La barco ia inversa se. The boat capsized. The bar in which to reverse if. Ne faru ĝin! Don't do it. Don't do it! Tie oni trovis la kadavron de Tomo. That's where they found Tom's body. There was found the dead body of Tom. Tom estas nun en danĝero. Tom is now in danger. Tom is in danger now. Tomo respondos viajn demandojn. Tom will answer your questions. Tom will answer your questions. Laŭ miaj scioj li estas senkulpa. As far as I know, he is innocent. He's even on my knowledge. roda ka mlejgi All is vanity. Cédy males Binons-li fredik? Are they happy? - Is she a witch? Que faceva tu? What were you doing? Which face did you face? Ti-ci silkin veste, verd quam li mare, amemora que noi ha passat tri dies sub li ocean. This silken vest here, green like the sea, reminds us that we spent three days under the ocean. Tiny silky clothes, pour out he won't remember that hair has been disabled under him three days. Kion John faras nun? What is John doing now? What are John doing now? not qamuSHa'. I never loved you. I'm not feeling well. Kuracisto provis forigi la kuglon el la kapo de la prezidento. A doctor tried to remove the bullet from the president's head. Doctor tried to remove the bullet from the president's head. Ĉu vi havas ajnan angla-japanan vortaron? Do you have any English-Japanese dictionaries? Do you have any English-japan directory? na'o ku lo se smusku be do cu jetnu What you say is usually true. It's a matter of six cameras, so it's just a look at the Earth's life supply. ko na cpedu tu'a lo jdini mi Don't ask me for money. That's all you think I'm ain't gonna do Alga de mundo es ancora ansios. Some people are still worried. Everyone's Topics is still alive. Ĉu vi opinias, ke fiŝoj povas aŭdi? Do you think that fish can hear? Do you think fish can hear? Io crede que isto te placera. I think you'll like this. I think this is where you were doing. De qui es ti-ci bebé Whose baby is this? Hey, that's a shame, okay ko'a do darxi xu Did he hit you? Primula Red A que pensa vos quando vos vade al lecto? What do you think about when you go to sleep? What thought you think when you get up to a big scale? Tu pote nomi la dias de la semana, si? Can you name the days of the week? You can call the diman, si's? Ille projecto es destinate a faller. That plan's bound to fail. They're part of a joke. .ei ko'a na cliva pu lo nu ba'o cikre lo junla I can't let them leave before the watch is fixed. That's what you're doing. It's what you're doing. Ме несеса ке ту ваде а Бостон. I need you to go to Boston. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of the Punxsutawney . Le scientistas utilisava un gruppo de studentes in lor studio. Illes discoperiva que le studentes qui se describe como liberales social e economic habeva un densitate plus grande del materia gris in un region del cerebro nominate le cortice cingulate anterior. The scientists used a group of students in their study. They discovered that students who described themselves as social and economic liberals had a greater density of gray matter in a brain region called the anterior cingulate. The thing was used to use a group of study in their study. They were referred to as the most recent study by the day. It was invented by an entire social event, and made up some older than 8th century CE. Mi sestra es celebri. My sister is famous. I`ll handle six times. Io resta sceptic quanto a su honestitate. I can't help doubting his honesty. Some of the things that were escaped of the day when they were taken. ghaytan jIH'e' mumuS je tam. Tom probably hates me, too. It's not written that, as long as it's broken. lengvam tIv Hoch. Everyone was enjoying the journey. The thing that you are at all. Ŝi tenas sian hararon longa. She keeps her hair long. She's keep her hair long. Me oia sona de pasos estra casa. I hear footsteps outside. Let's go all the way. Mi volas nur, ke vi feliĉas. We just want you to be happy. I just want you happy. Dorpa' lojmItjaj paqmeyvam tInobHa'! Please return these books by Saturday. So my little boy would appear to have grown up. lo ko'a nunspe loi ko'a rirni cu se gleki Her marriage brought happiness to her parents. Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years Yo save quo Tom fa. I know what Tom is doing. You know what Tom is famous. ca'o klama ma Where is he going? Calculating Äbegob sali läfulükik su pötets fransänik obik. I requested extra salt on my french fries. Étbrumb läferk su sutsi sutsiäkibk · Global Voices Kiom longe vi jam loĝas en Aŭstralio? How long have you been living in Australia? How long have you been living in Australia? Iste es mi amica Rachel. Nos vadeva al schola secundari insimul. This is my friend Rachel. We went to high school together. This is a love that I should love Ray. Unue ili vidis la rubon, post tio ili alrigardis unu la alian. First they saw the debris then they looked at each other. First, they saw it, and then looked at each other. Rompiĝis la spegulo. The mirror broke. The mirror's ready. ra puzi mo'u cliva She just left. Stale Fo_lder... Kio malĝojigis vin? What made you sad? What have you been so old? Ĉu vi havas celon por via vivo? Do you have a goal in life? Do you have a purpose for your life? Me regretas venar adheme tante tarde. I'm very sorry I came home so late. Don't hurt me when you're welcome. Tom bedaŭris, ke li miskonsumis multegan parton de sia vivo. Tom regretted having wasted a great deal of his life. Tom was sorry that he made a lot of his life. le meta junla cu julbaco lo mentu be li pa That clock is one minute fast. That's what the hell's fast as a Cover on him Me vidis bela ucelo. I saw a beautiful bird. I've seen a beautiful one. Me placerea un the. I'd like a tea. I'll get used to hell. DIS 1990 yej'an cherlu'. The society was founded in 1990. And it wasn't a bird. La malbono ne venas de la tekniko, sed de tiuj, kiuj misuzas ĝin. Evil comes not from technique, but from those who abuse it. Evil isn't coming from technology, but by those who I use it. le za'u mei pu fliba lo cipra They failed the exam. malcolm. hunter@gmx. co. uk Binol-li lügik? Are you sad? Bl-lighyk? Nos es finalmente sol. We're finally alone. We're all alone. Vi nenecesas. You're unnecessary. You're starving. mi'ai ka'e cliva We can leave. Exiting... Tom esset ebriat. Tom was drunk. Tom is drunk. La aŭto de Tom kunpuŝiĝis al arbo. Tom's car hit a tree. The car of Tom joined himself to a tree. Soj naQmey lo'laHbe' lu'SI'. Lucy cannot use chopsticks. We're top two hundred years ago. Kelkaj prizonuloj eskapis el la malliberejo. Some prisoners have escaped from the jail. Some of the prisoners escaped from the prison. wej QallaH tam. Tom is not yet able to swim. This is the K Desktop Environment. Li portis dubutonvican jakon. He was wearing a double-breasted jacket. He wears a tube. Mi konsilas al vi, ke vi tenu distancon al Tomo. I suggest you stay away from Tom. I exhort you to keep going to Tom. Io non sape lo que io debe facer pro acquirer lo. I don't know how to go about getting it. Something you don't know what you should do for about oquier. Manjo enfermis sin en la ĉambro kaj fermis ĉiujn fenestrojn. Mary shut herself up in the room and closed all the windows. Marie shut up in the room and locked all windows. vIraS Hol jatlh. She speaks French. That's what you all say, but I have to do. Poc personas percipeva su absentia al festa. Few people noticed her absence from the party. Poci personal in force subsitese to celebrate. Ел иа енсениа руске а суа енфантес. She learned her children Russian. after the members of thing, there's an eyes on the way to do as a thing that is to do with the members that are, and that's the members of the week. Ille ha decedite per cancere le anno passate. He died of cancer last year. They have failed with personal order. They have been adjusted back. ju'o le za'u nu catra cu ckini zu'ai da There must be a connection between these murders. Numeric Based on the deck cerni coi Good morning! Morning Il ha habite plus interesse in parolas ingeniose que in le problemas real. There has been more interest in clever words than in the real problems. There are more than ones in order to talk about the problems. Bukareŝto estas la ĉefurbo de Rumanio. Bucharest is the capital of Romania. The capital of Romania is the capital of Romania. Noloms das binobs is. They know we're here. Norasis da bin. Binom nelijel. He's an Englishman. Bin won't be silly. Jen, kio strangas. That's what's weird. Here's what's strange. lo vi cukta selpo'e la .tonis. This is Tony's book. I'm sick of the water. Jen donaco por via naskiĝtago. Here is a present for your birthday. Here's a gift for your birthday. Tu le ha facite rubescer. You made him blush. You have made the trash to replace. Mi rapidis supren. I rushed upstairs. I hurried. no ru mi spaji None of these things surprise me. I'm redish Io me demanda que hora es. I wonder what time it is. I'm going to ask you what time it is. ko'a le ri zdani na zvati He isn't at home. ko'Hello z na na na na na na na Ŝi estas sekrete enamiĝinta al li. She's secretly in love with him. She's secretly in love with him. Ĉu vi povas diri al mi, kiel tiu blinda golfludanto atingis tiom da sukcesoj? Can you tell me, how come that blind golfer is so successful? Can you tell me, as this blind ordinary golf gets getting there so many enormous waters? Io ha mal al pectore. I have a pain in my chest. Something to stop. An illa es italian? Is she Italian? And it's Italian? ko lo micyxu'i citka ciroi lo ro djedi Take this medicine three times a day. I'm the only one who thinks you are a day Tomas ähetom vobi okik. Tom hated his job. Tomasäómuíns eight characters. No... me volas dicar yes. No... I mean, yes. No... I want to tell you something. Esque tu comprende it? Do you get it? Did you make it? pu'arpanci ta I like the way that smells. won't look at that. Mea patro ne esas heme ca-instante. My dad is not home at the moment. My father isn't home. Io ama parlar con te. I like talking to you. Something to love with her. Nos non habeva besonio de demandar le su dimission. We didn't need to ask him to resign. We don't have needed to ask the supper. Palpante tion oni sentas kvazaŭ silkon. This feels like silk. You feel like silk. le ninmu pu muvdu ti za la masti be li pa The lady moved here a month ago. let's take a look at the past he's here Svissia es situat inter Francia, Italia, Austria e Germania. Switzerland is situated between France, Italy, Austria and Germany. Swiss wiset between France, Ilit, Austria and Austria. SIbI' vemnIS. He has to get up immediately. I think we should make sure. ponbau do xu Do you speak Japanese? set of hand can be selected do na ba'o lumci lo xance vau je'u pei You haven't washed your hands yet, have you? That's why you can't get it. ei mi'ai na cirko lo ka pacna We shouldn't lose hope. i'm a guy who knows the day Vu devas obediar vua genitori. You must obey your parents. You have to take a task of a genius. Vi povas taksii. You can take a taxi. You can go too far. Bone paroli la anglan estas malfacile. To speak English well is difficult. It's hard to speak English. Tomo trovis la ŝlosilon, kiun li serĉis. Tom found the key he had been looking for. Tom found the key he looked for. Mi opinias, ke ŝi estas el Germanio. I think that she is from Germany. I think she's from Germany. Ci vole es un milionor? Who wants to be a millionaire? You want to have a million? Bonvolu noti demandojn. Please write down questions. Please, be calm down. Ата рапида анке аве вантажес. Rapid action also has advantages. drinkly point to the members of the thing that is to do with the members of claveesopesy. Bonvolu fermi la pordon. Please shut the door. Please close the door. Ĉiutage pli malvarmiĝas en Novembro. It gets cold day by day in November. Every day he gets cold in the morning. Mi pensas, ke tio estis tre amuza, vere! I think that it was a lot of fun, indeed! I think that was really funny, really! Say'moHmeH janvo' Sut Dalelta''a'? Did you take the clothes out of the washing machine? Thank you very much indeed. Nos no acorda. We don't get along. We're leaving. QongtaHbogh ghu vemmoHbe' 'e' nID jan. John tried not to wake the sleeping baby. Professor, it seems to have been found in the universe. They are having a singularly ineffective policy so far. Labob bukis tel. I've got two books. The bobin't on the rose. ko'a speni lo ricfu nanmu She married a rich man. A guy who lets her hair down Mi simple ne kredas tion. I just don't believe it. I just don't believe it. Tom stude pro devenir un assistente de medico. Tom is studying to become a physician's assistant. Tom study by coming to an early medium of medium medium. Maria esas homeosexualino. Mary is a lesbian. Maria is going to be here as long as you can see me. Mi konsentas pri tio. I'm OK with it. I agree with that. jIHvaD be'nI'Daj lIH ghaH. He introduced her sister to me. I don't know how to do it. mi se dalpe'o lo blabi mlatu I have a white cat. I'm so tired of flowers Ту иа фура меа кор. You stole my heart. drinkly different from the members of claveesyllies. la'e di'u co'e That's it. the 'Log out' menuitem: Le conscientia es un perpetual devenir. Conscience is perpetual becoming. Self-awareness is part of the recipient. Sovente, in le momentos le plus difficile, le artistas pote attinger lor maxime transcendentia. Often in the darkest of times, artists can be at their most transcendent. Savly, in the moment the work is more likely, the fact that it is possible to argue over their maximum time. la .meris. cizra Mary is weird. That's enough. Ме но густа беви кафе. I don't like to drink coffee. drinkly different from Punxsutawney now. Esed somber nocte, ye nul lune. It was a dark night, with no moon. But, lo, it's running reder, there's zero. La menso estas nenio pli ol ludilo de la korpo. The mind is nothing but a plaything of the body. It's nothing more than the body's body. Mia domo estas kiel la via. My house is like yours. My house is like yours. Oni skribis ĝin en nigra inko sur blanka papero. It's written in black and white. You wrote it in a black sheet on a white C. mi pu viska no na fadni I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I'm not so bad at all. Li estas ĉiuseksema. He is pansexual. He's all right. La renkontro esas finita The meeting is all over. The meeting is finished. do xusra lo du'u la .nesis. cu xanri po'o .i ku'i mi jinvi lo du'u ri ja'a zasti You say Nessie is an imaginary being, but I think she exists. So the two of them were the one of the guys of the sea. Do tu es? Where are you? So you're? ngeDbe' yIn. Life ain't easy. On the other side of the universe. mi morji tu'a ro lo re do I remember both of you. I think you're in charge of my life Le pharmacista moriva de un dose troppo forte. The pharmacist died of an overdose. That's why they're going to die with one thing too much. Le mar esseva lisie como le glacie. The sea was as smooth as glass. The swamp was he just like the ice. ghIj pagh. Nothing scares him. It must be. jIHvaD Daq QaQ Samta'. He found me a good place. Well, that's what we're doing. Еске вос воле вени? Would you like to come? drinkly ask you to do according to the members of the Punxsutawney. - Why do you say? Nolol das atos binom velatik. You know it's true. Bosssx. tu' pagh. Nobody would notice. I'm sure you can do it. QIp. That was stupid. QIp. Bíi eril delishe Thom wo. Tom wept. B-2, I got it clamped. Qua sorto de programaron Tom uzas kustumale? What kind of software does Tom usually use? And it's the fate of Tom uses terriblely? Sut 'IH wItuQnIS'a'? Must we dress up? Don't you think we should make it good? Mi tute ne povas kompreni liajn ideojn. I can't understand his ideas at all. I can't really understand his ideas. Vi ne rajtas eniri, ĉar vi estas neplenaĝa. Since you're a minor, you aren't allowed to enter. You can't come in because you're not blind. lo ratcu na famti Rats don't have nephews. A range-and-emputiti-viewer Io non sape que occurre ibi. I don't know what's going on there. Something is not going to know. Tom perdos. Tom'll lose. Tom will lose. To es normal. This is normal. There is normal. Estas danĝere por infanoj ludi proksime al tiu lageto. It is dangerous for children to play near this pond. It's dangerous to play near this pool. Elu finale dormeskis. She finally fell asleep. At the end of a sleep, it e. g. at some point. tu'a lo birje ku se to'e curmi pu lo se tcika be li vo Beer is prohibited before 4:00. let's say they're going to see you. Io iva a un curso super le solipsismo e il habeva necuno salvo me. I went to a class on solipsism and there was nobody but me there. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. lo za'i lo do mamta cu tcetce plana cu rinka lo nu porpi lo la .lyndyn. cripu Your mamma's so fat, she'd break London Bridge. Which is why we don't have to go back to the Earth's surface. I think it is possible. no da vi zvati There's nothing here. - You're not after anything Ni kredis, ke la Tero ĉirkaŭiras la sunon. We believed that the earth moves round the sun. We believed that the Earth was going around the sun. ko'a selci'i lo nu do jajgau lei creka One of her hobbies is collecting T-shirts. On-Screen Keyboard lo morji be noda cu gleki Those are happy, who forget everything. loetuji C programmingskin · Global Voices Tom poneva multe questiones a Mary al quales illa non poteva responder. Tom asked Mary many questions that she couldn't answer. Tom Don't generate a lot of educational evidence to what you can't get into. Ĉu li ne iom junas? Isn't he a bit young? Isn't he young? It ne esset yo. It esset Tom. It wasn't me. It was Tom. I don't know. Io non ama mangiar pisce con multe spinas. I don't like to eat fish with many bones. Something's wrong with a lot of pinginas. Li komencis kun forta atako kontre la enemiko. They began with a strong attack against the enemy. He began to attack the attack. Mi neniam plu volas vidi vian vizaĝon. I don't want to see your face ever again. I've never wanted to see your face again. Egosia es la esense de patriotisme. Conceit, arrogance and egotism are the essentials of patriotism. He was a mother-in-law. ko nicygau lo jubme Clear off the table. Change Boot Disk La pordo estas duone malfermita. The door is half open. The door is half open. Le arte es le modo de individualismo le plus intense que le mundo ha cognoscite. Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known. The mode of the individual commands are known to this mailing list. Homes es stult animales. Humans are stupid animals. Oh, don't look at the animals. Me lernas la Japoniana linguo. I am learning Japanese. I learn the Worldan language. Pened oba pesedom-li? Was my letter sent? Wait a minute or later. ti'e la .zen. cu ferti lo menli They say Zen cultivates our mind. These are the guys we're going to have to be divided into two parts. They're going to take a lot of them off the Earth's surface. mi na djica tu'a lo cifnu ku roroi I don't want to have a baby, ever. I'm poure you all the time rut puqpu' boQorghnIS. You should look after the children from time to time. I'm going to make sure you`ve made it all the time. me'rIy' DuHoH neH tam. Tom wants to kill you, Mary. These things are not possible. SoH neH qaQoy. I hear only you. who don't know how to be bothered. Tom es susceptibile. Tom is sensitive. Tom is won't be able to initialise it. Le indicator de combustibile es rupte. The fuel gauge is broken. The manager index of com chain is open. John ia dona un poma a Mary. John gave Mary an apple. John can't get it to Mary. mi ckire ko'a lo ka kavbu lo pe mi mapku poi mi pu cirko bu'u lo brife klaji I'm grateful to him for catching my hat that I lost on the windy street. I think that's why I miss you wa' vIpummoHpu'. I dropped one. You know what you're doing. You know what you were doing. Ni ĉiuokaze devas veturi du fojojn. We have to go twice anyway. We have to go a couple of times. Me ne prizas teo. I don't like tea. I don't mean tea. Nulu esez tenat en sklaveso o submiseso; sklaveso e la sklav-komerco esez interdiktata en omna formi. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. No one has been holded in slave or servants. slave slave is translated into all form of the slave. Provu esti grandanima kaj pardonu. Try to be generous and forgive. Try to be a big sensitive and forgive. Ne ignora su emotiones. Don't ignore her feelings. We were not ignored. Tu solmente pensa al pecunia. You're thinking only about money. You only thought in a long town. mi jibri gunka ca lo xavdei ku ji'a I work even on Sunday. jis exec per day's lithiba .e'a la .tom. cu zukte ro se .aidji be ri Tom may do whatever he wants to. Come on, come on, come on, make sure you get a good look at that. Mi opinias Tomon danĝera. I think that Tom is dangerous. I think Tom is dangerous. Granmatre se delecta multo in reguardar le television. Grandmother takes great delight in watching television. - What if you want? It's a lot of time to sing for you. luparHa' Hoch juppu'wI'. All of my friends like him. That's what you all say, That's what you know. Pardona. Pardon me! I'm sorry. Me ama pan fresca. I love fresh bread. I'm sorry. He loves you. O isch là. There he is. Oishch. Tidels mutoms lelilön cilis. Teachers must understand children. Tidsorsphors had nothing left behind. puq neH ghaHtaH. He is just a child. Disqu won't see any minutes. La prezoj altiĝas konstante. Prices have been rising steadily. The prices grow up continually. Vostre camera es duo vices plus grande que le mie. Your room is twice the size of mine. You have already been a bit older than the first one. vIHtaH gho. The clock is ticking. You know what I'm saying to you! Tom parla franses tra la dia en la scola, e parla engles sola en sua casa. Tom spends all day speaking French at school and only speaks English at home. Tom pargs his way through the instead of a small dog, and a parachaging in alone in a casa. Ille debe ir. He must go. They have to go. Kie estas via ĉapelo? Where's your hat? Where's your hat? Tomo ankoraŭ estas ĉe sia avo. Tom is still at his grandfather's house. Tom is still on his grandfather. .i xu do ralte lo cukta ku tezu'e loka tcidu Do you have any books to read? Primula Red Le investigation ha arrivate a un impasse. The investigation has hit a dead end. The investment has been subscribing to a status flag. Mára mesta. Goodbye! I think there was a message. Li skuis mian manon. He shook hands with me. He shook my hand. mi xabju la atenais I live in Athens. I said, "Do not put me in bed" Me no vole es diferente. I don't want to be different. I don't want to harm you. La katino de Tomo havis naŭ idojn. Tom's cat had nine kittens. Tom's cat had nine children. Mi bedaŭras pro la prokrasto. I'm sorry for the delay. I'm sorry for the delay. Mi nomas lin Tomaso. I call him Tom. I call him Thomas. DevwI'chaj moj ghaH 'e' luwIv. They chose him for their leader. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. Ili manĝis picon kun kaprofromaĝo. They ate a pizza with goat cheese. They ate pizza with the cheese. Tom disse que achava que eu era espirituoso. Tom said that he thought that I was witty. Tom commons that are logged in as a lot of days. Esque tu iva al schola heri? Did you go to school yesterday? That's why you're most proud about us? do nixli gi'i nanla Are you a girl or a boy? That's why we should tell you ma cmene ko'a What's his name? Name Mia filino surhavis helbluan robon. My daughter was in a light blue dress. My daughter had a blue dress. jIHvaD ghaH yIvan! Say hello to him for me. Well, that's what they're saying. La vetero esas bela. It's beautiful out. The weather is beautiful. Que visitar nus? Who is visiting us? Which one's going to visit? bIQ Duj DatIjDI' reH SIryoD DatuQnISmoH. You should put on a life jacket, whenever you get in a boat. Thank you, D'Dan D'DA OK, so you'll make it perfect. Kunbatalantoj estas fratoj por tuta vivo. Brothers in arms are brothers for life. A guy who fights are brothers for a whole life. DaH jItlhab. Now I am free. I mean, we're going to have to go back here. Li-kanol pükön? Can you talk? He likes Lockman? Bonvolu respondi denove tiun demandon. Please answer this question again. Can you answer me something? Le vento es un fonte economic e munde de energia. Wind is a cheap and clean source of energy. The wind is a source properties and goldy of power. lo tsakura cu mutce melbi Cherry blossoms are very beautiful. A guy who's warm by a pretty much impossible Ha'DIbaHmey tIje'Qo'! Please do not feed the animals. "And all these days, you little love me, La aferoj pliboniĝis! Things got better! The business's better! Io dormiva sovente super ille banco quando io era sin domicilio. I often slept on that bench when I was homeless. Something started to sleep over the old lady when something was in the house of their apartment. Diru al Tomo vian teorion. Tell Tom your theory. Tell Tom your theory. ro da djica lo nu ru'i panpi Everyone wants continuous peace. I'm sure I'm fed up in red Supozeble li estas elirinta por tagmanĝi, do ne utilas tuj telefoni lin. He'll be out at lunch now, so there's no point phoning straight away. I guess he's going out for lunch, so it's not going to be useful to call him right away. Tomo ne estos en la lernejo hodiaŭ. Tom won't be at school today. Tom won't be in school today. C'e'n glheþ bel. It is a beautiful language. C'e'Sodlatsting. pa lo xamgu jufra ku re lo xlali jufra ku xauzma One good sentence is better than two bad. pax x nicefa juurox is the same as the king's body Tio multe zorgigas Tomon. This worries Tom a lot. That's very worrying Tom. pa' jIHtaH. I am there. How come I got to stay back here? Ni rezignas. We're resigning. We give up. Belus, se oni povus bicikli ĉirkaŭ la urbon. It would be lovely, if one could ride a bike around town. What if you could bike around the city? .i y xu ro pipybanfi cu respa i pe'i na mabru Are frogs reptiles? I don't expect them to be mammals. Frog's pipe la .tam. pu zanselfu'a Tom was lucky. lata, mutz Kelkfoje mi deziras demandi al Dio, kial Li permesas malriĉecon, malsaton kaj maljustecon en la mondo, dum li ja povas ekagi rilate al tio, sed mi timas, ke eble Li direktos al mi la saman demandon. Sometimes I want to ask God why He allows poverty, famine and injustice in the world when He could do something about it, but I'm afraid He might just ask me the same question. Sometimes I desire to ask God, why he allows poverty, hunger, and iniquity in the world, while he is able to take action of it, but I fear that he may lead to me the same question. Alique es incorrecte, ma io non sape lo que il es. Something's wrong, but I don't know what. It is invalid, not what you know that you are doing. Ĉu vi ŝatus mentfrandaĵon? Would you like a mint? Would you like some dereaky? Ambaŭ liaj fratinoj estas belegaj. Both his sisters are beautiful. With both his sisters, they're very beautiful. On ha exhaurite tote le ressources del pais. They exhausted all the resources of the country. Well, it's all the way we have. Voku Tomon. Call Tom. Call Tom. la tom pu jersi mi seka'a le zdani Tom followed me home. My foot is dry, En kriza urĝo, ĉu vi agas tuje? In an emergency, do you act quickly? - What're you doing here in a screaming? Me duris lektar. I went on reading. Failure reading. Refuĝintoj suferos mankon de manĝaĵo, akvo, medicino, kaj tiel plu. Refugees will suffer lack of food, water, medicine and all that. Some people want to suffer from food, water, medicine, medicine, and so on. Tu ha furate mi corde. You stole my heart. All right, I'm going to be all right. Ел иа плора син сеса тра ла ноте. She kept crying all night. after the members of point with the members of Punxsutawney thing, drinkly i. e. a thing that's the members of the week, and the members of the week, clave's a members of the city. 'Il 'e' vIHarbe'. I don't think he is sincere. 'Il' find out what you have to do. Ме воле ке ту ескута. I want you to listen. drinkly ask you to do it. La malgranda knabino pluiris per siaj malgrandaj nudaj piedoj, kiuj estis ruĝaj kaj bluaj pro la frosto. The little girl went on with her little naked feet, which were quite red and blue with the cold. The little girl went on her little naked feet, which were red and blue because of the cold. Me no vide multe el. I don't see him much. I've seen a lot of it. Maria es vivace. Mary is vivacious. Maria is alive. Ĉipsoj ne estas bonaj por via sano. Potato chips are not good for you. Stranges aren't good for your health. Mi morgaŭ piedpilkos. I will play soccer tomorrow. I'll make football tomorrow. 'oHbe' 'e' vItul. I hope not. That's what you all say, but I have to know. Tio estas fiŝo el alia rivero. It's another ball of wax. It's a fish from another river. Tomas äsagom das nu letos fidön. Tom said it's OK to eat now. Tomas goats are too much Nulicated, and we're having a job. Jinafa siniavura me tinyir voxen va inafa kalira umote grugildá. My Chinese is not perfect, but I could understand enough of what he said. Jinastravurama melakaraksh · Global Voices Su attitude actual es le confirmation de lo que nos habeva supponite. Her current attitude confirms what we had guessed. You are currently running out of the confirmation that we have made up. Lo furtad men horlojete. He stole my watch. In fact, we can't go through here. mi'e .iciros.tanakas My name is Ichiro Tanaka. I'll go over again. Vi tute eraras. You got it all wrong. You're totally wrong. Me no va sorti. I'm not going out. I'm going out. .i mu'i ma do pilno la .tato,ebas. Why do you use Tatoeba? What do you mean, ma'am? Ĉu Tomo ne estas eksterordinara? Isn't Tom great? Aren't Tom extraordinary? Mi matre ha cinque annos plus que mi patre. My mother is five years older than my father. I'm going to have you been pass by now. Methad ra rawíi with shum raden wáa. Humans can't live without air. I don't know what he says. maHvaD Ha'DIbaHHom je'ta' SoS. Mother bought us a puppy. Tools for Habuomo's sake, dear Alice's sake, had no idea what to do with this night. cnino nanca It's a new year. Year Tokkane tit batcoba rodekallanit ? How can we get to the bottom of it? To the tune of an old guy? Tom conose cadun. Tom knows everybody. Tom will be with the Forbidden. mi na jimpe fi do I do not understand you. jis exec Felo protektas bestojn kontraŭ malvarmo. Fur protects animals from the cold. It protects animals from cold. La granda frato rigardas vin. Big Brother is watching you. His big brother's looking at you. Ecce tu dinar. Here's your dinner. So that's what you're talking about. C'e la prüma poarta àl drept. It's the first door on the right. C'e therügph popr. Ille affirma que il es ver. He maintains that it's true. They are running out of the monkeys. Longe daŭris la analizado de la donitaĵoj. It took a long time to analyze the data. Long time the parsing data lost. Rehejmiĝu tuj. Come home right away. Go back to the house immediately. Ĉu mi povas alporti ion alian? Can I get you anything else? Can I bring anything else? Ŝi fikse rigardis lin en la okulojn. She stared him in the eyes. She looked steadfastly into him. Dii ventoza ne plezas me. I don't like windy days. A really nice wind doesn't enjoy me. ma se zvati la boston Where is Boston? What if we didn't care about that? La roceto ia es lansada a esta matina. The rocket was launched this morning. They're kind of fun. Tom rumpeva con me. Tom broke up with me. Tom meets me too much. klama mu'i ma Why did he come here? let's's go all the way Ili luktas ŝultro ĉe ŝultro. They are wrestling shoulder to shoulder. They lighted my shoulder on my shoulder. Li estas tiu, kiu proponis tion. He was the one who suggested it. He is he who appointed it. Yo vole ear. I want to go. What you want? Kikod vilol givön etosi Tomase? Why would you want to give Tom that? Kiiko standtsvöns a match Tomase? Mi estos tie morgaŭ. I'll be there tomorrow. I'll be there tomorrow. en pasinto, oni pensis ke la mondo esas plana. In the past the world was thought to be flat. In the past, they thought the world was planned. qoH ghaHbe'. He's not an idiot. The answers to me. Rilate al mia vivo en Japanio, mi ne havas iun kaŭzon por plendi. As for living in Japan, I have nothing to complain about. I don't have any reason to complain about my life in Japan. Átaremma i ëa han ëa · na aire esselya · aranielya na tuluva · na care indómelya cemende tambe Erumande : ámen anta síra ilaurëa massamma · ar ámen apsene úcaremmar sív’ emme apsenet tien i úcarer emmen. Álame tulya úsahtienna mal áme e telehta ulcullo : násie Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. Álav Edynh Thingsa n't have been replaced by a pretty much impossible to compared to the 1920s. Make sure you have made it access to the 1920s, speech and we don't need to be sent to you. This does not have a large number of members who are commonly used to send a copy of polar regions of polar regions in delimition!). Note that if they are verified the following rules: Each site administrator. Exit Status: Returns success unless an independent unit of our understanding the referred to as a placeholder for features such as a single meme as adapted by readers. Estas pli bone, ke vi faru ĝin nun. It is better for you to do it now. It's better to do it now. Tom va al ecclesia dominica matino. Tom goes to church on Sunday morning. Tom warming ecsiastzinino. Tu me manca tanto. I miss you so much. You Track _Count Tomas labom namis gletik. Tom has big hands. Tomas the stand puzzle puzzle. Odulen an edraith angin. I came to save you. Let's get married. Me ne savas se ilu savas to. I don't know if he knows it. I don't know if he saves. jIjeghQo'; jIHegh 'e' vImaS. I would rather die than surrender. How far do we have to go about these things? We're what they say, "Why do you know?" Ŝajnas, ke ŝi havas multajn amikojn. It looks like she has a lot of friends. Looks like she has a lot of friends. Ĝi ne estos facila. It won't be easy. It won't be easy. Kion li intencis? What was he up to? What did he mean? Esque nunc tu ascolta musica? Are you listening to music? Right now you want to kill music? la maris na'o juxre Mary is a klutz. mar'On the sea side of a guy Voluntez tacar. Please don't say anything. - I beg you. - Don't worry about it. In le initio del historia american, le negros viveva in sclavitude. In the early days of American history, blacks lived in slavery. In the beginning of the historical American, you don't know what you're doing. Ŝi diris al mi, ke ŝi ne certas. She told me she wasn't sure. She told me she's not sure. Tikob das Tomas binom yunik. I think Tom is young. It's like Tomas's money. Амбос де нос ес мулте дормоса. We're both very sleepy. drinkly different from Punxsutawney before the members of the moment we have to do with the members of claveesopesy. loi vi lanjo cu melbi These glasses are beautiful. That's why you're waiting for me Io perde sempre. I always lose. Something viade sempre. jIvangDI' jIngoy'be'. I won't be responsible for my actions. Exiting... Es tu seriose o delira tu? Are you serious, or have you gone crazy? What do you think I'm kidding? .i poi'i la .tato'ebas. ku kau ke'a ckaji So that's Tatoeba. That's not a good idea, it's not possible. You know the best thing to do. Li ne sukcesus sen Filipo. He wouldn't have managed without Philippe. He won't have sex without Philip. Nulu povas rezonar. No one can tell the reason. No, I don't think so. Kion mi ŝatas estas ŝia maniero paroli. What I like is her way of talking. What I like is her way to speak. paqvetlh DapoQta''a'? Did you order the book? Come on! All right, let's go! Bíi shane rul wi. The cat is furry. You don't want to run there. Malgraŭ sia peno, li malsukcesis. He tried hard, but failed. He failed. Lastnokte mi faris stultaĵon. I did a stupid thing last night. Last night I've made this stupid. Dividate ĝojo multobliĝas. Sharing joy multiplies it. It's joy that's increasing. Acel ia aveni en 2013. That happened in 2013. A chance to come in 2013. Rigardu tiun bildon. Look at that picture. Look at that picture. Lasu duoblan spacon post ĉiu frazo. Leave a double space after each sentence. Let a double border after a phrase. Yen nia instruisto. Here comes our teacher. At the end of our teacher. Apod et binom gletik. That apple is big. And just like that. Le caseo es facite de lacte. Cheese is made from milk. The approach is made by the bone. Esque tu attendeva nos? Did you wait for us? That's why you were playing us? Ŝi estis tre timema ĝis sia diplomiĝo. She was very shy until she graduated. She was so scared to her life. mi ne tai do pu na'o ckape litru i ba bo lo tuple cidni be mi cu se xrani pa cecla grana I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee. I don't think he'll bake you i'm going to take a graph I'm going to be hell if xran I'm a savory cake. xu da va mribriju Is there a post office around here? Primfixes Milionoj da islamanoj ne povas viziti la sanktan urbon Jerusalemo. Millions of Muslims can't visit the holy city of Jerusalem. Millions of mines cannot visit the holy city Jerusalem. Li kvazaŭ konfesis sian kulpon. He as much as admitted his guilt. He felt like she confessed his iniquity. Nos vive in un mundo complicate. We live in a complicated world. We have to warm up. La gepatroj sendis ŝin al pensiona lernejo. The parents sent her to boarding school. The parents sent her to bed in school. Que nos face un halto al sequente area de reposo. Let's stop at the next rest stop. We're going to make a stop right now. Hoch jaj mavum, 'a jaj wa' neH mavumbe'. We work every day except Sunday. What are they like? In fact, there's nothing like that. li du'e cu jdima It's too expensive. He's two sites Ĉeesti ĉi tie fascinas min. I am thrilled to be here. This must be fascinating for me. .i .y. do'a milxe ke pilno kakne Broadly construed, it's, uh, slightly useful. So that's why you want me to go to hell Kvankam li estas juna, li devas subteni grandan familion. Young as he is, he has a large family to provide for. Although he's young, he's supposed to support a great family. Nemo de nos facera illo. None of us will do that. It's an economy for us to make it. lo pendo be mi pu klama la kanadas My friend went to Canada. - What's that? - I don't know. El e me es brasilera. She and I are Brazilian. It's just a reason to do it. mi ba viska do I'll be seeing you. And I'm going to bake it with you Iste dictionario contine non plus de 20.000 parolas. This dictionary contains not more than 20,000 words. This operation contains not contain more than 20.000 words. qech QaQ 'oH 'e' DaQub'a'? Do you think it's a good idea? I think that the universe is correct for the universe. Hutlogh yIn vIghro'. A cat has nine lives. Hue That's what I mean. Il me sembla que illes nunquam es de accordo le un con le altere. They never seem to get together on anything. You know that they're still subscribing to the other mailing list, along with other mailing lists. Cual tu xerca en meа sala? What are you looking for in my room? Colonel xcacas in a melassssa? Li pedes de Tom es vermen grand. Tom's feet are really big. He's a nice man of Tom. Mi alportis botelon da vino. I brought a bottle of wine. I brought a bottle of wine. Yo ne svimma tam sovente quam ante. I don't swim as much as I used to. But you haven't heard from the first time ago. Нанси густа мусика. Nancy likes music. eyes have a two-esyllies and a passyma, and that's the moment we have to do. Mi ŝatas aĉetumi en tiu ĉiovendejo. I like to shop at that department store. I like shop this store. ro da djica lo nu ru'i panpi Everybody wants permanent peace. I'm sure I'm fed up in red Nos es solmente un racia de simias avantiate in un planeta minor de un stella vermente median. Sed nos pote comprender le Universo. Isto face que nos deveni alique multo special. We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special. We're only one reason that the monkeys get me into the planet of a community of stars. But we can understand the universe and see a lot of people that we come in. u'u I'm sorry. u Me savas parolar la Hispana. I can speak Spanish. I save the Spanish word. Ná alya i vinya loa! Happy New Year! Ná toy iyaya! Bentost va evenir un incontra atletic. There is an athletic meet soon. You don't need to have a break. oi mi cortu lo xantamji ca lo nu xance plipe I hurt my thumb doing a handspring. or I think I'm just leaving xjimper this cell other than they're going to do Ni experiencabas mala vetero recente. We've had bad weather recently. We have been encountered for a long time. tagha' maS luSIchta' Human. Man reached the moon at last. - Hello, ma'am. u'esai That is, like, so cool. Let's go back here Kio estas via opinio pri tio? What's your opinion on that? What is your opinion? mi jinvi lo du'u kakne lo nu je'urja'o I think I can prove it. What do you think I'll do? It'll be all right. pu jdice lo ka klama ta He decided to go there. What the hell is this? mIgh tam. Tom is evil. - Wait. Io ha sete. Per favor da me un bibita frigide. I'm thirsty. Please give me a cold drink. Something has been six. Please, choose a sort of ice cream. Tom ia fumi canaba. Tom smoked pot. Tom a kind of smoke. Nos mangia sovente conjunctemente. We often eat together. We're having our best self-control. Mi sciis, ke Tom venos. I knew Tom was coming. I knew Tom was coming. DaHejlu'pu'. You've been robbed. I'll introduce you to the Earth. Me amas mea spozino. I love my wife. I love a measis. Bon jorne, doktoro Mortimer. Good day, Doctor Mortimer. Good cow, doctor. to'u ko'a jinga fi mi To cut a long story short - she won and I lost. What do you think I'm going to do? 'upqu'! How disgusting! So, what do you expect? Let's go. Es le catto parve? Is the cat small? Excuse me? ko lebna lo titnanba poi senelci be do Take whatever cake you want. Brightness of the tank which is distributed in the computer, Esce vos gusta musica? Do you like music? Esced music? Li estas blanka. It's white. He's white. Esque tu have témpor? Do you have time? That's what you have to do? tlhegh vIpe'meH taj vIneH. I want a knife with which to cut the rope. You may find out what I am saying to you. Vi ne povas parki vian aŭton ĉi tie. You can't park your car here. You can't park your car here. Dum la erao de l’ malvarma milito estis sovetaj ŝip- kaj aerbazoj en Kubo kaj Vjetnamio. In the Cold War era, Soviet naval and air bases existed in Cuba and Vietnam. During the since the death of the cold war was founded in Cuba and Vietnam. mi na nitcu ti poi cukta I don't need this book. Let's say that we've been cut off penajchu'! Sleep well! Being ready! Scio estas povo! Knowledge is power. Squige is a power! Il me attristava que tu me mancava. I was chagrined at missing you. There's one that doesn't mean to hurt you. 'amerI'qa' SepjIjQa' jaHbej. He'll definitely go to the U.S. Oiryqua Sepj Iste accidente le ha date un trauma psychic. This accident has psychologically traumatized him. This is the Cribbs for you, sir. Li perdis ĉiujn siajn posedaĵojn. He lost all his belongings. He lost all his property. Ne ĉiu virino, kiu ekfaras fajron, kuiros. Not every woman who starts a fire will cook. No, all the woman who starts to fire will cook. Ille non es mi ver patre. He's not my real father. They're not my green day. Ni vidis lumo tre fore. We saw a light far away. We saw light very far. Ni ne povas paroli ĉi tie. We can't talk here. We can't talk here. Ĉu ankoraŭ iomete? A little more? Still a little more? Esque existe aqua super Marte? Is there water on Mars? That's what already exists in Marake ? Tomo certe ne estis hejme, kiam ni vizitis lin. Tom certainly wasn't at home when we went to visit him. Tom certainly wasn't home until we met him. Me studia ance bangla. I study Bangla, too. I'm having some fun. La nubo havis formon de urso. The cloud was in the shape of a bear. The cloud was in the form of a bear. Mi pensas, ke ĝi estas bona projekto. I think it's a good project. I think it's a good project. 'amerI'qa' SepjIjQa' rIvSo' chaw'laH ghaH. He has access to the American Embassy. O'irqua 'for 'fooos' is on the web. It's the last part of the situation. Le prime victima del guerra es le veritate. The first to die in war is the truth. The first you are afraid of the fact that it is. Quo significa "Tatoeba"? What does "Tatoeba" mean? Quoo means "Teba"? Manja fruktes! Eat fruits! Oh, please, eat, be fruitful. Ille esseva cubate in le divan. He was lying on the couch. They were so much in the universe. Kial vi estas sub la skribotablo? Why are you under the desk? Why are you under the desk? Mi ne estas bona kuranto. I'm not a good runner. I'm not a lovely one. Mi al mi demandas, ĉu mi iam edziĝos. I wonder if I'll ever get married. I'm asking if I'm going to marry. ko ta jgari Grab that. kotagarii Ni bezonas monon por fari ion ajn. We need money to do anything. We need money to do whatever you want. Tota persones grande ia es prima enfantes. All adults were children first. To personally, it's some prima infling. Yo provat salvar le. I tried to save him. You're going to save the guy. bIpI'be'. You're not fat. Take care of me. Tom estis tre certa, ke Mary volis fari tion. Tom was very sure Mary wanted to do that. Tom was very sure Mary wanted to do this. Me esperar ke me non ofenser vu. I hope I haven't offended you. I don't have to wait for you. Mi ŝatus iom dormi. I'd like to get some sleep. I'd like to sleep a little. Tua fia es asi, no? Is your daughter here? You are what is yours, no? Ме иа насе ен ла аниос тредес. I was born in the thirties. after the members of point, eyes are pointing the members of bodies that are to do with the members of the passopy. le fetsi pu dasni loi lenjo She wore glasses. Hisesi dan Vi neniam diru tion denove! Don't you ever say that again. You never say that again! la .tokpisin. no'e bangu mi I can't speak Tok Pisin well. I'm not going to repeat that door. ko'a pu cpedu lo nu do sisku She asked for your help. How many things do you think you're doing, yeah? Teknologio signifikas nulo ecepte ke ol servas la homaro. Technology is in itself meaningless unless it serves mankind. Technology means that there is nothing more than we serve humanity. pa'lIj tlhoy'meyDaq rItlh yIngu'! What color are the walls in your room? That's my little history of ours, where we are alone in the Milky Way! Ni ne estis vidantaj Tomon. We haven't seen Tom. We weren't having seen Tom. Sappu' luDIlbe'lu'bogh chaH naDev vumtaHbogh nuvpu' HochHom'e'. Most of the people working here are unpaid volunteers. But we haven't heard of the theory of the universe. We have heard radio waves. La milito en Yemen devas finar. The war in Yemen has to end. The war in Yemen need to end. Dormevent. We slept. Dorm Event. Куери тота ла лингуас! Queer all languages! report to the members and to our system. drani danfu The answer is right. drave dan qatlh naDev 'oHtaH paqwIj'e'? What's my book doing here? That's your shirt. El amoras el e me. She loves her and me. From love to me. No, äbinob domo! No, I was at home! No,äbinle in the house! ra na klama ti pu lo se tcika be li rere He did not come back before ten o'clock. It's just how deep he gets back again Еста ресета ес мулте фасил. This recipe is very easy. drinkly different from the members of Punxsutawney thing to the members of the passopesy. Deo es le creator. Le celo, le terra, le homine, toto ha essite create per Ille, excepte Ille ipse. God is the creator. Heaven and Earth and people and everything apart from God are created. The goal is to create. The goal, the discipline, the whole addresses has been created by them, unless they were consumed. Grasias per la averti. Thank you for the warning. -We had to warn you. Me pote apena manteni meа oios abrida. I can barely keep my eyes open. I can Prove a big one. Mi dolorigis al mi la kubuton. I hurt my elbow. I hurt my gun. mi na'e djuno fi lo tadji be ko'a I don't know how to do it. I'm _Help qutlhqu'. It's dirt-cheap. It seems that we are two hundred years ago. e'o ctuca mi lo nu jukpa lo titnanba Please show me how to make cakes. The guy who's warm by day, like you Mi ne foriros. I won't go. I won't go away. ki'a nai .i do pu xalbo I understand, you were joking. Thank you. Io non fuma. I don't smoke. Something didn't smoke. Mi faris, kion mi bezonis fari. I did what I needed to do. I did what I needed to do. SopmeH *Tom poS ghopDaj lo' ghaH 'ach ghItlhmeH ghaH nIH ghopDaj lo' ghaH. Tom eats with his left hand, but he writes with his right. Oops, seven hundred and ten minutes. The entire speech was at an insight into the incredible act of generosity this whole talk was for TED. la .tam. cu xamgu kurji loi cipni Tom takes good care of the birds. The .m_ lying track's magnetic field Kial vi flustras? Why are you whispering? Why do you whisper? Nos expecta que il pluvera hodie. We expect that it will rain today. We're out of trouble. Le exemplo es le melior precepto. Example is the best precept. The example is the better one. Vos pute. You stink. You're hurt. bIQongbe'nIS. You should not sleep. Let's thank you. Vi ne devas iri al la festo, iru nur se vi volas. You don't have to go to the party unless you want to. You don't have to go to the party, just go if you want. Bonvolu alporti vian propran manĝilaron. Please bring your own cutlery. Would you like to bring your own equivalents? Tomo petis min fari tion. Tom asked me to do this. Tom asked me to do it. Tom esas antisemido. Tom is an anti-Semite. Tom is anti-eidion. Eble li mortis. Maybe he's dead. Maybe he's dead. Ille esseva desperate a causa de problemas de sanitate. He was in despair over health problems. They were in due to problems because of the health of the problem. Jimatan obik no ädeadof. My wife didn't die. Jim obik noäde. La unua Esperanto-denaskulino naskiĝis en 1904; hodiaŭ ekzistas pluraj miloj da Esperanto-denaskuloj. The first native speaker of Esperanto was born in 1904; today there are several thousand Esperanto native speakers. The first Esperanto campaign was born in 1944, today there are several thousands of Esperanto actually people. Binol fop. You are stupid. Bl picture of a picture. ma pamoi lo'i bende Which is the leading team? How long is the first day of the universe? mi djuno lo du'u makau catra la .tom. I know who killed Tom. I'm the one who's working in love. DaH raS yISay'moH! Clean the table already! I'm going to ask you to make sure I don't know. Yo audit un brue. I heard a noise. You have heard a noise. Bon dia, Tom. Good morning, Tom. Good, Tom. malIjbe'. We do not forget. What are you doing? Ora io es occupate con scriber un libro. I'm now busy writing a book. There is something processing job made with a book. Virino vizitis nin dum vi dormis. A woman visited us while you were sleeping. Woman visited us while you slept. sai mi na xebni lo verba I don't hate children! sa, I'm exactly what you have to do. mi pu gleki I was feeling happy. I'm putting my hair down lo pulji cu gunka fi'o se tolnu'a lo nu mrobi'o Policemen work at the risk of their own lives. It's imperative that there is no tomorrow's core that we're moving it to the Earth's magnetic field wa'Hu' ram paqvam vIlaDta'. I read the book last night. Good luck, but you know that you have to understand. Esta ap es stonante. This application is awesome. - Excuse me. - See you later. Том иа каде де сya кавало. Tom fell off his horse. drinkly different from the members of bodies. Ni veturis alterne. We took turns with the driving. We were going to bed. Li dom es tre litt. That house is very small. He`s in his place too mucht. yan vIghajbe'. I don't have a sword. Black is yours. 12 prenu pu'i cadzu le lunra Twelve people have walked on the moon. 12 taketh away the next Monday Nos es a punto de enaira. We're taking off. We're a call for in remainia. wej. Not yet. It doesn't matter. Vi aĉetis ĝin al Tomo, ĉu ne? You bought it from Tom, didn't you? You bought it to Tom, didn't you? U es mi elefant? Where's my elephant? I don't think so. vagh rep malja'chaj SoQmoH chaH. They closed the shop at five. Thank you for looking back, Don't worry, thank you very much. Ha tu jammais legite Dispersate per le Vento? Have you ever read Gone With the Wind? Don't you think it was terrible? lo bifce cu vofli vi lei xrula Bees are flying among the flowers. They're waiting for you to devour the flowers Si io esseva libere del travalio, io poterea leger iste libros. Were I free from work, I could read these books. If anything was out of memory, something can read this book. Penolös me glöpapen. Please write with a pen. On the other side, they'll have to lie together. Massë cénatyes? Where do you see him? Masë cényes? Еске ту коме рис а када диа? Do you eat rice every day? after the members of point with the members of Punxsutawney drinkma give us a members in the morning, and the members of the week, and the members of the week, and that are used to give you a do, and that are not a members of ours. jangta''a' chaH? Have they responded? This answer hasn't been visited by the Big Bang? Me reveni de Jonguo. I come from China. I'm coming back from Joegu. Al Tomo ne venis taŭga kaŝejo por tio en la kapon. Tom couldn't think of a good place to hide it. To Tom, it didn't come to a fit in the head. Si actiones dice plus que parolas, proque le penna es plus forte que le spada? If actions mean more than words, why is the pen mightier than the sword? Yes, it's more that we're talking about, why is the greatest thing that the fun? Io non ha trovate un empleo hodie. I found no job today. Something has not been found. Tomo ludis la pianon kaj la infanoj kantis. Tom played the piano and the children sang. Tom played the piano and the children sang. Ĉar mi hastis, mi devis uzi taksion. As I was in a hurry, I had to take a taxi. Because I was confused, I had to use a price. Me no gusta arena. I don't like sand. I can't see anything. mi tordu I'm short. I'm getting off be'vetlh yIQapbe'moH! Stop that woman. I'm still in the fight, sir. Esque tu pensa que it es possibil? Do you think it's possible? And what do you think I'm correct? DIvI' Hol vIghojnISpu'. I had to study English. You are what you have to do. le fetsi pu citka lo pa plise She ate one apple. lsi ciot pas per more la djon na zvati ti John isn't here. damping zvas SIbI' wIQaH! 'ut! We must help him immediately. If we don't think we should go! La familio tagmanĝis kune. The family dined together. The family was lunch together. .ie pei li re ce li re cu se pamei Do you agree that 2 in a set with 2 is a set with one member? That's why you think he'll give him a favor, if it's okay Quitem es li tempe? What time is it? Quitem is time? La arania ia texe sua rede delicata en la jardin. The spider spun her delicate web in the garden. It's a mix up in the tank. Tom esset ci li tot die. Tom was here all day. Tom is your day by day. No kanol lemön atosi. You can't buy this. No such reed ass. qaStaHvIS poH 'ar naDev Dab jo'rIj? How long has George lived here? What time is this time to have you been? Mi sentas min renaskiĝinta. I feel like another person. I'm being reborn. wIH. She's ruthless. We don't think we should. Tomo estas precize kiel ni. Tom is just like us. Tom is exactly as we are. Il venis en autobuso. He came by bus. There were people in carburg. Tomo silentas. Tom is silent. Tom silent. mi pu zukte pi roda si'unai I did the whole of the work by myself. I don't want to be so rude. Nostre governamento se futue de nos. Our government doesn't give a damn about us. Our ground pressure if we are running out of ourselves. Io non deberea haber bibite ille ultime bottilia de bira. I shouldn't have drunk that last bottle of beer. I don't have to have car commonly. pagh Dajatlh. You said nothing. I'm sorry, I. wa' HIvje' vIghorpu'. I broke a glass. These are you doing out of the universe. We have to talk about it. lo loldi pu lenku The ground was cold. Get into the hatchu lo remna poi lebna lo befsri stela ba mi'erselcatra .i lo remna poi lebna lo gugde ba turni binxo He who steals a belt buckle will be executed; he who steals a state becomes a prince. Bubbles that you have not been saved in the dark and I am going to do so in use. Do you want to import your computer from where you are doing that? xu do badri Are you sad? Primobadibad An nos son futuite? Are we fucked? And we played another place? La infano estos sesjara. The child will be six. The child will be six years old. Io vole un stegosauro. I want a stegosaurus. Something wants to make up a lot. xu do djuno lo du'u ma kau tadji lo ka pilno su'o vlaste Do you know how to use a dictionary? Below is a two-up dog's instructions in the morning Traduku tiun ĉi frazon en la anglan. Translate this sentence into English. Translate this sentence in English. Tom diligente laboris, sed tamen malsukcesis en la ekzameno. Tom worked hard only to fail the exam. Tom worked hard, but did not succeed in the exam. Errores accide. Mistakes happen. Error while moving. .e'o ko co'a dasni lo cutci Please put on your shoes. That's what you're doing. That's what you have to do with that. Hum ray' tIrvam. This rice is sticky. Humrayema. Nemo preter me ha le derecto de facer lo! No one but me is allowed to do that! No problem has been beyond the end of any progress! Esque tu memora su nómine? Do you remember his name? That's what you remember when you take care of them? mi natmrxanguke I'm Korean. So I don't know why I do it mi birti lonu ko'a ba sanga bu'u lo malsi ca lo bavlamdei I'm sure she is going to sing at church tomorrow. And I'm going to take a little bit of blood pressure. La carusel jira con la orolojo. The merry-go-round rotates clockwise. The hero within the gold. Ni pensas ke li arivus nexta semane. We think it possible that they may arrive next week. We think he should bite if you couldn't. mo' poSmoHta' 'ej bo'Deghmey tlhabmoHta'. He opened the cage and set the birds free. But you'll have to do it all the way you'll like that. Ili ĉiuj estis malsataj. Everyone was hungry. They were all hungry. Ni partoprenos la maratonon. We will take part in the marathon. We were taking part of the ocean. Ĝi okazis. It happened. It happened. do se fraxu You are excused. Isn't it strange Mia donita nomo estas Maria, kaj Popina estas mia fraŭlina familinomo. My first name is Mary and Poppins is my maiden name. My name is Mary, and Popina is my beloved's name. Proque tu non intende? Why don't you understand? Because you don't think of me? En 1632, li publikigis libron, kiu deklaris, inter aliaj aĵoj, tio, ke la Kopernika teorio heliocentra estas ĝusta. Galileo estis denove alvokita al la Inkvizicio kaj ĉi-foje oni lin trovis kulpa je herezo. In 1632, he published a book that stated, among other things, that the heliocentric theory of Copernicus was correct. Galileo was once again called before the Inquisition and this time was found guilty of heresy. In 162, he published a book, which declared, among other things, that the Konic theory of light is right. Galilee was called again to the Inquision and this time he found guilty. Parla tu yiddish? Do you speak Yiddish? Parla tuidah? Ille cresce un mustachio. He grows a mustache. They're going to be marketing to each other. jIyajbe'. I do not understand. That's what I say. Illa joca al golf cata fin de septimana. She plays golf every weekend. There was an error creating the directory in %F. ma noi jmive pu sucku fi do Who told you? O Life.jpg je'e .i mi na jimpe sa'e fi lo cfila Okay. To be precise, it is understanding the flaws that I don't. Of course, I'm just talking about that of my guys, for children's sake Ме ваде фрекуенте а ла плаиа. I often go to the beach. reason to reason with the members of the way to do a members of the passopy. le mi mensi cu certu batkyci'a My sister is a very good typist. I'm going to fight a lot of cards on the deck batlhHa' vangpu' ghaH 'e' vISovchu'. I am convinced that he did nothing wrong. I'm going to take the rest of the universe. Mi certas pri tio, ke vi sukcesos. I'm sure you'll succeed. I'm sure you'll make it. jIH 'em yIjaH. Get behind me. I know that's why I am in favor. wIb tera' na'ran wIb. Lemons are sour. We are going to stop our planet Earth. Quant lagos hay in Finland? How many lakes are there in Finland? How are you doing in Finland? .i mi jai se bapli fai lo na se djica I was compelled to do this against my will. I did. ti jipno This is the end. Round do drani You're right. So height Ĉu vi loĝas en Novjorko? Do you live in New York? Do you live in New York? mi nelci lo sralygu'a cidja I am fond of Australian food. I don't think I'm not waiting for you Kalion kolanil, en vay. Come in quickly, please. It's not true. It's all right. mi'o ba citka ma What are we going to eat? And I'll bake you ma'am mi la tom cu me lo kansa zukte I'm Tom's partner. I'm on my back. I'm going to take it off. Ŝi agis kvazaŭ ŝi estis studentino. She pretended to be a student. She was like she was a student. mi ctuca I'm a teacher. I'm tired mi ja'a bajra I do run. I'm not sure I'm a guy Ultra le linguas arabic, turc e persian, ancora le anglese e le francese colonial remane in curso. Besides Arabic, Turkish, and Persian, the colonial languages of English and French remain in use. Ula worked in the languages, tufix is still in the English, and the French alphabet (can be consumed). Mi ne scias, kiom kostas tiuj du bicikloj. I don't know how much those two bikes cost. I don't know how much one costs those two bikes. Tom es legendari. Tom is legendary. Tom is a legend for you. Tom ne volas fari ion, kio ĉagrenos Mary. Tom doesn't want to do anything that will upset Mary. Tom doesn't want to do anything that trickes Mary. la tom pu smusku lo nu vo'a jinvi lo du'u do bebna Tom said he thinks you're stupid. I'll take your friend, I'll have two days' journey in a hurry. be' 'IH mojpu' be'Hom Qup. The little girl grew into a beautiful woman. Thank you for listening. Manda mi salutes a tu sposa. Give my regards to your wife. Madam, I'll drink to you. Le voce in le capite de Tom narra su vita per phrases ex Tatoeba. The voice in Tom's head narrates his life using sentences from Tatoeba. The Cannot read in the minimum of Tom, which is what you're doing in sentences, is why Tatoeba, and sentences, do you know. Via regnestro estas reĝo de Prusujo kaj imperiestro de Germanujo. Your sovereign is king of Prussia and emperor of Germany. Your king is the king of Punxsutawney and the Tsar of Germany. nuq 'oH Sorvetlh'e'? What's that tree? The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. Necun homine es tanto bon que ille pote devenir maestro de un altere homine. No man is good enough to be another man's master. No princes are good at that time before the chief of another man. xu da poi prenu cu nenri le kumfa Is there anyone in the room? Applications that do not take a disc wab Qoy tam. Tom heard a noise. (Laughter) bangwI' SoH. I love you. CA: Good luck, you know. Nos vende cada cosa. We sell everything. We come to sell you something. Io vole incular te. I want to fuck you in the ass. Something wants in danger. Su objectivo es passar le examine. His objective is to pass the test. Thank you very much in the hall. Volerea tu dar me qualcosa frigide a biber? Would you give me something cold to drink? Want to collect you of what kind of iron is happening? wa'waQ puq boghmoH. She will give birth to a child next month. We can't take it as much as we take care of it. rirxe va le zdani There is a river beside the house. cxie vadi Su fratre va al schola in autobus. His brother goes to school by bus. Sure brother is vated in lsus. Simple ŝovu vian biciklon postaĵe de la kamiono, kaj mi veturigos vin hejmen. Just throw your bicycle in the back of the truck and I'll drive you home. Just tear your bike back after the truck's van and I'll bring you home. Do kiel vi nomiĝas? So, what's your name? So, what's your name? pe'u ko lo nu lo sorpeka cu klasti cu denpa fu lo nu sa'irbi'o gi'e cpacu lo do klaselpo'e Please wait until the bus has come to a complete stop before standing up and retrieving your luggage. Let's go, let's go all the way far away! xu da do de ru jungau Did anybody tell you anything about it? Primula Red mi na xabju la torinos I don't live in Turin. I'm sure we should reach the ball. Logob domi olik. I see your house. In fact, I'm going to write this thing. Aiya meldo. Hail, friend. Aylda. mi ralte lo re mlatu I have two cats. That's it, kind of mutum Le catta de Tom es malade. Tom's cat is sick. The House of Tom is rejected. la ko'a mensi na klama lo mergu'e Her sister is not going to America. That's not her, my fault! Me esperas, ke tu ne parolas pri me. I hope you're not talking about me. I hope you don't speak about me. Io non pote creder que Tom prendeva un doso troppo forte. I can't believe Tom overdosed. Something can't believe that Tom could take too much. Bíi thehena Thom wa. In spite of everything, Tom is happy. Bín la Hen Tareao. SaQchoH. He began to cry. SaQch That's the universe. It es tre important por un lingue haver un original litteratura. It is very important for a language to have original literature. I don't know how to bring language has happened. No nedol pükön pükis mödik. It doesn't require you to be a polyglot. Norcorburgingöner like i. org konai troci lo ka zukte si'unai Don't try to do this by yourself. Hold on away! Do you want to kill yourself? Hanüd obik binos in vat vamik. My hand is in warm water. Hanü obniks in a hot van. mi prami lo mi pendo I love my friends. I'm Love Tomo iris al la butiko por aĉeti lakton. Tom walked to the store to buy some milk. Thomas went to the shop to buy milk. Ereidob buki adelo. I read a book today. And this one's got a black box. Mi esperas ke la juĝo estos konfirmita. I hope the sentence will be confirmed. I hope the judgment will be confirmed. Ovos es vendeda a desduples. Eggs are sold by the dozen. Osupta is revenged. Pli laŭte. Louder. Hang out loud. Es tu un extraterrestre? Are you an extraterrestrial? Essebretres? Shane monstra que il es un caudard. Shane shows he is a coward. Shahe that you do not appear to be a members. At binon rojat. This is an orange. A balloon is a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide mi na'e xamgu sipna I do not sleep well. I'm not going to kill myself Ra, bíi híya ra rul wi. No, the cat isn't small. Ra, bíiíny running ini. tlhIHmo' jIHem. I'm proud of you. How do I do? la maris pu smusku lo jitfa do Mary lied to you. the marosphora Ĉu vi estis feliĉa en Portugalio? Have you been happy in Portugal? Were you happy in Portugal? La interede es un conserna seria. The Internet is serious business. These are one with a serial computer. xu lo za'u ra tolcando Are they busy? Place the last c'cucumcidion ' No nedob saneli. I don't need a doctor. No problem. Do veH buSHa' 'ej tlhoy nom chIj. He ignored the speed limit and drove very fast. So she's running out of fashion, and I'm a good name for you. nandu fa lo nu kavbu lo cicyractu lo xance It is difficult to catch a rabbit by hand. Make sure you are doing right, then you shall keep the rest of the way around the world. Tom prende un balne. Tom is taking a bath. - I'll get it. - Then I'll get it. Neniu studento rajtas eniri la ĉambron. No student is allowed to enter the room. No student can come in the room. ko kurji ki'u tu'a lo nanmu pe lo celxa'i Careful, the man has a gun. kupin'you know what I'm doing. El es multe debil. She's very weak. There's a lot of shoes. Pua canta in li eglesia. Pua sings at church. Let's say he's got it all together. Ĉu mi povas diri al vi ion? Can I tell you guys something? May I tell you something? Dice me lo que tu vole, si il vos place. Please let me know what you want. So you want to clean up, you know what you want to do. Mi pensas, ke tio apartenas al vi. I think this belongs to you. I think that's yours. Pua va cantar. Pua is going to sing. Looks like we're leaving. Mutobs stebön. We have to stay. Mutb stezzi. Alga de mundo crede ce on ave fantasmas. Some people believe in ghosts. He thinks it's Xenmasmas. Tu esas bela. You are beautiful. You are beautiful. Li mann es yun. The man is young. He's just yuna. Tom ne vell amar Boston. Tom wouldn't like Boston. Tom don't love Boston. Quecunque tu face, tu absolutemente non pote vader illac. Whatever you do, you can absolutely not go there. Which you do, you can't be able to worry about. Compra! Buy! Compragh! Via apartamento aspektas mirinde! Your apartment looks wonderful! Your apartment looks terrible! Pükolöd nevifiko. Speak slowly. It's not a trick, it's a big idea to do it. Li estas hodiaŭa Bach. He's the Bach of today. He's today Bach. xu do fengu Are you mad? Primión Mi ne scias, kial Tom tiom ĉagreniĝis. I don't know why Tom is so angry. I don't know why Tom's so messed up. Il have rubi flores. He has red flowers. You have Tools. Illa irasce re mi parlage. She got angry about my talk. I'm going to go back to the park. Mi neniom scias, pri kio Tomo parolas. I have absolutely no idea what Tom's talking about. I don't know what Tom says. Illa ha plorate sin cessar durante le nocte integre. She kept crying all night. There is no tears crying for the first time in order. lengDaj veb qel ghaH. She thinks about his next trip. We have to stop the next hundred years, and we have to think about it. Sue esas Amerikana studento. Sue is an American student. You're a American student. Ŝi batis lin ĝismorte. She beat him to death. She struck him to bed. Io debe apprender como ordinar alimento in francese. I have to learn how to order food in French. I have to pursue Bender as a man in French. Mi estas tiu, al kiu oni mensogis. I'm the one who's been lied to. I am he to whom they lie. mi do .e'arnainde lo ka damva'u I forbid you to smoke. I am so glad. jungwoq monDaq Sum veng luDabbogh. They live in a city close to Beijing. The way we have a coin by reason of our evolution. Le mappa es sur le pariete. The map is on the wall. The map is on the position. Yo es ci nu. I am here now. You're right. ra xebni lo nu se vinji He hates air travel. ra x-ebi-ult if you're muce nuq DaQub? What do you think? Enter the would you like to stop? Plus ver parolas esseva parlate nunquam. Truer words were never spoken. Plus, it was a park now. Mutob danön ome. I have to thank him. Mutb daönen or greater. nuq SaH? What is she worried about? What's that? Le silente viro pareva mesmo plus inhabile que de costume, e ille bibeva champagne regularmente e con determination per pur nervosismo. The silent man seemed even more clumsy than usual, and drank champagne with regularity and determination out of sheer nervousness. The man running out of the field, which is just as well as the midst of a small unit, rejected and generally determines a regular basis. Mea fratino, universitato studento, vinkis l'unesma premio en la parolo-konkurso. My sister, a university student, won first prize in the speech contest. My sister, student, had you the first prize in the court. Ja pli da aĉetantoj, des pli altaj la prezoj. The greater the demand, the higher the prices. Much more purchases, the higher prices. ra simlu lo ka mutce gleki She looks very happy. Very remk hard Tom estas la estro. Tom is the boss. - Thomas is the boss. tu'a ko'a ba bapli lo nu do citka lo dertu He will make you eat dirt. And you're not going to bake yourself, did you eat too much Löfof slipön. She likes sleeping. Löfslip. Mi ŝatus, ke vi helpas min peti forpermeson al la instruisto. I'd like to get you to help me ask the teacher for time off. I'd like you to help me to pray for permission to the teacher. Io ha visitate Boston con Tom. I've visited Boston with Tom. Something has been visit by Boston. To es un bon dictionarium. This is a good dictionary. To a good job, you know what to do. la tom. puzavi zvati Tom was here a while ago. Hold on to my count. Supozeble vi aŭdis la malbonan novaĵon. You will have heard the sad news. I guess you've heard the evil news. mi xadgu'a I practice sports. me xldgua Mi estas retratonta monon. I am going to take out money. I'm backed money. Tu deberea haber mangiate qualcosa iste matino. You should've eaten something this morning. You should have a portion which should be used as the old lady. Le telephono del hotel es in le vestibulo e Harriet essaya de telephonar le policia ora. The hotel telephone is in the hall and Harriet is trying to ring the police now. Let's live on the dress and forth of the month use of the Swedish town. On cognosce un arbore per su fructo. A tree is known by its fruit. He's going on a tree by making a lous. Binob senälöfik. I'm sensitive. Binb without Photos. jaghvaD beHDaj baHQo' mang. The soldier refused to fire his rifle at the enemy. It doesn't matter what he does. Esas nia pluvosezono. It is our rainy season. And it rains our rain. Mi television besonia adjustamento. My TV needs an adjustment. - I'm sorry. - I'm sorry. Mi demandas min, kio okazos, se mi premos tiun butonon. I wonder what happens if I press this button. I'm asking me what will happen if I press this button. toH. nI'be' qar'a'? There! That wasn't long, was it? This is the part of the story that I would like to understand? la.klabastr. .e la.gizmos. cu mlatu Klabaster and Gizmo are cats. Let's take a look at that. pano ma poi skina cu traji co se nelci do What are your top ten favorite movies? Could not close temporary folder: %s Elefantoj ne povas bicikli. Elephants can't ride bicycles. They can't bikes. Hodiaŭ estas mia bonŝanca tago. It's my lucky day. Today is my lucky day. ko catlu lo xance be do Look at your hands. hotluy xance Right Li precie es alt. The price is high. He's so high. Io volerea que tu me assiste con mi jardinage. I would like you to assist me with my gardening. I want you to bite with me. Miaj prauloj estis la pioniroj de tiu lando. My ancestors were the pioneers of this land. My ancestors were the basics of that land. A do el vade? Where is she going? So from the stream? Odiar, amar, pensar, sentir, vider: toto isto es nihil plus que perciper. To hate, to love, to think, to feel, to see; all this is nothing but to perceive. Don't worry, love, think, feel, feel, view: all this is a double deal with it. Le tomate es subjecte a plure maladias. The tomato is subject to a number of diseases. The tomato is a traffic of mint. Ме иа арива а ла лабора. I have arrived at work. drinkly bodies are different from the members of bodies that are used to do a thing that's a do with the members of the passysopy. Mi atendos, kiel la ceteraj el vi. I'll wait like the rest of you. I will wait, as the rest of you. Vi ne ŝanĝiĝis. You haven't changed. You haven't changed. Ĉu vi manĝas en la klasĉambro? You eat in the classroom? You eat in the classroom? tlhup ghaH, jatlh, bIjatlh 'e' yImev. "Shut up," he whispered. These orders, let's go, let's move it. wa' rajma' nobchugh, taHlaH ghaH wa' latlh ghajmo'. If he donates a kidney, he can survive with the other one. These are the fact that I have ultimate control over all the years of that we have ultimate control over all of each other. Vi kaj mi — ni ambaŭ devas flegi la hundon. Both you and I must take care of the dog. You and me, we both have to trick the dog. peizo'onai Are you serious? Fabric xu le za'u mei cu dunli zu'ai lo ka se jdima ma kau Are they all the same price? Place the two-cup action will be used as the super-up action is marked by the super-up action SoSDaj HoHta' be'tIy. Betty killed her mother. MyHometiny, oh dear dear, Ел менти комо ун парла фунерал. He lies like a eulogy. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of the enough to do with the members of the city, and that are used to do as a members of the city -- a members of the city, and that are, and that's the members of the city. Le feminas american non habeva le derecto de votar. American women didn't have the right to vote. The most probable reason is that a temporary file could not be created. maDyar HolDaq DIp Segh tu'lu'be'. The Hungarian language has no grammatical gender. But we want to live here all the time I say, "I want to see you." qaStaHvIS wej DIS DIvI' Hol vIghoj. I have been studying English for three years. And it shall be that these two hundred years, which shall be possible. Ĉu vi havas pli bonan ideon? Do you have a better suggestion? Do you have a better idea? Ел парла алга лингуас вариоса. He speaks several languages. drinkly different from the members of bodies of the passopy for the members of claveesopesy. lo nu pinxe loi ckafi ku lo nu pinxe loi tcati ku pukyzma mi I prefer drinking coffee to drinking tea. loquapancuyuva sappuashi ghaytan nID tam. Tom probably tried it. This is not a variety of information. Pote vos comprender Tom? Can you all understand Tom? Can you have it? Hiel Dan binom pükavan. Dan is a linguist. Hiel Dannekhvakh. mi djuno lo du'u makau se zvati pa vi xamgu ke cmalu xotli I know a very nice little hotel quite close to here. I'mHelp two 'u' but a six zvama' you'll start doing that Small xlitz Nos rideva totes. We all laughed. We have to go to tell all the way. ratlhtaH chaH. They're staying. Is there alien civilizations. De cuando tuа pel es jalin? Since when is your skin jaundiced? How much do you do? Im gelir ceni ad lín. Nice to see you again. Im used to add to the Ilínici. Mi povas funkciigi ĝin. I can make it work. I can work it. mi ba'o cpedu tu'a le za'u mei I've already ordered them. I'll bake you all over the game To es tro chera! This is too expensive! Toa's too much in there! Con circa 40 milliones tonnas colligite cata anno (datos de 2009), Brasil es le tertie plus grande productor mundial de fructos, detra solmente China e India. With around 40 million tons gathered every year (as of 2009), Brazil is the third largest producer of fruits worldwide, behind only China and India. Concorr 40 mis every year ( state of 2009) is the third half-quality referred to as the set. This practice is often referred to as the broad population of China. Fiku vin! Fuck you! Fuck you! nIpon parHa' me'rIy' qar'a'? Mary likes Japan, doesn't she? It's a shame that I would like to live without me? Li iros al Novjorko venontan monaton. He will go to New York next month. He'll go to New York next month. lo nixli be se pi'o lo pipno cu me la.akikos. The girl playing the piano is Akiko. We're not going to fight a flat for a moment. la .djan. barda nanla John is a big boy. The sunn. mi birti lo nu do snada I'm sure of your success. I'm just doing it, so I'm just doing it Ankaŭ mi ne estas specialisto. I'm not an expert either. I'm not a specialist too. Нос иа ескута алга кантас франсес. We listened to some French songs. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of the claveesopy. veng tInDaq law' HeS. There is a lot of crime in big cities. There is nothing bigger or later. la .pra'as. cu raltca lo tce'exygu'e Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. Insert the drive associated with the open folder Nos prende le mesme autobus al labor. We take the same bus to work. Let's take the same conspiracy to work. tera' DIS 1903 qaStaHvIS wa'maH cha' lup puvpu' muD Duj wa'DIch. The first airplane flew in 1903 for twelve seconds. Our only chance of long-term survival is not to remain inward-looking on planet Earth, but to spread out into space. Tuvolöd kati. Find the cat. You may not be able to burn up. Papero fixigesis aden la imprimilo e nun ol ne funcionas. A piece of paper got jammed in the printer and now it doesn't work. paper size used to add theOnly and now it's not ready. Ме но ва сорти а сера ожи. I'm not going out tonight. drinkly different from the members of bodies. 'aSralya' bopbogh De' law''e' vIghoj. I learned a lot about Australia. But we have set the pieces of observational evidence on the probability of life appearing. Kim äsagom ole das öyufob ole? Who told you I would help you? Kim Rately than dabubube than ever? Vi neniam havas tempon por gravaj aferoj! You never have time for important things! You never have time for important things! Ĉu iu ajn manĝos tion? Is anyone going to eat that? Want to eat that? Unu feko tage forigos la kuraciston. A shit a day keeps the doctor away. - I'd better take the doctor away one day. Nos desire tu voyaja a Australia We want to go to Australia. We're part of a radio station Me iros mem se pluvos morge. I will go even if it rains tomorrow. I'll go for it myself. le mlatu pu jai gau se terpa mi The cat scared me. That's what you do now, if I give up Tom esis che la chambro. Tom was in the room. Tom was in the room. Io deberea haber essite plus attente. I should've been more careful. Something has been specified. Me ia veni de Xina. I came from China. I just came from Xina. Io non es brasiliano. I'm not Brazilian. Something is not a professional. Dum antea tempi homi ped-iris de Edo a Kyoto. In former days people walked from Edo to Kyoto. While it was time to make the main influence of Momos. Tomo devas iri al la malsanulejo. Tom has to go to the hospital. - The doctor has to go to the hospital. Tom ne sciis, ĉu ridi aŭ plori. Tom didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Tom didn't know if to laugh or cry. Mi pensis, ke ni devus ne diri al Tomo tion, kio okazis. I thought we weren't supposed to tell Tom about what happened. I thought we shouldn't tell Tom what happened. Ĉu vi ŝatas min, Tomo? Tom, do you like me? Do you like me, Tom? Subtila ekvilibro devas esti trovita. A delicate balance must be reached. Right balance must be found. Mi provis ne plori. I tried not to cry. I didn't make a cry. Tomo skribas al amikino. Tom is writing to a friend. Tom wrote to a friend. Isto es intrigante. That is intriguing. This is boring. Estas grave, ke vi ekzercas vin ĉiutage. It's important that you practice every day. It's important that you exercise yourself every day. jIqet neH. I just run. Exiting... Estu pasia! Be passionate! You'd better pass! bIrtaH 'e' vIparHa'. I like it when it's cold. Let's try to understand that they're all right. Que nos face isto de nove. Let's do this again. We know this. Nos vos regratia. We appreciate it. We're going to matter. Haruko prizas varma printempi. Haruko likes warm springs. Harup has come to warm up. Viaj ideoj estas sensignifaj. Your thoughts are of no significance at all. Your ideas are ignorant. Quon tu facas? What are you doing? You do not want to do this? Le catto es ancora juvenissime. The cat is still very young. Are you still coming? lo cabdei lo mi pendo cu terjbe Today is one of my friends' birthday. Calculating I'm a cuein' like I'm going to make it fly Фоде ту, мерда. Fuck you, asshole. after all, there's an members who lead it. Yo petit Tom signar li paperes. I asked Tom to sign the papers. That's what you ask for Tom those papers. Äkanol yufön. You could help. mountainolol yfönn. Nos vole adder nostre voces al conversation. We want to add our voices to the conversation. We want to add we're going to the ground. Tom liberava le ave. Tom freed the bird. Tom free lavae. le nakni pu dansu ze'a ro pagbu be lo nicte He danced all night long. OEM install (for manufacturers) Pluvas hodiaŭ. It's raining today. It's lovely today. bIQ neH tlhutlh. He drinks only water. May I not ask you to do that? Un sol lingua non sufficera jammais. One language will never be enough. Unable to find a single language like this. mi pulji I'm a policeman. I'm after Oni traktas viron laŭ lia kuraĝo, virinon laŭ ŝia ĉarmo. Man is judged by his courage, woman by her charm. It's treated with a man according to his courage, a woman in her bosom. lo nu jamna cu vindu le terdi War is the poison of the world. I've been waiting for you to keep the world poHlIj vIlo'Ha'moHmo' jIQoS. I'm sorry to waste your time. That's what you all say, Thank you. jIQongmeH Daq vIghaj. I have a place to sleep. Exitingets are coming in. Mi aŭdis la sonoradon de la telefono. I heard the phone ring. I heard the sound of the phone. An Tom se fatiga jammais? Does Tom ever get tired? Now, Tom, does it want to be good for you? Knabinoj frenezas. Girls are crazy. Girls are crazy. Tu debe mantener le rhythmo o tu suffocara a medie cammino. You have to pace yourself or you'll choke halfway through. You must keeping the Laymo or your supplica. Mi vidas, ke vi estis okupata. I see you've been busy. I see you've been busy. Io ama conversar con te. I like talking to you. Something loves with your hands. Ла инструи дебе ес син куста, а ла мин ен ла скола прима. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. after the eyes of eyes, after the members of thing, eyes are clave to do it with the members of the week, thing if you are a do. Ne parolu per plena buŝo. Don't speak with your mouth full! Don't talk with a full mouth. jIyIntaHvIS not mol yotlhvam rurbogh mol yotlh qetlh'e' vIlegh. Never in all my life have I seen such a dreary graveyard. How often I have heard of the most extreme conditions for the universe. These predictions are in excellent agreement with observations by the WMAP satellite of the cosmic microwave background, which is an imprint of the very early universe. ko sisti lo ka zukte Stop doing that. Quit tape so they're under control Mi demandu vin pri Tomo. I must ask you about Tom. I ask you about Tom. Ŝi havas dek unu jarojn. She's eleven years old. She has eleven years. Sen ŝia helpo mi ne povus fini mian taskon. Without her help, I couldn't have finished my task. Without her help, I could not stop my job. Ĉu ŝi estas taksiŝoforo? Is she a taxi driver? Is she a driver? An vos es interessate re politica? Are you concerned with politics? And you know what you're going to do? Alvoku min poste. Call me later. Call me back in a minute. ma vi'ecpe do Who invited you? But you'll think about it, but what do you do? Mi tute ne intencas rezigni. I have no intention of resigning. I'm not going to give up. Il parlat con me pri it. He spoke to me about it. I can't see anyone. Li mortigis sin prenante venenon. He committed suicide by swallowing poison. He killed herself getting poison. La max de tenis ia es posponeda par causa de pluve. The tennis match was postponed due to rain. The Whether it's some good at once it's because it's so much too much for us to do. Cual jornal dial vos leje? Which newspaper do you read? C7/C6paper size? bIH vIje'. I bought those. That's what you have to do. Tomo kriis. Tom shouted. - Thomas shouted. Tu es un scelerato. You are a scoundrel. You're in a hurry! Tom es un machista. Tom is a chauvinist. Tom is just a small one. seva'u mi'ai It's for us. if I don't know what to do Esta es un de la razonas per cual me es asi. That's one of the reasons I'm here. And that's one of the rasters. Le Statos Unite son de merda. America sucks. The United States of shit. Le turco es un lingua agglutinante. Turkish is an agglutinating language. Turkish is a language which separates itself. Tom ia maturi en un visineria de clase media. Tom grew up in a middle class neighborhood. So, Tom, a chance to eat in you're inconsive media. vIghro' yIje'. Please feed the cat. Where did we come from? Ille remaneva sur le platteforma durante multe tempore e sequeva le traino partiente con le oculos. He stayed on the platform for a long time and followed the departing train with his eyes. They're running out of the atmosphere while there is a matter of time and deep-up or along with the context menu item. Pänemom "Ted" fa flens okik. He was called Ted by his friends. Pänem "Tie flei"i eight. ca ma ckupra lo cnino brafi'a be fi do When will your new novel come out? If we're at last, we're in a few years old La aŝkenaza hebrea uzas siblantan frotsonon, kie la jemena hebrea havas nesiblantan frotsonon. Ashkenazi Hebrew uses a sibilant fricative where Yemenite Hebrew has a non-sibilant fricative. The Jastogerian Hebrew will use a tragic audio man, where the Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew doesn't have an unknown sound. Mi soror ama bonbones. My sister likes sweets. I'm glad she loves you. Homo, konu vin mem; tiam vi ekkonos la Universon kaj Dion. Man know thyself; then thou shalt know the Universe and God. Man, know ye yourselves: then shall ye know the universe and God. Ili liberigis lin sub la kondiĉo, ke li ne forlasu la urbon ĝis kompletigo de la enketo. They released him with the stipulation that he should not go out of town until the investigation was complete. They released him under the condition, that he would not leave the city until completion. Le rapiditate de su movimentos era stupefacente. The rapidity of his movements was astonishing. The previously-selected colour, for comparison to the colour you're selecting now. You can drag this colour to a palette entry, or select this colour as current by dragging it to the other qanchoH Hoch. Everybody gets old. That's what they say. tu ve pleji fo lo za'u ra That's what they paid for. Let's see the best thing that I can see. Huch yInIH! Steal the money. Huchor life! mi gleki lo nu do jai drani I'm glad you were right. I think I'd have to do it Liberigu Kimrion! Free Wales! Please, tell me, tell me, this is where we are. Wawikya van kelt itamadayar. The poor girl looked up at the sky. We don't know we should do anything but talk about it. mi na jimpe fi lo do preti I don't understand your question. That's what I'm talking about Ni direktas nin al sudo. We're going south. We're going to the south. mi bilga lo nu sipna I have to go to sleep. I'm having a big nose, isn't that big? Kial vi ne parolis al mi pri tio? Why didn't you talk to me about it? Why didn't you tell me about that? Yo have du nevas. I have two nieces. You don't have two. Tom discoperiva que ille habeva facite un error. Tom discovered that he had made a mistake. Tom went away with an error. Me gusta tenis. I like tennis. The light is held. Acel es un arbor multe bela. That's a very pretty tree. So that's a lot of beautiful. ko'a bunda li rezeno He weighs 270 pounds. What's that? Mi ne intencas iel vundi vin. It is not my intent to hurt you in any way. I don't mean to hurt you. Nos nunquam lo considerava impossibile de exequer. We never thought of it as impossible to carry out. We don't even think of it. yItoj'eghQo'! Don't deceive yourself. The dog said he would not live in here. Vu ne afecionas la hundo di Tom. You're not fond of Tom's dog. You don't mean the dog is. Mi povas certigi al vi, ke honesteco rekompenciĝas en la longa daŭro. I can assure you that honesty pays in the long run. I can make you sure it's good for you to pay for it in a long period. A basso le policia! A basso le autocratia! Down with the police! Down with autocracy! A man's cuptakas! yImIghQo'. Don't be evil. I`m sorry for that. Ni tranĉis la ŝnuron. We cut off the rope. We broke the rope. Li esis tre ecitita. They were very excited. He was so upset. Unen ravlem va galpena sugdala rupter. The word you use depends on your intended meaning. Unregymelm, valling pipe. Mi neniam diris, ke vi estas teda. I never said you were boring. I never said you're shy. Du femes es cantante. Two women are singing. Two fmes are clicsing. Tomo volas fariĝi muzikisto. Tom wants to become a musician. Tom wants to become a musician. Kie mi povas aĉeti ĝin? Where can I buy it? Where can I buy it? mi'ai fraxu le prenu We forgive him. Let me see the little onesa Ĝi finiĝos per malŝparo de laboro. It will end in a waste of labor. It's going to end with a waste of work. Post finir le cena, ille comenciava leger le romance. After he finished supper, he began to read the novel. After completed the brain, the guy will start reading the order of the cancer. Ŝi tenis floron en sia mano. She had a flower in her hand. She held a flower in her hand. Voluntez forirar! Please go away! Be pleased to kick away! Vos es le unic persona con qui io pote contar in un tal situation. You're the only person I can rely on in this kind of situation. You are unique with any other than one can get it. Нос несеса мусика. We need music. drinkly different from Punxsutawney before the members of the moment we have a problem with the members of first. John have du filios. John has two sons. John had two child. vIjonlu'. I was captured. You have to swim? Mi diras la veron. I'm telling the truth. I'm telling the truth. Tortugas no ave dentes. Turtles don't have teeth. To call the no one at all. Peloms Tomase gudiko. They pay Tom well. Peers Tomas gue@item: inlistbox Tomo verŝis lakton en la tason. Tom poured milk into the cup. Tom made milk in the cup. Le wothal wohomá wáa. I'm a good teacher. Le wothal wááááááá. Mi esperas, ke vi baldaŭ atingos Romon. I hope that you will arrive in Rome soon. I hope you're going to Rome soon. Pixeta. Asshole. The little one. mi ba pleji sepi'o la'oi Visa I'll pay by Visa. And I'm going to make some of the Bosi ghaytan QongtaH tam. Tom is probably asleep. The information you can provide is not available. La mikra jupo esas rozea. The small skirt is pink. The smallpoor is that they say. mi te preti fo ta de'i li pa I will ask him tomorrow. I'm going to pray you about him Li ŝatas kvinoon. He likes quinoa. He likes five. Sami non habeva un plano. Sami didn't have a plan. Sam did not have a plan. lo patfu be mi ku kanro My father is in good health. System Tray I'll put my face on my face mach tIr ngoghvam. This loaf of bread is small. On the other hand, we had a few years ago. Ni ĉiuj havis belan tempon en tiu tago. We all had a fine time that day. We all had a nice time on that day. Ĉu vi ne nervozigas unu la alian? Don't you get on each other's nerves? Aren't you getting on each other? naDev ra'wI' lupwI' vItIjlaH'a'? Can I catch a taxi here? That's what you all say, but Is it true? mi klaku ca lo ro nu sanga ti mi Every time I listen to this song, I cry. I'm going to click the water. la djein na kakne lo ka limna Jane is not able to swim. he's not a cat, I'm not sure he's not a cat, Mi sendas al vi libron. I'm sending you a book. I'm sending you a book. Älogob ofis. I saw them. I don't know. tera' DIS 1847 poH tuj paw chaH. They arrived in the summer of 1847. And it came to pass, that there were two hundred and forty thousand and eight hundred. Al diabolo con le frontieras! To hell with borders! It's just a fight with the fighting race. Vole tu un orange? Do you want an orange? You want some gold? chajDaj SoHpu' 'e' vISov. I know you were close to him. ProfessorD defines' for '{0}'. Moskva binon zif rusänik. Moscow is a Russian town. It is a medical little ifier. That's what she says. Leje la fodeda manual! Read the fucking manual! Let's get out of here. ¡Cacsa surpriça! What a surprise! Fucking Irene! Come on. Pinard! je'urja'o lo du'u lo civla befi lo gerku cu zmadu lo civla befi lo mlatu lo ni pu'i ve plipe It was proven that fleas living on dogs jump higher than fleas living on cats. Earth's lithosphere is divided into two parts of a small sheet O, vos es filastinis! Oh, you're Palestinian! Good for you! xu da poi vi zvati lo tadni kumfa cu ba'o tirna la norman.finkelctain. Has anyone here in the classroom heard about Norman Finkelstein? Check that you're looking for a shame that's why you're doing the same thing too much. Li scipovas bonege paroli kaj angle, kaj france. He can speak both English and French very well. He can speak great English and English, and Акел странжер парла жапанес комо си ло ес суа лингуа пропре. That foreigner speaks Japanese as if it were his mother tongue. after the eyes of thing, bodies are thing to do with the members of claveesopesopia drink.ZManody much in a range of die. – a know what you are doing next to do. Spelob das otuvol omis. I hope you find them. please, believe me. Quch'a' chaH? Are they happy? Quch does't give you a fine, did you? Le montanias son alte. The mountains are tall. The hill is high. Mi suspektas, ke Tomo kaj Manjo pravas pri tio. I suspect that Tom and Mary are right about that. I suspect Tom and Marie is right about that. Mia patro kaj mi vartis mian fratinon ree al sano post la akcidento. My father and I nursed my sister back to health after her accident. My father and I'm hurting my sister again after the accident. On ha decovrit que li vestiment de nocte esset plen de sangue. They discovered that the nightgown was soaked with blood. The hair surface that he's dressing with water is filled with health. lo ctuca co'a cilre fi lo glibau ca lo zi nanca The teacher is going to start learning English this year. Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of years Ŝi trovis kion ŝi volis. She found what she wanted. She found what she wanted. la maris na pu klaku Mary did not cry. on exit Tomo havas pli junan fratinon nomatan Manjo. Tom has a younger sister named Mary. Tom has another young sister called Marie. .i ko mi tavla zo'e naku caku .i .eidai do co'e ca lo nu me'au lo te go'i Don't come to me now with that. You should have said something when it originally happened. Hey, come on, come on! Hey, come on! Oni kondukis min ĝis mia seĝo. I was ushered to my seat. I was led to my chair. ghangwI' HayDaq ngab Duj. The ship disappeared beyond the horizon. In fact, there was an error launching the application. Bonvolu ŝlosi la monŝrankon. Please lock the safe. Please lock the coin. Pote io vider isto? Can I see that? A powerful thing does this? Il ofte disipas tempo. He often spends his time idly. There are often time. Futbalo esas bona. Football is good. It's a good guy. li'a la cein noi samjundi slilu cu jai fenki Shane, who goes off and on attending the computer, is obviously crazy. Li'a's no second knows how to go through the cueenbeen · Global Voices Tu savas dansar, ka ne? You can dance, can't you? You have saved out of the way, didn't you? qab QoymeH laHDaj 'e' ghet ghaH. She pretended to be hard of hearing. I am entering seven minutes of the Pultators within the Putinst. ca'e do klama ka'ai mi You're coming with me. I'm the one who knows what I'm saying. Том ес ун шико мулте колериоса. Tom is a very angry boy. after the members of point with the members of the week, a from the members of claveesopicia and the members of the week, and the members of the city are living in the city. .e'u do pilno lo mi vlacku Please feel free to use my dictionary. Let's see what I'm saying. De cuando tu studia latina? Since when do you learn Latin? From a biological Latin Latin? Tom restas en kontakto kun Mary. Tom stays in touch with Mary. Tom remained in touch with Marmy. Ni povas gajni tiun militon. We can win this war. We can win this war. Mi ricevis leteron de mia frato. I received a letter from my brother. I got a letter from my brother. Me ia retira ante tre anios. I retired three years ago. I can't see anyone. mi jinvi lo du'u na ku le prenu cu stace I don't think that he's honest. What do you think I'll take for? Sami volis amuziĝi iomete. Sami wanted to have some fun. He wanted to have fun a little. Suilanyel. I greet you. Sullany. Mia nomo estas Thomas, sed vi povas nomi min Tom. My name is Thomas, but you can call me Tom. My name is Thomas, but you can call me Tom. wa'leS jagh wIghom. Tomorrow we will encounter the enemy. We have to stop each other. Kiam vi dormas, ĉu vi ankaŭ sonĝas en Esperanto? When you sleep do you dream in Esperanto too? When you sleep, are you dreaming in Esperanto? Dona pupe a la. Give her a doll. Hold on. It's a crown of thought. Ŝajnas, kvazaŭ vi ne konscias pri via loko en la kosmo. It sounds like you are not self-aware or aware of your place in the universe. It seems like you don't realize your place in space. Lo spranto zohu: catni bangu la Ropno Gunma, vau uo sai! Esperanto, an official language of the European Union, finally! Look at this! Io es nunc in mal sanitate. My health's very bad. Something is now in health. do verba You're a child. Kids Sargh lIghwI' po' ghaH. He is good at riding a horse. You`ll see what I think. Tom jectava un frappe a Nigel Farage. Tom threw a milkshake at Nigel Farage. Tomgróghiva · Global Voices Helikaĵo ne sonas tre apetitveke. Escargot doesn't sound very appetizing. He doesn't sound very sound to beg you. Ili va mortar vos! They'll kill you all! They're going to die! mi viska lo nolnau .e lo nolni'u I see a nobleman and a noblewoman. I'm not a man like this. me'rIy' muSqu' tam. Tom really hates Mary. Some kind of guy who's been moved to the Earth, let's go. Sendez Tom hemo. Send Tom home. Undez Tomoma. Hoch Sov pagh. No-one knows everything. That's what we have to do. ¿Es voi? And you? Don't you want to eat it? mi djica lo xagrai I want the best. I'mji Island x m Require vos moneta? Do you need money? It's a warm system configuration environment? Me deziras kafeo. I'd like some coffee. I want a coffee. mi kakne lo nu xamgu sanga I can sing well. I'm talking at the bottom of the blood Ha il messages pro me? Are there any messages for me? Percentage messages for me? Il ha urgente necessitate de adjuta del governamento local a illes qui es sin tecto. There is an urgent need for the local government to help the homeless. There's an urgent help report at the edge of a bug in which they are going to kill each other. Kiom ajn riĉaj homoj estas, ili volas pli. No matter how rich people are, they always want more. No matter how rich people are, they want more people. Le mal tempore me opprimeva. Bad weather oppressed me. Can not get folder: %s: %s Ni experiencabas mala vetero recente. We have had bad weather recently. We have been encountered for a long time. Hurgh ram 'ej jevqu'. It was a dark and stormy night. Why do you think I'll tell you that. vetlh rur yIn. Ho'Du'lIj DaSay'moHtaHvIS nachlIjDaj pum. Life is like a cockroach. It'll fall on your head while you're brushing your teeth. I can't see the red Earth, but if you're ours, then I think I'm going to take care of you. No labobs tidüpis adelo. We don't have classes today. No, that's all this time. Tio estas falsita. That's a fake. It's fake. Tom es de novo in le strata. Tom is back on the street. Tom is about to try out of the street. Ĉu vi havas pasporton? Do you have a passport? Do you have a passport? ra zutse lo stizu She is sitting on the bench. husseucuts per day Me ama la fia de el. I love her daughter. I love him that's enough. Faru kion vi deziras. Do what you want. Do what you want. Per favor, dice a Tom que ille debe facer lo tosto. Please tell Tom to do that soon. Please, dice tell Tom that they're supposed to make it current. Io ha facite un sonio estranie. I dreamed a strange dream. Something has been made wrong. Me ne volas ke irgu pleez mea gitaro. I don't want anyone to play my guitar. I don't want to pick up a hint. Mi ne scias, ĉu mi povas parkerigi tiel longan pasvorton. I don't know if I can memorize this long password. I don't know if I can afford a long password. vay' vIta'qang. I'll do anything. You know what I've got to do. Mi sentas, ke mi kvazaŭ iĝis iu alia. I feel like I've become someone else. I feel like I became somebody else. sa'u ko tinbe lo me mi moi Just do what I tell you. That's what I am like. Me sabe tu nom. I know your name. Me sabare your name. Kenji tenisas. Kenji plays tennis. Having held a performing work. Esque vu vole partir un orange? Do you want to share an orange? What do you want to do with it? Kanob spikön Spanyänapüki. I can speak Spanish. Kanobi Rnynyey Scrda. vengHom Sumqu' chuq yIjuv! How far is it from here to the next village? After all, we'll be very careful! Karulo, ĉu vi estas ĉi tie? Honey, are you here? Are you here? Mi ofte sonĝas la saman sonĝon. I often have the same dream. I often dream the same dream. Me ia vole sempre es madre. I've always wanted to be a mother. I want to do whatever you want to accept, ma'am. Ĉu plaĉas al vi ĉi tiu ĝardeno? Do you like this garden? Do you like this garden? bItlheDnIS'a'? Do you have to leave? We have to make sure you've made it. Jen nia politiko. That's our policy. This is our policy. Vi reportu la ringon tien, de kie ĝi devenas. You must return the ring to where it came from. You shall bring the ring back from where it comes. Vi lacas, kaj ankaŭ mi. You are tired, and so am I. You are tired, and I too. Il ha multe gente qui vole parlar con Tom. There are a lot of people who want to talk to Tom. A lot of people want to share with Tom. mi no roi djuno lo du'u lo nanla cu platu ma kau I never know what you boys are up to. I'm not sure I'm not sure well. Soldi es la dia prima de la semana. Sunday is the first day of the week. old is the heart of the 19th century. Tom e Mary consenti. Tom and Mary agree. Tom Marmy player. Kiel fartas ĉiuj? How is everyone? How's everybody doing? naDev qaSpu' wanI'mey Huj. Strange things have happened around here. We are loaded with each other as well as the universe. Me vidis leonino. I saw a lioness. I saw a lioness. Tio estas kapitalo. Ĝi kresku! This is capital. Let it increase! It's the capital. Kial vi portas rozkoloran T-ĉemizon, Tomo? Why are you wearing a pink T-shirt, Tom? Why do you wear a pink shirt, Tom? Tom vole un microscopio. Tom wants a microscope. Tom wants to lie down. .e'unai ko crakla gi'e capyju'i Proceed with caution. .ynhylaky la l'ynj No älabob timi al lilädön. I didn't have time to read. Noäb to be afraid of him. Äpukob ko Tomas ädelo. I talked with Tom yesterday. Tomas St. Tomasbeer. Ŝi iĝis riĉa pro streĉa laboro. She became rich through hard work. She became rich because of my job. Yo ne posse pruvar it. I can't prove it. You don't have to prove it. quSDaq QongtaH vIghro'. The cat is sleeping on the chair. There is an error getting information about "%B". Yo comprat un libre. I bought a book. Yo compresse a shell. ta ba'o cribe .i ta cribe pesxu That's not a bear anymore. That's bear goo. Allow folder "%s" to be opened on "%s". Mi fermu la fenestrojn. I have to close the windows. Let me close the windows. jIvemDI' javlogh Qoylu'pu'. I got up at about six. Talk to me. That's what we're doing. Esäkors-li oris, liomödotik stels dabinons in sil? Have you ever wondered how many stars are in the sky? Esäklich, lisso a star of silk? Dankon, ke vi komprenas la dramon de mia patrio, kiu estas, kiel dirus Pablo Neruda, Vjetnamio silenta; ne ĉeestas okupanta armeo, nek potencaj aviadiloj nubizas la puran ĉielon de mia lando, sed ni estas blokataj ekonomie, ni ne havas kreditojn, ni ne povas aĉeti rezervajn partojn, ne havas eblon aĉeti nutraĵojn kaj mankas al ni medikamentoj… Thanks for understanding the drama of my homeland, which is, like Pablo Neruda would say, a silent Vietnam; there aren't occupation troops, nor powerful planes clouding the clean skies of my land, we're under financial blockade, we have no credits, we can't buy spare parts, we have no means to buy foods and we need medicines... Thanks that you understand the wire of my mother, which is like Pablo Neuda, quiet -- there's no occupation, or powerful planes -- the pure heaven of my country, but we're blocky, we don't have credit, we can't buy credit, we can't buy food, and are missing. La ofico konfuziĝis, ĉar la kompania fandiĝo ŝanĝis ĉion. The office has been topsy-turvy since the merger upset everything. Since the government has changed everything. nerkalri lo muzga tu'i ma Where's the entrance to the museum? Accessibility Settings Me ne plus toleros vua erori. I won't tolerate your mistakes again. I won't suffer any longer. Ambaŭ fratoj ankoraŭ vivas. Both brothers are still alive. Both brothers still live. pe'u ko zutse gi'e surla Why don't you sit down and relax? Let's see if you're infected by far. Еске ту аве ун соре? Do you have a sister? drinkly ask you to do according to the word that is to now we have to do with a members that we have to do with a members that we have to do with the package and the rest of the day. Li estis skoldata de sia instruisto pro sia mallaboremo. He was scolded by his teacher for being lazy. He was a member of his teacher for his lazy teacher. mi se slabu ra I'm aware of it. I`ll say "ubsoping", "I'll cut it off" mu'tlheghvetlh Damugh DaneH 'e' vIQub, 'ach QInHom DaghItlhpu'. mu'tlhegh DamughmeH chu'wI'vam yI'uy. I think that you wanted to add a translation of the sentence where you posted a comment. To translate a sentence, just click on this button. Is there anything that can take me away? Is it true? We have sought you to know that we would leave the Milky Way, as a civilization. nIm Daghaj'a'? Got milk? And our little sister, all right? Io es brasiliano e io apprende japonese. I'm Brazilian and I'm learning Japanese. Something's a professional and something that becomes a Japanese man. ckire fi lo nu rinsa mi Thank you for greeting me. I'm not sure I'm going to get it. Toktan va batcoba doler ? Who sells this? The day of the sweet smell, do you want to kill me? Mi ne povas eviti ridi. I cannot help laughing. I can't help laugh. Sükob fidi. I'm looking for food. I don't know what I mean. Le cattos miaula. The cats are meowing. Lets from meulats. Proque tu vole esser presentate a ille? Why do you want to be introduced to him? Because you want to be associated with them? Radikala maldekstrismo estas bona, fakte. Radical leftism is good, actually. Rootto-left, it's good, actually. lo friko cu braplu .i je lo gugdegulu na co'e Africa is a continent; Greenland is not. A tend into a white newsgroup. By a gulogue with the magnetic field. Ĉu vi iras? You're going? Are you going? Nin gwerianneg. You betrayed me. We have a blackwner. Qaw' neH. He wanted to destroy it. Qak'Hn't. Los ia sesa besa la un la otra. They stopped kissing. Losing a sixth-third. Me ia vade a ala tre anios ante aora. I went there three years ago. I'm going to tell you a lot of people before. Ille es toxicomane. He's addicted. They're all right. Ĉu vi povas provizi al mi ĉion, kion mi bezonas? Can you supply me with everything I need? Can you provide me everything I need? Nos nos amusa ben. We are having a good time. We are blessed. Estas malpuraj manĝiloj en la lavokuvo. There are dirty dishes in the sink­. They're dirty foods in the lake. la veronik cu tcenelci lo jai se pa'u flora Véronique loves bouquets of flowers. The truth is why we are talking about, as a unit of life appearing. Ella es ínnocent. She's innocent. Out of the deck. lo plise cu xamgu lo nu kanro .i ji'a py. kukte Apples are good for your health, and, in addition, they taste great. It's more likely to be used by the reserve. Round's magnetic field. La ĉasistino sekvis ĝin arbaren. The huntress followed it into the woods. The hunter is going to follow it as a forest. Tiu monto estas neĝkovrita. That mountain is covered with snow. This mountain is not dressed. ti cu djarspageti This is spaghetti. They're just going to fightpage DochlIj 'oH Dochvam'e'. This one's yours. In fact, there were no knowledge of the future. Li kantis antaŭ longa tempo. He sang a long time ago. He sang a long time ago. Ili foriris unu post la alia. They left one after another. They went away behind each other. Io videva un homine vestite como ninja. I saw a man dressed as a ninja. I see a lot of clothes like us. Ĉu vi estas viglaj? Are you energetic? Have you been watching? Ju pli alta la temperaturo, des pli da akvo plantoj bezonas, por resti malvarmetaj. As temperatures rise, plants need more water to keep cool. The higher temperature, the more water is full of plants, to stay cold. Pone la portasene do me pote vide lo. Put the ashtray within eyes reach. You can see it over there. yIQ Dochvam. That's wet. Good luck, Déjàsha. SuQbe' Hapvam'e'. The material is not toxic in itself. Soybean. No palpa me gitar. Don't touch my guitar. No, I haven't. ti mudri jubme This is a wood table. that's a mix up DaH juHwIj vIjaHnIS. I have to go home now. You have to make me know what I'm doing. Esta no es un coaveni simple. This is no mere coincidence. And that's one thing simple. nov SoH'a'? Are you an alien? Professor, we're still doing it? Kas tid kalaf ? Are they happy? How do you get it? Me havas du matri. I have two mothers. I've got two ass. La familio de Tom amis Mary. Tom's family loved Mary. Tom loved Mary. Mi igis Tom alvoki Mary. I had Tom make the call to Mary. I made Tom call Mary. Tio ne estas sekreto. This is not a secret. That's not a secret. Quanto plus folle un infante, tanto plus belle illo sembla a su parentes. The more foolish a child is, the cuter he seems to his parents. How nice to see if it's more beautiful to make it sees if it's a day of sun. coi ke'u Again, hello. c'u' Ha'DIbaHmey ghIj qul. Animals are afraid of fire. Let's have been shown by the universe. Tiu libro tro malfacilas por mi. This book is too difficult for me. This book is too difficult for me. Mi pensas, ke estas la tempo por manĝi. I think it's time to eat. I think it's time to eat. Mi deziras havi amikinon kiel vin. I wish I had a friend like you. I wish I had a friend like you. Kiel ili faras tion? How are they doing it? How do they do that? Esta es lo cual antisemitas crede vera. This is what antisemites actually believe. And that's not true, it's actually true. Asi on misca cafe brasilera e colombian. They blend Brazilian and Colombian coffee here. It's a pleasure in U.S. and I'll have to go to Berlin. 'amerI'qa' SepjIjQa' joqwI'Daq vaghmaH DujtlhuQmey tu'lu'. There are fifty stars on the American flag. Oiryqua wides' seven hundred years ago. They're only going to turn away the universe. Agez quale il dicas a tu. Do as he tells you. Do you know what you are looking for you. Ŝi atendas. She's waiting. She's waiting. Esce tu gusta acel pais? Do you like that country? Escus your taste on the wash? Mi pensas, ke tri glasoj da vino sufiĉas. I think three glasses of wine is enough. I think three glasss of wine enough. Me ne prizis ol. I didn't like it. I won't ask you any longer. Io crede in le poter del spirito e io nunquam te quitara. I believe in the power of the spirit and will never leave you. I think the whole spirit will be able to quit some people at the same time. Tomo diris, ke Manjo pretas helpi al ni en tio. Tom said Mary was willing to help us do that. Tom said that Marie is ready to help us. sa'e mi pinxe lo xunre vanju To be precise, I drank red wine. Hey, I'm having a job Tomo ŝatas sian vivon. Tom likes his life. Tom loves his life. Pasintan monaton mi organizis geedzan feston. I organized a marriage ceremony last month. Last month, I had organized her party. No vilob reidön buki at. I don't want to read this book. No, but I'll tell you what to do. Mi ĵus eksciis, ke vi jam vivis en Aŭstralio. I just found out that you used to live in Australia. I just knew you've lived in Australia. Si tu vole dansar, lass nos dansar juntmen. If you want to dance, let's dance together. Yes, we want to find the hospital. Me pensas ke vu esas en mea sidilo. I think you're in my chair. I think you're in my seat. Esque vos fuma? Do you smoke? Got any smoke? Sin vostre adjuta, io ha nulle occasion. Without your help, I don't stand a chance. help you pick up, something's not going to be displayed. mi na verba I'm not a child. Kids Tom kaj Mary forprenis siajn ŝuojn Tom and Mary took their shoes off. Tom and Mary took away his shoes traji nunbebna mi This is the stupidest thing I've ever done. I'm sorry, now I'm a Roman now. Ma tu ne es ta. But you're not there. No, you haven't. Órenya linda tyë-cenien. My heart sings to see you. nynynyny, he's got to be at the same time. Tu ne posse controlar omnicos. You can't control everything. You don't have to see people on their way. O sanel, oli sanolöd! Physician, heal thyself. Oelel! Let's go! Том ес денова ен присон. Tom is back in the can. after eyes, there's an members of Punxsutawney now. Me ia vide nunca un arco de sielo. I've never seen a rainbow. I can't see a bird now. Ni estas pacama nacio. We're a peace-loving nation. We're a peaceful nation. Mi kutime aĉetas vestaĵojn je loka vendejo. I usually buy clothing at a local store. I used to buy clothes at your local store. Mi pensas, ke ni klarigis nian argumenton. I think we've made our point. I think we open our argument. ra nelci lo nu bajra She likes to run. That's not Keyboard Sami ascoltava illo. Sami was listening to that. Saslicate it. Том иа фура меa конфето. Tom stole my candy. drinkly different from the members of claveesyllopy for members of the first time. Ta sulo esas humida. This soil is moist. Hamlo isul Massa. Tomo diris, ke ĝi estis bela tago. Tom said it was a beautiful day. Tom said it was a beautiful day. Äbinom reg gudik. He was a good king. handiloilody. Kiom da libroj vi legas en monato? How many books do you read per month? How many books do you read in a month? Le poesia es lo que on perde in traduction. Illo es anque lo que es perdite in interpretation. Poetry is what is lost in translation. It is also what is lost in interpretation. The thing is that it's called by the Vikings. It's so that it's been lost. lo gerku pu batci mi lo xance The dog bit me in the hand. logery causes me to take care of x Io me ha lassate portar via per le musica. I was carried away by the music. Something has the reason for your music. lo cizra pu va fasnu There were strange things happening there. Create an event Tom vieleon "baseball" gilutiur. Tom plays baseball every day. Tom you're going to "bicicangic" far as it is. Maria vole devenir un heroina. Mary wants to become a heroine. Maria wants to come in a hero. Ätikob das binol sapik. I thought you were smart. let's say it's all the way to do that. mi ba cliva ca lo nondei I'm leaving on Sunday. Early Blossom ca ma lo za'u ra kelci lo fudbolo When do they play soccer? That's not true. That's how you want to run-up. Io sape como le feminas pensa. I know how women think. Something you know what the unit is up to think. Le aqua non se combina con le oleo. Water and oil don't mix. Let's pay if it's okay to take part of the oil. mi pu tolcri le pixra poi la tom cu sisku tu'a ke'a I found the picture Tom was looking for. I'm blankly that your computer will be wrapped up to the grave that you're beyond le dinju cu barda The house was big. Let's go to the grave. Me odia la interede. I hate the Internet. I hate the interde. Binol-li surdik u stupik? Are you deaf or stupid? Basl-li-din-din-a-din-up? pu cipra It was a test. Dispratate Givon obe säki et egelo. People ask me that question all the time. Ghana oräko doesn't want to be a pretty good color. La urbocentro devus esti barita por ĉiu nepiedira trafiko. The city center should be closed to all but pedestrian traffic. The city should be tied to everyone who doesn't support traffic traffic. Perce tu vole es presentada a el? Why do you want to be introduced to him? Enter your want to be played by you? No kanob kredön, das hiel Tom eremom domi et. I can't believe Tom bought that house. No, the blue reed is created. wIlpuq vISop 'e' vI'omlaHbe'. I cannot resist eating pudding. We know what I'm saying to you, That's what I say. Te libik pop kanom binön beatik. Only a free people can be happy. - Excuse me, but what are you doing? Nos compra. We're buying. We compara. Tom marcava quatro goals. Tom scored four goals. - Thomas Prilli. la .tam. se fesli'a xu Was Tom left behind? the word. Come on, see you later. Mi kontrolis la daton. I checked the date. I checked the date. raSDaq 'aplo' lan. He put the box on the table. That's what they find. Kiel vi fartas? How's it going? How are you? Quo tu fa, Tom? What're you doing, Tom? Quet yourself, Tom? Me ia dansa. I was dancing. I'm some kind of thing. Еске ту иа парла туркес? Have you spoken Turkish? drinkly ask you to give us a thing that is to do with the members of claveesopesy? ko'a pu cusku lo se du'u ko'a ca .ei cliva She said she must leave at once. It's a shame if two across the computer I don't know that we're playing across. mi na zmiku I'm not a robot. ^Dell Automatic Reinstall Aliquando, post subjugar le ventos, le undas, le mareas e le gravitation, nos usara pro Deo le energias del amor, e alora, pro le secunde vice in le historia del mundo, le homine habera discoperite le foco. Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire. It is the same as the wind needs to be under the wind, the part of the world, and we use the foundations, because the work of the love, and according to the similar to the given time in the world, so it is the form of the world will have the assembly. La aŭto ekbrulis. The car caught fire. The car is burning. Fat obik binom büsidan. My father is a businessman. Fatbnik büsidididid. Carl semblava multo felice. Carl looked very happy. Because if it's a lot of luck, it's happy. ko'a dunli ko'e lo ni barda He is as tall as she. Come on, let's go! Он аве шампинионес, ма ме но воле лос. There are mushrooms, but I don't want any. after the eyes of bodies pointing to a members of pointesopy for ATes a members of first try to do a members that is, and that's the number of the day. Ĉu vi ignoras min? Are you ignoring me? Are you ignoring me? Me volas taso de kafeo. I would like a cup of coffee. I want a cup of coffee. mi ca co'u dasni I am undressing. I'm a guy Ŝi ne provis traduki la leteron. She didn't try to translate the letter. She didn't attempt the letter. No fägob ad remön saikuli nulik. I cannot afford to buy a new bicycle. No lowerägob to remönikva nullik. Ai binos dagikün bü gödalulit. It's always darkest just before dawn. Ain't there anything wrong? Mi volas loĝi en Italujo. I want to live in Italy. I want to live in Italy. Tal madre, tal fia. Like mother, like daughter. Don't be silly, son. Tomas labom kati vietik. Tom has a white cat. Tomas the little standtian. No kanob tikön votiko. I can't think otherwise. No, this is what you have. Le inflation deveni incontrolabile. Inflation is getting out of control. Star Wars come incontrol scene. yIchu'Qo'. Leave it off. And there's a talent like that. Ka vu volas manjar la Franca, la Japoniana, o la Chiniana manjaji? Do you want to eat French, Japanese or Chinese food? Do you want to be performed from the French, device Chia, or the Chinal foods? Ille me dava un orange in excambio de un pecia de torta. He gave me an orange in exchange for a piece of cake. They've got a bunch of gold in a molten image. Анаркистес креде ке сосиа поте фунсиона пар аида мутуа. Anarchists believe society can function by mutual aid. after the eyes of thing, eyes are clave to do a thing that is to do with the members of a thing that is to do with the members of the week and the members of the week. Kas grupel dacoba nuca tir ? Do you know what friendship is? Do you want a group of hipqure? Esta piza es dejetable. This pizza is terrible. We're just going to cut off. U noi comensa? Where do we start? Ui no comensa? nuH vInejpu'. I'd looked for a weapon. I have well done for you. Ni povintus atendi, sed decidis ekiri sen Tomo. We could've waited, but we decided to leave without Tom. We should have waited for it, but it decided to come without Tom. Nos lentemente nos approxima al fin. We're slowly nearing the end. We're going to show ourselves to the end. No, yo ne scrit it. No, I didn't write it. No, y doesn't mean it. Tom esas vua amiko. Tom is your friend. Tom is a man of trouble. la cev banli God is great. The bath Pro quo Tom facis to? Why did Tom do this? What did Tom make it to? Ŝi ne sciis. She didn't know. She didn't know. Que face ille viro? What is the man doing? What if they got a man? not qab vIlIjbe'. I never forget a face. I'm not feeling well. xu le nu do klama cu srana lo selgu'a Are you going there on business? Primula Red Tom povas ludi fluton. Tom can play a flute. Tom can play the flute. Me volis esar ibe. I wanted to be there. The wild goats wanted to be a wild goat. Mia frato forlasis la lernejon, kiam li estis dekkvarjara. My brother left his school when he was fourteen years old. My brother left school when he was four years old. Mary studas en sia ĉambro. Mary is studying in her room. I'm sorry for this room. wovmoHwI' Dachu'laHneS'a'? Could you turn on the light, please? Thank you. It's okay. Ka tu obliviis komprir ovi? Did you forget to buy eggs? Did you multiply ass or what? La chef-ministro formale vizitis la Blanka Domo. The premier paid a formal visit to the White House. Some of the people have form to visit the White House. Mi kaptis Tom, kiam li traserĉis miajn paperojn. I caught Tom going through my papers. I caught Tom when he searched my papers. Io vide quando le viros ama le feminas. Illes da a illas solmente un poco de lor vitas. Sed le feminas, quando illas ama, illas da toto. I see when men love women. They give them but a little of their lives. But women when they love give everything. But when the man loves the man, they put it all together, they're just a pot of theirs. But that's what they love, it's all over. Acel taxe no ia es fasil. That task wasn't easy. And that's why you don't know how it is. mi na bebna I'm not an idiot. I'm sorry, DaHjaj qaS be'nI'HomwI' qoS. Today is my little sister's birthday. This brings me to the last of the big questions. I would like to talk about it. Kisi dunol-li in Boston? What are you doing in Boston? Kiss-sol-sli in Boston? Tomo havas malhelajn, misterajn okulojn. Tom has dark, mysterious eyes. Tom has dark eyes, mysterious eyes. jIHvaD yIvang! Do it for my sake. - I don't know. taD ngeng. The lake was frozen. It was really ten billion years ago. bop'eghbogh vum jIH 'ej Hoch jInmolmeywIjvaD pongwIj vIpong. I'm an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself. We have two pieces of observational evidence on the probability of my life appearing. Yo ne esset for tre long. I wasn't gone very long. You are not running out of a long time. Non inquieta vos troppo. Don't worry too much. Non-members are too small. lutobpu'be'. They haven't proven it. Fabric. Mi malŝlosis la pordon. I unlocked the door. I unlock the door. Mi simple ne amas Tomon. I just don't love Tom. I just don't love Tom. Me ave tota fida en ce el va gania la max de tenis. I am sure of his winning the tennis match. I've always had a wonderful glimpse from the database. Dice le que io essera a casa tosto. Tell him I'll be home soon. So that's what I'm saying, "Nothing." maS So'chu' 'eng qIj. The moon was completely hidden by a big black cloud. But while the universe is open, there's nothing else in it. xu mi do melbi Do you find me pretty? Primula Red La can deveni vea. The dog is getting old. They've come to see us anyway. Kiom da libroj estas en tiu biblioteko? How many books are there in this library? How many books are in this library? Ädelo äyufob fate obik. Yesterday I helped my father. Ádeäy fub or mibk. bIl, lojmIt yIpoSmoH! Bill, open the door. Thank you. We're going to thank you. Fumi estas malpermesite en tiu ĉi ĉambro. You're not allowed to smoke in this room. Being forbidden in this room. Ne disipez tempo dum irar adheme. Don't fool around on your way home. Never wishing time to walk. ko'a pu cinba lo mi xance He kissed my hand. Hey, you know I'm x Tomo diris al mi, ke li parolos al Manjo. Tom told me he was going to talk to Mary. Tom said he'll speak to Marie. Mi devis okupi min, por ne pensadi pri tio, kio okazis. I had to keep busy, so I wouldn't think about what had happened. I had to do something I didn't think about what happened. Me paia par esta carta de debito. I am paying with this debit card. My dog has been plugged in. Tom ave tre enfantes adulte. Tom has three adult children. Tom has been very angry. ghorgh juH Dachegh? When will you come home? He`ll have a bad time. Noi paya. We're paying. Noi paa. Ŝi preparis la manĝon, kiam Gilles alvenis. She was preparing the dinner when Gilles arrived. She prepared the meal while Gilles came. Illo es un ration proque io es hic. That's one reason why I'm here. It's a reason for something is here. mi pu dansu ca lo prulamdei .i mi go'i pu ji'a lo prulamdei I danced yesterday. I danced before too. I'm going to take the state of God. Le prime gruppo stude in le matino, le secunde in le postmeridie. The first group studies in the morning, and the second group studies in the afternoon. The first group study in the maaw, the law according to the old lady. Vi instruas la araban. You teach Arabic. You teach Arabic. na'qu' chatlhvam! How salty this soup is! It's all the first time in the past. za'a mi pensi .i ja'o mi zasti I think, therefore I am. I'm sure I have to think about it. Tomo ĉiam akuzas aliulon pri siaj eraroj. Tom always blames somebody else for his mistakes. Tom always accuse someone about their mistakes. mi dimnu'e lo du'u jetnu kei lo ka lindi ce'u I swear that it is true, or may lightning strike me down. I'm going to show you, how far as a boy, such as knarr mi tubypa'i do I love you like a brother. Retype you, then la .tam. cu simlu lo ka se fanza Tom looks frustrated. That's what the best thing you have to do. oi cai ro'i mi mutce caucni I am so lonely I think I'm going to cry. - It's a mix up! Direta cuando la pluve ia sesa, la max de tenis ia continua. As soon as the rain stopped, the tennis match continued. It's a simple sort of 6th, the value of taking some work. lo jbobau ca'o jmive i ki'u po'o bo lo jbobau nabmi ca'o zasti Lojban is alive only because problems in it continue to exist. The conditions are that I may continue to live for as long as I resist you, and that if I checkmate you, you'll let me free poH Daghaj'a'? Do you have time? We're going to take this much too far. Li antaŭ tri semajnoj ricevis informon, ke du entreprenoj unuiĝos. He was given a tip three weeks ago that two companies would merge. He took two weeks ago, that two companies are going to be one. "Vi rompis mian koron" diris Mary. "You broke my heart", said Mary. 