jIHmo' bIQeHtaH 'e' vISuv. I know you're still angry with me. I don't think we haven't yet. bIghItlhmeH ghItlhwI' yIlo'neS! Please write with a pen. Professor, we all thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. jImoH. I'm ugly. Thank you very much. Ĉu via lernejo estas malproksima de via hejmo? Is your school far from your home? Is your school far from your home? Me es no plu inspirada. I'm not inspired anymore. I am no more inspiring. pu lo nu se tolcliva la .deivid. kei la .samantas. co'a bregau lo jubme Before David arrived, Samantha started to lay the table. push it nu se so far la .deivid. kei la .samantas. co'a brigau lo jubme Tiu traduko ankoraŭ ne estas kontrolita. This translation hasn't been reviewed yet. This translation is not yet checked. Tom kaj Mary havas adoleskan filinon. Tom and Mary have a teenage daughter. Tom and Mary have a teenage daughter. banzu fa lo dei nu tavla Enough of all this talking! banzu fa lo dei nu tavla Ne eblas distingi la ĝemelojn. The twins are indistinguishable from each other. It is not possible to distinguish the twins. La traduko ne eblas. The translation is impossible. The translation is not possible. Tom aĉetis donacon por Maria. Tom bought a gift for Mary. Tom bought a gift for Mary. Ni es enemiki. We're enemies. We're enemy. mi cliva se mu'i nai lo nu do klaku I'm leaving, but you don't have to cry. Quit mu'i nai don't click Hieraŭ ni vendis nian domon. We sold our house yesterday. We sold our house yesterday. jIboghqa'laHchugh bo'Degh vImoj vIneH. If I were to be reborn, I would like to be a bird. We've got to know why we're making sure we're making sure we're making sure we find out there. Estas kelkaj eksterlandaj laboristoj en mia firmao ankaŭ. There are some foreign workers in my company as well. There are a few foreign workers in my company as well. Tiam Roĉjo diris: "Gojigan Kristnaskon al ni ĉiuj, karuloj. Dio benu nin!", kion ĉiu familianoj reeĥis. "Dio benu nin ĉiujn!" diris Timĉjo plej laste el ĉiuj. Then Bob proposed: "A Merry Christmas to us all, my dears. God bless us!" Which all his family re-echoed. "God bless us every one!" said Tiny Tim, the last of all. Then Roddy said, "Gojgan Christmas to us all, dear people. God bless us!" what all the family members have re-elected. "God bless us all!" said Timy the most last of all. no'ma' wIvuvnIS. We should respect our ancestors. Our population and our use of the finite resources of planet Earth are growing exponentially, along with our technical ability to change the environment for good or ill. Fat pala binom lefat. The father of a parent is a grandfather. Fat pale binom lefat. Finland ia elimina Rusia de la torneo de hoci en la juas olimpial de inverno. Finland eliminated Russia from the Winter Olympics hockey tournament. Finland removed Russia from the rookeo de hoci in the juas olimpial de inverno. Il remane ancora multo a facer. A lot still remains to be done. There’s still plenty to do. Yo ha perdit it. I've lost it. Yo ha perdit it. Solvi taktikan ekzercon, kompreni malfacilan finaĵon, sekvi vivan ludon kaj provi "diveni" la movojn, kiuj estos faritaj. Ĉio ĉi estas amuza. Solving a tactical exercise, understanding a difficult ending, following a live match and trying to "guess" the moves that will be played. All of this is fun. Solving tactical exercise, understanding a difficult ending, following a live game and try to "to guess" the moves that will be done. All this is fun. Io crede que illes non comprendeva. I don't believe they understood. I think they didn't understand. Dio kreis nur akvon, sed la vinon preparis la homo. God only made water, but man made wine. God created only water, but the wine prepared the man. La kancero ekdisvastiĝis al aliaj organoj. The cancer has begun to spread to other organs. Cancer has spread to other organs. Estas ĉio de mi. It's all mine. It's all of me. Piotr havas nigra hararo ma Lech havas blonda hararo. Piotr has black hair but Lech has blond hair. Piotr has black hair but Lech has blond hair. Ĉu vi ne sciis? Didn't you know that? Didn’t you know? Mi kulpas pri nenio. I'm not guilty of anything. I'm guilty of nothing. ta mo What's that? Tasmo xu ta fraso Is that French? xu ta fraso Okazos kverelo. There will be controversy. It's going to be a quarrel. Kiel oni kuiras patkukojn? How do you make pancakes? How do you cook chickens? mi'a pu caidji lo nu panpi We were longing for peace. mi'a pu caidji lo nu panpi Spikol-li Latänapüki? Do you speak Latin? Spikol-li Latänapüki? Ili ĉiuj estis malsataj. Everyone was hungry. They were all hungry. xu da kakne lo ka spusku Is there anyone who can answer? xu da kakne lo ka spusku Mi aĉetis tiun ĉi libron por tricent enoj. I bought this book for 300 yen. I bought this book for three hundred entries. jIHvaD qeS Daghaj'a'? Do you have any advice for me? Are you sure we want to send the universe out of the universe? Куал ес туа диа ла плу окупада ен ла семана? What's your busiest day of the week? Do you want to say it? Rey Hussein viagea a Cairo. King Hussein travelled to Cairo. King Hussein viagea to Cairo. chay' bIvang, vavoy? What were you doing, Dad? page bIvang, vavoy? Yo es li avo de Tom. I am Tom's grandfather. Yo es li grandfather de Tom. Singla voyo duktas al mondo-fino. Every road leads to the end of the world. A single path leads to the world end. SaghajnIS. I need you. SaghajIS. Mi kaptis vian damon. I captured your queen. I caught your queen. turqIya' Hol jatlh'a' joH? Does the lady speak Turkish? Professor, thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Donu al ni unu sekundon. Give us one second. Give us one second. Pluvis. It rained. It was rained. Lorik va inya saayar nume va nazbeikya getcayar. And so God took mercy on her, and gave her a girl. Lorik va inya saayar nume va nazbeikya getcayar. Illa ha un can e sex cattos. She has a dog and six cats. There is a dog and six cats. Mi estas tute konfuzita. I'm totally confused. I'm completely confused. Mia amikaro estas la plej bona! My crew is the best! My friend is the best! Ŝia filo estas panjodependa. Li sekvas ŝin ĉie ajn. Her son is a mama's boy. He has to be with her all the time. Her son is mother-dependent, he follows her everywhere. Tomo ne perdis iom ajn da pezo. Tom hasn't lost any weight. Tom did not lose any weight. Me esis tre shokita audar ilua filiino uzanta tala parolacho. I was very much shocked to hear his daughter using such bad language. I was very shocked to hear his daughter using such a speech. Kiel oni formas la pluralon de la substantivoj? How do you make nouns plural? How do you form the plural of the nouns? Nai haryuvalyë melwa rë. May you have a lovely day. Nai haryuvalyë melwa rë. Io vadera ibi immediatemente. I'll come right away. I'm going to go right away. Ni bezonis ŝin. We needed her. We needed her. Nu, mi volas plian kafon. Well, I want another coffee. I want more coffee. Ne ekzistas kialo plu vivi. There's no reason to live. There is no reason to live anymore. Dano eĉ ne invitis Lindon. A Danish person didn't even invite Linda. Dan didn’t even invite Lindon. Mi ne povas kompreni liajn sentojn. I can't understand his feelings. I can’t understand his feelings. be'e nolni'u .io .i re'i Pardon me, ma'am. - Yes? be'e nolni'u .io .i re'i Esta es comica no plu. This is not funny anymore. Esta es comica no plu. Tomo loĝas en komunumo de emeritoj. Tom lives in a retirement community. Tom lives in a community of emerites. Estas neeble deĉifri ŝian manskribaĵon. It is impossible to read her handwriting. It is impossible to decrypt her writing. La fazano ne estus mortpafita, se ĝi ne estus blekinta. The pheasant would not be shot but for its cries. The facade would not be killed if it was not possible. Пеликанес аве бекос лонга. Pelicans have large beaks. It's all about it. Li ĉiam pensas unue kaj precipe pri sia propra profito. He always thinks first and foremost of his own benefit. He always thinks first and especially about his own benefit. Vi devas diri al Tomo la veron. You must tell Tom the truth. You have to tell Tom the truth. Vi devintus diri jes. You should've said yes. You should have said yes. Tom ia demanda a me esce me ave un scema. Tom asked me if I had a plan. Tom asked me to marry me. Mia hundo manĝas multekostajn manĝaĵojn. My dog eats expensive food. My dog eats expensive food. Mi devigatis subskribi. I was forced to sign my name. I wanted to sign. la .buc. cu xusra lo jetnu Bush tells the truth. la .buc. cu xusra lo jetnu pe'i li piso'o nilyla'e lo nu ko'a snada I think there is little probability of his succeeding in the enterprise. Of course, we're free from beyond the world. Illas compra pan. They buy bread. Illas compra pan. Mi marito es in un conferentia. Vole tu biber un pauc de caffe? My husband is at a conference. Would you like to get some coffee? My husband is in a reference. Do you want a few? Ergo, le credibilitate del autores de iste libro depende del credibilitate de lor fontes. For this reason, the credibility of the book's authors rests on the credibility of their sources. Ergo, author's credibility of this book depends on credibility of their sources. En ĉi tiu arbaro la homo kaj la sciuro ankoraŭ konkorde vivas unu kun la alia. In this forest, humans and squirrels still live together in harmony. In this forest the man and the wife still live with each other. Mi ne kredas, ke ni estas malvenkantaj. I don't think we're losing. I don't think we're unselling. Mi estas neniulo. I am a nobody. I'm no one. Ta roko es tre pezoza por levar. This stone is too heavy to lift. These rocks are very heavy to lead. El asoluta no ia comprende la broma. He didn't understand the joke at all. Don't understand the brom. mi na nelci lo tarmi be lo dacti bei bu'u ti I don't like the looks of things here. mi naci lo tarmi be lo daci bei bu'u ti ta na mlatu .i ta gerku That's not a cat. That's a dog. Ta mlatu .i ta gerku Mi ne estas tiel soleca nun, kiel tiam. I'm not as lonely now as I was then. I'm not as lonely now as then. do pu tolcando You were busy. Put Tolcando An vos non entrara? Aren't you coming in? Don't you join? Me pensa ce lo es cisa un defeto. I think it might be a bug. I think that's why it's a bug. mi nitcu lo nu tavla ko'a I've got to speak to her. mi nitcu lo tavla co'a Samio estas jutubisto. Sami is a YouTuber. Samia is a jutubist. Los ave no demostra. They have no proof. Los ave no demostra. Noi ganiat hodie. We won today. We won today. Io ira a Boston con Tom. I'll go to Boston with Tom. I'm going to Boston with Tom. Mi kredas, ke Tomo kredas vera tion, kion li diras, sed mi ne kredas ĝin tia. I think Tom believes what he's saying is true, but I don't think it is. I believe that Tom believes true what he says, but I don't believe it like that. qatlh reH mIn QanwI' nguv tuQtaH SoSlI'? Why does your mother always wear sunglasses? Why did you know that if you weren't? Mi nomiĝas Andrea. My name is Andrea. I'm called Andrea. Äsäkob Tomasi, kis etos binom. I asked Tom what that is. Äsäkob Tomasi, kis ethos binom. Tomo estas instruisto. Tom is a schoolteacher. Tom is a teacher. Li rezignis sian malnovan karieron por iĝi plentempa ŝakludanto. He gave up his old career to become a full-time chess player. He renounced his old career to become a full-time chess player. Saluto, quale tu standas? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you standing? Illes dice que un grande barrage essera edificate. They say that a large dam will be built. They say a big barrage will be erected. Tomo nun riparas sian aŭtomobilon. Tom is fixing his car. Tom is going to fix his car. coi do i do ca jai gau mo Hey, you! What are you doing? doi do i do ca jai gau Estas multege da farendaĵoj en la oficejo. There's loads of work in the office. There are plenty of things in the office. Eble Tom povas helpi. Maybe Tom can help. Maybe Tom can help. Tomo heredis tion de la patrino. Tom gets that from his mother. Tom inherited that from the mother. Tu rompe mea cor. You're breaking my heart. You are breaking my heart. Yo deve parlar con Tom. I've got to speak to Tom. Yo deve parlar con Tom. DaH 'Internet wIHutlhtaHvIS mayInlaHbe'. The Internet is now something we can't live without. I now turn to the Internet that we are making good progress in the first place. Le arabes proclamava un pais independente con capital in Damasco, ma tosto illo esseva repartite in diverse colonias per angleses e franceses. The Arabs declared an independent country with its capital at Damascus, but this was quickly divided into various colonies by the English and French. The Arabs proclaimed an independent country with capital in Damascus, but soon it was reparted in various settlers by English and French. Ne estas vulpoj ĉi tie. There are no foxes here. There are no foxes here. La infanoj estas amataj de sia patrino. The children are loved by their mother. The children are loved by their mother. "Panjo, kial mi estas tiel stulta?" - "Tio estas ja multe pli bona ol esti senkora." "Mum, why am I so stupid?" "It's a lot better than being heartless." “Why am I so stupid?” – “That’s a lot better than being kind.” Ankaŭ Tomo kune iris. Tom tagged along. Tom also went together. Kiam iu montras al vi sian karakteron, kredu tiun je la unua fojo. When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. When someone shows you his character, believe that at the first time. An vos vole divider un orange con me? Would you like to share an orange with me? Do you want to split an orange with me? Fidez a tu ipsa. Have confidence in yourself. Trust yourself. Vi neniun bezonas timi. You don't need to be afraid of anybody. You don’t need to be afraid. Tomo interesiĝas pri lerno de la latva. Tom is interested in learning Latvian. Tom is interested in learning the Latvian. lo fonxa ku pu se finti la .bel. The telephone was invented by Bell. Foxa ku pu u anim la .bel. cho'oy'moH 'e' yImev. Stop hurting me. Thank you very much indeed. gau do mi jai lerci You made me late. gau do mi jai lerci Äfunob ofi. I killed her. Äfunob ofi. Sophia ha autoritate. Illa sape facer se obedir. Sophia has authority. She knows how to be obeyed. Sophia has authority. Illa know how to do it. Paĉjo, mi vidis elfon! Dad, I saw an elf! Daddy, I saw an elephant. Ла тре амис абита ен ла месма апарте. The three friends live in the same apartment. It's all the way to do it. Leopoldo la 2-a de Belgio estis monstro. Leopold II of Belgium was a monster. Leopold II of Belgium was a monster. La mulieri esas sentiva. Women are sensitive. The muliers are sensitive. Kim äpenom penedi at? Who wrote this letter? Kim äpenom penedi at? Viroj stiras malpli bone ol virinoj. Men don't drive as well as women. Men drive less well than women. DaHarlaH'a'? vabDot ghaH buD law' jIH jIbuD puS. Can you believe it? She's even lazier than me. I'm going to make a stand? vabDot ghaH buD law'S coming out. Mi volas brakumon. I want a hug. I want an arm. Iu lasis sian telefonon sur la tablo. Someone left their phone on the table. Someone left his phone on the table. Tom ia porta un masca. Tom wore a mask. Tom's door a mask. Ys es rhen di fryd. He is not ugly. Ys es rhen di fryd. me'rIy' pup tam. Tom kicked Mary. me'rIy' pup tam as well. Véu àl friul. I am going to the mall. Véu àl friul. .ua .ie cai That's a good idea! .ua .ie cai Kiel nomiĝas la dek du monatoj de la jaro? What are the twelve months of the year? How is it called the twelve months of the year? lo lalxu cu se jinsru lo tricu The pond was encircled with trees. laxu laxu cu se jinsru lo kénxu lexu cu se jinsru Nos vive in un societate civilisate. We live in a civilized society. We live in a civil society. Mi ŝatus resti pli longe. I'd like to stay longer. I would like to stay longer. No labobs tidüpis adelo. We don't have classes today. No labobs tidüpis adelo. Ille altere stilo es mie. That other pencil is mine. That another style is mine. Forgesu tion. Ne valoras la penon. Forget it. It's not worth it. Forget it, it’s not worth the effort. Primo nos debe dimitter le cocinero. First of all, we must dismiss the cook. First we must resign the coach. "Vi ĉeestas por obei miajn ordonojn." "En viaj revoj, amik'!" "You're here to follow my orders." "In your dreams, pal!" "You are here to obey my commandments." "In your dreams, love!" Tiaspecaj eraroj ne estas raraj. These kinds of mistakes aren't uncommon. Such kinds of errors are not rare. jIHvaD ghotI' vutta'. She cooked some fish for me. Just thank you for your life. Mi de ĉiam ŝategas elefantojn. I've always loved elephants. I always love elephants. Tom malvenkos. Tom'll lose. Tom will defeat. Ĉu vi finfine fermos la buŝaĉon? Will you shut up already? Are you going to close the mouth? Kial vi ne parolis al mi pri tio? Why didn't you talk to me about it? Why didn’t you talk to me about that? Binob jikat. I'm a cat. Binob Financial. Ту но дебе ентра. You mustn't enter. It's all the way to do it. jIHvaD Daq QaQ Samta'. He found me a good place. Just allow them to be true, but they don't know how they are. Kia estas bela sunleviĝo! What a beautiful sunrise it is! What's a beautiful sunrise! Tom habitas vilajeto. Tom lives in a small village. Tom lives a village. Me lerna Novial. I am learning Novial. I am learning Novial. SaH'a' tom? Will Tom be there? SaH'a tom? Maria labof dogi. Mary has a dog. Maria labof dogi. Ĉu vi scias, ĉu Tomo scias la galegan? Do you know if Tom knows Galician? Do you know that Tom knows the man? "Henriko, ĉu estas logike kredi je magio?" - "Magio eble estas nelogikaĵo, Timĉjo." "Harry, is it logical to believe in magic?" "Magic may be in the realm of the illogical, Timmy." “Henrich, is it logical to believe in magic?” – “Magio may be illogical, Timy.” A helta ar caita caimanna! Take off your clothes and lie down on the bed! A helta ar caita caimanna! Vi estas bonŝanca pro tio, ke hieraŭ ne pluvis. You're lucky it didn't rain yesterday. You're lucky because you didn't rain yesterday. naDev qaloS. I'll wait for you in here. You don't want to go through me. Le unic cosa constante in iste mundo es le cambiamento. The only thing constant in this world is change. The only thing you are in this world is the change. Brian postlasis siajn posedaĵojn. Brian left his belongings behind. Brian left his property. Рома но иа ес конструида ен ун диа. Rome wasn't built in a day. It's true that it's all about it. Janio veturis pli orienten al la alĝeria limo. Yanni drove further east to the Algerian border. Jania traveled further east to the Algerian border. Ĝi estos tiel. It'll be that way. It will be like that. Kio estas punko? What is punk? What is a punk? lo'e ninmu pu nelci zo'e bi'unai Women loved it. Let's take advantage of the second half of our home. Tomo nun estas en la ĝardeno. Tom's in the garden now. Tom is now in the garden. Tomo, ne povinte ekdormi, ellitiĝis kaj iris al la kuirejo por havigi al si manĝaĵon. Tom couldn't get to sleep, so he got out of bed and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Tom couldn’t sleep, got up and went to the kitchen to give him food. Ci es la om con un masca? Who's the guy in the mask? Ci es la om con un masca? Tiu ĉi domo estas mia, ne via. This house is mine, not yours. This house is mine, not yours. Asoluta sin sinifia, ia dise Qohelet. Asoluta sin sinifia, tota cosas es sin sinifia. Absolutely meaningless, said Kohelet. Absolutely meaningless, everything is meaningless. Insolute sinifia, apart from Qohelet. Asolute sinifia, all things are sinificia. Kial mi donus la pomon al Tomo? Why would I give Tom the apple? Why would I give Tom the apple? Esperanto es un lingua per tota la mundo. Esperanto is a language for the whole world. Esperanto is a language around the world. Esce tu ave un sore? Do you have a sister? Are you expecting awhere? Hiberno es venir. Winter is coming. Hiberno is coming. Miloj da eksterlandanoj ĉiujare vizitas Japanujon. Thousands of foreigners visit Japan each year. Thousands of foreigners visit Japan every year. Mi manĝis la lastan pecon da pico. I ate the last slice of pizza. I ate the last piece of pizza. Kion alian vi ŝatas? What else do you like? What else do you like? Mi estas hejme hodiaŭ. I'm at home today. I'm home today. La construor de acel casas es nonconoseda. The builder of those houses is unknown. The builder of acel casas is unconosed. Mi devis aresti Tom. I had to arrest Tom. I had to arrest Tom. Me pote come vitro; lo no dole me. I can eat glass; it does not hurt me. I can as a glass; lo no dole me. qIj vIghro'lIj. Your cat is black. We’ve got to know what you’re doing. la tom cu rirpa'u la maris Tom is Mary's grandfather. the Tom cu rirpa'u la maris Li suĉis mian orellobon. He sucked my earlobe. He sucked my earball. Mia instruisto havas mildan voĉon. My teacher has a very soft voice. My teacher has a mild voice. On pote definir le homine como le animal que es capace de dicer io, que pote esser consciente de se mesme como un entitate separate. Man can be defined as the animal that can say I, that can be aware of himself as a separate entity. You can define the human beings as the animal that can tell me what can be aware of themselves as a separate entity. mi na nelci lo cakla I don't like chocolate. min na naci lo cakla Li decidu animales del zodiac chinese es derivat de deciun tipes de animales on trova in natura: li ratte, li bove, li tigre, li lépor, li serpent, li cavall, li agno, li simie, li gallino, li cane, li svine e li mitologic dracon; on usa les quam un calendare. The twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac come from eleven types of animals we find in nature: the rat, the ox, the tiger, the hare, the snake, the horse, the ram, the monkey, the rooster, the dog, the pig, and the mythological dragon; they're used as a calendar. He decide animals del zodiac Chinesea es derivat de deciun typically de animales on find in nature: li ratte, li bove, li tygre, li lépor, li serpent, li cavall, li agno, li simie, li gallino, li kani, li svine e li mythological dracon; on using les quam un calendare. Tiu ĉevalo vivas apud la valo. That horse lives next to the valley. This horse lives near the valley. Ĉu mi iel ajn povas pruntepreni vian tajpilon? Is there any chance of my borrowing your typewriter? Can I ever borrow your type? Voluntez ne fumar en l'internajo di l'edifico. Please don't smoke inside. Don't smoke inside the building. Mi neniam vidis tian grandan hundon. I've never seen such a big dog. I’ve never seen such a big dog. Quo yo save? What do I know? What do you know? Ni estas sufiĉe similaj. We're quite similar. We are very similar. Tomo tre similas sian pli aĝan fraton. Tom looks a lot like his older brother. Tom looks like his older brother. Tiu rivero estas bela. This river is beautiful. This river is beautiful. Ĉar mi ne aŭdis ion de li, mi denove skribis al li. Because I didn't hear from him, I wrote to him again. Because I didn’t hear anything from him, I wrote to him again. Sua fia es un curor. His daughter is a nurse. Sua fia is a curor. Mi pardonpetas pro mia tendenco mesaĝi al oni manifestojn da teksto. Sorry about my tendency to text people manifestos. I'm sorry for my tendency to send the manifests of the text. Flor binon redik. The flower is red. Flor binon redik. Tomo estas sen laboro de antaŭ kelka tempo. Tom has been unemployed for a while. Tom is without work from some time ago. Iuj kredas, ke la hispana kaj la portugala estas la sama lingvo. Some believe that Spanish and Portuguese are the same language. Some believe that Spanish and Portuguese are the same language. La poesistes ia es misteriosa silente a tema de ceso. Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese. The poetry is a mysterious silence to the subject of ceaseness. va'o lo nu lo karce co'a spofu kei ma'a cadzu If the car breaks down, we'll walk. va'o lo nu lo carce co'a spofu kei ma'a cadzu Tom atingis por la kafeo. Tom reached for the coffee. Tom arrived for the coffee. Vi ĉiam trovos min honesta. I'll always level with you. You will always find me honest. mi tolcru lo nu do cliva I forbid you to leave. I'll Forbidden City Io voleva que tu non fumarea tanto. I wish you wouldn't smoke so much. I wanted you to not smoke as much. Kanabo estas nun permesata en Novjorkio. Cannabis is now legal in New York State. Cannabe is now allowed in New York. Kial li kaŝas sin sub la tablo? Why is he hiding under the table? Why is he hiding under the table? Mi ŝatas la lumon de kandeloj. I like candlelight. I like the light of candles. HaqwI' moj neHbe' tam. Tom doesn't want to become a surgeon. Of course, we don't think that either. Nos ave du fias. We have two daughters. We're two years old. pay' Human QIb Hopqu' vIlegh 'ej be' ghaH lengwI''e' tugh 'e' vIghovpu'mo' vImerlu'. All at once I saw a human form in the distance, and, to my surprise, soon recognized that the traveler was a woman. There’s a human QIb Hopqu' in favor of life appearing. Vi antaŭe kredis, ke ĉio estas senespera, kaj via vivo draste pliboniĝis laŭ manieroj, kiujn vi tiam ne povus imagi. You thought it was hopeless before, and your life got dramatically better in ways you couldn't have imagined. You have previously believed that everything is hopeless, and your life has drastically improved in ways that you could not imagine. Domina vos! Control yourself! Domina vos! Mi scias, ke vi ankoraŭ ne faris ĝin. I know you haven't done it yet. I know you haven’t done it yet. Lia nova libro bone vendiĝas. His new book is selling well. His new book is well sold. Maria seagivof floris. Mary is giving out flowers. Maria seagivof bloomed. mi klama fo ma fe lo vijytcana How do I get to the airport? I'm glad to have a look at it. Li daŭre lavas siajn manojn. He continually washes his hands. He still washs his hands. Nai Valaraukar tye-mátar. May Balrogs eat you. Nai Valaraukar tye-mátar. Se pluvos, ilu ne venos. If it rains, he won't come. If it rains, they won't come. Ne revenu sen informoj. Don't come back without information. Do not come back without information. yISujQo'! Do not disturb. YISuQo! Oyufobs ole dunön etosi. We'll help you do that. Oyuphobs ole dunön etosi. Mi neniel ŝatas lin, sed li ja estas kompetenta. I don't like him at all, but he's good at what he does. I don’t like him, but he is competent. Mary tirava un pistola e fusilava Tom. Mary pulled out a pistol and shot Tom. Mary shot a gun and rifled Tom. Ла рондинес иа ревени. The swallows came back. It's all about it. Li-bizugol vini vietiki u lediki? Do you prefer white wine or red wine? Li-bizugol vini vietici u lediki? Ti flor es plu bell quam un rose. This flower is more beautiful than that rose. These flowers are more bell than one rose. Tomo ofte spektas timigajn filmojn. Tom often watches scary movies. Tom often sees frightening films. Le effecto del medicamento esseva impressionante. The effect of the medicine was amazing. The effect of medicament was impressive. Tiuj estas infanrimoj. These are nursery rhymes. These are children. Vos non me place. I don't like you. You don't like me. Ŝi trinkigis iom da lakto al sia bebo. She had her baby drink some milk. She drank some milk to her baby. Tom povas kurar rapide. Tom can run fast. Tom can take care of quickly. Bone paroli la anglan estas malfacile. To speak English well is difficult. To speak English is difficult. Estu singardaj, kiam vi parolas latine, aŭ vi eble elvokos demonon. Be careful speaking Latin, or you might summon a demon. Be careful when you speak Latin, or you might call out a demon. Aperi le bucca! Open your mouth! Open the mouth! Nos debe memorisar tote le poema. We have to learn the whole poem by heart. We must remember the entire poem. Oni mensogas interrete. People lie on the Internet. They lie online. Me savas ube celar me. I know where to hide. I know where to hide myself. Quala bela ciel-arko! What a beautiful rainbow! What a beautiful sky arch! Vi estis infektitaj. You've been infected. You were infected. Li-nedol buki? Do you need the book? Li-nedol mouths? Binob tidel eit. I'm the teacher. Binob tidel eit. Ne tio estas la kialo de mia veno en Bostonon. That isn't the reason I came to Boston. It’s not the reason for my arrival in Boston. La ujo povas esti la plej bona en Japanujo, sed se la enhavo estas triagrada, ĉu tio ne estas tute sensignifa? The container may be the best in Japan, but if the contents are third class, then isn't it completely meaningless? The container may be the best in Japan, but if the content is third-grade, is this not completely insignificant? Ĉu Tomo ne diris al vi pri tio? Didn't Tom tell you about that? Didn’t Tom tell you about that? Mi vidis la kuniklon eniri en sian garenon. I saw the rabbit entering its warren. I saw the rabbit in his garage. Li sonorigis ĉe la pordo. He rang the doorbell. He sounded at the door. Io spera que tu te recuperara rapidemente. I hope you'll recover quickly. I hope you get back quickly. Nu do, Tomo, eble vi stiru! You know what, Tom, how about you drive? So, Tom, maybe you're driving! Tomo estas homo havanta multajn talentojn. Tom is a man with many talents. Tom is a man who has many talents. reH Quch. He is always happy. reH Quch. Ĉu rapidmanĝaĵo kaŭzas obezan epidemion? Pli pri tio post ĉi tiu reklamvideo de McDonald's. Is fast food causing an obesity epidemic? More about that after this McDonald's commercial. Does a fast food cause a obese epidemic? More about this after McDonald's reclaim. Kas tir kalaf ? Are they happy? Do you get a kalaf? Nos es in cammino al plagia. Volerea tu accompaniar nos? We're heading for the beach. Would you like to come with us? We’re in love with plagia. Would you like to accompany us? Mi fermis la kranon. I turned off the tap. I closed the crane. Anda lenda? Long journey? Anda lenda? Promenante laŭ la strato, mi renkontis malnovan amikon. Walking along the street, I met an old friend. Walking along the street, I met an old friend. Illa partiva sin mesmo dicer nos a revider. She went away without so much as saying good-bye to us. The party didn’t even tell us to review. La maior ia talia la sinta con un sisor jigante. The mayor cut the ribbon with a pair of giant scissors. The maior ya tala la sinta con un sissor jigante. Trovu malplenan botelon kaj plenigu ĝin per akvo. Find an empty bottle and fill it with water. Find an empty bottle and fill it with water. Tom maneja un otel. Tom manages a hotel. Tom maneja un otel. Io parlava con nostre personal de vendita. I talked with our sales people. I'm talking to our sales staff. Kikod ol it mutol dunön etosi? Why do you have to do that by yourself? Kikod it it mutol dunön etosi? Sami estis streĉita. Sami was stressed. Sami was strained. Ŝi enviis la sukceson de sia kuzino. She was envious of her cousin's success. She survived her cousin's success. Sagolöd obe, kiöp kanob tuvön omi. Tell me where I can find him. Sagolöd obes, kiöp canob tuvön omes. Kikod änedol golön in Bostoni? Why did you need to go to Boston? Kikod änedol golön in Boston? "Kio okazas en la kaverno? Mi scivolas." - "Mi ne havas supozon." "What's happening in the cave? I'm curious." "I have no idea." “What happens in the cave? I wonder.” - “I don’t have any assumption.” Abolu la karceran ŝtaton. Abolish the carceral state. Love the prison state. "Tu es un ami multe spesial." "Tu ance." "You're a very special friend." "You too." "You're a lot of hopeful friends." "You're there." pu na djuno lo du'u .ei vo'a kanpe ma kau He had no idea what to expect. Cancel it du'u .ei vo'a kanpe ma kau matlheDnIS. We need to get going. Thank you very much. pISaH, tam. We care about you, Tom. pISaH, tam. Tomo iam fianĉiĝis kun Manjo. Tom was once engaged to Mary. Tom has ever been engaged with Manjo. La rusoj gajnis laŭ ĉies atendo. The Russians won, as everyone expected. The Russians won every expectation. Jenon itjäfidiko. It happens automatically. Jenon itjäfidika. Li multe ebriiĝis. He got very drunk. He was very drunk. la .tam. cusku lo sedu'u se nabmi do'e le skami Tom says he's having trouble with his computer. the .tam. cuscu lo senu'u nabmi do'e Computer Maria es un lesbiana. Mary is a lesbian. Maria es un lesbiana. El divenis surda pro la explozo. She became deaf from the explosion. She became deaf for the blast. Il me pare que io ha jam essite hic. I have a feeling that I have been here before. It looks like I’ve already been here. Vos es sin valua. You guys are worthless. Yours is non-valued. mi na djuno lo du'u fe ma kau ei spusku I don't know what to answer. Cancel it du'u fe ma kau ei spusku Tomo povis venki sian malamon. Tom was able to overcome his hatred. Tom could win his hatred. On ia vende la casa. The house was sold. And there’s a sell to the home. Mi amas Tomon kaj samtempe mi ne povas elteni lin. I love Tom and at the same time, I can't stand him. I love Tom and I can’t stand him at the same time. Ĉu Tomo iam kaŭzis problemojn al iu? Has Tom ever caused problems for anybody? Has Tom ever caused any problems? do tavla ma Who are you talking with? Tavla Jen teĥnikaj dokumentoj, kaj ili tre malfacile tradukeblas. These are technical documents and they are very difficult to translate. Here are technical documents, and they are very difficult to translate. Si le situation non cambia pro le melior, io essera obligate a prender precautiones. If the situation doesn't improve, I'll be obliged to take measures. If the situation doesn’t change to the best, I’ll be forgotten to take precautions. Mia domo apudas la domon de Tomo. My house is next door to Tom's house. My house is near Tom’s house. Kion vi faros morgaŭ, Manjo? What are you doing tomorrow, Mary? What will you do tomorrow? La diamanto estis malkovrita de knabo en 1873. The diamond was discovered by a boy in 1873. The diamond was discovered by a boy in 1873. le ninmu poi la argail pacna lo nu speni cu du da poi le nanmu poi da pacna lo nu speni cu pacna lo nu speni The woman Argyle hoped to marry was the woman the man she hoped to marry hoped to marry. nimu po la argail pasna nu speni cu du po le nanmu po da pacna lo nu speni cu pacna nu speni Eble Tom venis ĉi tien kiam li estis knabo. It's possible Tom came here when he was a boy. He may have come here when he was a boy. La gato bevi lete. The cat drinks milk. The gate bevi lete. Ni parolu kun Tomo, antaŭ ol li faros ion stultan. We've got to talk to Tom before he does something stupid. Let’s talk to Tom before he does something stupid. Pote io poner un altere question? Can I ask one more question? Can I put another question? Li denove ekloĝis ĉe siaj gepatroj. He moved back with his parents. He has settled again at his parents. Hoch DIS cha'logh Such. She visits him twice a year. There's nothing wrong with it. Ĉu tempo vere resanigas ĉiujn vundojn, aŭ ĉu ni nur alkutimiĝas al tio, ke ni estas vunditaj? Does time really heal all wounds, or do we just become accustomed to having been wounded? Does time really heal all injuries, or are we only used to be injured? Ĉu vi brokantas per komputiloj? Do you sell second-hand computers? Are you brushing with computers? Tomo laboris en Aŭstralio. Tom worked in Australia. Tom worked in Australia. Ĉu ĉi tio ŝajnas kiel malico? Does this look like malice? Does this seem like evil? La vortaro, pri kiu li parolis, ne estas havebla en la biblioteko. The dictionary he talked about isn't available in the library. The dictionary that he spoke is not available in the library. Vi faris Tomon malfeliĉa. You've made Tom unhappy. You did Tom sadly. Mi foriru, malfruas! I have to go, it's late! Let me go, I’m late! Sen ŝia helpo mi ne povus fini mian taskon. Without her help, I couldn't have finished my task. Without her help, I couldn’t finish my job. la tom mo prenu What kind of person is Tom? the Tom to take Ni ne faru ajnan tujan decidon. Ni pasigu nokton pri ĝi. Let's not make any hasty decisions. Let's sleep on it. Let's not make any immediate decision, let's spend night on it. Mi pensas, ke ni devas fari decidon. I think we have to make a decision. I think we need to make a decision. Me mustis vartar plu kam tri hori. I had to wait more than three hours. I must warm more than three hours. Ŝi vivis sian tutan vivon en tiu urbo. She lived all her life in that town. She lived her whole life in this city. Maria es heroinomane. Mary is addicted to heroin. Maria es heroinomane. Tom ia vide Maria suriente. Tom saw Mary smiling. Tom sees Maria suriente. La lastatempaj skandaloj koncernaj messervantojn kaj religiajn gvidantojn subfosis la fidon, kiun homoj havas je la eklezio. The recent scandals involving altar boys and religious leaders have undermined the faith people have in the Church. The recent scandals concerned public servants and religious leaders undermined the faith that people have in the church. Sua moves ia es stonante rapida. His movements were astonishingly rapid. It’s move so it’s fast. Binofs otgeniälans. They're lesbians. Binofs otgeniälans. Me ponderas se Tom savus quale facar ica. I wonder if Tom would know how to do this. I point if Tom knew how to do this. Ille esserea capace de dar te su ultime camisa. He would give you the shirt off his back. They will be able to give you his last shirt. Tomo estas malgraciulo. Tom is an awkward person. Tom is a minor. Labom brodis kil. He has three brothers. Labom embroidered like it. Por sukcesi necesas kredi. To succeed, you must believe. In order to succeed, we need to believe. Estas kvin deklinacioj en la latina lingvo. In Latin there are five declensions. There are five declensions in Latin. Mi estas roboto. I am a robot. I am a robot. Io es timide, ma io prende cura de me mesme. I'm shy, but I take care of myself. I am afraid, but I take care of myself. lut nI' muja'. He told me a long story. Our baby is leaving. Ni povintus atendi, sed decidis ekiri sen Tomo. We could've waited, but we decided to leave without Tom. We were able to wait, but decided to go out without Tom. Apparentemente, illa es toto in pace con se mesme. She seems totally at peace with herself. Apparently, it’s all in peace with itself. Mi kredas, ke mi eble vidis komuniston. I think I might have seen a communist. I think I might have seen a communist. Sendube vi estas Tomo Jackson. You must be Tom Jackson. You are Tom Jackson. Tion ni ne ŝatas. We don't like it. We don't like that. Me pensis pri la sama kozo. I was thinking of the same thing. I thought about the same thing. Julius Cezaro esis Romala imperiestro. Julius Caesar was a Roman emperor. Julius Caesar was a Roman Emperor. Florence esseva pro me un boia de salvation super le mar del vita. Florence was for me a life buoy in the sea of life. Florence was for me a save buoy over the vita mar. Binom nelijel. He's an Englishman. Binom nelijeel. Mi povas fari ĝin duan fojon. I can do it again. I can do it a second time. Cwe va in grupé. He looks familiar. Cwe va in groupé. Ni estas junaj. We're young. We are young. Li levis la cindrujon. He picked up the ash-tray. He raised the cinema. Tomas e Maria viloms dunön etosi nu. Tom and Mary want to do that now. Tomas and Maria viloms dunön etosi nu. Necuno sape toto. Nobody knows everything. No one knows everything. Tomo zorgas pri siaj infanoj. Tom worries about his children. Tom cares about his children. Tom finalmen changeat su nómine. Tom finally changed his name. Tom finalmen changed his name. Li estas ekzilita. He's in exile. He is exiled. Mi trovis ŝtonon, kiu havas la formon de koro. I found a stone that has the shape of a heart. I found a stone that has the shape of the heart. Vos es un infante. You're a child. You’re a child. Toto lo que vos pote facer es attender. All you can do is to wait. Everything you can do is wait. Mia komputilo estas tre malnova. My computer is very old. My computer is very old. Tio jam pli similas. That's more like it! This is much more like it. Li pensas, ke mi estas ĵaluza. He thinks I'm jealous. He thinks I'm jealous. Sor 'emDaq So''egh. He hid behind the tree. It seems true that we are the only one who knows the universe. lo tanxe pu vasru so'i cukta The box was full of books. tanxe pu vasru so'iquota Kancero remediesas facile se on deskovras lo dum la unesma fazo. Cancer can be cured easily if it is found in its first phase. Cancer remedys easily if it is discovered during the first phase. Gespik äskänon obi. The answer irritated me. Gespik äskänon obi. Kiu estas mia IP-adreso? What is my IP? Who is my IP address? Io non comprende proque tu te facerea honor de esser un vexator. I don't get why you would pride yourself on being a jerk. I don’t understand why you face your honor of being a vexator. Tomo loĝis kun ni. Tom was living with us. Tom lived with us. Me ia completi un formulario I filled in a questionnaire. I've completed a form Tu le ha facite rubescer. You made him blush. You’ve made the rubescer. Miaj infanoj estas ĝemeloj. My children are twins. My children are twins. Mi volas manĝi ion korean. I want to eat something Korean. I want to eat something Korean. Mi ŝatas la kanzonojn de Ozodbek. I like Ozodbek's songs. I like the songs of Ozodbek. Un grande talento sin grande fortia de voluntate es alique que non existe. There is no such thing as a great talent without great will power. A big talent without a large volume strength is sometimes that doesn't exist. Vi ne bedaŭros ĝin. You won't regret it. You won’t regret it. Tavesik tir iltitalaf. The teacher is unfriendly. Tavesik tiri iltitalaf. Le duration del passion es proportionate al resistentia original del femina. The duration of passion is proportionate with the original resistance of the woman. The passion duration is brought to the original women's resistance. Tu esas mea princino. You're my princess. You're my princess. Tiu numero gajnis premion. This number has won a prize. This number won an award. Minsk es li cité capital de Bielorussia. Minsk is the capital of Belarus. Minsk is the cité capital of Belarus. El nunca ia vide un presenta teatral. He's never seen a play. And now I can see a present theatrical. Ĉu la sonoriganto estis vi? Were you the one who rung the bell? Was the sounder you? ko mi na catlu tai ku Please don't look at me like that. ko mi na catlu tai ku Mi amas bluan fromaĝon. I love blue cheese. I love blue cheese. lo ro gleki lanzu cu simxu lo ka simsa .i ro da poi tolgleki lanzu cu tolgleki tai lo me da moi All happy families resemble each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. it ro gleki lanzu cu simxu lo ka simsa .i ro da po po tulgleki lanzu cu tulgleki tai lo me da moi La vazo estas tre facile rompebla. The vase is very fragile. The vessel is very easy to break. Ĉu iu ajn vizitis min dum mi forestis? Did anyone visit me during my absence? Has anyone visited me while I was gone? ro lo prenu ru'inai srera Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Will it take ru'inai srera Bíi eril delishe Thom wáa. Tom wept. Bíi eril delishe Thom wáa. ¿Perqet? Why? ¿Perqet? Vi nur devas atendi ĉi tie. You have only to wait here. You just have to wait here. Le mercato remontava. The market rallied. The mercate was reset. loi cnino ckafi bazi gubni Fresh coffee will be ready in a minute. Le cnino ckafi bas gubni La pipron, mi petas. Could you please pass me the pepper? The pepper, please. La musica ia sesa. The music stopped. The music of the sixth. Ла араниа иа теше суа реде деликата ен ла жардин. The spider spun her delicate web in the garden. It is true that it is true that it is true that it is true. Ĝi estis terura sceno. It was a terrible scene. It was a terrible scene. Ĉiuj eskapis. Everyone escaped. Everyone escaped. nuv SIgh HIq. Liquor will have an effect on a person. nuv SIgh HIq. Ni bezonas pli da spaco. We need more room. We need more space. Vos non debe supponer que, essente un homine del litteras, io ha nunquam essayate de ganiar mi vita honestemente. You must not suppose, because I am a man of letters, that I never tried to earn an honest living. You shouldn’t have to put a look at the letters, I’ve never tried to win my life honestly. En januaro di ta yaro, nivas dum quar dii, de la dek-e-quaresma til la dek-e-sepesma. In January of that year, we saw snow for four days, from the fourteenth to the seventeenth. In January of that year, it was snowed in four days, from the fourteenth to the seventeenth. Danio havas unu prizonon. Denmark has one prison. Denmark has one prison. Me preferar dicter. I prefer to say. I'm looking forward to saying. la tom ce mi pu su'ei damba Tom and I had a fight. the grave me pu su'ei damba Tu es un instructor. You're a teacher. You are a teacher. Tio estas evitenda. That's something we must avoid. That's obvious. Li havas multan monon, sed malmultajn amikojn. He has much money but few friends. He has a lot of money, but few friends. Kiu vendis tion al vi? Who sold that to you? Who sold it to you? Tio estas impertinenta mensogo! This is an outright lie! This is an impotent lie! tawDaq yIttaH cha' novpu'. There are two strangers walking on the street. That is why we believe that there was a new one. Io vole demandar vos un grande favor. I want to ask you a big favor. I want to ask you a big favor. lo za'u ti tilju These are heavy. That's what you all say, Nos nunquam parla. We never talk. We never speak. Tomo demandis al mi, kie estas la parkumejo. Tom asked me where the parking lot was. Tom asked me where the park was. Mi ĵus ŝanĝis mian pasvorton. I just changed my password. I just changed my password. Le parentes non succedeva a comprender lo que lor filia voleva. The parents couldn't make out what their daughter wanted. Parents did not succeed in understanding what their child wanted. Singla para nombro esas la sumo di du prima nombri. Every even number is the sum of two primes. A single para number is the sum of two prime numbers. Viajn promesojn realigu! You should carry out your promises. Let your promises be fulfilled! Mi devas iom dormi. I need to get some sleep. I have to sleep a little. mi ca'o citka lo nanba I'm eating bread. mi ca'o citka lo nanba Kie kredas via patrino ke vi nun estas? Where does your mother think you are right now? Where do you believe your mother that you are now? xu la tom cu ckape Is Tom dangerous? xu la tom cu ckape Venuso kaj Tero estas preskaŭ je la sama grando. Venus and Earth are almost the same size. Venus and Earth are almost the same size. mi'e nai tom I'm not Tom. mi'e nai tom Al kio similas la regno de Dio kaj kun kio mi ĝin komparu? Ĝi estas simila al sinapa semeto, kiun viro prenis kaj ĵetis en sian ĝardenon; kaj ĝi kreskis kaj fariĝis arbo; kaj la birdoj de la ĉielo loĝis en ĝiaj branĉoj. What is the Kingdom of God like? To what shall I compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and put in his own garden. It grew, and became a large tree, and the birds of the sky lodged in its branches. What is like the kingdom of God, and with what should I compare it? It is like a seed that a man took and threw into his garden; and it grew up and became a tree; and the birds of the sky lived in its branches. El es no plu ca un enfante. He is a mere child. El es no plu ca un enfante. Ol nultempe eventis. It never happened. It's never happened. Ŝi scipovas kalkuli. She knows how to count. She can count. Li lastmomente nuligis la kunsidon. He cancelled the meeting at the last minute. He last cancelled the meeting. Kvankam apelacio al populareco fakte estas paralogismo, religiulo povas foje paroli pri ekumena vero kiel prava aŭ vera pro tio, ke ĉiuj kredas ĝin. Although an appeal to popularity is in fact a logical fallacy, a religious person may sometimes speak of an ecumenical truth as being right or true because everyone believes it. Although appeal to popularity is in fact paralogism, a religious person may sometimes speak of ecumenical truth as right or true because everyone believes it. Ugal somewir, ayik sotir akoydaf. Time is blind, man is stupid. Ugal somewir, ayik sotir akoydaf. Mi ne edzinigos vin. I won't marry you. I will not marry you. A fini nos va encontra la un la otra oji. We will eventually meet today. To end us va encontra la un la otra oji. Japanese bonbones es min calorific quam westal bonbones. Japanese sweets are lower in calories than Western sweets. Japanese bonbones are less calorific than western bonbones. Co ne esas lua manuoskriburo. This is not his handwriting. This is not the manuscript. Su actiones non son sempre in accordo con su parolas. His actions do not always correspond to his words. No actions are always in agreement with his words. La fia de el ave un dole de stomaco. Her daughter has a stomachache. The fia de el ave un dole de stomach. Te interessa le musica classic? Do you care for classical music? Are you interested in classical music? Traduku min! Traduku min! Translate me! Translate me! Translate me! Translate me! do nanca li xo How old are you? So I think he's going to go. ko'a selsau le jvinu be ko'e He knows her by sight. Unable to start the program: %s ma lo do mlatu cu kurji ca'o do darno Who will look after your cat while you are away? But let's take a look at the rest of the universe. La sekvan tagon la vetero estis ĝojiga, kaj la suno brilegis sur la verdaj lapofolioj, tial la patrino anaso prenis sian junan kovitaron malsupren al la akvo, kaj saltis enen kun plaŭdo. On the next day the weather was delightful, and the sun shone brightly on the green burdock leaves, so the mother duck took her young brood down to the water, and jumped in with a splash. The following day the weather was glad, and the sun shone on the green lap leaves, therefore the mother duck took its young knife down to the water, and jumped in with a beach. Me mustas adjuntar pekunii a mea konto. I need to add money to my account. I have to add money to my account. Nun ĉio estas klara. Everything makes sense now. Now everything is clear. Kial la jida estas tiel komika? Why is Yiddish so funny? Why is the jida so comic? vIghro'mey vIparHa'. I like cats. How you come from? Responsis ne mi sed Dio. It wasn't me; it was God. I didn’t answer, but God. Telefonlibroj estas fascinaj. Phonebooks are fascinating. Phone books are fascinating. Nos non iva a pede. We didn't walk. We didn't go to the bottom. Téu 30 ars. I am 30 years old. Téu 30 ars. Mi ne komprenas tiun ĉi poeziaĵon. I don’t understand this poem. I don't understand this poetry. Ju pli alta la temperaturo, des pli da akvo plantoj bezonas, por resti malvarmetaj. As temperatures rise, plants need more water to keep cool. The higher the temperature, the more water plants need to remain cold. Tomo havas vere profundan voĉon. Tom has a really deep voice. Tom has a very deep voice. Unue ni ĉiuj manĝos iom. First, we're all going to have something to eat. We will all eat a little first. Necuno de illes sape le francese. None of them knows French. No one knows French. Li tro ofte demandas sin: "Kial feliĉaj estas ĉiuj krom mi?" Too often he asks himself: "Why is everyone happy except me...?" He’s too often asked, “Why’s happy all but me?” lo vorme na ganlo The door was not closed. Vorme na ganlo Donu al mi la ŝancon fari vin fieri pri mi. Give me a chance to make you proud of me. Give me the opportunity to make you proud of me. Laŭ miaj scioj li estas senkulpa. As far as I know, he is innocent. According to my knowledge he is innocent. Ankoraŭ neniuj antaŭsignoj de printempo videblis. There still weren't any visible signs of spring. No signs of spring were seen. verba je tolmakcu He is young and immature. Kids at Tomakcu Hic es Tatoeba. Here is Tatoeba. This is Tatoeba. puqpu'Daj lonpu'. He left his children. Puqpu'Daj lonpu'. Alkoholo estas malpermesita en multaj islamaj landoj. Alcohol is forbidden in many Muslim countries. Alcohol is banned in many Muslim countries. Jua en la strada es perilosa. Playing in the street is dangerous. Jua on the highway is dangerous. Vi akceptis la donacojn. You accepted the gifts. You accepted the gifts. Mi esperas, ke oni punos Tomon. I hope Tom will be punished. I hope you will punish Tom. Kiam vi venos preni min? What time will you come pick me up? When will you come to take me? jIpI'. I'm fat. Exiting. Ĉu vi estas dormema aŭ laca? Are you sleepy or tired? Are you sleeping or tired? Mi ne timas flugi. I'm not afraid of flying. I'm not afraid to fly. Tomaso devis fari tion ne nur tial. That isn't the only reason why Tom had to do that. Thomas had to do that not just that. Kial malhelas? Why is it dark? Why is it dark? .e'u do ckire xo'o la .djim. lo ka gau ce'u do fliba You have Jim to thank for your failure. .e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manjo alproksimiĝis. Mary approached. Food approached. Vidu, neĝas! Look! It's snowing! Look, it's snow! Mi ŝuldas tricent dolarojn al Tomo. I owe Tom $300. I owe three hundred dollars to Tom. Mi demandas min, kion pensas Tomo. I wonder what Tom thinks. I wonder what Tom thinks. mi na xabju la torinos I don't live in Turin. Me na xabju la torinos Li bruligis sian langon per la varmega teo. He scalded his tongue with the hot tea. He burned his tongue with the hot tea. Tomo havis tri filinojn. Tom had three daughters. Tom had three daughters. La helikoptero malabrupte surteriĝis. The helicopter gently touched down. The helicopter stopped. Mi kredas, ke ĝi estas mia plej ŝatata. I think it's my favorite. I think it’s my favorite. Neniu faras ion. No one's doing anything. Nobody does something. Mi havas multegon da farendaĵoj. I have a ton of stuff to do. I have a lot of things. vIghro'vam vIneH. I want this cat. You come from me, let's take a look at me. sarcu fa lo nu mi'ai zukte da We have to do something. ten mi'ai zukte da Нос поте абри ла фенетрас. We can open the windows. It's true that it's all about it. Tomo uzis laseran montrilon por ludi kun sia kato. Tom was using a laser pointer to play with his cat. Tom used a laser pointer to play with his cat. lo botpi pe mi pu co'a spofu My bottle broke. I do what I do with you Diru tion, kion vi pensas pri mia aŭto. Tell me what you think about my car. Tell me what you think about my car. Tomo estas precize kiel ni. Tom is just like us. Tom is exactly like us. Dochvetlh DaDIlmeH Huch 'ar Danobpu'? How much did you pay for that? Do you really want to take me into the Danobpu? Me gustis la kuko quan elu koquis. I tasted the cake she cooked. I taste the cake as much as it coquis. Ŝi tenas katon. La kato estas blanka. She's holding a cat. The cat is white. The cat is white. Tomo lernis la francan lingvon ne en lernejo, sed de siaj gepatroj. Tom didn't learn French in school. He learned it from his parents. Tom taught the French language not at school, but his parents. lo vi nixli cu xabju lo razgu'e The little girl lived in Brazil. nixli cu xabju lo razgu'e Non pote esser bon seder al sol tote le die. It can't be good sitting in the sun all day. Can’t be good but only all day. Qapbejbogh may' nab lughaj. They had a battle plan they were sure would succeed. Qapbes have been involved in the nabs of Lugha. Ni ekscipovis flugi birde kaj naĝi fiŝe, tamen ni iĝis nekapablaj vivi home. We learned to fly like birds and swim like fishes, but we forgot how to live like humans. We knew to fly beer and swim in fish, but we became unable to live home. ko'a zvati ta They are there. Co'a zvati ta ko ca jundi mi Watch me now. ko ca jundi mi Tui sestra es bell quam sempre. Your sister is beautiful as ever. Your next is a bell that is always. Aŝkenazoj spertis genetikan botelkolon antaŭ proksimume 700 jaroj. Ashkenazim experienced a population bottleneck around 700 years ago. Ashkenazi experienced a genetic bottle column about 700 years ago. Li nase de Tom esset rubi. Tom's nose was red. Li nase de Tom esset rubi. la .tom. na snada lo nu tolcri lo ty dakli Tom can't find his bag. the .tom. na snada lo nu tulkri lo ty dakli Elo no ia sabe lo cual ela ia vole dise. He didn't know what she meant. And we don't know what I want to do with. Kiam li konsciiĝis, necesis iom da tempo por ekscii, kie li estas. When he came to, he needed a little bit of time to figure out where he was. When he was aware, it took some time to figure out where he was. Tom isch ün imperialistà. Tom's an imperialist. Tom isch ün imperialistà. no gerku cu bramau ti There is no dog which is bigger than this one. No gerku cu bramau ti Lasez ol klozita. Leave it closed. Leave it closed. La mariajo timigas kelka homi. Marriage frightens some people. The marriage scares some men. mi jinvi lo du'u na ku le prenu cu stace I don't think that he's honest. mi jinvi lo du'u na cu cu cu stace Mea frateta abita en Barselona. My younger brother lives in Barcelona. My brother-in-law was in Barselona. Hol ngeD 'oHbe' DoyIchlan Hol'e'. German is not an easy language. Hol ngeD's human race is DoyIchlan Hol'e. xu do se bangu lo bantuzulu Do you speak Talossan? xu do se bangu lo bantuzulu Kiu scias, regas. He who knows, rules. Who knows, rules. Pro quo vi ne komprenas ol? Why don't you guys understand it? Why don't you understand it? mi djuno lo du'u la .lojban. xamgu do kei I know that Lojban is good for you. I'm going to give it the .loliban. xamgu do kei Direta cuando la pluve ia sesa, la max de tenis ia continua. As soon as the rain stopped, the tennis match continued. On the other hand, the sixth day, held the max of the tennis. le mamta be mi'o cu terve'u lo cifyge'u seva'u mi'o Our mother bought us a puppy. I love to take the third part of the city at one time. Huch vIHutlh. I have no money. You don't know where you are? jIHub'eghnIS. I had to defend myself. Novelub'eghnIS. Proque multe catholicos mangia pisce le venerdi? Why do many Catholics eat fish on Fridays? Why do many catholics eat the Friday? jIjatlhDI' jIpIQ. I tell it like it is. Exiting... Еста ауто ес плу веа ка ме. This car is older than I am. It's all the way to do it. Qaghvam Segh yIDel! How is the error observed? Qaghum Segh yIDel! Kiu vendis tion al vi? Who sold you that? Who sold it to you? Etos binon stib. That's a pencil. Etos binon stib. Yo ne va tolerar it. I won't tolerate it. Yo ne va toler it. Yunans mödik äkömons ini Moskva ad studön. Many young people came to Moscow to study. Yunnans mödik äkömons ini Moscow to study. Tio estis libro tiel bona, ke mi legis ĝin tri fojojn. That was such good a book that I read it three times. This was a book so good that I read it three times. Io non oblidara jammais lo que eveniva ille nocte. I'll never forget what happened that night. I will never forget what happened that night. vISovnIS. I must know. Casa SovnIS. qaleghnIS. I must see you. Thank you very much. Vi estas tre akravida. You're very insightful. You are very sharp. qatlh mubejtaH ghaH? Why is he looking at me? Why aren't they left ghaH? Le juvene puera se sentiva abandonate. The little girl felt abandoned. Le juvene puera se sentiva abandoninge. Ni faris kuskuson kaj ĝi estas franda. We made couscous and it's delicious. We've made a kitchen and it's a screak. Ha vos jam vidite le Turre de Tokio? Have you ever seen Tokyo Tower? Have you already seen the Tower of Tokyo? 'epIl naH SoptaH. He's eating an apple. 'epIl naH Sop is entering. mon luDevchoH lotlhwI'pu'. The rebels took control of the capital. You don't think we should have been visited by aliens. la tom pu jai ke mutce clani djedi Tom had a very long day. the tom pu jai ke mutce clani die La servilo paneis. The server is down. The server was paneled. Mi sendas al vi libron. I'm sending you a book. I send you a book. Ta ligno ne brulas. This wood won't burn. The wood does not burn. Europa ha un moneta commun; que nos da lo un lingua commun: Esperanto. Europe has a common currency; let's give it a common language: Esperanto. Europe has a currency common; let's give it a common language: Esperanto. Tom neniam antaŭe faris tion. Tom has never done this before. Tom had never done that before. naDev HIch ghajbogh nuv'e' tu'lu'. boQ vIpoQ. There's a guy in there with a gun. I need backup. On the other hand, we don't seem to have been visited by aliens. Mi amas vin, Fido. I love you, Fido. I love you, Fido. qabDaj qIpmeH ghIt lo'. She slapped him in the face. qabDaj qIpmeH optimised it. 'IH jajvam. It is a pleasant day today. 'IH jajvam. Mi scias, ke Tomo scias, ke mi scias. I know Tom knows I know. I know Tom knows I know. Ме ес но плу темоса де канес. I'm no longer afraid of dogs. It's all the way to do it. Li emocie ruiniĝis, ekde li eksciis la malfidelon de sia edzino. He's been an emotional wreck ever since he found out about his wife's affair. He was emotionally ruined, since he knew the distrust of his wife. Yo clave-cludet li porta. I locked the door. Yo key-cludet li porta. Jam alvenis la tempo, kiam ni ekstaru. The time has come for us to stand up. It’s been time when we get out. Dio es ge? Is Allah gay? God is gay? Sami non habeva un plano. Sami didn't have a plan. Sami did not have a plan. mi ka'e na drani I could be wrong. mi'e na dani Li nenion manĝis hieraŭ. He did not eat anything yesterday. He didn’t eat anything yesterday. La knabinoj parolis pri knaboj. The girls talked about boys. The girls talked about boys. Mia plumo estas tie, kie estas mia libro. My pen is where my book is. My pen is where my book is. Mi jam diris ĉion. I've had my say. I’ve already said everything. Io scribeva le responsas accuratemente. I wrote the answers carefully. I gave the answers accurate. Quch'a' chaH? Are they happy? Quch'a' chaH? Certan. Certainly. Certain. Estis pro mia kulpo, ke ili malfruis. It was my fault that they came late. It was because of my fault that they were late. Io non sape le qual ille facera. I don't know what he'll do. I don’t know who they’ll do. Io va prender te in dece minutas. I'll pick you up in ten minutes. I'll take you in ten minutes. Tomo estas unulingva franclingvano. Tom is a monolingual French speaker. Tom is a one-language French. coi Hi. coi Bonvolu enaŭtiĝi. Please get into the car. Please be bored. Tom nur deziris ke Mary lasu lin trankvila. All Tom wanted was for Mary to leave him alone. She only wanted Mary to keep him calm. certu cecla Nice shot! Expert Cecila Tom ne scias, ĉu tio estas vera aŭ ne. Tom doesn't know whether it's true or not. I don’t know if it’s true or not. Neniu eliris por helpi. No one came out to help. Nobody went out to help. Esce algun pote dise a me cual ora es? Can anyone tell me the time? Can anything else tell me a cual now? payqu'law' jeq. Jack seems to regret it deeply. payqu'law jeq. Mi perdis aŭ rompis ĉiujn miajn kolĉenojn. I've lost or broken all my necklaces. I lost or broke all my necks. Mari kaj Maki estas fratinoj. Mari and Maki are sisters. Mari and Maki are sisters. Yo ne comprende. I don't understand. Yo don't understand. Janio malamas sian patron. Yanni hates his father. Jane hates his father. Pardonon. Mi ne havas tempon. Sorry. I don't have time. Sorry, I don't have time. To es tro pesant. That's too heavy. It’s too heavy. Aldone, multaj grupoj formiĝis tiucele, ke maljunuloj povu konatiĝi unuj kun la aliaj kaj tiel resti aktivaj partoprenantoj en la usona vivo. In addition many groups have been formed so that the elderly can socialize with one another and remain active participants in American life. In addition, many groups developed gently, that elderly people could meet each other and thus remain active participants in the U.S. life. Tomo manĝis ne nur sian propran deserton, sed ankaŭ tiun de Manjo. Tom not only ate his dessert, he also ate Mary's as well. Tom ate not only his own dessert, but also that of Manjo. Li neniam vojaĝas sen kunpreni vekhorloĝon. He never travels without taking an alarm clock with him. He never travels without taking a watch. Post tio mi ne revidis Tomon. After that, I didn't see Tom again. After that, I didn’t see Tom. Me ne savas se ilu savas to. I don't know if he knows it. I don't know if they know everything. Tiuj oranĝoj putrintas. These oranges have rotted. These oranges rotted. Ме иа насе ен 1933. I was born in 1933. ↑ 1933. Laŭ la diro de Tomo la statuo pezas ĉirkaŭ 140 kilogramojn. Tom said he thought the statue weighed about 300 pounds. According to Tom's saying, the statue weighs about 140 kilograms. rojmab luqI'pu'. They signed the peace treaty. rimab luqi'pu'. mu'tlheghvam mughlu'. This sentence is going to be translated. We are the only intelligent beings in the universe. ghaHvaD jISengqu'. I caused him a lot of trouble. There are plenty of time out there. Tomo sentis nenion ajn. Tom felt absolutely nothing. Tom felt nothing. Ŝi pagos ĉion. She will pay for everything. She will pay everything. Mi vidis la bildon. I saw the picture. I saw the picture. Manja lentim. Eat slowly. Manja lentim. Ĉu vi konas iun, kiu ludas gitaron? Do you know anyone who plays the guitar? Do you know someone who plays guitar? Ĉu vi scias la intencojn de Tomo? Do you know Tom's intentions? Do you know Tom’s intentions? Manjo neniam havis koramikon. Mary has never had a boyfriend. She never had a boyfriend. Me ia vade con el. I went with him. I walked with him. Me crede ce la sermonor no ia pote parla "amen". I believe that the preacher could not speak "Amen." I believe this is the sermonor we can speak "love". Me no fida neseseda traduis. I don't necessarily trust translations. I've been confidently unsealed. La opera kantisto havas belan voĉon. The opera singer has a beautiful voice. The song has a beautiful voice. Plenumi ĝin tiamaniere postulos multe da tempo. Doing it that way will take a long time. This will require a lot of time. Mi ne estis seniluziiĝinta. I was not disappointed. I was not disappointed. Il ne savet quant malevolent li mann esset e dunc ne timet le. He didn't know how malevolent the man was and thus didn't fear him. Il ne savet quant malvolent li mann esset e dunc ne timet le. Tom ne aspektas konvinkita. Tom doesn't look convinced. Tom doesn't look convinced. Ille ha excambiate su vetule auto pro un nove. He exchanged his old car for a new one. They have changed their old car for a new one. QaghDajmo' yIHaghQo'! Don't laugh at his mistake. QaghDajmo' yIhaghQo! Steins;Gate estas tre amuza bildrakonto. Steins;Gate is a very enjoyable anime. Steins;Gate is a very funny picture story. Io sempre te amara. I will always love you. I'm always bitter. Quo tu ha just scrit? What have you just written? What do you have just written? Ĉu vi povas kapti fiŝon? Can you catch a fish? Can you catch fish? Quelc féminas ne porta sinushalteres. Some women don't wear bras. Quelc féminas ne porta sinushalteres. Ĉu vi vidis, kion mi faris? Did you see what I did? Have you seen what I did? le junla cu te tcidu lo tcika be lo lerci The clock is fast. Join you, you’ll be reading it Vilob kosädön geno ko of. I want to have sex with her. Vilob cosädön gene co of. Omne phrase in iste libro es importante. Every sentence in that book is important. Any phrase in this book is important. Estas leonoj en Barato. There are lions in India. There are lions in India. Sum juHDaj. She lives nearby. Sum juHDa. la .alis. sipna le ri kumfa Alice sleeps in her room. la .alis. sipna le cumfa Mi estis cinikulo. I was a cynic. I was a cynic. Communismo era le systema politic in le Union del Republicas Socialista Sovietic, sed isto cessava in 1993. Communism was the political system in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, but that stopped in 1993. Communism was the political system in the Union of the Soviet Socialist Socialist Republic, but this ceased in 1993. Le linguas ha parolas difficile. Languages have difficult words. Languages have to speak hard. Le stato es io. I am the state. Status is I. Ĉu vere? Really? Really? Esque Tom ama Boston? Does Tom like Boston? Is Tom loved Boston? xu ro da gleki Is everyone happy? Xu ro da gleki Dice me con qui tu va e io te dicera qui tu es. People can be judged by the company they keep. Tell me who you are with and I will tell you who you are. lo fraso nanba cu kukte French bread is delicious. Nanba kukte Tom e io ambes mentiva a te. Tom and I both lied to you. Tom and I'm both threatening to you. Ĉu vi volas pli da supo? Would you like more soup? Do you want more soup? Tio estas transracia. It's beyond reason. This is transracial. pov. It is marvelous. pov. Maifükolös logis. Open your eyes, please. Maifükolös praised. Mi naĝas unufoje semajne. I swim once a week. I swim once a week. La knabo perdis sian sandalon en la herbejo. The boy lost his sandal in the field. The boy lost his sandal in the grass. Tomo aĉetis refraktan teleskopon. Tom bought a refractory telescope. Tom bought a refracted telescope. Mi dormas tre malbone. I'm sleeping very poorly. I sleep very badly. puqloDwI' De' jengva' 'oH De' jengva'vam'e'. This CD belongs to my son. Professor, we would like to think about the universe and find out of the universe. Il esis nepacienta vidar lua filio. He was impatient to see his son. He was inpatient to see his daughter. QapHa'law' tlhaqwIj. My clock seems to be broken. I am in favor of my concern. Stalino estis malbona homo. Stalin was a bad person. Stalin was a bad man. La okuloj min jukas pro la konjunktivito. My eyes are itching because of conjunctivitis. The eyes judge me because of the conjuncivity. Un grande numero de personas se ha reunite pro vider le parada. A crowd of people gathered to see the parade. A large number of people have reunited to see the parade. Restas multo priparolenda. There's a lot left to talk about. There’s a lot to talk about. .i le za'u nixli ba jai cumki fai le ka pu ku klama le jai tu'i se tigni Girls will have possibly gone to the show. .i za'u nixli ba jai cumki fai le ka pu klama le jai tu'i se tigni Tomaso ne tusas nun. Tom isn't coughing now. Tomas is not yours now. Me devas skribar letro, ma me ne povos facar lo til morge. I have to write a letter, but I won't be able to get at it until tomorrow. I have to write a letter, but I won’t be able to do it until tomorrow. ma se zvati la boston Where is Boston? but if zvati the box Me paia par esta carta de banca. I'm paying with this debit card. Me paia par is a banca card. mi na verba I'm not a child. My Kids Lantëanyë. I'm falling. Lantëanyë. Morto estas certa. Death is certain. Death is certain. Iste film esseva emittite per television. That movie was shown on TV. This film was issued by television. Quanto plus destituite de intelligentia es un homine, tanto minus mysteriose le pare le existentia. The more unintelligent a man is, the less mysterious existence seems to him. As much as more intelligentity is a human being, as long as less mysterious the look like the existence. Vi tro zorgas pri opinioj de aliuloj. You care too much about what other people think. You are very concerned about others’ opinions. tam tam. Tom's silent. tam tam. lo'e jbonei cu mo ca'i do As an authority on such things, how can you describe the typical Lojban-enthusiast? This is a good thing, so I don't know what I am doing. ma klama ta Who goes there? ma klama ta ko ga nai djica lo ka bajra gi bajra If you want to run, then run. ko ga nai djica lo ka bayra gi bayra Me ia jua tenis. I played tennis. I've been tennis. Acel libro merita la leje. That book is worth reading. The book is worthy of the law. ko ve'u ze'u klama Go far away and for a long time! On the other hand, we're moving back to the Black street. La novaĵoj disvastiĝis tra tuta Eŭropo. The news spread across all of Europe. The news spread across Europe. Li ripozis kelkan tempon. He rested for a while. He rested some time. Ni havas vakcinon. We have a vaccine. We have a vaccine. Il menti quam un oration funeral. He lies like a funeral sermon. Il lie quam un oration funeral. ba'o lo nu trene cliva ku mi le renytcana cu zvati The train had already left by the time I got to the station. Well, thank you for the rest of the universe, but I’ll get the rest of the universe. Ille non ha arrivate a causa del tempesta. As a result of the storm, he didn't arrive. They haven't arrived because of the storm. Ne ĉio estas politika, sed politiko interesiĝas pri ĉio. Not everything is politics, but politics is interested in everything. Not everything is political, but politics is interested in everything. Ili amas ŝin. They love her. They love her. Li estas egoisma kaj senpripensa. He's selfish and thoughtless. He is selfish and imprisent. Lia nevo intense okupis sin pri la brila piroteknika lumludo. His nephew was absorbed in the splendid fireworks. His nephew immediately occupied himself on the brilliant pyrotechnical light game. muQoybej. She'll definitely hear me. muQoybej. nabDaj lonnISbe'lu'. His plan ought not to be abandoned. nabDaj lonnISbe'lu'. Estas kato sur mia tablo. There is a cat on my table. There is a cat on my table. Finalmente illa es hic. Finally she's here. Eventually it's here. li pabi pi'e pi'e xa ca detri .i je ri te jbena fi la.muiriel. It's 18th June today, and also Muiriel's birthday! li pabi pi'e pi'e xa ca detri .i je te jbena fi la.muiriel. A fini Tom ia acorda. Tom eventually agreed. At the end of Tom's agreement. jagi do ka'e kansa le se prami be do gi ko prami le se kansa be do If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with. jagi do ka'e kansa le se Love be do gi co Love le se kansa be do ko stogau lo be do xance lo ka nalpencu lo be mi tixnu Keep your hands off my daughter! co stogau it be do xance lo ka nalpencu lo be mi tixnu la .tom. pu tikpa mi Tom kicked me. the .tom. pu tikpa Duj nIHwI' jIHbe'. I'm not a pirate. They're going to have a look at them. „Van vanas,“ sagom Predan; „van vanas, valikos binon van.“ "Vanity of vanities," says the Preacher; "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity." “Van vanas,” Sagom Predan; “van vanas, will apply bin van.” Alportu la ŝtupetaron kaj metu ĝin kontraŭ la pomarbon. Bring the ladder and put it against the apple tree. Bring the cloth and put it against the apple. qatlh bInep? Why are you lying? Why bInep? ko'a naku curmi lo nu mi'o nerkla They wouldn't let us in. Create an empty file '%s' lo nu ko'a te cusku cu vajni It's important that she hears this. This suggests that the universe is running out of space. Mi pafos lin. I will shoot him. I'll shoot him. le'e se gugdejupunu cu clite Japanese people in general are polite. On the one clicked gugdejupun Quanto plus uno habe, tanto plus uno desira. The more one has, the more one desires. The more one has, the more one wants. Il ne dat it a me. He didn't give it to me. Don’t give it to me. DIvI' Hol lujatlhtaH'a'? Are they speaking English? Have you been visited by your questions? Se intrigantoj aranĝas ĉion en ĉi tiu mondo, ne estas mirinde, ke ili hontas konfesi tion. If there's a cabal orchestrating everything in this world, it's no wonder they're embarrassed to own up to it. If foreigners arrange everything in this world, it is not wonderful that they are ashamed to confess this. Wil sha, Thom. Hello, Tom. Wil sha, Thom. Li perdis la paperojn. He lost the papers. He lost the papers. Ill temp es yn segruid. Time is a mystery. Il temp es yn segruid. Tu es tro self-conscient. You're too self-conscious. You are too self-conscious. Il prizas kantar en la balneyo. He likes to sing in the bathtub. He played a song in the balney. za'u ra pu dunda fi mi'a fe so'i lo cidja They gave us a lot to eat. za'u ra pu dunda fi mi'a fe so'i lo cidja jIQeHchoH. I got upset. ExitingQeHchoH. Ĉu vi bezonis apartan helpon, kiam vi estis en la lernejo? Did you require any special assistance when you were in school? Do you need some help when you were at school? Ĝojigis min vidi homojn ĝui kaj ami unu la alian. I was happy to see people having fun and loving one another. I was glad to see people enjoy and love each other. La kirko estas tre granda. The church is very big. The church is very large. ma smuni zo.tatoebas. What does "Tatoeba" mean? But it has a zo.tatoebas. Tomo ne faros tion eĉ se vi petas lin. Tom won't do that even if you ask him. Tom won’t do that even if you ask him. Ka tu ja renkontris Masao, mea frato? Have you met Masao, my brother? Have you met Masao, my brother? mi pu mulno tolmo'i fi ko'a I completely forgot about her. I'm fine with you Verdire mi timas Tomon. To be honest, I'm afraid of Tom. I'm afraid of Tom. Moskva binon zif rusänik. Moscow is a Russian town. Moscow binon zif Rusänik. Pardona me, do es la saleta privada? Excuse me, where's the toilet? Share me, so is the salty privacy? bo'Degh nuq? What are birds? What about the future? Tom legeva multe libros. Tom read lots of books. Tom read a lot of books. On demandesas ne fumar. You are requested not to smoke. She asks not to smoke. Ni serĉis enterigitajn trezorojn. We were looking for buried treasure. We were looking for buried treasures. Ĉu vi uzas ketaminon? Do you use ketamine? Do you use ketamine? Paĉjo, mi ne ŝercas! Mi estas graveda. Papa, I'm not joking! I'm pregnant. Dad, I'm not joking, I'm pregnant. jImaw'choHtaH. I'm going crazy. By default, we'll be familiar with each other. Esce tu va parla con me en portuges? Will you speak Portuguese with me? Are you talking to me in Portuguese? chIS toQ. The eagle is white. chIS toQ. Hebreaj komunumoj, kiuj datiĝas jam de la antaŭislama epoko, estis elpelitaj kiel "nigrapieduloj" dum la tiel nomata "malkoloniigo" de Nord-Afriko. Jewish communities dating to pre-Islamic times were driven out as "Pieds-Noirs" during the so-called decolonization of North Africa. Hebrew communities, which date from the pre-Islamic era, have been expelled as "nigrapieders" during the so-called "decolonization" of North Africa. Vespere, ni kutime iras kegloludi. At night, we usually go bowling. At the same time, we usually go to play. HuDDaq qach tIn ghaj. He has a big house on the mountain. HuD is a qajch tIn ghaj. mi djica lo ka klama lo zdani I want to go home. mi djica lo ka klamma lo zdani Yo ne manja pane. I don't eat bread. Yo ne manja pan. Le arbitro debe esser juste ad ambe equipas. The referee must be fair to both teams. The tree should just be up to both teams. mi na jimpe lo du'u makau nabmi I don't understand the problem. mi na jimpe lo du'u makau nabmi Al Tom ne plaĉas klasika muziko. Tom doesn't like classical music. Tom doesn’t like classical music. Kie estas la plej proksima trajnstacio? Where's the closest train station? Where is the nearest train station? Vidigu min, ĉu Tomo ŝanĝis sian opinion. Let me see if Tom has changed his mind. See me if Tom changed his opinion. Li enŝaltis la radioaparaton. He plugged in the radio. He turned into the radio device. Fek al ĉio. Fuck everything. Fek to everything. nItebHa' mavang DaneH'a'? Do you want to do it together? DingatebHa' mavang DaneH'a? cha'maH puq ghaj ghaH. She has twenty children. cha'maH puq ghaj ghaH. Ille esseva le scriptor le plus celebre de su tempore. He was the most famous writer of his day. That was the desktop for the best of its time. Mi estas certa, ke ili nun laboras por la solvado de la problemo. I'm sure they're working on solving the problem. I’m sure they’re working for the problem. mi no mu'ei speni do I would never be your husband. None leng chaw'wIj vIchu'qa'moHnIS. I must renew my passport. I am in favor of my life. Las manja. They eat. Let's eat. Nos vola super le nubes. We are flying above the clouds. We'll go over the clouds. Kiu estas via sanga grupo? What's your blood type? What is your blood group? Mia patro kaj mi vartis mian fratinon ree al sano post la akcidento. My father and I nursed my sister back to health after her accident. My father and I got my sister back to health after the accident. Ni faru pli ol tion. We have to do more than that. Let's do more than that. xu do se pampe'o Do you have a lover? xu do se pampe'o mi ralte lo re mlatu I have two cats. mi ralte lo re mlatu Le grande musica es illo que penetra facilemente le aures e lassa con difficultate le memoria. Musica magic non es jammais cancellate del memoria. Great music is that which penetrates the ear with facility and leaves the memory with difficulty. Magical music never leaves the memory. The big music is what penetrates easily the aures and leaves with difficulty in memory. A magic music isn’t never cancelled from memory. Li alvenis al Parizo kaj tuj ekveturis al Londono. He arrived at Paris and immediately started for London. He came to Paris and immediately went to London. Li policistes es ci. The cops are here. They police officers are here. Ni havas nenion por diskuti. We have nothing to discuss. We have nothing to discuss. Vi estas sufiĉe okupataj. You're pretty busy. You are busy enough. ma minde do lo nu minde la .tam. lo nu klama Who told you to tell Tom to come? but typically do it nu capta la .tam. lo nu klama jI'elDI' pe'vIlHa' chopchuqtaH tam me'rIy' je. Tom and Mary were kissing each other when I walked in. Since I am pasting the first part of the universe, we haven't heard it as well. Legi romanojn estas mia ŝatokupo. My hobby is reading novels. Reading novels is my hobby. Cuanto tempo un person pote vive sin acua? How long can a person live without water? Can a person's time a person can live without acua? Noi habita proxim del diga. We live near the dike. We’ve been close to the dig. Hut yuQ ghaj jul. The sun has nine planets. Hut yuQ ghaj Jul. Ili nur ludis. They were only playing. They only played. Miaj gepatroj tre ĝojis aŭdante pri la alveno de nia bebo. My parents were delighted to hear of the arrival of our baby. My parents were very happy to hear about our baby’s arrival. le va kacma ku se ralte mi This camera belongs to me. le cacma ku ralte mi ko'a galfi mi lo cabna me mi He has made me what I am today. ko'a galfi mi lo kabna mi mi Bonvolu pendigi viajn vestaĵojn ĉi tien. Please hang your clothes over here. Please hang your clothes here. Änolob das okusadon obi. I knew I'd be blamed. Änolob das ochusado ubi. Tomaso ŝuldas al Maria tricent dolarojn. Tomas owes Maria 300 dollars. Thomas owes Mary three hundred dollars. Yo save que yo ama te. I know I love you. Yo sande que yo ama te. Illa sempre es curiose de que io es facente. She is always curious about what I am doing. It’s always curious about what I'm doing. Por rajti enbusiĝi vi devas aĉeti bileton. You must buy a ticket to get on the bus. You need to buy a ticket. puqbe'Daj ghaH. She's her daughter. Wuqbe'Daj ghaH. Tomo ne permesis al mi fari tion. Tom didn't let me do it. Tom didn’t let me do that. da poi micyxu'i zaisle zo'u xu vi stuzi da Is there a pharmacy nearby? by then micyxu'i zaisle zau xu vi stuzzi da Lo ia es fasil divina la parola secreta de Tom. Tom's password was easy to guess. It's a fat divinely secret to Tom's speech. yItlhuH! Breathe! Thank you for me! Mi opiniis, ke mi povos helpi vin. I thought I could help you. I thought I could help you. Ni simple elprovu tion! Let's try it. Let’s just try that! To es tro custosi! This is too expensive! It’s too short! la .tom. pu ganlygau pa kanla Tom closed one eye. the .tom. pu ganlygau pa kanla Li ĉiam estis malsata. He was always hungry. He was always hungry. Estas miskompreno. There's a misunderstanding. It's a misunderstanding. latlh De' ghongeHneS! Please send us more information. Thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. qamuSHa'. I love you. ImmuSHa. Tom ne menciis ĝin al mi. Tom didn't mention it to me. Tom didn’t mention it to me. QeHHa'choH tam. Tom's anger faded. QeHa'choH tam. xu na simsa lo minra Doesn't it look like a mirror? xu na simsa lo minor tIH bachta' nov 'ej Duj SomDaq QIH. The alien shot his ray gun and blasted a hole in the spaceship's hull. TIH bachta' nov 'ej Duj As they are in QIH. mi pu viska do poi kansa lo clani nanla I saw you with a tall boy. I can see do po po po po po kans lo clani nanla Mi akiris ĉi tiun tatuaĵon por kovri cikatron de traŭmata sperto. I got this tattoo to cover up a scar from a traumatic experience. I got this tattoo to cover a scar from a traumatic experience. Il ha multe gente qui vole parlar con Tom. There are a lot of people who want to talk to Tom. There’s a lot of people who want to talk to Tom. Los ia vole vide me? Did they want to see me? Did you want to see me? Bonŝance ni sukcesis. Luckily we succeeded. Fortunately, we succeeded. Se mi estus besto, mi estus kato. If I were an animal, I would be a cat. If I were an animal, I would be a cat. Ĉu vi povas diri al mi, kiel tiu blinda golfludanto atingis tiom da sukcesoj? Can you tell me, how come that blind golfer is so successful? Can you tell me how this blind golfer has achieved so much success? DaHjaj pov murI' tam. I received a call from Tom this afternoon. I'm sorry to kill you as well. To ne es tre romantic. That's not very romantic. It’s not romantic. It es un grandissim secrete. It's a huge secret. It is a secret grandissim. mi no roi tolmo'i lo flira I never forget a face. I'm not going to go so far. Li ne estas la viro destinita por vi. He's not the right man for you. He is not the man intended for you. He'So' ghotI'. The fish smells bad. Hey'So' ghotI'. El esas putanino. She is a whore. El is putanino. Vadente a sude e turnante a norde, turnante, turnante, la venta vade, e la venta revade a sua curso. Heading south and then turning toward the north, around and around goes the wind, and to its course the wind returns. Walking to the south and turning to the north, turning, turning, turning, the wind wave, and the wind returning to its current. Il esseva un jorno calorose. It was a hot day. He was a headache. qID neH 'oH. It was only a joke. qID not a true one. Scii kion preterlasi estas tiel grava kiel scii kion inkluzivi. Knowing what to leave out is as important as knowing what to include. Know what is omitted is as important as knowing what to include. Perce ambos de vos batalia? Why are you two fighting? Why are you fighting both? Bon vespere. Good evening. Good evening. Ne ĉiu el ni scipovas naĝi. Not all of us can swim. Not everyone can swim. Le pictor de paisages faceva alicun retoccos al pictura. The landscape painter made some touch-ups to the painting. The painter of landscapes made some return to the painting. jIjang; «vaj vIneHbe'». "Then I don't want it," I reply. You’ve got to go, “you're going to talk about me.” La kel-etaĝoj estas inunditaj. The basements are flooded. Celebrations are flooded. Kiu planedo estas la plej proksima al la Suno? Which planet is nearest to the Sun? Which planet is the closest to the Sun? Tom estas rapida kuranto. Tom is a fast runner. Tom is a quick curator. La homa kondiĉo estas malsimpla, do la lingvo ankaŭ estu malsimpla. The human condition is complex, so language should be complex too. The human condition is complex, so the language is also complex. Tiun demandon ne evitu! Don't evade the question. Don't avoid this question! Kuru por savi vian vivon! Run for your life! Run to save your life! Infanoj ne rajtas diri fivortojn. Kids can't say bad words. Children can’t say words. Tomo mendis fiŝaĵon. Tom ordered fish. Tom missed a fish. jIHvaD jengva' Say' yIqem 'ej jengva'vam lam yInge'! Bring me a clean plate and take the dirty one away. Just take care of Jangva' Say' yIqem 'eijngva' as soon as possible! Le battalion se ha rendite al inimico. The battalion surrendered to the enemy. The battalion was made to the enemy. Jack, Jill kaj Alico supreniris la monteton. Jack, Jill and Alice went up the hill. Jack, Jill and Alice went up the hill. Nos studia anglese in le mesme classe. We study English in the same class. We study English in the same class. Tio estas eĉ pli malbona. That's even worse. This is even worse. pongchaj vIchoHQo'. I'm not changing their name. pongchaj fajchoHQo'. Li amas la filon. He loves the son. He loves the son. La nomo de nia plej maljuna filo estas Tomo. Our oldest son's name is Tom. The name of our oldest son is Tom. Ĉesu esti tiel ĉarma! Stop being so cute! Stop being so cute! Iuj animaloj ne havas sangon. Some animals don't have blood. Some animals have no blood. Milito kaj Paco estas unu el la plej imponaj libroj el ĉiuj tempoj. War and Peace is one of the greatest books of all time. War and Peace are one of the most impressive books of all times. Nova neĝo kaŭzas festan etoson. Fresh snow brought about a festive atmosphere. A new snow causes a celebration. me'rIy' Saw tam. Tom married Mary. me'rIy' Saw tam. Il ha solmente quatro centos demonstratores in le placia. There are only four hundred demonstrators in the square. There are only four hundred demonstrators in the beach. Mi bezonas pli bonajn ideojn. I need better ideas. I need better ideas. Transdonante al ni la opiniojn de nekleruloj, la ĵurnalismo tenas nin ligitaj al la nescio de la komunumo. By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, journalism keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community. Transposing to us the opinions of inlerants, the journalism holds us connected to the ignorance of the community. Tomo estas simio. Tom is a monkey. Tom is a monkey. El es multe debil. She's very weak. El es a lot debil. juHwIj juHDaj je jojDaq bIQtIq tu'lu'. My home is separated from his by a river. I am very lucky that we are the only one, but we don't have to do that. Mi ne ŝatas kuiri, se ekstere regas varmego. I don't like to cook when it's hot outside. I don’t like cooking if it’s warm. en pasinto, oni pensis ke la mondo esas plana. In the past the world was thought to be flat. In the past, she thought the world was planning. El ia adormi a su la arbor. He fell asleep under the tree. Go to the tree. Esta om ave un cavalo. This man has a horse. Esta om ave un horse. Danko de la fundo di mea kordio! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Ĉu Tomo fakte rajtas fari tion? Can Tom actually do it? Can Tom actually do that? ei mi pu tadni lo glibau I had to study English. Ei mi pu tadni lo glibau Activitates physic — desde rastrellar folios a camminar usque al specieria — pote adjutar seniores a retener le substantia gris del cerebro. Physical activities - from raking leaves to walking to the grocery store - can help seniors retain the grey matter in their brains. Physical activities – since scratchsheets to shape until the spectrum – may help seniors retain the grayest of the brain. Soldi es la dia ultima de la semana. Sunday is the last day of the week. Soldiers are the day last of the week. Ŝi ne povis veni, ĉar ŝi estis tre okupita. As she was really busy, she couldn't come. She couldn’t come because she was very busy. mi penmi zu'i zu'i I met the usual people at the usual place. My penms zu'i zu'i xu do kakne lo ka tavla fo lo bancumunu Are you able to speak Mandarin? xu do kakne lo ka tavla fo lo bancumunu Xina ia developa multe rapida. China developed very quickly. Xina's development is very fast. Kiel estas la nokta vivo en Bostono? How's the nightlife in Boston? How is the night life in Boston? jIHvaD yInobHa'! Give it back to me! Let's take a long time! Bone, ni simple faru ĝin. All right, let's just do this. Well, let's just do it. Vi ne posedas tion. You don't own that. You don’t own that. ghorgh qaSpu'? When did it occur? horghunapu? Mi jam diris al Tomo. I've already told Tom. I told Tom. Manjo havas problemojn kun la patro. Mary's got daddy issues. A man has problems with the father. Tom no ia desende de la bus. Tom didn't get off the bus. Tom nos unsended from the bus. Ла нотас иа ес реласада а лунди. The minutes were released Monday. It is true that it is true that it is true. .i xu lonu klama kei te kansa Won't you come with me? .i xu lonu klamma kei te kansa Manjo plorĝemis. Mary sobbed. Food was crying. Esque il non es ver? Not true? Is it not true? Tom sempre come frutas a la come de matina. Tom always eats fruit for breakfast. Tom always competes at the As of a matina. Ĉu sukero estas saniga? Is sugar good for you? Is sugar healthy? Tomo diris, ke li ne volas paroli kun mi. Tom said he didn't want to talk to me. Tom said he didn’t want to talk to me. lo va zdani cu mutce cmalu That house is very small. lo zdani cu mutce cmalu In le parte monogame de nostre mundo, maritar se significa que le derectos es dividite in duo partes equal e que le deberes es duplicate. In our monogamous part of the world, to marry means to halve one’s rights and double one's duties. In our world's monogame part, husbanding means that rights are divided into two parts of the equal and that employers are doubled. Morgaŭ mi devos pli frue foriri. Tomorrow I must leave earlier. Tomorrow I’ll have to leave earlier. Ĉu vi povas afable noti tion? Can you please write that down? Can you notice that? Lödob in Yapän. I live in Japan. Lödob in Yapän. jIghojmeH jIlaD. I read in order to learn. Exiting... Ego ama le succo de sambuco. I love elderberry juice. Ego ama le succo de sambuco. Ludu kun la katoj. Play with the cats. Play with cats. Lia malsano estas unu el miaj timoj. His illness is one of my anxieties. His illness is one of my fears. Mi volas paroli loĵbane. I want to speak in Lojban. I want to talk to London. Quik pos ke ni sideskis el adportis a ni kafeo. As soon as we sat down, she brought us coffee. Quik later we sided him bringing to us coffee. Min ĝojegigis aŭdi tiun novaĵon. I was very happy when I heard that news. I was glad to hear this news. Eble ŝi mortis kun falaflo en la mano. Maybe she died with a falafel in her hands. She may have died with a doll in her hand. Ho'Du' ghaj'a' la'SIvmey? Do turtles have teeth? Ho'du' ghaj' la'SIvme? lo nu mi bajra cu zmadu ro drata be vo'a lo ka mi prami I love to jog more than anything else in the world. mi bayra cu zmadu ro Othera be vo'a lo ka mi pura Ŝi estis pafita dum ŝi estis dormanta. She was shot in her sleep. She was shot while she was asleep. Qompu'wI'pu'vaD Soj tlhImmey je nobta' veng loH. The city supplied the earthquake victims with food and blankets. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Malkonsento iĝis varo. Dissent has become a commodity. Winner became a good man. Tomo estas unu el la konataro de mia edzino. Tom is one of my wife's acquaintances. Tom is one of my wife's novels. Ĉu ekzistas denaskaj parolantoj de Tokipono? Are there any native speakers of Toki Pona? Are there native speakers of Tokyo? Kion vi lernas ? What are you learning? What do you learn? Kelkaj loĝantoj kondutis laŭ la maksimo "atendu kaj vidu, kio okazos", dum aliaj faris preparojn por inundego. Some residents took a wait-and-see attitude while others prepared for heavy flooding. Some residents behaved according to the maxim "waiting and seeing what will happen", while others made preparations for flood. Mi konsilas al vi ŝanĝi viajn manĝkutimojn. I think you should change your eating habits. I recommend you change your food. Tomo ankoraŭ amas sian ekskoramikinon. Tom is still in love with his ex-girlfriend. Tom still loves his girlfriend. puqmeyDaj je'taH bo'Degh 'e' wIbej. We watched a bird feed its little ones. A dimension of space is low on the probability of life appearing. fo ma do klama la .osakas. How will you travel to Osaka? fo ma do klama la .osakas. lalDanDaj HonchoH Sa'mIy. Fadil started to question his religion. lalDanDaj HonchoH Sa'mIy. Tom ia comensa responde la demando, donce el ia comprende ce acel es un demanda autorespondente. Tom started to answer the question and then realized it was a rhetorical question. Tom's starting to answer the question, as soon as I understand this thing, is an autoresponsive question. do carmi gunka You work hard! Do Armi gunka Voluntez montrar vua reklamaco-etiketi. May I see your claim tags? Want to show your advertising labels. mInwIj qIp. He hit me in the eye. This is my concern for qIp. Vi estos miaj gastoj. You'll be my guests. You will be my guests. Tu trovara amicos ibi. You will get friends there. You’ll find friends there. Ĉu vi scias la araban? Do you know Arabic? Do you know Arabic? Le mar esseva lisie como le glacie. The sea was as smooth as glass. The sea was lisie like the ice cream. Mi rapidis supren. I rushed upstairs. I rushed up. QoQ jan Dachu' qar'a'? You play a musical instrument, don't you? And that I would like to talk about your questions. se smadi mi fa lo nu la tom cu mitysisku do My guess is that Tom is looking for you. se smadi mi fa lo nu la tom cu mitysisku do Ĉu vi tute sola verkis tiun fabelon? Did you write this fairy tale by yourself? Have you ever written this fairy tale? jevtaH tam. Tom is wheezing. Jav resigned as well. Ŝekspiro estis la plej granda poeto, kiun Anglio rivelis. Shakespeare is the greatest poet that England has ever produced. Shakespeare was the greatest poet that England revealed. Tuа responde es falsa. Your answer is wrong. Your answer is false. Ĉu la muziko de Ferhat Mehenni estas bona? Is Ferhat Mehenni's music any good? Is the music of Ferhat Mehenni good? Mi nomas lin Tomaso. I call him Tom. I call him Thomas. Es le pomo rubie? Is the apple red? Is the apple red? mughom neHchugh vay' vaj yIja', naDev ghaHbe'taH. If anyone comes to see me, tell him that I am out. If there's no space in space, it's not enough. "Kiu estas la elemento, kies atomnumero estas 82?" "Plumbo." "What is the element with the atomic number 82?" "Lead." “Who is the element whose atomic number is 82?” Li povis facile trovi ŝian domon. He could find her house easily. He could easily find her house. La finskribado de tiu raporto bezonos ankoraŭ minimume unu plian horon. It'll take at least one more hour to finish writing this report. The end-writing of this report will need at least one more hour. mI'QeD vImuS. I hate math. mI'QeD fiamuS. Mi malamas melodramon! I hate drama! I hate melodrama! Ĉu ŝi estas rusino? Is she Russian? Is she a Russian? Bonvolu konsideri, ke ni rajtas rifuzi uzi la bildon de vi proponitan, se ni opinias ĝin netaŭga. We keep the right to refuse to use the image you suggested if we consider it is inappropriate. Please consider that we have the right to refuse to use the image of you proposed, if we think it is unclear. e'o ko fraxu mi lo nu tolmorji lo nu tavla do Please forgive me for forgetting to call you. e'o ko fraxu mi lo tumorji lo tavla do da zo'u mi djica lo ka sanga da There is something I want to sing. I'm going to give you the blood Ĉu vi havas vinberojn? Have you got any grapes? Do you have grapes? do to'e se .e'ande fi ku You are not to do that. That's what you all do, so it's all about? Iu nome Henriko volis vidi vin. Someone named Henry wanted to see you. Someone else wanted to see you. Me uzas Twitter. I'm using Twitter. I'm using Twitter. En la Usono de la frua 20-a jarcento, oni rigardis aktoradon kiel malestimindan profesion. In the early 20th century United States, acting was seen as a disreputable profession. In the United States of the early 20th century, an acting was regarded as a contemptive profession. Li videble suferis pro doloro. He was obviously in pain. He has seen suffering from pain. La homoj suferas pro la poluo de la duktakvo. People are suffering from the contamination of the water supply. People suffer from the pollution of the shower water. Mi ne uzas ilin. I don't use them. I don't use them. luqop. They arrested him. luqop. Verku ion. Write something. Share it. Binof jison obik, o Maria. This is my daughter, Mary. Binof jison obik, or Mary. In li sequent annu yo vole aprender francesi. Next year I want to learn French. In his sequel annu yo wants to learn French. Kiu ĉi tie ne scias, kion fari? Who here doesn't know what to do? Who doesn’t know what to do here? Leger faceva de Don Quixote un gentilhomine, ma creder lo que ille habeva legite le ha facite folle. Reading made Don Quixote a gentleman, but believing what he read made him mad. Reading Don Quixote's face un gentilhomine, but believe that they had read the folle. Me ave un flauta. I have a flute. I have a flat. .e'o do pinxe lo tcati Please drink tea. .e'o do pinxe lo tcati Nu, memoru, ke nia variablo estas ankoraŭ nedifinita. Now remember, our variable is still undefined. Remember that our variable is not yet defined. Yuhan no labom blodi. Juan doesn't have a brother. Yuhan no labom blondes. Ni estas je la komenco de tutmonda amasformorto. We're at the beginning of a global mass extinction event. We are at the beginning of a global mass form. Söl Johnson binon musigatidan magifik. Mr. Johnson is a wonderful music teacher. Söl Johnson binon musical magic fiction. Tomo metis la bovlon en la mikroondan fornon. Tom put the bowl into the microwave. Tom put the bowl into the microwave oven. ngeDqu' Qu'vam; ta'laH puq. This work is simple enough for a child to do. If you don't know what we live in, we'll take the rest of the universe. bal yIpoSmoH! Open the bottle. Thank you very much! Le infantes es multo importante pro le mercato. Children are very important for the market. Children are very important for market. la .tam. cusku lo sedu'u na cmicu'a Tom says he won't vote. the .tam. cusku lo seju'u na cmicu'a Elefantoj ne povas bicikli. Elephants can't ride bicycles. Elephants cannot bike. Me ia fa la plu bon cual me ia pote per proteje Tom. I did my best to protect Tom. I've done the best thing I've been able to protect Tom. Il ha un rocca in mi scarpa. There's a rock in my shoe. Il ha un rocca in mi scarpa. Oni rajtas esti gejo. It's OK to be gay. You can be gay. Mi pasintan nokton havis teruran sonĝon. I had a horrible dream last night. I had a terrible dream last night. la .tam. facki lodu'u ri srera Tom discovered that he had made a mistake. the .tam. ↑ lodu'u srera .i li'a loi jdini cu pelji .aucu'i .i je ti dacti je karce You know, money is just paper, and that is a real car. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . di'ai .miuri'el. Happy birthday, Muiriel! di'ai .miuri'el. Li devas tuj ellitiĝi. He has to get up immediately. He needs to get out of bed immediately. Via aŭtomobilo estas lavenda. Your car needs to be washed. Your car is being washed. Ĉu Tomo kuris? Did Tom run? Was Tom running? „Kiam mi estis infano, mi ĉiam volis esti heroo”, diris Henriko. „Kreskinte, mi poste estis neniulo.” "As a kid, I always wanted to be a hero," Henry said. "Then, when I grew up, I was a nobody." “When I was a child, I always wanted to be a hero,” said Henry. loDHom ghop 'uchchoH loD. The man took the boy by the hand. loDHom ghop 'uchchoH loD. Deo es grande. God is great. Deo es grande. Mi ne celas pedanti. I'm not trying to nitpick. I'm not trying to plead. Kiun lingvon oni parolas sur la insulo? What language is spoken on the island? What language is spoken on the island? no da vi zvati There's nothing here. no da vi zvati Aŭton, vi diras! Li eĉ ne povas pagi sakon da cepoj. A car, you say! He can't even afford to buy a sack of onions. A car, you say, he can’t even pay a bag of onions. Sin dubita! Of course! No doubt! Me havas libro en mea manuo. I have a book in my hand. I have a book in my manual. Tom kaj Mary ambaŭ samtempe parolis. Tom and Mary were both talking at the same time. Tom and Mary both spoke at the same time. Лос иа виде ел. They saw her. It's all about it. Tokio ŝajnas esti ricevinta la mesaĝon de Vaŝingtono. Tokyo seems to have got the message from Washington. Tokyo seems to have received the message of Washington. Mi havas katon kaj hundinon. La kato estas nigra, kaj la hundino estas blanka. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black, and the dog is white. jIbuSnIS. I need to concentrate. Exiting...SnIS. Tom esed monstre. Tom was a monster. Tom esed monstre. O Tomas! Gesagolöd obe! Nolob das binol us e lilol obi. Tom! Answer me! I know you're in there, and I know you can hear me. O Tomas! Gesagolöd obes! Nolob das binol us and lilol obi. Yo posse monstrar a te li fotos. I can show you the pictures. Yo posse to show you his photos. tlhegh yI'uchchu'! Grab a hold of the rope. Thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us! Homo estas mortema pro siaj timoj kaj senmorta pro siaj esperoj. Men are mortal because of their fears, and immortal because of their hopes. Man is mortal for his fears and immortality for his hopes. Лa мусика делета ла ореас. Music gratifies the ears. It is the name of the city of the Republic. Joia! To your health! Joia! Ĉu mi vere povas riski ĝin? Can I really risk it? Can I really risk it? Oni atendas nin. We're expected. We are waiting for us. Mike esas un de nia cerebri. Mike is one of our brains. Mike is one of our cereals. Manjo amas monon. Mary loves money. A man loves money. El brosi sua dentes. She brushes her teeth. El brosi su dentes. Tom e io ambes mentiva a vos. Tom and I both lied to you. Tom and I both mean to you. Me ne vidis irga tigri. I didn't see any tigers. I haven't seen any tigers. lo ki'otre be li ji'i pacici cu sepli ko'a la .lyndyn. It's about 133 kilometers from London. ki'otre be li ji'i pacici cu sepli ko'a la .lyndyn. An io poterea haber un bicario de bira, per favor? Could I have a glass of beer, please? And I could have a beer shop, please? Kial vi volus pensi tian aferon? Why would you think something like that? Why would you like to think such a thing? Li mem tiel diris laŭ mia scio. He has said so himself to my knowledge. He said so according to my knowledge. Ne! Vi mem devos diveni tion! Nope! You'll have to guess it yourself! No, you’ll have to guess that yourself! ju'o cu'i jetnu Perhaps it is true. Numeric Base nuq neH? What did he want? What is it not? Tio estis preskaŭ amo je la unua rigardo. That was almost love at first sight. It was almost love with the first look. Envenu. Estas malvarme ekstere. Come inside. It's cold outside. Come in, it's cold outside. coi mimis i pei Hello Mimi! How are you? Coi mimis i pei pa' maloStaH 'ej matamtaH. We waited there quietly. This is not a serious pattern %s, while we are moving away. ra ca ca'o va cadzu He's out taking a walk. r'o va cadzu Vi ĵus faris grandan eraron. You've just made a big mistake. You've just made a big mistake. Ci nase en Brasil es brasilera. He who is born in Brazil is Brazilian. Ci nase en Brasil es brasilera. "Al kiu apartenas ĉi tiuj ŝuoj?" "Al Tomo." "Whose shoes are these?" "They're Tom's." “To whom are these shoes?” QoQ 'ampaSDaq ghogh vIHaDlI'. I'm studying voice at a college of music. QoQ 'ampas is why I can't understand the universe. Ille es brasilian. He is Brazilian. That's brasilian. tuj jay'. It's fucking hot. straight away. Aora Tom no usa cravata. Tom isn't wearing a tie. Aora Tom nous cravata. au mi te vecnu ta I want to buy that. Tell me how I am yISra'elDaq jIghIQ. I spent my holiday in Israel. But that's why we want to know the universe. Tom era hic, nonne? Tom was here, wasn't he? Tom was here, right? Bunta vitro, kiel belaj okuloj, ornamas la aŭtobusojn en pluraj urboj de Pakistano kaj Barato. Multicoloured glass, like beautiful eyes, adorns the buses in several cities of Pakistan and India. Good glass, like beautiful eyes, adorns the buss in several cities of Pakistan and India. Los va mata vos! They'll kill you! Los va mata vos! mi pu sisku tu'a le cukta ze'a lo cacra I looked for the book for an hour. I would like you to the zeta ze' to hide it Futuite unda de calor! Fucking heat wave! Futuite unda de calto! Va blisik anton kivá. I am only afraid of the living! Va blisik anton kivá. e'o ko curmi lo nu mi klama Please let me go. And I'll cut it out my little la .tam. cu cinba la .meris. Tom kissed Mary. the .tam. cu cinba la .meris. Ĉu vi estos hejme morgaŭ? Will you be at home tomorrow? Will you be home tomorrow? Kie vi perdis ilin? Where did you lose them? Where did you lose them? La amo nenegeble havas flugilojn por flugi for de la amo, sed ankaŭ ne negeblas, ke ĝi havas ankaŭ flugilojn por flugi reen. Love undeniably has wings to fly away from love, but it's also undeniable that it also has wings to fly back. Love does not necessarily have wings to fly away from love, but it is also impossible for it to have wings to fly back. Ni iru dormi. Let's go to sleep. Let's go sleep. rabe'rIt jup jIH. I am a friend of Robert's. rabbi'rIt jupper. pa'wIjDaq ghoS. He came up to my room. That's my concern. Io ha facite un sonio estranie. I dreamed a strange dream. I've made a weird dream. Mi ne volis vidi Tomon denove. I didn't want to see Tom again. I didn’t want to see Tom again. bI'oy''a'? Are you in pain? bI'y'a'? Mi daŭre atendas vian respondon. I'm still waiting for your answer. I’m waiting for your answer. Ĉu monaĥo estas la samo kiel pastro? Is a friar the same thing as a priest? Is a monk like a priest? yIlaDqa'. Keep reading. yIlaDqa'. Ĉu vi eble ŝatas eliri kun mi? Would you like to go out with me? Can you like to go out with me? Vi estas vere freneza. You are really crazy. You are really crazy. Tomaso scias, ke li malpravas. Tom knows he's wrong. Thomas knows he is wrong. Tomo venas preni vin. Tom is coming to get you. Tom comes to take you. Per favor, compra ille libro pro me. Please buy me this book. Please buy that book for me. Montru al mi vian langon. Let me see your tongue. Show me your tongue. Quando io es con te, io nunquam me enoia. When I'm with you, I'm never bored. When I’m with you, I don’t know me. Tom es un fascista. Tom is a fascist. Tom is a fascist. En ŝia prozo abundas senbezone arabeskaj, kliŝaj priskriboj, kio certigos ŝian karieron kiel aŭtoro de romanoj pri amaj kaj familiaj idilioj. Her prose is full of needlessly florid, cliched descriptions, securing her career as a romance novelist. In her prose is abundant in need of Arabic, climate descriptions, which will ensure her career as the author of novels about love and family ideas. Como osa tu parlar me assi? How dare you speak to me like that? How do you talk to me like this? Tom ave brasos multe capeletosa. Tom has really hairy arms. Tom ave brasos a lot capeletosa. Mi volas ŝanĝi mian antaŭmendon. I'd like to change my reservation. I want to change my advance. laDmeH Qatlhqu' 'e' vItu'. I find this book is very difficult to read. let's move out there. Ella leet li libre in un die. She read the book in one day. Ella leet li libre in one day. Los vole partisipa la juas olimpial. They want to take part in the Olympic Games. Los wants to take part in the juas Olympics. Tiu robo estas malmultekosta. That dress is cheap. This dress is cheap. Laya be wa. It's red. Laya be wa. Ŝi aŭskultis min kun brilaj okuloj. She listened to me with her eyes shining. She listened to me with bright eyes. Mi klarigos ĝin al ŝi. I will explain it to her. I’ll explain it to her. Ĉu ŝi ne estas komputada programistino? Isn't she a computer programmer? Isn't she a computer developer? Quan, segun vu, savas ta afero? Who do you think is familiar with this matter? What, do you know, do you know that matter? Le inflation deveni incontrolabile. Inflation is getting out of control. inflation becomes incontrolable. Ella ne es un cantatora. She's no singer. Ella is not a singer. ghaytan jIH'e' mumuS je tam. Tom probably hates me, too. It's probably different than that we can't find out too much. Tomo kaj Manjo kaŝis sian amorilaton antaŭ siaj gepatroj. Tom and Mary hid their relationship from their parents. Tom and Manjo hid his love relationship before his parents. Ĝi iĝas timiga. It is becoming scary. It becomes frightening. ba'taH tam 'ej boHtaH. Tom sat impatiently. But it seems to have been difficult for good or ill. latlh pa' wI'eljaj. Let's go into the other room. Our population and our use of the finite resources of planet Earth are growing exponentially, along with our technical ability to change the environment for good or ill. Ädelo äyufob fate obik. Yesterday I helped my father. Ädelo äyufob fate obik. Ŝi rolis kiel grizhara eminentulo. She figured as a gray eminence. She played as a grizzly eminent. la lojban pu mo'u se pagbu lo tcila gerna fi lo mekso .i lo se go'i cu panra lo bridi gerna be le narcmaci bangu Lojban has incorporated a detailed grammar for mathematical expressions. This grammar parallels the predicate grammar of the non-mathematical language. the lojban pu mo'u se paybu lo tcila gerna fi lo mexo .i lo se go'i cu panra lo bridi gerna be le narcmaci bangu Il subite atakesis da morbo misterioza. He was suddenly attacked by a mysterious disease. He was suddenly attacked by a morbe mysterious. On dicas ke sep esas fortunoza nombro. Seven is said to be a lucky number. It is said that seven are a fortune number. Mi ne plu volas ludi tiun ludon. I don't want to play this game anymore. I don’t want to play this game anymore. Mi ne havas monon. I have no money. I don't have money. Ŝi forgesis nin. She forgot us. She forgot us. La infanoj spektis televidon dum Tom kuiris la vespermanĝon. The children watched TV while Tom cooked dinner. The children watched TV while Tom cooked the dinner. Tio estas nura eraro. That's a mere mistake. That's just a mistake. Dice a Tom que io le videra tosto. Tell Tom I'll see him soon. Tell Tom I'll see soon. Kiel vi traktus la problemon? How would you deal with the problem? How would you treat the problem? Io non fuma. I don't smoke. I don't smoke. .y. Err... .y. Kion ajn vi faras, faru ĝin laŭeble plej bone. Whatever you do, do it as well as possible. Whatever you do, do it as best. munuQbe'. I don't mind it. mnuQbe'. Qualmen tu standa? How are you? How many are you standing? Ĉu vi estas certaj, ke vi ne volas veni? Are you sure you don't want to come? Are you sure you don’t want to come? Li estas vigla junulo. He is a lively young man. He is a widowed young man. Sekvan semajnon mi laboros vojaĝinte al Tokio. I'll be in Tokyo on business next week. I’m going to work next week to Tokyo. Sägo tidel kanom pökön. Even a teacher can make mistakes. Sägo tidel canom pökön. Ni havas avantaĝon. We have an advantage. We have an advantage. jIb run vIparHa'. I like short hair. I've been able to do that. Mi estas laca, kaj mi faras multajn erarojn laca. I'm tired, and I make a lot of mistakes when I'm tired. I’m tired, and I make a lot of mistakes tired. En ĉio estas atomoj. Atoms are in everything. There are atoms in all. be'nI'lI' Darurqu'. You look a lot like your sister. This is what Darurqu's mouth is. Нос еспера ке вос алиа вос а нос. We hope you'll join us. It is true that it is true that it is true. lo pastu cu mutce mapti do lo ka se viska The dress suits you very well. pastu cu mutce fit do so ka se viska On ofte audas homi komparar vivo a voyajo, ka ne? You often hear people compare life to voyage, don't you? One often auds men to compare life to travel, so that's not? Kikodo binols-li so lügik? Why are you so sad? Kicode binols-li so lügik? Mi ne scias, kiel prononci tion. I don't know how to pronounce it. I don’t know how to pronounce it. Belecaj normoj estas tro alte taksataj. Beauty standards are overrated. Beauty standards are too highly valued. Dona a les moneye. Give them money. Give them money. Aŭskultu gvidatajn spirekzercojn. Listen to guided breathing exercises. Listen to the spreaks. De ci Julia es fia? Whose daughter is Julia? From here Julia es fia? Kio okazis, okazis. It's no use crying over spilt milk. What happened, happened. do xamgu mlatu You're a good cat. Do xamgu mlatu Kion ŝi volis diri al mi? What did she want to say to me? What did she want to tell me? Ĉu vi scias la turkan? Do you know Turkish? Do you know Turkish? Tomo estas adaptebla. Tom is adaptable. Tom is adaptable. raS DungDaq ba' vIghro'. The cat sat on the table. If you don't think we should be asked about the questions you might like? Ĉu vi havas nazotukon por mi? Do you have a handkerchief for me? Do you have a nose for me? Io accepta vostre conditiones. I accept your conditions. I accept your conditions. DaSjaj veb vIghom. I'm meeting them next Monday. DaSjaks next time. It vell esser melior que noi anulla li marcha. We'd better cancel the hike. It will soon be better than we cancel him on Tuesday. la tom cu to'e ganra gi'e clani lo ka sraji Tom is lean and tall. Touch the ganda gi'e Blanco lo sraji Tom comensat parlar. Tom began to speak. Tom comensat parlar. La katino subite vekiĝis el sia dormo kaj laŭte miaŭis. The cat suddenly woke up from her sleep and meowed loudly. The cat suddenly woke up from his sleep and loudly missed. lo mi patfu cu klama lo jungo My father is going to China. mi patfu cu klatma lo jungo le gerku pe lo pa la'izda cu ckape The dog next door is dangerous. thegerku pe lo pa la'izda cu ckape la takeutcis po'o pu na zanru lo nu cpedu lo nu vo'a vitke Only Takeuchi didn't accept the invitation. the takeutcis po'o pu na zanru lo nu cpedu lo nu vo'a Gueste tam vonglu'. Tom was hypnotized. tam vonglu'. Al merda con isto. Fuck this. Al merida con this. Sor Hap ngop tIS law' baS ngop tIS puS, 'ach nav ngop tIS law' Hoch tIS puS. The wooden plates are lighter than the metal plates, but the paper plates are the lightest. Sor Hap tratop tIS law' baS tradop tIS level, 'ach na tradop tIS law' Hoch tIS level. vItnIS tam. Tom has to tell the truth. fiatnIS as well. Ille me dava nihil minus que dece dollares. He gave me no less than ten dollars. That I gave nothing less than ever. Mitte le vegetales in le colatorio. Put the vegetables in the strainer. Dive the vegetables in the kitchen. Mi estas sengenra. I'm agender. I am independent. Ella have un bell pupé. She has a pretty doll. Ella has a bell pupé. Kial vi parolas pri tio kun mi? Why did you speak about that with me? Why are you talking about that with me? Ла мусика иа енканта тота де мундо. The music lured everyone. It is the first part of the city of the Republic. Миау. Meow. Ž ū. ko kargau lo moklu gi'e ga'orgau lo kanla Open your mouth and close your eyes. Loading moklu gi'e ga' Close kanla ma nuzba What's new? Nuzba Tu non esserea capace de dicer. You wouldn't be able to tell. You won’t be able to say. Tom ama Maria. Tom loves Mary. Tom loved Mary. Kial Tomo ne volis veni? Why didn't Tom want to come? Why didn't Tom want to come? Ni estas la 99 elcentoj. We are the 99 percent. We are 99 percent. Nun es sentante asi. There's no one sitting here. Now it's feeling aces. mi ca ca'o ciksi le za'u javni I am explaining the rules. mi ca'o ciksi le za'u javni Ni vizitos Aŭstralion. I will visit Australia. We will visit Australia. Reto de fervojoj baldaŭ etendiĝis sur la tuta lando. A network of railroads soon spread over the entire country. A network of railroads soon expanded across the country. Antee Deo, pose manjajo. First God, then food. Ante Deo, pose manjajo. Le duo paises era unite sub un governamento. The two countries were united under one government. Both countries were united under a government. Mi konas mian metion. I know what I'm doing. I know my mind. xu do bredi la'oi halloween Are you ready for Halloween? Xu do breed la'oi halloween Ĉu vi manĝas en la klasĉambro? You eat in the classroom? Do you eat in the classroom? Me comprende la tuа preocupa. I understand your concern. I understand your concerns. Es vos un estraniero? Are you a foreigner? Are you a coach? lo speni be la .tom. cu zvati ma Where is Tom's wife? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tomo aĉetis refraktan teleskopon. Tom bought a refracting telescope. Tom bought a refracted telescope. mi se jibri tu'a lo barja I work at a bar. mi se jibri tu'a lo barja zo cidjrpitsa fu'ivla The word "cidjrpitsa" is a loan word. Cydjrpitsa fu'ivla Tomo manĝis ne nur sian propran deserton, sed ankaŭ tiun de Manjo. Tom not only ate his dessert, he also ate Mary's. Tom ate not only his own dessert, but also that of Manjo. Mayuko esset tre fatigat. Mayuko was very tired. Mayuko esset tre fatigat. Ĉiuj pomoj estas ruĝaj. All apples are red. All apples are red. Layla estis transgenra virino. Layla was a transgender woman. Layla was a transgender woman. Miaj okuloj doloras. My eyes are sore. My eyes hurt. SaghoSbej. I will come by all means. SaghoSbej. Ne fumu. Don't smoke. Don't smoke. Popönoms. They will be punished. Popönoms. Ni revidos unu la alian morgaŭ. We'll see you guys tomorrow. We'll see each other tomorrow. 'IQqu'law' be'Homvetlh! How sad that girl looks! Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Mi estas brazilano, kaj vi? I'm Brazilian, and you? I am a Brazilian, and you? Io ha invitate mi amicas. I've invited my friends. I've invited my friends. Lenino ne estas komparebla kun iu ajn revolucia figuro en la historio. Revoluciuloj ja havis iujn idealojn. Lenino havas neniujn. Lenin is not comparable to any revolutionary figure in history. Revolutionaries have had ideals. Lenin has none. Lenin is not comparable to any revolutionary figure in history. Revolutionarys have had some ideals. Lenin has none. Iste passage es reservate exclusivemente pro brossas a dentes. This aisle is reserved solely for toothbrushes. This passage is exclusively reserved for brushing down to teeth. Mi gamba dextre esseva vulnerate in le accidente. I got my right leg hurt in the accident. Mi gamba dextre was vulnerable to the accident. Ävobob in Talop. I used to work in Australia. Ävobob in Talop. Me deziris bona voyajo ad il. I wished him a good journey. I wanted a good journey to him. Se tio okazus, mi ne estus surprizita. If that happened, it wouldn't surprise me. If that happened, I wouldn’t be surprised. Quj rur Hoch Hol chu'. Every new language is like a game. Quj rur Hoch Hol chu'. Mi preskaŭ tuŝis vian manon ĉi-foje. I almost touched your hand this time. I almost touched your hand this time. Fakte, li ne scipovas bone naĝi. In fact, he can't swim well. In fact, he can’t swim well. Ĉu vi en la lastaj du semajnoj havis intiman kontakton kun iu havanta gripecajn simptomojn? Within the last two weeks, have you had close contact with anyone with flu-like symptoms? Have you in the last two weeks had an intimate contact with someone having influenza symptoms? Kial oni vivas? Why do we live? Why are you living? Vino estas pli bona ol biero. Wine is better than beer. Wine is better than beer. Gadikya va velik al mar. The mother kissed the child. Gadikya va velik al mar. nab vIpabnIS. I have a schedule to keep. nab fajpabnIS. Dicez la verajo. Tell me the truth. Tell the truth. Vu semblas esar benigna viro. You seem a kind man. You seem to be a benign man. ko na muvdu pu lo nu mi mo'u xrukla Don't move till I get back. ko muvdu pu lo nu mi mo'u xrukla muSaH pagh. Nobody cares for me. muSaH, however. Mi ne ŝatas la formon de ĉi tiu ĉapelo. I don't like the shape of this hat. I don't like this hat. Реста до ту ес. Stay where you are. It's true that it's going to be. Binob stenüdikün. I'm the strongest. Binob stenüdikün. QaqwI' ghaH. He's a fraud. Just like a ghaH. Tom ia maturi en un visineria de clase media. Tom grew up in a middle class neighborhood. Tom matures in a middle of class visineria. Porta foras iste scopatura. Take this junk out of here. Take out of this scopature. nom ngaQHa'moHwI'meywIj vIqem. I'll just get my keys. Thank you very much indeed. lo ctununta'a be ko'a cu je'u pu tolzdi As a matter of fact, his lecture was boring. If you don't think it's all about it, it's all about it. Sin saper lo, ille dormiva con su soror. He unknowingly slept with his sister. No one knows that he was sleeping with his sister. Mi opinias, ke vi malsanas je gripo. I think you've got the flu. I think you are sick of flu. In tu placia, io acceptarea le consilio de ille. Were I you, I would follow his advice. In your place, I’ll accept the advice of that one. Vi inventis tion. You made that up. You invented that. Tomo arestiĝis pro ebria kondukado de aŭto. Tom was arrested for driving while intoxicated. Tom was arrested for a drunk car. La klarigo ne estis malfacile komprenebla. The explanation wasn't difficult to understand. The explanation was not difficult to understand. Yankev es un judeo secular. Yankev is a secular Jew. Yankeev is a weekly Jew. ca'o sazysti Shutting down. Power Off Japan es un pais strana. Japan is a strange country. Japan is a foreign country. Mi estas via patrino. I am your mother. I am your mother. Qui furtet mi claves? Who stole my keys? Who stolen my keys? ii lo tirxu mo'u volve Oh, no! The tiger is back! Get it out of your back .olkai lo ka do kakne ku fa lo ka denpa All you can do is to wait. .olkai lo ka do kakne ku fa lo ka depa Ne igu min petegi! Don't make me beg. Don't make me beg! Un del qualitates de aciero es duressa. One of the qualities of steel is hardness. One of acier's qualities is duress. Tom parlava super le question. Tom spoke about the issue. Tom spoke about the question. Ni estas en grupo. We're in a group. We are in a group. Ŝi estas kanada. She's Canadian. She is Canadian. Le felicitate batte un sol vice a tu porta, ma le infortuna es plus patiente. Fortune knocks but once, but misfortune has much more patience. The happy bats a single time at your door, but the infortuna is more patient. Tomo ne sukcesis kaŝi siajn sentojn por Manjo. Tom couldn't hide his feelings from Mary. Tom was not able to hide his feelings for Manjo. Ili diris tiel malnoblajn aferojn pri mi. They said such mean things about me. They said so stupid things about me. Li púer jettat un péctine detra se. The boy threw a comb behind him. Li púer jettat un péctine detra se. Li forsan povas helpar ni. They might be able to help us. He may be able to help us. Io reguardava le television quando le telephono ha sonate. I was watching television when the telephone rang. I watched the television when the phone sounded. wab HevwI' 'ul 'aplo' vItamnIS. I have to replace the radio's battery. How you aren't shooting? Tom ne bezonis lecionojn. Tom didn't need lessons. She didn’t need lessons. lo solri pu glare ije lo za'u ko'a pu tatpi The sun was hot and they were tired. it solri pu gira ije lo za'u ko'a pu tatpi bIQtIq veghlI' tam. Tom is getting across the river. bIQtIq vegxia' tam. Se madre e sore ia es malada. His mother and sister were sick. If mad and so on, it's sick. vofli cipnrxigli ne'i le tsani There are flying birds in the sky. Cypnxigli ne'i le tsani Mi bonsai, que es un ceresiero ornamental, comencia a florescer. My bonsai, which is the cherry tree, is starting to bloom. My bonsai, which is an ornamental cereal, starts to flourish. Kiu bezonas min nun? Who needs me now? Who needs me now? nuq bopIH? What did you expect? What do you want? .o'u cu'i mi pu tinbe lo selfla I followed the law. .o'u cu'i mi pu tinbe lo selfla Lla gath ci es gran. This cat is big. Lla gath ci es gran. ko na bebna .i mi na kakne Don't be silly. I can't do it. ko na bebna .i mi na kakne Pote io clauder le television? Can I turn off the TV? Can I close the television? Islam ia flori en Barat. Islam flourished in India. Islam's flowers in Barat. Je la kioma horo proksimume? About what time? What time about? chechqu'taH ghaH. He was completely pissed. There is a Black race on the planet, which means it is not enough. Bonveni a Xina! Welcome to China! Welcome to Xina! Mi antaŭe kredis, ke ĉiuj hundoj estas virseksaj kaj ĉiuj katoj estas inseksaj. I used to think that all dogs were males and all cats were females. I believed that all dogs are male and all cats are insexual. Amo ŝanĝas ĉion. Love changes everything. Love changes everything. Kial vi iris en la urbon? Why did you go to the city? Why did you go to the city? Mi ĝin metis sur vian skriblotablon. I put it on your desk. I put it on your desk. Ni ne traktu tion nun. Let's not talk about that now. We don’t deal with that now. Jen, vidu. Look there. Here, see. La spurta ĉampiono estas jamajka. The sprinting champion is Jamaican. The champion is Jamaican. Mi estus tre singarda se mi estus vi. I'd be very careful if I were you. I would be very careful if I were you. Ella fa me felici. She makes me happy. Ella fa me felici. Tom äsagom das Mari binof beatik. Tom said Mary was happy. Tom äsagom das Mari binof beatik. Me skribis mil frazi! I wrote a thousand sentences! I wrote a thousand sentences! Mi jam denove malsatas. I'm getting hungry again. I’m hungry again. La chef-ministro formale vizitis la Blanka Domo. The premier paid a formal visit to the White House. The Prime Minister formally visited the White House. Он иа аве мусика. There was music. It's all the way it's going to be. Yo pensa que noi deve lassar Tom ear self a Australia. I think that we should let Tom go to Australia by himself. Yo pensa que noi deve lassar Tom ear self to Australia. To es mi decision. This is my decision. To is my decision. Ĉu vi bonvolus ŝalti la televidilon? Do you mind turning on the TV? Would you please turn on the TV? ko'a pu ca'o gunka je tatpi She was tired, but she kept working. Co'a pu ca'o gunka je tatpi Alĝerio ne disponigas al alĝeriaj judoj rajton reveni. Algeria does not offer right of return to Algerian Jews. Algeria does not provide Algerian Jews a right to return. lo va zdani cu barda That house is big. it va zdani cu barda ko'a djica tu'a lo me la .ipad. be do'e li vo She wants a fourth generation iPad. co'a djica tu'a lo me la .ipad. be do'e li vo Ni havis veturpaŭzon en Ĉikago. We had a layover in Chicago. We had a trip in Chicago. Tomo volis novan komencon. Tom wanted a fresh start. Tom wanted a new start. Mia kato ne salajras min. My cat doesn't pay me. My cat doesn’t wage me. Parolez plu laute! Speak up! Speak more loudly! Le ave volava in alto. The bird flew high. La ave volava in height. Vos simplemente pote appellar me Taro. You can just call me Taro. You can simply call me Taro. Kial la jida estas tiel simila al la germana? Why is Yiddish so similar to German? Why is the jida so similar to German? Nihil occurrera. Nothing's going to happen. Nothing happens. Ille nos stupefaceva per su movimentos rapide. He astonished us by his rapid movements. That's amazing with its movements quickly. Kio estas verbo? What's a verb? What is a verb? lo ninmu cu djica lo nu penmi do There's a woman as wants to see you. Ninmu cu djica lo nu penmi do ma se zvati lo do pampe'o Where's your boyfriend? but if zvati lo do pampe'o Givom fidi e moni omse. He gave them food and money. Givom trusts and months omse. El ia escuta musica. He was listening to music. It's a music out of it. lo nakni pu djica lo nu tikygau He wanted change. the nakni pu djica lo nu tikygau Se tio okazus, mi ne mirus. If that happened, it wouldn't surprise me. If that happened, I wouldn’t wonder. Fumi estas malpermesite en tiu ĉi ĉambro. You're not allowed to smoke in this room. Fumi is banned in this room. Mi helpu Tomon fari tion. I have to help Tom do that. I help Tom do that. Li estas malkuraĝulo. He is a coward. He is a coward. Ille ha parlate con un importante agente del Ministerio del Financias. He talked to a high official of the Treasury Department. That is spoken with an important agent of the Ministry of Finance. Tomo loĝas en alia lando. Tom lives in another country. Tom lives in another country. ca'e lo nandu cu jarco lo bu'a be fa lo prenu It is difficulties that show what people are. Which is why you should take it from? yaHwIjDaq qalegh vIneH. I'd like to see you in my office. That's my concern, let's go! Ätikof dö valikos. She thought about everything. Ätikof dö valikos. Yo es tro self-conscient. I'm overly self-conscious. Yo es tro self-conscious. Alim änolom das kanof pükön Nelijapüki gudiko. Everybody knew she could speak English well. Alim änolom das canof pükön Nelijapüki gudika. Dajlaw'. That sounds interesting. Dajlaw'. La glumarkoj ne gluiĝas. The stickers don't stick. The tapes do not swallow. Penob penedi. I am writing a letter. Penob penedi. Vos no es brasilera, si? You're not Brazilian, are you? Vos no es brasilera, si? Taro ia mori a du anios ante aora. Taro died two years ago. Soro a die a du aninos preaora. Eble Tom minacis Maria. Maybe Tom threatened Mary. He may have threatened Mary. .i se ki'u nai bo mi jai bandu le nobli ke lojbo bangu lo vlatai zekri Regardless of that reason, I defend the noble Lojban language against word-shape crimes. .i se ki'u nai bo mi jai bandu le nobli ke lojbo bangu lo vlatai zecri Bíi thehena Thom wa. In spite of everything, Tom is happy. Bíi thehena Thom wa. Sagon das logön binom klödön. They say that seeing is believing. Sagon das logön binom klödön. Ĉu vi ŝatas pistitajn terpomojn? Do you like mashed potatoes? Do you like potatoes? mi te mukti zo'e noi mi djica I will do what I want. I mukti zo'e noi mi djica „Nur malmultaj japanoj bone regas la anglan lingvon.” – „Kaj eĉ pli malmultaj anoj de la angla lingvo iomete kapablas je la japana.” "Few Japanese can use English well." "And even fewer English speakers can use Japanese at all." “Only a few Japanese are well-ruled English.” – “And even fewer followers of the English language are somewhat capable of Japanese.” Ŝi neniam diris al mi, ke ŝi havas katon. She never told me she had a cat. She never told me she had a cat. do simlu lo ka gleki sai You look so happy. then resemble it ka gleki sai so'i jugypre cu jinvi lodu'u lo xunselska cu pamoi loi selska loka xamgu Many Chinese people consider red to be the best colour. so we should judge them from the command of the errors of the errors. Ĉiuj estis feliĉaj. Everyone was happy. Everyone was happy. .o'u nai lo mi bersa cu zvati ma Where is my son? .o'u nai lo mi bersa cu zvati ma Ме ес ла мадре де ун фио де пута. I'm the mother of a son of a bitch. It's all the way it's going to be. Älogoms kati in gad. They saw a cat in the garden. Älogoms cats in gad. Cual es la capital de Nion? What's the capital of Japan? Cual is the capital of Nion? La lingvo kiun ili parolas ne estas la franca. The language they're speaking isn't French. The language they speak is not French. Cual cosa vos vole de nos? What do you want from us? What do you want from us? Paco, graco kaj beno de Dio estu super vi. Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. Peace, grace and blessing of God be above you. Tiu estas ne mia hundo. This isn't my dog. This is not my dog. mi finti lo lisri soi pruce lo nu ciska ro da poi mi pensi I invent stories by writing down whatever I think of. my event lisri soi price lo nu cska ro da ponde mi pense Friponaro ŝtelis la monon. A group of gangsters stole the money. He stole the money. mi pu klama le bilni ginka ca'i la .kordobas. I went to the military camp with Kordobas's authorization. I'm glad the bilni ginka ca'i la .korbos. jIverqu'taH. I was very dizzy. Exiting... Kiel aspektis la ĉambro? What did the room look like? How did the room look like? mong Ha'qujlIj vIparHa'qu'! I really do love your tie. Don't have anything to do with you! Ille non parla finnese, mais su granpatre si. He doesn't speak Finnish, but his grandfather does. They don't speak Finnish, mais su granpatre si. Surprovu ĉi tiun ĉemizon. Try on this shirt. Try this shirt. wa'Hu' Heghpu'. He passed away yesterday. wa'Hu' Heghpu'. Ni al ni ne povas permesi foruzi pli da tempo. We can't afford to waste any more time. We can’t let us spend more time. Ĉu vi fiksrigardis miajn krurojn? Were you staring at my legs? Did you look at my legs? do bebna .i do bebna .i do bebna .i do bebna .i do bebna .i do bebna You are foolish. do bebna .i do bebna .i do bebna .i do bebna .i do bebna .i do bebna Ha'DIbaH Haj. He is in fear of the dog. Ha'DIbaH Haj. Rambo ne ekzistas. Rambo doesn't exist. Rambo does not exist. jIloS DaneH'a'? Do you want me to wait? How are you doing? Greid, eo lw ed. Thanks, I hate it. Greid, eo lw ed. Tomaso ĵus staris tie, malferminte la buŝon, kaj okulumis Marian. Tom just stood there with his mouth open, staring at Mary. Thomas just stood there, opening the mouth, and occulted Mary. Tomo ankoraŭ ridetis. Tom smiled again. Tom was still smiling. Kio estis unu el la plej bonaj aferoj, kion vi faris kiam vi estis infano? What was one of the best things you did when you were a kid? What was one of the best things you did when you were a child? Ла парте ла плу дифисил иа фини жа. The hardest part is already over. It's all the way to do it. ¿Qet façás't aicì sa schpeit? What are you doing here so late? ¿Qet façás't aicì sa schpeit? Io vole biber. I'm thirsty. I want to biber. ngeDbejbe' Qu'vam. This work is not necessarily easy. ngeDbejbe' Qu'vam. Tial mi maldungis Tomon. That's why I fired Tom. That’s why I missed Tom. Vi havas belajn brunajn okulojn. You have beautiful brown eyes. You have beautiful brown eyes. Il occurre que io es inamorate de te. I happen to be in love with you. It's happening that I'm in love with you. jIHvaD lI'qu'po' mu'ghomvam. This dictionary has been of great use to me. I need to take the rest of the universe. do se frili lo nu sispe'i lo xotli It was easy for them to find a hotel. then make it easier to sispe'i lo xotli Mi amas katetojn. I love kitties. I love cats. le nanba cu bunre The bread is brown. the Nanba cu bunre Io es vermente satiate de hiberno. I am really fed up with winter. It is highly satified from hiberno. La angla estas parolata en Singapuro. English is spoken in Singapore. English is spoken in Singapore. La kabila estas mia denaska lingvo. Kabyle is my mother tongue. Cabila is my native language. ei mi na permite I can't permit this. Ei mi na allows La marata ne estas dravida lingvo; vi celas la malajalan. Marathi isn't a Dravidian language; you're thinking of Malayalam. The mother is not a dramatic language; you aim for the Malayal. Chacos es un joco multo difficile. Chess is a very difficult game. Chacos is a very hard game. Mi devas fini ĝin antaŭ ol foriri. I must finish it before I go out. I have to finish it before leaving. Un miracle ia aveni! Tom es completa sana, e no vestijio de la maladia ia resta! A miracle has happened! Tom is completely healthy, and there's no more trace of the disease! A miraclesa aveni! Tom is completely healthy, and not a dress of the Malaya left! Он аве шикас кон пенис, шикос кон вулва е трансфобикас син дентес. There are girls with penises, boys with vulvas and transphobes without teeth. It is the first part of the world, which is the name of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic. Nova ponto konstruktesas super la rivero. A new bridge is being built over the river. A new bridge is built above the river. La ĉasistino sekvis ĝin arbaren. The huntress followed it into the woods. The hunter followed it a forest. .ei do zvasto ti You are to stay here. .ei do zvasto ti Li estis en la domo. He was in the house. He was in the house. Estas nesekure naĝi tie ĉi. It's not safe to swim here. It’s uninsured to swim here. Vu tro frue arivis. You've arrived too early. You've arrived too early. Esce algun pote fotografi nos? Can someone take our picture? Can we picture anything? Li-laboms moni? Do they have money? Li-laboms moni? Suscrive tu nom ala. Sign your name there. Suscrive your name ala. Manjo kaptis Tomon rideganta. Mary caught Tom laughing. Mary caught Tom smiling. Ĉi tiu birdospecio riskas formorti. This bird is in danger of dying out. This bird is at risk of extinction. "Kyoto" es un anagramma de "Tokyo". "Kyoto" is an anagram of "Tokyo." "Kyoto" is an anagramma of "Tokyo". du'o le timnoi cu snime ca lo cabycte According to the weather report, it will snow tonight. two of the ten billion years ago Tio estas nepre evitenda. That's something we must avoid at all costs. This is necessarily obvious. Tiu lasta parto estas memevidenta. That last part is self-evident. The last part is self-evident. mo'u mo ca lo cabdei What has she done today? mo'u mo cabdei Dansa tanto quanto tu vole. Dance as much as you want. Thank you as much as you want. Ne gravas al mi, ĉu Fred venis al la festo aŭ ne. It makes no difference to me whether Fred came to the party or not. It doesn’t matter if Fred came to the party or not. Sed mi amas vin! But I love you! But I love you! Li sentis sin iom laca. He felt a bit tired. He felt a little tired. Multaj homoj maltrankviliĝas pri Eŭropo. Many people are worried about Europe. Many people worry about Europe. Illo probabilemente es plus que bastante. That's probably plenty. It probably is more than enough. La peono povas samtempe ataki du pecojn antaŭ li, dekstren kaj maldekstren. "Forko" estas minacata kaj tiam povas okazi. The pawn can at the same time attack two pieces ahead of him, one on the right and one on the left. A "fork" is then threatened and may occur. The pawn can simultaneously attack two pieces before him, to the right and to the left. "Fork" is threatened and can then occur. Io vade al schola. I walk to school. I go to the school. ra simlu lo ka tsali He looks strong. ra simlu lo ka tsali Tomo balancis absolute senkrede la kapon. Tom shook his head in absolute disbelief. Tom balances absolutely unbelieving his head. Ĉu oni mortinte iĝas skeleto aŭ anĝelo? When you die, do you become a skeleton or an angel? Is there a skeleton or an angel dead? Le voce in le capite de Tom narra su vita per phrases ex Tatoeba. The voice in Tom's head narrates his life using sentences from Tatoeba. The voice in Tom's header will hire its life for sentences from Tatoeba. ra na djuno lo nu makau patfu She doesn't know who the father is. Cancel lo makau patfu 'ar juch bIQtIqvam'e'? How wide is this river? Do you really want to understand the universe? Kia trista filmo tio estis! What a sad movie it was! What a sad movie it was! Kiu speco de persono mi estas laŭ vi? What kind of person do you think I am? What kind of person am I according to you? xu la .tam. ca'o bloja'a le do bloti Is Tom still the captain of your ship? xu la .tam. ca'o bloja'a le do Boat pagh vIta'laH. I can't do anything. This is where you live in. .a'a cu'i ko denpa lo nu mi mulgau ti Eh, just a second, let me finish this. Thank you very much? Mi tre pene laboras. I work very hard. I work very hard. Io es un heroe. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Min tute ne interesas scii, kial vi malfruas. I don't care why you're late. I’m not interested in knowing why you’re late. Fa lo tu mesma. Do it yourself. Do it yourself. Tom homideskis a la pelo e koldeskis. Tom got wet to the skin and caught cold. Tom went home to the fur and collided. puq neH ghaHtaH. He is just a child. Wuq neH ghaH is entering. La persones a veses menti. Sometimes, people lie. The people to wear lies. Kion li skribis? What did he write? What did he write? ghItlhwI' HInob! Pass me the pen. Let's go, thank you for each other. Ille esseva multo vanitose e semper se mirava in le speculo. He was very vain and was always checking himself out in the mirror. That's a lot of vanitose and when I wondered in the mirror. Mi ne konas la vojon. I don't know the way. I don't know the way. Iu devos diri tion al Tomo. Somebody will have to tell Tom. Someone will have to say that to Tom. Alicuno me prendeva per detra. Someone grabbed me from behind. Alicun me precieved by detra. lo so'i dinju pu jelca A lot of houses were on fire. So'i dinju pu jelca Lio edeadom-li son omik? How did his son die? Lio ededom-li son omik? se pifygau mu'i lo nu zerle'a He was thrown in prison for robbery. If there's plenty of money, it's not enough? mi xanka so'i roi I do a lot of worrying. Mi xanka so'i roi Ĉu tio ne gravus? Wouldn't that be important? Didn’t that gravitate? mi pu co'a viska la nami,es.amuros. I caught sight of Namie Amuro. I’ll see the nams, that’s me. ko'a bebna They are foolish. Bebna bIjatlhtaHvIS bIchuSnIS. You must speak in a loud voice. Thank you very much for me. Me ne havas pekunio por komprar ol. I can not afford to buy it. I have no money to cover it. Dormas hundo sur la porĉo. There's a dog sleeping on the porch. Sleep a dog on the pig. Kö dabinon lif, dabinon spel. Where there is life, there is hope. Kö dabinon lif, dabinon spel. noblIjmo' qatlho'qu'. Thank you very much for your present. I'm sorry, but I'm not sure that you should do that. qIj paSloghDaj 'ej wov. Her socks are gray. qij paSloghDaj 'ej wov. Elkoran saluton al via familio! A cordial greeting to your family. Welcome to your family! ko smaji ca lo nu mi tavla Be quiet while I am speaking. co smagi ca lo nu mi tavla Mi iris en la urbon serĉante bonan restoracion. I went into the town in search of a good restaurant. I went to the city looking for a good restaurant. Löfom ofi ed obi. He loves her and me. Löfom ofi and ovi. It es un desfacil question. It's a difficult question. It’s a kissing question. Mi abomenas lasi mesaĝojn sur respondaparatoj. I hate leaving messages on answerphones. I hate to leave messages on answers. Ĉu vi vere volas helpi al ili? Do you really want to help them? Do you really want to help them? Tio estas ankoraŭ pridiskutata temo. It's a moot point. This is still a discussion issue. Futbalisti ganas multa pekunio. Football players make a lot of money. Footballists win a lot of money. Pluvas hodiaŭ. It's raining today. It rains today. Io me senti fede. I feel ugly. I feel ugly. Ĉu vi skribis al Tomo? Have you written to Tom? Did you write to Tom? Ata pólalmë tulë sinomë. We can come again to this place. Ata pólammë tulë sinomë. Téu 12 ars. I am 12 years old. Téu 12 ars. Oni ne rajtas kradrosti ĉi tie. Barbecuing isn't allowed here. You can’t crash here. au forca I'd like a fork. au forca Il es probabile que il es le grippe. It's probably the flu. It’s probably that it’s the flu. Li estis tro maljuna. He was too old. He was too old. Marku la frazon, kiun vi volas kopii. Highlight the sentence you want to copy. Check out the sentence you want to copy. Teranoj ne povas elparoli mian nomon, sed vi rajtas nomi min Tomo. My name cannot be pronounced by Earthlings, but you may call me Tom. “Tranes can’t speak my name, but you can call me Tom. Tom, tu jam deberea haber apprendite a facer isto toto sol. Io va monstrar te un ultime vice. Tom, it's about time you figured out how to do this by yourself. I'll show you one last time. Tom, you should already have learned to do this all alone. I'll show you a last time. Mi simple ne volas edziniĝi kun vi. I only don't want to marry you. I just don’t want to marry you. Mi nur planas antaŭe. I'm just planning ahead. I just plan before. 'oj loDHompu'. The boys are thirsty. 'oj loDHompu'. Jonguo ia developa multe rapida. China developed very quickly. Jongoo's development is very fast. Manjo metos la florojn sur la salonan tablon. Mary will put the flowers on the living room table. Food will put the flowers on the saloon table. Il pluveva finmente. A light rain was falling. Il pluveva fine. Illo per fortia debera esser facite. It'll have to be done forcibly. It will be forced to be done. Ĉu ankoraŭ iomete? A little more? Still a little? Antonio havas belan voĉon. Tony has a beautiful voice. Antonio has a beautiful voice. Nenio estas perfekta. Nothing is perfect. Nothing is perfect. Том ес ун бон клиенте. Tom is a regular customer. It is the first one to do so. Mi auto es in panna. My car has broken down. My car is in pan. do mutce virnu You are very brave. That's a guy Tio ne estas malbona ideo. That's not a bad thought. This is not a bad idea. La dimensio de ĉi tiu ĉemizo estas standarta. This shirt is the standard size. The dimension of this shirt is standard. Mi aĉetis ĝin preskaŭ senpage. I bought this for next to nothing. I bought it almost free. Protecte me! Protect me! Protect me! Tomo estas ne tiel aŭdaca, kiel li ŝajnas. Tom isn't as daring as he seems. Tom is not as bold as he seems. Qel ghaH'a' vavDaj'e'? Is her father a doctor? Qel ghaH'a' vavDaj'e? Mi opinias, ke tro malvarmas por naĝi. I think it's too cold to swim. I think it’s too cold to swim. La domo de Tomo havas tri ĉambrojn. Tom's house has three rooms. Tom’s house has three rooms. Ĉu estas tio justa? Is that just? Is that fair? Ĉiu por si mem! Every man or woman for themselves! Everyone for themselves! Simioj amas bananojn. Monkeys love bananas. Monkeys love bananas. Ĉi tiu bileto validas dum tri tagoj. This ticket is valid for three days. This ticket is valid for three days. Yo ne svimma tam sovente quam ante. I don't swim as much as I used to. It does not swimm as often as before. Tomo estas la sola filo de Manjo. Tom is Mary's only child. Tom is the only son of Manjo. qItchugh, vaj juH vIghoS vIneH. If possible, I'd like to go home now. If you want to make sure that you want to talk about your questions. Yo parlat con ella. I spoke with her. Yo parlat con ella. Bóo ban ne ledi hatheth. Give me time. Bóo ban ne ledi hatheth. muqImbe'chu'taH. He's not paying any attention to me. We don't think we're going to happen. Laboristoj luktis dum fabrikoj fermiĝis. Workers struggled as factories closed. Workers struggled while factories closed. lo do ckiku ma zvati Where are your keys? ckiku ma zvati Ni faliis pro manko di preparado. We failed due to a lack of preparation. We failed due to lack of preparation. Ille es scientifico. He is a scientist. That's a scientist. La internaciona linguo Interlingue publikesis en 1922 sub la nomo Occidental. The international language Interlingue was published in 1922 under the name Occidental. The international language Interlingue was published in 1922 under the name Occidental. Estero estas usona judo. Esther is an American Jew. This is an American Jew. Lava te le manos. Wash your hands. Wash hands. Tio estis nekaŝita provoko. It was an overt provocation. This was an open attempt. Ĉu vi scias, ĉu Tomo scias la galegan? Do you guys know if Tom knows Galician? Do you know that Tom knows the man? Noi vole provar. We want to try. We want to try. do klama fi ma doi karen Where are you from, Karen? do klama fi ma doi caren Stom süpo äceinon. The weather changed suddenly. Stom süpo äceinon. 'o'wen 'oH net Qub. It is regarded as a grey area. That's the universe, of course, is not a singular theory of the universe. Tood Tomasa binom yulibik. Tom's car is blue. Tood Tomasa binom yulibik. nelci lo tcati He likes tea. naci lo tcati xu lo'e se gugde poi do cmima cu citka lo rismi Do you eat rice in your country? xu lo'e se gugde po do cmima cu citka lo rismi Lla briwad di Fair es yn feddig. Mary's wife is a doctor. Lla briwad di Fair es yn feddig. Ella ne manja carne. She doesn't eat meat. Ella ne manja carne. Kombinado estas taktika manovro, kutime en sinsekvo de du aŭ pli da movoj, per kiu ludanto plenumas oferon de materialo, ofte en spektakla maniero, por ŝakmati la reĝon de la kontraŭulo aŭ meti lin en neripareble malavantaĝan situacion. Combination is a tactical maneuver, usually in a sequence of two or more moves, that a player performs sacrificing material, often in a spectacular way, in order to checkmate the opponent's king or put him in an irreparably disadvantageous situation. A combination is a tactical maneuver, usually in a succession of two or more moves, by which a player performs a sacrifice of material, often in a spectacular way, to like the opponent's king or place him in an irreparably disadvantageous situation. Verŝajne, Tomaso sciis, kion fari. Tom probably knew what to do. Thomas knew what to do. ghIj pagh. Nothing scares them. Let’s allow you to accept this. Se li ne estos malsana, mi pensas, ke li venos. If he isn't sick, I think he will come. If he is not sick, I think he will come. La pikturo kustos adminime 1.000 dolari. The painting will cost at least 1,000 dollars. The painting will be at least 1,000 dollars. mu' «tu'» yIlo'Qo', mu' «'ogh» DaHechDI'! Don't use "discover" when you mean "invent". mu' 'tu' yIlo'Qo', mu' "'ogh" mierachDI! Li diris tion pro kolero. He said it out of anger. He said that because of anger. ei ro da rinsa le nolraitru All hail the king. ei ro da rinsa le nolrairu Tomo estas avida je laŭdo. Tom is a glory seeker. Tom is proud of praise. nughachta'. It was an ambush. nughachta'. Ĉi tiu afero interesas min. This matter is interesting to me. This thing interests me. Oni povas aĉeti ĝin nur ĉi tie. One can only buy it here. You can only buy it here. Ica libro esas nova. The book is new. This book is new. nuq DaloSlI'? What are you waiting for? What's the way you want? Tomo estas mortinta, ĉu ne? Tom's dead, isn't he? Tom is dead, isn’t he? Tomo diris al mi, ke li pensas, ke lia domo estas fantomplena. Tom told me he thought his house was haunted. Tom told me that he thinks his house is ghostful. "De kiu estas tiuj hundoj?" — "Ili estas de miaj najbaroj." "Whose dogs are these?" "They are my neighbor's." “What are these dogs?” “They are from my neighbors.” Le elephantes abunda hic. Elephants abound here. The elephants are abundant here. Ĉu vi certe scias, ke tio ne estas veneno? Are you sure this isn't poison? Do you know that this is not a poison? Jonguo es un pais vasta. China is a huge country. Jongoo is a large country. Mi parolas la kabilan, francan, anglan kaj araban; do mi estas multlingvulo. I speak Kabyle, French, English, and Arabic, so I am multilingual. I speak the kabilian, French, English and Arabic; so I am a multilingual. ghaHvo' paqvetlh ngIp 'e' pay. He regretted borrowing the book from her. It seems to have been visited by the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Lia modesteco respektindas. His modesty is worth respecting. His modestity respects. Illa habeva vergonia de su matre, un femina mal vestite, qui prendeva accendalia in le foreste. She felt ashamed of her mother, a poorly clad woman, who picked up wood in the forest. Illa had a vergonia de su matre, un femina mal vestita, which took acendal in the forest. Io es un inseniante cuje passiones es linguas, culturas estranie, films e libros. I am a teacher whose passions are languages, foreign cultures, films and books. I’m an teacher whose passions are languages, stories, and books. Oni faras biografian filmon pri Tomo. They're making a biopic about Tom. The film is made about Tom. Esta parola ave tre silabas. This word has three syllables. The word to be very syllabas. mi djica stali lo nu mi cmecau vi I want to remain anonymous in this. My djica stables it nu mi cmeca vi Tio ne estis tiel dika. It wasn't that big. It wasn’t so thick. mi pu cortu lo tuple ba lo nu ze'u cadzu My legs hurt after the long walk. I can cut it all down on your behalf. Feliĉan fierfeston, Tomo! Happy Pride, Tom! Happy pride, Tom! La vivo estas la plej granda provoko. Life is the biggest provocation. Life is the biggest breakthrough. Tomo faras nenion alian ol dormi. All Tom does is sleep. Tom does nothing other than sleep. ta'meylIjmo' vInoHlu', mu'meylIjmo' vInoHbe'lu'. You will be judged by what you do, not what you say. That's what you all say, but we all say, personned -- space flight. Ni plu eksperimentu. We need to conduct more experiments. Let’s experience more. El gusta Lago Maxu. He likes Lake Mashuu. El gusta Lake Maxu. Fuma cannabe omne die. Smoke weed every day. Smoke cannabe any day. Le vento faceva le aviario cader del arbore. The wind knocked the birdhouse out of the tree. The wind made the aviary head of the tree. pagh 'oy'moHlu'pu'. No one was hurt. Thank you very much. Mi ne petis pri tio. I didn't ask for it. I didn't ask for that. Hoch vIghelta'. I've asked everybody. There's nothing you're talking about. Tomo povis fari tion, kion li diris ke li povas fari. Tom was able to do what he said he could do. Tom could do what he said he could do. yIvumqa'! Go back to work. “Ivumqa!” A mi grande surprisa, le porta esseva aperite. To my surprise, the door was unlocked. To my great surprise, the door was opened. Hodiaŭ mia leciono estis tre bona. Today my lesson was very good. My lesson was very good today. Tomo estas maljunulaĉo. Tom is an old fart. Tom is an old man. ma pemci ji'u lo ti se sanga What are the lyrics to that song? ma pemci ji'u lo ti se sangi Ĝi alvenis hodiaŭ. It arrived today. It arrived today. Téu 20 ars. I am 20 years old. Téu 20 ars. Tom conose cavalos. Tom knows horses. Tom conose knights. .au pikta co klama la boston I'd like a ticket to Boston. Make a little bit like the box. Mea gepatri ne esis bona homi. My parents were not good people. My mother was not a good man. SIbI' parHa'. She liked him right off. SIbI' parHa'. Mi malofte ridis tiel multe. I have rarely laughed so much. I rarely laughed so much. Mi estas fiera pri vi. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you. La urso kaptis salmon en la rivero kaj manĝis ĝin. The bear caught a salmon in the river and ate it. The bear caught salmon in the river and ate it. loD Quch ghaH tam'e'. Tom is a happy man. loD Quch ghaH tam'e'. Tom vole maritar Mary. Tom wants to marry Mary. Tom wants to husband Mary. mi nelci lo caxmati I enjoy chess. mi naci lo caxmati On non pote fider se al policia hic. You can't trust the police here. You cannot trust police here. Mi havis sanigan matenmanĝon. I had a healthy breakfast. I had a healthy breakfast. Que vos face un viage tranquille a China! Have a safe trip to China! Let's make a trip to China! Ka tu volas ludar ye futbalo kun ni? Do you want to play football with us? Do you want to play football with us? Ni amuziĝis. We had a nice time. We had fun. Iranaj homoj estas pacamaj. Iranian people are peace loving. Iran is peaceful. le terdi cu malfu'a ki'u lo du'u seme'a ro da cu citka lo cidjrsuci Earth has bad luck as not everyone eats sushi. Up to what we need to tell you about whatever I need to tell you about it. Ĉu ili estas rusoj? Are they Russian? Are they Russians? Ili havas oranĝkoloran katon. They have an orange cat. They have an orange cat. Que nos sia amicos pro sempre. Let's always be friends. Let’s love her forever. Tomo kaptis kuniklon. Tom caught a rabbit. Tom caught a rabbit. mi pu klama co sipna I went to sleep. I'm a little c sipna Nos va parti aora. We're leaving right now. We're going to share an aora. Mi komencas ekvidi motivon. I'm beginning to see a pattern. I'm starting to see a motion. Illa non poteva dicer un parola. She couldn't utter a word. The word could not be said. Tiuj ovoj malbonodoras. Those eggs smell bad. These eggs are bad. La vilaĝo estis izolita pro la inundo. The village was cut off by the flood. The village was isolated because of the flood. Nur fortuloj travivas. Only the strong survive. Only strong people are experiencing. nItebHa' maqeljaj 'ej loQ majaljaj. Let us think about it together and dream a little. imparitebHa' maqeljaj 'ej loQ majaljaj. Sed ĉu ĝi vere estas tia? Is it really, though? But is it really like that? Mi povas rekomendi kelkajn librojn al vi. I can recommend you a few books. I can recommend some books to you. Mi scias, je kio Tom kaj Mary estas kapablaj. I know what Tom and Mary are capable of. I know what Tom and Mary are capable of. Ĉu vi hodiaŭ fartas pli bone? Do you feel any better today? Are you doing better today? Alex ne estas mia koramiko. Ri estas nur amiko. Alex isn't my partner. They're just a friend. Alex is not my friend, he's just a friend. Ne eblas rehavi tion. There's no getting it back. Can’t get it back. Ĉu vi iam skribis al Tomaso? Have you ever written to Tom? Have you ever written to Thomas? mi claxu lo pinsi I don't have a pencil. I would like to pin it Mi ne ŝatas tiun dolĉaĵon. I don't like this candy. I don't like this sweet. Io ira al schola. I'll go to school. I'm going to school. Estu atenta kun la bebo. Be careful with the baby. Be careful with the baby. Neniu ridis pri iu ajn el la ŝercoj de Tomo. No one laughed at any of Tom's jokes. No one laughed at any of Tom’s jokes. lo tixnu be mi cu nelci lo se caksova My daughter likes egg yolks. it tixnu be mi cu naci lo se caxova El ia bevi. He used to drink. El' Bevi. Ĉu iu havas poŝtranĉilon, kiun mi povas prunti? Does anyone have a pocketknife I could borrow? Does anyone have an email that I can borrow? Niaj fuŝoj ne damnos nin. Our screwups won't damn us. Our showers won’t harm us. Estas longa vico da aeroplanoj, kiuj atendas uzi la kurejon. There is a long line of planes waiting to use the runway. There is a long range of aircraft waiting to use the race. Merin sa haryalye alasse! Best wishes! Merin sa haryalye alasse! Ni retuŝas kelkajn malnovajn fotografaĵojn. We're retouching some old photographs. We’re taking some old photographs. DaHjaj QaQ muD Dotlh. The weather's nice today. Ignoring QaQ moD. "Ĉu vi ŝatus teon aŭ kafon?" "Ambaŭ ne." "Would you like tea or coffee?" "Neither." “Would you like tea or coffee?” Esque il poterea esser pejor? Could it be worse ? Was it possible to be a pejor? Пардона. Pardon me! It's all about it. La viro atakis ŝin intencante mortigi ŝin. The man attacked her with the intention of killing her. The man attacked her by trying to kill her. lo mamta be mi cu mrobi'o ca lo mu'e mi verba My mother died when I was a kid. Mumta be mi mrobi'o lo mu'e mi verb Nostre conversation esseva interrumpite per su sternutationes. Our conversation was interrupted by his sneezes. Our conversation was interrupted by its sternuations. Äsagol obe no valikosi. You didn't tell me everything. Äsagol obes no valicos. HIja'! qatlh DachtaH ghaH? Tell me why he was absent. What is it? Why did Dach get married? Io approba tu plano. I approve of your plan. I approve your plan. .ei ma'a kurji loi me ma'a laldo We must provide for our old age. .ei ma'a curji loi ma'a la ldo .a'i cu'i ti frili Ah, this is easy. It's Easy. Mia patro kaj mi fojfoje iras fiŝkapti. Father and I go fishing once in a while. My father and I have been fishing times. Ĉu vi iros kun li?. Will you go with him? Will you go with him? Dankon pro via detala klarigo. Thank you for your detailed explanation. Thank you for your detailed explanation. Tio, kion vi devas fari, englutinte danĝeran substancon, dependas de tio, kion vi englutis. When you swallow a dangerous substance, what you need to do depends on what you swallowed. What you need to do, swallowing a dangerous substance, depends on what you swallowed. mi na pu viska le nakni I didn't see him. Mi na pu vska le nakni yIjon! Catch him! yIjon! Ла страдас иа ес вакуа. The roads were empty. It's all the way it's going to be. Mi devis foriĝi el la domo. I had to get out of the house. I had to go out of the house. Estu kohera. Be consistent. Be consistent. Valiks apods binoms lediks. All apples are red. Valiks apods binoms leadiks. Mi volas pli da ĝi. I want some more of that. I want more of it. Diru al mi, kion vi havas en via mano. Tell me what you have in your hand. Tell me what you have in your hand. mi'ai toltinsa We are flexible. Mi'ai Toltinsa Li purigis la vundon, antaŭ ol bandaĝi ĝin. He cleans the wound before bandaging it. He cleans up the wound before he gangs it. Mi volas paroli la germanan. I want to speak German. I want to speak German. Quande es li apocalipse? When is the Apocalypse? When is he apocalypse? Krespoj bongustas. Pancakes taste good. Cresps are delicious. Аве аси туа нота де ресета, сениор. Here's your receipt, sir. It is true that it is true that it is true. Ĉu estas skribotablo ĉe la fenestro? Is there a desk by the window? Is there a desk in the window? i le nu sanmi bu'u lo nurma pu jai se kanpe be naku se badri The picnic was a disappointment. i le nu sanmi bu'u lo numa pu jai se kanpe be naku se badri Qe'vamDaq QaQ'a' Soj? Is the food good in this restaurant? But is there anything I think we are the only one in the universe? .ianai loi mucyjoifro le paltylumca'a cu za'o nenri The sporks are still in the dishwasher? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Te libik pop kanom binön beatik. Only a free people can be happy. Te libik pop canom binön beatik. Kaj tiel mia paĉjo renkontis mian panjon. And that's how my dad met my mom. So my dad met my mother. Il face plus calide hodie que heri. It is warmer today than yesterday. It’s more calm today than here. ngem luDab Ha'DIbaHmey. Animals inhabit the forest. ngem luDab Ha'DIbaHmey. Es tu de accordo? Do you agree? Are you okay? do vajni mi You're important to me. So this is what I am doing. Mi rapide faris matenmanĝon. I made a quick breakfast. I quickly made breakfast. Vua apartmento aspektas marveloza! Your apartment looks wonderful! Your apartment looks wonderful! Le flores del jardin ha besonio de aqua. The flowers in the garden need water. The garden flowers have a need for water. ckire do lo ka ciksi Thanks for your explanation. ckire do lo ka cixi Estas hotelo tie. There's a hotel there. It's a hotel there. La kato dormas. The cat sleeps. The cat is sleeping. luleghpu'. They've seen her. I'll do the rest of the universe. Laŭ Rafael Leitão, estas tre malfacile por profesia ŝakludanto ricevi sponsoradon en Brazilo, ĉar ŝako ne popularas en nia lando. According to Rafael Leitão, it is very difficult for a professional chess player to get sponsorship in Brazil, because chess is not popular in our country. According to Rafael Leitão, it is very difficult for a professional chess player to receive sponsorship in Brazil, because chess is not popular in our country. mi ba te jbera lo vi vlacku do I'll lend you this dictionary. I'm going to throw it down with you. loDnI'wI' jup ghaH. He is my brother's friend. Of course, we're going to have a big deal with you either. Ille ama jocar, sed in general ille perde. He loves to gamble but generally loses. They love to join, but in general they lose. ko cliva lo zdani be mi Get out of my house! Quit lo zdani be mi Mi jam plurfoje kisis Tomon. I've already kissed Tom several times. I’ve been kissing Tom several times. 'amerI'qa'ngan vImoj vIneH. I'd like to be an American. 'AmerI'qa' ngan famamiño miru. Me serchas mea plumo. I'm looking for my pen. I'm looking for my plume. Ĉiu studanto uzas sian propran komputilon. Each student uses their own computer. Each student uses his own computer. Nur malklera homo povas esti malamiko de scio. Knowledge has no enemy except an ignorant person. Only a bad person can be an enemy of knowledge. Mi ne povas reiri sen vi. I can't go back without you. I can't go back without you. vIHarlaHbe'! Unbelievable! Do you think you're going to live! Solmente al final on comprende le titulo. Only at the end does one understand the title. Only the final one on understand the title. puH Duj ngaQHa'moHwI'mey vIghajnIS. I need the car keys. Thank you very much indeed. Mi konas la aferon ja sufiĉe. I know enough about the matter. I know the thing enough. Estante juna, oni rigardas televidon kaj pensas, ke temas pri konspiro. La televidaj kanaloj konspiras por stultigi nin. Sed iĝante iom pli maljuna, oni konscias, ke tio ne veras. La rolo de la televidaj kompanioj celas disponigi al la homoj, kion ili precize deziras. Tio estas ege pli deprima konstato. When you're young, you look at television and think, there's a conspiracy. The networks have conspired to dumb us down. But when you get a little older, you realize that's not true. The networks are in business to give people exactly what they want. That's a far more depressing thought. Being young, television is viewed and thought to be a conspiracy. TV channels are conspiring to fool us. But becoming a little older, it is known that it is not true. The role of the television companies aims to provide the people what they really want. Kaj kiel statas la aferoj en Vaŝingtono? And how are things in Washington? How are the things in Washington? En la plu ospitales on garda la arcivos clinical en ordina alfabetal. The clinical records in most hospitals are kept in alphabetical order. In the more ospitales on guard the arcivos clinical in order alphabetical. Vi estas tute malseka. You're wet through. You are completely wet. Mi esperas, ke Tom ne pensas, ke ni malamas lin. I hope Tom doesn't think that we hate him. I hope Tom doesn’t think we hate him. Nostre matre nos comprava un canino. Our mother bought us a puppy. Our little we got a dog. qab 'IHqu' ghaj. She has a very pretty face. Thank you very much indeed. la .tam. cu viska lo junla Tom looked at the clock. la .tam. cu vska lo junla Tu es un scelerato. You are a scoundrel. You are a Speeder. Tom non es Trump. Tom is not Trump. Tom isn't Trump. Patrino rimarkis, ke miaj piedoj ne estas puraj. Mother noticed that my feet were not clean. My mother noticed that my feet were not clean. Pilko trafis ŝian dekstran kruron. A ball hit her right leg. Pilco hit her right leg. Tom ia leje a alga loca ce persones basa nesesa plu de dormi ca persones alta. Tom read somewhere that short people need more sleep than tall people. Tom’s lead to something that people are low enough to sleep that people are high. La kadavro de Tomo estas mutilita. Tom's corpse is mutilated. Tom's body is mutilated. na tai xlali It's not that bad. tai xlali coi mi'e la tomokos satos ne lo ponjygugde Hello, I'm Tomoko Sato from Japan. coi mi'e la tomokos satos ne lo ponjygggde Yo ne es san. I'm not healthy. Yo es no san. Mi loĝas kaj laboras en Bostono. I live and work in Boston. I live and work in Boston. Vade brosi tuа capeles. Go brush your hair. Vade bros tuño capeles. Face attention in descender. Be careful going down. Face attention in descent. Ĉu Tomo vere bezonas iri al Aŭstralio? Does Tom really need to go to Australia? Does Tom really need to go to Australia? Mi ne scias, ĉu mi povas parkerigi tiel longan pasvorton. I don't know if I can memorize this long password. I don’t know if I can park that long password. ti na banzu This is not enough. Ti na banzu Mi spektis piedpilkan matĉon. I was watching a soccer match. I watched a football game. He'So' qoDvam. It stinks in here. Let’s take a look at these questions. En ĉeesto de la estro endas aspekti okupita. You need to look busy when the boss is around. In the presence of the boss is looking busy. Av-'osto, agorel vae. Don't worry, you did well. Av-'osto, agorel vae. Parla vos le kabyle? Do you speak Kabyle? Speak kabyle? Ŝanĝiĝemaj internaciaj rilatoj tenas naftajn kostojn alte. Volatile international relations are keeping oil prices high. Changing international relations hold oil costs high. No person es interesada. No one's interested. No person is interested. Amiki, Romani, samlandani, askoltez: mi venas por sepultar Cezaro, ne por laudar ilu. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. Friends, Romans, fellow countries, listen: I come to sepult Caesar, not to wash them. Vi vidis nenion. You didn't see anything. You didn’t see anything. Mi havas nevideblan handikapon. I have an invisible disability. I have an invisible disability. Ĉu estas fantomo ĉi tie? Is there a ghost here? Is there a ghost here? Sevob eli Tom gudiko. I know Tom well. Sevob eli Tom gudiko. ko'a fenki prenu She is crazy. Ko'a fenci Profitu la semajnfinon. Enjoy the weekend. Trust the weekend. Me esas gravida. I'm pregnant. I am pregnant. Tom cuasi nunca rie. Tom hardly ever laughs. Tom cuasi nunca rie. ti plixau mutce It is of great use. that's too much El conose el. He knows them. El conose el. ngaQ lojmIt 'e' tu'. He found the door locked. ngaQ lojmIt 'e' tu'. lo rozgu ku se ponse la .teodoros. Theodore owns the rose. it rozgu ku se pons la .theodoros. Mi ĵus alvenis. Mi eĉ ne malplenigis miajn valizojn. I have just arrived. I haven't even unpacked my bags. I’ve just arrived, I didn’t even miss my suitcases. do jo nai le fetsi cu jai sarcu fai lo ka klama ta Either you or she has to go there. twelve years ago the festsi cu jai sar fai lo ka klama ta Vi hieraŭ ne estis en la lernejo. You were absent from school yesterday. You were not at school yesterday. Le viros es facite de un materia que les permitte resister al argumento le plus judiciose, e, totevia, les face render se a un reguardo. Men are so made that they can resist sound argument, and yet yield to a glance. Mans are made of a material that lets them resist the most judiciously argument, and however, they make the way to make a watch. Iste es un lingua fede. This is an ugly language. This is a language feed. qej qa'pu' mIgh. Evil spirits are mean. Let's go, let's go! Ĉu mi sukcesis? Did I do it? Did I succeed? Me ne povas marchar pluse. I can walk no farther. I can't march further. Sidiĝu precize ĉi tie! Sit right there. Sit out exactly here! ghaH HoH 'e' Hechbe' 'e' jatlh tam. Tom says he did not mean to kill her. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Voluntez kalkular la fakturo. Please add up the bill. Want to calculate the bill. Ĉu tio okazis hodiaŭ aŭ hieraŭ? Was that today or yesterday? Has that happened today or yesterday? Tomo demandis al mi: "Ĉu Alico antaŭhieraŭ vidis Manjon?" Tom asked me, "Did Alice see Mary the day before yesterday?" Tom asked me, “Is Alice before seeing Manjon?” mi ralte pa gerku e re mlatu I have a dog and two cats. mi ralte pa gerku e re mlatu Estis fajro en tiu urbo hieraŭ vespere. There was a fire in this city last night. There was a fire in this town last night. bIHe'So'. You stink. Topede'So'. Mi supozas, ke vi ne bezonos fari tion. I suspect you don't need to do that. I think you don’t need to do that. Ni laboras dumtage kaj ripozas dumnokte. During the day, we work, and at night, we rest. We work a day and rest at night. xu do pu na djuno la'e di'u Didn't you know that? Help me play the rest of the universe. Il trincat bir. He drank beer. Il trincat brew. Tio ne estas vino. Ĝi estas nur vinbersuko. That's not wine. It's only grape juice. It's not wine, it's just grape juice. Amikeco estas amo sen flugiloj. Friendship is love without wings. Friendship is love without wings. Vi estas bona kateto. You're a good kitty. You are a good cat. Kiun tipon de muziko vi aŭskultas? What kind of music do you listen to? What type of music do you hear? Jinafa siniavura me tinyir voxen va inafa kalira umote grugildá. My Chinese is not perfect, but I could understand enough of what he said. Jinafa siniavura me tinyir voxen va inafa calira umote grugildá. Manjo estis modeste vestita. Mary was modestly dressed. Food was gently dressed. Tom probabilemente lo sape. Tom probably knows. Tom probably knows it. Esperanto, Ido, Interlingua, Klingon, Lojban, Na'vi e Volapük esas konstruktita lingui. Esperanto, Ido, Interlingua, Klingon, Lojban, Na'vi and Volapük are constructed languages. Esperanto, Ido, Interlingua, Klingon, Lojban, Na'vi and Volapük are constructed languages. Tes pomes es grand. Those apples are big. Tes pomes is great. Ĉu vi scipovas skribi hiraganojn? Can you write hiragana? Do you know how to write hiragans? Le homines eminente es como le aquilas, que construe lor nidos super locales elevate e solitari. Great men are like eagles, and build their nest on some lofty solitude. Eminent human beings are like buyers, which build their nests over elevated and solitary locales. Me sonia frecuente geras. I often dream about wars. I sonia frecutiente giras. Ла проприа ес ун фура. Property is theft. It's all the way it's going to be. Elefanto havas longa nazo. An elephant has a long nose. Elephant has a long nose. El ia confirma con sua testa corajinte. He nodded encouragingly. Confirmed with his head-in-chief. Ili malamas Halovenon. They hate Halloween. They hate Hallowe. Á tirë taurë! Watch the forest! Á tirë taurë! Mi serĉas miajn ŝlosilojn. Ĉu vi vidis ilin? I'm looking for my keys. Have you seen them? I’m looking for my keys, did you see them? Agez quale il dicas a tu. Do as he tells you. Do what it says to you. „Kies estas ĉi tiuj ŝuoj?“ – „De Tomo.“ "Who do these shoes belong to?" "To Tom." “Where are these shoes?” - Tom.” nuv 'Ilqu' ghaH tam'e'. Tom is a very sincere person. nuv 'Ilqu' ghaH tam'e'. Mi bezonas tian komprenon. I need that kind of insight. I need such an understanding. Il es obvie que illa non se importa con nos. It's obvious that she doesn't care about us. That’s what it doesn’t matter with us. Il glissat del tegment directmen in li trog e dronat. He slipped from the roof directly into the trough and drowned. Il glissat del tegment directmen in li trog e dronat. 5 'ujmey 'ab raS DIrvam 'ej 3 'ujmey juch. This tablecloth measures 5 feet by 3 feet. 5 'Murge 'ab raS Dyrvam'ej 3 'Majjuch'. Esque Tom nunquam se fatiga? Doesn't Tom ever get tired? Is Tom never made himself? Mi aŭdis, ke vi serĉas laboron. Ni havas ion por vi. I heard you're looking for a job. We have something for you. I’ve heard that you’re looking for a job, we have something for you. HuchwIj 'oHbe' raSDaq 'oHbogh Huch'e'. The money on the desk is not mine. I am very lucky that the universe is essentially true. Ĵudit estas pli forta ŝakludanto ol Ĵuĵa. Judit is a stronger chess player than Zsuzsa. Judit is a stronger chess player than Thursday. mi se zdani lo laldo dinju I live in an old house. Me zdani lo llado dinju Li estas la plej alta viro, kiun mi iam vidis. He is the tallest man that I have ever seen. He’s the tallest man I've ever seen. Illes demandava si illes debeva scriber le nove parolas. They asked whether they should write down the new words. They asked if they had to write the new words. Ĉio estas perfekta, ĉar vi ekzistas. Everything is perfect because you exist. Everything is perfect because you exist. mi jimpe I understand. I'm jimpe Face me un favor. Do me a favor. Please do me a favor. Ĉiuj el miaj amikoj havas koramikinojn. All my friends have girlfriends. All of my friends have girlfriends. Ni provis la eksperimenton. We attempted the experiment. We tried the experiment. Vu fetidesas. You stink. You fetides. mi djica tu'a lo cladakfu poi simsa ti I want a sword like this! mi djica tu'a lo cladakfu pos simsa ti Que es arte? Natura concentrate. What is art? Nature concentrated. What is art? Nature focused. La malnovaj kanzonoj estis multe, multe pli belaj. The old songs were much, much better. The old songs were much more beautiful. j n sa I do not know. n sa Illes debeva haber se maritate in maio. They were to have got married in May. They've got to have a math in May. Ла имперор но порта алга вестес. The emperor doesn't have any clothes on. It is true that it is true that it is true. Le culmine del felicitate es attingite quando un persona es preste a esser lo que ille es. The summit of happiness is reached when a person is ready to be what he is. The felicity is reached when a person is ready to be what they are. mi'e suzyn.grin. I'm Susan Greene. Mi'e suzyn.grin. Pripensu viajn vortojn, Tomo. Watch your mouth, Tom. Consider your words, Tom. ba fasnu ei i'a Whatever will be, will be. ba fanu ei i'a xu le xe fanva cu drani Is this translation correct? xu le xe fanva cu draws ra ka'e tavla fo lo fasybau He can speak French. ka'e tavla fo lo fasybau La familio de Tom amis Mary. Tom's family loved Mary. Tom's family loved Mary. be'vetlh yImevmoH! Stop that woman. Thank you very much indeed. ko morji lo du'u lo ka se raktu cu kampu ma'a Remember that we're all in the same boat. Like this one, we'll bite it as soon as possible mi ralte lo mlatu e lo gerku .i my xekri .i je gy blabi I have a cat and a dog. The cat's black and the dog's white. mi ralte lo mlatu e lo gerku .i my xecri .i je blaj La infanoj de Tomo naskiĝis en Norvegujo. Tom’s children were born in Norway. The children of Tom were born in Norway. Illo probablemente non occurreva. That probably didn't happen. It probably didn't occur. Me joyesis por facar bona ago. I was glad to do a good deed. I've joined to make a good action. ra pu zvati lo stuzi be lo zekri She was at the crime scene. r pu zvati lo stuzzi be lo zecri Tomo metis la tranĉilon sur la tablon. Tom put the knife on the table. Tom put the knife on the table. Vi jam bone parolas la anglan. You speak good English already. You’re already talking English. An nos son futuite? Are we fucked? So we’re locked out? Io ha mal al pectore. I have a pain in my chest. I have little to pector. .i lonu klaku je na'e sisti ku cacra be li so'o She cried for hours without ceasing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom nunca ia vide cualce lupos, ma el ia pote oia los. Tom never saw any wolves, but he could hear them. That's what I see, but I can't see them. Tom senplumigas kokon. Tom is plucking a chicken. Tom unplugs a neck. do djica tu'a loi gu'i tcati gi ckafi Do you want tea or coffee? do djica tu'a loi gu'i tcati gi ckafi tam chut qeSwI' jIH. I'm Tom's lawyer. But that's short, we're okay. le nakni cu du lo prenu poi mi'a pu tavla zu'ai ke'a He is the man we were talking about. the two minutes ago, take me a tavla zu'ai ke'a Aiya meldo. Hail, friend. Aiya meldo. 480 'uj'a' 'aD meH chu'. The new bridge will be as long as 1.5 km. 480 'uj'a' 'aD meH chu'. Sincera amikeco pli valoras ol mono. Real friendship is more valuable than money. Their friendship is more valuable than money. Certe iu amas vin. Surely someone loves you. Somebody loves you. Qui essera illac? Who'll be there? Who will be illac? Esque il existe un amino-acido plus simple que le glycina? Is there a simpler amino acid than glycine? Is there an amino acid simpler than the glycine? An tu es turc? Are you Turkish? And you’re Turkish? wIHejlu'. We were robbed. Moreover, we used to create a probability that the universe was created in different states. Yo deve ear al cité. I have to go to the city. Yo deve ear al cité. La virino dormas en la dormoĉambro. The woman sleeps in the bedroom. The woman sleeps in the bedroom. Ĉu vi ne havas telefonon en via aŭto? Don't you have a phone in your car? Don’t you have a phone in your car? Tom no gusta esta idea. Tom doesn't like that idea. Tom no gustta es idea. nuyorgh vIDab. I live in New York. nuyorgh vIDab. Ille ha le religion incorrecte. He has the wrong religion. That’s the wrong religion. Ĉu iu alia vidis vin? Did anyone else see you? Did anyone else see you? Manjo sciis, ke Tomo mensogas al ŝi. Mary knew Tom was lying to her. Mary knew that Tom was lying to her. No älabof moni. She had no money. No älabof months. Tom estis eksigita de la lernejo pro malobeo al la lernejaj reguloj. Tom was expelled from school for breaking school rules. Tom was divorced from school for disobedience to school rules. Cada cosa ia reveni a normalia. Everything has returned to normal. Every thing they come back to normalia. Yo solue un enigma. I'm solving a puzzle. Yo solue un enigma. Forsan ella ne va venir. Maybe she will not come. Maybe she won't come. Mi nómine es John. My name is John. My name is John. ma pu finti lo za'u ti noi pemci Who wrote these poems? But Authorize za'u ti noi pemci Su pelle es blanc pur. Her skin is pure white. Su pelle es blanc pur. Tu filio de puta! You son of a bitch! Your daughter of a pita! xokau lo nu lo remna cu fliba na krinu lo nu morji fi ry. i ku'i xokau lo nu ry. snada cu krinu People are not remembered by the number of times they fail but for the number of times they succeed. xokau lo nu remna cu fliba na sou morji fi ry. i ku'i xokau lo nu ry. snada cu pamenda Me odia la sol. I hate the sun. I hate the sun. Mi ricevis la unuan dozon de la vakcino. I got my first dose of the vaccine. I got the first dose of the vaccine. Ĉu vi scias, kiam li venos? Do you know when he will come? Do you know when he comes? bIDoy'chugh yIQong. If you are tired, go to bed. bIDoy's extra yIQong. la.miklel,n. jdice lo nu denpa McClellan decided to wait. la.miclel,n. jdice lo nu depas ra morsi She is dead. Rarely Tom ia vide la surie de Maria. Tom saw Mary's smile. Tom sees Mary's surie. Fadil tute estis sinjorina viro. Fadil was quite a ladies' man. He was a young man. Kiel vi aŭdacas eniri en mian domon sen permeso! How dare you enter my house without permission! How dare you enter my house without permission! Mi febre persiste. My fever won't go away. I'm going to lose it. La subtenantoj de Hitler kredis, ke ili nur estas patriotoj, kiuj klopodas savi sian landon. Hitler's supporters believed that they were merely patriots who were trying to save their country. Hitler's supporters believed that they were only patriots who were trying to save their country. Tomo nur interesiĝas pri du aferoj: Tomo kaj si. Tom is only interested in two things: Tom and himself. Tom is only interested in two things: Tom and herself. Ĉu Tomo ĉeestos? Will Tom be there? Will Tom be present? Doy'law' tam 'ach Quchlaw'. Tom looked tired, but happy. Doy'law' as well as 'ach Quchlaw'. lo vi dinju cu memimoi This house is mine. You are told by memes ra xendo rinsa mi .i se mu'i bo mi kufra They welcomed me warmly, so I felt at home. ra xendo rinsa mi .i se mu'i bo mi kufra pu fasnu bu'u la rom It happened in Rome. pu fanu bu'u la rom Mi volas uzi ĉi tiun okazon por danki al vi. I would like to make use of this opportunity to thank you. I want to use this opportunity to thank you. narghbe'meH Ha'DIbaH yIbuS! Make sure that the dog does not escape. narghbe'meH Ha'DIbaH yIbuS! Vi bone plenumis vian taskon. You did your job well. You have done your job well. mi birti lo nu do snada I'm sure of your success. I got it nu snada juppu'lI' vIparHa'. I liked your friends. You know, man's life. Illa pote reparar le calefactor. She can fix the heater. It can fix the calefactor. La xico gusta pasea sirca la boteca de sapones. The boy likes walking around the soap shop. The xico gusta pasea sirca la boteca de soapes. vIraS Hol jatlh 'Iv? Who speaks French? Are you sure you want to understand your questions? Ob e Tomas no sevobs okis. Tom and I don't know each other. Ob and Tomas no sevobs skip. Su morte me toccara profundemente. I'll be deeply affected by his death. I will soon tap on tomorrow. Ili faras ĝin, ĉar ni permesas al ili. They do it because we let them. They do it because we allow them. naDev nIteb HurDaq SoHtaH 'e' vIlegh 'ej vay'vaD DajatlhlaH DaneH 'e' vIQub. I saw you out here by yourself and thought you might like someone to talk to. We don't want to go home, but we don't know where we are doing it. Cual es tuа dia la plu ocupada en la semana? What's your busiest day of the week? What is your day the most busy in the week? Io videva occider lo. I saw it being killed. I've seen this. Minë, atta, neldë, canta, lempë, enquë, otso, tolto, nertë, cainen. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Minë, atta, neldë, canta, lempë, enquë, otso, tolto, nertë, cainen. Emily atendadis en la pluvego sen jako. Emily kept on waiting in the heavy rain with no coat on. Emily arrived in the rain without a jacket. Binoms obik. They're mine. Binoms obik. Io te ama plus profundemente que io pote dicer. I love you more deeply than I can say. I love you more deeply than I can say. Mi konas ŝin nome, sed ne vide. I know her by name, but not by sight. I know her, but I don’t see her. Tom ne taŭgas. Tom is not good enough. Tom doesn't fit. mi nupre fi do fe lo ka na za'ure'u zukte da bi'unai I promise you I won't do it again. mi nupre fi do fe lo za'ure'u zukte da bi'unai Eliza ploras. Eliza is crying. Eliza mourns. xu ti cukta poi do skicu ca lo za djedi Is this the book you spoke of the other day? xu ti guekta po do skiu ca lo za mandi Albert estas rapida je lernado. Albert is quick at learning. Albert is quick to learn. Ŝi konsilis al li ne plu labori tiel multe. She advised him to stop working so much. She advised him not to work so much anymore. DISvam poH tuj pIjHa' SIS. We have had little rain this summer. It’s about the past half of the IJH' SIS. do ba co'a jimpe lo te frica You'll see the difference. doba co'a jimpe lo africa Isto non va prender multe tempore. It's not going to be long. This doesn’t take a long time. Mi ne scias la francan sufiĉe por kompreni, kion ili diras. I don't know enough French to make out what they're saying. I don’t know French enough to understand what they say. qabDaj Daleghpu''a'? Did you see her face? I am now in Daleghpu's office. Tomo faris tion tre bone. Tom did this very well. Tom did that very well. Doch tam. Tom is rude. Doch tam. Ĉu vi deziras sukeron? Do you want sugar? Do you want sugar? Ŭaŭ, tio estas tute sama kiel 1984. Wow, this is just like 1984. This is the same as 1984. Io es si corpulente. I'm so fat. Io es si corpusente. Mi mensogis, pardonu al mi. I lied. Please forgive me. I was lying, sorry for me. Esce lo merita tua labora? Is it worth your time? Is it worthy of your work? Il devet salvar li princessa. He had to save the princess. Il devet save li princessa. Mi ne kredas je kopirajto. I don't believe in copyright. I don't believe in copyright. Ĉu Tomo petis al vi iun monon? Did Tom ask you for any money? Did Tom ask you some money? Dormo necesas por la vivo. Sleep is necessary for life. Sleep is needed for life. Ту та дебе венде туа десиниас перке лос ес вера мервелиоса. You should sell your drawings because they're really wonderful. It is true that it is true that it is true that it is true. Ме ва пермете ке вос фа еста. I'll let you guys do that. It's all the way to do it. Se mia frato estus tie, li scius kion fari. If my brother would have been there, he would have known what to do. If my brother was there, he knew what to do. Mi notis ĝin ie. I wrote it down somewhere. I noticed it somewhere. Vos habera besonio de apprender como defender vos. You'll need to learn how to defend yourselves. You’ll need to learn how to defend you. Mi eble estas maljuna, sed mi scipovas ankoraŭ rajdi sur biciklo. I may be old, but I can still ride a bike. I may be old, but I can still ride on a bicycle. ghaHvaD bIjatlhDI' nuq bop? What did you talk to him about? Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Kiam tio okazos? When is it? When will that happen? Sed li ludas piedpilkon kun sia amiko. But he plays soccer with his friend. He plays football with his friend. Demandu iun alian! Ask somebody else. Ask someone else! Non me place le caffe calide. I don't like my coffee hot. Don't like the calide caffe. Ili mentit. They lied. They lied. Tomo ne volas, ke liaj gepatroj sciu, ke li estas felano. Tom doesn't want his parents to know he's a furry. Tom does not want his parents to know that he is a female. La teo estas ankoraŭ varma. The tea is still hot. The tea is still warm. La kunsido okazas ĉiumonate en la eta salono. The meeting happens every month in the tiny living room. The meeting takes place every month in the old room. milxe carvi ca lo prulamdei There was a light rain yesterday. milxe carvi ca lo prulamdei naDev bIjatlhbe'nIS. You should not talk here. You don't seem to have been visited by aliens. Le pisca es interdicte hic. Fishing is prohibited here. Le pica es interdicte here. Ne ĉiuj problemoj estas simplaj. Not all problems are straightforward. Not all problems are simple. Tom travalia in un hospital. Tom works at a hospital. All work in a hospital. Quo yo vell far sin te? What would I do without you? What does yo vell do without you? le'o ko sisti For Christ's sake, stop it! Cancelled Binob jikat. I am a cat. Binob Financial. La polisior porta un masca contra gas. The policeman is wearing a gas mask. The polisior porta un masca contra gas. Ĉi tiu aŭto havas tri sidliniojn kaj povas teni ok pasaĝerojn. This car has three rows of seats and can fit eight passengers. This car has three seats and can hold eight passengers. Ĉu eblas terecigo de Marso? Is terraforming Mars possible? Is it possible to land Mars? Elo parla magiar e ela parla deutx. He speaks Hungarian and she speaks German. She speaks magic and her talk deutx. Ŝi ne bezonas ion ajn. She doesn't need anything. She doesn't need anything. mi'e.djak. My name is Jack. I am.djak. qep jeS pagh. No one was present at the meeting. I’m sure you can do it. Estas neniaj presiloj ĉi tie. There are no printers here. There are no printers here. Esäkol-li oli, liomödotik stels dabinons in sil? Have you ever wondered how many stars are in the sky? Eskol-li oli, liomödotik stars dabinos in silla? Ni ne havas vizitantojn. We don't get visitors. We don’t have visitors. Miaj spertoj instruis al mi tion, ke la ununura regulo de la vivo estas "ĉiu por si". My experiences have taught me that the only rule in life is "every man for himself." My experiences taught me that the single rule of life is “all for itself”. lo gunma pu mo'ifli lo nu telgau lo vorme They forgot to lock the door. Make it harder for us to make it harder for you to store it in your own way. Yo deve ear a hem por aportar mi hache. I should go home to get my axe. Yo deve ear a hem to bring my hache. Mi ne volas manĝi. I don't want to eat. I don't want to eat. Illes son parve. They're small. They're so small. Ĉu iu el vi flue parolas la francan lingvon? Are any of you fluent French speakers? Does any of you speak French? Tomo pasigis la tagon verkante. Tom spent the day writing. Tom spent the day writing. Tom demandis al Maria, kie ŝi planis esti sabaton vespere. Tom asked Mary where she planned to be on Saturday evening. Tom asked Mary where she planned to be Saturday evening. Binom soalik. He is alone. Binom soalik. Vi rajtas kunvenigi, kiun vi volas. You can bring anyone you like. You can get together which you want. Mi sentas admiron por lia talento. I feel admiration for his talent. I feel an admiration for his talent. Ni ĉiuj de Di' estas filoj. We're all God's children. All of us are children. Mi optime desiros pro le recuperation rapide de tu patre. My wishes for your father's rapid recovery. I’m very sorry for your parent's recovery quickly. Yo ne es un sorciera. I am not a witch. Yo es un sorciera. Al merda con ille puta de cosa. Fuck that shit. It’s all right with that point of thing. Scienculo malofte estas riĉulo. A scholar is rarely a rich man. It is rarely a rich person. Esque it es proxim del dom? Is it near your house? That's what it's up to the house? Ni havis kasproblemon. We've got a cash flow problem. We had a problem. Qualim vu savar tu, sinioro? How do you know that, sir? What do you know you, sir? Kio estas via misio? What is your mission? What is your mission? Ŝi estas graveda je ĝemeloj. She's pregnant with twins. She is pregnant with twins. Esce tu fumi? Do you smoke? Are you smoking? Hastez, puerino! Hurry up, girl! Hastez, puerino! Mi estas feliĉa spite de malriĉeco. I am happy in spite of poverty. I am happy with poverty. Tu deberea haber me lo dicite ante longe tempore. You should have told me a long time ago. You should have said it for a long time. "Zugzwang" estas germana vorto, kiu rilate al ŝako signifas pli-malpli jenon: "devo fari movon kaj, sekve, perdi la ludon". "Zugzwang" is a German word which, with reference to chess, means more or less the following: "obligation to make a move and, consequently, to lose the game". "Zugzwang" is a German word, which in relation to chess means less yen: "a duty to make a move and, consequently, to lose the game". lo se bebna je'upei Silly, isn't it? al - Bebna je'upei On collige lo que on semina. You reap what you sow. One collects what on seeds. ma'a xrabo We are Arabs. Ma'ra xrabo Su longe capillos esseva completemente molliate. Her long hair was completely wet. Its long capillos were completely molied. Mi devus scii, ke Tomo faris tion. I should've known that Tom did that. I should know that Tom did that. Ĉu vi uzas LSD-n, fenilciklidinon, aŭ pejoton? Do you use LSD, PCP, or peyote? Do you use LSD, phenylcyclidine, or peyote? tera' jar wa'maH jaj wej 'oH jajvam'e'. It's October the third. The Earth was essentially true, and was the first part of the universe. Mi rimarkis malfermitan botelon da viskio sur la tablo. I noticed a whiskey bottle open on the table. I noticed an open bottle of whiskey on the table. waqmey DaparHa'bogh tIngu'! Which shoes do you like? This division into two parts of the universe. Ambaŭ konfesas bati unu la alian. Both admit to hitting each other. Both agree to beat each other. Mi pensis, ke vi povus bezoni ion por trinki. I thought you might want something to drink. I thought you could need something to drink. Araneoj estas ĉarmaj. Spiders are cute. Spiders are charming. Kikod äbinol us? Why were you there? Kikod äbinol us? Manjo estas ŝafhundo, ĉu ne? Mary is a shepherd, isn't she? A dog is a dog, isn’t it? Zamenhof es li creator de Esperanto. Zamenhof is the creator of Esperanto. Zamenhof is the creator of Esperanto. Ka vu parolas la Chiniana? Do you speak Chinese? Do you speak the Chinese? Lo importante in le Jocos Olympic non es ganiar, ma participar. The important thing about the Olympic Games is not to win, but to take part in them. It's important in the Olympic Games is not to win, but to participate. Pro la ŝtormo la ŝipo ne povis eliri la havenon. The ship couldn't leave the harbor because of the storm. Because of the storm the ship could not get out of the harbour. Li estas la gajninto. He is the winner. He is the winner. Io non me diverte con isto. I don't see any fun in it. I didn’t talk to this. Mi estas realisma persono. I am a realistic person. I am a realistic person. mInwIjDaq muqIp. He hit me in the eye. That's my concern why I am in my life. Me es fidante ce me va gania acel max de tenis. I'm confident that I'll win the tennis match. I'm confident about I'm going to win acel max of tennis. Hutlh tepwIj. My baggage is missing. Thank you very much for me. Ĉiutage oni lernas ion novan. You learn something new every day. Every day we learn something new. La kabiloj estas tamaziĥtoj. The Kabyles are Berbers. The cabins are tamazichts. Gaude tu de theatro, cinema, e tal? Do you enjoy plays, films, and such? Enjoy the theatre, cinema, and so? ma pu fasnu What happened? ma pu fasnu Kie estas via uniformo? Where's your uniform? Where is your uniform? Le machinas de Carnot functiona conforme a cyclos de compression e expansion. Carnot machines work according to cycles of compression and expansion. Carnot's machines function according to cycles of compression and expansion. Jen letero el la 15-a jarcento. This is a letter from the 15th century. Here is a letter from the 15th century. pu jamna za lo nanca be li 45 The war took place 45 years ago. pu jamna za lo piras be li 45 Oserva acel cual vos es fante! Watch what you're doing! Keep everything you’re doing! Tedas min tiu malseka vetero. I am fed up with this wet weather. I'm afraid of this cold weather. Ni faras ion. We are doing something. We do something. ju'o do ba snada I'm certain of your success. Binary Dio donis al homo du orelojn kaj unu buŝon, por ke li pli aŭskultu ol parolu. God gave the man two ears and a mouth so that he would listen more and talk less. God gave man two ears and one mouth so that he may listen more than speak. Vi provu ekzerci vin almenaŭ unufoje dum la semajno. Try to exercise at least once a week. Try to exercise you at least once during the week. Li diris, ke ŝi tre malsatas. He said that she's very hungry. He said she was very hungry. Miaj filoj estas ĉiuj plenkreskaj. My boys are all grown up. My children are all grown. La policano duktas la automobilo. The policeman is driving the car. The police are wearing the car. Doy' 'e' vIQob. I think he's tired. Doy' 'e' fiaQob. Ĉu lingvoscienco estas speco de matematiko, aŭ ĉu matematiko estas speco de lingvoscienco? Is linguistics a type of math or is math a type of linguistics? Is language science a type of mathematics, or is mathematics a type of language science? Ŝi venigis lin al la lago. She took him to the lake. She brought him to the lake. bIqanlaw'. You look old. bIqanlaw'. Ili murdos lin. They're going to murder him. They will murder him. Ĉu fremdaj studentoj rajtas aliĝi al la klubo? Can foreign students be in the club? Can foreign students join the club? Es vos un ingeniero? Are you an engineer? Are you an engineer? Neniu povas atingi ion sen peno. No one can achieve anything without effort. No one can do anything without effort. da'i mi mutce gleki lo nu do ra gasnu seva'u mi I would be very pleased if you did this for me. da'i mi mutce glekki lo do ra gasnu seva'u mi Me merita bon koses. I deserve good things. I deserve good coses. Kiu pretas por pli da ĝi? Who's ready for more? Who is ready for more of it? Ni estas tre similaj. We are very similar. We are very similar. Ne elŝaltu la lumon. Don't turn off the light. Don't turn the light out. Tu deberea haber le adjutate con su labor. You should have helped him with his work. You should have the help with its work. El ave problemes. She has problems. El ave problemes. Que ha io dicite te? What have I told you? What did I tell you? Kial vi estas agresema? Why are you aggressive? Why are you aggressive? Le camerera va apportar vos saponetta. The chambermaid will bring you some soap. The room is going to bring you a soapette. Mens löfoms dogis. People love dogs. Mens löfoms dogis. La kunikloj havas longajn orelojn. Rabbits have long ears. The rabbits have long ears. Enkore Tomo estas ankoraŭ juna. Tom is still young at heart. Tom is still young. Li neas, ke li faris tion. He denies having done it. He denies he did that. nayHa'Qo'. She won't agree to a divorce. nayHa'Qo'. Yo cluder per clave li porta. I locked the door. Yo cluder per key li porta. Bon die! Good afternoon! Good day! Kion vi faras en ĉi tiu fabriko? What do you make in this factory? What do you do in this factory? Kion vi posedas? What do we have? What do you own? Illa non es como nos. She's not like us. It’s not like us. On dise ce el ia es musiciste cuando el ia es joven. They say he was a musician when he was young. One of them is musicist when they're young. Ĉu ni vere bezonas ilin? Do we really need them? Do we really need them? Profesoro Jones sekvajare pensiiĝos. Professor Jones retires next year. Professor Jones will be thinking next. Va bata kobara jupekatá. I will carry through the work. Va bata cobara jupekatá. Par causa de esperanto, on pote fasil ave multe e bon amis. Thanks to Esperanto, one can easily have many good friends. Because of hope, it can be done a lot of time and loved. Un physico es solmente un maniera de un atomo reguardar se mesme. A physicist is just an atom's way of looking at itself. A physical is just a way of a atom to look at itself. Yo ha obliviat alquó. I've forgotten something. Yo ha obiliat alquó. Tomo estas glorama. Tom is a glory seeker. Tom is glorious. do xabju ma Where are you from? do xabju ma Tomo aspektis lacega. Tom seemed tired. Tom looked tired. HejwI' luqopta' ghan'Iq yaSpu'. The police officers arrested the burglar. Of course, we don't seem to have a big deal with us. Vi devus fermi viajn okulojn. You should close your eyes. You should close your eyes. Nomu tion kiel ajn vi volas. Call it whatever you want. Call it as you want. Mi provis retelefoni al Tomo. I tried to call Tom again. I tried to re-election to Tom. Ĉu vi venas el Hispanujo? Are you from Spain? Do you come from Spain? La homo ne kapablas eskapi la morton. Man is unable to escape death. The man is unable to escape death. wa'leS 'oH qoSwIj'e'. Tomorrow is my birthday. That's my concern! Mi aŭdis, ke Tomo dopas sin. I hear Tom is a juicer. I heard that Tom was sleeping. Mea onklo nun vivas komfortoze. My uncle now lives in comfort. My uncle now lives in comfort. Li esas ne-separebla. They are inseparable. He is unseparable. Manjo ĵetis sian mansakon sur la liton. Mary threw her purse on the bed. Manjo threw his hand bag on the bed. Плен де петролио пур, акел лампа пети иа поте пермане енсендеда тра мулте диас. Full of pure kerosene, that small lamp could be lit for several days. It is true that it is true that it is true that it is true that it is true that it is true. Altere formas de vita probabilemente existe foras del Terra e forsan in multe locos. Other life probably exists out there and perhaps in many places. Other forms of life most likely exist outside Earth and may in many places. do djica co klama fu lo mo trene What train you are going to take? do djica co klama fu lo mo trene Tiberio promenis sur la plajo. Tiberio took a stroll on the beach. Tiberius walked on the beach. teHbe'. False. Exponent Je kiu horo falos la kurteno? What time does the curtain fall? What time will the curtain fall? bIjanglaHbe''a'? Can't think of an answer? bIyang will save 'a'? la .cindji. citka so lo rutrkoko Shinji ate nine coconuts. the .cindji. citka so lo rutrkokoko Mi opinias, ke por mi alvenis la tempo diri, kion mi vere opinias. I think it's time for me to say what I really think. I think it’s time to say what I really think. Mi loĝas en mia aŭto. I live out of my car. I live in my car. Vos debe dicer lo que vos pensa. You should say what you think. You must tell you what you think. Ella veni de Francia. She comes from France. Ella came from France. Estas malvarmete al mi. I'm feeling a bit cold. It's cold to me. Li ne koleras kontraŭ vi. He's not mad at you. He is not angry with you. Lastatempe estas multe tro varme. It's been way too hot. It’s a lot too hot recently. Nemo vole jocar con ille. Nobody wants to play with him. Nemo wants to play with him. "Ĉiuj havas difektojn." - "Mi ne." "Everybody has flaws." "I don't." “Everybody has flaws.” - “I don’t.” Io pote assecurar te un empleo. I can ensure a job for you. I can ensure you're an employment. Omentielm' alassë ná. Our meeting is a pleasure. Omentielm' alassë ná. Mi volas flue paroli la francan. I want to speak fluent French. I want to speak French. Me volas probar ulo altra. I want to try something else. I want to try something else. Mi lernas la francan. I'm learning French. I am learning French. jungwoq 'oH mungwIj'e'. I come from China. That's my concern why my disability is true. La malfermo de la lando havis grandan influon al la japana civilizo. The opening of the country had a great influence on Japanese civilization. The opening of the country had a great influence on Japanese civilization. Kio igas memeon bona? What makes a meme dank? What makes a self-being good? Illa es un puta. She is a whore. Illa is a little bit. Äsagof das mutof golön. She said she had to go. Äsagof das mutof golön. ti na vajni This is not important. you don't want to go Mi scias, ke vi estas ie ĉiene. I know you're in here somewhere. I know you’re everywhere. Ĝi estas bizara. It's bizarre. It's bizarre. Mi maltrankvilas. I do worry. I'm worried. Ka tu fartigas? Are you tired? Are you doing? Venis pli bona amikino. A better friend came along. A better friend came. mi ba te vecnu I'll buy that. I’m sure you're okay. Vilob nolön jenis. I want to know the facts. Vilob nolön joined. Ĉu io brulas? Is something burning? Is something burning? Mi metis la ŝlosilojn sur la tablon. I put the keys on the table. I put the keys on the table. Нун ес сентанте аси. There's no one sitting here. It is the first one to do so. Quantu tu parti tu me mancara multo. When you go, I'll miss you very much. Take your party you’ll eat a lot. Mi forĵetis ĝin. I threw it out. I threw it off. Tom disse que achava que eu era espirituoso. Tom said that he thought that I was witty. Tom said what something I've been a spirit. Mi havas kvindek eŭrojn en mia poŝo. I have fifty euros in my pocket. I have fifty euros in my pocket. Emily e Kate es amicas. Emily and Kate are friends. Emily and Kate are friends. Non rode tu ungulas. Don't bite your nails. Don’t scroll your singles. Mi bezonas helpon de Tom. I'll need Tom's help. I need help from Tom. Ĉu vi bonvolas denove programi la kunvenon je horo, kiu konvenas al vi? Could you please reschedule the meeting at a time that is convenient for you? Do you want to run the meeting again at an hour that fits you? Ĉu Tomo ne diris al vi sian pasvorton? Didn't Tom tell you his password? Didn’t Tom tell you his password? No person ia vade a ala a cualce ves e ia vive per nara la nara. No one's ever been there and lived to tell the tale. No one goes to the cualce, and it's live in the nara nara. Tomo preskaŭ neniam enlitiĝas antaŭ noktomezo. Tom hardly ever goes to bed before midnight. Tom is almost never going to bed before midnight. Li havis kapdoloron. He had a headache. He had a headache. Odulen an edraith angin. I'm here to save you. Odulen an edraith angin. paq'e' ghajbogh ghaH law' law' paq vIghajbogh law' rap. She has as many books as I. There are several questions that we believe in the Big Bang, which means that there are several questions within the Big Bang. Me esas kato. I'm a cat. I'm a cat. Demandu al ŝi kiam ŝi intencos reveni. Ask her when she will come back. Ask her when she intends to come back. Ni bezonas iun. We need somebody. We need someone. Mi estas vera japana virino. I am a real Japenese woman. I am a true Japanese woman. Li-binol famik? Are you famous? Li binol famik? Véu àl scuola. I am going to school. Véu àl scuola. lo gerku cu bajra to'o ne'i lo zdani The dog runs out of the house. gerku cu bayra to'o ne'i lo zdani Mi lernas Idon. I'm learning Ido. I am learning Ido. Le infinito! Necun altere question ha jammais movite tanto profundemente le spirito del homine. The infinite! No other question has ever moved so profoundly the spirit of man. The infinite! No more question has never moved so deeply the spirit of the human being. Vi ne estas monstro. You're not a monster. You are not a monster. Ĉu mi rajtas foje uzi la telefonon? May I use the telephone from time to time? Can I use the phone sometimes? Demetrius kalumnias me! Demetrius is slandering me! Demetrius kalumnias me! Illa ha facite multiple chirurgias plastic, inclusive augmentation del mammas e remodellation del naso. She has had multiple plastic surgeries, including breast augmentations and a nose job. It has made multiple plastic surgeons, including augmenting the mass and remodeling of the nas. pItSa' chab vIparHa'be' 'ach parHa' tam. I don't like pizza, but Tom does. pItSa' chab kapaparHa'be' 'ach parHa' tam. Ni helpas ŝin. We help her. We help her. Sepvetlh DaparHa''a'? Do you like that country? Are you sure you want to share your questions? Me amas mea matro. I love my mother. I love my matr. Konsentite, mi faros ĝin denove. All right, I will do it again. I’ll do it again. nugh DaSov DaneHchugh, qunDaj DaghojnIS. If you are to know a nation, you must learn its history. nugh DaSov Dane's knowledge, qunDaj DaghojIS. Ne konservu vian tutan monon en unu sola poŝo. Don't keep all of your money in one pocket. Do not keep all your money in a single pocket. Ĉiuj iru hejmen. Everyone go home. All go home. Manjo gravediĝis kiam ŝi estis 14-jaraĝa. Mary became pregnant at the age of 14. She was pregnant when she was 14 years old. Bedaŭrinde mi ne havas tempon hodiaŭ. Unfortunately, I don't have time today. I don’t have time today. Per favore, dona a me un portasene. Please give me an ashtray. Please give me one haul. ju'a do na djica lo ka djuno You don't want to know. Binary for this reason Mi ne disponas la aŭtoritaton. I don't have the authority. I don't have the authority. Ел менти комо ун парла фунерал. He lies like a eulogy. It is the first part of the village. Ĉu vi scias, kion tio signifas? Do you know what it means? Do you know what that means? En ĉirkaŭ 20 minutoj ŝi ŝminkis sian vizaĝon. In about 20 minutes she made up her face. In about 20 minutes she smelted her face. La yunino singlutis en la angulo dil lernochambro. The girl was sobbing in the corner of the schoolroom. The young man sank at the corner of the school room. Estis vere froste hieraŭ vespere. It was very cold yesterday evening. It was really frozen yesterday evening. Substituu ĝin. Replace it. Replace it. tawIj vIghItlhqa'. I rewrote my report. That's my life, let me find answers to these questions. Illa pote venir hodie. She can come today. He can come today. tlhoy na'mo' chatlhvam vISoplaHbe'. This soup is too salty to eat. This is why we have sought to understand the universe and continue. Kiom da fratinoj Tomo havas? How many sisters does Tom have? How many sisters does Tom have? Tu ne devis dicir tala rudaji ad il. You shouldn't say such rude things to him. You didn't have to say such a rarity to it. Tomo malŝatis Manjon. Tom disliked Mary. Tom disliked Manjon. 'IH 'e' mIy. She boasts of her beauty. 'IH 'e' mIy. Hieraŭ Tom devis tien iri. Tom had to go there yesterday. Tom had to go there yesterday. Dum sia lerneja tempo li ne estis tiel milda kiel nun. In his school days he wasn't as gentle as he is now. During his school time he was not as mild as now. Li havas unu hundon kaj ses katojn. He has one dog and six cats. He has one dog and six cats. La polico pafis responde. The cops fired back. The police shot in response. Post kiam Platono difinis homon kiel "senpluman dupiedulon," Diogeno senplumigis kokon kaj portis ĝin en la Akademion. "Jen homo!" li diris. After Plato defined a human as a "featherless biped," Diogenes plucked a chicken and brought it into the Academy. "Behold," he said, "a human!" After Plato defined a man as a "an unspoiled two-footed man," Diogen unplugged a neck and carried it into the Academy. "Here is a man!" he said. Tom ŝatas picojn kaj frititajn terpomojn. Tom loves pizza and french fries. Tom likes chickens and fried potatoes. le munje ve'u zasti The world is a big place. Tiny Worlds Quo significa "Tatoeba"? What does "Tatoeba" mean? What does "Tatoeba"? ca ti ro da jai se jimpe mi Everything makes sense now. ka ti ro da jai se jimpe mi Vidi nur la plej malbonajn aspektojn de ĉio ne implicas inteligentecon. Seeing the worst in everything doesn't make you smart. See only the worst aspects of everything do not imply intelligence. Еске ту воле жело? Would you like ice? Do you want to know it? xu so'u da ka'e preti Can I ask some questions? xu so'u da ka'e preti mi djica lo ka verba I want to be a child. mi djica lo ka verb Pro formar le plural in esperanto on adde un j al singular. To form the plural in Esperanto, add a j to the singular. To form the plural in Esperanto on add one j al singular. Mi neniam pridemandas tion. I never ask about that. I never asked about it. Ĉu vi certas, ke tiu estas la ĉambro de Tomo? Are you sure this is Tom's room? Are you sure this is Tom's room? Estas malmulte da espero, ke Tomo baldaŭ resaniĝos. There's little hope of Tom getting well soon. There is little hope that Tom will soon heal. Ŝi povas paroli dek lingvojn. She can speak ten languages. She can speak ten languages. La Hipotezo di Reimann esas ne-pruvita. The Riemann Hypothesis is unproven. Reimann's hypothesis is non-pruvited. Ni simple volas duan opinion. We just want a second opinion. We just want a second opinion. Tomaso ĵus rakontis al mi, kion faris li kaj Maria. Tom just told me what he and Mary did. Thomas told me what he did and Mary did. Dargh qa'vIn je DaqelDI' nuq DamaS? Which do you like better, tea or coffee? Are you sure you want to go to the future of the universe? Kia mojosa tatuaĵo! That's a cool tattoo. What a cool tattoo! Vi ellitiĝas je la 5-a ĉiumatene. You get up at 5 o'clock every morning. You’re going to bed every morning. Le pomo es verde. The apple is green. The apple is green. Tomo ne plu bezonas okulvitrojn. Tom no longer needs glasses. Tom no longer needs glasses. Tu fa me rider. You make me laugh. You did me smile. Esque vos ha finite de leger iste libro? Are you through with this book? Have you finished reading this book? Mi ne iros, se vi ne invitos ankaŭ Tomon. I'm not going if you don't invite Tom, too. I won’t go if you don’t invite Tom either. Mi ne plu estas laca. I am no longer tired. I am no longer tired. mi co'a xagji I'm getting hungry. mi co'a xagji Tom ia veni per aida nos. Tom has come to help us. Tom's coming by aida nos. 'alen be'nal ghaH. She's Alain's wife. 'alen be'nal ghaH. Vi havas nenian senson de direkto. You have no sense of direction. You have no sense of direction. ki'u ma do zvati lo vimku'a Why are you in the bathroom? ki'u ma do zvati lo vimku'a Le auto costava cinque milles dollares e, ultra illo, non functionava ben. The car cost $5000 and did not run well at that. The car cost five thousand dollars and, beyond it, did not work. mu'tlheghvam vIpolHa'laHbe' jay'! I can't get rid of that damned sentence! This is where we continue to understand the universe and continue. La teoria de Esplode Grande ia es proposada en 1927, e on ia crese lo en 1929. The theory of the Big Bang was proposed in 1927 and expanded in 1929. Eslode Grande's theory was proposed in 1927, and it was grown in 1929. Kial vi serĉas novan laboron? Why are you looking for a new job? Why are you looking for a new job? Ille esseva in prision a perpetuitate. He was in prison for life. They were in jail to perpetuity. Vi estas en la malĝusta forumo. You're in the wrong forum. You are in the wrong forum. Do' qaStaHvIS noH DIq vav HoHlu'be'. Luckily, Dick's father was not killed in the war. This is how we are the only one, and we are the only one, of the universe. Miaj poŝoj plenas. My pockets are full. My pockets are full. ra pu muvdu la kanadas He moved to Canada. the Canadians ' rau muvdu motlh Damugh wIneH, nIteb Hoch mu' Damugh wIneHbe'. We want natural-sounding translations, not word-for-word direct translations. These are the guys we have made good progress on the ground by aliens seems to have been visited by aliens. la tom cu se pluka lo ka catlu lo pixra be lo danlu Tom likes to look at pictures of animals. the tom cu se pluka lo ka catlu lo pymo be lo danlu Ме регрете ке ме иа дисе а ту. I regret telling you. It's all the way it's going to be. Vu devas sequar la konsilo di la mediko. You should follow the doctor's advice. You need to follow the advice of the physician. e'o do ze'i denpa Give us a moment, please. Under extremes, we need to continue and continue to date in the first place. Qui credera vos? Who will you believe? Who will believe you? Mi estas mortinta. I am dead. I am dead. Vi havas brilan estontecon. You have a bright future. You have a brilliant future. Tomaso bone kantis. Tom sang well. Thomas sang well. Mi pensas, ke mi rekonas ĉi tiun lokon. I think I recognize this place. I think I recognize this place. Fiksi atingeblajn, mezureblajn celojn estas gravega por sukcesa lingvolernado. To set attainable, measurable goals is very important to successful language learning. Fix accessible, measurable goals are important for successful language learning. xamgu se stidi ki'e Thanks for the good advice. xamgu se stidi ki'e pei na jetnu Isn't it true? Pei na jetnu yIttaH. They continued walking. yIt is not supported. Mi devus scii, ke Tomo estas, kiu faris tion. I should've known it was Tom who did it. I need to know that Tom is who did it. Ел скриве либрос. He writes books. It's all about it. pevumqa'! Go back to work. Pavumqa! „Kia homo estis Tomo?” – „Mi esprimos tion sekve: iu, kiu ĉi tie mankas al neniu.” "What kind of person was Tom?" "I'll put it this way: someone who nobody here misses." “What kind of man was Tom?” – I’m going to say this: someone who lacks anyone here.” lo fanri cu pilno so'i pluja minji The factory uses many complicated machines. Install a workstation Tomo ne ŝatas vinon. Tom doesn't like wine. Tom doesn't like wine. Mi abnegacias min mem, ĉar mi scias, ke mi estas nek pensoj nek korpo. I deny myself, because I know that I am neither thoughts nor body. I am sorry for myself because I know that I am neither thoughts nor body. qaStaHvIS poH 'ar pa'Daq vum jo'rIj? How long has George worked there? The only one hundred years ago is that we have made remarkable progress in the first hundred years? Ĉu vi opinias, ke ŝi farus ion tian? Do you think she'd do something like that? Do you think she would do something like that? Ĉu vi ŝatas ĉokoladan glaciaĵon? Do you like chocolate ice cream? Do you like chocolate ice cream? ghorgh juH Dachegh? When will you come home? ghorgh juH Dachegh? jImaw'lI'. I'm freaking out. Exiting... Papagayo es kapabla imitar la homala parolo. A parrot can imitate human speech. Papagayo is capable of imitating the human speech. Tom vinkis la konkurso. Tom won the race. Tom defeated the contest. Esta idea no plaseTom. Tom doesn't like that idea. Esta idea no plainTom. Li savis lin koste de sia propra vivo. He saved him at the cost of his own life. He saved him in the coast of his own life. Ni bezonas scii, ĉu ŝi ĉeestos aŭ ne. We need to know if she will be present or not. We need to know whether she will be or not. Johana faras siajn hejmtaskojn. Jane is doing her homework. John makes his homework. tlhogh tay wIqIl. We called off the wedding. So far, we're going to have a look at it. Me es en la bar. I'm in the bar. I'm in the bar. Tomo eĉ ne volis tion. Tom didn't even want it. Tom didn’t even want that. Ili estas nedisigeblaj. They're inseparable. They are indismissible. qatlho', Hoch vIyaj. Thanks, I understood everything. And that's what I think I'm doing. Tiu KD apartenas al mia filo. That CD is my son's. This CD belongs to my son. Mi ŝategas paroli france al mia kobajo. I love speaking French to my guinea pig. I love to speak French to my baby. ckire do fi'o mutce sai Thank you very, very much! cchire do fi'o mutce sai Me realisar ke vu es li duesmi autoritate in Europa. I realise that you are the second authority in Europe. I realize you are his duesmi authority in Europe. woch 'ej pI'. He's both tall and fat. woch 'ej pI'. .e'o ko sanga zo'e Please sing a song. Blood and blood pressure on the Earth Tu va trova asi otra parlores ci pote aida tu. You will find other speakers here who may help you. You are about to find any of your peers here. lo nanla pu renro lo rokci The boy threw a stone. nula pu renro lo 2nd not qach 'IH vIleghpu'. I had never seen a beautiful building before. I think I am not able to understand the universe. ti na rijno This isn't silver. Ti na Rijno La signifo ankoraŭ ne estas klara por mi. The meaning is still not clear to me. The meaning is not clear to me yet. Tiu libro regeneris mian kredon je la homaro. This book has restored my faith in humanity. This book regenerates my belief in humanity. ti nu mi citka lo badna ku kei This is me eating a banana. ti nu mi citka lo badna ku kei Kial vi pripensas forlasi vian laboron? Why are you thinking about quitting your job? Why do you consider leaving your work? Ni estis tute elĉerpitaj per la kvinhora vojaĝo. We were dead tired from the five-hour trip. We were completely exhausted by the five-hour trip. Лое ес депенденте де алкол. They are addicted to alcohol. It's all the way it's going to be. .uanai ma mukti do .o'onai What is wrong with you? .uanai ma mukti do .o' ora joS neH 'oH. Actually it was only a rumor. None of the universe. Mi estas lupo. I'm a wolf. I am a wolf. Tom es disinclinate a dicer le veritate. Tom isn't willing to tell the truth. Tom is disinclined to tell the truth. Kiel pri taso da kafo post la tagmanĝo? How about a cup of coffee after lunch? How about a cup of coffee after lunch? lo rirpa'u be mi cu dusyda'eblubi'a My grandfather suffers from hypertension. I think I'll be the second one, and I'll be the second part of the universe. El es un matematiciste. She is a mathematician. She is a mathematician. Basi la polisia! Basi la autocratia! Down with the police! Down with autocracy! Base the police! Bass the autocraty! Ĉiuj preskaŭ alvenis. Everyone's almost here. They all arrived almost. Helpu min levi ĉi tiun skatolon. Help me lift this box. Help me lift this box. Vi povas demandi Tomason. Ankaŭ li vidis tion! You can ask Tom. He saw it, too! You can ask Thomas, you can see it too! Mary ha le perturbation de anxietate generalisate. Mary has generalized anxiety disorder. Mary has the perturbation of generalised anxiety. Durante milliones de annos le homines viveva justo como le animales. Alora alique ha evenite que disfrenava le poter de nostre imagination, nos apprendeva a parlar. For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination, we learned to talk. During millions of years the human beings lived just like animals. Then sometimes had become aware of the power of our imagination, we learned to speak. Tio, kion faris Tomo, ne estis konvena. What Tom did wasn't appropriate. What Tom did was not appropriate. Ni manĝas pli da legomoj. We are eating more vegetables. We eat more vegetables. Kiom da libroj vi legas en monato? How many books do you read per month? How many books do you read in a month? Ĝi estis bonega. It was fab. It was great. Es illo tote lo que vos voleva dicer me? Is that all you wanted to tell me? Is it all you wanted to say me? Le radices del arbore se extende profundemente in le terra. The tree's roots extend deep into the earth. The root of the tree spans deeply into the ground. Ла тсар иа ес ла ренор де Русиа. The tsar was the ruler of Russia. It is true that it is true that it is true. Mi matre ha cinque annos plus que mi patre. My mother is five years older than my father. Mi matre ha cinque years more than my parent. Tom volas vidar sua filiulo. Tom wants to see his son. She wants to see her daughter. Mi konsilas al vi baldaŭ fari tion. I advise you to do that soon. I advise you to do that soon. Io cambiara iste traduction. I will change this translation. I'll change this translation. mIp tam. Tom is rich. mIp tam. Illa es ibi retro con alicun amicos. She's back there with some friends. Illa es ibi back with some friends. Ili estas polaj. They're Polish. They are Polish. do ka'e xu mipri mi lo pulji Can you hide me from the police? do'e xu mipri mi mi lo pulji Jen demando, kiun oni ne tre ofte starigas al ni. That's a question we don't get very often. Here’s a question that’s not very often done to us. Min ĉirkaŭas katoj! I'm surrounded by cats! I'm surrounded by cats. peSop 'ej petlhutlh. Eat and drink. Professor, we thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Tote le mundo sape que Tom parla ben francese. Everyone knows Tom speaks good French. Everyone else knows that Tom is talking to French. Ankaŭ mi estas studento. I'm a student, too. I am also a student. li'a mi jimpe Of course, I understand. Li'a mi jimpe Mi corde, ave de un region salvage, ha trovate su celo in tu oculos. My heart, the bird of the wilderness, has found its sky in your eyes. My heart, either from a save region, has found its target in your eyes. Illos son parve. They're small. They're too small. La puero lernis dicernar lo bona de lo mala. That child learned to tell good from bad. The mayer learned to discern it well from it ill. chaw' DaHutlhchugh pa' puH DujlIj Davergh 'e' chaw'lu'be'. You must not park your car there without permission. This brings me to the second part of the universe. Tomaso jam decidis, kien iri. Tom has already decided where to go. Thomas has already decided where to go. Tomo eĉ ne studas ĉi tie. Tom doesn't even go here. Tom doesn’t even study here. be'Hom Qup ghaH lutvam Sub'e'. The heroine of this story is a little girl. If we were in agreement, we should patent the rest of the universe. Binom-li neif in kuk? Is there a knife in the kitchen? Binom-li neif in kuk? Mi scivolas, ĉu Tomo kaj Mario estas vegetaranoj. I wonder whether Tom and Mary are vegetarians. I wonder if Tom and Mario are vegetarians. Vizitetu min kiam ajn vi volas. Come and see me whenever you like. Please visit me whenever you want. Atos binon kik olik. This is your key. Atos binon kik olik. Еске тота де мундо ама мусика? Does everybody love music? Do you want to say it? Báa Thom nuha? Is Tom here? Báa Thom nuha? Tatoeba helpas ne nur studentojn, sed ankaŭ siajn kunlaborantojn, lerni novan lingvon. Tatoeba not only helps students learn a new language, but also its contributors. Tatoeba helps not only students, but also their co-workers, learn a new language. Ŝi ne estas dika - ŝi estas nur iom ŝvelronda. She's not fat – she's just a little plump. She's not thick – she's just a bit dark. mi ca cliva .i ku'i mi ba za volve I'm leaving now, but I'll be back in a while. Quit .i ku'i ba za volve Til la rivido! Good-bye! Til the river! Mi revenos je la sesa kaj tridek. I'll be back at six-thirty. I'll be back to the sixth and thirty. Le scientia non solve jammais un problema sin crear dece plus. Science never solves a problem without creating ten more. Scientific science never solves a problem without creating any longer. ra cilmo He's wet. early Education Mi faros ĉion laŭ mia povo. I'll do everything in my power. I will do everything according to my power. Ille non voleva permitter me de conducer su auto. He wouldn't allow me to drive his car. That didn't want to allow me to run his car. Esce nos vade aora? Are we going now? Are we going to wait? Kio okazos, se mi ne transiros? What if I don't pass? What happens if I'm not going to pass? La terpomo estis tiom varma, ke mia buŝo brulvundiĝis. The potato was so hot that it burned my mouth. It was so hot that my mouth was burning. qorDu' maH 'ej mamuSHa'chuq. We're a family and we love each other. So you’re going to be your momuSHa’chuq. Ŝi ne konis nek lian adreson nek lian telefonan numeron. She knew neither his address nor his phone number. She did not know either his address or his phone number. La pordo estas ŝlosita. The door's locked. The door is locked. Bonvole montru ĝin al mi refoje. Please show it to me again. Please show it again. .i ri na kakne lonu sidju He can't help you. .i eri na kakne lonu cadu mi pu jinvi lo du'u na klama I thought they wouldn't come. i pu jinvi lo du'u na klama Esque Tom es ancor ta? Is Tom there yet? Is Tom still so? Quo fat vu yer vésper? What were you doing last night? What fat do you go to vésper? Ла десиде ес фада жа. The decision's already been made. It's the same thing that it's going to be. Éu sint gay. I am gay. Éu sint gay. 'eyqu' chatlhvam. This soup is exquisite. Thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Via felo sentiĝas tre agrable. Your fur feels really nice. Your skin feels very pleasant. El ia ensenia rusce a sua enfantes. She learned her children Russian. At the end of his head, she was in ruins. Ni ambaŭ estas el Germanujo. Both of us are from Germany. We are both from Germany. Tomo manĝis ne nur sian propran deserton, sed ankaŭ tiun de Manjo. Tom not only ate his dessert, he also ate Mary's, too. Tom ate not only his own dessert, but also that of Manjo. HurDaq Hurgh. It's dark out. Hur is a Hurgh. La dormoĉambroj estas supre kaj la salono estas sube. The bedrooms are upstairs and the living room is downstairs. The bedrooms are up and the room is below. Vos es delicate. You're sensitive. Vos es delicate. MI dubas, ĉu denaska parolanto esprimus sin tiamaniere. I doubt a native speaker would say it that way. I doubt if a native speaker would express himself like this. La riparisto devis enveni tagmeze, sed li estis kaptita dum pluraj horoj en trafikŝtopiĝoj. The handyman was supposed to arrive at twelve noon, but got stuck in a traffic jam for a few hours. The repairer had to come on noon, but he was caught for several hours in traffic stops. Li lasis la pordon resti malfermetita. He left the door cracked. He left the door to stay open. jIQochbe'chu'. I can't agree more. Exiting... Ilu mustas esar stulta por kredar tala kozo. He must be stupid to believe such a thing. It must be stupid to create such a thing. Me amas lo bela. I am a lover of the beautiful. I love it pretty. Tomo estas riĉa, sed ne feliĉa. Tom is rich. However, he's not happy. Tom is rich, but not happy. Tomo ne portas ĉapelon. Tom isn't wearing a hat. Tom does not wear a hat. .i la .meris. spuda lo nu zvacpe fi lo se zgike kei le natfe Mary declined an invitation to the concert. .i la .meris. spuda lo nu zvacpe fi lo se zuzke kei le natfe lo nu lo pendo mi sidju pu cumri'a lo nu mi snada My friend helping me enabled me to succeed. I would like to think about it, but I would like to think about it. lo gombesa ku xabju lo condi je xamsi The coelacanth inhabits the deep sea. Gombese ku xabju lo condi je xamsi li'anai go'i je'e Right, I see. But it's complicated. Go'ai je'e Li tre penadis akiri elstaran poentaron. He used to try very hard to get straight As. He tried to get a big score. Ili legas librojn en la biblioteko. They are reading books in the library. They read books in the library. la'oi googol du li pano te'a panono A googol is ten to the power of one hundred. the Googol du li pan te'a bread Me sentas me desbela. I feel ugly. I feel ugly. Mi planas studi ĉi-vespere. I'm planning to study tonight. I plan to study tonight. Ĝi ne vere estis tiel malbona. It wasn't really that bad. It wasn’t really so bad. La tuta mondo rigardas. The whole world is watching. The whole world is watching. Iste ave non pote volar. This bird cannot fly. This ave cannot be wanted. Mia avo daŭre estas sana korpe kaj mense. My grandfather is still sound in mind and body. My grandfather is still a healthy body and a month. Älömibos. It rained. Älömibos. Ĉu vi vidis miajn okulvitrojn ie? Have you seen my glasses anywhere? Have you seen my glasses? mi djuno lo nu do se jenca I know you're shocked. Help me go! ghobe', vIneHbe'. No, I don't want to. ghobe', mirube'. Vi estas ebriega, ĉu ne? You're hammered, aren't you? You are drunk, right? Tio estis mia unua vidpunkto. That was my first way of thinking. It was my first point of view. Tomo ne estas tre bona nomo por sorĉisto. Tom isn't a very good name for a wizard. Tom is not a very good name for a wizard. Illa usava tote su habilitates pro preparar iste platto. She used all her skills making this dish. He used all his skills to prepare this dish. Tui cat es nigri. Your cat is black. Tui cat es nigri. Ĉu iu ajn estas vivanta tie ĉi? Is anyone alive here? Is anyone living here? Kiel ŝi faris kion? How did she do what? How did she do what? Fat obik binom büsidan. My father is a businessman. Fat obik binom büsida. Kiu vendis al vi tiun aŭton? Who sold you this car? Who sold you that car? La libro estas legata de mi. I am reading a book. The book is read by me. Male al la plej multaj sportoj agnoskitaj de la Internacia Olimpika Komitato, kie konkurado povas esti "miksita" (por ĉiuj, sendepende de sekso) aŭ alirebla nur por viroj aŭ nur por virinoj, en ŝako virinoj povas konkurenci en "malferma" divido (inkluzive la Monda Ŝakkonkurso) sed ili ankaŭ havas ekskluzive inan ĉampionecon. Unlike with most sports recognized by the International Olympic Committee, where competition can be "mixed" (for all, regardless of gender) or accessible only to men or only to women, in chess women can compete in an "open" division (including the World Chess Championship) but they also have an exclusively female championship. Unlike most sports recognized by the International Olympic Committee, where competition can be "mixed" (for all, independently of sex) or accessible only for men or only for women, in chess women can compete in "open" division (including the World Chess Contest) but they also have exclusively female championship. ti noi karce cu memimoi This is my car. that we are characterized by memes Tio estas polko. It's a polka. That's a chicken. Pensa tu que il pluvera hodie? Do you suppose it will rain today? Think about how it rained today? Malfacilas paroli tri lingvojn. It is difficult to speak three languages. It’s hard to speak three languages. vIqoplu'. I got arrested. chasaqoplus'. La juna pastro dediĉis sin al Dio. The young priest devoted himself to God. The young priest devoted himself to God. Mi ne kutimas fari decidojn. I'm not used to making decisions. I am not used to make decisions. Le nave se ha invertite in le medio del oceano. The ship capsized in the middle of the ocean. The nave has reversed in the middle of the ocean. Nos es plus intimemente ligate al invisibile que al visibile. We are more closely connected to the invisible than to the visible. We are more intimately linked to the invisible ones that are visible. Tomo loĝis sola ekde la morto de sia edzino. Tom has lived alone since his wife died. Tom lived alone since his wife's death. Do'qu' tam. Tom is very fortunate. Do'qu' tam. Kuketo faligis la muson sur Tomon por veki lin. Cookie dropped the mouse on Tom to wake him up. A cookie dropped the mouse on Tom to wake him up. Profitu viajn fortojn. Leverage your strengths. Trust your forces. Vöd at binom nulik obe. It's a new word for you. Vöd at binom nulik obese. Tomo maturiĝis. Tom mellowed out. Tom matured. Suppone que il ha alcun imbecille con qui tu simplemente non pote intender te. Suppose there's some jerk you just can't get on with. Thank you that there is some imbecille with who you simply cannot intended you. jatlh 'e' mev. She stopped talking. Professor, we thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Gebolöd püki bevünetik Esperanto. Use the International Language (Esperanto). Gebolöd püki bevünetik Esperanto. xu ba krici zo'ei la .tam. Will they believe Tom? xu ba criti zo'ei la .tam. Li neniam cedis al la tento. He never gave in to temptation. He never gave up to the temptation. Roĉjo ne ekzistas. Bob doesn't exist. Roddy doesn't exist. la tom cu zmadu mi lo ka barda Tom is bigger than me. the tom cu zmadu mi lo ka barda Ni admiras Tomon. We admire Tom. We admire Tom. DoyIchlanDaq bIQtIqmey tIn tu'lu''a'? Are there big rivers in Germany? Do we really think we are the last dimension of time in the universe? Ni foriru, per kiso, al nekonata mondo. Let's leave, in a kiss, for an unknown world. Let's go, by kiss, to an unknown world. Sia gay. Committe crimines. Be gay. Commit crimes. Si gay. Committe crimins. En Germanio multaj judoj antaŭe laboris kiel brutvendistoj. In Germany, many Jews used to work as cattle dealers. In Germany many Jews had previously worked as witch winners. Kurado lacigis min. I am tired from walking. The courage was tired of me. ro jmive cu mrobi'o ca da All living things die some day. O Life.jpg Qaq tam. Tom is pretentious. Qaq tam. Tom kaj Mary havas tre okazplenajn vivojn. Tom and Mary have very eventful lives. Tom and Mary have very busy lives. Ŝi senspirigas vin. She leaves you breathless. She dissponses you. Mi scias, kie Tom kaŝas sin. I know where Tom is hiding. I know where Tom hides himself. Tom faris ĉion laŭregule. Tom did everything by the book. He did all the rules. Ni decidis transpreni vian ideon. We have decided to adopt your idea. We decided to take over your idea. Noi have du filias. We have two daughters. We have two daughters. Mi farbis la barilon verda. I painted the fence green. I made the green fence. mi'a pu birti lo du'u lo terdi cu carna lo solri We were sure the Earth went around the Sun. I am able to get it two years ago. wejmaH ben boghpu' tam. Tom is thirty. We believe that we are the most involved in the world. La celo de kristanismo estis malstabiligi Judujon kaj pretigi ĝin por rekta regado fare de Romio. The goal of Christianity was to destabilize Judea and make it ripe for direct Roman rule. The purpose of Christianity was to destabilize Judea and prepare it for direct rule by Rome. wa'leS bIcheghlaH'a'? Can you come back tomorrow? Wa'leS bIchegh will stand? Ma volf dinäda. As things have turned out. Ma volf dinäda. Tiu leciono estas senfina! This lesson is endless! This lesson is infinite! La homoj estas suferantaj. The people are suffering. People are suffering. Vu ne povus vivar sen aquo. You couldn't live without water. You could not live without water. Demandu Tomon. Ask Tom. Ask Tomon. Yo va scrir un libre pri to. I will write a book about that. Yo vaė un libre pri toto. Ni restis ĉe gastejo ĉe la piedo de la monto. We put up at an inn at the foot of the mountain. We stayed at the foot of the mountain. Pardonon, mi ne scias vian patronomon. Excuse me, I don't know your patronymic. Sorry, I don’t know your name. Tom estas hipio. Tom is a hippie. Tom is a hippie. Ica shui durabas yaro. These shoes have lasted one year. This shūi durabas yaro. Tom parla franses tra la dia en la scola, e parla engles sola en sua casa. Tom spends all day speaking French at school and only speaks English at home. Tom speaks franses across the day in the scola, and speaks engles alone in her home. Mi ne kredas, ke tio estas bona investo. I don't think that's a good investment. I don’t think that’s a good investment. La tagmanĝo pretos post dek minutoj. Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes. The lunch will be ready for ten minutes. Malhavante pli bonan farendaĵon, Tomo decidis fari longan promenon. For the lack of something better to do, Tom decided to take a long walk. While lacking a better thing, Tom decided to make a long walk. vISamta'. pa' ghaHtaH. Found him, he is over there. You know, we're going to have a look at it. Kiel oni serĉas por si la taŭgan kuraciston? How do you choose the right doctor? How are you looking for the right doctor? Me volis amar Tom. I wanted to love Tom. I wanted to love Tom. Tom estas kun siaj amikoj. Tom is with his friends. Tom is with his friends. Mi parolos al vi poste. I'll talk to you later. I’ll talk to you later. Ĉu vi vendos ĝin? Will you sell it? Will you sell it? Vivu la Revolucio! Long live the Revolution! Live the Revolution! Tomo ebriiĝis kaj defalis de la ĉaro. Tom got drunk and literally fell off the wagon. Tom was drunk and fell off the wagon. Vi diru al li la veron. You should tell him the truth. Tell him the truth. La bovo muĝas. The bull is mooing. The cow flies. Tom non vole partir de Boston. Tom doesn't want to leave Boston. Tom doesn't want to take part in Boston. ghaH vIja'DI' jIpIQ. I told her straight. If you don't know what you are doing, you know. Tomo finiĝis en situacio sen eliro. Tom ended up in an inescapable situation. Tom ended in a situation without going out. Me xerca Tom. Esce tu ia vide el? I'm looking for Tom. Have you seen him? Me xerca Tom. Are you seeing him? Ne permesu al Tomo eliri post noktiĝo. Don't let Tom go out after dark. Don’t let Tom go out after midnight. Me havas Afrikala-Amerikana vicino. I have an African-American neighbor. I have an African-American vicino. Mi simple estis ĝentila. I was just being polite. I was just friendly. Mi ĉie serĉis Tomon, sed ne povas trovi lin. I've looked all over for Tom, but I can't find him. I’ve been looking for Tom, but I can’t find him. ! Bojo koni. Leave now. Good to know. ghaH yIja' pa' jIHbe'! Tell her I won't be there. ghaH yIja' pa' Serbe! Ĉu vi scias, per kio Tomo perlaboras sian vivon? Do you know what Tom does for a living? Do you know what Tom works on his life? mi pu terve'u lo kabri be lo ckafi I've brought a cup of coffee. mi pu terve'u lo kabri be lo ckafi Il ha un orange super le tabula. There is an orange on the table. There is an orange over the table. Ella have un marito e du filias. She has a husband and two daughters. Ella has one husband and two daughters. "Tomaso" estas vira nomo. Tom is a man's name. "Tomaso" is a male name. Ĉu Tomo havas multan monon? Does Tom have a lot of money? Does Tom have a lot of money? Janio ne akceptas kritikon. Yanni doesn't accept criticism. Don’t accept criticism. la .nail. traji bo clani rirxe The Nile is the longest river in the world. the .nail. beams bo clans rirxe Mi volas bluajn okulojn! I want blue eyes! I want blue eyes! ghorgh bIvum rIn? When did you finish the work? ghorgh bIvum rIn? lo me mi mamta ku fengu My mother is angry. Mumta ku fengu wa'leS QaQchugh muD Dotlh, HuDDaq wItoS. We'll climb the mountain if it is fine tomorrow. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. Kiom daŭras por piediri al Vieno? How long does it take to get to Vienna on foot? How much is it going to walk to Vienna? La referaĵotemon oni anoncos je la konvena fojo. The report topic will be announced at the appropriate time. The reference theme will be announced at the appropriate time. Li bebé dormi in li lulluore. The baby is sleeping in the cradle. Li bebé dormi in li lulluore. Tomo vomas. Tom is vomiting. Tom vomiting. Amoro kaj amo estas malsamaj. Sex and love are different. Love and love are different. Me promise ke me va rakonta a vu omnum kelkidi. I swear I'll tell you everything someday. I promise I am going to tell you all the kelkidi. La plej grandan parton de sia mono ŝi elspezas por vestaĵoj. She spends most of her money on clothes. Most of her money is spent on clothes. Pli bone estas ne rimi ol rimokrimi. It's better not to use rhyme than to use hackneyed rhyme. It’s better not to smile than to smile. loQ mayev. We will take a quick break. loQ mayev. Finfine, jen novuloj. Finally, some new blood. Finally, there are newcomers. Huch vIHutlhmo' vIta'laHbe'. I am not able to do that because I don't have enough money. We know that we are in favor of the knowledge of the universe. juH qachvetlh Dalegh'a'? juH qachwIj 'oH. Do you see that house? That's my house. Thank you for me, thank you for me? Alga de mundo nunca adulti. Some people never grow up. All of the world is now adults. lo se cupra poi vasru lo jgina stika jmive cu jmive ckape lo remna Products with GMO are dangerous to human life. it se cupra po po po vasru lo jgina skave cu Lifeve ckape lo remna Mi klarigis al li, kial li komencis nervozigi min, kaj ekde tiam li ne plu parolas kun mi. I explained to him why he was starting to get on my nerves, and since then he hasn't talked to me. I explained to him why he began to give me nervous, and since then he no longer speaks to me. Mi devis malfermi mian valizon. I was made to open my briefcase. I had to open my suitcase. Tomo eĉ ne kapablas skribi sian propran nomon. Tom can't even write his own name yet. Tom can’t even write his own name. ko nenri be lei djacu be'o renro ko'a Throw him in the water! ko nenri be lei dchain be'o renro ko'a Mi ne sciis, ke Tomo estas anarki-komunisto. I didn't know Tom was an ancom. I didn’t know that Tom was an anarchist. Tomo kaj mi ne ĉiam konkordas. Tom and I aren't always on the same page. I don’t always agree with Tom and I don’t always. Ne estas peke ami iun. It isn't a sin to love someone. It’s not hard to love someone. Els cioveci sint cansats. The men are tired. Els cioveci sint cansats. Tio estis mizera fiasko. It was a dismal failure. It was a miserable failure. ma se zvati lo do tixnu Where's your daughter? but zvati lo do tixnu Tio estas malbona opinio. That's a bad opinion. That's a bad opinion. Áistra isch María sè femna. Esther is Mary's wife. Áistra isch María sè female. Binob tuüköl. I'm exaggerating. Binob tuüköl. Binob men ut, kel ägivom etosi ome. I'm the one who gave him that. Binob men ut, kel ägivom ethosi ome. Tanto longe como le spirito human prosperara super iste planeta, le musica in qualque forma vive lo accompaniara e sustenera, e a illo dara expressive signification. So long as the human spirit thrives on this planet, music in some living form will accompany and sustain it and give it expressive meaning. As long as the human spirit thrives on this planet, the music in which forms live it will grow and sustain, and it will give expressive significance. Per favor, aperi le television. Please turn on the television. Please open the television. Голф ес мулте поплал ен Нион. Golf is very popular in Japan. It is true that it is true that it is true. Esque vos vole un orange? Would you like an orange? Do you want an orange? Еске вос воле жело? Would you like ice? Do you want to know it? ti traji xlali This is the worst of all. ti traji xlali Mi transition ab viro a femina va ben. My transition from male to female is going well. I'm going to go from a man to a femina va ben. Como le maritage ruina un viro! Illo es tanto degradante quanto le cigarrettas, e multo plus dispendiose. How marriage ruins a man! It is as demoralizing as cigarettes, and far more expensive. Like the marriage ruins a man! It’s so much like cigarettes, and much more spent. Mi travibriĝas. I'm thrilled. I’m traveling. Li venas de Egiptujo. He is from Egypt. He comes from Egypt. lo pendo lo tarci cu simsa lo ka roroi viska najeku'i zasti Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they are always there. lo penso lo tarci cu simsa lo ka roroi viska najeku'i zasti Mi retelefonos pli malfrue. I'll phone again later. I'm going to go back later. lo simlu be lo ka sampu bei do cu simlu lo ka pluja ku mi What seems simple to you seems complex to me. It resembles it ka sampu bei do cu simlu lo ka rainforest ku mi Io es brasiliano e io apprende japonese. I'm Brazilian and I'm learning Japanese. I am a brasilian and I learn Japanese. Kats binoms nims neitik. Cats are nocturnal animals. Kats binoms nims neitik. Ĉiela komforto, mi ne scias kiel, kaptas min. A heavenly comfort, I don't know how, takes hold of me. I don’t know how to catch me. Tio ne ĝustas, ĉu ne? That's not accurate, is it? That's not right, isn't it? Esta es lenio brasilera. Un de la spesies la plu bon en la mundo. This is Brazilian lumber. One of the best kinds in the world. Esta es lenio brasilera. One of the thicknesses the best in the world. Estas en ordo esti stranga. It's okay to be weird. It is in order to be strange. Jiel Maria lenolof atosi. Mary does know that. Jiel Maria lenolof atosi. Mi neniam kredis tion. I never believed it. I never believed that. Surmetu la maskojn. Put your masks on. Put the masks. ko'a ba klama He will come. ko'a balasa Ni malkovris sekretan trairejon al la katakomboj. We discovered a secret passageway leading to the catacombs. We discovered a secret passage to the catacombs. Elua pelo esas pure blanka. Her skin is pure white. The fur is purely white. qabuSchu'. I am thinking of nothing but you. Thank you very much. Mi eĉ ne konas la ulon. I don't even know the guy. I don't even know the guy. Me es nunca a casa a soldis. I am never home on Sundays. I'm now going to do that. Le amor es, de facto, le agente del synthese universal. Love, in fact, is the agent of universal synthesis. Love is, in fact, the agent of the universal syntax. mi'ai toknyjukpa lo cnano nanba We bake traditional bread. Mi'ai toknyjukpa lo nanno Nanba Kiel li iĝis kantisto? How did he become a singer? How did he become a singer? Yo vole ear. I want to go. Yo vol ear. Ken saltis super la muron. Ken leapt over the wall. Ken jumped over the wall. Oni ankaŭ al ni ne diris ĝin. We weren't told either. We didn’t say it either. Il me placerea haber le capillos tondite. I'd like to have my hair trimmed. I’d like to have the kids cut. Estus bone, se mi reirus al la laboro. I'd better get back to work. It would be good if I got back to work. Me gusta plu la nada ca la sci. I prefer swimming to skiing. I taste more than the girl knows. Tom ne volas maltrafi sian flugon. Tom doesn't want to miss his flight. Tom doesn’t want to miss his flight. taj Dalo'DI' bIyepnIS. You should be careful with a knife. tàlo'DI' bIyepnIS. Tomo ne estas okupita nuntempe. Tom isn't busy right now. Tom is not busy right now. Diji cha sade yɛ bari. Five minus three is two. Say cha sade y bars. Tanto longe como tu es hic, io remanera. As long as you're here, I'll stay. As long as you’re here, I’ll stay. mi tcati nelci I like tea. Micati Nelts Mi ne opinias tiun filmon interesa. I don't think this movie is interesting. I don’t think that movie interesting. La leĝo plenplenas de ambiguecoj. The law is full of ambiguities. The law is filled with ambiguity. Tomo aŭdis la ternon de iu. Tom heard somebody sneeze. Tom heard someone’s land. lo xanto cu se ke clani nazbi An elephant has a long nose. Xanto cu se ke clani nazbi 'ej ghIq qaS nuq? And then what happens? Are you sure you want to empty the universe? Ла фиа ла плу веа де ел ес спосида. Her elder daughter is married. It is true that it is true that it is true. Io non ama le champagne. I don't like champagne. I don’t like the champagne. ko'a na'e sigva'u He does not smoke. Aega na'e sigva'u majQa'! That's brilliant! MajQa! Io cerca mi telephono. I am looking for my phone. I’m looking for a phone. Ĉu vi havas korktirilon? Do you have a corkscrew? Do you have a cart? Me ia mata la bove. I killed the cow. Me mata la bove. La puero plendis pri kap-doloro. The boy complained of a headache. The boy complained about a headache. Miau. Meow. Miau. La scivolemo de Lejla ŝin turmentegis. Layla's curiosity was gnawing at her. Leila's curiosity touched her. Fek al la reĝino. Fuck the Queen. Fek to the Queen. Mi ne povas kredi, ke vi farus tion. I can't believe you'd do that. I can’t believe you would do that. Kalion kolanil, en vay. Come in quickly, please. Kalion collinil, in vay. Esce estas es tua fias? Are these your daughters? Is that your fias? za'u ko'a pu klama lo nenri They came in. za'u ko'a pu klama lo nenri Mi estas noktstrigo. I'm a night owl. I'm a night strike. Mi nur volis, ke vi vidu ĝin. I just wanted you to see it. I just wanted you to see it. chaq neptaH tam. Maybe Tom is lying. It may not appear as well. Non specta le television. Don't watch TV. Don’t look at television. Mi razontas min. I'm going to go shave. I reasoned me. Illo significa nihil pro me. It means nothing to me. It doesn't mean anything for me. Ni vizitu Tomon. Let's pay Tom a visit. Let's visit Tom. An vos vole que Catalonia deveni un stato independente in forma de republica? Do you want Catalonia to become an independent state in the form of a republic? Do you want Catalonia to become an independent state in the form of a republic? tIQ qIDvam! This joke is ancient! tIQ qIDvam! Io ancora ha nihil. I still don't have anything. I still have nothing. Li gemelles assistet. The twins helped. Li gemelles attended. Verŝajne estas bona ideo, ke ni parolu la anglan, por ke li povu kompreni. It's probably a good idea for us to speak in English, so he'll be able to understand. It’s probably a good idea that we speak English, so that he can understand. No golobsöd usi adelo. Let's not go there today. No golobsöd uses adelo. Mi estas Tomo. Kaj vi? I'm Tom, and you? I am Tom, and you? Mi ne forgesos. I won't forget it. I won't forget. La flegisto atentis la vivsignojn de Tomo. The nurse kept an eye on Tom's vitals. The nurse paid attention to Tom's lives. Tomas e Maria sagoms das i oms mutoms dunön etosi. Tom and Mary say that they have to do that as well. Tomas and Maria sagoms das i oms mutoms dunön etosi. Ne ĉiuj havas bonajn intencojn. Not everyone has good intentions. Not everyone has good intentions. Tom leje un libro de istoria. Tom is reading a history book. Tom leje un book de looria. Le investigation ha arrivate a un impasse. The investigation has reached a dead end. The investigation has arrived at an impact. .va'i do bebna In other words, you're a fool. .va'i do bebna Esce el ia scrive? Has he written? Is there any scrive? Ĉu mia frazo estas ĝusta? Is my sentence correct? Is my sentence correct? Tomo estis ludanta briĝon. Tom was playing bridge. Tom was playing a bright. Il es tante geyala. He is so gay. He is very gay. Mi volis loĝi sola, ne en pensiula hejmo. I wanted to live alone, not in a retirement home. I wanted to live alone, not in a thought house. la .tam. cusku lo sedu'u zenba lo ka citka ca'o badri ku Tom says he eats more when he's sad. the .tam. cusku lo seju'u zenba lo citka ca'o badri ku Li suol es ancor humid. The ground is still wet. Li suol is an anchor moisture. Li ne ŝatas vinon. He doesn't like wine. He doesn't like wine. Mi malamas Tomon, kvankam mi eĉ ne konas lin. I hate Tom, though I don't even know him. I hate Tom, though I don’t even know him. Li universe es un misterie. The Universe is a mystery. He is always a mystery. muSchuq be'nI'pu'. The sisters hate each other. muSchuq be'nI'pu'. Labof bukis mödik. She has plenty of books. Labof slaughtered mödik. Lass nos far to juntmen. Let's do that together. Let's do to the juntmen. tu'a la tom pu dicra lo nu la meris tavla Tom interrupted Mary's speech. tu'a la tom pu dicra lo la meris tavla mi ze'epu noroi tersa'a fi ko'a I never heard him sing. Never delete the third part of the universe. Ille esseva includite in le accordo. He was included in the deal. That was included in the agreement. la cev banli God is great. the Cev banli Ĉu vi povas aŭdi min? