Jen la knabino, kiu venis hieraŭ. This is the girl that came yesterday. This is the girl who came yesterday. ei mi'ai na co'u pacna We should not lose hope. ei mi'ai na co'u pasna no da toldrani There's nothing wrong. none of towels Dano volis malkovri, kie Lindjo estis je la pasinta nokto. Dan wanted to find out where Linda had been the previous night. Dan wanted to discover where Lindjo was on the last night. Cadun ave la direto a la vive, la libria, e la securia de sua person. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person. Candun ave la direto a la vive, la libria, e la security de sus person. Futue lo. Fuck it. Futue it. No nolob, kiöp lödol. I don't know where you live. No nolob, kiöp lödol. Mi tute ne intencas rezigni. I have no intention of resigning. I don't intend to give up at all. paq laD loDHom 'e' vInaDHa'be'. I have no objection to the boy reading a book. paq laD loDHom 'e' fianaDHa'be'. Tu non debe fumar durante labor. You must not smoke while working. You must not smoke while working. Ni vizitu Tomon. Let's pay Tom a visit. Let's visit Tom. Yo have null secretes con te. I don't have secrets with you. Yo have null secretes con te. Julio Caesare nasceva in le anno 100 a.C. Le data exacte de su nascimento non es cognoscite. Al etate de dece e septe annos ille debeva custodiar omne su familia. Julius Caesar was born in the year 100 B.C. The exact date of his birth is not known. At age sixteen he had to take care of all of his family. July Caesare nasceva in the year 100 BC The data exactly from his birth is not known. At the age of ten and seventeen years she must take care of all of his family. Sami esas tradukisto. Sami is a translator. Sami is a translator. Morto estas certa. Death is certain. Death is certain. Mi akuzas vin ankaŭ. I blame you, too. I accuse you too. Ŝekspiro estis la plej granda poeto, kiun Anglio rivelis. Shakespeare is the greatest poet that England has ever produced. Shakespeare was the largest poet that England revealed. Ĉu ni ekzistas? Do we exist? Are we there? Mi studas la anglan dum unu horo ĉiutage. I study English for one hour every day. I study English for an hour every day. Studob Tsyinänapüki. I am learning Chinese. Studyab Tsyinänapüki. Yo aprendet un nov tric. I learned a new trick. Yo aprendet un nov tric. ko mo What did I tell you to do? Calculate '%s' bo'Degh nuq? What are birds? Thank you for the future? Li kuŝis sur la sofo. He was lying on the couch. He lay on the couch. Io le ha jam telephonate. I already called him. Io le jam telephonate. Ni estas ĉiuj ŝokitaj ke tio okazis. We're all shocked that this happened. We are all shocked that this happened. lo tsani ku barda The sky is big. lo tsani ku barda Maria es un princessa de conto de fees. Mary is a fairy princess. Maria es un princessa de account de fees. Esce tu es poliamial? Are you polyamorous? Esce tu es polyamial? Tiu libro tro malfacilas por mi. This book is too difficult for me. This book is too difficult for me. rupnu ta rupnu li paci That costs 13. break to break him peace lopmey muS tam. Tom hates parties. lopmey muS tam. Pacienteso esas vertuo. Patience is a virtue. Patient is a vertex. Mi aŭdis, ke eble neĝos. I heard it might snow. I heard it might never be. Ti hiverne es calid. This winter is warm. Ti heverne es calid. Ŝi igis lin atendi duonan horon. She kept him waiting half an hour. She made him wait for half an hour. cai roko'a morsi .i morsi .i morsi They're all dead! All dead! All dead! These rocks are Dead . They are Dead . Tom ia es sin defende. Tom was helpless. Tom's all right. .aunai mi klama la italias. I don't want to go to Italy. .aunai mi klama la itias. wa' rajma' nobchugh, taHlaH ghaH wa' latlh ghajmo'. If he donates a kidney, he can survive with the other one. The ten of our ten billion years ago, is the future of the universe. Li avies canta. The birds are singing. Li avies singa. Kisi vilol dlinön? What do you want to drink? Kisi vilol dlinön? Yo es Tom Hunter. I'm Tom Hunter. Yo es Tom Hunter. Ilu venos se vu advokos il. He will come if you call him. I'll see if you call it. Simple restu tie! Stay right there. Just stay there! Ille ha multe serenitate. He has a lot of poise. They have a lot of serenity. Ĉiuj delegitoj voĉdonis por ĝi. All the delegates voted to approve it. All delegates voted for it. qaqchoHtaH. It's getting better. Idqch's mouth. Maria es ativa. Mary is vivacious. Mary is active. do simlu nai lo ka mutce gleki lo ka zgana mi You don't seem too happy to see me. do simlu nai lo ka mutce gleki lo ka zgana mi Ni bezonas homojn kiel Tomon. We need people like Tom. We need people like Tom. Tomo donas ĝin al Johano. Tom gives it to John. Tom gives it to John. Laŭ la gazeto li implikiĝis en la komploto. According to the newspaper, he participated in the plot. According to the paper he involved in the plot. Me decidabas divenor ciencisto. I've decided to become a scientist. I'm deciding to guess a scientist. Mi pensas, ke tio kostas tro multe. I think that's too expensive. I think this costs too much. lo mi patfu pu klama lo mergu'e My father has gone to the United States. lo mi patfu pu clamma lo mergu'e Ille curreva pro attinger les. He sprinted to catch up to them. They are running out of reacher les. Es le casa lore? Is the house theirs? Let's go. Left. Roger that. Que es le avantage pro te? What's in it for you? What is the advantage for you? Ni transdonos tion. We'll pass it on. We'll deliver this. Li strumpettes malodora. The socks smell bad. Li strumpettes malodora. Le nave se ha invertite in le medio del oceano. The ship capsized in the middle of the ocean. Le nave se ha invertite in le medio del ocean. Estas la unua fojo, ke mi tradukas el la itala. This is the first time I've translated from Italian. It's the first time I translate from Italian. Igu lin paroli. Get him talking. Make him talk. Nos nata a vices in le laco. We sometimes swim in the lake. Nos nata a vices in le laco. Qui es responsabil por ti problema? Who's responsible for this problem? Who is responsibilities for you problem? Ille se ha irritate per lo que tu diceva. He was peeved by what you said. They get upset by what you say. Kikod mens et gonoms? Why are those people running? Kikod mens et gonoms? mi tavla fi lo vi penbi e nai lo va co'e poi cpana lo jubme I'm talking about this pen, not that one over there on the desk. mi tavla fi lo vi pensi e nai lo va co'e poi cpana lo jubme ca lo cabdei ra se'ixru fi la.sidnis. He comes back from Sydney today. ca lo cabdei ra se'ixru fi la.sidnis. Kio? Ĉu tia ŝi vokis min? What? That's what she called me? What? Did she call me like that? Nos tentava rumper le lineas del inimico. We attempted to break the lines of the enemy. We try rumper le lines del inimico. Tomo klare perdiĝis. Tom was clearly lost. Tom has been clearly lost. Ofen yufob Tomase ed ele Maria dunön etosi. I often help Tom and Mary do that. Ofen yuphob Thomas and her Maria dunön ethos. Tio estas produktita en Kazaĥstano. This is made in Kazakhstan. This is produced in Kazakhstan. Nolol-li vegi? Do you know the way? Nolol li veggi? qatlh wabvam Qoylu'? What's all the noise about? Let's go the rest of Qoylu's office. Tiu ĉi libro estas via. This book is yours. This book is yours. Neif duton gadane. The knife belongs to the gardener. Neif duton gadane. Li estas tro obeza por kuri rapide. He is too fat to run quickly. He is too obese to run quickly. Ĉu vi ŝatas Ĉinion? Do you like China? Do you like China? Rivero dividas la urbon en orienton kaj okcidenton. A river separates the city into east and west. River divides the city into the east and west. It esset frigid ta mem in li estive. It is cold there even in summer. It esset frigid ta self in li estive. le nakni cu ralte me'i lo nanba He has less bread. le nakni cu ralte me'i lo naba qaSpu'chugh vay', SIbI' HIrI'. In case anything happens, call me immediately. Let's go, SIbI's what you think. Kiu jupo plaĉas al vi? Which skirt do you like? Who do you like? Mi preferus promeni ol spekti la filmon. I'd rather go for a walk than see the movie. I would prefer to walk than watching the movie. Tiu libro estas mia. That book is mine. This book is mine. Esque le bebe plorava in ille momento? Was the baby crying then? Is the baby crying in that moment? An le casa es lore? Is the house theirs? And that's it? Left. Roger that. qatlh not qaleghpu'? How come I haven't seen you here before? Let's go, let's go! Ävigo Tomas ävisitom eli Maria in Boston. Tom visited Mary in Boston last week. Ävigo Tomas ävisitom eli Maria in Boston. Tom ia mori en asidente de tren. Tom died in a train accident. All of them die in aside from a train. Yo ne conosse li detallies. I don't know the details. Yo ne conosse li detallies. Estis malfacile argumenti kun Tomo. It was hard to argue with Tom. It was difficult to argue with Tom. A mi grande surprisa, le porta esseva aperite. To my surprise, the door was unlocked. A mi grande surprisa, le porta was open. Ili ne va parlar con Tom. They won't speak to Tom. They don't go parlar with Tom. La sorĉisto havas sorĉbastonon. The wizard has a magic wand. The wizard has a witch. Ŝi estas kanada. She's Canadian. She's Canadian. tlhoy na'mo' chatlhvam vISoplaHbe'. This soup is too salty to eat. This is not enough to understand the universe. nuH ghaj nubwI' 'ej Qob. The suspect is armed and dangerous. nuH ghaj nub o'ej Qob. Ŝajne mi bezonos iom da tempo por kutimiĝi al la vivo ĉi tie. It seems like it will take me a while to get accustomed to life here. I think I'll take some time to get used to life here. tlhaStaH. They brawled. Thank you for listening. Necuno ha jammais essite illac. No one has ever been there. No one has ever been illac. vIHtaH gho. The clock is ticking. You know, we're entering a gho. Qup me'rIy. Mary was young. If me'rIy. ra pu xlali That was bad. ra pu xlali Роберто ес ун ном брасилера. Roberto is a Brazilian name. It's what it's like. mi tatpi lo tivni I'm tired of TV. mi tatpi lo tivni La lakto havis mala saporo. The milk tasted bad. The milk had a bad sapour. Ŝi anoncis sian intencon emeritiĝi. She announced her intention to retire. She announced her intention to get rid of her. Manjo ĵus sciigis al mi, ke ŝi trovis novan laborpostenon. Mary has just told me that she found a new job. Manjo just told me that she found a new job. Los ia fura pomas de meа bosce de frutas. They stole apples from my orchard. All of the fur pots from me's woods of fruit. Si, lo es vera! Yes, it's true! Yes, it's true! To es pro quo yo es ci. That's why I'm here. To es pro quo yo es ci. La libro de Jack estas interesa. Jack's book is interesting. Jack's book is interesting. wa' ben boghpu' ghaH. She was born last year. We are the only intelligent beings in the city. Antaŭ kiom da tempo vi lastfoje ludis per jojo? How long has it been since you played with a yo-yo? How long have you played last time with a jewel? Thomas binom tradutan. Tom is a translator. Thomas binom translated. Le celo deveni nubilose. The sky is becoming cloudy. The goal of becoming cloudy. cha'maH puq ghaj. She has twenty children. cha'maH puq ghaj. le prenu pu ta'e tcidu so'i da He used to read a lot. take me ta'e tcidu so'i da Multaj kamparanoj en Hokkaido kulturas terpomojn. Many farmers in Hokkaido grow potatoes. Many peasants in Hokkaido culture potatoes. Neniu estas nemortema. No one is immortal. No one is undead. Vi multe ĉikanas. You are making a big fuss. You have a lot of chikanas. Ni ne povas gajni. We can't win. We can't win. L'ünivirs isch 'n müsterà. The Universe is a mystery. L'ünivirs isch 'n müsterà. ba'taH tam 'ej boHtaH. Tom sat impatiently. But it's all right, it's all right. Mutob-li studön? Do I have to study? Mutob-li studön? ko na jai lerci fai tu'a lo trene Don't be late for the train. ko jai lerci fai tu'a lo trene naDev tlhoS not SIS. It hardly ever rains there. naDev recentlyS not SIS. Kim äpenom penedi at? Who wrote this letter? Who äpenom pens at? Ŝi savis la vivon de sia bebo riskante perdi la propran. She saved her baby's life at the risk of losing her own. She saved her baby's life risking losing your own. Ha'DIbaH vISop 'e' vImevpu'. I've given up eating meat. Ha'DIbaH fySop 'e' fiamevpu'. ti mutce kargu It's very expensive. ti mutce cargu Híralmet. We all find them. Híralmet. Manjo gajis. Mary was merry. Eat to enjoy. ca carvi It is raining. ca carvi Co ne esas lua manuoskriburo. This is not his handwriting. What is not its manual writer. piso'aroi zdani zvati He is almost always home. pis'aroi zdani zvati qoDDaq chaHtaH. They're inside. There are answers to these big questions. HuDvetlhDaq matoS wIneH. We'd like to climb that mountain. HuDve we think we're growing up in the past. tutlha' vIneH. I want you to follow me. All right, let's take me off. lo mi bruna cu vajni mutce .i se ju ri jinvi lo du'u go'i My brother is very important. At least he thinks he is. lo mi brown cu comen mutce .i se ju ri jinvi lo du'u go'i Mi estis senkomprena. I was baffled. I was ununderstanded. Io me eveliava pro trovar me jacente super le sofa. I awoke to find myself lying on the sofa. Io me eveliava pro troven me jacente super le sofa. Io non comprende como isto functiona. I don't understand how this works. I don't understand how this works. Destensa! Take it easy! Destensa! Isto es un pupa que illa mesme faceva. This is a doll which she made herself. This is a pupa que il even faceva. Tu es un bon gato. You're a good cat. You're a good game. Kiam vi aŭdis la sonon? When did you hear the sound? When did you hear the sound? Ili ĉesis paroli. They stopped talking. They stopped talking. Sumbogh beylI''e' tu'lu''a'? Is there a bank near here? We have two parts of your universe? Ka tu povas komprenar Tom? Are you able to understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? Es tu pro o contra iste politica? Are you in favor of or against that policy? Are you for or against this policy? ko'a pu pilno ba'i gi lo spamatne gi lo ladmatne She used margarine instead of butter. Denis workstation ba'i gi lo spamatne gi lo ladmatne Qaghqu'pu' tam. Tom made a big mistake. Qagh'pu' tam. Mi volonte helpus vin, sed mi estas tro okupata nuntempe. I would gladly help you, only I am too busy now. I'd be willing to help you, but I'm too busy right now. Qui essera illac? Who'll be there? Qui essera illac? Estas tricent kandidatoj por unu sola posteno. There are three hundred applicants for only one position. There are three hundred candidates for one single post. wa' chutmaj 'oH. It's one of our rules. The universe is a universe. That's the universe. Mi havas dekojn da aplikaĵoj en mia telefono, kiujn mi malofte uzas. I have dozens of apps on my phone that I seldom use. I have dozens of applications in my phone I rarely use. Vi ne povas manĝi kokidaĵon? Kiel vi scias tion, se vi neniam gustumis ĝin? You can't eat chicken? How do you know if you never try it? You can't eat chicken? How do you know if you never taste it? Mi pensas, ke tio estis tre amuza, vere! I think that it was a lot of fun, indeed! I think this was very fun, really! 'och mutlhwI' jIH. I'm a plumber. But I'm going to take me away. Noi es optimistes. We're optimists. We are optimistic. Le dracon es un creatura fictive. The dragon is a fictional creature. Le dracon es un creature fictive. Ел густа леже жорналес. She likes to read magazines. It's what it's like. Qualmen to finit? How did it end? Qualmen to finish? Eĉ dum momento, mi ne dubas pri via honesteco. I don't for a moment doubt your honesty. Even at a time, I don't doubt your honesty. Ĉevalon! Ĉevalon! Mian reĝlandon por ĉevalo! A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse! A horse! Ел дисе но коса, ма ел дебе сабе алга коса. He doesn't say anything, but he must know something. ← Ingredients Recipes Mi lernis stiri aŭton, kiam mi estis dek-kvin-jaraĝa. I learned how to drive when I was fifteen years old. I learned to drive a car when I was ten-five years old. Me ia nase en la anios tredes. I was born in the thirties. I'm born in the anios tredes. Nor companie suporta pluri cultural evenimentes. Our company supports several cultural events. Nor company support multiple cultural evenies. Li rubi dom es nov. The red house is new. Li rubi dom es nove. Il trinca rubi vin. He drinks red wine. Il trinca rubi vi. Kial la pordo estas ŝlosita? Why's the door locked? Why is the door locked? qatlh mubejtaH ghaH? Why is he looking at me? Why don't they appear to be ghaH? Samio amikiĝis kun aliaj unuajaruloj. Sami made friends with other freshmen. Samy was friends with other first-times. Yo es cert. I am sure. Yo es cert. QallaH tom; ghotI' rur. Tom knows how to swim like a fish. Qal save tom; ghotI' rur. la'a ba carvi It will probably rain. la'a ba carvi Nos ia vide Tom sur la plaia. We saw Tom on the beach. We've ever seen Tom on the beach. ko'a lo za'e selglejibri She is a whore. co'a za'e singlejibri la meris. cu dasni le melbi ke xunre pastu Mary is wearing a beautiful red dress. la meris. cu dasni le melbi ke Primure pastu Mi kredas, ke Tomo jam havas karulinon. I think Tom has a girlfriend already. I believe that Tom already has a char. Nos exiva totes. We all quit. We're all right. Tomo kaj Manjo diris al Johano, ke ili petis Alicon instrui tion al li. Tom and Mary told John they'd asked Alice to teach him how to do that. Tom and Manjo told John that they asked Alice to teach him this. ko'a naku curmi lo nu mi'o nerkla They wouldn't let us in. Calculate the rest of nine minutes, or ten of our cores. Io ha tres cosinos del latere de mi matre. I have three cousins on my mother's side. Io ha tres cosinos del later de mi matre. La imperor Akihito de Japan ia anunsia sua intende de renunsia. The Emperor Akihito of Japan has announced his intention to abdicate. Japan's grandfather Akihit ia aunsia su intended de renunsia. Me es no plu temosa de canes. I'm no longer afraid of dogs. I'm no longer a theme of dogs. La vero estas, ke mi estas viro en vira korpo. The truth is I'm a man in a man's body. The truth is that I am a man in a male body. El va deveni un dotor medical. He is going to become a doctor. El va deveni un dotor medical. Los ia sesa besa la un la otra. They stopped kissing. Los ia sixth bea la un la otra. va'o lo nu da'i do mibypre cu zukte da'i ma fa do What would you do in my place? va'o lo nu da'i do mibypre cu zukte da'i ma fa do La festo estis tia granda sukceso. The party was such a great success. The party was such a great success. Me quik iris che il. I went to his place straight away. Me quik iris che il. lo ciblu be mi cu cmima abu ma'ubu My blood group is A+. It's about me cu cmima abu ma'ubu Ĉiu ignoris Tomon. Everyone ignored Tom. Everyone ignored Tom. Tom maneja un otel. Tom manages a hotel. Tom maneja un otel. Mi faris la laboron kontraŭ mia volo. I did the work against my will. I did the job against my will. tlhoS Soj QaQ Ho' Hoch. Almost everybody appreciates good food. Finishing Soj QaQ Ho' Hoch. Illa parla assi como ille cognoscerea toto sub le sol. She talks as if he knew everything under the sun. Illa parla so as il cognoscerea tote under le sol. Ĉu mi rajtas aĉeti nur la lensojn? Can I buy only the lenses? Can I buy the lenses only? Tom es un honest mann. Tom is an honest man. Tom es un honest mann. DaHjaj choS HIrI'! Call me this evening. I'm going to meet you! «jIghung.» «jIghung je.» «maSop DaneH'a'?» «HISlaH.» "I'm hungry." "Me too." "Will we have something to eat?" "Yes." 'jIghung.' 'jIghng je.' 'maSop DaneH'a'?' 'HIS live.' Hieraŭ vespere Tom alvenis hejmen tre malfrue. Tom came home very late last night. Yesterday evening Tom arrived home very late. Ho' ghaHpu'. He was an idol. Ho' ghaHpu'. Ĉu veras, ke Midori tre bone ludas la violonon? Is it true that Midori plays the violin very well? Is it true that Midori plays the violin very well? Реалиа ес бела. Reality is beautiful. It's all right. Ni devas nin prezenti al la oficejo pri enmigrado. We have to introduce ourselves to the immigration office. We must present us to the immigration office. Responde me, per favor. Answer me, please. Answer me, please. Cual cosa vos desira? What would you like? What do you want? Nonfortunosa, alga de mundo senti se ofendeda. Unfortunately, some people were offended. Unfortunosa, alga de world sentiment se ofendeda. le do zdani cu barda Your house is big. le do zdani cu barda Pod at binon redikum. This apple is redder. Pod at binon redicum. ghaHvaD vIQIj. I explained it to him. ghaH is used to understandQIj. Mi ocules plena se con lácrimes e yo cria. My eyes fill with tears and I cry. Mi ocules full se con lácrimes e yo cria. Sint-os feliceux? Are they happy? Sint-os happyux? Le education fabrica machinas que age como le homines, e produce homines qui age como le machinas. Education manufactures machines that act like humans and produce humans who act like machines. The education factory machines that act like the homines, and produce homines qui age as the machines. Tu esas tre karezinda kato. You are a very cuddly cat. You are a very charizing cat. lo'e nu viska cu nu krici Seeing is believing. That's what you think about? qetqu'choH tam. Tom began to sprint. qetqu'choH as well. Mi bedaŭras, ke mi diris nenion. I'm sorry I said anything. I'm sorry I said nothing. Yo decovrit que li magic tresores ne esset plu altricos quam ordinari lápides. I discovered that the magic treasures were nothing more than ordinary stones. Yo decovrit que li magac tresores ne esset plu otherscos quam ordinary lápides. Non ingere te in su affaires. Don't meddle in his affairs. Non ingere te in su affaires. Yo ne ama infantes. I don't like children. Yo ne ama infantes. Illes esseva preste a qualcunque eventualitate. They were prepared for any contingency. They were ready to any eventuality. rut ghogh HablI'wIj rI' ghaH. He gives me a phone call every now and then. rut ghogh Hab Programming my concern rI' ghaH. Esque vos fuma? Do you smoke? Why do you smoke? Ла натур ес фасинанте. Nature is fascinating. It's what it's like. La tradukaĵo estas fidela al la originalo. The translation is true to the original. The translation is loyal to the original. Il explicat it. He explained it. Il expliccat it. Nos sape totes. We all know. We know all. Li estas interne. He's inside. He's inside. Kiu estas via preferata koloro? What is your favourite colour? Who is your favorite color? Mi eĉ ne pensas, ke Tom aŭdis min. I don't even think Tom heard me. I don't even think Tom heard me. Ĉu vi povas diri al mi, kiel tiu blinda golfludanto atingis tiom da sukcesoj? Can you tell me, how come that blind golfer is so successful? Can you tell me how this blind golf player has achieved so many successes? La vivo estas skatolo da surprizoj. Life is a box of surprises. Life is a box of surprises. Li litt jup es rosi. The small skirt is pink. Li litt jup es rosi. Tom ne volas promenar nun. Tom doesn't want to take a walk now. Tom doesn't want to walk now. Ŝi estis tro maljuna. She was too old. She was too old. 'Italya' Hol ghojmeH 'Italya' jaHta'. She went to Italy to learn Italian. 'Italya' Hol EducationmeH 'Italya' jaHta'. Brula li kadavre. Burn the body. Brula li cadavre. Ĉar la tutan universon Nenio mi nomas, krom ci, mia rozo; en ĝi ci estas mia Ĉio. For I call the whole universe nothing, Except you, my rose; in it you are my everything. Because all the universe Nothing I call, except this, my rose; in it this is my all. ghaH lIjlu'bej. He isn't going to be forgotten in any case. ghaH Programming'bej. Ille se concerne troppo con su sanitate. He's a health nut. They conceive too much with their health. barda .u'e It's big! barda .u'e la tom mo'u cuxna do Tom has chosen you. the tom mo'u cuxna do 'IHqu' tlhomvam chum! What a beautiful sunset! This is the last time. Mea ides es vera no tal bon. My Yiddish really isn't that good. Mea ides es vere no tal bon. A no tempo algun ia vade a ala e ia vive per raconta la nara. No one has ever been there and lived to tell the tale. A no time algun ia vade a ala e ia vive per raconta la nara. ghojmeH ghItlhwI'lIj vIlo' 'e' Dachaw''a'? vay' vISaHbe'. May I use your pencil? Any one will do. To Education, your authorship of your ability to understand your life? Ti té es bon. This tea is good. Ti té es bon. Ne juĝu iun laŭ ties vestaro. You should not judge a person by his clothes. Don't judge someone according to its dress. Tom ne vizitos vin morgaŭ. Tom won't visit you tomorrow. Tom won't visit you tomorrow. It es un desfacil question. It's a difficult question. It is a device question. Como la clima es a esta matina? What's the weather like this morning? How is the climate a esta matina? muleghDI' chaH muvanpu'. The moment they saw me, they waved. muleghDI' chaH muvanpu'. Li guerre finit. The war ended. Li guerre finit. Ĉi tiu libro estas verkita en tiom facila angla lingvo, ke eĉ komencantoj kapablas kompreni ĝin. This book is written in such easy English as beginners can understand. This book is written in such an easy English language that even beginners are able to understand it. Kie mi povas aĉeti alkoholaĵojn ĉi-ĉirkaŭe? Where can I buy alcohol around here? Where can I buy alcohol around this? jIQoSqu'. I am really sorry. Exiting... Tiu esploro estis ebligita per subteno de la nacia scienca fondaĵo. This research was made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation. This study was enabled by supporting the national scientific foundation. mi traji I'm the best. I'm going to go through Li estis rugbe-ludanto. He was a rugby player. He was a rugbe player. Kia gaskono! What swagger! What kind of gas! Ме ва коме ун ово де мил аниос. I will eat century egg. ← Ingredients Io sapeva que Tom veniva de Boston. I knew that Tom was from Boston. Io sapeva que Tom veniva de Boston. Gravas, ke la lernantoj scias, kio estas atendebla en la ekzameno. It's important for the students to know what to expect on the exam. It is important that students know what is expected in the exam. Tom sendis al Mary mesaĝon skribitan en la franca. Tom sent Mary a message written in French. Tom sent to Mary a message written in French. SaHtaH loSmaH ghot. There were forty people present. SaH suppresses loSmaH ghot. Tom deve strax retrovenir. Tom should be back shortly. Tom deve strex revenir. Acel xica gusta acel musica. That girl likes that music. Acel xica gustata acel musicica. Mi estas trinaskito, naskiĝinta je la finjara vespero. I am a triplet born on New Year's Eve. I'm a trinaskin, born at the last evening. Manjo sciis, ke Tomo mensogas al ŝi. Mary knew Tom was lying to her. Manjo knew that Tom was lying to her. Ĝi estas neĝoŝtormo. It's a snowstorm. It's snowstorm. mi lenku I feel cold. Let me learn Brosi bon tuа dentes. Brush your teeth well. Brosi bon tuku dentes. Qual die es hodie? What day is it today? What day is today? La bebo ploris por esti nutrata. The baby was crying to be fed. The baby wept to be fed. Danke al Dio mi ne vundis Tomon. Thank God I didn't hurt Tom. Thank God I didn't hurt Tom. Ме ва коме ун ово де сентенио. I will eat century egg. ← Ille nunquam manca de venir visitar me cata die. He never fails to come to see me every day. They never eat from coming to visit me every day. Mi havas nur unu plian demandon al vi. I only have one more question for you. I have only one more question to you. Li povis naĝi sufiĉe rapide por sukcesi en la ekzameno. He could swim fast enough to pass the test. He could swim fast enough to succeed in the exam. HeghDI' Qup ghaH. He died young. HeghDI's instead of ghaH. Dochvam yIHotQo'! Don't touch this! Dochmka yIHotQo! Nun extere plu obskureskas. It's getting darker outside now. Now outside more obscures. Mi volas viziti tiun lokon duan fojon. I want to go there once more. I want to visit that place a second time. Ci ia trova meа libro mancante? Who found my missing book? You're going to find me a book missing? Tom era un toxicomano. Tom was an addict. Tom era un toxicoman. ma se zvati lo do mensi Where's your sister? ma se zvati lo do mensi tlhIngan Hol DaHaDrup'a'? Are you ready to study Klingon? I'm going to take me away? Al Tomo ne venis taŭga kaŝejo por tio en la kapon. Tom couldn't think of a good place to hide it. To Tom did not come an appropriate hiding place for that in the head. Tom es vetule. Tom is old. Tom is old. Noi sempre di to. We always say that. We always say everything. ma smuni la'o zoi Tatoeba zoi What does "Tatoeba" mean? The universe is out of Tatoeba, which is why Tatoeba is in place. Komence de aŭtuno pluvas. It rains in early autumn. At the beginning of autumn, it rains. Yo tre frige ye mi cap. My head is really cold. Yo tre frige ye mi cap. mIp. She's rich. mIp. Sidu! Sit! Sit down! Strictemente parlante, illa non es qualificate pro le empleo. Strictly speaking, she's not qualified for the job. Strictely parlante, illa is not qualified for employment. Ŝin impresis liaj kapabloj. She was impressed by his skills. She impressed his abilities. Ĝi rompiĝos. It will break. It's broken down. En la komenco, homo estis preskaŭ la sama kiel la aliaj bestoj. In the beginning, man was almost the same as the other animals. In the beginning, a man was almost the same as the other animals. Vi rajtas antaŭpagi vian mendon. You may pay in advance for your order. You can pay your mind ahead. pa' jIHpu'. I was there. pa'petipu'. Liaj agoj konfuzas min. His actions confuse me. His actions confuse me. Mi marita ne leva se ante me. My wife doesn't get up before me. Mi marita ne leva se prete me. loDnI'ra'vaD pebon. Share with your brother. loDnI'ra for software development. yIchu'Qo'. Leave it off. yIchu'Qo'. Do la gato es? Where's the cat? So the game is it? da'i mi mutce gleki lo nu do ra gasnu seva'u mi I would be very pleased if you did this for me. da'i mi mutce gleki lo nu do ra gasnu seva'u mi mi la'a la tom speni Perhaps Tom is married. la'a la tom speni Dog obik binom vietik. My dog is white. Dog obik binom vietik. Tiu ĉi misnovaĵo estis kunhavigita pli ol unu milionon da fojoj en Facebook. This fake news story was shared over a million times on Facebook. This misnew was shared over one million times on Facebook. Hur jIHtaHvIS Ha'DIbaHwIj Dabej'a'? Will you look after my dog while I'm out? I am very lucky to take me away? not vIqIp. I never hit him. not fianqIp. Konvenaj kvalifikoj estas postulataj por la posteno. Proper qualifications are required for the position. Convenent qualifications are required for the post. vivo es ardua, morto es chipa. Life is hard, death is cheap. life is hard, death is chipy. Me ia es en la media de dansa. I was dancing. I'm in the middle of dance. Tom solmente tenta salvar prestigio. Tom's just trying to save face. Tom only attempts to save prestige. la .tam. cu ciska tavla la .meris. la .djan. Tom wrote to Mary about John. la .tam. cu cish tavla la .meris. la .djan. Tom no es ami de Maria. Tom isn't Mary's friend. Tom no is Mary's friends. Io debe travaliar nunc. I have to work now. Io must travaliar now. Me leje tota cosas. I read everything. I learn all things. Zorgu ke oni fermos la pordon je la deka. See to it that the door is locked at 10. Make sure you close the door at the deck. Alga de mundo ia duta la onestia de el. Some people questioned his honesty. Alga de world ia duta la onestia de el. Mára aurë. Good day! Mára aurë. Oni ne buĉu pli multe, ol kiom oni povas pekli. Don't bite off more than you can chew. You don't bounce much more than how much you can peck. Pro formar le plural in esperanto on adde un j al singular. To form the plural in Esperanto, add a j to the singular. To form the plural in hopes of adding one j to the singular. coi .djaks. .i do mo How goes it, Jacques? coi .djaks. .i do mo la.miklel,n. jdice lo nu denpa McClellan decided to wait. la.miclel,n. jdice lo nu depas Mi entuziasmis. I was enthusiastic. I was excited. Tom esset in li hotel. Tom was at the hotel. Tom esset in li hotel. Ĉu vi sentas ian odoron? Do you smell something? Do you feel some smell? Lödof in dom smalik. She lives in a small house. Lödof in dom smalik. Nem obik binon Omid. My name is Omid. Nem obik binon Omid. ra pu muvdu la kanadas He moved to Canada. ra pu movdu la Canadians Kiel vi eniris la domon? How did you get into the house? How did you enter the house? tam ghIj pagh. Nothing scares Tom. . . . . . . . . . ro da djica lo nu ru'i panpi Everybody wants permanent peace. ro da djica lo nu ru'i panpi Ŝajnas al mi, ke jam estas la tempo, ke mi translokiĝu al la ĉirkaŭurbaro. I think it's time for me to move to the suburbs. It seems to me that it's the time I move to the circuit. ¿Qi’st là? Who's there? ¿Qi'st là? le ve'u xamsi pu to'e vlile The ocean was calm. le ve'u xamsi pu to'e vile Nemo sape que Tom es hic. No one knows Tom is here. Nemo sapi que Tom es here. Mi alvenis ĉi tie nur ĉi-matene. I just got here this morning. I've just arrived here this morning. Ka vu parolas la Chiniana? Do you speak Chinese? Do you speak the Chinese? Estas kredate, ke Kristo faris multajn miraklojn. It is believed that Christ worked many miracles. It is believed that Christ did many miracles. chorgh boqHa' wej; chen vagh. Subtract three from eight and you get five. chorgh boqHa's wej; cheng vagh. Ĉu vi ŝatas tian specon de muziko? Do you like this kind of music? Do you like such a kind of music? mi no roi pinxe lo tcati pe ka'ai lo limxone I never drink tea with lemon. mi no roi pinxe lo tcati pe ka'ai lo limxone Tio estas mia sekreto. That's my secret. That's my secret. Io ha fratres. I have brothers. Io ha fratres. La elefanto es la maxim grosa de omna quarpeda animali. The elephant is the bulkiest of all four-legged animals. The elephant is the largest thickness of all quarped animals. Tom volas paroli kun vi. Tom would like a word with you. Tom wants to talk to you. Va tokcoba yon Nipona vayasik sielestuson favon gilestud ? What do Japanese students usually eat for lunch? Va tokcoba yon Nipona vayasik sielestuson fakon gilestud ? minde mi'a lo nu stali le bloti We were told to stay on the ship. Orders My Boat qaSlaH Dochvam 'e' DaQubpu''a'? Did you ever think this would happen? The universe is the future of the universe. What is it? Me vere amas la suno. I really love the sun. I really love the sun. chay' lulo'lu'? What are they for? The first one is inside the universe. First, we don't think about the universe. Tom yekba Mary. Tom disappointed Mary. Tom yekba Mary. la .tom. cu nupre lo ka noroi za'ure'u lerci tsuku Tom promised never to be late again. la .tom. cu nupre lo nài zau'u lerci tsku Io le audiva sortir. I heard him go out. Io le auditory sortir. Pükof mödiko dö fat okik. She talks a lot about her father. Pükof mödik dö fat eyes. Ni simple plu faru, kion ni estas farantaj. We need to just keep doing what we're doing. We just do more what we are doing. Finfine Tom ridetis. Tom finally smiled. Finally, Tom smiled. lo ki'otre be li ji'i pacici cu sepli ko'a la .lyndyn. It's about 133 kilometers from London. lo que'otre be li ji'i pacci cu sepli ko'a la .lyndyn. ma'a bilga lo nu ro roi tinbe lo flalu We should always act in obedience to the law. ma'a bilga lo nu roi tinbe lo flalu Mi scias nenion pri muziko. I know nothing about music. I don't know anything about music. Bill havas la dispozicion por eminenta sciencisto. Bill has the makings of an excellent scientist. Bill has the disposition for a prominent scientist. le certu be lo zu'o blutu'u karbixygau cei broda cu tepygau vo'a lo ka crezenzu'e lo zu'o broda lo vartisyboi The phlebotomist scared herself by practicing her craft on a balloon. Expertly correct it's bluetu's carbixygau cei broda cu tepygau vo'a lo crezenzu'e lo zu' broda lo vartisyboi Mi marita es chast e pie. My wife is chaste and pious. Mi marita es chast e pie. Nos non retornara a normalitate proque normalitate era le problema. We won't go back to normality because normality was the problem. We do not return to normality as normality era le problem. Labom jisons tel. He has two daughters. Labom jisons tel. Me no gusta plaia. I don't like the beach. Me no gusta plaia. jISaHmo' jIbelqu'. I'm very happy to be here. Exiting... Studön no binos nefikulik. Studying is not easy. Studyön no binos nonficulic. Mi estas tiel aĝa kiel li. I'm as old as he is. I'm as old as he. Parizo estas la urbo de amo. Paris is the city of love. Paris is the city of love. tlhoy qan. He's too old. Thank you very much. vIl! They're ridgy! You don't know what you do? Ili time me. They're afraid of me. They time me. mutlhej puqpu'wI'. My children are coming with me. All right, let's take me off. To es mi filia. This is my daughter. To es mi filia. Ĉu la sonoriganto estis vi? Were you the one who rung the bell? The sounder was you? Yo es un honest person. I'm an honest person. Yo es un honest person. Mia plej bona amiko estas samseksema. My best friend is homosexual. My best friend is homosexual. Ni povas atingi helpon por vi. We can get you help. We can get help for you. Nolol das vilob dunön etosi, no-li? You know that I want to do that, don't you? Nolol das vilob dunön ethos, no-li? nIpon Hol bojatlhlaH'a' je? Can you speak Japanese, too? I'm going to give you a nice bit of progress? Tayänapük binon püki nitedik. Thai is an interesting language. Tayänapük binon püki nitedik. Li kutimiĝis al vojaĝado. He is used to traveling. He used to travel. Esce esta es un mascita? Is this a mosque? Esce esta es un mascite? Mi vidis Tomon nuda. I've seen Tom naked. I saw Tom naked. Non face ruito o tu espaventara le aves via. Don't make any noise or you'll scare the birds away. Don't face ruito or tu espaventara le aves via. Elua patro es Japoniano. Her father is Japanese. Elua father is Japanese. Su salario annual es un cifra de sex digitos. He has a six-figure salary. His salary annually is a cipher of six digits. Le capital de Brasil es Brasilia. The capital of Brazil is Brasilia. The capital of Brazil is Brazil. Mi ne klarigis al Tomo, kiel fari tion. I didn't tell Tom how to do that. I didn't explain to Tom how to do that. John ia dona un poma a Mary. John gave Mary an apple. John ia du un poma a Mary. Tuа responde es falsa. Your answer is wrong. Your answer is false. Ме ама ла фрутас е ме коме алга де лос тота ла диас. I love fruit and I eat some every day. ← Ingredients pano da zo'u ko'a kakne lonu ce'u se bangu da He is able to speak ten languages. A pan of zo'u co'kne lon ce'u se bangu da Su voce es plu bon. Her voice is better. His voice is rather good. Li rostate comensat denov rostar. The roast began to roast again. Li rostate comensat denov rostar. Kanob getön valikosi, keli nedobs. I can get us everything we need. Kanob getön vavalcosi, keli nedobs. Ĉu vi havas celon por via vivo? Do you have a goal in life? Do you have a purpose for your life? Ĉiuj riĉiĝas, escepte de mi. Everybody's getting rich but me. Everyone gets rich, except for me. Lech interes-esas pri historio. Lech is interested in history. Lech interes-is about history. Ne fuma. Don't smoke. Don't smoke. Ŝi estas tre bela. She is very beautiful. She's very beautiful. Nunquam scriber le parolas 'borshch' e 'shchi' in germano! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Nowquam to write le speak 'borshch' and 'shchi' in German! Mi iros inspekti Tomon. I'll go check on Tom. I'll go to inspect Tom. Ella laborat in Belgia. She worked in Belgium. Ella laborat in Belgium. Tio ne havas sencon. That doesn't make any sense. This doesn't make sense. Los compra pan. They buy bread. Los compra pan. Ná! Yes! Let's go! Esque tu labora in un citate? Do you work in a town? Esque tu labora in un city? Ubi vos nata? Where do you swim? Where are you born? Me ne fumas. I don't smoke. I don't smoke. El no ama se sposo. She doesn't love her husband. El no ama se sposo. Li pensas, ke mi estas ĵaluza. He thinks I'm jealous. He thinks I'm jealous. Jinafa siniavura me tinyir voxen va inafa kalira umote grugildá. My Chinese is not perfect, but I could understand enough of what he said. Jinafa siniavura me tinyir voxen va inafa calira umote grugildá. Ella cocina nu. She's cooking now. Ella cocina nu. muD Duj SaqmoH 'orwI'. The pilot will land the plane. I don't know how to guess either. La Hipotezo di Reimann esas ne-pruvita. The Riemann Hypothesis is unproven. Reimann's Hypothesis is untested. La lastatempaj skandaloj koncernaj messervantojn kaj religiajn gvidantojn subfosis la fidon, kiun homoj havas je la eklezio. The recent scandals involving altar boys and religious leaders have undermined the faith people have in the Church. The recent scandals relevant messervants and religious leaders undermined the faith people have at the church. mi'a ca ricfu lo ka te vecnu lo cmalu po'o karce We can only afford to buy a small car at the moment. mi'a ca ricfu lo te vezu lo cmalu po'o carce Mi neniel povis memori lian nomon. For the life of me, I couldn't remember his name. I couldn't remember his name. Ne, ne faru tion. No, don't do that. No, don't do that. Tomo malamas esti hastigita. Tom hates being rushed. Tom hates to be haunted. chatlh ghun vI'ep vIneH. I want to eat warm soup. That's what you all say, let's take a look at, let's take a look at your life. Il ipsa reparis sua horlojo. He repaired his watch by himself. You've been repairing their clocks in the same way. jIjatlhpa' jatlh Hovmey. The stars will speak before I do. Exiting... Kisi tikol dö ob? What do you think about me? Kisi ticol dö ob? DuSaQDaq DIvI' Hol wIghoj. We learn English at school. We are the only intelligent beings in the city. lo karce cu bancu lo sutra selbancu The car is exceeding the speed limit. lo carce cu bancu lo sutra Cellancu Un medico que non es artista etiam non es medico. A doctor who is not an artist is no doctor either. A physician that is not an artist as well as is not a physician. mi nelci ba'e lo pavdei I love Monday! mi nelci ba'e papadei ropyaH qach vISIQlaHbe'. I can't stand hospitals. spinyaH méch fySIQ fundabe'. Mi ne estas ujguro. Mi estas ruso. I'm not Uyghur. I'm Russian. I'm not a Ujgur. Ŝi povas helpi min. She can help me. She can help me. Vetz à'ici, sch'o Voi piaça. This way, please. Vetz à'ici, sch'o Voi piaça. ti mo rokci What kind of stone is this? ti mo 2 Yo pensat que Tom esset sat bon. I thought that Tom was pretty good. Yo pensat que Tom esset sat bon. mi pu retsku losedu'u makau la tom cu se zvati I asked where Tom was. mi pu netsku losedu'u makau la tom cu se zvati Nunquam essaya morir. Never try to die. Never try to die. Io non sape si io habe le tempore. I don't know if I have the time. You did not know if something was out of time. Mi povas kompreni la germanan tiom bone kiel la maniulo kiu inventis ĝin, sed paroli ĝin mi plej bone povas per interpretisto. I can understand German as well as the maniac that invented it, but I talk it best through an interpreter. I can understand German as well as the man who invented it, but speak it I can best with an interpreter. Il friskas quale anguilo. He wriggles like an eel. It cools as an angle. QoQ wIgh ghaH. He has a genius for music. QoQ Ligh ghaH. Ме иа насе ен ла аниос тредес. I was born in the thirties. It's what it's going to be. Milito kaj Paco estas unu el la plej imponaj libroj el ĉiuj tempoj. War and Peace is one of the greatest books of all time. War and Peace are one of the most imposing books from all times. Japanujo pli malgrandas ol Kanado. Japan is smaller than Canada. Japan is smaller than Canada. Bonvolu helpeti min. Please give me a hand. Please help me. Atos no binon buk olik, binon obik. This is not your book, it's mine. Atos no binon buk olik, binon obik. bom 'e' lumev. They stopped singing. bom 'e' lulv. Io ha scribite tres litteras. I've written three letters. Io ha scribite tres characters. Io plana laborar in un bordello. I plan to work in a brothel. It plan to work in one board. tagha' QongchoHpu' tam. Tom finally fell asleep. tagha' QongchoHpu' tam. Un crocodile manjat un cane. A crocodile ate a dog. Un crocodile manjat un dog. ko'a pu ca'o gunka je tatpi She was tired, but she kept working. co'a pu ca'o gunka je tatpi Aparato subtenata de globo-pozici-sistemo povas determini vian lokon ĉie en la mondon. A GPS device can pinpoint your location anywhere in the world. A device supported by a globe pool system can determine your location everywhere in the world. mi sisku tu'a za'u pendo vi ku I'm searching for friends here. mi sisku tu'a za'u penso vi ku La fem brosi sua capeles. The woman brushes her hair. The sometimes brush her hats. Omnu springis vers ilu. Everybody rushed towards him. Everyone springed towards them. Еста кан ес ге. This dog is gay. It's all right. Oriono estas unu el la plej rekoneblaj konstelacioj. Orion is one of the most recognizable constellations. Orion is one of the most recognizable constellations. Le incontro del homine con Deo significara sempre un penetration, un entrata, del divin a in le human e un immersion spontanee del homine in le Divinitate. The meeting of man and God must always mean a penetration and entry of the divine into the human and a self-immergence of man in the Divinity. The encounter of the homine with Deo means always one penetration, one entry, del divin a in le human and un immersion spontaneously del homine in le Divinity. la terdi cu carna The earth rotates. the world cu carna Rey Hussein viagea a Cairo. King Hussein travelled to Cairo. King Hussein viagea to Cairo. Pardonon, mi ne komprenis vin. Excuse me, I didn't understand you. I didn't understand you. tumuS'a'? Do you all hate me? tumuS'a'? La xica gusta la musica. The girl likes the music. The xica tasted the musicic. Mi renkontis ŝin survoje al la lernejo. I met her on the way to school. I met her on my way to school. Vi sonas tiel infanece. You sound so childish. You sound like a child. Ella promesset que ella va devenir su marita. She promised that she would be his wife. Ella promesset que ella va devenir su marita. selsa'a It is a song. No errors Véu àl traval. I am going to work. Véu àl traval. vIje'. I bought it. You know, you know. Vu fete. Y'all stink. You fete. Ille ha attingite le grado de general. He reached the rank of general. They have looked at the general grade. Tom no binom jenöfik. Tom is not real. Tom no binom hereöfik. lo mi rirni cu na jimpe fi mi My parents don't understand me. lo mi rirni cu na jimpe fi mi Me ordinas mea labor-chambro. I am tidying my office. I'm ordering my work room. Ĉu feliĉaj aŭ malfeliĉaj, memoroj konsistigas onin. Happy or sad, memories make up who you are. Whether happy or unhappy, memories make up one. mi .ai joi ko'a cu ba citka lo dormijysai I am to have lunch with him. mi .ai joi ko'a cu ba citka lo dormjysai Ili ambi ama li sam puella. They both like the same girl. They ambi ama li sam puella. Que etate ha tu patre? How old is your father? What does it have your parent? Ĉu vi povus ŝalti la reflektoron? Could you turn on your headlights? Could you turn on the reflector? Tomo kaj mi ne estas amikoj. Ni estas nur kolegoj. Tom and I aren't friends. We're just coworkers. All right and I'm not friends. We're just colleagues. Esque tu es in London? Are you in London? Esque tu es in London? Li televidas. He is watching TV. He's watching. ca'o klama ma Where is he going? That's clearly but Tomo estas tajloro. Tom is a tailor. Tome is a till. Li pene laboris por aĉeti fremdan aŭton. He worked very hard so he could buy a foreign car. He worked pen to buy a foreign car. Tiu domo estas multe pli bona ol tiu ĉi. That house is much better than this. This house is much better than this one. wa'maH cha' ben jIboghpu'. I'm twelve years old. The conditions are that we have been on behalf of each other. Illes tosto deveniva amicos intime. They quickly became close friends. They're toast devenive amicos intimately. Eksidu ĉi tien, vi fartos pli bone. Sit here, you'll feel better. Get out here, you'll do better. Kande la mondo finos? When will the world come to an end? When will the world end? Esque tu pensa que it es possibil? Do you think it's possible? Esque tu pensa que it es possibil? Sami ekdubis sin. Sami was starting to doubt himself. Sami was wearing himself. La xico peti es regalada par sua ava. The little boy is being spoiled by his grandmother. The xico peti es regalada par su ava. Yo lava li bluse. I wash the blouse. Yo lava li bluse. Iu ajn estos pli bone ol neniu. Anybody would be better than nobody. Anyone will be better than anyone. Tiu malnova aŭto estas via, se vi volas ĝin. This old car is yours if you want it. This old car is yours if you want it. Vi bone plenumis vian taskon. You did your job well. You have done your job well. Kial ŝi mensogu pri tio? Why would she lie about that? Why should she lie about it? Tio, kion Tomo diris al mi, multe helpis min. What Tom told me helped me a lot. What Tom told me, much helped me. Per ta treno vu vehos duople rapide. With this train you'll go twice as fast. With such a train you will wake twice quickly. To es li dom in quel yo nascet. This is the house where I was born. To es li dom in quel yo nascet. La clima brasilera plase me. I like the Brazilian climate. The climate brasilera plose me. Oni diras, ke la filmo estas interesa. They say that the movie is an interesting one. It is said that the film is interesting. yIjatlhQo'! Don't talk! All right, let me get a look at that. Io non pote creder que Tom prendeva un doso troppo forte. I can't believe that Tom overdosed. It can't believe that Tom took one doso too hard. ba'a ii na mansa I'm afraid that's not acceptable. ba'a ii na mansa Japan ia envia atletas a la Olimpiales de pos 1912. Japan has been sending athletes to the Olympics since 1912. Japan somewhere attracted to the Olympics since 1912. jI'empu'. I threw up. Exiting... Io ha invitate mi amicas. I've invited my friends. Io ha invitee mi amicas. Ka vu ne volas teo? Won't you have some tea? Do you not want tea? No comeda resta. There isn't any food left. No begin to stay. Vu esas bona koquero, ka ne? You are a good cook, aren't you? You're a good coquer, isn't you? Nia patrino foriris butikumi. Mother has gone shopping. Our mother went away buttikums. .uo.oinai Thank God it's over. .u.oinai Ambos omes ia es matada. Both men were killed. Ambos omes i'm mated. Ne tiom rapide, juna amiko. Hold your horses, young man. Not so fast, a young friend. Me ne volis to eventar. