I'm almost 30. Виждал съм Том да прави невъзможното. I've seen Tom do the impossible. I've seen Tom do the impossible. Трябва да го предупредя. I've got to warn him. I have to warn him. Ще посетим леля си идната неделя. We are going to visit our aunt next Sunday. We'll visit our aunt next Sunday. Много се безпокоя за теглото си. I'm very worried about my weight. I'm very worried about my weight. И Том, и Мери бяха облечени с шлифери. Both Tom and Mary were wearing trench coats. Both Tom and Mary were wearing raincoats. Аз поканен ли съм? Am I invited? Am I invited? Имам трима тинейджъри. I have three teenagers. I have three teenagers. Ще ни изпееш ли песен на френски? Would you sing us a song in French? Will you sing us a song in French? Един човек се обърна към мен на френски, но не можах да го разбера. Someone spoke to me in French, but I couldn't understand him. A man turned to me in French, but I couldn't understand it. Е, няма ли да дойдеш? Well, aren't you coming? Well, aren't you coming? Здравейте всички! Hello everyone! Hello, everyone! Какво е времето днес? What's the weather like today? What is the weather today? Лондон е бомбардиран няколко пъти. London was bombed several times. London has been bombed several times. Веднага ще се свържа с теб. I'll get right back to you. I'll get back to you right away. Мисля за теб. I'm thinking of you. I'm thinking about you. Том още не е сигурен. Tom still isn't sure. Tom's not sure yet. Щастливи ли сме всички? Are we all happy? Are we all happy? Исках да отида там. I wanted to go there. I wanted to go there.