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Le pimentos le plus commun es verde, rubie o jalne. The most common bell peppers are green, red or yellow. The most common pieces are green, red, or jalne. wep SuD tuQtaH. He has a blue coat on. wep SuD tuQ is entering. jIjang vIneH. jIjanglaH'a'? I have a few questions. Would it be OK if I asked them? How do you want to talk about? Ili igis Marion rakonti ĉion. They made Mary tell everything. They made Marion to tell everything. Ys es yn lladrun. He's a thief. Ys es yn lladrun. Ĉu li parolas la anglan? Does he speak English? Does he speak English? Mi volas kompreni la homojn. I want to understand people. I want to understand people. ko'a pu balkulctu je datnysisku He was a former university professor and researcher. A cup of arms on a two-sided basis DaH QI veghlI' 'e' vIlegh. I see him coming over the bridge. I'm looking forward to QI vehestro' 'e' facilegh. La sielo ia clari pico e pico. La sol ia apare plen briliante e la mar ia deveni tan calma como un lago. Little by little the sky cleared. The sun came out in full splendor and the sea became as calm as a lake. The seal of the light and pico. The only one appears full-brilling and the sea becomes calm as a lake. Ankaŭ mi ofte koleras. I, too, am often angry. I’m often angry too. La nuboj malaltis. The clouds hung low. The clouds are low. lerci It's late. read Il perdabis omna espero. He had lost all hope. He lost all hope. Que nos incontra nos ante le porta principal a 2:30. Let's meet in front of the main gate at 2:30. Let’s meet us before the top door to 2:30. Me esas tre stabila geniozo. I'm a very stable genius. I am a very stable genius. Tomo ne manĝas bananon. Tom isn't eating a banana. Tom does not eat a banana. nI'taHvIS poH loS. He was waiting for a long time. Our only chance of long-term years. Том иа фа суа ележе. Tom has made his choice. It's all the way to do it. xendo prenu He's a kind person. Take xend Spikol püki obik. You speak my language. Spikol püki obik. La solaj fingrospuroj, kiujn la polico trovis sur la porda manilo, estis la fingrospuroj de Tom. The only fingerprints that the police found on the doorknob were Tom's. The only fingerprints the police found on the door hand were Tom's fingerprints. Mi ne povas vojaĝi en aviadilo. I cannot travel by plane. I can't travel in a plane. jatna mi He is my boss. Jathna Prago estas tre bela. Prague is very beautiful. Prague is very beautiful. tInqu' vavwI' pa'. My father's room is very big. We don't think we're going to have either way. ¿Volt-tu vidarh Tom? Do you want to see Tom? ¿Volt-tu vivorh Tom? No reidolsöd ati seti. Don't read this sentence. No reidolsöd ati set. Tom diris al ĉiuj ke li estas elĉerpita. Tom told everyone that he was exhausted. Tom told everyone he was exhausted. Mi ne uzas drogojn. I'm not on drugs. I don't use drugs. Esque le conilios es plus gratiose que le sciuros? Are rabbits cuter than squirrels? Why are the rabbits greater than the winners? Kisi äsagoms? What did they say? Kisi äsagoms? Vi aspektas rave en tiu robo. You look ravishing in that dress. You look rave in that dress. Tomo kuris kirken. Tom ran to the church. Tom ran a kirken. Када кан аве ун ном. Every dog has a name. It's all the way to do it. La hundo bojis al fremdulo. The dog was barking at a stranger. The dog went to a stranger. Tomo iris al la vivoĉambro, ankoraŭ butonante sian ĉemizon. Tom walked into the living room, still buttoning his shirt. Tom went to the room, still shopping his shirt. Vi devas obei min. You have to do as I say. You must obey me. ghaHvo' vIghojta'. I learned it from him. GhaHvo's wedding. Mi serĉos batalilon. I'll look for a weapon. I’m looking for a battalion. Me cesos donacar chokolado a li ye la Dio di Santa Valentinus. I'll stop giving them chocolate on Valentine's Day. I'll stop giving chocolate to him at the God of Santa Valentinus. Qui haberea pensate, circa 1900, que in un periodo de cinquanta annos, nos haberea de saper tanto plus e comprender tanto minus? Who would have thought around 1900 that in fifty years time we would know so much more and understand so much less. Who should think about 1900, that in a period of five years, we should know so much more and understand as much as less? Eble mi sukcesis en la hieraŭa kontroltesto, sed mi ankoraŭ ne konas ties rezultojn. I might've done well on yesterday's test, but I don't know the results yet. Maybe I did not know the results at yesterday, but I still don’t know the results. mi se panzi lo ci verntineidja I have three teenagers. mi se panzi lo cintineidja Ni estas psikologoj. We're psychologists. We are psychologists. Kial aĉeti kalkulilon, se vi jam havas unu? Why buy a calculator if you already have one? Why buy a calculator if you already have one? ko'a culno lifri lo raktu His life is full of trouble. co'a culno lifri lo raktu jIHvaD Dochvam Daje'meH qatlhobneS. Please buy this for me. Please try to do the rest of your house. tlhIch pur 'e' mevta' vavwI'. My father quit smoking. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Kie estas la vodko? Where's the vodka? Where is the voice? Tom sukcesos. Tom will succeed. Tom will succeed. Yo ha captet vos, e nu vu deve laborar durmen por me. I have captured you, and now you have to work hard for me. Yo ha captet vos, e nu you have to work hardmen for me. meqvetlhmo' reH bIpIv. That's why you were always healthy. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Ме густа ла кафе. I like coffee. It's all about it. Mi finis skribi. I finished writing. I finished writing. not qamuSHa'. I never loved you. ImmuSHa. DaH jImujlaw' jIH'e'. This time, it looks like it is me who is wrong. I now turn to the rest of the universe. Tomo promenigas la hundojn de Manjo. Tom is walking Mary's dogs. Tom promises the dogs of Manjo. Ili ne estas kooperativo, sed nur alproprigas ties estetikajn kvalitojn. They're not a cooperative; they just appropriate the aesthetic of one. They are not cooperative, but only offer their aesthetic qualities. Vu ne afecionas la hundo di Tom. You're not fond of Tom's dog. You don't affect Tom's dog. Ju pli la civilizacio progresas, des pli la homoj sopiras la naturon. The more civilization advances, the more people long for nature. The more civilization is progressing, the more people have longed nature. veng vIDab. I live in town. vIDab vIDab. chaq SuQaHlaH. Maybe you can help. Maybe SuQaH will stand. Ne, mi ne nomiĝas Tomo. Mi nomiĝas Manjo. No, my name isn't Tom. My name is Mary. No, I’m not called Tom. Yo besona un avocate. I need a lawyer. Yo besona un avocate. Еста фалда ес барата. This skirt is cheap. It's all about it. Ego, mibo orch. Go kiss an orc. Ego, mibo orch. xu lo patfu be ra cu mikce Is her father a doctor? xu lo patfu be ra cu micce la veronik cu tcenelci lo jai se pa'u flora Véronique loves bouquets of flowers. the vernoik cu tcenelci lo jai se pa'u flora jupwI' ghaH jaghwI' jagh'e'. My enemy's enemy is my friend. Of course, it seems to have been either way. Mi volus konsulti kuraciston. I'd like to see a doctor. I want to consult a doctor. Fek al li. Fuck him. Fek to him. Ĉu vi lernas la anglan? Do you study English? Do you learn English? Do es la sposa de Tom? Where is Tom's wife? So is Tom's spas? QaDmoHwI' DIr chonoblaH'a'? Can you hand me a towel? Thank you very much? To es tro chera! This is too expensive! It’s too expensive! Ne kredu lin! Don't believe him! Don't believe him! ¡Schac'h-mäts! Checkmate! ¡Schac'h-mäts! Vilob lärnön. I want to learn. Vilob lärnön. Kiam mi mokos malriĉecon, la ĉielo igu min malriĉa. When I mock poorness, then Heaven make me poor. When I mock poverty, let heaven make me poor. Yo es un honest person. I'm an honest person. Yo es un honest person. jungwoq Hol HaDtaH je. He is also studying Chinese. Jungwoq Hol HaD arrives at her. Tomo vivas meze de nenie. Tom lives in the middle of nowhere. Tom lives in the midst of nowhere. Пробабле, ло ес мулте интересанте, ма регретабле ме иа но компренде. It is probably very interesting. But I'm afraid I didn't understand. It is, as it is, that it is true that it is true that it is true. Le veritate non sempre es benvenite. The truth isn't always welcome! The truth is not always welcomed. jungwoq Hol vIghojmoH. I teach Chinese. Jungwoq Hol pronunciations very much. Mi vivas super miaj rimedoj. I live above my means. I live over my means. mach 'ej puj. He is small and weak. mach 'ej puj. Tiu flago tre belas. That flag is very nice. This flag is very beautiful. Ŝako estas instrua kaj lerna instrumento pli malnova ol nigraj tabuloj, presitaj libroj, la kompaso kaj la teleskopo. Chess is a teaching and learning instrument older than chalkboards, printed books, the compass, and the telescope. Chess is an educational and learning instrument older than black boards, printed books, the compass and the telescope. Nos es solmente un racia de simias avantiate in un planeta minor de un stella vermente median. Sed nos pote comprender le Universo. Isto face que nos deveni alique multo special. We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special. We are only a reason for monkeys advanced on a relatively small planet of a very clean planet. But we can understand the universe. That makes us become a lot of special. Mae govannen! Welcome. Mae govannen! Kredeble vi malpravas. You are probably wrong. I think you are wrong. Bonveni a la enferno! Welcome to hell! Welcome to the nurse! Li ciel es blu. The sky is blue. He's blue here. Mi ne volas iri al la naĝejo. I don't wanna go in the pool. I don't want to go to the pool. Ne devigu min diri tion refoje! Don't make me say it again. Don’t let me say that again! wIb Hergh. The medicine tastes bitter. Lumb Hergh. Ĉu tio estas via veturilo? Is this your car? Is this your car? Kisi odunol du balüdel? What are you doing Sunday? Kissi odul du balüdel? Ĉu Karlo Markso estis komunisto? Was Karl Marx a communist? Was Charles Mark a communist? mi mutce nelci le jugygu'e I really like China. Very cool from the outside of the sky Granmatre se delecta multo in reguardar le television. Grandmother takes great delight in watching television. Gramatre makes a lot of look at the television show. Le proprietate es un furto. Property is theft. Property is a hit. mi manci lo nu do tai darsi I am amazed at your audacity. i mannci lo nu do tai darsi Ла сола лингуа вера куал есисте ен ла мундо ес ла беса. The only true language in the world is a kiss. It is true that it is true that it is true that it is true. Novkonservativismo malkredindigis sin. Neoconservatism has discredited itself. New conservationism has mistrusted itself. DuQuchchoHmoHbej bIQ HIvje'. A glass of water will make you feel better. DuQuchchoH very much bIQ Hivje'. jIQoS. naDev ghaHtaHbe' vavwI''e'. I'm sorry, my father's not here. Exiting. You don't appear to have been visited by yourself, but we don't appear to have been visited by aliens. Ĉu Tomo vere farus ion tian? Would Tom really do something like that? Does Tom really do something like that? Tom deveniva un toxicomano. Tom became a drug addict. Tom became a toxic. Ille dice le mesme cosas desde quando io faceva le cognoscentia de ille. He's been saying the same things since I first met him. They tell the same things since I made the knowledge of that. ko na tolclite Don't be rude. co na tulclite .i mi na ta'e jukpa I don't cook. .i na ta'e jukpa Tomo hontas. Tom is ashamed. Tom is ashamed. Kiel distordiĝis via manartiko? How did you sprain your wrist? How did your family say? Manjo naskis knabon. Mary gave birth to a boy. Mary gave birth to a boy. Tia ĝi ja estas. That's just how it is. That's what it is. Vintre frue malheliĝas. In winter night falls early. It’s dark early in winter. Felice es ille qui non ha occidite in su anima le infante. Happy is the one who has not killed the child in his soul. Happiness is those who have not committed to their souls. Alayambo! Hurray! Alayambo! qaSDI' qoSDaj qaS Dochmey Huj. Strange things happened on her birthday. It was one of the answers to these big questions. Mi butikumas ĉiumatene. I go shopping every morning. I'm shopping every morning. Mi iris tien antaŭ nelonge, sed ĝi malaperis. I went there the other day, but it was gone. I went there recently, but it disappeared. jIvum vIneHbe'. I don't want to work. I've come to tell you, sir. Куал ес туa либро? Which is your book? Do you want to know it? Tracy perdeva su berillos. Tracy lost her glasses. Tracy lost his berillos. Methad ra rawíi with shum raden wáa. Humans can't live without air. Methad ra rawíi with shum raden wáa. Cuanto tu ia paia per esta completa? How much did you pay for that suit? Are you sure you want to complete the country? Noi ha ancor comensat. We've already begun. We still have comensat. ma cmene ti noi gerku What's this dog's name? But Name ti noi gerku Le vita non es facile jammais. Life is never easy. The life isn’t easy to never. Mi ĝojas, ke Tomo estis tie. I'm glad that Tom was there. I’m glad Tom was there. yInmeH qoy'. He lives by begging. So, it's a big look at you. Esce tu veni a Rio per la juas olimpial? Are you coming to Rio for the Olympics? Are you coming to Rio by the juas Olympic? Io te prohibi fumar. I forbid you to smoke. I'm banned from smoking. ghaH yIja'. Tell him. ghaH yIja'. 'oH munobpu'. He gave it to me. But there's a big deal with us. Tom tranchas la pano. Tom is cutting the bread. Tom knocks the bread. Feliceu Pascour! Happy Passover! Feliceu Pascour! Ŝi estas matematikisto. She's a mathematician. She is a mathematician. An Tom era un junkie? Was Tom a junkie? And Tom was a junkie? Aŭskultu ĉi tiun podkaston. Listen to this podcast. Listen to this podcast. qaleghlaH. I can see you. I'm going to live for you. Kikodo binol-li so lügik? Why are you so sad? Kicode binol-li so lügik? Mi ne kredas, ke tio gravis. I don't think it mattered. I don’t think it was pregnant. la maris na pu klaku Mary did not cry. the Maris na pu click .i mi citka no'oi ke'a drata lo ka pinxe I am eating, which is different to drinking. .i mi citka no'oi ke'a tradi lo ka pinxe Ni loĝas proksime de la rivero. We live near the river. We live near the river. tujqu'. It was very hot. Thank you immediately. luparHa' Hoch juppu'wI'. All of my friends like him. There is nothing bigger or older than that. Sua moves rapida ia stona nos. His rapid movements astonished us. It’s a quick way to stop us. Ĉi tiu programaro ne utilas; forigu ĝin. This software is not useful; delete it. This software is not useful; remove it. Esque vos parla chinese? Do you speak Chinese? Do you speak Chinese? Mary estas virino de dubinda virto. Mary is a woman of dubious virtue. Mary is a woman of doubtful virtue. Tomo parolas du fremdajn lingvojn. Tom speaks two foreign languages. Tom speaks two foreign languages. Ka tu volas inter-disputar? You wanna fight? Do you want to inter-dispute? Mi ne scias, kiel ŝi eltrovis. I don't know how she found out. I don’t know how she found out. Travivintoj de seksatenco pli probable eksuferos posttraŭmatan streĉan perturbon, ol travivintoj de aliaj traŭmataj spertoj. Rape survivors are more likely to develop post-traumatic stress disorder than survivors of other traumatic experiences. Survivors of sexual care will more likely exuppose posttracted stress disorder, than experiencers from other traumatic experiences. Vi ĉiam trovos min honesta. I will always level with you. You will always find me honest. Qap Ho'Dos ngo'. The old system works. Qap Ho'Dos Enter'. yotlhDaq law' puqpu'. There are a lot of children in the park. That's what we all say, but we don't know where we are? Me ia vole sempre es madre. I've always wanted to be a mother. I always want to be mad. Il ha un libro hic. There's a book here. There’s a book here. Esce el es felis? Is he happy? Is it happy? Tom odia Mary. Tom hates Mary. Tom hate Mary. mi pu cpedu re tcati .e ci ckafi I ordered two teas and three coffees. i pu cpedu re tcati .e ckafi Mi volus glason da akvo. I'd like a glass of water. I want a glass of water. ghojmeH ghItlhwI'lIj vIlo' 'e' Dachaw''a'? Can I use your pencil? Let's take an insight into your life? lo ni frili cu mleca lo jai se jinvi be lo prenu It's not as easy as people think. It's hard to cu mleca lo jai se jinvi be it take No pämotob ädelo. I wasn't born yesterday. No pämotob ädel. Lu semblar es constatatione. It seems to be his statement. Assembling is controversial. Nun mi ne povas. I can't right now. I can't now. Tom es un merda. Tom's an asshole. Tom es un merda. me le fasnu baza lo cacra be li pa One hour until the event. me le donu base lo cacra be li pa tcaci .ui do You have a habit that I'm happy about. Tcaci .ui do jagh luSuv. They fought against the enemy. jagh luSuv. Lasu min resumi tion, kio diriĝis. Let me summarize what was said. Let me understand what was said. ta'i ma do tadni la.esperanton. How did you learn Esperanto? Tádni la.peraon. Ĉu vi volas vendi vian veturilon? Would you like to sell your car? Do you want to sell your car? Esta ia es la dia la plu mal de sempre. This was the worst day ever. And that's the worst part of the universe. not maja'chuq. We never talk. not maja'chuq. Esque vu vole partir un orange? Do you want to share an orange? Do you want to share an orange? Fine de la frazo oni devas meti punkton. One should add a full stop at the end of the sentence. At the end of the sentence you have to put a point. Jim ne va venir hodie. Jim will not come today. Jim won't come today. Mi amegis Anglujon. I relished England. I love England. ti'e do ba spebi'o I heard you are going to get married. You are now in there. Pardonon, kio do estas la nomo? Excuse me, what was the name again? Sorry, what is the name? Ордина алфабетал еста листа. Put this list in alphabetical order. It's all about it. La najbaro havas belegan longharan katon. The neighbor has a beautiful floof. The neighbor has a beautiful long-haired cat. Ideas verde incolor dormi furiosemente. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Ideas green incolor sleep furiously. lo vi dinju cu cnino This building is new. You Dinju cu cnino Con le impudentia que le characterisa, Tom ha negate toto. With his characteristic impudence, Tom denied everything. With the impulse that characterises, Tom has denied everything. Neniu vere estas tia. No one's actually like that. No one really is that. mu'oy' qamwIj. My foot hurts. I am alone in my life. Til kande tu arivis ibe, la suno sub-iris. By the time you got there, the sun had set. As soon as you arrived there, the sun went under. Venu, Emilia! Via patro vin atendas. Come, Emilia! Your father is waiting for you. Come, my father is waiting for you. Rilate al mi, mi estas kontenta. As for me, I am satisfied. As for me, I'm happy. La fem ferida ia es un turiste brasilera. The wounded woman was a Brazilian tourist. The sometimes injured ya is a turist brasilera. Mi liberiĝis de ĝi. I got free of it. I got rid of it. mi'o me lo menli be mi'o We are what we think. mi'o me lo menli be mi'o Vi indas. You're worth it. You're going to go. Almein es yn paes gran. Germany is a big country. Almein is yn paes gran. pay' ba'choH cheSHom qIj 'ej 'IQqu'law'. Suddenly the little black rabbit sat down, and looked very sad. pay' ba'choH cheSHom qIj 'ej 'IQqu'law'. Tom ne volas vivar sola. Tom doesn't want to live by himself. Tom doesn't want to live alone. Heghpu' julyet 'e' Har romIyo' 'ej vaj HoH'egh 'e' wuq. Romeo, believing that Juliet was dead, decided to kill himself. Heghpu' julyet 'e' Har romIyo' ejmo HoH'egh 'e' wuq. La langoj de katoj estas kovritaj de malgrandaj hokoj, faritaj el keratino. Cats' tongues are covered in little hooks made of keratin. The tongues of cats are covered with small hooks, made of keratin. ghaH Haqlu'. She had surgery. ghaH Haqlu'. mi fliba lo ka facki lo du'u ma kau valsi gi'e mapti I'm at a loss for words. my flib it didn't find it two'u ma kau valsi gi'e suitable Ел иа пренде алга коса де ен ла сако. She took something out of the bag. It is true that it is true that it is true. Mi ne volas loĝi en lando, kie Tomo Joĉjido estas la prezidento. I don't want to live in a country where Tom Jackson is the president. I don’t want to live in a country where Tom Jochjido is the president. Do es la sala 105? Where is Room 105? So is the sala 105? chuq Dun 'oH qar'a'? That's an amazing distance, isn't it? That is why I would like to understand the universe. Alga de mundo es alerjica a trigo. Some people are allergic to wheat. Alga from the world is alert to wheat. mi na ka'e krici fi lo se viska I can't believe my eyes. mi na'e krici fi lo se viska mumerpu' noregh. Norway has surprised me. mumerpu' noregh. Kiel mi tralasis lin? How did I let him through? How did I see him? qatlhobneS, HIja'! vIQoy vIneHqu'. Please tell me. I really want to hear it. DileobneS, Hija! domoQoy miruqu'. Kial vi ne aŭskultas min? Why don't you listen to me? Why don’t you listen to me? Mi piediris. I went on foot. I walked. Sepmey HochHomDaq puqpu'vaD wej 18 ben boghbogh nuvpu' luponglu' — woQ wIvlaHbe'. In most countries, people under the age of 18 are considered minors - they cannot vote. If we think we are the only intelligent beings, we must have made good progress on the probability of the universe. Me ne savas quale olun demonstrar, nam ol esas tre evidenta! I don't know how to demonstrate it, since it's too obvious! I don't know how it turns out, because it's very obvious! Vi ŝajnas koni min, sed mi ne konas vin. You seem to know me, but I don't know you. You seem to know me, but I don’t know you. ra simlu lo ka citno He looks young. simlu lo ka citno Mi provu igi Tomon fari tion. I should try to get Tom to do that. I’ll try to make Tom do that. Ŝi estas kvieta virino. She is a quiet woman. She is a quiet woman. vaghmaH meb ma'laH mebpa'mey. The hotel can accommodate fifty guests. Moreover, we can calculate a probability that the rest of the universe is being made by aliens. Il occurre nihil sin que Deo lo sape. Nothing happens without God's knowledge. There’s nothing I know about it. xu do pu zukte si'u nai Did you do it by yourself? xu do pu zukte si'u nai Laĉu viajn ŝuojn zorge, alie vi stumblos. Tie your shoes properly, or you'll trip. Wash your shoes carefully, otherwise you will be stupid. ma nadrai bangu di'o le mu'ezda Which is the most difficult language in the world? Nadrai bangua di'o l'ezda Tio estas nenegebla. That cannot be denied. That's impossible. mi birti lo nu do pu viska la tom I'm certain that you saw Tom. I brew it nu do pu vska la tom Li jam konsciis pri ĝi. Already he was aware of it. He was already aware of it. jIqIDbe'. I'm not kidding. Exiting... Mi ne scias, kiam Tom venos ĉi tien. I don't know when Tom will get here. I don’t know when Tom comes here. meqlaH Humanpu'. meqlaHbe' Ha'DIbaHmey. Man has reason, animals do not. Human Bang, according to the capital of Ha'DIbaHmey. Cathy es un false gothica. Cathy is a fake goth. Cathy is a fake Gothic. Mi ne scias, kiam la kunveno startis, sed ĝi startis minimume antaŭ tridek minutoj. I don't know when the meeting started, but it started at least thirty minutes ago. I don’t know when the meeting started, but it started at least thirty minutes ago. chobItmoHtaH. You're making me nervous. ChobIt’s a lot of time. Ме оиа сона де пасос естра каса. I hear footsteps outside. It is true that it is true that it is true. ko'a nenri le sroku'a He's in the closet. Stop the sroku'a Ĉu Tomo ne diris al vi, kio okazis? Didn't Tom tell you what happened? Didn’t Tom tell you what happened? e'e mi'o penmi bu'u da Let's meet up somewhere. e'e mi'o pensi bu'u da Esque it esset pluviosi in London? Was it rainy in London? Is it a result of raining in London? Tomo loĝas ĉe siaj patroj. Tom lives with his fathers. Tom lives in his fathers. To esas vera. This is true. It's true. nIteb juHDaq chaHtaH ghaH'e' ghuDaj'e' je. She was alone with her baby in the house. Our only chance is that we have solved the knowledge of the universe. Ili nur volas pretekston por maldungi vin. They just want an excuse to fire you. They just want a pretext to harm you. Älogob ofi svimöl. I saw her swim. Älogob ofi svimöl. .u'e ze prenu cu zvati Wow, there are seven people here! Let's take the two out of it. Esce vos gusta acel pais? Do you like that country? Do you taste acel pais? Vos oblidava de rigar le plantas. You forgot to water the plants! You forgot to look at the plants. "Dise a me cual tu vole, e me va dona lo a tu", Alexandro la Grande ia dise a Diogeno. " "Me nesesa no cosa", la saja ia responde, "ma si tu vole fa me felis, sesa impedi ce me aseta la lus de sol." "Tell me what you want and I will give it to you," said Alexander the Great to Diogenes. "I don't need anything," the sage responded, "but if you want to make me happy, stop blocking my sunlight." "Die to me cual tu vol, and I'm going to give it to you", Alexandr la Grande a dise a Diogeno. "I'm unaware of nothing", the saja i'm responding, "but if you want to make me happy, sixth prevent me from being the lus de sol." Ben, io justo me lo rememorava. Well, I just remembered. Well, I just remember it. Illa deveniva cata die plus belle. She grew every day more and more beautiful. He was most beautiful every day. do banzu lo ka plipe fo makau kei lo nu pencu lo va tricu jimca You jumped high enough to touch this branch. do ban lo ka plupe fo makau kei lo nu penu lo vaː jimca Drakoj ne estas dombestoj. Dragons aren't pets. Dragons are not pets. pe'vIlHa' HochvaD pejatlh. Speak gently to everyone. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Tomo loĝas en la vilaĝo. Tom lives in the village. Tom lives in the village. Ĉi-vespere mi estos hejme. I'll be at home tonight. I’ll be at home tonight. U es li catedrale situat? Where is the cathedral located? Is he a cathedral situat? Tom petis al Mary atendi lin antaŭ la biblioteko. Tom asked Mary to wait for him in front of the library. Tom asked Mary to wait for him before the library. Kion vi planis por hodiaŭ? What's your plan for the day? What did you plan for today? Era vos serie? Were you all serious? And you series? Bob plenava le olla con aqua. Bob filled the pot with water. Bob filled the oil with water. Me volis ditenar Tom. I wanted to stop Tom. I wanted to tell Tom. Yo have du filias e du filios. I have two daughters and two sons. It has two daughters and two children. Mi demandas min, kio okazos, se mi premos tiun butonon. I wonder what happens if I press this button. I wonder what will happen if I press this button. Ме одиа еста мундо. I hate this world. It's all the way it's going to be. Ama vos le oranges? Do you like oranges? Do you like oranges? La hundo de Tomo neniam mordus iun ajn. Tom's dog would never bite anyone. Tom’s dog would never bite anyone. Mi petis Tom, ke li ne intervenu. I asked Tom not to interfere. I asked Tom not to come in. la .tom. cu pilno lo manku makfa Tom practices black magic. the .tom. jungo lo manku makfa not tlhoy bIyeplaH. You can never be too careful. note novery bIyeplaH. DItlhobpu'be'. We didn't order these. But we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Ĉu katherbo estas drogo? Is catnip a drug? Is it a drug? La klarigo de Tomo ne kvietigis Manjon. Tom's explanation didn't mollify Mary. Tom’s explanation didn't wake up. Iste auto non me pertine. This car doesn't belong to me. This car doesn’t belong to me. Estas aspeta bela. These look nice. It's very nice. Non me interrumpe quando io parla, si il vos place. Please don't interrupt me while I'm talking. Don’t interfere with me when I speak, like you. Kiu scias, tiu regas. He who knows, rules. Who knows, he rules. nIpon Hol lujatlhlaH 'amerI'qa'ngan law'. There are many Americans who can speak Japanese. We’re going to go to the Big Bang, and we’re making sure we’re making good progress. Tomon surprizis, kiel bone Manjo scipovis desegni. Tom was surprised how well Mary could draw. Tom was surprised as a good boy was able to draw. cakla .iunai I don't like chocolate. cakla .iunai Mi lernis stiri aŭton, kiam mi estis dek-kvin-jaraĝa. I learned how to drive when I was fifteen years old. I learned to drive a car when I was fifteen years old. Dum la tuta jaro tiu monto estas kovrita de neĝo. That mountain is covered in snow all year round. Throughout the year this mountain is covered by snow. Mi aĉetis dek ovojn. I bought ten eggs. I bought ten eggs. Ta esas bela urbeto. This is a gorgeous town. It's a beautiful town. SoHvaD maSeng wIneHbe'. We don't want to cause you any trouble. Professor, we really used to make good progress. Demetu viajn ŝuojn antaŭ ol eniri templon. Take your shoes off before entering a temple. Drop your shoes before entering a temple. yIQ Dochvam. That is wet. yIQ Dochvam. Me no compra pan. I don't buy bread. I don't buy a pan. xu do jungo Are you Chinese? xu do jungo To es mi filia. This is my daughter. It's my daughter. La knabo ŝajnis kontenta pro sia nova biciklo. The boy looked pleased with his new bicycle. The boy seemed happy for his new bicycle. xagji xu Hungry? xagji xu Mi klopodas eltrovi, kio estas malfermita kaj kio ne estas. I'm trying to figure out what's open and what isn't. I’m trying to find out what’s open and what’s not. Nun ia informa me sur acel. No one told me about that. Now let me know about something. Ubi poterea tu incontrar me, amor? Where would you be able to find me, love? Where could you meet me, love? Oriono estas unu el la plej rekoneblaj konstelacioj. Orion is one of the most recognizable constellations. Orion is one of the most recognizable constellations. Ме иа беви мулте кафе. I drank a lot of coffee. It's all the way it's going to be. Desde quando es tu hic? Since when you have been here? Want when are you here? Me kanta su la pluvo. I'm singing in the rain. I sing on the rain. me'rIy' vav ghaH tam'e'. Tom is Mary's father. me'rIy' vav ghaH tam'e'. Tomo faligis la pafilon. Tom put the gun down. Tom dropped the gun. Bal, tel, kil, fol, lul, mäl, vel, jöl, zül, deg. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Bal, tel, kiel, fol, lul, mäl, vel, jöl, zül, deg. Tomo estas avida je laŭdo. Tom's a glory seeker. Tom is proud of praise. le bitmu poi la xamtidamtis cu farlu fi ke'a cu na du la banli bitmu pe le jungo The wall from which Humpty Dumpty fell is not the Great Wall of China. bitmu po la xamtidamtis cu farlu fi ke'a cu na du la banli bitmu pe le jungo .ua .i ba'anai Oh yeah, I remember now. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sape tu pro que duo de tres studentes non participava in le incontro de studentes? Do you know the reason why two-thirds of the students did not attend the student meeting? Did you know why two of three students didn't participate in students' encounter? Me no es tan vea. I'm not so old. Me no es tan vea. Mi kredas, ke vi estas freneza. I think you're nuts. I think you're crazy. Ili kuras nun. They are running now. They are now running. Ŝi tradukis ĉion por mi. She translated everything for me. She translated everything for me. Tu es enoiosissime. You're really boring. You are endoisime. Le wothal wohomá wáa. I'm a good teacher. Le wothal whomá wáa. lo nolraitru be le gligu'e cu ckini lo nolraitru be la sferies The Queen of England is related to the King of Sweden. Nalrairu be le gligu'e cu kini lo nolrairu be la spheres Io credeva que Tom nunquam lo trovarea. I thought Tom would never find it. I believe Tom never found it. lo klesi be ma ba se binxo mi What'll become of me? The type of being but the base is my binding Junaj infanoj devus lerni kunsentemon por bestoj. Young children ought to learn empathy for animals. Young children should learn consentence for animals. Ille barca naufragava al litore de Chile. That boat wrecked off the coast of Chile. That barca naufragava al litore de Chile. go'i .i mi nelci cai ra Yes, I really like him. go'i .i mi nelci cai ra Me manjar pome. I am eating an apple. I eat apples. 'oH vIchoHlaH 'e' vIjIn. I wish I could change that. The universe is in space. Io non debe cocinar lo. I don't have to cook it. I don't have to cook it. E Dio ia dise: "Ta ce la lus esiste!" E la lus ia esiste. And God said: Let there be light. And there was light. And God said, "That's why it was!" And the one was there. ko klama lo crane be le kulku'a Come to the front of the classroom. Clama lo crane le culku'a Tomo tre ŝatas bicikli. Tom really likes cycling. Tom loves to bike. Tom sputava. Tom spit. Tom sputava. Me vidas tua kavalo. I see your horse. I see your horse. Samio estas strangulo. Sami is a strange man. Samia is a strangle. Äfidob podi. I ate the apple. Äfidob podi. lo mamymamta pu klama le zarci tezu'e lo nu te vecnu lo cidja be lo lanzu Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family. mamymamta pu klama le zarci tezu'e lo nu te vezu lo cidja be lo lanzu ma traji lo ka sutra bajra kei fo lu'i la .ken. .e la .tonis. Who runs faster, Ken or Tony? but treat it so sutra bayra kei fo lu'i la .ken. .e la .tonis. Le relation matre-infante es paradoxe e, in certe senso, tragic. Illo require le amor le plus intense del latere del matre, totevia iste mesme amor debe adjutar le infante a crescer longe del matre e a devenir totalmente independente. The mother-child relationship is paradoxical and, in a sense, tragic. It requires the most intense love on the mother's side, yet this very love must help the child grow away from the mother, and to become fully independent. Mother-in-child relationship is paradoxy and, in some sense, tragic. It requires the love of the most intensely on the side of the morning, however this same love must help the infant grow longer than ever and become completely independent. Ме одиа ла сол. I hate the sun. It's all about it. bIchu''a'? Are you new? bIchu'a? Estas multaj aferoj, kiujn ni ankoraŭ devas aĉeti. There are a lot of things that we still need to buy. There are many things we need to buy. Vi esas plu forta kam ni. You're stronger than we are. You are stronger than us. Se vi mistraktas vian komputilon, ĝi ne bone funkcias. If you abuse your computer, it won't work well. If you miss your computer, it doesn’t work well. Binol-li lügik? Are you sad? Binol-li lügik? Sua braso ia tanje mea braso. Her arm brushed against mine. Sua braso un tanje mea braso. Il evas same kam me. He is the same age as me. He was the same as me. Ni estas metilernantoj. We're apprentices. We are apprentices. ra ricfu He's rich. ricfu Io cerca un arma. I'm looking for a weapon. I’m looking for a weapon. ju'o do pu pensi da You must have thought of something. Thank you for thinking of Lernante novan lingvon, oni devas pacienci. You have to be patient when you learn a new language. Learning a new language, one must be patient. Ĉu vi dirus al mi unu aferon? Would you mind telling me one thing? Would you tell me one thing? Mi havas nur buteron en la fridujo. I only have butter in the fridge. I only have butter in the refrigerator. Ha'! ghargh wISurgh! Let's skin the snake. Oh, go, go! Tomo povas legi la araban. Tom can read Arabic. Tom can read Arabic. Illa non le amava, ni le amarea jammais, post que ille ha inspirate in illa un secrete e inexplicabile aversion. She didn't love him, she would never love him; he has inspired in her a secret and inexplicable dislike. It wasn’t the love, nor ever after he inspired in there's a secret and explainable version. ko'a le ri zdani na zvati He isn't at home. Co'a zdani na zvati pu xlali sidbo It was a bad idea. Pu xlali sidbo La hundo estas verda kaj bela. The dog is green and beautiful. The dog is green and beautiful. El no ave bisicle. She has no bicycle. El no ave bisicles. Kie vi nun estas, opinie de via patrino? Where does your mother think you are right now? Where are you now, your mother's opinion? Mi ne estis marmalsana. I wasn't seasick. I wasn't marmalsian. Mi devas iel uzi ĉi tiujn rafanojn. I have to do something with these radishes. I need to use these frogs. Ni ĉiuj iris krom Tomo. All of us went except for Tom. We all went except Tom. Ĉu Tomo fakte povas fari tion? Can Tom actually do that? Can Tom actually do that? DumuSbe' tam. Tom doesn't hate you. DumuSbe' tam. Ni faris la plej bonan el tiu situacio. We made the best of that bad situation. We made the best of this situation. La poŝtaĵo ne alvenis hodiaŭ. The mail didn't come today. The post has not arrived today. Li aniĝas en du profesiaj grupoj. He belongs to two professional groups. He lives in two professional groups. Illes discuteva su propositiones al assemblea. They discussed his proposals at the meeting. They discussed their proposals to the assembly. chaw' je' Hoch bejwI'. Every spectator buys a ticket. There is nothing bigger or older than ever. Kiu donis al vi tiun ĉemizon? Who gave you that shirt? Who gave you this shirt? Bruiso vekigis li. A noise woke them up. Bruiso awakened him. Tenn' enomentielva! Be seeing you! Tenn' enomentielva! Puerini esas puerini e pueruli esas pueruli. Girls are girls and boys are boys. Puerines are puerines and pueruli are pueruli. Isto displaceva a totes. That displeased everyone. This displaced to everyone. Ne eliru post noktiĝo. Don't go out after dark. Don't go out after night. Tu es importante. You are important. You are important. La maljunaj geedzoj mortis en paco. The elderly couple died peacefully. The old marriages died in peace. Ĉu vi kutime matenmanĝas? Do you usually eat breakfast? Do you usually eat breakfast? Esce tu vole jelo? Would you like ice? Are you sure you want to Jallow? Nos ia dise a Tom ce el no resta a estra asta tarda. We told Tom not to stay out late. We said to Tom that rests at the end of the end. mi birti lo du'u do pu viska la tom I'm certain that you saw Tom. I brew it du'u do pu vska la tom pa lo verntineidja cu pu krixa One of the teenagers screamed. pa lo verntineidja cu pu krixa potlhbe'. It's not important. Professor, we thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Tom ne scias, kiam Mary revenos. Tom doesn't know when Mary will come back. She doesn’t know when Mary returns. Rigardu tiun bildon. Look at that picture. Look at this picture. ghumtaH ghogh HablI'. bIneHchugh, jIjang jIH. The telephone is ringing. If you want, I'll answer it. We need to suppress ghogh Habepi'. bInetiveness, projecting. Malutila fumo eble ĉeestas. Noxious fumes may be present. Cold smoke may be present. SuHub'eghlaHmeH SughojnIS. You'll need to learn how to defend yourselves. SuHub'egh rivermeH SughojIS. Vi devas redukti vian pezon. You need to lose weight. You have to reduce your weight. meqwIj vIghaj. For personal reasons. I am very lucky to have a look at you. Miaj amikoj nomas min Manjo. My friends call me Mary. My friends call me Manjo. Ne aŭskultu ŝiajn mensogojn! Don't listen to her lies! Don’t listen to her lies. Tu no ia sabe ce Tom es ge? You didn't know Tom was gay? You don't know Tom is gay? Ĉio el tiu ĉambro estos forigata. Everything in that room will be thrown away. All of this room will be removed. Esta libro es dedicada a no person. This book is not dedicated to anyone. Her book is dedicated to no person. Tiu ĉi frazo ŝajnas esti ĝusta, gramatike. This sentence seems to be grammatically correct. This sentence seems to be correct, grammatical. ko denpa ne'i lo denpa kumfa Wait in the waiting room. Didn't decode image Nos ia sabe ce nos pote fa lo. We knew we could do it. We know we can do it. Dansar: expression vertical de un desiro horizontal legalisate per le musica. Dancing: the vertical expression of a horizontal desire legalized by music. Dansar: Vertical expression of a horizontal device legalised by the music. Kion vi hieraŭ volis diri al mi? What did you want to say to me yesterday? What did you want to say to me yesterday? Tomaso helpas al Maria. Tom is helping Mary. Thomas helps Mary. mu'ghom vIlaDchu'ta'. I've read the dictionary cover to cover. How many are you doing? Se mi estus vi, mi farus la saman. If I were you, I would do the same. If I were you, I would do the same. Tikob, so binob. I think therefore I am. Tikob, so binob. qItbe'. That's not possible. qItbe'. banan naH chab DaSopta''a'? Have you ever eaten a banana pie? Bann naH chab DaSopta'a? En la profundo de la kolektiva senkonscio de la homaro oni devas trovi la pensmanieron de la trogloditoj. Tokipono estas utila ilo por alporti ĉi tion al la surfaco de nia konscio. In the depths of humanity's collective unconscious, the troglodytes' way of thinking must be found. Toki Pona is a useful tool to bring this to the surface of our consciousness. In the depth of the collective unconsciousness of humanity one must find the thinking of the troglodites. Tokyo is a useful tool to bring this to the surface of our consciousness. Facila estas la vojo al saĝo por tiuj, kiuj ne blindigas sin mem. Easy is the path to wisdom for those not blinded by themselves. It is the way to wisdom for those who do not blind themselves. Li doctore tirad li papere ec sen poshe. The doctor pulled the paper from his pocket. Li doctore terriad li papere ec sen poshe. Le poeta face poemas. The poet makes poems. Le poet face poemas. La kapitano estas narcisisto. The captain is a narcissist. The captain is a narrator. Mi ne kontrolis ilian poŝtkeston. I did not check their mail box. I didn’t check their box. Ni vidis ĝin. We saw it. We saw it. Ŝajnas, ke ĉi tiu pordo estis enrompita. It looks like this door has been forced open. This door was broken. Se tio okazos, mi ne miros. If that happened, it wouldn't surprise me. If that happens, I won’t miss. Ĉu tiu ulo enordas? Is that guy alright? Is this guy in order? Manjo trovis kvarfolion. Mary found a four-leaf clover. Manjo found a four-fold. Prenu viajn librojn kaj metu ilin en vian ĉambron. Take your books and put them in your room. Take your books and put them in your room. Maria usa filtro de paper per tamisi cafe. Mary uses a paper filter to strain coffee. Mary uses a filter of paper by tamisi cafe. Ankoraŭ ne estas tro malfrue por diri tion al li. It's not too late to tell him. It’s not too late to tell him. Mi ne komprenas Tomon kaj Manjon, kiam ili interparolas france. I can't understand Tom and Mary when they speak French to each other. I don’t understand Tom and Men when they talk to France. Il ha solmente pauc homines qui non sape isto. There are but a few men who don't know that. There are only a few people who don’t know this. Cuando acel ia es? When was that? Is there anything else? chImtaH puH Duj 'ul 'aplo'. The car battery is dead. chIm suppresses puH Duj'ul 'aplo'. Mi bezonos kovrilon el lano, ĉar estas malvarme dumnokte. I shall need a wool blanket because it is cold at night. I’m going to have a blanket of wool, because it’s cold at night. Desde quelc témpor yo have sempre li sam somnie in li nocte. For some time now I've had the same dream every night. Desde quelc témor yo has always li sam somnie in li night. Ĉu Geraldine Ferraro ankoraŭ vivas? Is Geraldine Ferraro still alive? Is Geraldine Ferraro still alive? jIror'a'? Am I fat? How will you know? Kiel vi fartas? How's it going? How are you doing? «vagh Hu' vIlegh»; jatlh. "I saw her five days ago," he said. "The ultimate goal is that we are in love with you, and we are in favor of life. Catalonia ne es Hispania. Catalonia is not Spain. Catalonia is not Spain. ghotpu' QaQ chaH. They are good people. ghotpu' QaQ chaH. ma xamgu gau lau'u What good would it do? Tie xamgu gau'u chotlho'bej. You'll thank me. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Kristnasko ne estas sekulara festo. Christmas is not a secular holiday. Christmas is not a secular party. ku'i lo se badri cu na cliva mi'ai .i ze'e go'i .i ki'u ma pau But the sad things don't go away. They never do. Why is that so? Kids and continue to continue with each other, but they don't know what you are doing. Tomo povus vendi ĝin al mi. Tom might sell it to me. Tom could sell it to me. do mo prenu What kind of person are you? So let's take Noi ama nive. We like snow. We love ourselves. QoQ 'IjtaH. He was listening to music. QoQ 'It's realising. Mi pensas, ke ĉi tiu estas Emet. I think that this is Emet. I think this is Emet. Tota de nos pote aspira. We can all dream. Everything of us can aspire. mi bu'u lo dinju I'm at the house. mi bu'u lo dinju Li verkis libron pri la virino de siaj revoj. He wrote a book about the woman of his dreams. He wrote a book about the woman of his dreams. lughbe'chu'. He is quite in the wrong. On the other hand, it seems to have been visited by aliens. Unu el la plej grandaj malsukcesoj de Tomo estas lia ŝajna nekapablo konfesi malvenkon. One of Tom's greatest failings is his seeming inability to admit defeat. One of Tom's greatest failures is his apparent inability to confess defeat. Me dormis poke lastanokte. I slept little last night. I slept a little last night. Yo have mult labor hodie. I have much work today. It has a lot of work today. Tio povas soni strange, sed ĝi veras. All this may sound strange, but it is true. It can sound strange, but it is true. Mi scipovas paroli Esperanton, kvazaŭ ĝi estus mia lingvo gepatra. I can speak Esperanto as if it's my mother tongue. I can speak Esperanto as if it was my language in my mother. Etiopio estas granda lando. Ethiopia is a big country. Ethiopia is a large country. Estas io grava, kion mi diru al li. There's something important I need to tell him. It's something important that I tell him. Mi volas lerni la aŭstran anglan. I want to learn Austrian English. I want to learn English. Kikodo vilol-li lödön in Laustralän? Why do you want to live in Australia? What kind of village-li lödön in Laustralän? Agnosku tion. Admit it. Know that. Omnes di to, li tot village e mem li paisanes in li campania. Everyone says that, the whole village and even the peasants in the countryside. Each of these, li tot village and even li paisanes in li campania. na sedyta'u He does not wear a hat. Na sedyta'u Kisu ĝin. Kiss it. Kiss it. Kun dudek kvin literoj, "anticonstitutionnellement" estas la plej longa vorto en la franca lingvo. Being 25 letters long, 'anticonstitutionnellement' is the longest word in French. With twenty-five letters, "anticonstitutionnellement" is the longest word in the French language. Messi estas la plej bona piedpilkisto en la mondo. Messi is the world's greatest football player. Messi is the best footballer in the world. Se vi invitis lin, li eble venos. If you invited him, he might come. If you invited him, he might come. jau i gai i fei i dau i so i bi i ze i xa i mu i vo i ci i re i pa i incipe 13. 12 .11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Start! jau i gai i fei i dau i so i bi i z i i xa i mu i vo i i ci i re i pa i incipe Tomo estas federacia persekutisto. Tom is a federal prosecutor. Tom is a federal persecutor. Том иа мори а лунди ен Бостон. Tom died Monday in Boston. It's all the way to see it. Tomo ĉiam ridetas. Tom always smiles. Tom always smiles. Kion vi volas donaci al Tom je lia naskiĝtago? What do you want to give Tom for his birthday? What do you want to give to Tom on his birthday? wa'SaD boq wa'vatlh; chen wa'SaD wa'vatlh. If you add one hundred to one thousand, you get eleven hundred. But if you want to unmount the universe, please check that we want to continue. ma'a ralte lo mlatu e lo gerku We have a cat and a dog. ma'a ralte lo mlatu e lo gerku Ne plorez. Me amoras tu. Don't cry. I love you. Don't cry. I love you. ko barna cpana .i ko bredi .i ko klama On your mark! Get set! Go! co barna cpana .i co breeds .i co klama Nunquam essaya morir. Never try to die. Never try to die. Ата рапида анке аве вантажес. Rapid action also has advantages. It's all the way to do it. Ĉu vi povas distingi inter Jane kaj ŝia ĝemela fratino? Can you tell Jane from her twin sister? Can you distinguish between Jane and her sister? En romantikismo kaŝiĝas multe da malbono. There's a lot of evil hidden in romanticism. In romanticism, much evil is hidden. ra na djuno lo du'u mi ponjo She doesn't know that I'm Japanese. Cancelo du'u mi ponjo Totes ama un exquisite construction de phrase. E ille sembla haber le habilitate de trovar exactemente le parolas juste pro qualcunque occasion. Everyone loves an exquisite turn of phrase. And he seems to have the knack of finding exactly the right words for any occasion. Everyone likes a broken build. And they seem to have the ability to find exactly the words right for any occasion. La buso haltadis en ĉiu vilaĝo. The bus stopped in every village. The bus stopped in every village. Tomo estas la persono, kiu helpis Manjon. Tom is the person who helped Mary. Tom is the person who has helped the man. Yo nequande obliviat to. I never forgot that. Yo nequande obliviat to. Son vos felice? Are you all happy? You're glad! Mi pensas, ke ili vidis vin. I think they saw you. I think they saw you. Musica plase nos. We like music. Music likes us. lomqa' tu'lu' 'e' DaHarbej'a'? Do you really believe in ghosts? If you don't know, you'll go to me? M, B kaj P estas dulipaj konsonantoj. M, B, and P are bilabial consonants. M, B and P are two-lip consonants. Tio estas valida. That's valid. This is valid. Io ira a casa a dece horas. I'll go home at ten. I'm going to home to ten hours. Tomo, vekiĝu! Ni alvenis. Wake up, Tom! We've arrived. Let’s wake up, we've arrived. Co esas desfacile facebla. This is difficult to do. What's hard to do. Li trairis la arbaron marŝante. He walked through the forest. He crossed the forest by walking. li vai ju'u paxa du li pamu F in hexadecimal is equal to 15. Li vai ju'u paxa du li pamu Li estas kontenta pri sia vivo kiel basballudanto. He is content with his life as a baseball player. He is pleased with his life as a baseball player. Me ia vole dona un donada a Tom. I wanted to give Tom a gift. I'd like to donate a gift to Tom. Ĉiam provu meti viajn pecojn sur la kvadratojn, kie ili povas esti plej efikaj. Always try to place your pieces on the squares where they can be most effective. Always try to put your pieces on the squares where they can be most effective. To es li max grand muséo del cité. This is the largest museum in the city. To es li max grand muséo del cité. La kato ŝatas ĉasi musojn. The cat loves to chase mice. The cat likes to hunt mice. .au mi baupli la lojban. I want to speak in Lojban. .au mi baupli la lojban. Ili havas du hundojn, katon kaj dek kokinojn. They have two dogs, a cat and ten hens. They have two dogs, cats and ten chickens. jIDoy'qu', 'ach jIQongchoHlaHbe'. I'm very tired, but I can't get to sleep. The Big Bang, along with the Big Bang, is the Big Bang, and the Big Bang. Qui tu pensa que tu es? Who do you think you are? Who do you think you're? Kelkaj knaboj ludis ĉe la lageto. Some boys were playing near the pond. Some boys played at the pond. Li kapjesis por montri, ke li samopinias kun mi. He nodded to show that he agreed with me. He was caught to show that he was agreeing with me. Io quitava le firma proque io voleva esser sol. I left the firm, because I wanted to be on my own. I quit the signature because I wanted to be alone. Tom dicis, ke il esabis okupata. Tom said he had been busy. Tom said he was busy. Esque vu vole partir un orange? Would you all like to share an orange? Do you want to share an orange? rIQwI' ghaH tam'e'. Tom is disabled. Uhoff, though, is the only man. Cual pinta tu prefere? What paint do you prefer? Would you rather do it? Ĉu vi scias, kial mi venis al vi? Do you know why I've come to you? Do you know why I came to you? Non es vos fatigate? Are you not tired? Not you made? ue cu'i ma cnino So what's new? On the other hand, we know, but we know the universe. Usona futbalo estas nur homoj koliziantaj unu kun la alia. American football is just people running into each other. American football is only people clashing with each other. Neniu diris, ke la vivo estas justa. No one said life was fair. No one said that life is fair. ko zutse lo se nelci Sit wherever you like. co zutse lo se nelts roda mulno jo xamgu Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. red woman jo xamgu Montru al mi la gazetojn de hodiaŭ. Show me today's papers. Show me the newspapers of today. jIqawchu'be'. I don't really remember. Please continue. Le rosas es in button. The roses are in bud. Roses are in button. Gratias pro invitar nos . Thanks for inviting us. Thanks for inviting us . Musica es le lingua universal del homines — poesia, lor passatempore e delecto universal. Music is the universal language of mankind — poetry their universal pastime and delight. Music is the universal language of human beings – poetry, their past and universal choice. La lernejo estas fermita pro la neĝo. The school is closed because of the snow. The school is closed because of snow. Al merda con America! Fuck America! Al merida con America! Io jura ante Deo. I swear to God. It swears before God. L'olda homo lasis granda richajo ad ilua spozino. The old man left a large fortune to his wife. The old man left great wealth to his wife. Suverya'ngan ghaH be'nalDaj'e'. His wife is Swedish. Suverya'ngan ghaH be'nalDaj'e'. Том леже ун либро де историа. Tom is reading a history book. It's all the way to do it. Tomo loĝas en malgranda insulo. Tom lives on a small island. Tom lives in a small island. Estas facile fari erarojn. It's easy to make mistakes. It’s easy to make mistakes. Ni bezonas helpantojn. We need helpers. We need helpers. Me vade a leto. I'm going to bed. I go to bed. Me gusta tenis. I like tennis. I taste tennis. me'rIy ghachtaH tam. Tom is stalking Mary. rIy ghach resigned as well. Ni malkovros poste. We'll find out later. We will discover later. Mi scias, ke mi ŝuldas al vi monon. I know I owe you money. I know I owe you money. Ni bezonas helpon ĉi supre. We need help up here. We need help this above. mi pu tirna lo nu la .tom. cu sanga I heard Tom singing. I can get it out of the .tom. cu blood chaq 'oHbe'. Perhaps not. Maybe we haven't heard a universe. mi ralte lo blabi mlatu I have a white cat. mi ralte lo oblas mlatu Quante tempore ha remanite vos? How long did you stay? How long did you have? Li ne estas la ĝusta viro por vi. He's not the right man for you. He is not the right man for you. do na ninmu You're not a girl. So na ninmu La gazetaro interesiĝas pri lia privata vivo. The press is interested in his private life. The press is interested in his private life. Mi konsentas kun la propono de Taro kaj Ajumi. I agree with Taro and Ayumi's proposal. I agree with the proposal of Taro and Ajumi. Io non extingueva le lumine. I didn't turn off the light. I didn’t extinguish the lights. DaH ta'lu'lI'. The work is now in progress. I now turn to the mouth. mu'i ma lo mi gerku ku na cikta lo gerku cidja Why won't my dog eat dog food? mu'i ma lo mi gerku ku cikta lo gerku cidja ki'e do Thank you. ki'e do Ĝis baldaŭ. Catch you guys later. Until soon. Kiu dormas ne pekas. He who sleeps does not sin. Who doesn’t sleep. Ni provu veni tien antaŭ Tomaso. Let's try to get there before Tom. Let's try to get there before Thomas. Mi faris liston de aferoj, kiujn mi bezonis kunpreni. I made a list of things I needed to bring with me. I did a list of things I needed to get together. Siajn instruistojn oni respektu! One's teachers should be treated with respect. Let their teachers be respected! Ло ес мулте фасил ке он апренде наде. It's very easy to learn how to swim. It's all the way it's going to be. vIHvaD Soj lujabbogh vISopnIS; latlh vIwIvlaHbe'. I have no choice but to eat what they serve me. Do you really want to understand the search for us, but we are making sure we are making it harder for you to understand your life. Tiu estus stranga maniero diri tion. That'd be a weird way to say it. This would be a strange way to say that. yInenchoHQo'! Davonlu'bej! Don't grow up. It's a trap! Davonlu’bej! Ĉu vi iam aŭdis, ke mia patro estis avara, avida viro? Did you ever hear that my father was an avaricious, grasping man? Have you ever heard that my father was an avid man? Subtila ekvilibro devas esti trovita. A delicate balance must be reached. A subtle balance must be found. Omne spirito face su casa, et, ab le casa, nos pote divinar precisemente le habitante. Every spirit makes its house, and we can give a shrewd guess from the house to the inhabitant. Any spirit does its home, and from the home, we can accurately guess the inhabitants. Via frazo ne estis aldonita, ĉar ĝi jam ekzistas. Your sentence was not added because it already exists. Your sentence has not been added because it already exists. Io ha justo nunc vendite lo. I just sold it. I've just sold it now. Мусика поп пласе ме. I like pop music. It's all the way to do it. vay' vIta'qang. I'll do anything. vay' fajata'qang. Telefonu vian patrinon! Call your mother! Call your mother! ghItlhwI'lIj QaQ law' ghItlhwI'wIj QaQ puS. My pen isn't as good as yours. Let's go, thank you for these questions. HolQeD bopbe' paqvam. This book is not about linguistics. HolQeD bopbe' paqvam. Le radiographia monstrava duo digitos fracturate. The x-ray showed two broken fingers. The radio graph was shown two fingers broken. le nakni za'o verba He is only a child. Kids mi ctuca I'm a teacher. Mi ctuca Proque vos non me lo ha dicite? Why didn't you tell me? Why didn’t you tell me this? Ne necesas foriri. There's no need to leave. There is no need to leave. nIpon jaHmeH Huch vI'moHlI' me'rIy'. Mary is saving money to go to Japan. Thank you very much indeed. Se vi laboras forte, kaj neniam rezignas, vi povas plenumi ion ajn ... se vi bonŝancas. If you work hard, and never give up, you can accomplish anything... if you're lucky. If you work hard, and never give up, you can do anything...if you are lucky. Ka tu ultempe audis tala naraco? Have you ever heard such a story? Have you ever heard such a narrative? lo plise cu xamgu lo nu kanro .i ji'a py. kukte Apples are good for your health, and, in addition, they taste great. lo plus cu xamgu lo nu canro .i ji'a py. kukte Ĉu ni povas elspezi por nova aŭto? Can we afford a new car? Can we spend on a new car? ghopDu'wIj vISay'moH. I wash my hands. I'm very lucky that my disability is very well. paq lel. ghIq laDchoH. He got out a book and began to read it. paq lel. Argitusq laDchoH. naDev ghaHtaHbe'. She's not here. It's not supported. Tomo telefonis. Tom called. Tom called. Non oblida de serrar le porta. Remember to lock the door. Don’t forget to lock the door. ju'o cu'i la lojban cu racli bangu i ku'i ju'o sai lo jbopre ta'e na racli prenu I'm not certain if Lojban is a rational language, but I am very sure that Lojbanists are habitually not rational people. Binary for the first part, but we should take a ban on the Big Bang, one of the ten billion years ago. Nos ia fa un era. We made a mistake. We've done an era. Ni ne timas vin. We are not afraid of you. We are not afraid of you. Ла дупле иа аве ун фио. The couple had a son. It's all the way it's going to be. Ŝi iris tien. She went there. She went there. xu do ba citka lo vanci sanmi Will you eat dinner? xu do ba citka lo vanci sanmi Lia mallaboremo rezultigis malsukeson, kaj prave. His idleness resulted in the failure, and with reason. His unemployment resulted in famine, and rightly. Lo es triste. It's sad. It's sad. qep lujeS'e' Hoch vInDa'? Were all the members present at the meeting? That's what you all do? Kiom da mejloj for estas Losanĝeleso? How far away is Los Angeles in miles? How many miles away is Los Angeles? Neniu afliktus ŝin. No one would hurt her. No one would interfere with her. ko na renro lo rokci lo gerku Don't throw a stone at the dog. ko na renro lo rón lo gerku Ni rigardis ekster la fenestron sed ni nenion vidis. We looked out the window, but we didn't see anything. We looked outside the window, but we saw nothing. Tom neis al la peto de Mary. Tom denied Mary's request. Tom denied Mary’s request. Mi malamas murdantojn. I hate murderers. I hate murders. Si totos te ama, tu face le cosas mal. If everyone likes you, you're doing it wrong. If everything likes you, you do things wrong. Tomo estas jutubisto. Tom is a YouTuber. Tom is a jutubist. vi ku da pe do ckiku Here are your keys. You are about to ckiku. Mi pasigis semajnon ĉe mia onklo. I spent a week at my uncle's. I spent a week at my uncle. Mia eksbofratino loĝas en Aŭstralio. My ex-sister-in-law lives in Australia. My sister lives in Australia. Ĉu vi scipovas paroli la kurdan? Can you speak Kurdish? Can you speak the Kurdish? poSchoHlaHbe' lojmIt. The door won't open. The idea of the universe is created in different states. Tomo ne sciis, kion serĉas Manjo. Tom didn't know what Mary was looking for. Tom didn’t know what a man was looking for. Yo ne posse trovar it. I can't find it. Yo do not own to find it. Bone, mi vidu, kion mi povas fari. OK, let me see what I can do. I can see what I can do. Tom ludis maldekstrakorte. Tom played left field. Tom played on the left. Li kriegis pro doloroj. He yelled with pain. He cried out of pain. Ne tion mi ĵus aŭdis. That isn't what I just heard. I haven't heard that. lo cevni na.enai la .budas. zasti There is neither God nor Buddha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom e Mary regardis a l'altra senparole. Tom and Mary looked at each other speechlessly. Tom and Mary look back to the other wireless. La gavotas vola basa aora. The sea gulls are flying low. The gaviotas vola low aora. La sangue es roja. Blood is red. The blood is road. Mi ĉiam kredis, ke Vieno estas la ĉefurbo de Aŭstralio. I always thought Vienna was the capital of Australia. I always believe that Vienna is the capital of Australia. Le sucro non es bon pro le sanitate. Sugar isn't good for you. It’s not good for health. Лос гатос но аве посесорес, лос аве емплеадас. Cats don't have owners, they have staff. It's true, it's all about it. Mi ne havas ion specialan por fari morgaŭ. I have nothing in particular to do tomorrow. I don’t have anything special to do tomorrow. Ĉi tiu vino teruras. This wine is awful. This wine is terrible. Mi forgesis fermi la pordon. I forgot to close the door. I forgot to close the door. ti nanla poi mi pensi This is the boy I think about. Don’t think I think about you Bon senso es instincto. Dose sufficiente de illo es genio. Common sense is instinct. Enough of it is genius. Good sense is instinct. Dose enough of it is genius. Tomo ne estis la trompanto. Tom was not the impostor. Tom was not the fool. Inhalu. Inhale. Inhalu. ganai su'ore prenu cu banli gi no prenu cu du lo ropa banli prenu If at least two people are great, then no one is the only great person. take a ban on the ground, take two snoozers Kie precize estas Bostono? Where exactly is Boston? Where exactly is Boston? "La prinse peti" par Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ia es traduida de franses a en multe linguas. "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has been translated from French into many languages. "The princess request" par Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ya is translated from franses to in many languages. Illo initiava con le pavor del guerra nuclear. It began with the fear of nuclear war. It started with the nuclear war password. En mondo vere inversa, la vero estas momento de la malvero. In a world that is really upside down, the true is a moment of the false. In a world truly reversed, the truth is a moment of the poor. Báa eril éthe ne belideth? Did you clean the house? Báa eril éthe ne belideth? Me gusta musica pop. I like pop music. I taste music pop. DaraQlaHbe'. You can't handle it. DaraQ riverbe'. Ĉu vi scipovas la hispanan? Do you speak Spanish? Do you know Spanish? Tiu viro iĝis fama reĝisoro. That man became a famous director. This man became a famous director. Ĉu tio estas tro malfacila por vi? Is that too hard for you? Is that too difficult for you? ra me lo nu mi ei zukte fau lo ka nonseka This is something I need to do alone. r me lo nu mi ei zukte fau lo ka nonseka Mi devis elekti inter tiuj du. I had to choose between the two. I had to choose between those two. ca lo bavlamdei mi do cliva I'm leaving you tomorrow. I'm bavlamdei ca bavlamdei Subito io videva un homine formar se in le distantia, e surprendite, tosto recognosceva le viagiator como un femina. All at once I saw a human form in the distance, and, to my surprise, soon recognized that the traveler was a woman. Suddenly I saw a human being form in the distance, and surprised, soon recognised the traveler as a woman. xu ko'a se glepe'o Does he have a girlfriend? xu ko'a se glepe'o Kiom da tasoj da kafo vi trinkas mezume ĉiutage? On average, how many cups of coffee do you drink daily? How many cups of coffee do you drink every day? Neniam malfermu pordon de moviĝanta veturilo. Never open the door of a car that is in motion. Never open a door from a moving vehicle. lo nu do jo'u la .tom. cu casnu ma cu sarcu What do you and Tom need to talk about? This is why we play the .tom. about the first part, but you know the rest of the universe. Multegan dankon pro via kompreno. Thank you so much for understanding. Thank you very much for your understanding. Ta puero havas nula pavoro pri aquo. That child has no fear of water. This mayor has no waterwork. ra pu klama fu lo sorprekarce He came by bus. ra pu klama fu lo soprecarce Nek äkapälom. No one understood. Nor äkapälom. Tom prenas kelkajn tagojn da libertempo. Tom is taking a few days off. He takes a few days of leisure. Studob Linglänapüki bi desinob golön lü Lamerikän. I'm studying English because I plan to go to the United States. Linglänapüki bi desinob golön lü Lamerikän. ko'a gleki lo nu pu snada ta poi nu kamjunmre He was happy that he passed that exam. exactly if you don't know, then don't want to know what? ma se djica do What's your wish? but djica do Aŭstralio estas la lando de kanguruoj. Australia is the land of kangaroos. Australia is the country of kangurus. Ni evaluas la domajo ye 1000 dolari. We estimated the damage at 1000 dollars. We evaluated the house at 1000 dollars. La preleganto parolis ĝenerale pri usona literaturo kaj specife pri Faulkner. The lecturer spoke generally about American literature and specifically about Faulkner. The lecturer spoke generally about American literature and specifically about Faulkner. Tiu ponto estis konstruita antaŭ du jaroj. This bridge was built two years ago. This bridge was built two years ago. Le station es situate al west del hotel. The station is to the west of the hotel. The station is located west of the hotel. Mi jam legis la libron, kiun ŝi donis al mi. I had already read the book she gave me. I’ve read the book that she gave me. An alicuno de vos reguardava ex le fenestra? Did any of you look out the window? Have you looked at from the window? Tomaso atendis pacience dum tri horoj. Tom waited patiently for three hours. Thomas waited peacefully for three hours. Li akcidente frapis sian dikfingron per sia martelo. He accidentally hit his thumb with the hammer. He struck his thumb with his hammer. e'u noroi ba casnu la'e do'i za'u re'u Let us never speak of this again. I'll never know the rest of the universe. Mi ne igis klara tion, kion mi celis diri. I didn't make my meaning clear. I didn’t make it clear what I intended to say. ghaH DabuSnIS. You must pay attention to him. ghaH DabuSnIS. Me ia trae un per la aveni. I brought one just in case. I went through one of the aveni. Vu esos balde savas la vereso. You will soon know the truth. You will try to soon know the truth. Tom ne povas facar ito. Tom can't do that. Tom can't make them. Nostre auto exhauriva le carburante post duo minutas. Our car ran out of gas after two minutes. Our car has excavated the carburant after two minutes. Mi ne sciis, ke vi estas gejo. I didn't know you were gay. I didn’t know you were gay. mu'ima do zukte Why do you do it? On the right hand, it seems to have been a look at the Big Bang. Li estis biologo kaj anarkiisto. He was a biologist and anarchist. He was a biologist and an anarchist. Mi aĉetis tiun ĉi libron en la librovendejo apud la busa haltejo. I bought this book at the bookstore near the bus stop. I bought this book in the bookstore near the bus hall. ko'a jinvi lo du'u kakne lo nu je'urja'o She thinks she can prove it. ko'a jinvi lo du'u kakne lo je'urja'o Tom ŝatas naĝi. Tom likes swimming. Tom likes to swim. Yo pensa que il es felici. I think he's happy. Yo think it's happy. .olkai lo ka do ka'e zukte ku fa lo ka simxu lo ka lacri All you can do is trust one another. .olkai lo ka do ka'e zukte ku fa lo ka simxu lo ka lacri rut qach qoDDaq mIn QanwI' nguv tuQtaH tam. Tom sometimes wears sunglasses indoors. The answers to these questions are okay. If you want to impersonate yourself, you'll be sure that we're okay. ti noi nixli pu cnegau ri lo ka se jvinu This girl changed her look. ti noi nixli pu cn install it ka se jvinu Koko cognosce e usa plus de 500 parolas in lingua de signos, le linguage del surdos. Koko knows and uses more than 500 words in sign language, the language of deaf people. Cook knowledge and use more than 500 words in the language of characters, the deaf language. Strigoj estas ĉarmaj. Owls are cute. Strangers are charming. Mi kredas, ke vi estas tiu, kiun mi atendis dum ĉi ĉiuj jaroj. I think that you're the one that I've been waiting for for all these years. I think you’re the one I’ve been waiting for all the years. Ka tu ne esas felica? Aren't you happy? Are you not happy? Io ha finite de leger iste roman in minus de tres jornos. I finished reading this novel in under three days. I've finished reading this novel in less than three years. Li-tikol das olik binom gudikum? Do you think yours is better? Li-thikol das olik binom gudikum? pei do djuno lo du'u ta'i makau pilno le vi minji Do you know how to use this machine? Administration for two minutes Mi ne komprenas la pensmanieron de Tomo. I don't understand the way that Tom thinks. I don’t understand Tom’s thinking. Le color de rosa es pro pueras. Pink is for girls. The color of pink is for children. Kia muziko furoris lastatempe? What kind of music has been popular recently? What music has recently been stolen? Nulu komprenas me. Nobody understands me. Nulu understands me. nuqDaq vengvam 'oSbogh pu'jIn'e' vIje'laH? Where can I buy a map of the city? Where did we win the universe? jImIpHa'. I've been poor. Exiting... Mea ides es vera no tal bon. My Yiddish really isn't that good. Mea ides is true no such bon. Me pensa ce Tom vera merita esta. I think Tom really deserves it. I think this Tom is very worthy of being. Tomo ĉiutage vizitas Manjon en la malsanulejo. Tom goes to see Mary in the hospital every day. Tom visits a man in the hospital every day. Mi ne dormas. I'm not sleeping. I don't sleep. Ägivol atosi obes. You gave it to us. Ägivol atosi obes. Vi kaptis la ŝteliston. You've caught the thief. You caught the thief. Binom so otgeniälik. He is so gay. Binom so otgeniälik. ko'a tolxajmi .imu'ibo ko'a pu cirko lo di'irvau He was out of humor as he had lost his wallet. co'a tuxajmi .imu'ibo ko'a pu cirko lo di'irvau Tiu estas la patro de Tomo Jackson. That's Tom Jackson's father. This is Tom Jackson's father. Vi estis feliĉaj. You were happy. You were happy. Tomo kredas je Alaho. Tom believes in Allah. Tom believes in Allah. Diru al mi, kian panon vi ŝatus manĝi. Tell me what kind of bread you'd like to eat. Tell me what bread you would like to eat. Ni volas kapti la unikecon de ĉiu lingvo. Kaj ni volas same kapti ilian evoluadon tra la tempo. We want to capture all the uniqueness of each language. And we as well want to capture their evolution through time. We want to capture the uniqueness of every language, and we want to capture their evolution at the same time. la .tam. cusku lo sedu'u lo zu'o cilre lo fange bangu cu nandu Tom says that learning a foreign language is hard. the .tam. cuscu lo seu'u lo zu'o cire lo fange bangua ko clite Be nice. clicked Neniam forgesu tion, kio gravas. Never forget what matters. Never forget what matters. qaStaHvIS wej DIS DIvI' Hol vIghoj. I have been studying English for three years. The answers to these big questions are that we have made remarkable questions. Kion signifas "kaisha" en la angla? What is the English for "kaisha"? What does "kaisha" mean in English? Ni estas el Rusio. We are from Russia. We are from Russia. rIQmoHbogh yanwI' HeghmoHbej yan. He who wounds by the sword, dies by the sword. Professor, we have two pieces of observational evidence against each other. Ŝi kutime dormas dum ok horoj. She usually sleeps for eight hours. She usually sleeps for eight hours. Io non las considera como mi amicas. I don't consider them my friends. I don't think I love. Contra la tempesta el ia sorti. In spite of the storm, he went out. By the time of these kinds. Tio estintus pli afable, se Tomo pli atente aŭskultintus, kion mi diras. It would have been nice if Tom had listened to what I said more carefully. This would have been more afable if Tom was more careful to listen to what I said. naDev latlh Qagh tu'lu'... There is another mistake here... Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. ki'e i mi viska do bazi Thanks! I'll see you soon! ki'e i mi viska do bassi Tridek homoj pereis en tiu atako. Thirty people died in that attack. Thirty people perished in this attack. Salas les cognosceva. Salas knew them. Saves knowledge. Ŝi estas aŝkenaza judo. She's an Ashkenazi Jew. She is a haunted Jew. Ĉu vi scias, kiom mi amas vin? Do you know how much I love you? Do you know how much I love you? ko'a cusku noda poi tefengu be fi ko'e She said nothing that would make him angry. C-2, we would like to think that if we were to do the universe, or to make sure that the universe could be divided into one another. Tomo kaj Manjo estas tiel malsamaj. Tom and Mary are so different. Tom and Mary are so different. Fidedolöd ko obs. Have dinner with us. Fidedolöd co obs. In tir listaf dug. It's a beautiful sword. Enter listaf dug. Tu es ge? Are you gay? You’re gay? In le principio Deo creava le celo e la terra. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. In the principle Deo created the cell and the earth. Ел брома семпре. He is always joking. It's all about it. Еста либро ес дедикада а нун. This book is not dedicated to anyone. It is true that it is true that it is true. Nigraj tempestoj skuegas aeron. Black storms shake the air. Black storms shake air. Alicun personas dice que mi amor non pote esser ver. Some people say my love can not be true. Some people say I love can’t be true. Ĉi tiu musmato estas restaĵo de pasinta epoko. This mousepad is a vestige of a bygone era. This musmat is the rest of the past era. Vi ne golfludas, ĉu? You don't play golf, do you? You don’t play golf, right? Helikoptero kapablas deteriĝi kaj surteriĝi vertikale. A helicopter is able to take off and land straight up and down. Helicopter is able to deteriorate and land vertically. Doraemon ofte ridetas. Doraemon smiles often. Doraemon often smiles. No, me no es un acompanior. No, I am not an escort. No, I'm no one accompanied. Ol te kanol yufön obe. You alone can help me. Canon yufön obese. Tote le cosas vivente es connectite in le catena unic del esser. All living things are connected in one chain of being. All the things you live are connected to the unique string of the will be. 'IH mInDu'Daj. She has pretty eyes. “IH mInDu’Daj. Nova papo elektesis. A new pope has been elected. A new step was elected. Ne estas sufiĉe varme por malfermi la fenestron. It's not warm enough to open the window. It is not hot enough to open the window. roD Hur jISop. I usually eat out. roD HurvingSop. Siorino Brown skribis libro pri politiko. Mrs. Brown wrote a book on politics. Sirino Brown wrote a book about politics. Ni ĉiuj sopiris je vi. We all missed you. We all have longed for you. Kia gaskono! What swagger! What a gascone! Lifom in püd. He lives in peace. Lifom in püd. jatlh Qang, jISaHbe' jay'. The president said, "I don't give a damn." Professor, thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Quant tu ha payat por li robe? How much did you pay for the dress? Quant tu ha payat por li robe? Vespertoj timigas min. Bats scare me. You are afraid of me. Me gusta tenis plu ca basebal. I prefer tennis to baseball. I taste held more this baseball. An Tom se fatiga jammais? Does Tom ever get tired? And Tom never made himself? ghot le'be' jIH. I'm just a normal person. ghot le'be'har. No parla asurda! Do not talk nonsense! No talk about it! mi bilga lo nu cusku lu na go'i li'u do I have to say no to you. Our billion years of recently used files, which is one of the ten billion years ago. Obinof tidel. She will be a teacher. Obinof tidel. Kiom da ovoj estas en la kuirejo? How many eggs are there in the kitchen? How many eggs are in the kitchen? Eblas, ke mi neniam revidos vin. I might never see you again. I can never see you again. To fabrikesas en Kazakstan. This is made in Kazakhstan. It is manufactured in Kazakhstan. Tunc le oculos del parve pupa comenciava a brillar como lampyrides, e illo deveniva vive. Then the little doll's eyes would begin to shine like glowworms, and it would become alive. Tunc le oculos del small pupa started to brillar as lampyrides, and it became live. tIqqu' tlhImvam. This carpet is very long. Professor, we have thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. chaq maQaHlaH. Maybe we can help. Maybe butQaH is running. gau do .i'o nai mi xaksu pi ro lo mi jdini Thanks to you, I spent all my money. gau do.i'o nai mi xaksu pi ro lo mi jdini Restu hejme. Ne eliru! Stay home. Don't go outside! Stay home, don't go out! Mi ĉiam lavas mian vizaĝon per akvo kaj sapo. I always wash my face with soap and water. I always wash my face with water and soap. fanva lu li'u la lojban fo ma How do you say "" in Lojban? fanva li'u la lojban fo ma xu do djica lo nu pinxe lo tcati a lo ckafi Would you like some tea or coffee? xu do djica lo nu pinxe lo tcati a lo ckafi nab wIlaj. We agreed to the plan. nab tulles. xu do se pluka lo ka sanga Do you like to sing? xu do se pluka lo ka sanga le nakni cu ralte me'i lo nanba He has less bread. le nakni cu ralte me'i lo nanba Beleta ruĝgorĝulo surflugis la fenestrobreton antaŭ mia ĉambro. A pretty robin landed on my room's windowsill. A bright red-gorger flew the window in front of my room. Mi kontentos, kiam tio estos pasinta. I'll be happy when this is over. I’m going to be satisfied when it's past. Mi pensas, ke tio estus bona esplorvojo. I think that'd be a good direction to look in. I think that would be a good research route. Nos jettat les for. We threw them away. We're going to throw them away. Esque ille bibe caffe? Is he drinking coffee? Was that biblically caffe? Le vetule Marley esseva si morte como un clavo de feretro. Old Marley was as dead as a door-nail. Old Marley was himself mortally known as a feretro key. Noi aprendet francesi. We learned French. We learned French. Mi sentas min sekura en viaj brakoj. I feel safe in your arms. I feel safe in your arms. Tio estas la fino. This is the end. That's the end. Mi sestra es famosi. My sister is famous. Mi sestra es fames. La kunteksto gravas. The context is important. The context is important. Dona me un chaise, si il vos place. Get me a chair, please. Donate me a chaise, sir. Dank' al Dio, ke Rush Limbaugh finfine mortis. Thank God Rush Limbaugh is finally dead. Thanks to God that Rush Limbaugh finally died. Dog binom jönik. The dog is beautiful. Dog binom jönik. Vu mustas venar ed havar konverseto kun ni. You must come and have a chat with us. You must come and have a conversation with us. Ni ne povas havi vin kiel kunlaborantojn. We can't have you working for us. We can’t have you as co-workers. Eble Tomo ne ĉeestas hodiaŭ. Maybe Tom isn't here today. Maybe Tom is not present today. Contra se mesma la judor ia rie. The judge laughed in spite of himself. Against itself the judor ia rie. Kanob yufön ole al sükön omi. I can help you look for it. Kanob yufön ole al sükön omi. Hieraŭ pluvis, post kiam estis seke dum longa tempo. It rained yesterday after it had been dry for a long time. Yesterday it rained after it was dry for a long time. .i va'i mu'i ma do cusku lo judri To rephrase, why did you say an address? .i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La vive es bela. Life is beautiful. The live is beautiful. Ĉu estas io nova en la menuo? Is there anything new on the menu? Is there something new in the menu? mi tordu I'm short. I tordu tugh matagh. We'll begin shortly. tugh matagh. SumIp'a'? Are you rich? SumIp'a? Kiu estas la diferenco inter asteroidoj kaj kometoj? What's the difference between asteroids and comets? What is the difference between asteroids and comets? Me telefoni rara. I rarely talk on the phone. I call a rare one. Me odias ed amoras. Pro quo me tale agas, forsan tu questionas. Me ne savas, ma me sentas ol eventar e tormentesas. I hate and I love. Why would I do this, maybe you're asking? I don't know, but I feel it happening and am tortured. I hate and love. Why I do so, maybe your questions. I don't know, but I feel it happens and twists. Quch yu'mIy' qar'a'? Yumi is happy, isn't she? What would I like to talk about? Nu binob libik. I'm free now. Nu binob libik. jIDoy'taH. vaj SIbI' QongDaq vIjaH. I was tired, so I went straight to bed. That's why we're all out of space, but we don't know how we're doing it. A hótule asinye i meneltannar tirien. Come outside with me and look at the constellations. A hótule asinye i meneltannar tirien. Kuketo jam manĝis. Cookie already ate. A cake has already eaten. Tu save qualmen. You know how. You know someday. lo cevni pu finti lo munje God created the world. The rest of the event Mi estas denaska parolanto de la pingvena lingvo. I am a native speaker of the penguin language. I am a native speaker of the penguin language. Ubi es le supermercato le plus proxime? Where is the nearest supermarket? Where is the nearest market? Ŝi ne plu sciis, kion fari. She no longer knew what to do. She no longer knew what to do. Terpomoj estas blatoj. Potatoes are cockroaches. The storms are coats. qeS jatlh; nIteb pa' yIghoSQo'. He advised her not to go there by herself. Professor, we really thank you; thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us. Esce tu ave un sisor? Do you have a pair of scissors? Are you sure you want to sign up? Tomo estas denaskulo de la usona lingvo. Tom is a native speaker of American English. Tom is a dentist of the American language. do melbi You are beautiful. So Ilbi Brosi dial tuа dentes. Brush your teeth every day. Bros dial tuño dentes. Omna voyi duktas a Roma. All roads lead to Rome. All of the highways led to Rome. Mi faris tion nur por ĉagreni Tomon. I only did that to make Tom angry. I’ve only done it to make Tom angry. mi'e rikardos .i ma do cmene My name's Ricardo. What's yours? Mi'e riskardos .i ma do Nome Li tenas siajn fingrojn sur la tablo. He has his fingers on the table. He holds his fingers on the table. la tom pu cliva co smaji Tom left quietly. the tom pu quare co smagi Mi atendos vin en la veturilo. I'll wait for you in the car. I’ll wait for you in the car. La palestinanoj ne estas teroristoj. The Palestinians are not terrorists. The Palestinians are not terrorists. Oni pli fidas trompan bildon ol faktoplenan artikolon. People place more trust in a deceptive image than in an article full of facts. One more trusts a deceptive picture than a fact-filled article. nIpon Sut tuQtaHvIS 'IHqu'law'. She looks better in Japanese clothes. Thank you very much indeed. Idiomas que non poterea jammais esser trovate insimul in un systema traditional pote esser connectite in Tatoeba. Languages that would have never found themselves together in a traditional system, can be connected in Tatoeba. Idios that could not never be found together in a traditional system can be connected in Tatoeba. .u'inai This isn't funny. .u'inai chaq bIneptaH. Maybe you're lying. Maybe bInep is entering. Me debe come lenta. I must eat slowly. I've got to slow. E corpore e spirito son nutrite. Both body and spirit are nurtured. And body and spirit are fed. Mi legis libron dum mi piediris. I read a book as I walked. I read a book as I walked. Tiu jako estas vere tro granda por Tomo. That jacket is really too big for Tom. It's really too big for Tom. do verba You're a child. Kids mu'tlheghvam DalaDlaHchugh vaj bIlaDlaH. If you can read this sentence, then you're able to read. This brings us to the extraordinary effort you are making it harder for us to live in the world. mi jinvi gi'e ni'i zasti I think, therefore I am. Mi jinvi gi'e ni'i zasti Mi pensas, ke Tom estas feliĉa. I think that Tom is lucky. I think Tom is happy. Tu incandesce. You're glowing. You are incandesce. la tom ca co'a makcu Tom is grown up now. all this co'a maccu Kuraĝo kreas heroojn, sed vero kreas amikecon. Courage makes heroes, but trust builds friendship. Courage creates heroes, but truth creates friendship. Iru al akceptejo por peti informojn. Go to the front desk to ask for some information. Go to the report to request information. mo spati What kind of plant is it? Mo Spacing Mi ŝatos tion. I will like that. I’ll like that. Me ja vizitis la Usa. I have already visited the United States. I visited the United States. Nia kato ĉiam plendas. Our cat is always complaining. Our cat always complains. bIvuttaH 'e' vIlegh. I saw you cooking. bIvut resigns 'in favor. Hastez, Tom! Hurry up, Tom. Hatter, Tom! mI'QeD vImuS. I hate mathematics. mI'QeD fiamuS. .i ki'u ma do cusku zo co'o Why do you say goodbye? ki'u ma'u cusku co'o Tomo diris, ke li volis pasi iom da tempo sola. Tom said he wanted to spend some time by himself. Tom said he wanted to spend some time alone. Amazona aala sotir tela loglupafa bwafa aala moe tawava. The Amazonian forest is the largest tropical forest on Earth. Amazona aala sotir tela loglupafa bwafa aala moe tawava. Se ilu ne venos, ni ne iros. If he doesn't come, we won't go. If they don't come, we won't go. Iste vice, mi objectivo es London. This time my goal is London. This time, my goal is London. HuDmeyDaq Sormey teq. He cuts down trees in the mountains. HuDmey is dedicated to Sormey. xu do ca'o klama le renytcana ca lo nu mi penmi do Were you going to the railway station when I saw you? xu do ca'o klama le renbøna ca lo mi penmi do Alga de mundo es malvolente. Some people are evil. All of the world is reluctant. mi nelci le na melbi I like the one who is not beautiful. My Nalci le na melbi Ĉu Tom rehavos sian monon? Is Tom going to get his money back? Will Tom get his money? La pluvo frapetis kontraŭ la fenestro. The rain tapped against the window. The rain struck against the window. Kial estas neniu taksio ĉe la stacidomo hodiaŭ? Why are there no taxis at the station today? Why is there no taxi at the station today? mi jai sarcu fai lo ka jinga I have to win. I'm going to know what you win! Tomo aŭdis pafon. Tom heard a shot. Tom heard a shot. Mi ne kapablas diri, kiu estas en la listo, ĉar mi ankoraŭ ne vidis la liston. I cannot say who is on the list because I still have not seen the list. I can't say who is on the list because I haven't seen the list yet. Ili drinkis tro multe. They drank too much. They drank too much. Но персон ес фаме. Nobody's hungry. It's all about it. Le homine pote errar, ma solmente un idiota persiste in le error. A man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error. Human beings can go out, but only an idiot is lost in the error. Illa ha remanite celibe durante su vita integre. She remained single all her life. It has been remanned to be targeted during its entire life. Tom pasigis la semajnfinon en sia plaĝodomo. Tom spent the weekend at his beach house. He spent the weekend in his beach house. Estas tro da propagando en Interreto. There's too much propaganda on the Internet. There is too much propaganda on the Internet. ghojwI''e' ghojmoH vavwI' ghaH. That's a student my father teaches. Professor, if you had to do that, we'd like to talk about it. Vi ne bezonas mian konsenton. You don't need my approval. You don’t need my consent. Dice la que illa le adjuta. Tell her to help him. Tell the one that helps. Ne sufiĉas regi nur unu lingvon. It's not enough to know only one language. It is not enough to rule only one language. .o'a cu'i ba'e mi lumci pi su'o po'o lo loldi Oh, *I* mopped only some part of the floor. During the end of the universe, we have made remarkable light in the world. Tote le mundo es nude in illac. Everyone's in the buff, in there. All the world is nude in illac. Tu es troppo suspiciose de toto. You're too suspicious about everything. You’re too successful from everything. Silentu kaj aŭskultu! Shut up and listen! Silence and listen! Havajo estas populara turisma celo. Hawaii is a popular tourist resort. Hawaii is a popular tourist target. Tom ne vell amar Boston. Tom wouldn't like Boston. Tom ne vell amar Boston. An tu pote comprender Tom? Can you understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? Oni utiligas min. I'm being used. I'm used. Oni ne rajtas kradrosti ĉi tie. Barbecuing is forbidden here. You can’t crash here. Säkob obi düp kinid binos. I wonder what time it is. Säkob obi düp kinid binos. lo balnema cu tarmi simsa lo finpe Whales are similar to fish in shape. lo balnema cu tarmi simsa lo finpe Tomo kaj Manjo, antaŭvidinte, ke tio kolerigos Johanon, ne farus tion. Tom and Mary wouldn't have done that if they'd known it would make John angry. Tom and Manius, having anticipated that this would anger John, would not do so. Nemo ha jammais vadite a illac e vivite pro contar lo. No one has ever been there and lived to tell the tale. Nemo has never walked to illac and lived to meet it. Mi ne scias, ĉu li havas iujn specialajn povojn aŭ ne, sed li probable estas pli forta ol normala homo. I don't know if he has any special powers or not, but he's probably stronger than a normal human. I don’t know if he has any special powers or not, but he is probably stronger than a normal man. La plejmulto da plenkreskuloj havas tridek du dentojn. The majority of adults have thirty-two teeth. Most adults have thirty-two teeth. Mi ĵus revenis de la laboro. I just got back from work. I just came back from work. Tio ne estas tiel, kiel ni faras aferojn ĉi tie. That is not how we do things here. That’s not how we do things here. SepDaj lulonpu'. They abandoned their country. SepDia lulonpu'. Tom esas tua amiko. Tom is your friend. Tom is your friend. Mi kredas, ke la plimulto de ili estas bonvolaj sed miscelaj. I think most of them are benevolent but misguided. I think the majority of them are good but wrong. SoHvaD jIDojlaw'. I think I impressed you. Professor, we really thank you for that. Ni provu plenumi tion. Let's try to get this done. Let's try to do that. Mi vidis Jiŝajn staranta tie. I saw Jessie standing there. I saw Jesse standing there. Mi telefonos al li antaŭ ol mi iros. I'll call him before I go. I'll call him before I go. bangwI' Deq ghaH tam'e'. Tom is my ex. Of course, we don't want to Ban either. ri nitcu lo kabri be lo sakta He needs a cup of sugar. ri nitcu lo kabri be lo sakta Mi leteris. I wrote a letter. I learned. Mi aŭdis nenion ajn. I didn't hear anything at all. I heard nothing. Ne eblas ŝanĝi tion, kio okazis. There's no changing what happened. It’s impossible to change what happened. ra mikce je tercku He is a doctor and an author. the Battle of Tricku Que vole tu biber? What do you want to drink? What do you want to biber? Ŝtormoj igas arbojn kreskigi pli profundajn radikojn. Storms make trees take deeper roots. Storms make trees grow deeper roots. Mi ŝatas, ke malvarmas. I like that it's cold. I like cold. Post finir le cena, ille comenciava leger le romance. After he finished supper, he began to read the novel. After finishing dinner, they started reading the novel. Senatenta ŝoforado kaŭzas akcidentojn. Careless driving causes accidents. Serious driving causes accidents. Ĵurnalismo havu almenaŭ iom da biaso. Journalism should at least be a little biased. Journalism has at least some bias. Tio, kion ni observas kiel materiajn korpojn kaj fortojn, estas nenio pli ol formoj kaj varioj en la strukturo de la spaco. What we observe as material bodies and forces are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space. What we observe as material bodies and forces is nothing more than forms and variations in the structure of the space. Ĉiuj panrostiloj rostas panon. All toasters toast toast. All the pans are rotting bread. Tomo ne estas ŝtelisto. Tom's not a thief. Tom is not a thief. nutlhejjaj Qun'a'! God be with us. Professor, we all thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. la tom na se jibri ca ku Tom is out of work now. the tom na se jibri ca ku Mi lingue matrin es polonesi. My mother tongue is Polish. I'm a lingue matri is a polonesi. Ло ес вера страна. It's really weird. It's all about it. Ĉu vi povus helpi al ni, mi petas? Could you help us, please? Can you help us, please? La nonconose e la despeta de la diretos umana ia trae atas de barbaria cual ofende la consiensa umana, e la veni de un mundo do tota persones va es libre per parla e crea, e librida de temia e de miseria, es proclamada como la aspira la plu alta de umanas. Disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people. The unconose and depeta de la diretos umina tra atas de barbaria cual deende la consensica umina, e la veni de un monta do all persones va es libre per parla e crea, e librida de cema e de miseria, es proclaima kom la as the aspira la plu mones de humananas. La butikumocentro estas unu mejlon antaŭe. The shopping center is one mile ahead. The shopping center is one mile before. Claude tu puta de bucca! Shut the fuck up! Claude tu puta de bucca! Ni provis haltigi ilin. We tried to stop them. We tried to stop them. Sekureco ne atingiĝas starigante barilojn, sed malfermante pordegojn. Security isn't achieved by erecting barriers, but by opening gates. Security is not reached by setting barriers, but opening gates. Alivorte li mensogis. In other words, he lied. In other words he lied. Io es suspiciose al personas a qui il non les place le canes, mais io ha fide in un can quando il non le place un persona. I'm suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog when it doesn't like a person. I’m thrilled to people who don’t like dogs, but I've trusted in a dog when it doesn’t place a person. Ni estas ateistoj. We're atheists. We are atheists. Tomo vidis Manjon, kiu provis fuĝi. Tom saw Mary trying to escape. Tom saw a man who tried to escape. Eble vi estas la malbonulo, pretendanta esti la bonulo. Maybe you are the bad guy pretending to be the good guy. You may be the bad one, claiming to be the good. mi na zifre lo ka cuxna I have no choice. mi na zifre lo ka cuxna Ni serĉas volontulon. We're looking for a volunteer. We are looking for a volunteer. Tim volis esti frua. Tom wanted to be early. Tim wanted to be early. Esque tu es satisfat? Are you satisfied? Are you satisfied? la tom cu je'a nelci lo danlu Tom really loves animals. the Tom cu je'a naci lo danslu Tomo ankoraŭ laboras ĉi tie, ĉu ne? Tom still works here, doesn't he? Tom is still working here, isn’t he? Iste idea es multo bon. That's a very good idea. This idea is very good. No nedol güni. You don't need a gun. No nedol güni. Multan dankon pro via helpo! Thank you so much for your help. Thank you for your help! Ni pleje ŝatas klasikan muzikon. We love classical music the most. We most like classical music. Tomo diris, ke li scias, kiu faris tion. Tom said he knew who did that. Tom said he knows who did it. Solmente que ille es paupere non significa que ille es infelice. Just because he is poor, it does not follow that he is unhappy. Only that's a paupere doesn't mean they're infelice. vItu'meH choQaHlaH'a'? Can you help me find it? Did you know that your universe will be within itself? Mi ne povas kredi, ke ni parolas pri tio. I can't believe we're talking about this. I can't believe we're talking about it. Tomo observis Marian forirantan. Tom watched Mary leave. Tom watched Marian leaving. Ĉu vi aĉetis tion sur la nigra merkato? Did you get that from the black market? Have you bought that on the black market? Tan stonante! How amazing! Tan stoning! mi'e .iciros.tanakas My name is Ichiro Tanaka. Mi'e .iciros.tanakas Tu es si impatiente con me. You're so impatient with me. You’re impatient with me. taH vIghro'lIj. Your cat will survive. We find out who you are leaving. Me riskis omno. I risked everything. I risked everything. Usono estas granda lando. The United States is a large country. The United States is a large country. Dochmey nIH ghaH. He steals stuff. Dochmey is going to have it. toH, jInID 'e' yIchaw'! Here, let me take a stab at it. toH, project ID 'e' yIchaw'! Mi volas aŭskulti vian rakonton. Bonvolu daŭrigi. I want to hear your story. Go on, please. I want to listen to your story. Please continue. Еста фрасе контени синко паролас. This sentence has five words. It's true that it's all about it. Ilua onklino havas tri kati. His aunt has three cats. Her aunt has three cats. Me espera gania. I expect to win. I hope you win. bIQtIq retlhDaq ba'. He sat next to the stream. But we don't think we are the rest of the universe. Tuta nokto por festi kaj tuta tago por dormi. Feast all night and sleep all day. All night to celebrate and all day to sleep. Tomaso estis kuiranta tagmanĝon. Tom was cooking dinner. Thomas was cooking lunch. Tomo renkontiĝis kun Ŝerloko Holmso sur kosmostacio, kiu orbitas Jupiteron. Tom met up with Sherlock Holmes on a space station orbiting Jupiter. Tom met with Sherlock Holmso on a space station, which orbits Jupiter. Ŝi devus scii pli bone. She should know better. She should know better. It es tre clar a me que to es li veritá. It's quite clear to me that this is the truth. It’s very clear to me that's what you're all. ko co'e ca lo nu cando Do it when you have time. Something doesn't happen, so it's going to happen, so it's not going to take me back in there. Ju pli Britio konos la realaĵon de Latin-Ameriko, des pli ni estos proksimaj al la solvo. As Great Britain becomes aware of the reality of Latin America, we will be closer to a solution. The more Britain will know the reality of Latin America, the more we will be close to the solution. Toct i glheþen sint dels mundarts. All languages are dialects. Toct i glheþen sint dels mundarts. Mi estas Tomo, la ĝardenisto. I'm Tom, the gardener. I am Tom, the gardener. Esas desfacila facar co. This is difficult to do. It's hard to do what. ko nerkla Go on in. the Black Rock Tom cuasi nunca fa un demanda. Tom hardly ever asks questions. Tom cuasi never makes a question. Mi ĉi tie konas neniun krom vi. I don't know anyone here besides you. I don’t know anyone but you. Resta solmente un septimana usque al dominica de pascha. There's only one week till Easter Sunday. Stay only a week until the posica de pascha. La muŝo estas senmova sur la fenestro. The fly is stuck against the window. The mouse is open on the window. jaghvaD lI' neH ta'lIj. What you've done is profitable only to the enemy. Checking for software development Mi pensas, ke mi estas preta por ŝanĝo. I think I'm ready for a change. I think I’m ready for change. Se'vIr malja' vItoy'. I work for a firm of publishers. If there's a bad man. do bacru You speak. Bacru tlhoS vIvan. I almost finished. Don’t have to do that. Io habita in Parma. I live in Parma. I've been in Parma. Mi telefonos al ŝi hodiaŭ vespere. I'll phone her tonight. I'll call her tonight. sei cumki ra pu drani He may have been right. sei cumki ra pu dani "Kiel mi aspektas?" - "Nu, mi ja sendube estas geja!" "How do I look?" "I'm definitely gay." “How do I look like?” - “Well, I’m definitely gay!” Ni foriris kvar tagojn poste. We left four days later. We left four days later. Ĝi estas prezo multe pli alta ol mi imagis. This is a much higher price than I expected. It’s a lot higher than I imagined. Le Statos Unite se compone de 50 statos. The United States is composed of 50 states. The United States will buy 50 states. La pikturo aspektas plu bela de fore. The picture looks nicer from a distance. The painting looks more beautiful from outside. Fa un paso a retro. Take a step back. Make one step back. Ne elrevigu lin. Don't disappoint him. Don’t give him up. Naoki esis povra e habitis kabaneto. Naoki was poor and lived in a hut. Naoki was poor and inhabited a cabin. le prenu pu sutra lo ka se ja'e gi cenba gi mapti lo cnino tcini He quickly adjusted to the new situation. take pu sutra lo ka se ja'e gi cenba gi fit lo cnino tcini Tomo ne havis la ŝancon, kiun vi kaj mi havis. Tom didn't have the chance that you and I had. Tom didn’t have the opportunity you and I had. Mi enuis. I was bored. I was bored. mi'a pamsi'u We love each other. mi' pamsi'u ro da kargu vi Everything is expensive here. Take care of you mi to'e se pluka lo nu ki'asku fi mi I do not like to be yelled at! mi to'e se pluka lo nu ki'asku fi mi Ĉu Tomo diris, ke mi ne venos? Did Tom say I wasn't coming? Did Tom say I won’t come? QIt yIt ghaH. He walks slowly. QIt yIt ghaH. Li puŝis min kaj preterpasis antaŭen. He gave me a push and got ahead of me. He pushed me and passed forward. La palestinanoj estas homoj. The Palestinians are human beings. The Palestinians are people. El ia rompe la recordo mundal. He broke the world record. He has broken the world's record. Éu non sint 'n corsair. I'm not a pirate. Éu non sint 'n corsair. Le magazine recerca le insectos le plus disgustose super le terra. The magazine is researching the most disgusting insects on the planet. Store search for the wettests on the ground. Necesas, ke mi vidu tiun raporton hodiaŭ. I need to see that report today. I need to see this report today. Mi proponis pruntedoni monon al ŝi. I offered to lend money to her. I decided to borrow money to her. Ĉu tiu seĝo estas libera? Is that seat available? Is this chair free? Tom ia dise a Maria ce el es fame. Tom told Mary he was hungry. Tom said to Maria ce el is famous. Ĉu Tomo ŝatas burĝonbrasikojn? Does Tom like Brussels sprouts? Does Tom like burgeo brasics? Ille denotava grande emotion. He showed signs of great emotion. That denotava grande emotion. Yo pensa que tu es pigri. I think you're lazy. Yo pensa que tu es pigri. Miami es li max grand cité de Florida. Miami is the largest city in Florida. Miami is his biggest cité of Florida. toH, vuDlIj nuq? Now, what is your opinion? toH, do you want to know the future? Labob blodis. I have brothers. Labob blocked. Ŝajnas, ke miaj metodoj estas pli aktualaj. It seems that my methods are more up to date. It seems that my methods are more current. murI'pu'be'mo' jIQeH. I'm angry that she didn't call me. But we're going to know that we don't have to know where you are doing, but we don't want to talk about it. Restu ekster tio! Stay out of it. Stay out of that! Qui es le proprietario de iste auto? Who is the owner of this car? Who is the owner of this car? La novaĵoj surprizis ilin. They were surprised to hear the news. The news surprised them. Samio estis neislamano. Sami was a non-Muslim. Sam was a non-Islamian. Еске ту ес полиамиал? Are you polyamorous? Do you want to know it? Tion mi neniam farus. That isn't something that I'd ever do. I would never do that. Ме ескута мусика. I listen to music. It's all about it. jIluj 'e' vImuS. I hate to lose. I've been able to understand the universe. vIghro' tu'lu'. There is a cat. You will talk about your questions. Ni ne malestimu homon nur pro ties senhejmeco. We shouldn't look down on a person only because he's homeless. We don’t stop people from being homeless. Le esperanto es un lingua interessante. Esperanto is an interesting language. The Esperanto is an interesting language. Manjo aĉetis buteron, panon kaj fromaĝon. Mary bought butter, bread, and cheese. Food bought butter, bread and cheese. Mi ne scias, ĉu Tomo estas edzo. Verdire tio ne tre interesas min. I don't know whether Tom is married or not. To tell the truth, I don't really care. I don’t know if Tom is a husband, I don’t really care about me. neQtaHvIS qul nuqDaq bIHtaH? Where were you when the fire occurred? Not only are you sure that your feet are living in the same folder? Tomo estas pridemandata. Tom is being interrogated. Tom is questioned. Iste labor es impossibile a facer pro me. That job is impossible for me to do. This work is impossible to do for me. vISop. I ate it. CaySop. Nia lernejo estas pli granda ol ilia. Our school is larger than theirs. Our school is bigger than theirs. Me kizoyul kire di xonukel !! Don't scream, or you're dead. Me kizoyul kire dixoukel! En la lasta jaro ŝi lernis bicikli. She learned to ride a bicycle last year. In the last year she learned to bike. Voluntez ek-swichar la lampi kande vu departos. Please turn out the lights when you leave. Want to pick up the lamps when you depart. Li laboro de Monsieur Bertillon semblar bon a sciential home. The work of Monsieur Bertillon seems good to a scientific person. His work by Monsieur Bertillon appears well to a scholarly home. Daqvam nuq? What is this place? What is the future? ko'a sanli ti'a le matma be ko'a He's standing behind his mother. O' sanli ti'a le matma co'a Ĉu la amhara estas semida lingvo? Is Amharic a Semitic language? Is it a semi-language? Tom non gania jammais in le joco tres en linea. Tom never wins at tic-tac-toe. Tom won’t ever win in the third game. Mi scivolas, ĉu ĝi eble rilatas al traŭmato. I wonder if it might be trauma-related. I wonder if it may be related to trauma. Pardonu, ĉu mi rajtas uzi vian telefonon? Excuse me, but may I use your telephone? Sorry, can I use your phone? Metu ĝin en la halon, mi petas. Put it in the hall, please. Put it in the hall, please. John ia dona la poma a Mary. John gave Mary the apple. John gave the apple to Mary. bIH ghIj pagh. Nothing scares them. Your ears will allow you to do this. Том лабора пер ун компаниа канадиан. Tom works for a Canadian company. It is the first part of the Republic of Spain. wa'Hu' po SISqu'. It rained hard yesterday morning. wa'Hu' po S make sure. Debe io registrar me? Do I have to register? Should I register me? Vi timas ilin. You're afraid of them. You are afraid of them. .ui .i pei I am fine, and you? .ui .i pei Ĉu vere vi kredas je la luno? You believe in the moon? Do you really believe in the moon? QoQ 'oHbe'. It is not music. We don't think we are the universe. Tio estis traduko. That was a translation. It was a translation. lo nu na djica cu du lo nu ponse Not wanting is the same as having. nine na djica cu du lo nu Owner Tenis es meа sporte favoreda. Tennis is my favorite sport. Tennis is my sports favorite. Mi jam forgesis ĉion, kion mi lernis pri la angla. I've already forgotten everything I learned about English. I’ve forgotten everything I learned about English. Tomaso kisis Marian kaj ekiris por labori. Tom kissed Mary and went to work. Thomas kissed Mary and went to work. On debe dona la plu bon de se afin ce on es felis. One should do one's best to be happy. You need to give the best of getting to know if you're happy. Viro staris svinganta sian manon al mi. A man stood waving his hand to me. The man stood swinging his hand to me. La invia es un de la sete pecas matante. Envy is one of the seven deadly sins. The sento is one of the set pecas matante. Mi tre malmulte rekompenciĝas. I'm getting very little in return. I'm very little rewarded. Ili volas, ke ni ne vidu, kion ili faras. They don't want us to see what they're doing. They want us not to see what they are doing. pe'i xagrai fa lo nu da'i na tolclite I think it is best not to be impolite. Pe'i xagrai fa lo nu da'i na tulclite Tomo instruas la francan al siaj amikoj. Tom teaches his friends French. Tom teaches French to his friends. "Vi rompis mian koron" diris Mary. "You broke my heart", said Mary. "You broke my heart" said Mary. Tio estas nur teoria temo. It's a moot point. It's just a theoretical subject. La demando sendube estis neatendita. The question was obviously unexpected. The question was definitely unexpected. Ĉu vi bezonas ĉion ĉi? Do you need all of this? Do you need all this? Tiun jaron, mi iris al Brazilo la unuan fojon. That year, I went to Brazil for the first time. That year, I went to Brazil the first time. Kobeo estas mia plej ŝatata urbo. Kobe is the city I like most. This is my favorite town. Hitos odelo. It'll be hot tomorrow. Hitos odelo. nuvpu' chaH. These are people. Thank you very much indeed. La suno leviĝos kaj la festo ankoraŭ daŭros. The sun will rise and the party will still continue. The sun will rise and the party will continue. Nada es un bon eserse. Swimming is good exercise. Nada is a good deal. Mans binons fenik. The men are tired. Mans binons phenik. Tomo ludis la pianon kaj la infanoj kantis. Tom played the piano and the children sang. Tom played the piano and the children sang. mu'mey QIj mu'ghom. A dictionary defines words. We don't think we should have been visited by aliens. An tu es a presso de Tom? Are you at Tom's? And you're at Tom's pressure? Tu rascale, pro quo tu plendi tant? You rascal, why are you complaining so much? You racially, why do you complain so far? Mi opinias, ke tio estas vere speciala. I think it's really special. I think that’s really special. e'u mi te vecnu lo nanba Let me buy bread. And let me know the universe ko'a pu ba'o lifri lo nunfli He had suffered some failures. co'a pu ba'o lifri lo nunfli Ĉu Tomo skribis leteron? Did Tom write a letter? Did Tom write a letter? Mi venis el Ĉinio. I came from China. I came from China. Vilobs setis lölöfik. We want complete sentences. Vilobs set lölöfik. Io vide mi rosa. I see my rose. I see my pink. ko sisti Stop that. Quit Agu kiel vi volas. Suit yourself. Do as you want. Bon matine! Good morning! Good morning! La diablo estas mortinta. The devil is dead. The devil is dead. Mea amorato havas 3 mamili. My significant other has 3 nipples. Mea amorato has 3 menili. Manda mi salutes a tu sposa. Give my regards to your wife. Keep my health to your face. Viaja tra tempo es posible. Time travel is possible. Your time is possible. Tomo estas ankoraŭ virgulo. Tom is still a virgin. Tom is still a virgin. Ла сите брилиета семпре, лампас суституи ла сол. Сya панорама декора ла оризон профонда. The city always glows, lamps replace the sun. Its panorama ornaments the profound horizon. It is the first part of the city of the Republic of the Republic. cazi lo nu la .nikol. goi ko'a facki lo nu lo sanga poi ko'a nelrai ke'a lo'i sanga pu mrobi'o ku ku ko'a klaku When Nicole heard that her favorite singer had died, she burst into tears. Stop the .nikol. Go to the blood now, then get it to the rest of the blood behind it. Mia glitilo estas blanka. My sleigh is white. My slide is white. raSwIj Dalo'laH DaneHchugh. You can use my desk if you want to. That's my concern why there's some knowledge in my life. Gravas studi la francan. It's important to study French. It is important to study French. Том е Мери ес антифашистес. Tom and Mary are anti-fascists. It's all the way it's going to be. Hodiaŭ precize je 9 post la 4-a, la birdoj ekkantis. The birds started singing today at exactly 4:09. Today at least 9 after the 4th, the birds sang. Le pruina guastava le flores. The frost damaged the flowers. Le pruina guastava le flores. ma satci smuni zoi gy.precise.gy. What is the precise meaning of "precise"? ma satci smuni zoi ggy.precise.gy. La vetero esas bela. It's beautiful out. The weather is beautiful. Mi morgaŭ piedpilkos. I will play soccer tomorrow. I'll play football tomorrow. Tomo estas bulgaro. Tom is Bulgarian. Tom is a Bulgarian. Estas maksimuma limo de po du valizoj por pasaĝero. There is a limit of two pieces of luggage for each passenger. There is a maximum limit of two suitcases for passenger. Tu es arrestate! You're under arrest! You're gone! Kredo ne estas elekto, sed konvinkiĝo. Belief is not a matter of choice, but of conviction. Faith is not a choice, but a conviction. Mi bedaŭras, ke mi ne bone komprenas la francan. It's a pity I don't understand French well. I’m sorry I don’t understand French well. fau lo nu mi na srera kei mi ba'o viska le ninmu ca da Unless I am mistaken, I've seen that man before. do it nu mi na srera kei mi ba'o vska le ninmu ca da Ĉu ni estas klaraj pri tio? Are we clear on that? Are we clear about that? Mi prenu tion. I have to take it. I'll take that. Io non pote creder que Tom prendeva un doso troppo forte. I can't believe that Tom overdosed. I can't believe Tom took a shower too hard. mi ca ba'o prami do ja'e le nu mi badri I no longer love you; therefore, I am sad. mi ca ba'o Love do ja'e le nu mi badri Tidol Larabänapüki. You teach Arabic. Tidol Larabänapüki. Ni havas jaĥton, du helikopterojn kaj hidroplanon. We have a yacht, two helicopters, and a seaplane. We have a yacht, two helicopters and a hydroplane. La hispana estas pli parenca al la portugala ol al la kataluna. Spanish is closer to Portuguese than it is to Catalan. Spanish is more related to Portuguese than Catalan. Ni aŭdis iun krii. We heard somebody scream. We heard some scream. Nun vi flugas super la Alpoj. Now you're flying over the Alps. Now you fly over the Alps. mi pu se vitke no da ca lo cabdei I had no visitors today. mi pu festival no da ca cabdei Ŝiaj gepatroj estas mortintaj. Her parents are dead. Her parents are dead. Sa gantaf e-dd ys dansaf. She was singing and he was dancing. Sa gantaf e-dd ys ddanaf. To es mi bir. That's my beer. To es mi bre. tam yIlIj. Forget Tom. as well as yI Programming. Vi estas senlabora. You're unemployed. You are unemployed. Il comensat li retro-via al cité. He began heading back to the city. Il komnsat li retro-via al cité. Tener se al dextra! Keep to the right! Keep yourself on the right! nab Qoch tuqjIjQa' qum. The British government is against the plan. nab Qoch tuqjIjQa' qum. tom vInejlI'. Daleghpu''a'? I'm looking for Tom. Have you seen him? That's what you all do? Mi kuris por ke mi estu akurata. I ran so I'd be on time. I ran for me to be accurate. tupar. You don't like me. tupar. An tu schola ha un laboratorio linguistic? Does your school have a language lab? At your school has a language lab? Ĉu vi preferas labori sole aŭ teame? Do you prefer to work alone or as part of a team? Do you prefer to work alone or team? Кон ки Том иа фужи? Who did Tom run away with? What do you want to do with it? ma smuni lo bi'u nai jufra What's the meaning of this sentence? but consume it bi'u nai jufra Ka vu povas konceptar ulo plu bona? Can you think of something better? Can you make it better? Mi parolas pri vi. I'm talking about you. I'm talking about you. Ел иа плора син сеса тра ла ноте. She kept crying all night. It is true that it is true that it is true. Ni devintus pli helpi al Tomo. We should've helped Tom more. We had to help Tom more. Eŭropo ne estas lando. Europe is not a country. Europe is not a country. Me clama la servor de restorante. I call the waiter. I'm calling the servant of a resterant. Nun va reconose el en esta masca. No one will recognize her in this mask. Now it's reconnecting him in esta masca. Estas bone esti gejo. It's good to be gay. It's good to be gay. Ĉu vi dubas, ke li venkos? Do you doubt that he will win? Do you doubt that he will win? Applica iste crema super vostre facie. Apply this cream to your face. Apply this face over your face. Nan mara. I am well. Nan mara. La puero manjis la pomo. The boy ate the apple. The little man eats the apple. Me manja. I eat. Me manja. Kiu fabelo estas via plej ŝatata? What's your favorite fairy tale? What kind of love is your favorite? Tio ne estas parto de la interkonsento. That's not part of the deal. This is not part of the agreement. .au sipna I'm sleepy. .au sipna Tom va minyona rokla stragayar. Tom pointed out our mistakes. Tom va minyona rocka stragayar. Vi faras laŭeble plej bone. You're doing the best you can. You do the best. Politikistoj havas tre sciencan manieron decidi, kion ili faros. Ili lekas sian fingron, metas ĝin supren en la aeron, kaj ili vidas, laŭ kiu direkto blovos la vento. Politicians have a very scientific way of figuring out what they're going to do. They lick their finger, they stick it up in the air, and they see which way the wind is going to blow. Politicians have a very scientific way to decide what they will do. They leak their finger, put it up into the air, and they see, in which direction the wind will blow. 'elDI', paqvam yInob! When he comes in, give him this book. 