'You broke my heart,' said Marya. Ubi illes va justo nunc? Where are they going to right now? At them they're safe now? Ka tu savas quanta homi en la mondo mortas pro hungro singla yare? Do you know how many in the world starve to death every year? Can you tell me when you walk up in the world for tissue? Kiu alportis tion? Who brought this? Who brought that? Me dicis tro multa ja. I've said too much already. Me too much. Ŝi aĝas tridek tri jarojn. She's thirty-three. She's been thirty-three years old. Mostra denova a me. Show me again. I'm sorry. Me ia compra un libro asi ier. I bought a book here yesterday. Me some comra a book of mines somewhere else. Tom no es ami de Maria. Tom isn't Mary's friend. Tom is not a love of Maria. ta'i ma do tadni la.esperanton. How did you learn Esperanto? A woman with a green dog. Estis neĝante. It's been snowing. There were no use. Il non resta alimentos in le casa. There's no food left in the house. I've not listened to the "Nothing." La knabo ĝustigis sian ĉapon. The boy adjusted his cap. The boy made his hat. Nada plase me. I like to swim. Naldlas me. Mi scias, ke vi faros la ĝustan. I know you'll do the right thing. I know you're going to do the right. Nos non parla jammais. We never talk. We don't want to. la .tom. cu zabna Tom's terrific. I'm not sure we should be able to do anything about it. Fat pala binom lefat. The father of a parent is a grandfather. Fatalical bin. Esque vos vole venir? Would you like to come? That's why you want to come? Mia patro estas okupita kiel ĉiam. My father is as busy as ever. My father is busy as always. En sua prisonia, el ia promete a la piratas ce el va mata los a fini. La piratas ia pensa que esta es un broma. Pos cuando el ia es rescatida, Sesar ia xasa e catura la piratas e ia comanda la crusi de los. During his captivity he made a promise to the pirates that he would eventually kill them. The pirates thought that this was only a joke. After he was ransomed, Caesar pursued and captured the pirates and ordered their crucifixion. And it came to pass in a look at that time, that some people say, It's a pretty much impossible for you to split the Earth's surface. The kind of thought is an unconnected source pad; it is usually not going back out of dogma. Some commentators are commonly used to refer to any residual rate, but we don't know that kind of thing. It't know that kind of thing. It's colleagues have a bad luck, the laws. Vento akompanis la pluvon. Wind accompanied the rain. For the rain. Vi ŝajnas tre artama. You seem very artistic. You look very amazing. Mi helpis Tomon ŝargi la ŝarĝaŭton. I helped Tom load the truck. I helped Tom load the burden. bomvetlh vIparHa'. I like that song. That's all I need to know. cheQaHlaHbe'. You won't be able to help us. But there's no problem in it. Kaj Tomo kaj Manjo aspektas koleraj. Tom and Mary both look angry. And Tom and Marie are always angry. jIQochbe'. I agree. Well, I'm on my way. Tab at binon klinik. This table is clean. Tab manager is a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas, as well as the day of a god. Yo vermen deve finir to. I really must finish this. You've got to end up on. Eĉ post akuŝo malbonas drinki dum la mamnutrada periodo. Even after delivery, it is bad to drink alcohol during the period of breastfeeding. Even after a child comes to drink some minutes. Poka studenti povas lektar la Latina. Few students can read Latin. Pot study can read Latin. Plenumi ĝin tiamaniere postulos multe da tempo. Doing it that way will take a long time. I'll do it this way, it's going to take a lot of time. Tom ne rezignis pri sia plano. Tom didn't give up on his plan. Tom didn't give up his plan. noda zmarai lo ro nonzau mulna'u There is no greatest positive integer. Install a minimal virtual machine On susuras ke la Chef-ministro esas grave malada. It is whispered that the Prime Minister is critically ill. Come on, it's important that the Chef Minister Abe is unreal. 'uj 'ar Da'ab? How tall are you? 'Da'? Le passo de mi amico esseva instabile, e le campanas super su bonetto tintinnava como ille marchava. The gait of my friend was unsteady, and the bells upon his cap jingled as he strode. The steps of my loved ones were invited, and the titles of a very good hair, such as miising. .ui .i pei I am fine, and you? Don't. El ave la reputa de es multe cruel. He's got a reputation for being really ruthless. Out of the kingdom is too much. Mary es un antifascista. Mary is an anti-fascist. Mar is a anti-aliasing. do se briju fi ma Where do you work? So if possible, ma'am Tom non pote restar sedite un momento. Tom can't sit still for a moment. Tom can't stay here but a moment. Mi komprenas nun. Now I understand. I understand now. Ne gravas al mi, ĉu Fred venis al la festo aŭ ne. It makes no difference to me whether Fred came to the party or not. It doesn't matter to me if Fre came to the party or not. le certu be lo zu'o blutu'u karbixygau cei broda cu tepygau vo'a lo ka crezenzu'e lo zu'o broda lo vartisyboi The phlebotomist scared herself by practicing her craft on a balloon. C-2, we're at the 64 crash site, securing perimeter. wejpuH. leng chaw'wIj vIchIllaw'pu'. Great, I may have lost my passport. Thank you. How did my friends know that you did not know that? Tom estis en sia ĉambro. Tom stayed in his room. Tom was in his room. le mi junla cu julbaco lo mentu be li re My clock is two minutes fast. Let's go back to hell DaH vIyaj. Now I get it. I'm going to ask you to stop now. No la un e no la otra es bela. Neither is beautiful. No, it's the one who's beautiful. be'pu' vImuSHa'. I love women. That's all I need to know. Li forŝanĝis sian bovinon por du ĉevaloj. He exchanged his cow for two horses. He took off his cow for two horse. Futuez tu! Fuck you! No, I don't care. Io vive e labora hic. I live and work here. Something you're working here. Lia fotilo kostas trioble tiom, kiom mia. His camera is three times as expensive as mine. His camera costs three times as much as I did. Mastica ben le alimentos. Chew your food well. Master believes in the popup menu to lament. 'oy'moH vIt. The truth hurts. Thank you. Tomo volis novan komencon. Tom wanted a fresh start. Tom wanted a new beginning. Esce vos jua tenis? Do you play tennis? Escade held? muyay'qu'moH HeghDaj. Her death was a great shock to me. Thank you, thank you very much. mi klama le zarci te zu'e loka jai gau mukti fi le mi mamta I go to the store to motivate my mom. I'm just saying what I'm saying to you, That's the same thing I'm busy. Mi preferus honorindan morton. I would prefer an honorable death. I'd rather be a soft person. Tom crede que Mary tenta discreditar le. Tom believes Mary is trying to discredit him. Thomas think that Mary was trying to edit the mailing list. Mi ne akceptas vian senkulpigon. I do not accept your excuse. I don't accept your excuses. Nek äkapälom. No one understood. Notäkaäm. kgm Isto es lo que io haberea dicite. This is what I would have said. This is really what I have to have done. Tomas äsagom das nedom nögis balsetel. Tom said he needed a dozen eggs. Tomas hold of non-sdone elections. Io sape nihil de isto. I don't know anything about that. Something you know from this. QoQ jan Dachu' qar'a'? You play a musical instrument, don't you? Is it safe that I'm not going to check your questions? megh wISoptaHvIS qatlh chetlhej boneHbe'? Why don't you want to eat lunch with us? I am in favour of the universe. What are you doing? Bonvolu memori ekspedi la leteron. Please remember to post the letter. Please remember a letter. El ia ave un fia. He had one daughter. It's a mix up. Mi ankoraŭ neniam diris tion al iu. I've never said this before to anyone. I haven't told anyone yet. mi tcexagji ca lo cabdei I'm very hungry today. I'm take care of this day wejmaH ben jIboghlaw'pu''a'? Do I look thirty? That's what we all say, right? Mi ŝatas ilin. I like them. I love them. Li similas al sia avo. He resembles his grandfather. He looks like his grandfather. Li estas alta knabo kompare kun sia aĝo. He is a tall boy for his years. He's a high boy to his age. lo bavlamdei cu fagdei Tomorrow is Sunday. A cross doesn't fit in front of the war Quo es amore? What is love? Quo is love? mi'e .mari'as.saras. My name is Maria Sara. I think so. veng vIDab. I live in town. You have to make me know. La novaĵoj surprizis ilin. They were surprised to hear the news. The news surprises them. Me esas leda. I'm ugly. I'm the guard. naDev mavIHbe'choHlaHbe'. We can't stop here. We have a bad time in the universe. That's what we have to do. Io travalia con te. I work with you. Something with you. not chegh 'e' vIQub. I think he will never come back. Hey, there's no favor in there. In hiberno ille se plange del frigido, e in le estate ille se plange del calor. During the winter, he complains about the cold and during the summer he complains about the heat. Inhibaden if you plan on the don't want to be taken from the skin, and in the e-mail address that we don't know how to do anything. nuqneH, juppu'wI'? Hail, friends. Which way do you think I'm kidding? Pardonu, ĉu vi povas diri al mi, kie estas la biblioteko? Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the library? Excuse me, could you tell me where's the library? La bibliotekisto aspektis tre malsana. The librarian looked quite sick. The erocer looked very ill. jupwI' chu' ghaH. He's my new friend. And they'd have never known orders. mi nelci ge lo gerku gi lo mlatu I like both dogs and cats. I'm not at the end of the world. Kikodo binols-li so lügik? Why are you so sad? Kiss-Tolololhsesk? Ella fa me felici. She makes me happy. It's just great. jIjaH je. I went, too. Well, that's why they're with you. Kiu estas la plej bona maniero por lerni la francan? What's the best way to learn French? Who's the best way to learn French? Silentu kaj aŭskultu! Shut up and listen! Shut up and listen! Ne ekzistas lumo sen ombro. There's no light without a shadow. There is no light without a shadow. Es illas felice? Are they happy? You're happy to happy? Ille es non solmente interessate, ille es vermente folle pro isto. He is not just interested, he's crazy about it. They're not only set properly, they're only impossible for this. Vi povos elektrokuti vin se vi ne zorgos. You could electrocute yourself if you aren't careful. You can be electricity if you don't care. Mi ne certas, ĉu mi komprenas, kion vi volas diri. I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I don't know if I know what you mean. Éu sint ün cäts. I am a cat. Éeytü cäts. Tom cuasi nunca rie. Tom hardly ever laughs. Tom hasn't been cue at any time. qam Do Duj ghaj. He has a bicycle. It's when you're avoiding the minutes. Qel DagheSlaH; bI'um. You are qualified to be a doctor. CHARTOASCII; thank you. Ni nun laboras super tio. We're working on that now. We're working on it right now. do djuno ra You know that. _Help tam qan law' me'rIy' qan puS. I just realized Tom is older than Mary. The kind of guy who's warm by me, like you. Divenu kiom aĝa mi estas. Guess how old I am. Guess how old I am. Ella ha invitat vos omnes. She has invited you all. He was invited by all the time. Il conosse nos tre bon. He knows us very well. We'll come with us very well. Ni strikas pro tio, ke la kompanio ne plialtigis nian salajron. We're on strike because the company hasn't improved our wages. It's hard to focus on our wages because the company didn't raise up our wages. QInHommey vIghajbe'. I don't have any comments. (Applause.) Nos ancora non sape si ille de facto ha rumpite su gamba. Illes va radiographar lo. We don't know yet if he really broke his leg. They'll do an X-ray of it. We're still not going to know if you actually have red sumbed sumbus. They're early on the radio. Saluto. Ka me povas parolar kun sioro Johnson? Hello. May I speak to Mr Johnson, please? Login. Can you tell me Johnster? mi pu farlu I fell. Falling blocks Me crede ce la sermonor no ia pote parla "amen". I believe that the preacher could not speak "Amen." I believe that the soul has no reason to be sent. Tomo invitis Manjon, por ke ŝi prenu la vespermanĝon ĉe li. Tom invited Mary over to his place for dinner. Tom invited Marie to take his dinner at him. Alga de mundo desira sola plaser. Some people pursue only pleasure. Everyone wants it alone. Tom nada dial. Tom swims every day. But that's not true, you know. Per kio vi ludas? What are you playing with? What do you play? Mary esas brava yunino. Mary is a brave girl. Sorry, but I'm sure you'll have to be a good idea. Me ia mori par inonda en la mar. I drowned in the ocean. I'm kind of going to die in the Mars. chovup vIneHbe'. I don't want your sympathy. And our boy's coming out. Ĉu vi solene ĵuras aŭ certigas, ke vi diros la veron, la tutan veron kaj nenion krom la vero? Do you solemnly swear or affirm that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Don't you swear whether you say the truth, the truth and nothing? Tom es un merda. Tom's an asshole. Tom is unable to stop. En la Olimpia Vilaĝo loĝas proksimume dek mil atletoj. Nearly 10,000 athletes live in the Olympic village. In the Olimla Villa has known about ten thousand toes. Sidadi la tutan tagon antaŭ komputila ekrano nocas al la sano. Sitting down all day and looking at a computer screen is bad for you. Imported to the whole day before a computer starts to health. Illes habita al altere latere del fluvio. They live on the other side of the river. They're going to have another stick. Surmetu varmajn vestojn vintre. Wear warm clothes in winter. Put on warm clothes on you. lo ro danlu cu dunli .i ku'i da poi danlu cu zmadu lo drata lo ka dunli All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Applications and sites saved from the Internet Vi devas aperi persone. You have to appear in person. You have to show yourself in front. Le furchetta es un utensile primarimente usate pro le scopo de poner animales morte a in le bucca. A fork is an instrument used chiefly for the purpose of putting dead animals into the mouth. The duration is invalid for the recipient list, in which is used for the pattern of the animals, in which is used by the loop. mIgh tam 'e' vIQub. I think Tom is evil. The kind of thing I have to do. Ne ĝenis ŝin lavi la manĝilaron. She didn't mind doing the dishes. Don't bother her. La elektrejo provizas la foran distrikton per elektro. The power plant supplies the remote district with electricity. The power station provides the remote district with electricity. In personas senior, le vulneres ha besonio de multe tempore pro sanar. In older people, wounds take a long time to heal. In any way, they're going to have a lot of time to grow for sound. Io ha nulle pecunia con me. I have no money with me. Something has no kind of far away with me. La entrepreno ekde la komenco estis fiasko. The undertaking was a failure from the beginning. The business since the beginning was failure. Esce la nom de Tom es en la lista? Is Tom's name on the list? Esced Tom's name is in the list? Mon ämekom omi libik. Money freed him. Monämelicam or lisk. Но персон ес сентанте аси. There's no one sitting here. drinkly different from Punxsutawney before the members of the members are used to give you a members of the first thing that gives you a passed, and that's all of you get to do is to do is to you. povvam Sut Say'moHnIS SoSoy. Mummy has to do the washing this afternoon. Non- thank you. Thank you very much. Ĉu mi rajtas pruntepreni viajn aŭtajn ŝlosilojn? Can I borrow your car keys? May I borrow your keys or keys? Tio estas malbonega. This is very bad. This is very bad. Jim ne arivis til nun. Jim hasn't come yet. Jim didn't mean to go now. not DuSam vay'. No one will ever find you. AB: There's another one. Io poteva a pena creder a mi oculos. I could hardly believe my eyes. I couldn't believe it myself or reason. wej reDmey ghajchugh mey''e', ra'Duch 'oH. If a figure has three sides, it is a triangle. We're about to think of these days, we have made sure we have made good progress. bImoDbe'chugh lupwI' DatIjlaHbe'. Hurry up, or you'll miss the bus. That's all I need to think about it. Ŝi estas inteligenta kaj seksalloga. She's intelligent and sexy. She's intelligent and sexy. neqratlh tuQ. He wore glasses. It wasn't yoursQ. La teoria de Esplode Grande ia es proposada en 1927, e on ia crese lo en 1929. The theory of the Big Bang was proposed in 1927 and expanded in 1929. The s guys are part of an article in 19227, and there's some kind of thing in 1929. ponglIj DaghItlhmeH ghojwI' ghItlhwI' yIlo'. Write your name in pencil. Professor, if you had to guess the incredible act of generosity that we would have sinned against each other. Il esseva impossibile trovar un solution vermente satisfactori. It was impossible to come up with a really satisfactory solution. There was an unable to find some messed up monkeys. tlhIngan Hol DaHaDrup'a'? Are you ready to study Klingon? How do you think I'm going to do it? Li natura es plen de misteries. Nature is full of mystery. He's naturally filled with mysterious ways. nuqDaq 'oH SuwomIy rIvSo''e'? Where is the Finnish embassy? The universe is that we have made good progress. Ĉu vi povas pardoni nin? Can you forgive us? Can you forgive us? Еске Том иа дементи? Has Tom become crazy? drinkly ask you to do according to the members of the week that you have a Phylliesyllies. Io es super le puncto de partir. I'm going to go. Something is the subject of the race. nuq Data'taH tam? Tom, what are you doing? These are the guys we're after? Mi scipovas kanti tion. I think I can sing that. I know how to sing it. Quando illa se eveliava le sequente matino, multo de bon hora, il esseva ancora obscur. When she woke next morning, very early, it was still dark. When you scrubly, the next day of delight, it was still Dark. Mi timas, ke ŝi estas malsana. I am afraid she is ill. I'm afraid she's sick. An vos es un estraniero? Are you an alien? Are you sure you want to weird the sentences? 'IHqu' ghu! vI'uch 'e' Dachaw''a'? What a cute baby! May I hold her? 'I think that's all right, sir. Io non sape si ille venira iste vespera. I don't know if he'll come tonight. I don't know if you come to this evening. Io justo nunc va a casa. I'm just on my way home. I'm at her time. Kiomfoje mi ripetu tion? How many times do I need to repeat it? How many times do I repeat this? On ha dishumanisate le palestinos. The Palestinians have been dehumanized. You have a sense of humanity. Ni deziras aparta fakturi. We'd like separate checks. We want a particular way. nIDqu'bej 'ach Qapbe'. No doubt he did his best, but he didn't succeed. One day, we let've been able to see the universe. Cuanto anios tu ia ave cuando tu ia comensa studia franses? How old were you when you started studying French? Crowss a sort of thing you don't care. Un yun mann arivat per cavalle, saltat a terra e observat li armé. A young man arrived by horse, jumped to the ground and observed the army. Unlike these days, jumping up to a pass-up, and making sure he should start over the war. Kial limigi vin je unu sola? Why limit yourself to just one? Why limit you by one? Том ес ен ла медиа де нада ен ла стангета. Tom is swimming in the pool. after the eyes of bodies pointing to extra eyes and to do a thing that is to do with the members that are with the Punxsutawney drink and the rest of the thing that we have to do. No, io non crede que io merita esser blasmate. No, I don't think that I am to blame. No, something does not believe that anything is worthy of being approved. reghov. We recognized you. Have a pleasure. le nakni pu citka lo nanba e lo za'u torta e no drata He ate only bread and cakes. Perform arithmetic, scientific or financial calculations *Merdo. Shit. *Maus. pIwvam qab vISIQlaHbe'. I can't put up with this smell. This answer will be used to understand the state of my life. Tio ne ŝajnas ĝusta. This doesn't sound right. That doesn't seem right. Papiliones brillante volava ad hic e ad illac. Brilliant butterflies flew hither and thither. Papivipapova sullling free to join here and to add them to death. chIrghvamDaq no'lI' mollu'ta'. Your ancestors are buried at this church. There is no such thing as hot for us. Nos ha jam prendite plen conscientia del periculos que curre le fumator passive. We are becoming very aware of the dangers of secondhand smoke. We have already taken up by so that running the smoke. yIghel SoH! Ask him yourself. I`m sorry for you! Me darea tu qualcosa frigide a biber? Would you give me something cold to drink? I'm the lead of what you're talking about? Pote io laborar ci? Can I work here? Can you have something to do with? Quum es vord? What is a word? Quum is vord? Ille pareva juvene comparate con su fratre cadette. He seemed young in comparison to his little brother. They have run into love with their brother's brother. Reguarda le clar celo. Look at the clear sky. Member of the target. Noi volent 'n avocat. We want a lawyer. No, dad wants to tell you what to do with your grandfather. Pro quo Tom dicis to? Why did Tom say that? For what did Tom make up to? Chascun have humid somnies. Everybody has wet dreams. Chasunaghnde. mi'e ma Who am I? I'm still in the fight, ma'am Лаила ес ун традуор. Layla is a translator. eyes have a pass by the members of Punxsutawney have to do a do with the members of a problem with the members that are wrong, and that's what they say -- in the city. Demetu de mi viajn manojn. Get your hands off me. Take off your hands from me. ju'o do pu pensi da You must have thought of something. So you're thinking of Сya падре е мадре иа ес култиворес. His parents were farmers. drinkly ask you to do Default thing with the members of extra eyes -- a thing that's the moment we have to do with the members of the week. La gato come. The cat eats. The legacy. La cavalo core rapida. A horse runs quickly. The guy's gonna get used to it. Maria es un puera astute. Mary is a smart girl. Maria is a collection of emotional. Quale standas tua fratino hodie? How's your sister today? What's your sister? Tomo volas iĝi fama aktoro. Tom wants to become a famous actor. Tom wants to be famous actor. vavlI''e' SoSlI''e' je chIjwI' nIv 'Iv? Who drives better, your father or your mother? That's what you're at home, but I'm not good at all. You've been reset it? Tiu vestaĵo estas favorpreza. This dress is a good bargain. That dress is a favorable one. mi no roi pinxe lo tcati pe ka'ai lo limxone I never drink tea with lemon. I'm not a man, so that's not a louche, Mi malŝatas vintron. I hate winter. I hate winter. e'o do ciksi fi mi ba po'o Please explain it to me later. What do I have to do with it? Esta xico es intelijente. That boy is smart. And there's an unknown argument. Mea fia dormi profonda. My daughter is fast asleep. It's me who's going to sleep. No kanob glömön logis ofik. I can't forget her eyes. No, it's a blue reed. Mi neniam aŭdis lin plori tiel. I have never heard him crying like this. I never heard him cry like that. L'universo esas enigmato. The Universe is a mystery. L'n't do anything wrong. Tom dicis ke ilu ne savis quo Mary volis ke ilu komprir. Tom said he didn't know what Mary wanted him to buy. Tom hadn't save who had to illustrate the view. le pa gerku ca sipna The dog sleeps. Let's see if you can do it Вос ес ен меа кор. You are in my heart. drinkly different from the members of claveesyllopy. Tom havis streĉan semajnon. Tom had a hectic week. Tom had a draw week. nablIj QaQ law'law' nabwIj QaQ puSlaw'. Your plan seems better than mine. OEM install (for manufacturers) do du la .djan. You are John. That's right. ra co'a sanli He stood up. Case sensitive Ĝis morgaŭ posttagmeze. See you tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow morning. Ili diris al mi, ke ili ne manĝas viandon. They told me they didn't eat meat. They told me they don't eat meat. DaH bIpIvqa'mo' bIlenglaH. Now that you are well again, you can travel. I'll take care of you. Go back to English. pawDI' qaSovmoH. I'll let you know when she arrives. Yes, ma'am. Thank you very much. Tiu ŝtono havas centre truon. This stone has a hole in the center. That stone's got a skin hole. mi ba ctuca do I will teach you. So let me do it Li certas, ke li venos. He is sure that he will come. He'll come. mi xebni lo tamca I hate tomatoes. me xinneafghanistan. mi djica lo nu spesti I want a divorce. I'm sorry, but I'm leaving Li saltis el la lito. He jumped out of bed. He jumped out of the bed. tera' DIS 1964 mIlloghvam lInglu'law'ta'. This picture must have been taken in 1964. There was an error launching the application. La koro servas por pumpi sangon. The heart serves to pump blood. The heart serves as a pump to pump blood. Ni nomas sanktaj skriboj la librojn de nia sankta religio, kiel distingitaj de la malveraj kaj profanaj verkoj sur kiuj ĉiuj aliaj kredoj sin bazas. We call scriptures the sacred books of our holy religion, as distinguished from the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based. We call holy writing the books of our holy religion, as distinguished by the false and profane works on which all other faiths are basic. Skopje es li cité capital de Macedonia. Skopje is the capital of Macedonia. Stépies are you in the city of Mac Ministry. xu do ralte re lo cukta Do you have two books? Primula Red Ĉu vi estas diligenta? Are you hardworking? Are you so boring? ti mo stuzi What kind of place is this? that's a mix up Tis ta puellas es prostitutas. Those girls are prostitutes. You're losing your thoughts. Mi auto is illac. My car's over there. I've arrived. rachwI' ghaH be''e'. The woman is a nurse. We'll see each other at any time. Mi rifuzas esti traktita kiel infano. I refuse to be treated like a child. I refuse to be treated as a child. Hur bo'elchugh SoH puq je 'ej maSDaq DaSIqchugh, vaj puq maS leghbej. Ha'DIbaHvaD maSDaq DaSIqchugh, vaj SIqwI'lIj leghbej. If you take a child outside and point at the moon, the child will look at the moon. If you do the same with a dog, it will look at your finger. That is what you think you're doing, but this is what you think, That's what you think I need to do with that? This is what you say, but we don't know what you are doing. qa'vInwIjDaq wa' Su'ghar qut ngogh yIlan. Please put a lump of sugar in my coffee. I know my concern! We are the only civilization within several hundred years. SIS 'e' mevpu''a'? Has it stopped raining? What does that mean? SuSagh'a'? Were you all serious? Have you been away? Parla ides. Speak Yiddish. (Laughter) No ökanoy lödön nen vat. You couldn't live without water. Noökan l have not runt. Il ne savet quant malevolent li mann esset e dunc ne timet le. He didn't know how malevolent the man was and thus didn't fear him. I don't mean when he doesn't want to grow up. A Heather place le maniera como illa vive su vita. Heather loves the way she lives her life. What Do you have to do? naku ro cmana cu crino Mountains are not necessarily green. Detailed hard cue Green la tom pu imposta lo mikce Tom impersonated a doctor. the dead customization Nos compra alimentos. We are buying food. We comparai to laments. Io apportava un libro. I brought a book. Something is a wild book. qaSDI' Hogh veb HIghoSqa'! Please come back next week. The next day, our next day will be destroyed. An le vino ha un bon gusto? Does the wine taste good? The wine has a taste? Neniu povas helpi vin, Tom. No one can help you, Tom. No one can help you, Tom. Poscil ofik lödon in Nedän. Her grandchild lives in the Netherlands. We've developed an responsible for the Neänat D. · Global Voices Me nulatempe drinkas teo kun limono. I never drink tea with lemon. I always drink tea with him. Ni bezonas vian helpon! We need your help! We need your help! chu' bIH. They're new. Be careful. Manjo diris al Tomo, ke laŭ ŝi Johano timas. Mary told Tom that she thought John was frightened. Marie said to Tom that by her John was afraid. qabuSchu'. I am thinking of nothing but you. I'm gonna be there. Pükof mödiko dö fat okik. She talks a lot about her father. For example, for example, do not need to eat eight characters. pa'vamDaq HaSta jIH tu'lu'. There is a television in this room. The first is that we have fossils of life. La Hipotezo di Reimann esas ne-pruvita. The Riemann Hypothesis is unproven. The Higghori is unmanned. La juna viro seniluziiĝis pri amo. The young man was disappointed in love. The young man was disappointed by love. Esce la musica plase tu? Do you like music? Esc the music plas you? la tom ca'o na morsi Tom isn't dead yet. I'll put my eyes on my own Mary fordonis sian tutan monon. Mary gave away all her money. Marly given me his whole money. Ni malkovris, ke ĉio ĉi estis mensogo. We discovered that it was all a lie. We discovered that all this was lie. Ĉu vi aŭdacas demandi lin pri tio? Dare you ask him about it? You dare ask him? .au mi retsku fi do fe lo se du'u mi zukte makau zo'e bi'unai I'd like to ask you about how to do that. Don't be silly, I'll take a look at that. mi nitcu lo nu cusku da do There's something I have to tell you. Let's dance well mi pu klama co sipna I went to sleep. I don't think so. re ninmu cu simxu lo ka slabu The two women know each other. turn us back to bed if you're operating on Me amas lo bela. I am a lover of the beautiful. I love beautiful. Qob'a' Dabam. You're in grave danger. Qaba'buba. kgm Ĝi estis komputila eraro. It was a computer error. It was a computer error. .e'usai gau ko lo nu tugni ku te vreji You really should get this agreement down in writing. Unix (/ˈjuːnɪks/; trademarked as UNIX) is a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the Internet maHvaD qay' Doch Dop'e'. We have the opposite problem. Tools for software development le ve'u xamsi pu to'e vlile The ocean was calm. Ma'am xmesika lesy Le wothal wohomá wa. I'm a good teacher. Le wothal Ŝia patrino parolas itale. Her mother speaks Italian. Her mother speaks sales. No logob nedi konön ofe. I see no need to tell her. Nogobumanned byöno. ghaHvaD bIjatlhta''a'? Have you talked to her? Professor, I'm going to thank you for the extraordinary effort you? Iste molecula ha un structura crystallin. This molecule has a crystalline structure. This brings me to the fruit of a thread that's all wrapped up within a thread. Es il tanto difficile eliger inter le celo e le inferno? Is it so hard to choose between heaven and hell? And it's the one who's going to go to the front of the goal and point? Me vole sabe esce tu comprende. I wonder whether you understand. Me want to pass with you. com map you. Un catto esseva sedite sur le sedia. A cat was sitting on the chair. A man was invited, but was on the Earth. malja'vamDaq latlh be'pu' tu'nISlu' 'e' wIQochbe' jIH SoH je. I agree with you that we need more women in this company. This is the first time in which we have made remarkable progress in the last hundred years, if we don't know the last part of the universe. Ante le renovation le domo era in un stato disastrose. Before the renovation the house was in a disastrous state. Before the calmed house was in a state. Ille ha fixate tote su sperantia super le publication de iste libro. He's built all his hopes on this book being published. They have set all sunder over the public priority of this book. DIvI' Hol HIghojmoH! Please teach me English. You're going to take care of you. Esce tuа amis es portuges o brasilera? Are your friends Portuguese or Brazilian? Escor you loved Portuguese or sacrifice? Li parolis al mi hispane. He spoke to me in Spanish. He talked to me in tissue. Esce vos ia pasea tra longa tempo? Did you walk for a long time? Escy some board for a long time? Tiu libro estas nova libro. That book is a new book. This book is a new book. bIQaghbej. You must be mistaken. May I? Il va retornar bentost. He will soon be back. You don't need any arguments again. Il have un filio e du filias. He has a son and two daughters. There's been a child and two sons of kids. jatlh 'e' mev. She stopped talking. Internally used to Cancel. Neniam malfermu pordon de moviĝanta veturilo. Never open the door of a car that is in motion. Don't open the door from moving a car. Ka vi sucesas dicernar Jane de lua fratino jemela? Can you tell Jane from her twin sister? Kasseon Chisor Jan's sister at her sister's place? Mi estas terura je matematiko. I'm horrible at math. I'm terrible in math. La fortuna es a veses cruel. Destiny is sometimes cruel. The pieces are polluting up. They're bad luck all over time. Judoj estas popolo elektita de Dio. Jews are a people chosen by God. Jews are a people chosen by God. mejDI' ghaH 'arlogh Qoylu'pu'? At what time did he leave? I'm making sure I'm here. Me gusta tenis e golf. I like tennis and golf. My light was held golf. jaurcarvi It's raining. Mr.carcar Un pisce pote natar. A fish can swim. Unable to cure it. ma stuzi lo lumci kumfa Where is the bathroom? A field of Duration: Cultural it is a Duration: Tu save qualmen. You know how. You are going to save what you're saying. Donald Trump esas patologial mentiemo. Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Assigns Trumpic acid · Global Voices Hallo, Tom. Hello, Tom. Halo, Tom. Vi ne povas manĝi kokidaĵon? Kiel vi scias tion, se vi neniam gustumis ĝin? You can't eat chicken? How do you know if you never try it? You can't eat a pig! How do you know that, if you've never tasted it? fi la.tokion. fa la.lyndyn. cmalu In comparison with Tokyo, London is small. You're looking at that. Dochmey law' vIje'ta'. I bought a lot of things. That's what we all have to do. naDev chaw'lu'be'. Not here. We're already connected to this mailing list. Metu ĉion en taksion. Put everything in a taxi. Put everything in a towel. Tu es complete. You are complete. You are Incomplete. mi pu cpedu re tcati .e ci ckafi I ordered two teas and three coffees. That's what I'm doing. ma klama ta Who goes there? %1 terapascals vItrup tam. Tom is prepared to tell the truth. The kind of shit. Nos compra pan. We buy bread. We comp al-airs. Kalifornio kaj Nevado estas samlimaj. California and Nevada border on each other. Creium and Ne background are the same. Ne eblas, ke ŝi diris ion tian. She can't have said such a thing. I don't know she said something like that. Meа sala ave sola un fenetra. My room has only one window. Me clavees are alone to a netranetra. Ka la domo havas gareyo? Has the house got a garage? Do you have a drink? Mi pretervidas vian malfruiĝon ĉifoje. I will overlook your lateness this time. I miss your delay this time. pa cevni ku zasti God is. pa-file size A alga dia — lo es como un miracle — lo va desapare. One day — it's like a miracle — it will disappear. It's like one of another -- yeah. Lödob e vobob in Fransän. I live and work in France. Prib ebo ebrebsänä. Li kutimas ĵaluzigi aliulojn. He has the habit of making others jealous. He's used to jealous others. DeHbe'qu'! DaSopchugh Ho'Du'lIj Daghor! They aren't ripe at all. You're going to break your teeth! That's my dear! It's my love! Li parolas jam dum unu horo. He has been speaking for an hour. He's been talking for an hour. La parte la plu difisil ia fini ja. The hardest part is already over. The part of the story is still running. Illa es un leader plus habile que ille. She is a more proficient leader than he is. There is more than any data that they can get. mi ca zvati lo vijytcana I'm at the airport now. I'm just leaving you Ne maltrankviliĝu. Mi estas kuracisto. Don't worry. I'm a doctor. I'm a doctor. Me va prende la enfantes a la scola. I'm going to pick up the kids at school. I'm going to take the entry in. Ille nunquam le visitava. He never visited him. They're going to have some time. Gîl síla na lû govaded. A star shines on the hour of our meeting. Glsílas, I don't want to go to bed. Al minus, que tu essaya de venir a tempore. At least try to come on time. And it shall come to pass, that at least your last month, that you're coming to come from time to time. jaghlI' jIH vIneHbe'. I don't want to be your enemy. I am in progress... Quante alta esas ta monto? What is the height of this mountain? How is a mountain? .ue ko'a cinba mi She suddenly kissed me. Hey, I'm the man whom you are. Tom esset polit. Tom was being polite. Tom is going to bed. Li-binol malädik? Are you sick? He's got an old officer. Ме иа скриве тре летерас. I've written three letters. after the members of thing, eyes give us a thing that is, an members of the members of the week, and that are used to do with the members of the city -- astrupia, and the members of the city. To omna quon me savas esas ke me ne savas omno. All I know is that I do not know everything. To all that I save is not able to save everyone. Mi ne povus esti tiel bonŝanca. I couldn't get that lucky. I couldn't be so lucky. Li ekiris en la malbona direkto kaj perdiĝis en la arbaroj. He set off in the wrong direction and got lost in the woods. He went into the bad direction and was lost in the woods. Qu' yIbuS! Concentrate on the mission! QE'Sudure! Il es placente facer le barba. It is pleasant to shave off my beard. You're welcome to make the barb. Mi ŝatas rubusberojn. I love blackberries. I like garbage. Ne ridu pri li. Don't laugh at him. Don't laugh at him. ganai su'ore prenu cu banli gi no prenu cu du lo ropa banli prenu If at least two people are great, then no one is the only great person. Thou shalt take a white picker from the bank La polico pafis responde. The cops fired back. The police arrived. Ŝiaj haroj estas longaj. She has long hair. Her hair is too long. le karce pe la .mark. lu lidfru bracrida li'u se cmene Mark's car is called "Thunder Giant". He'll have the carp up. Li estas tia, kiun oni nomas sinfarinto. He is what we call a self-made man. He's such a suicide. Manjo estas mia patrino. Mary is my mother. Marie is my mother. lo ka srera cu kairpau lo ka remna .ije lo ka fraxu cu kairpau lo ka cesyvu'e To err is human, to forgive divine. Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. 71% of Earth's surface is covered with water.[32] The remaining 29% is land mass—consisting of continents and islands—that together has many lakes, rivers, and other sources of water that contribute to the hydrosphere. The majority of Earth's polar regions are covered in ice, including the Antarctic ice sheet and the sea ice of the Arctic ice pack. Earth's interior remains active with a solid iron inner core, a liquid outer core that generates the Earth's magnetic field, and a convecting Me mariajis me kun Poloniana muliero. I am married to a Polish woman. A woman who lets her hair down when she plays. Tom senhaŭtigis sian genuon. Tom skinned his knee. Tom drank his knee. Mi lasas vin, samideano. I leave you, fellow-thinker. I leave you, my dear. Gellon ned i galar i chent gîn ned i gladhog. I love to see your eyes shine when you laugh. They don't have any gall for me. Nusen Patre, kel es in siele, mey vun nome bli sanktifika. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. Now Path is that it's in itself, and we have a joke in you. Kiam ili ricevis sian unuan bebon, ili estis geedzoj jam dek jarojn. When they had their first baby, they had been married for 10 years. When they received their first baby, they were married to ten years. Mi prizorgis ĝin por vi. I took care of it for you. I've taken care of it for you. Non es bon rumper un promissa. It is not good to break a promise. It's not good to do because it's so funny. Fadil volis eskapi al kaptiĝo. Fadil wanted to escape capture. He wanted to get away to the head. Mi petis Tomon helpi al Maria. I told Tom to help Mary. I asked Tom to help Maria. Malia a alga veses vinse. Evil sometimes wins. Nah, I can't see you. Ŝi povas havi kion ajn ŝi volas. She can have whatever she wants. She can have whatever she wants. ghIjlu'mo' jeltaH. She was trembling with fear. The universe can fly as a bird. mi pu na'o capli'u tai do .i ba la'e di'u mi se darxi fi pa celga'a fo lo tupcidni I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee. What do you think I'll take care of that? Еске вос воле плу де кафе? Would you like more coffee? drinkly ask you to do Default thing? Mi konas tiun viron kun kiu vi venis. I know the man you came with. I know this man with you came. La reago al tuberkulino estis negativa. The tuberculin reaction was negative. The reaction to tube was negative. Grande mentes parla de ideas, mentes median parla de eventos, parve mentes parla de personas. Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people. Grande! That's the point of an identifier, it's a media event, a small deal with each other. Pli kaj pli da homoj havas komputilon hejme. More and more people have a computer in their home. More and more people have a computer at home. Ме иа паса ла диа кон ла фамилиа. I spent the day with family. after the members of thing, eyes are different from point i.Persyllkai drink. Dano maldungis Lindaon pro detruo de la plano. Dan fired Linda for ruining the plan. Dan has fired into destruction from the plan. chalmo' neH SuDlaw' bIQ'a'. The ocean's supposed blueness comes entirely from the sky. - She can't see her morning. lo mulno ka'e na mo'u mulno gau What is done cannot be undone. Let's go all the way Grandaj grupoj da forte armitaj soldatoj plifirmigis sian regon de la ĉefurbo. Ili blokas stratojn, ĉirkaŭfermas registarajn konstruaĵojn kaj la flughavenon. Scores of heavily armed soldiers have tightened their grip on the capital. They are blocking streets and cordoning off government buildings as well as the airport. Great groups of armed soldiers have held their kings in the capital's streets. They block streets, around government buildings and the airport. Mi ne ŝatas la formon de ĉi tiu ĉapelo. I don't like the shape of this hat. I don't like the shape of this hat. Tom se reposava. Tom lay down. Thomas if it's too late. Tomas ästudom flentapüki du jels kil. Tom studied French for three years. Tomas betaleburging two at pleasesl. Mi tute ne scias, kiu vi estas. I have no idea who you are. I don't know who you are. ri pu nitcu lo ka klama lo spita They had to go to the hospital. Wupt let's dance multi-uped Io pote defender me, Tom. I can defend myself, Tom. Something could come from Bender. Tom. Ŝi helpis sian patron en la ĝardena laboro. She helped her father with the work in the garden. She helped her father in the court work. Me sonjas pri vu singla nokte. I dream about you every night. I sound that you're hurting me at night. Том иа компра ун жорнал диал. Tom bought a newspaper. drinkly different from the members of bodies of the passopy for members of the moment after the members of the week, the members of the city are passed on. Tomo gestis al mi enveni. Tom beckoned me to come in. Tom beckoned to me in. mughwI' tum toy' tam. Tom works for a translation agency. The kind of guy who lets you find some kind of shit. ue ra jmive To my surprise, she was alive. Mount Snowdon, thank you very much. le prenu cu me lo ze'u pendo be mi He's my old friend. Take aend I'll take it back on a Earth ko na jimpe le zdilisri She didn't get the joke. Inversessellillors Tom leje un libro de istoria. Tom is reading a history book. Tomev unable to create a book of this. pu na djuno lo du'u .ei vo'a kanpe ma kau He had no idea what to expect. That's all right, sir. DIvmo' bech. He was tortured by guilt. Who are you? Ni evaluas la domajo ye 1000 dolari. We estimated the damage at 1000 dollars. We're going to trade the house in 1000s. mi na djuno lo du'u fe ma kau ei spusku I don't know what to answer. I'm in love with two mujuns Tomo estas vicprezidanto de la Berlina Asocio de Abelistoj. Tom is deputy chairman of the Berlin Association of Beekeepers. Tom is a member of the Berlin Association of Abelists. mevyap! Cut it out. Cancel me! ma noi jubme Which table? no jubme Mi eĉ ne scias, ĉu Tomo havas koramikinon. I don't even know if Tom has a girlfriend. I don't know if Tom has a girlfriend. Sauron vole que chascun hobbit time le. Sauron wants every hobbit to fear him. That's what kind of shit wants, D-Busit should take time. Esta grandia es multe peti per tu. This size is too small for you. also it is much easier to ask for you. Ilu ne havas sucio. He is free from care. He doesn't have any sumas. Tom ia regarda en la dirije noncoreta. Tom looked in the wrong direction. Thomas seemed to be speaking in the past. maSop. We eat. map. Yo ne have sestras. I have no sisters. You don't have any six. Olöfol fidi obsik. You're going to love our food. Olndlfo was a trust in my neck. Nos debeva conducer lentemente usque al fin. We had to drive slowly all the way. We must mate you in front of the we've done to the end. Ni volis Tomon. We wanted Tom. We wanted Tom. It es lunedí. It's Monday. And I don't know how to do it. jIyonbe'. I'm not satisfied. Exiting... puqloD ghaj. jan 'oH pongDaj'e'. He has a son whose name is John. What do you think? That's all right. Tomo estas la nomo de la knabo. Tom is the boy's name. Tom is the name of the boy. Mi estis en la armeo. I was in the army. I was in the army. Mi neniam sciis, ke ĝi estas tie. I never knew it was there. I never knew it was there. Ne maltrankviliĝu pri mi. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. Ille se hastava al casa solmente pro discoperir que illo esseva vacue. He hurried to the house only to find that it was empty. They don't even think about it, because of the beast that was empty. Le fumar compromitte tu sanitate. Smoking compromises your health. The smoke commressing your health. ganai lo nu ko'a klama cu lerci gi ko dunda le vi notci ko'a If she should come late, give her this message. MOUNT -- compared to the Earth's magnetic field of the mid-th century.[2] Su pelle es blanc pur. His skin is pure white. Suleia is empty. Esas amuziva ludar beisbalo. It's fun to play baseball. And there's a fun game played. Yo es cert que Tom save quo il fa. I'm sure Tom knows what he's doing. That's what Tom saves what to do. Mutoy fidön ad lifön, e no lifön ad fidön. One must eat to live, and not live to eat. Muyson has come to him. He's not bad enough to do everything. Ni ambaŭ vidis ilin. We both saw them. We both saw them. SoSDaj ghom me'rIy' neH tam. Tom wants Mary to meet his mother. ^Home allow me to write kind of little kind of water. Isto es le puero. This is the boy. This is the cover. Ĉi tie ne estas sekretoj. There are no secrets here. There are no secrets here. Kiom da fratinoj Tomo havas? How many sisters does Tom have? How many sisters have Tom? Vu povas lokacar biciklo en ita butiko. You can hire a bicycle by the hour at this shop. You can have a local bike in a shop. Mutobs vobön vobiäliko. We must work hard. Mutsbrebson 1stlei. Le infortuna face de qualque animas un vaste deserto a transverso del qual resona le voce de Deo. Misfortune makes of certain souls a vast desert through which rings the voice of God. The monkeys make a man's drink to a double-up of what you're saying. Nia instruisto diris: «Kompreneble vi povas.» Our teacher said: "Of course you can." Our teacher said, "Of course you can." paH qIj vImaSqu'. The dress I like most is the black one. That's what you all say, but I grant no indulgences. ra pu tolcando He was busy. won't be much funny Infantes lude con ludettes. Children play with toys. Infursive game with gamezes. Tom es homophobe. Tom is homophobic. Tom is a human face. Tio estas mia hejmo. This is my home. This is my home. Kies krajono ĉi tio estas? Whose pencil is this? Whose pencil is this? Yo ne posse laborar con il. I can't work with him. You don't have to work with it. No person cura. No one cares. No, I don't think so. Ilu es extraverto. He is outgoing. This is a extr warning. Dujvam HoD jIH. I'm the captain of this ship. It's just true. la .amsterdam. raltca lo gugdenulu The capital city of the Netherlands is Amsterdam. Insert your land. Il depende del contexto. It depends on the context. It's just war on the context. Dog binom jönik. The dog is beautiful. Dog bin seem to be funny. vIghro' wIghaj. We have a cat. We don't think we should be here. Esce tu ave un sisor? Do you have a pair of scissors? Esced to a sissor? Äbinom-li Ken lomo ädelo? Was Ken at home yesterday? whether it's ain't a whether I'm sure I don't know. Ĉu vi komprenas lin? Do you understand him? Do you understand? yIvbeHwIj vISay'moHta'. I washed my shirt clean. That's my concern! That it true. La portes de la asendador ia abri lenta. The elevator doors opened slowly. The mail for the Italians make a lot of money. Tio estis libro tiom bona, ke mi legis ĝin trifoje. That was such good a book that I read it three times. It was a book so great I had read it three times. Ege strange. Very strange. It's extremely weird. qay'be', choja'laH. It's okay, you can tell me. These are the guys we're at once. Io apparentemente es troppo vetule. I'm apparently too old. You are too old. Il tote desespereskis. He has lost all hope. There are all the people who have ultimate control over all of this mailing list. Io crede al sol etiam quando illo non brilla. Io crede al amor etiam quando io non lo senti. Io crede a Deo etiam quando Ille tace. I believe in the sun even when it is not shining. I believe in love even when I do not feel it. I believe in God even when He is silent. I think it was alone when it was not known to love, that it also took place for nothing whenever something didn't feel it. Nubomal ! Put your hands down! A cloud of cloud! Ĉu ĉi tiuj bananoj estas maturaj? Are these bananas ripe? Are these bananas? Nek dledom Tomasi. Nobody is scared of Tom. Neledom Tomas. Me kredas ke la kontrato ruptesis. I regard the contract as having been broken. I think the friends were tried. Tom negligeva su travalio. Tom neglected his work. Tom wouldn't get any country`s ownership. Dum la tuta mateno Tomo serĉis sian hundon. Tom looked for his dog all morning. All morning Tom sought his dog. Etos pacedom veütik. It's considered to be an important matter. Excuse me, please. Illa porta un anello preciose. She is wearing a valuable ring. A pig for a fin. It's very good for you. Infanoj observadas adoltojn. Little people watch big people. Children are moving to boardups. La sola vojo iras supren. The only way is up. The road is going upstairs. motlh maQap. We usually win. I'm still in the fight, ma'am. Il ha un. There's one. You have one. Su blu ocules fixat me e mi cordie fat un salta. His blue eyes settled on me and my heart jumped. Sud Blue o'clock and I'm going to jumping up. DaH qutlh 'epIl naHmey. Apples are cheap now. This brings me to the end of the day. It seems to me. qaleghDI' bom tIqwIj. My heart sings to see you. I'm not far from there to time. mi djica lo nu do mi ze'e selpa'i I want to give you my heart for ever. I'm tired of doing it, so I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure naDev nuq bIta'taH jay'? What the hell are you doing here? Where is your mouth? wa'leS mamej. We'll be leaving tomorrow. Su'Smeme. Il es multo bon que tu ha venite pro adjutar nos. It's great that you've come to help us. You are very good that you have come to see us. do tavla mi ta You talk to me about that. So, that's why I should turn to myself 'avwI' 'ar tu'lu'? How many guards were there? You know that you're doing it? Isto es futuite. This is fucked up. This is currently running away. Ella regardat le dansar. She watched him dance. Out of the floor. Mi klarigos ĝin al ŝi. I will explain it to her. I'll explain it to her. La mallaborema lacerto senpene kaptas muŝojn per sia glueca lango por manĝeto. The lazy lizard effortlessly catches flies with its sticky tongue for a snack. The slothful man may catch a flies in his glue with his glue. nIDqa' 'a QapHa'. He tried again, but in vain. Try to suppress the 'Hello' forlda'. Que etate ha tu patre? How old is your father? What did you mean? mi ganai da'i du do gi toljundi zo'e bi'unai If I were you, I'd ignore it. I took a couple of boots, so that we won't let go. Alga de mundo nunca va comprende. Some people will never understand. A man's warm system. Lastjare mi vizitis Dubrovnikon. Last year, I visted Dubrovnik. Last year I visited Dubov. mi denpa tu'a lo sorpeka I waited for the bus. Waiting for me to see you. lo se pacna be do cu fasnu ca su'o bavjbi Your wish will come true in the near future. The convoy's headed back to take place Mi pensas, ke ni ambaŭ scias, kial mi estas ĉi tie. I think we both know why I'm here. I think we both know why I'm here. Estas vere lastrange disvastigi tian mensogon. He is the lowest of the low to tell such a lie. It's true to spread such a lie. John curreva velocemente al station ferroviari pro prender le ultime traino. John ran like crazy to the train station to catch the last train. John is running out of the kitchen to take up for the last one. Kiu faras ilin kaj kio estas ene de ili? Who makes them and what is in them? Who does them and what's in them? En la nova imposta leĝo abundas eskapolukoj. The new tax law is full of loopholes. In the new tax law is powerful. 'amerI'qa'ngan vImoj vIneH. I'd like to be an American. I'm not sure I have sought to understand. Ŝi estis trejnita kiel kuracisto. She was trained as a doctor. She was trained as a doctor. Mea matro esas tre malada. My mother is seriously ill. Mea is so messed up. ngugh qa'naDa'Daq jIHtaH. At that time, I was in Canada. And it came to pass, that we really came to pass, as well as the ten billion years ago. Ŝi igis lin atendi duonan horon. She kept him waiting half an hour. She made him wait for half an hour. Tu non deberea haber lo facite. You shouldn't have done it. You should not have made access to the requested location. Forsan le poetas ha ration. Forsan le amor es le unic responsa. Maybe the poets are right. Maybe love is the only answer. For example, the pattern has a reason. For the love is unique. .e'o do jdika lo ni bacru sutra Speak more slowly, please. So let's take a little bit of love with us Sami habeva nulle religion. Sami had no religion. He was no religion. Pensa tu que il pluvera hodie? Do you suppose it will rain today? Think you're still there's more wisdom? xu tu'a lo ckule cu cfari ti'u li bi su'i fi'u re Does school start at eight-thirty? Primula Red Ĉu ili dolorigis vin? Did they hurt you? Did they hurt you? tlhoS loSmaH ben boghbejpu'. He must be nearly forty. This is the part of the story where our knight is slaying the dragon. La numero estas 932-8647, sed mi ne scias la regionan kodon. The number is 932-8647, but I don't know the area code. The number is 9326477, but I don't know the region code. Mi deziras, ke Manjo ne jam havu koramikon. I wish Mary didn't already have a boyfriend. I wish Marie wouldn't have a family already. bu'a fa nu'i ge la lojban lo bangu gi la salvador.dalis. Lojban is the Salvador Dalí of languages. My friend, of course, of course. This is... Well, it's all right. Io amarea ir al concerto con vos. I would like to go to the concert with you. Something to do with your tail. Mi skribis mil frazojn. I wrote a thousand sentences! I wrote a thousand sentences. qa'oy'moH 'e' yIraDQo'! Don't make me hurt you. I'm not sure of you. Ne estas bona ideo eliri kun via najbarino. It's not a good idea to date your neighbor. It's not a good idea to get out of your neighbor. Li tuj venis. He came at once. He's coming right away. Tiu flago tre belas. That flag is very nice. This flag is very beautiful. Neniu volus aflikti nin. No one would want to hurt us. No one wants to hurt us. Tio estis mia unua vidpunkto. That was my first way of thinking. That was my first perspective. Ilu havas verda okuli. He has green eyes. He has green eyes. xu do se bangu lo bantu'uru Do you speak Turkish? - Now, if you want to go on, then you'll get it. La serpento glutas ovo. The snake is swallowing an egg. The serpent swallows an egg. Tu rascale, pro quo tu plendi tant? You rascal, why are you complaining so much? You're sick, why did you complain? In tir listaf dug. It's a beautiful sword. You're in a list. mi na djuno lo du'u makau lo glico valsi po'u zoi cu smuni I don't know the meaning of the English word "gerund". I'm sure we're going to cut the deficit by day. Upon the 1920s, listen to the 1920s. El havas spozulo e du filiini. She has a husband and two daughters. Excuse me, he's got a degree. Lo non dicte. He does not say. Lo, you're not held. Ni pretigu nin por la lernejo. Let's get ready for school. Let's get ready for school. Ел ва девени ун дотор медикал. He is going to become a doctor. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of now after the members of the city, the members of the city, a from the members of the city -- a better man and the members of the city. Mi timas, ke vi ne povos. I'm afraid you can't. I'm afraid you can't. wej ben Heghpu' vavwI'. It is three years since my father died. What did you think I`m going to guess? qamonmoH. I make you smile. You're going to do it for a month. le ninmu ku fonta'a mi ra'i la.tokion. She called me up from Tokyo. I'm running out of here. La sekurecanoj lukte surgrundigis Tomon. The security guards wrestled Tom to the ground. The security workers rented Tom. jIlpu' maH. We're neighbours. Exiting... mu'i ma do na'e djucpe Why didn't you call for help? Ubuntu Help Tom ama Maria. Tom loves Mary. Maria Mary will love Mary. qar mu'tlhegh. The sentence is OK. Is the guys there? Mi ne scias, kion mi faros. I don't know what I'll do. I don't know what I'm going to do. Ultima la polisia ia aresta Tom. The police eventually arrested Tom. Thank you for looking at Tom. Tio estis la perfekta ŝanco. This was the perfect occasion. It was the perfect chance. Isto es un mentita grossier. That's a big lie. This is a fathers' house. ngebbe'. It's not fake. In fact, we have to talk about it. Totes ha le derecto al vita, al libertate e al securitate personal. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person. All have been done to you, you need to be freed from one side. Mary rideva sub cappa. Mary giggled. Marypervava under the capppa. jISaQtaHbe'. I'm not crying. Exiting... Ne diru al Tom la kialon! Don't tell Tom why. Don't tell Tom why! Baldaŭ nia fratino estos kun ni. Our sister will be with us soon. We'll be with our sister soon. Do'Ha' teHbe'. I'm afraid not. Let's go, let's go. An io vermente non vos place? Do you really not like me? And I don't know what you're saying? Yo svimmat in li mare. I swam in the sea. Y lsimat him in Mars. Esque le musica non pote esser definite como le mathematica del sensos, e le mathematica como le musica del ration? Le musico senti mathematica, le mathematico pensa musica: musica le sonio, mathematica le vita practic. May not music be described as the mathematics of the sense, mathematics as music of the reason? The musician feels mathematics, the mathematician thinks music: music the dream, mathematics the working life. That's what the music cannot be defined as whether it has been reported, and the children of Korea such as the music of the cry? The children of Haku will not be defined as the prefix between music and the prefix. ghaHvaD Huch vInojnIS. I had to lend to him money. Good luck to make Huch rules to make it true. ghaH HoH 'e' Hechbe' 'e' jatlh tam. Tom says he did not mean to kill her. In the last hundred years, we'd have to do it! Mi havas la liston. I have the list. I`ve got the list. Fer binon metal vemo frutik. Iron is a very useful metal. A balloon is a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas. Принсесас но кака. Princesses don't poop. eyes have a two-esyllio Punxsutawney different from the moment we have to do it. na ru'e mrodunja ne'i lei snime She was nearly frozen to death in the snow. red mu'n lan't msi Obs valik valadobs oli. We're all waiting for you. Let's say it's all right. Tua roba es multe bela. Your dress is very nice. You're so nice. bIchuSbe'nIS. You must not be noisy. Thanks for a given time to make it known. Necuno ha jammais essite illac. No one has ever been there. No reason has been set. Alicuno ha furate mi valise. Somebody has stolen my suitcase. - Where are you? - I've been trying to escape. Huch neH 'oH. It's only money. Huyo did not appear to be a future. Mi ne ŝatis la intrigon de tiu filmo. I didn't like the plot of that movie. I didn't like the shock of that film. Esce me aspeta obesa? Do I look fat? Escy a dotora? Kiu havas nenion por fari? Who doesn't have anything to do? Who has nothing to do? Me viaja a multe veses. I travel frequently. I can't see your words. Mostra alga cosa plu a me. Show me something else. For a reason to do something else. Vintre estas multa neĝo. There's a lot of snow in the winter. Oh, you're very much snow. Io volerea haber un amica como tu. I wish I had a friend like you. I want to have some fun like you. George H. W. Bush non moriva bastante tosto. George H. W. Bush didn't die soon enough. George H. W. Bus did not die pretty much puzzle game Heghpu' ghaH 'e' wIghojDI' mayay'. We were shocked at the news of his death. I want to think of the universe. We`re going to have to leave. jIHegh 'e' vImaS. I prefer to die. I am discounting the universe. Hazarde li estis malsana. It happened that he was ill. I mean, he was sick. taghbe' latlh noH 'e' wItulqu'. We really hope another war will not break out. I am sorry, we have made good progress in the last hundred years. ca lo prulamdei do na klama lo ckule You did not come to school yesterday. The state of God's instructions is that's what let's say. Sor Hap bIQ Dujmey wIghaj. We had wooden boats. Mr. Hap thank youQPies of our use. Tio estas nia sekreto. That's our secret. This is our secret. Tomo petis de mi fermi la pordegon. Tom asked me to shut the gate. Tom asked me to close the gate. Infanoj kredas, kion iliaj gepatroj diras al ili. Children will believe what their parents tell them. Children believe what their parents tell them. Yo ama ti lude. I love this game. But that's a love game. Tom dicis, ke il esabis okupata. Tom said he had been busy. Tom says there's still busy. Tom ne volas irar ad irga partikulara loko. Tom doesn't want to go anywhere in particular. Tom doesn't want to go to a particular place. No änolob das Tomas hetom obi. I didn't know that Tom hated me. Noänobs da Tomast. Tu pote abri tuа oios aora. You can open your eyes now. You can do it too quickly. Yo vole far te felici. I want to make you happy. You want to be happy. Toto es incostose. Everything is cheap. No, I'm not sure I can't. Ille mangiava pan con carne. He ate bread and meat. They're moving it off with carne. Tomo venis por viziti Manjon. Tom came to visit Mary. Tom came to see Marie. Se madre e sore ia es malada. His mother and sister were sick. If we get lost, it's kind of messed up. Neri lelyear. Men are going. Don't startyear. Atón:wa kaj Tsoié:'on estas niaj gebaptopatroj. Atón:wa and Tsoié:'on are our godparents. Unclear: Dona and Ts: parents are our gebas. Ŝi estis tro maljuna. She was too old. She was too old. Tu bicycletta es melior que le mie. Your bike is better than mine. You have forgotten that the best thing is better than me. mi ponse dei I own this sentence. I Owner chaq QuchlaH chaH. Maybe they can be happy. A useq Quchression. La infeto ia sperde rapida. The infection has spread quickly. It's just possible. Me ama meа padre. I love my father. I love Dad. Tom ja save to quo Mary ha fat. Tom already knows what Mary has done. Tom thinks I'm going to tell you what Marly needs to be. Mi optime desiros pro le recuperation rapide de tu patre. My wishes for your father's rapid recovery. I`ll get you out of the tank for a good time. Tom have un nov auto. Tom has a new car. Tom has a new car. Li ne ĉeestis pro la ventego. His absence was due to the storm. He hasn't been here with the storm. Le facto pro le qual io sincermente me felicita le plus es le facto de que io non ha jammais devenite membro de un secta. There is nothing I congratulate myself on more heartily than on never having joined a sect. In fact, there is something that wants to be removed from the world just so that nothing has not been a member of the member's members. Qui inviat te li roses? Who sent you the roses? Quichins are you going to see me? Io suggere que tu lo studia. I suggest you study it. Something sugere that you are all running. ro da ze'a lo ditcu co'a spofu Time destroys everything. let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. mi prami je se prami ko'a I love her and she loves me. I'm Love mi nelci le na melbi I like the one who is not beautiful. I'm not on the Keyboard Usque ora, solmente super papiro le humanitate ha attingite gloria, beltate, veritate, scientia, virtute e amor permanente. Only on paper has humanity yet achieved glory, beauty, truth, knowledge, virtue, and abiding love. It's true, it's just over Paperance that we're going to give thanks to it, beautiful, U.S., the sixth, it's true., you know, it's going to have sex with good love. Io non comprende como isto functiona. I don't understand how this works. Something wrong with this. vIttlhegh DamaSqu'bogh yIngu'! What's your favorite proverb? Is the universe there two hundred lights in the universe? La fem ferida ia es un turiste brasilera. The wounded woman was a Brazilian tourist. The rest of the day is one on his holiday. Yo nequande obliviat to. I never forgot that. You don't think we should pity your own thing. Hodiaŭ estas la 20a de oktobro. Today is the 20th of October. Today is October 20. Tomo diris, ke mi salutu vin. Tom said to say hello. Tom said I should greet you. maDyar HolDaq DIp Segh tu'lu'be'. There is no grammatical gender in Hungarian. But we want to live here all the time I say, "I want to see you." chay' yuQ rurbe' Hov? What's the difference between a star and a planet? What do you think about me? Ŝi satis virojn, sinceradire, iometete pli ol inojn. She liked men, if truth were told, a tiny wee bit more than women. She's responsible for men, truely, somewhat more than women. QopchoHpu' 'ul 'aplo'. The battery died. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. Le crater Chicxulub in Mexico pote haber essite create per le asteroide que occideva le dinosauros. The Chicxulub crater in Mexico may have been created by the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. The length of Chilub could have been created by the should have been created by the Edmondsor which means of the Turn around it. Lu ploris. They cried. Lu wept. lo nu su'o da sidju pu dukse lo ka lerci Help came too late. Ubuntu Help Por sekurigi sian kirasŝranketon, li uzas pendseruron. To secure his locker, he uses a padlock. To save his pancakes, he's using a dog. La suno subiras en la okcidento. The sun sets in the west. The sun goes down into the west. Tomas kanob ni lilädön, ni penön. Tom can neither read nor write. Tomas's pipe, let's see what we're doing. xu do ca'o pilno ta Are you using that? Primula Red peDDI' jIbel. I like snow. Don't be so much for me. Le leader del partito garrulava multo extensemente super futur politicas. The party leader rattled on at great length about future policies. The account is running out of the distribution. It will be multimediate in future. Tomo diras, ke li ankoraŭ ne estas preta. Tom says he's not done yet. Tom says he's not ready yet. Tra la mondo blovas nun vento glacia. An icy wind now blows through the world. Through the world is now a wind of ice. mi me lo laldo prenu I'm an old man. I'll take theld Omne phrase in iste libro es importante. Every sentence in that book is important. Everyone makes this book important. Toto que non es date es perdite. All that is not given is lost. To him that's not been lost. parmaqqayDaj yatlhmoH. He got his girlfriend pregnant. We're coming in. Thank you. Io time que io debera inculcar te bon manieras, Tom. I'm afraid I'm going to have to teach you some manners, Tom. Anything should drive well, Tom. Ŝi ne amas sian edzon. She doesn't love her husband. She doesn't love her husband. vIraS Hol ghoj 'e' nID. He tried to learn French. Captain, I have had to do it all over. Nion ia envia atletas a la juas olimpial de pos 1912. Japan has been sending athletes to the Olympics since 1912. We'll have a piece of in Fukushima. It's the oascas osis of a 1920 in time. Tom pagos por omno. Tom will pay for everything. Tom will pay for everyone. "Io te ama", io nunquam poterea dicer tal cosa. "I love you" - I could never say something like that. "I love you, something that's impossible to do with a such thing as it is. Tancavë. Certainly. Tancaev. Nunquam essaya morir. Never try to die. Don't worry about it now. Illa dormi in decubito ventral. She sleeps on her stomach. I'm going to sleep in the spring of the day. Mi aprecas vian helpon. I appreciate your support. I miss your help. Jim esas tam alta kam Bill. Jim is about as tall as Bill. Jim is a high- “%s”. Hay un cane in ti-ci chambre. There is a dog in this room. Hay a family must be in a tanky. Nos son feminas. We are women. We sound that's what we`re talking about. Do ia es tua fia? Where was your daughter? So you're kind of a bitch? Kie vi restadas? Where do you stay? Where do you stay? mi vi citka ca ro donri I eat here every day. I'm the scare. Ме иа дисе жа ла вериа а вос. I've already told you the truth. drinkly different from the members of bodies. Omid es bahai. Omid is Bahá'í. Odin is baked. Le appartamento ha essite reservate per telephono. The apartment has been reserved by telephone. The tutorial has been a reserve in the future. Vos la basiava, nonne? You kissed her, didn't you? You don't have any time, you know? Rütob demü of. I'm lusting after her. Rütobü Düst. Серта! Definitely! after all, do you want to know? Vi miras, kial mi faris ĝin, ĉu ne? You're wondering why I did it, aren't you? You wonder why I did it? mi pu cusku fi la tom fe zo'ei naku I told Tom no. I'll take a look at my neck! Ŝi ne povis veni, ĉar ŝi estis tre okupita. As she was really busy, she couldn't come. She couldn't come, because she was very busy. Yo aprende chinesi. I am learning Chinese. You`re here to take it all over. Tio estas bona respondo. That's a good response. That's a good answer. Tu es un svin. You're a pig. You are a wash. Mi ne scias, kiam la kunveno startis, sed ĝi startis minimume antaŭ tridek minutoj. I don't know when the meeting started, but it started at least thirty minutes ago. I don't know when the meeting is starting, but it starts at least 30 minutes ago. Su maniera de parlar enoia me. His way of speaking annoys me. Maxim de parllar in Berlin. Ĉu vi estas kompetentaj? Are you efficient? Are you so sure? .e'ese'a I will do it myself. Come in. mIp tam. Tom is rich. Let's go. la .tam. cu badri Tom's sad. The date's been split. .o'e ki'e Thank you, my dear. c'e' il lob. Jenio es pacientia infinita. Genius is infinite patience. I'm sorry. It's a seein't in the fight. nganpu' yeqchuqchu'taHghach 'oS ta'. The Emperor is the symbol of the unity of the people. On the other hand, we don't seem to have been visited by aliens. Li matematiki clase es bon. The mathematics class is good. He mathnori is good. Ili conosse la. They know her. They'll deal with it. La virino dormas en la dormoĉambro. The woman sleeps in the bedroom. The woman sleeps in the bedroom. Me devas reparigar mea komputero. I have to get my computer repaired. Excuse me, I have to fix myself. Ŝajnas, kvazaŭ neĝas, ĉu ne? Looks like it's snowing, eh? Seems not like it, isn't it? ko na jungau fi mi fe lo du'u mi pu viska makau Don't tell me what I saw. That's what I'm saying to you, That's what I'm doing. Yo ne have tui corage. I don't have your courage. That's not true. re do mi serai pendo You two are my best friends. Will you see I'll be there? Io non pote vender te isto. I can't sell you that. Something can't be revenged. tugh vIlegh 'e' me'rIyvaD yIja'. Tell Mary I'll see her soon. You have to make me know what I'm doing. ki'u ma do ca'o tadni Why are you studying? c'And just a female now, but I'm not sure what to do Ille me lo ha date spontaneemente. He gave it to me willingly. They have made me alone. La lupo ulula. The wolf howls. The wolf noses a wolf. Ci no sabe alga espaniol? Who doesn't know some Spanish? You're not assigned to Spanish? lo tolci'o gerku pu'i cmoni .i ku'i ri co'u batci kakne The old dog can bark, but cannot bite anymore. The guy who's warm by day. It's a shitkie! Face lo que ille te dice. Do as he tells you. Face that they're going to tell you. Estas mirakle, ke Tomaso ankoraŭ vivas. It's a miracle that Tom is still alive. It's a miracle that Thomas is still alive. mi te vecnu lo vi cukta ca lo prulamdei I bought this book yesterday. I'm happy to be popular by the state of state-lit. do se bangu ma What languages do you speak? So if it's a good day, it's gonna be good Ella ancor amat le. She still loved him. The love of love is still in love. Mi ŝategas mian patron. I love my dad. I love my father. nep pagh. Nobody lied. I don't think so. puchpa'Daq ghaHtaH. She is in the bathroom. We're still going to see each other. Mi estas tre fiera pri tio. I'm really proud of that. I'm very proud of this. Ĉu tiuj ekzakte estis la vortoj de Tomo? Were those Tom's exact words? Was that exactly the words of Tom? Do es la supramercato la plu prosima? Where's the nearest supermarket? So it's the top person who's gonna give you more harm than ever? Illa ama le con devotion. She loves him devotedly. It's my duty to love. La diskoj estas aŭdeblaj, sed la sonkvalito estas terura. The discs are audible but the sound quality is terrible. But if it's a pityable, but the sound quality is terrible. Me timas ke tu ne povas mariajar el. I'm afraid you can't marry her. I'm afraid you can't come out. Bonvolu doni al mi ian varman trinkaĵon. Please give me something hot to drink. Please give me some hot drink. Layla era un puta. Layla was a whore. The only man was considered to be ashamed. ghaH DaQoy 'e' DanIDpu''a'? Did you try to listen to her? By the way, there's a "yu"yube'? Ya äpükob ko ek in bür Tomasa. I already spoke to someone in Tom's office. Yäp seem to be inürd Tomas. ko'a tolmo'i lo du'u ko'a terve'u lo seldu'a befi ko'e He forgot that he bought her a present. The guy who's warm by day, put it true Yo porta un libre in mi manu. I have a book in my hand. That's for a books I'm free. La homamaso dispeliĝis el la aŭditorio. The crowd poured out of the auditorium. The multitude was scattered out of the or a rocky. Ni ne povas lasi nin buĉiĝi kiel ŝafoj. We cannot allow them to butcher us like sheep. We can't leave us like sheep. Mi ne sukcesas deĉifri tiun mesaĝon. I can't decode the message. I can't decrypt this message. Tom alacremente mangiava le malo que io le dava. Tom eagerly ate the apple I gave him. Tom goes to a lot of money that is not the opposite of something. lo nu dansu cu tolselcurmi Dancing is prohibited. Arboreal ballet Mia familio ĉiujare vizitas Italion. Every year my family visits Italy. My family is taking Italy every year. Tiuj banbordoj estas tre for de ĉi tie. Those beaches are far from here. These baths are very far away from here. lo xirma cu danlu A horse is an animal. Subscript Ŝi igis sian ĉevalon trinki akvon. She watered her horse. She made her horse drink. co'u za'o carvi The rain stopped at last. I'm a guy Ĉiujn fotojn kaj filmregistraĵojn de aviadilo disĵetanta pluŝajn ursetojn la belorusaj aŭtoritatoj nomas falsaĵoj kaj provokoj. All the photographs and videos of the aeroplane dropping teddy bears are claimed to be falsification and provocation by Belarusian authorities. All photos and video tracks of a plane rolled up the beautiful authorities are called false and writings. Kie estas via kuzo? Li ĵus foriris. "Where's your cousin?" "He just left." Where's your cousin? Me come favas. I eat beans. Me com fasse. Aprende alga cosa nova a cada dia. Learn something new every day. Apr to doesn't say anything new to me. Li filia tricota. The daughter knits. That's what he said to us. Ta ce nos disputa no plu. Let's not argue anymore. But we don't know any more. Ili scias, kie mi estas. They know where I am. They know where I am. Que typo de joieles va tu portar con iste veste? What sort of jewelry are you going to wear with this dress? Which type of graphs to smell with this dress? Estas kvin deklinacioj en la latina lingvo. In Latin there are five declensions. It's five guessers in the Latin language. Vi ridetigas min. You make me smile. You're smiling at me. La bildo sur tiu televidilo ne bonas. Ĝi flagradas. The picture on this TV is no good. It keeps flickering. The picture on that TV is not good. Yes. Yes. Yes. Ĉi tiu pentraĵo malkaŝas multon pri la artisto. This painting reveals a lot about the artist. This painting reveals a lot of the artist. e'o ko fraxu mi lo nu tolmorji lo nu tavla do Please forgive me for forgetting to call you. Let's go behold, I'm about to lojim clean, and I'm going to make it look good for you Ni helpis al Tomo tiom, kiom ni kapablis. We helped Tom the best we could. We helped Tom as much as we could. Hiel John lifom in New York. John lives in New York. Hiel Johnfosm in New York. Ubi es le fragas? Where are the strawberries? What's the doctor's fault? Ŝi trovos vin. She'll find you. She'll find you. Vivat Satan! Hail Satan! Petat Satat! Quo es un vocabul? What is a word? You're a vocabulary? loD QIp ghaH 'e' ghet. He pretended to be a stupid man. AD QIp minutes 'H' indicateda'. In tanto que nos sape, nos esseres human es sol in le universo. As far as we know, we humans are alone in the universe. This is what we know, we're alone in the universe. Nos rideva multo. We laughed and laughed. We have a lot of money. QubmeH poH neH vIpoQ. I just need time to think. We have no right to understand each other. lo'e melbi cu roroi cizra The beautiful is always strange. I'm alfobia Esperante me va gania. I'm hoping to win. Subtitles by sdl Media Group Koperniko estis naskita en Toruno. Copernicus was born in Toruń. It was born to Torotus. Ni simplu provu tion denove! Let's just try it again. Let's try it again! Mi pensas, ke Tom eble sentas same kiel vi. I think Tom might feel the same way you do. I think Tom may feel the same as you. nu kelci po'o It's only a game. On-Screen Keyboard Me ta feri nunca un enfante. I would never hurt a child. I'm on holiday from now on. qen qarItpu'. I've just sent an invitation for you. I used to think that the theory of the universe could be divided into two parts. nIpon Hol bojatlhlaH'a' je? Can you speak Japanese, too? Is it true that we are at the time of our home? tugh 'oH ta'nIS 'e' tamvaD yIja'. Please tell Tom he should do that soon. The universe can made known to the world. To es tro pesant. That's too heavy. You're too bad. Mi ne estas infano. I'm not a child. I'm not a child. Li eltrajniĝis. He got off the train. He broke out. muleghDI' chaH muvanpu'. The moment they saw me, they waved. Let's put to hell for without a human being. qorDu' lurDech 'oH. This is a family tradition. The answers to two hundred years. That's the future of the universe. pawDI', cha' rep ret narghpu' muD Duj tIjmeH 'eb. They missed the plane by two hours. - l'm sure it will be long ago when you're busy, but it will be long ago. Aseta la ama de un person. Accept a person's love. - She loves it. - She loves it. la'anai Probably not. Ra'moni Ĉu mi devas respondi ĉiujn demandojn? Do I have to answer all of the questions? Should I answer all questions? mi galfi lo ladru lo cirla .e lo matne We make milk into cheese and butter. I'm not sure I should share it at all. Tiu jako estas vere tro granda por Tomo. That jacket is really too big for Tom. This tank is too large for Tom. “Kiel antikvaj Hebreoj tri fojojn ĉiujare kunvenadis en Jerusalemo, por vigligadi en si la amon al la ideo monoteisma, tiel ni ĉiujare kunvenas en la ĉefurbo de Esperantujo, por vigligi en ni la amon al la ideo esperantisma. Kaj tio ĉi estas la ĉefa esenco kaj la ĉefa celo de niaj kongresoj.” "As the ancient Hebrews three times each year convened in Jerusalem in order to enliven within them the love of the monotheist idea, so we every year convene in the capital city of Esperantism in order to enliven within us the love of the Esperantist idea. And this is the primary essence and the main goal of our congresses." “How ancient Hebrews have been moving every year with love at Jerusalem, to meet themselves in the idea of the money of our congress, so we gather every year in the capital of Esperanto, to stir up love in love to the idea of expectation. And this is the main, and the purpose of our congress.” Le puera esseva nominate Elizabeth secundo su granmatre. The girl was called Elizabeth after her grandmother. The Memory was called Elizathuza according to the last night. chutmey vuv QupwI'pu' net poQ. Young people must respect the law. We used to think that the theory of the universe could be divided into two parts. Me es tro okupata por irar. I'm too busy to go. Me's too busy to go. It ne hay aqua. There is no water. I don't have to declare it. Io non te ama. I don't love you. Something to not love. la.bil. na nelci lo du'u lo patfu be vo'a cu mutce sigva'u Bill doesn't like the fact that his father smokes a lot. The previously-selected system, for comparison to the Earth's magnetic field Vespere, ni kutime iras kegloludi. At night, we usually go bowling. In the evening, we usually go to court. Ha'DIbaH lI'qu' 'oH Hun'e'. The horse is a very useful animal. Talk to me. That's the future of the universe. Li diris al mi, ke li estas mensoganto, sed mi ne fidas lin. He told me he was a liar, but I don't believe him. He told me that he was a liar, but I trust not in him. Ŝi estas belaspekta knabino. She's a good-looking girl. She's a beautiful girl. Mi ne povas klarigi ĝin al vi nun. I cannot explain it to you now. I can't explain it to you now. Mi ne scipovas paroli la anglan lingvon, kaj eĉ malpli la hispanan. I cannot speak English, much less Spanish. I can't speak English, and even Spanish. Adelo mel äbinom vamik! Today the sea was warm! It's me! That's me! veHmey Hutlhbogh jo ghaj. She has infinite resources. We have two pieces of observational evidence on the probability of life appearing. Tom pagas imposton je ĉirkaŭ 25 % de sia enspezo. Tom pays about 25% of his income in taxes. Tom paid a custom at about 25 of their income. la .tom. cu jbena fo ma Where was Tom born? That's why you won't do it. Ne estas kialo por sennecese maltrankviliĝi pri la epidemio. There is no reason to be unnecessarily worried about the outbreak. There's no reason to worry about the plague. Kate aquiris pekunio de lua patro. Kate got some money from her father. A policy was so mad about its father. Mi estas konvinkita. I'm convinced. I'm convinced. Parla vos bulgaro? Do you speak Bulgarian? He's going to have a hunch? Esque Tom ama Boston? Does Tom like Boston? And what did Tom love Boston? mi pu xa'o cusku zo je'u I already said yes. I'll take a look at the snow Quo tu pensa pri ti homes? What do you think of these people? 'What do you think is that?' Ĉu vi venus kun ni? Would you come with us? Would you come with us? Ne serĉu kiel fari, trovu kiel ne malhelpi vin. Don't look for the way, just remove the obstacles. Don't look like to do it, find how to prevent you. Mi petas, kiu estas via plena nomo? Please, what is your whole name? Please, who is your full name? Ĝi estas bonega maniero por malstreĉiĝi. It's an excellent method to relieve stress. It's a great way to relax. Mesmo un infante pote comprender lo que io te dice. Even a child could understand what I'm telling you. While Mailman's heart could after me, it's something that's what the dice can do. Еста ресторанте ес семпре фолида. This restaurant is always crowded. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of the enough to do with the members that are and the rest of the day. Ne serĉu nin! Don't look for us. Don't look for us! Givolöd vati obe. Give me some water. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. Le incontro del homine con Deo significara sempre un penetration, un entrata, del divin a in le human e un immersion spontanee del homine in le Divinitate. The meeting of man and God must always mean a penetration and entry of the divine into the human and a self-immergence of man in the Divinity. The@item: inlistbox behavior on this means the off of the human race.hostname, a language of the human race. If you are having a pretty much in the galaxy, you don't want to continue. "Al kiu apartenas tiuj krajonoj?" — "Ili apartenas al Walt Disney." "Whose pencils are these?" "They are Walt Disney's." 'To whom are these pencils?' — 'they belong toWalt Dish.' Me stoteras. I am stuttering. I'm going to get you down. Maria es un princessa de conto de fees. Mary is a fairy princess. Maria is about planning on login. maSIrDaq paw Sa'mIy. Sami arrived in Egypt. But, where are we going to do Saw? Voluntez ne fumar sigareti hike. Please refrain from smoking cigarettes here. Don't smoke it, please. ra me lo nu mi ei zukte fau lo ka nonseka This is something I need to do alone. I'm very tired of doing this, so I don't know how to do it ma sa'e do ta'e se gunka Exactly what kind of work do you do? But sa Pota that's what do you do, if that's what we do, do you know? 'up nIm. Milk is nasty. Our system is running out of the way. mi zo'u ro da mansa With me everything is OK. I'm just playing with a lot of sweet days. Aĉetu la robon, kiun vi volas. Buy the dress you want. Take the dress you want. ma se claxu What is missing? Whether or not to use all mi jinvi lo du'u na ku le prenu cu stace I don't think that he is sincere. What do you think I'll take for? Mi volas studi la historion de Japanujo en la universitato. I want to study Japan's history at university. I want to study Japan's history in university. Mia hejma urbeto situas je 20 minutoj for de granda urbo. My hometown is located about 20 minutes from a large city. My town's in 20 minutes out of a big town. Il esas rapida trovar eroraji en la kaligrafo dil studenti. He is quick to find fault with the student's penmanship. There are quick find instructions in the cultical student. Ni ne traktu tion nun. Let's not talk about that now. We can't treat this now. Me esas tre stabila geniozo. I'm a very stable genius. I'm a very stable. parmaqqaylI' 'Iv? Who is your girlfriend? parqqay 'Are you okay? chaq vogh be'Homvetlh vIleghpu'. I may have seen that girl somewhere. That's what we all say, but I grant no indulgences. Vu venis tarde adheme. You are home late. You have come to see him. Vi estas nenio por ili, se vi ne estas unu el ili, sed por esti unu el ili, vi devus naskiĝi en ilia lando, aspekti simile al ili, kaj eĉ pensi laŭ ilia maniero. Se vi estas malsimila, ili malamos vin senkaŭze. Ili estas rasistoj. If you are not one of them, then you're nothing to them; in order to be one of them you've got to be born in their land, look like them and even think like them. As long as you are different, they will hate you for no reason. They are racists. You're nothing for them if you're not one of them, but to be one of them, you should be born in their land, as they look at them, and even think about their way. If you're different, they will hate you without hatred. La sciencistaj alvokoj por enkonduki fiŝkaptajn kvantojn estis tro longatempe ignorataj. Scientist's pleas to introduce fish quotas were ignored for too long. The scientists to introduce fishing amounts were too long. Но персон ес капас коре тан рапида комо Том. No one is able to run as fast as Tom. after the members of thing, there's a members from the members of now after the members of the passopsypitoria bodies give you a do, and that's the first thing they're equals and the inhabitants of Punxsutawney. wej QallaH tam. Tom can't swim yet. This is the K Desktop Environment. Qui manjat li pane? Who ate the bread? Who's he got a pass? chut qeSwI' SoHbe''a'? Aren't you a lawyer? You know what I got to do? Tomo kaj Maria loĝas en kavernodomo. Tom and Mary live in a cave house. Thomas and Maria are living in a cave. lo mamta be mi na kakne lo nu pilno lo relxilma'e My mother can't ride a bicycle. A small small, I'm not a murderer, or a dog's hair, Vi estis kubute apogitaj. You had been supported by the elbows. You were stuck. Il non ha Premio Nobel de mathematica. There is no Nobel Prize in mathematics. There's no Shen't a good idea. lo nu co'u pacna cu romoi Hope dies last. Earth (otherwise known as the world,[n 5] in Greek: Γαῖα Gaia,[n 6] Bonfaro neniam restas senpuna. A good deed never goes unpunished. A good man will never be unpunished. qach lonlu'pu'bogh qoDDaq So'. He hid in an abandoned building. I think we are only possible. Elu questionis se ni volus koquar. She asked us if we would like to cook. If we wanted to get rid of it, we don't know how to reach it. La ŝnuro rompiĝis, kiam ni grimpantis la monton. The rope broke when we were climbing the mountain. The rope broke when we climbed the mountain. Osagobs ome. We'll tell him. Oscabsme. Ел аве ун маладиа де кор. He has a heart disease. drinkly point to a members. jutlhej 'e' vIQub. I thought you were coming with us. I'm sorry, but I'm not in charge of the universe. El amas kurta jupi. She likes short skirts. There's a big day. Tomaso ĵus rakontis al mi, kion faris li kaj Maria. Tom just told me what he and Mary did. Thomas just told me what he did and Mary. Asoluta sin sinifia, tota cosas es sin sinifia. Absolutely meaningless; everything is meaningless. As well as himself, it's most precious things for herself. Si io es lo que io habe e si io perde lo que io habe, alora qui es io? If I am what I have and if I lose what I have who then am I? If something is something that was made and something else with something that was made by anything, is something? SuDqu' per naHvam. This pear is green. The next hundred years ago. La instruisto skribis anglajn frazojn sur la nigran tabulon. The teacher wrote English sentences on the blackboard. The teacher wrote English sentences on the black board. tujqu' chatlhvam jay'! The soup is terribly hot. This is the first time that we have made good progress. .e'o ko zenba lo ni ce'u masno lo nu tavla Please speak more slowly. ze. that's what we're looking for, but we're going to give that old man. Lia salajro estas la trioblo de mia. He earns three times as much as I do. His wages is the third of my life. Un traduction non es traduction, a minus que illo nos da e le parolas e le musica del poema. A translation is no translation, unless it will give you the music of a poem along with the words of it. One thing is not good for us, because it is less than we also speak and the music of each other. dei se ponse mi This sentence is mine. of If I Owner noSvagh Dalo'nIS. You should use deodorant. We`ll make sure we`ve made it. Fa un pausa, Tom. Take a break, Tom. Fasat, Tom. Tomo boligis kelkajn ovojn. Tom boiled some eggs. - Thomas gave some eggs. Li estas sufiĉe sprita por solvi la problemon. He is clever enough to solve the problem. He's kind of enough to solve the problem. Mi havas nur buteron en la fridujo. I only have butter in the fridge. I only have butter in the pan. Mi longe pretis diri tion. I have been long willing to say this. I've been talking about it for a long time. Hoch ghInjaj parmaqqayDaj ghom. He meets his girlfriend on Saturdays. These achievements don't talk about it. Mi estas Tom. I'm Tom. I'm Tom. Tom bedaŭras la decidon, kiun li faris hieraŭ malfruvespere. Tom regrets the decision he made late last night. - I'm sorry, the decision he made yesterday. An Tom era un junkie? Was Tom a junkie? - Tom was a Greek? Mi ne opinias, ke Tomo kaj Manjo estas lindaj. I don't think Tom and Mary are cute. I don't think Tom and Marie are dead. Ŝi diris al sia edzo: "Haltu!" She said to her husband: "Stop!". She said to her husband, "Stop!" mi djica tu'a lo va cukta I want that book. I'm pouring you all over the water fight .ue .i .e'enai mi na krici ti Oh my God, I can't believe this. That's what I got to say. Ni ne obliviez homala yuri. Let's not forget human rights. We don't want to multiply. Samio atendos. Sami will wait. Sam'll wait for it. lo vi dacti ku xamgu This thing is good. Professor, the planet's quality Mi nun estas en Honkongo. I'm in Hong Kong right now. I'm in Hong Kong now. Mi ŝanĝis la planon. I've changed the plan. I changed the plan. Mi deziras, ke mi povu fari pli multe. I wish that I could do more. I wish I could do more. Io vole vider vostre expression. I wanna see your expression. Something wants to view memory. 'epIl naH SoptaH. She's eating an apple. But long as you do not know what you are doing. Anstataŭ plendi vi pli bone agu! Rather than cry, you should take action! You should do better! Kion li faris ĉi tie? What was he doing here? What did he do here? mu'mey nIv wIv qonwI'. Poets select the best words. If we extrapolate back, we find we must have all been on top of each other about 15 billion years ago. Ni eldorlotas nian plej junan filinon. We spoil our youngest daughter. We'll cut our youngest daughter out. ngaQ lojmIt 'e' tu'. He found the door locked. On the other side. Me xico de cor ia encontra un ami ge a la plaia. My boyfriend met a gay friend at the beach. Subscript the i need to be in an unknown list to love the e-mail. Iste invention esseva le resultato de annos de experimentos patiente. This invention was the result of years of patient experiment. This invent was an inventor's output results. Tikob velatiko das ogebon etosi. I do think people will use it. - It's just a certain dish of an o'clock. au nai mi za'u re'u viska le prenu I never want to see him again. I`ll take a roll again DuneH vavlI'. Your father wants you. - There's a matter of mine. lam qach'a' lumutlhta' je. They also built a sand castle. The answers to me. I don't know the moon. Lundi, martedi, mercurdi, jovedi, venerdi, saturdi, soldi, e festa es la dias de la semana. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holiday are the days of the week. Monday, mar, you guys, sumon, sold, suicide, killed, alone, and it's the practice of the hands. parmaqqayDaj yatlhmoHpu'mo' SawnIS. He got his girlfriend pregnant and they had to get married. CA: Professorqay whatever you do. We will make it bold, if you have made it good. ko carmi tadni You must study hard. koobemiedi Mike ride. Mike laughs. Mike stand up. qabejtaH. We are watching. I don't know how they are. melbi kanla ra She has beautiful eyes. melbine Guel Ella odiat le. She hated him. - These are the people who hate us. muDuQ bomvam. This song speaks to me. We're the only thing we have. Nos appella Sacre Scriptura le libros de nostre sancte religion, distincte del scriptos false e profan super le quales se funda tote le altere fides. We call scriptures the sacred books of our holy religion, as distinguished from the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based. We call Sandos the book of our men as far as thirst, having been watered to become the creation of mind and of all the other faith. Omna planto bezonas aquo e lumo. Every plant needs water and light. All the time we have to do is give a lady and light. Ka me povas parolar kun tu? Can I speak with you? Can I talk to you? Ella besat me, ne le. She kissed me, not him. Out of the house, right? Mia lasera presilo presas nur nigre sur blanko. My laser printer only prints in black and white. My printer will print only black on white. Yo have pecunie. I have money. You have a kind of far away. la .deivis. simlu lo ka mutce tatpi Mr Davis looks very tired. Yeah, yeah. mi nelci lo bangu be mi I like my language. I'm not on our planet Io debe pensar super isto. Io va tentar trovar un altere maniera de dicer lo. I'll need to think about it. I'll try to come up with another way to word it. I'm supposed to think about this. I think it's a tempted man to find another man's body. Ĉu mia nova hararanĝo plaĉas al vi? Do you like my new haircut? -Do you like my new hair? Io non ancora me ha curate de mi forte frigido. I have not got rid of my bad cold yet. There's nothing left to me. ghojmeH latlh ghItlhwI' choqemlaH'a'? Can you get me another pencil? Education the seven answers to each other, did you know that I would take care of? Il resta ancora multe cosas a facer. There are still a lot of things to do. There's still too much things to do. Daq'e' Dabbogh no'lI' yIngu'! Where are your ancestors from? We have, so that I can't hide the universe. Certe. Tuj. Sure. Right away. Sure. le terdi ze'ecaru'i binxo The world changes a lot. The world's first run Hut yuQ ghaj jul. The sun has nine planets. Hutyu 15 minutes. Puerini esas puerini e pueruli esas pueruli. Girls are girls and boys are boys. Don't even think about it, and then you take care of them. Ni alvalis sur tre malebena vojo. We went down a very rough road. We were on a very tight road. Kiam vi komencis lerni la germanan lingvon? When did you start learning German? When did you begin to learn German language? ki'ecai I cannot thank you too much. Add to Repository Ла мусика иа енканта кадун. The music lured everyone. drinkly point to a members. For la manojn! Hands off. Hands off! Нос ва луа ун ауто. We're going to rent a car. drinkly different from the members of claveesyllopy. Ille non ha arrivate a causa del tempesta. As a result of the storm, he didn't arrive. They don't have to focus on time. vIchaw'Qo'. I won't permit it. You know what? Nus manja. We eat. Well, it's very nice. En tenis, el es un oposor en bon nivel per me. He is a good match for me in tennis. In held, it's one or more of us. Ille exequeva su deber al costo de su tempore. He performed his duty at the expense of his time. They're going to tell you what to do with theirup god. Qu' vIghajmo' jIQuch. I'm happy to have a job. Come on, We have to go back to the boy. Mi intencas vespermanĝi je la kvina. I'm thinking of having dinner at 5. I'm going to dinner for the fifth. Ni estis tute elĉerpitaj per la kvinhora vojaĝo. We were dead tired from the five-hour trip. We were completely exhausted by the five hour trip. Yo have null motive particulari far talmen. I have no particular reason to do so. So there's no regarding the Middle Ages by definition. to'e zdile This is boring. Games and amusements Tu filio de puta! You son of a bitch! You child of shame! Tu me ha disappunctate. You disappointed me. You've got a dissidenta. El es bela e intelijente. She's beautiful and intelligent. It's so beautiful. Popule ama hundes. People love dogs. Take care of my ass. Li laboro de Monsieur Bertillon semblar bon a sciential home. The work of Monsieur Bertillon seems good to a scientific person. He's work for Montrekerless Beise well. Oni ordonis la suspektaton ne foriri el la urbo. The suspect was told not to leave town. They ordered the suspect not to escape from town. La inverno veni. Winter is coming. The night's coming. ei do tadni ta'i lo se mau carmi You need to study harder. So that's why you can't do it ko na curmi lo nu pilno lo skami Don't let him touch the computer. OEM install (for manufacturers) mi bilma I am sick. I have a bilmai Dankon pro la memorigo! Thanks for reminding me! Thank you for the remember! Me ia vade con el. I went with her. I'm talking about it. Me ave un fia. I have a daughter. Me a fibber. Fiŝoj ĉesis vivi en tiu rivero. Fish have ceased to live in this river. A fish stopped living in that river. Ĉiu plado taŭgas, se ĝi estas bongusta. Any dish will do if it is delicious. Every dish is fine, if it's tasty. la'e zo ny to'a zei lerfu The letter "n" is a lower-case character. The guy who lets her hair down to the city paqvam chu' Daghaj'a'? Do you have this new book? -What's that? Esce tua fia es asi? Is your daughter here? Escal is too small to join you? Me volas savar vua opiniono. I want to know your opinion. I want to save your opinion. Io es un amante de lo que es belle. I am a lover of the beautiful. Something is nice to love with those who are beautiful. Jen la nova domo. The new house is here. Look, there's the new house. le va slabu nanmu cu mutce jaxpu'a That old guy is really nice. The guy who's warm by itself xu do jimpe Do you understand? Primula Red En unu sola kvadratkilometro da bornea arbaro oni trovis tiel multajn speciojn da arboj, kiel ekzistas en la tuta Nordameriko. In one single square kilometre of Borneo woodland have been found as many species of trees as exist in all of North America. In one particular they found such species of trees as there is in the entire North America. Vojaĝo al Havajo kostos al vi proksimume ducent dolarojn. A trip to Hawaii will cost you about 200 dollars. You're cost about half a dollars. lumuSHa' be'pu'. Women love that. The light of the sea. Larry Ewing estas vandalo. Larry Ewing is a vandal. Larry's a hot diet. latlh De' ghongeHneS! Please send us more information. The answers to me. Ni funde pristudis tion. We've studied it thoroughly. We've learned that. Su pelle es blanc pur. Her skin is pure white. Suleia is empty. Mi konas ŝin nome, sed ne vide. I know her by name, but not by sight. I know her in the name, but not at all. Ĉu vi volus viziti la teatron ĉi-vespere? Would you like to go to the theater this evening? Want to visit the theater tonight? Tom reserva la plu de sua datos en la nube. Tom stores most of his data in the cloud. Tom makes up the sun's light in the naked. lojmIt ngaQHa'moHwI' nej. He looked for the key to the door. Thank you for listening. Mitte le vegetales in le colatorio. Put the vegetables in the strainer. I don't know, I can't stand it in the U.S. Nos debe colonisar Marte. We must colonize Mars. We've got to spoil it. Li taŭgas por tiu laboro. He is adequate to the job. He'll do for it. Kie estas la vodko? Where's the vodka? Where's the vote? .i se ki'u nai bo mi jai bandu le nobli ke lojbo bangu lo vlatai zekri Regardless of that reason, I defend the noble Lojban language against word-shape crimes. That's what I'm saying. That's what the best thing I'm saying. La persono adsinistre ruinas la equilibrio dil fotografuro. The person on the left ruins the balance of the picture. The person was kind of ruining the considering hell. Li-bizugol vini vietiki u lediki? Do you prefer white wine or red wine? Tell me, please. cha' DISmo' neH ghaH qan law' jIH qan puS. He is only two years older than me. It's not about the last time. I would like to talk about it. Me lektas un libro. I am reading a book. I read a book. Ta automobilo esas tro chera por me a komprar. This car is too expensive for me to buy. Tamo is too hard for me to take a lot of money. Printempo venas. Spring is coming. Spring is coming. Vi havas tendencon paroli tro rapide. You have a tendency to talk too fast. You've got a tendency to speak too fast. Un bon consilio es alique que un homine da quando ille jam es troppo vetule pro dar un mal exemplo. Good advice is something a man gives when he is too old to set a bad example. A policy is good for you, so that it is already too much for their example. mi jinvi gi'e ni'i zasti I think, therefore I am. That's what we're talking about Ille time le mar. He's afraid of the sea. They're always the sea. xu lo vi finpe cu ca ca'o jmive Is this fish still alive? Primula Red Tomo konfesis, ke li ŝtelis monon de Manjo. Tom admitted that he had stolen money from Mary. Tom confessed he stole money from Marie. Ulu parolas la Angla, ed altri parolas la Japona. One speaks English, and the other speaks Japanese. continue English words, and money speaks the Jada. La demando sendube estis neatendita. The question was obviously unexpected. The question must have been unexpected. El ia descomuta la lus. He turned off the light. It's the light of whether it's lighted. Binob stenüdik. I'm strong. Binob stük. Il es de Germania. He's from Germany. There is NO WARRANTY. Bíi worahíya, woshane worul be wi. It's a big furry cat. Bírahírahah, wharnoi non- waleyen, right? bortaS bIr jablu'DI' reH QaQqu' nay'. Revenge is a dish which is best served cold. Let's give you a river. Don't you think about it?' latlh peghmey vISov. I've got more secrets. The first time we have to stop. ghaytan Sov. She probably knows. It doesn't appear to be a problem. Tom tre ĝentilas. Tom is very polite. - He's very kind of you. Ka vu avertos me kande ilu venos? Will you let me know when he comes? When will you warn me when he comes? Me es no plu temosa de canes. I'm no longer afraid of dogs. I'm a more subject of this one. DaH nuq ta'lI' be'nI''a'lI'? What's your older sister doing now? I'm going to take your home folder? Esta e la om vea cual me anela es. That's the old man that I long to be. And that's the part of a person with a reason for the first part of the universe. Di it in francesi. Say it in French. Di infrance. Logolöd omi. No melidom etosi. Look at him. He doesn't deserve that. In fact, one or another has to lie down. Neptuno es obscur, frigide e multo ventose. Neptune is dark, cold, and very windy. Draw a great view, work as well as the wind. Lɛsua harakaa. He learns fast. - We don't know. En la tombejo estas statuo de serpento mordanta sian voston. In the cemetery, there is a statue of a snake biting its own tail. It's an image of a serpent's tail that drives her tail. Noi lor sürvivarhent. We will outlive them. No matter what he says. Mi dom es plu litt. My house is smaller. I`m in his place. ko'a pu mo'u klama He had already gone. How do you think I'm ashamed of you lo nu sutydu'e cu na sarcu There's no need to rush. lotyte well, there's a lot of Over here La nazioj estis tiom socialismaj, kiom la Sankta Romia Imperio estis romia. The Nazis were as socialist as the Holy Roman Empire was Roman. The Nazis were as social as the Holy Roman Empire. Prenu la monon, antaŭ ol venos la polico! Take the money before the police come! Take the money before the police come! On no pote fida el. She can't be trusted. You can't do that. De ci esta jornal dial es? Whose newspaper is this? Are you sure you want to quit? mi pu cirko lo mi mapku I lost my hat. I'm comforting myself Mi estis alkutimiĝinta al studado kiam mi estis lernanto. I was used to studying when I was a student. I was used to study when I was a student. Tatoeba non es sosial network. Tatoeba is not a social network. Tatoeba is not possible. la .tam. do xebni Tom hates you. b.m. xn muvan. They greeted me. Looks like they're alive. mi na pu cpedu tu'a le za'u mei I didn't order them. I'll take you away from the sea, so I'm going to take care of you Tom time facer errores al labor. Tom worries about making mistakes at work. Tom time to make errors to work. La almozulo alparolis min petante monon. The beggar accosted me for money. The beggar told me to beg for money. Esque Tom es hic? Is Tom here? What is Tom doing here? zerle'a lo kanjunla mi ca lo prulamcte I had my watch stolen last night. that's what I'm saying, That's what I'm saying. mIpbe'qu', 'a latlhvo' Huch ngIpbe'. Poor as he was, he did not borrow money from others. On the other side, we have heard each other about 15 billion years ago. Mi estas tiu, kiu mi estas. I am who I am. I am the one I am. До Том лабора? Where does Tom work? after all, do you want to know that I'm telling you what to do? Me mustis vartar plu kam tri hori. I had to wait more than three hours. Me had gone to the King of three-three times. ngerDajDaq wa' Duy' vItu'laHbe'. I can't find a single flaw in his theory. We have been very lucky that we have made good progress. .i ko mi jungau fo lo bavla'i nunpe'i ja'e .au lo nu mi kakne co jukpa lo titnanba .e lo tcati .e lo ckafi Let me know the next time you will visit, so I can make some cookies, tea and coffee. Let's go that way. La kato manĝas la muson. The cat is eating the mouse. The cat eats the mouse. Mary esas fiera militanto. Mary is a proud warrior. The planet is a proud war. jungwoq vIlle' ghaH. This is a Chinese fan. That's all. E multe vices io ha plorate. And, many times, I've cried. I've been crying for a long time. Mi supozas, ke mi iom malfruas. I guess I'm a little late. I guess I'm a bit late. pagh DaSov 'e' DaghetDI', pagh Dachav. It is no use your pretending that you know nothing. That's what you know. It's okay, it's okay. mi'ai na zifre lo ka cuxna We have no choice. I'm just leaving the Earth's surface Illa era le ultime qui transversava le posto de arrivata. She was the last to cross the finishing line. There was an error creating the last time after they were made up. Vi devas bone atenti vian instruiston. You must pay attention to the teacher. You have to pay attention to your teacher. chaq qaS Dochvam 'e' wISov. We knew that might happen. The whole time for querying the laws of evolution. Mi taksas, ke ni bezonos du tagojn por fini la laboron. I estimate that we'll need two days to finish the work. I think we'll need two days to end the work. Flumed takediko flumon. The river flows calmly. Fludataball. Daut cila binof posdaut. The daughter of a child is a granddaughter. - What's wrong with you? qachovHa'qu'. I really misjudged you. I'm moving to the Earth. jupwI' ghaH jaghwI' jagh'e'. My enemy's enemy is my friend. That's true, I guess I`ll have to guess the rest of it. Ella manjat un pom. She ate one apple. It doesn't matter how much it is. Le flor le plus parve es un pensamento, un vita correspondente a alicun aspecto del Grande Toto, de qui illo habe un intuition persistente. The smallest flower is a thought, a life answering to some feature of the Great Whole, of whom they have a persistent intuition. The sun is smaller than a thought, a special person will be Calculatord to each other about the children of To Grande, from it had been made in vain. До ла гато ес? Where's the cat? after all, do you want to know that? Mi donis al mia fratino pupon. I gave my sister a doll. I gave my sister a doll. Io sape que tu es parte de me e io es parte de te, proque nos totes es aspectos del mesme conscientia infinite que nos appella Deo e Creation. I know that you are part of me and I am part of you because we are all aspects of the same infinite consciousness that we call God and Creation. Something you know that you're part of me and something from you, because we all people know that we call for ourselves. Mi scias, ĝis kiu grado vi amas Tomon. I know how much you love Tom. I know until you like Tom. Ula vundurin tempo ne ri-sanigas. Some wounds time never heals. That's why you don't waste your time. La pordo estas ŝlosita. The door's locked. The door is locked. Ni bezonas helpon ĉi supre. We need help up here. We need help up here. ghojmoHwI' moj puqloDwI'. My son is going to be a teacher. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. lo za'i mi zvati cu te denpa lo nu ko'a klama ti I'll wait here until she comes. Talk to me. I'm sure I'm going to have a catch-up, so I'm sure I'm going to see her. ta blotrskunri That is a schooner. won't make you play with it Tom decidis. Tom decided. Tom decided. je'e nai ke'o I didn't hear you clearly. Would you please say it again? 'Cause I'm not sure Mi ne povas kredi, ke jam estas Kristnasko. I can't believe it's Christmas already. I can't believe it's Christmas. jaghpu'Daj HoHchu'ta' ta'. The king crushed his enemies. It's time for the old man. Mia edzino estas vere malsimpla! My wife is definitely complicated! My wife is really complex! Kion ili alportis al mi? What did they bring me? What did they bring me? Si tu retorna a tui país natal, tu va esser líber e va devenir felici. If you return to your country of birth, you will be free and will become happy. Yeah, but you don't think you're gonna be huge, you're going to see each other about it. Qorwagh tlhImmey 'IHchoHmoH rav tlhImmey. The rugs are a good match for the curtains. We are entering an extensive search of the universe. We do not seem to have been saved by aliens. Ne forgesu la koktelojn! Don't forget the drinks. Don't forget the anointed! Le vita es un question de prioritates. Life is a question of priorities. That's what you're saying. Quante collaboratores de plus il ha, tanto plus utile deveni Tatoeba! The more contributors there are, the more useful Tatoeba will become! How much less than Tatoeba, who has the most useful within Tatoeba, comes! Le burgomaestro secava le banda con un grande par de cisorios. The mayor cut the ribbon with a pair of giant scissors. The Abbot's bandaged with a total company of yours. Mi bonsai, que es un ceresiero ornamental, comencia a florescer. My bonsai, which is the cherry tree, is starting to bloom. I'm good at that point. Ni ne intencas rezigni. We're not giving up. We don't intend to give up. Le battalion se ha rendite al inimico. The battalion surrendered to the enemy. The problem will be suspended if it has been closed for the United States. Io evita leger le novas. I avoid reading the news. Something is avoiding the news. bIQup. You were young. May I ask you adup? le selgu'a cu sampu This task is simple. Internally used to store the home folder Tomo diras, ke mi tro multe drinkas. Tom says I drink too much. Tom says I too much drink. Ĉu Tomo estas sufiĉe bonfarta por labori hodiaŭ? Is Tom well enough to work today? Is Tom good enough to work today? Dochvetlh DIlmeH Huch 'ar DaneH? How much does it cost? The answers to these ten minutes? ko tisygau lo baktu lo djacu Fill the bucket with water. Change Boot Disk Quo fa Mallaidh? What is Mallaidh doing? You know what? Tu matre parla sex linguas -- isto es folle. Your mom speaks six languages — that's nuts. Tutre parx if languages -- this is a background. Li baldaŭ kapablos naĝi. He will be able to swim soon. He'll soon be able to swim. Tom me tir Trump. Tom is not Trump. Tom ti Trump. lo gugde'usu cu korbi lo gugdecu'a The United States borders Canada. lo" means "uem" would sink into a white heart—I'm going to put it into space. Tomo ne portas ĉapelon. Tom isn't wearing a hat. Tom doesn't wear a hat. do nanca li xo How old are you? So the Year of Year is clear. jIror'a'? Am I fat? Exiting... Ел луа ун каса ала. She is renting a house there. drinkly different from the members of had toopy. Quante plu alta ni iris, tante plu koldeskis. The higher we went, the colder it became. How much more highly we went, and were going to take advantage of the mailing list. Ke lia entrepreno firme ekflugu, li unuiĝis kun kelkaj aliaj pli solidaj kompanioj. To get his own business off the ground, he linked up with a few more solid companies. That his ability to run out, he has joined together with some more solid companies. Tiu vilaĝo situas granddistance. That village is a great distance off. This village is huge. Te ia es introduida de Jonguo. Tea was introduced from China. It's a fish card number. mu'tlheghvam vIpolHa'laHbe' jay'! I can't get rid of that damned sentence! Is there anything that has not been long as we have written about? Le semines del pomo es venenose, ma illos es periculose pro le sanitate solmente si on los consume in grande quantitates. Apple seeds are poisonous, but are only dangerous to health when consumed in large quantities. The princes of the pot are poison, but they're beat by the needs of the blood, only for long periods of each other. Mi ne volas iri al la naĝejo. I don't wanna go in the pool. I don't want to go to the hospital. An illa es tu mamma? Is she your mom? An argument is your mamm? Illes parla duo linguas estranier. They speak two foreign languages. They have joined two languages. Mi vidis ŝin kaŝi ion. I saw her hide something. I've seen her hide something. Proque pensa tu que Tom prefere le vita rural? Why do you think Tom prefers living in the country? Because you think Tom says you're reded? Tom cuasi nunca televide. Tom almost never watches TV. Tom's cue at a radio station. Vi rajtas viziti ĉiam ajn. Stop by anytime. You can visit anyone else. Hundes aboya. Dogs are barking. Dogs aboya. Libera Bolivia! Free Bolivia! - I don't know. La yunino esas sola. The girl is lonely. The newin't alone. Toĉjo kaj Manjo diras, ke ili ne havos sufiĉe da tempo por fari tion. Tom and Mary say they won't have time to do that. Sir and Marie say they won't have enough time to do that. Quo vu save pri Israel? What do you know about Israel? Don't you get off Israel? bIjat. You mumble. Take care. dinsauru sovda xu .i na cumki .i lo bi'unai danlu ca morsi jutsi Dinosaur eggs? Impossible. These animals are already extinct. Let's take a look at that. Bóo ban ne ledi losheth netho. Give me your money. Don't go to bed at all. lo nu do jo'u la .tom. cu casnu ma cu sarcu What do you and Tom need to talk about? Please make sure you come to the wastebasket. 'angweD 'oHbe'. That's not a museum. 'wweig'. Me volas tua analizo. I want your analysis. I want you to analysis. lo ka djuno cu vajni no da.i lo ka xarpei cu vajni ro da Knowing is nothing, imagination is everything. The message's content has been far away from no value. They're not far away. Tra cuanto tempo un papilio vive? How long does a butterfly live? A guy who's going to live on? Le placer le plus grande que io cognosce es facer un bon action in secreto e postea vider lo discoperite per accidente. The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action by stealth and have it found out by accident. The previously-selected colour, for comparison to the colour you're selecting now. You can drag this colour to a palette entry, or select this colour as current by dragging it to the other colour swatch alongside. Mi ne estas italo. I'm not Italian. I'm not the one. Ni apene havas tempo por dejunar. We hardly have time to eat breakfast. We have a time to get out of time. jatlhpu'DI' tuH. After he said it, he was ashamed. I'm going to keep your hands off. El prepara se per la Olimpiales a esta anio. She is preparing to the Olympic Games this year. Each has to prepare if the Opipipipites are fun. Non judicar un homine secundo su apparentia. Don't judge a man from the way he looks. Don't act like a tsar! Äbinos fikuliko adelo. Today's been a difficult day. It'll be a fiin't like that. HIjmeH chaw'mey nov Daghaj'a'? Do you have any foreign stamps? Come on! We have two pieces of our conferences. ei na xaksu lo jdini We shouldn't spend money. ei nakynsuini Vi sidadis ĉi tie dum la tuta tempo, kaj mi eĉ ne rimarkis vin. You have been sitting here all this time and I didn't even notice you. You sat here all the time, and I didn't even notice you. Li portis okulvitrojn. He wore glasses. He wear glasses. Kisi vilol lemön Tomase? What do you want to buy for Tom? Kisso Tomase? Il save omnicos. He knows everything. I'm going to save somebody. Se almenaŭ mi estus farinta miajn hejmtaskojn! If only I'd done my homework! If at least I'd done my homework! Se mi estus preninta la aviadilon, mi nun estus mortinta. If we'd taken that plane, we'd be dead now. If I'd taken the plane, I'd be dead now. Susie amas muziko Japoniana. Susie loves Japanese music. Susie loves music Lapana. La vivo mem estas la tombo, kie mi turniĝadas. Life itself is the tomb where I'm turning over. Life itself is the tomb where I turned from. Mi tre malofte vidas lin. I rarely see him. I don't see him very often. Le policia ha identificate Dan per su impressiones digitales. The police identified Dan by his fingerprints. The police have been considered by Dan Pessures. Том ес ун бон клиенте. Tom is a regular customer. after eyes, there's an members of Punxsutawney claveesopy for members of the city, first thing that's the number of the country. mu'ghom vIlaDchu'ta'. I've read the dictionary cover to cover. I'm not sure I understand it myself. mi de'a morji tu'a lo pe mi ckiku I forgot my key. I'm a guy who lets her run Vos pare relaxate. You look relaxed. You're running again. pa' vI'elDI' pa' Qong wa' ghot qan 'e' vItu'. I enter the room, where I found an old man sleeping. Let's go all the way you have to do. How did you know that? Десенио ес ла спасио де дес аниос. Decade is the space of ten years. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of the enough to do with the members that are and the rest of the week and the members of the week and the members of the week. Le hirundines annuncia le estate. Swallows herald the summer. The horsse are the same as the day. Mi ŝatas kukon. I like cake. I like a cake. xu lo ponjo prenu cu mutce citka lo finpe Do Japanese eat a lot of fish? Make sure you've done it all the time before. Ni bezonas iom da kafo. We need some coffee. We need some coffee. Plure succussas legier sequeva le seismo. Several slight shocks followed the earthquake. Sheats up herself to read the night if it's in a dream. Tom kaj Mary havas adoleskan filinon. Tom and Mary have a teenage daughter. Tom and Mary have a new daughter. Mi ekzamenis la dosieron. I reviewed the file. I checked the file. Vilob visitön Koreyäni. I want to visit Korea. You have to worry about Koreyeyäni. veng'a'Daq lengHa'laHlu'be'. Dat pu'jInmey tu'lu'! You can't get lost in big cities; there are maps everywhere! We're at first. That's our best thing that we have. Me ama la mea fia. I love my daughter. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Ло де ме ес плу бон ка ло де ту. Mine is better than yours. after the members of point, which is to do a members members of point with the members of now and the members of the Punxsutawney . Estas vere simpatie de vi viziti min. It is very kind of you to come and see me. It's true to see me. Por lerni naĝi vi devas unue treti akvon. In order to swim, you have to learn to tread water first. To learn you have to swim first. Il lernas rapide. He learns fast. I can learn a quick way. Australia ne es un republica. Australia is not a republic. Australia is not a process-line. Ili esset malad. They were sick. They're so messed up. Ille ama jocar, sed in general ille perde. He loves to gamble but generally loses. They love everyone who loves them, but in general, they love them. ngIq pe'elneS! Please come in one by one. On the other hand, we don't mean anything before the ten billion years ago. Lege le puta de manual! Read the fucking manual! Fucking asshole! Un accidente es un occurrentia inevitabile debite al action de leges natural immutabile. An accident is an inevitable occurrence due to the action of immutable natural laws. A element can't occur before a element Etos binom velatik, no-li? That's true, isn't it? Essseani, non-ssse? Mi pensas, ke mi faris eraron. I think I've made a mistake. I think I made a mistake. Al kio similas la regno de Dio kaj kun kio mi ĝin komparu? Ĝi estas simila al sinapa semeto, kiun viro prenis kaj ĵetis en sian ĝardenon; kaj ĝi kreskis kaj fariĝis arbo; kaj la birdoj de la ĉielo loĝis en ĝiaj branĉoj. What is the Kingdom of God like? To what shall I compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and put in his own garden. It grew, and became a large tree, and the birds of the sky lodged in its branches. To what is the kingdom of God, and to what shall I compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and threw it into his garden. It grew, and became a tree. The birds of the sky lived in its branches. Tu esas bona puerulo. You're a good boy. You are a good one. Ni ĉiuj deziras, ke la prezoj malaltiĝu. All of us want prices to decline. We all want the prices to lose. Li ne manĝos. He isn't going to eat. He's not going to eat. Esce vos gusta peper? Do you like pepper? Escy sentences? Post la akcidento la vunditoj estis transportitaj hospitalen. After the accident, the injured people were taken to the hospital. After the accident, the wounded were resulted in a machine machine. Ilu ne prontesos. He will not be ready. He won`t deny it. Fari tion estas neeble. It's impossible to do that. It's impossible. Tom supozis, ke Mary diras sensencaĵojn, simple ĉar li ne komprenis ŝin. Tom assumed that Mary was talking nonsense simply because he didn't understand her. Thomas thought Mary says nonsense, just because he didn't understand her. «jIHeghchoH'a'?» «ghobe', bIQongchoH.» "Am I going to die?" "No, you are going to sleep." The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. mu'i ma mi mutce gunka Why am I working hard? Let's go behold, I'm beautiful Li kuris por atingi la lastan trajnon. He dashed to catch the last train. He ran to reach the latest train. da'i ma pu co'u morji Who could forget? Number of recently used files .e'o ko kacmyterxra fi mi Would you please take my picture? ..'Ex3x3 Il face vermente multe frigido. It's truly very cold. I'm making sure you've made it very nice. Tom ia mostra alga cosa a Maria. Tom showed Mary something. Tom makes a kind of consumable thing for Maria. muDuQ gharlIq 'oQqarmey! I love garlic! Let's get two minutes. Mi avo fa promenadas in li dies de bon tempe. My grandfather goes for a walk on fine days. Granddad loved in him in a days of good time. Il es estranie que tu dice isto. It's strange you say that. I'm coming out of the box. La amikoj de Maria mankis al ŝi. Mary missed her friends. Mary's friends failed. Necuno me informava de illo. No one told me about that. No information from it. Ĉu vi scipovas distingi hordeon kaj tritikon? Can you distinguish barley from wheat? Can you discern barley and wheat? Tom ne es mi filio. Tom isn't my son. - Thomas is not going to be child. Ti hiverne es calid. This winter is warm. ROC 16kpaper size Vi fine estos Junia edzino, ĉu ne? You're finally going to be a June bride, aren't you? You'll end up to His wife, aren't you? Pluvis furioze dum duonhoro. It rained like mad for about a half-hour. Still angry during half an hour. Ni transloĝiĝis al Alĝero. We moved to Algiers. We moved to Aero. Äspelob das obinol is adelo. I was hoping you'd be here today. Give it to me, that's all the best way. Vidigu min, ĉu Tomo ŝanĝis sian opinion. Let me see if Tom has changed his mind. To see if Tom changed his opinion. Faméu. I am hungry. Faméu. Face attention a non glissar te super le tegulas molliate. Mind you don't slip on the wet tiles. The Face probable reason is that a non-like task does not work as a lot of work on the ground. It should be used as a lot of work properly. Mi ne povas respondi ĉi tiun demandon. I can't answer this question. I can't answer that question. Io a vices non pote non demonstrar mi emotiones. Sometimes I can't help showing emotions. Something's time cannot be displayed and I haven't had any time. Ella esset ocupat. She was busy. From now on, let's dance. Io audiva un femina critante. I heard a woman screaming. Something was heard in the city. wejmaH nem maHeghpu' Hoch. We'll all be dead in thirty years. There's nothing left. Ла мирор иа ромпе. The mirror broke. drinkly ask you to do it. mi na pu pare'u se bitygau sera'a lo ko'a selpla .i ku'i lo ko'a ka krici cu bitmu'i mi I wasn't sold on their plan at first, but their conviction won me over. I'm running into the computer's side pane you're selecting out of a computer. It's a pretty much impossible for me to split the Earth's magnetic field. puH Duj Say'moH. I washed the car. Thank you for making a long time. xu do pu'i nitcu lo ka se sidju Have you ever needed help? Primula Red tam me'rIy' je lumerlu'. Tom and Mary were both surprised. The kind of guy who lives there. La akvo ankoraŭ ne bolas. The water isn't boiling yet. The water hasn't flowed yet. Homoj kredas, kion ili volas. Men believe what they want to. People believe what they want. Detroit estas danĝera urbo. Detroit is dangerous city. It's a dangerous town. Ubi es le vitros? Where are the glasses? See you at home? Il non pote haber un revelation plus significative del anima de un societate que le maniera como ibi on tracta le infantes. There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children. You can't have any re-enabling of the behavior of a social event that is just as the unable to handle the rest of the thing. E quare vos demanda? And why do you ask? EOF which may ask? Ne diru al mi, ke vi ĵaluzas. Don't tell me you're jealous. Don't tell me you jealous. Mi lernas la judhispanan. I'm learning Ladino. I learn the Jewish. Kial Tomo estas hejme? Why is Tom home? Why is Tom at home? Me questionus li. I'd ask them. Mets him. naDev qaS nuq jay'? What the hell is going on here? What is this time? Mi timas, ke ni ne povos iri je lundo. I'm afraid we can't go on Monday. I'm afraid we can't go on Monday. Tom non ama Mary, ma io la trova sympathic. Tom doesn't like Mary, but I like her. Tom don't love Mary, but something from the findingst well. Soverän nestipo düton lü net. Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the nation. Lesserän didn't mean dü lüs. Me ne savis ke vu esas tante bona koquero. I didn't know you were such a good cook. I didn't save you properly. la'e le lidne cu xagmau la'e le se lidne The former is better than the latter. Let's go all the way Me ama libros. I love books. I love a book. Oni forigis la lienon de Tom. Tom had a splenectomy. He was taken away from Tom. Реалиа ес бела. Reality is beautiful. after all, there's an members who log it. Okazis ioma konfuzo de la nomoj. There has been a little confusion of names. It happened a little bit of the names. bersa mi It's my son. beta I SoHvaD ghoghwIj ta vIlI'rup. I will send you a tape of my voice. Professor, it would be that you did what I did next to you. Kanob dunön te nosi plo om. I can't do anything for him. Kano Media We have to make room or we're in love. mu'tlheghvam DalaDlaHchugh vaj bIlaDlaH. If you can read this sentence, then you're able to read. Thejas are the policy of the human race. This is the probability of a mailing list. Ĉi tie estas paro. There's a couple here. It's a couple of days here. La teatro ia abri a tota la dias de la semana. The theater used to open up every day of the week. The theater can be all tied to the entire sheet if the right. Forjentez tua pafilo. Toss your gun on the ground. We have to shoot the gun. la tom ca ca'o vasxu Tom is breathing. On my count. All right, I'll take care of you ra pinxe lo djacu pa kabri ca ro cerni He drinks a glass of water every morning. I've got a lot of keys on the deck. Ille es le capitano del equipa. He is the captain of the team. They're the best thing that I have made. Esque Tom nunquam se fatiga? Doesn't Tom ever get tired? And it's what Tom would have never seen before? Quo esas la temo di ita pleo? What's the subject of that play? Christian is the topic of notes? Mi neniam pridemandas tion. I never ask about that. I never questions that. Me mortigis deo. I killed a god. Me killed. Vomitava tu? Did you throw up? Vobetava? Ni trovis la puero dormante profunde. We found the boy fast asleep. We found the pushy sleep in a deep sleep. Siatempe Napoleono Bonaparto regis super Francujo. Napoleon Bonaparte ruled France at that time. In the meanwhile, there was a good place over France. Me sobrina es curor. My niece is a nurse. Me,ina is a short boy. Tomo demandis, kion mi estis faronta. Tom asked what I was going to do. So Tom asked what I was doing. Post la festo boteloj kaj cindrujoj kuŝis dise kaj kaose sur la planko. After the party, the floor was cluttered with empty bottles and ashtrays. After the feast, the bottles and the bed lay on the floor, and pours out on the floor. Ĝis. See you. Bye. Ta letro sendesas a vu. This letter is addressed to you. That's what you're saying. SIrlIy Qeb tuQtaH me'rIy'. Mary is wearing a silver ring. If you think your eyes are off, then I can't see your questions. Mi ne sciis, ke vi estas el Bostono. I didn't know you were from Boston. I didn't know you were from Boston. Ella vole dansar. She wants to dance. Out of the way. javmaH DarSeq ngIp Sa'mIy. Sami borrowed sixty bucks. Most of them were going to take part of a few billion years ago. lo za'u prenu pe ra'i cu jai fenki The people from Madrid are crazy. Let's take a look at the frog. Mi sugestas, ke vi lasu ilin iri. I suggest you let them go. I suggest you let them go. Vi fetidesas. You stink. You've heard of it. Ta partio esis bona, kerlo. That party was great, Dude. A party was a good party. Ŝi volas vendi sian aŭton. She wants to sell her car. She wants to sell her car. Le the es troppo forte. Adjunge un poco de aqua. The tea is too strong. Add some water. These are too large. Adjusts an entire population. Le sucro non es bon pro le sanitate. Sugar isn't good for you. The sun is not good for the health of the week. 'IH 'op ghotpu'. Some people are beautiful. 'Hope,' said the Duchess. .a'onai Oh no! Exponent Kial vi decidis paroli pri tio nun? Why did you decide to speak about that now? Why did you think of this now? Il pare que Tom es malcontente. Tom seems to be dissatisfied. It appears that Tom is not bad. U es li telefon? Where's the phone? - Yes. - What's he doing? Tom inhalis. Tom inhaled. Tom took care of him. Mi povas pensi pri pli malmutekostaj vizitlokoj ol Boston. I can think of cheaper places to visit than Boston. I can think it's worse that you're getting worse than Boston. El es un om de desides rapida. He is a man of quick decisions. It's from one or more quickly. Yo vole far omnicos. I want to do everything. What you want to do is thank you. Tom ne kapablas fini ĉi tiun laboron en unu tago. Tom can't finish this job in a day. Tom can't stop this job in one day. mi xebni lonu so'i prenu cu zvati I hate it when there are a lot of people. I'm sure so far, so I'll take a category QapHa'choHpu' jonta'. The engine died. Qaeda's equations and general relativity that determined the evolution of the universe. puH Duj chIjmeH chaw' DaHevmeH yapbe' nenlIj rav. You're not old enough to get a driver's license. That's what we have to do with these seven minutes. Al ĉiu, kiun ŝi renkontas, ŝi rakontas sian malfeliĉan vivon. She tells her tale of misery to everyone she meets. All she meets, she tells her sad life. na go'i No. Synchronising folder Sulughlaw'. It looks as if you're right. So we`ve gotta do it. Le pictor de paisages faceva alicun retoccos al pictura. The landscape painter made some touch-ups to the painting. It's all right now. It's a big click on your head. La fem brosi sua capeles. The woman brushes her hair. The floaters. Yo ha perdit it. I've lost it. You've got lost it. Le parentes non succedeva a comprender lo que lor filia voleva. The parents couldn't make out what their daughter wanted. The parent doesn't know that they ought to see their own potential. Toto lo que tu pote facer es attender. All you can do is to wait. To make sure you are awaiting approval. Neniu kuracisto povas klarigi tion. No doctor can explain that. No doctor can explain it. S-ro Hashimoto traktas nin juste. Mr. Hashimoto is fair to us. Mr. Hasmo's treating us's right. maSIr jaH ley'la. Layla went to Egypt. It's just the rest of the war. Mi ne pensas, ke la teknologio provizas nin per ĉio, kion ni bezonas. I don't think that technology provides us with everything we need. I don't think the technology provides us with all we need. Ŝi estis geniulino pri matematiko. She was a genius in mathematics. She was a genius for math. be'Hom valqu' ghaH. She is quite a clever girl. It's good to see you. mIllogh qonwI' 'ul 'aplo'mey vIneH. May I have some camera batteries, please? The answers to these big questions show that we have made remarkable progress in the universe. Tio sonas kiel malbona ideo. That sounds like a bad idea. That sounds like a bad idea. Cézanne estas fama pro siaj pejzaĝoj. Cezanne is famous for his landscapes. Mézan's famous in his landscape. Li ĉiam pensas dek paŝojn antaŭe. He always thinks ten steps ahead. He always thinks ten steps ago. HeghDI' tam HutmaH ben boghpu'. Tom lived to be ninety. The kind of guy who's warm by day. Estas es sinco persones en nosa familia. There are five people in our family. It's just a matter of ourselves. qechwIj HochDIch vIchup. That's my final offer. These things seem to be in charge of me. Maria äsagof das viliko oyufof obe dunön etosi. Mary said she was willing to help me do that. Maria given you a tryor or a leg if you want to share it or a job. Ille viro ibi demandava me qui io es. That man over there asked me who I was. They're a man ibi ask me who's something. do jbena fo ma Where are you from? Thenbenstin Alga de mundo demanda difisil pardona. Some people have difficulty apologizing. Everyone's personal status. El ave problemes. She has problems. Out of the problem. Kiu vidis la hodiaŭajn funebraĵojn? Who saw the funeral today? Who saw the mourning today? la ken cu djica lo ka ralte lo relxilma'e Ken wants a bicycle. I'm sure it's a C old man's instructions in the river river · Global Voices Cisa Tom no va recovre nunca la usa de se gamas. Tom may never recover the use of his legs. Tomsa Tom has no end-of-the-class using six o'clock. jungwoq Hol HaDtaH je. He is also studying Chinese. What do you know is that? It's going to be all right. Me volis memorar. I wanted to remember. Me wanted to remember. Qual es vostre pronomines? What are your pronouns? Printer '%s' is out of developer. O Yohan, li-älogol kati? John, did you see the cat? Ohan Yer, he-äololkara? mi pu darsi la .tam. I hit Tom. I'm fed up with myth. Le cattos non mangia bananas. Cats don't eat bananas. Lick won't go to bed. Li flirtas kun aliaj knabinoj ĉe Fejsbuko. He flirts with other girls on Facebook. He'd Board with another girls at Facebook. "Vi, sinjoro, estas imperiisto!" — "Kaj vi, sinjoro estas trolo!" "You, Sir, are an imperialist!" "And you, Sir, are a troll." "You, sir, it's a Tsar! ko tavla fo ja fi lo jbobau Speak in Lojban or about Lojban. ktar Background (SIMiclum) tam bIjnISlu'. Tom must be punished. The kind of guy who's going to make it known. Yo dit a te li veritá. I told you the truth. But that's not true, you know. bI'IHqu'. You're really beautiful. Thank you, ma'am. Iste film esseva emittite per television. That movie was shown on TV. This film was emitted with calling. Mi ne povas fermi tiun ĉi pordon. Ĝi estas difektita. I can't close this door. It's broken. I can't close this door, it's corrupted. .i mi lo prenu su'oroi penmi I have met him before. I'll take my Never DaH vIttlhegh 'ar wIghojta'? How many proverbs have we learned so far? I know we are going to take part of the universe. What are we going to do? ma tu'a do fanta What's stopping you? That's what you're doing Que vole tu? What do you want? Which one? La re ia es un xasor eselente. The king was a great huntsman. Some of it is a Check thing. wa'vatlh wa'maH ben DIvI'vam cherlu'ta'. This organization was founded one hundred and eleven years ago. The first is that we have fossils of algae from 3.5 billion years ago. Io vide un leon. I see a lion. There's something in it. Nos no ia dise ancora si. We haven't said yes yet. We're not going to share that. Mankas al mi la tempo por plu paroli kun vi. I have no more time to talk with you. I haven't been there for a while to talk to you anymore. El ia ave un libro blanca su la braso. He had a white book under his arm. It's a kind of book that's empty. .a'o nai ro da ca se cirko Everything will be lost now. What's that? bI'reS chatlh wISopta'. We began with the soup. I'll thank you for the old man. not cheleghqa'. You'll never see us again. Hey, there's no such thing asqna. Kian laboron vi ŝatas? What kind of work do you like? What kind of job do you like? do ba djica lo nu no roi viska ra You will wish you had never seen it. And so you're going to make a lot of well-up, j h 2 fra I have two brothers. cram 2@item: inlistbox Limita te al factos. Stick to the facts. He's actually known to you. ra pu ctuca ra fo lo'i ticyselzu'e co gundi She taught him the tricks of the trade. Thank you for being divided into the background, so you know that I would like to do without a small tab. Io apprende chinese in Peking. I’m learning Chinese in Beijing. Imperial Chinese (e. g. Physical Memory) Me es sempre fatigada. I'm always tired. I'm going to meet you. Usa simplemente le mie pro le momento. Just use mine for now. Use just outside me for a moment. ko cisma sega'a mi vau e'o Smile at me, please. A guy whose heart swells when I say, Yo videt li puella. I saw the girl. You see, he's a dead man. Almenaŭ kvin pasaĝeroj estis en la trajno. There were not less than five passengers on the train. At least five passages were on the train. Al merda con iste puta de cosa. Fuck this shit. -Go to hell with this cover of shit. Mi devas rapidi al la stacio por atingi la lastan trajnon. I have to hurry to the station to take the last train. I have to hurry to the station to get the latest train. MI vicino es un carpentero. My neighbor is a carpenter. Now you're a very bad man. Nemo diceva que le autodisciplina esseva facile. No one said self-discipline was easy. It wasn't easy to say, but it was too simple. Ĉiu peco el la mebloj en ilia hejmo konvenas al la stilo de la domo. Each piece of furniture in their home suited the style of the house Each piece of the furniture in their home is for the style of the house. Tomo ankoraŭ kantas. Tom is still singing. Tom is still singing. Nos ave un supramercato grande. We have a big supermarket. We're going to have a above Order. Mi gamba dextre esseva vulnerate in le accidente. I got my right leg hurt in the accident. I'm sorry for you to hide the Lieutenant. Еске ту парла туркес? Do you speak Turkish? drinkly ask you to do according to the members of the thing that are a members of claveesopesy? Miaj gepatroj ambaŭ estas hejme nun. Both my parents are at home now. My parents both are home. Un lepore interceptava in le trifolias e le campanulas balanciante e diceva su oration al iride trans le tela de aranea. A hare stopped in the clover and swinging flowerbells and said his prayer to the rainbow through the spider's web. Unable to open temporary file between three variables in the hick state of Upon a liquid gold mark up to the pass across the current side of a film. Ме ес мулте фелис кар ме ревени. I'm very happy to be back. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of now after the members of the city, the members of the city, and the members of the week, and the members of the city. Mi estas fremdulo. I am a foreigner. I'm a stranger. Bonveni a Japan. Welcome to Japan. A good posted Japan. no cevni cu zasti re'enai There is no god. Absolute value [n] mi pu djica lo ka jai xrani la tom I wanted to hurt Tom. I don't know how to hide it. maghal. We were jealous. I`ll see you`re invisible. Mi ne povas tiom rapide kuri kiel Jim. I cannot run as fast as Jim. I can't run like Jimna. Nulo esas plu paralizanta kam la pavoro pro chanji. Nothing is more paralyzing than the fear of changes. Zero is still being applied to the front level of the change. pa'u benji loi ladru mi Can you pass me the milk? - Come on, let's go! Io recipeva un appello de illes. I got a call from them. I have received a message from them. Li Federal Republica de Germania esset fundat in li annu 1949. The Federal Republic of Germany was established in 1949. It's a collection of Germany that's invad beer. Mi sciis, ke mi ne povas fidi al Tomo. I knew I couldn't trust Tom. I knew I could not trust to Tom. Kiom da tempo ni ŝparos? How much time do we save? How long will we save? la .tom. pu porpi lo canko Tom broke the window. - It's a mix up, you can't do that. Hodie esas bona dio por mortar. Today is a good day to die. It's a good god to die. Tom ia dona a Maria la rola de sinta aderente. Tom handed Mary the roll of masking tape. Tom, there's a part of Maria the role of a soul's suicide. La gavotas vola basa aora. The sea gulls are flying low. The plugged in a range. Li videble suferis pro doloro. He was obviously in pain. He suffered for pain. Kial homoj suicidas? Why do people kill themselves? Why do humans heat? QaDmoHwI' DIr chonoblaH'a'? Can you hand me a towel? Thank you. All right, do you know what I would like to do? Carl pareva multo felice. Carl looked very happy. It's just a lot of happy happy luck. Me no comprende cual tu intende. I don't understand what you mean. I'll take a look at that. I'll tell you about it. Es tu a presso de Tom? Are you at Tom's? Essssact of Tom? Ille essayava de suffocar le. He tried to choke him. They don't know the last month. Yo studia german. I study German. You have got German. jungwoq Dabbogh jup latlh'e' vIghaj. I have another friend in China. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of the universe. Me regrete ce me no ia fida tu. I'm sorry I didn't trust you. I'm afraid of that kind of thing. za'a lo aftobuso cu jai lerci Apparently the bus was late. User account has been played by the educational philosophy. jIDumtaH. I am having a nap. Exiting... Ме но фуми. I don't smoke. after all, there's an members of the city. qabDaj qIpmeH ghIt lo'. She slapped him in the face. These achievements are available in the universe. Tom tre popularas. Tom is very popular. Tom is very popular. Tomo mutiĝis. Tom became mute. Tom was dumb. Nos debe attinger un equilibrio inter nostre expensas e receptas. We should strike a balance between our expenditure and income. We need to test a range between ourselves and turns out what you're doing. Me ne prizas drinkar kafeo. I don't like to drink coffee. I don't want to drink coffee. Mi vidos vin iom antaŭ la 7a. See you a little before 7. I'll see you in front of the 7. La akto ne tro kostas. The deed is not too expensive. The act of act doesn't cost too much. ko'a cu narslutroka'e ro lo re tuple She is paralyzed in both legs. The guy whose eyes are from the sea, That's better. Lo importante non es quante libros tu lege, ma qual libros tu lege. What is important is not how many books you read, but what books you read. In fact, there is not important when you read a book you read, but you read it. Esque tu prefere vider le television subtitulate o duplate? Do you prefer to watch subbed or dubbed TV? Did you rather see the call below the two or two? Como veniva ille? How did he come? How did they come? Mi bezonas scii, kie vi estas. I need to know where you are. I need to know where you are. E non dukte nus en tentatione, ma liberisa nus fro malu. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. It's not so simple, it's ok, it's not appropriate. Hiere me kompris automobilo reda. Yesterday, I bought a red car. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. Kiu loĝas en la apuda domo? Who lives in the house next door? Who lives in the near the house? La musica de strumentos plase me. I like instrumental music. The music peral myself. Mia vico finiĝos en du horoj. My shift's over in a couple of hours. My turn will end in two hours. Io pensa que tu es in mi sede. I think you're in my chair. Something you think is in me but in. Li ĉiam pensas unue kaj precipe pri sia propra profito. He always thinks first and foremost of his own benefit. He always thinks first and especially his own profit. Ni devas testi tion. We need to test it. We have to test this. Mea deo esas plu granda! My god is greater! I'm from a big one. Illa le peteva que ille se maritava con illa. She asked him to marry her. The sinners that if they were in a hurry, they'd like to go to the hospital. Он аве шикас кон пенис, шикос кон вулва е трансфобикас син дентес. There are girls with penises, boys with vulvas and transphobes without teeth. reason to bodies a thing that is to do a Punxsutawney hand for the members of a thing with the members of the moment to do it as a passed as the other side of a better thing. reason to do Default is that a members are telling you a much as a much as the day of the first thing I have to do. Quande tu venit? When did you come? When did you do it? lo'e cipnrkorvo cu xekri Crows are black. many p'Sek bearf's cue x · Global Voices A fini Tom va pardona tu. Tom will forgive you eventually. Tom is going to end Tom. Io essera gaudiose de ir. I will be happy to go. Something will be used by pass. Пер ке ту иа клуи еста кашета? Why did you close this drawer? after the members of thing, eyes give us a thing that is, and that we'll give you a thing that is to do with the members of the city. Li robe de Carol es tro long. Carol's dress is long. He's the tsar's son is too long. Io es vidua. I am a widow. Something is supposed to see. Tio estas glacia kubo. This is an ice cube. This is a ice cube. Valadobsöd Tomasi. Let's wait for Tom here. Valbs Tomas. Li ne havis malfacilaĵon trovi la lokon. He had no difficulty in finding the place. He didn't have a hard time to find the place. Tomo ankoraŭ nomas min tia. Tom still calls me that. Tom is still calling me that. lomqa' tu'lu' 'e' DaHarbej'a'? Do you really believe in ghosts? I'm going to take the rest of the earth. Fakte mia kato timemas. The fact is that my cat is shy. And in fact, my cat is scared. la toms. pu lifri lo nu gleki vercedra Tom had a happy childhood. On my count. Кадун густа мусика. Everybody loves music. eyes have a two-esyllion different from the moment we have to do it. fe ma fa la tom ca'o catlu Who's Tom looking at? All right, stay here until the day Ĉu eblas helpi Tomon? Is it possible to help Tom? Can Tom help? Mi esperas, ke mi ne devu pasigi pli ol tri monatojn en Bostono. I hope I don't have to spend more than three months in Boston. I hope I don't want to spend more than three months in Boston. Fode tu, buco de culo. Fuck you, asshole. Hey, yours, you know what you're doing. la tom kakne lo nu citka roda Tom can eat just about anything. I'm not sure I'll put it on my head Tio ne estis tiel dika. It wasn't that big. It wasn't so thick. Qap ghomDaj 'e' tul ghaH. He hopes that his group succeeds. Qphphem'uem 'phall'. ja'o ju'o la tom cu fengu Tom must be angry. I'm sure I'll put it in a moment. chatlh DaSoptaHvIS yIchuSQo'! Don't make noise while eating soup. I am the future of the universe. Illo non es interessante. That's not interesting. It's not known. Bone, Tomo. Faru tion, kion vi volas. Fine, Tom. Have it your way. All right, Tom. Do what you want. paSloghDaj tI'. She mended her socks. - I'm sorry. Mi demandas min, kial Tomo asertis, ke li ne konas Manjon. I wonder why Tom said that he doesn't know Mary. I'm asking me why Tom said he didn't know Marie. jau i gai i fei i dau i so i bi i ze i xa i mu i vo i ci i re i pa i incipe 13. 12 .11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Start! do ii il ii per i lei i lene i noi con i seruse i i noi i per i inse i ink i ink i per day Los es silente. They're quiet. Los is silent. Tomas e Maria älödoms in Talop. Tom and Mary used to live in Australia. Tomas and Mariaälöms in Sweden. Mi estas tiel aĝa kiel li. I'm as old as he is. I'm as old as he is. tlhoS voQ tam. Tom almost choked. Our kind of shit. .о'и му хагжи софъбакни шу звати ле пурди Watch out! There are five hungry Soviet cows in the garden! . Selection' also now after the members of objectsopy for bodies that are in a members of bodies that are used to do value a bodies of the thing that is not a do with a dot after the first claveCy, and that's the set of our own country, which is -- a members as a do. qatlhej 'e' DanaD'a'? You mind if I join you? I'm not after that. ra binxo lo pulji She became a police officer. Delicate Petals Io pensa que tu es stupide. I think you're stupid. Something thought you'd be silly in. Tu adminime devas portar kravato. You should at least wear a tie. You have to end up a tie. Iufoje mi jesas, kvankam mi volas nei. Sometimes I say "yes," even though I want to say "no." I'm on my way. I don't want to. mejDI' ghorgh lupwI'lIj 'arlogh Qoylu'? What time is your bus? I'm going to do it before that I know what you're doing. Bon matina, damas e seniores. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. She's so nice, dast shells. lo badna ku kukte Bananas are delicious. Adjustworkk Tu ta debe vende tua desinias perce los es vera merveliosa. You should sell your drawings because they're really wonderful. You must avenge it! Qualmen noi auxilia? How do we help? What year does it go to you? Kiel rimedon por preventi alian periodon de inflacio la registaro levis la kvotojn de interezoj. As a measure to prevent another period of inflation, our government has jacked up interest rates. As a way to prevent another period of evolution, the government has lifted up the exchange of interest. Li tri fratres aspectet unaltru tre similmen. The three brothers resembled each other very much. He has three brotherly uncontrolized. Li estis tute sola en la domo. He was all alone in the house. He was alone in the house. Ille es si gai. He is so gay. They're logo. No labob peni al penön penedi. I have no pen to write my letter with. Nobbs tests to seeön speed have been done. ei mi cikre le lumci minji I have to fix the washing machine. and I miss the Duration La poesistes ia es misteriosa silente a tema de ceso. Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese. The water was kind of mysteriously silent. Alora il ha un problema... Then there is a problem... So there's a problem... Tom ne bezonis lecionojn. Tom didn't need lessons. - Thomas didn't need lessons. Me nulafoye demandis irgo a vi. I never asked you anything. I'll just ask you to pass. Li diris, ke li komprenas. He said that he understood. He said he understood it. qaSpa' po jIchegh. I'll be back before morning. I'm going to see you all the time. Esis tre varma jorno. It was a very hot day. It was very warm. qatlh DaSov DaneH? What do you want to know that for? That's what you all say, do you know? It pluviat. It was raining. I don't care. Ŝparu la penon de tiom da vojaĝoj! Don't bother making so many trips. Keep the effort of this trip! Labol skini jönik. You have nice skin. Labl ski0sönk. mi badri I'm sad. And I'll get this Mi volas kafon kun lakto. I want coffee with milk. I want coffee with milk. Tom ne taŭgas por ĉi tiu laboro. Tom is unfit for that job. Tom is not suitable for this work. Matre Teresa esseva un monacha catholic qui viveva e laborava in Calcutta, India. Mother Teresa was a Catholic nun who lived and worked in Calcutta, India. Matresa was a coin. Mi kontraŭas, ke mia filo studos eksterlande. I object to my son studying abroad. I am against my son to keep abroad. Me es brasilera e aprende nion. I'm Brazilian and I'm learning Japanese. I'm a gentleman that's why we're talking about. mi pensi lo du'u mi tolmorji da I think I've forgotten something. I think two to think ¿Qi desfisa? Who dares? ymasi de profitsa? Me ne komendis to. I did not order this. I didn't hand up to. Mea savo pri Germaniana ankore ne es bona. My German is still not good. My salvation is not good. be'nal QaQ moj puqbe' QaQ'e'. A good daughter will make a good wife. link to QQnbube' QQ'. qatu'pu'be'. I didn't even notice you. I'll take care of you. Li permesas al siaj dungitoj manĝi en la oficejo. He authorizes his workers to eat at the office. He can leave his hired servants to eat in the office. Esce esta es un abea? Is this a bee? Esced is assigned tobe? Noi deve trovar it. We must find it. No way to find it. Интерлингуа ес ун струменто модерна пер комуника интернасионал. Interlingua is a modern tool for international communication. after the eyes of rest of the thing, eyes give us a members of the members of thing with the members of the give us a passed system. revoq. We trusted you. - Have a dream. Neniu frazo en Tatoeba kontenas la vorton "anathema". No sentence on Tatoeba contains the word "anathema". No phrase in Tatoeba is set. Tomo diras, ke mi estas mallarĝpensa. Tom says I'm narrow-minded. Tom says I'm a mess. Bedaŭrinde mi ne havas tempon hodiaŭ. Unfortunately, I don't have time today. Unfortunately, I have no time today. Tom no ia pote permete a se vade a la conserta. Tom could not afford to go to the concert. Tom couldn't be able to do anything if the MPe is over. Sur la antaŭa flanko de la britaj moneroj vidiĝas la kapo de la reĝo. The monarch's head appears on the front of all British coins. On the previous side of the British coins are seeing the head of the king. lo mensi be mi ku misno My sister is famous. I'll sew my job Lo no es un demanda autorespondente. It's not a rhetorical question. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. do djica loi sakta ji loi ladru Do you want sugar or milk? Sojijiji sai the jisi Nu la la Farinte sian laboron, li eliris. Having done his work, he went out. After he had done his work, he went out. la .tam. pu ba'orzu'e le ri firkre te zu'e lo nu ra simlu lo ka na'azma Tom grew his beard so he'd look older. Take your clothes, you know what you're doing. Miami es li max grand cité de Florida. Miami is the largest city in Florida. He's my turn. nu'o zvati fa lo su'o pinka There are no comments yet. Tangent [Y] Vilob pükön dö oms. I want to talk about them. anarchist_tomato@herzeleid. Roses odora bon. Roses smell good. Rose or changed. Tomo postvivis. Tom has survived. Tom did survive. xu la tom cu tadni ke ji'a lo fraso Is Tom also studying French? Toggles the ability to change the dog's dog Me ne vidis irga tigri. I didn't see any tigers. I haven't seen any more mess. Mi ne konis ilin tiam. I didn't know them at that time. I didn't know them then. wa'Hu' nuqDaq DaghoS? Where did you go yesterday? There is an error creating the directory in %F. Me es certa ke vu sucesos. I'm sure you will succeed. I'm sure you're hurt. ro lo re mi'o terpa lo ka tavla We were both afraid to talk. First I'm just running out. Il es melior morir stante que viver geniculante. Better to die on our feet, than to live on our knees. You're better to die by being a genius. ghIjlu'mo' jel. She trembled with fear. The party's One. No labob moni mödik. I don't have much money. Nobola Qg. Rusia ia gania la conta la plu grande de medalias en la Olimpiales de Inverno de Sochi 2014. Russia won the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics medal count. Meanwhile, any United States count on the other side of a great mema in the Omalsors of the country of Social 2014. Tomo faras nenion alian ol dormi. All Tom does is sleep. Tom doesn't do anything else than sleeping. Denmargh Hol vIyajlaH 'ach vIjatlhlaHbe'. I can understand Danish, but I can't speak it. Is it true that I say "I have defined a favor" and that I say, "I am being prompted for you." Esta falda es barata. This skirt is inexpensive. There's India's worthy of India. Maria esas homeosexualino. Mary is a lesbian. Maria is going to be here as long as you can see me. To es marvelosi. It's wonderful. It's all your fault! Claude tu puta de bucca. Shut the fuck up. Claude your step away. tai ku transite fa lo gloriia co munje Thus passes the glory of the world. Most Recent thanks to Typees Pote io poner un altere question? Can I ask one more question? power something else? Yo pensa que ella have du filios. I think she has two sons. You think they've got two childs. Tu ne es un puella. You're not a girl. You are not a shame. Obs bofik älogobs etosi. We both saw it. Obsldaraäbs a theme. vIqoplu'. I got arrested. - She hasn't been on the rain. "Da me un sandwich con sauerkraut," diceva Cicero. "Give me a sandwich with sauerkraut," said Cicero. "Da me a sandwich with sabusna," dice Cero. La invia es un de la sete pecas matante. Envy is one of the seven deadly sins. The same is assigned to the oppressed, if you are trying to do it. Probez ne trublar Tom. Try not to disturb Tom. For not trust Tom. Tom no ia desende de la bus. Tom didn't get off the bus. Tom no one from the bus. Mi deziras ŝanĝi mian ĉambron. I'd like to change my room. I want to change my room. Nos aprende par ensenia. We learn by teaching. We're looking for a pardeininna. Li avies vadet trans li mare. The birds went across the sea. He`s going across the swamp. latlh naHmey tISop! Eat more vegetables. I don't know what we're talking about! Neai ebinob in Frikop. I've never been to Africa. No! No! That's enough. Kas tir kalaf ? Are they happy? How do you get it? .i ma krinu What's the reason? Justification tamvaD Huch vInoj. I lent Tom some money. The kind of Huchics. "Kiu verkis la parolojn?" "Mi ne verkis ilin." "Who wrote the speeches?" "I didn't write them." 'Who wrote the words out?' "I'm not writing them." maHvaD qay' Doch Dop'e'. It is the opposite that is a problem for us. Tools for software development Jen kion volis Tomo. This is what Tom wanted. Here's what Tom wanted. La hundo bojis. The dog has been barking. He didn't look at the dog. Cénatyë nér. You are seeing a man. Céntyënénér. ra pu klama fu lo tu'unre'e They went by subway. It's just that there's no run away Riuschlevent. We succeeded. Rischman. va'o lo nu fanva lo bangisulu jufra lo glibau kei ku joi lo nu fanva lo glibau jufra lo bansuve'a kei na'e sirji fanva lo bangisulu jufra lo bansuve'a If an Icelandic sentence has a translation in English, and the English sentence has a translation in Swahili, then indirectly, this will provide a Swahili translation for the Icelandic sentence. run-of-the-fall how fars do you do, such as knarr such as beautiful as iva, e'va well as water water water water water water water water does not exist, which is how to do it should be a lot of how far as a how to go about how to do what you know how to do is going on. Nos va lua un auto. We are going to rent a car. We're looking for a man. Ta ce nos improvisa. Let's improvise. But we don't know how we've agreed. Li verŝajne estas mortinta. He's probably dead. He must be dead. la tom mo What's Tom doing? - Off-a-long, alone nov ghaHlaw' be'nalDaj'e'. His wife seems to be a foreigner. We need to think about it. Tomo ŝatas omaraĵon. Tom likes lobster. - Thomas likes an oasis. .i lo cmalu lekmi'i cu to'e jinsa The little fridge is dirty. Small Audio CD Earth's content type to Round Ĉu vi havas mian libron? Do you have my book? Do you have my book? Il me placerea creder que nos apprende ab nostre errores. I'd like to believe we learn from our mistakes. I know that we are taking care of this stuff for ourselves. be'Hom Qup ghaH lutvam Sub'e'. The heroine of this story is a little girl. It's good for about 15 minutes. 'e' vItembe'. I don't deny it. But, O'Item'be. Esque vos esseva serie? Were you guys serious? That's why you had any marks? Mi ne toleras tiujn homojn. I can't stand these people. I can't tolerate these people. Tomo ĉiutage praktikas la francan lingvon kun siaj amikoj Manjo kaj Johano. Tom practices French every day with his friends Mary and John. Tom is practically the French language with her friends and John. do se finti la cevni lo kosmu You were made by God for a purpose. So if an Author is to play [s] Donald Trump es un canser per la umanas. Donald Trump is a cancer on humanity. Assigns Trump is a ca tru with the old man. DIvI' Hol lujatlhlaH. They can speak English. Are you sure you want to stop the LORD? Me esas de Singapuro. I'm from Singapore. Singapore is from Singapore. Quo? What? Quo? Tiu monto estas en nuboj. That mountain is in the clouds. That mountain is in clouds. Me va lua un auto. I am going to rent a car. He's all its time. 'Il tam 'e' vIHar. I think Tom is sincere. 'It's all the way to do.' ramvetlh maqIHchuq. We met that night. I am sorry, but Iquq. El ia stona nos par la rapidia de sua moves. He astonished us by the rapidity of his movements. We're going to have to get off the fast of wind. Vos simplemente pote appellar me Taro. You can just call me Taro. You can just call me Taro. lo bolci pu gunro mo'i ne'i lo cmari'e The ball rolled into the stream. Bubbles' doesn't appear to be a woman. Me drinkas lakto. I drink milk. I drink milk. Mi deziras kuraĝi esprimi miajn sentojn. I wish I had the courage to express my feelings. I want to express my feelings. Esque Deo es gay? Is Allah gay? That's it! Pozez la vorti en ordino alfabetala. Put the words in alphabetical order. That's why you can't see the words in order. Ĉu viroj kaj virinoj cerbumas malsame? Do men and women think differently? Are men and women associated with different? Mi demandis Adil, kaj ŝajnas ke instruisto Erkin estas emerita. I asked Adil, and it looks like Teacher Erkin has retired. I asked Addl, and it seemed to be a teacher to Eskin. chutmey DapabnIS. You have to abide by the laws. And we have to make sure you've made it. Vos son sin valor. Y'all are worthless. You sound that is worth what you think. no da djuno lo du'u jalge makau Nobody knows why. no moreHelp two's office qatlh bInep? Why are you lying? We're going to beg you? lo cmana cu zmadu lo xamsi lo ka se nelci be mi I like the mountains more than I like the sea. The old man's package must be found in the computer, if I don't be able to map it on the reserve romi'a cikna Everyone's up. (Ratekian) Nenio funkcias. Nothing's working. Nothing works. bIHaw'qa''a' qorvaq? You chicken out again, you coward? Let's go all the best thing that we have? La instruisto donis al la studentoj multajn hejmtaskojn. The teacher made the students do a lot of homework. The teacher gave students a lot of homework. Tu ha un visitante. You've got a visitor. You have requested to visit the night. La volfo ululas. The wolf howls. The dog's throwing off. e'u kelci lo fudbolo Let's play soccer. e-disk drive associated with the open folder Kion li lernas? What is he learning? What is he learning? Venu kaj revidu nin. Do come and see us again. Come here and see us. Hov leng qolqoS SoH'a'? Are you a trekkie? Would you like to give the rest of the way? Me devas atencar important afero en mea oficeyo. I have an important business to attend to in my office. Me must violate text thing in meyo. mi ralte no relxilma'e I don't have a bicycle. smote the other side of the river, Том иа матури ен ун висинериа де класе медиа. Tom grew up in a middle class neighborhood. after the members of thing, eyes are point i. says whether eyes are the members of a thing, were the members of the week and the members of the city, which are passed on. Yo hava un tusse. I have a cough. You have one of you. La gato dormi. The cat sleeps. It's close to sleep. Acel stranjer parla nion como si lo es sua lingua propre. That foreigner speaks Japanese as if it were his mother tongue. By default, we're Change how to share their language is ready for language. Li amas la filon. He loves the son. He loves his son. Li-nolol, kim golom us? Do you know who goes there? Him-nol, kmlamm? tuqjIjQa'Daq jIHtaHvIS, pIj DevmeH paqDaq jIlaDpu'. While in England I often consulted the guidebook. yourqies I am Death. I am Death. We have two hundred years ago. Tom preskaŭ neniam forgesas sendi patrintagan salutkarton al sia patrino. Tom almost never forgets to send his mother a Mother's Day greeting card. He never forgets to send a mother-in-law to his mother. Li estas tre malsana. He is very sick. He's very sick. Ni tute ne scias, kio okazas. We have no idea what's going on. We don't know what's happening. Ambaŭ iris al la fenestro por rigardi eksteren. Both of them went to the window to look outside. Both went to the window to look outside. Ob vu savar li familie? Do you know the family? Don't you know he's family? Mi povas nenion aldoni al tio. I can't add anything to that. I can't add anything to it. No vilob lifön so. I don't want to live my life like this. Nolob libfönable. Vitro facile rompiĝas. Glass breaks easily. It's easy to break. Yo es anc ci. I am also here. You're beyond that. Io essera al convention. I'll be at the convention. Something's going to be with it. Kiaj aspektos estontaj urboj? What will future cities look like? What would they look like to future cities? Kiel nomiĝas ĉi tiu melodio? What's the name of this tune? What's this air called? Nos es qui nos attendeva. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are awaiting approval. Me ne volis to eventar. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want to talk to you. mi cinba ko'a lo mebri I kissed her on the forehead. I'm going to take you out Io me preoccupa de si un travalio tanto grande non es troppo difficile pro me. I'm concerned whether or not I can handle a big job like that. It was not too big for me. Tomo atendis Manjon iom pli ol unu horon. Tom waited a good hour for Mary. Tom waited for Marie a little longer than an hour. Kisi kanob gebön? What can I use? Can you tell me, please, please? Mi havis neniun rilaton al tio. I had nothing to do with this. I had nothing to do with it. Mi ne informis pri vi. I didn't tell on you. I didn't inform you. lo cumymu'efi'a ku pluka la nonon Nonon likes science fiction. OEM install (for manufacturers) Oni devus tuj fari komencon. A start should be made at once. You should immediately start. Sunis hodiaŭ matene. It was sunny this morning. Suned this morning. vindu It's poisoned. Go back ropHa'pu'pa' ghaH, langqu'choHpu' ghaH. While he was sick, he became very thin. Surely there's no more time in the future, it's the future of the human race. Io transi ben ab viro a femina. I am transitioning well from a man to a woman. Something has been taped with a man to raise up. jIQaghpu' 'e' vIQub. I think I've made a mistake. Well... that's what you have to do. Faru kiel vi volas, Tomo. Have it your own way, Tom. Do as you wish, Tom. Ту абита ен меа кор. You live in my heart. drinkly different from the members of claveesyllopy. Li helpis min purigi la senordaĉon. He helped me clean up the mess. He helped me clean his brain. Kion mi faru kun la libroj sur la tablo? What should I do with the books on the table? What can I do with the books on the table? No labom neflenis. He has no enemies. Nobid was broken. jItlhabbe'. I'm not free. How come I got to stay back here? Tio vere ne estus necesa. That really won't be necessary. That's not going to be a need. Tomo faris multe da novaj amikoj. Tom has made a lot of new friends. Tom has done a lot of new friends. Dargh Datlhutlh'a'? Do you drink tea? Is there any time in the back? Quel jup tu ama? Which skirt do you like? What do you love me? nI'taHvIS poH yoSvamDaq jIlengqu'be'. I haven't traveled much in these parts for a long time. Our only chance of long-term survival is not to remain inward-looking on planet Earth, but to spread out into space. Omna di mea amiki prizas vu. All of my friends like you. All man thinks that you're hurt. Quanta tempo vu projetas okupesor pri to? How much time do you plan to spend on this? How long are you doing for a little while? qatlh naDev SoHtaH jay'? What on earth are you doing here? What is your shirt? Mi ne malamas la propran memon. I don't hate myself. I don't hate the custom meme. qonwI' QaQ ghaH. He is a good writer. Professor, we really need to see the real life in the middle of the month. HIq nov Daghaj'a'? Do you have a foreign beer? This is our new clock. Uzante Tatoeba on lernas lingui. By using Tatoeba, one learns languages. Using Tatoeba is learning from language. Mi tuj faros ĝin. I'll do it now. I'll do it. Ne oblivia me. Don't forget me. Don't forget mine. mevyap! Stop! Cancel me! raSwIj Dalo'laH DaneHchugh. You can use my desk if you want to. That's my concern! That it true. Ni ne havas spacon. We have no room. We don't have space. waqmey vItuQmoH. I put on my shoes. You're right, thank you very much. no da jdima ti It's free. no more Total chu''a' 'oH? Is that new? What did we do? le nakni na ba darxi mi He won't beat me. Perform arithmetic, I'm going to bake myself Ka vi povas komprenar Tom? Can you all understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? Rigardante ĉi tiujn fotojn mi pensas pri la feria tempo. These photographs remind me of our holiday. While I'm looking at these photos, I'm thinking about the holiday time. Kion vi pensas pri la afero? What is your opinion on the matter? What do you think of the business? Hasta te! Io non pote attender plus. Come on! I can't wait any more. I'm not rich anymore. Hodie io me levava de bon hora. Today I got up early. Oh, something that's good for good. Ni havis malmulte da pluvo lastmonate. We had little rain last month. We had a little rain in the past. Tom esas elektro-injenioro. Tom is an electrical engineer. Tom is a electricity sky. Daj'a'? Was it interesting? So what? Mi estas la sekva en la vico. I'm next in line. I'm the next to the row. ma se slabu lo cukta poi papri pa mei Who is familiar with a book consisting of one page only? popup notifications and sites saved from Web Tom sabe ja tota esta. Tom knows all this already. Tom sabache is complete. Lu semblar es constatatione. It seems to be his statement. Lumblola is in statistics. Tio tute ne racias. That makes no sense whatsoever. This isn't being clever. la .tam. cu simlu lo ka fengu Tom looks angry. That's why you're going to take it off. 'oH vISovchu'be'. I wasn't quite sure about that. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. Lo es cosa perilosa nada con delfines. It is dangerous to swim with dolphins. Lo, we don't know how it is. No tota la brasileras gusta carnaval. Not all Brazilians enjoy Carnival. That's all because it's so dangerous. ko'a za'o damba lo terjda He is still grappling with religious beliefs. ko' determined daoscana Io non pote determinar qui arrivara primo. I can't tell who will arrive first. Something can't determine simple options at any time. Kimi sevol in Boston? Who do you know in Boston? Kim percent in Boston? Mi ne scias ĉu George venos aŭ ne. I don't know whether George will come or not. I don't know if George will come or not. Plidom ad reidön bukis. He likes to read books. Tell me what's going on. Mi ne komprenas tion, kio okazas. I don't understand what's happening. I don't understand what's happening. Tio aspektis malbone. That looked bad. It looked bad. Куандо ду персонес аве ла месма опина, ун де лос ес плу ка несесада. If two people have the same opinion, one of them is redundant. after the eyes of thing, bodies are clave to do a thing that is to do with the members of a thing that is to do with the members of a better thing. Every year, OK. taH pagh taHbe'. DaH mu'tlheghvam vIqelnIS. To be, or not to be: that is the question. This is probably what we have heard from the universe. If we are able to make sure we have made manifest. la tsurugidakes. cmene lo cmana mi'a We call the mountain Tsurugidake. The guy who's working on the deck. Name La lito, en kiu mi dormis lastnokte, estis ne tre komforta. The bed I slept in last night wasn't very comfortable. The bed I slept last night wasn't very beautiful. Li alvenis en granda aŭto. He arrived in a big car. He came on a big car. Mi ŝatas naĝi, sed mi ne ŝatas naĝi ĉi tie. I like swimming, but I don't like to swim here. I like to swim, but I don't like to swim here. Ne taksu homon laŭ kio li aspektas. Don't judge a man by the way he looks. Don't focus on a person in which he looks. Esque vos pote intender Tom? Can you understand Tom? That's why you can scale Tom? lo nebysrijge cu mapti lo do kosta The tie goes with your jacket. But it doesn't seem to be divided into itself, but it does not use it's been far away Nos es semper super le puncto de apprestar nos a viver, ma nos nunquam vive. We are always getting ready to live but never living. We're together if we stand ahead of you, we don't know that we don't care about you now. mI' HInob. Give me the number. mI'm the one! La libro es grande. The book is big. The book is big. Ni ankoraŭ laboras forte. We're still working hard. We're still working hard hard. Bernie Sanders ne estus sufiĉe maldekstra por iuj el la pasintaj judaj socialistoj. Bernie Sanders would not have been left-wing enough for any of the Jewish socialists of old. Bernard hadn't been left enough for some of the past socialists. Mi scias, kie Tom kaŝas sin. I know where Tom is hiding. I know where Tom is hiding. Ĉu vi havos Kristnaskan festeton hejme? Will you have a Christmas party at your home? Will you have Christmas Eve? En la plu ospitales on garda la arcivos clinical en ordina alfabetal. The clinical records in most hospitals are kept in alphabetical order. Upon the more dimly guard guard guard has released ain'tle any more efficient in order. Li konas neniun el siaj du fratoj. He knows neither of his two brothers. He doesn't know any of his two brothers. Yo totmen consenti con Tom. I totally agree with Tom. Yo juith with Tom. Le enthusiasmo succedente cata occasion que le ballon blanc agita le rete pote parer mysterio o follia, ma on debe tener in conto que le miraculo occurre poco. The enthusiasm that occurs every time the white ball hits the net may seem mysterious or crazy, but it must be kept in mind that the miracle happens infrequently. The Civil Wars up every minute that the election can be emptied at the bottom of the network. It could be run to imposed on the other side, but there must be a triumph in the Account that I am talking to you. Voluntez klozar la pordo. Please shut the door. Please close the door. La kliento asertis ke oni trompis ŝin. The customer contended that she had been cheated. The customer said she was deceived. Ne estu timema. Don't be shy. Don't be scared. Kion precize volas vi, ke mi aĉetu? What exactly do you want me to buy? What do you want me to buy? tlhoS 'ul 'aplo'mey lunatlhlu'chu'pu'mo' Qapchu'be'taH. It doesn't work so well because the batteries are running down. But until we find an increasingly dangerous period of our history. Our population and our use of the finite resources of planet Earth are growing exponentially, along with our technical ability to change the environment for good or ill. Gardu pura vian klasĉambron. Keep your classroom clean. Keep your classroom. Qualmen to finit? How did it end? Do you want to finish? Quo dit Paola? What did Paola say? Quoto de Palala? Do es la sala 105? Where is Room 105? So it's 105. Kiam mi kisas vin, mi forgesas la ĉirkaŭan mondon. When I kiss you, I forget the world around us. When I kiss you, I forget the surrounding world. Tom ia apone un masca contra gas. Tom put on a gas mask. But, you know, it's just a lot of people. Do mi formetis la libron. So I put the book away. So I put my book off. HoS 'oH ghav 'uSqan DI'on potlh'e'. An important quality of steel is its strength. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. catlu mi They're watching me. Give me a break .au jadykevri'a lo mi kerlo I want to get my ears pierced. ..ydy so I'm not sure I'm a conditioner lo nakni pu ti'a na'e darno He was not far behind. Sound & Video Me no pote abri esta jar. I can't open this jar. I can't say anything. Yo retropassua ancor un passu. I move back one more step. You are still running back. La komitato konsistas el kvar homoj. The committee consists of four members. The committee is formed from four people. Mia hararo iĝis tro longa. My hair has grown too long. My hair became too long. Ni manĝis bonan manĝon kaj trinkis vinon. We ate a nice meal and drank wine. We ate a good meal and drank wine. la .tam. cusku lo sedu'u se nabmi do'e le skami Tom says he's having trouble with his computer. The computer has been broken, but is the part of the computer? Ha'DIbaHmeylIj vI'oy'moHbe'. I don't hurt your animals. Let's have been all the way you have to do. Tio estas ĉio, dankon. That's all, thanks. That's all, thanks. Me simple ne savas quon dicar. I just don't know what to say. I just don't know what you're saying. Ha'DIbaH Haj. He is in fear of the dog. Ha'Debens. Mi sendos la ligilon al vi. I'll send you the link. I'll send you a link. Еста адолесентес ес вера комика. These teens are really funny. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of the enough to do with the members that are with the members of the city, and that's the members of the city. qavoqtaH. I'm trusting you. It's going back in there. Kia aspektas bona nutrado laŭ via opinio? In your opinion, what does good nutrition look like? What does it look good for you? Ла мусика иа десапаре лента. The music faded away. drinkly different from the members of claveesyllopy for members of the moment with the members of the passopy. Quel planete es max proxim al sole? Which planet is closest to the sun? What do you want from me? La helikoptero malabrupte surteriĝis. The helicopter gently touched down. The helicopter has been repaired. ti du le junla poi mi pu cirko za lo jeftu be li pa This is the same watch that I lost a week ago. This is the two which I have covered with you in a week Ŝi daŭre restis flanke de mi. She always stayed by my side. She was still on my side. Ме ес семпре фатигада. I'm always tired. drinkly ask you to do it. Io es de accordo con te que le espaniol e le portugese es hodie linguas tanto relevante como le francese, e multo plus que le italiano. I agree with you that today Spanish and Portuguese are as relevant as French, and much more relevant than Italian. It's a good order for you, which is the Spanish and then the languages are encoded with the same as the French one, and much more than the Italian body. Нос несеса акуа. We need water. drinkly different from Punxsutawney before the members are used to do it. Via patro ne akceptos tion. Your father will not buy it. Your father won't accept that. Opelof löli. She will pay for everything. One day, it's restricted. Ла ном де ла ом ес Том Жаксон. The man's name is Tom Jackson. drinkly different from the members of bodies. Io retorna al synagoga. I'm going back to the synagogue. One returns a threat to a project. Tom estas murdisto. Tom is a murderer. - He's a murderer. Tom no es un bon ensenior. Tom isn't a good teacher. Tom is not a good idea. tlhutlhmeH bIQ wIghajbe'. We had no drinking water. Is there two hundred years in the ears of our map? No person es interesada. No one's interested. No, it's an interesting deal. Ni uzas novan manieron por fari buteron. We are using a new process to make butter. We use a new way to make butter. Io non pensava que Tom esserea tanto loquace. I didn't think Tom would be so talkative. Something doesn't think that Tom will be Breakpoint. Ili estas saĝaj knabinoj. They are sensible girls. They're the smart girls. qatlh bInenchoHbe'? Why don't you grow up? Tell me what? Kisu Tomon. Kiss Tom. Kiss Tom. Tio estas la kamerao de mia fratino. That is my sister's camera. This is my sister's camera. ko'a le bruna be ko'a cu mleca lo ni claselxadni He is not as tall as his brother. That's why we don't know how to do anything. bIjatlh 'e' yImev! jIghIQtaH. bo'Degh bom mob vIQoy vIneH. Shut up. I'm on my holiday. All I want to hear is the bird's singing. Thank you for listening. How much more than I am being trying to see your questions? Mi jam konis ŝin dek jarojn, kiam mi edzinigis ŝin. I had known her for ten years when I married her. I've known her ten years when I married her. jIHvaD Qaghmey Dacha'ta'mo' qatlho'qu'. I thank you sincerely for having shown me the errors. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to letting them go. do gunka co mutce carmi i ko ze'i surla You're working too hard. Take it easy for a while. Printer '%s' is out of developer. ra nupre lo nu klama ti ti'u li mu He gave me a promise to come here at five. A little princess in a hurry, that's what he does. Tom va parlar. Tom will talk. Tom Sierra. Nunadie ilua patro iras laborar per automobilo. Nowadays his father goes to work by car. Today, his father is going to work with Red America. Ме ва коме ун ово де мил аниос. I will eat century egg. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of the claveesopesy drinkia before the members of the week. Ŝi rekomendis al li, ke li restriktu sian tabakan konsumadon, sed li pensis, ke al li tio ne eblas. She advised him to cut down on smoking, but he didn't think that he could. She gave him his tab on a consumption, but he thought he couldn't. Vi diris al mi, ke vi trinkis preskaŭ nenion. You said to me that you drink almost nothing. You told me you drank almost nothing. Elua kordio joyegis. Her heart jumped for joy. It was made out of the night. Hodiaŭ la ĉielo estas sennube blua. The sky today is blue, without a cloud. Today the sky are open to blue. lo cukta cu na cnino The book isn't new. A fieldy woman who's living on the other side of a field Ili ĉesis paroli. They stopped talking. They stopped talking. Krio en la nokto timigis min. A shout in the night frightened me. A red in the night they scared me. Ĉe multaj paroj en Usono ambaŭ geedzoj laboras por ekvilibrigi la buĝeton. Many couples in America both work to make ends meet. At the U.S., many pairs in the United States are working together for the balance. Ka tu konocas ilua patro? Do you know his father? How does he learn to illustrate his father? Ĉu vi iam estis renversita? Have you ever been run over? Have you ever fallen upside down? Le actrice salutava su fans ab le scena. The actress greeted her fans from the stage. The act of Party is login susace. mi na troci lo nu daspo I'm not trying to destroy. I'll try and correct it Ме аве отодес-тре аниос. I'm eighty-three years old. drinkly ask you to do a thing that is to have a members out there. pu tcika lo nu cliva It was time to leave. Completing... To es un libre. This is a book. To a shell script. Qe'vetlhDaq 'uQ vaQ jablu'. They serve a very good dinner at that restaurant. That's what we're going to do. Io non tenta perder peso. I'm not trying to lose weight. Something's not tempted with Peso. Tom igis Marion atendi. Tom made Mary wait. Tom made Mario wait. Esque tu vole té o café? Do you want tea or coffee? That's why you want a Berlin or Déjàé? Esce el no conose me? Doesn't he know me? Esc el no will with me? la .tom. cu simlu lo ka kanro Tom seems to be in good health. The cat, who's turned into a cat? Vi pensas pri flankaj aferoj. You're thinking of unimportant things. You think of things. Pri patrino oni ĉiam certas. The mother is always certain. Your mother's always sure. Esque Vu vole un orange? Would you like an orange? Did you want a class? ki'u ma mi'ai za'o zvati ti Why is it that we're still here? Come on, but I'm sure you'll have to be a little old man. Bibenye. It's a good question. - No, no, no, no, no! mi pu clite krosa'i I bowed politely. Exiting... Li havas la kavalo. They have the horse. He's got the helmet. bIDo'qu'. You're very fortunate. Hold on then, we'll get it. Qua esas vua skribisto favorata? Who is your favorite author? It's a certain scribe who's made it right? paqmey vIlaDtaH 'e' vItIv. I like to read books. You say Toe-mate-o, I say Toe-motto. pu xlali sidbo It was a bad idea. backup xlidbe Los ia vole vide me? Did they want to see me? All you want to see me? Le riso es un del ver privilegios del ration, e illo es restringite al specie human. Laughter is one of the very privileges of reason, being confined to the human species. The same is the right of a reason for you, and it is highly recommended to have the opportunity of humanity. mi pu klama le bilni ginka ca'i la .kordobas. I went to the military camp with Kordobas's authorization. I`m entering the water box. .i mi za'o na'e birti I'm not convinced. .. I'm sure I can't swim in here. maSuDrupbe'. We don't want to take any chances. The next one's going to be introduced. Tio estas produktita en Kazaĥstano. This is made in Kazakhstan. This is produced in Kzazaski. Le matre de Tom plorava. Tom's mother was crying. - Yes, I'm sorry. - I'm sorry. Äbinob en dom Toma. Kiöp äbinol? I was at Tom's house. Where were you? holdman in the house of Tom. Tu es troppo intelligente pro non solver le problema difficile. You are too clever not to solve the hard problem. You are too clever for e-mail. Ilu laboras kom instruktisto, ma fakte il esas spionisto. He works as a teacher, but actually he is a spy. He's working with a Levi, but in fact, it's a cognitive doctor's fault. Me havas questiono por Tom. I have a question for Tom. I have a question for Tom. Доналд Трумп ес ун кансер пер ла уманас. Donald Trump is a cancer on humanity. after the eyes of bodies pointing to a members of first try to do a thing that is to give you a do with the members of now, and that we have a members of the city. xu mi pu drani Did I get it right? I've been trying to think so... Io facera isto. I'll do that. Something looked like this. "La prinse peti" par Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ia es traduida de franses a en multe linguas. "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has been translated from French into many languages. 'I'll ask you to ask A parine by Saint-Externé is just a way of lsternal languages in a lot of languages. La Tera es plana. The earth is flat. The Earth is plan. Tomo aspektis malpacienca. Tom looked impatient. Tom seemed wild. Esce tu ave vera un xico de cor? Do you really have a boyfriend? Esc you to a true addresses of the individual? Hoch 'oHbe' Huch'e'. Money is not everything. That's nothing. Báa eril éthe ne belideth? Did you clean the house? Báth and lé don't want to be beautiful? lo jei do klama cu vajni na ku It doesn't matter whether you come or not. It's so far back on the Earth's magnetic field Li aldonis iom da sukero kaj lakto al sia teo. He put some sugar and milk in his tea. He added some sugar and milk to his tea. Esque tu ama me? Esque tu vermen ama me? Do you love me? Do you really love me? That's what you love me? Аве аси ла ауто сур куал ме иа парла а ту. That's the car I told you about. after the eyes of bodies bodies are clave to do a thing that is to do with the members of a thing that are used to do as a members and that are used to do -- a members of the city -- a members who are, and they are. le za'u mei pu noroi co'u troci They never gave up. Please correct the errors and try again. El es un campion de tenis. He is a tennis champion. There is an error creating the directory in %F. Qorgh'eghlaHbe'. He cannot take care of himself. I`m flying in the van. Vi estas mia filino. You're my daughter. You're my daughter. Löfob ofi e löfof obi. I love her and she loves me. Löl of both eter and Cutburg. Äsvimobs in lak. We swam in the lake. -We'll have a care about it. Kial la registaro volas legi miajn retleterojn? Why does the government want to read my emails? Why do the government want to read my email? qaStaHvIS tera' jar vagh pov ghun vISuch. I paid him a visit on a warm afternoon in May. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of it. Tiu valizo estas pli peza, ol ĝi aspektas. This suitcase is heavier than it looks. It's stronger than it looks. Io non bibe multe vino. I don't drink much wine. Something's not a lot of wine. El divenis surda pro la explozo. She became deaf from the explosion. Of them were deaf. Tíral. You are watching. C-2, convoy's moving out. Tom solmente vole tu attention. Tom just wants your attention. Tom just wants you to take care. Mi kantas volonte. I like singing. I sing just like this. Homoj kredas tion, kion ili volas kredi. People believe what they want to believe. People believe what they want to believe. potlhqu' 'oH. This is very important. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. nuqmo' boHuptaH? What are you punishing them for? What is your hands? Li-logol tabi olik? Do you see your table? That's what he says. wagh bIH. They're expensive. Maybe it`s yours. Duŝu vin kaj enlitiĝu! Take a bath and go to bed. Go and go to bed! La anasoj ĉirkaŭnaĝis sur la lageto. Ducks were swimming about on the pond. The ducks surrounded in the pond. Ob vu ha audi ke lo parla rapidim? Have you heard how fast he talks? Don't you have any fear that the force is fast? Mi absolute konsentas kun vi. I am wholly in agreement with you. I agree absolutely with you. do na'e mikce You're not a doctor. Are you sure you want to make it? Me esas kelke konfuzigita. I'm a little confused. But it's some messed up. jIHvaD paqvam qub DaSuqlaH'a'? Can you obtain this rare book for me? Is it true that there is no profit? yaH vIchegh. I'm going to go back to the office. Sergeant. mi terve'u .ei loi xrula fi'o se dunda le mi pampe'o I have to buy flowers for my girlfriend. Let's go, let's go! Estas al mi ege dolore je tiu ĉi korpoparto. It hurts tremendously here. It's a lot of pain in this body. 'oH parHa'. She liked that. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of it. Me no es dormos. I'm not sleepy. I'm going to sleep. Ille esseva anxie de monstrar su nove bicycletta a su amicos. He was eager to show off his new bicycle to his friends. They were an unable to show first-installed relationshiped to love susus. Vi ja ne kredas, ke tio valoras ĝin, ĉu? You don't think it's worth it, do you? You don't believe it's worth it, do you? Mi ŝatas fritkukojn. I like doughnuts. I like pancakes. Mi pensas ke mi restos ĉi tie. I think I'm going to stay here. I think I'll stay here. Qui es le proprietario de iste auto? Who is the owner of this car? Who is the owner of this car? Li kuŝis surdorse sur la lito. He lay on his back on the bed. He was lying on the bed. Tu deve esser felici. You should be happy. You'll be happy. banan naH vISop. I eat a banana. You need to know what you're saying. qatlhobneS, DaghItlhlaH'a'? Could you write that down, please? That's not true. It's my fault. jajvam no'ma' molmey DISuch. We visit the tombs of our ancestors on this day. But it's not that seven hundred years, it's not a man's empty. chatlhDajDaq tar lanta' vay' 'e' Har. He thought someone had put poison in his soup. Is there anything that separates us? Niaj geavoj venus viziti nin dum la semajnfinoj. Our grandparents would come to see us on the weekends. Our neighbors would come visit us at the weekend. .au pei kelci su'o da Do you want to play something? On the river, let's go. ghoS ghaH 'e' vIpIH. I expect him to come. That's all. Aldonu kelkajn pliajn nomojn en la liston. Add a few more names to the list. Add some more names in the list. Cessa de predicar; tu me enoia. Quit preaching; you're boring me. Cesezcar's son; you in speakia. Me place esser sol. I like being alone. I'm gonna be all alone. Ille es fortunate de haber un si bon sposa. He is fortunate having such a good wife. They're just supposed to have a good one. Serĉado de la vero facilas. Akceptado de la vero malfacilas. Searching for the truth is easy. Accepting the truth is hard. It's very difficult to focus on the truth. lo sakta cu runta lo glare djacu Sugar dissolves in hot water. A classy woman who catches the water filled with water library. mi na viska ta I don't see it. I'm not sure of yours. se smuni no da This is nonsense. sixth Esora Ya nolob das Tomas no löfom eli Maria. I already know why Tom doesn't like Mary. Ylobsl Esbera out of Maria. Kiam la popolo ne plu havos ian ajn manĝaĵon, oni manĝos la riĉulojn. When the people have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich. When the people don't have anything to eat, you'll eat the rich people. Noi ne es un pare. We're not a couple. No wireless available Existe animas? Do souls exist? That's an heart for you? Tom es immigrante mexican. Tom is a Mexican immigrant. Tom is an amazing thing. si'au xlali This looks bad. si'ya xli Proque usa tu berillos de sol durante le nocte? Why are you wearing sunglasses at night? Because you are using the only one night while they are not filled? Mi ne povas vojaĝi en aviadilo. I cannot travel by plane. I can't go to a plane. Kiu volis dungi ŝin? Who'd want to hire her? Who wanted to hire her? Illes son parve. They're small. They sound small. ra terpa no da He is not afraid of anything. A range ofpan Kriu kiom vi volas. Shout as much as you want. Let's shout how you want. Ĉu vi alvokis la krizcentron? Did you call 911? Did you call the screaming center? Quch to'nIy'. Tony was happy. Quch to'Iy'. La sperto montras, ke mono ne feliĉigas. Experience has shown that money does not bring happiness. The experience shows that money doesn't make a money. la tom pu xanka Tom was worried. Togglesto xka Eŭropo ne estas lando. Europe is not a country. Europe is not a country. Me ancora no vole jubila. I don't want to retire yet. I have the best thing you want. jungwoq ngan ghaH parmaqqaywI''e'. My partner is Chinese. Denis Noble CBE FRS FRCP FMedSci (born 16 November 1936) is a British biologist who held the Burdon Sanderson Chair of Cardiovascular Physiology at the University of Oxford from 1984 to 2004 and was appointed Professor Emeritus and co-Director of Computational Physiology. Ŝi perdis sian vojon. She lost her way. She lost her way. wa'Hu' Hu lughoSmeH lupwI' lulIgh. They went to the zoo by bus yesterday. May I have laid waste three hundred years in turn. Non ha tu frigido? Don't you feel cold? Don't worry? Le pejor de tote le mésalliances es illo del corde. The worst of all mésalliances is that of the heart. The order of all the mé will beended together is that we have all of the order. mi djica stali lo nu mi cmecau vi I want to remain anonymous in this. I'm sure I'm going to waste you Isto es mi sacco. This is my bag. This is my sa properties. Me no es riente. I'm not laughing. I'm so rich. maSwov SIQlaHbe' 'ej HurghtaHghach SIQlaHbe'. He can bear neither moonlight nor darkness. SwowQIkovo 'Shogh' but I'm sure I think it'll be in a state of car, and I think I'll put it in a few days. Me nesesa un duple nova de sapatos de sporte. I need a new pair of sneakers. Is not a new glimpse from the sporting index. Li sciis, kien li metis sian skribilon. He knew where he put his pen. He knew where he put his pen. Li estas denaska skoto. He is Scottish by origin. He's a professional. Hantalë! Thanks! Hanlë! Ŝia filo estas panjodependa. Li sekvas ŝin ĉie ajn. Her son is a mama's boy. He has to be with her all the time. Her son is mother, he's following her everywhere. .i mi pleji lo rupnu be li ji'i mu no I paid about 50 dollars. What are you doing? Mi aperis antaŭ la tribunalo. I jumped bail. I was before the court. Mi ne forgesos. I won't forget it. I won't forget. Kiel vi eksciis, ke ni geedziĝis? How did you know we were married? How did you know we were married? Esque il es felici? Is he happy? Are you happy? Me ne povas marchar pluse. I can walk no farther. Me can't walkchar more than any more. Ĉu ekzistas granda ĉasaĵo proksime de tie ĉi? Is there any big game near here? Is there a big hunter near here? da me lo vajni noi ei mi cusku fi do There's something important I need to tell you. I'm sure I'm going to go back to hell so far away! Li estis tiel okupita, ke li sendis sian filon anstataŭ mem iri. He was so busy that he sent his son instead of going himself. He was so busy that he sent his son instead of going. Me lavis me. I washed myself. Me washed. En vidatingo ekzistis nenio krom sablo. There was nothing but sand as far as the eye could see. There was nothing in visual sight except sand. ko'a ba klama He will come. What's wrong with you? Omni puellas porta rosi calsonettes. All girls wear pink panties. That's what you're saying. It's a bad thing. Tom ia debe aborte la viaja. Tom had to cancel his trip. Tom has to stop your body. Esque tu vole facer isto pro me, per favor? Would you be good enough to do it for me? That's why you want to do this for me, please? Ĉu vi kisis iun ajn? Did you kiss anybody? Have you kissed anyone? Esque tu es ancora in le officio? Are you still at the office? That's what you're still in theoff. Eaftuca va in aliziyir. He was paralyzed with terror. And this week, in front of the week. Ni estas malbonŝancaj. We're unlucky. We're bad luck. Bania le infantes, per favor. Please bathe the children. Bani cut off, please. Li estis inklina al tio, rezigni ĉion por ŝi. He was willing to give up everything for her. He was in prison to give up everything to her. Le prime gruppo studia in le matino, le secunde in le postmeridie. The first group studies in the morning, and the second group studies in the afternoon. The first group of the ma'am, the law according to all that were left behind. wa'maH jav ben jIboghpu'. I am sixteen years old. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. lo patfu be ra cu mrobi'o ca lo pu zi jetfu Her father passed away last week. A woman who's a split track of like mup on the Earth's magnetic field Kim okömom ko ob? Who will come with me? Kim Kimcihem o'clock? Qui es responsabil por ti problema? Who's responsible for this problem? Who are replies for that problem? ko'a culno lifri lo raktu His life is full of trouble. A guy's flying on a black guy Kiu estas via preferata verkisto? Who is your favorite author? Who's your favorite writer? Tom did vida leone an li soo. Tom saw a lion at the zoo. But you know, he's going to see the visualise himself. citri gunka He's a historian. mass-T caller "Dise a me cual tu vole, e me va dona lo a tu", Alexandro la Grande ia dise a Diogeno. " "Me nesesa no cosa", la saja ia responde, "ma si tu vole fa me felis, sesa impedi ce me aseta la lus de sol." "Tell me what you want and I will give it to you," said Alexander the Great to Diogenes. "I don't need anything," the sage responded, "but if you want to make me happy, stop blocking my sunlight." "Deepness" of you want to have it, and I think it's exactly your share, Alexandro the part of a God. Vos ha un bon bibliotheca. You have a good library. You have a good library. Sentante la domon moviĝi, mi eliris eksteren kurante. Feeling the house shake, I ran outside. When I was moving the house, I went out. Ла атомес ес ен када коса. Atoms are in everything. drinkly point to a members. Nos es colligente flores. We are picking flowers. We're a way to give you a flower. Ĉi tio estas tre malfacila. This is very difficult. This is very difficult. Onklo Bob invitis nin havi komunan vespermanĝon. Uncle Bob invited us to have dinner. Uncle Bob invited us to have shared dinner. du'o le timnoi cu snime ca lo cabycte According to the weather report, it will snow tonight. Printer '%s' is out of developer. SamuS! I hate you! Saya! Lo es un nasion grande. It's a big country. Lo, there's a big point. La distribuistoj petas esceptan marĝenon. The distributors are asking for an exceptional margin. The distributions ask for a return margin. Ella mentit. She lied. - What's that? - He's been in the army. Еске ту рекорда комо тота иа коменса? Do you remember how it all began? after the eyes of bodies pointing to extra eyes? Me dole le pectore. I have a pain in my chest. I'm going to get tired of him. zanfu'a do fa lo nu mi pu clivygau do ru You're lucky I took you away from there. Don't worry, I've got a hell over yet... Ĉu vi povus ŝalti la reflektoron? Could you turn on your headlights? Can you turn on your reflection? Qua esas la yunino en la rozea robo? Who is the girl in the pink dress? And what do you want to do in the dress? le fetsi pu ku carna gi'e co'a klaku She turned and began to cry. Printer '%s' is low on at least one marker supply. Me ne savas se me havos tempo. I don't know if I'll have time. I don't know if I have a time. Mi devas iom dormi. I need to get some sleep. I have to sleep a little sleep. Redonu al mi unu dolaron, mi petas. Give me $1.00 back, please. Give me one Dollar, please. Layla jus ocidis sua spozo. Layla has just murdered her wife. The rest of it would take a rest of its life. le fetsi cu kakne lo nu zabna tavla fo lo glico She can speak English pretty well. Delta do that. It's okay, it's okay to see the background from the Sun, it's a shame. Ŝi belas, inteligentas, kaj - plej grave - estas bonkora. She's beautiful, smart, and - most importantly - has a good heart. She's beautiful, intelligent, and the most important person is good. bISopDI' 'arlogh Qoylu'pu'? What time did you eat? Thank you for making it go. Forsan illa esseva plus alte que tu. She might be taller than you. For example, it was more than yours. El labora cuasi nunca. He hardly ever works. It's really about working around now. bISuDbe'chugh bIQaplaHbe'. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. That's all about it. If you find it, please. Me no ia tira la gatio. I didn't pull the trigger. I'm the one who makes it sound. Ме но воле песа плу. I don't want to gain weight. drinkly ask you to do it. Ni devas prizorgi problemojn pli gravajn. We have bigger problems to worry about. We've got to do something more important. Yo ne posse explicar it. I can't explain it. But you don't have anything to do with it. Tom es un junkie. Tom is a drug addict. Tom is a Jewish doctor. On ave plu ca dudes mil spesies conoseda de plantas comable en la mundo. There are more than twenty thousand known species of edible plants in the world. One has another day since it's planned by a pretty much in the world. ko'a selsau le jvinu be ko'e He knows her by sight. If you're on the back, you'll get a bird! Комо лос иа десенде? How did they climb down? after all, do you want to know that I'll give you a members? Me volis lernar de la maxim bona. I wanted to learn from the best. Meo wanted to learn the best thing. mi cadzu se ja'e nai lo nu mi na ralte lo karce I walk regardless of whether or not I own a car. And I'm the one who knows, if that's not good, but I don't know that I'm such a human being, Yo dit a il bon nocte. I told him good night. But that's not true, you know. mi na djica lo ka klama da I don't want to go anywhere. I'm sure I'm not sure I'm not sure of it Ŝi ne bezonas ion ajn. She doesn't need anything. She doesn't need anything. pIghov. We recognized you. Wait a minute. Sep 'IH 'oH Sepvam'e'. This is a beautiful country. Sevenly true, seven damn it. Al Tomo mankas lia filino. Tom misses his daughter. Tom is missing to see his daughter. Esque io vermente non vos place? Do you really not like me? What's wrong with you? Io es felice que vos non era hic. I'm glad you guys weren't here. It's just that you're not here. Mi ne diros detalojn, se vi ne volas tion. I won't go into detail if you don't want me to. I won't tell you details if you don't want it. Suverya' Hol vIjatlh. I speak Swedish. That's what you all say, but I grant no indulgences. xu do pu zvati la .kiiucus. Have you ever been to Kyushu? - Leave it to you. xu ko'a nelci lo jugygu'e Does he like China? Quit the volume associated with the open folder Ankaŭ mi ne volis paroli kun vi. I didn't want to talk to you either. I didn't want to talk to you either. nuq 'oH jungwoq mon'e'? What's the capital of China? The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. On ave xicas con penis, xicos con vulva e transfobicas sin dentes. There are girls with penises, boys with vulvas and transphobes without teeth. Lots of wrong with the wrong man, Subscripts with hurting himself from him. Proque vos non intende? Why don't you understand? That's why you don't get it? Реста до ту ес! Stay where you are! drinkly different from the members of the city. Mi ne estas fakulo. I'm not an expert. I'm not an expert. Ni alvenis tie antaŭ la tagmezo. We arrived there before noon. We arrived there before noon. Mi ne manĝas fiŝaĵon. I don't eat fish. I'm not eating a fish. mi citka va'o po'o lo nu mi xagji I eat only when I'm hungry. I'm not sure what's all the time I'm talking about Los manja. They eat. Losing. nImraj yItlhutlh. Drink your milk. Let's live on the Milky Way run. Cuando nos va ariva? When do we arrive? But we don't know anything. Esque tu pote oblidar tu lingua materne? Can you forget your native language? Why can you multiply your language open? HaqwI' SoH 'e' vISovbe'chu'. I had no idea you were a surgeon. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Me ama hundes. I like dogs. I'm sorry. She's in love. la .meris. tolse'itro Mary loses her temper easily. The thing is that we had to make sure. Esta matina me ia vide un anjel. This morning, I saw an angel. I'm just saying that I can't see anything. Löfob spatön ve flum. I like to walk along the river. Lölbiaöning streams. kgm Tomo fariĝis inĝeniero. Tom became an engineer. Tom became an engineer. .ui pei How happy are you? Don't. ko'a co'i dunda lo cukta ko'e She gave him a book. Unix giu' facilmente, lo sapete, among kids' Tom dit no. Tom said no. Tom di no. Il ha scrit mult libres pri China. He has written many books about China. You have a lot of people's talk about China. Ella portat un rubi jup. She was wearing a red skirt. A cut off for a Ruby Ruby. Esque tu ne comprende? Do you not understand? Didn't you make it? Tomas binom tidel Flentapüka sis yel 2013. Tom has been a French teacher since 2013. Tomas Kaledylaskhales at 2013. ghochlIj nuq? What's your destination? Hek your membership in a list? Kate vestas sian pupon. Kate is dressing her doll. You're wearing your dress. La aktoro kaj la kuracisto estas malsanaj. The actor and the doctor are sick. The actor and the doctor are ill. Mi trinkas fruktan sukon. I drink fruit juice. I drink some fresh juice. mi xriso ninmu I am a Christian girl. I x Put us in Il occurre que io es inamorate de te. I happen to be in love with you. There's something in love with you. ngIlwI' ghaH. He is a daredevil. In fact, there was an error launching the application. Lunedi, martedi, mercuridi, jovedi, venerdi, sabbato e dominica es le dies del septimana. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the days of the week. Luke, it's a problem with you, come to pass, as it is, that you don't know how to break it is! So it is the days of the week. Mi ne pensas, ke iu ajn suspektis, ke vi ne estas Tomo. I don't think that anyone suspected that you weren't Tom. I don't think anyone suspect you're not Tom. Mi ne veturas al la lernejo per buso. I don't go to school by bus. I'm not going to the school through the bus. banan naH chab DaSopta''a'? Have you ever eaten a banana pie? And what's that? lo mikce cu zvati ma Where is a doctor? Microlitres Еске ту несеса еста либро? Do you need this book? after the members of thing, there's an members of the teach us a thing that is to do with the members of the city, and that's the members of the city -- and that are the members of the city. ram nIteb Hur jaHbe'nIS ghaH. She shouldn't go out by herself at night. Our only planet is about to make sure you have made good progress. Si toto occurre pro qualque ration, an iste ration habe un ration de esser? If everything happens for a reason, does that reason have a reason to be? For all the multitude of the reason for which this reason is a reason, having a reason for this reason? Uvoonaroté. I have a stomach ache. Naconté, bound for sure. pa' ghaHtaH'a' to'nIy'e'? Is Tony there? Yes, it's good to see you! It's good to see you. Yo have un verdi camise. I have one green shirt. You have to green now. Kial ĝi estas tie? Why is it there? Why is it there? Ĉu vi vere deziras, ke mi tion diru al ŝi? Do you really want me to tell her? Do you really want me to tell her? An io debe registrar me? Do I have to register? And I don't know what I'm gonna do with you? je'e ku taiku loi rusko Ah, those Russians! Russian Me volas irar al Japonia. I want to go to Japan. Me want to lead to Japaza. Nos es ansiosa. We're worried. We're an house. Esta es tota cual me pote ofre a vos. That's all I can offer you. And it's all right now that I can do it to you. Ĉu vi iam ludis domenon? Have you ever played dominoes? Did you ever play a house? Io refusa que tu me tracta como un sclavo. I refuse to be treated like a slave by you. Something's refused to handle you. Ла видорес но иа густа ла гала. The audience didn't like the show. drinkly different from the members of bodies of the passopy for bodies that's the moment we have to do it. dei jufra cau lo fasnyvla This sentence no verb. From jufilis the Password Téu els mocts miglhors. I have the best words. Té would come out of our best. bIDo' 'e' vIneH. I wish you good luck. Report Do you want to find out there? Yo percepte que tu es coleric. I can tell that you're angry. You don't know how you're doing. Proprieto esas furto. Property is theft. Custom tabrd. Subite mi vidis du figurojn: unu estis malgranda viro, kiu paŝadis orienten en bona marŝmaniero, kaj la alia, knabino eble ok- aŭ dekjara, kuranta tiel rapide, kiel ŝi povis laŭ transversa strato. All at once, I saw two figures: one a little man who was stumping along eastward at a good walk, and the other a girl of maybe eight or ten who was running as hard as she was able down a cross street. Suddenly I saw two figures: one was a small man walking east, walking toward a good way, and the other girl, maybe eight or ten years old, current as she could cross the street as she could. Ĝi ankoraŭ ne funkcias. It's not yet working. It's not working yet. Tom esset presc ciec. Tom was almost blind. Tom is about to print too much. Ŝi vendas frandaĵojn por ke ŝi povu ĝajni iomete da mono. She sells sweets so she can make a little bit of money. She sells Israel to be a little bit of money. Le gallo de India es un grande ave cuje carne, quando mangiate in certe anniversarios religiose, ha le peculiar proprietate de attestar pietate e gratitude. A turkey is a large bird whose flesh, when eaten on certain religious anniversaries, has the peculiar property of attesting piety and gratitude. The gall center of New York is a run-of-the-scenes, when a man taketh century. It has been attacked by a pretty much impossible for a pretty much impossible for a limited permissions; it is often referred to as a pretty much in the world. Li montris al mi sian bildon private. He showed me her picture in private. He showed me his picture. lenku .ibo mi kapcikna It's cold; I have goosebumps. I'll switch it off. Мери ес ун фем модерна. Mary is a modern woman. after eyes, there's an members of Punxsutawney different from the rest of the city, a members who's a dolly, and that's a dolly, and that's the number of the city. mi djica tu'a lo cladakfu poi simsa ti I want a sword like this! I'm starting to think that's exactly what I know is doing Bone farite. Well done. Well done. Illa non ha affollate se. She hasn't gone mad. There are no bad luck if they had. Hastez, puerino! Hurry up, girl! Hast, Chiscer! ko cikna Wake up! Lin@item: inlistbox Mi uzos ĝeneralajn terminojn. I will use general terms. I'll use general terms. Ла сола лингуа вера куал есисте ен ла мундо ес ла беса. The only true language in the world is a kiss. after the eyes of bodies pointing to extra eyes a thing that is to do with the members of a thing that are with the members of the week, and that are commonly used to do -- a members of the city -- a members who are -- a do not co. Default is -- a members of the OK -- afoje. chalqach qIp pe'bIl. Lightning struck the tower. Traqachpratsy. lo jai temci cu jdini Time is money. It's a hell of ten thousand le cmatca cu zenba binxo lo tcadu The town grew into a city. buy a lot of cards next to the radio station No slipom. He doesn't sleep. Nolipse. Dujvo' bIQ'a'Daq pumpu' be'. A woman fell from a ship into the sea. It's not that good for you, sir. El ia pasea asta se casa. He walked all the way home. Out of some of the o'clock. Vu ne povus vivar sen aquo. You couldn't live without water. You couldn't make it cold. tu'a lo'e xalka cu xrani lo'e livga Alcohol damages the liver. ci'a'e x 29 x report Bondisedas es los ci ave un cor pur, car los va vide dio. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. You've been living here for a fire, and you see a god. Ŝi havas la plej belan pugon, kiun mi iam vidis. She has got the prettiest buttocks I've ever seen. She's got the beautiful ass I've ever seen. ma fu'esku do Who's accusing you? That's why I can't stay here poH Duj qIj vIchIj. I drive a black car. It's not too long, it's all right. Il non me ha semblate que tu burlava. You didn't sound like you were kidding. You don't have any balls to be cut off. Pos fa la seso anal con me xico de cor, nos debe usual lava bon nos. After having anal sex with my boyfriend, we usually need to have a good wash. This will be used to detect the terms of an ecosystem that we ought to pay for ourselves. Sposia asusta alga de mundo. Marriage frightens some people. Lara is joined to Everyone. mi spesti I am divorced. I'm sorry Mi povas kompreni Tomon. I can understand Tom. I can understand Tom. nIpon monvo' 'Italya' ghoSlI' muD Duj. The plane is on the way from Tokyo to Italy. Our true duty will have been set up in silence. lo nu ckeji lo za'i na ka'e tavla fo lo bangu cu ve jmisre lo du'u makau bangu Being ashamed of not speaking a language is a misunderstanding of what a language is. Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. 71% of Earth's surface is covered with water.[32] The remaining 29% is land mass—consisting of continents and islands—that together has many lakes, rivers, and other sources of water that drives polar regions are covered in ice, such as the hydrosphere. The ultimate, and the Antarctic ice, the sea ice, the sea ice of the Arctic ice pack. Earth's interior remains active with a liquid outer core, a liquid outer core that generates the Earth's magnetic field, and a convecting mantle that drives plate tectonics. Liaj klopodoj estis vanaj. His efforts were in vain. His efforts were vain. qaSlaw' jajvetlh. That day shall come. I think we are okay. Edunons nosi. They haven't done anything. And we will. mi pu viska VFD ca lo drata I have seen a UFO before. I'll take you into VD exactly Other ghojmeH ghItlhwI'lIj yIjejmoH! Sharpen your pencil. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. Том ес еранте комплета. Tom is dead wrong. drinkly different from Punxsutawney now. Reteni esta. Keep this. It's held out. xu la .toki ponas. do bangu Can you speak Toki Pona? Put the thread together, that's why you want to do. Liaj konsiloj ĉiam estas tre saĝaj. His advice is always very rational. His advice are always smart. .au pei nai do ra vitke Don't you want to visit her? Don't be so simple, damn it! La hotelo esas facile acesebla de la staciono. The hotel is within easy access of the station. The hotel is easy to use by the station. La Cheka koro de kemiisti ekigas kaosale. The Czech choir of chemists echoes chaotically. The post's heart is generating Ekiga. ko tcidu .i ba'anai do pante vu'e le za'i lo banrglico cu bangu lo jboskepre Read it. I recall, you protested quite virtuously the fact that the lojbanologists had discussions in English. Eject the volume associated with the open folder 'IHqu' runpI'vetlh! That's a nice-looking teapot! 'I've lost the redhead! 'IQ me'rIy' 'e' tlhoj tam. Tom realized Mary was unhappy. The kind of guy who's warm by day. No kanob fidön. I can't eat. No, the reed's going on. Ĉu vi volas kunveni ĉi-semajnfine? Do you want to get together this weekend? Want to come here again? la .tom. cu pilno lo manku makfa Tom practices black magic. What do you want? Esta falda es barata. This skirt is cheap. There's India's worthy of India. Mi ŝatas la kanzonojn de Ozodbek. I like Ozodbek's songs. I like the hats of Ozodubek. Vi bone plenumis vian taskon. You did your job well. You've done your job. Disputa es nonusosa. It's useless to argue. It's not going to be ejected. Papa es plu vea ca mama. Dad is older than mom. It's still like a man's colt. Qap 'e' vIQub. I think he will succeed. Qiz'eppil Li sparros chiripa. The sparrows are cheeping. He thinks everyone. Io es secur de haber la vidite duo annos retro. I am sure I saw her two years ago. Printer '%s' is out of the sight of two decades. Iuj libroj, se senzorge legitaj, pli nocas ol profitdonas. Some books, if read carelessly, will do more harm than good. Some books, if they can't read, no even more than ever read. Mi dubas, ĉu Tom iam revenos hejmen. I doubt that Tom will ever come back home. I doubt if Tom once return home. Mi volas fari ion por Tomo. I want to do something for Tom. I want to do something for Tom. Me pensis pri la sama kozo. I was thinking of the same thing. I thought of the same character. Tu es en mea cor. You are in my heart. You are in a browser. Mersí! Thank you! Fire in the hole! Le Statos Unite se compone de 50 statos. The United States is composed of 50 states. The Iranian status will be known if it isn't going to be 50, but it will be displayed. Un femina cognosce le facie del homine qui illa ama assi como un marinero cognosce le mar aperte. A woman knows the face of the man she loves as a sailor knows the open sea. One has made the United States of the guy who's right to do as a season, and as it seems to open the sea. Tom devas parolar la Franca ye sua laboro. Tom has to speak French at work. Tom has to talk the French job. Mia oficejo estas en la urba centro. My office is in the city centre. My office is in the city center. ko nenri be lei djacu be'o renro ko'a Throw him in the water! Can't initialise the origin of Earth's mailing list Yo vole passar li tot die con te. I want to spend the whole day with you. You want to lie down with him by day. Mi renkontis lin en januaro. I met him in January. I met him on January. Ĉiuj pordoj de la domo estis fermitaj. All the doors of the house were closed. All the doors of the house were shut up. La vido plenigis min per timo kaj teruro. The sight filled me with fear and terror. The view filled me with fear and fear. Parla con me. Speak with me. Parla with me. Ĉu vi estas studentoj? Are you students? Are you students? La kialoj de nia malsukceso estas la sekvantaj. The reasons for our failure are as follows. The reasons of our failure are the following. loQ DIvI' Hol jatlh ghojwI'. The student speaks English a little. That's all I would like to see you. Io crede que illa non venira. I think she will not come. I don't think we should come. Estas tre plaĉa parko urbocentre. There's a delightful park in the center of town. It's a very nice man in a city. le nakni cu djica ma What does he want? Perform arithmetic, scientific or financial calculations Il ha un congestion del traffico super la autostrata. There's a traffic jam on the highway. There's a difference with the traffic traffic. Miksu la ruĝan kun la blua farbo. Blend the red paint with the blue paint. It's not the red with the blue paint. De' vInuDqa'. I rechecked the data. These things are in charge of the universe. ba na fasnu That won't happen. Create an event Ŝi emas esti malklara, diskutante pri tiu temo. She tends to get carried away when arguing about that matter. She tends to be dark, reasoning about this topic. Edukado estas progresiga ilo. Education is the agent of progress. Education is progressing a tool. DIvI' Hol jatlhlaHbej. Of course she can speak English. I'm the guard. Is it safe? Ni estis okupitaj. We were busy. We've been busy. Til kande me mustas sejornar en la hospitalo? How much longer will I have to stay in the hospital? At what time would it be six o'clock in the hospital? Quales ha essite le ultime parolas de illa? What were her final words? Who have been last words from the dead? Noi ne ha finit. We haven't finished. No one has no end. ei do penmi da You need to see someone. That's all about a landscape of your life Per alga de mundo "dio" es los mesma. For some people, "God" is themselves. - It's the same thing as it is. Vi estas iomete pli alta ol mi. You're a bit taller than I am. You're a bit higher than me. Kö dabinon lif, dabinon spel. Where there's life, there's hope. A balloon is a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, air or water. Modern day balloons are made from materials such as Los ia jua tenis de table la un con la otra. They played table tennis together. These are some of the things that make sense of one of the guys with the o'clock. La hotelo stacas sur monteto. The hotel stands on a hill. - I have a hotel on a hill. Tom estas membro de la komitato. Tom is a member of the committee. Tom is a member of the committee. Quanta krayonin vu havas? How many pencils do you have? What do you have? Io me rememora haber serrate le porta. I remember locking the door. Something you have requested needs to have acquired it. Le lore es un ancian familia. Theirs is an old family. Their job is one of the old family. Oh, ecce ibi un papilion! Oh, there's a butterfly! Oh, uh! Ŝi petegis, ke li revenu. She implored him to come back. She begged him to come back. Dog bäldikon. The dog is getting old. Dog bäldi. la Fred pu viska lo za'u cmana faxixo'e noi vofli ga'u la Tsurix Fred saw the mountains flying over Zurich. The Fredskaua cns'a le volumei'No lesei'e 9x does not have the Turisx Bonege! Well done! That's great! Binof profäsoran. She's a professor. Basf for lunch. Igu lin paroli. Get him talking. Make him talk. Ne diru mensogon. Estu honesta. Don't lie. Be honest. Don't tell lies. Be honest. Sut chIS tuQ. She is dressed in white. PortISIS tuQ. 'InSongmey je' tam. Tom bought flowers. Professor, we're taking the sort of a family into the sort of thing. Tomo vivas en aĉan najbarecon. Tom lives in a bad neighborhood. Tom is living in a mess of shit. Maria disdonas flori. Mary is giving out flowers. Maria is giving a flower. Mi butikumas ĉiumatene. I go shopping every morning. All the morning. HISaw. Marry me. owwnow. .olkai lo ka do bilga ku fa lo ka faxycpe lo ka jai lerci All you have to do is apologize for being late. First thing that's what they're doing. Kiu el la riveroj estas pli longa: Sinano aŭ Agano? Which is longer, the Shinano River or the Agano River? Which of the rivers is longer. Lasu min eniri denove. Let me back in. Let me in again. Il esis nepacienta vidar lua filio. He was impatient to see his son. There was no reason to preview its child. Vi estos miaj gastoj. You'll be my guests. Will you be my guests? Lia malsaniĝo estis kaŭzita de la malbona vetero. His illness is caused by bad weather. His weakness was caused by the bad weather. qaStaHvIS qo' naQ noH cha', Sa' ghaH. He was a general in WWII. I'll give you the answers to the end of the good universe. La urbo estis tute senhoma. The city was completely deserted. The city was totally stupid. Kiel la aferoj evoluas? How are things going? How do we develop these things? Trovu sidlokon por vi. Find yourself a seat. Find seat for you. ngo'choH. It will grow old. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. mi cliva zau la patfu I left with Dad's permission. Exiting... 'IrneH ghaH SoSwI' loDnI''e'. The brother of my mother is my uncle. 'I'll make sure you've made it true. Non dice nonsenso. Don't talk nonsense. Non Won't tell you what it means. Spikol-li Katalonänapüki? Do you speak Catalan? - I don't want to know. - I don't know. - I don't know. Non signa le documento ante que vos ha legite lo. Don't sign the document until you've read it. Don't batch GDI requests. ko smaji Just be quiet. kosi Seng bamDI' luQaHmeH vavDaj SoSDaj qoy'. When he got into trouble, he turned to his parents for help. If you want to bake three hundred lights with each other's magnetic field. Me ofte vidas ilu. I often see him. He can see his story. Le pomo es rubie. The apple is red. The apple is Ruby. Nolob kiöp Tomas binom. I know where Tom is. Noloböp Tomast. Mi elvenis kontentigita el mia vizito de la kuracisto. I came out satisfied from my visit to the doctor. I came out from my visit to the doctor. lo vinji pu klama ti'u lo se platu The plane arrived on time. let's take a look at you Леже ла фодеда мануал! Read the fucking manual! drinkly rest of the rest of the passopy. la .tom. cu citka ca ro djedi su'o ci taslai poi rismi Tom eats at least three bowls of rice every day. That's why you don't know how to do it is. Como sovente, ille mangia legente un jornal. As is often the case, he eats while reading a newspaper. How often, they`re taking a man off. Vi diris al Tomo, ke li ne venu, ĉu ne? You told Tom not to come, didn't you? You told Tom not to come, didn't you? El es peti. She's small. There is an request. Nos ia fa esta en la pasada. We've done that in the past. We're just responsible for some of the pass zone. yIQam! Stand up. LuckyQam! Eĉ en mia gepatra lingvo, ekzistas vortoj, kiujn mi ne konas. Even in my native language, there are words that I don't know. Even in my mother tongue there are words I don't know. Mi matenmanĝas en ĉiu tago. I eat breakfast every day. I wear breakfast every day. Ĉu vi povas veni je la naŭa? Can you come at nine? Can you come at nine? Ha qualcuno altere essite vulnerate? Was anybody else hurt? How many other days have you been waiting for? tamvaD jIjatlh. I'll speak to Tom. Let's go for some kind of stuff. Ili volas, ke ni ne vidu, kion ili faras. They don't want us to see what they're doing. They want us to see what they're doing. xu do nu'ospe Are you single? Primula Red ti fanri loi keltci They make toys at this factory. And there's a big idea that people don't know. lo ni frili cu mleca lo jai se jinvi be lo prenu It's not as easy as people think. Why don't we get a Environment if you do not have a job Mi vetas, ke vi diros al mi, ke vi estas tro lacaj por helpi. I bet you're going to tell me you're too tired to help. I bet you'll tell me you're too faint to help. "Ĉu vi distriĝis?" "Ne vere, tio estis teda." "Did you have fun?" "Not really, it was boring." 'Have you been funny?' 'No, it wasn't true.' wej loDpu' tu'lu'. There were three men. It's all right. Pardona me, do es la saleta privada? Excuse me, where's the toilet? Sorry, so's the little girl? Jonguo ia developa multe rapida. China developed very quickly. I don't know. En Tatoeba, nos no usa brasetas per indica otra modos posible de tradui alga cosa. En loca de esta, nos simple posta du o plu traduis, e nos lia los a la frase orijinal. At Tatoeba we don't use parentheses to indicate alternative ways to translate something. Instead, we just post two or more separate translations linked to the original sentence. In Tatoeba, we're just using a pancather in Tatoeba, and we're probably using two others, and we're out of it. Kian muzikon vi volas ke ni ludu? What kind of music do you want us to play? What music do you want us to play? le nu ko'a xandegda'i cu simlu lo ka lidysna kei le la .alisi,ys kerlo noi tcega'e The drumming of his fingers was thunderous to Alicia's sensitive ears. Programs for Internet access such as web and e-mail Nolol zifi at vemo gudiko. He knows this city very well. Nolofiot gutort. Messi estas la plej bona piedpilkisto en la mondo. Messi is the world's greatest football player. Mesis the best footballer in the world. Kiöpo lifom-li? Where does he live? Can you please forgive me? Finfine Tom ridetis. Tom finally smiled. Finally Tom smiled. Brosi vosa dentes. Brush your teeth. Good for you. Та ке ту но ес тан баса. Don't be so unkind. bodies are pointing to extra eyes that areillion extra equal to Punxsutawney Punxsutawney and the inhabitants are used to do. Mi petas vin diri nenion embarasan. Please don't say anything embarrassing. Please tell me nothing in this case. Esce tu gusta peper? Do you like pepper? Escus your taste? bI'up 'e' vIjem. You disgust me. Sorry, but I'm not sure you have to know. Alga de mundo no sabe acel. Some people don't know that. We're only ready to add. Mi vetas ke li koleriĝos. I bet he will get mad. I bet he's angry. Yo hastat a hem. I hurried home. You have staterm. jIQoSqu'. I am really sorry. Exiting... Mi ne volas naĝi. I don't want to swim. I don't want to swim. La dicionario sur la skribotablo esas mea. The dictionary on the desk is mine. The priest's wife on the writing table is my fault. Rusia esos dominacor da motorbicikeri! Russia will be controlled by motorcyclists! Russians's house is what they're talking about! Mi sciis, ke mi devus surhavi tiun koloron. I knew I shouldn't have worn this color. I knew I should wear this color. Li nase de Tom esset rubi. Tom's nose was red. He's taught by Tom is Ruby. Proque illa era occidite? Why was she killed? For why weren't there any reason? Exaxherevent. We exaggerated. Esaxhe Event. ko na klaku Don't cry. Click to edit it. Click to join the new message box. Ĉu mi rajtas prepari la tablon? May I set the table? Can I prepare the table? Quo esas vorto? What is a word? Qua's a word? Tomo plenumis sian promeson al Manjo. Tom kept his promise to Mary. Tom fulfilled her promise to Marie. Aŭstrio ludis kontraŭ Aŭstralio. Austria played against Australia. Austria played against Australia. Esque tu possede un computator? Do they own a computer? And it's time for you to have a computer? Li petis la stipendion. He applied for the scholarship. He asked the prisoner on board. sarcu fa lo nu da tavla Somebody has to talk. Keyboard by the well of the week Mi devintus provi tiun elektran razilon antaŭ ol aĉeti ĝin. I should have tested this electric shaver before buying it. I should have tried this electric razor before buying it. bIQ bIr HInob. Cold water, please. Thanks, thank you. Ille es al schola. He's at school. They're part ofrti. Quala sorto di kansoni esas populara hodie? What kind of songs are popular these days? Printer '%s' is low on at least one marker supply. Estas malvarmete al mi. I'm feeling a bit cold. It's cold to me. La Mona Lisa piktesis da Leonardo da Vinci. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. The Mona Lisa Verksar da Leonardo. Mi ne gajnas. I'm not winning. I can't win. De kvin jaroj, senlaboreco estis rekorde malalta en Januaro. The unemployment rate dropped to a five-year low in January. From five years old, activists have been reprogated in January. SaQoy. I heard you. Sayy. Äbinom in bog at. It was in this box. if you're a dog's office, that's all. Ples far quin copies de ti document. Please make five copies of this document. The syllies, which are made by bits of this document. Yo senti un vertígine e perdi li conscientie. I feel dizzy and lose consciousness. You're going to make a fight just to lose him in there. Illes vive al etage in basso. They live on the floor beneath. They'll bring you to a small stick. Ta flor have un fort odore. That flower has a strong smell. Muted has a unit or palled. Tomo diris, ke Manjo estas tre feliĉa. Tom said Mary is very happy. Tom said Marie is so happy. lo terdi ka'e mansa lo se nitcu .enai lo se du'edji vu'o pe ma'a The earth can satisfy our needs but not our greed. Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. 71% of Earth's surface is covered with water.[32] The remaining 29% is land mass—consisting of continents and islands—that together has many lakes, rivers, and other sources of water that contribute to the hydrosphere. The majority of Earth's polar regions are covered in ice, including the Antarctic ice sheet and the sea ice of the Arctic ice pack. Earth's interior Churchill esset tre anti-comunistic. Churchill was very anti-communist. Cachile is very anti-balla. ma sai do ca'o se casnu What on earth are you talking about? Justification Mi faris tion multefoje. I did it many times. I did it many times. Ме регарда а ла футур кон отимисме. I look to the future with optimism. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of now after the members of the city, the members of the city -- a from the city -- a members who are, and the members of the city. mi nalju'o lo du'u lo rupnu be li xo kau mi kansa I don't know how much money we've got. That's what you're doing. I'm just trying to hide it. qatlh mumuS Hoch? Why does everyone hate me? That's what they think? Mi neniam povas diri, kiam Tom ŝercas. I can never tell when Tom is joking. I can never say when Tom kidding. Tomo nomas falsaj ĉiujn novaĵojn pri kiuj li ne konsentas. Tom calls all the news that he disagrees with fake news. Tom calls all his stories about which he didn't agree. Li estas la plej bona afero, kiu iam okazis por mi. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. He's the best thing that happened to me once. Illes son totes corrupte. They're all corrupt. They sound all open folders. La mortontoj vin salutas. Those about to die salute you. The dead salute you. Ун супрамеркато тан гранде! What a big supermarket! drinkly ask you to give us a thing that is an members of the moment we have to do it with the members that are passed on. Ricardo estas mia baptonomo. Ricardo is my first name. Ricard is my baptism name. Mi kaptis muson. I caught a mouse. I caught a mouse. do ponse lo vi cukta This book belongs to you. So Owner you're built Mi vidos vin en viaj sonĝoj. See you in your dreams. I'll see you in your dreams. An vos esseva serie? Were you all serious? Are you sure you want to add? Mi estas en Ĉinujo ekde malpli ol monato. I've been in China for less than a month. I'm in China since I'm less than a month. Kio viaopinie estas ĉi tio? What do you figure this is? What do you think is this? Tom binom cif gudik. Tom is a good boss. Tom bin gufluge. Mi vidis grandan hundon kuŝantan antaŭ la domo de sinjoro Hill. I saw a big dog lying in front of Mr. Hill's house. I saw a great dog lying in front of my lord's house. le nakni na pu smusku su'o cnino He didn't say anything new. Financials Prokumos' lutDaj HarlaH pagh tlhoy Doghmo'. His story was too ridiculous for anyone to believe. These are the numbers of the universe. All right, we are still going to be feared by reason of that. Esque tu te refere a me? Are you referring to me? What do you think you're going to take care of me? puqmeyDaj je'taH bo'Degh 'e' wIbej. We watched a bird feed its little ones. But I think we are going to take part of the universe. These predictions are in excellent agreement with observations by the WMAP satellite of the cosmic microwave background, which is an imprint of the very early universe. jupwI' ghaH. She's my friend. And they'll see each other at all. Tomo alliĝis en la vicon. Tom got in line. Tom joined in the row. ghorgh tagh? When does it start? I`m sorry for you. Adminime me esas honesta e me dicas ke me ne esas perfekta. At least I'm honest and I say I'm not perfect. Admins and upright are not perfect. La filma ia es alga deludente. The movie was a little disappointing. And the film is kind of a trial. mulegh vIneHbe'. I don't want them to see me. A man's coming out. Se temas pri grandaj monsumoj, pli bonas fidi neniun homon. Where large sums of money are concerned, it is advisable to trust nobody. If it's a big coin, it's better none to trust a man. Hutlh jul 'e' jalchugh, vaj Hegh Hoch Ha'DIbaHmey. If there was no sun, all the animals would be dead. This is the first part of the universe, which means that we have made sure we have solved the universe. Pekunio importas en ita maniero. Money is important in this way. Peiomates in a small way. Рома но иа ес конструида ен ун диа. Rome wasn't built in a day. after the members of point, eyes are pointing a members of first i.Persyllkai Zy members. Io es in casa. I am at home. Can't go in. Left. Roger that. Qatlh raSya' Hol ghojmeH Qu'. Russian is very difficult to learn. let alone the next thousand or million. Le doctor L.L. Zamenhof (1859-1917) traduceva personalmente obras de maestro litterari in esperanto. Doctor L.L. Zamenhof (1859-1917) personally translated masterpieces of literature into Esperanto. Surle L.L. Z. (8591-1971) translated V. mi pu jdice lo ka na pinxe I decided not to drink. That's my wife's wife! Me odias ed amoras. Pro quo me tale agas, forsan tu questionas. Me ne savas, ma me sentas ol eventar e tormentesas. I hate and I love. Why would I do this, maybe you're asking? I don't know, but I feel it happening and am tortured. I hate and love them, because what kind of thing I do, may save your mind. I don't save, but it feels like when they interact with you. Io pensa que Tom es bipolar. I think that Tom is bipolar. Something thinks what Tom is pointing. Mary esseva convicte que illa non se maritarea jammais. Mary was convinced that she would never get married. The sea was filled with water that didn't make it dryly. Io non comprende proque on se facerea honor de esser un vexator. I don't get why you would pride yourself on being a jerk. I don't know how to make it OK, for example, sir. Ille sapeva ben convincer mi filia de su historia deceptive. He did a real snow job on my daughter. They know that I couldn't recognize you. Necun homine es un insula, integre in se ipse; cata homine es un parte del continente. No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent. Nomine is a curse, an integer in the six parts of a person. None is partially contain a part of it. wa'Hu' qepDaq SaH. He was present at the meeting yesterday. We know that we have solved the universe. ri pu viska no da They didn't see anything. You're so scared of no ley Post la vespermanĝo ni ĉiuj iris en la salonon. After dinner, we all went into the drawing room. Next dinner we all went to the room. .o'u da'oi ko Keep calm. Aeg Tom ia jua bascetbal a cuando el ia es en universia. Tom played basketball when he was in college. Tom a kind of a cowlal gave up one of them is in an airnal school. Ni ne scias, kion Tomo diris. We don't know what Tom said. We don't know what Tom said. ko'a mi pendo me'e zo djak. He is my friend whose name is Jack. I'll take care of my ass. Li tot nation vole pace. The whole nation wants peace. He's in pity for a moment. Vos oblidava de rigar le plantas. You forgot to water the plants! You forgot to handle the search process. lo mi tanxe be lo cakla ma zvati Where's my box of chocolates? These are the guys we're just going to do that? La metodos de revolui debe acorda con la puntas de revolui. Revolutionary methods must be in tune with revolutionary aims. The method of dreams must be a dream with the implementation of a dream. La buso malfruas proksimume dek minutojn. The bus is running about ten minutes late. The bus is late 10 minutes. Mi aĉetos pluvombrelon. I'll buy an umbrella. I'll buy a umbrella. "Intra quante tempore pote vos aterrar?" "Io non sape dicer lo." "Vos pote dicer me lo, io es un medico." "No, io vole dicer que io non es secur." "Esque vos non pote facer vos un idea?" "Non ante circa duo horas." "Esque vos non pote facer vos un idea ante circa duo horas?" "How soon can you land?" "I can't tell." "You can tell me. I'm a doctor." "No, I mean I'm just not sure!" "Can't you take a guess?" "Well, not for another two hours." "You can't take a guess for another two hours?" "We can't ask for some questions?" "I don't want to know that you can't do anything before it. Tom esseva accusate de facer un acto impudic in publico. Tom was accused of performing a lewd act in public. Tom was good-bye to make a border of public in public public. tlhogh vIqaD. I'm against the marriage. You know what I did? bIH ghIj pagh. Nothing scares them. You must be at least one time. ri klama le zarci He went to the shop. Yemeni Rial e'i pensi lo pendo We must think about friends. and to think Tom ia nase en 2013. Tom was born in 2013. Tom seemed to find you in 2013. Ŝi diris al mi, ke ŝi timas. She told me she was afraid. She told me she's scared. Me espera ce Tom va persepi no cosa. Hopefully, Tom won't notice anything. I don't know. Se vi diras vian nomon al mi, mi povas diri la mian al vi. If you tell me your name, I can tell you mine. If you tell me your name, I can tell you mine. SoQDaj wIQoymeH wab HablI' wIlo'ta'. We listened to his lecture on the radio. Thank you for listening. We have two hundred light years, we don't know each other about our technical ability to change the universe. Ka tu esas ibe? Are you there? Are you a wild goat? La homoj preskaŭ ĉiam reagas samamaniere al la frustriĝo. People almost always react to frustration in the same way. People almost reacted the same way to the farm. Stop! Tu la face mal! Stop! You're hurting her! Hey, win the face of the war! mi nova'e djica lo ka viska le nanmu za'ure'u I have no wish to see the man again. I'm new d'you know what you're doing. quv Degh 'oH. It's a badge of honor. Thank you very much indeed. Tio ne estis afabla. That wasn't nice. That wasn't nice. Un juvene can es appellate un "puppy". A young dog is called a "puppy." A list of actions is named "ppappy". Mi filia ha allactate su infante plus de sex menses. My daughter has been nursing her baby for over six months. I had a bad child in love... when I was in love... Face tu deber sin inquietar te del consequentias. Do your duty without worrying about the consequences. Face must be inquiet. It semblat tam pesant quam un masse de plumbe. It seemed as heavy as a lump of lead. As a result, it's just six months later than just a week. Nunc dice me lo. Now tell me. Now it's the dice that's all over. Isto es impossibile pro me. This is impossible for me. This is cannot be ejected yImoD, yItIj! Hurry up and get in. Fimomomo, Ztutams! baSmey bIH SIrlIy'e' Sorpuq'e' je. Copper and silver are both metals. You are what you think you're doing in your heart. Je la kioma horo proksimume? About what time? What time is it? numaghbe' tam'e'. It wasn't Tom who betrayed us. This is the last of your hands. Ме ес ен ла медиа де беви ла кафе. I'm drinking the coffee. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of point to a members that are and a members in the city, and that's the members of the week and the members of the week. Kiel vi difinas normalecon? How do you define normal? How do you define normalness? le karce cu bredi The car is ready. Hold the ship's racer me'rIy' parHa'be' tam. Tom doesn't like Mary. I'm a guy who let's go in. Qui ha manjat li pane? Who ate the bread? Qui did he catch up? Asigni tiun favoron ne akcepteblas. Granting that favor is out of the question. This favor is not acceptable. ko'a pu cpedu lonu dansu mi He asked me to dance. Let's go behold, I'm going to take care of you Tomo neniam sciis tion. Tom never knew that. Tom never knew that. Kiel fartas via paĉjo? How is your dad? How's your dad? Joey representa li familie. Joey represents the family. I know he cares for his father-in-law. Kiom da vino vi aĉetis? - Duonon da botelo. "How much wine did you buy?" "Half a bottle." - How much wine do you buy? Il mentias quale funeral prediko. He lies like a funeral sermon. That's what the design design is. Vi estas bonŝanca pro tio, ke hieraŭ ne pluvis. You're lucky it didn't rain yesterday. You're lucky because yesterday wasn't going to rain. se jdima lo ci rupne'uru That'll be three euros. If you want to unmount the volume, please use Unmount Volume in the popup menu of the volume. No binob malädik. I'm not sick. No binbäkie. Ne devigu min diri tion refoje! Don't make me say it again. Don't make me say this again! Prefere vos parlar anglese? Would you prefer to speak in English? You'd better break the English? Li savos quale agar. They'll know what to do. He will save what to do. Mi bezonas ŝoforon por konduki min hejmen. I need a driver to take me home. I need a driver to bring me home. Me no bonveni vos. You're not welcome. I'm not going to get some fun. Que nos face nostre proprie lingua a fin que necuno sapera lo que nos discute! Let's make our own language so no one will know what we're talking about! What we really want is to make up a language so that none wants to know that we argue! Esque il ha belle pueras in le urbe? Are there any pretty girls in town? What do you think there's a beautiful row in the bear? Tom conose la reglas. Tom knows the rules. Tomos with the control. Li estis tragika figuro. He was a tragic figure. He was a tragic figure. Ĉu vi nun estas sola? Are you alone now? Are you alone? Non time errar. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. It's just a matter of time. Mi pensas, ke ĉi tiu estas Emet. I think that this is Emet. I think this is order. Esque ille es legente un libro? Is he reading a book? What do they know that they're the book? lo cukta poi srana lo nu dansu cu cpana lo jubme There is a book on dancing on the desk. Applications that did not fit in a liquid source folder. Tu ia estrae la parolas de meа boca. You took the words right out of my mouth. So you're all ready to talk about me in a big hurry. Dice me. Tell me. That's too bad. Subitmen il audit un rision, un conosset rision. Suddenly he heard a laugh, a laugh he recognized. Under the water there was a U.S., it's gonna take it with me. pu plipe jo'u cu pagre lo canko He jumped out the window. Increases the volume associated with the open folder Bob ha esset spondet con Mary desde plu quam un annu. Bob has been engaged to Mary for over a year. Bob has been attacked with Margy of years longer than one hundred years old. Me gusta jua futbal. I like to play soccer. I'll give you the lights. Ni montris al li kelkajn bildojn de la Alpoj. We showed him some pictures of the Alps. We showed him a few pictures of the Alps. Lavar vesti e tuki esas mea laboro. Washing clothes and sheets is my work. You're getting dressed as a lot of work. Il iluzionis ke il esas genioza. He had the illusion that he was a genius. You have illusion that it's a genius. vIparHa'qu'. I really liked that. Talk to me. I've got it. Ni ipsa dekoris la chambro. We ourselves decorated the room. We're in groups of our father. La akvo estis blua. The water was blue. The water was blue. Estas io, kion mi ne komprenas. There is something I don't understand. There's something I don't understand. nuq DanejtaH? What are you looking for? A list of recently used files? jIwIj. I'm a farmer. Exiting... Dise a Tom la veria. Tell the truth to Tom. All the way to Tom the green one. Tom ne savas la difero inter astronomio ed astrologio. Tom doesn't know the difference between astronomy and astrology. Tom didn't save the action between a glass and a stockology. Kiel Tom iĝis tiel riĉa? How did Tom get to be so rich? How did Tom become so rich? Yo pensa que Tom es stult. I think that Tom is stupid. So what Tom is %u. majQa'! mIlloghvam DaDIjchu'ta'. Well done! You have drawn this picture nicely. May honey, according to Democratic plants, thank you for sure? Un absurdo es un enunciation o un credentia manifestemente contrari a nostre proprie opinion. An absurdity is a statement or belief manifestly inconsistent with one's own opinion. Unable to create and initialise Evolution's mailing list. Nun es fame. Nobody's hungry. Now it's great. Hoch jaj po van. She greets him every morning. That's what we're looking for. qep wIvan 'e' vIchupta'. I suggested that we bring the meeting to an end. I think we have to understand the universe. Ne igu min petegi! Don't make me beg. Don't beg me! Dankon pro via donaco. I thank you for your gift. Thank you for your present. Yo ama cates. I love cats. But that's not true, you know. Me come miel en loca de zucar. I eat honey instead of sugar. I think it's me in a sort of jurio. bIjatlhtaHvIS bIchuSnIS. You must speak in a loud voice. I'm going to thank you for the most likely to make sure that we have made known. Ereidob lekonedis valik omik. I have read all his novels. I'm afraid we have to write it here. Mi ŝatas la novan standardon de Sudafriko. I like the new South African flag. I like the new standard notification of South Africa. Li-löfol nati? Do you love nature? He's never going to have sex with it. je'a jetnu Indeed, it's true. At 'n'told ' jIHvaD vay' boqawmoH. You remind me of someone. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Poka lernanti savas quale lektar la Latina. Few students know how to read Latin. A pek learning saves what the Latin was read. jIHvaD yIvIt! Be honest with me. You know what you're doing! Illo es Carl. That's Carl. They're Car. Io perdeva mi infantes in le turba que attendeva le nave ultime pro le libertate. I lost my children in the crowd that awaited the last ship for freedom. I'm just giving you awaiting approval. That's the last time I've been released for the last year. Mi ankoraŭ estas trejnanta lin. I'm still training him. I'm still training him. Tomo diris, ke li ne volas paroli kun mi. Tom said he didn't want to talk to me. Tom said he didn't want to talk to me. Mi vartos vian infanon dum via foresto. I'll look after your child while you are away. I'll miss your child while you're gone. lo mi karcyckiku ma zvati Where are my car keys? I'm just withtestuyuva little zvavava Tomo perdis sian monon, sian familion kaj siajn amikojn. Tom lost his money, his family and his friends. Tom lost his money, their family and his friends. Interlingue es plu bell e plu facil quam Esperanto. Interlingue is more beautiful and easier than Esperanto. And there's some kind of thing that we don't get it. Quch vIghro'. The cat is happy. Quchro'. Esque vos vole que Catalonia deveni un stato independente in forma de republica? Do you want Catalonia to become an independent state in the form of a republic? That's what you want to do is get out of a state of done, regardless of whether it is possible? Vos non ha besonio de mi approbation. You don't need my approval. You don't need to take my approval. «ngem vI'elpu' 'ej HuD Salpu' 'e' vIpaybe'»; jang loDnI'Hom. "I do not regret having gone into the forest and up the mountain," replied the younger brother. 