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want everything to happen. SID SoH chaq 'e' luQub. Perhaps they thought you were a patient. SID SoH Maybe 'e' luQub. Mi sentas min tiel senpotenca. I feel so helpless. I feel so powerless. El es multe encantante. He's very charming. El is much enchanting. Io vos ha jam dicite lo que io pensa. I've already told you what I think. Io vos ha jam say lo que io pensa. Mi venis ĉi tien por vin vidi. I came here to see you. I came here to see you. Kiu donis al vi tiun ĉemizon? Who gave you that shirt? Who gave you that shirt? mi ba celgunta ra I will shoot him. mi ba celgunt ra Damerqu'be'lu'law'. You don't seem too surprised. Damerqu'be'lu'law. Mi banas min ĉiun tagon. I bathe daily. I'm bathing me every day. Proque pensa tu que Tom prefere le vita rural? Why do you think Tom prefers living in the country? Proque pensa tu que Tom preferably le vita rural? Tu es trist. You're sad. Tu es trist. Tom es li mortator. Tom is the killer. Tom es li mortator. Le jardin esseva plen de belle flores jalne. The garden was full of beautiful yellow flowers. The garden was full of quite flowering jalene. Ла аутор ес брасилера. The author is Brazilian. It's what it's like. Li devenas de Hangzhou. He comes from Hangzhou. He comes from Hangzhou. Ni ĵus parolis pri tio. We were just talking about that. We just talked about it. Ni foriris kvar tagojn poste. We left four days later. We left four days later. Ô-g es yn seir problem. That's a serious problem. ¥-g is yn seir problem. SutwIj vIchoHta'. I have already changed my clothes. That's my life. Aldonu kelkajn pliajn nomojn en la liston. Add a few more names to the list. Add some more names in the list. Yo ne save quande il va arivar. I don't know when he will arrive. Yo ne sande quande il va arivar. Gustumu tiun vinon por ekscii, ĉu vi ŝatas ĝin. Taste this wine to see if you like it. Taste this wine to figure out if you like it. mIyama'e' che'taH QI' HI'tuy. Myanmar is ruled by a military dictatorship. mIyama'e that would suppress QI'HI'tuy. vi'o No prob. Euler’s Number nuqjatlh? What did you say? Let's go, let's move! chaHvaD yIja'! Please tell them. That's really yIja! Yo comprat le un horloge. I bought him a clock. Yo comprat le un horge. Ni mustis ajustar omno. We had to adjust everything. We must adjust everything. Vos debe examinar a fundo le contracto ante de signar lo. You must look over the contract before you sign it. You must examine at bottom le contract before signing it. co'a dei'a ru'e desku The shaking began to slowly get less. Co'a dei'a ru'e desku Yo porta un libre in mi manu. I have a book in my hand. Yo porta un libre in mi manu. Io poteva a pena creder a mi oculos. I could hardly believe my eyes. It was possible for a pen to believe in my eyes. A proposito, es vos libere iste vespere? By the way, are you free this afternoon? About, is you free this evening? Istos cisorios seca ben. These scissors cut well. This will ciosori seca ben. ko retsku zo'e mi Ask me anything! I'm going to take a network, and I'll start it. .i roroiku lo prenu cu se ckape da We are always exposed to some kind of danger. .i roroiku it take cu se ccape da lotlhwI'pu' wIjey. We'll suppress the rebellion. I think we used to think that if you were in different ways. mi na simsa do I'm not like you. mi na simsa do Ne signizez. Don't sign up. Don't mean. Mi devas foriri. Iu atendas min. I have to go. There's someone waiting for me. I have to leave. Someone waits for me. Kiam okazos la koncerto? When will the concert be held? When will the concert happen? Tomas no binom tidel gudik. Tom isn't a good teacher. Tomas no binom tidel gudik. Mi volas kuraciston, kiu scipovas paroli la francan. I want a doctor who can speak French. I want a doctor who can speak French. pu na xajmi selsku It wasn't a joke. pu xajmi s commanda Vi simple ne serĉis sufiĉe intense. You just didn't look hard enough. You simply haven't searched enough intensely. Ys pod gwenir eidd. He can come today. Ys pod gwenir eidd. Mi bezonos kovrilon el lano, ĉar estas malvarme dumnokte. I shall need a wool blanket because it is cold at night. I'll need a cover from wool because it's cold overnight. Face attention a non glissar te super le briccas molliate. Mind you don't slip on the wet tiles. Face attention to not sliding you over le briccas molliate. Báa shane rul? Is the cat furry? Báa shane roll? bu'u ma mi viska da'i do Where could I see you? bu'u ma mi vska da'i do Acel caxa es pesosa. That box is heavy. Acel caxa is weightless. Qel jIH 'e' vIghet neH. Qelna' jIHbe'. I just pretend to be a doctor. I'm not a real doctor. Qelpeti 'e' venisiet neH. Qelna'Terbe'. Te vilob nolön. I just want to know. Te vilob nolön. Esque tu videt mi sestra? Did you see my sister? Esque tu videt mi sestra? Ĉu vi timas hororfilmojn? Are you afraid of horror movies? Are you afraid of watches? Ĉu vi volus viziti la teatron ĉi-vespere? Would you like to go to the theater this evening? Would you want to visit the theater tonight? An tu schola ha un laboratorio linguistic? Does your school have a language lab? An tu schoola ha un lab linguistic? Ĉu vi iam batalis kontraŭ ogro? Have you ever fought with an ogre? Have you ever fought a sheep? muSaH pagh. Nobody cares for me. muSaH This way. Tu debe cessar de fumar. You must give up smoking. You must cease from smoking. Ni partoprenos la maratonon. We will take part in the marathon. We'll take part in the marathon. chay' chomevmoH? How will you stop me? The first time you know, if you think it's okay. Unquam il habeva un catto cuje nomine era Tango. Once upon a time, there was a cat whose name was Tango. Unquam il harbava un karitore nom Tango. Mutobs vobön vobiäliko. We must work hard. Mutobs vobön vobiälic. Mea fratino esas dek centimetri plu alta kam me. My sister is 10 centimetres taller than I am. My sister is ten centimeters taller than me. mi klama lo briju I go to work. I'm called it briju mi ka'enai nupre lonu do nelci lo cukta .i ku'i mi jinvi lodu'u .ei catlu do'anai cy. I can't promise that you'll like these books but I think it would be a good idea to at least look them over. mi'enai nupre lonu do nelkil lokulta .i ku'i mi jinvi lodu'u .ei catlu do'anai cy. Ĉi tiu arbo staradis dum kvin jardekoj. This tree has been standing for five decades. This tree stood for five decades. Yo es fidel a mi marita. I'm faithful to my wife. Yo es fidel a mi marita. Li rompis sian brakon kaj oni divis splinti ĝin. He broke his arm and they had to put splints on it. He broke his arm and was told to splint it. Lo es plu bon ce nos mori stante, ca nos vive ajenante. Better to die on our feet, than to live on our knees. It is more good this we die standing, this nos vive ajenante. Rusia es grande. Russia is big. Russia is great. Le major parte del juvene adultos ama sortir in le nocte. Most young adults enjoy going out at night. The most part of the youth adults will love to sort in the night. Ŝi varmigis sin apud la fajro. She warmed herself by the fire. She warms herself near the fire. Mea kolego havas kolego. My colleague has a big neck. My colleague has a colleague. Еске ту ва дескарга ла албум нова де ел? Are you going to download his new album? ← do barda prenu You are a large person. then barda take vIpon 'e' vInIDbe'. I won't try to persuade her. 'e' knowledge IDbe'. Ille non parla legiermente de cosas seriose. He doesn't speak frivolously of serious things. They don't talk to your seriousness. Nosháad weman wa. Winter is coming. Nosháad weman wa. Esque it hay inundationes in Germania? Are there floods in Germany? Esque it hay floods in Germany? wej ben Heghpu'. It is three years since he died. We bless Heghpu'. Io voleva dicer alique a ille, ma non lo ha dicite. I wanted to say something to him, but I didn't. Io voleva dicer alique a ille, ma ne lo ha sayte. tu ve pleji fo lo za'u ra That's what they paid for. tu ve plu fo lo za'u ra Su opinion non conta. His opinion doesn't count. His opinion is not known. mi pu to'o renro loi cutci pe mi I threw away my shoes. I don't think I'm all right. El no es su sore ma su madre. She's not his sister, but his mother. El no es su sore ma su madre. Esta no es pur un coaveni. This is no mere coincidence. Esta no es pur un coaveni. Ĉu la supo bongustas? Does the soup taste good? Is the soup delicious? Kisi Tom sagom? What's Tom saying? Kisi Tom sagom? Un hom qui ne pensa por se self totmen ne pensa. A man who does not think for himself does not think at all. One man who doesn't think for herself totmen doesn't think. le cukta cu jai frili That book is easy. sugar and Easy La homoj estas tro mallaboremaj por serĉi mem en la vortaro. People are too lazy to look it up themselves in a dictionary. People are too hard to look for themselves in the dictionary. Me nada cuasi dial. I swim almost every day. I nada cuasi dial. gau lo nanla lo ny. rirni cu gleki The boy made his parents happy. gau lo nanla lo ny. rirni cu gleki lojmIt'a' ngeQ nIn lupwI' 'ej jor. The gasoline truck ran into the gate and blew up. OjmIt'a ngeQ to pursue a wolf either way. El ia sani pico e pico. He recovered little by little. Of some health pizza and pizza. Tom no gusta ce Maria scrive frases sur erminos, car el teme ce Maria ta deveni enamada par los, e no ta vole plu ama el. Tom doesn't like it when Mary writes sentences about stoats, since he is afraid that she would fall in love with them and wouldn't any longer want him around. Tom no gustata ce Maria scrive frases on erminos, car el teme ce Maria ta deveni enamada par los, e no ta vole plu ama el. Simioj amas bananojn. Monkeys love bananas. Monkeys love bananas. Obinobs domo adelo. We'll be at home today. Obinobs house allele. Me ne povas trovar mea binoklo. I can't find my glasses. I can't find my binoculars. Mi neniel scias, kiel fari tion. I have no idea how to do that. I don't know how to do that. Sor bIngDaq ba'taH. She was sitting under a tree. So that's why we're wrong. Pro quo tu ride? Why are you laughing? Why are you laughing? Ni volus resti ĉi tie ankoraŭ unu tagon, kion do vi pensas pri tio? We would like to stay here one more day, do you think it's OK? We would want to stay here one day ago, what do you think about it? Sagolöd obe, kisi vilol, dat lemob ole? Tell me what you want me to buy for you. Sagolöd obedience, kissing vilol, dat lemobe ole? Нос ваде а скола ен бус. We go to school by bus. It's what it's going to be like. Hoch jaj wa'maH mu'mey chu' vIghoj. I learn ten new words every day. That's what you all come from? Mi ne malamas la propran memon. I don't hate myself. I don't hate your own memo. Flor binon redik. The flower is red. Flor binon redik. Nostre conversation esseva interrumpite per su sternutationes. Our conversation was interrupted by his sneezes. Our conversation was interrupted by its sternums. Layla trovat un cadavre in su detra-corte. Layla found a dead body in her backyard. Layla trovat un cadavre in su detra-corte. Nun ĝi estas en ordo: nek tro peza, nek tro malpeza. It's good now; neither too heavy nor too light. Now it is in order: neither too heavy, nor too cheap. Ĉu vi vendos ĝin? Will you sell it? Will you sell it? le fetsi ca kansa la piter She is with Peter. le festsi ca kansa la piter ma te zgana lo se srera How is the error observed? but te zgana lo se srera la peitcin. raltca lo jugygu'e Beijing is the capital of China. the pe in text. riltca lo justras'e Se vi ne volas legi, do ne legu. If you don't want to read, then don't read. If you don't want to read, so don't read. Le bottilia es plen de aqua. The bottle is filled with water. Le bottilia es full of water. La libro estas ĉi tie. The book is here. The book is here. Omne veritate passa per tres stadios. Primo, illo es ponite in ridiculo. Secundo, illo suffre forte resistentia. Tertio, illo es acceptate como alique evidente. All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. Every truth passed through three stages. Primo, it is ponite in ridiculous. According to, it suffre strongly resistant. Tertio, it is accepted as alique obvious. Li kutime trarigardas la gazetojn antaŭ la matenmanĝo. He usually looks through the newspapers before breakfast. He usually looks through the newspapers before breakfast. Mentiona cata membro con su nomine, si il vos place. Mention each member by name, please. Mention every member with his name, if you place. Doq waqmeywIj 'ej wovbe'. My shoes are brown. Doq is a dimension of concern 'ey wovbe'. Esque li castelle es hodie apert? Is the castle open today? Esque li castelle es today open? 'IH 'e' mIy. She boasts of her beauty. 'IH 'e' mIy. Li buxe esset tro pesant. The box was too heavy. Li buxe esset tro pesant. Ŝi ne emis tagmanĝi. She didn't feel like eating lunch. She didn't marry lunch. Noi omnes labora. We all work. We're all working. mi ka'enai lacri lo nu la .tom. cu sidju I can't be sure Tom will help. mi ka'enai lakri lo nu la .tom. cu siHelp Ille ha cadite in le fluvio. He fell into the river. They have chained in le fluvio. El ia dise ce el no vole es presidente. He said he did not want to be president. Of any of these days ce el no vole es presidente. qatlh? Why? Let's go. la tom pu pendo tarti Tom was friendly. the tom pu pendo tarti Per favor, dice a Tom que ille debe facer lo tosto. Please tell Tom he should do that soon. Please say to Tom that they must do it toast. Binob tidel gudik. I'm a good teacher. Binob tidel gudik. puH Duj chIjlaHmeH ghojta' ghaH. She managed to learn to drive a car. puH Duj chIj livemeH concerta' ghaH. la .tam. se fesli'a xu Was Tom left behind? la .tam. se fesli'a xu Ti-ci silkin veste, verd quam li mare, amemora que noi ha passat tri dies sub li ocean. This silken vest here, green like the sea, reminds us that we spent three days under the ocean. Ti-ci silkin clothes, verd quam li sea, amorme que noi ha passat three days under li ocean. Plekob in cem obik. I am praying in my room. Plecob in cem obik. Participation es obligatori. Participation is mandatory. Participation is mandatory. ghobe', vIneHbe'. No, I don't want to. ghobe', ore'. Mi pretervidas vian malfruiĝon ĉifoje. I will overlook your lateness this time. I'm going to see your infringement this time. Mi estas certa, ke ili nun laboras por la solvado de la problemo. I'm sure they're working on solving the problem. I'm sure they're now working for solving the problem. Ĉu ni devas decidi hodiaŭ? Do we have to decide today? Should we decide today? Tom ne have suficient moné. Tom doesn't have enough money. Tom did not have enough money. quSwIj yIlItHa'! Get out of my seat. That's my concern! tlhIch vIpurchugh qachurmoH'a'? Would you mind if I smoke? That's what you all say, if you really say, Mi ŝatas ŝian foton. I like her picture. I like her photo. Li devas esti frenezulo por fari tion. He must be a fool to do so. He must be crazy to do that. Li flue skribas angle. He writes English with ease. He fluently writes English. Ido es li max bell e simplic lingue. Ido is the most beautiful and simple language. Ido es li max bell e simplification linggue. tlhIch purmeH jan 'oHbe' Dochvam'e'. This thing is not a smoking device. To take advantage of the universe. We are the only intelligent beings in the galaxy. Ĉu ili ne estas angloj? Are they not Englishmen? Are they not English? Ella ne manja carne. She doesn't eat meat. Ella ne manja carne. Tom e Mary ne vole infantes. Tom and Mary don't want children. Tom and Mary don't want children. Ille me faceva cantar. He made me sing. They face me to sing. jISaQtaHbe'. I'm not crying. Exiting... mi djica lo nu cpare lo vi cmana I want to climb this mountain. mi djica lo nu cpar lo vi Mounta Ĉiuj ĉi filmoj enuigas. All these movies are boring. All of these films are boring. DaH bIDoy''a'? Are you tired right now? I now turn to bIDoy'? lo'laHghachDaj yIper! What's it worth? C-2, we think we're a children's idea that we're all right now. mi ckape I'm dangerous. mi ckape jIjeghQo'; jIHegh 'e' vImaS. I would rather die than surrender. projecteighQo'; play 'and escape'. Mi telefonigos ŝin, kiam ŝi revenos. I'll have her call you when she gets back. I'll call her when she returns. Neodobs vati. We need water. Neodobs vati. lo patfu be mi mi pendo mu'i lo du'u py. dunda so'i selkei mi My father is my friend because he gives me a lot of toys. lo patfu be mi pensdo mu'i lo du'u py. dunda so'i puzzle mi Io non vive longe del schola. I don't live far from the school. Io ne vive long del scola. Me placerea parlar a te si non te incommoda. I would like to talk to you if you wouldn't mind. I placere parlar to you if not you incommodate. Ille face su examine final. He is taking his final exam. They face their exams final. Ne estas kialo por sennecese maltrankviliĝi pri la epidemio. There is no reason to be unnecessarily worried about the outbreak. There is no reason for regardless of worrying about the epidemic. Roles sever e nonviolable de jenero ia es fundal de governas autoritariste en tota partes de istoria. Strict and inviolable gender roles have been fundamental to authoritarian regimes throughout history. Roles sever and nonviolable from this time it is a founder of government authoritarianly in all parts of ceraria. Proque non functiona? Why isn't it working? Why not function? En sua prisonia, el ia promete a la piratas ce el va mata los a fini. La piratas ia pensa que esta es un broma. Pos cuando el ia es rescatida, Sesar ia xasa e catura la piratas e ia comanda la crusi de los. During his captivity he made a promise to the pirates that he would eventually kill them. The pirates thought that this was only a joke. After he was ransomed, Caesar pursued and captured the pirates and ordered their crucifixion. In her prisonia, el ia promete a la pirated ce el va mata los a fini. The pirated ia pensa que esta es un broma. Pos cundo el ia es rescatida, Sesar ia e catura la pirates e ia comanda la cris de los. Il laborat in Belgia. He worked in Belgium. Il laborat in Belgium. qalIjbe'. I won't forget you. Thank you very much. Li estas rajtigita ricevi la terenon; ĝi apartenis al lia patro. He is entitled to get the land; it was his father's. He is authorized to receive the land; it belonged to his father. Mi aĉetis ĉiujn tiujn televidilojn. I bought all of these televisions. I bought all these televisions. Dano estas la divorcinto de Linjo. Dan is Linda's ex. Dan is the divorcer of Linjo. Ĉiu el ili estis premiita. Each of them was given a prize. Each of them was awarded. Il debe facer plus frigido e nivar plus tarde hodie. It's supposed to get colder and snow later today. You need to make more cooling and nothing later today. Qaw' neH. He wanted to destroy it. Qaw's notH. mi troci lo du'u crebi'o lo ka pilno lo katnymruli I'm trying to become an expert in using axes. Please try again and try again. Bon jorne, doktoro Mortimer. Good day, Doctor Mortimer. Bon jorne, doctor Mortimer. Feliĉe mi povas interparoli kun vi. Fortunately, I've got you to talk to. Fortunately I can talk to you. It es un complicat afere. It's a complicated matter. It is a complimentcat afere. Ella es ci. She is here. Ella es ci. lo ko'a mensi cu binxo lo mikce His sister became a doctor. That's the binding of the universe. I think it's a binxo, which is a little bit like this, but it's a bit like this. nab wIlaj. We agreed to the plan. nab used to be used. Illes ha sucro. They have sugar. They've got a sucker. La poesistes ia es misteriosa silente a tema de ceso. Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese. The poetrytes ia es mysterious silently a theme of cessation. Io pote parlar espaniol. I can speak Spanish. It can talk Spanish. Estas io grava, kion mi diru al li. There's something important I need to tell him. It's something important I tell him. Mi ne intencas iel vundi vin. It is not my intent to hurt you in any way. I don't intend to hurt you somehow. Tio ne estas malbona ideo. That's not a bad thought. That's not a bad idea. Estas diversaj ritmoj en lingvoj. There are different rhythms in languages. There are different rhythms in languages. Tio ne povas esti, kio ĝi ŝajnas. This can't be what it looks like. This cannot be what it seems. Ella ancor amat le. She still loved him. Ella anr amat le. muQaHbe'chugh jIQaplaHbe'. I owe my success to her assistance. The conditions are that you may continue to live in. Esta es lo cual faxistes crede vera. This is what fascists actually believe. Esta es lo cual faxites crede vere. El ia prende alga cosa de en la saco. She took something out of the bag. It takes something from in the arrow. la tom cu je'u na nelci do Tom really doesn't like you. the tom cu je'u naci do Nos ha besonio de colonisar Marte. We need to colonize Mars. We have need to have settlers Tuesday. Bíi eril delishe Thom wa. Tom wept. Bíi eril delishe Thom wa. Ме паиа пар еста карта де дебито. I am paying with this debit card. ← Ingredients Il subite atakesis da morbo misterioza. He was suddenly attacked by a mysterious disease. Il suddenly attacked by morbo mysterious. Hochlogh tumer. You never cease to surprise me. Hochlogh tumer. Ys es rhen di fryd. He's not ugly. Its is rheen of fryd. chal Hotlaw' qach'a'. The huge building seemed to touch the sky. call Hotlaw's Ilch'a. Plidof-li rojatis? Does she like oranges? Plidof li ratis? Mi demandas min, ĉu Tomo mensogis al ni pri tio. I wonder if Tom lied to us about that. I ask me if Tom was lying to us about it. Nos non es le policia. We're not the police. We're not the police. tuqjIjQa'nganpu' chaHbe''a'? Are they not Englishmen? tujyQa'ganpu'chaHbe'a? SuHoplaw'. You seem distant. SuHoplaw'. Io pote esser insociabile, ma isto non vole dicer que io non parla con le personas. I may be antisocial, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people. It can be insocial, but this doesn't want to say that something doesn't talk to the people. Ne faru demandojn, kies respondojn vi ne volas scii. Don't ask questions that you don't want to know the answer to. Don't ask questions whose answers you don't want to know. qatlh ponglIj DaSov? How do you know her name? Let's go, let's go! ju'o le za'u nu catra cu ckini zu'ai da There must be a connection between these murders. Numeric Base Vivante en la bruo kaj puŝiĝo de urbego oni foje deziras iri al la kamparo. Living in the noise and bustle of a large city, we sometimes feel like going into the country. Living in the noise and pushing of towning you sometimes want to go to the countryside. qanqu'. He was very old. Thank you very much. Reinos in Svedän. It rains in Sweden. Reinos in Svedän. Ŝlosu la pordon antaŭ ol eliri. See that the door is locked before you leave. Lock the door before going out. Pedaoptons. They were adopted. Pedaoptons. Es illa felice? Is she happy? Is it happy? Il es un cosa que le feminas jam sape. It's a thing women already know. Il es un cosa que le feminas jam sape. Tom have un nov auto. Tom has a new car. Tom has a new car. Donald Trump se futue de judeos. Donald Trump couldn't possibly care less about Jewish people. Donald Trump se futue de judeos. Kial via kato estas tiel granda? Why is your cat so big? Why is your cat so big? 'unvetlh natlh DaSay'moHpu' je 'e' vIlegh. I saw that you cleaned that nasty pot too! Thank you for listening. Esas danjeroza natar hike. It is dangerous to swim here. It's dangerous to swim here. xu ti ka'e se citka Are these edible? xu ti ka'e se citka Grasias per la averti. Thank you for the warning. Grasias by the warnings. Куандо ту колери, конта аста дес. When angry, count to ten. ← Ingredients Vaduz es li cité capital de Liechtenstein. Vaduz is the capital of Liechtenstein. Vadduz es li cité capital de Liechtenstein. Nion es un pais strana. Japan is a strange country. Nion is a pais odd. Japanese bonbones es min calorific quam westal bonbones. Japanese sweets are lower in calories than Western sweets. Japanese bonbones is less calorific quam western bonbones. Ella explicat it. She explained it. Ella expliccat it. Ne esas ondi sen vento. There are no waves without wind. There are no waves without wind. La plando de la piedoj estas nesensiva al la varmo kaj al la malvarmo. Soles of the feet are insensitive to heat and cold. The floor of the legs is insensitive to the heat and to the heat. Bob vidis il itere. Bob saw him again. Bob saw it out there. la djein na kakne lo ka limna Jane is not able to swim. the djein na kakne lo ka limna Mi ankoraŭ ne estas konvinkita. I'm not convinced yet. I'm not convinced yet. la .alis. cu na’e cadzu klama le zarci Alice didn't walk to the market. la .alis. cu na'e cadzu klama le zarci ko no roi catlu lo trixe Never look back. ko no roi catlu lo trixe Mi volas fari ion por Tomo. I want to do something for Tom. I want to do something for Tom. Via donaco vere ĝojigis min. I really liked the gift you gave me. Your gift really enjoyed me. mi ba klama fu lo taksi I'll go by taxi. mi ba clama fu lo cab la'edo'i nandu pagbu This is the hard part. Difficult Mi estas veterinaro. I'm a vet. I'm a veterinarian. ju'o cu'i la lojban cu racli bangu i ku'i ju'o sai lo jbopre ta'e na racli prenu I'm not certain if Lojban is a rational language, but I am very sure that Lojbanists are habitually not rational people. ju'i cu'i la lojban cu racli bangu i ku'i ju'o sai lo jbopre ta'e na racli take ko sidju mi Help me! _Help la .kolumbos. pu krici lo du'u la terdi cu bolci Columbus believed that the earth was round. The .kolumbos. You are the two of the world. Illes repeva verso foras del caverna. They crawled out of the cave. They once again pour out of the cave. Illa pote venir hodie. She can come today. Children can come today. Mi ne povas atendi ĝis la somero. I can't wait till summer. I can't wait until the summer. QongDaqDajDaq Hegh. She died in her bed. Qong is the only High. La klasĉambro estis senbrua. The classroom was quiet. The classroom was poor. Esque tu ama me? Esque tu vermen ama me? Do you love me? Do you really love me? Esque tu ama me? Esque tu vermen ama me? La funkcioj de lia cerbo estis tre aktivaj. The functions of his brain were very active. The functions of his brain were very active. Vi diris al Tomo, ke li ne venu, ĉu ne? You told Tom not to come, didn't you? You told Tom not to come, didn't he? xu se tasta lo zabna Does it taste good? xu se tasta lo zabna Ni devas testi tion. We need to test it. We need to test this. le vi relxilma'e mi se srana This bicycle is mine. You have relxilma my Personal No nolob velati. I don't know the truth. No nolob velati. Ŝanĝu vian flagon, mi petas. Please change the flag. Change your flag, please. DochwIj 'oH, DochDaj 'oHbe'. It's mine, not his. That's my concern! Do I really think it's true. Ka vu povas komprenar Tom? Can you understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? Li ne aŭskultas. He doesn't listen. He doesn't listen. Nek ägesagom säke obik. Nobody answered my question. Neither ägigagom säke obik. Il me avergonia que io lo ha facite. I'm ashamed that I did it. Il me avergonia que io lo ha fare. Metu la libron sur la malsupran breton. Put the book on the bottom shelf. Place the book on the bottom bar. Mary videt un mus. Mary saw a mouse. Mary videt un mus. Caoimhe ha un grande can. Caoimhe has a big dog. Caoimhe ha un grande can. jIHvaD mon be'Hom. The girl smiled at me. Just take money away fromHom. Еске ту поте абри ла фенетра? Can you open the window? ← Esque Paris es tre distant? Is Paris far away? Esque Paris es tre discant? je'unai .uu doi tom I'm playing the world's smallest violin, Tom. je'unai .u doi tom Li-binol matel? Are you married? Li binol matel? Nulo esas plu paralizanta kam la pavoro pro chanji. Nothing is more paralyzing than the fear of changes. Nothing is more paralysing like the pavor due to changes. to'e zdile This is boring. to'and amusements lo'e ractu cu se kerlo lo clani Rabbits have long ears. Education, I think I think it's going to tell you something La decido ne esas facila. The decision is not easy. The decision is not easy. Manjo purigis sian ĉambron. Mary cleaned her room. Manjo cleaned his room. Ili estas tre enamiĝintaj. They're very much in love. They're very in love. loi prenu na terve'u lo ladru bu'u lo vi zarci People don't buy milk at this market. lo take na terve'u lo ladru bu'u lo vi zarci ze'e mutce mipri She was always very secretive. Very mute misprisingly La entrepreno ekde la komenco estis fiasko. The undertaking was a failure from the beginning. The company since the beginning was a failure. Lindjo faris malverajn postulojn de gravedo, por devigi ke Dano edziĝos kun ŝi. Linda made false claims of pregnancy to force Dan to marry her. Lindjo made false demands of pregnancy in order to force Dano to marry her. ro .alminiu ku jinme Aluminium is a metal. ro .alminiu ku jinme Intra un hora mi filio venira del schola. In an hour my son will come home from school. Inside an hour my daughter came from the school. lupwI' mIrDaq jIpawmeH ra'wI' lupwI' vIlIghta'. I took a taxi so as to catch the train. Although I think we are in the past. But if we don't know how to understand chess, you know how to understand your life. Me esis tre shokita audar ilua filiino uzanta tala parolacho. I was very much shocked to hear his daughter using such bad language. I was very shocked to hear these daughters using such speech. To esas komunismo. This is communism. To be commonism. 3 je la tria potenco estas 27. 3 cubed is 27. 3 at the third power is 27. e'o ko curmi lo nu mi klama Please allow me to go. e'o konumri lo mi clama tIr ngogh nIm tlhagh je Sop. He ate bread with butter. tIr Passwordh has gone to you at Sop. Il curret ex su chambre e serchat su genitores. He ran out of his room and looked for his parents. You are running ex su chambre e searchat su genizers. mi cliva I'm going to go. Quit No la un e no la otra es bela. Neither is beautiful. No the one and no the opposite is beautiful. Siputé. I am thirsty. Siputé. .u'e ze prenu cu zvati Wow, there are seven people here! .u'e zez cu zvati Le camerera va apportar vos saponetta. The chambermaid will bring you some soap. Le roomera va apport vos saponetta. Ägivob buki pule. I gave the boy a book. Ägivob buki plee. Mi ne intencis diri tion. I didn't intend to say that. I didn't mean it. Io ha tres filios. I have three sons. Io ha tres filios. Soplu'taHvIS laDbe'nISlu'. You must not read while eating. It's too much longer than the ten billion years ago. Ille me lo ha date spontaneemente. He gave it to me willingly. They have me given spontaneously. xu lo'e se gugde poi do cmima cu citka lo rismi Do the people of your country eat rice? xu lo'e se gugde poi do cmima cu citka lo rismi Аора нос фа тота енлиниа. We do everything online now. It's what it's like. Donald Trump es un mentor patolojial. Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Donald Trump is a mentoring pathology. Ĉu vi memoras pri tio? Do you remember this? Do you remember that? Ille assumeva un aere de grande importantia. He assumed an air of great importance. They assume one aerial of great importance. Me amas tua kato. I love your cat. I love your cat. ro mi'ai prami ro do We love you all. ro mi'ai Love ro do cha'maH puq ghaj ghaH. He has twenty children. cha'maH puq ghaj ghaH. Me konkordis kun vu. I agree with you. I agree with you. Dlinolöd bili. Have a beer. Dlinolöd bili. Io te ama tamben. I love you, too. Io te ama tamben. Ella refusat su oferta. She refused his offer. Ella refused his offer. Neniu volus aflikti nin. No one would want to hurt us. No one would want to hurt us. Deffen ti! Defend yourself! Deffen ti! Mi sport preferet es football. My favorite sport is soccer. I sport preferably is afootball. Tom ne ridet. Tom didn't laugh. Tom's not smile. Ŝi ne bone tradukas. She doesn't translate well. She doesn't translate well. Tom finalmen changeat su nómine. Tom finally changed his name. Tom finalmen changed his name. la .tam. cu viska la .meris. Tom looked at Mary. l.tam. cu vska la .meris. Hoch ghInjaj parmaqqayDaj ghom. He meets his girlfriend on Saturdays. That's what an authoritarian parmaqayDaj ghom. El conose el. She knows them. El conose el. Sunt-ys ffelig? Are they happy? Sunt-ys ffeleg? No person es interesada. Nobody's interested. No person is interested. Unufoje en semajno ŝi iris al la vendejo. She went to the market once a week. Once a week she went to the store. Ille jectava reguardos plen de amor a mi filia. He was making sheep's eyes at my daughter. They will swear full of love to my daughter. la tom pu cinmo lo ka xamgu Tom felt good. the tom pu cinmo lo ka xamgu .a'u nai ta panci simsa lo kalci Yuck, that smells like shit! .a'u nai ta panci simsa lo calci Quo es to? What is this? What is everything? Mi iris al la sinagogo ĉi-matene. I went to shul this morning. I went to the synagogue this morning. No, äbinob domo! No, I was at home! No, äbinob house! mi na djuno lo du'u fe ma kau ei spusku I don't know what to answer. mi nadjuvant lo du'u fe ma kau ei spusku La nombro de gastoj estas dudek. The number of guests is 20. The number of guests is twenty. Sua fia la plu vea es sposida. Her elder daughter is married. Her fia la plu vea es sposida. Daŭrus eterne ĉion klarigi. It would take forever for me to explain everything. It would always explain everything forever. ta pu klama la .paris. She left for Paris. ta pu klama la .paris. El Tom ni smokom, ni dlinom. Tom doesn't smoke or drink. From Tom we smocom, we dlinom. Io es secur de haber la vidite duo annos retro. I am sure I saw her two years ago. It is safe to have the sight two years back. Ni pensas ke li arivus nexta semane. We think it possible that they may arrive next week. We think he would arrive unrightly at hand. La segisto portis lignon al la barelmetiejo, sed la barelisto ankoraŭ atendas la forĝiston, kiu faros la barelringojn. Kontraste la kandelfaristo havas ĉion bezonatan. The sawyer brought some timber over to the cooper's shop, but the cooper is still waiting on the hooper. The chandler is doing fine, though. The segist carried wood to the barset, but the bar list still waits for the forger that will make the barrings. In contrast to the candle maker has everything needed. Mi tre ŝatas muzikon. I like music very much. I like music very much. Mi volas justecon. I want justice. I want justice. mi ne tai do pu na'o ckape litru i ba bo lo tuple cidni be mi cu se xrani pa cecla grana I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee. I don't tai do pu na'o ccape litu i ba bo lo tuple cidni be mi cu se xrani pa cecla grana Tom es sensibile. Tom is sensitive. Tom is sensitive. Le pimentos le plus commun es verde, rubie o jalne. The most common bell peppers are green, red or yellow. Le pimentos le plus commun es verde, rubie or jalne. mIl'oD 'oHbe'. mIl'oD lom 'oH. This thing is not a bear. It is the corpse of a bear. mIl'oD 'shua true'. mIl'oD as a true one. Kial tio estas tia, Yusufo? Why is this so, Yusufu? Why is this like that, Yusuffo? ro ra bakni cu plana Their cattle are all fat. ro ra bacon cu plain Tote le mundo vole esser felice. Everybody desires happiness. Everyone wants to be happy. Lo no ia es tan mal. It wasn't all that bad. Lo noi es tan mal. .e'o ko co'a dasni lo cutci Please put on your shoes. .e. co'a dasni lo cutci Tom ia velia Maria. Tom woke Mary up. Tom's kind of old Mary. Vos es triste. You're sad. Vos es sad. juH qachmaj Hur yotlhDaq la'SIv wItu'pu'. We found a turtle in the garden. The questions I would like to think that the universe was created in the galaxy. wa'Hu' HaSta jIH vIleghmeH poH vIHutlh. I didn't have time to watch TV yesterday. That's what you all say, How long do you want to understand the past? Ille non succedeva a explicar lo que ille voleva. He didn't succeed in explaining what he wanted. They're not susceptible to explaining what they want. Ŝi ne saveblas. She cannot be saved. She can't save. Ni strikas pro tio, ke la kompanio ne plialtigis nian salajron. We're on strike because the company hasn't improved our wages. We strike because the company didn't increase our salary. Preskaŭ estas la tria. It is almost three. It's almost the third. «Du'oy'moH'a' DublIj?» «ghobe'. mu'oy'qu'moHbe'.» «toH, vaj qabchu'be' ghu'lIj qaq'a'?» "Does your back hurt?" "No, not really." "Oh, that's something then, isn't it?" Thank you very much indeed. Sa es rhen di fryd. She's not ugly. Sa es rien di fryd. La sol es jala. The sun is yellow. The sun is jala. Ме ва реста аси аста куандо ел арива. I'll stay here until he arrives. ← Ingredients Recipes Heghpu' ghaH 'e' wIghojDI' mayay'. We were shocked at the news of his death. Heyghpu's ghaH 'and' LinghojDI' mayay'. Tomo faris multajn aferojn ĝuste. Tom did a lot of things right. Tom did a lot of things right. ro ve ckule poi te ctufau cu zvati Every pupil in the class is present. ro ve ccule poi te ctufau cu zvati la islant cu stuzi so'i lo vulkano Iceland has many volcanoes. the islant cu staszi so'i lo volcano Ĉu vi estas ĝemeloj? Are you twins? Are you twins? Jen, kio strangas. That's what's weird. That's what's strange. Un absurdo es un enunciation o un credentia manifestemente contrari a nostre proprie opinion. An absurdity is a statement or belief manifestly inconsistent with one's own opinion. One absurdity is an ennunciation or a believer manifestly contrary to our own opinion. lo do kerfa cu melbi Your hair's beautiful. it then kerfa cu melbi Tom canta bon. Tom sings well. Tom singa bon. Pro que usa tu isto? What do you use this for? Why are you using this? roda ba ficybi'o Everything will change. road ba ficybi'o Kiom da vino vi aĉetis? - Duonon da botelo. "How much wine did you buy?" "Half a bottle." How much wine did you buy? ponbau do xu Do you speak Japanese? ponbau do xu Hastez! La koncerto esas komencanta. Hurry up! The concert is starting. Haste! The concert is started. Tom have amicos in Germania. Tom has friends in Germany. Tom has friends in Germany. Esque tu non plus me ama? Don't you love me anymore? Esque tu non plus me ama? Mankas al Tomo la instigaĵo. Tom lacks motivation. There's no way to Tom's instigator. Vi surprizis min. You startled me. You surprised me. ghotI' ghom tlha' bIQ Dujmaj. Our boat followed a school of fish. ghotI'm going to take advantage of the bIQ Dujma. Como pote io exir? How can I leave? How can something? Esce Tom ia dementi? Has Tom become crazy? Esce Tom ia dementi? De cuando tu aprende latina? Since when do you learn Latin? De cundo tu aprende Latin? tawIj vIghItlhqa'. I rewrote my report. That's my concern, I have come to take it. Kiam mi vojaĝas, mi preferas flugi. Whenever I travel, I prefer to fly. When I travel, I prefer to fly. Esque tu te ha accostumate al vita in Tokio? Have you got used to living in Tokyo? Esque tu te ha accostumate al vita in Tokyo? Pote io clauder le television? Can I turn off the TV? Can something close to the television? qay'qu'. It's a big problem. I'll like to do that. li mo'e namcrgogolo du li pano te'a panono A googol is ten to the power of one hundred. li mo'e namgrgolo du li bread te'a bread jIDIlmeH Huch chaw' vIlo'laH'a'? Can I pay by credit card? project is it that the universe is in space? Ella besat me, ne le. She kissed me, not him. Ella besat me, ne le. Omnes esset vestit in nigri. All were dressed in black. Everyone esset vestit in nigri. Mi ne respondecas pri tio, kion Tom faris. I'm not responsible for what Tom did. I am not responsible for what Tom did. Entulil. You again? Entulil. In nor parc es un bon glissuore sur quel mey luder li infantes. In our park, we have a nice slide for children to play on. In nor parc es un bon glissuore on quel mey luder li infantes. Le vista del oceano esseva splendide. The view of the ocean was wonderful. The ocean's life was splendid. Yo retropassua ancor un passu. I move back one more step. Yo retropassa ant un passu. Yo pensat que tu nequande vell questionar. I thought you'd never ask. Yo pensat que tu unquante vell questionar. ley'la' ghach Sa'mIy. Sami stalked Layla. ley'la'ghach Sa'mIy. No löfob musigi som. This sort of music is not my cup of tea. No löfob musigi som. Kie vi restadas? Where do you stay? Where are you staying? John have du filios. John has two sons. John has two sons. ra se tcaci lo nu pinxe lo du'e vanju He had the bad habit of drinking too much wine. ra se tcaci lo nu pinxe lo du'e vanju ko pofygau lo gapci Turn off the gas. co pofygau lo gapci Io vermente ha besonio de colpar alicuno. I really need to hit somebody. It really has a need to collide someone. Mi pensas, ke post kristnasko mi devos dieti denove. I think I have to go back on a diet after Christmas. I think that after Christmas I'll have to be told again. Me havas libro en mea manuo. I have a book in my hand. I have a book in my manual. pa' chaHtaH Hoch'e'. Everyone's there. There is nothing bigger than the universe. Io pote vider le coca in tu naso. I can see the coke in your nose. It can see le coca in tu naso. Es tu un ingeniero? Are you an engineer? Is your one engineering? .i mi na.e ku'i do .i'anai fuzme It is, not I, but you, who are to blame. .i mi na.e ku'i do .i'anai fuzme Binof-li sanel? Is she a doctor? Binof li sanel? Me esabos trifoye en Usa se me iras ibe itere. I will have been to the States three times if I go there again. I'll get three times in Use if I'm going ibe out there. ko'a pu sisku da va'o lo manku He was searching for something in the dark. ko'a pu sisku da va'o lo manku Li estas en granda zorgo pro la sano de siaj maljunaj gepatroj. He is very concerned about his elderly parent's health. He is in great care for the health of his old parents. mi senva tu'a do I dreamt about you. I sent yours then Plidol-li fragis? Do you like strawberries? Plidol li fragris? Ĉu vi scias la turkan? Do you know Turkish? Do you know Turkish? El ia stona nos par move rapida. He astonished us by moving rapidly. From some stona nos par move fast. jIlpu' maH. We're neighbours. Exiting... Le homines non pote viver sin aer. Humans can't live without air. Le homines can't see any air. U es li telefon? Where's the phone? Are you all right? ghaHvo' paq'e' vIngIpta'bogh 'oH paqvam. It was this book that I borrowed from him. We are the only intelligent beings in the galaxy. This is the only intelligent beings in the galaxy. Mia komputilo riparendas. I have to get my computer repaired. My computer is repairing. jIHvaD la'SIv yIje'neS SoS! jIHvaD la'SIv yIje'neS! Please buy me a turtle, Mother, please buy me a turtle. It's only theSIv yIje'neSAS! You're only going to take care of theSIv yIje'neS! Per favor da me un vitro de aqua. Please give me a glass of water. Please make me a water glass. Ili ne kaptos min. They won't catch me. They won't catch me. ghaHvaD Hoch vIbon. I share everything with him. ghaH is just what you are doing. Нос еспера ке ту алиа ту а нос. We hope you'll join us. ← Том аве тре шикас де кор. Tom has three girlfriends. ← Recipes Recipes Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients mu'ghom chu' Suq neH. He wants to get a new dictionary. mu'ghom chu' Suq neH. Facer generalisationes pare esser un parte de nostre pensamento pois que nos tende a cercar patronos in nostre ambiente. Making generalizations seems to be in line with how we think since we tend to look for patterns in the world around us. Face generalsacuaries seem to be one part of our thinking pois than we tend to look for patrons in a remarkable environment. Ĉi vokala ŝanĝiĝo multe rilatas al la ĝenerala akcenta ŝablono atribuita al ĉiu vorto. This vowel change has much to do with the overall accent pattern assigned to each word. This vowel change is much related to the general accent pattern attributed to each word. Tio estas klarigo. That's one explanation. This is an explanation. Mia onklo loĝas en Novjorko. My uncle lives in New York City. My uncle lives in New York. mi terpa la'e di'u I fear so. mi terpa la'e di'u MI dubas, ĉu denaska parolanto esprimus sin tiamaniere. I doubt a native speaker would say it that way. I doubt whether a native speaker would express himself in such a way. mIgh qa'yIn. Cain was evil. mIgh mel'yIn. mi ze'e pu xebni lo vi stuzi I've always hated this place. mi zé'e pu xebni lo vi staszi Esque tu posse comprender ti lingue? Can you understand this language? Esque tu posse comprender ti lingue? Nur unu tago ankoraŭ restas. There's just one day left. Only one day still remains. L'Italiani drinkas kafeo nultempe. The Italians never drink coffee. The Italians drink coffee once. yo'mang toDta'. He saved a sailor. yo'mang toDta'. Yo refrigidat me ante tri semanes. I had a cold three weeks ago. Yo refreshat me before three weeks. Ĉu tio ne estas knaba nomo? Isn't that a boy's name? Isn't this a boy's name? Unquande esset un paisan, qui havet tri filios. Once there was a peasant that had three sons. Unquante esset un parisan, qui havet tri filios. Li ne estas historia gravulo. He isn't a history