'elDI', take advantage of these questions! do mi zmadu lo ni toltatpi You have more energy than I. So let's stop it so far. Me mortigis deo. I killed a god. I killed God. Mi volas kafon kun lakto. I want coffee with milk. I want coffee with milk. pIj nItebHa' 'uQ luSop tam me'rIy' je. Tom and Mary often eat dinner together. pI am going to give you 'uQ luSop tam me'rIy' je. coi rodo xagycerni Good morning, everybody. coi road xagyperso vIraS Hol ghoj 'e' nID. He tried to learn French. Don't know how to speak 'e' nID. Li aqua es pur. The water is clean. They water is clean. la tom. pu tolmo'i fi lo nu jerna lo janta Tom forgot to pay the bill. the tom. pummo'i fi lo nu jerna lo janta Ankaŭ mi rimarkis tion, kaj mi opiniis tion amuza. I also noticed that and found it funny. I noticed it too, and I thought it fun. Li ŝatas trinki kafon sen sukero. He likes drinking coffee without sugar. He likes to drink coffee without sugar. Ĉu vi sentas vin varmega? Do you feel hot? Do you feel warm? No labob moni mödik. I don't have much money. No labob moni mödik. ko'a pu'i klama ki'u lo nu ko'a ricfu Because he was wealthy, he was able to go there. ko'a pu'i klama ki'u ko'a ricfu Ben facite es melior que ben dicite. Well done is better than well said. Well, done is better than ever said. La gepatroj sendis ŝin al pensiona lernejo. The parents sent her to boarding school. His parents sent her to a retired school. Ne nur tial estas bedaŭrinde, ke Tomo ne faris tion. That's not the main reason Tom ought to have done that. It’s not just that Tom didn’t do that. Li ridis ĝis larmoj venis en liajn okulojn. He laughed until tears filled his eyes. He laughed until tears came into his eyes. Mi vetas, ke vi diros al mi, ke vi estas tro lacaj por helpi. I bet you're going to tell me you're too tired to help. I'm glad you'll tell me that you're too tired to help. Hutlogh Qoylu'pu'. It's nine o'clock. Hutlogh Qoylu'pu'. lo se porpi be lo minra cu fatri cpana lo loldi Pieces of the broken mirror lay scattered on the floor. it se porpi be lo minor cu fatri cpana lo loldi Foje estis malriĉa muelisto, kiu havis belan filinon. Once upon a time there was a miller who was poor, but he had a beautiful daughter. Sometimes there was a poor muralist who had a beautiful daughter. lo patfu be mi ku kanro My father is in good health. patfu be mi ku canro Nulu volas esar sen pekunio. Nobody ever wants to be without money. He wants to be without money. Нос иа ес ен ла коредор де ла нивел ду де ла оспитал. We were in the hallway of the second floor of the hospital. It is true that it is true that it is true that it is true. Li neniel kondutas sin kiel bankisto. There is nothing of the banker in his bearing. He does not behave like a banker. La kuriero prenis la ĉevalon, metante la reĝon de la kontraŭulo en ŝakon. The bishop took the knight, putting the opponent's king in check. The courier took the horse, putting the opponent's king in chess. Fariĝos relative malvarme. It is going to be quite cold. It will be relatively cold. jImejnISmoHlu'pu'. I was forced to go. Thank you very much indeed. La cielo esas blua. The sky is blue. The sky is blue. Enfantes, ta ce nos prea! Un miracle ia aveni! Children, let us go pray! A miracle has happened! Don’t worry, that's what we're doing! A wonderful thing to get along! nuH vInej. I'll look for a weapon. No, you don't know. bIyItlaH'a'? Can you walk? bIyIt will save'a? Ne ĉiuj scias, kion fari. Not everybody knows what to do. Not everyone knows what to do. Entre la continentes es la mares grande. Between continents are oceans. Inside the containing is the seas large. Su apartment es sempre nett. Her flat is always clean. His apartment is always nett. Qua es la puerino ye la pordo? Who is the girl at the door? What is the puerin at the door? Ĉu vi povus doni la maizon? Could you pass the corn? Can you give the corn? Vera, me ia ave no idea ce el es un trejemelo. I actually had no idea she was a triplet. True, I have no idea what I mean. le nakni cu nelci lo salta be lo patlu He likes potato salad. the nakni cu naci lo salta be lo patlu Io non extingueva le luce. I didn't turn off the light. I didn't extinguish the game. Mostra la mone a me. Show me the money. Show the money to me. Me konsentas a la propozo. I am in favor of the proposition. I agree to the proposal. Tom ia compra un donada per sua fia. Tom bought a gift for his daughter. Tom's got a gift from his daughter. Tio estas vito. That's a grapevine. That's a life. e'a pei mi citka Can I eat? e'a mi mi mi citka Tom ne parolis. Tom didn't speak. Tom didn't speak. La policisto nun deĵoras. The policeman is now on duty. The policeman is now going on. Vilob miti. We want meat. Vilob miti. Kiam mi legas pri la netradukebleco de iu lingvo, mi sentas nesupereblan urĝon reiri al mia skribotablo kaj traduki plian romanon. When I read about the untranslatability of some language, I feel an irresistable urge to go back to my desk and translate another novel. When I read about the intraduability of any language, I feel an unsurpassable rush back to my desk and translate another novel. Ili ekamis la saman knabinon. They fell in love with the same girl. They got the same girl. Ne la laboro mankas en ĉi ĉirkaŭaĵo. There's no shortage of work around here. Not the work is lacking in this area. En tia pluvo li ne venos. He won't come in a rain like this. In that rain he will not come. Io non essera jammais un vetulo. Pro me, solmente es vetule un persona qui ha al minus 15 annos plus que io. I will never be an old man. To me, old age is always 15 years older than I am. I will never be a vector. For me, only is an old person who has at least 15 years more than I do. Kiel vi preferas vian bifstekon? How would you like your steak? How do you prefer your family? La piratas ia naviga la sete mares. The pirates sailed the seven seas. The pirate them to sail the dry seas. Esta es un jornal dial. This is a newspaper. Esta es un newspaper dial. Require vos moneta? Do you need money? Need you money? mi na pu nitcu lo ka lebna lo santa sei ri mi ja'e kansa I didn't need to take an umbrella with me. mi na pu nitcu lo ka lebna lo santa sei ri mi ja'e kansa mi xebni lo'e se sitsku .i ko jungau mi lo poi'i ba'e do djuno I hate quotations. Tell me what you know. I don't think we should care about it. mi pinxe lo tcati pe se cau lo sakta I drink tea without sugar. mi pinxe lo tcati pe se cau lo sakta Ni estos atendantaj Tomon. We'll wait for Tom. We will be waiting for Tom. Li estas plejparte kulpa. He's mostly to blame. He is largely guilty. mi'a mutce xalpinxe We drank a lot. mi'a mutce xalpinxe Fumado estas malpermesita en la restoracio. No smoking in the restaurant. Smoking is banned in the restaurant. Mens mödik in Fikop pükoms flentapüki. Many people in Africa speak French. Mens mödik in Fikop pükoms flentapüki. Mi sciis, ke Tomo estas perfidisto. I knew that Tom was a traitor. I knew Tom was a betrayer. Kial naftoprezoj altiĝas? Why are gas prices going up? Why are oil prices rising? Do' taH tam. Fortunately, Tom survived. So we haven't heard it as well. Mi ne scias, kio estas tio. Mi vidas tion je la unua fojo. I don't know what this thing is. This is the first time I've seen it. I don’t know what that is, I see that at the first time. Mi tiam estis en alia universo. I was in another universe at the time. I was in another universe. Ili ŝajne kontentas pri la rezulto. It looks like they're satisfied with the result. They seem to be satisfied with the result. lo'i re nanmu cu tcesmisi'u The two men had much in common. Up until I was born, but there was no more information about it. Ен тенис, ел ес ун опосор ен бон нивел пер ме. He is a good match for me in tennis. It is the first part of the city of the Republic, which is the first part of the Republic of the Republic. Tomo ne kredis, ke Manjo klopodas senkreditigi lin. Tom didn't believe that Mary was trying to discredit him. Tom did not believe that Manjo was trying to discredit him. Suchech! You are drunk! Suchech! Mi ŝatus, ke ne estu ekzameno. I wish there were no examination. I would like not to be an exam. Mi ne memoras, ke miaj gepatroj iam kriis al mi. I don't remember my parents ever yelling at me. I don’t remember that my parents ever cried to me. Mi pensas, ke tio ne estas la plej granda problemo. I think that's not the biggest problem. I think that’s not the biggest problem. Kafon, mi petas. Coffee, please. Kafon, please. Tomaso ekdormis ĉe la tablo. Tom fell asleep at the table. Thomas slept at the table. ropyaH qach vIjaH vIneHbe'. I don't want to go to the hospital. I have to make sure that I have sought to understand the universe. No pladolöd cili ini sakäd! Do not put child into bag! No disholöd cili ini sakäd! Tomon kaj min multo okupas. Tom and I are very busy. Tom and I have a lot of work. Aŭskultu miajn podkastojn. Listen to my podcasts. Listen to my podcast. Nunquam se corrumpe qualcuno con un corde felice. No one with a happy heart is ever corrupted. Never corrupt anyone with a happy heart. Ŝi ekzamenis suspektaton. She interrogated a suspect. She attended a suspect. No person es interesada. Nobody is interested. No person is interested. Tu es bell. You are beautiful. You are bell. Ätifon peni obik. I had my pen stolen. Ätifon peni obik. La stando militala esis des-esperanta. The war situation was desperate. The military stand was desperate. Lifayelis liomödotik labom-li? How old is he? Lifayelis liomödotik labom-li? nuq ngaS bal? What's in the bottle? What about ngaS ball? Ĉu vi havas duoblan liton? Have you got a double bed? Do you have a double bed? Ĝis la jaro mil naŭcent okdek ses en lernejoj de Anglio puni infanojn per zono, bastono aŭ klabo estis laŭleĝe. Until 1986, in the schools of England, it was legal to punish children with belts, sticks, and clubs. Up to the year a thousand nine hundred eighty-six in schools of England to punish children with a zone, a stick or a club was legally. Ni demetis niajn ŝtrumpetojn. We took off our socks. We put our socks off. Ĉu vi multe televidas? Do you watch TV often? Are you a lot of TV? Ŝi devas esti riĉa por posedi tri aŭtojn. She must be rich to have three cars. She must be rich to own three cars. ra pu stidi lo nu mi'a limna He suggested that we go for a swim. ra pu stidi lo nu mi'a limna Nos non habeva besonio de demandar le su dimission. We didn't need to ask him to resign. We did not need to ask for their resignation. wej ben Heghpu' vavwI'; tera' DIS 1977 qaSpu'. My father died three years ago, that is to say in 1977. On the other hand, we don't seem to have been visited by aliens. Mi ne bezonas foriri. I don't need to leave. I don't need to leave. Ella ancor amat le. She still loved him. Ella anchor amat le. Li nocte esset frigid. The night was cool. Li night esset frigid. Certe, Maria mankos al Tomo. Tom is definitely going to miss Mary. I’m going to miss Tom. Vu es monstrus. You're monsters. You're monstering. quS bIng yIlegh. Look under the seat. quS bIng yIlegh. Me ledesas. I'm ugly. I'm reading. qaSpu'DI' 'op rep tagh rojHom. A ceasefire began a few hours later. On the other hand, we would like to try again. Mia aŭto estis ŝtelita. I had my car stolen. My car was stolen. Mi scipovas naĝi tiel bone kiel vi. I can swim as well as you. I can swim as well as you. Estus bone, se mi havus aŭton. It would be good if I had a car. It would be good if I had a car. Esce tu gusta Jonguo? Do you like China? Have you tasted Jongoo? fau'u Sorry... Numeric Base la tom o la meris klama lo zarci Tom goes to the market if and only if Mary goes to the market. the tom or the meris klamma lo zarci Ĉu vi volas vidi mian papilikolekton? Do you want to see my butterfly collection? Do you want to see my paper collection? Mi ĉiam ellitiĝas pli frue ol miaj familianoj. I always get up earlier than the rest of my family. I’m always getting older than my family. ghuy'! jImuj. Damn, I was wrong. We’ve got to see you! Tomo malamas iri al la gimnastikejo. Tom hates going to the gym. Tom hates to go to the gym. Ella cocina bon. She cooks well. Ella cocina bon. Mi ne havas elekton. I've got no choice. I don't have a choice. Es-sa ffelig? Is she happy? Is-sa ffelig? Vi estis kubute apogitaj. You had been supported by the elbows. You were used to support. Vi tenu kontakton kun S-ro Smith. You should keep in touch with Mr Smith. Keep contact with Mr. Smith. jup maHpu'. We were friends. Jul maHpu'. Li ĉesis labori por povi studi. He stopped working so he could study. He stopped working to study. mi ti ca'o xabju co'a pu za lo nanca be li ci I have been living here for three years. mi ti ca'o xabju co'a pu za lo geras be li cci Esce Kumi es juante tenis? Is Kumi playing tennis? Esce Kumi is youth tennis? Distante 55 kilometros le un del altere, Vienna e Bratislava es le duo capitales national le plus proxime in le mundo. Located 55 kilometers from each other, Vienna and Bratislava are the two closest national capitals in the world. Starting 55 kilometres from one another, Vienna and Bratislava are the second national capitals the nearest in the world. Vu observar me. You observe me. You watch me. Kiel Tomo eksciis tion? How did Tom find out about that? How did Tom know that? Bona medikamento gustas amare. Good medicine is bitter to the mouth. A good drug tastes bitterly. La segisto portis lignon al la barelmetiejo, sed la barelisto ankoraŭ atendas la forĝiston, kiu faros la barelringojn. Kontraste la kandelfaristo havas ĉion bezonatan. The sawyer brought some timber over to the cooper's shop, but the cooper is still waiting on the hooper. The chandler is doing fine, though. The sealer carried wood to the baremetery, but the barelist still awaits the forger, who will make the barrel rings. In contrast to the candlemaker has everything needed. Mi manĝis tutan kesteton da daktiloj. I ate a whole box of dates. I ate a lot of chocolates. Io videva alicun aves partir volante. I saw a few birds fly away. I've seen someone who wants to participate. DujlIj DavoqnIS. You have to trust your instincts. DavoqnIS. Mi pardonpetas. Mi ne intencis primoki vin. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make fun of you. I'm sorry, I didn't want to leave you. Vos malodori. You guys stink. Vos malodori. Kuiru per la koro kaj vi gustumos amon! Cook with the heart and you will taste love. Cook with the heart and you will taste love! Qualim on dikte tu in italum? How do you say that in Italian? What about yourself in Italian? Mi ne ŝatas alkoholon. I don't like alcohol. I don’t like alcohol. bo'DeghvetlhvaD nuq ponglu'? What's that bird called? Are you sure we want to take the rest of the universe? Non es vos quasi preste? Aren't you almost ready? Not you almost ready? Oni ankoraŭ riparas la porteblan komputilon de Olinjo. Olya's laptop is still under repair. You’re still going to fix an Olinjo’s laptop computer. Dormu bone, princino mia. Sleep well, my princess. Sleep well, my princess. Tomo diris, ke lia panjo neniam amis lin. Tom said his mother never loved him. Tom said that his mother never loved him. Le phrase # 3066511 in Tatoeba es le phrase # 10000 in interlingua. Sentence # 3066511 in Tatoeba is sentence # 10000 in interlingua. The phrase # 3066511 in Tatoeba is the phrase # 10000 in English. Mi ŝategas la germanan. I love the German language. I love German. Dotrakuyut. We agreed. Dotrakuyut. Instruisto de matematiko diras, "Kun kalkulilo la infano povas atingi la ĝustan respondon, sen havi ajnan ideon pri kiel li atingis ĝin." A math teacher says, "With a calculator, the child can reach the right answer, but have no idea at all how he got there." Teacher of mathematics says, "With calculator the child can reach the correct answer, without having any idea of how he reached it." Ĉi tiu estas nigra olivo. This is a black olive. This is a black olive. maja'chuqtaHvIS pe'vIl jorlu'. Just as we are talking, there was a loud explosion. But it was very hard for me to share the universe. Li estas vere alloga. He's a real hottie. He is really attractive. Macobuloj estas miaj heredaĵoj; falafeloj ne estas. Matza balls are my heritage; falafels are not. Macobiles are my heritage; palafels are not. mi na lerci djica I don't want to be late. Mi na lerci djica na ka'e ku jmive se cau lo djacu There is no life without water. O Life.jpg Tom estis tre certa, ke Mary volis fari tion. Tom was very sure Mary wanted to do that. He was very sure that Mary wanted to do it. Mi amas lardon! I love bacon. I love tears! .e'a pei mi co'a kansa Can I join? .e'a pei mi co'a kansa Tomo freneziĝas. Tom's losing his mind. Tom is crazy. Noi vole migrar tra li munde. We want to wander through the world. We want to migrate across him worldwide. Vu es ci por laborar e ne por li plesura. You are here to work, not for pleasure. You're here to work and not for him to please. tajlIj chonoj'a'? Will you lend me your knife? What are your boys? Me devas atencar important afero en mea oficeyo. I have an important business to attend to in my office. I need to wait for an important deal in my office. quSDaq ba'taH. He is sitting on the chair. If we are low on planet Earth, we believe that it is not possible. do jai sarcu fai lo ka co'a You'll have to start. twelve years of space Tio neniel koncernas vin. None of your business. It doesn’t concern you. malujlaHbe'. We can't fail. It's hard to live. Sin tu adjuta io non ha ulle occasion. Without your help, I don't have a chance. No help I don’t have any opportunity. roda poi ke'a tcidu dei cu melbi All that read this are beautiful. rode po ke'a tcidu dei cu melbi Un complexo de inferioritate e un complexo de superioritate resulta sovente in le mesme comportamento. An inferiority complex and a superiority complex often lead to the same behavior. A tie of inferiority and a set of superiority will often result in the same behavior. Mi petis Tom pri tio, ke li ne intervenu. I asked Tom not to interfere. I asked Tom about not to come in. Mi ocules plena se con lácrimes e yo cria. My eyes fill with tears and I cry. Mi ocules plen se con lácrimes e yo cria. Il non es le longor, ma le profunditate del vita (lo que importa). It is not length of life, but depth of life. It’s not the length, but the depth of the life (which matters). Сурпренденте, ел ес ун шико мулте бон. Surprisingly he is a very good boy. It is the first part of the city of the Republic. mevpu'. They already left. mevpu'. Me esas tre felica. I'm very happy. I'm very happy. Se ili estus sciintaj, kio estas okazonta, ili estus ŝanĝintaj iliajn planojn. Had they known what was about to happen, they would have changed their plans. If they had known what was going to happen, they would have changed their plans. ramvetlh nIponvo' Haw'. He fled Japan that very night. Towards the next time, we don't have a big deal. Tiu domo estas multe pli bona ol tiu ĉi. That house is much better than this. This house is much better than this one. "Sauna" es un inter le poc parolas amplemente usate imprestate ab le finnese. "Sauna" is one of the few widely used words that have been borrowed from Finnish. "Sauna" is one among the few words widely used openly from the Finnish. Esce vos vole veni? Would you like to come? Are you sure you want to come? Ha Tom tentate illo? Has Tom tried that? Did Tom attempt it? Es le catto parve? Is the cat little? Is the cat small? Ne estis ebla al li, fari la foton en mallumo. It was impossible for him to take the picture in the dark. It was not possible for him to make the photo in darkness. Estas facile, respondi al via demando. It is easy to answer your question. It’s easy to answer your question. Tu esas tre karezinda kato. You are a very cuddly cat. You are a very charised cat. pIqaDDaq 'at 'emDaq veb bay'e'. In the alphabet, B comes after A. If iqaD is the 'at' there are a thousand thousand bay'e'. ki'e .i je'e "Thank you." "You're welcome." ki'e .i je'e El no es como nos. She's not like us. From us is like us. Vi estas belaj. You're beautiful. You are beautiful. Nia benzino elĉerpiĝis en la mezo de la krucvojo. We ran out of gas in the middle of the intersection. Our gasoline ran out in the middle of the crossing. wa'maH wa' ben boghpu' ghaH. He's eleven years old. Our name is in excellent agreement with a separate state of mind, which is why we have made good progress. Non usar le nomine de Deo in van; selige un occasion quando illo habera effecto. Take not God's name in vain; select a time when it will have effect. Don’t use Deo name in van; choose an opportunity when it has an effect. Ille anque discoperiva le maculas solar, le zonas obscur del Sol. Ille videva que le planeta Venus ha phases luminose e obscur exactemente como le Luna. Iste discoperimentos provideva information empiric que demonstrava que le Sol se trova in le centro del Systema Solar, como Nicholas Copernico habeva predicite. He also discovered sunspots, the dark areas of the Sun. He saw that the planet Venus has light and dark phases just like the Moon. These discoveries provided empirical information that proved that the Sun is at the center of the Solar System, as Nicholas Copernicus had predicted. They also discovered the soar, dark zones of Sol. They see that the planet Venus hasphases luminose and dark exactly like Luna. These discoveries have provided empirical information that demonstrated that Sol is found in the Solar System Center, as Nicholas Copernicus had predicted. .au pei kelci su'o da Do you want to play something? .au pei kelci su'o da No kanom svimön. He can't swim. No canom svimön. Labob säkis mödik. I've got lots of questions. Labob säkis mödik. Mi ne volas vidi lin. I don't wanna see him. I don't want to see him. Dano kredis, ke la martelo estis la murdarmilo. Dan believed that the hammer was the murder weapon. Dano believed that the hammer was the mural. Se ni tradukas frazojn ni ofte ricevas korektojn de aliaj uzantoj, do ni plibonigas niajn konojn de la lingvoj, kiujn ni jam konas. When translating sentences, we often get corrections by other users, so we improve our knowledge of the languages we already know. If we translate sentences we often receive corrections from other users, so we improve our knowledge of the languages we already know. Ĉu mi devas respondi tiun demandon? Do I have to answer that question? Should I answer this question? Kial ni ne rajdos lunde? Why don't we go horseback riding on Monday? Why won’t we go on Monday? Nos vole tentar. We want to try. We want to try. Io pensa que Tom vermente es un medico. I think Tom really is a doctor. I think Tom is really a physician. bot quSmeyvetlh. Those chairs are in the way. bank quSmeyven! Io pote a pena audir le. I can hardly hear him. I can try to hear about it. Vi estas senutila viro. You're a useless man. You are a useless man. Va te facer futuer! Fuck off! Go to the futuer! La preco esas alta. The price is high. The price is high. Le mathematica non ha ulle puncto de base que non sia purmente metaphysic. Mathematics has not a foot to stand upon which is not purely metaphysical. The math does not have any baseline point that is not purely metaphysical. Lo ne esus apta. That would be inappropriate. It wouldn't be fit. qaSbe'jaj! May it not happen! On the other hand, one would be the first one! Tom dit que il pensat que Mary besonat manjar plu san. Tom said he thought Mary needed to eat healthier food. Tom dit que il pensat que Mary besonat eats more sane. Ka vu povas komprenar Tom? Can you understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? Io ama le blau. I like the blue. I like the blue. Mi ne povas sonigi ĝin laŭ memoro. Bonvole donu al mi la notojn. I can't play it from memory. Please give me the music. I can’t find it in memory. Please give me the notes. La rusa ne estas facila lingvo. Russian is not an easy language. Russian is not an easy language. vIghro' vIHaj. I am afraid of cats. You know, man. Ĉu Tomo fidas al ni? Does Tom rely on us? Does Tom trust us? Tom non es un bon maestro. Tom isn't a good teacher. Tom isn't a good teacher. ta'lu'pu''a'? Is it done? That's what you all do? mi ca'o terpa I'm scared. mi'o terpa Oni supozis ke li estis mortigita dum la dua mondmilito. He was thought to have been killed in the Second World War. He was thought to have been killed during World War II. Mi amico es ci. My friend is here. My friend is here. Ille obtene toto proque ille es un lecca-culo. He gets everything because he's a brown-noser. They get it all off because they're a little bitch. La druzoj sekvas esoteran religion. The Druze follow an esoteric religion. The druises follow esoteric religion. mi ponse so'o glibau cukta I have some English books. Minpora so'o glibau lo vi kumfa cu tecra'a mi Here's my room. You've got to take me loDnI'Daj rurbe'. He differs from his brother. loDnI'Daj rurbe'. Ili estis malpli kostaj proksimume po 25 cendojn por pundo. They were about 25 cents a pound cheaper. They were less expensive about 25 cents per pound. Tiu ĉi planedo estas en serioza danĝero. This planet is in serious danger. This planet is in serious danger. Mi neniam aŭdis vin plendi pri io. I've never heard you complain about anything. I never heard you complain about something. Le sal es usate pro funder le nive. Salt is used to melt snow. The salt is used to run the snow. Esseva un affaire estranie. It was a strange affair. Eseva un affaire estranie. Miaj poŝoj estas plenaj. My pockets are full. My pockets are full. Samio atendos. Sami will wait. Samia will wait. Kiom da lateroj havas triangulo? How many sides does a triangle have? How many sides have a triangle? Ел иа беви. He used to drink. It's all about it. Eble Tomo povos helpi al vi. Maybe Tom can help you. Maybe Tom can help you. Io sape que alicuno me tirava. I know someone shot me. I know someone has shot me. Non conta al chef. Don't tell the boss. Non conta al chef. Tom tentava le melio teger su tracias pro salvar le facie. Tom tried his best to cover his tracks so he could save face. Tom attempted the better to tell his tracks to save the face. Ti libre es facil. This book was easy. Ti libre is facil. Mi volas aŭdi la tutan rakonton. I want to hear the whole story. I want to hear the whole story. xu do nelci lo nu litru Do you like trips? xu do naci lo nu litru Pos koito anusala kun mea kompanino, ni ordinare bezonas kompleta lavo. After having anal sex with my girlfriend, we usually need to have a good wash. After a coito anusala with my company, we generally need a complete wash. jIHvaD bIQ DalIchqang'a'? Would you pour me some water? Don't really want to know bIQ DalIchqang'a? Tomas labom dini sön. Tom has one just like it. Tomas labom dini sön. Mi ne memoras! I don't remember! I don't remember! Mi sidas. I'm sitting. I'm sitting. Tiu ĉevalo povas paroli. That horse can talk. This horse can talk. It ne manja carne. It doesn't eat meat. It's not a manja carne. mi na nelci le dinju I do not like the house. I naci le dinju la .tam. roroinai se sedyta'u Tom doesn't always wear a hat. the .tam. roroinai se sedyta'u Li estas humila pri sia opinio. He is humble about his opinion. He is humble with his opinion. Mi pensas, ke ni ambaŭ scias, kial mi estas ĉi tie. I think we both know why I'm here. We both know why I am here. la .emilin. mo Who's Emily? the .emilin. pe'u ko lo nu lo sorpeka cu klasti cu denpa fu lo nu sa'irbi'o gi'e cpacu lo do klaselpo'e Please wait until the bus has come to a complete stop before standing up and retrieving your luggage. O'u ko lo sorpeka cu clasati cu depa fu lo sa'irbi'o gi'e cpacu lo do classelpo'e Ama vos le theatro? Do you like the theater? Do you like the theatre? For Usonon! Down with America! For the United States! Oni povas denove ĝui la vivon eĉ post traŭmato. There's life after trauma. You can enjoy life again even after trauma. Tomo estas sensenta. Tom is insensitive. Tom is ignorant. naDev SoHtaH 'e' chaw'lu'. You can stay in here. We don't know where we're doing. Jen bildo de mia familio. Here's a picture of my family. Here is a picture of my family. Como tu ia descovre? How did you find out? How do you discover? Esce tu nesesa esta libro? Do you need this book? Are you foolish to be a book? Tu adjuta a me deveni de plus in plus necessari! Your help is becoming more and more necessary for me! You’ll help me get the most needed! Tomo ne estas franco. Tom's not French. Tom is not French. e'o do ciksi fi mi ba po'o Please explain it to me later. e'o do cixi mi ba po'o Policia vulnerate! Officer down! Police vulnered! juH cheghta'DI' SoSlI', Daqunlu'! You'll be scolded when your mother comes home. That's what you all say, but there's no one! lonu zgana lonu lo bersa be lo selglejibri be'o renro lo rocki lo remgunma kei tcini lo nu ko'a cusku lu o'i do pu'o cumki darxi lo do patfu li'u Seeing the son of a whore throwing rocks at a crowd, he said: "Be careful, you could hit your father." lo zgana lonu lo bersa be lo senglejibri be'o renro lo rocki lo remgunma kei tcini lo co'a cusku lu o'i do pu'o cumki darxi lo do pafu li'u Tu es un puta de genio. You're a fucking genius. You are a bit of genius. Tio ŝanĝos nenion. That won't change anything. This will change nothing. Mi bone plenumas mian laboron. I do a good job with my work. I'm doing my job well. yIba'. bIDoy'law'. Take a seat. You look tired. yIba'. bIDoy'law. poH wIlo'Ha'taH. We're wasting time. The number of steps are growing exponentially, along with our technical ability to change the environment for good or ill. Kion vi kuiros hodiaŭ? What'll you cook today? What will you cook today? Ĉu vi jam estis en Romo? Have you ever been to Rome? Have you already been in Rome? La baza kondiĉo por ĉiu progreso estas la konvinko, ke la necesaĵo estas ebla. The basic prerequisite for every progress is the conviction that the necessary is possible. The basic condition for all progress is the conviction that the necessity is possible. ko'a pu sutra farlu fi le serti She fell head over heels from the ladder. co'a pu sutra farlu fi serti la'oi Jiro djica lo ka pinxe la'oi Coke Jiro wants to drink Coke. Jiro djica lo pinxe la'oi Coke Mi estis la sola, kiu ne falis en la kaptilon. I was the only one who didn't fall into the trap. I was the only one who did not fall into the trap. Tomo scias tion, kion mi faris. Tom knows what I did. Tom knows what I did. Me no vole deveni grasosa. I don't want to get fat. I don't want to become fat. Glitinte sur la ŝtuparo, li preskaŭ ne eskapis. He had a narrow escape when he slipped on the stairs. Glinding on the stairs, he almost did not escape. Esque tu es del Unit States de America? Are you from the United States? Are you from the United States of America? Ania interes-esas en komputeri. Ania is interested in computers. Ania is based on computer computers. pIHar. We believe you. pIHar. Kun ŝi vi pasigas pli da tempo ol kun mi. You spend more time with her than me. With her you spend more time than with me. Manjo faris tion, kion ŝi promesis. Mary did as she had promised. She did what she promised. Dum nia vojaĝo al Tesaloniko, ni vidis la domon de Ataturk. During our trip to Thessaloniki, we saw Atatürk's house. During our journey to Thessaloniki, we saw the house of Ataturk. Oni ofte akuzas Tomon pri trompemo. Tom is often accused of duplicity. He often accused Tom of cheating. Ankaŭ vi ne estas sanktulo. You're no saint, either. You are not a saint either. A mi patre il place le caffe forte. My father likes strong coffee. I’m kind of like the strong coffee. tuqjIjQa'ngan ghaH. She's English. tuqjIjQa'ngan ghaH. Tres dies ante mi volo, io ancora non ha un visa. Three days before my flight, I still didn't have a visa. Three days before I want, I don't yet have a look. DISvam qoSwIj lIjqa' tam. Tom forgot my birthday again this year. That's what you all say, sir. Lacertoj estas pli parencaj al homoj ol al salamandroj. Lizards are more closely related to humans than to salamanders. Lacerts are more related to people than to salamanders. Vexator! Jerk! Vexator! Sin acua, la flores seci. Flowers wither without water. Sin acua, the flores seci. Liaj konsiloj ĉiam estas tre saĝaj. His advice is always very rational. His advice is always very wise. Li fariĝis kapitano. He was made captain. He became a captain. Soldi es la dia prima de la semana. Sunday is the first day of the week. Soldiers are the day first of the week. Ascolta le pluvia. Listen to the rain. Listen to the rain. El es peti. She's petite. El es peti. Mi havas amikon, kies patro estas fama romanisto. I have a friend whose father is a famous novelist. I have a friend whose father is a famous novelist. Tiu monto estas en nuboj. That mountain is in the clouds. This mountain is in clouds. Proque in le nomine del celo ha tu facite isto? Why in the world did you do that? Why did the goal name have you done this? Tio estas fekmojosa. That's fucking cool. This is fertile. ley'la' ghach Sa'mIy. Sami stalked Layla. ley'la' ghach Sa'mIy. Tom es nor vicino. Tom is our neighbor. Tom es nor vicino. Ubi? Where? Where? loi cipni cu vofli The birds fly. Cypni cu vofli vagh 'epIl naHmey ngaS 'aplo'vam. This box contains five apples. We don't have a big look at the rest of the universe. Ob it ämekob valikosi at. I did it all by myself. Ob it ämekob valacosi at. Mi igos Tomon prepari ion por manĝi. I'll get Tom to make you something to eat. I want Tom to prepare something to eat. jISIvbe'. I am not curious. Exiting... Illa ama observar aves. She likes birdwatching. I love watching aves. Mi scivolas, kiu instruis Tomason fari tion. I wonder who taught Tom to do that. I wonder who taught Thomas to do that. Ĉiuj meritas bonajn aferojn, inkluzive de mi. Everyone deserves good things, including me. Everyone deserves good things, including me. Li tro malrapide laboras por esti utila al ni. He works too slowly to be helpful to us. He works too slowly to be useful to us. Ĝi estas proksima al io, kio aspektas kiel malgranda ravineto. It's near what looks like a little gully. It’s close to something that looks like a small ravine. Yo ama infantes. I like children. Yo ama infantes. mi pu cusku fi la tom fe zo'ei naku I told Tom no. I am running out of the whole place vIghro' wIghaj. We have a cat. We should see the mystery of creation. Tom isch 'n schovan. Tom is a reactionary. Tom ich 'n schovan. Kiom pezas tiu haltero? How much does that dumbbell weigh? How much does it weigh? Li ĉiam estis en la unua vico. He is always the first in line. He was always in the first row. Le mundo integre es un scena, e omne viros e feminas es solmente actores. All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. The entire world is a scene, and any man and women are just actor. Me ave tota fida en gania la max de tenis. I am sure of winning the tennis match. I have all trusted in winning the max of tennis. Ho, estas varmege hodiaŭ. Wow, it's hot today. It’s warm today. Tomo farbis la enirpordon verda. Tom painted the front door green. Tom made the entrance door green. Mi estas preta morti. I am ready to die. I am ready to die. Ĉu tiu ulo mojosas? Is that guy cool? Is that a guy mojos? Nolol das vilob dunön etosi, no-li? You know that I want to do that, don't you? Nolol das vilob dunön etosi, no-li? Kiaj aspektos estontaj urboj? What will future cities look like? What will future cities look like? jIDumtaH. I am having a nap. jIDum is entering. Hej, kien iris Tom? Hey, where did Tom go? Where did Tom go? Ni serĉas nian hundon. We're looking for our dog. We are looking for our dog. Sunt-ys ffelig? Are they happy? Sunt-ys ffelig? Ille non sape solmente anglese, ma etiam francese. He doesn't just know English, but also French. They don't know just English, but they're French too. Нос ва луа ун ауто. We're going to rent a car. It's all the way it's going to be. El es un campion de tenis. He is a tennis champion. El es un campion de tennis. En miaj pli junaj kaj pli vundeblaj jaroj mia patro donis al mi konsilon, pri kiu mi meditas ekde tiam. In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me advice on which I measured since then. Mi promenos, ĉu vi venos kun mi? I'm gonna go for a walk; will you come with me? Will you come with me? Al etate de sex annos ille habeva apprendite a usar le machina a scriber, e diceva al maestro que ille non habeva besonio de apprender a scriber a mano. At the age of six he had learned to use the typewriter and told the teacher that he did not need to learn to write by hand. At the age of six years she had learned to use the machine to write, and said to the teacher that there was no need to learn about writing a hand. Esque il ha alicun sperantia de su curation? Is there any prospect of his recovering? Was there any risk of taking care? Mi ne ŝatas la muzikon de Tomo. I don't like Tom's music. I don’t like Tom’s music. Io vole controlar alcunes de mi objectos de valor. I'd like to check some of my valuables. I want to control some of my value objects. La pantofloj estas sub la lito. The slippers are under the bed. The pans are under bed. La anke parla fransum. She speaks French too. The also spoke fransum. Mi ĉiam kredis, ke Dubajo estas la ĉefurbo de la Emirlandoj. I always thought Dubai was the capital of the Emirates. I always believed that Dubai was the capital of the Emirates. nuq 'oH wabvam'e'? lupwI' mI' 'oH'a'? What's this noise? Is it a train? The universe was essentially true, or was there anything bigger than the universe? Mi dormas en la aŭtobuso. I sleep on the bus. I sleep in the bus. Se li venos, des pli bone. If he comes, so much the better. If he comes, it’s better. Io non sape qui es iste juvene. I don't know who that youngster is. I don't know who this youth is. jatlhbe'. He does not say. Professor, we thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today Huch yInIH! Steal the money. Huch wavesIH! Vi ne povas elpremi pli da monon el mi. You can't wring any more money from me. You can't make more money out of me. Quante cameras il ha in tu casa? How many rooms are there in your house? How many rooms are there in your home? Ме ес ен ла медиа де боли акуа. I am boiling water. It's all the way it's going to be. ghIjlu'mo' jel. She trembled with fear. Let's go, let's go! Binob in sup. I am in the soup. Binob in sup. Subito mi matre comenciava a cantar. All of a sudden, my mother began to sing. Suddenly I started singing. Том иа ес тровада мор. Tom was found dead. It's all the way it's going to be. Eo ysp ys es segyr. I hope he's safe. Eo ysp ys es segyr. La musica uni. Music unites. The musical uni. Ne diru tion al iu. Just don't tell anybody. Don’t say that to someone. Енглес ес плен де паролас романика. English is full of Romance words. It is true that it is true that it is true. nuq DanejtaH? What are you looking for? What are the Danes going on? Non me place focos de artificio. I don't like fireworks. Don't me like focusing on artificiality. Guinness es la maxim bona di la biri. Guinness is the finest of beers. Guinness is the best of the beer. Том иа виде Мариа суриенте. Tom saw Mary smiling. It's all the way to do it. Vi sonas tre juna. You sound very young. You sound very young. DuSaH pagh. Nobody cares about you. DuSaH, however. Me prizas marchar. I like to walk. I'm wondering about marching. La policisto signalis al mi, ke mi haltu. The policeman signaled me to stop. The policeman signaled to me to stop. La milito de 1812 jam komenciĝis. The War of 1812 had begun. The War of 1812 began. Ŝi sekvis lin hejmen. She followed him home. She followed him home. Akvo kuris laŭ la ventŝirmilo. Water was running down the windshield. Water ran along the storm. ti noi jubme cu marji lo mudri This table is made of wood. ti noi jubme cu marji lo mudri Mi ne pensas, ke ĉiuj estas jam ĉi tie. I don't think that everyone is here yet. I don’t think everyone is here. ghIq jIvem. Then I woke up. Let's go, let's go! Ho'Du'Daj lamHa'choHmoH. He brushes his teeth. Ho'Du'Daj lamHa'choH, however. Ĉu vi havas vertiĝon? Do you have vertigo? Do you have a verdict? Azeno estas griza. A donkey is gray. Azeno is grey. Ne permesu, al ili eniron! Don't let them in. Don’t let them enter. Li-vilol nolön? Want to know? Li-vil nolön? Un piranha non es un animal domestic, Tom. A piranha is not a pet, Tom. A piranha is not a domestic animal, Tom. Ella explicat un joca. She explained a joke. Ella expliccat un playa. Japanaj domoj malgrandas. Japanese houses are small. Japanese houses are small. Hodiaŭ la ĉielo estas sennube blua. The sky today is blue, without a cloud. Today the sky is dark blue. Il ha multe parolas obras in ille lingua Lojban. There are many masterpiece words in that language Lojban. There are many words in that language Lojban. lojmIt DaSoQmoHpu''a'? Did you close the door? Do you really think we should have been in love with you? Tom esas sentema. Tom is sensitive. Tom is sensitive. Tu es multo inhabile, nonne? You are really clumsy, aren't you! You’re very inhabitable, right? Nuntempe, ni ne povas vivar bone sen elektro. Without electricity we can't live a good life today. We can’t live well without electricity. Terra, Marte e Jupiter es planetas. The Earth, Mars and Jupiter are planets. Earth, Tuesday and Jupiter are planetary planets. Li evidente amegis ŝin. He must have loved her a great deal. He looked at her. La boveri kavalkis aden nekonocata vilajo. The cowboys rode into an unknown town. The bowlers dug into an unknown village. ko tisygau lo baktu lo djacu Fill the bucket with water. co tisygau lo bakutu lo dchain Ille infantes partiva, cantante un cantion. Those children went away, singing a song. Those children participated, singing a song. Li infanto, kel vu vida, es men filio. The boy you see is my son. His child, those your life, is but a child. Spele tuа nom, per favore. Spell your name, please. Your name, please. Ĉi tiu libro pro kelkaj kialoj estas grava. This book is important for a number of reasons. This book for a few reasons is important. Kiam li estis infano, la hejma etoso estis bona. When he was a boy, his home environment was good. When he was a child, the home was good. Iu aŭtis preter la domo meznokte, kriante "Midzuloj!" Somebody drove by the house yelling "Cocksuckers!" in the middle of the night. Someone heard past the house at midnight, screaming "Mids!" Me pensa ce tu va gusta asi. I think you're going to like it here. I think you're tasted asi. Ci es asente? Who is absent? Here’s an assent? Homoj estas stultetaj. Humans are silly. People are stupid. Daktiloj estas la bombonoj de la naturo. Dates are nature's candy. Dactiles are the bombers of nature. reghtaH qIvwIj. My knee is bleeding. I am worried about my disability. Ĉu vi povos akiri skatolon da biero dum vi revenos? Can you pick up a case of beer on your way back? Can you get a box of beer when you come back? La motoro dil automobilo frenigis an la voyo. The car's engine broke down on the way. The motor engine has broken down onto the way. Ni devas havi tie ĉiujn datumojn. We gotta have all the data in there. We have to have all of the data there. ti gerku ma What kind of dog is that? ti gerku ma Le aventura vale le pena. Adventure is worthwhile. The adventure is worth the penalty. Me no es tan serta. I'm not so sure. Me no es tan serta. Mi ne legas liajn romanojn. I do not read his novels. I don’t read his novels. Mi devus scii, ke Tomo faris tion. I should've known Tom did that. I should know that Tom did that. ma vrusi How does it taste? Vrusi Mi ne komprenas. Don't understand. I don't understand. Le ursos anque tende a dormir plus durante le die que in le nocte, ben que in le estate, con vinti-quatro horas de lumine, isto non se applica. Bears also tend to sleep more during the day than at night, although in the summer, with twenty-four hours of light, this does not apply. Bears also tend to sleep more during the day than in the night, although in the state, with twenty-four hours of lights, this does not apply. Mia amiko promenigas hundon. My friend is walking a dog. My friend promises a dog. Io es le jardinero. I'm the gardener. I'm the gardener. Existas plu grava kozi en la vivo. There are more important things in life. There are more important things in life. Ken kolektas monerojn. Ken is a coin collector. Ken collects coins. Portu lin reen. Take him back. Take him back. Ni devas nin prezenti al la oficejo pri enmigrado. We have to introduce ourselves to the immigration office. We must present us to the office of immigration. Mi trovis, ke la demando estis facila por respondi. I found that the question was easy to answer. I found that the question was easy to answer. Ла гатос иа ес анималес санта ен Мисре антика. Cats were sacred animals in ancient Egypt. It is true that it is true that it is true that it is true. pei mi'o kansa zu'ai lo ka klama Shall we go together? pei mi'o kansa zu'ai lo ka klama pa' maHtaHbej. We'll be there. It is not possible, but it is not possible. xu su'o da pendo do gi'e xabju la .antigus. Do you have friends in Antigua? xu su'o da pendo do gi'e xabju la .antigus. Tomas fidom vifiko. Tom is a fast eater. Tomas faith vifice. Mia nomo estas Laŭrie. My name is Laurie. My name is Lerie. Iu estas en la domo. Someone's in the house. Someone is in the house. Li tri fratres aspectet unaltru tre similmen. The three brothers resembled each other very much. He three brothers aspectet unaltru tre simimmen. Mi ĉiam estos ĉi tie por helpi vin. I'll always be here to help you. I’ll always be here to help you. Tomo amas min, kaj mi ankaŭ amas lin. Tom loves me, and I also love him. Tom loves me, and I also love him. Quando pote io vider te? When can I see you? When can I see you? Binos badikumo ka tikol. It's worse than you think. Binos badikumo ka tikol. vagh Holmey jatlhlaH. He can speak five languages. Vagh Holmey is already in the background. Esque tu pensa que it es possibil? Do you think it's possible? Are you sure you think it’s possible? Tom ave tre xicas de cor. Tom has three girlfriends. Tom ave tre xicas de cor. Nolobs das binols no stupik. We know that you are not stupid. Nolobs das binols no stupik. naDev qaghuHmoHmeH jIHtaH. I'm here to warn you. Thank you very much indeed. pa'vam vIparHa'. I like this room. This is why I did not understand the universe. ghoSlI' SuS'a' 'e' SovlaH 'op Ha'DIbaH. Some animals can sense the coming of a storm. GhoSelize' SuS'a 'in' the Soviet state 'op Ha'DIbaH. Venu el la banĉambro. Mi bezonas ĝin. Get out of the bathroom, I need it. Come out of the bathroom, I need it. 'Iw puSqu''e' ngaSbogh bIQ lularghlaH je norghmey. Sharks can smell even a tiny amount of blood in water. We believe that there are no alien civilizations at the probability of life appearing. ghaH woch law' jIH woch puS. He is taller than I. ghaH woch law'S woch level. Kion tio povas signifi? What could it mean? What can that mean? La vero estas, ke la franca de Tomo ne estas tre bona. The truth is that Tom's French isn't so good. The truth is that Tom’s French is not very good. Mi ŝategas knufli kun katoj. I love cuddling with cats. I love knufli with cats. Ĉu vi ne povus iri por ekscii, kiam la pramo startos? Could you go and find out when the ferry is going to leave? Couldn’t you go to find out when the ferry starts? Ŝi ne feliĉas. She is not happy. She is not happy. Mia kusenveturilo estas plena da angiloj, kaj estas iom da maĉgumo algluita al mia klavaro. My hovercraft is full of eels, and there's a bit of chewing gum stuck to my keyboard. My kitchen vehicle is full of rings, and there is a little match attached to my keyboard. La pluvo daŭris la tutan tagon. The rain lasted throughout the whole day. The rain lasted all day. Le mobiles esseva pulverulente. The furniture was dusty. Mobile was a moth. La suspektito celis su en la monti dum tri semani. The suspect was hiding out in the mountains for three weeks. The suspect targeted his in the mountains for three weeks. Quando on face un torta, il es importante sequer le recepta. When baking a cake, it is important to stick to the recipe. When you do a cake, it’s important to follow the recipe. Tiamaniere ne estas kiel oni funkciigas firmon. That isn't how to run a business. This is not how a firm works. Нос иа пасеа е нос иа каде. We were walking and we fell. It is true that it is true that it is true. Ille remaneva un homine paupere. He remained a poor man. That was once again a paupere man. Tomo estas glorama. Tom's a glory seeker. Tom is glorious. Tomo provis pafi per sia pafilo, sed okazis nenio. Tom tried to fire his gun, but nothing happened. Tom tried to shoot with his gun, but there was nothing. Ilu livis sua esquado pro ilu ne konsentis kun la entrenisto. He left his team because he couldn't get along with the manager. He left his squad because he did not agree with the entertainer. fau lo ka djica tu'a lo jduli vau do cu ei citka lo do sanmi If you want pudding, you must eat your meat. do it ka djica tu'a lo jduli vau do cu ei citka lo do sanmi Me ta feri nunca un enfante. I would never hurt a child. I'm going to go to an end. Ta ce nos vade! Let's go! Ta ce nos vade! Kaj, mi estas via trejnisto. And, I'm your coach. And I'm your coach. Куандо лос иа насе? When were they born? Do you want to know it? Tiu ne estas mi. That's not me. This is not me. Me perdis mea chapelo che la autobuso. I lost my hat on the bus. I lost my hat on the bus. Son obik pükom obe te ven nedom moni. The only time my son talks to me is when he needs some money. Son obik pükom obez nedom moni. Mi volas iri al Tokio. I want to go to Tokyo. I want to go to Tokyo. Mi konas multajn homojn, kiuj ne ŝatas operojn. I know a lot of people who don't like opera. I know many people who don’t like operas. Im gelir ceni ad lín. Nice to see you again. Im gelir scenes to lín. Alcun typo de education physic es importante pro le infantes de iste epocha. Some kind of physical education is important for children in this day and age. Some type of physical education is important for the children of this era. nuv maH. We are people. nuv maH. Mi donis al Tomo iom da libroj por legi. I gave Tom some books to read. I gave Tom a few books to read. Mallaŭtigu la radion iomete. Turn the radio down a little. Leave the radio a bit. nom yIt ghaH. He is a quick walker. name yIt ghaH. Mi ŝatas paroli france al mia kobajo. I like speaking French to my guinea pig. I like to talk French to my club. i lo prenu cu nalgleki ki'u sa'u ri na djuno lo du'u ri gleki je'u i la'e di'u po'o krinu Man is unhappy because he doesn't know he's happy. It's only that. Take it an nalkleki ki'u ci'u na rju ta d'u kleki je'u la'e di'u po'u na'u Qui surprisat te? Who surprised you? Who surprised you? La hundo graŭlis kontraŭ la drogovendisto. The dog growled at the drug dealer. The dog congratulated against the drug vendor. La fazeolaĵo estis franda. The beans were delicious. The fazeol was frayful. Ĝi estas historia verko. It is an historical play. It's a historical work. Tomo laboris. Tom worked. Tom worked. Tomo ne moviĝis. Tom didn't budge. Tom did not move. Laŭ mi araneoj estas ĉarmaj. I think spiders are cute. My spiders are beautiful. Binols jönik. You are beautiful. Binols jönik. bIrbe'. It's not cold. bIrbe'. La ateistino tute konfuzis sian kontraŭulon en la diskuto demandante: "Kaj kiu kreis Dion?" The atheist completely flummoxed her opponent in the debate by asking, "And who created God?" The atheist completely confused his opponent in the discussion asking: "And who created God?" Me par-finas skribar la letro. I've finished writing the letter. I peer-finals to write the letter. jIrunbe'. I'm not short. Exiting... Neniu volas kanti kun Tomo. Nobody wants to sing with Tom. Nobody wants to sing with Tom. Li ne ŝatas skribi. He doesn't like writing. He doesn't like writing. Esque tu vole un orange? Do you want an orange? Do you want an orange? Ico esas mea unesmafoyo. This is my first time. This is my first time. Vi ambaŭ malpravas. You are both in the wrong. You both are wrong. wa' vIchaghpu'. I dropped one. That's what you doing. Tom bevi sempre te a matina. Tom always drinks tea in the morning. Tom is always drinking you to a matina. Ĝi estas maldeca. It's obscene. It's bad. Vi havas kvin jarojn. You're five years old. You have five years. me'rIy' parHa'be' tam. Tom doesn't like Mary. me'rIy' parHa'be' tam. Mi opinias, ke Marso estas bela. I think Mars is pretty. I think Mars is beautiful. Io frequentemente manda toto al merda. I often fuck things up. I frequently make everything to the market. Li trinkis botelon da vino. He drank a bottle of wine. He drank a bottle of wine. "Ĉu vi manĝas fufuon ĉiutage?" "Mi manĝas ĝin preskaŭ ĉiutage." "You eat fufu every day?" "I eat it almost every day." "Do you eat smoke every day?" "I eat it almost every day." Mi ne povas trovi mian poŝtelefonon. I can't find my cell phone. I can’t find my phone. ko jgari loi ckiku pe le karce pe le nakni Take his car keys. co jgari loi ckiku pe le karce pe le nakni Ille videva un puera belle. He saw a pretty girl. That's where a beautiful little is seen. La lango kaj la palato estas la organoj de la gustumado. The tongue and the palate are the taste organs. The tongue and the palate are the organs of taste. Tio ne estas argento. That's not silver. It's not silver. Esce tu recorda la nom de tuа mestre prima de franses? Do you remember the name of your first French teacher? Are you recording the name of your first franses? Mia koramikino fumas peceton da haŝiŝoleo. My girlfriend is doing a dab. My girlfriend smokes a bit of hashish oil. tIv tam. Tom enjoyed it. tIv tam. Kial homoj suicidas? Why do people kill themselves? Why do people commit suicide? noda kakne lo nu tolcicygau lo labno You cannot tame a wolf. noda kakne lo nu tulcygau lo labno nom nenchoH puqpu'. Children grow very quickly. name nenchoH puqpu'. Том ес ен ла медиа де абри ла фенетра. Tom is opening the window. It's all the way to do it. Kiu volis dungi min? Who'd want to hire me? Who wanted to hire me? Ла примадор ен ме офисиа ес ромпеда. The printer in my office is broken. It is true that it is true that it is true. La manaĝero estas afabla. The manager is nice. The manager is kind. Kion tio faras tie? What's that doing there? What does that do there? Mi loĝas en la domo de miaj katoj. I live in my cats' house. I live in my cat's house. qamwIj gho' tam. Tom stepped on my foot. That's my life! la tom na nelci lo nu dasni lo kanjunla Tom doesn't like to wear a watch. the tom na naci lo nu dasni lo kanjunla ti dukse cmalu This is too small. ti dukse cmalu Il esset naiv. He was naive. Il esset naïve. Ples ne far it! Please don't do it. Please don't do it! Jam sufiĉas babilaĉi, kaj laboru! That's enough yapping. Get to work. It’s enough to talk and work! Mi devas iel uzi ĉi tiujn rafanojn. I've got to do something with these radishes. I need to use these frogs. No surie. Don't smile. No surie. Mary sovente porta long jupes. Mary often wears long skirts. Mary often takes a long jump. Mi esperas, ke ni povas sidi kune en la buso. I hope that we can sit together on the bus. I hope we can sit together in the bus. Non importa lo que io faceva, Ken refusava de facer lo que io le diceva. No matter what I did, Ken wouldn't do what I told him. No matter what I did, Ken refused to do what I said. Mi havas trioble pli da libroj ol Tomaso. I have three times as many books as Tom does. I have three books than Thomas. Tomas nedom yufi olik ya nu. Tom needs your help right away. Tomas nedom yufi olik ya nu. Manipulante golfan klabon, Tomo sturmis cele al mi. Tom came at me with a golf club. Killing a golf club, Tom smiled at me. mi manci lo nu do tai certu tu'a lo glibau I'm amazed at your fluency in English. min manci lo nu tai xplore tu'a lo glibau Esta xico es intelijente. That boy is smart. Esta xico es intelijente. Ospäkof lä om. She will haunt him. Ospäkof lä om. .i ma krinu What's the reason? .i ma Justification .i ja'e nai bo mi na ka'e sipna Regardless of this, I am not able to sleep. .i ja'e nai bo mi na'e sipna Ŝi preparis teon. She was making tea. She prepared tea. Ili havas grandan. They got a big one. They have a great deal. Ĉu vi manĝis ĝin en la klasĉambro? Do you eat it in the classroom? Did you eat it in the classroom? Maria es un princessa de fees. Mary is a fairy princess. Maria es un princessa de fees. jatlhtaH ghaH. He is talking. Thank you very much indeed. "Vi estas belega." - "Kial oni diras tion? Mi ne estas tia." "You're gorgeous." "Why do people say that? I'm not." “You are beautiful.” “Why do you say that?” I’m not like that.” tugh vIlegh 'e' me'rIyvaD yIja'. Tell Mary I'll see her soon. You know why I am doing it. Esque vos es libere? Are you guys free? Are you free? Vilob nolön osi vemo. I really want to know. Vilob nolön osi weather. La anasoj ĉirkaŭnaĝis sur la lageto. Ducks were swimming about on the pond. The ducks came around on the pond. Tomo volas sukcesi. Tom wants to be successful. Tom wants to succeed. Ubi joca Tony? Where is Tony playing? Ubi joca Tony? Ĉar Tomo lasis la pordon de la fridujo malfermita, mi fermis ĝin. Tom left the fridge door open, so I shut it. As Tom left the door of the refrigerator open, I closed it. DaghomlaH'a'? Can you meet him? Don't you know what? w do i sipo kos We live in a complicated world. w do i sipo cos lo nakni pu radytu'i lo du'u mi drani He admitted that I was right. nakni pu radytu'i lo du'u mi drawi Esther es la fem de Rachel. Esther is Rachel's wife. Esther is the woman of Rachel. bIQongchugh, vemmoHwI' yIchu'. In case you sleep, set the alarm. If you don't think we're sure you're okay. majottaHnIS. We must keep calm. Mayont was found. jIvumqa'meH jIcheghpa' SojHomqoq vISop. I had a snack before I went back to work. I've been able to project the SojHomqo fajSop. Tomo plu verkas. Tom is continuing to write. Tom is still writing. Mi estas iom okupita. I'm a little bit busy. I'm a little busy. Que es il in error in nostre maniera de facer lo? What's wrong with how we did it? What’s there in error in our way to do it? Tíral. You are watching. Tíral. Dani bofikes oles. Thanks to both of you. Days are doing them. Responsabilitate es un carga distachabile que pote facilemente esser transferite al humeros de Deo, le Fato, le Fortuna, le Sorte o un vicino nostre. In le dies del astrologia on soleva discargar lo super un stella. Responsibility is a detachable burden that can easily be shifted to the shoulders of God, Fate, Fortune, Luck or one's neighbor. In the days of astrology it was customary to unload it upon a star. Responsibility is a short load that can easily be transferred to the backs of God, the Fat, Fort, the Sorte, or a vicino nostre. In the days of the astrology alone, download it over a star. Il ha pauc homines qui non sape isto. There are few men who don't know that. There are a few people who don’t know this. Illa crede al ciconia. She believes in the stork. He believes in citizenship. Ĉu la inflacio tre influis la laktoprezon? Did inflation influence the price of milk a lot? Does inflation greatly affect the milk price? Tomo ĉiam manĝas. Tom's eating all the time. Tom always eats. Ni faris grandan eraron. We've made a big mistake. We made a big mistake. Janio lavis sin. Yanni washed up. Janio washed himself. Chascun save que tu es plu inteligent quam yo. Everybody knows you're more intelligent than she is. Chascun sale que tu es plu intelligence quam yo. "Ме аве ун ами де кор." "Де куандо?" "I have a boyfriend." "Since when?" "Would you know?". Нос иа дисе а Том ке ел но реста а естра аста тарда. We told Tom not to stay out late. It is true that it is true that it is true that it is true. Me vole sola tu. I only want you. I want you alone. Me vekigis vu. I woke you up. I woke up you. .au mi cinba do I want to kiss you. .au mi cinba do Mi ankoraŭ ne havas donacon por Tomo. I don't have a present for Tom yet. I still don’t have a gift for Tom. Mi preskaŭ forlasis mian hejmon kiam pluveto ekfalis. I was on the point of leaving home when a light rain started to fall. I almost left my home when the rain fell. DIvI' Hol ghojlI'. He is learning English. DivI' Holorge'. La vorto "diasporo" originale kreiĝis por la diseliro de hebreoj el la Lando de Izraelo. The word "diaspora" was originally coined for the scattering of Jews from the Land of Israel. The word “diaspora” was originally created for the dissolution of Hebrews from the Land of Israel. ro mi'ai kecti We're all sorry. ro mi'ai kecti Spikol-li Hebreyapüki? Do you speak Hebrew? Spikol-li Hebreyapüki? .au pei nai do ra vitke Don't you want to visit her? .au pei nai do rabile maDyar HolDaq DIp Segh tu'lu'be'. Hungarian has no grammatical gender. maDyar Hol is a Dip Segh tu'be'. Esti riĉa ne signifas havi monon, sed elspezi monon. Being rich doesn't mean having money, but spending money. Being rich does not mean to have money, but to spend money. El gusta leje jornales. She likes to read magazines. Lightly read newspapers. Ne pensu pri tio! Don't think about it. Don't think about that! Grandmajstroj ne ludas serĉante kombinaĵojn, sed cele krei kondiĉojn por ke ili aperu. A GM does not play looking for combinations, but with a view to creating conditions for them to appear. Grandmasters do not play searching for combinations, but aim to create conditions for them to appear. Es iste le cammino directe al Prado? Is this the direct way to the Prado? Is this the path path to the Prado? Me ia nada en la mar. I swam in the sea. I was born in the sea. wa'Hu' muQuchmoHta' ghaH. He made me happy yesterday. Thank you very much indeed. ghaH ghIj pagh nuv. He's not afraid of anyone. ghaharizes, however, nuv. Ni ĉiuj maltrafis la celon. We all missed the target. We all missed the goal. Ne plu daŭros longe, ĝis ni povos iri al Marso. It won't be long before we can travel to Mars. We will no longer last until we can go to Mars. La katidoj ĉasis unu la alian ĉirkaŭ la apartamento. The kittens chased each other around the apartment. The cats were hunting each other around the apartment. Que te face pensar que isto non es ver? What makes you think that isn't true? What do you do think this is not true? le zarci cu barda The market is big. the zarci cu barda An tu pote intender Tom? Are you able to understand Tom? You can intended Tom? la .tam. cu badri Tom's sad. the .tam. cu badri bISoy'qu'. You're really clumsy. bISoy'qu'. Tio ne estas ĉipa. That isn't cheap. That's not a chip. Io lo expecta con impatientia. I look forward to it. I expect it to be impacted. Mi scias, ke Tom ne estis preta, fari tion. I know that Tom wasn't ready to do that. I know Tom wasn’t ready to do it. El Oslo binon cifazif Norgäna. Oslo is the capital of Norway. El Oslo binon cifazif Norgäna. 'e' yIqaSmoH! Make it so. Thank you very much! ko'a ponse so'o melbi ke laldo nilce She has some beautiful antique furniture. Owner of its merits that praise nilce Kiel vi faras tion? How do you do that? How do you do that? SoH vISamta'! There you are! SoH fajSamta! Ilu ne povas natar, ilu sinkos! He can't swim, he will sink! Can't swim, they'll sink! Mi ne valoras la penon. I'm not worth it. I'm not worth the effort. chIS vIghro'wIj. My cat is white. What I have to do with you is my concern. Ŝajnas, ke vi bezonas brakumon. It looks like you need a hug. You need an arm. DaHjaj ram 'eqtaHvIS QongDaq vI'el. I'm going to bed early tonight. I'm sorry, but we don't know what I am doing. Kial mi diru tion al vi? Why would I tell you? Why should I tell you that? mi ka'enai lacri lo nu la .tom. cu sidju I can't be sure Tom will help. I'm going to take it off the .tom. With one another, we'll let it go. Mi manĝas kokaĵon pli ofte ol bovaĵon. I eat chicken more often than I eat beef. I eat chicken more often than beef. Kutime mi promenas ĉiun matenon. I usually go for a walk every morning. I usually walk every morning. le karce pe la .mark. lu lidfru bracrida li'u se cmene Mark's car is called "Thunder Giant". le carce pe la .mark. lu lidfruit bracrida li'u nome Hiel Tom binom surdik. Tom is deaf. Hiel Tom binom surdik. Mi atendis ŝin. I've been waiting for her. I waited for her. Rapidu! Hurry up. Fast! Mi ŝategus maizon. I'd love some corn. I like corn. Mi penas teni min malproksime de politiko kaj ĝiaj neadekvataĵoj. I try to distance myself from politics and it's inadequatenesses. I am trying to keep myself far from politics and its inadequaries. Jes, mi loĝas ĉi tie. Yes, I live here. Yes, I live here. mi je'u senpi I truly doubt it. I'm going to send Nos debe colonisar Marte. We must colonize Mars. We must colonise Tuesday. Ili rifuzis la inviton. They declined the invitation. They refused the invitation. qavoq vIneH. I want to trust you. Ivory. Io sovente passa mi tempore libere a ascoltar musica. I often spend my free time listening to music. I often spend my time free to listen to music. *Tom DuSaQ ghom nuvpu' DIqelDI', *Tom woch law' Hoch woch puS. Tom is the tallest in his class. *Tom DuSaQ ghom nuvpu' DIqelDI', *Tom woch law' Hoch woch age. Kie estas la forkoj? Where are the forks? Where are the forks? Esce Ken jua tenis? Does Ken play tennis? Is Ken jua tennis? Вос ес тан амабле. You're so nice. It's all the way to do it. Yo ne pensa que it es important. I don't think it's important. Yo don't think it's important. i'a bu'o mi na drani I admit I'm wrong. i'a bu'o mi na dani Huj vay' 'e' vISovtaH 'ach HujwI' vIngu'laHbe'taH. Even though I felt that there was something strange, I just didn't know what it was. Moreover, we may have sought to understand the universe and find answers to our quest for knowledge. Mi sekvis Tomon en la domon. I followed Tom into the house. I followed Tom into the house. DIvI' Hol vIparHa' je. I like English, too. DivI' Hol fajparHa' je. Li ekiris en la malbona direkto kaj perdiĝis en la arbaroj. He set off in the wrong direction and got lost in the woods. He went in the wrong direction and lost in the forests. Ĉu vi diras, ke ili ĉiuj estas malbonaj? Are you saying they're all bad? Do you say they are all bad? Traduki tiun frazon laŭvorte estis stulta eraro. La signifo estis tute alia. Translating that sentence literally was a stupid mistake. The meaning was totally different. Translate this phrase literally was a stupid mistake. The meaning was completely different. La spektaklo prezentas sin samtempe kiel la socio mem, kiel parto de la socio, kaj kiel unuigilo. Kiel parto de la socio, ĝi malkaŝe estas la sektoro, al kiu koncentriĝas ĉiu rigardo kaj ĉia konscio. Ĝuste pro tio, ke ĉi tiu sektoro estas aparta, ĝi estas la loko de la trompita rigardo kaj la falsa konscio, kaj la unuiĝo, kiun ĝi atingas, estas nenio krom oficiala lingvo de la universala apartiĝo. The spectacle presents itself simultaneously as society itself, as a part of society, and as a means of unification. As a part of society, it is the focal point of all vision and all consciousness. But due to the very fact that this sector is separate, it is in reality the domain of delusion and false consciousness: the unification it achieves is nothing but an official language of universal separation. The show presents itself at the same time as society itself, as part of society, and as a unit. As part of society, it openly is the sector to which every view and all consciousness concentrates. Just because this sector is separate, it is the place of the deceived view and the false consciousness, and the association it reaches, there is nothing but an official language of the universal separation. lo prenu cu frica lo danlu lo ka kakne lo nu pensi je cusku Human beings are different from animals in that they can think and speak. take it Africa danlu lo kakne lo nu pens per cusku Sama sordidajo, diferanta dio. Same shit, different day. Same sister, different God. La plej bonaj keksoj, kiujn mi iam manĝis, estas tiuj, kiujn via patrino bakis por mi. The best cookies I've ever eaten are the ones that your mother baked for me. The best boxes I've ever eaten are those your mother has baked for me. Mi certas pri tio, ke vi sukcesos. I'm sure you'll succeed. I’m sure you’ll succeed. Le gente le considerava un grande erudito. People thought him to be a great scholar. The gente considered a great scholar. Tom e Maria ia amini resente. Tom and Mary have recently become friends. Tom and Maria are sent back. Ме ес семпре фатигада. I'm always tired. It's the same thing as it's going to be. Sapientia es un union de scientia moral e arte. Wisdom is a union of moral science and art. Sapientia is a union of moral and art science. Mi klarigos parabole. I'll explain by way of a parable. I'll explain parabole. Io finalmente incontrava le bon femina. I finally met the right woman. I finally encountered the good women. De' lI' 'oH. That is a useful piece of information. That's what it comes to the universe. Klödolöd obe das no vilob deilön. Believe me, I don't want to die. Klödolöd obes das no vilob deilön. Hergh vISop. I am on medication. Hergh papasSop. La aŭtoro, en sia verko, devas esti kiel Dio en la Universo, ĉeestas ĉie kaj videblas nenie. The author, in his work, must be like God in the Universe, present everywhere and visible nowhere. The author, in his work, must be as God in the Universe, is present everywhere and is seen nowhere. Le celo sembla irate. The sky looks angry. The target seems to have occurred. Ne fendu harojn! Don't split hairs. Do not feed hair! Tom es li mortator. Tom is the killer. Tom is his killer. Li tranĉis kelkajn branĉojn de la kverkarbo. He cut some branches off the oak tree. He cut a few branches of the tree. Konrad Adenauer esset li unesim cancellero del Federal Republica de Germania. Konrad Adenauer was the first chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. Konrad Adenauer married his first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. yIvoqHa'! You should not trust him. yIvoqHa! Tom esset presc ciec. Tom was almost blind. Tom esset presc cyec. Lo ia aveni a la note de vijila de tota santas. It happened on Halloween night. It comes to the night of all the saints. "Kies krajonoj estas ĉi tiuj?" - "Ili apartenas al Tomo." "Whose pencils are these?" "They're Tom's." “Where are the pencils?” - “They belong to Tom.” Yo devet atender a Tom por finir. I had to wait for Tom to finish. Yo devet atender to Tom to finish. 'oH yISop. Eat it. ' yISop' race. El ia es la om de sua aspiras. He was the man of her dreams. She is the opposite of her aspiration. ro lo re mi'o terpa lo ka tavla We were both afraid to talk. ro lo re mi'o terpa lo tavla Me emocis. I was moved. I'm thrilled. do pu tcica You cheated. do pu tcica Tomo diris, ke oni arestis neniun. Tom said nobody was arrested. Tom said that no one was arrested. qonwI' gharwI' je ghaH. He was a poet and a diplomat. A few o'clock, like a ghaH. No fögetolöd penön obes. Don't forget to write to us. No fögetolöd penön obese. la .keisukes. mi clazma Keisuke is taller than me. la .keisukes. mi clazma Qui es ille individuos? Who are those guys? Who are those individuals? Jane jua tenis ance. Jane plays tennis too. Jane jua held ance. Tu parla multo lentemente. You speak very slowly. You speak very slowly. Ĉar Sinjoro Joĉjido estas en la malsanulejo, dum la venontaj tri semajnoj vin instruos mi. Mr. Jackson is in the hospital, so I'll be your teacher for the next three weeks. For Mr. Jochjido is in the hospital, for the next three weeks I will teach you. jIHtaHbogh naDev vISovbe'. HIQaH. I'm lost. Could you please help me? We don't think we can't find out where you aren't? Еске еста трен вени де Парис? Is this train from Paris? Do you want to say it? Tomo inversigis la direkton de sia vivo. Tom turned his life around. Tom reversed the direction of his life. Su sestra es un ver bellitá. His sister is a real beauty. His second is a ver bellitá. Quel bir es li tui? Which beer is yours? What kind of guy are you? lam yopwaHlIj. Your pants are dirty. lam yopwaHepi. Mi akompanis la infanojn al la lernejo. I took the children to school. I accompanied the children to school. Totalismo estas, kiam oni malafablas al mi. Totalitarianism is when people are mean to me. Totalism is when it is impossible for me. Mi ne donos pli da mono al vi. I'm not giving you any more money. I won’t give you more money. Ella esset ciec, surd e mut. She was blind, deaf, and mute. Ella esset ciec, surd and mut. Mi volas amikiĝi al Tomo. I'd like to be friends with Tom. I want to be friends with Tom. La amhara ne estas facila lingvo. Amharic is not an easy language. Amhara is not an easy language. Kiel vi eksciis pri la projekto Tatoeba? How did you learn about the Tatoeba Project? How did you know about the Tatoeba project? veQ tuj. Hot garbage. veQ immediately. Tomaso ĵetis kusenon al Maria. Tom threw a pillow at Mary. Thomas threw a cousin to Mary. mebpa'mey vIpawDI' Hurgh. It was dark when I reached the hotel. I don't think you're all right? 'IHbe' be'nalwI'. 'IHbej be'nallI'. My wife isn't beautiful. Yours is. 'IHbe' bully'. 'IHbej be 'nalize'. Tomo ĉiam diras al Manjo, ke li amas ŝin. Tom is always telling Mary that he loves her. Tom always tells Me that he loves her. Mi prenos la plej malmultekostan. I'll take the cheapest one. I’ll take the cheapest. Ni laŭdire estas industrilando. We're supposed to be a developed country. We are said to be an industrial country. Li povis naĝi sufiĉe rapide por sukcesi en la ekzameno. He could swim fast enough to pass the test. He could swim fast enough to succeed in the exam. Le fabrica usa multe machinas complexe. The factory uses many complicated machines. The manufacturer uses many complex machines. Mi ne eĉ scias, kiu estas Tomo. I don't even know who Tom is. I don’t even know who Tom is. wa' Hogh pIq qep jeS'a'? Will he come to the meeting next week? How did I really think the universe is it? Vi bezonis min. You needed me. You needed me. qatlh ponglIj DaSov? How do you know her name? Why do you want to do that? Ĝi estos tiel. It's going to be like that. It will be like that. xo do morji lo du'u lo me ta cmene ku mokau Do you remember his name? xo do morji lo du'u lo me ta Nomo ku moudiu Ĉu iu krom Tomo vidis Manjon? Did anybody other than Tom see Mary? Has anyone else seen a man? Ŝakludantoj kun miregindaj memoroj plenumas nekredeblajn agojn, kiel blinde ludi, samtempe, multe da matĉoj. Chess players with prodigious memories perform incredible feats, such as playing blindly, at the same time, a large number of matches. Players with misleading memories perform incredible actions, like blindly playing, at the same time, many matches. La problemo estas percepta. The problem is perceptual. The problem is perceptual. Tomo scipovas repuŝi per batoj. Tom knows how to fight back. Tom can be put back with bats. Tu sempre plendas. You are always complaining. You are always complaining. Tomo manĝis ne nur sian propran deserton, sed ankaŭ tiun de Manjo. Tom not only ate his dessert, he ate Mary's dessert as well. Tom ate not only his own dessert, but also that of Manjo. do tcidu ma What are you reading? do tferu ma On ave un bon museo en mea site. There is a good museum in my city. Get a good mouse on my site. Ŝi tuj kutimiĝos. She's going to get used to it quickly. She will be immediately used. Компосорес креа мусика. Composers create music. It's all about it. Ĉiuj el miaj amikinoj havas koramikinojn. All my friends have girlfriends. All of my friends have girlfriends. Io pensa que io pensa, dunque io pensa que io existe. I think that I think, therefore I think that I am. I think I think, so I think I exist. Binom ai lefredik. He is always happy. Binom ai lefredik. Mi vidos vin post horo. I'll see you in an hour. I’ll see you in an hour. Tomo havas bonegan kanabon. Tom's got some dank nugs. Tom has a great cannabis. Le anthropologo dice que costumes bizarre persiste in le region. The anthropologist says odd customs do persist in the region. The anthropologist says outfits bizarre persiste in the region. Li-labol bukis tel? Do you have two books? Li-label slaughtered tel? Tomo instigis Manjon verki romanon. Tom encouraged Mary to write a novel. Tom urged Manjon to write a novel. Lia onklino loĝas en Aŭstrujo. His aunt lives in Austria. His aunt lives in Austria. Me dormis nur du hori. I only slept two hours. I slept only two hours. Ĉu ŝi ricevis la pakaĵon? Did she get the package? Did she get the package? Me havas ligna pektilo. I have a wooden comb. I have a wooden pectil. In Esperanto il ha nulle ver genere grammatic. Esperanto has no true grammatical gender. In Esperanto there are no ver genere grammatica. ro le za'u mei cu morsi They're all dead. ro le za'u mei cure Kiom da usonaj dolaroj estas 300 eŭroj? How much is 300 euros in United States dollars? How many U.S. dollars are 300 euros? Li edziĝis kelkfoje. He has been married several times. He married sometimes. La instruisto de la portugala estas tre postulema. The Portuguese teacher is very demanding. The teacher of Portuguese is very demanding. En ĉi tiu konstruaĵo estas restoracio. There is a restaurant in this building. In this building is a restaurant. Ĉu li parolas kun akĉento? Does he speak with an accent? Does he talk to an accent? mi pensi lo du'u mi tolmorji da I think I've forgotten something. I think it du'u mi solmorji da Nos le ha eligite presidente del reunion. We have elected him chairman of the meeting. We have the chosen meeting president. li pa .e li ci .e li mu nalreldilcymu'o One, three, and five are odd numbers. li pa.e li .e li mu nalrelylcymu'o Tomo neniam malfrue ekdormas. Tom never stays up late at night. Tom never sleeps late. la tom cu nelci lo jdini Tom likes money. the tom cu nulci lo jdini Ne ĝenu min, dum mi studas. Don't disturb me while I'm studying. Don’t bother me when I study. Al ŝi tre mankas ŝia familio. She misses her family a lot. She is very lacking with her family. Ŝi ne plu povas dolorigi vin. She can't hurt you anymore. She can’t hurt you anymore. Manjo sciis, ke ŝi gajnos. Mary knew that she'd win. She knew she would win. bong tawDaq vIghompu'. I met her on the street by accident. Bong taw is known to have been asked. Mi volas fiki vin. I want to fuck you. I want to become you. Ŝi eĉ ne estas vere bela. She's not even really pretty. She is not really beautiful. Tomo estas timida. Tom is shy. Tom is shy. Tomo atendis Manjon iom pli ol unu horon. Tom waited a good hour for Mary. Tom was waiting for a little more than an hour. Onifos. It is going to snow. It's possible. En sindona servo al la tutmonda komunumo de Esperantistoj, Bertilo eldonis sian detalan kaj ampleksan sepcent-paĝan gramatikan analizon de la internacia lingvo. Li grandanime disponigis la verkon kaj kiel presitan libron kaj kiel dosieron por senpaga elŝuto. In selfless service to the worldwide community of Esperanto speakers, Bertilo published his detailed and comprehensive seven-hundred-page grammatical analysis of the international language. Magnanimously, he made the work available both as a printed book and as a file for free downloading. In syndicating service to the global community of Esperantists, Bertila issued his detailed and extensive seven hundred-page grammar analysis of the international language. He extensively provided the work and as a printed book and as a file for free download. Том ес мулте плу рапида ка ме. Tom is much faster than me. It is the first part of the Republic. jISay''eghmoH. I wash myself. Exiting... En sia domo ĉe R'ljeh, morta Ĥtulho atendas sonĝante In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming. In his house at R'ljeh, dead Khtulho awaits dreaming Il ne esas mea reala patro. He's not my real father. He wasn't a real father. letlhvamDaq yISal. Go up these stairs. We are the only intelligent beings. Сya падре е мадре иа ес култиворес. His parents were farmers. It is true that it is true that it is true. Il es evidente que le terra es rotunde. It is evident that the Earth is round. It’s obvious that the earth is rotting. Sejtano savas vivojn. Seitan saves lives. Seitano saves lives. La fraptitoloj ofte parolas pri ĉi tiu aktoro. The headlines often talk about this actor. The headlines often talk about this actor. Me simple ne savas quon dicar. I just don't know what to say. I simply don't know what to say. Hieraŭ nokte okazis festo. There was a party last night. Last night there was a party. do pu barkla le kumfa You came out of the room. do pu barkla le kumfa Liaj minacaj vortoj ne timigis Manjon. His ominous words did not deter Mary. His threatening words didn't scare the man. Subskribu ĝin post kiam vi legas ĝin. Sign it after reading it. Subscribe it once you read it. mi djica lo nu cpare lo vi cmana I want to climb this mountain. i djica lo nu cpare lo vi monte Cynthia sape calcular a un velocitate surprendente. Cynthia can calculate at an amazing speed. Cynthia knows how to calculate at a surprise speed. Selen binof jigod muna. Selene is the goddess of the moon. Selen binof jigod muna. Ĉio el tiu ĉambro estos forigata. Everything in that room will be removed. All of this room will be removed. Io crede que, foras de tote dubita, illa es innocente. I believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she is innocent. I believe that, outside of all doubts, it's innocent. Ke lia entrepreno firme ekflugu, li unuiĝis kun kelkaj aliaj pli solidaj kompanioj. To get his own business off the ground, he linked up with a few more solid companies. That his company would firmly fly, he united with a number of other more solid companies. Li demandas min pri tio ĉiam kiam li vidas min. He asks me for it every time he sees me. He asks me about it always when he sees me. ghangwI' HayDaq ngab Duj. The ship disappeared beyond the horizon. I think Hay is the only one of the two. mi'a klama lo zarci We go to the market. I'll like it zarci Mi intencas rompi kun Tomo. I plan to break up with Tom. I want to break with Tom. Butikŝtelado estas bona. Shoplifting is good. But shopping is good. jInIDqa'. qatlho'. I'll try again, thank you. Exiting. qo'majDaq Qun tu'lu'be'chugh, vaj Qun vIchenmoHmeH ghopDu'wIj vIlo' jIH'e'. If God doesn't exist in our world, then I will create God with my own hands. That's what you all say, but I think you're okay. Estas preskaŭ nia datreveno. It's almost our anniversary. It's almost our anniversary. Io ha precate pro iste die. I've been praying for this day. I've cautioned for this day. ghaH vIghompu' jIH'e'. It was I who met him. ghaH kaimompu'e.' Tom esset veloci. Tom was quick. Tom esset veils. Hantanyel tulesselyanen. Thank you for coming. Hantanyel tulesselyanen. Ĉu vi volas pli da libertempo en via ĉiutaga vivo? Do you want more free time in your everyday life? Do you want more free time in your daily life? Me deziras kafeo. I'd like some coffee. I want coffee. mi citka lo plise ku I eat an apple. Mi citka lo plese ku tIr ngogh vIje'be'. I don't buy bread. Enter your ability to understand your life. mabla fa lo nu do na ka'e kansa mi'a It is a pity that you can't join us. mabla fa lo nu do na ka'e kansa mi'a Damasko estas la ĉefurbo de Sirio. Damascus is the capital of Syria. Damascus is the capital of Syria. Illo es poco plus longe. It's a bit further way. It’s a little longer. Mi petas, kiu estas via plena nomo? Please, what is your whole name? Please, who is your full name? Li rapidis al la domo, sed seniluziigis lin trovi ĝin malplena. He hurried to the house, but was disappointed to find it empty. He rushed to the house, but disappointed him to find it empty. zo'e cfari ca ma When does that start? _Start With %s 'IvvaD paq Danobta'? To whom did you give the book? 'I really thank you for Danobta'? 'e' vIchaw'laHbe'. I can't allow that. 'e' fiachaw' swabe'. Ni devus neniam edziĝi. I should have never married. We should never marry. Mi povas fari tion por li, ne vi. I can do that for him, you can't. I can do that for him, not you. En kiu strato vi loĝas? What street do you live on? Where are you living in the street? Kiu plej bone konas vin? Who knows you the best? Who knows you best? Ma tu ne es ta. But you're not there. But you're not that. tam ghuHmoHlu'. Tom was alerted. Thank you very much. Li-vilol dat Tomas popönom demü etos pedunöl fa om? Do you want Tom punished for what he did? Li-vil dat Tomas popönom demü etos pedunöl fa om? negh chaH. They were soldiers. Negh chaH. bIQtIqDaq QaltaH. She is swimming in the river. bIQtIq is a QaltaH. La junularo enuas. The youth are bored. The young people are bored. Ni havas katon kaj kelkajn hundojn. We have a cat and a few dogs. We have a cat and a few dogs. Tomo ne laboras jam pli ol jardekon. Tom hasn't worked in over a decade. Tom is not working for more than a decade. Vi kantas belege. You sing beautifully. You sing beautifully. Sendube la prezoj plialtiĝos. Prices will certainly go up. The prices will increase. Quanto plus folle un infante, tanto plus belle illo sembla a su parentes. The more foolish a child is, the cuter he seems to his parents. As much as a child, it’s more beautiful to look at its parents. Lingua es un organisme vivente. Language is a living organism. Language is a vibrant organization. Бон Песах! Happy Passover! It's all right! Esce me pote abri la cortina? Can I open the curtain? Can I get the curtain out? Ämutob dunön bosi. I was obligated to do something. Ämutob dunön bossi. Aŭdi la hispanan sentigas min pli varma kaj forigas mian menson de la frosta malvarmo, kiun mi spertas nun. Just hearing Spanish makes me feel warmer and takes my mind off the freezing cold I'm experiencing right now. Hear Spanish makes me warmer and remove my mind from the frozen cold that I experience now. Tio estas absolute mirinda. This is absolutely wonderful. This is absolutely wonderful. Nos no ia vide Tom tra alga semanas. We haven't seen Tom for weeks. We've seen Tom over a few weeks. Nun manjez tua dineo. Now eat your supper. Now eat your dinner. sa'u ko cusku zo ie Just say yes. one of the ten billion years ago tlhIchmo' jItlhuHlaHbe'. I was unable to breathe because of the smoke. Thank you for the extraordinary effort you are making sure we are making sure we are making good progress. jIchechqu'be'. I'm not all that drunk. Thank you very much indeed. la tom ca ponse lo cnino karce Tom has a new car. theam ca spon lo cnino karce Simple faru tion, Tomo. Just do it, Tom. Just do that, Tom. mi se pluka lo ka citka lo titla I like to eat sweets. mi se pluka lo ka citka lo titla Ĉu vi ŝatas danci? Do you like dancing? Do you like to dance? Tiu libro estas tre utila. This is a very useful book. This book is very useful. Il arivat a un ponte, quel ductet trans un fluvie. He arrived at a bridge that led across a river. Il arivat a ponte, quel ductet trans un fluvie. Le precios es multo alte in iste boteca. Prices are very high in this store. Prices are very high in this bot. Tu es tenisor. You are a tennis player. You are a tennis player. Ĉi tiu besto ne estas danĝera; vi povas tuŝi ĝin. This animal isn't dangerous; you can touch it. This animal is not dangerous; you can touch it. La imperativo en la angla lingvo estas tute sama kiel la infinitivo. The imperative in English is exactly like the infinitive. The imperative in English is exactly the same as the infinitive. nuqDaq 'oH mu'tlheghwIj'e'? Where is my sentence? Where is your concern? El es multe encantante. He's very charming. She is very excited. Mary esseva convicte que illa nunquam se maritarea. Mary was convinced that she would never get married. Mary was convinced that he would have married her ever. Yo save que ili ambi es felici. I know they're both happy. Yo sande que li ambi es felici. Do'Ha' SoQDaj vI'IjmeH narghpu' 'eb jIpaSmo'. Unfortunately I was not in time for his speech. Do'Ha' SoQDaj fia'IjmeH narghpu'ebvpaSmo'. Imagu vin en mia haŭto! Put yourself in my position. Imagine yourself in my skin! Illa se inclinava super le infante. She bent over the child. He was inlined over the infant. Pardonu ilin. Forgive them. Sorry for them. Но теме критика Исраел. Don't be afraid of criticizing Israel. It's all the way it's going to be. yaDDu'lIj tIghuH! Watch your toes. You are all free to date in your history. xa'emi'o tolsti Let us begin. Xa'emi'o Tolsti le nanmu poi te nabzai cu citmle The girl who works at that bakery is cute. Nammu po po te nabzai cu citmle Heghpu' pagh. Nobody's died. Heghpu', however. Mi konas la aferon sufiĉe bone. I know the matter well enough. I know the thing well. Me rakontas. I am telling a story. I'm told. Eĥo estis tre ĝoja, ĉar lia patrino revenis. Echo was very happy that his mother had returned. He was very happy because his mother returned. Ne temas pri vi, Tomo, sed alia Tomo. Not you, Tom. Another Tom. It’s not about you, Tom, but another Tom. Tiu knabo falis de la ponto. This kid fell from the bridge. This boy fell from the bridge. Vetz à'ici, sch'o Voi piaça. This way, please. Vetz à'ici, sch'o Voi piaça. ro lo kalte cu djica lo ka djuno lo nu lo cpifaizani cu zvati makau Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is. ro kalte cu djica lo ka tabun lo cpifaizani cu zvati makau Li similas al sia patro. He is like his father. He looks like his father. Ta binoklo esas tro granda. These sunglasses are too big. It's too big. mi mi na du I'm not myself. I am two Pöjutons ravani. They are pursuing the robber. Pöjutons ravani. Lore me ne konocis vu. I didn't know you then. I didn't know you. Gas frigide de methano es responsabile del color blau-verde de Urano. Cold methane gas is responsible for the blue-green color of Uranus. Gas frigide de methano is responsible for the colour blue-green of Uranus. Asi nos pote oia la mar. We can hear the ocean from here. Let’s go the sea. La reconose de la dinia inerente e la diretos egal e nonalienable de tota la membros de la familia umana es la funda de libria, justia, e pas en la mundo. Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. The recognition of the dinia inherently and the diretos equal and inalienable from all the members of the human family is the founder of libria, justia, and pas in the world. Nos es in Paris. We are in Paris. We're in Paris. Tom scias, ke la tasko ne estos facila. Tom knows that the job won't be easy. He knows that the task will not be easy. li ze cu tcika lo nu zarci sisti The store closes at seven. He did not care about it until it comes to it. do stali fi'o temci ma How long did you stay? two years old Tenis plase me. I like tennis. Keep like me. Thomas non ama le carne de bove. Tom doesn't like beef. Thomas doesn’t like the beef car. U es Toronto? Where's Toronto? Who is Toronto? .o'e ki'e Thank you, my dear. .o'e ki'e Tom leje la Biblia a cada dia. Tom reads the Bible every day. Tom leje the Bible to each day. Li-pükol Deutapüki u Nelijapüki? Do you speak German or English? Li-pükol Deutapüki u Nelijapüki? La nehaltigebla marcho di tempo duras. The unstoppable march of time continues. The unstoppable march of time lasts. ko tankomo lo ka sutra kei lo ka kakne Be as quick as possible. co tankam lo ka sutra kei lo ka kakne La mondo konata de ni finiĝos ene de jarcento. The world as we know it is going to end within the next century. The world will end within a century. Io ama parlar con te. I like talking to you. I love speaking with you. Toĉjo insistis, ke ni atendu Manjon. Tom insisted that we wait for Mary. Tom insisted that we should wait for a man. Ne ĉiu virino, kiu ekfaras fajron, kuiros. Not every woman who starts a fire will cook. Not every woman who makes fire will cook. bItlhab DaneHchugh HaSta jIHlIj yIQaw'! If you want to be free, destroy your television set. bI thank you for good luck, have you done it! "Ĉu tio estas pomoj?" — "Ne, tio estas tomatoj." "Are those apples?" —"No, they're tomatoes." “Is that apples?” “No, that’s tomatoes.” Noi studiat francesi. We studied French. We're studying French. Lasu min provi. Let me have a try at it. Let me try. Ni ĉiuj estas gejoj, krom Tomo kaj Manjo. We're all gay except for Tom and Mary. We are all gays, except Tom and Man. Esperanto estas bona. Esperanto is good. Esperanto is good. .au mi se frasybau I just wish I knew how to speak French. .au mi se frasybau mi djica lo nu mi spebi'o ko'a I want to marry her. mi djica lo mi spesbi'o co'a Le jardin esseva plen de belle flores jalne. The garden was full of beautiful yellow flowers. The garden was full of beautiful yellow flowers. Том сабе серта ке Мариа ес ен ла оспитал. Tom certainly is aware that Mary is in the hospital. It is the first part of the Republic of Paris. Bonvolu ne demeti viajn ŝtrumpetojn. Please don't take your socks off. Please don’t put your socks off. Ме ес бастанте фелис. I'm happy enough. It's all about it. Lioluniko binon pon at? How long is this bridge? Lioluniko binon pon at? Le aqua non se combina con le oleo. Water and oil don't mix. The water isn't combined with the oil. Kiel vi fartas, Tom? How are you feeling, Tom? How are you, Tom? pa prenu poi gunka fi lo nu le munje cu vlipa A man on a quest to empower the world. take po gunka fi lo nu le mnj cu vlipa Illa le manipula. She gets around him. Lightly manipulate. SutwIj vIchoHta'. I have already changed my clothes. That's my life. La cosa la plu importante en la Juas Olimpial no es gania, ma partisipa, esata como en la vive la cosa la plu importante no es la vinse, ma la luta. La esensal no es ave vinseda, ma ave lutada bon. The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well. The most important thing in the Juas Olympic is no win, but partipa, married as in the live the most important thing no is the vise, but the fight. The essential is no ave vinseda, but ave wrestled bon. Tom bone sukcesas en siaj lernejaj kursoj. Tom is doing well in his lessons at school. He succeeds well in his school courses. e'i mi ca cliva co'o I have to go now. Bye! I'm going to Quit Plu kam 20% di la populo posedas veturo. More than 20% of the population owns a car. More than 20% of the population has a ride. jatlh «lamqu' qablIj!» He exclaimed, "What a dirty face you have!" Thank you for me, thank you for your questions. Vi tre ebrias, ĉu ne? You're really drunk, aren't you? You are very drunk, aren’t you? Malkiel mia frato, mi ne scipovas naĝi. Unlike my brother, I cannot swim. Like my brother, I can’t swim. Tio pruvis la veron de la onidiro. It proved the truth of the rumor. This proved the truth of the rumor. Estas tiom multaj homoj en Tokio. There are so many people here in Tokyo. There are so many people in Tokyo. Estas verdetaj ŝtonaj seĝoj apud la arbo apud la teejo. There are greenish stone chairs next to the tree next to the teahouse. There are greened stone chairs near the tree near the roof. le nakni cu nanba prami carmi He's a bread aficionado. the nakni cu naba papa karmi muS'egh tam. Tom hated himself. muS'egh tam. Ili verŝajne estas tre malriĉaj. They must be very poor. They are probably very poor. Se vi ne donas, vi ne ricevos. If you don't give anything you woun't have anything. If you don’t, you won’t get it. .oi do darxi mi mu'i ma Oy, why do you hit me?! .oi do darxi mi mu'i ma' ma naDev 'oHtaH paq'e' DanejtaHbogh. Here is the book you are looking for. We don't think we're okay. Estas ĉarmulo en miaj jogoklasoj. There's a cute guy in my yoga classes. There is a charm in my game classes. Rush Limbaugh ankoraŭ estas mortinta. Rush Limbaugh is still dead. Rush Limbaugh is still dead. Mark havas mea libro. Mark has my book. Mark has my book. Ĉu vi vendas tiajn monujojn? Do you sell this type of wallets? Do you sell such money? Ĉu tiu ulo enordas? Is that guy cool? Is this guy in order? Homoj konsideras lin senvalora. People regard him as nothing. People consider him worthless. Kikod no binol us? Why aren't you there? Kikod no binol us? Tomo donis la finan tranĉaĵon de kuko al mi. Tom gave the last piece of cake to me. Tom gave the final cut of cake to me. Mi ne perdis ĝin. I didn't lose it. I didn’t lose it. Ĉu vi hazarde scias ŝian nomon? Do you know, by chance, her name? Do you accidentally know her name? La taso estas nigra kaj blanka. The cup is black and white. The cup is black and white. Io pote dicer vos ubi trovar Tom. I can tell you where to find Tom. I can tell you where to find Tom. Je la kioma horo vi vespermanĝas? What time will you have dinner? What time do you eat? xu ti mivdalmuzga lo finpe Do you have fish at this zoo? Mivdalmuzga Vu prestat un libre. You lent a book. You'll press one libre. Vi laboras sola. You work alone. You work alone. Nud púeres svimmat in li rivere. Naked boys were swimming in the river. Nud púeres swimmat in li rivere. Mi loĝas en Mastriĥto. I live in Maastricht. I live in Mastrichto. Tu es saja. You're wise. You’re wisdom. Li des-vinkis la ludo ma sequis la reguli. They lost the game but observed the rules. He des-winned the game but followed the rules. Los es ge. They're gay. Los es ge. Ĉu vi estas ĉi tie pro negoco? Are you here for business? Are you here for business? Tomaso estas emocie nestabila. Tom is an emotionally unstable person. Tomas is emotionally unstable. Älogob onis. I saw them. It was a Älogob. Per alga de mundo "dio" es los mesma. For some people, "God" is themselves. By all of the world's "god" is themselves. Mea matro facis kelka nova vesti. My mother made some new clothes. My matre made some new clothes. Els Txüfs sint fatigats. The Jews are tired. Els Txüfs sint fatigats. Mi diros al ili, ke ni pretas. I'll tell them we're ready. I’ll tell them we’re ready. Ĉu vi afliktos ilin? Are you going to hurt them? Will you suffer them? Io va certemente regrettar su absentia. I'll certainly miss her. I'm sure to regret his absence. bIrunqu'. You're very short. bGornqu'. Non sputar super le solo! Don't spit on the floor! Don’t spit over just! Беса ме. Kiss me. It's all about it. Forfikiĝu! Get fucked! Forget it! La sars-epidemio panikigis Azion. The SARS epidemic sent a panic through Asia. The sars epidemic panicked Asia. Si tu retorna a tui país natal, tu va esser líber e va devenir felici. If you return to your country of birth, you will be free and will become happy. If you return to your native country, you will be líber and become happy. Tomo ne kapablas uzi tiujn. Tom can't use those. Tom is unable to use these. je'u This is true. Je'u chech 'ej QeH. He was drunk and angry. chech 'ej QeH. Ĉu ĉi tiu buso iras al la stacidomo? Does this bus go to the train station? Is this bus going to the station? Vi eĉ ne donas atenton. You're not even paying attention. You don't even give attention. Sur la plato en la parko estis skribite: "Ne surpaŝi la gazonon!" The notice in the park said "Keep off the grass". On the plate in the park it was written, "Don't walk on the lawn!" Jankev estas geja judo. Yankev is a gay Jew. Jankev is a young Jew. Ĉu vi estas malsata, kolera, soleca aŭ laca? Are you hungry, angry, lonely or tired? Are you hungry, angry, lonely or tired? Tio ne okazis precize tiel. It didn't happen exactly like that. That didn’t happen exactly like that. Mi ekkontaktis lin. I got in touch with him. I got to know him. La mediko urjigis la kuracato por cesar fumado. The doctor urged the patient to stop smoking. The physician urgented the cure to stop smoking. La pomas cual el ia envia a me ia es deletosa. The apples which he sent to me were delicious. It's hard to run out of the entrance to me that's deletosa. lo tsakura cu mutce melbi Cherry blossoms are very beautiful. Tsakura cu mutce melbi poH DaghajDI' qalegh vIneH. I'd like to see you when you are free. Let's go, let's go! Italio invadis Etiopion en la jaro mil naŭcent tridek kvin. Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1935. Italy invaded Ethiopia in the year a thousand nine hundred thirty-five. Вос ес семпре ен меа кор. You're always in my heart. It's all the way it's going to be. Tomo estas la murdisto. Tom is a murderer. Tom is the murderer. Estu afabla por aliuloj. Be nice to others. Be kind for others. mi morji tu'a ro lo re do I remember both of you. mi morji tu'a ro it re do Sia dishonorate qui pensa mal de isto. Shame be to him who thinks evil of it. Be dishonored who thinks wrong of this. Li ne estas spertulo. He's no expert. He is not an expert. Tomo estis politika malliberulo. Tom was a political prisoner. Tom was a political prisoner. ngomwI' jIH; qatru' jIHbe'! I'm a geek, not a nerd! If you all say, you will be okay. Tu es un gentilmann. You're a gentleman. You are a gentilmann. Ni iru hejmen! Let's go home! Let's go home! Tom iris aden la bosko. Tom went into the woods. Tom went to the woods. tuqjIjQa'ngan ghaH. She is British. tuqjIjQa'ngan ghaH. Betty povus kanti pli bone. Betty could sing better. Betty could sing better. Que pensa tu que tu facerea? What do you think you'd do? What do you think you’re doing? do kakne You're capable. So kakne Kö dabinon lif, dabinon spel. Where there's life, there's hope. Kö dabinon lif, dabinon spel. Yo amat te. I loved you. Yo amat te. La frazo estas tiel mallonga, ke ĝi apenaŭ havas sencon por mi. The sentence is so short that it hardly has any meaning to me. The sentence is so short that it hardly makes sense for me. El vide continual la juas olimpial. He's watching the Olympics. It continues to see the juas Olympics. Kvazaŭ tio ne sufiĉus! As if it weren't enough already! It wouldn’t be enough. Ni troviĝas en profunda recesio. We're in a deep recession. We are in a deep recession. Se vi vidos lin, transdonu mian saluton. If you see him, tell him I said "hi." If you see him, send my greeting. .au klama la .amerik. I would like to go to America. .au klamma la .amerik. Mi sciis, ke mi ne povas fidi al Tomo. I knew I couldn't trust Tom. I knew I couldn’t trust Tom. Ni petas pardonon anticipe. We apologise in advance. We ask for forgiveness in advance. Tu ha un visitante. You've got a visitor. You have a visitor. Le homines senior sole esser multo sage. Older men are usually very wise. Men's senior alone will be very wise. Mi volus, ke hodiaŭ estus festotago. I wish today were a holiday. I would like to be a holiday today. Alaŭdo kantas. A lark is singing. Love sings. nai mi nalviska I'm not blind. Nai mi nalviska DaHjaj ram SISqu'. It's raining hard tonight. I'm going to show up. La buso ne ĉiam venas ĝustatempe. The bus doesn't always come on time. The bus does not always come on time. Ме аве тро мулте лабора пер фа. I've got too much work to do. It's true that it's all about it. Ni interŝanĝu la seĝojn. Let's switch seats. Let's exchange the chairs. Acel om ia porta un masca de tigre. That man was wearing a tiger mask. Acel om i ha porta un masca de tigre. Mia patrino gustumis la lakton. My mother tasted the milk. My mother tasted milk. Ŝia patro estas fama kiel klerulo. Her father is famous as a man of letters. Her father is famous as a clerk. Kial simioj estas tiel komikaj? Why are monkeys so funny? Why are monkeys so comicd? Ni trovis la litojn tre komfortaj. We found the beds quite comfortable. We found the beds very comfortable. Tom ia dormi en la auto. Tom slept in the car. She sleeps in the car. Fa como me dise; no fa como me fa. Do as I say; don't do what I do. Fa as I say; no fa kom me fa. Cavalos es animal. Horses are animals. Horses are animal. Ne ludu proksime al la fervojreloj, mi petas. Please don't play near the railroad tracks. Don’t play near the rails, please. bI'oj. You are thirsty. bI's. Li eliris la buson. He got off the bus. He went out the bus. Kutime mi estas hejme dum la tuta semajnfino. Usually, I stay home all weekend. I’m usually at home on the weekend. Li diris al mi, ke li forestis. He told me he was absent. He told me he was absent. Ĉu al ili mankas ilia patrino? Do they miss their mother? Do they lack their mother? Ĝi estis malbona analizo. It was a bad take. It was a bad analysis. Tom no ave puntetas. Tom doesn't have freckles. Tom no ave punches. Il cantat un canzon. He sang a song. Il cantat un canzon. SeymoHlaH paq. A book can be thrilling. This means that if you are still in paq. Tom ia deveni muda. Tom has gone mute. Tom's going to become dumb. .oi nai glare cakla Mmm, hot chocolate! .oi nai gala Le palo inclinava al sinistra. The pole inclined to the left. Le palo inclinava al left. Tomo portas ĉapon. Tom wears a cap. Tom wears a cap. Irland es un tre bell land. Ireland is a very beautiful country. Ireland is a very bell country. La okuloj de Tom estas refreŝigataj per la rigardo al fraŭlino Mary Bright. Tom's eyes had been refreshed by the sight of Miss Mary Bright. Tom's eyes are refreshed by the look at Miss Mary Bright. Debite a un forte frigido, ille non poteva participar in le partita. Owing to a bad cold, he could not take part in the game. Shortly as a cooling force, they were unable to participate in the party. John e Ann se ama. John and Ann love each other. John and Ann like it. To es pro quo yo es ci. That's why I'm here. To es pro quo yo es ci. Me vidis leonino. I saw a lioness. I saw a lion. ghal me'rIy'. Mary's jealous. ghal me'rIy'. Kelka homi semblas obliviar la stando ante la milito. Some people seem to have forgotten what it was like before the war. Some people seemed to forget the stand before the war. Sha ra lezh wa. We don't get along. Sha ra lezh wa. Tom ne menciis, kion li planas fari. Tom didn't mention what he was planning to do. He didn’t mention what he was planning to do. Li aspektis kiel kadavro. He looked like a dead body. He looked like a corpse. Mi amas vin kaj esperas, ke vi baldaŭ resaniĝos. I love you and I hope you feel better soon. I love you and hope you will be healed soon. ghaH vIghomDI' reH be'nalDajmo' bep. He never sees me without complaining about his wife. ghaH kemomDI' reH be'nalDajmo' bep. mi te simlu lo ka zo'e mi mipyzga It seems to me that someone is spying on me. mi te simlu lo zo'e mipyzga Sen via helpo mi havas neniun ŝancon. Without your help, I don't stand a chance. Without your help I have no chance. La patro de Tomo estas kanadano. Tom's father is Canadian. Tom's father is Canadian. do e'o surla Please relax. E'o surla Illas te occidera! They'll kill you! You'll know where you're going! Ĉiuj puŝiĝis ĉirkaŭ la nekredeble bonan danciston. Everyone crowded around the fantastic dancer. They all pushed around the incredibly good dancer. Ме но густа кафе. I don't like coffee. It's true that it's going to be. Mea kavalo es blanka. My horse is white. My horse is white. ru'a no prenu cu nanca lo zmadu be li 25 Presumably, none of the people are more than 25 years old. Let's take the kids know it will be 25 ra ki'e Thanks for this. ki'e Mi bedaŭras, ke mi estis tiom malĝentila al vi. I'm sorry I was so rude to you. I'm sorry I was so rude to you. Paku viajn aĵojn kaj foriru. Pack your stuff and go. Pay your things and go away. chonuQmeH DaqaSmoHta''a' neH? Did you do that just to annoy me? Professor, we really have to know that if we don't have any problems with each other? Segh qIj chaH. wuSDu' jeD, ghIch beQ jIb wanHa' je ghaj 'ej vaj DaH tera' luDabbogh qIjwI'pu''e' rur. A black race, they had thick lips, flattened noses and frizzy hair resembling, in these ways, the blacks now living on Earth. If we are the only intelligent beings. The universe is that you would like to choose the universe and continue to turn out by aliens. Tomo estis atestanto de la atako. Tom was a witness to the attack. Tom was a witness from the attack. Mia patro inspiris min. My father inspired me. My father inspired me. mi pu tirna lo nu camki'a I heard a scream. I can get it nu kamki'a me lo se vi'ecpe be fi lo nunsla fa re gugyfrica ninmu Among the guests invited to the party were two foreign ladies. If you don't think you're making it an error at the end of our gugyafrica Binob lanimikum ka Tom. I'm braver than Tom. Binob lanikm ka Tom. not ghaHvaD petaQ vIpong. I never called him an idiot. not ghaH just enough petaQ facipong. Ambaŭ miaj fratoj faris tion. Both of my brothers did that. Both of my brothers did that. Li uzis la restan tempon en la plej bona maniero. He made the best use of the time left. He used the rest of the time in the best way. jIchuy 'e' vImevlaHbe'. I can't stop sneezing. I've been in space. Li estis inklina al tio, rezigni ĉion por ŝi. He was willing to give up everything for her. He was inclined to give up everything for her. Tom desira revider Mary. Tom wants to see Mary again. Tom wants to review Mary. Sujub boneHbej'a'? Do you really want to be immortal? Sujub bonHbej'a? Esque vos trovava vostre libro? Did you find your book? Have you found your book? Miaj problemoj kun la patro neniel tuŝas mian politikon! My daddy issues have nothing to do with my politics! My problems with my father don’t touch my politics. Nenio povas haltigi nin. Nothing can stop us. Nothing can stop us. Metu tion ien ajn, kien vi volas. Put that anywhere you want to. Put it anywhere you want. Нос иа дежета лос. We threw them away. It's true that it's going to be. qIj paSloghDaj 'ej wov. His socks are gray. qij paSloghDaj 'ej wov. Li-sevol vomis et? Do you know those women? Li-sevol vomiting et? Ni pagos vu segun quante vu laboros. We will pay you according to the amount of work you do. We will pay you according to how many you will work. Ŝi tro multe drinkis. She drank too much. She drank too much. Mi bedaŭras, ke Tomaso ne venis. I'm sorry that Tom didn't come. I'm sorry Thomas didn't come. Де куандо ту апренде латина? Since when do you learn Latin? Do you want to say it? Mi bezonas aĉeti ion hodiaŭ. I need to buy something today. I need to buy something today. Cual tu xerca en meа sala? What are you looking for in my room? Do you want to go in my room? Kio estas la tasko de historiisto? What's the historian's duty? What is the work of a historian? Ĉi tien alvenis Tomo ĵus antaŭ la tagomanĝo kaj Manjo kelkajn horojn poste. Tom got here just before lunch, and Mary got here a couple of hours after that. There came Tom just before dinner and Food a few hours later. Ne, dankon; mi ne bezonas plastan sakon. No thank you, I don't need a plastic bag. No, thank you, I don’t need a plastic bag. Mia amikino estas de Bostono. My friend is from Boston. My friend is from Boston. To esas manjajo. This is food. It's a food. Buk at binom ofik. This book is hers. Buk at binom ofik. Homoj kutimis priridi lin malantaŭ lia dorso. People used to laugh at him behind his back. People used to ride him behind his back. 'ej meq nuq? And what was the reason? 'ej meq Qua? Vivo estas arto. Life is an art. Life is art. Aldonu la mankantajn vortojn. Fill in the blanks. Add the missing words. mi drata I is an other. Other xu ti rirxe Is this a river? xu ti rirxe Brosi tua capeles. Brush your hair. Bros tua capeles. Le facto pro le qual io sincermente me felicita le plus es le facto de que io non ha jammais devenite membro de un secta. There is nothing I congratulate myself on more heartily than on never having joined a sect. The fact for which I honestly commended the most is the fact that I have never become a member of a century. Kvar kvinonoj de la membroj estis kontraŭ la plano. Four-fifths of all the members were against the plan. Four fifths of the members were against the plan. Mi scias, ke la homoj opinias min stranga. I know people think I'm strange. I know people think I’m weird. Ĉiuj krom Tomo alportis surfotabulon. Everyone except Tom brought a surfboard. All but Tom brought an surfboard. Mi povas kuiri. I can cook. I can cook. Mi neniam antaŭe vidis neĝon. I've never seen snow before. I’ve never seen snow before. dei jetnu This sentence is true. Dei jetnu Le Johnson prizas havar partii. The Johnsons love to have parties. Le Johnson asked to have parties. Ĉi tiuj nomiĝas ŝuoj. These are called shoes. These are called shoes. la alen na'o finti lo pemci Allen is a poet. On the event of an event Tiu knabeto estas kodumulo! That little kid is a hacker! This boy is a codula! Tirana es in Albania. Tirana is in Albania. Tirana is in Albania. Le facto se portava al lumine. The fact was brought to light. In fact, get a door to the lights. Do es la saleta privada? Where's the toilet? So is the salty privacy? Dice la que io non lo ha legite. Tell her I didn't read it. Tell the one I haven’t read it. Io non deberea haber bibite ille ultime bottilia de bira. I shouldn't have drunk that last bottle of beer. I should not have Bibled those last brewery of beer. Me volis esar ibe. I wanted to be there. I wanted to be there. Me esas pasable bone edukanta kerlo. I'm a fairly well-educated guy. I'm a passable well educated church. coi do mo Hello, how are you doing? doi do mo ca lo cabdei lo dormijysai be ma cu se citka do What will you have for lunch today? ca lo cabdei lo dormijsai be ma cu se citka do Mi scias, kio okazas. I know what's happening. I know what happens. jan luchot 'e' lunID tam me'rIy' je. Tom and Mary attempted to murder John. jan luchot 'e' lunID tam me'rIy' je. Èu sint ün xheniüs trei staval. I'm a very stable genius. Ōu sint ün xheniüs trei stail. La libron, kiun vi donis al mi, tiun mi perdis. I lost the book you gave me. The book you gave me that I lost. Li Unit States de America es un republica. The United States is a republic. He United States of America is a republic. la .tom. cu cliva ca lo ni'u so'o moi'o be lo cacra Tom left hours ago. the .tom. Quit it from our so far. Li cane dormi. The dog sleeps. He dog sleeps. Том густа мулте авенис де спорте. Tom loves sports events. The U.S. Supreme Court of Australia. bIQ watlh neH wItlhutlhmeH mayIpnIS. We must be careful to drink only pure water. Professor, we really have ultimate advantage in the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. qab 'IH ghaj be'Homvam. vIleghmo', vaj tet tIqwIj. This girl has a pretty face. My heart melts from looking at it. I am very lucky that my life is in love with you, and that's my concern. Que merda es illo? What the fuck is that? What shit is it? Cornwall es un celtic land. Cornwall is a Celtic country. Cornwall is a target country. Parolu itale! Mi ne komprenas la germanan. Speak Italian! I can't understand German. I don’t understand German. Ni ĵus aĉetis novan domon. We just bought a new house. We just bought a new house. qoHna' ghaH tam'e' 'e' vIQub. I thought Tom was a complete idiot. So, you know, my friend, is what I am doing. ba'o stali fa su'o nanba pe mi'ai We don't have any bread left. Ba'o stali fa su'o nanba pe mi'ai lo ta zdani cu se ponse mi That house is mine. Ta zdani cu sponse mi La laboro neniam finiĝas. The job never ends. The work never ends. mi ganai da'i du do gi toljundi zo'e bi'unai If I were you, I'd ignore it. I've won two of them so far! Tomo sciis, kiu estas la murdinto. Tom knew who the murderer was. Tom knew who the murderer was. Dona a me la bal. Give me the ball. Give me the ball. Io pensa que illo poterea esser un bug. I think it might be a bug. I think it could be a bug. Vi estas la virino de miaj sonĝoj. You're the woman of my dreams. You are the woman of my dreams. Le autobuses in Montgomery esseva segregate. The buses in Montgomery were segregated. The buses in Montgomery were segregated. bIDoy'be''a'? Are you not tired? bIDoy'be'a? La armeo malrapide avancis trans la riveron. The army slowly advanced across the river. The army slowly advanced across the river. Me volas irar a Nord-Korea. I want to go to North Korea. I want to go to North Korea. Il mentias quale funeral prediko. He lies like a funeral sermon. He lied like a funeral sermon. xu do je'a nelci lo karce pe do Do you really like your car? xu do je'a nelci lo carce pe do Mi aŭdis mian telefonon sonori unufoje. I heard my phone ring once. I heard my phone sound once. not ghaHvaD jInep. I would never lie to him. We’re not sure how you’re doing, please try again. Tion diris la kuracisto. The doctor said so. That's what the doctor said. za'u ta ca'o citka pa snuji They are eating a sandwich. za'u ta ca'o citka pa snuji Mi ŝategas kikerojn. I love chickpeas. I love kikers. Le capillos de illa es longe e belle. Her hair is long and beautiful. Le capillos de illa es long e belle. La mar es verde. The sea is green. The sea is green. Kiel ni eliĝos el tiu situacio? How do we get out of this situation? How will we get out of this situation? Proque vos los cerca? Why are you looking for them? Why do you search for? Mi evidente estas kato. I'm obviously a cat. I'm obviously a cat. Ille cadeva malade ante qualque dies. He fell ill a few days ago. They gave them some illness before I got some days. lo kanla be mi cu blanu My eyes are blue. kanla be mi cu blanu ¿Estetz-voi Françal eda Anglesc? Are you French or English? ¿Estetz-voi Françal eda Anglesc? Laurie es un bell puella. Laurie is a beautiful girl. Laurie is a bell puella. loQ mayev. We'll take a quick break. loQ mayev. Tom e Maria parlat pri sport. Tom and Mary talked about sports. Tom and Mary talk about sports. HoHta'bogh nuv vISovbe'. I don't know who killed him. Today, we have two pieces of life. ko co'a klama Go now. Co's Green mi pu xalbo cusku I said it by way of a joke. I am wearing xalbo kusku Du bilieti a San Diego, me pregas. Two tickets to San Diego, please. Two bilities to San Diego, I pray. Qob'a' tam? Is Tom dangerous? Qob'a' as well? ghal ghaH. He is jealous. ghal ghaH. Me ama tu vermente del fundo de tu corde? Do you really love me from the bottom of your heart? I love you really from the bottom of your heart? DaH vIyaj. Now I get it. I'm trying to run. juH Dacheghta''a'? Are you back home now? Dacheghta'a? Ne esas facila tasko, skribar letro. It is no easy task to write a letter. There is no easy task, writing a letter. Keiko canta. Keiko sings. Keiko canta. Kie ni aŭdis tion antaŭe? Where have we heard this before? Where did we hear that before? Stop! Tu la face mal! Stop! You're hurting her! Stop! You're doing bad! Mi simple ne kapablus decidiĝi fari tion. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I just couldn’t decide to do that. jIpuvlaHbe'. I can't fly. The road will continue to live. ¿Es voi? And you? Is yours? Miksu tri ovojn kaj tason da sukero. Mix three eggs and a cup of sugar. 3 eggs and a cup of sugar. Tomo havas propran privatan insulon. Tom has his own private island. Tom has a private island. Suverya' Hol vIjatlh. I speak Swedish. Thank you very much in your life. Mary va provar it. Mary will try it. Mary goes to prove it. La roceto ia es lansada a esta matina. The rocket was launched this morning. The roceto ya is lanceda a esta matina. pu na xajmi selsku It wasn't a joke. pu xajmi sula Se vi ne estos singardaj, la policistoj kaptos vin. If you aren't careful, the cops are going to catch you. If you are not careful, the police officers will capture you. Melongeno estas la ĉefa ingredienco de iuj vegetaraj manĝaĝoj kun saŭco de tomato. Eggplant is the main ingredient of some vegetarian dishes with tomato sauce. Melongen is the main ingredient of some vegetarian foods with tomato sauce. ta karni fo le'e verntineidja That magazine is aimed at teenagers. Carni fo le'e verntineidja Vi malamas Tomon. You hate Tom. You hate Tom. Tom peteva que io ambula un pauc plus lentemente. Tom asked me to walk a little slower. Tom begged that I had an ambulance a little slower. Ka tu esas ibe? Are you there? Are you there? Le bebe reptava sur manos e genus. The baby crawled on hands and knees. Le baby reptava sur manos e genus. El ia acorda con el. He agreed with her. I agree with him. Li pridemandadis ŝin, ĝis ŝi diris al li, kion li volis scii. He kept badgering her until she told him what he wanted to know. He asked her until she told him what he wanted to know. Joey representa le familia. Joey represents the family. Joey represents the family. Tomo ne volis, ke Manjo eksciu lin esti riĉa. Tom didn't want Mary to know that he was rich. Tom didn’t want Manjo to tell him to be rich. Le incontro del homine con Deo significara sempre un penetration, un entrata, del divin a in le human e un immersion spontanee del homine in le Divinitate. The meeting of man and God must always mean a penetration and entry of the divine into the human and a self-immergence of man in the Divinity. The encounter of the human beings with Deo will always mean one penetration, one entry, from within the human being and a spontaneous immersion of the human beings in the Divinity. Tomo bezonis la permeson de siaj gepatroj. Tom needed his parents' approval. Tom needed his parents' permission. Ille se plangeva del ruito. He complained about the noise. That's a plangeva del ruito. Non ha tu frigido? Don't you feel cold? Don't have any refrigerator? Ŝi malŝatas Fejsbukon. She hates Facebook. She hates her. Mi paŝis preter la domo de Tomo. I walked past Tom's house. I walked past Tom’s house. Mi faras multajn ortografiajn erarojn. I make a lot of spelling mistakes. I’m making a lot of spelling mistakes. Kiam la ekzameno komenciĝos? When does the exam start? When will the exam begin? "Kies kuraciloj ili estas?" — "Ili estas la kuraciloj de Fahima." "Whose medicines are these?" "They are Fahima's." “Where are they?” “They are the cures of Fahima.” qanwI'pu' DIvuvjaj. We should respect the old. I'm sorry, but I don't want to talk about it. .e'o mi kansa do Can I join you? .e'o mi kansa do Motadeli läbik! Happy Mother's Day! Motadeli läbik! Lindjo faris malverajn postulojn de gravedo, por devigi ke Dano edziĝos kun ŝi. Linda made false claims of pregnancy to force Dan to marry her. Lindy made false demands of pregnant, to force that Dano would marry her. Kio estas via valoro? What are you worth? What is your value? Que tu me consilia de facer? What do you advise me to do? What do you recommend me to do? Yo ne save quande il va arivar. I don't know when he will arrive. Yo ne sale quande va arivar. Responde me, per favor. Answer me, please. Answer me, please. Лингуа ес ун органисме вивенте. Language is a living organism. It's true that it's all about it. Ille parla multo super le islam. He talks about Islam a lot. They speak much over le islam. Me no sabe cuando el va veni asi. I don't know when he'll come here. Me no sabe cuando el va veni asi. Mi ne komprenas, kion vi celis per tio. I don't understand what you meant by that. I don’t understand what you intended with it. Io pensa que iste maniera de formular le question es incorrecte. I'm afraid this is an incorrect formulation of the question. I think this way to form the question is incorrect. Mi ne intencis primoki vin. I didn't mean to make fun of you. I didn’t intend to leave you. Mi nur unufoje starigos al vi tiun demandon. I'll only ask you this question once. I’ll only get that question to you once. Yanni translokiĝis reen al Alĝerio. Yanni moved back to Algeria. Yanni moved back to Algeria. No kanob glömön logis ofik. I can't forget her eyes. No canob glömön praised ofik. Yo ha trovat te, tu old peccator. Yo ha serchat te longmen. I've found you, you old sinner. I've been looking for you for a long time. Yo ha trovat te, tu old peccator. Yo ha searchit te longmen. bIDo'. You're lucky. bIDo'. .u'i ta cusku zo ganxo Heh, heh, he said "arsehole". Association of recently used files, which is one of the only intelligent beings in the first place. "Mi estas virviro!" "Ho, vi estas viro de viro, ĉu? Sed kies viro estas vi? Li certe estas bonŝanca!" "I'm a man's man!" "Oh, which man's man are you? Must be a lucky guy." "I am a man!" "Oh, you are a man of man, are you?" whose man is you? Ŝi ne ŝatas nin. She does not like us. She doesn’t like us. Dat jInejpu'. I've searched everywhere. Datvänejpu'. Yo dormit. I was sleeping. Yo dormit. Liaj severaj vortoj superfortis min. His harsh words overwhelmed me. His severe words have overwhelmed me. mu'vam mung nuq? Where does this word come from? What about the future? D-ro Johanido havas multan paciencon. Dr. Jackson has a lot of patience. Dr. Johanido has a lot of patience. Nia lando travivas malfacilan tempon. Our country is going through a difficult time. Our country is experiencing hard time. Kiel vi ilin havigis al vi? How did you get them? How did you get them? Mi estas la estro de tiu teamo. I am the leader of this team. I am the leader of this team. jotHa' tam. Tom's uneasy. jotHa' tam. SaQchoH. He began to cry. SaQchoH. Tom es un modiste. Tom is a fashion designer. Tom is a modest one. Mostra plu detalias. Show more details. More details. Nos nos occupara de isto. We'll take care of this. We’re going to occupy this. Io vole incular te. I want to fuck you in the ass. I want to include you. Fögetolöd obi. Forget me. Fögetolöd obi. Neniu memoras, kiel ĉio ĉi ekis. Nobody remembers how it all began. No one remembers how all this happened. „Ĉu vi havas infanojn?“ – „Jes, mi havas filon.“ "Do you have kids?" "Yes, I have a son." “Do you have children?” - Yes, I have a son.” Le invitatos se misceva al reception nuptial. Guests mingled at the wedding reception. The invitations were misceiving to nuptial recipes. Qapla'wIjmo' muHoy'pu'. She congratulated me on my success. That's my concern! ca ca'a si'ercarvi It is snowing. Ca'a si'ercarvi qaStaHvIS wa'maH cha' pemmey wa'maH cha' rammey je ghaH vIleghbe'. I haven't seen him for a very long time. The answers to these big questions are that we have sought to understand the universe and have sought to understand the universe. Esce tu ia sabe ja esta? Did you already know that? Are you sure you know is there? La lito, en kiu mi dormis lastnokte, estis ne tre komforta. The bed I slept in last night wasn't very comfortable. The bed I slept last night was not very comfortable. Jes ja. Yes indeed. Yes, yes. El ave la reputa de es multe cruel. He's got a reputation for being really ruthless. El ave la repute de es far cruel. Ili ekiris. They've left. They went out. qep wIjeS Hoch. We were all present at the meeting. We have the mystery of the universe. mi cilmo I'm wet. My Education Ätikob das binol sapik. I thought you were smart. Ätikob das binol sapik. Ĝis revido, mondo. Goodbye, world. To review, world. La pico tie malmultekostis. The pizza there was cheap. The pico was short there. Eo yst compran yn ros. I'm buying a rose. Eo yst compran yn ros. HuDvetlhDaq matoS wIneH. We'd like to climb that mountain. HuDve answers to the people who are growing up. Kial ni ne manĝu picon? Why don't we eat pizza? Why don't we eat pizza? Mi ne iĝos trejnisto. I'm not going to be a coach. I'm not going to be a coach. Vu esas la nova sekretario, ka yes? You're the new secretary, aren't you? You're the new secretary, that's it? Ĉesu esti kato! Stop being a cat! Stop being a cat! Mi atendos vin morgaŭ, se vi ne anoncos ion alian. I'll expect you tomorrow unless you let me know otherwise. I’ll wait for you tomorrow if you don’t announce anything else. Ĉu vi vere volas vivi tian vivon? Do you really want to lead this kind of life? Do you really want to live such a life? Ŝi donis al mi sian telefonan numeron. She gave me her phone number. She gave me her phone number. Katoj protektas min kontraŭ la ombruloj. Cats protect me from the shadow people. Cats protect me from the Ombrives. Mi scias, ke ili pensas min stulta. I know that they think I'm stupid. I know that they think of me stupid. Quante fluidos es usate in un auto? How many fluids are used in a car? How many fluids are used in a car? Il es tui filio. He's your son. He is your son. qaStaHvIS paQDI'norgh ropmo' Dach ghaH. She was absent from school owing to sickness. It was very difficult for me to find out the Big Bang, but it was not a big one. On ave xicas con penis, xicos con vulva e transfobicas sin dentes. There are girls with penises, boys with vulvas and transphobes without teeth. On ave xicas con penis, xicos con vulva e transphobicas sin dentes. xu do mi ka'e xrubei Can you drive me home? xu do mi ka'e xrubei qavoq. I'll trust you. qivoq. Dum siaj jaroj en universitato, Tomo ofte kuiris senakvigitan ramenon por fari supon de nudeloj kun bolanta akvo aŭ legombuljono. During his university years Tom often cooked dehydrated ramen to make a noodle soup with boiling water or vegetable stock. During his years at university, Tom often cooked an unacclaimed ramen to make a soup of nudels with boiling water or vegetables. bal ghorpu' 'Iv? Who broke the bottle? bal ghorpu' 'Iv? Esque tu posse auxiliar me in li cocine? Can you give me a hand in the kitchen? Are you sure you want to auxiliary me in the kitchen? mi me la tcaudjo'us I am Teochew. I am the tcaudjo'us Qual fructo es rubie? What fruit is red? What fruit is red? Ĉu ne estus bonege, se ni povus festi ĉiutage? Wouldn't it be great if we could have a party every day? Wouldn’t it be good if we could celebrate every day? Le matre de Tom es un Catholica devote. Tom's mother is a devout Catholic. Le matre de Tom es un Catholic depote. vIghro' ghaj me'rIy. Marie had a cat. ghaj me'rIy. Me povus durar dum hori. I should be able to hold out for hours. I could last for hours. Tomo ŝatis ĉi tion. Tom liked this. Tom liked this. Imperio significa poter. Empire means power. Empire means power. nuqDaq 'oH? Where is it? Where did the universe come from? ghItlhbe' tam. Tom doesn't write. Let's take advantage of the universe as well. La domo estas tre malnova. Necesas riparo, antaŭ ol vi vendos ĝin. The house is very old. It needs repairing before you sell it. The house is very old, it needs to be repaired before you sell it. Maria volas divenar heroino. Mary wants to become a heroine. Mary wants to become a heroine. Me ia promete ce me dise no cosa. I promised not to tell. I'm sorry for myself to say anything. Finfine Tom ridetis. Tom finally smiled. Tom smiled at the end. Je kiu horo ekflugas via aviadilo? What time's your plane? What time does your plane fly? Mi daŭrigis la legadon de la libro. I continued reading the book. I continued reading the book. Binom siör. He is a gentleman. Binom siör. Qua esas vua skribisto favorata? Who is your favorite author? What is your writing favorite? Okazis brulego en mia najbaraĵo hieraŭ nokte. A fire broke out in my neighborhood last night. There was a fire in my neighborhood at night. Felice Die International del Feminas! Happy International Women's Day! Felice Die International del Feminas! Nun ĉiu povas vidi ĝin. Now everyone can see it. Everyone can see it now. Ben, ben! Nos nos incontrara a cinque horas. All right, we'll meet at five. Well, good! We’re going to meet five hours. Mary rideva sub cappa. Mary giggled. Mary smiled under capp. DaH bejtaH'a' ghaH? Is she looking? I'm now turning back to the ghaH? Li laboras en granda usona firmao. He works for a large American corporation. He works in a large U.S. company. Los ia esamina esce la sala es vacua. They checked whether the room was empty. All his wife is the room. Mi scivolas, ĉu pluvos. I wonder if it'll rain. I wonder if I'm going to rain. Ne tion tamen Tomo diris. That's not what Tom said, though. Not that yet, Tom said. Cata pais ha un capital. Every country has a capital city. Every country has a capital. Tom es assatis ric. Tom is quite wealthy. Tom is an assatis rich. Mi ankoraŭ povas aŭdi vian voĉon. I can still hear your voice. I can still hear your voice. Qual hora es il a vostre horologio? What time is it by your watch? What time is there at your clock? Uar acárië ma. They haven't done anything. Uar acárië ma. yISop! Eat! yISop! Ла инструи дебе ес син куста, а ла мин ен ла скола прима. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. It is the first part of the city of the Republic. Mi esperas, ke tio, kion vi diras, estas vera. I hope what you're saying is true. I hope that what you say is true. la .pra'as. cu raltca lo tce'exygu'e Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. the .pra'as. cu raltca lo tce'exgyg'e La kontrakto ne estas valida, se oni devigis vin subskribi. The contract is invalid if you were forced to sign it. The contract is not valid if you are required to sign. Necesas, ke mi avertu ilin. I have to warn them. I need to get them. Nos jua tenis dial. We play tennis every day. We held a dial. An le pomo es rubie? Is the apple red? And the apple is red? L'universo esas enigmato. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is an enigmat. Lübrod pala binom ziom. The brother-in-law of a parent is an uncle. Lübrod pale binom ziom. Tomo estas bonhumora. Tom is in good spirits. Tom is well-known. Esce el gusta Jonguo? Does he like China? Is it a tasted Jongoo? Esta brosa es fada de pelo de camel. This brush is made from camel hair. Esta brosa is a fad of pelo de camel. Bona jorno, Sioro Saari. Good morning, Mr. Saari. Good younger, Mr. Saari. lo virnu smacu pu jersi lo mlatu The brave mouse chased the cat. a virnu smacu pu jersi lo mlatu Tu esas kanalio! You're a scoundrel! You're a sewer! Li ne havis malfacilaĵon trovi la lokon. He had no difficulty in finding the place. He had no difficulty finding the place. Tom ne ridet. Tom didn't laugh. Tom did not smile. ca'e ra me lo nandu poi zgagau fi lo nu lo prenu cu mokau It is difficulties that show what people are. This is a hard history, and should take it away from it. White estas unu el malmultaj studentoj, kies restaĵoj ekspediĝis hejmen por enterigo. White is one of a few students whose remains were shipped home to family for burial. White is one of few students whose remains have shipped home for burial. Tom excelle e academica- e athleticamente. Tom excels both academically and athletically. Tom excelle et academic- and athletically. chut tIQ 'oH. This is an ancient law. chut tIQ' race. Ha tu audite que un effractor penetrava in le casa de mi vicino? Have you heard that a burglar broke into my neighbor's house? Have you heard that an effractor penetrated into the home of my child? Yo vole vider mi infantes. I want to see my kids. I want to see my kids. ma poi me lo bende cu jai lakne fai lo ka jinga Which team is likely to win? But then I got it down on the left side of it. Yo retorna al sinagoga. I'm going back to the synagogue. It returns to sinagoga. Tomo ĉesas fumi. Tom's quitting smoking. Tom stops smoking. da nabmi mi'ai We have a problem. da nabmi mi'ai va ma la tom sipna Where is Tom sleeping? Va ma la tom sipna Kial la pordo estas ŝlosita? Why's the door locked? Why is the door locked? 