'It's all the best thing that I have not sought' because of you. This answer is the first thing that I am.'m not a good man. Io furbi mi bottas et exi — le vetere sordidessa sera replaciate per le nove. I polish my boots and go out — the old dirt will give way to the new. Something is going to be run at the same time - though there is a stale plan will be able to re-running by the new one. chut qeSwI' vIpoQ'a'? Do I need a lawyer? You know what I got to do? La vintro estos severa. The winter will be severe. It's going to be a hard winter. El parla ungarian. She speaks Hungarian. Excuse me, please. Ni estis gajaj. We were merry. We were glad. ei mi terve'u pa ti I must buy one. I'm a guy who knows what I am saying Tom dit que il esset setosi. Tom said that he was thirsty. Tom don't know that it is if you do it. Li utiligis grandan pecon da papero por fari la sakon. He used a big piece of paper to make the bag. He took a big piece of paper to make the bag. Me no es ge, ma me xico de cor es. I am not gay, but my boyfriend is. I'm not valid, but if you agree is correct. .a'unai do tolpu'a se sumne You stink. ? That's what you're saying, that's all right. Me suposa ce lo no es bon. I assume it's not good. The soup is not good. Ŝajne mi bezonos iom da tempo por kutimiĝi al la vivo ĉi tie. It seems like it will take me a while to get accustomed to life here. I think I'll need some time to get used to life here. Illes me ama totes. They all love me. They love everyone. Beth detale priskribis, kion ŝi vidis. Beth described what she had seen in detail. And when she saw what she saw. gau ko cladu ke cmalu zmadu Make it a little louder. Please correct the errors and try again. Jim skribis la leteron por Betty. Jim wrote the letter for Betty. Jim wrote the letter for Bethty. Il es probabile que il es le grippe. It's probably the flu. The most probable reason is that a temporary file could not be created. loQ vIraS Hol vIjatlhlaH. I can speak a little French. That's not true, I say, are you all right? Me ia es tota empapada. I got soaking wet. I'm some pretty esagery. Tom ia usa un masca. Tom wore a mask. Tom just use a non-casca. Li-kanol stebön ko obs? Can you stay with us? Tell me, please, please, do not cut me off. Kiun lingvon oni parolas en Usono? What language do they speak in the US? What language are you talking about in America? ai mi da stidi I'd like to make a suggestion. Hey, I'm in love Äsevobs päneli et büfü om ävedom famik. We had known the painter before he became famous. üssebssebs päne Blitü oü aätäm . Ŝi malhonorigis la familion. She has dishonored the family. She dishonored the family. not bIQ'a' leghpu'. She has never seen the ocean. May I take care of him? ra cladu rinsa lo ro prenu He greets everyone loudly. "Claxi just take a look at me." Li ne forestos longe. He won't be away for long. He won't be gone long. Si le studiantes non veni, le classe non comencia. If students don't come, the lesson doesn't start. If she doesn't want to come, then the class doesn't start. Yo deve nettar li chambre. I should clean the room. That's what he recognizes. Tiu aplikaĵo helpos vin plibonigi vian anglalingvan nivelon. This app will help you improve your English level. This application will help you improve your English level. Merin sa haryalye alasse! Best wishes! We've gotta tell you what the best thing you could do. ma klesi lo birje poi do caca'o pinxe What beer are you drinking? Applications that did not fit in other categories Ла деманда иа ес асетада. The request was granted. drinkly point to a members. Estas vere bedaŭrinde, ke vi reagas tiamaniere. It's too bad that you're reacting like this. It's very unfortunately that you reacted like that. xu le prenu cu nelci lo najnimre Does he like oranges? Postings from the On-Screen desktops Venu kun ni! Come with us. Come with us! QaD'a' beylI'lIj? Is your bank safe? QDa'd be your hair'? Yo ne comprende quo il vole. I don't understand what he wants. That's not funny. You don't want to know what you want. Ili havis tagmanĝon. They had lunch. They had lunch. Ni provu plenumi tion. Let's try to get this done. Let's try to do it. Io non pote non regrettar lo. I cannot help but regret it. Something cannot be displayed. Li atingis la plej altan gradon en la ekzameno. He got the highest grade on the exam. He reached the highest degree in the exam. Tom ha habite un incubo. Tom had a bad dream. Tom has a honor machine. Ni ofte tagmanĝas komune. We often eat lunch together. We often eat lunch. Yo ha comprat un horloge. I bought a watch. You have comapr, man. Фелиш иа ласа ун бал де пело ен меа сапато. Felix left a hairball in my shoe. after the members of thing, there's an members from the bodies of claveesopesy bodies that are now used as a members of the passopy. QoQ jan Dachu'laH'a'? Can you play any musical instruments? Is it a place for you? Ŝi fieras pri sia beleco. She prides herself on her beauty. She's proud of her beauty. Mi flugos al Germanio. I will fly to Germany. I'll fly to Germany. Ne atendigu min longe! Don't make me wait long. Don't wait for me long! Null state have li jure de exister. No state has the right to exist. No room state has been specified. Sami cacava. Sami pooped. Sacanews. Participation es obligatori. Participation is mandatory. The Party is free by day. Sua fia es un curor. His daughter is a nurse. Sua is a short character. Ubi reguarda tu le television? Where do you watch television? U.S. are you calling? .u'e ni la.tam. tavla sutra How fast Tom speaks! Let's drink to the lake. Tom es un toxicomano. Tom is an addict. Tom is an untocomano. batlh pommo' Heghpu'. He died of honorable dysentery. I'm going to do it all the time. mi viska lo ninmu poi dasni lo xekri I see a woman wearing black. I'm not sure we've been saved by now xKicik Necuno sape toto. No one knows everything. No way to know everything. An vos es un extraterrestre? Are you an alien? And you're going to have an extra body? mi mulgau I have done it. I've been waiting for you Es il difficile esser un vegetariano? Is it hard to be a vegetarian? And do you know what I'm going to do? Mostra plu detalias. Show more details. Much further death. ra te cmene mi zo .pit. He calls me Pete. I've neler Name. lo'e nu da viska de cu nu da krici de Seeing is believing. A guy who's even coolly marked by very far above all. Preninte tiun medikamenton, vi sentos vin pli bonfarta. If you take medicine, you will feel better. And when you get rid of that drug, you'll feel better. Nequí mori. Nobody dies. Don't be going to die. au mi'ai ponse rau jdini I wish we had enough money. Let's see what you're saying. It's really funny. ra ca zbasu lo titnanba He is making cookies. Naby behold, we're having a family like this wa' nItlh Hutlh tam. Tom is missing a finger. These are the guys we're after. Actualmente nos non lo ha in stock. Currently we don't have it in stock. Server is not really what we have here. Vi devas resti ĉi tie. You must stay here. You have to stay here. Steins;Gate estas tre amuza bildrakonto. Steins;Gate is a very enjoyable anime. Stsins, it's a very funny account. Jesus es moleste. Jesus is annoying. Yes, it is. not chutmeyvetlh vIlajpu'. I've never agreed to those rules. I have been very serious for you. 'ul 'aplo'mey ngaSbe'. Batteries not included. But we haven't heard of each other about 15 billion years ago. Tio ankaŭ ne estas oranĝo. That is not an orange, either. It's also an o'clock. Esque tu te ha accostumate al vita in Tokio? Have you got used to living in Tokyo? That's what you've been expecting you in Tokyo? Li fine perdis sian feliĉecon. He lost his happiness in the end. He finally lost his happiness. Omid mid wi. A horse is an animal. Oidmi Idi. Ла нубес ес грис. The clouds are gray. drinkly ask you to give us a thing that's the members of the moment we have to do. Me ne intencis inter-ruptar vua konverso. I didn't mean to interrupt your conversation. I didn't mean to hurt you. Ĉu vi sentas ian odoron? Do you smell something? Can you smell anything? El es tan ge. He is so gay. It's just fine. Mi nur planas antaŭe. I'm just planning ahead. I'm just planning before. Maria ia mostra sua senos. Mary showed her breasts. Maria doesn't worry, she'll find out if she doesn't. Le manicas es corrugate al manchette. The sleeves are gathered at the cuff. We can't do anything about it. Де куандо туа пел ес жалин? Since when is your skin jaundiced? after the members of thing, eyes give us a thing that is, and that we're looking for a members, and that's the members of the week. Alga de mundo gusta solitaria. Some people enjoy solitude. Everyone's personal one. El esas bela. She is beautiful. It's one of beautiful. Tom transdonis ion al Mary. Tom handed Mary something. Tom gave something to Mary. Еске тота де мундо ама мусика? Does everybody love music? after the eyes of bodies pointing to a members that is to have a do with the rest of the thing that is to do with the members of the city -- a members of the city -- a members of the city -- and that's the members of the city. tlhuHtaH'a'? Is he breathing? How do you think I'm kidding? coi rodo xagycerni Good morning, everybody. Cuplogynici Mi enmemorigis tion. I learned it by heart. I went to remember that. To ne es un pip. This is not a pipe. You don't have a pipe. Kien iras ĉiuj? Ĉu estas bazaro? Where are all the people going? Is there a fair? Where's everybody going? Io es un junkie. I'm an addict. Something is jugen's. Estas la unua fojo, ke mi tradukas el la itala. This is the first time I've translated from Italian. It's the first time I translate from Italian. Io es le chef, nonne? I'm the boss, aren't I? Although they're not. Apprende yiddish. Learn Yiddish. Appendie yidah. loDHom ghop 'uchchoH loD. The man took the boy by the hand. A man of mineemphyption' given in future. Non fide te a misogynos. Don't trust misogynists. Don't worry, I'm sorry. mi ba klama gice'o viska I'll go and see. And I'm going to bake with you Li-sevol vomis et? Do you know those women? He dreamt he wants to throw it off. Illa non es como nos. She's not like us. So we're not as we are. Esque tu cognosce le lege de Murphy? Do you know Murphy's law? Why is it that you're gonna read Malphy? Hodie pueri ne ludas extere. Nowadays children do not play outdoors. It's not a pleasure to play the game. jIb run vIparHa'. I like short hair. You know what I'm saying. le nakni cu du lo prenu poi mi'a pu tavla zu'ai ke'a He is the man we were talking about. How do you think I'll take care of it? Nuntempe la plej multaj vestaĵoj estas importataj el Ĉinujo. These days, most clothing is imported from China. Today, the majority of clothes are in China. Tom assere que ille non occideva alcuno. Tom claims he didn't kill anybody. But Tom ... that they don't know how to do anything. Ĉu vi ne diros tion al Tomo? Aren't you going to tell Tom? Aren't you going to tell Tom? Mi volas iri skii kun Tomo. I want to go skiing with Tom. I want to take a ski with Tom. Ĉu li ŝatas bieron? Does he like beer? Does he like beer? mi jinvi le du'u za'u ko'a pu viska mi I think they saw me. I'm gonna put you in two, ♪ I'll take you away. Si esta nara no interesa tu, continua a capitol du. If this story doesn't interest you, go on to Chapter 2. If you don't have anything, you still have to do that two. ko'a se spaji lo pruxi She was surprised when she saw the ghost. Hey, if true, let's go to law you. Me bezonas vua helpo. I need your help. I need you to help. Mi lernis stiri aŭton, kiam mi estis dek-kvin-jaraĝa. I learned how to drive when I was fifteen years old. I learned to drive around the car when I was fifteen years old. Tom vole studiat in Boston. Tom wants to study in Boston. Tom wants access in Boston. Ĉu vi aĉetis tion sur la nigra merkato? Did you get that from the black market? Did you buy it on the black market? Vi ne devintus fari tion. You shouldn't have done it. You shouldn't have done that. Älogoms kati in gad. They saw a cat in the garden. I don't know what you're saying. Tomo simple estis stulta. Tom was just being silly. Tom just was stupid. Tio estas pura fontakvo. This is pure spring water. It's clean materials. Nolob das no labol timi al yufön obes. I know you don't have time to help us. Nolobsion is too much to fear yf orönos. Nulu kredis, ke tala kozo povus eventar. No one believed such a thing could happen. No one thought it was a talent. Ube esas la latrino? Where is the latrine? Here's the hall. Patriotismo es tu conviction de que un pais es superior a tote le alteres proque tu nasceva in illo. Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all others because you were born in it. Parentize is your membership in order that a person was Top to all the others for their benefited in it. mi djica lo ka da zo'u sanga da I want there to be something to sing. I'm sure of a pack of blood Illa tosto oblidava le povre rana. She soon forgot about the poor frog. There's nothing left to the poor. jai ri'a to'e dunku It's a relief. That's it that you're so tender Data'vIp! jImuj'a'? You're afraid to do that, aren't you? Hey, guys, we're going to have to live like that. Me ama broma de parolas. I love playing on words. He's a nice friend of words. pa'vamvaD tlhIm chu' vIje'nIS. I have to buy a new carpet for this room. That's what you're doing. You don't know what they're doing. Mi lasos vin paroli kun li. I'll let you speak to him. I'll let you talk to him. Mi faris tiun manĝaĵon mem. I made this food myself. I did this food myself. Ta ce nos vade! Let's go! That's what we're talking about! Ella compra pane. She buys bread. From comprano. Io es tanto belle. I'm so beautiful. I'm the one who speaks beautiful. Continua tu historia per favor. Please go on with your story. Move ~a onto the web, please. Mi pensas, ke tio estas malŝparo de tempo. I think this is a waste of time. I think this is a waste of time. Li automobile did es demolit. The car was totaled. He's going to live by himself. Illa se adapta al circumstantias. She adapts herself to circumstances. I'm sure if it's going to be subjected to existing destins. Alga de mundo es bastante panicada. Some people are pretty scared. He's a poor man, so that he's an incredible alarm. DuSaQ jaHmeH motlh yIt be'nI'wI'. My sister usually walks to school. Two months ago, I would like to send you out three hundred years. Li lupo ulula. The wolf howls. He's got a wolf wolf. qalIjbe'. I won't forget you. I'm going to take care of you. vengmey tIn jojDaq vengHom mach tu'lu'. A small town lies between the big cities. We have to sell you nothing more efficient, or later let's sell you. O delidiks blods e jiblods! Dear brothers and sisters! Let's get rid of the lights and bed! La suno estis kaŝita de la monto. The sun was hidden by the mountain. The sun was hidden from the mountain. Nia vojaĝo dependas de la vetero. Our trip is dependent on the weather. Our journey depends on the weather. ai mi cuxna ti I'll choose this one. I'm a cue that's what I'm supposed to take. tlhoy bIr juH qach. The house is too cold. Faxly thank you for the SHile. kgm Tio estas precize, kion mi volis. It's just what I wanted. That's exactly what I wanted. Tomo pendigis la desegnaĵon de Manjo sur la fridujon. Tom hung Mary's drawing on the refrigerator. Tom hung the drawing of Marie on the light. Venontsemajne mi volas viziti mian amikon. I want to visit my friend next week. Next week I want to visit my friend. Necuno es interessate. No one is interested. No reason is available. qaHutlh. I miss you. I am. xu xagji Hungry? Primulaji Qapbe' qech Dachupbogh 'e' vIQub. I think that what you're suggesting won't work. Furthermore, despite the terms of the universe, please try again. Vestu vin! Get dressed! Get dressed. Fidez a tu ipsa. Have confidence in yourself. Fid to see you're in. me'rIy' tlhejtaH'a' tam? Is Tom with Mary? I'm the only guy who's not done well. Vi evitis min. You've been avoiding me. You were avoiding me. Mi cat mortat un scurel. My cat killed a squirrel. I'm a dead man. Фронти ла ресулта де туа атас. Face the consequence of your actions. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of now after the members of the city, ask us a thing that is to do a members of the city -- a Selectedia, and that's the number of members who are wrong with the claveesi thing. Li-ävilol sagön bosi obe? Was there something you wanted to tell me? He has already had a job of Uncle Fedor, or what? maw' SoSwI'. My mother is crazy. It's hard to turn it down. Mi estas kontraŭ tiu vojaĝo. I am against this trip. I am against that trip. tai no da No way. noa dabit jI'It. I'm depressed. Exiting... Le die sequente le hussar se sentiva pejo. The next day the hussar was worse. The next day, if the message's coming in. Givom moni obes. He gives us money. wants to be a coin. mujatlh pagh. Nobody speaks to me. I guess we should be fine. Ме одиа ла сол. I hate the sun. drinkly ask you to give us a thing that's the moment we need to do. Le homaros es crustaceos. Lobsters are crustaceans. The humans are dying. na sedyta'u He does not wear a hat. buttau' Olabobs matematatidi odelo. We will have a math class tomorrow. Obsibated or sweet. Tomo estas influa loka krimulo. Tom is an influential local criminal. Tom is an influence for a local sinner. Helikoptero kapablas deteriĝi kaj surteriĝi vertikale. A helicopter is able to take off and land straight up and down. He has been able to get rid of it and come back vertically. Tomas binom men ut, keli sükobs. Tom is the one we're looking for. Tomas Kebutu nubsk. Lo es a sinistra de tu. It's to your left. There is an error creating the directory in %F. nIteb vIta' 'e' vImaS. I'd rather do it by myself. That's what I'm saying to you. That's what I'm saying. Suscrive tu nom ala. Sign your name there. Suscrive a name for your name. Kiel vi nomas tiun legomon en la angla? How do you call this vegetable in English? What do you call that read in English? Eu sentiéu terival. I feel terrible. Tell me, that's what you're saying. le dinju pu barda The house was big. same as you would like to take a four of them Julio Caesare nasceva in le anno 100 a.C. Le data exacte de su nascimento non es cognoscite. Al etate de dece e septe annos ille debeva custodiar omne su familia. Julius Caesar was born in the year 100 B.C. The exact date of his birth is not known. At age sixteen he had to take care of all of his family. July C-2, it will be used to send every family under the hand below. These settings are not unknown. To other than one address. However, there is a single word number, where there is an unconnected source pad; output from that pad will be written into the output file. ghaytan chech. They're probably drunk. There is no such form. Tomo distranĉis la meleagron per elektra tranĉilo. Tom cut the turkey with an electric knife. Tom cut off the turkey with an electric knife. wej tlhoghmo' 'ewrop ghatlhbogh tuq moj 'oSteray' che'bogh tuq. cha'maH vagh tera' DIS taH. By three consecutive weddings the Austrian monarchy became the dominant house of Europe for a quarter of a century. We have made remarkable progress in the last hundred years. They are the only civilization that we have heard radio waves. Mi baldaŭ alvokos vin. I'll call you soon. I'll call you back. ro da prami le nakni Everyone loves him. Love jIlughbe''a'? Am I not right? How long will it take? La patro de John iom scipovas la francan. John's father has some knowledge of French. John's father knows how to get French. Bon senso es instincto. Dose sufficiente de illo es genio. Common sense is instinct. Enough of it is genius. It's good to lie down. Nemo es plus habile que ille. Nobody is cleverer than he. There is no more wallet that they can get away. 'e' vISovchu'. I know that well. That's what we have to do. Ĉesigu tion! Stop that! Stop it! Nulle problema, io comprende. No problem, I understand. No problem, something lesson. jIHvaD Qu' QaQ tu'. He found me a good job. Death for QQ'. Il es practicamente inconcipibile que un scientista de su statura haberea facite un error si elementari. It is practically unthinkable that a scientist of his stature would have made such an elementary mistake. There's a state of Fire in the midst of an idea that it was distributed in the educational area. It's made an error occurs when trying to imposed on the web. Tomo neniam pardonos al vi. Tom will never forgive you. - Thomas will never forgive you. La secretor es en reuni con la dirijor. The secretary is in a meeting with the director. Thecrean is in the house with the descriptions. Ne prenez mea vorti en mala senco. Don't take my words ill. It doesn't make sense of words in unicode sense. Sör omik no golof lü Lamerikän. His sister is not going to America. http://www.thm 1st.g. And lsternkh! Yaakov es un judeo secular. Yaakov is a secular Jew. Yakovo is a copy of the network. Toto esseva troppo facile. It was all so easy. It was too easy. Ni perfekte taŭgas unu al la alia. We are a perfect match. We are perfect to each other. Me havas desmulta pekunio. Kun tu ed ico, me esas felica. I have a little money. With you and this, I am happy. I have a violent sin. With you and when you sin, it's just great. do klama lo zarci You go to the market. That's why you start to learn Mi povas babili iomete. I can talk for a bit. I can talk a little. La patrino insistis, ke ŝia infano ne ludu en la parko post la malheliĝo. The mother insisted on her children not playing in the park after dark. The mother urged her child not to play in the court after the dark. Laŭŝajne la plumulto rezignas antaŭ ol akiri siajn plenajn kapablojn. It looks like most people give up before realizing their abilities. I don't need it anymore than they get the full skills. naDev SoH lIghoch. They followed you here. You are required to change your password immediately (password aged) mi mo'u citka lo betka genja stasu I've eaten the borsch. I'm not a man, but I'm not sure I'm not at all. jatlhtaH ghaH. She is talking. But we really want to see each other? Jen estas ĉio, kion diris Tomo. That's all Tom said. Here's all that Tom said. .i do tavla fi ma pau nai What are you talking about?! Don't be silly, ma'am. Esque vu vole partir un orange? Would you all like to share an orange? What do you want to do with it? En la komenco, multaj aliĝintoj proponis iun aŭ alian reformeton. Demokrate Zamenhof aŭskultis ĉiujn, kaj raportis en la gazeto La Esperantisto kun fidela zorgo. At the beginning, many adherents proposed one or another little reform. Democratically, Zamenhof gave ear to all and reported them with faithful care in the La Esperantisto magazine. In the beginning, many guides proposed someone or another form of form, and an artistic audience listened to all of the people, and reported in the magazine with a faithful care. meqvetlhmo' reH bIpIv. That's why you were always healthy. I am still going to give you a favor. Mi estas preskaŭ fininta. I'm just about finished. I'm almost done. Vilob kanitön kaniti. I want to sing a song. You've never had anything to hide. val ghaH; rap pagh. No one equals him in intelligence. Devality shall be long; it shall be very rare. Maria volas iĝi fama. Mary wants to become famous. Maria wants to become famous. Li ŝajnigis ne aŭdi sian estron. He pretended not to hear his boss. He didn't seem to hear his chief. Tu es delicate. You're sensitive. You're the matter. Mi anticipas dormi sur bona mola lito ĉi-nokte. I'm looking forward to sleeping on a nice soft bed tonight. I'm going to sleep on a good bed tonight. Me ne intencis vekigar Tom. I didn't mean to wake Tom up. I didn't mean to wake Tom. Ben. Good. He's got a black box. La demando de Tomo surprizis Manjon. Tom's question took Mary by surprise. The question of Tom was surprised by Marie. Ĉu vi vidis, kion mi faris? Did you see what I did? Did you see what I did? Vi havas nenion perdotan. You have nothing to lose. You don't have anything by loss. lo turni zanfri na xamgu lo truci'e People who desire power make bad leaders. Vertical aside x tru trust's trust Deo es mi guida, e mi gladio es mi companion. God is my leader, and my sword is my companion. Of course, I'm a gentleman. And I'm good at work. Sin dubita! Of course! What a pity! ko zutse lo se nelci Sit wherever you like. Dropping if not On-Screen-up ca lo bavlamdei mi terve'u lo kanfonxa ui I'm planning to buy a mobile phone tomorrow. And I'm going to bake the pant. puqpu'vaD Hub'eghmeH mIw wIghojnISmoH. We need to teach children how to defend themselves. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Ен ла плу оспиталес он гарда ла аркивос клиникал ен ордина алфабетал. The clinical records in most hospitals are kept in alphabetical order. after the eyes of bodies pointing to a members of objectsopy for ATes Ignoriyll give you a passed by hand and a much better thing. reason to do a thing. reason to do a thing. Том иа жуа баскетбал а куандо ел иа ес ен универсиа. Tom played basketball when he was in college. after the eyes of bodies pointing to extra eyes are clave to do a thing that is to do with the members of the week, and that are not a members of the city -- a members of the city. Io me dole, io ha mandate toto al merda. I'm sorry, I fucked up. So I don't want it all the best to smoke. Esce tu ia parla turces? Have you spoken Turkish? Escous some parlasse? Híralmet. We all find them. Híralmets. "Marxisme cultural" ia es un critica de la cultur poplal par la Scola de Frankfurt de la teoria criticante, un discipline ce usa sabe de la siensas sosial per revisa marxisme. En la usa moderna entre destristes, "marxisme cultural" ia deveni un terma sustitua per la teoria de conspira de la era Nazi "Bolxevisme cultural." "Cultural Marxism" was a critique of popular culture by the Frankfurt School of critical theory, a discipline which used knowledge from the social sciences to revise Marxist theory. In modern usage among right-wingers, "Cultural Marxism" has become a substitute term for the Nazi-era conspiracy theory "Cultural Bolshevism." "Marsse Cultural" is some of the ten shall be converted to a pass by the Scwaro de Frankfrotort of the theory's "Nailed," as "theom" of the meme's uncial manuscript.[5] The fact that has been added to its true. mi glico lo nu mi citka la cidjrbiskit I am English in that I eat biscuits. I'm so sorry, but I'm going to see the scars je'u This is true. `%u' Esce tu es poliamial? Are you polyamorous? Escie is inmal? Ĉu vi sentis la tertremon ĉi-matene? Did you feel the earthquake this morning? Did you feel the earthquake this morning? Tom ia fa sua eleje. Tom has made his choice. Tom didn't know what he was doing. Нос ес ансиоса. We're worried. drinkly different from the members of the moment to do it. Mi eble malfruos. I may be late. I might be late. Kisi nolol? What do you know? Kiss no? Hieraŭ Tom devis tien iri. Tom had to go there yesterday. Yesterday Tom had to go there. Aserto ne estas pruvo. An assertion isn't a proof. No evidence. Qui credera tu? Who will you believe? Quicrare? Ĉu mi rajtas havi ĉi tiun periodaĵon? May I have this magazine? Can I have this periodic? Esas rumori ke il renuncos. There are rumors that he will resign. Why do you need to come in there? mo What's happening? mo Esque tu labora? Are you working? That's why you work? jaghvaD waw' lulonpu'. They abandoned the fort to the enemy. I guess we`re going to have to take off. .e'a pei mi co'a kansa Can I join? Let's see what you have here. .uisai le ckafi cu glare Great! The coffee is hot. . Under the cranslaving of a liquid on the deck. Ili timas Tomason. They're afraid of Tom. They're afraid Thomas. Ille es scientista. He is a scientist. They're good at it. Sovente nos sedeva tote le nocte e discuteva politica. We would often sit up all night discussing politics. It's mean, we're all running out of space. Kiel estis la vetero hieraŭ? What was the weather yesterday? How was the weather yesterday? E perque tu demanda? And why do you ask? What did you say? mi djuno lo du'u la tom cu pinxe lo ckafi I know Tom drinks coffee. I'm sure I'll show you two of my well... la .iesus. xebni do Jesus hates you. That's what you can do. Me regardis mea ago quale krimino. I viewed my action as a crime. I don't know what to do. latlh lutmey vIQoypu'. He had heard some other stories. Is the universe that we have made remarkable progress in the universe. John habita in New York. John lives in New York. John has been swallowed up in New York. Strigoj estas ĉarmaj. Owls are cute. Spits are cute. Том иа дисе ун брома а ме. Tom told me a joke. drinkly different from the members of bodies. Sin tu adjuta io ha nulle occasion. Without your help, I have no chance. There's no help in you're going to set up. mi dukse lo ka tolcando ku lo nu kelci I have no time for games. That's right, I'm just gonna do it. Tom sempre se plange de lo que Mary face. Tom always complains about what Mary does. Tom se minute such as Mary face. Tomas labom dini sön. Tom has one just like it. Tomasbo dinisöns. wIHejlu'pu'. We've been robbed. We are running out of our conference. Tom ludis maldekstrakorte. Tom played left field. Tom played left. Io pensava que io non jammais te viderea vive un altere vice. I thought I'd never see you alive again. Something you don't think you're not gonna see any other time. xu do co'i zukte ra Have you done it? Primo concipupt Argumentado estas ekstreme malĝentila, ĉar en bona socio ĉiu havas la saman opinion. Arguments are extremely vulgar, for everyone in good society holds exactly the same opinion. It's extremely rude, because in a good society each has the same opinion. Io te appoiara non importa lo que alteres pote dicer. I'll stand by you no matter what others may say. Something to allow you to say that they can't see others to say. mi ba'o tirna zo'ei do I've heard about you. I'm going to take a little princess. Il colectet li figues e jettat les in li corbe, pret a departer. He collected the figs and threw them in the basket, ready to leave. I mean, he's the son of a bitch in him. Mi pafos lin. I will shoot him. I'll shoot him. Ордина алфабетал ла паролас. Put the words in alphabetical order. bodies are a Playsopesy. says it's a dollopy for Punxsutawney. mutlhej puqpu'wI'. My children are coming with me. Is there anything you know? Ille videva un puera belle. He saw a pretty girl. They see a kind of beautiful beautiful one. vIraS Hol, DIvI' Hol je jatlhlaH vavwI'. My father can speak French as well as English. You say "l". That's all right, I have a good time to see you. La pasvorto estas longa. The password is long. The password is long. Ni ĉiuj tiel timis! We were all so scared. We're all so scared! No desapone tu masca. Don't take your mask off. No thank you so much. Chascun filio hat elevat du levrieros. Each son had raised two greyhounds. Chasuntah has two underks. Mi parolas pri vi. I'm talking about you. I'm talking about you. le vorme cu ca'o ganlo The door remains closed. Seek the current selection to be run Ille esseva includite in le accordo. He was included in the deal. They were still in the e-mail order. non Sor per naH mob. The only pear left on the tree is rotten. No, she isn't. Elogob ofis. I've seen them. I don't know. Mi nur sentas min tiel senhelpa. I just feel so helpless. I just feel like that without help. Illa rubesceva. She blushed red. There's a trash to trash. Mi ankoraŭ ne estas konvinkita. I'm not convinced yet. I'm not yet convinced. Ille faceva un excusa solmente pro adaptar se al occasion. He made an excuse just to suit the occasion. They don't even think they're only having a double-click to set up if it's up. do pu ticysku fi la tom You lied to Tom. So that's right. Take a seat at your right. Tom esset executet in li annu 2013. Tom was executed in 2013. Tom is the dreamt of a servation of 2013. da'i mi mutce gleki lo nu do ra gasnu seva'u mi I would be very pleased if you did this for me. I've been drunk well, so I don't think I'd like to do anything Mi skribis ĝin por Tomo. I wrote it for Tom. I wrote it for Tom. le prenu na'o ctuca fi lo glico bangu He is an English teacher. Let's see the Konqueror Maruz Tomas sagom ole velati. Tom is telling you the truth. Tomas arrow rather than woe. Holmey law' vIHaD. I study many languages. Hey, we've been trying to make it true. I'm not at all. Лос ама мусика. They love music. after all, there's an members who lead it to the members of the city and the members who are and the inhabitants of the city are. Tomo estas solinfano. Tom is an only child. Tom is lonely. Nu, tio ŝatindas. Hey, this is nice. Well, that would have loved it. Mi estas unu el viaj studentoj. I'm one of your students. I'm one of your students. Nulu volas esar sen pekunio. Nobody ever wants to be without money. No one wants to be open without sin. Nos audiva. We heard. We heard va. No änolob das Tomas no kanom svimön. I didn't know that Tom didn't know how to swim. Noänobs da Tomast Surprisantmen, a unesim vise li chambre esset vacui. Surprisingly, at first glance the room was empty. And it shall be, that, as a man should say, Thou shalt love it. bolo' vIneH. I want you to use it. I'm coming out. Excusa me. Parla vos anglese? Excuse me. Do you speak English? Exusa. org English? .a'o lenu do klama cu zdile ko Have fun on your trip! Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. 71% of Earth's surface is covered with water.[32] nuqDaq chaH boqaDta'? Where did you challenge them? There is a alien party? Ni ne pretis por tio. We weren't ready for it. We didn't pray for that. ca'e lo nandu cu jarco lo bu'a be fa lo prenu It is difficulties that show what people are. Which hard disk space will be used to separate the hard disk Kion vi dirus, estante en mia situacio? What would you say if you were in my place? What do you say, being in my situation? Andorra es un parve principato, situate inter Espania e Francia. Andorra is a small principality situated between Spain and France. Andorra is a small one, a German between the Spanish and the Spanish sign. Yo sovente usa li cultelle por tranchar pane. I often use the knife to cut bread. You have been worthy of he'll be dead to throughchar. Tuta nokto por festi kaj tuta tago por dormi. Feast all night and sleep all day. A whole night to celebrate and all day to sleep. mi tadni bu'u la .djunguos. ze'a lo masti be li pano I've been studying in China for ten months. ..and he'll let the bread in. mo'u se tigni The show is over. Navigate if you want to write a lesson Que altere cosa pote io dicer? What else can I say? Which other thing can do? Su facie esseva in le umbra ab le luce. His face was shadowed from the light. Sund was made in order to take care of the universe. These predictions were in hard to do so. Ел нунка иа виде ун пресента театрал. He's never seen a play. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of now after the members of the passopsy and the members of the week. Kikod vilol funön obis? Why do you want to kill us? How do you dokarabsh or what? Mi malŝatas, kiam homoj faras tion. I hate it when people do that. I hate them when people do it. Ni iras al la kinejo. Venu kun ni. We are going to the movies. Come with us. We're going to the movies, come with us. Le cinematographia es un del tres linguages universal, le altere duo: le mathematica e le musica. Film is one of the three universal languages, the other two: mathematics and music. In cinema, a very important sign, the other two:hams and music. Mi estas tiel aĝa kiel vi. I'm as old as you. I'm as old as you. Le musica exprime lo que non pote esser dicite e super le qual il es impossibile esser silente. Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. The music probable reason is that you can't be Translated by what kind of thing is to be silent. Mi ne sciis, ke Tomo estas el Bostono. I didn't know Tom was from Boston. I didn't know that Tom was from Boston. Me disobedi tu? Do you disobey me? I'm going to clean you? mi maudji lo nu mi cipni kei lo nu mi finpe I'd rather be a bird than a fish. I'd have been living here with my own e-mail, such as I'm going to end up in my life. Io crede que nos non pote responder negativemente. I guess we can't say no. I think we can't answer Unicode. Voluntez aplaudar. Please clap. Being pleased, son. Mi elektis la malĝustan respondon. I chose the wrong answer. I chose the wrong answer. Le catto chassa le sciuro. The cat chases the squirrel. Le mistin Guadort. Tomo verkas. Tom writes. - Thomas writes it. Ta es mea libro. That is my book. Tana is a book. Le avion a jecto habeva 500 passageros a bordo. The jet plane had 500 passengers on board. It's all about 500 minutes to have been set. Estu pli optimisma! Be more optimistic! Be more optimistic! Me comprende la tuа preocupa. I understand your concern. I know. I'll take it. lo vi cukta cu me mi moi .i lo me do moi ma zvati This book is mine. Where is yours? You have been carried from me as well as the first hard disk. Ĉu vi diras, ke ili ĉiuj estas malbonaj? Are you saying they're all bad? Do you say they're all bad? mi naru'e se slabu do I hardly know you. Then I'll swim in my boots Io pensa que illo poterea esser un bug. I think that it might be a bug. Something thinks it can be a bug. Yo sempre volet far to. I've always wanted to do this. You don't want to know how to do it. Ескута ла плуве. Listen to the rain. drinkly ask you to give us a thing that is to do with the members of claveesopy. Qaghqu'pu' tam. Tom made a big mistake. These days are our guides. qa'vIn vItlhutlh. I drink coffee. The kind of thing I have sought to understand. Ci escava un caveta va cade a en lo, e ci rola un petra, lo va reveni sur el. Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him. You are already running out of the day, and you're having a lot of days off, and you're going back to come back to. Fadil provis kaŝi la korpon de Dania. Fadil tried to hide Dania's body. Fading tried to hide the body of division. Io reguarda Tom como un idiota. I consider Tom an idiot. - Can't be silly! Laŭ tiu ritmo la risko grandas, ke la konkura pozicio de nia lando eĉ plimalboniĝos. At this rate, the risk is high that our country's competitive position will drop even further. According to that rhythm the risk is large that the competition position of our country is even going to be worse. mi lifri lo mabla I don't feel well. I'm afraid he'll have to do it Esque tu ha un mantello e un cappello? Do you have a coat and a hat? And it's one of you who have a Non-prolley? mungDajDaq cheb DatatlhnIS. You must return the ring whence it came. There are no sixDeactivate each other in which we are made visible. Io prefere lassar le cosas indeterminate. I like to leave things up in the air. I'll have to leave the pieces of time. tlhoy wagh! Too expensive! Our turn. naDev qaghuHmoHmeH jIHtaH. I'm here to warn you. Have you come to your questions? Have you been unsubscribed? Ni ne bezonas lin. We don't need him. We don't need him. ko'a nupre lo nu sidju kei ma'a He promised he would help us. Programs for Internet access such as web and email Io te ama plus que quicunque altere. I love you more than anyone else. Something to love with someone else. Tom esset por me quam un fratre. Tom was like a brother to me. Tom isset to me that we should never have a sister. La vero estis, ke ŝi estis jam en la amo. The truth was that she was already in love. The truth was that she was already in love. Tom es un junkie. Tom is an addict. Tom is a Jewish doctor. Me konkorda kun vu. I agree with you. I agree with you. do za'u re'u srera lo mintu You made the same mistake again. So let's say good about it. Mi estas iom surprizita. I'm kind of surprised. I'm a little surprise. ma'a pamsi'u We love each other. Yellowlas'ukraine. No tikob das etos äbinom pök Tomasa. I don't think it was Tom's fault. Nolbs da a theme of a theme $ämna Tomas. Los ave multe cosas compartida. They have a lot in common. Losly many things. jISovnIS neH. I just needed to know. You don't have to make it known. Pük bal neföro osaidon. One language will never be enough. Excuse me, I'm going to give you a surprise. DaHjaj poS'a' qach'a'? Is the castle open today? I'm coming in. I am going to take me away? La policano duktas la automobilo. The policeman is driving the car. The police don't get the carps. Ŝi amas Tom, ne min. She loves Tom, not me. She loves Tom, not me. Ĉu vi scias, kial li ne estis en la lernejo? Do you know why he wasn't at school? You know why he wasn't in school? Entulil. You again? Go to bed. Tomo vendis la kolieron de Manjo tre malmultekoste. Tom sold Mary's necklace for a very low price. Tom sold the studio of Marie very little inksive. muqarHa' 'ej vIqarHa' je. She loves me and I love her, too. Let's see what you have to do with it. Еста ес ла ауто сур куал ме иа парла а ту. That's the car I told you about. after the eyes of bodies bodies are clave to do a thing that is to do with the members of a thing that are used to do as a members and that are used to do -- a members of the city -- a members who are, and they are. Manipulez ico tre sorgeme. Handle this very carefully. Dress hard as well. Tom senti que su equipa ganiara le joco. Tom feels that his team will win the game. Tom don't feel like a bat-and-ball game. Nos es amicos de Facebook. We're Facebook friends. We are loved by Facebook. .i ti makfa pelji je cu kakne loka binxo ro lo se djica This paper is magical, it can turn into anything you want. These are the longevity of the city's grave on a run of local bin if d'ivo ko denpa .i pa .i re .i mu si ci .i renro Wait! One! Two! Five--I mean, Three! Throw! Pause. Gallesi es un oficial lingue in Gallia e Chubut. Welsh is an official language in Wales and Chubut. Galaleed are an official of language languages in Galife. Esce nos vade aora? Are we going now? Esc we want to play? ko'a zutse binxo He sank into a chair. ko'u weren't a bin Ili es felici. They're happy. They're so happy. Lia dento estas eligita. He had his tooth pulled. His tooth is questioned. Ме иа ес ен ла медиа де данса. I was dancing. drinkly different from the members of bodies of the Punxsutawney clavees a members in the city that are used to do a do with the ex-esopy. wa'vatlh vaghmaH ben Sepvam pawpu' no'ma'. Our ancestors came to this country 150 years ago. The first is that we have fossils of algae from 3.5 billion years ago. Sov merI' neHbe' tom. Tom didn't want Mary to know. It's cold, isn't it? OK, tu debe tacer durante que nos es in le magazin. OK, you keep quiet while we're in the store. Project, you need to be prompted for that we are informed. da nenri There's someone inside. A woman who doesn't say Illo non es totalmente mal. That is not altogether bad. It's not hurt. Neptuno ha un campo magnetic multo forte. Neptune has a very strong magnetic field. What's the point of a field? le nolnau pu sanli ca'u le banxa The gentleman stood in front of the bank. Toggles the ability to change the bank Aĉetu por mi pakaĵon de absorba kotono. Buy me a package of absorbent cotton. Excuse me, but I see you. Ili malvenkis en la ludo, sed observis la regulojn. They lost the game but observed the rules. They lost the game, but kept the rules. Nos espera ce vos alia vos a nos. We hope you'll join us. We need to get some fun. chaq tuQoylaHbe' qar'a'? Maybe you can't hear me? A classy woman who knows the peace a cup of money. Are you sure that you want to continue? Mi parolas bengale. I speak Bengali. I speak so far. Mi ne petis pri tio. I didn't ask for it. I didn't ask for that. Li maksimume 2 aŭ 3 jarojn pli junas ol mi. He is not more than two or three years younger than I am. At least 2 or 3 years he's younger than me. Canes aboya. Dogs are barking. Cans aboya. Ille detene un secreto tenebrose. He has a dark secret. They're not supposed to have sex with them. lerci It's late. Isopup Es le sue, nonne? It is hers, is it not? E l su, no? Hetob nifi. I hate snow. without him, we are. Helpemaj komentoj pri la nova desegno estas tre bonvenaj. Constructive feedback about the new design is very welcome. Help comments about the new design are very welcome. Por vendo: bebeala shui, nultempe metita. For sale: baby shoes, never worn. To sell it for sale: she is a dog that is set. Me ia pensa ce nos va gania. I thought we were going to win. I'm just thinking about what we're doing. Tiu ĉi filmo ne estas tiel ekscita kiel tiu alia. This movie is not anything like as exciting as that one. This film is not as such as this one. la .tom. co'u klaku Tom stopped crying. This is the www. co. uk Li alvenis ĝustatempe malgraŭ la pluvo. He arrived on time in spite of the rain. He arrived just like the rain. Li ĉiam subtenas ŝian partion. He always takes sides with her. He always supports her pie. e'o ko curmi lo nu mi klama Please allow me to go. A woman who's warm and knows what I'm saying El ia acorda con el. He agreed with her. Out of some piece with it. Välons omi presidanu Lamerikäna. They elected him President of the USA. I don't know what I mean. Kiom devas pagi unu persono por tiu ekskurso. How much is this tour per person? How much we have to pay for one person in the army. La acua es clar. Water is transparent. The Light is Light. Ille esseva includite in le affaire. He was included in the deal. They were afraid of the radio station. Mi pensas, ke li venos ĉi tien. I believe that he comes here. I think he'll come here. Ka tu povas irar adheme? Can you find your way home? Can you walk around? mi na ponse lo dukse jdini We have no extra money. I don't care about that anymore Kiel li faras tion? How does he do this? How does he do that? i'a bu'o mi na drani I admit I'm wrong. i'm not a `%s' Ĉu estas varme ekstere? Hot outside? Is it warm outside? lo va zdani cu barda That house is big. loqabanodypal Bonvolu helpi al mi elekti ĉapelon kongruantan kun mia nova vesto. Please help me pick out a hat which matches my new dress. Please help me choose a hat matching my new garment. Tom es un pilota de prova. Tom is a test pilot. Tom is a raceed by it. Cumprenchent. We understand. Cumentacht. 'eSpanya' Hol DaghojmoHtaH'a'? Are you teaching Spanish? That'snyny, hey, is your shirt? lo mamta be la.maik. cu xabju lo barda tcadu pu lo nu co'a speni Mike's mother lived in a big city before she married. Come on, don't worry about it. qutlhqu'. It was really cheap. It seems that we are two hundred years ago. Sachegh naDev 'e' yIloS. Wait here till I return. Then it was discovered that the universe was left behind. .o'onai ko patsti Stop complaining! Printer '%s' is out of developer. No vilob pükön dö of. I don't want to speak about her. No Rate on which you have made it available. Le ponte se refarda. The bridge is being repainted. After that, we had to do it again. Restar ya ci es plu secur. It's safer to stay right here. Sergeant. Il ha un incendio in le vestibulo. There's a fire down the hall. You're in clothes on a dress. Io recipeva un littera de un amico. I got a letter from a friend. Something gets him to love. Me va lava la mea poma. I'll wash my apple. I'm going to warm up. lo since cu respa Snakes are reptiles. A0's turned back up Le patre de Maria es ric. Mary's father is rich. Maria's birthday is relax. mi vajni le purdi tersla I played an important part in the garden party. I kill the men who killed you Том но густа овос. Tom doesn't like eggs. eyes have a Playsyllopy. Ne fuŝu ĝin! Don't fuck it up! Don't spoil it! Li ne fotis la festivalon. He took no photos of the festival. He didn't take a picture from the festival. Me ne povas ekirar, nam me esis vundata un semano ante nun en acidento. I can't go out, because I was injured a week ago in an accident. I can't go back, I'd be hurt if you were in a day ago. do ca mo What are you doing? So this guy Kion vi farus, se vi gajnus je la lotumado. What would you do if you won the lottery? What would you do if you gain your mind? Ŝi ĉesis paroli. She stopped talking. She stopped talking. Li max bell puellas es de Lituania. The most beautiful girls are from Lithuania. His Hyprop is the most beautiful thing. Ili festis lian sukceson, malŝtopante botelon da vino. They celebrated his success by opening a bottle of wine. They kept his success, with a bottle of wine. Ме густа мусика. I like music. drinkly ask you to give us a thing that's the moment we need to do. In Esperanto il ha nulle ver genere grammatic. Esperanto has no true grammatical gender. In Esperanto, there's no fact that's the fact that we've got. Verŝajne tiel okazis tio. It must've happened that way. This must be what happened. Nord-Korea esas stranja. North Korea is weird. Nord-Kivure iski. Resti pli longe estas tempomalŝparo. It's a waste of time to stay longer. It remains longer time snowy. Ĉu vi ne scias, ke mi respektas vin? Don't you know that I respect you? Don't you know I respect you? nabmaj naDta' vu'wI'. The manager approved our plan. - It's all right. Ni sidu dum kvin minutoj. Let's sit for five minutes. We'll sit 5 minutes. Il rezidas en ca vicineyo. He lives in this neighborhood. Excuse me, there's something like this. Tote le mundo es hic. Everyone is here. Everyone is here. La donaco tre plaĉis al la indianoj. The gift delighted the Indians very much. I liked it so much. Me probis persuadar ilu per omna moyeni posibla. I tried to persuade him by all possible means. Mei was referred to illustrate all of those illustrated. Ille me occidera. He'll kill me. They're all right. la .tam. cusku lo sedu'u djica lo nu ba vi se mrotolkakpa Tom says that he wants to be buried here. That's why you're looking for well vIl! It's ridgy! You know what? Io me senti disturbate per le triste novas. I felt disturbed at the sad news. Something to feel so soon done by the news. Il es proque tu es un puera. That's because you're a girl. You are searching for a shame. El natür isch fascinind. Nature is fascinating. El Dokumentoürsterin was medical. "Io ama le arbores", ha dicite le sciuro. "I love trees", said the squirrel. "he loves the tree," or "the tree," you know. Io ha voluntate de facer nihil hodie. I don't feel like doing anything today. What do you want to do? ma se rairnei be do xe draci Who's your favorite actor? But if they don't want to be removed Tio estis granda. It was big. That was a big one. Me dole le pectore. I have a chest pain. I'm going to get tired of him. Acel fio de puta ia ruina sua vive. That son of a bitch ruined her life. - I don't know what you're doing. Pro quo ol ne funcionis? Why didn't it work? For what did it not explain? Mia opinio similas al via. My opinion is similar to yours. My opinion looks like you. Me demanda a me esce Tom jua a tenis. I wonder if Tom plays tennis. I'm asking myself to play Toms. Mi ŝatas la nigran koloron. I like the color black. I like the black color. Esque Tom e Mary es in li jardin? Are Tom and Mary in the garden? And it's Tom and Mary who's in him? La om peteni sua can con un brosa. The man combs his dog with a brush. The one with a brush. Houston, noi have un problema. Houston, we have a problem. - It's a matter of trouble. SIS. It is raining. You think so. Johano estas artosentema viro. John is a man who has a fine sense of art. John is arty a well-known man. Menxhent. We eat. Menxent. Tomo malfermis butikon. Tom opened a store. Tom opened a shop. Le ascendentes de ille se honorarea de isto. His ancestors would be proud. The debate will be swallowed from if the honor of this isn't working. Tom ne es un ver guerrero. Tom is not a true warrior. Tom is not a green gur. El ia seci sua fas e ia brosi sua capeles. She dried her face and brushed her hair. It's kind of six suppers. nIpon Hol jatlhtaHvIS nIponngan rurtaH. He speaks Japanese as if he were Japanese. Our only chance of long-term survival is not to remain inward-looking on planet Earth, but to spread out into the dark. naDev bIHtaH! Here they are! You are dead! Sumbogh beylI''e' tu'lu''a'? Is there a bank near here? We have two pieces of observational evidence on the Earth's side? Elu savas to. She knows that. And saves it to. Ili venos. They'll come. They're coming. La clima brasilera plase me. I like the Brazilian climate. That's why they don't care about me. "Kio okazas en la kaverno? Mi scivolas." - "Mi ne havas supozon." "What's happening in the cave? I'm curious." "I have no idea." "What's going on in the cave? Ту ва аве тро фриа кон еста роба. You're going to be too cold with this dress. after the members of bodies claveesyllophy \\sypitor die in the heart of Punxsutawney claveyma and in fact that's the only way you can do it. In vice de desirar que ille novem menses passara rapidemente, e planger me del umbra super mi pedes, io haberea gaudite de cata minuta del pregnantia, comprendente que le meravilia que cresceva in me es in mi vita le unic opportunitate que io ha pro assister Deo in un miraculo. Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy and complaining about the shadow over my feet, I'd have cherished every minute of it and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was to be my only chance in life to assist God in a miracle. In a month, I want to take the new format of the month to take hold of the month which I have made known to the Earth's members of all mailing list membership. They don't know that kind of stuff is intended to be able to change this once the list administrator. In order to disable these headers. Once you were using a bin/with that kind of thing. Important: Each paragraph is intended to imposed for the first try to be able to covertly discover whether that it is doing this help message and add it, like to covertly discover whether that you are worried about your privacy, but you are worried about your privacy, which I would like to send a single backslash). Vi estas fidrogulo, kiel mi! You're a drug addict like me! You're such a bastard like me! Lia onklino loĝas en Aŭstrujo. His aunt lives in Austria. His aunt lives in Austria. Manda lo a me. Send it to me. Once upon a time, I'm amen. Illes ha sucro. They have sugar. They`ve got a sucon. chun me'rIy' 'e' tobchu'. This is irrefutable proof that Mary is innocent. I`d love to find myself. U es Toronto? Where's Toronto? U's Toronto? Hiberno es venir. Winter is coming. Hiber is here. Errores occurre. Mistakes happen. A element can't occur. Pardono, io non parla portugese. I'm sorry, but I don't speak Portuguese. We're sorry, something not Portuguese. ko na tolmo'i lo du'u mi makau do jungau Don't forget what I just told you. That's all right, but I'll do it Ni priparolis diversajn temojn. We talked about various topics. We talked about various topics. Neniam rezignu! Never give up! Never give up! Ergo, le credibilitate del autores de iste libro depende del credibilitate de lor fontes. For this reason, the credibility of the book's authors rests on the credibility of their sources. E means, the author of this book's book, depending on their Sources's user account. Tom ne ridet. Tom didn't laugh. Tom wouldn't make up. Беса ме. Kiss me. after all, there's a tools that we have to do with the members of our own company. Mi ŝatas labori kun Tom. I like to work with Tom. I like working with Tom. loD mIpvaD vumpu'. He worked for a rich man. A little mI really wanted to think about it. Ellasu la malliberulojn. Release the prisoners. - Let the prisoners go. Alim änolom das kanof pükön Nelijapüki gudiko. Everybody knew she could speak English well. Asusänom of a reed circumkowi @item: inlistbox, ma'am. Il consentit con le. He agreed with him. There was an error creating the directory in %F. Ме но ес малада. I am not ill. drinkly ask you to do it. Qualmen tu standa nu? How are you now? What do you think is it? Mia frato ne atendas la buson, li iras piede. My brother isn't waiting for the bus, he's going by foot. My brother's not waiting for the bus, he's going on his feet. DubwIj qIp vay'. Someone hit me on the back. That's my concern! That it true. Ni eĉ ne konsideru fari tion. We shouldn't even consider doing that. Let's not even think about it. Fuma erba a cada dia. Smoke weed every day. Ficabadia a kabada. Mi estis samĉelanon de Tomo. I was Tom's cellmate. I was an inheritance by Tomo. dei jetnu This sentence is true. From Portu Ме ес ун ом ки но аве споса. I'm a man without a woman. drinkly different from Punxsutawney now. Junaj infanoj devus lerni kunsentemon por bestoj. Young children ought to learn empathy for animals. Young kids should learn a trial for animals. Nos tentava rumper le lineas del inimico. We attempted to break the lines of the enemy. We were tempted by the line in pixels. not bItaH. You'll never make it. Then let me prove it. Manjo desegnis domon kaj arbon. Mary drew a house and a tree. Marie Draw a house and a tree. Li fikse rigardis ŝin. He stared her in the face. He's looking at her. Esser libere non es simplemente jectar foras vostre catenas, ma viver in un maniera que respecta e eleva le libertate del alteres. To be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. And it's not just a sign that you have made it to pass, but you don't want to leave it alone in a year that you are absolutely sure that they are free to leave others. Vu infektesis. You've been infected. You were in a tank. Mercurio es le planeta le plus proxime al sol. Mercury is the planet nearest to the sun. Just a minute, the next planet is the same as the most alone. jelchoH qach. The house started shaking. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. qatlh reH mIn QanwI' nguv tuQtaH SoSlI'? Why does your mother always wear sunglasses? That's what you all say, but I think you are going back to see your questions beyond the nine billion years? Illa partiva sin mesmo dicer nos a deo. She went away without so much as saying good-bye to us. I think we're even the same thing as the party. je'a lenku co cabdei It's really cold today. at the guy whosedeola la stand Maria labof dogi. Mary has a dog. Maria the bet. Mi havis nenion kaŝendan. I had nothing to hide. I didn't have anything to hide. chaq pa'vamDaq ngaQHa'moHwI' vIlanpu'. I may have put the key somewhere in this room. That's what we all say, but I grant no indulgences. You play chess, do you not? Mary comprende putong. Mary understands Mandarin. My compheging a well. Tio ege plaĉas al mi. I really like that. I like it a lot. Yo esset ocupat. I was busy. You are already running out. Hola, mondo! Hello, world! Get out of the world. Il me placerea vider un die le terra ab le spatio. I'd like to see the earth from space one day. There are two-of-the-fly to see a log in. Pote tu intender Tom? Are you able to understand Tom? Potier Tom? do melbi soi lo nu ma kau ni no'a cu se jalge lo nu ro da prami do You are beautiful to such an extent that everyone loves you. So that's why we're just leaving the Earth's magnetic field Mi volas vian sangon. I want your blood. I want your blood. Ni ne havas manĝon plu. We have no more food. We don't have some food any more. Tomas vilom golön in Talopi. Tom wants to go to Australia. Tomas Morning. Me esas puerulo. I am a boy. I'm a dresser. pIQan. We'll protect you. pIQan. Ka vu povas levar ta roko? Can you lift this stone? Can you make thevary rock? Tom non es Trump. Tom is not Trump. Tom is not Trump. Tio estas unu kialo por la maldungo de Tom. That's one reason Tom got fired. That's one reason for the opposite of Tom. Io lege un libro. I am reading a book. Something reads in a book. Li estis en la domo. He was in the house. He was in the house. Kie estas miaj valizoj? Where is my luggage? Where are my guns? Mi simple ne volas edziniĝi kun vi. I only don't want to marry you. I just don't want to marry you. Chacos es le gymnasio del intellecto. Chess is the gymnasium of the mind. C-2, we're at the 64 crash site, securing perimeter. Remane ubi tu es! Stay where you are! That's where you are! An tu vermente non intende? Do you really not understand? That's not what you're saying? HeSpu' tam. Tom has committed a crime. Hey, let's go. Lo es ora de fa un pausa. It's break time. Lo, there is a golden font. Neniu pagis al mi ion ajn. Nobody paid me anything. No one paid anything. Fat olik nolom-li? Does your father know? - Your o'clock? Tom kaj Mary ambaŭ turnis sin por spekti. Tom and Mary both turned around to watch. Tom and Marsy are both turned to watch. Mi timetas. I'm a bit scared. I'm scared. Io te prohibi fumar. I forbid you to smoke. Something's wrong. jItlhIjnIS. I must apologize. I'm going to make it known. La polico arestis la kunmurdintojn. The police have arrested the murderer's accomplices. The police arrested the police. Quant tu ha payat por li robe? How much did you pay for the dress? How do you have a pass for him? To es eufemie! That's a euphemism. To hell with it! Куал либро ес ла де ту? Which is your book? drinkly ask you to give us a members of the moment we have to do with a members that are used to do with the members of the city -- a members who are commonly used to do with the ex-esynamia, and that are the clave members of the city. Le quatro stationes del anno es primavera, estate, autumno e hiberno. The four seasons of the year are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. These are the guys we don't need to do so. Soldi es la dia prima de la semana? Is Sunday the first day of the week? old is the heart of the old man? Mi ne povus malkonsenti pli. I couldn't disagree more. I couldn't tell you anything. ghaytan teH 'oH. That's probably true. There was an error creating the directory in %F. Io non adjutava. I didn't help. Unable to help. Neniu estis en akordo kun ŝi. No one agreed with her. No match with her. mi se rirni fi'o se zvati la tokios I'm from Tokyo, Japan. What if I do, do you see, if you do, I'll tell you what to do? Putino estas kaculo! Putin is a schmuck! My hair's a black cat! ti'u ma ca lo bavlamdei mi'o cliva What time do we leave tomorrow? But I'm not sure I'm a princess. Tom essayava de facer Mary felice. Tom tried to make Mary happy. Tom failed to read the Marly happy. Le precios es multo alte in iste boteca. Prices are very high in this store. The symbols are very much in this level. Il glissat del tegment directmen in li trog e dronat. He slipped from the roof directly into the trough and drowned. I can't say that. It's too much about the tower. jIH muquchta' novpu'. I was abducted by aliens. I know that we've got to see each other. Esce on ave vive en Marte? Is there any life on Mars? Esced to see you on Mars? Ме пенса ке ме иа ромпе меа брасо. I think I've broken my arm. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of now after the members of the city, the members of the city, and the members of the week, and the members of the city. Ju pli Britio konos la realaĵon de Latin-Ameriko, des pli ni estos proksimaj al la solvo. As Great Britain becomes aware of the reality of Latin America, we will be closer to a solution. The more U.S. will know the reality of Latin America, from us will be closer to the answer. mi joi la bancus cu casnu ve cu'u la .irk. Bancus and I had a conversation on IRC. I'm going to take the flow of the horse. Il ha nemo plus universalmente contempte que le nonpartisano, un persona qui refusa prender un position mais critica lo de omne le alteres. No one is more universally despised than the fence-sitter, a person who refuses to take a position but criticizes that of everyone else. There are no more couldn't be removed from any others. They are appointed to take care of this mailing list, everyone's instructions. Tiu supo bezonas iomete da salo. This soup needs just a touch of salt. This soup needs a little salt. Diru al ŝi, ke mi nur ŝercas kun ŝi. Tell her that I am just joking with her. Tell her I'm kiddingly with her. El comprende bangla. He understands Bengali. Excuse me, it's the one that's all about. Kiel Tomo haltigos min? How will Tom stop me? How can Tom stop me? Proque vos los cerca? Why are you looking for them? That's why you search? Ло ес нубоса, ма ло ес мулте калда. It's cloudy but it's very warm. after the members of point, there's an members from the members of the city, pointing a passed by Zy else, and that's the members of the week. Es illo tote lo que vos voleva dicer me? Is that all you wanted to tell me? And it's all the best thing that we want to tell me? Sorvo' pum 'epIl naH. The apple fell from the tree. So, every single word of our soul is pumped out. Kial vi aĉetis tiom multekostan vortaron? Why did you buy such an expensive dictionary? Why did you buy such expensive dictionary? jIDoy'taH. vaj SIbI' QongDaq vIjaH. I was tired, so I went straight to bed. So, that's what I think we have to understand. Mi faris ion ekstere. I was doing something outside. I did something outside. Mi devas ion diri al li. I need to tell him something. I have to tell him something. Qap ghaH 'e' vIQub. I am of the opinion that he will succeed. QDon't make me know. Kikod no äsagol Tomase? Why haven't you told Tom? Kudabado Tomasy Tomas? Kuru laŭeble plej rapide. Run as fast as you can. Run as fast as you can. Kie vi plenkreskiĝis? Where did you grow up? Where did you pick up? La instrumenta kazo estas unu el la plej belaj aspektoj de la rusa lingvo. The instrumental case is one of the most graceful aspects of the Russian language. They don't look at each other's most beautiful look at Russian language. Donez exemplo a me. Give me an example. So many example I'm going to do. Mi ne opinias, ke vi estas dika. I don't think you're fat. I don't think you're big. Tomo iris al la vivoĉambro, ankoraŭ butonante sian ĉemizon. Tom walked into the living room, still buttoning his shirt. Tom went to the living room, still moving his shirt on. Ĝi ne estas mia pluvombrelo. Ĝi apartenas al iu alia. This isn't my umbrella. It belongs to someone else. It's not my shower, it's another one. Va tokcoba yon Nipona vayasik sielestuson favon gilestud ? What do Japanese students usually eat for lunch? Tomateyyy Synachon has been held for the itch? mi'ai pu za'o mo'u tsuku lo cmana jipno We finally reached the top of the mountain. I'm a simple manapaua Ella besona it. She needs it. From the back I'll be right back. Le Presidente del Camera del Representantes del S.U. resignava in disgratia post esser reprimendate a causa de un fraude de taxa. The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives resigned in disgrace after being reprimanded for cheating on his taxes. The site of Camerated by S.U. a character presented after a dispenrence. Rigardu tiujn bildojn! Look at these pictures. Look at these pictures! Ni eklaboru! Let's get down to work! Let's work! DaH pIm. It's different now. I'm going to take the rest of the day. Sesa es tan sentosa. Stop being so emotional. If the tangent is stored in the tank. La flegisto di mea avino esas tre benigna. My grandmother's nurse is very kind. The nurse teacher is very blessed. Quale tu prizas to? How do you like that? What's wrong with you? mi'a ca'o klama We are coming. I'm a guy mi se ke verba panzi I've got kids. I've been trying to do it for a while, Еске тота ла синиес ес бланка? Are all swans white? after the members of thing, there's an shall be first thing that contains the rest of the thing that is, and that we're looking for a members of the city, and that's the members of the city. Tomo havos inkubojn. Tom will have nightmares. - Tom will have inks. La vetero ŝanĝiĝas de tago al tago. The weather varies from day to day. The weather is changing from day to day. Он вижила Том. Tom is under surveillance. drinkly ask you to do it. Tio estas brila ideo. That's a brilliant idea. It's a bright idea. Li faradis tiun laboron de antaŭ tri monatoj, kaj la streĉo komencis manifestiĝi. He'd been three months in the job and the strain was beginning to tell on him. He did this job of three months ago, and the bow began to manifest. mi ca'o jukpa lo nanba I am baking bread. - What's that? Quando nos parla super le guerra, nos parla vermente super le pace. When we talk about war, we're really talking about peace. When we're at the war, we have a drink in peace. Tomon surprizis, kiel bone Manjo scipovis desegni. Tom was surprised how well Mary could draw. Tom was surprised, as she was well surprised to draw. Quasi tote le mundo era felice. Almost everyone was happy. Yes, everyone's ready to stay happy. mi na nelci ti I don't like this one. Hi, I'm not here luq vavlI' jIH. Luke, I am your father. It's Yurek! You know what I am doing. Me no es brasilera. I'm not Brazilian. Me's a young man out of the river. Paco, graco kaj beno de Dio estu super vi. Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. Peace, grace and blessing of God be on you. Lo que un homine pote inventar un altere homine pote discoperir. What one man can invent another can discover. Oh, no, it's possible to invent another person. Tom claudicava. Tom limped. Tom caudica. Japoniani esas laborema homi. The Japanese are an industrious people. Faporani is a work at the top. Ni havis tri aviadilojn. We had three airplanes. We had three planes. Me ne povas permisar vu por facar lo. I can't allow you to do that. Whether to enable immediate deletion. Estas pli facile malfermi ostron sen tranĉilo ol la buŝon de advokato sen honorario. It's easier to open an oyster without a knife than the mouth of a lawyer without fees. It's easier to open a knife without a knife than the old man's mouth. Mia aŭto estas blua. My car is blue. My car is blue. La malamiko faligis multajn bombojn sur la fabrikon. The enemy dropped many bombs on the factory. The enemy had broken lots of bombs on the factory. La ŝuoj, kiujn mi donis al Tomo, estis tro malgrandaj por li. The shoes I gave Tom were too small for him. Now the shoes that I gave to Tom, were too small for him. S'cheßelt. Shit. Don't you think so. Crede me, iste pretexto es futile. Believe me, that excuse ain't gonna fly. Hey, I'm going to have to run away with this text. qaghIj'a'? Are you scared of me? I am going to go to the water. lo'e sakta cu titla Sugar is sweet. Adjusts the ability to run Helpar tu esas mea devo. It's my duty to help you. Help your position. Vi certe sukcesos, kion ajn vi faros. You are sure to succeed, whatever you do. You'll be sure you'll do whatever you do. qama' lujonHa' chaH 'e' ra' ghaH. He ordered them to release the prisoner. I'm going to take the human race. ray' tIr law' Sop chaH. They eat a lot of rice. ray t'Norns O'Sopy. Mi elĉerpis ĉion el mia vigleco pri tiu projekto. I spent all my energy on that project. I've running everything out of my life. Tom no es un iudi. Tom isn't a Jew. Tom is not a similar to anyone. Pote io appellar te Bob? Can I call you Bob? Can you call me Bob? SoHvaD vIta'pu'. I took care of that for you. Professor, you know what you did to do. Äpükob ofe fa Flentapük. I spoke French to her. don't know what I mean. Ille ha viagiate sol circum le mundo in octo dies. He has traveled around the world in eighty days by himself. They've got your personal position in bytes for days. Arti toloya safta gire kallanil, vay !! Please come again two weeks from today. A nation that has been sarcalized. Someone has got nothing to do with that. Ni havas alian opinion. We don't think so. We have another opinion. mi pu zvati lo nu penmi de'i li vu'u pa I attended the meeting yesterday. I'm flying naked by He'll let me see you Tomo kaj ni volas, ke vi iru kun ni. Tom and I want you to come with us. Tom and we want you to go with us. Tomo estas novaĵalporta. Tom is innovative. - Thomas is a news for the party. DISamnIS neH. We just have to find them. It won't be made good for ever. Kisi tikol dö buk et? What do you think about the book? Kiss the loop. Le czar, le hospites, le servitores, mesmo le catto gris sedente al angulo, esseva totes surprendite e meraviliate del bellissime Vasilissa. The Tsar, the guests, the servants, even the gray cat sitting in the corner, all were amazed and wondered at the beautiful Vasilissa. The czar, the host, the server, the same as the slider was, but it was all tied to the corner of the beautiful city. Но персон кура. Nobody cares. drinkly ask you to give us a thing that's the moment. mi cliva I'm going to go. Quit Естхер ес ун традуор. Esther is a translator. after eyes, there's an members of the Punxsutawney claveesopy. Куандо акел иа ес? When was that? after all, do you want to know that I'll give you a members? Kien mi metis miajn ŝlosilojn? Where did I put my keys? Where have I put my keys? Binol lit vola. You are the light of the world. Bl libtiat. Tremateras es comun en Nion. Earthquakes are common in Japan. It's very simple in us. Mi havas neniun kialon por mensogi al vi. I have no reason to lie to you. I don't have any reason to lie to you. Un altere mundo es possibile. Another world is possible. Another person is possible. Vu devas obediar vua genitori. You should obey your parents. You have to take a task of a genius. le prulamdei cu mutce lekyzma le djedi Yesterday was a lot colder than today. Sum-of-the years'-digits depreciation the rest of the day Kial tio estas tia, Yusufo? Why is this so, Yusufu? Why is that, Yussus? tay' toral DuraS tuq je. Toral belongs to the House of Duras. Dalyrop Dalp yourqua at last. Kiom daŭras por piediri al Vieno? How long does it take to get to Vienna on foot? How long to walk to Vienna? Illo non me ha placite. I didn't like it. It's not simple. Ĉu vi memoras pri tio? Do you remember this? Remember that? Tom malaperis eniĝante en la amason. Tom disappeared into the crowd. Tom was gone around in the crowd. Ме студиа анке бангла. I study Bengali, too. drinkly different from the members of the Punxsutawney claveesyllies. Le musica plena le vacuo infinite que existe inter duo animas. Music fills the infinite between two souls. The music is full of the thing you want to do so you don't know what you're doing. Vi sonas ĵaluza. You sound jealous. You sound jealous. Li ocean esset calm. The ocean was calm. He's just war. Le puero qui sta presso le porta es mi fratre. The boy standing by the door is my brother. The crown that keeps up for me is brother. le nakni cu mabla sazri He's a terrible driver. Perform arithmetic, scientific or financial calculations Ла сите брилиета семпре, лампас суституи ла сол. Сya панорама декора ла оризон профонда. The city always glows, lamps replace the sun. Its panorama ornaments the profound horizon. after eyes, eyes are in Punxsutawney have a members of says whether eyes are a members-esopesyrolly, ask-esyll give you an reason to do. Default is that extra support you as a abroad support for features it is possible. Kisi odunol du balüdel? What are you doing Sunday? Kitrayate two of adel? Cual es la capital de Jonguo? What's the capital of China? C7/C6paper size? Los ia reveni a la mercurdi pasada. They came back last Wednesday. All some of the shit go back to the camp. Ekzercado estas la sola metodo por mastri fremdan lingvon. Practice is the only way to master foreign languages. Practice is the only method for foreign language. Esque vos parla chinese? Do you speak Chinese? Why do you end up with the Chinese? ma nelci lo dembi Who likes beans? On-Screen Keyboard Ego ama iste schola. I love this school. That's what she loved. Me va dise a tu un secreta cual va cambia tua vive. I'll tell you a secret that will change your life. I'm going to waste your border. You're going to change your changes. La demanda ia es asetada. The request was granted. The question I'm asking. do ze'a ca dukse gunka .i xu do tatpi You work too hard these days. Aren't you tired? so that's why you don't know how to do it. mi jo'u la tom cu kelci la baskedbol I play basketball with Tom. I'll take the train on a train Компосорес креа мусика. Composers create music. thing to do with the members of noneesypipipidysy. Etos binon nifaman. It's a snowman. A balloon is a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, air or water na jinsa It's not clean. Round li piso'u nilyla'e lo nu la tom se sfasa The probability of Tom being punished is very small. He'll go see if he's here. Kiu respondecas en la oficejo, kiam la ĉefo forestas? Who is in charge of the office while the boss is away? Who's responsible for the office when the boss is here? Nolobs nosi. We don't know anything. Nolobsi. Inter ĉiuj landoj de la mondo Ĉinio havas la plej multajn homojn. China has the most people of any country in the world. Between all the countries of the world China have the most people. qaHoH. I'll kill you. I'm sure I should. Tenis plase me. I like tennis. Keep me alone. Ilu hezitis ante respondar. He hesitated before answering. He looked around before it was answered. Nemo ha jammais essite illac. No one has ever been there. No heart has been Never. Ne necesas al vi mensogi. You don't have to lie. You don't need to lie. Quon vi regardas? What're you looking at? You don't think so. mi ba catra ko'a I'll kill him. And I'm going to take care of this guy Kas pir ? Is he coming? Are you going to piss on it? do mo ca le mumdei What're you going to do on Friday? So this guy who lets her search as a man Plu bona ulo kam nulo. Something is better than nothing. It's a good guy. ma'Il. We acted sincerely. Maky else. ra se tcaci lo ka cikybi'o ca lo clira It was his habit to get up early. Insert boot disk %u Pro quo vu kompris Franciana automobilo? Why did you buy a French car? That's why you're the French Franc car? Mi estas via instruistino pri la franca. I'm your French teacher. I'm your teacher about French. qatlh Qongbe'taH? Why isn't he sleeping? That's what you all say, but I got it? Ludu tion denove, Sam. Play it again, Sam. Play this again, Sam. Ille gusta pan con butyro. He likes bread and butter. They don't know how to taste it. La imperor Akihito de Japan ia anunsia sua intende de renunsia. The Emperor Akihito of Japan has announced his intention to abdicate. The Tsar Ahiva de Japanese at the moment, it's a reason for her to begin again. ti noi nixli pu cnegau ri lo ka se jvinu This girl changed her look. So that's not what we're saying Me place multo le burlar. I'm very fond of joking. I've got a lot of the burl. Mi ŝatas lerni. I love learning. I like to learn. tlhaq waghqu' ghaj. He has a very expensive watch. There was an error creating the directory in %F. Ĉu vi decidis pri hodiaŭ vespere? Have you made up your mind about tonight? Have you decided to do this evening? Li uzis la restan tempon en la plej bona maniero. He made the best use of the time left. He used time to get the best way. mi pu cirko lo jdini vasru I lost my wallet. I'm after a guy who's lying Tomas änolom, kisi Maria vilof fidön. Tom knew what Mary wanted to eat. Tomasäm, kiss Marie. Mea color prefereda es blu. My favorite color is blue. It's just blue. Biervendado dependas de la vetero. Beer sales are at the mercy of the weather. Brighting depends on the weather. Tiu respondo ne nepre falsas. This answer may not necessarily be wrong. This answer doesn't seem to be false. Qapbej nablIj. Your plan is sure to succeed. Furthermore, despite all hens. Que es tu desiro? What's your wish? What did you expect from? Mea spozino koaktis me lernar Esperanto. My wife forced me to learn Esperanto. Mekolonoised Esperanto. Tom es plen de corage. Tom is full of courage. Tom is full of Realras. 'IH DI'ruj. Reality is beautiful. I'm going to bed. Vu mustas marchar ante vu povas kurar. You must walk before you can run. You have rchar before you can run. Con qui esseva tu illac? Who were you there with? Con qui were you there? wa'maH Holmey jatlhlaH. She is able to speak ten languages. (Applause) Esque tui filia es ci? Is your daughter here? That's what you're thinking of? tIqqu' tlhImvam. This carpet is very long. It's all the best thing that we have. ko na meckanpe tu'a lo fapro be do Don't underestimate your opponents. Please forgive me. ca ma mi'o darca When do we arrive? I'm a guy Ni ignoris lin. We ignored him. We took him wrong. nuq 'oH DIvI' Hol ghojmeH mIw ngeDqu''e'? What is the easiest way to learn English? The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. Tom era un junkie. Tom was a drug addict. Tom was a very long time. Tokinde va blayak rosulá ? How do I delete a sentence? Are you all right? Ne timez kritikar Israel. Don't be afraid of criticizing Israel. I mean, at times, Israel's critical. Nun cura. No one cares. It's a short boy now. tamler 'oH ngIDvoS'e' 'ej 'oS «Pb». Lead is a chemical element symbolised by Pb. The kind of guy who's warm by day, like 'Home'. Vi devas obei min. You have to do as I say. You have to obey me. La bruo aktuale ĝenas min. The noise is disturbing me. I'm getting nervous. La plaji di Huelva esas tre bela. The beaches of Huelva are very pretty. The Huxia is very beautiful. Tomo malebriis. Tom was sober. Tom did not understand. Qual die es hodie? What day is it today? What day is it? DaH pa'wIj vIlamHa'choHmoHta'. I have just cleaned my room. That's my concern! That it true. Bonvolu enlitigi la bebon. Please put the baby to bed. Please put your baby to bed. Amicos es sempre preste a adjutar le unes le alteres. Friends are always willing to help each other. Notifications are now ready to help each other. Ла вирус ла плу мал ес капиталисме. The worst virus is capitalism. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of point with the members of the thing that are and the rest of the people who are and the number of the inhabitants of Punxsutawney, clave is that the inhabitants of the city, and that are the inhabitants of the company of the city. Kia bela ĉemizo! What a beautiful shirt! What a pretty shirt. mi'a ka'e prami je se prami cazi lo nu jbena We are all capable of loving and being loved at the moment of our birth. I'm a man's hair, so I'm Love, yInISQo'! Do not interfere! That's where we go! Ĉu vi povas montri al mi plian magiaĵon? Can you show me another magic trick? Can you show me another magic? Li nenion manĝis hieraŭ. He did not eat anything yesterday. He didn't eat anything yesterday. Esther es la sposa de Mary. Esther is Mary's wife. Just think of it. Luís non sape su lection de anglese. Luis does not know his English lesson. Luín't know what you're saying. bIjvam qotlhbe' SoH rurbogh vay''e'. Someone like you doesn't deserve this punishment. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. jItul not 'e' vImev. I'll never lose hope. Exiting... ti dukse cmalu This is too small. It's a two small one Ŝi duonigis la kukon. She cut the cake in two. She's half the cake. Том ес ен ла медиа де леже ун либро де историа. Tom is reading a history book. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of now after the members of the week, the members of the week and the members of the city are, and the number of the week is that the number of die in the city and the members who are living in the system. qutlhbe' bIH. These aren't cheap. Let's go! Open the hatch! We got men back here! Lo no importa. I wouldn't care. 63 confirm. Skinnies are moving in on all sides. They need help SoH vISamta'! There you are! That's all I have to talk to you. Olu ne prontesos. It will not be ready. Will not deny it. Ta satolenon cpawera olgon yawá. I'm trying hard to make this feel like a compliment. Tanta sanowra than aperwá. Ili volas, ke ni kunlaboru. They want us to cooperate. They want us to go to work. Miascie ili ankoraŭ kunestas. As far as I know, they are still together. They're still there. Me esas kontre la milito. I am against war. I'm going to take the war. Kaj se mi estus indiano el Ameriko? What if I am a Native American? And if I were an Indian from America? Li loĝis en tiu urbeto. He lived in that town. He lived in that town. Son ziana binom hikös. The son of an aunt is a cousin. Sonicia Mumkentsking. Illa ha perdite tote le sperantia. She has lost all hope. There has been lost all the countdown. Spelob das Tomas no odunom etosi. Tom won't do that, I hope. Sposb da Tomas or short theme. Esque io poterea haber un quitantia, per favor? I'd like a receipt, please. That's what could have been made by yourself, please? Que pensa vos del libro? What do you think about the book? What thought you think of the book? lo nu ko'a mutce lo ka tolci'o na zunti lo nu tsali Although he is very old, he is strong. A guy who's sexy without even showing much skin Yo ne posse laborar con te. I can't work with you. You're not used to put it in business with you. In qual mense nos es ora? Which month is it now? In a month, which we are now golden? Emi studiara le anglese. Emi will study English. And the English word. It es sur li punta de mi lingue. It's on the tip of my tongue. I don't know how to punish him. "Ĉu vi ŝatus teon aŭ kafon?" "Ambaŭ ne." "Would you like tea or coffee?" "Neither." "Do you want tea or coffee?" "A if you don't want it." Diru al ili, ke mi ne permesos al Manjo forlasi la landon. Tell them I won't allow Mary to leave the country. Tell them I won't let the country go. Mi febre persiste. My fever won't go away. I understand. pongvam ghajbogh vay''e' vISovbe'. I don't know anyone by that name. Professor, we have heard of each other about the first part of the universe. Ovedof sanel. She will become a doctor. I've got a sandwich. ko gasnu lo nu le fetsi ca'o gleki Keep her happy. Create an event Per tiu ĉi teleskopo oni povas vidi stelojn kaj sonĝojn. With this telescope, you can see stars and you can see dreams. By this square, you can see stars and dreams. pa' reHtaH. He is playing there. That's what you all say, but I can't see you. Quelc landes in Europa ne es un parte del Europan Union. Some countries in Europe are not part of the European Union. You know what you're doing in European European Union is not part of a European Union. Ĉu vi konas iun, kiu parolas la francan? Do you know anyone who speaks French? Do you know who speaks French? En la lasta semajno mi preskaŭ forgesis pagi la fakturojn. I almost forgot to pay my bills last month. In the last week, I almost forgot to pay the bills. paq chu' 'oH paqvetlh'e'. That book is a new book. Come on! I can't see the universe. Le pumperos essaya de mantener le flammas sub controlo. The firefighters are trying to bring the flames under control. The secret will be confirmed by a keeping the woman incupias. Tomas äpükom du ti düps kil. Tom spoke for almost three hours. Tomasäpkenmber two düspson. Un domo sin libros es como un corpore sin anima. A room without books is like a body without a soul. A house is like a body of soul. It es un desfacil lingue. It's a difficult language. I don't know how to speak language. Vulpo havas longan voston. Wolves have long tails. You have a long tail. Miaj filoj estas ĉiuj plenkreskaj. My boys are all grown up. My children are all growing up. Io le considera como mi inimico. I consider him my enemy. I don't think so. le seltra be ko'a mi fanza His behaviour annoys me. - What's your name? - What's the guy? Kiu estas la plej malmultekosta flugo de Losanĝeleso al Moskvo? What's the cheapest flight from Los Angeles to Moscow? Who's the most expensive flight of Los Moscow to Moscow? xu do xusra lo du'u mi na clite Are you saying I'm impolite? Primula Red Pollution es un problema crescente. Pollution is a growing problem. Pour out a problem. La usona soldataro eliru el Irako. US troops need to evacuate Iraq. American soldier went out of Iraq. Mi pripensis la planon. I was thinking about the plan. I was thinking about the design. Tim volis esti frua. Tom wanted to be early. Tim wanted to be early. Ŝi ne havas kondukpermesilon. She doesn't have a driver's license. She has no license licence. Per favore, aplaudi me. Please clap. In favour, in favor of my favour. Mi ne povas trovi miajn gantojn. I can't find my gloves. I can't find my gloves. lIQan. They will protect you. It's my turn. ta barda mutce That's very big. Very High Contrast Mi scias, ke vi estas spiono. I know you're a spy. I know you're a spy. Tom estas ekscentra. Tom's flaky. Tom is a concentration of concentration. Permitte me de presentar vos senior White. Let me introduce you to Mr. White. Perted by searching without White disk space. Dio donis al homo du orelojn kaj unu buŝon, por ke li pli aŭskultu ol parolu. God gave the man two ears and a mouth so that he would listen more and talk less. God gave to a man two ears, and one mouth, that he might hear more than to speak. nItebHa' maqeljaj 'ej loQ majaljaj. Let us think about it together and dream a little. Our lives are the only thing that we'd like to go through without room. Historion verkas la venkintoj. History is written by the victors. History is written by the winners. Ni havas ornitorinko. We have a platypus. We have an ale ink. Tota de mundo ia dansa. Everybody danced. Everyone, if you want them, you can't see anything. Dano volis malkovri, kie Lindjo estis je la pasinta nokto. Dan wanted to find out where Linda had been the previous night. Dan wanted to figure out where he was at last night. mi cirko lo ckiku .ija'ebo mi na kakne lo ka nerkla lo kumyzda I have lost my keys so I can't get into my flat I'm not stupid, but I don't let go! Iste puero resimila a su patre. That boy takes after his father. This is a puy in front of a suppre. Tio, kio ĉiam unuigas nin - kio ĉiam kuraĝigas nian popolon; kio logas enmigrantoj al usonaj marbordoj - estas aro da idealoj, kiuj parolas pri aspiroj kundividataj de ĉiuj homoj: ke ni povu vivi sen timo; ke ni povas paroli kaj kunveni kun iu ajn, ke ni voĉdonas kaj elektas religion laŭ nia deziro. What has always united us, what has always encouraged our people, what draws immigrants to America's shores-- is an ideology that talks about aspirations shared by all people: that we should be able to live without fear, that we can to talk to or meet anyone, that we vote and choose a religion as we please. What always encourages us, what always encourages our people; what natives to American coast are a bunch of ideal, which speak about all people, that we can live without fear, that we can talk and come with any other people, and we choose religion as our desire. Illes tosto deveniva amicos intime. They quickly became close friends. They're in an official to love in far. Ni devus antaŭvidi neatenditajn eventojn. We should provide for unexpected events. We should have predicted an unexpected events. Kial vi pardonpetas pri io, kion vi ne faris? Why are you sorry for something you haven't done? Why are you sorry about something you haven't done? Ĉu vi iam provis razi al vi la kapon? Have you ever tried shaving your head? Have you ever tried your head? Esque tu ama le nive? Do you like snow? That's why you love us? Mi vidas kun ĝojo, ke fine vi estas feliĉaj. I'm glad to see you're finally happy. I see with joy that you're finally happy. Mi scias nenion pri muziko. I know nothing about music. I don't know anything about music. Ne facilas regi fremdan lingvon. Mastering a foreign language isn't easy. It's not easy to define a foreign language. A que hora comencia le partita? What time does the game start? Which scheduling starts? lo minji ca na akti The machine is lying idle. I'm now Ŝi ne povos veni ĉi tien morgaŭ. She will not be able to come here tomorrow. She can't come here tomorrow. It es un stul. It is a chair. I don't know how to do it is. nav buq vIHevlaH'a'? Can I have a paper bag? That's all right. Ĉu mi devis ignori ŝin? Was I supposed to ignore her? Should I skip her? Blasphemia es un crimine sin victima. Blasphemy is a victimless crime. If you're older, you're just afraid. Quale vu savas, on komparas vivo kun voyajo. As you know, life is comparable to a voyage. Well, you know what you're saying, it's like life with los. Maria havas enireblan vestoŝrankon. Mary has a walk-in wardrobe. Maria has a fit garment in. Mi nun ne povas respondi tiun demandon. I can't answer that question now. I can't answer that question. Vi estas idioto! You're an idiot. You idiot! Iste ovo ha un mal odor. This egg has a bad smell. This egg has been rejected or not. Va in direkielon wití. I see him tomorrow afternoon. Va in dire as wmm. Nos parla turces. We speak Turkish. We can't have a word at any time. Mi neniam vetas je basbalo. I never bet on baseball. I'll never bet on a bed. fi'o spaji mi le fetsi pu xamgu tavla bau lo glico To my surprise, she spoke English very well. Of course I'm following the flosiphydy Language · Global Voices Estas maksimuma limo de po du valizoj por pasaĝero. There is a limit of two pieces of luggage for each passenger. There's the maximum limit of two Orval doubles for travel. Illa descendeva pro le jentaculo a octo horas. She came down to breakfast at eight. I'll get you down for this reason. Ne eliru post noktiĝo. Don't go out after dark. Don't go out after the night. tugh juH Dachegh'a'? Will you come back home soon? I`m sure I`ll make sure I`m sure you`d better leave you alone. La fortuna es cruel a alga veses. Destiny is sometimes cruel. The pieces are gone into a bad person. qabDaj vIghov. I recognized his face. I don't know how to come back. la .tom. cu simlu lo ka bilma Tom seems to be sick. that's where it looks better. QaQ qa'vInvetlh pIw. That coffee smells good. QQ becomes me free. Ĉu vi kredas, ke mi ŝercas? Do you think I'm joking? Do you think I'm kidding? ra barda nanla He's a big boy. Can not get folder: %s: %s Yo ne parla tui lingue pro que yo ne save it. I can't speak your language, because I don't know. You don't have any languages to be saved from what you don't want to do so. Vi estas paranojaj. You're being paranoid. You're parthers. mughoSbej jo'rIj. It's certain that George will come. I'm flying to the other side. Li elpensis bonan solvon. He thought of a good solution. He came up with a good solution. tugh jIHegh. I'm about to die. I am Death. do pu te vecnu lo nanba You bought bread. That's why you can't seeanoba ti poi nanla ba sidju mi This is the boy who helped me. Well, that's what I'd like to do La trajno, en kiu mi veturis, plirapidiĝis. The train I was on gathered speed. The train I went out, I got wet. Tom ia velia Maria. Tom woke Mary up. Tom must be some kind of Mary. Mi ne sciis, ke ŝi havas infanon. I did not know that she has a child. I didn't know she had a child. Oni elektos vin aŭ min. You or I will be chosen. You'll choose me or me. no da mensi mi I do not have a sister. no, of mine, I'm not going to. Proque tu non me telephonava heri nocte? How come you didn't call me last night? Because you ma'am, won't you drink? Metu la medikamenton ekster la atingeblon de infanoj! Put this medicine where children can't get it. Put your medicine outside the children's Nothing. DIvI' Hol jatlhwI' po' ghaH. He is a good speaker of English. Are you sure you want to quit these days? Tikob das nolof velati. I think that she knows the truth. - It's called... - It's full of gnocchi. do pu de'a morji lo ka sisti gasnu lo gusni You forgot to turn off the light. Amount of red light in the colour Io vadera. I'm going to go. Something kinda. Reagan divenis la prezidero di la Usa en 1981. Reagan became President of the United States in 1981. Reactive the cry of the Use in 1981. Laŭ zelotaj moderiguloj, ne-frazoj mortdanĝerigas Tatoeban. According to pernickety moderators, non-sentences constitute a mortal danger to Tatoeba. It's not very easy. It's only simple. Il ha alique singularmente interessante concernente le buddhismo e le mathematica, specialmente super le physica quantic, e le punctos que illos ha in commun. Isto nos ha fascinate durante longe tempore. There's something uniquely interesting about Buddhism and mathematics, particularly about quantum physics, and where they meet. That has fascinated us for a long time. You have to make sure that you're at the time they're at once. This is why we have been worried for a reason to take a lot of mailing list of time, and that there are no problems with them. ghaytan SIS yoDDaj 'oH Dochvam'e'. This must be his umbrella. I think that there is no knowledge in the future of the future. mi na nelci lo mlatu ije lo bruna be mi go'i I don't like cats and my brother doesn't either. What do you think I'm going to say? Le casa esseva destruite per le foco. The house burned to the ground. The thing was known to the home folder. lurgh wIvbogh yIngu'! Which direction will he choose? We`re afraid of our civilization. nuq 'oH Dochvam'e' jay'? What the hell is this? The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. pe'i dukse barda I think that it's too big. The sun's two sunksopor Esce tu vole jelo? Would you like ice? Esces you want to hold on? Un infante es le opinion de Deo de que le vita debe continuar. A baby is God's opinion that life should go on. Unable to read from whence you should still continue. Mi vidis vin ekstere. I saw you outside. I saw you outside. Tom ia desapone se masca contra gas. Tom took off his gas mask. But, you know, it's just a lot of money. Me no gusta plaia. I don't like the beach. I can't see the light. Preskaŭ ne estas floroj en nia ĝardeno. There are scarcely any flowers in our garden. It's almost not flowers in our garden. Mi ne havas la intencon miksi min en viajn aferojn. I don't intend to get mixed up in your business. I don't have the intention to mix me up in your works. Li ne aŭskultas. He doesn't listen. He's not listening. Io va al schola a pede. I walk to school. Something's zoomed in. Ni estas tro maljunaj. We're too old. We're too old. Ni diskutis, kion fari, kaj kien iri. We discussed what to do and where to go. We reasoned what to do, and where we went. yIntaH ghew. The bug is still alive. Well, we can even see that. Esce me pote abri la cortina? Can I open the curtain? Esc can I handle the cotau? .e'o ko ve pagre fi mi le silna Please pass me the salt. I'm not taking the silk disk SeplIjDaq ray' tIr Soplu''a'? Do you eat rice in your country? Seven we haven't been there? Mi rimarkis, ke ŝi portis novajn okulvitrojn. I noticed that she was wearing new glasses. I noticed she wore new glasses. mi na jimpe lo du'u makau nabmi I don't understand the problem. By the way, mutubeuben · Global Voices Comuta vosa serebros! Turn on your brains! Comgglestile! Me ne povas dicernar rano de rospo. I cannot distinguish a frog from a toad. I can't say that I can't go through the frog. Tu debe desapare. You have to disappear. You must use an natural setting. Manjo rigardis sin en la spegulo. Mary looked at herself in the mirror. Marie looked at herself in the mirror. De la ĉasisto la elefanto estis mortigita. The elephant was killed by the hunter. From the hunter was killed. Li skuis mian manon. He shook my hand. He shook my hand. DaghuH'a'? Are you up for it? DaghuHna? yIjatlh! Say it. I don't want to hear anything. Qui contara le stellas? Who will count the stars? Who doesn't count out the stars? Me es la madre de un fio de puta. I'm the mother of a son of a bitch. I'm the madio of a network. QuchtaHghach nuq? What is happiness? Ant request was cancelled? xu do djuno lo du'u ma kau tadji lo ka sfubu Do you know how to dive? Renaming the two of the same as the mutben her to move her to the trash Post que io le habeva vidite antea, io le recognosceva immediatemente. Having seen him before, I recognized him at once. After that something's been seen before, it's something that gives an answer. Vi devintus ekiri antaŭ duonhoro. You ought to have started half an hour ago. You should have turned out half an hour before half an hour. tIQ qIDvam! This joke is ancient! This is the state of your life. Esce tu nesesa esta libro? Do you need this book? Esces is a book book? Vi faris vian tutan eblon. You've done all you can. You've done your whole orders. lo nunji'e cu to'utce Life is short. A guy who's warm by itself Li havas ukrainian ŝtatanecon. He has Ukrainian citizenship. He has a Ukrainian state. mi nitcu lo nu litru I need to travel. Let's play without us. Un medalia de oro olimpial es probable la premio la plu anelada en la sporte. An Olympic gold medal is probably the most coveted sporting prize. Undade of gold, gold, is probably the prize for more in the sport. Le illusion es le prime de tote le placeres. Illusion is the first of all pleasures. The there's the first time in all the same place. Isto non es un joculo! It's not a toy! This is not a temporary file! mI'meyraj vISov. I know your numbers. mI'm Games. puqloDwI' De' jengva' 'oH De' jengva'vam'e'. This CD belongs to my son. These are the thoughts of the universe. That's the future of the universe. Tom es un pianista de jazz. Tom is a jazz pianist. Tom is a bad man ofz. Mi ne havas kialon vivi. I don't have a reason to live. I have no reason to live. Mi ne intencis diri tion. I didn't intend to say that. I didn't mean to say that. Kiel ajn tio eblis, mi eraris. However that may be, I am wrong. Anyway, I was wrong. Yo ha esset ta antey. I've been there before. You have to stop beforey. Mi ne volas, ke vi pensu, ke mi estas freneza. I don't want you to think I'm nuts. I don't want you to think I'm crazy. Tio estas malĝojiga historio. That is a distressing story. It's an evil history. Me esabos trifoye en Usa se me iras ibe itere. I will have been to the States three times if I go there again. I'll be in three legs when I go to the earth. Tom e Mary regardis a l'altra senparole. Tom and Mary looked at each other speechlessly. Tom e su regardless of high-term survival is not to have sex with you. Ibi vive un vetule homine in le cabana presso le laco. There lives an old man in the hut by the lake. That's impossible. Reidob buki obik. I'm reading my book. - Rebinnique. Mi akceptas la proponon. I accept the offer. I accept the proposal. Yo odia matematica. I hate maths. That's what you really hate, ma'am. mupwI' vIghajnIS. I need a hammer. Let's know what they're saying to us. za'u ko'a ca'o co'a fenki They're going crazy. start `'go' l'MVPenne Jiblod ola no kanof pükön Nelijapüki. Your sister can not speak English. Jburger than no strong reedkowikhenkhet. rut pe'vIl wuQ. At times, he suffered from a painful headache. red pekyuyu Ŝi montris al mi sian ĝardenon. She showed me her garden. She showed me her garden. Ме воле мори. I want to die. drinkly ask you to do it. .uecai What a big surprise! . become sundais mi'a pu ze'i gunli'a ca lo relma'i We had a short vacation in February. I'm divided into space. What's wrong? Li ĉiutage telefonas al ŝi. He calls her on the phone every day. He calls her every day. Lif binom jönik. Life is beautiful. Helfie seem to kill you. .ei mi bregau mi lo cipra I have to prepare for the test. I really miss you e'u ca klama Let's go now. I'm a guy On me ha negate le accesso a su terra. I was denied access to his land. You do not have access to the late-quality key. ra nelci lo nu tcidu She likes to read. Can not get folder: %s: %s Ĉesu babili. Stop babbling. Stop talking. Mi ne povas fari du aferojn samtempe. I can't do two things at the same time. I can't do two things at once. Infortunatemente iste clave non entra. I'm afraid this key doesn't fit. I don't think this key is very bad. He DawovmoHlaH'a'? Can you light the way? It's a Thank you. Europa es un luna de Jupiter. Europa is a moon of Jupiter. European is a Monday of Jucited. Ni povas foriri post la tagmanĝo. We can go after the lunch. We can get out of lunch after lunch. Ме воле сабе еске Том жуа тенис. I wonder if Tom plays tennis. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of now after the members of the city, the members of the city, ask for members and the inhabitants of the city. Kiöp binoms flens olik? Where are your friends? Can you do that? jIvumtaH 'e' vIghet. I pretended to be working. Exiting... Promesu al mi, ke vi tion ne diros al ŝi! Promise me you won't tell her. I'm sure you won't tell her! Tomo ludas ankaŭ tenison. Tom plays tennis, too. - Thomas plays a held. Le maladia es con extreme frequentia uno del companias del povressa. Disease is all too often one of the concomitants of poverty. The etendis is not part of the chain, as it is a result of the rich man. On ave multe roja flores en la jardin. There are many red flowers in the garden. There's a lot of apples in the tank. Älogob omis. I saw them. Illogical o'clock. Illa crede al ciconia. She believes in the stork. I think that I may still believe in you. Kio okazis? Estas akvo en la tuta apartamento. What happened? There's water all over the apartment. The water is in the entire apartment. Tom estas trankvila. Tom is calm. - But it's quiet. „Vi scivolemigas min“, mi diris. "You arouse my curiosity," said I. 'You're curious to think of me,' said the Mock Turtle. mi birti lo du'u do pu viska la tom I'm certain that you saw Tom. I'll take two of you to my foot, so you'll take me to my head Ave asi tu mone. Here's your money. Grandpa has a coin. Mi povintus helpi. I could have helped. I could have helped him. Mi demandas min, ĉu Tomo iam ajn intencis iri bicikle laborejen. I wonder if Tom has ever considered cycling to work. I'm asking if Tom once thought to go to a bike, that's what I'm going to do. Le position del vulneres super le corpore ha permittite al policia deducer que le assalitor es sinistromane. From the position of the wounds on the body, the police could tell that the attacker was left-handed. The position of the chain over the body has been allowed to posted to the work of the task because it is running. Mi volas montri ion al vi en la oficejo. I want to show you something in the office. I want to show you something in the office. Huch puS ghaj. He has a little money. Over there! Yo usa ti computator. I use this computer. You are using a computer. Vi estas vanta. You're vain. You're vain. Yo finit scrir. I finished writing. You're running out. La puero divenis politikisto eminenta. The boy grew up to be a great statesman. The below knew it the most important thing. mi mutce gleki lo nu mi viska do I'm very glad to see you. Very nice, but I'm going to say, se birti fa lo du'u ko'a ba tugni ma'a It is certain that he will agree with us. If we don't want to cool a couple of two monkeys ghaH vISovbe'chu'. I don't know her at all. In fact, v weight 'ubbo'. be'Hom HIvpu' Ha'DIbaH qu'. A fierce dog attacked the girl. That's a good man! Ĉesu molesti ilin. Stop harassing them. Stop them. DuSaQDaq SoHnIStaHvIS yIDachQo'! You must not be absent from school. We have declared to make sure that we have made good love. Demetinte ovon, kokino havas malpli da pezo ol antaŭe. Having laid an egg, a hen has less weight than before. Having a egg, he has less weight than before. Mi faris liston de aferoj, kiujn mi bezonis kunpreni. I made a list of things I needed to bring with me. I made a list of things I needed to take with. da nabmi mi'ai We have a problem. dabia Анке ме студиа бангла. I study Bangla, too. drinkly report to the members of the moment to do a members of the passopy. Illa deveniva cata die plus belle. She grew every day more and more beautiful. A day most beautiful. Bonvolu doni al mi ekzemplon de aplikado. Please give an example of usage. Please give me an example of applied for me. .e'o ko ciska lo srana be lo jetnu selfri be do Please write about your real experience. u. c'isto Crassana Contail Cows HIvoq! Trust me. garq! Ilu ne esis che su, tam ofte esas la kazo pri lu. He was not at home, as is often the case with him. He was not present. These are often finite information about the case of the universe. Alga de mundo va crede cualce cosa. Some people will believe anything. He thinks it's bad for himself. Ille possede le arte de facer se amicos. He knows the art of making friends. They're using the mint to make it known if you love. Mi neniam imagis, ke tiu ĉi elasta ringo montriĝus utila, kiam mi enpoŝigis ĝin ĉi-matene. I never thought this rubber band would come in handy when I put it in my pocket this morning. I never thought this piece of ring would be useful when I put it in this morning. Nef binon cil gema. A nibling is the child of a sibling. I don't know how to do it. Ultra su travalio regular, ille ha multe altere activitates. In addition to his regular job, he has a lot of other activities. Ululove, they've got a lot of other activity. Quo es to? What is this? Qua's to? Tiu malnova aŭto estas via, se vi volas ĝin. This old car is yours if you want it. That old car is yours if you want it. 'Iv ghaH loDHomvetlh'e'? Who is the boy? That's all right, hey! Ĉu vi jam adaptiĝis al nia grupo? Did you get in with our crowd? You will adapt to our band as well? jImIpHa'. I've been poor. Exiting... Io deberea haber ite con te. I should've gone with you. Something should have been followed by you. Vi iru tuj. You must go at once. Go right away. Estas tempo, ke vi aĉetas novan aŭton. It's time for you to buy a new car. It's time for you to buy a new car. Cual ia es tu nom? What was your name? Ceiling on your name? Le instrumentos chirurgic on debe mantener absolutemente munde. A doctor's instruments must be kept absolutely clean. The tool is in order to keep absolutely secure. Mea sango ne es plu reda kam la tua. My blood is no redder than yours. The blood is not a red red color. Tom ia es sin defende. Tom was helpless. Tom is kind of aend. Diji cha sade yɛ bari. Five minus three is two. Did you see where you can tell me? Vos nunquam trovara vostre proprie esser usque a que vos confrontara le veritate. You never find yourself until you face the truth. You now have never found any recent effects will be used to do so that the front of the thing. ba'unai ko'a mencre It's not an exaggeration to state that he is a genius. You won't have my boynst. lojmIt DaSoQmoHlaH'a'? Are you able to close the door? Where are you going? Musica plase cadun. Everybody loves music. Music lalasie. Ĉu ŝi donis al vi bonan klarigon pro sia neveno? Did she give you a good reason for not coming? Did you make it good for her not to come? Mi ne povas kredi, ke ni parolas pri tio. I can't believe we're talking about this. I can't believe we're talking about it. Cils mutons drinön miligi deliko. Children should drink milk every day. Cs Themepossusted a thousandöner. Me prefere viaja per bisicle ca pasea. I prefer riding a bike to walking. I'd rather your stones take a pass. Xina es plu grande ca Japan. China is bigger than Japan. Xina is no longer a big clock. Esce tu ave portasenes? Do you have ashtrays? Can you bring them home? mi djica lonu cliva lo ckule I want to leave school. I'm living in progress... Nos ia vola a supra la cultiveria de los en un elicotor. We flew over their farm in a helicopter. We're a free person above the longevity of land on the planet. Tomas äbinom pul gudik. Tom was a good boy. Tomasäbin gurut guru. jIwuqpa' Hoch ngoDmey vISuqnIS. I had to get all the facts before I could make a decision. You know what we have to do? Maybe we should patent the universe. mi'e.djak. My name is Jack. I`ll do that. Me ia cade en ama con tu a la momento cuando me ia vide tu. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. I'm sure she loves you with the moment that it would take a look at you. Jen nia alproksimiĝo. That's our approach. Here's our way to come. Mi ne vidis Tomon dum la tuta tago. I haven't seen Tom all day. I didn't see Tom all day. Que es le avantage pro te? What's in it for you? Which is the advantage of you? Totes ama un exquisite construction de phrase. E ille sembla haber le habilitate de trovar exactemente le parolas juste pro qualcunque occasion. Everyone loves an exquisite turn of phrase. And he seems to have the knack of finding exactly the right words for any occasion. All who love a non-profit has been sentenced to take place. If there is a enabled, then the active one will have the appropriate word only to go back to the left. Falu la reĝo! Down with the king! Death to the Shah! Como osa tu parlar me assi? How dare you speak to me like that? What's wrong with you? Ме иа абри ла фенетрас. I opened the windows. drinkly bodies are different from the members of bodies that are used to do a do with the members of an members of the city, and that are commonly used to do -- in the future, and that's the rest of the thing that we have to do is, and that's the rest of the thing. Ne eblas, ke vi estas advokato. You can't be a lawyer. You can't say you're a lawyer. Tu me manca multo. I miss you very much. Thank you very much. Le rosas es in button. The roses are in bud. These are in button. Yo ne save u tu esset. I know where you were. You do not save that yourset. Ni perdis nia voyo en la bosko. We lost our way in the woods. We lost our path in the grass. Memorias de infantia demora ancora in su corde. Memories of childhood still lie near her heart. It's only a matter of Pontius immediately in supple. Tomaso pruntedonos monon al vi, se vi tion petos de li. Tom will lend you money if you ask him to. Thomas will lend you money if you ask him. Kial vi fariĝis instruisto? Why did you become a teacher? Why did you become a teacher? Mia kusenveturilo estas plena da angiloj, kaj estas iom da maĉgumo algluita al mia klavaro. My hovercraft is full of eels, and there's a bit of chewing gum stuck to my keyboard. My champion's full of tissues, and it's a bit of sweet sticking to my keyboard. Nolob, kikod äsagol atosi. I know the reason you said that. Nolo, browser, hold on the harp for a while. Tirana es in Albania. Tirana is in Albania. -Transaah. Vi aperas al mi kiel homo, kiu neniam faras tion, kion li ne volas. You strike me as the kind of man who never does anything he doesn't want to do. You show me how a man doesn't want to do what he doesn't want. Li hunde interesar nus: le nur sidar e observar. The dog interests us: it only sits and observes. He's got an interesting behavior: the only way out of it. Esque vos ha finite de leger iste libro? Are you through with this book? That's why you have finished reading this book? vIta' ghe'torvo' narghDI' qa'pu'. I'll do it when Hell freezes over. You know what I'm saying to you. An vos es un nudista? Are you a nudist? Are you sure you want to remove the e-mail address? Ille ama la e me. He loves her and me. They love those who love them. Ĉesigu tiun disputaĉon. Stop squabbling. Stop your chance. mi zvati le tcadu I'm in the city. The Forbidden City Kiam vi aŭdis la sonon? When did you hear the sound? When did you hear the sound? Ille veniva in auto. He came by car. They're coming in car. Maria ha un can. Mary has a dog. Maria ounces. ro da ba'o klama They all have come. And you're going to bake me alone. Li havas profundan empation por la malfortuloj. He has a deep feeling for the weak. He has a deep breath for the weak ones. la .tom. pu zgana sanli Tom stood watching. - What are you doing? Ме ес ун уман е ме консидера тота ла уманас комо ун сола фамилиа. I am a human being, and I regard all of humanity as one family. after the eyes of bodies pointing to extra eyes are a members-esopesy for drink thing that is to do a do with the members of a better thing. reason to do a thing. yImoD! Hurry up. - You're right. - You're so bad. lo za'u ti tilju These are heavy. Let's go all the way Ĉi tiu libro pro kelkaj kialoj estas grava. This book is important for a number of reasons. This book for some reasons is important. ghogh HablI'lIj mI' vISuq 'e' Dachaw''a'? Can I have your phone number? Hi. That's my hair, but I'm not sure I'm a good man to let's go. mi se jibri tu'a lo barja I work at a bar. If our couple of days, I'll put it in two pieces. Nos ia sabe ce nos pote fa lo. We knew we could do it. We're just sure we can make it. Ĉu ni rajtas fari tion nun? Can we do that now? Can we do that now? Tomo parolis kun si mem. Tom was talking to himself. Tom spoke with himself. Vi devus esti pli atentaj! You guys should be more careful. You should be more careful. Io mangia e destrue. I eat and destroy. Something's left. la jim cu zvati ma Where is Jim? jis exec zva ma'clock An isto es blau? Is this blue? And this is selected? Ho! Mi deziras, ke ĉiu el miaj lernolibroj kostu po kvardek dolarojn. Iuj el ili kostis preskaŭ cent dolarojn. Hah! I wish my all my textbooks were $40! Some of them are almost $100! I want each of my textbooks to give 40 dollars, and some of them cost almost a hundred dollars. Mi petis vin haltigi tion. I asked you to stop it. I asked to stop this. SoSwI' ghaH. This is my mother. %l∶%M %p Si, me ave un fia. Yes, I have a daughter. Yes, a bastard. Mi reiru al la oficejo. I have to go back to the office. I'm going back to the office. Ĉiufoje kiam mi aŭdas tiun kanzonon, mi pensas pri iu knabino. Whenever I hear that song, I think of a certain girl. Every time I hear that hat, I think of any girl. Quala bela ciel-arko! What a beautiful rainbow! - What's wrong with you? .i'enai ctuci'e Education in this world disappoints me. Hide & Crop tu'Ij vIneH neH. I just want you to listen to me. I'm not sick. mi na djuno lo du'u ri'a ma kau mi cortu le stedu I don't know why my head hurts. I make it known that I'm just gonna make it know that I'm just gonna make it understand. Ĉu vi estas armitaj uloj? Are you guys armed? Are you armed? Nemo vole jocar con ille. Nobody wants to play with him. I don't want to hair with them. Qua manjis la kuko? Who ate up the cake? There were food in the cake? leSpal chu' be' 'ej bom loD. She played the guitar and he sang. Don't be so good at all. Mi bezonas tiujn dosierojn. I need those files. I need these files. Labob blodis tel e jiblodis kil. I have two brothers and three sisters. Theboge got the pantian kiln starts here. la tom cu pinxe lo birje Tom drinks beer. I'll go to the grave on the other side. ko'a bedja'a He's the group leader. ko'adya za'u ko'a ca'o tcidu fi lo ko'a cukta They are reading her book. Enter the pressure of the guy's instructions in the background Elu ne pensis ke olu drolesis. She didn't think it was funny. And it didn't think it was a doctor. Ĉu manĝi malpli da viando estas bona ideo? Is eating less meat a good idea? Whether or not to eat less meat is a good idea? Esque vos non entrara? Aren't you coming in? We're not in time. We don't know that? 'Italya'Daq veng machDaq boghpu'. He was born in a small town in Italy. We have two pieces of observational evidence on the probability of life appearing. Mi francese es de merda. My French is shitty. I'm a French woman, too. Ni paŭzu. Let's take a breather. Let's see if you want to. Quo es in li botelle? What's in the bottle? Don't you think he's in a bottle? La erba es verde. The grass is green. The e-mail is open. Io non vole que vos travalia ibi. I don't want you to work there. I don't want to examine them. Ĝisdatigu tiun korespondadon. Bring that correspondence up to date. Honour the corresponding thing. Kiom mi sentas la mankon de vi! How I miss you. How I miss you! Mi estis ĉetagmanĝe. I was having lunch. I was at dinner. Kial ni ne kampadas kune? Why don't we go camping together? Why don't we stay together? Li nomiĝis Tomo. His name was Tom. He was called Tom. ta poi zdani cu se ponse ko'a That house belongs to him. Applications that did not fit in a ClutterGravity Bonvoli manja kelkum. Please eat something. It's good for a couple of people to eat. Dice me lo que tu pensa. Tell me what's on your mind. So I think you're thinking. TTT inventiĝis de Tim Berners-Lee en 1989. The World Wide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. A human was invented by Berner at 1989. Ме иа комплети ун формуларио. I filled in a questionnaire. report to the members of thing. pIqaDDaq 'at 'emDaq veb bay'e'. In the alphabet, B comes after A. It's about our next hundred years, if we want to continue in the next hundred years. Me odia el. I hate him. I hate this one. Äfanons Tomi. They caught Tom. - Thank you, Tom. Papagayo es kapabla imitar la homala parolo. A parrot can imitate human speech. Papa is capable of being famous, the opposite of the word. Tu dronas en glaso de aquo. You're drowning in a glass of water. You're sinking in the human race. Tio estis la plej malfacila laboro en mia vivo. That was the hardest job of my life. That was my hard service in life. La gazetaro interesiĝas pri lia privata vivo. The press is interested in his private life. The press is very interested in his private life. Tomas ti ädeilom adelo. Tom almost died today. Tomas Gädelar. Ille es analphabete. He is illiterate. They're about to see each other. Tom kaj Mary ambaŭ evidente estas en gaja humoro. Tom and Mary both appear to be in a cheerful mood. Tom and Marly certain things are in merry. non Ha'DIbaHvam. This meat has gone bad. D'Debia. Yo ne posse mover mi gambe. I can't move my leg. You aren't used to me a cool man. qatru' jIH. I'm a nerd. I am Death. Ĉu vi aĉetis ir- kaj reven-bileton? Did you buy a round trip ticket? Did you buy it? Pevunob me neif. I've been wounded with a knife. Pub, don't eat. Mi volas, ke vi trovu ilin. I want you to find them. I want you to find them. Li petis, ke mi faru tion por li. He asked me to do this for him. He asked me to do this for him. Ta roko pezas kin tuni. This stone weighs five tons. A rock is heavy to your film. U es tui cane? Where is your dog? I don't know. Yo vermen ama nive. I really like snow. That's what we all love. Tio ne estas mojosa. Tio estas mojosega! That's not cool. That's hyper-cool! That's not cool. mubelmoH qa'vIn tuj. I like hot coffee. A guy who gives you a reminder. loi cnino ckafi bazi gubni Fresh coffee will be ready in a minute. Bubblesiorfinal base Sincera amikeco pli valoras ol mono. Real friendship is more valuable than money. friendship is worth more than money. ma'a bilga lo nu ro roi tinbe lo flalu We should always act in obedience to the law. Ma'am, that's a good waste Malŝaltu la radioaparaton. Turn off the radio. Turn off the radio device. ghung toSwI'; qagh rur. The mountaineer was as hungry as a wolf. You know what I am saying to you. I guess it is red. do jdika lo ka se ciblu You're bleeding. That's exactly what do you do ki'e la iukinas Thanks, Yukina. ki la's the one keeps on the spell you're under Le telephono sovente interrumpe tu conversation. A phone call often interrupts your conversation. How often do you think you're in a bad way? Mi esperas, ke mi ne diris maladekvataĵon. I hope I haven't said anything inappropriate. I hope I didn't say tired. Me dankas tu pro invitar me al festo. Thanks for inviting me to the party. I thank you for inviteing me to a party. Me ave bon novas. I have good news. See new news. Si io poteva de nove initiar mi studios, io sequerea le aviso de Platon e io comenciarea per le mathematica. If I were again beginning my studies, I would follow Plato's advice and start with mathematics. If anything can get a new login about me, something was hidden in the dirt and ain't gonna be able to start with the news. Kat obik löfon miligi. My cat loves milk. Katbated to hide a thousand. Mi ne sentas min bone en Facebook. I don't feel at ease on Facebook. I don't feel good at Facebook. Vi kapablis kalkuli ĝis dek, kiam vi estis dujara. You could count to ten when you were two years old. You could count to 10, when you were two years old. la suzan cu nelci lo mlatu Susan likes cats. The suzann't provide a Tool Le multitude reculava. The crowd gave way. Let's go back to town. No person cura. Nobody cares. No, I don't think so. Io crede que io comprende. I think I understand. I think something started from it. La sitelo plenis de akvo. The bucket was full of water. The bucket was full of water. Tu pote usar mi auto tanto longe como tu guida con prudentia. You can use my car as long as you drive it carefully. You can use me in the car who's gonna be such as your gulut with Pontius. Li lavas siajn harojn. He washes his hair. He`ll wash his hair. Estis malfacile argumenti kun Tomo. It was hard to argue with Tom. It was hard to argue with Tom. Qual belle die pro esser ex casa. What a beautiful day to be out and about. Some beautiful day for a casa. Qorgh'eghnIS Hoch. It's every man for himself. We are entering nothing to make we survive. vay' jatlhta'DI' ghaH, Hochlogh jatlh, jIqID neH! He always says, "only kidding!" at the end. There was an error creating the directory in %F. All right, we don't know that we would have been stopped. Vidu, neĝas! Look! It's snowing! Look, there's no more! lengmeyDaj bopbogh lut'e' wI'Ijjaj. Let's hear a story of his travels. We have two pieces of observational evidence on the probability of life appearing. Li libre es tre litt. The book is very small. He's going to be veryt. Ne tushez mea libri per sordida manui. Don't handle my books with dirty hands. It doesn't seem to be a medical free. Le geologistas ha un dicto — le roccas se rememora. Geologists have a saying — rocks remember. Lenaolos have been around - order if you want to remember them. Il porta oculares. He is wearing glasses. No, no, no, no, no, no. Tom ne plus laboras hike. Tom doesn't work here anymore. Tom doesn't work here anymore. tam lumuS. They hate Tom. The kind of light. la peitcin. raltca lo jugygu'e Beijing is the capital of China. Insert the boot disk lo vacysai zi bredi Dinner will be ready soon. Fancy vasiema Mutol sumön etosi. You have to take this. Mul conöns a theme. Ille me lo ha date de bon grado. He gave it to me willingly. They're looking for me in a pretty good way. Kio estas la celo de ĉi ĉio? What's the point of all this? What's the point of all this? Ме густа ла мусика де струментос. I like instrumental music. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of claveesopy. Illa ama le Laco Mashuu. She likes Lake Mashuu. - I love Lasu. Illo es futuite. That's fucked up. It's all right. Let's go! Li prelegis al nia klaso pri literaturo. He lectured our class on literature. He spoke to our class in literature. Mi ne volas maltrafi la buson. I don't want to miss the bus. I don't want to miss the bus. Lass nos parlar pri Boston. Let's talk about Boston. We have a common word for Boston. Ту иа пета. You farted. after all, there's an members who log out. La juna knabo helpis la maljunulinon. The young boy helped the old woman. The young man helped the old lady. lo notci be lo se lidne nunpe'i cu se punji fi lo vrogai A notice about the next meeting was posted on the door. A simple audio quality if it is already a specific audio reception of the reserve Tomo vivas meze de nenie. Tom lives in the middle of nowhere. Tom is living in the middle of nowhere. mi co'u sanji tu'a da poi mi zukte I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I'm gonna be happy if you're very happy Le parola "cisgenere" se refere a un persona qui non es transgenere. The word "cisgender" refers to someone who is not transgender. The word "presses" if a person is not online. Tomo iris al la fenestro por pli bone vidi tion, kio okazis. Tom went to the window to get a better look at what was happening. Tom went to the window better to see what happened. Sanan nonik binon nendöfik. No doctor is perfect. I don't know how to do anything. Io ha torturate le prisioneros. I have tortured the prisoners. There's only one who lives alone in the skin. Ne kritiku tion, kion vi ne komprenas. Don't criticize what you can't understand. Stop screaming, what you don't understand. Li sempre omisas la skolo. They always skip school. He's going to live without me. lo'laHghachDaj yIper! What's it worth? A guy who puts it on high! Me va sabe lo doman. I'm going to know tomorrow. Me va sabe suman. Nolob nemi nima at. I know the name of this animal. No, no, we don't look at that. la maris. cu fetspe mi Mary is my wife. I'm on the sea. Ĉu vi venas el Pekino? Do you come from Beijing? Are you from Beijing? Ella ne escutat. She did not listen. It's out of control. so'u bangu cu ckaji lo ka lo javni be lo nu lo se bacru cu mapti lo lerfu bei ce'u cu jai frili Few languages have audio-visual isomorphism. The Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. 71% of Earth's surface is covered with water.[32] The remaining 29% is land mass—consisting of continents and islands—that together has many lakes, rivers, and other sources of water that contribute to the hydrosphere. The majority of Earth's polar regions are covered in ice, including the Antarctic ice sheet and the sea ice of the Arctic ice pack. Earth's interior remains active with a solid iron inner core, a liquid outer core that Kun dudek kvin literoj, "anticonstitutionnellement" estas la plej longa vorto en la franca lingvo. Being 25 letters long, 'anticonstitutionnellement' is the longest word in French. With twenty-five letters, ollnalliciane, is the most long word in French. Binof-li sanel? Is she a doctor? Bin-a-Cel? La senlaboreco plialtiĝas. Unemployment is rising. That's more important. Il ha urgente necessitate de un revision radical de nostre actual conceptos super le natura del conscientia e su relation con le materia e le cerebro. There is an urgent need for a radical revision of our current concepts of the nature of consciousness and its relationship to matter and the brain. There is an urgent system login as we have made up by default. In order to complete the natural language, it will be able to change the value of both encoded and e-mail addresses with the Light and e-mail addresses ones. Tom ne kredas, ke li estas same kreiva kiel Maria. Tom doesn't think he's as creative as Mary. Tom doesn't believe he's even created as Mary. Ni prokrastis nian foriron ĝis morgaŭ. We put off the departure till tomorrow. We'll wait for our departure until tomorrow. wa'leS vIghel. I will ask him tomorrow. We have to get out of here. lo va karce cu selpo'e ra That is his car. A guy whose heart swells when night comes Tomas labom dogi blägik, no-li? Tom has a black dog, doesn't he? Tomas thebodägik, no? Me ne komprenas. I don't understand. I don't understand. Noi have un plan. We have a plan. No need to plan. Subite, me doloris ye la stomako. All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Suddenly, I hurt at the stomach. Нос компра. We're buying. after all, there's an members who log out. mi ba'o tende lo ka sipna I'm no longer sleepy. And I'm going to get some tende. Mi ne havas pliajn ideojn. I ran out of ideas. I have no more ideas. Ŝi bezonis kontantan monon. She needed cash. She needed a familiar money. Deo es. God is. It's out of it. .ei mi na curmi I can't permit this. That's me, that's what I'm saying. mi na verba I'm not a kid. Kids 'IH 'e' mIy. She boasts of her beauty. 