Viņam ir vīns. He has wine. He's got wine. Uz otrās mēness puses ir slepena bāze. There is a secret base on the other side of the moon. There's a secret base on the second half of the moon. Sen atpakaļ milži valdīja pār pasauli. A long time ago, giants ruled the world. Long ago, the giants ruled over the world. Es tevi mīlu. I love you. I love you. Es tikko pārdevu savu mašīnu. I just sold my car. I just sold my car. Toms nopirka jaunas šņores savām kurpēm. Tom bought new laces for his shoes. Tom bought new tweezers for his shoes. Cik ilgi jūs dzīvojat Itālijā? How long have you been living in Italy? How long have you lived in Italy? Kas dzied šo dziesmu? Who sings this song? Who's singing this song? Ar visu cieņu, prezidenta kungs, jūs esat smerdelis! With all due respect, Mr. President, you are an asshole! Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration. Pēc sestdienas nāk svētdiena. After Saturday comes Sunday. Sunday comes after Saturday. Man bija slikts sapnis pagājušajā naktī. I had a horrible dream last night. I had a bad dream last night. Es varu nedarīt neko. I can't just do nothing. I can't do anything. Ko mums vajadzētu parrunāt? What should we talk about? What should we talk about? Toms pateica kautko. Tom said something. Tom said something. Tēvs ir tur. The father is there. Father's there. Vai tu steidzies? Are you in a hurry? Are you in a hurry? Sveiks, Tom. Hello, Tom. Hey, Tom. Toms turpināja kliegt. Tom kept screaming. Tom kept yelling. Sātans slēpjas detaļās. The devil is in the details. Satan is hiding in details. Tas restorāns ir pārāk dārgs. That restaurant's too expensive. That restaurant is too expensive. Es viņu vakar redzēju. I saw her yesterday. I saw him last night. Viņš ir profesionāls fotogrāfs. He's a professional photographer. He's a professional photographer. Uzmanies no zagļiem. Watch out for pickpockets. Watch out for thieves. Viņš bija bagāts. He was rich. He was rich. Es domāju, ka viņš atnāks. I thought he was coming. I think he's coming. Vai tev ir cits plāns? Do you have another plan? Do you have a different plan? Mums tam nav laika. We don't have time for this. We don't have time for this. Šodien nav Ziemassvētki! Today's not Christmas! It's not Christmas today! Toms turpināja skatīties. Tom kept staring. Tom kept looking. Vai jūs esat Toms? Are you Tom? Are you Tom? Es esmu kaķis. I'm a cat. I'm a cat. Ir divas plāksnes uz galda. There are two plates on the table. There are two plates on the table. Viņi ēd sendviču. They are eating a sandwich. They're eating old-fashioned. Tas ir slikti, ka man nevajag zaudēt svaru. It's too bad that I don't need to lose weight. It's bad that I don't need to lose weight. Visi citi to dara. Everyone else does it. Everyone else is doing this. Zvans nozvanīja. The bell rang. The call came. Vai es varētu pajautāt kā tevi sauc. May I ask your name? Can I ask you what your name is? Ir ļoti auksti. It's very cold. It's very cold. Toms palika ārā. Tom stayed outside. Tom stayed outside. Es nespēju noticēt ka Toms to pateica. I can't believe Tom really said that. I can't believe Tom said that. Kāds šobrīd ir bezdarba līmenis? What is the unemployment rate at the moment? What is the current unemployment rate? Es domāju, ka tu kļūdies. I think you are mistaken. I think you're wrong. Bet iespēja izskatās mazs ticama. But the possibility seems unlikely. But the option looks little credible. Viņu gandrīz notrieca mašīna. She was almost hit by a car. He was almost hit by a car. Kā jūtaties? How do you feel? How are you? Vai mums nevajadzētu palīdzēt? Shouldn't we help? Shouldn't we help? Vai Tomam kāds iesita? Did somebody hit Tom? Did he hit Tom? Es nevaru to paskaidrot. I can't explain that. I cannot explain that. Man nav laika pat lasīšanai. I have no time even for reading. I don't even have time to read. Laimīgu Jauno gadu! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Viņi zin, kas notika. They know what happened. They know what happened. Daži cilvēki atpūšas lasot. Some people relax by reading. Some people relax when they read. Es varu tikai gaidīt. I can only wait. I can only wait. Toms ir vizuāls domātājs. Tom is a visual thinker. Tom is a visual thinker. Toms ieskrēja iekšā. Tom rushed in. Tom ran in. Toms piespieda pogu, bet nekas nenotika. Tom pushed the button, but nothing happened. Tom pressed the button, but nothing happened. Viņa viņu ienīst. She hates him. She hates her. Teorētiski es rēķinu. Theoretically, I'm doing math. In theory, I'm an invoice. Tā ir atvērtā koda programmatūra. It's open source software. It's open-source software. Es skūšanās katru rītu. I shave every morning. I shave every morning. Man nepatīk lidot. I don't like flying. I don't like flying. Lūdzu nerunājiet par Krievu kartupeļu salātiem! Esmu ļoti izsalcis. Please don't talk about Russian potato salad! I'm so hungry. Please don't talk about Russian potato salads! I'm very hungry. Es tev pateicu lai tu paliec mašīnā. I did tell you to stay in the car. I told you to stay in the car. Cilvēks nevar dzīvot mūžīgi. Man cannot live forever. Man cannot live forever. Viņa ir mūsu kaimiņiene. She's our neighbour. She's our neighbor. Viņa ir zaudējusi visas cerības She has lost all hope. She has lost all hope Labvakar! Good evening! Good evening! Viņš nokāpa no koka. He climbed down from the tree. He came down from a tree. Vai tu esi pārsteigts? Are you surprised? Are you surprised? Es mācos no galvas. I learn by heart. I'm learning from my head. Mūzika ir viņa kaislība. Music is his passion. Music is his passion. Bērni ir viesi. The kids are visitors. The children are guests. Tas pieder manam brālim. It belongs to my brother. It belongs to my brother. Es domāju, ka šovs bija lielisks. I thought the show was excellent. I think the show was great. Man vajadzēja iet atpakaļ. I had to go back. I should have gone back. Vai tu mīli savu māti? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Kāpēc tu neesi darbā? Why aren't you at work? Why aren't you at work? Es esmu par vecu lai darītu kautko tādu. I'm too old to do something like that. I'm too old to do something like that. Toms strādā kafejnīcā. Tom works in a coffee shop. Tom works at the café. Mega un Kens sēdēja pludmalē. Meg and Ken sat on the bench. Mega and Ken sat on the beach. Es nevēlējos Tomam stāstīt par šo. I didn't want to tell Tom about this. I didn't want to tell Tom about this. Cik ir pulkstenis? What is the time? How long is the clock? Eksperts ir persona, kura ir pieļāvusi visas kļūdas, kuras vien var pieļaut, kādā ļoti šaurā jomā. An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field. The expert is the person who made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow area. Viņi kļuva ļoti nervozi. They became very nervous. They became very nervous. Kur ir mans dēls? Where's my son? Where's my son? Lūdzu ej uz spēļu laukumu spēlēties. Please go to the playground to play. Please go to the playground to play. Pēc kāda laika, viņa atkal sāka spēlēt klavieres. After a while she began to play the piano again. In time, she started playing piano again. Varbūt tas nebija tik acīmredzami. Maybe it wasn't so obvious. Maybe it wasn't so obvious. Mēs arī veicām amputācijas. Mums tas bija jādara. We also did amputations. We had to do them. We made amputations, we had to do it. Es nevaru tev palīdzēt to izdarīt. I can't help you do that. I can't help you do that. Toms ir miris. Tom is dead. Tom's dead. Piens ir skābs. The milk is sour. Milk is acidic. Runājot par Šveici, vai tu tur esi kādreiz bijis ziemā? Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in winter? As for Switzerland, have you ever been there in winter? Viņa grib gaidīt līdz kāzām. She wants to wait until marriage. She wants to wait until the wedding. Krievi ir mūsu pusē. The Russians are on our side. Russians are on our side. Es vēlo kaut es varētu doties uz Japānu. I wish I could go to Japan. I wish I could go to Japan. Cilvēki nevar dzīvot uz Marsa. Humans can't live on Mars. People can't live on Mars. Tu vari runāt. You may speak. You can talk. Kas ir tavā prātā. What's in your mind? What's in your mind. Vai tu pazīsti autobusa vadītāju? Do you know the bus driver? Do you know the bus driver? Labs jautājums. A good question. Good question. Es mīlu tevi vairāk kā tu mīli mani. I love you more than you love me. I love you more than you love me. Brazīlijas galvaspilsēta ir Brazilja. The capital of Brazil is Brasilia. The capital of Brazil and Brazil. Vai vēlaties redzēt savu tulkojumu? Do you want to see my translations? Would you like to see your translation? Tu vienmēr vari runāt ar mani. You can always talk to me. You can always talk to me. Kur ir jūsu atslēgas? Where are your keys? Where are your keys? Mēs visi vēlamies, lai jūs būtu laimīgs. We all want you to be happy. We all want you to be happy. Ko jūs gaidāt? What're we waiting for? What are you waiting for? Es vēl neesmu samaksājis. I haven't paid yet. I haven't paid yet. Ja nu Tomam nav taisnība? What if Tom is wrong? What if Tom's wrong? Ļauj man spēlēt šovakar. Let me pay tonight. Let me play tonight. Desmit, divdesmit, trīsdesmit, četrdesmit, piecdesmit, sešdesmit, septiņdesmit, astoņdesmit, deviņdesmit, simts. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. Mēs izvēlējāmies viņai jauku dzimšanas dienas dāvanu. We chose her a nice birthday present. We chose a nice birthday present for her. Es paklausos dziesmu. I am listening to the music. I'm on a demand song. Vai tev vajag šo grāmatu? Do you need this book? Do you need this book? Cik bieži tu izmanto savu telefonu? How often do you use your telephone? How often do you use your phone? Mēs nevaram padoties. We can't give up now. We can't give up. Man vienalga jebkurā gadījumā. I don't care either way. I don't care. Viņi ir pāris. They're a couple. They're a couple. Tas ir balts kā sniegs. It is white as snow. It's white like snow. Es sāku rakstīt grāmatu. I started writing the book. I started writing a book. Dzīve ir spogulis! Life is a mirror! Life is a mirror! Es nezinu iemeslu. I don't know the cause. I don't know the reason. Mēs birdinām sāli, lai atgaiņātu nelaimi. We sprinkle salt to ward off bad luck. We're glowing salt to recite the disaster. Tu to nezini. You don't know that. You don't know that. Man nav zirga. I don't have a horse. I don't have a horse. Viņš spēra īstos soļus attiecīgajai situācijai. He took the proper steps to meet the situation. He took the right steps for the situation. Es tagad negribu ēst. I don't want to eat now. I don't want to eat right now. Tu noteikti esi ļoti izsalcis. You must be really hungry. You must be very hungry. Man patīk sveču gaisma. I like candlelight. I like candle light. Jauns un šarmants džentlmenis piedāvāja man konfekti. A young and charming gentleman offered me a candy. A young and charming gentleman offered me a candy. Es varu dabūt visu ko es gribu. I can get anything I want. I can get everything I want. Bērns slēpās aiz lielā koka. The child was hiding behind a big tree. The child was hiding behind the big tree. Tavs dēls ir ģēnijs. Your son is a genius. Your son is a genius. Es gribu nosūtīt šo no reģistrēta epasta. I want to send this by registered mail. I want to send this from the registered email. Viņš tiks sodīts. He will be punished. He'll be punished. Viņa man solīja rakstīt katru nedēļu. She made a promise to write to me every week. She promised me to write every week. Toms ir labs puika. Tom is a great kid. Tom's a good boy. Toms nevar lasīt bez brillēm. Tom can't read without glasses. Tom can't read without glasses. Man fizikas skolotāju neuztrauc ja es bastoju stundas. My physics teacher doesn't care if I skip classes. I don't worry about my physics teacher if I give up hours. Sūzija spēj rakstīt daudz ātrāk kā es. Susie can type many times as fast as I can. Suzie can write much faster than I do. Paldies par paskaidrojumu. Thanks for your explanation. Thank you for your explanation. Mēs esam vienā vecumā. We are just about the same age. We're at the same age. Saule ir liela. The sun is big. The sun is big. Toms ir cīņas mākslu eksperts. Tom is a martial arts expert. Tom is an expert in martial arts. Viņa nevēlas, lai tu zinātu. She doesn't want you to know. She doesn't want you to know. Es ceru, ka tas strādās. I hope that it'll work. I hope it works. Atklāj pasauli! Discover the world! Discover the world! Es paklausos dziesmu. I'm listening to the music. I'm on a demand song. Grāmata ir uz galda. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. Es esmu arheologs. I'm an archaeologist. I'm an archaeologist. Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Viņš var nokavēt lidmašīnu. He may have missed the plane. He can miss the plane. Man patīk izspiesta sula. I like extracted juice. I like pressed juice. Ko tu vēlies par to? What do you want for that? What do you want about it? Viņš centās rakstīt noveli. He tried writing a short story. He tried to write a note. Šeit jebkas var notikt. Here anything can happen. Anything can happen here. Visas pūles likās veltīgas. All his efforts seemed to have been wasted. All efforts seemed in vain. Vai tu saki, ka Toms ir nodevējs? Are you saying that Tom is a traitor? Are you saying Tom's traitor? Paklau! Listen here! Look! Viņi turpināja iet. They resumed walking. They continued to go. Jūs bijāt gatavi? Were you prepared? You were ready? Ķēniņa meita ir princese. A king's daughter is a princess. The king's daughter is a princess. Man vajag taksi! I need a taxi! I need a taxi! Es saprotu. I understand. I understand. Kur ir Polija? Where is Poland? Where is Poland? Man ir gripa. I got the flu. I have a flu. Mani neatlaida. I wasn't fired. I was not fired. Viņi atradīs tavu cigarešu krātuvi, un tad tev būs problēmas. They'll find your cigarette cache, and then you'll have problems. They'll find your cigarette store, and then you'll have a problem. Viņi palīdzēja Tomam. They helped Tom. They helped Tom. Es nedzīvoju šajā pilsētā. I don't live in this city. I don't live in this town. Es esmu tik resns. I'm so fat. I'm so fat. Šo problēmu ir grūti atrisināt. This problem is difficult to solve. It is difficult to solve this problem. Es neēdīšu neko. I won't eat anything. I'm not eating anything. Vai tev patīk riteņbraukšana? Do you like cycling? Do you like cycling? Es atsakos atbildēt. I refuse to answer. I refuse to answer. Viņš iet gulēt, atstājot gaismas ieslēgtas. He goes to sleep with the lights left on. He goes to bed leaving the lights turned on. Valoda ir zīmju sistēma. Language is a system of signs. Language is a sign system. Mana māte ir par diētu. My mother is on a diet. My mother is on a diet. Viņa nogāja divdesmit jūdzes dienā. She walked twenty miles a day. She went twenty miles a day. Toms ir labs draugs. Tom is a good friend. Tom's a good friend. Tas ir viņa mājas. This is his house. It's his house. Vai tu redzi meiteni melnajā zīda kleitā? Tā ir mana meita. Do you see the girl wearing black silk dress? It's my daughter. Can you see a girl in a black silk dress? Toms atsāka runāt. Tom resumed speaking. Tom started talking again. Man vajag iet gulēt. I have to go to bed. I need to go to bed. Mēs devāmies pastaigā pa pludmali. We went for a walk on the beach. We went for a walk on the beach. Visas filmas ir garlaicīgas. All the films are boring. All films are boring. Melānija ēd ābolu. Melanie is eating an apple. Melanie eats apple. Cik cik daudz tu gribi? How many do you want? How much do you want? Toms atkal ir pilnīgi viens. Tom is all alone again. Tom's all alone again. Es varu palikt tikai uz dažām minūtēm. I can only stay a few minutes. I can only stay for a few minutes. Neviens nevar apskaut neapskaujamo. One cannot embrace the unembraceable. No one can envy the inescapable. Ziedi viņu uzmundrināja. The flowers cheered her up. The flowers encouraged him. Pajautā viņai kad viņa atgriezīsies. Ask her when she comes back. Ask her when she'll come back. Es bieži studēju, klausoties mūziku. I often study while listening to music. I often studied by listening to music. Vai tu parūpēsies par manu suni kamēr es būšu prom? Will you take care of my dog while I am away? Will you take care of my dog while I'm gone? ''Cik ilgi tu paliksi Londonā?'' '' Līdz pirmdienai.'' "How long will you remain in London?" "Until Monday." ''How long will you stay in London?' '''' Monday.' Man nepatīk kafija. I dislike coffee. I don't like coffee. Tu biji spēlējis. You have been playing. You were playing. Mums nav nekādu pierādījumu. We don't have any proof. We don't have any evidence. Es jūs nesapratu! I didn't understand what you said. I didn't understand you! Mans gliseris ir pilns ar zušiem. My hovercraft is full of eels. My glider's full of eels. Tu neko nenokavēji. You didn't miss a thing. You didn't miss anything. Desmit, divdesmit, trīsdesmit, četrdesmit, piecdesmit, sešdesmit, septiņdesmit, astoņdesmit, deviņdesmit, simts. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. Toms aizmirsa aizslēgt mājas durvis. Tom forgot to lock the house's door. Tom forgot to lock the house door. Ko tu šovasar darīji? What did you do this summer? What did you do this summer? Es domāju par tevi. I'm thinking of you. I was thinking about you. Es aizņemos grāmatas no pilsētas bibliotēkas. I borrow books from the city library. I borrow books from the city library. Es tevi arī mīlu. I love you, too. I love you, too. Es nezinu ko tu ar to domā. I don't know what you mean. I don't know what you mean. Man ir sirdstrieka. I'm having a heart attack. I have a heart attack. Viņam ir skaļa balss. He has a loud voice. He has a loud voice. Liekas ka viss ir kārtība. Everything seems to be just fine. It seems that everything is in order. Viņai ir septiņi dēli. She has seven sons. She has seven sons. Man ir nams. I have a house. I have a house. Viņa ir kaut kas rokā. She has something in her hand. She's got something in her hand. Es mīlu tevi vairāk nekā tu mani mīli. I love you more than you love me. I love you more than you love me. Es mīlu amerikāņu pārtiku. I love American food. I love American food. Toms valkāja salmu cepuri. Tom wore a straw hat. Tom was wearing a straw hat. Man nav govs. I don't have a cow. I don't have a cow. Jūs esat briesmās. You're in danger. You're in danger. Es drošivien esmu jau redzējis to filmu. I've probably already seen that movie. I've probably seen that movie before. Mēs runājam ar jums, Tomi. We're talking to you, Tom. We're talking to you, Tommy. Es esmu tavs tēvs. I'm your father. I'm your father. Šīs ir tavas slēpes? Are these your skis? These are your skis? Procentuāli cik studentu tiek uzņemti koledžās? What percentage of the students are admitted to colleges? As a percentage, how many students are admitted to college? Mēs kādu aizsūtīsim. We'll send somebody. We're gonna send someone. Man vajag naudu. I need the money. I need the money. Viņi neko nenojauš. They suspected nothing. They don't know anything. Vai tava brāļa vārds ir Toms? Is your brother's name Tom? Is your brother's name Tom? Jūs atnācāt tieši laikā. You've come just in time. You came right in time. Toms var vienmēr pagaidīt! Tom can always wait! Tom can always wait! Es šonakt nedziedāšu. I won't sing tonight. I'm not gonna sing tonight. Bruņurupučiem nav zobu. Turtles don't have teeth. The turtles don't have teeth. Kur ir mani spārni. Where are my wings? Where are my wings. Paldies! Thanks. Thank you. Es esmu pasta nodaļā. I'm in the post office. I'm in the post office. Vai kāds zina, kur ir Toms? Does anybody know where Tom is? Does anyone know where Tom is? Es tikai vēlos normālu dzīvi. I just want a normal life. I just want a normal life. Pagaidi mirkli. Wait just a moment. Wait a minute. Pareizi! Correct! That's right! Viņš bija pusdienot kopā ar mums. He was to dine with us. He had lunch with us. Ko mēs gaidām? What're we waiting for? What are we waiting for? Ģeofiziķis māca skolā. The geophysicist teaches in the school. The geophysicalian teaches at school. Mans pulkstenis ir apstājies. My watch has stopped. My clock's stopped. Dzīvē ir svarīgākas lietas. There are more important things in life. There are more important things in life. Pēdējos četrus gadus mēs neesam tevi redzējuši. We haven't seen you in the past four years. We haven't seen you in the last four years. Es patiešām esmu laimīgs. It really happened. I'm really happy. Kur viņi ir? Where are they? Where are they? Gadam ir divpadsmit mēnešu. A year has twelve months. The year is twelve months. Esmu maiznieks. I'm a baker. I'm a baker. Tev ir daudz laika. You have plenty of time. You have a lot of time. Toms pa kluso ienesa viskija pudeli Mērijas palātā. Tom smuggled a bottle of whiskey into Mary's hospital room. Tom quietly brought a whiskey bottle to Mary's room. Tās bija vecās labās dienas. It was the good old days. It was the old good days. Ludzu nāc iekšā. Please come in. Please come inside. Es zināju, ka tas bija sapnis! I knew this was a dream! I knew it was a dream! Zirgi ir dzīvnieki. Horses are animals. Horses are animals. Vai šis ērzelis vai ķēve? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is this eagle or marmot? Kur ir tava kredītkarte? Where are your credit cards? Where's your credit card? Amerikas Savienoto Valstu galvaspilsēta ir Vašingtona. The capital of the United States of America is Washington, D.C. The capital of the United States is Washington. Suns ir cilvēka labākais draugs. Dog is man's best friend. A dog is the best friend of a man. Mēs patiešām patika sevi. We really enjoyed ourselves. We really liked ourselves. Vidējais cilvēka ķermenis satur pietiekošu daudzumu kaulu, lai izveidotu veselu skeletu. The average human body contains enough bones to make an entire human skeleton. The average human body contains enough bone to form a healthy skeleton. Paliec mājās. Stay home. Stay home. Es zinu, ka Toms mums sameloja. I know Tom lied to us. I know Tom lied to us. Par laimi, laiks ir labs. Fortunately, the weather was good. Fortunately, time is good. Es kļūdījos. I was wrong. I was wrong. Latīņu valoda ir indo-eiropiešu valoda. Latin is an Indo-European language. Latin is an Indo-European language. Tu vari gaidīt šeit. You can wait here. You can wait here. Kad es biju mazs, es biju viens no retajiem ielas zēniem, kam nepatika futbols. When I was small I was one of the few boys on the street who didn't like football. When I was a kid, I was one of the rare street boys who did not like football. Man ir apriebies klausīties viņas sūdzībās. I'm sick of listening to her complaints. I'm disgusted to listen to her complaints. Tas maksās aptuveni 10000 jēnu. It will cost around 10,000 yen. It'll cost about 10,000 yen. Kā tavi draugi tevi aprakstītu? How would your friends describe you? How would your friends describe you? Ja tu teiksi ''Es mīlu tevi''tad es to pašu teikšu arī tev. If you say, "I love you," then I will also say that to you. If you say 'I love you' then I will say the same to you. Tu man vēlējies pastāstīt par brīvību? You wanted to tell me about freedom? You wanted to tell me about freedom? Mans tēvs strādā rūpnīcā. My father works in a factory. My father works at the factory. Esmu pārliecināts, ka es to izdarīšu. I'm sure I'll do that. I'm sure I'll do it. Vai šī grāmata ir tava? Is this book yours? Is this your book? Paldies! Thank you. Thank you. Tas puisis vienmēr prasa viņa vecākiem naudu. That guy is always asking his parents for money. That guy always asks his parents for money. Neiesi uz klasi. Let's not go to class. Don't go to class. Toms ir mazliet vecāks par Mariju Tom is a bit older than Mary. Tom is a little older than Mary Valis ir zīdītājs. A whale is a mammal. Valis is a mammal. Es uzvarēju! I won! I won! Toms nezināja, ka Marija jau bija nopirkusi maizi. Tom didn't know that Mary had already bought bread. He did not know that Mary had already bought bread. Tatoeba bija īslaicīgi nav pieejams. Tatoeba was temporarily unavailable. Tatoeba was temporarily not available. Jā. Yes. Yeah. Es negribu gaidīt tik ilgi. I don't want to wait that long. I don't want to wait so long. Starp citu, vai tu jau dzirdēji par Suzuki? By the way, have you heard about Suzuki? By the way, did you hear about Suzuki? Cilvēcei vajaga pielikt punktu karam savādāk karš pieliks punktu cilvēcei. Mankind must put an end to war, or otherwise war will put an end to mankind. Mankind needs to put an end to war otherwise war will put an end to humanity. Es esmu ļoti laimīga Džordžijā. I am very happy in Georgia. I'm very happy in Georgia. Vai tev ir kaut kas cits? Do you have anything else? Do you have anything else? Viņš priecāsies jūs redzēt. He'll be glad to see you. He'll be happy to see you. Toms nevarēja palīdzēt sev. Tom just couldn't help himself. Tom couldn't help himself. Toms tulīt ies. Tom is about to go. Tom's gonna go now. Toma suns ir miris. Tom's dog is dead. Tom's dog is dead. Man ir pie pakaļas. I don't give a shit. I got my ass. Kad angliski runājošais pamana, ka ārzemnieks, ar kuru viņš runā, nesaprot kaut ko no viņa teiktā, viņš atkārto tieši to pašu, bet skaļāk, it kā šis cilvēks būtu kurls. Nevienā brīdī viņam neienāk prātā, ka viņa vārdu izvēle varētu būt sarežģīta, vai ka viņa izteiciens varētu būt ārzemniekam viegli pārprotams, un ka viņš varētu to pateikt vienkāršāk ar citiem vārdiem. Rezultātā, cilvēks ne tikai joprojām nesaprot sacīto, bet arī kļūst aizkaitināts par to, ka tiek uzskatīts par kurlu. When an English speaker realises that a foreign person they are speaking to doesn't understand one of their sentences, they repeat it, the same way, but louder, as though the person were deaf. At no point does it come to their mind that their vocabulary might be complicated or that their expression might most probably be ambiguous to a foreigner and that they could reword it in a simpler way. The result is that not only does the person still not understand, but they get irritated at being considered deaf. When an English speaker notices that a foreigner with whom he speaks does not understand something he says, he repeats exactly the same thing, but louder, as if this person were deaf. At no point does he come to mind that his choice of words might be complicated, or that his expression could be easily understood by a foreigner, and that he could say it simply in other words. As a result, a person does not only still understand what he says, but also becomes irritated by the fact that he is considered deaf. Dienai ir divdesmit četras stundas. A day has twenty-four hours. It's twenty-four hours a day. Es tev šodien neko citu neprasīšu. I won't ask you anything else today. I'm not gonna ask you anything else today. Ļauj mani iepazīstināt ar manu skaisto sievu. Let me introduce you to my beautiful wife. Let me introduce you to my beautiful wife. Nekas nav noticis pagaidām. Nothing much is happening yet. Nothing has happened yet. Es domāju ka Toms to nebūtu darijis. I don't think Tom would've done that. I think Tom wouldn't have done it. Vai patiešām ir bezmaksas biļetes uz šo koncertu. Do you really have free tickets for the concert? Are there really free tickets to this concert. Nekad nerunāt ar svešiniekiem. Never talk to strangers. Never talk to strangers. Toms atkal visu sapisa. Tom fucked up again. Tom screwed everything up again. Es zinu, ka Toms nedomāja ļaunu. I knew Tom meant no harm. I know Tom didn't mean evil. Tā bija tik interesanta grāmata, ka es to izlasīju vienā dienā. It was such an interesting book that I read it in a day. It was such an interesting book that I read it one day. Es nenomiršu badā. I won't starve. I won't die in starvation. Viņš valkāja melnas bikses un skaistu baltu kreklu. He was wearing black trousers and a beautiful white shirt. He was wearing black pants and a beautiful white shirt. Nākamā ceturtdiena ir brīvdiena Next Thursday is a holiday. Next Thursday is a holiday Es baidos no zemestrīces. I'm afraid of earthquakes. I'm afraid of the earthquake. Es nespēju noticēt, ka patiešām gribēju precēties ar tevi. I can't believe I actually wanted to marry you. I can't believe I really wanted to marry you. Toms apsēdās. Tom sat down. Tom sat down. Es strādāju iekštelpās. I work indoors. I work indoors. Tu biji redzēts gatavojot. You were seen to cook. You were seen preparing. Tu esi mākslinieks, vai ne? You're an artist, aren't you? You're an artist, right? Es runāju latviski. I speak Latvian. I speak Latvian. Protams, ka es tevi atceros, mēs bijām labākie draugi, kad mācījāmies pamatskolā! Of course I remember you, we used to be best friends when we went at elementary school! Of course I remember you, we were the best friends in primary school! Visi āboli ir sarkani. All apples are red. All apples are red. Viņš pieņēma mūsu piedāvājumu. He accepted our offer. He accepted our offer. Veseļojies drīz! Get well soon! Get out of here soon! Viņš uzzīmēja ābolu. He drew an apple. He drew an apple. Ķēve ir zirgu sieviete. A mare is a female horse. The cheetah is a woman of horses. "Dārgum, kur tu biji?" -"Es biju skriet." -"Bet tavs T-krekls ir sauss un nemaz nesmird." "Dear, where have you been?" "I've been running." "But your T-shirt is dry and doesn't smell at all." "Dear, where have you been?" "I was running." "But your T-shirt is dry and doesn't smell at all." Viņa pieklauvēja pie durvīm. She knocked on the door. She knocked at the door. Toms ir knapi dzīvs. Tom is barely alive. Tom's dead. Kāpēc teikumi Japāņu valodā izskatās tik dīvaini? Why do sentences in Japanese look so weird? Why do sentences look so strange in Japanese? Tu esi nokodies vairāk nekā tu vari sakošļāt. You've bitten off more than you can chew. You're bitten more than you can chew. Semī meita ir Farīda sieva. Sami's daughter is Farid's wife. Sammy's daughter is Farid's wife. Vai kaut kas ir noticis? Has something happened? Has something happened? Kas ir dzīve bez mīlestības mirdzuma? What is life without the radiance of love? What is life without the brilliance of love? Pica ir klāt. The pizza is here. Pizza's here. Lieciet mani mierā! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Viņš tiešām ir labs darbā. He is really a good worker. He's really good at work. Precamies! Let's get married. Let's get married! "Vai viņam patīk mūzika?" "Jā, viņam patīk." "Does he like music?" "Yes, he does." "Does he like music?" "Yes, he likes." Mana māte ir traka. My mother is crazy. My mother is crazy. Es nezinu kā es to izdarīju. I don't know how I did it. I don't know how I did it. Sveiki! Hello! Hello! Es tev pirmais jautāju. I asked you first. I asked you first. Es iegāju viņas istabā. I entered her room. I went into her room. Es uzrakstīju vēstuli. I wrote a letter. I wrote a letter. Es domāju cik daudz tu zini par šo. I wonder how much you know about this. I'm thinking how much you know about this. Cilvēki mirst, bet liekas, kuras viņi rada, paliek. People die, but the things they create endure. People die, but they seem to remain. Kaķis nozvejotas peli. The cat caught the mouse. Cat caught the mouse. Es mīlu ballītes. I love parties. I love parties. Kāds ir valūtas maiņas kurss? What is the exchange rate? What is the exchange rate? Viņam patīk skriet. He likes to run. He likes to run. Toms atgriezīsies. Tom is coming back. Tom's coming back. Visi dzīvnieki ir vienādi. All animals are equal. All animals are the same. Toms spēlē gandrīz tikpat labi kā Marija Tom can play nearly as well as Mary. Tom plays almost as good as Mary Toms spēlē ģitāru gandrīz tikpat labi kā Marija. Tom plays the guitar almost as well as Mary. Tom plays guitar almost as good as Mary. Spogulis atstaro gaismu. A mirror reflects light. The mirror reflects the light. Sievietes maina pasauli. Women change the world. Women are changing the world. Karš ilga divus gadus. The war lasted two years. The war lasted two years. Es peldu okeānā. I'm swimming in the ocean. I swim in the ocean. Toms nolika klausuli. Tom hung up the phone. Tom put him down. Mums ir daudz laika. We have a lot of time. We have a lot of time. Viņa izvairas no manis. She avoids me. She's avoiding me. Es brīvprātīgi pievienojāties Gaisa spēku. I enlisted in the Air Force. I voluntarily joined the Air Force. Tu lietas atceries vieglāk kā es. You remember things more easily than me. You remember things easier than me. Kura kārta ir? Whose turn is it? What's the turn? Es nevēlos tevi ievilkt nepatikšanās. I don't want to get you in trouble. I don't want to get you in trouble. Tas ir acīmredzami, ka tie ir meli! It's so obvious that it's a lie! It's obvious it's a lie! Ārst, man ir sāpes kuņģī. Doctor, my stomach hurts. Doctor, I have stomach pain. Tu to izdariji tīšām! You did it on purpose! You did it intentionally! Ir arī zivs kas lido. There are also fish that fly. There's also a fish flying. Kā tu tiktu galā ar šo situāciju? How would you handle this situation? How would you cope with this situation? Es varu palīdzēt ja tu gribi. I can help if you'd like. I can help you if you want. Tev būs jāpatur prātā visi šie datumi. You'll have to learn all these dates by rote. You'll have to keep all these dates in mind. Nekad nerakstiet vārdus "borščs" un "svaigu kāpostu zupa" vācu valodā! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write the words "borsch" and "fresh cabbage soup" in German! Džeina nespēja izskaidrot sniega skaistumu. Jane couldn't explain the beauty of snow. Jane couldn't explain the beauty of the snow. Ticība dara brīnumus! Faith works miracles! Faith Makes Miracles! Viņa jautāja, kā pagatavot zivi. She asked how to cook the fish. She asked how to make fish. Es biju ļoti nobijies. I was terribly frightened. I was very scared. Tā ir viegla uzvara. It's an easy victory. It's a simple victory. Man tas mazliet pietrūks. I'm going to miss that somewhat. I'm gonna miss it a little. Visumam nav ''augšas'' vai ''apakšas''. Space has no "up" or "down." The universe has no'top' or 'bottom'. Viņi visos aspektos viens otram līdzinās. They resemble each other in all respects. They are like each other in all respects. Vai tu dzer rumu un kolu? Do you drink rum and Coke? Do you drink rum and cola? Kur ir mans tētis? Where is my dad? Where's my dad? Tu esi dziedātāja. You are a singer. You're a singer. Viņa ir aizņemta ar rūpēšanos par saviem bērniem. She is busy with the care of her children. She is busy caring for her children. Tagad ir tava kārta. It's now your turn. Now it's your turn. Kur ir mans dēls? Where is my son? Where's my son? Kā tu zināji ka Toms nomirs? How did you know Tom was going to die? How did you know Tom would die? Vai tu brīdināsi Tomu? Will you warn Tom? Will you warn Tom? Ar labu nākti! Good night! I'm good! Mūsu skolotājs ir reāls idiots. Our teacher is a real idiot. Our teacher is a real idiot. Skolotājs mums izstāstīja smieklīgu stāstu. The teacher told us a funny story. The teacher told us a funny story. Kā mēs parvarēsim šo problēmu? How will we overcome these problems? How will we overcome this problem? Saule spīd spoži. The sun is shining brightly. The sun shines brightly. Caur Taro vēnām plūst samuraja asinis. A samurai's blood runs in Taro's veins. The blood of the samurai flows through the veins of Taro. Jūs sapratīsiet kad jūs paliksiet vecāki. You'll understand once you come of age. You'll understand when you're getting older. Etiķis ir asa garša. Vinegar has a sharp taste. The vinegar is a spicy taste. Tas ir par lielu. It's too big. It's too big. Mans onkulis dzīvo Madridē, galvas pilsētā Spānijā. My uncle lives in Madrid, the capital of Spain. My oncule lives in Madrid, the head city of Spain. Neviens negrib karu. Nobody wants a war. No one wants war. Man ļoti žēl. I am very sorry. I'm so sorry. Priecājos ar Jums iepazīties Pleased to meet you. Glad to meet you Kāpēc? Why? Why? Viņi palūdza Marijai pieskatīt bērnus. They asked Mary to look after the children. They asked Mary to look after her children. Neaizskar mani! Don't touch me! Don't hurt me! Vai Toms tev palīdzēs? Will Tom help you? Will Tom help you? Viņš izskatījās mazs stāvot blakus manam lielajam tēvam. He looked small next to my heavyset father. He looked small standing next to my big father. Daudz laimes; dzimšanas dienā! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Toms nebija tas kurš to man pateica. Tom wasn't the one who told me that. Tom wasn't the one who told me that. Es aizvien domāju par Tomu. I still think of Tom. I'm still thinking about Tom. Darbinieki vienmēr ir sūdzējušies par viņu algām, viņu darba apstākļiem, un tā tālāk. Employees were always complaining about their wages, their working conditions, and so forth. Staff have always complained about their salaries, their working conditions, and so on. Toms ir pie durvīm. Tom is at the door. Tom's at the door. Viņam patīk mūzika. He likes music. He likes music. Viņi lasa grāmatu. They're reading a book. They read the book. Sveika pasaulē! Hello, world! Hello in the world! Man tevis pietrūkst. I miss you. I miss you. Runājot par mūziku, kāda mūzika tev patīk? Talking of music, what kind of music do you like? When it comes to music, what kind of music do you like? Laipni lūdzam Tatoebā, tekila, sekss un marihuāna. Welcome to Tatoeba, tequila, sex and marijuana. Welcome to Tatoeba, tequila, sex and marijuana. Mēs esam gandrīz kā brāļi. We're almost like brothers. We're almost like brothers. Mums nevajadzētu spriest par cilvēkiem, balstoties uz to, kā viņi izskatās. We shouldn't judge people based on their appearance. We should not judge people on the basis of what they look like. Karš ir elle. War is hell. The war is hell. Vai tev tas ir? Do you have it? Do you have that? "Kur ir Toms?" "Es nezinu. Viņš kādu brīdi atpakaļ te vēl bija." "Where's Tom?" "I don't know. He was here a few moments ago." "Where's Tom?" "I don't know. Izdari man pakalpojumu un pārstāj būt tik sasodīti stulbs uz kādu brīdi. Do me a favour; just stop being so fucking dumb for a minute. Do me a favor and stop being so fucking stupid for a while. Tu drīz iejutīsies savā jaunajā skolā. You will soon get accustomed to your new school. You're about to feel in your new school. Jautājums ir, vai mani vecāki to akceptē vai nē. The question is if my parents approve of it or not. The question is whether my parents accept it or not. Šī grāmata nav tik smaga kā tā grāmata. This book isn't as heavy as that book. This book is not as heavy as its book. Helsinki ir Somijas galvaspilsēta. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Helsinki and the capital of Finland. Vai attēls ir taisni? Is the picture straight? Is the image straight? Man nav daudz draugu. I don't have many friends. I don't have a lot of friends. Vai Tomam ir iPad? Does Tom have an iPad? Does Tom have an iPad? Lietus aizskaloja augsni. The rain washed away the soil. The rain was washed away from the soil. Ir zem gultas kaķis. There is a cat under the bed. There's a cat under bed. Labvakar. Good evening. Good evening. Man jāpaspiež roka prezidentam. I have to shake hands with the President. I have to put my hand on the president. Pulkstenis neiet. The clock is not working. The clock doesn't go. Es mēģinu par to nedomāt. I try not to think about it. I'm trying not to think about it. Es atstāju Tomu mājās. I left Tom at home. I left Tom at home. Tas ir mans dators. This is my computer. It's my computer. Es rakstu poēmu. I write poetry. I'm writing a poem. Es negribu dzīvot viens pats. I don't want to live by myself. I don't want to live alone. Džons iet uz skolu. John goes to school. John's going to school. Tev nekad nav bijis klasē vai ne?! You never have class or what?! You've never been to a classroom before? Patiesa draudzība ir vērtīgāka par naudu. Real friendship is more valuable than money. True friendship is more valuable than money. Neviens nesaprot mani. Nobody understands me. Nobody understands me. Es esmu ticīgais. I'm a believer. I'm a believer. Vai tu noskūptīsi Tomu? Will you kiss Tom? Will you kiss Tom? Atvainojiet mani, ja es jūs nosaucu par smerdeli, bet tas ir tas, ko es par jums domāju. Excuse me if I call you an asshole, but that's what I think you are. I'm sorry if I called you a merdel, but that's what I think of you. Viņš pateica lai es viņu satieku restorānā. He told me to meet him at the restaurant. He told me to meet him in the restaurant. Tā ir tava krāsa! It's your color! It's your color! Ir gandrīz pusdienlaiks. It's almost noon. It's almost lunchtime. Klusums ir zelta. Silence is golden. Silence is gold. Eiropieši gadā izdzer vidēji 12,5 litrus tīra alkohola. Europeans drink, on average, 12.5 liters of pure alcohol per year. Europeans drink an average of 12.5 litres of pure alcohol a year. Varbūt mums vajadzētu būt klusiem. Maybe we should be quiet. Maybe we should be quiet. Lūdzu, pasakiet to vēlreiz! Please say that again! Please say it again! Viņš mīl dēlu. He loves the son. He loves his son. Vai tu gribētu dzert šovakar? Would you like to drink a bit tonight? Would you like to drink tonight? Saule un lietus, varavīksne. Sun and rain, rainbow. Sun and rain, iris. Tas ir nepanesamas. This is unbearable. It's unbearable. Es ienīstu sevi, ka man nav gribasspēka atmests ātro ēdienu ēšanu. I hate myself for not having the will power to quit eating junk food. I hate myself that I don't have the will to give up fast food. Tev vajadzētu gulēt. You should sleep. You should sleep. Es pat nejautāju. I didn't even ask. I didn't even ask. Viņš jau iepriekš nosūtīja savu bagāžu. He sent his luggage in advance. He sent his luggage in advance. Mums nav meita. We don't have a daughter. We don't have a daughter. Kas dzied šo dziesmu? Who sings that song? Who's singing this song? Viņš ir mans brālis. He's my brother. He's my brother. Ceļš ir garš. The way is long. The road is long. Durvis ir atvērtas katru rītu. The door is opened every morning. The door is open every morning. Vasarā bieži lija. In summer it often rained. Often rained in the summer. Man nav naudas. I have run out of money. I don't have any money. Šī ir tā māja kurā viņa dzīvoja. This is the house where she used to live. This is the house she lived in. Totoro saka: "Es nerunāju ķīniešu." Totoro says: "I can't speak Chinese." Totoro says, "I don't speak Chinese." Šis ir jaunas ēras sākums. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Toms ir pārliecināts. Tom is sure. Tom's sure. Dzīve ir patīkama. Life is enjoyable. Life is pleasant. Mums ir jāaptur viņu no dzeršanas vairāk alkohola. We have to stop him from drinking more alcohol. We must stop him from drinking more alcohol. Sveiks, John! Kā tev iet? Hello, John! How are you? Hey, John, how are you? Palīgā! Help! Help! Viņš iedeva man draudzīgu padomu. He gave me friendly advice. He gave me friendly advice. Mēs esam tikai draugi? We're just friends? We're just friends? Visi mani mēģinājumi ir izgāzušies. All of my attempts have failed. All my attempts are gone. Anžela nav eņģelis. Angela is not an angel. Angela is not an angel. Veikalam ir daudz apmeklētāku. That shop has many customers. The store is much more visited. Mums vajadzētu aizslēgt durvis, kad mēs aizejam. We should lock the door when we leave. We should lock the door when we leave. Viens, divi, trīs, četri, pieci, seši, septiņi, astoņi, deviņi, desmit. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Mans onkulis dzīvo blakus skolai. My uncle lives next to the school. My oncule lives next to school. Viņiem veicas. They're lucky. They're lucky. Notīri beidzot galdu! Clean the table already! Clear the table at last! Ko jūs darāt? What are you doing? What are you doing? Izsauciet policiju! Call the police! Call the police! Toms ir aizmidzis uz dīvāna. Tom is asleep on the couch. Tom's asleep on the couch. Es nevēlos nošaut savu suni. I didn't want to shoot my dog. I don't want to shoot my dog. Nulle, viens, divi, trīs, četri, pieci, seši, septiņi, astoņi, deviņi, desmit. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Kas notiek Itālijā? What's happening in Italy? What is happening in Italy? Es ļoti cenšos neraudāt. I'm trying very hard not to cry. I'm trying hard not to cry. Man vajag dažus pakaramos. I need some hangers. I need some hangers. Es domāju, ka es pazaudēju savas atslēgas. I think I lost my keys. I think I lost my keys. Viņam ir mistisks talismans acs formā. He has a mysterious talisman in the form of an eye. He has a mystical talisman in the form of an eye. Es nevarēju saprast viņa idejas. I couldn't understand his ideas. I couldn't understand his ideas. Vai viņš jau ir atnācis? Has he come yet? Is he here already? Līnija ir aizņemta. The line is busy. The line is busy. Mans hobijs ir fotografēt savvaļas puķes. My hobby is taking pictures of wild flowers. My hobby is to photograph wild flowers. Tev vajadzētu uzrakstīt grāmatu! You should write a book! You should write a book! Es neesmu par to sajūsmā. I'm not excited about it. I'm not excited about it. Tomam ir laiks doties. It's time for Tom to go. Tom has time to go. Es negribu lai tu uztrauktos. I don't want you to worry. I don't want you to worry. Viņai nevajadzēja nākt. She didn't need to come. She shouldn't have come. Paldies! Thanks! Thank you. Laiks vakariņām. Time for dinner. Time for dinner. Es tev šodien nevaru palīdzēt. I can't help you today. I can't help you today. Viņš vairs nav mājās. He is no longer at home. He's not home anymore. Es nevaru ļaut Tomam turpināt to darīt. I can't let Tom keep doing that. I can't let Tom continue to do this. Tas vīrietis ir francūzis. Vai tu un tava māsa arī esat? That man is French. Are you and your sister, too? Is that guy a Frenchman, are you and your sister, too? Manam dēlam ir dēls. My son has a son. My son has a son. Ne, viņš nav mans jaunais draugs. No, he's not my new boyfriend. No, he's not my new friend. Naids ienīst naidu. Hate hates hate. Hate hate. Es ieteicu Tomam doties mājās. I advised Tom to go home. I told Tom to go home. Govis ēd zāli. Cows eat grass. The cows eat the grass. Citroni ir skābi. Lemons are sour. Lemons are acid. Kāpēc tu joprojām runā? Why are you still talking? Why are you still talking? Uzmanieties: Angļu valodā mēs nacionalitātes, nedēļas dienas un valodas rakstām ar lielo burtu. Be careful: We capitalize nationalities, days of the week, and languages in English. Beware: In English we write the letters of nationality, weekdays, and language in capital letters. Es īsti nezināju, ko teikt. I didn't quite know what to say. I didn't really know what to say. Mans jaunākais brālis kliedz skaļi. My younger brother is yelling loudly. My younger brother screams loud. Vai es drīkstu jūs pavadīt ? May I go with you? Can I accompany you? Es dzīvoju netālu no parka. I live near a park. I live near the park. Man ir ērta māja. I have a comfortable house. I have a comfortable house. Tu man ne sūda neatstāji. You didn't leave me shit. You didn't leave me shit. Cik noraizējušiem mums vajadzētu būt par to? How worried should we be about that? How much are we supposed to be about it? Man bija priekšnojauta, ka kaut kas tāds notiks. I had a feeling something like that was going to happen. I had the impression that something like that would happen. Kad viņa ieraudzīja mani, viņa bija neērti. When she saw me, she was embarrassed. When she saw me, she was uncomfortable. Toms man iedeva to grāmatu. Tom gave me that book. Tom gave me that book. Tēva šeit nav. Father is not here. My father's not here. Suns neapēda gaļu. The dog didn't eat the meat. The dog didn't eat meat. Piedodiet, bet kāds bija jūsu vārds? I am sorry, but what's your name again? I'm sorry, but what was your name? Toms nav tāds kā citi puiši. Tom isn't like other boys. Tom's not like the other guys. Viņš dzīvo Marokā. He lives in Morocco. He lives in Morocco. Toms nedzirdēja neko. Tom didn't hear anything. Tom didn't hear anything. Sveiki, mani sauc Pekka. Kā tevi sauc? Hi, my name is Pekka. What is your name? What's your name? Dejo itkā neviens neskatītos. Dance like no one is watching. No one's watching dance. Kritiķī var strīdēties par to, ka visi iepriekšminētie raksturojumi ir ļoti abstrakti. Critics may argue that all the foregoing characterizations are very abstract. Critics argue that all the above characteristics are very abstract. Toms apsēdās uzreiz. Tom sat impatiently. Tom sat down right away. Es gribu to pašu jaku, kuru tu valkā. I want the same jacket as you are wearing. I want the same jacket you wear. Uz veselību! Priekā! Cheers! Good health! Cheers! Tev ir taisnība. You are right. You're right. Toms ir ērzelis. Tom is a horn dog. Tom's an eagle. Mēs vēlamies pārbaudīt jūsu asinsspiedienu. We want to take your blood pressure. We want to check your blood pressure. Toms arī pasniedz ģeogrāfiju un vēsturi. Tom also teaches geography and history. Toms also teaches geography and history. Saki to viņam, nevis man! Tell it to him, not me! Tell him, not me! Tas vīrietis apprecējās un sāka dibināt ģimeni That guy got married and started a family. That man got married and started to start a family Mana iesauka ir ''Itch.'' My nickname is "Itch." My name is 'Itch. ' Šķīvis izslīdēja viņam no rokām. The plate slipped out of my hands. The solution slipped out of his hands. Kur es gulēšu? Where will I sleep? Where am I going to sleep? Kad ir tava dzimšanas diena? When's your birthday? When's your birthday? Tu domā ka es to negaidiju. Do you think I haven't anticipated that? You think I don't expect it. Es esmu skolotāja. I am a teacher. I'm a teacher. Toms šobrīd spēle vijoli. Tom is playing the violin now. Tom is currently playing the violin. Kāds šodien datums? What is the date today? What's the date today? Mēs jums nepiedos. We won't forgive you. We won't forgive you. Es sāku nogurt no taviem parmetumiem. I'm getting tired of your complaining. I started to get tired of your campus. Toms turpināja lukoties. Tom kept staring. Tom continued to wait. Toms man nepalīdzēs. Tom won't help me. Tom won't help me. Es dzīvoju Čīlē. I live in Chile. I live in Chile. Ej un paskaties kas tas ir. Go and see who it is. Go and see what that is. Tava pildspalva ir slikta. Your pen is bad. Your pen is bad. Lekcijas notiek bieži. Lectures take place frequently. Lectures are often held. Lūk, tas bija smieklīgi. Now, that's funny. That was funny. Marijai bija gripa. Mary had a flu. Mary had a flu. Tonijs dzīvo Kobe. Tony lives in Kobe. Tony lives in Kobe. Tu lūdzi mūsu palīdzību. You asked for our help. You asked for our help. Toms un Marija gulēja zem zvaigžņotām debesīm. Tom and Mary slept under the stars. Tom and Mary lay under the starry heavens. Lielveikalā viņa nopirka putekļu sūcēju. She bought a vacuum cleaner at the supermarket. In the supermarket, she bought a vacuum cleaner. Kā tu domā kas tas ir? What do you suppose it is? What do you think that is? Kas vainas maniem teikumiem? What's wrong with my sentences? What's wrong with my sentences? Viņš turpina rakstīt par dzīvniekiem. He kept writing about animals. He continues to write about animals. Nav pielūgsmes objekta kā vien Dievs, un apliecinu, ka Muhammeds ir Dieva vēstnesis. There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God. There is no object of worship except God, and I certify that Muhammad is God’s messenger. Es dzeru ūdeni. I drink water. I drink water. Zemes mēness ir dabīgais pavadonis. The earth's moon is a natural satellite. Earth’s moon is a natural guide. Es nesaprotu kāpēc viņš tā darija. I can't understand why he did that. I don't know why he did that. Govis tiek slauktas sešos. The cows are milked at six. The cows are so milky six. Mēs protestējām, bet tas bija veltīgi. We protested, but it was in vain. We protested, but it was in vain. Šie zēni ir brālēni. The two boys are cousins. These boys are cousins. Man vajag to atrast. I need to find it. I need to find it. Te netālu ir restorāns. There is a restaurant near here. There's a restaurant nearby. Visi āboli ir tur. All the apples are there. All the apples are there. Sezam, aizveries! Close, Sesame! Sesam, shut up! Es netaisos mirt šodien. I'm not going to die today. I'm not going to die today. Ko tu domā par mūsu kolekciu? What do you think of our collection? What do you think about our collection? Es mīlu oksitāņu valoda. I like the Occitan language. I love oxytan. Es nekad nedzeru alu. I never drink beer. I never got a beer. Jums pilnībā ir taisnība ministra prezidenta kungs! You are absolutely right, Mr Prime Minister! You are absolutely right, Prime Minister. Es saplēsu avīzi druskās. I tore the newspaper into pieces. I broke the paper. Visi gaida, lai redzētu, kas notiks. Everyone's waiting to see what's going to happen. Everyone's waiting to see what's going to happen. Mēs bieži runājam par laika apstākļiem. We often talk about the weather. We often talk about weather conditions. Viņš strādāja visu nakti. He worked the whole night. He worked all night. Kens uzvarēja mani šahā. Ken beat me at chess. Ken won me in the chess. Man vajag naglu kasti. I need a box of nails. I need a nail box. Kur ir mana tēja? Where's my tea? Where's my tea? Tagad ir laiks izlemtu vai tu vēlies iet ar mums, vai nē. Now's the time to decide if you want to go with us or not. Now is the time to decide whether you want to go with us or not. Tokijā ir ļoti liela satiksme. Tokyo has an extremely high volume of traffic. Tokyo has very big traffic. Tas ir lielu. It's too large. That's big. Toms patīk klausīties dzīvajā mūzikā. Tom enjoys listening to live music. Tom likes to listen to live music. Ja es būtu viņu pamanījis, es būtu viņai iedevis autogrāfu. If I had noticed her, I would have got her autograph. If I had noticed her, I would have given her an autograph. Cik tas maksā? How much is this? How much does it cost? Es esmu nobijies. I am afraid. I'm scared. Es nevēlos dzirdēt nevienu vārdu par to! I don't want to hear another word about it! I don't want to hear a word about it! Es priecājos to dzirdēt. I'm happy to hear it. I'm glad to hear that. Marijas draugs ir Toms Mary is Tom's girlfriend. Mary’s Friend and Tom Viņš nopelna viņa dzīvei rakstot He earns his living by writing. He deserves to write his life Toms jau ir šeit. Tom is already there. Tom's already here. Šī māja un šī zeme ir mana! This house and this land is mine! This house and this land is mine! Es rīt cītīgi mācīšos I'll study hard tomorrow. I'm going to study hard tomorrow Viņa pagāja viņam garām, pat viņu neievērojot. She walked past him without even noticing him. She missed him, even ignoring him. Viņai ir sens uzvārds. She has an ancient family name. She has an old surname. Es esmu ļoti laimīga Gruzijā. I am very happy in Georgia. I am very happy in Georgia. Gaiss ir mitrs. The air is damp. The air is moist. Bija patikami tikties. Pleased to meet you. It was a pleasure to meet you. Tu to labi izskaidroji. You explained that well. You explained it well. Hm, tagad tas ir dīvaini. Uh, now it's really weird... Oh, it's weird now. Viņš vairs nevar pastaigāt. He can't walk any more. He can't walk anymore. Es atradu labu darbu. I found a good job. I found a good job. Es domāju ka viņam ir jājiet tu. I think he must go there. I think he needs to go with you. Es esmu tāds tusnis. I'm so fat. I'm so empty. Viņam ir brālis un divas māsas. He has a brother and two sisters. He has a brother and two sisters. Kad mums ir laba veselība, mēs viegli aizmirstam tās vērtību. When we are in good health, we are apt to forget its value. When we have good health, we easily forget its value. Mēs negribam lai mūs šeit kāds atrod. We don't want anyone to find us here. We don't want anyone to find us here. Visi mirst. Everyone dies. Everybody's dying. Tomam ir labs attaisnojums. Tom has a good excuse. Tom's got a good excuse. Bezkrāsainas zaļas idejas vētraini guļ. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Colourless green ideas lie stormyly. Magdalena un Ania ir labas draudzenes. Magdalena and Ania are good friends. Magdalena and Anya are good friends. Es nesaprotu. I don't understand. I don't understand. Viņš klusi teica uz redzēšanos. He quietly said goodbye. He quietly said. Cik ir pulkstenis? What's the time? How long is the clock? Beringa šaurums atdala Āziju no Ziemeļamerikas. The Bering Strait separates Asia from North America. The Bering Strait separates Asia from North America. Tomam tas ir jāizdara līz pirmdienai. Tom has to do that before Monday. Tom has to do it on Monday. Tā nav mana vaina. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. Iedzīvotāji izmirst. The population is dying off. The population is dying. Par cik tu gribi pārdot šo. How much do you want to sell this for? For how much you want to sell this. Tomam bija pašas absurdākās idejas. Tom had the most absurd ideas. Tom had the most absurd ideas. Mūsu pagalms ir liels. Our yard is large. Our courtyard is big. Vai jums ir kas lētāks? Have you got something cheaper? Do you have anything cheaper? Es esmu romantiķis. I'm a romantic. I'm a romantic. Kur ir tas? Where's that? Where is it? Toms nogrūda Mēriju no tramplīna. Tom pushed Mary off the diving board. Tom got Mary out of the tramp. Es reti runāju pa telefonu. I rarely talk on the phone. I rarely spoke on the phone. Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus un laimīgu Jauno gadu! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Es dodu priekšroku komēdijām. I prefer comedies. I prefer comedys. Es skatos televizoru katru dienu. I watch TV every day. I watch TV every day. Es pieņemu, ka bija vēl kaut kas, ko mums vajadzēja izdarīt. I assumed there must be something else we had to do. I assume there was something else we should have done. Kā viņš mūs atrada? How did he find us? How did he find us? Kas mīl dēlu? Who loves the son? Who loves a son? Es aizmirsu kurš to teica. I forget who said it. I forgot who said it. Tiklīdz kā suns mani ieraudzīja, tas sāka riet. As soon as the dog saw me, it began to bark. As soon as the dog saw me, it started to go. Toms mani neatradīs. Tom won't find me. Tom won't find me. Es tev atļauju to darīt. I'll let you do that. I'm allowing you to do this. Es domāju vai tā ir mīlestība. I wonder if this is love. I think it's love. Vai mēs esam tikai draugi? Are we only friends? Are we just friends? Labrīt, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Tu vienmēr izskaties noguris. You always seem tired. You always look tired. Toms nekad nav bijis jauns. Tom has never been young. Tom's never been new. Es ceru satikt šo vīru. I hope to meet this man. I hope to see this man. Kurš ir izsalcis? Who is hungry? Who's hungry? Paņem papīru un raksti! Take a paper and write! Take the paper and the articles! Es nekad nesapņoju ka tevi satikšu. I never dreamed that I would meet you. I never dreamed I'd see you. Nancija ir ļoti gudra vai ne. Nancy is very cute, isn't she? Nancy is very smart or not. Viņi izvēlējās divus labākos darbus. They picked out the best two works. They chose the two best works. Es uzrakstīšu vēstuli. I will write a letter. I'll write a letter. Mēs neko nedarījām. We didn't do a thing. We didn't do anything. Pirms tu dodies uz skolu tev ir jāapēd brokastis. You must eat breakfast before you go to school. Before you go to school, you have to eat breakfast. Es dzīvoju Kolumbijā. I live in Colombia. I live in Colombia. Lūdzu aizvediet mani uz lidostu. Please take me to the airport. Please take me to the airport. Es pēdējā laikā esmu daudz ko pārdomājis. I've had a lot on my mind lately. I've been thinking a lot lately. Vai tomāts ir auglis vai dārzenis? Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Is the tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Viņš mani pamodināja agri no rīta. He awoke me early in the morning. He awakened me early in the morning. Toms ceļoja apkārt Eiropai. Tom traveled around Europe. Tom traveled around Europe. Mana dzimšanas diena ir novembrī. My birthday is in November. My birthday is November. Tās ir lieliskas ziņas. That's great news. That's great news. Toms nav daudz mainījies. Tom hasn't changed very much. Tom hasn't changed much. Žurnāls pasludina jaunu hipsteru "mūzikas" karali ik pēc divām nedēļām. The magazine declares a new king of hipster "music" every two weeks. The magazine announces a new hipster king of "music" every two weeks. Es nevēlos mirt cietumā. I don't want to die in prison. I don't want to die in prison. Es nedomāju, ka tu saproti. I don't think you understand. I don't think you understand. Mēs visi runājam angļu valodā. We all speak English. We all speak English. Es dzīvošu Kambodžā. I'll live in Cambodia. I'll live in Cambodia. Kāds ir izsalcis? Who's hungry? Who's hungry? Ko viņš šodien ir izdarījis? What has he done today? What has he done today? Tas ir bezmaksas. It's free. It's free. Dzīve ir dāvana. Life is a gift. Life is a gift. Šodien es spēlēju! Today I'm paying! I'm playing today! Toms sēdēja mierīgi. Tom sat calmly. Tom was sitting quiet. Bobs jau gatavojās doties prom, kad es viņam piezvanīju. Bob was just about to leave when I telephoned him. Bob was about to leave when I called him. Viņš nedzer pat alu, nemaz nerunājot par viskiju. He doesn't even drink beer, not to mention whiskey. He doesn't even drink beer, let alone whiskey. Pagājušo nedēļu mēs strādājām dienu un nakti. Last week we worked day and night. Last week we worked day and night. Toms ir apjucis. Tom is confused. Tom's confused. Likums muļķus nesargā. Law doesn't protect the fools. The law doesn't protect fools. Jūs nenožēlosiet! You won't regret it! You won't regret it! Es izgāju ārā. I went outside. I went out. Viņa paklājs ir pilnībā balts. His carpet is completely white. His carpet is completely white. Toms ir miljardieris. Tom is a billionaire. Tom's a billionaire. Es klausos šo grupu. I'm listening to this band. I'm listening to this group. Baidos, ka nevaru tev to stāstīt. I'm afraid I can't tell you this. I'm afraid I can't tell you. No kā tas ir izgatavots? What is it made of? What is it made of? Kāpec mums vajaga iet mājās? Why do we have to go home? Why do we need to go home? Laiks bija silts, bet lietains. The weather was warm but rainy. Time was warm, but rainy. Tie ir vieni vienīgi meli. That's a total lie. It's just a lie. Šodien viņš jūtas daudz labāk kā vakar. Today he feels much better than yesterday. Today he feels much better than yesterday. Kaķis gulēja uz galda. The cat slept on the table. The cat lay on the table. Vai tu vari aizvērt durvis? Can you close the door? Can you close the door? Tas ir pārāk dārgi. It is too expensive. It's too expensive. Kādēļ? Why? Why? Man vajag korķviļķi. I need a corkscrew. I need a cork wave. Viņa brālis ir precējies, bet viņam nav bērnu. His brother is married but he hasn't any children. His brother is married, but he has no children. Tu vari nākt ar mums, ja vēlies. You may come with us if you want to. You can come with us if you want. Noticis kaut kas šausmīgs. Something terrible's happened. Something terrible has happened. Viņš klusēja visu nopratināšanas laiku. He kept silent all the time during the interrogation. He kept quiet all the time of the questioning. Dariet to tagad. Do it now. Do it now. Slēpes! Take cover! Skis! Tavs brālis to nepirks. Your brother will not buy it. Your brother won't buy it. Jūsu dēls ir ģēnijs. Your son is a genius. Your son is a genius. Kādā laikā tu ierodies darbā? What time do you arrive at work? When do you come to work? Toms piebrauca pie lielveikala. Tom drove to the supermarket. Tom came to the supermarket. Tev vajadzētu beigt runāt visu laiku un sākt klausīties to, ko es saku. You need to stop talking all the time and start listening to what others say. You should stop talking all the time and start listening to what I'm saying. Toms atteicās spēlēties ar jūrascūciņām. Tom refused to play with the guinea pigs. Tom refused to play with guinea pigs. Dzīve ir smieklīga. Life is fun. Life is funny. Man nepatika mans vārds, kad es biju jauns. I didn't like my name when I was young. I didn't like my name when I was young. Vakar bija Svētdiena. Yesterday was Sunday. It was Sunday yesterday. Es dzīvoju dzīvoklī. I live in an apartment. I lived in an apartment. Dāmas arī spēlē bumbu. Ladies also play with the ball. Ladies also play ball. Tev nevajag to ēst. You don't have to eat it. You don't need to eat it. Toms ir pie lidostas. Tom is at the airport. Tom's at the airport. Vilciens atbrauca desmit minūtes vēlāk. The train arrived ten minutes late. The train arrived ten minutes later. Toms drātēja Mēriju, vienlaicīgi tulkodams šo teikumu caur "Android" ierīci. Tom was fucking Mary while translating this sentence on his Android device. Tom shot Mary, at the same time translating this sentence through the Android device. Vēlme uzņemties atbildību ir brieduma pazīme. Willingness to take responsibility is a sign of maturity. The desire to take responsibility is a sign of maturity. No kurienes ir nākuši tavi senči? Where do your ancestors come from? Where did your ancestors come from? Tu to biji pelnījis. You deserved that. You deserved it. Ir gandrīz jau laiks doties projām. It's almost time to go. It's almost time to leave. Kā tas ir iespējams? How is that possible? How is this possible? Cik garš ir tavs brālis? How tall is your brother? How long is your brother? Es tevi nogalināšu. I'll kill you. I'll kill you. Toms ir bārenis. Tom is an orphan. Tom's an orphan. Toms ir kreilis, bet viņš raksta ar labo roku. Tom is left-handed, but he writes with his right hand. Tom's a left, but he's writing with his right hand. Viņš tika ievēlēts par komandas kapteini. He was elected captain of the team. He was elected captain of the team. Es valkāju kapuci. I wore a hoody. I'm wearing a tomb. Es viņam jautāju, kur es varētu novietot mašīnu. I asked him where I could park my car. I asked him where I could park the car. Kā var izvairīties no briesmām no interneta. How can you avoid the dangers of the Internet? How can you avoid dangers from the Internet? Kāda krāsa bija Henrija IV baltais zirgs? What colour was Henri IV's white horse? What color was Henry IV’s white horse? Vai tu atceries pirmo vārdu, kuru tu iemācījies angļu valodā? Can you remember the first word you learned in English? Do you remember the first word you learned in English? Vai jums patīk jūsu māti? Do you love your mother? Do you like your mother? Ir tikai viens veids, kā to izdarīt. That's the only way to do it. There's only one way to do this. Es vēlos kaut es būtu slavens. I wish I were famous. I want to be famous. Toms atgriezās mājās. Tom returned home. Tom returned home. Toms ir mans vecs draugs. Tom is an old friend. Tom's my old friend. Es nopirku lentes I buy tapes. I bought tapes Man patīk fotogrāfēt. I love to take pictures. I like to take pictures. Man ir divi kaķi. I have two cats. I have two cats. Es ceru, ka mēs tiksimies vēlreiz. I hope we'll meet again. I hope we meet again. Tu nespēj mani hipnotizēt. You can't hypnotize me. You can't hypnotize me. Es spēlēju klavieres. I play the piano. I'm playing piano. Viņš ari var runāt Krieviski. He can speak Russian, too. He can also speak Russian. Es tev parādīšu savu istabu. I'll show you my room. I'll show you my room. Vai tev ir plāns? Do you have a plan? Do you have a plan? Vai jūs runājat angliski? Do you speak English? Are you speaking English? Es esmu noguris un vēlos iet gulēt. I am tired and I want to go to bed. I'm tired and I want to go to bed. Marija ir mana māsīca. Mary is my cousin. Mary's my cousin. Alkohols neatrisina kādas problēmas. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. Alcohol does not solve any problems. Neviens nezinās. No one will know. No one will. Beidz spēlēties ar saviem matiem. Stop playing with your hair. Stop playing with your hair. Henrijam nav vairāk par sešiem dolāriem. Henry has no more than six dollars. Henry has no more than six dollars. Marija ir grāmatu tārps. Mary is a bookworm. Mary is a book worm. Zvani Tomam nekavējoties. Call Tom immediately. Call Tom immediately. Es dzīvoju Latvijā. I live in Latvia. I live in Latvia. Noteikti. For sure. Definitely. Tas ir labs darījums. It's a good deal. It's a good deal. Paldies, man iet labi. I am fine, thank you. Thank you, I'm fine. Viņš priecāsies tevi redzēt. He'll be glad to see you. He'll be happy to see you. Es ceru, ka mēs to atradīsim. I hope we find it. I hope we find it. Par ko tu runā. What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Kāda mūzika tev patīk labāk, rokmūzika vai klasiskā mūzika? Which do you like better, rock music or classical music? What kind of music do you like better, rock music or classical music? Bells izgudroja telefonu. Bell invented the telephone. Bell invented the phone. Cik labi tu pazīst savus kaimiņus? How well do you know your neighbors? How well do you know your neighbors? Paldies! Thank you! Thank you. Man nekad nav bijis daudz naudas. I never had much money. I've never had much money. Viņiem nebija pietiekoši daudz zelta. They did not have enough gold. They didn't have enough gold. Uz šosejas ir satiksmes sastrēgums. There is a traffic jam on the highway. There's traffic congestion on the highway. Saskaitīšana un atņemšana ir matemātiskās funkcijas. Addition and subtraction are functions of mathematics. Addition and subtraction are mathematical functions. Toms ir aiz tevis. Tom is behind you. Tom's behind you. Lūdzu, runājiet lēnāk! Please speak more slowly! Please slow down! Tas ir labs jautājums. That's a good question. That is a good question. Lai arī es esmu noguris, es strādāšu cītīgi. Though I am tired, I will work hard. Although I am tired, I will work hard. Kāpēc es šādi jūtos? Why do I feel this way? Why do I feel that way? Vai tu esi garlaicīgs? Piedod, vai tev ir garlaicīgi? Are you boring? Sorry, are you bored? Are you boring? Toms atdzīvināja Mariju. Tom resuscitated Mary. Tom revived Mary. Es vairs nedzīvoju Bostonā. I don't live in Boston anymore. I'm not living in Boston anymore. Sveiks, kā tev klājas? Hello, how are you? Hey, how are you? Tev ir zirgs. You have a horse. You got a horse. Tā ir imitācija. That's an imitation. It's a simulation. Es domāju ka es esmu jau redzējis to filmu. I've already seen that movie, I think. I think I've already seen that movie. Tas bija viņa ieradums pamosties agri. It was his habit to get up early. It was his habit to wake up early. Policisti neatradīs tevi šeit. The cops won't find you there. The cops won't find you here. Vai jūs runājat latviski? Do you speak Latvian? Do you speak Latvian? Es pirmais jautāju. I asked first. I asked first. Saulīte spīd. The sun is shining. The sun shines. Mēs nezinam kur Toms palika. We don't know where Tom went. We don't know where Tom stayed. Toms nevar atlaist Mariju. Tom can't fire Mary. Tom can't forgive Mary. Kā mēs paspēsim to izdarīt līdz pirmdienai? How will we get this done by Monday? How will we be able to do this before Monday? Viņš zin visu par Vāciju. He knows everything about Germany. He knows everything about Germany. "Ko nozīmē NLO?" - Man šķiet, ka tas ir "neidentificēts lidojošs objekts". "What does U.F.O. stand for?" "It means Unidentified Flying Object, I guess." "What does UFO mean?" I think it's an "unidentified flying object." Tomam un Marijai bija jāaizņemās nauda no Džona, lai samaksātu īri. Tom and Mary had to borrow money from John to pay their rent. Tom and Mary had to borrow money from John to pay the rent. Viņa dēls ir slims. His son is sick. His son is sick. Es saku taisnību man viņš nepatīk. To tell the truth, I don't like him. I'm telling the truth I don't like him. Paspiedz man to telefonu. Hand me that phone. Press me that phone. Vai tu runā kā itāļi? Do you speak like the Italians? Are you talking like Italians? Es ēdu maizi. I'm eating bread. I ate bread. Es tur eju visu laiku. I go there all the time. I'm going all the time. Neviens vēlas, lai jūs būtu laimīgs. Nobody wants you to be happy. Nobody wants you to be happy. Viņš vēlētos lai viņam būtu krāšņi mati. He wishes he had glorious hair. He'd like him to have beautiful hair. Es klikšķināju uz mājaslapas, bet nekas nenotika. I clicked the link, but nothing happened. I clicked on the website, but nothing happened. Priecīgas Lieldienas! Happy Easter! Merry Easter! Es vēlētos lai man būtu labākas atmiņas. I wish I had a better memory. I wish I had better memories. Tomam ir trīs skaistas meitas. Tom has three gorgeous daughters. Tom has three beautiful daughters. No kurienes jūs esat? Where are you from? Where are you from? Mums vajadzētu mācīties kopā. We should study together. We should learn together. Turies pa gabalu no tā. Keep away from that. Stay away from it. Es gribētu mācīties latviešu valodu. I would like to learn Latvian. I would like to learn Latvian. Viss nostājās savā vietā. Everything went back in place. It's all in its place. Sveika. Hello! Hey. Bet ir problēma. But there's a problem. But there's a problem. Tomam ir laba redze. Tom has good eyesight. Tom's got good eyesight. Es zinu kas Tomam patīk. I know what Tom likes. I know what Tom likes. Vai tev ir māja? Do you have a house? Do you have a house? Viņš runā krieviski. He speaks Russian. He's speaking Russian. Piedod ka nobiedēju. Sorry for frightening you. I'm sorry I scared you. Vācu futbola komanda pārspēja brazīliešus pārliecinoši. The German soccer team beat Brazil convincingly. The German football team beat the Brazilians convincingly. Mūsu valsts ir krīzē. Our country is in a crisis. Our country is in crisis. Sveiks, Čikāga! Hello, Chicago! Hey, Chicago! Toms šodien izskatās savādāk. Tom seems different today. Tom looks different today. Lai ko tu darītu, nevelc šo virvi! Whatever you do, don't pull this rope. Whatever you do, don't pull this rope! Es ienīstu pasauli, jo pasaule ienīst mani! I hate the world because the world hates me. I hate the world because the world hates me! Nāc atpakaļ. Get back here. Come back here. Neviens negrib dzert? Nobody wants to drink? No one wants to drink? Tu tagad gatavo. You're cooking now. You're preparing now. Es esmu noguris no zaudēšanas. I'm tired of losing. I'm tired of losing. Vienkārši jāatsauc atmiņā un jāliek uz papīra. It's just to remind and put it on paper. Just have to be remembered and put on paper. Kāds ir tavas māsīcas vārds? What's your cousin's name? What's your cousin's name? Es zinu cik naudas Tomam ir. I know how much money Tom has. I know how much money Tom has. Dabiski. Naturally. Naturally. Zirgs ir mežā. The horse is in the forest. The horse's in the woods. Ko tu meklē? What're you looking for? What are you looking for? Vai man vajadzētu nogriezties pa kreisi, pa labi, jeb doties taisni? Should I turn left, right, or go straight? Should I turn left, right, or go straight? Es viņu satiku pirms stundas. I met her an hour ago. I met her an hour ago. Es gaidīju desmit minūtēm. I waited for ten minutes. I was waiting ten minutes. Ko jūs sakāt? What do you say? What are you saying? Tev vajag man piebiedroties. You must join me. You need to join me. Viņa bija burve. She was an enchantress. She was a magician. Apkārt dīķim kādreiz bija lieli koki. There used to be big trees around the pond. There were once large trees around the pond. Ir grūti runāt publiski. It is hard to speak in public. It's hard to talk to the public. Es nevēlos piedalīties ceremonijā. I don't want to participate in the ceremony. I don't want to take part in the ceremony. Man likās, ka es to noliku tur. I thought I put it right there. I thought I put it there. Astoņkājiem ir trīs sirdis. Octopuses have three hearts. Eight-leggeds have three hearts. Toms izdarīja uz mani spiedienu. Tom put pressure on me. Tom put pressure on me. Tagad, kad esmu tievāka, es varu uzvilkt šo kleitu. Now that I'm thinner, I can fit into this dress. Now that I'm thinr, I can put this dress on. Mana atmiņa ir lēna. My memory is slow. My memory is slow. Mēs neizdarījām neko sliktu. We did nothing wrong. We didn't do anything wrong. Burj Khalīfah pašlaik ir pasaulē augstākais debesskrāpis. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifah is currently the world's highest skyscraper. Vai tu vari man pateikt, kas tas ir? Can you tell me what this is? Can you tell me what it is? Jokains ir man labs draugs. Yokhen is my good friend. Jockane's a good friend to me. Viņš izmantoja savu lietussargu kā ieroci. He used his umbrella as a weapon. He used his umbrella as a weapon. Ko Toms uzdāvināja tev dzimšanas dienā? What did Tom get you for your birthday? What did Tom give you on your birthday? Trīs bērni atvēra ēkas durvis. Three children opened the door of the building. Three children opened the building door. Es nezinu ko tas nozīmē. I didn't know what that meant. I don't know what that means. Viņi ar Indiāņiem gribēja dzīvot mierā. They wanted to live in peace with the Indians. They and the Indians wanted to live in peace. Vai tu gribētu redzēt to. Would you like to see it? Would you like to see it. Šonakt tu gulēsi labāk. You'll sleep better tonight. You're gonna sleep better tonight. Es šodien nopirku pienu. I bought milk today. I bought milk today. Pulkstenis nestrādā. The clock is not working. The clock doesn't work. Man jāzin viss. I need to know everything. I need to know everything. Mēs uzkāpām līdz virsotnei. We climbed to the top. We climbed to the top. Tu neizskaties priecīgs mani redzot. You don't seem too happy to see me. You don't look happy to see me. Tas bija pele. It was a mouse. It was a mouse. Tas ir māja, kurā premjerministrs dzīvo. This is the house in which the prime minister lives. It is the house in which the Prime Minister lives. Es ceru, ka varu to paveikt. I hope that I can do it. I hope I can do this. Es dzīvoju Bakū. I live in Baku. I live in Baku. Mēs esam izlēmuši. We're dedicated. We've decided. Es nezinu kā es to izdarīju. I don't know how I did that. I don't know how I did it. Es nedzīvoju Somijā. I don't live in Finland. I don't live in Finland. Kā jums klājas? How are you going? How are you? Mums pat to nevajag. We don't even need this. We don't even need that. Es dzīvoju Perū. I live in Peru. I live in Peru. Laimīgu ceļu! Have a nice trip! Happy way! Kur viņš aizgāja pagājušajā piektdienā? Where did he go last Friday? Where did he go last Friday? Kur ir jūsu skola? Where is your school? Where's your school? Šie zirgi ir viņa. These horses are his. These horses are her. Tu sadirsi manu dzīvi. You fucked up my life. You're gonna ruin my life. Es esmu ļoti laimīgs Džordžijā. I am very happy in Georgia. I'm very happy in Georgia. Es esmu pazaudejis savus draugus I've lost my friends. I've lost my friends Toms runā Japāņu valoda labāk nekā Japāņi. Tom speaks Japanese better than Japanese do. Tom speaks Japanese better than Japanese. Viņš bija noguris, tomēr viņš devās viņiem palīdzēt. He was tired, and yet he went to help them. He was tired, but he went to help them. Kas tev ir svarīgs? What is important for you? What's important to you? Viņš nav tāds cilvēks, kurš paļaujas uz citu palīdzību. He is not the sort of man who counts on others for help. He is not a person who relies on the help of others. Kāds vārds tiks dots bērnam? What name will be given to the child? What will be the name given to the child? Beduīni dzīvo tuksnesī. Bedouins live in the desert. Bedouin lives in the desert. Toms turpināja runāt. Tom kept talking. Tom kept talking. Es pasaucu zēnu un viņš atnāca. I call the boy and he comes. I called the boy and he came. Godīgi sakot, es to nesaprotu. To be honest, I don't understand it. To be honest, I don't understand. Šis mums nebija viegls lēmums. This wasn't an easy decision for us. This was not an easy decision for us. Es viņu nepazīstu. I don't know him. I don't know him. Viņš salauza kāju. He broke his leg. He broke his leg. Vai tu varētu iztulkot šo teikumu angliski? Could you translate this sentence into English? Could you translate this sentence into English? Skeptiķiem bija taisnība. The skeptics were right. The skeptics were right. Viņa kaut ko teica. She said something. She said something. Es nevēlos lasīt šo grāmatu. I don't want to read this book. I don't want to read this book. Ārā līst. It's raining. It's raining outside. Es gribu kļūt par valodnieku. I want to be a linguist. I want to be a linguist. Es atvainojos, es šobrīd esmu aizņemts. I'm sorry, I'm busy right now. I'm sorry, I'm busy right now. Es priecājos dzirdēt par taviem panākumiem. I was glad to hear of your success. I am pleased to hear about your success. Toms ir stabils. Tom is stable. Tom's stable. Jā, steidzos. I'm in a hurry. Yeah, I'm in a hurry. Es ēdu sviestmaizi. I'm eating a sandwich. I ate a sandwich. Mēs mēģinam uzvarēt. We're trying to win. We're trying to win. Ko viņš ir izdarījis šodien? What has he done today? What has he done today? Sveiks, Tom. Labrīt. Hello, Tom. Good morning. Hey, Tom. Vai man tevi vajadzēja gaidīt šeit? Should I wait for you here? Did I have to wait for you here? Es gribu sarunāties ar viņu. I want to talk to her. I want to talk to him. Piecu gadu vecumā es jau varēju slēpot. At five I was already able to ski. At the age of five, I was able to ski. Es mīlu tevi - es arī mīlu tev. I love you - I love you too. I love you, I love you, too. Es atmetu cerības saņemt nesamaksāto algu. I gave up on receiving the unpaid salary. I gave up the hope of getting the unpaid salary. Toms ir dusmīgs. Tom is angry now. Tom's angry. Es neko nezinu par sievietēm. I know nothing about women. I don't know anything about women. Mans tēvs mani nogalinās. My dad will kill me. My father's gonna kill me. Viņš nekad nav bijis ārzemēs. He has never been abroad. He's never been abroad. Viņi nevēlas, lai tu zini. They don't want you to know. They don't want you to know. Viņu zināja ikviens ciematā. He was known to everybody in the village. Everyone in the village knew him. Viņš ir pārāk lēns. He is too slow. He's too slow. Nekas nepadara dižākus kā lielas ciešanas. Nothing makes us greater than a great suffering. Nothing makes it worse than great suffering. Man patīk matemātika. I like math. I like mathematics. Tā ir tava izvēle. That's your opinion. That's your choice. Istabā pastāv kaķis. There is a cat in this room. There's a cat in the room. Tas ir jautājums, kuru mums ir jāatrisina. That's the question we have to solve. This is an issue that we need to resolve. Es esmu priecīgs redzēt jūs. I'm glad to see you. I'm glad to see you. Toms mācās Franču valodu. Tom is studying French. Tom learns French. Ko tu ar to domā? What do you mean by that? What do you mean? Viņam ir plāni. He has plans. He's got plans. Iztīri savu istabu. Clean your room. Clear your room. Jā. Cik tie maksā? Yes, how much do they cost? How much do they pay? Pēc uzkāpšanas Fuji kalnā, es guvu iedvesmu uzrakstīt dzejoli. After climbing Mt Fuji I got the inspiration for a poem. After getting up on Mount Fuji, I was inspired to write a poem. Viņš dzēra daudz vakar. He drank a lot yesterday. He drank a lot yesterday. Es tā negribēju! I didn't want it! I didn't want that! Vai tu kādreiz velc tauriņu? Do you ever wear a bow tie? Are you ever wearing a butterfliest? Vai tev ir labi jaunumi. Do they have any good news? Do you have good news? Šī ir dāvana jums. This is a present for you. This is a gift for you. Es saprotu jūsu valodu. I understand your language. I understand your language. Vai mums ir laiks? Do we have time? Do we have time? Šī vieta ir liela, vai ne? This place is large, isn't it? This place is big, isn't it? Es ienīstu kafiju. I hate coffee. I hate coffee. Negribu iet uz skolu. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Tu pabeidzi mazgāt rokas? Are you done washing your hands? Did you finish washing your hands? Jūsu dēls ir slims. Your son is sick. Your son is sick. Es mīlu tevi un gribu tevi precēt. I love you and I want to marry you. I love you and I want to marry you. Neesmu pirāts. I'm not a pirate. I'm not a pirate. Tas mani nepārsteidz. It doesn't surprise me. That doesn't surprise me. Es mīlu savu pilsētu. I love my city. I love my city. Kosmosa stacijas komanda parasti guļ guļammaisos kuri atrodas mazas kabines. Space station crews usually sleep in sleeping bags located in small crew cabins. The space station team usually sleeps in sleeping bags located in small cabs. Šī kastē ir pieci āboli. This box contains five apples. This box contains five apples. Vai tu mēģināji viņā ieklausīties? Did you try to listen to her? Did you try to listen to him? Pēdējo reizi, kad es redzēju Tomu, viņš bija basām kājām. The last time I saw Tom he was barefoot. Last time I saw Tom, he was bare feet. Kā Jūs sauc? What is your name? What's your name? Es mācu ģeogrāfiju. I teach geography. I teach geography. Mēs jau tur esam bijuši. We've been there before. We've been there already. Es apstiprināju pasūtījumu. I confirmed the order. I confirmed the order. Kāds laiks šodien? What is the weather like today? What's the time today? Piedod, es tevi mīlu. I'm sorry, I love you. I'm sorry, I love you. Tev piemīt lieliska humora izjūta. You've got a great sense of humor. You have a good sense of humor. ''Cik ilgi tu paliksi Ņujorkā?'' ''Līdz sestdienai.'' "How long will you remain in New York?" "Until Saturday." ''How long will you stay in New York?' '''' Until Saturday.'' Man tas vēl nav zināms. For me it is not yet known. I don't know yet. Maja Keuc ir labs dziedātājs. Maja Keuc is a good singer. Maya Keuc is a good singer. Baidies pats savas ēnas. Fear your own shadow. Fear your own shadows. Šī ir māja, kurā es piedzimu. This is the house where I was born. This is the house I was born in. Pēc tam, kad es aizgāju, es sapratu, ka esmu aizmirsis savu mugursomu viņu mājā. After that, I left, but then I realized that I forgot my backpack at their house. After I left, I realized that I had forgotten my backpack in their house. Guli! Sleep! Get down! Viņa atvēra šādā veidā. She opened like this. She opened this way. Viņš nāca no mazas kalnu pilsētiņas. He came from a tiny mountain town. He came from a small mountain town. Mans tēvs laista puķes. My father is watering the flowers. My father's watering flowers. Ļauj man darīt savu darbu. Let me do my job. Let me do my job. Kāds ir labākais gulēšanas veids? What's the best sleeping position? What is the best way to sleep? Toms ir labs kaimiņš. Tom is a good neighbour. Tom's a good neighbor. Man nav izvēli. I don't have the option. I have no choice. Es tevi ienīstu. I hate you. I hate you. Es vēlos pateikt ''uz redzēšanos'' un ''paldies'' Esperanto valodā. Vai vari man palīdzēt? I want to say "goodbye" and "thanks" in Esperanto. Can you help me? I want to say 'to see' and 'to thank' in Esperanto. Can you help me? Tēvs ir šeit. Father is here. Father's here. Viņa ir aizņemta. Uzgaidi minūti! She is busy. Wait a minute. She's busy. Toms izskatās ka ir pazaudējis savas atslēgas. Tom seems to have lost his key. Tom looks like he's lost his keys. Mēs skrējām uz priekšu un atpakaļ, nesot spaiņus ar ūdeni. We ran back and forth, carrying buckets of water. We ran forward and back, carrying buckets with water. Man nepatīk saldējums. I do not like ice cream. I don't like ice cream. Nedēļā ir septiņas dienas. A week has seven days. It's seven days a week. Tās ir uzlabojies. It's improved. They have improved. Es nevaru atbildēt uz šo jautājumu. I can't answer this question. I cannot answer that question. Viņs ir melns krekls. He has a black shirt. He's a black shirt. Tēvi ir tur. The fathers are there. My parents are there. Toms nav piesardzīgs. Tom isn't being careful. Tom's not careful. Sveiks, tas ir Mike. Hello, this is Mike. Hey, it's Mike. Viņa ieteica viņam mazāk smēķēt. She advised him to cut down on smoking. She advised him to smoke less. Armēnija ir kalnaina valsts. Armenia is a mountainous country. Armenia is a mountainous country. Viņš atnāca un uzreiz apsēdās. He came in and immediately sat down. He came and sat down right away. Krokodili ir asiem zobiem. Crocodiles have sharp teeth. Crocodiles are sharp teeth. Vai tu redzēji kur palika Toms? Did you see where Tom went? Did you see where Tom stayed? Apsveicam! Congratulations! Congratulations! Es domāju, ka tu kļūdies. I think you're mistaken. I think you're wrong. Viņš izskatās noguris. He looks tired. He looks tired. Es iešu. I'm going to go. I'll go. Toms ir aizmidzis uz soliņa. Tom is asleep on the bench. Tom's asleep on the bench. Izvēlies krāsu, kura tev patīk vislabāk. Choose the color you like the best. Choose the color you like best. Viskijs ļoti labi iet kopā ar tēju. Whiskey goes very well with tea. Whiskey goes very well with tea. Vai tu ēdīsi to pīrāga gabalu? Are you going to eat that piece of pie? Will you eat that piece of pie? Nomierinieties visi, lūdzu. Everybody please calm down. Calm down, please. Viņa nodarbojas ar bērnu audzināšanu. She is busy with the care of her children. She is involved in raising children. Laimīgu Mātes diena! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Es gribu mirt ar Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. ''Cik ilgi tu paliksi Maskavā?'' ''Līdz sestdienai.'' "How long will you remain in Moscow?" "Until Sunday." ''How long will you stay in Moscow?' '''' Until Saturday.'' Ko Toms meklē? Who's Tom looking for? What's Tom looking for? Labdien. Hello! Hello. Es spēlēšu sudoki nekā turpināšu garlaikot tevi. I will play Sudoku then instead of continuing to bother you. I'm going to play sudoku than I'm going to keep boring you. Toms turpināja dziedāt. Tom kept sighing. Tom continued to sing. Es aizņēmos naudu. I borrow money. I borrowed money. Vai tu šeit nāc bieži? Do you come here often? Do you come here often? Toms uzbruka Marijai. Tom attacked Mary. Tom attacked Mary. Toms jau ir Bostonā. Tom is already in Boston. Tom's already in Boston. Viņai ir labs rokraksts. She has good handwriting. She's got a good handwriting. Jūs esat briesmās. You are in danger. You're in danger. Kad tu atgriezies no Londonas? When did you come back from London? When did you come back from London? Mēs prātoju, kas notiktu pēc tam, kad Toms atnāktu. We wondered what would happen after Tom showed up. We wondered what would happen after Tom came. Viņi nenāks. They won't come. They're not coming. Kāpēc cilvēki iet uz kino? Why do people go to the movies? Why do people go to the cinema? Es esmu nevainigs, es zveru. I'm innocent, I swear. I'm innocent, I swear. Esmu ļoti priecīgs, ka tu atnāci. I'm really glad you came. I'm so glad you came. Man ir daudz draugu. I have many friends. I have a lot of friends. Toms izskatījās apmulsis. Tom appeared confused. Tom looked embarrassed. Man ir skumji to dzirdēt. I am sad to hear it. I'm sad to hear that. Saskaņā ar Mērijas teikto, viņš nenāks. He's not coming, according to Mary. According to Mary, he won't come. Februārī mums ir daudz sniega. We have a lot of snow in February. We have a lot of snow in February. Vai vari man piedot? Can you forgive me? Can you forgive me? Vienu alu, ludzu! One beer, please! One beer, please! Tur ir dažas olas kastē. There are some eggs in the box. There are some eggs in the box. Man patīk viņi abi. I like them both. I like both of them. Es redzu savu galdu. I see my table. I see my desk. Es būšū izbraucis līdz nākošajai pirmdienai. I'll be out of town until next Monday. I'll have left till the next Monday. Šis kaķis ir melns. Vai suns arī? This cat is black. Is the dog, too? This cat's black. Kurš to izdarīja? Who did it? Who did it? Viņai ir laba izjūta. She has good sense. She has a good feeling. Es esmu noguris. I'm tired. I'm tired. Toms pateica to. Tom said that. Tom said it. Mūsu plāns jau sākumā nogāja greizi. Our plan went wrong from the beginning. Our plan went wrong at the beginning. Kādi jautājumi? Any questions? What questions? Toms šodien ir diezgan klus. Tom is awfully quiet today. Tom's pretty quiet today. Rosetta akmens tika atrasts 1799. The Rosetta Stone was found in 1799. Rosetta Stone was found in 1799. Astoņkājis Pols bija taisnība. Octopus Paul was right. Eight-legged Paul was right. Ko es patiešām gribu, lai Toms man iemāca, kā spēlēt dažus akordus uz mana ģitāras. What I really want is for Tom to teach me how to play a few chords on my guitar. What I really want Tom to teach me how to play some chords on my guitar. Vai tu man varētu nedaudz palīdzēt? Can you help me a little? Can you help me a little? Toms steidzās aukšup pa kapnēm. Tom rushed upstairs. Tom rushed up the tomb. Es zinu, ka nauda nav viss. I know that money isn't everything. I know that money is not all. Toms ieslēdza savas atslēgas mašīnā. Tom locked his keys in his car. Tom turned on his keys in the car. Mums ir nepatikšanas. We're in trouble. We're in trouble. Kur ir Toma pulkstenis? Where's Tom's watch? Where's Tom's clock? Es gribu dzīvot Brazīlijā. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. Mēs baidāmies. We're afraid. We're afraid. Es izgāju viens pacs. I went out by myself. I went out one pacs. Toms šāva pretīm. Tom returned fire. Tom shot each other. Man nav laika. I have no time. I don't have time. Neesmu šo grāmatu lasījis. I haven't read this book. I haven't read this book. Es palīdzu tēvam. I help the father. I'm helping my father. Vai tu neaizvērtos? Would you shut up? Wouldn't you shut up? Ar vienu valodu nekad nepietiek: One language is never enough. One language is never enough: Mēs visi kļūstam vecāki. All of us are getting older. We're all getting older. Es esmu Toma kaimiņš. I'm Tom's neighbor. I'm Tom's neighbor. Bobs un Toms esam brāļi. Bob and Tom are brothers. Bob and Tom are brothers. Liels, vai ne? Large, isn't it? Big, isn't it? Ko jūs vēlaties no Toms? What do you want from Tom? What do you want from Tom? Apgūt svešvalodu ir interesanti. Learning a foreign language is interesting. Learning a foreign language is interesting. Dzīve ir skaista. Life is beautiful. Life is beautiful. Kads ir tava brālēna vārds? What's your cousin's name? When's your cousin's name? Eiropieši ir pasaulē lielākie alkohola patērētāji. Europeans are the world's largest consumers of alcohol. Europeans are the world's largest consumer of alcohol. Viņš aizvācās prom. He's moved away. He's gone. Tev vajaga beidzot to izdarīt. You must do it at once. You have to do it at last. Viņš stāvēja kalna galotnē. He was standing at the top of the mountain. He stood at the top of the mountain. Es tev nosūtīju vēstuli. I sent you a letter. I sent you a letter. Es esmu arheoloģe. I'm an archaeologist. I'm an archaeologist. Sala bija pilnībā pamesta. The island was completely deserted. The island was completely abandoned. Šis stāsts ir vecs kā pasaule. This story is old as the world. This story is old as the world. Šodien ir pirmdiena. It is Monday today. It's Monday today. Pirms tu dod pavēles, tev jāiemācās pakļauties. Before you give orders, you must learn to obey. Before you give orders, you must learn to submit to it. Es esmu ziņkārīgs. I am curious. I'm curious. Jums ir labas atmiņas. You have a good memory. You have good memories. Es gaidīšu kamēr viņa atnāks. I will wait until she comes. I'll wait for her to come. Tā ir problēma. So there is a problem... It's a problem. Suns ir tuvu nāvei. The dog is close to death. The dog is close to death. Ēdīsim pusdienas! Let's have lunch. Let's eat lunch! Cik ilgi jūs dzīvojat Tokijā? How long have you been living in Tokyo? How long have you lived in Tokyo? Sveiks. Hello! Hey. Šajā mājā neviens nedzīvo. Nobody lives in this house. No one lives in this house. Lauva ir džungļu karalis. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is the King of the jungle. Man nebija taisnība. I was wrong. I wasn't right. Izskatās, ka viņš pazīst Annu It seems he knows Ann. Looks like he knows Anna. Man tas liekas intraneti! It seems interesting to me. I think it's intranet! Kur es esmu? Where am I? Where am I? Tas ir bīstami, nirt seklā ūdenī. It's dangerous to dive in shallow water. It's dangerous to dive in shallow water. Es tev ar prieku palīdzēšu. I will gladly help you. I'm happy to help you. Cik svarīgi? How important? How important is it? Mana skola ir netālu no stacijas. My school is near to the station. My school's not far from the station. Kā tevi sauc? What is your name? What's your name? Neiztiec mani, tu padari mani netīru! Don't you touch me, you'd make me dirty! Don't touch me, you make me dirty! Piešķir dažādību saviem ēdieniem. Give variety to your meals. Give variety to your dishes. Vai tu esi pārliecināts? Are you sure? Are you sure? Gribu rakstīt grāmatu. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. Es negribēju zaudēt. I didn't want to lose. I didn't want to lose. Mēs baidāmies. We are afraid. We're afraid. Es rīt palikšu mājās. I'll stay at home tomorrow. I'll stay home tomorrow. Viņai maksā daudz. She gets paid a lot. She pays a lot. Es dzeru lai relaksētos. I drink to relax. I drink to relax. Lūdzu, dodiet man vēl vienu iespēju. Please give me another chance. Please give me another chance. Es tevi atbrīvošu. I'll set you free. I'll free you. Lūdzu iedod man to. Please give me that. Please give me that. Viņš prot spēlēt klavieres. He plays piano. He can play piano. Tomam ir eklektiska mūzikas gaume. Tom has an eclectic taste in music. Tom has an eclectic taste of music. Istabā pastāv meitene. There is a girl in this room. There's a girl in the room. Viņam ir jautājumi. He has issues. He has questions. Vai te ir kāds, kas māk angļu valodu? Is there someone here who speaks English? Is there anyone here who can speak English? Toms nepaliks. Tom won't stay. Tom won't leave. Es to ieraudzīju no loga. I saw it from the window. I saw it from the window. Ir laiks iet uz skolu. It's time to go to school. It's time to go to school. Baltā laiva devās lejup pa straumi. The white boat went down the stream. The white boat went down the stream. Mums vajadzēja viņu gaidīt desmit minūtes. We had to wait for him for ten minutes. We should have waited ten minutes. Viņš iedeva viņam grāmatu. He gave him a book. He gave him a book. Ko tu atbildēji? What did you answer? What did you answer? Grāmatas ir kā bites, kas nes putekšņus no viena prāta uz otru. Books are the bees that carry pollen from one mind to another. Books are like bees that carry dust from one mind to another. Viņa ir ļoti atklāta. She's very open. She's very open. Tagad ir labi; ne par smagu, ne par vieglu. It's good now; neither too heavy nor too light. Now it's okay; not too heavy, not too easy. Kādā vecumā bērni beidz skolu? At what age do children leave school? At what age do children leave school? Ko tu dzersi? What can I get you for drinking? What are you gonna drink? Cik ir pulkstenis? What time is it? How long is the clock? Šis zieds ir ļoti skaists. This flower is very beautiful. This flower is very beautiful. Kapteinis, viņa mauka, sievietes un bērni pa priekšu! The captain, his whore, women and children first! Captain, his mask, women and children ahead! Es esmu veģetārietis. I am a vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. Toms turpināja smaidīt. Tom kept smiling. Tom kept smiling. Mēs vēl esam nervozi. We're still nervous. We're still nervous. Viņš tikai kliedz kad ir izsalcis. He only screams when he's hungry. He's just screaming when he's hungry. Es jūs atbrīvošu. I'll set you free. I'll free you. Kur ir problēma? Where is the problem? Where is the problem? Šīs zāles joprojām netiek pārdotas aptiekās. This medicine is still not sold in pharmacies. This medicine is still not sold in the pharmacy. Mi ne devis iri, se mi ja iris. I didn't have to go, but I did. We didn't give it, we got it. Iebāz to sev dirsā. Stick it up your arse. Put it in your shit. Es zinu, ko es darīšu. I know what I'll do. I know what I'm gonna do. Man nav zirga. I have no horse. I don't have a horse. Sveiki visiem! Hello everyone! Hello, everybody! Toms gribēja nomazgāt rokas. Tom wanted to wash his hands. Tom wanted to wash his hands. Neber cūkām pērles Do not cast pearls before swine. Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet and without necks, hearts, livers and g Viņš ir piedzēries. He's drunk. He's drunk. Viņiem ir vīns. They have wine. They have wine. Kuru daļu tu nesaproti? What part don't you understand? Which part do you not understand? Viņš mīl mūziku. He loves music. He loves music. Nejauciet Ķīniešus ar Japāņiem. Don't confuse Chinese with Japanese. Do not mix Chinese with Japanese. Saullēkts no kalna virsotnes bija neaprakstāmi skaists. The sunrise from the mountaintop was beautiful beyond description. The sunrise from the top of the mountain was indescribably beautiful. Dažreiz notiekošais ir neizprotams. Sometimes things that happen do not make sense. Sometimes things are incomprehensible. Paldies, man klājas labi. I'm fine, thank you. Thank you, I'm fine. Sveiki. Hello! Hello. Tomam tas nepatika. Tom just didn't like it. Tom didn't like it. Bērns slēpās aiz liela koka. The child was hiding behind a big tree. The child was hiding behind a big tree. Ja tu tagad apciemosi Tomu, viņš drošvien skatīsies TV If you visit Tom right now, he's probably just watching TV. If you visit Tom now, he'll probably watch TV Maria un Makija ir māsas. Mari and Maki are sisters. Maria and Macka are sisters. Vai tas zēns vai meitene? Is it a boy or a girl? Is that boy or girl? Man ir zirgs. I have a horse. I got a horse. Es studēju ķīniešu valodu Venēcijas Universitātē. I studied Chinese at the University of Venice. I studied Chinese at the University of Venice. Es strādāju šajā rūpnīcā. I worked in this factory. I work in this factory. Es esmu tavs tēvs. I am your father. I'm your father. Viņa ir mana mūza. She is my muse. She's my music. Tas ir kompliments. It's a compliment. It's a compliment. Es esmu Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Lūdzu aizslēdz seifu. Please lock the safe. Please lock the safe. Man ir balts kaķis. I have a white cat. I got a white cat. Toms mūs neatradīs. Tom won't find us. Tom won't find us. Pastāsti man ko esi atklājis. Tell me what you find out. Tell me what you've discovered. Kur ir kaķis? Where is the cat? Where's the cat? Es vairs nedzīvoju Bostonā. I no longer live in Boston. I'm not living in Boston anymore. Es redz, ka tavs mājas darbs ir gatavs pirms vakariņām. I see you had your homework ready before dinner. I see that your housework is ready before dinner. Tā ir sazvērstība. It's a conspiracy. It's a conspiracy. Es brīnos, ja turot savu galvu uz leju un dzīvojot droši ir izdzīvošanas instinkts? I wonder if keeping your head down and living safely is a survival instinct. I wonder if keeping your head down and living safely is a survival instinct? Tas nav viņa rokraksts. This is not his handwriting. It's not his handwriting. Viņi šķērsojuši robežu. They crossed the border. They've crossed the border. Šis karogs ir ļoti skaista. This flag is very beautiful. This flag is very beautiful. Rotaļlaukumā pastāv divas meitenes. There are two girls in the playground. There are two girls on the playground. Tu šeit nestrādā. You don't work here. You're not working here. Viņa apsēdās uz gultas, kad māte pina viņas matus. She sat on the bed as her mother braided her hair. She sat on the bed when the mother picks up her hair. Es dodos uz skolu ar metro. I go to school by subway. I'm going to school with a subway. Man ir žēl ka tu jūties tā. I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm sorry you feel that way. Toms pārgrieza nepareizo vadu. Tom cut the wrong wire. Tom cut the wrong wire. Viņa atnāca līdzi. She came along. She came with me. Mums vajadzētu aizsargāt mežu. We should protect the forest. We should protect the forest. Skaties, kur liec kāju. Kāpnes ir stāvas. Watch your step. The stairs are steep. Watch where you're putting your leg on. Es tev izstāstīšu visu no paša sākuma. I'll tell you everything from the beginning. I'll tell you everything from the beginning. Viņi ir jauni un veselīgi. They're young and healthy. They are young and healthy. Šis ezers ir dziļākais Japānā. This lake is the deepest in Japan. This lake is the deepest lake in Japan. Es palikšu līdz beigām. I will stay until the end. I'll stay to the end. Man nav nekādu plānu. I don't have any plans. I don't have any plans. Vai mēs neesam draugi? Aren't we friends? Are we not friends? Es parasti ceļos astoņos. I usually get up at 8. I usually travel at eight. Manam datoram jābūt noderīgam priekš kaut kā. My computer has got to be useful for something. My computer must be useful for something. Kāpēc viņiem būtu jāslēpjas? Why should they hide? Why should they hide? Kas ir visi šie cilvēki? Who are all these people? Who are all these people? Uzmanies: Angļu valodā mēs nacionalitātes, nedēļas dienas un valodas rakstām ar lielo burtu. Be careful: We capitalize nationalities, days of the week, and languages in English. Beware: In English we write nationalities, weekly days and languages in capital letters. Vai tu esi ievērojis kaut ko aizdomīgu. Have you noticed anything suspicious? Have you noticed anything suspicious? Cilvēka sirds ir aptuveni tikpat liela kā viņa dūre. A man's heart is about as large as his fist. A person’s heart is about as big as his fist. Salas ir jūrā. There are islands in the sea. The islands are at sea. Nekad nerakstiet vārdus "borščs" un "kāpostu zupa" vācu valodā! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write the words "borsch" and "cereal soup" in German! Kas notika? What's happened? What happened? Toms nekad nebija draudzīgs pret Mariju. Tom was never very friendly to Mary. Tom was never friendly to Mary. Tava meita ir skaista. Your daughters are beautiful. Your daughter is beautiful. Cilvēces šūpulis ir Āfrika. Africa is the cradle of humanity. Africa is the cradle of man. Teikumu tulkošana "Tatoebā" ir jautrāka kā mājasdarbu pildīšana. Translating sentences on Tatoeba is more fun than doing homework. Translation of sentences in Tatoeba is more fun than doing homework. Kā tu vari būt tik drošs? How could you be so certain? How can you be so sure? Man nav lieka krekla. I don't have a spare shirt. I don't have a shirt. Es gaidīju piecpadsmit minūtes. I waited for fifteen minutes. I was waiting fifteen minutes. Tu paliksi šeit. You'll stay here. You'll stay here. Es biju domājis doties iepirkties. I had intended to go shopping. I was going to go shopping. Toms spēlē ģitāru gandrīz tikpat labi kā Marija. Tom plays the guitar almost as well as Mary does. Tom plays guitar almost as good as Mary. Kad es tiku mājās, es iegāju jaukā, ledainā dušā. When I got home, I had a nice, ice-cold shower. When I got home, I went into a nice, ice shower. Viņš paslēpās aiz durvīm. He hid himself behind the door. He hid behind the door. Es esmu noraizējies par tevi. I'm worried for you. I'm worried about you. Toms turpināja klusēt. Tom kept silent. Tom kept silent. Tagad tā ir problēma. Now, this is a problem. Now it's a problem. Tas ir par daudz. That's too much! That's too much. Es nezinu kam ticēt. I didn't know what to believe. I don't know who to believe. Es zinu ko viņi viņai izdarīja. I knew what they did to her. I know what they did to her. Man ir pie dirsas. I don't give a fuck. I got a shit. Jūs vienmēr varat runāt ar mani. You can always talk to me. You can always talk to me. Toms ir atslēdzies. Tom has passed out. Tom's off. Ja tu gribi raudāt, raudi. If you want to cry, cry. If you want to cry, weep. Man nav grāmatas. I haven't got books. I don't have a book. Tas ir sniegavīrs. It's a snowman. It's a snowman. Dakter, man niez kājstarpe. Doctor, I've got an itch in my crotch. Doctor, I don't have a legging. Es nepavisam vairs neesmu jauns. I am not at all young anymore. I'm not new at all. Toms bieži to saka. Tom often says that. Tom often says that. Man nemazs nepatīk roks. I don't like punk rock at all. I don't like rock. Es lūdzu, lai jums būtu veiksme. I pray that you will have the best of luck. I beg you to have luck. Toms šeit nedzīvo. Tom doesn't live here. Tom doesn't live here. Es gribu lai tu zini ka es tevi mīlu. I want you to know that I love you. I want you to know I love you. Šodien jūra bija silta. Today the sea was warm! Today the sea was warm. 776. gadā p.m.ē. pirmās Olimpiskās spēles notika Olimpa kalna pakājē, lai godinātu grieķu galveno dievu - Zevu. In 776 B.C., the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greeks' chief god, Zeus. In 776 B.C.E., the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympics to honor the Greek chief god, Zeus. Man ir jāpabaro mans suns. I need to feed my dog. I have to feed my dog. Tev ir skaistas acis. I have got beautiful eyes. You have beautiful eyes. Kas viņš ir. Who is he? Who he is. Es dzīvošu pilsētā. I'll live in the city. I'll live in town. Viņa ir divus gadus jaunāka par mani. She's two years younger than me. She's two years younger than I am. Mums jābūt ļoti uzmanīgiem. We have to be very careful. We need to be very careful. Viņa man pateica 'Es mīlu tevi'. She said 'I love you' to me. She told me 'I love you'. Kāds ir Tavas jaunās grāmatas nosaukums? What's the title of your new book? What is the name of your new book? Toms nebija tas kurš man to iedeva. Tom wasn't the one who gave me that. Tom wasn't the one who gave it to me. Es tev atnesu šo. I brought you this. I brought you this. Man nav nekas slēpjams. I've got nothing to hide. I have nothing to hide. Es nekad neuzspēšu laikā. I'll never make it in time. I'll never be able to do it in time. Es mīlu tēju. I like tea. I love tea. Tā ir mana grāmata. This is my book. That's my book. Es mīlu tevi. I love you. I love you. Es ieradīšos. I'll attend. I'm coming. Toms turpināja dziedāt. Tom kept singing. Tom continued to sing. Tu esi bezgaršīgam. You have no taste. You're tasteless. Vai viņš atbalstīja viņas ideju. Did he support her idea? Did he support her idea. Es gribu lai tu to paņēm no Toma. I want you to take it away from Tom. I want you to take it from Tom. Man ir ļoti žēl. I'm really sorry. I'm so sorry. Ilgi dzīvo Padomju Savienībā! Long live the Soviet Union! Long live in the Soviet Union! Es nekad neesmu sāpinājis Tomu. I've never hurt Tom. I've never hurt Tom. Toms pārgrieza vadu un atmīnēja bumbu. Tom cut the wire and defused the bomb. Tom cut the wire and mined the ball. Līdz rītdienai pabeigt atskaiti ir gandrīz neiespējami. Finishing the report by tomorrow is next to impossible. It is almost impossible to complete the report by tomorrow. Mēs esam grimst. We're sinking. We're sinking. Zeme ir mazāka nekā Saule. The earth is smaller than the sun. Earth is smaller than the sun. Tu runā angliski. You speak English. You speak English. Vecāki mīl savus bērnus. Parents love their children. Parents love their children. Vai jums ir bērni? Do you have children? Do you have children? Intresanti. Interesting. Intrinsent. Kā tevi sauc? What's your name? What's your name? Es vēlos lai tu noslauki manas asaras. I want you to dry my tears. I want you to wipe my tears. Es apsēdos. I sat down. I sat down. Tomam ļoti garšo šokolādes kūka. Tom really likes chocolate cake. Tom really likes a chocolate cake. Tā ir stulba sistēma. It's a stupid system. It's a stupid system. Viņa lieliskā uzstāšanās publikā izraisīja vētrainus aplausus. His great performance drew thundering applause from the audience. His great presentation in the audience caused stormy tears. Daudz laimes dzimšanas dienā! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Toms ir mans otrais brālēns. Tom is my second cousin. Tom's my second cousin. Ceļš ir taisns, bet slīpums ir stāvs The road is straight, but the slope is steep. The road is straight but the slope is steep Es neaizmirsu. I didn't forget. I didn't forget. Ir pārāk tumšs, lai tagad spēlētu beisbolu. It's too dark to play baseball now. It's too dark to play baseball now. Es esmu redzējis Tomu darbībā. I've seen Tom in action. I've seen Tom in action. Mēs esam tikai draugi? We're only friends? We're just friends? Es esmu ļoti miegains tagad. I'm very sleepy now. I'm very sleepy now. Viņa bija inteliģenta kā arī skaista. She was intelligent as well as beautiful. She was intelligent as well as beautiful. Āfrika ir cilvēces šūpulis. Africa is the cradle of humanity. Africa is the cradle of mankind. Tu to vari. You can do it. You can do it. Nekad nepārstāj sapņot! Never stop dreaming! Never stop dreaming! Viņa māte strādā privātskolā par bibliotekāri. His mother works as a librarian at a private school. His mother works at a private school as a librarian. Atkāpies, Sātan! Step back, Satan! Back up, Satan! Persiešu valoda nav grūta valoda. Persian is not a difficult language. Persian is not a difficult language. Skaties! Vilciens ir atbraucis! Look! The train has arrived! Look, the train's here! Es atradu atslēgu Toma jakas kabatā. I found the key in Tom's jacket pocket. I found the key in Tom's jacket pocket. Jack Daniel's ir Tenesī viskijs Jack Daniel's is a Tennessee whiskey. Jack Daniel's is Tennessee whiskey Viņam bija iesauka "Kartupeļu karalis". He was nicknamed "The Potato King." He had the name "King of the cartels." Man vienalga, cik tas maksā. I don't care what it costs. I don't care how much it costs. Viņas laipnība mani aizkustināja. Her kindness touched me. Her kindness touched me. Suņi nespēj atšķirt krāsas. Dogs can't tell colors apart. Dogs are unable to distinguish between colors. Vai viņa drīz atlabs? Will she get well soon? Will she recover soon? Dažkārt suns var būt bīstams dzīvnieks. Sometimes a dog can be a dangerous animal. Sometimes a dog can be a dangerous animal. Es jūtu vajadzību darīt kautko citu šodien. I feel the need to do something different today. I feel the need to do something else today. Ceļš ir garš. The road is long. The road is long. Atdodiet man ziņojumu Pirmdien. Give me the report on Monday. Give me the report on Monday. Nomierines. Calm down. Calm down. Daži pat apsūdzēja viņu nodevībā. Some even accused him of treason. Some even accused him of betrayal. Toms izskatās garlaikots. Tom seems bored. Tom looks boring. Japānā praktiski katrai ģimenei ir veļas mašīna. In Japan, practically every family has a washing machine. In Japan, practically every family has a washing machine. Man šodien jāpagatavo vakariņas I have to cook dinner today. I have to cook dinner today Man patīk matemātika. I like mathematics. I like mathematics. Toms ieguva Amerikas pilsonību. Tom gained American citizenship. Tom got American citizenship. Es studēšu. I'm going to study. I'll study. Viņš nokavēja pēdējo vilcienu. He missed the last train. He missed the last train. Toms sēdēja viens. Tom sat alone. Tom was sitting alone. Šī ir pirmā reize, kad es apzīmogo dokumentu. This is the first time I've ever stamped a document. This is the first time I seal the document. Kad Toms ēdīs? When will Tom eat? When will Tom eat? Es esmu skolotājs. I am a teacher. I'm a teacher. Lasi grāmatu skaļi. Read the book aloud. You read the book loud. Lai jums laba diena! Have a nice day! Have a good day! Man ir āmurs, un es nebaidos to likt lietā. I have a hammer, and I'm not afraid to use it! I have a hammer, and I'm not afraid to use it. Tā ir tiešām grūti novēršama problēma. It's a truly difficult problem to fix. It is really a difficult problem to prevent. Kurš ir šīs mašīnas īpašnieks? Who is the owner of this car? Who's the owner of this car? Šeit ir jūsu somas. Here are your bags. Here are your bags. Es nespēju noticēt, ka tu mani pameti dēļ tās maukas! I can't believe he left me for that whore! I can't believe you left me because of that wallet! Ej un atvadies no viņa pirms viņš aiziet. Go and say goodbye to him before he leaves. Go and say goodbye to him before he leaves. Es būšu atpakaļ pēc stundas. I'll be back in an hour. I'll be back in an hour. Kāpēc cilvēki baidās no policijas? Why are people afraid of the police? Why are people afraid of the police? Mans TV ir pārstājis darboties. My TV has quit working. My TV has stopped working. Mums visiem jāpaliek kopā. We all need to stay together. We all have to stay together. Viņš mira cīņā. He died in battle. He died in a fight. Viņš izskatījās saslimis. He seemed to be ill. He looked sick. Es jau esmu tēvs. I'm already a father. I'm already a father. Pārim ir septiņi bērni. The couple have seven children. The couple have seven children. Oktobris bija slikts. October was worse. October was bad. Paldies tev, ka beidzot paskaidroji, kāpēc cilvēki uzskata mani par muļķi. Thanks for having explained to me at last why people take me for an idiot. Thank you for finally explaining why people think I'm stupid. Sveiks, es esmu Nancy. Hello, I am Nancy. Hey, I'm Nancy. Es zinu, ka viņš zin. I know that he knows. I know he knows. Zeme ir apaļa. The earth is round. The earth is round. Ar labu nakti! Good night! Good night! Viņš ir dārznieks. He's a gardener. He's a gardener. Viņš ir tāds cilvēks, kurš sauc lietas īstajos vārdos. He is a type of a person who calls a spade a spade. He's the man who calls things in the right words. Man vajadzēja gaidīt ilgu laiku. I had to wait for a long time. I had to wait a long time. Tad viņš apsēdās pats. And then he sat down himself. Then he sat down himself. Es to neēdīšu. I won't eat it. I won't eat it. Šī viņa attieksme ir diezgan riebīga. That attitude of his is quite disgusting. This attitude is rather disgusting. Ziņas nav labas. The news isn't good. News is not good. Es esmu trīs gadus jaunāks par viņu. I'm three years younger than he is. I'm three years younger than him. Man nav saraksta. I don't have a list. I don't have a list. Staigāt pa dzelzceļa līnijā, ir bīstami. It's dangerous to walk on railway lines. Walking along the line is dangerous. Salīdzinājumā ar Tokiju, Londona ir maza. In comparison with Tokyo, London is small. London is small compared to Tokyo. Kāpēc tu uz mani aizvien dusmojies? Why on earth are you still angry at me? Why are you mad at me all the time? Viņš ir mācījies Franču valodu astoņus gadus. He has been studying French for eight years. He has studied French for eight years. Turēsim skaistu dabu ap mums. Let's keep beautiful nature around us. Let's have a beautiful nature around us. Noģērbieties! Take off your clothes. Get the fuck out of here! Kas tas par teikumu! What about your manners! What a sentence! Es esmu students. I am a student. I'm a student. Mani vecāki zina manu draudzeni. My parents know my girlfriend. My parents know my girlfriend. Es varu jūs iemācīt, ja jūs to gribat. I can teach you if you want. I can teach you if you want to. Mūsu armija iestudētas nakts reids pret ienaidnieku. Our army staged a night raid against the enemy. Our army has a scrambled night raid against the enemy. Es mācu kādam angļu valodu. I teach English to someone. I teach someone English. Mēs dzīvojam mierā. We live in peace. We live in peace. Viņi atradīs tavus cigarešu krājumus, un tad tev būs problēmas. They're going to find your stash of cigarettes, and then you'll be in trouble. They'll find your cigarette supplies, and then you'll have a problem. Misters Jons ir vecāks nekā es domāju. Mr. John's older than I thought. Mr. Jon is older than I thought. Esmu pie pludmales. I'm at the beach. I'm at the beach. Tauta sacēlās pret ķēniņu. The people rebelled against the king. The nation rebelled against the king. Es ienīstu datorus. I hate computers. I hate computers. Es viņam nepiekrītu. I don't agree with him. I don't agree with him. Viņai ir saulesbrilles. She has sunglasses. She has sunglasses. Man patīk dzīvot Eiropā. I'd like to live in Europe. I like living in Europe. Tu smaidi. You smile. You're smiling. Man tu vairs nepatīc. I don't like you anymore. I don't like you anymore. Visi lūdz esat klusi. Everyone, please be quiet. Everyone asks you to be quiet. Šķiet ka ārā ir silts. It seems warm outside. I think it's warm out. Trīs cilvēku banda skaidrā dienas laikā aplaupīja banku. A gang of three robbed the bank in broad daylight. A gang of three robbed a bank during a clear day. Es dzēru pienu. I drank milk. I drank milk. Labvakar, Tom. Good evening, Tom. Good evening, Tom. Es ar autobusu uz darbu dodos katru dienu. I take the bus to work every day. I go to work with a bus every day. Paskaties uz to sarkano mašīnu. Look at that red car. Look at that red car. Uz veselību! Cheers! Cheers! Šis rokaspulkstenis ir ūdensizturīgs. This watch is waterproof. This watch is waterproof. Šodien ir svētdiena. Today is Sunday. It's Sunday. Mums vajag jūsu atbalsu. We need your support. We need your voice. Zaļš banāns nav pietiekoši nogatavojies, lai to ēstu. A green banana is not ripe enough to eat. Green bananas are not ripe enough to eat them. Dziesma, kas mainīja viņu dzīvi, joprojām jādzied katrā uzstāšanās reizē. The song, which changed her life, is being sung at every one of her performances. The song that changed their lives must still be sang each time. Cik bieži vajadzētu mazgāt matus. How often should you wash your hair? How often should you wash your hair. Māns jaunākais brālis skaļi kliedz. My younger brother is yelling loudly. My younger brother screams loudly. Man žēl. Es to negribēju darīt ar nolūku. I'm sorry. I didn't do it on purpose. I'm sorry, I didn't want to do that on purpose. Es esmu valstī! I am the State! I'm in the country! Toms turpināja skriet. Tom kept running. Tom kept running. Mazus uzņēmumus bieži pārņem liela kompānija. Small businesses are often absorbed by a major company. Small companies are often taken over by a large company. Es gribētu uzzināt vairāk. I'd like to know more. I'd like to know more. Ko lai es tagad daru? What should I do now? What am I gonna do now? Tev bija darīšanas ar blēdi. You had dealings with a crook. You had to deal with a scam. Es vienmēr atcerēšos tavu laipnību. I'll always remember your kindness. I'll always remember your kindness. Es varu spēlēt futbolu. I can play soccer. I can play football. Cik ilgi tu paliki? How long did you stay? How long have you been? Vai šeit tuvumā ir kāds Japāņu restorāns? Are there any Japanese restaurants near here? Is there a Japanese restaurant nearby? Toms atgriezās uzreizs. Tom returned immediately. Tom came back right away. Tas nebija mans nodoms. That wasn't my intention. It wasn't my intention. Viņi tiešām neuzvarēja. They really did win. They really didn't win. Man nepatīk, ka citi cilvēki liek man ilgi gaidīt. I hate when other people make me wait a long time. I don't like other people making me wait long. Viņa ir daudz garāka par mani. She's way taller than me. She's much longer than I am. Vai jūs vēlaties dejot? Would you like to dance with me? Do you want to dance? Tomam šeit nav draugu. Tom has no friends here. Tom doesn't have any friends here. Jūs runājat angliski. You speak English. You speak English. Fonds tika izveidots, lai palīdzētu bāreņiem. The fund was set up to help orphans. The fund was created to help orphans. Jums ir Eiropā! You're in Europe! You are in Europe! Es biju priecīgs, ka to izdarīju. I was happy I did that. I was glad I did it. Abas puses parakstīja miera līgumu. The two sides signed a peace treaty. Both sides signed a peace agreement. Brazīlija ir lielākā valsts Dienvidamerikā. Brazil is the biggest country in South America. Brazil is the largest country in South America. Es redzu baltu lauvu. I see a white lion. I see a white lion. Esmu pārliecināts ka tu to vari izdarīt vel labāk. I'm sure you can do even better. I'm sure you can do it better. Vai jūs runājat... angliski? Do you speak... English? Are you speaking... English? Tu spēlēji. You had been playing. You played. Es vel nepasūtīju vakariņas. He didn't order dinner yet. I didn't order dinner yet. Viņš ir labs vīrietis tagad tātad viņš būs labs vīrs nākotnē. He's a good guy now, so he'll make a good husband in the future. He is a good man now so he will be a good man in the future. Japāna ir pārsteigumu pilna! Japan is full of surprises! Japan is full of surprises! Es domāju, ka Toms ir bīstams. I think that Tom is dangerous. I think Tom's dangerous. Es arī redzēju Nilsi. I saw Nils, too. I saw Nils, too. Es dzīvoju Rīgā. I live in Riga. I live in Riga. Neredzot tiešsaistē veselu dienu, tu mani gandrīz pārbiedēji. It almost scared me not to see you online for a whole day. I don't see a whole day online, you almost scared me. Viņš ir angļu valodas skolotājs. He is a teacher of English. He's an English teacher. Vai tu runā angliski? Do you speak English? Are you speaking English? Tas nelīdzēs. That's not going to help. It won't help. Sava ceļojuma uz Zviedriju laikā, es ceru ieraudzīt ziemļbriedi. I hope to see reindeer on my trip to Sweden. During my trip to Sweden, I hope to see the Nordic. Tiesnesis parādīja viņam dzelteno kartiņu. The referee showed him the yellow card. The judge showed him the yellow card. Tā nav mana vaina. That's not my fault. It's not my fault. Laipni lūdzam Vikipēdijā, brīvajā enciklopēdijā, kuru var papildināt jebkurš. Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Welcome to Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia, which can be supplemented by anyone. Futbols ir mana mīļākā spēle. Football is my favorite game. Football is my favorite game. Es neesmu jūsu māte. I'm not your mother. I'm not your mother. Tas ir aizgājis par tālu. This is going too far. It's gone too far. Es viņu nožņaugšu. I'm going to strangle him. I'll strangle him. Tā cepure Tomam piestāv. That hat looks good on Tom. That hat fits Tom. Es viņu zinu. I know him. I know him. Kāpēc tu uztraucies ko cilvēki domā? Why do you care what other people think? Why are you worried about what people think? Nepiestampā dzīvojamo istabu ar dubļainām kājām. Don't tramp in the living room with muddy feet. Do not put pressure on the living room with muddy legs. Viņa lūdza viņam palikt, bet viņam bija jāiet uz darbu. She asked him to stay, but he had to go to work. She asked him to stay, but he had to go to work. Vai tu man iemācīsi kā spēlēt klavieres? Could you teach me how to play the piano? Will you teach me how to play piano? Šie zirgi ir jūsu. These horses are yours. These horses are yours. Kā iet? Vai tu esi aizņemts? How's it going? Are you busy? Are you busy? Es nokrāsoju māju. I painted the house. I painted the house. Es esmu pazaudejis savus draugus I have lost my friends. I've lost my friends Vai tava meita ir šeit. Is your daughter here? Is your daughter here? Ja viņš būtu zinājis patiesību, viņš man būtu pateicis. If he'd known the truth, he'd have told me. If he knew the truth, he would have told me. Redzot maukas dēlu metam akmeņus cilvēku pūlī, viņš teica: "Uzmanies, tu vari trāpīt savam tēvam." Seeing the son of a whore throwing rocks at a crowd, he said: "Be careful, you could hit your father." When he saw his son throw stones into a crowd of people, he said, "Be careful, you can hit your father." Mēs labāk paliksim šeit. We prefer to stay here. We'd better stay here. Tavs vīrs tevi krāpj. Your husband is cheating on you. Your husband cheats on you. Es kādu atradīšu. I'll find somebody. I'll find someone. Vai es jūs netraucēju? Am I disturbing you? Don't I bother you? Uz redzēšanos. See you later! Goodbye. Tas ir skumji ka viņa ir bagāta. It is said that she is rich. It's sad that she's rich. Džeimss pārdeva savu mašīnu. James sold his car. James sold his car. Cilvēkiem vajadzētu mīlēt citam citu. People should love each other. People should love one another. Būs jau labi. All will be fine. It's gonna be okay. Es uzcēla jaunu māju. I built a new house. I built a new house. Eiropieši ir lielākie alkohola patērētāji pasaulē. Europeans are the largest consumers of alcohol in the world. Europeans are the world's largest consumer of alcohol. Kur tas notika? Where did it happen? Where did this happen? Šizuko sarakstīja poēmu par gadalaiku maiņu. Shizuko composed a poem about the change of the seasons. Shizuko wrote a poem about changing seasons. Toms apsēdās tuvu. Tom sat nearby. Tom sat close. Mēs piekrītam. We agree. We agree. Viņa ir mauka. She is a whore. She's a mask. Viņš zina patiesību. He knows the truth. He knows the truth. Toms nepatīk sieru. Tom doesn't like cheese. Tom doesn't like cheese. Cik tas maksā? How much is it? How much does it cost? Pulkstenis ir bez piecpadsmit minūtēm trīs. It's a quarter to three. The clock is without fifteen minutes three. Es tevi mīlu daudz vairāk kā to varu izteikt vārdos. I love you more deeply than I can say. I love you much more than I can say in words. Es lasīju vēstuli. I read a letter. I read the letter. Par ko Toms runāja? What did Tom talk about? What was Tom talking about? Tas ir ļoti ass nazis! That is a very sharp knife! It's a very sharp knife! Mana kļūda. My mistake. My mistake. Ja tev ir iespēja, lūdzu pārbaudi savu pastkasti. If you have a chance, please check your mailbox. If you have a chance, please check your mailbox. Tas ir lieliski! Jūs smieties, noteikti. It's great! You'll laugh for sure. It's great! You laugh, definitely. Toms ielika savas somas bagāžniekā, tad ieleca mašīnā un aizbrauca. Tom put his bags in the trunk, then hopped in the car and drove off. Tom put his bags in the trunk, then jumped into the car and left. Es esmu atraitne. I am a widow. I'm a widow. Tu esi dziedātājs. You are a singer. You're a singer. Toms ir atgriezies. Tom is back in town. Tom's back. Es esmu jūs kaut kur redzējis. I've seen you before. I've seen you somewhere. Viņa ir ārste. She is a doctor. She's a doctor. Man šķiet, ka Toms bija tas, kurš nozaga manu maku. I think Tom was the one who stole my wallet. I think Tom was the one who stole my wallet. Pēc manām domām, tas varētu būt grūti atrisināt šo problēmu. In my opinion, it would be difficult to solve this problem. In my opinion, this could be difficult to solve. Toms ir pie bāra. Tom is at the bar. Tom's at the bar. Man ir sāpes kuņģī. I have a stomachache. I have stomach pain. Es esmu ļoti laimīgs Gruzijā. I am very happy in Georgia. I am very happy in Georgia. Tas nav daudz priekš pārsteiguma, vai ne? It's not much of a surprise, is it? It's not a lot for a surprise, is it? Man nav nekā ieplānota šonedēļ. I have nothing on this weekend. I have nothing to plan for this week. Viņa viņam ļāva braukt pašam. She let him drive on his own. She let him go. Kens nav pietiekoši drosmīgs, lai mēģinātu atkal. Ken isn't brave enough to try again. Ken is not brave enough to try again. Viņš kaut ko teica. He said something. He said something. Tu vari viņam uzticēties. You can trust him. You can trust him. Man nepatīk auksta kafija. I don't like cold coffee. I don't like cold coffee. Iedod cilvēkam zivi un viņš būs paēdis vienu dienu. Iemāci cilvēkam ķert zivis un viņš būs paēdis visu mūžu. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Give a man fish and he will eat one day. Teach a man to catch fish and he will eat all his life. Tā gulta ir ļoti ērta. That bed is very comfortable. It's a very comfortable bed. Valoda ir dzīvs organisms. Language is a living organism. Language is a living organism. Es vakarnakt neskatījos televizoru, bet mācījos angļu valodu. I did not watch TV but studied English last night. I didn't watch TV last night, but I studied English. Vai jums iet ar mums? Will you go with us? Are you coming with us? Man likās, ka es to noliku tur. I thought that I put it right there. I thought I put it there. Es esmu resns. I am fat. I'm fat. Rēķinā ir kļūda There's a mistake in the bill. There is an error on the invoice Tā bija pirmā reize, ka es apmeklēju muzeju. It was the first time that I visited the museum. It was the first time I visited a museum. Vai tu vari mani sekot? Can you follow me? Can you follow me? Toms mani neapturēs. Tom won't stop me. Tom won't stop me. Toms iet uz skolu kājām. Tom goes to school by foot. Tom's going to school. Šī ir tā pildspalva ar kuru viņš parakstīja dokumentus. This is the pen that he signed the document with. This is the pen with which he signed the documents. Mēs kļuvām par labiem draugiem. We became good friends. We became good friends. Iedod man savu grāmatu! Give me your book. Give me your book! Suns aizbēga A dog ran away. The dog ran away Mums nepieciešami daži vārdi, lai pateiktu to, kas ir būtisks. We need few words to express what is essential. We need a few words to say what is essential. Lūdz iedod man šo naudu. Please give me this money. Please give me this money. Šodien es raudu! Today I'm crying! I'm crying today! Man to šodien nevajaga darīt. I don't have to do that today. I don't need to do this today. Mēs noteikti ielūgsim Tomu. We'll certainly invite Tom. We're sure to invite Tom. Viņiem vispirms vajadzētu pajautāt Tomam. They should ask Tom first. They should ask Tom first. Es dzīvoju pilsētā. I live in a city. I live in town. Ārā no gultas! Get out of bed. Get out of bed! Mans tēvs ir aizņemts. My father is busy. My father's busy. Es neizpildīju savus mājasdarbus. I didn't do my homework. I didn't do my homework. Policija nokļuva negadījuma vietā. The police got to the scene of the accident. The police got to the scene of the accident. Ja vien es būtu jaunāks. If only I was younger. If only I was younger. Viņš pat to neizlasīja He didn't even read it. He didn't even read it Vai tev vajag mūsu palīdzību. Do you require our help? Or you need our help. Viņa mazgāja traukus. She was washing the dishes. She washed the dishes. Paliec! Stay! Stay! Pēdējā laikā mums ir bijušas vairākas nelaimes. Recently we have had several disasters. We have had a number of disasters recently. Viņa ir saģērbusies ballītei. She dressed up for the party. She's dressed up for a party. Viņš maksā ar kredītkarti. He pays with a credit card. He pays with a credit card. Es ceru, ka varu to izdarīt. I hope that I can do it. I hope I can do this. Prieks iepazīties. Pleased to meet you. Nice to meet you. Vai tu zini tava bērna tēva asins grupu? Do you know your child's father's blood type? Do you know your child's father's blood group? Tu esi par jaunu lai mirtu mans draugs. You're too young to die, my friend. You're too young to die my friend. Viņa ir ļoti gudra, vai ne? She's really smart, isn't she? She's very smart, isn't she? Es zinu ko viņi viņam izdarīja. I knew what they did to him. I know what they did to him. Es domāju, ka tu esi jauks. I think you're nice. I think you're nice. Kad būs nākamā ekskursija ar gidu? When is the next guided tour? When's the next tour with the guide? Es šodien nejūtos labi. I don't feel well today. I'm not feeling well today. Tev ir slikta elpa. You have bad breath. You have a bad breath. Kal dzelzi, kamēr iā karsta. Strike while the iron is hot. Fucking iron while it's hot. Mēs atradām bruņurupucis dārzā. We found a turtle in the garden. We found the turtle in the garden. Facebook man nozog daudz laika. Facebook eats up a lot of my time. Facebook steals a lot of time. Es domāju tāpat. I agree. I think so. Viņš pelna daudz naudas akciju tirgū. He's making a lot of money in the stock market. He earns a lot of money in the stock market. Nav brīnums, ka prezentētāja izklausījās dīvaini, viņa bija saslimusi. No wonder that the presenter sounded weird, she was sick. No wonder the presenter sounded strange, she was sick. Kas tas varētu būt? What could it be? What could that be? Dēļ ultravieglajiem materiāliem mūsu produkts tagad sver apmēram uz pusi mazāk kā iepriekš! As a result of new ultra-light materials, our product now only weighs about half as much as before! Because of ultralight materials, our product now weighs about half as much as before! Es nevaru pateikt nevienam. I won't tell anyone. I can't tell anyone. Es varu to izdarīt bez tavas palīdzības. I can do it without your help. I can do this without your help. Es nevaru stādīt kokus šeit. Šī zeme ir pārāk sausa. I cannot plant trees here. This land is too dry. I can't plant trees here. This land is too dry. Toms gandrīz vienmēr uz darbu dodas ar mašīnu. Tom almost always goes to work by car. Tom almost always goes to work by car. Tā ir tikai saaukstēšanās. It's just a cold. It's just a cold. Tas ir labi, vai ne? That's good, isn't it? That's good, isn't it? Ko tu domā par mani? What do you think of me? What do you think of me? Sanāksme beigsies rīt. The meeting will end tomorrow. The meeting will end tomorrow. Viņa izpūta no mušas ziloni. She is making a mountain out of a molehill. She blew the elephant out of the fly. Toms ir vīlies. Tom is disappointed. Tom's disappointed. Te ir mana sirds. Here is my heart. This is my heart. Protams, ka es neesmu redzējis visus marihuānas lietotājus. Taču marihuānas lietošana izraisa īslaicīgu stulbumu. To zin visi. Of course, I haven't seen all marijuana users. But marijuana use causes temporary stupidity. Everyone knows that. Of course, I haven't seen all users of marijuana, but the use of marijuana causes temporary stupidity. Tomam vajag tavu palīdzību. Tom needed your help. Tom needs your help. Putniņi lidoja uz dienvidiem. The birds flew to the south. The birds were flying south. Mēs esam gluži kā brāļi. We're just like brothers. We're just like brothers. Viņš tiešām grib strādāt par tulkotāju. He really wants to work as a translator. He really wants to work as a translator. Viņš turēja savu vārdu. He kept his word. He kept his name. Es nopirkšu lielu māju. I will buy a big house. I'll buy a big house. Es neatceros cik garš tu esi. I don't remember how tall you are. I don't remember how long you are. Tu man patiešām ļoti patīc. I really like you a lot. I really like you. Vai jūs nevarētu Lūdzu to uzrakstīt? Please write it down. Couldn't you write it? Es gribu zobenu! I want to have a sword! I want a sword! Prieks iepazīties. Es esmu skudrulācis. Pleased to meet you. I am an anteater. Nice to meet you, I'm an ant. Viņa aizmirsa aizslēgt durvis. She forgot to lock the door. She forgot to lock the door. Es nevaru šodien iet uz darbu, jo man ir gripa. I can't go to work today because I have the flu. I can't go to work today because I have a flu. Uz skatuves es kļuvu nervozs. I got nervous on the stage. I became nervous on stage. Cena ir kritusies nesen. Prices have dropped recently. The price has recently fallen. Vai jums ir māja? Do you have a house? Do you have a house? Karavīrs tika ievainots kājā. The soldier was wounded in the leg. The soldier was wounded in his leg. Es zināju, ka viņš melo. I knew that he lies. I knew he was lying. Viņš klājas labi. He's doing well. He's good. Es negribu strādāt šādos apstākļos. I don't want to work under these conditions. I do not want to work in such circumstances. Toms man apsolīja dot visu ko es gribu. Tom promised to give me anything I wanted. Tom promised me everything I wanted. Automašīnas vējstikls tika sadauzīts gabalos. The front windshield of a car was smashed to pieces. The car's windshield was broken into pieces. Mēs bijām pārsteigti par šo ziņu. We were surprised by that news. We were surprised by this message. Kāpēc tu neapciemo mūs. Why don't you come visit us? Why don't you visit us? Viņš lūdza tēvam nopirkt velosipēdu. He begged his father to buy him a bicycle. He asked Father to buy a bike. Šis ir Toma kaķis. This is Tom's cat. This is Tom's cat. Rīt mēs noskūsimies par brīvu. Tomorrow, we shave for free. Tomorrow we'll shave for free. Mēs neko nevēlamies ņemt. We don't want to take anything. We don't want to take anything. Toms pateica ar labunakti. Tom said goodnight. Tom said good night. Toms ļāva Marijai aizmukt. Tom let Mary escape. Tom allowed Mary to get away. Ja tu esi aizņemts? When are you busy? If you're busy? Viņa atnāca mājās ļoti vēlu. She came home very late. She came home very late. Zēns nav garš. The boy is not tall. The boy's not long. Es dzirdēju, ka jūs esat ļoti bagāts. I hear you're very rich. I heard you're very rich. Viņam patīk spēlēt futbolu. He likes playing football. He likes to play football. Pat tad kad viņš atvainojis es joprojām esmu nikns. Even though he apologized, I'm still furious. Even when he apologized, I'm still angry. Viņa vārdi aizrāva visus, pat opozīciju. His words excited everyone, even the opposition. His words touched everyone, even the opposition. Man nevajadzēja izlogoties. I shouldn't have logged off. I shouldn't have left. Toms ir gudrs zēns. Tom is a smart kid. Tom's a smart boy. Vairāk un vairāk studentu pievienojas protestiem. More and more students are joining the protests. More and more students join the protests. Es nekad neaizmirsīšu šo dienu. I will never forget this day. I'll never forget this day. "Kur ir Toms?" "Es nezinu. Viņš pirms dažām minūtēm vēl te bija." "Where's Tom?" "I don't know. He was here a few minutes ago." "Where is Tom?" "I don't know, he was here a few minutes ago." Optisko šķiedru kabeļi var caurlaist milzīgu daudzumu informācijas. Fibre-optic cables can carry huge amounts of information. Optical fiber cables can pass a huge amount of information. Vai tu atnāksi? Will you come? Will you come? Esmu dārzā. I am in the garden. I'm in the garden. Es nebiju parāk uztraucies. I wasn't too worried. I wasn't worried too much. Viņi nav tādi kā mēs. They aren't like us. They're not like us. Viņš atkal un atkal pārlasīja vēstuli, kuru viņa bija nosūtījusi viņam, bet joprojām to neizprata. He read the letter she mailed to him over and over again, but still did not understand it. He read again and again the letter she had sent to him, but he still did not understand it. Daijisen un Daijirin ir ļoti līdzīgi. Daijisen and Daijirin are very similar. Daijsen and Daijirin are very similar. Viņa ir dušā. She's in the shower. She's in the shower. Tu pazaudēji svaru. You've lost weight. You lost weight. Viņš ir pārāk noguris, lai mācītos. He is too tired to study. He's too tired to learn. Laimīgs gadījums! Veiksmi! Good luck. Happy case! Good luck! Es nekad neesmu sāpinājusi Tomu. I've never hurt Tom. I've never hurt Tom. Kurš vēlas būt miljonārs? Who wants to be a millionaire? Who wants to be a millionaire? Viņš liekas aizņemts. Es nevaru ar viņu sazināties. He seems very busy. I can't come into contact with him. He seems busy, I can't get in touch with him. Vai jūs atceraties šo spēli? Do you remember this game? Do you remember this game? Es nezinu, ar kādiem ieročiem cilvēki cīnīsies Trešajā pasaules karā, bet Ceturtajā pasaules karā viņi cīnīsies ar nūjām un akmeņiem. I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. I don't know what weapons people will fight in the Third World War, but in the Fourth World War they will fight sticks and stones. Tās ir mūsu mašīnas. They are our cars. It's our cars. ''Vai tu to varētu izdarīt manā vietā?'' ''Piedod, es esmu pārāk aizņemts.'' "Could you do this instead of me?" "Sorry, I'm too busy." ''Can you do it in my place?' '' 'I'm sorry, I'm too busy.'' Tev vajag nogriezt matus. You need to get your hair cut. You need to cut off your hair. Es nevaru dziedāt. I can't sing. I can't sing. Saki to skaidri skaļā balsī. Say it clearly in a loud voice. Say it with a loud voice. Es neesmu ārsts. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Mans vīrs man iedeva sarkanu mašīnu. My husband gave me a red car. My husband gave me a red car. Toms ir kazanova. Tom is a cassanova. Tom's a goat. Tava atbilde ir nepareiza. Your answer is wrong. Your answer is wrong. Es nevaru atcerēties kurš to teica. I can't recall who said that. I can't remember who said it. Es lasu šo grāmatu. I'm reading this book. I'm reading this book. Mēs ejam uz centru iepirkties. We're going downtown to go shopping. We go to the center to shop. Es ilgojos pēc tevis. I long for you. I miss you. Tas ir neīsts. That's a fake. It's fake. Astronautiem nav svara un var gulēt jebkādā pozīcijā. Bet, viņiem ir sevi jāpiesprādzē lai viņi nelidinātos apkārt un nekam neuztriektos. Astronauts are weightless and can sleep in any orientation. However, they have to attach themselves so they don't float around and bump into something. Astronauts have no weight and can sleep in any position. But, they need to take a seat on them so that they don’t fly around and do nothing to touch them. Ar nori būti turtingas? Do you want to be rich? Do you want to be rich? Kaip seniai pradėjai mokytis esperantų kalbos? How long ago did you start learning Esperanto? How long have you started learning Esperanth language? Mes įkalbėjome jį pakeisti savo nuomonę. We persuaded him to change his mind. We persuaded him to change his mind. Ji niekada nesužinojo tiesos. She never found out the truth. She never knew the truth. Jūs galite sedėti kur tik norite. You may sit wherever you like. You can sit wherever you want. Jo širdis sudaužyta. His heart is broken. His heart's broken. At turime užtektinai kėdžių? Do we have enough chairs? Do we have enough chairs? Po filmo jie užmigo. After the movie they fall asleep. They fell asleep after the movie. Tu turi padėti savo motinai. You must help your mother. You have to help your mother. Čia puiku. It's great out here. It's great. Neblogai, bet aš truputį pavargęs. Not bad, but I'm a bit tired. Not bad, but I'm a little tired. Pasakyk man kurią duoną tu nori valgyti. Tell me which bread you want to eat. Tell me which bread you want to eat. Jis neprisimena ar tas kambarys buvo tuščias ar ne. He doesn't remember whether that room was empty or not. He doesn't remember whether that room was empty or not. Aš nemanau kad ji tą suprastų. I don't think she would understand it. I don't think she can understand that. Tame nėra nieko neteisingo. There is nothing wrong with this. There's nothing wrong with it. Nupirkau kamerą už trisdešimt dolerių. I bought a camera for 30 dollars. I bought my cell for $30. Argi ne taip? Isn't it so? Isn't that right? Mano kūdikis nori kalbėti. My baby wants to talk. My baby wants to talk. Aš geriu pieną. I drink milk. I'm drinking milk. Marika išvertė mano knygą į vokiečių kalbą. Marika translated my book into German. Marika translated my book into German. Tu nežinai kaip stipriai aš tave myliu. You don't know how much I love you. You don't know how much I love you. Aš turiu tokį patį žodyną, kaip tavo brolis. I have the same dictionary as your brother has. I have the same dictionary as your brother. Dievas padeda tiems, kurie patys sau padeda. God helps those who help themselves. God helps those who help themselves. Žinojau, kad jums patiks Bostonas. I knew you'd like Boston. I knew you'd like Boston. Man nėra ko prarasti. I've got nothing to lose. I have nothing to lose. Mes eisime, bet be tavęs. We will go, but without you. We'll go, but without you. Jis yra nepatenkintas rezultatu. He is unsatisfied with the result. He is dissatisfied with the result. Ji atidarė naują pardotuvę. She opened a new store. She opened a new store. Ilgiuosi senų gerų dienų. I miss the good old days. I miss old good days. Norėčiau nusipirti žemėlapį. I'd like to buy a map. I'd like to buy a map. Šuo bando išsivaduoti. The dog is trying to escape. The dog's trying to get out. Ką jis rašo laiške? What does he say in his letter? What does he write in the letter? Aš tavęs nekaltinu. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Mano draugas yra šalia manęs. My friend is beside me. My friend's beside me. Blogai jaučiuosi. I feel unwell. I'm not feeling well. Tai yra gera proga viena kitą pažinti. This is a good opportunity to get to know one another. This is a good opportunity to get to know one another. Jis padėjo knygą ant lentynos. He put the book on the shelf. He put the book on the shelf. Tu esi pavojuje. You're in danger. You're in danger. Ar padarei kažką su savo plaukais? Did you do something new with your hair? Did you do something with your hair? Tu skaitai mano mintis. You are reading my thoughts. You read my thoughts. Nesuprantu, kodėl tu tai nori padaryti. I don't understand why you want to do that. I don't know why you want to do this. Mes puikiai praleidome laiką. We had a wonderful time. We've spent a great time. Aš nežinau kelio namo. I don't know the way home. I don't know the way home. Šiandien labai karšta. It is very hot today. It's very hot today. Aš susipažinau su ja Prancūzijoje. I got acquainted with her in France. I met her in France. Aš nusivedžiau Tomą į savo mėgstamiausią restoraną Bostone. I took Tom to my favorite restaurant in Boston. I took Thomas to my favorite restaurant in Boston. Kiek man žinoma, jis neateis. As far as I know, he won't come. As far as I know, he won't come. Automobilis yra mėlynas. The car is blue. The car is blue. Jis nėra blogas žmogus. He's not a bad person. He's not a bad man. Kas nutiko? What happened? What's wrong? Mes buvome nustebinti jo elgsena. We were surprised by his behavior. We were surprised by his behavior. Fotografas paėmė mano namo nuotrauką. A photographer took a photograph of my house. The photographer took a picture of my house. Ji staiga tapo įžymi. She suddenly became famous. She suddenly became famous. Tau negalima iš čia išeiti. You are not allowed to leave here. You can't get out of here. Krepšinyje, aukšti žaidėjai turi pranašumą. In basketball, tall players have an advantage. In the basket, high players have an advantage. Jis nenori atidaryti automobilio. He doesn't want to open the car. He doesn't want to open the car. Tu turėtum gerbti savo mokytojus. You should be respectful to your teachers. You should respect your teachers. Turiu rytoj pasakyti jai tiesą. I have to tell her the truth tomorrow. I have to tell her the truth tomorrow. Jie jau turi tris kates, jiems dar viena nėra reikalinga. They already have three cats, they don't need another one. They already have three cats, they don't need another. Vakar visą dieną gulėjau lovoje. I was in bed all day long yesterday. I was in bed all day yesterday. Ta mergina apie kurią aš tau sakiau gyvena čia. The girl I told you about lives here. That girl I told you about living here. Žaidymų aikštelėje yra dvi mergaitės. There are two girls in the playground. There are two girls on the playground. Ana labai mėgsta šokoladą. Ann likes chocolate very much. Anna loves chocolate. Ar esi advokatas? Are you a lawyer? Are you a lawyer? Jiem nesisekė rasti tos vietos. They had trouble finding the place. They didn't succeed in finding that place. Tomas nenori niekada to daryti dar kartą. Tom doesn't want to ever do that again. Thomas doesn't want to never do it again. Aš labai apgailestauju dėl to, ką pasakiau. I am very sorry for what I said. I am very sorry about what I said. Kokios informacijos tu ieškai? What kind of information are you looking for? What information are you looking for? Esu alkana, nes nepusryčiavau. I am hungry because I did not eat breakfast. I'm hungry because I haven't had breakfast. Tomas atidarė seifą. Tom opened the safe. Thomas opened the safe. Aš prisiekiu aš ketinau pasidalinti. I swear I was going to share it. I swear I was going to share. Kada ir kur tu su ja susipažinai? When and where did you come to know her? When and where did you meet her? Nemėgstu žiemos. I don't like winter. I don't like winter. Mes pagaminom voverių formos sausainių. We made some squirrel-shaped cookies. We made spider-shaped cookies. Pažiūrėk į tą namą su raudonu stogu. Look at the house with the red roof. Look at that house with a red roof. Aš nepamenu tavo vardo. I don't remember your name. I don't remember your name. Daktarė jam patarė nustoti taip daug dirbti. The doctor advised him to stop working too much. The doctor told him to stop working so much. Galvoji, kad man tai nerūpi? Do you think I don't care? You think I don't care about it? Jis visiems patinka. He is liked by everybody. Everybody likes him. Daviau tau viską, ko tu prašei. I've given you everything you've asked for. I gave you everything you asked for. Norėčiau būti turtingas. I wish I were rich. I'd like to be rich. Aš tiesiai už tavęs. I'm right behind you. I'm right behind you. Ji kalba rusiškai. She speaks Russian. She speaks Russian. Marilė turėjo problemų su plaučiais. Marilla had problems with her lungs. Marilya had problems with her lungs. Laukiau jo stotyje valandą laiko, bet jis nepasirodė. I waited for him at the station for an hour, but he didn't show up. I was waiting an hour at his station, but he didn't show up. Tėvai tikėjosi per daug iš savo sūnaus. The parents expected too much of their son. My parents expected too much of their son. Kaip aš sakiau, aš nieko nedarysiu. As l was saying, I won't do anything. As I said, I'm not doing anything. Jei aš norėčiau tave išgąsdinti, tada aš tau papasakočiau ką aš sapnavau prieš kelias savaites. If I wanted to scare you, I would tell you what I dreamt about a few weeks ago. If I wanted to scare you, then I'd tell you what I was dreaming a few weeks ago. Aš galiu tai mylėti. I can love it. I can love it. Jis jam patarė neiti ten pačiam. He advised him not to go there by himself. He told him not to go there. Tau reikia kantrybės, Tomai. You need patience, Tom. You need patience, Tom. Tai yra tai, ką aš noriu daryti. It's what I want to do. That's what I want to do. Ji pradingo. She disappeared. She's gone. Aš gyvenu Atėnuose. I live in Athens. I live in Athens. Papasakok man apie savo žmoną. Tell me about your wife. Tell me about your wife. Šitas yra mums. This one is for us. This is for us. Šios ponios yra mano tetos. These ladies are my aunts. These ladies are my aunts. Jis skubiai užrašė mūsų vardus. He hastily wrote down our names. He quickly wrote down our names. Tai siaubinga. It's terrible. That's terrible. Tomas taip ir nesugebėjo pamiršti karo baisybių. Tom could never forget the horror of the war. Thomas was unable to forget the horrors of war. Nusiramink. Calm down. Calm down. Baterija numirė. The battery died out. The battery's dead. Aš manau kad Tomas ketina nužudyti Merę. I think Tom is going to try to kill Mary. I think Thomas's gonna kill Mary. Metas tuoktis! Time to get married! Time to get married! Jis pažįsta Tomą. He knows Tom. He knows Thomas. Laivas pasirodė horizonte. The ship appeared on the horizon. The ship was on the horizon. Kad ir kas beastitiktų, aš būsiu su tavimi. I will stand by you whatever happens. Whatever happens, I'll be with you. Ji išvertė eilėraštį. She translated a poem. She translated the poem. Bangos yra aukštos šiandien. The waves are high today. Waves are high today. Jis atsisėdo ant lovos. He sat on the bed. He's sitting on the bed. Jis atidarė automobilio duris. He opened the door of the car. He opened the car door. Nensė atrodo kaip mano sesuo. Nancy looks like my sister. Nancy looks like my sister. Gyvenimas įdomus. Life is interesting. Life is interesting. Palaukime čia. Let's wait here. Let's wait here. Jis mėgsta plaukioti. He is fond of swimming. He likes to swim. Žinau, kad tai buvo keista. I know it was strange. I know it was weird. Nėra įvykio liūdytojų. There are no witnesses of the accident. There are no mourners of the event. Ji neturi jokio pareigos jausmo. She has no sense of duty. She has no sense of duty. Kitaip tariant, jis išdavė mus. In other words, he betrayed us. In other words, he betrayed us. Atrodė, kad tai patinka Tomui. Tom seemed to like that. It seemed like Tom liked it. Jis buvo visiškai tylus per visą konferenciją. He stayed absolutely silent throughout the conference. He was completely silent throughout the conference. Neišeik dabar. Mes ruošiamės valgyti pietus. Don't go out now. We're about to have lunch. Don't go out now, we're going to eat lunch. Kur tu gyveni? Where do you live? Where are you? Aš negaliu patikėti kad tau patinka tas restoranas. I can't believe that you like that restaurant. I can't believe you like that restaurant. Ar tai tavo pirmas kartas Korėjoje? Is this your first time in Korea? Is that your first time in Korea? Ne, aš nemanau. No, I don't think so. No, I don't think so. Ji niekada man nesakė kad ji turi katę. She never told me she had a cat. She never told me she had a cat. Mes valgome žalią žuvį. We eat fish raw. We're eating green fish. Kada buvo paskutinis kartas kai tu matei Tomą? When was the last time you saw Tom? When was the last time you saw Thomas? Aš myliu jūsų dukrą. I love your daughter. I love your daughter. Susitikimas pasibaigs rytoj. The meeting will end tomorrow. The meeting will end tomorrow. Mano kompiuteris yra mano geriausias draugas. My computer is my best friend. My computer is my best friend. Jie dirba aštuonias valandas per dieną. They work eight hours a day. They work eight hours a day. Mes visi dirbame. We all work. We're all working. Argi ne tiesa kad tu turi ginklą? Isn't it true that you own a gun? Isn't it true that you have a gun? Nebūk absurdiškas. Don't be absurd. Don't be absurd. Nueik į kirpyklą. Go to the barbershop. Go to the hairdresser. Aš mokausi turkų kalbos. I am learning Turkish. I'm learning Turkish. Mes čia pietaujame. We're having lunch here. We're having lunch here. Aš turiu abejonių. I have doubts. I have doubts. Su kuria moterimi tu lieki? Which woman do you stay with? Which woman are you with? Maniau, sakiai, kad ji tavo. I thought you said it was yours. I thought you said she was yours. Nieko neparašiau. I didn't write anything. I didn't write anything. Jis pažiūrėjo žemyn į savo purvinus batus. Tony looked down at his dirty old shoes. He looked down at his dirty shoes. Jai reikia daugiau miegoti. She needs to sleep more. She needs more sleep. Man nereikia tavo leidimo. I don't need your permission. I don't need your permission. Mano motina negali ateiti. My mother can't come. My mother can't come. Jei aš būčiau sveika, aš būčiau laiminga. If I were healthy, I would be happy. If I were healthy, I would be happy. Kada mes pedažysime jos kambarį? When will we repaint her room? When are we gonna paint her room? Jo mama neprisimena ką ji rado tame kambaryje. His mum doesn't remember what she found in that room. His mother doesn't remember what she found in that room. Žinau, kad nieko nežinau. I know that I know nothing. I know I don't know anything. Tomas įrodė kad tai veikia. Tom has proved that it works. Thomas has shown that it works. Siūlau jums paklausti Tomo. I suggest you ask Tom. I suggest you ask Tom. Neversk manęs juoktis. Don't make me laugh. Don't make me laugh. Esu labai alkana. I'm very hungry. I'm very hungry. Daryk viską, ką tik jis lieps tau daryti. Do whatever it is that he tells you to do. Do whatever he tells you to do. Beveik visi mokiniai mėgsta anglų kalbą. Almost all the students like English. Almost all students like English. Pasakyk man, kaip tu išsprendei tą problemą. Tell me how you solved the problem. Tell me how you solved that problem. Ši arbata yra labai skani. The tea is very tasty. This tea is very delicious. Aš bijau vorų. I'm afraid of spiders. I'm afraid of spiders. Aš kalbėjau su draugais. I talked to friends. I was talking to my friends. Nebesu pavargusi. I am no longer tired. I'm not tired. Amžina tyla šių begalinių erdvių mane baugina. The eternal silence of these infinite spaces terrifies me. The eternal silence of these endless spaces scares me. Sukilėliai pastatė barikadą ant kelio. The rebels made a barricade across the road. The rebels built a barricade on the road. Šeima man buvo labai svetinga. I received the hospitality of the family. My family was very welcome to me. Kuris yra pigesnis? Which one is cheaper? Who's cheaper? Ar gali padėti šį krepšį kur nors kitur? Could you put this bag somewhere else? Can you put this bag somewhere else? Tai ne mano darbas. That's not my job. It's not my job. Kodėl? Todėl kad jo šeimai reikėjo pinigų, štai kodėl. Why? Because his family needed the money, that's why. Because his family needed money, that's why. Rytoj aš kelsiuosi anksti. I will get up early tomorrow. I'll get up early tomorrow. Ar kas nors čia kalba japoniškai? Does anyone here speak Japanese? Does anyone speak Japanese here? Man nepatinka klysti. I don't like to make a mistake. I don't like to be wrong. Aš norėjau kad Merė mylėtų mane vietoj Tomo. I wanted Mary to love me instead of Tom. I wanted Mary to love me instead of Tom. Šiuos vaistus reikia vartoti tris kartus per dieną. These medicines should be taken three times a day. These medicines should be taken three times a day. Esu pripratusi eiti miegoti vėlai. I'm used to staying up late. I'm used to falling asleep late. Jis mirė mūšyje. He died in battle. He died in battle. Ar norėtum su manim pašokti? Would you like to dance with me? Would you like to dance with me? Jūs negalite nusižudyti susilaikant kvėpavimą. You cannot kill yourself by holding your breath. You can't get yourself killed by breathing. Būtent tą jis ir pasakė. That's exactly what he said. That's exactly what he said. Durys atsidarė automatiškai. The door opened automatically. The door opened automatically. Jis norėjo kad taksi vairuotojas pasuktų į kairę. He wanted the taxi driver to turn left. He wanted the taxi driver to turn left. Neatrodė lyg tu norėjai tos knygos. You didn't seem to want that book. It didn't look like you wanted that book. Jis keistas vaikinas. He's a weird guy. He's a weird guy. Kokius pratimus tu atlieki? What kinds of exercises do you do? What exercises are you doing? Aš visai ne alkana. I'm not at all hungry. I'm not hungry at all. Aš negaliu patikėti kad tu mane myli. I can't believe that you love me. I can't believe you love me. Tikėk tais kurie ieško tiesos, saugokis tų kurie ją randa. Believe those who seek truth, beware those who find it. Believe those who seek the truth, beware of those who find it. Žinai jų adresą? Do you know their address? You know their address? Merė nugalėjo "Mis Tatoeba" konkurse. Mary won the Miss Tatoeba contest. Mary won Miss Tatoeba's competition. Jis galvojo kas aš esu labai pavargęs. He thought that I was very tired. He thought who I was very tired. Ji labai nori numesti svorio. She really wants to lose weight. She really wants to lose weight. Jums patinka taip gyventi? Do you enjoy living like this? Do you like to live like this? Ar nemanai? Don't you think so? Don't you think? Mūsų nuostabai, ji nuvyko į Braziliją viena. To our surprise, she has gone to Brazil alone. To our surprise, she went to Brazil alone. Aš nukritau nuo kopėčių. I fell off the ladder. I fell off the ladder. Kieno dviratį norėjai pasiskolinti? Whose bicycle did you want to borrow? Whose bike did you want to borrow? Oho, šios spurgos yra skanios! Wow, these are tasty doughnuts! Wow, these cones are delicious! Aš žinau kad jos duona bus skani. I know that her bread will be tasty. I know her bread will be delicious. Aš ją myliu. I love her. I love her. Ar aš turiu likti ligoninėje? Do I have to stay in the hospital? Do I have to stay in the hospital? Norėčiau būti turtinga. I wish I were rich. I'd like to be rich. Į ką tu kreipiesi? Who are you talking to? Who are you addressing? Jis žemas ir storas. He's short and fat. He's low and fat. Jaučiu, jog esu laisvas. I feel that I am free. I feel free. Ji priprato keltis anksti. She's used to getting up early. She got used to getting up early. Aš taip pat to noriu! I also want it! I want that, too! Jie negalėjo susitvarkyti su sunkumais. They couldn't cope with difficulties. They couldn't handle the difficulties. Ar turite kokių nors prieštaravimų? Do you have any objections? Do you have any objections? Numečiau šiek tiek svorio. I've lost a little weight. I lost some weight. Mes turime gerą nuomonę apie tavo sūnų. We had a good opinion of your son. We have a good view of your son. Tu gali sakyti ką nori apie mane, bet nesakyk niego blogo apie Tomą. You can say anything you want about me, but don't say anything bad about Tom. You can say what you want about me, but don't say nigga's bad about Thomas. Per daug iš manęs nesitikėk. Don't expect too much of me. Don't expect too much of me. Aš noriu numirti su Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. Mokykla yra už penkių kilometrų nuo mano namų. The school is five kilometers from my home. The school is five miles from my home. Nebėgiok aplink baseiną. Don't run around the pool. Don't run around the pool. Niekas netikėjo tuo ką aš pasakiau. Nobody believed what I said. Nobody believed what I said. Atsisveikinimai visada būna liūdni. Goodbyes are always sad. Farewell is always sad. Nors jis ir gyvena Jungtinėse Valstijose, Tomas nemoka kalbėti angliškai. Even though he lives in the United States, Tom can't speak English. Although he lives in the United States, Thomas can’t speak English. Kodėl tu taip pyksti? Why are you so angry? Why are you so angry? Kokio jūs turite maisto? What kind of food do you have? What kind of food do you have? Neblogai. Not bad. Not bad. Ne, jis nėra naujas mano vaikinas. No, he's not my new boyfriend. No, he's not my new guy. Tu negali tiesiog išeiti. You can't just leave. You can't just leave. Nuo ko šis laiškas? Who is this letter from? From what? Medis yra žalias. The tree is green. The tree is green. Ar vaikai eina į mokyklą? Do the children go to school? Do children go to school? Man nepatinka nė vienas iš šių paveikslų. I don't like any of these paintings. I don't like any of these paintings. jis su manimi sutiko. He has agreed with me. He met me. Mokslininkai paaiškina tą kitaip. Scientists interpret it differently. Scientists explain this differently. Tai nereiškia, kad pavojus praejo. This doesn't mean the danger has passed. This does not mean that the danger has passed. Linkolnas suteikė vergams laisvę. Lincoln granted liberty to slaves. Lincoln gave slaves freedom. Aš turiu pakankamai pinigų. I have enough money. I have enough money. Esu laimingas, kad nesu moteris. I'm happy because I am not a woman. I'm happy I'm not a woman. Sudarykite jo fotorobotą! Make his identikit! Make his photorobot! Šiandien žiauriai karšta. It's awfully hot today. It's brutally hot today. Kodėl Tomo nėra mašinoje? Why isn't Tom in the car? Why isn't Tom in the car? Mes pasiekėme kalno viršūnę. We reached the top of the mountain. We reached the top of the mountain. Mažiau kalbų, daugiau darbų. Less words, more action. Less talk, more work. Ar jis iš tiesų tą padarė? Did he really do that? Did he really do that? Aš pirmą kartą atvykau į Japoniją. I came to Japan for the first time. I came to Japan for the first time. Ateisiu po dešimt minučių. I'll join in ten minutes. I'll come in ten minutes. Orkaitė karšta, taigi būk atsargus, kad nenusidegintum. The oven's hot so be careful not to burn yourself. The oven is hot, so be careful not to give up. Laivas dingo už horizonto. The ship disappeared beyond the horizon. The ship's gone beyond the horizon. Aš užmigau žiūrėdamas televizorių. I fell asleep while watching TV. I fell asleep watching TV. Tomas atidarė šaldytuvą. Tom opened the refrigerator. Thomas opened the refrigerator. Ji plovė indus. She was washing the dishes. She washed the dishes. Jis gudresnis už mane. He is more clever than I am. He's smarter than me. Ar šiuo metu esi užsiėmęs? Are you busy at the moment? Are you busy right now? Galbūt tai ką tu pasakei yra tiesa. Maybe what you said is true. Maybe what you said is true. Tomui reikės pagalbos. Tom will need help. Tom needs help. Aš jus nuvešiu į naują pardotuvę. I'll drive you to the new store. I'll take you to a new store. Neturiu nė menkiausio supratimo. I don't have the slightest idea. I don't even have the slightest idea. Ji paliko savo šunį mano kambaryje. She left her dog in my room. She left her dog in my room. Visos jūsų katės yra pilkos. All of your cats are grey. All your cats are gray. Vaikų ji taip daugiau ir nebematė. She was never to see her children again. She never saw her children again. Jos kambario sienos yra raudonos. Her room has red walls. Her room walls are red. Šį kartą turėtum tą padaryti pats. This time you should do it by yourself. This time you should do it yourself. Žemė atrodo šlapia. The ground seems wet. The earth looks wet. Ar tu ką nors išgirdai? Did you hear something? Did you hear anything? Aš bijau pėlėdų. I'm afraid of owls. I'm afraid of boobs. Dievas laimina tuos kurie atgailauja. God blesses those who repent. God blesses those who repent. Dar ko nors, pone? Anything else, sir? Anything else, sir? Ji pakankamai suaugusi keliauti pati. She is old enough to travel by herself. She's grown up enough to travel herself. Niekas nevertė tavęs man padėti. Nobody forced you to help me. No one made you help me. Šis šuo yra baltas. The dog is white. This dog is white. Ji valgo obuolį. She's eating an apple. She's eating apple. Nekreipk į jį dėmėsio. Don't pay attention to him. Don't look at him. Į mano galvą atėjo šauni mintis. A great thought came to my head. I've got a good idea in my head. Tiktai tu asakei į klausymą. Only you answered the question. You're the only one who went to the hearing. Šioje šalyje vidutinis vaikų skaičius šeimai nukrito nuo dviejų iki vieno su puse. In this country the average number of children per family fell from 2 to 1.5. In that country, the average number of children in the family fell from two to one and a half. Ar radote savo laiškus? Did you find your letters? Did you find your letters? Tai buvo neįtikėtina. It was unbelievable. That was incredible. Šiandien jaučiuosi truputį silpnai. I feel a little weak today. I feel a little weak today. Aš esu didvyris. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Aš girdėjau mūsų šunį lojant visą naktį. I heard our dog barking all night. I heard our dog playing all night. Kodėl tu tą padarei? What did you do that for? Why did you do that? Aš maniau kad virtuvėje nieko nebuvo. I thought there was nobody in the kitchen. I thought there was nothing in the kitchen. Būkite kūrybingi. Be creative. Be creative. Aų tavęs prašau šitą padaryti nes aš tavimi pasitikiu. I'm asking you to do this because I trust you. I ask you to do this because I trust you. Esi laisvas eiti namo. You are free to go home. You're free to go home. Tu pamiršai man papasakoti apie tą knygą kurią perskaitei. You forgot to tell me about that book you read. You forgot to tell me about the book you read. Kodėl tu nori mirti? Why do you want to die? Why do you want to die? Aš labai dėkingas jums už jūsų patarimą. I am very thankful to you for your advice. I am very grateful to you for your advice. Ar panelė Smif yra anglų kalbos mokytoja? Is Miss Smith an English teacher? Is Miss Smif an English teacher? Ta sena tradicija išnyko. That old tradition has disappeared. That old tradition has disappeared. Jums negalima išeiti iš šio kambario. You can't leave this room. You can't leave this room. Ar kada nors matėte Tokijo bokštą? Have you ever seen Tokyo Tower? Have you ever seen Tokyo Tower? Aš visur ieškojau, bet negaliu rasti savo piniginės. I've looked everywhere, but I can't find my wallet. I've been looking everywhere, but I can't find my wallet. Man buvo pasakyta eiti namo. I was told to go home. I was told to go home. Aš turiu laiko, taigi aš tą padarysiu. I have time, so I'll do it. I have time, so I'll do it. Apkabink mane. Give me a hug. Give me a hug. Aš priverčiau jį pasakyti tiesą. I made him tell the truth. I made him tell the truth. Jukiko mėgsta bulves. Yukiko likes potatoes. Jukiko likes potatoes. Ji būtų šokiruota, jei ji sužinotų rezultatus. Had she known the results, she would have been shocked. She would be shocked if she learned the results. Ar Marika rašė tau laiškus suomiškai? Did Marika write you letters in Finnish? Did Marika write you letters in Finnish? Mes negalime pasitikėti tuo ką ji sako. We can't trust what she says. We can't trust what she says. Neleiskite jiems ištrūkti! Don't let them escape! Don't let them get out! Mano nuostabai, ji negalėjo atsakyti į klausymą. To my surprise, she could not answer the question. To my surprise, she couldn't answer the hearing. Aš turiu spėti į tą traukinį. I have to catch that train. I have to guess on that train. Argi ne nuostabus rytas? Isn't it a lovely morning? Isn't that a wonderful morning? Tomas nepasirodė. Tom didn't appear. Thomas didn't show up. Grįžk namo. Come home. Go home. Aš nieko nežinau apie tai. I don't know anything about that. I don't know anything about it. Apelsinai šiame maiše yra supuvę. The oranges in this bag are rotten. Oranges in this bag are rotten. Kam tau reikalingas naujas skėtis? Why do you need a new umbrella? Why do you need a new umbrella? Aš esu airis. I'm Irish. I'm Irish. Mes iš tikrųjų nieko nežinojome. We really didn't know anything. We really didn't know anything. Nesvarbu kuri komanda laimės mačą. It doesn't matter which team wins the game. No matter which team wins the match. Šią vasarą priaugau du kilogramus. I have gained two kilograms this summer. I grew two pounds this summer. Nebark jos. Ji per jauna tai suprasti. Don't scold her. She's too young to understand. She's too young to understand. Kai ateina pavasaris, dienos tampa ilgesnės diena po dienos. When spring comes, the days get longer day by day. When spring comes, days become longer a day after day. Ar ji tavo motina? Is she your mother? Is she your mother? Ar šis žodis dažnai naudojamas? Is this word in common use? Is that word often used? Ar bankas toli nuo čia? Is the bank far from here? Is the bank far from here? Mano tėvas mirė būdamas keturiasdešimt devynerių metų. My father died at the age of forty-nine. My father died forty-nine years. Jis buvo toks skurdus kad nė negalėjo nusipirkti duonos. He was so poor that he couldn't buy bread. He was so poor that he could not buy bread. Jis mėgsta valgyti salotas su mėsa. He likes to eat salad with meat. He likes to eat salad with meat. Mes žaidėme golfą nepaisydami lietaus. We played golf in spite of the rain. We played golf despite the rain. Tomas negalėjo rasti priežasties kodėl jam reikėjo grįžti namo anksti. Tom could think of no reason why he needed to go home early. Thomas could not find a reason why he had to return home early. Niekas nežino, ar jis ją myli ar ne. No one knows if he loves her or not. No one knows whether he loves her or not. Ji atėjo? Has she come? She's here? Tu per daug naivi. You're too naive. You're too naive. Tu liksi čia kol mes grįšime. You are to stay here until we come back. You'll stay here until we get back. Sakoma, kad globalinis atšilimas yra tiesiogiai susietas su anglies dvideginio emisija. It is said that global warming is directly related to carbon dioxide emissions. Global warming is said to be directly linked to carbon dioxide emissions. Aš esu daug apie tave girdėjęs. I've heard quite a lot about you. I've heard a lot about you. Aš galiu parodyti jums nuotraukas. I can show you the pictures. I can show you pictures. Vieną dieną, tu galėsi vaikščioti. One day you'll be able to walk. One day, you can walk. Ji pabučiavo man skruostą ir palinkėjo labos nakties. She kissed me on the cheek and said goodnight. She kissed my cheek and wished me a good night. Ar pameni? Do you remember? Do You Recall? Šis maišas nėra mažas. This bag is not small. This bag is not small. Mes tikime Dievu. We believe in God. We believe in God. Neleisk šuniui miegoti mūsų lovoje. Don't let the dog sleep in our bed. Don't let the dog sleep in our bed. Jūsų kilimas yra visiškai baltas. Your carpet is completely white. Your carpet is completely white. Aš paslydau ir nukritau nuo laiptų. I slipped and fell down the stairs. I slipped and fell off the stairs. Jūs esate keistas, jūs man patinkate. You're weird - I like you. You're weird, I like you. Mes jį pažįstame. We know him. We know him. Tu balta kaip popierius. You are as white as a sheet. You're white like paper. Prašau atsipalaiduok. Please relax. Please relax. Daktaras apžiūrėjo vaiką ir pasakė kad ji yra sveika. The doctor examined the child and said she was healthy. The doctor looked at the child and said she was healthy. Aš neigiu viską. I deny everything. I deny everything. Jis ieško odinio diržo. He's looking for a leather belt. He's looking for a leather belt. Jis vėl grįžo. He came back again. He's back again. Ką jums tai primena? What does it remind you of? What does that remind you? Kur dabar gyveni? Where are you living now? Where are you now? Mano tėvas paprašė manęs atidaryti duris. My father asked me to open the door. My father asked me to open the door. Jo drabužiai visada negerai kvepia. His clothes always smell bad. His clothes always smell wrong. Mūsų mokykla yra miesto centre. Our school is in the center of the town. Our school is in the center of the city. Ji neatsakė. She has not replied. She didn't answer. Prašau susisiekti su manimi, kuomet atvyksite į Bostoną. Please get in touch with me as soon as you arrive in Boston. Please contact me when you come to Boston. Aš privalau eiti į mokyklą. I have to go to school. I have to go to school. Prašau tęsti. Please continue. Please continue. Aš turiu tik vieną norą. I have but one wish. I only have one wish. Jo kostiumas buvo pilkas o jo kaklaraištis geltonas. His suit was gray and his tie was yellow. His suit was gray and his tie was yellow. Mano dviratis buvo pavogtas. I had my bicycle stolen. My bike was stolen. Matėme ją įeinančią į parką. We saw her enter the park. We saw her entering the park. To mums kol kas pakaks. This will do us for the present. That's enough for us. Jis žino, kaip žaisti pokerį. He knows how to play poker. He knows how to play poker. Aš žinau jo vardą. I know what his name is. I know his name. Aš noriu norėti. I want to want. I want to. Aš viliuosi kad tu rasi tą ko aš ieškau. I hope you'll find what I'm searching for. I hope you'll find what I'm looking for. Tu esi nepakankamai greitas. You're not fast enough. You're not fast enough. Aš paėmiau knygą. I took the book. I took the book. Arba tu su mumis, arba prieš mus. You are either with us, or against us. Either you're with us or you're against us. Susirask gerą darbą. Find a good job. Find a good job. Tie ponios ir ponai kurie gyvena Jokohamos priemiesčiose, jei tai jums patogu, prašome atvykite. Those ladies and gentlemen who live in the suburbs of Yokohama, if it is convenient to you, please come. Those ladies and gentlemen who live in the suburbs of Jokohama, if it's convenient for you, please come. Visata yra beribė. The universe is endless. The universe is infinite. Aš noriu pasikalbėti su tavo dėde. I want to talk with your uncle. I want to talk to your uncle. Tau nereikėtų plaukioti tame tvenkinyje. You shouldn't swim in that pond. You shouldn't swim in that pond. Tomas užaugino savo sūnų be jokios pagalbos. Tom raised his son without any help. Thomas raised his son with no help. Pasimatysime pragare. See you in hell. See you in hell. Aš neturiu su juo nieko bendro. I have nothing to do with him. I don't have anything to do with him. Visi mėgsta lėles. Everyone loves puppets. Everybody likes puppets. Jei tiki, kad visuomenė nesukūrė nieko vertingo, tai galima teigti, kad tiki ir masiniu sunaikinimu. If you believe society hasn't made anything worthwhile, then you might believe also in mass destruction. If you believe that society has not created anything valuable, you can say that you also believe in mass destruction. Merė ten viduje. Mary's in there. Mary's inside. Kada tavo mama grįš iš ligoninės? When will your mum return from the hospital? When's your mom coming back from the hospital? Noriu pamatyti šį filmą. I want to see the movie. I want to see this movie. Jei Dievas neegzistuotų, mums tektų jį sukurti. If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. If God did not exist, we would have to create him. Ji sutiko jį džiugiai. She greeted him cheerfully. She was happy to meet him. Ant mamos kilimo miega tris šunys. There are three dogs sleeping on mum's carpet. Three dogs sleep on their mother's carpet. Man nesvarbu ką kiti apie mane galvoja. I'm not interested in what others think about me. I don't care what others think of me. Šio metodo veiksmingumas buvo patvirtintas daugelio žmonių patirtimi. The effectiveness of this method was confirmed by many people's experiences. The effectiveness of this method has been confirmed by the experience of many people. Aš tiesiog noriu su kuo nors pasikalbėti. I just want someone to talk to. I just want to talk to someone. Katė sedėjo ant kėdės. A cat was sitting on the chair. The cat sat on the chair. Aš negaliu pasakyti kas atvyks pirmas. I can't tell who will arrive first. I can't tell you who's coming first. Kur veidrodis? Where's a mirror? Where's the mirror? Smagių išeiginių! Enjoy your holidays. Have fun! Tai nėra klaida. This is not an error. This is not a mistake. Aš nesutinku su tavimi. I don't agree with you. I don't agree with you. Tomas nenorėjo kad Merė mirtų. Tom didn't want Mary to die. Thomas didn't want Mary to die. Jie nekelia grėsmės. They're not a threat. They're not a threat. Ji yra labai graži. She's very pretty. She's very beautiful. Vaikas verkė visą naktį. The baby cried all night. The child wept all night. Jis čia atėjo prieš baigiantis pamokoms. He came here before school was over. He came here before the end of the class. Yra tik viena problema. There's just one problem. There's only one problem. Aš dabar nesu alkana. I'm not hungry right now. I'm not hungry right now. Jam šiandien negalima valgyti nieko saldaus. Today, he is not allowed to eat anything sweet. He can't eat anything sweet today. Marškiniai, kuriuos davei, man puikiai tinka. The shirt you gave me fit perfectly. The shirt you gave is perfect for me. Jei aš būčiau buvęs turtingas, aš tau būčiau davęs šiek tiek pinigų. If I had been rich, I would have given you some money. If I had been rich, I would have given you some money. Tu turėsi mokėti dvigubai. You'll have to pay double. You're gonna have to pay twice. Aš visada norėjau šuns. I always wanted a dog. I always wanted a dog. Šiandien žiauriai šalta. It's awfully cold today. It's brutally cold today. Leisk man eiti. Allow me to go. Let me go. Ar tu turi dirbti sekmadieniais? Do you need to work on Sunday? Do you have to work Sundays? Aš nė truputį nealkana. I'm not even a little hungry. I'm not hungry at all. Nebūk bloga. Don't be evil. Don't be bad. Vienas iš dvinukų yra gyvas, bet kitas yra miręs. One of the twins is alive, but the other is dead. One of the twins is alive, but the other is dead. Aš žinau kad jūs žinote kad aš žinau. I know that you know that I know. I know you know I know. Aš dabar žiūriu į gyvenimą kitaip nei kadaise. I now view life differently than I used to. I'm looking at life now in a different way than I used to be. Aš tik žiūriu. I'm just looking around. I'm just watching. Žmonės tokie kvaili. People are so stupid. People are so stupid. Aš klausau radijo. I'm listening to the radio. I'm listening to the radio. Jei esi pavargęs, eik miegoti. If you are tired, go to bed. If you're tired, go to bed. Jeigu nežinai kelio, tada paklausk policininko. If you don't know the way, ask a policeman. If you don't know the way, ask the cop. Tavo kelionė prasideda čia. Your journey starts here. Your trip starts here. Atsiprašau, ar galėtumėte atidaryti langą? Excuse me, but would you please open the window? Excuse me, could you open the window? Jis padarys bet ką, kad uždirbtų pinigų. He will do anything to make money. He'll do anything to make money. Tas kas turi viską gali prarasti viską. The one who has everything can lose everything. Anyone who has everything can lose everything. Kadangi negavau atsakymo, parašiau jai dar kartą. Since I didn't receive a reply, I wrote to her again. Because I didn't get the answer, I wrote to her again. Ar jūs žinote, ką vilkėjo Tomas? Do you know what Tom was wearing? Do you know what Thomas was wearing? Aš padariau tas pačias klaidas kaip ir praeitą kartą. I've made the same mistakes as I made last time. I made the same mistakes as last time. Jis išjungė šviesą. He turned off the light. He turned off the light. Marija nuėjo su savo helovyno kosiumu į mokyklą. Mary wore her Halloween costume to school. Mary went with her Halloween cosiness to school. Žmonės negyvena amžinai. People don't live forever. People don't live forever. Kuo daugiau turi, tuo daugiau nori. The more you have, the more you want. The more you have, the more you want. Aš skaičiuoju iki dešimties. I count to ten. I'm counting up to ten. Aš pamečiau piniginę pakeliui į mokyklą. I lost my purse on my way to school. I lost my wallet on the way to school. Palik mane ramybėje, arba iškviesiu policiją! Leave me alone or I'll call the police. Leave me alone, or I'll call the police! Laikraščiai nepranešė šios naujienos. Newspapers did not report that news. Newspapers did not report this news. Tu turi daugiau dirbti. You must work more. You have to work more. Kada turėtų atplaukti laivas? When is the ship due to arrive? When should the ship come? Mes turėsime laukti penkias valandas. We'll have to wait for five hours. We'll have to wait five hours. Mes pabandėme užlipti ant medžio. We made an attempt to climb up a tree. We tried to get on the tree. Ką po galais tu darai? What the hell are you doing? What the hell are you doing? Klausykite to ką sako mokytojas. Listen to what the teacher says. Listen to what the teacher says. Grįžkime prieš tai kai pradės lyti. Let's go back before it begins to rain. Let's go back before the rain starts. Galvojau, kad jai daugiausiai trisdešimt metų. I thought she was 30 at most. I thought she was thirty years old. Aš paprašiau Tomo padainuoti mano mėgstamą dainą. I asked Tom to sing my favorite song. I asked Tom to sing my favorite song. Man nereikėjo dažyti tvoros. I didn't need to paint the fence. I didn't have to paint the fence. Vanduo blizga saulėje. Water glitters in the sunlight. The water is shiny in the sun. Ar tu manai kad tai veikia? Do you think it works? Do you think it works? Aš manau kad tu turėtum jį aplankyti. I think you should visit him. I think you should visit him. Japonija importuoja įvairias žaliavas iš užsienio. Japan imports various raw materials from abroad. Japan imports a variety of raw materials from abroad. Kitą kartą, aš padarysiu tą pats. Next time, I'll do it myself. Next time, I'll do the same thing. Kenas ir jo brolis yra labai panašūs. Ken and his brother are very much alike. Ken and his brother are very similar. Aš kalbu angliškai kiekvieną dieną. I speak English every day. I speak English every day. Mūsų traukinys staiga sustojo. Our train stopped suddenly. Our train suddenly stopped. Ar jūs negalite skaityti? Can't you read? Can't you read? Aš priėmiau jo kvietimą. I accepted his invitation. I accepted his invitation. Aš kątik kažką prisiminiau. I just remembered something. I just remembered something. Jos dukra yra labai graži. Her daughter is very pretty. Her daughter is very beautiful. Esu studentas. I am a university student. I'm a student. Čia Tonio knyga. This is Tony's book. This is Tony's book. Tomas negeria kavos, bet jis rūko cigaretes. Tom doesn't drink coffee, but he smokes cigarettes. Tom doesn't drink coffee, but he's smoking cigarettes. Jis padėjo pataisyti mano laikrodį. He helped me fix my watch. He helped me fix my watch. Jis grąžino man mano pinigus. He gave me back the money. He gave me my money. Tomas ir Merė išėjo laukan. Tom and Mary went outside. Thomas and Mary went outside. Ką jūs veikiate per Heloviną? What are you doing for Halloween? What are you doing through Halloween? Tu turi parisinkti savo paties gyvenimo kelią. You have to choose your own path in life. You have to choose your own way of life. Nusprendžiau būti laiminga, nes tai gerai mano sveikatai. I decided to be happy because it's good for my health. I decided to be happy because it's good for my health. Tomas mėgsta lakrosą. Tom likes lacrosse. Tom loves lacrosse. Kokie negražūs plaukai. What ugly hair. What a pricky hair. Kam tu tai padarei? Why did you do what you did? Why did you do that? Netriukšmauk bibliotekoje. Don't make a noise in the library. Don't make it in the library. Man nepatinka kaip jis kalba. I don't like the way he talks. I don't like how he speaks. Prašau prižiūrėk mano kates kol manęs nėra. Please look after my cats while I'm away. Please take care of my cats until I'm gone. Jūs puikus mokytojas! You're a great teacher! You're a great teacher! Mes paliekame Bostoną. We're leaving Boston. We're leaving Boston. Jis mėgsta saldžią arbatą. He likes sweet tea. He likes sweet tea. Taip, prašau. Yes, please. Yes, please. Aš nesitikėjau, kad kas nors bus namie. I hadn't expected anyone to be home. I didn't expect anyone to be at home. Kai jis neturėjo pinigų, jis negalėjo nusipirkti duonos. When he had no money, he couldn't buy any bread. When he had no money, he couldn't buy bread. Kodėl tu nori žinoti ką aš galvoju? Why do you want to know what I'm thinking? Why do you want to know what I'm thinking? Aš turiu gyventi. I have to live. I have to live. Mano kairė pėda nutirpo. My left foot is asleep. My left foot is dissolved. Ko norėtum pavalgyti? What would you like to eat? What would you like to eat? Jau rugsėjis, tačiau dar labai karšta. It's already September; however, it is very hot. It's already September, but it's still very hot. Naudok savo kitą ranką taip pat. Use your other hand, too. Use your other hand as well. Aš noriu gyventi Brazilijoje. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. Atrodo kad Tomas žino kelią. Tom seems to know the way. It seems Tom knows the way. Ar turiu atsakyti angliškai? Must I answer in English? Do I have to answer in English? Nepanašu, kad būtum užsiėmęs. It doesn't look like you're busy. You don't look like you're busy. Nesupratai. You didn't understand. You don't understand. Klausausi radijo. I am listening to the radio. I'm listening to the radio. Kai kurie sako kad jis buvo nužudytas, kiti sako kad jis nusižudė. Some people say he was murdered, others say he killed himself. Some say he's been killed, others say he's committed suicide. Vladivostokas yra miestas Rusijoje. Vladivostok is a city in Russia. Vladivostok is a city in Russia. Ateik ir aš tau parodysiu kas aš esu. Come and I'll show you who I am. Come here and I'll show you who I am. Kai aš žiūriu į šitą nuotrauką, aš prisimenu savo šeimą. When I look of this photo I remember my family. When I look at this picture, I remember my family. Tomui nepavyko įkalbinti Merę likti. Tom couldn't persuade Mary to stay. Tom couldn't convince Mary to stay. Kuriuo metu mes turėtume nueiti į stotį? At what time should we go to the station? When should we go to the station? Štai ko aš nesuprantu. That's what I don't understand. That's what I don't understand. Štai yra tas vyras kurio aš laukiau. This is the man I've been waiting for. Here's the man I've been waiting for. Ar esi pavargusi? Are you tired? Are you tired? Aš šiandien pati pagaminsiu sau salotų. Today, I'll make some salad for myself on my own. I'm gonna make my own salad today. Jos dukra iškepė mėsą. Her daughter fried the meat. Her daughter made meat. Kokias vietas norėtum pamatyti? What kind of places would you like to see? What places would you like to see? Čia mano dviratis. This bicycle is mine. This is my bike. Mes praradome daug laiko. We lost a lot of time. We've lost a lot of time. Atėjai pačiu laiku. You came at just the right time. You came right in time. Net jei ir norėčiau, negalėčiau paaiškinti kas ten nutiko. Even if I wanted to, I could never explain what happened in there. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't explain what happened there. Ar esi alkanas? Are you hungry? Are you hungry? Ar jūs jį pažįstate? Do you know him? Do you know him? Būk atsargi, gerai? Be careful, OK? Be careful, okay? Salos yra jūroje. There are islands in the sea. The islands are at sea. Tomas nevalgo daug mėsos. Tom doesn't eat much meat. Tom doesn't eat much meat. Būk kūrybingas. Be creative. Be creative. Snigo jau visą savaitę. It had been snowing for a week. Snow has been coming for a week. Mūsų sąjunga gali būti tobula. Our union can be perfected. Our union can be perfect. Aš iš čia nieko nematau. I can't see anything from here. I can't see anything from here. Kaip laikaisi, mano mieloji? How are you, my dear? How are you, my dear? Jiems reikia draugų. They need friends. They need friends. Aš niekada neturėjau drąsos tai atidaryti. I never had the courage to open it. I never had the courage to open it. Ar buvo taip pat kaip praeitais metais? Was it like last year? Was it the same as last year? Kokia yra kambario nuomos kaina? How much is the rent for this room? What is the price of the room? Ji žiūri bet nieko nemato. She's looking but she doesn't see anything. She's watching but she can't see anything. Vakar man skaudėjo ranką. I had an ache in my arm yesterday. I was hurting my hand last night. Ar galėtum man pasakyti? Could you tell me? Can you tell me? Koks yra keisčiausias dalykas, kurį tau kada nors yra tekę valgyti? What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten? What is the weirdest thing you ever had to eat? Mėnulyje nėra atmosferos. The moon has no atmosphere. There's no atmosphere in the moon. Ką jūs darytumėte, jei būtumėte jo vietoje? What would you do in his position? What would you do if you were in his place? Tomas jau pabaigė darbą kurį jam reikėjo padaryti. Tom has already finished the work that he needed to do. Thomas has already finished the work he had to do. Metai praeina greitai. The years pass by quickly. The time passes quickly. Ar kam nors sakei kur yra mūsų slėptuvė? Have you told anyone where our hideout is? Did you tell anyone where our safe house is? Tai yra panašu. It's similar. That is similar. Atsakyk man. Answer me. Answer me. Negaliu patikėti, kad vis dar esi alkanas. I can't believe you're still hungry. I can't believe you're still hungry. Niekas neatėjo. Nobody came. No one's here. Tai kad tu apie tą nežinojai, nereiškia kad tai neatsitiko. Just because you didn't know about it doesn't mean it didn't happen. That you didn't know about it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Tomas žino, kas yra Mary. Tom knows who Mary is. Thomas knows what Mary is. Ar tu norėtum pavalgyti keptų bulvių? Would you like to eat some fried potatoes? Would you like to eat fried potatoes? Šis sakinys yra keistas. That is a strange sentence. This sentence is strange. Ji - mano pirmoji meilė. He's my first love. She's my first love. Tiek to, išversiu dar penkiolika sakinių ir tada išeisiu. All right. I'll translate another fifteen sentences in German, and then leave. All right, I'll translate 15 more sentences and then I'll leave. Tu turi greitai dirbti. You need to work fast. You have to work fast. Dešimt metų yra ilgas laikas. Ten years is a long time. Ten years is a long time. Jis metė akmenį į ežerą. He threw a stone into the lake. He threw a stone into the lake. Ką aš su šituo darysiu? What shall I do with it? What am I gonna do with this? Kaip jūs patekote į pastatą? How did you get into the building? How did you get into the building? Rugsėjo mėnesį bus lygiai metai, kaip aš ją pažįstu. By September I will have known her for a whole year. September will be exactly the same year as I know her. Ar tas automobilis yra per mažas? Is that car too small? Is that car too small? Mes visi esame skirtingi. We're all different. We're all different. Jai reikalinga ne užuojauta, o parama. She doesn't need sympathy, but support. She needs support, not compassion. Jis buvo puikus žmogus. He was a wonderful man. He was a great man. Aš ne akla. I'm not blind. I'm not blind. Aš dabar nestudijuoju. I am not studying now. I'm not studying right now. Jis jau seniai turėjo būti tą padaręs. He should have done that long ago. He had to do it a long time ago. Tu gali sedėti kur tik nori. You may sit wherever you like. You can sit wherever you want. Atėjai pačiu laiku. You've turned up at the right moment. You came right in time. Kas tas vyras kuris sėdi kitame stalo gale? Who is the man sitting at the other end of the table? Who's the man sitting at the other end of the table? Aš norėjau tapti filosofe. I wanted to become a philosopher. I wanted to be a philosopher. Aš gimiau Asmaroje. I was born in Asmara. I was born in Asmara. Kur skauda? Where does it hurt? Where does it hurt? Turėtum ramiau elgtis. You should act more calmly. You should be calmer. Niekada tavęs nepamiršiu. I'll never forget you. I'll never forget you. Tau tinka žalia spalva. Green suits you. It's green for you. Aš negalėčiau taip gyventi. I couldn't live like that. I couldn't live like that. Jis serga. He is sick. He's sick. Jos megztinis yra violetinis. Her sweater is purple. Her sweater is purple. Ar aš tai turiu padaryti dabar? Do I have to do this now? Do I have to do this now? Aš gavai penkerius metus kalėjime. I got five years in prison. I've been in jail for five years. Trumpi sijonai jau išėjo iš mados. Short skirts have already gone out of fashion. Short skirts have already gone out of fashion. Aš ne melagis. I'm not a liar. I'm not a liar. Mes esame kare. We are at war. We're in war. Ką jūs čia matote? What do you see here? What do you see here? Jai reikia jo labiau nei jam reikia jos. She needs him more than he needs her. She needs him more than he needs her. Šita mergaitė visai neblogai dainuoja. This girl sings pretty well. This girl is singing pretty well. Vieną dieną jis nusižudė. One day he killed himself. One day he committed suicide. Prašyčiau atnešti man stiklinę vandens. Please bring me a glass of water. Please bring me a glass of water. Dženė yra patrauklesnė už Siuzaną. Jane is more attractive than Susan. Jenny's more attractive than Susan. Aš didžiuojuosi savo sūnumi. I'm proud of my son. I'm proud of my son. Aš negaliu dirbti kai tu ten stovi. I can't work with you standing there. I can't work when you're there. Bavarijoje yra daug aludarių. There are a lot of breweries in Bavaria. There are many brewers in Bavaria. Jis neigė esąs vagis. He denied that he was the thief. He denied to be a thief. Kuo daugiau, tuo geriau. The more, the better. The more, the better. Ji dažo savo kambarį balta spalva. She's painting her room white. She paints her room white color. Aš atsikėliau šeštą ryto. I got up at six this morning. I got up six o'clock in the morning. Kupranugariai dažnai naudojami keliaujant dykumose. Camels are often used to travel in the desert. The camels are often used to travel in the deserts. Mokytoja moko. The teacher teaches. The teacher teaches. Rezultatas buvo nuviliantis. The result was disappointing. The result was disappointing. Aš girdžiu muziką. I hear music. I hear music. Ar čia netoliese yra taksi? Are there taxis around here? Is there a taxi nearby? Ar yra išgyvenusiųjų? Are there survivors? Are there survivors? Jis išėmė gabalą kreidos. He took out a piece of chalk. He took a piece of crab. Aš dar nepasiruošęs. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Paukštis ieškojo kirmėlių. The bird was looking for worms. The bird was looking for worms. Tomas protestavo prieš tai, kad su juo buvo elgiamasi kaip su vaiku. Tom objected to being treated like a child. Thomas protested against being treated as a child. Aš niekada nesu buvęs Turkijoje. I have never been to Turkey. I've never been to Turkey. Mokytojas mus perspėjo, kad egzaminas tikriausiai bus sunkus. The teacher warned us that the exam would probably be complicated. The teacher warned us that the exam would probably be difficult. Atsakykite angliškai. Answer in English. Answer in English. Tai yra gera proga vienas kitą pažinti. This is a good opportunity to get to know one another. This is a good opportunity to get to know each other. Aš nesuprantu kaip jis gali kalbėti su cigarėte burnoje. I don't understand how he can speak with a cigarette in his mouth. I don't know how he can talk to a cigarette in his mouth. Aš turiu vieną brolį. I have one brother. I have one brother. Aš išvalysiu virtuvę vėliau. I'll clean up the kitchen later. I'll clean the kitchen later. Aš tą padarysiu jei man sumokės. I'll do it if they pay me. I'll do this if I get paid. Ką tu nupirkai savo vaikinui? What did you buy for your boyfriend? What did you buy your boyfriend? Aš esu vyras. I'm a man. I'm a man. Aš manau, kad turime paskambinti Tomui. I think we should call Tom. I think we need to call Tom. Jis man pasakė kad aš galiu naudotis jo automobiliu. He told me that I could use his car. He told me I could use his car. Jis nepažįsta ne vieno iš mūsų. He doesn't know any one of us. He doesn't know any of us. Daktarė jam patarė mesti rūkyti. The doctor advised him to give up smoking. The doctor told him to quit smoking. Kūdikis verkė visą naktį. The baby cried all night. The baby wept all night. Jos šeima mane mylėjo. Her family loved me. Her family loved me. Aš ir dabar atsimenu tuos laikus, kai su tavim kartu rengėme iškylas. I can still remember the time when we went on a picnic together. I still remember the times when we were preparing to get up with you. Aš studijuoju japonų kalbą. I am learning Japanese. I'm studying Japanese. Ar matėte mano žmoną? Have you seen my wife? Have you seen my wife? Valgyk duoną! Eat the bread! Eat bread! Aš esu patenkintas savo darbu. I am content with my job. I am pleased with my work. Ne, aš nemanau kad aš esu kaltas. No, I don't think that I am to blame. No, I don't think I'm guilty. Aš tą darau kiekvieną sekmadienio rytą. I do it every Sunday morning. I do this every Sunday morning. Man reikia pašto ženklelio. I need a stamp. I need a postcard. Aš pasiruošęs išeiti. I'm ready to leave. I'm ready to leave. Ji parašė naują knygą. She wrote a new book. She wrote a new book. Negaliu eiti kol jis neateis. I can't go until he comes. I can't go before he comes. Tai neįmanoma. That's impossible. It's impossible. Tomas nekreipia dėmėsio į detales. Tom doesn't pay attention to details. Volume does not focus on details. Manau kad jis turi pakesti savo gyvenimo būdą. I think he needs to alter his lifestyle. I think he has to endure his way of life. Jei būtum gyvūnas, kokiu būtum? If you were an animal, what would you be? If you were an animal, what would you be like? Aš noriu dirbti kompanijoje. I want to work in a company. I want to work for the company. Ji man duos dar vieną kilimą. She'll give one more carpet to me. She'll give me another carpet. Labas rytas, mano mielasis šuo. Good morning, my sweet dog. Good morning, my dear dog. Mes visi buvome šokiruoti. We were all shocked. We were all shocked. Tau nereikėjo valgyti tos žalios žuvies. You shouldn't have eaten the fish raw. You didn't have to eat that green fish. Aš noriu šuns. I want a dog. I want a dog. Man nepatinka miestas, kuriame jis gyvena. I don't like the city in which he lives. I don't like the city where he lives. Tomas negalėjo liautis galvojęs apie Merę. Tom couldn't stop thinking about Mary. Thomas couldn't stop thinking about Mary. Jis nuolatos skundžiasi. He's always complaining. He's constantly complaining. Nuostabu! Wonderful! Awesome! Užeik, Tomai. Come on in, Tom. Come in, Tom. Netgi aš buvau nugalėtas. Even I was defeated. Even I was defeated. Kur dabar esi? Where are you now? Where are you now? Aš jau tai padariau. I have already done it. I've already done this. Tomas per daug žino. Tom knows too much. Thomas knows too much. Mielai praleisčiau daugiau laiko su tavimi, bet turiu grįžti prie darbo. I'd love to be able to spend more time with you, but I have to get back to work. I'd love to spend more time with you, but I have to go back to work. Alkoholis neišsprendžia jokių problemų. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. Alcohol does not solve any problems. Jis nežino gyvenimo prasmės. He doesn't know the meaning of life. He doesn't know the meaning of life. Jis visada su manim pasikalba, kai susitinka mane gatvėje. He always speaks to me when he meets me on the street. He's always talking to me when he meets me on the street. Šiandien karšta, ar ne? It's very hot today, isn't it? It's hot today, isn't it? Mano namas yra netoli nuo autobusų stotelės. My house is close to a bus stop. My house is close to the bus stop. Jos patarimas paskatino mane išvažiuoti į užsienį. Her advice influenced me to go abroad. Her advice encouraged me to go abroad. Šiandien negaliu rašyti. I can't write today. I can't write today. Prašau išjunk šviesą. Turn off the light, please. Please turn off the light. Aš apsimečiau nesuprantanti ką jis sakė. I pretended not to understand what he was saying. I pretended I didn't understand what he said. Ar yra išgyvenusiųjų? Are there any survivors? Are there survivors? Gydytojas atėjo nedelsiant. The doctor came immediately. The doctor came immediately. Rudenį medžių lapai tampa raudoni ir geltoni. In the fall, the leaves turn red and gold. In the autumn tree leaves become red and yellow. Ji keliavo aplink pasaulį. She traveled around the world. She went around the world. Šis prakeiktas kompiuteris neveikia. This damned computer won't work. This fucking computer doesn't work. Jis yra mano tėvas. He is my father. He's my father. Tomas žino, kad patinka Merei. Tom knows that Mary likes him. Tom knows she likes Mary. Jei turėsite kokių nors sunkumų, kreipkitės į mane pagalbos. If you have any difficulty, ask me for help. If you have any difficulties, please contact me for help. Vaike, neliesk veidroidžio! Kid, don't touch the mirror! Kid, don't touch the mirror! Ji nėra mano sesuo, ji mano žmona. She is not my sister, she's my wife. She's not my sister, she's my wife. Aš turiu raudoną dviratį. I have a red bicycle. I have a red bike. Kanadoje mes miegame ant lovos o ne ant grindų. In Canada we sleep in a bed, not on the floor. In Canada, we're sleeping on the bed, not on the floor. Jis žuvo kario mirtimi kovoje už demokratiją. He died a soldier's death in the battle in the cause of democracy. He died as a soldier in the fight for democracy. Ji išpylė taurę raudono vyno ant mano naujos suknelės. She spilled a glass of red wine on my new dress. She poured out a cup of red wine on my new dress. Tu turėsi palaukti. You'll have to wait. You're gonna have to wait. Kokį automobilį Tomas vairuoja? What kind of car does Tom drive? What car is Thomas driving? Tomui patinka megzti. Tom likes to knit. Tom likes to sweat. Jis kartais ateina aplankyti mano sūnų. He comes to see my son now and then. He comes sometimes to visit my son. Aš turiu pasikeisti. I have to change. I have to change. Aš pagalvojau kad ji neturėjo priežasties padayti tą ką ji padarė. She had, I thought, no reason to do what she did. I thought she had no reason to salute what she did. Džimas šiandien neateis. Jim will not come today. Jim's not coming today. Tu esi neįtikėtinai kvaila. You're unbelievably stupid. You're incredibly stupid. Tu supranti, ar ne? You understand, don't you? You understand, don't you? Tu atrodai negraži. You look ugly. You look unsightly. Kuriuo metu išgirdote šūvį? At what time did you hear the gunshot? When did you hear the shot? Ji gulėjo ant lovos veidu žemyn. She was lying face down on the bed. She lay on the bed face down. Tomas susiraukė. Tom frowned. Thomas's on his knees. Monika daug nesimokė. Monica didn't study a lot. Monica didn't learn much. Ar turi gėrimus be alkoholio? Do you have drinks without alcohol? Do you have drinks without alcohol? Iš pieno mes gaminame sūrį ir sviestą. We make milk into cheese and butter. We make cheese and butter from milk. Mes esame tokie laimingi. We are so happy. We're so happy. Mums reikia dar daugiau cukraus. We need more sugar. We need more sugar. Italija yra labai graži šalis. Italy is a very beautiful country. Italy is a very beautiful country. Jis vedė Nikaragvoje. He got married in Nicaragua. He was married in Nicaragua. Mūsų komanda grįžo namo po didelės pergalės. Our team returned home after a huge victory. Our team came home after a big victory. Vakar snigo. It snowed yesterday. We were snowing yesterday. Paimk knygą ir perskaityk ją! Take a book and read it. Take the book and read it! Argi ne jis pavogė tavo piniginę? Wasn't it him who stole your wallet? Isn't he stealing your wallet? Aš negaliu tau visko pasakyti. I can't tell you everything. I can't tell you everything. Jam reikia akinių. He needs glasses. He needs glasses. Kokios tu nori knygos? What kind of book do you want? What do you want the book? Kalkuliatorius yra puikus išradimas. The calculator is a wonderful invention. Calculator is a great invention. Ar aš tėvas? Am I the father? Am I a father? Milijonas žmonių prarado savo gyvybę karo metu. A million people lost their live during the war. A million people lost their lives during the war. Džonas nežino ką daryti toliau. John doesn't know what to do next. John doesn't know what to do next. Berniukas nori žinoti tiesą. The boy wants to know the truth. The boy wants to know the truth. Šypsokis. Smile. Smile. Ji paliko savo skėtį traukinyje. She left her umbrella in the train. She left her umbrella on the train. Aš pabandysiu tai vėl. I will try it again. I'll try it again. Dienos tampa vis ilgesnės ir ilgesnės. The days are getting longer and longer. Days are becoming longer and longer. Jie galėjo tik klausytis. They could only listen. They could only listen. Sniegas greitai krenta. The snow is falling fast. The snow is falling fast. Kuo esi vyresnis, tuo sunkiau išmokti kalbą. The older you are, the more difficult it is to learn a language. The older you are, the harder it is to learn the language. Tomas su Merė nuėjo į muziejų. Tom went with Mary to the museum. Thomas and Mary went to the museum. Daryk, kaip nori. Do as you want. Do whatever you want. Ji daro pačius geriausius sumuštinius pasaulyje. She makes the best sandwiches in the world. She makes the best sandwiches in the world. Ar Jums padėti panešti šią dėžę? Shall I help you with this box? Can I help you carry this box? Trumpi sijonai jau nebemadingi. Short skirts are already out of fashion. Short skirts are no longer fashionable. Ieškai savo rakto. You are looking for your key. Looking for your key. Viskas ėjo pagal planą. Everything went according to plan. Everything went according to plan. Aš turiu baltą katę. I have a white cat. I have a white cat. Ji priprato keltis anksti. She is accustomed to rising early. She got used to getting up early. Tapyba buvo didžioji jo gyvenimo meilė. Painting was the great love of his life. Painting was the great love of his life. Mūsų sūnus mirė karo metu. Our son died during the war. Our son died during the war. Sakyk ką nori. Say what you want. Tell me what you want. Niekas niekada nėra matęs Dievo. No one has ever seen God. No one has ever seen God. Aš ne melagė. I'm not a liar. I'm not a liar. Tai yra pieštukas. This is a pencil. It's a pencil. Pažiūrėjome pro langą, bet nieko nepamatėme. We looked out the window, but we didn't see anything. We looked through the window, but we didn't see anything. Jis už mane daug protingesnis. He is much smarter than I am. He's much smarter than me. Oras prie jūros yra tyras ir sveikas. The air by the sea is pure and healthy. The air by the sea is clean and healthy. Einu pas daktarą. I'm going to the doctor. I'm going to the doctor. Aš čia turiu daug draugų. I have a lot of friends here. I have a lot of friends here. Jautienos, prašau. Beef, please. Beef, please. Jis nori nusipirkti ponį. He wants to buy a pony. He wants to buy a pony. Jis moka tardyti žmones. He knows how to interrogate people. He can interrogate people. Rašyk pieštuku. Write it in pencil. Write a pencil. Man patinka šokoladas. I like chocolate. I like chocolate. Nė už ką to neparduočiau. I wouldn't sell that at any price. I wouldn't sell it for anything. Oro uostas yra ganėtinai toli nuo miesto centro. The airport is quite far from the city centre. The airport is quite far from the city centre. Pakelk ranką prieš atsakydama. Raise your hand before you answer. Put your hand up before you answer. Ką tu manai ji dabar daro? What do you think she is doing now? What do you think she's doing now? Tai yra puikus meno kūrinys. It's a wonderful work of art. It's a great piece of art. Man nepatinka klysti. I do not like to make mistakes. I don't like to be wrong. Jis nėra Amerikietis. He is not an American. He's not an American. Šis veiksmažodis įprastai naudojamas tik trečiam asmeny. This verb is normally used only in the third person. This verb is usually used only for a third person. Paukščiai išskrido į pietus. The birds flew to the south. The birds went south. Išverskite pabrauktus sakinius. Translate the underlined sentences. Translate the deleted sentences. Aš įlipau per langą. I came in through the window. I got in the window. Aš negaliu patikėti, kad aš iš tiesų esu čia. I can't believe I'm actually here. I can't believe I'm really here. Aš tik noriu pasikalbėti. I just want to talk. I just want to talk. Tomas nemanė kad jam buvo reikalingas asmens sargybinis. Tom didn't think he needed a bodyguard. Thomas didn't think he needed a personal guard. Jam tai pavyko. He made it. He did it. Šie saldainiai yra per saldūs. These candies are too sweet. These candies are too sweet. Futbolas yra popiulariausias Brazilijoje. Soccer is the most popular in Brazil. Football is the most popular in Brazil. Markas pasiėmė savo daiktus ir išėjo. Mark took his stuff and left. Mark took his things and left. Esu pripratęs eiti miegoti vėlai. I'm used to staying up late. I'm used to falling asleep late. Po kelių dienų, lėktuvas pagaliau išvyko. After several delays, the plane finally left. A few days later, the plane finally left. Tau tereikia čia sedėti. You have only to sit here. You just have to sit here. Mano tėvas labai mėgsta picą. My father likes pizza very much. My father loves pizza. Gal jis ateis. Perhaps he will come. Maybe he'll come. Galite parsisiųsti mūsų svetainės kalbančiųjų gimtąja kalba įrašytus garso failus. You can download audio files by native speakers from our website. You can download audio files recorded in our website's native language speakers. Aš nežinau visko apie tą įvykį. I don't know everything about the event. I don't know everything about that event. Aš girdėjau kad Merė nori skyrybų. I heard that Mary wants a divorce. I heard Mary wants a divorce. Laikykis toliau nuo ugnies. Keep away from the fire. Stay away from the fire. Blogai jaučiuosi. I'm not feeling well. I'm not feeling well. Mes esame atsakingi už nuostolius. We carry the responsibility for the losses. We are responsible for the losses. Tai mano kompiuteris. This is my computer. It's my computer. Kalbėti radijuje natūraliai nėra lengva. It is not easy to speak naturally on the radio. Radio communication is not naturally easy. Visi obuoliai yra ten. All the apples are there. All the apples are there. Prieš bėgimą bėgikai turi apšilti. Before the race, the runners have to warm up. Before running, the runners have to warm up. Jis nekenčia vorų. He hates spiders. He hates spiders. Pasiruošk! Rytoj yra paskutinė diena. Get ready! Tomorrow is the last day. Get ready, tomorrow's the last day. Ji vaikšto. She walks. She's walking. Mano draugas čia yra. My friend is here. My friend is here. Matėme, kaip ji įėjo į parką. We saw her enter the park. We saw her entering the park. Jos vaikinas yra Turkas. Her boyfriend is Turkish. Her boyfriend is Turk. Esu tikra kad jis ateis. I'm sure he will come. I'm sure he'll come. Trikampiai neturi keturių kampų. Triangles don't have four angles. The triangles do not have four angles. Mes turime pakankamai vandens. We have enough water. We have enough water. Ar tu prisimeni tą pardotuvę? Do you remember that store? Do you remember that store? We may as well all go We may as well all go. We may as well all go Kuris namas yra jo? Which house is his? Which house is it? Tai yra miestas apie kurį aš tau sakiau. This is the city I told you about. This is the city I told you about. Tavo atsakymas nėra teisingas. Pabandyk dar kartą. Your answer isn't correct. Try again. Your answer is wrong, try again. Kelionė buvo varginanti. The trip was exhausting. The trip was troublesome. Jis yra ieškomas policijos. He's wanted by the police. He's looking for the police. Jis daugiau nebepasitiki daktaru. He doesn't trust the doctor any more. He doesn't trust the doctor anymore. Išmokau gyventi su nugaros skausmais. I've learned to live with the pain in my back. I learned to live with back pain. Tu bandai mane nužudyti. You are trying to kill me. You're trying to kill me. Aš šiandien neičiau čiuožinėti. I would not go skating today. I wouldn't be walking today. Pasikalbėkime apie Paulą. Let's talk about Paola. Let's talk about Paul. Labas rytas. Laikas atsibusti. Good morning. It's time to wake up. Good morning, it's time to wake up. Jūreivis daug laiko praleidžia jūroje. A sailor is at sea much of the time. The sailor spends a lot of time at sea. Tomas paraudo. Tom blushed. Thomas's red. Eik ir atidaryk duris. Go and open the door. Go and open the door. Aš norėčiau pamatyti savo tėvus. I'd like to see my parents. I'd like to see my parents. Atrodė lyg tu nenorėjai tos knygos. You didn't seem to want that book. It looked like you didn't want that book. Palikau langą atvirą visą naktį. I left the window open all through the night. I left the window open all night. Ei, žiūrėk, trigalvė bezdžionė! Hey, look, a three-headed monkey! Hey, look, three-headed stingless! Jūs esate idiotai. You are morons. You're idiots. Jis visada gerai žaidžia. He always plays well. He's always good at playing. Bilas nemėgsta kad jo tėvas taip daug rūko. Bill doesn't like the fact that his father smokes a lot. Bill doesn't like his father smoking so much. Aš suprantu turkiškai. I understand Turkish. I understand in Turkish. Tai niekada nepradings. That will never disappear. It's never gonna disappear. Gyvenimas yra gražus. Life is beautiful. Life is beautiful. Japonai yra drąsi tauta. The Japanese are a brave people. The Japanese are a brave nation. Rytoj tėvas grįžta namo. Father is coming home tomorrow. My father's coming home tomorrow. Šita yra mano karvė. This is my cow. This is my cow. Neturėtum sakyti tokio dalyko prie vaikų. You shouldn't say that kind of thing when children are around. You shouldn't say that to the kids. Tai pigiausia parduotuvė mieste. This is the cheapest store in town. It's the cheapest store in town. Aš nesu pratęs anksti keltis. I'm not used to getting up early. I'm not going to get up early. Padėk man išmokti vairuoti. Help me learn how to drive. Help me learn to drive. Tu esi keistas, tu man patinki. You're weird - I like you. You're weird, I like you. Vairuok ypač atsargiai Drive with the utmost care. Particular care should be taken Negaliu pasakyti, kiek laiko praėjo. I cannot say how much time passed. I can't tell you how long it's been. Nesuprantu. I don't understand. I don't understand. Kitą kartą, aš padarysiu tą pati. Next time, I'll do it myself. Next time, I'll do the same thing. Tu buvai užsiėmęs. You were busy. You were busy. Tonis kartais aplankydavo savo šeimą. Tony sometimes visited his family. Tony sometimes visited his family. Mano sesuo mėgsta saldumynus. My sister likes sweets. My sister likes sweets. Viskas ką girdėjai yra tiesa. Everything you've heard is true. Everything you heard is true. Kur tu matai knygas? Where do you see the books? Where do you see the books? Jis paneigė, kad man rašė. He denied having written to me. He denied that he wrote to me. Ar tu laisvas šį savaitgalį? Are you free this weekend? Are you free this weekend? Būkite draugiška. Be friendly. Be friendly. Ji verkia. She is crying. She's crying. Labai tą mėgstu. I like it very much. I love that. Ar gali tą rasti? Can you find it? Can you find that? Vilkai nevalgo salotų. Wolves don't eat salad. The wolves don't eat salads. Mano draugei septyniolika metų. My friend is seventeen. My friend is 17 years old. Išversk pabrauktus sakinius. Translate the underlined sentences. Translate the highlighted sentences. Aš žinau apie tave viską. I know all about you. I know everything about you. Jei tu galėtum ateiti, aš būčiau labai laiminga. If you could come, I'd be really happy. If you could come, I'd be very happy. Kada tu tai radai? When did you find this? When did you find it? Aš pasakiau kad vėliau pasambinsiu dar katrą. I said I would ring again later. I said I'd get another one later. Ar tai tavo pirmas kartas Japonijoje? Is this your first time in Japan? Is that your first time in Japan? Prašau užpildykite šitą formą. Fill out this form, please. Please fill in this form. Ar esate pasiruošę pradėti savo kelionę? Are you ready to start your journey? Are you ready to start your journey? Merė įsiveržė į virtuvę. Mary burst into the kitchen. Mary broke into the kitchen. Jų vėliava yra mėlynai-auksinė. Their flag is blue and gold. Their flag is blue-golden. Ar obiektyvi istorija egzistuoja? Does objective history exist? Does Obivive History Exist? Jūs dvokiate. You stink. You smell. Ką tu tuo turi omeny? What do you mean by it? What do you mean? Pažiūrėk į tą kalną padengtą sniegu. Look at that mountain which is covered with snow. Look at that mountain covered with snow. Daugiau to nedaryk! Don't do it again. Don't do it again! Tu neturėtum eiti. You shouldn't go. You shouldn't go. Mano draugai yra nuostabūs. My friends are amazing. My friends are great. Aš norėčiau keliauti aplink pasaulį. I'd like to travel around the world. I'd like to travel around the world. Gal katinas slepiasi po lova? Maybe the cat is hiding under the bed? Is the cat hiding under the bed? Aš šnekėjausi su draugais. I talked to friends. I talked to my friends. Man reikia kambario. I need a room. I need a room. Kažkas jiems atnešė naują kilimą. Somebody brought them a new carpet. Something brought them a new carpet. Turi ką nors karšto išgerti? Do you have anything hot to drink? Do you have anything hot to drink? Tai nėra paskutinis traukinys, ar ne? This isn't the last train, is it? It's not the last train, is it? Jis nužudė tą vyriškį. He killed that man. He killed that man. Dar neperskaičiau paskutinio romano puslapio. I haven't read the final page of the novel yet. I haven't read the page of the last novel yet. Ar supratai ką jis pasakė? Did you understand what he said? Do you understand what he said? Būtent tą aš ir galvojau. That's exactly what I thought. That's exactly what I was thinking. Tomas negalėjo atsikratyti jausmo kad tuoj atsitiks kažkas blogo. Tom couldn't shake the feeling that something horrible was about to happen. Thomas couldn't get rid of the feeling that something bad would happen soon. Eikš su manim laukan ir pažiūrėk į žvaigždynus. Come outside with me and look at the constellations. Come with me outside and look at the constellations. Tai yra Kendžio kedė. This is Kenji's chair. That's Candie's hat. Visos jų pastangos buvo beprasmiškos. All their efforts were in vain. All their efforts were pointless. Ji serga nuo praeitos savaitės. She has been sick since last week. She's been sick since last week. Jis sakė kad jam labai skaudėjo galva. He was saying his head hurt a lot. He said he had a very bad head. Ką aš visada ir sakiau. That's what I've always said. What I always said. Dabar tave atpažįstu. Now I recognize you. Now I recognize you. Ji paėmė savo pieštuką ir pradėjo rašyti. She took her pencil and started to write. She took her pencil and started writing. Džonas yra prancūzų literatūros profesorius Oksfordo Universitete. John is professor of French literature at Oxford and his wife is French. John is a professor of French literature at Oxford University. Aš mėgstu džiazą. I like jazz music. I love jazz. Vėjas nurimo. The wind calmed down. The wind calmed down. Aš neturiu tuščio puodelio. I don't have an empty cup. I don't have an empty cup. Mėnulis buvo virš horizonto. The moon was above the horizon. The moon was above the horizon. Ji drebėjo klausydamasi naujiemų. She was trembling as she listened to the news. She trembled as she listened to the new ones. Kaip paklosi, taip ir išsimiegosi. As you make your bed, so you must lie in it. Just like you do, you'll get some sleep. Įstatymas buvo pakeistas. The law was changed. The law has been amended. Labai patogu gyventi šalia stoties. It is a great convenience to live near a station. It's very comfortable to live next to the station. Lygiai pusė devynių. It's exactly half-past eight. It's exactly half nine. Nusiimk savo kepurę kai įeini į klasę. Take off your hat when you enter a classroom. Take your hat off when you get in the classroom. Ne, tai nėra mano naujas vaikinas. No, he's not my new boyfriend. No, it's not my new guy. Jos mokiniai per daug mokosi. Her students study too much. Her students learn too much. Ar Tomas turi patirtį? Does Tom have experience? Does Tom have experience? Dabar aš esu tikrai pavargusi. Now I'm really tired. Now I'm really tired. Aš turiu vis daugiau ir daugiau žilų plaukų. I'm getting more and more gray hair. I have more and more gray hair. Buvome labai pavargę. We were very tired. We were very tired. Šie produktai yra tokios pačios kokybės. These products are of the same quality. These products are of the same quality. Bilai, atidaryk duris. Bill, open the door. Bill, open the door. Kaip gaila! What a pity! What a pity! Jei tu nori pasilikti, gali pasilikti. If you want to stay, you can stay. If you want to stay, you can stay. Tikri vyrai geria arbatą. Real men drink tea. The real men are drinking tea. Jie abu dėvi skrybėles. They both are wearing a hat. They both wear hats. Bet jis žinojo kad jis neturėjo jokio pasirinkimo. But he knew he had no choice. But he knew he had no choice. Tu esi puikus vaikinas. You're a wonderful guy. You're a great guy. Viskas daroma rankomis. Everything is done by hand. It's done by hand. Tomas įėjo pro užpakalines duris. Tom came in through the back door. Thomas walked through the back door. Ji pavadino jį Čarlsu. She named him Charles. She called him Charles. Norėti būti laimingam yra visai normalu. It is only normal to want to be happy. The desire to be happy is quite normal. Kas tik gali pakrypti bloga linkme taip ir pakryps. Whatever can go wrong will go wrong. Whoever can move in the wrong direction will go the same way. Laikykis atokiai nuo tos vietos. Stay away from that place. Stay away from that place. Ar esi alkana? Are you hungry? Are you hungry? Tomas veda Merę iš kelio. Tom is leading Mary astray. Thomas leads Mary out of his way. Aš palauksiu čia kol jis grįš. I'll wait here until he comes back. I'll wait here until he's back. Tomas negalėjo suprasti ką Merė sakė. Tom couldn't understand what Mary was saying. Thomas couldn't understand what Mary said. Jie praleido puikią progą. They missed a good chance. They missed a great opportunity. Mano albumas yra čia. My album is here. My album is here. Kadaise Nigerija buvo Britų kolonija. At one time Nigeria was a British colony. Nigeria was once a British colony. Jis miega. He's asleep. He's asleep. Man atrodo kad traukinys vėluoja. It seems to me that the train is late. I think the train's late. Dabar tai mūsų namai. This is now our home. It's our home now. Ji norėtų surasti gyvenimo prasmę. She'd like to find the purpose of life. She would like to find the meaning of life. Ar galiu pasinaudoti tavo telefonu? Might I use your phone? Can I use your phone? Aš nesu tavo motina. I'm not your mother. I'm not your mother. Aš noriu būti žurnalistas. I want to be a journalist. I want to be a journalist. Koks skirtumas? What's the difference? What's the difference? Ką tik pabaigiau namų darbus. I have just finished my homework. I just finished my homework. Ji sunkiai dirbo. She worked hard. She worked hard. Nepavėluok į autobusą. Don't miss the bus. Don't be late on the bus. Vienas už visus, visi už vieną. One for all, all for one. One for all, one for all. Kodėl tu užlipai ant jos namo stogo? Why did you climb up on the roof of her house? Why did you get on her roof? Aš nepratusi keltis anksti. I'm not used to getting up early. I'm not used to getting up early. Ar tu myli savo motiną? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Neturėtum be leidimo skaityti kitų žmonių asmeninių laiškų. You shouldn't read other people's private letters without permission. You should not read personal letters from other people without permission. Kaip tu drįsti taip su manimi kalbėti! How dare you talk to me like that! How dare you talk to me like that! Jis nenori tavęs laukti. He doesn't want to wait for you. He doesn't want to wait for you. Prezidentas mirė netikėtai. The President died unexpectedly. The President died unexpectedly. Klausausi radijo. I'm listening to the radio. I'm listening to the radio. Kaip mums rasti Tomą? How can we find Tom? How do we find Thomas? Mano šeima niekada neturėjo pakankamai pinigų atostogoms. The family never had enough money for vacations. My family never had enough money for vacation. Laikrodis skuba. The clock is fast. The clock's in a hurry. Jis užaugo mažame miestelyje. He grew up in a small town. He grew up in a small town. Kas sudaužė šį langą? Who broke this window? Who broke this window? Ar padarei šitą pats? Did you do this on your own? Did you do this yourself? Tai senis besmegenis. It's a snowman. It's an old brainless man. Tai yra paprasta ir intuityvu. It's simple and intuitive. It's simple and intuitive. Šis kilimas yra labai ilgas. This carpet is very long. This carpet is very long. Kai einame miegoti, sakome "labanakt". When we go to bed, we say "good night". When we go to sleep, we say "good night." Kokios spalvos automobilį ji sau nusipirko? What colour is the car which she bought for herself? What color did she buy for herself? Pamatę kas vyksta, mes nusprendėme išeiti. Upon seeing what was happening, we decided to leave. When we saw what was happening, we decided to leave. Ši gėlė yra gražesnė už aną. This flower is more beautiful than that one. This flower is more beautiful than that. Mes negalėjome sužinoti jos adreso. We could not find out her address. We couldn't find out her address. Jos akys paplūdo ašaromis. Her eyes filled with tears. Her eyes blew with tears. Taip, žinau. Yes, I know. Yeah, I know. Jie jau nebeturi cukraus. They don't have any sugar any more. They don't have sugar anymore. Kodėl tavo dukra nemėgsta saldainių? Why does your daughter dislike candies? Why doesn't your daughter like candy? Jis atidaro langą. He is opening the window. He's opening the window. Prašau atidarykite šią dėžę. Please open this box. Please open this box. Kokias vietas tas turas aplanko? What places does that tour visit? What are the places in the tour? Aš turiu gyvybės draudimą. I have life insurance. I have life insurance. Aš nežinau ar pasukti į kairę ar į dešinę. I don't know whether to turn left or right. I don't know whether to turn left or right. Aš jau nebežinau kas su manimi darosi. I don't even know what's happening to me anymore. I don't know what's happening to me anymore. Aš nekreipsiu į tai dėmesio. I'll ignore that. I'm not gonna pay attention to this. Mes plaukiojome jūroje. We swam in the sea. We sailed in the sea. Ji bando perdažyti savo namus. She's trying to repaint her house. She's trying to paint her house. Ar galite man parodyti kelią į teatrą? Could you show me the way to the theatre? Can you show me the way to the theater? Ji gali kalbėti. She can speak. She can talk. Grįžk namo prieš šeštą. Come home before six. Go home before six. Jo išradimas yra vertas dėmėsio. His invention deserves attention. His invention is worthy of attention. Blogadariai visuomet apie kitus galvoja blogiausiai. Evildoers always think the worst of others. Evildoers always think the worst of others. Aš geriu vandenį. I drink water. I drink water. Aš matau ir girdžiu. I see and hear. I see and hear. Aš nebegeriu pieno su cukrumi. I don't drink milk with sugar any more. I don't drink milk with sugar anymore. Aš nieko negaliu suprasti iš to, ką sako užsienietis. I can't understand anything that foreigner says. I can't understand anything from what an alien says. Nesirūpink. Pažadu kad padarysiu tą ko prašai. Don't worry. I promise I'll do what you ask. Don't worry, I promise you I'll do what you're asking for. Ji aplankė savo vyrą kalėjime. She visited her husband in prison. She visited her husband in prison. Mokiniai šiandien neturi eiti į mokyklą. The students don't have to go to school today. The students don't have to go to school today. Nieko nesakyk. Don't say anything. Don't say anything. Kaip ilgai tai užtruks? How long will it take? How long will it take? Aišku kad tu esi neteisus. It's clear that you're wrong. Of course you're wrong. Aš nekenčiu pasaulio, nes pasaulis nekenčia manęs. I hate the world because the world hates me. I hate the world because the world hates me. Tomas - komunistas. Tom is a communist. Thomas is a Communist. Afrikietiški drambliai yra didesni už azijietiškus dramblius. African elephants are larger than Asian elephants. African elephants are larger than Asian elephants. Moterys keičia pasaulį. Women change the world. Women are changing the world. Šis miestas naktį būna lyg apmiręs. This town is really dead at night. It's like it's dead at night. Tai visiškai neįmanoma. It is absolutely impossible. This is absolutely impossible. Mieste yra keli geri viešbučiai. There are a few good hotels in town. There are several good hotels in the city. Juokauji !? Are you kidding? Are you kidding me? Gyvenimas per trumpas gerti pigų vyną. Life's too short to drink cheap wine. Life is too short to drink cheap wine. Ar ji jau čia? Is she here yet? Is she here? Jie kalbėjo apie meilę. They talked about love. They talked about love. Mes buvome geriausi draugai. We used to be best friends. We were the best friends. Arbata per stipri. Atskiesk ją vandeniu. The tea is too strong. Add some water. Tea too strong. Dilute it with water. Ši žuvis negerai kvepia. This fish smells bad. This fish doesn't smell good. Ar jūs norite darbo? Do you want a job? Do you want a job? Per vėlai. Too late. It's too late. Tomui reikėjo pinigų. Tom needed money. Thomas needed money. Kokia yra graikijos sostinė? What is the capital of Greece? What is the Greek capital? Tai vienintelis paaiškinimas. It's the only explanation. That's the only explanation. Paimk mano akinius. Take my glasses. Take my glasses. Mano draugas nenaudoja cukraus. My friend doesn't use sugar. My friend doesn't use sugar. Kas tas asmuo sėdintis kitame stalo gale? Who's the person sitting at the other end of the table? Who's sitting at the other end of the table? Šitas televizorius turi dvejų metų garantiją. This TV set has a two year guarantee. This TV has a two-year guarantee. Ar nežinai kelio? Do you know the way? Don't you know the way? Labas, mano brangusis. Hello, my dear. Hi, my dear. Kas tavo mėgstamiausias būgnininkas? Who's your favorite drummer? Who's your favorite drummer? Išversk šią knygą į anglų kalbą. Translate this book into English. Translation this book into English. Dabar tikrai nuobodžiauju. I'm really bored right now. I'm really bored now. Kad ir kaip tu šito norėtum, tai niekada neatsitiks. However badly you want it, it will never happen. Whatever you want, it'll never happen. Pabandyk nuvažiuoti ten vienas. Try to drive there on your own. Try to go there alone. Mano tėvas niekada nebuvo užsienyje. My father has never been abroad. My father was never abroad. Kur mes esame? Where are we? Where are we? Be vandens, mes negalime išgyventi. Without water, we can not survive. Without water, we can't survive. Kiek valandų per savaitę dirbate? How many hours a week do you work? How many hours are you working a week? Ar tu žaidi šachmatais? Do you play chess? Are you playing chess? Vieno lašelio nuodų pakanka nužudyti šimtą šešiasdešimt žmonių. One drop of the poison is enough to kill 160 people. One drop of poison is enough to kill one hundred and sixty people. Mano stiklinė tuščia. My glass is empty. My glass is empty. Aš visiškai prieš šį planą. I'm dead against the plan. I am completely against this plan. Maikas nemoka gerai žaisti beisbolo. Mike can't play baseball well. Mike can't play baseball well. Buvai užimta, ar ne? You've been busy, haven't you? You were busy, didn't you? Aš vykstu į Bostoną atostogoms. I'm going to Boston for the holidays. I'm going to Boston for a vacation. Ar ten buvo kas nors dar, išskyrus tave? Was there anybody else besides you? Was there anyone else except you? Jūs vaikinai esate geriausi šauliai. You guys get the best shots. You guys are the best shooters. Nevenk mano klausimo. Don't avoid my question. Don't avoid my question. Jie pavojuje. They're in danger. They're in danger. Vienoje savaitėje yra septynios dienos. In one week there are seven days. There are seven days in one week. Man niekada nepatiko biologija. I never liked biology. I never liked biology. Pakviečiau ją pašokti. I asked her to dance. I invited her to dance. Tu turi padaryti tą pats. You must do it yourself. You have to do the same. Aš esu daug apie tave girdėjęs. I have heard quite a lot about you. I've heard a lot about you. Aš nesu gera, aš esu gailėstinga. I am not nice, I am merciful. I'm not good, I'm sorry. Ar tau patinka šis miestas? How do you like this town? Do you like this city? Šiandien Tomas atrodo kitaip. Tom seems different today. Thomas looks different today. Vakar jis nieko nevalgė. He did not eat anything yesterday. He didn't eat anything yesterday. Ar šiąnakt liksi namie? Will you stay at home tonight? Will you stay home tonight? Plaunu rankas. I wash my hands. Wash my hands. Už automobilio slepiasi vienas mažas katinas. There's one small cat hiding behind the car. There's one little cat behind the car. Grįšiu rytoj vakare. I'll be back tomorrow evening. I'll be back tomorrow night. Kodėl skambinai? Why did you call? Why did you call? Niekada nerašykite žodžių "barščiai" ir "kopūstienė" vokiškai! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write the words "bunny" and "bunny" in German! Kas ten? Who's there? Who's there? Ar galėčiau gauti dar vieną taurę alaus? Could I have another glass of beer? Can I get another beer? Aš nekenčiu jos, bet nežinau kodėl. I hate her, but I don't know why. I hate her, but I don't know why. Kur tu juos prakeikei? Where did you curse them? Where did you curse them? Aš tau padėsiu kiek galiu. I'll help you as much as I can. I'll help you as much as I can. Namas su žaliu stogu yra mano. The house whose roof is green is mine. A house with a green roof is mine. Aš norėčiau padėti, bet aš esu labai užsiėmęs. I'd love to help you out, but I'm terribly busy. I'd like to help, but I'm very busy. Kažkas atėjo. Someone came. Someone's here. Tavo tėvas yra Japonas. Your father is Japanese. Your father is Japan. Daug iš jo išmokau. I learned a lot from him. I learned a lot from him. Tomo mirtis buvo išvengiama. Tom's death was preventable. Tom's death was avoided. Jis pametė savo bilietą į kiną. He lost his ticket for the movie. He lost his ticket to the movie. Aš žinau iš patirties; žaisti futbolą basam yra bloga idėja. Tu gali lengvai likti su sulaužtais kojų pirštais. I know from experience; playing soccer barefoot is a bad idea. You could easily end up with broken toes. I know from experience; playing football for the bass is a bad idea. You can easily stay with broken toes. Stalas neužima daug vietos. The table doesn't take much room. The table doesn't take much space. Mano tėvo automobilis yra naujas. My father's car is new. My father's car is new. Kenas paklausė apie jo tėvą. Ken inquired about his father. Ken asked about his father. Yra tik du teisingi atsakymai. There are only two correct answers. There are only two true answers. Yra aišku kad jis nenori su manimi kalbėti. It's clear that he doesn't want to talk to me. It's clear that he doesn't want to talk to me. Jūs tik dabar supratote? Did you just realize that? You just figured out? Tas medis auga prie jos namo. That tree grows next to her house. That tree grows near her house. Aš pagaminau šį maistą pati. I made this food myself. I made this food myself. Mes turėtume duoti jai gėlių. We should give her flowers. We should give her flowers. Ar gali patikėti tuo, ką jis pasakė? Can you believe what he said? Can you believe what he said? Kodėl tie žmonės lipa ant stogo? Why are those people climbing up on the roof? Why do these people get on the roof? Aš valgau ir geriu. I eat and drink. I eat and drink. Mano draugui septyniolika metų. My friend is seventeen. My friend is 17 years old. Jūs matote skirtumą? Do you see the difference? You see the difference? Jis nesumokėjo skolos ir pradingo. He did not pay the debt and disappeared. He didn't pay his debt and he disappeared. Milė nevalgo obuolio. Millie isn't eating an apple. A million don't eat apples. Tomai, aš grįžau. Tom, I'm back. Tom, I'm back. Situacija yra kritinė. The situation is critical. The situation is critical. Tu neturėtum juo pasitikėti. You should not trust him. You shouldn't trust him. Kur tu gyveni, jeigu tu neturi namų? Where do you live if you have no home? Where do you live if you don't have a home? Aš nesu pratusi anksti keltis. I'm not used to getting up early. I'm not used to getting up early. Aš nenoriu pasikalbėti su tavimi, nes tu sudaužei mano širdį. I don't want to talk to you, because you broke my heart. I don't want to talk to you because you broke my heart. Ji tai pažodžiui išvertė. She translated it word for word. She literally translated it. Nebijok permainų. Don't be afraid of change. Don't be afraid of change. Aš mėgstu pasakojimus apie meilę. I like love stories. I love stories about love. Aš pasekiau motinos pavyzdžiu. I followed my mother's example. I followed my mother's example. Jos abi verkė kai jos išgirdo tragiškas naujienas. They both cried after hearing the tragic news. They both wept when they heard tragic news. Ji man daug apie tave pasakojo. She told me a lot about you. She told me a lot about you. Ji žino viską apie maisto gaminimą. She knows everything about cooking. She knows everything about cooking. Man nepatinka vasara. I don't like summer. I don't like summer. Tomas išsiaiškins tai. Tom will get it figured out. Tom's gonna find out. Jis mane nužudė vienu žodžiu. He killed me with one word. He killed me with one word. Atsimerk. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Nustok vėpsoti. Stop gawking. Stop breathing. Man patinka korėjietiškas maistas. I like Korean cuisine. I like Korean food. Niekas nenori karo. Nobody wants a war. No one wants war. Visi ją pažįsta. Everybody knows her. Everyone knows her. Ar tu pritari tam ką ji daro? Do you approve of what she is doing? Do you agree with what she's doing? Uždaryk langą. Close the window. Close the window. Aš susidraugavau su studentu iš užsienio. I made friends with a student from abroad. I made friends with students from abroad. Iš pradžių buvome visiškai nepažįstami. Bet bėgant laikui mes susipažinome. At first, we weren't familiar at all. Over time we got to know each other. At first, we were completely strangers, but over time, we met. Jis tapo pianistu. He became a pianist. He's become a pianist. Nekenčiu šito darbo. I hate this job. I hate this job. Kaip ji moka taip greitai kalbėti? How can she speak that fast? How can she speak so quickly? Karalienė stovėjo prie karaliaus. The queen stood beside the king. The queen stood by the king. Kokios pagalbos tau reikia? What kind of help do you need? What kind of help do you need? Nesakyk, daryk. Don't say, do. Don't tell me, do it. Jis nebijo mirties. He isn't afraid of death. He's not afraid of death. Beje, kur jis gyvena? By the way, where does he live? By the way, where does he live? Aš dabar neturiu laiko. I don't have time right now. I don't have time now. Matei tą mažą pelę? Did you see that small mouse? Did you see that little mouse? Tu niekada nesupranti mano juokų. You never get my jokes. You never understand my laughter. Norėčiau būti truputį aukštesnė. I wish I were a little taller. I'd like to be a little taller. Aš nevykėlė. I'm a loser. I didn't. Tavo brolio šiandien nebuvo mokykloje. Your brother wasn't at school today. Your brother wasn't at school today. Žiedas yra prakeiktas. The ring is cursed. The ring is cursed. Mes visą laiką viena su kita kalbėjome. We were talking to each other all the time. We've been talking to each other all the time. Ta ruda kepurė yra sena. The brown hat is old. That brown hat is old. Aš sulieknėsiu. I'll lose weight. I'll bend. Įjunk šviesą. Nieko nematau. Switch on the light. I can't see anything. I can't see anything. Neįmanoma sustabdyti laiką. Time cannot be stopped. It's impossible to stop the time. Rožių kvapas pripildė kambarį. The smell of roses filled the room. The smell of roses filled the room. Daktarai padarė viską ką galėjo tam kad jį išgydytų. Doctors did everything they could to cure him. Doctors did everything they could to cure him. Kas tas vyras kuris sėdi kitame stalo gale? Who's the man sitting at the other end of the table? Who's the man sitting at the other end of the table? Čia gražu. It's beautiful here. It's beautiful. Florencija yra pats gražiausias miestas Italijoje. Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy. Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy. Tai ne sakinys. This is not a sentence. It's not a sentence. Tomas yra mūsų komandos kapitonas. Tom is the captain of our team. Thomas is the captain of our team. Akivaizdu kad esi šitą daręs ankščiau. It is plain that you have done this before. You've obviously done this before. Ar tu manai kad aš turėčiau eiti vienas? Do you think I should go alone? Do you think I should go alone? Pasirodė, kad aš buvau teisus. It turned out that I was right. It turned out I was right. Pakeiskite senas padangas į naujas. Replace the old tires with new ones. Change old tyres to new ones. Tu privalai eiti į ligoninę. You have to go to the hospital. You must go to the hospital. Pagaliau pasivijau savo draugus. I finally caught up with my friends. I finally caught my friends. Paprašiau jų sutaisyti mano automobilį. I asked them to fix my car. I asked them to repair my car. Prašyčiau arbatos su citrina. A tea with lemon, please. Lemon tea, please. Aš paprašiau Tomo groti gitara. I asked Tom to play the guitar. I asked Tom to play guitar. Ar esate pasiruošę? Are you ready? Are you ready? Salė prisiminė laikus kai jos senėlė buvo stipri ir sveika. Sally recalled the days when her grandma was strong and healthy. The hall remembered the times when her grandmother was strong and healthy. Kur Turkijoje tu gyveni? Where in Turkey do you live? Where do you live in Turkey? Niekada nelygink savo žmonos su kita moterimi. Never compare your wife to another woman. Never compare your wife to another woman. Ar gerai žaidi krepšinį? Do you play basketball well? Do you play basketball well? Aš buvau beveik miręs. I almost died. I was almost dead. Jis labai mėgsta beisbolą. He likes baseball very much. He loves baseball. Jis turi didelias mėlynas akis. He has large blue eyes. He's got big blue eyes. Aš gyvenu kartu su tėvais. I live with my parents. I live with my parents. Ar gavote laišką? Did you receive the letter? Did you get a letter? Tai jau nebesvarbu. That no longer matters. It's no longer important. Sveikas, pasauli! Hello, world! Hey, world! Kokį maistą tu mėgsti? What kind of food do you like? What kind of food do you like? Tomas yra tavo įpėdinis. Tom is your heir. Thomas is your successor. Ji pilna energijos. She is full of energy. She's full of energy. Aš norėčiau padėti, bet aš esu labai užsiėmusi. I'd love to help you out, but I'm terribly busy. I'd like to help, but I'm very busy. Nebijokite naujų pažinčių. Don't be scared to meet new people. Don't be afraid of new dating. Šios suknelės yra per didėlės. These dresses are too large. These dresses are too big. Ar aš švaistau savo laiką? Am I wasting my time? Am I wasting my time? Kas pavogė šį obuolį? Who stole the apple? Who stole this apple? Mūsų pasaulis tėra maža visatos dalelė. Our world is only one small part of the universe. Our world is just a small part of the universe. Kai kurie žmonės mėgsta beisbolą, kai kurie futbolą. Some people like baseball, others like soccer. Some people like baseball, some football. Jei aš būčiau buvusi turtinga, aš tau būčiau daviusi šiek tiek pinigų. If I had been rich, I would have given you some money. If I had been rich, I would have given you some money. Palik ją. Jai reikia kelių minučių vienatvėje. Leave her. She needs a few minutes alone. She needs a few minutes alone. Aš einu miegoti dešimtą beveik kiekvieną dieną. I go to bed at ten almost every day. I'm going to sleep for ten almost every day. Kada norėtum jį pamatyti? When would you like to see him? When would you like to see him? Nežinodama, ką pasakyti, ji tylėjo. Not knowing what to say, she remained silent. Not knowing what to say, she kept quiet. Kaip šis gyvūnas vadinasi Japoniškai? What is this animal called in Japanese? What is this animal called Japanese? Man patinka vasara, bet aš negaliu pakęsti karščio. I like summer, but I can't stand the heat. I like summer, but I can't stand the heat. Kaip tu tai paaiškintum? How do you explain it? How would you explain that? Aš galiu padėti tau. I can help you. I can help you. Tai ne tai, ką jūs galvojate! It's not what you think! That's not what you think! Aš buvau neteisi. I was wrong. I was wrong. Paskutinį dešimtmetį mes patyrėme daug permainų. We have experienced many changes over the last decade. We have experienced many changes in the last decade. Tomas buvo grubus. Tom was harsh. Thomas was rough. Mėsa dar neparuošta. The meat's not ready yet. Meat is not ready yet. Tu esi inžinierius. You're an engineer. You're an engineer. Eik tiesiai kol priėisi prie bažnyčios. Go straight ahead until you reach the church. Go straight to the church. Esu labai laimingas Džordžijoje. I am very happy in Georgia. I'm very happy in Georgia. Jei pamatysi klaidą, tada prašau pataisyk ją. If you see a mistake, then please correct it. If you see a mistake, please fix it. Mano mama turi tris šunis. My mum has three dogs. My mom has three dogs. Nuostabu kad mes visi esame čia šiandien susirinkę. It's wonderful that we're all gathered here today. It's amazing that we're all here today. Muziejus vertas į jį nueiti. The museum is worth visiting. The museum is worth going to it. Žvakės apšvietė kambarį. The candles made the room bright. The candles lit the room. Nespėjau aš padėti ragelio, kai telefonas vėl suskambo. No sooner had I hung up the phone than there came another call. I wasn't able to put the phone down when the phone called again. Filmas truko dvi valandas. The film lasted 2 hours. The film lasted two hours. Aš turiu atsakyti į šį laišką. I have to answer his letter. I have to respond to this letter. Prašom pakeisti vėliavą. Change the flag, please. Please change the flag. Kokia negraži katė. What an ugly cat. What a bad cat. Toniui labai patiko jo darbas. Tom liked his job very much. Tony loved his work. Tai ne kelias o takelis. It's not a road, but a path. It's not a road, it's a track. Ką tai reiškia? What does it mean? What does that mean? Mažame puodelyje yra pieno. There's some milk in the small cup. There's milk in a small cup. Aš ne apie tave kalbu. I'm not talking about you. I'm not talking about you. Tomas tapo nekontroliuojamas. Tom has lost control. Thomas became uncontrollable. Tu esi vienintelis kuris gali man padėti. You are the only one who can help me. You're the only one who can help me. Nepasitikėk juo. Don't trust him. Don't trust him. Ar norėtumetė puodelio kavos? Would you like to have a cup of coffee? Would you like a cup of coffee? Meilė - kaip deguonis. Love is like oxygen. Love is like oxygen. Tai yra mano knyga. This is my book. That's my book. Visi miršta. Everyone dies. Everybody's dying. Jūs esate man viskas. You are everything to me. You're all for me. Jie daugiau nieko nedaro tik skundžiasi. They do nothing but complain. They're not doing anything else but complaining. Aš turiu nuskusti visą kibirą obuolių uogienei. I have to peel a whole bucket of apples for a jam. I have to shave the entire bucket for apple fruit. Pagal mokslininkus, atmosfera tampa vis šiltesnė metai po metų. According to scientists, the atmosphere is getting warmer year after year. According to scientists, the atmosphere is becoming warmer year after year. Vargšė katė. Poor cat. Poor cat. Tas testas buvo toks sunkus, kad mums nepakako laiko jį pabaigti. It was such a hard test that we did not have time to finish. That test was so hard that we didn't have enough time to finish it. Mes kartu suradome gerą vietą pavalygti. We all found a good place to eat. We found a good place to sleep together. Atleskite man. Forgive me. Open it to me. Jie tave apgavo. They've fooled you. They cheated on you. Aš negaliu patikėti kad ji yra vyresnė už mano motiną. I can't believe that she is older than my mother. I can't believe she's older than my mother. Aš esu kalbų mėgėjas. I'm a language lover. I'm a lover of languages. Aš sedėjau autobuso priekyje. I sat in the front of the bus. I sat in front of the bus. Mano mama davė man savo siūvimo mašiną. My mother gave me her sewing machine. My mom gave me her sewing machine. Tomas atsikėlė septintą valandą. Tom got up at 7:00. Thomas rose up at 7: 00 a.m. Kokią muziką Tomas mėgsta? What kind of music does Tom like? What kind of music does Thomas like? Mano kalba yra labai sudėtinga. My language is very complicated. My speech is very difficult. Ar tu gavai Tomo žinutę? Did you get Tom's message? Did you get Tom's message? Sveikas. Hello! Hey. Ar tu kada nors prisiūvai sagą? Have you ever sewed on a button? Did you ever sew a button? Stovėjome veidu į veidą su mirtimi. We stood face to face with death. We stood face to face with death. Ar pasidarei kažką savo plaukams? Did you do something new with your hair? Did you make something for your hair? Nusipirkau šį kostiumą kaip tik šiai progai. I bought this suit just for this occasion. I bought this suit for this very occasion. Jis bėga. He runs. He's running. Mano tėvas augina ryžius. My father grows rice. My father's growing rice. Tu gali ateiti, jei nori. You can come if you want to. You can come if you want. Aš buvau nuėjęs į banką. I've been to the bank. I went to the bank. Visada yra kitas kartas. There's always a next time. There's always another time. Aš turiu iššukuoti savo plaukus. I have to comb my hair. I have to comb my hair. Nesu visiškai tikra. I'm not absolutely sure. I'm not sure. Ar jūs žaidžiate šachmatais? Do you play chess? Are you playing chess? Skandalas sužlugdino jo karjerą. The scandal ruined his career. The scandal ruined his career. Ką tu matai? What do you see? What do you see? Ar gali eiti su mumis? Can you go with us? Can you come with us? Jis gali kalbėti. He can speak. He can talk. Kitąmet mes važiuosime prie jūros. Next year I'll go to the sea. Next year we're going to the sea. Jos skrybelė atrodė juokingai. Her hat looked funny. Her hat looked funny. Jai tik dveji, bet ji jau gali suskaičiuoti iki šimto. She is two years old, but she can already count to 100. She's only two, but she can count up to a hundred. Nusutok švaistyti laiką ir grįžk prie darbo. Stop wasting time and get back to work. Take the time off and get back to work. Jei aš nebūčiau gavęs jo pagalbos, aš būčiau negyvas. If I hadn't had his help, I would be dead. If I hadn't received his help, I would have been dead. Herojus pagaliau įveikė piktąjį mokslininką. The hero finally defeated the evil scientist. Hero finally defeated the evil scientist. Mano tėvas yra aukštas. My father is tall. My father is tall. Šiandien sekmadienis. Today is Sunday. It's Sunday. Aš noriu būti kalbininkas. I want to be a linguist. I want to be a speaker. Šįvakar tu atrodai tiesiog žavingai. You look very lovely tonight. You look just charming tonight. Aš noriu parašyti knygą. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. Jis buvo kareiviu karo metu. He was a soldier during the war. He was a soldier during the war. Aš pamiršau nusipirkti vieną pagalvę. I forgot to buy one pillow. I forgot to buy one pillow. Šiuo metu Tomas moko anglų kalbos Japonijoje. Tom currently teaches English in Japan. Thomas is currently teaching English in Japan. Tavo svajonės išsipildė. Your dreams have come true. Your dreams have come true. Ji gali būti rimtai ligota. She might be seriously ill. She can be seriously ill. Kaip Tomas gali tai padaryti? How can Tom do this? How can Thomas do this? Atidaryk langą ir įleisk šviežio oro. Open the window and let in some fresh air. Open the window and let the fresh air in. Kava yra karti. The coffee is bitter. Coffee is a map. Žinau, kad kažką slepi. I know you're hiding something. I know you're hiding something. Tomas dabar gyvena Bostone. Tom now lives in Boston. Thomas now lives in Boston. Aš su juo nesutinku. I don't agree with him. I don't agree with him. Aš esu našlė. I am a widow. I'm a widow. Kas eina su manim? Who's coming with me? What's going on with me? Aš bijau šunų. I am afraid of dogs. I'm afraid of dogs. Aš nenoriu tiek ilgai laukti. I don't want to wait that long. I don't want to wait so long. Ji buvo mano vienintelė draugė. She was my only friend. She was my only friend. Aš pati rasiu savo automobilį. I'll find my car on my own. I'll find my car myself. Ji turėjo juokingą veidą. She has a funny face. She had a funny face. Ji skubėjo. She was in a hurry. She was in a hurry. Jis buvo apkaltintas žmogžudyste. He was accused of murder. He was accused of murder. Kuo daugiau apie tai galvoju, tuo mažiau man tai patinka. The more I think about it, the less I like it. The more I think about it, the less I like it. Tomas dabar turi eiti namo. Tom has to go home now. Thomas has to go home now. Gali naudotis mano žodynu. You can use my dictionary. You can use my dictionary. Eikš čia. Aš kai ką tau parodysiu. Come here. I'll show you something. I'll show you something. Ar tu ne Tomas? Aren't you Tom? Are you not Thomas? Ar nežinote kelio? Do you know the way? Don't you know the way? Niekas niekada nerado jos katės. Nobody ever found her cat. Nobody ever found her cat. Ji sedėjo šalia manęs. She sat next to me. She sat next to me. Aš atvykau į Japoniją iš Kinijos. I came to Japan from China. I came to Japan from China. Gal tu žinai kur yra mano knygos? Maybe you know where my books are? Do you know where my books are? Ji yra tylus žmogus. She's a quiet person. She's a quiet man. Aš išgėriau vieną alaus ir apsimečiau labai girtu. I had one beer and pretended to be very drunk. I drank one beer and pretended to be very drunk. Aš bijau aukštumų. I'm afraid of heights. I'm afraid of the highlands. Mums nereikėjo skubėti. We didn't need to hurry. We didn't have to hurry. Tai tik sapnas. It's only a dream. It's just a dream. Ar turiu atsakyti angliškai? Do I have to answer in English? Do I have to answer in English? Pasaulis yra pilnas kvailų žmonių. The world is full of dumb people. The world is full of stupid people. Ji grojo gitara, o jis dainavo. She played the guitar and he sang. She played guitar and he sang. Marsas yra karo dievas. Mars is the god of war. Mars is a god of war. Tavo vardą paminėjo. Your name was mentioned. Your name was mentioned. Tomas ėmė šaukti pagalbos. Tom started yelling for help. Thomas began to call for help. Tu jam nieko nepasakei? You didn't tell him anything? You didn't tell him anything? Ar gali man atleisti? Can you forgive me? Can you forgive me? Mūsų komandai trūko mobilumo. The team lacked mobility. Our team lacked mobility. Mes turime nusiauti batus prieš įeinant į namą. We should take off our shoes before entering the house. We have to take off our shoes before we get into the house. Aš išvirsiu tau bulves. I'll boil you the potatoes. I'll make you potatoes. Tomas galiausiai rado darbą kuris jam patiko. Tom eventually found a job that he liked. Thomas finally found a job that he liked. Ji jam pasakė kad ji buvo laiminga. She told him that she was happy. She told him she was happy. Ji keliauja aplink pasaulį. She's travelling around the world. She's traveling around the world. Ji čia turi daug draugų. She has a lot of friends here. She has many friends here. Pakelk ranką. Raise your hand. Get your hand up. Tomas atrodo ligotas. Tom looks ill. Thomas looks sick. Jis man nupirko labai greitą automobilį. He bought me a very fast car. He bought me a very fast car. Ji ištekėjo už nieko. She has married a nobody. She married for nothing. Aš stipriai tą rekomenduoju. I recommend it strongly. I strongly recommend this. Aš labai pavargęs. I'm really tired. I'm very tired. Aš per jaunas mirti! I'm too young to die! I'm too young to die! Jie tikrai miegojo ant grindų. They really slept on the floor. They were really sleeping on the floor. Beje, ar tu laisva šią popietę? By the way, are you free this afternoon? Are you free this afternoon, by the way? Ta moteris skaito angliškai. The woman reads English. That woman reads in English. Be oro ir vandens, niekas negalėtų gyventi. Without air and water, nothing could live. No one could live without air and water. Tai ne jų. This is not theirs. It's not theirs. Jo kambaryje yra daug knygų. There are a lot of books in his room. There's a lot of books in his room. Aš esu meksikietis. I'm Mexican. I'm Mexican. Tap mūsų viskas baigta. It's all over between us. We're done. Turiu vyresnįjį brolį, kuris yra tavo metų. I have an older brother who's the same age as you. I have an elder brother who's your age. Aš tau parodysiu savo kambarį. I'll show you my room. I'll show you my room. Ar tu prisimeni kur jis paliko savo skėtį? Do you remember where he left his umbrella? Do you remember where he left his umbrella? Ji juos ten nuvežė automobiliu. She drove them there by car. She took them there by car. Paukščiai buvo alkani. The birds were hungry. The birds were hungry. Tomas šiuo metu gyvena su savo dėde. Tom currently lives with his uncle. Thomas is currently living with his uncle. Jo dukra nubėgo į pardotuvę ir nupirko saldainių. His daughter ran to the store and bought some candies. His daughter ran to the shop and bought sweets. Aš turiu labai svarbų susitikimą. I have a very important meeting. I have a very important meeting. Pro langą pamačiau jo automobilį. I saw a car through the window. I saw his car through the window. Aš čia truputį užsiėmęs, Tomai. I'm a little busy here, Tom. I'm a little busy here, Tom. Žiūrėk į knygą ant stalo. Look at the book on the desk. Look at the book on the table. Visi, išskyrus ją, nusišypsojo. Everybody but Tom smiled. Everyone except her smiled. Aš noriu pasikalbėti su ja. I want to talk to her. I want to talk to her. Aš radau porą pirštinių po kėde. I found a pair of gloves under the chair. I found a couple of gloves under the chair. Ji žaidžia tenisą kiekvieną sekmadienį. She plays tennis every Sunday. She's playing tennis every Sunday. Tomas atrodo ligotas. Tom looks sick. Thomas looks sick. Aš negalėjau suprasti ką jis sakė. I couldn't understand what he was saying. I couldn't understand what he said. Ji greitai atidarė laišką. She quickly opened the letter. She soon opened the letter. Ar tai yra tikra tiesa? Is this the real truth? Is that true? Šiandien mums paskutinė diena mokykloje. Today is our last day of school. It's our last day at school today. Ji mirė nuo šoko. She died of shock. She died of shock. Tas bokštas kurį štai ten matote yra Eifelio Bokštas. That tower you see over there is the Eiffel Tower. The tower you see there is the Eiffel Tower. Jo ieško policija. He's wanted by the police. The police are looking for him. Šaunu turėti šeimą. It's great to have a family. It's nice to have a family. Ar žinote kelią? Do you know the way? Do you know the way? Upė teka į jūrą. The river flows into the sea. The river flows into the sea. Žinoma kad aš juokauju! Of course I'm kidding! Of course I'm kidding! Ar tu manai kad mes rasime jos namą? Do you think that we'll find her house? Do you think we're gonna find her house? Skaitymas yra mano aistra. Reading is my passion. Reading is my passion. Laikyk akis užmerktas kol aš tau pasakysiu jas atmerkti. Keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them. Keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them. Kryželiu pažymėkite visus klaidingus atsakymus. Cross out all the wrong answers. Cross all false answers. Ponas Braunas labai gerai kalba japoniškai. Mr Brown speaks Japanese very well. Mr Brown speaks Japanese very well. Mes liksime čia iki kitų varžybų. We'll stay here until the next contest. We'll stay here until the next competition. Ar galiu tave vadinti Tomu? May I call you Tom? Can I call you Tom? Atsiprašau už tai, ką padariau. I'm sorry for what I've done. I'm sorry for what I did. Tomas negalėjo atleisti Merei už tai kad ji nužudė jo tėvus. Tom couldn't forgive Mary for killing his parents. Thomas couldn't forgive Mary for killing his parents. Šis tortas yra skanus. The cake is tasty. This cake is delicious. Kvailai atrodai. You look stupid. You look silly. Mano mašina sugedo pakeliui. My car broke down on the way. My car's broken along the way. Oras yra vėjuotas. The weather is windy. The air is windy. Nėra nieko vertingesnio už sveikatą. Nothing is more valuable than health. There's nothing more valuable than health. Kadaise aš norėjau tapti astrofiziku. I once wanted to be an astrophysicist. I once wanted to become astrophysic. Vienišas žmogus gauna malonumą stebėdamas skruzdėles. The lonely man derives pleasure from observing ants. A lonely person gets the pleasure of watching ants. Jo sūnui aštuoneri. His son is eight years old. His son is eight years old. Mano tėvas nevalgo daug vaisių. My father does not eat much fruit. My father doesn't eat much fruit. Tu turėsi vairuoti. You'll have to drive. You're gonna have to drive. Atsisveikink su savo draugais. Say goodbye to your friends. Say goodbye to your friends. Jis išmoko anglų prieš išvykstant į Angliją. He had learned English before he left for England. He learned English before leaving England. Aplink namą yra tvora. There is a fence around the house. There's a fence around the house. Tas vyras kurį tu vakar matei yra mano dėdė. The man you saw yesterday is my uncle. The man you saw yesterday is my uncle. Aš niekada neturėjau merginos. I've never even had a girlfriend. I never had a girl. Tomas neturi supratimo kur pradėti. Tom has no idea where to start. Thomas has no idea where to start. Nebūčiuok keistų berniukų! Stop kissing strange boys! Don't be weird boys! Tai beprasmiška. It's pointless. It's pointless. Aš neeinu š mokyklą sekmadieniais. I don't go to school on Sunday. I'm not going to this school on Sundays. Kuri moteris su tavimi kalbėjo? Which woman was talking to you? Which woman was talking to you? Man reikėjo ateiti anksčiau. I should have come earlier. I had to come early. Jis griebė jos ranką. He grabbed her hand. He grabbed her hand. Ar jums patinka italų kalba? Do you like Italian? Do you like Italian? Mes šaukėmės pagalbos, bet niekas neatėjo. We shouted for help, but no one came. We called for help, but no one came. Ar nuvešite mane namo? Will you drive me home? Will you take me home? Tomas sumokės. Tom'll pay. Thomas's gonna pay. Tomas vilisi kad šiąnakt jis likučių ir vėl nevalgys. Tom hopes he won't be eating leftovers again tonight. Tom hopes that he will not eat again tonight. Ar tu matei mano katę? Did you see my cat? Did you see my cat? Tu turėtum būti pagarbi savo mokytojams. You should be respectful to your teachers. You should be respectful to your teachers. Tu nežinai kas tai, ar ne? You don't know what it is, do you? You don't know what this is, do you? Lietus truko tris dienas. The rain lasted three days. The rain lasted three days. Mes nenorėjome, kad Tomas išvyktų. We didn't want Tom to leave. We didn't want Thomas to leave. Man skauda ranka. My arm hurts. I'm in pain. Nekaltink jos. Don't blame it on her. Don't blame her. Tomas yra puikus aktorius. Tom is a great actor. Thomas is a great actor. Ar gali paduoti druską? Can you pass me the salt? Can you give me the salt? Tu turi parisinkti savo pačios gyvenimo kelią. You have to choose your own path in life. You have to choose your own way of life. Aš suklydau. I made a mistake. I'm wrong. Aš atsiimu viską ką pasakiau. I'll take back all I said. I'm taking back everything I said. Nori mokytis prancūzų kalbos? Do you want to learn French? You want to learn French? Šis tiltas buvo pastatytas prieš dvejus metus. This bridge was built two years ago. This bridge was built two years ago. Nebūk tokia rimta. Tai tik žaidimas. Don't be so serious. It's only a game. Don't be so serious, it's just a game. Katės negali išmokti kalbėti. Cats can't learn to speak. Cats can't learn to talk. Jūs esate jos dukterys. You are her daughters. You're her daughters. Aš noriu pieno. I want milk. I want milk. Jie ten stovi ir valgo traškučius. They are standing there and eating potato chips. They're standing there eating chips. Tu negali nieko nusiprkti jei neturi pinigų. You can't buy anything if you have no money. You can't get anything if you don't have the money. Tomas ir Merė abudu turi labai mažai draugų. Tom and Mary both have very few friends. Tom and Mary both have very few friends. Aš jūsų nekaltinu. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Ji turi žalias akis ir šviesiai rudus plaukus. She has green eyes and light brown hair. She has green eyes and light brown hair. Palyginkite savo sakinį su tuo ant lentos. Compare your sentence with the one on the blackboard. Compare your sentence with that on the board. Ar tu nori išgirsti ką tas žmogus apie tave pasakė? Do you want to hear what that person said about you? Do you want to hear what that man said about you? Aš iškart jo nemėgau, bet dabar mėgstu. At first I did not like him, but now I do. I didn't like it right away, but now I love it. Dauguma šunų yra gyvi. Most of the dogs are alive. Most dogs are alive. Grįžkite atgal į savo vietą. Go back to your seat. Go back to your place. Virš mūsų skraido lėktuvai. Airplanes fly above us. We have planes flying above us. Kaip gali būti, kad turi nešiojamąjį kompiuterį, bet neturi mobilaus? How can you have a laptop, but no mobile? How can it be that you have a laptop but don't have a mobile? Jei tu neeisi į mokyklą, tada tu nieko neišmoksi. If you don't go to school, then you won't learn anything. If you don't go to school, you won't learn anything. Šiuo metu Tomas nėra kalėjime. Tom isn't currently in prison. Thomas's not in prison right now. Ne, ačiū. No, thank you. No, thank you. Ji mane nustebino. She surprised me. She surprised me. Aš turiu „Twitter“ paskyrą. I have a Twitter account. I have a Twitter account. Norėjai pasimatyti su manim? Did you want to see me? You wanted to see me? Iš kur tu turi visus tuos raktus? Where did you get all those keys? Where do you have all those keys? Ši knyga turbūt nebus labai naudinga. This book probably won't be all that useful. This book is unlikely to be of great benefit. Nepamiršk atidaryti lango savo kambaryje. Don't forget to open the window in your room. Do not forget to open the window in your room. Ar tu sutikai Džiazminą Vokietijoje? Did you meet Jasmin in Germany? Did you meet Giazmin in Germany? Aš išmokau važiuoti dviračiu kai man buvo šešeri. I learned how to ride a bike when I was six years old. I learned to ride a bike when I was six. Grįžkime į savo vietas. Let's go back to our places. Let's go back to our places. Nepamiršk rytoj pasikalbėti su juo. Don't forget to talk to him tomorrow. Don't forget to talk to him tomorrow. Aš ieškau gero žodžio. I'm looking for a good word. I'm looking for a good word. Tas žmogus mano kad mano katė gyvena ant medžio. That person thinks that my cat lives on the tree. That man thinks my cat lives on a tree. Sekmės. Good luck. Good luck. Šiandien jis perskaitė labai ilga knygą. He read a really long book today. Today he read a very long book. Kai ji grįš, manęs jau čia nebus. I will be gone by the time she comes back. When she comes back, I won't be here. Aš dažnai studijuoju klausant muziką. I often study while listening to music. I often study music. Ar tai yra tavo automobilis? Is this your car? Is that your car? Aš paklausiau jos kokią ji mėgsta muziką. I asked her what kind of music she liked. I asked her what music she likes. Tomas nenori taip gyventi. Tom doesn't want to live like that. Thomas doesn't want to live like that. Aštuoni hobitai sudaro vieną hobaitą. Eight hobbits form one hobbyte. Eight Hobbits make up one hobbit. Ji stovi už sienos. He's standing behind the wall. She's standing behind the wall. Tai man priminė tave. It reminded me of you. It reminded me of you. Man atsibodo gyventi. I am bored with living. I'm tired of living. Jo žingsniai pagreitėjo. His pace quickened. His steps accelerated. Tomas buvo mano pirmas vaikinas. Tom was my first boyfriend. Thomas was my first boyfriend. Tomas pagaliau kažką suvalgė. Tom finally ate something. Tom finally ate something. Ji yra neįtikėtinai naivi. She is unbelievably naïve. She's incredibly naive. Aš pabaigiau skaityti šią knygą. I've finished reading that book. I finished reading this book. Jie nepadeda. They don't help. They're not helping. Nėra nieko brangesnio už laiką, bet niekas nėra mažiau branginama. Nothing is more valuable than time, but nothing is less valued. There is nothing more precious than time, but nothing less expensive. Jis užgesino gaisrą. He extinguished the fire. He extinguished the fire. Ji nelabai mėgsta beisbolą. She doesn't like baseball very much. She doesn't like baseball. Vandenyje yra kraujo. There's blood in the water. There's blood in the water. Ji liudijo prieš jį. She testified against him. She testified against him. Aš čia pasiliksiu keliom dienom. I'm going to stay there for a couple of days. I'll stay here for a few days. Skubėjau į autobusų stotelę, tam kad nepavėluočiau į paskutinį autobusą. I hurried to the bus stop so that I would not miss the last bus. I rushed to the bus stop so I didn't miss the last bus. Būkite draugiškas. Be friendly. Be friendly. Yra daug žodžių kurių nesuprantu. There are many words that I don't understand. There are many words I don't understand. Mano butas ketvirtame aukšte. My apartment is on the fourth floor. My apartment on the fourth floor. Prašau paskolink man savo knygą. Please lend me your book. Please order me your book. Tai joks metodas, tai provokacija. This is not a method, this is provocation. It's no method, it's provocation. Jei turėčiau sparnus, skrisčiau pas tave. If I had wings, I would fly to you. If I had wings, I would fly to you. Kiekvienas asmuo užmokėjo tūkstantį dolerių. Each person paid a thousand dollars. Every person paid a thousand dollars. Tomas nenorėjo kad Merė sužinotų. Tom didn't want Mary to find out. Thomas didn't want Mary to know. Mes turime iš čia varyti. We have to get the hell out of here. We have to get out of here. Man dabar trisdešimt metų. I am 30 years old now. I'm thirty years old. Mes žaidžiame futbolą kiekvieną šeštadienį. We play soccer every Saturday. We're playing football every Saturday. Duokite tą katę mums. Give that cat to us. Give us that cat. Tomas dažniausiai buvo vienas. Tom was alone most of the time. Thomas was usually alone. Plačiai žinoma, kad vora nėra vabzdžiai. It's well-known that spiders are not insects. It is widely known that spiders are not insects. Jo automobilis buvo tuščias. His car was empty. His car was empty. Ji žaidė krepšinį. She played basketball. She played basketball. Arklys yra baltas. The horse is white. The horse is white. Linksmų Velykų! Happy Easter! Merry Easter! Aš gimiau Rusijoje. I was born in Russia. I was born in Russia. Kur yra katė? Where is the cat? Where's the cat? Jiems reikalinga mūsų pagalba. They need our help. They need our help. Jis mėgsta dirbti sode. He likes to work in the garden. He likes to work in the garden. Tavo laikrodis vėluoja dešimčia minučių. Your watch is ten minutes slow. Your watch is ten minutes late. "Užsičiaupk," jis sušnabždėjo. "Shut up," he whispered. "Shut up," he shouted. Mokytojas davė jam auksinį laikrodį. He was given a gold watch by the teacher. The teacher gave him a golden watch. Kiek laiko ten gyvenai? How long did you live there? How long have you lived there? Kažkas parašė savo vardą ant sienos. Somebody wrote my name on the wall. Someone wrote their name on the wall. Mes pasirengusios. We're ready. We're ready. Senoji moteris nugriuvo ir negalėjo atsikelti. The old woman fell and could not get up. The old woman fell down and couldn't get up. Jai pavyko atidaryti dėžę. She succeeded in opening the box. She managed to open the box. Atsiprašau, nemanau kad aš galėsiu. Sorry, I don't think I'm gonna be able to. I'm sorry, I don't think I can. Bespalvės žalios mintys pasiutiškai miega. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Uncolored green thoughts sleep outrageously. Tu turi laikytis savo pažado. You must keep your promise. You have to keep your promise. Mes kartu grįžome namo. We all returned home. We went home together. Jis didžiuojasi savo šeima. He is proud of his family. He's proud of his family. Ar tu žinai ar jis turi merginą? Do you know if he has a girlfriend? Do you know if he has a girlfriend? Obuoliai kitoje sienos pusėje yra saldžiausi. The apples on the other side of the wall are the sweetest. Apples on the other side of the wall are the sweetest. Kodėl jis manęs neklausys? Why won't he listen to me? Why won't he listen to me? Aš esu kalta. I am to blame. I'm guilty. Tau patinka taip gyventi? Do you enjoy living like that? You like living like that? Moteris nori žinoti tiesą. The woman wants to know the truth. A woman wants to know the truth. Moterys turėtų džiaugtis būdamos moterimis, kaip džiaugiasi vyrai būdami vyrais. Women ought to be as glad to be women as men are to be men. Women should rejoice in being women, just as men rejoice in being men. Buvau labai pavargusi. I was very tired. I was very tired. Ji atmetė mano prašymą. She turned down my request. She rejected my request. Niekas nežinos. No one will know. Nobody knows. Ji yra laimigiausia kai ji yra namie. She is happiest when she is at home. She's the happiest when she's at home. Niekas nėra per senas mokytis. No one is too old to learn. Nobody's too old to learn. Jo dviratis yra geresnis nei mano. His bike is better than mine. His bike is better than mine. Padėjau motinai išvalyti virtuvę. I helped my mother clean the kitchen. I helped Mother clean the kitchen. Aš noriu kitais metais išvykti į užsienį. I want to go abroad next year. I want to go abroad next year. Aš perskaičiau keturias naujas knygas. I read four new books. I read four new books. Aš atsisakau atsakyti. I refuse to answer. I refuse to answer. Eikite šia gatve tiesiai ir prie trečio šviesoforo pasukite į dešinę. Go straight down this street and turn right at the third light. Go straight to this street and turn right to the third traffic light. Jis neleidžia priešininkui prie jo prisiartinti. He does not let the opponent come near him. He does not allow the opponent to draw close to him. Tomas paklausė Merės kokią ji mėgsta muziką. Tom asked Mary what kind of music she liked. Thomas asked Mary what music she likes. Aš patekau į vidų per langą. I came in through the window. I got inside the window. Kiekvienas berniukas turi dviratį. Each boy has a bike. Every boy has a bike. Aš jau čia dvi valandas. I've already been here two hours. I've been here for two hours. Kur eini? Where are you going? Where are you going? Ji nupirko jam šunį. She bought him a dog. She bought him a dog. Kai kurie žmonės valgo sushi rankomis. Some people eat sushi with their hands. Some people eat with their hands. Kas yra svarbiausia gyvenime? What's the most important in life? What matters most in life? Jie plauna rankas. They're washing their hands. They're washing their hands. Jis yra gražus kaip dievas! He is beautiful like a god! He's beautiful as a god! Tomas galvoja parduoti namą. Tom is thinking of selling his house. Thomas thinks he's gonna sell the house. Aš pagaminau šį maistą pats. I made this food myself. I made this food myself. Ar galite suvynioti kaip dovaną? Could you gift wrap it? Can you wrap it up like a gift? Tai tiesiog nesaugu. It's just not safe. It's just not safe. Išbandyk tą pats. Try it out yourself. Try the same thing. Gero skrydžio! Have a nice flight. Have a good flight! Jie turi būti atsikėlę rytoj 5 ryto. They have to be awake by 5:00 a.m. tomorrow. They have to be up tomorrow 5 a.m. Ji labai sunkiai dirba. She works very hard. She's working very hard. Aš negaliu rasti Timo. I can't find Tim. I can't find Tim. Būk atidus! Pay attention! Be careful! Tavo katė nuo manęs slepiasi. Your cat is hiding from me. Your cat's hiding from me. Kokia priežastis? What's the reason? What's the reason? Ar kas nor galėtų atidaryti duris? Can someone open the door please? Would anyone like to open the door? Įlipk. Aš kai kur tave nuvešiu. Get in. I'll drive you somewhere. I'll take you somewhere. Aš noriu nusižudyti. I want to commit suicide. I want to kill myself. Ji bando numesti svorio. She is trying to lose weight. She's trying to lose weight. Atsiprašau. Excuse me. I'm sorry. Aš kasryt maudausi vonioje. I take a bath every morning. I'm going to bathe every morning. Vilko neįmanoma prisijaukinti. A wolf cannot be tamed. The wolf can't be tamed. Akis už akį, dantis už dantį. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Ar tu žinai kad esi stipresnis nei manai? Did you know you are stronger than you think you are? Do you know you're stronger than you think? Kai aš atėjau į mokyklą, ten jau nieko nebuvo. When I came to the school, there was nobody there anymore. When I came to school, there was nothing. Kaip šis žodis tariamas? How do you say this word? How is that word spoken? Juokiasi puodas, kad katilas juodas. The pot calls the kettle black. It's a joke that the pot's black. Jis sėdi prie stalo. He's sitting at the table. He's sitting at the table. Ji turi ir trūkumų. She has faults, too. It also has shortcomings. Tau reikalingas automobilis? Do you need a car? You need a car? Sekmės! Good luck! Good luck! Išėjau į pensiją praėjusiais metais. I retired last year. I retired last year. Kuo greičiau grįši tuo laimingesnis bus tavo tėvas. The sooner you return, the happier your father will be. The sooner you get back, the more happy your father will be. Moteris valgo duoną. The woman is eating bread. A woman eats bread. Ten visada daug žmonių, bet aš užrezervavau staliuką, tad mums nėra ko jaudintis. That place is always crowded, but I reserved a table today, so we don't have to worry. There's always a lot of people out there, but I've booked a table, so we have nothing to worry about. Prašau? Pardon me? Please? Kūdikis gali stovėti, bet negali vaikščioti. The baby can stand but can't walk. The baby can stand, but can't walk. Žinoma kad jis yra teisus. Of course, he is right. Of course he's right. Kur yra Vokietijos ambasada? Where is the German embassy? Where is the German Embassy? Nesijaudink. Aš tą padarysiu. Don't worry. I'll do it. Don't worry, I'll do it. Tomas žino, kad aš jo nemėgstu. Tom knows that I don't like him. Tom knows I don't like him. Mokiniai nenorėjo nieko sakyti savo tėvams. The students didn't want to tell anything to their parents. The students didn't want to tell their parents anything. Tu čia būsi saugus. You'll be safe here. You'll be safe here. Tu nesupranti. You don't understand. You don't understand. Mėnulis sukasi aplink Žeme. The moon moves around the earth. The moon is turning around the Earth. Jis nepardavė namo. He did not sell the house. He didn't sell it home. Ar gali ateiti devintą? Can you come at nine? Can you come to 9:00? Aš myliu šunis. I love dogs. I love dogs. Kažkas atidarė duris. Someone opened the door. Someone opened the door. Šie drabužiai tau tinka. These clothes suit you. These clothes suit you. Kenas sedėjo šalia manęs. Ken sat next to me. Ken sat next to me. Ar tu ieškai darbo? Are you looking for a job? Are you looking for a job? Aš buvau vonioje. I was in the bath. I was in the bathroom. Ateik padėk man. Come help me. Come help me. Esu vegetarė. I am a vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. Dabar aš tikiu Mėnulio kolonizacija. Now, I believe in lunar colonization. Now I believe in the colonisation of the Moon. Ji tęsė savo kalbą. She continued her talk. She continued her speech. Noriu susitikti su tavo tėvu. I'd like to see your father. I want to see your father. Noriu kardo! I want a sword! I want a sword! Ji nėra jokia herojė. She's not a hero. She's not a hero. Aš neturiu jūsų adreso. I don't have your address. I don't have your address. Bet aš nenoriu. But I don't want to. But I don't want to. Mano tėvas yra jaunas. My father is young. My father is young. Ar tavo mokykla toli nuo čia? Is your school far from here? Is your school far from here? Kaip gali kažką tokio pasakyti? How can you say that? How can you say something like that? Tomas vis dar neatrodo susidomėjęs. Tom still doesn't look too interested. Thomas still doesn't seem interested. Aš esu kaltas. I am to blame. I'm guilty. Rykliai ėda žuvis. Sharks eat fish. Sharks eat fish. Tai yra ligoninė kurioje aš gimiau. This is the hospital which I was born in. This is the hospital in which I was born. Koks tai per testas? What kind of test is that? What's the test? Ar norėtum puodelio arbatos? Don't you want a cup of tea? Would you like a cup of tea? Ji tapo laiminga. She became happy. She's been happy. Japonijoje studijuojama anglų kalba. English is studied in Japan. An English study is being conducted in Japan. Pavežėk mane savo automobiliu. Give me a lift in your car. Take me with your car. Jei mašina yra sugadinta, tu esi atsakingas. If the machine is damaged, you are responsible. If the car's damaged, you're responsible. Aš turiu vieną katę. I own one cat. I have one cat. Ateik, berniuk, atsisėsk. Atsisėsk ir pailsėk. Come, boy, sit down. Sit down and rest. Come on, boy, sit down, sit down and rest. Tomas atvyko per vėlai. Tom came too late. Thomas arrived too late. Tai nieko nepakeis. That won't change anything. It won't change anything. Ar tu nebuvai pavargęs? Weren't you tired? Have you been tired? Tomas labai turtingas. Tom is very rich. Thomas's very rich. Grįžk vėliau. Come back later. Come back later. Daktaras jam patarė mesti rūkyti. The doctor advised him to give up smoking. The doctor told him to quit smoking. Nupirkau šią kamerą vakar. I bought this camera yesterday. I bought this camera yesterday. Ar jūs tikrai neturite namų? Do you really have no home? Are you sure you don't have a home? Apgailėstauju kad negaliu šiąnakt su tavim susitikti. I'm sorry that I can't meet you tonight. I'm sorry I can't meet you tonight. Galbūt rytoj snigs. Perhaps it will snow tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow's snow. Kuriuo metu taksi nuvažiuos į oro uostą? At what time will the taxi go to the airport? When will the taxi go to the airport? Jis mirė nuo senatvės prieš du metus. He died of old age two years ago. He died two years ago. Iš jo veiksmų yra aišku kad jis ją myli. It's clear from his actions that he loves her. It is clear from his actions that he loves her. Jau beveik septynios valandos. Turime eiti į mokyklą. It is close to seven o'clock. We have to go to school. We have to go to school. Žinoma kad tu turi mokėti. O ką tu galvojai? Of course you have to pay. What did you think? Of course you have to pay, and what did you think? Aš manau kad ji jau nebenori valgyti. I think that she doesn't want to eat any more. I think she doesn't want to eat anymore. Tai bent pasakojimas. That's quite a story. That's a story. Tu per daug naivus. You're too naive. You're too naive. Ši knyga turi daug gražių paveikslėlių. This book has many beautiful pictures. This book has many beautiful pictures. Mano dėdė vadovauja firmai. My uncle manages a firm. My uncle's in charge of the firm. Lova yra kambaryje. The bed is in the room. The bed is in the room. Aš pasirengusi mirti. I am ready to die. I'm ready to die. Jie ramiai stovėjo ir klausėsi kalbų. They stood calmly and listened to speeches. They stood still and listened to the speeches. Aš neturiu namie kompiuterio. I don't have a computer at home. I don't have a computer at home. Ko norėtumėte užsisakyti, ponai? What do you wish to order, gentlemen? What would you like to order, gentlemen? Ko jam reikia? What is he after? What does he need? Pažiūrėk atgal ir pamatysi juodą katę. Look back and you'll see a black cat. Look back and see a black cat. Kalba niekada nėra užsienio. A language is never foreign. Language is never foreign. Mano motina irgi yra mirusi. My mother is dead too. My mother is dead, too. Tu esi didžioji mano gyvenimo meilė. You are the great love of my life. You're the great love of my life. Šiandien oras siaubingas. It is terrible weather today. The weather is terrible today. Viskas kas yra genialu yra paprasta. Everything genius is simple. Everything that's brilliant is simple. Aš manau kad Tomas norės atsisėsti. I think Tom is going to want to sit down. I think Thomas wants to sit down. Tomas jau išgėrė tris puodelius kavos. Tom has already drunk three cups of coffee. Tom's already had three cups of coffee. Pradėjo smarkiai lyti. Dėl to mes žaidėme viduje. It started raining hard. Because of that, we played inside. That's why we were playing inside. Man nėra prasmės eiti į mokyklą. There's no point for me to go to school. It makes no sense for me to go to school. Tomas sugriovė vaikų pastatytą smėlio pilį. Tom destroyed the children's sand castle. Thomas destroyed the sand castle built by children. Aš nesuprantu vokiečių kalbos. I don't understand German. I don't understand German. Tęskite. Go on. Keep going. Nemėgstu mokyklos. I don't like school. I don't like school. Kur kita mano kojinė? Where's my other sock? Where's my other socks? Mes buvome viena didelė laiminga šeima. We were one big happy family. We were one of the big happy families. Tatoeba buvo laikinai nepasiekiama. Tatoeba was temporarily unavailable. Tatoeba was temporarily unavailable. Kokia puiki naktis! What a wonderful night! What a wonderful night! Kažkas man sako kad tu kažką slepi. Something tells me that you're hiding something. Someone tells me you're hiding something. Ar tu nebuvai pavargusi? Weren't you tired? Haven't you been tired? Prašau šampano. Champagne, please. I'm asking for a champagne. Dėdė Bobas pakvietė mus vakarienei. Uncle Bob invited us to have dinner. Uncle Bob invited us to dinner. Tau reikia atsakyti į laišką. You need not answer the letter. You need to answer the letter. Katė žaidžia su vaikais. The cat is playing with the children. The cat's playing with the kids. Tomas yra milijardierius. Tom is a billionaire. Thomas is a billionaire. Ar pamenate šį žaidimą? Do you remember this game? Do you remember this game? Šis šokoladas yra labai saldus ir skanus. This chocolate is very sweet and tasty. This chocolate is very sweet and delicious. Prašau palauk kol aš grįšiu. Please wait until I come back. Please wait until I get back. Ji paguldė savo galvą ant pagalvės. She laid her head down on the pillow. She put her head on the pillow. Gerų vasaros atostogų Have a good summer vacation! Good summer holidays Tigras yra didesnis ir stipresnis už katiną. A tiger is larger and stronger than a cat. The tiger is bigger and stronger than the cat. Man skauda galva. I have a headache. I'm in pain. Asivesk savo brolį su savim. Bring your brother with you. Get your brother with you. Turiu draugą kurio tėvas yra įžymus pianistas. I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist. I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist. Ar tu jaunesnis už jį? Are you younger than him? Are you younger than him? Ši idėja yra labai patraukli. The idea is very attractive. This idea is very attractive. Voras yra negyvas. The spider is dead. Warrior is dead. Tai yra už dyką. This is free. That's for the desert. Bet kuri visata, kuri yra pakankamai paprasta kad galima būtų ją suprasti, yra per paprasta sukurti protą kuris galėtų ją suprasti. Any universe simple enough to be understood is too simple to produce a mind able to understand it. Any universe that is simple enough to be able to understand it is too simple to create a mind that can understand it. Aš ne vienintelis, mėgstantis Tomą. I'm not the only one who likes Tom. I'm not the only one who likes Tom. Mes importuojame kavą iš Brazilijos. We import coffee from Brazil. We import coffee from Brazil. Tai virš mano supratimo ribų. It's beyond my comprehension. It's above my limits of understanding. Ji jau buvo nėščia. She was already pregnant. She was already pregnant. Esu jį sutikęs anksčiau. I have met him before. I've met him before. Aš skaitau šią knygą. I'm reading this book. I read this book. Einu į pardotuvę. I am going to the shop. I'm going to the shop. Kodėl ji turėjo taip ilgai tavęs laukti? Why did he have to wait for you for so long? Why did she have to wait so long for you? Tai yra mano tėvo namai. It is my father's house. It's my father's house. Tu vis dar žalias. You're still green. You're still green. Mes suvalgėme labai daug obuolių. We ate a whole load of apples. We ate a lot of apples. Jis padarė savo tėvus laimingus. He made his parents happy. He made his parents happy. Mes tuo pasirūpinsime. We'll take care of this. We'll take care of it. Aš užmigau per pamoką. I went to sleep during the lesson. I fell asleep in class. Jis atvyko iš mažo miestelio kalnuose. He came from a tiny mountain town. He came from a small town in the mountains. Mano kambario sienos yra žalios. The walls of my room are green. My room walls are green. Tai yra paskutinis traukinys, pone. This is the last train, sir. This is the last train, sir. Ji moka kalbėti japoniškai. She can speak Japanese. She can speak Japanese. Lietuviškai Lietuva vadinama "Lietuva". Lithuania is called "Lietuva" in Lithuanian. Lietuviškai Lithuania is called "Lithuania". Ar tu pasiruošusi išeiti? Are you ready to go out? Are you ready to leave? Ar jūs mylite savo mamą? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Jis dingo be pėdsako. He's disappeared without a trace. He's gone without a trace. Aš visada tą nešioju savo kišenėje. I always carry it in my pocket. I always wear that in my pocket. Tu baltas kaip popierius. You are as white as a sheet. You're white like paper. Bet aš noriu kad tu suprastum ką aš tau sakau. But I want you to understand what I'm saying. But I want you to understand what I'm telling you. Mano vardas Ricardo. My name's Ricardo. My name is Richard. Aš žinau kad tu žinai kad aš žinau. I know that you know that I know. I know you know I know. Aš ką tik pavalgiau, taigi nesu alkana. I've just eaten so I'm not hungry. I just ate, so I'm not hungry. Aš pažiūrėjau jam į akis. I looked him in the eyes. I looked him in the eye. Ji turėjo moters galvą, liūto kūną, paukščio sparnus ir gyvatės uodegą. It had the head of a woman, the body of a lion, the wings of a bird, and the tail of a serpent. She had the head of a woman, the body of a lion, the wings of a bird, and the tail of a serpent. Esu pavargęs nuo ilgo vaikščiojimo. I am tired from a long walk. I'm tired of a long walk. Ar aš per daug keikiuosi? Do I curse too much? Do I swear too much? Jos skrybelė atrodė labai juokingai. Her hat looked very funny. Her hat looked very funny. Turiu eiti miegoti. I have to go to sleep. I have to go to bed. Paskambinsiu jiems rytoj, kai grįšiu namo. I’ll call them tomorrow when I return home. I'll call them tomorrow when I get home. Jie kalbėjo visą naktį. They went on talking all night. They talked all night. Tomas suvalgė visą picą vienas. Tom ate the whole pizza by himself. Thomas ate the whole pizza alone. Tu šiandien atrodai kažkaip kitaip. Somehow, you look different today. You look a little different today. Per klaidą paėmiau tavo skėtį. I took your umbrella by mistake. I took your umbrella in error. Tu esi tingus. You're lazy. You're lazy. Mes paklausėme Tomo apie sąrašą. We asked Tom about the list. We asked Tom about the list. Atnešk man sausą rankšluostį. Bring me a dry towel. Bring me a dry towel. Mes suorganizavome knygas pagal dydį. We arranged the books according to size. We organized books by size. Pakelk ranką prieš atsakydamas. Raise your hand before you answer. Put your hand up before you answer. Kam reikalingi tie seni baldai? Who needs that old furniture? Why do you need those old furniture? Taksi staigiai pasuko į kairę. The taxi abruptly turned left. Taxi turned to the left. Aš pagaliau ją įkalbinau paskolinti man tą knygą. I finally talked her into lending me the book. I finally persuaded her to lend me that book. Jeigu tu esi čia, reiškia tau rūpi. If you are here, it means you care. If you're here, it means you care. Tu esi svarbi. You are important. You're important. Tėti, ar tiki vaiduokliais? Dad, do you believe in ghosts? Dad, do you believe in ghosts? Aš užmigau. I fell asleep. I'm asleep. Nuvežk Tomą į ligoninę. Take Tom to the hospital. Take Thomas to the hospital. Liusė turėtų dabar būti virtuvėje. Lucy should be in the kitchen now. Lucy should be in the kitchen right now. Arkliai yra gyvūnai. Horses are animals. Horses are animals. Šviesos greitis yra daug didesnis už garso greitį. The speed of light is much greater than that of sound. The speed of light is much higher than the speed of sound. Sulenk popierių per pusę. Fold the paper in the middle. Fold the paper in half. Pilvo skausmai dingo. The stomach pains are gone. Abdominal pain has disappeared. Atsisėskime. Let's sit down. Let's sit down. Prašau uždaryti duris. Please shut the door. Please close the door. Ji tapo policininke. She became a police officer. She became a policeman. Knyga yra įdomi. The book is intresting. The book is interesting. Aš nekalbu japoniškai. I don't speak Japanese. I'm not speaking Japanese. Ar tu žinai kiek ji turi kačių? Do you know how many cats she has? Do you know how many cats she has? Be tavęs aš nebūčiau galėjęs to padaryti. I couldn't have done this without you. I couldn't have done it without you. Ar tau dešimt metų? Are you ten years old? Are you ten years old? Mes taip tave mylime. We love you so much. We love you so much. Aš pabandysiu kažką naujo. I'm going to try something new. I'll try something new. Auksas visko nenupirks. Gold will not buy everything. Gold won't buy everything. Aš noriu važiuoti į užsienį. I want to go abroad. I want to go abroad. Tūkstančiai žmonių miršta nuo alkio. Thousands of people died of hunger. Thousands of people die of hunger. Tomas pastebėjo, kad jo rankos buvo nešvarios. Tom noticed that his hands weren't clean. Thomas noticed that his hands were unclean. Nepanašu, kad būtum užsiėmusi. It doesn't look like you're busy. You don't look like you're busy. Tiesiog atsakyk į klausymą. Just answer the question. Just answer the question. Ką tu padarei kad šito nusipelnytum? What did I do to deserve this? What did you do to deserve this? Jis moka skaityti mintis. He can read thoughts. He can read thoughts. Aš nemanau kad galėčiau tą padaryti. I don't think I could do that. I don't think I can do that. Ką tu tuo turi omeny? What do you mean by that? What do you mean? Šiandien jai jau nebereikia mokytis. Today, she doesn't need to study any more. Today, she no longer needs to learn. Tavo mokinys man paskambino. Your student called me. Your student called me. Aš juokiausi. I laughed. I was laughing. Aš bent jau turiu kur miegoti. At least I have somewhere to sleep. At least I have somewhere to sleep. Nepamiršk bilieto. Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget the ticket. Marija yra knygėdis. Mary is a bookworm. Mary is a bookkeeper. Tu toks pat aukštas kaip ir aš. You are as tall as I am. You're as tall as I am. Ji atrodė patenkinta savo nauju darbu. She looked pleased with her new job. She seemed satisfied with her new job. Tai buvo pirmas kartas, kai aš aplankiau muziejų. It was the first time that I visited the museum. It was the first time I visited the museum. Katė perėjo gatvę. The cat crossed the street. The cat has crossed the street. Aš mokausi japonų kalbos. I am learning Japanese. I'm learning Japanese. Tai neįtikėtina. It's unbelievable. That's incredible. Dangus temsta. The sky is getting dark. The sky is dark. Aš dažnai čia būnu. I'm often here. I'm often here. Žiūrėk ką tas kūdikis daro! See what the baby is doing! Look what that baby is doing! Po to stalų yra mažas rudas šuniukas. There is a small brown dog under that table. After the tables is a small brown puppy. Nors ir ką tu sakytum, vis tiek tavimi niekas nepatikės. Whatever you may say, you won't be believed. No matter what you say, nobody will believe you. Mokinys buvo nubaustas už rūkymą. The student was punished for smoking. The disciple was punished for smoking. Aš klausausi muzikos. I'm listening to music. I'm listening to music. Jeigu jį pakviesi, jis tikriausiai ateis. If you invite him, he'll probably come. If you invite him, he'll probably come. Kiek pinigų tu turi paslėpęs po savo lova? How much money do you have hidden under your bed? How much money do you have under your bed? Šis automobilis buvo pagamintas Japonijoje. This car was made in Japan. This car was made in Japan. Mergaitė groja fleita. A girl is playing the flute. The girl plays the flute. Nemėtyk akmenų į upę. Don't throw stones into the river. Don't throw stones into the river. Laikyk savo rankas virš stalo. Keep your hands above the table. Hold your hands above the table. Likite su manimi, ponios ir ponai. Stay with me, ladies and gentlemen. Stay with me, ladies and gentlemen. Ji keikė jį už tai kad jis pamiršo pažadą. She cursed him for forgetting his promise. She cursed him for forgetting his promise. Aš visiškai nebijau. I'm not afraid at all. I'm absolutely scared. Susirinkimas baigėsi anksčiau nei visada. The meeting ended earlier than usual. The congregation ended earlier than ever. Jai taip ir nebuvo lemta vėl išvysti savo vaikų. She was never to see her children again. She was not meant to see her children again. Mane pakvietė pietų. I was invited to dinner. I was invited to lunch. Ar kada nors buvai užsienyje? Have you been abroad? Have you ever been abroad? Japonijoje dažnai vyksta žemės drebėjimai. Earthquakes frequently hit Japan. There are frequent earthquakes in Japan. Šią problemą sunku išspręsti. It is difficult to solve this problem. This problem is difficult to solve. Gali ja pasitikėti. You can count on her. You can trust her. Aš nenoriu laukti taip ilgai. I don't want to wait that long. I don't want to wait so long. Aš negaliu suprasti kodėl jis tą padarė. I can't understand why he did that. I can't understand why he did it. Kada tu gavai telegramą? When did you receive the telegram? When did you get the telegram? Kuo galiu jums padėti? How can I help you? Can I help you? Aš taip negyvensiu. I won't live like that. I'm not gonna die like that. Aš niekur negaliu jos rasti, ir tai varo mane iš proto! I can't find her anywhere. It's driving me mad! I can't find her anywhere, and it drives me crazy! Atnešk jai lėkštę salotų. Bring her a plate of salad. Bring her a plate of salad. Aš išleidau tik tris dolerius. I only spent three dollars. I only spent three dollars. Susirinko daug žmonių. Many people have gathered. There's a lot of people here. Tu nežinai ką jis man pasakė. You don't know what he told me. You don't know what he told me. Visi tesiog nusiraminkime. Let's all just calm down. Let's all just calm down. Aš nepakankamai gerai kalbu pracūziškai! I don't speak French well enough! I don't speak French well enough! Ar matai tą mažą namą? Can you see that small house? Do you see that little house? Ta mergaitė apie kurią aš tau sakiau gyvena Kijote. The girl I told you about lives in Kyoto. That girl I told you about living in Kiota. Aš einu į vidų. I'm going inside. I'm going inside. Mano motina paliko man žinutę. My mother left me a message. My mother left me a message. Tarša daro žalą ekonomikai. Pollution causes damage to the economy. Pollution is damaging to the economy. Ar egzaminas bus sunkus? Will it be a difficult exam? Will the exam be difficult? Visi buvo tiesiog šokiruoti tuo, jog jinai sugebėjo pastoti keturiasdešimt aštuonerių. Everyone was just flabbergasted that she was able to get pregnant at 48. They were all shocked by the fact that they were able to get pregnant forty-eight years. Man nepatinka kaip jis kalba. I don't like the way he speaks. I don't like how he speaks. Noriu gitaros. I want a guitar. I want a guitar. Kodėl tu tada sustojai? Why did you stop then? Why did you stop then? Aš esu plaukikė. I'm a swimmer. I'm a swimmer. Aš mačiau jį bėgantį. I saw him running. I saw him on the way. Niekada nežinai, kas atsitiks ateityje. You never can tell what'll happen in the future. You never know what's going to happen in the future. Tomas klausė, kur tu buvai. Tom asked where you were. Thomas asked where you were. Džilė yra vienintėlė mergina mūsų klube. Jill is the only girl in our club. Gille is the only girl in our club. Rojus atrodo laimingas kada jo mergina jam paskambina. Roy looks happy when his girlfriend calls him. Paradise looks happy when his girl calls him. Palauk kol aš pavalgysiu. Wait until I'm done eating. Wait until I eat. Aš pasakiau tą sau. I said that to myself. I told you that. Leiskite žmonėms ramiai gyventi! Let people live peacefully! Let the people live in peace! Yra aišku kad jis yra turtingas. It's clear that he's rich. It is clear that he is rich. Jis gyvena Kardife. He lives in Cardiff. He lives in Cardiff. Ar žinai Tomo adresą? Do you know Tom's address? Do you know Tom's address? Papasakok man savo įvykių versiją. Tell me your version of the events. Tell me your version of the events. Elektros energijos kompanijos siekia mažinti anglies suvartojimą. Electric power companies are seeking to reduce their use of coal. Electricity companies aim to reduce carbon consumption. Kur jūs miegojote praėjusią naktį? Where did you sleep last night? Where did you sleep last night? Ar šis eržilas ar kumelė? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is this a hedgehog or a marmot? Aš galvoju apie tave. I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking about you. Europa tai ne šalis. Europe is not a country. Europe is not a country. Ji atmetė mūsų pasiūlymą. She turned down our proposal. She rejected our offer. Tai gali būti pavojinga. That may be dangerous. This can be dangerous. Ežero vanduo lygus kaip veidrodis. The lake's water is as smooth as a mirror. The lake water is like a mirror. Uždaryk vartus. Lock the gate. Close the gate. Tomas nežino, ar Merė stovyklaus kartu su mumis ar ne. Tom doesn't know if Mary will go camping with us or not. Tom doesn't know if Mary's standing with us or not. Nusiramink ir pradėk nuo pradžių. Calm down and begin at the beginning. Calm down and start from the beginning. Ar gali kalbėti garsiau? Aš tavęs neišgirdau. Can you talk louder? I didn't hear you. I didn't hear you. Jos dukra turi labai gražų vardą. Her daughter has a really pretty name. Her daughter has a very nice name. Aš valgau obuolį. I'm eating an apple. I'm eating an apple. Kovok už savo teisę. Fight for your right. Fight for your right. Žiūrėk man į akis. Look into my eyes. Look at me. Nesvarbu ar tu ateisi ar ne. It doesn't matter whether you come or not. Whether you come or not. Turbūt ne. Probably not. I guess not. Aš mielai tai padaryčiau. I'll be glad to do that. I'd love to do that. Tu neturi žinoti visko, tu tiesiog turi žinoti kur ieškoti. You don't need to know everything, you just need to know where to search. You don't know everything, you just need to know where to look. Jis nenori šiandien mokytis. He doesn't want to study today. He doesn't want to learn today. Tomas pasirašė visus dokumentus, kuriuos jam davė Merės advokatas. Tom signed all the documents Mary's lawyer gave him. Thomas signed all the documents he was given by Mary's lawyer. Namo viduje buvo malonu ir šilta. It was nice and warm inside the house. The house was pleasant and warm. Paprastai Tomas skaito tik antraštes. Tom usually only reads the headlines. Usually Tom reads only headlines. Esu niekam tikusi. I'm useless. I'm useless. Ar nori pasilikti čia su mumis? Don't you want to stay here with us? Do you want to stay here with us? Tu neprivalai man padėti. You don't have to help me. You don't have to help me. Tomas persirengė. Tom changed clothes. Thomas changed his clothes. Kodėl aš? Why me? Why me? Aš esu kalbų mylėtojas. I am the language lover. I'm a language lover. Tomas stipriai užmerkė savo akis ir ištvėrė skausmą. Tom closed his eyes tightly and endured the pain. Thomas kept his eyes closed and endured pain. Esu beveik tikra. I'm almost sure. I'm almost sure. Stok! Stop! Stop! Jis man pažadėjo kad jis bus atsargesnis ateityje. He promised me that he would be more careful in the future. He promised me he would be more careful in the future. Tu patinki Tomui. Tom likes you. Tom likes you. Tomas yra puikus. Tom is excellent. Thomas is great. Jis retai lieka namie sekmadieniais. He rarely stays home on Sunday. He rarely stays at home on Sundays. Aš čia nežinau nieko. I know no one here. I don't know anything here. Ji labai mėgsta tortą. She really likes cake. She loves cake very much. Kur Marija? Where is Mary? Where's Mary? Tomas tikrai gali žaisti tenisą. Tom sure can play tennis. Tom can really play tennis. Labai tau dėkoju. Thank you very much! Thank you very much. Jis perbėgo per gatvę, palikdamas ją vieną. He ran across the street, leaving her alone. He ran through the street leaving her alone. Aš panaši į savo motiną. I resemble my mother. I look like my mother. Jei kas nors atsitiks, skubiai man paskambink. In case anything happens, call me immediately. If anything happens, call me right away. Žmonės šoko gatvėse. People danced in the streets. People jumped on the streets. Jis man rado gerą vietą. He found me a good place. He found me a good place. Aš turiu keletą gerų draugų. I have several good friends. I have some good friends. Mokytojas moko. The teacher teaches. The teacher teaches. Bobas tuo metu plovė indus. Bob was washing the dishes at that time. Bob was washing up the dishes at that time. Mes abudu norime pamatyti tą filmą. Both of us want to see the movie. We both want to see that movie. Aš pirmą kartą matau saulės laikrodį. This is the first time I've seen a sun clock. I see the sun clock for the first time. Tai bent istorija. That's quite a story. That's a story. Mes neesame vieninteliai kurie tiki kad jis nėra kaltas. We are not the only ones to believe that he is not guilty. We are not the only ones who believe that he is not guilty. Aš nenorėjau kad šitai atsitiktų. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want this to happen. Palauk minutėlę. Wait a moment. Wait a minute. Ar tu žinai atsakymą? You know the answer? Do you know the answer? Padėk tą knygą atgal ant lentynos. Put the book back on the shelf. Put that book back on the shelf. Jos kepurė atrodė labai juokingai. Her hat looked very funny. Her hat looked very funny. Man atrodo kažkas man skambina. Someone seems to be calling me. I think someone's calling me. Tu būtinai turi ten eiti. It is necessary for you to go there. You have to go there. Ji juos veža į mokyklą. She's driving them to school. She's taking them to school. Prašau, tiesiog išeik. Please just leave. Please just leave. Tai nieko nereiškia! It doesn't mean anything! That doesn't mean anything! Aš nemanau kad mes turėtume tą daryti. I don't think we should do that. I don't think we should do that. Galiu tau pasakyti tik tai, ką žinau. I can only tell you what I know. I can only tell you what I know. Jis davė jai knygą. He gave her a book. He gave her a book. Ankaroje, visi metų laikai yra tarsi žiema. In Ankara, all the seasons are like winter. In Ankara, all the times of the year are like winter. Lyja. It is raining. It's raining. Tikriausiai ji myli tave. She must love you. She must love you. Parašyta lengva anglų kalba, ši knyga yra lengvai skaitoma. Written in easy English, the book is easy to read. Written in easy English, this book is easy to read. Aš mačiau nuostabų paukštį. I saw a beautiful bird. I saw a wonderful bird. Aš tikiuosi tavo pagalbos. I expect your help. I'm looking forward to your help. Mačiau jį. I saw him. I saw him. Aš noriu nuvykti į Tokiją. I want to go to Tokyo. I want to go to Tokyo. Norint pažinti žmogų, užtenka tik savaitę su juo pakeliauti. In order to know a man, you have only to travel with him for a week. To get to know a person, it is only enough to travel with him for a week. Vienas iš šunų yra gyvas. One of the dogs is alive. One of the dogs is alive. Žmogaus kūnas yra 70% vanduo. Man is 70% water. The human body is 70% water. Dženė tylėjo ilgą laiką. Jane kept silent for a long time. Jenny kept quiet for a long time. Tu gali nakčiai su mumis pasilikti. You can stay with us for the night. You can stay with us for a night. Bijau, kad jam nepavyks. I am afraid he will fail. I'm afraid he's gonna fail. Paulius ką tik paskambino. Paul telephoned just now. Paul just called. Biblioteka yra į dešinę. The library is to the right. The library is on the right. Aš sutikau ją atsitiktinai. I met her by accident. I met her by chance. Labas vakaras, kaip sekasi? Good evening, how are you? Good evening, how's it going? Ar galiu tavęs paklausti tavo vardo? Might I ask your name? Can I ask you your name? Nenusivilk. Don't be disappointed. Don't give up. Aš jau pasiruošęs. I'm already ready. I'm ready. Mano žmona nekenčia kačių. My wife hates cats. My wife hates cats. Aš pasiklydau miške. I got lost in the forest. I'm lost in the woods. Sveikas, Tomai. Labas rytas. Hello, Tom. Good morning. Hey, Tom, good morning. Tomas nežino Merės batų dydžio. Tom doesn't know what Mary's shoe size is. Tom doesn't know the size of Mary's shoes. Jis žino kaip šokti tango. He knows how to dance the tango. He knows how to dance tango. Jie ne maži vaikai. They are not little children. They're not little kids. Aš esu labai užimta. I'm very busy. I'm very busy. Jos katinas gulėjo ant mano pagalvės ir nenorėjo nulipti. Her cat was lying on my pillow and didn't want to come off it. Her cat lay on my pillow and didn't want to get down. Aš sakau tau tiesą. I tell you the truth. I'm telling you the truth. Aš rašau sakinį vokiškai. I'm writing a sentence in German. I write a sentence in German. Tiktai ledkalnio viršūnė matosi virš vandens. Only the tip of an iceberg shows above the water. Only the tip of the iceberg can be seen above the water. Tomas vis dar yra kalėjime. Tom is still in prison. Thomas is still in prison. Auksas nerūdija. Gold doesn't rust. Gold Stainless. Karas nutraukė jų tyrimą. The war brought their research to an end. The war put an end to their investigation. Aš tą darau be jokių problemų. I do it without any problems. I'm doing this without a problem. Aš negaliu. I can't. I can't. Ar tai panašu į tą ką jis padarė vakar? Is it similar to what he did yesterday? Does that look like what he did yesterday? Štai ką aš noriu išgirsti. That's what I want to hear. That's what I want to hear. Nesu tikra ar tai berniukas ar mergaitė. I'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl. I'm not sure it's a boy or a girl. Tu esi kaltas. You're to blame. You're guilty. Tas vyrukas yra mano draugas. That guy's a friend of mine. That guy is my friend. Tu turi atsakyti šiuos klausimus. You must answer these questions. You have to answer these questions. Kai aš mokiausi vidurinėje mokykloje, kasdien keldavausi šeštą valandą ryto. Back in high school, I got up at 6 a.m. every morning. When I was in high school, I got up every day at 6: 00 a.m. Kodėl tu visai man nepadedi? Why aren't you helping me at all? Why don't you help me at all? Tomas sugriovė smėlio pilį, kurį pastatė vaikai. Tom destroyed the children's sand castle. Thomas destroyed the sand castle that the children built. Kažkas atidarė duris. Somebody opened the door. Someone opened the door. Kodėl taip lengvai pasiduodi? Why are you giving up so easily? Why do you give up so easily? Yra vienas kelias. There is one way. There's one way. Naujas kontraktas mums leidžia reikalauti ko tik norime. The new contract enables us to demand whatever we want. A new contract allows us to demand whatever we want. Policininkas pareikalavo jų vardų ir adresų. The policeman demanded their names and addresses. The police asked for their names and addresses. Ji keliauja aplink pasaulį. She is traveling around the world. She's traveling around the world. Tai yra didelis žingsnis pirmyn. This is a big step forward. This is a major step forward. Tomas yra normalus vaikinas. Tom is a normal guy. Thomas is a normal guy. Kenas man skambina kiekvieną dieną. Ken calls me every day. Ken calls me every day. Nebijok suklysti. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Mes jau paminėjome Tomą. We've already mentioned Tom. We have already mentioned Thomas. Kodėl tu pasakei tokį kvailą dalyką? Why did you say such a stupid thing? Why did you say such a stupid thing? Aš negaliu prisiminti kur aš padėjau gerąją siūvimo mašiną. I can't remember where I put the good sewing machine. I can't remember where I put the good sewing machine. Aš nesu labai geras daininkas. I'm not much of a singer. I'm not a very good singer. Jis papasakojo juokingą istoriją. He told a funny story. He told a funny story. Tomas nežino skirtumo tarp žvaigždės ir planetos. Tom doesn't know the difference between a star and a planet. Tom doesn't know the difference between the star and the planet. Ji perbėgo akimis sąrašą, ieškodama jame savo vardo. Her eyes ran over the list to see if her name was on it. She ran through the list, looking for her name in it. Aš mokausi du užsienio kalbas. I am learning two foreign languages. I'm learning two foreign languages. Tas vyras yra negyvas. This man is dead. That man is dead. Anglų kalba yra kalbama aplink pasaulį. English is spoken around the world. English is spoken around the world. Aš nenoriu niekada niekam būti skolinga. I never want to owe money to anyone. I don't want to ever owe anyone. Jis nėra turtingas, bet jis yra laimingas. He isn't rich, but he's happy. He's not rich, but he's happy. Žiūrėk ką Merė daro. Look at what Mary is doing. Look what Mary's doing. Tas žmogus nenori nieko daryti. That person doesn't want to do anything. That man doesn't want to do anything. Klausyk kol aš kalbu. Listen while I talk. Listen while I'm talking. Jis mėgsta skaityti laikraščius. He likes to read newspapers. He likes to read newspapers. Tai kvaila tradicija. It's a stupid tradition. It's a stupid tradition. Niekada nebuvau toks laimingas. Never have I been so happy. I've never been so happy. Jis nemoka žaisti golfo. He doesn't know how to play golf. He can't play golf. Kažkas groja fortepijonu. Somebody is playing the piano. Someone's playing a piano. Prašome atsisėsti. Please sit down. Please sit down. Kokia tu graži! How beautiful you are! What a beauty you are! Tu eisi į mokyklą. You will go to school. You go to school. Tomas niekada neapvils tavęs. Tom will never let you down. Thomas will never let you down. Aš neturiu priešų. I don't have enemies. I have no enemies. Aš skubu išmokti gaminti maistą. I'm hurrying to learn how to cook. I'm quick to learn how to cook. Tonis buvo laimingas. Tony was happy. Tony was happy. Aš tikiuosi jį pamatyti pirmadienį. I expect that I will see him on Monday. I hope to see him on Monday. Ji šiuo metu yra pavojuje. She is currently in danger. She's in danger right now. Šis stalas yra sunkus. This table is heavy. This table is heavy. Būčiau labai dėkingas jei tu galėtum man padėti. I'd be very grateful if you could help me. I'd be very grateful if you could help me. Aš niekada nesitikėjau sutikti ją tokioje vietoje. I never expected to meet her in a place like that. I never expected to meet her in such a place. Jam patinka gyventi toje vietoje. He likes to live in that place. He likes to live in that place. Mes esame krepšinio žaidėjai. We are basketball players. We're basketball players. Jis neturi eiti į mokyklą. He doesn't have to go to school. He doesn't have to go to school. Šįvakar žiauriai šalta. It's awfully cold this evening. It's brutally cold tonight. Jie gyvi? Are they alive? Are they alive? Kaip jie vadina savo kūdikį? What do they call their baby? What do they call their baby? Gali atsisėsti ant kėdės. You may sit down on the chair. You can sit on the chair. Jie eina apsipirkti. They are going shopping. They're going shopping. Aš nežinojau ką pasakyti. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to say. Jos šunys bėgiojo po namus. Her dogs were running around the house. Her dogs ran from house to house. Kartais aš pasakau "taip", nors ir noriu pasakyti "ne". Sometimes I say "yes," even though I want to say "no." Sometimes I say 'yes', although I want to say 'no'. Mes turime judėti labai atsargiai. We've got to move very carefully. We must move very carefully. Klasėje paliko brangių fotoaparatą. There was an expensive camera left in the classroom. He left a dear camera in the classroom. Tu turi manimi tikėti. You should believe me. You have to believe me. Ką judu veikiate? What are you two doing? What are you two doing? Blogis kartais laimi. Evil sometimes wins. Evil sometimes wins. Ponas Bušas yra prezidentas. Mr. Bush is a president. Mr. Bush is President. Žmonės turėtų dirbti. People ought to work. People should work. Ar esi nėščia? Are you pregnant? Are you pregnant? Dėl to jis nedalyvavo susitikime. He did not attend the meeting for that reason. As a result, he did not attend the meeting. Jis dainavo dainą. He sang a song. He sang a song. Aš niekuomet netikėjau tuo. I've never believed that. I never believed that. Nesitikėk (nelauk) per daug. Don't expect too much. Don't expect (do not wait) too much. Ar Borneo yra sala ar žemynas? Is Borneo an island or a continent? Is Borneo an island or continent? Nebėgiokite aplink baseiną. Don't run around the pool. Don't run around the pool. Aš turiu draugą, kuris gyvena Vokietijoje. Jo vardas Tomas. Pažįsti jį? I have a friend who lives in Germany. His name is Tom. Do you know him? I have a friend who lives in Germany. Aš niekada nemačiau namo be durų. I've never seen a house without a door. I've never seen a house without a door. Mano dviratį pavogė. I had my bicycle stolen. He stole my bike. Tavo akiniai nukrito ant grindų. Your glasses fell on the floor. Your glasses fell on the floor. Ko tu ten ieškai? What are you looking for there? What are you looking for? Sustabdykite juos. Stop them. Stop them. Aš paimsiu geltoną. I'll take the yellow one. I'll take the yellow. Televizija leidžia mums sužinoti kas šiandien vyksta. Television enables us to know what is happening today. Television lets us know what's going on today. Ar jis žino kur tie katinai pasislėpė? Does he know where those cats hid themselves? Does he know where those cats were hiding? Ar nesi pavargusi? Are you not tired? Are you tired? Mažiau yra daugiau. Less is more. There's less. Padėk man! Help me! Help me! Sveikas, kaip laikaisi, mano brangus drauge? Hi, how are you, my dear friend? Hey, how are you, my dear friend? Mergaitė sėdinti prie pianino yra mano dukra. The girl sitting at the piano is my daughter. The girl sitting at the piano is my daughter. Lik pozityvus. Stay positive. Stay positive. Dangus yra mėlynas. The sky is blue. The sky is blue. Jūs esate gresmė mūsų misijai. You're a threat to our mission. You're on our mission. Ką tiksliai tai reiškia? What exactly does that mean? What exactly does that mean? Aš negaliu šituo patikėti. I can't believe this. I can't believe this. Ji pasidarė popierinę snaigę. She made a paper snowflake. She made a paper snowflake. Šiais laikais daug žmonių gauna aukštesnį išsilavinimą. Today, many people receive higher education. Today, many people receive higher education. Esu gražesnė už tave. I am more beautiful than you. I'm more beautiful than you. Ar tu tai žinojai? Did you know that? Did you know that? Judėk tyliai. Move quietly. Move quietly. Prieš dvejus metus aš visiškai nemokėjau žaisti krepšinio. Two years ago I could not play basketball at all. Two years ago I didn't know how to play basketball. Švedijos sostinė yra Stokholmas. The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. Kodėl tu nenori padėti policijai? Why don't you want to help the police? Why don't you want to help the police? Ji pripratusi sedėti. She is used to sitting. She's used to sitting down. Sekmadieniais aš einu į bažnyčią. I go to the church on Sundays. I go to church on Sundays. Pagaliau viskas baigta. It is finally all over. It's over at last. Aš nežinau kur man reikia žiūrėti. I don't know where I should look. I don't know where I should watch. Pabandyk dar kartą. Try it once more. Try again. Tavo nuomonė yra panaši į mano. Your opinion is similar to mine. Your opinion is similar to that of me. Prašau ateiti. Please come. Please come. Prieš dvejus metus aš visai negalėjau žaisti krepšinio. Two years ago I could not play basketball at all. Two years ago I couldn't play basketball at all. Jei negali turėti vaikų, tu visada galėtum įsivaikinti. If you can't have children, you could always adopt. If you can't have children, you could always adopt it. Kada nors man paskambink. Call me sometime. Call me sometime. Kuriam jūs teikiate pirmenybę? Which one do you prefer? Who do you give priority to? Tau yra pavojinga plaukioti šioje upėje. It is dangerous for you to swim in this river. It's dangerous for you to swim in this river. Ši rožė yra nuostabi. This rose is beautiful. This rose is amazing. Jie aptarė tą problemą. They discussed the problem. They discussed the problem. Kaip jums sekasi, panele? How are you doing, miss? How are you, miss? Jeigu nelyja, tada eime. Let's go if it's not raining. If it doesn't rain, then let's go. Kiek tau metų? What's your age? How old are you? Geras šūvis, vaike. Pataikei. Good shot, kid. You got him. Good shot, kid. Klausyk to ką sako mokytojas. Listen to what the teacher says. Listen to what the teacher says. Ką labiau mėgsti: obuolius ar bananus? Which do you like better, apples or bananas? What do you like more: apples or bananas? Grįšiu po pusvalandžio. I'll be back in half an hour. I'll be back in half an hour. Tai ką tu pasakei yra visiška nesąmonė. What you said is absolute nonsense. What you said is complete bullshit. Niekas nenorėjo įžeisti tų vyrų. No one wanted to insult these men. No one wanted to offend these men. Nosis žino. The nose knows. The nose knows. Mano senelis augina antis. My grandfather raises ducks. My grandfather's raising ducks. Aš turiu ją surasti. I have to find her. I have to find her. Turtuoliai ne visada yra laimingi. The rich are not always happy. Riches are not always happy. Nunešk kėdę į savo kambarį. Take the chair to your room. Take the chair to your room. Prašau susisiekti su manimi, kuomet jūs atvyksite į Bostoną. Please get in touch with me as soon as you arrive in Boston. Please contact me when you come to Boston. Už kurią komandą sergi? What team do you cheer for? Which team do you care about? Ta mergaitė yra Merė. That girl is Mary. That girl is Mary. Ar jūs pasiruošusios išeiti? Are you ready to go out? Are you ready to leave? Ar ji mano draugė? Is she my friend? Is she my friend? Man ypač patinka ši scena. I like this scene in particular. I especially like this stage. Aš jam nieko nesakiau. I haven't told him anything. I didn't tell him anything. Ar tai jūsų pirmas kartas Japonijoje? Is this your first time in Japan? Is this your first time in Japan? Aš nežinau kur eiti. I don't know where to go. I don't know where to go. Palik mano automobilį ramybėje. Leave my car alone. Leave my car alone. Aš tave mylėsiu amžinai. I'll love you forever. I'll love you forever. Nevadinkite Tomo idiotu. Don't call Tom an idiot. Don't call Tom's idiot. Tomas skundėsi apie triukšmą. Tom complained about the noise. Thomas complained about the noise. Tomas paprašė Merės pinigų. Tom asked Mary for money. Thomas asked for Mary's money. Geriau jau eik. You'd better go. You better go. Kažkas privalo paskubėti ir greitai nuvežti ją į ligoninę. Somebody has to hurry and quickly drive her to the hospital. Someone has to hurry and quickly take her to the hospital. Pasiruošt, dėmesio, marš! On your marks, get set, go! Ready, pay attention, route! Tomas daug protingesnis už mane. Tom is much smarter than I am. Tom's far smarter than me. Šis dydis man per per didelis. This size is too large for me. This size is too big for me. Ne kiekvienas gali būti menininku. Not everybody can be an artist. Not everyone can be an artist. Ar galite man duoti nuolaidą? Can you give me a discount? Can you give me a discount? Koks tavo namų adresas? What's your home address? What's your home address? Jie neįtikėtini. They're unbelievable. They're incredible. Mes esame namie. We are home. We're home. Kur jūs einate? Where are you going? Where are you going? Lik kur esi. Stay where you are. Stay where you are. Aš paprašiau jos palaukti minutėlę. I asked her to wait a minute. I asked her to wait a minute. Palygink faktus. Compare the facts. Compare the facts. Nesvarbu iš kur jis. It matters little where he is from. It doesn't matter where he comes from. Kur tavo mokykla? Where is your school? Where's your school? Mes visi tavimi didžiuojamės. We're all very proud of you. We're all proud of you. Pinigai šneka. Money talks. The money's talking. Ne visi žmonės mėgsta šunis. Not all people like dogs. Not all people like dogs. Dauguma jo draugų yra mergaitės. Most of his friends are girls. Most of his friends are girls. Aš nemoku anglų kalbos. I don't know English. I don't speak English. Ką jis padarė su mano mėsa? What did he do to my meat? What did he do with my meat? Jis mirė nuo skrandžio vėžio. He died of cancer of the stomach. He died of stomach cancer. Man nepatinka žmonės kurie lengvai įpyksta. I don't like people who get angry easily. I don't like people who get mad. Mes jau nebeesame pavojuje. We're in no danger now. We're not in danger anymore. Durys lėtai atsidarė. The door opened slowly. The door opened slowly. Kur jūs apsistoję? Where are you staying? Where are you staying? Televizorius sugedo, todėl skaitau knygą. The television broke, so I'm reading a book. That's why I read the book. Niekas nepatikėjo tuo ką tu pasakei. No one believed what you said. Nobody believed what you said. Mes pradėsime kada tu būsi pasiruošusi. We'll start whenever you are ready. We'll start when you're ready. Tai tik papuošimas. It is merely an ornament. It's just decoration. Tu nori pamatyti Prancūzišką filmą, ar ne? You want to see a French movie, right? You want to see a French movie, right? Tomas pakėlė ranką. Tom raised his hand. Thomas raised his hand. Jis nori dar kartą mus pamatyti. He wants to see us again. He wants to see us again. Aš ją įsimylėjau. I fell in love with her. I fell in love with her. Jei aš nebūčiau gavusi jo pagalbos, aš būčiau negyva. If I hadn't had his help, I would be dead. If I didn't get his help, I'd be dead. Neturiu dviračio. I don't have a bicycle. I don't have a bike. Koks yra minimalus atlyginimas Rusijoje? What's the minimum salary in Russia? What is the minimum wage in Russia? Jis labai didžiuojasi savo žaislu. He is very proud of his toy. He's very proud of his toy. Tu neįtikėtina. You're unbelievable. You're incredible. Laimė priklauso ne tiek nuo išorinių aplinkybių, kiek nuo mūsų požiūrio į gyvenimą. Happiness depends, not so much on circumstances, as on one's way of looking at one's life. Happiness depends not only on external circumstances but also on our outlook on life. Tame nėra nieko blogo. There is nothing wrong with this. There's nothing wrong with it. Dvi šeimos gyvena tame name. Two families live in that house. Two families live in that house. Valgyk lėčiau. Eat more slowly. Eat slower. Tai yra paskutinis kartas kai aš ginčiuos su savo seserimi. This is the last time I'll argue with my sister. This is the last time I argue with my sister. Merė yra protinga ir turi gerą humoro jausmą. Mary is smart and funny. Mary is smart and has a good sense of humor. Aš turėjau ten eiti viena. I had to go there alone. I had to go there alone. Parduotuvė prekiauja brangiais aksesuarais moterims. The shop sells expensive accessories for women. The shop sells expensive accessories for women. Rytoj jis bus laisvas. He will be free tomorrow. He'll be free tomorrow. Meksikos sostinė yra didžiausias miestas Lotynų Amerikoje. The capital of Mexico is the largest city in Latin America. The capital of Mexico is the largest city in Latin America. Tomas pradingo. Tom has disappeared. Thomas's gone. Aš nenoriu gerti šaltos arbatos. I don't want to drink cold tea. I don't want to drink cold tea. Kokios spalvos jos plaukai? What's the colour of her hair? What color is her hair? Tomas yra praktikantas. Tom is an intern. Thomas is a trainee. Pažvelk į per tiltą važiuojantį traukinį. Look at the train going over the bridge. Look at the train running through the bridge. Aš atidaviau savo ginklus. I gave my weapons away. I gave me my weapons. Aš galiu padaryti geriau. I can do better. I can do better. Gerų jums atostogų! Enjoy your vacation. Have a good vacation! Tenai yra veidrodis. There's a mirror. There's a mirror. Gali atsisėsti kur nori. You can sit wherever you want. You can sit where you want. Nepalik savo darbo nepabaigto. Don't leave your work unfinished. Don't leave your job unfinished. Ar galite jį iškeisti su kitu? Could you exchange it with another one? Can you exchange it with someone else? Galbūt jis ateis. Perhaps he will come. Maybe he'll come. Jeigu jį pakviesi, jis greičiausiai ateis. If you invite him, he'll probably come. If you invite him, he'll probably come. Tas kuris ieško, randa. Who searches, finds. The one who's looking for it finds it. Kuri komanda yra mūsų? Which team is ours? Which team is ours? Jis nusižudė. He killed himself. He killed himself. Apsiauk batus. Eikime pietauti. Put on your shoes. Let's go out for dinner. Let's go to lunch. Jis buvo beveik užmigęs. He was almost asleep. He was almost asleep. Gero savaitgalio. Have a nice weekend. Good weekend. Akys - sielos veidrodis. The eyes are windows to the soul. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Aš gerai ją pažįstu. I know her well. I know her well. Profesorius ramiai išsiplovė savo rankas. The professor calmly washed his hands. The professor washed his hands quietly. Tėte, ar tiki vaiduokliais? Dad, do you believe in ghosts? Dad, do you believe in ghosts? Toje pardotuvėje gali sau nusipirkti šunį. You can buy yourself a dog in that store. You can buy a dog in that store. Aš tada buvau Kanadoje. I was in Canada then. I was in Canada then. Ar einu teisinga kryptimi? Am I going in the right direction? Am I heading in the right direction? Ar Tomas tau atleido už tai, ką tu padarei praeitą savaitę? Did Tom forgive you for what you did last week? Did Thomas forgive you for what you did last week? Aš daviau Tomui šansą. I gave Tom a chance. I gave Tom a chance. Šitas stalas yra baltas. This table is white. This table is white. Aš ne voverė. I'm not a squirrel. I'm not a spider. Tai - šešėlis. It's a shadow. It's a shadow. Būsiu su tavim kad ir kas benutiktų. I will stand by you whatever happens. I'll be with you no matter what happens. Jis nusivedė šeimą į zoologijos sodą. Tom took his family to the zoo. He took his family to the zoo. Jis nupiešė tiesią liniją ant sienos. He drew a straight line on the wall. He drew a straight line on the wall. Aš visada tave mylėsiu. I will love you always. I'll always love you. Aš esu dėl to kaltas. I am to blame for it. I'm responsible for this. Saulė dingo už debesies. The sun disappeared behind a cloud. The sun's gone behind the cloud. Nueik ir atsistok prie savo automobilio. Go and stand next to your car. Go and stand up to your car. Ar yra sveika valgti žuvis? Is eating fish good for you? Is it healthy to eat fish? Man nepatinka žmonės kurie lengvai supyksta. I don't like people who get angry easily. I don't like people who get mad. Sutemo. Gal įjungtum šviesą? It's become dark. Would you turn on the light? It's dark, would you turn the light on? Pažūrėk į pavyzdį paduotą viršuje. See the example given above. Look at the example above. Aš esu įsitikinęs kad jis yra nekaltas. I am convinced that he is innocent. I'm sure he's innocent. Kokios spalvos jos akys? What colour are her eyes? What color is her eyes? Jis tiki viskuo ką pasakau. He believes whatever I say. He believes everything I say. Aš dabar nesu alkanas. I'm not hungry right now. I'm not hungry right now. Tomas žuvo nutrenktas žaibo. Tom was killed by lightning. Thomas died hit by lightning. Tomas ir Merė nusipirko namą su baseinu. Tom and Mary bought a home with a pool. Thomas and Mary bought a house with a pool. Policininkas įsakė man sustabdyti automobilį. A police officer told me to stop the car. The cop ordered me to stop the car. Atvykau vėliau nei paprastai. I arrived later than usual. I came late than usual. Tu pasijusi geriau. You'll feel better. You're gonna feel better. Ji tapo paštininke. She became a postman. She became a mailman. Gaisro atveju, išdaužkite stiklą ir nuspauskite raudoną mygtuką. In case of fire, break the glass and push the red button. In case of fire, pull out the glass and press the red button. Aš labai jums dėkoju. I'm very grateful to you. Thank you very much. Be tavęs, mano gyvenimas būtų visiškai tuščias. My life would have been completely empty without you. Without you, my life would be completely empty. Aš alkanas! I'm hungry! I'm hungry! Džesika dainavo dainą. Jessica was singing a song. Jessica sang a song. Ką tu nori pasakyti? What do you want to say? What do you mean? Aš paimsiu šį skėtį. I'll take this umbrella. I'll take this umbrella. Kadangi jis dažnai meluoja, juo negalima pasitikėti. As he often tells lies, he is not to be relied on. Since he often lies, he cannot be trusted. Jis sutvarkė savo kambarį sekmadienį. He cleaned his room on Sunday. He arranged his room on Sunday. Tu esi kaltas. You are to blame. You're guilty. Kur, po velniais, tu eini? Where the hell are you going? Where the hell are you going? Jei tu tik žinotum kokioje aš situacijoje. If you only knew what kind of a situation I am in. If you'd just know what situation I'm in. Paskubėk, kitaip pavėluosi. Hurry up, otherwise you'll be late. Hurry up, otherwise you'll be late. Šiandien oras siaubingas. The weather is terrible today. The weather is terrible today. Argi ne keista kad Tomo šiuo metu visdar nėra čia? Isn't it strange that Tom isn't here by now? Isn't it strange that Tom's still not here right now? Kokia puiki šeima. What a wonderful family. What a great family. Kas suvalgė visą mūsų maistą? Who ate all of our food? Who has eaten all our food? Ar tu vis dar Floridoje? Are you still in Florida? Are you still in Florida? Kodėl niekas nevalgo mano bulvių? Why does nobody eat my potatoes? Why don't nobody eat my potatoes? Nuostabu čia būti. It's wonderful to be here. It's great to be here. Tu bėgi. You run. You're running. Tomas nenori to aptarinėti. Tom doesn't want to discuss it. Thomas doesn't want to discuss this. Aš mėgstu žiūrėti beisbolą ir futbolą. Love watching baseball and football. I love watching baseball and football. Aš taip ją myliu kad aš negaliu jos palikti. I love her so much that I can't leave her. I love her so much that I can't leave her. Ar tu jį pažįsti? Do you know him? Do you know him? Nenoriu daugiau būti blogiečiu. I don't want to be the bad guy anymore. I don't want to be a bad guy anymore. Nors ji ir bėgo taip greitai, kaip tik galėjo, į autobusą vis tiek nespėjo. Running as fast as she could, she still failed to catch the bus. Although she ran as fast as she could, she did not get on the bus. Kinija didesnė, nei Japonija. China is bigger than Japan. China is bigger than Japan. Taip ir maniau. That's what I thought. I thought so. Avilyje gali būti tik viena karalienė There can be only one queen in the hive. There may be only one queen in the hive Ar yra koks nors pavojus? Is there any danger? Is there any danger? Gali manimi pasikliauti. You can count on me. You can count on me. Aš ją myliu, bet ji jį myli. I love her but she loves him. I love her, but she loves him. Nebegaliu daugiau taip gyventi. I can't live like this anymore. I can't live like that anymore. Tu tą vadini santuoka? You call that a marriage? You call it marriage? Pasuk į dešinę. Turn right. Turn right. Atidaryk burną! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! Jis nešioja akinius. He is wearing glasses. He's wearing glasses. Aš nubėgau pas savo motiną. I ran to my mother. I ran to my mother. Ar turite klausimų? Do you have any questions? Do you have any questions? Kieno yra šis namas? Whose house is this? Whose house is this? Tau bus lengva išspręsti šią problemą. It is easy for you to solve this problem. You will find it easy to solve this problem. Ji man pasakė kad aš turėsiu nuo jo bėgti. She told me that I'll have to run from him. She told me I had to run away from him. Mano namo stogas yra raudonas. The roof of my house is red. The roof of my house is red. Dar ne. Not yet. Not yet. Taip, suprantu. Ačiū. Yes, I understand. Thank you. Thank you. Ji gerai save pažįsta. She knows herself well. She knows herself well. Ačiū, aš viską supratau. Thanks, I understood everything. Thank you, I got it. Ką tu jame matai? What do you see in him? What do you see in it? Beje, koks tavo adresas? By the way, what is your address? What's your address, by the way? Kaip laikaisi? How are you? How are you? Eikime visi kartu! Let's go all together! Let's go together! Tai Tomas dėl visko kaltas. It's all Tom's fault. It's Thomas's fault. Aš greitesnė už jus. I'm faster than you. I'm faster than you. Jo tėvai buvo patenkinti jo sėkme. His parents were pleased with his success. His parents were satisfied with his success. Paliktas vienas, vaikas jaustųsi labai vienišas. Left to himself, the child would feel very lonely. When left alone, the child would feel very lonely. Ar tau patinka ši spalva? Do you like this color? Do you like this color? Visi gyvuliai yra lygūs, tačiau kai kurie gyvuliai lygesni nei kiti. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Pabandyk supjaustyti mėsą su kitu peiliu. Try to slice the meat with a different knife. Try to cut the meat with another knife. Mano brolis dviem metais vyresnis už mane, bet jis trimis centimetrais už mane žemesnis. My brother is two years older than I, but he is three centimeters shorter. My brother is two years older than I am, but he's three centimeters below me. O štai ir nuotaka! Here comes the bride! And here's the bride! Sveiki, ar ten kas nors yra? Hello, is there anyone there? Hello, is there anyone there? Viliuosi kad galėsiu vairuoti tavo automobilį be jokių problemų. I hope I can drive your car without any troubles. I hope I can drive your car without any problems. Aš nenoriu apie tai kalbėti. I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about it. Ši knyga priklauso bibliotekai. This book belongs to the library. This book belongs to the library. Tomas negalėjo nustoti čiaudėti. Tom couldn't stop sneezing. Thomas couldn't stop sniffing. Aš turiu surasti savo rašiklį. I have to find my pen. I have to find my pen. Aš mėgstu tavo katę, bet ji nemėgsta manęs. I like your cat, but she doesn't like me. I love your cat, but she doesn't like me. Tu gali viską girdėti. You can hear everything. You can hear everything. Aš čia dirbu. I work here. I work here. Ji nusižudė vakar. She killed herself yesterday. She committed suicide yesterday. Spėju pamatysiu tave vėliau. I guess I'll see you later. I guess I'll see you later. Duok tą jai. Give it to her. Give it to her. Aš sutinku. I agree. I agree. Man pavyko iš pirmo karto. I succeeded in my first attempt. I did it for the first time. Žinoma. Ar žinai gerą vietelę? Sure. Do you know a good place? Of course, do you know a good place? Tomas neturi jokio noro keliauti į Bostoną. Tom has no desire to go to Boston. Thomas has no desire to travel to Boston. Tomui sekasi gerai. Tom is doing fine. Tom's doing good. Aš pamačiau šviesą tunelio gale. I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Prašau palauk penkias minutes. Please wait five minutes. Please wait five minutes. Koks tavo skaipo adresas? What's your Skype username? What's your slick address? Jis tikriausiai neateis. He probably won't come. He's probably not coming. Aš nenoriu tavęs jaudinti. I don't mean to make you worry. I don't want to worry about you. Tai yra miestas apie kurį aš tau sakiau. This is the town I told you about. This is the city I told you about. Tu turėtum būti pagarbus savo mokytojams. You should be respectful to your teachers. You should be respectful to your teachers. Teresa yra portugališkas vardas. Teresa is a Portuguese name. Teresa is a Portuguese name. Betei visada pavykdavo gauti tai, ko ji norėjo. Betty always managed to get what she wanted. Bethel always managed to get what she wanted. Nusipirkau naują siūvimo mašiną. I bought a new sewing machine. I bought a new sewing machine. Išskyrus Tomą, visi atvyko. Except for John, they all arrived. Except Thomas, everyone's here. Man jis nerūpi. I don't care for him. I don't care about him. Kaip tu su juo susipažinai? How did you get to know him? How did you meet him? Viena iš Serbijos sąjunginikių buvo Rusija. One of Serbia's allies was Russia. One of the Serbian allies was Russia. Kada ištirps sniegas? When will the snow melt? When is the snow going to dissolve? Aš visada pavargusi. I'm always tired. I'm always tired. Jo šeima daug keliavo. His family moved around quite a lot. His family traveled a lot. Man keruriasdešimt penkeri. I am forty-five years old. I'm ten-five years old. Ar jūs matėte mano mamą? Did you see my mother? Have you seen my mom? Mūsų sodas apaugo piktžolėmis. Our garden was full of weeds. Our garden was covered with weeds. Mano vaikus atėmė iš manęs. My children were taken away from me. My children were taken away from me. Kur tu radai jų katę? Where did you find their cat? Where did you find their cat? Kūdikis tęsia miegoti. The baby continues to sleep. The baby continues to sleep. Dėl Dievo meilės! For the love of God! For God's sake! Jis girdėjo jį verkiant vidurnaktį. He heard him cry at midnight. He heard him crying at midnight. Aš mėgstu korėjietišką maistą. I like Korean cuisine. I like Korean food. Galbūt tu esi teisi, aš buvau savanaudiška. Perhaps you are right, I have been selfish. Maybe you're right, I was selfish. Ši žuvis negerai kvepia. This fish has a bad smell. This fish doesn't smell good. Aš pamačiau mėnulį virš horizonto. I saw the moon above the horizon. I saw the moon above the horizon. Šie marškiniai yra tokie patys. Jie yra tos pačios spalvos. These shirts are the same. They are the same colour. These shirts are the same, they are of the same color. Tai yra panašu. It is similar. That is similar. Aš neturiu atsiprašyti už tą ką pasakiau. I don't have to apologize for what I said. I don't have to apologize for what I said. Tai buvo tik pokštas. It was just a joke! It was just a joke. Aš savęs nekenčiu ir aš noriu mirti. I hate myself and I want to die. I hate myself and I want to die. Ji visiškai neturi priešų. She has absolutely no enemies. She has absolutely no enemies. Tu sugrįžai. You came back. You're back. Tomas eina miegoti po vidurnakčio. Tom goes to bed after midnight. Thomas goes to sleep after midnight. Aš negaliu čia tavęs tiesiog palikti. I can't just leave you here. I can't just leave you here. Tomo žmona jį paliko 2013. Tom's wife left him in 2013. Tom's wife left him in 2013. Mano mama kiekvieną rytą keliasi anksti. My mother gets up early every morning. My mom's getting up early every morning. Vakar gavau nuo jos laišką. I had a letter from her yesterday. I got her letter yesterday. Mes kalbame japoniškai. We speak Japanese. We speak Japanese. Kur mano tėvai? Where are my parents? Where's my parents? Mokinys buvo nubaustas už rūkymą. The pupil was punished for smoking. The disciple was punished for smoking. Atsiprašau, kiek dabar laiko? Excuse me, what time is it? I'm sorry, how long now? Kas paveldės sostą? Who will succeed to the throne? Who will inherit the throne? Žinoma kad aš turėčiau perskaityti šią knygą. Of course I should read this book. Of course I should read this book. Teisinga kaina. The price is right. The right price. Ar užsiiminėji kokiu nors sportu? Do you play any sports? Do you engage in any sport? Jis su juo sutinka. He agrees with him. He agrees with him. Būtų nuostabu jei tu galėtum dainuoti. It would be great if you could sing. It would be wonderful if you could sing. Ar pameni ką ji pasakė? Do you remember what she said? Do you remember what she said? Duona šviežia. The bread is fresh. The bread is fresh. Ji nemėgo gyvenimo mieste. She didn't like city life. She didn't like life in town. Padarysiu tą vėliau. I'll do it later on. I'll do it later. Tau patinka taip gyventi? Do you enjoy living like this? You like living like that? Aš nieko blogo nepasakiau. I didn't say anything wrong. I didn't say anything wrong. Jis yra dainininkas. He is a singer. He's a singer. Tu atrodai visai kaip jis. You look just like him. You look like him. Visi keliai vedantys į miestą yra pilni automobilių. All the roads leading into the city are full of cars. All the roads that lead to the city are full of cars. Tomas negyvena su savo tėvais. Tom doesn't live with his parents. Thomas doesn't live with his parents. Mes mėgstame medžius. We love trees. We love trees. Tavo dukra išgirdo mus kalbant. Your daughter overheard us talking. Your daughter heard us talk. Taip, du. Yes, two. Yeah, two. Aš tik tada supratau ką jis turėjo omenyje. Only then did I realize what he meant. Only then did I understand what he meant. Tomas nemėgsta sūrio. Tom does not love cheese. Tom doesn't like cheese. Prašau, padėk man! Aš mirštu! Please help me. I'm dying. Please help me! Ar galėčiau tau padėti? Could I help you? Can I help you? Aš jam pasakiau, bet jis nekreipė dėmėsio. I told him, but he didn't pay attention. I told him, but he didn't pay attention. Triušiai mėgsta valgyti morkas. Rabbits like to eat carrots. Rabbits like to eat carrots. Jis maldavo manęs likti. He begged me to stay. He begged me to stay. Nekenčiu žiemos. I hate winter. I hate winter. Ar galiu padaryti tai vėliau? Can I do this later? Can I do it later? Sūrį gamina iš pieno. Cheese is made from milk. The cheese is made from milk. Nagi, sūnau. Nustok kautis su blogio jėgomis bent dešimčiai minučių ir ateik pavalgyti vakarienės! Come on, son. Quit battling the forces of evil for ten minutes and come to dinner! Come on, son, stop fighting evil forces for at least ten minutes and come over for dinner! Aš pamiršau jo paklausti. I forgot to ask him. I forgot to ask him. Tomas nenorėjo pritraukti dėmėsio. Tom didn't want to attract attention. Thomas didn't want to attract attention. Lietuva įstoja į Europos Sąjungą. Lithuania is joining the European Union. Lithuania joins the European Union. Jis pabučiavo ją į skruostą. He kissed her on the cheek. He kissed her in the cheek. Turiu dešimties metų sūnų. I have a ten-year-old boy. I have a ten-year-old son. Ar tu pasiruošęs išeiti? Are you ready to go out? Are you ready to leave? Ji garsiai keikėsi. She cursed loudly. She cried out loud. Jis pasakė kad aš nepakankamai miegu. He said I don't get enough sleep. He said I wasn't sleeping enough. Aš supratau. I understood. I got it. Gyvenimas yra kaip didelis greitkelis. Life is like a big highway. Life is like a big highway. Kas? What? What? Jis mėgsta ne tik beisbolą bet ir futbolą. He likes not only baseball but football. He likes not only baseball but also football. Štai tas langas, kurį jis išdaužė. It is this window that he broke. Here's the window he broke. Užsisakiau naujus baldus. I ordered new furniture. I ordered new furniture. Ji už jį vyresnė. She's older than him. She's older than him. Tu esi pats svarbiausias asmuo mano gyvenime. You are the most important person in my life. You're the most important person in my life. Jie viešėjo Romoje iki rugsėjo. They stayed in Rome till September. They visited Rome until September. Niekad ne per vėlu mokytis. It is never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. Ji turi ypatingą duonos kepimo būdą. She has a special way of making bread. She has a special bread-breading method. Man patinka ši muzika. I like this music. I like this music. Jis išėjo anksti; kitaip jis nebūtų spėjęs į traukinį. He left early; otherwise he could not have caught the train. He left early; otherwise he wouldn't have embarked on the train. Geriau nei niekas Tom apologized on Mary's behalf. Better Than None Tomas yra geriausias žaidėjas komandoje. Tom is the best player on the team. Thomas is the best player in the team. Tu negali manęs nugalėti. You can't defeat me. You can't beat me. Kažkas yra ne taip su šiuo jogurtu. There's something wrong with this yoghurt. Something's wrong with this yogurt. Jie už mus kur kas aukštesni. They are much taller than us. They're far taller than us. Jis žaidžia golfą kiekvieną sekmadienį. He plays golf every Sunday. He's playing golf every Sunday. Ar nematėte mano žmonos? Have you seen my wife? Have you seen my wife? Aš verčiau, aš verčiu, aš versiu, aš versčiau... bet tik jei uždirbčiau pinigų. I translated, I translate, I will translate, I would translate... but only if I make money. I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, Kaip atrodo tavo automobilis? What does your car look like? What does your car look like? Tomas valgo tik tą ką jis nori valgyti. Tom eats only what he wants to eat. Thomas only eats what he wants to eat. Singapūre spjaudymas ant grindų yra laikomas nusikaltimu. In Singapore, it is a crime to spit on the ground. In Singapore, spitting on the floor is considered a crime. Pasivaikščiojimas pakrante - mano mėgstamiausias laisvalaikio praleidimas. My favorite pastime is strolling along the shore. Walking on the coast is my favorite leisure experience. Aš galiu perplaukti šią upę. I can cross the river by swimming. I can cross this river. Ji turi vieną katę. She has one cat. She has one cat. Aš galiu parodyti tau nuotraukas. I can show you the pictures. I can show you pictures. Daktare, ar galite manęs išklausyti? Doctor, can you hear me out? Doc, can you listen to me? Jis mane suprato. He understood me. He understood me. Ši mašina yra bevertė. This machine is worthless. This car is useless. O Dieve! Ka tu darai? Oh my God! What are you doing? What are you doing? Jis ėjo į pardotuvę, bet sustojo prie jos namų. He was walking to the store, but stopped next to her house. He went to the shop, but he stopped at her house. Jam reikia kopėčių. He needs a ladder. He needs a ladder. Kaip laikaisi? How are you doing? How are you? Nieko nevalgai. You don't eat anything. You don't eat anything. Jei nori ateiti su mumis, ateik su mumis. If you want to come with us, come with us. If you want to come with us, come with us. Pažiūrėkite į tą namą su raudonu stogu. Look at the house with the red roof. Look at that house with a red roof. Motina siuva. The mother sews. Mother's sewing. Tomas turi seserį, kuri yra advokatė. Tom has a sister who is a lawyer. Thomas has a sister who is a lawyer. Dieve, padėk man! My God, help me! God, help me! Aš atlikau karinę tarnybą Ankaroje. I had my military service in Ankara. I had military service in Ankara. Išeik iš klasės. Get out of the classroom. Get out of class. Aš padėsiu tau. I'll assist you. I'll help you. Greitai grįžk. Come back soon. Come back soon. Būk atsargus, gerai? Be careful, OK? Be careful, okay? Ne tik tu, bet jis irgi nežino tiesos. Not only you but also he is ignorant of the truth. Not just you, but he doesn't know the truth either. Aš žinau kad Maikas mėgsta krepšinį. I know that Mike likes basketball. I know Mike likes basketball. Milė valgo obuolį. Millie is eating an apple. A million eats an apple. Nepasitikėk žmogumi, apie kurio praeitį tu nieko nežinai. Don't trust a man whose past you know nothing about. Don't trust someone you don't know about the past. Ji tiksliai žino, ko ji nori. She knows exactly what she wants. She knows exactly what she wants. Kuris stipresnis, tigras ar liūtas? Which is stronger, a tiger or a lion? Which one is stronger, tiger or lion? Leisk man tą padaryti. Let me do this. Let me do it. Daug europiečių nepažįsta šiuolaikinės Japonijos. Many Europeans do not know modern Japan. Many Europeans do not know modern Japan. Nekalbėkite skaitykloje. Don't talk in the reading room. Don't talk to the reading room. Aš tokia laiminga, kad sutikau tave. I am so happy that I met you. I'm so happy I met you. Ši problema nėro tokia sunki kaip atrodo. This problem is not so difficult as it seems. This problem has not been as serious as it seems. Tavo knyga yra ant suolo. Your book is on the desk. Your book is on the bench. Ko nori valgyti? What do you want to eat? What do you want to eat? Koks tavo batų dydis? What's your shoe size? What's your shoe size? Jis yra sodininkas. He's a gardener. He's a gardener. Ši gėlė yra gražesnė nei ana. This flower is more beautiful than that one. This flower is more beautiful than that. Ši lagūna yra labai gili. The lagoon is very deep. This lagoon is very deep. Šiandien nėra Kalėdos! Today's not Christmas! It's not Christmas today! Ji manęs paklausė kas atvažiavo pirmas. She asked me who had arrived first. She asked me who came first. Su kuo aš kalbu? With whom am I speaking? Who am I talking to? Tai viskas. That is all. That's it. Neskubėk taip. Don't be in such a hurry. Don't hurry like that. Ar ji patenkinta? Is she satisfied? Is she happy? Tomas negalėtų to daryti, ar ne? Tom couldn't do that, could he? Thomas wouldn't be able to do that, would he? Aš neturiu maisto. I have no food. I don't have food. Argi tai ne tiesa? Isn't it true? Isn't that true? Vyrai pradėjo žygiuoti pirmyn. The men began to march forward. The men started to march forward. Gyvenimas yra nesąžiningas. Life is unfair. Life is unfair. Panelė Red mokė manęs japonų kalbos. Miss Red taught me Japanese. Miss Red taught me Japanese. Aš nebūtinai sutinku su viskuo ką aš sakau. I don't necessarily agree with everything I say. I don't necessarily agree with everything I say. Jis dabar jos ieško mano namuose. He's now looking for her in my house. He's looking for her now in my house. Aš neprisimenu jos vardo. I don't remember her name. I don't remember her name. Jis norėtų sužinoti, ar žaidi šaškėmis. He would like to know whether you play chess. He'd like to know if you're playing checkers. Pasilik čia su mumis. Stay here with us. Stay here with us. Tu turėsi mokėti. You'll have to pay. You're gonna have to pay. Kas eina su manim? Who is coming with me? What's going on with me? Kas nori karšto šokolado? Who wants some hot chocolate? Who wants hot chocolate? Pirmadienis ateina po sekmadienio. Monday comes after Sunday. Monday comes after Sunday. "Labas rytas", - pasakė Tomas šypsodamasis. "Good morning", said Tom with a smile. "Good morning," said Thomas smiling. Jis man papasakojo savo gyvenimo istoriją. He told me his life's story. He told me his life story. Ar šiuo metu esi užsiėmusi? Are you busy at the moment? Are you busy right now? Nuotrauka yra šioje knygoje. The picture is in this book. The photo is in this book. Aš moku mylėti. I can love. I can love. Aš turiu kai ką pasiimti iš automobilio. I need to get something out of the car. I have to get something out of the car. Aš tau parodysiu, kad aš esu teisi. I'll show you that I am right. I'll show you I'm right. Ši suknelė yra man per didelė. This dress is too big for me. This dress is too big for me. Ar jūs gavote Tomo žinutę? Did you get Tom's message? Did you get Tom's message? Aš nueisiu nupirksiu duonos. I'll go buy some bread. I'm gonna go buy some bread. Tomas mane atpažino. Tom recognized me. Thomas recognized me. Jis dirba kasdien išskyrus sekmadienius. He works every day save Sundays. He works every day except Sundays. Ar manai, kad Tomas pasikeitė? Do you think Tom has changed? Do you think Thomas has changed? Koks sportas tau patinka labiausiai? What sport do you like best? What kind of sport do you like most? Kiek kartų per mėnėsį tu rašai laiškus? How many times a month do you write letters? How many times during the month are you writing letters? Karas truko dvejus metus. The war lasted two years. The war lasted two years. Kas nors padėkite man, prašau. Someone, please help me. Somebody help me, please. Jūs patinkate Tomui. Tom likes you. You like Tom. Aš neturiu šeimos. I have no family. I don't have a family. Aš mokausi Ložbano. I study Lojban. I'm learning Lozhban. Mes vakar žaidėme krepšinį. We played basketball yesterday. We played basketball yesterday. Mano vardas yra Sally. My name is Sally. My name is Sally. Ar tu ją visą perskaitei? Did you read it all? Did you read it all? Ar matai mane? Do you see me? Do you see me? Aš sugrįšiu. I'll be back. I'll be back. Aš negaliu be tavęs gyventi. I can't live without you. I can't live without you. Aš neverkiu. I'm not crying. I'm not crying. Pagaliau sužinojome tiesą. Finally we have learned the truth. Finally, we learned the truth. Mes neturime cukraus. We don't have sugar. We don't have sugar. Esu laimingas. I am happy. I'm happy. Duok man gabalą kreidos. Give me a piece of chalk. Give me a piece of cream. Dabar Tomui viskas gerai. Tom is OK now. Tom's fine now. Aš ten gimiau. I was born there. I was born there. Jis negalėjo daryti tą ką norėjo. He was not able to do what he wanted. He couldn't do what he wanted. Ar galėčiau gauti puodelį arbatos? May I have a cup of tea? Can I get a cup of tea? Mačiau ją įeinančią į kambarį. I saw her enter the room. I saw her in the room. Aš pamiršau jam šiandien paskambinti. I forgot to telephone him today. I forgot to call him today. Tomas greitai mirs. Tom will die soon. Tom's gonna die soon. Noriu kavos su pienu. I want coffee with milk. I want a coffee with milk. Tomas vis dar yra kalinys. Tom is still a prisoner. Thomas is still a prisoner. Dėkui už vakarienę. Thanks for the dinner. Thank you for dinner. Visi mano šeimoje yra laimingi. Everyone in my family is happy. Everyone in my family is happy. Aš manau jis niekad negrįš. I think he'll never return. I think he's never coming back. Kur tavo krepšys? Where's your bag? Where's your bag? Aš maniau kad mes ketinome kažkur eiti. I thought we were going to go somewhere. I thought we were going somewhere. Mokiniai mokosi mokykloje. Students study in school. The students are in school. Ar turite klausimų apie šią pamoką? Do you have any questions in this lesson? Do you have any questions about this lesson? Šiomis sąlygomis, mes negalime dirbti kartu. Under these conditions we can not work together. In these circumstances, we cannot work together. Jis kentėjo nuo sunkaus galvos skausmo. He was suffering from a bad headache. He suffered severe headache. Niekas nemoka galvoti, bet kiekvienas turi paruošęs nuomonę. No one knows how to think, but everyone's got an opinion ready. No one can think, but everyone has a prepared opinion. Jie negalėjo gauti pakankamai maisto. They could not get enough food. They couldn't get enough food. Ponios ir ponai, prašome atsisėsti. Ladies and gentlemen, please sit down. Ladies and gentlemen, please sit down. Atsakykite! Answer! Answer me! Pradėk rašyti. Start writing. Start writing. Jis nepasakė nieko naujo. He didn't say anything new. He didn't say anything new. Šitas yra mano stalas. This is my table. This is my desk. Staiga, dangus patamsėjo. All of a sudden the sky became dark. Suddenly, the sky darkened. Šis kalnas yra padengtas sniegu visus metus. This mountain is snow-covered the entire year. This mountain is covered with snow all year round. Aš mačiau šunį. I saw a dog. I saw the dog. Ar jau atlikai namų darbus? Have you already done your homework? Have you done your homework? Aš paklausiau Tomo. I asked Tom. I asked Tom. Yra svarbu mums galvoti apie pasaulio ateitį. It's important for us to think about the future of the world. It is important for us to think about the future of the world. Atleisk man. Forgive me. I'm sorry. Kam čia atėjai? What have you come here for? Why did you come here? Vanduo čia labai seklus. The water here is very shallow. Water here is very shallow. Tu nužudei mano tėvą. You killed my father. You killed my father. Galite atsisėsti ant kėdės. You may sit down on the chair. You can sit on the chair. Sunkiai sninga. It snows hard. It's hard to get out of here. Jaučiu kad Tomas greitai pasirodys. I've got a feeling that Tom will show up soon. I feel Tom's coming out soon. Būkite atsargūs! Pay attention! Be careful! Ji rašo jam kiekvieną savaitę. She writes to him every week. She writes him every week. Jūs neprivalote man padėti. You don't have to help me. You don't have to help me. Aš parašiau jai ilgą laišką. I wrote a long letter to her. I wrote her a long letter. Čia nieko nėra. There is nothing here. There's nothing here. Nestovėk prie lango. Don't stand next to the window. Don't stand by the window. Kodėl tu man dabar tą pasakoji? Why are you telling this to me now? Why are you telling me this now? Kalno viršūnėje buvo bokštas. There was a tower on the top of the mountain. There was a tower at the top of the mountain. Meksika yra valstybė Šiaurės Amerikoje. Mexico is a country in North America. Mexico is a state in North America. Ar buvo taip pat kaip pernai? Was it like last year? Was it the same as last year? Jis įėjo į mano kambarį be leidimo. He entered my room without permission. He entered my room without permission. Turiu nueiti apsipirkti, grįšiu po valandos. I have to go shopping. I'll be back in an hour. I have to go shopping, I'll be back in an hour. Leiskite man su ja pasikalbėti. Let me speak to her. Let me talk to her. Tu atleista. You're fired. You're fired. Ji pamatė kažką laukiantį jos prie mokyklos. She saw somebody waiting for her next to the school. She saw something waiting for her at school. Mano nuotaika šiandien yra gera. I'm in a good mood today. My mood is good today. Aš gerai pažįstu jo brolį. I know his brother well. I know his brother well. Saldžių sapnų! Sweet dreams! Sweet dreams! Jis slystelėjo ir vos nepargriuvo. He slipped and nearly fell. He slipped and almost fell. Tomas nenori niekada to daryti ir vėl. Tom doesn't want to ever do that again. Thomas doesn't want to never do it again. Aš niekada nežinojau kad Tomo motina buvo Japonė. I never knew Tom's mother was Japanese. I never knew Tom's mother was Japanese. Jis parašė sakinį ant popieriaus, bet aš to sakinio nesupratau. He wrote a sentence on the paper, but I didn't understand the sentence. He wrote a sentence on paper, but I didn't understand that sentence. Bijoti reiškia mirti tūkstantį kartų, tai blogiau nei mirtis. Fearing is dying a thousand times, it's worse than death. Fear means death a thousand times, it's worse than death. Pats laikas tau pradėti naują verslą. It is high time you started a new business. It's time for you to start a new business. Niekada neprarask vilties. Never lose hope. Never lose hope. Tomui patinka sūris. Tom likes cheese. Tom likes cheese. Pasaruoju metu aš buvau užsiėmęs. I've been busy lately. I've been busy lately. Jis atvažiavo automobiliu. He came by car. He came by car. Jis grįžta rytoj. He returns tomorrow. He's coming back tomorrow. Ji pradingo be dokumetų. She disappeared with no documents. It's gone without documents. Aš pamečiau savo raktą. I lost my key. I lost my key. Maikas turi kelis draugus Floridoje. Mike has a couple of friends in Florida. Mike has some friends in Florida. Šis vanduo negerai kvepia. This water has a bad smell. This water doesn't smell good. Jei tu jo nemėgsti, tada kodėl tu su juo kalbėjai? If you don't like him, why were you talking to him? If you don't like him, why did you talk to him? Taip. Yes. Yeah. Ji valgo. She is eating. She's eating. Daktare, padėkite man! Doctor, help me! Doc, help me! Žarijos yra deginančiai raudonos. The coals are burning red. The jars are burning red. Karvės pienas yra skanesnis nei sojos pienas. Cow's milk is tastier than soy milk. Cow's milk is more delicious than soy's milk. Nara yra tylus ir gražus miestas. Nara is a quiet and beautiful city. The diver is a quiet and beautiful city. Laikyk pinigus saugioje vietoje. Keep the money in a safe place. Keep the money safe. Aš išspausdinau šimtą puslapių. I have printed 100 pages. I printed a hundred pages. Tai buvo labai graži gėlė. It was a very beautiful flower. It was a beautiful flower. Bet jis žinojo kad tai negalėjo tęstis. But he knew it couldn't last. But he knew it couldn't continue. Aš norėjau sugrįžti į jūsų kaimą. I wanted to go back to your village. I wanted to go back to your village. Nagi, judinkis! Come on, get a move on! Come on, move! Labas rytas. Good morning. Good morning. Jei tau manęs reikės, aš būsiu savo kambaryje. If you need me, I'll be in my room. If you need me, I'll be in my room. Miegojau tik dvi valandas. I only slept two hours. I only slept for two hours. Ei, ramiau. Hey, relax. Hey, calm down. Noriu sužinoti kur tu dabar esi. I want to know where you are now. I want to know where you are now. Tai išties labai gardu. This is really delicious. It's really delicious. Mano svajonė lieka svajone. My dream is still just a dream. My dream remains a dream. Jis buvo užsiėmęs. He was busy. He was busy. Jo skrybelė atrodė juokingai. His hat looked very funny. His hat looked funny. Mes palikome duris atviras. We left the door open. We left the door open. Ar esi tikra? Are you sure? Are you sure? Atsisėskime ant suolo. Let's sit down on the bench. Let's sit on the bench. Labai mažai žmonių pastebėjo, kad jos nebuvo vakarėlyje. Few people noticed her absence from the party. Very few people have noticed that they were not present at the party. Aš išsikeičiau jenas į dolerius. I exchanged yen for dollars. I exchanged yen for dollars. Palik mane ramybėje! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Žmogaus širdis yra maždaug jo kumščio dydžio. A man's heart is about as large as his fist. The heart of a person is about the size of his fist. Prašau vairuok atsargiai. Please drive carefully. Please drive carefully. Valgykite duoną! Eat the bread! Eat bread! Visame pasaulyje buvo taika. There was peace all over the world. There was peace around the world. Tai nereiškia, kad nustosiu tai daryti. That doesn't mean that I'll stop doing it. That doesn't mean I'm gonna stop doing it. Tėvas nupirko man naują dviratį. Father bought me a new bicycle. My father bought me a new bike. Tomas nežino ar pasukti į kairę ar į dešinę. Tom doesn't know whether to turn left or right. Tom doesn't know whether to turn left or right. Ji išsigando šuns. She was afraid of the dog. She's scared of the dog. Tai yra nuostabi idėja. This is a great idea. This is a wonderful idea. Anksčiau ar vėliau mes visi mirsime. Sooner or later, we all are going to die. Sooner or later, we all die. Kodėl tavo katinas yra toks didelis? Why is your cat so big? Why is your cat so big? Jūs esate inžinierius. You're an engineer. You're an engineer. Ar esi tikra? Are you certain? Are you sure? Ar tu žinai kur jis gyvena? Do you know where he lives? Do you know where he lives? Tomas atsisakė eiti į ligoninę. Tom refused to go to the hospital. Thomas refused to go to the hospital. Jis paliko prieš valandą. He left an hour ago. He left an hour ago. Turi rūpintis savimi. You've got to take care of yourself. You have to take care of yourself. Nepamiršk mūsų. Do not forget about us. Don't forget us. Aš gerai moku vokiečių. I speak German well. I'm good at German. Tas laivas keliauja į Suomiją. The ship is bound for Finland. That ship is going to Finland. Mano mama visai jo nepažįsta. My mum doesn't know him at all. My mom doesn't know him at all. Jys lobs advokats. He's a good lawyer. He's a treasure lawyer. Kāigi aupalla tū kērdan per skatīsnan? How do you find the time to exercise? What's wrong with pussies? Mazzi tū padātun mi šin wirdeīnan? Can you hand me this dictionary? What are you talking about? Tenā praēit sirdas wūras krīzin. She's going through a midlife crisis. There's a whirlwind crisis. Wirdāi ni mazzi ebpeisātun grazzu. Words cannot describe the beauty. It's just a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little Sta audāst si šandēinan bītai. It's happening tonight. I'm talking to a black-and-white boy. Malnīkai senrīnka gillins, kawīdai krūwa iz anzanan. Children collect acorns that have fallen out of an oak tree. For the millennia guillin, for the cawid kruwa from anzanan. Taksi izreizan stāi prei gatwis āmpelin. The taxi stopped dead at the traffic signal. Taxi to get rid of prei gatwis ampelin. Sta ast pirman rēizan, kaddan as bilāi Taninnai "As mīli tin". This is the first time I've ever told Taninna "I love you." I'm in the first reizan, when I'm in the Bible Tanninna, "I love it." As waīda, kāi šis lāiskas ast spārtai brendu pēr mans. I know the book is very difficult for us. I'm waiding, like this bear as a sparta brand over my own. Mennei ni padīnga wīds, en kawīdsmu tāns bilāi. I do not like the way he talks. Mennei ni is sung in a wire, en kawaidism in a bell. As turri kārban pilnan sen prasselins. I have a cord-knitted bag full of garden strawberries. As tours karban full of long-established. Kaddan as gūbi en sirdan skūlin, as etskīwuns eraīnan ankstāinan zūrgi uštan stūndin. When I was in secondary school, I arose every morning at six o'clock. Caddan's hips en sirdan sculpts, as ethicivian early early sights of the stundin. Kittapausiskai, tāns turēi kittans presnans. On the other hand, he had a different opinion. It's different, it's a different presnan. Kwēi en Meksiku jātei? Where in Mexico are you guys going? Kwei en Mexico have to? As kwaitīlai turītun kērdan per mērgan. I wish I had time for a girlfriend. I'm going to hold a little bit too much. Kas ast twajs tāws, manga? Who's your daddy, bitch? What's it like, manga? Majs taweīns ast stwen, kwēi ast majā dūsi. My fatherland is there, where my soul is. Maya tawein as stwen, kwey ass. As asma dīlawuns šan pastippan sawaītin. I worked all this week. I'm a sharp dylawuns shan pastippan sawaitin. Sta īmlai per tūlin kērdas, kāi gērblai pastippan gērbsenin. It would take a long time to tell the whole story. There's an idol over there, like a pastippan girbsenin. Palāikais sēn mans. Stay with us. The gentleman is mine. As wīrst preidāwuns si prēi wans izreizan kaddan as wīrst wanginnuns šin dīlin. I'll be with you as soon as I finish this job. I will clean the predicaments in this styli. Dīnkun per perwūkausnan. Thank you for the last invitation. Dinkun through perwūkusnan. Assei mukinnewis, jā? You are a schoolteacher, aren't you? Assei mukinnewis, yeah? Tū perwaidinna spārtai bālin. You look so pale. You're a perwaidin. Asmai kurtīwusis. We were wrong. He's a deaf person. Wīds, en kawīdsmu tenēi paauginna swajjans malnīkans ast gāncai nijāuku. Their manner of bringing up their children is extremely unusual. Widas, en kawiduma tenējai is raised by a swajjan miller as gancai nijuukai. Tenēi mūka kōmunikautun tērpawintei rānkan zentlins. They can communicate using hand signs. There's a monk kümunikaut and a robe for a Rankan kentlin. Perwaidinna mi si, kāi tū blāndewingi māuki majjan keppun. It appears to me that you put on my hat by mistake. Perwaidin we're going to tell you how to blackdewings we're talking about Mayan's hat. Tāns ast ukawalns wīrs en swītu. He is the greatest man in the world. Taan ast ukawalns wir en swiit. Īma wūblin. I eat an apple. Imma Woblin. Sta ast nipreilāngu iz tenesse pāusan, kāi tāns ni ast telafōniwuns mennei. It is rude of him not to give me a call. It's a nipreillang from tenesse pausan, like it's an ast telafñniwuns men. Stubba ast ezze mi skistīntan. The room is cleaned by me. Stubba astezze mi skistintan. Undan werda en 100 grādans. Water boils at 100 degrees. Undan werda en 100 degrees. Mētras ni ast akrāts līgu jārdu. A meter is not quite equivalent to a yard. Mētra ni ast acrate the leagues must be raided. Šandēinan asma skaitāwuns dēinasawīzin be aupalluns stwen spārtai interessantin artīkelin. Today I read a daily newspaper and I found a very interesting article there. Shandin's asciteswuns denasawizini without aupalluns stwen sparta interestinglytin artikelin. Tāns ermīri gērbsenin. He came up with a story. Taan ermirs girbsenin. Ellie ast spārtai genneniskan. Ellie is very feminine. Ellie's very genetic. Tāns bilāi ikāigi tāns bijāits ka nika. He speaks as though he were afraid of something. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. Wīrta tu barikkiskan? Have you lost your mind? Wirth are you barikkiskan? Nikwēigi ni ast per wīlai... Aīnabilisku ast lāngu ārstaminan! It's never too late... Monolingualism is easy to cure! Nikweigi will go through the whale... an analytic ass for the doctor! Dīwan tū wīrst kailūstinuns. You will soon get well. Diewan's way of wearing the fury. Tomu ni prawerru waīstun. Tom doesn't need to know. Tom's prawerru waistand. Nika ni gūzais. Don't throw anything away. Nica's nigga. Šin mīstan ast grazzu. The town is beautiful. Oh, my God. Asma starnīti. I am a seagull. Bloodbrushes. Ka pamenna rikīs iz pirmans kereūsnas dēinans? What do you remember from the first days of the war? What's going to happen to the first chereus demon? As ni wīda kittan mazīngiskwan. I don't see another option. As ni wida kittan mamingiskwan. As gattaws. I am ready. As gattaws. As mīri, kāi ka nika mazēi preipaltwei Tōmu. I think something may have happened to Tom. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Tū ni mazzi preidātun perarwiskan be ermīritan nummerin. You cannot add a real number and an imaginary number. These tiny primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial p Šandēinan ast sabattika. Today is Saturday. It's sabbathic in San Marino. As ni izpresta, ka ast prōblaman. I don't understand what the problem is. I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, Pastatinnamai delli nawwans lāiskans iz winnatautans. We ordered some new books from abroad. The building is built in helli newwans from Winnatautans. Šī appi ast pēnkdesimts jārdan plattu. The river is fifty yards across. This app has an eight-hundred ten to form a plate. Michael Jackson aulaūwa. Michael Jackson died. Michael Jackson aulaouwa. Tāns bēi spārtai prasts zmūi, adder nikwēigi tāns ni papaikēi kittans. He was a very simple man, but he never cheated on others. It's for a really bad man, it's for a very bad man, it's for a very bad man, it's for a very bad man, it's for a very bad man. Sta ast ukagrazzuisi appi, kawīdan as widāi en gīwatai. This is the most beautiful river I have ever seen. Sta ast ukagrazzuisi appi, kawidan as waidi en giwatai. Sta īmlai per tūlin kērdas, kāi gērblai pastippan istōrijan. It would take a long time to tell the whole story. There's an image of what's going on in the room. Tenā klausēi religiōzan muzīkin. She listens to religious music. There, listen to the religion in the music. As kwaitīlai turītun tūls. I wish I had more. I'm a kwaityl. I'm a kwaityl. Ast biskin deīktas per majjan bagāžin? Is there any space for my luggage? As biskin's Decade through Mayan's treasure? Pawaidinnais mi, kāigi stan segītun. Show me how to do this. Pawaidininin' mi, how's the segnitor? Aulamtammans māldaisins ast brendu paklustwei rēgulimans. Some pupils find it difficult to follow the rules. Aulamtamman is a lovely ast brand obeywei regulimans. Ik ni būlai padelisnā en partījai ka tēr pirzdau rīnkawans, būlimai ebwarīwusis. If there hadn't been a split in the party just before elections, we'd have won. I mean, you know, in a little bit of a lot of time, I've been talking to him, you know, I've been talking to him, you know, "I've been talking to him, "I've been talking about him," "I've been talking about him." Kasse paggan tū nērwi sestran? Why are you annoying your sister? Kasse got a way to go on Saturday? As turri jātwei en Bostōnan I've got to go to Boston. As turri jetwei en Bostonnan Perbāndais filman, kawīdan as segīwuns sen majjans ginnins. Check out this video I filmed with my friends. Permanent film, Kawidden as a guerrilla for a long time. Grawitaciōni dīlai na wissan en uniwērsu. Gravity acts on everything in the universe. Grawitacićni dila na wissan en universu. Tū mazzi perpīstun swajjan pussideinan en skūlin. You may bring your own lunch to school. Your little ones cut and swajjan halfsideinan en sculin. As widāi tennan raudānti. I saw him cry. I'm a waitai tennan weeping. Tāns platēi tēr dessimts dālarins per šan nurtwin. He only paid ten dollars for that shirt. There's a ten-hundred-dralin on that plate over that nurtwin. As dīgi turri kwāitan spilīt. I feel like playing, too. I stinging tours kwaitan kick. Segēis stan subs. Do it by yourself. Covering Stan's subs. As gattaws aulaūtwei. I am ready to die. As gattaws aulautwei. Tāns turri jāukun emnin. He has a common name. There's got to be an emnin in there. As kwāi kāuptun nawwan autō. I want to buy a new car. As kwai climb and newwan author. Tenā aīnat mīri ezze pīmpans. She thinks about cocks all the time. There's a peacock pebble. Joseph Conrad peisāi "Timras Sīran" delīkiskai etsparāntei si na persōniskan serīptan iz Belgijas Kōngu. Joseph Conrad wrote "Heart of Darkness" in part based on his personal experience in Belgian Congo. Joseph Conrad's "Timras Syran" deliquétété d'étété d'été d'étété d'étété d'étété d'été d'étété d'étété d'étété d'étété d'étété d'étété d'étété d'étété d'étété d'étété d'ététété d'ététété étété étété étété été Majs tāws jāuku etwartinna si buttan zūrgi septman. My father usually comes home at seven. May have to cut the etwartinna si buttan zurks septeman. Ni tit dīwai! Not so fast! Ni tit dywai! Kasse paggan tū ernertijja sestran? Why are you annoying your sister? Is Kasse enough to have a ernerty Saturday? As dāi Tōmu Marījas telafōnas nummerin. I gave Tom Mary's phone number. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Tāns ni turri nikawīdans ginnins. He does not have any friends. Tain Ni turri nicawiden ginninin. Ast līkutan per wīlai per etwinūsnan. It's a little late for an apology. As curved through the whale through the etwinusnan. Ni madlīs min, kāi as etrīnklai sirzdau tin be dīlin. Don't ask me to choose between you and my job. There's nothing in this fashion about how I feel about it. Dīnkun! Thanks! Dincun! Tenā dāi mi puppin. She gave me a doll. There's a lady down there. Sta perlānke ezze mans. That belongs to us. There's a perlection of mine. Tīt as bēi tikrōman. So I was right. That's what I'm talking about. As wīrst preidāwusi si prēi tin izreizan kaddan as wīrst wanginnusi šin dīlin. I'll be with you as soon as I finish this job. I should treat the pre-existing situation in this area as a matter of urgency. Aīns, dwāi, trijan, keturjāi, pēnkjāi, uššai, septīnjai, astōnjai, newīnjai, desīmtan. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. The scene, the dwai, the three, the quadrupe, the shady, the seventh, the eight, the new, the sausage. Madli ni ernērteis ik as wīrst kriticīwuns. Please don't get angry if I criticize. Madli ni ernerteis every critiquewuns. Asma biskin alkīnan. I'm a little hungry. Blood biskin's alkalin. Sta ast labā mēnsa. This is good meat. There's a good moon. Tenēi wisaddan graudinna si. They always complain. There's a grain in the wisaddan. Hōmoseksualiskas salūbisnas ast preiwērptan en mazzais nikāi en 20% stēisan tāutan. Gay marriage is permitted in less than 20% of countries. H >mossexual clumping asst preiwierptan en small nothing en 20% steisan toutan. As kwāi waīstun tikran. I want to know the truth. As kwai waiekt and tirran. Tāns bēi enwargūlin, tīt ni mazēi perēitwei. He was ill, so he couldn't come. That's an enwargulin, that's a little pass. Tū ni mazzi palaīstun dadaīnin aīnan. You can't leave a baby alone. They're so tiny and they're in the picture. Prūsiskan ast baltiska bilā. Prussian is a Baltic language. Prussian ast of a ballet bill. As asma gattaws gallin. I'm ready for death. Assma gattaws gallin. Wissan, ka as mazzi segītun ast gēistwei. All I can do is wait. Wissan that my little ones cover as a geistwei. Perjaīs be wīdais. Come and see. It'll go without the wire. As mīri, kāi īstun zmūnins ast rāmiskai wārgai. I think it is morally wrong to eat people. It's like I'm just like I'm like I'm like I'm like I'm like I'm like I'm a rhyme. Jā, as bilāi kašūbiskai, adder tēr biskin. Yes, I speak Kashubian, but only a little. Yeah, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. Bilāi tū kašūbiskai? Do you speak Kashubian? You Billed the face for a cup of shit? Ni sūja di spārtai. Sta ast ter mirklīni. It's not raining hard. It's just a sprinkle. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Grāudu, as ni mazzi stan segītun pēr tin. Unfortunately, I can't do that for you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Asma en spaktāstubai beggi as mūja rānkans. I'm in the bathroom because I'm washing my hands. Asma en svaktastūbu bagi asas rakanas. Tenā etwinūwa tenesmu. She forgave him. There's etwinowa tenesmus. As dergēi tin. I hate you. I'm irritated. Deiwūtan Sirzdauamziskan Gennan Dēinān! Happy International Women's Day! Deiwutan Sirzdauamskan Gennan Dean! Tū ni turri sīran. You have no heart. You got a tour of Syria. Tū segīwuns blāndan. You made an error. You're a guerrilla. Kūmpina stan tebbei, kāi asma tūlin wūraisin nikāi tū? Does it bother you that I'm much older than you are? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Wīrs īda geītin. The man ate bread. Wyr's in the goethe. Tāns auwīri swajjans akkins. He closed his eyes. Tai Auwiri swajjan akin. Majs ukamilītasis wīrds en miksisku ast wīrds per "pīrstinin". My favorite word in German is the word for "glove". May's ukamilytic wird en hybrid ast wirds over "pirstinin." Kawīdan ast twajā opiniōni ezze billin sargāsnan? What is your opinion about language preservation? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Tāns aupalluns nawwan mīlin. He's found a new love. Taan aupalluns newwan loves. Ast tūlin zmūnei en parku. There are a lot of people in the park. I'm going to go to the park. Nō šan laīwan ast trīs tūsimtai stēisan wīnas kannawin. There are three thousand barrels of wine on the ship. Next laiwan ast three hundred steisan wines cannawin. Tāns ast spārtai sūtenikiskas zmūi. He is a very modest man. It's gonna be a sprat for a mercenary man. Tenā pastippan kērdan mīri ezze pīmpans. She thinks about cocks all the time. There's a pastippan currant bark porcupine. Ni degginais wissans tiltans. Don't burn your bridges. Ni burned wissans bridge. As kwāi, kāi tū mi aušaudīlai. I want you to trust me. I know what I'm talking about. En 2014 Šutlandan mazzi wīrstwei en pawīrpingin wālstin. In 2014 Scotland may become an independent state. En 2014 Šutlandan knotzi wirstwei en pawirpingin wastin. Tāns ernērti. He became angry. Taan's an armor. Pastippa tautā bilāi ezze stan. The whole country talks about it. The pastip into the nation's biblical pussies. Asma aupalluns tin. I've found him. Asma aupalluns tin. Jaīs en skūlin. You go to school. They're an en sculin. As turri ēitwei prei pōlicajan. I've got to go to the police. As tours eitwei prei pělicajan. As mīri, kāi wisāi stārai zmūnei turri ēitwei na diētin. I think all fat people should go on a diet. I'm dead, like a wissian horse, a tour of eitwei na dietin. Šlāit dwigubāsnan tū preiilginaui zmūnins. You no doubt bore people. Freeze the dwigubanan solution with a pre-emptive zmuno. Sta ast ukamūises idiōtismus, kawīdan as widāi en gīwatai. It's the most idiotic thing I've seen in my life. There's an idiosyncratic, kawidin as a Widaidai en gīwatai. Zinānikai kwāi tūls dātas. The scientists want more data. For science kwai there's a date. Kāigi ast pabilītan twajjas sestras sunnis? What is your sister's dog called? How do I get a tway-six-dog? As wīrst preidāwuns si prēi tin izreizan kaddan as wīrst wanginnuns šin dīlin. I'll be with you as soon as I finish this job. I would like to clean the predicaments for the first time when I would like to clean the wanginnuns in this styli. As wīrst gērbuns ti ezze Japānijan. I will tell you about Japan. I'm wearing a gingerbuns ti esze in Japan. Asma līkutan alkīnan. I'm slightly hungry. Blood curves in the alpine. Turri tū twajjan jāsnas licēncin? Do you have your driver's license? Tours twajjan have to lick? Tū ni mazzi palaīstun malnīkikan aīnan. You can't leave a baby alone. It's a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit Assei pāustan. You're vain. Assei pustan. As mīri kāigi būlai turītun skreīlins! I wonder how it would be to have wings! I'm just like holding the screeline! Lāiskas ast na stalu. The book is on the table. It's just a sharp table. Ebdirēi tū taliwidāsnan šan bītan? Did you watch TV tonight? Ebdire would you like a Taliwidan in the bee? Bitasīdis gattaws. Dinner is ready. Bitaside gattaws. As widāi tennan. I've seen him. I'm widai tennan. Dirēis, māise sunnis ni ast tit mīlinan kāigi twāise. Look, my dog is not as dirty as yours. Direy, Miss dog ni ast tit loved like twaise. Šandēinan ast sabattika. It's Saturday today. It's sabbathic in San Marino. Kasse paggan astei tīt rīkewingi? Why are you so quarrelsome? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Nikawīds iz majjans ginnins ni waīda stan. None of my friends know. Nicawid of the Mayan gininin ni waid stan. As turri pēnkerins sūnuns. Dwāi iz tennans ast inženērai, kits ast mukinnewis, be stāi likkewingei ast studēntei. I have five sons. Two of them are engineers, another is a teacher and the others are students. Dwai from tennan for engineering, other as much as mukinnewis, without a likkewing as student. Amērikanai turri debīkan fantazījan, kaddan tenēi ermīri emnins. Americans have a great imagination when inventing names. For America, the tours are dreading in the fantasian, when there are ermies of ermians. Šan ankstāinan māise ginnis īda wissans wēisins, kawīdans majā sestrā bēi kāupusi. This morning, my friends ate the fruits that my little sister had bought. Here's the old mother's armored wissans weissin, Cawiden in this sixth-bere. As asma jāu gattaws. I'm already ready. I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, Nōpidai ast lānguisin nikāi stāi, kawīdans as segēi bītai. The problems are easier than those I did yesterday. Don't pee as a languisin for nothing, cawny as a cover for the bee. Kaīls, mergā en wūrmjai suknei! Hello, girl with the red dress! Kyle, girl en wurmie dress! Turri tū kūsisnan? Do you have any coughing? Do you have a whirlwind? As wīrst peisāwusi pēismen. I will write a letter. I'm a peisavusi peisavusi peis. Sta ni kalsāi mazīngi. It sounds impossible. There's a lot of pricks. Madli waisīnnais si sen saldiskans. Please help yourself to the sweets. Madeli's long sweet. Šī garbā ni zentli nika. This sentence doesn't mean anything. It's an honor. Preidāis delli emnins tūls prei listin. Add a few more names to the list. Pre-filled penile suspension for injection in a vial. Etwinūis, kāigi as mazzi preikakīntun si prei gelzāpintisdwaran? Excuse me, how do I get to the railway station? Etwineus, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up,? Labs prasīsenis. A good question. That's a good shortcut. Iskwendau astei? Where are you from? Iskwendau tail? Mennei ni padīnga segītun kāuplins eraīnan dēinan, adder as turri stan segītun. I dislike shopping every day but I must do so. Mennei has been shown to increase sequine in the eraine, adder tour in the sequine. As rādi ni bilīt Tōmu. My advice is not to tell Tom. I'm showing you the Bible. Autōras emmens ast mi zinātan. I am familiar with the author's name. Author of the emblem of science. Dāis mennei segītun majjan dīlin. Let me do my job. The lady's a man's segiton mayan's parlour. Tōms turri nawwan dīlin. Tom has a new job. It's a tour of newwan dilin. Tenā ast mīlin. She is gentle. I love it there. Kaddegas sīmen ast deznimai tērpautan en amziskai medicīnei. Seed of wacholder is often used in folk medicine. Kaddeg's moss is wearing clothes for an eternity medicine. Nadruwēimai, kāi stan aīnat dīlai. Let's hope it still works. Nadruwem, how do you picture it? Mazzi as registrītun si teinū? Can I check in now? A little kid in the register in the box? Perarwi kwāi tū dīlatwei en šissei firman? Do you really want to work at that company? Perarwi kwai ed dilatwei en šisei firman? Tēnti zmūnei ast spārtais nōdewingi be etrīnka kailūstan īstan. People are more conscious nowadays and choose healthy food. The shadows of the humpless humplessness do not have an ethrinous fury. Mīlimai grazzu. We love beauty. I love it. Mennei padīnga majā giwē. I like my life. Manny's sung in the house. Tenā ast martī. She's a bride. There's a mart. Swāise seīmjas izlaikasnā bēi debīka brendisku per tennan. Supporting his family was a great burden for him. Swaise in the face-to-face of the parliament made a beetle brandy over tennan. Tom ni turri waīstun. Tom doesn't need to know. Tom ni turri waietun. As wīrst peisāwuns pēismen. I will write a letter. I'm a peisawuns peace. Mes rēide klausīmai pippelin gremsnan. We like to listen to birds singing. We're here to listen to the pipeline gemsnan. Kasse paggan asmai stwi? Why are we here? Kasse enough to sharpi stwi? Īda tū brōkastin šan ankstāinan? Did you have breakfast this morning? What kind of way are you doing this in the early days? Staddan bēi nāids sirzdau mans. There was hatred between us then. There's a dead man in the stadium who's looking after me. Telafōneis mi bītai. Call me this evening. Tell me about the bee. Twajjas presnas perwaidinnas persennušas. Your opinion seems to be out of date. Tway's press perwaydinna is old. As dwigūbaui, kāi Tom turri nāran, kāi segīlai stan, ka perarwi prawerru segītun. I doubt that Tom has the courage to do what really needs to be done. As dwigubaui, how do Tom's tours naran, how do the slab that perarwi prawerru segiten. As nikwēigi ni etskīwuns tīt ankstāi. I've never woken up this early. I'm nickweedy n etskivwuns at the earliest. Iskwendau ast twajāi pirzdaunikai? Where are your ancestors from? Iskwendau ast twajai pirzdaunik? Tū assei men perklantīwuns. You betrayed me. Tue axis men perclantewuns. As mīriwuns, kāi Tom bēi pawērpuns dūmausnan. I thought Tom had quit smoking. I'm a mariwun, like Tom's bellies smoke-ausnan. Prūsiskas billas gaiwinsnā pagaūwa en ankstammans 80' mettans. The Old Prussian language revival began in the early 80's. Prussian Bill in the gaiwinsna pauwa en earlieramman 80' mettans. Wīrta tu barikkiskan? Have you gone mad? Wirth are you barikkiskan? Asma kuslin en geōgrafijai. I am weak in geography. Asma kuslin en geography. Amērika ast dināmiska tautā. America is a country on the move. America is a dynamic nation. Tāns dāi mi wissans penningans, kawīdans tāns turēi prēi sin. He gave me all the money he had on him. Tay lady miswissans penningans, cawydian hold it over sin. Mes sendemmai karengun pa swintikans. We fold the flag after the festival. We're old-fashioned karengand pa swintikans. Tenā ni bēi sūit lāiman, kāi maitālai swajjan sunnin sen mēnsan dēininiskai. She wasn't wealthy enough to feed her dog meat every day. It's just like a motherfucking swajjan sunnin for a long time. As turri tēmpran kōmputerin. I have an expensive computer. I have a tour of kmputerin. Asma skūlaniks. I am a student. No, no, no, no, no. Lāiskan ast līkutan. The book is small. Laiskan ast klutan. Jā. Tāns ast entikriskai etwartinnuns si buttan kaddan as telafōniwusi. Yes. He had just come home when I called. Yes. That's an enticative etwartinnuns si buttan cadanas telafñniwus. Eraīns ezze tenesse malnīkamans turri swajjan stubban. Each of his children has his own room. Eraine esze tenesse milling tour swajjan stubban. Pa sūjin audāi si temperatūris krūsenis. There was a drop in temperature after the rain. It's a temperature-cushioned pile. Inwestitun pastippan lāiman ni būlai sūit. Investing all his fortune would not be enough. Inwest paippan loiman n u s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s En kawīdan līnkin ēisei tū? What direction are you going? You got an eyebrow in En Kawidin? Īzus maināwuns wundan en wīnan. Jesus turned water into wine. Izus changeawuns wundan en winen. Palīgu kāigi kērmeni prawerru pratīnsnan, tīt dīgi aumeni prawerru stimulaciōnin, kāi palāiklai kailūstan. Just as the body needs exercise, so the mind needs stimulation to stay healthy. A handful of prawerru pratinnan, a stinging hump of prawerru stimulative, like a palate. Kerdā ast peningāi. Time is money. It's just a penny. Diekou, Einstein! Thank you, Einstein. Diekou, Einstein! Atsėprašau? I'm sorry? Excuse me? Nesopronto. I do not understand. Non-opronto. Geruos dėinuos! Have a nice day! I'm gonna have a good nanny! Kor? Where? Cor? Atsėprašau! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Siekmies! Good luck! Good luck! Kāp gīveni? How are you? What's going on? Atsėprašau. I am sorry. I'm sorry. Diekou, Yukina! Thanks, Yukina. Diekou, Yukina! Siekmies, Tom! Good luck, Tom. Good luck, Tom! Kėik? How much? How's it going? Nesopronto Tom. I don't understand Tom. Non-opronto Tom. Ne, diekou! No, thanks. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Rokounaties anglėškā? Do you speak English? A rocky English man? Baibai, Sayoko! Goodbye, Sayoko. Fear, Sayoko! Labdėin. Hello! Goodbye. Vėsa gera. Goodbye. Cool's good. Lab vakar. Good evening. Good night. Diekou! Thank you! Diekou! Lab vakar! Good evening! Good night! Kuoks tava vards? What's your name? What's your name? Baibai! Goodbye! Fear! Ne! No! No! No! Svēks, kuoks tava vards? Hello, what's your name? What's your name? Ne, nesopronto. No, I don't understand. No, it's not. Geruos dėinuos. Have a nice day. I'm gonna have a nice nanny. "Diekou." "Prašuom." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "I'm sorry." "Please." Nesopronto. I don't understand. Non-opronto. Padiekit! Help me! Come on! Baibai. Goodbye. Fear. Prašuom! You're welcome! Let's go! "Diekou." "Prašuom." "Thanks." "You're welcome." "I'm sorry." "Please." Diekou! Thanks! Diekou! Kas? Who? What? Padiekit. Help me. Come on. Rokounaties... anglėškā? Do you speak... English? Rockontes... English? Labanakt! Good night! Good night! Prašuom. You're welcome. Let's go. Geruos dėinuos, Tom! Have a nice day, Tom. Good démons, Tom! Labanakt. Good night. Good night. Diekou. Thanks. Diekou. "Diekou!" "Prašuom." "Thank you!" - "You're welcome." "I'm sorry!" "Please." Vėsa gera! Goodbye! Cool's good! Ne. No. No, no. Nesopronto. I don't understand it. Non-opronto. Diekou. Thank you. Diekou. Siekmies. Good luck. Good luck. Svēks! Hello! Oh, my God! Atsėprašau. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Atsėprašau, nesopronto. Sorry, I don't understand. I'm sorry, it's not early. Ne, diekou. No, thank you. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,