'e' vIlajQo'. I refuse to accept that. 'e' facileQo'. Ella genuflexet apu il. She knelt beside him. Ella genuflexet apu il. je'a manci It is really wonderful. Je'a mancci Mi scias, kion Tomo faru. I know what Tom needs to do. I know what to do. On va invia tu. You'll be envied. You are going to send you. mi cirko lo ckiku .ija'ebo mi na kakne lo ka nerkla lo kumyzda I have lost my keys so I can't get into my flat mi cirko lo ckiku .ija'ebo mi na kakne lo ka nerkla lo kumyzda Tom tre koleris al Mary. Tom got very angry at Mary. Tom was very angry with Mary. Neniu el lia klaso povas kuri tiel rapide, kiel li. No one in his class can run as fast as he. None of his class can run as quickly as he does. Tomo esperas, ke Manjo ne revenos. Tom hopes Mary doesn't come back. Tom hopes that Manjo won't come back. Tomo distranĉis la meleagron per elektra tranĉilo. Tom cut the turkey with an electric knife. Tom severed the turkey with an electric knife. Se ekzistus tia afero, kia meritokratio, ĝi estus malaperinta post generacio. If such a thing as meritocracy existed, it would be gone within a generation. If there was such a thing as meritocracy, it would have disappeared after a generation. Tomo ne volis sidi apud Manjo. Tom didn't want to sit by Mary. Tom didn't want to sit next to Manjo. Esque to es sangue? Is that blood? What is blood? Yo lava li bluse. I wash the blouse. Yo lava li bluse. chay' tlheHmey lureSlu'? How do you cast spells? How did you come from? jav wen boghpu' ghuvam. This baby is six months old. We have one of the most dangerous developments in the past. Tikob das kanol yufön Tomase. I think you can help Tom. Tikob das canol yufön Tomase. xu mirli Is it an elk? xu mirli Me facos omna to quon vu dicos. I'll do everything you tell me to do. I'll do everything you will say. parHa'bej. I'm sure she'll like it. parHa'bej. Lu esas nek viro, nek muliero. They are neither a man nor a woman. He is neither man nor woman. Tom ha le attitude correcte. Tom has the right attitude. Tom has correct attention. Mi volas trinki nenion hodiaŭ. I don't want to drink anything today. I don’t want to drink anything today. Tote le mundo sape que Tom parla ben francese. Everyone knows that Tom speaks good French. Everyone else knows that Tom is talking to French. Kial Tom ne foriras? Why won't Tom leave? Why didn't Tom leave? pe'i dukse barda I think that it's too big. Pe'i dukse barda ma se zvati lo do micyxu'i Where's your medication? But if we zvati do micyxu'i Tu debe mangiar alimentos nutritive. You have to eat nutritious foods. You must eat nutrients. En la festo ĉiu estis ravata de ŝia gracio. Everybody at the party was charmed with her grace. In the feast, everyone was raised by her grace. Tomo nenie troveblas. Tom's nowhere to be found. Tom can never be found. Mi ne volas kuri inter ilin. I don't want to run into them. I don't want to run between them. Éther eba Rahel betho wáa. Esther is Rachel's wife. Éther eba Rahel betho wáa. Esque tu esset malad? Were you sick? Are you sick? Ме студиа мусика. I'm studying music. It's all about it. Ĉu mi povas veni? Can I come? Can I come? La frazo estas bona. The sentence is good. The sentence is good. Me ne povas dicernar rano de rospo. I cannot distinguish a frog from a toad. I can't discern a frog from a rosp. Me scrive libro en alga linguas variosa, e a la mesma tempo me publici lo sur la scermos de Tatoeba a tota partes en la mundo. I am writing a book in several languages, and I simultaneously publish it on Tatoeba's screens all over the world. My written book in all languages varied, and at the same time I published it on the scermos of Tatoeba to all parts in the world. nuq Data'taH tam? Tom, what are you doing? What Data is subscribed as well? Aĉ! Ack! Ach! 'aplo'vetlhDaq QImmey law' tu'lu'. There are lots of eggs in that box. Thank you for the extraordinary effort we have made remarkable progress in the universe. Isto es si frustrante. This is so frustrating. This is if frustrating. Heghpu' ghaH 'e' wIghojDI' mayay'. We were shocked at the news of his death. I think we're making it harder for you to change the technical ability to change the universe. naDev mub naychuqghach Sawchuqghach je. Same-sex marriage is legal here. naDev mub naychuqghach Sawchuqghach je. mevyap! Stop! mevyap! ma se zvati lo do mamta Where's your mom? but zvati lo do mamta Ŝi alportis al mi kafon. She brought me coffee. She brought me coffee. Sua pel es blanca pur. Her skin is pure white. Sua pepe is white pur. Mi estas tro malgranda. I am too short. I'm too small. Ekologia nutraĵo estas pli saniga. Organic food is healthier. Environmental food is more healthy. Li finordigis la dokumentojn. He finished sorting the papers. He ended the documents. lo nalvi'a va'o se jmina ka'erbi'o lo nu ganse lo nu vi dacti Blind people sometimes develop a compensatory ability to sense the proximity of objects around them. nalvi'a va'o se Lifena ka'erbi'o lo ganse lo nu dctsi Bonvolu transdoni la pizojn, Tomo. Would you pass the peas, Tom? Please transfer the pises, Tom. qach Dech QaS le'. Special forces surrounded the building. Ivory Dech QaS l'. Tomo ricevis alian averton. Tom received another warning. Tom received another warning. lo do kamka'o cu vaizma Your health is more important. And that's what you get, like? Mi riparigis mian brakhorloĝon. I had my watch fixed. I repaired my watch. Se mi dirus al vi la veron, vi surpriziĝus. If I were to tell you the truth, you would be surprised. If I told you the truth, you would be surprised. Li entute ne spektas televidon. He doesn't watch television at all. He doesn’t watch TV at all. Tu non te leva si tosto como tu soror. You don't get up as early as your sister. You didn’t leave yourself soon as your sister. Me no bonveni vos. You're not welcome. I'm welcome you. Layla trovat un cadavre in su detra-corte. Layla found a dead body in her backyard. Layla trovat un cavre in su detra-corte. Ofendis min, ke ŝi ankoraŭ dormis. I was annoyed that she was still asleep. She said she was still sleeping. Tom esas trolernero. Tom is a nerd. Tom is a trollerner. nuqDaq 'oH Daqvam? Where is this place? Where did the universe come from? Su pilo es setose. His hair is silky smooth. His pilot is setose. be'Hom 'IH ghaH be'tIy''e' qar'a'? Betty is a pretty girl, isn't she? How do I think I am the only one, baby, baby, or should I be in good history? Illa es un musicologo. She's a musicologist. Illa is a musicologist. nIQ SoptaHvIS jo'rIj, nIm wIb ngogh law' Sop. George had a lot of cheese for breakfast. Our only chance of long-term years was to have trouble with us today. tordu se kerfa He has short hair. turn if kerfa mi ba zifygau do I'll release you. mi ba zifygau do Tomon ŝajne interesis nenio alia. Tom seemed interested in nothing else. Tom seemed to be interested in nothing else. Mi estis tiu, kiu instruis Tomason legi. I was the one who taught Tom how to read. I was the one who taught Thomas to read. Tomo preskaŭ neniam legas librojn. Tom almost never reads books. Tom almost never read books. Illa non del toto es belle. She is far from beautiful. It's not all nice. Nos non parla jammais. We never talk. We never speak. .i .y. do'a milxe ke pilno kakne Broadly construed, it's, uh, slightly useful. .i.y. do'a milxe ke Denis kakne Mi atingis, ke Tom promesis veni ĝustatempe. I made Tom promise to come on time. I decided that Tom had promised to come right. Vi devas iri al la lernejo. You have to go to school. You have to go to school. Estas tro varme. It's too hot. It's too hot. ju'o cu'i dukse lerci Maybe it's too late. Above the two minutes, one would take two years. Eble Tomo ĉiam estis tia ĉi, kaj li nur nun montras tion al ni. Maybe this is who Tom has always been, and he's just showing us now. He may always have been like this, and he only shows it to us. Mi notis lian nomon por ne forgesi ĝin. I wrote down his name so I wouldn't forget it. I noticed his name to not forget it. Mi aŭdis, ke vi hieraŭ vizitis Tomon. I heard you paid Tom a visit yesterday. I heard that you visited Tom yesterday. Let nos proba kelkum. Let's try something. Let's try a few. Ni ne komprenas unu la alian. We do not understand each other. We don’t understand each other. loDHom vIlegh. I see a boy. loDHom facilegh. Me ne plus kredas lo. I don't believe it any longer. I don't believe it anymore. Tio sonas al mi malĝusta. It sounds wrong to me. It sounds wrong to me. Le moschea era construite in le seculo dece-quinte. The mosque was built in the fifteenth century. Moschea was built in the sixteenth century. Vi konas Tomon. Gejo, felano, franclingvano. Lia felsono estas didelfo. Ĉu tio memorigas vin? You know Tom. Gay, furry, French speaker. Fursona is a possum. Ring a bell? You know Tomon. Gejo, female, French language. His felson is a didelfo. Does that remind you? Kial la registaro volas legi miajn retleterojn? Why does the government want to read my emails? Why do the government want to read my emails? "Ancora pejor!" exclamava Al-Sayib. "Illes non sape que facer con te, Dima!" "Even worse!" Al-Sayib exclaimed. "They don't know what to do with you, Dima!" "Ancora pejor!" exclamava Al-Sayib. "Illes don't know what to do with you, Dima!" La pasintan vendredon mi ludis futbalon kun miaj amikoj. Last Friday I played football with my friends. Last Friday I played football with my friends. Tio ne estas io, kion ni bezonas. That isn't something we need. That’s not something we need. Mi kredis, ke vi eble soifos. I thought you might be thirsty. I thought you might be thirsty. La trafikal acidento eventis sur la choseo. The traffic accident took place on the highway. The traffic accident occurred on the site. Tom dit que il esset setosi. Tom said that he was thirsty. Tom dit que il esset setosi. Ме ва коме ун ово де сентенио. I will eat century egg. It's true that it's all about it. Evelia me a septe horas. Wake me up at seven. Evelyn me to seventeen hours. Cata pais es differente. Every country is different. Each country is different. mi ba'o klama I have gone. mi ba'o klama Lo es un rua sin sorti. It's a dead end. It is a rua with no sorti. mi fau gi sipna gi sanli I sleep standing up. Mi fau gi sipna gi sanli Kande finos la pluvosezono? When will the rainy season be over? When will the rain season end? Tute ne eblas kaŝi la fakton, ke ŝi estas malhonesta. There's no disguising the fact that she is dishonest. It is not possible to hide the fact that she is dishonest. Ŝajnas ke la diamanto estas nefalsita. It seems that the diamond is real. It seems that the diamond is unfailed. mi kelci la'o gy.SpaceChem.gy. I'm playing SpaceChem. mi kelci la'o gy.SpaceChem.gy. Mi povas diri al vi, kion mi scias. I can tell you what I know. I can tell you what I know. Tomo ne trinkas vodkon. Tom doesn't drink vodka. Tom doesn't drink a voice. A nobla kavalo ne importas aboyanta hundo. A noble horse doesn't care about a barking dog. A noble horse does not import an aboyant dog. „Ĉu vi lavis viajn manojn?” – „Jes, Panjo.” – „Ĉu per sapo? Lasu min flari ilin!” "Have you washed your hands?" "Yes, Mom." "With soap? Let me smell them!" “Did you wash your hands?” “Yes, Mom.” -Do you smell them with soap?” paqvam yIlaD! Read this book. Paqvam yIlaD! w ysa k Tom yr suki We knew Tom would win. w ysa k Tom yr suki Mi nur bezonas scii, ke vi fartas bone. All I need to know is that you're OK. I just need to know that you are well. xu do se bangu lo itlo Do you speak Italian? xu do se bangu lo itlo Engles ia deveni aora la lingua comun de alga nasiones variosa en la mundo. English has now become the common language of several nations in the world. Engles devene aora la lingua comun de alga nasiones variosa in the world. Kio estis la nomo de via unua hundo? What was your first dog's name? What was your first dog's name? xu ga'inai do jungo Are you Chinese, sir? xu ga'inai do jungo Esce me aspeta obesa? Do I look fat? Are I guilty of obedience? Iste malo es dulce. This apple is sweet. This mall is sweet. Tio estas produktita en Kazaĥstano. This is made in Kazakhstan. This is produced in Kazakhstan. Ha', ghu, nepwI'wI' yISuv! Come on, baby, fight my liar! Oh, take a look at, don't matter either. Nu, tio ŝatindas. Hey, this is nice. Well, that’s like it. mi'e la .farcad. My name is Farshad. I am the .farcad. bolo' vIneH. I want you to use it. ball's o'clock. Tomaso estas mia imaga amiko. Tom is my imaginary friend. Thomas is my friend. Hiel Tom binom sanan gudik. Tom is a good doctor. Hiel Tom binom sanan gudik. Том иа беви лете. Tom drank milk. It's all the way to do it. Putino estas kaculo! Putin is a schmuck! It's a cat! Il me placerea poter ir a Japon. I wish I could go to Japan. I want to go to Japan. Mia hungara amiko diris, ke Tokipono estas lia araneo, sed li ne klarigis, kion li celas per tio. My Hungarian friend said that Toki Pona is his spider, but he did not explain what he meant by that. My Hungarian friend said that Tokyo is his spider, but he did not explain what he intended for. ba'u mi'o ze'e ba'urdu'u We're always complaining. Base & Base Tom liberava le ave. Tom freed the bird. Tom liberated the ave. Multaj alĝerianoj ankoraŭ ne havas bankajn kontojn. Many Algerians still don't have bank accounts. Many people don’t have bank accounts. A fini Tom ia declara ce el es culpable. Tom eventually pleaded guilty. At the end of Tom's declaration, it's not possible. DaHjaj puH DujlIj vIlo'laH'a'? May I use your car today? This brings me to the second half of the universe? Mi tre ŝatas lian manieron ridi. I love the way he laughs. I like his way to laugh. Veni ci in iste minuta. Come here this minute. Come here in this minute. Do binom Tsyinänan, no spikom Tsyinänapüki. Although he is Chinese, he doesn't speak Chinese. Do binom Tsyinänan, no spire Tsyinänapüki. ghIj pagh. Nothing scares him. Let’s allow you to accept this. Mia hundo komprenas la francan, sed li ne parolas ĝin. My dog understands French, but he doesn't speak it. My dog understands French, but he doesn’t speak it. qach qoDDaq ratlhlu'meH QaQ jajvam. It was too nice a day to stay inside. I would like to answer the universe and find answers to the Trash of the universe. Blod oba hetom obi. My brother hates me. Blod oba hetom obi. Sinjorino Sato estas la nova sekretariino de la prezidanto. Ms. Sato is the president's new secretary. Lady Sato is the President's new secretary. lam yopwaHvam. These trousers are dirty. lam yopwaHvam. Éu non sint 'n cangarù. I'm not a kangaroo. Éu non sint 'n cangarù. mev chaH 'e' vItlhob. I asked them to stop. I think we have sought to understand the universe. Ĉu ĉiuj nigraj katoj havas flavajn okulojn? Do all black cats have yellow eyes? Do all black cats have yellow eyes? Mi ne konsilus al vi iri tien sola. I should not advise you to go there alone. I would not advise you to go alone. muvemmoH QoQ. I wake up to the sound of music. Thank you very much QoQ. bImejnIS. You should go. bImejnIS. Un absurdo es un enunciation o un credentia manifestemente contrari a nostre proprie opinion. An absurdity is a statement or belief manifestly inconsistent with one's own opinion. An absurdity is an ennunciation or a belief manifestly contrary to our own opinion. e'u bajra How about running? e'u bayra e'o ko dunda lo janta mi Could I have the bill, please? And that's my two-year-old La escutores ia aplaudi. The audience applauded. The players applauded. Qatlh QoghIj Qur. The structure of the brain is complicated. let Qoghij Qur. Tio estis diraĵo ne tre afabla. That wasn't a very nice thing to say. This was not very kind. Mi ĝojos respondi vian demandon. I'll be happy to answer your question. I’ll be glad to answer your question. Quando ille veniva a vider te? When did he come over to see you? When did they come to see you? dukse lerci It is too late. duxe lerci Il me place le silente ecclesia ante le initio del servicio divin, plus que qualcunque predication. I like the silent church before the service begins, better than any preaching. It’s been me like the silent church before the beginning of the service is divine, plus any preaching. Adamo kreiĝis senseksa. Adam was created genderless. Adam was born unsexed. La prezoj etendiĝas de 30 ĝis 50 dolaroj. Prices range from the low $30 to the high $50. The prices extend from 30 to $50. Tomo manĝas supon. Tom is eating soup. Tom eats soup. Ne estas malabundo de nutraĵoj en Alĝerio. There are no food shortages in Algeria. There is no shortage of food in Algeria. Viaj ideoj estas sensignifaj. Your thoughts are of no significance at all. Your ideas are insignificant. mi na'e djuno lo du'u mi kakne lo nu ba xo kau roi zukte ko'a I don't know how many more times I'll be able to do this. Cancel mi kakne lo bà xo karu roi zukte ko'a Perce nos no fa cualce cosa? Why aren't we doing anything? Let's do nothing at all? De facto on faceva multo. A lot was actually done. De facto on face a lot. ¿Com'isch-tu? How are you? ¿Com'isch-tu? je'e I understand. Je'e Kiel longe Tomo estos tie? How long is Tom going to be there? How long will Tom be there? do ba djica lo nu no roi viska ra You will wish you had never seen it. do ba djica lo nu no roi viska ra En ŝakludo, multaj taktikaj movoj baziĝas sur la kapablo de ĉevaloj samtempe ataki du pecojn de la kontraŭulo. In a game of chess, many tactical moves are based on the ability of the knights to simultaneously attack two opponent's pieces. In chess play, many tactical moves are based on the ability of horses to simultaneously attack two pieces of the opponent. "De kiu nacieco estas viaj instruistoj?" - "Skota." "Of what nationality are your teachers?" - "Scottish.” "What nationality are your teachers?" – "Scota." Yo es nervosi. I'm nervous. Yo es nervous. Adelo mel äbinom vamik! Today the sea was warm! Adelo mel äbinom vamik! Nia plano metas homojn ĉe la avangardo de ĉiu decido, kaj nia imuniga lanĉado gvidos nin tra la printempo kaj somero, certigante ke tiuj, kiuj plej bezonas la vakcinon, ricevos ĝin kiel eble plej baldaŭ. Our plan puts people at the forefront of every decision, and our immunization rollout will guide us through the spring and summer, ensuring that those who are most in need of the vaccine will receive it as soon as possible. Our plan puts people at the forefront of every decision, and our immune launch will lead us through the spring and summer, ensuring that those who most need the vaccine will receive it as soon as possible. Ĉu tiuj ekzakte estis la vortoj de Tomo? Were those Tom's exact words? Are they just the words of Tom? Kiom ajn mi manĝas, mi neniam dikiĝas. No matter how much I eat, I never get fat. No matter how much I eat, I never say. Ni ĝojus se vi povus veni kun ni. We'd be happy if you could come with us. We would be glad if you could come with us. Dume oni povas starigi la tablon jen tien. The table can be placed over there for now. You can set up the table here. majaH maH'e' 'ach SujaHbe' tlhIH'e'. We will go but you won't. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. tugh SIS. It is going to rain soon. tugh SIS. Dio estas felano. God is a furry. God is a female. Ni vinkos. We'll win. We'll win. Al Tomo oni okazigis lobotomion. Tom was lobotomized. Tom was held a lobotomy. Hodie yo intente esser productiv. Today I am going to be productive. Hodie yo intente be productiv. La najbaro havas belegan longharan katon. The neighbor has a beautiful long-haired cat. The neighbor has a beautiful long-haired cat. Illa portava un banda ligite circum su capillos. She wore a ribbon tied around her hair. There was a band tied around his chapels. La laftorento detruis ĉion sur sia vojo. The lava flow destroyed everything in its path. The lamp destroyed everything on its way. Lodas! Congratulations! Lodas! An vos vole divider un orange? Would you like to share an orange? Do you want to split an orange? Quasi totos faceva fiasco. Almost everyone flunked. Almost all done fiasco. ti se bebna mupli .i ta'u mupli lo ka se bebna This is a silly example, i.e. it exemplifies something silly. ti se bebna mupli .i ta'u mupli lo se bebna peDDI' jIbel. I like snow. I'm sorry, please try again. "Mi volas tiun libron" li diris al si. "I want that book", he said to himself. “I want this book,” he said. Mi ne kapablas. I can't do it. I can't. Vi ne malsanas. You aren't sick. You are not sick. La teo malvarmiĝas pro la malvarma aero. The tea is getting cold due to the cold air. The tea is cold because of the cold air. la.satorun. cu bajra sutra traji fi mu mi'a Satoru is the fastest runner out of the five of us. la.satorun. cu bayra sutra traji mu mi'a Ĉu vi eliris el la lando dum la pasintaj 30 tagoj? Have you left the country within the last 30 days? Have you gone out of the country for the past 30 days? Io prefere le coca al caffe. I prefer coke to coffee. I would rather coca al caffe. .ui mi do penmi I'm pleased to meet you. .ui mi do penmi Kial vi studas? Why do you study? Why are you studying? qamuS! I hate you! Thank you! 'utbe' 'e' vIHar. I believe this was unnecessary. 'utbe' 'e' fiaHar. Le pisce in le aqua es silente, le animal super le terra es ruitose, le ave in le aere es cantante. Ma le Homine contine in se le silentio del mar, le ruito del terra e le musica del aere. The fish in the water is silent, the animal on the earth is noisy, the bird in the air is singing. But Man has in him the silence of the sea, the noise of the earth and the music of the air. The worst in the water is quiet, the animal over the ground is ruitose, the ave in the air is singing. But the Homine contains in itself the silence of the sea, the wheel of the ground and the air's music. Janio lavis la telerojn. Yanni washed the dishes. Jania washed the TVs. Nu, ĉiuj atendas vin. We'll all wait for you. Everyone is waiting for you. Mi decidis rakonti al Tomaso, ke mi amas Marian. I've decided to tell Tom I love Mary. I decided to tell Thomas that I love Mary. Me esperas ke tua deziro satisfacesos. I hope your wish will come true. I hope your desire will satisfy. Io ha prendite frigido. I have caught a cold. I've taken a refrigerator. Maria es un fem pasiente. Mary is a patient woman. Mary is a past woman. ti spati la'o ly.Schlumbergera truncata.ly. This is a plant of the species Schlumbergera truncata. ti spas la'o ly.Schlumbergera truncata.ly. La sperto montras, ke mono ne feliĉigas. Experience has shown that money does not bring happiness. The experience shows that money is not happy. ghaytan SIS yoDDaj 'oH Dochvam'e'. This must be his umbrella. It is probably very hard for us to understand the universe and find out how we are doing it. Li alportis al mi kafon, malgraŭ la fakto ke mi estis petinta teon. He brought me a coffee, in spite of the fact that I'd asked for a tea. He brought me coffee, despite the fact that I was asking for tea. Tomo retratis monon el sia konto. Tom withdrew some money from his bank account. Tom withdrew money from his account. Esce tu veni con me? Are you coming with me? Are you coming with me? Ci es tui trincage, Tom. Here's your drink, Tom. Ci es tui trincage, Tom. It es tre important por un lingue haver un original litteratura. It is very important for a language to have original literature. It is very important for a lingue to have an original letter. Oni daŭre estas trompe kredigata, ke usona propagando prezentas mondon, kiu fakte ekzistas. People continue to be fooled into thinking American propaganda represents a world that actually exists. It is still deceptively believed that U.S. propaganda presents a world that actually exists. Cadun gusta musica. Everybody loves music. Cadun tasted music. Tu es un infante del mesme cosmos que creava Plato, Buddha e Confucio. You are a child of the same cosmos that created Plato, Buddha and Confucius. You are a child of the same thing that created Plato, Buddha and Confucius. Ili ne povis juste gajni elekton; do ilia sola rimedo estis artifiki la elektodistriktojn. They couldn't win an election fairly, so their only recourse was to gerrymander. They could not just gain choice; so their only means were to articulate the electoral districts. Kion mi faras ĉi tie? What am I doing here? What am I doing here? Tom ne scias, kion fari. Tom doesn't know what to do. Tom doesn’t know what to do. Ме но ес брасилера. I'm not Brazilian. It's all the way it's going to be. Pod no nog binon madik. The apple is not yet ripe. Pod no no nog binon madik. muQeHmoH Dochvam. That made me mad. We don't have to do that. lo ratcu na famti Rats don't have nephews. ratcu na famti Меа кор иа ес ромпеда. My heart was broken. It's all the way it's going to be. Tomo havas tranĉilon. Tom has a knife. Tom has a knife. Tomo estas sofisto. Tom's a sophist. Tom is a sophist. Me no va sorti a esta sera. I'm not going out tonight. I'm going to sort out to being there. SaHtaH loSmaH ghot. There were forty people present. SaH allocates itSmaH ghot. bu'u ma ra ca'o limna Where are they swimming? bu'u ma'o limna Me ia compra esta per tu. I bought this for you. I'm shopping with you. qatlh bInenchoHbe'? Why don't you grow up? Do you want to do that? Yo percepte que tu es coleric. I can tell that you're angry. Yo percepte que tu es coleric. Tu es en mea cor. You are in my heart. You're in my heart. Ĉu vi volas kunveturi? Do you want to ride along? Do you want to ride? Tomo kaj Manjo kredis, ke tio facilos. Tom and Mary thought it would be easy. Tom and Mary believed that it would be done. Me placerea un the. I'd like a tea. I would like one of the. Ĉu vi vidas Tomon? Do you see Tom? Do you see Tom? Mi matre es incolerat. My mother is angry. Mi matre es incolerat. Но персон кура. Nobody cares. It's all about it. Nigre te sta ben. Black becomes you. Nigre te sta ben. Katoj estas sinceraj. Cats are sincere. Cats are sincere. Tomo havas dentabsceson. Tom has an abscessed tooth. Tom has a dentist. Hodie es le tertie de octobre. Today is October the third. Today is the third of October. ko ta jgari Grab that. ko ta jgari Ĉu mi rajtas vidi mian filinon? May I see my daughter? Can I see my daughter? meqlIj nIv vIlajneS. I bow to your superior judgement. Meqestáns pervav savalanineS. Tomo ne farus ion tian, ĉu? Tom wouldn't do a thing like that, would he? Tom wouldn’t do anything like that, right? e'o do denpa vi ze'a Please wait here for a while. You don't think you know, sir. Ŝi estas portugalino. She is Portuguese. She is a Portuguese. Nolob das labol omi. I know you have it. Nolob das labol omi. Libero estas ĉiam libero de malsamideanoj. Freedom is always the freedom of dissenters. Freedom is always free of fools. xu do ba'o va zvati Have you ever been there? xu do'o va zvati ra pu ctuca mi'a lo du'u la .columbos. pu zatfa'i la bemjoitcotu'a He taught us that Columbus discovered America. ra pu ctuca mi'a lo du'u la .columbos. pu zatfa'i la bemjoitcotu'a jIHegh 'e' vImaS. I prefer to die. You don't know what you are doing. Tokipono estas mia unu-nota sambo. Toki Pona is my one-note samba. This is my one-note same. ma do se xabju Where are you from? but then if xabju La steloj inspiras min. The stars inspire me. The stars inspired me. До ес ла туa камера? Where is your room? Do you want to know it? Mi timas, ke ŝi malsanas. I am afraid she is ill. I am afraid she is sick. Li puellas hihicat. The girls giggled. Li puellas hihicat. La tsar ia es la renor de Rusia. The tsar was the ruler of Russia. The tsar ya is the kidney of Russia. Ni havas ankoraŭ multon farendan. We've still got a lot to do. We still have a lot to do. Sinjoro Hirajama instruas tre bone. Mr Hirayama teaches very well. Sir Hirajama teaches very well. Durante un certe tempore io sapeva equalmente e chimia e mathematica. At one time I knew chemistry as well as I knew mathematics. Over a certain time I've known equally and chimia and mathematica. Danke al Esperanto oni facile povas havi multajn bonajn amikojn. Thanks to Esperanto, one can easily have many good friends. Thanks for Esperanto, you can easily have many good friends. Kio koncernas mian patron, li neniam iris eksterlanden ĝis nun. As for my father, he has not gone abroad until now. What is about my father, he never went abroad until now. Elu haltis por fumar sigareto. She stopped to smoke a cigarette. She stopped to smoke a cigarette. Me retroiras al sinagogo. I'm going back to the synagogue. I went back to the synagogue. Algun ia fura meа raceta de tenis. Someone stole my tennis racket. Algun's stolen mayor from tennis. Éu säp. I know. Éu säp. Ni nomizis la kato Madonna. We call the cat Madonna. We called the cat Madonna. Vi konas la kanton, kiun mi volas kanti. You know what song I want to sing. You know the song I want to sing. Io approba vostre plano. I approve of your plan. I approve your plan. Subite, me doloris ye la stomako. All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Suddenly, I hurt at the stomach. El ave tre fias. He has three daughters. El ave tre fias. Mi ne enamiĝas al iu ajn. I'm not in love with anyone. I am not in love with anyone. Ni jubilis pro nia bonŝanco. We exulted at our good fortune. We are judged for our luck. Le homines es cruel, ma le Homine es gentil. Men are cruel, but Man is kind. Humans are cruel, but the Homine is gentile. loi taxfu be mi cu zvati tu My clothes are over there. Taxfu be mi cu zvati tu Mi estis idealisto. I was an idealist. I was an idealist. Via skipo ne havas minimuman ŝancon gajni la ĉampionadan ludon. Your team doesn't have a prayer to win the championship game. Your team doesn’t have a minimum chance to win the game. Io facera toto lo que io pote pro te. I will do all I can for you. I'll do everything I can for you. Studom vifiko. He learns fast. Study vifice. Io non lege francese. I don't read French. I don't read French. Yo esset ocupat. I was busy. Yo esset occupat. Tom es instabile. Tom is unstable. Tom is unstable. Li apogis sin kontraŭ la muro. He leaned against the wall. He supported himself against the wall. Vi ne povas manĝi ĝin nur ĉar ĝi estas nutriga. You can't eat it just because it is nutritious. You can't eat it because it's food. HISop. Eat me. HISop. Tomo ofte faradis tion. Tom used to do that a lot. Tom often did that. Mi ne estas herezulo. I'm not a heretic. I'm not an heir. Me pote espeta. I can wait. I can't get married. Tu matre parla sex linguas -- isto es folle. Your mom speaks six languages — that's nuts. Your most speak six languages -- that's a fool. Soppu'DI' QongchoH. When he has eaten, he goes to sleep. Soppu'DI' QongchoH. Danielo enkarceriĝis dum tridek kvin jaroj en tiu malliberejo. Dan served thirty-five years in that prison. Daniel was imprisoned for thirty-five years in this prison. Alicun personas crede que Galileo esseva le prime persona qui construeva un telescopio. Ben que isto non es ver, ille esseva le prime persona qui publicava su observationes de objectos astronomic usante un telescopio. Some people believe that Galileo was the first person who built a telescope. While this is not true, he was the first person who published his observations of astronomical objects through a telescope. Alicun people believe that Galileo was the first person to build a telescope. While this is not true, he was the first person to publish his observations of astronomical objects using a telescope. not jIchoHbej. I'm not going to change. UnlockHbej. On ave xampiniones, ma me no vole los. There are mushrooms, but I don't want any. On ave xampinions, but I don't want them. Yo comprat it con mi propri pecunie. I bought it with my own money. Yo comprat it con mi propri pecunie. Manjo estis bubino kreskanta kaj ŝatata por ripari aŭtojn kaj traktorojn. Mary was a tomboy growing up and liked to repair cars and tractors. Food was a coil growing and favourite to repair cars and tractors. Pli bone estas ne rimi ol uzi gurditajn rimojn. It's better not to use rhyme than to use hackneyed rhyme. It’s better not to rhyme than to use tasted rhymes. Maria loĝas malproksime de mi, sed mi ofte pensas pri ŝi. Mary lives far from me, but I often think about her. Mary lives far from me, but I often think of her. Io crede que vos deberea poner vos a dieta. I think you'd better go on a diet. I believe you should ask you to diet. La novaĵo estis bona. It was good news. The news was good. Mi malŝategas inkubojn. I hate nightmares. I don't miss incubs. Yun homes ama su libres. Young people like his books. Yun houses like his libres. Kiu lasis Tomon eliri? Who let Tom leave? Who left Tom out? Ier nos ia vade a sinema. Yesterday we went to the cinema. Let's go to himself. Hodiaŭ estas belega vetero. It's gorgeous out today. Today is a beautiful weather. Ĉu vi scias, kie Tomo tagmanĝos? Do you know where Tom is having lunch? Do you know where Tom will lunch? Forjentez tua pafilo. Toss your gun on the ground. Take your gun away. Mi estis bona boksisto. I used to be a good boxer. I was a good boxer. bangwI' Deq rurlaw'. He sounds like my ex. Of course, we're not sure either. Tomas binom flen gudikün jisona obik. Tom is my daughter's best friend. Tomas binom flen gudikün jisona obik. Honlu'be'. There's no doubt. Honlu'be'. tlhoy bIvum. You work too hard. Favorite bIvum. Le policieros sasiva le robator per le collo. The police seized the robber by the neck. The sasive copiers le robator per le collo. laDlaH tam 'e' vIHar. I think Tom is literate. laD will stand as far as 'and' to make sure. Ille habeva un successo immediate. He hit one straight out of the ballpark. There was an immediate success. Gagarin estis kosmonaŭto. Gagarin was a cosmonaut. Gagarin was a cosmonaut. Lo es cosa perilosa nada con delfines. It is dangerous to swim with dolphins. It's a dangerous nada con delfines. teH 'e' DaSov. You know it's true. teH 'e' DaSov. Mi familie amat Tom. My family loved Tom. My family loved Tom. Eble mi estas malsociema, tamen tio ne signifas, ke mi ne parolas al homoj. I may be unsociable, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people. Maybe I’m unsocial, but that doesn’t mean I don’t talk to people. Äsagol obe das kanol dunön etosi. You told me you could do it. Äsagol obes das canol dunön etosi. Mi parolas hispane kun mia kato. I'm speaking Spanish to my cat. I speak Spanish with my cat. le kumfa pu glare The room was hot. the cumfa pu girare Denmargh Hol vIghojlI'. I'm learning Danish. Denmargh Hol Friends.’ Ille ha le etate sufficiente pro conducer un auto. He is old enough to drive a car. That’s enough to build a car. Ла фем густа леже жорналес. She likes to read magazines. It's all the way to do it. Min ne interesas la opinio de alia. I don't care about someone else's opinion. I don't care about someone else's opinion. Vi ne ŝanĝiĝis. You haven't changed. You have not changed. Si qualcunque altere cosa falle, lege le instructiones. If all else fails, read the instructions. If any other thing fails, read the instructions. Mia klavaro estas malbona. My keyboard is bad. My keyboard is bad. Ĉu vi volas esti mia servisto kaj sekvi min? Do you want to be my servant and follow me? Do you want to be my servant and follow me? Kiam vi faros tion? When will you do this? When will you do that? Votükolös stäni. Change the flag, please. Votükolös stäni. Vi troege fumas. Vi reduktu tion. You smoke far too much. You should cut back. You're smoking too much, you'll reduce it. Ен суа кор, Татоеба ес ун банко гранде де датос де фрасес модел традуида а алга лингуас вариоса. Ма интера ло ес мулте плу ка акел. At its core, Tatoeba is a large database of example sentences translated into several languages. But as a whole, it is much more than that. It is the first part of the city of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic. cha' rav ngaSbogh qach vIDab. I live in a two story house. We have two pieces of charge that I should have made good progress in the city. Mi volas legi nenion hodiaŭ. I don't want to read anything today. I don’t want to read anything today. Tomo havas problemojn kun la patro. Tom's got daddy issues. Tom has problems with his father. Ilu esas bona homo por ca laboro. He is the right man for the job. It is a good man for this work. mi nelci loi snime .imu'ibo .u'e ri melbi I like snow. It's so beautiful! mi snci los snime .imu'ibo .u'e ri melbi Patientia es un forma minor de desperation, disguisate de virtute. Patience is a minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue. Patientia is a less spending form, virtute disguised. Je la kioma horo malfermiĝas la Ministrejo pri Instruado, Kulturo kaj Scienco? What time does the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science open? What time does the Ministry of Teaching, Culture and Science open? Tiun kapablon li havas denaske. Such ability is native to him. This ability he has a decade. Fumi es proibida seria. Smoking is strictly prohibited. Smokes is a banned series. Manjo estas feministo. Mary is a feminist. Many is a feminist. Etos binon nifaman. It's a snowman. Etos binon nifaman. Perquieschevent. We overslept. Perquieschevent. Tom deve strax retrovenir. Tom should be back shortly. Tom deve strax returns. La gepatroj mortas. The parents die. Parents die. Il ha multe infantes in ille familia e le majoritate de illos usa vestimentos de secunde mano. There are a lot of kids in that family and most of them wear hand-me-downs. There are many children in that family and most of them use second-hand clothes. Ille veni deman. He will come tomorrow. Ile veni deman. Le musica exprime lo que non pote esser dicite e super le qual il es impossibile esser silente. Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. The music appears that it cannot be said and over which it is impossible to be silent. Li edziĝis al la knabino, kontraŭe al la volo de siaj gepatroj. He married the girl, contrary to his parents' will. He married the girl, contrary to his parents' will. Mi decidis resti hejme. I decided to stay home. I decided to stay home. Tomo atendas sian amikon. Tom is waiting for his friend. Tom is waiting for his friend. puqloDwI'vaD 'uQ vIvutmoHta'. I got my son to cook supper. Professor, if you want to do that, we'll be able to understand your life. mi djica lo nu pu viska ra I wish I had seen her. mi djica lo nu pu viska ra Iste casa pertine a ille. That house belongs to him. This home belongs to them. Vi ŝajnas tre artama. You seem very artistic. You seem very artistic. tlhoS balvamDaq bIQ tu'lu'be'. There is almost no water in this bottle. But for the last time, we are in favor of the universe. Ni havas katon kaj kelkajn hundojn. We have a cat and some dogs. We have a cat and a few dogs. Le riso es un del ver privilegios del ration, e illo es restringite al specie human. Laughter is one of the very privileges of reason, being confined to the human species. The risk is one of the true reason privileges, and it is restricted to human species. QIt yIt. He walks slowly. QIt yIt. qatlh muHoH neH tam? Why does Tom want to kill you? Why didn't they like muHoH as well? Tio estas fiŝo. It's a fish. This is a fish. Tomas e Maria no letoms ciles okik dunön etosi. Tom and Mary don't allow their children to do that. Tomas and Maria no letoms children oak dunön ethos. Omna di ni esis prezenta ye l'asemblo. We were all present at the meeting. Each of us took place in the Esemble. Vi devas ĉesi drinki. You have to stop drinking. You have to stop drinking. Mi ne volas kalviĝi. I don't want to go bald. I don't want to calm. El no ia dementi. She hasn't gone mad. El no dimenti. Manjo kaj Alico estas la patrinoj de Tomo. Mary and Alice are Tom's mothers. Food and Alice are Tom’s mothers. Ni bezonas malmultajn vortojn por esprimi tion, kio estas esenca. We need few words to express what is essential. We need few words to express what is essential. Ca pupitro esas tam bona kam olta. This desk is as good as that one. This pipe is as good as it is. Tomo ne dirus tion al mi. Tom wouldn't tell me. Tom wouldn’t tell me that. Tomo timis, ke oni lude tuŝos lin. Tom was afraid he'd get caught. Tom was afraid to touch him. Vi eble volos rekonsideri. You might want to reconsider. You might want to reconsider. pe'i la tom ce la maris cu prami zu'ai I think Tom and Mary are in love. The whole seas the way you love your children Mankas al mi vortoj por esprimi mian dankemon. I have no words to express my gratitude. There are no words to express my gratitude. Tomo kaj Manjo diris, ke ili faros tion ĉi por ni. Tom and Mary said they'd do this for us. Tom and Mary said they would do this for us. xunai ra selpluka Isn't it cute? Primulai ra selpluka Katoj havas sablopaperecajn langojn. Cats have sandpaper tongues. Cats have sandy tongues. Me ia catura un papilio multe bela. I caught a very beautiful butterfly. I'm hiding a lot of fine papers. Su amica esseva vermente irate contra ille. His girlfriend was really angry at him. His friend was very angry with him. roD qaStaHvIS wa' jaj cha'logh Ha'DIbaHwIj vIje'pu'. I used to feed my dog twice a day. That is why I am in favor of manned -- and I have sought to understand the universe. Cada cosa es lojical aora. Everything makes sense now. Each thing is a loyal aora. Ni simple provas helpi al vi. We're just trying to help you. We’re just trying to help you. Tomo volas fariĝi muzikisto. Tom wants to become a musician. Tom wants to become a musician. Rilate al mia vivo en Japanio, mi ne havas iun kaŭzon por plendi. As for living in Japan, I have nothing to complain about. Regarding my life in Japan, I don’t have any reason to complain. Tom eksabstinantiĝis. Tom fell off the wagon. Tom resigned. Io vole comprar un parve presente pro Ben e visitar le in le hospital. I want to get a little something for Ben and visit him in the hospital. I want to buy a small present for Ben and visit the hospital. Li malŝaltis la televidilon kaj eklernis. He turned off the TV and began to study. He turned off the TV and started learning. Elu dankis me por la donacajo. She thanked me for the present. She thanked me for the donation. Vi tro multe babilas. You chatter too much. You are talking too much. Vi estis malzorgema. You were reckless. You were unbelieving. Ĉu vi scias, kial mi venis al vi? Do you all know why I've come to you? Do you know why I came to you? Mary es un tre bell puella. Mary is a very beautiful girl. Mary is a very bell puella. Huchvetlh luwuv. They needed the money. Thank you very much indeed. Diru al Tomo, ke mi malsatas. Tell Tom I'm hungry. Tell Tom that I am hungry. Alportu la fakturon, bonvolu. Bring the bill, please. Bring the bill, please. Äfögetob givön säki olik ele Maria. I forgot to ask Mary what you asked me to ask her. Äfögetob givön säki olik ele Maria. Tomo estis venigita antaŭ la Centran Komitaton. Tom was brought in front of the Central Committee. Tom was brought before the Central Committee. Ili aĉetis kelkajn meblojn kiam ili edziĝis. They bought a few pieces of furniture when they got married. They bought some furniture when they married. Tuvolöd kati. Find the cat. Tuvolöd cats. En la ĝardeno de Maria estas ĉarma kabano el ligno. In Mary's garden is a charming wood cabin. In the garden of Mary is a charming cabin of wood. Cessa de ridiculisar te. Stop making a fool of yourself. Cessa de ridiculisar te. Ĉu mi vere povas riski tion? Can I really risk it? Can I really risk that? Drogoj kostas monon. Drugs cost money. Drugs cost money. Sinjoro Jackson estas bonega instruisto. Mr. Jackson is a great teacher. Sir Jackson is a great teacher. Duoble alklaku la bildosimbolon. Double-click the icon. Double click the image symbol. Ili timas Tomason. They're afraid of Tom. They fear Thomas. ko retsku zo'e mi Ask me anything! I'm going to think that my network is located on the board. .i tatpi joi xagji .i ka'u ca lo cabdei mi na .ei citka je pinxe mu'i tu'a lo lijda I'm tired and hungry. Tomorrow I mustn't eat or drink for religious reasons. .i tatpi joi xagji .i ka'u lo kabdei mi na .ei citka je pinxe mu'i tu'a lo lijda Том иа каде де сya кавало. Tom fell off his horse. It's all the way to do it. Esther es un traduor. Esther is a translator. Esther is a translator. Demandoj kaj respondoj ludas gravegan rolon en interagado. Questions and answers play an enormous role in interaction. Questions and answers play a major role in interaction. Kio okazus, se du malsamlingvaj grandpotencoj - kiel Usono kaj Ĉinio - interkonsentus pri la eksperimenta instruado de Esperanto en la bazgradaj lernejoj? What would happen if two powerful nations with different languages - such as United States and China - would agree upon the experimental teaching of Esperanto in elementary schools? What would happen if two disassembled great powers – like the United States and China – would agree with the experimental teaching of Esperanto in the elementary schools? Ŝi anoncis sian intencon emeritiĝi. She announced her intention to retire. She announced her intention to be retired. Ĉu tiuj estas viaj aferoj? Are those your things? Are these your things? Solitar en la site grande, me ia comensa senti anela de casa. Alone in the big city, I began to get homesick. Solitar on the big site, I'm starting to feel an old man from home. Le ultime roman del scriptor merita esser legite. The writer's latest novel is well worth reading. The latest desktop novel deserves to be read. mi'ai na ka'e sidju ro da ije ku'i ro da ka'e sidju de We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone. Until I gave me something, I gave you something about the universe. Русиа ес ла паис пропре де ла елефантес. Russia is the homeland of the elephants. It's true that it's all about it. Lasu vian ombrelon ĉe la antaŭa pordo. Leave your umbrella at the front door. Leave your umbrella at the front door. Mi ĉiam kredis, ke Istanbulo estas la ĉefurbo de Turkio. I always thought Istanbul was the capital of Turkey. I always believe that Istanbul is the capital of Turkey. La yunino havas tenera kordio. The girl has a soft heart. The young man has a tender heart. Dani demü fluk. Thanks for the fruit. Dani demü fluk. Kiel formiĝas hajlo? How does hail form? How does the hail form? Mi emas danci. I feel like dancing. I tend to dance. Resta con noi. Stay with us. Stay with us. mi pu tolcri le pixra poi la tom cu sisku tu'a ke'a I found the picture Tom was looking for. I'm trying to write the picture then let me know what you're doing. vay' vItlhutlh vIneH. I'd like to drink something. You don't think we have to understand your questions with us today. La infeto ia sperde rapida. The infection has spread quickly. I think I hope it's fast. Fojfoje ni perdas la vojon. Sometimes we get lost. Sometimes we lose the road. tagha' tuqjIjQa'Daq mapaw. We finally arrived in England. Tagha' tuqjyQa' is a map. Me regretas venar adheme tante tarde. I'm very sorry I came home so late. I regretted coming adheme so late. Hejme ni uzas nur la francan. We only use French at home. We use French at home. ko lebna loi mi lenjo Take my glasses. lebna lo mi lenjo Los compra pan. They buy bread. Los compra pan. Tempas lerni la germanan lingvon. It's time to learn German. It’s time to learn the German language. mi pu klama le zarci I went to the market. I'm trying to make the look Tomo provis ne rigardi Manjon. Tom tried not to look at Mary. Tom tried not to look at Manius. Hria cuilë. Get a life. Hria cuilë. De qui es li libre? Whose book is it? Who is libre? Tomo verŝajne faros tion ankoraŭ. Tom will probably do that again. Tom will probably do that yet. Hanüd obik binos in vat vamik. My hand is in warm water. Hanüd obik binos in vat vamik. Mi hodiaŭ vidis Manjon en la preĝejo. I saw Mary in church today. I saw a man in the church today. Tu es solitar asi? Are you here alone? You are resolved as follows? Non importa quanto grande es le fame que tu ha, tu debe mangiar lentemente. However hungry you are, you must eat slowly. Not as big as you’ve got, you should eat slowly. Esque vos diceva tres? Did you say three? Have you said three? 'uQ neHbe' tam. Tom doesn't want dinner. 'uQ nonHbe' as well. Li eliris el la ĉambro kun brilaj okuloj. He came out of the room with his eyes shining. He came out of the room with bright eyes. Li vizitis Kioton du fojojn. He visited Kyoto twice. He visited Kyoto two times. 'IrneHlI' ghaH bab'e'. Bob's your uncle. 'IrneHelize' ghaH bab'e'". Mi havas iomete da mono. I have a little money. I have a bit of money. yItaH 'ej bIQap. Stick with it and you'll succeed. yI're entering 'ej bIQap. .i lo nenri be lo blaci dinju cu te stidi lo ka na renro lo rokci Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. .i lo nenri be lo blaci dinju cu te stidi lo ka na renro lo jo Ni ĉiuj tiel timis! We were all so scared. We were all so afraid! Le virtute consiste, non in abstiner se del vitio, ma in non desirar lo. Virtue consists, not in abstaining from vice, but in not desiring it. The virtute consists of not abstaining from the town, but does not want it. Australia ne es un republica. Australia is not a republic. Australia is not a republic. ti fanri loi keltci They make toys at this factory. ti fanri lo keltci In tir Great Britain wideyik. She's British. Inside Great Britain wideyik. Ĉar mi estas malsana, mi ne aliĝos al vi. As I am ill, I will not join you. Because I am sick, I will not join you. Ne prenez mea vorti en mala senco. Don't take my words ill. Don't take my words in a bad sense. loQ tam vIQaHnIS. I had to give Tom a little help. loQ tam favaQaHnIS. Kie do vi estis? So where were you? Where were you? Tomo ŝajne timas ion. Tom seems to be scared of something. Tom seems to be afraid of something. tam mImmoHlu'. Tom got delayed. Thank you very much. Ĉu vi pensas, ke Tom skribis tion? Do you think Tom wrote this? Do you think Tom wrote this? Ni ne rajtas nun sciigi ajnan detalon. We can't release any details right now. We can’t know any detail now. luveghbe'. They shall not pass. On the other hand, it seems to have been visited by aliens. Originaleco estas nur nova kombinaĵo de kliŝoj. Originality is merely a new combination of clichés. Originality is only a new combination of cliffs. Toto es in ordine con illa. There's nothing wrong with her. Everything is in order with it. Quplaw'. He looked young. If you don't think it's okay. wej DeHchoHpu' 'epIl naHmeyvam 'ach tugh. The apples are not quite ripe. wej DeHchoHpu' 'epIl naHxos 'ach tugh. Non me place le persona que tu ha devenite. I don't like who you've become. Don’t like the person you've become. wep QaQ muje'ta'. She bought me a nice coat. Wep QaQ muje'ta. Estas tasko de politiko krei la spacon por libereco. Realigi liberecon mem estas afero por ĉiuj kaj de ĉiu. It is the task of politics to create space for freedom. Realizing freedom is the business of each and every one. It is a task of policy to create the space for freedom. Realising freedom itself is a matter for everyone and everyone. Tomas äbinom flen fiedik. Tom has been a faithful friend. Tomas äbinom flen fiedik. Nu irez e dicez a la gardisto, ke me remisas ad il la puniso. Alright, go and tell the guard that I am remitting his punishment. Let's go and tell the guard that I'm resigning to the penalty. Observante le regulas grammatical, on debe poner le parolas in un ordine adequate, pro que le phrase sona natural. Words must be arranged in the proper sequence and the rules of grammar must be followed for a sentence to be accepted as a natural-sounding sentence. Watching grammar rules, you must set the words in an adequate order, as the sentence sound nature. 'epIl naHmey tInqu' bIH. They are very big apples. We don't think we have your feet on top of each other. Esque vos vole que Catalonia deveni un stato independente in forma de republica? Do you want Catalonia to become an independent state in the form of a republic? Do you want Catalonia to become an independent state in the form of a republic? le po'u ta sanga cu selzaumi'o loi nixli That singer is popular with girls. The blood packs out of ice Bonvolu doni al mi ian varman trinkaĵon. Please give me something hot to drink. Please give me a hot drink. Ĉu estas alternativo? Is there an alternative? Is there an alternative? cholIjQo'! Please don't forget me. HappyQo! Yo tre frige ye mi cap. My head is really cold. Yo tre frige ye mi cap. Tomo kutime dormas kun sia fenestro malfermita. Tom usually sleeps with his windows open. Tom usually sleeps with his window open. En 1939 la dua mondmilito komenciĝis. It was in 1939 that the Second World War broke out. In 1939, World War II began. veHmey Hutlhbogh jo ghaj. He has infinite resources. Thank you very much indeed. Volonte. Kiom? All right. How many? Want to do so, how much? Li preterpaŝis la pordon je la unua kaj duono. He walked past the door at half-past one. He passed the door by the first and half. .ai I'll definitely do that. .ai ko na dasni fi lo malsorgle Don't dress like a slut. co na dasni fi lo malsorgle La felsono de Tomo estas virvulpo, nomata Neono. Tom's fursona is a fox named Neon. Tom's fur is a bull, called Neona. Socialismo es le mesme cosa que Communismo, dicite in melior interlingua. Socialism is the same as Communism, only better English. Socialism is the same thing as Communism, said in better English. Mi ne maltrankvilas pri Tomo. I don't worry about Tom. I don't worry about Tom. Tu debe solmente concentrar te. You only need to concentrate. You must only focus on you. Me vere amas la suno. I really love the sun. I really love the sun. Hokkaido es situate in le nord de Japon. Hokkaido is located in northern Japan. Hokkaido is located in the north of Japan. nuv potlh law' Huch potlh puS. People are more important than money. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to access the universe. Tomo intencas aĉeti pafilon. Tom is planning to buy a gun. Tom intends to buy a gun. La malamikeco portempe ĉesis. Hostilities temporarily ceased. The host has stopped. La franca estas latinida lingvo kaj la angla estas ĝermana lingvo. French is a Romance language and English is a Germanic language. French is a Romance language and English is a Germanic language. Ĉu vi ekzistas? Do you exist? Do you exist? Le persistentia face que toto deveni possibile. Persistence makes anything possible. The persistence makes everything possible. ma pu dunda fi do fe ta Who gave you that? ma pu dunda fi do fe ta Tio estas bona T-ĉemizo. That is a good T-shirt. This is a good T-shirt. Estas varme somere. It's hot in the summer. It's warm summer. Forsan illa esseva plus alte que tu. She might be taller than you. Maybe it was higher than you. Kilul binom mul kilid yela. March is the third month of the year. Kilul binom mum kilid yela. Ĉu ni devas lasi trinkmonon en Francio? Do we have to leave a tip in France? Should I leave a drink in France? Mi jam supozis tion. I already thought as much. I’ve assumed that already. Tomo elektis. Tom has chosen. Tom chose. Li-nolol, kim binob? Do you want to know who I am? Li-noll, kim binob? Tomason atakis grupo de uloj, surhavantaj maskon. Tom was attacked by a group of men wearing masks. Thomas attacked a group of men, wearing a mask. La televiziono es tediva cadie. TV's boring today. The television is tedious today. Antaŭ ol vi konscios, vi estos en la gazetoj. Next thing you know, you'll be in the papers. Before you know, you will be in the newspapers. qech qab 'oHbe'. That's not a bad idea. That's the questions I would like to think about the universe. pu tcika lo nu cliva It was time to leave. pu tcika lo nu Quit Kial la koko transiris la straton? Why did the chicken cross the road? Why did the neck cross the street? le do bruna le ckule na zvati Your brother wasn't at school today. le do brown le cule na zvati Tom opelom löli. Tom will pay for everything. Tom opelom löli. Ĉu vi eliris kun la hundo hodiaŭ aŭ ankoraŭ ne? Did you take the dog out today or not yet? Did you go out with the dog today or not? Hatlh Dab. He dwells in the country. Thank you very much. Io non vole prender cura de un can. I don't want to take care of a dog. I don't want to take care of a dog. roD bImI'a'? Do you exercise regularly? roD bImI'a'? Vi devintus fari lingvan studon eksterlande. You should have done a language study abroad. You should have done a language study abroad. Tom ne plus laboras hike. Tom doesn't work here anymore. Tom no longer works here. mi gleki tu'a do You make me happy. Migleki tu'a do Studeva ille anglese heri? Did he study English yesterday? Studyed that English her? ra puca'o kixmi'a They howled with laughter. ra puca'o kixmi'a Ho, la planedo Neptuno estas tre bela! The planet Neptune is so beautiful. The planet Neptune is very beautiful! Neniu volus aflikti nin. No one would want to hurt us. No one wants to hurt us. Ne necesas, ke li sciu. He doesn't need to know. He doesn't need to know. Iu estis venanta! Someone was coming! Someone was coming! Еспера ес но коса плу ка делуде поспонеда. Hope is merely disappointment deferred. It is true that it is true that it is true. Io amarea ir al concerto con vos. I would like to go to the concert with you. I would love to go to the concert with you. Metu la rubon eksteren. Take the garbage out. Put the waste out. la djon na zvati ti John isn't here. the djon na zvati ti Ĝia beleco estas nekomparebla. Its beauty is incomparable. Its beauty is incomparable. Es'gw ddigas? Are you all homeless? Is'gw dding? Kion vi konsilus, ke Tomo faru? What would you advise Tom to do? What would you like Tom to do? Mi vizitadas la lernejon. I go to school. I am visiting school. Tomo ne manĝis. Tom didn't eat. Tom did not eat. To esas komunismo. This is communism. It is Communism. ghobe', chISbe' navvam. No, this paper isn't white. ghobe', chISbe' navem. la tom cu nitcu loi lenjo Tom needs glasses. the Tom cu nitcu lo lenjo Mi povas certigi al vi, ke honesteco rekompenciĝas en la longa daŭro. I can assure you that honesty pays in the long run. I can make sure that honesty is rewarded in the long term. Tu posse usar mi dictionarium. You can use my dictionary. You own using my dictionary. Tio estas donaco por mia bofratino. That is a present from my sister-in-law. This is a gift for my sister. me'rIy' Hugh SIj tam. Tom slit Mary's throat. me'rIy' Hugh SIj as well. Ĉiu havas malamikojn. Everyone has enemies. Everyone has enemies. Il es un puta de disordine. It's a fucking mess. It is a short part of the clutter. Deo es. God is. Deo es. Mi akceptas tion kiel komplimenton. I'll take that as a compliment. I accept it as a compliment. Tom es tan amable. Tom is quite likable. Tom is so amable. Le can deveni vetule. The dog is getting old. The old dog becomes old. Esque tu non pote laborar un pauc plus rapidemente? Can't you work any faster than that? Why can't you work a few faster? Le patiente vinceva finalmente su maladia. The patient finally conquered his illness. Le patiente venceva finally su maladia. Tom yekba Mary. Tom disappointed Mary. Tom yekba Mary. Tu ne posse fider ti mann. You can't trust that guy. You don’t trust you by hand. Dona a me plu de milke! Give me more milk! Give me more than a thousand! "Reguarda le vitro alchimic", ille critava; "alique pur e pesante brilla in le crucibulo." Per un mano tremule ille lo levava, e in grande agitation clamava: "Auro! Auro!" "Look at the alchemic glass," he cried; "something glows in the crucible, pure and heavy." He lifted it with a trembling hand, and exclaimed in a voice of agitation, "Gold! gold!" "Reguarda le vitro alchimic", il critava; "alique pur e pesante brilla in le crucibula." By a man tremule ke lo levava, e in grande agitation clamava: "Auro! Auro!" Il heredis la domo. He inherited the house. He inherited the house. No fidom miti. He doesn't eat meat. No confidence myths. Ille venira deman. He will come tomorrow. Illo venina deman. Tom estis tute elĉerpita. Tom was all worn out. Tom was completely exhausted. Malgraŭ sia peno, li malsukcesis. He tried hard, but failed. Despite his efforts, he failed. Restabiliĝu! Get a grip! Restabilize! lo dinju cu se dijysenta 20 da The building has 20 floors. Dinju cu dijysenta 20 dijysta Faru tion tagon post tago. Take it a day at a time. Do that day after day. Tomo kaj Manjo ne plu manĝas viandon. Tom and Mary don't eat meat anymore. Tom and Robert don’t eat meat anymore. Tomo kaj Johano estas la patroj de Manjo. Tom and John are Mary's fathers. Tom and John are the fathers of Manjo. Esta es tota cual me pote ofre a vos. That's all I can offer you. And that's everything I can offer you. Me es bastante felis. I'm happy enough. I'm pretty happy. mi'a ralte pa gerku We have a dog. mi'a ralte pa gerku mi nelci lo nu litru I like traveling. I'm going to stop it and stop it. Io es un homine libere. I'm a free man. I am a free human being. Vi parolos la hispanan flue! You're going to speak Spanish fluently! You will talk Spanish fluently! Li diris, ke li komprenas la francan lingvon. He said that he understood French. He said he understood the French language. wa'maH wej vIghro' vIghaj. I have 13 cats. Wa'maH is a surname. jIDoy'be'. I am not tired. Exiting... xu do ba kansa mi Will you accompany me? xu do ba kansa mi not chegh 'e' vIQub. I think he will never come back. not chegh 'e' domoQub. Ĉu eblas ekhavi HIV-on pro kisado? Can you catch HIV from kissing? Is it possible to get HIV from kissing? lo jufra cu zvati ma poi pagbu lo vi cukta Where is the phrase in this book? it jufra cu zvati ma po po po pagubu lo viːta Logor-li bödi su telefonadrat? Do you see the bird on the telephone wire? Logor-li bödi su calladrat? Ili estas kun ŝi ĉar ili estas ŝiaj amikoj. They're with her because they're her friends. They are with her because they are her friends. On no pote fida el. She can't be trusted. You can trust us. Antaŭ ol mi povis salti en la boaton, ĝi estis jam unu metron for de la bordo. Before I could jump into the boat, it was already a meter from shore. Before I could jump into the boat, it was already one meter away from the border. Löfob fati obik. I love my dad. Löfob made obik. mataH maH HeghDI'. We will outlive them. Avoiding maH HeghDI's. rep chorgh HIvemmoH! Get me up at eight. rep chorgh HIvem very much! Tomo planas aĉeti pafilon. Tom is planning to buy a gun. Tom plans to buy a gun. Io non pote, ben que io vole. I can't even if I want to. I can't, see what I want. Richard Dawkins pruvas, ke oni ne bezonas religion por esti terura homo. Richard Dawkins is proof that you don't need religion to be a terrible person. Richard Dawkins proves that one does not need religion to be a terrible person. Esque tu es gravid? Are you pregnant? Are you pregnant? Yo pensa que li jup de Mary es tro long. I think Mary's skirt's too long. Yo think li jup de Mary es too long. Me sobrina es curor. My niece is a nurse. Me sobrina es curor. Le tempesta ha destruite le urbe in toto. The storm destroyed the whole town. The storm has destroyed the city all over. Maria es solitar en la foresta. Mary is alone in the forest. Mary is resolved in the forest. ko'a melbi gi'e mencre She is not only beautiful but also intelligent. Flor de melbi e mencre Ill afur cach. Love sucks. Ill afur cach. Neniam plu mi fidos vin. I'm never going to trust you again. I’ll never trust you anymore. Obinobs domo adelo. We'll be at home today. Obinobs house adelo. Tomo devas mem fari tion. Neniu rajtas helpi lin. Tom has to do it by himself. Nobody is allowed to help him. Tom has to do it himself. No one can help him. Tom volas, ke Mary pardonpetu. Tom wants Mary to apologize. Tom wants Mary to apologize. O, vos es filastinis! Oh, you're Palestinian! Or, you're philastis! Kiu loĝas en la apuda domo? Who lives in the house next door? Who lives in the next house? Tom solmente tenta salvar prestigio. Tom's just trying to save face. Tom only attempted to save prestige. Quando ille arrivava a la station, le traino ha jam partiva. When he got to the station, the train had already left. When they arrived at the station, the train has already participated. Ĉi tiu viruso estas problemo tra la tuta mondo. This virus is a problem all over the world. This virus is a problem throughout the world. La amhara estas semida lingvo. Amharic is a Semitic language. The amhara is a semi-Semitic language. Tom parla fluente alga linguas variosa, ma, per sua labora, el tradui sola en sua lingua propre. Tom speaks several languages fluently, but for his job, he only translates into his native language. Tom speaks fluently alga languages will vary, but, by her work, to translate alone into her own language. Li-tikol das pük ola binom in pölig? Do you consider that your language is endangered? Li-thikol das pük ola binom in pölig? ra tolci'orai He is the eldest. Tulci'orai mi pu zukte pi roda si'unai I did the whole of the work by myself. i pu zukte pi roda si'unai La ŝtelita mono estis retrovita. The stolen money has been found. The stolen money was rediscovered. Gwan aydar-llw! Let's help him! Gwan aydar-llw! Tomo volas neniam revidi vin. Tom never wants to see you again. Tom wants to never see you again. Vi devus leteri hejmen unufoje en monato. You should write home once a month. You should leave home once a month. Tom iris nenien. Li ankoraŭ estas en sia ĉambro. Tom hasn't gone anywhere. He's still in his room. He’s not in his room yet. be'pu' vImuSHa'. I love women. You do not know what you are doing? ghaH wInejlI'. We're looking for him. We have made good progress. Mi neniam aŭdis lin plori tiel. I have never heard him crying like this. I never heard him cry like that. Tomo estas la teamestro. Tom is the team captain. Tom is the team manager. Ĝi estas tre kontaĝa viruso. It's a very contagious virus. It is a very contagious virus. Memoru, ke ĉiam venos alia oportuno! Remember, there will always be another chance! Remember that there will always be another opportunity! La romano esas pri la Civitanala Milito. The novel is centered on the Civil War. The novel is about the Civil War. bIghojtaH'a'? Are you studying? And are we entering the universe? pIvoq. We will trust you. pIvoq. Ille assumeva un aere de grande importantia. He assumed an air of great importance. They assume an aerial of great importance. Viaj amikoj malfruas. Your friends are late. Your friends are late. Atos no binon buk olik, binon obik. This is not your book, it's mine. Atos no binon buk olik, binon obik. Tomo estas en la malsanulejo kun pulma embolozo. Tom's in the hospital with a pulmonary embolism. Tom is in the hospital with lung embolosis. Ni penis atingi niajn celojn. We worked hard to reach our goals. We tried to reach our goals. mi nitcu lo nanba je lo ladru I need some bread and milk. I'm not going to leave it. It hay sempre questiones. There are always questions. It’s always a question. Estas jam la deka horo. Mia patrino certe estas kolera. It's already ten o'clock. My mother must be angry. It’s now the last hour, my mother is very angry. No labom famüli. He doesn't have a family. No labom famüli. Es alique a torto? Is something wrong? Is it a cake? Neĝo estas atendata. Snow is expected. Snow is expected. DaH bIjaH 'e' chaw'lu'. You may go now. I'm heading bIjaH 'e' chaw'lu'. ra poi nakni cu ralte lo blabi mlatu He has a white cat. ra po po nakni cu ralte lo bura mlatu Tom promitteva que isto non evenirea de novo. Tom said he wouldn't let it happen again. Tom promised that this would not happen again. Kiun sonon do faras ĝirafoj? What noise might giraffes make? What sound does it do? Futuez tu! Fuck you! Futuate you! mi pu nanca li paci ca lo nanca be li renonoci I was 13 in 2003. I am able to master him to pacify this little girl as well as his renocies su'o cinfo poi la'o zoi Bruce Willis zoi jersi cu banli danlu gi'enai ku'i cilce Some lion Bruce Willis is chasing is a formidable animal, but is not ferocious. his cinfo after the Bruce Willis zōnzi banli danglu'enai Tom era un junkie. Tom was a drug addict. Tom was a junkie. lo volratcu cu mabru .i ma'a go'i Bats are mammals, just like us. volratcu cu mabru .i ma'a go'i Ĉu vi finis kun la telefono? Are you through with the phone? Have you finished with the phone? Mi volas aĉeti jaĥton. I want to buy a yacht. I want to buy a yacht. Persono estas spegulo, kiu reflektas la universon. A person is a mirror that reflects the universe. A person is a mirror that reflects the universe. Vi nenecesas. You're unnecessary. You're unnecessary. pa roi ra penmi lo labno ne'i lo ricfoi One day she met a wolf in the woods. pa roi ra penmi lo labno ne'i lo ricfoi wabmey vIbItlhpu'. I'm used to the noise. You don't think we have to understand the universe. e'u ko nerkla lo spita You had better enter the hospital. E'u ko nercla lo spita Musica es ama. Music is love. Music is loved. Shane es un modelle por Joey. Shane is a model for Joey. Shane is a template for Joey. Es tu un toxicomano? Are you a drug addict? Are you a toxic? It hay conditiones. There are conditions. It has conditions. Ho! li diris, mi volonte dronus, se la akvo ne estus tiom malvarma! Oh! he said, I would gladly drown myself, if the water was not so cold! He said, I would like to drown if the water wasn’t so cold! Tomo tradukas ĉi tiun libron en naŭ malsamajn lingvojn. Tom is translating this book into nine different languages. Tom translates this book into nine different languages. Quo evenit? What happened? What happened? Yo ne posse obliviar Marika. I can't forget Marika. Yo ne posse obliviar Marika. Amo ne mortas. Love doesn't die. Love does not die. Tio tro multekostas! This is too expensive! That’s too expensive! Ел иа деманда а ме еске ме густа математика. He asked me whether I like math. It is the first part of the village. Kion mi faru? What am I to do? What should I do? Tomo skribas libron pri sia avo. Tom is writing a book about his grandfather. Tom writes a book about his grandfather. Mi aŭdas kun plezuro, ke Tomo fartas bone. I'm glad to hear Tom is well. I hear with pleasure that Tom is well. Morgaŭ mi renkontos amikon. I am seeing a friend tomorrow. Tomorrow I will meet a friend. Kiam vi diros "Mi konsentas"? When are you going to say, I do? When do you say “I agree?” Esque vos pote resolver iste problema? Can you figure out this problem? Can you resolve this problem? mi ba klama ta I'll go there. I'm a little girl. ra'wI' lupwI' vItIjmeH yapbe' HuchwIj. I didn't have enough money to take a taxi. Of course, I would like to understand that the universe was a serious handicap. Me ia dise ja la veria a vos. I've already told you the truth. I'm already the truth to you. ghojmoHwI' ghaH vavwI''e'. My father is a teacher. Professor, if you had to guess either way, you'll have to talk about it. Ту поте абри ла фенетра. You can open the window. It's all the way to do it. do nitcu lo ka cliva It is necessary for you to go. don't even miss it last again do se fraxu You are excused. So, if broken. Еске ла ном де Том ес ен ла листа? Is Tom's name on the list? Do you want to say it? Viaj amikoj estas malsupre. Your friends are downstairs. Your friends are below. Pskovo estas en suda Rusio. Pskov is in southern Russia. Pskova is in southern Russia. Ĉi tiu pomo estas tre dolĉa. This apple is really sweet. This apple is very sweet. On no ave jenero gramatical en magiar. There is no grammatical gender in Hungarian. On no ave ekero gramatica en magicr. Europa es un luna de Jupiter. Europa is a moon of Jupiter. Europe is a lunar planet of Jupiter. no le dacti cu jai spaji mi None of these things surprise me. None of my space lo me mi mensi lu kelci le prenu se kelci My sister plays with dolls. I'm glad I'd take the cake la peitcin. raltca lo jugygu'e Beijing is the capital of China. the plain text. riltca lo jugentu'e me'rIy vuv Hoch. Mary is respected by everyone. mi'rIy vuv Hoch. Omni es egala koram la yuro ed es yurizita sen irga distingo per egala protekto da la yuro. Omni es yurizita per egala protekto kontre irga distingo violacanta ca Deklaro e kontre irga incito a tala distingo. All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against all types of discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to any form of discrimination. Omni is equal to coram the yure and is yurished without any distinction by equal protection by the law. Omni is yurished by equal protection against any distinction violating this Declaration and against any incite to such distinction. Mi lernas la judhispanan. I'm learning Ladino. I am learning Jewish. Mi estas certa, ke Tom estus dirinta tion al mi, se li estus sciinta ĝin. I'm sure Tom would've told me if he'd known. I was sure that Tom had told me that if he had known it. Io vadera a Boston con Tom. I'll go to Boston with Tom. I walked to Boston with Tom. Me pensas, ke Tom erorabas. I think Tom has made a mistake. I think Tom has eroded. Ĝi kostas tro multe. It costs too much. It costs too much. QongDaqDajDaq Hegh. She died in her bed. Qong is dedicated to Hegh. Io es felice que vos non era hic. I'm glad you all weren't here. I'm glad you weren't here. fe ma fa la tom ca'o catlu Who's Tom looking at? fe ma la tom ca'o catlu Me pote abri la fenetra. I can open the window. I can get the fenetra. mi na troci lo nu daspo I'm not trying to destroy. I did not steal it nu daspo Ni bezonas cementon kaj sablon. We need cement and sand. We need cement and sand. ma sa'e do ta'e se gunka Exactly what kind of work do you do? But sa'e do ta'e se gunka nuyorgh wIDab. We live in New York. nuyorgh wIDab. Tiuj observoj estas arigitaj en la aldonaĵon C. These observations are collected together in Addendum C. These observations are arranged in the addition C. puqloDwI' vIQej. I love my son. Don't even know what you are doing. ghojwI' SoH. You are a student. Professor, if you want to talk about it, we're going to talk about it. Me gusta jua futbal. I like to play soccer. I taste football. ghobe' watSen Qel. jupwI' ghaH. No, he is my friend, Doctor Watson. ghobe' watSen Qel. Just like ghaH. Ili metas al ŝi multajn demandojn. They ask her many questions. They ask her a lot of questions. Dochvam vIlIjqangbe'. I'm not going to forget this. Dochva fiajqangbe'. Ŝi diris al li, ke lia patro mortis. She told him that his father had died. She told him that his father died. Vi bezonas pli studi. You've got to study harder. You need to study more. Me ia parla con Tom sola cuando on no ia ave alcun otra con ci parla. I only talked to Tom when there was no one else to talk to. I'm talking to Tom alone when I'm talking about someone who is talking about. Telefonez ni sen-page ye 1-800-446-2581. Call us toll-free at 1-800-446-2581. Call us free-page at 1-800-446-2581. Ĉu mi povas konsulti la menuon kaj la vinkarton? Could I see the menu and wine list? Can I consult the menu and the wine card? Li ripozu en paco. May he rest in peace! He rests in peace. Io torturava le prisioneros. I tortured the prisoners. I tortured the jail. mutce nandu This is very difficult. Very Hard Tírastë. The two of you are watching. Tírastë. Noi parla francesi. We speak French. We speak French. Li aspektas multe pli juna ol mi. He looks much younger than me. He looks much younger than me. Esque tu pote oblidar tu lingua materne? Can you forget your native language? Can you forget your mother tongue? Parolu klare. Speak clearly! Speak clearly. Ме иа поте апена креде меa оиос. I could hardly believe my eyes. It is true that it is true that it is true. Skribu sur papero viajn celojn. Write down your goals on a piece of paper. Write on paper your goals. Ca hundo esas geyo. This dog is gay. The dog is gay. Nos audiva le porta clauder se. We heard the door close. We heard the door closes itself. Me ia es multe ansios sur vos. I was so worried about you. I'm a lot of them on you. mi ternupcpe I have a reservation. I’m ternupcpe mi to'e nelci lo cmaci .isemu'inai mi tadni .ei lo nundugri Although I didn't like math, I had to study logarithms. mi to'e nelts lo cmaci .isemu'inai mi tadni .ei lo nundugri La tertremo kaŭzis vastarean damaĝon. The earthquake caused widespread damage. The earthquake caused vast damage. ghaytan Sov. She probably knows. It is more likely that the Soviet Union. Lor influentia augmenta quotidianmente, mais illes son increative e non pote facer judicios de valor. Their influence becomes greater every day, but they are uncreative and can't make value judgements. Lor influence increases daily, most of them are incredible and cannot commit rates of value. TEJO serĉas angleparolantajn trejnistojn por projekto kiu ne temas pri Esperanto. TEJO is looking for English speakers for a project that is not about Esperanto. You are looking for English-speaking trainers for a project that is not about Esperanto. La kesto superas la porteblan pezon. The box is too heavy to carry. The box exceeds the portable weight. Mi amuziĝas. I'm having fun. I am having fun. Tomaso diras, ke li volas loĝi en Aŭstralio. Tom says he wants to live in Australia. Thomas says he wants to live in Australia. peyon! Be satisfied! Peyon! Tomo aniĝis al sekto. Tom joined a cult. Tom went to a cult. Du omes portante mascas ia fura la banco. Two men wearing masks robbed the bank. Two omes carrying mascas on top of the bank. La erba es verde. The grass is green. The erba is green. le terdi ze'ecaru'i binxo The world changes a lot. On the other hand, it seems to have been visited by the binx. Vi diros tion al ni, ĉu ne? You're going to tell us, aren't you? You’ll say that to us, right? Tom isch 'n imperialistà. Tom's an imperialist. Tom isch 'n imperialistà. Kuketo estas mallonghara kato. Cookie is a short-haired cat. The cake is a short cat. Ĉu Tomo havas ŝlosilon de la loĝejo de Manjo? Does Tom have a key to Mary's flat? Does Tom have a key to the residence of Manjo? Mi devas helpi al Tomo. I need to help Tom. I need to help Tom. vISopbe' 'e' vImaS. I'd rather not eat this. CaySopbe' 'e' facimaS. Liaj vortoj estis minacaj. His words were ominous. His words were threatening. Vi konas Tomon. Du metrojn alta, kun grandaj okulvitroj. Lia koramiko estas Johano. You know Tom. Six foot seven, big glasses. His boyfriend's John. You know Tom. Two meters high, with great glasses. His boyfriend is John. Li forgesis nin. He forgot us. He forgot us. Ili entombigis lin en la tombejo ĉe la preĝejo. They buried him in the graveyard by the church. They buried him in the cemetery at the church. Еске ту воле фа ун барбеку а еста сера? Do you want to have a barbecue this evening? Do you want to say it? Spikol-li püki obik? Do you speak my language? Spikol-li püki obik? Fidom. He is eating. Fidom. Vi ne diru ĝin al mi, se vi ne volas. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Don’t tell me if you don’t want to. Holmey vIparHa'! I like languages! All right, man's face! Mi ne komprenas, kial mi devus diri tion al paĉjo. I don't see why I should tell Dad. I don’t understand why I should say that to Dad. lujpu' Hoch mIw. Every means has failed. There is nothing bigger or older than the universe. lo nu jimpe fi lo sidbo be fi ra cu nandu His theory is difficult to understand. The number of jimps that kind of guy is Hard Lerni la germanan lingvon estas grave. Learning German is important. Learning the German language is important. Subite, elu paroleskis. All of a sudden, she spoke out. Suddenly, it was spoken. Li diris al li vidalvide. He told him right to his face. He told him to watch. It aspecte vermen bon. It looks really good. It's a good look. Ĉu vi foje sonĝas france? Do you ever dream in French? Do you ever dream French? Mary, ekzilinte Tom, estis promociita al la komenco de ĉiu frazo. Mary, having exiled Tom, was promoted to the beginning of each sentence. Mary, exiled Tom, was promoted to the beginning of each sentence. lo xirma cu drata lo xasli Horses and donkeys are different. it xirma cu coles lo xasli Ni devas esti certaj, ke ni faras tion. We have to make sure we do that. We need to be sure we do that. lo krokodilo pu mo'u citka lo gerku A crocodile ate a dog. Crokolo pu mo'u citka lo gerku Le duo lineas se crucia in angulo recte. The two lines cross each other at right angles. The two rows cross in the corner right. Sor bIngDaq ba'taH. She was sitting under a tree. If we don't think we haven't been unsubscribed. Sempre maxim tenebrozesas balde ante la jornesko. It's always darkest just before dawn. It is always the shortest in front of the jornesk. Mia onklo mortis pro pulma kancero. My uncle died of lung cancer. My uncle died of lung cancer. El ia reveni de Xina. He returned from China. She returned from Xina. Me ama la neva. I love snow. I love the snow. Nos ia manteni nosа parola. We kept our word. We’re keeping our word. .i ko jungau le do rirni lo du'u mi rinsa Remember me to your parents. .i ko jungau le do rinni lo du'u mi rinsa Vi malhavas tempon. You don't have time. You lack time. Kameloj estas ofte uzataj por vojaĝi en la dezerto. Camels are often used to travel in the desert. The camels are often used to travel in the desert. Me amas la treni. I like trains. I love the training. Antaŭ jarcentoj homoj faris fajron per uzo de fajroŝtono kaj ŝtalo. Centuries ago, people started fires using flint and steel. For centuries people made fire with use of firestone and steel. Un, du, tre, cuatro, sinco, ses, sete, oto, nove, des. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, cuatro, sinco, six, set, eight, ninth, des. nurDaj mawpu' ta'lIj. Your action has offended his dignity. Just Daj mawpu' taxaj. Quch qoHpu'. Fools are happy. Quch answeredHpu'. reH ghurtaH woQchaj 'a chenmoHmeH tlhIb chaH 'ej lo'laHghach noHlaHbe'. Their influence becomes greater every day, but they are uncreative and can't make value judgements. We are about to suppress the universe and into our knowledge of the universe. Tomo estas terure delikata. Tom's awfully sensitive. Tom is terribly delicate. Mi ŝatus lerni la germanan. I would like to learn German. I would like to learn German. Estas malvarme ne laŭ la sezono. It's unseasonably cold. It is cold not in the season. Me ne povas manjar pluse. I cannot eat any more. I can't eat more. Tom avertis Maria. Tom warned Mary. Tom warned Mary. Mi ne estas unikorno. I'm not a unicorn. I'm not a unicorn. Non te irasce! Don't get angry! Don’t go! Mi nomine es David. My name is David. My name is David. Dio gejas. God is gay. God is gay. Mi kredas, ke Tomo opinias, ke mi tro pensas. I think Tom thinks that I think too much. I think Tom thinks I think too much. A Tom place multo le musica. Tom likes music a lot. To Tom likes much music. Me reveni de Jonguo. I come from China. I'm back from Jongu. Mi estis en Goao sed ne lernis iom ajn da la konkana. I was in Goa but I didn't learn any Konkani. I was in Goao, but I didn’t learn any of the concans. ghaH vIvoq. I trust her. ghaH favavoq. Loboy duti tidanas. One praises the industriousness of the teachers. Loboy duti tidanas. mi nelci lo nu cadzu lo panka I like going for a walk in the park. mi naci lo nu cadzu lo panka Ĉiu, kiu ludis ŝakon kelkfoje, komprenas, kiel ĝi povas esti treege interesa. Anyone who has played chess a few times understands how it can be engrossing in the extreme. Everyone who played chess sometimes understands how it can be very interesting. do simlu lo ka pevglare You look hot. So resemble it ka pevglare A nemo il place perder. No one likes losing. "A nemo il place perder". Hegh tam SochmaH ben boghpu'DI'. Tom died when he was seventy years old. Hegh, although SochmaH is well-defined. Ĉu vi ne donis la libron al Tomo? Didn't you give Tom the book? Didn’t you give the book to Tom? Lo es a sinistra de tu. It's to your left. It's on the left of you. Mi aĉetis tre bonan videokameraon. I've bought a really good camera. I bought a very good video camera. bomwI' noy ghaH. She is a well-known singer. Of course, we don't seem to have a good look at it. Lingvo belas. Language is beautiful. Language is beautiful. Va verteem gotarkal. You must observe those rules. Va verteem gotarkal. bIngDaq 'oHtaH tlhI'yopatra' ghIch'e' net jal, chaq pIm tera' qun. If Cleopatra's nose had been a little lower, the history of the world might have been different. If we are alone, our population will be separate from the universe. Ĝi estas floro artefarita. It's an artificial flower. It's an artificial flower. Va in direkielon wití. I see him tomorrow afternoon. Va in direkielonwití. Vi neniam aliiĝos. You'll never change. You will never join. Kas tanon va jin keyel ? Were you waiting just for me? Is tanon va jin keyel ? ra na zilmipri It isn't a secret. Rom na zilmipri seja'e ma mi ca'o jmive Why am I still alive? seja'e ma mi ca'o Life Ica esas nivo-homo. It's a snowman. This is a level home. Necuno ha jammais vadite a illac e vivite pro contar lo. No one's ever been there and lived to tell the tale. No one has ever walked to there and lived to meet it. Ме ва луа ун ауто. I am going to rent a car. It's true that it's all about it. mi klama lo briju I go to work. Mi clama lo briju Que es le avantage pro te? What's in it for you? What’s the advantage for you? Ло ес нубоса, ма ло ес мулте калда. It's cloudy but it's very warm. It is the first part of the world, which is the name of the Republic of the Republic. Mara sinyë. Good evening. Mara sinyë. Amo ŝanĝas preskaŭ ĉion. Love changes almost everything. Love changes almost everything. Quale vu savas, on komparas vivo kun voyajo. As you know, life is comparable to a voyage. What you know, on comparing life with travel. Tomos yst in ill ceff agur. Tom is in the garden now. Tomos yst in ill ceff agur. Noi deve trovar it. We must find it. We have to find it. Li estas njoknabo. He's a queen. He is a njoknabo. Cual ora es en Paris aora? What time is it in Paris now? Cual is now in Paris aora? Ilu saltis aden la rivero, defiante la frostita aquo. He jumped into the river in defiance of the icy water. He jumped into the river, challenging the frozen water. Kas tir kalaf ? Is he happy? Do you get a kalaf? Mi ne farus tion. I would not do that. I wouldn't do that. To omna quon me savas esas ke me ne savas omno. All I know is that I do not know everything. All I know is that I don't know everything. Tomo ne faros tion eĉ se vi petas lin. Tom won't do that even if you ask him to. Tom won’t do that even if you ask him. Mi kalviĝas. I'm going bald. I'm bald. nItebHa' vutpa'Daq 'uQ luvutlI' tam me'rIy' je. Tom is in the kitchen with Mary cooking dinner. We’re sorry, but we don't think we are the most free to live in the universe. Lia laboro estas submezuma. His work is below average. His work is submissive. xu do ralte su'o pinsi Do you have any pencils? Xu do ralte su'o pinsi la .tam. na se zasti Tom is out of touch with reality. the .tam. na se zasti Le nathlam hí. You are welcome here. Le nathlam hí. Me ama la mea fia. I love my daughter. I love the mea fia. Mi scias la faktojn ja sufiĉe. I know enough about the facts. I know the facts enough. da bi'unai po'o ckaji de Other than the things I have just listed, nothing else has a given property. the New York City 's Day Quant insules have Indonesia? How many islands does Indonesia have? How many insules have Indonesia? Eble mia telefono estas pli saĝa ol mi. I think that my phone is probably smarter than me. Maybe my phone is smarter than me. ghot mIgh ghaH tam'e'. Tom is an evil person. ghot mIgh ghaH tam'e'. Le ecclesia es situate al bordo del citate. The church sits on the outskirts of town. The church is located on the edge of the city. Mi havas bonan vidokapablon. I have good eyesight. I have a good vision. Deziro kondukas al sufero. Desire leads to suffering. The desire leads to suffering. "Sefarad" estis la mezepoka hebrea termino por Hispanio, kaj restas la moderna hebrea termino por la lando. Sepharad was the Medieval Hebrew term for Spain, and remains the Modern Hebrew term for the country. "Sefarad" was the medieval Hebrew term for Spain, and remains the modern Hebrew term for the country. Io ha besonio de homines in le quales io pote confider. I need people I can rely on. I need human beings in which I can trust. mIgh vay'pu'. Some people are evil. mIgh vay'pu'. Mea frato pasis hiere. My sibling passed away yesterday. My brother passed yesterday. ko curmi lo nu mi cliva Let me go. co curm it nu mi Exiting... Ili es tro ebri. They are too drunk. They're too drunk. lo tadni na nelci lo ckule The students don't like school. Don’t worry about it. Ili eksplodigis bankaŭtomaton. They blew up the ATM. They exploded a bank car. Io es Tom. I'm Tom. It's Tom. Vi demisiu. You need to resign. You'll resign. La kato ludas kun la hundo. The cat is playing with the dog. The cat plays with the dog. nIm wIb pItSa' chab vIparHa'. I like cheese pizza. We're going to have a look at the mystery of life. Ni faras motorpartojn. We make engine parts. We make motor parts. mi cinba ko'a lo mebri I kissed her on the forehead. mi cinba ko'a lo mebri Tio estas teo. It's tea. That's tea. Tokkane tit batcoba rodekallanit ? How can we get to the bottom of it? Tokkane tit batcoba rodecallanit ? Ки ама ме? Who loves me? What do you want to do? Esque vos es jam adaptate al nostre gruppo? Did you get in with our crowd? Have you already adapted to our group? Tio estas bonega ideo. That is an excellent idea! That's a great idea. El ia fura meа cor. She stole my heart. I ran out of the fur. Ĉu vi havas mian libron? Do you have my book? Do you have my book? Anque io studia bengali. I study Bengali, too. Anque I'm studying Bengali. mumuS tam. Tom hates me. mumuS tam. Cretino! Douchebag! Cretino! Li-kanol yufön? Can you help? Li-canol yufön? Mi ne vidas malgejon jam tri tagojn. I haven't seen a straight person in three days. I don’t see snow for three days. Le traduction es como un femina. Si illo es belle, non es fidel. Si es fidel, illo certemente non es belle. Translation is like a woman. If it is beautiful, it is not faithful. If it is faithful, it is most certainly not beautiful. Translation is like a woman. If it’s pretty, it’s not trusted. If you trust, it’s certainly not beautiful. la tom na zvati ti ca zi Tom isn't here just now. the tom na zvati ti ca zi Tom ne scias paroli france. Tom can't speak French. Tom doesn't know how to speak French. ei do'o tolpifygau le pesygoi Free Palestine! ei do'o tulpifygau le pesygoi Ni nun maltrankviliĝas pri vi, Tomo. We're worried about you, Tom. We are worried about you now, Tom. ma'a nitcu lo ka casnu We need to have a talk. But let's never put it up for kids Malamiko de "bona" estas 'pli bona". The enemy of "good" is "better". It’s ‘good’ that’s ‘good’. Pote tu adjutar me a lavar le plattos? Could you help me wash the dishes? Can you help me wash the dishes? Tomaso volis vidi Marian danci. Tom wanted to see Mary dance. Thomas wanted to see Mary dance. Io les telephonara deman quando io retornara. I'll call them tomorrow when I come back. I’m reading the phone again when I go back. In tote caso, isto es un illusion. In any case, that's an illusion. In all cases, this is a relief. Фуми ес проибида сериа. Smoking is strictly prohibited. It's all the way it's going to be. Kafo estas la vivo. Coffee is life. Coffee is life. L. L. Zamenhof estis hebrea okulkuracisto. L. L. Zamenhof was a Jewish eye doctor. L. L. Zamenhof was a Hebrew eye physician. Il non ha sedias in iste sala. There are no chairs in this room. There are no seats in this room. lI'be' SaQtaHghachlIj. DuQoylaH pagh. There is no use in crying. No one will hear you. That's what SaQta generals are. DuQoy will save this way. Tomo provis nur transvivi. Tom was just trying to survive. Tom only tried to survive. Ili ofte ludas kune. They play together a lot. They often play together. Miaj amikoj estas la plej bonaj! My friends are the best! My friends are the best! Ho, la kafeo esas vere varmega! Ah, the coffee is really hot! Oh, the coffee is really hot! Tomo ŝatas omaraĵon. Tom likes lobster. Tom likes an surroundings. Lo es roja. It's red. It's Roja. Vidite a alicun distantia illo semblava un visage human. Seen from a distance, it looked like a human face. Viewed to some distance it seemed like a human visage. El parla ides. He speaks Yiddish. El parla ides. Estis la tria matene. It was three in the morning. It was the third morning. Mi konatiĝis kun li pasintan jaron. I got acquainted with him last year. I met him last year. Tomaso ĉiam telefonas lunde. Tom always calls on Monday. Thomas always calls Monday. Mi konversacios kun Tomaso morgaŭ. I'll talk to Tom tomorrow. I’ll talk to Thomas tomorrow. Vos non pote vider le. You can't see him. You can’t see them. Asigni tiun favoron ne akcepteblas. Granting that favor is out of the question. This favor is not acceptable. Tiu arbo ne portas fruktojn. This tree does not bear fruit. This tree does not bear fruit. Me vade a la plaia a multe veses. I often go to the beach. I go to the beach to many times. Ел ама мусика. He loves music. It's all about it. Illa vole devenir interprete simultanee. She wants to be a simultaneous interpreter. It seems like to become the same thing at the same time. Vu mustas prenar vivo quale ol esas. You must take life as it is. You must take life as it is. ja'a ku mi na djica lo nu lo verba ca gau nonseka I really don't want the kids left alone now. Binary for kids and kids who take care of the kids who take care of the kids who take care of the kids who are not? Mi pensas, ke post kristnasko mi devos dieti denove. I think I have to go back on a diet after Christmas. I think that after Christmas I'll have to go back again. Tom have moné. Tom has money. Tom has a moné. Mi alvenis ĉi tien hieraŭ. I arrived here yesterday. I arrived here yesterday. tu'a pu ku na ka'e se rivbi It was inevitable. Sound &born Kion vi faras ĉi tie, vi perversulo? What are you doing here, you pervert? What are you doing here? qajunpaQ Hutlhbe'bej. He is certainly not without courage. Ivory, thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Li estas blanka. It's white. He is white. chach DujDaq lu'uchchoH 'ej yep. They lifted him carefully into the ambulance. That's why we're all in the fight, but they don't care about each other. jatlhchuqta' chaH. They talked to each other. Thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. ko'oi do pa moi You'll have to start. Copyright, so we don't think, so'iroi cusku lo jitfa He tends to tell lies. So'iroi cusku lo jitfa chuSmo' veng munuQqu'. The city annoys me a lot because it's noisy. chuSmo' veng munuQqu'. Ka tu savas quale uzar komputero? Do you know how to use a computer? Do you know how to use a computer? le fetsi pu jukpa lo nanba She baked bread. the festsi pu jukpa lo naba Tre malvarmiĝis. It's become very cold. It cools very cold. La distribuistoj petas esceptan marĝenon. The distributors are asking for an exceptional margin. The distributors ask for an exceptional margin. Nia lernejo akceptis tri usonanojn kiel interŝanĝajn lernantojn. Our school has accepted three Americans as exchange students. Our school has accepted three Americans as exchange students. Le opiniones del duo politicos collide violentemente. The views of the two politicians collide violently. The opinions of the two political groups violently. Lo esas obcena kozo. It's an obscene thing. It's an obcene thing. Mi ĉiutage preterpasas tiun preĝejon survoje al mia laborejo. I pass by that church every day on my way to work. I’m going to go through this church every day to my work. Mi sentas min malsana. I'm feeling sick. I feel sick. solri je carvi .i tanbargu Sun and rain, rainbow. solution to carvi .i tanbow Un homine sin un scopo es como un nave sin timon. A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder. A human being without a goal is like a ship with no fear. Лос ес идентика. They're identical. It's all about it. ghojmoHwI' moj puqloDwI'. My son is going to be a teacher. Professor, if you really want to talk about yourself, we'll be sure you really want to do that. Tomo ne estas same forta, kiel iam. Tom isn't as strong as he used to be. Tom is not as strong as ever. No ereidob buki ädelo. I did not read a book yesterday. No ereidob buki ädelo. Tom e Maria ave no cosa compartida. Tom has nothing in common with Mary. Tom and Mary get nothing shared. OK, tu debe tacer durante que nos es in le magazin. OK, you keep quiet while we're in the store. OK, you must take as long as we’re in store. Mi ne estas aliseksema. I'm not heterosexual. I'm not attractive. Mi taksas, ke ni bezonos du tagojn por fini la laboron. I estimate that we'll need two days to finish the work. I think we’ll take two days to finish the work. Лос иа пермане амис тота де суа вивес. They stayed friends their whole lives. It's all the way to do it. juH SepwIj vImuSHa'. I love the Fatherland. I am very lucky at the time of my life. Kaj la Eternulo diris al Kain: Kie estas via frato Habel? Kaj tiu diris: Mi ne scias. Ĉu mi estas gardisto de mia frato? And the Lord said to Cain: Where is thy brother Abel? And he answered: I know not: am I my brother's keeper? And the LORD said to Cain, Where is thy brother Abel? And he said, “I don’t know. am I my brother’s keeper?” Malbona ĉarpentisto kulpigas siajn ilojn. A bad carpenter quarrels with his tools. A bad carpenter blames his tools. .e'unai ko na gasnu lo selcpe be ko'a Don't do anything he asks. On the other side of the universe, we should have been on top of each other about one another. Io vole un stegosauro. I want a stegosaurus. I want a stegosaurus. Le vita sin un scopo es morte prematur. A pointless life is a premature death. The life without a goal is prematurely premature. Mi pensas, ke Tom eble sentas same kiel vi. I think Tom might feel the same way you do. I think Tom may feel the same as you. Li estis promenanta en la urbo. He was walking about in the town. He was walking in the city. tlhu', vaj vang. She gave way to temptation. On the other hand, it seems to have been visited by aliens. Li forlasis la entreprenon pro personaj kaŭzoj. He left the company on account of personal reasons. He left the company for personal reasons. la kukis gerku gi'i mlatu Is Cookie a dog or a cat? the Kakis gerku gi'i mlatu Li loĝas en Parizo. He lives in Paris. He lives in Paris. Il es ancor yun. He is still young. It’s still good. Mi havas ion, kion mi devas diri al vi. I have something that I need to tell you. I have something I have to tell you. Il non ha multe traffico super iste strata. There is not much traffic on this road. There is not much traffic on this street. Ni trinku ĉi tiun vinon. Let's drink this wine. Let’s drink this wine. Tio estis eksplicita provoko. It was an overt provocation. This was an explicit breakthrough. La gato dormi. The cat sleeps. The gate sleeps. Estas multaj homoj sur la plaĝo. There are a lot of people on the beach. There are many people on the beach. Ka me povas parolar kun tu? Can I speak with you? Can I talk to you? mabmo' yon. They are satisfied with the contract. mabmo' Ion. Kie vi dormis lastnokte? Where did you sleep last night? Where did you sleep last night? Ekstera politiko estas turismo je ŝtataj kostoj. Foreign policy is tourism at state expense. Foreign policy is tourism at state costs. La hundo de Tomo bojis al mi. Tom's dogs barked at me. Tom's dog went to me. Mi volas loĝi en Usono. I want to live in America. I want to live in the United States. Tom ne volas promenar nun. Tom doesn't want to take a walk now. Tom doesn’t want to walk now. Kiöpo binof-li jiel Mary? Where is Mary? Kiöpo binof-li jiel Mary? Me audas nulo. I can hear nothing. I'm hearing nothing. Esce tu labora en un vila? Do you work in a town? Are you working in a village? Ni devas fari pli ol tion. We have to do more than that. We need to do more than that. bommeyvam DaparHa''a'? Do you like these songs? Bamsmos DaparHa'a? Ме ама пан фреска. I love fresh bread. It's all about it. Lenino laŭleĝigis abortigon kaj samseksemon, sed Stalino denove krimigis ilin. Lenin legalized abortion and homosexuality, but Stalin criminalized them again. Lenin praised abortion and homosexuality, but Stalin again blamed them. ma cmene le patfu be do What is your father's name? Named path be then yI'uchHa'! Let him go! yI'uchHa! Libükolsöd eli Palestina! Free Palestine! Libükolsöd el Palestinian! La domo de Tomo estas proksime al la tombejo. Tom's house is close to the cemetery. Tom's house is close to the cemetery. Tom e Mary habita in li proximitá. Tom and Mary live nearby. Tom and Mary lived in his vicinity. pagh parHa' ghaH 'ej ghaH parHa' pagh. She likes nobody and nobody likes her. In fact, parHa' ghaH 'ej ghaH parHa' (i.e. Groco estas dek du dekduoj. A gross is a dozen dozens. Grocy is twelve dozen. Tiuj kiuj unuiĝas, ne timas! Those who unite are not afraid. Those who are united are not afraid. do bilga jo djica lo ka zvati ti You don't have to hang around if you don't want to. do billa yo djica lo ka zvati ti .i mi sutydji tu'a la noi ba'o ningau ke'a .tato,ebas. I'm very impatient to see the new version of Tatoeba. .i mi sutydji tu'a la noi ba'o ningau ke'a .tato,ebas. Il ha hobbies plus van que Esperanto. There are hobbies more worthless than Esperanto. Il ha hobbies plus van que Esperanto. Irez a via loki. Get in your places. Go to your places. Ĉu vi bonvolas alprunti al mi vian biciklon? Would you lend me your bicycle? Would you like to give me your bike? Tomo faris multe da novaj amikoj. Tom has made a lot of new friends. Tom made a lot of new friends. Ĉu vi scipovas skribi rondajn kanaojn? Can you write hiragana? Can you write round dogs? Lo non dicte. He does not say. Lo non dicte. Tomo estas nia nova instruisto. Tom is our new teacher. Tom is our new teacher. Un registrator de cassa plen de moneta attrahe robatores. A fat cash register attracts robbers. A full box recordr of currency behind trackers. Dankon pro via kunhelpo. Thank you for cooperating. Thank you for your help. Pos skribar la letro, me pozos ol en posto-buxo. After I write the letter, I'll mail it in a mailbox. After writing the letter, I'll place it in a post box. Híralmet. We all find them. Híralmet. Mutob golön e tuvön Tomi. I must go and find Tom. Mutob golön and tuvön Tomi. Tom ne volas irar sole. Tom doesn't want to go alone. Tom doesn't want to go alone. Ĝenerale, kion ŝi diras, estas ĝusta. Generally speaking, what she says is right. In general, what she says is correct. Kiom da tagoj estas en februaro? How many days are in February? How many days is in February? Ma yo ne posse creder it! But I can't believe it! Ma yo ne posse creder it! La elefanto es la maxim grosa de omna quarpeda animali. The elephant is the bulkiest of all four-legged animals. The elephant is the largest of all quarped animals. La artisto vendis plurajn el siaj verkoj ĉe la galeria montrado. The artist sold several of her works at the gallery exhibit. The artist sold several of his works at the gallery display. Kial tiom da homoj ŝatas lin? Why do so many people like him? Why do so many people like him? El ia move stonante rapida. He moved astonishingly fast. It’s a quick move. Ĉu li ploras? Is he crying? Is he crying? Tom es de novo in le hospital. Tom is back in the hospital. Tom is again in the hospital. Quante colores existe? How many colors are there? How many colours exist? Mi scias, kio estos la respondo. I know what the answer will be. I know what the answer will be. Tiu estas la fratino de Pierrot. That is Pierrot's sister. This is Pierrot's sister. tIghmeyDaj ghaj Hoch Sep. Each country has its own customs. TIghmeyDaj ghaj Hoch Sep. An isto es blau? Is this blue? And that's blue? La plaji di Huelva esas tre bela. The beaches of Huelva are very pretty. The beaches of Huelva are very beautiful. mi na pu cpedu tu'a le za'u mei I didn't order them. mi pu cpedu tu'a le za'u mei Tomo kaj Manjo estas neniel religiaj. Tom and Mary aren't religious at all. Tom and Mary are not religious. mi klama fo ma fe lo gusta How do I get to a restaurant? I love it but it's tasted El es propensada a atacas de coleria. He is subject to fits of anger. El es propensada atacas de coleria. Li sentas sin vere amata. He feels truly loved. He feels very loved. nuH vInejtaH. I'll be looking for a weapon. Hold on! No, we're moving away. da'i do xenru da bi'unai You'd regret it. da'i do xenru da bi'uni Alora, non es tu contente de vider me? Well, aren't you glad to see me? So, isn't your content to see me? le do zdani cu barda Your house is big. le do zdani cu barda Acel es un recordo olimpial. That's an Olympic record. Acel is an Olympic record. mi pu lenku gi'e cilmo I was cold and wet. I am reading the kids Ille es juvene ma sage. Though young, he is wise. That's juvene ma sage. Io va facer un excursion in Kyushu iste estate. I'm going to make a tour of Kyushu this summer. I'm going to make an excursion in Kyushu this estate. DochwIj yIngu'! Which is mine? Let's take a look at these questions! Tomo ne volis diri al mi, kie estas Manjo. Tom wouldn't tell me where Mary was. Tom didn’t want to tell me where I was. Esque vos fuma? Do you smoke? Do you smoke? Ni ĉiuokaze devas veturi du fojojn. We have to go twice anyway. We must take two times anyway. Mi opinias, ke ŝi estas el Germanio. I think that she is from Germany. She is from Germany. SoplI' ghaH. He is eating. Spop Programming' ghaH. ma smuni zo'oi Tatoeba What does TATOEBA mean? Tatoeba Nia kato tre ŝatas vin. Our cat really likes you. Our cat loves you very much. Ĉi tiu kuriero ne povas stari sur nigra kvadrato. This bishop cannot stand on a black square. This courier cannot stand on a black square. La ostaĝigintoj metis eksplodilojn ĉien ĉirkaŭ la konstruaĵo. The hostage-takers planted explosives all around the compound. The hostagers put explosives around the building. nI'taHvIS poH yoSvamDaq jIlengqu'be'. I haven't traveled much in these parts for a long time. Our only chance of long-term years is to have been visited by several years. reHo'. We admire you. reHo'. Malka konvertiĝis al kristanismo. Malka converted to Christianity. Bad converted to Christianity. Ĉu vi mamnutras vian infanon? Are you breastfeeding your child? Do you eat your child? tlhoy mach waqmeyvam. These shoes are too small. Favorite mach waqsksos. luq. Okay. luq. run 'ej lang. They are short and thin. Run 'ej lang. Cuanto dies on ave en la semana? How many days are there in a week? Canto days on ave in the week? Tikob das älogol bosi. I think you saw something. Tikob das älogol bossi. Ĉu mi povus ricevi rabaton pagante per kontanta mono? Could I get a discount if I pay in cash? Can I get a discount by paying money? Kie estas la bushaltejo? Where is the bus stop? Where is the bus stop? qaqIHpu'; yap. I met you; that is enough. Let's go, thank you for that. Manjo tuj ŝatis tion. Mary liked it immediately. She loved it immediately. mi pu to'o renro loi cutci pe mi I threw away my shoes. I am about to take the rest of my heart into it. To sempre esis tale. That was always so. It’s always like that. nge'meH pagh naDev SopmeH? For here, or to go? Don't you think you don't want to know that? Tom vole vider su filio. Tom wants to see his son. Tom wants to see his daughter. Mia konato enkondukis min al sia intima kunularo. My acquaintance introduced me to his intimate fellows. My friend introduced me to his intimate companion. Ĝi ne estas senpaga programaro. It's not freeware. It is not free software. le loldi pu cilmo lo djacu The floor was wet with water. Let the kids drink water lo nanla pu smaji The boy was silent. it nanda pu smagi La kanto ĉiam igas min memori pri mia infanaĝo. The song always reminds me of my childhood. The song always makes me remember about my childhood. nIDqa' 'a QapHa'. He tried again, but in vain. nIDqa' 'a QapHa'. Nos fa multe pausas! We take a lot of breaks. We’re doing a lot of pauses! Le differentia inter un dama e un florista non es le maniera como cata una se comporta, ma le modo como illas es tractate. The difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves, but how she is treated. The difference between a lady and a florist is not the way every one behaves, but the way it's treated. Voluntez sendar irgu a mea chambro. Please send someone to my room. Want to send go to my room. mi'o nitcu lo ka casnu We need to have a talk. mi'o nitcu lo kakón Lana Turner estis bela blondulino. Lana Turner was a beautiful blonde. Lana Turner was a beautiful blonde. veng ngo' Dechpu' yergho. A wall surrounded the old city. Vengán' Dechpu' yergho. Iste matino io me eveliava a quatro horas pro esser a tempore pro le prime traino. This morning I got up at four so as to be in time for the first train. This morning I married four hours to be at the time for the first train. Tom lernas programifar per JavaScript. Tom is learning to write programs in JavaScript. Tom learns programming by JavaScript. Si un homine non resenti que on non le nota, an ille non es totemente virtuose? Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him? If a human being doesn’t send back what is not known, then that's not always virtuous? Vi ne estas tiel grava, Tomo. You're not that important, Tom. You are not so important, Tom. Me ama libros vea. I love old books. I love books old. La ditos de pede de Tom es dolosa. Tom has sore toes. Tom's feet are gentle. Vi tute eraras. You got it all wrong. You are completely wrong. Ni estis elĉerpitaj de tiu kvinhora vojaĝo. We were completely knackered from the five-hour trip. We were exhausted from this five-hour trip. El ave recursos sin limita. He has infinite resources. El ave recourses un limitless. Quo dit Paola? What did Paola say? What about Paola? lo me mi verba ku je'a nelci lo danlu My children really like animals. I'm a verb with no thanks to it Soverän nestipo düton lü net. Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the nation. Soverän nestype düton lü net. Tu es incomparabile. You are incomparable. You are incomparable. Rojats labons vitaminis mödik. Oranges have a lot of vitamins. Rojats labons vitaminis mödik. Io non pensava que Tom esserea tanto loquace. I didn't think Tom would be so talkative. I didn’t think Tom will be so hard. Ili frenezas unu pri la alia. They're crazy about each other. They are crazy about each other. Io pensa que le pena de morte non es un mesura multo effective pro cercar frenar le criminalitate. I think the death penalty is not a very effective way of trying to curb crimes. I think the death penalty is not a measure of much effect to search for coolness. Mamma, ubi es papa? Mum, where's Dad? Mamma, where is a pope? la .tom. cu zabna Tom's terrific. the .tom. cu zabna Ескута ла плуве. Listen to the rain. It's all about it. Ha tu justo nunc revenite? Did you just get back? Did you just go back now? Esque tu voler saver vermen a qui yo dat it? Do you want to know who I really gave that to? Are you sure you want to know who yo dat it? Esce on ave multe brasileras abitante en Nion? Are there many Brazilians living in Japan? Is there a lot of brasileras living in Nion? mi klaku ca lo ro nu sanga ti mi Every time I listen to this song, I cry. I click this ro nu sang ti mi Tio okazis jam antaŭ pli ol jardeko. That was over a decade ago. This happened more than a decade ago. Si le studiantes non veni, le classe non comencia. If students don't come, the lesson doesn't start. If students don’t come, the class won’t start. ti zdani ra This is her house. ti zdani ra laDqa' tam. Tom resumed reading. laDqa' tam. Io non ha besonio de iste cosas. I don't need those things. I don't need this stuff. Tomo ĉesis fumi. Tom gave up smoking. Tom stopped smoking. Ĝi estis nigra. It was black. It was black. Pentrado estas mia pasio. Painting is my passion. A painting is my passion. Mia fratino fumas. My sister is smoking. My sister smokes. do nixli gi'i nanla Are you a girl or a boy? Nixli gi'i nanla Mamografio povas esti la diferenco inter vivo kaj morto por milionoj da virinoj. Mammography can mean the difference between life and death for millions of women. Mamography can be the difference between life and death for millions of women. Le pisce es bon mercato hodie. Fish is cheap today. The pisce is a good market today. Li ĉiam deziris turni ĉies atenton al si mem. He always wanted to call attention to himself. He always wanted to take attention to himself. Il ha visitat Francia trivez. He has visited France three times. Il ha visit France trivez. Nu, ĉu vi brakumos kaj kisos min? Well, are you going to give me a hug and a kiss? Are you blaming and kissing me? Il esas siorulo. He is a gentleman. He is a siror. Ĉu veras, ke Midori tre bone ludas la violonon? Is it true that Midori plays the violin very well? Is it true that Midori plays the violin very well? la tom pu no roi to'e canci Tom never showed up. the tom pu no roi to'e canci Tom es in grav dangere. Tom is in grave danger. Tom es in grav dangere. Isto es multo pejor. This is much worse. This is a lot of pejor. Kiel mi povas akiri tion, kion mi bezonas? How can I get what I need? How can I get what I need? La vizaĝo de Tomo fariĝis mil krabroj. Tom's face turned into a thousand hornets. Tom's face has become a thousand crabs. Säkäd äbinon vemo fikulik. The problem was very difficult. Säkäd äbinon weather ficulik. Mary rideva se sub cappa. Mary giggled. Mary smiled himself under capp. tetDI' chuch, betgham moj. When ice melts, it becomes liquid. tetDI' chuch, betgham moj. Ŝi ne estas tiel bona, kiel ŝi imagas. She isn't as good as she thinks. She is not as good as she imagines. Ла кулпа ес де ту. It is you who is to blame. It's all the way it's going to be. lo nixli be se pi'o lo pipno cu me la.akikos. The girl playing the piano is Akiko. it nixli be se pi'o lo pipeno cu me la.akikos. Ille se me avantiava. He got ahead of me. That's me advanced. Tu non es exactemente le homine que io me imaginava. You're just not the person I thought you were. You’re not exactly the human beings I've imagined. Mi ne estas rano. I'm not a frog. I'm not a frog. DochwIj 'oHlaw' Dochvam'e'. I think this is mine. That's my nothing. Cedon das etos binom veütik. It's considered to be an important matter. Cedon das etos binom veütik. Mi scivolas, ĉu ili havas tiujn. I wonder if they have those. I wonder if they have those. Io crede al sol etiam quando illo non brilla. Io crede al amor etiam quando io non lo senti. Io crede a Deo etiam quando Ille tace. I believe in the sun even when it is not shining. I believe in love even when I do not feel it. I believe in God even when He is silent. I believe in this too when it doesn’t shine. I believe love it too when I don’t feel it. I believe in God, too. baSmey bIH SIrlIy'e' Sorpuq'e' je. Copper and silver are both metals. We are very low on their feet, and are you sure we have a lot of feet on top of our feet. paqmey vIlaDtaH 'e' vItIv. I like to read books. This is a part of your life, and we haven't heard a space in space. du'e prenu pu zvati lo nu zgike tigni There were too many people at the concert. du'e take pu zvati lo nu zuzke tigni Tom nenecesas. Tom is unnecessary. Tom is unnecessary. Tomo havas hipertension. Tom has hypertension. Tom has hypertension. Ili laboras la tutan tagon. They work all day. They work all day. Do tu compra vestes? Where do you buy clothes? Do you buy clothes? Da isto al Tom quando ille arrivara. Give this to Tom when he comes in. Da this to Tom when he arrived. Kirurgio esas la maxim bona solvo. Surgery is the best solution. Surgery is the best solution. e'u kelci lo fudbolo Let's play soccer. e'u kelci lo fudbolo Tiel la konscienco malkuraĝigas ĉiujn nin. Thus conscience does make cowards of us all. This is how conscience discourages all of us. ma pamoi lo'i bende Which is the leading team? Install a well-known one Ĝis revido! See you soon! See you again! Oni forbaris Tomon de Fejsbuko. Tom got Zucked. It cleared Tomon ofź. Me nulatempe drinkas teo kun limono. I never drink tea with lemon. I don't drink tea with lemon. ghItlhwIj vInuDnIS. I must consult my manuscripts. Let's take advantage of my life. Mi ne povas ensaluti. I can't log in. I can't log in. lutvam DaQoypu''a'? Have you heard this story already? Do you really think that we are the universe? Estas tre multe da aferoj, kiujn mi volas fari. There are so many things I want to do. There are a lot of things I want to do. Alga de mundo gusta lo. Some people like it. Some of the world has tasted it. Ante tu mortas tu vidas la ringo! Before you die you see the ring! Before you die you see the ring! puqpu' tIvmoHmeH bom ghaH. He amused the children by singing. Thank you very much indeed. mubuSHa'taH. They're ignoring me. It is not possible, but it is not possible. Suverya' Hol jatlh'a' ma'rIqa? Did Marika speak Swedish? Thank you very much indeed. Apertez la fenestro. Open the window. Open the window. Tomo drinkis pli ol Manjo. Tom drank more than Mary. Tom drank more than Manjo. Ĉu Tomo? Mi kredis, ke vi mortis. Tom? I thought you were dead. I thought you died. Unu el la plej kuriozaj aĵoj kiu devigis mian atenton estas ke ekzistas neniu konstanteco en la juĝo pri beleco. One of the most curious things that has forced itself on my notice is that there is no permanence in the judgement of beauty. One of the most curious things that forced my attention is that there is no constantity in the judgment of beauty. paq DalaDchugh, Hochlogh bIDub'egh. Every time you read a book, you will be the better for it. On the other hand, it seems that Hochlogh bIDub'egh. Tomo demandis Manjon, kial ŝi malfruis. Tom asked Mary why she was late. Tom asked her why she was late. mi'ai prane remei We were a perfect couple. Mi'ai prane remei El ia sani pico e pico. He recovered little by little. He is a little health and a little bit. Mi bezonas inspiron por dekori nian Kristnaskan arbon. I need inspiration for decorating our Christmas Tree. I need inspiration to decorate our Christmas tree. La mar es vasta. The sea is very wide. The sea is vast. Ĉu Tomo kredas je la Eternulo? Does Tom believe in the Lord? Does Tom believe in the Lord? Demandu al mi, se vi ne komprenas. Ask me if you don't understand. Ask me if you don’t understand. Tomo ne povas uzi tiujn. Tom can't use those. Tom cannot use these. Bonvolu respondi per telekso. Please answer by telex. Please answer with a telex. Tomo havas simion. Tom has a monkey. Tom has a monkey. vay' vInejlI'. I'm looking for someone. That's what you all do. mi tolyli'a la .tokios. pu lo nu manku We will reach Tokyo before dark. i tolyli'a la .tocias. pu lo nu manku Li puér esset vendit in li sclavitá. The boy was sold into slavery. Li puér esset ventit in li sclavitá. Tio estas nur spekulacio. That's pure speculation. It's just speculation. Qual es le capital de Madagascar? What is the capital of Madagascar? What is the capital of Madagascar? Kaj mia nomo ne estas Tomo, krome. My name isn't Tom either. My name is not Tom, but. Vu devas fumar mine. You should smoke less. You need to smoke less. Iom ŝajnas, ke iu uzis aŭtomatan tradukilon por ĉi tio. It sort of looks like somebody used machine translation for this. Some seem to have used an automatic translation for this. En la komenco, multaj aliĝintoj proponis iun aŭ alian reformeton. Demokrate Zamenhof aŭskultis ĉiujn, kaj raportis en la gazeto La Esperantisto kun fidela zorgo. At the beginning, many adherents proposed one or another little reform. Democratically, Zamenhof gave ear to all and reported them with faithful care in the La Esperantisto magazine. In the beginning, many attendees proposed some or other reformer. Demokrate Zamenhof listened to everyone, and reported in the newspaper The Esperantist with faithful care. El es un xica. She's a girl. El es un xica. Ni ne havas ion por vi. We don't have anything for you. We don't have anything for you. Tiu arbo estas tre bela. That tree is very pretty. This tree is very beautiful. to'e mu'i nai lo nu xersku ku mi za'o fengu Even though he apologized, I'm still furious. To'i mu'i nai lo xersku ku mi za'o fengu Jorge kan balemoya ava grupulvir. Jorge is able to speak four languages. Jorge kan balemoya ava groupulvir. ta tricu That's a tree. First lupwI' chIjwI' ghaH. He is a bus driver. Of course, I would like to crank down against you. Mi ŝatas naĝi, sed mi ne ŝatas naĝi ĉi tie. I like swimming, but I don't like to swim here. I like swimming, but I don’t like swimming here. Ille non me permitte publicar a Tatoeba le traduction que io ha facite de su poema. He did not allow me to post on Tatoeba the translation I did of his poem. They don't let me publish to Tatoeba the translation I've done from its poem. Bonvolu malfermi la pordon por mi. Please open the door for me. Please open the door for me. Ili havas la rajton fari tion. They have the right to do so. They have the right to do so. Vi tute ne similas al Tomo. You aren't like Tom at all. You are not like Tom. Pükom-li Nelijapüki? Does he speak English? Pükom-li Nelijapüki? Ĉiuj atakantoj havis tranĉilojn. The attackers all had knives. All the attackers had knifes. Se vi mordos min, mi mordos reen. If you bite me, I'll bite you back. If you bite me, I will bite back. Tomo estas multe pli bonaspekta ol sia frato. Tom is a lot better-looking than his brother is. Tom is much better than his brother. ra su'o re'u zvati la.xokaidon. He has been in Hokkaido before. su'o re'u zvati la.xokaidon. chutmey DapabnIS. You have to abide by the laws. Parta DapabnIS. El no es fea. He isn't ugly. El no es fea. Mulo estas hibrido inter virazeno kaj ĉevalino. A mule is a cross between a male donkey and a female horse. Mul is a hybrid between a man and a horse. Ne tiel funkcias tio. That's not how that works. It doesn’t work that way. Faru nenion, kion vi bedaŭros. Don't do anything you'll regret. Do nothing you’ll regret. waqmey ngev. He sells shoes. wa dimension ngev. Nun ni ne povas diskuti pri tio. We can't discuss this now. We can't talk about that now. Nifos. It is snowing. Nifos. Vi estas tute prava. You're absolutely right. You are completely right. Tomo estas homforma kato. Tom is an anthropomorphic cat. Tom is a human-shaped cat. El ave problemes. He has problems. El ave problemes. vumqu'nIS Qapla' neHbogh Hoch'e'. He who will succeed must work hard. We don't think we believe that we have all been on top of the universe. lo pe mi tuple cu ca'o sipna My leg is still asleep. I'm all about this if you don't think you are? Linguo apertas mondi. Language opens worlds. Language opens worlds. Ili dormis en la sama lito. They slept in the same bed. They slept in the same bed. HaqwI' ghaH tam'e'. Tom is a surgeon. Of course, we're going to have a look at it as well. Resti pli longe estas tempomalŝparo. It's a waste of time to stay longer. Staying longer is a time stop. Ora expertos va scrutiniar le detalios del contracto. Experts will now pore over the fine print of the contract. Now experts are about to clear the details of the contract. bangwI' wa'DIch ghaH. She is my first love. Of course, we don't seem to have any alien anything. Mi ne fidas babilemajn homojn. I do not trust talkative people. I don’t trust talking people. di'u ba fanta lo raktu be mi That will save me a lot of trouble. D'u ba fanta lo raktu be mi Mi ŝatus havi sandviĉon, bonvolu. I'd like a sandwich, please. I would like to have a sandwich, please. mi nupre lo nu mi ba smaji I promise I'll be quiet. mi nupre lo nu mi ba smagi Hieraŭ mi venis ĉi tien. Yesterday I came here. Yesterday I came here. Mi kaptis lin, dum li trompis en la ekzameno. I caught him cheating on the test. I caught him when he was trapped in the exam. Tio ŝajnas esti amuza laboro. It sounds like a fun job. It seems to be a fun job. La lago provizas akvon al la vilaĝo. The lake supplies water to the village. The lake provides water to the village. Ka vu ula-tempe audis pri tala kozo? Have you ever heard of such a thing? Have you ever heard of such a thing? Eksidu ĉi tien, vi fartos pli bone. Sit here, you'll feel better. Come here, you’ll do better. Ne lasu min ĉi tie. Don't leave me here. Don't let me go here. No desapone tu masca. Don't take your mask off. We’re going to drop your mask. Kiel la pentristo atingas tiun efikon? How does the painter get that effect? How does the painter reach this effect? Tu ha finite le cursa, nonne? You finished the race, didn't you? You’ve finished running, right? Ni bezonas monon por fari ion ajn. We need money to do anything. We need money to do anything. Esque tu ha un mantello e un cappello? Do you have a coat and a hat? Are you a mantello and a chapel? Ŝin impresis liaj kapabloj. She was impressed by his skills. She impressed his skills. Tomo entiriĝis en la vorticon. Tom was sucked into the vortex. Tom was living in the word. Alga de mundo es vera intelijente. Some people are really intelligent. Some of the world is very intelient. El ia vide acaso un papilio rara. He happened to catch sight of a rare butterfly. See also a rare sheet of papers. Ме но иа коме анкора ла коме де матина. I haven't eaten breakfast yet. It is true that it is true that it is true. Mi ne mendis brasiknapojn. I didn't order any rutabagas. I didn’t miss brasiknaps. Tiel mi solvis la problemon. This is how I solved the problem. That’s how I solved the problem. Vos apesta. Y'all stink. Vos apesta. Nos sempre passa le vacantias presso le mar. We always spend our vacation by the sea. We’re always passing the vacancies on the sea. lo pu jatna be la mergu'e cu du lo ro merko poi se slabu ro jatna be lo gugde The former president of the United States is the only American who knows the president of every country. it jatna be la mergu'e cu du lo ro merk po se slabu ro jatna be lo gugde Eĉ dum momento, mi ne dubas pri via honesteco. I don't for a moment doubt your honesty. Even for a moment, I don’t doubt your honesty. Mi ne povas solvi ĉi tiun nodon; ĝi estas tro streta! I can't untie this knot; it's too tight! I can't solve this node; it's too tight! not vay' wIta'law'. We never seem to accomplish anything. We used to create a probability that the universe was created in different states. Preskaŭ ne estas floroj en nia ĝardeno. There are scarcely any flowers in our garden. There are almost no flowers in our garden. Ŝi estas riĉulino. She is a wealthy woman. She is a rich man. Tom ne scias, kiu konstruis tiun domon. Tom doesn't know who built his house. He doesn’t know who built this house. Tom aĉetis novan fotilon. Tom bought a new camera. He bought a new camera. jIghalbe'. I'm not jealous. I'm going to continue. bIHoplaw'. You seem distant. Intepaplaw. Katoj timas hundojn. Cats are afraid of dogs. Cats fear dogs. Tomo estas ne tiu, kiu bezonas helpon. Tom isn't the one who needs help. Tom is not the one who needs help. Ni alvenis ĝustatempe. We were just in time. We arrived in time. la .tom. cu cpedu lo te sidju Tom asked for help. the .tom. cu cpedu lo te sidju La vundo postlasis cikatron sur mia mano! The wound left a scar on my hand. The wound left a scar on my hand. Pos koito anusala kun mea kompanulo, ni ordinare bezonas kompleta lavo. After having anal sex with my boyfriend, we usually need to have a good wash. After a coito anusala with my companion, we generally need a complete wash. xu do nelci lo rismrsuci Do you like sushi? xu do naci lo rismrsuci Va rinaf yolt mo pozla al kosuté. I put your name on the tile. Va rinaf yolt mo pozla al kosuté. Le aviso dice: "Non fullar le herba". The notice says, "Keep off the grass". The Alert says: "Don't flash the grass". mi xalbebna nalruble I'm pretty drunk. i xalbebna naluble Mi ŝatus ekkoni ŝin. I'd like to get to know her. I would like to know her. Quo esas la sekretajo? What's the secret? What is the secretary? Mi tre volis tiun laborpostenon. I really wanted that job. I really wanted this job. Io ha besonio de un secunde occasion. I need a second chance. I need a second occasion. Mi esperas, ke oni punis Tomon. I hope Tom was punished. I hope I've punished Tom. La mares grande deveni asida. The oceans are turning acid. The seas largely become asida. mi birti lo du'u ko'a zernalfu'e I am convinced of her innocence. mi brew it du'u co'a zernalfu'e Eĉ se la suno leviĝus okcidente, mi ne rompus mian promeson. If the sun were to rise in the west, I would not break my word. Even if the sun rose west, I would not break my promise. Mi tre volis kisi vin. I really wanted to kiss you. I really wanted to kiss you. Kuketo dormas sur mia ventro. Cookie is sleeping on my stomach. I sleep on my belly. El veni de Cimri. He comes from Wales. El veni de Cimri. Ĉu estus bone, se mi kisus vin? Would it be OK if I kissed you? Would it be good if I kiss you? Io vole vider tu expression. I wanna see your expression. I want to see your expression. Pote tu conducer me al aeroporto per favor? Can you take me to the airport, please? Can you conduct me to the airport please? Birdoj flugas. Birds fly. Birds fly. Прима, дисе а ме ла бон новас. Tell me the good news first. It is the first part of the city of the Republic. Ĉu tuso doloras vin? Does it hurt when you cough? Does it hurt you? Le place le football. He likes soccer. Le place le football. Al mia kato ne plaĉas, kiam mi parolas france. My cat doesn't like it when I speak French. I don’t like my cat when I speak French. Tio estas evitenda, kio ajn okazas. That's something we must avoid at all costs. This is obvious, whatever happens. Ĝi estis komputila eraro. It was a computer error. It was a computer error. Ĉu en lernejoj de Aŭstralio oni instruas la francan lingvon? Do they teach the French language in Australian schools? Are you teaching the French language in Australia? Mi aĉetis por ŝi novan aŭton. I bought her a new car. I bought her a new car. Mostra acel a me. Show me that. Mostra acel a me. Mi ne povas danki vin sufiĉe pro via afableco. I can't thank you enough for your kindness. I can’t thank you enough for your ability. pup! Perfect! pup! Ha'DIbaH tIje'Qo'! Don't feed the animals. Ha'DIbaH tIje'Qo! Kisi vilol? What do you desire? Kissi vilol? La mallaborema lacerto senpene kaptas muŝojn per sia glueca lango por manĝeto. The lazy lizard effortlessly catches flies with its sticky tongue for a snack. The unemployed lacert instantly captures flies with its glued tongue for food. nov ghaHlaw' be'nalDaj'e'. His wife seems to be a foreigner. There is an extensive search for the rest of the city. Ĉu vi estas preta por la plej malbona? Are you prepared for the worst? Are you ready for the worst? e'u klama Let's go! e'klama Elu mentiis pri esar gravida. She lied about being pregnant. She lied about being pregnant. Isto es un mal nova. This is bad news. This is a bad new one. naDev tujqu' vIQub. I think it's very hot here. Don't have to do that immediately. El havas spozulo e du filiini. She has a husband and two daughters. She has a spozul and two daughters. Tomo ne manĝis. Tom hasn't eaten. Tom did not eat. Ŝiaj haroj estas longaj. She has long hair. Her hair is long. Bonan nokton, Tomo. Goodnight, Tom. Good night, Tom. La xicos brosi sua dentes. The boys brush their teeth. The xicos brush his teeth. mi ba cliva ca lo nondei I'm leaving on Sunday. I've been doing this regardless Lastatempe vi ofte evitas ŝin. Kial? You've been avoiding her a lot lately. Why? You often avoid her. Why? ko smacni Be calm. Ko smacni Multe homines parla francese. French is spoken by many. Many women speak French. Sami habeva nulle religion. Sami had no religion. Sami had no religion. Sami era emotionate per le dono de Layla. Sami was touched by Layla's gift. Sami was promoted by the administration of Layla. Se li nur alvenos ĝustatempe! If only he arrives in time! If he only arrived in time! Tom hiat. Tom yawned. Tom hiat. Mi scias, kio ili estas, sed kial virusoj ekzistas? I know what they are, but why do viruses exist? I know what they are, but why do viruses exist? Ili boligas akvon por teo. They boil water for tea. They boil water for tea. mi prami lo nei I love myself. I Love It None Mi ne anticipis, ke vi estos ĉi tie. I didn't anticipate that you would be here. I didn’t expect you to be here. Quante alta esas ta monto? What is the height of this mountain? How high is that mountain? Li Republica Dominican es nominat "República Dominicana" in hispan. The Dominican Republic is called "República Dominicana" in Spanish. Li Republica Dominican is named "República Dominicana" in Spanish. Tomo insistas paroli france al ĉiuj. Tom insists on speaking French to everyone. Tom insists to speak French to everyone. La demando de Tomo surprizis Manjon. Tom's question took Mary by surprise. Tom’s question surprised Me. maHvaD Ha'DIbaHHom je'ta' SoS. Mother bought us a puppy. But only Ha'DIbaHHhom je'ta' SoS. En 1632, li publikigis libron, kiu deklaris, inter aliaj aĵoj, tio, ke la Kopernika teorio heliocentra estas ĝusta. Galileo estis denove alvokita al la Inkvizicio kaj ĉi-foje oni lin trovis kulpa je herezo. In 1632, he published a book that stated, among other things, that the heliocentric theory of Copernicus was correct. Galileo was once again called before the Inquisition and this time was found guilty of heresy. In 1632, he published a book that stated, among other things, that the Copernicus theory heliocentric is correct. Galileo was summoned again to the Inquisition and this time he was found guilty of heresy. Tom ne laboras tam multa kam antee. Tom doesn't work as much as he used to. Tom doesn't work as many as before. Io ira a vacantias iste etate. I'll be going on vacation this summer. I'll go to holiday this age. Nun es fame. Nobody's hungry. Now it's famous. Tomo kuiras ovon. Tom is cooking an egg. Tom cooks an egg. Tom supponeva que Mary parlava nonsenso simplemente proque ille non la comprendeva. Tom assumed that Mary was talking nonsense simply because he didn't understand her. Tom supponeva que Mary parlava unsenso simply because they didn't understand. Binob studan in niver. I am a student in a university. Binob studied in niver. Ел ва девени ун дотор медикал. He is going to become a doctor. It is true that it is true that it is true. Kio ajn okazis al acida pluvo? Ni ne plu aŭdas pri ĝi en la novaĵoj. Whatever happened to acid rain? You don't hear about it in the news anymore. Whatever happened to an acid rain? we don’t hear about it in the news. zo lutsiferas cmene ko'a Her name is Lucifera. Below is the name for each other Maria es un levista. Mary is a leftist. Maria es un levita. Rajto ekzisti ne ekzistas. There is no right to exist. It doesn’t exist. Tomo estis fanfaronanta. Tom was bragging. Tom was boasting. Escapçeveu el cäps es els brätslilor es las gambas. I cut off the head and the arms and the legs. Escapçeveu el cäps es els brätslilor es las gambas. Hundes es fideli. Dogs are faithful. Dogs are faithful. Senob, das binob nejönik. I feel ugly. Noob, das binob nejönik. qatlh DaSov DaneH? What do you want to know that for? Why is DaSov DaneH? lumuSHa' be'pu'. Women love that. luluSHa' be'pu'. «bIDoy''a'?» «ghobe', jIDoy'be'qu'.» "Are you tired?" "No, not at all." "bIDoy'a?" "ghobe'," projectDoy'be'.' Mi kutimiĝis vivi sola. I got accustomed to living alone. I was used to live alone. bImoDbe'chugh lupwI' DatIjlaHbe'. Hurry up, or you'll miss the bus. If you don't think we're okay. Tom estas membro de la komitato. Tom is a member of the committee. Tom is a member of the committee. Qob'a' Dabam. You're in grave danger. Qob'a' Dabam. Esce vos sabe gida? Do you know how to drive? Are you sure you know this? Omnu havas la yuri pri vivo, libereso, e sekureso di persono. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person. Everyone has the rights of life, freedom, and security of a person. Tio ne akcepteblas. That is not acceptable. This is not acceptable. Ni estas pastroj. We're pastors. We are priests. Реалиа ес бела. Reality is beautiful. It's all about it. Ĝi estas poemo. It's a poem. It's a poem. Mi estas la nova estro. I'm the new boss. I am the new boss. Mi fastas. I'm fasting. I fast. Komputiloj lernis ludi ŝakon antaŭ multaj jaroj, sed ili ne ĉiam havis la forton, kiun ili havas hodiaŭ. Computers learned to play chess many years ago, but they didn't always have the strength they have today. Computers learned to play chess many years ago, but they did not always have the strength they have today. Tomo kaj Manjo estas homoj. Tom and Mary are human beings. Tom and Mary are people. Le revelation le plus alte es que in cata homine Deo es. The highest revelation is that God is in every man. Revealing the higher is that in every human god is. Do'Ha' wa'Hu' SIS. Unfortunately, it rained yesterday. Do'Ha' wa'Hu' SIS. Mi neniam pensis, ke mi trovos aliajn tute similajn al mi. I never thought I'd find others just like me. I never thought I would find others very similar to me. Nos jua tenis pos la periodo de instrui. We play tennis after school. We held for the period of teaching. La lando devas esti tre bela. The country must be very beautiful. The country must be very beautiful. Mi ne intencas denove fari tion. I don't intend to do that again. I don't intend to do it again. taw vISov. I know the road. taw fajSov. Ni ankoraŭ ne decidis, kion ni faru morgaŭ. We haven't yet decided what to do tomorrow. We haven’t decided what to do tomorrow. Ka tu vidis nivo ante venir a ca vilajo? Had you seen snow before you came to this town? Have you seen a level before coming to this village? Io essaya de facer lo que io pote. I try to do what I can. I'm trying to do what I can. HochchoHtaH Sep. The country advanced in civilization. Hochchruso Sep. mi nitcu lo nu cusku da do There's something I have to tell you. i nitcu lo nu cusku da do Kio estas ĝojo? What is joy? What is joy? Deffeneth gw! Defend yourself! Defeneth gw! jeltaH 'uSDu'wIj. My legs were shaking. That's my concern! Meа padre ia dise a me ce me no leje la libro cuando me es a leto. My father told me not to read the book while in bed. I mean, I mean, I’m not reading the book as I’m reading. Ni estus devintaj resti kun Tomo. We should've stayed with Tom. We would have had to stay with Tom. Binons-li fredik? Are they happy? Binnons-li fredic? juH vIlegh. I see a house. juH fajlegh. Ĝi estas unuflanka konflikto. It's a one-sided conflict. It is a single conflict. Mi ne vespermanĝis hieraŭ. I didn't eat dinner yesterday. I wasn’t dinner yesterday. Ni matenmanĝas kune. We eat breakfast together. We eat breakfast together. Vi parolas tre rapide. You speak very fast. You’re talking very quickly. La pasvorto estas longa. The password is long. The password is long. Äflitob sus lefogs. I flew above the clouds. Äflitob sus lefogs. xu bredi lo nu jirsezlu'i Is the bath ready? xu breeds it nu jirsezlu'i Logors-li bödi su telefonadrat? Do you see the bird on the telephone wire? Logors-li bödi su calladrat? Gusta la gala. Enjoy the show. Taste the gala. Ĉu ĉi tiuj bananoj estas maturaj? Are these bananas ripe? Are these bananas mature? leng qIl. He called off the trip. lang qIl. ko'a selrircpa le cmalu nixli They adopted the little girl. C'ircpa callula nixli .u'e da goi ko'a zdani .i ko'a smimlu lo lumbu'u zaisle cai .i le barda je nalgusminra canko cu ganlo fi lo spofu What a home! The place looked like some disused rag-store. The large unglazed window was closed up by a dilapidated shutter. We must go to the plains of the universe. This is where we are making it the light of the universe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¡Clametz àl militzia! Call the police! ¡Clametz àl merazia! An io debe registrar me? Do I have to register? Should I register with me? muDuQ bomvam. This song speaks to me. muDuQ bomvam. Vi ne pardonpetis eĉ unufoje. You haven't once apologised. You didn’t apologize once. Tomo estis paraŝuttrupano. Tom was a paratrooper. Tom was a paratroup. Etiam io studia bengali. I study Bangla, too. I also study Bengali. Mia patro estas sincera. My father is frank. My father is sincere. Mia vivo iĝis kaĉo. My life has become a wreck. My life became a cage. so'e lo prenu na djuno lo du'u la .lojban. poi bangu cu zasti Most people don't know that the language Lojban exists. This suggests that it should take more than one of the .loliban. then bangua zasti Li estas la plej bona afero, kiu iam okazis por mi. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. He’s the best thing ever happened to me. Il ha urgente necessitate de adjuta del governamento local a illes qui es sin tecto. There is an urgent need for the local government to help the homeless. There is urgent need for local government help to anyone who is offline. Computadores es macinas. Computers are machines. Computadores is killing. Refuĝintoj suferos mankon de manĝaĵo, akvo, medicino, kaj tiel plu. Refugees will suffer lack of food, water, medicine and all that. Refugees will suffer lack of food, water, medicine, and so on. La om scrive multe bon. He writes beautifully. The om scrive a lot of good. In tir afanasaf gu lodopelafa opaca. She is ignorant of even the simplest facts about science. Inti afanasaf gu lodopelafa opaca. La akvo estas tro malvarma. The water is too cold. The water is too cold. Tom bedaŭras, ke li ne studis pli pene. Tom regrets not having studied harder. I'm sorry he didn't study a lot more. Tomo estis hundigita. Tom was turned into a dog. Tom was haunted. No binob sanel. I'm not a doctor. No binob sanel. Estas grave konfirmi asertojn per pruvoj. It's important to back up claims with evidence. It is important to confirm claims by evidence. Miaj gefiloj vivas en Pekino. My children live in Beijing. My children live in Beijing. Mi pensas, ke Tomo kaj Manjo ambaŭ estas lacaj. I think that Tom and Mary are both tired. I think Tom and Mary are both tired. Vi havas unu ŝancon. You've got one chance. You have one chance. No pükolöd! Don't talk! You don't think we should be here. Io pote esser tanto mal quanto le pejor, sed, gratias a Deo, io es tanto bon quanto le melior. I may be as bad as the worst, but, thank God, I am as good as the best. I can be as little as the pejor, but, thanks to Deo, I’m as good as the best one. qaStaHbe' 'oH. This is not happening. It was essentially the universe. Kikod vilol funön obis? Why do you want to kill us? Kikod vilol funön obis? Hoch muSHa' vay'. Somebody loves everyone. There's something wrong with it. Ille es le capitano del equipa. He is the captain of the team. That's the team captain. Vi povas elekti kiun ajn libron vi volas legi. You may choose whichever book you want to read. You can choose any book you want to read. yopwaHwIj 'oH Dochvam'e'. These are my pants. I am very lucky that my disability was the universe. mi'a na lenku We're not cold. l'a na lenku Ultima la polisia ia aresta Tom. The police eventually arrested Tom. Last police arrested Tom. Mia cerbo kaj mi toleras unu la alian. My brain and I tolerate each other. My brain and I tolerate each other. Де куандо фокос артал есисте? Since when are there fireworks? Do you want to say it? Kiu ajn povas fari paroladon ĉi tie en dimanĉoj. Anyone can make a speech here on Sundays. Anyone who can make a speech here on Sundays. Tu le ha facite ruber. You made him blush. You’ve done the ruber. 'aplo' yorDaq vay' yIlanQo'! Don't put anything on top of the box. 'aplo' yor way' yIlanQo! .i .oi ro'e mu'i ma pau nai lo nu tavla cusku zo galxe cu mutce nandu fi lo nu galxe bilma Stupid brain! Why is saying "galxe" so very difficult with a sore throat? It took two years to nine years ago. But if there was a lot of time in the galaxy, there was a lot of hard history. Yo va inviar te li ligament. I'll send you the link. Yo va sent you li ligament. Ta es la maxim bela strucho quan me ul-tempe vidis. This is the most beautiful ostrich I've ever seen. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Esce vosа amis es portuges o brasilera? Are your friends Portuguese or Brazilian? Do you love Portuguese or brasilera? Un infante es le opinion de Deo de que le vita debe continuar. A baby is God's opinion that life should go on. A child is the opinion of Deo that the life should continue. Dice la lo. Tell her. Tell the it. It esset su decision. It was his decision. It sets out its decision. Me povas vidar navo ye la horizonto. I can see a ship on the horizon. I can see a ship on the horizon. Quon vi regardas? What are you all looking at? What do you watch? La konstruaĵo estas putra interne kaj ekstere. The building is rotten inside and out. The building is in the inside and outside. Tiu ĉi pentraĵo estas atribuata al Monet. This painting is attributed to Monet. This painting is attributed to Monet. Kien ajn vi iros, vi trovos japanajn turistojn. Wherever you go, you'll find Japanese tourists. Wherever you go, you will find Japanese tourists. Ĝi estis forigita el la protokolo. It's been deleted from the logs. It was removed from the protocol. Diru, ke ne estas tiel! Say it's not so! Don’t say that it's not so! Де куандо ту поте сенти ла мовес де ла фето? Since when have you been able to feel the movement of the fetus? Do you want to say it? Tio estas vorto, kiun mi neniam uzus. That isn't a word I'd ever use. This is a word I would never use. La aŭtomobilo estas verda. The car is green. The car is green. La mashino laboras per su ipsa. The machine works by itself. The machine works in its own. Le the ha essite introducite ab China. Tea was introduced from China. The was introduced from China. Estas multe tro da pipro en ĉi tio. There's way too much pepper in this. There is a lot of pepper in this. Tom savet omnicos pri Mary. Tom knew everything about Mary. Tom savet omnicos about Mary. Ĝi estas nestabila. It's unstable. It's unstable. Ne temas pri tiu, kiun vi suspektas. It's not who you think. It’s not about the one you suspect. Actualisa iste correspondentia. Bring that correspondence up to date. Update this match. .i ke'u mi na tugni I told you, I disagree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e'o ko ckafi zengau Please give me some more coffee. And one of the ten billion years ago Tatoeba: Proque un lingua es plus que le summa de su parolas. Tatoeba: Because a language is more than the sum of its words. Tatoeba: Why a language is more than the sum of its words. Nulo estas speciala nombro. Zero is a special number. Nothing is a special number. Llo h-ôn sunt lassad. The men are tired. Llo h-ôn sunt left. lo se cusku be ko'a te facki lo ka se ticysku What he said turned out to be a lie. This is what you would like to find it in ticysku ngaj jaj 'ej law' Qu'. The day is short and there's a lot of work. nga Jaj 'ej law' Qu'. da'i mu'i ma su'o da prezerle'a ra Why would anybody kidnap him? da'i mu'i ma su'o da prezerle'a Me mustas savar la vereso. I must know the truth. I have to know the truth. De que consiste le aspirina? What's aspirin made of? What does the aspirin consist of? Heghpu''a' ghaH? Is he dead? Heghpu'a' ghaH? ghangwI' DungDaq maS leghlu'. The moon was above the horizon. If you don't think we are the only one, we don't want to go back to the fight. Tio estos amuza. It'll be fun. It will be fun. Io sponde que io terminara ante. I bet I finish first. I'll sponsor what I'll complete before. wej juH chegh qar'a'? He has not come home yet, has he? Let's go, let's go! Ŝi volis esti instruisto. She wanted to become a teacher. She wanted to be a teacher. qIgh yIghoS! Take a short cut. qIgh yIghoS! La aferoj plimalboniĝas spontanee, se oni ne plibonigas ilin konscie. Things alter for the worse spontaneously, if they be not altered for the better designedly. Things are getting worse spontaneously if you don’t improve them consciously. Los ave alga cosa compartida. They have something in common. Los ave alga cosa shared. Saluton. Mi estas ĉioma komencanto je Tatoeba. Kion vi faras, uloj? Hello, I am brand new to Tatoeba. What are you guys up to? Hi, I am an all-time beginner in Tatoeba. What do you do, guys? En Japanujo ekzistas multaj belaj lokoj. There are a lot of beautiful places in Japan. There are many beautiful places in Japan. Nos pote compara nosа pais con Jonguo. We can compare our country to China. We can compare our country with Jongoo. Tomaso alvenis lunde kaj foriris post tri tagoj. Tom arrived on Monday and left three days later. Thomas arrived on Monday and went away after three days. Éu sint ün cäts. I am a cat. Éu sint ün cäts. Tu have litt ocules. You've got small eyes. You have litt eyes. munuQ loDvetlh. That guy annoys me. Never take me off the ten billion years ago. loDnI'Daj retlhDaq QamtaH. He was standing by his brother. I believe that the universe was expanding. Estis afable, ke Tomo pruntis al vi sian ombrelon. It was nice of Tom to lend you his umbrella. It was possible that Tom had borrowed his umbrella. Laŭ vi, kiom da fojoj vi manĝis ĉi tie? How many times do you think you've eaten here? How many times did you eat here? Kiu serpento havas la plej longajn dentojn? Which snake has the longest fangs? Who has the longest teeth? Namárië. Farewell! Namárië. Vomitava tu? Did you throw up? Did you call? Tom ia fumi. Tom used to smoke. Tom's smoking. Ora io es occupate con scriber un libro. I'm now busy writing a book. Now I'm busy writing a book. Nos ha le problema inverse. We have the opposite problem. We have the inverse problem. Tom kaj Mary ambaŭ estas vegetaranoj. Tom and Mary are both vegetarians. Tom and Mary both are vegetarians. Mi ne certas. I don't know for certain. I’m not sure. It es ja deci-un horas. It's already eleven. It is already ten-one hours. Tomo kaj Maria faras neĝulon ekstere. Tom and Mary are outside building a snowman. Tom and Mary make a nephew outside. Tomo kaj Manjo diris al Johano, ke ili petis Alicon instrui tion al li. Tom and Mary told John they'd asked Alice to teach him how to do that. Tom and Manjo told John that they asked Alice to teach it to him. Ni prenu taksion, ĉu konsentite? Let's go by taxi, OK? Let’s take a taxi, agree? Vi promesis al mi, ke vi prizorgos ilin. You gave me your word that you would look after them. You promised me to take care of them. Ĉu vi kisis iun ajn? Did you kiss anybody? Have you kissed anyone? Hoch jaj po van. She greets him every morning. Hoch Jan per van. La dado es lansada ja. The die has been cast. The dade is lanceda ja. Isto es un barca. That is a boat. This is a bar. Janio estas malnova amiko mia. Yanni is an old friend of mine. Jania is an old friend of mine. Ĉu vi veturas al la lernejo perbuse? Are you going to school by bus? Are you going to school? ta pu cpacu mo'a xatra de'i li no ca lo cerni He received quite a few letters this morning. to cpacu mo'a xatra de'i li no ca surso Tomo estas poligloto. Tom's a polyglot. Tom is a polyglot. No noloms etosi. They don't know about it. No noloms etosi. Том иа дисе ке Мариа ес ун бон мама. Tom said Mary is a good mom. It's all the way to do it. Естхер ес ун традуор. Esther is a translator. It's all the way it's going to be. Ĝi estas interesa lingvo. It's an interesting language. It's an interesting language. Yes, les visitar lon bon amike, doctoro Mortimer. Yes, they visited his good friend, Doctor Mortimer. Yes, les visit lon bon friends, doctor Mortimer. Memol-li? Do you remember? Meme-li? la kukis pinxe Cookie is drinking. the Kukkis pinxe Se mi estos malfrua, ne atendu pri mi. Should I be late, don't wait for me. If I’m late, don’t wait for me. Diligenteco ne sufiĉas por riĉeco. Diligence is not enough for wealth. Diligency is not enough for wealth. Вос но дебе ентра. You mustn't enter. It's true that it's all about it. Atendu, iu frapas mian pordon. Hold on, someone is knocking at my door. Wait, someone hits my door. Coenosce'gw lla barol gi? Do you know this word? Coenosce'gw lla barol gi? Reprenu ĝin! Take it back! Take it back! paq chu' qonlI' qonwI'. The writer is working on a new book. That's what you would like to say, thank you for these questions. Ĉu vi volas, ke via konstanta frizo aspektu nature? Do you want your permanent to look natural? Do you want your constant freezing to look naturally? It va evenir bentost. It'll happen soon. It va evenir bentost. Bonvolu kanti al mi kanton de Beatles. Will you sing me a Beatles' song? Please sing to my song by Beatles. Le mal tempore me opprimeva. Bad weather oppressed me. The time I opted out. Vilĉjo, ĉu Vilhelmo postlasos al Vilĉjo la legacon de Vilhelmo? Will, will Will will Will Will’s will? Will William leave William the reading of William? Ĵetu ĝin al mi! Throw it to me! Just throw it to me! Mi ne povas peti Tom, ke li faru tion. I can't ask Tom to do that. I can’t ask Tom to do that. Ni ipsa dekoris la chambro. We ourselves decorated the room. We originally discovered the room. ti noi cipni ka'e vofli This bird can fly. ti noi cipni ka'e vofli jupDaj jIH 'e' vIghet. I pretended to be friends with her. jupDaj: 'e' kaziet. Deo es ubique, sed Illo es plus manifeste in le homine. Assi, servi le homine quasi ille es Deo. Isto es tanto bon quanto adorar Deo. God is everywhere but He is most manifest in man. So serve man as God. That is as good as worshipping God. Deo is everywhere, but it is more manifest in the human being. As a result, serve the human beings almost that is God. This is as good as God's worship. chay' jISovlaH? How could I know? How do you want to save the project? Tu me mancara tanto. I'll miss you so much. You’re missing me as much. La tuta urbo estas kovrita de neĝo. The whole city is covered with snow. The whole city is covered by snow. 'op chab nIm je DungeHta' SoS. Mother has sent you some cakes and milk. 'op chab pesam je DungeHta' SoS. Parla lentemente, per favor. Speak slowly, please. Speak slowly, please. Procura frisc manu-toales e aporta les a ci. Get fresh towels and bring them over here. Get fresh hand-toals and bring them to here. Tomo ne estas nia filo. Tom isn't our son. Tom is not our son. Ube esis tu dum la tota pos-dimezo? Where were you the entire afternoon? Where are you all in the post-dimes? Restas ankoraŭ tri biskvitoj sur la telero. There are three cookies left on the plate. There are three bisquities on the phone. Mi uzis ĝin. I was using it. I used it. Quando le bus cambiava bruscamente su direction pro mancar un catto, le conductor diceva, "Il ha mancate poco". When the bus swerved to miss a cat, the driver said, "That was close." When the bus changed grossly its direction to lack a cat, the conductor said, "It's missing a little". No labob jifleni. I don't have a girlfriend. No labob jiflens. Illa non es fede. She isn't ugly. It’s not ugly. Lia salajro estas malalta, do li devas fari okazajn laborojn. His salary is low so he has to do odd jobs. His salary is low, so he must do occasional jobs. chay' paqvetlh DaSamta'? How did you find that book? How did the universe come from? HuDmeyDaq jIHtaH. I was in the mountains. We are sure we have fossils of each other. ki'e pendo do pairnu'i io re'e Thank you, friend. You are fair and just. ki'e penso do pairnu'i io re'e Tagrodaslivil brekon. The condom broke. Tagrodaslivil brecon. 'IrneHnalDaj ghom. She met her uncle. "IrneHnalDaj ghom". dei'a tilju The weight is decreasing. None of the way ahead. Tomo jam sciis la veron. Tom already knew the truth. Tom knew the truth. El scrive libros. He writes books. El scrive books. noH'e' qaSmoHpu' ngoch muj. The war resulted from a mistaken policy. Thank you very much indeed. Tomas älabom flenis mödik. Tom had many friends. Tomas älabom flennis mödik. vaghmaH Hov tu'lu'. There are fifty stars. vaghmaH Hov tu'lu'. Ubuntu inkluzas multa programaro. Ubuntu includes lots of software. Ubuntu includes many software. Мусика ес ама. Music is love. It's all about it. la tom cu ctuca fi lo fraso fe lo verba Tom teaches French to children. the tom cu ctica fi lo fasso fe lo verb Mi helpos vin poste. I'll help you later. I’ll help you later. Qual hora es il nunc a tu pais? What time is it now in your country? What time is it now at your country? qoSwIj 'oH jajvam'e'. Today is my birthday. That's my concern why I'm all about it. Laŭ la gazeto li implikiĝis en la komploto. According to the newspaper, he participated in the plot. According to the newspaper he was involved in the conspiracy. Tomaso fariĝis tre dika. Tom became very fat. Thomas has become very thick. Le ignorantia es sin limites. Ignorance has no limits. Ignoring ignorance is unlimited. Vintre estas multa neĝo. There's a lot of snow in the winter. In winter there is a lot of snow. ti'e lo patfu be ra cu zvati lo bargu'e I hear that his father is abroad. This is a path that suggests that the phrase is correcting it. mi cusku lo se du'u benji lo za'u re'u pikta mi kei ra I told them to send me another ticket. I cuku it se du'u benji lo za'u re'u picta mi kei ra ma nelci lo dembi Who likes beans? but do not stop it mi na se cmene la tam. My name isn't Tom. I'm not called the same name. Povo kaj responso rajdas duope. Power and responsibility go hand in hand. A horse and a response rides twice. Носа скола коменса а ла ора ото. Our school begins at eight. It is true that it is true that it is true. Ŭill, ĉu Ŭill testamentos al Ŭill sian volon? Will, will Will will Will Will’s will? Will, Will Will be awarded to Will his will? Li nomiĝis Tomo. His name was Tom. He was named Tom. Hoch jaj QonoS qon vav. Father keeps a diary every day. Hoch, QonOS, at least. Mi ne alkutimiĝis al tio. I'm not used to this. I didn’t get used to that. Kiu loĝis en tiu domo? Who lived in that house? Who lived in this house? Kion laŭ via supozo Tomo kaj Manjo faras ĉi-momente? What do you think Tom and Mary are doing right now? What about your assumption is Tom and Manjo doing at this time? Man et binom tidel oba. That man is my teacher. Man et binom tidel oba. Älömibos ädelo. It rained yesterday. Älömibos ädelo. Li montris sin tre lerta. He showed a lot of skill. He showed himself very clever. Esque tu la videva heri per hasardo? Did you happen to see her yesterday? Are you seeing her with a hasard? Ance me studia bangla. I study Bangla, too. Ance me studio bangla. Yo have un amico. I have a friend. Yo have un amico. Sap pagh. Nobody volunteers. Sap, of course. Tom save qual li problema es. Tom knows what the problem is. Tom knows what his problem is. pa' jIHtaH. I am there. But we haven't heard anything else. la tom pu stali bu'u lo zdani Tom stayed home. the tom pu stali bu'u lo zdani Pri mono Tomo neniam devos maltrankviliĝi. Tom will never have to worry about money. You will never have to worry about money. "Passa me le sal, per favor." "Ecce illo." "Pass me the salt, please." "Here you are." "Pass me la sal, please." "Ecce it." La granda konstruaĵo lumis brile kiel incendio. The big building was blazing with lights. The building was bright as a fire. Ävilob gonön domoi. I wanted to run home. Ävilob gon domes. Su aviophobia es un handicap seriose in su carriera. Her fear of flying is a serious handicap in her career. His aviopphobia is a disability serious in his career. Kiel vi sukcesas esti ĉiam tiel energioplena? How is it that you're always so full of energy? How can you always be so energetic? Sep-a-dek od ok-a-dek yari esas la normala longeso di homala vivo. Seventy or eighty years is the normal span of a man's life. Seven or eighteen years of age is the normal length of human life. Tomo ne povis diri al Manjo la veron. Tom couldn't tell Mary the truth. Tom couldn't tell Manius the truth. Ĉu vi instruas Esperanton? Do you teach Esperanto? Are you teaching Esperanto? SIp 'oH julSIp'e'. Helium is a gas. I think the universe is one of the most intelligent beings. Li-binol yunik? Are you young? Li-binol yunik? Kiam okazis la akcidento, li bonŝance ne sidis en la aŭto. When the accident happened, he fortunately wasn't sitting in the car. When the accident happened, he did not sit in the car. Tom parla francese pejo que anglese. Tom speaks French worse than English. Tom parla franca pejo que English. Yo pensa que Tom es stult. I think that Tom is stupid. Yo pensa que Tom es stult. ca jeftu fau lo nu fagbetri kajde This week is Fire Prevention Week. Every week do so nu fagbetri etde Kio estas normaleco? What's normality? What is normal? Vi ne devas ion plu diri. You don't need to say anything more. You don’t have to say anything anymore. Bonfaro neniam restas senpuna. A good deed never goes unpunished. It never remains unpunished. tlhoS Soj QaQ Ho' Hoch. Almost everybody appreciates good food. Soi QaQ Ho' Hoch. De kie venas gerbiloj? Where do gerbils come from? Where do gerbils come from? bomwI' ghaHbe', 'a DawI' ghaH. She is not a singer, but an actress. Of course, we don't think we're free. le za'umei pu gunta lo prenu .enai lo panpi prenu They were attacking people, not peaceful people. the za'umei punta take it .enai lo panpi Mea enfantes no pote parla ivri. My children can't speak Hebrew. My enfants can't speak ivri. ko'a cusku lo du'u pampe'o noda .ianai She says she's not dating anyone now, but I don't believe her. C&n't think of the rest of our two years ago. Ille cadeva in le fluvio. He fell into the river. That went into the river. ko'a xamgu ci'arfi'i He is a good writer. Co'amgu ci'arfi'i He'So' naHvam. This fruit has an unpleasant smell. University of recently used files. rIQ. They were injured. rIQ. Mea sango ne es plu reda kam la tua. My blood is no redder than yours. My blood is no longer red like yours. On ha interrumpite su fornimento de aqua proque ille non pagava le factura. They shut his water off because he didn't pay the bill. It was interrupted by the water supply because they did not pay the bill. .iu mi prami le lanzu be mi I love my family so much. “I’m going to love to be mine. Mi ne sciis, ke vi estas el Bostono. I didn't know you were from Boston. I didn’t know you were from Boston. Ni devas nepre foriri tuj nun. It's imperative that we leave right away. We need to leave right now. Tomo plu skribas. Tom is continuing to write. Tom writes more. jIDIlmeH Huch chaw' vIlo'laH'a'? Can I pay with a credit card? How do you want to hide the universe from? Tomo vendis la kolieron de Manjo tre malmultekoste. Tom sold Mary's necklace for a very low price. Tom sold the colier of Manjo very cheaply. Tomo veturis al la urbo. Tom drove to the city. Tom traveled to the city. Quo esas la temo di ita pleo? What's the subject of that play? What is the subject of that place? La kavernuloj parolis Tokiponon. The cave-man spoke Toki Pona. The caves spoke Tokyo. Illas son feminas independente. They're independent women. They are independent women. Dochvetlh DIlmeH Huch 'ar DaneH? How much is it? Do you really want to contact DilmeH Huch 'ar DaneH? Kiun piedan fingron mi nun tuŝas? Which toe am I touching? What kind of finger do I touch now? Mi tre ŝatas Manjon. I really like Mary. I really like a man. Ла интереде ес ун консерна сериа. The Internet is serious business. It is true that it is true that it is true. Ĉi tiu loko estas malfekunda. This place is barren. This place is weak. Ne ekzistas kialo plu vivi. There's no reason to go on living. There is no reason to live anymore. Fadilo unuafoje kredas, ke li vere estas enamiĝinta. Fadil believes for the first time he's really in love. The first time he thinks he’s really in love. Ĝi estas granda hundo. It's a big dog. It's a big dog. Homo devas esar honesta. A man must be honest. People need to be honest. En tiu arbaro iu estis murdita, kaj ties fantomo ankoraŭ hantas ĝin. Somebody was murdered in that forest, and their ghost still haunts it. In this forest someone was murdered, and his ghost still haunts it. Ni trovis la puero dormante profunde. We found the boy fast asleep. We found the mayor asleep soon. Tiu estas latva nomo, ĉu ne? That's a Latvian name, isn't it? This is a last name, isn’t it? za'u ra pu zukte da bi'unai They did it. za'u ra pu zukte da bi'unai je'a remna He's a real man. E'a remna pIjHa' chop welwelwel ghughtaHbogh targh'e'. Barking dogs seldom bite. This suggests that we have two pieces of evolution in the galaxy. be'Hompu'vetlh vISov. I know those girls. It seems that we have sought to understand the universe. mi'o denpa We'll wait. Waiting do na'e mikce You're not a doctor. Inverse Mi timas fulmon. I'm afraid of lightning! I'm afraid of lightning. Mi pripensis la planon. I was thinking about the plan. I thought about the plan. Halta! Stop! Stop! La renkontro esas finita The meeting is all over. The meeting is over Ло ес ун онора алта коменса коносе ел. It is a great honor to become acquainted with her. It is true that it is true that it is true. Ni estas FBI-agentoj. We're FBI agents. We are FBI agents. Spikols-li Sperantapüki? Do you speak Esperanto? Spikols-li Sperantapüki? Hundes pove svima. Dogs can swim. Dogs pove swima. Yo va questionar le. I'll ask him. Yo va questionar le. Tomo bezonas amikojn. Tom needs friends. Tom needs friends. Kiu tro alte svingas, nenion atingas. Who swings too high, achieves nothing. Which is too high, does not reach. Le can de Mary es multo intelligente. Mary's dog is very intelligent. The can of Mary is very smart. Cattos es multo affectionate. Cats are very affectionate. Cattos is highly affected. Ĉu vi timas hororfilmojn? Are you afraid of horror movies? Are you afraid of horror films? Er e England es separada par la mar. Ireland and England are separated by the sea. Er and England are separate pair the sea. Soleca knabo legis proksime de senforta fajro. A lonely boy was reading near a feeble fire. A lonely boy read near a weak fire. Perch ed-ty llo ffuin? Why do you hate women? Perch ed-ty llo ffuin? Pro quo Tom facis to? Why did Tom do this? Why did Tom do everything? Sinjoro Vajt estas proksimume samaĝa kiel mi. Mr White is about my age. Mr. Vajt is about the same as me. Le multitude reculava. The crowd gave way. The little thing back. Hoch choHlu'law'. Everything seemed to change. There’s nothing you have had to do. Mi aperis antaŭ la tribunalo. I jumped bail. I appeared before the court. Li havas nur kelkajn jarojn malpli ol mi. He's only a couple of years younger than me. He has only a few years less than me. Tomo diris, ke li estos feliĉega, se li helpos al Maria sarki la ĝardenon. Tom said that he'd be more than happy to help Mary weed the garden. Tom said he would be happy if he helped Mary to close the garden. Esce tu pote abri esta porte? Can you open this door? Are you able to run out of the door? xo bangu lo ropno se zdani How many languages are there in Europe? xo ban lo spino se zdani ghaytan nID tam. Tom probably tried it. It is probably nID as well. Manjo sonĝaĉas. Mary is having a bad dream. Food is dreaming. Ofte varias la menso de mizogino kaj vintra vento. A misogynist's mind and winter wind change often. It often varies the mind of a misogyn and winter wind. .e'o do di'a cusku lo do lisri Please go on with your story. .e. de'to cusku lo do lisri Mi loĝas ĉe mia patro. I live with my dad. I live in my father. Yo deve preparar li lunch. I've got to make lunch. Yo deve to prepare him lunch. La sekvan matenon post mia alveno tie, mi promenis tra la kverkaro. The morning after I arrived there, I took a walk into the woods of oaks. The next morning after I arrived there, I walked through the cave. Il face un puta de calor. It's fucking hot. There’s a little bit of it. SengmeH nughoSta'. He's come to make trouble. SengmeH nughoSta'. Mistraktado ne nepre estas malica. There doesn't need to be malice for it to be abuse. Mistreatment is not necessarily malicious. Mi preĝas, ke la tempo pasu rapide. I am praying the time passes quickly. I pray the time to go fast. ¿Put-tu m'atxutarh? Can you help me? ¿Put-tu m'atxutarh? Alga de mundo es deludeda. Some people are disappointed. The world's Alga is deluded. Il non me surprende que tu non sape le responsa. I'm not surprised you don't know the answer. Don’t understand what you don’t know the answer. Illa es detestate. She is hated. Illa es detesta. Heroino estas la opio de la popolo. Heroin is the opium of the masses. Heroin is the opium of the people. Tomo scias, ke li parte kulpas. Tom knows he's partly to blame. Tom knows that he is partly guilty. tlhIch lupurmeH vay' luje' wej 16 ben boghpu'bogh puqpu' 'e' bot tuqjIjQa' chut. English law prohibits children under 16 from buying cigarettes. Thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. jIQap vIneH. I wanted to win. I'm going to hear you, sir. Le vita es un stato de conscientia. Life is a state of consciousness. Life is a conscience status. .o'onai ko patsti Stop complaining! Or did not make a path Dro tir vas 13 ... That costs 13. Dr. gets 13... puS DIvI' Hol wIlo'meH 'eb'e'. We have little opportunity to use English. There is nothing bigger or older than the universe. Qu'lIj yIbuS! Focus on your mission! What are you doing? Balde venonta. Coming soon. Balde next. ko dunda fi mi fe lo re spisa be lo bakri Give me two pieces of chalk. co dunda fi mi fe lo re spisa be lo bakeri Tomo iris al Aŭstralio kaj restis tie. Tom went to Australia and stayed there. Tom went to Australia and stayed there. jItaghqa' DaneH'a'? Do you want me to start again? How are you doing? Vi devas trejni vian langon por povi diferencigi inter bona kaj malbona kafo. You must educate your tongue to distinguish good coffee from bad. You need to train your tongue to be able to differentiate between good and bad coffee. Io es inamorate de vos. I am enamored by you. I'm in love with you. SoSwI' Daja'pu'be' 'e' vIneH. I wish you hadn't told that story to my mother. Six o'clock! qawuvpu'. I was counting on you. Thank you very much. Vi aperas al mi kiel homo, kiu neniam faras tion, kion li ne volas. You strike me as the kind of man who never does anything he doesn't want to do. You appear to me as a man who never does what he doesn’t want. Io pensa que vos deberea observar un dieta. I think you'd better go on a diet. I think you should observe a diet. baratngan loDHom ghom ghojmoH. He taught a group of Indian boys. It’s a great lot of fun to do so. bIH vIqeltaH. I keep thinking about them. Up to the top of the big questions we have. mi sanji da bi'unai I'm aware of that. mi sanji da bi'uni Multes perdeva lor casas post le tremor de terra. Many lost their homes after the earthquake. Many lost their homes after the earthquake of land. Mi koleras kaj ankaŭ lacas. I'm angry and I'm tired, too. I'm angry and tired too. lo mlatu ku na'e prenu A cat is not a person. take it mlatu na'e Äbinos in yel telmilik. It was in the year two thousand. Äbinos in yel telmilik. No löfilob oli plu. I don't like you anymore. No, no, no. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. mi'o ma ba klama Where are we going to go? mi' ma ba klama Spikols-li Hebreyapüki? Do you speak Hebrew? Spikols-li Hebreyapüki? Los desira vacanse ala. They wish to go there for vacation. Los wants to vacanse ala. La filmo ne estis tiel bona kiel la libro. The movie wasn't as good as the book. The film was not as good as the book. Eo ai ffef. I am hungry. Eo ai ffef. DIvI' Hol mu'ghom Daghaj'a'? Do you have an English dictionary? DivI' Hol mu'ghom Daghaj'a? Mi ŝatas vidi vin ridi. I love to see you laugh. I like to see you laugh. Bakterioj estas mikroorganismoj. Bacteria are microorganisms. Bacteria are microorganisms. Yo ne amat it. I didn't like it. Yo ne amat it. Perce vos no comprende lo? Why don't you understand it? Do you don't understand it? Ca hundo esas homeosexuala. This dog is gay. This dog is homeosexual. wej vIghro' ghaj me'Daj. His aunt has three cats. We're going to tell you what I'm doing. La papago de Tomo sakras france. Tom's parrot swears in French. The parrot of Tom sacred French. Hodiaŭ estas la tago por nebruligebla rubaĵo. Today is a non-burnable rubbish day. Today is the day for an unbreakable waste. tInwI' 'oH. It's the big one. Of course, we would like to guess the universe. Kiel ni konkludis, ke Tero ĉirkaŭiras Sunon? How did we come to the conclusion that the Earth revolves around the Sun? How did we say that Earth is surrounding the Sun? Ĉu mi povas viziti moskeon? Can I visit a mosque? Can I visit a mosque? Que face ille viro? What is the man doing? What does that man do? Kiom longa estas tiu ĉi ponto? How long is this bridge? How long is this bridge? Malsovaĝigitaj vulpoj kondutas tre simile al hundoj. Domesticated foxes behave a lot like dogs. Malsovaized foxes behave very similar to dogs. mo platu What kind of plan is that? Mo platu Ol esis varma jorno. It was a warm day. It's a warm winter. qep vIjeSqang. I am willing to attend the meeting. qep fajjeSqang. Tom ia abri un bote de sopa. Tom opened a can of soup. Tom's a cup of soup. lenu cikybi'o cu du lenu to'e sipybi'o Waking up is the opposite of going to sleep. You are about to take a two-year-old around the city of around the city. Li puella prendet li rapiere e celat it. The girl took the rapier and hid it. Li puella prendet li rapiere e cellat it. Ille ha un can e sex cattos. He has a dog and six cats. That's a dog and six cats. HIq nov Daghaj'a'? Do you have a foreign beer? Is there anything new? En la pasinta semajno ŝi naskis belan knabinon. Last week she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. In the past week she was born a beautiful girl. Tu dronas en glaso de aquo. You're drowning in a glass of water. You drain into a glass of water. Hodiaŭ mi trifoje renkontis Tomason. I saw Tom three different times today. I met Thomas three times today. mu'wIj Qav 'oH mu'vam'e'. That's my last word. That is why I am in favor of the universe. xu do pu'i smusku lo jitfa lo mamta be do Have you ever lied to your mother? xu do pu'i smusku lo jitfa lo mamta be do Ĉesu ĝeni la katon. Stop bothering the cat. Stop bothering the cat. Acel ia es a anios ante aora. That was years ago. Acel ya es a anios preaora. La manĝo pretos post duonhoro. The meal will be ready in a half hour. The meal will be ready after half an hour. DIvI' Hol jatlhwI' po' ghaH. He is a good speaker of English. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Mi manĝis katon. I have eaten a cat. I ate a cat. ko na renro lo jemna vi lo xarju Do not cast pearls before swine. ko na renro lo jemna vi lo xarju Tri monatoj ne sufiĉis por fini la eksperimenton. Three months were not enough to finish the experiment. Three months were not enough to finish the experiment. Mi ne estis tiel okupita kiel Tom. I wasn't as busy as Tom was. I was not as busy as Tom. mi pu viska lo nu la tom cu mipri da I saw Tom hide something. I could see it nu la tom cu mipri da Mi denove telefonvokos vin poste. I'll call you again later. I'll call you again later. La homoj de Galileo ne precize parolas. Kion signifas tio? Estis iu el Galileo, kiu diris, "Kiu havas 'amar'? Kiu havas 'amar'?" Oni diris al li, "Stulta galileano, ĉu vi celas azenon (ḥamor) por rajdi, vinon (ḥamar) por trinki, lanon (amar) por vesti vin aŭ ŝafidon (imar) por buĉi?" The people of Galilee are not precise in their speech. What does this mean? There was a certain man of Galilee who would say, "Who has amar? Who has amar?" They would say to him, "Foolish Galilean, do you mean a donkey (ḥamor) to ride, or wine (ḥamar) to drink, wool (amar) to wear or a lamb (imar) to slaughter?" The people of Galilee do not speak exactly. What does this mean? There was any of Galilee, who said, "Who has 'amar'?" They said to him, "Stulta gallilean, do you seek a donkey (ḥamor) to ride, wine (ḥamar) to drink, wool (amar) to dress you or lamb (imar) to slaughter?" Mi atendis, ke Tomo parolus la francan pli bone. I expected Tom to speak better French. I was waiting for Tom to speak French better. Älilob noidi in slipacem. I heard a noise in the bedroom. Älilob noidi in slipacem. Tute subite mi ekkonsciis, ke mi devas lerni la polan. All of a sudden, I realized I must learn Polish. Suddenly I realized that I had to learn the Polish. Tiu restoracio havas multajn verdajn lignajn tablojn. This restaurant has a lot of green wooden tables. This restaurant has many green wooden tables. El ave dudes enfantes. He has twenty children. El ave dudes enfants. For! Vi ne estas bonvenaj ĉi tie. Go away. You're not welcome here. You are not welcome here. Нун ес фаме. Nobody's hungry. Ōrī ş. Kial vi konsentis pasigi la vesperon kun Tomo? Why did you agree to spend the evening with Tom? Why did you agree to spend the evening with Tom? Iste septimana esseva un experientia meraviliose. This week has been an amazing experience. This week was a wonderful experience. Mi ne kredas, ke tio estas la franca. I don't think that's French. I don’t think that’s French. La enfante pote pasea. The child can walk. The infanta can step. Io adora le dea Astarte. I worship the goddess Astarte. I am worshiping the start. Conta a tu matre sur le viage. Tell your mother about the trip. Tell your mother on your way. Tiu koloro estas aĉa. That colour is hideous. This color is good. teHlaw' lut. The story appears true. Furthermore, despite an extensive search by the reports, we don't have a different policy in the 1970s. Cuando la interval es? When is the intermission? Is the interim? No löfob ofi. I don't love her. No löfob ofi. Li rigardis min kun serioza mieno. He gave me a serious look. He looked at me with a serious mine. Tom isch 'n sofistà. Tom is a sophist. Tom isch 'n sophistà. Mi bezonas ŝoforon por konduki min hejmen. I need a driver to take me home. I need a driver to take me home. Bon jorne, doktoro Mortimer. Good day, Doctor Mortimer. Bon jorne, Doctor Mortimer. chay' Dalo' jay'? What the hell are you going to do with it? How did you like? Мариа ес ун фем пасиенте. Mary is a patient woman. It's true that it's all about it. Va ayikye rorojuse va jin anton sorenatá. I will only be able to love a man who can protect me. Va ayikye rorouse va jin anton sorenatá. Lia infaneca ridado estas aminda. His childlike laugh is charming. His child's laughter is friendly. Mi lertiĝas pri tio ĉi. I'm getting the hang of this. I’m up to this. Que belle nocte! What a beautiful night! What a beautiful night! Pluvis. It was raining. It was rained. Ĉesu fumi metamfetaminon. Put down the meth pipe. Stop smoking methamphetamine. Yo marchat sin espera, ja resignat al cert fate esser abandonat por sempre. I walked without hope, already resigned to the certain fate of being abandoned forever. Yo marchat un Esperanto, already resigned al cert fate will be abandoned forever. Mi kredas, ke Tom estas vere honesta. I believe that Tom is really honest. I think Tom is really honest. Il va sin dicer que nostre planos depende del meteo. It goes without saying that our plans depend on the weather. It’s hard to tell us how our plans depend on weather. Vi false akuzas min. You are falsely accusing me. You are falsely accusing me. Mi povas babili iomete. I can talk for a bit. I can talk a little. bIHaqnISlu'. You have to have an operation. AtejaqnISlu. .e'o ko tcidu le cukta Please read that book. .e., you'll decide what you do Kiu mortis? Who died? Who died? Multaj homoj nuntempe disponas multan monon, sed malmultan tempon. Many people these days are asset-rich but time-poor. Many people currently have a lot of money, but little time. Ĉu mi rajtas preni momenton el via tempo? Could I have a moment of your time? Can I take a moment from your time? Estas pli facile ne komenci tion, ol ĉesi. It's easier not to start than it is to quit. It’s easier not to start it than to stop. Li estas ĝentila kaj, kio estas eĉ pli bona, tre honesta. He is kind, and, what is still better, very honest. He is polite and what is even better, very honest. Li havas melodian voĉon. He has a melodic voice. He has a melodic voice. Con le ferro le homines se batte pro le auro. Men fight for gold with iron. With the iron the men bat next to the gold. Kyoto have mult universitás. Kyoto has many universities. Kyoto has many universities. Studom Nelijapüki in jul, sod tikom, das binos tu fikuliko. He is studying English in school but he thinks it's too difficult. I study Nelijapüki in jul, sod tikom, das binos tu ficuliko. ko'a na cmima She's not a member. Co'a na cmima Ubi es mi diario? Where is my diary? Where is my diary? Tomo aspektas vere dolĉa. Tom seems real sweet. Tom looks really sweet. Plidol-li fragis? Do you like strawberries? Plidol-li frailed? Tomo estas tre senpacienca. Tom is very impatient. Tom is very impatient. Ameriko estas falsa. The Americas are fake. America is false. mi prami do I love you. Love me then Io es de accordo con te que le espaniol e le portugese es hodie linguas tanto relevante como le francese, e multo plus que le italiano. I agree with you that today Spanish and Portuguese are as relevant as French, and much more relevant than Italian. I’m okay with you that Spanish and Portuguese are today relevant languages like French, and more than Italian. Esce vos jua tenis? Do you play tennis? Are you holding jua? ray' tIr ghaj'a'? Does he have rice? ray' tIr ghaj'a? Hantalë! Thanks! Hantalë! qachovHa'qu'. I really misjudged you. Thank you very much. Niaj infanoj kaj la infanoj de niaj infanoj diru pri ni: “Ili donis sian plej bonan. Ili plenumis sian devon. Ili resanigis rompitan landon.” May our children and our children’s children say of us: “They gave their best. They did their duty. They healed a broken land.” Our children and the children of our children say of us, “They have given their best. They have fulfilled their duty.” En ŝako, kial viroj kaj virinoj partoprenas apartajn turnirojn? What is the reason for separating male and female chess championships? In chess, why do men and women participate in separate tournaments? De' ghoQ tu'lu''a'? Is there any fresh news? De' ghoQ tu'a'? pInlI' ghaH tam'e'. Tom is your boss. Programming ghaH as well'e'. mi xebni lo pulji poi simsa ra I hate policemen like him. Me xebni lo pulji po simsa ra ti'e lo bangu cu kensa vidru They say that language is a virus from outer space. That's what you see Ke gws es lla liferthad? What is liberty? What gws is lla liferthad? lo mensi be do cu ca mo What's your older sister doing now? just like this. Mi parolas france, por ke Tomo ne komprenu min. I'm talking in French so that Tom doesn't understand me. I speak French, so that Tom doesn’t understand me. Io es un amante de lo que es belle. I am a lover of the beautiful. I'm a lover of what's beautiful. Tomo klarigis la situacion al la polico. Tom explained the situation to the police. Tom explained the situation to the police. Me ia debe labora a soldi. I had to work on Sunday. I need to work on his own. Le sagios ha sempre dicite le mesme cosas, e le stultos, qui es le majoritate, ha sempre facite exactemente le contrario. The wise have always said the same things, and fools, who are the majority, have always done just the opposite. The sages have always said the same thing, and the fools, who are the majority, have always done exactly the contrary. Tom eniris en la trajnon. Tom got on the train. Tom entered the train. Benita estas Vi, ho Eternulo, nia Dio, Reĝo de la Universo, kiu elektis nin el ĉiuj nacioj kaj donis al ni Sian Toraon. Benita estas Vi, Eternulo, donanto de la Torao. Blessed are You, the Eternal, our God, King of the Universe, who has chosen us from among the nations and given us His Torah. Blessed are You, the Eternal, giver of the Torah. Blessed are You, O Lord, our God, King of the Universe, who has chosen us from all nations and gave us His Torah. Blessed are You, Yahweh, the owner of the Torah. Esta veste de nada es en vende a custa reduida. This swimsuit is on sale. Last night's clothes are in vende to custom redundida. Ta poemo mixas prozo kun poezio. That poem mixes prose with poetry. The poem is a prose with poetry. Cual es la capital de Egipte? What's the capital of Egypt? What is the capital of Egypt? mi ca ca'o catlu la tom I'm looking for Tom. mi ca'o catlu la tom mu' Qatlh ghaj Holmey. Languages have difficult words. let alone the Holmes. La suno estas pli hela ol la luno. The sun is brighter than the moon. The sun is brighter than the moon. Tomaso kidnapis lin. Tom abducted him. Thomas kidnapped him. Kion vi faris per mia sako? What have you done with my bag? What did you do with my bag? Mi aŭdis bonan ŝercon hodiaŭ. I heard a good joke today. I heard a good joke today. Tomo diris al mi, ke estas Manjo, kiu diris tion al li. Tom told me that Mary was the one who told him that. Tom told me that it was a boy who told him. chatlh DaSoptaHvIS yIchuSQo'! Don't make noises when you eat soup. That's what we all thank you for me! mejpu' lupwI' mIr. The train is gone. I would like to subscribe to him either. Murdo estas punata per la morto. Murder is punished by death. Murder is punished by death. Ekde kiam la bebo naskiĝis, ili apenaŭ iris eksteren. They have scarcely gone out since the baby was born. Since the baby was born, they barely went out. bIpawDI' bIpaS. You came too late. bIpawDI' bIpaS. Illa prendeva su dinar. She ate her dinner. Illa precieved su dinar. Buk at binom vemo pöfüdik. This is a very useful book. Buk at binom weather pöfüdik. Tomas binom-li matel ela Maria? Is Tom married to Mary? Tomas binom li matel ela Maria? Li estis tute sola en la domo. He was all alone in the house. He was all alone in the house. juH DacheghDI' chay' vangtaH SoSlI'? What was your mother doing when you returned home? Do you really want to search for your questions? Ĉu vi ŝatas eŭropanojn? Do you like Europeans? Do you like Europeans? La mar ia es vitrin. The sea was glassy. The sea is vitrin. mi ralte lo remei be lo gluta I have a pair of mittens. mi ralte lo remei be lo gluta banan naHmey neH Sop tam. All Tom ate was bananas. Banan naHmey neH Sop tam tam. Me probis dicar a li ito. I was trying to tell them that. I tried to say to him there. Dogs at li-binoms olik? Are these dogs yours? Dogs at li binoms olik? Tomo ŝercas. Tom is joking. Tom is joking. Face lo de nove! Do it again! Do this again! Mea onklo okupis su per docar koquo-arti. My aunt engaged herself in teaching cooking. My uncle occupied his to dock coquo arts. Li mensogis al mi. Mi ne plu povas fidi lin. He lied to me. I cannot trust him any longer. He lied to me, I can no longer trust him. patat 'oQqarmeyvo' yub yIteq. Please peel the potatoes. patentQqarmeyvo's yub yIteq. Patre prendeva su placia al capite del tabula. Father took his place at the head of the table. Patre took his pleasure to the table's header. Ŝi malhonorigis la familion. She has dishonored the family. She disgraced the family. lo va cilra cu selzba fi lo kanba ladru That cheese is made from goat's milk. lo cira cu sèzba fi lo kanba ladru Donald Trump estas maljunulo, kiu dormas en golfejo. Donald Trump is an old man who sleeps on a golf course. Donald Trump is an old man who sleeps in golf. la tom citka lo titnanba Tom will have eaten cake. the tom citka lo titnanba Mia patro ofte kuiras. My father often cooks. My father often cooks. Kio estas la veterprognozo por morgaŭ? What's the forecast for tomorrow? What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? Esque tu save su matre? Do you know his mum? Are you sure you know his mother? Adolescentie es li etappe inter pubertá e adultie. Adolescence is the stage between puberty and adultery. Adolescentie is he etappe between pubertá and adultie. nuqDaq ghaHtaH latlh loDnI'lI''e'? Where's your other brother? Where is there anything? QIn rur vulqangan qoghDu'. Vulcans have pointy ears. QIn rur vulqangan betroghDu'. Tomo, viaj vortoj ne havas sencon. Tom, you're not making any sense. My words don’t make sense. Qualmen sonorimen li old fémina ronca! On deve controlar ca ella standa bon. How loudly the old lady is snoring! Somebody should check to see if she is okay. Qualmen sonorimen li old fémina ronca! On deve control ca ella sta bon. Ille face su examine final. He is taking his final exam. They face their examinations final. Lasu min bonvole rigardi la menuon. Please let me take a look at the menu. Please look at the menu. Nu mekom tabi obe. He's now making a table for me. Nine mekom tabs obey. do pu naru'e co'a morsi You nearly died. Could not close temporary folder: %s La selebra de clui de la juas olimpial ia es merveliosa. The closing ceremony of the Olympics was wonderful. The light of the jewels of the juas Olympics is mervelious. Tomo estas ĉe lia plej maljuna frato. Tom is at his oldest brother's place. Tom is at his oldest brother. Ĉu vi scias, kio okazos? Do you know what will happen? Do you know what will happen? Ne movez. Don't move. Don't move. Ha'! tugh! Come on! Quickly! Oh! tugh! qama' lujonHa' chaH 'e' ra' ghaH. He ordered them to release the prisoner. I'm sorry, baby, baby, and older people. Kiu estas la posedanto de la kafejo? Who's the owner of the cafe? Who is the owner of the cafe? Me place esser sol. I like being alone. I like to be alone. xu da va mribriju Is there a post office around here? xu da va mribriju Kiam la luno alproksimiĝis al la Tero, ĝi spertis tre fortan malakceliĝon. Ĉi tiu malrapidiĝo finfine rezultigis tion, ke ni havas agrablan tagon kaj agrablan veteron. When the moon approached the Earth, it experienced very strong deceleration. This slowdown ultimately led to our having a pleasant day and pleasant weather. When the moon approached Earth, it underwent a very strong disappointment. This slowdown finally resulted in the fact that we have a pleasant day and a pleasant weather. Ne nur judoj rajtas lerni la jidan. You don't have to be Jewish to learn Yiddish. Not only are Jews able to learn the jidan. Como veniva ille? How did he come? How did they come? Tio estas klarega. It's as clear as day. That's clear. Mi klopodas kompari ĉi tiujn vortarojn por ekscii, kiu estas pli bona, la unu aŭ la alia. I'm trying to compare these to find out which dictionary is better, this one or that one. I try to compare these dictionaries to figure out who is better, the one or the other. le mlatu pu jai gau se terpa mi The cat scared me. Mlatu pu jai gau terpa mi Mi instruas la nederlandan. I teach Dutch. I teach Dutch. Tomo ne ŝatas paroli pri tiaj aferoj. Tom doesn't like to talk about these kinds of things. Tom doesn’t like to talk about such things. Trinku iom da teo. Drink some tea. Drink some tea. Le contessa es de accordo con omne iste conditiones. The countess agrees with all these conditions. Contact is okay with all these conditions. .au mi pamei xabju lo kumfa I want to have my own room. .au mi pamei xabju lo kumfa Tio estas malsimpla. That's complicated. This is complex. lo banxa cu rivbi lo ka jdice da The bank avoided taking any decision. banxa cu rivbi lo jdice da jdice Tomo, vi parolas sensence. Tom, you aren't making any sense. Tom, you’re talking unconsciously. Téu vaes duvitaziuns. I have my doubts. Téu vaes duvitaziuns. Mi ne estas aliseksama. I'm not heterosexual. I'm not unisexual. La kato ronronis. The cat purred. The cat grosoned. pIboQlaH'a'? Can we help you? Will I continue to live next week? Il resta nulle sal. There is no salt left. There is no salt left. Clarmente, isto non esseva le caso. Clearly, that wasn't the case. By far, this was not the case. Io non sape que occurre ibi. I don't know what's going on there. I don't know what there are any. Esque tu mamma sape? Does your mom know? Are you sure you know? Ävedof poldan. She became a police officer. Ävedof poldan. ue nai ro da pu prane Everything was perfect, just as I expected. Ue nai ro da pu prane Tomo diras, ke li flue parolas tri lingvojn. Tom says he's fluent in three languages. Tom says he is fluently speaking three languages. Vi ne insultu min, Tom. Don't insult me, Tom. Don’t bother me, Tom. Tu laboras multe. You work hard. You’re working a lot. Samio donis al ni logikajn respondojn. Sami gave us logical answers. Samius gave us logical answers. mi senpi lo du'u la .tam. cu gleki lo ri cnino jibri I doubt that Tom is happy with his new job. I send it du'u la .tam. cu glek it ri cnino jibri Nia sola filino mortis pro kancero. Our only daughter died of cancer. Our only daughter died of cancer. Rigardu, kion vi faraĉis! Look at what you've done! Look at what you did! Labobs nuni gudik. We have good news. Labobs nuni gudik. ma'a bilga lo nu ro roi tinbe lo flalu We should always act in obedience to the law. ma'a bilga lo roi tinbe lo fallu La naras de fes comensa sempre en la mesma modo: a un ves pasada. Fairy tales always begin the same: once upon a time. The naras de fes comensa always in the even way: to un ves passada. Tom non fuma herba. Tom doesn't smoke weed. Tom does not smoke grass. Nek Tomo nek Maria havas ŝancon gajni. Neither Tom nor Mary has a chance of winning. Neither Tom nor Mary have a chance to win. Tom isch 'n cióvec, es éu sint 'n fru. Tom is a man, and I'm a woman. Tom isch 'n cióvec, es éu sint 'n fru. mi le mi creka cu lumci I washed my T-shirt. I believe I'm light. To es un puella. This is a girl. Tu es un puella. la tom pu smusku lo nu vo'a jinvi lo du'u do bebna Tom said he thinks that you're stupid. the tom pu smusku lo nu vo'a jinvi lo du'u do bebna Mia edzo estas bakisto. My husband is a baker. My husband is a baker. DaH HIja'. Now tell me. I'm going to go to Hija'. Mi ŝmiras pecon de pano per mustardo. I am spreading mustard on a slice of bread. I make a piece of bread with bread. Neai drinob tiedi ko zitron. I never drink tea with lemon. Neai drinkiob thiedi ko zitron. racli fau da'i That would make sense. racli fau da'i No slipob. I'm not sleeping. No slipob. potlhbe' 'oH. This is not important. Thank you very much indeed. Tua chapelo similesas la mea. Your hat is similar to mine. Your hat resembles the mea. Suverya' 'oH mungchaj'e'. They come from Sweden. Thank you very much indeed. Verkita en facila stilo, la libro estas por komencantoj. Written as it is in easy style, the book is for beginners. Written in easy style, the book is for beginners. mughachtaH tam. Tom is stalking me. Mughach was smiling as well. Tomo laŭdire estas lerta pri Fortran. Tom is supposed to be good at Fortran. Tom is said to be smart about Fortran. Le gelo guastava le flores. The frost damaged the flowers. Le gel guastava le flores. mi me lo laldo prenu I'm an old man. Let me let it take Io jocava un rolo importante in le garden-party. I played an important part in the garden party. I play an important role in the garden part. Mi faligis pecon de tofuo kaj mia kato manĝis ĝin. I dropped a piece of tofu and my cat ate it. I dropped a piece of tofu and my cat ate it. Ĉu lerni la francan lingvon plaĉas al vi? Do you enjoy studying French? Does the French language like you? Un can curre in li buchería e furte un grand salsice. A dog runs into the butcher's shop and steals a large sausage. One can run in li buchería and hit a large sausage. Ille me diceva bruscamente que io era dimittite. He told me point-blank that I was fired. That I said grossly that I was dismissed. Ĉu vi ĉiuj finis kun tio ĉi tie? Are you all finished here? Have you all finished with that here? Mi transloĝiĝis ĉi tien el Bostono, kiam mi estis tre juna. I moved here from Boston when I was little. I moved here from Boston when I was very young. Neniu scias, kio vere okazas. No one knows what's really going on. No one knows what really happens. Ella regardat le dansar. She watched him dance. Ella regarde le dansar. Tu es delicate. You're sensitive. You are delicated. Tio ne estas la respondo, kiun mi atendis. That's not the response that I was expecting. That’s not the answer I expected. Hodiaŭ estas mia bonŝanca tago. It's my lucky day. Today is my lucky day. La edziĝonto aĝas tridek jarojn. The groom is thirty years old. The wedding is thirty years old. Ме не компренде арте модерна. I don't understand modern art. It's all the way to do it. Oni ne povas kompari ilin. You can't compare them. You can't compare them. Ĉiu kato estas bona kato. Every cat is a good cat. Every cat is a good cat. Том гида лента. Tom drives slowly. It's all the way to do it. Me havas multa fotografuri. I have a lot of photos. I have many photographyres. Esque Deo es gay? Is God gay? Esque Deo es gay? Ŝi havas longajn harojn. She has got long hair. She has long hair. lo za'u ti manci More of these are wonderful. Lo za'u ti mancci Gluteno estas efektive sejtano. Gluten is literally seitan. Gluten is indeed a seitane. mi pu ralte lo barda sai gerku I had a huge dog. mi pu ralte lo barda sai gerku Tomo ploris kiel eta infano. Tom cried like a little kid. Tom cried like a little child. Mi bezonas kontroli vian temperaturon. I need to check your temperature. I need to check your temperature. La balailon mi trovis, sed kie estas la polvoŝovelilo? I found the broom, but where's the dustpan? I found it, but where is the dust? Tomo ekipis sian barketon per kaj veloj kaj remiloj, por ke eĉ se neniu vento blovus, li ankoraŭ povu reen remi al la doko. Tom equipped his bark with both sails and oars, so that even if there were no wind blowing, he could still row back to the dock. Tom teamed his barquet with both veils and rhymes, so that even if no wind would blow, he could still return to the dock. Tiuj homoj ne konas min. Those people don't know me. These people don’t know me. Mi hobby es scriber historias. My hobby is writing stories. My hobby is writing stories. Spikob Linglänapüki. I speak English. Spikob Linglänapüki. Lanjo provis mildigi la situacion. Layla tried to diffuse the situation. The company tried to alleviate the situation. Le ultime sperantia dispareva de su mente. The last hope fled from her mind. The last hoping to disappear from his mind. Veni a casa direta cuando tu pote. Come home as soon as you can. Come to Home Day when you can. Nenio estas reala. Nothing is real. Nothing is real. Flentapük binom fikulik. French is difficult. Flentapük binom ficulik. Mutob danön ome. I have to thank him. Mutob danön ome. La oficejo translokiĝis al la kvina etaĝo. The office has been relocated to the fifth floor. The office moved to the fifth floor. Como me ha tu trovate? How did you find me? How did I have you found? Su apparentia ha cambiate tanto que tu mesmo potera non recognoscer le. His appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize him. It appears to have changed as long as you can even not recognize it. muHar pagh. Nobody believes me. muHar (ore. Mi petas vian pardonon. Mi ne sciis, ke tio estas via seĝo. I beg your pardon. I didn't know this was your seat. I’m sorry for you, I didn’t know that’s your chair. mi nelci lo nu zgana lo cipni I love watching birds. Mi naci lo nu zgana lo cipni Ilu havas varmigita balnobaseno. He has a heated swimming pool. It has a heated balloon basin. Iste es mi libro. This is my book. This is my book. Kial butikŝtelado estas malbona? Why is shoplifting bad? Why is shopping bad? Diru al mi, kion vi faris pri Shounan. Tell me what you did to Shounan. Tell me what you did about Shouna. On me ha negate le accesso a su terra. I was denied access to his land. On I have denied the access to its land. Dochvam vIvIHmoHlaHbe'. I can't move this. This is why we have sought to understand the universe. Mia kunloĝanto lernas la ĉinan. My roommate is learning Chinese. My partner learns Chinese. Se ili volas partopreni, ili devas diri al li, ne al mi. If they want to participate they should tell him, not me. If they want to participate, they must tell him, not to me. vIttlhegh DamaSqu'bogh yIngu'! What's your favorite proverb? This is where we have all sought to understand the universe and find answers to these questions. Kaj kion amo povas, ĝi ekfaras. And what love can do, that dares love attempt. What love can do, it does. Alphen ista illaid. No-one knows everything. Alphen this illaid. Li ne foriros. He won't leave. He won't leave. No nedobs etosi. We don't need that. No nedobs ethos. la .bi,uas. poi lalxu cu co'a se viska Lake Biwa came in sight. the .bi,uas. po laxu co'a se viska Mi ne fieras pri vi. I'm not proud of you. I'm not proud of you. Mi pardonpetas pro mia malbona franca. I'm sorry for my poor French. I apologize for my bad French. Ha'! Come! Ha! Quplaw' tam. Tom seems young. If you don't think it's okay. Vi ĉiam plendas! You're always complaining! You always complain! ti me mi moi lo cukta These are my books. ti mi mi moi lokupata Mi pensis, ke vi ne volas iri. I thought you didn't want to go. I thought you didn’t want to go. Mary es feministe. Mary is a feminist. Mary is feminist. mi'o gasnu ma pe'ipei ca lo cnino kulcitsi What do you think we gonna do during the new semester? mi'o gasnu ma pe'ipei ca cino culcitsi qaD tobta'mo' ghaH; numer 'oH. That he passed the exam is surprising to us. I don't think we are the only intelligent beings. Min ektedas aŭdi Kristnaskan muzikon ĉie, kien mi iras. I'm getting tired of hearing Christmas music everywhere I go. I want to hear Christmas music everywhere I go. Ŝi estas kosmonaŭto. She's an astronaut. She is a cosmonaut. Pro quo tu comprat li flores? Why did you buy the flowers? Why do you buy them flowers? xu lo se jinvi be lo drata bei do do vajni Do you care what other people think about you? xu lo se jinvi be lo other bei do do die Kiel li faras tion? How does he do this? How does he do that? Löfob deli jönik. I love the beautiful day. Löfob deli jönik. la tom cu se jamfu lo barda Tom has big feet. the tom cu se jamfu lo barda jaH 'ej Hoch maHvaD lupwI' chaw'mey je'. He went and got all of us bus tickets. There is nothing bigger or older than ever. mi nitcu lo jetnu I want the truth. Nitcu lo jetnu wej ben Heghpu' vavwI'. It is three years since my father died. Blessing Heghpu's going on. Sep esas fortunoza nombro. Seven is a lucky number. Seven are a fortune number. Mi supozas, ke mi ne baldaŭ iros ien ajn. I guess I'm not going anywhere any time soon. I guess I won’t go anywhere soon. Isto ha essite ante longe tempore. It was a long time ago. This has been a long time ago. Mi scivolas, kia homo Tomo estus, se li ankoraŭ vivus. I wonder what Tom would be like if he were still alive. I wonder what Tom would be if he was still alive. Si le tempore non es real, alora le linea divisori inter iste mundo e le eternitate, inter suffrentia e felicitate, inter le bono e le mal, es tamben un illusion. If time is not real, then the dividing line between this world and eternity, between suffering and bliss, between good and evil, is also an illusion. If time is not real, then the line divisors between this world and the eternity, between suffrentia and happiness, between the good and the bad, are also a relief. Ŝi diris: "Venu kun mi en la ĝardenon de miaj revoj!" She said: "Come with me into the garden of my dreams!" She said, “Come with me into the garden of my dreams.” lo bolci pu gunro mo'i ne'i lo cmari'e The ball rolled into the stream. boulci pu gun mo'i ne'i lo cmari'e Tom ia fumi canaba. Tom smoked pot. Tom's smoking room. De cuando tuа pel es jalin? Since when is your skin jaundiced? Do you think you're jalin? Kial vi ne diris tion al mi pli frue? Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why didn’t you tell me that earlier? Mi deziras vidi la rozojn. I want to see the roses. I want to see the roses. Mi helpos vin kiel eble plej bone. I'll help you as much as I can. I’ll help you as best as possible. Oni ne povas vivi sen homoj parolantaj, oni ne povas kolekti rozojn sen dornoj pikantaj. One can’t live unless human speech adorns, / Nor gather roses past the reach of thorns. You can't live without people speaking, you can't collect roses without thorns drinking. Tiu pomo estas granda. That apple is big. This apple is great. Tom ia mori. Tom died. Tom's going to die. Ŝi forte trafis la pilkon. She hit the ball hard. She hit the ball hard. Ne komentu ĉion. You don't need to comment on everything. Don't comment everything. Manjo portis blankan jupon. Mary was wearing a white dress. A man wears a white skirt. Kial vi ne reagis? Why didn't you respond? Why didn’t you react? mi ca to'e cando I don't have time now. mi ca'e cando Ĉu Tomo retransloĝiĝis al Bostono? Did Tom move back to Boston? Did Tom move back to Boston? Mi ŝategas paroli france al mia hundo. I love speaking French to my dog. I love to speak French to my dog. Poŝtelefonoj estas tiom praktikaj, ke estas malfacile imagi malhavi ilin. Mobiles are so convenient that one can hardly imagine what life would be without them. Mobile phones are so practical that it is difficult to imagine having them. Tom ne rezignis pri sia plano. Tom didn't give up on his plan. He didn’t give up his plan. Li nun ne bezonas monon. He doesn't need money now. He doesn't need money now. Apenaŭ alveninte en la malsanulejo, li faris sian lastan spiron. Hardly had he arrived at the hospital when he breathed his last. When he arrived in the hospital, he made his last breath. mi sisti I quit. Quit tom leghqa'pu' Hoch. Everyone looked at Tom again. There is nothing bigger than the universe. Clay acceptat li oferta. Clay accepted the offer. Clay accepts him offered. Tiuj homoj estas politike aliancanoj kaj helpos sin reciproke. Those people are political allies and will help each other. These people are political allies and will help each other. Buk binon su tab. The book is on the table. Buk binon su tab. Se la ludanto intence tuŝas iun el siaj pecoj, li devas movi ĝin, kondiĉe ke li povas fari validan movon per ĝi. Se li intence tuŝas pecon de kontraŭulo, ĝi devas esti kaptita, se kapto laŭleĝe eblas. Ĉi tiu regulo validas por ĉiuj formalaj ŝakaj konkursoj. Ludantoj, kiuj intencas ne observi ĉi tiun regulon, en amikaj matĉoj, devas interkonsenti pri tio anticipe. If the player deliberately touches any of his pieces, he must move it, provided he can make a valid move with it. If he deliberately touches an opponent's piece, it must be captured, if capture is legally possible. This rule applies to all formal chess competitions. Players who intend to fail to observe this rule, in friendly matches, must agree on this in advance. If the player deliberately touches some of his pieces, he must move it, provided that he can make a valid move by it. If he deliberately touches a piece of opponent, it must be captured, if capture is legally possible. This rule applies to all formal chess contests. Players, who intend not to observe this rule, in friendly matches, must agree to this in advance. Tomo helpis Manjon movi la komodon. Tom helped Mary move the chest of drawers. Tom helped Manjon move the Commodore. muleghDI' chaH muvanpu'. The moment they saw me, they waved. muleghDI'chaH muvanpu'. Qui es li fémina? Who is the woman? Who is him fémina? Löfob fidön is. I like eating here. Löfob fidön is. Cual dia de la semana es martedi? What day of the week is Tuesday? What day of the week is Tuesday? La klarigo ne estis facile komprenebla. The explanation wasn't easy to understand. The explanation was not easy to understand. Mi nomiĝas Toĉjo, kaj ŝi nomiĝas Manjo. I'm Tom, and she's Mary. My name is Tom, and she is called Manjo. Golob. I'm going. Golob. Ŝi vidis iun. She saw somebody. She saw someone. Li stradas ne es secur in li nocte. The streets aren't safe at night. They highways are not safe in them tonight. La nebulo densiĝas. The fog is getting thicker. The fog goes down. janvetlh lo'laHtaH'a' vay'? Is that machine still usable? But is there anything bigger or older? lo mamta be la.maik. cu xabju lo barda tcadu pu lo nu co'a speni Mike's mother lived in a big city before she married. lo mamta be la.maik. cu xabju lo barda tcadu pu lo nu co'a speni Mi vidis ŝin kaŝi ion. I saw her hide something. I saw her hiding something. Девени рика! Get rich! It's all about it! SoHvaD ghoghwIj ta vIlI'rup. I will send you a tape of my voice. It’s hard for me to take me into your life. lubIjnISlu'. They must be punished. lubIjISlu'. Mi estis en la trajno dum 12 horoj. I was on the train for twelve hours. I was on the train for 12 hours. Vi estas tre stulta. You're really stupid. You are very stupid. Ĉiama dediĉo al tio, kion oni nomas sia afero, nur estas subtenenda pere de ĉiama neglekto de multaj aliaĵoj. Perpetual devotion to what a man calls his business, is only to be sustained by perpetual neglect of many other things. Every dedication to what is called its matter is only subject to by an all-time neglect of many other things. Tu esas fatigata, ka ne? You are tired, aren't you? You are made, isn't you? Amateco estas eble la plej bona sento en la mondo. Being loved is perhaps the greatest feeling in the world. Love is perhaps the best feeling in the world. Mi esperas, ke Tomo fartas bone. I hope Tom is OK. I hope Tom is good. Äsludob ad vedön nolavan. I decided to become a scientist. Äsludob adön nolavan. An vos parla chinese? Do you speak Chinese? You speak Chinese? Multaj kasteloj estas ĉirkaŭitaj de akvofoso. Many castles are encircled by a moat. Many castles are surrounded by waterfos. Ni ankoraŭ laboras forte. We're still working hard. We are still working hard. Sequez tua propra kurso e lasez la homi parolar. Follow your own path and let people talk. Follow your own course and leave the men talk. La naĝantino estis ebria kaj dronis. The swimmer was drunk and drowned. The swimmer was drunk and drowned. mapti daurju'a nagi'e lojysreju'a That's not a valid argument. It's a logical fallacy. suitable daurju'a nagi'e lojysreju'a Quando le longe e cordial dinar finiva, le invitatos comenciava a dansar e cantar. When the long, hearty dinner was over, the guests began dancing and singing. When the long and cordial dinar finished, invitations started dancing and singing. Vu malodoras. You stink. You're hurting. Li-äsagol Tomase, kim binom fat obik? Have you told Tom who your father is? Li-äsagol Tomase, kim binom fat obik? go'i .i se cortu Yes, it hurts. Go'i .i. . . . . . . . . . . . do srera tu'a lo fonjudri You have the wrong number. then srera tu'a lo funjudri Mi deziras pli bone konatiĝi kun vi. I'd like to get to know you better. I want to get better to know you. Io va al scola al octo del matino. I go to school at eight in the morning. I am on the scola al octo del matino. Estas tempo, ke vi aĉetas novan aŭton. It's time for you to buy a new car. It’s time you buy a new car. bangwI' qatlho'. Thank you, my dear. If you don't know, you'll go back to me. Bíi radom ra le onath rahadihad wi. I never forget a face. Bíi rram ra le onath rahadihad wi. Tio estas interesa lingvo. That's an interesting language. This is an interesting language. "Mi amis vin, Maria." – "Kial do vi perfidis min?" "I loved you, Mary." "Then why did you betray me?" "I loved you, Mary." – "Why then have you betrayed me?" Ni tuŝu lignon, tiel ke nia sonĝo realiĝos! Let's knock on wood so that our dream will come true. Let's touch the wood so that our dream will come true! ko za'ure'u troci Try again. _Redo Create %s Elu demandas vua opiniono. She asks for your opinion. She asks your opinion. mi djica lo nu klama la.siatl. I want to go to Seattle. mi djica lo nu klama la.siatl. Il ha habite plus interesse in parolas ingeniose que in le problemas real. There has been more interest in clever words than in the real problems. There has been more interest in speaking engines that are in real problems. Tomo loĝas en la sama apartamentaro kiel siaj patroj. Tom lives in the same building as his fathers. Tom lives in the same apartment as his fathers. Labol nosi. You have nothing. Labol nosi. Ĉu vi volas kuketon? Do you want a cookie? Do you want a cookie? Illa non ha affollate se. She hasn't gone mad. There is no affolated case. xu do djuno lo du'u ma gasnu lo nabmi Do you know what's causing the problem? Cancel it d'u ma gasnu lo nabmi El lua un casa ala. She is renting a house there. El lua un casa ala. Pensi estas malfacile, pro tio multaj nur juĝas. Thinking is difficult, and therefore many people only pass judgment. It is difficult for many to judge. Nos ia es ipnoseda par la brilieta pulsante de la brasas. We were mesmerized by the pulsating glow of the embers. We're fine with the brillieta pushing off the bras. Ella ne parla mi lingue. She doesn't speak my language. I don’t speak lingue. Vi havas kvin jarojn. You are five years old. You have five years. Nos va superviver a illes. We will outlive them. We’re going to survive to them. Ŝi petis min, ke mi veku ŝin je la sesa. She asked me to wake her at six. She asked me to wake her on the sixth. Si, certemente. Yes, certainly. Yes, certainly. mi banzu gleki I'm happy enough. I banzu gleki qamDu'lIj DalamHa'choHmoHmeH tISay'moH! Bathe your feet to get the dirt off. Do you know, if you really know, you really know, you're okay? Ŝi fuĝis Alĝeron. She fled Algiers. She fled Algiers. Ĉu li estas japano? Is he Japanese? Is he a Japanese? La suno estas felano. Ĉu vi sciis tion? The Sun is a furry. Did you know that? The sun is a female, did you know that? Demetu viajn ŝuojn antaŭ ol eniri templon. Take off your shoes before going into a temple. Drop your shoes before entering a temple. wa'Hu' qepDaq SaH. He was present at the meeting yesterday. But that's why we think the universe is true. Mia sangopremo estas malalta. My blood pressure is low. My blood pressure is low. vutpa' vIghIHHa'choHmoHtaH. I am cleaning the kitchen. Vitpa' derivedIHHa'choHmøp. Mi vidos vin iom antaŭ la 7a. See you a little before 7. I’ll see you a little before 7th. Nu sun di llo pherson. We're people. Nu sun di llo pherson. Mi opinias, ke vi devas pensi pri la estonteco. I think you should think about the future. I think you need to think about the future. Yo pensat que yo vell adjuntar un poc plu sale al compot. I thought I might add a little more salt to the stew. Yo pensat que yo vell add un poc plu sale al compot. Fojfoje mi pensas, ke Tomo loĝas ĉe la biblioteko. Sometimes I think Tom lives at the library. Sometimes I think Tom lives at the library. la .uris.avneris. pu paroi vitke la .iasir.arafat. ca lo pasobiremoi be lo nanca Uri Avnery visited Yassir Arafat for the first time in 1982. la .uris.avneris. pu paroi Guest la .iasir.arafat. ca lo passabiremoi be lo pasmoi Tood at kanom-li golön vifikumo? Can this car go any faster? Tood at canom-li golön vificum? El "Burj Khalifa" atimo binon silikratabumot geilikün vola. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. El "Burj Khalifa" atimo binon silikratumot gesilikün vola. SIbI' nay neH. She wanted to get married immediately. SIbI' nay neH. Mi ne vidas eĉ unu klienton en ĉi tiu butiko. I don't see a single customer in this store. I don’t even see one customer in this store. Ĉu ili ne estas angloj? Are they not Englishmen? Are they not English? DIr Sor Hap je yugh quSvam. This stool is made up of leather and wood. Dir Sor Hap je yugh quSvam. Jipul vemo faemof. The girl is really hungry. Jipul weather faemof. le'o ko mi terpa .i jo do darsi Fear me, if you dare! mi mi terpa .i darsi batlhHa' vangpu' ghaH 'e' vISovchu'. I am convinced that he did nothing wrong. On the other hand, we've sought to understand the universe. Lass nos far it. Let's do it. Let us do it. Ŝi jam komencis. She has already begun. She started. Birdoj povas flugi. Birds can fly. Birds can fly. ko'a mutci caucni ko'e She missed him a lot. Like this one, we're all outside the city. xu do troci Did you try it? xu do Passwords Pro quo vole tu devenir infirmero? Why do you want to be a nurse? Why do you want to become an infirmary? Iuj kredas, ke la hispana kaj la portugala estas la sama lingvo. Some people think that Spanish and Portuguese are the same language. Some believe that Spanish and Portuguese are the same language. Nos jua tenis la un con la otra a multe veses. We often play tennis together. We have held the one with the opposite to many times. Ĉu vi havas ŝukornon? Do you have a shoehorn? Do you have a shoe horn? Bonŝance ni sukcesis. Luckily we were successful. Fortunately, we succeeded. DuHbe'. It's impossible. Boot Options Mi nomiĝas laŭ mia prapatro. I'm named after my ancestor. I'm named after my father. Bíi éthe ra belid wa. Mudahéthe belid. The house isn't clean. The house is a pigsty! Bíi éthe ra belid wa. Mudahéthe belid. Kiom longe vi spertas tiun doloron? How long have you had this pain? How long do you experience this pain? A dicer ver, il esseva assi que ille ha escappate. To tell the truth, this is how he escaped. A dicer ver, it was so that they escaped. Manja fruktes! Eat fruits! Food fruits! Estas neniu kun ni. There's nobody with us. There is no one with us. Tomo estis mordita de kobro. Tom was bitten by a cobra. Tom was bitten from a cobra. ca le prulamdei mi sidju le patfu Yesterday I helped the father. my father's shrunk mi la .tam. tcica .aunai I don't want to lie to Tom. I am the .tam. tcica .aunai Vi lacas, kaj ankaŭ mi. You are tired, and so am I. You are tired, as well as me. La Kongreso akceptis la kompromison. The Congress accepted the compromise. Congress accepted the settlement. Qui contara le stellas? Who will count the stars? Who will tell you the stars? Lasu min konduki vin! Let me lead you! Let me lead you! Ili havas brunan katon. They have a brown cat. They have a brown cat. Mi konas la aferon sufiĉe bone. I know the matter pretty well. I know the thing well. Heghbej Hoch. Everyone will die. Heghbej Hoch. Доналд Трумп ес ун кансер пер ла уманас. Donald Trump is a cancer on humanity. It is true that it is true that it is true that it is true. QIt ngab 'oy'. The pain will go away by and by. QIt ngab 'oy'. Ĉu vi rekonas iun? Do you recognize anyone? Do you recognize someone? Mi vere amas mian avinon. I really love my grandmother. I really love my grandmother. Je kiu haltejo mi elbusiĝas? Which stop do I alight at? Where do I get out of the hall? La truo estas mallarĝa. The hole is narrow. The hole is narrow. Ille plorava continuemente. He kept on crying. They cry continually. naDev bIHtaH! Here they are! Our feet are not subscribed! bImuSHa''egh. You love yourself. bImuSHa'egh. Tomo malamas esti hastigita. Tom hates being rushed. Tom hates to be haunted. Tom estas okupita farante sandviĉojn en la kuirejo. Tom is busy making sandwiches in the kitchen. Tom is busy making sandwiches in the kitchen. Kim sagom das no kanon lemön beati dub mon? Who says money can't buy happiness? Kim arrowom das no canon lemön beati dub mon? Elle es un hetera. She is a whore. Elle es un hetera. Me ne savas tante multe pri vu. I don't know that much about you. I don't know so much about you. DIvI' Hol HIghojmoH! Please teach me English. DivI' Hol Highes very much! Ĉu mi devas respondi ĉiujn demandojn? Do I have to answer all of the questions? Should I answer all the questions? En la jaro 1900 li forlasis Anglujon kaj neniam revenis. In 1900, he left England, and he never returned. In 1900 he left England and never returned. Ni nun havas iom da tempo. We have some time now. We now have some time. Ĉu vi venas el Pekino? Do you come from Beijing? Do you come from Beijing? Tom no fumi canaba. Tom doesn't smoke pot. Tom no fumes canaba. Estis odoreto de aŭtuno en la aero. There was a hint of fall in the air. There was an odere of autumn in the air. Nin gwerianneg. You betrayed me. Nin gwerianneg. mi pu gasnu lo drata cipra I did another test. I'm going to get it out of there. ghaH SawlaHbe'. He was not able to marry her. ghaH Saw riverbe'. Kiu sidis en la aŭto? Who sat in the car? Who was sitting in the car? DIvI' Hol wIghojlI'. We were learning English. DivI's role in teaching. Venis pli bona amiko. A better friend came along. It was a better friend. Li havas la plej grandajn brovojn, kiujn mi iam vidis. He's got the biggest eyebrows I've ever seen. He has the biggest brows I've ever seen. chISchu' DIrDaj. His skin is pure white. chISchu' DirDaj. Tomo estas en eksterlanda studprogramo por lerni la francan en Parizo. Tom is in a study-abroad program to learn French in Paris. Tom is in a foreign study program to learn French in Paris. Gallinas nigre depone ovos blanc. Black hens lay white eggs. Gallinas nigre depone egg blanc. wejmaH ben jIboghlaw'pu''a'? Do I look thirty? But did we really believe that the universe could be divided into itself? La restantan manĝaĵon mi manĝigis al mia hundo. I fed the leftovers to my dog. I ate my food for my dog. nIm Daghaj'a'? Got milk? Don't Daghaj'a? Fat obik binom yunik. My father is young. Fat obik binom yunik. la al cu speni lo ropa tixnu be la betis Al is married to Betty's only daughter. the cu speni lo bra tixnu be la betis Proque non ha tu vadite al officio? Why did you not go to the office? Why didn’t you go to office? Etiam io. So do I. And I also need to do that. Illes es in optime condition. They are in great condition. They're in great condition. Mia apartamento ricevas multe da sunlumo. My apartment gets plenty of sunshine. My apartment gets a lot of sunlight. Komuna al ĉiuj modoj estas la fakto, ke iliaj unuaj kaj lastaj reprezentantoj estas strangaj. All trends have in common that their first and last representatives are weird. Common to all modes is the fact that their first and last representatives are strange. Me es certa ke vu sucesos. I'm sure that you'll succeed. I'm sure you will succeed. Mi scias, ĝis kiu grado vi amas Tomon. I know how much you love Tom. I know to what degree you love Tom. j h 2 fra I have two brothers. j h 2 fra mi pu jinvi lonu do djica nai lo ka klama I thought you didn't want to come. mi pu jinvi lonu do djica nai lo ka klama Etiam si illo es ver, qual differentia il face? Even if that's true, what's the difference? And if it's true, what hell does it do? Ĉu vi volas, ke mi venu kaj kuiru por vi ion? Do you want me to come cook you something? Do you want me to come and cook for you? Ŝi perdis sian vojon. She lost her way. She lost her way. Kapitalismo igas ĉiun trompisto. Capitalism makes everyone a hustler. Capitalism makes every deceiver. do lo do laldymau bruna cu simsa lo ka se jvinu ma kau You look just like your big brother. do it laldyau brown cu simsa lo ka se jvinu ma kau Si io sape lo que es le amor, il es a causa de te. If I know what love is, it is because of you. If I know what’s love, it’s because of you. Vilom vedön tidan. He wants to become a teacher. Vilom vedön tidan. bi'u da ba ka'e nu danfu fliba There could be a failure to answer. bi'u da ba'e nu danfu fliba Nemo ha jammais essite illac. Nobody's ever been there. No one has ever been there. Li ne estas ŝtelisto. He's not a thief. He is not a thief. Esti tie ŝanĝis mian vivon. Being there changed my life. It changed my life there. Tom reedziĝis antaŭ nelonge. Tom got remarried recently. He was married recently. Qel ghaH qar'a'? Isn't she a doctor? That is why I am in favor of manned -- or should I like to talk about? Non me importa qui gania. It doesn't matter to me who wins. Don’t matter who won. Esas danjeroza natar hike. It is dangerous to swim here. It's dangerous to swim here. Le indicator de carburante es rupte. The fuel gauge is broken. The carburant indicator is broken. Ni havas ĉion. We have everything. We have everything. Estas miraklo, ke Tomo vivis post la akcidento. It's a miracle Tom survived the accident. It is a miracle that Tom lived after the accident. Mi sentas min tiel senpotenca. I feel so helpless. I feel so powerless. Li hazarde renkontis sian malnovan amikon promenante en la parko. He came across his old friend while walking in the park. He accidentally met his old friend walking in the park. Lo es in li stadie. He is in the stadium. It's in his stage. Ĝi estis mizera fiasko. It was a miserable failure. It was a miserable failure. La reto al mi donis la ŝancon esti ŝatata. Internet gave me the chance to be popular. I gave the opportunity to be loved. mi'ai ba vitke do We will visit you. My baby isn't there. Kiu ne konas tiun problemon! Who doesn't know this problem?! Who doesn’t know this problem! Elena estas la plej alta knabino de la klaso. Elena is the tallest girl in the class. Elena is the highest girl of the class. nuq ta'taH 'e' nID tam? What's Tom trying to do? What happens to our nID as well? Binof profäsoran. She's a professor. Binof profäsoran. Oni senkapigis Tomon dum la finaj tagoj de la milito. Tom was beheaded during the last days of the war. Tom was captured during the final days of the war. Ankaŭ knabinoj povas ludi futbalon. Girls can play soccer too. Children can also play football. Maria ia mostra sua senos. Mary showed her breasts. Mary has shown her gender. tuqjIjQa'ngan ghaH. She's British. tuqjIjQa'ngan ghaH. DevwI'ra'Daq HItlhap! Take me to your leader. Like that, we don't think we are all alone, but we don't want to take advantage of the universe. Mi estas la meza el tri infanoj. I'm the middle child of three. I am the middle of three children. Me ia surprende el a cuando el ia fura peras en la bosce de frutas. I caught him stealing pears in the orchard. I learned from a run out of a run in the woods of the fruit. Ŝako vekas la intereson de infanoj kaj plenkreskuloj tra la tuta mondo. Chess piques the interest of children and adults all over the world. Shaco wakes up the interest of children and adults all over the world. Vi estas malbona amiko por mi. You're a bad friend. You are a bad friend for me. Ĉu vi povas veni je la naŭa? Can you come at nine? Can you come to the ninth? Quo da esperantie a te? What gives you hope? What to expect to you? Esce el gusta Xina? Does he like China? Is it nice Xina? Li max bell puellas es de Lituania. The most beautiful girls are from Lithuania. Li max bell puellas es de Lithuania. Le crita me eveliava de mi somno. The cry roused me from my sleep. Le crita mi eveliava de mi somno. Kion mi povas fari por la naskiĝtago de mia hundo? What can I do for my dog's birthday? What can I do for my dog's birthday? Me dubitas pri lua suceso. I have doubts about his success. I doubt the success. Kanom kömön. He can come. Kanom kömön. La vivtenaj kostoj altiĝis. The cost of living has gone up. The cost of life has risen. Tomo ne estas futbalisto. Tom isn't a soccer player. Tom is not a footballer. Бон диа, меа брилиа де сол. Good morning my sunshine. It is the first part of the city, which is the name of the city. Me nesesa ce tu vade a Boston. I need you to go to Boston. I am unaware of your way to Boston. Jen identigebla sento. That's a mood. Here’s an identifiable feeling. Mi ne povas kredi, ke naĝos morgaŭ. I can't believe it's going to snow tomorrow. I can’t believe it will swim tomorrow. Le fama es le privilegio de esser cognoscite a illes que non cognosce uno. Fame is the privilege of being known to those who do not know you. The woman is the privilege of being known to anyone who doesn't know one. Ereidob lekonedis valik omik. I have read all his novels. Ereidob leaked a valik omik. ko'a se dotybau She speaks German. Co'a dotybau pu'arpanci ta I like the way that smells. Au'arpanci ta Tomo jam decidis, kien li volas iri. Tom already decided where he wants to go. Tom has already decided where he wants to go. Io desira que io poterea haber accompaniate la. I wish I could have gone with her. I’d like I could have accamped the one. lo nu sispe'i ko'e ku frili ko'a He had no difficulty in finding the place. This is a very easy time in the universe. Ĉar mi neniam antaŭe vidis lin, mi ne rekonis lin. Since I'd never seen him before, I didn't recognize him. I’ve never seen him before, I didn’t recognize him. Ĉu vi vere perlaboras, farante tion? Do you really get paid to do this? Are you really working, doing that? Nun ĉio, kion ni bezonas estas volontuloj. Now, all we need is volunteers. Now everything we need is volunteers. Esta es la meа espera. That's my hope. And that's the way I hope. La leono malfermis sian buŝegon kaj blekis. The lion opened its huge mouth and roared. The lion opened his mouth and made it possible. La knabo disigis la radioaparaton. The boy took the radio apart. The boy fired the radio device. Eble ni faru tion kune. Maybe we should do that together. Maybe we can do it together. Que diabolo es isto? What the hell is this? What is this devil? Noi veindent toct. We're selling everything. We veindent toct. Proque tu non tace? Why don't you shut the fuck up? Why aren’t you so much? Daŭre ventas. The wind blows constantly. Unfortunately winding. Ni havas multege da tempo por fari tion. We have plenty of time to do that. We have a lot of time to do that. Yo va esser tranquil. I'll be quiet. It's going to be a transquil. Mi estas interseksa. I'm intersex. I am intersexual. Tomo probable ne parolas la francan tiel bone, kiel vi pensas. Tom probably doesn't speak French as well as you think he does. Tom probably doesn’t speak French as well as you think. Mi kredas, ke mi vidis ermenon tie. I think I saw a stoat over there. I think I’ve seen an emergency there. le patfu be ra cu ponpre His father is Japanese. the patfu be ra ponpre Alĝerio elpelis ĉiujn el siaj hebreoj kaj ne estas klare, kien ĝi opinias, ke ili iru. Algeria drove out all its Jews and it isn't clear where they think they should go. Algeria drove out all of his Israelites and is not clear where it thinks they should go. Ilu klozis la pordo. He shut the door. He closed the door. Li estas paca. He's peaceful. He is peaceful. Contra me mesma me ia rie. I laughed in spite of myself. Against me, I'm here. Vitro facile rompiĝas. Glass breaks easily. A glass is easily broken. Ŝi estas tiel bela kiel Neĝblankulino. She is as beautiful as Snow White. She is as beautiful as a white woman. Li estas unu el la plej bonaj. He's one of the best. He is one of the best. Ĉu vi havas duoblan liton? Do you have a double bed? Do you have a double bed? Quante amicos intime ha tu? How many close friends do you have? How many friends have you? Infanoj havas dudek laktodentojn. Children have twenty baby teeth. Children have twenty milk chains. mi ralte pa lo zdadi'u I have a house. mi ralte pa lo zdadi'u ko na zdile firsku Don't make faces. co na zdile firsku rop nI'mo' pujqu'taH SoSwI'. My mother was very weak from a long illness. Sorry, but we haven't heard anything else. Taiwan ne es un parte de China. Taiwan isn't part of China. Taiwan is not a part of China. Neniu povas deteni min de tio, iri tien. No one can stop me from going there. No one can keep me from it, go there. Mi filia ama musica. My daughter loves music. My daughter loves music. Nepre malŝaltu la televidilon. Make sure to turn off the TV. Never turn off the TV. ponglIj vIpar. I don't like your name. Don’t know how to do this. Tom vade sur sua bisicle. Tom is riding his bicycle. Tom goes on his bisicles. Tomo diris, ke li deziras esti fiŝo. Tom said that he wished he were a fish. Tom said he wanted to be a fish. Tomo ŝatas la naĝadon. Tom likes to swim. Tom likes swimming. Tom opiniis, ke estas granda ŝanco, ke la pentraĵon ŝtelis Mary. Tom thought that there was a good chance that it was Mary who had stolen the painting. Tom thought it was a great chance for the painting to steal Mary. Ne serĉu nin! Don't look for us. Don’t look for us! Том иа жуа баскетбал а куандо ел иа ес ен универсиа. Tom played basketball when he was in college. It is true that it is true that it is true that it is true. Lanteas. He is falling. Slowly. Mia familio ne estas riĉa. My family is not rich. My family is not rich. Ne la homo qua esas leda, ma la vesti. It's not the person that's ugly, but the clothes. Not the man who is woody, but the vests. Me pensa ce Tom es magra. I think Tom is thin. I think this Tom is small. Tiu vorto estas latindevena. This word is of Latin descent. This word is Latin. e'o do tadni bu'u Please study here. e'o do tadni bu'u Ĉe ŝakludo, ĉiu armeo havas reĝon, damon, du kurierojn, du ĉevalojn, du turojn kaj ok peonojn aŭ ŝak-soldatojn. In the game of chess, each army has a king, a queen, two bishops, two knights, two rooks, and eight pawns. At chess game, each army has a king, queen, two couriers, two horses, two towers and eight queens or chess soldiers. e'o remei bisyladru Two ice creams, please. E'o remei bisyladru mi xriso ninmu I am a Christian girl. I don't have a smile. La cignoj sur la rivero kreas sonĝ-similan scenon. The swans on the river make a dreamlike scene. The swans on the river create a dream-like scene. Ni simple plu faru, kion ni estas farantaj. We need to just keep doing what we're doing. Let’s just do what we’re doing. jungwoq Hol Qatlh law', Hoch latlh Holmey nov Qatlh puS. Chinese is much more difficult than other foreign languages. Jungwoq Hol has let alone the universe and have nothing to let alone the universe out of the universe. Flumed takediko flumon. The river flows calmly. Flummed takedico flumon. Ŝi estas tre bela. She is very beautiful. She is very beautiful. au nai mi za'u re'u viska le prenu I never want to see him again. au nai mi za'u re'u viska le take Il habeva un vice un rege qui habeva tres filias. There was once a king who had three daughters. There was a king who had three sons. Daj'a'? Was it interesting? What are you doing? Ĉu vi certas, ke ŝi parolantas portugale? Are you sure she's speaking Portuguese? Are you sure she speaks Portuguese? Kiel malsamas badmintono kaj teniso? What's the difference between badminton and tennis? How do you think that’s bad and tennis? Mi malamas vin! I hate you! I hate you! Li kutime trarigardas la gazetojn antaŭ la matenmanĝo. He usually looks through the newspapers before breakfast. He usually looks through the newspapers before breakfast. Venu kun mi! Come with me. Come with me! Ĉio ekas ekde la bazo. Everything starts from the basis. It’s all right since the base. Qual enoya. How boring. Qual enoya. Hurgh ram 'ej jevqu'. It was a dark and stormy night. Hurgh ram 'ej jevqu'. Mi malsaniĝis pasintan semajnon. I got sick last week. I was sick last week. Ni estu feliĉaj! Let's be happy! Let's be happy! Kiel vi pensas efektive? What do you really think? How do you really think? Mi ne konsideras Tomon mia malamiko. I don't consider Tom my enemy. I don’t consider Tom my enemy. paw'DI' puH Duj Hegh tam. Tom died in a car crash. paw'DI' puH Duj Hegh as well. ghot 'Ilqu' ghaH. He is a very sincere person. ghot 'Ilqu' ghaH. Los es no plu ca diferente. They are merely different. Los is no more this difference. Cedon etosi veütik. It's considered to be an important matter. Cedon ethosi veütik. Francujo militis kontraŭ Rusujo. France was at war with Russia. France fought against Russia. lo va gerku cu se rebla lo tordu That dog has a short tail. it gerku cu rebla lo turdu jaghlI' jIH vIneHbe'. I don't want to be your enemy. You know, thank you! Ĝis la morto nin separos. Till death do us part. Until death we will follow. Vi valoras la penon. You're worth the effort. You are worth the effort. Tom maritat Mary. Tom married Mary. Tom maritat Mary. na tcini lo nu mi spuda I'm not in a position to answer. na tcini lo nu mi spuda Me ia amini con Jane. I've become friends with Jane. I've been with Jane. Mi sciis, ke Tom venos. I knew Tom was coming. I knew Tom would come. Neniu diris, ke la vivo estas justa. Nobody said that life was fair. No one said that life is fair. Li ŝajnigis ne aŭdi sian estron. He pretended not to hear his boss. He pretended not to hear his boss. Se vu pikas ni, ka ni ne sangifas? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you pitch us, are we not sanging? Tomo volas aĉeti novan aŭton venontjare. Tom wants to buy a new car next year. Tom wants to buy a new car next year. Tom ia mostra alga cosa a Maria. Tom showed Mary something. Tom shows something to Mary. Nos ave alga cosa plu compartida. We have something else in common. We’ve got something more shared. Figoj estas tre popularaj en Kabilujo, Alĝerio. Figs are very popular in Kabylie, Algeria. Figs are very popular in Cableland, Algeria. Tomo ne ŝatas longajn aŭtadojn. Tom doesn't like long car rides. Tom does not like long hearings. Acel person es oce? Is that person okay? Acel person is eight? No änolob das Tomas hetom obi. I didn't know that Tom hated me. No änolob das Tomas hetom ubi. Le rete se imbroliava in le helice. The net got entangled in the screw. The network was imbroliased into the helice. No kanob yufön ole e Tomase. I can't help you and Tom. No canob yufön ole and Tomase. Li-äsevol fati obik? Did you know my father? Li-äsevol made obik? jIghoSpu'mo' jIQuchqu'. I'm really glad I came here. I'm going to know the universe. ti mo rokci What kind of stone is this? ti mo 2nd Mi loĝis en Koenji. I lived in Kouenji. I lived in Koenji. Tom ne parolos kun vi, li estas en malbona humoro. Tom won't speak to you, he's in a bad mood. Don’t talk to you, he's in a bad mood. 'IH 'ej chun. She was so sweet and innocent. "IH 'ej chun". Oni elektos vin aŭ min. You or I will be chosen. You will be chosen or me. Acel ia es un era multe grande. That was a huge mistake. If there's a big deal, it's a big deal. Neai ebinob in Frikop. I've never been to Africa. Neai ebinob in Frikop. El es serta ce el va gania. He is sure to win. El es serta ce el va gina. vIraS Hol jatlhlu'DI', vIraSvaD «France» ponglu'. France is called "France" in French. You know, thank you for the extraordinary effort you are making it harder for you to share your questions with us today. Amo estas senpardona. Love does not forgive. Love is unspeakable. Мариа но густа нумерос нонрета. Mary does not like odd numbers. It's all the way to do it. Li estas eksterlandano, kio evidentas pro lia akĉento. He is a foreigner, as is evident from his accent. He is an alien who is evident by his accent. ma xe fanva zoi zoi. kaisha zoi. la .inglic. What is the English for "kaisha"? ma xe fanva zoi zoi. kaisha zoi. la .inglic. Ni devus tuj trakti tiun aferon. We'd better take up this issue immediately. We should immediately deal with this thing. Tom tre popularas. Tom is very popular. Tom is very popular. Negativa diraĵo ne nepre estas vera. Just because a statement is negative doesn't mean it's true. A negative saying is not necessarily true. Omne veritate habe duo lateres; il es conveniente de examinar ambes ante de compromitter nos con un de illos. Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either. Any truth has two sides; it is convenient to examine both before compromising us with one of them. Me obliviis qua dicis to. I forget who said it. I forgot who said everything. La oficeja lingvo en Tajlando estas la taja lingvo. Thai is the official language in Thailand. The office language in Thailand is the Thai language. ma ti fo do jdima How much do you want to sell this for? ma ti fo do jdima Qual es tu fructo preferite? What's your favorite fruit? What’s your favorite fruit? Tom ha fat un errore. Tom has made a mistake. Tom has made a mistake. Tomo elŝaltis sian radivokilon. Tom switched off his walkie-talkie. Tom turned out his radio call. Ĉu vi vidis tion? Did you see it? Have you seen that? La revoj de Tomo neniiĝis. Tom's dreams faded into nothingness. Tom’s dreams were missing. Ni nun ne postulas helpon. We don't require assistance at this time. We don’t need help now. Shakespeare agnoskesas kom la maxim granda dramatisto. Shakespeare is recognized to be the greatest dramatist. Shakespeare is known as the greatest dramatist. La polico arestis la kunmurdintojn. The police have arrested the murderer's accomplices. The police arrested the fellow men. Mia koltuko estas blua. My scarf is blue. My neck is blue. vIraSDaq QaSDaj chenmoHlI' boq. The Allies continued to build up their forces in France. You know why you are running the Big Bang. Ĉion kreis Dio. Everything was created by God. All God created. me'wI' qoS 'oH jajvam'e'. Today is my aunt's birthday. It will be difficult for you to answer the universe and find answers to these questions. Quande ili va arivar? When will they arrive? When are they going to arrive? Mi bezonas ambaŭ. I need both. I need both. Donu, kion vi povas, kaj prenu, kion vi bezonas. Give what you can and take what you need. Give what you can and take what you need. Atendu. Tio ĉiam ree okazas. Wait. It's happening all over again. Wait, it always happens again. Mi ne plu timas vin. I'm not scared of you anymore. I am no longer afraid of you. Me devas reparigar mea komputero. I have to get my computer repaired. I need to fix my computer. wagh De'wI'wIj. My computer is expensive. I'm sorry, thank you for me! Tu deberea haber mangiate qualcosa iste matino. You should've eaten something this morning. You should have eaten something this morning. Li ricevis pli ol ses milionojn da voĉoj. He received more than six million votes. He received more than six million votes. Tomo estas reakciulo. Tom's a reactionary. Tom is a reactionary. Ni multe skribis. We wrote a lot. We wrote a lot. Mi estas konvinkita. I'm convinced. I am convinced. qarI'DI', SIbI' qarI'. I'll call you as soon as I can. Thank you very much, I think I'd like to talk about it. Face attention a lo que tu dice, post que ille se irrita facilemente. Be careful of what you say, for he's easily annoyed. Make attention to what you say, after they get irritated easily. Longe daŭris la analizado de la donitaĵoj. It took a long time to analyze the data. Long continued the analysis of the data. Li ebrietas. He's a bit tipsy. Li ebrietas. Se vi ne bezonas pripagi la varon, vi mem estas la varo. If you're not paying for the product, you are the product. If you don’t need to pay the good, you are the good. Ĉipsoj ne estas bonaj por via sano. Potato chips are not good for you. These are not good for your health. Man binom nämik. The man is strong. Man binom nämik. Ni ne plu volas tion. We don't want that anymore. We don’t want that anymore. Ni prokrastis nian foriron ĝis morgaŭ. We put off the departure till tomorrow. We delayed our departure until tomorrow. Vua spirito falabis aden inferno. Your spirit has fallen into hell. Your spirit has fallen into hell. e'a mi troci Let me try that. And I'll try again Esta macina pote primi sesdes pajes a cada minuto. This machine can print sixty pages a minute. Esta macina may take sixties to each minute. Tomo kaj Manjo diris al Johano, ke laŭ ili Alico ankoraŭ ne finis tion. Tom and Mary told John that they didn't think Alice was finished doing that. Tom and Manjo told John that according to them Alice had not finished it yet. Conscientia es condition previe de esser. Consciousness is a precondition of being. Knowledge is a previous condition of being. Non irasce, oncle. Per favor! Dina con nos deman. Don't be angry, uncle. Come! Dine with us tomorrow. Don’t go, Uncle. Please! Tell us tomorrow. Detra le stereotypos il ha un umbra de veritate. There is some truth behind stereotypes. Detra stereotypos it has a shade of truth. Ille travalia cata die excepte le dominica. He works every day except Sunday. They Stand every day except the Sunday. Io essera gaudiose de ir. I will be happy to go. I'll be gaudie to go. Tomo laŭdire estas lerta pri Fortran. Tom's supposed to be good at Fortran. Tom is said to be smart about Fortran. Binob men. I am a human being. Binob men. Bíi zhe wohumeya wothamehal lenetha wonibeya wothamehaleth wáa. Uranus is similar to Neptune. Bíi zhe wuhumeya wothamehal lenetha wonibeya wothamehaleth wáa. Mi jam antaŭe vidis tiun knabinon. I have seen that girl before. I’ve seen that girl before. ghaytan bIlugh 'e' vIQub. I think you're probably right. It's pretty likely that we can't understand what you are doing. ¡Díeu t'alegra! Have a nice day! ¡Díeu t'alegra! La kunsido okazas ĉiumonate en la eta salono. The meeting is held monthly in the tiny living room. The meeting takes place every month in the old room. Compatia me. Show pity on me. Compathy me. Mi estis tre amuzita per la ideo. I was much amused at the idea. I was very fun with the idea. En Hokkaido oni faras ĉevalojn el pajlo. In Hokkaido, they make horses of straw. In Hokkaido horses are made of straw. Ĉu Tomo kaj Manjo nun estas ĉi tie? Are Tom and Mary here now? Is Tom and Mom here? do mutce xendo You are so kind. do mutce xendo jIlughbe''a'? Am I not right? How are you doing? Mi elĉerpis ĉion el mia vigleco pri tiu projekto. I spent all my energy on that project. I spent everything from my vigilance on this project. to'e ki'u nai gi ko'a laldo mutce gi ko'a tsali Although he is very old, he is strong. to'e ki'u nai gi ko'a llado mutce gi ko'a tsali Ho! Kio estas tio? Wow! What's that? Oh, what is that? Tio bonis. That was good. That's fine. Bonvolu enlitigi la bebon. Please put the baby to bed. Please join the baby. Mi atendis Tomon la tutan tagon. I waited for Tom all day long. I was waiting for Tom all day. Mi devas vendi al ili ĉion hodiaŭ. I have to sell them all today. I have to sell them all today. Ĉu vi estas studentoj? Are you students? Are you students? Ĉu mi ne estas invitita? Am I not invited? Am I not invited? La TGV vehas plu rapide kam irga altra treno en la mondo. The TGV goes faster than any other train in the world. The TGV became faster than any other train in the world. Kio estas la problemo, Tomo? What gives, Tom? What is the problem, Tom? Usona futbalo estas nur rugbeo kun remburaĵoj. American football is just rugby with pads. American football is only a rugby with refunds. In caso que tu trova le viro, informa me immediatemente, si il te place. If you find the man, please let me know at once. In the case you find the man, inform me immediately, if you like. Тота уманас насе либре е егал. Лос аве разона е консиенса, е дебе ата ла ун а ла отра кон спирито де фратиа. All human beings are born free and equal. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. It is true that it is true that it is true that it is true that it is true that it is true that it is true that it is true that it is true. Sutra'ber naH DeH pe'lu'meH taj jejqu' poQlu'. You need a very sharp knife to slice a ripe strawberry. Sutra'ber deH deH pe'meH thi jejqu' poQlu'. mol'eghlI' bIQ Duj. The ship is sinking. Very hard from bIQ Duj. Amo estas la poezio de la sentoj. Love is the poetry of the senses. Love is the poetry of the feelings. Neniu el ili estis tie. None of them was there. None of them were there. .i lo kagni cu djica lo nu jdini posyze'a The company was in want of money. .i lo kagni cu djica lo jdini posyze'a Интерлингуа ес ун струменто модерна пер комуника интернасионал. Interlingua is a modern tool for international communication. It is true that it is true that it is true that it is true. Tomo studas la francan ĉiuvespere. Tom studies French every evening. Tom is studying French every night. HeghDI' Qup ghaH. He died young. HeghDI's appointment ghaH. ei mi klama lo trixe I have to go back. ei mi clama lo trixe Li infantes ludet in li jardin. The children played in the garden. He childed a playet in his garden. Tomo ekbruligis sian propran domon. Tom set fire to his own house. Tom has burned his own house. Беви ун жус де ораниа. Have an orange juice. It's all about it. Ni malkovris, ke ĉio ĉi estis mensogo. We discovered that it was all a lie. We discovered that everything was a lie. Hiel Tom äkoefom, das äspilom vini redik. Tom admitted to spilling the red wine. Hiel Tom äkoefom, das äspilom wines redik. Liaj fakaj konoj kvalifikis lin por la posteno. His skills qualified him for the job. His friends qualified him for the job. Qual es le capital de China? What's the capital of China? What is the capital of China? Promisevent. We promised. Promisevent. mu'i ma do cusku zo'e Why did you say such a thing? Under extreme conditions, but we're at one time. Tomo pafis Manjon. Tom shot Mary. Tom shot a man. Tu ha furate mi corde. You stole my heart. You have stolen my heart. Menado pasigis ses tagojn ĉi tie. Mennad spent six days here. Mending spent six days here. Dano pensas, ke Linjo kaŭzis la fajron. Dan thinks Linda started the fire. Dano thinks that Linjo caused the fire. Ille intende yiddish. He understands Yiddish. They intended yiddish. Lia respondo estis impertinenta. His response was cheeky. His response was impertinent. Un vista tan merveliosa! What a marvelous sight! A vista tan merveliosa! Io es felice que tu ha habite successo. I am glad that you have succeeded. I’m glad you’ve succeeded. Le prime revolta es contra le supreme tyrannia del theologia, del phantasma de Deo. In tanto que nos habera un domino in le celo, nos essera sclaves super le terra. The first revolt is against the supreme tyranny of theology, of the phantom of God. As long as we have a master in heaven, we will be slaves on earth. The first revolt is against the supreme tyrannia del theologia, from Deo's pantasma. As long as we'll have a home in the cell, we'll be sclaves over the ground. SoH 'emDaq lojmIt yISoQmoH! Close the door after you. Professor, we really believe that we may have been wrong with us! Tomo provis rompi la glacion. Tom tried to literally break the ice. Tom tried to break the ice. qatlh naDev 'oHtaH paqwIj'e'? What's my book doing here? Why is your mouth? In Esperanto, le accento tonic incide semper super le penultime syllaba. In Esperanto, the main stress always falls on the second-to-last syllable. In Esperanto, the current tonic incident is responsible for the syllaba penultime. Quando il se tracta de atomos, le linguage pote esser usate solmente como in poesia. Le poeta, etiam, non es preoccupate tanto per describer factos quanto per crear images e stabilir connexiones mental. When it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry. The poet, too, is not nearly so concerned with describing facts as with creating images and establishing mental connections. When it comes to atoms, the language can only be used as in poetry. The poet, too, is not worried about seeing facts as to create images and establish mental connections. En 1951, en la Palaco de Sovetiaj Pioniroj, brita internacia majstro Robert Wade ludis samtempe kontraŭ 30 lokaj infanoj ĝis 14-jaraj. Post sep horoj da ludo, MI Wade sukcesis fari 10 remisojn, perdinte la aliajn 20 matĉojn. In 1951, at the Palace of Soviet Pioneers, British International Master Robert Wade played a simultaneous game with 30 local children up to 14 years old. After seven hours of play, MI Wade managed to make 10 draws, having lost the other 20 matches. In 1951, in the Palace of Soviet Pioneers, British international master Robert Wade played simultaneously against 30 local children until 14 years old. After seven hours of play, MI Wade managed to make 10 remixes, losing the other 20 matches. La barco ia inversa se. The boat capsized. The barco in reverse itself. Vartez til morge matine. Wait until tomorrow morning. Stand up to morge matine. Es multo obscur hic intra. It's really dark in here. It's very dark inside here. Ĉu Tomo estas klarmensa? Is Tom lucid? Is Tom clear? La puerulo apertis la fenestro, malgre ke ilua matro dicis ilu ne apertar. The boy opened the window, although his mother told him not to. The gun opened the window, although his mother told them not to open. Li ne komprenis, kio okazas. He didn't realize what was happening. He didn’t understand what happened. ghaytan yajHa'lu'pu' neH. It's probably just a misunderstanding. It's a probability that the universe is not a probability of life. On ave un botela en la friador. There's a bottle in the fridge. On ave one bottle in the friador. Kial vi rezignis tion? Why did you give it up? Why did you give it up? Esperoze, omno esos oke. Hopefully, everything will be OK. Esperoze, omno esos oke. Mi transdonis la proprieton de la aŭto al mia geedzo. I transferred ownership of the car to my spouse. I delivered the car's property to my wedding. ba'unai ko'a mencre It's not an exaggeration to state that he is a genius. Base whether or not to create a men's disease pu si'ercarvi It snowed. Shu'ercarvi Ankoraŭ mallumis, kiam Tom forlasis sian hejmon por iri lernejen. It was still dark when Tom left home for school. It was still dark when Tom left his home to go school. Yo esset in li scola. I was in school. Yo esset in li scola. Mi legu pli da libroj. I need to read more books. I read more books. Ĉio estas en ordo. Everything is OK. Everything is in order. Non tota ista ovos es fresca. Not all of these eggs are fresh. Not all of these eggs are fresh. Tom laborat quam jardinero. Tom worked as a gardener. Tom laboret quam gardener. Tikob das Tomas binom in gad. I think Tom is in the garden. Tikob das Tomas binom in gad. Quplaw' me'Daj. His aunt looks young. If you didn't think I'm going to tell you, sir. Kia homo estas Tomo? What kind of person is Tom? What kind of man is Tom? Ille sapeva ben convincer mi filia de su historia deceptive. He did a real snow job on my daughter. I'm glad to convince my daughter of his historical deceptive. Ĝi rompiĝos. It will break. It will break. Ni neniam bezonis tion. We've never needed it. We never needed that. En la franca lingvo ne estas vorto por tio. French doesn't have a word for that. In French, there is no word for that. Mi havas la ĝeneralan anksian perturbon. I have generalized anxiety disorder. I have the general anxiety. La vivo estas skatolo da surprizoj. Life is a box of surprises. Life is a box of surprises. Ni estas trankvilaj. We're calm. We are calm. vay' vISop vIneH. I'd like something to eat. All right, let me know. La kuracisto ekzamenis mian cerbon. The doctor examined my brain. The doctor examined my brain. Malbonas trompi aliulon, sed pli malbonas trompi sin mem. It's wrong to deceive people, but worse to deceive yourself. It’s hard to deceive someone, but it’s worse to deceive itself. Tio, plejparte, estas vera. For the most part, that's true. That, mostly, is true. Estas neniuj indikaĵoj, ke Hitler estis juddevena. There's no evidence Hitler was part Jewish. There are no indications that Hitler was Jewish. Faru spirekzercojn. Do breathing exercises. Do spices. ra tavla fi lo zgike They are talking about music. ra tavla fi lo zuzke jI'empu'. I threw up. Exiting... La akcidento forŝtelis lian vidkapablon. The accident robbed him of his sight. The accident stopped his vision. Mary passa hores in li chambre balneari. Mary spends hours in the bathroom. Mary spent hours in his chambre balneari. Necesas, ke mi finu nun. I need to end this now. I need to finish now. Tomo estas ambivertulo. Tom is an ambivert. Tom is an ambivert. Kiel la aferoj evoluas? How are things going? How do things evolve? Su successo ha cognite alcun eclipses. His success met some eclipses. It has successfully known some eclypses. Le avion a jecto habeva 500 passageros a bordo. The jet plane had 500 passengers on board. The plane at a jet was 500 will switch to the border. Kiam mi estu tie? When should I be there? When should I be there? Ne ĵetu ŝtonon al la hundo. Don't throw a stone at the dog. Don't throw a stone to the dog. Li konstante prijuĝas min. He judges me constantly. He is constantly concerned with me. Ilogob hileoni. I saw a male lion. Ilogob hileoni. Es melior non mangiar isto. I'd better not eat that. It’s better not to keep this. Es-sa fasterig? Is she Dutch? Is-sa fatterig? mi nelci lo nu litru I like to travel. I'm going to stop it and stop it. Ĉu vi parolas la francan? Is French your language? Do you speak French? Givolöd obe buki et. Give me that book. Givolöd obes buki et. Vi bezonas marŝi pli. You need to walk more. You need to walk more. Sol e pluve, arco de sielo. Sun and rain, rainbow. Sol e pluve, arco de sielo. Tom odia esser hastate. Tom hates being rushed. Tom hates to be hastate. Ĉu vi posedas komputilon? Do you own a computer? Do you own a computer? Ĉu vi povas pardoni nin? Can you forgive us? Can you forgive us? Ni tenu niajn manojn puraj. We should keep our hands clean. Let’s keep our hands clean. bIDoj. You're impressive. bIDs. Ci ia organiza la reuni? Who organized the meeting? Do you organize the reunions? SIbI' jImejnIS'a'? Must I leave at once? SIbI's project? Mi ne estas certa, kion diri al tio. I'm not sure what to say to that. I’m not sure what to say to that. Me serchas amiki hike. I'm searching for friends here. I'm looking for friends here. It esset un perfect die. It was a perfect day. It is a perfect day. Ti ove malodora. This egg smells bad. Ti ove malodora. En Irano ni ne havas samseksemulojn kiel en via lando. In Iran, we do not have homosexuals like in your country. In Iran we do not have homosexuals as in your country. Tom donis al Mary tre belan donacon. Tom gave Mary a very nice present. She gave Mary a very beautiful gift. Mi faris ion ekstere. I was doing something outside. I did something outside. laHDaj wInaD. We appreciate her talent. theHD LinnaD. tlhIch vIpur 'e' vImev 'e' vItul. I hope to stop smoking. That's what you all say, personned me into life. jubbe''a' Humanpu'? Are humans mortal? Do you think we are human beings? Maria binof Deutel. Mary is German. Maria binof Deutel. xu vasru su'o silna Is there any salt left? Xu goes su'o silna Tio gustas ĝuste kiel la vera afero. It tastes just like the real thing. It tastes just like the real thing. Ameriko estas ne lando sed kontinento. America isn't a country. It's a continent. America is not a country but a continent. Tio ne eblas nun. Bonvolu atendi iomete. That's not possible right now. Please wait a bit. It’s not possible now. Please wait a little. HeghlI' loD. The man was dying. How you do, sir. Netuŝeblaj genraj roloj estas formo de aŭtoritatismo. Inviolable gender roles are a form of authoritarianism. Intusible gender roles are a form of authoritarianism. wa' may' 'oHbe', 'ach law'. It was not one battle, but many. This is a part of the universe. But it was one of the most important things in the world. Ĉu viaj gepatroj estas hejme nun? Are your parents in now? Are your parents at home now? Sina mardenya. This is my home. Sina mardenya. vagh nItlhDu' ghaj ghop: rIlwI', SIqwI', qaywI', qewwI', qanwI' je. The hand has five fingers: the thumb, the index finger, the middle finger, the ring finger, and the pinky. We're going to have trouble with you, but I want to talk about it. Mi ne kredas, ke Tomo estas kato. I don't think Tom is a cat. I don’t think Tom is a cat. La komunumo estas izolema sed sendanĝera. The community is insular but harmless. The community is isolated but harmless. Tom did envada li koridore. Tom stepped out into the hallway. Tom did envada li coridore. Kanol-li nosükön? Can you cancel? Cannol-li nosükön? Mi estas klarparola viro. I'm a plainspoken man. I'm a Spanish man. Меа сала аве ун фенетра сола. My room has only one window. It's all the way to do it. Kiu skribis la du leterojn? Who wrote the two letters? Who wrote the two letters? La leĝo validiĝos en la unua de aprilo. The law will be effective from the 1st of April. The law will take effect on the first of April. ko sidju Help! _Help qeSlIjmo' qatlho'. Thank you for your advice. That's what you all do. Kie oni parolas nederlande? Where do they speak Dutch? Where is Dutch spoken? Al Tomo ne venis taŭga kaŝejo por tio en la kapon. Tom couldn't think of a good place to hide it. Tom did not get a good hiding place for that in his head. Tom ne havas multan liberecon. Tom doesn't have a lot of freedom. Tom doesn't have much freedom. Io ama cosas gratuite. I love free stuff. I love things free. Ne trinku propanon. Don't drink propane. Don't drink a propane. Ili ne povis akiri pruntojn por teni siajn negocojn malfermitaj. They could not get loans to keep their businesses open. They couldn’t get loans to keep their business open. Hebreo respondas al demando per demando. A Jew answers a question with another question. Hebrew answers to a question by question. Su comportamento me ha lassate contrariate. His behavior bothered me. His behavior has left me countered. En la nokto, mi estas plej danĝera. I'm most dangerous at night. In the night, I am most dangerous. zo ba'e basna lo valsi poi se lidne je nai lidne zo ba'e The word "ba'e" emphasizes the word that follows it, rather than what precedes it. ba'a basa lo valsi po follows je nai Zu ba'e Vivu la fidela brita pudelo. Long live the loyal British poodle. Live the faithful British doll. Zamenhofo estis tre saĝa homo. Zamenhof was a very wise man. Zamenhof was a very wise man. Le futuro del humanitate resta in vostre manos. The future of mankind rests in your hands. The future of humanity remains in your hands. la karlos pu carna fi lo trixe Carlos turned around. the carlos pu carna fi lo trixe Tom traktus vin kun respekto. Tom would treat you with respect. Tom would treat you with respect. Homaj estaĵoj distingiĝas de aliaj bestoj per tio, ke ili povas paroli kaj ridi. Human beings differ from other animals in that they can speak and laugh. Human beings differ from other animals in that they can speak and laugh. Ту абита ен меа кор. You live in my heart. It's all the way it's going to be. lo ta gerku cu tcelaldo That dog is really old! lo gerku cu tcelldo Futue te! Go fuck yourself! Futue te! mi djuno so'i da do I know a lot about you. _Help Yo deve studiar. I must study. Yo deve to study. Brosi vosа dentes pos la comes. Brush your teeth after meals. Bros vues dentes pos la koms. DaH maja'chuqlaH'a'? Can we speak now? I now turn to the future of the universe? Tom ne vizitos vin morgaŭ. Tom won't visit you tomorrow. Tom won’t visit you tomorrow. Mi vidis la vizaĝon de senkompato. I've seen the face of mercilessness. I saw the face of an unmatch. Tom estas honesta pri ĝi. Tom is being honest about it. Tom is honest about it. .oi nai ro'o lo cidja cu kukte Yum, this food is delicious! .oi ro'o cidja cu kukte mi jungau ro lo pendo be mi lo fatci I made the fact known to all my friends. mi jungau ro lo pendo be mi lo fatci Hísenna! Into the fog! Hísenna! Johnny transloĝiĝis al Hispanio antaŭ nur kelkaj monatoj, li ankoraŭ ne alkutimiĝis paroli hispane. Johnny moved to Spain just a few months ago, so he isn't used to speaking Spanish as yet. Johnny moved to Spain for just a few months ago, he was not used to speak Spanish. Tomo ne estas civitano. Tom isn't a citizen. Tom is not a citizen. ko'a penmi le famti She met her uncle. Co'a penmi le famti Bobo diris, ke Moseo skribis pri li. Bob said that Moses wrote about him. Bob said that Moses wrote about him. Ĝi okazis. It happened. It happened. No nolob velati. I don't know the truth. No nolob velati. Ĉu vi parolas kun viaj najbaroj? Do you talk with your neighbors? Are you talking to your neighbors? Mi lernis kudri de mia patrino. I learned how to sew from my mother. I learned from my mother. Li pli junas ol mi je du jaroj. He's two years younger than I. He is younger than me for two years. Том е Мариа иа жуа а тенис де табле. Tom and Mary played ping pong. It's true that it's all about it. Ni ĉiuj estas infektitaj. We're all infected. We are all infected. Ille me lo ha date spontaneemente. He gave it to me willingly. That's what I've given spontaneously. Ĉu vi povas forigi mian konton? Can you delete my account? Can you remove my account? En la Amerikana futbalo, noto valoras sis punti. In American football, a touchdown scores six points. In the American football, a note is worth its points. do tavla bau lo bangrklingo .inajanai mi jimpe If you speak Klingon, I won't understand. do tavla balu lo bangrkling .inajanai mi jimpe cusku lo sedu'u mu'onai It is said that... cuku lo seu'u mu ora Es plus facile perder un village que obtener un domicilio. It's easier to lose a village than get a home. It’s easier to lose a village than get a domicile. bIwIvchu'. You made a wise choice. Of course, I would like to survive. Muziko ekscitas la sentojn. Music moves the feelings. Music is exciting about the feelings. Liaj malbonaŭguraj vortoj ne timigis Manjon. His ominous words did not deter Mary. His poor words didn’t scare the man. Esce la fem es bela? Is she beautiful? Is the woman beautiful? Un sol lingua nunquam suffice. One language is never enough. One single language is never enough. Li parolis al mi hispane. He spoke to me in Spanish. He spoke to me Spanish. luvoqbe'. They don't trust her. We're going to live in the fight. El labora asta medianote. He works until midnight. El labora asta medianote. Ĉu iam mi prirakontis al vi la fojon, kiam Tomo iris al Bostono? Did I ever tell you about that time Tom went to Boston? Have I ever told you the time that Tom went to Boston? ko sutra zmadu zukte Act faster! sutra zmadu zukte mi fau gi tcidu lo se cukta gi citka I read a book while eating. mi fau gicide lo sekupata gi citka Io ha addite un etiquetta indicante le autor. I've added a tag indicating the author. I added an author indicating tag. Il face belle tempore hodie. We have nice weather today. It’s pretty long today. Kaj ĉi tie matenruĝoj estas mallaŭtaj... The dawns are calm here... This morning is loud... Tomo estis malriĉa dum sia tuta vivo. Tom was poor his whole life. Tom was poor all his life. ghobe'. jIHbe'. SoH'e'! No I'm not; you are! ghobe'.Serbe'. SoH'e! jatlhtaHbe' chaH. They are not talking. Thank you very much indeed. Estas ŝnura ponto super la rivero. There's a rope bridge over the river. There is a white bridge over the river. Kiom da okuloj havis la ciklopoj? How many eyes had the Cyclops? How many eyes did the cycle have? Le governamento revolutionari, levante truppas del massas e luctante un battalia defensive, establiva un republica e executava Ludovico XVI. The revolutionary government, while raising troops from the masses and fighting a defensive battle, established a republic and executed Louis XVI. The government revolutionaries, raising troops from the masses and fighting a battalian defensive, established a re-public and executive Louis XVI. Ille probabilemente lo sape. He probably knows. That's probably what you know. Vi instruas la araban. You teach Arabic. You teach Arabic. sa'u mi gunka vi I just work here. Sa'u mi gunka vi jIHvaD paqvam qub DaSuqlaH'a'? Can you obtain this rare book for me? Are you sure you want to understand the universe and continue? Estas mi, kiu iris tien hieraŭ. It's me that went there yesterday. It's me who went there yesterday. Dabinon ai bos ad dunön. There is always something to do. Dabinon ai boss ad dunön. pu carmi je lenku donri ca lo vonmasti .i snasni lo junla la .pacicac. It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. able to sleep at lenku donri ca lo vonmasti .i snani lo junla la .paciac. Mi memoras la tagon, kiam ni renkontiĝis la unuan fojon. I remember the day when we first met. I remember the day when we met the first time. La incidento estis tre korŝira. The incident was so poignant. The incident was very hearty. Que tu sia felice in le vita pro le qual tu ha optate! May you be happy in the life you have chosen! Be happy in life for which you opt! Lingua franca nova es libre per la usa de tota. Lingua Franca Nova is free for all to use. Language French new is libre by the use of all. Su parve fratre sempre le ha admirate. Tom's little brother has always looked up to him. His small brother always got the admired. Daqmaj DaSov'a'? Do you know where we are? Why did we tell you that? Ĉu li estas konscia pri siaj eraroj? Is he aware of his mistakes? Is he aware of his mistakes? Pro ille qui ben comprende, il suffice le medietate de un parola. To a good listener, half a word is enough. To those who understand well, it’s half of a word enough. Ел ес ун шика. She's a girl. It's all about it. Unuvorte, li estas poeto. He is, in a word, a poet. He is a poet. Bonvolu diri al ni kie troviĝas spicovendejo. Please tell us where there is a spice shop. Please tell us where there is a spystore. Ŝi povas tion fari. She can do it. She can do that. Le pupillas del oculos de illa habeva le nigritia de un profunde abysmo. The pupils of her eyes had the blackness of a deep abyss. The pupillas del oculos de il la habe le nigritia de un deep abysmo. Esas nulo celita qua ne revelesos. There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed. There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. Bedaŭrinde mi devas adiaŭi. I'm afraid I must say goodbye. Unfortunately, I have to go goodbye. so'i jbopre cu xabju lo mergu'e Many Lojbanists live in the United States of America. so long, it seems to me that we may have long been on top of each other. Tomo estas naturdotita. Tom is gifted. Tom is naturalized. lo me ta bruni ku mutce carmi cilre His brother studies very hard. it I'll brown a lot of kids La ĉemizo malpuras. The dress shirt is dirty. The shirt is dirty. Cual es la longia de la Ponte Arco de Sielo? How long is the Rainbow Bridge? Cual is the length of the Ponte Arc of Sielo? Ĉu vi estas hispano? Are you from Spain? Are you a Spanish? Esas insuli en la maro. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. Illa va dansar. She's going to dance. Illa va dansar. No ätifob etosi. I didn't steal it. No ätifob etosi. Mi prenis taksion, ĉar pluvis. I took a taxi because it was raining. I took a taxi because it rained. Me gratulas vu pro vua suceso. I congratulate you on your success. I congratulate you for your success. Ne lasu la fajron finbruli. Don't let the fire burn out. Don't let the fire finish. i la camgusmis cu cusku zo lobjan u'i ru'e Heh, Camgusmis said "Lobjan". It was thought to have been a look at the probability of it's going to have been broken by aliens. Pone al latere tu cosas. Put away your things. Put your stuff on the side. Qu'lIj yIta'choH neH! Just get to work. What’s right, isn't it! Cem at binon vemo hitik. This room is very hot. Cem at binon weather hitik. loD mIgh ghaH tam'e'. Tom is an evil man. loD mIgh ghaH tam'e'. Multe gratias pro toto que tu ha facite. Thank you very much for all you have done. Many thanks for everything you’ve done. Los ia sesa besa la un la otra. They stopped kissing. Los six of them being one of them. Dargh qa'vIn je vIqelDI', qa'vIn vImaS. I prefer coffee to tea. I would like to thank you for the reports of time and find out what I am doing. La puerino urinifas. The little girl is peeing. The Puerto Ricans. Vi fuŝis tion, ĉu ne? You goofed, didn't you? You did it, didn’t you? Donald Trump es un canser per la umanas. Donald Trump is a cancer on humanity. Donald Trump is a singer through the humans. Iunokte li havis sonĝon. One night, he had a dream. He had a dream at night. qaSbe' Dochvetlh 'e' vItulqu'. I really hope that doesn't happen. These are the questions that we have sought to understand the universe and find answers to these questions. La akto ne tro kostas. The deed is not too expensive. The action doesn't cost too much. Eksmoda! Bona vestaro! Kio estas tio? Ĉu diskoo? Retro! Nice outfit! What is that: disco? Good dress! What's that? Me esperas, ke tu ne parolas pri me. I hope you're not talking about me. I hope you don't talk about me. Subite ekpluvis. Suddenly rain began to fall. Suddenly it rained. ko pencu lo xadni be mi Touch my body. Touch it xaddi be mi Tom vole prender it. Tom wants to take it. Tom wants to take it. Esta matina me ia vide un anjel. This morning, I saw an angel. I was married to seeing an angel. Jen estis viro funde konvinkita pri sia propra morala ĝusteco. Here was a man utterly convinced of his own moral rectitude. Here was a man well convinced of his own moral rightness. Tom e Mary have li grippe. Tom and Mary have the flu. Tom and Mary have him grippe. wIgh ghaHbe' tam'e'. Tom is no genius. We used to think that the theory of the universe could be divided into one another. Ĉu vi trovis viajn gepatrojn? Did you find your parents? Have you found your parents? Le palestinos son dishumanisate. The Palestinians are dehumanized. The Palestinians are being discredited. Ille debe ir. He must go. That's got to go. lo mi tanxe be lo cakla ma zvati Where's my box of chocolates? it mi tanxe be lo cakla ma zvati Tomo asertas, ke li estis ebria. Tom claims he was drunk. Tom claims he was drunk. ta noi vinji cu dukse dizlo vofli That plane is flying too low. Ta noi vinji cu duxe dislo vofli Ili volas, ke ni kunlaboru. They want us to cooperate. They want us to work together. Le problema principal con le antitheismo es su negation de mi divinitate. The main problem with antitheism is its negation of my divinity. The main problem with antitheism is its denial of my divinity. ni'i ma mi'ai remna What makes us human? ni'ai ma'ai remna Manjo naskis antaŭ nelonge. Mary is a new mom. Manjo was born shortly ago. Io le crede capace de toto. He's capable of anything. I think that’s all about it. jI'oj. I am thirsty. Exiting... Tiu ne estas la mondo, kie mi volas vivi. This isn't the world I want to live in. This is not the world where I want to live. Neniel pardonpetinde. There's no need to apologize at all. Nopologise. Nolob, kikod äsagol atosi. I know the reason you said that. Nolob, kikod äsagol atosi. Malfavora komento ne nepre estas vera. Just because a comment is negative doesn't mean it's true. Unfavorous comment is not necessarily true. Me studia alga linguas variosa. I am studying several languages. I'm studying all-languages varied. Yo ne es un membre. I'm not a member. Yo es non un membre. lurgh wIvbogh yIngu'! Which direction will he choose? We used to think that we should find answers to these questions. Tomaso ĵus staris tie, scivolante, kio ankoraŭ okazos. Tom just stood there, wondering what might happen next. Thomas just stood there, knowing what was going to happen. Hetob vödis at. I hate these words. Hetob vödis at. Mi ne estas la estro. I'm not the boss. I am not the boss. Ĉu la angla estus fonetike konforma se ni aldonus supersignojn al ĉiu vorto, ĉiu ĉiam donante konsekvencan prononcon? Would English be phonetically consistent if we added accents on every word, each one always giving a consistent pronunciation? Would English be phonetically consistent if we would add badges to each word, each always giving consistent pronunciation? 'IH SoSwI'. My mother is beautiful. 'I'm sure you aren't sure. Ĉiuj tro okupiĝas de ruzoj unu kontraŭ la alia por savi la medion. Everyone's too busy scamming each other to save the environment. All are too busy with Russians against each other to save the environment. Ĉu vi ŝlosis la pordon? Did you lock the door? Did you lock the door? ko dunda ko'a ko'e Give them to her. Terra co'a co'la co'e loD vIleghbe'. I don't see a man. loD facileghbe'. Он иа аве луна плен а акел ноте. There was a full moon that night. It's all the way to do it. Nos es presso de eveliar nos quando nos sonia que ora nos sonia. We are near awakening when we dream that we dream. We’re about to see ourselves when we're dreaming now we're dreaming. Ben morgun. Good morning. Ben morgun. Esque ille parla kurdo? Does he speak Kurdish? Is that speaking Kurdish? Lastnokte mi faris stultaĵon. I did a stupid thing last night. Last night I did a fool. Kial hundoj manĝas herbon? Why do dogs eat grass? Why do dogs eat grass? Mia amikino estas bona dancistino. My girlfriend is a good dancer. My friend is a good dancer. ma noi jmive pu sucku fi do Who told you? but noi Lifeless pu sucku fi do .e'e mi co'e se'a I will do it myself. .e. I'll co'a Mia edzino ŝatas pomkukon. My wife loves apple pie. My wife likes a poem. La loka heroo Tomo Jackson laŭdire ĉeestos la matĉon. Hometown hero Tom Jackson will reportedly be at the game. The local hero Tom Jackson will be said to be the match. Li faras ĉion eblan por preventi bankroton de la firmao. He's doing everything to avoid the company's bankruptcy. He makes everything possible to prevent bankruptcy from the company. Le placer le plus grande que io cognosce es facer un bon action in secreto e postea vider lo discoperite per accidente. The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action by stealth and have it found out by accident. The bigger I know is to make a good action in the secret and then see it discovered by accident. Mi havas busan horaron en mia telefono. I have a copy of the bus schedule on my phone. I have a bus schedule on my phone. Tomo havis vezikojn ĉie sur siaj piedoj. Tom had blisters all over his feet. Tom had tails all over his feet. Le avion a jecto attingeva Narita un hora in retardo. The jet plane reached Narita an hour late. The plane at jet reached Narita an hour in delay. Qualmen ella aspecte? What does she look like? How much does she look like? Inhala, e Deo approcha te. Sustene le inhalation, e Deo remane con te. Exhala, e tu approcha Deo. Sustene le exhalation, e livra te a Deo. Inhale, and God approaches you. Hold the inhalation, and God remains with you. Exhale, and you approach God. Hold the exhalation, and surrender to God. Inhala, e Deo approcha te. Sustene le inhalation, e Deo remane con te. Exhala, e tu approaches Deo. Sustene le exhalation, e deliver te to Deo. le nolnau pu sanli ca'u le banxa The gentleman stood in front of the bank. the nolnau pu sanli ca'u le banxa HISaw. Marry me. HISaw. Sibols muskiti, e luslugols jamodi. You strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. Sibols muskits, and luslugols jamods. Neniu povas vidi. No one can see. Nobody can see. lo flalu prenu je lo tumla vecnu cu ricfu ja rigni Lawyers and real estate agents are rich or obnoxious. take it as much as possible, get it rich, and give them rich Tomo promenis antaŭ Manjo. Tom was walking in front of Mary. Tom walked in front of Manjo. Mi pensis, ke vi ne volas havi la premion. I thought you didn't want the reward. I thought you don’t want the prize. Tom es dependente de eroina. Tom is addicted to heroin. Tom is dependent on eroin. qanqu'. He was very old. Thank you very much. Mi pensis, ke vi pli bone konas min. I thought you knew me better. I thought you knew me better. Ni skribis multe. We wrote a lot. We wrote a lot. Me no va sorti a sera oji. I'm not going out tonight. I'm going to sort out about being eyes. me' ghaH SoSwI' be'nI''e'. The sister of my mother is my aunt. I think we're going to tell you something I would like to do that. Mi estas kristano. I am a Christian. I am a Christian. Vi devas ekzerci vin multe pli rigore. You have to study a lot harder. You need to exercise you a lot more rigorously. Puta de merda. Fucking hell. Puta de merda. Tom es un ingeniero industrial. Tom is an industrial engineer. Tom is an industrial engineer. ghaH vISovchoH vIneH. I'd like to get to know her. ghaH fajsoSovchoH Mi tre ŝatas tiun albumon. I love this album. I like this album very much. En ordo! Dankon. Ok! Thanks. In order! Thank you. Vi estas princo, Tomo. You're a prince, Tom. You are a prince, Tom. ei na xaksu lo jdini We shouldn't spend money. Ei na xaksu lo jdini La xico gusta pasea en la site. The boy likes to walk in the city. The xico tasted in the site. America guverna li munde. America rules the world. America's government he's all over. Ĉu ŝi ne bone fartas? Ŝajne ŝi estas iomete deprimita. Is she not doing well? She seems somewhat depressed. Is she not good? she seems to be a bit depressed. Janio estas traŭmatizita. Yanni is traumatized. Jania is traumatized. Ŝi prizorgos ĉion por ni. She will take care of everything for us. She will take care of everything for us. Dôl gîn lost. Your head is empty. Dôl gîn lost. „Mia penso estis ‚Ho, mi deziras, ke mi scius tion antaŭ dek jaroj, kiam mi ekzamenis lernejojn’”, li diris. “My thought was ‘well I wish I had known about this 10 years ago when I was actually looking at schools’,” he said. “My thought was “Oh, I want me to know that ten years ago,” he said. Voms binofs senälöfik. Women are sensitive. Voms binofs senälöfik. Ĉu vi estas decidita por akiri tatuaĵon? Are you determined to get a tattoo? Are you determined to get a tattoo? Turchia es hodie un nation disveloppate a puncto de ingressar al Union Europee. Today, Turkey is a developed nation on the verge of joining the European Union. Turchia is today a developed nation to progress to the Union Europe. Uvoonaroté. I have a stomach ache. Uvoonarté. Mi ne kredas, ke tio estas franclingva. I don't think that's French. I don’t think that’s French. Ĉu naftoprezoj altiĝas? Are gas prices going up? Are oil prices rising? DIvI' Hol lughojqang. They are willing to learn English. DivI' Hol lughojqang. Kiu estas mia IP-adreso? What's my IP address? Who is my IP address? Ĉi-nokte iĝas tre malvarme. Eble neĝos morgaŭ. It gets very cold tonight. Maybe it will snow tomorrow. It’s very cold tonight, maybe it won’t be tomorrow. pIjHa' bom 'ach DaHjaj ram bom 'e' vIHar. She seldom sings, but I think she will tonight. pIjHa' bom 'ach meteraj ram bom 'e' fiaHar. Le anglese non es su prime lingua. English isn't his first language. English is not its first language. loQ Doy'law'taH qar'a'? He looks a bit tired, doesn't he? That's what you all say, and I want to talk about? Lo ia es un demanda autorespondente. It was a rhetorical question. It’s a self-responding question. 'ul pat mutlhwI' moj 'e' neH tam. Tom wants to become an electrician. On the other hand, we don't seem to have been visited by aliens. cha' DISmo' neH ghaH qan law' jIH qan puS. He is only two years older than me. That's what you all say, but I don't know what I mean. Semblas ke esas nula voyo ek nia desfacilajo. It seems that there is no way out of our difficulty. It seems that there is no way out of our difficulty. Ni ricevis multajn plendojn koncerne la manieron, laŭ kiu vi traktas viajn samklasanojn. We've had a lot of complaints about how you treat your classmates. We have received many complaints about the way you treat your classmates. do ma zvati mu'o What's your location? Over. do ma zvati mu'o Plantoj kreskas en direkto al la sunolumo. Plants grow towards sunlight. Plants grow in direction to the sunlight. Me ne komprenas. I don't understand. I don't understand. Interlingua es un strumento moderna per comunica internasional. Interlingua is a modern tool for international communication. Interlingua is a modern structure through international communication. Iu ajn monsumo taŭgos. Any amount of money will do. Any amount of money will touch. paghlogh ghaH vIleghpu'. I had never seen her. Chélogh ghaH facililegpu'. Tikob das obinos gudikumo if ogolol usi dub tood. I think you should go there by car. Tikob das obinos gudicum if ogolol uses dub tood. Ili informis min antaŭ ol informi vin. They told me before they told you. They told me before they informed you. Mi devas esti singarda. I have to be careful. I need to be careful. Me nada mal. I am poor at swimming. I'm not born. Io expectava plus de vos. I expected better from you. I expected more of you. Ho, ne desquietesez pri lo. Oh, don't worry about it. Oh, don't worry about it. Pro quo tu invitat le? Why did you invite him? Why did you invite them? Lia parolmaniero ofendis min. His way of speaking offended me. His speech offended me. Aĉetu la robon, kiun vi volas. Buy the dress you want. Buy the dress you want. Tomo trovis ne nur tion. That's not the only thing that Tom found. Tom found not only that. Me volis dolorigar Tom. I wanted to hurt Tom. I wanted to hurt Tom. joqwI'meychaj joqchoHmoH Hoch. Everybody started waving his flag. Professor, we really know that we have all been on top of each other. Kvankam ŝajnas neeble traduki ĉi tiun vortludon, multaj homoj provas! Although it seems impossible to translate this pun, many people try! Although it seems impossible to translate this word, many people try! Pardono, io ha perdite le patientia. I'm sorry I lost my temper. Sorry, I’ve lost patience. do co'a ti zenba lo ni glare You're starting to warm up now. do co'a ti zenba lo ni glare Destensa! Take it easy! Destense! Mi ne kredas tiun onidiron. I don't believe that rumor. I don't believe that rumor. Jen la plej bona amplifilo, kiu estas vendata. This is the best amplifier on the market. Here is the best amplifier that is sold. Le casa ha besonio de reparation. The house is in need of repair. The home needs repair. La kato de Tomo estas tigrostria. Tom's cat is a tabby. Tom's cat is tigrostria. loS QIn mughItlhta'. She wrote me four letters. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Ni estas pastoroj. We're pastors. We are pastors. ze'u ma do pu ca'o zutse va How long have you been sitting there? zéu ma do pu ca'o zutse va Ob kapälob oli umo gudiko ka of. I understand you better than she does. Ob capälob oli um gudiko ka of. La artikolo aludas okazaĵon nun forgesitan. The article alludes to an event now forgotten. The article is now forgotten. Mi jam rimarkis tion. I'd already noticed that. I've noticed that already. Ná! Yes! Ná! Ho! Tio ŝajnas bongustega! Wow! That looks delicious. Oh, that seems great! Un lingua es un dialeto con un armada e un marina. A language is a dialect with an army and navy. One language is a dialet with an armed and a navy. Ni parolu la jidan! Let's speak Yiddish! Let's talk jidan! Mi devos paroli kun Tomo. I'll have to talk to Tom. I’ll have to talk to Tom. Ni ne tro longe ĝenos vin. We won't bother you too long. We won’t bother you too long. Jim ne arivis til nun. Jim hasn't come yet. Jim did not arrive until now. Ĉu vi povus helpi min dum minuto? Could you just help me out for a minute? Can you help me for a minute? Io remane in Italia. I'm staying in Italy. I'm staying in Italy. Alga de mundo pensa tal. Some people think so. Alga from the world thinks such. Aĝo ne gravas - krom se vi estas fromaĝo. Age isn't important, unless you are cheese. It doesn’t matter if you are cheese. Mi volas, ke vi bone kondutu. I want you to behave yourself. I want you to behave well. Ginko estas vivanta fosilio. The gingko is a living fossil. Ginko is a living fossil. Tom ne volas, ke vi eltrovu la veron. Tom doesn't want you to find out the truth. I don’t want you to find the truth. la'o gy.Millie.gy. ca'o citka lo nanba Millie is eating bread. la'o gy.Millie.gy. ca'o citka lo naba Ŝi estis tre okupata preparanta vespermanĝon por siaj gastoj. She was very busy preparing dinner for her guests. She was very busy preparing dinner for her guests. Li-kanol dunön etosi vifikumo? Can you do it faster? Li canol dunön ethosi vificum? Rusia ia velia. Russia has woken up. Russia's velia. lo rismi cu te purdi fe'e so'i roi lo terdi Rice is grown in many parts of the world. It’s all about being clean, and so it's going to ruin it! Vi ne rajtas reteni nin ĉi tie. You can't keep us here. You can’t keep us here. Tiu ludo eldoniĝis hieraŭ. This game came out yesterday. This game was released yesterday. Kiam mi manĝis ĝin unuafoje post iom da tempo, ĝi tute ne estis spica! When I ate it for the first time in a while, it wasn't spicy at all! When I ate it for the first time, it wasn’t a spice at all! Mi simple ne komprenas, kion Tomo gajnus de tio. I just don't see what Tom would have to gain from that. I just don’t understand what Tom would win from that. la .djonz. cu na’e pamoi cusku Jones is not the first speaker. the .djoz. cu na'e cusku Tu esas kanalio. You're a scoundrel. You are a sewer. Lia morto reprezentas grandan perdon. His death represents a great loss. His death represents a great loss. Il es tante miniona. He's so cute. Il es tanta miniona. Studön no binos nefikulik. Studying is not easy. Studön won't have any difficulty. Ili faras ĝin, ĉar ni permesas al ili. They do it because we allow them to. They do it because we allow them. Ĉu li ne iom junas? Isn't he a bit young? Isn't he a little young? Esce lo es sin custa? Is it free of charge? Is it not a custa? Preskaŭ neniu konsideras nin fratinoj. Almost nobody thinks we're sisters. Almost no one considers us sisters. Ankaŭ mi ne estas pli alta ol li. I'm not taller than him, either. I'm not even higher than him. u'i pei la .tom. Do you think Tom is funny? u'i pei la .tom. Yo aprendet un nov tric. I learned a new trick. Yo learn un nov trick. Utilas scii tion. That's useful to know. It’s useful to know that. lo alminiu cu jinme Aluminum is a metal. alminiu cu jinme jang not loDvetlh leghpu'. Her answer was that she never had seen that man. thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Mi neniam forgesos, kion vi faris por mia familio. I will never forget what you did for my family. I will never forget what you did for my family. Evidente mi ekdormis. I must have fallen asleep. I thought I was asleep. Kie mi povas aĉeti alkoholaĵojn ĉi-ĉirkaŭe? Where can I buy alcohol around here? Where can I buy alcohols here? Tom ŝatas fromaĝon. Tom likes cheese. She likes cheese. la tom pu ca'o bevri lo jai se pa'u flora Tom was carrying a bouquet of flowers. the tom pu ca'o bevri lo jai se pa'u flora Disney felanigis min. Disney made me a furry. Disney folded me. Tu es le melior matre in le mundo. You're the best mom in the world. You are the best in the world. Ili es felici. They're happy. They're happy. La pakaĵo estas en Kvinzo. The package is in Queens. The package is in 5th. Jes, vi devus surhavi lipruĵon okaze de la Sankta Valenteno. Yes, you should wear red lipstick for Valentine's day. Yes, you should wear a lips on the occasion of the Holy Valentine. Tio ne estas serioza peto. It isn't a serious request. This is not a serious request. Mi iel sentas, ke Tom ne ŝatas Maria-n. I have a feeling that Tom doesn't like Mary. I feel like Tom doesn’t like Mary. Kion John faras nun? What is John doing now? What does John do now? Tomo ne vere farus ion tian. Tom wouldn't really do something like that. Tom wouldn’t really do anything like that. Amikoj ĉiam pretas helpi unu alian. Friends are always willing to help each other. Friends are always ready to help each other. Ĉu estas tio justa? Is it fair? Is that fair? Nolobs kisi mutobs dunön. We know what we have to do. Nolobs kiss mutobs dunön. Me ia vide Tom ier en un restorante. El ia conversa con un xica. I saw Tom yesterday in a restaurant. He was talking to a girl. I've seen Tom ier in a stay. From a conversation with an xica. DIvI' Hol boHaDtaH'a'? Are you studying English? But was there anything bigger or older? Ni estus helpintaj, se vi estus demandinta. We would've helped, if you'd asked. We would help if you were asked. ko jikca mi ca lo bavlamdei Contact me tomorrow. Financial mi ca lo bavlamdei Esta es un broma de parolas. This is a play on words. And that's a talk brom. Ille non parla legiermente de cosas seriose. He doesn't speak frivolously of serious things. That's not very nice to read from serious things. Tom ia dona a Maria la rola de sinta aderente. Tom handed Mary the roll of masking tape. Tom gave her to Mary the role of a single aderent. Tomo verkas libron pri sia avo. Tom is writing a book about his grandfather. Tom writes a book about his grandfather. Tomo loĝas en la sama apartamentaro kiel liaj gepatroj. Tom lives in the same building as his parents. Tom lives in the same apartment as his parents. Tomo estas luda aventuremulo. Tom is a fun-loving adventurer. Tom is a playable adventurer. Diplomato estas homo, kiu malkaŝe esprimas tion, kion li ne pensas. A diplomat is a person who openly expresses what they don't think. A diplomat is a man who openly expresses what he does not think. Yufobsöd ofe. Let us help her. Yufobsöd ofe. Tom ia trata Maria como un rea. Tom treated Mary like a queen. Tom treated Mary as a rea. HeS leghpu'. She witnessed the crime. HeS leghpu'. Ĉies kontribuo al la elspezoj por la festeto estas kvar mil enoj. Each person's share of the expenses for the party is 4000 yen. All contributions to the expenses for the party are four thousand entries. DaDIlnISbe'. You don't need to pay anything. DaDilnISbe'. Kiom ili valoras? What's their value? How much are they worth? Illa economisava un poco de moneta pro tempores difficile. She put by some money for a rainy day. The economy was a small amount of money for hard periods. Cil alseimik kanon dunön etosi. Any child can do that. Cil alseimik canon dun etosi. Tomo estas disleksia. Tom is dyslexic. Tom is dislexical. lojmIt yIpoSmoH jay'! Close the damned door! Thank you very much! qochwI' Damoj DaneH'a'? Do you want to be my partner? Have you been a couple of times? Provu ĉiufoje rimarki ion novan. Try to notice something new every time. Try to see something new each time. Qujvam vIparHa'. I like this game. How you doing? Kio estas tiu robota voĉo? What's that robotic voice? What is this robot voice? Isto me importa. I care about this. This imports me. Klarigu ĝin ankoraŭfoje, Jerry. Explain it once more, Jerry. Check it again, Jerry. Mi dubas, ke li venos. I'm doubtful that he's going to come. I doubt he will come. Tomo forte ekkoleros kiam li ekscios pri ĝi. Tom will flip his lid when he finds out. It’s hard to get to know when he knows about it. not yopwaH tuQ. She never wears pants. not yopwaH tuQ. Mi vivas en tiu loko. I live in this place. I live in that place. Vi devus fari ĝin. You should do it. You should do it. chotIbmoHtaH. You're making me nervous. chotIbm's population. Tom es in prision como ille debe esser. Tom is in jail as he should be. Tom is in prison as he needs to be. pa' qaghom. I'll meet you up there. I would like to talk about you, and I would like to talk about you. Io non face ulle objection a lo que tu vole facer. I have no objection to what you want to do. I don't do any goal at what you want to do. Forsan le tres sapores le plus popular de gelato es vanilla, chocolate e fragas. Perhaps the three most popular ice cream flavors are vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. Perhaps the three soaps the most popular ice cream is vanilla, chocolate and deceptive. yItam jay'! Shut the fuck up! yItam jay! tlhutlhmeH bIQ wIghajbe'. We had no drinking water. Our population and our use of the finite resources of planet Earth are growing exponentially, along with our technical ability to change the environment for good or ill. Tomo surhavis ĝinzon kaj T-ĉemizon. Tom was wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Tom wears it and T-shirt. xu mi pu drani Did I get it right? xu mi pu dani Tomo tri tagojn restados kun ni. Tom will stay with us for three days. All three days will stay with us. Ili ne estas superkanajloj. They're not supervillains. They are not superchannels. Tomo estas influa loka krimulo. Tom is an influential local criminal. Tom is an influential local criminal. e'o pitsa Can I have a pizza, please? e'o pitsa Contra cada cosa el ia veni. In spite of everything, he came. Against each thing they come from. wab HevwI''e' qa'pu' HaSta jIH. Radio's been replaced by the TV. Professor, I would like to send you out there. Mi defendis min. I defended myself. I defended myself. Ka irgu altra iros? Is anyone else going? Will someone else go? Clicca sur "salvar" pro comenciar le download. Click on "save" to begin the download. Click "salvar" to start the download. Illo esseva un burla de mal gusto. It was a joke in poor taste. It was a burl of bad taste. Nia kato ne rajtas eniri en nur unu ĉambron de la domo, kaj li pasigas sian tutan tempon miaŭante ekster ĝia pordo. Our cat isn't allowed in one room of the house, and he spends all his time meowing outside the door to it. Our cat is not allowed to enter only one room of the house, and he spends all his time miaving outside its door. Ĉi tiu seĝo estas farita el plasto. This chair is made of plastic. This chair is made of plastic. Non dice nonsenso. Don't talk nonsense. Don't say anything. Tu es un gato multe caresable. You are a very cuddly cat. You’re a lot of meanable game. Ni tranoktis en kvinstela hotelo. We spent the night at a five-star hotel. We ran in a five-star hotel. Vos deberea haber me lo dicite ante longe tempore. You should have told me a long time ago. You should have said it for a long time. Me vole sabe esce tu ia comprende vera. I wonder whether you really understood. I want to know is what you understand true. Tom, it es tui matre. Tom, it's your mother. Tom, it es tui matre. Mi helpis al li hieraŭ. I helped him yesterday. I helped him yesterday. Do tu es? Where are you? So you're? Tomo estas aroganta aĉulo. Tom is an arrogant jerk. Tom is an ardent achull. La evidento esas ne-dubitebla; lo ne povas esar originala Picasso. The evidence leaves no room for doubt; this can't be an original Picasso. The spectator is non-dubitable; it cannot be original Picasso. Tom rumpeva toto. Tom broke everything. Tom rumped everything. Ni faris neĝohomon ĉi-vintre. We made a snowman this winter. We did a snowman this winter. mi djica lo nu da'i do mi zvajbi I wish you were close to me. mi djica lo nu da'i do mi zvaabi Tom spertis malfacilaĵon spiri. Tom had trouble breathing. He experienced a hard to breathe. ko'a ciska lo cukta He writes books. Coordinates for the Earth's surface Io deberea haber vidite plus claro in lo que esseva super le puncto de evenir. I wish I would've been more aware of what was going to happen. I should have seen more clearly in what is about the point of events. Francava tir inafa gadava. French is his mother tongue. French tir inafa gadava. la tom ca ca'o citka lo titnanba Tom is eating cake now. the tom ca'o citka lo titnanba Bonan tagon. Vi estas nia nova najbaro, se mi ne eraras? Good afternoon. You are our new neighbor, if I'm not mistaken? Good day, you are our new neighbor, if I'm not wrong? chaq tuQoylaHbe' qar'a'? Maybe you can't hear me? Maybe you don't think you're making me feel good? Mi povas fari kion ajn mi ŝatas. I can do whatever I like. I can do whatever I like. Ĉu io ajn vere ekzistas? Does anything really exist? Does anything really exist? Nifüp kömon. Winter is coming. Nifüp kömon. lulegh je. They saw it, too. lulegh je. Tomaso alverŝis trinkaĵon por Maria. Tom refreshed Mary's drink. Thomas poured a drink for Mary. ku'i mi tu'a lo gunma ka'enai mutce jimpe But I can't understand them very well. Thank you for this reason, but I think I’ll have a lot of jimpe Ĉiam, kiam mi rigardas al li, li ridetas. Everytime I look at him, he smiles. Every time I look at him, he smiles. Esque tu es felice nunc? Are you happy now? Are you happy now? Â-g es yn ben. That's a pen. Ó-g is yn ben. Vos deberea haber lo lassate tranquille. You should've left it alone. You should have left it next. Vi bezonos 78,9 mililitrojn da arakidoleo. You'll need 1/3 cup of peanut oil. You will need 78.9 milliliters of arachidoleum. Tu mamma es cool. Your mom is cool. Your mom is cool. peghoHQo'! Don't argue. Don't think we're all right! paSloghwIj vISay'moH. I wash my socks. I am in favor of my life. la .uan. na djuno lo du'u la .marias. cu tixnu vo'a Juan doesn't know that Maria is his daughter. la .uan. adjuno lo du'u la .marias. cuxnu vo'a La kabloj kondukas elektron. Wires carry electricity. The cable leads electricity. Veni hic! Come here. Come here! Alga de mundo crede ce on ave fantasmas. Some people believe in ghosts. Some of the world believe that this is a ghost. Tomo forte ekkoleros kiam li ekscios pri ĝi. Tom'll flip his lid when he finds out. It’s hard to get to know when he knows about it. Ka la acidento vere eventis pasinta yare? Did that accident really happen last year? Did the accident really happen last year? Me dicos a tu sekretajo. I'm going to tell you a secret. I will tell you a secret. Mia patrino aĉetis al mi novan veston. My mother bought me a new dress. My mother bought me a new dress. Fekdiable! Fucking damn it! Feckdiable! Mi vidis lin ĉirkaŭiri la urbon dimanĉe vestite. I saw him walking around town wearing his Sunday best. I saw him walk around the town on Sunday. Io sempre ha le mesme horario. I always have the same schedule. I always have the same time. Tomo scipovas naĝi preskaŭ same bone kiel Manjo. Tom swims almost as well as Mary. Tom can swim almost as well as Manjo. Tomo estas maldiligenta, sed Manjo ne. Tom is lazy, but Mary isn't. Tom is sad, but Manjo is not. Es-ty yn berson ŷsal? Are you a normal person? Is-ty yn berson 3–sal? Mi provas promeni almenaŭ tridek minutojn ĉiutage. I try to walk at least thirty minutes a day. I’m trying to walk at least thirty minutes a day. Tiel mi ekkonis mian koramikinon. I met my girlfriend that way. So I knew my girlfriend. La supo estas ankoraŭ varma. The soup is still hot. The soup is still warm. Le canes ha un senso acute de olfaction. Dogs have a keen sense of smell. Dogs have a sense of olfaction. Kie estas Libano? Where is Lebanon? Where is Lebanon? 'IrneHnalDaj qIH. She met her uncle. 'IrneHnalDaj qIH. Ili supozeble estas tre malriĉaj. They must be very poor. They are likely to be very poor. zo .djaberuakis. cmene le kriceto be la'o ly. Teddy Bear .ly. be'o dalpe'o be ko'a be'o noi clani je sloska se kerfa His long-haired, blond, Teddy Bear hamster was called Jabberwocky. zo .djaberuakis. Name the critic be la'o ly. Teddy Bear .ly. be'o dalpe'o be co'a be'o noi clani je sloska se kerfa Vortoj havas signifojn. Words mean things. Words have meanings. Tomo atendas, ke iu alia faru tion por li. Tom is waiting for someone else to do it for him. Tom is waiting for someone else to do that for him. Tomo postvivis. Tom has survived. Tom survived. Pote ille haber dicite un tal cosa? Can he have said such a thing? Can they say a thing? Noel sape absolutemente nihil de isto. Noel knows absolutely nothing about it. Noel knows absolutely nothing of this. Li esas plu forta kam ni. They're stronger than us. He is stronger than us. Ni babilis pri stultaĵoj. We chatted about nonsense. We talked about stupid things. Sequez me! Follow me! Follow me! petaQ nguq ghaH tam'e'. Tom is an arrogant fuck. petaQ nguq ghaH tam'e'. mi'ai co'u se kansa lo rismi We have no more rice. mi'ai co'u se kansa lo rismi Ĉu vi estas ĉina, sinjoro? Are you Chinese, sir? Are you Chinese, sir? Ме ес ен ла медиа де клуи ла порте. I'm closing the door. It's true that it's all about it. Pük binon dialeg ko milit e nafem. A language is a dialect with an army and navy. Pük binon dialeg co war e nafem. Aiya! Hail! Aiya! Le cassa es ben claudite. The box is well sealed. This box is closed. .i lo nu snada cu mutce lakne There was a strong likelihood of his succeeding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mi preferus promeni ol spekti la filmon. I'd rather go for a walk than see the movie. I would rather love to watch the movie. Mi estas idealistino. I'm an idealist. I am an idealist. Li estas tiu, kiu proponis tion. He was the one who suggested it. He is the one who proposed it. je'a lenku co cabdei It's really cold today. je'a ko libdei La unuaj ŝakludantoj, kiujn mi lernis admiri, estis Capablanca, Alekhine, Botwinnik, Tal, Fischer kaj Mecking. The first chess players I learned to admire were Capablanca, Alekhine, Botwinnik, Tal, Fischer, and Mecking. The first chess players I learned to admire were Capablanca, Alekhine, Botwinnik, Tal, Fischer and Mecking. Ni aĉetas panon. We buy bread. We buy bread. ta mlatu je'i gerku Is that a cat or a dog? Mlatu je'i gerku Ŝi estis superfortita de la malĝojiga novaĵo. She was overwhelmed by the sad news. She was overwhelmed by the sad news. la .tam. troci lo nu jgari lo ty. ckiku lo ty. jmadegji Tom tried to pick up his keys with his toes. the .tam. slice it nu jgari lo ty. ckiku lo ty. jmadegji Ni ja estas demonoj. Tio estas nia metio. We're demons. It's what we do. We are demons, that’s our craft. mi'ai e'u klama Let's go! mi'ai e'u klama jItuS. I have a cough. Please continue. Ni esis justa. We were right. We're just right. lo karce pe lo famti be mi cu sutra zmadu lo mi co'e My uncle's car is faster than mine. carce pe lo famti be mi cu sutra zmadu lo mi co'e Mi iris al la banko. I went to the bank. I went to the bank. Fek! Fuck! Fek! Illa faceva duo telephonatas pro Tom. She put two calls in for Tom. He had two phone names for Tom. Том иа фуми. Tom used to smoke. Ōwī joy. Historion verkas la venkintoj. History is written by the victors. History writes the victors. Vole tu venir? Would you like to come? Want to come? Ni ne povas savi ĉiujn. We can't save everyone. We can’t save everyone. Tom e Meri es antifaxistes. Tom and Mary are anti-fascists. Tom and Meri are antifaxists. mi nova'e djica lo ka viska le nanmu za'ure'u I have no wish to see the man again. mi nova'e djica lo viska le nmu za'ure'u ko carmi tadni You must study hard. co harmi tadni L. L. Zamenhof estis hebrea okulisto. L. L. Zamenhof was a Jewish oculist. L. L. Zamenhof was a Hebrew occultist. Tomo kaj siaj amikoj iris laŭfluen de la rivero per kaŭĉuka floso. Tom and his friends went down the river on a rubber raft. Tom and his friends went along from the river with a rubber float. Li infante aprende rapidmen. The child is learning quickly. Li infante learn quickmen. ca'e do klama ka'ai mi You're coming with me. That's why I'm closing .ai mi ze'e ba jmive I intend to live forever. .ai mi ze'e ba Life Ĉu ĉi tiu vakcino estas efika? Is this vaccine effective? Is this vaccine effective? Mi ne manĝas fiŝaĵon. I don't eat fish. I don't eat fish. Ili luktas ŝultro ĉe ŝultro. They are wrestling shoulder to shoulder. They are fighting a shoulder at the shoulder. Li diris, Rigardu la mondon – estas bono kaj malbono en tio; rigardu la eklezian leĝaron – estas bono kaj malbono en TIO. He said, Look at the world, there was good and evil in that; look at the ecclesiastical law, there was good and evil in THAT. He said, Look at the world – it is good and evil in that; look at the ecclesiastical legislation – it is good and evil in TIO. "tera' na'ranvam DaneH'a'?" "ghobe', pagh tera' na'ran vIneH." "Do you want this orange?" "No, I don't want any orange at all." "tera' na'ranvas DaneH'?" "ghobe', kai terra' na'ran miru". Les non envadad. They did not enter. Les ne envadad. Ica hundi esas granda. These dogs are big. This dog is big. Tomas ästudom domo. Tom was homeschooled. Tomas ästucom house. Ili scipovas kalkuli. They know how to count. They can count. Hoch wIje'meH yap Huch wIghajbogh 'e' DaSovbej'a'? Are you sure we have enough money to buy everything? We have made good progress on the probability of life appearing. Layla es un traduor. Layla is a translator. Layla is a translator. ko cikna Wake up! Cykna Ne estus pli facile al la popolo, se la bastono, kiu batas ilin, nomiĝus la popola bastono. It will scarcely be any easier on the people if the stick with which they are beaten is called the people's stick. It would not be easier for the people if the stick that beat them would be called the people's rod. le nakni cu citno gi'e kanro He's young and healthy. the nine citno gi'e kanro gau ko cladu ke cmalu zmadu Make it a little louder. gau co cladu ke cmalu zmadu Tiu ĉi kunveno estas tempmalŝparo. Ĉiuj nur vage parolas teorie. This meeting is a waste of time. Everybody is just talking in vague theoretical terms. This meeting is a short time. Everyone speaks the theory. Ella comensat plorar. She started crying. Ella comensat cry. lo'e panrysi'u linji na krucysi'u Parallel lines do not intersect each other. Panrysi'u linji na cruciysi'u ti pu se zvati lo nu la tom co'u jmive It was here that Tom died. ti pu zvati lo nu la tom co'u Life Quon vu facas por evitar to? What are you doing to prevent this? What do you do to avoid everything? Mi ne ŝatas sidi apud Tomo dum koncertoj. I don't like sitting next to Tom at concerts. I don’t like to sit near Tom during concerts. Scrive tuа nom. Write your name. Write your name. Io simplemente no pote non preoccupar me de vos. I just can't help worrying about you. I just can't worry about you. Ille tentava in van de aperir le cassa. He tried to open the box in vain. They tried in van to open the box. No logob mani. I don't see a man. No logo men. Deo non joca al datos! God doesn't play dice! I don’t like data! In vice de mangiar hic, que nos va a casa. Instead of eating here, let's go home. Instead of eating here, let's go to home. Me pensa ce el es bela. I think that he is handsome. I think about him is beautiful. Vi estas mia aĵo. You are my one thing. You are my thing. ko'a pu mo nanmu What kind of man was he? Kal'a mo nammu Me ia ariva a London. I arrived in London. I arrived in London. Nanyë yaulë. I am a cat. "Nany yaul". Ci ia lansa un petra a meа can? Who threw a stone at my dog? Here’s a little bit at the can? ra poi fetsi cu ralte lo blabi mlatu She has a white cat. r po po fetsi cu ralte lo bla mlatu Tomo estas imperiisto. Tom is an imperialist. Tom is an imperialist. Illo ha essite un burla de mal gusto. It was a joke in poor taste. It was a burl of bad taste. Me merita boni koses. I deserve good things. I deserve boni coses. Tomo diris al ĉiuj, ke li faris tion. Tom told everybody he had done that. Tom told everyone he did that. Mi estas la fantomo de Tomo Jackson. I am the ghost of Tom Jackson. I am Tom Jackson's ghost. vemmoHwI'Daj lIS tam. Tom set his alarm. Thank you very much, like that. Lassë lantëa. A leaf is falling. Lassë lantëa. roltaHbogh naghDaq vI'be' tI. vIttlhegh 'oH mu'tlheghvam'e'. "A rolling stone gathers no moss" is a proverb. We think we have sought to understand the universe and find answers to the universe. Mi kuŝis sur mia dorso. I was lying on my back. I lay on my back. Tio estas nepre evitenda. That's something we must avoid, no matter what. This is necessarily obvious. Tom ia sofla supra la brasas esperante reinisia la foco. Tom blew on the embers, hoping to get the fire restarted. So far on top of the end, hoping to re-enter the focus. Tom neniun mortigis. Tom didn't kill anyone. He didn’t kill anyone. Le mar es blau. The sea is blue. Mar es blau. Daj paqvam. This book is interesting. Daj Paqvam. lo mutce kamvli cu te binxo lo mutce kamfu'e With great power comes great responsibility. Very many like this is a lot of like a lot of like this. Li estas konstrulaboristo. He's a construction worker. He is a construction worker. la tom ca ca'o dasni lo rotsu lacni Tom is wearing thick glasses. the tom ca'o dasni lo rotsu lacni la tom e la maris pu tavla fi la'e do'i Tom and Mary talked about that. the tom and the maris pu tavla fi la'e do'i jIH retlhDaq ba'choH. She sat next to me. You don't know what we are doing, but we don't know how we are doing. javmaH lup ghaj wa' tup. One minute has sixty seconds. June lup ghaj wa' tup. pu mrobi'o tu'a lo cagna He died from wounds. push mrobi'o tu'a lo magna Kiam mi vekiĝis, kataj vibrisoj tuŝis mian vizaĝon. I woke up with cat whiskers in my face. When I woke up, little foxes touched my face. La musica es universal. Music is universal. The music is universal. mi pacna lo nu mi ba viska ra I hope that I'll see her. mi pacona no mi ba viska ra Mi ofte sonĝas la saman sonĝon. I often have the same dream. I often dream the same dream. Le movimentos revolutionari attrahe e illes qui non es bastante bon pro le institutiones existente e illes qui es troppo bon pro illos. Revolutionary movements attract those who are not good enough for established institutions as well as those who are too good for them. The movements revolutionizeally and they who are not quite good for existing institutions and they who are too good for them. le patfu cu lumci lo flira be ra The father washes his face. the path cu lumci lo flira bera ra melbi ve ga'a lo nu darno Seen from a distance, she's a beauty. melbi ve ga'a nu darno Se vi nin perfidos, ni vin mortigos. If you betray us, we'll kill you. If you trust us, we will kill you. La senlaboreco plialtiĝas. Unemployment is rising. Unemployment is rising. Il non ha Premio Nobel de mathematica. There is no Nobel Prize in mathematics. There are no Nobel Prize in math. Io solo voleva informar vos que io ha un rendez-vous. I just wanted to let you know I have a date. I just wanted to inform you that I have a rendez-vous. Ме поте абри ла фенетра. I can open the window. It's all about it. Detroit estas danĝera urbo. Detroit is dangerous city. Detroit is a dangerous city. Theista e atheista: le lucta inter illes ha le scopo de decider si Deo debe esser appellate Deo o reciper un altere nomine. Theist and atheist: the fight between them is as to whether God shall be called God or shall have some other name. Theist and atheist: the fight between them has the goal of deciding whether Deo should be called Deo or receive another name. tera' DIS 1847 poH tuj paw chaH. They arrived in the summer of 1847. During 1847, the city was shot immediately. ckire fi lo nu rinsa mi Thank you for greeting me. ckire fi lo nu rinsa mi Manja lu! Eat it! Manja lu! Mi uzos ĝeneralajn terminojn. I will use general terms. I will use general terms. puqloD valchajmo' Hem chaH. They are proud of their clever son. puqloD valchajmo' Hem chaH. Obs valik valadobs oli. We're all waiting for you. Obs valadabs oli. e'o lo blabi nanba White bread, please. Black White mi ka'enai nupre lonu do nelci lo cukta .i ku'i mi jinvi lodu'u .ei catlu do'anai cy. I can't promise that you'll like these books but I think it would be a good idea to at least look them over. mi ka'enai nu pre lonu dolci loːta .i ku'i mi jinvi lodu'u .ei catlu do'anai cy. qo' chu' Qun vImojrup. I will become God of the new world. I'm looking at the Qun'pamomirup. Kie troviĝas la fervoja stacidomo? Where is the railway station? Where is the railway station? mi klama fo ma fe lo ckudi'u How do I get to the library? Mikla fo ma fe lo ckudi'u Vi ne estus devinta kulmini tiel frue. You didn't have to cum so early. You wouldn’t have had to blame so early. Kial vi ankoraŭ ne enŝipiĝis? Why haven't you boarded yet? Why haven't you been trapped yet? La homamaso dispeliĝis el la aŭditorio. The crowd poured out of the auditorium. The crowd broke out of the auditorium. Ille la diceva multe mentitas. He told her many lies. That the said many lied. Le qualitate del the diminue. The quality of tea is going down. The quality of the decrease. na ba za'u re'u fasnu It won't happen again. ba za'u re'u fatinu Certe, ni volas venki. Of course, we want to win. Of course, we want to win. Mi ne celas fendi harojn. I'm not trying to nitpick. I'm not trying to break hair. Mi aŭdis krakegon de la ĉielo kaj mi timis. Ĉu estas tre potenca viro tie supre? I heard a crash from the sky and I was afraid. Is there a very powerful man up there? I heard a cracking of heaven and I was afraid, was there a very powerful man there? ta' jungwoq Hol yaj me'rIy. Mary understands Standard Chinese. ta' Jungwoq Hol yaj me'rIy. Tom va cosini. Tom will cook. Tom va cosini. vuDlIj Daja'nIS. You should say what you think. viDizej Daja'nIS. puqHompu' chaHbe'. They are not little children. puqHompu' chaHbe'. Mi ne scias, ĉu tio eblas. I don't know if that's possible. I don’t know if that is possible. Tomo tion ankaŭ ne volas. Tom doesn't want this either. I don’t want that either. Ме студиа анке бангла. I study Bengali, too. It's all about it. Mi estas retratonta monon. I am going to take out money. I'm going to re-treat money. mi'o denpa ma What are we waiting for? _Pause Tent zirat. You don't say. Tent zirat. ri klama le zarci He went to the shop. clear the fence Ille totalmente non esseva satisfacite. He was not at all satisfied. They were not entirely satisfied. Ne avigila le. Don't wake him up. Don't avigilla le. Li certas pri sia sukceso. He is sure to succeed. He is sure of his success. .e'u ko facki fi lo mitsmu jufra be bau sorbau ra'i la'e zoi kib tatoeba.org kib Find multilingual sentence equivalents at Tatoeba.org. .e'u koːn fi lo mitsmu jufra be baua sorbau ra'i la'e zoi kib tatoeba.org kib Ne timu, mi estas ĉe vi. Don't be afraid, I'm with you. Don't be afraid, I'm with you. La lakto havis mala saporo. The milk tasted bad. The milk had a bad soap. mi pu zi mo'u citka lo dormijysai I've just finished lunch. mi pu zi mo'u citka lo dormijysai Tom ia compra alga cosa. Tom bought something. Tom's got something along. Severa traŭmato malfaciligas ĉion. Severe trauma makes things difficult. Severe trauma makes it difficult for everything. Kial tio okazis? Why has this happened? Why did that happen? Esta es vera. That's true. Esta es vera. dukse lo ni kargu It's too expensive! duxe it ni cargu La plimulto el fabeloj havas kanajlojn. Most fairy tales have villains. The majority of fairy tales have canals. xu xagji Hungry? xu xagji Unu sufiĉus. One would be enough. One would suffice. En la tokipona komunumo, Brazilo estis konsiderata "facila" lando. In the Toki Pona community, Brazil was considered an "easy" country. In the Tuxiponic community, Brazil was considered a "fair" country. chotlhejlaH bIneHchugh. You could come with me if you like. Get plenty of support for good knowledge. Mi ne volas, ke ili ĝenu Tomon. I don't want them to disturb Tom. I don’t want to bother Tom. la.siskos. stali lo selmipri barja ca lo nicte Sysko hangs around in secret pubs at night. la.siskos. stali lo semmipri barja ca lo nicote Ĉiuj el miaj viramikoj havas koramikinojn. All my friends have girlfriends. All of my girlfriends have girlfriends. Nek unu, nek la alia gravus al mi. I wouldn't care either way. Not one, nor did the other gravitate me. mI' yIwIv. Pick a number. Of course, I'm free. Ŝi ne plu estas parto de via vivo. She's not in your life anymore. She’s no longer part of your life. Neniu parolas kun mi. No one speaks with me. Nobody speaks with me. mi ba co'unai troci I will continue with my efforts. My baby is missing Se muri povis dicar, quo rakonti volus oli dicus ni? If walls could talk, what stories would they tell us? If women were able to say, what would they like to tell them about us? Vom fidof rojati. The woman eats an orange. Vom fidef roats. Ne klopodi estas fiaski. Not trying is failing. Don't try to be a failure. jul bIngDaq chu' pagh. Nothing new under the sun. If you don't think we are the only one, so we don't know how to do that. Ni scias, ke la suno estas pli granda ol la tero. We know that the sun is bigger than the earth. We know the sun is bigger than the earth. Li havas du filojn kaj unu filinon. He has two boys and a girl. He has two sons and one daughter. Mi pensas, ke tio ne funkcios. I think that that won't work. I think it won’t work. ko stali ti Stay here! co stali ti Vamos conversar. We're going to talk. Let's go! .iu ro'o nai I love you like a brother. .iu ro'o nai Анке ме студиа бангла. I study Bangla, too. It's all about it. Da colpas de pugno a nazis pro le pace mondial. Punch Nazis for world peace. Da colpas de pugno a Nazis por la pacile. Si solmente le pluvia cessarea! If only it would stop raining! If only the cess area! Li dracones nasce in li foy. The dragons are born in the fire. Li dracones nasce in li foy. Tomo estas nervoza. Tom is nervous. Tom is nervous. Un epitaphio es un inscription super un tumba, monstrante que virtutes acquirite per le morte habe effecto retroactive. An epitaph is an inscription on a tomb, showing that virtues acquired by death have a retroactive effect. An epitaphium is a description over a tumba, showing that virtutes acquired by the death force were retroactive. Estas es tua fias, no? Are these your daughters? Is your fias, no? Tu non essera disappunctate si tu lege tote le libro. You won't be let down if you read the entire book. You will not be disapproved if you read the whole book. Mi ne kredas eĉ unu vorton, kiun Tomo diras. I don't believe a word Tom says. I don’t believe even one word that Tom says. La registaro devus forigi tiun reguligon. The government should do away with these regulations. The government should remove this regulation. Illa es un leader plus habile que ille. She is a more proficient leader than he is. Illa is a more likely leader than that. Kaj Tom kaj Maria laboras kiel modeloj. Both Tom and Mary work as models. Tom and Mary work as models. jISaQtaH. I'm still crying. Exiting does not appear to have been subscribed. Ĉiufoje, kiam mi legas tiun libron, mi trovas ion novan. Every time I read this book, I find something new. Every time I read this book, I find something new. Ĉu laŭ vi ni devas forlasi la ŝipon? Do you think we should abandon ship? Should we leave the ship? yoq ghaHmo' che'wI''e', vaj rut QaghlaH. Because the president is a human being, making mistakes is possible. But there's a Black Bang that either way, it's going to be a rut Qagh. On non pote fider se a alicuno. You can't trust anyone. You cannot trust someone. Dog obik ebeiton hieli Tom. My dog bit Tom. Dog obik ebeiton hieli Tom. mIp 'IrneHnalwI'. My uncle is rich. mIp 'IrneHnal Opble'. Ni devas provi fari tion alimaniere. We need to try doing this a different way. We need to try to do that differently. Ankaŭ mia nomo ne estas Tomo. My name isn't Tom either. My name is not Tom either. Post la vespermanĝo ni ĉiuj iris en la salonon. After dinner, we all went into the drawing room. After dinner, we all went to the room. Le bus deberea arrivar tosto. The bus should be arriving soon. The bus should arrive soon. Kiun libron vi plej ŝatas legi? What is your favorite book to read? What book do you like to read? Es o no es? To be or not to be? Is it or is it? Nos ia es en la coredor de la nivel du de la ospital. We were in the hallway of the second floor of the hospital. We're at the core of the level two of the ospital. Me volis lernar de la maxim bona. I wanted to learn from the best. I wanted to learn from the best. Mi filia ha allactate su infante plus de sex menses. My daughter has been nursing her baby for over six months. My daughter has allied his child more than six months. Ni atendas nian patrinon. We're waiting for our mother. We are waiting for our mother. Kion Tomo petis por Kristnasko? What did Tom ask for for Christmas? What did Tom ask for Christmas? Eligu la televidilan ŝtopkontaktilon kaj malŝaltu la lumon. Unplug the television and turn off the light. Select the TV sticker and turn off the light. Mi preferas iri naĝi. I prefer to go swimming. I prefer to go swimming. Ĝi estas nur ludo. It's just a game. It's just a game. Tokio ŝajnas esti ricevinta la mesaĝon de Vaŝingtono. Tokyo seems to have gotten the message from Washington. Tokyo seems to have received the message of Washington. La unua paŝo estis farita. Step one is done. The first step was made. Mi ne iris eksteren jam de tre longe. I haven't been outside in a long time. I didn’t go out for a long time. Me nesesa un duple nova de sapatos de sporte. I need a new pair of sneakers. I'm not a double new from sports shoes. Tu rumpe mi corde. You're breaking my heart. You are breaking my heart. SuwIH. You're ruthless. It's just off there. jdika lo ni tilju The weight is decreasing. Jidika lo ni tilju Il es mediedie. It's midday. It’s noon. Ili volas esti riĉaj. They want to become rich. They want to be rich. Mi certas, ke Tomo baldaŭ revenos. I'm sure Tom will return soon. I’m sure Tom’s coming back soon. Deo esas mortinta, e ni mortigis lu. God is dead, and we have killed him. God is dead, and we kill him. jIHvaD vavlI' DaqawmoH. You remind me of your father. We need to do this if we need to do this for good progress. Ni estas ĉi tie frue. We're here early. We are here early. Niaj prauloj verkis ĝin. Our ancestors wrote it. Our ancestors wrote it. Akvo estas malseka. Water is wet. Water is wet. Quch vIghro'wIj. My cat is happy. I have a look at my concern. Pekunio importas en ita maniero. Money is important in this way. Pekunium imports in this way. yanDaj Qachpu' QIS! Chris swung his sword! Qachpu' QIS! Yo vole viver ta u li áquiles fa lor nestes e li capres salta sur li roccas. I want to live there where the eagles make their nests and the goats leap on the rocks. Yo vol vever ta u li áquiles fa lo nestes e li capres jump sur li roccas. Tomo estas mensfermita. Tom is closed-minded. Tom is open. Perch ed-gw llo ffuin? Why do you hate women? Perch ed-gw llo ffuin? Ту ес полиамиал? Are you polyamorous? Do you want to know it? Áva rucë. Don’t fear. Áva rucë. Sükob fidi. I'm looking for food. Sükob trusted. Li ne rimorsas. He has no remorse. He doesn't smile. pe'i .ei do ca surla zukte I think you had better take a rest. Pe'i .ei do ca surla zukte ko na troci co dukce carmi Don't try too hard! Share the rest of the room pe'vIl mu'qaDmey bachpu'. She cursed loudly. Of course, we've made up of the universe. Mi ricevis donacon de ŝi. She gave me a present. I got a gift from her. La fia de el es un curor. His daughter is a nurse. The fia de el es un curor. Nansi gusta musica. Nancy likes music. Nansi tasted music. Ni petis de ĉiuj foriri. We asked everybody to leave. We asked everyone to leave. Hetob menis valik, i mens valik hetoms obi. I hate everyone, and everyone hates me. Hetob menis valik, i mens valik hetoms obi. Tom jam deberea haber arrivate. Tom should've arrived by now. Tom should have arrived. Me ama la sol. I love the sun. I love the sun. Nosа scola comensa a la ora oto. Our school begins at eight. We're all starting at the golden eight. Tomas labom dogi blägik, no-li? Tom has a black dog, doesn't he? Tomas labom dogi blägik, no-li? Kuru laŭeble plej rapide kaj ne maltenu mian manon. Run as fast as you can and don't let go of my hand. Run as quickly as possible and don’t stop my hand. Vi neniam diris al mi, ke vi edziĝintas. You never told me that you were married. You never told me that you were married. Yo deve dir alquó a Tom. I have to tell Tom something. Yo deve dir alquó a Tom. Mi naĝis en la rivero. Grandega krokodilo venis al mi por min manĝi. Mi batalis kontraŭ li kaj lin mortigis. Li sinkis en la akvon. I was swimming in the river. A huge crocodile came towards me to eat me. I fought it and killed it. It sank into the water. I was born in the river, Great crocodile came to me to eat. I fought against him and killed him. He sank in the water. Li moscas ye li parete continuat repter. The flies on the wall continued to crawl. He mocks at his peer continued repter. Ma Noldo nu i alda ná? Is a Noldo beneath the tree? Ma Noldo nu i alda ná? Fojfoje mi pensas, ke Tomo loĝas ĉe la muzeo. Sometimes I think Tom lives at the museum. Sometimes I think Tom lives at the museum. Mi scias, ke tio estas stranga. I know that this is weird. I know that’s strange. Mi kredas, ke mi faris ĉion eblan. Nun restas nur atendi kaj vidi, kion ĝi rezultigos. I feel like I've done all I can. Now all there is to do is wait and see what comes of it. I think I’ve done everything, now it’s just going to wait and see what it’s going to do. Vos non son canes. You're not dogs. You don't have any dogs. poH Duj qIj vIchIj. I drive a black car. Long-term qIs facychI. Tomo sidis sola en sia ĉambro. Tom was sitting alone in his room. Tom sat alone in his room. Ne estas pliajn detalojn. There are no further details. There are no further details. Tomo deklaris sin reĝo de Aŭstralio. Tom declared himself King of Australia. Tom declared himself King of Australia. vay' vIneHbogh vISuqta'. I succeeded in getting what I wanted. Let's go, let's make answers to life. ¿Dovestà Libnun? Where is Lebanon? ¿Dovetà Libnun? Noi sempre di to. We always say that. We're always out of it. La dormo estas ŝtelisto. Sleep is a thief. Sleep is a thief. Atendu momenton ekster la ĉambro. Wait for a moment outside the room. Wait for a moment outside the room. Lif Tomasa no äbinom nefikulik. Tom has not had an easy life. Lif Tomasa no äbinom neficulik. Io ha sete. Io volerea un tassa de caffe. I am thirsty. I would like to have a cup of coffee. I have set. I'd like one tassa de caffe. pei mi'ai ji'a tsuku Can we come, too? Pei mi'ai ji'a tsuku Pensar a isto me face fremer. I shudder to think of it. Think of this I do abroad. Que merda es tu problema? What the fuck is your problem? What shit is your issue? Mi nun ne povas respondi tiun demandon. I can't answer that question now. I can't answer that question now. Mérammë nilmë. We wish friendship. Mérammë nilmë. Tom es homophobe. Tom is homophobic. Tom is homophobe. Esta pescas no es multe dulse. These peaches aren't very sweet. Esta pescas no es multa dulse. La patrino insistis, ke ŝia infano ne ludu en la parko post la malheliĝo. The mother insisted on her children not playing in the park after dark. The mother insisted that her child would not play in the park after the obscuration. Kion Tomo bezonas traduki? What does Tom need to translate? What does Tom need to translate? pongDaj vIqawlaHbe'. His name eludes me. PongDaj favaqaw riverbe'. Tomo kaj Mario ludis tenison kune. Tom and Mary played tennis together. Tom and Mario played tennis together. Estas oranĝaj ŝtonaj seĝoj apud la arbo apud la teejo. There are orange stone chairs next to the tree next to the teahouse. There are orange stone chairs near the tree near the roof. La plej valora havaĵo, kiun ni posedas, estas la tempo. The most precious resource we have is time. The most valuable thing we possess is time. En Japonia esas bela urbi, exemple Kyoto e Nara. In Japan there are beautiful cities, for example Kyoto and Nara. In Japan there are beautiful cities, such as Kyoto and Nara. Kion Tomo faros morgaŭ? What's Tom doing tomorrow? What will Tom do tomorrow? Tiu ĉi tapiŝo estas pli valora ol tiu. This carpet is more valuable than that one. This carpet is more valuable than that. Es vos allergic a qualcosa? Are you allergic to anything? Are you listening to something? Seng vIghajchoH. I am in trouble. Seng ShelishchoH. Le bottilia es plen de aqua. The bottle is filled with water. Le bottilia is full of water. Tomo ne scios kie vin trovi. Tom won't know where to find you. Tom won’t know where to find you. ra renro lo vo'a selkei He threw his toy. renro lo vo'a Ž Estas nekutime, ke hebreo nomiĝas Tomaso. It's unusual for a Jew to be named Thomas. It is unusual that Hebrew is called Thomas. mi'a tadni We're students. Mi'a tadni .i mu'i ma do pilno la .tato,ebas. Why do you use Tatoeba? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mi estas tute kontenta pri la rezultoj. I'm completely satisfied with the results. I'm very pleased with the results. Mi ŝatus rezervi ĉambron en hotelo. I'd like to reserve a room in a hotel. I would like to book a room in a hotel. Ubi illes va justo nunc? Where are they going to right now? Where are they going to just now? la tom cu pendo mi Tom's my friend. the Tom cu pendo mi Lundio, mardio, merkurdio, jovdio, venerdio, saturdio e sundio esas la sep dii en un semano. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, youth, Friday, shrine and sunday are the seven days in a seed. Ili time me. They're afraid of me. They time me. Mi nomos ĉion por vi. I will name everything for you. I’ll call everything for you. Belisik tiyil nazbeik, ise rotir til kalackaf ede wan til. You were once a child, dear reader, and perhaps you're lucky enough to still be one. Belisik tiyil nazbeik, ise rotir til calackaf ede wan til. Le poesia es lo que on perde in traduction. Illo es anque lo que es perdite in interpretation. Poetry is what is lost in translation. It is also what is lost in interpretation. poetry is what is lost in translation. It is also what is lost in interpretation. Hundoj manĝus preskaŭ ĉion ajn. Dogs will eat just about anything. Dogs would eat almost everything. jItlhabbe'. I'm not free. Exiting... jIngejlaH. I'm contagious. The project will continue to live. Malbonaĵo boniĝas, kiam okazas io eĉ pli malbona. Bad becomes good when worse happens. Badness is good when something happens even worse. La reĝino vizitis la muzeon. The queen visited the museum. The Queen visited the museum. Mi ne estas Mark. I'm not Mark. I'm not Mark. Elĉerpiĝis nia fromaĝo. We ran out of cheese. Our cheese is frozen. Ille es brusc in su maniera de parlar. He's abrupt in his way of speaking. That's a brusc in his way to talk. Ту одиа Том, но? You hate Tom, right? Is it true? Ta revuo vizesas al adolecanti. That magazine is aimed at teenagers. The magazine is on the teens. Tu non es tanto juvene como Tom. You're not as young as Tom. You are not as young as Tom. toH, tagha' ta'pu'. Well, we've finished at last. toH, tagha' ta'pu'. Mi tre ŝatas ambaŭ verkojn en nia antologio. I like both plays in our anthology very much. I like both works in our anthology. Ĉu mi jam menciis, ke mi estas freneza? Did I mention I'm crazy? Did I mention I’m crazy? Infanto ne esas matura homo. A child is not a mature person. Infantry is not a mature man. Io pote comprender le perfectemente. I can understand him perfectly. I can understand the perfect. Mi scias, ke vi certe malsatas. I know you must be hungry. I know you’re very hungry. Isto es le cosa le plus stupide que io ha jammais audite. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. This is what I’ve never heard the most amazing thing. Куандо? When? Is it? Labob jisonis tel. I have two daughters. Labob jisonis tel. Me es multe felis car me reveni. I'm very happy to be back. I'm so happy for me to come back. Mi ne volas vivi sen miaj plej bonaj amikoj. I don't want to live without my best friends. I don’t want to live without my best friends. At binon rojat. This is an orange. At bin oriat. mi na tadni rau roi I haven't studied that much! Mi na tadni rau roi Io non sape proque io es de mal humor iste matino. I don't see why I am in a bad humor this morning. I don't know why I'm of bad humor this morning. Reposa en pas. Rest in peace. Reposa en pas. Televidols-li? Do you watch television? Televidols-li? Io ha voluntate de facer nihil hodie. I don't feel like doing anything today. I've volunteered to do nothing today. Mi pensas, ke nia aviadilo alvenos malfrue pro la neĝo. I think that our plane will arrive late because of the snow. I think our plane will come late because of snow. lo jdatcana cu darlu lo nunglecau pe pu lo nunspe The church teaches abstinence before marriage. jdatcana cu darlu lo nungleca pe pu lo nunspe El es un om brasilera. He is Brazilian. El es un om brasilera. Li kaptitis ĉe la freŝa faro. He was caught red handed. He was caught at the fresh. Me objecionas traktesar tale. I object to being treated like that. I object to tracking such. La problemo ne esas decidanta. The issue is not settled. The problem is not crucial. Li tre gravas por mi. He's very important to me. He is very important to me. Rusaj substantivoj povas esti viraj, inaj aŭ neŭtraj. Russian nouns can be masculine, feminine, or neuter. Russian nouns may be male, female or neutral. No ägegivof obe mon obik. She didn't give me my money back. No ägegivof obes mon obik. Ka vu ne volas teo? Won't you have some tea? Do you not want tea? Le meteo hodie es pejor que heri. The weather today is worse than yesterday. The weather today is a pejor que heri. Esque vos lo videva? Did you guys see it? Have you seen this? No vedos gudikum. It doesn't get better. No vedos gudikum. Nun extere plu obskureskas. It's getting darker outside now. Now it's more obscure. 'orwI' moj 'e' wuqpu'. He has decided to become a pilot. Of course, we don't seem to have a look at us. Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi denaske parolas la francan? Are you sure you're a native French speaker? Are you sure you speak French? lo'e ropno cu te cmene la fudbolo la'o gy football gy Europeans call soccer football. The spin is Named by the head of d'football gy Ĉu vi havas dormoĉambron kiu estas iom malpli kosta? Do you have a room that's a little cheaper? Do you have a room that is less expensive? Manjo enŝlosis sin en la banĉambro kaj rifuzis forlasi ĝin. Mary locked herself in the bathroom and refused to come out. A man locked himself in the bathroom and refused to leave it. Esque vos dava audition al rolo? Did you audition for the part? Have you ever heard of the role? Vos ha facite planos, nonne? You made plans, didn't you? You’ve made plans, right? mI'meyvam DachellaH'a'? Can you add these numbers? But is it DachellaH'a? Tom está preocupado sobre su futuro. Tom is worried about his future. Tom está concerns about his future. Nos occupava nos de questiones multo complicate. We were dealing with very complicated issues. We took us out of many complicated questions. Nek nolon valikosi. No-one knows everything. Nor is a nolon valid. Il es difficile non scriber satira. It is difficult not to write satire. It’s hard not to write satirical. Äreidob buki äneito. Last night I read a book. Äreidob buki äneito. Io te appoiara non importa lo que alteres pote dicer. I'll stand by you no matter what others may say. I'll tell you what others can say. wa'vatlh vaghmaH ben Sepvam pawpu' no'ma'. Our ancestors came to this country 150 years ago. Thank you very much indeed. Lo esas exakte to quon me pensis. That's exactly what I thought. It's exactly what I thought. Studön Flentapüki no binos nefikulik. French isn't easy to master. Studön Flentapüki no binos neficulik. maDyar HolDaq DIp Segh tu'lu'be'. There is no grammatical gender in Hungarian. maDyar Hol is a Dip Segh tu'be'. be'nI'pu' chaH ma'rI''e' ma'qI''e' je. Mari and Maki are sisters. be'nI'pu' chaH ma'rI'e ma'qI'e' je. jungwoq ngan ghaH parmaqqaywI''e'. My partner is Chinese. jungwoq ngan ghaH parmaqaypla'e'. Mi ŝanĝis la frazon. I changed the sentence. I changed the sentence. Le cocinero es sedite in le cocina. The cook is sitting in the kitchen. The coach is sitting in the kitchen. Li estis vere fia estaĵo kaj la mondo estas pli bona sen li. He was a truly vile creature and the world is better without him. He was a really good being and the world is better without him. Ĉu vi iam estis en Novjorko? Have you ever been to New York? Have you ever been in New York? Me ia regarda un max de tenis sur la televisador. I watched a tennis match on TV. I'm looking back a max of tennis on the televisador. Ne valoras la penon atendi tion. It's not worth waiting for. It’s not worth waiting for it. xu lo za'u ra tolcando Are they busy? xu lo za'u ra tulcando ra pu co'i catlu lo nicte tsani He looked up at the night sky. ru co'i catlu lo nicote tsani Mair es rhen di faled. Mary isn't sick. Mair es rheen di faled. Ŝako povas feliĉigi ĉiun, kiu deziras malkaŝi ĝiajn misterojn. Chess can make anyone who wishes to unravel its mysteries happy. Chess can congratulate everyone who wants to disclose its mysteries. Konstrui tiun ponton okupis preskaŭ tri jarojn. It took nearly three years to build that bridge. Building this bridge occupied nearly three years. Ĉiuj rajtas freneziĝi. Everyone has the right to go crazy. Everyone can go crazy. La testi povis refutar la nevera atesto dil suspektito. The witnesses were able to refute the false testimony of the suspect. The tests were able to refute the harsh testimony of the suspect. Ne plu estas multa tempo antaŭ ol la konferenco komenciĝos. Ni eniru kaj rigardu, kiu ĉeestas. There's not a lot of time left until the meeting starts. Let's go inside and have a look at who's there. There is no longer a lot of time before the conference starts. Let's go in and see who is present. Tio ne estos necesa. That will not be necessary. This will not be necessary. Le vista del oceano esseva splendide. The view of the ocean was wonderful. The ocean's view was splendid. Iu ŝtelis mian monujon. I had my wallet stolen. Someone stole my wallet. Kiun koloron havas la pulovero de Tomo? What color is Tom's sweater? What color does Tom's moth have? Ci es Tatoeba. Here is Tatoeba. This is Tatoeba. Ha'! yInuD! Come and take a look. Come on! je'a jetnu Indeed, it's true. Jetnu Ni ĉiam pagis en Germanujo per vojaĝoĉekoj. In Germany, we have always paid with travelers checks. We’ve always paid in Germany with a trip. .e'o ko fraxu I ask that you forgive me. .e. co. simlu lo ka du VFD It looks like a UFO. simlu lo ka du VFD Illa es ibi retro con qualque amicos. She's back there with some friends. Illa es ibi retro con quaque amicos. Io amarea ir al concerto con te. I would like to go to the concert with you. I would love to go to the concert with you. Io furbi mi bottas et exi — le vetere sordidessa sera replaciate per le nove. I polish my boots and go out — the old dirt will give way to the new. I steal my bottas et exit – the old sister will be replaced by the new one. Mi estas la reĝino de Antarkto. I'm the Queen of Antarctica. I am the Queen of Antarctica. la tom pu mi'ecpe lo velcki Tom demanded an explanation. the tom pu mi'ecke lo velcki Mi ne havas salajron, ĉar mi ne havas laboron. I don't have a salary because I don't have a job. I don't have a salary because I don't have a job. Yo odia lunedís. I hate Mondays. Yo odia joinís. DaHjaj choS HIrI'! Call me this evening. I'm here! lo mamta be la tom cu zvati ma Where's Tom's mother? Mamta be la tom cu zvati ma Esque tu ha inquadrate ille photographias que io apportava le septimana passate? Have you framed those pictures I brought in last week? Have you been in charge of those charts that brought me the week? Li jam povis skribi la ciferojn antaŭ ol li ekvenis al lernejo. He could already write numerals before he started school. He was already able to write the numbers before he got to school. Mia amo kostas nenion. My love doesn't cost anything. My love costs nothing. La interretaj gigantoj — Goglo, Apple, Fejsbuko, Amazon kaj Mikrosofto — spuras vin ĉie, kien vi iras, kiam vi kunportas vian poŝtelefonon danke al GPS, la tutmonda loktrova sistemo. The Web Giants — Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft — track everywhere you go when you carry your smartphone thanks to GPS, the Global Positioning System. The internet giants – Goglo, Apple,bow, Amazon and Microsoft – trace you everywhere you go when you carry your mobile phone thanks to GPS, the global lock-through system. tlhIch jIpur 'e' vImevta'. I quit smoking. Thank you for your life. Laŭ Tomo Manjo estas malkuraĝulino. According to Tom, Mary is a coward. According to Tom, Mary is a coward. La parolanto uzis ĉiun eblan oportunecon por prezenti sin grava. The speaker took every opportunity he could to big-note himself. The speaker used each potential opportunity to present himself important. Quchlaw' jeyn. Jane looks happy. Quchlaw' jeyn. Ni konsentis dividi la dommastrumadon. We agreed to share the housework. We agreed to share the property. Lo es nubosa, ma lo es multe calda. It's cloudy but it's very warm. It's cloudy, but it's much calm. Multaj homoj bezonas helpon. Many people need help. Many people need help. Ni estas en fazo de drameca aliiĝiĝo. We are in a phase of dramatic change. We are in the face of dramatic relief. yIHaDQo'! Don't study. yIHaDQo! Me ia es multe ansios sur tu. I was so worried about you. I'm a lot of them on you. Ankoraŭ pli stulta ol mi oni ja ne povas esti. Nobody could be even more stupid than me. Even more stupid than I can’t be. Cual es tua libro? Which is your book? What is your book? ra mipri lo nei He hides himself. ra mipri lo nei mi'a ca ricfu lo ka te vecnu lo cmalu po'o karce We can only afford to buy a small car at the moment. mi' ca ricfu lo te venu lo cmalu po'o karce Mi estas fuŝulo. I'm a bungler. I'm a rifle. lo me mi patfu ku nanca li mo'a pamu My father is only fifteen years old. Ignoring him from my father. qaghoSlI'. I'm coming. Thank you very much. Ka vu esas injenioro? Are you an engineer? Are you an engineer? Mi staras sola ĉe la pinto de la agonianta jaro, la universo rompas siajn ondojn sub miaj piedoj, la planedoj flugas rondojn ĉirkaŭ mia kapo, taŭzante min per la vento, kiun ili pelas pasante sen doni respondon plenigontan la abismon. I'm alone standing at the tip of the slow-dying year, the universe breack in waves at my feet, planets whirl about my head, rumpling my hair in the wind that rushes by, whithout giving an answer that would fill the abyss. I stand alone at the top of the acting year, the universe breaks its waves under my feet, the planets fly rounds around my head, touching me with the wind, which they chase by passing without giving an answer filling the abyss. Li rubi dom es nov. The red house is new. Li rubi dom es nov. Mi cat ama lacte. My cat loves milk. I love milk. Il non ha ulle patrono de beltate. There is no one standard for beauty. There is no belt pattern. Skura loĝas en Alĝero kun sia fianĉo kaj ilia germana ŝafhundo. Skura lives in Algiers with her boyfriend and their German Shepherd. Scura lives in Algiers with his fiancée and their German sheep dog. Ĉu vi certas, ke tio estas via? Are you sure that is yours? Are you sure that’s yours? Tomo atente rigardis ilin. Tom watched them carefully. Tom looked closely at them. Ла инфлуе де ла араби ен ла еспаниол ес мулте евиденте. The influence of the Arabic language is quite evident in the Spanish language. It is true that it is true that it is true that it is true. Oni diras, ke la filmo estas interesa. They say that the movie is an interesting one. It is said that the film is interesting. ko'a cusku lo jetnu He spoke truth. C&n't think of the jetnu Vi estas la lumo de mia vivo. You are the light of my life. You are the light of my life. Tiu ĉi libro estas via. This book is yours. This book is yours. Toto parla in le universo; il non ha ulle cosa que non ha su lingua. Everything speaks in the universe; there is nothing that doesn't have its language. Everything speaks in the universe; there is nothing that doesn’t have its language. Еске тота ла синиес ес бланка? Are all swans white? Do you want to say it? .a'e ba tsunami There's going to be a tsunami! .a'e ba tsunami Le camera esseva obscur e frigide. The room was dark and cold. The room was dark and cold. Ni promenadis tra la stradi di Kyoto. We walked up and down the streets of Kyoto. We walked through the roads of Kyoto. Laya be wi. It's red. Laya be wi. Kie mi povas aĉeti ĝin? Where can I buy it? Where can I buy it? Ne nur tial estas bedaŭrinde, ke Tomo ne faris tion. That's not the main reason that Tom ought to have done that. It’s not just that Tom didn’t do that. Esque le casa es sue? Is the house theirs? Why is the home? Usonanoj estas religiaj fanatikuloj. Americans are religious fanatics. Americans are religious fanatics. Ja ĉar mi amis ŝin, mi ne edziĝis al ŝi. It's because I loved her that I didn't marry her. Because I loved her, I didn’t marry her. En la angla, la konsonanta prononco de la litero Y estas palata alproksimanto. In English, consonantal Y is a palatal approximant. In English, the consonant pronunciation of the letter Y is a palace approach. Qorgh'eghnIS Hoch. It's every man for himself. Qorgh'eghnIS Hoch. Me demanda a me esce Tom jua a tenis. I wonder if Tom plays tennis. I'm asking me to marry Tom jua to hold. mi xebni ro lo jutsi be lo insekto I hate insects of all kinds. my xebni ro lo jutsi be lo insect Iuj tradicioj estas stultaj. Some traditions are dumb. Some traditions are stupid. Un pisce pote natar. A fish can swim. A little can swim. Il es evidente que vos non vive hic. It's obvious you don't live here. It’s obvious that you don't live here. Tio estas pura fontakvo. This is pure spring water. It's clean water. Morgaŭ je la sama tempo ni estos surgrimpantaj la monton Fuji. About this time tomorrow, we'll be climbing Mt. Fuji. Tomorrow at the same time we will be climbing the Mount Fuji. Ni estos apud vi, kio ajn okazos. We will stand by you whatever happens. We will be next to you whatever happens. Tomo ne povas toleri vegetaranojn. Tom can't stand vegetarians. Tom cannot tolerate vegetarians. Vilĉjo ofte malobservas sian promeson. Bill often fails to keep his word. A woman often violates his promise. Tio, kion vi diris, estas tute sensenca por mi. What you said makes absolutely no sense to me. What you said is completely meaningless for me. Reinos. It's raining. Reinos. do jdika lo ka se ciblu You're bleeding. do jdika lo ka se maritalu ghoqwI' ghaH wa''e'. One of them is a spy. Of course, we're going to be free. Ni ĉiam venkas. We always win. We always win. Bronzo konsistas el kupro kaj stano. Bronze is composed of copper and tin. Bronze consists of copper and tin. Qui compra it? Who's buying? Who buys it? la .tam. cu simlu lo ka tatpi Tom looks exhausted. the .tam. cu simlu lo ka tatpi Ne disputu kun ili. Don't argue with them. Don't talk to them. Jean viagea min quam Alice. Jean travels less than Alice. Jean viagea min quam Alice. Mi loĝas sur la luno. I live on the moon. I live on the moon. El es mea fia. She's my daughter. El es mea fia. ngevwI' qachvamvo' nIm luje'be' nuvpu'. People don't buy milk from this store. But if I had to do that, it would have been difficult for you to do that. Mi ne havas pli maljunan fratinon. I don't have an older sister. I don’t have an older sister. Iste ovo ha un mal odor. This egg has a bad smell. This egg has a bad smell. Bíi eril delishe Thom wo. Tom wept. Bíi eril delishe Thom woo. ma'a dunsi'u lo ka lo flalu ce'u mo kau We're all the same according to law. ma'a dunsi'u lo fallu ce'u mo kau Tomaso havas dek unu piedfingrojn. Tom has eleven toes. Thomas has eleven fingers. ko cimoi pinxa ti di'i lo djedi ca'o lo ze'aba jeftu be li re Take this three times a day for the next two weeks. Every day, when you peaked in the day this day, you shall eat about it. Де куандо ме иа ес пети, ме ама ваде а мар кон ме фамилиа. Since I was little I have loved going to the sea with my family. It is the first part of the city of the Republic, which is the first part of the Republic of the Republic. Mi eĉ ankoraŭ ne provis ĝin. I haven't even tried yet. I haven't tried it yet. Ille studiava judaismo. He studied Judaism. He studied Judaism. La du infanoj samaĝis. The two children were of an age. The two children were the same. Que es tu desiro? What's your wish? What’s your device? tcika lo nu vacycti Time for dinner. Czech lo nu vacycti Kion vi faras per tiu branĉo? What are you doing with that stick? What do you do with this branch? Kio estas aŭtodafeo? What is an auto-da-fé? What is a cardaffe? mi nelci le sidbo I love the idea. I'm not going to sit down. Kisi kanob gebön? What can I use? Kisi canob gebön? ghaHvaD Huch vInojnIS. I had to lend to him money. GhaH is looking for Huch fianniIS. Tomo estas multe pli rapida ol mi. Tom is much faster than me. Tom is much faster than me. naDev luDab cha'maH qorDu'mey. Twenty families live here. Thank you very much indeed. Tomo diris al mi, ke Maria estas en malliberejo. Tom told me Mary was in jail. Tom told me that Mary was in prison. Vi fuŝis ĝin. You fucked up. You took it off. Mi volas paroli kun ŝi pri mia estonteco. I want to talk to her about my future. I want to talk to her about my future. Mi aĉetis tre bonan kameraon. I've bought a really good camera. I bought a very good camera. Tomo ekkuris. Tom started running. Tom ran. Liaj fabeloj faris el Hans Christian Andersen, la plej fama dano en la mondo, ikonon de la monda literaturo. The fables written by Hans Christian Andersen, the most famous Dane in the world, made him an icon of world literature. His fairy tales made Hans Christian Andersen, the most famous Danish in the world, an icon of world literature. Kiel vi pagos? How will you pay? How will you pay? Mi konservis mian moderan korpopezon, kvankam multaj el miaj amikoj maljuniĝante plipeziĝis. I've kept my weight down even though many of my friends have gained weight as they've grown older. I have kept my moderate body weight, though many of my friends have gone ill. Huch law' vIghajbe'. I don't have much money. Huch law's jingeabe'. tlhoy bIpojtaH. You're over-analyzing. In the course of the bhips, we’re moving away. Oni konstruis ĉi tiun bibliotekon en la jaro 2013. They built this library in 2013. This library was built in 2013. Le nomine del pianista es cognoscite a totes. The name of the pianist is known to everybody. The pianist's name is known to everyone. Yo es un orfan. I'm an orphan. Yo es un orphan. Virino legas. A woman is reading. A woman is reading. Tomo ŝatas manĝi rafanojn tutajn. Tom likes to eat radishes whole. Tom likes to eat frogs. Mi ne sciis, ke Tomo kaj Manjo estas franclingvanoj. I didn't know that Tom and Mary were French speakers. I didn’t know that Tom and Mary were French. Ĉu Tomo lividiĝis? Did Tom turn blue? Did Tom get married? revoq Hoch maH. We all trust you. revoq Hoch maH. vIpoQbe'. I don't need them. chapapoQbe'. Mia komputilo riparendas. I have to get my computer repaired. My computer is laughing. Le majoritate del linguas es belle. Most languages are beautiful. Most languages are beautiful. ba'a banli This is going to be awesome. Ba'a banli Ĉu vi lasis la pordon malfermita? Did you leave the door open? Did you leave the door open? ghaHvaD HIlIH! Please introduce me to him. ghaH for HITH! Nosа taxe es reconstrui la mur. Our task is to rebuild the wall. Nosi taxe is to rebuilt the wall. Restu for de la abelujo. Stay away from the beehive. Stay away from the bathroom. Estas du aŭ tri plumoj sur la skribotablo. There are two or three pens on the desk. There are two or three feathers on the desk. ¿Sustinetz-voi el bus? Are you waiting for the bus? ¿Sustinetz-voi el bus? qorDu' lurDech 'oH. This is a family tradition. Let's take a look at the end of the universe. Ne eblas ŝanĝi tion, kio jam okazis. You cannot change what has already happened. It’s impossible to change what happened. ko cu'uxna lo zilska poi do trajynei Choose the color you like the best. Unix, since the Big Bang, we have a look at the Big Bang, you know that it seems to have been visited by aliens. Me aprende turces. I'm learning Turkish. I learn Turkish. Ille vive secundo le lege de Deo. He lives according to the law of the Lord. That live according to the law of God. No fidon miti. It doesn't eat meat. No confidence myths. Tomo provis fortimigi la lupojn. Tom tried to scare the wolves away. Tom tried to strengthen the wolves. Ni solaj ne povas fari tion. We can't do it alone. We can’t do it alone. Tom non manjad. Tom didn't eat. Tom non manjad. Ya kanob pükön Flentapüki. I can already speak French. Ya canob pükön Flentapüki. Quum es libereso? What is liberty? What is freedom? Se mi rimarkus la problemon, mi dirus tion al vi. If I'd noticed the problem, I would've told you. If I noticed the problem, I would tell you that. Mi volas scii la faktojn. I want to know the facts. I want to know the facts. Le leader del partito garrulava multo extensemente super futur politicas. The party leader rattled on at great length about future policies. The party's leader garnered much extending over future policies. Evidente ŝia patrino komencis ŝriki. Evidently her mother started screaming. Her mother began to smile. Tomo havas pli da koro ol da cerbo. Tom has more heart than brains. Tom has more heart than a brain. Ne spiru. Don't breathe. Don't spy. le fetsi ba jai sarcu fai lo ka denpa tu'a le nakni She'll have to wait for him. Festsi ba jai sar fai ka depa tu'a nakni Mi havis amikon, kies denaska lingvo estis la malajala. I had a friend whose native language was Malayalam. I had a friend whose native language was Malayal. Ĉu mi povas esti utila? May I be of service? Can I be useful? Mi havas nenion. I don't have anything. I don't have anything. La sola maniero akiri ion el la vivo estas ĵeti vin en ĝin per ĉiuj viaj fortoj. The only way to get something out of life is to throw yourself into it with all your might. The only way to get something out of life is to throw you into it with all your forces. Tio aspektis malbone. That looked bad. It looked bad. Con ci Tom ia fuji? Who did Tom run away with? Who did you like to run? Mi volas, ke vi fervore okupiĝu pri viaj studoj. I would have you apply yourself to your studies. I want you to get involved with your studies. Mi ankoraŭ ne scias, kiun mi elektu. I still don't know who I should pick. I don't know who to choose. Ili tion provos ree. They'll try again. They will try it again. No person cura. No one cares. No person cares. Priskribu vin mem. Describe yourself. Check yourself. 'oH parHa'. She liked that. That's the universe. Ĉu vi estas mia gekuzo? Are you my cousin? Are you my husband? Tomo ebriis je la lasta nokto, kiam mi vidis lin. Tom was drunk last night when I saw him. Tom was drunk at the last night when I saw him. paqvam vIlaDta' 'e' vIqaw. I remember reading this book. This is why we play the universe and how we do not understand the universe. Ĉu vi amas Manjon? Do you love Mary? Do you love a man? Il non esseva multo amusante. It wasn't very fun. It wasn’t a lot of fun. Tomaso estas vere bona ŝoforo. Tom is a really good driver. Thomas is a really good driver. S-ro Jackson estis tre severa instruisto. Mr. Jackson was a very strict teacher. Jackson was a very severe teacher. Seksumo ne estas trofeo. Sex is not a trophy. This is not a trophy. Yo ama te. I love you. Yo ama te. Cualce aveni, manteni simple tuа surie. No matter what happens, just keep smiling. Cualce aveni, maintain a simple tue surie. Mia patro helpis min nodi mian kravaton. My dad helped me tie my tie. My father helped me send my tie. "Mi rifuzas forvendi mian animon," Tomo deklaris. "I refuse to sell my soul," Tom declared. "I refuse to defeat my soul," Tom declares. xu le prenu cu nelci lo najnimre Does he like oranges? xu le take cu naci lo najimre Mi malŝatas, kiam homoj faras tion. I hate it when people do that. I hate when people do it. Mea matro evas du yari min kam mea patro. My mother is two years younger than my father. My mother took me two years as my father. Prave kritikantoj rimarkigis, ke la politikisto gvidas naskiĝantan faŝisman movadon. Critics were right to point out that the politician led a nascent fascist movement. Almost critics noticed that the politician was leading birth to a fascist movement. Mi ankoraŭ ne memoras, ke mi vokis vin. I still don't remember calling you. I don’t remember that I called you. Mia lando ĉiam pravas. My country is always right. My country is always right. Ĉi tiuj estas gravaj aferoj. These are important things. These are important things. Ĉu vi uzas mariĥuanon? Do you use marijuana? Do you use marijuana? Mi aŭdis tre strange timigan sintezitan voĉon. I heard a very creepy synthetic voice. I heard a very strangely frightening synth voice. Kiuj iris al siaj domoj? Who has gone to their homes? Who went to their homes? Rakontu al mi pri via plano! Tell me about your plan. Tell me about your plan! lalDan vIHarbe'. I don't believe in religion. LalDan fiaHarbe'. Mi trovis hotelon en la centro de Parizo. I found a hotel in the center of Paris. I found a hotel in the center of Paris. mi sanji ra I'm aware of it. Mi sanji ra za'u da puku renvi Some survived. za'u da puku renvi Esque it ne es íncredibil? Isn't that incredible? Is it not íncredibil? La skatolo estas blua, ĉu ne? The box is blue, isn’t it? The box is blue, isn’t it? Mi provas traduki kanzonon. I'm trying to translate a song. I’m trying to translate a song. Mi ankoraŭ pensas, ke ni devintus diri jes. I still think we should've said yes. I think we should have said yes. Туркес ес ун лингуа мулте регулада е ложикал. Turkish is a very regular and logical language. It is the first part of the Republic of the Republic. Kisi lilol? What do you hear? Kisi lillol? Esce tu conose sua mama? Do you know his mum? Are you aware of her mother? Kanob kanitön. I can sing. Kanob kanitön. QIt Qap tlhaq. The watch is slow. QIt Qap tlhaq. Vi devas nun ĉesi fari tion. You have to stop doing that now. You have to stop doing that now. tlhIjpu', 'ach jIQay'taH. Even though he apologized, I'm still furious. On the other hand, we don't seem to have been visited by aliens. DaHjaj jI'It. I'm feeling blue today. I'm coming back. Tom ne estas homo, sed pli ĝuste ideo. Tom isn't a person, but rather an idea. Tom is not a man, but rather an idea. Ŝi estas agento de FBI. She's an FBI agent. She is an FBI agent. Li havas molajn manojn. He has soft hands. He has soft hands. Tomo preskaŭ neniam venas tie ĉi. Tom hardly ever comes here. Tom is almost never coming here. tu'a mi nanca li 18 pi xo'e I am eighteen years old. Thank you for 18 years. Ĉu vi sentas doloron, kiam vi tusas? Does it hurt when you cough? Do you feel pain when you are touching? SoH neH qaQoy. I hear only you. SoH neH bonaQoy. ii Yikes! ii Via donaco vere ĝojigis min. I really liked the gift you gave me. Your gift really enjoyed me. DaH puH Duj yItIj! Get in the car now. Go ahead, Duj yItIj! Le prime amor es un sorta de vaccination que libera un homine de attrappar le maladia le secunde vice. First love is a kind of vaccination which saves a man from catching the complaint the second time. The first love is a kind of vaccination that frees a human being from trapped in the second century. Toto lo que tu debe facer es signar iste papiro. All you have to do is sign this paper. Everything you need to do is sign this paper. Kial katidoj estas molaj? Why are kittens soft? Why are cats soft? Buna vhespra. Good evening. Buna vhespra. Yo senti me quam in un forne. I feel like I'm in a furnace. Yo sent me quam in un forne. Manjo estas feministino. Mary's a feminist. Manja is a feminist. Pissa te! Fuck you! Pissa te! Mi ne plu dietas. I'm not on a diet anymore. I’m no longer dieting. Tomo kaj Manjo sidis sur la benko, rigardante la homojn naĝi. Tom and Mary sat on the bench, watching people swim. Tom and Many sat on the bench, looking at the people swimming. Kio gvatas en la ombroj? What is lurking in the shadows? What's in the shadow? Tomo tre mankas al ni. We sure miss Tom. Tom is very lacking with us. Ŝi estas geniulo. She's a genius. She is a genius. Non me ha jammais placite la biologia. I never liked biology. Never liked the biology. Oni politikigis ĝin. It was politicized. It was made political. Io desirarea que tu esseva presso me. I wish you were close to me. I would like you to sign me up. Ille momento pareva durar un eternitate. It felt like that moment lasted an eternity. That moment it seems to last an eternity. Es il ver que "Gratias" in vietnamese sona como "Come on"? Is it true that "Thank you" sounds like "Come on" in Vietnamese? Is it true that "Gratias" in sound like "Come on"? Venez kun me. You're coming with me. Come with me. Ĉu vi havas vinberojn? Do you have any grapes? Do you have grapes? Poneoj aspektas kiel malgrandaj ĉevaloj. Ponies look like small horses. Pones look like small horses. Kiun sporton vi plej ŝatas spekti televide? What's your favorite sport to watch on TV? What sport do you like to watch TV? Hochlogh tumer. You never cease to surprise me. Hochlog tumer. Li neniam mensogas. He never lies. He never lies. lojmIt 'emDaq So'ta'. He hid it behind the door. We believe that we are the only one in the world. HoH'eghta' 'oSamu' DaSay'. Osamu Dazai killed himself. HoH'eghta' 'oSamu' DaSay'. Dankon pro via donaco. I thank you for your gift. Thank you for your gift. lo mamta be mi na kakne lo nu pilno lo relxilma'e My mother can't ride a bicycle. Mumta be mi na kakne lo relxilma'e Trajno baldaŭ ekveturos. A train is going to leave soon. The train will soon rise. Vi povas uzi lupeon por pli grande vidi malgrandan tekston. You can use a magnifying glass to magnify small text. You can use a trip to see a small text. La cetero estas nur plenigaĵo. Everything else is just filler. The rest is only a filling. Plu fumu. Smoke more. More smoke. chay' yuQ rurbe' Hov? What's the difference between a star and a planet? What do you think is it? 'oy'mo' burghwIj, Qel vISuch vIneH. I want to see a doctor about my stomachache. Thank you for me, thank you for me? DuSaQ yIjaH! Go to school. DuSaQ yIjaH! Tomo estis neniam revidonta Manjon. Tom was never to see Mary again. Tom had never seen a man. Me es che l'aeroportuo nun. I'm at the airport now. I am at the airport now. U tu comprat ti-ta libre? Where did you buy that book? Are you able to buy ti-ta libre? Vi simple ŝatas damaĝi homojn, ĉu ne? You just love to hurt people, don't you? You just like to harm people, don’t you? la tom. goi ko'a pu ganse lo ka pecybi'o le ko'a birka Tom felt someone touch his arm. Goi ko'a pu ganse lo pecybi'o la ko'a birka Benvenite al inferno! Welcome to Hell! Welcome to the hell! Ni bezonas kolekti pli da datumoj. We need to collect more data. We need to collect more data. Le scientistas utilisava un gruppo de studentes in lor studio. Illes discoperiva que le studentes qui se describe como liberales social e economic habeva un densitate plus grande del materia gris in un region del cerebro nominate le cortice cingulate anterior. The scientists used a group of students in their study. They discovered that students who described themselves as social and economic liberals had a greater density of gray matter in a brain region called the anterior cingulate. Scientists used a group of students in their study. They discovered that students who were describing how social and economic liberals had a greater density of grey matter in a region of the brain called the cingulate cingulate earlier. Li posedas akciojn en tiu kompanio. He holds stocks in this company. He owns shares in this company. Kiam vi komencis instrui ĉi tie? When did you begin teaching here? When did you start teaching here? Vi povas uzi ĝin iam ajn. You can use it anytime. You can use it at any time. Vu mustas marchar ante vu povas kurar. You must walk before you can run. You must march before you can take care. Mi havas la senton, ke la planko estas malvarma. I get the feeling that the floor is cold. I have the feeling that the floor is cold. Tote le infantes deberea poter vestir se como illes vole. Every child should be able to dress how they like. All children should be able to dress as they want. Mia nomo estas Melania. My name is Melanie. My name is Melania. Io ha duo libros. I have two books. I have two books. Io non pote lassar te ci sol. I can't leave you here alone. I can't leave you here alone. Le fratre de ille es maritate, sed non ha infantes. His brother is married, but he doesn't have children. The brother of those who are pregnant, but there are no children. Tomo ne venis ĝis la tagmezo. Tom didn't come till noon. Tom did not come until noon. Nostre classe se compone de 40 pueros. Our class consists of 40 boys. Our class is a companion of 40 children. Manjo estas mia patrino. Mary is my mother. My mother is my mother. Illes son homosexual. They're homosexual. They're all gay. Me grupel ? You don't know? Me groupel ? Tom deveniva un patre. Tom became a father. Tom became a parent. ko na klaku Don't cry. click Le policia fortiava un confession de illa. The police forced a confession from her. Police strengthened a key issue. John curreva velocemente al station ferroviari pro prender le ultime traino. John ran like crazy to the train station to catch the last train. John ran fast to the railway station to take the last train. xu do doi loi prenu cu nelci lo xirma Do you guys like horses? xu do doi lo take cu naci lo xirma megh wISoptaHvIS qatlh chetlhej boneHbe'? Why don't you want to eat lunch with us? We used to think that we should be good enough? lo cukta poi srana lo nu dansu cu cpana lo jubme There is a book on dancing on the desk. Tinkta po cu cpana lo jubme Pri tio ni neniam parolis. That isn't something we've ever talked about. We never talked about that. Еста ес ла дисионарио ла плу бон куал он аве ен ла библиотека. This is the best dictionary there is in the library. It is true that it is true that it is true that it is true. Tomo faris tion por Manjo, ne por mi. Tom did that for Mary, not for me. Tom did that for Mary, not for me. Mi liberigis min de ĝi. I freed myself of it. I got rid of it. no da jdima ti It's free. ti da jdima ti Ille es actualmente in Boston. At the present time, he's in Boston. That's currently in Boston. Mia patro estas okupita kiel ĉiam. My father is as busy as ever. My father is busy as always. Qapbe' jonta'. The engine doesn't work. Qapbe' jonta'. La era es umana; la pardona es divin. To err is human, to forgive divine. The era is human; the pardon is divine. Intertanto toto es in ordine. It's all right for now. Intertant all is in order. Elu savas to. She knows that. She knows everything. parmaqqay Samta'law'. She seems to have found a boyfriend. parmaqqay Samta'law'. Ilu probis helpar elu. He tried to help her. He tried to help her. le botpi cu se culno lo djacu The bottle is filled with water. botps cu culno lo dchain Su objectivo es passar le examine. His objective is to pass the test. goal is to pass the exam. pagh loS poH. Time waits for no one. And so it's going past. Mutobs reklamön televido. We need to advertise on television. Mutobs reklamön TV. Mia kuracisto konsilis al mi, ne plu preni ĉi tiun medikamenton. My doctor has advised me to stop taking this medicine. My doctor advised me, no longer to take this medication. La trajno malfruiĝas je tridek minutoj. The train is 30 minutes overdue. The train is late for thirty minutes. Tiu propono validas por kvin tagoj. This offer is good for five days. This is valid for five days. Esce cadun ama musica? Does everybody love music? Is this a love music? Kun kiu vi volas paroli unue? Who do you want to talk to first? Who do you want to talk first? Eliru! Get out! Go out! Tomo subite malsaniĝis. Tom suddenly became sick. Tom suddenly fell ill. La sekva paŝo estis priparoli kondiĉojn de pactraktato. The next step was to negotiate terms of a peace treaty. The next step was to address conditions of peace treaty. mo stuzi What kind of place is it? mo stuzi lo remna poi lebna lo befsri stela ba mi'erselcatra .i lo remna poi lebna lo gugde ba turni binxo He who steals a belt buckle will be executed; he who steals a state becomes a prince. lo remna po lebna lo befsri star ba mi'erselcatra .i lo remna po lebna lo gugde ba tournament binxo Mi ŝatas la manieron, kiel vi parolas. I love the way you talk. I like the way you talk. Io es delicate. I'm sensitive. I'm delicated. loDHom ghaH loDnI'wI''e' 'ej be'Hom ghaH be'nI'wI''e'. My brother is a boy and my sister is a girl. If I am a person, I will only appear in one's conference. Kion Tomo kaj vi diskutis? What were you and Tom discussing? What did Tom and you discuss? lo'e fasnu na jalge no da Things don't just happen. lo'e fasnu na jalge no da Tu pote adjustar iste scriptorio al altitude de omne infante. You can adjust this desk to the height of any child. You can adjust this desktop to the height of any child. Tomo plukas oranĝojn. Tom is picking oranges. Tom rains oranges. Cuanto esta custa? How much does that cost? Canto es custa? bersa mi It's my son. bersa mi La aŭto de Tomo estas pli malnova ol mia. Tom's car is older than mine. Tom’s car is older than mine. Омид ес бахаи. Omid is Bahá'í. It's all about it. cliva ma Where does it leave from? Quit Me pensa ce nos debe porta mascas. I think we should wear masks. I think we need to wear masks. Ŝajnas, kvazaŭ vi ne konscias pri via loko en la kosmo. It sounds like you are not self-aware or aware of your place in the universe. It seems like you don’t know about your place in space. mughIj yIntaHwI'pu' neH! I am only afraid of the living! These questions seem to have come to life either way, but they don't seem to have any alien civilizations on top of each other. Komence ili estis feliĉaj, sed poste krevis la sapveziko. They were happy at first, but then the bubble burst. At first they were happy, but eventually broke up the Sappezic. Il me placerea creder que nos apprende ab nostre errores. I'd like to believe we learn from our mistakes. It’s okay to believe that we learn from our errors. Lia fotilo kostas trioble tiom, kiom mia. His camera is three times as expensive as mine. His camera cost three times as much as mine. li ki'oki'o lo'i prenu cu nilxa'ugri la'o gy.Auckland.gy. There are a million people in Auckland. ki'oki'o lo'i take cu nilxa'ugri la'o gy.Auckland.gy. mi'o klama ca lo nu co'u carvi We'll go when it stops raining. mi'o klama co'u carvi Li nun manĝas la pomon. He's eating the apple. He eats the apple now. mi pu zukte si'unai I did it myself. I am going to enjoy each other. Nun, sukcese pasinte vian teston, vi rajtas mem ŝofori. Now that you have passed your test, you can drive on your own. Now, you have successfully passed your test, you can drive yourself. Kiom longe vi jam loĝas en Aŭstralio? How long have you been living in Australia? How long do you live in Australia? Tom es un manica relijiosa. Tom is a religious nut. Tom es un manica relijiosa. Sorĉisto faris tion. A wizard did it. Witch did that. Se ne pluvas, Tomaso ordinare iradas en lernejon piede. Tom usually walks to school if it's not raining. If not raining, Thomas is usually going to school foot. Io pensa que tu deberea mitter te a dieta. I think you'd better go on a diet. I think you should send yourself to a diet. Li reve de Tom es viva in li montes. Tom's dream is to live in the mountains. He once again of Tom is alive in his moments. ma la .tam. pu tavla Who's been talking to Tom? but the .tam. pu tavla Tia ĝi estos. It'll be like that. That's how it will be. Mi provis instigi lin lerni ŝofori. I tried to get him to learn to drive. I tried to invite him to learn to drive. Io vole jocar a cartas. I want to play cards. I want to join cards. Pote tu comprender Tom? Are you able to understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? Se oni ne povas ĝui sian solecon, oni ne povas ĝui la kuneston kun aliulo. If you cannot enjoy solitude, you cannot enjoy the company of others. If you can’t enjoy your solitude, you can’t enjoy the knife with someone else. Véu àl traval. I am going to work. Véu àl traval. Io non esseva consciente de que qualcuno me reguardava. I wasn't conscious of anyone watching me. I was not aware of how someone looked at me. Cavespere ni iros dinear che Mary. This evening we are going to dine at Mary's house. We will go on to dinner at Mary tonight. Ме ес но плу темоса де араниас. I'm no longer afraid of spiders. It's all the way to do it. Binob senöfik. I'm sensitive. Binob senöfik. Mi pensas, ke ĉiuj povas fari tion. I think that everyone can do that. I think everyone can do that. Ŝi eliris serĉi taksion. She went out to look for a taxi. She came out looking for a taxi. Estas bone, ke Tomaso foriris. It's good that Tom left. It is good that Thomas left. Mi ne kapablas paroli Tokiponon tre bone. I cannot speak Toki Pona very well. I can’t talk to Tokyo very well. Le semines del pomo es venenose, ma illos es periculose pro le sanitate solmente si on los consume in grande quantitates. Apple seeds are poisonous, but are only dangerous to health when consumed in large quantities. The seeds of the apple are venomous, but they are dangerous for the healed only if they are counted in large quantities. Kiel ĉarmaj floroj! What lovely flowers! How beautiful flowers! Ел компренде мусика. She understands music. It's all about it. Hodiaŭ mi havas multon farendan. I have a lot to do today. Today I have a lot to do. qatlh tInqu' vIghro'lIj? Why is your cat so big? Why did you like to talk about? Il pluve. It is raining. Il pluve. Tom ne scias la lokon. Tom doesn't know where. Tom doesn't know the place. Mi volas fari pagotan telefonvokon al Aŭstralio. I want to make a collect call to Australia. I want to make a paid call to Australia. Ta obeza puerino manjas tro multa sukroza nutrajo. That fat girl consumes too much sugary food. This obese puerin eats too much sugary food. nutlhej 'e' chaw'be'lu'. He can't come with us. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Ĉesu, Tomo. Tio ne plu estas komika. Stop, Tom. It's not funny anymore. Stop, Tom. That’s no longer a comic. Ŝi videblis nenie. She was nowhere to be seen. She had seen nowhere. Ме пасеа а ла скола. I walk to school. It's all about it. Dum Sami ŝin strangolis, Lejla ŝajnis, kvazaŭ ŝi plaŭdetas. Layla was gurgling as Sami strangled her. While Sami strangolis, Lejla seemed like she liked. Mi neniam eliras la hejmon sen Tomo. I never leave home without Tom. I’m never going home without Tom. Deo es le origine de tote cosas. God is the cause of all things. God is the origin of all things. Me ia jua un max de tenis contra el. I had a tennis match with him. I've held a max of tennis against him. Kiu estas la knabino, kiu ploras? Who's the girl who is crying? Who is the girl who is crying? Io caca in tu lacte. I shit in your milk. I'm tired of you. Me lektos libro. I will read a book. I'll read a book. Lia nepoto rezidas en Nederlando. Their grandchild lives in the Netherlands. His nephew resides in the Netherlands. Si uno vole facer un torta al pomos comenciante de zero, uno debe antea inventar le universo. If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. If one wants to do a cake at zero times, one must first invent the universe. Mi jam diris al vi, ke tio ne sukcesos. I've already told you that it won't work. I told you that it won’t succeed. mughwI' tum toy' tam. Tom works for a translation agency. Of course, we would like toess either way. Mi estas transseksa. I'm transgender. I am transsexual. Om binom dil fikulik. This is the difficult part. Om binom dil fikulik. Tulaldë. You are coming. Tulaldë. Esta e la om vea cual me anela es. That's the old man that I long to be. Esta e la om vea cual me anela es. DachtaH ghaH. He is not in. Dach suppresses ghaH. chay' naDev ghoS? How did she come here? How do you want to go? oi cai ro'i mi mutce caucni I am so lonely I think I'm going to cry. oi cai ro'i mi mutce caucni La arbaro estas tre densa. The forest is very thick. The forest is very dense. La vintra suno varmigas nur iomete. The winter's sun gives only little warmth. The winter sun warms just a little bit. e'o mi catlu do Let me look at you. e' mi catlu do wIb nIm ngo'. Bad milk tastes sour. We used to impersonate the universe. Venu ĉi tien tuj! Come here immediately! Come here immediately! Mi esperas, ke tio, kion vi diras, estas vera. I hope that what you're saying is true. I hope that what you say is true. Lingvo, kiu povas plurigi la vorton "vero" ne per tio kontestas la unikecon de la tuta koncepto; "veraĵoj" eble nur rilatas al pluraj asertoj, ĉiu el kiuj estas vera, kiel en "la fundamentaj veraĵoj de la scienco." A language that can pluralize the word “truth” does not thereby impugn the uniqueness of the concept as a whole; “truths” may just refer to several statements, each of which is true, as in “the fundamental truths of science.” Language, which can increase the word "truth" does not by this dispute the uniqueness of the whole concept; "truths" may only refer to several claims, each of which is true, as in "the fundamental realities of science." Ĉu vi kutimas ŝalti la televidilon tuj kiam vi revenas hejmen? Do you usually turn on the TV as soon as you get home? Do you want to turn on the TV as soon as you come home? Mi ne bezonas amikojn. I don't need friends. I don't need friends. Leĝa juro estas skribita kaj pasinta tra leĝdonado. Statutory law is written and passed by a legislature. Legal law is written and past through legislation. Li oldi homo morid in lesen chambre. The old person died in their room. He oldi man morid in lesen chambre. DIvI' Hol Dayaj'a'? Do you understand English? DivI' Hol Dayaj'a? Ne malkonektu; mi ankoraŭ ne finparolis. Don't hang up, I haven't finished yet. Don't connect; I haven't finished again. ra pu jai pluka It was a pleasure. Pluka Muji Qual es vostre fructo preferite? What's your favorite fruit? What’s your preferred fruit? Ĉesu molesti ilin. Stop harassing them. Stop disturbing them. Ĉu estas bone drinki, estante graveda? Is it OK to drink while you're pregnant? Is it good to drink, being pregnant? Mi faros ĝin venontsemajne. I'll do it next week. I will do it next week. Ekbrakumante Alicon, Manjo faligis ŝin. Mary glomped Alice. Following Alice, Manjo dropped her. Vi parolas multon, ĉu ne? You talk quite a lot, don't you? You're talking a lot, don't you? Mi alvoku Tomon. I have to call Tom. I call Tom. Doctoro Mortimer did tirar lu ec sen bruste-poshe. Doctor Mortimer pulled it out of his breast-pocket. Doctor Mortimer did shoots him ec without breast poshe. ue mi cirko lo datni Oh, I lost the data! Ue mi cirko lo bipali Quon vi regardas? What are you looking at? What do you watch? La hispana kaj la itala estas tre similaj. Spanish and Italian are a lot alike. Spanish and Italian are very similar. jIQonglaH neH vIneH. I just wish I could sleep. Please don't want to live in there. DIvI' HolDaj rachmeH Sep novDaq HaDpu'. She studied abroad in order to brush up her English. DivI' HolDaj rachmeH Seven new people are HaDpu'. Tiu estas la plej bona vortaro, kiu estas en la biblioteko. This is the best dictionary there is in the library. This is the best dictionary that is in the library. Hola, Tom. Hello, Tom. Hola, Tom. motlh na'ran rurbogh Dochmey'e' vIpar, 'ach wa' chabHomlIj vInID. I usually don't like sweet things, but I will try one of your cookies. We have sought to understand the universe and find answers to these questions. La kukurbo estis franda. The squash was delicious. The city was fringed. Me ne prizis ol. I didn't like it. I didn't ask it. Manjo faris amikecan braceleton. Mary made a friendship bracelet. Manjo made a friendly bracelet. Tomo estis tute nuda. Tom was totally naked. Tom was completely naked. Sur la skribotablo de Tomo estas kelkaj libroj. There are some books on Tom's desk. There are a few books on Tom’s desk. Cata individuo ha le derecto al vita, al libertate e al securitate de su persona. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person. Every individual has the right to life, freedom and security of his person. Esce lo ia es pluvos en London? Was it rainy in London? Is it going to rain in London? Ун супрамеркато тан гранде! What a big supermarket! It's all right! Morgaŭ Tomo ne havos iujn ajn lecionojn. Tom doesn't have any classes tomorrow. Tomorrow will not have any lessons. Li estas viro, al kiu ni povas fidi. He's a man we can trust. He is a man we can trust. ro lo ra pu se spaji lo ka viska mi va They were all surprised to see me there. ro lo ra pu se spaj lo ka viska mi va Mia hundo estas blanka. My dog is white. My dog is white. ma cnino Which is new? but cnino Tomo, ĉu vi donos al mi favoron? Tom, could you do me a favor? Don’t you give me favor? Tom estas el Bostono, sed nun li vivas en Ĉikago. Tom is from Boston, but now he lives in Chicago. Tom is from Boston, but now he lives in Chicago. mi mulno nalmorji tu'a la tom I forgot all about Tom. mi mulno nalmorji tu'a tu tom Ni tranĉis la ŝnuron. We cut off the rope. We cut the rope. Krits klödoms das Yesus binom son Goda. In Christianity, Jesus is believed to be the son of God. Krits klödoms das Yesus binom son Goda. Esce vos veni con me? Are you coming with me? Are you coming with me? No labobs timi al slipön. We don't have time to sleep. Don’t worry about slip. Ankaŭ al vi. Same to you. You too. Ne eliru ĉe tiu varmego sen porti ĉapelon. Don't go out in this heat without wearing a hat. Don’t get out of this heat without wearing a hat. Me memoris lo. I remembered it. I remembered it. Tomo donis la finan tranĉaĵon de kuko al mi. Tom gave me the last piece of cake. Tom gave the final cut of cake to me. ghojmoHwI'Daj lobQo' ghojwI'. The student refused to obey his teacher. Professor, if you had to do this, we'd like to talk about it. Esce algun es asente oji? Is anyone absent today? Is there anything else? nuq 'oH jungwoq mon'e'? What's the capital of China? What is the future of the universe? Komence de aŭtuno pluvas. It rains in early autumn. At the beginning of autumn, it rains. "Kiam ajn vi sentos la volon kritiki iun," li diris al mi, "nur memoru, ke ne ĉiuj en la mondo havis la samajn avantaĝojn, kiujn havis vi." "Whenever you feel like criticizing any one," he told me, "just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had." "Whenever you feel the will to criticize someone," he said to me, "only remember that not everyone in the world had the same benefits that you had." Romo ne estis konstruita en unu tago. Rome was not built in a day. Rome was not built on one day. Bíi hi luben wa. This is a map. Bíi hi luben wa. Esce el es la tuа fia unica? Is she your only daughter? Is it the only one of yours? Ili kontrolis la maŝinon pri difektoj. They checked the machine for defects. They checked the machine for defects. mi sorta gleki I'm sort of happy. Mi sorte gleki Neniu, krom Tomo, kapablas fari tion. Nobody but Tom is capable of that. No one, except Tom, can do that. Oni ne eskapas el sia sorto. There is no escape from fate. There is no escape from her fate. Io ha nunquam essite in le interior de iste classe. I have never been inside this classroom. I’ve never been in the interior of this class. Li-äsäkol ofi? Did you ask her? Li-äsäkol ofi? Ille legeva un jornal. He was reading a newspaper. She reads a newspaper. Еста адолесентес ес вера комика. These teens are really funny. It's all the way to do it. Ili rigardas la multkolorajn birdojn. They watch the multicoloured birds. They look at the small birds. Tota persones grande ia es prima enfantes. All adults were children first. All people are very successful. Ili loĝas proksime de la plaĝo. They live near the beach. They live near the beach. Ĉu la supo bongustas? Does the soup taste good? Is the soup delicious? Se nur mi estus alia! I wish I were different. If only I would be another! Ĉiuj kredas, ke li antaŭzorgis pri sia maljuneco. Everyone believes that they have prepared for their old age. Everyone thinks he’s getting ahead of his old age. Yo ha ja dit te quo yo save. I've already told you what I know. Yo ha ja dit te quo yo sale. DaHjaj nuq Data' DaneH? What do you want to do today? Turning the future out of DaneH? Ekzistas vivo post traŭmato. There's life after trauma. There is life after trauma. De plus in plus studentes adhere al protestos. More and more students are joining the protests. In addition, students adhere to protests. Sua padre e madre ia es cultivores. His parents were farmers. Her father and madres are cultivores. Le magnetophono es un adjuta utile pro inseniar. The tape recorder is a useful aid to teaching. The magnetophone is a helpful help to teach. Tomaso estas malpli maljuna, ol mi pensis. Tom isn't as old as I thought. Thomas is less old than I thought. Originalo verkita kun simpleco kaj klareco feliĉigas tradukistojn. A simply and clearly written original makes translators happy. Originally written with simplicity and clarity congratulate translators. On no pote espeta ce tota de mundo va comprende. You can't expect everyone to understand. We can get out of the world all around it. Me ia retira ante tre anios. I retired three years ago. I'm going to withdraw from three years ago. ko'a sipna je pilno be re kicne She sleeps with two pillows. This is a workstation when it comes to the fight la'e di'u co'e That's it. None Mea fia ia es frodada. My daughter was cheated. Mea fia es frodada. Quante tu definas "feliceso"? How would you define "happiness"? How much do you define "felence"? Mi volas scii ĉion pri li. I want to know everything about him. I want to know everything about him. qam Do DujwIj 'oH Dujvam'e'. pa' 'oHtaH qam Do DujlIj. This bicycle is mine. Yours is over there. We are the only intelligent beings at the time of our population. Tom savis ŝin de la fajro. Tom saved her from the fire. Tom saved her from the fire. Vi ne kulpas pri la akcidento. The accident wasn't your fault. You are not guilty of the accident. Yo eat a tui scola. I went to your school. Yo eat a tui scola. Me volis salvar Tom. I wanted to save Tom. I wanted to save Tom. Io non va facer illo immediatemente. I'm not going to do that right away. I'm not going to do it immediately. Kial vi tiel rapidas? Why are you so fast? Why are you so fast? Mia plej bona amikino estas dana. My best friend is Danish. My best friend is Danish. Ille ha cadite in le fluvio. He fell into the river. That's the lead in the river. Sapqang vay' 'e' DaQub'a'? Do you think anyone will volunteer? Sapqang vay' 'e' DaQub'a'? Mostra la banda a me. Show me the tape. Show the band to me. To ne es mi billete. This is not my ticket. It's not my ticket. Tom es sensibile. Tom is sensitive. Tom is sensitive. Kia mojosa tago! It's been such a cool day! What a cool day! Mi van me? Where are we? Mi van me? Mi havas verdan aŭton. I have a green car. I have a green car. la islant cu stuzi so'i lo vulkano Iceland has many volcanoes. Islant cu stuzzi so'i volcano Tom fastas. Tom is fasting. Tom fasts. Il me place viagiar in mi automobile. I like to travel with my car. I like travelling in my car. Mi estimas vian malkaŝemecon. I value your candor. I’m looking forward to your poverty. Li lune es detra li nubes. The moon is behind the clouds. Li lune es detra li cloudes. Un auto es un cosa practic a posseder. A car is a handy thing to own. One car is a practical one to own. Tom ama cocinar. Tom loves to cook. Tom ama cocinar. mi djica tu'a lo cidja I want something to eat. mi djica tu'a lo cidja bISovbejlaHbe'. You can't be so sure. bISovbei riverbe'. Se Tomo telefonos, diru al li, ke mi ne estas ĉi tie. If Tom calls, tell him I'm not here. If Tom calls, tell him that I'm not here. Omna planto bezonas aquo e lumo. Every plant needs water and light. Each plant needs water and light. Ili lude football. They play soccer. They play football. ra puzisai tsuku lo zdani He just got home. ra puzisai tsuku lo zdani Mi kontraktis vivasekuron. I have taken out a life-policy. I contracted life insurance. HuchwIj 'oH je. It's my money, too. That's my concern! Estas kredate, ke Kristo faris multajn miraklojn. It is believed that Christ worked many miracles. It is believed that Christ has done many miracles. Kiu estas via preferata verkisto? Who is your favorite author? Who is your favorite writer? le vi karce cu di'atce The price of this car is very high. the card cu di'atce Tom kaj Mary ambaŭ turnis sin por spekti. Tom and Mary both turned around to watch. Tom and Mary both turned to watch. Mi petas vin: Ne maltrankviliĝu! Temas pri nura formalaĵo. Please, don't be concerned about it. It's just a formality. Please don’t worry, it's just a form. sa'u mi na djica lo ka gau co'a speni do I just don't want to marry you. sa' mi' djica lo gau co'a speni do Tomo faris frandan manĝon por Manjo. Tom made a delicious meal for Mary. Tom made a cold meal for Manjo. La fritita kukurbeto estis franda. The fried zucchini was delicious. The fried kitchen was fringed. Nenio estas peniga, kion oni faras volonte. Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly. There’s nothing that you want to do. Ŝia patro estas fajrobrigadano. Her father is a firefighter. Her father is a firefighter. bu'a fa nu'i ge la lojban lo bangu gi la salvador.dalis. Lojban is the Salvador Dalí of languages. bu'a fa nu'i ge la lojban lo bangu gi la Salvador.dalis. Laŭ mi ili starigu pezan imposton koncerne la importadon. I think they should put a heavy tax on imports. According to me, they will set up heavy duties regarding the importance. Ŝi ne povis fari tion tiel, kiel Manjo instruis. She couldn't do it the way Mary told her. She couldn’t do it as a boy taught. ti me dyvydy This is a DVD. You win! Al hotelo Hilton, me pregas. To the Hilton Hotel, please. Al hotel Hilton, I pray. Ĉu la dancintaj knabinoj dormas aŭ ĉu ili mortis? La odoro de la floro diras, ke ili estas kadavroj. La vespera sonorilo anoncas ilian morton. Do the dancing maidens sleep, or are they dead? The scent of the flower says that they are corpses. The evening bell tolls their knell. Are the danced girls sleeping or are they dead? The smell of the flower says they are corpses. The evening bell announces their death. Io inquireva ubi era Tom. I asked where Tom was. I was inquireva where I was Tom. Ni decidis adoptar vua ideo. We've decided to adopt your idea. We decided to adopt your idea. Kanobs yufön ole. We can help you. Canobs yufön ole. Mi opinias, ke la plej malfacila parto de flegado estas ĉiutage vidi multan sangon. I think the hardest part of nursing is seeing lots of blood every day. I think the most difficult part of flegation is to see a lot of blood every day. Yo ne crede it! I don't believe it! Yo don't believe it! La vintro sanĝiĝis al printempo. Winter changed to spring. The winter was healed to spring. Kim ägivom atosi ole? Who gave you this? Kim ägivom atosi ole? Mi havas tuson kaj iom febras. I have a cough and a little fever. I have a shower and a little fever. Tomo estis nia interpretisto. Tom was our interpreter. Tom was our interpreter. Kikod nedob pükön Flentapüki? Why do I need to speak French? Kikod nedob pükön Flentapüki? Mi emegas iri eksterlanden. I am aching to go abroad. I love to go abroad. mi bredi lo ka co'a morsi I'm ready to die. I'm going to breed it all around Kiom da monon mi bezonos? How much money will I need? How much money will I need? Prismato des-kompozas lumo. A prism decomposes light. Prismato des-composes light. Vi multe ĉikanas. You are making a big fuss. You have a lot of chikanas. DuSaQ jaHmeH motlh yIt be'nI'wI'. My sister usually walks to school. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Per favore, cansela nosa comanda. Please cancel our order. Please, cancel our command. La heroo, kande lu esis puero, subisis genitorala neglijo. The hero, as a child, suffered from parental neglect. The hero, when he was a child, underwent a genital negliy. Tomo promesis resti en sia ĉambro. Tom promised to stay in his room. Tom promised to stay in his room. ko tcidu .i ba'anai do pante vu'e le za'i lo banrglico cu bangu lo jboskepre Read it. I recall, you protested quite virtuously the fact that the lojbanologists had discussions in English. Keep it up.i ba'anai do pante vi'e le za'i lo banrglico cu bangus lo jboskepre Tom volis nenion krom iri hejmen. All Tom wanted was to go home. Tom wanted nothing but to go home. Me ama la frutas e me come alga de los tota la dias. I love fruit and I eat some every day. I love the fruits and I as a little of them all the day. vavDaj DaSov'a'? Do you know his father? VavDaj DaSov'a? Mi volonte akceptas kritikojn. I am willing to accept criticism. I love to accept criticism. No binoms gudik. They're not good. No binoms gudik. Ĉiuj knaboj estas samaj. All boys are the same. All the boys are the same. Tomo estas terure delikata. Tom is awfully sensitive. Tom is terribly delicate. Le manicas es corrugate al manchette. The sleeves are gathered at the cuff. Le manicas es corrugate al manchette. Tio estas klarigo. That's one explanation. This is an explanation. Io esseva assatis irritate per le cambiamento subite in le plano. I was quite upset at the sudden change in the plan. I was hungry getting upset by the change suddenly in the plan. Tom es un bon cliente. Tom is a regular customer. Tom is a good client. Ankaŭ mi ne volis paroli kun vi. I didn't want to talk to you either. I didn’t want to talk to you either. Io non vole que tu travalia illac. I don't want you to work there. I don’t want you to work out there. na pu sarcu fa lo nu lo nu do pu darca cu tai clira You need not have come here so early. Don’t care about it! Mi pli bone faras tion lastatempe. I've been doing better at that lately. I’m better doing that lately. Vi igis min fari ĝin. You made me do it. You made me do it. Bon viage! Que tu sia felice in tu jornata. Bon voyage! May you have good luck on your journey. Nice to travel! Be happy in you. Lia sanstato malbonas jam dum pluraj jaroj. His state of health has been bad now for several years. His health is bad for several years. Vulpo alpremita al la muro pli danĝeras ol ŝakalo. A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal. A fox attached to the wall more dangerous than a chacala. qach ngo' pejlu'ta'. The old house was demolished. I'll thank you for the extraordinary date. 'upqu'! How disgusting! 'upqu'! Omnu darfas recevar komplete egale yusta e publika audienco da nedependanta e senpartisa tribunalo, determinante lua yuri ed obligi e pri irga kriminal akuzo kontre lu. Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. Everyone dars to receive a completely equal fair and public audience of an independent and impartial court, determining his yuri and obliving and of any criminal accusation against him. Ille vole biber alique frigide. He wants something cold to drink. They want to biber allique fryde. No vilom dielön. He doesn't want to die. No vilom dielön. Mi ne scias, ĉu mi ankoraŭ havas ĝin. I don't know if I still have it. I don’t know if I still have it. Mia mono foriĝis dum mia restado en Hindujo. I ran out of money during my stay in India. My money was gone during my stay in India. Sukceso ne estiĝas el nelaboremo. Success does not come from laziness. Success is not out of unemployment. Esti objektiva signifas ne diri al ĉiuj, kiun flankon oni subtenas. Being objective means not telling everybody whose side you are on. To be objective does not mean to all that side is supported. Vilob dunön etosi ko Tomas. I want to do that with Tom. Vilob dunön etosi ko Tomas. lo xamsi ku blanu The sea is blue. ku blanu xamsi Herghvam DatlhutlhQo'nIS. You must refuse to drink this drug. Here we have sought to take the answers to the extraordinary effort you have made to share your questions with us today. Denmargh Hol Dajatlh'a'? Do you speak Danish? Don't you have trouble with me? La es beli! She is beautiful! The es beli! wej wen Hegh tam. Tom passed away three months ago. wej wen Hegh as well. .e'u go do da djica gi ko da mi cpedu If there is anything you want, don't hesitate to ask me. .e'u go do da djica gi ko da mi cpedu Ĝi ne tiom malproksimas. It's not that far. It's not so far away. Necun homine es un insula, integre in se ipse; cata homine es un parte del continente. No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent. No human beings are an island, an entire one in itself; each human being is a part of the continent. Tiu ĉambro ne estas tiom granda. That room is not very large. This room is not so big. lo sinxa pu xunre The signal was red. Sina pu Primulare Ille habeva un delicatessa que attraheva le feminas. He had a gentleness that was attractive to women. That there was a delicate que attraheva le feminas. pa da zo'u mi fityzau .i ja nai da fasnu I accept, but only under one condition. pa da zoo mi fityzau .i ja da fatinu Yo odia matematica. I hate maths. Yo odia mathetica. Ĉu iu estis en la ĉambro? Was anyone in the room? Was anyone in the room? Li Federation Bosnia e Herzegovina consiste ex deci cantones. The Federation Bosnia-Herzegovina consists of ten cantons. He Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina consisted of dozens of cantones. je'u le selgungunma cu nandu .i ku'i la naun.xaras. ba kakne lo ka snada mulgau It's true that the project is a difficult task, but Mr Hara will be able to bring it off. At one time, we don't think much of the hard space at one time. Pardonu, ke mi erare malfermis vian leteron. Excuse me for opening your letter by mistake. I’m sorry to open your letter. tam wImuS Hoch maH. We all hated Tom. Hoch, maH. Edukado estas progresiga ilo. Education is the agent of progress. Education is a progressive tool. Me venas de Nord-Korea. I am from North Korea. I come from North Korea. qa'vIn tu'lum DItlhutlhtaHvIS nabmo' wIja'chuqjaj! Let's discuss the plan over a cup of coffee. I have made good progress on the first part, and we have made good progress in the first place. Io apparentemente es troppo vetule. I'm apparently too old. I'm apparently too old. Li atingis la plej altan gradon en la ekzameno. He got the highest grade on the exam. He reached the highest degree in the exam. Li diris neniun vorton. Not a single word did he say. He said no word. Gravitate es le fortia natural per lequal objectos son attrahite le unes le alteres. Gravity is the natural force by which objects are attracted to each other. Gravity is natural force by levers being attracted first by others. No slipom. He doesn't sleep. No slipom. Ka vu povas solvar ta problemo? Can you solve this problem? Can you solve this problem? Gravas, ke la lernantoj scias, kio estas atendebla en la ekzameno. It's important for the students to know what to expect on the test. It is important for students to know what is expected in the exam. Me savas tua nomo. I know your name. I know your name. Vunditi vundas altri. Hurt people hurt people. Winds hurt others. Tu es un gato multe caresable. You're a very pettable cat. You’re a lot of meanable game. ra ba'o nonkansa She isn't lonely anymore. ba'o nonkansa Ob vu haver programe? Do you have a timetable? Don't you have a program? Do, kion ni faros? So, what are we going to do? So, what are we going to do? Man brefik lenlabom loviotirakloti. The short man wears a sweater. Man brefik lenlabom loviotiracloti. Ŝi estas fiera esti katolika. She's proud to be a Catholic. She is proud to be Catholic. Malmultaj homoj aĉetis la libron, kiun Tomo verkis. Not many people bought the book that Tom wrote. Few people bought the book that Tom wrote. De' chu' ghItlh qemmeH HurDaq puqloDDaj ngeHpu'. He sent his son out to get the newspaper. As a universe, we should patent the universe and charge everyone royalties for the universe. Vödabuk at no binon obik. This dictionary isn't mine. Vödabuk at no bin obik. Le filio debe obedir al patre. The son must obey the father. The child must obey the parent. Mary koramikas al du malsamaj uloj samtempe. Mary is dating two different guys at the same time. Mary corresponds to two different guys at the same time. Kumo non faceva un cassa. Kumi did not make a box. Kuma did not make a box. Ni estas savitaj. We're saved. We are saved. Estas eble. It is possible. It's possible. Kial vi eliris? Why did you go out? Why did you go out? Post la festo boteloj kaj cindrujoj kuŝis dise kaj kaose sur la planko. After the party, the floor was cluttered with empty bottles and ashtrays. After the feast bottles and cindries lay apart and chaos on the floor. Hurgh Hur. It's dark out. Hurgh Hur. Kitopo binon-li vatil? Where is the vodka? Kitopo binon li vatil? Vi estas tio, kion vi legas. You are what you read. You are what you read. Kion ni timis? What were we afraid of? What were we afraid? maDyar Hol jatlh loD 'ej DoyIchlan Hol jatlh be'. He speaks Hungarian and she speaks German. I really thank you for the extraordinary effort you have made to share your questions with us today. Mi ĉi tie konas neniun krom Tomo. I don't know anybody here, except for Tom. I don’t know anyone but Tom. Batlize re kobá. I work here now. Ballize re cobá. Tom bedaŭras la decidon, kiun li faris hieraŭ malfruvespere. Tom regrets the decision he made late last night. He regrets the decision he has done last night. Eremob buki ädelo. I bought a book yesterday. Eremobe mouths ädel. Mia komputilo estas infektita. My computer is infected. My computer is infected. Petu al Tomo, ke li telefonu min responde. Ask Tom to call me back. Ask Tom to call me in response. Mi ne estas pli inteligenta ol li. I am no more intelligent than he. I'm not smarter than him. Me ne komprenis. I didn't understand. I didn't understand. mI'QeD vIpar. I don't like math. mI'QeD escapes. Том, еске ту ама анкора ме? Tom, do you still love me? Is it true that it is true that it is? Pro que ha tu venite hic si tosto? What did you come here so early for? Why did you come here right now? Tom ia jua bascetbal a cuando el ia es en universia. Tom played basketball when he was in college. Tom Bazatbal, when he was in high school. 'Illaw' tam. Tom seems to be sincere. 'Illaw' tam. Vos debe esser recompensate. You shall have a reward. You must be recompensed. mu'i ma do na cusku lu pendo li'u .i lo nu go'i cu roroi banzu Why don't you say "Friend"? It's always sufficient. Under the plains, we would like to think about the Big Bang, but would like to give him a big deal. Tio estas unu kialo por la maldungo de Tom. That's one reason Tom got fired. This is one reason for Tom's sack. Ol ne esas por omni. It's not for everybody. It is not for men. Ĉu iu lastatempe vidis Tomon ĉirkaŭe? Has anyone seen Tom around lately? Has anyone ever seen Tom around? Gîl síla na lû govaded. A star shines on the hour of our meeting. Gîl síla na lû govaded. Ili estis obeemaj infanoj. They were good kids. They were obedient children. Ĉu ankoraŭ restas biletoj por la morgaŭa koncerto? Are there any tickets left for tomorrow's concert? Are there tickets for tomorrow? Elu ankore ne finabas sua hemtasko. She has not finished her homework yet. She still doesn't finish his homemate. wa' nuv QongtaHghach vuv latlh nuv tamtaHghach. To be quiet in class is to respect other people's sleep. Under extreme conditions, we should have had little idea about the universe. Yo provat salvar le. I tried to save him. Yo provat save le. Isto es un pupa que illa mesme faceva. This is a doll which she made herself. This is a little bit that just happened. ki'u ma la tom ca'o zvati ti Why's Tom still here? ki'u ma la tom ca'o zvati ti Compra alicun joculos. Buy some toys. Build a joke. Illa ha essite fusilate durante que illa dormiva. She was shot in her sleep. He was rifled while he was sleeping. mi ba'o nitcu tu'a le prenu I don't need him anymore. mi ba'o nitcu tu'a la take xu da poi vi zvati lo tadni kumfa cu ba'o tirna la norman.finkelctain. Has anyone here in the classroom heard about Norman Finkelstein? xu da po poi zvati lo tadni kumfa cu ba'o tirna la standard.finkelctain. Mi volas studi fizikon. I want to study physics. I want to study physics. Vidante ĉiujn aliajn homojn manĝi, ankaŭ mi eksentis apetiton. Watching everyone else eating made me want to eat, too. When I saw all the other people eat, I was also an appetite. Jen estas bildo pri flughaveno. This is a picture of an airport. Here is a picture of an airport. QIt laD tam. Tom reads slowly. QIt laD as well. Brasil mantene relationes mercantil con multe paises. Brazil maintains commercial relations with many countries. Brasil keeps mercantil relations with many countries. La angla teamo venkobatis la brazilan teamon en la internacia futbala turniro. The English team beat the Brazilian team in the international football tournament. The English team defeated the Brazilian team in the international football tournament. Ti region producte preciosi minerales. This region produces precious minerals. These regions produce precios minerales. Se vi instruos al mi la japanan, mi instruos al vi la hispanan. If you teach me Japanese, I'll teach you Spanish. If you teach me Japanese, I will teach you Spanish. Yo va morir por te. I will die for you. Yo va morir por te. Me havas du patrini. I have two mothers. I have two parents. Ŝi belas, inteligentas, kaj - plej grave - estas bonkora. She's beautiful, smart, and - most importantly - has a good heart. She's beautiful, smart, and - most important – it's great. Li estas vigla kvankam li estas tre maljuna. He is active although he is very old. He is alive though he is very old. jIH muquchta' novpu'. I was abducted by aliens. I don't think there's plenty of news. O isch dal Misiria. He is from Egypt. O isch dal Misiria. Rivero dividas la urbon en orienton kaj okcidenton. A river separates the city into east and west. The river divides the city into the east and west. Tomo vidis lumojn en la malproksimo. Tom saw lights in the distance. Tom saw lights in the near. Ĉi ĉiuj ovoj ne estas freŝaj. All these eggs aren't fresh. All eggs are not fresh. Li ne respondis al la letero. He failed to answer the letter. He did not respond to the letter. Li ne scias la anglan, des malpli la germanan. He knows no English, not to mention German. He doesn’t know English, less German. Mi ankaŭ volas tiun ĉemizon. I want that shirt too. I want this shirt too. Oni kondukis min ĝis mia seĝo. I was ushered to my seat. I was brought to my chair. Mi faris du grandajn erarojn en mia vivo: dufoje mi ne aŭskultis al mia edzino. I have made two big mistakes in my life: twice I didn't listen to my wife. I made two great mistakes in my life: twice I didn’t listen to my wife. En kiu direkto estas Centra Parko? Which way is Central Park? In what direction is Central Park? La miror ia rompe. The mirror broke. I’m going to break it. lo gusta be le cidjrxalalu cu zvati ma Where is a halal restaurant? It's tasted like the cidjrxalalu cu zvati ma Yo videt la besant un altri mann. I saw her kissing another guy. Yo videt la besant un others mann. La kalkulon, bonvolu. I'd like the bill, please. The count, please. Se vi ne iros tien, vi devos peti pardonon. If you don't go, you'll have to apologize. If you don’t go there, you’ll have to ask for forgiveness. lo mi jamfu cu so'ova'e se punli My feet are a little swollen. I've already been on my behalf. do pu ticysku fi mi'ai You lied to us. Tycysku fi mi'ai Tom e io passava le die insimul. Tom and I spent the day together. Tom and I spent the day together. Ŝi estas ne tiel saĝa, kiel ŝi mem sin opinias. She is not as smart as she thinks she is. She is not as wise as she thinks herself. Tomas no nolom, kisi edunol. Tom doesn't know what you've done. Tomas no nolom, kisi edunol. muQaH 'e' vIHonbe'. I don't doubt that he will help me. muQaH 'e' fiaHonbe'. Tomo diris al Manjo la novaĵon. Tom told Mary the news. Tom said to Manjo the news. Spikols-li Linglänapüki? Do you speak English? Spikols-li Linglänapüki? Mi esperas, ke tio neniam okazos al ni. I hope that never happens to us. I hope it will never happen to us. qatlh Hurgh? Why is it dark? Why Hurgh? mi'a pu casnu so'i zo'e We talked of many things. This brings me to its best. Tion mi neniam konsideris. I've never considered that. I never considered that. Multan farendan laboron mi havas. I have a lot of work to do. I have a lot of work. Kiu estas la plej bona maniero por lerni la francan? What's the best way to learn French? What is the best way to learn French? De' vInuDqa'. I rechecked the data. De' fajnuDqa'. Vi mankos al mi same. I'm going to miss you, too. You’ll miss me the same. La site dormi. The city sleeps. The site sleeps. Te ia es introduida de Jonguo. Tea was introduced from China. You're introduced to Jongoo. ¡Escusetz-me! Excuse me! ¡Escusetz-me! ro da djica lo nu ru'i panpi Everyone wants continuous peace. ro da djica lo nu ru'i panpi ngerDajDaq wa' Duy' vItu'laHbe'. I can't find a single flaw in his theory. The goal is that we are in favor of the knowledge of the universe. Il ingageat Tim. He hired Tom. Il ingageat Tim. parmaqqaylI' 'Iv? Who is your girlfriend? parmaqyayste' 'Iv? Mi pene laboris dum la tuta tago, mi do lacegis. I worked hard all day, so I was very tired. I worked the whole day, so I was tired. Me ne esas jokanta. I'm not joking. I'm not jocating. Ni estas senhejmaj. We're homeless. We are homeless. Le judeos son lasse. The Jews are tired. Le judeos son lasse. Tomo protestis. Tom protested. Tom protested. Necuno ha jammais essite illac. Nobody's ever been there. None has never been there. Vulkananoj havas pintajn orelojn. Vulcans have pointy ears. Vulcans have painted ears. lo do kerfa cu melbi Your hair is beautiful. it do kerfa cu melbi nIpon monvo' 'Italya' ghoSlI' muD Duj. The plane is on the way from Tokyo to Italy. Parsapon monvo' 'Italya' ghoSeliko' muD Duj. le nakni pu na nelci lo ckule He didn't like school. the nakni pu na naci lo cule Ilua diskurso esis netolereble matida. His speech was intolerably dull. Her speech was uninhabitable. Mi eliras, por aĉeti la gazeton. I am going out to buy the newspaper. I go out to buy the newspaper. La puno estas pli malbona ol la krimo. The punishment is worse than the crime. The punishment is worse than the crime. tlhoS Hegh. He almost died. Saints Hegh. mi djuno lo du'u makau catra la .tom. I know who killed Tom. I'm going to have it two'u makau catra la .tom. Tomas binom men vemo sapik. Tom is a very clever man. Tomas binom but weather sapik. Ŝi perdis la vojon en la arbaro. She went astray in the woods. She lost the road in the forest. Esque te place bibitas fresc al ananas? Do you like pineapple drinks? Why did you like to cool to the pineapple? Ŝi multe ŝatas hundojn. She likes dogs a lot. She likes dogs a lot. Neniu zorgis pri la opinio de Tomo. Nobody cared about Tom's opinion. No one took care of Tom’s opinion. bIcheghDI' maja'chuqlaH. We can talk when you get back. bIcheghDI' maja'chuq stand. До Том лабора? Where does Tom work? Do you want to see it? Mi eligis seniluziigitan suspiron. I let out a disappointed sigh. I picked up an unillusioned suspiro. Sagolöd Tomase das vilob matön ko om. Tell Tom that I want to marry him. Sagolöd Tomase das vilob matön ko om. ghotI' vIvunbe'. I didn't order fish. ghotI' favavunbe'. Mono mankas al Tomaso. Tom is out of money. Money is missing to Thomas. Ille non sape anglese, e ancora minus germano. He knows no English, not to mention German. They don't know English, and still less German. De que cosa tu te preoccupa quando tu vade al lecto in le nocte? What do you worry about when you go to sleep at night? What are you worried about when you go to the bed tonight? Mi supozas, ke tio ĝustas. I guess that's right. I guess that's correct. Ka vu audas la uceli kantanta? Do you hear the birds singing? Do you hear the ucels singing? Tuj kiam mi estos fininta la legadon de la libro, mi pruntos ĝin al vi. As soon as I have finished reading the book, I will lend it to you. As soon as I have finished reading the book, I will borrow it to you. mi nelci ba'e lo pavdei I love Monday! mi nelci ba'e paudei Estas en ordo esti stranga. It's OK to be weird. It is in order to be strange. Tu realmente non sape natar? Can you really not swim? You really don’t know how to swim? Do'Ha' tam. Tom is unfortunate. Do'Ha' tam. Ĉiutage pli malvarmiĝas en Novembro. It gets cold day by day in November. Every day is cold in November. Li litt jup es rosi. The small skirt is pink. Li litt jup es rosi. An io vermente non vos place? Do you really not like me? I really don't like you? Dano vidis ion suspektindan je la mateno, kiam Linjo mortis. Dan saw something suspicious on the morning Linda died. Dan saw something suspicious in the morning when Linjo died. Tomo staris apud Maria. Tom stood beside Mary. Tom stood beside Mary. La policistoj ludis ŝakon ĉe la policejo. The police officers were playing chess at the police station. The police officers played chess at the police station. Qual gonna te place? Which skirt do you like? What's going to like you? La flegisto ordonis, ke Tomo surmetu hospitalan robon. The nurse had Tom put on a hospital gown. The nurse ordered Tom to wear a hospital dress. tugh chaballIj qaSmoHlu'. It won't be long before your dream comes true. Thank you very much indeed. Tomo estas norvego. Tom is Norwegian. Tom is Norwegian. Vos es toto pro me. You are everything to me. You're all for me. yan vIghajbe'. I don't have a sword. We come from here! Li estis forpelita el la lernejo. He was expelled from the school. He was expelled from school. Pro que to posset esser li mortator, yo celat me sub li lette. Because that could have been the murderer, I hid myself under the bed. Because to later be his killer, yo cellat me under li lette. Lamerikän binon tat jekälimik. The United States is a terrorist state. Lamerikän bin tat jekälimik. ko'a kakne lo nu jdika lo cteki He was able to reduce taxes. co'a kokne lo jdika lo cteki Mi provos solvi la problemon. I will try to solve the problem. I’ll try to solve the problem. Tomo heredis tion de la panjo. Tom inherited that from his mom. Tom inherited that from the mother. La vero estis, ke ŝi estis jam en la amo. The truth was that she was already in love. The truth was that she was already in love. mi'ai na zifre lo ka cuxna We have no choice. mi'a na zifre lo cuxna In tote le relationes inter le populos on debe usar un lingua neutral. In all relations between peoples, a neutral language must be used. In all respects between people should use a neutral language. xu do glabi'a Do you have a fever? xu do glabi'a DaHjaj nuq Daghojpu'? What have you learned today? This brings the future of Daghojpu? Nu, ĉu vi jam diris al ŝi? So, have you told her yet? Did you tell her now? Vartez por ni. Wait for us. Vote for us. Тота де мундо иа ама ло. Everybody loved it. It's all the way to do it. Okupiĝu pri viaj aferoj. You should mind your own business. Be busy with your affairs. vetlhmey mIllogh DalIng 'e' vIHarlaHbe'. I can't believe you're taking pictures of cockroaches. We have made sure that we have sought to understand the universe and find answers to these questions. Tom planas ion apartan por la naskiĝtago de Mary. Tom's planning something special for Mary's birthday. Tom plans something special for Mary's birthday. la tom pu dasni lo mapku Tom wore a hat. the tom pu dasni lo mapku Yo comprat le un horloge. I bought him a clock. Yo comprat le un horloge. Yo ama sport. I like sports. It loved sports. La projeto ne sucesis. The plan did not succeed. The project was unsuccessful. Kio estas en la skaloto, kiu estas en la skatolo? What's inside the box inside the box? What is on the scale, which is in the box? Ni demetu la ŝuojn antaŭ ol eniri en la domon. We should take off our shoes before entering the house. Let’s take off the shoes before entering the house. le nakni na pu smusku su'o cnino He didn't say anything new. the nakni na pu smusku su'o cnino Nufan änufom nufi bigik. The roofer roofed the thick roof. Nufan änufom nufi bigik. Se ŝi scius, ke estas mi, kiu sendis la donacon, ŝi ne akceptus ĝin. Had she known it was I who sent the gift, she would not have accepted it. If she knew that it was me who sent the gift, she would not accept it. No tikob das Tomas dledom. I don't think Tom is afraid. No thikob das Tomas dledom. jIyajchoHlI'. I am beginning to understand. You’ve got to know your life. la .tam. cu vobmipri ni'a le ckana Tom is hiding under the bed. la .tam. cu vobmipri ni'a le ckana Mi klarigos per parabolo. I'll explain by way of a parable. I will explain in parable. Em, bíi rahíya rul wi. Yes, the cat is big. Em, bíi rahíya roller wi. Se vi rigardos sufiĉe profunde, vi vidos muzikon; la koro de naturo estas ĉie muziko. If you look deep enough you will see music; the heart of nature being everywhere music. If you look deep enough, you will see music; the heart of nature is everywhere music. cu'u le jbogri .e le flalu la lojban cu ba'e du la loglan As said by the Lojban Group and the law, Lojban is equal to Loglan. Cé le jbogri .e. la flu la lojban cu ba'e du loglan Ne foriru. Vi estas bonvena ĉi tie. Don't go away. You're welcome here. Don’t go away, you're welcome here. Li estas moderna knabo. He's a modern boy. He is a modern boy. La vorto estas sur la pinto de mia lango. The word is on the tip of my tongue. The word is on the top of my tongue. Yo ne posse pruvar it. I can't prove it. It doesn't possibly prove it. reghov. We recognized you. reghov. Sami es un traductor. Sami is a translator. Sami is a translator. .i mi nelci do ri'anai lo za'i do melbi I like you, but not just because you're beautiful. .i mi nelci do ri'nai lo za'i do melbi Samo havis fortan karakteron. Sami had a strong personality. Sam had a strong character. Ni priparolis diversajn temojn. We talked about various topics. We talked about various topics. Mi pensas, ke mi vidis ion moviĝi. I think that I saw something moving. I think I saw something move. “Kien iris Tomo?” - “Li iris al Bostono.” "Where did Tom go?" "He went to Boston." “Where did Tom go?” - “He went to Boston.” do .o nai ra poi'i lo se jinvi be ke'a cu jitfa Either you or he is wrong. do.o nai ra poi'i lo se jinvi be ke'a cu jitfa Dotrakuyuv. We agreed. Dotrakuyuv. jar veb bI'reS cheghta' vavwI'. My father will be back at the beginning of next month. The next year, but the next year, we don't have a look at each other. Il es Italiano. He is an Italian. Il es Italano. Ni vendis nian aŭton al Tomo. We sold Tom our car. We sold our car to Tom. Varmegas somere. It's very hot during the summer. Varmegas summer. Me ne volas parolar pri lo. I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about it. ti na cidja This isn't food. ti na cidja Kiom da homoj vi intencas inviti? How many people are you planning on inviting? How many people do you want to invite? Se ni laborus pli pene, ni sukcesus. If we'd worked harder, we would've succeeded. If we would work more heavily, we would succeed. Ankaŭ mi estas lernanto. I'm a student, too. I am also a student. Tiu loko memorigas nin pri la feliĉaj tempoj, kiujn ni pasigis kun niaj geavoj. That place brings back memories to us of the happy times we spent with our grandparents. This place reminds us of the happy times we spent with our grandparents. Oni nomas Katalunion "Catalunya" en la kataluna. Catalonia is called "Catalunya" in Catalan. It is called Katalunion "Catalunya" in the Catalan. Ni sciis, ke Tomaso diras veron. We knew that Tom was telling the truth. We knew Thomas was telling the truth. lo munje saske cu zmadu lo jikca saske lo ka pluja The natural sciences are harder than the social sciences. Today's Science aims at Financial Science about the Advanced Qatlhqu'. That was really difficult. let's move out. Hurghchugh Daq, qIj 'ej chIS Hoch vIghro'. All cats are grey in the dark. If you think we are the only intelligent beings, we should find out what we are doing. SoH'a' je, bru'tuS? You too, Brutus? SoH'a je, bru'tuS? Il non me place mentir a Tom. I don't like lying to Tom. I don't like lying to Tom. La viroj laboras tre multe. The men are working very hard. The men work very much. nIpongan ghaHbe'. He is not Japanese. Dingopongan ghaHbe'. La noto esis de ilu. The note was from him. The note was from him. jaQqu' ngeng, The lake is very deep. jaQqu' ngeng, Me ia leje la mesaje. I read the message. I’m reading the message. Mi lernis la korean dum dek jaroj. I learned Korean for ten years. I learned Korean for ten years. Yo ne ama infantes. I don't like children. It doesn't love children. Mi estis ĉi tie pasintjare. I was here last year. I was here last year. Rompiĝis la spegulo. The mirror broke. The mirror was broken. Ĉi tiu estas la plej bona pico en la urbo. This is the best pizza in town. This is the best piece in the city. El ama la cafe. He loves coffee. El ama la café. Lingvoj ŝanĝiĝas kun la tempo. Language changes over time. Languages change with time. mi pu te sidbo fi no da fe lo nu ei mi kanpe ma kau I had no idea what to expect. mi pu te sidbo fi no da fe lo nu ei mi kanpe ma kau Mi ne kredas, ke tio estas malfacila decido. I don't think it's a difficult decision. I don’t think that’s a difficult decision. lo kadno prenu cu baupli fe lo glico fe lo fraso They speak English and French in Canada. Take it a little bigger than the ice Ĉu ni bezonas ŝian helpon? Do we need her help? Do we need her help? 'ach wej rIn. But it wasn't over yet. 'ach wej rIn. DujDaq qaghomqa'. I'll meet you back on the ship. We believe that I should be favored by you. Ni esas to quon ni pensas. We are what we think. We're everything we think. Silentu, vi konfuzas min! Shut up, you're distracting me. Be quiet, you confuse me! "Tatoeba" significa "per exemplo" in japonese. "Tatoeba" means "for example" in Japanese. "Tatoeba" means "for example" in Japanese. Ла мусика ес универсал. Music is universal. It's all the way it's going to be. Okazis festo hieraŭ nokte. There was a party last night. There was a party at night. Mi ĵus aŭdis iun krii. I just heard someone scream. I just heard a scream. naDev Qob. It's dangerous here. naDev Qob. Ĉu vi aŭdacas demandi lin pri tio? Dare you ask him about it? Do you dare to ask him about that? La vakcino ne estu injektita en sangan vaskulon, sed en muskolon. The vaccine isn't injected into the blood vessels, but into the muscles. The vaccine should not be injected into a blood vessel, but into a muscle. se vamji so'i da mi That's worth a lot to me. se vamji so'i da mi 'Il tam 'e' vIHar. I think Tom is sincere. 'Il tam 'e' fajHar. Ille modulava le argilla in un bassino. He formed the clay into a bowl. They modulated the argilla in a bass. Vi ne elpensis tion. You didn't invent that. You didn’t think about that. la tom pu simlu lo ka se cfipu Tom looked confused. the tom pu simlu lo ka se cfipu Li bone ludas gitaron. He is very good at the guitar. He plays guitar well. Kontrolu ilin. Examine them. Check them. maHvaD qay' Doch Dop'e'. It is the opposite that is a problem for us. I really thank you for the Doch Dop'e. la .tom. pu cikre lo mi santa xau mi Tom fixed my umbrella for me. the .tom. pu cikre lo mi santa xau mi Tomo estas ega enŝrankulo. Tom's a real closet case. Tom is an enchanter. Dise pome es dolci. This apple is sweet. Dise pome es sweets. Mi donis iom da akvo al la hundoj. I gave some water to the dogs. I gave some water to dogs. Ni estas venkontaj. We're going to win. We are victorious. Tomo havas plurajn tatuojn. Tom has several tattoos. Tom has several tattoos. Okupos vin proksimume dek minutojn solvi ĉi tiun problemon. It'll probably take you about 10 minutes to solve this problem. You will take about ten minutes to solve this problem. Kiel vi malkovris, ke estas Tom, kiu manĝis vian sandviĉon? How did you find out that Tom was the one who had eaten your sandwich? How did you discover that it was Tom who had eaten your sandwich? Ella scrit un libre pri animales, She wrote a book about animals. Ella scrit un libre pri animalas, puziki citka lo cidjrsuci .ije pinxe lo xribirje He just ate sushi and drank beer. puziki citka lo cidjrsuci .ije pinxe lo xribirje ghaH woHmeH ghoS SoSDaj. His mother came to pick him up. ghaH woHmeH ghoS SoSDa. Tom dit alquo. Tom said something. Tom dit alquo. jIDIvbe' vIjatlh. I plead not guilty. I've been able to understand the universe. Ecce le contento de su declaration. His statement runs as follows. Here is the content of its declaration. Mi ne petas monon. I'm not asking for money. I don't ask for money. Li litt puella urina. The little girl is peeing. Li litt puella urine. lojmIt'a'Daq QamtaH loDHom woch. A tall boy is standing at the gate. We believe that we are the only intelligent beings in the universe. e'o ko jai galfi lo lanci Change the flag, please. e'o ko jai galfi lo lanci La kaprino de Tomo naskis idaron tri-kapridan. Tom's goat gave birth to a litter of three kids. Tom's captain gave birth to a tri-caprida. Vi gakis. You cackled. You can read. Ĝuste tion Tomaso volas eviti. That's what Tom wants to avoid. That’s what Thomas wants to avoid. paq DalaDchu'ta' qar'a'? You've read through the book, haven't you? Do you want to talk about your questions? mi kucli lo nu xukau do tolcando du'i mi I wonder if you're as busy as I am. I just like it nu xukau do sopendo du'i mi da minra There's a mirror. De Minra 's Per favore, dona la fatura. The check, please. Please give the bill. Mi suspektas, ke Tom estas enamiĝinta al Maria. I suspect that Tom is in love with Mary. I suspect that Tom was in love with Mary. mataH HeghDI'. We will outlive them. Avoid HeghDI's. Paris es le capital de Francia. Paris is the capital of France. Paris is the capital of France. Tiu brakhorloĝo bezonas riparon. This wrist watch needs repairing. This watch needs a repair. "Kion tamen diros la instruisto?" - "Li diru. Oni pagas al li, por ke li grumbladu la tutan tagon." "And what will the teacher say?" "Let him talk. He is paid to grumble all day long." “What does the teacher say?” – “He says, he is paid to him, so that he may grumble all day.” Tomaso estas la plej aĝa el ni, kvankam la diferenco de la aĝoj ne estas tre granda. Tom isn't much older than the rest of us. Thomas is the oldest of us, although the difference of the ages is not very large. Ме сабореа мусика. I enjoy music. It's all about it. ¡Góspoxhi! Good heavens! ¡Góspoxhi! Tom surhavas ledan ŝorton. Tom is wearing leather shorts. Tom wears a leather shoot. La nazia okupado de Pollando daŭris ses jarojn. The Nazi occupation of Poland lasted six years. The Nazi occupation of Poland lasted six years. Nia instruisto de la franca lingvo estas kanadano. Our French teacher is Canadian. The French language teacher is Canadian. Yo leet un libre. I am reading a book. Yo leet un libre. xu do se bangu lo bangenugu Do you speak English? xu do se bangu lo bangenuguu Nunc dice me lo. Now tell me. Now tell me that. Konsideru la fonton. Consider the source. Consider the source. Almenaŭ kvin pasaĝeroj estis en la trajno. There were not less than five passengers on the train. At least five passengers were on the train. Tomo faligis la arbon. Tom chopped down the tree. Tom dropped the tree. Löfob jisoni obik. I love my daughter. Löfob jisoni obik. Sanel äkonsälom ofe blibön domo. The doctor advised that she stay at home. Sanel äkonsälom ofe blibön house. Ni ne havis bonan planon. We didn't have a good plan. We didn’t have a good plan. Ки ва косини? Who'll cook? What do you want to do? Esce tu ia proba a cualce ves agopuntur? Have you ever tried acupuncture? Are you sure you want to try to run the crash? La klaso laboristala e la klaso employistala havas nulo komuna. The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. The working class and the class employistala have nothing common. Mi ne opinias, ke Tomo estas malbona homo. I don't think Tom is a bad person. I don’t think Tom is a bad man. Tom vole un microscopio. Tom wants a microscope. Tom wants a microscope. na kakne fa lo gerku lo ka cpare lo bitmu A dog can't climb up a wall. na kakne fa lo gerku lo ka cpare lo bitmu Tu esas plu forta kam ni. You're stronger than us. You're stronger than we do. juHwIj vIcheghnIS. I had to go back home. That's my disability. ghaytan chech. They're probably drunk. It’s a tough check. Ĉiu hundo rajtas unufoje mordi. Every dog is entitled to one bite. Every dog can bite once. Io le audiva sortir. I heard him go out. Io le audiva sortir. Illa partiva de su amico in lacrimas. She parted from her friend in tears. His friend is in the lacrimas. Si on lasa un lampa de pox ensendeda, la pilas de lo va es consumada. Leaving the flashlight turned on depletes its batteries. Si on lasa un lampa de pox ensended, the pines de lo va es consumada. E Deo dicis: "Onu facez la lumo". E la lumo facesis. And God said: Let there be light. And there was light. And Deo said: "Let's make the light". And the light was facing. Me ia pasa la dia con la familia. I spent the day with family. I passed the day with the family. bIghoSbe'nIS. You shouldn't go. bIghoSbe'nIS. Me ia regarda un max de tenis sur la tv. I watched a tennis match on TV. I'm looking back a max of tennis on the tv. Illa me ha causate multe difficultates. She's caused me a lot of trouble. I’ve caused a lot of disabilities. wej vIghro' ghaj 'e'mamDaj. His aunt has three cats. We're talking about 'her mother'. Mi scias, ke via plej ŝatata koloro estas bluo. I know that your favorite color is blue. I know your favorite color is blue. Mi nomine es Omid. My name is Omid. My name is Omid. Pli frue, li iris piede al la entrepreno. Before, he would go to the firm on foot. Earlier, he went to the company. Yo ama mi matre. I love my mother. Yo ama mi matre. xu do se tunba da Do you have any siblings? xu do se tunba da Oji la mar ia es tepida! Today the sea was warm! Whatever the sea is ready! La naskiĝtago de Tomo okazis antaŭ precize unu monato. Tom's birthday was exactly one month ago. Tom's birthday happened exactly a month ago. Illa laborava in Belgica. She worked in Belgium. He was working in Belgium. Me vivar in Hyogo. I live in Hyogo. I live in Hyogo. Mi tro longe estis ignorita. I've been ignored for too long. I was too long ignored. vItqangbe' tam. Tom isn't willing to tell the truth. fajatqangbe' tam. Kate preskaŭ neniam festas sian naskiĝtagon. Kate hardly ever celebrates her birthday. He almost never celebrates his birthday. Io ha scopate le corte. I swept the yard. I scopted the cut. Mi estas via instruistino pri la franca. I'm your French teacher. I am your teacher about French. Kiom alta estas tiu monto? How high is that mountain? How high is this mountain? jIHvaD bIjatlhtaHvIS DIvI' Hol yIlo'neS. Please speak to me in English. I just need to thank you for the extraordinary effort I have made good progress in the universe. Li lasis siajn manojn kuri en ŝiaj haroj. He ran his fingers through her hair. He left his hands running in her hair. Ille se addormiva immediatemente. He fell asleep right away. That's where you go to sleep immediately. Yo vole comprar un ananas. I want to buy a pineapple. It wants to buy a pineapple. lo mi junla cu te tcidu lo tcika pe baza lo mentu be li re My clock is two minutes fast. it mi junla cu te tcidu lo tcika pe base logus be li re Manjo kaj mi geedziĝos. Mary and I are getting married. My husband and I will marry. Ci es Tatoeba. Here is Tatoeba. This is Tatoeba. Mi veturos la infanojn al la lernejo. I'll take the children to school. I will drive children to school. Me savar vun nome. I know your name. I know your name. Kiu estas via ŝatata maniero ekzerciĝi? What's your favorite way to get exercise? What is your favorite way to exercise? Eĉ vitra okulo povas vidi sian blindecon. Even a glass eye can see its blindness. Even a glass eye can see its blindness. Kikod no vilol golön? Why don't you want to go? Kikod no vilol golön? pelegh! Look! Pleegh! Nem ofik binom Irina. Her name's Irina. Nem ofik binom Irina. Ci es en la media de compra? Who's buying? Here's in the media of purchase? Téu 24 ars. I am 24 years old. Téu 24 ars. Mea fia ave apena des-sinco anios. My daughter is barely fifteen. Mea fia ave apena des-sinco anios. Tomo kredas, ke li estas kavaliro. Tom thinks he's a knight. Tom believes he is a knight. lIQan. They will protect you. ProgrammingQan. Metu la libron sur la malsupran breton. Put the book on the bottom shelf. Put the book on the bottom. xu le pixra cu cnino Is it a recent picture? xu cu cnin pu Mi bezonas porti kelkajn aferojn kun mi. I need to take some stuff with me. I need to take a few things with me. Mi ne ŝatas vojaĝojn. I don't enjoy traveling. I don't like travel. Me ia vide el corente. I saw him running. I'm seeing anything about it. Aprende un lingua stranjer es difisil. It's hard to learn a foreign language. Pick up a foreign language is difficult. mi ralte lo melbi kacma I have a nice camera. mi ralte lo melbi kacma do pu snada You made it! Don't have a snada Ni bezonas lui aŭton. We need to rent a car. We need to rent a car. Ille non specificava quando ille retornarea. He didn't specify when he would return. They did not specify when they returned. Vi neniam diru tion denove! Don't you ever say that again. You’ll never say that again! Hodiaŭ mi havas multon por fari. I have a lot to do today. Today I have a lot to do. Kiam vi mortos, ĉu vi iĝos skeleto aŭ anĝelo? When you die, do you become a skeleton or an angel? When you die, will you become a skeleton or an angel? wovchoH jIbDaj. Her hair is turning gray. wovchoHäbDaj. ghojmeH ghItlhwI'wIj 'oH Qapchu'bogh ghojmeH ghItlhwI''e'. The pencil which writes well is mine. Professor, we will patent the universe and charge me to each other as a whole. Yes, mea puero. Yes, my child. Yes, my mayor. ghItlhmeyvam tInuD. Check these papers over. Let’s take advantage of the U.S. . . . . . . . . ko ranji Go on. ko ranchi Yo va anc venir. I'll come, too. It's still coming. ghIjlu'mo' jeltaH. She was trembling with fear. Let's go, let's let's move out. Mi eksoifas. I'm getting thirsty. I’m exified. Mi ŝatas rubusberojn. I love blackberries. I like rubbers. Cata vice que io pensa a Tom, io habe un nodo in mi gorga. Every time I think of Tom, I get a lump in my throat. Every time I think of Tom, I had a node in my throat. Tiu ĉi libro estas verkita en la franca. This book is written in French. This book is written in French. Me havas desmulta pekunio. Kun tu ed ico, me esas felica. I have a little money. With you and this, I am happy. I have a lot of money. With you and this, I am happy. Mi vere ne volas maltrafi tion. I really don't want to miss that. I really don’t want to miss it. Iu rompis la fenestron. Someone broke the window. Someone broke the window. mi pu badri zi'o I felt sad. I am badri zi'o Mi decidis lerni stenografion. I've decided to learn shorthand. I decided to learn stenography. Kion vi dirus? What would you say? What would you say? do bebna You are stupid. Do Bebna Esce tu vole un talia de pan tostada? Do you want a slice of toast? Are you sure you want a clean pan? Birdoj estas vivantaj dinosaŭroj. Birds are living dinosaurs. Birds are living dinosaurs. Tomo loĝas ĉe siaj patrinoj. Tom lives with his mothers. Tom lives in his mothers. Ĉu fluas el via nazo? Is your nose running? Is it flowing from your nose? Mi petas vin alligi al mi en momento de silenta preĝo por memori ĉiujn, kiujn ni perdis ĉi-lastan jaron pro la pandemio. Ili estis kvarcent mil kunusonanoj — panjoj, paĉjoj, edzoj, edzinoj, filoj, filinoj, amikoj, najbaroj kaj kunlaborantoj. I’d like to ask you to join with me in a moment of silent prayer to remember all those whom we lost this past year to the pandemic. They were four hundred thousand fellow Americans—moms, dads, husbands, wives, sons, daughters, friends, neighbors and co-workers. I ask you to join me at a moment of silent prayer to remember all we lost the latter year because of the pandemic. Tom non poteva supprimer le sentimento que alcuno le reguardava. Tom couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching him. Tom could not catch the feeling that someone looked at. tu'a lo lenku berti brife cu galfi lo pezli lo bunre The cold north wind turned the leaves brown. Tu'a lo lenku berti brife cu galfi lo pezli lo bunre Nia laboro esas tote finita nun. Our work is all over now. Our work is all over now. mi pu terve'u lo la'o gy.Microsoft.gy. pevysmacu I bought a Microsoft mouse. mi pu terve'u lo la'o gci.Microsoft.gy. pevysmacu Aŭtuno estas mia preferata sezono. Autumn is my favorite season. Autumn is my favorite season. Alcun cantat. Someone sang. Some cantat. pa'vamvaD tlhIm chu' vIje'nIS. I have to buy a new carpet for this room. Professor, we have sought to understand the universe and find answers to us today. Verdire, vi ĉiuj estas malkuraĝuloj. To tell the truth, you're all cowards. You are all cowards. qatru' jIHbe'! I'm not a nerd! I can't see that! peizo'onai Are you serious? Ois ore Mi ne povas trovi miajn gantojn. I can't find my gloves. I can’t find my gloves. .ei mi pleji vi ma Where should I pay? I'm the most of you. Jen blasfemo. This is blasphemy. Here is blasphemy. xu da jmive bu'u lo drata terdi Is there life on other worlds? x Lifelessly bu'u it is a great thing. Tota persones nase egal. All people are born equal. Everything personises nase egal. Tote le familia disapprobava le maritage. The whole family frowned on the match. All family disapproved of the marriage. Me teme cucaraxas. I'm afraid of cockroaches. Me teme cucaraxas. wa' chutmaj 'oH. It's one of our rules. This is the initial state of the universe. Esce tu ia fa un intervisa pratical per la rol? Did you audition for the part? Are you sure you want to sign up with the scroll? Li premis sian nazon kontraŭ la fenestro. He pushed his nose against the window. He pressed his nose against the window. lu .i xu ra citno li'u lu .i go'i .i ra citno li'u "Is she young?" "Yes, she is." lu .i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yo ama svimmar. I love swimming. Yo ama svimmar. wa'Hu' yeb tlhaqwIj 'ul 'aplo'mey vItammoHta' I got a new battery put in my watch yesterday. Thank you very much indeed. «yI'elQo'» jatlhbogh 'echlet'e' buSHa'mo' lojmIt poSmoH 'ej qoD 'el. Disregarding the "No Entry" sign, she pushed open the door and walked inside. Thank you very much indeed. Pro tio necesas redukti la kostojn. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the cost. That’s why the costs need to be reduced. Esce tu vole fa un barbecu a esta sera? Do you want to have a barbecue this evening? Are you sure you want to make a barbecu to be? Oni povas aĉeti ĝin nur ĉi tie. You can only buy it here. You can only buy it here. mi mulgau I have done it. mi mulgau Per favor, retira del tabula le servicio a the. Please clear away the tea things. Please try again from the table service to the one. Buŝo ne estas la amiko de Al-Kaida. Bush is not al-Qaeda's friend. Bush is not the friend of Al-Qaeda. La neĝohomo ankoraŭ ne degelis. The snowman hasn't melted yet. The snowman has not yet declined. Ĉi tio fascinas min. This fascinates me. This makes me fascinating. Me nesesa un portasene. I need an ashtray. I'm unseason one portone. Mia patrino butikumas. My mother is shopping. My mother is shopping. Ĉu ĝi bone gustas? Does it taste good? Does it taste good? 'oH yISop! Eat it! That universe is it! xu do speni Are you married? xu do speni Vin mi atendis pli bone konduti, Tomo. I expected better from you, Tom. I expected you to behave better, Tom. yIjatlh! Say it. Get me Captain Steele! ckire do lo ka zbasu ti noi bitmu Thank you for building this wall. ckire do lo kaforforto ti noi bitmu Tomo kuraĝigis Manjon iri al oftaj interbatiĝoj en drinkejo. Tom encouraged Mary to get into frequent bar fights. Tom encouraged Manjon to go to frequent talks in a bar. qatlh? Why? Why? Illo es un ration proque io es hic. That's one reason why I'm here. It's a reason why I'm here. Ol it äsagol etosi. You said it yourself. Its äsagol ethos. Nun sabe esta. Nobody knows this. Now sabe esta. Es tu allergic a qualcosa? Are you allergic to anything? Are you allergic to something? Janio rimarkis virinon, sidantan tie. Yanni noticed a woman sitting there. Janius noticed a woman sitting there. veng'a'Daq lengHa'laHlu'be'. Dat pu'jInmey tu'lu'! You can't get lost in big cities; there are maps everywhere! This is why we are in the last part of the universe. But if we were in different states, we are in different states. Mi scias, ke Tomo malŝatas min, sed tio malgravas al mi. I know that Tom doesn't like me, but I don't care. I know Tom hates me, but that's bad for me. La maldekstra ŝultro doloras min. My left shoulder hurts. The left shoulder hurts me. Illa partiva sin mesmo dicer nos a deo. She went away without so much as saying good-bye to us. The party didn’t even tell us a god. "Pri kio vi pensas?" "Mi pensas pri vi." "What are you thinking about?" "I'm thinking about you." "What do you think?" "I think of you." La forestantoj ĉiam malpravas. The absent are always in the wrong. The forests are always wrong. Mi uzos taksion. I'll get a cab. I'll use a taxi. la nakni cu nanba tcubi'a He's a bread addict. the nakni cu nanba tcubi'a not vengHomvetlhDaq qaS vay'. Nothing ever happens in that old village. We don't think we are the answers to each other. Ĝi estis tre psikedela. It was very psychedelic. It was very psychedelic. In caso de urgentia, vos potera recurrer a vostre sparnios. In an emergency you can fall back on your savings. In the case of a hurricane, you will be able to get back to your sparnios. Io me rememora haber serrate le porta. I remember locking the door. I remember having locked the door. Mia opinio similas al via. My opinion is similar to yours. My opinion is similar to yours. Vos es ancora asi? Are you still here? You're still aces? Ni povas interkomuniki en multaj manieroj. We can communicate with each other in many ways. We can communicate in many ways. Mi ne atendis, ke Tomaso perfidos min. I didn't think that Tom would betray me. I didn’t expect Thomas to betray me. no da mi pu jungau No one told me. no da mi pu jungau Ne diru al Tomo, ke mi naskiĝis en Bostono. Don't tell Tom I was born in Boston. Don’t tell Tom I was born in Boston. Ŝi portas la saman ĉapelon de unu monato. She's been wearing the same hat for a month. She wears the same hat for a month. nuqDaq 'oH 'eSpanya' rIvSo''e'? Where is the Spanish embassy? Where did we come from the universe? Vos non pote promenar nude in iste hotel. You can't go naked in this hotel. You can't walk nude at this hotel. lo'e nu viska cu nu krici Seeing is believing. Our nine-looking at our nine-year-in-law. Me jua tenis a multe veses. I usually play tennis. I've held up to many times. Yo ama it tre mult. I like it very much. Yo ama it very much. bong pongDaj vISov. I happened to know her name. bong pongDaj fajSov. no datpre cu djuno lo du'u makau lizdu'o mi No one else knows what it's like to be me. Under my hands, we’d give me a little bit ahead. Neniu estis en akordo kun ŝi. No one agreed with her. No one was in agreement with her. na'o ku lo se smusku be do cu jetnu What you say is usually true. Professor, we would like to see that if you were to take the rest of the universe. SaQchoHpu' loDHom. The boy began to cry. SaQchoHpu' loDHom. Esque tu pote illuminar le cammino? Can you light the way? Can you light the room? Tomo kaj Maria loĝas en kavernodomo. Tom and Mary live in a cave house. Tom and Mary live in a cave house. reHtaH puqpu' ghom. A group of children were playing. reH reruns puqpu' ghom. wagh'a' muD Duj chaw'mey? Are airplane tickets expensive? We have two pieces of observational evidence on the probability of life appearing. Tu deve amar la tre mult. You must love her very much. You’ve got to go to the very few. Том иа пренде ла абитуа де коре а када матина. Tom took the habit of running every morning. It is the first part of the Republic of Paris. Ni dankas vin pro via gvidado. We thank you for your guidance. We thank you for your leadership. Ĉesu pensadi pri la sekva afero, kiun vi aĉetos, kaj komencu esti pli danka pri la etaj bonaĵoj en la vivo. Stop thinking about the next thing to buy, and start being more grateful for the small things in life. Stop thinking about the next thing you buy, and start to be more grateful about the small good things in life. SuHojnIS. You need to be careful. SuHojnIS. Amerika abolisis la sklaveso ye la yaro 1863. America did away with slavery in 1863. America abolished slavery in 1863. Tomo volas, ke Tatoeba ĉesu gvati lin. Tom wishes Tatoeba would stop stalking him. Tom wants Tatoeba to stop swaking him. Tiun frakcion oni povas redukti. This fraction can be reduced. This group can be reduced. Io le imaginava como un viro longe. I imagined him a tall man. I imagined as a long man. Tomo ne plu estas mia amiko. Tom is no longer my friend. Tom is no longer my friend. Mi estus devinta aŭskulti, kion mia patrino diras. I should've listened to what my mother said. I would have to listen to what my mother says. Voluntez sendar la letro esprese. Please send the letter by express. Want to send the leather ready. Tomaso timas peti helpon. Tom is scared to ask for help. Thomas is afraid to ask for help. Mi komencis estimi Tomon. I started to respect Tom. I started to love Tom. Bonŝancon! Good luck, you guys. Good luck! Ne sentu vin malbona pro tio, ke vi estas homa. Don't feel bad for being human. Don’t feel bad because you are human. ma tcika What time is it please? Czech Tomo kaj Manjo estus devintaj peti, ke Johano helpu ilin fari tion. Tom and Mary should've asked John to help them do that. Tom and Manjo were supposed to ask John to help them do so. Va tokcoba yon Nipona vayasik sielestuson favon gilestud ? What do Japanese students usually eat for lunch? Va tokcoba yon Nipona vayasik sielestuson facion gilestud? tIqDaq HoSna' tu'lu'. Energy comes from inside. This is why HoSna' is one of the best-in-law. mi jimpe fi do I understand you. I'm going to go with you. Esas multa libri en la biblioteko. There are a lot of books in the library. There are many books in the library. Ankoraŭ ne hejmeniĝu! Don't go home yet. Don’t be home yet! Eĉ agrablas malsani, kiam oni scias, ke ekzistas homoj, kiuj atendas onian saniĝon, kvazaŭ ferion. It’s even pleasant to be sick when you know that there are people who await your recovery as they might await a holiday. It’s good to get sick when you know that there are people waiting for one’s health, like a holiday. jungwoq Soj DaparHa''a'? Do you like Chinese food? Jungwoq Soj DaparHa'a? DoqchoH qabDaj. She blushed red. DoqchoH qabDaj. le vi glazenca'a cu se livla lo ctile This heating device uses oil as fuel. the glazenca'a cu livla lo ctile e'o nai Here it is. None Li simple ne sukcesas komenci. He simply failed to start. He simply fails to start. Negativa komento ne nepre estas vera. Just because a comment is negative doesn't mean it's true. A negative comment is not necessarily true. Jammais. Never. Never. za'u ra pu tinbe nai lo be lo nei se nupre They didn't keep their promise. za'u ra pu tinbe nai lo be lo nei se nupre Jim mastris la francan kaj la germanan. Jim mastered French and German. Jim mastered French and German. Ilqua deziras troa multo, ganas nulo. He who desires too much, gets nothing. It wants too much, winning nothing. DaH maw'choHpu'. Now she's gone mad. turn maw'choHpu'. la .tam. cu djica lo nu la .meris. cu gleki Tom wanted to see Mary happy. the .tam. cu djica lo nu la .meris. cu gleki La katido miaŭetis. The kitten mewed. I've been hiding cats. Ĉu tiu estas la aŭto pri kiu vi parolis al mi? Is that the car you told me about? Is this the car you spoke to me? Quando ille retornava? When did he get back? When did they return? Con ci tu ia es en la rota jigante? Who were you with on the Ferris wheel? Who are you in the wheel? Ел асолута но иа компренде ла брома. He didn't understand the joke at all. It is true that it is true that it is true. le mi kanla cu xekri I have black eyes. the Canla cu xekri xu do mikce Are you a doctor? xu do micce Dum la mezepoko oni kulpigis judojn pri la nigra morto. In the Middle Ages, Jews were blamed for the Black Death. During the Middle Ages Jews were blamed for the black death. ta' jungwoq Hol yaj me'rIy. Mary understands Mandarin. ta' Jungwoq Hol yaj me'rIy. Qualmen tu standa nu? How are you now? How many are you standing? ko mi cliva Leave me. Quit Skopje es li cité capital de Macedonia. Skopje is the capital of Macedonia. Skopje is the cité capital of Macedonia. Il have mult amicos ci. He has a lot of friends here. There are many friends here. Que va io mitter me: pantalones o un gonna? What shall I put on: trousers or a skirt? What am I mitter me: pantalones or one gonna? To es tant ironic. That's so ironic. It’s just as ironic. Mi ne kredas, ke Tomo farus tion. I don't believe Tom would do that. I don’t think Tom would do that. It es su decision. It is his decision. It's his decision. Li malvarmumas tre facile. He catches cold very easily. He’s cold very easily. ma se zdani Who lives here? but zdani Estis kelkaj studentoj en la ĉambro. There were a number of students in the room. There were a few students in the room. Ägolob us, bi ävilob. I went there because I wanted to. Ägolob us, bi ävilob. Parolar l'Angliana linguo bone esas desfacila. Speaking English well is difficult. The English language is very difficult. Tomo neis esti skribanta la leteron. Tom denied writing the letter. Tom was not writing the letter. e'o zanru lo nu lerci Please excuse my being late. e'o zanru lo nu Blanci Saneso valoras plu multa kam pekunio. Health is more important than money. Health is worth more than money. Manjo ne sciis, kiel fari tion, pri kio Tomo petis ŝin. Mary didn't know how to do what Tom asked her to do. She didn’t know how to do what Tom asked her about. Si tosto que le infante videva su matre, ille cessava de plorar. As soon as the child saw his mother, he stopped crying. As soon as the infant saw his mother, he stopped crying. HuD yorDaq chalqach tu'lu'. There was a tower on the top of the mountain. HuD yor is a chalqach tu'lu'. ¿Isch-tu Françal eda Anglesc? Are you French or English? ¿Isch-tu Françal eda Anglesc? mi nelci lo nu mi sipna I like sleeping. mi naci lo nu mi sipna Trockij estis nefrakciano ĝis 1917. Trotsky was unaligned until 1917. Trockij was an unbroken until 1917. HIghoS! ghIq HIboQ! Come here and help me. HighoS! optimiseq HiboQ! A alicun personas place le cattos e alteres prefere le canes. Some people like cats, and others prefer dogs. Some people place the cats and others rather the dogs. Ĉu vi komprenas, kiu estas la problemo? Do you understand what the problem is? Do you understand who the problem is? Nos nos amusa ben. We are having a good time. We're lovely well. Io non pote esser in toto secur. I can't be entirely sure. I can’t be in everything safe. Se ni lasos tion okazi, Tomaso koleros. If we let that happen, Tom would get angry. If we leave it, Thomas will be angry. Io voleva que tu non me appellarea per iste parola. I wish you wouldn't call me that. I wanted you not to call me this word. Ovos es vendeda a desduples. Eggs are sold by the dozen. Ovos is sold to desduples. mi'a ca'o klama We are coming. mi'o clama bangwI' Deq ghaH me'rIy'e'. Mary is my ex-girlfriend. Of course, we don't think I'll be either. Le anniversario de Tom esseva heri. Tom's birthday was yesterday. Tom's birthday was hers. Vi konas ilin, ĉu ne? You know them, don't you? You know them, don’t you? Aora vos ave cada cosa cual vos nesesa. You have everything you need now. Love yourself every thing with you is unseat. Io multo ha pensate de te. I've thought about you a lot. I've got a lot of thinking about you. Tomo bruligis siajn vestaĵojn. Tom burned his clothes. Tom burned his clothes. Vade besa algun otra. Go kiss someone else. Vade besa algun otra. Том иа насе ен 2013. Tom was born in 2013. The 2013 U.S. Awards. chaq QuchlaH chaH. Maybe they can be happy. Maybe Quch will stand chaH. Galileo Galilei esseva un astronomo italian e un figura importante in le disveloppamento initial del scientias moderne. Su discoperimentos contradiceva le doctrinas del Ecclesia Catholic, e Galileo esseva processate pro heresia per le Inquisition. Galileo Galilei was an Italian astronomer and an important figure in the initial development of the modern sciences. His discoveries contradicted the teachings of the Catholic Church, and Galileo was put on trial for heresy by the Inquisition. Galileo Galilei was an Italian astronomer and an important figure in the initial modern science development. His discoveries contradicted the teachings of the Church Catholic, and Galileo was processed for heresy by the Inquisition. pu mo karce What kind of car was it? Mu mo karce Ĉu vi parolas la judhispanan lingvon? Do you speak Judeo-Spanish? Do you speak the Jewish language? De kiam li vizitis Parizon, li nur parolas pri tio. Ever since he visited Paris, he only talks about that. When he visited Paris, he only talks about it. Vos me ha disappunctate. You've let me down. You've got a disappunct. Ne estu tia aĉulo. Don't be that guy. Don't be such an ache. Illa pareva plus belle que jammais. She looked more beautiful than ever. It seemed more beautiful than ever. Nams ola binoms jöniks. Your hands are pretty. Nams ola binoms jöniks. pup. It's perfect. pup. wej vIghro' ghaj me'nalDaj. His aunt has three cats. We're telling you what I'm going to do with you. A que hora comencia le partita? What time does the game start? What time does the party start? mi pu fliba lo ka cikre I couldn't fix it. mi pu fliba lo ka cikre nu'o zvati fa lo su'o pinka There are no comments yet. But we don't know what comments Mi ne konas la flagon de ĉi tiu lando. I don't know this country's flag. I don't know the flag of this country. Mi demandis ŝin, sed ŝi ne respondis. I asked her but she didn't answer. I asked her, but she didn’t respond. Iste suppa es sin gusto. This soup is flavorless. This soup is without taste. Elĉerpiĝis nia fromaĝo. We don't have any more cheese. Our cheese is frozen. Kia bizarulo! What a weirdo! What a big guy! mi'a pu denpa We waited. mi'a pu depa Tomo estas poligloto. Tom is a polyglot. Tom is a polyglot. nolDaj vIjeS. I attended his funeral. NolDa facieseS. La pueri trovis moneto. The boys have found a coin. The puers found a coin. Kial ne simple konfesi, ke vi ne scias tion, kion vi priparolas? Why not just admit you don't know what you're talking about? Why don’t you just admit you don’t know what you're talking about? Hurgh tam DIr. Tom has dark skin. Hurgh tam Dir. Aperte tui bocca! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! Ŝako estas la plej ekscita ludo en la mondo. Chess is the most exciting game in the world. Chess is the most exciting game in the world. Tu es tre bon. You're very good. You’re very good. Kion ni faru pri tiu krimulino? What shall we do with this delinquent girl? What should we do about this crime? mi'o ba jinga We'll win. You win! vIghro'mey joy' Sa'mIy. Sami tortured cats. News & talk about the story about Sa'mIy. lupwI' vItlha'. I followed the bus. Of course, we don't know how to understand your life. Me kaptesis da trafik-blokuso. I was caught in a traffic jam. I was caught by a traffic lock. Esce el scrive? Does he write? Is it written? Mi havas severan anksion. I have severe anxiety. I have a severe anxiety. Ŝi atendas. She is waiting. She is waiting. Quetin ú quenyo. I don't speak Quenya. Quetin ú quenyo. Mi sufiĉe certas, ke Tom ne iris al Bostono. I'm pretty sure Tom hasn't been to Boston. I’m sure Tom didn’t go to Boston. Se vi estas ĉi tie, vi sendube havas problemon. If you're in here, there must be something wrong with you. If you are here, you definitely have a problem. Io pote vider le coca in tu naso. I can see the coke in your nose. I can see the thing in your nas. Qun nuq? What is a god? What is the future? Esque iste saccos es vostre? Are these bags yours? Why are these saccos in yours? Dimanĉo ne estas labortago por mi. Sunday is not a workday for me. Sunday is not a day of work for me. SoSDaj HoHta' be'tIy. Betty killed her mother. SoSDa HoHta' be'tIy. En India, boves fema es animales santa. In India, cows are sacred animals. In India, beef females are animals health. Tiu estus stranga maniero diri tion. That would be a weird way to say it. This would be a strange way to say that. Me vivar in Tokyo. I live in Tokyo. I live in Tokyo. Me gusta multe Jonguo. I really like China. I taste a lot of Jongu. doi loi nu'o jai daspo be lo munje mi'a jinga fi do To those who would tear the world down: we will defeat you. That's why I gave you three years ago. Ĉu feliĉaj aŭ malfeliĉaj, memoroj konsistigas la memon. Happy or sad, memories make up who you are. Whether happy or unhappy, memories make up the self. jIHaj reH 'e' vIQub. I always thought I'd be afraid. Give it back to 'and' to do something. Nenio estas komparebla kun ĝia beleco. Its beauty is incomparable. Nothing is comparable to its beauty. naDev nuq bIta'taH jay'? What the hell are you doing here? Are the rest of the universe? Tomo estas estimata studento. Tom is an honor roll student. Tom is an estimated student. ko'a so'iroi vitke la .romas. .iseki'ubo certu djuno fi ry. Since he's visited Rome many times, he knows it well. co'a so'iroi Guest la .romas. . .iseki'ubo Expert tabuno fi ry. ca lo zi lecydo'i lo tcima ba xlabi'o This afternoon the weather is going to get worse. lo zi lecydo'i lo tcima ba xlabi'o Tom non sapeva quando Mary planava ir a Boston. Tom didn't know when Mary was planning to go to Boston. Tom did not know when Mary planned to go to Boston. chu' pagh. Nothing new. But that's what you do. Esque nos pote confider in ille? Can we trust him? Why can we trust in that? Ni ne sciis pri tio ĝis hieraŭ. We didn't find out about that until yesterday. We didn’t know about that until yesterday. Tomo evidente ne scipovas fermi pordon. Tom was born in a barn. I don’t know how to close a door. Tote le mundo vole esser felice. Everybody desires happiness. Everyone wants to be happy. Tomo estis mia edzo. Tom was my husband. Tom was my husband. La reĝo klarigis al la estaĵo, ke nur pro multe da jaroj kaj multe da eraroj li povis fariĝi spertulo pri tia testo. La reĝo spertis tian malfacilaĵon dum lia tuta vivo kaj estis subtaksita dum multe da malpacoj. Jen la plej valora armo de la reĝo, kiu havigis al li la avantaĝon de surprizo kaj tian perfortan agon por venki la abomenindajn kreaĵojn, kiuj embuskis kaj kaŝis sin kiel malkuraĝuloj. The king explained to the being, that only through many years and many mistakes was he able to master such a test. The king faced such adversity his entire life and was underestimated in many a strife. See that is the king's most valuable weapon and allowed the element of surprise and such violence of action to defeat the vile creatures that lurked and hid like cowards. The king explained to the being that only for many years and many errors he could become an expert on such a trial. The king underwent such difficulty throughout his whole life and was underestimated for many evils. Here is the king's most valuable weapon, who had given him the advantage of surprise and such violent action to overcome the atrocities that ambushed and hid himself as cowards. Me es en Rusia. I am in Russia. I am in Russia. Venu el la necesejo. Mi bezonas ĝin. Get out of the bathroom, I need to go. Come out of the toilet, I need it. Legi ĉi tiun frazon konsistigas akcepton de ĝiaj uzokondiĉoj. Reading this sentence constitutes acceptance of its Terms and Conditions. Read this sentence constitutes acceptance of its usage conditions. ta'mey vIta'nISbogh bopbogh tetlh'e' vIgher. I made a list of things I needed to do. You know that we have sought to understand the universe and find answers to these questions. Belus, se oni povus bicikli ĉirkaŭ la urbon. It would be lovely, if one could ride a bike around town. It would be nice if you could bike around the city. De kio estas tiu ŝlosilo? What's this key for? What is this key? Vi kontribuas. You're contributing. You contribute. Ŝi surhavas fasonitajn vestaĵojn. She wears designer clothes. She wears clothes. e'e doi la tom mi ca'o jundi Go on, Tom, I'm listening. e'e doi la tom mi ca'o jundi Kiu estas via mastro? Who's your master? Who is your master? Ni ne kredas je via dio. We don't believe in your god. We don’t believe in your God. La atendejo tute malplenis. The waiting room was completely empty. The detention was completely empty. Le civilisation del planeta Arratellia es superior a illo de Terra. The civilization of planet Arratellia is superior to Earth's. The civilization of the planet Arratellia is superior to it from Earth. Ne estas multa spaco en mia loĝejo. There's not much room at my place. There is not a lot of space in my apartment. Ne provu tion hejme! Don't try this at home. Don’t try it at home! Qua esas la chefurbo di Chinia? What's the capital of China? What is the capital of China? Ĉu tio estas etika? Is this ethical? Is that ethical? Me no ia parla bon bangla alora. I wasn't good at Bengali at the time. I don't speak good bangla then. paqwIj 'oH Dochvam'e'. This is my book. That's my concern why I think I'm the universe. Interreto ne mem inventiĝis. Ŝtata esplorado kreis Interreton por ke ĉiuj kompanioj povu gajni monon interrete. The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet. The Internet has not invented itself. State research has created the Internet so that all companies can earn money online. Tomo estas deksesone skota kaj deksesone angla. Tom is one-sixteenth Scottish and one-sixteenth English. Tom is sixteenth Scottish and sixteenth English. Kie vi havas doloron? Where do you have pain? Where do you have pain? Tomo estas pli pigra ol Manjo. Tom is lazier than Mary. Tom is more pleasant than Manjo. Ĉi tie la ĉielo estas tiel malpurigita de lumo, ke nokte oni ne povas vidi eĉ unu stelon. The light pollution here is so bad, you can't even see a single star at night. Here the sky is so polluted by light that at night one star cannot be seen. Tu non debe inquietar te super tal bagatellas. You need not fret over such trifles. You don’t have to worry about such baggates. doi la Eimis do sruma lo du'u cumki lenu facki roda poi jetnu ju'onai Eimi, you assume it's possible when you find the truth, which is impossible. doi la Eimi do sruma lo du'u cumki lenu nam roda po jetnu ju'ona bIHaj qar'a'? You were scared, weren't you? Let's go, let's go! Vi ne estas tiel juna kiel mi. You aren't as young as I am. You are not as young as me. lo ka depcni na se stati mi Patience is a virtue that I don't possess. this depcni na se stats mi Io lo facera deman. I will do it tomorrow. I'll do it on Sunday. Sami estis 32-jara trafikpolicano. Sami was a 32-year-old traffic cop. Sami was a 32-year traffic policeman. Espereble. We can only hope. Hope. Doy' yISra'el nortlhampu'. The Jews are tired. That's what we all say, thank you for the extraordinary part of the universe. La tuta afero kapdolorigas min. It all gives me a headache. The whole thing is capturing me. Me konocas tua linguo. I know your language. I know your language. To omna finis tam subite kam ol komencis. It all ended as suddenly as it started. Everything ends as suddenly as it starts. Mi povas esti pacienca. I can be patient. I can be patient. Vos es libere de sortir. You are free to go out. Yours is free to sort out. Adío, Sayoko! Bye, Sayoko! Adío, Sayoko! Ili vendas terpecojn je akreo. They sell land by the acre. They sell tracts on acre. Mi firme kredas, ke nova ekiro eblas. I believe steadily that a new beginning is possible. I believe that a new event is possible. Qualmen on di XXX in anglesi? How do you say XXX in English? What about XXX in English? Telefonu al la kuracisto, por ke li konfirmu la rendevuon. Call the doctor so that he confirms the appointment. Call the doctor to confirm the meeting. Ni vivas en apartaj universoj. We live in different universes. We live in separate universes. Esque alicuno de vos reguardava ex le fenestra? Did any of you look out the window? Have you looked at from the window? Kion vi perdis? What did you lose? What did you lose? Li anim es eterni. The soul is eternal. His soul is eterns. Quante amicos intime ha vos? How many close friends do you have? How many friends are you? Sami volis amuziĝi iomete. Sami wanted to have some fun. Sam wanted to have fun a little. nuqDaq bIH bIQ ghaywI' pa'mey'e'? Where are the showers? Where are your ears? Ŝajnas, ke Tomaso volas esti instruisto. It seems that Tom wants to be a teacher. Thomas wants to be a teacher. Es inutile aperir un boteca que vende lunches pro portar via, il ja ha un multitude de illos. There's no point starting a shop selling take-away lunches; there are already plenty. It’s useless to open a bottle that’s selling lunches to carry yours, there’s already a lot of them. Tomas e Maria älödoms in Talop. Tom and Mary used to live in Australia. Tomas and Maria älödoms in Talop. Mi ne estas gejaĉo. I'm not queer. I'm not gay. Le majoritate del personas scribe super lor vita quotidian. Most people write about their daily life. Most people write about their life everyday. Mi estas suomo. I'm Finnish. I am a suomo. Tom es multe ostinos. Tom is very stubborn. Tom is a lot of ostinos. Ille la dava su prime basio. He gave her her first kiss. That's the dava on its first basis. not ghItlh tam. Tom never writes. Are you sure you want to empty the universe as well. QIt yIjatlh. Speak slowly, please. QIt yIja tuli. pa' vay' wItu'bej. I'm sure we'll find something there. Our population and our use of the finite resources of planet Earth are growing exponentially, along with our technical ability to change the environment for good or ill. Ekzistas pli da tiuj, ĉu ne? There are more of these, aren't there? There are more people, right? Io sempre ascolta musica; io non pote viver sin illo. I'm always listening to music; I can't live without it. I’m always listening music; I can’t live without it. Ni ankoraŭ ne trovis ĝin. We haven't found it yet. We haven't found it yet. Yaakov es un judeo secular. Yaakov is a secular Jew. Yaakov is a weekly Jew. Tiun lastan parton ne necesas diri. That last part goes without saying. The last part does not need to be said. Nun ĉiu povas vidi ĝin. Now everybody can see it. Everyone can see it now. Io es un junkie. I'm an addict. I'm a junkie. Kia grumblemulo estas Tomo! Tom is such a kvetch. What a grumble is Tom! Libera Rojava! Free Rojava! Free Rojava! xu do djuno lo du'u ma kau tadji lo ka sfubu Do you know how to dive? Cancel it du'u ma kau tadji lo sfubu Ne funebru tro longe pro la perdo de via amato. Don't mourn over the loss of your loved one too long. Don't run too long because of the loss of your beloved. Me no ia scrive alga cosa. I haven't written anything. I'm trying to do something. Komencante, ne tro streĉu vin pri la detaletoj kaj pri tio, kion vi ne komprenas pri io, aŭ alie vi neniam sentos vin progresanta. When starting out, don't stress too much over the little details and what you don't understand about something, or else you'll never feel like you're making any progress. Starting, don’t strain you too much about the detail and what you don’t understand about something, or else you’ll never feel in progress. chaq *Mary mIllogh qonwI' nIHpu' *Tom. Tom might have stolen Mary's camera. Maybe you would like to have written up at least once. Mi ricevis leteron de mia frato. I received a letter from my brother. I received a letter from my brother. Bovaĵon mi petas. Beef, please. I'm asking for a bath. wIb Herghvam. This medicine tastes bitter. Lumb Herghvam. Tomo vere estas afabla. Tom is really kind. Tom really is kind. Tre tedas nin viaj stultaĵoj! We're really tired of your bullshit! It's a lot of teasing us! La aŭto transpasis la rapidolimon. The car is exceeding the speed limit. The car crossed the speed limit. Esque vu have un carte geografic? Do you have a map? Are you having one carte geographic? pluka It's nice. Pluca Tu es troppo intelligente pro non solver le problema difficile. You are too clever not to solve the hard problem. You are too smart to unsolve the problem hard. Bon die a omnes! Good afternoon everybody! Good day at all! Ka me povas helpar tu? Can I help you? Can I help you? SumIgh. You're evil. SumIgh. QaD'a' beylI'lIj? Is your bank safe? QaD's mouth? ma pu se zvati do Where've you been? ma pu se zvati do Esce tu ave biletas de des euros? Do you have ten euro bills? Are you sure you want to choose tickets? Ita frazo ne apartenas a me. This sentence does not belong to me. That phrase doesn't belong to me. Ĉu katoj povas manĝi bananojn? Can cats eat bananas? Can cats eat bananas? vutpa'Daq ghaHtaH SoSwI''e'. My mother is in the kitchen. But that's why we think it's going to be different from us. La fiŝo, kiun ni volas manĝi, ankoraŭ ne estas kaptita. The fish we want to eat hasn't been caught yet. The fish we want to eat is not yet caught. Si tu mitte plus folios de the in le theiera, le the habera un melior gusto. If you put more tea leaves into the pot, the tea will taste better. If you put more sheets of the in the there, the one will have a better taste. Tu opinion non importa. Your opinion doesn't matter. Your opinion doesn’t matter. Li mortis pro tiu malsano. He died of that disease. He died of this disease. Yo totalmen consenti con to. I totally agree with that. Yo totalmen consent con toe. Tomo ne estas kanada. Tom isn't Canadian. Tom is not Canadian. Он аве шампинионес, ма ме но воле лос. There are mushrooms, but I don't want any. It is the first part of the city of the Republic, which serves as the first part of the country. chongqu'choHlaw'. It is starting to look pretty cool. chongqu'choHlaw'. Nos no acorda. We don't get along. We're not agreeing. Ĉi tiu estas danĝera tempo. These are dangerous times. This is a dangerous time. Subitmen il audit un rision, un conosset rision. Suddenly he heard a laugh, a laugh he recognized. Subitmen il audit un rision, un conosset rision. Kia strangulo! What a weirdo! What a corner! Mia domo estas apud la kirko. My house is near the church. My house is near the church. Mi forgesis mian pasvorton. I forgot my password. I forgot my password. Tiuj fontoj ne fidindas. These sources are poor. These sources are not reliable. Maria verŝajne estas riĉa. Mary is probably rich. Mary is probably rich. Том но аве моне. Tom has no money. It's all the way to do it. Tomo decidis komenci novan vivon. Tom decided to start a new life. Tom decided to start a new life. Mi ege volas iri en Italion. I do want to go to Italy. I really want to go to Italy. DaH jIQongnIS. I need to sleep now. I'm going to go along withQongnIS. jIHvaD qorDu'wIj potlh law' Qu'wIj potlh puS. My family is more important to me than my job. I thank you for these questions that I have sought to understand the universe and find answers to these questions. Nova antikva piramido estis malkovrita en Egiptujo. A new ancient pyramid has been discovered in Egypt. A new ancient pyramid was discovered in Egypt. Ел луа ун каса ала. She is renting a house there. It's all about it. Perce vos ia pensa ce Tom gusta roc metal? Why did you all think Tom liked heavy metal? Do you think Tom's taste pink metal? Li profitis de la okazo por viziti la muzeon. He took advantage of the occasion to visit the museum. He took advantage of the opportunity to visit the museum. Balemoya inia sotid kiewaca, vols toloya. Four legs good, two legs bad. Balemoya inia sotid swaca, vols toloya. Sep botlh vIDab. I live in the center of the country. Seven-year-old vIDab. xu da lijda do Do you believe in any religion? xu da lijda do lotlhwI'pu' wIjey. We'll suppress the rebellion. Of course, we have made good progress on the mystery of creation. Mi estas mezbona en teniso. I'm mediocre at tennis. I'm good in tennis. Mi sport preferet es football. My favorite sport is soccer. I'm going to be a football. Ŝia filino havas stomakdoloron. Her daughter has a stomachache. Her daughter has a stomach pain. be'nal QaQ moj puqbe' QaQ'e'. A good daughter will make a good wife. Be'nal QaQ moj puqbe' QaQ'e'. Dormi tu jammais, Tom? Do you ever sleep, Tom? Never sleep, Tom? Ilia propono por aĉeti la domon estis rifuzita. Their offer to buy the house was refused. Their offer to buy the house was refused. Ille vadeva skiar in Hokkaido. He went skiing in Hokkaido. Ile vadeva skiar in Hokkaido. Le decision es in su manos. The decision is in your hands. decision is in its hands. lo pitsa cu me lo cukcartu noi jarco lo nu pixokau vo'a cu stali Pizza is a pie chart showing how much of it is left. pitsa cu me lokcartu noi manu lo pixokau vo'a cu stali Tom reserva la plu de sua datos en la nube. Tom stores most of his data in the cloud. Tom reserves the most of his data in the cloud. Mi pensis, ke vi pli bone konas min. I thought that you knew me better. I thought you knew me better. do cliva ca ma When are you leaving? Don't Quit this but mI'meyraj vISov. I know your numbers. Don't think we can't understand your life. Kiu estis tiu junulino? Who was that girl? Who was this girl? Me intencis irar kun elu, ma me esis tro okupita. I intended to go with her, but I was too busy. I wanted to go with him, but I was too busy. Vi meritas bonajn aferojn. You deserve good things. You deserve good things. Mi ĵus estis elironta el la domo. I was about to leave my house. I just got out of the house. Mi estas la plej saĝa. I'm the smartest. I am the wisest. mi gasnu lo nu ra kargau lo vorme I made him open the door. mi gasnu lo nu ra cargau lo vorme Ege mi sopiras vidi Parizon. I'm dying to see Paris. I’m trying to see Paris. Kaj Li juĝos inter la nacioj, kaj Li decidos pri multaj popoloj; kaj ili forĝos el siaj glavoj plugilojn kaj el siaj lancoj rikoltilojn; ne levos nacio glavon kontraŭ nacion, kaj oni ne plu lernos militon. He will judge between the nations, and will decide concerning many peoples. They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. He will judge among the nations, and he will decide many peoples; and they will depart from their swords, and out of their spears, and they will not raise a sword against a nation, and they will no longer learn war. Un pesimiste no espera ce algun besa el. A pessimist doesn't expect to be kissed by anyone. A pessimist no Esperanto is algun besa el. ju'o za'u ko'a djuno They definitely know. Thank you very much indeed. Onedob kiki. I'm going to need the key. Onedob kicks. Yo pensa que Tom vell esser un bon instructor. I think Tom would make a good teacher. Yo think Tom vell will be a good teacher. Me no ia tira la gatio. I didn't pull the trigger. I've shot the game. xu do djica lo nu mi kompli lo kerfa be do Do you want me to comb your hair? xu do djica lo nu mi complic lo kerfa be do Ŝi ŝatus havi rendevuon por konsulti la kuraciston. She would like to make an appointment to see the doctor. She would like to have a meeting to consult the doctor. Mi ŝatas vian manieron pensi. I like the way you think. I like your way to think. Tom vole attention. Tom wants attention. Tom wants attention. Mi estas ĉi tie nur por viziti. I am just here to visit. I’m just here to visit. muD Dotlh tuj vIparbe'. I don't mind hot weather. This means that we can't move straight away. La usonanoj firme malakceptis tiun stultaĵon, kiam ili voĉdonis kontraŭ prezidento Trump. Americans soundly rejected this nonsense when they voted out President Trump. The Americans firmly dismissed this stupidity when they voted against President Trump. Le terra es como un grande magnete. Earth is like a big magnet. The earth is like a large magnet. Li ripetis sian demandon. He repeated his question. He repeated his question. Mi ne intencas iel vundi vin. It is not my intent to hurt you in any way. I don't intend to hurt you. Vi ne povas manĝi kokidaĵon? Kiel vi scias tion, se vi neniam gustumis ĝin? You can't eat chicken? How do you know if you never try it? You can't eat chicken? How do you know that if you never taste it? naDev DajaHpa' yI'oj'eghmoH. Please come thirsty. DeDev DajaHpa' y'j'listica. 'ey bIQvam. The water is tasty. 'ey bIQvam. To nur montras ke tu ne esas roboto. It only shows you're not a robot. It only shows that you are not a robot. La kati miaulas. The cats are meowing. The cats are mined. Kiom da jaroj havas ĉi tiu vino? How old is this wine? How many years does this wine have? Lia planoj estas utopiaj. His plan is utopic. His plans are utopian. Tom dicis ke ilu telefonis la policistaro Tom said he called the police. Tom said he called the police officer. La gato come. The cat eats. The game as. Ne estas bona ideo reuzi pasvortojn. It's not a good idea to reuse passwords. It’s not a good idea to reuse passwords. pa kabri cu cpana le jubme There's one cup on the table. pa cpana le jubme Ni evaluas la domajo ye 1000 dolari. We estimated the damage at one thousand dollars. We evaluated the house at 1000 dollars. la .tom. sega'a pu sanli Tom stood watching. the .tom. saga'a pu sanli Mi komprenas nun. Now I understand. I understand now. Mi estas centristo. Kaj komunismo, kaj anarkiismo laŭ mi havas bonajn argumentojn. I'm a centrist. I think communism and anarchism both make good points. I am a centrist, and communism, and anarchism according to me have good arguments. Me ne volis to eventar. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want to happen. Il me avergonia que io lo ha facite. I'm ashamed that I did it. I’ve been warning I’ve done it. En la kvara jaro de la lernejo ni dissekcis kankrojn. In fourth grade we dissected crayfish. In the fourth year of the school we dissected cankers. Ubi diabolo va tu? Where the hell are you going? Where does the devil go? Tu cravata es torte. Your tie is crooked. You crashed is torture. may' wIQaplaHbe'bogh wISuvtaH. We're fighting a losing battle. But we have made good progress on the probability of life appearing. Antaŭ ol ilia ekskurso per kanuo laŭ la rivero Jukona, Tomo kaj Maria decidis senakvigi siajn fruktojn kaj legomojn por okupi malpli da spaco. Before their canoe trip down the Yukon River, Tom and Mary had decided to dehydrate their fruits and vegetables in order to take up less space. Before their trip by canoe along the Yukon River, Tom and Mary decided to unactivate their fruits and vegetables to occupy less space. Felica esas ti qui valorigas saneso. Happy are those who know the value of health. Happy are those who value health. Tomo ne vere farus ion ajn tian. Tom wouldn't really do anything like that. Tom wouldn’t really do anything like that. Vos pote scriber in qualcunque lingua que tu vole. A Tatoeba tote le linguas es equal. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You can write in any language that you want. In Tatoeba, all languages are equal. Le investigatores non sape, nonobstante, si le structura del cerebro de un persona determina su credentias politic o si le credentias politic veni primo e le structuras modificate del cerebro veni postea como consequentia del disveloppamento de iste credentias politic. The researchers do not know, however, whether the structure of a person's brain determines his or her political beliefs or whether the political beliefs come first and the modified brain structures come later as a consequence of the development of these political beliefs. investigators don’t know whether the brain structure of a person determines its political beliefs or whether political beliefs come first and structures changed from the brain came later as a consequence of developing this political belief. Li situation es tre mal. The situation is very bad. This situation is very bad. DaHechchu''a'? Are you serious? I mean, baby? naDev SoH lIghoch. They followed you here. naDev SoH Mosghoch. ki'u ma mi'ai na citka lo pitsa Why can't we have pizza? ki'u ma mi'ai na citka lo pitsa Cuando vos jua tenis? When do you play tennis? Do you last tennis? Donald Trump va esser li sequent presidente del Unit States de America. Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States of America. Donald Trump is going to be his next president of the United States of America. Mi sentas min morale en ŝuldoj al ŝi. I feel morally indebted to her. I feel morally in debt to her. Kion vi faros en la universitato? What are you going to do in college? What will you do at the university? Kion vi scias pri Brazilo? What do you know about Brazil? What do you know about Brazil? Tom e Mari es poliamial. Tom and Mary are polyamorous. Tom and Mari are polyamial. .i co'a pu klama la. london. za lo nanca li re He went to London two years ago. .i co'a pu klama la. london. za lo Ancile li re Talia le drappo in diagonal. Cut the cloth on the bias. Cut the draw into diagonal. A isch dal Cipangu. She is from Japan. A issch dal Cipangu. Qaq Sa'mIy. Sami is pretentious. Qaq Sa'mIy. Ne esas fumo sen fairo. There's no smoke without fire. There is no smoke without fire. On ave alga cosa en la caxa. There's something in the box. On ave alga cosa in the kaxa. Ĉeesti ĉi tie fascinas min. I am thrilled to be here. There’s a fascination here. nuq DanIH? What did you steal? What DanIH? Kiam mi vojaĝas, mi preferas flugi. Whenever I travel, I prefer to fly. When I travel, I prefer to fly. Mi marita es chast e pie. My wife is chaste and pious. Mi marita es chast e pie. Io vide quando le viros ama le feminas. Illes da a illas solmente un poco de lor vitas. Sed le feminas, quando illas ama, illas da toto. I see when men love women. They give them but a little of their lives. But women when they love give everything. I see when people love women. They give them only a little bit of their lives. But women, when they love them, all of them. Qual pellicula tu videva? Which movie did you watch? Whatever did you see? Tom kanom rönön vifiko. Tom can run fast. Tom canom rönön vifica. Ni ne estis vidantaj Tomon. We haven't seen Tom. We were not seeing Tom. Yo va comprar un calendare. I'll buy a calendar. Yo va comprar un calendar. Io spera cessar de fumar. I hope to stop smoking. I hope to cease smoking. Nos es multo grate de lo que tu faceva. We are very grateful for what you did. We’re very free from what you’ve done. Mi ne kredas, ke dioj ekzistas. I don't think gods exist. I don’t believe that gods exist. Io es in un equipa de hockey. I'm on a hockey team. It lies in a hockey team. Bi tren no ästebedon por ob. Because the train did not wait for me. Bi tren no ästebedon por ob. Kio okazos al ŝi? What will happen to her? What will happen to her? la .tom. ta'e mutce lo ka pante Tom complains a lot. the .tom. ta'e mutce lo pante Oni vendas malmultekostan propanon tie. They sell cheap propane there. They sell cheap propane there. Ĉu vi ŝatas tian specon de muziko? Do you like this kind of music? Do you like such a kind of music? Tom diceva que ille non vole parlar in francese. Tom said he didn't want to speak in French. Tom said he did not want to speak in French. Pripensu foje. Use your head for a change. Consider sometimes. pe'i la tom ce la maris cu nelci zu'ai I think Tom and Mary like each other. Tom's husband zu'ai lo verba ku zgana lo makcu Children watch adults. verb ku zgana lo makcu DaH jIyItmeH tlhoy jIqan. Now I am too old to walk. I'm going to go ahead. La batalo por Belleau Wood daŭris tri semajnojn. The Battle for Belleau Wood lasted three weeks. The battle for Belleau Wood lasted three weeks. Mi malŝlosis la pordon. I unlocked the door. I missed the door. Li iritiĝis. He became irritated. He went. Ni lasu tion ripozi. Let's give it a rest. Let’s keep it rest. naDev jIHtaH, ghaHvaD 'e' yIja'Qo'! Don't tell him that I'm here. But we don't think we're all alone, nor are you? Mostra no pardona. Show no mercy. Show no apology. Nos faceva isto in le passato. We've done that in the past. We did this in the past. C'e la prüma poarta àl drept. It's the first door on the right. C'e la prüma poarta àl drept. Usono estas falsaĵo. America is a travesty. The United States is false. mi nelci ge lo gerku gi lo mlatu I like both dogs and cats. Mi naci ge lo gerku gi lo mlatu To esset it. That's it. To esset it. ta se zdani lo cmatca She is living in the village. ta zdani lo cmatca Но облида дисе еста а Том. Don't forget to tell Tom that. It's all the way to see it. Kio malĝojigis vin? What made you sad? What hurts you? Ĉu Tomo vere opinias, ke mi kredas tion? Is it true that Tom thinks I believe that? Does Tom really think I believe that? Kiu aĉetis tiun ĉapelon por Tomo? Who bought Tom that hat? Who bought this hat for Tom? Ĉu jam finiĝis pluvi? Has it stopped raining yet? Have there been rains already? lopmey muS tam. Tom hates parties. Lopmey muS tam. La morto estas la fino de la vivo. Death is the end of life. Death is the end of life. Ĉu vi deziras, ke mi voku ambulancon? Do you want me to call an ambulance? Do you want me to call an ambulance? pu tepygau iepei Scary, wasn't it? pu tepygau iepei Estero deziras, ke ŝi povu paroli la hebrean tiel bone, kiel ĝin parolas Aviva. Esther wishes she could speak Hebrew as well as Aviva does. Esther wants her to speak Hebrew as good as it speaks alive. mi stali lo ta xotli I'm staying at that hotel. mi stali lo ta xotli Леже еста либро. Read this book. It's all about it. Kial Jupitero estas tiom bela? Why is Jupiter so beautiful? Why is Jupiter so beautiful? Necun homine es tanto bon que ille pote devenir maestro de un altere homine. No man is good enough to be another man's master. No one is as good as they can become a teacher from another person. mi se dalpe'o lo blabi mlatu I have a white cat. mi dalpe'o lo bla mlatu mIp vavwI'. My father is rich. C-2, I guess you're going to have either way. Mi neniam sciis, ke ĝi estas tie. I never knew it was there. I never knew it was there. vIghro'mey vIparHa'qu'. I like cats very much. That's what you all say, and I can't find out where you did. sa'e mi pinxe lo xunre vanju To be precise, I drank red wine. sa'e mi pinxe lo Primure vanju chemoHta' ghaH. He made it. Thank you very much. Vu mustas komencar balde. You must start soon. You must begin to balde. L'infanto eniris la chambro kurante. The boy came running into the room. The child entered the room running. La franca estas lia denaska lingvo. French is his mother tongue. French is his native language. le sedyta'u cu cimce'oranbi'o The hat got wet and went limp. the sedyta'u cyce'onabi'o qa'vIn neH vIpoQ. I just need some coffee. I don't know what I am doing. ta du lo ko'a zdani That is his house. two o'a zdani Spikol-li Deutänapüki u Linglänapüki? Do you speak German or English? Spikol-li Deutänapüki u Linglänapüki? Ili konsideros tion. They will consider this. They will consider it. Mi fakte estas pluramema. I'm actually polyamorous. I'm actually a plural. Mi scias, ke Tomo scias, ke mi scias. I know Tom knows that I know. I know Tom knows I know. Que Tom facera in Boston? What'll Tom be doing in Boston? What Tom will do in Boston? Inya tir grupepesa va espanavaf suteroteem. She is well versed in Spanish literature. Inya tir groupepese va espanavaf suteroteem. Kio plej ridigas vin? What makes you laugh the most? What's the most ridiculous of you? chorDaq luH, rajma', chej, latlh je tu'lu'. In the belly, there are intestines, kidneys, liver, etc. If we are home to the universe, we should have all been on top of each other, then we are in different ways. mi'a pu ca'o citka lo sovda We were eating eggs. mi'a pu ca'o citka lo wilda Mi ŝategis viajn ideojn. I loved your ideas. I liked your ideas. Li havas duan gradon en matematiko. He has a master's degree in mathematics. He has a second degree in mathematics. Ama le veritate, ma pardona le error. Love truth, but pardon error. Love truth, but forgive error. Esce me pote usa masca en esta selebra? Can I wear a mask at this party? Can I use a mask in the sky? Ел иа енсениа руске а суа енфантес. She learned her children Russian. It is true that it is true that it is true. qaSpu' ramjep. It's already midnight. This is one of the rest of the rramjep. Me ia pote apena crede mea oios. I could hardly believe my eyes. I think I think I'm going to believe myself. Tomo kredas je konspirteorioj. Tom believes in conspiracy theories. Tom believes in conspiracy theories. Le vista plenava Vasilissa de terror e illa stoppava si immobile como un palo interrate in le solo. The sight filled Vasilissa with horror and she stopped as still as a post buried in the ground. The full Vasilisa vissa de terror e lla stopva si immobile kom un palo interrate in le solo. Li daŭre surhavis pantoflojn. He constantly wore slippers. He kept wearing pans. Noi ama te. We love you. We love you. Mi ne taksas tion tre bona ideo, Tomo. I don't think that that's such a good idea, Tom. I don’t think that’s a good idea, Tom. Tomo estas artkritikisto. Tom is an art critic. Tom is an art critic. vobmipri ne'i le sroku'a She's hiding in the closet. vorbmipri ne'i le sroku'a Tomo ne havas televidilon. Tom doesn't have a TV. Tom doesn’t have a TV. Me vere prizis ta filmo! I really liked that film! I really wondered this movie! Yo ne vole aprender german. I don't want to study German. Yo don't want to learn German. Esque tu es polit? Are you polite? Are you Polit? qabDaj vIghov. I recognized his face. I’m looking for you. Tomo alvenis je la ĝusta horo. Tom arrived at the right time. Tom arrived at the right hour. Li lingue Na'vi es usat in Avatar. Na'vi language is used in Avatar. Li lingue Na'vi is used in Avatar. qavoqtaH. I'm trusting you. I feel sorry for you, and I'll let me know. Nek mi loĝas en Bostono. I don't live in Boston either. I don’t live in Boston. Miaj fingroj lasis markojn sur la glaso. My fingers left marks on the glass. My fingers left marks on the glass. Tom ne volas vivi en Bostono. Tom doesn't want to live in Boston. Tom doesn't want to live in Boston. Nun ke vi ne plu estas juna, vi devas pensi pri via estonteco. Now that you are no longer young, you must think of your future. Now that you are no longer young, you have to think about your future. Tio ne ĝustas, ĉu ne? That isn't accurate, is it? That's not right, isn't it? Kozi semblas bona. Things look good. Kozi seemed good. Ob disum es li hause de Tom? Is this Tom's house? Ob disum es li hause de Tom? Ĉi tie estas paro. There's a couple here. Here is a couple. Noi esset battet. We were beaten. We’re battted. Ille intende bengali. He understands Bengali. They intended Bengali. 'u' 'ay'Hom neH 'oH qo'maj'e'. Our world is only one small part of the universe. If there is no such thing in the universe, there is no question of the universe. Li ŝanĝis sian testamenton. He changed his will. He changed his testament. qaQoylaH. I can hear you. IdQoy to live. Hegh vIHajbe' 'ach jIHeghvIp. It is not death that I fear, but dying. Hegh fajHajbe' 'achpareghvIp. Li alfrontos la malfacilajn problemojn. He'll cope with difficult problems. He will face the difficult problems. lo gugde'usu zo'u la naun. smit. pu klama As for America, Mr. Smith came. gugde'usu zo'u la naun. smit. pu klama na vi snura It's not safe here. Na vi snura La krimo estas preskaŭ solvita. The crime is almost solved. The crime is almost resolved. Li estas gejo, sed kaŝe. He's gay, but closeted. He is gay, but hides. Ille bibeva un bottilia de vino. He drank a bottle of wine. Ivory a wineboat. Le possession de armas de foco es un delicto. Possession of firearms is a criminal offense. Focus arm possession is an offence. DIvI' Hol jatlhlaHbej. Of course she can speak English. But we don't think we’re making sure we’re making good progress. El va jua tenis doman. He will play tennis tomorrow. El va jua held home. ta'i ma do pu cilre la lojban By what method did you learn Lojban? Ta'i ma do pu cire la lojban Ŝi diferencas disde aliaj per tio, ke ŝi havas celon. She differs from the others in that she has a goal. She is different from others that she has a goal. Ĉu vi konscias, ke Tomo ne ŝatas vin? Are you aware that Tom doesn't like you? Do you know that Tom doesn’t like you? Estas ankoraŭ multaj aĉetendaĵoj. There are a lot of things we still need to buy. There are still a lot of shopping. "Reidof-li buki?" "Si." "Is she reading a book?" "Yes, she is." "Reidof-li mouths?" "Yes." Mi matre se inquieta de toto. My mother worries about everything. I’m sorry to worry about everything. “Me haver in men poshe manuscrite,” doctoro James Mortimer did dicter. "I have a manuscript in my pocket," Doctor James Mortimer said. "I have in but poshe handcrite," doctor James Mortimer said. Ille esseva troppo juvene pro ir al schola. He was too young to go to school. They were too young to go to the school. ghaH yISujQo'! Do not disturb her. GhaH yISujQo! Yen nia instruisto. Here comes our teacher. That's our teacher. Los ia fura pomas de meа bosce de frutas. They stole apples from my orchard. All of the fruit comes from the woods. Nos no ia dise ancora si. We haven't said yes yet. We're still told if. Prima, dise a me la bon novas. Tell me the good news first. First, tell me the good news. Il posse parlar ott lingues. He can speak eight languages. Il posse parlar ot lingues. E nu? And now? And nu? Si tu vole te, me ave alga de lo en la armario. If you want tea, I have some in the cupboard. If you want you, I ave algae from it in the armor. Kaf at binom tu stenüdik obe. This coffee is too strong for me. Kaf at binom tu stenüdik obes. potlh 'e' vIQub. I think this is important. I am in favor of the knowledge of the universe. Elektu la tekston kaj kopiu ĝin. Highlight the text and copy it. Choose the text and copy it. Yo pensat que tu nequande vell questionar. I thought you'd never ask. Yo penset que tu nequende vell questionar. Tomo petis min desegni mapon. Tom asked me to draw a map. Tom asked me to draw a map. La flugiloj de la pasero estas rompitaj. The wings of the sparrow are broken. The wings of the sparrow are broken. chatlhDajDaq tar lanta' vay' 'e' Har. He thought someone had put poison in his soup. On the other hand, we are in the last place of the universe. Tomo manĝis la salaton de Manjo. Tom ate Mary's salad. Tom ate the salad of Manjo. On non pote expectar que tote le mundo intendera. You can't expect everyone to understand. It cannot be expected that all the world will be intended. Ŝi mem kuiris la vespermanĝon. She cooked the dinner herself. She even cooked the dinner. Ел но аве бисикле. She has no bicycle. It's all about it. Es il ver que Tatoeba ha essite comprate per Google pro mille milliones de dollares? Is it true that Tatoeba was bought by Google for 1 billion dollars? Is it true that Tatoeba was compacted by Google for thousands of dollars? ta barda mutce That's very big. this muttered bar Que me dava tu? What did you give me? What did I give you? Pro quo Tom ne posse venir? Why can't Tom come? Why didn't Tom own coming? La kunveno komenciĝos je la dua tridek. The meeting will start at 2:30. The meeting will begin at the second thirty. Tom e Mary esseva sedite sur le plagia e parlava inter se. Tom and Mary sat on the beach and talked to each other. Tom and Mary were sitting on the plagia and speaking among themselves. loi vi cutci cu dukse cmalu These shoes are too small. Small cutci cu dukse cmalu Mi kaŝis la veron for de vi. I hid the truth from you. I hid the truth from you. Qorwagh tlhImmey 'IHchoHmoH rav tlhImmey. The rugs are a good match for the curtains. Thank you very much indeed. De que vole tu parlar? What do you want to talk about? What do you want to talk about? Tom ia bevi lete. Tom drank milk. Tom's been reading. Odiar, amar, pensar, sentir, vider: toto isto es nihil plus que perciper. To hate, to love, to think, to feel, to see; all this is nothing but to perceive. Odiar, amar, think, feel, see: all this is nothing more than a perciper. Vi estas fidrogulo, kiel mi! You're a drug addict like me! You are a drug like me! La ekzameno finiĝos post duonhoro. The exam will end in half an hour. The exam will end in half an hour. Risadas plenava le camera. The room filled with laughter. Stays full of the room. Tom ia mori en asidente de tren. Tom died in a train accident. Tom's going to die on the other side of the train. Ulu parolas la Angla, ed altri parolas la Japona. One speaks English, and the other speaks Japanese. They speak English, and others speak the Japanese. Bon Pesah! Happy Pesach! Bon Pesah! A basso le politicos corrupte. Down with corrupt politicians. At the bottom of corrupt policies. Vi ne povas parki vian aŭton ĉi tie. You can't park your car here. You can’t park your car here. Tomo, vi parolas sensence. Tom, you're not making any sense. Tom, you’re talking unconsciously. pe'u ko na peidzu gi'e ze'i zutse Would you please stop pacing around like that and just sit down for a second? O'u ko na peidzu gi'e zé'i zutse Tom cocinara. Tom will cook. Tom cocinara. Älemobs omi in el Boston. We bought it in Boston. Älemomoms omi in el Boston. Ille esseva le autor le plus celebre de su tempore. He was the most famous writer of his day. He was the most celebrated author of his time. le botpi gau ma spofu Who broke the bottle? l botpi gau ma spofu ko jungau mi lo du'u mu'i ma do pu nalzvati lo ckule ca lo prulamdei Tell me why you were absent from school yesterday. Thank you for each other, but can only make it a cup of coffee. To es remarcabil. This is remarkable. Tu es remarcabil. La suspektito esis sen-kulpa koncerne la krimino. The suspect was innocent of the crime. The suspect was innocent about the crime. .e'a nai do ti stali You can't stay here. .e'a nai do ti stali Kiel nomiĝas tiu birdo? What's that bird called? What is the name of this bird? Konstrui tiun ponton okupis preskaŭ tri jarojn. That bridge took nearly three years to build. Building this bridge occupied nearly three years. la tom ca'o na morsi Tom isn't dead yet. the all this is not Dead A fini meа projeta ia es adotada. My plan was eventually adopted. At the end of my projeta, he was acclaimed. Tu prendeva un decision sage. You made a wise decision. You took a wise decision. Mi neniam aŭdis pri tio. I've never heard it. I never heard of that. Mi transdonis mesaĝon al Tomo. I transmitted a message to Tom. I sent a message to Tom. Io me senti estranie. I feel strange. I feel estrainie. Ni foriris frue, por ke ni povos kapti la unuan trajnon. We left early so that we can catch the first train. We left early so that we could take the first train. El no es malada. He's not sick. El no es malada. Vi havas pli da energio ol mi. You have more energy than I. You have more energy than me. Se oni kaptos vin, diru nenion! If you're captured, don't say anything. If you're caught, don't say anything! taH pagh taHbe'. DaH mu'tlheghvam vIqelnIS. To be or not to be, that is the question. This probably means that we now turn to the second big question. Yo ne save quo Tom dit a Mary. I don't know what Tom told Mary. Yo ne sande quo Tom dit a Mary. Ĉu vi iam aŭdis Tomon kanti? Have you ever heard Tom sing? Have you ever heard Tom sing? Li volis aĉeti novan veŝton. He wanted to buy a new vest. He wanted to buy a new vehicle. Tio okazis antaŭ tre longe. That was a really long time ago. It happened very long ago. Äkanol yufön. You could help. Äcanol yufön. La ujoj produktataj ĉi tie estas farataj el tre rezista materialo. The boxes produced here are made of a very consistent material. The containers produced here are made of very resistant material. No älabob timi al lilädön. I didn't have time to read. Nolabob be afraid of lilädön. It es li max grand misere. It's the greatest of miseries. It es li max grand misere. Mi estas malfidemulino. I'm a cynic. I'm a distruster. Bon dia, Tom. Good morning, Tom. Good day, Tom. De do la juas olimpial veni? Where did the Olympic Games originate? So does the juas Olympics come from? Mi estas en mia tria monato ekde ĝi komencis, kaj la sangfluo estas ege peza, kaj mia ciklo daŭras ĝis 14 tagojn. I'm in my third month since it started and the flow is extremely heavy and my period is lasting up to 14 days. I am in my third month since it began, and the blood flow is very heavy, and my cycle lasts up to 14 days. ma cmene lo tcini poi do klama ke'a Which station are you going to? but Name it tcini po do klamma ke'a ko bevri lo plekarni mi Bring me the magazines. I am the best Mi kredas, ke Tomo jam havas karulinon. I think Tom has a girlfriend already. I think Tom already has a girl. Löfob spatön ve flum. I like to walk along the river. Löfob spatön vé flum. Nos debera levar nos de bon hora deman matino. We have to get up early tomorrow morning. We will need to raise us from a good hour on breakfast. Io sapeva qui ille es. I knew who he was. I know who they're. Esta es lo cual faxistes crede vera. This is what fascists actually believe. Esta es lo cual faxists creed vera. qaSDI' poH veb qalegh 'e' vItul. I hope to see you next time. The next thousand minutes, of which I am in favor of the universe. Mi esperas, ke Tomo povos fari tion. I hope that Tom gets to do that. I hope Tom can do that. Bruiso vekigis lu. A noise woke them up. Bruiso awakened him. Ĉiujn fotojn kaj filmregistraĵojn de aviadilo disĵetanta pluŝajn ursetojn la belorusaj aŭtoritatoj nomas falsaĵoj kaj provokoj. All the photographs and videos of the aeroplane dropping teddy bears are claimed to be falsification and provocation by Belarusian authorities. All photographs and film recordings of aircraft displacing shower bears the Belarusian authorities call fakes and provocations. Forgesu ĝin. Forget about it. Forget it. Mi promenis en la parko. I went for a walk in the park. I was walking in the park. Quo Tom volas dicar? What does Tom mean? What does Tom want to say? Mi neniam estis en Kalifornio. I've never been to California. I was never in California. Ме иа ваде а ала тре аниос анте аора. I went there three years ago. It's all the way to do it. Tiu ĉi krajono ne estas griza. This pencil is not grey. This pencil is not grey. Soj 'Iq wISoppu'chugh, ghIq poq wISIQtaH. When we eat too much, we suffer from indigestion. That's what we got to think about the universe and charge everyone royalties for us to suppress the universe. Ĉi tiu tasko estas la ĉerizo de mia kuko. This task is the icing on my cake. This is the cake of my cake. mi djica fe po'o da'i lo nu ko'a na tai kargu I just wish it wasn't so expensive. mi djica fe po'o da'i ko'a na tai cargu Ĝis. Goodbye! So far. mi djica lo ka bajra I want to run. Mi djica lo ka bayra xu do se ponbau Can you speak Japanese? xu do se ponbau Mi pensas, ke mi vidis ŝin tie. I think I saw her there. I think I saw her there. Binon sam badik. It's a bad example. Binon sam badik. Ho, mia birdo kantas tre bele. My bird sings so beautifully. My bird sings very beautiful. Unufoje en semajno ŝi iris al la vendejo. She went to the market once a week. Once a week she went to the store. Dio ne ĵetas la kubojn! God doesn't play dice! God doesn't throw the bowls. Iste information es confidential. This information is confidential. This information is confidential. .e'o ko dunda ci da pe ro se ckaji mi Please give me three of each kind. .e'o co dunda ci da pe ro se cka mi Kiu subtera trajnlinio iras al la centro? Which subway goes downtown? Which underground train line goes to the center? Kiu kontraŭas malbonan aferon, tiu ne nepre estas bona. Being opposed to something bad doesn't necessarily make someone good. He who opposes a bad thing is not necessarily good. Mi ŝatas ridi. I like to laugh. I like laughing. Nemo es interessate. No one is interested. Nemo is interested. li reno ca tcika It's eight o'clock at night. Li reno ca tcika xu lo do patfu joi mamta pu zvati lo zdani Were your mother and father home? xu lo do patfu joi mamta pu zvati lo zdani