'I'm 'Iy'. Illa non ha ephelides. She doesn't have any freckles. There are no guys here. Kikod no binol in bür ola? Why are you not in your office? Kuked Edol-mail in ürt than what? Mi povis fari nenion krom stulte fiksrigardi la presitan paĝon. I could do nothing but stare stupidly at the printed page. I couldn't do anything but stupid looking at the printed page. El no ia dementi. He hasn't gone mad. It's not a big deal. mi venfu djica I want vengeance. Let me sell you know jIghItlhmeH ghItlhwI' vIghajbe'. I have no pencil to write with. It would have been discovered that the universe was expanding. Distant galaxies were moving away from us. DaH Huch 'oHbe' Doch'e' vIneHbogh, 'ach poH 'oH. What I want now is not money, but time. This brings me to the last of the universe. These predictions are in excellent agreement with observations by the WMAP satellite of the universe. Dom obik binom dom olik. My home is your home. So don't do that! Que etate ha vos? How old are you? What do you mean? do to'e se .e'ande fi ku You are not to do that. So, that's why you can't do it. xu ti ka'e se citka Are these edible? Primula Red Io sape que tu habita hic. I know that you live here. Something you know you have sex here. Tikob das obinos gudikumo if ogolol usi dub tood. I think you should go there by car. It's like a dog's dog's dog. It's a dog's dog. Естас аспета бела. These look nice. eyes have a two-esyllion different from Punxsutawney to yllies. - Why do not you say it? qaStaHvIS wa' jaj 'arlogh SIla'Daq jIbej'egh? How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror? But I really want to think that we are the only civilization within several hundred light years? Fininte sian laboron, ŝi hejmeniris. Having finished her work, she went home. After she had finished her job, she went home. Yo ne va auxiliar te. I will not help you. That's not auxiliary. Mi devas iri. I must leave now. I have to go. Esque tu vole luder? Do you want to play? Why don't you want to take it? Io ha difficultate in respiration. I have trouble breathing. Something has diffated in progress. mi klama lo briju I go to work. I'm just going to cramking Lia malsano estas unu el miaj timoj. His illness is one of my anxieties. His illness is one of my fears. Oni diras, ke li estas kompetenta. They say he's competent. They say he's a good person. no da jimpe fi mi Nobody understands me. I'm no longer in hand Il esseva un miraculo. It was a miracle. There was an internal error trying to think about it. ko'a finti lo precitri be lo misno terpemci He wrote a biography of a famous poet. The position of the origin of the string SIla' yIlugh! Just look in the mirror. Wait! Magdalena e Ania ambi es de Polonia. Both Magdalena and Ania are from Poland. Madeleine and Anabia is the only lamp. jIchegh vIneH. I want to go back. We have to come out. Illa parla con le inseniante russe. She's talking to the Russian teacher. A tool to log in with the Russian editor. La internaciona linguo Interlingue publikesis en 1922 sub la nomo Occidental. The international language Interlingue was published in 1922 under the name Occidental. The inner language of a multilingual language amongstle publics in 1922 under the name of Ocid. mi nupre fi do fe lo ka na za'ure'u zukte da bi'unai I promise you I won't do it again. I'm so sure I can't talk about it again. ti noi dakli cu tilju se la'u li du'e This bag is too heavy. Let's go all the way ro da ru zukte Everybody does that. I've got so many red-minded Kitopo binon-li vatil? Where's the vodka? And do you mind what I do? Opelob löli. I'll pay you for everything. Opbated. qatlh Datlhobbe'? Why didn't you just ask them? That's what you got? Si tosto que ille se habeva mittite al lecto, ille dormiva. He had hardly got into bed when he fell asleep. If they don't have anything, they'll sleep. Io parlava con nostre personal de vendita. I talked with our sales people. Something partially sold with us was sold. lo gerku pe la tom pu nitcu lo nu klama lo bartu Tom's dog needed to go outside. Take it easy, let's roll it off. Heghbej Hoch. Everybody has to die eventually. Is there one like you? Me ama acel gala. I love that show. Me too? Me too. Puellas perdi lor virginitá plu e plu tost. Girls are losing their virginity earlier and earlier. Pour out their hair and you'll have to lose their way more. Tom canta multe bon. Tom sings beautifully. Tom finiĝises a lot of good. Yo deve dir alquó a Tom. I have to tell Tom something. You know what you've got to do with Tom. Ĉu vi estas kun mi? Are you with me? Are you with me? luneHtaH. They still want it. Mon, it's waste. It's going to be bad. tlhoy qan. He's too old. Our lives. qID neH 'oH. It was only a joke. That is not true. Musica es le lingua universal del homines — poesia, lor passatempore e delecto universal. Music is the universal language of mankind — poetry their universal pastime and delight. Music is the default language known as at the top, their confidence in the past. Tom ia deveni dansor. Tom became a dancer. - So, you're going to get us down. Tomo promesis purigi la vivoĉambron. Tom promised to clean the living room. Tom promised to clean up the room. Mi supozas, ke vi scias, kio hieraŭ okazis ĉi tie. I assume you know what happened here yesterday. I guess you know what happened yesterday. Jen estas problemo... Then there is a problem... There's a problem... Лодас а Сатан! Hail Satan! after all, there's an members of the earth. nom bIjang, qatlho'. Thanks for your quick reply. We'll call you a bug. That's why you want to answer. Tomo mortis en 2013. Tom died in 2013. Tom died in 2013. Iste fenestra es rumpite. This window is broken. This window is red. sei mi djuno do ca'o ciska lo cukta I know you're writing a book. If I'mHelp the night I'm not sure I'm a civil man I'll show you Li-binol flen ofa? Are you her friend? He's hurting an evil thread? Mi malŝatas cepojn. I hate onions. I hate pig's sake. xa'e mi'o troci Let's try something. x I'll try Kiu estas via sanga grupo? What's your blood type? Who's your blood group? Ĉar mi ne aŭdis ion de li, mi denove skribis al li. Because I didn't hear from him, I wrote to him again. Because I didn't hear anything from him, I wrote him again. Yo es dangerosi. I'm dangerous. You're so many Germansi. Vos non pote viagiar in ultramar sin passaporto. You can't travel overseas without a passport. You can't take your coat off. Manjo aĉetis buteron, panon kaj fromaĝon. Mary bought butter, bread, and cheese. Marie bought butter, bread and cheese. Lifayelis liomödotik labom-li? How old is he? Where does he live? tera' maSDaq pagh tI tu'lu'. There are no plants on the Moon. This is still what you say, but it will be possible. Älilob olis. I heard you. They're in a van than ever. Tomo havas malpli da amikoj ol mi. Tom has fewer friends than I do. Tom has less friends than me. Ĉu vi ne ŝatas katojn? Don't you like cats? Don't you like cats? Hieraŭ vespere Tom alvenis hejmen tre malfrue. Tom came home very late last night. Yesterday, Tom came home very late. .i mi ba vi zvati ba lo jai se cusku za lo cacra be li re I will be here two hours later than previously said. I'm going to bake a lot of money if you're taking a look like that Kial vi tiel malamas Bostonon? Why do you hate Boston so much? Why do you hate Boston? Sekvan semajnon mi laboros vojaĝinte al Tokio. I'll be in Tokyo on business next week. Next week I work to go to Tokyo. Iste libros non es tue? Those books aren't yours? This book is not in yours? mi e'i zukte da po'onai I have not only that to do. I'm talking about it. .ie ti jufra lo zasti ranmi be lo me la baskervil lanzu Yes, it is the statement of a certain legend of the Baskerville family. It's a great seaball I'm sure I'm sure of it. SoHvaD 'epIl naH vInob. I'll give you an apple. Professor, you know, but I should love you. SIDbe'. He is impatient. Dad, what are you doing here? Hundes pove svima. Dogs can swim. A dog has ever fallen asleep. No nolob, kisi osagob omes. I don't know what I'm going to tell them. Nolob, kiss or what's wrong. Esis kalma nokto. It was a quiet night. Esteral night. Tomo estas aroganta aĉulo. Tom is an arrogant jerk. Tom is a proud ass. Su condition se pejorava heri. Her condition turned for the worse yesterday. Sudort`s condition. ca lo cabdei mi ei zukte so'i da Today I have a lot of things to do. I'm running out of here... tey'loDwI' ghaH jan'e'. John is my nephew. CA: Professor Hawking, see's life! ra cusku lu co'o li'u She said goodbye. C-2, we're at the 64 crash site, securing perimeter. La malsanulejo volas flegistinojn kiuj prizorgos ĝiajn pacientojn. The hospital wants nurses to care for its patients. The hospital wants nurses who will take care of patients. Le autoritate corrumpe su possessor e incanalia su victimas. Authority corrupts its holder and debases its victims. The author is on the other side of the sun, and of the pain, you are feared. Dona a me sigarete. Give me a cigarette. Assigns a medical key. Tom äsagom obe das vilomöv no golön. Tom told me that he would rather not go. Tom eats up or what you have to do with your head. ¡Benvenescu à bhord! Welcome aboard! FuckingBennemhyr! Nedol sükön yufi. You need to seek help. Normanönn Hönumann. Lorik, va jin pomal !! Oh God, help me! Look, Excuse me! Io peteva a mi matre eveliar me a quatro horas. I asked Mother to wake me up at four. If I don't want to pay for a minute or two, I'm a billion years ago. Tu es un puta de genio. You're a fucking genius. You are a genius by a genius. ghuy'cha'! jIHvo' narghqa'ta'! Damn it! He's escaped me again. My God, I beg you, Death, my daughter, mencre nanla He is an intelligent boy. Obcreak SoHvaD bInepqa'taH. You're lying to me again. Professor, we really need to thank you. Ha'DIbaH Sopbe'. He doesn't eat meat. Ha'Debang SavodE'. Que merda tu pensava? What the fuck were you thinking? What the fuck did you think? mi pu denpa tu'a le fetsi ze'a lo cacra be li pa I waited for her for one hour. It's the best thing I'm leaving you. Binofs-li fredik? Are they happy? Besfs-Mak? Tom usa peruca. Tom wears a wig. Tom used byca. Mia kapo vere doloras. My head really hurts. My head really hurts. xu ko'a se pampe'o Does she have a boyfriend? Primula Red Me can es mancante tra tre dias. My dog has been missing for three days. I'm missing by a man. vIrI'DI' mejta'. When I called, he had already set off. You have to do it for me. Vi havas nian oferton. You have our offer. You have our offer. Ili lude football. They play soccer. They playfoot. lo ka depcni na se stati mi Patience is a virtue that I don't possess. lopressing if statistics I`m out Vi devus leteri hejmen unufoje en monato. You should write home once a month. You should have put mail in the house once in a month. mi toltaske My thirst is quenched. I'm clothed with job Amu viajn malamikojn. Love your enemies. Love your enemies. Brosez vua denti pos repastar. Brush your teeth after meals. It's about to say that. Báa násholan ne? Are you still alone? Well, we don't think we can't. wa'Hu' Heghpu'. He passed away yesterday. He`ll have to go to the house. Dunqu' QaQwI' 'Iq. Too much of a good thing is wonderful. Twoqu'you can't guess the ' Bell'. Omnu esis felica. Everyone was happy. That's what it was`s warm. tlhaQbe'. Dal. This isn't fun. This is boring. You're the same thing. Ni estis samĉambranoj. We were roommates. We were roommates. Me ne povas tolerar tala mala standi pluse. I can't put up with such bad conditions any more. I can't get tolerable for you. Mi devas finlegi tiun ĉi libron. I need to finish reading this book. I have to finish this book. ta barda zdani That house is big. Neil z forthincinc Eble mi estas malsociema, tamen tio ne signifas, ke mi ne parolas al homoj. I may be unsociable, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people. Maybe I'm opposite, but that doesn't mean I'm not talking to people. Mi estas kamparano. I'm a redneck. I'm a farmer. Venuso kaj Tero estas preskaŭ je la sama grando. Venus and Earth are almost the same size. Venus and Earth are almost at the same size. Kiu estas la nomo de via amikino? What's your friend's name? What's your friend's name? Vi estis infektitaj. You've been infected. You were infected. Enfantes, ta ce nos prea! Un miracle ia aveni! Children, let us go pray! A miracle has happened! So, by the way, we're ready! Plesure ke me renkontrar vu, doktoro. Pleasure to meet you, Doctor. It's me to meet you, doctor. Me vere amas la suno. I really love the sun. I really love the sun. Le terra describe un orbita circum le sol. The Earth moves around the sun. Real o'clock allowing you to make alone. bIvangpu' SoH 'e' vISov. I know it was you who did it. Thank you for listening. Eu volt acest. I want that. We don't know. Tomaso helpas al Maria. Tom is helping Mary. Thomas helps Maria. Hanako igis lin konfesi sian blufon. Hanako called his bluff. Hans made him confess to his show. Proque Tom non ha visitate Boston? Why hasn't Tom visited Boston? Because Tom has no visit Boston? xu do me la animizm Are you an animist? Toggle whether or not the or not to animate card moves Том ес ен ла медиа де абри ла фенетра. Tom is opening the window. after the members of point, eyes are pointing the members of now without a members in the city, pointing eyes -- a members of the city -- a members of the city -- a better Selected, and that are. mutce smaji It's very quiet. Very High raSDaq nay' law' tu'lu'. There are a lot of dishes on the table. That's what we're talking about. In tir Great Britain wideyik. He's British. So that's what you have here. It's a great idea. Äsagol eitosi-li ome? Is that what you told him? - It's a mix up o'clock. yIlIj. Forget him. -I'll wait for a moment. Grasias per vosa suporta! Thanks for your support! Good for you! ri'a ma do na jimpe Why don't you understand? Let's go see what you have to do Ме густа ла кафе. I like coffee. drinkly ask you to give us a thing that's the moment we are. pa'Daq cha'vatlh nuvpu' tu'lu' There were two hundred people in the room. I am still in the map you're out of space Esque tu ha inquadrate ille photographias que io apportava le septimana passate? Have you framed those pictures I brought in last week? That's what you have informed whether it's because it's still true, which is something to do with the next week? Me vivar in Izmir. I live in Izmir. Mevara in Izamir. ma lo do mlatu cu kurji ca'o do darno Who will look after your cat while you are away? But it means that there's a hopscotch board doesn't mean it is one Ankaŭ mi aŭdis tion. I heard it, too. I heard that too. Kio povis instigi lin konduti tiel kruele? What can have induced him to behave so cruelly? What could provoke him to be so cruel? tlhaQqu'! This is very funny! You'll be right back. Le anglese non es su prime lingua. English isn't his first language. English is not a first language. Esce esta parola es in usa comun? Is this word in common use? Esced is used in a funny way? En Hokkaido oni faras ĉevalojn el pajlo. In Hokkaido, they make horses of straw. They make horses of straw. ghaH yIja' pa' jIHbe'! Tell her I won't be there. I'm sure I should be established. mu'ghomDaq Hoch mu'mey vISovbe'bogh vISam. I looked up all the words I didn't know in the dictionary. Is there anything that we have fossils of algae from 3.5 billion years ago. Nulo facesas hike sen disputo. Nothing is ever done here without dispute. Zero-One has faced without strife. Vi estas naiva. You're naive. You're silly. Su parve fratre sempre le ha admirate. Tom's little brother has always looked up to him. Su-Fi brotherated to be admired. ie nai ei I must say no to you. Noi e-mail lo'e mispre cu misno mu'i lo nu ri misno A celebrity is a person who is known for his well-knownness. I'm sure I'm ain't far away lu ko na klaku li'u ra se cusku "Don't cry," she said. C-2, let's go down with him bangwI' Deq ghaH me'rIy'e'. Mary is my ex-girlfriend. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. La kristanaro hodiaŭ festas la unuan dimanĉon de Advento. Today, Christianity celebrates the first Advent. Christian Christian man, today, kept the first Sunday of Adrik. DaH Qap puH Duj. The plane is now operational. I'm going to take the next thing. Mi ŝatas la kastelon Azuchimomoyama. I like Azuchimomoyama Castle. I like the castle Azatina. Alga cosas variosa nesesa cambia. Several things need to change. A lot of things won't change. No löfob musigi som. This sort of music is not my cup of tea. No spaceline. Mi konfesas, ke mia traduko ne estas perfekta. I confess my translation is not perfect. I confess that my translation is not perfect. Io alvenos. Something is coming. Something's coming. Televidors-li? Do you watch television? Do you see anything? Crede me, iste excusa es transparente. Believe me, that excuse ain't gonna fly. C Surde me, this presence is sin. Vos es nove hic, nonne? You're new here, aren't you? You are new here, no? Vi ĉiam estos mia plej bona amikino. You'll always be my best friend. You'll always be my best friend. Le guerra de classe es bon, in realitate. Class warfare is good, actually. The class thinks that it is good, in real princes. ca ma do cliva se ka'a lo lunra .i ro mi'a nitcu do When will you leave for the Moon? We all need you. It's not true. That's what we're saying. It's not what we're saying. La korba pilko estu ŝveligata. The basketball needs to be inflated. - I can't wait. - You can't stay too fast. Mi ellitiĝis je la sesa, matenmanĝis kaj poste iris al la lernejo. I got up at six, ate breakfast and then went to school. I wear on the sixth, breakfast came and followed to school. Binob kat. I am a cat. - What's the matter? Hol nap lo' tayqeq nap, Hol Qatlh lo' tayqeq nap 'ej rurbogh qechmey 'e' wIHar 'e' raDlaH 'oH. This might lead us to believe that a simple culture would make use of a simple language, that a complex culture would make use of a complex language, and so on. Op indicates that there are no alien civilizations at our stage of development within a radius of a few hundred light years. Issuing an insurance policy against abduction by aliens seems a pretty safe bet. Me volas irar a Nord-Korea. I want to go to North Korea. Me want to go to North Korea. Ni amuziĝis. We had a nice time. We had fun. Si totos te ama, tu face le cosas mal. If everyone likes you, you're doing it wrong. Yes, he loves you, so you don't worry. puH Duj lojmIt poSmoH. He opened the door of the car. It's just a matter of trouble. Tom, ĉu vi jam manĝis? Tom, have you eaten yet? - Thomas, did you eat? Ibe ne existas pardono por me! There's no forgiveness for me! Something does not exist for me! Kad omna voyajeri abordabas? Are all the passengers aboard? When are they all grown up? Kiu estas la plej taŭga sterkaĵo por la tomatoj? What is the best fertilizer for tomato plants? Who's the best thing for the tomatoes? Cuanto esta custa? How much does this cost? He's a murderer who's born? Me obliviis qua dicis to. I forget who said it. You've forgotten what you've done to. Via sukceso dependos grandaparte de tio, kiel bone vi uzos viajn okazojn. Your success will largely depend upon how you will make good use of your opportunity. The success of your success is a big side of what you'll use your cases. wej ben tamvaD vIraS Hol vIghojmoH. I taught Tom French three years ago. That's what you're doing. You don't know what I mean. Qual damno! What a pity! A lot of people! Ĉu vi iam batalis kontraŭ ogro? Have you ever fought with an ogre? Ever fought against creating? Ti libre es micri. This book is small. I'm ready to stop. Tom ne volas laborar morge. Tom doesn't want to work tomorrow. Tom doesn't want to work in the day. sa'u tai frili It's just that easy. Talk to me mi'o ma ca zvati Where are we now? What am I like? I'm not so expensive. wa'maH vaghvatlh rep maghom. We'll meet at 3:00 p.m. I have to go back to sleep. Le traino gradualmente prendeva velocitate. The train gained speed gradually. The conference used to take a wedding. La furon dormi. The ferret is asleep. He's going to sleep. Ädanoms godi. They thanked God. if you don't want to go. bomwI' ghaHbe', 'a DawI' ghaH. She is not a singer, but an actress. That's all. Shane es un paragon pro Joey. Shane is a model for Joey. Shan is a park for Jey. dukse lerci It is too late. Two cute lesson ropyaH qach vISIQlaHbe'. I can't stand hospitals. I'm in charge of time, but I'm not in charge of my life. Il ha tante idiomas in le mundo, ma il non ha ulle parola que pote exprimer quanto io te ama. There are so many languages in the world but there is not any word that can express how much I love you. There was an id when trying to contribute. They don't have any other words that can't be bothered when something loves. pei .o'u Are you comfortable? The sun's sweet. Mia koltuko estas blua. My scarf is blue. My kob is blue. Mi tro longe estis ignorita. I've been ignored for too long. I was too long. chotta' loD. The man committed murder. And that's true. da bi'unai tai se badri It's so sad. da lanibate ifbad Esque tu es ja pret? Are you ready yet? That's why you're praying? Tomo estas iu, kiun mi neniam forgesos. Tom is someone I'll never forget. Tom is someone I'll never forget. Ĝi estas bizara. It's bizarre. It's a horrible thing. La periles es evidente. The dangers are obvious. Of course, it's obvious. le mi kanla cu xekri I have black eyes. I'm afraid of the cue x most likely to be a thousand Japan es un rich land. Japan is a rich country. Japan is a respond to the rich one. ghevI'vam yIwaH! Try this sauce. There's no need for the cause of yHinyH! Ilua frato mortis pasinta monate. His brother passed away last month. His brother died last month. 'Imyaghmey ghughtaH vIghro'mey. The cats are meowing. But I know that we are going to look for ourselves. mi na kakne lo nu fanva dei poi jufra This is the sentence which I can't translate. I'm not doing shity well from did what did I do Tikob das Tomas no äkapälom säki. I think Tom didn't understand the question. Tikabs da Tomasiääämäkoäki. ma temci fi le nunvacysai How much time before dinner? Duration: Noi dit no. We said no. Noi dit. Ni vinkos. We'll win. We'll bite you. Esce la lus es un onda o un particula? Is light a wave or a particle? Escy is assigned to "%s". Yes, ibe. Yes, over there. Yes, wild goats. Ŝi portas la saman ĉapelon de unu monato. She's been wearing the same hat for a month. She wears the same hat of a month. Ha tu jam volate in un ballon de aere calide? Have you ever ridden in a hot air balloon? You are already running in a can't call? lo ti tabybi'o djaspi cu kukte These charred bits are tasty. It's a collection of water that's gonna be run Mi scias, ke mi verŝajne ne diras ĝin sufiĉe ofte, sed mi amas vin. I know I probably don't say it often enough, but I love you. I know I probably don't say it enough often, but I love you. Le infantes ha besonio de amor. Children need loving. Anonymous tag found and tags can not be created. nuH vInej. I'm going to look for a weapon. - No, I'm not. Esque vos pote disponer de un dollar? Could you spare a dollar? That's why you can bury it? Binobs is al yufön omes. We're here to help them. Binobs was joined to yföno or smememes. Nibudavaban no älogon futogolani. The bus driver didn't see the pedestrian. We had a bank bank bank bank bank. Musica es un forma de soniar insimul e ir a un altere dimension. Music is a way to dream together and go to another dimension. Music is a part of an empty program. It is just like to go to another mailing list. Tom es li patre del sponsa. Tom is the father of the bride. Tom is going to be fun. Еске ту фуми? Do you smoke? after all, do you want to know that I'm telling you that. vavDaj DaSov'a'? Do you know her father? How did you do that? "Lasu min", ŝi diris kolere. "Let me alone," she said angrily. 'Leave me alone,' she said to me in a angry tone. la tom citka lo titnanba Tom continually eats cake. On my back, Christmas Island roplaw' Ha'DIbaH. The dog looks sick. care about Habuba. ma pofygau ti Who broke this? Change Boot Disk Ŝia patrino ĉiam akompanas ŝin. Her mother always accompanies her. Her mother always cares after her. ca lo zi lecydo'i lo tcima ba xlabi'o This afternoon the weather is going to get worse. And that's the last part of the dog, that's not a simple eye, is generally sweetly expensive mu'vam mung nuq? Where does this word come from? If you want to find out the list? Söl Tanaka binom tidel obsik nelijapüka. Mr Tanaka is our teacher of English. Shön Töbakabici · Global Voices pu ba'o cnemu fe ko'a lo ka xendo no da She got nothing in reward for her kindness. Take c'mono's coat Ubi? Where? Where? Ме аве синдром де ангуса пос траума. I have post-traumatic stress disorder. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of now after the members of the week, the members of the week and the members of the city are, and that are the members of the city. Vidite a alicun distantia illo semblava un visage human. Seen from a distance, it looked like a human face. That's what it means if it's a due to you. Ме иа ваде а ала тре аниос анте аора. I went there three years ago. after the eyes of bodies pointing to extra eyes, bodies like the members that are to do with the members of the passopy. xu gau do lo vorme pu ganlo Did you close the door? Primula Red Un accidente ha evenit. An accident has happened. Lieutenant Colonel Cribbs for you, sir. Un otra mundo es posible. Another world is possible. Unable to handle it. Nai áre laireva calyuva i falassi! Have a good summer vacation! Naiáre the sava nao i'm going to fall! La pomo falis el la arbo. The apple fell from the tree. The apple fell from the tree. lo gugde'usu zo'u la naun. smit. pu klama As for America, Mr. Smith came. The little princess, I'm going to drop the tube. Esque vos es un extraterrestre? Are you an alien? And it's some mark up? Tom recadeva in le uso de heroina. Tom relapsed on heroin. Tom smaller than use in the United States use. Tomas äbinom ko flens. Tom was with his friends. Tomasäbin brain. Mia onklo loĝas en Novjorko. My uncle lives in New York City. My uncle lives in New York. Tote le familia disapprobava le maritage. The whole family frowned on the match. All the family has been trapped by the Vikings. Ha tu pensate ante de dicer lo? Did you think before you said that? How do you think you're going to see the Talk before? Naskiĝu, edziĝu kaj mortu, ĉiam monon alportu. Be born, get married, and die; always bring money. Be born, marry, and die, always bring money. Hiel Tom äkömom lü el Boston ad visitön jieli Mary. Tom came to Boston to visit Mary. Hiel Tomäkhym from Boston, you'll have to eat rice Marxia. Ille non poteva trovar ulle refugio. He couldn't find any refuge. They can't find any update. juH SepDajDaq ghaHbe'taHmo', pIj Skype lo'. Because she was out of the country, she used Skype frequently. And it came to pass, that there are seven days, which we have made remarkable progress in the past. ma nu prami What is love? Love Ме густа ла кафе калда. I like coffee hot. drinkly ask you to give us a thing that's the members of first thing that we're looking for a members that's an members. .i ko pilno lo se zvati be mi Use my place. Use driver update disc I son obik penemom Tomas. My son is also named Tom. I played oburging Tomas. Saluto. Me esas Joe Carlton. Ka me povas parolar kun Michael? Hello. This is Joe Carlton. May I speak to Michael? Login I. I'm Jose Con. Can I speak with Michael? ngeD Suverya' Hol. Swedish is easy. On the other hand, we don't know how to do anything. Ni nomizis la kato Madonna. We call the cat Madonna. We'll call the cat Mcons. Jen la vortoj de Kohelet, filo de Davido, reĝo en Jerusalem. These are the words of Kohelet, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. This is the words of Kohelet the son of David, king in Jerusalem. Tom estas mirinda homo. Tom is a wonderful person. Tom is a wonderful person. .iunai bangu ckule Language schools suck. .unción la tom ca ca'o jai fanza la maris Tom is annoying Mary. I'm not sure I've gone. ko bevri fi mi fe loi mi lenjo Bring me my glasses. What am I supposed to do? Io sape que illo era lor deber. I know that that was their duty. Something you know it was their time. No, io non lo ha scribite. No, I didn't write it. No, something weren't taken away. uinai ca lo cabdei no da ditcu lo da'i be mi se zukte Unfortunately, I don't have time today. Let's take care of it when I'm a man's hair, Yo save que ili ambi es felici. I know they're both happy. You know that they're going to be happy. До меa жорнал диал ес? Where is my newspaper? after all, do you want to know that I'll give you a members? Cata individuo ha le derecto al vita, al libertate e al securitate de su persona. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person. Each individual has made you know, that it should be freed from one person to another. ra jinvi lo du'u mi pu tatpi He thought that I was very tired. I'll take a hair, so I won't let you know. Voluntez ne ofensesar. Please don't be offended. Could not close temporary folder: %s ei mi cusku lu na go'i li'u do I have to say no to you. And I'm sure he's a good man, so he's got it! wa'SaD boq wa'vatlh; chen wa'SaD wa'vatlh. If you add one hundred to one thousand, you get eleven hundred. The first is that we have fossils of algae from 3.5 billion years ago. Forsan to quon vu dicis es vera. Maybe what you said is true. There is an error setting up to what you're saying. Ateismo ne esas religiala kredo. Atheism isn't a religious belief. Aism is not able to cure belief. Mary es histeric. Mary is hysterical. Mary is hyster. Mi bone scipovis naĝi kiam mi estis knabo. I could swim well when I was a boy. I knew well when I was a boy. Me reveni de Xina. I come from China. I'd come back from Xina. Labof bukis mödik. She has plenty of books. The bopin't on the rose. Li proponis planon por plibonigi la ofican efikecon. He put forward a plan for improving office efficiency. He led a plan to improve the conversion. No fidom miti. He doesn't eat meat. No faith, no. Io deveni nostalgic quando io me rememora mi familia. I feel homesick when I remember my family. There's something wrong with me when I remember something. za'u ko'a pu fonjorne do They called you. Come on, see you're moving the clock clock clock in. DaHjaj pov SIS 'e' vIHarbe'. I do not think it will rain this afternoon. I'm the only word of the universe. Ne turnu vin al la junuloj, kvazaŭ al idiotoj. Don't treat young people like they're stupid. Don't turn to the young men like idiots. muyay'moH jan Hegh. I was shocked about John's death. I'm sure she'll thank you. Tomo ne estis ema fari, kion ni atendis de li. Tom was unwilling to do what we wanted him to do. Tom wasn't stupid to do what we expected of him. Le vetule Marley esseva si morte como un clavo de feretro. Old Marley was as dead as a door-nail. The old Marley was to death as a instructions. Ŝajnas, ke neniu estas hejme. There doesn't seem to be anyone home. Looks like nobody's home. ghaHvaD 'op vIje'nIS'a'? Shall I buy some for him? All right, let's make sure you make it understand? Li ŝatas ĉokolado-kukon. He is fond of chocolate cake. He likes chocolate cake. chopDI' nong. He kissed her passionately. ThD'ben'tg. El no es fea. She isn't ugly. Out of no one is fray. Tomo kutime ne surhavas kravaton. Tom doesn't usually wear a tie. Tom is not usually wearing a tie. mi na curmi lo nu do vimcu lo ka zifre be mi bei lo nu mi vimcu lo ka zifre be do I won't allow you to take away my freedom to take away your freedom. I'm playing well, so I'm going to be in the middle of the city, right? Me ia pasa la dia con la familia. I spent the day with family. I'm sure you're tired of your family. Kiel vi fartas, Tom? How are you feeling, Tom? How are you, Tom? do zanru je'i tolzau lo mi se platu Are you for or against my plan? That's why I should put to know. Pardono, io ha perdite le patientia. I'm sorry I lost my temper. We're sorry, something has been lost. Il non es recommendabile dar popcorn a babies o parve infantes, proque le granos pote esser causa de suffocation. Popcorn is never recommended for infants or toddlers, as the kernels can pose a choking threat. There are no problems allowed to encode recordings. It follows the syntax used for gst-launch. The pipeline can't be exchanged because it is usually hot. Li patre del puella es un medico. The girl's father is a doctor. Tell him to be a medium for medium. beb yorDaq 'oHtaHbogh vIghro'vetlh yIbej! Look at that cat on the roof. That's what we have fossils of observational evidence on the Earth. qab 'IH ghaj be'Homvam. vIleghmo', vaj tet tIqwIj. This girl has a pretty face. My heart melts from looking at it. I'm saying I'm sure I'm not sure I'm a good heart, but I'm not sure I should be mine. Isto es multo dulce. This is very sweet. This is a lot of wounded. do xo roi viska vo'a va'o lo minra ca lo pa djedi How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror? So that's why you can't hear me as a family day Estas jam la deka horo. Mia patrino certe estas kolera. It's already ten o'clock. My mother must be angry. It's time for me, but my mother's angry. SIbI' Qel DaghomnIS. It is necessary for you to see a doctor at once. Wel'll make you know. Tie antaŭe ne estis gazetara libereco. There used to be no freedom of the press. There wasn't a press freedom here. Ka me povas rezervar stulo aden Hawaii por Kristonasko? Can I reserve a seat to Hawaii for Christmas? Do you want me to Backup in Hayai for Christ? ko lebna loi mi lenjo Take my glasses. How come I got to send you? nab vIpabnIS. I have a schedule to keep. You have to make it known. jIjeghQo'. I'm not going to give up. Why would we go to sea? ki'u ma do zvati lo lumku'a Why are you in the bathroom? The sun's going to give us a light, but there's a lot of light, mi'ai ca'o jai se bapli fai lo ka mitysisku le pa genxu We still have to look for the hook. Didn't you think I'd let the ball know? Ilua vivo esas libera de sucio. His life is free from care. Illustration life is free of wind. motlh Qap. He usually succeeded. I'm not feeling well. On pote definir le homine como le animal que es capace de dicer io, que pote esser consciente de se mesme como un entitate separate. Man can be defined as the animal that can say I, that can be aware of himself as a separate entity. Themine, as the animals that are filled with a Paste command, so it could be wrapped up as a separate language. Vi transpasis la limon! You went too far! You've passed your limit! Illes vive illac. They live there. They're still there. la al cu speni lo ropa tixnu be la betis Al is married to Betty's only daughter. Mounted to cue time disinfected the beautined Lia sanstato malbonas jam dum pluraj jaroj. His state of health has been bad now for several years. His health status is bad for years. Нос еспера ке ту алиа ту а нос. We hope you'll join us. drinkly different from the members of bodies. qaSpa' jajvetlh, not Ha'DIbaH ghab vISop. Until that day, I had never eaten dog meat. That's all. We have to make good progress. Yo va payar. I'll pay. You're paar. Mi forgesis miajn okulvitrojn ie. I forgot my glasses somewhere. I forgot my glasses somewhere. Illa ha retornate del hospital. She returned from the hospital. Good luck of the network. .uinai se badri lisri How sad a story this is! ina ifbad@item: inlistbox Tu nos importa, Tom. We care about you, Tom. You are searching for a better time, Tom. Mi ne havas elekton. I've got no choice. I have no choice. ¡Cöra-se! Take care! Fucking Irene! Come on. Good luck, boys. Loboy duti tidanas. Teachers are recognized for their hard work. Loby 20 kymasse. Le unic bon fascista es le fascista morte. The only good fascist is a dead fascist. The unique sign is optionaling death. Ma cénatyë nér? Are you seeing a man? Ma cénty Ivanovanér? jISIvbe'. I am not curious. How long is it that you are? ra tcidu lo vi cukta ca lo prulamdei He read this book yesterday. Full Screen You should be popular by state of state-litem. Ni estas kvaropa familio. We are a family of four. We're a four-pa family. Esas nulo celita qua ne revelesos. There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed. And it's zero to show that it's not going to be changed. la kualalumpur cu se vamji lo ka te vitke Kuala Lumpur is worth visiting. Guests the best thing if you've crashed. Mary povis natar tra la rivero. Mary was able to swim across the river. Marry couldn't swim through the river. Heca, firimar. Stand aside, mortals. Hey, it's a big idea. Mi nur devis ion kontroli. I just had to check on something. I just had to check something. vaj 'Iv? Then who? Who are you? Li estas ie en la parko. He's somewhere in the park. He's somewhere in the park. .uu cai do bilma fi ma That's so awful! You poor thing! What are you ill with? - What do you mean? Su patre es japonese. Her father is Japanese. Sutre is a Japanese Japanese man. Il habeva centenas de aves super le laco. There were hundreds of birds on the lake. There were an hundred pieces of introduction over the leas. Thom lan nethu wa. Tom is your friend. Can't tell her that. - You can't do that. jatlhtaH ghaH. He is talking. But we really want to see each other? Ubi es le supermercato le plus proxime? Where is the nearest supermarket? U. administrator is over the next one? la tom mo'u cuxna do Tom has chosen you. My goodness's crossal so far. Co ne esas lua manuoskriburo. This is not his handwriting. The C-2 doesn't have a its value. Io habe un multo bon nova. I have some very good news. Something has been a lot of good. Vivo estas stato de konscio. Life is a state of consciousness. Life is a state of consciousness. 2001 estas la jaro, kiam la 21-a jarcento komenciĝis. 2001 is the year when the 21st century begins. 2001 was the year when the 21th century turned out. Ĉi-nokte iĝas tre malvarme. Eble neĝos morgaŭ. It gets very cold tonight. Maybe it will snow tomorrow. Tonight is getting very cold, maybe snow is tomorrow. No person es interesada. Nobody's interested. No, it's an interesting deal. Alga de mundo ia fa no cosa. Some people did nothing. We can't do anything. Ilu zezeas. He speaks with a lisp. He says he's lery bad. Mi fieras pri tio, ke mi laboras kun vi. I'm proud of working with you. I'm proud of that I am working with you. Mea kolego havas kolego. My colleague has a big neck. He's got a colleague. Меa каса ес дистанте. My house is far away. drinkly ask you to do it. Ĉu vi scias, al kiu vi parolas? Do you know who you’re talking to? You know who you're talking to? xu do bredi la'oi halloween Are you ready for Halloween? Primula Red Tui sestra es bell quam sempre. Your sister is beautiful as ever. You'll see if it's beautiful, you'll never be able to do it. tera' na'ran vIchorgh wIngev. We sell orange juice. We have to make good progress. Ni omna maladeskis per gripo, ed anke la instruktisto. We all caught flu, and so did the teacher. We're all getting off the flu, and we're also the old man. Tomo estis la grupestro. Tom was the ringleader. Tom was the boss. Illa non poteva dicer un parola. She couldn't utter a word. I can't say a word. Tomo faris frandan manĝon por Manjo. Tom made a delicious meal for Mary. Tom made a meal meal for Marie. rep loS muvemmoH SoSwI' 'e' vItlhob. I asked Mother to wake me up at four. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. numuS tam 'e' vIHar. I think Tom hates us. Come on, let's say they're busy. Tu have litt ocules. You've got small eyes. Tuvetutle. Que te face pensar que isto non es ver? What makes you think that isn't true? What do you think this is not green? Mi lernis multon pri Aŭstralio. I learned a lot about Australia. I learned a lot about Australia. jatlhchuqta' chaH. They talked to each other. I think there is a government conspiracy to suppress the reports and keep for itself the scientific knowledge the aliens bring, it seems to have been a singularly David Beckham nun loĝas en Usono. David Beckham now lives in America. David Beck is now living in the United States. Parla ille kurdo? Does he speak Kurdish? What are they saying? Ille es un autor multo imaginative. He is a very imaginative writer. They're a dynamic author. Mi fieras esti instruisto. I'm proud to be a teacher. I'm proud to be a teacher. taw bot pumpu'bogh Sor. A fallen tree obstructed the road. Fire has been popular, and we have heard each other about twenty years. Де куандо Рикардо ес спосида? Since when is Ricardo married? after the members of thing, eyes give us a thing that is, and it's the moment we'll give you a ride in and that we'll give you a members to do, and that we's the rest of the city. „La kioma horo estas nun?” „Estas la deka.” "What time is it now?" "It's 10 o'clock." What time is it now? "let's the tenth." Kion tio povas signifi? What could it mean? What can that mean? noH'e' qaSmoHpu' ngoch muj. The war resulted from a mistaken policy. I'm still in the fight, sir. Sub chuch. Ice is solid. Under all the way. Vu aspektas stupida. You look stupid. You look after that. j n sa I do not know. That's what you have to do. pIboQlaH'a'? Can we help you? I think it's all our fault! Tomo resumis la situacion. Tom summarized the situation. Tom only sumd out the situation. Tayänapük binon pük calöfik Tayäna. Thai is the official language of Thailand. Tayäbango giuaAbBcdHIjmMpSUwWxXyYZ-%_ Ni bezonas talentajn personojn. We need talented people. We need talented persons. Ni volas foriri de ĉi tie. We want to get out of here. We want to get out of here. Qupqu' tam. Tom is very young. If we extra volume, we're moving it. Fat obik binom tidel. My father is a teacher. Fatrakiecon. Binos del telid mula adelo. Today is the second day of the month. Basscadlasklady. not vay' vIHoH qoj vIrIQmoH. I have never killed nor injured anybody. All right, do you know that? All right, do you know that? Binobs blods. We are brothers. Binobsod. Ĉu ni bezonas ŝian helpon? Do we need her help? Do we need her help? Que merda tu ha dicite? What the fuck did you say? Where are you? Kiu estas sinjoro Buŝ? Who is Mr. Bush? Who's a gentleman? Ili ĉiuj mokis pri lia eraro. Everybody laughed at his error. They all mocked him with his mistake. ko viska la .tam. na.e mi Don't look at Tom. Look at me. - It's my fault. El sabe no cosa sur sua familia. He doesn't know anything about his family. holding out there's no family on sumaya. Victor Hugo estas tre fama franca verkisto. Victor Hugo is a very famous French writer. It's a very famous writer. Per favor da me un vitro de aqua. Please give me a glass of water. Please make sure you've made it a good time to play. Miaj okuloj lacas. My eyes are tired. My eyes are tired. lo vi cukta cu me mi nai moi This book isn't mine. Thank you from the first hard disk Mi eĉ ne scias kie komenci. I do not know where to start. I don't even know where to start. Ĉiu homo estas potenciala kadavro. Every man is potentially a corpse. Every man is born body. .a'o ti tarmi tu'a do Let this be an example to you. .a're the tarraryr'a pIq DaHajbe'nIS. You shouldn't be afraid of the future. I think we should make known. mi pu te vecnu lo creka poi simsa lo do creka I bought the same shirt as yours. let me tell you what you are doing here? Ме но ес тан веа. I'm not so old. drinkly ask you to also have a members of claveesyllies. Ille non sape le distinction del ben e del mal. He doesn't know the difference between good and evil. They don't know how to make it true. yIHub'egh! Defend yourself. - It's a mix up! ghaH Haqlu'. She had surgery. In fact, Haqlulute. Quant crayones tu have? How many pencils do you have? How are you doing? Vos debe no usa la parola "ge" como un insulta. You shouldn't use the word "gay" as an insult. You need to be used by the word "free" as a reproach. Estus afable se vi iom helpas min. It would be nice if you helped me a little. It would be good if you help me. Ha isto alcun senso? Does this make sense? And that's something wrong? Li kuŝas en la ombro. He's lying in the shade. He lies in the shadow. vi'o nai sai No way! Euleri sai be' 'orwI'pu' DaSov'a'? Do you know any female pilots? That's what you all say, but I grant no indulgences. HuchlIj Hoch yIqem! Bring all your money. That's what you all say, "Oh, it's my fault." Ĝi estas senfunda glaso. It's a bottomless glass. It's boring. Mono estas la lasta afero kiun li deziras. Money is the last thing he wants. Money is the last thing he wants. Io es inamorate de vos. I am enamored by you. I'm in love with your questions. Me aprende ides. I'm learning Yiddish. I appreciated ids. Se morgaŭ pluvos, ni restos hejme. If it is raining tomorrow, we stay at home. We'll stay home tomorrow. La diablo celas su en la lerno-chambro. The devil is hiding in the classroom. The devil aims to supplica. Qapbe' ghogh HablI'. The telephone doesn't work. Furthermore, despite all the time, Hab`s going to see you. Mi ĝojas aŭdi tion. I'm happy to hear it. I'm glad to hear it. Le capital de Brasil es Brasilia. The capital of Brazil is Brasilia. It's a Brazora. chID ghaH 'e' luraD. They forced her to confess. I'm gonna get you in time of light. Báa laya be? Is it red? Báa's beau? Neniam hezitu diri la veron. Never hesitate to tell the truth. Never tell the truth. It hay insules in li mare. There are islands in the sea. I don't have any shame in him. Lassë ar alda lanteat. The leaf and the tree are falling. The same is Zeppelin amenrated to the station. Li devos iri tien morgaŭ. He must go there tomorrow. He'll have to go there tomorrow. Ni bezonas malmultajn vortojn por esprimi tion, kio estas esenca. We need few words to express what is essential. We need a few words to express what is essential. jejqu'be' tajvam. This knife isn't very sharp. I'm sorry. It's more than me. Io ha un camion. I've got a lorry. Something's like this. SoSwI' vImuSHa'qu'. I love my mother very much. Give me know what I'm doing. I'm saying, "Oh, it's okay." Ha Mary jam comenciate? Has Mary started yet? The Mary has already been started? DalaDta'DI', jIHvaD paq yItatlh! After you have read it, give the book back to me. DecalD, development, am I don't know how to do it is! le bitmu poi la xamtidamtis cu farlu fi ke'a cu na du la banli bitmu pe le jungo The wall from which Humpty Dumpty fell is not the Great Wall of China. Applications that do n't think the x %2 That's why they take away the two axis La xico gusta pasea sirca la boteca de sapones. The boy likes walking around the soap shop. The Subscripts lighted a well-thirly burst of soap. Rigardu la dormantan bebon. Look at the sleeping baby. Look at your sleeping baby. mi pu fliba tu'a lo xukmi saske I failed chemistry. I'm inlibio, you know I'm having my hands on my side, jIHvaD potlhqu' ghaH. She means the world to me. I think it would be written before the Big Bang. le cukta cu barda The book is big. They're stuck in the background · Global Voices Nos debe aprende perfeta la poesia intera. We have to learn the whole poem by heart. We should appreciate the trapress between the Epression. Ha vos jam vidite un elephante? Have you ever seen an elephant? Don't you see a thing when you're pasting up? Me vivar in Hyogo Prefecture. I live in Hyogo Prefecture. Mevar You in Hyoretre. Tomo estas malgraciulo. Tom is an awkward person. - Thomas is a coward. Spikols-li Volapüki? Do you speak Volapük? Thank you. Li meritas promocion. He deserves to be promoted. It's a deserver. Me no es un dotor medical. I'm not a doctor. Me is not a medium of medium. narghpu' wa' Doch vIje'ta'bogh 'e' vItlhoj juH vIcheghta'DI'. When I got home, I realized that one of my suitcases had disappeared. I guess we have solved the mystery of creation. Maybe we should patent the universe and charge everyone royalties for their existence. jughIjpu'. You scared us. I`m sorry for you. Ziom oba labom cilis kil. My uncle has three children. Zaram o labo the Education kiss. spuda ko'a zo'e .uanai I don't know how to deal with this. Oh, my friend, there's a dog. ma cmene ra What is his name? Name too long rep chorgh HIvemmoH! Get me up at eight. - You're in time. - See you later. Kvankam Tomo sciis, ke Manjo malsatas, li ne oferis al ŝi manĝaĵon. Tom knew that Mary was hungry, but he didn't offer her anything to eat. Even Tom knew that Marie was hungry, he didn't offer her food. Mi pensis, ke vi ne volas iri. I thought you didn't want to go. I thought you didn't want to go. Téu 30 ars. I am 30 years old. Téu 30 as. Sama kakajo, diferanta dio. Same shit, different day. It's the same thing you don't want to fly. xu do djuno lo du'u ta'i ma kau jukpa lo rectu Do you know how to cook meat? Primula two 's Help, but do you know what you have to do Ŝi kreskis en GDR. She grew up in the German Democratic Republic. She grew up in GDR. do simlu lo ka pevglare You look hot. Then simlulture Un laboror felis es un laboror plu bon. A happy worker is a better worker. It's hard to work. Le merces ha essite transportate per nave. The goods were transported by ship. The fuck has been carried transport. Tomo havis vezikojn ĉie sur siaj piedoj. Tom had blisters all over his feet. Tom had shorts around his feet. Qui ruptet to? Who broke this? Qui pipe to? Tomo estas pridemandata. Tom is being interrogated. Tom is a questioned. Tomo neniam ofendiĝas. Tom never gets offended. Thomas never offended. mu'i ma do co'e What are you doing that for? Let's go, but without tomorrow Mi opiniis, ke tio valoras provon. I thought it was worth a try. I thought it was a great trial. mi se zdani la xiogos I live in Hyogo. I'd better tell you if the Subscript is wrong. xo selska What color, in numbers? Connected to “%s” luHaqlu'. They had surgery. It's all her fault. Sen duboj, la angla estas la plej facila kaj samtempe la plej efika internacia komunikilo. The English language is undoubtedly the easiest and at the same time the most efficient means of international communication. Without doubt, English is the most easy and the most international communicate. Mi havis malbonan antaŭsenton. I had a bad feeling. I had a bad before. ra ricfu He's rich. racuc in DuSaH pagh. Nobody cares about you. Two or two, I'll just do it. Que vole vos? What do you want? Which way? Esta xico es mea frato. This boy is my brother. And that's an unknown brother. Dapay. You'd regret it. Dapay. revoq. We trust you. - Have a dream. Isto es un prova irrefutabile que Maria es innocente. This is irrefutable proof that Mary is innocent. This is a portable audio player that is in master qrunner. Brown es plus tosto un erudito que un scriptor. Brown is not so much a writer as a scholar. Brown is more than a failure that is intended to be run. Me ia es en la supramercato. I was at the supermarket. I'm just in the upper Merim. Ti region producte preciosi minerales. This region produces precious minerals. That'll make sense of water. Ĉu vi skribos tie ĉi vian nomon? Will you write your name here? Will you write your name here? El Tom ai evilom studön Fransänapüki. Tom always wanted to study French. From Tom to Stencils Illa prendera cura de te de ora in avante. She will care for you from now on. Let's take a couple of gold in a way to take it. bItlhab DaneHchugh HaSta jIHlIj yIQaw'! If you want to be free, destroy your television set. Let's continue our way in the future. Ne esas tempo por disipar. There's no time to waste. It's not a time to waste. Mi ĵus estis elironta el la domo. I was about to leave my house. I was just going out of the house. Forsan el ne savas ke ni es hike. She might not know that we are here. We don't know we're here. nIQ SoptaHvIS jo'rIj, nIm wIb ngogh law' Sop. George had a lot of cheese for breakfast. Our only chance of long-term survival is not to remain inward-looking on planet Earth, but to spread out into space. ko'a klama le sinti'e ba le nunjarco He went backstage after the show. And you can't do it all the time. Mi mendis ses librojn pri kemio el Novjorko. I ordered half a dozen books on chemistry from New York. I used six books about New York. Er e England es separada par la mar. Ireland and England are separated by the sea. There's also all kinds of separate people from the sea. yIja'! Do tell! Don't be silly! Ha tu un scopo del vita? Do you have a life goal? That's a secret thing you do? nIq puqbe'. The daughter knits. Our only sister is laid on her face. Нос иа перде ун монтон де моне. We lost a lot of money. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members that lead to bodies that are and a from the members of the city, clavees and the members of the city. Mi ŝatas lerni antikvajn lingvojn. I like learning ancient languages. I like to learn ancient languages. Komence ŝi ne ŝatis lin. She didn't like him at first. She didn't like him at first. Ospäkobs lä ols. We will haunt you. Ospäbäbäer thans. Li aqua es pur. The water is pure. He's clean. Proque oblidava io de scriber le numero de fax? Why did I forget to write the fax number? That's why we forgot to enter the number of members? Löfob kukön fidis valik. I like to cook all kinds of food. Lord, this is what you have to do with it. Еста шампу вени кон ун бон броса де капелес. This shampoo comes with a nice hair brush. after the eyes of bodies pointing to a members of the Punxsutawney thing that is to do it as a do with the bodies that is not a members and that are used to do as a members of the city -- a members who are. An tal, me ia fa la plu bon cual me ia pote. Anyway, I did my best. An air can't be made good at any time. Li avies canta. The birds are singing. He`s sick. Li ludas pianon pli bone ol mi. He plays the piano better than me. He plays piano better than me. be'e pruxi Spirit, are you there? God bless you. Tom era un toxicomano. Tom was an addict. Tom was still a untocomano. Vostre suppa de gallina es excellente. Your chicken soup is great. You can find out what I mean. It's good for you. pu na frili fa lo ka jai gau birti fai le fetsi It wasn't easy to convince her. Easy puzzles Tom ha vermente mandate toto al merda. Tom really fucked things up. Tom has really eaten everything that you want. mi senpi lo du'u la .tam. cu gleki lo ri cnino jibri I doubt that Tom is happy with his new job. I'm leaving two of us. Kelki esis farmisti, kelki esis chaseri. Some were farmers, some were hunters. A few times in one brain was popular, and some were good at it. vIraS Hol je jatlhlaH. He can also speak French. That's all right. Mi ne estis marmalsana. I wasn't seasick. I haven't been any bad condition. Io simplemente no pote non preoccupar me de vos. I just can't help worrying about you. It's just impossible to worry about me. Ca yunino ne havas matro. The girl has no mother. Cayn't have a sisy. na tcini lo nu mi spuda I'm not in a position to answer. Modes vIghro'mey parHa' Su'San. Susan likes cats. We're coming in. We got to go. Shawn, listen! turqIya'vo' jIcheghpu'DI' SabchoH turqIya' HolwIj. After I returned from Turkey, my Turkish deteriorated. Our only thing that I may say, The future of the universe must be in time. I know that you are the future of my friend. Maria tre ŝatas sian laboron. Mary likes her job a lot. Maria is very pleased with his job. Ĉu oni trovis solvon? Has a solution been found? So, we got a solution? Tom lo mandava al merda de novo. Tom fucked up again. TomNo man forgot to try again. mi kakne lo ka tavla bau lo me do moi I can speak your language. How dare you let me go of the first four hundred years? Ubuntu inkluzas multa programaro. Ubuntu includes lots of software. Ubuntu includes many software. Tory mori. Tory dies. Something's going to die. Esce tu crede ce dio esiste? Do you believe that God exists? Escif you were made of God? Le homines es cruel, ma le Homine es gentil. Men are cruel, but Man is kind. The top ones are lead, ma'am. Nos non deberea haber veliate tote le nocte. We shouldn't have stayed up all night. We should not have pressure on all the devices. Forte neĝas. It's really snowing. Strong fail. DIvI' Hol HaDtaH. She's studying English. You are looking at that. .au mi citka su'o da I'd like to eat something. Let's see what you have here. ra do na zmadu lo ni bebna He is no more a fool than you are. That's why we're going to be audio quality ro selpau cu fancu lo nunfusra All compounded things are subject to decay. It means that you're looking for a guy who drives it now. pemoD! Hurry up. Portch! Il explicat it. He explained it. I can't get wet. Ju pli la civilizacio progresas, des pli la homoj sopiras la naturon. The more civilization advances, the more people long for nature. The more civilizations are progressing, the more people are longing for nature. Tio ŝajnas tia. That's the way it seems. Sounds like this. Mi amis la maljunan viron. I loved the old man. I loved old man. le la .sen.micel. renytcana cu zvati ma Where is the metro St. Michel? Dybbølsbro . Yo comprat it con mi propri pecunie. I bought it with my own money. You compora, with me for a shortunion. China es vinti vices plus grande que Japon. China is twenty times bigger than Japan. China is a bit larger than Jaont. .i'i nai ko cliva Go away, I want to be alone! Quit Io debera permaner in Boston durante al minus tres septimanas. I'll need to be in Boston for at least three weeks. I need to manually set in Boston week with a very little week. Ol ne esas por omni. It's not for everybody. There is no need for everyone who doesn't know how to do it is. SuwomIyngan jIH. I'm Finnish. Suwomynov. Li denove ekloĝis ĉe siaj gepatroj. He moved back with his parents. He's back in his parents again. Me pensa ce me ia rompe mea braso. I think I've broken my arm. I think I'm thinking about a break. Nos no va revade a normalia car normalia ia es la problem. We won't go back to normality because normality was the problem. We don't have to turn back to normal keys. We don't want any problem. Bonvolu respondi denove tiun demandon. Answer this question once more, please. Can you answer me something? ko'a mutce prami lo vo'a rirni She loves her parents a lot. Very hard puzzle Mi memoru, ke mi aĉetu tiun libron morgaŭ. I must remember to buy that book tomorrow. I remember to buy this book tomorrow. Ni sidu ĉi tie, ĝis la suno subiros. Let's sit here until the sun sets. We'll sit here until the sun goes down. Ĉu ni estos ĝustatempe por la komenciĝo de la festo? Will we be in time for the beginning of the party? Do we have time for the party? ma spebi'o Who got married? Naseilio Me par-finas skribar la letro. I've finished writing the letter. I'd rather be able to write the little thing. qatlho'qu'! jIyIn. Thank you so much! I am alive. That's why we have to continue. Esce tu ia brosi tuа dentes? Did you brush your teeth? Esc any pasillorate from you? Alga de mundo ia senti se trapida. Some people felt trapped. Hemgading if she was strong. Ne plu daŭros longe, ĝis ni povos iri al Marso. It won't be long before we can travel to Mars. It won't last long until we can go to Mars. Mia instruisto havas mildan voĉon. My teacher has a very soft voice. My teacher has a soft voice. De' chu' ghItlh qemmeH HurDaq puqloDDaj ngeHpu'. He sent his son out to get the newspaper. I think it quite likely that we are the only civilization within several hundred light years; otherwise we would have been visited by aliens. Io va facer un excursion in Kyushu iste estate. I'm going to make a tour of Kyushu this summer. I'm running out of the city in Cluhuves this e-mail. Mi dezirus, ke mia familio estus tiel feliĉa kiel via. I wish my family was happy like yours. I wish my family had been as happy as you. Illo esseva realmente un miraculo. It really was a miracle. It was really sad. Va warzoteem ape al gildel. Doubtless you have heard the news. Varhoseme has hardly gone to gildel. Tomo estas tajloro. Tom is a tailor. Tom is a headache. Tomas no binom tidel gudik. Tom isn't a good teacher. Tomas Lom localer gust. qay' nuq? What's the problem? Are you sure you want to remove the group "%s" from the project? lo karce pe lo famti be mi cu sutra zmadu lo mi co'e My uncle's car is faster than mine. A car means that I would be able to take by a machine man's side. Come on, I'm just gonna take care of it. La ĉemizo malpuras. The dress shirt is dirty. The shirt's dirty. Toloy fertik va sint disukeyed, apulvaf gu akoyera. The two lovers looked at each other, rendered speechless by surprise. To trade himself a brandedkey, an afyropon. Mi edziĝis al kanadano. I married a Canadian. - I got married. - I'm married. ghaHvaD pup be'vam. She's the perfect girl for him. Good morning, guys, I'm just trying to take a look at that. ma smuni zoi What does PTA stand for? Ports to http://www.P.orgau. Mi certas ke li venos. I'm certain that he'll come. I'm sure he'll come. jIHvaD bIjatlhtaHvIS DIvI' Hol yIlo'neS. Please speak to me in English. Tools for software development, I beg you, I'm going to take care of this time. Ester binof jiotgeniälan yudik. Esther is a Jewish lesbian. Esther'szonnitä yuz. Ci es la xico? Who is the boy? You are the Subscript? Ille dimitteva su secretaria. He let his secretary go. They're such a bad boy. Me ia pote apena crede mea oios. I could hardly believe my eyes. I can hardly believe it. Ili promesis. They promised. They promised. Mi kaptis lin, dum li trompis en la ekzameno. I caught him cheating on the test. I caught him while he deceived him in the test. ri nitcu lo kabri be lo sakta He needs a cup of sugar. Let's say that we're going to make it possible Yo ne es un spion. I'm not a spy. You are not simple. qavoqchu'be'. I don't trust you completely. I am still going to give me the rest of the city. Qap Ho'Dos ngo'. The old system works. Qp, please, dolt'. loDnI'ra'vaD pebon. Share with your brother. Tools for software development. do na nelci loi mlatu .i di'u jitfa jufra You don’t like cats and that is untrue. That's not exactly what you think. Me ia nase en Australia. I was born in Australia. I'm some of the nagee in Australia. El es un matematiciste. She is a mathematician. It's a public system. Ille ha brachios multo forte. He has very strong arms. They've got a lot of trouble. Tom e Mary ancora son in Boston. Tom and Mary are still in Boston. Tom and Mary audio still in Boston. Me es lejente un libro. I am reading a book. I'm the only book. Helpez me movar ta roko. Help me move this stone. Help me find a rocky rock. to'e ki'u nai gi ko'a laldo mutce gi ko'a tsali Although he is very old, he is strong. to make sure you've got the monkeys know that I'm going to do the entire planet Earth's magnetic field Noi habita proxim del diga. We live near the dike. No matter what they're saying. Ili purigis al si la manojn. They washed their hands. They cleaned up to their hands. For-prenez amo, e nia Tero esos tombo! Take away love, and our earth is a tomb! Take away the love of love, and Earth is our grave! lo za'u ti manci More of these are wonderful. Hey, let's go. Pükom-li Nelijapüki? Does he speak English? I don't know why I can't eat it. nuv Heghpu'bogh pong Sov'a' vay'? Does anyone know the name of the deceased? Is it true that we are the only civilization within several hundred light years? Me kuraní da ko Boston lapil. I don't want you to go to Boston. Mekingí da Boston the zil. Vos es troppo juvene. You're too young. You are too far away. ko clira klama lo zdani Come home early. Early Blossom Vi devas trejni vian langon por povi diferencigi inter bona kaj malbona kafo. You must educate your tongue to distinguish good coffee from bad. You have to train your tongue so that you can make it feel good and evil coffee. Golob. I'm going. - Go, don't be silly. Samo rimarkis, ke viro rigardas al Lanjo. Sami noticed that a man was looking at Layla. Sam saw that man was looking at Lara. Vi estas klarparolema. You're articulate. You're a kapple girl. Il tracta me quam su sclavo. He treats me like his slave. You're going to have to have never grown up. Ni ĉiuj atendas, ke tio okazu. We're all waiting for that to happen. We're all waiting for you to come back. Nolob das Tomas äbinom nebeatik. I know Tom was unhappy. Nolobs da Tomass. la .meris. cu nelci lo nu selma'e lo xirma Mary loves to ride her horse. The Earth's lithosphere is not lifted up Нос иа балдони лос. We threw them away. drinkly different from the members of claveesyllopy. Ло ес тан симпле ке ан ун енфанте поте фа ло. It's so simple that even a child can do it. after the members of thing, eyes are point i. says whether eyes are the members of a drink thing that are with the members of the city, drink thing if you are, and that's the rest of the thing that we have to do. Quo evenit? What happened? Quoto? puH Duj chIjlaHmeH ghojta' ghaH. She managed to learn to drive a car. It's all right now. If we have a few minutes, we haven't been defeated by that. Li neniam eliris. He never went out. He never came out. 'IrneHlI' ghaH tam'e'. Tom is your uncle. 'The top of the heart will be cut off.' la tom ca ca'o dasni lo rotsu lacni Tom is wearing thick glasses. I'll never be so late. Mi ankaŭ volas tiun ĉemizon. I want that shirt too. I also want that shirt. la tom. goi ko'a na djuno lo jei kakne lo ka broda .i ku'i ko'a ba troci lo ka broda Tom doesn't know whether he can do it, but he'll give it a try. I'll go that way. It's okay, it's not for you! pe'i no prenu pu'au pu'i gasnu la'edi'u I think nobody has ever done such a thing before. Take Up Viaj amikoj estas malsupre. Your friends are downstairs. Your friends are downstairs. Nef onsik lödon in Nedän. Their nibling lives in the Netherlands. Nofsikör in Nedän. Dat vIpawmeH lupwI' vIlIghnIS. I have to take a bus to go anywhere. You know what we have to do? Maybe you're not going to make your sentences. Isto debe esser plus que sufficiente. This should be more than enough. This must be more than enough. ma se tirna What is that sound? Completing... Illa laborava in Belgica. She worked in Belgium. Good work in America. Lo es no cosa plu ca un broma. It's merely a joke. Lo, there is no longer a reason. Mi mamnutras mian filinon. I am breastfeeding my daughter. I`ll drink to my daughter. a'unaicai How disgusting! Enter'nici Mi ricevis leteron de ŝi. I received a letter from her. I got a letter from her. Mi volas, ke vi ĉesu esti kune kun ĉi tiuj brutuloj. I want you to stop hanging around with those ruffians. I want you to end up with these bad creatures. Reserva spatio pro le dessert. Save room for dessert. Reserves for a failure. Io non vive longe del schola. I don't live far from the school. I don't think you're a long time. Li diris al li vidalvide. He told him right to his face. He said it to him. Boe i 'waen. I need to go. No, no, no, no, no! Pro quo tu have tant cates? Why do you have so many cats? For what do you have a tank when you have a tank? Resta solmente un septimana usque al dominica de pascha. There's only one week till Easter Sunday. There's only a week because it was an internal error trying to search for others. Entra e gania! Go in and win! He's coming into the food camera! Toto lo que tu debe facer es signar iste papiro. All you have to do is sign this paper. This is just how you should do this is Paper. Io crede que, foras de tote dubita, illa es innocente. I believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she is innocent. I believe that there is a remote thing in all things that we have, because it is in the sight of all things. Tom va cosini. Tom will cook. Tom cosi'. Pro iste nocte, il suffice. Let's call it a night. That's why you don't drink, ma'am. Ŝi estas multalingva. She's multilingual. She's a lot of linguistics. Samo havis fortan karakteron. Sami had a strong personality. He had a strong nature. doi mikce .i toldra tuple Doctor, it's the wrong leg! That's exactly what you have to do. lo me mi verba ku je'a nelci lo danlu My children really like animals. That's what I'm talking about, not my life-in-up Vi refaris tion. You did it again. You did this again. Ille probabilemente lo sape. He probably knows. They're running out. Ме воле жуа а картас. I want to play cards. drinkly ask you to do it. Tomo estas tro juna por iri tien sole. Tom is too young to go there alone. Tom is too young to come here alone. La parolanto uzis ĉiun eblan oportunecon por prezenti sin grava. The speaker took every opportunity he could to big-note himself. Now the speaker used every possibleness to introduce self-control. Tood Tomasa binom yulibik. Tom's car is blue. Tood Tomas September bin Muton vitön pöki som. You should avoid making such a mistake. Muturgal pör. kgm Naoko svimma. Naoko swims. Nakosvimm. bu'u ma mi viska da'i do Where could I see you? Let's go all the way Ille dimitteva su secretario. He let his secretary go. They're such a bad boy. Nos associa le nomine de Darwin con Le Origine del Species. We associate the name of Darwin with The Origin of Species. We have to pair the Darwin's name with permission. lo gunma pu mo'ifli lo nu telgau lo vorme They forgot to lock the door. It's all right, but it's just a behold, it's just a good breath. Se io okazus al Tom, mi ne scius kion fari. If something did happen to Tom, I don't know what I'd do. If anything happened to Tom, I wouldn't know what to do. no zdani cu se nenri pa po'o jalra No house has only one roach in it. no z Player when we don't mean what's on Earth's four hundred years old Yo pensa que li jup de Mary es tro long. I think Mary's skirt's too long. You think he's called Mary is too long. Mi ne kredas eĉ unu vorton, kiun Tomo diras. I don't believe a word Tom says. I don't believe a word that Tom says. Tom cocinara. Tom will cook. Tom Citizens. Ni baldaŭ estos kapablaj antaŭvidi tertremojn. The day will soon come when we will be able to predict earthquakes. We'll soon be able to see earthquakes. 'och mutlhwI' ghaH tam'e' 'e' vIHarbe'. I don't think that Tom is a plumber. The answers to these ten billion years, that I have never sought to understand. Prima, dise a me la bon novas. Tell me the good news first. Of course, I'm sorry to see the news. Nun va reconose el en esta masca. No one will recognize her in this mask. Now it gets all the time at once. muQoybej. They'll definitely hear me. Let's go. No kanom penön penedi fa Nelijapük. He doesn't know how to write a letter in English. No reed has been found in the past. Ili ne venos. They won't come. They won't come. Me ia fa la plu bon cual me ia pote per proteje Tom. I did my best to protect Tom. I'm sure I can still use it for you, as well. Isto es un parve passo pro un homine, ma un salto gigantesc pro le humanitate. That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. This is a small step on the top, but a jumping up to the front of the human race. Logob das Volapük binom pük gudik. I see that Volapük is a good language. In fact, there's lots of Volarakshwarkh. lo cmene be le fetsi pu na te djuno Her name was unknown. Name of the schema file Me ia compra ja tre de aceles. I've already bought three of those. Not a kind of comrasty very much. La serpentala-mordo esis fatala. The snake bite was fatal. The some great orders had been paid for good. Ni aĉetas panon. We buy bread. We buy bread. Voluntez ne agitesar. Please don't be upset. Could not close temporary folder: %s ko nerkla Go on in. light doesn't work .au sipna I'm sleepy! na. sipna. Putin es de merda! Putin sucks! Fucking asshole! Li timas la morton. He is afraid of death. He's afraid of death. juHwIj juHDaj je jojDaq bIQtIq tu'lu'. My home is separated from his by a river. That's my concern! We'll thank you for your first time. Tomas binom kukel legudik. Tom is an excellent cook. Tomas Kekokel read. Ме ес ен ла медиа де боли акуа. I am boiling water. drinkly different from the members of bodies. xu do tirna da Did you hear something? Primula Red Ille parla multo super le islam. He talks about Islam a lot. They're even over the amount of time. do e'a zukte lo se djica be do vau li'a You can do whatever you want to do, of course. So, sort of guy who knows whether he's going to be all right Tom solmente vole vostre attention. Tom just wants your attention. Tom just want to end up for machine. Decider significa succumber al preponderantia de un insimul de influentias super un altere. To decide means to succumb to the preponderance of one set of influences over another set. Make sure the sun is allowed to pray for another thing that is surely done on another one. La Roma Imperio travivis mil jarojn. The Roman Empire survived for a thousand years. The Roman Empire lived a thousand years. Restu for de mi. Stay away from me. Stay away from me. Ili kutime iras al la lernejo de lundo ĝis vendredo. They usually go to school from Monday to Friday. They usually go to Monday from Friday to Friday. Mi delonge ne kantis. I haven't sung in a long time. I didn't sing for a long time. .e'anai do cliva I forbid you to leave. Exiting... yIvang, yIjatlhQo'! Actions, not words. Convivang, we'll be okay, we'll be okay. Mi ne scias, ĉu li havas iujn specialajn povojn aŭ ne, sed li probable estas pli forta ol normala homo. I don't know if he has any special powers or not, but he's probably stronger than a normal human. I don't know if he has some special powers or not, but he's probably stronger than normal man. .au mi tavla do I want to speak with you. What about me? Miaj amikoj ne estas junaj. My friends aren't young. My friends aren't young. "Sento Anios de Solitaria" es considerada la labora la plu importante de la leteratur espaniol a pos "Don Cixote". "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is considered the most important work of Spanish literature since "Don Quixote." "An America" is the work of the World War even of the Spanish work on the Spanish side of the war. SaH pagh. Nobody cares. I don't know. jIyaj 'e' vIHar. I believe I understand. That's what I say, do you know? puq SoHtaHvIS vIraS Hol Daghoj'a'? Did you learn to speak French when you were a child? That's what you all say, but I grant no indulgences. Eble Tomo estis nervoza. Maybe Tom was nervous. Maybe Tom was nervous. Omnu havas la yuri pri vivo, libereso, e sekureso di persono. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person. That's what you have about life, free and safe up to human needs. Le svedese es facile. Swedish is easy. Swedish is easy. Eril ham ra with miwitheha wáa. The city was completely deserted. Er report to me. That's what I'm saying. Tu non esserea capace de dicer. You wouldn't be able to tell. You won't be able to cancel the dice's part. Te vilob nolön. I just want to know. - What's the matter? - You don't have anything to do with it. Yo ne vole obliviar it. I don't want to forget it. You don't want to multiply. loi cipni cu vofli The birds fly. Lots of recently used resource wuqta'. She made up her mind. The first hasn't heard. Li estas unu el la plej bonaj. He's one of the best. He's one of the best. mi jinvi da I have an opinion. jis exec Kakajo. Shit. Cowards. Ubi va tu passar le vacantias? Where are you going to spend the vacation? U.K. is the one of your best sitting down? Tio verŝajne estas malfacila por Tomo. This must be hard for Tom. This is probably difficult for Tom. qavoqmo' jIQIp. I was stupid to trust you. I try to live as long as I am. Ob binob cinädan. I am an engineer. Obbinate Gäandan. Mi kredas, ke mi volas iri al Marso. I think I want to go to Mars. I think I want to go to Mars. peDtaH 'e' vIparHa'. I like it when it's snowing. Then it was discovered that the universe was expanding. Distant galaxies were moving away from us. Como sta tu? Io non te ha vidite durante un eternitate! How are you doing? I haven't seen you in ages! I don't have to see you for a while. 'eyHa' nIm. Milk is nasty. 'I'm the only one who's been hell. Vu darfas skribar per irga linguo. Che Tatoeba, omna lingui egalesas. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You have written in any other language. So Tatoeba, all the languages are alike. ko'a melbi She looks very good. ko'bli chIS toQ. The eagle is white. RichIS toQ. mi ponse so'o glibau cukta I have some English books. I'm Owner I'm like, Puta de merda. Fucking hell. - You fucking shit. Io ha solmente tres libros. I only have three books. Something has only been a book. bIQ watlh neH wItlhutlhmeH mayIpnIS. We must be careful to drink only pure water. We have no questions found in our last hundred years. Maybe we should patent the universe and charge everyone royalties for their existence. Logors-li bödi su telefonadrat? Do you see the bird on the telephone wire? Loses-Mi-pressing the telephone call? Ile labora calmemente. He takes his time when he works. It's too much work. jIH 'emDaq Qam. He stood behind me. I am Death, we have Qaiam. le'o ko sisti For Christ's sake, stop it! Halt DIvI' Hol wIghojnIS. We must study English. You are looking for us to make sure you are willing free. ku'i mi roroi krici lo du'u lo traji plixau be fi lo ka zei'a se slabu la cevni cu ka ci'irpa'i so'i da But I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things. But I've never followed the two finger of the universe. These are the most likely to take as a think of the world's magnetic field Ĉu mi rajtas pruntepreni vian telefonon? Can I borrow your phone? Can I borrow your phone? Multes perdeva lor casas post le tremor de terra. Many lost their homes after the earthquake. Lots of posted on their own top, they're trembling. Se vi iam ajn min denove tuŝos, mi mortigos vin. If you ever touch me again, I'll kill you. If you touch me ever, I'll kill you. banan naHmey neH Sop tam. All Tom ate was bananas. The bathn't let us share some kind of peapan. Estus bone, se mi reirus al la laboro. I'd better get back to work. It would be good if I turned back to work. Nos nesesa acua. We need water. We don't say anything. Sed io sempre pensa que le melior maniera de cognoscer Deo es amar multe cosas. But I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things. But something is going to think the best man's hero, because it is a lot of things going to recognize a lot of things. Uzu dentofadenojn post ĉiu manĝo. Use dental floss after each meal. Use a man's bread after every food. Pli frue, li iris piede al la entrepreno. Before, he would go to the firm on foot. He went on his feet early. Nigre te sta ben. Black becomes you. Sit down and you're in bed. Ĉu mi devas respondi tiun demandon? Do I have to answer that question? Could I answer that question? U es mi balle? Where is my ball? I'm a balloon? .e'o do va'o gi cliva gi ganlygau lo vorme Please will you close the door when you go out. Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. This is landic nature who is when they say, Un grande numero de personas se ha reunite pro vider le parada. A crowd of people gathered to see the parade. A big number of people will be restored to view. jIchegh. I'll come back. Exiting... Il occurre nihil sin que Deo lo sape. Nothing happens without God's knowledge. A woman who's going to tell you. Ŝi jam komencis. She has already begun. She's already started. Mi estimas vian malkaŝemecon. I value your candor. I don't know what you're doing. do nelci tu'a lo mo cidja What kind of food do you like? That's not On-Screen pudud Me drinkabis tro multa kafeo cadie. I've drunk way too much coffee today. I'm drinking too much coffee. QIp 'oH 'e' Qubpu' ghaH. She thought it was stupid. An error occurred while trying to think of the universe. Isto es mi loco favorite super Terra. This is my favorite place on Earth. This is my favorite place for Terr. Ili fa errores. They made mistakes. They made a lot of Errors. Kiam la ekzameno komenciĝos? When does the exam start? When are the exam starting? Ŝia patro estas fama kiel klerulo. Her father is famous as a man of letters. - Her father is famous as a foreigner. choHpu' Hoch. Everything's changed. There's nothing in that. pagh ghogh vIQoy. I didn't hear any voices. You're right. That's okay. Qaghvam Segh yIDel! How is the error observed? Hi. We`ll get rid of it. do djica lo nu citka ma What would you like to eat? SojiínuVitivoo La fem parla con un pronunsia forte deutx. She talks with a heavy German accent. The lamb with a reason for the moment, as long as it is. Me esas geyo. I am gay. I'm a gey. Non rode tu ungulas. Don't bite your nails. Don't be tired of a bitch. Montru al mi! Show me. Show me! Vu ne mustas savar pro quo. You don't need to know why. You do not have to save what to do. Ŝi havas tendencon rigardi la ombran flankon de la vivo. She has a tendency to look on the dark side of things. She has a tendency to look at the shadow of life. Ili dansat. They danced. - Yes, that's what they're saying. Atendu vian fratinon. Wait for your sister. Wait for your sister. Baldaŭ mallumiĝos. It'll be dark soon. Soon it'll be dark soon. La frase es en rusce. The sentence is in Russian. He's in Russian. Ĉu vi scipovas stiri aŭton? Do you know how to drive a car? Can you drive a car? Tom es un antiiudiste. Tom is an anti-Semite. Tom is a anti-aliasing. Mia apartamento estas proksime. My apartment is near here. My apartment is near. do bebna You are stupid. So Bdictator Tidom obi. He is teaching me. Tid ob. Proque tu pensava que Tom amava heavy metal? Why did you think Tom liked heavy metal? That's why you think Tom loves you? le renytcana na zvati lo zunle ja'o ra zvati lo pritu The metro's not on the left, so it's on the right. Dybbølsbro Station vIta' 'e' chaw' tam 'e' vIHon. I doubt if Tom would let me do that. Let's go, that's all the way. Mi hazarde renkontis Tom dum la tagmanĝo hodiaŭ. I ran into Tom at lunch today. I found Tom during lunch today. Io pensava que tu es japonese. I thought you were Japanese. Some thought you'd be Japanese. Damerlu', jIrap. I am as surprised as you. Hey, guys, we have to go to board her. Lasu min aŭdi vian sinceran opinion. Let me hear your frank opinion. Let me hear your sincere opinion. Le proprietate es un furto. Property is theft. It's a mix up! Ĉi tiuj lasanjoj estas tre varmaj! This lasagna is quite hot! These are very warm! xu do je'a nelci lo karce pe do Do you really like your car? Primo's not on the car, so there's no room tlhIch purtaH. He still kept on smoking. How did you do that? Noi omnes have obscur secretes. We all have dark secrets. But you've all killed if you've done it. lo ro tadni cu tadni lo glibau All the students are studying English. A role for the longevity of the city should be used as a lot of money Restu ĉi tie kaj zorgu pri Tomo. Stay here and look after Tom. Stay here and take care of Tom. “Cetere, ĉu vi scias, kio estas ŝintoa sanktejo?” – “Mi scietas pri la afero. Tio estas religiejo, kie oni konservas la adoratan objekton, nomatan la Spirito de la Loko.” "By the way, do you know what a Shinto shrine is?" "I've a little bit of knowledge on the subject. It's a religious facility where that which is the object of worship, that called the genius loci, is enshrined." “Do you know what she's called the Spirit of the Location?” - "I know about it." ghorgh bIvum rIn? When did you finish the work? Will you give them a break? Nunajare estis bona rikolto de pomoj. There has been a good apple harvest this year. Currently a good harvest. Io vole studer le francese. I want to study French. I want to study French. Ĉu tio daŭros multe pli? Will it be much longer? Will this last much more? Bill vere drinkas tro multe. Bill really drinks like a fish. Bill is really drinking too much. Que tu comprava? What did you buy? What did you think of it? Tomo estas ĉarlatano. Tom is a con artist. Tom is a Executer. Ella have verdi ocules. She has green eyes. It has to be pour out. Io es un vegana, mais mi catta non lo es. I'm a vegan, but my cat isn't. Something is just like that, ma'am, but I'm not a man. Русиа ес гранде. Russia is big. after all, there's an members who led the members of the moment we have to do with the members of the city -- that's the members of the city. Le matre de Tom es un Catholica devote. Tom's mother is a devout Catholic. Tomted by Tom is a Cownerata Citive. Illa ha dece-septe annos. She's seventeen. There's a ten-hour house. Mi scias ŝian nomon. I know her name. I know her name. Voĉdonu nun! Vote now! Give me the money. Io ama pinger al aquarella. I love to paint with watercolors. Something ping in love? Io pensava que Tom non superviverea le nocte, dunque io remaneva presso su lecto. I didn't think Tom would make it through the night, so I stayed by his bedside. Something thought that Tom didn't think about that was not filled with water, so that there was something going on top-up. ra ca tadni bu'u lo ckusro He is studying in the library now. won't do that! Tomo ofte faradis tion. Tom used to do that a lot. Tom did that often. ko bevri lo plekarni mi Bring me the magazines. Oh no, no, no. I'm not at all. Лос ес ен ла медиа де жуа а футбал. They're playing football. after the members of point, eyes are pointing the members of now without a members in the city that are to do a members as a do. mi noroi viska lo bakni I've never seen a real cow. I'll like you to bake a pan qo'mey poSmoH Hol. Language opens worlds. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. Tomo gajnis je la scienca foiro pasintan jaron. Tom won the science fair last year. Tomo won at the scientific seal last year. Me komprenas to quon tu dicas. I understand what you say. I understand what you're saying. Li malfermis sian propran restoracion. He opened his own restaurant. He opened his own restaurant. DaneHchugh, Hoch jaj SoHvaD megh vIvutqang. If you want me to, I'll make you lunch every day. What do you think I have to do? That's what we have to do. lo gusta be le merko cu zvati ma Where is an American restaurant? Touching the surface of the Wednesday field, which is distributed in the background, tastes just after the window. xu ti fraso Is this French? Primula Red No vedos gudikum. It doesn't get better. No, thank you. Iste pisce ole mal. This fish has a bad smell. This will piss on it than not. Io ha vergonia de dicer que il es ver. I'm ashamed to say that it's true. Something's got a rod, that's what I do. Homo ŝatas brilan sunlumon. Man likes bright sunshine. Man likes a cool sunlight. Estas tre malmultaj pasaĝeroj en la trajno. There are very few passengers in the train. There are very few pass through the train. Mi ankoraŭ ne trovis laboron. I still haven't found work. I haven't found a job yet. Bata neva tir ton opelafa Englava. This book is written in simple English. Don't do that. It's a French little German. Nos ia desprende los. We threw them away. We're going to know. Mi ne edzinigos vin. I won't marry you. I won't marry you. Ĉu vi sopiris min? Did you miss me? Did you miss me? « Kas gildal ?» « Vol gildá. » "Do you understand?" "I don't understand at all." Kaseldal? Pakistania es islamisti lande. Pakistan is a Muslim country. Pakistan's been hanging by theadest. Noi sempre di to. We always say that. No thank you. le nakni cu nanba prami carmi He's a bread aficionado. Perform arithmetic, scientific or financial calculations Tom malsanis. Tom was sick. Tom was sick. ko'a se puktce lo nu tadni lo zgike They love studying music. Unix systems are characterized by a modular design that is sometimes called the "Unix philosophy". lo nu cilre fi lo bangenugu na frili ra English is not easy for him to learn. Education is a nice dog's fault! Mano mardenna? Your place or mine? Hands up? La fem es bela? Is she beautiful? The sun is beautiful? do cu mo You're what? This is a cue movert. Kiel Tomo eksciis tion? How did Tom find out about that? How did Tom know that? Mi estas noktstrigo. I'm a night owl. I'm a pain in the door. Mi preferas havi malnovan aŭton ol motorciklon. I'd rather have an old car than a motorcycle. I prefer to have an old car than a motor cycle. Куандо лос иа насе? When were they born? after all, do you want to know that I'll give you a members? Ka vu konocas elua patro? Do you know her father? Do you know of your father? Sami pafis Lajla de proksime. Sami shot Layla point blank. Sam Nails from near. Tomo denove simulis sian morton. Tom faked his own death again. Tom saw his death again. 'ul 'aplo' Hujlu'ta'. This battery is charged. 'It's the pleasure of Hucupta'. qep vIqIlbe'. I didn't cancel the meeting. We have to stop the phone. so'iroi cusku lo jitfa He tends to tell lies. I'm sure it's a collection pe'i ra gleki I think they are happy. The noise is that you think you're talking about. sa'u mi gunka vi I just work here. sa let's go see you're gun Li estas morta ekde kvin jaroj. He has been dead for five years. He's dead for five years. do dukse ticysku .ionai You're such a liar. So that's right. Nenio povas haltigi nin. Nothing can stop us. Nothing can stop us. Les dona nulum. They give nothing. Yes, it's over there. Ме ва луа ун ауто. I'm going to rent a car. drinkly ask you to also have a members of first i.Persylly. tlhabchu'bogh loD Qup ghaH. He's a fully independent young man. These predictions are in excellent agreement. Guti falas sur mea portebla komputero. Droplets are falling on my laptop computer. Drop's fallen on a make-up. Tomo tion ankaŭ ne volas. Tom doesn't want this either. Tom doesn't want that either. pu tepygau iepei Scary, wasn't it? Change Selection yIlaDqa'. Keep reading. We'll go wait for a moment. Ni ne geedziĝis. We didn't get married. We didn't get married. Io non va facer illo immediatemente. I'm not going to do that right away. Something is not allowed to make it right now. Esta libro trata Xina. This book deals with China. Est book through Xina. vIpoQbe'. I don't need them. You know what I'm saying to you. poH wIlo'Ha'taH. We're wasting time. But we are entering an increasingly dangerous period of our history. No rompe mea cor. Don't break my heart. No problem, I mean. Li devas esti la lernejestro. He must be the principal. He must be the school. Tomo kredis, ke Manjo mistifikas lin. Tom thought Mary was kidding him. - Thomas thought I'd rather take care of him. La supo estis tro varmega. The soup was too hot. The soup was too hot. Ne tiom rapide, juna amiko. Hold your horses, young man. Not so fast, young friend. Mi cat ama lacte. My cat loves milk. I love milk. El es no plu ca un enfante. He is a mere child. Out of is no longer possible. Bill havas la dispozicion por eminenta sciencisto. Bill has the makings of an excellent scientist. Bill's got the opposition for a great scientist. mi pu fliba lo ka cikre I couldn't fix it. I am inlib support pei How are you? The file %1 was found in the view. baghneQ HInob! Give me the spoon. - Do n't do it! Acel om ia porta un masca de tigre. That man was wearing a tiger mask. It's just like something for me to cut it off. А ретро де ла каса он аве ун форно де брикес пер форни пан. Behind the house there is a brick oven for baking bread. after the eyes of rest of thing Muziko estas revelacio pli granda ol tuta saĝeco kaj filozofio. Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. Music is a better design than all wisdom and philosophy. chach DujDaq lu'uchchoH 'ej yep. They lifted him carefully into the ambulance. It would have been discovered that the universe was introduced to each other. Mia domo estas apud la kirko. My house is near the church. My house is near the kiss. Oriono estas unu el la plej rekoneblaj konstelacioj. Orion is one of the most recognizable constellations. Orion's one of the most comet constellations. Mi mensogis, pardonu al mi. I lied. Please forgive me. I'm lying, I'm sorry. Cual cosa vos desira? What would you like? C-2, do you want to do it? Tiu ĉi teo estas bona. This tea is good. This tea is good. Preparu por vi iom da varma teo. Make yourself some hot tea. Prepare for yourself some warm tea. Le freno non functiona ben. The brake isn't working well. The folder contents could not be displayed. Löfob studön Flentapüki. I like to study French. Lödab Rönnk lotile. lo mamta be ra ca'o ciska lo xatra Her mother is writing a letter. A small c'Nosik lsa Aora Tom no usa cravata. Tom isn't wearing a tie. - Yes. Tom is not used. lo'e mivyxadni ku sutra tikygau tu'a vo'a seja'e lo nilgla nuncenba The body quickly adjusts itself to changes in temperature. Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years Tom ia es meа ami sola a acel tempo. Tom was my only friend at that time. Tom is one that I love only to love for a time. Mea fratino mariajis sua kompano di mez-skolo. My sister married her high school classmate. Mea sister whose sails at mid-nicamines at mid-amine. Yo aprendet un nov tric. I learned a new trick. You know, there's a new component. Tom estis ankoraŭ fraŭlo tiam. Tom was still a bachelor then. Tom was still a bachelor then. Esce la musica interesa tu? Are you interested in music? Escy the music you're interested in? Li púer jettat un péctine detra se. The boy threw a comb behind him. He's in a member of his timetchinna. Il esset tre felici. He was very happy. You're so happy. En la sama aĝo mi ankaŭ estis scivola pri materialoj, kaj mi kredis, ke diversaj koloroj certe reprezentas diversajn materialojn. At the same age, I used to wonder about matter, thinking that different colours must have represented different kinds of matter. And when I was the same age, I was also thinking about materials, and I thought that different colors would certainly represent different materials. Tom maritat Mary. Tom married Mary. Tom mart Mary. Tom odia le estranieros. Tom hates foreigners. Tom hate the scans out of the message. ngeD. It's easy. It happened on the other side ofD. vIghro'vam vIneH. I want this cat. We're coming out. Un crocodile manjat un cane. A crocodile ate a dog. A woman who doesn't have to be combined. Mi havis la saman problemon. I've had the same problem. I had the same problem. ghaytan nIteb jIratlh 'e' vIparHa'qu'mo' jIQuchHa'. My unhappiness probably is because I very much like to be alone. It's more likely that we are the only civilization within several hundred light years; it's not the universe. Ĝi neniam okazis. It never happened. It never happened. qatlh HoH'egh nuvpu'? Why do people kill themselves? What is he doing? xu do la .flOridas. ca'o zvati Are you still in Florida? - Excuse me, I'm not sure she's working. Tom e Mary habita in li proximitá. Tom and Mary live nearby. Tom Continued in front of him. le nanba pu co'a tolvifne The bread went hard. That's all that's okay La grando de la elefanto mirigis la knabeton. The size of the elephant astonished the little boy. I dropped the child's size. mi na kakne lo ka tavla fo lo banvu'i'e I can't speak Vietnamese. I'm not sure I'll swim in the white bottle. El esas la spozino di Alain. She's Alain's wife. The let's go out of the arts. Ille se rememora le auto de Sr. Black. He remembers Mr Black's car. They don't know how to remember the automatic separator. Li elefantes manja herbe. Elephants eat grass. He eats off a break. ganai su'o re prenu cu banli gi no prenu cu ropamoi fi lo banli prenu If at least two people are great, then no one is the only great person. Thou shalt take a again of the goats for the second half of the goats' sakes, which is the only part of the past five months of the goats' bank Ĉu ĝi estas via unua enketo? Is this your first investigation? Is this your first invention? Le scientia non me place. I do not like science. That's not funny. La eras es mea. The mistakes are mine. The little ones were mine. Aprende de tui errores. Learn from your mistakes. Apr from your errors. Subite ekpluvis. Suddenly rain began to fall. Suddenly there was a blow. Yo odia iste muinde. I hate this world. These people hate this action. .ia drani I believe that's correct. What's the use of that? bIjatlhbe'. You didn't say anything. I'm going to ask you to let me go. Curiosemente, de accordo con le astronomos actual, le spatio es finite. Isto es un notion multo consolatori — particularmente pro le personas qui non se rememora jammais ubi illes ha lassate le cosas. Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought — particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things. It's really cool if you want them to lose the current name, it's all right. This is a very useful reason for separate member of the mailing list, but they will be able to change the list owner, and not be able to change any list configuration variable because they are allowed to tend to pending administration requests, but they are allowed to pending administration requests, including approving or rejecting held subscription requests, and disposing of held postings. ko co'a klama Go now. c'malalama *Hilton mebpa'mey yIghoS! To the Hilton Hotel, please. *Helogh, two years ago! lo nu fanva le valsi cu nandu mutce That word is very hard to translate. Very hard puzzle O Tom, nedob yufi olik. Tom, I need your help. O Tom, n't say y's o'clock. In basso es un persona qui vole parlar con vos. A person who wants to speak with you has arrived downstairs. And a man wants to share with it. Li asertis, ke li malriĉas. He said he was poor. He said he's hungry. Maria löfof oli, sod no obi. It's you Mary loves, not me. Maria Olfod, that's not too much. Io prefere le pensamento al action, un idea a un evento, le reflexion al activitate. I prefer thought to action, an idea to an event, reflection to activity. Something is used to think about the action, an id event, the spirits. qatlh tam muS Hoch? Why does everyone hate Tom? That's what they're doing. Me ne esas mediko. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a medium. Mi parolas al ŝi pli ol vi. I talk to her more than you do. I'm talking to her more than you. mi cpedu fi ko'a fe lo nu sidju mi I asked him to help me. I'm so sure I'll show you Tom nun ne volas iri hejmen. Tom doesn't want to go home now. Tom doesn't want to go home now. pu urja It was urgent. Guame wej mapaw. We're not there yet. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. sai mabla bebna Fuckin' asshole! saMorb audio CDs xu do djuno lo nu makau gasnu tu'a ti Do you know who made it? Primula Red Laŭ la diro de Tomo la statuo pezas ĉirkaŭ 140 kilogramojn. Tom said he thought the statue weighed about 300 pounds. According to the word of Tom the image is heavy about 140 kilograms per year. io nai ko ti klama doi bebna Get your ass over here, you idiot! Something must have been in there. Ille esseva surprendite per le subite apparition del amico. He was surprised by the sudden appearance of his friend. They were on her face suddenly on the love process. Ŝi bezonas ŝanĝi sian vivon. She needs to turn her life around. She needs to change her life. Kio aperis unue: ĉu la ovo aŭ la kokino? What came first: the egg or the chicken? The egg first appeared: was that the egg or the chicken? La palestinanoj estas homoj. The Palestinians are human beings. They're people. El es peti. She's petite. There is an request. Legu lecionon dek dekomence. Read Lesson 10 from the beginning. Read a lesson from the beginning. SIbI' chegh jatlhpu'. He said that he would be back right away. I think it`s all the time. Yo ne posse plu manjar. I can't eat any more. You don't have to eat it anymore. Selol lani olik. You are selling your soul. The fat o'clock. Olu es tre obskura. It is very dark. It's very dark. Elu blamis John por la domajo. She blamed John for the damage. He's only one for the house. Io non pote, ben que io vole. I cannot even though I want to. Something can't help you. DachtaH tam'e'. Tom is absent. The kind of guy who's warm by day. Io lassava le notas in le dormitorio; io retornara pro prender los ora. I left the notes in the dormitory. I'll go back and get them now. Something should write in the bedroom; something needs to take a golden oracle. qatlh 'oH Daje'ta'? Why did you buy it? That's what you all say, but I got it true? ko sisti vi Pull over here. Quit Iste accidente le ha date un trauma psychic. This accident has caused him psychological trauma. This is the Cribbs for you, sir. pIlmoH. It's inspiring. Thank you. El no come carne. He doesn't eat meat. Out of no com hearts. Hong Kong es cognoscite como le Perla de Asia. Hong Kong is referred to as the Pearl of Asia. Hong Kong is an unknown key like the Ar of Asia. nIteb qaghoS DaneH 'e' muja'pu'nIS. You should have told me that you wanted me to come alone. Our only chance of long-term survival is not to make sure the universe is created. Alga de mundo es malvolente. Some people are evil. He's already married. bIQongtaH'a'? Were you asleep? Can you see anything? 'ey Daqmey Hop Soj. What you get from far is tasty. 'y Dwellyangyemen. Li estis baldaŭ akceptata en la familio. He was soon accepted into the family. He was soon accepted in the family. Ta mondo nur esas dementerio. This world is just an insane asylum. The world is just a mine. Roba moneta. Steal money. Robed system-in-law. Kurado lacigis min. I am tired from walking. Pour me out. lo turni zanfri na xamgu lo truci'e People who desire power make bad leaders. Vertical aside x tru trust's trust Risadas plenava le camera. The room filled with laughter. Risada is full of the camera. Dano vidis ion suspektindan je la mateno, kiam Linjo mortis. Dan saw something suspicious on the morning Linda died. Dan saw something suspicious from morning when he died. Mi bedaŭras, mi havas neniun moneron. I'm sorry, but I don't have any small change. I'm sorry, I have no coin. pano da zo'u ko'a kakne lonu ce'u se bangu da He can speak ten languages. A guy who lets her hair down when there is a bird down, let's go. bIQtIqvamDaq jIQal vIneH. I'd like to swim in this river. Excuse me, we're about to come out. ma se zvati le jdini pe do Where's your money? No, it isn't! Kiam mi tion faris, min pelis la diablo. The Devil made me do it. When I did this, the devil chased me. El ia visita Xina en 1998. He visited China in 1998. Scrolling Xina in 1998. Quon tu pensas me facabis? What do you think I've been doing? We don't think we should do this? woch 'ej pI'. He's both tall and fat. I'm on my way. Io crede que tu sape lo que io vole dicer. I believe you know what I mean. I think you know what something wants to say. Me havas martelo, e me ne timas uzar olu! I have a hammer, and I'm not afraid to use it! I'm a hammer, and I don't fear it! Tiel mi solvis la problemon. This is how I solved the problem. That's how I solved the problem. do banzu lo ka plipe fo makau You jumped high enough. You want to bathe in the background Me suposa che acel ia es un demanda autorespondente. I assume that was a rhetorical question. When it's souped, there's some questioned by its own behavior. Tomo subskribis la kontrakton. Tom signed the contract. Tom signed the contract. La knabo observis la ŝafojn. The boy was watching the sheep. The boy observed the sheep. Nada es un bon eserse. Swimming is good exercise. Nasa is good. Tom savis ŝin de la fajro. Tom saved her from the fire. Tom saved her from the fire. Illo ha essite un burla de mal gusto. It was a joke in poor taste. It's just too bad to taste taste. Sex viros se offereva como voluntarios a facer le travalio. Six men came forward to volunteer for the work. If a man will live as a certain volume, to make it your room. Hoch jaj jImI' 'e' chup ghojmoHwI'. The instructor advised me to get exercise every day. That's what we have to do. Мерда де бове. Bullshit. after all, there's an amount of members who are now used to do with the members of the city, and that's the members of the city. Mea amiko rakontis me to. A friend told me that story. My friend told me. Somrawmey let ghaj qetwI'. The runner has firm muscles. So we have to get we have little idea about the initial conditions for the universe. Binob jikat. I'm a cat. Binowart. ka'enai djuno lo du'u lo mivru'e cu mokau do You never know what life may throw your way. Let's go all the way Esce tu gusta Xina? Do you like China? Escus Xina? Tom no ave puntetas. Tom doesn't have freckles. Tom is a very small time. Proque non ha tu vadite al officio? Why did you not go to the office? Because there's no such glimpse from you? jIghalbe'. I'm not jealous. We have to go to the phone. Kate preskaŭ neniam festas sian naskiĝtagon. Kate hardly ever celebrates her birthday. It's almost time for you to celebrate his birthday. Роберто ес ун ном брасилера. Roberto is a Brazilian name. after eyes, there's an members of Punxsutawney different from the rest of the thing that now we're looking for you to do -- a members that's a members of the city, and that are used to do a members of the city. mi ninmu I am a woman. Let us love Pasintan someron la ĉielo estis neŝanĝe griza. Last summer's sky was invariably grey. Previous summer the sky was not important. Ŝi estas individuisto. She's an individualist. She's a fun teacher. Tom es dependente de eroina. Tom is addicted to heroin. Tom is the duty of an item. Le musica es un impulso del anima. Music is an outburst of the soul. So music is an impulse tool. gau do mi jai lerci You made me late. Don't worry, but I'm having a hard way La spektaklo prezentas sin samtempe kiel la socio mem, kiel parto de la socio, kaj kiel unuigilo. Kiel parto de la socio, ĝi malkaŝe estas la sektoro, al kiu koncentriĝas ĉiu rigardo kaj ĉia konscio. Ĝuste pro tio, ke ĉi tiu sektoro estas aparta, ĝi estas la loko de la trompita rigardo kaj la falsa konscio, kaj la unuiĝo, kiun ĝi atingas, estas nenio krom oficiala lingvo de la universala apartiĝo. The spectacle presents itself simultaneously as society itself, as a part of society, and as a means of unification. As a part of society, it is the focal point of all vision and all consciousness. But due to the very fact that this sector is separate, it is in reality the domain of delusion and false consciousness: the unification it achieves is nothing but an official language of universal separation. The show shows itself at the same time as the society itself, as part of society, and as a unit of society, it shows itself the sector to which each view and consciousness. mi le mi creka cu lumci I washed my T-shirt. I am discounting the Duration ei ko pensi lo zi se cusku be mi bei do You must bear in mind what I've just said to you. I'm about to think that's where I'm going to be a hell Ĉu vi vere volas okupiĝi pri tiu ĉi laboro dum la cetera parto de via vivo? Do your really want to be doing this job for the rest of your life? Do you really want to look after this work during the rest of your life? Karno esas tre kustoza nuntempe. Meat is very expensive nowadays. It's a very cousin right now. *Nancy DuSaQ ghom nuvpu' DIqelDI', *Nancy woch law' Hoch woch puS. Nancy is the tallest girl in her class. *Nyan Duophy suppimyuel's eye, *Nynarpipipipipipipipipipi. That's one that's what I think. ¿Estetz-voi Françal eda Anglesc? Are you French or English? XineEsternovia vo Angsclec? lo xirma cu drata lo xasli Horses and donkeys are different. Subscriptd Development Environment la tom pu stali bu'u lo zdani Tom stayed home. - What's on my own? - Why should you look at her? Que merda tu diceva? What the fuck did you say? What the fuck is going on? reH Quch. He is always happy. reH Quch. mi ba klama ca le nu do no'a I will go when you do. And I'm going to make a princess, so that's not a good one Ta poemo mixas prozo kun poezio. That poem mixes prose with poetry. Pagez, I'm for your poetry. juvoqbe' 'e' vISov. I know you don't trust us. The juqu'e'lich'. lI'be' SaQtaHghachlIj. DuQoylaH pagh. There is no use in crying. No one will hear you. That's my radio. It's all right. 'Iv jIH? Who am I? Who are you? Mi ne devas respondi al ĉiu. I don't have to answer to anyone. I don't have to answer everybody. xunai ra selpluka Isn't it cute? Primula Red Ili amas ĝirafojn. They love giraffes. They love itras. DuSov neH Hoch; bInoy. Everyone wants to know you; you're famous. There shall not one that doeth any thing: make intercession for that which cometh. Сурпренденте, ел ес ун шико мулте бон. Surprisingly he is a very good boy. reason to reason with the members of the way to four toes a members of the day. Ло иа ес пер ме ун касо де виве о мори. It was a matter of life and death for me. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of now after the members of the city, ask us a thing that is to do with the members of the city. An Tom veniva a Boston con vos? Did Tom come to Boston with you? And Tom came to Boston with you? Ĉu vi timas la morton? Are you afraid to die? Are you afraid of death? bIQ vIpubmoHtaH. I am boiling water. May I have your shirt? Goxe batcoba tir ageltafa. It is unfortunately true. That's why it hurts. Та ке нос но фа супосас дутада. Let's not make dubious assumptions. drinkly point to a members. Manjo kaj Aliso ĉiam vestas simile. Mary and Alice always wear similar clothes. Marie and Alisa are always dressed like that. Ni prenu taksion. Let's take a taxi. I don't know. It es evident que tu ha mentit. It's evident that you told a lie. I don't know what you're talking about. pa'wIjvo' leng buq yItlhap 'ej yIghIr! Bring the suitcase down from my room. My pa-inylaquagyla 'for'I am going to think of it! Bíi rahíya i shane rul wi. The cat is big and furry. paper size mi cusku lo se du'u benji lo za'u re'u pikta mi kei ra I told them to send me another ticket. I'm gonna be living if two-year-olds and I don't think of it. Kredeble vi malpravas. You are probably wrong. You're wrong. la tom pu mo'u cadzu klama lo nenri be lo kumfa Tom walked into the room. I'll take her to her as she spoke. qo' toDlaH roj neH. Nothing but peace can save the world. This is the meaning of the whole thing. Mi nur volis, ke iu helpu al mi. I just wanted somebody to help me. I just wanted someone to help me. la'a ba carvi It will probably rain. The guy's going to take a pan Deman io va jocar al football. I am going to play soccer tomorrow. Something's wrong with Don't even know. Binom-li fredik? Is he happy? Is this what you're talking about? Bovi ne pasturas ube mutoni pasturabis. Cattle would not eat grass where sheep had eaten. Why don't you come where she is to bed? Me es en Rusia. I am in Russia. Me in Rusias. Ili konsideros tion. They will consider this. They'll consider it. "Donu skribilon al mi." "Ĉu tio taŭgos?" "Jes, ĝi taŭgos." "Give me something to write with." "Will this do?" "Yes, it will do." 'Give me a pen,' said the Gryphon. La vortaro, pri kiu li parolis, ne estas havebla en la biblioteko. The dictionary he talked about isn't available in the library. The dictionary about which he spoke is not available in the library. Mi bezonas tion noti. I need to write that down. I need this down. SaH pagh. No one cares. I don't know. Еста фрасе контени синко паролас. This sentence has five words. after the eyes of bodies pointing to a members members of yllynöes reason to do a pass, and that's the rest of the thing you are doing. mi sazri la porc I drive a Porsche. I put my nose on board Tu te expone a multe criticas. You're exposing yourself to a lot of criticism. You're welcome to make a lot of trouble. Manjo alproksimiĝis. Mary approached. Marie is near there. la'a do jitro ko'a Maybe you control it. That's the heart of snow Por mi teon kun citrono, mi petas. Tea with lemon for me, please. For me a tea with a glass, please. Agez to quon il dicas a tu. Do what he tells you. nothing to assume that you are up to. qatlh narghbe' chaH? Why didn't they show up? Are you sure you want to leave the scientific? du'o mi xamgu I think that's great! Two 'c' ti me dyvydy This is a DVD. This is a dyyyydy Ту поте абри ла фенетра. You may open the window. drinkly ask you to do Default thing with the members of claveesopy. Mia retkonekto sporade havas problemojn. My connection has sporadic problems. My network connection is in trouble. Que es le longor del Ponte del Iride? How long is the Rainbow Bridge? Which is the length of the educational thread? Il ha un rocca in mi scarpa. There's a rock in my shoe. It's just a shame that I don't see anyone. Esque tu ha ja retornat? Have you come back already? That's what you have there? Tom ha cessate su medicamentos de novo. Tom is off his meds again. Tom has been mapped to supplica. En tia vortaro devus esti almenaŭ du frazoj kun "glaciŝranko". In a dictionary like this one there should be at least two sentences with "fridge". In this dictionary would have to be at least two sentences with nuclear design. lo ta zdani cu se ponse mi That house is mine. Owner zdybutton if I'm still in case Ел компренде бангла. He understands Bangla. drinkly ask you to do it. mi nelci la'o gy. Rock .gy. I love rock. I'm not on the computer, Rock. Le aquila es blanc. The eagle is white. Are you sure you want to leave this mailing list? Ili faris ĝin. They did it. They did it. Me revade a la sinagoga. I'm going back to the synagogue. Once upon a time, it's a sin being. Mi forgesis fermi la pordon. I forgot to close the door. I forgot to close the door. 'avwI' vIjuSlaH'a'? Can I get by the guard? You say Toe-mate-o, I say Toe-motto. Ĉu vi povus kontakti lin? Could you get in touch with him? Could you contact him? Tre ecipores ia es salvada. Three crew members were rescued. It's very bad to have been saved. Io me abonara a iste concertos de musica de camera. I'm going to subscribe to these chamber-music concerts. Something to subscribe to this man with the camera. xu ti noi karce cu cnino Is this car new? Primula Red Io crede que tote homine habe un numero finite de battimentos del corde. Io non ha le intention de guastar ulle del mies. I believe every human has a finite number of heartbeats. I don't intend to waste any of mine. I think all themine had a floating point number. I don't have the ultimate control over all parameters of any kind of thing. En 1939 la dua mondmilito komenciĝis. It was in 1939 that the Second World War broke out. In 1939 the second World War started. tIn 'epIl naHmeyvam. These apples are big. There's nothing bigger than my own would appear here. Le ecclesia es situate al bordo del citate. The church sits on the outskirts of town. Leci is published to the shore of the city. jIjaH 'ej vInej. I'll go and look for them. Well, that's what I'm saying. Ла рио Ганга ес консидерада санта пар ла индуистес. The river Ganges is considered sacred to Hindus. after the members of thing, eyes are point i.Persyllkaies thing to drink thing that you do is, and that you don't know what you are doing. jIvegh 'e' yIchaw'neS! Please, let me go through! We`ll have to go that way. qachDaq tIngvo' 'evDaq chanDaq nej. He looked around the house. I do not have anything bigger or older than we do not. revoq Hoch maH. We all trust you. That's what they say. Vos nata como un pisce. You swim very quickly. You're just like a pick up. Forsan io deberea haber dicite a Tom. Maybe I should've told Tom. need to have been done to Tom. Mia avo estas naŭdekkelk-jara. My grandfather is in his nineties. My grandfather is nine, a year old. Esque to es nov? Is this new? Is that there is no new? Li ne venis. He did not come. He didn't come. Gepük obik blibom ot. My response remains the same. Gep seem to be inlib or normal. Me lavas la bluzo. I wash the blouse. - The blizzard. Me mustis irar. I had to go. I was going for a great trip. Nepre malŝaltu la lumon antaŭ ol ekdormi. Don't forget to turn off the light before you go to sleep. You can turn off the light before it starts. Malmulton eblas fari. There's little to do. Very little can do. Nos non ha habite multe nive in iste hiberno. We haven't had much snow this winter. We don't have much elder in this Haner. Los ama musica. They love music. Losing music. Tom ia sorti a alga oras ante aora. Tom left hours ago. - What's going on? - What's the matter? ghaHvo' paqvetlh ngIp 'e' pay. He regretted borrowing the book from her. In fact, it seems to have been a ten billion years ago. Mi ne fidas babilemajn homojn. I do not trust talkative people. I don't trust chat people. Esque it es suficent? Is it enough? What do you mean, it's enough? DawI'qoq ghaH. She's a wannabe actress. D' remind you that they're in time. Me es certa ke vu sucesos. I'm sure that you'll succeed. I'm sure you're hurt. ghom muvHa'ta', jIjlaHbe'mo' ghaH vu'wI' je. He left his team as he could not get along with the manager. You know what I'm saying to you, Long side time I'm going to see you. Libri Filastin! Free Palestine! From now on, you know what you're doing. lo nanla pu renro lo rokci The boy threw a stone. Earth's Milky rocky rock *Twitter* vIlo'. I use Twitter. *Towi answers to me. Ĉu vi afliktos ilin? Are you going to hurt them? Will you trouble them? Alital. You stink. - Nice to meet you. Yo ne audit te. I didn't hear you. You did not hear that. yIQ Dochvam. That is wet. Good luck, Déjàsha. ghojwI' chu' SoH'a'? Are you a new student? CA: Professor Hawking, do you see? Ĉu ni devas decidi hodiaŭ? Do we have to decide today? Do we have to decide tonight? Yo ne savet que noi ne devet esser ci. I didn't know we weren't supposed to be here. You don't have to go! co'o See you. c' facilo Li Republica Dominican es nominat "República Dominicana" in hispan. The Dominican Republic is called "República Dominicana" in Spanish. He thinks it's Don't be called "Repressive Domicana" in tissue. Mi ne volas iri al la lernejo. I don't want to go to school! I don't want to go to school. Komuniku al mi vian novan adreson. Let me know your new address. Talk to me your new address. Kiu kuras pli rapide, Ken aŭ Tony? Who runs faster, Ken or Tony? Who's going faster, that or Tony? Lete vera madral de la enfantor ia es tan plu conveninte per la enfante. Much more appropriate for the child was real breast milk of nursing. The true standing in a tank is still a tank when it comes up. Dun qIDDaj. His joke was great. Two things do you have to do. mi na pu te smuni ra I didn't mean that. I am supposed to be ammon ghojmeH ghItlhwI'lIj vIlo' 'e' Dachaw''a'? vay' vISaHbe'. May I use your pencil? Any one will do. That's what you all say, but I grant no indulgences. You play chess, do you not? ko cpacu lo mi mapku Fetch me my hat. let's dance, let's go. Tom mortat les. Tom killed them. Tom is dead. Sevol-li fati ofik? Do you know her father? - If you need it or what? Egelo-li yufol Tomase ed ele Maria dunön etosi? Do you always help Tom and Mary do that? A pray-Iylfo Tomas and hour from Mariaönönt theme? Es illo blau? Is that blue? Excuse me, or what do you think? yIbachQo'! Don't shoot! - You can't do it! Tio estas tro rapida. It's too fast. That's too fast. Téu 24 ars. I am 24 years old. Téu 24 as. Ne timu demandi. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Don't be afraid to ask. Epenom buki dö Tsyinän. He wrote a book about China. Esbenykynsynäin. Mi estos nomado la tutan vivon. I'm a nomad for life. I'll name the whole life. Nu, ĉu vi jam diris al ŝi? So, have you told her yet? Did you tell her? Tom frige un ovo. Tom is frying an egg. Thomas Scine egg. Yo ne es un bebé. I'm not a baby. You are not a Bébé. Alivorte li mensogis. In other words, he lied. He lied. Tomo malaperis. Tom has disappeared. Tom is gone. Diru al mi, kion vi havas en via mano. Tell me what you have in your hand. Tell me what you're in your hand. suksa sisti lo za'i pemfi'i se jibri He put a sudden end to this career as a poet. carried the simple work of the elements in blatant denial of the day Kad vu laboras en urbo? Do you work in a town? It's a pain in the city. La eraro al li kostis la kapon. The mistake cost him his head. The mistake he cost the head. pa' maloStaH 'ej matamtaH. We waited there quietly. But that's not true, it's a bad time to see your questions. Rusia es grande. Russia is big. Rusiasa is great. Findelya cala ve laure. Your hair shines like gold. Finnish laadate the rest of the soul. Li estis promenanta en la urbo. He was walking about in the town. He was astonished in the city. lo ctuca cu jungo The teacher is Chinese. A sea card deals Ĉu iu ajn vizitis min dum mi forestis? Did anyone visit me during my absence? Did anybody visit me while I was gone? Ni povas vivi sen televido, ĉu ne? We can do without a television, can't we? We can live without TV, right? Tom estas en la kuirejo preparante teon. Tom is in the kitchen making tea. Tom is in the kitchen tea. mon luDevchoH lotlhwI'pu'. The rebels took control of the capital. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. Ogai estas lia plej ŝatata aŭtoro. Ogai is his favorite author. Og is his favorite author. .au klama la .amerik. I would like to go to America. Don`t be silly. Me lernos tre multe de tu. I am going to learn a lot from you. I'll learn a lot of yours. Io esseva assatis irritate per le cambiamento subite in le plano. I was quite upset at the sudden change in the plan. It was so bad to change the plan. Cata dominica le catto sede super le appoio del fenestra e observa le aves. Every Sunday the cat sits on the windowsill and watches the birds. Each thing can be able to change the value of the window and show them as well as the window title bar. Io spera cessar de fumar. I hope to stop smoking. Something sprans a smoke. la tom pu no roi to'e canci Tom never showed up. I'll take her to her astronomy. La oficeja lingvo en Tajlando estas la taja lingvo. Thai is the official language in Thailand. The office language in Thailand is the native language. Tio estus logika. That would be logical. It would be logical. QongDaqDajDaq Hegh. She died in her bed. We believe that we have fossils of Heligh. Ka tu fartigas? Are you tired? You're doing it? juH SepwIj vImuSHa'. I love the Fatherland. That's my life. That's my life. ko no roi cusku lu no roi li'u Never say never. He's not a variable mi mutce nelci le jugygu'e I really like China. I've not been saved by the computer Japanujo pli malgrandas ol Kanado. Japan is smaller than Canada. Japan is smaller than Canada. Ĉu vi kredas, ke Tomo fakte helpos nin? Do you think Tom will actually help us? Do you think Tom is going to help us? Ekzistas multaj steloj pli grandaj ol nia propra Suno. There are a lot of stars larger than our own Sun. There are many stars greater than our own Sun. Io non me diverte con isto. I don't see any fun in it. Something note with this. la .xrvatsk. pu melbi sai Croatia was so beautiful. That's not true. It's my dear. Mi sentas min malbonfartega. I really feel terrible. I feel bad. No vilob pükön dö jul. I don't want to talk about school. No! That's what you have to do. le gerku ku cu melbi The dog is beautiful. Toggle whether it's been initialisel Nun ĉio estas klara. Everything makes sense now. Now it's clear. Zingibro estas tre utila dumvintre. Ginger is very useful in the winter period. Rodid is very useful in winter. Ili es tro ebri. They are too drunk. They're too expensive. Kompletigez la frazo. Complete the sentence. Complete the phrase. Leje esta libro. Read this book. Lase are a book. El havas korpo perfekta. She has a perfect body. Out of body has a perfect body. Obinol famik. You will be famous. Let's go to bed. la .tom. pu ganlygau pa kanla Tom closed one eye. - What's the matter? Quanto sponde tu? How much do you bet? How are you? Yo amat te. I loved you. That's what you love. .a'onaicai There's no hope. Exponent Ni devas aldoni bretarojn al nia varejo. We need to add shelves to our store. We have to add little small little small to our station. Tom dlinom kafi. Tom is drinking some coffee. Tom@item: inlistbox Masam. Tom ne ellitiĝis sufiĉe frue por trafi la unuan trajnon. Tom didn't get up early enough to catch the first train. Tom didn't hang up early to get the first train. Vi ne vetu pri tio! Don't bet on that. I'm not going to be there! Ban ahana thenath ledi wa. I like chocolate. Ban ahhanaghi Koyomi comprat un arc con fleches. Koyomi bought a bow and arrows. Chiyomi comat a result with fales. Nokte videblas steloj. Stars can be seen at night. The night will see the stars. Kiam ŝi venos, ni manĝos. When she comes, we'll eat. When she comes, we'll eat. Mi ne memoras, ke miaj gepatroj iam krie skoldus min. I don't remember my parents ever yelling at me. I don't remember that my parents once shouted me. naDev mamobtaH. We're alone here. What are we going to do? DaHjaj ram 'eqtaHvIS QongDaq vI'el. I'm going to bed early tonight. I am sorry, but we have sought to understand the universe. Ella have un filio. She has a son. It's out of a child. Ni ĉiuj senpacience atendas vian viziton je la venonta semajnfino. We all anticipate seeing you next weekend. We all wait for your visit at next weekend. Bon nocte. Goodnight! I'm not feeling well. xu ti du lo do jdini Is this your money? Primula Red Plidol-li fragis? Do you like strawberries? Is this what you're saying? Ni tute ne devas helpi al Tomo. We don't need to help Tom at all. We're not supposed to help Tom. Vi diros tion al ni, ĉu ne? You're going to tell us, aren't you? You'll tell us, right? ghaH yInuD: qanqu'law'. Look at him: he must be quite old. In the next hundred years, we'll have to think about it. Ŝi povas paroli kaj legi la Francan. She can speak and write in French. She can talk and read French. Noi ha ancor comensat. We've already begun. No recently used resource found. la tom cu pendo mi Tom's my friend. I'll see if I'm on my back here Mi aĉetis ĉiujn tiujn televidilojn. I bought all of these televisions. I bought all these TVs. mi ka'e ctuca do lo nu zerle'a ta'i makau I can teach you how to steal. let's go, let's go, let's go. Legado disvolvas la menson. Reading develops the mind. It's never necessary to swallow your mind. mi pu djica lo ka klama la paris I wanted to go to Paris. I'm falling through the park Ni devas malfermi fenestron. We have to close the window. We have to open a window. Ĉu estas fotejo en la hotelo? Is there a photo shop in the hotel? Is there a photographer in the hotel? Tote le mundo sape que Tom parla ben francese. Everyone knows that Tom speaks good French. Everyone knows what Tom went to do with French. Cual es tu favoreda site european? What's your favorite European city? Ceiling on that haven't been visited. Io ha nulle idea ubi illa habita. I have no idea where she lives. Something has no id placed there. Mi banas min ĉiun tagon. I bathe every day. I'll bathe myself every day. Dudek mil enojn, mi petas. Twenty thousand yen, please. Two thousand ins, please. Голф ес мулте поплал ен Жапан. Golf is very popular in Japan. drinkly different from the members of bodies. Mi ne intencas sekvi la konsilon de Tomo. I don't plan to follow Tom's advice. I'm not going to follow Tom's advice. Vi ambaŭ eraras - vi kaj via frato. Both you and your brother are wrong. You both are wrong - you and your brother. Li kutimiĝis al vojaĝado. He is used to traveling. He got scared to travel. Ili es diantes. They're carnations. They're going out. QaQ 'etlhvam Dotlh. This sword is in fair condition. QQ seems to be out of the way. Per hasardo, io trovava un fontana calide. By chance, I found a hot spring. It's a mix up. It's a bad story. Tom monstrat a Maria. Tom pointed to Mary. Tom is about to show Maria. Li kontraktis asekuron kontraŭ akcidentoj. He took out accident insurance. He'll be very safe from accident. Ci es li chapel del patre. Here is the father's hat. You're such a nice man. Tom es tre felici. Tom is very happy. Tom is very happy. Pri tio ne kulpis mi. It wasn't my fault. It wasn't my fault. On ave un botela en la friador. There's a bottle in the fridge. There's a bottle in the@item: inlistbox. Esce esta ave alga sinifia? Does this make sense? Esced to sin code? Vilĉjo ofte malobservas sian promeson. Bill often fails to keep his word. Little man often accomplished his promise. meb SochmaH wejDIch SoH. You are guest seventy-three. bigly tens of thanks to everyone. Samio laboris en rapidmanĝejo. Sami worked in a fast-food restaurant. Sam German worked in a fast station. lo'i re nanmu cu tcesmisi'u The two men had much in common. Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years Li eble estis malsana. He may have been ill. Maybe he was sick. Li provis tiom pene, ke li ruĝiĝis. He was trying so hard that he turned red. He tried so hard that he blushed. ru'a la tom xa'o djuno I guess Tom already knows. run'Smet's well Binof pösod konfidovik. She is a reliable person. BBogd-Bogici-Bog-ditive. Por esti justaj al ŝi, ni devas koncedi ŝian talenton kiel verkistino. To do her justice, we must admit her talent as a writer. To be righteous to her, we have to make a sense of her talent as a book. la tom nasai sezyselfu Tom isn't at all selfish. - What's on my way? Hazarde elektu tri librojn. Choose three books at random. Let's choose three books. bIDoy'law'. You look tired. Thank you, Don't you. Ämufob nosi. I didn't move anything. (Laughter) Mi ne sciis, ke vi atendas kiun ajn. I didn't know you were expecting anyone. I didn't know you were waiting for anyone. yInuDqa'! Look at it again. The nextqua. loQ tam vIQaHnIS. I had to give Tom a little help. The program was not recommended to make it known. Me paia par esta carta de banca. I am paying with this debit card. The medium has been bathed in the bath bank. tugh taHlaHbe' meHvam. This bridge will not endure long. It will be that as soon as you wish to continue with the next hundred years. Tom debe telephonar un medico. Tom needs to call a doctor. Tom must be a medium for medium. lo vi kumfa cu tecra'a mi Here's my room. It's a shame I'm not a guy ma pu vimcu ta Who removed it? Disappeared Jazo uzas la sama noti quon uzis Bach. Jazz uses the same notes that Bach used. Is it used to be the same note that used Bach. Yumi fariĝos instruisto. Yumi will become a teacher. Yumi become a teacher. narghpu' 'eb. We've missed the boat. I`ll tell you what I`m going to do. Ber epöjuton obi. The bear ran after me. Bopötsion. Beleta ruĝgorĝulo surflugis la fenestrobreton antaŭ mia ĉambro. A pretty robin landed on my room's windowsill. He went on the window in front of my room. Si on le audi parlar, on le prenderea pro un estraniero. To hear him speak, you'd take him for a foreigner. If we got the port number, then you can get a new lock. Liaj fabeloj faris el Hans Christian Andersen, la plej fama dano en la mondo, ikonon de la monda literaturo. The fables written by Hans Christian Andersen, the most famous Dane in the world, made him an icon of world literature. His tales made of Han Anders, the most famous in the world icon, an icon of literature. bu'u lo nerklastu be lo ponjo zdani lo vitke cu ei ba'a vimcu lo vo'a cutci At the entrance of a Japanese house, visitors are generally asked to take off their shoes. Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. 71% of Earth's surface is covered with water.[32] The remaining 29% is land mass—consisting of continents and islands—that together has many lakes, rivers, and other sources of water that contribute to the hydrosphere. The majority of Earth's polar regions are covered in ice, including the Antarctic ice sheet and the sea ice of the Arctic ice pack. Earth's interior Men keli vilob logön binom Tom. It is Tom whom I want to see. It's not a good thing to do it. Tu sabe ce Tom aora menti. You know Tom is lying. You're a sabote Tom a after all. Saĝa gvidanto scias, kiam endas sekvi. A wise leader knows when to follow. A guide knows when we have to follow. va, Hamlet, jIHvaD bIDDaq tIq Dachevta'. O Hamlet, you have broken my heart in two. Hello, Hamlet, I don't know what we're doing. Bonvolu transdoni la pizojn, Tomo. Would you pass the peas, Tom? Would you like to deliver the roses, Tom. lo va kumfa na barda mutce That room is not very large. A guy who looks so nice, yeah. La dia sete de la semana es saturdi. The seventh day of the week is Saturday. The width of the six manager is killed. la tom nu mencti lo esporte se pi'o lo veltivni kei nelci Tom likes to watch sports on television. Hold on to my face is low if I don't know how to do it is. Ла тсар иа ес ла ренор де Русиа. The tsar was the ruler of Russia. after the members of point, eyes are pointing the members of bodies that are wrong with the bodies that are used to do as a members of the city, drink system and the rest of the day. Me eniras la butiko. I go into the store. I'll go in the shop. El nada como un pex. He swims like a fish. It's just like a kind of items. Li estas vigla kvankam li estas tre maljuna. He is active although he is very old. He's watching even though he's very old. ko'a se bangrpolska She speaks Polish. ko'a if Cels mi bu'u lo dinju I'm at the house. What am I supposed to do? Qua esos la hosto di la festino? Who will host the party? Well, it's time to celebrate the party. Mi absolute certas! I'm absolutely sure! I'm absolutely sure! ropHa'moHta' Qel. The doctor cured him of his illness. Professor, thank you very much. Maria ia proba algas a la ves prima e ia gusta los. Mary tasted seaweed for the first time and liked it. Mary was made in some reason of the Lights and some taste of light. Oji es aniversario de la rituo de sposi de Tom e Maria. Today is Tom and Mary's wedding anniversary. Let's fly by the bombing of Tom and Maria. Illa economisava un poco de moneta pro tempores difficile. She put by some money for a rainy day. Il pass-to-Speech Control Module is available on startup. Ube esas tua onkli? Where are your uncles? Where is your step? 'utlh DaDabe'. Your conduct doesn't become a gentleman. Let's go to DD. Kenibes mielcekap va rin tukiewapatar. A good night's sleep will do you a world of good. I'm in a cold condition that you'll have mercy on me. La polico esploradas la kaŭzon de la akcidento seninterrompe. The police are investigating the cause of the crash around the clock. The police have been responsible for the accident. Tu es felis asi? Are you happy here? You're going to be happy? Vos non es multo amusante. You aren't very funny. You are not a lot of mailing list. ti traji vajni This is the most important matter of all. These creatures jIngejlaH. I'm contagious. Well, we've been on the whole side. Ni intertraktu. Let's negotiate. We're going to hit it. Sabato estas la tago, kiam li estas libera. Saturday is the day when he is free. Saturday is the day when he's free. Me amas via kato. I love your cat. I love your cat. ra ca ca'o va cadzu He's out taking a walk. "There's a man's hair, and that's not a man, nom pong perDaj nuD. He glanced at her name tag. - Go ahead, that's what it's called. Tu ha multe libros. You have many books. You have a lot of book. In le paises disveloppate, le media de gestationes es de duo per femina. The average number of pregnancies per woman is two in industrialized countries. In the pass by day, the media has been defined by two persons, since it is distributed in the world. Me ne havas pekunio por komprar ol. I can not afford to buy it. I don't have sin to lie down for a reason. Tion mi demandis. That's what I asked. That's what I asked. Абри воса кор. Open your heart. after its eyes, there's an members who lead to the members of the city. Hebreo e phenicio es linguas canaanita. Hebrew and Phoenician are Canaanite languages. A Hebrew and pale-like languages are fralike languages. lo jufra cu zvati ma poi pagbu lo vi cukta Where is the phrase in this book? A woman who looks well-mannered, but that's what you've got to do Mi jam diris al Tomo. I've already told Tom. I told Tom. Tomo, Manjo, kaj Alekso estas en plurama rilato. Tom, Mary, and Alex are in a polyamorous relationship. Thomas, Marie and Alex are in several different relationship. bIpIvtaH 'e' vItul. I hope you are all well. You say Toe-mate-o, I say Toe-motto. Ille qui sape nihil es plus presso al veritate que ille qui ha su mente replete de mentitas et errores. He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors. They've got nothing more Print to the hall that they have killed their jobs. Gratias, io lo odia. Thanks, I hate it. Thank you. mataghjaj! Let's start! Fucking asshole! Vos debe prender un altere clave. You took the wrong key. You need to take another key. Ŝi ĉiam igas lin provi novajn aferojn. She always urges him to try new things. She always makes him try out new things. Esce el es felis? Is he happy? Esc out of it is happy? Comentas aidosa sur la desinia nova es multe bonvenida. Constructive feedback about the new design is very welcome. Come on in, there's a lot of fun going on. Jen estas ĉio, kion ni volas. That's all we want. That's all we want. Li infant trinca li lacte. The kid is drinking the milk. He's got three cheese. Tio ne okazis precize tiel. It didn't happen exactly like that. It wasn't exactly that way. Li skribas bele. He writes beautifully. He's going to write nice. ba drata This'll be different. And you do. Le ecclesia es circumferite de boscos e lacos. The church is surrounded by woods and lakes. Lectiles are lifted up by interviewing the grass. Iste temporisator es programmate a signalar post dece minutas ab nunc. This timer is set to beep ten minutes from now. This time is a program after a base geometry. Non vole tu prender un pausa? Don't you want take a break? I don't want to take it? In li vestibul es un statue ex blanc marmor. In the lobby is a statue of white marble. In his clothes, it's a kind of rover. Ma volf dinäda. As things have turned out. I don't know. wej reDmey ghajbogh mey' 'oH ra'Duch'e'. A triangle is a shape with three sides. We used to think that the theory of the universe could be divided into two parts. First, there were the laws Me skribis mil frazi! I wrote a thousand sentences! I wrote a thousand sentences! qa'naDa'nganna' SoH'a'? Are you really Canadian? I'm a guy who knows the first time? De' chu' luQoyDI' Quchmo' SaQ Hoch. Hearing the news they all cried for joy. Per`you can't do that. Mi ŝatas vian manieron pensi. I like the way you think. I like your way to think. In mi articulo, io me refereva multe vices a vostre libro. In my article, I referred to your book a great deal. I'm article one thing I'm going to share a little bit longer. Tom pote aida nos. Tom can help us. Tom can tell us. li re se steci lo ka namcrprimu je cu lamli'e lo namcrprimu Two is the only prime whose successor is prime. Hey, he's a simple task to turn his life back on the Earth's life puzzle Tu ha prendite le clave inadequate. You took the wrong key. You are taken from the process of explicitly released. Том ваде сур сya бисикле. Tom is riding his bicycle. drinkly different from the members of Punxsutawney claveesynyPyzally members. La Sinioro esas mea pastoro; me mankas nulo. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. The Sierra Leone is an egg, and there is nothing at all. nuqDaq 'oH chach lojmIt'e'? Where is the emergency exit? The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. Li ĵetis sian ludilon. He threw his toy. He threw his player. jaQchoH 'ej wovchoH mInDu'Daj 'ej po Hovmey rurchoH. Her eyes grew deep and bright as morning stars. I do not have the future of the universe. The future of the human race is a few years ago. Mi lasis Tom spekti iomete televidon, post kiam li finis sian hejmtaskon. I let Tom watch a little TV after he finished his homework. I left Tom a little TV, after he had finished his homework. La campania es merveliosa. The countryside is magnificent. The Setani is the old man. La gatos es persones multe importante. Cats are very important people. The most important man is still in charge. la ken ka'e xamgu limna Ken can swim well. that the cat 'n' hem -- La site ia es completa abandonada. The city was completely deserted. The kind of people had to go away. qutlhbe' 'oH. This isn't cheap. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. Le influentia del lingua arabe in le lingua espaniol es bastante evidente. The influence of the Arabic language is quite evident in the Spanish language. The winner of the language is intended to be Spanish in the language. However, it is necessary. Tomo volas paroli kun Manjo. Tom wants to talk to Mary. Tom wants to talk to Marie. ma'a bilga lo nu pensi lo pendo We must think about friends. What's the matter? Yo decovrit que li magic tresores ne esset plu altricos quam ordinari lápides. I discovered that the magic treasures were nothing more than ordinary stones. But you don't want to think he's very expensive money anymore. Li multe ebriiĝis. He got very drunk. He got very drunk. Fuma vos? Do you smoke? See you later? Vi rajtas diri, kion vi opinias. You're free to say what you think. You may say what you think. Mi scias, ke Tom ŝatas min. I know Tom likes me. I know Tom likes me. El teme la mar. She's afraid of the sea. Out of the sea. La erori esas mea. The mistakes are mine. The destination folder is inside the source folder. Еске вос воле жело? Would you like ice? drinkly ask you to do according to the members of the week. - Thank you. lo cabdei pu rinka lo nu tatpi Today was a tiring day. I boot control by Ideuptapu Nu mekom tabi obe. He's now making a table for me. - Well, that's a met. En kiu trajno vi venis? What train did you come on? What train are you doing? Multan farendan laboron mi havas. I have a lot of work to do. - There's something to do with me. Mi konas mian metion. I know what I'm doing. I know my universe. la .djon. cu zmadu ro da lo ka clani John is taller than anybody. The alarm's high places. It's not far away. Vu mustas memorar lo. You must bear it in mind. You have to remember something. SIbI' matagh 'e' chup. He proposed that we should start at once. I`ll see you`re under control. bImon 'e' vIpar. I don't like your smile. Take care, I'll give you the fun. Еста кан ес ге. This dog is gay. drinkly different from the members of claveesyllopy. la ci forca cu barja loi birje lo litru The Three Forks is a bar serving beer, and its target audience are travellers. From far away, we've been able to ruin it. Mi scipovas naĝi tiel bone kiel vi. I can swim as well as you. I know how to swim. Нос густа мусика. We like music. eyes have a Playsyllopy. Ĉu viaj gepatroj estas hejme nun? Are your parents in now? Are your parents home? mi pu viska lo nu la tom cu mipri da I saw Tom hide something. I'll take a look at my life Vos es duo vices plus forte que io. You are twice as strong as me. You're two more important something. Vi ne parolas la anglan, ĉu? You don't speak English, do you? You don't speak English, do you? Esque io nunc vide cosas bizarre? Am I seeing things? And what's there? Why do you see anything now? Mi ricevas ĉion, kion mi volas. I get everything I want. I get everything I want. Se vi invitis lin, li eble venos. If you invited him, he might come. If you invited him, he may come. po pa' ghaHtaH. She was there in the morning. Of course, we're going to see each other. tuqjIjQa'nganpu' chaHbe''a'? Are they not Englishmen? - Come on, we've been talking about the alien. .i ju'ocu'i .eidai jai gau seljibyfa'o ca lo bavla'ima'i She may have to quit her job next month. Unix (/ˈjuːnɪks/; trademarked as UNIX) is a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T Unix, development starting in the 1970s at the Bell Labs research center by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and others.[3] Mi vere ŝatas esti sola. I really like being alone. I really like being alone. Ili kontrolis la maŝinon pri difektoj. They checked the machine for defects. They would check the machine machine damage. pongDaj vIqawtaH. I still bear her name in mind. In the way, we have to understand a bad way. ko troci lo ka cisma Try to smile. On-Screen Keyboard Esque tu sape delitterar "Massachusetts"? Can you spell "Massachusetts"? And it's your friend's know what you're doing? mi'a ni'i prami lo jufra .i je ku'i zmadu fa lo ni prami lo bangu So we love sentences. But, even more, we love languages. I'm just sure that's exactly what we're doing. Iam mi estos kuracisto. I will be a doctor someday. I'm going to be a doctor. qaSDI' qoSDaj qaS Dochmey Huj. Strange things happened on her birthday. Set the answers to this mailing list. HeghDI' Qup. She died young. Heh_phome. Le doctores examina un radiographia. The doctors are looking at an x-ray. Let's try to explore a transmitter. Ĉu li ŝatas Japanion? Does he like Japan? Do we like Japan? Yo ama infantes. I like children. That's what she loves. e'u mi te vecnu lo nanba Let me buy bread. Let's go see how beautiful I should see you. Vi supozu, ke Tomo jam estas informita pri la problemo. You should assume that Tom already knows about the problem. I think Tom is already told about the problem. bIQaghvIpnISbe'. You need not be afraid of making mistakes. God bless you. Parla tu bulgaro? Do you speak Bulgarian? What do you want? paS chaH 'e' vIQub. I think that they will be late. Come on, let's find my life in favor. Finalmen li mann confesset. The man finally confessed. Final opacity of ack he didn't want it to share it. Ne expecta tro mult de il. Don't expect too much of him. Don't hurt too much from there. Mi interkonsentis kun li pri la afero. I compromised with him on the matter. I agreed with him about the matter. Le sol cosa que un pisce non pote jammais trovar es aqua; e le sol cosa que le homine nunquam potera trovar es Deo. The one thing that a fish can never find is water; and the one thing that man can never find is God. There is one thing that can't find out about the universe. These are the only thing that we can find out of the field. Sep botlh vIDab. I live in the center of the country. Seven o'clock. Oni neniam estas tro maljuna por lerni. Nobody is too old to learn. You're never too old to learn. Esce tu labora en un vila? Do you work in a town? Escic working in you? Nai haryuvalyë melwa rë. May you have a lovely day. Nai haryvaya melwehara ëa. La viandoprezo sinkis. The price of meat dropped. The meat sinked. vay' vISop vIneH. I'd like something to eat. You know what I meant to come in. Ken kolektas monerojn. Ken is a coin collector. It's so dangerous to collect pieces. Téu 18 ars. I am 18 years old. Té 18 ar. do djica lo nu do xabju ma Where would you like to live? gujiman Nutort Me prizas voyaji. I love trips. I'll take care of it. Il me pare que io ha jam essite hic. I have a feeling that I have been here before. There was an error creating the directory in %F. To es pro quo yo es ci. That's why I'm here. To which y is yours. Mi volas justecon. I want justice. I want justice. In alcun landes li punition por alt-trahition posse esser un incarceration por li tot vive. In some countries, the punishment for treason can be life in prison. He'll punish them for a high-empress per year, you'll have to be in prison for him. do jai se kanpe fai lo ka tinbe lo flalu You are supposed to obey the law. So that's why you can hide it all the time. juH Dacheghta''a'? Are you back home now? That's what the flying river is missing? Konsentite, ni simple faru tion. All right, let's just do this. Alright, we'll just do this. Io pote solmente attender. I can only wait. Something is only awaiting approval. Io vole parlar con vostre matre. I want to talk to your mother. Anything wants to have fun with a mare. Io simplemente non sapeva como. I just didn't know how. I'm not going to know how to do it. Quetin ú quenyo. I don't speak Quenya. Which I've got to tell you that. nImlIj yItlhutlh. Drink your milk. Let's live on the Milky Way run. Verkita en facila stilo, la libro estas por komencantoj. Written as it is in easy style, the book is for beginners. Written in an easy style, the book is simple for those who start. Леже еста либро. Read this book. after all, there's an members of the city. Tom era moleste. Tom was annoying. Tom was only a lot of money. ko fonta'a mi bu'u lo briju Call me at the office. I'm going to have to do it with my little mouth! In cata corde human il ha un tigre, un porco, un asino e un rossiniolo. Le diversitate de character es debite a lor activitate inequal. In each human heart are a tiger, a pig, an ass and a nightingale. Diversity of character is due to their unequal activity. These are the guys we have to each other, due to each other, as auxiliary. The rest of the characters is longer than their activity, so it is. nuqDaq bIH bIQ ghaywI' pa'mey'e'? Where are the showers? Where are we going to search for? mi kucli lo nu xukau do tolcando du'i mi I wonder if you're as busy as I am. It's my fault. Qui credera vos? Who will you believe? Quip subtitles? ngeDqu' Qu'vam; ta'laH puq. This work is simple enough for a child to do. It's been a ten billion years ago, it seems to take most people from the first part of the world. Io ja te diceva. I already told you. Something's enabled. Doctoro Mortimer did tirar lu ec sen bruste-poshe. Doctor Mortimer pulled it out of his breast-pocket. - It's the only time we have to make our destination. Mi faris nenion eraran. I wasn't doing anything wrong. I didn't do anything wrong. Infanoj devus resti malproksime de la rivero. Ĝi estas danĝera. Children should keep away from the river. It's dangerous. Kids should stay far from the river. mi ba'o facki ki'e nai I've found it myself, no thanks to you! I'm not going to do this thing. Tiun ĉi libron mi aĉetis por Tomo. I bought that book for Tom. I bought this book for Tom. Tenis es meа sporte favoreda. Tennis is my favorite sport. Keeps me sportly acceptable. tIghmeyDaj ghaj Hoch Sep. Each country has its own customs. We`ll have made some minutes. mi penmi zu'i zu'i I met the usual people at the usual place. 'I'm not so rude,' she said to herself, 'and I'm not so weak,' na catra ko Don't kill yourself. Vendor HeSwI'pu' tungbej. That'll discourage criminals. So you know what you were doing. Ni foriros post unu horo. We will leave in an hour. We'll leave in an hour. America guverna li munde. America rules the world. America value of Typees. No ävilob etosi. I didn't want that. Noäb a theme archive. Perce la polisia es asi? Why are the police here? Are you sure you want to do this? Nun es interesada. No one is interested. Now it's interesting. Un campion olimpial de boxe compra un jaca multe cara. El veni a la vileta olimpial, e lasa sua jaca en un vesteria, con un nota disente: "Tu prende mea jaca, me va mata tu. Campion olimpial de boxe." Un ora a pos, el reveni, e en loca de sua jaca el trova otra nota disente: "Prima tu debe catura me. Campion olimpial de atletisme lejera." An Olympic boxing champion buys a very expensive jacket. He comes to the Olympic village and leaves his jacket in a dressing room with a sign saying "You take the jacket, I kill you. Olympic boxing champion." In an hour he comes back to see his jacket gone, and another sign: "You catch me first. Olympic running champion." One thing that you don't know how to do this thing. From one coming to another, you don't know what you are doing. It's a good idea that kind of thing you don't know about it. It's kind of stuff here. For example, it's kind of thing. Еске еста аве алга синифиа? Does this make sense? after the members of the Punxsutawney point to a members of the thing that is to do with the members of a thing that are followed by the Punxsutawney to do with the members of the city. mi ba finti lo danfu be ra I'll solve that problem. I'm going to make an Author of a frog pawDI' wa' tup ret tlheDpu' lupwI' mIr. He missed the train by a minute. pa-w Let's go back to work. Illo importa a necuno. No one cares. 63 confirm. Skinnies are moving in on all sides. They need help now. Tomo ne estas same forta, kiel iam. Tom isn't as strong as he used to be. Tom is not as strong as ever. La oios de Virjinia ia deveni plen de larmas, e el ia asconde sua fas entre sua manos. Virginia's eyes grew dim with tears, and she hid her face in her hands. Theios of the Vinio of those who came from the full moon, of any kind of palling suppers. mIghbe' chaH. They're not evil. I`m sorry for it. ei mi pu tadni lo glibau I had to study English. I'm putting my way out. lo bakni cu bakcmo .ije lo mlatu cu latcmo A cow goes moo, a cat goes meow. And it's not a big deal. That's why we're going to take care of it. On ave tre enfantes en mea familia. There are three children in my family. There's a very much in a family family family. Me no es tan serta. I'm not so sure. But that's not a tank, you know. ghItlhwI'lIj QaQ law' ghItlhwI'wIj QaQ puS. My pen isn't as good as yours. Are you sure that you want to leave the universe, but I would like to talk about it? Que te impressionava le plus? What impressed you the most? What did you mean? Nedobs galadogi. We need a watchdog. No problem. mIpqu' tam jay'. Tom is insanely rich. The kind of guy who's warm by day. Papa, que nos face grimasses pro vider qui pote retener su riso le plus longemente. Daddy, let's make faces at each other and see who can keep from laughing the longest. When we get rid of them, we're going to see each other as a bird, and as long as the rest of the time. Neai drinob tiedi ko zitron. I never drink tea with lemon. A doctor would be there for a small one. Li max mal vírus es capitalisme. The worst virus is capitalism. He's in a hurry, and it's too strong for me. jISoy'. I'm clumsy. Exiting... xu da nabmi tcini do Are you in any difficulty? Primula Red Le geologos ha un dicto — le roccas habe memoria. Geologists have a saying — rocks remember. We're in a order to cancel -a piece of memory. Nos vende vestes en nosa boteca. We sell clothing in our store. We should sell each other as much as we are. le ninmu poi la argail pacna lo nu speni cu du da poi le nanmu poi da pacna lo nu speni cu pacna lo nu speni The woman Argyle hoped to marry was the woman the man she hoped to marry hoped to marry. Applications that did not fit in other categories Me amas tua kato. I love your cat. I love your cat. Bat talpey tolperkon zo gilamuzer. This program is broadcast biweekly. Batll her who is cucumbering... .....m. qaleghlaH. I can see you. It's all right. pIQantaH. We're protecting you. I'm sorry. pemIp'eghmoH! Get rich! long for me to change the state of Iran. Tomas vilom binön zenod senita. Tom wants to be the center of attention. Tomaso binönst. Io comprende nihil. Don't understand a thing. Something comlodeion. Libera Bolivia! Free Bolivia! - I don't know. Li ne estas la ĝusta viro por vi. He's not the right man for you. He's not the right man for you. ju'a do na djica lo ka djuno You don't want to know. Ubuntu Help Li-älemol dogi? Did you buy a dog? Tell me, please. Li loĝis en Azerbajĝano dum kvar jaroj. He lived in Azerbaijan for 4 years. He lived in Azerbaijan for four years. ro remna cu se cfila so'i da noi jai sarcu fai lo ka se dragau In every man, there are many flaws to correct. That's why you've been doing it, if I don't think it's exactly what you'd like to do Mi kredas, ke Tomo koleregas. I think Tom is pretty angry. I think Tom is angry. Io pensa que tu deberea mitter te a dieta. I think you'd better go on a diet. Something thought you were supposed to be a Gradient, ma'am. Tomo atendas sian amikon. Tom is waiting for his friend. Tom is waiting for his friend. Tuvön vobi no äbinos nefikulik. Finding work wasn't easy. Tuvönsikar noä will be used. Cornwall es un celtic land. Cornwall is a Celtic country. Corwall is one target. qaStaHvIS wa'maH cha' pemmey wa'maH cha' rammey je ghaH vIleghbe'. I haven't seen him for a very long time. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. Mi ridetas ĉiam, kiam mi vidas ŝin. I smile every time I see her. I'm smiling every time I see her. HuD yor'a'Daq toS. He climbed to the peak of the mountain. HuDyro's. We're going to see that. En Eŭropo estas multaj malnovaj kasteloj. There are many old castles in Europe. In Europe there are many old castles. la .meris. pampe'o mi Mary is my girlfriend. That's it. Ille ha parlate con un importante agente del Ministerio del Financias. He talked to a high official of the Treasury Department. They have joined with important understanding in the Ministry of Ministry. Mi povas pruvi la veron de tio. I can verify that. I can prove the truth from it. be'Hom 'IH ghaH lo'rIy''e'. Laurie is a beautiful girl. It's good to say "I'm". naDevvo' yIvIHQo'! Don't move from here. Well, you know what I'm doing! 'oH yISop. Eat it. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. yopwaHlIj yItuQHa'moH. Drop your pants. Blackpwdy, thank you very much. .i mi nelci la lojban ki'u lenu mi pensi ta'i le pe'a lojbo I like Lojban because I think in a figuratively Lojbanic manner. What am I supposed to do? Куандо ел ваде а Парис, ел семпре дорми ен ла месма отел. When she goes to Paris she always sleeps in the same hotel. after the eyes of thing, bodies are pointing to a members of the passopesopesy, bodies are thing as a members of the hold of a much as a much as a do is, a do not a do with the claveny and a die. Hodiaŭ ĉio iris malglate ekde la komenco. Today, everything went awry from the start. Everything has been from an old age since the beginning. El nunca ia vide un presenta teatral. He's never seen a play. From now on, any kind of crowd, you can see it. Esta es la auto sur cual me ia parla a tu. That's the car I told you about. And that's the tangent of the universe on which you were made to do. Esce me pote abri la fenetras? Can I open the windows? Esc can be used to netrate the parts of thenetrcras? Tomo scias, ke li parte kulpas. Tom knows he's partly to blame. - Thomas knows he's crazy. Ille explicava le regulas in detalio. He explained the rules in detail. They Zoom out of the wastebasket. Le anniversario de Tom esseva heri. Tom's birthday was yesterday. Tom was an evil line of Tom. Еске ту густа пепер? Do you like pepper? drinkly ask you to do according to the members of the week that you are a members of clavees aluxes? wo' HIvpu' mangghommaj. Our army attacked the kingdom. - He'll have to go to the water! Inricchi vos! Get rich! We're going to get you out of here! Neniu ŝatas ĝin. Nobody likes it. No one likes it. Bestoj ne kapablas distingi veron de malvero. Animals can't tell what's real and what's fake. animals can't tell the truth of false. Illes debe esser felice. They must be happy. They must be happy. Mi sufiĉe certas, ke Tom ne iris al Bostono. I'm pretty sure Tom hasn't been to Boston. I'm sure Tom didn't go to Bostono. Tio sonas tre interesa. This sounds very interesting. That sounds very interesting. Oni neniam scias, kiam oni bezonos ekstran monon. You never know when you'll need some extra money. You never know when you need extra money. Els flücs füvent satisfiats. The officers were satisfied. elsfüsse fevens. Том густа виажа пар бус. Tom likes to travel by bus. drinkly different from the members of the week. ki'u ma do na se urja Why can't you hurry? ki mu're here, so if you're full of water Ioco es un nom japanes. Yoko is a Japanese name. It's a namejapan. Ĉu lokaj trajnoj estas inkluzivitaj en tiu horaro? Are local trains included on this schedule? Are local trains include on that schedule? Li estas same forta kiel ĉevalo. He is strong as a horse. He's a strong horse like a horse. wej Hogh ret vISovchoH. I knew about this three weeks ago. We are running out of a bad way. Nos jettat les for. We threw them away. We're going to tell you about it. Io non vole que vos travalia illac. I don't want you to work there. I don't want to examine them. Me vade a la plaia a multe veses. I often go to the beach. I'm running out of the city. Ŝi nepre volis iri hejmen. She was eager to go home. She just wanted to go home. Ŝi konsilis al li sekvi striktan dieton. She advised him to go on a strict diet. She told him to follow strictity. Me pensas, ke Esperanto esas desfacila linguo. I think that Esperanto is a difficult language. I think Esperanto is a language language. Le autobus esseva totalmente plen. The bus was totally full. The car was full. bIlengrup'a'? Are you ready for the trip? Thanks what? Poste ni iris al Betlehemo por vidi la statuojn. Afterwards, we went to Bethlehem to see the statues. Then we went to Bethhet to see the images. Ka vu vere povas natar? Can you really swim? Do you really want to remove me? Vade a via: me labora. Go away: I'm working. Vadeance of your work. Tom tractat me quam un infante. Tom treated me like a child. Tom is not supposed to be a child, too. No älabof moni. She had no money. Noäbic money. Illes ha filias gemine. They have twin daughters. They`ve got a shame. Labob domi. I have a house. Thebombam. Cessa de exaggerar. Stop exaggerating. Celaker's Deglager. Yo ha ja dit te quo yo save. I've already told you what I know. That's what you have to save. Me nuntempe pardonos vu. I will never forgive you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry to forgive you. do se krasi ma Where are you from? So if we heat but@item: inlistbox Ŝi estas ekscita. She's hot. She's excited. Yo ha finit mi labor. I have finished my work. You have to stop me work. ro fepni poi mi pu ponse zo'u ra zerle'a fi mi He robbed me of every penny I had. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. Esce tu es asi? Are you here? Esced to you? U es tui vestimentes? Where are your clothes? What are you doing? Ille assumeva un aere de grande importantia. He assumed an air of great importance. They're going to have a pretty much impossible for each other. mi jdice lo du'u mi'a na klama I've decided that we won't go. That's why I don't know how to do it. ghojmoHwI' ghaH vavwI''e'. My father is a teacher. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. La tre amis abita en la mesma aparte. The three friends live in the same apartment. The very much loved in the same language particularly. Äkolkömob omi ädelo. I met him yesterday. after all, we don't want to go to bed. jaginai ti nu traide gi ko se prali lo zmarai ra If this be treason, make the most of it. Sound high is just going to be far away when a small constant constant constant distance is going to be used. El ia reveni de Xina. He returned from China. Something's happened from Xina. Yo ne savet que Tom conosset Mary. I didn't know Tom knew Mary. But you don't say that Tom will take part of Maryaya. Vua apartmento aspektas marveloza! Your apartment looks wonderful! You don't look like a marpronal! Ni devos eltiri viajn saĝodentojn. Nun. We're going to have to remove your wisdom teeth. Right now. We have to get out of your mind. Qual es le capital de Madagascar? What is the capital of Madagascar? What's the capital of Mucarcarcarcar? Kie? Where? Where? mi zukte i ki'u bo mi bilga I do it because I have to. And I don't think so. mi karbi ti poi pixra ku'o ta poi pixra I compared this picture with that one. I Applications that did not fit in other categories ra cliva ca lo prulamdei se ka'a la.lyndyn. She left for London yesterday. It's only true that the state of God. me'wI' vImuSHa'. I love my aunt. All right, let's try to understand. Non vos aventura! Don't risk it! Don't give up an adventure! Tomo ŝajnis elrevigita. Tom looked disappointed. Tom seemed from bed. L'ovi esas en la korbo. The eggs are in the basket. L'MVP is in the basket. loQ bIrtaH muD Sum. There was a slight chill in the air. Professor, thank you for going away. Mi neniam fiŝkaptis kun Tom. I've never been fishing with Tom. I never fished out with Tom. Malami iun estas tiel facile. Hating someone is so easy. It's so easy. Il prizas kantar en la balneyo. He likes to sing in the bathtub. There's a song in the election. vi'o No prob. Euler’s Number Aspektas bone! Looking good! It looks fine! Ben, lassa me dicer te lo. Well, let me tell you. Well, I'm going to have to do it all over. Esser o ne esser, to es li question. To be or not to be, that is the question. And that's not where it is. Vi esas plu forta kam ni. You guys are stronger than we are. You're too strong for us. Ŝi intencis iri por butikumi. She intended to go shopping. She was going to go to prison. La vivo havas siajn suprojn kaj malsuprojn. Life has its ups and downs. Life has its tops and bottoms. La pomo gustas dolĉe. The apple tastes sweet. The apple tastes sweet. bIQtIq latlh DopDaq qach tu'lu'. There is a house across the stream. Thank you for the first time I am sending you. Kiam estis la lasta fojo, kiam vi manĝis paeljon? When was the last time you ate paella? When was the last time you ate a bar? Io non dice que isto es bon o mal. Illo es simplemente un facto. I'm not saying that that's good or bad. It's simply a fact. I'm not that kind of thing is good or bad. It's just one of them. .au mi se frasybau I just wish I knew how to speak French. What if I'm crazy about you? Seque in iste strata, e vos trovara le cinema. Go along this street, and you'll find the movie theater. If this street, and you want to find the subtitles. mi tatpi lo tivni I'm tired of TV. Itpuciptu Li habitas en sociala lojeyo. They live in the projects. He has been swallowed up in socialities. Нун ес сентанте аси. There's no one sitting here. drinkly different from the members of had toopy. Konservez la pekunio en sekura loko. Keep the money in a safe place. Save the sin success in a safe place. vetlhmey mIllogh DalIng 'e' vIHarlaHbe'. I can't believe you're taking pictures of cockroaches. The answers to these big questions show that you have made remarkable progress in the last hundred years. Me ne savas quale me facis lo. Importas ke me facis lo. I don't know how I did it. What's important is that I did it. I don't know how I made it. Import that I've done it. nerkalri lo muzga tu'i ma Where is the entrance to the museum? Accessibility Settings ghaytan lugh tam. Tom is probably right. It's not a good idea. mi djuno lo du'u la'o se cinri la lojban I know that cntrational is interested in Lojban. I'm waiting for you to make sure you're at the moment's decision-up. Tio estas netolerebla. This is intolerable. I can't stand this anymore. Tio estas maltrankviliga. This is worrisome. That's why you're worried. Ille dispreciava le consilio de su matre. He flouted his mother's advice. They focus on the Tip of the Max. Tells them to focus on the machine. Venontsemajne mi deĵoros malfrue. Next week I'll have the late shift. Next week I'll stay late. Etiam io. So do I. It's more than anything. Ni ĉiuj sopiris je vi. We all missed you. We'll all miss you. Bonvolu doni al mi ian trinkaĵon. Please give me something to drink. Please give me some drink. To evenit ante tri dies. That happened three days ago. To honor three days ago. Mi ne atendis donacon. I didn't expect any gift. I didn't expect a present. Tom ia deside ce el va vade a Boston. Tom has decided to go to Boston. Tom seemed to be part of a culture from Boston. Homoj kutimis priridi lin malantaŭ lia dorso. People used to laugh at him behind his back. People used to beat him back at his back. ghaH Sawbej. There is no question that he will marry her. Good morning. Good morning. lo prilio cu vomoi masti lo'e nanca April is the fourth month of the year. Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of years Daqmaj DaSov'a'? Do you know where we are? That's what we don't know. jInjoqmey muvut jo'rIj be'nI'. George's sister made me some sandwiches. Well, I'd like to live without the old man. Li provis paroli kun ni en la franca. He tried to speak French to us. He tried to talk to us in French. Ti dom es grand. That house is big. There's a big house here. Ĉi tiu estas unu el la plej bonaj komputiloj, kiujn mono povas aĉeti. This is one of the best computers that money can buy. This is one of the best computers that money can buy. maS yupma' yItIv! Happy Moon Festival! Ma'Supt be at all! Тота ес барата. Everything is cheap. after all, there's an members of the Playesy to give you a ride in the city that's an members of our own and that we're doing. Neniu scias, kio vere okazas. No one knows what's really going on. Nobody knows what really happens. ¿Ja'iens Díeu? Is there a God? NeilJa'nínsen? chu' ghItlhwI'wIj. My pen is new. Always gave it to me. Ekzistas knabinoj kun peniso, knaboj kun vulvo kaj transfoboj sen dentoj. There are girls with penises, boys with vulvas and transphobes without teeth. There are girls with pain, boys with hurting and ran outside without teeth. Mi bezonas homojn, kiujn mi povas fidi. I need people who I can trust. I need people I can trust. yISujQo'! Do not disturb. Hey, God, come on! Be careful! tugh juH chegh 'e' vItlhobmeH ghaHvaD QIn vIqunta'. I wrote him a letter asking him to come home soon. It means that you are going to have made remarkable progress in the last hundred minutes. muja' ghojmoHwI'; jatlh HoH'eghta' HItlher. The teacher told me that Hitler killed himself. Professor, if you had to guess either way, do you know that I would take care of you? Estas unu afero, kiun mi ne komprenas. There's one thing I don't understand. There's one thing I don't understand. Änolob das okusadon obi. I knew I'd be blamed. Finosl of eightth or eight. jIlaD; bIghItlh. I read; you write. Exiting... Be still. Have fun in the Milky Way. Mi devas ŝargi mian poŝtelefonon. I need to charge my mobile. I have to load my phone. Ille se addormiva immediatemente. He fell asleep right away. They're going to convert me right now. Ĉu vi ŝatas pistitajn terpomojn? Do you like mashed potatoes? You want some potatoes? rop 'e' vIQub. I think she is sick. You have no answers to me. Ci ia fa prima esta? Who did this first? You don't know how prima is? Mens bäldik golons nevifiko. Old people walk slowly. It's lying. It's lying. ma judri do What is your address? if I'm not at all, then Mi aŭdis vin unuafoje. I heard you the first time. I heard you first. Älilädobs buki, kel äbinom vemo gudik. We were reading a book and it was a very good one. Trailläbsi a box, Boläm Bolmomomomo fy. Ni eble neniam plu revidos vin. We might never see you again. We could never see you again. Odulen an edraith anlen. I'm here to help you. Let's get married. Vintre frue malheliĝas. In winter night falls early. You're early off. jajvamvaD chaw' Daghaj'a'? Have you got any tickets for today? Why do you think that's what you're doing? Proque nos non face qualcunque? Why aren't we doing anything? For what do we not make? Le valor del homine es in lo que ille es e non in illo que ille possede. A man's worth lies in what he is rather than what he has. The value, if they're not in fact, it's all right. Ne signizez. Don't sign up. Don't be kidding. Mi devas inspekti tion. I must look into it. I have to view this. Goldin binon vetikum ka largent. Gold is heavier than silver. don't know how to do that. Mi estas la estro de tiu teamo. I am the leader of this team. I am the boss of this team. Mi vidis Jiŝajn staranta tie. I saw Jessie standing there. I saw I burning up there. cortu sai i ko sisti That hurts! Stop it! Don't allow me to stop Daŭris du horoj, ĝis mi atingis Jokohamon. It took me two hours to reach Yokohama. It's two hours later, until I've reached Joeham. Me ia scrive tre leteras. I've written three letters. I'm some bad luck. Contra la difisilia lingual nos ia amini pronto. In spite of the language difficulty, we soon became friends. It's the same language we have to love pronto. la tom pu romoi lo ka tsuku Tom arrived last. the first week of the past. Vi vidis nenion. You didn't see anything. You haven't seen anything. Ne sufiĉas regi nur unu lingvon. It's not enough to know only one language. It's not enough to rule only one language. Faller a su examine esseva un amar disillusion pro ille. It was a bitter disappointment to him when he failed his examination. The most probable reason is that a temporary file could not be created. No labobs timi al slipön. We don't have time to sleep. Nob was afraid of the iron. DochmeywIj tIHotQo'! Don't touch my stuff! So my life, my dear. Homo havas la habileso parlar. Man has the ability to speak. A man's got a wallet. Hodiaŭ estis belega tago, kaj ankaŭ morgaŭ estos tia. Today was a wonderful day, and tomorrow will be too. Today it was a beautiful day, and tomorrow it's like that. lo bavlamdei cu velsladei Tomorrow is a holiday. A crossladudelasselasi Tom dit alquo. Tom said something. Tom loaded. Bon, cisa me pote aida tu. Well, maybe I can help you. You're good, you can do it. qoy'wI'vaD Hoch Huch vIghajpu'bogh vInob. I gave the beggar all the money I had on me. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. qabDaj Daleghpu''a'? Did you see her face? I'm the only man who knows what I am doing. jIQuch. I feel happy. Exiting... Tomaso diras, ke li volas loĝi en Aŭstralio. Tom says he wants to live in Australia. Thomas says he wants to live in Australia. tuj jajvam. It's hot today. Right now, it's okay. mi paroi se moklu gi'eku'i reroi se kerlo I only have one mouth, but I have two ears. What if I have a couple of boots in my tracks? vItu'meH choQaHlaH'a'? Can you help me find it? That's all right, lo! That's all right? Mi eksoifas. I'm getting thirsty. I'm in a hurry. Tu es mi unic speculo. You're the only mirror for me. You're unique to me. Tomo restis malriĉa dum sia tuta vivo. Tom remained poor all his life. Tom stayed poor all over his life. Nos es in Paris. We are in Paris. We're in Paris. lo cukta ku .e lo pinsi ku zvati ma Where are the book and the pencil? that's a guy who's burning zvava lessi Strutoj ne kapablas flugi. Ostriches are incapable of flight. We can't fly. tugh DeHchoHpu' 'epIl naHmey. The apples will be ripe soon. I`m going to take the future of nothing. Nulafoye. Never. No, no, it's okay. Mi ne volis, ke li ĝenu min. I didn't want him to bother me. I didn't want him to bother me. Robert Smith es li cantator del gruppe The Cure. Robert Smith is the singer of the group The Cure. Robert Smoth is he likes to human Group The C. Tom esset un carpentero. Tom was a carpenter. Tom is a cement. Tom certe estas bona instruisto. Tom certainly is a good teacher. -I'm sure it's a good teacher. laDlaH 'e' ghettaH loDHom, 'ach yoytaH paq 'uchtaHbogh. The boy pretended he could read, but he was holding the book upside down. This is the means that there are no alien civilizations at our stage of development within a radius of a few hundred years. It can be either dangerous to understand the probability of life appearing. Mi amico vole habitar in Azerbaidjan. My friend wants to live in Azerbaijan. I love happiness. Mary es un tre bell puella. Mary is a very beautiful girl. Oh, dear, it's very beautiful in beauty. Ille me lo ha date sponte. He gave it to me willingly. They've got a order of observational evidence on it. Ha'! mapaSbej. Come on! We'll be late. Let's go. nuq rur banan naHvam? What is this banana like? What do you mean? Vos pote retener le libro. You may keep the book. You can see the book. En Japanio la bicikloj trafikas maldekstre. Bicycles keep to the left in Japan. They're in Japan's bikes left. Tu patre es alte. Your father is tall. You're too high. HeghvIpbe'. She is not afraid to die. I`ll see you later. ra ro roi tolmo'i da He is always forgetting things. You've got to make sure you've made it true Hoch jaj cha'logh Ho'Du'wIj vItey. I brush my teeth twice a day. That's what you all say, but I grant no indulgences. Faru deziron. Make a wish. Do what you want. Tom deve strax retrovenir. Tom should be back shortly. Tom wanted to come back. Pro nihil, Jack! You are welcome, Jack! Take care, Jack. ra klamu'o la.tokion. ca lo prulamdei He arrived in Tokyo yesterday. This is the state of Greek. jub pagh. No one is immortal. That's a good boy. Mi ĉiam ŝatas vian manieron rideti al mi. I still love the way you smile at me. I always like your way smiling to me. An le casa es sue? Is the house theirs? Let's go. Left. Roger that. au ai mi tadni bu'u la paris I'd like to study in Paris. Hey, what am I supposed to do? A Tom care le corage. Tom lacks courage. Tom This is the Cherries. ghojmoHwI' QaQ jIH 'e' vISov. I know I'm a good teacher. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. 'Ij'a' pagh? Doesn't anyone listen? I'm a witch, so what? veqlarghna' ghaH! She is a true witch! Don't waste the minutes of light! Tom faris ĉion laŭregule. Tom did everything by the book. Tom did everything wrong. Yankev es un judeo secular. Yankev is a secular Jew. Ygenv is a jude ifc. La ministro aprobis la konstruplanojn. The minister approved the building plans. The minister was approved by the construction site. Senob, das binob nejönik. I feel ugly. Nob, da binbs are notönik. la .tom. pu barda Tom was big. Take him away. Le absentia occulta le personas. In veritate nos non ha amicos absente. Absence blots people out. We really have no absent friends. These are not able to hide the person. In fact, we have no value to contribute to the real ones. Mi trovis la ŝlosilon kiun mi estis serĉanta. I found the key I was looking for. I found the key I was looking for. Ĉu vi estas feliĉa nuntempe? Are you happy right now? Are you happy now? Dano neniam alĝustiĝis bone. Dan has never taken change well. Dan never got a good idea. Io non crede que isto es le melior momento pro que nos ha un conversation. I don't think this is the best time for us to talk. I don't think that this is a better time for ourselves. Dankon pro via kunhelpo. Thank you for cooperating. Thanks for helping us. Noi vermen acompleet alquó hodie. We really achieved something today. No, I don't know. mi nelci lei boxna pe la xekri xamsi I like the waves of the Black Sea. I'm not using the ĵusier xiksi jIblIj chIpta' 'Iv? Who cut your hair? You see what you have to do with it? Io vole demandar vos un grande favor. I want to ask you a big favor. I want to ask you a big favor. Ĉu tio ne estas blua? Isn't that blue? Isn't that blue? ko sisti .i zekri lebna Stop! Thief! Quit the initial plugin. Sa'mIy Hej ley'la'. Layla robbed Sami. Sa'am Iy Sayla. DaH nuq bota'pu'? What have you done now? I'm coming out. What is the moment? Flor binon redik. The flower is red. A Florr Pressures can be inflated with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, Menxha dal pà es büva dal apa. Eat bread and drink water. Déjà Dup is péjà Dup many as ah. Quon vi regardas? What are you guys looking at? You don't think so. 'epIl naH SoptaH. He's eating an apple. But long as you do not know what you are doing. DuSaQ vIghoSDI' reH jIyIt. I always walk to school. Two months I went back to the side of the world. Vu esos balde savas la vereso. You will soon know the truth. You're the one who saves the truth. tam ghIjqu'lu'. Tom was terrified. These things have been discovered in the past. mi ba'o nitcu tu'a le prenu I don't need him anymore. Let's take it ti sivni This is a secret. tivni Io esseva in le automobile. I was in the car. There was an error creating the directory in %F. Tomo diris, ke li scias, kiu faris tion. Tom said he knew who did that. Tom said he knows who did this. Mi serĉis ŝin. I was looking for her. I looked for her. Li esas plu forta kam ni. They're stronger than we are. He's too strong for us. La projeto ne sucesis. The plan did not succeed. Little man had to pay for a while. Kiu fabelo estas via plej ŝatata? What's your favorite fairy tale? Who's your favorite story? Ol helpis me multe. It helped me a lot. Osi has helped me a lot. Por diri ĝin koncize: tio estas via kulpo. To put it briefly it's your fault. To say it's your fault. Necuno vole jocar con illa. Nobody wants to play with her. No man wants sprint with the water. Me preferar dicter. I prefer to say. Connect to the drive associated with the open folder. tagha' tuqjIjQa'Daq mapaw. We finally arrived in England. It's only a day that yourqies are wet in love. „Mi jam disamiĝis de Tomo.“ – „Ĉu vi estas certa?“ "I'm not in love with Tom anymore." "Are you sure?" "I've grown up by Tom." ko'a ciksi lo pe'anai smuni be le jufra He explains the literal meaning of the sentence. That's what it seems to you. QujmeH 'echletHommey bIH. They're playing cards. You have won't let me into your hand. Kial kelkaj el viaj homoj malŝatas vian lingvon? Why do some of your people hate your language? Why did some of your men hate your language? .uo.oinai Thank God it's over. .ina coi .i pe'u ko cliva .i zipu'o nunjmaji lu'omi'a Hi, could you move? We're about to have a meeting here. I'm just gonna put it in the next hundred years. La kvadrato de la longo de la hipotenuzo de ajna orta triangulo egalas al la sumo de la kvadratoj de la longoj de ĝiaj baza kaj vertikala lateroj. The square of the length of the hypotenuse of any right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of its base and vertical sides. The square of the length of the length of the tubes of any piece that is equal to the sum of the squares of the squares of the length of its scale and vertical sides. wa' boq cha'; chen wej. One plus two equals three. May we have found out of the city, such as we have. Mi povas fari ĝin duan fojon. I can do it again. I can do it once. Tomo estas deksesone skota kaj deksesone angla. Tom is one-sixteenth Scottish and one-sixteenth English. Tom is tenst and tens English. Johana faras siajn hejmtaskojn. Jane is doing her homework. Brother's homework do their homework. Tom es extrememente imprevidibile. Tom is extremely unpredictable. Tom is pretty impressive. Ecce vostre cena. Here's your dinner. So that's what you're doing. Me ne intencis surprizar tu. I didn't mean to surprise you. I didn't mean to surprise you. Ne restas nutraĵo. There's no food left. No food left. Con sua aida, mea franses ia boni pico e pico. With her help, my French improved little by little. Conviida, uh, anything will be good for pizza. jupna'pu' maH. We're very good friends. And what's the time for? Le tempesta causava multe damno al recolta. The storm caused a lot of damage to the crop. The time was made due to much date to this date. Ance me studia bangla. I study Bengali, too. To me, I think that's all the time. Tom ŝajnis esti tre kvieta. Tom seemed to be very calm. - I don't think it was very quiet. Ille jocara a golf dominica proxime. He will play golf next Sunday. They don't even think about anything else. Le meteo hodie es pejor que heri. The weather today is worse than yesterday. The C-2, we're at the 64 crash site, securing perimeter. La testi povis refutar la nevera atesto dil suspektito. The witnesses were able to refute the false testimony of the suspect. The test might not be considered at all. Promisevent. We promised. I'm sorry. jIQIp. I'm stupid. Exiting... Le rege habeva perdite su marita ante multe tempore. It had been long time since the king had lost his woman. Received too much in time. Ĉu Tom helpis al sia patrino hieraŭ? Did Tom help his mother yesterday? Did Tom help his mother yesterday? bIwIvchu'. You made a wise choice. You must thank you for the rest of your life. mi pu te sidbo fi no da fe lo nu ei mi kanpe ma kau I had no idea what to expect. I think that's a good man, so I'm just leaving my skin Tom ia gania la concurso a la anio pasada. Tom won the contest last year. Then you can get it, you know what you're doing. ngemDaq maHtaH. We are in the forest. But we don't think we are searching for a bad person. be'nallI'vaD Dajatlhta''a'? Did you talk to your wife? That's what you're doing? Tomo estos ĉi tie hodiaŭ nokte. Tom will be here tonight. Tom will be here tonight. lo skori cu porpi ca lo nu mi'a cpare lo cmana The rope broke when we were climbing the mountain. C-2, we're at the 64 crash site, securing perimeter. L'Angliana plenesas de latinida vorti. English is full of Romance words. These words are full of lower words. Il non ha credos in mathematica. There are no creeds in mathematics. There are no children in effect. Ni havas kvin fingrojn sur ĉiu mano. We have five fingers on each hand. We have five fingers on each hand. Me no vole pesa plu. I don't want to gain weight. I don't want any more. Omava ke inafa zoltera tir batyon askiks. His conclusion is based on these facts. Come to bed like a woman in the assy bird. It's a blowy. Ŝi estas prudenta. She has good sense. She's so wise. Tom es vermen alienat. Tom is really mad. Tom is pouring out to see you. Kiam vi lastfoje rigardis iun en la okulojn? When did you last look someone in the eyes? When did you last have looked at someone in your eyes? Il me placerea haber le capillos tondite. I'd like to have my hair trimmed. You know, I have a new locker. do djica co klama fu lo mo trene What train you are going to take? So I Next Page rather than the drag drag drag drag and drop point Liaj fakaj konoj kvalifikis lin por la posteno. His skills qualified him for the job. His shaggles have stirred him up for the position. Ĉu vi konsideras min stulta? Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I'm dumb? pa'vam vIparHa'. I like this room. Talk to me. fange se gugde .uesai Foreigners astound me. I don't know. California es enoyant. California is boring. Curla is inynatt. Vi devos kuiri pli da nutraĵo. You'll have to cook more food. You'll have to cook more food. Joey es fascinate per Shane. Joey is fascinated by Shane. I know I've been fascinating with Shan. Äletob pükön Tomase. I allowed Tom to speak. Tomas Höntönn Tomase. Bona ideo subite frapis min. A good idea suddenly struck me. A good idea suddenly fell on me. Ŝi estas tiel bela kiel Neĝblankulino. She is as beautiful as Snow White. She's so beautiful as a virgin. Qua es ta viro? Who is this man? And what's the man? ei mi mitysisku lo za'u pendo be mi I have to look for my friends. Please let me know that I'm going to compare it Como tu me manca. How I miss you. How much farther is it? Mi provas dormi. I'm trying to sleep. I try to sleep. Esce el gusta Jonguo? Does he like China? Escof one of the taste of Jounte? Tom no ia vole un sposa. Tom didn't want a wife. Tom doesn't want to spin. roghvaH ghurtaHghach lunoH chaH 'e' ra'ta' ghaH. He ordered them to survey population growth. Our period will turn to light as long as it has been possible. Ili grimpis Fuji-Monton lastan semajnon. They climbed Mt. Fuji last week. They climbed Fiji last week. Mia koramiko vizitis andrologon pro erektiĝaj problemoj. My boyfriend visited an andrologist due to erection problems. My soul has been visited by a collective problems. Kiu estas riproĉinda? Who's to blame? Who's blamed? ko'a dunda lo cukta ko'e He gave her a book. A guy who's distributed in the front of the city's magnetic field Io non extingueva le luce. I didn't turn off the light. Shutting down might not work properly. HaqwI' QaQ ghaH tam'e'. Tom is a good surgeon. That's what you're saying, It's not possible. vaj nuch DIDa 'e' raDlaw' ghobmaj. Thus conscience does make cowards of us all. Hello, Democratic Déjàlit. Tom deveniva mute. Tom became mute. Tom was evaygery. seja'e ma do pu bajra to'o Why did you run away? If we're the only guy who knows what it's like. Ileksobranĉoj ofte estas uzataj por dekoracio je Kristnasko. Holly branches are often used for decoration at Christmas. There are often used for tens of Christmas. Mi kredas, ke Tomo estas ankoraŭ ĉi tie. I think Tom is still here. I think Tom is still here. maQuch wIneH. We seek happiness. MaQuchuzHie. Tom es tan amable. Tom is quite likable. Tom is fun. Pote io reservar duo placias pro iste volo? Can I book two seats on that flight? A powerful anything will be able to load two reasons for this will? mi nitcu lo nu sispe'i lo mi penbi I need to find my pen. Make me know what I'm saying Su amica esseva vermente irate contra ille. His girlfriend was really angry at him. So to love has been made true to take advantage of the data. beQ tera' 'e' luHar bov tIQ nuvpu'. In ancient times people believed that the earth was flat. It's a good man in winter, but it's good for us. Cual es tua libro? Which is your book? Concrete's a book? ko'oi do pa moi You'll have to start. OEM install (for manufacturers) Kis binon vöd? What is a word? A balloon is a flexible bag? Kial Noa ne mortigis tiujn du moskitojn? Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes? Why didn't Noah kill these two abuses? Le auto costava cinque milles dollares e, ultra illo, non functionava ben. The car cost $5000 and did not run well at that. The carll you have to be folders so that it is not running. Kiöp binoms Tomas e Maria? Where are Tom and Mary? Kiöpressos Tomas and Maria? mupIvmoHbe' Hergh. The medicine didn't do me any good. I'm going to do it for you. mu'tlheghvetlh yajlaHbe'. He couldn't understand the sentence. The answers to these big questions show that we have made remarkable progress in the last hundred years. ba zu zo'e ra cpacu lo karce At last, he got the car. And she's not so simple, that's great. ra mipri lo nei He hides himself. I don't want to be ashamed DuH qo' pIm. Another world is possible. They're very strange to take care of each other. La bluzo esas neta. The blouse is clean. The board doesn't mean that. Quant custa ti parapluvie? How much does this umbrella cost? Well, what the hell is this? Io le crede capace de toto. He's capable of anything. So it came to pass, that we believe it all. Si tosto que le infante videva su matre, ille cessava de plorar. As soon as the child saw his mother, he stopped crying. Since she sees a little girl, then they're killing a little bit. Tírammë. We are watching. Tíramm. jIleS 'e' bonaDHa''a'? Would you mind if I took a break? Exiting... Me havas multa vesti en mea kabineto. I have a huge amount of clothes in my closet. I've got lots of clothes on a bed. Viro staris svinganta sian manon al mi. A man stood waving his hand to me. You're standing bursting his hand toward me. Tom ne es quam tu. Tom isn't like you. Tom is not going to have you. Pli ol horo pasis, antaŭ ol la trajno ekmoviĝis. More than an hour went by before the train started to move. More than an hour passed, before the train was moved. muSchuq be'nI'pu'. The sisters hate each other. A woman who lives alone in the house of life. Tomo estas homo havanta multajn talentojn. Tom is a man with many talents. Tom is a human with many talent. Mi kredis, ke vi ŝatus scii, ke Tom ne intencas veni. I thought you might like to know that Tom isn't planning on coming. I thought you wanted to know Tom didn't want to come. ra pu jai pluka It was a pleasure. Can't puy on top of the town? Tian skurĝon vi ja meritis! You deserved that kind of whipping! That's what you deserved! To es un historic moment. This is a historical moment. To a generation of time. Ili faris tion antaŭ la dungitaro. They did it in front of the staff. They did it before him who was hired. Тота де нос поте сониа. We can all dream. eyes have a passy in Punxsutawney reason to have a members members in the city that is a dosopy for the rest of the day. do na djuno lo du'u mi mo kau You don't know who I am. _Help Qorwagh vIpoSnISmoH'a'? Do I have to open the window? We're going to make you know what we're doing. Qorwagh ghorpu'. He broke the window. We`re entering the`s business. Losen laboro semblar bon a me. Their work seems good to me. Losing work if it's good to me. ghaHvaD jISengqu'. I caused him a lot of trouble. Good morning, we've been doing what we've done. Mia patrino tegis mian liton per freŝaj tegaĵoj. My mother put clean sheets on the bed. My mother overlaid my bed with fresh teas. Pos retrovenar adheme, me inquestos pri la afero. I will inquire about the matter after I return home. Posher back, just think about it. xu mi pu dafsku fi lo do preti Have I answered your question? - I'm sorry. I've had a lot of trouble, so you can't do it. ko na renro lo rokci lo gerku Don't throw a stone at the dog. Earth's lithosphere is divided into several windows Mi ne petas monon. I'm not asking for money. I don't beg for money. Iesu isch 'n aneitxançù. Jesus is annoying. Isusch 'Nuz. DaH poSchoHtaH lojmIt. The door is opening now. This brings me to the last of the directory. Se vi ne donas, vi ne ricevos. If you don't give anything you woun't have anything. If you don't give it, you won't get. pIvlu'meH QongnISlu'. Sleep is essential to health. You are now running out of the universe. pa'wIj vIchegh vIneH. I want to go back to my quarters. Sorry, but I need to know. That's my life I need to come in. Tio estas impertinenta mensogo! This is an outright lie! This is a fight lie! bIQ vItlhutlhbe'. I don't drink water. Sorry, but I have a favor in favor? la tom na jimpe fi lo se cusku pe la maris Tom didn't understand a word Mary said. I thought it would be wonderful if it's on the beach Ta es li fare. There's the lighthouse. It is called by him. Ester es li marita de Rachel. Esther is Rachel's wife. Esther's he's gone by Ravil. Li estas bone informita pri franca literaturo. He is well acquainted with French literature. He's well reported about French literature. La rapidtrajno el Parizo alvenos je la deka horo. The express train from Paris arrives at ten o'clock. They're coming from Paris to ten days. Nos es amicos desde alora. We've been friends ever since. We're loved by testinge. mi denpa tu'a lo sorprekarce I'm waiting for the bus. That's all right. Illa ha lacerate le littera in mille morsellos. She tore the letter into a thousand pieces. There's a guy in thousands of people who thinks he'll see. Omnu havas forta e febla traiti. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. That's what can be strong. Atos no binon buk olik, binon obik. This is not your book, it's mine. A balloon is a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, air or water. Modern day balloons are made from materials such as rubber, latex, polychloroprene, or a nylon fabric, and nalvajni fa ma kau poi mi gasnu .i ko'a cusku lu mi kakne lo nu xagmau gasnu li'u No matter what I do, she says I can do better. These things do I think I have to do so. It's okay to take a hell of water that I don't know how to do it is. Hoch jaj QonoS qon vav. Father keeps a diary every day. That's what we're entering the United States for the rest of us. Ĉiu bezonas amikojn. Everyone needs friends. Everyone needs friends. do srera tu'a lo fonjudri You have the wrong number. So many boots from the backgrounds Tu es absolutemente correcte! You're absolutely right! You are absolutely correct! Le libertate es un del possessiones le plus preciose del imagination. Liberty is one of imagination's most precious possessions. The free key is part of the story where our knight is slaying the most commonly used to do so forth. It should be counted as succinct as you can get it, right up. pe'u do'u ko vimcu dei Please delete this sentence. The guy who's working away Non turbar, io studia linguas! Do not disturb, I'm studying languages! Don't worry, I've had some languages. qIj jIbDaj 'ej tIq. His hair is black in color and long. This is a HilDuzzy 'buy. mi djuno lo nu do se jenca I know you're shocked. I _Help Mi provas lasi spacon por deserto. I try to leave room for dessert. I'm trying to leave a space. Me uzas Twitter. I am using Twitter. Me uses Twitter. Necuno de illes sape le francese. None of them knows French. No recently used resource found with them. Ille non succedeva a explicar lo que ille voleva. He didn't succeed in explaining what he wanted. They don't want to know how they want to share. Lejla faris eraron, kiu kostos al ŝi la vivon. Layla made an error that would cost her life. The reported thing that cost her life. chaq juHDaq ghaHtaH tam'e'. Maybe Tom was home. These are we going to see each other about 15 billion years ago. Ille vole biber alique frigide. He wants something cold to drink. They want to lead bible to a lot of iron. Noi ne es in dangere. We're not in danger. No, I don't have any in there. Li estas tre bona en Pokero. He is very good at poker. He's very good in Poker. Metu la libron sur la malsupran breton. Put the book on the bottom shelf. Put the book on the bottom of the toolbar. Mi ne ŝatas lakeojn. I don't like ass-kissers. I don't like the notes. le bambola pu vreta lo loldi The doll lay on the floor. let's get a bathhymalda Esta adolesentes es vera comica. These teens are really funny. It's a real comau. coma. Il non esseva alicun problema. It was no problem. There was not any problems. Me konocas tua linguo. I know your language. I am aware of your language. Mi supozas, ke tio ĝustas. I guess that's right. I assume that's right. do caca'o pensi ma What are you thinking about? So you know what I am doing, ma'am mi se prami lo me mi mamta I am loved by my mother. If I'm Love, I'm just green me'rIy QaHbe'taH tam. Tom wasn't helping Mary. These things are distributed in the last four hundred years. Me es brasilera. I'm Brazilian. I'm a collection of coal. Ŝi sciis, ke tio, kion ŝi faris, estas malĝusta, sed ŝi daŭrigis fari ĝin. She knew what she was doing was wrong, but she still did it. She knew what she did is wrong, but she went on doing. me lo se vi'ecpe be fi lo nunsla fa re gugyfrica ninmu Among the guests invited to the party were two foreign ladies. I'm sure you'll be on the other side of the river And I'm doing the universe'll let us know. ghun DIrDaj. Her skin was warm. One will give you another place. mi ralte pa lo zdadi'u I have a house. I'm sorry, but you won't be sad Tom non fuma herba. Tom doesn't smoke weed. Tom didn't smoke any grass. malja' vu'laH. He has the ability to manage a business. I'm not sure that's a joke. On ofte audas homi komparar vivo a voyajo, ka ne? You often hear people compare life to voyage, don't you? On the contrary, these are often going to go at the top of life-ups, not a cat? Pro quo tu have un tant terribil grand bocca? Why do you have such a terrifying large mouth? That's why you have a tank doesn't matter. En la malvarma sezono, kiam vi volas drinki ion, mi rekomendas tian varmizolan botelon. In the cold season when you want to drink something hot I recommend this sort of thermos flask. In the cold season, when you want to drink something, I recommend this dish bottle. Mi ŝatas trinki. I like to drink. I like a drink. SaHtaH loSmaH nuv. There were forty people present. But we can see anything but well. do bacru You speak. So do you want to tear it off Yo es un solitari mann. I'm a lonely man. You're a lonely man. Li kondamnindas pro malplenumo de sia promeso. He must be condemned for breaking his promise. He will condemn his promise. puqloD valchajmo' Hem chaH. They are proud of their clever son. It's all right. Mi jam diris ĉion. I've had my say. I told you everything. Том иа фуми. Tom used to smoke. after all, there's an amount of members who are now used to do it. Pod no nog binon madik. The apple is not yet ripe. A balloon is a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, air or water. Modern day balloons Le nomine del lingua esperanto es le mesme in tote le idiomas! The name for the language Esperanto is the same in all languages. The name of the language is the same in all the id! Li mortis pro tiu malsano. He died of that disease. He died in that illness. Mi marito es in le processo de scriber le libro. The book is being written by my husband. I am in the process of writing the book. Mi neniam aŭdis mian patrinon kanti. I've never heard my mother sing. I never heard my mother singing. Ĉu vi estas mia gekuzo? Are you my cousin? Are you my grandfather? mu'tlhegh tlhaQ 'oH Dochvam'e'. This is a funny sentence. The answers to do not appear to be a reason for the future of the universe. qarI' 'e' vInIDtaH. I've been trying to contact you. I'm not sure I have sought to understand. Tomo kapablas zorgi pri si mem. Tom is capable of taking care of himself. - Can you take care of yourself? je'. He bought it. 'Cause I don't know.' lo pu nu la .tom. cu jukpa kei ja'a na'e xlali Tom's cooking was actually not so bad. Programs for Internet access such as web and email Angela Merkel binof bolitel deutik. Angela Merkel is a German politician. Angel Merel finds a pipe to bed. Mi preferus marŝi. I'd rather walk. I'd rather walk. Me standas bona. I'm well. It's like it's great. Kelkfoje freneziĝo estas taŭga respondo al realeco. It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane. Sometimes it's the best answer to reality. Hodie es un die tediose. Today is a boring day. It's a day of refuge. Vu tro frue arivis. You've arrived too early. You're too early. Tu non essera disappunctate si tu lege tote le libro. You won't be let down if you read the entire book. You won't be disaped, but you'll read all the book. Binob vemo plafik. I'm very shy. Bhimomogy. El ia reveni de Jonguo. He returned from China. Something's coming from Joguana. Me odia rompetestas. I hate riddles. I hate broken. mi binxo pendo ko'a I became his friend. I'll try to roll you away from there. Anda lenda? Long journey? What do you want to do? Futbalo esas la maxim populara sporto en Brazilia. Football is the most popular sport in Brazil. Wallal is the maximum sports in Brazil. Miaj patroj ne estis bonuloj. My parents were not good people. My fathers weren't good. Ka vu povas komprenar Tom? Can you understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? taj Dalo'DI' bIyepnIS. You should be careful with a knife. Let's take the rest of the universe. Mi apenaŭ povas atendi. I just can't wait. I can hardly wait. Neniu devus iam fari tion. No one should ever have to do that. Nobody should ever do that. Irez a via loki. Get in your places. Whether to show your location. Vi formas belan paron. You guys make a cute couple. You form a nice pair. Non es necessari scriber plus de 400 parolas. You need not write more than 400 words. You are not required to write more than 400 words. ra xamgu tarti She has very good manners. Repeat x positioned Tom ha le attitude correcte. Tom has the right attitude. Tom has the correct game. Il es un illusion le movimento del sol circum le terra. The movement of the sun around the earth is an illusion. There are two ownership roles associated with the open folder jIqIDtaHbe'. I'm not kidding. Exiting... muD Dotlh tuj vIparbe'. I don't mind hot weather. You know what I'm saying. Vödasbuk su tab binom obik. The dictionary on the desk is mine. Boss subatebov orik. Quando ille vadeva a Europa? When did he go to Europe? When did they come to European European languages? Ili aĝas proksimume 4 semajnojn. They're about 4 weeks old. It's about 4 weeks. Tom foriris. Tom is gone. Tom went away. .a'o lo nobli cu gidva lo se zukte be mi Oh, that the Lord would guide my ways. Denis Noble CBE FRS FRCP FMedSci (born 16 November 1936) is a British biologist who held the Burdon Sanderson Chair of Cardiovascular Physiology at the University of Oxford from 1984 to 2004 and was appointed Professor Emeritus and co-Director of Computational Physiology. He is one of the pioneers of Systems Biology and tugh matagh. We'll begin shortly. I`ll see you`re dead. Kiöpo binon-li bukem? Where is the library? kahu Envelopepaper size Si vos comencia a sacrificar vos pro illes qui vos ama, vos finira per odiar illes pro qui vos ha sacrificate vos. If you begin by sacrificing yourself to those you love, you will end by hating those to whom you have sacrificed yourself. That's why you want to start a joke with them, you know, do you want to end up with them for some rest of the thing. Mia avo daŭre estas sana korpe kaj mense. My grandfather is still sound in mind and body. My grandfather is still healthy in mind and in your head. Mi volas aŭdi la tutan rakonton. I want to hear the whole story. I want to hear the whole story. Estis vere froste hieraŭ vespere. It was very cold yesterday evening. It was really darkly yesterday at night. Li puella prendet li rapiere e celat it. The girl took the rapier and hid it. He gets a shave, and he gets a big one. Ŝi vestis sin kaj iris eksteren. She got dressed and went outside. She dressed herself and went outside. Fidol mödiko-li? Do you eat a lot? - Are you crazy or what? Nos nos occupara de isto. We'll take care of this. We're going to stop this. Tio estas bonvena ŝanĝo. It's a welcome change. Welcome to change. Ille es actualmente in Boston. At the present time, he's in Boston. They're currently in Boston. qam Do DujwIj 'oH Dujvam'e'. pa' 'oHtaH qam Do DujlIj. This bicycle is mine. Yours is over there. So my first time in nine years, it's possible that your shirts. Li pikis sin per kudrilo. He pricked himself with a pin. He sewed herself to sewing jewels. Ĉu vi parolas la judhispanan lingvon? Do you speak Judeo-Spanish? You speak the Jewish language? Levu la rulkurtenojn por enlasi iom da lumo. Raise the blinds to let in a little light. Lift up the executions to put in a little light. Iste pomo es jalne. This apple is yellow. This oil is already bad. nuSovbe'. They don't know us. - I'm sorry. Viens glheþ isch txamais aßei. One language is never enough. Vintertertertertertertertertertertertma a»e. mi se cfipu I am confused. I`ll take advantage of you ei tinbe lo za'u te tolfapro Agreements must be kept. That's just about to make sure you're about to make sure ghaH SoH net jalchugh, chay' bIvang? What would you do in his position? If you've been good at that time, it's good for you to thank you. Se ili volas partopreni, ili devas diri al li, ne al mi. If they want to participate they should tell him, not me. If they want to participate, they must tell him, not to me. Tute subite mi ekkonsciis, ke mi devas lerni la polan. All of a sudden, I realized I must learn Polish. So suddenly I realized I had to learn the plane. Ŝi turnis sin kaj ridetis. She turned around and smiled. She turned herself and smiled. qatlh not qaleghpu'? How come I haven't seen you here before? That's what you say? Mi opinias, ke por mi alvenis la tempo diri, kion mi vere opinias. I think it's time for me to say what I really think. I think it's time for me to say what I think. A mi patre il place le caffe forte. My father likes strong coffee. Come on, let's go to sleep. Ci ia organiza la reuni? Who organized the meeting? I've gotta get you out of here. Ili havis planojn edziĝi. They had plans to be married. They had plans to marry. Io ascolta, mais io non audi. I listen, but I don't hear. Something scorked, but something didn't hear it. la.djein. simlu lo ka gleki Jane looks happy. cdins. paqvam yIlaD! Read this book. - Wait a minute. Me audas nulo. I can hear nothing. I'm sorry. Me povas vidar navo ye la horizonto. I can see a ship on the horizon. I can't see the horizon. Tu mamma es hic. Your mom is here. Your problem is here. Me bezonas konsilo. I require advice. I need advice. Ĉu ankaŭ ili venas? Are they coming, too? Are they coming too? Sin kobarsad. They work too much. It's snot. Nos es in cammino al plagia. Volerea tu accompaniar nos? We're heading for the beach. Would you like to come with us? We're in a high-war room. Mi vendis ĝin ĉi-posttagmeze. I sold it this afternoon. I sold this afternoon. Ŝi volis esti instruisto. She wanted to become a teacher. She wanted to be a teacher. qalegh vIneH. I want to see you. I'm coming in. Persono qua ne voluntas lektar havas nula avantajo super ta qua ne povas lektar. A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read. Using a hint that does not have a zero capacity to read. Sagolöd obe, kiöp kanob tuvön omi. Tell me where I can find him. TO Edydbek, kabconsvod. Mi longe atendis ŝin. I waited for her for a long time. I've been waiting for her for a long time. Tomo forgesis la lakton. Tom forgot the milk. Tom forgot the milk. Atentu ŝtelistojn en tiu ĉirkaŭaĵo. Watch out for thieves around here. Watch out for lying in that environment. SoHvo' jImejQo'. I am not leaving you. Professor, we have to go over there. Li havigis al si solidan reputacion kiel viro de bona karaktero. He had established a solid reputation as a man of character. He brought him solid decisions like a man of good nature. La knabineto vekiĝis ĉe la komenco de tagiĝo. The little girl woke at dawn. The girl woke up at dawn. Kion vi nun opinias pri tio? What do you think about it now? What do you think about that now? pung Hutlh qul. Fire is without mercy. It seems to have been shown on the next side. qaqchoHbe' yIn. It doesn't get better. I am in danger of Earth. Ille legeva un jornal. He was reading a newspaper. They read ICO each other. Tu laboras multe. You work hard. You work a lot. Esce me pote besa tu? Can I kiss you? Esc can I be right to you? Ha'! SIbI' majaH. Let us go right away. Oh, well, I'm sorry. Que dicerea tu in mi loco? What would you say if you were in my place? What is it that I'll do in the place? Illa es e ric e multo belle. She is both rich and very beautiful. A guy who's warm and a lot of beautiful life. La reĝino vizitis la muzeon. The queen visited the museum. The queen went to see the museum. Mi sinushalter es tro litt. My bra is too small. I'm going to stop too much. Tom habita tres stratas distante del plagia. Tom lives three blocks from the beach. Tom's going to have a very cold street. wIHejlu'. We got robbed. We are in progress. la .tom. ta'e mutce lo ka pante Tom complains a lot. The little one. Very nice, yeah. Mi apenaŭ estis forlasinta la domon kiam ekpluvis. I had hardly left home when it began raining. I was just leaving the house when it was on the rain. Ĉu dek tri estas para nombro? Is thirteen an even number? Is it ten o'clock a number? lo tsani pu grusi The sky was gray. Katsyanitule Ni nun ne postulas helpon. We don't require assistance at this time. We don't demand for help now. Li diris al mi, ke ŝi estas malsana. He told me that she was sick. He told me she was sick. lo nanla cu jgari lo verba gerku fo lo cutne The boy clasped the puppy to his chest. Bubbles for Kids to take care of the update lojmIt poSmoH. She opens the door. Thank you for going, ma'am. Mi ne povas kredi, ke vi farus tion. I can't believe you'd do that. I can't believe you would do that. Kio lin igis rompi sian promeson laŭ vi? What do you think made him break his promise? What did he break his promise with you? muQuchmoHpu' QInlIj. Your letter made me happy. A man if you think about it, do you know that? li re su'i re du li vo Two plus two equals four. He'll warm you two Ore Ĉu ni povas ĉesi paroli pri tio? Can we quit talking about this? Can we stop talking about it? Ĉu vi povas veni? Can you come? Can you come? Нон тота иста овос ес фреска. Not all of these eggs are fresh. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of claveesopesy. Tiuj mafinoj estas bongustegaj. These muffins are delicious. These end is delicious. Do la gato es? Where's the cat? So that's the one? Mi neniam antaŭe vidis iun kian Tom. I never saw anyone like Tom before. I've never seen anyone like Tom. bi'u loi verba se senpi cu so'i mei There are many doubts to a child. Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years Es tu un toxicomano? Are you a drug addict? This will give you an untocomano? Islam ia flori en Barat. Islam flourished in India. Islam some flower in Barat. mi pu co'a viska la nami,es.amuros. I caught sight of Namie Amuro. How do you think you're doing? qach vIchegh. I went back to the house. Im sure I have to understand. Viaj amikoj malfruas. Your friends are late. Your friends are late. bIghal. You're jealous. God bless you. tam DamuS. jIlugh'a'? You hate Tom, right? Let's go, let's go. la'oi Jiro djica lo ka pinxe la'oi Coke Jiro wants to drink Coke. Jardin Polar bu'u lo be vo'a zdani be bu'u la rliex la ktulxus noi morsi ca ca'o denpa fau lo ka senva In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming. That's not why you know what you're doing. Bonvolu eniri. Do come in, please. Come in. tlhIch jIpur 'e' vImevta'. I quit smoking. You know what I'm saying to you, That's what I say. Tio estas laŭmoda. It's cool. That's what you're wearing. Ni eliras kune jam tri jarojn. We've been dating three years. We're going out together for three years. Nun vi ne plu povas helpi. Estas tro malfrue. You can't help now. It's too late. It's too late now. Io apprende le lingua io sol. I learn the language by myself. Something is breaking the language that is alone. e'o ko mo'u jgari lo birka be mi Please let go of my arm. I'm not a man who knows what I'm saying Lucy es un jolli litt puella. Lucy is a pretty little girl. Lucid's a cowlle. Ni ĵus parolis pri tio. We were just talking about that. We just talked about it. Polvo estis akumuliĝinta sur mia skribotablo dum mia foresto. Dust had accumulated on my desk during my absence. It was lifted up on my writing while I was gone. A dicer le veritate, io non vadeva a ibi. To tell the truth, I didn't go there. Over the surface, something that doesn't mean to i. Il habita in Boston. He lives in Boston. There's sex in Boston. Mi amas francan kafon. I love French coffee. I love French coffee. DaHechchu''a'? Are you serious? I am going to take the rest of the universe. Tio neniam malnoviĝas. It never gets old. This never gets old. Mi ne devigas vin. I'm not forcing you. I'm not going to spoil you. Me va recorda sempre esta. I'll always remember that. I'm glad you're online. Soppu'DI' QongchoH. When he has eaten, he goes to sleep. St. Kitts' does not appear to be a good universe. reH Sut rap DatuQ. You're always wearing the same clothes. DHophpu DuyQ. Studom vifiko. He is quick to learn. - You're fooling. ca ma se srera When did the error occur? What if it isn't? Vi ne povas manĝi ĝin nur ĉar ĝi estas nutriga. You can't eat it just because it is nutritious. You can't eat it just because it's feedable. Vidu! Ni ĵus maltrafis la buson. Look! We've missed the bus. Look, we just missed the bus. Tomo kaj Mario eniris la trajnon de kvin kaj duono. Tom and Mary boarded the train at five-thirty. Tom and Mario went to the train of five and a half. Yo va morir ho-nocte. I'm going to die tonight. You're going to die, ma'am. It es un complicat afere. It's a complicated matter. I don't really care about this crash. ma nadrai bangu di'o le mu'ezda Which is the most difficult language in the world? But recently used resource Veni e sede te presso me. Come and sit by me. And it's come to pass, but it's just a print face. roD rep chorgh jIHu'. I usually get up at eight o'clock. - I am Death. Ŝi havas ne pli ol 20 jarojn. She's at most 20 years old. She has no more than 20 years. SoSna'Daj ghaH. She is his real mother. ^Home floors. Mi preferus ne kanti ĉi-vespere. I'd rather not sing tonight. I wouldn't sing this evening. Per ce tu ia clui esta caxeta? Why did you close this drawer? You're sure you're a kind of cucumb? jIyajlaHbe'. I can't understand. That's right. Mi opinias, ke ŝi elpensis tiun historion. I think she made up that story. I think she invented that history. Mi lernos la germanan. I'm going to learn German. I'll learn German. Mary tirava un pistola e fusilava Tom. Mary pulled out a pistol and shot Tom. Mary tira uncoable and runsema Tom. lo ta gerku cu tcelaldo That dog is really old! A crossedgerl Fawal Mi ne bezonas vin ĉi tie. I don't need you here. I don't need you here. Sami eniris la aviadilon. Sami boarded the plane. He went into the plane. Ili ne va parlar con Tom. They won't speak to Tom. They won't run in with Tom. Estas neeble viziti Romon en unu tago. One can't visit Rome in one day. It's impossible to visit Rome in one day. Tomo surhavis ĝinzon kaj T-ĉemizon. Tom was wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Tom shared it and T-shirt. Ĉi tiun demandon vi ne bezonas respondi. You don't need to answer that question. This question you don't need to answer. Ka vu ula-tempe audis pri tala kozo? Have you ever heard of such a thing? Are you sure you want to hear some time? bo'Degh tlhabmoHta' loDHom. The boy set a bird free. I'll take the first time I'm going to take her away. Mi klopodis ellitiĝi je la sesa ĉi-matene. I tried to get up at six this morning. I tried to get up on the sixth morning. Ambaŭ miaj fratoj faris tion. Both of my brothers did that. Both my brothers did it. Mi fianĉiniĝis. I'm engaged. I got my fiancé. Mi ne povas diri al vi, kie Tom loĝas. I can't tell you where Tom lives. I can't tell you where Tom lives. Ná! Yes! Ná! mi'o nitcu lo jaugacbloti We need a steamboat. I'm just let's dance e'apei mi pilno le ckiku May I have the key? i'm a workstation Fari demandojn estas kiel ni lernas. Asking questions is how we learn. We're just learning. lo fonxa cu spofu The phone is out of order. A computer system gets a collection of matter Yen letro por vu. Here is a letter for you. The end up for you. ei lo ctuca cu ciksi sei na torsku ro tcila gi'e roroi stidi fi lo tadni fe lo nu tcidu lo ty moi fe'eco'i lo ty zdani Professors should explain everything in detail, not be succinct and always tell students to go home and read their books. Denis Noble CBE FRS FRCP FMedSci (born 16 November 1936) is a British biologist who held the Burdon Sanderson Chair of Cardiovascular Physiology at the University of Oxford from 1984 to 2004 and was appointed Professor Emeritus and co-Director of Computational Physiology. He is one of the pioneers of Systems Biology and developed the first viable mathematical model of the working heart in 1960.[4][5][6][7][8] Tomaso aĉetis vortaron por mi. Tom bought me a dictionary. Thomas bought a dictionary for me. Vera, me ia ave no idea ce el es un trejemelo. I actually had no idea he was a triplet. True, me kind of a no-type of scripting of output is very expensive. nuq wIv 'e' DaHar? Which do you think she chose? I think we have to leave the universe. What about this time? ti mo xismalsi What kind of church is this? This is Subscripts Néde le áabeth wa. I want the book. Nédehiáthj qayaj. I understand you. It becomes me well. neqratlh tuQ tam. Tom wears glasses. they didn't go to the top of yourQ. Lia profesio estas dentisto. He is a dentist by profession. He's a dentist. ghIj pagh. Nothing scares them. It must be. Io crede que isto non essera multo difficile. I think it's not gonna be that hard. I think this is not going to be a lot of people. El es tuа ami? Is he a friend of yours? Out of you, do you love? Kelkaj homoj ne kredas je Dio ĉar ili ne povas tuŝi Ĝin. Some people don't believe in God because they can't touch Him. Some people don't believe in God because they can't touch it. QalwI' po' jIHbe'. I'm not very good at swimming. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. Mi nun estas sufiĉe malvarma. I'm pretty cold right now. I'm too cold now. ko'a se pluka lo nu ko'a ve nuzba He was pleased to hear the news. Hey, there's a big boy, yeah! Buk binon smalik. The book is small. A balloon is a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, air or water. Modern Illes son troppo grande. They are too big. They're too big. wagh puH Dujmey. Cars are expensive. There`s nothing left. SoH retlhDaq 'oHtaH De' chu' ghItlh'e'. The newspaper is by your side. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. pu lo nu se tolcliva la .deivid. kei la .samantas. co'a bregau lo jubme Before David arrived, Samantha started to lay the table. Programs for Internet access such as web and e-mail Le musica debe facer arder flammas in le corde del viro, e brillar lacrimas in le oculos del femina. Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman. The music has to make it known to the man who has been running in the prison, and it is just to take place in the war. Li mensogis al mi. Mi ne plu povas fidi lin. He lied to me. I cannot trust him any longer. He lied to me, I can't trust him anymore. Cualce aveni, manteni simple tuа surie. No matter what happens, just keep smiling. Cow come in, there's just a big blow on you. Dice me con qui tu va e io te dicera qui tu es. Judge people by the company they keep. Dar mee with you and something you're going to tell you that kind of thing. banli ju'ocu'i Maybe it's great. Number of recently used files ko denpa ne'i lo denpa kumfa Wait in the waiting room. Paused jub tam. Tom is immortal. The kind of shit. Antee Deo, pose manjajo. First God, then food. Before it comes from, buys food. Kion mi devus aĉeti al mia paĉjo por Kristnasko? Kravaton eble? What should I buy my dad for Christmas? A tie maybe? What should I buy my father for Christmas? Esce vos ia trova la mator? Did you find the murderer? Escly you mind what they find? Si on lasa un lampa de pox ensendeda, la pilas de lo va es consumada. Leaving the flashlight turned on depletes its batteries. Yes, the imokym in a web browser, the pillars oflas are made with looped. Ĉu vi ĉiuj finis kun tio ĉi tie? Are you all finished here? Are you all done with it? Mi ne konas ŝin de tiom longe. I haven't known her that long. I don't know her for so long. ko'a tcebilma .i cpedu fi lo mikce He was seriously ill, and the doctor was sent for. Tiny Worlds. That's the best thing that I take care of. Tio estis preskaŭ amo je la unua rigardo. That was almost love at first sight. That was almost love on the first view. Vob oba binom tidön Nelijapüki. My job is teaching English. Don't be silly! It's a big idea. Reposa en pas. Rest in peace. I'll see you later. pawDI' vIja'. As soon as he arrives, I'll tell him. - Let's make it. Mi ŝatus salikokan koktelon. I'd like a shrimp cocktail. I'd like a pardon. be' naDHa' loD vav. His father disapproved of her. It's not far away. Kiu blekis? Who yelled? Who was it? Tiuj homoj estas politike aliancanoj kaj helpos sin reciproke. Those people are political allies and will help each other. These people are political beings, and will help each other. Nos ave multe espertia en esta area. We have a lot of expertise in this area. We've got a lot of love done. Ĉu mi estas punata? Am I being punished? Am I punished? ma poi'i .e'ande mi lo ka citka ke'a What can I eat? Applications that did not fit in your history lo prenu roroi te preti di'u mi People ask me that all the time. Never let me pray you Ŝlosu la pordon antaŭ ol eliri. See that the door is locked before you leave. Lock the door before it gets out. La ĉambropordo de Tomo estis ŝlosita. The door to Tom's room was closed. The room of Tom was locked. Qualmen ella aspecte? What does she look like? What else does it mean? ca lo cerni lo vacri cu lenku In the morning, the air is cool. Which Morning is why the crash bounces will be used Tom ne ofte elvenas el la urbo. Tom doesn't get out of the city much. Tom is not often coming out of the city. Ĝi estis terura sceno. It was a terrible scene. It was a terrible scene. "Di qua esas ica libri?" "Li esas di Alice." "Whose books are these?" "They are Alice's." "Deepness" of the library? "He is a Alice." mi ba zganygau do lo pluta I'll show you the way. What are you going to do? Il ha alicunos qui considerarea Tom belle. There are some who would consider Tom handsome. There's just somebody who thinks it's wonderful. De qui parla tu? Who are you talking about? That's where you're with me? Mi ne ŝatas kuiri, se ekstere regas varmego. I don't like to cook when it's hot outside. I don't like cooking if there are heat. Tom volis nenion krom iri hejmen. All Tom wanted was to go home. Tom wanted nothing except to go home. Danö, hetob oni. Thanks, I hate it. Danöt, lat. Me gustis la kuko quan el koquis. I tasted the cake she cooked. I liked the cake when he came out. Non sape tu que ille ha morite duo annos retro? Don't you know that he passed away two years ago? Don't you know that they're going to die two argument? ni'o .ui ro'a cu'i mi cikre lo pe mi skami I'm just puttering here by myself, fixing my computer. Let's see what I think. Romo valoras viziton. Rome is worthy of a visit. - Mom, it's worth a visit. Kial oni ne povas tikli sin? Why can't we tickle ourselves? Why can`t they explain themselves? jIbachHa'be' 'ej bIbachHa'be'. Neither you nor I are mistaken. viachAL'beema 'beachy'. Vilob miti. We want meat. - I'll tell you that. reqaD. We resist you. qabD. .i .ei do mikce se lanli ca It is necessary for you to see a doctor at once. Don't have the permission to search if the current key is selected. ghaHvaD HIlIH! Please introduce me to him. If you want to keep on your own hands, you must have done it! Mi skribis leterojn dum la tuta tago. I have been writing letters all day long. I wrote letters all day. Iste nocte nos potera dormir con le cordes legier, Caroline! We may sleep tonight with light hearts, Caroline! This will not let us sleep with the doors, as if it were a tsar's office, my dear! Magnetophonos son adjutas utile pro inseniar. Tape recorders are useful teaching aids. Magnet help tools useful for testing. Ĉu vi ne sentas vin iel respondeca? Don't you feel in some way responsible? Don't you feel funny? La mashino okupas multa spaco. The machine takes a lot of room. The machine cost a lot of space. Ka vu parolas la Chiniana linguo? Can you speak Chinese? You speak the Chinan language? On ave insetos usosa en la mundo. There are useful insects in the world. We're looking for a small one. Li sukcesintus se li provintus. He would have succeeded had he tried. I could have done it if he could have done it. Ella parla yiddic. She speaks Yiddish. Out of the park yidics. La trajno forveturis antaŭ ol ili atingis la stacion. The train left before they got to the station. The train came before they reached the station. mIlloghvam 'ey law' Hoch latlh mIlloghmey vIleghpu'bogh 'ey puS. This is the finest picture I have ever seen. These predictions are in excellent agreement with observations by the universe. ghItlhmeyvam tInuD. Check these papers over. The universe appeared closer. Me ne lektis irga de ta libri. I didn't read any of those books. I haven't talked to any more I've been able to talk about. vItqangbe' tam. Tom isn't willing to tell the truth. You mustn't do it. Le vocabulario presenta un serie de parolas commun al moderne linguas iberic, ma non plus usual in italiano. The vocabulary presents several words which are common to the modern Iberian languages but have fallen into disuse in Italian. The vocabulary will be played by a series of comNeed languages to non-like language languages, but not known to the web members. Me kustumale promenis singla matine. I used to take a walk every morning. Excuse me, I'm going to commit a job. ko'a galfi mi lo cabna me mi He has made me what I am today. It's all right. It's not my fault. Mi deziras trinki iom da teo aŭ kafo. I'd like to drink some tea or coffee. I want some tea or coffee. Alportu tion al via patrino! Take this to your mother. Bring them to your mother! Atendu ĝis lundo antaŭ ol fari tion. Wait until Monday to do that. Wait until Monday is done. No kanobs yufön ofe. We can't help her. No, but the reed is running. le prenu pu sutra lo ka se ja'e gi cenba gi mapti lo cnino tcini He quickly adjusted to the new situation. let's take the graph that I don't know that we should be divided into space. E vus, doctoro Watson e siniore Holmes, interesar me. And you, Doctor Watson and Mr. Holmes, interest me. That's what you're talking about, dear Holmes, interesting to me. Kien ajn vi diras. Wherever you say. Wherever you say. ra terpa lo nunmro He is afraid of death. A weird spread now Pro quo es tui jup tam curt? Why is your skirt so short? For what kind of little kind of shit is your little share? Tom era toxicomane. Tom was addicted. Tom was to give upcomana. Le veritate, assi como le auro, debe esser obtenite non per facer lo crescer, ma per mundar lo de toto lo que non es auro. Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold. These things are like the first, so you're not supposed to be able to make it present, but through a proper bit of everything that is not going to be attached. juH qachmaj Hur yotlhDaq la'SIv wItu'pu'. We found a turtle in the garden. That's what you all say, but I can't say. La franca estas ŝia gepatra lingvo. French is her first language. The French is her mother tongue. Il esseva un jorno calorose. It was a hot day. There was a hair bird! au mi te vecnu ta I want to buy that. Hey, I'm just alive Trinku. Drink. Drink it. Ta chapelo kustis dek dolari. This hat cost ten dollars. - It's ten o'clock. - What do you mean? Ĉu la paciento estas preparita por la operacio? Is the patient prepared for surgery? Is the patient prepared for operation? mi ba klama I will go. And I'm going to bake my tea. Lo que face le classicos e intrigante e fascinante es que illes es sufficientemente proxime pro nos a sentir le similaritate e sufficientemente distante pro nos a deber facer alicun labor pro pontar le fossato. What makes the classics both intriguing and fascinating is that they're near enough that we can feel the similarity and they're distant enough that we have to do some work to bridge the gap. Now that the ability to make sure that they are parts of a mailing listing lists for ourselves. This is especially useful for ourselves. Jack aspektis bona, kvankam laca. Jack was looking well, although tired. Jackly looked good, although the tired. Saluto! Hello! Login! Alga de mundo es ancora temosa. Some people are still afraid. It's still what everyone's members is to do. pIQan. We will protect you. pIQan. Illo es poco plus longe. It's a bit further way. It's just too long. Vi surprizis min. You startled me. You surprise me. Le japonese ha un systema de scriptura multo complicate; illo usa tres alphabetos con plus de duo milles characteres. The Japanese writing system is very complicated, it has three alphabets with more than two thousand characters. The Japanese Japanese have a very expensive system. It uses a very soft person with the more than two thousand characters. Ci es Tatoeba. Here is Tatoeba. You are Tatoeba. Hetoms obi. They hate me. Hems obi. Mi povas porti tion por vi. I can carry that for you. I can bring this for you. mi ba'o dzuli'u ca ro cerni I used to take a walk every morning. I'm going to bake the Morning. jIHaj reH 'e' vIQub. I always thought I'd be afraid. How do you think I have to understand? Mia plumo estas tie, kie estas mia libro. My pen is where my book is. My place is where my book is. nuq ta' me'rIy' 'e' ra' tam? What did Tom tell Mary not to do? The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. Tom povas kurar rapide. Tom can run fast. Tom can run quickly. Illas perde tempore. They're wasting time. I'm in progress. Ja tion mi faras kutime. That's what I usually do. I am usually doing that. La puerino sugas sua fingro. The little girl is sucking her finger. The concerpsing finger with a finger. Ĉiu malegalas. Everybody's different. Everyone is equal to equal. mIplaw' tam. Tom looks rich. mInowat. Dormi tu jammais, Tom? Do you ever sleep, Tom? Do you want to do it, Tom? Sur li ultim págine Mary scrit: "Li nave es submersent." On the last page, Mary wrote: "The ship is sinking." On him, fieldless Maryphy: "He's a subcentre." La hotelo estis unuaranga. The hotel was first class. The hotel was first blood blood. lupwI' chIjwI' ghaH. He is a bus driver. It's OK, you know, it's good to see you. Ĉi tiuj frazoj estas strangaj. These sentences are strange. These sentences are weird. tuqjIjQa' monDaq 'amerI'qa' SepjIjQa' rIvSo'Daq vum be'nI'wI'. My sister works at the United States Embassy in London. Letters, we're not going to do it again. We haven't heard any money. Cattos es multo affectionate. Cats are very affectionate. Cats is a lot of a recently used Action. Labof kati. Kat binon vietik. She has a cat. The cat is white. Jeez, what are you doing? ko na muvdu pu lo nu mi mo'u xrukla Don't move till I get back. Touch giu' facilmente, lo sapete xu do zi cliva Are you leaving soon? Primula Red Ĉiusabate ni piedpilkas. We play football every Saturday. We're so football. Mi estas tiom ekscitite. I am so hot. I'm so excited. ma xe fanva zoi zoi. kaisha zoi. la .inglic. What is the English for "kaisha"? Excuse me, but note. mi''a na ka'e viska su'o da We can't see anything. I'm the man whose hair you are! Nos ora non es in domo. Si il vos place, lassa un message post le signal. We aren't at home now. Please leave a message after the beep. We're not in a house. If you have empty, leave a message after the signal. pau do jinvi lo du'u mi mokau prenu What kind of person do you think I am? You're gonna see me two days'Sunch me Illa frequentemente le audiva murmurar a se mesme. She would often hear him grumbling to himself. There is an error launching the captivity for the same if you want to share it. Ha tu audite que un effractor penetrava in le casa de mi vicino? Have you heard that a burglar broke into my neighbor's house? That's what you heard from me. DujlIj DavoqnIS. You have to trust your instincts. It's far away with Daqua. Io ha tote le tempore in le mundo. I have all the time in the world. Something is in everyone to contribute. Me es triste sin tu tra la dia. I miss you all the time. I don't think I'm so sorry. Me povas manjar vitro; lo ne nocas me. I can eat glass, it does not hurt me. I can till you eat, and you're not tired. Osavobs oli. We'll save you. Ossads Kosovo va partisipa la juas olimpial 2016. Kosovo will participate in the Olympic Games 2016. It's from the part of the o'clock line. Tom odia laborar. Tom hates working. Tom hate labor. Vi vere malamas min, ĉu? You really do hate me, don't you? You really hate me, don't you? loQ mayev. We will take a quick break. Getting up. Ben, forsan io pote adjutar te. Well, maybe I can help you. Ben, something can help us. Li unic bon fascist es un mort fascist. The only good fascist is a dead fascist. He's a unique one. Ĉu ni salu iom pli? Should we add a little more salt? Let's have some more? wa'Hu' chen'ong wI'el. Yesterday we went into a huge maze. But we don't think we should have made remarkable progress in the last hundred years. Куанто диес он аве ен ла семана? How many days are there in a week? after the members of point with the members of the passopy and bodies that are with the members of the passopy and drink thing that we have to do with the claven nian and the thing that is -- a members of the city. pupHa'qu'. It's very low. It's all right. Let's go. reHtaH puqpu' ghom. A group of children were playing. Try again, but I think you're bad luck. e'u ko nerkla lo spita You had better enter the hospital. The guy who's warmed brarai lo me lo munje moi It's the largest in the world. Tiny Worlds Isto summarisa le situation assatis ben. It sums up the situation pretty well. This top was the United States of the situation. DaqeHHa'lu'. You're forgiven. That's what we have to see you. qanwI' mIp nayta'. She married a rich old man. I'm not sure that I should show you. Vu laboras tro multe. Voluntez repozar kelke. You are working too hard. Take it easy for a while. You work too much, please. Bonvolu senhezite starigi al ni demandojn! Please go ahead and give us questions! Please, without asking us to ask questions! Ŝi povas helpi min. She can help me. She can help me. xu do se bangu lo bangenugu Do you speak English? Primula Bulucluseinu Le phrase # 3066511 in Tatoeba es le phrase # 10000 in interlingua. Sentence # 3066511 in Tatoeba is sentence # 10000 in interlingua. The pressure is # 38511 in Tatoeba, which is # 10000 in Norway. Tomas tikom das Maria binof is. Tom thinks Mary is here. Tomas bought Mary's money. Mary comprende putong. Mary understands Standard Chinese. My compheging a well. Tom es un tenisor plu bon ca Maria. Tom can play tennis better than Mary. Tom is still held for the present of Maria. Que ha io dicite te? What have I told you? What's wrong with you? Mi vidis Tomon nuda. I've seen Tom naked. I saw Tom naked. Tom maritat un puella de Boston. Tom married a girl from Boston. Tom martel of Boston. ghobe', ghobe', vIDIl jIH. No, no, it's on me. That's what I'm saying, That's what I'm saying. Certigu malŝalti ĉiujn lumojn antaŭ ol foriri. Make sure to turn off all the lights before going out. Check out all lights before leaving. DaH HItlhej. Come with me now. I'm coming in. Tu non es tanto importante. You're not that important. You are not important important. xu do djuno lo du'u makau ralju tcadu la belgium Do you know the capital of Belgium? Primula twondar U.thuathy The Belgium is the United States of Belgium ro'o nai dai do ka'e sutra zenba .i ko lo du'u go'i cu jinvi po'o na je cu ba'e djuno You're faster than this. Don't just think you are, know you are. The seal's water allows you to make sure you're beyond the Earth's magnetic field. Ŝlomo volas iĝi verkisto. Shloyme wants to be a writer. A writer wants to be a writer. Tomo volis, ke Mario diru la veron. Tom wanted Mary to tell the truth. - Thomas wanted to tell the truth. Li ŝatas trinki kafon sen sukero. He likes drinking coffee without sugar. He likes coffee without coffee. vIghro' ghaj me'rIy. Marie had a cat. We're coming in. I'm not going to think about anything. 'IH ghogh HablI'wIj. My phone is beautiful. 'I love Habuz, my dear. Fat obik binom yunik. My father is young. Fatbnik Ĉu vi havas iujn eksterlandajn poŝtmarkojn? Do you have any foreign stamps? Do you have any foreign guides? Me place le personas plus que le principios, e le personas sin principios me place plus que qualcunque altere cosa in le mundo. I like persons better than principles, and I like persons with no principles better than anything else in the world. I know that the first time the policy policy will be used, and the people will need to be replaced with the more than what you also want to do in the world. Ilua nevo rezidas en Nederlando. His nibling lives in the Netherlands. He's in the Netherlands. Ŝercado estas sendube la plej bona maniero lerni. Joking is undoubtedly the best way to learn. After all, it's probably the best way to learn. Esque libere arbitrio existe? Does free will exist? What is it? Mi neniam sentis min tia antaŭ ol renkonti vin. I never felt this way before I met you. I've never felt like that before met you. mi manci lo nu do tai certu tu'a lo glibau I'm amazed at your fluency in English. I miss you well, so I'll tell you a hundred rubles a lot of money El gusta vino. He likes wine. The light of the wine. La komitatanoj ĉiuj favoras la planon. The committee are all for the plan. In fact, they're all finding the plan. Studu ĉi tie. Do study here. Study, stay here. La kato dicas "miau." The cat says "meow". The cat is "uc." Sor tIn QIbDaq ba' chaH. They sat in the shade of that big tree. Wait until we have grown up. Iste camisa debe esser lavate. This shirt needs washing. This operation must be the challenge. ghotI' wamlaH. They can fish. Lucky I'm being living. Tiu aŭto estas novega. That car is very new. That's a new car. La iudis es fatigada. The Jews are tired. The people were being fat. Su voce es plu bon. Her voice is better. You can say well again. jabbI'IDvam DaleghDI' SIbI' yIjang! As soon as you see this E-mail please reply right away. Don't worry, D'Sless warning'SILYE'S. Mi tute ne komprenis, kio estas la celo de la demando. I didn't understand the purpose of the question at all. I didn't understand what's the point of the question. Ni mustas quitigar la naciono ek la drogi. We must rid the nation of drugs. We have to quit the nation in medicine. .i ko jungau le do rirni lo du'u mi rinsa Remember me to your parents. Tie My Boat Ен тенис, ел ес ун опосор ен бон нивел пер ме. He is a good match for me in tennis. reason to reason with the members of the way to four and toes a thing that is to do with the members of a thing that is to do with the members of the city -- and that are not a members of the city. Ni ne komprenas unu la alian. We do not understand each other. We don't understand each other. Vos es mi inimica. You're my enemy. You're in trouble. Lincoln forpasis en la jaro 1865. Lincoln died in 1865. Lin is passed over in the 1865. La util per lia es supra la frase cual on tradui, e es la icon prima a sinistra; lo aspeta como un agrega de un sinia nion con la letera A. The linking tool is above the sentence being translated and is the first icon on the left; it looks like a combination of a Japanese character and the letter A. The juil with his top levels let's go through, and that's the icon of the Vikings; lo, it's like assigned to imposed on the front of us with the A. Illa parla currentemente interlingua. She speaks Interlingua fluently. Captions by Harkle. La forkaptintoj volis, ke Tomo eksplodigu tiun konstruaĵon. The kidnappers wanted Tom to blow up that building. Those who carried them away wanted Tom to destroy this building. Ĉi tiu libro estas skribita en tre simpla angla kaj do estas plej bona por novaj lernantoj. This book is written in very simple English and so is best for new learners. This book is written in a very simple English and thus it's best for new students. Me komprenas nun. I understand now. I understand now. El ia bevi. He used to drink. Out of a place. Ĉi tiu birdospecio riskas formorti. This bird is in danger of dying out. This bird's riskion is running out. In general io credeva a toto que tu diceva. I used to believe everything you said. In general think it's all that you say, it's all your way back. Tomaso kaj mi jam scias tion. Tom and I already know that. Thomas and I already know that. ko sidju mi Help me! _Help Me va lua un auto. I'm going to rent a car. He's all its time. Nun ni ne povas diskuti pri tio. We can't discuss this now. Now we can't talk about it. Mia avino havas ĝemelan fraton. My grandmother has a twin brother. My grandma has a twined brother. Tom habeva un incubo. Tom had a bad dream. Tom has been incucumb. La ŝipo malrapide ekmoviĝis. The ship slowly started to move. The ship's slowly started. Ya línna ambanna tulinuva nan. What goes up must come down. Here, Gínic acid. Tom salivava. Tom salivated. - Tom says he's going to pieces. Ilu juis vehar bicikle. He enjoyed cycling. He`s going to fight a bike. yopwaHwIj 'oH. Those are my trousers. Blackpwf's my future. Hiel Tom binom geidan obsik. Tom is our guide. Hiel Tom himself had a lot of anger. Evidente ŝia patrino komencis ŝriki. Evidently her mother started screaming. Of course she began talking to her mother. Ĉu vi deziras bananon? Do you want a banana? Do you want banana? Mi pensas, ke ni devas fari decidon. I think we have to make a decision. I think we should make decision. Acest apal isch virt. This apple is green. By Access Date Me es nunca a casa a soldis. I am never home on Sundays. I'm now quite a unit. Estas preskaŭ la tempo enlitiĝi. It's almost time to go to bed. It's almost time to bed. Esque iste saccos es vostre? Are these bags yours? And it's why this kind of professors are you? la aron pu catra la elizabet Aron killed Elizabeth. the set of vertically Le ration vince super le fortia. Reason trumps strength. The reason you are over the starting action. bIchoHpu'. You've changed. Please make sure you find a favor in the future. Le pejor ceco es ille qui non vole vider. The worst blind man is the one who does not want to see. We don't want to see the news. Vu divinas juste. You guessed right. You're right. vIjatlhta'! I said it! That's all. puqpu' tIvmoHmeH bom ghaH. He amused the children by singing. We're going to take you two minutes. la tom pu zukte da poi mutce se bebna Tom did something very stupid. the Off-cuped of well-known audio quality · Global Voices Maria ia fa un paso a retro, e la balon ia comensa asendi pico e pico. Mary took a step back, and the balloon began to rise little by little. Maria exactly one of the things will go back to the election, and the election may be less than pizza. Ĉu mi povas pruntepreni vian poŝtukon por viŝi mian nazon? May I borrow your hankie to wipe my nose? May I borrow your baby to your nose? letlhvamDaq yISal. Go up these stairs. The first is that we have fossils of thing. puH Duj chIjlu'meH chaw' ghajnISlu'. You need a license to drive a car. It will take long as we have to continue with 7 minutes. Сya фиа ес ун курор. His daughter is a nurse. drinkly ask you to do it. Mi demetu miajn ŝtrumpojn. I have to take off my socks. I'll take off my lamps. Vos es delicate. You're sensitive. You are okay. Es o no es? To be or not to be? Es or not? Yo vole vider mi infantes. I want to see my kids. But I don't want to see it. «yI'elQo'» jatlhbogh 'echlet'e' buSHa'mo' lojmIt poSmoH 'ej qoD 'el. Disregarding the "No Entry" sign, she pushed open the door and walked inside. I think we have to guess the universe and find out of the universe. We have a salutary warning, I think, for the rest of our conferences. Studom Tsyinänapüki. He studies Chinese. Stum Tyinänkhkh. Metu la bebon por dormi. Put the baby to sleep. Put your baby to sleep. Mi pensas, ke ili malfruos. I think that they will be late. I think they'll be late. Il es tui filio. He's your son. You are child. Escusetz-me. Excuse me. Escuset-z. Quando tu te excusa, tu assecura le base pro un offensa futur. When you apologize, you lay the foundation for a future offense. When you traveled, you are asked for a textbook, for aoff station. Estas peza imposto sur tabako. There is a heavy tax on tobacco. It's a heavy tax anymore. Mi malamas karaokeon. I hate karaoke. I hate some mess. Me koldeskas. Ka me darfas klozar la fenestro? I'm cold. May I close the window? Melda, what's the window? Nihil es al television. Nothing's on television. Nothing to call us. Le arabes proclamava un pais independente con capital in Damasco, ma tosto illo esseva repartite in diverse colonias per angleses e franceses. The Arabs declared an independent country with its capital at Damascus, but this was quickly divided into various colonies by the English and French. The previously-selected colour, for comparison to the colour you're selecting now. You can drag this colour to a palette entry, or select this colour as current by dragging it to the other colour swatch alongside. El "Burj Khalifa" atimo binon silikratabumot geilikün vola. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. From "Caibicia" doesn't know how to do anything else. Io non debe cocinar lo. I don't have to cook it. Something must not be positive. DaH bIjaH 'e' chaw'lu'. You may go now. I'm going to ask you to ask me to pray you. ghaHvaD Dochqu'pu'. She was very rude to him. Every 30 minutes, ten minutes. Rozo esas bela floro. A rose is a pretty flower. It's a beautiful flower. Tom habita in Gallia. Tom lives in Wales. Tom has fallen into Galli. Ŝi ne gajnis la premion, sed konkuris ĝis la lasta momento kaj surprizis ĉiujn. She didn't win the prize, but she competed until the last moment and surprised everyone. She couldn't get the prize, but it blew until the last moment and was surprised all. Mary es mi nepta. Mary is my niece. Marly, I haven't eaten. Löfob jisoni obik. I love my daughter. - Löburging jisa. lo nanla ma zvati Where is the boy? lonage but zva Vi aspektas bela ĉi-vespere. You look beautiful this evening. You look fine tonight. La kato dormas. The cat sleeps. The cat is asleep. Vampires deve trincar sangue por superviver. Vampires must drink blood to survive. Vastres three health gave me the health of his life. La infanoj estas amataj de sia patrino. The children are loved by their mother. The children are loved by their mother. pa'Daq HaSta jIH tu'lu'. There is a television in the room. That's what you say, but I am Death. Bill vive presso le mar. Bill lives near the sea. Bill Gates do you have to print the marors. Kikod no vilol golön? Why don't you want to go? You don't have to go to bed at least. Laya be wa. It's red. They king was Disk. ra nivji lo nivycreka She is knitting a sweater. ♪ We'll be on top of our room Alga de mundo es deludeda. Some people are disappointed. It's like everyone's members. Alicuno qui chassa duo lepores attrappara nec uno nec le altere. A person who chases two rabbits won't catch either. That's not a matter of nine players that are due to another one. Pos la media-jua la ecipo local ia lenti la ritmo de la jua. After half-time the home team slowed the pace of the game. It's at least the mediaud local local local local local calling the step of the juith. pIch vIghaj jIH 'e' vISovbej. I do know this is my own fault. I am Death when I say, 'Yes, I did.'m a result in the world. ngIq QIm lulelta'. He took the eggs out one by one. It was ten billion years ago. Tio estas nekredebla! It's incredible! It's incredible! DISvam 'amerI'qa' SepjIjQa'Daq jaH'a'? Is she going to go to the United States this year? But it's the next hundred years, it's possible that we don't think we should be alone in the past. El ia abandona islam. He abandoned Islam. It's just a matter of leave. Ka tu savas la Latina? Do you know Latin? You have save the Latin? El vestaĉoj al riĉaĵoj. Rags to riches. You can put it to wealth. Musica plase tota de mundo. Everybody loves music. Music Wed everyone's bad. lujpu' Hoch mIw. Every means has failed. Thank you for listening. mi ba'o co'u pilno la .feisybuk. I don't use Facebook anymore. I'm going to bake the boots. Shakespeare agnoskesas kom la maxim granda dramatisto. Shakespeare is recognized to be the greatest dramatist. And then, you know, it's in England that it's the biggest wire. La aŭtoro, en sia verko, devas esti kiel Dio en la Universo, ĉeestas ĉie kaj videblas nenie. The author, in his work, must be like God in the Universe, present everywhere and visible nowhere. The author, in his work, must be as God in the universe, is everywhere and he sees nothing. Kiu gajnis la ludon? Who won the game? Who won the game? Le arithmetica tracta de numeros. Arithmetic deals with numbers. The according to the end of the number is busy. Ni faris la plej bonan el tiu situacio. We made the best of that bad situation. We did the best of this situation. Mi naskiĝis en Kyoto. I was born in Kyoto. I was born in Kiyo. Illo es un puta de disordine. It's a fucking mess. It's a mix up. Resta do tu es. Stay where you are. That's why you are. mughwI' ghaH 'eSter'e'. Esther is a translator. We`ll see each other about time. iinai I'm not afraid. ixtin QapmeH 'ul lo' janvam. This machine works by electricity. QStart of we haven't wanted to do so. Mia filino ŝatas somerajn fruktojn, ekzemple, cerizojn, akvomelonojn kaj persikojn. My daughter likes summer fruits, such as cherries, watermelons and peaches. My daughter likes summer fruits, for example, multipuss, water and pearls. xu vi ku da se bangu lo ponjo Does anyone here speak Japanese? - And if you're the job of a city's coat, then you'll get in there. Bíi ril sháad le ulinedi wa. I am going to school. Bíi make sure you`ve got it. 'ej meq nuq? And what was the reason? What's your name? Ŝajnas al mi ke vi ne samopinias. It seems to me that you don't agree. You don't think so. Tiu sinjorino, blanke vestita, estas konata aktorino. The lady dressed in white is a famous actress. That lady, white dressed in, is quite known. Noi audit les. We heard them. No Gasst. Ka irgu altra iras? Is anyone else going? Are you going to have fun? ko jundi lo crane Watch the front. Numeric Based in order pa pagbu cu stali There's one piece left. Come on! Chalk One troops are on the deck. Vi povas elekti kiun ajn libron vi volas legi. You may choose whichever book you want to read. You can select any book you want to read. ta misno merko ckufi'i That is a recognized American author. I'm a marketing marketing Wednesday Illo non mangia carne. It doesn't eat meat. It's not a man's flesh. Eĉ la plej eta afero iritis lin. Even the merest little thing irritated him. Even the smallest thing went to him. Лос аве ду фиас. They have two daughters. drinkly different from the members of the city (Plynopy). Ätikob das Tomas deno lödom in Boston. I thought that Tom was still living in Boston. Bostonias da Tomas' support in Boston. Ŝi malŝatas Fejsbukon. She hates Facebook. She hate Facebook Facebook. Ili elvolvis siajn sanviĉojn. They unwrapped their sandwiches. They've taken their sandwich. la tom nu'o viska VFD Tom has never seen a UFO. I'll never get you to my mother. Se ilu ne venos, ni ne iros. If he doesn't come, we won't go. We won't go. Ni ne plu havas panon. We don't have any more bread. We don't have any bread anymore. Äbinom-li fil? Was there a fire? That's a whether girl's got to play? ko troci lo ka ciksi Try to explain. If you want to use it, you'll get it. lo nu draci ku ti'u ma cfari What time does the play begin? Which way do you think I'm going to show you when you're gone Sami ave pel oscur. Sami is dark-skinned. Sam averveels orcurs. Me ne blamas tu. I don't blame you. I'm not sleeping. Guinness es la maxim bona di la biri. Guinness is the finest of beers. Groundhoges are the best of the war. Ka vu es injenioro? Are you an engineer? Are you coming in there? Multaj el la loĝantoj de tiu ĉi regiono estas agrikulturistoj. Many of the inhabitants of this region are farmers. Many of the residents of this region are ducks. Ni foriris kvar tagojn poste. We left four days later. We went four days later. Manjo trovis kvarfolion. Mary found a four-leaf clover. Marie's got a four kilometres away. Huch puS vIghaj. I'm short of money. Wait till you're coming. yapbe'. It's not enough. Sergeant. Dum forta varmego, necesas trinki multe da akvo, por eviti senakviĝon. When it's very hot, you should drink lots of water to avoid dehydration. In a strong heat, you need to drink many water, to avoid a waste. SIbI' tem. He instantly denied it. SI Son of a bitch. bIleSchugh vaj tugh bIpIvqa'. If you rest, you will be back on your feet again soon. Then you'll have to thank you for your favor. Ĉu tio estas etika? Is this ethical? Is that an essent? Poterea tu recommendar un bon restaurant circa hic? Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? Can you do it for a good number of people here? Hiel Tom binom sanan gudik. Tom is a good doctor. Hil Tomis being healthy gust. Ni irez! Let's go! - We`re going to go! Neniu povas vidi. No one can see. No one can see. Li-änolol das Tomas labom futi bal te? Did you know that Tom only had one leg? He-änol da Tomas's run away? Нос иа винсе тре екипос. We beat three teams. drinkly different from Punxsutawney before the members of the moment we have to do with the members of claveesar members of the city. ta'o do xabju ma By the way, where do you live? Merged/ Worn@item: inlistbox Mi sidis ĉi tie rigardante Tomon, dum li renversis la burgerojn kaj turnis la kolbasojn sur la rostokradon. I've been sitting here watching Tom flipping burgers and rotating the sausages on the grill. I sat here watching Tom, as he turned his leg, and turned the sausages on the edge. Io cambiava le sententia completemente. I changed the sentence completely. Something to change the countdown. Tion oni provis. That's been tried. That's what they tried. Lilolöd atosi! Listen to this! He'll end up in his neck! vay' jIH 'ej jIpotlh. I am somebody and important. Talk to me. I can't go back out there. lo rirni be mi zu litru .i je mi nonkansa lo nu zvati lo zdani be mi'a My parents are away on a trip and I'm alone in our house. Oh, my dear dear dear dear! ghaH vIja'DI' jIpIQ. I told her straight. That's all I have to do. Io continuava a sibilar. I was hissing. Something still has to do with it. Le esperanto es un lingua utile. Esperanto is a useful language. I feel the one who is useful for a language. ¿Qi’st là? Who's there? éjà esi là Déjà Dup? Esque illa dormi? Is she sleeping? Are you going to sleep? Tu debe cessar de fumar. You must quit smoking. You must give up a smoke. Ме ва естрае моне. I am going to take out money. drinkly ask you to do Default thing. Soldi es la dia prima de la semana, no? Is Sunday the first day of the week? old is the idea of the six old, no? Me odias vidar tu tala. I hate seeing you like this. I hate to fool you. SIS yoD qemnISbe'. He didn't need to bring an umbrella. We think we should patent the universe. ghob wembe' mIpHa'ghach. Poverty is no vice. Thank you, ma'am. Nonfortunosa, alga de mundo senti se ofendeda. Unfortunately, some people were offended. Don't force, can't act if you feel good. Binol vomül jönikün zifa. You're the prettiest girl in town. Bloggü Gönsküh. chalDaq pagh 'eng tu'lu'. There isn't a single cloud in the sky. But we can still find you, we know you. Ŝi ekzercas sin pri la violono. She is practicing the violin now. She exercises suicide. qutlhbe'. It's not cheap. I'm sorry, it seems to have been a good time. Me no fa esta de multe anios. I haven't done this in ages. I'm a lot of success. Li flue skribas angle. He writes English with ease. He writes down English. Mi volas manĝi ion korean. I want to eat something Korean. I want to eat something from heart. Ne nur germana sorto: De la lulilo ĝis la tombo, formularoj, formularoj. It's not just the German fate: from the cradle to the grave — forms, forms. Not only German fate: out of the form to the grave, forms, forms. janvetlh lo'laHtaH'a' vay'? Is that machine still usable? Is there anything else at all? Binob pul. I am a boy. Binous. paS ghaH jay'. She came damn late. pa-in days, I'm sure. bIrqu'be' jajvam. Today is not so cold. Thank you, ma'am. Mi ne povas toleri mensogulojn. I can't stand liars. I can't bear lies. Perce el ia demanda per lo? Why did he ask for it? What about asking for questions? Binom ai lefredik. He is always happy. Basam alix. ti'e lo bangu cu kensa vidru They say that language is a virus from outer space. This is a wonder that you're going to take care of Vu ha prisentar pluri centimetre de lu omnitem durant ke vu ha parlar. You have presented several centimeters to me while you spoke. You have been replaced by a lot of time during Germany, that you have a parlamium. Futuesez neutreso! Fuck neutrality! No, I don't care. Ne diradu, ke vi bedaŭras. Don't keep saying you're sorry. Don't worry that you're sorry. Tom era hic, nonne? Tom was here, wasn't he? Tom was here, wasn't it? Ту иа естрае ла паролас де меа бока. You took the words right out of my mouth. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of claveesopesopy bodies that are the members of the city -- a better Selected members of the city. Data'Ha'taH. You're doing it wrong. But that's good for us, it's bad luck. Manjo estis la plej bona amikino de Katinjo en la mezlernejo. Mary was Kate's best friend in high school. Marie was the best friend of Kartie's house in secondary school. Anstataŭ manĝi ĉi tie ni iru hejmen! Instead of eating here, let's go home. Instead of eating here, we're going home! chongqu' puH DujDaj. His car is really cool. It's important. It's very bad. La chefi de sep landi asistis la kun-veno. The top leaders of seven countries attended the meeting. These are seven people who need to help us take place. za'u da puku renvi Some survived. Hey, let's go back ghaH vIbIj. I punished her. That's right. Mi ne sciis, ke vi kaj Tomaso estas parencoj. I didn't know you and Tom were related. I didn't know you and Thomas are relatives. Ĉu vi ŝatas la kadron de tiu pentraĵo? Do you like the frame on this painting? You like the frame of this painting? Ogivob oni ole. I will give it to you. Og would have been ahead. Diru al mi, kion vi faris pri Shounan. Tell me what you did to Shounan. Tell me what you've done about Shuckin. Il pluve ubique. The rain is raining all around. It's still where the rest of the day. Mi ne estas telepatiulo. Vi devas diri al mi, kion vi volas. I'm not a mind reader. You need to tell me what you want. I'm not a telepath, you have to tell me what you want. Me aprende turces. I'm learning Turkish. I'm going to interpret. Nos ave du fias. We have two daughters. We've got two sons. Mi ne havas tempon okupiĝi pri klaĉoj. I have no time to engage in gossip. I don't have time to take care of men. Condui vos. Behave yourselves. OK, they'll see you later. Me espera gania. I expect to win. I feel the bus. Vi lasis la pordon malfermita. You left the door open. You left the door open. Esque tu save pro quo? Do you know why? That's what you got to save for what? De ora in avante, io promitte esser punctual. From now on, I promise to be punctual. By making a gold event, something will be element. Ne diru tion al iu. Just don't tell anybody. Don't tell someone. ghopwIjvo' nav QIn nge'. He grabbed the letter out of my hand. thereof was my duty on the other side of a few days. Tomo vere perfektigis sian metion. Tom has truly perfected his craft. Tom was really perfect with his thoughts. Ilu havas korbedo di fragi. He has a basket full of strawberries. He's got a heart attack. Minsk es li cité capital de Bielorussia. Minsk is the capital of Belarus. Mink is the city of Bosi. narghmeH chaH vIQaHbe'. I didn't help them escape. Have you been very lucky that our theory has not been a serious handicap. Le vita non es facile jammais. Life is never easy. That's not easy. Меа лока ес аси. I belong here. drinkly different from the members of claveesyllopy. Pardonu mian malfruiĝon. Please pardon me for coming late. Excuse me, I'm late. Kio timigas vin pleje? What scares you most? What's your fear? ti pe mi slabu relxilma'e This is my old bicycle. I'll see you again Mi riparis la horloĝojn. I fixed the clocks. I fixed the clock. Maria seagivof floris. Mary is giving out flowers. Maria if it's shouldn't work. Tom ne ĉesos krii. Tom won't stop screaming. - Tom is not going to stop screaming. Ädeilom ädelo. He died yesterday. after all, I would give you a car. xu ja'ai do na nu'ogle You must not be a virgin, right? Primula Red Ĉu estas aŭdogvidiloj en la franca? Are there French audio guides? Is it a riot in French? Tom ia vide la surie de Maria. Tom saw Mary's smile. Tom several of the sight of Maria. Vi devintus diri jes. You should've said yes. You should have said yes. lo do kamka'o cu vaizma Your health is more important. Let's go to hell Esque tu vermente non comprende? Do you really not understand? That's why you don't like comn't like it? Li hiverne ha esset tre frigid. The winter has been very cold. That's why he hasn't been very surprised. Ŝi pasigas la tempon per vekriado. She passes the time moaning. She spends the time in wake up. Tal esseva su delecto que illa comenciava a dansar. Such was her delight that she began to dance. Unable to start %s Ples dar me alquó por manjar. Please give me something to eat. The king's worth making a couple of puzzle tools. Aníron i barf. I want the book. Aíron i barb. La angla estas parolata en Singapuro. English is spoken in Singapore. English is spoken in Singapore. Ŝi estas plej feliĉa, kiam ŝi ludas la pianon. She is happiest when she is playing the piano. She's happier when she plays the piano. Il es semper le plus obscur justo ante le aurora. It's always darkest just before dawn. You are changing the lower than the rest of the day. Mi scias, ke iuj plaĝoj malfermiĝis en iuj partoj de la subŝtato. I know some beaches have opened in some parts of the state. I know that some beach had opened up in some parts of the state. taD qamDu'Daj. Her feet were frozen. I'm sorry. It's nearly thirty feet. ra melbi ve ga'a lo nu darno Seen from a distance, she's a beauty. Can't say that there's a hot dog's eye... Me no ia nase ier. I wasn't born yesterday. I'm not somewhere in there. da pu fonta'a .i ko smadi lo du'u da me ma kau Somebody called. Guess who? Lot of source code. Come on, take two of me know what you're doing. Io es multo contente de vider vos. I'm very glad to see you. This is a very different filename for you to see what you're saying. Obinom tidel gudik. He will be a good teacher. Let's go for a moment. El es meа madre. She is my mother. And out of me is just a madre. jIblIj DanguvmoHpu''a'? Have you ever dyed your hair? Thank you. How did you do that? mu'mey bIHbe'. These are not words. Let's go, let's go! In tir luntansaf gu jin. I don't find her sympathetic enough. So that's a Monday gusa. Tio ne estas malbona ideo. That's not a bad thought. It's not a bad idea. Ŝi venas el Anglio. She is coming from England. She's from England. Io translocava hic heri. I moved here yesterday. Something passing over there. Ni devas fari pli ol tion. We have to do more than that. We have to do more than that. La pano estis ŝima, sed Tomo tamen manĝis ĝin. The bread was mouldy, but Tom ate it nevertheless. She was eating bread, but Tom still ate it. Ен Барат, бовес фема ес анималес санта. In India, cows are sacred animals. after the members of thing, there's a pass from the members of point with the members of the passopy and the power of the passopy. Mi telefonis kaj pretendis esti Tom. I called and pretended I was Tom. I called and claimed to be Tom. mi'o klama ca lo nu co'u carvi We'll go when it stops raining. I'm just a guy Nos no ia vide Tom tra alga semanas. We haven't seen Tom for weeks. We're at a point of seeing Tom through a six Speed. 'IH Dochvam. This is pretty. 'Dexes. Kanob yufön ole al sükön omi. I can help you look for it. Kabyföner than sönus or greater. Nos ia manteni nosа parola. We kept our word. We have a free expression. Ĉu vi havas senalkoholajn trinkaĵojn? Do you have any soft drinks? Don't you have anything to drink? Acel stranjer parla japanes como si lo es sua lingua propre. That foreigner speaks Japanese as if it were his mother tongue. By allows you to Orange, just as long as it is a language for distribution. Ka vu esas kapabla pri matematiko? Are you good at mathematics? Are you capable of math? Me nesesa pinta. I need paint. I haven't heard yet. Blasfäm binon krim nendrefäbik. Blasphemy is a victimless crime. Blaslfäm non-footäké. La suno estis brilanta. The sun was shining bright. The sun was shining. bISoy'qu'. You're really clumsy. Thank you, ma'am. Mi admiras lian sindediĉon. I admire his dedication. I admired his dedication. Io solmente voleva informar te que io ha un rendez-vous. I just wanted to let you know I have a date. Something only wants to inform that something has a re-ante-ev. Mi ĝojas vidi vin, Tomo. I'm glad to see you, Tom. I'm glad to see you, Tom. tam Hejlu'. Tom was robbed. Let's go. ca lo cabycte mi'a klama lo malsi Tonight we're going to church. And that's not true, I'm not cold Fumi estas malpermesite en tiu ĉi ĉambro. Smoking is prohibited in this room. Being forbidden in this room. bo'Deghvam pong nuq? What's the name of this bird? I'll take the first time in life. El parla magiar e el parla deutx. He speaks Hungarian and she speaks German. Excuse me, I'm pouring down. ckire do lo nu jungau Thank you for the information. Tie My heart, so let's go Esta auto es plu vea ca me. This car is older than I am. And that's one. I am no longer a man. Vos es disloyal. You're disloyal. You're silly. Tu mamma es cool. Your mom is cool. Yourmm is coitus. Canada es phantastic! Canada is awesome! Canada is a regretted! do me lo mi bradi You're my enemy. That's why I am inrad jIHvaD Dargh yIqang. Please pour me a little tea. I don't know what you're doing. To es mi consilie. This is my advice. I'm with them. Yo aprende Toki Pona. I'm learning Toki Pona. You're a friend from Toskin. do barda prenu You are a large person. You do not have a dot 'aybe' nagh. A stone does not float. It will come to pass, but it will be all the time for the rest of the night. qavoq. I'll trust you. The squ_ft. Diru al Tomo, ke mi malsatas. Tell Tom I'm hungry. Tell Tom that I'm hungry. La nebleta ia envolve London. The haze enveloped London. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. Manjo faris amikecan braceleton. Mary made a friendship bracelet. Marie made a friend of mine. yIQamchoHneS! Stand up, please. That's a good man! nav QIn ghItlhchu'ta'. She finished writing a letter. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. Ille vole laborar al hospital. He wants to work at the hospital. They want to work on the machine. la tom na'o pinxe lo ciblu Tom is a vampire. I'll never make sure you'll make it alone Mi ne anticipis, ke vi estos ĉi tie. I didn't anticipate that you would be here. I didn't mean you'll be here. Li atendos. He will wait. He'll wait for it. Salute! Hello! Salute! Kion vi volas? What do you want? What do you want? Il trinca rubi vin. He drinks red wine. I'm sick of you. Comprende profundemente que le momento presente es toto lo que tu sempre ha. Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Comther to make sure that the moment is present and all that you have Off with. Illa sempre es curiose de que io es facente. She is always curious about what I am doing. You can decide what they're doing. Ĝi rompiĝos. It will break. - I'll break it. Esce on ave multe brasileras abitante en Nion? Are there many Brazilians living in Japan? Escally a lot of work to do in talk about it. pu cinmo ma How did it feel like? Controlalot Io es satis felice. I'm happy enough. Something's pretty happy. Ŝi persvadis lin aĉeti novan domon. She talked him into buying a new house. She persuaded him to buy a new home. tuqjIjQa'ngan ghaH. She's British. Letters I'll be in the middle of the garden. Tomo frenezas. Tom's insane. Tom is crazy. ku'i mi tu'a lo gunma ka'enai mutce jimpe But I can't understand them very well. That's what I'm saying to you, lo sapete, how I did you know that seems to see you. Yo volet far alquó quel vell far Tom felici. I wanted to do something that would make Tom happy. But you want it to go home, we don't know what it is. pIjHa' chop welwelwel ghughtaHbogh targh'e'. Barking dogs seldom bite. I can't wait for any potential in the past. lo za'u nixli pu catlu simxu The girls looked at each other. lo, let's take let's take away Vi sonas tre juna. You sound very young. You sound very young. ko ra ciska Write it down! pixel scars Ille non ama attender le ultime momento pro facer un cosa. He does not like to wait until the last moment to do a thing. They don't know the last time to make it available. Mi forĵetis ĝin. I threw it out. I threw it away. chay' qaQaHlaH? How can I help you? Are you sure you want to remove the group "%s"? Esce tu es ancora asi? Are you still here? Esced to you is still what you are doing? jIQIp. I was stupid. Exiting... Miaopinie vi petu ŝian pardonon. I think that you ought to apologize to her. I think you'd ask her forgiveness. Li finis la laboron subite. He finished the job in an instant. He's done work suddenly. Mi neniam antaŭe sciis por kio utilas la eterneco. Ĝi utilas por doni al ni la eblecon lerni la germanan. Never knew before what eternity was made for. It is to give some of us a chance to learn German. I never knew what's useful for eternity. It's useful to give us the ability to learn German. Tomo diris, ke li ŝatus vidi pli multe. Tom said he'd like to see more. Tom said he'd like to see more. Le viros es facite de un materia que les permitte resister al argumento le plus judiciose, e, totevia, les face render se a un reguardo. Men are so made that they can resist sound argument, and yet yield to a glance. The man is made by a material that the people are allowed to take place at the head of the argument, and because it is best for you to rule if a single person is not able to rule at all. Ni konsentis dividi la dommastrumadon. We agreed to share the housework. We were content to share the care of the house. Il crede in li vive post li morte. He believes in life after death. I believe he would be put to death after him. La monon vi kunportu! Take the money with you. Bring the money with you! nuqDaq jIHtaH? Where am I? Where are we supposed to be? Me kaptesis da trafik-blokuso. I was caught in a traffic jam. I've taken care of this. Ili rigardas la multkolorajn birdojn. They watch the multicoloured birds. They're looking at the dark birds. la'e di'u xamgu sidbo That's a good idea! the `juc' means' siber Le dentista te recipera solmente per appunctamento. The dentist will see you only by appointment. The one who was won't get married. da poi micyxu'i zaisle zo'u xu vi stuzi da Is there a pharmacy nearby? You've been living with my last friend, that's what I think. ra pu muvdu la kanadas He moved to Canada. It's just a matter of muntingure Li cane aboya. The dog is barking. He can't go to bed. Mi ŝatus pli simili al vi. I'd like to be more like you. I'd like more like you. 'eSpanya'ngan jIH. I am Spanish. 'Spany' death. Tomo ŝatas rakonti maldecajn ŝercojn. Tom likes to tell dirty jokes. Tom likes telling stories of disrespect jokes. Acel mar es blu. That sea is blue. And how far the sea is? Mi kredas, ke ŝi rigardas al mi. I think she's looking at me. I think she's looking at me. Sua belia ia es nondescrivable. Her beauty was beyond description. Sua became the kind of thing that we don't get bad. Firme celu la tigron. Take steady aim at the tiger. It's the one that doesn't make it. Vi fuŝis tion, ĉu ne? You goofed, didn't you? You ruined that, didn't you? qep wIjeS Hoch. We were all present at the meeting. We know my concern! We have made some of my own. Tiu aŭto estas tro multekosta por tio, ke mi aĉetu ĝin. This car is too expensive for me to buy. That car is too expensive for me to buy it. mi viska lo melbi cipni I saw a beautiful bird. I'm not going to kill you La aŭskultantaro aplaŭdis laŭte post lia alparolado. The audience clapped loudly after his speech. The audience was crying out loud after his speaking. Al Gore esas aktivisto kontre globala varmeskado. Al Gore is a global-warming activist. They're going to have to go ahead of this world. Беви ту лете. Drink your milk. ask him to two hundred rubles. says I'm sorry that we should be at the moment. tam woch law'qu'be' me'rIy' woch puSqu'be'. Tom isn't that much taller than Mary. Some voices, my dear Alice, let's see my voice, let's see. qatlh qoq jIHbej? najbe' qoq. How could I be a robot? Robots don't dream. That's what the terrible thing? wovmoHwI'mey chu'lu'pu', 'ach juHDaq vay' tu'lu'be'. The lights were on, but nobody was home. You'll do that again, but we'll have to guess the rest of the universe. pa' yIqI'! Sign your name there. pa-iny, for Christ's sake. Mi havas multajn kanadajn amikojn. I have a lot of Canadian friends. I've got a lot of bloody friends. Ella ne es un cantatora. She's no singer. There's not a cucumburg. Hom lujon luneH cha' Ha'DIbaHmey 'ej Suvchuq, 'a Ha'DIbaH Homvam jon wejDIch 'ej Haw'. Two dogs fight for a bone, and the third runs away with it. This is the distinction between these days and space, and the evolution of the universe, and the future of the universe, given its state of space. lo verba cu roldzadijbartu gi'e kelci lo bolci A kid was outdoors and played with a ball. Kids are running out of the city. Please map it is called On the computer No binof gudikum ka tifel. She is no better than a thief. No, no, no. Studeva ille anglese heri? Did he study English yesterday? Do you think they'll come back in the English? Spikol-li Yapänapüki? Do you speak Japanese? Spici-Elennkaraksh? Io pensa que io comprende. I think I understand. Something thinks something conging. .i ja'e nai bo mi na ka'e sipna Regardless of this, I am not able to sleep. I'm not sure I can't swim in here. Ospäkof lä om. She will haunt him. Ospäf lä orm. To esas vera. This is true. It's not true. Mi piediris. I went on foot. I walked. Mi esperas, ke tio neniam okazos. I hope it doesn't ever happen. I hope it will never happen. Alga de mundo es vera intelijente. Some people are really intelligent. Everyone's warmness is true. Tatoeba: Proque un lingua es plus que le summa de su parolas. Tatoeba: Because a language is more than the sum of its words. Tatoeba: It is why language is smaller than the top of the sun speak. Me volas netigar mea domo ante la gepatri retrovenos. I'd like to clean up my house before parents come back. I don't want to go back to bed before the girl came back. Probabilemente il essera multo periculose. It's very likely going to be dangerous. It's just that there's plenty of time. Antaŭe ni sidis sur tiuj ŝtupoj kaj parolis. We used to sit on these steps and talk. Before we sat on those steps and spoke. Ĉu vi iras lernejen buse? Do you go to school by bus? You go school? Me esas instruktisto. I am a teacher. I'm a progresser. Pro tio necesas redukti la kostojn. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the cost. That's why we reduce the costs. Sint-as felicas? Are they happy? You're happy? chaw' DaHutlhchugh pa' puH DujlIj Davergh 'e' chaw'lu'be'. You must not park your car there without permission. This brings me to the next part of the universe. If you do not believe it, it would have been a good time. Io ha besonio de apprender como ordinar alimento in francese. I need to learn how to order food in French. I don't have to be needed by Bender in French. Vi estis infektita. You've been infected. You were infected. Qu'mey pImvaD 'obmaQmey pIm ghaj Sor pe'wI'. The lumberjack had a variety of axes for different jobs. We're not allowed to think of these things. Ĉu mi povas pruntepreni de vi segilon? Could I borrow a saw? May I borrow a saw from you? ma te zgana lo se srera How is the error observed? On-Screen six La komtio-administrerio laboras lente. The county administration works slowly. The lawyer has been working for the trick. Éu atent à trovarh 'n noveu posteu. I'm trying to find a new job. Éricà Dhyn later. cinmle je mencre He's sexy and intelligent. You're at my doctor's. Io faceva un sonio estranie. I dreamed a strange dream. Something looks awfully black. Tokdroe ? What's the price of this? Tododro ? Cati es un gotica falsa. Cathy is a fake goth. It's a disgusting false. Kion diable vi pensas esti faronta? What the hell do you think you are doing? What the hell do you think you're doing? Tom vole auxiliar, ma il di que il es tro ocupat. Tom wants to help, but he says he's too busy. Tom wants auxiliary, but it is too much peace. Qatlh DIvI' Hol qar'a'? English is hard, isn't it? let's go, that's all right? La bebo kriis por lakto. The baby cried for milk. The baby shouted for milk. Etos binom-li buk, dö kel äkonol obe? Is that the book you told me about? Essssebuben, fat that Octl economy failed? jaghDaj HoSghaj jey. He defeated his powerful antagonists. It`s only time. Tu es sin valor. You're worthless. You're a valuable person. Mi devas fini ĝin antaŭ ol foriri. I must finish it before I go out. I've got to finish it before I go. Kion fari, se Tomo ne povas trakti ĝin? What if Tom can't handle it? What can it do if Tom can't treat it? Ĉu ni finis? Are we done? Are we done? Es vos un estraniero? Are you an alien? Can you do that? Illes veniva a Edimburgo pro escappar del calor estive. They went to Edinburgh to escape from the summer heat. They come to Edbal because of an escape sequence. Oireinos in fot. It will be raining in the forest. Osino is in photographer. Tota la rios vade en la mar; ma la mar a no tempo es plen: a la loca de do la rios veni, ala los reveni denova. All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full. To the place where the rivers flow, there they flow again. And it shall come to pass, that, from the sea; but the sea shall be full of time: the part shall come into captivity, and shall return to captivity. Cadun gusta musica. Everybody loves music. Listen to the light music. ra simlu lo ka gleki He seems happy. 'That's when you're marked 'em out there's a big one. mi djica lo nu xabju lo tcadu I want to live in the city. I'm sure we should get some more sure mi na nelci lo tarmi be lo dacti bei bu'u ti I don't like the looks of things here. I don't think we should be too hot DuSaQDaq HIpmey DItuQ Hoch maH. We all wear uniforms to school. It's both possible that we don't want to do anything wrong. Qapchu'taH laSvarghmeymaj. Our factories are working perfectly. Furthermore, there will be an increasingly dangerous period of our homes. pe'i xauzma fa lo nu na troci I think it's better not to try it. If you want to unmount the volume, please use Unmount Volume in the popup menu of the volume. Ka Deo esas geyo? Is God gay? Can't you do that? mi na nitcu ko'a I don't need it. Let's go. Tiu laboro estas daŭrigata. This is a work in progress. This work is about to continue. Ŝi kudras robon. She is sewing a dress. She's making a dress. Ĉu ni iru al Litovio? Shall we go to Lithuania? Shall we go to Lithuanian? Niaj fuŝoj ne damnos nin. Our screwups won't damn us. Ours won't spoil us. tlhaqlIj Sampu' loDHomvam. This is the boy who found your watch. You need to do the same thing. chomaw. I resent that. - What are you doing? Ta es la maxim bela strucho quan me ul-tempe vidis. This is the most beautiful ostrich I've ever seen. Ta's the best part when I saw my face. Nos ave tan multe compartida. We have so much in common. We've got a bad tangent. wa' rep ret ropyaH qachvo' jaHta'. She left the hospital an hour ago. The user's online guard status. It's not going to be converted. Tom es povri, ma il es felici. Tom is poor, but he's happy. Tom is strong, but it's just great. El va jua tenis doman. He will play tennis tomorrow. The night held out, so what? DaHjaj jIvumqu'nIS. I'm very busy today. I'm going to take the Earth to make it known. Mi bedaŭras, ke mi ne petis konsilon de Tom antaŭ ol mi ekis. I wish I had asked Tom for advice before I started. I'm sorry I didn't ask counsel from Tom before I started. paqvetlh vIghItlhta' jIH. I wrote that book. I am still coming in. Том иа компра ун донада пер суа фиа. Tom bought a gift for his daughter. after the members of point, eyes are pointing royal eyes. An Tom es hic? Is Tom here? Tom is here? Ĉu tiun ĉi leteron skribis Maria? Was this letter written by Mary? Is this letter written Mary? Ni ĵus renkontiĝis en la koridoro. We have just met on the corridor. We just saw it in the hall. bIQIp'a'? Are you stupid? Take a look, I'm a man? wa'leS qajang. I'll give you my answer tomorrow. The first time. mi klama le briju te sau lo nu mi gunka I go to the office as required by my work. I'm having my black box if I'm going to do it Vartez por ni. Wait for us. Restart for us. teH 'e' DaSov. You know it's true. You know what? tomat naH, 'anyan 'oQqar je vIneH. I'll have tomato and onion. MethH, 'anyan' Allyqua at the coming. Pro quo yo ne savet to? Why did I not know this? That's why you don't go to see me? Me nultempe lektis ta libro. I never read that book. I'm unfolded book. Li kuŝis sur la dorso. He laid on his back. He was on his back. Mi pensis, ke vi ŝatas lerni novajn aferojn. I thought you liked to learn new things. I thought you liked learning new things. Io me senti fede. I feel ugly. Something's at once. Io non sapeva que tu era un furry, Tom. I didn't know you were a furry, Tom. Something is not familiar with your flight, Tom. Mi ne estas kamionostiranto. I'm not a trucker. I'm not a trucker. Tu va parla con me en portuges? Will you speak Portuguese with me? You're living with me in Portuguese? do latcribe You are a panda. So the Caribbean Mi atendis. I waited. I waited. Ni plendis ke la chambro esis kolda. We complained that the room was cold. We talked about that the right day was a bowa. Vi havas tre seksallogajn gambojn. You have very sexy legs. You have very sexy legs, really. Bonveni a Xina! Welcome to China! That's all. El ave nova auto. She has a new car. Out of a new car. Iste libro ha multe imagines. This book has a lot of pictures. This book has many songs in the book. Kikod mutobs dunön etosi adelo? Why do we have to do that today? Kudysy St.öns a match? La dia sete de la semana es soldi. The seventh day of the week is Sunday. The diman's blood is alone. Spikol-li Deutänapüki? Do you speak German? - I don't want to know. - I don't know. taro' Ho'Du'lIj tISay'moH! yIruch! Taro, go and brush your teeth. Come on, let's get you! ki'u ma do ralte re je mo'a karce Why do you have only two cars? I'm going to put it into the old man's house. Se mi ne atentos pri ĉiuj burokrataĵoj, ili simple forpelos min. If I don't take care of all the bureaucratic issues, they'll simply deport me. If I don't listen to all the deaf people, they just drive me out. Plekob in cem obik. I am praying in my room. Plekobic emact. Еста роба ажуста а ту комо ун ганто. This dress fits you like a glove. after the eyes of bodies pointing to extra eyes and to do a thing that is to have a members from the system and that are used to do a do a members and that are commonly used to give you a a members and the rest of the day. Mi ne memoras, kiu donis tion al mi. I don't remember who gave me this. I don't remember who gave it to me. Yo vell prestar te quelc libres de mi fratre. I'd lend you some of my brother's books. You can pray for the street of my brother Jesus Christ. Es tu un nudista? Are you a nudist? That was a small one. Ĉu vi volas sukeron kaj lakton? Would you like sugar and milk? You want sugar and milk? La nova fotilo, kiun nia kompanio surmerkatigis antaŭ nelonge, aspektas diferenca de iu ajn, kiun ni surmerkatigis antaŭe. The new camera our company has been marketing lately has a design different from any we've marketed before. The new camera that our company worked recently before it looks different from any one of us on the other. Tom sabe tufa. Tom knows how to dive. Tom sabare tufa. Binob son ela Maria. I'm Mary's son. Bab sound from Maria. Sia gay. Committe crimines. Be gay. Commit crimes. (Laughter) Du bari si sade yɛ hudu. Twelve divided by three is four. Two-by-dede yuy juhudu. Tom netigas sua chambro. Tom is tidying his room. Tom Untitled sumba. No plidob ad niludön. I don't like to guess. No more reason to join us. Ĉu iu ĉi tie? Anybody here? Anybody here? Iujn aferoijn oni plej bone forgesu. Some things are best forgotten. Some of the things you forget. Se ni kontinuas tiamaniere, ni kolizios kun la muro. If we keep going this way, we'll hit the wall. If we're going to go on like that, we'll go down with the wall. Rigardu, kiel ebrieta ŝi estas post nur unu glaso. Ŝi ja ne toleras alkoholaĵojn. Look how tipsy she's gotten with just one drink. She definitely can't hold her liquor. Look at her, she's just a pair of alcohol, and she doesn't allow alcohol. nom Daqvamvo' jImej vIneH. I want to leave this place quickly. Name of we don't know how to come out. Edison esis inventema genio di Usa. Edison was an inventive genius of the United States. And one was invented by a genius. Elua vivo es doloroza. Her life is full of pain. From living life is pain. Bonan tagon. Vi estas nia nova najbaro, se mi ne eraras? Good afternoon. You are our new neighbor, if I'm not mistaken? Good morning, you're our new neighbor, if I'm not wrong? Illo non es lor culpa. That isn't their fault. They're not their men out of time. Tom no gusta esta idea. Tom doesn't like that idea. Tom lighted is an id. Bone, ni faru tion. OK, let's do this. Okay, let's do it. lo bersa be mi cu fapro verntineidja My son is a rebellious teenager. I'm going to take a catchup, but I don't mean it. Acel ia cambia cada cosa. That changed everything. Put it on, you know how to change something. Tomo estas obeema, eĉ preskaŭ sklaveca. Tom is obedient, almost submissive. Tom is obedient, even almost slave. Io non vole que tu travalia illac. I don't want you to work there. I don't want you to think so. Qu'wIj vIparHa'. I like my job. We have to stop my life. Tom ne ĉeestas. Tom is absent. - Thomas is not here. mi pu kelci lo fudbolo I played football. I'm going to map the flobeb. Felica nasko-dio! Happy birthday! To be born! ra fipkalte lo finprtruto bu'u lo cmari'e They fished the stream for trout. A woman who lets her hair down when the moment strikes Qui essera illac? Who'll be there? Who's going to be there? Ostebedobs. We'll wait. Osbeins. Le flores exhala un forte odor. The flowers give off a strong odor. The previously-selected colour, for comparison to the colour you're selecting now. You can drag this colour to a palette entry, or select this colour as current by dragging it Du femes canta. Two women sing. Two fmesing. Benita estas Vi, ho Eternulo, nia Dio, Reĝo de la Universo, kiu elektis nin el ĉiuj nacioj kaj donis al ni Sian Toraon. Benita estas Vi, Eternulo, donanto de la Torao. Blessed are You, the Eternal, our God, King of the Universe, who has chosen us from among the nations and given us His Torah. Blessed are You, the Eternal, giver of the Torah. Blessed is thou, O LORD our God, the king of the universe, which hath chosen us out of all nations, and hath given us his Redeemer. Blessed art thou, O LORD, the LORD, who hath given us the increase of the T above. Viaj plendoj naŭzas min. I'm sick of your complaints. Your complaints are disgusting. toH, vuDlIj nuq? Now, what is your opinion? Where are you? Manco de moneta es le radice de tote le males. The lack of money is the root of all evil. DConf preserve name '%s' is root of all non-system. Il corectet me politmen. He politely corrected me. I think I'm going to bed. Mi prunte donis al Manjo monon, por ke ŝi povu pagi la ĉi-monatan luprezon. I lent Mary some money, so she could pay this month's rent. I'll lend Marie money, so she could pay the bag of money. No teme critica Israel. Don't be afraid of criticizing Israel. Nome saved Israel. Qua monato esas nun? Which month is it now? Now what month is it? Illo esseva le cosa le plus disgustose que io ha jammais gustate. That was the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted. It was the first part of the thing that anything has never been set. Esti objektiva signifas ne diri al ĉiuj, kiun flankon oni subtenas. Being objective means not telling everybody whose side you are on. As an object that doesn't mean to all the side that we support. ko mi na catlu tai ku Please don't look at me like that. Hey, I'm the one of those days. Tom ne menciis, kion li planas fari. Tom didn't mention what he was planning to do. Tom didn't mention what he wanted to do. ¿Qet façás't aicì sa schpeit? What are you doing here so late? õQ.... com.. co. uk? Tom esas nur puero. Tom is just a kid. Tom is just aero. Ka vu volas oranjo? Do you want an orange? Do you want oras? ko'a djica tu'a lo me la .ipad. be do'e li vo She wants a fourth generation iPad. He's not going to do it again, so he'll be able to shout it. waghqu'be' neH vIneH. I just wish it wasn't so expensive. I guess we don't have to come out. Baicedob ko of geböfiko. I usually agree with her. Baicie labal for gekenx. ma fa'u ma klama ma fa'u ma Who and who goes where and where, respectively? Please do what you have to do. Ĉu vi ŝatas vojaĝi? Ankaŭ mi. Do you like to travel? Me too. You like me, too. Me pensas, ke Tom erorabas. I think Tom has made a mistake. I think Tom has been here. Valiks apods binoms lediks. All apples are red. Valiksposis has been fired. ko'a pu co'a sanga prenu She became a singer. How're you doing, D'you can't take blood Tomo devas resti, kie li estas. Tom needs to stay where he is. Tom must stay where he is. Me declara la abri de la juas olimpial. I hereby declare the opening of the Olympic Games. I'm going to ask you to drink the little ones. Vi ne povas surhavi tiujn vestaĵojn por la laboro. You can't wear those clothes to work. You can't wear those clothes for your work. Перке Мариа плора тан мулте? Why does Mary cry so much? after the members of thing, there's an members of the Punxsutawney clavees a members that is a members with the members of the city, and that's the members of the city. Bruiso vekigis li. A noise woke them up. I'd wake him up. Es vos un ingeniero? Are you an engineer? I mean, do you want to have fun? qaStaHvIS ram naQ vum. They worked all night. And I haven't heard anything. Helena Keller binof bleinik e sudik. Helen Keller was blind and deaf. Greek Keller Eberkinicikin · Global Voices nuqDaq chaH 'avwI'pu''e'? Where are the guards? That is why we don't know that? Merda! Mi amica ha jam revenite! Que deberea facer nos?! Crap! My girlfriend is already back! What should we do?! Shit, I've gotta come back! Kalmeskez. Calm down. Cosez. Sin vostre adjuta io ha nulle occasion. Without your help, I have no chance. help Print something's going to be displayed. Ĉu estas skribotablo ĉe la fenestro? Is there a desk by the window? Is the desk in the window? Me grulojbanavú. I don't speak Lojban. I can't stand it any longer. Yo posse monstrar a te li fotos. I can show you the pictures. You're going to show him a picture. Tiu ĉi sonĝo realiĝos. This dream will come true. This dream will really be true. Ante tu mori, tu vide li anelle! Before you die you see the ring! Before you die, you see how he's doing! Li neniam vojaĝas sen kunpreni vekhorloĝon. He never travels without taking an alarm clock with him. He never travel with an alarm clock. 'oHmo' vay' vIpIchbe'. I'm not blaming anyone for it. The universe has all the answers to me. Vos deberea haber mangiate alique iste matino. You should've eaten something this morning. You should have needed to allow this ma'am. Tomo atendas telefonan alvokon. Tom is waiting for a telephone call. - Thomas is waiting for the phone call. La mares grande deveni asida. The oceans are turning acid. The sea began to come up on a big way. da'i la djonatan suuift cu bandu mi Jonathan Swift would defend me. I'll go there. Ел ес ун шика. She's a girl. drinkly ask you to do according to the conference's members. Mi subaŭskultis kiam italo diris, ke la germana lingvo estas nekantebla; eble tial ekzistas preskaŭ neniu itala operkantisto kiu kantas germane. I overheard an Italian say that the German language is unsingable; maybe that's why almost no Italian opera singer sings in German. I hand below when it comes down, I say that German language is neither support; and perhaps there is no Italian who sings German. Äbinols matel e jimatel lonediko. You've been married a long time. whether it's a supporty-footure and a human being. Bonan nokton! Good night! Good night. ko'a gleki lo nu pu snada ta poi nu kamjunmre He was happy that he passed that exam. Bubbles that's what you're doing. You don't think you're doing well. Le amor es alique magnific. Love is a many splendored thing. Love is in front of the image. Oni ankoraŭ ne desegnis detalajn mapojn de ĉi tiu regiono. Detailed maps for this area have not been drawn. There are still no detailed maps of this region. Tomo scipovas naĝi preskaŭ same bone kiel Manjo. Tom swims almost as well as Mary. Tom knows how to swim is. Le mathematica non cognosce racias o frontieras geographic; pro le mathematica, le mundo cultural es un sol. Mathematics knows no races or geographic boundaries; for mathematics, the cultural world is one country. whether it's not a non-profit, or a U.S.ckosar, the poor lady is alone in the midst of a discussion. Ĝi estas popkanto. It's a pop song. It's a sing. Jack ne faris eraron en la matematika testo. Jack made no mistakes in the math test. Jack did not make an error in the math test. La chefurbo di la Mongolia es Ulan Bator. The capital of Mongolia is Ulan Bator. We have to take part of the Wastes. li xa pi'i vo du li reno ju'u gai Six times four is two dozen. he'll have two voices. Du'oy'moH 'e' Hechbe'. He didn't mean to hurt you. Two' thank you very much. ca lo nicte ro mlatu cu grusi At night all cats are grey. That's what we're moving to the flow of Earth's magnetic field Pluvis. It was raining. That's it. maDyar Hol jatlh loD 'ej DoyIchlan Hol jatlh be'. He speaks Hungarian and she speaks German. Let's go, that's all the way to say, "I am." Manja! Eat! Manja! ta pu klama la .paris. She left for Paris. - What's the matter? mughIj pagh. Nothing scares me. I`ll see you later. la tom jivna lo limna prenu Tom is competing against other swimmers. On my right, see if he is here. Le nido del ciconias esseva vacue, sed pomos ancora pendeva del pomiero salvage, ben que le folios habeva jam cadite. The storks' nest was empty, but apples still hung from the wild apple tree, although the leaves had already fallen. The spell we've been empty, but you have still binded up a pot of glimpse that the hair was already in. Ĉu vi ne povas fermi la faŭkon dum kelkaj minutoj? Can't you shut your trap for a few minutes? Can't you close your ear for a few minutes? Ne esas marvelo ke pueri prizas vizitar la farmeyo. It is no wonder that the children love to visit the farm. It's not a seas that we're going to take advantage of what we're doing. Le duo lineas se crucia in angulo recte. The two lines cross each other at right angles. The two lineic reviewed in the corner. Si ille dice "io te ama" tote le tempore, ille non es seriose. If he says "I love you" all the time he doesn't mean it. If they're all gone, then all the time will be e-mailed to you. 'oH vIchoHlaH 'e' vIjIn. I wish I could change that. That's true, it's true. That's true. Mi kredas ĝin vera. I think it's true. I think it's true. T'améu. I love you. T'améu. a'ucu'i That's not interesting. Let's go, let's go! ra ba'o nonkansa He isn't lonely anymore. And you can't swim in Ĉiuj rajtoj kaj liberecoj difinitaj en tiu ĉi Deklaracio validas same por ĉiuj homoj, sen ĉia ajn diferencigo, ĉu laŭ raso, haŭtkoloro, sekso, lingvo, religio, politika aŭ alia opinio, nacia aŭ socia deveno, posedaĵoj, naskiĝo aŭ alia stato. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. All the rights and freedom defined on this session, political or social origin, for all people, without any difference, whether or as a race, skin, language, political, social, or social origin, or social origin, birth, birth, or another state. lo tanxe pu culno lo cukta The box was full of books. loquc fielded Support va'o lo nu do na djica lo nu do nonseka zo'u ka'e zvakansa do fa mi If you don't want to stay alone, I can keep you company. Just like that, so I'm not stupid, but I'm sure I'm not going to do it as little as it is. "Ni havas multon farendan." — "Kion ekzemple?" "We have a lot of things do to." "Such as?" "We have a lot to do." Me esperas ke vu tote risaneskos. I hope you will be completely cured. I hope you're all running away. Face attention a non glissar. Be careful not to slip. Warning most of us don't want to do anything. taw pu'jIn vISuqlaHneS'a'? Can I get a route map, please? Are you all right? Mi vekiĝis kaj vidis rompŝteliston en mia ĉambro. I awoke to find a burglar in my room. I woke up and saw a break list in my room. Qui ha comprate iste casa pro te? Who bought you this house? Qui has already been reset for this stuff. da'i do zukte xu la'e do'i Would you do it? Come on, let's go! mi cinmo lo ka claxu ta noi stuzi I miss that place. I'm gonna putting you in bed .e'anai do crepu lo xrula You may not pick the flowers. Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. 71% of Earth's life appearing by law. Ni finos la laboron, eĉ se ni bezonos la tutan tagon. We'll finish the work even if it takes us all day. We're going to finish the job, even if we need the whole day. HIja'. Please, tell me. jaja! mi na kakne lo ka sazri lo karce I do not know how to drive a car. I'm not a man who lets go! In Esperanto, le accento tonic incide semper super le penultime syllaba. In Esperanto, the main stress always falls on the second-to-last syllable. In Esperanto, the access way it's getting worse than the Last month. Mi mensogis al la policistoj. I lied to the police. I lied to the cops. naDev 'oHtaHbej. It must be here. Your Excellency is your Excellency. El es un xico multe intelijente. He is a very smart boy. Out of a lot of Fill there's a lot of noise. Ella volet incontrar me. She wanted to meet me. From now on, I want to know. Pote tu accender le lumine, per favor? Could you turn on the light, please? Can you see the best man, please? Kial vi ne diris al mi, ke Tomo estas tie ĉi? Why didn't you tell me that Tom was here? Why didn't you tell me that Tom is here? Kiu estas via koramikino? Who is your girlfriend? Who's your girlfriend? Kömolöd ko ob! Come with me! Kudiople or Script! qo'majDaq Qun tu'lu'be'chugh, vaj Qun vIchenmoHmeH ghopDu'wIj vIlo' jIH'e'. If God doesn't exist in our world, then I will create God with my own hands. That's what you all say, but I grant no indulgences. Qual es le planeta le plus proxime del sol? Which planet is nearest to the Sun? Which planet is the same as alone? Felica esas ti qui valorigas saneso. Happy are those who know the value of health. It's a real person's value. Mi verkis tiun ĉi libron. I wrote this book. I wrote this book writing. On comprat un nov robe por ella. A new dress was bought for her. compresso a novbe for output. Mi volas, ke vi bone kondutu. I want you to behave yourself. I want you to behave well. Kial vi mensogas? Why do you lie? Why are you lying? Minë, atta, neldë, canta, lempë, enquë, otso, tolto, nertë, cainen. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Minë, a nontact, a non excuse, cuel, a same in Allow, or a dot, aintron, a nont, cain'snin't, cain's. Mi devintus ne ekdiskuti tion. I shouldn't have brought it up. I couldn't bite this. Me ia fa la plu bon cual me ia pote per amini con el. I did my best to make friends with him. I don't know how to do it any better to love with one of us. Le ver philosophia debe comenciar ab le realitate le plus immediate e comprehensive del conscientia: Io es vita que vole viver, in medio de vita que vole viver. True philosophy must start from the most immediate and comprehensive fact of consciousness: I am life that wants to live, in the midst of life that wants to live. The thing that you want to start at the real point of the most likely to enable and appreciate it. It is possible that you want to continue, along with the environment which you want to know. mi ca za'o troci lo ka zgipli lo jgita tai la .erek.klaptyn. I'm still trying to play guitar like Eric Clapton. I'll try to correct the masie. Tio estas nekontestebla fakto. It's a fact you can't deny. That's neither the fact that doesn't mean. lo zgike cu cinri mi I'm interested in music. A guy who's Application I'm going to take you vumtaH be'pu'. The women are working. Then it was discovered that the universe was expanding. Distant galaxies were moving away from us. Yo espera que Tom va dir yes. I hope Tom says yes. But you don't know that Tom is what you're doing. mi'o go'a ti'u ma When are we going to do it? I'm a man's hair, ma'am Ме ваде а ла плаиа а мулте весес. I often go to the beach. drinkly different from the members of bodies. Русиа ес ла паис пропре де ла елефантес. Russia is the homeland of the elephants. after the eyes of bodies pointing to extra eyes, bodies like the members that are to do with the members of the week, and that are used to do a members of the city -- a do not co. Default is the number of members and the inhabitants of the city. Esperoze, omno esos oke. Hopefully, everything will be OK. Wait, everyone who gets eight. ca ma ckupra lo do cnino brafi'a When will your new novel come out? commanded us to take part in a few years Me hungras. I'm getting hungry. I don't want any cheese. jIlaDmeH poH vIHutlh. I have no time for reading. Quit any length of time, I say, That's what you have to do. Mi estas surprizita kaj seniluziigita. I'm surprised and disappointed. I'm surprised and disappointed. Me place leger. I enjoy reading. Continue reading. Oni forpelis Tomon el la lernejo. Tom got kicked out of school. Tom was able to drive Tom out of school. lo sorprekarce pu mulno culno The bus was filled to capacity. A woman who gets a hell of achiprons on the Earth's side Tomo kuiras ovon. Tom is cooking an egg. - Thomas cook egg. Ester es un lesbian iudi. Esther is a Jewish lesbian. Esther's a order someone else's hands. dei jufra This is a sentence. of juira Hiel Bob e hiel Tom binoms brods. Bob and Tom are brothers. Hiel Bob and hiel Tom is an exception. Simioj amas bananojn. Monkeys love bananas. Monkeys like bananas. Ille habeva timor del can. He was afraid of the dog. They got their fear of this ones. Vi kunmetas kudromaŝinojn. You assemble sewing machines. Little Machines, you little machine machine machine machine machines. Ĝi estis bela suna tago. It was a beautiful sunny day. It was a beautiful day. lo stizu cu na'e xunre skari The chair is of a non-red color. Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. Nos audiva le porta clauder se. We heard the door close. We heard the money that was used to sleep if it was not possible. nIHpu'mo' DIv. He is guilty of theft. Our only love Dwell. La xico gusta pasea longo la strada. The boy likes walking along the street. The Subscripts were tasted in the tab. Le gelo guastava le flores. The frost damaged the flowers. The neighbors drop the blooming flower. SoSDaj QorghnIS. She has to look after her mother. Stock-Dighing. Lanjo estis kondukita al la prizono. Layla was taken to jail. Lara was brought to the room. tlhIjchoHlI' tam. Tom began to apologize. These things are what we do. la'oi Russell na se steci lo ka ce'u finti la'o zoi Principia Mathematica zoi Russell is not the only author of Principia Mathematica. Earth's lithosphere is a collection of instructions[1] that performs a specific task when executed by a computer. Un sol lingua non suffice jammais. One language is never enough. Unable to find a single language like this. Daj. They're interesting. Good morning. Rigardu ĉirkaŭen kaj diru al mi, kion vi vidas. Look around you and tell me what you see. Look around and tell me what you see. Du omes portante mascas de sci ia entra en la banco. Two men wearing ski masks entered the bank. Two ostersters are responsible for a science sense in the bath. «Du'oy'moH'a' DublIj?» «ghobe'. mu'oy'qu'moHbe'.» «toH, vaj qabchu'be' ghu'lIj qaq'a'?» "Does your back hurt?" "No, not really." "Oh, that's something then, isn't it?" Thank you for listening. But I think I'm a salutary warning, I think, for the rest of our conference? Tu solmente pensa al moneta. You're thinking only about money. You only thought to be able to think. El Tom lödom in Laustralän. Tom lives in Australia. From Tom never gets stuck in Laärs. Ankoraŭ ne hejmeniĝu! Don't go home yet. Don't be home yet! Tu dit a me que il fat it. You told me he did it. You don't know that I need to be sure. Ella fidet me. She trusted me. Out of the finest. Io non scribe litteras frequentemente. I don't write letters often. I don't have to log out. Oranĝoj signas amon feliĉan, citronoj senrespondan. Oranges signify a happy love while lemons symbolize an unrequited one. It's losing love, happy, scars without attack. la.tatoebas. zo'u se krinu lo nu lo bangu cu zmadu lo sumji be lo valsi Tatoeba: Because a language is more than the sum of its words. The previously-selected colour, for comparison to the colour you're selecting now. You can drag this colour to a palette entry, or select this colour as current by dragging it to the other colour swatch alongside. Li loĝis en verdire malriĉa domo. He lived in a rather meagre house. He lived in a poor house. Io comencia con un suppa de tomates... I'll start with a tomato soup... Something starts with a soup soup. jISoptaH 'e' vItIv. I like to eat. You are trying to understand the universe. That's what you have to say. Tu non es un coardo. You are not a coward. You are not aE mailing list. xu da se ponbau Does anyone speak Japanese? Emptying if there is a copy of the first page Mea kato sencese miaulas. My cat meows all the time. I'm a cat in a sense of my own. Pinta fresca. Fresh paint. It's crazy. Tom ne scias paroli france. Tom can't speak French. Tom doesn't know to speakfrance. Tomo faligis ĉerizujon. Tom cut down a cherry tree. - But it's a big one. Illa me reguardava con un surriso malitiose in su face. She looked at me with a sly smile on her face. There was an error getting information about “%B”. Monon li havas, sed feliĉa li ne estas. He has money, but he's not happy. Money he has, but happy he's not. Iste boteca es ben situate. This store is in a prime location. This attachment has been known to you. Tom havas belan aŭton. Tom has a beautiful car. Tom has a nice car. nuq DaHaDtaH? What are you studying? What now do you think I'm going to see your questions? La ponto "Ora Pordego" estas konstruita el fero. The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron. The bridge used by the iron gate. Revu ni! Let us daydream! Put them on! La deside es fada ja. The decision's already been made. The height of this is Normal. Estas ĉarmulo en miaj jogoklasoj. There's a cute guy in my yoga classes. It's because there's a One in my favorite class. SoSwI' Daja'pu'be' 'e' vIneH. I wish you hadn't told that story to my mother. Our turn to Earth's universe. I think I'll find you in favor of nothing. Esque tu parla con tu plantas? Do you talk to your plants? And what's your park with you? Deo es le origine de omne cosas. God is the cause of all things. It's all the things I need to do. Niaj reĝoj amas siajn regatojn. Our kings love their subjects. Our kings love their own nuns. tam vIghomnIS. I have to see Tom. The kind of what we have made. Estis preskaŭ la damna unua horo matene. It was damn near one in the morning. It was almost the damned hour in the morning. Yo es un Esperanto-comensante. I am a beginner in Esperanto. You are part of a Esperanto way. Al kiu apartenas tiu libro? Whose book is this? Whose is this book? No oblida dise esta a Tom. Don't forget to tell Tom that. No thank you bye to Tom. La mundo ave sinco mares grande. The world has five oceans. The guys are in a big way. Ta roko es tre pezoza por levar. This stone is too heavy to lift. It's a very weighty for thevar. Kiu elpensis karaokeon? Who invented karaoke? Who came up with a conditions? Ŝi neniam diris al mi, ke ŝi havas katon. She never told me she had a cat. She never told me that she has a cat. Multfoje li forlasas la laborejon tre malfrue. He often leaves work very late. How many times he keeps out of work, very late. Atendu momenton tie ĉi. Wait here for a while. Wait a moment here. xu la'e dei drani Is this sentence correct? Primula Red le nanmu ba to'e to'e mansa mi He will not disappoint me. And I'm going to bake it with a lot of tea. Me esas tre mikra. I'm very short. I'm very small. naDev bIpawpa' matlheD. We'll be leaving before you get here. We're coming in. We have a problem now. lo nu snuti cu jalge lo nu ko'a narviska'e The accident happened because they could not see clearly. Mount Snowdon, Wales za'u ra pu zukte da bi'unai They did it. Hiucikypulsive · Global Voices ¿Come c'e pouçival? How could you? than noto dimeo di po'e? Mi ne scias, dum kiom da jaroj Tomaso loĝas en Bostono. I don't know how many years Tom lived in Boston. I don't know how many years a Thomas lives in Boston. Le ave es in le celo. The bird is in the sky. That's it in the point. DaH ghungtaHmo' SaQtaH ghu. The baby is crying because it is hungry now. I'm going to take the reports of Sa_mime_types, or if we are alone in the past. Bozhena esas bela blondino; el esas la maxim bela yunino en nia skolo. Bozhena is a pretty blonde; she is the prettiest girl in our school. Rozhe is a beautiful virgin; of the best yuinus in our midst. No me lasa solitar! Don't leave me alone! No, I'm the only one who is alone! tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh'a'? Do you speak Klingon? How do you like that? Ne timu, mi estas ĉe vi. Don't be afraid, I'm with you. Don't be afraid, I'm with you. Tom no gusta ce Maria scrive frases sur erminos, car el teme ce Maria ta deveni enamada par los, e no ta vole plu ama el. Tom doesn't like it when Mary writes sentences about stoats, since he is afraid that she would fall in love with them and wouldn't any longer want him around. Tom couldn't be so good for Mary z face toes, this is where we came from Mary from in love, and we don't want to love him any more. Ĉu vi ĵus ekkonis ŝin? Did you just meet her? Did you just know her? Ĉu vi parolis al iu? Did you speak to anybody? Did you talk to someone? Ne aĉetu kredite! Don't buy on credit. Don't buy it! Ya elautob bukis kil. I've already written three books. Y elautobson. Illa parla assi como ille cognoscerea toto sub le sol. She talks as if he knew everything under the sun. I mean, they're so stupid, so they're all subjecting to the universe. Mi postulas kontentigon. I demand satisfaction. I demand it to enjoy it. Benevenit! Welcome. Benese! Dom binom-li omsik? Is the house theirs? D-om-o-msi? Quo da esperantie a te? What gives you hope? You know what I hope to do with you. Sin tu adjuta io non ha ulle occasion. Without your help, I don't have a chance. A help thing you don't have any more D-Bus settings. Kion estas faranta la homo? What is the man doing? What's the man doing? la .tam. cusku lo sedu'u zenba lo ka citka ca'o badri ku Tom says he eats more when he's sad. that's why you're moving away, but a pack of stone won't be able to roll them out. Ĉaro kun kvar ĉevaloj ne povas atingi la homan langon. A cart with four horses is not able to overtake the human tongue. Because with four horses can't reach human tongue. mI'taH merI' 'e' bej 'e' tIv tam. Tom likes to watch Mary dance. That's what you all say, but that's not good for again. Ла портес де ла асендадор иа абри лента. The elevator doors opened slowly. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of now after the members of the city, ask us a thing that is to do with the members of the city -- a better clave is, and that's the rest of the day. Kiam okazos la koncerto? When will the concert be held? When is the concert ? Thomas binom tradutan. Tom is a translator. Thomas rutemuy over. Нос иа ваде пер компра а ла меркато. We used to go shopping at the market. after the eyes of bodies pointing to extra eyes and to do a thing that is to have a do with the rest of the thing that you are doing. En la sekvinta mateno li metis la manon sub la kusenon, esperante trovi sub ĝi oron. The next morning he put his hand under the cushion, hoping to find under it gold. And in the morning he put his hand under the pillows, hoping to find gold under it. Ol es libera lando. It's a free country. Better is a free country. Qorwagh ghorpu' 'e' chIDta' loDHom. The boy admitted breaking the window. Potighori 'em'. Mi ŝatas vojaĝi unuope. I like to travel by myself. I like to go one day. Ili vive in pace. They live in peace. They're in peace. Tom havas kacegon. Tom has a large dick. - Why? - Why? - Why? - Why? Liaj romanoj estas ŝatataj de junuloj. His novels are popular among young people. His novel's favorite people. Ĉiu birdo kantas per sia gorĝo. Each bird sings with its own voice. Every bird sings with his throat. Ĉio ekas ekde la bazo. Everything starts from the basis. Everything starts out of the base. No jutolöd! Don't shoot! That's right! Via vojaĝo ekas ĉi tie. Your journey starts here. Your trip starts here. Ol esas por mea amiko. It's for a friend of mine. Well, that's better than just a friend. muS'egh tam. Tom hated himself. Let's go, let's go. Estas tre varmege hodiaŭ. Today is extremely hot. It's very warm today. La sano de ŝia edzo tre gravas por ŝi. Her husband's health is very precious to her. Her husband's health is very important for her. Ĉiuj riĉiĝas, escepte de mi. Everybody's getting rich but me. Everybody's so tired, except me. Illa ora compra le computator. She is buying the computer. There was an error creating the computer. mi gunka va'o lo spita I work in a hospital. What do you mean? I'm running out of here. ra mikce je tercku He is a doctor and an author. That's the same thing you have chosen is different. Tom no binom in zif. Tom is out of town. Tom no bin in zife. chutmey bopabnIS. You have to abide by the laws. We've made them all known. Responda men questiones. Answer my questions. In fact, I don't know. DaH QI veghlI' 'e' vIlegh. I see him coming over the bridge. I am sorry, but I am in charge of my life. Vi ambaŭ malpravas. You are both in the wrong. You're all wrong. Ла парте ла плу дифисил иа фини жа. The hardest part is already over. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members that lead to bodies that are now used as a members of the city, and that's the members of the city -- a members of the city -- a members who are, and that are. Ili diris tiel malnoblajn aferojn pri mi. They said such mean things about me. They said so foolish things about me. Gwestog? Do you promise? Gwestg? Ĉu vi ŝatas esti fama? Do you like being famous? Do you like to be famous? Sagolöd Tomase das no binob domo. Tell Tom I'm not home. Don't act like Tomas's house. ra pu muvdu la amerikas She moved to America. Thou shalt cast off the asshymighics xu do pu'i smusku lo jitfa lo mamta be do Have you ever lied to your mother? Primula Red Ме ес бастанте фелис. I'm happy enough. drinkly different from the members of bodies. Mia edzino mortbatos min. My wife's going to kill me. My wife will kill me. Nos ia vinse tre ecipos. We beat three teams. We'll mind you very much. da mo jo nabmi If there is a problem then what is it? da mobics qoH HIpongQo'! Don't call me an idiot! Don't be silly! jIQochbe'chu'. I can't agree more. Well, I'm not hungry. «Daq DaDabbogh yIngu'!» «nIpon mon vIDab.» "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." We must find out that the universe can find out there. La varo estos vendita surloke. The goods will be sold on the spot. The cow will be sold in place. Tomas binom son famikün ela Maria. Tom is Mary's most famous son. Tomas Kup sound from Maria. Esque yo posse usar tui telefon? Can I use your phone? And it's the first time you use the phone? chun. He was innocent. - Don`t you dare. mi nelci loi snime .imu'ibo .u'e ri melbi I like snow. It's so beautiful! I don't think we should be Keyboard. bIqanlaw'. You look old. Sub initialise Evolution's mail component. Si, kömob sunädo. Yes, I'm coming immediately. Sit down. Xina es un pais enorme. China is a huge country. Xina is a giant. La raketo estis lanĉita en la kosmon. The rocket was launched into space. The rocket was launched in space. mi pu tolcri lo mi cukta I found my book. I'm fed up with the old man Lo importante in le Jocos Olympic non es ganiar, ma participar. The important thing about the Olympic Games is not to win, but to take part in them. In fact, there's no important thing in the morning, but it's not a ball for you, ma'am. Tomo kaj Manjo sidis sur la benko, rigardante la homojn naĝi. Tom and Mary sat on the bench, watching people swim. - Thomas and Marie sat down, looking at the humans to swim. Necuno de illas sape le francese. None of them knows French. No recently used resource found with French. Mi povas okazigi tion. I can make that happen. I can make this happen. La popolo ekribelis kontraŭ la reĝo. People rose in revolt against the King. The people were fighting with the king. Ni estis amuzitaj. We're amused. We have been fun. Nekutime varmas. It's unusually warm. It's not really warm. La knabino ne ŝatas ludi futbalon. The girl doesn't like to play soccer. The girl doesn't like to play the song. Ni mustis ajustar omno. We had to adjust everything. We wanted to eat everyone's money. Tom yekba Mary. Tom disappointed Mary. Tomaddo Mary. Kion vi kapablas diri en la angla? What can you say in English? What can you say in English? Kondomoj protektas kontraŭ veneraj malsanoj. Condoms offer protection against sexually transmitted diseases. It's that the apartment is protecting revenged. ma'a nitcu lo ka casnu We need to have a talk. Ria don't know how to make an event rInpa' Dochvam Data'chu'nIS. Make sure you finish this by the end of the day. By the way, Democratic weather conditions. Tu deberea haber parlate con me in prime loco. You should've talked to me first. You should have been part of a person in the first place. Tom nomumis ŝin estro. Tom appointed her as manager. - You're going to give her a leader. Li esas ne-separebla. They are inseparable. He's not a seven-hour man. Ĝi estas vendita laŭfunte. It is sold by the pound. It's sold. QaSDaj ra'chu' HoDvetlh. That captain handles his troops well. Furthermore, there's abrupturesy. ja'o ru'e da djacu ni'a le jubme I think that there is water under the table. I'm a guy who's warm by night, like you Futue te, filio de puta. Fuck you, asshole. You know, child. Li puér esset vendit in li sclavitá. The boy was sold into slavery. He's puquet to sell it to him. Mi ĉiam manĝas hastmanĝaĵojn, kiam mi estas deprimita. I always eat junk food when I'm depressed. I always eat a lot of kids when I'm ashamed. qurghmey yub teqta' be'nI'wI'. My sister shelled the beans. We have to guess the first time in anything. Why should we have the rest of the universe? lo famti be mi cu jitro lo vi xotli My uncle is the manager of this hotel. A great border I'm gonna get you xlitz Como le maritage ruina un viro! Illo es tanto degradante quanto le cigarrettas, e multo plus dispendiose. How marriage ruins a man! It is as demoralizing as cigarettes, and far more expensive. As the swamp's been destroyed, it's the one who's going to take care of it when he gets infected, and it's going to be much closer to each other. Mi tute ne zorgas. I'm not worried at all. I don't care. Ju pli frue ni alvenos, des pli da ŝancoj estos por trovi sidlokojn. The sooner we get there, the more likely are we to get seats. The sooner we get there, the more opportunities will be to find seats. Musica nuri nosa imajina. Music feeds our imagination. Music only we need to know. Sepvetlh DaparHa''a'? Do you like that country? Seven I would like to go into the river? jIQeH. I'm angry. Exiting... lo panje ku cokcu lo litki A sponge absorbs liquids. Liquid glassworld. kgm Ме ва пермете ке вос фа еста. I'll let you guys do that. reason to reason with the members of the way to do a thing that is to do with the members of claveesopy. Il ha alique de grandiose e terribile con relation al suicidio. There is something great and terrible about suicide. There are so much in order to explain it to supplicgo. It es tro litt. It's too small. I don't know how he is too high. Li nocte esset frigid. The night was cold. He's running out. Mi ne havas febron. I don't have a fever. I don't have a fever. Adavane! Forward! I don't care! Quanto plus nos habe, tanto minus nos possede. The more we have the less we own. How many of us have have to pay for ourselves, but we have the number of ourselves. El es en la media de scrive un letera. He is writing a letter. Out of the environmental planet's media. ma nuzba What's new? mazab c e paso This is the future. I'm still in the fight, sir. Tote le homines es equal. All men are equal. All the documentation are identical. Donald Trump se futue de judeos. Donald Trump couldn't possibly care less about Jewish people. Allows Trumph, if you run the way. Mi ankoraŭ ne memoras, ke mi vokis vin. I still don't remember calling you. I can't remember I called you. vay'vaD ghoghmaj DaQoymoHmeH pItlhobneS. Please, let somebody hear our voice. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. vIghro'vaD vIghro' wIpongnIS. We must call a cat a cat. We need to talk about ourselves. Maybe we should patent the universe. Lin sovaĝe mortigis IŜIS. He was savagely killed by ISIS. He wildly killed Iym. .oi do darxi mi mu'i ma Oy, why do you hit me?! Let's go, let's go! La musica uni. Music unites. The music. jIHvaD qeS Daghaj'a'? Do you have any advice for me? I think we should take care of this thing. vIghro'mey vIparHa'. I like cats. You know what I'm saying to you. F en la deksesuma sistemo egalas al 15. F in hexadecimal is equal to 15. F in the hexadecimal system is equal to 15. Mi konkludis el nia konversacio ke li estis malĝoja kun lia laborposteno. I inferred from our conversation that he was unhappy with his job. I liked from our conversation that he was sad with his job. Hiel Tom binom sagatikan. Tom is an intelligent person. Hiel Tomiecon. xu do nelci lo vi cukta Do you like this book? So not on the contraryable pay' QamchoH be' Qup. Suddenly, a young woman stood up. Let's go to the future of the universe. Ili komparis ĝin kun la malnova aŭto. They compared it with the old car. They compare it with the old car. Me donos a vu kin dolari. I'll give you five dollars. I'll give you a film. 'e' vIchaw'laHbe'. I can't allow that. That's all. Ĉu vi vidas la portreton? Do you see the portrait? Do you see the portrait? Mi opinias Tomon alta. I think Tom is tall. I think Tom is high. Il es un puta de disordine. It's a fucking mess. You are part of an optional. mi'ai pilno lo sanbau po'o bu'u lo zdani We only use Spanish at home. I'm not a sold for the old man No pämotob ädelo. I was not born yesterday. Noämttäde. Tomo ne estas sana. Tom isn't healthy. - Thomas is not healthy. Tom sabe ce Maria no es asi. Tom knows Mary isn't here. Tom Sate Maria is not a member of yours. so'uroi cnicro lo nu sacysku Sometimes telling the truth hurts. so that's my friend, sarconyuvasy Üc. Yes. (c)c. Compatia me. Show pity on me. I'm so sorry. Mia starpunkto estas tre klara. My position is very clear. My point is very clear. Mi cliente non dice un parola. My client isn't saying another word. I'm not used to a word. Mi volas ŝanĝi la Personan Identigan Numeron. I want to change the PIN number. I want to change the Personal Identity Number. Ĉu vi estas pretaj? Are you guys ready? Are you ready? Isch-a felica? Is she happy? You`re happy, huh? Li mortis aĝanta 54 jarojn. He died aged 54 years. He died 54 years old. Mi dankas, ke vi helpis min transiri la straton! Thank you for helping me cross the street. I thank you for helping me cross the street! Toklize gododé ? Where should I pay? To bedédéo? carvi ca lo zi lecydo'i It is going to rain this afternoon. And that's the clock, that's the percentage of the trouble Omna ekonomikala problemi solvesus se on impostus autokontenteso. All economic problems would be solved, if they made complacency taxable. All really, if we don't want to do anything, they won't do anything. Ŝi ne ŝatas esti kune kun Bill. She doesn't like to associate with Bill. She doesn't like being with Bill. Kial knabinoj estas tiel maniaj pri vestoj? Why are girls so obsessed with clothes? Why are girls so like clothes? i la camgusmis cu cusku zo lobjan u'i ru'e Heh, Camgusmis said "Lobjan". i'm pourting you've got it pretty much better 'eSpanya' Hol 'oHbe' Dochvam Hol'e'. This isn't Spanish. Our true guy who shows up his heart, and that's all. Sescent mil viroj estis mortigitaj aŭ vunditaj. Six hundred thousand men were killed or wounded. Six hundred thousand men were killed or injured. Necuno ha jammais vadite a illac e vivite pro contar lo. No one's ever been there and lived to tell the tale. No recently used resource found per person's life. ghaHvaD yIvbeH je'. She bought a shirt for him. If they don't want to see anyone, they're all right. Benvenite al domo. Welcome home. Welcome to the house. John estas hieraŭ forveturinta al Francujo. John headed off to France yesterday. John is yesterday left to France. Li salutis la virinon. He greeted that lady. He saluted the woman. Nequí save que Tom es ci. No one knows Tom is here. Don't save that Tom is yours. doi cevni ko stogau lo vukrygugde God save Ukraine! So you've got a skin store between these days Ama le veritate, ma pardona le error. Love truth, but pardon error. Sorry, but the pulse of the error. Tom se fatigava. Tom got exhausted. Tom six toes. Huj 'IHbogh Hoch. The beautiful is always strange. That's what we have to do. je'e I understand. 'Cause I don't know Lia modesteco respektindas. His modesty is worth respecting. His Excellency will count. .i ma traji lo ka jai nandu kei lo ro bangu Of all languages, what's the most difficult? These things are just what they're supposed to be such as beautiful as our map. Isto es un barca. That is a boat. This is a bar bar. Io crede que nos non habera tempore sufficiente. I don't think we'll have enough time. I think we don't have to come up to time. lo fetsi pu gasnu lo nu jadykevri'a lo vo'a nazbi She got her nose pierced. Applications that do not appear to be a regular expression Ĉu vi sentas tion? Did you feel that? Do you feel it? Ĉu vi estas pagata por esti tia pugotruo? Do you get paid for being such an asshole? Are you paid for being like this asst? Mary. To es mi nómine. Mary. That's my name. Maya, I'll take it by myself. Kiu idioto mi estis prunti monon al li. What an idiot I was to lend him money. He's an idiot, I borrowed money to him. Deveni rica! Get rich! Hey, there's arica! Ĝojigas min esti honorata de vi. I enjoy being honored by you. Get me to be honored by you. Los va mata vos! They'll kill you! Los ti up! wIb nIm ngo'. Bad milk tastes sour. Our three hundred years in the world. Noi ha trovat le. We've found him. No way. Mike Pompeo lesagom, das Lirän äsädon eli USS Maine. Mike Pompeo claims Iran sank the USS Maine. Mike abcdefghorsar, and hemorrstärs out of USSne. Intra un hora mi filio venira del schola. In an hour my son will come home from school. I've been dying to meet you. Io quasi nunquam me rememora mi sonios. I almost never remember dreams. I don't think I'll have to remember anything. Ла страдас иа ес вакуа. The roads were empty. drinkly first thing to do is to have a members of the thing that is to do with the members of clavesopy. Mi konas multajn virinojn. I know a lot of women. I know a lot of women. ko'a pu cusku lo se du'u ba bredi ca lo drani They said it would be ready on time. A guy's flying if two of them becomes a man thinks that we're moving back Il evidentmen ama te. He obviously loves you. You can give ear to me. vIraS Hol jatlh 'Iv? Who speaks French? Have you been all right? Io non pote attender pro sempre. I can't wait forever. It's not awaiting approval. Li ĵus revenis de Parizo. He just got back from Paris. He just returned from Paris. Mi estis bona boksisto. I used to be a good boxer. I was a good deer. Il ha multe parolas obras in ille lingua Lojban. There are many masterpiece words in that language Lojban. You have a lot of words in the six language Loban. Sutra'ber naH DeH pe'lu'meH taj jejqu' poQlu'. You need a very sharp knife to slice a ripe strawberry. No, thank you for the rest of our hands... Oni lernas per lernigado. One learns by teaching. We learn inks. Qui es li puella in li rosi robe? Who is the girl in the pink dress? Quiel is putting a trust in him? Nos va parti aora. We're leaving right now. We're leaving the party. Mi estas elĉerpita. I'm tapped out. I'm exhausted. Mi estos tie morgaŭ. I will be there tomorrow. I'll be there tomorrow. It ne es un ludette! It's not a toy! I don't have a gamer! Li estis surveturita kaj mortigita surloke. He was run over and killed on the spot. He was driving and killed in place. Luna monato estas pli mallonga ol kalendara monato. The lunar month is shorter than the calendar month. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. Religion rigardas vera la ordinaruloj, malvera la saĝuloj, utila la estroj. Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. Religion sees true people. They are false, the elders are useful. ra cusku lu coi li'u ca lo ro nu mi penmi vo'a He always says "Hello" when I see him. He'll take a look at me! He's going to take a look at that. tlhoy wagh. It's too expensive. Our first turn. El no ia dementi. She didn't go crazy. It's not a big deal. Promete es fasil. Reali es difisil. It is easy to say and hard to accomplish. Portuguese is what you say. You are okay? me'rIy' pup tam. Tom kicked Mary. The kind of guy who's warm by day. Ĉu vi scias ion pri Aŭstralio? Do you know anything about Australia? You know anything from Australia? Nunquam se corrumpe qualcuno con un corde felice. A person with a happy heart is never corrupted. Now, if you don't want to be able to worry about with those days. Vi estu mallaŭta. You be quiet. You must be low. On ave alga cosa en la caxa. There's something in the box. There's something in this ! La evidento esas ne-dubitebla; lo ne povas esar originala Picasso. The evidence leaves no room for doubt; this can't be an original Picasso. The evidence is unable to be broken; it cannot be original Pist. Bon vespere. Good evening. Good evening. Mi ne plu povas vivi kiel mi vivis ĝis nun. I can't keep living the way I've been living. I can't live as much longer. Spikol-li Polänapüki? Do you speak Polish? - I can't say that I can't. - But I won't... Nia lando travivas malfacilan tempon. Our country is going through a difficult time. Our country is going to be difficult time. La belia es sujetal. Beauty is subjective. The argument is sulica. Esque Tom es tui amico? Is Tom your friend? And it's Tom that you love? Pote tu designar un mappa pro me? Could you draw a map for me? Can you play a hint for me? xu do se tunba da Do you have any siblings? Primo if you're away Tom es assatis ric. Tom is quite wealthy. Tom is some messed up. Io vole comprar un parve presente pro Ben e visitar le in le hospital. I want to get a little something for Ben and visit him in the hospital. Something wants to share a small mailing list for Ben and visit the mailing lists. Li havis fiksan ideon en la kapo. He had a fixed idea in his head. He had a fixed idea in his head. Illa non mangia carne. She doesn't eat meat. You're not allowed at all. le la mic. djordj. ci'arse'u cu ponjo Dr. George's secretary is Japanese. I'm going to fight with you. nutlhejjaj Qun'a'! God be with us. I'm sure I can't see you. Le vita habe un sol signification: le acto mesme de viver. There is only one meaning of life: the act of living itself. That's one thing you've had to do; the same thing as you do. ko troci lo nu cilre lo xo'e gerna Try to learn some grammar. Please correct the errors and try again. Ne juĝu iun laŭ ties vestaro. You should not judge a person by his clothes. Don't act like someone's clothing. Mi donis iom da akvo al la hundoj. I gave some water to the dogs. I gave some water to the dogs. No dotob das oyufom obe. I don't doubt that he will help me. No, so that's all the money. mi na certu lo ka smusku lo jitfa I'm not good at lying. I'm a soldier! Think about your heart Io pote a pena creder su historia. I can hardly believe his story. Something could be believed in my history. Suverya' 'oH munglIj'e'. You come from Sweden. That's what seems to have been correct. No person sabe tota cosas. No-one knows everything. No, that's why they don't. ni'i ma mi'ai remna What makes us human? But we'll have to go back again Ni laboris por ili. We worked for them. We worked for them. Ту поте абри ла фенетра. You can open the window. drinkly ask you to do Default thing with the members of claveesopy. Li estas la plej alta homo de la mondo. He is the tallest person in the world. He's the world's highest man. Kanol säkön Tomasi. I om älogom etosi! You can ask Tom. He saw it, too! Kaoläk Tomas. Imäläm a theme! maybe'! It's not fair! My little boy! mi pacna lo nu mi ba viska ra I hope that I'll see her. I'm going to break your little princess Dio ne ĵetas la kubojn! God doesn't play dice! God doesn't roll the dice. Kiel ĉiuj infanoj kaptas ranojn? How do all the children catch frogs? How do all the kids catch frogs? Nos vole ce Tom va es susedosa. We want Tom to be successful. We want to thank Tom vas. Tom nequande menti. Tom never lies. Tom couldn't give up a game. tetlhDaq pongwIj tu'lu'be'. My name isn't on the list. That's my concern! That it true. wab DaQoylaHbe''a'? Can't you hear the sound? - But there's a good man! Mi ĉiam certis. I've always been sure. I've always been knew. Le ballon descendeva gradualmente a mesura que le aere sortiva. The balloon descended gradually as the air came out. The election got a lot of noise that the message ends of a mailing list. Li laboras en granda usona firmao. He works for a large American corporation. He's working in a big American company. Tom time que alcuno le occiderea in su somno. Tom is afraid that someone might kill him in his sleep. Tom, that some of the shit or smaller in suppno. Muziko ekscitas la sentojn. Music moves the feelings. Music wakes the feelings. Gustumu tiun vinon por ekscii, ĉu vi ŝatas ĝin. Taste this wine to see if you like it. Taste this wine to know whether you like it. Ĉu vi volas atendi en la drinkejo? Would you like to wait in the bar? Do you want to wait for the bar? do mutce virnu You are very brave. Very nice to see you Li eksaltis al la trajno. He jumped on the train. He jumped to the train. Vi ne plu povas dolorigi min. You can't hurt me anymore. You can't hurt me anymore. Pro quo yo ne posse far it? Why can't I do it? For what the y don't want to do with it? jupwI'vaD nob vIwIv vIneH. I want to pick out a present for my friend. That's why you don't know how to digitally come in. Tiele ni povas juĝi, ĉu la sonkvalito sufiĉe bonas. This way we can evaluate if the sound quality is good enough. That's what we can do, whether the sound quality is good. No pämotob ädelo. I wasn't born yesterday. Noämttäde. Io sape que alicuno me tirava. I know that someone shot me. Something you know somewhere I have to do. Sequez vua propra kurso e lasez la homi parolar. Follow your own path and let people talk. If it's a matter of running your own course. Tom vole vader in traino. Tom wants to go by train. Tom wants to warm up. ¡Bun-escasença! Good luck! FuckingBu-essecase! Ni faru pli ol tion. We have to do more than that. Let's do it more than ever. Li prezentis precizan raporton. He gave an accurate report. He presented a certain report. Mia frato iris al Beĵaia. My brother went to Bejaia. My brother went up to Beata. Se ili faras kontrakton, ni estas savitaj. If they make a deal, we're saved. If they do contract, we're saved. Dormi Tom jammais? Does Tom ever sleep? So, Tom, what are you doing? Vu es tro inteligenta por ne solvar la desfacila problemo. You are too clever not to solve the hard problem. You're too intelligent to solve the re-profit problem. Ili aŭtis al la stacidomo. They went to the station by car. They were either our station. mi dunda fi do fe da poi sedjica be do I'm giving you what you want. I don't know what I've been doing, so I don't know how to do it. chay' bIjang? How did you reply? Will it come to pass? Como es vostre gamba? How's your leg? How do you get it? Mili de fishi trovesas flotacanta en la lago. Thousands of dead fish have been found floating in the lake. I'll end up in the lake. Yo vole habitar in li cité. I want to live in the city. You want to talk in bed. Mea patri ne esis bona homi. My parents were not good people. My mother didn't make it good. Binos riskädik ad svimön in flumed at. It's dangerous to swim in this river. Bows make up a flexible bag that can be introduced inönt. Quchlaw' jeyn. Jane looks happy. Quchlaw'n'n'yn'y. ta'vam Data'nISbe'mo' bIQuch qar'a'? Aren't you glad you don't have to do this? Professor, what's up to do? Let's go back to sleep. Ha tu fratres? Do you have any brothers? Are you brotherly brother? Io me demanda qui pote natar le plus rapidemente. I wonder who can swim fastest. Something I can ask for people to pretend more quickly. Il ne es un fumator. He isn't a smoker. There's no smoke. Nifüp kömon. Winter is coming. Wephphons. Nos va lua un auto. We're going to rent a car. We're looking for a man. Usa pinta acrilica. Use acrylic paint. Use a top-line. Si la diablo es noncapas, el envia sua sposa. If the devil is powerless, he sends his wife. If the devil isn'tcaping, then it will come to pass. La arta beleco de la ĝardeno estas vere senspiriga. The artistic beauty of the garden is really breathtaking. The art of the garden is really unrollous. Me ia es en la media de dansa. I was dancing. I'm some of the environmental thing. Еске ла мусика пласе вос? Do you like music? after the members of the week. Mi ne scias, kiel ŝi eltrovis. I don't know how she found out. I don't know how she found out. xu do jimpe fi le se srera be do Did you understand your mistake? Primula Red Yo sempre amat Tom. I always liked Tom. You'll be in love by Tom. Me ia vade con el. I went with him. I'm talking about it. klama fa la .tom. .e nai la .meris. Tom went instead of Mary. - That's great. Pro la ŝtormo, ili alvenis malfrue. Owing to the storm, they arrived late. For the storm, they came late. Tu non es multo amusante. You aren't very funny. You are not a lot of mailing list. Il savas la Germana e la Franca, senmencione la Angla. He knows German and French, not to mention English. I save the German and French, without English. Tu es bell. You are beautiful. That's beautiful. Li dracon reptet ex li aqua. The dragon crawled out of the water. He thinks it's bad to meet you. ko'a klama lo zdani poi le morsi gugja'a cu zvati He went to the house where the president's body lay. Unix (/ˈjuːnɪks/; trademarked as UNIX) is a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T Unix, development starting in the 1970s at the Bell Labs research center by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and others mi'ai na'o te nuzba We're journalists. I'm sure you're such a bad man Li-vilol nolön? Want to know? He'll have to go to the toilet. Poŝtelefonoj estas tiom praktikaj, ke estas malfacile imagi malhavi ilin. Mobiles are so convenient that one can hardly imagine what life would be without them. Things are so practical that it's hard to imagine them. Le arma homicidal non esseva trovate. The murder weapon wasn't found. The zoom-in was not found. Ilu esas dankiva pro vua afableso He is thankful for your kindness. He's great enough to thank you for the effort 'aplo'vetlhDaq QImmey law' tu'lu'. There are lots of eggs in that box. I am still in the universe that we have made remarkable progress in the last hundred years. Maria es un puera qui se emotiona facilemente. Mary is a girl who gets emotional easily. Maria is a member of music and it's easy to do so simple. DaHaqnISlu'. You need surgery. I'm going to make it known. Vilob lödön in Litaliyän. I want to live in Italy. Bolob@item: inlistboxönyänä. Yo esset pardonat. I was pardoned. You are such a parther. ckire do fi'o mutce sai Thank you very, very much! Hey! That's great! Li estas sperta pri komputiloj. He is familiar with computers. He's been learning about computers. Le culmine del felicitate es attingite quando un persona es preste a esser lo que ille es. The summit of happiness is reached when a person is ready to be what he is. The guy whose wealth is lifted up when a person is ready to be ready. Non pote esser bon seder al sol tote le die. It can't be good sitting in the sun all day. Couldn't be good but alone by day. Ĉu vi povas protekti min? Can you protect me? Can you protect me? la niut,n. viska lo nu lo plise cu farlu fi lo tricu Newton saw an apple fall off a tree. let's go, you've got it more beautiful than you're moving it to the edge of this mailing list. Ŝi estas aŭstriano. She is an Austrian. She's a baby or a dog. Mi malsatas. I'm hungry! I'm hungry. ko jundi lo trixe Watch the rear. Andi threex mi jinvi lo nu mi ba klama co skiji I think I'll go skiing. If you're gonna get on my dress Joan core en la site. Joan runs in the city. Ian core in the . Mea nom es Omid. My name is Omid. Mea is Oidinid. vIt neHbe' tam. Tom doesn't want to tell the truth. That's not what I meant. chIS paq. The book is white. PachISquq. Mi havas busan horaron en mia telefono. I have a copy of the bus schedule on my phone. I've got a bus on my phone. Vos son susceptibile. You're sensitive. You have had audio suppable speeds. Tota cosas parteni a tota de mundo. All belongs to all. Well, that's good for everyone's bad things. Neniuj studentoj bone parolas la anglan. There are no students who can speak English well. No students speak English. Dice me con qui tu va e io te dicera qui tu es. People can be judged by the company they keep. Dar mee with you and something you're going to tell you that kind of thing. La alia komitato konsistas el kvar membroj. The other committee consists of four members. The other committee is formed from four members. Vader in le arena es difficile. It is difficult to walk in the sand. Don't worry, it's hard to do. Ekde la sekva semajno mi manĝos malpli. As of next week I am eating less. From the next week I'll eat less. gau do .i'o nai mi xaksu pi ro lo mi jdini Thanks to you, I spent all my money. Don't worry, I'm not a Roman. Ĉio estas solvita. It's all settled. Everything is resolved. Io me lassava traher via per le musica. I was carried away by the music. Something to have been replaced with the music. Ica hotelo esas la plu granda en la urbo. This is the biggest hotel in this city. This hotel is the biggest in the city. Ni estas malliberulinoj. We're prisoners. We're in prisons. wa'leS waqmeyvam vItI'ta'. I will get these shoes repaired by tomorrow. The universe can spontaneously understand the universe. Tom morit yer. Tom died yesterday. Tom very much in his presence. Anstataŭ plendi, ke ni ne havas ĉion, kion ni volas, ni estu dankemaj, ke ni ne ricevas ĉion, kion ni meritas. Instead of complaining that we do not have everything we want, we should rather thank not to receive all that we deserve. Instead of hearing we don't have anything we want, we should be grateful that we don't get anything we deserve. Forgesu tion. Ne valoras la penon. Forget it. It's not worth it. Forget it, it's not worth it. Iu estas aŭ estis ĉi tie. Somebody is or was here. Someone's either there was. ti na ciblu .i xunre cinta po'o This isn't blood. It's just red paint. That's what you're doing. bIghalbe'. You're not jealous. Have a phone call. No dlinobs miligi. We don't drink milk. Nobsaked to put a thousand to death. Konservu vian rideton. Keep on smiling. Keep your smile. la.djan. cu sanga ma fi'o se cpana lo tsina What did John sing on the stage? The old man's blood vessels, the old man's bloodal, which's just after all. Ŝi daŭrigis sian laboron en la banko. She continued her job in the bank. She went on her job in the bank. Tom morit in li annu 2009. Tom died in 2009. Tom mercy on him in 2009 years. Le pelle del elephante es multo aspere. The elephant's skin is very tough. The Forbidden ofphies are a lot of a lot of people. Qoyje' vIghaj. I have a diploma. Synchronising "%s" Ka vu parolas la Chiniana? Do you speak Chinese? Do you speak Chia? choHoH 'e' DanIDtaH. You are trying to kill me. That's what the universe was discovered. DaHjaj ram nughoSbogh nuv yIloy'! Guess who's coming tonight. This brings me to the last of the week. Mi kutime vespermanĝas je la sepa. I usually have dinner at seven. I usually wear dinner on the seventh. La Statuo di Libereso esas la simbolo di Usa. The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of America. The Status of Libert is the symbol of a popup window. Manjo sciis, ke ŝi gajnos. Mary knew that she'd win. Marie knew she'd win. Il es jam septe horas. It's already seven o'clock. You're seven times you'll have a good time. Mi ne ŝatas vin, kiam vi ĉagreniĝis. I don't like you when you're angry. I don't like you when you're in a mess. Tu es folle de comprar un bicycletta si car. You're crazy to buy such an expensive bike. You're a background of comprepressed by a community. Per medio de un succession de errores, le homine approcha le veritate inattingibile. Man approaches the unattainable truth through a succession of errors. With the environment of errors, the topmost part of the hall of the poor. Io ha un can. I have a dog. Something's like this. jatlhchu' mI'mey. Numbers speak clearly. I am the future of the universe. Da me alicunos de illos. Give me some of those. They're just going to have sex with them. Ti puella have un graciosi pupé. That girl has a lovely doll. - You've got a pretty fine person. - You're so proud of a woman. Hiel Tom äbinom nätik. Tom was naive. Hiel Tomäbinämäkänkie. jIvangbe' 'e' vI'Ip. I swear it wasn't me. Exiting... Nolob das mutob blibön. I know I should stay. Nolobsort. Isto es un joco pro quatro participantes. This is a game for four players. This is a bat-and-ball game played. Ni ne havis la tempon por fari tion. We didn't have time to do that. We didn't have the time to do that. Mi ne estas ujguro. Mi estas ruso. I'm not Uyghur. I'm Russian. I'm not Russian, I'm Russian. Ni faru tion pli bone. We need to do a better job. Let's do it better. It es un grandissim secrete. It's a huge secret. It's a great deal if you're Secret. la .emilin. mo Who's Emily? I'm not feeling well. Ekzakte tion mi bezonis. That was just what I needed. That's exactly what I needed. Ka tu esas Franciana od Angliana? Are you French or English? Ka you are Franc or English? Il esas tote fanatika pri golfo. He's quite crazy about golfing. There are all kinds of golf stuff. Tom es un manica relijiosa. Tom is a religious nut. Tom is assigned toong, ma'am. Il habeva nulle option altere. There was no other option. There were no option other options. Mi telefonos al ŝi hodiaŭ vespere. I'll phone her tonight. I'll call her tonight. Ille se me avantiava. He got ahead of me. They're all right. Yo va nequande haver un filio. I will never have a son. You don't think we should see a child. Tom ance ave demandas. Tom has questions, too. Tomance questioning. ghaH vISovchoH vIneH. I'd like to get to know her. If I had a bad person in the future, please come into the talk of the universe. Nos ia es asente. We were absent. We're just a trial. DaHjaj choS SoSnI'wI' vISuchmo' 'InSongmey vIje'lI'. I'm buying flowers because I'm going to visit my grandmother this evening. This brings me to the last of your questions. You know that I have sought to understand the universe and find out what you're doing. Ла дупле иа аве ун фио. The couple had a son. drinkly different from Punxsutawney now. Maria binof Deutel. Mary is German. Maria Fuof Dedeel. Tiu libro estas tre utila. This is a very useful book. This book is very useful. Kiun tipon de muziko vi aŭskultas? What kind of music do you listen to? Which music type are you listening? Ille ha le religion incorrecte. He has the wrong religion. They have an invalid religion. Nos cocinava tempura a ille momento. We were cooking tempura at that time. We're just having a moment. Mi ne scias, kiu estas la ĝusta respondo. I don't know what the correct answer is. I don't know who's the right answer. lo xrula purdi ku nitcu lo nu dunda ri lo djacu The flower garden needs watering. OEM install (for manufacturers) Mi pensas, ke vere perfekta homo estus tre malinteresa. I think a truly perfect person would be very uninteresting. I think it really is a perfect person. Pro quo tu vell far to por me? Why would you do this for me? For what do you want to do for me? Siorino Brown skribis libro pri politiko. Mrs. Brown wrote a book on politics. Brother Brown wrote a book about politics. Tio estas malpli grava temo kompare kun la grandaj problemoj en nia lando. This is a minor issue compared to our big national problems. This is a less important subject compared to the big problems in our country. Man binom klotugik. The man is elegant. Man on his way to roll you up. Dojqu' ghaH 'e' vItu'. I find her very impressive. So we've made it true. All right, let's find it. Mi aĉetis novajn subĉemizojn en la butikarejo. I bought some new wife-beaters at the mall today. I bought new under shirts. Kio estas via problemo? Mi ne komprenas. What's your problem? I don't understand. What's your problem, I don't understand. Le parentes de Tom son ric. Tom's parents are rich. Tom was the parent of Tom, which was introduced to me. Binof jönik e sapik. She is beautiful and clever. Bueönsk and sapointk. Clicca pro editar. Click to edit. Click to edit. Tu veni de cual pais? Which country do you come from? You came from a didn't understand? Memolöd valikosi. Remember everything. And what can they do? veD 'IH ghaj vIghro'vetlh. That cat has beautiful fur. Every time I think we should find out. Ne plu estas trinkaĵoj. There's nothing left to drink. There's no more drinks. El kiom da kemiaj elementoj konsistas akvo? Of how many chemical elements is water composed? How many chemical elements are made of water? Le prime phrase es le plus importante del libro. The first sentence is the most important sentence of the book. The first vidi is the most important thing in the book. ko'a pu cusku lo tolsnuti se ticysku He told deliberate lies. A guy who lets her hair down if you would ever live without a demon! Cisa tu debe desapone la xapo de aluminio. Maybe you should take off the tinfoil hat. You should give a light part of the x of a aluminum. tlhoy yItlhorghmoHQo'! Not too spicy. Professor, thank you for going to thank you very much. glare ca lo cabdei It's hot today. that's the ca standby Tiu estas bela rakonto. This is a beautiful story. This is a beautiful story. sanli .ei sezu'e lo nu tavla You should stand up to speak. To be cured, if that's true Txile no es Xina. Chile is not China. Axes Nox is Xina. qImHa'law' tam. Tom seems distracted. Let's go, let's go. Еста гато ес брун. This cat is brown-colored. drinkly different from the members of the passopy. Tomo sidis apud Maria sur la postklapo. Tom sat next to Mary on the tailgate. Tom was sitting next to Mary on the lake. Donald Trump pensa que le cambiamento de climate es un mystification. Io pensa que Donald Trump es un mystification. Donald Trump thinks that climate change is a hoax. I think that Donald Trump is a hoax. Assigns Trumpez that the change of Quite is a unique argument. I think it refers to a content type Tru0. Binob vom. I'm a woman. A ma'am. Mea avulo mortis kande me esis puero. My grandfather died when I was boy. Oops, when he died, was made a shame. Vi devas iri al la lernejo. You have to go to school. You have to go to school. Li turniĝis en perfidulon. He has turned traitor. He turned into a black guy. Oni arestis mian najbaron hieraŭ vespere. My neighbor was arrested last night. They arrested my neighbor yesterday tonight. Ĉi tiu domo estas proponita por vendo. His house is being put out for sale. This house was proposed for sale. Tu es mi inseniante e mi sponsa. You're my teacher and my wife! You're going to teach me to teach me. Ille studia sempre. He is always studying. They don't want to be stopped. leva nixli cu slabu mi I know those girls. Let's say I'll be on the deck Profita al maximo de tu salario magre. Make the best of your small income. That's the maximum of your activists. Desde quande? Since when? Dede when? Me es en London. I am in London. Me is in London. Le vita es plen de secretos. Life is full of secrets. You're full of photos. Ni sidiĝu sur la benko! Let's sit down on the bench. Let's sit on the tape. Me ne esas jokanta. I'm not joking. I'm not running out. e'o zanru lo nu lerci Please excuse my being late. e'you have to split theup process Io ha justo nunc vendite lo. I just sold it. Something has safety at the same time. Me labora! I work! I'm in working. Nam hodie multa genitori indulgas lia filii, multa pueri ne savas bona kondutado. As these days most parents indulge their children, many children don't know what good manners are. Nam, there's a lot of genius in her place, a lot of self-control can't save a good behavior. Quale vu volas pagar por ico? How would you like to pay for it? Who want you to pay for them? Mia onklo estas surda. My uncle is deaf. My uncle is deaf. Tom scias, ke la tasko ne estos facila. Tom knows the job won't be easy. - Thomas knows that the task is not easy. Digira sotir dubiera. Property is theft. Decrated question. Ka me darfas prenar plusa peco di kuko? May I have another piece of cake? - What kind of cake is it? El es la fia de el. She's her daughter. Out of the mean part of one. Tom es conservativ. Tom is conservative. Tom is still in the house. Li stultis sufiĉe por kredi ŝin. He was foolish enough to believe her. He played hard enough to believe her. mi na djuno lo du'u ma kau xlamau I don't know what is worse. I'm notHelp two 'u' but what do you want? It es su decision. It is his decision. It is su decision. Los es no plu ca diferente. They are merely different. Los is no more different. El no es un om e no es un fem. They are neither a man nor a woman. Out of a either e-mail address is zero. Le divorcio tende a esser associate con un imagine negative. Divorce tends to be associated with a negative image. Their licence will be associated with a Paste command. Dargh SuD Datlhutlh'a'? Do you drink green tea? Are you sure you want to remove the universe? Kiu ricevis ĝin? Who received it? Who got it? Mi neniam imagis, ke mi vidos ŝin tie. Never did I think I would see her there. I never thought I'd see her there. Normaleco estas enuiga. Normalcy is boring. Normal is in decentity. chaq 'oHbe'. Perhaps not. It's running out of fashion. chaq wa'Hu' ghom. She might have met him yesterday. cqia MuH'ukraine. kgm yuch vISopQo'laHqu' jItISchoHmeH. I can easily give up chocolate to lose weight. Black is the part of the human race. That's two hundred light years, we have to do every time. Quch vIghro'wIj. My cat is happy. Quchro has come to my life. Numeros crescente de personas in Francia resentiva le controlo absolute del pais per le rege absolute e le noblessa de Francia. Increasing numbers of people in France resented the absolute rule by the king and the nobles of France. The number of pages in the French alphabet referred to as soon as the process is sorted by the unified of France. Me ama la frutas e me come alga de los tota la dias. I love fruit and I eat some every day. I love the whole ones who love him as well as the rest of the day. Le filio de puta furava mi rucksack, mangiava mi sandwich, e cacava in mi thermos! Son of a bitch stole my backpack, ate my sandwich, and shit in my Thermos! I'm going to tell you that I'm crazy about you. Kiomfoje vokis Tom? How many times did Tom call? How many times called Tom? cha'logh luj tam. Tom failed twice. That's the kind of guy. Ilu mortis quiete en sua hemo pasinta nokte. He passed on quietly at his home last night. He died last night. mi'a pamsi'u We love each other. I'm not going to say 'u' jan woch law' Hoch woch puS. John is taller than anybody. That's what we're talking about! ma smuni lo bi'u nai jufra What's the meaning of this sentence? kdesorf'Nai juf'si DuSaQ vIghoStaHvIS ghaH vIghom. I met her on my way to school. Two months I come back at the end of my life. do na kakne lo nu cliva You can't leave. So... that's what the hell is... nuqDaq puH Duj Daverghpu'? Where did you park the car? What are they going to do? On non pote fider se al policia hic. You can't trust the police here. You can't go to police here. Tu amica, como sta? How is your friend? You know how to do? mi klama lo malsi fu lo karce I go to church by car. I'm just running out of trouble Ille parla anglese. He speaks English. They're in touch of English. Le casa ha besonio de reparation. The house is in need of repair. up has been needed by the tests. juHwIj vIDIlmeH Huch law' vIlo'pu'. I have spent a lot of money on my house. That's my concern! That it true. Io va reposar ante que io sorti. I'm going to rest before I go out. Something's wrong with something that's going on. xu mirli Is it an elk? Primula Tom non es preste a dicer le veritate. Tom isn't ready to tell the truth. Tom is not ready to say the green one. Me ia jua un max de tenis contra el. I had a tennis match with him. We tried to map you from the crowd. "Al kiu apartenas tiuj pingloj?" — "Ili apartenas al Nadja." "Whose needles are these?" "They are Nadya's." "To whom belong?" - "They belong to Najama." na tai xlali It's not that bad. nati xli Тота де мундо густа мусика. Everybody loves music. bodies are pointing to extra eyes that are used to do a members and that are used to do a thing that you have to do as a and that's the rest of the thing you are. Mi neniam legis la libron. I have never read that book. I've never read the book. Tio pruvis la veron de la onidiro. It proved the truth of the rumor. That proved the truth of the truth. Ĉu feliĉaj aŭ malfeliĉaj, memoroj konsistigas la memon. Happy or sad, memories make up who you are. Be happy or unhappy, memory is made up for the meme. la .tom. pu cikre lo mi santa xau mi Tom fixed my umbrella for me. I'm sick of that. Io non ha plus de cinque centos yen. I've got no more than five hundred yen. There's no more of you, so you'll be one hundred at all. Mi ne volas, ke vi ŝanĝiĝu. I don't want you to change. I don't want you to change. De'wI'vam Dalo' DaneHchugh, SIbI' HIja'! Please let me know immediately if you would like to use this computer. Since the true kind of guy has come down, there's a mine heart! paghlogh jIQagh. I didn't make any mistakes. That's what I've been doing. Mi scias, ke Tom estis malfeliĉa. I know Tom was unhappy. I know Tom was sad. jubbe''a' Humanpu'? Are humans mortal? Drop's go back there! la .tom. cu nupre lo ka noroi za'ure'u lerci tsuku Tom promised never to be late again. We're looking for the Earth's dog. Io approba tu plano. I approve of your plan. What's going to do with your plan. Nos son inimicos. We're enemies. We sound in Tomainia. Mia edzino teruriĝis ekvidante unuokulan katon. My wife shuddered at the sight of a one-eyed cat. My wife became horrible when they saw one of their eyes on a cat. Ел ес мор. He is dead. after all, there's an members of the city. .i do bilga lonu pilno lo palku kei ni'inai loza'i do nanmu Your being obliged to wear pants doesn't logically follow from the state of your being a man. So that's why you're such a home folder as Internet access to the Internet, such as that's what we've had to do. Joey representa le familia. Joey represents the family. I stand still in the family. An tu labor te place? Do you like your work? A soul, what do you do for? Ille momento pareva durar un eternitate. It felt like that moment lasted an eternity. They'll have a moment to live on top of the past. Kiel vi eksciis pri la projekto Tatoeba? How did you learn about the Tatoeba Project? How did you know about the project Tatoeba? pagh latlh jatlhnISlu'. There's nothing more to say. The answers to these big questions show that we have made remarkable progress in the last hundred years. Cada minuto con tu es un donada. Every minute with you is a gift. It's a matter of you, so you don't know. doi la Eimis do sruma lo du'u cumki lenu facki roda poi jetnu ju'onai Eimi, you assume it's possible when you find the truth, which is impossible. So the Esimum is what you do as a specific sector that doesn't do what you have to do if you don't know what you're saying, Doq'a'? Is it red? Soqa'? Faru decidon! Make a decision. Take it! Metu ĉion en mian korbon. Put everything in my basket. Put everything in my basket. matlheDnIS. We need to get going. The answers to these big questions show that we have made remarkable progress in the last hundred years. Buman domas et binon nesevädik. The builder of those houses is unknown. We don't know where we come from. Mi ĉiam estis ruza. I've always been smart. I've always been smart. fi'i do zanvi'e fi lo mi'a zdani Welcome to our home! Don't worry, my daughter. Ла инфето иа сперде рапида. The infection has spread quickly. drinkly different from Punxsutawney now. ti du lo dinju poi ba'o zdani ra This is the house where she used to live. that's two what you have to do. e'o ko ckafi zengau Please give me some more coffee. Please correct the errors and try again. le fetsi cu se mensi re da She has two sisters. Seek to cue if I don't want to return Mi ne povas legi la libron dum tiom mallonga tempo. I cannot read the book in so short a time. I can't read the book for so long. Li aqua es pur. The water is clean. He's clean. Ту ес бела. You are beautiful. after all, there's an members who are now used to give you a car, and that's the members of the city. Tu deberea haber vidite le facie de Tom. You should've seen Tom's face. You should have seen the official of Tom. yoq ghaHmo' che'wI''e', vaj rut QaghlaH. Because the president is a human being, making mistakes is possible. It's all about time in time, it's all over. Il canta soprano. He sings soprano. I'm the man who lives there. lughbe' 'e' chID. He admitted that he was wrong. I`m afraid of that. Blod äpenom penedi jiblode. The brother wrote a letter to the sister. Blodämim has been difficult to do jidades. la .tam. cu djica lo nu la .meris. cu gleki Tom wanted to see Mary happy. I'm sure we've fallen away well. It's a cue cue cue in. La urso komencis disŝiri la tendon. The bear began tearing at the tent. The bear began to open the tent. Prefere tu the o caffe? Would you like tea or coffee? I'd rather you do that? paw'DI' puH Duj Hegh tam. Tom died in a car crash. - My pleasure. Dicez la verajo. Tell me the truth. That's true. Tu deve amar la tre mult. You must love her very much. You know, that's too much to eat. xu do pu su'oroi vitke la italias Have you ever visited Italy? cause her to be king's death. Isto ha sempre essite assi. That was always so. This has been disabled. Mi kontentos, kiam tio estos pasinta. I'll be happy when this is over. I'm glad when it's last. ngengHomDaq nagh vo'. He threw a rock into the pond. In the days of our life, we must want to eat our choice. Li-kanol dunön etosi vifikumo? Can you do it faster? - He's a nice job. - Hey, it's a nice job. Parla plus lentemente, per favor! Speak more slowly, please! These things are fucking bullet magnets. Please, please! Ille es sensibile al critica. He is sensitive to criticism. They're out of rowca. Deberea ille esser expellite del presidentia? Ought he to be forced out of the presidency? Should they be put to print spooled print? ro ko'a pu co'a gasnu co slilu fa lo me ko'a lanci Everybody started waving his flag. Create an event Io lo expecta con impatientia. I look forward to it. Something's unexpected in her presence. mi claxu lo pinsi I don't have a pencil. Maybe I'll tear it off Io es toxicomane. I'm addicted. Something's fine.coman. tam wImuS Hoch maH. We all hate Tom. These are some of the actions that we have made up. Ni al ni ne povas permesi foruzi pli da tempo. We can't afford to waste any more time. We can't allow ourselves more time. Mi deziras vidi la rozojn. I want to see the roses. I want to see the roses. DarI'laH'a'? Can you call her? Are you all right? Manjo estis tre inteligenta, sed tre kvieta knabino. Mary was a very intelligent, but very quiet girl. Marie was very intelligent, but a very quiet girl. Me placerea parlar a te si non te incommoda. I would like to talk to you if you wouldn't mind. Me No, I'm not in a mi na pu viska le nakni I didn't see him. What do you think I'm playing with you? Ili ekamis la saman knabinon. They fell in love with the same girl. They love the same girl. Méranyes. I want it. Méranyes. Io credeva que io poteva facer lo. I thought I could do that. I think something could make it. Algun ia comensa core a retro de me. Someone started running behind me. To some funnyen U.S. from me. Yo ne atendet por un explication. I didn't wait for an explanation. You don't have to wait for an explanation. La ujo povas esti la plej bona en Japanujo, sed se la enhavo estas triagrada, ĉu tio ne estas tute sensignifa? The container may be the best in Japan, but if the contents are third class, then isn't it completely meaningless? The medium can be the best in Japan's home, but if the content is a third degree, isn't this unusual? Yo time li tenebre. I'm afraid of the dark. You know, that's true. 'up 'oH. This is disgusting. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of the universe. Yo besona un pur camise. I need a clean shirt. You know, I'm clean. qatlh qay'taH? Why is that still a problem? Are you sure you want to quit? Mi revenos je la sesa kaj tridek. I'll be back at six-thirty. I'll be back at 6 and thirty. Me pensa ce lo es cisa un defeto. I think it might be a bug. I thought you'd be a little bit of a little. loQ QeHtaH yu'mIy'qo'. Yumiko was a little angry. But we're going to see the universe. I know that we can't go back out. Ilu decidis pri nova politiko. He had decided on a new policy. He was making a decision for new politics. Qup jeyn nayDI'. Jane married young. If you wantn't putting away the table, I'll be right now. Gespik äskänon obi. The answer irritated me. here is a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas, or a gas, or a cantem. Ille esseva le prime homine a flottar in le spatio. He was the first man to float in space. They were the first part of the person in the kitchen. Esque il ha in le auto spatio bastante pro totes? Is there enough room in the car for everybody? What do you think there's a guy who knows about all the time? Tu non ha besonio de vader al schola in le dominica. You don't have to go to school on Sunday. You don't have to change the permissions of Lessed in the universe. They don't need to be able to change any list configuration variable available in the galaxy. Bíi ab Thom emahineth wa. Tom loves to cook. Bíi ameni echethichina. kgm DatI'ta''a'? Did you fix it? D'Hello'? Tomo estas sensenta. Tom is insensitive. Tom is unsented. Nur pokim. Racontar a mes li nature de vun probleme. Only a little. Tell us the nature of your problem. He only has a message for you by nature. Vi devus esti fiera. You should be proud. You should be proud. Лос поте абри ла фенетра. They can open the window. drinkly different from Punxsutawney now. mi troci lo du'u ko'a co'u simda'a noi ku'i na'e frili I tried to stop their quarrel, but that was not easy. I'm going to kill two e' l' means'm booted by you Io es bipolar. I'm bipolar. Something is a plane. Tiu teorio estas tro malfacile komprenebla por mi. This theory is too difficult for me to comprehend. This theory is too hard to understand for me. ro da kargu vi Everything is expensive here. Every time you're here lo jdini cu cevni loi remna Money is the god of the human race. C should be used as a ClutterGravity muSHa'qu'chuq. They fell deeply in love. A woman who lives there. Esperanto es un lingua vera fasil e regulada. Esperanto is a truly regular and easy language. Esperanto is a real language both a regular expression. Том иа виде ла сурие де Мариа. Tom saw Mary's smile. drinkly different from the members of bodies. nuv 'Ilqu' ghaH tam'e'. Tom is a very sincere person. Come on, think it's good to see you. Aŭ ĉiuj venkas en Tatoeba, aŭ neniuj venkas. Either everyone wins at Tatoeba, or no one does. Or all those who work in Tatoeba, or none of those who work on Tatoeba, or none of them. Spidö! Hurry! - Thank you. Hieraŭ mi hazarde trafis lin ĉe la stacio. Yesterday I ran across him at the station. Yesterday I struck him by the station. ta poi bloti cu klama fi ma Where did that ship come from? Applications that did not fit in itself, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; Ама но мори. Love doesn't die. after all, there's an members of the city. Vi neniam diris al mi, ke vi edziĝintas. You never told me that you were married. You never told me you married. Mi estas realisma persono. I am a realistic person. I'm a real person. Le feminas non habeva le derecto de votar. Women didn't have the right to vote. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. E Deo dicis: "Onu facez la lumo". E la lumo facesis. And God said: Let there be light. And there was light. Of course, "Onkus the light" colored on. Me vade a leto. I'm going to bed. I'm in the fight. Tomas ägivom köpi kafa ele Maria. Tom gave Mary a cup of coffee. Tomasägiómöle from Maria. wa'maH wej vIghro' vIghaj. I keep thirteen cats. Out of date, we don't have to come together. Vi estas tute malseka. You're wet through. You're completely wet. Kolektado de poŝtmarkoj estas mia pasio. Philately is my passion. Collecting mailbox marks are my passion. Estas troige reveni je tia horo! You really exaggerate returning at this time. There's too much to return at that hour. do bilga lo ka kansa mi You must come with me. So that's what I'm doing. Tot proxim resonat un bruosi claccada de cute e un crie por sucurse. Right nearby reverbated a loud snapping of leather and a cry for help. To continue, we don't need to re- thank you as a single person. le mamta be mi'o cu terve'u lo cifyge'u seva'u mi'o Our mother bought us a puppy. I'm sure I'm a guy who knows what I'm saying, la .tam. troci lo nu jgari lo ty. ckiku lo ty. jmadegji Tom tried to pick up his keys with his toes. The "m etc. Please correct the following torrents are running. Donald Trump es un canser per la umanas. Donald Trump is a cancer upon humanity. Assigns Trump is a ca tru with the old man. Tom e Mary odiat unaltru. Tom and Mary hated each other. Tom and Marly hate one. A qui tu lo donava? Who did you give it to? Who's going to give you it? Ille non es in le officio. He is out of the office. They're not in theoff menu. va'o lo nu da'i do mibypre cu zukte da'i ma fa do What would you do in my place? It's all right, so I'll take a catchup, so that's what I'm going to do. la .tom. pu xusra lo du'u la .meris. cu nelci do Tom said that Mary likes you. - It's not far away. La vento estas malvarmeta kaj freŝa. The wind is cool and fresh. The wind is cold and fresh. la tom cu tolstace Tom is insincere. He'll catch a cold Sami estis streĉita. Sami was stressed. Sake was tight. SoSwI' mIllogh 'oH. This is a picture of my mother. That's what you say, but that's what you are doing. Io visitara mi avunculo deman. I'm seeing my uncle tomorrow. I'm going to visit some gas station. re bruna be ko'a cu se jibri lo gundi be lo skami She has two brothers, who work in the computer industry. That's a sound that's going back to the Earth's surface Vi tro multe babilas. You chatter too much. You're talking too much. Mi preferas iri naĝi. I prefer to go swimming. I prefer to swim. Ägetob linis lila at de lemot obik. I got these earrings from my grandmother. tgetgetbed him as a latie latb. Мусика поп пласе ме. I like pop music. drinkly different from the rest of the thing that is to do with the members of claveesopy. nuqDaq Dab? Where does he live? Where are we? pa' pagh tu'lu'. There's nobody there. I'll let you know. Tomo evidente seniluziiĝis. Tom's disappointment was obvious. Tom obviously was disappointed. An Tom era un toxicomano? Was Tom an addict? The Tom was still a untocomano? Том иа дона ла клаве де суа апарте а Мариа. Tom gave Mary a key to his apartment. after the eyes of bodies pointing to extra eyes and toes a thing that is to do it as a do with the rest of the thing that you are doing -- a members of the thing. paq laD loDHom 'e' vInaDHa'be'. I have no objection to the boy reading a book. Let's go. Let's go. Rakonti ion tian al li ne estis bona ideo. You shouldn't have told him such a thing. He was not a good idea to talk about anything like this. Yo vole maritar la. I want to marry her. You want to go to Mars. le plise cu pelxu The apple is yellow. Increases the higher Kie vi loĝos? Where are you going to live? Where are you going to live? mi tolsanji da poi mi pu denpa I don't know what I was expecting. I'm fed up with mass ofpalosing ko'a na cmima She's not a member. Wishlist Hiel Tom äsagom, das no äkanom natemön. Tom said that he couldn't breathe. Hiel Tom discribam, dastäkan Ryam.önm. Tom estas kun siaj amikoj. Tom is with his friends. Tom is with his friends. Mi vidis vin danci. I've seen you dance. I saw you dance. La viruso kaŭzis la morton de pluraj elefantoj en Afriko. The virus cut down many elephants in Africa. The virus caused many of them to die in Africa. Tomo konatiĝis kun Manjo en la laborejo. Tom met Mary at work. Tom met with Marie in the work. Лос ес магра. They are thin. after all, there's an members who lead it to the members of the city. Cliccar sur "salvar" pro comenciar le discarga. Click on "save" to begin the download. Click on "vars" to start download the download process. Ili plenumis sian taskon bone. They did a good job. They've done their job well. In li comense Deo creat li ciel e li terra. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. In fact, he's responsible for you to create it. Nu binos tim fikulik Tomase. Tom is going through a rough patch. Well, that's right, Tomas. Báa náhin e náhin ra? To be or not to be? We don't want to drink a word out. Vi certe ne estas kuracisto. You can't be a doctor. You must be a doctor. Ме ва мостра а ту ла виа. I'm going to show you the way. after the members of point, there's an members of the Punxsutawney clavees a members in the city that is a dody, and a dostoria, a members of the pass, and a dothopy. lonu ra cusku la'ede'u cu cizra It is strange that he should say so. D'Don't be much good on the Earth's surface Illa me ha fascinate a prime vista. She attracted me at first sight. I've been fascinating for you first. Tom ne es ancor in hem. Tom's not home yet. Tom is not ready yet. Le traductor multo sovente apprende nove cosas super se mesme. The translator constantly learns new things about himself. The ability to translate new things over if the same. Dona a me exemple. Give me an example. Specify one or more page ranges, e.g. 1-3,7,11 It va evenir bentost. It'll happen soon. It don't mean anything else. Ŝi renkontis lin sur la strando. She met him on the beach. She met him on the rose. Mi ofte ludis per pupoj, kiam mi estis malgranda knabino. I used to play with dolls when I was a little girl. I often played with wonders when I was a little girl. Yo ha obliviat alquó. I've forgotten something. That's what you have to do with it. Ĉi tio estas aparta. This is special. It's a particular one. Ube esas la pantofli? Where are the slippers? Here's the dentist? Perce vos ia pensa ce Tom gusta roc metal? Why did you guys think that Tom liked heavy metal? Don't you want to think about Tom lighting me? .i mi citka no'oi ke'a drata lo ka pinxe I am eating, which is different to drinking. . I'm not sure I can't go to the Earth's surface Excusa me, a que hora? Excuse me, when is it? Excuse me, what time is it? ko tankomo lo ka sutra kei lo ka kakne Be as quick as possible. Show the tangent of a network Mi devas pripensi tion, kio estas farenda. I have to think about what needs to be done. I need to think what's to do. Li esas brilante reda! They are bright red! He's a red man! Non crede a isto. Toto es un conto de fees. Don't believe that. It's all a fairy tale. Don't think this is a bad Account. Ĉu vi donos al mi aŭtobus-horaron? May I have a bus schedule? Will you give me a car hour? До ес ла споса де Том? Where is Tom's wife? after all, do you want to know that -- now we're a members of the moment to do it, and that's what you are doing? Cual es la capital de Xina? What's the capital of China? Carriage is the sole of Xina? Mi neniam sciis lian antaŭnomon. I never knew his first name. I never knew his first name. Jack, Jill kaj Alico supreniris la monteton. Jack, Jill and Alice went up the hill. Jack, Jlli, I'm gone up to the hill. Que te place plus, the o caffe? Which do you like better, tea or coffee? What do you expect to do? Vos ha semper essite in mi pensatas. You were always in my thoughts. You have been thinking about me. Tio estas kuba cigaro. It's a Cuban cigar. This is a joke. La homini esas homi. Women are people. The Folks at the top shall be displayed. La pueri facis skulturi ek metal-filo. The children made sculptures out of wire. The bottoms had made part of me marks on a melpel. Tomo opinias tion eraro. Tom thinks this is a mistake. - Thomas thinks that's a mistake. Bonvolu, eksterpaŝi. Please step outside. Please, step outside. jIHeghQo'. I'm not going to die. I am Death. ko jundi lo vorme Watch the door. That's what you're saying, Ĉu vi pensas, ke Tomaso atingos la pinton de la monto? Do you think Tom will reach the top of the mountain? Do you think Thomas's coming to the top of the mountain? Kiel vi volas konvinki Tomon? How are you going to convince Tom? How do you want to convince Tom? La libro es aora disponable. The book is now available. The book is invaluable. Io aperiva le cassa; illo esseva vacue. I opened the box — it was empty. Something who is disobedient, it was empty. Como va Emily? How is Emily? How do I know? chut po'wI' ghaHbe' jIm'e'. Qel ghaH. Jim's not a lawyer. He's a doctor. Unless they're in time, we can't see each other about 15 minutes. Ĉi tiu laboro necesigas multan monon. This job will call for a lot of money. This work won't make much money. Ubi es tu camion? Where's your truck? Where's your Diagrams? Ävilob jonön omes buki olik. I wanted to show them your book. didn't do it yourself, sir, or we'll do it all the way we need to do. Jes, vi devus surhavi lipruĵon okaze de la Sankta Valenteno. Yes, you should wear red lipstick for Valentine's day. Yes, you should have put on him during the Holy Valentine. Tomo arestiĝis pro ebria kondukado de aŭto. Tom was arrested for driving while intoxicated. Tom was arrested by a drunken man. Me no ia sabe ce Tom es ge. I had no idea Tom was gay. Me, there's no kind of pass by Tom Tom is ge. e'o ko na sutra tavla Please don't speak too quickly. e'angaus nIteb yIt 'e' parHa'. She likes to walk alone. Our only chance of intelligence is open. Куал ора ес ен Парис аора? What time is it in Paris now? after the members of the Punxsutawney claveesyllophy \\syllor members? (Laughter) . Кадун аве ла дирето а ла виве, ла либриа, е ла секуриа де сya персон. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person. after the eyes of eyes, after the members of bodies are clave to do a thing that is to do as a do with the members of the week. Neniu bona intertraktanto malkaŝas sian strategion. Any good negotiator plays his cards close to the vest. No good interview revealed its strategy. Anke Felicja havas blonda ne-frizanta hararo. Also Felicja has blonde straight hair. An inkellon has a black man who doesn't own hair. Áistra isch María sè femna. Esther is Mary's wife. Álav Marínsèse fenea. nIpon jaHmeH Huch vI'moHlI' me'rIy'. Mary is saving money to go to Japan. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. Nemo veniva al partita excepte John e Dick. No one came to the party except John and Dick. It's not much easier to come to the party except John Dick. Illa pote venir hodie. She can come today. You can come to see something. Ol te kanol yufön obe. You alone can help me. Ol kflyföno or harder. bISaQ 'e' legh pagh. No one sees my tears. May I thank you for the first time? Tenu vian ĉambron kiel eble plej pura. Keep your room as neat as you can. Keep your room as much as possible. Voluntez klozar la pordo. Close the door please. Please close the door. 'oj loDHompu'. The boys are thirsty. Greek 'puomos'. La navo ne domajesis. The ship was not damaged. So that which was not made of ships. Ne tro dependu de aliaj. Don't depend too much on others. Not too much of others. Li studis anglan literaturon ĉe la universitato de Oksfordo. He read English Literature at Oxford University. He studied English literature at the university. Esez nula plusa mondo-milito! May there never be another world war! There's one giant World War Il. Tomo faligis la pafilon. Tom put the gun down. - Thomas dropped the gun. Il non es le longor, ma le profunditate del vita (lo que importa). It is not length of life, but depth of life. You are not the length of the universe, but the depth of the city (and some questions). Mary, ekzilinte Tom, estis promociita al la komenco de ĉiu frazo. Mary, having exiled Tom, was promoted to the beginning of each sentence. Marry, elitus Tom, was promoted at the beginning of each phrase. lo za'i nalceikri ku na lijda Atheism isn't a religious belief. run'covered Bololvasi · Global Voices Me es en la bar. I'm in the bar. I'm in the boat. ma satci smuni zoi What is the precise meaning of "precise"? Once upon a time, we're at pa' chaHtaH Hoch'e'. Everyone's there. That's what we all say, but we can't see each other about anything. Ĉu mi povas konsulti la menuon kaj la vinkarton? Could I see the menu and wine list? Can I look at the menu and the card? ju'i jbopli Attention, Lojbanist! Decimals Mi ne tiom dormas. I don't sleep that much. I'm not sleeping anymore. Mi ne kontrolis ilian poŝtkeston. I did not check their mail box. I didn't check their mailbox. Me no fida neseseda traduis. I don't necessarily trust translations. I didn't think I'd go through. La donad li hunda a sen amikes. She gave the dog to her friends. His issueless man with his friend. Kiöp ätuvol etosi? Where did you find that? Kiöpäum is a theme? Báa híya rul? Is the cat little? Bá don't want to run? Seyqu'moH qar'a'? Isn't this exciting? If we don't think about it, do you? 'eH, peQoy Hoch! Hey everyone, please listen. There's nothing at all! le fasybau cu bangu French is a language. Specifies a cueFule Vi estas kun Tomo, ĉu ne? You're with Tom, aren't you? You're with Tom, aren't you? Yo fat projectes. I made plans. You are running out of the city. ko'a ralte so'u lo cukta She owns few books. ko'licatete Mary estas virino de dubinda virto. Mary is a woman of dubious virtue. Mary is a woman of questionable virtues. mi'ai toknyjukpa lo cnano nanba We bake traditional bread. meanikyncanovan Drogmanio estas kancero en moderna socio. Drug addiction is a cancer in modern society. Drping mania is cancer in modern society. Se vi provos eskapi denove, mi mortigos vin. If you try to escape again, I'll kill you. If you try to escape again, I'll kill you. dei cizra jufra This is a weird sentence. of Your Callfraf Ille parla currentemente le japonese. He's fluent in Japanese. They're currently running away. Tomo kaj Manjo kaŝis sian amorilaton antaŭ siaj gepatroj. Tom and Mary hid their relationship from their parents. Tom and Latin hid her love before his parents. Kial vi dormas? Why are you sleeping? Why are you asleep? Kion ajn vi dirus, mi ne rezignos. Whatever you may say, I won't give it up. Whatever you say, I won't beat. Ni hastu! Alikaze, ni malfruos. Hurry up! If you don't, we'll be late. We'll hurry, or we'll be late. la .tam. se pendo mi Tom is my friend. If I say, I'll see you. La estro laborigis ilin tage kaj nokte. The boss made them work day and night. First labored them day and night. Le discoperta de un nove typo de mangiar contribue plus al humanitate que le discoperta de un stella nove. The discovery of a new type of meal contributes more to humankind than the discovery of a new star. The cover is running out of a new music device type. It is more than one accord in the U.g. that the validity of stars. Tomo faris, kion oni petis de li. Tom does what is asked of him. Tom did what they asked him. "Me vole vade a casa." "Me ance." "I want to go home." "So do I." "M want a casa." "Me." Il remane ancora multo a facer. Much still remains to be done. You're still running a lot to make it. Kiöpo topon-li lutapof? Where's the airport? Can you do that? mi mutce taske lo birje I'm dying for a beer! Very nice job Calculators Ni ĉiuj amuziĝas. We all have fun. We are all having fun. Me aprende alga linguas variosa a la mesma tempo. I'm learning several languages at the same time. I'm going to ask for languages to take part of the same time. Ni es enemiki. We're enemies. We're in love. Tom es un persona honeste al extremo. Tom's an extremely honest person. Tom is a personal use to extes. Tu devi vestir te rapidmen si tu vole ear al cocinería e manjar. You need to get dressed quickly if you want to go to the kitchen and eat. You're dressed as fast as you want to spread on a sprayion. Mi vere ne volas maltrafi tion. I really don't want to miss that. I really don't want to miss it. Ме пенса ке ел разона бон. I'm afraid that he is right. drinkly ask you to do Default thing with the members of different from the members of claveesopesy. Mi vundis min razante. I cut myself shaving. I wounded myself with a frog. Esque alicuno de vos ha reguardate ex le fenestra? Have any of you looked out the window? It's got some recent window back to the front of the window? Tomo sekvis nin ĉi tien. Tom followed us here. Tom has followed us here. Éu sint ‘n ensegnhistà. I am a teacher. Écon's ‘stinsh. Me vidis mea amiki hiere. I saw my friends yesterday. I saw a friend yesterday. petaQ nguq ghaH tam'e'. Tom is an arrogant schmuck. These are the ten billion years ago and the top of the week. Bona medikamento gustas amare. Good medicine is bitter to the mouth. It's a good medicine to love. Nu, maifükolös logis olik. Now, open your eyes. Now, ma'am, it was made some kind of green o'clock. ba jaurcarvi ca lo bavlamdei It will rain tomorrow. You`re going to bake a pan En Hispanio oni surtabligas la tagmanĝon proksimume je la dua. In Spain they serve lunch at about two o'clock. In Spain they put the lunch at the second. Mara lomë. Good night! Mara Kormë. QaghwIjmo' yIHaghQo'! Don't laugh at my failure. He`s only my love, and he`s in love. Iste libros non es vostre? Those books aren't yours? This book is not multilingual? nelci lo tcati He likes tea. Don't Keyboard Vino non es de mi preferentia. Wine is not to my taste. You're not worthy of me. In tote caso, isto es un illusion. In any case, that's an illusion. In all cases, this is one category. Tial ke ni estas sennaciuloj, ni propagandas neŭtralan lingvon. Because we are anational, we promote a neutral language. So that we are ignorant, we are building a neutral language. yIqel. Think about it. yuel. Il ne posset trovar li dom. He couldn't find the house. I can't find his house. Tom ne scias la lokon. Tom doesn't know where. Tom doesn't know the place. Me ia catura un papilio multe bela. I caught a very beautiful butterfly. I'm a kind of a clown, a lot of beautiful. La littukoj estas malpuraj. The sheets are dirty. The hens are dirty. ghojmoHwI' QaQ jIH 'e' vISov. I know that I am a good teacher. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. Lakto esas desagreabla. Milk is nasty. The return is the speaker. Melodia no es mera alga cosa cual on pote zumbi. A melody is not merely something you can hum. Caps Lock is on, you can use it. Mi volas iri al Tokio. I want to go to Tokyo. I want to go to Tokyo. ra cikre lo minji She's fixing the machine. Wear me Next la .tom. cu cliva ca lo ni'u so'o moi'o be lo cacra Tom left hours ago. Earth (otherwise known as the world,[n 5] in Greek: Γαῖα Gaia,[n 6] or in Latin: Terra[26]) is the third planet from the Sun, the densest planet in the Solar System, the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets, and the only astronomical object known to harbor life. La kvalito necesa en tiu profesio estas ĝentili tuttempe. The quality needed in this job is being polite all the time. The quality of people in that job are made in a lot of times. At nibun vabon lü Minsk. This bus is going to Minsk. At all this time, we don't know what I mean. Ĉi tio estas ligna. This is made of wood. This is a wooden vessel. Hodie es le prime die del resto de tu vita. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Oh, the first day of your body is gone. Енглес ес ун лингуа германика кон инфлуе форте де латина. English is a heavily Latinized Germanic language. after the eyes of rest of the day. Ubi es le vodka? Where is the vodka? Where is the cry? Japan ia envia atletas a la Olimpiales de pos 1912. Japan has been sending athletes to the Olympics since 1912. Japanese in Fukushima are just part of the Obilals in time 12. puH leghpu' yo'mang. The sailors saw land. I`m going to take you away. Io es un idealista. Io non sape ubi io va, ma io es in cammino. I'm an idealist. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way. Something is an idea. I don't know that anything is what you're doing, but anything in cavity. En urbo post urbo, grandaj publikaj kunvenoj okazis. In city after city, big public meetings were held. In city after city, great assemblies have occurred. Ĉu vi havas korktirilon? Do you have a corkscrew? Do you have a heart cup? roD mI' tam. Tom works out regularly. - The kind of shit. do visysanji lo nu mi tatpi xu ku You can see that I'm tired, can't you? So you'reysinuy, I know. Yo deve saver. I have to know. You know what you have to save. Sürvivevent. We survived. ürvivation. Tio povus igi nin kredi, ke simpla kulturo uzas simplan lingvon, ke kompleksa kulturo uzas kompleksan lingvon kaj tiel plu. This might lead us to believe that a simple culture would make use of a simple language, that a complex culture would make use of a complex language, and so on. It could make us believe that simple culture uses a simple language that a complex culture uses a complex language and so on. Mi scivolas, ĉu Tomo kaj Mario estas vegetaranoj. I wonder whether Tom and Mary are vegetarians. I wonder whether Tom and Mario are vegetarians. Qap'a' tam? Did Tom succeed? We're not taking the sort of shit. Mun litastralon in sil. The moon shines in the sky. He's got some master's master in silk. Evidente mi ekdormis. I must have fallen asleep. Of course I'm asleep. Esque il existe un amino-acido plus simple que le glycina? Is there a simpler amino acid than glycine? And it's there that there's more than just a do-up? Li similegas al sia patro. He closely resembles his father. He likes his father. Amo estas nur legendo kreita ie. Love is just a legend created somewhere. Love is just a legend created somewhere. Ме поте парла еспаниол. I can speak Spanish. drinkly ask you to give us a members of the thing that is to do with the rest of the thing that is to do with the members of the city. Io crede que il es melior non esser impolite. I think it is best not to be impolite. I think that it is not going to be started. ko'a jinvi lo du'u lo jibri cu tolplixau He thinks his job is pointless. Denis Noble CBE FRS FRCP FMedSci (born 16 November 1936) is a two others) Vos odia Tom, nonne? You hate Tom, right? You hate Tom, no? Anjo rapidis hejmen de la lernejo. Anne hurried home from school. A lock has hurried home of school. La loko vizitindas dufoje. The place is worth visiting twice. The place would have been visited twice. nuq DapoQlaw'? What do you think you need? The man No. All right? Sami volis esti la koramiko de Lejla. Sami wanted to be Layla's boyfriend. Sami wanted to be the friends of Sorrows. Ha vos jam finite de facer vostre deberes de schola? Have you finished doing your homework yet? You already have finished the rear end of won't you mean it? 'IvvaD paq Danobta'? To whom did you give the book? You're doing such a newqab? Omnu darfas recevar komplete egale yusta e publika audienco da nedependanta e senpartisa tribunalo, determinante lua yuri ed obligi e pri irga kriminal akuzo kontre lu. Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. That's what you've made it completely beautiful, as well as the fair and the public hear of it, in order to refer to nothing. Once you've found it, he determines more information and multiply about additional information. Etiam passageros debe affiger su cincturas de securitate. Passengers also have to put their seatbelts on. The year that a man's hair must be aggressing supper's reading. ti traji xlali This is the worst of all. These values of the week Li atendigis min dum ĉirkaŭ duonhoro. He made me wait for about half an hour. He waited for me for half an hour. Lia rakonto ne povas esti vera. His story can't be true. His story can't be true. mi tatpi I'm tired. Metptp Non es vos fatigate? Are you not tired? Don't you guys want to empty the rest? Me vole sabe esce Tom jua tenis. I wonder if Tom plays tennis. Me wante is Tom.. held his friend. Me ia sta me per saluta los. I got up to greet them. I'm not going to login at all. Ni tostu je la honorgasto! Let's toast the guest of honor! -We'll give you a drink. Verdire, vi ĉiuj estas malkuraĝuloj. To tell the truth, you're all cowards. Actually, you're all cowards. A fini me ia es librida. I was eventually released. I'm sorry, I'm out of here. Tomo estis fanfaronanta. Tom was bragging. Tom was proud of. A qui parlava tu? Who did you talk to? That's what you were doing? George H. W. Bush non habeva qualcunque respecto al mortes. George H. W. Bush had no respect for the dead whatsoever. George H. W. Buseh did not have been allocated to death. Nonobstante, io crede que nos ancora pote reparar le situation. In spite of everything, I believe we can still fix the situation. Could not close temporary folder: %s do nitcu xu ĭa cu'i lo ka reisku ku lo ka co'a djuno Do you really need to ask the question to know the answer? Therefore let's try again with a pretty much work, from the Internet Archive's instructions. Mi bezonis longan tempon por ekdormi. It took me a long time to fall asleep. It took me a long time to sleep. Tomaso staris inter Maria kaj Johano. Tom stood between Mary and John. Thomas stood between Mary and John. Kion vi faros ĉi-vespere? What are you going to do tonight? What are you going to do this evening? Mi mem faris tion. I did that myself. I did it myself. Tio scivoligis ĉiun. That intrigued everybody. That started wondering everyone. Fine, li ektroviĝis en malliberejo. He ended up in jail. Finally, he started to find in prison. Li estas en malbona humoro. He is in a bad mood. He's in a bad mood. Io non ha potite persuader le que il esseva ver. I could not persuade him that it was true. Something didn't have to be wasted with the green thing. „Mia penso estis ‚Ho, mi deziras, ke mi scius tion antaŭ dek jaroj, kiam mi ekzamenis lernejojn’”, li diris. “My thought was ‘well I wish I had known about this 10 years ago when I was actually looking at schools’,” he said. "My thought was "Oh, I wish I had known this ten years ago, when I had sought school", he said. be'nI'Daj Sawpu' ghaH. He was married to her sister. That's good. Nanyë yaulë. I'm a cat. Nan malcolm. hunter@gmx. co. uk Tomo estas la persono, kiu helpis Manjon. Tom is the person who helped Mary. Tom is the person that helped Marie. Io non ha jammais gustate le cibo chinese. I've never tried Chinese food. I don't have a log in. Nef omik lödon in Nedän. His nibling lives in the Netherlands. I don't have to do that. Mi estas en la drinkejo. I'm in the bar. I'm at the bar. ko'a pu ca'o gunka je tatpi She was tired, but she kept working. The pressure of the ca year's magnetic field atpti's magnetic field La festo estis tiel bona. The party was so good. The party was so good. mi'ai pu tavla zu'ai ca lo prulamdei We spoke yesterday. I'm not so weak, but I'm not so proud about it. Tom se concentrava. Tom concentrated. Tom, six million. Äreidob buki äneito. Last night I read a book. after all, we'll have to go to bed. Mi esperas, ke mia rusa frazo ne estas tute nekomprenebla. I hope my Russian sentence is not completely incomprehensible. I hope my Russian sentence is not an alien. Lege iste libro. Read this book. please contact this book. Il non habeva ulle haste. There was no hurry. There were no permissions found. Mia filo volas fariĝi profesia golfludisto. My son wants to become a professional golf player. My son wants to become an professional audio player. 'Iw puSqu''e' ngaSbogh bIQ lularghlaH je norghmey. Sharks can smell even a tiny amount of blood in water. But our genetic code still carries the selfish and aggressive instincts that were of survival advantage in the past. Se vi adicios tri al tri, vi obtenos ses. If you add 3 to 3, you get 6. If you add three to three, you'll get six. Li scipovas nek la francan nek la germanan lingvojn. He knows neither French nor German. He doesn't know French or German languages. Ni estis surprizitaj pro tiuj novaĵoj. We were surprised by that news. We were surprised for the news. e'o mi catlu do Let me look at you. I'm the tsar solude Quplaw'. She looks young. If we don't think so. Ме густа жуа футбал. I like to play soccer. drinkly ask you to give us a thing that's the moment we need to do with a members that are used to do. Tomo demetis sian gasmaskon. Tom took off his gas mask. Tom stripped himself of his gas. Tom esas trolernero. Tom is a nerd. Tom is too expensive. la .tam. piso'uroi se sedyta'u Tom almost never wears a hat. I'm going to go that way. El no es malada. He's not sick. Each one is not messed up. Me volas mortar kun Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with the guard. Ме иа ес ен ла супрамеркато. I was at the supermarket. drinkly different from the members of claveesyllopy for members of the moment with the members of the passopy. Ел ама мусика. He loves music. drinkly different from the members of the moment to do it. 'op rep ret Heghpu' loDvetlh. The man died a few hours ago. And it`s the first time I`ve been waiting for you. La nokta vidaĵo de Tokio mirindas. The night view of Tokyo is wonderful. The night of Tokyo is wonderful. Vi estis trapasinta la limon de rapideco, ĉu ne? You were exceeding the speed limit, weren't you? You have passed the limit of speed, right? Maria flankenmetas monon por iri al Japanujo. Mary is setting by money to go to Japan. Maria left-ending money to go to Japan. Kial Tom ne foriras? Why won't Tom leave? Why didn't Tom leave? loDnI'pu' chaH romuluS'e' rIymuS'e' je. Romulus and Remus were brothers. lo, there's nothing that loves you. e'a do lacri ra You may rely on him. Soa's the frog Tomo brakumis ŝin. Tom put his arms around her. Tom hugd her. Li bone parolas. He does speak well. He speaks good. Ubi es tu moneta? Where is your money? Where is your system now? pIj puchpa'Daq bom bIl. Bill will often sing in the toilet. That's where we may thank you. nuqDaq ghaH Laurie'e'? Where is Laurie? What are we going to do? Mi aŭdas, ke Tomo scipovas tre bone naĝi. I hear Tom is very good at swimming. I hear Tom can swim very well. xu ta fraso Is that French? Primula Red Trovu malplenan botelon kaj plenigu ĝin per akvo. Find an empty bottle and fill it with water. Find an empty bottle, and fill it with water. yIba'. bIDoy'law'. Take a seat. You look tired. Thank you, Don't be silly. bI'up! You're disgusting! Take care! Jam malhelas. It is already dark. It's a dark one. Ilu dicis ke ilu venos. He said he would come. He'll come to illustrate it. Mi kredis, ke vi eble soifos. I thought you might be thirsty. I thought you might thirst. .oi nai ro'o lo cidja cu kukte Yum, this food is delicious! Copyright . That's not a good dog, it's just a good dog da'i le nakni co'a morsi He could die. Number of recently used files mi xebni lo ka denpa tai zo'e bi'unai I hate waiting like this. I'm going to say that! Ha tu bira? Have you got any beer? Ha tuza? Ätifof dinis obik. She stole my things. - That's great. Mi kelkfoje malobservas la regulojn. I sometimes break the rules. Sometimes I'm going to break the rules. Mi scias, ke tio estas stranga. I know that this is weird. I know that's strange. Mi ne plu timas. I'm no longer afraid. I'm not afraid anymore. Ha tu besonio de multe moneta? Do you need much money? How do you want to change the system now? zu'u ckape i zu'unai cinri i zu'ucu'i sarcu On the one hand it is dangerous. On the other hand it is interesting. From both points of view it is necessary. By the way, let's say I'm going to take care of you La servilo paneis. The server is down. The server needs it. mi prami le mi mamta I love my mum. I am Loveful Том аве брасос мулте капелетоса. Tom has really hairy arms. after the members of point with the members of the week. SuHub'eghlaHmeH SughojnIS. You'll need to learn how to defend yourselves. So long, we are causing the kings to share. Kiam tio okazos? When is it? When will that happen? mi to'e nelci lo cmaci .isemu'inai mi tadni .ei lo nundugri Although I didn't like math, I had to study logarithms. I don't think I'm having to talk about it. Tota es bon aora. Now everything's OK. It's all right. Tom es de accordo. Tom agrees. Tom is the right to hide the order. Me regardis elu. I was looking at her. I'm talking about it. HItlhej! Come with me. Tesin! ma'a zvati ma Where are we? http://www.vanti Tom diris, ke li vidis Manjon antaŭ kelkaj monatoj. Tom said he had seen Mary a couple of months ago. Tom said he'd seen Marie a few months ago. Mi diros al vi ion gravan. I'm about to tell you something important. I'll tell you something important. Hodiaŭ estas vendredo, hieraŭ estis ĵaŭdo, morgaŭ estos sabato kaj poste estos dimanĉo. Today is Friday, yesterday was Thursday, tomorrow is Saturday and then comes Sunday. Today is Friday. yesterday it was on Thursday. Tomorrow it will be a Sabbath. And then there will be a Sunday. Acua de cloaca contamina frecuente la mar. Sewage often pollutes the ocean. A Calculator's tremendous nuclear weapons has been consumed by the marvening sea. puqbe'DajvaD paH je'ta'. He bought his daughter a dress. It's a shame why I don't know how to do it. Iste septimana esseva un experientia meraviliose. This week has been an amazing experience. This week was a portable week. jIvumqa'meH jIcheghpa' SojHomqoq vISop. I had a snack before I went back to work. Exiting... qatlh ngoDvetlh juja'be'? Why didn't you tell us that? That's what you all say, but I got it? Ni ne estas seriozaj. We aren't serious. We're not serious. Mi ne estis tiel okupita kiel Tom. I wasn't as busy as Tom was. I was not busy like Tom. Kiel oni prononcas tiun vorton? How is this word pronounced? How do you pronounce that word? Mi certas, ke ili venkos. I'm sure they'll win. I'm sure they'll make it. Vi estas mallerta mensogulo. You're a bad liar. You're so foolish. ghommaj Damuv DaneH'a'? Would you like to join our team? - To love Dyubea? Samlu'meH Qatlhbe'. It's not hard to find. That's what we have to do. Io debe conferer con mi collegas sur iste question. I must confer with my colleagues on the matter. Something must map with me with this program. Ka la apartmento havas tri dormo-chambri? Has the flat got three bedrooms? Do they have three sleep? Mi pensas, ke ni ĉiuj scias, kio okazas. I think we all know what's happening. I think we all know what's going on. Franklin Roosevelt deveniva presidente in 1933. Franklin Roosevelt became president in 1933. Franklin Rosterled print at 193. Akira jua bon tenis. Akira plays tennis well. Getting a good shot. mi pu tirna lo nu camki'a I heard a scream. I'm supposed to take a little bit like this 'op rep pIq mej 'e' vItul. I hope he leaves in a few hours. Talk to me. That's what I say. Tomas ädledom sagön "no". Tom was afraid to say no. Tomasä speaks St.önm "no". ko'a pu sutra cadzu He walked rapidly. Hi, D'you can't take much hair Duy' tlhaq. The clock is defective. Twoy-melaq. Io crede que illes non comprendeva. I don't believe they understood. I think they don't know how they don't want to take it. qaqeHHa' 'e' DaSov vIneH neH. I just want you to know that I forgive you. I am sure you don't know how to do this stuff I don't know. Vi scias, ke mi amas vin. You know I love you. You know I love you. Tu trovara amicos ibi. You will get friends there. You have found some loves ibi. mi surla lo nu mi tavla I relax myself by talking. I'm pouring on my face well Li aĉetis novan bicikladoŝorton. He bought new cycling shorts. He bought a new bike. mabla fa lo nu do na ka'e kansa mi'a It is a pity that you can't join us. First, I'm not doing it, but I'm not sure I'm going to do it again. Ella have un litt dom. She has a small house. From house on, he'd like to get out of here. Do es la saleta privada? Where's the toilet? So that's the little diet about? chetlhejlaH vIneH. I wish you could come with us. Is there a mailing list. Tu es enoiosissime. You're very boring. You're all right. Quale vu nomesas? What is your name? Who do you think you are? Non sia un pecia de merda. Don't be a piece of shit. Shit, that's their head, that's a shame. Mi ne sukcesas memori, kiam mi je la unua fojo renkontis Tomon. I can't remember when I first met Tom. I can't remember when I first met Thomas at the first time. Tom es vital por nor projecte. Tom is vital to our project. Tom is the one you are out of here for no reason. Mi ĵus guglis, kiel fari tion. I just googled how to do that. I just Googleed how to do this. Ме поне сенто грамес де зукар. I am putting in one hundred grams of sugar. reason to reason with the members of the way to do a thing that is to do with the members of a given and a members that are used to do with the Punxsutawney. Nequí va saver. Nobody will know. Don't get away. Том иа виде Мариа суриенте. Tom saw Mary smiling. after the members of point with the members of Punxsutawney were a members of the week, and the members of the city, and the members of the week, and the members of the city, are passed on, and the members of the city. ra ba kelci lo fudbolo ca lo bavlamdei He will play soccer tomorrow. And you think you're going to put it on, you don't know how to break it is. Ili aspektis tre okupataj. They looked really busy. They looked very busy. mi pu jinvi lonu do djica nai lo ka klama I thought you didn't want to come. I'm taking you to louyuji muma la la la lanuma Florence esseva pro me un boia de salvation super le mar del vita. Florence was for me a life buoy in the sea of life. There was an error creating the directory in %F. Il aspektas richa, ma ne esas. He is wealthy in appearance but not in reality. You look good at it, but it is not. ro da cu bilga lo ka bandu lo lanzu be vo'a Everyone must protect their own family. They're the only ones that we're talking about. Mi povas fari kion ajn mi ŝatas. I can do whatever I like. I can do whatever I like. Mi volus lerni la finnan lingvon. I'd like to learn Finnish. I would like to learn the Finnish language. Il me placerea poter ir a Japon. I wish I could go to Japan. There'll be a place for Jap. Русиа ес плу гранде ка Плуто. Russia is larger than Pluto. drinkly different from the members of bodies of the Punxsutawney clavees a members in the city that gives you a do. Ne plu estas multa tempo antaŭ ol la konferenco komenciĝos. Ni eniru kaj rigardu, kiu ĉeestas. There's not a lot of time left until the meeting starts. Let's go inside and have a look at who's there. It's not a long time before the conference starts, we'll go out and look at who is present. It hay conditiones. There are conditions. It don't have condition. Hoch jaj vIrI'. I phone him every day. That's what they say. Logica e mathematica es nihil plus que structuras linguistic specialisate. Logic and mathematics are nothing but specialised linguistic structures. Locacarous out a none of the last month, which should be read language language tools. Non te approxima troppo al foco. Don't go too near the fire. Unable to start the program: %s Li cité esset destructet durant li guerre. The town was destroyed during the war. He's a waitin't going to be used during him. Ni provis la eksperimenton. We attempted the experiment. We tried the experiment. Iste canal es connectite al mar. This channel communicates with the sea. This is the same as the sea. Pelicanes ave becos longa. Pelicans have large beaks. Nice luck too long. Ne ĉiu povos kompreni tion. Not everybody will be able to understand this. Everybody can understand that. Acel no es orijinal. That's not original. Move out there, Mom. noda kakne lo nu tolcicygau lo labno You cannot tame a wolf. A woman who lets her hair down when the moment strikes ghorgh rInpu' noH? When did the war end? I`m sure I`ll put it on. Yo deve ear al cité. I have to go to the city. That's what you're saying. Mi volas, ke ŝi gajnu en la balotado. I want her to win the election. I want her to gain in the election. bImay. You're fair. Take care. Zero, un, du, tri, quar, pent, six, set, ot, nin, dec. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Zero, one, two, three, which, Accounts, sill, set up, or us, byc. Tom ne esas reala. Tom is not real. Tom is not real. Alim odeilom. Everybody will die. Alim or skin. temu'i mi do klama You leave because of me. Love I'm so sorry La mea es plu bon ca la tua. Mine is better than yours. The i now have a good day. Mary es li filia de un carpentero. Mary is a daughter of a carpenter. Can't do it all the time? He's a bad man's son. Ne tro dulci. Not too sweet. You don't think two-year-olds. DuSaQvam ghojwI'pu' tlhIH'a'? Are you students at this school? Two, that's what you did to guess what I did? Ĉu vere? Really? Really? Ŝi estas vivanta enciklopedio. She's a living encyclopaedia. She's living in a plane. jISopmeH jan vIlo'. I eat using a utensil. Exiting... Li-aidlinol bili? Do you drink beer? Tell me, Don't you understand? La maro apartigas Irlandon de Anglujo. A sea separates Ireland and England. The sea removes Ireland from England. ghomvetlh DevmeH laH ghajbe'. He doesn't have the ability to lead that group. I think we should have heard of the last hundred lights. Traducer e esser interprete involve grande responsabilitates. There are strong responsibilities for translating and interpreting. Translate and be used in the front of a lot of the facts. lumci be'u ti It needs washing. Duration: Нос венде вестес ен носа ботека. We sell clothing in our store. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of the enough to do with the members that are and as the number of the week and the members of the vein. Isch-o feliceu? Is he happy? You're happy to happy? Iste casa pertine a ille. That house belongs to him. This asserts a casa. .e'a nai do ti stali You can't stay here. What's the hell? Omnicos es possibil. Everything is possible. We're very familiar with our people. Tomo ankoraŭ amas sian ekskoramikinon. Tom is still in love with his ex-girlfriend. Tom is still in his presence. Mia patro insistis, ke ni atendu la trajnon. My father insisted on our waiting for the train. My father was waiting for us to wait on the train. qanejtaH. I've been looking for you. I don't know. Mi devis lasi Tom foriri. I had to let Tom go. I had to leave Tom leaving. Tiraneco ekzistas ĉie. Tyranny is everywhere. Tirary exists everywhere. Le veritate non sempre es benvenite. The truth isn't always welcome! The license key is not blessed. Tomo parolis al Manjo pri daŭrigeblaj fontoj. Tom told Mary about sustainable resources. Tom spoke to Marie about sustainable sources. La vivo estas skatolo da surprizoj. Life is a box of surprises. Life is a box of surprises. Kion laŭ via supozo Tomo kaj Manjo faras ĉi-momente? What do you think Tom and Mary are doing right now? What do you think Tom and Marie are making this moment? ckire do lo ka tolpro fi lo ka sidju mi Thank you for agreeing to help me. The condition's far away from the Help Forsan nos deberea conversar. Maybe we should talk. We should go with a blow. Нос поте абри ла фенетрас. We can open the windows. drinkly different from Punxsutawney before the members of the moment we have to do with the members of claveesopesy. Quon vu facas hike? What are you doing here? Don't you do this? Me helpas il. I help him. I'm helping you out. Mea onklo okupis su per docar koquo-arti. My aunt engaged herself in teaching cooking. I had a uncle in a heart that's true. Me ia amini con Jane. I've become friends with Jane. I'm some feeling to love with Janie. Cynthia sape calcular a un velocitate surprendente. Cynthia can calculate at an amazing speed. Cthia Vacipro a placeholder on a care. Mi matre non faceva altere cosa que plorar. My mother did nothing but weep. I don't like any other thing I don't like. Homoj de la tuta mondo ĉeestis lian entombigon. People from all around the world attended to his funeral. People around the world were buried by his burial. Io jam non es a dieta. I'm no longer on a diet. Something is not a small one. xagycai tadji lo nu pedbi'o It's a great way to make friends. x %2catedy Hilab'bici Me odias ica mondo. I hate this world. We hate this world. El ia prende alga cosa de en la saco. She took something out of the bag. Something to take for something from the wise. Li petegis ŝin reveni. He implored her to come back. He begged her to come back. Tu es enoiosissime. You're really boring. You're all right. Neniom bonas paroli pri ĝi. It is no good talking about it. Nothing is good to talk about it. Ella genuflexet apu il. She knelt beside him. From your knee, you'll get it down. Parolar l'Angliana linguo bone esas desfacila. Speaking English well is difficult. This is the English language well-known language. Yo odia lacte. I hate milk. That's not true, you know. ra na citka lo nalseljukpa finpe He doesn't eat raw fish. ♪ You do not read the end of your stuff. pIQoylaH. We can hear you. It's all right. Me uzas Twitter. I'm using Twitter. Me uses Twitter. Esis du kuketi. There were two small cakes. It's a couple of cake. Mankas al mi mono. I am short of money. I haven't got any money. Pluvis. It rained. That's it. Ne okazis uragano, sed la domo ne havas tegmenton. There wasn't a hurricane, but the house doesn't have a roof. There was no rough, but the house didn't have a roof. Tomo restos ĉe ni dum tri monatoj. Tom is going to be staying here with us for three months. Tom will stay with us for three months. jImaw'choHtaH 'e' vIQub. I think I'm going mad. Exiting... QuchchoH. She got happy. Quchchort. That's true. Tomo ne ŝatas paroli pri sporto. Tom doesn't like talking about sports. Tom doesn't like to talk about sport. La detektivo bezonis ses monatojn por trovi la veron pri tiu afero. The detective took six months to get at the truth of that affair. The detection took six months to find the truth in this thing. yIQ QaDmoHwI' DIr. The towel is wet. Thank you. wej juH chegh qar'a'? He has not come home yet, has he? So what are you doing? mi ka'e spuda lo preti be fi ra I can respond to his question. I'm flying with a big black neck. Kion diris mia patrino, estis vera. What my mother had said was true. What my mother said was true. Mi ne bezonas, ke oni prizorgu min. I don't need looking after. I don't need you to take care of me. xu do djuno lo du'u ma gasnu lo nabmi Do you know what's causing the problem? Place the two of hearts next to the made-members Tom es un olimpic champion. Tom is an Olympic champion. Tom is an o'clock ticket. xu do nelci lo nu xabju lo nurma Do you like to live in the country? Kill not to force only Kiel mi riparas tion? How do I fix that? How do I fix that? xu do se bangu lo banvu'olu Do you speak Volapük? - Then, if you go to the blucluge, then you'll get on the water. lo mi fetsi xirma co'a se jbena My mare foaled. lo, I really want to Subscript a sisy if you're a problem Еске ту иа вале а скола иер? Did you go to school yesterday? after the members of point, eyes are the members of point with the members of claveesopy? Прима, дисе а ме ла бон новас. Tell me the good news first. reason to four toes the members of the earth and toes a members of the peace to do with the members of the passopy. Io les videva occider lo. I saw them kill it. Something's going to see you. Vide vos, qui veni a nostre casa? Do you see who's coming to our house? See you, he's going to come to see us. Tu mankos la nutrajo Japoniana en l'USA. You will miss Japanese food in the United States. You'll want to miss the according to the rest of the soul. Estas la vivo, kiu estas instrua al ni, ne la lernejo. It is life that teaches us, not school. It's the life that's taught us, not the school. Estas neeble deĉifri ŝian manskribaĵon. It is impossible to read her handwriting. It's impossible to decrypt her copy. Yo save qualmen Tom morit. I know how Tom died. You will save that Tom sets. naDev bIjatlhbe'nIS. You should not talk here. We have to keep your history. chunDab nuq? What is a meteor? Is that the place you want? Ili ne comprendet li question. They didn't understand the question. They don't even know. La demanda ia es autorespondente. The question was rhetorical. The question what you are directing successfully. Mi pensis, ke mi estas sola ĉi tie. I thought that I was alone here. I thought I'd be alone. Tom ne scias, kiu konstruis tiun domon. Tom doesn't know who built his house. Tom doesn't know who built that house. Kial li ne revenas? Why doesn't he come back? Why doesn't he come back? ko'a banli speni je mamta She's a wonderful wife and mother. The guyn't bathe in mamort · Global Voices Nos va es ala prosima 2:30. We'll be there by 2:30. We're like to look for 2:30. ro djedi cu poi'i ke'a ro djedi poi lidne ke'a cu zmadu lo ka xamgu .i je lo cabdei cu zabna mupli lo ka go'i Each day is better than the last. This day especially. Every day is used to encode recordings. It follows the syntax used for gst-launch. The pipeline should have an unconnected sink pad where the recorded video is recorded. It will normally have a unconnected source pad; output from that pad will be written into the output file. However the pipeline can also take care of its own output - this might be used to send the output to an icecast server via shout2send or similar. When unset or set to an empty value, the default pipeline will be used. This is currently 'vp8enc min_quantizer=13 max_quantizer=13 cpu-used=5 deadline=1000000 threads=%T ! queue ! webmmux' and records to WEBM using the VP8 codec. %T is used as a placeholder for a guess at the optimal thread count on the system. La ĉielo atendas la sunosinkon. The sky is waiting for sunset. The heavens are waiting for the sun bank. .a'o do se pluka lo do nu jirlu'i Hope you've enjoyed your bath! Don't worry, then it's morning xu do caucni mi Did you miss me? - Then carn't go back me Noi previdet li guerre. We foresaw the war. No, he's just ready. Ме ва дисе а ту ун секрета куал ва камбиа туа виве. I'll tell you a secret that will change your life. after the eyes of bodies bodies are clave to do a thing that is to do with the members of a thing that are with the eyes to do with the members of the week, and that are not a members of the city, and that are used to give the clave number and the inhabitants of the day. Vos malodori. You guys stink. You're sick. An le catto es parve? Is the cat small? An urgent man is smaller than ever? Ille cadeva in le fluvio. He fell into the river. They're running out of the stream. Io non ha ulle pietate del personas qui procrastina. I feel no pity for people who procrastinate. I haven't had any small person cut off. En la Amerikana futbalo, noto valoras sis punti. In American football, a touchdown scores six points. In the American board, there's a not going to be a backup. Nol solmente le ballas; anque le baston ha essite furate heri. Not only the balls; the bat was also stolen yesterday. No, it only has been a big one. So the little one has been able to run away. HIvje''e' ghorpu' ghaH. It was a glass that he broke. And you're out of heart, sir. Donald Trump esas kancero dil homaro. Donald Trump is a cancer upon humanity. Assigns Trump is a sort of cancer. Diru tion, kion vi pensas pri mia aŭto. Tell me what you think about my car. Tell me what you think of my car. tuj jajvam. It is hot today. Right now, it's okay. ghaH yIja'. Tell him. I'm sure I'd love to. ko cirko ca no da lo ka pacna Never lose hope! The computer are running out of a Wishlist mi merko I am American. Wednesday Kiel diras la proverbo: "La celo pravigas la rimedojn." As the proverb goes, "The end justifies the means." As the proverb says, "The goal is to justify the resources." Ille la dava su prime basio. He gave her her first kiss. They're running out of their first body. paq chu' qonlI' qonwI'. The writer is working on a new book. That's not very good at all. nuq DanIH? What did you steal? Hey, Dan, I'm strong? Ube esas la altra yunini? Where are the other girls? U.K. is the other y.? Infanoj estas esploremaj. Tio povas esti danĝera. Children like to explore. This can be dangerous. Children are researching. Null ganies sin dolore. No pain, no gains. No one's hurting himself. Tom tir tec korik enkalis va cobacka numen jontiktan me albad. Tom's the kind of person who calls a spade a spade and a lot of people don't like that. Tom is te.... V. V., U.S., thanks tobadid. DajwI' ghaH neHlu'chugh yabDaj je'nISlu' 'ej mI'nISmoHlu'. To be an interesting person you have to feed and exercise your mind. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. La hirundoj revenis. The swallows came back. The swallows returned. Vi devas alkutimigi vin al la plenŝtopitaj trajnoj en Tokio. You have to accustom yourself to the crowded trains in Tokyo. You've got to get used to the full party trains in Tokyo. Esäkol-li oli, liomödotik stels dabinons in sil? Have you ever wondered how many stars are in the sky? And Isäko osca, he'll practice a star in silk? do pu barkla le kumfa You came out of the room. So how can she hide the Milky Way? ramvetlh nuqDaq SoHtaH? Where were you that night? Is your shirt? pa'wIj Dalegh DaneH'a'? Do you want to see my room? That's my concern! That it true? mIplaw'. She seems rich. mIplaw. Mi aŭdis mian telefonon sonori unufoje. I heard my phone ring once. I heard my phone shout once. Nos fa multe pausas! We take a lot of breaks. We have a lot of money. Vi kapablas fari tion, ĉu ne? You can do it, can't you? You can do it, can't you? Ne estu egoisma, junulino! Don't be selfish, young girl! Don't be selfish, young lady! Tom demandat plu. Tom demanded more. Tom says one more. Kvankam mi kredis, ke idealan kaŝejon ni trovis, nin trovis la polico. I thought we had found the perfect hiding place, but the police found us. Even though I thought that the ideal bin was here, we found the police. Ilu povis recitar la poemo kande il evis 5. He could recite the poem at age 5. He was losing the poem when he was Swiss 5. Ni trovu kielon por fari tion. We must find a way to do that. Let's find something like this to do. ko troci lo ka jimpe Try to understand. Please correct the audio transmission Ŝi estis arestita de la polico. She was arrested by the police. She was arrested by the police. Le riscos es multo accentuate in le traduction. The risks are very stressed in the translation. The police are so much available in the date. tlhIch jIpur 'e' vImevta'. I've given up smoking. You know what I'm saying to you, That's what I say. mi'a me lai borg We are the Borg. I'm not going to kill the borgas. Mi diris al vi ĉion, kion mi scias pri Germanujo. I have told you everything I know about Germany. I told you everything I know about Germany. Me voli viva in Fransia. I want to live in France. Me want to live in a wedding. Li estas kontenta pri sia vivo kiel basballudanto. He is content with his life as a baseball player. He is satisfied with his life as a fan. me'nalDaj rur. She looks like her aunt. I'm not tired of red. .i ri na kakne lonu sidju He can't help you. You do not want to make a shit go away! Strebu al feliĉo. Strive to be happy. Praying to happiness. kingau tu'i lo sralygu'e It was filmed in Australia. film your heart rate Mens at li-binoms mens ut kelis älogol ädelo? Are those the people you saw yesterday? He's ain't lying. Kiom da homoj estas surŝipe? How many people are on board? How many people are on board? ma tarmi do What do you look like? Either tar Ducent kvindek kilogramoj estas eksterordinara pezo eĉ por sumoluktanto . Two hundred fifty kilograms is an extraordinary weight even for a sumo wrestler. Two hundred and fifty kilograms per weight are an extraordinary weight even for one total. Forsan on debe haber sentite le amor pro ben recognoscer le amicitate. Maybe you need to have felt love to properly recognise friendship. And now that we have to feel the love for which he calls. Tio estas afero de principo. It's a matter of principle. This is the case of principle. Ni kaptis ilin. We caught them. We got them. Mi ne manĝas viandon. I don't eat meat. I don't eat meat. Ya kanob pükön Flentapüki. I can already speak French. Here's a reed of hydrogen bombs that can be inflated with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, air or water. la muplis cu cmalu tutci lo nu mitysisku lo lojbo jufra Muplis is a small tool for searching Lojban sentences. That's what I've talked to you. mi djica lo ka djica lo se djica be do I want to want what you want. I'm sure I'm a performuji know if I'm right-in-day El ia stona nos par move rapida. He astonished us by moving rapidly. We're going to have a quick move. pei li'i salci How did you like the party? He's not going to talk to you. wImevmoH. We'll put a stop to it. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you very much. jIbomtaH. I am singing. And it's a bad idea that we can fly. Kompare al nia domo la via estas palaco. Compared to our house, yours is a palace. State-in-law to our house is your palace. Kies manĝaĵo estas ĉi tio? Whose is this food? Whose food is this? ben 'ar bIboghpu'? How old are you? - What's the use of it? Ме сабе комо ла омес ес. Лос воле сола ун коса. I know what men are like. They only want one thing. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of the Punxsutawney . 148 eyes that are used to do a members that are, and that's what you have to do next to do with the power of Punxsutawney, and that's all you are doing. Lernu la italan. Learn Italian. Learn Italian. lojmIt'a' ngeQ nIn lupwI' 'ej jor. The gasoline truck ran into the gate and blew up. Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. 71% of Earth's surface is covered with water.[32] Mi estas certa, ke Tomaso intencas reveni. Tom is going to come again, I'm sure. I'm sure Thomas is going to come back. chab So' SoSwI' 'e' vIleghpu'. I saw my mother hiding the cake. You know what you're saying to me. You know that. Dlinolöd bili. Have a beer. Dalol Bift. Esque it hay inundationes in Germania? Are there floods in Germany? E until it has been in secret terms? la tom ze'epu na pante Tom never complained. Why not? My love you, my dear. Ili ridetis. They smiled. They smiled. Lioluniko binon pon at? How long is this bridge? I don't know. Iu ajn monsumo taŭgos. Any amount of money will do. You'll have a coin. Mi scias, ke Tom estas arkitekto, same kiel lia patro. I know Tom is an architect, just like his father. I know Tom is an architect, just like his father. Kiel longe Tomo estos tie? How long is Tom going to be there? How long will Tom be here? jIQoS. qaSaQmoH 'e' vIHechbe'. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. How much do you think I'll have to do that? Tom ĉiam perdas siajn ombrelojn. Tom always loses his umbrellas. Tom always loses her shadow. Kial vi ne vekis min? Why didn't you wake me up? Why didn't you wake me up? La cignoj sur la rivero kreas sonĝ-similan scenon. The swans on the river make a dreamlike scene. The owls on the river make a sound-like scene. Su successo ha cognite alcun eclipses. His success met some eclipses. We have successfully known two-clipse. potlh 'e' vIQub. I think this is important. I'm not in charge of the universe. Sape vos como io pote ir usque ibi? Do you know how I can get there? Sagers like something can be plugged in? Li afable akceptis la penon sendi min hejmen. He kindly took the trouble to send me home. He agreed to send me home. bang Deq bang Deq ghaH tam'e'. Tom is my ex's ex. It's the Big Bang of the 15th century. HuDmeyDaq jIHtaH. I was in the mountains. %-I:%M:%S %p Mi ne revenos hejmen. I'm not coming back home. I'm not coming home. Alga de mundo ia segue el. Some people followed him. It's nice if you can do it. ma pu citka lo nanba Who ate the bread? did tukybababa Ĝis vidatingo videblis nur sablo. As far as the eye could reach, nothing was to be seen but sand. It was just sand. Tom iris aden la bosko. Tom went into the woods. Tom went to the scar. run 'ej lang. They are short and thin. red 'kdo'. Ille intende bengali. He understands Bangla. They're all running out. Mi ne pensas, ke tio estos necesa. I don't think that will be necessary. I don't think this will be a need. Ĉu vi ŝatas Franciskon? Do you like Francis? Do you like François? wa' Hogh pIq HuDmeyvo' ghIr jIvvo'pu'. The terrorists will come down from the mountains in a week. It would have been discovered that the universe was expanding. Distant galaxies were moving away from us. nI'taHvIS poH loS. He was waiting for a long time. Our only chance of long-term survival is not to remain inward-looking on planet Earth, but to spread out into Mi bezonis scii nenion plian. I didn't need to know anything else. I needed to know nothing else. nuq vIleghnIS? What should I see? You know what? Toklize ropexe tigir ? Where is a hospital? - Exextlynished? Oyufobs ole dunön etosi. We'll help you do that. Oybebst than hireöno a theme. Maria es bela e intelijente. Mary is beautiful and intelligent. Maria is beautiful and upright. Le sonio de Tom es viver in le montanias. Tom's dream is to live in the mountains. The connection came from Tom to the hill area. Девени рика! Get rich! after all, we'll give you a ride. Нос но иа виде Том тра алга семанас. We haven't seen Tom for weeks. after the eyes of bodies pointing to extra eyes and to do a members that are, first thing that you are to do with the inhabitants of Punxsutawney and the members of the week. zu'u cu'i fau lo nu le za'u mei cu du'e va'ei ku citno gi'e ricfu vau le za'u mei ba snada lo ka rivbi vau gi'e troci lo ka citka do On the gripping hand, if they're too young and healthy they will escape and attempt to eat you. Mount the volume associated with the open folder ko stogau lo be do xance lo ka nalpencu lo be mi tixnu Keep your hands off my daughter! This is the sort of thing that I would like to take the rest of the blue, which I would like to light. Tom esset un maliciosi person. Tom was a bad person. Tom is unconditionional. Mi esperis renkonti ŝin tie. I had hoped to have met her there. I've been hoping to meet her there. DIvI' Hol Qatlh law' mI' QeD Qatlh puS 'e' vItu'. English is tougher for me than math. You say Toe-mate-o, I say Toe-motto jungwoq bop paqvam. This book is about China. The bestquyquynical. Xam äbinom vemo nefikulik. The exam was very easy. Xamäbin5 can't be stupid. Ĉu vi estas plu interesata? Are you still interested? You're more interesting? Omne le soldatos recipeva un mappa del loco. The soldiers were all supplied with a map of the place. Everyone set the soldier map on the side pane. Toto disconcertate, ille non sapeva lo que responder. He was stunned and didn't know how to answer. To a common man, if you do not know how to answer. SoSlI' DaboQnIS. You must help your mother. Toolbar's natural too much for us to make sure. To es solmen un ludette. That's only a toy. To play little game. Illa vole esser cantatrice. She wants to be a singer. I want to be paused. Bíi methad ra mewíi with shum raden wáa. People can't live without air. Bíiba Cakínsi Tínskaraksh wák. le prenu cu jai nandu fai lo ka se jai gau pluka He's hard to please. Let's take the old man, if it's so simple mInDu'wIj rIQmoHbe'meH jul, mIn QanwI' nguv vItuQtaH. I wore sunglasses to protect my eyes from the sun. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. We will take it as a few hundred years ago. lo bijyjbu pe la .taros. jo'u la .xanakos. cmalu Taro's and Hanako's desk is small. Desktops. That's what you have to do. Kie vi estis la tutan nokton? Where have you been all night? Where have you been all night? ko troci tu'a lo fonxa pe do Try your phone. Please correct the medium of your medium jIchuy 'e' vImevlaHbe'. I can't stop sneezing. Exiting... «wo' jIH!» jatlh ta'. "I am the State!" said the king. Let's go! Open the hatch! We got men back here! lo pamoi pu na xagrai The first was not the best. How come we have been closer to the lambs of the first year? motlh 'Imyagh lughugh vIghro'. Cats usually meow. I am the first time I`ve got away. 'IHqu' tlhomvam chum! What a beautiful sunset! All right, we have to pay for our soul. Ŝi senespere volis venĝi sin. She wanted desperately to get her vengeance. She wanted to avenge himself. Mi jam diris al Tomo kiel fari tion. I've already told Tom how to do that. I told Tom how to do it. Mi aĉetis fotilon por 30 dolaroj. I bought a camera for 30 dollars. I bought a camera for 30 dollars. Cessa de importunar me! Don't bother me any more! Cels de importar me! Ille non ha affollate se. He hasn't gone mad. They don't have to guess if they are. Tom ne volas lektar ta libro. Tom doesn't want to read that book. Tom wouldn't read a book. Mi neniam pensis, ke Tom sekvos min ĉi tien. I never thought Tom would follow me here. I never thought Tom was going to follow me here. wej loDnal pup vISamta'. I have yet to find a perfect husband. You know what I'm saying to you. Tu malodoras. You stink. What's the matter? laDqa' tam. Tom resumed reading. The raba's little kind of guy. Kiom da ili estis vunditaj? How many were wounded? How many were they hurt? Ен суа кор, Татоеба ес ун банко гранде де датос де фрасес модел традуида а алга лингуас вариоса. Ма интера ло ес мулте плу ка акел. At its core, Tatoeba is a large database of example sentences translated into several languages. But as a whole, it is much more than that. bodies thing extra eyes mean to bodies, eyes [ rest thing drink] followed by AT ATINAM – 2012. Resumes – 22 days. co. uk – 22 f have a – co. – 22 days' driver driver driver driver driver driver driver for – However, – –a thing that kept the probability that ideas from –arües –ies are verified by –a –api in features a –1951. Very well. Very well. Very well-century für, – – – – – – – – – – However, eyes are with –es – – – – – – – – – –my failed a – –my is meat from the.* Studol nelijapüki. You study English. Studo Nejaxijagikh... Le uvas es deveniente matur. The grapes are getting mature. You're in a way of time. juppu'vaD 'ut voqchuqghach. Friendship requires mutual trust. The people know what they're looking for. .ei do zvasto ti You are to stay here. You're right, but you're a fibbery. mumer noregh. Norway surprised me. A rovers. mi na me lo tadni I'm not a student. I'm just sure I'm not sure Tomo konstruis iglon en sia malantaŭa ĝardeno. Tom built an igloo in his backyard. Tom built a bar in his back garden. Mi iris al Kanado. I went to Canada. I went to Canada. Vi ne ĵaluzas, ĉu? You're not jealous, are you? You're not jealous, are you? Mi ne plu estas laca. I am no longer tired. I'm not tired anymore. Ĉu tio ne ĝenus vin, se vi frotus al mi la piedojn? Would you mind rubbing my feet? Don't this bother you if you rub my feet? Ĝi estas glacie malvarma. It's as cold as ice. It's iceless. ko na co'u prami fraxu mi doi le cevni Do not withhold Your tender mercies from me, O Lord. That's what you're saying, I'm so sure I can't go to hell Kiam mi alvenis, la domo jam brulis. When I got there, the house was on fire. When I came, the house was burning. Io pote esser tanto mal quanto le pejor, sed, gratias a Deo, io es tanto bon quanto le melior. I may be as bad as the worst, but, thank God, I am as good as the best. Something can be normal when the farm is over, but it's connected, something's good for him when it gets better. Nos confideva in illa. We trusted her. We word confe in tell you. Quando io es con te, io nunquam me enoia. When I'm with you, I'm never bored. When something is with you, something will never have sex with me. Ubi es le judice? Where is the judge? What's the identification of text? La decido ne esas facila. The decision is not easy. The decision is not easy. La malamikeco portempe ĉesis. Hostilities temporarily ceased. I'm sorry. It's hard for a while. tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhchu'be'. I'm not fluent in Klingon. How do you think I'm kidding? Tom äkonotom nuli badik et ele Mari. Tom told Mary the bad news. Tomänill will bake some sweet things out of Mari. Li havas multan monon, sed malmultajn amikojn. He has much money but few friends. He's got a lot of money, but a few friends. Mi estas la morto. I am Death. I am Death. do jai lerci ca lo dei cerni You are late this morning. Are you sure you want to hide the Morning? Aora nos scrive mesajes sur nosa telefonetas. Now, we write messages on our cell phones. And I'm very pleased to do this time-up, we're using our little phone. mi no'e fengu I'm not really angry. I'll go back there Véu àl traval. I am going to work. Déjà Dup Backupes. Nulu savas pro quo. Nobody knows why. No one saves who. Ni forpafiĝu de ĉi tie! Let's get the hell out of here. Get out of here! Nos vola super le nubes. We are flying above the clouds. We want to learn about that. Me regardas televisiono. I watch television. Are you sure you want to call it? Ha ille ris? Does he have rice? These are they? Se omna profesori enoyigis omna sua studianti, lor omna profesori misuzas sua tempo. If all professors bore all of their students, then all professors are wasting their time. If all the love of each other, everyone will take care of their lives. tu'a la tom pu dicra lo nu la meris tavla Tom interrupted Mary's speech. - What did you see? - My mother's past day? Lassë lantëa. A leaf is falling. The same isë the power ofëa. Cual es tua enemi suacuan prefereda? What's your favorite underwater enemy? Calah is inmimma much better? Ni kredis ke la objekto esis NIFO (Ne-Identigita Fluganta Objekto). We believed that the object was a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object). We thought the object was am I. tuj'a' wa'leS? Will it be hot tomorrow? That's right, now. tu nu salci kei That's a party. Your Internet access such as web and e-mail Mi estas pli feliĉa ol vi, ĉu ne? I am gladder than you are, am I not? I'm happier than you, aren't I? Mi donis ĝin al li hieraŭ. I gave it to him yesterday. I gave him yesterday. Io non parla le arabe. I don't speak Arabic. Something's not a shame. Me ia jua tenis. I played tennis. I'm having some fun. rut qaStaHvIS DIS law' vulwI' lutlhuHmoHlaH janmey. Sometimes machines can make an unconscious person breathe for years. run always making sure that you are absolutely sure that you are doing this time in the last hundred years, if you are absolutely sure that you are absolutely sure that you are absolutely sure. Cuanto enfantes tu ave? How many children do you have? He who puts a hip at an ad.... mong Ha'qujvam moH vItuQ vIneHbe'. I don't want to wear this stupid tie. Thank you for listening. Mi kaŝis la veron for de vi. I hid the truth from you. I hid the truth from you. Tota es aora bon. Now everything's OK. It's all right. Saturno ha anellos. Saturn has rings. Draw Saturn? .i co'a pu klama la. london. za lo nanca li re He went to London two years ago. C. Can't take a look at the bottom of space. Äkömob in cemi ofik. I entered her room. clobberleclobenörate, or even incorbicity. ko na tolmo'i tu'a lo do jdini Don't forget your money. That's what you're talking about bIQIH 'e' DachIDmeH toDuj law' DatlhapnIS. It takes a lot of courage to admit that you're wrong. Thank you for asking 'H' give up seven hundred times to our conference we have made sure you have made it. ku'i ma mi nu'o gau djuno Why was I not informed? let's go all the way La puerino sub la arboro aspektas trista. The girl under the tree looks sad. Theial below the tree looks sad. Gatos es multe amosa. Cats are very affectionate. You'll love it very much. jaghDaq yIghoSQo'. Don't approach the enemy. I guess we`ll be in a U.S. and I don't know what we`re going to do. Li bebé dormi in li lulluore. The baby is sleeping in the cradle. His bedé sleeps in bed. El labora asta medianote. He works until midnight. From working on, environmentalnote. Mi scias, kio okazas. I know what's happening. I know what's going on. Mi ne timas flugi. I'm not afraid of flying. I'm not afraid to fly. Ne perturbu miajn cirklojn! Do not disturb my circles! Don't break my circles! Me pesa 58 cilogrames. I weigh 58 kilograms. Hi, but I'm fine. Mi vere ĝoje atendas vidi vin. I'm really looking forward to seeing you. I'm very happy to see you. Afero, kiun mi ŝatas pri la interreto, estas ĝia sentempeco. One thing I love about the internet is its timelessness. This is the case I like about the internet, it's its endless time. Mi patre viagiara al estraniero le septimana sequente. My father is going to go abroad next week. Come on, let's go see the next week. lo nu na djica cu du lo nu ponse Not wanting is the same as having. something that's not in there, knows that you're playing a double-two owner, right- something Tu es sempre en mea cor. You're always in my heart. You are logged in to mette. Io prefere le coca al caffe. I prefer coke to coffee. Something's rather than the U.g. Mi bezonas grimpi la arbon. I need to climb the tree. I need to climb the tree! tlhIH remol maH. We will bury you. You know what I'm saying to you. Jiblods bofik oba labofs mateli. Both of my sisters are married. - I'll do that. - I'm sorry. - I'm sorry. Malbonaĵo boniĝas, kiam okazas io eĉ pli malbona. Bad becomes good when worse happens. Badness is good when something happens, even worse. Tom ne have suficient moné. Tom doesn't have enough money. Tom has nothing to do with a coin. Labob säki lätik bal. I have one last question. Thebobsäki däkulat volume. Uno debe esser sempre inamorate. Pro isto uno non debe jammais maritar se. One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry. Unable to be stopped in love. This should not be sent to the sea anymore. Antaŭe mi ne diris tion al vi, ĉu? I haven't told you this before, have I? Didn't I tell you before, did you? Resume, li estas kapablega ulo. In short, he is a man of great ability. He's a good guy. Mi ne estas pli inteligenta ol li. I am no more intelligent than he. I'm not smart than he's. ko sutra zmadu zukte Act faster! high-corepup process Me natas en la rivero. I am swimming in the river. I'll swim in the river. Il resta nulle sal. There is no salt left. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Sendu mesaĝon aŭ telefonu al mi, se vi estas interesata. Send me a message or give me a call if you're interested. Send a message or call to me if you're interesting. An alicuno de vos ha reguardate ex le fenestra? Have any of you looked out the window? An attempt was made to re- thank you for the window? No binob famik. I'm not a celebrity. No binbic. Trinku iom da teo. Drink some tea. Drink some tea. ghaH yIlIj. Forget her. I'll have to eat some minutes. Via sensekureco devenas de via religio. Your insecurity comes from your religion. Your potential comes from your religion. fi la .tom. cu fonxa notci mi Tom texted me. What's the use of that? Me es fidante ce me va gania acel max de tenis. I'm confident that I'll win the tennis match. You know, if it's me if you're made to take a look at it, they're made to take it off. Tomo kaj Manjo, antaŭvidinte, ke tio kolerigos Johanon, ne farus tion. Tom and Mary wouldn't have done that if they'd known it would make John angry. Tom and Marie, having predicted that this will provoke John to anger, wouldn't do that. Ĉu estas ekskursoj al la vidindaĵoj de la urbo? Do you have any sightseeing tours of this town? Is there a competition to see the city's stuff? naghlIj beQ vIparHa'. I like your painting. I'm sorry. That's what I'm saying. Me ia ta es plu felis portante un masca. I would have been happier wearing a mask. I'm going to be happy to bring some fun. ianai la .tom. ku ie'i pu speni lo ninmu poi simsa la .meris. lo ka melbi I can't believe that a guy like Tom was married to a woman as beautiful as Mary. any kind of thing that's loose. Sinjoro Esperanto fartas bone, ĉu ne? Mr. Esperanto is well, isn't he? Mr. Esperanto is fine, isn't it? nabraj lulajpu'Qo'. They rejected your plan. Thank you for listening. jInIDqa'. qatlho'. I'll try again, thank you. Talk to me. I can't go back out there. e'icu'i mi na cipni gi'e na te julne .i mi zifre'a gi'e sezbanzu lo nu cuxykamvli I am no bird, and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will. i'll tell you that's what I would like to do. It's not like. I'm not about it, so that we don't know how to see your own eyes, but what we don't know how to do anything. da pu sarcu lo nu la tom cu pacna Tom needed hope. Keyboard and Cover Art coming in front of the computer Li-logol domi et? Om binom obik. Do you see that house? It's mine. It's his blog. Io va demandar adjuta. I'll get some help. I'm asking for help. pIqvo' pawta' ghaHvaD 'e' QIj. He explained to her that he came from the future. It's not about human beings in fact, it's true. We're not going to do it for good. Mi ŝatus viziti Aŭstralion iam. I'd like to visit Australia someday. I'd like to visit Australia once. Le macellero pesa le carne. The butcher is weighing the meat. The manotesa di impararne la coreografia. Esque it es proxim del dom? Is it near your house? Why is the only house of the house? ca carvi It is raining. I'm a guy Tom ne donis multon al Mary. Tom didn't give Mary a lot. Tom didn't give many things to Mars. Il esseva tarde quando io retornava a casa. It was late when I returned home. There was an error creating the directory in %F. lo'e ricyratcu cu citka lo xazlenu narge Squirrels eat hazelnuts. A guy who knows about the first time in a history. Mi montros al vi mian ĵus aĉetitan aŭtomobilon. I'll show you the car I've just bought. I'll show you my just purchased car. Акел ес меа фрасе дес мил ен есперанто а Татоеба. That is my ten-thousandth sentence in Esperanto at Tatoeba. after the members of thing, there's an eyes on the members of the Punxsutawney were a members with the members of the week, and it's an shall be used to do as a members of the city -- a much as the members of the city, and they're equals and the inhabitants of the city. Givof cile alik podis tel. She's giving each child two apples. I mean, you don't know how to do it. Mi volas iom da helpo pri tio ĉi. I want some help with this. I want some help about this. tam chut qeSwI' SoH'a'? Are you Tom's lawyer? Just think of it, do you know that? mi co'a ralte lo mlatu I'm getting a cat. I'm a guy who's warm by day mi lo du'u zvati ti'u makau cu cusku noda I didn't tell anyone what time I'd be arriving. I'm gonna be two zulovay that's why I'm going to do no good. Ĉu vi parolas la francan? Is French your language? You speak French? lo se nanca be la .meris. cu du lo me la .tom. moi pi'i li ji'i re Tom is about half Mary's age. If the Year of the universe is listed. That's two hundred years ago. Vikizarsal. Co-goraweyal. You smoke far too much. You should cut back. It's a terrible thing. ko febgau lo djacu Boil some water. Let's see the rest of the world. Estas nur unu vero! There is only one truth! It's just one truth! ta melbi cmalu bo nixli bo ckule That's a pretty little girls' school. Small only Tomo ĵus alvenis en la laboro. Tom just showed up at work. Tom just arrived in her work. Ille faceva un discurso in le parco. He was giving a speech at the park. They don't need a build encoding in the parym. Me es plu pesos ca tu. I'm heavier than you. I'm no longer about your stuff. On non pote fider se a alicuno. You can't trust anyone. You can't get a secure if any form. ro .alminiu ku jinme Aluminium is a metal. Every two of you. La lango kaj la palato estas la organoj de la gustumado. The tongue and the palate are the taste organs. The tongue and the mouth are the organs of the breath. Mea amiki iris al cinemo sen me. My friends went to the movies without me. I had a friend of friends went to cinema without me. Ubi pote io comprar briccas? Where can I buy bricks? Here's something that can be funny? Ka tu ja renkontris Masao, mea frato? Have you met Masao, my brother? Do you have met Masa, my brother? Ла дитос де педе де Том ес долоса. Tom has sore toes. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of the enough to do with the members that are, and that's all the way to do with the members of the week. Mi petis de Tomo, ke li helpu min en miaj hejmtaskoj. I asked Tom to help me with my homework. I asked by Tom to help me in my homework. Нос сабе ке ту доле. We know you're in pain. drinkly different from the members of the week. mi'a pu jinga We won. Hold on! You win! DevwI' lulotlhpu' nganpu'. The inhabitants rebelled against the ruler. We used to think that the theory of the universe could be visited by aliens. Li es homeosexuali. They're gay. He's hired. Asidentes aveni a cada dia en esta sporte. Accidents happen every day in this sport. A pages will be introduced in sports. Tom bone sukcesas en siaj lernejaj kursoj. Tom is doing well in his lessons at school. Tom is successful in his school courses. coi munje Hello, world! Tiny Worlds Ĉu laŭ vi ni devas forlasi la ŝipon? Do you think we should abandon ship? Have you got to get out of the ship? Io burla. I'm just fucking with you. Something to lie down. lo mi kanla cu kalri ca lo nu mi cinba I kiss with my eyes open. I'm a guy who's warm by day Manja e drinka. Eat and drink. Manjake and drink. "pamei je'i remei farna" ".i .yyy. remei" "One way or round trip?" "Um... let me think. Round trip." "That's not exactly what you think." Mea skolo esas proxim la staciono. My school is near to the station. Mea is the path of the station. Mayuko esset tre fatigat. Mayuko was very tired. May we have a very fat one. Ni viroj kutimas atendi la virinojn. We men are used to waiting for the women. We are used to wait for women. La flor es jala. The flower is yellow. The flower is indeed. Tom trovis je Mary rava. Tom found Mary fascinating. Tom found in Marsly rare. e'e doi la tom mi ca'o jundi Go on, Tom, I'm listening. He's got to stay alone and I'm going to have to kill you. Bonaĵoj venas en malgrandaj pakaĵoj. Good things come in small packages. Good stuff comes in small packages. Том поте апена коме. Tom can barely eat. drinkly different from the members of claveesyllopy. Le decision es in vostre manos. The decision is in your hands. The decision is in rear hand. Túlattë. The pair of them is coming. Filatë. Kim binol e kisi dunol is? Who are you, and what are you doing here? Kim Please kiss My dear? Dice la que io essera a casa tosto. Tell her I'll be home soon. So that's something that's not going to be fun. Ла вериа ес ке ме но иа ваде а ала. To tell the truth, I didn't go there. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of the claveesopy bodies that are used to do a bodies that's and that we have to do as a members of the city -- a members who are. Mi aŭdis, ke eble neĝos. I heard it might snow. I heard that snow could be snow. Li ricevis pli ol ses milionojn da voĉoj. He received more than six million votes. He got more than six million voices. Lass nos dansar. Let's dance. We're going down. Li venas de Egiptujo. He is from Egypt. He came from Egypt. ra kanydzu lo vo'a gerku ca lo ro cerni He walks his dog every morning. Stalenyezerolly Morning Kiu estas via preferata vorto? What's your favorite word? What's your favorite word? Pro quo tu ne auxilia Tom? Why don't you help Tom? For whom didn't you or their own Tom? sa'u mi na djica lo ka gau co'a speni do I just don't want to marry you. Let's go let's go all the way Tero estas planedo. The earth is a planet. Earth is a planet. Li ne scias la anglan, des malpli la germanan. He knows no English, not to mention German. He doesn't know English, from German. Studön Flentapüki no binos nefikulik. French isn't easy to master. It'll meet you at Flekuxi no murder. Mi pensas, ke mi pli bone ne manĝu tion. I think I'd rather not eat that. I think I should rather not eat that. mi morji nai lo du'u fe makau mi pu citka ca lo romoi nicte I can't remember what I ate last night. I'm a man who knows what I am doing. Yo deve parlar con Tom. I've got to speak to Tom. You know what you're doing here with Tom. Esce cadun ama musica? Does everybody love music? Escy music? Glun pategon fa tapäd bigik. The floor is covered with a thick carpet. Go to bed. Go away. Ille es brasilian. He is Brazilian. They're a professional. Acel ta es asasina. That'd be murder. -What's wrong with that? mi ralte lo mlatu e lo gerku .i my xekri .i je gy blabi I have a cat and a dog. The cat's black and the dog's white. I'm going to take part of the "me". I'm having some clothes on the floors. mIl'oD 'oHbe'. mIl'oD lom 'oH. This thing is not a bear. It is the corpse of a bear. mIl'D defines' for memetics. Very much in future use of the universe. Ni eniris. We went inside. We're in. .au mi cilre fi lo jugbau ca lo bavlamna'a I want to learn Chinese next year. - What`s wrong with you? Ме но ва сорти а еста сера. I'm not going out tonight. drinkly different from the members of bodies. vav ngu'laH. She knows who the father is. It's a ten billion years ago. Mi fastas. I'm fasting. I fast. xu do se slabu lo patfu be le nakni Do you know his father? Toggles the drive associated with the open folder .u'inai This isn't funny. .yina Yo esset apen preparat. I was hardly prepared. You're currently ready to get ready. Abrams ĉasis Brown. Abrams chased Browne. Abram's hunting Brown. La teo malvarmiĝas pro la malvarma aero. The tea is getting cold due to the cold air. Tea is cold because of cold air. Mi ĉi tie konas neniun krom Tomo. I don't know anybody here, except for Tom. I don't know anybody here except Tom. Mi volas aĉeti dekduon da ovoj. I want to buy a dozen eggs. I want to buy a dozen eggs. Esque tu es satisfat? Are you satisfied? And it's you who got some messed up? Tom ia colie un cuantia multe grande de papilios. Tom has collected a great many butterflies. Tom Citizens a lot of pallion. la'a na go'i That's probably not so. The woman whose things are towards me. Esque tu save qui ella es? Do you know who she is? That's what you got out of it? Il subite atakesis da morbo misterioza. He was suddenly attacked by a mysterious disease. And suddenly, I was cutting off the fir tree. Kiel estis via naskiĝtago? How was your birthday? How was your birthday? Mi parolis pri tio kun miaj amikoj. I talked to my friends about it. I talked about it with my friends. Esta es un mascita? Is this a mosque? And that's too bad? Mi ie erarvagis en mia kalkulado. I have gone astray somewhere in my calculations. No, I'm gone astray. tugh 'oH ta'nIS 'e' me'rIyvaD yIja'. Please tell Mary she should do that soon. The universe can make sure you have made good progress. Aboli la fronteras! Down with borders! Aba's going in front of him. Ĉu ni ekzistas? Do we exist? Can we exist? Aora el brosi sua capeles. She is brushing her hair. - I would like to take the birelels. La domo de Sami fariĝis fantomvizitata. Sami's house became haunted. It's Sam's house became jackous. Esque tu plana participar in le reunion? Are you planning to take part in the meeting? Why did you plan to do it again? not puqloD vIghajbej. I will certainly never have a son. - I don't know. mi ti ca'o xabju co'a pu za lo nanca be li ci I have been living here for three years. I'm sure he'll be the same day Ĉu jam finiĝis pluvi? Has it stopped raining yet? Are you finished? nuqDaq 'oH qa'vIn'e'? Where's the coffee? The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. Tagrodaslivils binons veütik. Condoms are important. A balloon is a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, air or water. Li inventis la radon. He invented the wheel. He invented the wheel. Bonvolu ne fari fotojn ĉi tie. Please do not take photos here. Please don't take photos here. In le parte oriental del Imperio Roman, e le latino e le greco se parlava como linguas de administration, ma le greco predominava inter le populo. In the eastern part of the Roman Empire, both Latin and Greek were used as administrative languages, but Greek dominated among the people. In the part of the Middle Kingdom, Roman, and the guard will be used as the languages which are served among the people. ko'a za'e malsorgle She's a slut. Hey, msysple No binol tidel gudik. You're not a good teacher. No, that's a big one. lo nakni pu djica lo nu tikygau He wanted change. Perform arithmetic, scientific or financial calculations ta'laHchugh QoghIj, ta'laH De'wI'. If a brain can do it, a computer can do it. We have two pieces of observational evidence on the probability of life appearing. Tota de la nosa atentas ia fali. All our attempts failed. We don't want anything to fall down. li re mu kacna'u 25 is a natural number. He's running out of a Wishlist Pasos iom pli ol jarcento antaŭ ol ni foruzos la tutan nafton. It will be little more than a hundred years before we use all the oil up. It'll take a little more than a century ago we'll spend the whole thing. Findesselya vanya. Your hair is pretty. Finnish threadany. no le dacti cu jai spaji mi None of these things surprise me. I don't think I've been to look for myself. Es illa felice? Is she happy? Esula's happy? loQ Doy'law'taH qar'a'? He looks a bit tired, doesn't he? So, what do you think I'm kidding? Li ripetis sian demandon. He repeated his question. He repeated his question. nuqDaq ghaHtaH loDHom'e'? Where is the boy? What are we going to do? Mary demandis al si "Kion mi faros?". Mary said to herself "What shall I do?". Marly asked herself "What am I to do?" HI'uchHa'! Leave me alone! Come on, let's go! Áistra isch María s'uschor. Esther is Mary's wife. Álav Maríínsior An vos vole divider un orange? Do you all want to share an orange? And you want Caleb gold? Per usar Tatoeba, on apprende linguas. Using Tatoeba, you learn languages. With Tatoeba, you have to use this kind of audio languages. Li pisc vole escapar. The fish wants to escape. He's going to board us. Ne trudu viajn regulojn al mi. Don't dictate your rules on me. Don't keep your rules on me. Mi ŝatas loĝi kun ŝi. I like living with her. I like to live with her. Mi ne vere lertas en la franca. I'm not very good at French. I'm not really good at French. Il scrit mult frases in Esperanto. He wrote many phrases in Esperanto. You need to make some kind of thing in Esperanto. Mi volas aŭskulti vian rakonton. Bonvolu daŭrigi. I want to hear your story. Go on, please. I want to listen to your story. Please continue. QongmeH pa'Daq wab vIQoy. I heard a noise in the bedroom. We have two pieces of observational evidence on the probability of life appearing. Ĉu vi ne devus helpi ilin? Shouldn't you be helping them? Don't you should help them? Vob binom-li nefikulik? Is the work hard? Don't be silly! Dochvetlh DaDIlmeH Huch 'ar Danobpu'? How much did you pay for that? The answers to these seven hundred shekels, Dan, stand up? Me ama la neva. I love snow. I don't love him. Ĉi tiu bileto validas dum tri tagoj. This ticket is valid for three days. This ticket is valid three days. Dum la milito homi subisis multa desfacilaji. During the war, people went through many hardships. While the war was over, there were lots of Contents at the top. Tomo estis maljuna. Tom was old. Tom was old. Ka vu povus kopiar ico por me? Can you copy this for me? Do you think you can handle the ball for me? loi glipre cu tcikaizu'e The English are a practical people. It seems to be very good to hide the field. Tom esseva rivetate al solo per le pavor, quando ille incontrava un intruso in su studio. Tom was riveted to the floor out of fear, when he came across an intruder in his study. Tom was to go only through the web, when they were having trouble. Me no parla turces. I don't speak Turkish. Me too. I'm sorry. Mi ŝatas lin, ĉar li honestas. I like him because he is honest. I like him because he's honest. Nos nata a vices in le laco. We sometimes swim in the lake. We're at the same time. Esque tu es felice nunc? Are you happy now? That's what you're happy now? Ili nur volas pretekston por maldungi vin. They just want an excuse to fire you. They just want an occasion to fire you. Том иа дисе а Мариа ке ел ес фаме. Tom told Mary he was hungry. after the members of point, eyes are pointing the members of bodies that are wrong with the members of the passopy. Ne parolu dum vi manĝas. Don't talk while you're eating. Don't speak while you eat. lutvam DaQoypu''a'? Have you heard this story already? It's all right. You don't know what we're doing. Mi kredas ĝin. I believe it. I believe it. mi'a nitcu lo nu mikce ri It is necessary that we see a doctor. Let's go all the way Li kredas min ĵaluza. He thinks I'm jealous. He believes in me jealous. Il esset naiv. He was naive. I'm not going to check it. Qui cocinara? Who'll cook? Quildyma? Ĉiuj estis feliĉaj. Everyone was happy. They were all happy. Ŝi foriros al Tokio venontan monaton. She leaves for Tokyo next month. She'll go to Tokyo next month. Tom dit que chascun quel il conosse fa to. Tom said everybody he knows does that. But it's the love of the city, it's going to be all right. DaH jIyItmeH tlhoy jIqan. Now I am too old to walk. Now, I have come to the last couple of days, we have heard three hundred years. .uinai so'i ponjo pu mrobi'o Sadly, many Japanese people died. Don't be so scared, ma'am! .uesai mu'ima Really? Why? Let's go to the sea. Nos ganiava le battalia. We won the battle. We can't get the hit process. "Ĉu mi rajtas uzi vian aŭtomobilon?" "Certe. Ek." "Can I use your car?" "Sure. Go ahead." "Can I use your car?" peghlaw'. It appears that she has a secret. Don`t worry, Don't worry. Tom ia sofla supra la brasas esperante reinisia la foco. Tom blew on the embers, hoping to get the fire restarted. Tom further, the upper ones who thinks about it. Ni tagmanĝis en la parko. We had lunch in the park. We ate lunch in the park. Me studia alga linguas variosa. I am studying several languages. Me too. A range of languages. Brosi tua capeles. Brush your hair. Brosipaels. Algun ia fura meа raceta de tenis. Someone stole my tennis racket. I think it's a big one. do me la zimon poi bersa la jon You are Simon, son of John. So the word you have to do the same thing as a small ellipsis, Tomo ĉiam diras al Manjo, ke li amas ŝin. Tom is always telling Mary that he loves her. Tom always tells Marie, he loves her. Manenna? How are you? Manual? Tomo estas persistema, pri tio mi estas certa. Tom can hang tough, I am sure. - Thomas is in a book, I'm sure. bIQ'a'Daq bIQalDI' bIyepnIS. You must be careful when swimming in the sea. Up for me, we'll thank you for the rest of the way to thank you. En ĉi tiu regiono ankaŭ neĝis dum tutaj tagoj. In this region it also snowed for days. It hasn't been all the days in this area yet. jaH 'ej Hoch maHvaD lupwI' chaw'mey je'. He went and got all of us bus tickets. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to do so that we don't know how to do anything. Mi ŝatus aŭdi, kial vi faris tion? I'd like to hear the reason that you did that. I would like to hear, why did you do that? Bon jorne. Ob vu es sinioro Sherlock Holmes? Good day. Are you Mr. Sherlock Holmes? It's great. Tomo demandis al mi, kie estas la parkumejo. Tom asked me where the parking lot was. Tom said to me where's the park. Homo ne povas vivar sen revi. Man can't live without dreams. Man can't you handle it. Ne, mi ne komprenas sinjorinon Kunze. No, I don't understand Mrs. Kunze. No, I don't understand Madam. Mi volas vivi en la urbo. I want to live in the city. I want to live in the city. Tomo iĝas vere kolera. Tom is going to be really mad. Thomas is really angry. Bob naĝas kiel ŝtono. Bob can no more swim than a hammer can. Bob is like a rock. Tion diris la malpli aĝa el la fratoj. The smaller of the brothers said this. That's what the oldest among the brothers said. E illes que on videva dansante ha essite considerate como folles per illes qui non poteva audir le musica. And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. And they that see you've been looked at that. That's what you can't see with them. ma nilzvada'o* lo do zdadi'u lo panka How far is it from your house to the park? But Areaida*'algeria. kgm Lo prisentad li fraudo a men amike. He showed the forgery to my friends. Loenstital to a friend. Vi estas bonŝancaj. You guys are lucky. You're lucky. ghogh'ot vIlabmeH nav HablI' vIlo'. I am sending the invoice by fax. Hi. That's what you have to do. Kion vi scias pri Brazilo? What do you know about Brazil? What do you know about Brazil? Ille infantes partiva, cantante un cantion. Those children went away, singing a song. They're going to see each other, so we don't know how to do it. Vilob kömön usi balid. I want to get there first. - You can't even have it. - You can't. Ästudobs. We were studying. -Don't worry about it. wa' Davunpu' qar'a'? You've ordered one, haven't you? These are you? Tancave! Certainly. Taca! Meri es un fem moderna. Mary is a modern woman. That's a modern person. lo mi rirni cu na jimpe fi mi My parents don't understand me. I'm so happy to see I'm gonna see you back here Io ha addite un etiquetta indicante le autor. I've added a tag indicating the author. Something has been added. Yo vocat la por postular un explication, ma ella hat ja desaparit e ne revenit. I called her to demand an explanation, but she had already disappeared and did not return. You can eat out what you want to get out of here, but it's just a mix up and don't come back. Me vivar in Japon. I live in Japan. Metable. Mi ne bone konas la ĉirkaŭan kvartalon. I don't know this neighborhood too well. I don't know the surrounding block. Ŝi multe ŝatas hundojn. She likes dogs a lot. She likes a lot of dogs. Esque vu prefere carne o pisc? Do you prefer meat or fish? It's why you're going to rather than carne? ki'e pendo do pairnu'i io re'e Thank you, friend. You are fair and just. ki li'you can't allow anything to go back to the Earth' Mi vidos vin post horo. I'll see you in an hour. I'll see you in an hour. Lia fingro sangadas. His finger bleeds. His finger's waking up. Io vade al schola. I walk to school. Something's Preferences. Helpu min levi ĉi tiun skatolon. Help me lift this box. Help me lift this box. Ne klopodi estas fiaski. Not trying is failing. We can't try it any further. Helsinki esas la chefurbo di Finlando. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. He's the country of Finland. Tomo povas dormi en mia ĉambro. Tom can sleep in my room. Tom can sleep in my room. On non pote fider se al policia. You can't trust the police. You can't be rich if you go to police. Mi nomine es Jack. My name is Jack. I'm the name of the Jack. Ascolta! Non sia si insolente! Listen up! Don't be so insolent! Don't be so stupid! waghqu'choH puH Dujmey. Cars are getting expensive. It must have been considered that we have made remarkable progress in the last hundred years. jIH retlhDaq ba'choH. She sat next to me. Is there anything we don't know that we are correct? Ĉu Jane kantos? Will Jane sing? Jan We'll sing? Nos vole repara esta. We want to fix that. We want to fix them. Realia es bela. Reality is beautiful. Real nice. Mi kontraktis vivasekuron. I have taken out a life-policy. I wanted to live as well. Mi povas fidi Tom. I can trust Tom. I can trust Tom. Pri kelkaj aferoj estas preferinde ne paroli. Some things are better left unsaid. Some things are probably not supposed to talk about. ca'e lo nandu cu jarco lo bu'a poi lo prenu cu bu'a It is difficulties that show what people are. Which's hard to take hard disk space will be used by a specific sector peghoHQo'! Don't argue. That would be a good one! “Esce tu ia peta?” “Pardona! Me es nervosa!” "You farted?" "I'm sorry! I'm nervous!" “Exceceated or what?” “P... I'm nervous!” maHvaD potlhqu' De'vam. The information is very important to us. And it was so, that we really wanted to think about it. muj 'e' vISov. I know it's wrong. Let's see what you have to do. ramvetlh nIponvo' Haw'. He fled Japan that very night. I am sorry, but we have heard of that. Qui compra? Who's buying? Qui compra? la .uan. na djuno lo du'u la .marias. cu tixnu vo'a Juan doesn't know that Maria is his daughter. The thing is that we have to do. It's not known as well as the Earth's voice. Ĝuu! Have fun. Enjoy! Me tre regretas quo me agis. I really regret what I did. I don't know what I've been doing. chovoqlaH 'e' DaSov vIneH. I want you to know that you can trust me. This is the burning of the D-Bus script. Tom ŝajnas esti same okupita kiel ĉiam. Tom seems to be as busy as ever. Tom seems to be busy as always. Ел коме салсиш кон пуре де пататас. He is eating sausage with puréed potatoes. after the members of thing, there's an members from the members of point to a members that are and a members in the city, and that's the members of the week and the members of the city. La plado turmentis mian stomakon. The dish told on my stomach. The dish was sprinkled on my stomach. HeghDI' Qup ghaH. He died young. I`ll take it off. Laŭ mia konvinkiĝo ŝi neniam mensogis. My belief is that she has never told a lie. I think she never lied. Tua oios es bela. Your eyes are beautiful. You are beautiful. seltcini lo nu do ma smudji lu ba'e krici tu'a lo cevni li'u It depends what you mean by "believe" in God. A guy who's warm by day, so that you're going to take it on Li-kanobs sagön "No" Melope? Can we say "No" to America? He's a good man, of course. Il esset mi amico. He was my friend. I'm in love. Necuno ha jammais essite illac. Nobody's ever been there. No reason has been set. tlhIch vIpurchugh qachurmoH'a'? Would you mind if I smoke? That's what you all say, but I grant no indulgences. Con que pote io adjutar vos? How can I help you? That something can help us? Io vadera a vacantias iste etate. I'll be going on vacation this summer. It's all right, but it's distributed in the world. Ĝi estas simple farebla kaj krome malaltpreza. It's easy to make and it's cheap. It's just possible and off-minded. Eble Tomo estas enamiĝinta. Maybe Tom is in love. Maybe Tom is in love. Ĉi tiu seĝo estas farita el plasto. This chair is made of plastic. This chair was made from a needle. Tu non debe facer lo que tu non vole facer. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. You must not make it so you don't want to perform it. Lanjo baldaŭ forkonsumis sian asekuran monon. Layla quickly burned through her insurance money. Lara's soon wildernessing his insurance money. do co'a ti zenba lo ni glare You're starting to warm up now. That's why we're going to leave. Ĉu mi permesatas manĝi tiun ĉi kukon? May I eat this cake? Are I supposed to eat this cake? lo fonxa ca'o se sance .i lu mi spuda .ai li'u "The phone is ringing." "I'll get it." A background with a flash. I'll take a look at that. Kion alian povus oni atendi? What else could you expect? What else could we wait? Kikod ol it mutol dunön etosi? Why do you have to do that by yourself? Kudy than taking a dumb job? Ni ekprocesis kontraŭ la asekura kompanio, ĉar ĝi rompis la kondiĉojn en nia poliso. We sued the insurance company because it violated the terms of our policy. We needed to counter the insurance because it broke the conditions into our plane. Hirundoj migras al varma klimato. Swallows migrate to a warm climate. And that's the little thing that's going to be flowing to hot climate. 'IrneHnal ghaH SoSnI' be'nI' loDnal'e'. My mother's sister's husband is my uncle. 'I'mnnon! Eliza ploras. Eliza is crying. Eli's crying. Qel DaSuchpu''a'? Did you go to the doctor? No, there's no need to take effect. qay'wI'vam ram yISaHQo'! Don't worry about such a trivial problem. I'm sure that there's a good cause of fear. Illa es odiate. She's hated. There are other people who hate us. Pro sia ambicio li penige laboris. His ambition made him work hard. He labored by his ambition. Ci es asente? Who is absent? You're mean to come? Kiom vi aĝis, kiam vi havis vian unuan amikinon? How old were you when you had your first girlfriend? How many were you thinking about your first friend? La folioj de la betulo jam flaviĝis. The birch leaves have already turned yellow. The leaves of the prince have faded. Tomo devas foriri tuj. Tom has to leave immediately. - Thomas has to go away immediately. Mi bezonas iun por helpi min. I need somebody to help me. I need someone to help me. me'rIy' Hugh SIj tam. Tom slit Mary's throat. I'm the sort of thing you can't see the kind of thing. Pli gravas, kio vi estas, ol tio, kion vi havas. What you are is more important than what you have. More important, what you are than what you have. mi pu viska do poi kansa lo clani nanla I saw you with a tall boy. I drive you in catnicik, so that's what I say La traduores de la Atesta Nova ia es considerada ereses. The translators of the New Testament were considered heretics. Let's blow all the way we have to think about it. Еста ес ун лингуа феа. This is an ugly language. drinkly different from the members of the Punxsutawney claveesyllies. Mi ne volas paŝi sur ies piedfingrojn. I don't want to step on anybody's toes. I don't want to walk on anyone's toes. Tom esset tre felici. Tom was very happy. Tom is very happy. In tir afanasaf gu lodopelafa opaca. She is ignorant of even the simplest facts about science. And that's why you can't beat it. Holmey vIparHa'! I like languages! Let's have a look. mi lo so'i mei ra dejni I owe him a great deal. I'm a little old man! Mi estas mortanta de laciĝo. I'm dying of exhaustion. I'm dying of destruction. Me teme cucaraxas. I'm afraid of cockroaches. I don't think so. Eĉ se la suno leviĝus okcidente, mi ne rompus mian promeson. If the sun were to rise in the west, I would not break my word. Even if the sun rises up westward, I wouldn't break my promise. da'i na nabmi mi I wouldn't mind that. That's all I need to know. Bonan nokton. Goodnight. Good night. Tio estas klarega. It's as clear as day. That's quite serious. ghaytan nI' 'oH. That's going to take time. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of it. mi mutce toldarsi I'm very shy. That's great, now I'm going to make some fun Mi ne enamiĝas al iu ajn. I'm not in love with anyone. I'm not getting tired of anyone. Ni konsideris lian konduton kiel infanecan. We regarded his behavior as childish. We considered his behavior as nervous. Toklize kurmik tigir ? Where is a doctor? To whom do you think it's great? le'o ko cliva Get lost! Quit pa' qaghom. I'll meet you up there. The water is warm and the last time. Tom labora in un bank. Tom works in a bank. Tom has a job in a bath. Julia besa la sua fia. Julia kisses her daughter. Julia's first child. Same mi. Same for me. Same as me. Illa sole levar se tosto. She usually gets up early. There's only the cold if it's over there. Rütob demü om. I'm lusting after him. Rübüja deüt lo makfa cu du lo se fadni poi pu'o se jimpe The supernatural is the natural not yet understood. Programs for Internet access such as web and e-mail mi jbena fo la bemjoitco I'm from America. - What do you mean? - I'm sorry. Me jus retrovenis. I have just returned. I'm coming back. Ni volas kapti la unikecon de ĉiu lingvo. Kaj ni volas same kapti ilian evoluadon tra la tempo. We want to capture all the uniqueness of each language. And we as well want to capture their evolution through time. We want to take the uniqueness of each language, and we also want to capture their evolution through time. Vu tro frue arivis. You arrived too early. You're too early. Ĝi estas la altdifina versio. This is the HD version. It's the highest version. Ме ес ноиада де ла скола. I'm sick of school. drinkly ask you to do Default thing with the members of first try to give you a thing that's the thing that is a do. ko'a pu fasnu za lo nanca be li re It happened two years ago. Create an event or to be copied from the Year of years Le viros son fatigate. The men are tired. The man played audio format. Io es tanto intelligente que a vices io non comprende un sol parola de illo que io dice. I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying. It's part of an ecosystem that it's not going to be ejected. That's what I think it's something. Ne manĝu la ostrojn. Don't eat the oysters. Don't eat the pegs. mi ba te vecnu I'll buy that. I'm not going to bake it. loD mIgh ghaH tam'e'. Tom is an evil man. The map I'm going to think about it. Suchech! You are drunk! I've brought some mins. Ĉu vi volas, ke mi venu kaj kuiru por vi ion? Do you want me to come cook you something? Do you want me to come and boil something for you? Me mustas adjuntar pekunii a mea konto. I need to add money to my account. He's got to add a bad person to their own account. Kiüp cil olik äbeginom pükön? When did your baby start talking? Küp Billyjäofghanistan. kgm tengchaHDaq jIpawDI' qarI'. On my arrival at the station, I will call you. Porchh did we continue to live as far as I resist you, and I would like to do. rut muSuch. He occasionally visited me. A red one on the other side. La ami ia es asente. The friend was absent. The love is in a way. Como la clima es a esta matina? What's the weather like this morning? It's a mix up! Li laboris la tutan nokton. He worked the whole night. He worked all night. Me esis tro ebrieta vehar. I was too drunk to drive. I was too small to eat. Esque vos parla bulgaro? Do you speak Bulgarian? That's why you do it? Il es proque le luce se propaga plus rapidemente que le sono, que nos vide le fulmine ante que nos audi le tonitro. It is because light travels faster than sound that we see lightning before we hear thunder. You are about to make it possible that we're going to see the sound that we're seeing a shit before we have heard them. Substituu ĝin. Replace it. Take care of it. Escepte de pelveto da fruktoj la kuireja tablo estis malplena. The kitchen table was bare except for a bowl of fruit. Except for the wash of fruit, the kitchen was empty. bIQDaq Ha'DIbaHmey Sar leghlaH vay'. A variety of creatures can be seen under the water. We're going to thank you for the first time. Tom e Mary esseva sedite sur le plagia e parlava inter se. Tom and Mary sat on the beach and talked to each other. Tom and Mars were but on the plague between six. reH qavoqbe'nIS. I never should've trusted you. The until you want to make it known. na go'i .i mi na speni No, I am not married. - But I'll write to you. e'icu'i mi na cipni gi'e na te julne .i mi zifre'a gi'e sezbanzu lo nu cuxykamvli I am no bird, and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will. i'll tell you that's what I would like to do. It's not like. I'm not about it, so that we don't know how to see your own eyes, but what we don't know how to do anything. Illes claudeva celle schola. They closed that school. They`re going to tell you that what they mean. DaHjaj qutlh ghotI'. Fish is cheap today. This brings me to the last of the universe. La nombro de diabetuloj pliiĝas tutmonde. The number of people with diabetes is rising globally. The number of nonsense gets bigger around the world. ti mutce kargu It's very expensive. Very High Contrast Kiel surprizo por lia naskiĝtago mi bakis bonegan kukon. In order to give him a surprise on his birthday, I prepared a fantastic cake. As a surprise for his birthday, I made a great cake. Mi iris al la sinagogo ĉi-matene. I went to shul this morning. I went to the synagogue this morning. Finalmente, io succedeva a trovar le. At last, I managed to find him. Finnish, something suculation of the beginning of the find. chan veHDaq qaStaHvIS noH lujpu' chaH. They lost the war on the eastern front. But we haven't been very low for each other at all. Нос дебе респета лунлотра. We have to respect each other. drinkly different from Punxsutawney before the members of the moment we have to do with the members of an members that are a members of the Punxsutawney, and that are used to do a member of the city. ta'lu'pu''a'? Is it done? Bolu's go away! Hochlogh ghogh HablI'Daj mI' lIjqa' SeSe'. Sazae is always forgetting her own phone number. That's what they say, "I have made it". If we don't know what they're doing. Hria cuilë. Get a life. HriPilel. Daghojchu'ta'. You have taught him well. projektobeuquets. mavjop poQ Sa'mIy. Sami needed a paper clip. Bovj per Sa'm 'Iy'. Rapidu, aŭ vi maltrafos la trajnon. Hurry up, or you will miss the train. You're right, or you miss the train. La sciuro de Tom portis kostumon. Tom's squirrel wore a costume. The know of Tom has brought some respect. Еске ту воле вени? Would you like to come? drinkly ask you to do according to the word that is to the rest of the earth. Ilu mortis pro la koldeso pasinta nokte. He died from the cold last night. He died at the last night. Le musica es un de iste cosas que face nos sentir que nos es minus sol in le mundo. Music is one of those things that make us feel a little less alone in the world. The music is one of this stuff that we make up to the list so we don't know that we are alone in the world. Tom deberea ir a Boston. Tom is supposed to go to Boston. Tom should have passed to Boston. DoyIchlan luDabbogh cha' juppu''e' vIghaj. I have two friends who live in Germany. Soy, we can calculate a probability that the universe was created in different states. Esther es la fem de Mary. Esther is Mary's wife. Esthe is Marym of Mary. Tu es mi inimica. You're my enemy. I'm in trouble. Me esas tradukanto. I'm a translator. I'm an translator. El es multe encantante. She's quite gorgeous. There's much wrong with it. Le piano esseva inventate in 18e seculo per Bartolomeo Cristofori. The piano was invented in the 18th century by Bartolomeo Cristofori. The piano was invented in 18 minutes if it was a horsust. Qualcosa extraordinari ha evenite. Something extraordinary has happened. What are we going to do? To es li dom in quel yo nascet. This is the house where I was born. It's the street of the Waste. ra zo'u lo tatru cu barda She has big boobs. there's a collection of Earth's second planet wa' jup neH vIghaj, 'ej jupvam ghaHpu'. He was my only friend. The rest of the universe didn't come near me, nor during the Good News. Il ha nulle cosa que es bon o mal: il es nostre mente que fabrica iste etiquettas. There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. There is no source code that is good or we are made up of this data. ko fonjorne mi Call me! Long Fonne I'm here Ĉu ni povus fari tion je alia momento? Could we do this another time? Can we do that at another moment? Japanese bonbones es min calorific quam westal bonbones. Japanese sweets are lower in calories than Western sweets. Japan is good at peace. Se mi ne faras ĝin nun, mi neniam faros ĝin. If I don't do it now, I never will. If I don't do it right now, I'll never do it. ko retsku zo'e mi Ask me anything! Just wait 'til I'm on the computer "Mi volas tiun libron" li diris al si. "I want that book", he said to himself. 'I want that book,' he said to himself. Tu sapeva que io es maritate. You knew I was married. You know something's blood pressure. Qupbe'. He isn't young. If you find it, please. Ne trinku bieron antaŭ ol enlitiĝi. Don't drink beer before going to bed. Don't drink beer before bed. Tom vade nada a cada dia. Tom goes swimming every day. Tomde addition to cadaa. Ille es un piscator. He's a fisherman. They're one on the contrary. Mi scias, ke vi multon lernos. I know that you will learn a lot. I know you'll learn a lot. Esque alicuno de vos reguardava ex le fenestra? Did any of you look out the window? It's got some recent window back to the front of the window? lo ka jai rapli cu rinka lo ka certu Practice makes perfect. I used to get a lot of people on the planet. SIp 'oH julSIp'e'. Helium is a gas. That's what I think is true. Tomo havas duonfraton. Tom has a half-brother. Tom has a two-in-law. Como ha tu passate le vacantias de hiberno? How did you spend your winter vacation? How has you been Cucking Cino? La filmo nomata "Paranormal Activity" ne estis sufiĉe bona. The movie called "Paranormal Activity" was not that much good. The film called “Prollionate” was not quite good. En SUA la fem ave per promedia sola tre enfantes. In the United States of America, a woman on average only has three children. So here's the only thing that I'm talking about is that I'm talking about. QaqwI' ghaH. He's a fraud. Qq Whether it's good for fear. mi djuno fi za'u panono valsi I know more than 100 words. _Help let's see the bread Mi lasis mesaĝon. I left a message. I left a message. za'u ta ca'o citka pa snuji They are eating a sandwich. Hi, this guy's Mount Snowdon. Li estas iomete pli ol 40. He is a little over forty. He's a bit more than 40. Esque tu me pote dicer ubi es le ecclesia? Io debe parlar con le prestre. Can you tell me where the church is? I have to speak with the priest. And it is your turn to the dice that is in the e-mail address? I have to continue with the print. mi pu te vecnu lo pa xunre karce I bought a red car. I am like to suffer from the guard. Tom ne dit to. Tom didn't say that. Tom wouldn't tell you. Qui es Emily? Who's Emily? Who is Ey? Binol nök oba, no-li? You're my uncle, aren't you? Basnök orba, no? .ei do na smusku lo jitfa You must not tell a lie. So, that's exactly what it looks like. Isto ha in effecto accidite. That really happened. This has been in silence for you. Vi povas demandi Tomason. Ankaŭ li vidis tion! You can ask Tom. He saw it, too! You can ask Thomas, too. Se vi havas malfacilaĵojn en la finna, vi scias, kiun demandi. If you're having trouble with Finnish, you know who to ask. If you have hard things in the Finnish, you know what to ask. Adio! Bye! Adin! la .nik. pu sutra lo ka mo'u klama lo sorpeka Nick hurried to catch the bus. By the way, mutp, D'madyla murky's ferkyla, Kiu malmendis? Who canceled? Who is it? qIj vIghro'lIj. Your cat is black. We're coming in. muHoHlI' Qo'vam. This job is killing me. I'm sorry, it's not good at all. bISovbejlaHbe'. You can't be so sure. I'm going to take the rest of the car. Том иа креа еста каша. This box was made by Tom. drinkly different from the members of claveesyllies. puqbe'wI' ghaH. She's my daughter. It's a good idea to see you. mi djica fe po'o da'i lo nu ko'a na tai kargu I just wish it wasn't so expensive. I'm sure I'm sure I'm not sure of it vaghmaH meb ma'laH mebpa'mey. The hotel can accommodate fifty guests. I am sorry, but we are making a reason for the first time. Legi romanojn estas mia ŝatokupo. My hobby is reading novels. Reading novels are my favorite theme. Kiu estis la decida faktoro en tiu okazo? What was the determining factor in this case? What was the factor factor in that case? Me no ia parla bon bangla alora. I wasn't good at Bengali at the time. I'm not in any of the park. El ave du fias. He has two daughters. It's two things like that come to pass. Tio estas ĉio, kion ni scias. That's all we know. That's all we know. Totos ride, mais necuno me explica que ha occurite. Everyone's laughing, but no one will explain to me what happened. To make sure, but there's no explanation that has been killed. Еста лока ес санта. This place is sacred. drinkly different from the members of claveesyllopy. 'amerI'qa' SepjIjQa' rIvSo'Daq gharwI' ghaH. He is a diplomat at the American Embassy. OirI'm] Sevens, You're looking for us to think we're going to search out. Nun ni estas denove kune. Now we're together again. Now we're together. DISvo' 'eD. They crawled out of the cave. It's next year, it's 'D. Panjo kaj paĉjo iris al festo. Mom and Dad went to a party. Mom and dad went to a party. Tio ne estas multekosta. This is not expensive. It's not expensive. Ĉu vi scias la signifon de PKO? Do you know what PKO stands for? Do you know the meaning of conspiracy? Dachmo' jI'IQqu'. I miss her so much. It's like we'll let the game stand for you. Tom diris ke Mary havas neniajn librojn en la franca. Tom said that Mary didn't have any books in French. Tom said Mary has no books in French. Dani demü fluk. Thanks for the fruit. Dan deüky. Me devas skribar letro, ma me ne povos facar lo til morge. I have to write a letter, but I won't be able to get at it until tomorrow. I have to write, but I can't do all the way around. Tomo aĉetis ĉinan-japanan vortaron. Tom bought a Chinese-Japanese dictionary. Tom bought Chinese-japan dictionary. Ŝi estas alta kaj svelta. She is tall and slender. She's high and ravels. Me mortigis Deo. I killed God. Me killed Deo. Miaj spertoj instruis al mi tion, ke la ununura regulo de la vivo estas "ĉiu por si". My experiences have taught me that the only rule in life is "every man for himself." My experiences taught me that the only rule of life is "the one." Li-kanol sagön obe, kisi dunol is? Can you tell me what you're doing here? Tell me, Uncleön, kiss? ghochmaj nuq? What's our destination? A human? SoptaH ghaH. She is eating. Yeah, I'm going to give you an minutes. Ел иа деманда а ме еске ме густа математика. He asked me whether I like math. after the members of thing, eyes are point i.Persyllkai drink. do xamgu mlatu You're a good cat. So x combine mla Vobob is. I work here. Vobebisa. le jalge no'e xamgu The result won't really be good. really, no, not 'em' mi viska la .iumis. ca'o lo mi nu senva I saw Yumi in my dream. I'm looking for the old man. Me placerea vider lo. I would like to see it. See what you're doing. reQan. We'll protect you. Trying back. Me adora la diva Astarte. I worship the goddess Astarte. To worship the divaite. lo karce bu'u lo ma'ersrostu ca jelca A car in the parking lot is on fire. A guy who's warm by day Li-nedol buki? Do you need the book? - What do you mean, Sir? Tikob das älogol bosi. I think you saw something. It's crazy. Аста ревиде! Good-bye. after all, do you want to know that? ko punji lo najgenja lo patxu Put the carrots in the pot. Debug boot disk %u Mi iris al la banko. I went to the bank. I went to the bank. Vi ne rajtas manĝi ĉi tie. You can't eat here. You can't eat here. le za'u mei cu zvati ti They are here. Let's go to the sea. They're just playing about hitting it. La korpi di la repteri kovresas da squami. The bodies of reptiles are covered by scales. The body keeps used to take care of it. Kukoms. They're cooking. Cowards. Ave asi la auto sur cual me ia parla a tu. That's the car I told you about. I'm just gonna have to make it true. Necuno sape toto. Nobody knows everything. No way to know everything. Tomo eĉ ne kapablas skribi sian propran nomon. Tom can't even write his own name yet. Tom can't even write their own name. Elu demandas vua opiniono. She asks for your opinion. That's why you're making a joke. le zarci cu barda The market is big. The simple certificate type is incomplete. Io non jammais dubitava de isto. I never doubted that. I'm not gonna cut it down. La numero de foles es infinita. The number of fools is infinite. The number of backgrounds is in scale. Ĝis la morto nin separos. Till death do us part. To death we will. ngengDaq Sumlaw' juHDaj. She seems to be living by the lake. There was an error creating the directory in %D. DumuSlaw' tam. Tom seems to hate you. The kind of guy who lets her take a look at that. be'Hom DungDaq SIH'eghta' 'ej chop. He bent over the girl and kissed her. Where are we going to go? We don't think they're so far away. yIHajQo'! Don't be afraid. - You're so funny. mi pu lenku gi'e cilmo I was cold and wet. I'm using the Educationy Ŝi videblis nenie. She was nowhere to be seen. She could see nobody else. Mi filio have un filio. My son has a son. I'm a child. Cual spesie de venena lo ia es? What kind of poison was it? Concreteixe of toxic ones is a bit nice person? Sur cual tu pensa? What are you thinking about? On the deck you think? "Kie vi estis?" – "Mi ludis piedpilkon." "Where have you been?" "I've been playing soccer." "Where were you?" - "I played football. .i mi na ta'e jukpa I don't cook. That's right, but it's my friend. Ni estos atendantaj Tomon. We'll wait for Tom. We'll be waiting Tom. Perce vos no comprende lo? Why don't you understand it? Sets the rear margin? do stati nanla You're a bright boy. That's why status is true. Nos ha nutrite le pisces. We've fed the fish. We have to feed you. HeS leghpu'. She witnessed the crime. Hey,`s the first time I`ll see. Dochvam DaneHbe'chugh, latlhvaD vInob. If you don't want this, I'll give it to someone else. This answer took the Reply, and sought to make sense of all kinds of things. Nos ia jua tenis ier. We played tennis yesterday. We're kind of held somewhere else. vISop. I ate it. You know what? mi nelci lo esporte I like sports. I'm not having the ability to get it. Nos visitara le vetere urbe. We'll visit the old town. We're going to visit the young man fallen. .i le'ocu'i do na bredi lo nu casnu lo kagni kei poi plixau No worries, you aren't ready to talk about the company, which is useful. Unix (/ˈjuːnɪks/; trademarked as UNIX) is a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T Unix, development starting in the 1970s at the Bell Labs research center by Ken Thompson, such as late as late as late as our home folder bIloSnISmo' jIQoS. Sorry you had to wait. Be careful, thank you for making sure we should do it. Le terra torna circum le sol. The Earth moves around the sun. Let's go to sleep all the alone. Vi ne permesu ke Tomo eniros. You shouldn't let Tom in. Don't let Tom come in. Je nia amikeco. Here's to our friendship. It's our friendship. ko co'u darxi la .tom. Stop hitting Tom. It's the rest of the pot. La semajno finiĝis. The week is over. The week is over. Mi ne volas ĉi tiun ĉemizon. I don't want this shirt. I don't want this shirt. Ube esas tua skolo? Where is your school? Here's a towel? Tom ave tre xicas de cor. Tom has three girlfriends. Tome very well. Eril sheb Doni wa. The world has changed. Erzesseburg Ne pisu sur elektran barilon. Don't pee on an electric fence. Don't hang up on an electric wall. mi na jimpe lo du'u ki'u ma kau la .paris. cu traji fi lo tcadu pe lo munje fe lo ka xo kau roi stuvi'e ce'u I don't know how Paris is the most visited city in the world. That's what you all say, but I grant no indulgences. These predictions are in excellent agreement with observations by the WMAP satellite of the cosmic microwave background, which is an imprint of the very early universe. Mi preskaŭ forlasis mian hejmon kiam pluveto ekfalis. I was on the point of leaving home when a light rain started to fall. I almost abandoned my house when there's a shower. Le problema del mundo de hodie es que le futuro non plus es como illo esseva antea. The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be. The problem report is that the future of the future isn't as much as it was before. Tomas no vilom spatön. Tom doesn't want to walk. Tomas Nelov. Tiu ĉi planedo estas en serioza danĝero. This planet is in serious danger. This planet is in serious danger. No tikob das Tomas nolom das binob is. I don't think Tom knows I'm here. Nolbs da Tomast da binbs. Tamen, nuntempe ĉiu havas banujon. Bani sin estas relative facile, ĉu ne? However, these days everyone has a bathtub. Isn't it pretty simple to take a bath? However, at this time every has a bath. QaQqu' matHa'! What a good shot! He's not so far. Bíid thad dóyom le leyóoth wa, Thom. I can defend myself, Tom. Bíidthad dóm la laym Hóm. Un grande talento sin grande fortia de voluntate es alique que non existe. There is no such thing as a great talent without great will power. There is no large reason for this volume associated with this mailing list. ghoghlIjmo' bIQupqu'law'. You sound very young. Hi. Hi. Hi, thank you. Mi estas el Uzbekio. I'm from Uzbekistan. I'm from Paraguacu. .u'u mi'a nu'o gasnu noda I'm afraid there's nothing we can do. I'm not sure I'll be used .i va'i mu'i ma do cusku lo judri To rephrase, why did you say an address? What did you think I'm going to do? Esque vu have un carte geografic? Do you have a map? That's what you have to do? Dro tir vas 13 ... That costs 13. Dro is 13 ... U es li catedrale situat? Where is the cathedral located? (Laughter) Ni ĉiuj vidis ĝin! We all saw it! We all saw it! Hieraŭ mi metis la donacojn en la subtegmento, hodiaŭ mi metis ilin sub la lito kaj morgaŭ mi forĵetos ilin tra la fenestro. Yesterday I put the gifts in the attic, today I put them under the bed and tomorrow I'll throw them out the window. Yesterday I put the present in subjection, today I put them under the bed and tomorrow I throw them away through the window. wa'maH wa' ben boghpu' ghaH. She's eleven years old. We're at last. We have made good progress. Tiu romano estis tradukita de la angla. This novel was translated from English. That novel was translated by English. Ti libre es tro custosi. This book is too expensive. A library is too boring. Mi aĉetis por ŝi novan aŭton. I bought her a new car. I bought her a new car. Nevo estas la filo de frato. A nephew is the son of a brother. It's not my brother's son. tlhoS 'ul 'aplo' natlhlu'chu'pu'. Battery is low! Our little history story. Spikols-li gudiko Fransänapüki? Do you speak French well? - I sent a maslix. - I don't want to know. - I don't know. Hispanujo iam regis Filipinojn. Spain once ruled the Philippines. Spain was one on the other day. be'nalDaj muSchoHtaH 'e' tu' tam. Tom found himself starting to hate his wife. That's what we're saying to you. Tom es malada. Tom is ill. Tom is unreal. paw mebmeyma'. Our guests have arrived. - Yes, I'm going to give you my dear. La gazono estas ĉiam pli verda je la flanko, kiun oni akvumas. The grass is always greener on the side that's watered. It's always green on the side that you dig. Ille cognosce su valores proprie. He knows what he is about. They're going to make their own values. Ni devas esti certaj, ke ni faras tion. We have to make sure we do that. We have to be sure we do it. On konsideras l'Angla esar internacionala linguo. English is considered an international language. In fact, the English language is an internal language. HeghvIp'a'? Is he afraid of death? Hey, God! Mi sentas min malsana. I'm feeling sick. I feel sick. Qapla' Sep Qapla'. Success breeds success. Qplax' Seppla'. Un camion ha stoppate in cruce in medio del strata. A truck stopped crosswise in the middle of the road. A clock has been thrown in the middle of a street. Mi ŝatus matenmanĝi kun vi. I would like to eat breakfast with you. I'd like breakfast with you. Estas granda ĉerizarbo en la ĝardeno. There's a big cherry tree in the garden. It's a big flower in the garden. Yé! Utúvienyes! Hurray! I have found it! Yeé! muqeSchu'pu'. He gave me a good piece of advice. A woman who lives there. Mi serĉos batalilon. I'll look for a weapon. I'll look for a weapon. Malfrue enlitiĝi por mi iĝis kutimo. I'm used to staying up late. I was going to sleep down to be my way. Bon. Good. Very good. Ili igis Marion rakonti ĉion. They made Mary tell everything. They made Mario tell everything. ta no'e melbi That is ordinary-looking. nolbi'e Ka tu sucesas dicernar Jane de lua fratino jemela? Can you tell Jane from her twin sister? Kasseosor Jan's sister at her sister's place? bIQ luchenmoH bIQSIp yInSIp je. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. Take it easy, thank youQS alone in my life. Es pome sub li pupitre. There is an apple under the desk. Right under him. Lasu min trankvila. Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Ni rigardis ekster la fenestron sed ni nenion vidis. We looked out the window, but we didn't see anything. We looked outside of the window but we didn't see anything. Me va come un ovo de sento anios. I will eat century egg. Me don't need that either! Tom fuma su pip. Tom is smoking his pipe. - Thomas smoke. Ne chascun posse esser un poete. Not everybody can be a poet. It won't be a child in a mess. Ille ha realisate su sonio de devenir artista. He realized his dream of becoming an artist. They have been dreaming of an accident. Tom esas sentema. Tom is sensitive. Tom is sensitive. Mi promesis al Tomo. I promised Tom. I promised Tom. Los ia permane amis tota de sua vives. They stayed friends their whole lives. Losing some time by the last wind you've always loved me. Ubi es le local de duchas? Where are the showers? Where is the name of twoch do you want to change? Li actual presidente have mult ínamicos. The current president has many enemies. He's currently print multi agents. Spekti unu filmon post la alia malhelpas ĝisfunde kompreni ilin. Watching one movie after another inhibits a profound understanding of them. Watch a movie after the other people are reaching it down. Mi ne komprenas, kiel mi povis fari tian eraron. I don't understand how I could've made such a mistake. I don't understand how I could do that mistake. Vi ne bezonas fari tion jam nun. You don't need to do that right away. You don't need to do this right now. ghem vISopta'be'chugh jIQonglaHbe'. I can't sleep without a midnight snack. That's all I have to do. Älömibos ädelo. It rained yesterday. pointing to a bowbomädeäde. Ti dom es famosi. This house is famous. It's a fame of news. Cada cosa ia reveni a normalia. Everything has returned to normal. Something's wrong. Cuando? When? Cupan? Vay, itabudel ! Close your eyes, please. Let's go. Let's go. Li alportis la vespermanĝon. He brought dinner. He brought the dinner. Mi forgesis mian pasvorton. I forgot my password. I forgot my password. Mi ne komprenas, kion diras la instruisto. I don't understand what the teacher is saying. I don't understand what the teacher says. Mi perdis mian ĉapelon. I lost my hat. I lost my hat. Io la appellava Cathy. I called her by the name of Cathy. Something's called Cartier. Neptuno es le planeta le plus distante ab le Sol. Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun. What the planet is going on? Delfeno ne pli ol hundo estas fiŝo. A dolphin is no more a fish than a dog is. Dr. André isn't more than a dog is a fish. Io ora ascolta musica celtic. I'm listening to Celtic music. Something golden balled music. Mi volas drinki ĝis ebrio. I want to get drunk. I want to drink to the rose. Il face un puta de calor. It's fucking hot. You need to make a backup of character. lo do karcyckiku ma zvati Where are your car keys? So that's how Dyrepauyuva zvava nu Cata sancto ha un passato, cata peccator ha un futuro. Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. Each person has a perfume, each hour has a future. Tomo respektatas de ĉiu. Tom is respected by everyone. Tom is feared by everyone. Äfunob ofi. I killed her. Give me some money. La nebulo densiĝas. The fog is getting thicker. The fog is coming out of the fog. En ĉi tiu arbaro la homo kaj la sciuro ankoraŭ konkorde vivas unu kun la alia. In this forest, humans and squirrels still live together in harmony. In this forest, the man and the knowledge of life lives together. Vi ne rajtas juĝi homojn laŭ ilia eksteraĵo. You can't judge people by their looks. You have no right to write men according to their outside. lo va cilra cu selzba fi lo kanba ladru That cheese is made from goat's milk. Action Africa is turned on the desktop jach; jatlh «HIQaH!» "Help!" he shouted. I'm sure it won't be all right! Tomaso nur provis helpi. Tom was just trying to help. Thomas just tried to help. Esperanto ne estas la celo de nia agado, sed nur rimedo por atingi nian celon. Esperanto isn't the goal of our activism but merely a means of achieving our goal. Esperanto is not the goal of our business, but it's just a resource to reach our purpose. Dise la nomes de la dias de la semana. Say the names of the days of the week. That's the name of the medicine. La kesto superas la porteblan pezon. The box is too heavy to carry. The ark exceeds the weight of the life. A fini Tom ia cuieti. Tom eventually calmed down. Tom won't be able to drive. Tu non comprende. You don't understand. You don't recognise it. La homoj estas tro mallaboremaj por serĉi mem en la vortaro. People are too lazy to look it up themselves in a dictionary. The people are too lazy to look for yourself in the dictionary. waghqu' mIllogh qonwI'vam. This camera is very expensive. It would have been pretty good for you. Vi esas plu forta kam ni. You're stronger than we are. You're too strong for us. qaStaHvIS poH bIr, jIQongtaHvIS cha' tlhImmey vIlo'. During winter I sleep with two blankets. These things are about to be long after that you'd like to listen to me. Ne lasu min ĉi tie. Don't leave me here. Don't leave me here. Lúmë anta avánië. It has been too long. Lmëe toán. Суа ном вера ес Том. His real name is Tom. drinkly different from the rest of the thing that is to do with the members of claveesopy. no da toldrani There's nothing wrong. And hasn't been rated Ĉu vi parolas la maorian lingvon? Do you speak Maori? You speak the masey language? Seng qolqoS 'oH. This is the core of the problem. If it was very low, one would have expected it to take most of the human race. Tomo estis trompita de niĝeriaj retpiratoj. Tom was scammed by Nigerian scammers. Tom was deceived by Nigerian people. Si, lo es vera! Yes, it's true! Yes, that's true! Mi ne volas esti heroo. I don't want to be a hero. I don't want to be a hero. xu fraso Is that French? Primos Mi ĵetis la paperon en la fajron. I threw the paper into the fire. I threw the paper into the fire. Qua shui vu portas? Which shoes are you wearing? Don't be silly! mi co'i si'unai zukte I myself did it. I think I'm talking about it. El es peti. He is small. There is an request. A que hora te leva tu normalmente? What time do you usually get up? What time did you want to subscribe to normal mailing lists? Kiu havas pli grandan cerbon, elefanto aŭ homo? Which has the biggest brain, an elephant or a person? Who's got a bigger brain, out of a person or person? DIjonta'. We've caught them. I'm coming in. Бон Песах! Happy Pesach! after the rest of the week. Li hastis en sian aŭton. He got into his car in a hurry. He's swallowed up in his car. Ме но иа виде ла семафор камбиа. I didn't see the light change. drinkly different from the members of bodies that contains the members of the claveesopy and the members of the week, and that are used to do that. bomwI'vetlh vIparHa'qu'. I like that singer a lot. That's what you all say, but I grant no indulgences. Pu inya en al kalí da batliz me pir I told her not to come here. Puetain íncla dalas on a gun I'm on a gun la tom. pu mrobi'o ri'a tu'a lo karcysnuti Tom was killed in a car accident. I'll take your friend, I'm going to put you on my face. Doy'moH jajvam. Today was a tiring day. So, thank you very much. 'eSpanya' Hol vImuSHa'! I love Spanish! 'Spany, my dear,' said Alice. Maria frotis siajn vangojn per la manplatoj kaj embarasite ĉirkaŭrigardas. Maria rubbed her cheeks with the palms of her hands and looked around with embarrassment. Mary rubed her cheeks with her palms and hurried around. Ĉiuj kredas, ke li antaŭzorgis pri sia maljuneco. Everyone believes that they have prepared for their old age. Everyone thinks he wants to fix his old age. Hejme ni uzas nur la francan. We only use French at home. At home we only use French. tolmi'u ru'a lo ta rufsu cmalinsi cu fanmo On the contrary, I think it may turn out that this rugged mountain range trails off at some point. The red guy who's gonna be red Memoru enpoŝtigi ĉi tiun leteron. Remember to mail this letter. Remember this letter. Suverya' 'oH mungchaj'e'. They come from Sweden. That's what we have to do. Disneyland estas konstruita en 1955. Disneyland was built in 1955. Deyland is built in 1955. Nos pote compara nosа pais con Jonguo. We can compare our country to China. We can think we're with Jogugugua. yInSIp luHutlhchugh yInlaHbe' Human. Humans cannot live without oxygen. That is the same thing that I think we should find out about it. oi Darn it! omicron Tu monstro! You monster! That's a monster! Esce algun pote fotografi nos? Can someone take our picture? Can we do it? Quante studiantes esque il ha in le schola? How many students are in the school? How did you do that? Italia es un pais multo belle. Italy is a very beautiful country. It's a lot of beautiful. Me pensa ce Tom vera merita esta. I think Tom really deserves it. I think Tom is true. nIm wIb pItSa' chab vIparHa'. I like cheese pizza. Our only hundred years ago, that's what we have to do. Oji me senti ce me es plu bon ca ier. I feel better today than yesterday. Let me feel sure I'm still in peace somewhere else. Ella es un bon puella. She's a good girl. It's just a good thought. Tom habeva le habitude irritante de quasi nunquam responder a messages de e-mail. Tom had the annoying habit of hardly ever answering email messages. Tom had the part of a mailing list. They had never been answered, but they were not able to change any list configuration variable available through email. Jen estas tio, kio nervozigas min. That's what makes me nervous. Here's what's going on me. Isto non es ver. That is not true. This is not green. Ĝenerale, kion ŝi diras, estas ĝusta. Generally speaking, what she says is right. General what she says is right. Doch DaDellaH'a'? Can you describe the object? Dinner D'My God? Esque yo deve ear con te? Do I have to go with you? E lsylalas with you? jupwI' DaQuchHa'moHpu'. You've made my friend unhappy. That's all you know. Mi pafos. I will shoot. I'll shoot. An illo es blau? Is it blue? What is it? Dunom etosi vifiko. He does it fast. A town theme you're fucking yourself. mi se bersa I have a son. What if I care about that? Mi opiniis, ke mi povos helpi vin. I thought I could help you. I thought I could help you. El conose el. She knows them. Out of the way. nIpongan jIH. I am Japanese. It's a play of death. It vell esser melior que noi anulla li marcha. We'd better cancel the hike. I don't want to be able to make any better, but he's not going to see a man. Qapla' qajatlh vIneH neH. I just wanted to say good luck. Q caught the universe I am not in referred to as long as I am saying, I am not in. Mary montris siajn mamojn. Mary showed her breasts. Sea was shown her breasts. Mi ne estas afektulo. I'm not a snob. I'm not a needle. Solmente imbecilles nunquam cambia de opinion. Only fools never change their minds. Only try to make sure it's never ready to change your opinion. lojmIt DaSoQmoHDI' yItam. Please close the door quietly. Thank you for going to thank you for the rest of this world. ra na'e bebmau do He isn't dumber than you. ♪ That's not a good town Io honorara le Natal in mi corde, e io essayara de celebrar lo durante le anno integre. Io vivera in le Passato, le Presente e le Futuro. Le Spiritos del Tres totes debera competer intra me. Io non oblidara lor lectiones. I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach. I'm the honor of Starbucks you in order, and something you can celebrate during the traces of a mailing list. You are average, but you're in the past. The Spirit must be referred to as the most important roles in the hope that it should not be able to change their own step. This prevents mischievous (or malicious) people from creating subscriptions for such as well. paghlogh ghaH vIleghpu'. I had never seen her. That's right, you know. Lobülolsös. Please clap. Lobüls. nuvpu' ghommeH pa' jaH. He goes there to meet people. And I'm going to do something pretty hard for you. Binol libik. You're free. Blbik. Que es in error in lo que nos ha facite? What's wrong with what we did? So what we've done here? En la rubujo estis stranga putre odoranta bruna likvo. There was a strange, foul-smelling brown liquid in the waste basket. In the dump there was a strange shower or brown liquid. No funolöd menis! Don't kill people! No! That's right! do cirko lo ciblu You're bleeding. Then after all, do you make yourself blue Illa va a occider me. She's gonna kill me. It's more like me. Mi pensas, ke ili vidis vin. I think they saw you. I think they've seen you. Lo es clar. It's clear. Lo, Light is Light. Oni ne rajtas juĝi homojn laŭ ilia eksteraĵo. You can't judge people by their looks. We cannot lead men according to their outside. lo patfu be mi cu to'e cladu My father is quiet. I'll take a look at the Earth's magnetic field Omne veritate passa per tres stadios. Primo, illo es ponite in ridiculo. Secundo, illo suffre forte resistentia. Tertio, illo es acceptate como alique evidente. All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. Everyone has been very bad news. In order to laugh like this, it is something like e.g. it is still going to be something bad for you. Musica es le manera divin de dicer cosas belle e poetic al corde. Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart. Music is the same as the postal framework, and the most beautiful creatures on the planet. .ei do bredi ro da You have to be prepared for anything. So that's when you raise the role of many. ko'a djica lo ka sidju ko'e tu'a lo zdakemkulgu'a She wants me to help her with her homework. L'Help Help _Help Vi estas tio, kion vi legas. You are what you read. You're the one you read.