major. He's not a historical gravitator. DaHjaj DuSaQDaq wep chu' tuQ. Tom wore a new coat to school today. I now turn DuSaQ out there welp chu' tuQ. no xagmau cu kaipti lo ka mi ca ti zukte I have nothing better to do. no xagmau cu komti lo ka mi ca ti zukte Pro quo vi ne komprenas ol? Why don't you understand it? Why don't you understand it? so'iroi tavla He tends to talk too much. sooiroi tavla Ica esas nivo-homo. It's a snowman. This is a level man. bom vay'. Someone sang. bom vay'. qamuS! I hate you! I'm sorry! chobottaH. You are in my way. chobot is moving. La kato dormas. The cat sleeps. The cat sleeps. Mi estas Koreo. I'm Korean. I'm Coreo. vay' vIqagh'a'? Am I interrupting anything? What is your life? ta misno merko ckufi'i That is a recognized American author. ta misno merko ckufi'i jImejnISmoHlu'pu'. I was forced to go. Thank you very much indeed. Jen nia alproksimiĝo. That's our approach. This is our approach. Un camion ha stoppate in cruce in medio del strata. A truck stopped crosswise in the middle of the road. One room has stopped in a cross-section in the middle of the street. Io simplemente non sapeva como. I just didn't know how. I just did not know how. pei doi tam How are you, Tom? Pei doi tam Tiu ponto estis konstruita antaŭ du jaroj. This bridge was built two years ago. This bridge was built two years ago. fau lo nu mi na srera kei mi ba'o viska le ninmu ca da Unless I am mistaken, I've seen that man before. fau lo nu mi na srera kei mi ba'o vska le ninmu ca da Mi ne povis aŭdi vin bone. I couldn't quite hear you. I couldn't hear you well. chaq SoH pong rap ghajbogh latlh jupwI''e' je SamISmoH! I may have mistaken you with my other friend who has the same name! Maybe we don't think we've got the ten billion years ago. Lu esas nek viro, nek muliero. They are neither a man nor a woman. A man is neither a man nor a woman. Serta. Certainly. Serta. Illa me ha fascinate a prime vista. She attracted me at first sight. Illa me ha fascilate a first vista. Parizo estas la ĉefurbo de Francujo. Paris is the capital of France. Paris is the capital of France. Mi trovis la ŝlosilon kiun mi estis serĉanta. I found the key I was looking for. I found the key I was looking for. Li-löfol studön Flentapüki? Do you like to study French? Li-löfol studön Flentapüki? Вос абита ен меа кор. You live in my heart. It's what it's like. tugh 'oH ta'nIS 'e' tamvaD yIja'. Please tell Tom he should do that soon. If you think the universe was really true, it's really true. xu do jimpe fi le se srera be do Did you understand your mistake? xu do jimpe fi le se srera bee do Ne indas ripari tiun ĉi fotilon. It is not worth repairing this camera. It doesn't seem to fix this camera. Nos ave alga cosa compartida. We have something in common. Nos ave alga cosa compartmenta. Vu povas sucesar en la vivo. You can succeed in your life. You can succeed in life. Esque tu save? Do you know? You know that you know? Que merda es tu problema? What the fuck is your problem? What shita is your problem? lo karce pe mi cu se gacri lo kalci be lo merpati My car is covered with pigeon poop. lo carce pe mi cu se gacri lo calci be lo merpati wovmoHwI' Dachu'laHneS'a'? Could you turn on the light, please? You know, if you don't know what you think? Suverya' Hol vIjatlh. I speak Swedish. Thank you very much indeed. ta'e tolcumla He tends to be arrogant. ta'e tollumla chotIch! I resent that. chotIch! ra na djuno lo du'u mi ponjo She doesn't know that I'm Japanese. ra Add it du'u mi ponjo Ĝi estis batalo. It's been a struggle. It was a battle. Alga de mundo nunca escuta. Some people never listen. Alga de world nunca escuta. Ci es Tatoeba. Here is Tatoeba. This is Tatoeba. Cornilles es nigri. Crows are black. Cornilles is black. Mi ne malemas uzi altan stilon de parolado, precipe kiam miaj interparolantoj, kiel mi, ankaŭ multe legas. I do not eschew an elevated style of speech, especially when my interlocutors are themselves well read. I don't hate using a high style of speech, especially when my speakers, as I, also read a lot. Il es nu un studiante. He's now a college student. Il es nu un studitante. A mi inseniante de physica non importa si io es absente ab le lectiones. My physics teacher doesn't care if I skip classes. A mi inseniante de physica ne importa si io es absente ab le lessons. Ĝi neniel estas facila laboro. It is in no way an easy job. It's nothing easy to work. Io me dole, io ha mandate toto al merda. I'm sorry, I fucked up. Io me dole, io ha mandate cake al merda. ngerDaj 'olpu' ngong. The experiment confirmed his theory. BastaDa 'olpu' ning. Hodiaŭ ne okazas lernejaj lecionoj por la palestinanoj en Hebrono. There is no school today for the Palestinians in Hebron. Today there are no school lessons for the Palestinians in Hebrew. Mi mensogis al la policistoj. I lied to the police. I was lying to the police officers. Mi jam dufoje savis vian vivon. I've already saved your life twice. I've saved your life twice. gau do mi jai lerci You made me late. You know then, I'm already learning Le fratre de ille es un famose jocator al football. His brother is a famous soccer player. Le fratre de ci es un fame jocator alfootball. ti jipno This is the end. ti jipno Esque vos reserva iste placia pro alicuno? Are you saving this seat for someone? Why do you reserving this pleasure for any? Ier nos ia vade a sinema. Yesterday we went to the cinema. Ier nos i vade a sinema. Le musica es un de iste cosas que face nos sentir que nos es minus sol in le mundo. Music is one of those things that make us feel a little less alone in the world. The music is one of these things that makes us feel that we are less alone in the world. ko'a cusku lo nu ko'a nelci lo xrula She says that she likes flowers. Calculating the rest of the universe. It's nothing at all. baSmey bIH SIrlIy'e' Sorpuq'e' je. Copper and silver are both metals. Databases are your feet. We think we're all right. No nedol güni. You don't need a gun. No nedol güni. Tu mamma es hic. Your mom is here. Your mother is here. chay' Dalo' jay'? What the hell are you going to do with it? What do you think I'm saying? Illes esseva preste a qualcunque eventualitate. They were ready for any possibility. They were ready to any eventuality. Mi volas esprimi mian dankon por tio, kion vi faris por ĉi tiu urbo. I would like to express my gratitude for what you have done for this town. I want to express my thanks for what you did for this city. Mi uzos ĝeneralajn terminojn. I will use general terms. I will use general terms. Ni uzas la publikan transporton. We use public transport. We use public transport. mi na jinvi lodu'u carvi ca le zi lecydo'i I do not think it will rain this afternoon. mi n jinvi lodu'u carvi ca le zzi lecydo'i Bonvolu tuj reveni. Please come back at once. Please come back immediately. Ilu ne esas sana. He is in poor health. Illu is not healthy. It es un stul. It is a chair. It's a fool. Kion vi pensas pri la filmoj, kiujn ni vidis hieraŭ? What do you think about the films that we saw yesterday? What do you think about the films we saw yesterday? Me promenas kun mea hundo ye la vespero. I take a walk with my dog in the evening. I walk with my dog at the evening. Nederlandanoj scipovas paroli multajn lingvojn. Dutch people can speak many languages. Dutch can speak many languages. Mirinde, ĝi malaperis en momento. As if by magic, it disappeared in an instant. It's gone at a time. La mashino okupas multa spaco. The machine takes a lot of room. The machine occupies a lot of space. SutwIj DaparHa''a'? Do you like my clothes? That's my concern. Io non parlava bengali ben al tempore. I wasn't good at Bengali at the time. Io non parla bongali ben to time. Tom hetom eli Mari. Tom hates Mary. Tom hetom eli Mari. qachDaq 'oHtaH Ha'DIbaH'e'. The dog is in the house. I'm all the mouth of HaDIbaH. La polico esploradas la kaŭzon de la akcidento seninterrompe. The police are investigating the cause of the crash around the clock. The police investigate the cause of the accident uninterrupted. Ella maritat un marinero. She married a sailor. Ella maritat un mariner. Vilob nolön jenis. I want to know the facts. Vilob nolön was here. Bíi thi ben rushith wáa. They have wine. Bíi thi ben rushith wáa. Yo ama frases pri scureles! I love sentences about squirrels! Yo ama frases pri scureles! Kiomofte vi vojaĝis eksterlanden? How many times have you travelled abroad? How often did you travel abroad? Li canes e li cates ne es amicos. Dogs and cats aren't friends. Li canos e li cates es ne amicos. Yo have du nevas. I have two nieces. Yo have du nevas. Mi bezonas martelon por najle fiksi la tabulojn. I need a hammer to nail the boards. I need a hammer to naille fix the boards. Mi vidas nenian diferencon. I don't see any difference. I see no difference. yIjot'eghmoH! Calm down! yIjot's responsibly! Do' qaStaHvIS noH DIq vav HoHlu'be'. Luckily, Dick's father was not killed in the war. That's nothing bigger than the universe. Reposa en pas. Rest in peace. Reposa in pas. L' avio komencis sian descendon. The plane began its descent. L'avio began his descent. le ctuca cu stidi lonu mi'a klama le ckuzda tezu'e lonu cilre The teacher suggested that we go to the library to study. le ctuca cu stidi lon me'a klama le ckuzda tezu'e lonu cilire Li ne havis malfacilaĵon por tranaĝi la riveron. He had no difficulty swimming across the river. He had no difficulty to train the river. ¡Tent zirat! You don't say! ¡Tent zirat! javmaH DarSeq ngIp Sa'mIy. Sami borrowed sixty bucks. JuneH DarSeq ngIp Sa'mIy. Sen ŝia helpo mi ne povus fini mian taskon. Without her help, I couldn't have finished my task. Without her help I couldn't finish my task. Li mortis pro tiu malsano. He died of that disease. He died because of this disease. ko'a sanli ti'a le matma be ko'a He's standing behind his mother. co'a sanli ti'a le matma be ko'a Mi ne scias, kiu estas tiu junulo. I don't know who that youngster is. I don't know who this young man is. Ĉu vi iris al la stadiono? Did you go to the stadium? Did you go to the stadium? Mi ne petas monon. I'm not asking for money. I don't ask for money. nuq 'oH QoQvam Huj'e'? What's this strange music? The universe was the universe for the universe. Mia menso malpleniĝis. My mind went blank. My mind was empty. Adelo no kanob kömön ko ol. I can't come with you today. Adelo no canob kömön ko it. naDev chaw'lu'be'. Not here. naDev chaw'lu'be'. lo mi patfu cu klama lo jungo My father is going to China. lo mi patfu cu clamma lo jungo Ni estos apud vi, kio ajn okazos. We will stand by you whatever happens. We will be next to you whatever will happen. vIychorgh par be'Hom. The girl doesn't like juice. facychorgh par be'Hom. Ille es scientista. He is a scientist. They are scientists. chalDaq wovtaH jul. The sun is shining in the sky. That is why we have heard the universe. Kas tir kalaf ? Are they happy? Do you pull a kalaf ? Tiu instruisto kruelis kiel diablo. This teacher was mean as hell. This teacher has been cruel as a devil. Hundes aboya. Dogs bark. Dogs aboy. Probabilemente il essera multo periculose. It's very likely going to be dangerous. Probably it will be much periculous. Kisi nolols-li? What do you know? Kisi nolols-li? "Nu do, kion vi faris pri viaj haroj?" — "Mi tinkturis ilin." "Now, then, what did you do to your hair?" "I dyed it." "Well, what did you do about your hair?" "I tinted them." Esas nia pluvosezono. It is our rainy season. That's our rain season. Ka tu esas injenioro? Are you an engineer? Are you an engineer? ghaH QeHmoHbogh meq'e' vISovbe'. I have no idea why she got so angry. We have to know that we have sought to understand the universe. Yo pensat que esset sat probabil que Tom ne vell voler far to. I thought that there was a good chance that Tom wouldn't want to do that. Yo pensat que esset sat probably que Tom ne vell volir far to. Hodie io me levava de bon hora. Today I got up early. Hodie io me levava de bon hora. An tu es turc? Are you Turkish? And you're tarc? Qual enoya. How boring. What enoya. El ia confirma con sua testa corajinte. He nodded encouragingly. From some confirm with its test coaching. vIt Sovlaw' pagh. It seems that no one knows the truth. And that's how it's all right, sir. ko fonta'a mi bu'u lo briju Call me at the office. ko fonta'a mi bu'u lo briju De que consiste le aspirina? What's aspirin made of? Which consists of the aspirin? jIyajchu'be'. I can't quite understand. Exiting... Ме ваде а ла плаиа а мулте весес. I often go to the beach. ← Ingredients Recipes qaSpu' SuS'a'. There was a storm. Let's take one another. Yo deve parlar con Tom. I've got to speak to Tom. Yo deve parlar con Tom. Kiomofte vi razas vin? How often do you shave? How often do you shave you? Vi provu memori la okazaĵojn. Try to recall what happened. You'll try to remember the events. Kikod vilol funön obis? Why do you want to kill us? Kikod vilol funön obis? Tom ne ludas pianon de antaŭ jaroj. Tom hasn't played the piano in years. Tom does not play a piano for years ago. pe'vIlHa' yIta'. Do it gently. pe'vIlHa' yIta'. Fari tion estas neeble. It's impossible to do that. Doing this is impossible. .i ju'ocu'i .eidai jai gau seljibyfa'o ca lo bavla'ima'i She may have to quit her job next month. .i jucu'i .eidai jai gaujibyfa'o ca lo bavla'ima'i Vi povas uzi ĝin iam ajn. You can use it anytime. You can use it at any time. Me facos omna to quon vu dicos. I'll do everything you tell me to do. I'll do everything you will say. Samio donis al ni logikajn respondojn. Sami gave us logical answers. Samy gave us logical answers. Nova neĝo kaŭzas festan etoson. Fresh snow brought about a festive atmosphere. A new snow causes a party theme. Tomo staplis la kestojn laŭ la muro. Tom stacked the boxes up against the wall. Tom piled the boxes according to the wall. lo vi cukta cu me mi nai moi This book isn't mine. You sugar me nai moi Me es un membro de la tribu de Levi. I'm a member of the Tribe of Levi. I am a member of the tribes of Levi. Adío, Sayoko! Bye, Sayoko! Adío, Sayoko! Tre gravas, resti juna ĉiam. It is very important to stay young all time. Very important, stay young always. Акел странжер парла жапанес комо си ло ес суа лингуа пропре. That foreigner speaks Japanese as if it were his mother tongue. ← Ingredients Bóo ban ne ledi losheth netho. Give me your money. Bóo ban ne ledi losheth netho. ko dunda lo se citka mi Give me something to eat. co dunda lo se citka mi tInqu' DaH ghotI''e' Dajonta'bogh. That's a pretty big fish you've just caught. There are no bigger ghotI's data in the galaxy. Vundita homi vundas homi. Hurt people hurt people. Vounded men hurt men. Me an no pensa plu sur lo. I don't even think about it anymore. Me anno pensa plu on it. DaH maw'choHpu'. Now she's gone mad. I turn maw'choHpu'. Li mann es yun. The man is young. Li mann es yun. jIbachHa'be' 'ej bIbachHa'be'. Neither you nor I are mistaken. projectabaHa'be' ej bIbachHa'be'. Kiom alta estas tiu monto? How high is that mountain? How high is this mountain? mi pu na'o capli'u tai do .i ba la'e di'u mi se darxi fi pa celga'a fo lo tupcidni I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee. mi pu na'o capli'u tai do .i ba la'e di'u mi se darxi fi pa celga'a fo lo tupcidni mi pu jinvi lo du'u do tu'a mi jgira I thought you'd be proud of me. mi pu jinvi lo du'u do tu'a mi jgira No logob nedi konön ome. I see no need to tell him. No logo nedi conön ome. Vi devas maldormi. You need to stay awake. You have to sleep. Tiu ŝtono havas centre truon. This stone has a hole in the center. This stone has a center hole. It es tre important por un lingue haver un original litteratura. It is very important for a language to have original literature. It is very importent for a lingue to have an original spell. Mi pelle es sic. My skin is dry. I peele es sic. tlhoy'Daq 'oHtaH pu'jIn'e'. The map is on the wall. But our history is the population of the universe. tam Hejlu'. Tom got robbed. tam Hejlu'. La nombro de diabetuloj pliiĝas tutmonde. The number of people with diabetes is rising globally. The number of diabetics increases worldwide. Saluton vi ĉiuj! Hello everyone! You all! Tom es un toxicomano. Tom is an addict. Tom is a toxic man. Proque oblidava io de scriber le numero de fax? Why did I forget to write the fax number? Why forgot something to write the number of fax? i'a nai za'u re'u Oh no, not again! i'a ài za'u re'u Ben, lassa me dicer te lo. Well, let me tell you. Well, let me tell you it. Tom es li mortator. Tom is the killer. Tom es li mortator. nom nenchoH puqpu'. Children grow very quickly. name nenchoH puqpu'. jegh chaH 'e' vIneHbe'. I don't want them to give up. jegh chaH 'e' ore'. Ni foriros post unu horo. We will leave in an hour. We'll leave after an hour. roda ka mlejgi All is vanity. roda ka mlejgi Bon vespere. Good evening. Good evening. La cignoj sur la rivero kreas sonĝ-similan scenon. The swans on the river make a dreamlike scene. The cigns on the river create a dream-like scene. On ha exhaurite tote le ressources del pais. They exhausted all the resources of the country. On ha paper all the resources of the paris. Mea frate no nada. My brother doesn't swim. Mea frate no nada. Restu ekster tio! Stay out of it. Stay out of that! Noi vole esser international. We want to be international. We want to be international. Rusia ia velia. Russia has woken up. Russia some velia. Kiom longe vivas testudo? How long does a turtle live? How long does testing live? Ca yo posse questionar pri alquicos? Can I ask something? Ca yo posse questionar pri alquicos? L'infanto eniris la chambro kurante. The boy came running into the room. The child entered the room running. mi'o gasnu ma pe'ipei ca lo cnino kulcitsi What do you think we gonna do during the new semester? mi'o gasnu ma pe'ipei ca lo cnino cultitsi "Io te ama", io nunquam poterea dicer tal cosa. "I love you" - I could never say something like that. "It you love you", something now you may say such a thing. Perquieschevent. We overslept. Perquieschevent. Pissa te! Fuck you! Pissa te! reH Sut rap DatuQ. You're always wearing the same clothes. reH Sut rap DatuQ. Pueri ludas en la korto. Children play in the yard. Puers play in the court. Konservez la pekunio en sekura loko. Keep the money in a safe place. Keep the sinner in a safe place. ba'a na za'umoi nabmi There shouldn't be any more problems. ba'a na za'moi nabmi Le mappa es sur le pariete. The map is on the wall. Le map es sur le pariete. DawI'qoq ghaH. She's a wannabe actress. DawI'q ghaH. Tom e Meri no vole fa juntada acel. Tom and Mary don't want to do that together. Tom and Meri no want to make a joint acel. Adde alicun parolas ante que io sigillara le littera. Add a few words before I seal the letter. Add any words before something sigillara le characters. Dajlaw'. That looks interesting. Dajlaw'. Mi ne volis loĝi kun Tom. I didn't want to live with Tom. I didn't want to live with Tom. da se pacna There is hope. by you, sir. Ka tu esas ibe? Are you there? Are you there? ! Bojo koni. Leave now. - Good to know. muqImbe'chu'taH. He's not paying any attention to me. muqmbe'chu is entering. El esas la spozino di Alain. She's Alain's wife. El is the sposine of Alain. Le musica es le silentio inter le notas. Music is the silence between the notes. The music is the silence between the notes. Tomo iris al la vivoĉambro, ankoraŭ butonante sian ĉemizon. Tom walked into the living room, still buttoning his shirt. Tom went to the life room, still butting his shirt. matlheDnIS. We need to get going. but thank you very much. Prefere tu vider le television subtitulate o duplate? Do you prefer to watch subbed or dubbed TV? Rather you see the television subtitulate or double? Ili ĉesigis. They stopped. They stopped. jaQchoH 'ej wovchoH mInDu'Daj 'ej po Hovmey rurchoH. Her eyes grew deep and bright as morning stars. jaQchoH 'ej wovchoH mInDu'Daj 'ej po Hovmey rurchoH. Por diri ĝin koncize: tio estas via kulpo. To put it briefly it's your fault. To say it concisely: this is your fault. Joey es fascinate per Shane. Joey is fascinated by Shane. Joey is fascinated by Shane. Vi esas plu forta kam ni. You're stronger than we are. You are more powerful than we. Tom solmente vole vostre attention. Tom just wants your attention. Tom just wants your attention. Ille es un poco plus vetule que io. He's a bit older than me. They're a bit more old than something. ko'a cargau lo jubme ja'e lo nu gapnitfa'e He turned the table upside down. Do you load it jubme ja'e lo gapnitfa'e muleghtaH tam. Tom is looking at me. mulegh is entering as well. mi zbasu lo botpi se pu'e lo blaci grana I make bottles starting with glass rods. Manufacturer lo botpi se pu'e lo blaci grana pu tepygau iepei Scary, wasn't it? pu tepygau iepei Turcia devenit li 29-im de octobre 1923 un índependent republica. Turkey became an independent republic on October 29th 1923. Turcia became his 29th of October 1923 a índependent republica. Qapbe' Dochvetlh. That thing doesn't work. Furthermore, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Omna planto bezonas aquo e lumo. Every plant needs water and light. Each plant needs water and light. Mi tiel kompatas Tomon. I feel so sorry for Tom. I'm so pitying Tom. Mi venis ĉi tien por diri al vi ion gravan. I came here to tell you something important. I came here to tell you something important. Pluvis furioze dum duonhoro. It rained like mad for about a half-hour. It rained furiously for half an hour. El parla ungarian. He speaks Hungarian. El parla ungarian. 'InSongmey je' tam. Tom bought flowers. 'InSongmey je' tam. nayHa'Qo'. She won't agree to a divorce. nayHa'Qo'. Neniu afliktus ŝin. No one would hurt her. No one would conflict her. lo nu snuti cu jalge lo nu ko'a narviska'e The accident happened because they could not see clearly. Our little history story, and really gave me an insight into each other. yImej, vum QIp! Get lost, stupid jerk! yImej, vum QIp! uinai lo mi patfu cu klama lo jungo Aw, my father's going to China. uinai lo mi patfu cu klamma lo jungo Me ofte vidas ilu. I often see him. I often see these. Io simplemente non vole esser lassate completemente sol. I just don't want to be left completely alone. It just doesn't want to be left completely alone. La domo de Tom situas nur tri domarojn de ĉi tie. Tom's house is only three blocks away from here. Tom's house is only three houses from here. ra pu tolcando He was busy. ra pu tolcando le vi karce cu di'atce The price of this car is very high. le vi carce cu di'atce Rojats binons svidikum ka zitrons. Oranges are sweeter than lemons. Rojats binons svidicum ka zitrons. Tom ne prizas parolar Franciana. Tom doesn't like speaking French. Tom doesn't worry about speaking France. Tom aportat to. Tom brought this. Tom aportat to. Mia kato malsatas. My cat is hungry. My cat is hungry. HeSwI' ghImlu'. The criminal was sent into exile. He's going to allow you to listen. se birti fa lo du'u ko'a ba tugni ma'a It is certain that he will agree with us. se birti fa lo du'u ko'a ba tugni ma'a Ovobobs. We'll work. Ovobobs. El ia acorda con el. She agreed with her. From some agreement with him. la'e di'u xamgu sidbo That's a good idea! la'u xamgu sidbo Mi ne povas kredi, ke Tom diris tion al vi. I can't believe Tom told you that. I can't believe that Tom told you. mi ba mutce jundi I'll be very careful. mi ba mutce jundi Esque vos trovava vostre libro? Did you find your book? Why do you find your book? bIQup. You were young. bIQup. Ŝi senespere volis venĝi sin. She wanted desperately to get her vengeance. She desperately wanted to avenge herself. do ba se pluka xu Would you like that? do ba se pluka xu jaj wa' bIvutnIS'a'? Do you need to work on Sunday? You are the bIvutnIS'a? Tom es tre felici. Tom is very happy. Tom is very happy. On debe considerar multe factores. Many factors must be considered. You must consider many factors. ro ko cusku zo ui Everyone, say cheese. ro co cusku zo ui No kanom svimön. He can't swim. No canom swimön. Ube esas la maxim bela loko en la mondo? Where is the most beautiful place in the world? Where is the best place in the world? lo gleki cu ka'e viska seva'o lo manku Dogs can see in the dark. lo gleki cu ka'e vska seva'o lo manku ma cmene ko'a What's his name? Name Ankaŭ Tomo kune iris. Tom tagged along. Tom also went together. Bedaŭrinde ĝustas. Unfortunately, it's true. Unfortunately it's right. Nos non veniva. We didn't come. Nos non veniva. Tikob das obinos gudikumo if ogolol usi dub tood. I think you should go there by car. Tikob das obbinos gudikum if ogol these dub tood. Le Presidente del Camera del Representantes del S.U. resignava in disgratia post esser reprimendate a causa de un fraude de taxa. The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives resigned in disgrace after being reprimanded for cheating on his taxes. The President of Camera del Representatives del S.U. resignive in dysgratia after being reprimed to cause of a fraud of taxa. QIn rur vulqangan qoghDu'. Vulcans have pointy ears. QIn rur vulqangan answeredghDu'. Qui ha manjat li pane? Who ate the bread? Qui ha manjat li pan? Vosa fias es bela. Your daughters are beautiful. Your fias is beautiful. Un analyse rigorose del processo de observation in le physica atomic ha demonstrate que le particulas subatomic ha nulle signification como entitates isolate, sed pote esser comprendite solmente como connectiones inter le preparation de un experimento e le mensuration subsequente. A careful analysis of the process of observation in atomic physics has shown that the subatomic particles have no meaning as isolated entities, but can only be understood as interconnections between the preparation of an experiment and the subsequent measurement. A detailed rigorose of the observation process in the physical atomic has demonstrated that the particular subatomic has no significance as entity isolation, but can only be understood as connections between the preparation of an experiment and the mensuation subsequente. Vi ne bezonas kunporti tagmanĝaĵon. You don't need to carry lunch with you. You don't need to bring up lunch food. Io me futue de Jesus. I don't give a fuck about Jesus. Io me futue de Jesus. Yo ne save pro quo tu ride. I don't know why you're laughing. Yo ne sande pro quo tu smile. No core traversante la rua. Don't run across the street. No core traversing the raw. Li havas ukrainian ŝtatanecon. He has Ukrainian citizenship. He has Ukrainian statehood. Tomo estas nervoza. Tom is nervous. Tom is nervous. bIpawDI' Datlhejjaj be'nallI'. Bring your wife. bIpawDI's Homepage, you're all right? Yo ha esset che li dentist. I've been to the dentist. Yo ha esset che li dentist. Dona a les moneye. Give them money. Give a les monye. No maifüköd buki olik. Don't open your book. No maifüköd buki olik. QoQmo' jItlho'. I am thankful for music. But I'm going to take advantage of the universe. Ĉu estas knabinoj en la malliberejo? Are there any girls in prison? Are there girls in the prison? Tu deveni pigri! You are becoming lazy! You're going to get pigri! Sur mi planeta, on bibe le blau caffe. On my planet, people drink blue coffee. On my planet, on bibli le blau caffe. Vos debe adjutar nos. You have to help us. You must help us. Esce esta es un demanda autorespondente? Is that a rhetorical question? Esce esta es un demande autorespondent? Le auto costava cinque milles dollares e, ultra illo, non functionava ben. The car cost $5000 and did not run well at that. The car cost cinque milles dollares e, ultra it, not functional ben. La japanuja rizomerkato fermitas por importado. Japan's rice market is closed to imports. The Japanese rice market closed for imports. Je kioma vi kutimas ellitiĝi? What time do you usually get up? How many do you tend to get out of? Mi nun estas malsama. I'm different now. I'm different now. Tu devi vestir te rapidmen si tu vole ear al cocinería e manjar. You need to get dressed quickly if you want to go to the kitchen and eat. You have to dress you fastmen if you want to go to the cocinnería and eat. Tom hiat. Tom yawned. Tom hiat. Tom assere que ille non occideva alcuno. Tom claims he didn't kill anybody. Tom assere que il unoccided ia. Almein es yn paes gran. Germany is a big country. Almein es yn paes gran. Le vita es plen de secretos. Life is full of secrets. Le vita es full de secretos. Me leje naretas. I'm reading short stories. Me leje narets. No binos pöfüdik konsälön ofe. It is no use giving her advice. No binos pöfüdik consälön ofe. Ankaŭ mi rajtas paroli. I, too, have the right to speak. I'm also allowed to speak. La leono malfermis sian buŝegon kaj blekis. The lion opened its huge mouth and roared. The lion opened his mouth and flashed. Lodas a tu! Congratulations to you! It's going to you! nIpon jaHmeH Huch vI'moHlI' me'rIy'. Mary is saving money to go to Japan. We have to do indeed, but you know, you know what you are in your way. Kio lin igis rompi sian promeson laŭ vi? What do you think made him break his promise? What did he like to break his promise according to you? Tomaso penis kaŝe malaperis el la oficejo. Tom tried to sneak out of the office without being seen. Thomas tried to hide away from the office. Ла ом веа сабе ке ел ва мори пронто. The old man knows that he will die soon. ← Ingredients Ni bezonas talentajn personojn. We need talented people. We need talented persons. Binobs is al yufön omes. We're here to help them. Binobs is to yufön omes. Unu el la plej kuriozaj aĵoj kiu devigis mian atenton estas ke ekzistas neniu konstanteco en la juĝo pri beleco. One of the most curious things that has forced itself on my notice is that there is no permanence in the judgement of beauty. One of the most curious things that forced my attention is that there is no continuity in the judgment of beauty. Sujub boneHbej'a'? Do you really want to be immortal? Sujub bonHbej'a? jungwoq bop paqvam. This book is about China. jungwoq bop paqm. Le excusa de illa resultava in nihil. Her excuse resulted in nothing. Le excuse de il resultava in nihil. Maria es un fem pasiente. Mary is a patient woman. Mary is one time patient. Yo ne have tui corage. I don't have your courage. Yo ne have tui corage. la tom jo'u la maris pu ca'o zutse co kansa Tom and Mary were sitting together. la tom jo'u la maris pu ca'o zutse co kansa juH Dacheghpu'. You came home. juH Dacheghpu'. Sen ajfono mi ne povus lerni la japanan. If it weren't for the iPhone, I wouldn't be able to learn Japanese. Without an ajphon I could not learn Japanese. Mia edzino estas vere malsimpla! My wife is definitely complicated! My wife is really slight! Que nos incontra nos ante le porta principal a 2:30. Let's meet in front of the main gate at 2:30. What we are supposed to us before the door principal to 2:30. To es tro custosi! This is too expensive! That's too custom! ko'a certu lo nu se glibau He speaks English well. Expert executable Kiu komandas la stirilon? Who's at the wheel? Who commands the driver? da do darxi xu Did somebody hit you? da do darxi xu Tio estas tiel ironia. That's so ironic. This is so irony. mi mutce bilma I feel very ill. I'm a bit cheaper Olu devas facor deslegetima. It should be made illegal. Olu must make deslegetima. Kial vi ne tondigas al vi la harojn? Why don't you get a haircut? Why don't you cut your hair? SoSwI' vIrur. I resemble my mother. Let's take a look at that. ngIq QIm lulelta'. He took the eggs out one by one. ngIq QIm lutelta'. Tom ŝajnas esti same okupita kiel ĉiam. Tom seems to be as busy as ever. Tom seems to be as busy as always. «wa'leS qaSbe' QISmaS! DaHjaj qaS!» «ghobe'! wa'leS qaS!» "Christmas is not tomorrow, it's today!""No, it's tomorrow!" ‘wa'le the most appropriate QISmaS! I'm going to take me away!' Ho'Du' Say'moHwI' tlhagh HevmeH bal ngaH. He squeezed the toothpaste out of a tube. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with yourself today. Povent! We can! Pervent! Ili neniam lernas! They never learn! They never learn! Tom iris aden la bosko. Tom went into the woods. Tom went into the woods. Ni havas nenian deziron ataki lin. We have no notion of attacking him. We have no desire to attack him. Neniu bona intertraktanto malkaŝas sian strategion. Any good negotiator plays his cards close to the vest. No good intercontractor discloses his strategy. Ob disum es li hause de Tom? Is this Tom's house? Ob disum es li hause de Tom? Estas nur unu vero! There is only one truth! It's just one truth! La treno iris a la staciono. The train headed for the station. The train went to the station. Alicun films asiatic es multo difficile de comprender. Some Asian films are very difficult to understand. Alicun movies asiatic is very difficult to understand. Mew nôn es Omid. My name is Omid. Mew nôn is Omid. Lo que nos cerca nos trovara; illo de que nos fugi, illo fugi de nos. What we seek we shall find; what we flee from flees from us. It is what we search for us to find; that of which we escape, it escapes from us. .e'o ze'i denpa Just a minute. .e. ze'sPause Quo esset tui prim impression de London? What was your first impression of London? What is it your first impression of London? bIwIH. You're ruthless. bI o'clock. Se vu par-skribis la letro, me en-postigos ol. If you have written the letter, I'll post it. If you peer-write the leather, I will post it. Illa ha circa quaranta annos. She is about forty. Illa ha about forty years. Tu es un tant idiot! You're such an idiot! You're one so much idiot! Tu debe cessar de fumar. You must quit smoking. You must cease from smoking. ri pu nitcu lo ka klama lo spita They had to go to the hospital. ri pu nitcu lo ka klama lo spita On no ave jenero gramatical en magiar. There is no grammatical gender in Hungarian. On no ave kero grammara in magic. Neniu atendas ĉe la haltejo de la buso. Povas esti, ke ni maltrafis ĝin. No one is waiting at the bus stop. We may have missed the bus. No one is waiting at the bus stop. It may be that we have missed it. Tom nada en la rio. Tom is swimming in the river. Tom nada in the rio. Kas pitir ? Is he coming? Is a pitir ? tlhoy DaSopchugh bIpI'choH. If you eat too much, you'll become fat. recent DaSop will increase bIpI'choH. ko na tolmo'i lo du'u mi makau do jungau Don't forget what I just told you. ko tomo'i du'u mi makau do jungau HIja' 'ej yIpIQ! Give it to me straight. HIja 'ej yIpIQ! Frans, me ama tu! France, I love you! Frans, me ama tu! Marie metis la korbon sur la tablon. Mary set the basket on the table. Marie put the basket on the table. Mi kriegis por esti helpota. I cried for help. I cried to be helpy. Estas tre danĝere naĝi en ĉi tiu rivero. It's very dangerous to swim in this river. It's very dangerous to swim in this river. Еста адолесентес ес вера комика. These teens are really funny. It's all right, but it's not true. Ili mentit. They lied. They lie. QIp 'oH 'e' Qubpu' ghaH. She thought it was stupid. QIp 'chief 'e' Qubpu' ghaH. Sint ün cäts. I am a cat. Sint ün cäts. Bonvolu telefoni min antaŭ ol veni. Please phone me before you come. Please call me before coming. Kies estas tiu aŭto? Whose car is this? Whose is this car? Esta no es mera un coaveni. This is no mere coincidence. Esta no es mera un coaveni. wej ghaH vIqIHmo', vIghovlaHbe'. Not having seen him before, I'll not be able to recognize him. wej ghaH fyqIHmo', venivenov sprobe'. Sutmey SaHqu'. She cares a lot about clothes. Sutmey SaHqu'. Pardonu mian malfruiĝon. Please pardon me for coming late. Excuse me, I'm sorry. La aero estas maldensa supre de montego. The air is very thin at the top of a high mountain. The air is thin on top of momentum. Il prizas peskar. He likes fishing. Il prises peskar. La loko vizitindas dufoje. The place is worth visiting twice. The location is visited twice. Ĉu mi rajtas foje uzi la telefonon? May I use the telephone from time to time? Can I use the phone once? Tomo loĝas ĉi-apude. Tom lives next door. Tom lives here. Esas stipulata ke ni devas juar vakancomonato singlayare. It is stipulated that we should receive a month's vacation every year. It is stipulated that we need to sue emptycomonate single-yare. Pri mono Tomo neniam devos maltrankviliĝi. Tom will never have to worry about money. For money, Tom will never have to worry. Le grande musica es illo que penetra facilemente le aures e lassa con difficultate le memoria. Musica magic non es jammais cancellate del memoria. Great music is that which penetrates the ear with facility and leaves the memory with difficulty. Magical music never leaves the memory. The great music is what penetrates easily the aures and leave with spread the memory. Music magic is not ever cancelled by the memory. Yo have null motive particulari far talmen. I have no particular reason to do so. Yo have null motive particulari far talmen. Lo dicter, «Me es fro Canada.» He said, "I'm from Canada." Lo dicter, ‘I am fro Canada.' Io pensava que le bus era gratuite, mais io debeva pagar. I thought the bus was free, but I had to pay. Something thought the bus was free, but it was supposed to pay. Bruiso vekigis li. A noise woke them up. Gross awakened him. Tomo tre similas sian pli aĝan fraton. Tom looks a lot like his older brother. Tom is very similar to his older brother. Iu iam diris: "Ne diru al japano, kiel oni parolu la japanan." Someone once said: "Don't tell a Japanese how to speak Japanese." Someone ever said, "Don't tell japan how to speak Japanese." Yo eat a Dania. I went to Denmark. Yo eat a Dania. Qapbe' qech Dachupbogh 'e' vIQub. I think that what you're suggesting won't work. Furthermore, qech Dachup carries out 'and's lifeQub. toH, Ha'! Well, let's get going! toH, Ha! Nos joca al baseball. We play baseball. Nos joca al baseball. mi pu cusku fi la tom fe zo'ei naku I told Tom no. I would cusku la tom fe zau naku Yo pensa que Tom vell esser un bon instructor. I think Tom would make a good teacher. Yo pensa que Tom vell be a good instructor. Mi ne havis veran bonan respondon. I didn't have a real good answer. I didn't have a real good answer. Computadores es macinas. Computers are machines. Computadores is killing. vagh rep malja'chaj SoQmoH chaH. They closed the shop at five. vagh rep malja'chaj SoQ brake chaH. do bilga jo djica lo ka zvati ti You don't have to hang around if you don't want to. So bilga yo djica lo ka zvati ti Yo have null novas de Tom ja tre long. I haven't heard from Tom in a long time. Yo have no news of Tom already very long. Mono estas la lasta afero kiun li deziras. Money is the last thing he wants. Money is the last thing he wishes. Ni revenos venontjare. We'll be back next year. We'll come back next year. Sor 'ar tu'lu'? How many trees are there? Sor 'ar tu'lu'? Il es mi vicino. He is my neighbour. Il es mi vicino. Ille travalia cata die excepte le dominica. He works every day except Sunday. They travalia every day except for the dominic. le'e se gugdejupunu cu clite Japanese people in general are polite. le'e gugdejupun clite Era Tom un junkie? Was Tom an addict? Era Tom un junkie? la.tam. ro roi zgana lo veltivni Tom is always watching television. la.tam. roi zgana lo veltivni Ŝi petis helpon. She called for help. She asked for help. Mi ĉiam lavas mian vizaĝon per akvo kaj sapo. I always wash my face with soap and water. I always wash my face with water and soap. tam chut qeSwI' jIH. I'm Tom's lawyer. tam chut qeño prende. ti du le brablo pe mi This is my ship. ti du le brablo pe mi Danke la agronomian evoluon la monda nutraĵoproduktado sukcesis sekvi la loĝantaran kreskon, sed nur malprofite al la estonteco. Thanks to the development of agricultural science, world food production has managed to keep up with population growth - but only at the expense of the future. Thanks to the agronomic evolution the world's food production has managed to follow housing growth, but only beneficial to the future. Ille faceva un deposito de multe moneta al cassa de sparnio. He put a lot of money in savings. They face one deposit of much coined to a cast of sparnium. Ti-ci silkin veste, verd quam li mare, amemora que noi ha passat tri dies sub li ocean. This silken vest here, green like the sea, reminds us that we spent three days under the ocean. Ti-ci silkin clothes, verd quam li sea, amorme que noi ha passat three days under li ocean. Isto es immunditias. This is garbage. This is immunditis. No person ia es ala a cualce ves. No one's ever been there. No person i'm ala a cualce vez. mi na'e djuno fi lo tadji be ti I don't know how to do this. mi'e addo fi lo tadji be ti Io es completemente deprimite. I'm completely cast down! It is completely depressed. Vostre camera es duo vices plus grande que le mie. Your room is twice the size of mine. Vostre camera es du vices plus grande que le mie. naDev mong Ha'quj tuQnISlu'. You need to wear a tie there. naDev mong Ha'quj tuQnISlu'. Io alvenos. Something is coming. It's going to arrive. Kial vi adiaŭas? Why are you saying goodbye? Why are you attending? Voluntez ne fumar sigareti hike. Please refrain from smoking cigarettes here. Volnut not to smoke cigarettes here. roda onai noda All or nothing. wheel or noda En urbo post urbo, grandaj publikaj kunvenoj okazis. In city after city, big public meetings were held. In town after town, large public meetings took place. Mi ankoraŭ ne trovis Tom. I still haven't found Tom. I haven't found Tom yet. Áva rucë. Don’t fear. Áva rucë. Bóo ban ne ledi sháaleth shan. Give me five days. Bóo ban ne ledi sháaleth shan. Con ci Tom ia fuji? Who did Tom run away with? ¿ Tom any fuji? Bonan nokton. Goodnight. Good night. taw bot pumpu'bogh Sor. A fallen tree obstructed the road. taw bot pump's on the Sor. Kie vi estis en la vespero de la dudeka de oktobro? Where were you on the night of October 20th? Where were you in the evening of October twenty? Tio okazas ankaŭ al mi. It happens to me as well. This also happens to me. El ia plora. She cried. Out of some weeping. La posiblias es infinita. The possibilities are infinite. The possibility is infinite. Ni ne intencas rezigni. We're not giving up. We don't intend to give up. Ju malpli vi lernas, des pli vi malsukcesas. The less you learn, the more you'll fail. The less you learn, the more you fail. Io non debera jammais creder que Deo joca al datos con le mundo. I shall never believe that God plays dice with the world. I'm not ever able to believe that God is joining the data with the world. Il evidentmen ama te. He obviously loves you. Il evidentmen ama te. Mi tre malofte vidas lin. I rarely see him. I see him very rarely. Il se tracta de un cassa de latta. It's a metal box. Il se handle de un cita de latta. Tiun demandon ne evitu! Don't evade the question. That question should not avoid! Ili ekiris al pikniko. They set out on a picnic. They went to picnics. Finalmen li mann confesset. The man finally confessed. Finalmen li mann confesset. ko'a pu cusku so'i da She talked a lot. This is the part of the universe. The baby is slaying the dragon. Pod binon grünik. The apple is green. Pod binon grünik. Me ne povas manjar. I can't eat. I can't eat. Quo es un watt? What is a watt? What is one watt? Nula problemo! No worries! No problem! Ni priparolis diversajn temojn. We talked about various topics. We talked about different issues. ko na lacri ra Don't trust him. ko na lakri ra Esque vu vole partir un orange con me? Would you guys like to share an orange with me? Esque you want to share one orange with me? mi ca'o zbasu lo tcati I'm making tea. Manufacturer for manufacturers DaH tlhIngan Hol vaghvatlh vaghmaH vagh mu'tlhegh ngaS tato'eba'. Tatoeba now contains five hundred fifty-five Klingon sentences. I'm going to take advantage of the universe.g., I'm going to take advantage of the universe. Tomo farbis la ĉirkaŭbarilon. Tom painted the fence. Tom made the circuit bar. za'adai jibri mi This is my job. za'adai jibri mi Tom havas jam preskaŭ kvardek jarojn. Tom is in his late thirties. Tom has almost forty years already. e'o cusku se pi'o lo glico bangu Please say it in English. e'o cusku se pi'o lo glico bangu Tomo ne volas provi ion alian. Tom doesn't want to try anything else. Tom doesn't want to try anything else. Tu me manca. I want you. You eat me. turqIya'vo' jIcheghpu'DI' SabchoH turqIya' HolwIj. After I returned from Turkey, my Turkish deteriorated. I am your life in the project. I don't know what you think I am my concern. Yo ama mi matre. I love my mother. Yo ama mi matre. No kanob! I can't! No canob! Il vendi sapates. He sells shoes. Il sales shoetes. vamji ro prenu fa lo vamji be da poi vo'a ke'a zukcfu Every man is worth just so much as the things are worth about which he busies himself. vamji ro take fa lo vamji be da poi vo'a ke'a zukcfu Tagiĝas. Day breaks. Tags up. Bíi di le Athomandaneth wa. I'm speaking Ottoman. Bíi di le Athomandaneth wa. Ha vos devenite folle? Are you out of your mind? Have you become a folle? Mi amis la maljunan viron. I loved the old man. I loved the old man. Ni volas lerni kelkajn japanajn kantojn. We want to learn some Japanese songs. We want to learn some Japanese songs. Ille pote venir hodie. He can come today. They can come today. Ĉu vi havas amrilaton? Are you having an affair? Do you have an amrelative? latlh nuvpu' vuDmey tISaHQo'. Don't mind about what others think. the one would have expected you to take me away from the ten billion years. Tom donis al Mary tre belan donacon. Tom gave Mary a very nice present. Tom gave Mary a very beautiful gift. Ille se concerne troppo con su sanitate. He's a health nut. They conceive too much with their health. Me esperar ke me non ofenser vu. I hope I haven't offended you. I hope I don't mind you. No kanob pükön ko voms. I can't talk to women. No canob pükön ko vos. jupwI'vaD nob vIwIv vIneH. I want to pick out a present for my friend. Just don't know either way, nor do you know either way. La prezoj etendiĝas de 30 ĝis 50 dolaroj. Prices range from the low $30 to the high $50. The prices extend from 30 to $50. mi djuno lo nu vi makau la tom cu mipri lo pe ri jdini I know where Tom hides his money. I mean it nu vi makau la tom cu mipri lo pe ri jdini Io non ha legite su novella, e mi fratre anque non. I haven't read his novel, and my brother hasn't either. Io ne ha legite su novella, e mi fratre non too. Li ne fotis la festivalon. He took no photos of the festival. He didn't photograph the festival. Li-tikol das olik binom gudikum? Do you think yours is better? Li-ticol das olik binom gudikum? Li diris, ke li ŝatas neĝon. He said that he liked snow. He said he likes snow. Mi bezonis plurajn horojn por kudri ĝin. It took me several hours to sew it. I took several hours to cook it. Io pensa que le pena de morte non es un mesura multo effective pro cercar frenar le criminalitate. I think the death penalty is not a very effective way of trying to curb crimes. It is thought that the penalty of death is not a measurement much effective to seek to cool the criminality. jIHvaD ra'wI' lupwI' rI'ta' ghaH. He called me a taxi. I'm only Death. You're going to take a couple of days. Nolob das no labol timi al yufön obes. I know you don't have time to help us. Nolob das no labol be afraid of yufön obris. Me pensis ke me obligas dicar a vu la vereso. I thought it my duty to tell you the truth. I thought I forgot to say to you the truth. ko ranji Go on. co rows mi sisku tu'a lo jibri I'm looking for a job. I sisku tu'a lo jibri Abri tuа oios. Open your eyes. Abri tuños oios. Bíi ma bedihá wa. The student is listening. Bíi ma bedihá wa. Dat jInejpu'. I've searched everywhere. Dat projectiejpu'. mi ba'o tende lo ka sipna I'm no longer sleepy. mi ba'o tender it ka sipna mi jbena fo la bemjoitco I'm from America. I jbena fo la bemjoitco Qup. She is young. If you don't think it's wrong. Yo vermen ama nive. I really like snow. Yo vermen ama nive. bIQ vItlhutlhbe'. I don't drink water. Professor, you do not understand the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions. Bob ha esset spondet con Mary desde plu quam un annu. Bob has been engaged to Mary for over a year. Bob ha esset spondet con Mary since more than one year. lu pamei je'i remei farna li'u co'e .i lu .y. naje li'u co'e "One way or round trip?" "Um... let me think. Round trip." Omei je'i remei farna li'u co'e .i lu .y. naje li'u co'e wa'Hu' qepDaq SaH. He was present at the meeting yesterday. The universe is the universe that the universe is within itself. La spektaklo prezentas sin samtempe kiel la socio mem, kiel parto de la socio, kaj kiel unuigilo. Kiel parto de la socio, ĝi malkaŝe estas la sektoro, al kiu koncentriĝas ĉiu rigardo kaj ĉia konscio. Ĝuste pro tio, ke ĉi tiu sektoro estas aparta, ĝi estas la loko de la trompita rigardo kaj la falsa konscio, kaj la unuiĝo, kiun ĝi atingas, estas nenio krom oficiala lingvo de la universala apartiĝo. The spectacle presents itself simultaneously as society itself, as a part of society, and as a means of unification. As a part of society, it is the focal point of all vision and all consciousness. But due to the very fact that this sector is separate, it is in reality the domain of delusion and false consciousness: the unification it achieves is nothing but an official language of universal separation. The show presents itself at the same time as society itself, as part of society, and as a unit. As part of society, it is openly the sector to which every view and all consciousness focuses. Just because this sector is separate, it is the place of the deceived view and the false consciousness, and the union it reaches is nothing but an official language of the universal separation. Io ha perdite un pauc de peso. I've lost a little weight. It has lost a few of weight. Pro quo es tui jup tam curt? Why is your skirt so short? Why is tui jup as short? Li ocean esset calm. The ocean was calm. Li ocean esset calm. Li tranĉis la pomon en duonojn. He cut the apple in half. He cut the apple into halfs. pei How are you? peas ¿Com'estas't? How are you? ¿Com'es't? tlhIch pur 'e' mevta'. He quit smoking. Thank you for listening. mInDu' 'IHqu' Daghaj! What pretty eyes you have! mInDu' 'IHqu' Daghaj! In li vestibul es un statue ex blanc marmor. In the lobby is a statue of white marble. In li vestibul es un statue ex blanc marmor. Romo ne estis konstruita en unu tago. Rome was not built in a day. Rome was not built on one day. Tu ne es un mann. You're not a man. You are not a mann. do se bangu ma What languages do you speak? then if bangu ma Ni amuziĝis. We had a nice time. We've fun. La ŝafto estas ligita kun piŝto. This shaft links with a piston. The shaft is connected with a piston. jIQaghpu' 'e' vIQub. I think I've made a mistake. You know that you do not have to understand the universe. Beduins lifons in däsärt. Bedouins live in the desert. Beduins liphons in däsärt. Li-labol cilis? Do you have children? Li-labol cilis? Kiom da butero vi aĉetis? How much butter did you buy? How much butter did you buy? pIch ghajlaw' jIH'e' neH. I have only myself to blame, I suppose. pIch ghalaw'Tervi'e neH. paq lel. ghIq laDchoH. He got out a book and began to read it. paq lel. authorizedq laDchoH. Li cité capital de Mongolia es Ulan Bator. The capital of Mongolia is Ulan Bator. Li cité capital de Mongolia es Ulan Bator. mi badri I'm sad. mi badri Qorwagh tlhImmey 'IHchoHmoH rav tlhImmey. The rugs are a good match for the curtains. Furthermore, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you very much indeed. la ramudus klama lo ckule Ramudu came to school. the ramudus klama lo culue Tom ia usa un masca. Tom wore a mask. Tom is sometimes using a masca. Le societate existe solmente como un idea; in le mundo real il ha solmente individuos. Society exists only as a mental concept; in the real world there are only individuals. The society only exists as an idea; in the world real it has only individuals. Dankon, ke vi invitis min al via naskiĝotaga festeno. Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party. Thank you that you invited me to your birth stage. Me es a fini de brosi meа dentes. I just brushed my teeth. I'm at the end of brochures mendes. Tu trovara amicos ibi. You will get friends there. You will find friends ibi. Mi sentas min streĉita. I'm feeling stressed. I feel tight. Tu savas dansar, ka ne? You can dance, can't you? You know dancing, don't you? le za'u nanmu ca'o zukte ma What are the men doing? le zà'u nau ca'o zukte ma Io non me diverte con isto. I don't see any fun in it. Io non me diverte con this. La gato es mor. The cat is dead. The game is mor. ko'a pu balkulctu je datnysisku He was a former university professor and researcher. Calculate balculktu on two-sidedsisku Mi kaptis muson. I caught a mouse. I caught a mouse. DaHjaj nIQ vISopQo'. I won't eat breakfast today. I haven't been going to walkQ ficipQo'. QongDaqDaq ba'choHpu'. He sat on the bed. That's why there's a ba'choHpu'. Yo vole revar. I want to dream. Yo vole revar. «XXX» 'oSbogh HollIj mu''e' yIper! How do you say XXX in your language? 'XXXXX' 'oSinción Holj mu'e' yIper! la tom ca ca'o jai fanza la maris Tom is annoying Mary. the tom ca'o jai fanza la maris Los ia permane amis tota de sua vives. They stayed friends their whole lives. All of them permanently loved all of their widows. Mi estas monstro. I'm a monster. I'm a monster. la .tam. cu cinba la .meris. Tom kissed Mary. l.tam. cu cinba la .meris. Voms ävobofs domo. Women worked at home. Voms ävobofs house. Li ĉiam estis malsata. He was always hungry. He was always hungry. ei do tadni ta'i lo se mau carmi You need to study harder. ei do tadni ta'i lo se mau cammi Il me semblava que alique esseva estranie. I thought something was strange. Il me semblosa que alique estranie. Vi rajtas kunvenigi, kiun vi volas. You can bring anyone you like. You can gather which you want. mubuSHa'taH. They're ignoring me. While we haven't heard it. U il labora? Where does he work? U il labora? Me dormeskis lektante libro. I fell asleep while reading a book. I sleeped a reading book. Per favore, dise alga cosa. Please say something. Please, say something. Tom jaceva. Tom was lying down. Tom jaceva. Tom non habeva le derecto de dicer isto. Tom had no right to say that. Tom did not have the rights of saying this. pa' mej ghaH 'e' vIra'. I told him to leave the room. pa'j ghaH 'and' Friend'. Tom vole studiat in Boston. Tom wants to study in Boston. Tom wants to study in Boston. Noi have un plan. We have a plan. We have one plan. La maxim mala viruso esas kapitalismo. The worst virus is capitalism. The worst virus is capitalism. Ella es un prostituta. She is a whore. Ella is a prostitute. Me no ia scrive alga cosa. I haven't written anything. Me noi scrive alga cosa. Alportu Tomon. Bring Tom over. Bring Tome. Tomo kuraĝigis Manjon iri al oftaj interbatiĝoj en drinkejo. Tom encouraged Mary to get into frequent bar fights. Tom encouraged Manjon to go to frequent interbats in a drink. Rigardu tiujn bildojn! Look at these pictures. Look at these images! Si le mechanica quantic non te ha choccate profundemente, tu non lo ha ancora comprendite. If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet. Si le mechanic quantic non te ha choccate deep, tu ne lo ha ante compenste. Yo nequande obliviat to. I never forgot that. Yo unquante obliviat to. Mary pote reparar le calefactor. Mary can fix the heater. Mary can repair the calefactor. tennuSlI' ghaH tam'e'. Tom is your uncle. tennuS Programming' ghaH tam'e'. Le cavallo es un animal. Horses are animals. Le cavallo es un animal. Se li ne venos, ni ne forveturos. If he doesn't come, we won't go. If he doesn't come, we won't turn away. ri'a ma ra na se'ixru Why doesn't he come back? ri'a ma ra na se'ixru jaghlI' jIH vIneHbe'. I don't want to be your enemy. I'm going to take a look at you, but I'm going to take a look at you. Se morgaŭ neĝos, mi faros neĝohomon. If it snows tomorrow, I'll build a snowman. If tomorrow won't, I'll do a snowman. Me no gusta bevi cafe. I don't like to drink coffee. Me no gusta bevi café. Mostra plu detalias. Show more details. Most details. Tomo estas solinfano. Tom is an only child. Tom is a sol child. Le puero ha quatro conilios, duo mascules e duo feminines. The boy has four rabbits, two male and two female ones. The mayor has four rabbits, both mascules and both women. Tomo skribas al amikino. Tom is writing to a friend. Tom writes to a friend. Li tute eraras. He is sadly mistaken. He's completely wrong. Mia patro demandis min, ĉu mi kontentige rilatas kun la familio Jones. My father asked me if I could get along with the Jones family. My father asked me if I was satisfied with Jones family. mi ralte lo vlacku I have a dictionary. mi ralte lo vlacku qatlh naDev SoHtaH jay'? What on earth are you doing here? Why is your mouth? Mi ne sentas min kulpa. I do not feel guilty. I don't feel guilty. Isto es lo que io haberea dicite. This is what I would have said. This is what something should be said. Su actiones non son sempre in accordo con su parolas. His actions do not always correspond to his words. Can not get message: %s %s Esas multa sovaja bestii cirkume. There are many wild animals around here. There are many wild beasts around. Manjo rimarkis, ke mankas unu el la seĝoj de Tomo. Mary noticed that one of Tom's chairs was missing. Manjo noticed that there was missing one of Tom's chairs. Tom ia compra alga cosa. Tom bought something. Tom's a funny thing. Me ama tu vermente del fundo de tu corde? Do you really love me from the bottom of your heart? Me ama tu vermente del bottom de tu corde? Ci ia fa prima esta? Who did this first? You do so prima esta? Me saborea musica. I enjoy music. I flavor music. Kie vi estis la tutan nokton? Where have you been all night? Where were you all night? Il non es recommendabile dar popcorn a babies o parve infantes, proque le granos pote esser causa de suffocation. Popcorn is never recommended for infants or toddlers, as the kernels can pose a choking threat. Il is not a recordable dar popcorn a babies or small infants, since the grains may be a cause of suffocation. Ädunobs otosi. We did the same thing. Ädunobs otosi. ghaHvaD jISengqu'. I caused him a lot of trouble. Wait for software development. Io es delicate. I'm sensitive. It is delicate. Io non les exclude. I'm not excluding them. Io non les exclude. Mary va far to quo ella posse por auxiliar Tom. Mary will do what she can to help Tom. Mary goes to do what she owns for auxiliary Tom. Io non lege libros. I do not read books. It won't read books. Báa Thom nuha? Is Tom here? Báa Thom nuha? Yo ha trovat te, tu old peccator. Yo ha serchat te longmen. I've found you, you old sinner. I've been looking for you for a long time. Yo ha trovat te, tu old peccator. Yo ha searchat te longmen. Куандо ла вижила де тота сантас ес? When is Halloween? ← El havas korpo perfekta. She has a perfect body. It has a body perfect. Ĝim promesis al mi, ke li ne venos plu. Jim promised me not to come again. It promised me that he would not come anymore. La akto ne tro kostas. The deed is not too expensive. The act does not cost too much. vIraS Hol ghoj 'e' nID. He tried to learn French. FriendS Hol Education 'e' nID. Ha tu jam finite de facer tu deberes de schola? Have you finished doing your homework yet? Have you already finished doing your owes of schools? Vilob golön ini foginän. I want to go abroad. Vilob golön ini foginän. Ĉu tempo vere resanigas ĉiujn vundojn, aŭ ĉu ni nur alkutimiĝas al tio, ke ni estas vunditaj? Does time really heal all wounds, or do we just become accustomed to having been wounded? Is time really healing all wounds, or are we just attracted to that we are injured? Li-logol tabi olik? Do you see your table? Li-logol tabs olik? mejDI' ghorgh lupwI'lIj 'arlogh Qoylu'? What time is your bus? mejDI's Ghorgh lup o'arlogh Qoylu'? le mrori'i pu fasnu ca lo prulamdei The funeral was yesterday. le mrori'i pu fasnu ca lo prulamdei Soch puqloDpu' ghaj. He has seven sons. Soch puqloDpu' ghaj. Aiya otorno. Hail, guildbrother. Aiya orthodox. Mi kutime butikumas en Oksforda Strato. I usually shop in Oxford Street. I usually buttikumas in Oxford Street. No clui la porte! Don't close the door! No clui la porte! El lavas sua jupo. She washes her skirt. She washs her cup. chonuQtaH. You're annoying me. chonuQ is moving. Ne serĉu kiel fari, trovu kiel ne malhelpi vin. Don't look for the way, just remove the obstacles. Don't look for how to do, find out how not to help you. Ĉu vi lasis trinkmonon? Did you leave a tip? Did you leave a drink? Il non es un bon idea offender le sposa de un boxator. It's not a good idea to offend a boxer's wife. Il is not a good idea offense le sposa de un boxator. Absolute sensignifa, diris Kohelet. Absolute sensignifa, ĉio estas sensignifa. Absolutely meaningless, said Kohelet. Absolutely meaningless, everything is meaningless. Absolutely meaningful, Kohelet said. Absolutely meaningful, everything is meaningful. Non vos effortia tanto, pueros. Don't be so eager, boys. Don't you effortia tanto, pueros. Ille non sape le distinction del ben e del mal. He doesn't know the difference between good and evil. They don't know the distinction of the good and the bad one. bIjatlhtaHvIS bIchuSnIS. You must speak in a loud voice. (Applause) Yo va payar. I'll pay. Yo va payar. Esque yo posse usar tui telefon? Can I use your phone? Esque yo posse use tui telephona? Le cattos miaula. The cats are meowing. Le cattos myula. fi'o spaji mi le fetsi pu xamgu tavla bau lo glico To my surprise, she spoke English very well. fi'o spas mi le fetisi pu xamgu tavla baula lo glico Islam floreva in India. Islam flourished in India. Islam flourished in India. Esque noi posse esser amicos? Can we be friends? Esque noi posse esser amicos? Ille ha realisate su sonio de devenir artista. He realized his dream of becoming an artist. They have realized their dream of becoming an artist. Methad ra rawíi with shum raden wáa. People can't live without air. Methad ra rrawíi with shum raden wáa. Ni troviĝas en profunda recesio. We're in a deep recession. We are found in a deep recession. Lödobs nilü jul. We live near the school. Lödobs nilü jul. El ia plora. They cried. Out of some weeping. Plena luno estos videbla ĉi-vespere. A full moon can be seen tonight. A full moon will be visible tonight. Vulkananoj havas pintajn orelojn. Vulcans have pointy ears. Vulcans have painted ears. Matama Gandhi iam diris al mi: "Vivu kvazaŭ vi devus morti morgaŭ. Lernu kvazaŭ vi vivus eterne." Mahatma Gandhi once told me: "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." Matama Gandhi once said to me, "You should see as if you should die tomorrow. Learn as if you live forever." Mea hundo es preske duime tam granda kam la tua. My dog is almost half the size of yours. My dog is almost duime as big as the tua. 'InSongmey vIje'. I bought flowers. 'InSongmey fianje'. Tio estis mia unua vidpunkto. That was my first way of thinking. That was my first point of view. ra nivji lo nivycreka She is knitting a sweater. ra nivji lo nivycreka Iste schola ha un politica de tolerantia zero. This school has a zero tolerance policy. This schoola has a policy of tolerant zero. qatlh mumuS tam? Why does Tom hate me? Let's go, let's go! Me perdis ol. I've lost it. I lost it. racli fau da'i That would make sense. racli fau da'i Me ne povas irar pluse. I can't go any farther. I can't go further. Mi malamas hororfilmojn. I hate horror films. I hate watches. pa' yIqI'! Sign your name there. pa' yIqI! Ne estas permesite fumi ĉi tie. You are not supposed to smoke here. It's not allowed to smoke here. Aril lothel le sháaleya aril wa. I'm going to know tomorrow. Aril lothel le sháaleya aril wa. Le imperator promitteva vincer le separatistas un vice pro sempre. The emperor swore to crush the separatists once and for all. The emperor promising a winner le separatists un vice pro sempre. La demanda ia es asetada. The request was granted. The question is assessed. xu mi do melbi Do you find me pretty? xu mi do melbi Huchvetlh luwuv. They needed the money. Huchvetlh luwuv. Tu irita me. You piss me off! You irritate me. Tro fruas por voki Tomon. It's too early to call Tom. Too early to call Tom. qapoQDI' qarI'. I'll call you when I need you. I'm sorry, I'll talk to you. Yunans mödik äkömons ini Moskva ad studön. Many young people came to Moscow to study. Yunans mödik äkömons ini Mosqua to studyön. Le pudor es le conscientia del corpore. Modesty is the conscience of the body. The puppet is the consciousness of the body. Me ia jua un max de tenis contra el. I had a tennis match with him. I'm just one max of tennis against him. Vi refaris tion. You did it again. You've done that again. Li estas tenisludanto. He's a tennis player. He's a tennis player. Jean viagea min quam Alice. Jean travels less than Alice. Jean viagea min quam Alice. Binon pod ela Ioannes. It's John's apple. Binon pod ela Ioannes. Tot ne. Not at all. Tot no. Tom sukcesos. Tom will succeed. Tom will succeed. Elu ne povas koquar bone. She can't cook well. Elu cannot coquar well. Li komparis sian kun nova aŭto. He compared his car to the new model. He compared his with a new car. lo vi dinju cu cnino This building is new. lo vi dinju cu cnino Li diris al mi, ke ŝi estas malsana. He told me that she was sick. He told me that she was sick. ti nanla poi mi pensi This is the boy I think about. ti nanla poi mi pensi mi cusku lu mi'e djan. li'u I say, “I’m John”. mi cusku lu mi'e djan. li'u Yo eat a Dania. I went to Denmark. Yo eat a Dania. Yo di to chascun die. I say this every day. Yo di to chascun die. Tomo ŝoforis. Tom chauffeured. Tom shot. Lo es note cuando un om move caracolin longo la paseria prosima a un semafor. "Esce tu ia perde acaso cualce cosa?" un pasor ia demanda a el. "Si, un boton de camisa." "Esce tu sabe serta ce tu ia perde lo asi?" "No, un poca plu a retro. Ma asi on ave plu de lus per trova lo." It is night when a man crawls along the sidewalk near a traffic light. "Have you lost something by chance?" a passerby asked him. "Yes, a button from a shirt." "Are you sure you've lost it right here?" "No, a little further back. But here there's more light to help me find it." It es note cundo un om move caracolin length la paseria prosima a semefor. "Esce tu ia perde acaso cualce cosa?" un pass ia demanda a el. "Si, un boton de camisa." "Isce tu save serta ce tu ia perde lo asi?" "No, un poca plu a back. Ma asi on ave plu de lus per trovas per tro tro trovas it." tuj jajvam. It is hot today. It's just the same thing. Tom e Mary odiat unaltru. Tom and Mary hated one another. Tom and Mary odiat unaltru. Ni forjetis li. We threw them away. We took him away. Tom ave pel oscur. Tom is dark-skinned. Tom ave fur oscur. Vu malodora. You guys stink. You hate it. Лос ес алколоманика. They are addicted to alcohol. It's what it's like. Qua diferis? Who disagreed? What differences? lo do cukta ti zvati Your book is here. sugared ti zvati Ĉu mi rajtas preni momenton el via tempo? Could I have a moment of your time? Can I take a moment from your time? Yufobsöd ofe. Let us help her. Yuphobsöd ofe. Heghpu'wI' taghDu'Daq bIQ tu'lu'. Some water was found in the dead man's lungs. I think it's exactly why we are the only intelligent beings. SoHvaD jaj vIDo'Ha'moH vIneHbe'. I don't want to ruin your day. Professor, we really know what you have to do -- thank you for? do jai lerci ca lo dei cerni You are late this morning. so jai lerci ca lo dei Morning na go nai da na zvati la.tatoebas. gi da na jufra If it isn't on Tatoeba, it isn't a sentence. na go nai da na zvati la.tatoebas. gi da na jufra Ĉe multaj paroj en Usono ambaŭ geedzoj laboras por ekvilibrigi la buĝeton. Many couples in America both work to make ends meet. In many pairs in the United States both spouses work to balance the budget. Hiel Tom spikom tu vifik. Tom talks too fast. Hiel Tom spik tu vifik. Juko komencis la vetkuron tre rapide. Yuko started the race very quickly. A Jew began the bet very quickly. Yo pensat que Tom esset sat bon. I thought that Tom was pretty good. Yo pensat que Tom esset sat bon. Neniu povas atingi lin pri vasteco de scio. No one can approach him in wideness of knowledge. No one can reach him about a wide range of knowledge. Tom subridet. Tom smiled. Tom subridet. Vilob golön in Tehrani. I want to go to Tehran. Vilob golön in Tehrani. Non perde le tempore pro ille chimera. Don't waste your time on that pipe dream. Don't through time to get chimera. Ubi pote io comprar briccas? Where can I buy bricks? Where can something understand briccas? La akcidento forŝtelis lian vidkapablon. The accident robbed him of his sight. The accident left his vision. jIveghlI' neH. I'm just passing through. Exiting... Ne prenu la katon sur vian brakon. Don't pick up the cat. Don't take the cat on your arm. .e'o do va'o gi cliva gi ganlygau lo vorme Please will you close the door when you go out. .e. I'm going to have a couple of years ago. La preco esas alta. The price is high. The prey is high. Interlinguavú. I speak Interlingua. Interlinguavú. Ла песос де шаке ес: ре, дама, биспо, кавало, торе е пеон. The chess pieces are: king, queen, bishop, knight, rook and pawn. ← Sint 'n cäts. I'm a cat. Sitt 'n cäts. Me savar vun nome. I know your name. I know your name. Yo ancor ne save to. I still don't know that. Yo anx ne sale to. la tom na tsali Tom isn't tough. the tom na tsali Mi ege volas iri en Italion. I do want to go to Italy. I really want to go into Italy. Quo ella dit? What did she say? What does she say? jaspu e'o Passport, please. jaspu e'o Noi ama te. We love you. We love you. Io credeva que io poteva facer lo. I thought I could do that. Io crederva que io was able to do it. Kalmeskez. Calm down. Kalmeskez. Том иа еваде ла кастел, десемблада комо ун фем. Tom escaped from the castle, disguised as a woman. ← Ingredients Recipes du'e da ka'e se cuxna There are too many choices. two of these things are each other Mi malamas tomatojn. I hate tomatoes. I hate tomatoes. Mi neniam antaŭe vidis iun kian Tom. I never saw anyone like Tom before. I've never seen someone like Tom before. Ma cénatyë nér? Are you seeing a man? Ma cénatyë nér? Me serchas mea pasporto. Ka tu vidis ol? I'm looking for my passport. Have you seen it? I'm searching for my passport. Have you seen it? xu do se pampe'o Do you have a lover? xu do se pampe'o Ĉiu por si mem! Everyone for themselves! Everyone for himself! la .tom. cu cliva ca lo ni'u so'o moi'o be lo cacra Tom left hours ago. the .tom. Quit it's so far. Como es il possibile que un esser con joieles si sensitive como le oculos, instrumentos musical si incantate como le aures, e si fabulose arabesco de nervos como le cerebro pote sentir se minus que un deo? How is it possible that a being with such sensitive jewels as the eyes, such enchanted musical instruments as the ears, and such fabulous arabesque of nerves as the brain can experience itself anything less than a god? As it is possible for one to be with jewels themselves sensitive as the eyes, tools muscularly like the aures, and if a fableose Arabicness of nerves as the brain can feel less than a god? Mi loĝas proksime. I live close by. I live close. Tom dirije un otel. Tom manages a hotel. Tom said one otel. Me mortigis deo. I killed a god. I killed a god. Me ia jubila a tre anios ante aora. I retired three years ago. Me ia jubila a tre anios ante aora. Mia starpunkto estas tre klara. My position is very clear. My starting point is very clear. Donald Trump debe esser extradite a Iraq pro dar conto del crimines de guerra del soldatos qui ille pardonava. Donald Trump must be extradited to Iraq to be held accountable for the war crimes of the soldiers he pardoned. Donald Trump must be mined to Iraq to give account of the crimens de guerra del soldiers qui ci pardona. be'nI'wI' rur nenSIy. Nancy looks like my sister. It's going to be either way, or to run non-SIy. Ме но воле девени грасоса. I don't want to get fat. It's what it's like. Á tirë taurë! Watch the forest! Á tirë tauurë! Ĉiam, kiam mi iras tien, mi renkontas ŝin. Every time I go there, I meet her. Always, when I go there, I meet her. paS chaH 'e' vIQub. I think that they will be late. paS chaH 'e' fiaQub. tugh matagh. We'll begin shortly. tugh matagh. .e'u do ckire xo'o la .djim. lo ka gau ce'u do fliba You have Jim to thank for your failure. .e'u do ckire xo'o la .djim. lo gau ce'u do fliba do djica loi sakta ji loi ladru Do you want sugar or milk? so djica loi sakta ji lo loi ladru La skandalo fakte finis la karieron de Tomo, kiel publika servanto; li decidis do iĝi politika analizisto. The scandal effectively ended Tom's career as a public servant, so he decided to become a political analyst. The scandal actually ended Tom's career, as a public servant; he decided therefore to become a political analyst. wIb Hergh. The medicine tastes bitter. Lib Hergh. Li unic bon fascist es un mort fascist. The only good fascist is a dead fascist. Li unun bon fascist es un mort fascist. La urbocentro devus esti barita por ĉiu nepiedira trafiko. The city center should be closed to all but pedestrian traffic. The city center should be barbed for each non-pedir traffic. Tom ne sciis, ĉu ridi aŭ plori. Tom didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Tom did not know whether to laugh or cry. 'IrneHnalwI' ghaH. He is my uncle. 'IrneHnal o'ghaH. Ah, kande li renkontros itere? Ah, when will they meet again? Ah, when will he meet them? Nos cocinava tempura a ille momento. We were cooking tempura at that time. Nos cociva tempura at that moment. Estas du aŭ tri plumoj sur la skribotablo. There are two or three pens on the desk. There are two or three feathers on the desk. Io passava tote le postmeridie conversante con mi amicos. I spent the whole afternoon chatting with friends. Io passa all le postmerdie conversante con mi amicos. Tu deve amar la tre mult. You must love her very much. Tu deve amar la tre mult. Me es plu pesos ca tu. I'm heavier than you. I'm more weighting this tu. Ne atende. Don't wait. Not waiting. tera' na'ran wIb vIychorgh ngaSbogh Dargh vIneH. A tea with lemon, please. Earth's father used to understand the universe, which is where we were in the fight of the universe. Sami odiis aquo. Sami hated water. Sami hated water. be'nallI' yIrIt. Call your wife. beal Programming yIrIt. Esque vu vole partir un orange con me? Do you want to share an orange with me? Esque you want to share one orange with me? Фа комо ме дисе; но фа комо ме фа. Do as I say; don't do what I do. ← Ingredients Kiel oni prononcas tiun vorton? How is this word pronounced? How is this word pronounced? mi pleji mu rupnu ko'a I paid her five dollars. I'm most expensive. El iracegas kontre me. She is very angry with me. From going out of me. Io scribe un libro in plure linguas e al mesme tempore io publica lo super le schermos de Tatoeba in tote le mundo. I am writing a book in several languages, and I simultaneously publish it on Tatoeba's screens all over the world. I'm posting a book in multiple languages and to the same time something public about Tatoeba's screens in all the world. Silentu kaj aŭskultu! Shut up and listen! Shut up and listen! QIt puH Duj chIj tam. Tom drives slowly. QIt puH Duj chIj tam. Cada cosa es lojical aora. Everything makes sense now. Each thing is a lojical aora. la'oi Aoi xamgu dansu Aoi is a good dancer. Aeg La erba es verde. The grass is green. The erba is green. Estas kvindek kilometroj al Parizo. It's fifty kilometers to Paris. There are fifty kilometers to Paris. lo ni mi prami la platon ku no'u li za'u no cu se zmadu lo ni mi prami loi ka jetnu Plato's my friend, but truth I cherish even more. Let's Love the plate ku nou li za'u no cu se zmadu lo n me Love lo ka jetnu La fem es bela? Is she beautiful? The woman is beautiful? nuch Hergh vIneH. I'd like some aspirin. nuch Hergh o'clock. Bíi eril delishe Thom wo. Tom wept. Bíi eril delishe Thom woo. Illas son alcoholicas. They are alcoholics. Illas son alcoholicas. Tom ia abri un bote de tun. Tom opened a can of tuna fish. Tom ia abri un bote de tun. Esce vos veni con me? Are you coming with me? Esce vos veni con me? Me simple ne savas quon dicar. I just don't know what to say. I simply don't know what to say. Ha tu ja leet ti libre? Have you read this book yet? Ha tu ja leet ti libre? mIn 'oH Dochvam'e'. This is an eye. This is the Doch the universe. Ille cadeva in le fluvio. He fell into the river. They mean in le fluvio. Ni iru per trajno anstataŭ buso. Let's go by train instead of by bus. Let's go with a train instead of a bus. Tio sufiĉas ĉi-momente. This will do for the time being. That's enough. Lia laboro estas antaŭenigi la vendojn. His job is to promote sales. His work is to advance sales. Le natura e le libros pertine al oculos que los vide. Nature and books belong to the eyes that see them. The nature and the books pertinent to the eyes that they see. do melbi soi lo nu ma kau ni no'a cu se jalge lo nu ro da prami do You are beautiful to such an extent that everyone loves you. do melbi soi lo nu ma kau ni no'a cu se jalge lo nu ro da Love do ghIj pagh. Nothing scares them. Let's go, let's go. ma ka gleki What is happiness? but this gleki La Olimpiales selebra seria la vinse de nasionalisme, drogi e comersia. The Olympic Games ceremoniously celebrate the triumph of nationalism, doping and commerce. The Olympics selebra series the vine of nasionalisme, drugs and comersia. tugh jIcheghta'. I will be back soon. I'm going to take it. You're going to tell you yourself, okay? ko'a mo prenu What kind of person is she? Use a moment to take Los ave alga cosa compartida. They have something in common. Los ave alga cosa compartment. xu ro da gleki Is everyone happy? xu ro da gleki Applica iste crema super vostre facie. Apply this cream to your face. Apply this cream over your faces. El ia fura meа cor. She stole my heart. Of some fur mei cor. Mi tenos vin informita. I'll keep you posted. I'll hold you informed. Li doctore tirad li papere ec sen poshe. The doctor pulled the paper from his pocket. Li doctore tirad li paper ec sen poshe. Vos es semper in mi corde. You're always in my heart. Vos es corde in mi corde. Mea color favoreda es blu. My favorite color is blue. My colour favorably is blue. Mi kuiras la tagmanĝon. I am cooking the lunch. I cook lunch. Ella cocina bon. She cooks well. Ella cocina bon. Bumots pädämikons fa tep äneito. The buildings were damaged by the storm last night. Bumots pädämikons fa tep äneito. Ĉu la dancintaj knabinoj dormas aŭ ĉu ili mortis? La odoro de la floro diras, ke ili estas kadavroj. La vespera sonorilo anoncas ilian morton. Do the dancing maidens sleep, or are they dead? The scent of the flower says that they are corpses. The evening bell tolls their knell. Are the dance girls sleeping or are they dead? The smell of the flower says they are corpses. The evening bell announces their death. Kaptu lin. Catch him. Get him. Le divorcio lassava le homine con vulneres emotional. The divorce left the man with emotional wounds. The divorce left the homine with vulneres emotionally. Son ziana binom hikös. The son of an aunt is a cousin. Son zian binom hikös. Ne ekzistas pruvo por sugesti, ke Tomo estis la murdinto. There's no evidence to suggest that Tom was the killer. There is no evidence to suggest that Tom was the murderer. nIteb yIt 'e' parHa'. She likes to walk alone. impariteb yIt 'e' parHa'. Spidö! Hurry! Spidö! pei ra se djica da'i la tom Is that what Tom would want? Pei ra se djica da'i la tom Estas ŝtoneto en mia ŝuo. There's a rock in my shoe. It's a stone in my shoe. Desde quelc témpor yo have sempre li sam somnie in li nocte. For some time now I've had the same dream every night. Desde quelc témpor yo have always li sam somnie in li midnight. Ме теме кукарашас. I'm afraid of cockroaches. It's what it's like. la tom ca ponse lo cnino karce Tom has a new car. the tom this owner lo cnino carce Doraemon ofte ridetas. Doraemon smiles often. Doraemon often smiles. Vi ambaŭ malpravas. You are both in the wrong. You're both wrong. Tom esset ci li tot die. Tom was here all day. Tom esset cci li tot die. Tom pensis pri to quon Mary dicabis. Tom thought about what Mary had said. Tom thought about what Mary had said. Le probabilitate de que isto jammais eveni es multo parve. The chances of that ever happening are so small. The probability of what this will keep coming out is very small. Il save omnicos. He knows everything. Il sande omnicos. Ille bibeva. He used to drink. They're all right. jaghvaD waw' lulonpu'. They abandoned the fort to the enemy. It's really war. wejlogh jISawta'. I've been married three times. wejlagh projectedSawta'. Li Unit States de America es un republica. The United States is a republic. He United States of America is a republic. Tu es un bell fémina. You are a beautiful woman. Tu es un bell fémina. Tom ne scias, kiu mi estas. Tom doesn't know who I am. Tom doesn't know who I am. Kia embaraso! What a hassle! What a embarrass! Мерда де бове. Bullshit. It's all right. Que creder nunc? What are we to believe now? Que creder now? ko'a xabju lo nurma .isemu'ibo ko'a so'uroi klama le va tcadu Living as he did in the remote countryside, he seldom came into town. ko'a xabju lo onlyma .isemu'ibo ko'a so'uroi klama le va tcadu Sequez tua propra kurso e lasez la homi parolar. Follow your own path and let people talk. Follow your own course and let the men talk. mi pu zvati lo nu penmi de'i li vu'u pa I attended the meeting yesterday. mi pu zvati lo nu pens de'i li vu'u pa ma do ca'o se pensi What're you thinking? But so this if you think ko carna fi lo zunle Turn left! co carna fi lo zunle Manjo estas mia patrino. Mary is my mother. Manjo is my mother. Io debe apprender como ordinar alimento in francese. I have to learn how to order food in French. It should appreciate how to order food in French. Mi sciis, ke estos io por manĝi. I knew there would be something to eat. I knew there would be something to eat. Еске ту парла туркес? Do you speak Turkish? ← Yo es tre fatigat. I am very tired. Yo es tre fatigat. Ме густа жуа футбал. I like to play soccer. Is it possible for you to know what you are doing? la tom enai la meris klama lo zarci Tom goes to the market, but Mary doesn't. the tom enai la meris klama lo zarci mi'o nitcu lo se citka We need something to eat. mi'o nitcu lo se citka .u'u mi lerci tolyli'a I apologise for arriving late. .u mi lerci tolyli'a Io non pote sequer le moda del juvenas iste dies. I can't keep up with the fashions of young girls these days. It cannot follow the fashion of the youth this day. tam Davaq 'e' yImev! Stop picking on Tom. tam Davaq 'e' yImev! Vartez til morge matine. Wait until tomorrow morning. Move til morge matine. Tio ŝajnas tia. That's the way it seems. This seems like that. El ave dudes enfantes. He has twenty children. El ave dudes enfantes. Il sembla que nemo sape lo que ha evenite a Tom. No one seems to know what happened to Tom. Il sembla que nemo sape lo que ha beite a Tom. le za'umei pu cadzu lo jarki pluta They walked along a narrow path. za'umei pu cadzu lo jarki pluta Etiam io. So do I. And there's something too. Io non poteva resister de replicar a mi chef. I could not but talk back to my boss. It was not possible to resist replication to my chief. Tenu la pordon malfermita. Keep the door open. Keep the door open. Je la fino nia skipo perdis la lastan ludon. In the end our team lost the final game. At the end our crew lost the last game. Elu finale dormeskis. She finally fell asleep. Elu final dormiskis. mi ba penmi lo pendo be mi lo zaisle I'm meeting a friend of mine at the store. mi ba penmi lo pendo be mi lo zaisle Ille es un studente industriose. He is an industrious student. They're a student industry. Io voleva parlar con vos super alique. I wanted to talk to you about something. Io voleva parlar con vos super alique. La vorto estas sur la pinto de mia lango. The word is on the tip of my tongue. The word is on the tip of my tongue. Yo crede que yo besona auxilie. I think that I need help. Yo crede que yo besona auxie. Ŝi povas paroli kaj legi la Francan. She can speak and write in French. She can speak and read French. qach vIchegh. I went back to the house. péch facichegh. 'uQ tIn wISopta'. We had a big dinner. 'uQ tIntruSopta'. George Orwell era un advocato de lo que on cognosce hodie como le "correction political," considerante lo "solmente le politessa le plus ordinari." George Orwell was a supporter of what we now know as "political correctness," considering it to be "only the most ordinary politeness." George Orwell era un advocate de lo que on cognosce today as le "correction policyal," considering it "to print the polite le more commonplace." A basso le politicos corrupte. Down with corrupt politicians. A basso le politicos corrupte. Cuanto esta custa? How much does that cost? Cunto esta custa? Li havas la plej grandajn brovojn, kiujn mi iam vidis. He's got the biggest eyebrows I've ever seen. He has the greatest brows I've ever seen. cho'oy'moH 'e' yImev. Stop hurting me. Come on, thank you very much indeed. Mia patro ŝatas sian kafon forta. My father likes his coffee strong. My father likes his coffee strong. Il es tam alt quam ella. He is as tall as her. Il es tam alt quam ella. Sor Hap ngop tIS law' baS ngop tIS puS, 'ach nav ngop tIS law' Hoch tIS puS. The wooden plates are lighter than the metal plates, but the paper plates are the lightest. Sor Hap traturp tIS law' baS traturp tIS meaning, 'ach nast nup tIS law' Hoch tIS meaning. Tomo konstruis iglon en sia malantaŭa ĝardeno. Tom built an igloo in his backyard. Tom built an iglo in his back garden. Su fratre deveniva un islamita. His brother became a Muslim. On brotherly devenive one Islamist. Tomo estas tre laca. Tom is very tired. Tom is very tired. Me place le ananas blau de Tom. I like Tom's blue pineapple. I place le pineapple blau de Tom. Tu e cual armada? You and what army? Tu and cual armed? An alicuno de vos reguardava ex le fenestra? Did any of you look out the window? And any of you will give a paragraph except the window? Neniu iam estis tie kaj postvivis por rakonti la aferon. No one has ever been there and lived to tell the tale. No one has ever been there and has survived to tell the matter. Yo ne save. I don't know. Yo ne sande. Qual pellicula tu videva? Which movie did you watch? What pellicula tu videva? Mi volas inviti ilin partopreni. I want to invite them to participate. I want to invite them to participate. mi klama fo ma fe lo gusta How do I get to a restaurant? mi clama fo ma fe lo gusta vIlo'. I use it. You know what you do. Acua de cloaca contamina frecuente la mar. Sewage often pollutes the ocean. Acua de cloaca contamina frecuente la mar. Tomas löfom lilädön literati nelijik. Tom likes reading English literature. Tomas löfom lilädön liliti nelijik. Io te diceva de non approchar te! I said stay back! Io te diceva de ne approchar te! xu do ka'e skicu fi mi felo krinu be lo nu do nelci le nakni Can you tell me why you like him? xu do ka'e sciccu fi mi fala té lo nu do neulci le nakni mataghjaj. Let's begin. Mataghya. Tomon surprizis, kiel bone Manjo scipovis desegni. Tom was surprised how well Mary could draw. Tom surprised how good Manjo knew to draw. Kio okazas ĉi tie? What's going on here? What's going on here? ko'a pu ba'o lifri lo nunfli He had suffered some failures. ko'a pu ba'o lifri lo nunfli Auxilia me. Help me. Auxiliary me. Quando io es con te, io non me enoia jammais. When I'm with you, I'm never bored. When I'm with you, I'm not going to keep me in. le prenu cu traji lo ka lazni kei lo prenu poi mi se slabu He's the laziest person I know. le take cu traji lo ka lazni kei lo take me poi se slabu Mi iros butikumi. Ĉu vi volas sekvi min? I'm going to run a couple of errands. Wanna tag along? I'll go buttikum. Do you want to follow me? Kis ejenon-li u jenon-li? What happened or is happening? Kis eyenon-li u jenon-li? Ica hotelo esas la plu granda en la urbo. This is the biggest hotel in this city. This hotel is the largest in the city. Ille parla e scribe in lingua francese. He can speak and write French. They talk and are written in a French language. Tom es disinclinate a dicer le veritate. Tom isn't willing to tell the truth. Tom es disinclinate a dicer le verity. Esce tu va vide la juas olimpial? Will you watch the Olympics? Esce tu va vide la juas olimpial? ra terpa no da He is not afraid of anything. ra terpa no da le kumfa pu glare The room was hot. le cumfa pu glare Yo es tre fatigat. I'm very tired. Yo es tre fatigat. Ka vu esas felica? Are you happy? Are you happy? la .tom. ba na jinga Tom won't win. the .tom. ba na jingya An vos pote intender Tom? Are you able to understand Tom? You may have intended Tom? It vell esser melior que noi anulla li marcha. We'd better cancel the hike. It will be better than noi anulla li marcha. .au pei kelci su'o da Do you want to play something? .au peas keulci su'o da Ka vi povas komprenar Tom? Are you able to understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? Tomas äfunom moti okik. Tom killed his mother. Tomas äfunom moti eyesak. Ŝi estas sekrete enamiĝinta al li. She's secretly in love with him. She is secretly in love with him. Non es necessari scriber plus de 400 parolas. You need not write more than 400 words. It is not necessary to write over 400 words. HaqwI' SoH 'e' vISovbe'. I didn't know you were a surgeon. Have you either been sure that you did not know what you were doing. Li germanes es tre astut. The Germans are very crafty. Li germanes es tre astut. La sola lingua vera cual esiste en la mundo es la besa. The only true language in the world is a kiss. The only language true cual esiste in the world is the best. ti pixra lo mi mamta This is a picture of my mother. ti Image lo mi mamta Set at potraduton. This sentence will be translated. Set at potraduton. lo mensi be do cu ca mo What's your older sister doing now? lo mensi be do cu ca mo lupwI' vItlha'. I followed the bus. Can you hear me? Abdi. How did you know that? Ille "actor" hungare possede plure "cines". That Hungarian actor owns several cinemas. They "actor" doggare possede plure "cines". Vi kunmetas kudromaŝinojn. You assemble sewing machines. You put together cooking machines. ti sivni This is a secret. ti sivni Девени рика! Get rich! It's all right! Нанси густа мусика. Nancy likes music. It's what it's like. bIQ bIr HInob. Cold water, please. bIQ bIr HInob. .aunai mi ckakla I don't want to go to bed. .aunai mi ckakla Yo es in dangere. I'm in danger. Yo es in dangere. Isto es le cosa le plus stupide que io ha jammais dicite. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. This is the thing the more stupid than something has ever been said. Io es suspiciose al personas a qui non place le canes, mais io ha fide in un can quando non le place un persona. I'm suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog when it doesn't like a person. Io es suspiciose al people a qui non place le dogs, mais io ha fide in un can when not le place un person. Kiom longa estas tiu ĉi ponto? How long is this bridge? How long is this bridge? La vintro estos severa. The winter will be severe. The winter will be severe. nayDI' Qup. She married young. Could not close temporary folder: %s La japana vorto "Tatoeba" signifas "ekzemple". The Japanese word "tatoeba" means "for example." The Japanese word "Tatoeba" means "e.g. Qualmen tu standa nu? How are you now? How many are your standing nu? Mi kredas, ke mi volas iri al Marso. I think I want to go to Mars. I think I want to go to Mars. Ŝi studis eksterlande. She studied abroad. She studied abroad. Es-sa fasterig? Is she Dutch? Is-sa fatterig? Vos non es tanto juvene como Tom. You're not as young as Tom. Vos es no tanto juvene as Tom. vaghmaH meb ma'laH mebpa'mey. The hotel can accommodate fifty guests. ghmaH meb ma's background mebpa's e.g. ra tcidu lo vi cukta ca lo prulamdei He read this book yesterday. Record it sugared ca lo prulamdei mi joi la bancus cu casnu ve cu'u la .irk. Bancus and I had a conversation on IRC. mi joi la bancus cu coil cu cu cu'u la .irk. ngo'qu' Dochvetlh. That's pretty old. Thank you for listening. ra sutra cliva lo kumfa He quickly went out of the room. ra sutra Quit lo cumfa Doy'law' tam 'ach Quchlaw'. Tom looked tired, but happy. Doy'law' tam 'ach Quchlaw'. Ädelo äyufob fate obik. Yesterday I helped my father. Ädelo äyufob fate obik. Kiom da libroj vi legas en monato? How many books do you read per month? How many books do you read in a month? Mi agu nun. I have to act now. I'll do now. Tomo estas vicprezidanto de la Berlina Asocio de Abelistoj. Tom is deputy chairman of the Berlin Association of Beekeepers. Tom is vice president of the Berlin Association of Abelists. ti ckule fo la tom This is Tom's school. ti culue fo la tom Tiuj ŝuoj dolorigas min iomete. These shoes hurt me a little. These shoes hurt me a little bit. El conose los. She knows them. El conose los. Yo vole far omnicos. I want to do everything. Yo vole far omnicos. La domo de Sami fariĝis fantomvizitata. Sami's house became haunted. Sami's house became ghost-visited. Meа padre ia dise a me ce me no leje la libro cuando me es a leto. My father told me not to read the book while in bed. I'm going to pad them down to me ce me no leje the book cuando me es a bed. baratDaq chaHtaH Human law'. India is populous. But that is why we are entering a Human layer. Vi kuras tre rapide. You run very fast. You run very fast. Vintre estas multa neĝo. There's a lot of snow in the winter. There's a lot of snow in the winter. Esque vu have ancor questiones? Do you have any further questions? Esque you have yet to ask questions? Tom certe estas bona instruisto. Tom certainly is a good teacher. Tom is certainly a good teacher. Blod obik vobom in Fransän. My brother works in France. Blod obik vobom in Fransän. Li bonege parolas kaj la anglan kaj la francan. He can speak both English and French very well. He speaks well both English and French. xu do se bangu lo bantu'uru Do you speak Turkish? xu do if bangu lo bantu'uru Le investigation ha arrivate a un impasse. The investigation has hit a dead end. The investigation has arrived at an impasse. coi rodo xagycerni Good morning, everybody. coi wheel xagy Morning Io ha justo nunc parlate con illes super illo. I just spoke to them about that. Io ha justo now parlate con il super it. Non haberea tu le bonitate de dicer me proque? Won't you be so kind to tell me why? Don't have tu le bonity de dicer me proque? Illo significa nihil pro me. It means nothing to me. It means none of me. Mea color prefereda es blu. My favorite color is blue. My color preferably is blue. Etos binon stib. That's a pencil. Etos bino stib. Ŝi povas iri 90 mejlojn hore. She can do 90 miles an hour. She can go 90 miles per hour. U il labora? Where does he work? U il labora? Kiöp ägetol toodi at? Where did you get this car? Kiöp ägetol toodes at? la'a carvi It will probably rain. la'a carvi "Me vole vade a casa." "Me ance." "I want to go home." "So do I." "I want to go to casa." "Me ance." Pripensu tion! Think about it. Think about it! Esque tu besona tui claves? Do you need keys? Esque tu besona tui keys? Saluto. Ka me povas parolar kun sioro Johnson? Hello. May I speak to Mr Johnson, please? Health. Can I talk to Mr. Johnson? Tomo ŝajne timas ion. Tom seems to be scared of something. Tom seems to be afraid of it. xu do ca da klama de fo su'o vinji Have you ever traveled in a plane? xu do so da clama de fo su'o vinji Kiel vi ricevis ĉi tiun figuron? How did you get this picture? How did you get this figure? Nancy estas pli timema ol rezervema. Nancy is more shy than reserved. Nancy is more fearful than a reservation. Io ha finite de leger iste roman in minus de tres jornos. I finished reading this novel in under three days. Io ha finite de read this novel in less than tres jornos. Vi diris, ke vi amas ilin. You said you loved them. You said you love them. mi ca za'o troci lo ka zgipli lo jgita tai la .erek.klaptyn. I'm still trying to play guitar like Eric Clapton. mi ca za'o slices lo zgpli lo jgit tai la .erek.klaptyn. latlh lutmey vIQoypu'. He had heard some other stories. That's what you all say, and we all say, Nevo estas la filo de frato. A nephew is the son of a brother. Snow is the son of brother. Vi estas paranojaj. You're being paranoid. You're paranical. Flumed takediko flumon. The river flows calmly. Flumed tactics stream. Un lepore interceptava in le trifolias e le campanulas balanciante e diceva su oration al iride trans le tela de aranea. A hare stopped in the clover and swinging flowerbells and said his prayer to the rainbow through the spider's web. One lepore interceptive in le trifolias e le campanulas balancer e diceva su oration al iride trans le tela de aranea. SaH pagh. Nobody cares. SaH probably. Ŝi estis tre okupata preparanta vespermanĝon por siaj gastoj. She was very busy preparing dinner for her guests. She was a very busy preparing dinner for her guests. Ĉu mi povas tuj fari ĝin ? May I do it right now? Can I make it right now? Ŝi neniam diris al mi, ke ŝi havas katon. She never told me she had a cat. She never told me she had a cat. Vostre invitatos attende. Your guests are waiting. Vostre will invite awaiting. Yo ha captet vos, e nu vu deve laborar durmen por me. I have captured you, and now you have to work hard for me. Yo ha captet vos, e nu you have to work hardmen for me. Kafon, mi petas. Coffee, please. Canon, please. Tom ne menciis ĝin al mi. Tom didn't mention it to me. Tom didn't mention it to me. Li jam vizitis Usonon. He's already visited the United States. He has visited the United States already. Mi havas eĉ ne unu libron por legi. I don't have a single book to read. I don't even have one book to read. Eble mi iros al Bostono la venontan aŭtunon. I might go to Boston next fall. Maybe I'll go to Boston the next autumn. mi te mukti I'm motivated. mi te mukti Si tu vole dansar, lass nos dansar juntmen. If you want to dance, let's dance together. If you want to dance, let us dance juntmen. bIchIjtaHvIS He DabuSnIS. You should concentrate on the road when you're driving. bIchIsta He DabuSnIS. Como osa tu parlar me assi? How dare you speak to me like that? How do you talk to me so? Hieraŭ la temperaturo malkreskis ĝis kvin minusaj gradoj celsiaj. The temperature fell five degrees centigrade below zero yesterday. Yesterday the temperature declined to five minus degrees cell. Mary es nu un felici litt puella. Mary is now a happy little girl. Mary is nu un felici litt puella. E sur qua fondesas tua postulo? And what do you base your demand on? And on what does your demand focus? Jesu molesta me. Jesus annoys me. Jesus bothers me. not qaSchugh wa'leS, vaj QaQ. It'd be nice if tomorrow never came. That's what you all like, do QaQ. DaH bIpIvqa'mo' bIlenglaH. Now that you are well again, you can travel. I now turn bIpIvqa'mo bIleng's goal. Il lassat cader un vase. He dropped a vase. Il leavet cader un vase. Sachegh naDev 'e' yIloS. Wait here till I return. Sachegh naDev 'e' yIloS. Ille es sempre preste. He is always prepared. They are always ready. Decider significa succumber al preponderantia de un insimul de influentias super un altere. To decide means to succumb to the preponderance of one set of influences over another set. Decide means succumber to the preponderantia of one together of an influx over one another. Forgesu tion! Tio estas tro riska. Forget it. It's too risky. Forget this! This is too risky. Detruu ĉion. Bring everything to ruin. Destroy everything. Mi kaŝis la veron for de vi. I hid the truth from you. I hid the truth from you. Anjo rapidis hejmen de la lernejo. Anne hurried home from school. Anjo rushed home from school. jIHvaD Qaghmey Dacha'ta'mo' qatlho'qu'. I thank you sincerely for having shown me the errors. I really thank you for that which I checkmate you, but I'll take me away. Ai binos dagikün bü gödalulit. It's always darkest just before dawn. Ai binos dagikün bü gödalullit. Ha tu jam solvite tote le problemas? Have you solved all the problems yet? Have you already solved all the problems? Preninte tiun medikamenton, vi sentos vin pli bonfarta. If you take medicine, you will feel better. Take this medication, you'll feel better. nIponDaq nenchoH, 'ach DIvI' Hol jatlhlaHchu'. Even though she grew up in Japan, she speaks fluent English. There is nothing innchoH, 'ach DivI' Hol indeed the future of the universe. Ella deve auxiliar le. She needs to help him. Ella deve auxiliary le. Infortunatemente iste clave non entra. I'm afraid this key does not fit. Infortunate this key is not entry. Ci dirije la gala? Who runs the show? You say the gala? Io es felice que tu ha habite successo. I am glad that you have succeeded. Io es happy que tu habite success. Ме ва реваде пасеанте а меа каса. I'm going back to my place on foot. ← Ingredients Recipes Kad ilu savas ke tu amoras il? Does he know that you love him? Can they know that you love it? Kiu loĝas en la apuda domo? Who lives in the house next door? Who lives in the next house? Ŝia universitata titolo ne timidigu vin; ankaŭ ŝi preparas supojn per akvo. Don't be intimidated by her degree! She puts her pants on one leg at a time. Her university title should not scare you; she also prepares soups with water. Kial mi parolu al li? Why should I talk to him? Why should I speak to him? tu'a ko'a ba bapli lo nu do citka lo dertu He will make you eat dirt. tu'a ko'a bapli lo nu citka lo dertu nuq 'oH vungwI''e'? What is a hurricane? The universe is either true, or is it? 'IHqu'. She's very beautiful. 'IHqu'. On repara la strada. The road is under repair. On repair the road. Il evas same kam me. He is the same age as me. Il evas same as me. Tio ne sonas tre profitodona. That doesn't sound very profitable. That doesn't sound very beneficial. La piratas ia naviga la sete mares. The pirates sailed the seven seas. The pirate them sail the set seas. Yo memora quande Tom esset un bebé. I remember when Tom was a baby. Yo memoria quande Tom esset un bebé. Yo ne es un spion. I'm not a spy. Yo es un spion. No tikob das etos äbinom pök Tomasa. I don't think it was Tom's fault. No tickib das ethos äbinom pök Thomas. Mi estas el Uzbekio. I'm from Uzbekistan. I'm from Uzbekia. Ne necesas al vi mensogi. You don't have to lie. You don't need to lie. Tua opiniono semblas esar antiquatra. Your opinion seems to be out of date. Your opinion seems to be antiquatra. Mi ŝatus iri naĝi. I'd like to go for a swim. I would like to go swimming. ra dukse tolcando He's too busy. ra duxe tolcando Tom non mangia carne nec ovos. Tom doesn't eat meat or eggs. Tom ne mangia carne nec ovos. Deo es ubique, sed Illo es plus manifeste in le homine. Assi, servi le homine quasi ille es Deo. Isto es tanto bon quanto adorar Deo. God is everywhere but He is most manifest in man. So serve man as God. That is as good as worshipping God. Deo es ubique, but It is more manifest in le homine. Assili, serve the homine almost that is Deo. This is as good as worship God. Vi ricevu rekompencon. You shall have a reward. You'll get a reward. Felice Die International del Feminas! Happy International Women's Day! Felice Die International del Feminas! Ols valik nolols, kisi mutols dunön. You all know what you have to do. Ols vavalik nolols, kisi mutols dunön. non Sor per naH mob. The only pear left on the tree is rotten. not Sord by naH alone. Ŝi scivolas, kiu sendis la florojn. She is curious to find who sent the flowers. She knows who sent the flowers. Ni provis haltigi ilin. We tried to stop them. We tried to stop them. Fekdiable! Fucking damn it! Fedible! Nos va superviver a illes. We will outlive them. We'll survive to them. Se vi adicios tri al tri, vi obtenos ses. If you add 3 to 3, you get 6. If you add three to three, you will get six. Konsilindas al vi ŝpari monon por via geedziĝo. You'd best set some money aside for your wedding. Talking to you to save money for your marriage. Pro quo la policani es hike? Why are the police here? Why are the police here? To es un option por considerar. This is an option to consider. To is one option to consider. Tomo tranĉe vundis sian fingron, kaj tiu tre sangas. Tom cut his finger and it's bleeding pretty badly. Tome cut off his finger, and this is very bleeding. Io crede que isto non essera multo difficile. I think it's not gonna be that hard. I think this will not be much difficult. Mi estus devinta kunporti mian fotilon. I should've brought my camera. I would have to bring my camera together. Mortigu lin, antaŭ ol li eskapas! Finish him off before he gets away. Kill him before he escapes! nItebHa' mavang DaneH'a'? Do you want to do it together? imparitebHa' mavang DaneH'a? lIHoH! They'll kill you! Your GodH! jungwoq 'oH mungwIj'e'. I come from China. That's my concern! That it true. ko na troci co dukce carmi Don't try too hard! Do you want to hide the jack of your breath Li estis dezirinta al ŝi feliĉajn festotagojn. He had wished her happy holidays. He was wishing for her happy feastings. Ille vole laborar al hospital. He wants to work at the hospital. They want to work on hospital. Ube esas tua domo? Where is your house? Where is your house? Tom ia deside ce el va vade a Boston. Tom has decided to go to Boston. Tom ia deside ce el va vade a Boston. vay' peghtaH reH 'e' vIpIH. I always felt like she was hiding something. All right, let's move back to your life. Il ha necuno hic. There's no one here. Il ha none here. Mi neniam imagis, ke mi vidos ŝin tie. Never did I think I would see her there. I never thought I would see her there. Kiöpo binon-li bür hiela Tom? Where's Tom's office? Kiöpo binon-li bür hiela Tom? pIboQlaH'a'? Can we help you? IboQ live'a'? Le function del freno es de arrestar le automobile. The function of the brake is to stop the car. The brake function is to arrest the automobile. Tom sputava. Tom spit. Tom sputva. Ne estu tiel postulema. Don't be so choosy. Don't be so demanding. SIS 'e' mevbe'. It won't stop raining. SIS 'e' mevbe'. La vero amaras; mensogo dolĉas. Truth is bitter; lies are sweet. The truth bitters; lying sweets. Ŝi estis akuzita pri herezeco. She was accused of being a heretic. She was accused of herness. la meris. cu mamta la tam Mary is Tom's mother. la meris. cu mamta la tam A fini meа projeta ia es adotada. My plan was eventually adopted. A fini meu projeta ia es adotada. ghotI' DajonmeH bIghoS'a'? Are you going fishing? ghotI' DajonmeH bIghoS'a? Kande me devis lernar la Angla en skolo, kelka tempe me plendis pri omna ne-regulaji e stranja reguli. When I had to learn English in school, at times I would bemoan all the irregularities and strange rules. When I had to learn the English in school, some times I complained about all non-regulations and foreign rules. Roberto es un nomine brasilian. Roberto is a Brazilian name. Robert is a name brasilian. Nostre equipa portava camisas rubie. Our team were wearing red shirts. Nostre equipa portava camisas rubie. Tomaso rifuzas pripagi siajn kontojn. Tom is refusing to pay his bills. Thomas refuses to pay his accounts. Cem at binon vemo hitik. This room is very hot. Cem at binon weather hits. Io apportava un libro. I brought a book. Io apportive one book. Kiel mi povas malfermi la kapoton? How do I open the hood? How can I open the head? Homo havas la habileso parlar. Man has the ability to speak. Homo has the habiloso parlar. Ni perdas perspektivon. We're losing perspective. We lose perspective. Mia familio ĉiujare vizitas Italion. Every year my family visits Italy. My family is visiting Italy every year. Le dama vetere esseva gentil e monstrava a me le via al station. The old lady was kind enough to show me the way to the station. The lady stale was gentil and was shown to me via the station. choSvam 'uQ wISoplaH'a'? Can we have dinner tonight? Distant galaxies are the last part of the universe? Mary es dependente de historias de amor. Mary is addicted to love stories. Mary is dependent on historians of love. Redonu al mi unu dolaron, mi petas. Give me $1.00 back, please. Give me one dollar, please. bIpawDI' HIja'! Give me a report upon arrival. bIpawDI' Hiya! Masao ne venos ĉi tien, ĉu? Masao won't come here, will he? Massa won't come here, isn't it? ghogh HablI'lIj mI' vISuq 'e' Dachaw''a'? Can I have your phone number? ghogh Hab Programming is your life.Suq 'e' Dachaw'a? Tomas labom futis tel. Tom has two legs. Tomas labom futis tel. Mi eble malfruos. I may be late. I may be late. El kompris jerzeo ad ilu. She bought him a sweater. El compris jerzeo to these. Tomo kaj Manjo volis farbi siajn harojn. Tom and Mary wanted to dye their hair. Tom and Manjo wanted to paint his hair. Nun ia dise acel. Nobody said that. Now a little dise acel. La ami ia es asente. The friend was absent. The friends ia es asente. Tom, it es tui matre. Tom, it's your mother. Tom, it is tui matre. jInIDqa'. qatlho'. I'll try again, thank you. Exiting... Yo ha ja videt it. I've already seen it. Yo ha ja videt it. Yo es ja un li tren. I'm already on the train. Yo es ja un li tren. Tom save qual li problema es. Tom knows what the problem is. Tom knowing what he's problematic is. law'logh murI'. She called me many times. law'log murI'. Io non ama caffe calide. I don't like hot coffee. Io non ama caffe calide. Ziom obik vobom in bür at. My uncle works in this office. Ziom obik vobom in bür at. .e'e mi do bajra jivna fe'e co'u le karce I'll race you to the car! .e' mi do bayra jivna fe'e co'u le carce Pardonu min pro tio ke mi interrompis vin. Excuse me for interrupting you. Forgive me because I have interrupted you. Mi tute ne trinkas kafon. I don't drink coffee at all. I don't drink coffee at all. ko co'a klama Go now. That's what you like Ме ес бастанте фелис. I'm happy enough. It's what it's like. potlhbe'. It's not important. Thank you for listening. Il esseva troppo facile. It was too easy. There was too easy. Tom ia sposi Maria a 20 otobre 2013. Tom married Mary on October 20, 2013. Tom ia sposi Maria a 20 otobre 2013. Ĉiuj folioj falis. The leaves have all fallen. All the leaves fell. La malgranda knabino pluiris per siaj malgrandaj nudaj piedoj, kiuj estis ruĝaj kaj bluaj pro la frosto. The little girl went on with her little naked feet, which were quite red and blue with the cold. The little girl plunged with his small naked legs that were red and blue due to the cold. Tom preterhastis min. Tom rushed past me. Tom overhast me. ghun DIrDaj. Her skin was warm. Programming DirDs. Me brosi meа dentes par un brosa de dentes. I brush my teeth with a toothbrush. I will brush myself down a couple a brush of teeth. ra ka'e tavla fo lo fasybau He can speak French. ra ka'e tavla fo lo fasybau Bonvolu resti envice. Please stay in line. Please stay invice. Neniu estas tiel maljuna, ke li ne povas lerni. Nobody is too old to learn. No one is so old that he cannot learn. Tu es multe bela. You look beautiful. You're much nice. Ла секретор ес ен реуни кон ла дирижор. The secretary is in a meeting with the director. ← Та ке нос но фа супосас дутада. Let's not make dubious assumptions. ← ← ghaHvaD bIjatlhta''a'? Have you talked to her? Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today? Me retrovenonta kande me finos. I'll be back when I'm done. I'll come back when I'll end up. Noi es de Francia. We are from France. We are from France. Ĉu vi estas surda? Are you deaf? Are you deaf? qaStaHvIS jav jaj tera' chenmoHta' Qun'a'. God created the world in six days. That's the first one, the Earth's beginning. Proque tu non tace? Why don't you shut the fuck up? Why don't you take? Il habeva un vice un rege qui habeva tres filias. There was once a king who had three daughters. There was once a king who had been three sons. Me pensa ce tu va gusta asi. I think you're going to like it here. I think ce tu va gustata assi. Меa каса ес дистанте. My house is far away. It's what it's like. A que pensa vos quando vos vade al lecto? What do you think about when you go to sleep? What do you think when you're reading about? Daq vIDabbogh DaSov'a'? Do you know where I live? We are the only intelligent beings in the field of life? Еста фалда ес барата. This skirt is cheap. It's what it's like. QIt yImoD. Hurry slowly. QIt yImoD. .uanai ma mukti do .o'onai What is wrong with you? .uanai ma mukti do .o' ora loi glipre cu tcikaizu'e The English are a practical people. lo glipre cu tcikaizu'e Ĉu vi havas sekretojn? Do you have any secrets? Do you have secrets? mi xebni do I hate you. mi xebni do En la sunlumo mia kapo ekturniĝis, kaj mi ekkuŝis sur la herbon por ripozi. In the sunlight my head started to spin, and I lay down to have a rest on the grass. My head turned out in the sunlight, and I ran on the grass to rest. Tomas äbinom pul gudik. Tom was a good boy. Tomas äbinom pu gudik. Illas son alcoholicas. They're alcoholics. Illas son alcoholicas. Mi ne kredas, ke mi kapablos traduki tiun dokumenton sen via helpo. I don't think I'll be able to translate this document without your help. I don't think I'll be able to translate this document without your help. Ĉu Tomo estas atestanto? Is Tom a witness? Is Tom a witness? Mi nun estas en Honkongo. I'm in Hong Kong right now. I'm now in Hong Kong. Rozo esas bela floro. A rose is a pretty flower. Rose is a nice flower. portughalDaq jIHtaH. I'm in Portugal. Why should I find you? Sally vivtenas sin per lecionoj de pianludado. Sally earns her living by giving piano lessons. Sally living with lessons of peer playing. wej Heghpu' ghew'. The bug is still alive. wej Heghpu' ghee. Mi pensas, ke mi povas helpi al vi trovi Tomon. I think I can help you find Tom. I think I can help you find Tom. vIghro' tu'lu'. There is a cat. venier' tu'lu'. mi do prami jenai cu cinpa'i I love you, but not that way. So I'm going to Love this thing. mi djuno lo du'u la tom cu pinxe lo ckafi I know Tom drinks coffee. mi Addo lo du'u la tom cu pinxe lo ckafi Tio estis libro tiom bona, ke mi legis ĝin trifoje. That was such good a book that I read it three times. This was a book so good that I read it three times. Mia patro kaj mi fojfoje iras fiŝkapti. Father and I go fishing once in a while. My father and I'm going to fish. za'u ra pu dunda fi mi'a fe so'i lo cidja They gave us a lot to eat. zàu ra pu dunda fi mi'a fe so'i lo cidja Le ver amor es como le phantasmas, super le quales tote le mundo parla, ma que pauches ha vidite. True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen. The ver love is like le pantasmas, over which all the world speaks, but that pauhes has seen. Esce tu pote abri la fenetra? Can you open the window? Esce you can abri la fenetra? la kukis pinxe Cookie is drinking. the cooks pinxe Tu es un ver amíco. You're a real friend. Tu es un ver amíco. Helsinki esas la chefurbo di Finlando. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Helsinki is the headquarters of Finland. Un linguo nulatempe suficos. One language will never be enough. One language will never be enough. Ella odiat le. She hated him. Ella odiat le. mi fadni zo'e lo'i prenu I am an ordinary person. I guess it's going to take Esce el es asi? Is she here? Esce el es asi? tun nIm tlhagh. Butter is soft. tun have gone to take me away. Goxe batcoba tir ageltafa. It is unfortunately true. Goxe batcoba pull ageltafa. peDtaH 'e' vIparHa'. I like it when it's snowing. peD is entering a 'and' swiparHa'. Vomitava tu? Did you throw up? Vomitava tu? Illa ama le con devotion. She loves him devotedly. Illa ama le con devotion. Ŝi mensogis al vi. She lied to you. She's lying to you. Ла дупле иа аве ун фио. The couple had a son. ← Vitro facile rompiĝas. Glass breaks easily. A man is easily broken down. Manjo ĉiun nokton ekdormas plorante. Mary cries herself to sleep every night. A meal every night smells weeping. Mi havis la saman problemon. I've had the same problem. I had the same problem. jIboghqa'laHchugh bo'Degh vImoj vIneH. If I were to be reborn, I would like to be a bird. I've been in space with our knowledge, but we don't know what? Fide Tom! Trust Tom. Fide Tom! La ujoj produktataj ĉi tie estas farataj el tre rezista materialo. The boxes produced here are made of a very consistent material. The mediums produced here are made from very resistant material. waqmey ngev. He sells shoes. wa dimension ngev. Li-bizugol vini vietiki u lediki? Do you prefer white wine or red wine? Li-bizugol vini vietici u lediki? Мусика класика пласе Бетти. Betty likes classical music. It's what it's like. Leps binoms sapik. Apes are intelligent. Leps binoms sapik. ko catlu lo xance be do Look at your hands. ko catlu lo xance be do Kiu semas venton rikoltos ventegon. He who sows the wind shall reap the storm. Who sows wind will reap wind. qanwI' mIp nayta'. She married a rich old man. I'm sorry, thank you for that. Io pote a pena audir le. I can hardly hear him. It may a penalty to hear le. Io ha un catto. I have a cat. Io ha un catto. Tiu ĉi knabino ne havas patrinon. This girl has no mother. This girl has no mother. Li profitis de la okazo por viziti la muzeon. He took advantage of the occasion to visit the museum. He took advantage of the opportunity to visit the museum. On va invia vos. You'll be envied. On va vos vos. Esce lo ia es pluvos en London? Was it rainy in London? Is it going to rain in London? U noi comensa? Where do we start? U noi comensa? To ridigis me. That made me laugh. To laugh me. Nos ia dise a Tom ce el no resta a estra asta tarda. We told Tom not to stay out late. We said to Tom ce el no resta a esta asta tarda. Basi la polisia! Basi la autocratia! Down with the police! Down with autocracy! Beat the police! Beat the autocratia! Io ha sete. Per favor da me un bibita frigide. I'm thirsty. Please give me a cold drink. Io ha sete. Please give me a bit cold. Estas pli bone etendi olivan branĉon ol lanĉi misilon. Better to extend an olive branch than launch a missile. It is better to extend an olive branch than to launch a missile. La laboro devas esti finita ĝis tagmezo. The work must be finished before noon. The work must be finished until noon. Tomo decidis ĉesi drinki kaj plibonigi sian konduton. Tom decided to stop drinking and reform his behavior. Tom decided to stop drinking and improve his behavior. Desde quande? Since when? What about? Sur la plato en la parko estis skribite: "Ne surpaŝi la gazonon!" The notice in the park said "Keep off the grass". On the plate in the park it was written, "Don't overlap the gas!" Mi alvokis por senkulpigi min, ĉar mi ne povis veni. I called to apologize for not being able to come. I called to blame me, because I couldn't come. Fadil volis eskapi al kaptiĝo. Fadil wanted to escape capture. Fadil wanted to escape to capture. It es un avie. It is a bird. It is one avie. Qochchuq tom merI' je. Tom doesn't agree with Mary. Qochchuq tom merI' je. Le moneta es un maestro terribile, ma un optime servitor. Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant. The currency is a teacher terrible, but an optimal server. e'e doi la tom mi'a ca'o jundi Go on, Tom, we're listening. e'e doi la tom mi'a ca'o jundi DaH HItlhej. Come with me now. I'm going to take me away. jatlhDI' Qutqu'. She is extremely vulgar in her speech. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Le parola es expressive de mi sentimentos. The word is expressive of my feelings. The keyword is expressive of my feelings. jImoH. I'm ugly. Thank you very much. mu'oy' qamwIj. My foot hurts. That's my peace. Tu no debe entra. You mustn't enter. You must not enter. Pos li revolution Francia devenit un republica. After the revolution, France became a republic. After his revolution France became a republic. La manxa grande e roja de Jupiter es un tempesta jigante. Jupiter's Great Red Spot is a giant storm. Jupiter's manxa large and roja es un tempest jigante. Mi ŝatus scii, kiel estus havi flugilojn! I wonder how it would be to have wings! I would like to know how it would have wings! DaH pa'vo' yImej. Please leave the room now. I'm going to take me away. ko jundi lo moklu be do Watch your mouth. ko jundi lo moclu be do La tero havas la formo di oranjo. The earth is the shape of an orange. The ground has the shape of orange. Ĉu lokaj trajnoj estas inkluzivitaj en tiu horaro? Are local trains included on this schedule? Are local trains included on this schedule? Malŝaltu la radioaparaton. Turn off the radio. Turn off the radio device. Alphen ista illaid. No-one knows everything. Alphen this illaid. Ellasu la malliberulojn. Release the prisoners. Leave out the prisoners. Le bus bloccava le passage. A bus got in the way. Le bus bloccava le passage. Io non essera jammais un vetulo. Pro me, solmente es vetule un persona qui ha al minus 15 annos plus que io. I will never be an old man. To me, old age is always 15 years older than I am. I will not be able to keep an old man. For me, it is only old one person who has at least 15 years more than something. Io sape que illo es mal. I know it's bad. I know it's bad. Tom, ĉu vi jam manĝis? Tom, have you eaten yet? Tom, did you eat? Ban ahana thenath ledi wa. I like chocolate. Ban ahana lanath ledi wa. Tiu supo bezonas iomete da salo. This soup needs just a touch of salt. This soup needs a bit of salt. El no es fea. She isn't ugly. El no es fea. mIgh vay'pu'. Some people are evil. mIgh vay'pu'. be'e nolni'u .io .i re'i Pardon me, ma'am. - Yes? be'e nolni'u .io .i re'i Sami era emotionate per le dono de Layla. Sami was touched by Layla's gift. Sami era emotionate by le gift de Layla. Ĉu ni salu iom pli? Should we add a little more salt? Let's save a little more? Le prime phrase es le plus importante del libro. The first sentence is the most important sentence of the book. The first phrase is the more important of the book. Charley es important. Charley is important. Charley is important. Lernado de la franca postulas tempon. Learning French takes time. Learning French requires time. Estas religiaj problemoj, kiujn ni ne forgesu. There are religious issues we should keep in mind. There are religious problems that we don't forget. Bonvolu ne fari fotojn ĉi tie. Please do not take photos here. Please don't make photos here. Vi venis tro malfrue. You came too late. You came too late. Hutlh jul 'e' jalchugh, vaj Hegh Hoch Ha'DIbaHmey. If there was no sun, all the animals would be dead. That's what you all say, but we all say, that's what you all right about? DIvmo' bech. He was tortured by guilt. Divmo' bech. Бон Песах! Happy Passover! It's all right! Alga de mundo ia duta la onestia de la om. Some people questioned his honesty. Alga de world ia duta la onestia de la om. Ille es le capitano del equipa. He is the captain of the team. They're the captain of the equipment. Mi lernis multon pri Aŭstralio. I learned a lot about Australia. I learned a lot about Australia. mi nelci lei boxna pe la xekri xamsi I like the waves of the Black Sea. mi neulci lei boxna pe la xekri xamsi DaH QI veghlI' 'e' vIlegh. I see him coming over the bridge. I now turn QI vehbily' 'e' lifelonglygh. Ekzistas knabinoj kun peniso, knaboj kun vulvo kaj transfoboj sen dentoj. There are girls with penises, boys with vulvas and transphobes without teeth. There are girls with penis, boys with fox and transphobs without teeth. La fia la plu vea de el es sposida. Her elder daughter is married. The fia la plu vena de el es sposida. Ĉu tio daŭros multe pli? Will it be much longer? Will this last much more? yIvumqa'! Go back to work. yIvumqa! mi na gunka bu'u ti I don't work here. mi n gunka bu'u ti jIyaj 'e' vIHar. I believe I understand. How many are you doing? Vu ha prisentar pluri centimetre de lu omnitem durant ke vu ha parlar. You have presented several centimeters to me while you spoke. You have taken several hundreds of thousands of lu omnitem durant you have parlar. Liberaj estas ni! We're free! Free is us! Tio estas brila ideo. That's a brilliant idea. This is a brilliant idea. Tomo perdis siajn ŝlosilojn, kaj pasigis tri horojn klopodante malmunti la seruron, antaŭ ol rezigni kaj perforte malfermi fenestron. Tom lost his keys, and spent three hours trying to pick the lock, before giving up and forcing a window. Tom lost his keys, and spent three hours attempting to unmount the lock before giving up and force to open a window. Zero es ante un. Zero comes before one. Zero is before one. "Ne ploru", ŝi diris. "Don't cry," she said. 'Don't cry,' she said. Mi venis al Tokio antaŭ tri jaroj, kaj ekde tiam mi loĝas ĉi tie. I came to Tokyo three years ago and have been living here ever since. I came to Tokyo three years ago, and since then I live here. Ilu klozis la pordo. He shut the door. I called the door. Yud binon jönik. Judaism is beautiful. Yud binon jönik. xu do badri Are you sad? xu do badri Dargh tlhutlhtaH be'Hom. The girl is drinking tea. Dargh! Thank you very much indeed. Esque tu vole ir a skiar? Do you feel like going skiing? Why do you want to go to ski? Il esset naiv. He was naive. Il esset naive. do me la zimon poi bersa la jon You are Simon, son of John. so me la zimon poi bersa la jon Tom diligente laboris, sed tamen malsukcesis en la ekzameno. Tom worked hard only to fail the exam. Tom diligently worked, but yet failed in the exam. Mi aĉetis la libron, kiun la infanoj bezonas. I bought the book which the children need. I bought the book the children need. Tu es si impatiente con me. You're so impatient with me. Tu es si impatiente con me. Mi can me accompania ubique. My dog goes everywhere with me. Mi can me accompania ubique. Daj paqvam. This book is interesting. Daj paqm. Tiun ludon mi ludas unuafoje. This is the first time I've played this game. This game I play for the first time. cu'u le jbogri .e le flalu la lojban cu ba'e du la loglan As said by the Lojban Group and the law, Lojban is equal to Loglan. cu'u le jbogri .e le flu la lojban cu ba'e du la loglan mi'a klama lo zarci We go to the market. mi'a klama lo zarci Mi diris al li, ke ŝi estas mia koramikino. I told him she was my girlfriend. I told him that she was my girlfriend. ei xajmi It should be fun. ei xajmi ko ze'eba jundi lo do fagri Always tend your fires. Cze'eba jundi lo do fagri Lo es un asasina. It's murder. It is an assina. Vidu supre. See above. See above. Esque tu vole un bibita? Do you want a drink? Esque tu vol un bibita? Tom estas la viro el miaj revoj. Tom is the man of my dreams. Tom is the man of my dreams. To es un stult question. That's a stupid question. To is a stult question. Ili havas grandan. They got a big one. They have a big deal. Mi ne pensas, ke Tomo faris tion. I don't think that Tom did it. I don't think Tom did that. Ел иа перде ла нумерос де телефон де сya амис. He lost his friends' phone numbers. ← Ingredients Recipes Il eskrokis me. He cheated me. Il eskrokis me. Sup Dun 'oH Dochvam'e'. This is a wonderful resource. There was nothing bigger than the universe. Alicuno ha furate mi valise. Somebody has stolen my suitcase. Alicun ha furte mi vavalise. Ka tu kredas ke me ne savas quo eventas? Do you think I don't know what's happening? Do you believe I don't know what happens? Nos ia amini bon. We've become good friends. We've got some love. pe'vIlHa' HochvaD pejatlh. Speak gently to everyone. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Bíi eril delishe Thom wáa. Tom wept. Bíi eril delishe Thom wáa. Me gusta Jonguo. I like China. Me gusta Jonguo. Yo ne posse explicar it. I can't explain it. Yo ne posse to explain it. Tom have amicos in Germania. Tom has friends in Germany. Tom has friends in Germany. Vu vivas nur unfoye. You only live once. You live only once. La angla teamo venkobatis la brazilan teamon en la internacia futbala turniro. The English team beat the Brazilian team in the international football tournament. The English team struck the Brazilian team in the international football tournament. waq DIngev. We sell shoes. waq Dingev. Nef onsik lödon in Nedän. Their nibling lives in the Netherlands. Nef onsik lödon in Nedän. Yo ha esset ta antey. I've been there before. Yo ha esset ta antey. ko ta jgari Grab that. co ta jgari Spikol-li Tsyinänapüki? Do you speak Chinese? Spicol-li Tsyinänapüki? Kvankam li estas juna, li devas subteni grandan familion. Young as he is, he has a large family to provide for. Although he is young, he must support a large family. la .tam. cu simlu lo ka tatpi Tom looks exhausted. la .tam. cu simlu lo ka tatpi Nia skipo malgajnis la unuan ludon. Our team lost the first game. Our team lost the first game. SoSDaj ghom me'rIy' neH tam. Tom wants Mary to meet his mother. SoSDa ghom me'rIy' neH tam. Ofte varias la menso de mizogino kaj vintra vento. A misogynist's mind and winter wind change often. Often the mind of myosin and winter wind varies. Esque tu pote comprender Tom? Are you able to understand Tom? Why can you understand Tom? roppu', 'ach DaH ropbe'. He has been ill, but is not ill now. brumpu', 'ach mestrobe'. Tomo ne estas tro bona gitaristo. Tom isn't much of a guitarist. Tom is not too good a guitarist. Io non comprende le parolas super le obverso del moneta. I don't understand the words on the face of the coin. I don't understand the words above the obversion of the currency. Ni sidiĝu sur la benko! Let's sit down on the bench. Let's sit on the bench! Me sonjas pri vu singla nokte. I dream about you every night. I dream about your single night. Ĉu tio estas donaco por mi? Is this a gift for me? Is this a gift for me? Do tu compra vestes? Where do you buy clothes? So your company's clothes? "Reidof-li buki?" "Si." "Is she reading a book?" "Yes, she is." "Reidof-he mouths?" "Si." runqu' tam. Tom is awfully short. runqu' as well. le fetsi pu jukpa lo nanba She baked bread. le fetisi pu jukpa lo naba Voluntez aplaudar. Please clap. Volnut aplaudar. jIyIntaHvIS not mol yotlhvam rurbogh mol yotlh qetlh'e' vIlegh. Never in all my life have I seen such a dreary graveyard. I have been very lucky that we have solved the universe. However, we have sought to understand the universe. Mia ŝultro doloras min. My shoulder hurts. My shoulder hurts me. buqlIjDaq paq 'ar Dapol? How many books do you have in your bag? buq Passwords are the only intelligent beings in the Dapol? Il sercha un labore. He is seeking employment. You search a job. Tomo fervore laboras. Tom works hard. Tomo fervore is working. Il ha nulle aqua hic. There's no water here. Il ha nulle aqua here. Kio estas via opinio pri tio? What's your opinion on that? What is your opinion of this? mi prami lo nei I love myself. I Love it nei To esset it. That's it. To esset it. lo vi nanba cu kukte This bread is delicious. lo vi naba cu kukte lo tigzgi pu cacra li ji'i ci The concert lasted about three hours. lo tig Music pu cacra li ji'i ci To ne es tre romantic. That's not very romantic. It's not very romantic. Nur kiam mi vidis lin ridi mi rimarkis, kian stultaĵon mi estis farinta. It was not until I saw him laughing that I realized what a fool I had been. Just when I saw him laugh I noticed what stupid I was doing. ue nai ro da pu prane Everything was perfect, just as I expected. ue nai ro da pu prane Ekde kiam vi uzas kontaktolensojn? When did you start wearing contacts? Since when do you use contact lenses? La lernantoj, kiuj havas talenton por la universitato, helpis al aliaj en la klasĉambro. The academically talented students helped others in the classroom. The students who have talent for the university helped others in the classroom. Me va resta asi asta cuando el ariva. I'll stay here until he arrives. I va restasi asta cundo el ariva. It es strangi. It's strange. It's odd. ti'u ma ca lo bavlamdei mi'o cliva What time do we leave tomorrow? That's but this is bavlamdei mi'o Exiting. Li Republica Dominican es nominat "República Dominicana" in hispan. The Dominican Republic is called "República Dominicana" in Spanish. Li Republica Dominican is called "República Dominicana" in Hispan. .i .oi ro'e mu'i ma pau nai lo nu tavla cusku zo galxe cu mutce nandu fi lo nu galxe bilma Stupid brain! Why is saying "galxe" so very difficult with a sore throat? . Copyright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . An vos es felice? Are you all happy? You're happy? Me havas du filiini e du filiuli. I have two daughters and two sons. I have two daughters and two daughters. Kaj ĉi tie matenruĝoj estas mallaŭtaj... The dawns are calm here... And here breakfasts are loud... Du femes canta. Two women sing. Two times sing. Quo es in li botelle? What's in the bottle? What is in it bottled? La restantan manĝaĵon mi manĝigis al mia hundo. I fed the leftovers to my dog. The remaining food I ate my dog. Ille es toxicomane. He's addicted. They're toxic at hand. Io te appoiara non importa lo que alteres pote dicer. I'll stand by you no matter what others may say. Io te apoiara non importa lo que others can dicer. Io me diverte multo in Canada. I'm having a great time in Canada. Io me diverte multo in Canada. Pluvo per manko bankrotigas homojn; per veno ree igas ilin riĉaj. Rain by its absence ruins men; and by its existence restores them to fortune Rain by lack of banking people; by coming again makes them rich. Dum la tuta jaro tiu monto estas kovrita de neĝo. That mountain is covered in snow all year round. Throughout the year this mountain is covered by snow. Tomo estas la sola filo de Manjo. Tom is Mary's only child. Tom is Manjo's only son. Ni devas trovi ion, por ŝtopi tiun truon. We must find something to plug up this hole. We have to find something to stick this hole. Pedro, quanta linguin tu savas? Pedro, how many languages do you know? Pedro, how many languages do you know? Ili nun estas sur la ŝipo. They are now aboard the ship. They are now on the ship. reH Quch. He is always happy. reH Quch. Io crede que Tom e Mary ama le un le altere. I think Tom and Mary like each other. I think that Tom and Mary love each other. ghojmoHwI' ghaH vavwI''e'. My father is a teacher. I guess Hawking, thank you either. Tomo ĉiam diras al Manjo, ke li amas ŝin. Tom is always telling Mary that he loves her. Tom always tells Manjo that he loves her. Li atingis brilegajn rezultojn dum la atleta konkurso. He was able to put up remarkable performances at the sports competition. He achieved brilliant results during the athlete contest. Un monton de persones ia atenta. Lots of people have tried. One mountain of people is careful. Nulu povas rezonar. No one can tell the reason. Null can be resonated. Kial homoj ĉiam tiel cinikas? Why are people always so cynical? Why are people always so cynical? Tom ia senta sur la borda de troteria. Tom sat on the curb. Tom a bit felt on the edge of troteria. Els flücs füvent satisfiats. The officers were satisfied. Els flücs füvent satifiats. Feliĉeco estas floro, kiun oni ne devas pluki. Happiness is a flower one must not pick. Fortunately there is a flower that you don't have to pick up. ghewmey Sop 'Iv? Who eats bugs? ghee Sop 'Iv? Mi nomas lin Tomaso. I call him Tom. I call him Thomas. Pod no nog binon madik. The apple is not yet ripe. Pod no no nog binon mandik. w ysa k Tom yr suki We knew Tom would win. w ysa k Tom yr suki Ŝi ne estas tiel pacienca kiel vi. She doesn't have as much patience as you do. She's not as patient as you. ko ga nai djica lo ka bajra gi bajra If you want to run, then run. ko ga nai djica lo ka bayra gi bayara Ме рефуса туа аида. I refuse your help. It's what you want to do. Non irasce, oncle. Per favor! Dina con nos deman. Don't be angry, uncle. Come! Dine with us tomorrow. Don't go, uncle. Please! Dina con nos deman. Ĉu vi volas kunveni ĉi-semajnfine? Do you want to get together this weekend? Do you want to come together this weekend? la .an. cmalu nixli Ann is a little girl. .an. cmalu nixli e'u ko klama lo do zdani Go on home. e'u ko klamma lo do zdani Pri kelkaj aferoj estas preferinde ne paroli. Some things are better left unsaid. About some things it is preferable not to speak. Li pessim vírus es capitalisme. The worst virus is capitalism. Li pessim vírus es capitalisme. nuv qab jIH'a'? Am I a bad person? I can't take me away? Mi estis surprizita, ke vi gajnis la premion. I was surprised that you won the prize. I was surprised that you won the prize. Vos es multo impatiente con me. You're so impatient with me. Vos es multo impatiente con me. Io es tanto belle. I'm so beautiful. It's Aunt pretty. Ŝi prenis riskojn. She took risks. She took risks. mi'ai pu viska lo nu ko'a co'i klama lo nenri be lo kumfa We saw her enter the room. mi'ai pu vska lo nu co'i klama lo nenri be lo kumfa Omnu havas la yuro esar omnaloke agnoskata kom persono koram la yuro. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. Everyone has the fair to be allologically acknowledged as a person koram the fair. Tom ne volas fari ion, kio ĉagrenos Mary. Tom doesn't want to do anything that will upset Mary. Tom doesn't want to do something that will mess Mary. DIvI' Hol wIghojnIS. We must study English. DevI' Hol dungsIS. Tomo preskaŭ neniam enlitiĝas antaŭ noktomezo. Tom hardly ever goes to bed before midnight. Tom almost never gets stuck before midnight. Me pensas, ke Esperanto esas desfacila linguo. I think that Esperanto is a difficult language. I think Esperanto is a difficult language. fange se gugde .uesai Foreigners astound me. fange se gugde .uesai Tom trovat it. Tom found it. Tom trovat it. Yo posse monstrar li documentes a te. I can show the documents to you. Yo posse to show li documents a te. Neniu pli ol ebriiĝinto similas al frenezulo. Nothing is more like a madman than a drunk. No more than a drunker is similar to a frencher. Ella esset ciec, surd e mut. She was blind, deaf, and mute. Ella esset ciec, surd and mut. Io non scribe litteras frequentemente. I don't write letters often. I'm not running frequently. Ili havis nenion por manĝi. They had nothing to eat. They had nothing to eat. Noi es tant felici. We are so happy. We're so happy. pay' ba'choH cheSHom qIj 'ej 'IQqu'law'. Suddenly the little black rabbit sat down, and looked very sad. pay' ba'choH cheSHom qIj 'ej 'IQqu'law'. Lasu min prezenti al vi mian fratinon. Let me introduce my sister. Let me introduce you my sister. Vob binom-li nefikulik? Is the work hard? Vob binom li nonficulik? Li-vilol dat Tomas popönom demü etos pedunöl fa om? Do you want Tom punished for what he did? Li-vil dat Tomas popönoom demü ethos pedunöl fa om? nuq bopIH? What did you expect? The bopIH? E su discipulos credeva in ille. And his disciples put their faith in him. And his disciples will believe in them. Kiu estas la unua sur via listo? Who's first on your list? Who is the first on your list? Tomo diris, ke li ne volas paroli kun mi. Tom said he didn't want to talk to me. Tom said he didn't want to talk to me. Ni demetu la ŝuojn antaŭ ol eniri en la domon. We should take off our shoes before entering the house. Let's take off the shoes before entering the house. Esäkor-li ori, liomödotik stels dabinons in sil? Have you ever wondered how many stars are in the sky? Esäkor-li ori, liomödotik stares dabinos in sire? paSloghDaj tI'. She mended her socks. paSloghDaj tI'. Ni vidis lumo tre fore. We saw a light far away. We saw light very far away. Me suposa che acel ia es un demanda autorespondente. I assume that was a rhetorical question. I suppose that acel ia is an appropriate self-responder. Si tu desira que yo forea, yo va forear. If you want me to go, I'll go. Si tu volu que yo forear, yo va forear. Io spera sincermente que vos tosto vos recuperara de vostre maladia. I sincerely hope that you will soon recover from your illness. Io spera sincere que vos toast vosar de vostre maledia. Do es la supramercato la plu prosima? Where is the nearest supermarket? So is the above market the most prosima? .i mu'a lo prenu poi xadni nitcu lo xalka cu kakne lo nu morsi ri'a lo nu na pinxe For instance, people who physically have to have alcohol can die from not drinking. .i mu'a lo take po poi xadni nitcu lo xalka cu kakne lo nu Dead ri'a lo nu pinxe Lass nos far to juntmen. Let's do that together. Let us do to juntmen. ko'a tolmencre je nalstace He's stupid and dishonest. co'a solmencre je nalstace SoSDaj rurqu'. She looks a lot like her mother. SoSDi rurqu'. Ne estas kialo por mi iri tien. There is no reason why I should go there. There is no reason for me to go there. Me komprenas nun. I understand now. I understand now. Sor tIn QIbDaq ba' chaH. They sat in the shade of that big tree. Sort tIn QIb is called ba' chaH. mu' nuq? What is a word? The future? Io visitara mi oncle deman. I'm seeing my uncle tomorrow. Io visita mi oncle deman. Ti-ci flores es bell. These flowers are beautiful. Ti-ci flores es bell. tlhoy paSchoHpu', jIcheghchugh qaq. It's gotten too late, I should go back. This is the last part of the universe. You are making sure I want to talk about it. Ĉu li parolas kun akĉento? Does he speak with an accent? Is he talking to an accent? Le corde de un persona es plus o minus le mesme dimension que su pugno. A person's heart is approximately the same size as their fist. Le corde de un person es plus o minus le same dimension que su pugno. ti noi plise mo'u fusra This apple is rotten. ti nose mo'u fusra Liaj fakaj konoj kvalifikis lin por la posteno. His skills qualified him for the job. His fairy knowledge qualified him for the post. Tomo diris al Manjo, ke ŝi estu singarda. Tom told Mary to be careful. Tom told Manjo to be careful. Voms binofs jönik. Women are beautiful. Voms binofs jönik. Il es un poc plu old quam me. He is a bit older than me. Il es un poc plu old quam me. maboH. We're impatient. maboH. Sut chIS tuQ. She is dressed in white. Sut chIS tuQ. Io es satis felice. I'm happy enough. It's satisfied happy. Kiel diras la proverbo: "La celo pravigas la rimedojn." As the proverb goes, "The end justifies the means." As the proverb says, "The purpose justifys the resources." Tomo ne ŝajnas tre okupata. Tom doesn't seem very busy. Tom doesn't seem very busy. Ĝi estas barata nomo. It's an Indian name. It is a cheap name. It es ancor callid in li septembre. It's still hot in September. It is an anchor callid in his September. Non parla stupiditates! Don't speak nonsense! Don't talk stupidities! chay' bIvang, vavoy? What were you doing, Dad? yudi' bIvang, vavoy? Vole vos que Catalonia deveni un stato independente in forma de republica? Do you want Catalonia to become an independent state in the form of a republic? Vole vos que Catalonia deveni un state independently in the form of republica? Li mem decidis sola iri tien. He himself decided to go there alone. He himself decided to go there alone. mi ca'o jukpa lo nanba I am baking bread. mi'o jukpa lo naba Rusaj infanoj pensas, ke infanfabloj havantaj ranoj, kies haŭtoj estas forigitaj, estas afablaj. Dume mi estas ĉi tie tute vomitanta. Russian children think those fairytales having frogs remove their hides are so cute. Meanwhile, I'm over here puking my lungs out. Russian children think that infants having frogs whose skins are removed are nice. Ubi es le vodka? Where is the vodka? Ubi es le vodka? Ne ĉiu povos kompreni tion. Not everybody will be able to understand this. Not everyone will be able to understand this. jItortaH. I was on my knees. Exiting. La printilo en mia oficejo estas rompita. The printer in my office is broken. The printer in my office is broken. ko'oi ma'a cliva .i lo pulji cu darca We're getting out of here. The cops are coming. Quit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mi lumci lo nei te ta'i lo nu mi to'e jinsa I wash myself, this being sensible in the case that I am dirty. mi lumci lo nei te ta'i lo nu mi to'e jinsa La enketa novaĵintervjuo sekvas la kutiman skemon de laŭvica sistemo, kiu konsistas el respondoj al starigitaj demandoj. The news interview under investigation follows the conventional pattern of the turn-taking system, which consists of answers following questions. The survey news interview follows the usual scheme of a video system that consists of answers to set questions. Ме но парла араби. I don't speak Arabic. It's what it's like. Mi farbis la tegmenton helblua. I painted the roof light blue. I made the roof yellow. Tomo sekvis. Tom followed. Tom followed. Color de rosa non es solo pro pueras. Pink is not just for girls. Color of pink is not unique to rote. Tom soleva parlar con Maria tote le tempore. Tom used to talk to Mary all the time. Tom solemn talk to Mary all the time. Ŝi petis min, ke mi veku ŝin je la sesa. She asked me to wake her at six. She asked me to wake her up at the sixth. ma do li'i salci How did you like the party? but so it's sausages Mark havas mea libro. Mark has my book. Mark has my book. ngaQ lojmIt 'e' tu'. He found the door locked. ngaQ lojmIt 'e' tu'. De cuando Marcus abita asi? Since when has Marcus been living here? De cundo Marcus abit asi? Sur cual tu pensa? What are you thinking about? On cual tu pensa? vIbIjlu'lI'. I'm being punished. You know what you are doing. Omne nostre effortios esseva in van. All our efforts were in vain. All our efforts were in van. ra filta'a fo lo glico She is a fluent speaker of English. ra filta'a fo lo glico Ne impliku min en tiun aferon. Don't involve me in that matter. Don't involve me in this matter. ko'a stali lo zdani po lo pendo He is going to stay at a friend's house. co'a stali lo zdani po lo penso Tomo ne estis ema fari, kion ni atendis de li. Tom was unwilling to do what we wanted him to do. Tom was not very doing what we waited for from him. doi xiuston mi'a ja'e se nabmi vi Houston, we've had a problem here. doi xiuston mi'a ja'e se nabmi vi Chascun save que tu es plu inteligent quam yo. Everybody knows you're more intelligent than she is. Chascun sale que tu es plu intelient quam yo. chut qeSwI'pu' tlhIH boneH. You want to be lawyers. But if you think we're all right? Esce tu gusta sircos balgarsce? Do you like Bulgarian circuses? Esce tu gusta sicos balgarsce? Tom anhelat. Tom gasped. Tom anhelat. Nian sukceson ni parte ŝuldis al bonŝanco. Our success was due in part to good luck. Our success we were partially due to good luck. Tio estas la malsamo. That's the difference. That's the fool. Devas esti io en ĝi. There must be something in there. There must be something in it. Hergh vISop. I am on medication. Hergh6/Sop. No person cura. Nobody cares. No person cura. ma xe fanva zoi zoi. kaisha zoi. la .inglic. What is the English for "kaisha"? but xe fanva zoi zoi. kaisha zoi. la .inglic. Jam estas tro malfrue. It is already too late. It's too late. .i mi na bilga la'edi'u This isn't my job. .i mi na bilga la'edi'u La furtero celis su en la obskura portalo. The thief hid in the dark doorway. The furter aimed up in the dark portal. Mi petis Tomon helpi al Maria. I told Tom to help Mary. I asked Tom to help Mary. Los gatos no ave posesores, los ave empleadas. Cats don't have owners, they have staff. Los gatos no ave possessives, los ave employed. Mi estis en la trajno dum 12 horoj. I was on the train for twelve hours. I was on the train for 12 hours. tam qan law' me'rIy' qan puS. I just realized Tom is older than Mary. Even I would like to wash me'rIy'm a little bit more. .ei lo mi skami su'o da plixau My computer has got to be useful for something. .e my computer operating system for morexau Apertez la fenestro. Open the window. Open the window. Morgaŭ estos Kristnaskofesto. Tomorrow is Christmas Day. Tomorrow there will be Christmas party. Li estis jam tie antaŭ matenmanĝo. He had been there before breakfast. He was already there before breakfast. ba'o co'a It has begun. ba'o co'a ko skicu fi le prenu e nai mi Tell it to him, not me! ko skiu fi le take e nai mi Ha'! ngaghQo'wI' nawlogh yImuv. Get thee to a nunnery! Oh, ngaghQo'tch or nawlogh yImuv. Yo porta un libre in mi manu. I have a book in my hand. Yo porta un libre in mi manu. ra simlu lo ka mutce gleki She looks very happy. ra simlu lo ka mutce gleki woch 'ej pI'. He's both tall and fat. woch 'ej pI'. Куандо акел иа ес? When was that? Is it? lo cibjmagutci cu du lo jmagutci be li ci A yard is equal to three feet. lo cimaratici cu du lo jngatici be li ci Dabinon zälül po vob. There's a party after work. Dabinon zälül po vob. It surprisa me. It surprises me. It surprisingly me. Ni havas la botojn en verda, blua kaj flava. We have the boots in green, blue and yellow. We have the boots in green, blue and flat. Desde quelc témpor yo have sempre li sam somnie in li nocte. For some time now I've had the same dream every night. Desde quelc témpor yo have always li sam somnie in li midnight. Islam ia flori en Barat. Islam flourished in India. Islam some flowers in Barat. Aiya meldor. Hail, friends. Aiya meldor. Non per acest. You're welcome. Not with acest. До ла сол ес? Where is the sun? Is it? Vos deberea haber apprendite isto in schola. You should've learned that in school. You should have apprended this in schools. Mi bezonis scii nenion plian. I didn't need to know anything else. I needed to know nothing else. petaQ mIgh chaHbe' Hoch ghot'e'. Not all people are evil bastards. petaQ mIgh chaHbe' Hoch ghot'e'. le prenu na'o ctuca fi lo glico bangu He is an English teacher. le take na'o ctuca fi lo glico bangu Mi volonte akceptas kritikojn. I am willing to accept criticism. I'm willing to accept criticisms. . Language is the painting of our ideas. . Prova it. Try it. Try it. La Kongreso akceptis la kompromison. The Congress accepted the compromise. Congress accepted the compromise. Ŝi estas fiera esti katolika. She's proud to be a Catholic. She is proud to be Catholic. zo cidjrpitsa fu'ivla The word "cidjrpitsa" is a loan word. Cirpitsa fu'ivla Que tu justo me diceva, pecietta de merda? What did you just say to me, you little piece of shit? Que tu justo me diceva, pjectata de merida? Ŝi atendas. She is waiting. She's waiting. Kanol-li svimön? Are you able to swim? Canol li svimön? Se islanda frazo havas tradukon al la angla kaj la angla frazo havas tradukon en svahila, tiam nedirekte tio provizas svahilan tradukon de la islanda frazo. If an Icelandic sentence has a translation in English, and the English sentence has a translation in Swahili, then indirectly, this will provide a Swahili translation for the Icelandic sentence. If an Icelandic sentence has a translation to English and the English sentence has a translation in Swahili, then indirectly this provides a Swahili translation of the Icelandic sentence. mi pu gasnu lo nu la tom cu klama lo zdani I made Tom go home. mi pu gasnu lo nu la tom cu klama lo zdani Ĉu vi scias la signifon de PKO? Do you know what PKO stands for? Do you know the meaning of PKO? Tom estas tre malgaja. Tom's very sad. Tom is very sad. Tomo ne plu bezonas okulvitrojn. Tom no longer needs glasses. Tom no longer needs glasses. la tom sipna Tom is sleeping. the tom sipna Laborar quam un formica. Work as the ant. Work quam un formica. Prova it. Try it. Try it. Mea spozo ganas 100,000 euroi po yaro. My husband makes 100,000 euros per year. My shoe wins 100,000 euros per jar. Le vita sin un scopo es morte prematur. A pointless life is a premature death. Le vita sin un scope es morte premature. Esque tu vole partir un orange con me? Do you want to share an orange with me? Esque tu volar partar un orange con me? Doch DaDellaH'a'? Can you describe the object? Doch DaDellaH'a? Quch to'nIy'. Tony was happy. Quch to'nIy'. qaqchoH yIn. It gets better. eduqchoH waves. Dice me quare tu non la ama. Tell me why you don't like her. Dice me quare tu non la ama. Tí jotaf. I'm young. Tí jotaf. Alga de mundo va crede cualce cosa. Some people will believe anything. Alga de world va creder cualce cosa. Kie vi aĉetis viajn ŝuojn? Where did you buy your shoes? Where did you buy your shoes? Me esperas, ke tu ne parolas pri me. I hope you're not talking about me. I hope you don't talk about me. Nolob, kikod äsagol atosi. I know the reason you said that. Nolob, kikod äsagol atosi. Ille non me permitte publicar a Tatoeba le traduction que io ha facite de su poema. He did not allow me to post on Tatoeba the translation I did of his poem. They do not allow me to publish to Tatoeba the translation that something has done by its poem. Tom reedziĝis antaŭ nelonge. Tom got remarried recently. Tom went back shortly ago. loD chun chaH. They're innocent men. loD chun chaH. «vIghro' vIghajbe' 'ej not vIghaj!» — «'ach Daghajpu'. vaj qatlh bIneptaH?» "I don't have a cat, and I never had one!" — "But yes, you had one. Why are you lying then?" 'vIghro' comes from 'there's no come from!' "'ach Daghapu'. This is why would they appear?' Il non es necessari que tu parla plure linguas. It isn't necessary for you to be multilingual. Il is not necessary than tu parla plure languages. waghqu'choH puH Dujmey. Cars are getting expensive. waghqu'choH puH Games. La virino surmetis nigran veston kaj ruĝajn ŝuojn kun tre altaj kalkanumoj. The woman put on some black clothes and red shoes with very high heels. The woman put black clothing and red shoes with very high heels. pu na sarcu That was not necessary. Could not move "%s" to the new location. quv Degh 'oH. It's a badge of honor. quv Degh's true. xu do ralte lo xarci Do you have any weapons? xu do ralte lo xarci lujaH loSmaH ghot. Forty people attended. lujaH loSmaH ghot. Oni ankoraŭ ne desegnis detalajn mapojn de ĉi tiu regiono. Detailed maps for this area have not been drawn. You haven't yet drawn detailed maps from this region. Yo ne comprende. I don't understand. Yo ne comprende. Ĉu vi povas montri la vojon al mi? Can you show me the way? Can you show the way to me? Se vi kisus min, mi estus feliĉa. If you'd kiss me, I'd be happy. If you kiss me, I would be happy. Trinku. Drink. Drink. Al kio ties odoro similas? What does this smell like? What does its smell look like? Kie estas la forkoj? Where are the forks? Where are the forks? Tom ia apone un masca contra gas. Tom put on a gas mask. Tom ia apone un masca contra gas. ko'oi do pa moi You'll have to start. Copyright, so I don't know the rest Quam yo ha pensat, ella es un vírgina! As I thought, she's a virgin! Quam yo ha pensat, ella es un vírgina! Elu facis ilu nova kovrajo. She made him a new coat. Elu makes them a new cover. Que nos sia amicos pro sempre. Let's always be friends. Que nos si amicos pro sempre. qachovHa'qu'. I really misjudged you. minchovHa'qu'. Mi skribis leteron. I was writing a letter. I wrote a letter. Mi transition ab viro a femina va ben. My transition from male to female is going well. I transition ab man to femina va ben. Vi bone fartas por beba ĵurnalisto. You are doing well for a cub reporter. You're fine for a baby journalist. Tom no ia persepi an ce me es ala. Tom didn't even notice I was there. Tom no ia persepi an ce me es ala. Qu' yIbuS! Concentrate on the mission! What is it? nuq DaqeltaH? What are you thinking about? The destination folder is inside the source folder. lo'e nu nitcu cu pe'a mamta lo'e nu finti Necessity is the mother of invention. Under extreme conditions, one would have expected it to create an event tlhaQbe'. Dal. This isn't fun. This is boring. Let's take all the rest of the ten billion years. be'Hom tlhaQ SoH. You're a funny girl. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. la tom cu toldji Tom is reluctant. the tom cu toldji Ilua diskurso esis netolereble matida. His speech was intolerably dull. His talk was untolerably matided. Solmente que ille es paupere non significa que ille es infelice. Just because he is poor, it does not follow that he is unhappy. Only that they're paupere doesn't mean that they're infelice. mi se ke verba panzi I've got kids. mi se ke verb panzi Tom conosse la. Tom knows her. Tom conosse la. Mea boko sikeskis. My mouth dried up. My mouth sikeskis. Yo ha esset che li dentist. I've been to the dentist. Yo ha esset che li dentist. Esque tu ne comprende? Do you not understand? Why don't you understand? Ŝi komprenas la anglan kaj eĉ verkas angle. She understands English and even writes in English. She understands English and even verks English. Me amas mea matro. I love my mother. I love my mat. Еста роба ажуста а ту комо ун ганто. This dress fits you like a glove. ← Ingredients Recipes la alen na'o finti lo pemci Allen is a poet. the alen na'o event lo pemci Provu esti grandanima kaj pardonu. Try to be generous and forgive. Try to be great and sorry. Jazo uzas la sama noti quon uzis Bach. Jazz uses the same notes that Bach used. Jase uses the same notes as Bach used. Li infante aprende rapidmen. The child is learning quickly. Li infante aprecite rapidmen. qaStaHvIS wa' Hogh rop. He has been sick for a week. That's the moment, it's not possible. Еске ту ес полиамиал? Are you polyamorous? It's all right? Esque tu attendeva nos? Did you wait for us? Esque tu awaiting us? Post longa atendado ni eniris. We got in after a long wait. After long waiting we entered. Mi faris tiun manĝaĵon mem. I made this food myself. I made this food myself. La numero de foles es infinita. The number of fools is infinite. The number of foles is infinite. Kiam vi lastan fojon kaptis fiŝojn? When was the last time you caught a fish? When have you caught fish last time? Li puellas hihicat. The girls giggled. Li puellas hihicat. Li cité capital de Serbia es Beograd. The capital city of Serbia is Belgrade. Li cité capital de Serbia es Beopgrad. lo ka djuno cu vajni no da.i lo ka xarpei cu vajni ro da Knowing is nothing, imagination is everything. That's what you mean, not da.i lo ka xarpei cu comeni ro da Hodiaŭ mi havas multon por fari. I have a lot to do today. Today I have a lot to do. Ме иа поте апена креде меa оиос. I could hardly believe my eyes. It's what it's like. U es tui cane? Where is your dog? What is your dog? Tom es fort. Tom is strong. Tom es fort. Keiko canta. Keiko sings. Keiko sing. Quando le bus cambiava bruscamente su direction pro mancar un catto, le conductor diceva, "Il ha mancate poco". When the bus swerved to miss a cat, the driver said, "That was close." When the bus changes grossly its direction to keep a cat, the conductor says, "Il ha missing poco". Ol es libera lando. It's a free country. It is a free country. Qapla' DuHmoH voq'eghghach. Trusting yourself is the key to success. That's all right, if you really believe that you're all right? Infanoj plaĉas al mi. I like children. Children like me. It es interessant. It's interesting. It's interesting. Mi bezonas diri ĝin al Tom. I need to tell Tom. I need to tell it to Tom. juppu'lI' vIparHa'. I liked your friends. Bappu'pa fiaparHa'. la .tom. co'u klaku Tom stopped crying. the .tom. co'u click Vikizarsal. Co-goraweyal. You smoke far too much. You should cut back. Wikizarsal. Co-goraweyal. Omnicos es bon. Everything is good. Omnicos es bon. qaleghDI' bom tIqwIj. My heart sings to see you. I'm sorry, I'm my concern. Viro, kies edzino mortis, nomiĝas vidvo. A man whose wife is dead is called a widower. A man whose wife died is called a widow. QIt laD tam. Tom reads slowly. QIt laD as well. Murdo estas punata per la morto. Murder is punished by death. Murder is punished with death. Äsükom omis du düps lul. He looked for them for five hours. Äsücom omis du düps lul. yIpIch'eghQo'! Don't blame yourself. yIpIch'eghQo! jan 'epIl naH 'oH. It's John's apple. jan 'epIl naH' race. zo'e mucti This is intangible. Square root [s] Ne oblivia me. Don't forget me. Don't oblivious me. Li cuple decidet adopter un orfan. The couple decided to adopt an orphan. Li cuple decidet adopter un orphan. Mi suspektas, ke Tomo kaj Manjo pravas pri tio. I suspect that Tom and Mary are right about that. I suspect that Tom and Manjo are right about it. Tom ia abri un bote de sopa. Tom opened a can of soup. Tom ia abri un bote de sopa. QIt vum. She works slowly. Qit vum. On oteni no cosa sin labora. You can get nothing without labor. On oteni no coco sin labora. Saluton, karulino, mi faris du bildojn kaj mi volas vian opinion pri ili. Hello, my dear, I made two pictures and I want your opinion on them. Hello, dear, I made two pictures and I want your opinion about them. Del tres ballerinas, Emi esseva la que dansava le plus bellemente. Emi danced the most beautifully of the three girls. Del tres ballerinas, Emi was the one that danced the most beautiful. la .tom. na snada lo nu tolcri lo ty dakli Tom can't find his bag. the .tom. na snada lo nu solcri lo ty dakli Ni havas filinon, kies edzo estas kanadano. We have a daughter who is married to a Canadian. We have a daughter whose husband is Canadian. Le pupillas del oculos de illa habeva le nigritia de un profunde abysmo. The pupils of her eyes had the blackness of a deep abyss. Le pupillas del oculos de illa habenva le nigritia de un deep abysmo. Sa es rhen di fryd. She isn't ugly. Sa es rien di fryd. mi cadzu se ja'e nai lo nu mi na ralte lo karce I walk regardless of whether or not I own a car. mi cadzu se ja'e nai lo nu mi na ralte lo carce La temperaturo malaltiĝis je pluraj gradoj. The temperature fell several degrees. The temperature lowered at several degrees. Til kande tu arivis ibe, la suno sub-iris. By the time you got there, the sun had set. Til when you arrived there, the sun sub-iris. ko smacni binxo You need to calm down. co smacni binxo Ella es un intelligent e índependent puella. She's a smart and independent girl. Ella es un intelient e índependent puella. le meta junla cu julbaco lo mentu be li pa That clock is one minute fast. le meta junla cu julbaco lo peti be li pa mi na'o te nuzba I am a journalist. mi na'o te nuzba kytax e enid Breakfast is served. kytax and enid Iste libros es le melior amicos mie. These books are my best friends. This book is better to love me. El ave du fias. He has two daughters. El ave du fias. Kiam vi komencis lerni la germanan lingvon? When did you start learning German? When did you start learning German language? Se mi scius, ke Tomaso estas en Bostono, mi provus viziti lin. If I'd known Tom was in Boston, I'd have tried to visit him. If I knew that Thomas was in Boston, I would try to visit him. Tatoeba estas multlingva frazaro. Tatoeba is a multi-language dictionary. Tatoeba is a multilingual phrase. Io non vadeva al schola le mense passate. I didn't go to school last month. Io non vadeva al scola le month paste. Io crede al sol etiam quando illo non brilla. Io crede al amor etiam quando io non lo senti. Io crede a Deo etiam quando Ille tace. I believe in the sun even when it is not shining. I believe in love even when I do not feel it. I believe in God even when He is silent. I think it's also when it's not brilliant. I think love it as well when something doesn't feel it. I think a Deo also when They're so doing so. De cuando tu vive en Tocio? Since when have you lived in Tokyo? De cuando tu vive in Tocio? jIluj 'e' vImuS. I hate to lose. How many are you doing? Pro quo tu lernas la Angla omnadie? Why do you study English every day? Why do you learn the English anyway? Li aqua es pur. The water is clean. Li aqua es pur. Io te prohibi fumar. I forbid you to smoke. I've banned you from smoking. Esas bonega ideo. That's a great idea. It's an excellent idea. Io ha cambiate le sententia completemente. I changed the sentence completely. Io ha changed le sentente completely. Le esser on debe sentir. Illo non pote esser pensate. Being must be felt. It can't be thought. The will be supposed to feel. It cannot be thought. chaq loQ Du'oy'moH. This may hurt a little. Maybe it's Du'oy' very much. Le casa ha besonio de reparation. The house is in need of repair. casa has a need for reparation. Qui manjat li pane? Who ate the bread? Qui manjat li pan? Nos va lua un auto. We're going to rent a car. Nos va lua un car. Un del qualitates de aciero es duressa. One of the qualities of steel is hardness. One of the qualities of acid is questionable. Tiu ĉi aŭto povas porti 4 tunojn da ŝarĝo. This car can carry a load of 4 tons. This car can carry 4 tons of charge. Mi ĝin metis sur vian skriblotablon. I put it on your desk. I put it on your desk. SochmaH ben boghpu' 'ach ghanqu'taH vavwI'. At seventy, my father is still very active. So that we have been on top of the Big Bang, we haven't heard either. Dochqu' loDvetlh! What a rude man! Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Mi verkis tiun ĉi libron. I wrote this book. I wrote this book. vay' vIta'qang. I'll do anything. vay' facita'qang. Ili iris al Dizni-Mondo. They went to Disney World. They went to the Dizni-World. mi djuno lo du'u makau se zvati pa vi xamgu ke cmalu xotli I know a very nice little hotel quite close to here. I mean it du'u makau se zvati pa vi xamgu ke cmalu xotli Ella parla yiddic. She speaks Yiddish. Ella parla yiddic. Tomas binom men vemo sapik. Tom is a very clever man. Tomas binom but weather sapik. Mi malfiksis miajn ŝulaĉojn. I loosened my shoelaces. I missed my shoes. Bíi worahíya, woshane worul be wi. It's a big furry cat. Bíi worahíya, woshane worul be wi. Tom ia es nador olimpian. Tom was an Olympic swimmer. Tom ia es nador olimpian. Ni esis justa. We were right. We're right. DIwoDpu'. We threw them away. DIwoDpu'. Liaj klopodoj estis vanaj. His efforts were in vain. His efforts were vain. Tom cesis movar. Tom stopped moving. Tom ceased to move. En tenis, me no es un oposor en la mesma nivel en cual tu es. I am no match for you at tennis. In tennis, I am no one oposor at the even level in cual tu es. .i ri na kakne lonu sidju He can't help you. .i ri na kakne lonu siHelp La detektivo bezonis ses monatojn por trovi la veron pri tiu afero. The detective took six months to get at the truth of that affair. The detective took six months to find the truth about this matter. Mary ne ama me. Mary doesn't like me. Mary doesn't love me. lo ka renvi cu mutce pluja Life is so complicated. lo ka renvi cu mutce Advanced lo cipni ji lo sovda cu pamoi tolcanci What came first? The egg or the hen? lo cypni ji lo sonada cu p persona tulcanci 'uchchoHlaHbe' vavwI'. My father cannot lift it up. 'uchchoH live' either. Li verŝajne amas vin. He has to be in love with you. He probably loves you. Ben facite es melior que ben dicite. Well done is better than well said. Well done it is better than being told. nItebHa' majaH. We'll go together. imparitebHa' majaH. La pano estis ŝima, sed Tomo tamen manĝis ĝin. The bread was mouldy, but Tom ate it nevertheless. The bread was shiny, but Tom, however, ate it. Mi nur unu fojon estis en Bostono. I've been to Boston only once. I was only once in Boston. di'u na zasti The sentence you're reading doesn't exist. di'u zasti mi na djuno lo du'u ma kau xlamau I don't know what is worse. mi na Addno lo du'u ma kau xlamau Ille puera blonde con capillos buclate veni de Sveda. That blonde girl with curly hair is from Sweden. They puera blonde con capillos do you want to come from Swedish. Me aprende iudi-espaniol. I'm learning Judeo-Spanish. I take some Spanish. La sekvan tagon la vetero estis ĝojiga, kaj la suno brilegis sur la verdaj lapofolioj, tial la patrino anaso prenis sian junan kovitaron malsupren al la akvo, kaj saltis enen kun plaŭdo. On the next day the weather was delightful, and the sun shone brightly on the green burdock leaves, so the mother duck took her young brood down to the water, and jumped in with a splash. The next day the weather was joyful, and the sun shined on the green lap leaves, so the mother duck took its young knife down to the water, and jumped into with a beach. moD chaH 'e' yIra'. Tell them to hurry up. moD chaH 'e' yIra'. Mi ne povas kredi, ke ni parolas pri tio. I can't believe we're talking about this. I can't believe we're talking about it. .e'o ru'e tu'a mi mintu Can you give me a minute? .e. ru'e tu'a mi mintu La lernantoj aplaŭdis. The students applauded. The students were listening. Mi ne forgesos tion. I won't forget it. I won't forget that. lo mikce cu zvati ma Where is a doctor? lo mikce cu zvati ma La musica es universal. Music is universal. The music is universal. Alga de mundo teme aranias. Some people are afraid of spiders. Alga de world teme aranias. Yo furtet ti-ci de Tom. I stole this from Tom. Yo furtet ti-ci de Tom. Non rode tu ungulas. Don't bite your nails. Non rode tu ungulas. Non es vos quasi preste? Aren't you almost ready? Not you almost ready? Deo non joca al datos! God doesn't play dice! Deo non yoca al data! Li venis unua en la ĉambron. He came into the room first. He came first in the room. .ei ko'a na cliva pu lo nu ba'o cikre lo junla I can't let them leave before the watch is fixed. .ei ko'a navante pu lo ba'o cikre lo junla Givom fidi e moni omse. He gave them food and money. Givom trusts and months omse. Etos binom-li buk, dö kel äkonol obe? Is that the book you told me about? Etos binom li buk, dö kel äkonol obey? Tu es importante. You are important. You are important. Me es che l'aeroportuo nun. I'm at the airport now. I'm that the airport now. qaSpa' povjaj raSwIjDaq ghItlh yIlan! Have your paper on my desk by Tuesday. That's my concern why I am going to take advantage of the universe! la tom na.e la meris klama lo zarci Tom doesn't go to the store, but Mary does. the tom na.e the meris klama lo zarci Blasfäm binon krim nendrefäbik. Blasphemy is a victimless crime. Blasfäm binon crim nendrefäbik. Mi ne kalkulis je io alia. I didn't count on anything else. I didn't count anything else. Mi ankoraŭ havas multajn farendaĵojn. I still have a lot of things to do. I still have many things. Tiu ĉi pano malgrandas. This loaf of bread is small. This bread is small. Studob Linglänapüki bi desinob golön lü Lamerikän. I'm studying English because I plan to go to the United States. Study b Linglänapüki bi desinob golön lü Lamerikän. Multe personas ha tentate lo. Lots of people have tried. Many people have tried it. Ob kapälob oli umo gudiko ka of. I understand you better than she does. Ob capälob oli um gudik ka of. La ministro aprobis la konstruplanojn. The minister approved the building plans. The Minister approved the building plans. 'opleS wIvmeH Deb DoQqa' Seghmaj. Some day man will reclaim the desert for agriculture. 'opleS LivmeH Deb DoQqa' Seghma. Io non jammais vulnerarea un infante. I would never hurt a child. It will never keep your own area one child. Yo ama les. I like them. Yo ama les. Me envadad lan chambre. I entered her room. Me envadad lan chambre. Lia rakonto ne povas esti vera. His story can't be true. His story cannot be true. Mi volas fiki vin. I want to fuck you. I want to become you. La domo estas fantomplena. The house is haunted. The house is ghost-filled. wa'Hu' muQuchmoHta' ghaH. He made me happy yesterday. wa'Hu' muQuch brabilata' ghaH. Qatlh DIvI' Hol qar'a'? English is hard, isn't it? let's let me go! fau lo ka djica tu'a lo jduli vau do cu ei citka lo do sanmi If you want pudding, you must eat your meat. do so ka djica tu'a lo jduli vau do cu ei citka lo do sanmi nuqDaq 'oH De'wI'wIj'e'? Where's my computer? Where is your concern? Ĉu ĝi estas lando aŭ urbo? Is that a country or a city? Is it a country or a city? Еста весте де нада ес ен венде а куста редуида. This swimsuit is on sale. ← Krio en la nokto timigis min. A shout in the night frightened me. Cry in the night frightened me. Non etiam considerar guidar ebriemente, Tom. Don't even think about driving while intoxicated, Tom. Don't even consider guiding drunkly, Tom. jIbDaj chIpta' chIpwI'. The barber gave him a haircut. times chIpta's chIpto'clock. lo krokodilo pu mo'u citka lo gerku A crocodile ate a dog. lo crocodile pu mo'u citka lo gerku La poŝtejo estas tuj najbare al la banko. The post office is just next to the bank. The post office is immediately adjacent to the bank. Cual cosa tu vole de nos? What do you want from us? What do you want from us? Li ne povis veni, ĉar li estis malsana. He couldn't come because he was sick. He could not come because he was sick. ko to'o punji lo nanba Put away the bread. ko to'o punji lo naba ju'o do pu pensi da You must have thought of something. So let's think of mi pu farlu I fell. mi pu farlu yImoD, yItIj! Hurry up and get in. yImoD, yItIj! Me ia pensa ce el es tuа ami. I thought he was your friend. I'm thinking about him is your friends. la .tom. ta'e mutce lo ka pante Tom complains a lot. la .tom. ta'e mutce lo ka pante wa'waQ puq boghmoH. She will give birth to a child next month. We are the only intelligent beings in the galaxy. Miaj spertoj instruis al mi, ke la sola regulo de la vivo estas „ĉiu por si”. My experiences have taught me that the only rule in life is "every man for himself." My experiences taught me that the only rule of life is "all for himself". El Tom lödom in Laustralän. Tom lives in Australia. El Tom lödom in Laustralän. Montru al mi! Show me. Show me! sa'u ko tinbe lo me mi moi Just do what I tell you. sa'u ko tinbe lo mi moi Ili ĉiuj estis malsataj. Everyone was hungry. They were all hungry. Il esas tote fanatika pri golfo. He's quite crazy about golfing. Il is so fanatic about golf. na pu frili fa lo nu tolcri lo solji It was not easy to find gold. na pu Easy fa lo nu tolkri lo solji mi na ka'e renvi le nu cortu I can't bear this pain. mi na'e renvi le nu cortu Quande ili va arivar? When will they arrive? When are they going to arrive? Mi volas loĝi en Italujo. I want to live in Italy. I want to live in Italy. Le virtute consiste, non in abstiner se del vitio, ma in non desirar lo. Virtue consists, not in abstaining from vice, but in not desiring it. The virtute consists, not abstiner se del vitio, but does not want it. DuSaQ DacheghnIS'a'? Do you need to go back to school? DuSaQ DacheghnIS'a? Mi pensis, ke vi povus bezoni ion por trinki. I thought you might want something to drink. I thought you could need something to drink. jIblIj DanguvmoHpu''a'? Have you ever dyed your hair? Thank you very much indeed? Me drinkas lakto. I drink milk. I drink milk. lo do creka ne so'i se skari cu narpanra simsa Your colorful shirt really stands out. lo do creka ne so'i se skari cu narnara simsa Kelkaj infanoj ludas sur la gazono. Some children are playing on the grass. Some children play on the gas zone. "Me ave un xico de cor." "De cuando?" "I have a boyfriend." "Since when?" "I ave un xico de cor." "De cundo?" Sami es un traductor. Sami is a translator. Sami is a translator. Tomo vestis sin kiel Avo Frosto. Tom dressed up as Santa Claus. Tom dressed himself as Avo Frost. Tom esset executet in li annu 2013. Tom was executed in 2013. Tom esset executet in li annum 2013. Tom trovat oves de dracon, explorante cavernes. Tom found dragon eggs while spelunking. Tom trovat sheep de drayon, exploiting cavenes. Ni faris kuskuson kaj ĝi estas franda. We made couscous and it's delicious. We made a couscus and it's fringe. Givof cile alik podis tel. She's giving each child two apples. Givof cile alik pods tel. El no vole ce alga otra person sabe. She doesn't want anyone else to know. El no vol ce alga otra person save. Ille non sape solmente anglese, ma etiam francese. He doesn't just know English, but also French. They don't just know English, but also French. Esque tu ne comprende? Do you not understand? Why don't you understand? Aboli la fronteras! Down with borders! Abble the frontier! Sua fia es un curor. His daughter is a nurse. Sua fia es un curor. Tom esas sentema. Tom is sensitive. Tom is sensitive. DIvI' Hol ghojmoHwI' chu' luparHa'qu' ghojwI'pu'. The students adore the new English teacher. Professor, Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. Illo initiava con le pavor del guerra nuclear. It began with the fear of nuclear war. It's start with the guerra nuclear password. Si tu ha bibite multo, il es mejor non guidar. If you've had a lot to drink, it's best not to drive. If you have a Bible lot, it is better not to guide. Lla gath es gran. The cat is big. Lla gath is gran. Son gema binom hinef. The son of a sibling is a nephew. Sound gem binom hinef. pargh. It's artificial. pargh. toDuj vIHutlhmo' jIHvaD jIQeHqu'. I was very angry with myself for my lack of courage. That's what you all say, but I grant no longer done. Kiel ni helpas? How do we help? How do we help? Ambos de nos ia es erante. We were both wrong. Ambos de noi es errente. da'a ko'a tugni fo lo selpla be ra All except one agreed to his plan. da'a ko'nanti fo a plana bea ra La arto ekzistas por ke la realeco ne detruu nin. Art exists so reality doesn't destroy us. The art exists for reality not to destroy us. Rusia esos dominacor da motorbicikeri! Russia will be controlled by motorcyclists! Russia will try to dominate by motorbicykers! In le jardin il ha multe flores rubie. In the garden there are many red flowers. In le garden il ha multe flores rubie. Yo ne es Tom. I'm not Tom. Yo es Tom. bu'u lo nerklastu be lo ponjo zdani lo vitke cu ei ba'a vimcu lo vo'a cutci At the entrance of a Japanese house, visitors are generally asked to take off their shoes. bu'u lo unklastu be lo ponjo zdani lomen cu ei ba'a ration lo vo'a kutci Vos non debe supponer que, essente un homine del litteras, io ha nunquam essayate de ganiar mi vita honestemente. You must not suppose, because I am a man of letters, that I never tried to earn an honest living. You should not supponer que, essent un homine del characters, io ha nunquam tried to win my life honestly. jIHonbe'chu'. I don't have the slightest doubt. Detradonbe'chu'. Li ŝatas kvinoon. He likes quinoa. He likes five. Ĉu mi povas paroli al Pedro? May I speak to Pedro? Can I talk to Pedro? Io pote assecurar te un empleo. I can ensure a job for you. It can ensure you're an employment. Hodiaŭ estas mia bonŝanca tago. It's my lucky day. Today it's my lucky day. Me amas via kato. I love your cat. I love your cat. Nion ia envia atletas a la juas olimpial de pos 1912. Japan has been sending athletes to the Olympics since 1912. Nion ia envia atletas a la juas olimpial de pos 1912. Milfoye danko pro vua jentileso. A thousand thanks for your kindness. Milfoye thanks for your birthday. Fadil ĉesis preni siajn medikamentojn, kaj la voĉoj revenis. Fadil stopped his meds and the voices were back. Fadil stopped taking their medications, and the voices returned. jIQongchoHpu'. I fell asleep. projectQongchoHpu'. Hodiaŭ estas la 20a de oktobro. Today is the 20th of October. Today is October 20. Me ia xerca ja un arma. I'd looked for a weapon. I had some xerca already one weapon. Que es le longor del Ponte del Iride? How long is the Rainbow Bridge? What is the length of the Bridge of the Iride? Ta es li fare. There's the lighthouse. Ta es li do. Ille da lo a John. He gives it to John. They by it to John. Le celo esseva gris. The sky was gray. The goal was gray. It eveni quelcvez. It happens sometimes. It evenes quelcves. xu do pu troci lo ka tinju'i tu'a le fetsi Did you try to listen to her? xu then slices it tingju'i tu'a le festisi Ĉi tiu pico estas malbonega. This pizza is really bad. This pizza is bad. Tírammë. We are watching. Tírammë. Mostra la banda a me. Show me the tape. Most the band to me. Ni instruas multe da knaboj. We teach many boys. We teach a lot of boys. DIvI' Hol 'op paqmey vIghaj. I have some English books. DivI' Hol 'op pa dimension derived. ma pemci ji'u lo ti se sanga What are the lyrics to that song? but combci ji'u lo ti se blood Tom monstrat a Mary li image de su cane. Tom showed Mary a picture of his dog. Tom is shown to Mary his image of his dog. It es exactmen to quo yo volet. It's exactly what I wanted. It is exactmen to what yo volet. „Van vanas,“ sagom Predan; „van vanas, valikos binon van.“ "Vanity of vanities," says the Preacher; "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity." 'Van vanas,' sagom Predan;'van vanas, will validate bin van.' petaQ ghaH tom'e'. Tom is an asshole. petaQ ghaH tom'e'. La estraro konsentis konduki interparolojn kun la laboristoj. The management has agreed to have talks with the workers. The board agreed to conduct talks with the workers. sai mabla bebna Fuckin' asshole! sai mabla bebna Ol nultempe eventis. It never happened. It never happened. do ca catlu lo va tricu You're looking at that tree. then ca catlu lo va tricu do djica lo nu do xabju ma Where would you like to live? do djica lo nu do xabju ma Hiel Tom nedom telefonön sanani. Tom needs to call a doctor. Hiel Tom nedom phonaön sanani. Tom äkonotom nuli badik et ele Mari. Tom told Mary the bad news. Tom äkonotom nuli badik et ele Mari. Alique pote esser e le comenciamento e le fin. Something can be both the beginning and the end. Alique can be and the beginning and the end. Tiu ĉambro estas meblita per du litoj. The room is furnished with two beds. This room is furnished with two beds. Su morte me toccara profundemente. I'll be deeply affected by his death. On tomorrow, I'll soon leave. Kial vi permesis, ke ĝi okazu? Why did you allow it to happen? Why did you allow it to happen? Mi lasos vin paroli kun li. I'll let you speak to him. I'll let you talk to him. Tomo provis pafi per sia pafilo, sed okazis nenio. Tom tried to fire his gun, but nothing happened. Tom tried to shoot with his butterfly, but there was nothing. La nombro de personoj, kiuj foriras eksterlanden, kreskis. The number of people who go abroad has been increasing. The number of people leaving abroad grew. Ме сабореа мусика. I enjoy music. It's what it's like. Ka vi parolas la Chiniana? Do you speak Chinese? Do you speak Chinese? la tom ca ca'o vasxu Tom is breathing. the tom ca'o vasxu Tote le mundo es nude in illac. Everyone's in the buff, in there. Everyone is nude in illac. Mi proponis, ke ni metu finon al tiu kunveno. I suggested that we bring the meeting to an end. I suggested that we should put an end to this meeting. La situacio estas tre komplikita. The situation is very complicated. The situation is very complicated. Amu viajn malamikojn. Love your enemies. Love your enemies. Por eviti, ke lia originala ideo estu kopiita, Henry transiris al silentemo. In order to keep his original idea from being copied, Henry resorted to reticence. To prevent his original idea from being copied, Henry went over to silence. Mi strangolos lin. I'm going to strangle him. I'll strike him. pelegh! Look! pelegh! Mi ŝatus, ke vi estu iom pli kia mi. I wish you were a little more like me. I would like you to be a little more like me. Perce vos ia pensa ce Tom gusta roc metal? Why did you all think that Tom liked heavy metal? Perce vos ia pensa ce Tom gusta roc metal? La familio de Tom amis Mary. Tom's family loved Mary. Tom's family loved Mary. Jotugalon veygadye rodankanyar. My grandfather could sing quite well when he was young. Jotugalon veygadye rodankanyar. Mi ne povas malkonstrui tiun muron sola. I cannot bring this wall down by myself. I can't destroy this wall alone. vaj nuch DIDa 'e' raDlaw' ghobmaj. Thus conscience does make cowards of us all. This removes nuch DIDa 'e' raDlaw' ghobma. Pasinta nokte me esis tre fatigita por koquar decanta disho, do me manjis rapide koquebla nudli. Last night I was too tired to cook a proper meal, so I just ate instant noodles. Last night I was very fated to coquar decanta disho, so I did eat faster coqueble noodles. S-ro Hashimoto traktas nin juste. Mr. Hashimoto is fair to us. Mr. Hashimoto treats us just. Ob disi aque gusta mali? Does this water taste bad? Ob disi aque gustata mali? Ĉu vi fiksrigardis miajn krurojn? Were you staring at my legs? Did you look at my legs? Yo studia german. I study German. Yo studia german. xu do bredi Are you ready? xu then breed Mi bedaŭras, ke mi atendigis vin tiom longe. I'm sorry I've kept you waiting so long. I'm sorry I expected you so long. ta'o do xabju ma By the way, where do you live? ta'o do xabju ma lo za'u pendo be do ba cinmo lo ka claxu do Your friends will miss you. lo za'u pendo be do ba cinmo lo claxu do Sideskez irgube tu volez. Sit wherever you like. Sideskez irgube tu volez. Tomas änedom yufi olik. Tom needed your help. Tomas änedom yufi olik. Li conditiones esset desfacil. The conditions were difficult. Li conditiones esset desfacil. puqloD ghaj. jan 'oH pongDaj'e'. He has a son whose name is John. puqloD ghaj. jan's true pongDaj'e. Mi matre non faceva altere cosa que plorar. My mother did nothing but weep. I don't do anything else than crying. Le personas qui desira potentia functiona mal como chefes. People who desire power make bad leaders. The people who want power to function poorly as chiefs. ca ma do tolyli'a When do you arrive? ma do tolyli'a Tom neniam antaŭe faris tion. Tom has never done this before. Tom never did it before. Me gusta tenis e golf. I like tennis and golf. I taste tennis and golf. lo tadni cu simlu lo ka sipna ca lo cabdei The students seem to be sleepy today. lo tadni cu simlu lo ka sipna ca lo cabdei Mi malfermis la pordon. I opened the door. I opened the door. Vartez por ni. Wait for us. Call for us. Nun, sukcese pasinte vian teston, vi rajtas mem ŝofori. Now that you have passed your test, you can drive on your own. Now, successfully past your test, you are allowed to shoot yourself. do sa'apre You are a singer. so sa'apre Ĝi estis malhelega nokto. It was a pitch black night. It was a dark night. Леже еста. Read this. It's all right. Yo esset in li scola. I was in school. Yo esset in li scola. Mi rimarkis, ke ŝi portis novajn okulvitrojn. I noticed that she was wearing new glasses. I noticed that she wore new glasses. Li estis aĉetinta hundon. He had bought a dog. He was buying a dog. Ille ha parlate multo ben. He spoke very well. They have a talk a lot well. bIghungbej. You will be hungry. bIghungbej. .uanai ca mutce cizra Uh, now it's really weird... .uanai ca mutce cizra Li utiligis grandan pecon da papero por fari la sakon. He used a big piece of paper to make the bag. He utilized a large piece of paper to make the bag. ghaytan jImIylaw', 'ach vIraS Hol vIjatlhlaH jIH. It may sound like blowing my own horn, but I can speak French. Not enough project wasylaw, and did you know that your life is going to take advantage of the road. Li konas la regionon ere kaj parkere. He knows the area like the back of his hand. He knows the region ere and parking. Illa partiva sin mesmo dicer nos a deo. She went away without so much as saying good-bye to us. Illa partiva sin mem dicer nos a deo. ko'a mi pendo me'e zo djak. He is my friend whose name is Jack. I think I'm going to think that shit. Le ventre non ha aures. The womb has no ears. Le ventre ne ha aures. Forsan io adjuta a apportar harmonia inter le personas per medio de mi musica. I may be helping to bring harmony between people through my music. Perhaps something helpful to bring harmonious amongst the people by means of my music. tIQ pIghvam. These ruins are ancient. tIQ pIghlast. Me adiris Tom por konsilo. I went to Tom for advice. I went to Tom for advice. xokau lo nu lo remna cu fliba na krinu lo nu morji fi ry. i ku'i xokau lo nu ry. snada cu krinu People are not remembered by the number of times they fail but for the number of times they succeed. xokau lo nu lo remna cu fliba na Justification lo nu morji fi ry. i ku'i xokau lo nu ry. snada cu pros Ĉu vi konscias, ke Tomo ne ŝatas vin? Are you aware that Tom doesn't like you? Are you aware that Tom doesn't like you? Esas multa kulturi sur la Tero. There are many cultures on Earth. There are many cultures on Earth. Le decision es in su manos. The decision is in your hands. The decision is in his hands. tcelenku ca lo cabdei It's really cold today. Tcelenku ca lo cabdei Teknologio signifikas nulo ecepte ke ol servas la homaro. Technology is in itself meaningless unless it serves mankind. Technology means nothing except that it serves humanity. Spikols-li Polänapüki? Do you speak Polish? Spicols-li Polänapüki? Estis kelkaj studentoj en la ĉambro. There were a number of students in the room. There were some students in the room. Selol lani olik. You are selling your soul. Selol wools olik. La boato estas ĉene ligita al la ankro. The boat is attached to the anchor by a chain. The boat is chain bound to the anchor. Provu iom ripozi. Try to get some rest. Try to rest a little. Yo lee un libre. I read a book. Yo lee un libre. Mi devintus demandi ŝin, kiam mi havis la ŝancon. I should've asked her when I had the chance. I would have to ask her when I had the chance. It ne es un ludette! It's not a toy! It's not a gameette! Ŝi estis tiel dolĉa kaj senkulpa. She was so sweet and innocent. She was so sweet and innocent. lo fonxa cu spofu The phone is out of order. lo funda cu spofu .i ki'u ma do cusku zo co'o Why do you say goodbye? .i ki'u ma do cusku zo co'o Labob jiblodis kil. I have three sisters. Labob jiblod like it. Pote tu designar un mappa pro me? Could you draw a map for me? Can you design one map for me? Multa aquo bezonesas. Much water is needed. Many water is needed. Esque vu audit li file MP3 quel yo vos inviat? Did you listen to the MP3 file I sent you? Esque vu audit li file MP3 quel yo vos sentut? It hay insules in li mare. There are islands in the sea. It hay insules in it sea. Fariĝas pli malvarme. It's getting cold. Makes colder. Tom regardat tra li fenestre. Tom looked out of the window. Tom regarded through him fenestre. chutmey QIjchu'ta' ghaH. She explained the rules in detail. The theory of QIjchu'ta ghaH. Il esis naske richa. He was born rich. Il es naske richa. Mi patre es un empleato de officio. My father is an office worker. My parent is an employee of office. ra pu jai pluka It was a pleasure. ra pu jai pluka Tom ancor dormi. Tom is still sleeping. Tom is still sleeping. Petu Tomon, ke li telefonu al mi. Li scias mian numeron. Ask Tom to call me. He has my number. Ask Tom to call me. He knows my number. Iste libro es pro studentes de qui le lingua materne non es japonese. This book is for students whose native language is not Japanese. This book is for students who the language material is not Japanese. Tom ne kutimis drinki tiom. Tom didn't used to drink so much. Tom didn't cook drinking so much. Tortugas no ave dentes. Turtles don't have teeth. Tortugas no ave dentes. Tiu ĉi libro estas ŝia. This book is hers. This book is her. li'anai go'i je'e Right, I see. But it's complicated. li'anai go'i je'e Mi ne scias, kio okazos. I don't know what will pass. I don't know what will happen. Io approba vostre plano. I approve of your plan. It approves your plan. Dal Dochvetlh Qullu'meH Qu''e' poQlu'bogh 'ej tlhuch. The work required to investigate that is boring and wearisome. Dal Do we think we have all been on top of the ten billion years ago. xu do co'i zukte ra Have you done it? xu do co'i zukte ra ra pendo mi He's my friend. ra penso mi Binof jönik e sapik. She is beautiful and clever. Binof jönik and sapik. En unu sola kvadratkilometro da bornea arbaro oni trovis tiel multajn speciojn da arboj, kiel ekzistas en la tuta Nordameriko. In one single square kilometre of Borneo woodland have been found as many species of trees as exist in all of North America. In one single square mile of beef forest, there were so many species of trees, as exists throughout North America. Tomo kaŭzis tiun malordon. Tom caused this mess. Tom caused this trouble. do banzu lo ka plipe fo makau kei lo nu pencu lo va tricu jimca You jumped high enough to touch this branch. then ban it ka plupe fo makau kei lo nu penvo lo va Acu jimca mI' vImaSqu'bogh 'oH wa'vatlh'e'. One hundred is my favorite number. But we know that the universe might continue to continue. .ie nai No. .ie nai Tom ŝaltis la manĝoĉambran lumon. Tom flipped on the dining room light. Tom turned on the food room light. Vos es un infante. You're a child. Vos es un infante. co'u ma do zvati lo zdani How long will you be home? co'u ma do zvati lo zdani Yo crede que yo besona auxilie. I think that I need help. Yo crede que yo besona auxie. lo finpe pu ca'o limna lo djacu The fish was swimming in the water. lo finpe pu ca'o limna lo dquo Me vade a leto. I'm going to bed. Me vade a bed. mi ze'e pu cpedu do no da I've never asked you for anything. mi zé'e pu cpedu do no da le tcima cu xlali ca lo cabdei The weather is bad today. le tcima cu xlali ca lo cabdei pa' vIjaHta' 'e' luchaw' SoSwI' vavwI' je. My parents let me go there. C-2, you play chess, do you not? Ĉu tio ne estas la intenco? Isn't that the plan? Isn't that the intention? javmaH lup ghaj wa' tup. One minute has sixty seconds. June lup ghaj wa' tup. Promesu al mi, ke vi tion ne diros al ŝi! Promise me you won't tell her. Tell me that you won't tell her! e'a pei mi zutse ti Can I sit here? e'a pei mi zutse ti .i la .meris. spuda lo nu zvacpe fi lo se zgike kei le natfe Mary declined an invitation to the concert. .i la .meris. spuda lo nu zvacpe fi lo se zgike kei le natfe Kion vi volus fari morgaŭ? What would you like to do tomorrow? What would you like to do tomorrow? Nur ĉar vi povas fari ion, ne signifas, ke vi devas. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Just because you can do something, it doesn't mean you have to. Éu sint ün cäts. I'm a cat. Éu sint ün cäts. Esce tu veni a Rio per la juas olimpial? Are you coming to Rio for the Olympics? Esce tu veni a Rio per la juas olimpial? 'eSpanya' Hol vIjatlhlaH. I can speak Spanish. 'company' Hol understands the future. Le puera esseva nominate Elizabeth secundo su granmatre. The girl was called Elizabeth after her grandmother. The puera was named Elizabeth according to his granthre. Mi ŝatas ŝin. I like her. I like her. Kial vi estas atendantaj? Why are you waiting? Why are you waiting? HIvta'. She attacked him. Hivta'. Ili boligas akvon por teo. They boil water for tea. They boil water for tea. Via vivo estas tiel perfekta. Your life is so perfect. Your life is so perfect. Yo parlat con ella. I spoke with her. Yo parlat con ella. Yes, lu es constatatione de certeni legende del familie Baskerville. Yes, it is the statement of a certain legend of the Baskerville family. Yes, he is a state of certain legends of the Baskerville families. Ili va mortar vos! They'll kill you! They're dead! mu' nuq? What are words? The future? Felica nasko-dio! Happy birthday! Happy birth-god! Un soniator es uno qui solmente pote trovar su cammino al luce del luna, e su punition es que ille vide le alba ante que le resto del mundo. A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. One sonuator is one who can only find his change to the luce of the moon, and his punishment is that they see the alba before the rest of the world. Me va sabe lo doman. I'm going to know tomorrow. Me va sabe lo domin. Omni studiantes veni del Unit States. All the students come from the US. Men studying coming from the United States. Kiom mi sentas la mankon de vi! How I miss you. How much do I feel the lack of you! la tom gasnu Tom is behind this. the tom gasnu Laurie es un bell puella. Laurie is a beautiful girl. Laurie is a bell puella. Kiam do vi aĉetis por vi motorciklon? So when did you buy yourself a motorcycle? When then did you buy a motorcycle for you? La campania es merveliosa. The countryside is magnificent. The peasant is mervelious. Io ama mi papa. I love my dad. I love my father. Ne permesu, al ili eniron! Don't let them in. Don't allow them to enter! Mi lavas mian vizaĝon ĉiuvespere, por forlavi la kosmetikaĵojn. I wash my face every evening to get my makeup off. I wash my face every night to leave the cosmetics. Unen ravlem va galpena sugdala rupter. The word you use depends on your intended meaning. Unen ravlem va gallpena sugdal breaker. Kion vi lernas ? What are you learning? What do you learn ? Tote le solos in su casa es facite de ligno. All the floors in her house are made of wood. All the solos in su casa are made of wood. Kioto plej belas dum aŭtuno. Kyoto is most beautiful in autumn. Kyoto is most beautiful during autumn. Que pensa tu que tu facerea? What do you think you'd do? Que pensa tu que tu facerea? Io multo ha pensate de te. I've thought about you a lot. Io multa ha pensate de te. Kiu havas nenion por fari? Who doesn't have anything to do? Who has nothing to do? Maria estas transseksa. Mary is transgender. Mary is transsexual. Es ge. Fa crimin. Be gay. Do crime. Es ge. Fa crimin. Il ama scrir articules por Wikipedie. He loves writing articles for Wikipedia. Il amaː articlees por Wikipedie. Tomo skribas leteron al Manjo. Tom is writing a letter to Mary. Tom writes a letter to Manjo. Ne elŝaltu la lumon. Don't turn off the light. Do not turn off the light. El es no plu ca un enfante. He is a mere child. El es no plu ca un enfante. 'eQ tagh. He just started. 'eQ tagh. Ni simple provas helpi al vi. We're just trying to help you. We just try to help you. Mi aŭdis, ke li aĉetis novan komputilon. I heard that he bought a new computer. I heard he bought a new computer. Mi ne volas, ke vi pensu, ke mi estas freneza. I don't want you to think I'm nuts. I don't want you to think I'm crazy. Ania interes-esas en komputeri. Ania is interested in computers. Ania interest-is in computers. mi na nitcu ti poi cukta I don't need this book. I'm not going to make you poiquota Tortugi ne havas denti. Turtles don't have teeth. Tortugs do not have teeth. Yo visitat un litt cité in Catalonia. I visited a small town in Catalonia. Yo visit un litt cité in Catalonia. La manko de saluto signifas ion. The absence of a greeting means something. The lack of greeting means something. nuqDaq 'oH 'angweD'e'? Where is the museum? Where is the true part of the universe? Li ripozu en paco. May he rest in peace! Let him rest in peace. ko'a pu fasnu za lo nanca be li re It happened two years ago. co'a pu fasnu za lo Years be li re bInuQ. You're annoying. bInuQ. Su blu ocules fixat me e mi cordie fat un salta. His blue eyes settled on me and my heart jumped. Su blue ocules fixat me e mi cordie fat un salta. Ille ha multe proprietates. He has a great deal of property. They have many UUIDs. Tomo pensis, ke Maria havas financajn problemojn. Tom thought that Mary was having money problems. Tom thought Mary had financial problems. ra na zilmipri It isn't a secret. ra na zilmipri Mi alportis botelon da vino. I brought a bottle of wine. I brought a bottle of wine. La cielo esas blua. The sky is blue. The heavens are blue. do ma spusku What did you answer? so ma spusku Mi ne perdis ĝin. I didn't lose it. I didn't lose it. e'u ca klama Let's go now. e'u ca clama Es solmente tu imagination. It's just your imagination. It's just your imagination. Mot obik binof tidan. My mother is a teacher. Mot obik binof tidan. Ni scias, ke tio ne funkcios. We know it's not going to work. We know that it won't work. Vu fete. Y'all stink. You fete. Me ia aprende multe rapida franses. I learned French very quickly. I'm going to take a lot of quick franses. Ob it ämekob valikosi at. I did it all by myself. Ob it ämecob vavalcos at. Memolöd valikosi. Remember everything. Memolöd vavalcos. Su roman esset traductet in japanesi. His novel was translated into Japanese. His novel esset translator in Japanese. Ĉu tiun ĉi leteron skribis Maria? Was this letter written by Mary? Did this letter write Mary? Venontsemajne mi volas viziti mian amikon. I want to visit my friend next week. Next week I want to visit my friend. Memoru simple, ke vi ne povas konkuri kontraŭ la memoro de via juneco. Just remember, you can't compete with the memory of your younger self. Remember simply that you cannot compete against the memory of your youth. qoH nguq ghaH tam'e'. Tom is an arrogant idiot. answersH nguq ghaH tam'e'. Доналд Трумп ес ун кансер пер ла уманас. Donald Trump is a cancer on humanity. ← Ingredients Recipes Pote vos intender Tom? Can you understand Tom? Can you intended Tom? rInpa' Dochvam Data'chu'nIS. Make sure you finish this by the end of the day. rInpa' Dochm Data'chu'nIS. Manĝi ĉi tie ne malmultekostas. It's not cheap to eat here. Eat here isn't low. Estas mia koramikino, kun kiu vi parolas. That's my girlfriend you're talking to. It's my girlfriend with whom you're talking. Un accidente es un occurrentia inevitabile debite al action de leges natural immutabile. An accident is an inevitable occurrence due to the action of immutable natural laws. An accident is an eventual inevitable right to the action of reading natural immutable. Tomo ne volis iri al festo de Mario. Tom didn't want to go to Mary's party. Tom didn't want to go to a party of Mario. Aceles es problemes seria. Those are serious problems. Aceles are problems series. Tande li puella jettat un spegul detra se. Then the girl threw a mirror behind her. Tande li puella jettat un mirror detra se. Mi sposa e io conveniva un plano de vacantias. My wife and I agreed on a holiday plan. Mi sposa e io convenive un plan de vacantias. "Kim sagom?" - "Ob sagob." "Says who?" "Says me." "Kim sagom?" - "Ob sagob." Ŝi renkontis lin sur la strando. She met him on the beach. She met him on the beach. Mi intencas vespermanĝi je la kvina. I'm thinking of having dinner at 5. I intend to wake up on the fifth. Hoch jaj QonoS qon vav. Father keeps a diary every day. Hoch jaj QonoS answered vav. pa'wIj vIlamHa'choHmoHnIS. I have to clean my room. That's my life. Tom estas rapida kuranto. Tom is a fast runner. Tom is a quick cure. la tom pu co'a tcidu Tom began to read. the tom pu co'a tcidus lo zgike cu cinri mi I'm interested in music. lo zicike cu cinri mi Tio sonas tre interesa. This sounds very interesting. This sounds very interesting. vavDaj DaSov'a'? Do you know his father? Vav DaSov'a? Амбос омес иа ес матада. Both men were killed. It's just like it's all right. Tom está preocupado sobre su futuro. Tom is worried about his future. Tom está concerns about his future. Forsan vos debe facer un passo a retro e pensar a qui vos es e proque vos face isto. Maybe you need to take a step back and think about who you are and why you are doing this. You may have to do a step back and think about who you are and therefore you do this. mi cusku lo se du'u benji lo za'u re'u pikta mi kei ra I told them to send me another ticket. mi cusku lo se du'u benji lo za'u re'u piketa mi kei ra Tom levat li cat. Tom picked up the cat. Tom levat li cat. Mi pafos. I will shoot. I'll shoot. Samio estis profesoro pri la Biblio. Sami was a Bible professor. Samy was a professor of the Bible. Anarcistes crede ce sosia pote funsiona par aida mutua. Anarchists believe society can function by mutual aid. Anarchists believe ce sosia can fungal par aida mutua. ri klama le zarci He went to the shop. ri clama le zarci On vijila Tom. Tom is under surveillance. On vijila Tom. .i se ki'u nai bo mi jai bandu le nobli ke lojbo bangu lo vlatai zekri Regardless of that reason, I defend the noble Lojban language against word-shape crimes. .i se ki'u nai bo mi jai bandu le nobli ke lojbo bangu lo vlatai zecri Tom natara. Tom will swim. Tom natara. Me vud es mal experte si me non vud pover datar lu ye acurateso de sirk yardeco. I would be a bad expert if I wasn't able to date it acurately to a decade. Me vud es mal experte si me ne vud pover datar lu ye acurity de sirk yarde. Tom opiniis, ke estas granda ŝanco, ke la pentraĵon ŝtelis Mary. Tom thought that there was a good chance that it was Mary who had stolen the painting. Tom thought there was a great chance that the painting stole Mary. Tu es le melior matre in le mundo. You're the best mom in the world. You are better in the world. mi ba'o facki ki'e nai I've found it myself, no thanks to you! ba'o not found ki'e nai lonu zgana lonu lo bersa be lo selglejibri be'o renro lo rocki lo remgunma kei tcini lo nu ko'a cusku lu o'i do pu'o cumki darxi lo do patfu li'u Seeing the son of a whore throwing rocks at a crowd, he said: "Be careful, you could hit your father." lonu zgana lonu lo bersa be lo senglejibri be'o renro lo rocki lo remgunma kei tnci lo nu co'a cusku lu o'i do pu'o cumki darxi lo do patfu li'u nuH vInej. I'm going to look for a weapon. What are you doing? Дона а ме ла бал. Give me the ball. ← la tom o la meris klama lo zarci Tom goes to the market if and only if Mary goes to the market. the tom or the meris clearly lo zarci Tio ne estas nova. This isn't new. That's not new. buy' ngop! tlhIngan Hol mu'tlhegh loSvatlh loSmaH loSDIch 'oH Dochvam'e'. Good news! This is the four hundred forty-fourth sentence in Klingon. But we have made sure we have made remarkable progress in the universe. It will be sure that we might continue to continue beyond the universe. El ave un fia ci es clamada Mary. She has a daughter whose name is Mary. El ave un fia cia es clamada Mary. Esque tu posse comprender ti lingue? Can you understand this language? Esque tu posse comprender ti lingue? Kiu ricevis ĝin? Who received it? Who received it? mi na bebna I'm not an idiot. mi na bebna do kakne You're capable. so kakne Pluiri el doloro en doloron, el enigmo en enigmon. El la doloro de la ŝtono en la doloron de la planto. Ĉar ĉio estas doloro. La doloro de la batalo, la timo ne esti. Ligoj de doloro ĉenas la teron al la ĉielo, la akvojn al la tero. Kaj la mondoj galopas en orbitoj de angoro. Pensante pri la surprizo. To go on from pain to pain mystery to mystery. From stone pain to plant pain. For everything is pain. The pain of battle the fear of not being. Links of pain chain the earth to the sky the waters to the land. And worlds gallop in orbits of affliction. Thinking of surprise. Pour from pain into pain, from an input into an input. From the pain of the stone in the pain of the plant. Because everything is pain. The pain of the battle, the fear of not being. Leagues of pain join the earth to the sky, the waters to the earth. And the worlds go into orbits of anguish. Thinking about the surprise. Tote le mundo sape que Tom parla ben francese. Everyone knows that Tom speaks good French. Everyone knows that Tom speaks well French. Se vi tiel trinkas plu, vi malsaniĝos. If you keep on drinking like that, you'll get sick. If you drink so much more, you'll get sick. Tomo estas ankoraŭ laboranta. Tom is still at work. Tom is still working. ko na dasni fi lo malsorgle Don't dress like a slut. co na dasni fi lo malsorgle Il parla sin accentu. He speaks without an accent. Il parla sin accentu. Tom ama cocinar. Tom loves to cook. Tom ama cocinar. qech lonpu'. He abandoned the idea. qech lonpu'. Io es troppo vetule pro ille. I'm too old for him. It is too old for them. Du'oy'moH 'e' Hechbe'. He didn't mean to hurt you. Du'oy Thank you very much Hechbe'. Cual es tua broma de parolas favoreda? What's your favorite pun? Cual es tua broma de speak favorida? puS DIvI' Hol wIlo'meH 'eb'e'. We have little opportunity to use English. On the other hand, DivI' Hol dulla'meH 'eb'e'. Oni ekstere ŝlosis la pordojn. The doors were locked from the outside. The doors were locked out outside. Via sensekureco devenas de via religio. Your insecurity comes from your religion. Your safety comes from your religion. Mi estas tre dankema al vi pro via helpo. I am much obliged to you for your help. I'm very grateful to you for your help. Mi ne havas febron. I don't have a fever. I have no fever. Revoku ilin. Call them back. Revoke them. Elu ne pensis ke olu drolesis. She didn't think it was funny. Elu didn't think it was drolesis. En la sekvinta mateno li metis la manon sub la kusenon, esperante trovi sub ĝi oron. The next morning he put his hand under the cushion, hoping to find under it gold. In the next morning he put his hand under the cushion, hoping to find under it gold. On debe fa la plu bon cual on pote en cada cosa. One must do one's best in everything. You must do the most good cual on can in each thing. Toto es incostose. Everything is cheap. Toto es incostose. Esque tu iva al schola heri? Did you go to school yesterday? Esque tu iva al scola heri? Tom savet omnicos pri Mary. Tom knew everything about Mary. Tom satet omnicos about Mary. ghojmoHwI' QaQ jIH 'e' vISov. I know that I am a good teacher. I'm sorry, thank you for your life. Tio, kion ni observas kiel materiajn korpojn kaj fortojn, estas nenio pli ol formoj kaj varioj en la strukturo de la spaco. What we observe as material bodies and forces are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space. What we observe as material bodies and forces is nothing more than shapes and varieties in the structure of space. loQ QeHtaH yu'mIy'qo'. Yumiko was a little angry. loQeH suppresses yu'mIy'qo'. ti na banzu This is not enough. ti na banzu Yo ama svimmar. I love swimming. Yo ama svimmar. Liaj dentoj estas blankaj kiel perloj. His teeth are white like a pearl. His teeth are white as pearls. Vi estas tute prava. You're absolutely right. You're all right. Mary es un juvene e brillante advocato. Mary is a brilliant young lawyer. Mary is a youth and brilliantly advocate. Mi devintus ne ekdiskuti tion. I shouldn't have brought it up. I wouldn't have to talk about it. Le die del picnic ha arrivate. The day of the picnic has arrived. Le die del picnic ha arrrivate. La kunveno de la homo kun Dio devas ĉiam signifi penetradon kaj eniron de la dia en la homan kaj mem-mergiĝo de la homo en la Diecon. The meeting of man and God must always mean a penetration and entry of the divine into the human and a self-immergence of man in the Divinity. The meeting of man with God must always mean penetration and entry of the day into the human and self-mergement of man in Diity. Kio aperis unue: ĉu la ovo aŭ la kokino? What came first: the egg or the chicken? What appeared first: did the egg or chicken? Ha tu repassate le lection? Have you gone over the lesson? Have you repassed lesson? Io es nunc in mal sanitate. My health's very bad. It is now in little health. mi tolmo'i lo fonjudri be do I forget your phone number. mi tomo'i lo fonjudri be do Mi renkontos Tomon. I'll meet Tom. I'll meet Tom. Yo pensa que li jup de Mary es tro long. I think Mary's skirt's too long. Yo pensa que li jup de Mary es tro long. ii lo tirxu mo'u volve Oh, no! The tiger is back! ii lo tirxu mo'u volve nuq wISovbe'? What don't we know? The laws of evolution? Mia radioaparato denove ne funkcias. My radio has broken down again. My radio device doesn't work again. Tomo atendis Manjon iom pli ol unu horon. Tom waited a good hour for Mary. Tom waited for Manjon a little more than an hour. Elu dicis 'Me amoras tu' a me. She said 'I love you' to me. Elu said 'I love you' to me. Esque tu lude golf? Do you play golf? Esque tu lude golf? Forsan le poetas ha ration. Forsan le amor es le unic responsa. Maybe the poets are right. Maybe love is the only answer. Perhaps the poets have reason. Perhaps the love is the only answer. Dajbe'. That's not interesting. Dajebe'. SoQDaj wIQoymeH wab HablI' wIlo'ta'. We listened to his lecture on the radio. SoQDaj usedQoymeH wab Hab Programming's role. Manjo estis tre inteligenta, sed tre kvieta knabino. Mary was a very intelligent, but very quiet girl. Manjo was a very smart, but very quiet girl. Lasu min iri sola. Let me go alone. Let me go alone. Hiel Tom äkoefom, das äspilom vini redik. Tom admitted to spilling the red wine. Hiel Tom äkoefom, das äspilom vini redik. mi pu penmi la tom lo ckule I met Tom at the school. I might think the tom it blindly Mi pensis, ke tiu ŝuparo daŭrus pli longe. I thought this pair of shoes would last longer. I thought this shoe would last longer. Mens at li-binoms mens ut kelis älogol ädelo? Are those the people you saw yesterday? Mens at li binoms mens ut kelis älogol ädelo? poHlIj vIlo'Ha'moHmo' jIQoS. I'm sorry to waste your time. Long-term life history, if you really know, you'll have to know how you know. Tom non pote adjutar. Tom may not help. Tom cannot help. Esque to es blu? Is that blue? Esque to es blue? La franca estis la lingvo de diplomatio, kaj pro tio estis instruata en lernejoj. French was the language of diplomacy, and because of this was taught in schools. French was the language of diplomacy, and therefore was taught in schools. Sapqang vay' 'e' DaQub'a'? Do you think anyone will volunteer? Sapqang vay' 'e' DaQub'a'? mi ca zukcfu I am busy now. mi ca zukcfu Esque tu titilla Mary? Why are you tickling Mary? Esque tu titilla Mary? Nos vende vestes en nosa boteca. We sell clothing in our store. Nos vende vestes in nosa botteca. Infanoj kredas, kion iliaj gepatroj diras al ili. Children will believe what their parents tell them. Children believe what their parents tell them. Esta reseta es multe fasil. This recipe is very easy. Esta reseta es multa fasil. jav bIp nuvpu' HoHlu'pu' pagh QIDlu'pu'. Six hundred thousand men were killed or wounded. jav bIp nuvpu' HoHlu'pu' probably QIDlu'pu'. Vi povas dependi je tio. You can count on it. You can depend on that. tIr ngogh Sop be'Hom. The girl is eating bread. tIr nagh Sop be'Hom. Me ta vole sabe plu sur siensa. I would like to know more about science. Me ta vole save plu sur sisence. Ni havas avantaĝon. We have an advantage. We have an advantage. ko'a bajykla lo kumfa She burst into the room. ko'a bayykla lo kumfa Mi ne konsilus al vi iri tien sola. I should not advise you to go there alone. I wouldn't advise you to go there alone. Il ganiat omnicos. He won everything. Il winat omnicos. Ille ha excambiate su vetule auto pro un nove. He exchanged his old car for a new one. They have been excited about their old car for a new one. Ĝis nun, ĉio en ordo. So far, so good. So far, everything in order. Le pisce in le aqua es silente, le animal super le terra es ruitose, le ave in le aere es cantante. Ma le Homine contine in se le silentio del mar, le ruito del terra e le musica del aere. The fish in the water is silent, the animal on the earth is noisy, the bird in the air is singing. But Man has in him the silence of the sea, the noise of the earth and the music of the air. Le pisce in le aqua es silente, le animal over le earth es ruitose, le ave in le aere es cante. Ma le Homine contains in se le silence del mar, le ruito del earth e le musica del aere. Havante liberan momenton, vi eble ŝatos legi tion ĉi. If you have a minute, you might want to read this. Having a free moment, you may seem to read this. Нос иа ескута алга кантас франсес. We listened to some French songs. It's what it's like. Mi rehejmiĝos je la dua horo kaj duono. I come home at two thirty. I'll go home at the second hour and half. wagh ghotI'. Fish is expensive. wagh ghotI'. Ĉu iu povas malfermi la pordon, mi petas? Can somebody open the door please? Can anyone open the door, please? Shakespeare comparava le mundo a un scena. Shakespeare compared the world to a stage. Shakespeare shared the world to one scene. No me lasa solitar! Don't leave me alone! No me lasa solvar! Yo trinca lacte. I drink milk. Yo trince lacte. Poŝtelefonoj estas tiom praktikaj, ke estas malfacile imagi malhavi ilin. Mobiles are so convenient that one can hardly imagine what life would be without them. Push phones are so practical that it is difficult to imagine getting them off. la .tom. pu zgana sanli Tom stood watching. The .tom. pu zgana sanli Yo es dangerosi. I'm dangerous. Yo es dangerosi. Li filie trinca li lacte. The kid is drinking the milk. Li filie trince li lacte. Sin vostre adjuta, io ha nulle occasion. Without your help, I don't stand a chance. Sin vostre help, io ha nulle occasionion. La korpi di la repteri kovresas da squami. The bodies of reptiles are covered by scales. The ribs of the repters covered by squams. Tikob, so binob. I think therefore I am. Tikob, so binob. lo mi tanxe be lo cakla ma zvati Where's my box of chocolates? lo mi tanxe be lo cacla ma zvati ko'a selci'i lo nu do jajgau lei creka One of her hobbies is collecting T-shirts. Mines Kiel junulo li mallonge flirtis kun la komunismo. As a young man he flirted briefly with communism. As a young man he briefly flirted with the communism. waqmey DaparHa'bogh tIngu'! Which shoes do you like? The division of DparHa into an ingu! Tu ne devis dicir tala rudaji ad il. You shouldn't say such rude things to him. You didn't have to say such roughs to it. Kiel vi povas vidi, oni bezonas anstataŭigi la tegmenton. As you can see, the roof needs to be replaced. As you can see, you need to replace the roof. 'op nuvpu' luHeghmoHlu'pu'. A number of people were killed. 'op nuvpu' lubicalu'pu'. Lamerikän binon tat jekälimik. The United States is a terrorist state. Lamerikän bin tat jekälimik. Venu kun ni! Come with us. Come with us! La yunino esas sola. The girl is lonely. The yunin is alone. ma cmene le patfu be do What is your father's name? but Name the patfu be then Vi akceptis la donacojn. You accepted the gifts. You accepted the gifts. HuchwIj 'oH je. It's my money, too. That's my concern! That it true. Ĉu s-ro Johnson estas tie? Is Mr Johnson in? Is Mr. Johnson there? xu do me la animizm Are you an animist? xu do me theimizm El finje es ge. He pretends to be gay. El finje es ge. za penmi co'o See you later! za pens co'o Ĉu vi estas pretaj? Are you guys ready? Are you ready? nov SoH'a'? Are you an alien? If there is no matter what? Si tu le vide, saluta le de me. In case you see him, please say hello to him for me. Si tu le vide, saluta le de me. Tu esas kanalio! You're a scoundrel! You're a canal! Ka tu volas altra tasedo de teo? Will you have another cup of tea? Do you want another tased of tea? Qu'wIj vIparHa'. I like my job. That's my life. Äslipob föfü televid. I slept in front of the TV. Äslipob föfü TV. Ĉu vi havas ŝukornon? Do you have a shoehorn? Do you have a shoecorn? Que te impressionava le plus? What impressed you the most? What did you print the plus? El nada en la pisina. He is swimming in the pool. El nada in la pisina. Aŭtoj alvenis tien unu post la alia. Cars arrived there one after another. Cars arrived there after each other. Mi komencis legi la libron. I started reading the book. I started reading the book. Mi ne sentas min bone en Facebook. I don't feel at ease on Facebook. I don't feel good on Facebook. lu la kukis gerku gi'i mlatu li'u preti .i lu nagi'o li'u danfu Question: Is Cookie a dog or a cat? Answer: One of those. The cokis gerku gi'i mlatu li'u preti .i lu nagi'o li'u danfu mi venfu djica I want vengeance. I'll win djica Seng qolqoS 'oH. This is the core of the problem. Seng fecalqoS ' race. la tom pu simlu lo ka se cfipu Tom looked confused. the tom pu simlu lo ka se cfipu Orada otur. Take a seat over there. Orada otur. su'o cinfo poi la'o zoi Bruce Willis zoi jersi cu banli danlu gi'enai ku'i cilce Some lion Bruce Willis is chasing is a formidable animal, but is not ferocious. su'info poi la zoi Bruce Willis zooi jersi banli danlu gi'enai ku'i Wilde Reguarda le clar celo. Look at the clear sky. Regulatory le clear goal. .i mi cliva mu'i le nu samru'e kelci gi'e sipna do'e le mi se prami I leave motivated by computer gaming and sleeping with my beloved. I'm Exiting. I'm Exiting. I'm going to play the rest of the story, and I'll like to Love .au pikta co klama la boston I'd like a ticket to Boston. .au pickled co clamma la boston tugh vIlegh 'e' me'rIyvaD yIja'. Tell Mary I'll see her soon. How do you understand 'e' me'rIy swea yIja'. Mi ankoraŭ neniam diris tion al iu. I've never told anyone this before. I've never told anyone yet. la'a na go'i That's probably not so. la'a na go'i Fat obik binom tidel. My father is a teacher. Fat obik binom tidel. mi pu je ca ro roi xebni lo saske be lo jmive I've always hated biology. mi pu je ca roi xebni lo Science be lo Lifeve Illa non poteva dicer un parola. She couldn't utter a word. It was not possible to discern a keyword. la .meris. joi la .alis. cu mensi remei Mary and Alice are sisters. la .meris. joi la .alis. cu mensi remei Illes vive illac. They live there. They live illac. Mi multe parolas kun ŝi. I talk to her a lot. I talk a lot with her. bIr tam. Tom is cold. bIr tam. wIgh ghaHbe' tam'e'. Tom is no genius. I'm going to get it as well. Nos vole ce Tom va es susedosa. We want Tom to be successful. We want ce Tom va es susedosa. mi'a xabju vi le renytcana We live close to the station. mi'a xabju vi le rebøna Pro quo tu have un tant terribil grand bocca? Why do you have such a terrifying large mouth? Why do you have one tan terribly big bocca? Nos va vade con vos. We'll go with you. Nos vade con vos. Tom esset polit. Tom was being polite. Tom esset polt. La infanto lernas rapide. The child is learning quickly. The child learns quickly. Prima, dise a me la bon novas. Tell me the good news first. First, say to me the good news. Rakonti ion tian al li ne estis bona ideo. You shouldn't have told him such a thing. Tell something like this to him was not a good idea. Ĉu la filmo plaĉis al vi? Did you enjoy the film? Did the movie please you? wej ben Heghpu' vavwI'; tera' DIS 1977 qaSpu'. My father died three years ago, that is to say in 1977. We're all right, thank you either; Earth's DIS 1977, one. nIDqu'bej 'ach Qapbe'. No doubt he did his best, but he didn't succeed. nIDqu'bej 'ach Qapbe'. Ni aĉetas panon. We buy bread. We buy bread. Kad omna voyajeri abordabas? Are all the passengers aboard? Can all hikers board? No slipob. I'm not sleeping. No slipob. Noi besona un nov strategie. We need a new strategy. Noi besona un nove strategie. Esce estas es tua fias? Are these your daughters? Esce es tua fias? loi bangu cu frica simxu lo ka xo kau da jicmu valsi lo skari ce'u Languages differ in how many basic colour terms they have. lo bangu cu africa simxu lo xo kau da jicmu valsi lo skar ce'u Mi auto es defectuose. My car is broken. Mi auto es defectuose. Ĝi ne multekostis. It wasn't expensive. It didn't cost much. Ni ne povas pruvi, ke Tom mensogis, sed ni sufiĉe certas, ke estas tiel. We can't prove Tom is lying, but we're pretty sure he is. We can't prove that Tom was lying, but we're pretty sure it's so. Tom deve retornar a Australia. Tom has to go back to Australia. Tom must return to Australia. Tom e Mary have li grippe. Tom and Mary have the flu. Tom and Mary have him grappe. Necuno es interessate. No one is interested. Noun es interessate. Vödasbuk su tab binom obik. The dictionary on the desk is mine. Vödasbuk su tab binom obik. La katoj abomenas polvosuĉilojn. A cat abhors a vacuum. The cats hate dust cleaners. Me mustas komprar nova skii. I must buy new skis. I have to cover new skis. Kial tiel melankoliaj? Why so melancholy? Why so melancoly? Me es Antonio. I'm Antonio. I'm Antonio. Li pli junas ol mi je du jaroj. He's two years younger than I. He's younger than me for two years. mi nelci la'o gy. Rock .gy. I love rock. I don't like the gy. Rock .gy. Vi ne traktu min, kvazaŭ mi estus stulta. Don't treat me like I'm stupid. You don't treat me as if I were stupid. *Hilton mebpa'mey yIghoS! To the Hilton Hotel, please. *Hilton mebpa'mey yIghoS! Mi pisis sur la strato. I peed on the street. I liked on the street. Ben, ben! Nos nos incontrara a cinque horas. All right, we'll meet at five. Well, well! We're a non-cervious to five hours. Ĉu ili ne pensas pri la povraj infanoj, kiuj mortas pro malsato? Don't they think about the poor children who are dying of hunger? Do they not think of the poor children who die for hunger? ghaHvaD qab 'IH ghogh 'IH je nobta' Qun'a'. God gave her a beautiful face and sweet voice. ghaH I'm just better than 'IH ghogh 'IH je nobta' Qun'a'. Si tu vole, me va fa la demanda. If you wish, I'll ask. Si tu vole, me va fa la demande. Еста либро ес дедикада а но персон. This book is not dedicated to anyone. ← Ingredients "Mi ne sukcesas ekdormi." — "Nek mi." "I can't sleep." "Me neither." "I'm not able to sleep."— "Don't I." wagh ruv. Justice is expensive. wagh ruv. Je la kioma horo proksimume? About what time? At what time close? vaj cha' bo'Deghmey vIHoHmeH wa' nagh neH vIlo'nIS. That way I kill two birds with one stone. This is what you all say, but we don't know what you do? e'e mi'o penmi bu'u da Let's meet up somewhere. e'e mi'o pensi bu'u da Куандо? When? Is it? Tom kaj Mary estis inter tiuj, kiuj ne venis. Tom and Mary were among the ones who didn't come. Tom and Mary were among those who did not come. DaSjaj ghaH vIghom 'e' vIpIH. I expect that I will see him on Monday. DaSaj ghaH has come from 'e' ficipIH. Hmm. Mi ankaŭ pensas tiel. Mm-hm. I think so too. Hmm. I also think so. Binob jikat. I'm a cat. Binob Financial. Betty scipovas ludi la pianon. Betty can play the piano. Betty can play the piano. Li parolas la rusan perfekte. He speaks Russian perfectly. He speaks Russian perfectly. Mi detruas nenion. I am not breaking anything. I'm destroying nothing. DubuQtaH pagh. No one is threatening you. DubuQ is entering this way. chIS vIghro'wIj. My cat is white. chIS comes from my concern. La knabo observis la ŝafojn. The boy was watching the sheep. The boy watched the sheep. mi djica lo nu da'i do mi zvajbi I wish you were close to me. mi djica lo nu da'i do mi zvabi Ĝi estas frida kiel glacio. It's as cold as ice. It is cold like ice. Illa ha un can. She has a dog. Illa ha un can. Me ia completi un formulario I filled in a questionnaire. I'm going to complete one former taD qamDu'Daj. Her feet were frozen. taD waleDu'Daj. Sol e pluve, arco de sielo. Sun and rain, rainbow. Sol e pluve, arco de sielo. Mi volas aĉeti dekduon da ovoj. I want to buy a dozen eggs. I want to buy a dozen eggs. lo mudri cu fulta Wood floats. lo mutri cu fulta Vos debe esser recompensate. You shall have a reward. You should be recompensed. cha'logh luj tam. Tom failed twice. I'm going to fight you as well. Ĉu Tom estas sukcesa? Is Tom successful? Is Tom successful? Ne tro dulci. Not too sweet. Not too sweet. Yo deve saver. I have to know. Yo deve saver. Sua moves ia es stonante rapida. His movements were astonishingly rapid. Sua moves ia es stonante quick. Mi filia usa apparato de correction dental. My daughter has braces. I'm daughter using a proper dental device. Esce el es felis? Is she happy? Esce el es felsas? Ĉu vi venas el Pekino? Do you come from Beijing? You come from Beijing? Tu save qualmen. You know how. You know how much. Ŝi povas havi kion ajn ŝi volas. She can have whatever she wants. She can have whatever she wants. Ne eblas, ke vi estas advokato. You can't be a lawyer. It's impossible for you to be a lawyer. Do es Paris? Where is Paris? So is Paris? Tomo ne volis kunlabori. Tom wasn't willing to cooperate. Tom didn't want to work together. lu xu da ka'e sidju mi li'u .i lu mi co'e li'u "Can somebody help me?" "I will." On the other hand, I'll add him to him. I'll coordinate him. Alicuno me prendeva per detra. Someone grabbed me from behind. Alicun me prendeva per detra. Ubi es le local de duchas? Where are the showers? Ubi es le local de duchas? Yo ne posse creder te. I can't believe you. Yo ne posse creder te. An vos vole divider un orange con me? Would you guys like to share an orange with me? And you want an e-ball one orange with me? portughal Hol jatlh. He speaks Portuguese. portugual Hol indeed. O isch dal Misiria. He is from Egypt. O isch dal Misiria. Tomo aspektas vere dolĉa. Tom seems real sweet. Tom looks really sweet. Ben que nos curre tote le mundo cercante le belle, nos debe portar lo con nos o nos non lo trova. Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not. And that we are running around the world looking for the beauty, we must carry it with us or we are not found. e'anai nerkla Keep out. e'anai unrclave Bronzo konsistas el kupro kaj stano. Bronze is composed of copper and tin. Bronzo consists of copper and stall. .olkai lo ka do kakne ku fa lo ka denpa All you can do is to wait. .olkai lo ka do kakne ku fa lo ka depa Mi cat mortat un scurel. My cat killed a squirrel. Mi cat mortat un scurel. Li me salutis kun rideto. They greeted me with a smile. He greeted me with a smile. SuDqu' per naHvam. This pear is green. Thank you for the rest of the universe. Tomo ne havis tempon por kapti la spiron. Tom had no time to catch his breath. Tom had no time to catch the breath. Restu ĉi tie kaj zorgu pri Tomo. Stay here and look after Tom. Stay here and take care of Tom. Io vole inviar iste littera a Japon. I want to send this letter to Japan. It wants to send this characters to Japan. 'och mutlhwI' ghaH tam'e' 'e' vIHarbe'. I don't think that Tom is a plumber. But let's take me all right, however, do you not know how to understand your life. Tomo estis mordita de kobro. Tom was bitten by a cobra. Tom was bitten by a cobro. Elŝovu la langon! Stick out your tongue. Go out the tongue! Yo usa ti computator. I use this computer. Yo us ti computer. Mi havas nenion. I don't have anything. I don't have anything. bIQIH 'e' DachIDmeH toDuj law' DatlhapnIS. It takes a lot of courage to admit that you're wrong. bIQIH 'e' DachIDmeH toDuj law' DatlhapnIS. bomwI' noy ghaH. She is a well-known singer. Just like that, noy ghaH. QaghlaH Hoch. Anyone can make mistakes. Qagh will save Hoch. Mi ĉiutage iras per subtera fervojo. I ride the subway every day. I go with an underground railway every day. be'nal QaQ moj puqbe' QaQ'e'. A good daughter will make a good wife. beal QaQ moj puqbe' QaQ'e'. la tom pujeca stace la maris Tom has been honest with Mary. the tom pujeca stace la maris Tom no fumi canaba. Tom doesn't smoke pot. Tom no fumes canaba. se jdima lo rupne'uru be li ci That'll be three euros. if jdima lo rupne'uru be li ci .ei do zvasto ti You are to stay here. .ei do zvast ti SuwomIyngan jIH. I'm Finnish. SuwomIyngan Fari. jub tam. Tom is immortal. jub as well. Me xico de cor ia encontra un ami ge a la plaia. My boyfriend met a gay friend at the beach. Me xico de cor ia encontra un ami ge a la plaia. la'acu'i za'u ko'a cliva ca lo bavlamdei They may leave tomorrow. la'aku'i zà'u co'a Quit it's bavlamdei Li venos post momento. He will come in a moment. He will come after a moment. Estas pli facile malfermi ostron sen tranĉilo ol la buŝon de advokato sen honorario. It's easier to open an oyster without a knife than the mouth of a lawyer without fees. It is easier to open an oyster without a cuter than the mouth of a lawyer without honorary. 'oy' DaSIQnIS. You must endure the pain. 'oy' DaSIQnIS. Ĉu vi volus glason da biero? What about a glass of beer? Would you want a glass of beer? Tom ne es quam tu. Tom isn't like you. Tom is not a quam tu. Ni vivas en belega urbo. We live in a beautiful city. We live in a beautiful city. Sami era mentalmente instabile. Sami was mentally unstable. Sami era mentality unstable. bItlhab DaneHchugh HaSta jIHlIj yIQaw'! If you want to be free, destroy your television set. bI ENeb Daneä HaStaTerpaj yIQaw! Mi donis iom da akvo al la hundoj. I gave some water to the dogs. I gave some water to the dogs. Un laboror felis es un laboror plu bon. A happy worker is a better worker. One worker happy is one worker more well. ko'a se puktce lo nu tadni lo zgike They love studying music. co'a se pukce lo nu tadni lo zgike Mea domo esas hike. My house is here. My house is here. lo xotli cu ragve lo dargu There's a hotel across the street. lo xotli cu ragve lo dargu Elu devis parolar pri ulo kun il. She had something to talk over with him. Elu had to talk about something with it. Yo es vermen tre ocupat. I really am very busy. Yo es vermen tre busy. Mi malfacile povas atendi ĝis la somero. I can hardly wait until summer. I can hardly wait until summer. nuq Datlhutlh DaneH? What'll you have to drink? The future of the thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us? Tomo demandis min, ĉu mi vere volas fari tion sola. Tom asked me if I really wanted to do that by myself. Tom asked me if I really wanted to do it alone. Sentante la domon moviĝi, mi eliris eksteren kurante. Feeling the house shake, I ran outside. Feeling the house to move, I went out running out. Il odia currer. He hates running. You are running out of the air. Elfoj estas tre fiaj. Elves are very mean. Elfs are very fine. Mi ne pensas, ke la teknologio provizas nin per ĉio, kion ni bezonas. I don't think that technology provides us with everything we need. I don't think technology provides us with everything we need. Ĉu vi jam amikiĝis kun ŝi? Have you already made friends with her? Have you been friends with her already? Hypocrisia es prejudicio con un aureola. Hypocrisy is prejudice with a halo. Hypocrisia is a prejudice with one aureola. Sur la muro estas mapo. There's a map on the wall. There is a map on the wall. Ĉu vi vere volas fari tion? Do you really want to do this? Do you really want to do that? Le pharmacista moriva de un dose troppo forte. The pharmacist died of an overdose. Le pharmacist moriva de un dose troppo forte. Mi inspektos tion. I'd look into it. I'll inspect that. La mallaborema lacerto senpene kaptas muŝojn per sia glueca lango por manĝeto. The lazy lizard effortlessly catches flies with its sticky tongue for a snack. The unworked lacer barely catches flies with its smooth tongue for food. mi pu citka lo vrici grute no'u mu'a lo plise je lo badna mu'a nai .i ji'a mi pu citka re patlu I ate different fruits like apples and bananas and such. I also ate two potatoes. mi pu citka lo Accessories grute no'u mu'a lo plu je lo badna mu'a nai .i ji'a mi pu citka re patlu Kio estas via plej ŝatata loka restoracio? What's your favorite local restaurant? What is your favorite local restaurant? Tio estas laŭmoda. It's cool. This is fashionable. toSwI' qal'aqDaq reH chaH. They played on the jungle gym. I would like to talk about the universe. They are the only intelligent beings. Binom liegik, ab blod bäldikum omik binom pöfik. He is rich, but his older brother is poor. Binom liegik, abblod bäldikum omik binom pöfik. Mi pensas, ke estas la tempo por manĝi. I think it's time to eat. I think it's time to eat. Tom non es Trump. Tom is not Trump. Tom is not Trump. Ĉu veras, ke vi hieraŭ televideblis? Is it true that you were on TV yesterday? Is it true that you were watching yesterday? Ella ne posse controlar su sentimentes. She can't control her emotions. Ella does not possess control his feelings. 'IH Dochvam. This is pretty. 'IH Dochvam. Il dat me un pom. He gave me an apple. Il dat me un pom. Ne lasu la fajron finbruli. Don't let the fire burn out. Don't let the fire finish. Ĉu vi ĉiuj parolas ĉine? Do all of you speak Chinese? Are you all talking tonight? Mi amas lardon! I love bacon. I love a lard! xu do pu'i mo'u kavbu lo finpe Have you ever caught a fish? xu do pu'i mo'u kavbu lo finpe puvbe'pu' 'op bo'Deghmey. Some of the birds didn't fly. Couldn't allocate memory for PCX image. puH Duj chu' vIje' vIneH. I want to buy a new car. puH Duj chu' fianje' o'clock. HeghDI' tam HutmaH ben boghpu'. Tom lived to be ninety. HeghDI' tam HutmaH be blessed at once. Io reguarda Tom como un idiota. I consider Tom an idiot. Io paragraph Tom as one idiot. Le tradition oral se continua desde seculos. Oral tradition has existed for hundreds of years. Le tradition oral se continued since seculos. QeHwIj vISeHlaHbe'. I could not control my anger. That's my life. If you want to live in. Okazos kverelo. There will be controversy. It will cause a quarrel. Nol solmente le ballas; anque le baston ha essite furate heri. Not only the balls; the bat was also stolen yesterday. Nol only the ballas; also the basston has been stolen hers. Nöks obik lödoms in London. My uncles live in London. Nöks obik lödoms in London. Con le impudentia que le characterisa, Tom ha negate toto. With his characteristic impudence, Tom denied everything. Con le impudentia que le characterisa, Tom ha negate toto. Kion ni nun atendas? What are we waiting for? What are we waiting for now? Tio estas la plej bona domo de la urbo. It's the best house in town. This is the best house of the city. No labob moni mödik. I do not have a lot of money. No labob moni mödik. mi klama le zarci I am going to the market. mi clama le zarci Li estas tiom riĉa, kiom ajna viro en ĉi tiu urbeto. He is as rich as any man in this town. He is as rich as any man in this town. simlu lo ka du VFD It looks like a UFO. like it for two VFD Ken nultempe vizitis Kyoto. Ken has never visited Kyoto. Ken has ever visited Kyoto. Deberea ille esser expellite del presidentia? Ought he to be forced out of the presidency? Should they be exploited by the president's office? mi klama le zarci I went to the market. mi clama le zarci Tomo scias, ke li parte kulpas. Tom knows he's partly to blame. Tom knows that he partially blames. No tikob das Tomas nolom das binob is. I don't think Tom knows I'm here. No tickib das Tomas nolom das binob is. ti nu mi citka lo badna ku kei This is me eating a banana. ti nu mi citka lo badna ku kei Ni ne faru ajnan tujan decidon. Ni pasigu nokton pri ĝi. Let's not make any hasty decisions. Let's sleep on it. We don't make any immediate decision. Esque it hay inundationes in Germania? Are there floods in Germany? Esque it hay floods in Germany? Tom vade nada a cada dia. Tom goes swimming every day. Tom vade nada to each day. Il esis nepacienta vidar lua filio. He was impatient to see his son. Il es impatient vider lua filio. Mi ŝatus paroli kun li vidalvide. I would like to talk with him in person. I would like to talk to him visually. Kim binom nem olika nulika buka? What's the title of your new book? Who binom nem olic nulic mouth? Vilob sagön vödi et. I want to say that word. Vilob sagön vödi et. Ĉaro kun kvar ĉevaloj ne povas atingi la homan langon. A cart with four horses is not able to overtake the human tongue. A chart with four horses cannot reach the human tongue. Kiel ĉarmaj floroj! What lovely flowers! Like charm flowers! Tomo estas timida. Tom is shy. Tom is shy. wa' vIghro' vIghaj. I own one cat. wa' venisro' comes from. Aora vos ave cada cosa cual vos nesesa. You have everything you need now. Aora vos ave every thing cual vos unsesa. Tomo malŝatis Manjon. Tom disliked Mary. Tom disliked Manjon. Li elŝaltis la lumon kaj enlitiĝis. He turned off the light and he went to bed. He turned off the light and stuck. nuq mI'lIj? What's your number? The mI'm yours? Ĉu vi ne sciis? Didn't you know that? Didn't you know? Li skribas leterojn al sia patrino. He writes letters to his mother. He writes letters to his mother. La veria es nonegable. The truth is undeniable. The veria is undeniable. Mi ne eraras. I don't make mistakes. I'm not wrong. Multaj homoj, multaj opinioj. Different strokes for different folks. Many people, many opinions. Mi finis skribi. I finished writing. I've finished writing. Ille le dava accesso al edificio. He gave him access to the building. They gave access to the building. Ne aĉetu kredite! Don't buy on credit. Don't buy credit! .i ba'ucu'i mi bai cliva To be precise, I go, because I am forced to. .i ba'ucu'i mi bai Quit Vi scias, ke mi farus ion ajn por viaj belaj okuloj. You know I'd do anything for your beautiful eyes. You know I would do anything for your beautiful eyes. Mi religion consiste in un humile admiration del spirito illimitate e superior que se revela mesmo in le detalios minute que nos pote perciper con le debile e ineffective attributos de nostre mente. My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind. I religion consists in a humble admiration of the spirit illimacy and superior that if revealed even in the details minute that we can perceive with the weak and ineffective attributes of our mind. Ŝi trovos vin. She'll find you. She'll find you. chut qeSwI' SoHbe''a'? Aren't you a lawyer? But if you think it's all right? DaHjaj nuq Daghojpu'? What have you learned today? I'm going to turn the Queen away? lopno' vIjeSnIS'a'? Do I have to go to the party? That's your life? Pro quo tu invitat les? Why did you invite them? Why are you invited les? wa'vatlh vaghmaH ben Sepvam pawpu' no'ma'. Our ancestors came to this country 150 years ago. Let's continue to vaghmaH be Sepvam pawpu'n'ma'ma. qoH SoH jay'! You're a fucking idiot! SoH jay! Kie estas la vodko? Where's the vodka? Where is the vodka? Säkäd äbinon vemo fikulik. The problem was very difficult. Säkäd äbinon weather ficulik. Vera amikeco ne ekzistas. True friendship doesn't exist. True friendship does not exist. Äbinob vunöl. I was injured. Äbinob vunöl. Yo ne va auxiliar te. I will not help you. Yo ne va auxiliary te. xu do kansa mi lo nu klama lo zarci Are you coming to the store with me? xu do kansa mi lo nu clama lo zarci letlhvamDaq yISal. Go up these stairs. The universe is essentially the universe. Contra cada cosa el ia veni. In spite of everything, he came. Against each thing they come from. Tio estas afero de principo. It's a matter of principle. This is a matter of principle. Vu devas fumar mine. You should smoke less. You need to smoke less. Esque tu te refere a me? Are you referring to me? What are you referring to me? Li avies vadet trans li mare. The birds went across the sea. Li avies vadet trans li sea. Elo parla magiar e ela parla deutx. He speaks Hungarian and she speaks German. Elo parla magicr e ela parla deutx. Ci escava un caveta va cade a en lo, e ci rola un petra, lo va reveni sur el. Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him. Ci escava un caveta va cade a in it, e ci rola un petra, it va reven sur el. In mi brasse dextri yo tenet un creatura completmen alterat. In my right arm I held a completely changed creature. In mi brasse dextri yo tenet un creature completmen alterat. .ei mi'o bredi ro da We have to be prepared for anything. .ei mi'o corni ro da ta'wIjmo' jItlhIj vIneH. I want to apologize for what I did. That's my concern, thank you for listening. Su bicicle es blu. His bicycle is blue. His bike is blue. mi djica lo ka cilre fi lo tokpona I want to learn toki pona. mi djica lo ka cilire fi lo tokpona Multaj soldatoj dum la batalo vundiĝis. Many soldiers were wounded in the battle. Many soldiers during the battle were injured. da'i mi stali iu I'd love to stay. da'i mi stali someone yInwIj vIparHa'. I like my life. I'm looking at my life. ngo' paqvetlh. That book is old. Enter your thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Акел либро ес пети. That book is small. It's all right. mencre nanla He is an intelligent boy. mencre nanla Tomo kaj Manjo ĵus gefianciĝis. Tom and Mary just got engaged. Tom and Manjo just got married. au e'o tcati I'd like some tea, please. au e'o tcati bIghal. You're jealous. bIghal. Mi faris liston de aferoj, kiujn mi bezonis kunpreni. I made a list of things I needed to bring with me. I did a list of things I needed to take together. La kompanio forlasis tiun projekton. The company cancelled the project. The company left this project. .i mi na ta'e jukpa I don't cook. .i mi na ta'e jukpa vIraS Hol boyaj'a'? Do you understand French? FriendS Hol boyaj'a? Еске ту несеса еста либро? Do you need this book? It's all right? Yo ne esset felici. I wasn't lucky. Yo ne esset felici. Mi tute ne scias, kiu vi estas. I have no idea who you are. I don't know who you are. ram tlhutlhmeH Hur ghoS. At night he goes out for a drink. ram let me take a look at the extraordinary Hur ghoS. Responda men questiones. Answer my questions. Answer but ask. Oni faras sakeon el rizo. We make sake from rice. You make an arrow from rice. mi pu tolcri lo mi cukta I found my book. I can solcribe it my sugar Hodiaŭ mi atendis lin ĉi tie ekde la mateno. I've been waiting here for him since this morning. Today I waited for him here from the morning. Ĉu tio celis esti amuza? Was this supposed to be funny? Did this aim to be fun? Tom esas elektro-injenioro. Tom is an electrical engineer. Tom is an electric engineer. Mi ne estas afektulo. I'm not a snob. I'm not an attacker. naDev ghaHtaHbe'. She's not here. You don't seem to have been here. Tiu aplikaĵo helpos vin plibonigi vian anglalingvan nivelon. This app will help you improve your English level. This application will help you improve your English level. Esce acel person es oce? Is that person okay? Esce acel person es oce? Me havas multa vesti en mea kabineto. I have a huge amount of clothes in my closet. I have many clothes in my cabinet. Cessa de importunar me! Don't bother me any more! Cessa de impportar me! la .tam. cu xamgu kurji loi cipni Tom takes good care of the birds. la .tam. cu xamgu curji lo cypni Le homines senior sole esser multo sage. Older men are usually very wise. Le homines senior sole will be much wise. mu'tlheghmeyvetlh tIghojmoH! Teach those sentences. Thank you very much indeed. Le horologio que mi granpatre comprava es ancora in bon stato. The clock, which my grandfather bought, is still in good order. The clock I'm Granpatre comprava is still in good condition. Iu tamburetas sur sia futono ekstere. Someone is dusting the futon outside. Someone drums on his flute outside. xu da cevni do Do you believe in God? xu da cevni do Io apparentemente es troppo vetule. I'm apparently too old. It is apparently too old. Ti-ci flores es bell. These flowers are beautiful. Ti-ci flores es bell. Li filia tricota. The daughter knits. Li filia tricota. qaSpa' po jIchegh. I'll be back before morning. Let's take the rest of the project. Ŝi venis el la butiko, trovante, ke ŝtelistoj prenis ŝian biciklon. She came out of the shop to find thieves had made off with her bicycle. She came from the shop, finding that thieves took her bike. Ili ĉesis kanti. They stopped singing. They stopped singing. Julius Cezaro esis Romala imperiestro. Julius Caesar was a Roman emperor. Julius Caesar was a Roman emperor. La Cheka koro de kemiisti ekigas kaosale. The Czech choir of chemists echoes chaotically. The Czech heart of chemists triggers causally. Il apertet su bocca. He opened his mouth. Il openat su bocca. mi na djica tu'a lo cifnu ku roroi I don't want to have a baby, ever. mi na djica tu'a lo cifnu ku roroi Me bezonas vua helpo. I need your help. I need your help. qech QaQ 'oH. That's a good idea. qech QaQ' race. tlhab lujIn bo'Deghmey tlhay'. puv bo'Deghmey tlhab! Tame birds dream of freedom. Wild birds fly! I am discounting the extraordinary effort you made to share your ten billion years ago. Nos emplea no plu. We are not hiring anymore. We employed us more. Mea sango ne es plu reda kam la tua. My blood is no redder than yours. My blood is no longer red like the tua. Li experiment esset successosi. The experiment was successful. He experiment esset successes. Tre tedas nin viaj stultaĵoj! We're really tired of your bullshit! That's what you're stupid! Vu prestat un libre. You lent a book. You're ready one libre. SaghoSDI' jIQuch. I will be glad to come. SaghoSDI' projectQuch. Ti region producte preciosi minerales. This region produces precious minerals. Ti region product precios minors. Onedob kiki. I'm going to need the key. Onedob kicks. El es la tua fia unica? Is she your only daughter? El es la tua fia unilla? Maria volas iĝi fama. Mary wants to become famous. Mary wants to become famous. Voms votükofs voli. Women change the world. Voms votükofs voli. Mi antaŭsentas, ke pluvos. I have a hunch that it will rain. I think it's going to rain. Dogs at li-binoms olik? Are these dogs yours? Dogs at li binoms olik? mi mutce gleki lo nu mi viska do I'm very glad to see you. mi mutce gleki lo nu mi vska do El es distante. She's far away. El es distente. Il habeva un auditorio grande in le theatro. There was a large audience in the theater. There was a large audience in the theatre. Tom neis al la peto de Mary. Tom denied Mary's request. Tom denied Mary's request. Yo ne crede it! I don't believe it! Yo ne creder it! Io va facer illo immediatemente. I'm going to do that right away. Something's going to do it right now. Kiel peti de homoj, ke ili respektu la naturon, la planedon kaj la bestojn, se respekto inter ili ne ekzistas? How can we ask for humans to respect nature, the planet and the animals if respect between them does not exist? How do people ask them to respect nature, the planet and animals if respect between them does not exist? paghmo' tIn mIS. Much ado about nothing. kémo' tIn mIS. Me ia ariva a London. I arrived in London. Me ia ariva a London. Illa se inclinava super le infante. She bent over the child. Illa se inclava super le infante. Ме та фери нунка ун енфанте. I would never hurt a child. It's what it's like. La musica es tro forte. The music is too loud. The music is too strong. Iste can es gay. This dog is gay. This can be gay. Qoyje' vIghaj. I have a diploma. Qoyje' come from. Vintre frue malheliĝas. In winter night falls early. In the past, it's dark. El vide continual la juas olimpial. He's watching the Olympics. From see continuously the judge Olympics. jIyIttaHvIS paq vIlaD. I read a book as I walked. I have been able to know the universe. ma gugde do What country are you from? ma gugde do Quante amicos intime ha vos? How many close friends do you have? How many amicos intimately have you? noda ve tivni ne'i lo mi zdani I don't have a TV at my place. noda ve tivni ne'i lo mi zdani Mi tute ne ŝatas lin. I don't like him one bit. I don't like him at all. DaneHchugh, Hoch jaj SoHvaD megh vIvutqang. If you want me to, I'll make you lunch every day. Thank you very much, Hoch, do you know how to understandqang. Estas peza imposto sur tabako. There is a heavy tax on tobacco. There is a heavy tax on tobacco. Tomo eĉ ne kapablas skribi sian propran nomon. Tom can't even write his own name yet. Tom is not even able to write his own name. Ella besat le. She kissed him. Ella besat le. *Twitter* vIlo'. I use Twitter. *Twitter* Friend'. Mi devis okupi min, por ne pensadi pri tio, kio okazis. I had to keep busy, so I wouldn't think about what had happened. I had to take myself to not think about what happened. Kas va niponafa virda dadil ? Do you have any Japanese magazines? Do you think you're a male guy? "Kion tamen diros la instruisto?" - "Li diru. Oni pagas al li, por ke li grumbladu la tutan tagon." "And what will the teacher say?" "Let him talk. He is paid to grumble all day long." "What shall the teacher say?" - "He shall say. They pay him, that he may grumble the whole day." ko'a ralte so'u lo cukta She owns few books. Earth's heart rate .au mi cpare lo vi brama'a I want to climb this mountain. .au mi cpar it vi brama'a Quande es li apocalipse? When is the Apocalypse? Quande es li apocalypse? chaw' DaHutlhchugh pa' puH DujlIj Davergh 'e' chaw'lu'be'. You must not park your car there without permission. That brings me to the next time. We should see the universe and then continue. Mia teamo estas avangarda. My team is the leading team. My team is advanced. Vu tro frue arivis. You've arrived too early. You got too early arrived. Ĉu vi povas rekomendi agrablan restoracion proksiman? Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? Can you recommend a nice restaurant close? ghochlIj nuq? What's your destination? How are you doing? Mi ludas ludon kun mia fratino. I am playing a game with my sister. I play a game with my sister. Noi vive in un societé. We live in a society. We live in a society. Hiköst obik vobom in selidöp nilü dom obsik. My cousin works in a shop near our home. Hiköst obik vobom in seudaidöp nilü dom obsik. Como es isto possibile? How's this possible? How can this be done? Mi havis problemon, pri kiu mi devis zorgi. I had a problem to take care of. I had a problem I had to care about. numaghbe' tam'e'. It wasn't Tom who betrayed us. numagbe' tam'e'. Li puella prendet li rapiere e celat it. The girl took the rapier and hid it. Li puella prendet li rapiere e cat it. Tio estas bona respondo. That's a good response. This is a good answer. do ma ca'o klama Where are you headed? do but this is clearly Tomo scipovas naĝi preskaŭ same bone kiel Manjo. Tom swims almost as well as Mary. Tom can swim almost just as well as Manjo. Le problema principal con le antitheismo es su negation de mi divinitate. The main problem with antitheism is its negation of my divinity. Le problem principal con le antitheism es su negion de mi divinity. DaH jIQongnIS. I need to sleep now. I'm going to fightQongnIS. Tio, kion vi diris, estas tute sensenca por mi. What you said makes absolutely no sense to me. What you said is completely meaningless to me. Ni ne plu volas tion. We don't want that anymore. We don't want that anymore. qach ngo' pejlu'ta'. The old house was demolished. I'm sorry, you'll let me do that. Tomo aspektas, kvazaŭ li ekplorus. Tom looks like he might start crying. Tom looks like he would explore. Le meteo hodie es pejor que heri. The weather today is worse than yesterday. The weather today is a pejor than hers. U es tui cane? Where is your dog? What is your dog? Ŝi mem kuiris la vespermanĝon. She cooked the dinner herself. She even cooked dinner. Ili aŭskultis la radion. They were listening to the radio. They listened to the radio. Tomo donis la poŝlampon al Manjo. Tom gave the flashlight to Mary. Tom gave the poslamp to Manjo. Esta probable no ia aveni. That probably didn't happen. It's probably nothing to come. DaHjaj pomo' qatlhIj vIneH. I'd like to apologize for this morning. I pray, I pray thee, I pray thee, I pray thee, I pray thee, I pray thee, I pray thee. paq vIlegh. I see a book. paq ficilegh. vuDDaj QIjchu'pu' jo'rIj. George has made his position clear. yourDD QIjchu'pu' yo'rIj. Io non es secur. Illo depende. I'm not sure. It depends. It's not safe. It's all right. xu do prami lo zgike Do you love music? xu then Love it zgike Hiel Tom äsagom, das no äkanom natemön. Tom said that he couldn't breathe. Hiel Tom äsagom, das no äkanom natemön. Mi ne kredas, ke Tomo farus tion. I don't believe Tom would do that. I don't think Tom would do that. mi ralte lo melbi kacma I have a nice camera. mi ralte lo melbi kacma Qo'lu'chugh QIplu'. It would be stupid to say no. That's what I can't say. Tu ne laboras en kontoro. You don't work in an office. You don't work in an accountant. lo klesi be ma ba se binxo mi What'll become of me? lo type bee ma ba se binx mi ghot 'Il ghaH tam'e'. Tom is a sincere person. ghot 'Il ghaH tam'e'. leSnIS tam. Tom needs rest. leSnIS tam. ba ca ma do klama la .paris. When will you travel to Paris? ba ca ma do klama la .paris. Ŝi sentas sin multe pli bone. She's feeling much better. She feels much better. Tom flirtis kun la kelnerino. Tom flirted with the waitress. Tom flirted with the waiter. Kiu mi estas? De kie mi venas? Ĉu ekzistas postmorta vivo? Kio estas la senco de la vivo? Who am I? Where do I come from? Is there life after death? What is the meaning of life on earth? Who am I? Where do I come from? Is there an immortal life? What is the absence of life? Vi feliĉante feliĉigas min. You can make me happy by being happy. You're happy to make me happy. It es tro litt. It's too small. It is too litt. ju'o za'u ko'a djuno They definitely know. Binary An il te place le cocina turc? Do you like Turkish cuisine? An il te place le cocina turc? Su sestra es un ver bellitá. His sister is a real beauty. Su serstra es un ver bellitá. Ĉu ĉi tiu buso iras al la stacidomo? Does this bus go to the train station? Is this bus going to the station? Modi oldeskis e pasis. Fashions grow old and die. Ways oiled and passed. wep QaQ muje'ta'. She bought me a nice coat. wep QaQ muje'ta'. tu'Ij vIneH neH. I just want you to listen to me. All right, let's go. Me va lua un auto. I'm going to rent a car. I va lua un car. Ille esseva a bucca aperte. He was in open-mouthed amazement. They were open to mouth. Liaj vestaĵoj ĉiam malbonodoras. His clothes always smell bad. His clothes are always embarrassing. reHmeH HurDaq jaHta'. The children went out to play. I think we are already in the galaxy. Cual pinta tu prefere? What paint do you prefer? Cual paint tu preferably? Le palestinos son dishumanisate. The Palestinians are dehumanized. Le Palestinians son dishumanisate. Quecunque tu face, tu absolutemente non pote vader illac. Whatever you do, you can absolutely not go there. Quect tu face, tu absolutely cannot vader illac. Vasilissa poneva le pupa de novo in su tasca, faceva le signo del cruce e sortiva, penetrante in le foreste obscur e salvage. Vasilissa put the doll back into her pocket, crossed herself and started out into the dark, wild forest. Vasilisa pedeva le pupa de novo in su tasca, faceva le sign del crice e sortiva, penetration in le foreste obscur e savege. Nos appella Sacre Scriptura le libros de nostre sancte religion, distincte del scriptos false e profan super le quales se funda tote le altere fides. We call scriptures the sacred books of our holy religion, as distinguished from the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based. We call Sacre Scriptura the books of nostre sancte religion, distinguished from the scriptes fall and profan over the quality of themselves running all the other faiths. ma se zvati le palta pe mi Where is my plate? ma se zvati le palta pe mi Ni volas ekiri. We want to go. We want to marry. Ло ес ун онора алта коменса коносе ел. It is a great honor to become acquainted with her. ← Ingredients Recipes La madre de Tom es un catolica relijiosa. Tom's mother is a devout Catholic. Tom's madre is a catolic relijiosa. It es li max grand misere. It's the greatest of miseries. It is li max grand misere. Isto essera amusante. This will be fun. This will be fun. Bentost va venir li unesim gastes a balnear in li termal balnería. Soon will come the first guests to bathe in the thermal baths. Bentost va venir li unesim gastes a balnear in li thermal balnería. Mi havas trioble pli da libroj ol Tomaso. I have three times as many books as Tom does. I have three times more books than Thomas. frili It's easy. Easy Ĉu vi iam aŭdis Tomon kanti? Have you ever heard Tom sing? Have you ever heard Tom sing? Esque isto es un moschea? Is this a mosque? What is this a mosque? chatlhDajDaq tar lanta' vay' 'e' Har. He thought someone had put poison in his soup. That is why we are in the last way. Tomas e Maria li-laboms flenis mödik? Do Tom and Mary have many friends? Tomas and Maria li-laboms flavis mödik? Io odia iste mundo. I hate this world. I hate this world. Ĉu vi deziras sukeron? Do you want sugar? Do you want sugar? AI signifas Artefarita Inteligenteco. AI means Artificial Intelligence. AI means Artificial Intelligence. La tempo venos kiam ŝi bedaŭros tion. The time will come when she'll regret it. The time will come when she regrets it. mi tadni la lojban I study Lojban. I tadni la lojban li'a mi jimpe Of course, I understand. li'a mi jimpe qoH HIpongQo'! Don't call me an idiot! AlwaysH HIpongQo! Esque tu save pro quo? Do you know why? Esque tu sande pro quo? Sükob fidi. I'm looking for food. Sükob trust. Ili malamas Halovenon. They hate Halloween. They hate Haloven. chaHvaD yIvIt! Tell them the truth. I really thank you for your sake. bIghItlhmeH ghItlhwI' yIlo'neS! Please write with a pen. Professor, we have thank you for the incredible effort you made to access the incredible effort you made to access the incredible universe. Mi ne estas kamionostiranto. I'm not a trucker. I'm not a truckman. Surprendente, el es un xico multe bon. Surprisingly he is a very good boy. Surprisingly, el es un xico multa bon. Tu parla germano, nonne? You speak German, don't you? Your talk German, right? DoyIchlan luDabbogh cha' juppu''e' vIghaj. I have two friends who live in Germany. Doychlan lu Dabbah, which is where we come from. ra pu zutse lo stizu She sat on the bench. ra pu zutse lo stizu Tom lo mandava al merda de novo. Tom fucked up again. Tom lo mandava al merda de novo. Tomo estis hejme. Tom was at home. Tom was at home. Ĉiuj granduloj iam estis infanoj. All grown-ups were once children. All the great ones once were children. ko na spuda Don't ask any questions. ko na spuda Mi promesas, ke mi ne kantos. I promise not to sing. I promise I won't sing. Mi bedaŭras, ke mi ne povis iri kun ŝi. I regret that I couldn't go with her. I'm sorry I couldn't go with her. Pu Tom kaliyí da me grupeyé inde in francavuyur. I told Tom that I didn't know how to speak French. Pu Tom kaliyí da me groupeyé inde in Frenchvuyur. Vidu, kion mi trovis. Look what I found. See what I found. jIHvaD Dojqu'. I'm highly impressed. You're going to take it for a couple of days. wIjwI' jIH. I am a farmer. Let's go. Left. Vi nun kuiras. You're cooking now. You're cooking now. Mi prenu tion. I have to take it. I'll take that. An ille parla le kurde? Does he speak Kurdish? And let's talk about the curde? Lia ambicio estis, esti granda politikisto. His ambition was to be a great politician. His ambition was, being a great politician. Mi demandas min, ĉu iam iu homo estos klonita. I wonder if a human will ever be cloned. I ask me if ever a person will be cloned. DaHjaj qaStaH qoSlIj. Today's your birthday. I'm going to take a look at these questions. mi co'u djuno lo du'u .ei krici ma kau I don't know what to believe anymore. mi co'u addo lo du'u .ei crici ma kau mi djuno lo du'u ma kau krali mi I know my rights. mi Addo lo du'u ma kau creli mi .e'o ko punji lo do litru dakli ti ckilu Please put your baggage on this scale. .e'o ko punji lo do litu daklu ti ckylu chut'a' wa'DIch bIv 'oH. That would break the Prime Directive. Under extremes, we don't really think about each other. Tom vole auxiliar, ma il di que il es tro ocupat. Tom wants to help, but he says he's too busy. Tom wants auxiliary, but il di que il es tro busy. Fadil vidis Danian promeni sola. Fadil saw Dania walking alone. Fadil saw Danian promen alone. Tomo havos kunvenon morgaŭ. Tom has a meeting tomorrow. Tom will have a meeting tomorrow. Yo manja un pom. I eat an apple. Yo manja un pom. Io prendeva le libro. I took the book. Io prendeva le book. Том иа фура меa конфето. Tom stole my candy. ← Recipes Recipes Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ni devis amortizi la ŝuldon. We had to write off the debt. We had to amortize the debt. Le citate era completemente abandonate. The city was completely deserted. Le city era completely abandoned. mi gleki lo nu do jai drani I'm glad you were right. mi gleki lo nu do jai dani La gazetaro interesiĝas pri lia privata vivo. The press is interested in his private life. The newspaper is interested in his private life. Ĉu vi timas la morton? Are you afraid to die? Are you afraid of death? Mi ne drinkas ion ajn pli fortan ol biero. I don't drink anything stronger than beer. I don't drink anything stronger than beer. Mi fermis la kranon. I turned off the tap. I closed the crane. Esque tu vole manjar? Do you want to eat? Esque you want to eat? Esta falda es barata. This skirt is inexpensive. Being tired is cheap. la .lex. cu se cinri lo citri saske Lech is interested in history. la .lex. cu se cinri lo citri Science Еста пенета ес бланка. This pencil is white. It's what it's like. Kiel oni povas respondi al iu ajn demando, ne konanta la respondon? How can one answer any question, without knowing the answer? How can you answer any question, not knowing the answer? Ili frenezas unu pri la alia. They're crazy about each other. They're crazy about each other. Esta om ave un cavalo. This man has a horse. Esta om ave un horse. Mi mensogis. I lied. I was lying. Mi demandas min, ĉu Tomo iam ajn intencis iri bicikle laborejen. I wonder if Tom has ever considered cycling to work. I ask me if Tom had ever attempted to go bikework. Hokkaido es situate in le nord de Japon. Hokkaido is located in northern Japan. Hokkaido is located in the north of Japan. Esce vos ia conose meа padre? Did you know my father? Are you sure you want to stay in here? HIq yItlhutlhQo'! Don't drink any alcohol. HIq yI thank you for the extraordinaryQo! loDHom QaQ ghaHlaw' jo'rIj'e'. George seems a good boy. loDHom QaQ ghaHlaw'jo'rIj'e'. xu do ca'a jorne Are you online? xu do ca'a yorne Poste ni iris al Betlehemo por vidi la statuojn. Afterwards, we went to Bethlehem to see the statues. Then we went to Bethlehem to see the statues. Neceßéu dal aßistançéu. I need assistance. Neceßéu dal aßistançéu. Etiam io. Me, too. And there's something too. Esta ap es stonante. This application is awesome. Esta ap es stonante. Tomo pugnobatis min. Tom beat me to the punch. Tomo pugnobatis me. Mi edziĝis kun pola virino. I married a Polish woman. I married a Polish woman. lo terzu'e pe lo nu mi jmive cu du'u mi truralju My goal in life is to be Prime Minister. That's the third part of my life. I'll take me a truralju Shane monstra que ille es un coardo. Shane shows he is a coward. Shane is shown that they're a heart. Le infantes es multo importante pro le mercato. Children are very important for the market. Le infantes es multe important pro le mercato. Esque tu vole glacie? Would you like ice? Esque tu vole glacie? La nebleta ia envolve London. The haze enveloped London. The unbleached some envolve London. 'avwI' 'ar tu'lu'? How many guards were there? Oh, thank you either? Miloj da eksterlandanoj ĉiujare vizitas Japanujon. Thousands of foreigners visit Japan each year. Thousands of foreigners visit Japan every year. ba'a pu vamtu I think he's going to be sick. ba'a pu vamtu Io nasceva in Tokio in 1968. I was born in Tokyo in 1968. Io nasceva in Tokyo in 1968. Ka vu esas nova studianto? Are you a new student? Are you a new student? Kio estas via vifia pasvorto? What's your WiFi password? What is your video password? Kiel vi pensas efektive? What do you really think? How do you think actually? ti noi dakli cu tilju se la'u li du'e This bag is too heavy. That's the way we just like this, and we're all right? Dan e Linda adoptet un yun púer de Cambodja. Dan and Linda adopted a young boy from Cambodia. Dan e Linda adoptet un yun púer de Cambodja. machopchuqta'. We kissed each other. machopchuqta'. Aprende un lingua stranjer es interesante. Learning a foreign language is interesting. Appreciating a language strand is interesting. chan veHDaq qaStaHvIS noH lujpu' chaH. They lost the war on the eastern front. That is why we are in excellent agreement with one another. Sendu al mi la tekston, kiun vi volas tradukigi. Send me the text you want to translate. Send me the text you want to translate. La labora es aora en curso. The work is now in progress. The work is aora in course. La knabo ĝustigis sian ĉapon. The boy adjusted his cap. The boy was adjusting his head. xu do nitcu lo poi'i mi'a sidju fi ke'a Do you need our help? xu do nitcu lo poi'i mi'a situ ke'a tlhoS Hegh. He almost died. StopS Hegh. Mi fermu la fenestrojn. I have to close the windows. I'll close windows. waghqu' mIllogh qonwI'vam. This camera is very expensive. That's his own answer, for the rest of the universe. Tomo neniam devintus esti promociita. Tom never should've gotten promoted. Tom would never have to be promoted. pa da zo'u mi fityzau .i ja nai da fasnu I accept, but only under one condition. pa da zo'u mi fityzau .i nai da fatinu jachpu' 'Iv? Who yelled? jachpu' 'Iv? La juna viro seniluziiĝis pri amo. The young man was disappointed in love. The young man was unillusioned about love. Il resta ancora multo a facer. There's still much to do. It remains still a lot to do. Fari tion estis ne tre afable. That wasn't a very nice thing to do. Doing this was not very afable. Maria ĵus venis hejmen. Mary has just come home. Mary just came home. be'nalwI' Sov. He is acquainted with my wife. It's not true, it's the only man. Alklaku por redakti. Click to edit. Click to edit. Kiel li faras tion? How does he do this? How does he do that? ko fonta'a mi ca lo pavdei Call me on Monday. Source me, do you want to do so. Daq pup vISamnIS. I have to find the perfect place. That is why I am trying to understandSamnIS. Manjo eligis sian ŝlosilon el sia monujo kaj malŝlosis la pordon. Mary took her key out of her purse and unlocked the door. A man set out his key from his wallet and unlocked the door. tolmi'u ru'a lo ta rufsu cmalinsi cu fanmo On the contrary, I think it may turn out that this rugged mountain range trails off at some point. tomi'u ru'a lo ta rufsu cmalinsi cu fanmo not yIQaghvIp! Never be afraid of making mistakes. not yIQaghvIp! 'utbe' Dochvetlh. That was not necessary. But we really thank you for the rest of our questions. Pensi estas malfacile, pro tio multaj nur juĝas. Thinking is difficult, and therefore many people only pass judgment. Thoughts are difficult, therefore many only judge. Kelkaj kokoj kredas ke la suno krepuskas nur por ili. Some roosters believe the sun rises for them. Some boils believe the sun is growing only for them. Profita al maximo de tu salario magre. Make the best of your small income. Profit to a maximum of your salary magre. Kial vi rezignis tion? Why did you give it up? Why did you give it up? Ni volas scii ĉu sunos morgaŭ. We want to know if it will be sunny tomorrow. We want to know if suns tomorrow. Me ama acel gala. I love that show. Me ama acel gala. ro da cu jgira tu'a do Everyone is proud of you. ro da cu jgira tu'a do Los desira vacanse ala. They wish to go there for vacation. Los wants vacanse ala. pa lo gerku e re lo prenu ca'o plipe One dog and two people are jumping. pa lo gerku e re lo take ca'o plupe Nequí fa to. Nobody does that. It's not possible. Io vide que il es ora ben. I see it's OK now. Io vide que il es ora ben. Tu sabe ce Tom aora menti. You know Tom is lying. Tu sabe ce Tom aora lie. Il habita in Anglia. He lives in England. Il habita in England. Mea pel es seca. My skin is dry. Mea pel es seca. Li prave ĉesis fumi. He was right to give up smoking. He almost stopped smoking. Su'omchugh qey. Resistance is futile. That's what you think. Tom ŝatas naĝi. Tom likes swimming. Tom likes to swim. Том иа ес тровада мор. Tom was found dead. ← Ingredients Ingredients Ni ne povas vidi ion. We can't see anything. We can't see something. Vi devintus veni iom pli frue. You should have come a little earlier. You would have to come a little earlier. da malsi vi lo zdani be mi There is a church near my house. da malsi vi lo zdani be mi so'i finpe ba'o nenri ro rirxe be lo ponjo There used to be a lot of fish in any river in Japan. so'i finpe ba'o nenri ro rirxe be lo ponjo Ella besat le. She kissed him. Ella besat le. ra cilmo He's wet. early Education Es le pomo rubie? Is the apple red? Is le apple rubie? Böket äbinon fulik vata. The bucket was full of water. Böket äbino flik vata. El nunca ia vide un presenta teatral. He's never seen a play. From ever to see one present theatrical. Me viaja frecuente. I travel frequently. I'm crazy. reH bISoppa' ghopDu'lIj DaSay'moHnIS. You should always wash your hands before meals. reH bISoppa's ghopDu's Programming DaSay's ThankslIS. Almenaŭ kvin pasaĝeroj estis en la trajno. There were not less than five passengers on the train. At least five passengers were on the train. Ili kontentas kun simpla vivo. They are satisfied with a simple life. They content with simple life. lam yopwaHvam. These trousers are dirty. lam yopwaHm. En Honkongo vivas jam pli ol sep milionoj da homoj. The population of Hong Kong is in excess of seven million. In Hong Kong, there are already over seven million people. Do'Ha' wa'Hu' SIS. Unfortunately, it rained yesterday. Do'Ha' wa'Hu' SIS. Me vere prizas voyajar. I really like travelling. I'm really wondering to walk. Tomaso diras, ke li estis maldungita trifoje. Tom says he's been fired three times. Thomas says he was down three times. peD SuD yISopQo'! Don't eat the yellow snow. peD SuD yISopQo! Dona a nus disidi li omnidiali pane, e pardona a nus nusen ofensos, kom anke nus pardona a nusen ofensantes. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. Give a nus disidi li omnidial pan, e pardon a nus nusen ofensos, as well as nus pardona a nusen offensives. bI'olbe'. You didn't confirm. bI'olbe'. vIghro' wIghaj. vIghro'vam wIparHa' Hoch. We have a cat. We are all fond of it. A woman who came together in the past. Necuno querela. No one complains. No querela. Таро иа компра ун ауто усада ен ла семана пасада. Taro bought a used car last week. ← Ingredients Recipes Let nos proba kelkum. Let's try something. Let us try a kelcum. nIpon Sut tuQtaHvIS 'IHqu'law'. She looks better in Japanese clothes. Thank you very much indeed. Mi ne povas rezisti al la sento, ke io terura okazis. I can't help feeling something terrible has happened. I can't resist the feeling that something terrible happened. Io non diceva que illo habeva occurrite hic. I didn't say it happened here. Io non diceva que it habevaː here. Oni diras, ke li estas kompetenta. They say he's competent. He is said to be competent. Senob, das binob nejönik. I feel ugly. Senob, das binob nejönik. tuj. It is hot. It's right. Viro vartas por vu ye la pordo. There is a man waiting for you at the door. A man warms up for you at the door. Esser o non esser, ecce le question. To be or not to be, that is the question. Esser or will not be, ecce le question. .i lo selcpe be do cu tolracli Your demands are unreasonable. .i lo minesweeper bee do cu tolracli Que te face pensar que isto non es ver? What makes you think that isn't true? What do you do think this is not true? "Kio okazas en la kaverno? Mi scivolas." - "Mi ne havas supozon." "What's happening in the cave? I'm curious." "I have no idea." "What happens in the cave? I know." - "I have no assumption." Me place le solitude. I enjoy solitude. I place le solitude. Вос ес семпре ен меа кор. You're always in my heart. It's what it's like. Si io sape lo que es le amor, il es a causa de te. If I know what love is, it is because of you. Si io sap lo que es le amor, il es a cause de te. Conscientia es condition previe de esser. Consciousness is a precondition of being. Self-awareness is a condition previous to be. Esque tu vole luder? Do you want to play? Esque tu vole luder? Tom ne povas facar ito. Tom can't do that. Tom can't make them. Ĉu vi kredas, ke li vivas duoblan vivon? Do you think he is leading a double life? Do you believe he lives a double life? ghaH DaQoy 'e' DanIDpu''a'? Did you try to listen to her? ghaH DaQoy 'e' DanIDpu'a? Jiblod olik labof-li mateli? Is your sister married? Jiblod olilik labof li mateli? la tom ta'e tcidu fi lo mo cukta What kind of books does Tom read? the tom ta'e case it's moving mi ca to'e cando I don't have time now. All right, let's go! Tomason trafis venena sago. Tom was shot with a poisoned arrow. Thomas hit a poisonous knife. Ŝi vendas frandaĵojn por ke ŝi povu ĝajni iomete da mono. She sells sweets so she can make a little bit of money. She sells frays so she can enjoy a bit of money. Io crede que nos non pote responder negativemente. I guess we can't say no. I think we can't respond negatively. mi na ka'e bacru lo latsna .iri'abo mi smacu I cannot meow like a cat. I'm a mouse! mi na ka'e bacru lo latsna .iri'abo mi smaku Esque Vu vole partir un orange con me? Do you want to share an orange with me? Esque You want to share one orange with me? Tu dronas en glaso de aquo. You're drowning in a glass of water. You drain into a glass of water. QoQna' Sovbogh nenDaj rav puq tu'lu'mo' vItlh belwIj jay'. What a pleasure to see a kid his age who knows what the fuck real music is. We believe that there were no alien civilizations at our life. Ĉar ni ne povas trovi pli bonan, ni profitu kion ni havas. Since we can't find a better one, let's make the best of what we have. Because we can't find better, let's benefit what we have. Illa faceva duo telephonatas pro Tom. She put two calls in for Tom. Illa faceva duo telephonatas pro Tom. Ili ja savet. They already knew. They already savet. Li estis absolute trankvila kaj ne rezistis, sed li ĵetis al mi rigardon, tiel malbelan, ke ĝi ŝvitigis min kiel kurado. He was perfectly cool and made no resistance, but gave me one look, so ugly that it brought out the sweat on me like running. He was absolutely quiet and didn't resist, but he threw me a look, so ugly that it sweated me as a cure. Mia demando estas, kial? My question is why. My question is, why? Li deklamis tiun poemon unutone. He read the poem in a monotone. He declared this poem on a unit. Bon jorne. Ob vu es sinioro Sherlock Holmes? Good day. Are you Mr. Sherlock Holmes? Bon jorne. Ob you es sinioro Sherlock Holmes? Tom esset in li dom. Tom was in the house. Tom esset in li dom. Ne estas pliajn detalojn. There are no further details. There are no more details. Contra sua fali el senti ce el es felis. He feels happy in spite of his failure. Against her failure to feel about him is happy. Tom ia dona a Maria la rola de sinta aderente. Tom handed Mary the roll of masking tape. Tom has given him to Mary the rola of sinta aderent. Pote io vider isto? Can I see that? Can I see this? Kiel vi traktus la problemon? How would you deal with the problem? How would you deal with the problem? Lu semblar es constatatione. It seems to be his statement. Lu semblar es constatatione. Ŝi ligis la pakaĵon per ŝnuro. She tied up the parcel with string. She binds the package with a rope. Divenu kiom aĝa mi estas. Guess how old I am. Tell how old I am. Ni solaj ne povas fari tion. We can't do it alone. We can't do it alone. Me iris al Equador kande me evis ok yari. I went to Ecuador when I was eight years old. I went to Equador when I got eight years old. Том е Мариа иа жуа а тенис де табле. Tom and Mary played ping pong. ← Ingredients jIlughbe''a'? Was I wrong? Exiting? Mi aĉetis novajn subĉemizojn en la butikarejo. I bought some new wife-beaters at the mall today. I bought new sub-shirts in the shop. loQ mon me'rIy. Mary smiled a little. loQ mon me'rIy. Báa náhin e náhin ra? To be or not to be? Báa náhin e náhin ra? De que cosa tu te preoccupa quando tu vade al lecto in le nocte? What do you worry about when you go to sleep at night? What are you worried about when you are going to bed in the night? La patatas ia permane calda. The potatoes stayed hot. The potatoes some permane bald. Diru al Tomo, ke li donu al vi tondilon! Tell Tom to give you some scissors. Tell Tom to give you a towel! Illa cammina. She is walking. Illa cammina. Mi opinias, ke la plej malfacila parto de flegado estas ĉiutage vidi multan sangon. I think the hardest part of nursing is seeing lots of blood every day. I think the most difficult part of fread is to see much blood every day. Nos ia vola a supra la cultiveria de los en un elicotor. We flew over their farm in a helicopter. Nos ia vola a supra la cultiveria de los in un elicator. Cati es un gotica falsa. Cathy is a fake goth. Cats are one Gothic false. lo mi jamfu cu so'ova'e se punli My feet are a little swollen. That's already what I've already got to do if I'm pointing out Dormi tu jammais, Tom? Do you ever sleep, Tom? Sleep your ever, Tom? Ili transportis la vunditan viron per aŭto al la hospitalo. They carried the injured man by car to the hospital. They transported the injured man by car to the hospital. mi sumne da poi cazyfusra I smell something rotten. I sumne da poi cazyfusra La homoj suferas pro la poluo de la duktakvo. People are suffering from the contamination of the water supply. People suffer from the pollution of the duckwater. maQmIgh bo'Degh 'oH notqa' net Qub. The raven is regarded a bird of bad omen. maQmIgh bo'Degh race notqa' net Qub. rojmab luqI'pu'. They signed the peace treaty. rimab luqI'pu'. Top valik äbinom petegöl fa nif. The whole place was covered in snow. Top valik äbinom petegöl fa nif. .a'ucai lardai I am deeply interested in art. .a'ucai lardai Que nos remane in silentio, pro que nos pote audir le susurros del deos. Let us be silent, that we may hear the whispers of the gods. What we stay in silence because we can hear the susurros of the gods. Diji cha sade yɛ bari. Five minus three is two. Say cha sade y bars. It ne es un maladie. It's not a disease. It is not a disease. Ĉu vi kredas, ke mi ŝercas? Do you think I'm joking? Do you think I'm kidding? Pro quo vole tu devenir infirmero? Why do you want to be a nurse? Why do you want to become an infirmary? Intensiv cursus sempre es max exhaustente. Intensive courses are always the most exhausting. Intensive cursus is always less exhaustive. Tom es susceptibile. Tom is sensitive. Tom is susceptible. jIQeH. I'm angry. Exiting... Tom usa peruca. Tom wears a wig. Tom uses peruca. Tu es un bon medico. You're a good doctor. You're a good physician. le mlatu cu vobmipri ni'a le sfofa The cat is hiding under the couch. le mlat cu vobmipri ni'a le sfofa Mi kredas, ke ni gajnos. I think we're going to win. I think we'll win. Mi estas kontraŭ la edziĝo. I'm against the marriage. I'm against the wedding. Mi volus konsulti kuraciston. I'd like to see a doctor. I wanted to consult a doctor. Me no es ge. I'm not gay. Me no es ge. La arania ia texe sua rede delicata en la jardin. The spider spun her delicate web in the garden. The arania ia texe su red delicata in the garden. Heca, firimar. Stand aside, mortals. Heca, firimar. Mi volas paroli kun ŝi nun. I want to talk to her now. I want to talk to her now. Me ave tota fida en ce el va gania la max de tenis. I am sure of his winning the tennis match. I have so much confidence in this of your winning the max of tennis. mi djica lo nu do mi ze'e selpa'i I want to give you my heart for ever. mi djica lo nu do mi zé'e sipa'i Me ocidos ilu. I'll kill him. I'll choose them. chISchu'. It's perfectly white. chISchu'. Hodie yo intente esser productiv. Today I am going to be productive. Hodie yo intente be productiv. mi se rirni fi'o se zvati la tokios I'm from Tokyo, Japan. mi se rirni fi'o se zvati la tokios Tom sempre exaggera. Tom always exaggerates. Tom always exaggera. Ni fantomados ĉe vi. We will haunt you. We'll ghost at you. Tomo malsanis pasintsemajne. Tom was sick last week. Tom was sick last week. Éu sint ‘n ensegnhistà. I am a teacher. Éu sint ‘n ensegnhistà. Tom estas murdisto. Tom is a murderer. Tom is a murderer. Io non pote mover mi gamba. I can't move my leg. Io can't move mi gamba. Ел иа енсениа руске а суа енфантес. She learned her children Russian. ← Ingredients Ĉu tio estas mia vivo? Is this my life? Is that my life? Kion vi volas? What do you want? What do you want? ra ricfu He's rich. ra ricfu mi lo du'u zvati ti'u makau cu cusku noda I didn't tell anyone what time I'd be arriving. mi lo du'u zvati ti'u makau cuku noda raSDaq 'aplo' lan. He put the box on the table. That's why 'applo' is the one. Estas malvarmete al mi. I'm feeling a bit cold. It's cold to me. Voluntez dicar plu lauta. Ol es tro bruisoza hike. Please speak louder. It is too noisy here. Want to say more lauta. It is too noisy here. Oni neniam estas tro maljuna por lerni. Nobody is too old to learn. You are never too old to learn. loD vIleghbe'. I don't see a man. loD facileghbe'. mi pu mo'u dasni lo me mi cutci I took my shoes off. mi mo'u dasni lo mi cutci La kanto ĉiam igas min memori pri mia infanaĝo. The song always reminds me of my childhood. The song always makes me remember about my infancy. "Ĉu vi havas ion por fari?" - "Nenion specialan." "Do you have anything to do?" "Nothing in particular." "Do you have something to do?" - "Nenion special." Tom ne ofte elvenas el la urbo. Tom doesn't get out of the city much. Tom is not often coming out of the city. xu ko'a ponse lo va karce Is he the owner of that car? xu co'pon lo karce Tomo ĉiutage praktikas la francan lingvon kun siaj amikoj Manjo kaj Johano. Tom practices French every day with his friends Mary and John. Tom daily practiced the French language with his friends Manjo and John. lo'e plise cu xunre Apples are red. The most importantly the Primulare qol'om watlh yugh me'rIy' tlhogh Qeb. Mary's wedding ring is made of pure gold. answers to these big questions. Les non envadad. They did not enter. Les non envadad. solri je carvi .i tanbargu Sun and rain, rainbow. solri je carvi .i tan Rainbow i cy smuni by a bu ije a bu cusku by ja'e dy A utters locution B, meaning illocution C, and resulting in perlocution D. i cy smuni by a bu ie a bu cusku by ja'e dy HaSta jIH vIbejtaH neH. I'm just watching television. Have you been able to locate non-H. Omnes di to, li tot village e mem li paisanes in li campania. Everyone says that, the whole village and even the peasants in the countryside. All of all, li tot village e self li paisanes in li campania. El comprende bangla. He understands Bangla. El comprende bangla. Vi faris vian tutan eblon. You've done all you can. You did all your best. Vekömö lü höl! Welcome to Hell! Vekömö lü höl! nIteb lengvIp. She was afraid of travelling alone. impariteb lengvIp. ki'u ma do ralte re je mo'a karce Why do you have only two cars? ki'u ma do ralte re je mo'a carce xu le prenu cu nelci lo najnimre Does he like oranges? xu le take cu unlci lo najimre Estis multe da ekscititaj ŝatantoj en la stadiono. There were a lot of excited fans in the stadium. There were a lot of excited fans in the stadium. Il es certe que le traino nunc marcha rapidemente. The train is sure going fast. Il es certainly que le traino nun marcha rapide. puqbe'DajvaD paH je'ta'. He bought his daughter a dress. puqbe'Daj software paH je'ta'. Ĉi tiuj frazoj estas strangaj. These sentences are strange. These sentences are strange. It dit que il audit tri tiras. He said he heard three shots. It dit que il audit tri pull. Binom-li neif in kuk? Is there a knife in the kitchen? Binom li neif in kuk? Me no ia parla bon bangla alora. I wasn't good at Bangla at the time. Me noi parla bon bangla po. Ha'DIbaH parHa'qu' puqpu'wI'. My children really like animals. Ha'DIbaH parHa'qu poqpu's either. la tom e la frank cu xamgu pendo Tom and Frank are good friends. the tom and the frank cu xamgu pen Eble neĝos ĉi-vespere. It might snow this evening. Maybe it won't be tonight. mi merko I am American. I'm a shit .i bi'u mi terpa lo nu klama fu lo vinji Now, it so happens that I'm afraid of flying. .i bi'u mi terpa lo nu klama fu lo viji Tomo diris, ke oni arestis neniun. Tom said nobody was arrested. Tom said that no one was arrested. Esce tu memora como tota ia comensa? Do you remember how it all began? Esce tu memoria kom whole ia comensa? mi melbi I'm beautiful. mi melbi qaleghnIS. I must see you. eduleghnIS. Labob foginananeflenäli. I have xenophobia. Labob foginaneflenäli. jItIvqu''egh. I really did have a great time. Exiting... Mi kutimiĝis al tiu ĉi klimato. I've gotten used to this climate. I got used to this climate. Sen vi ni ne sukcesos. Without you we will not succeed. Without you we won't succeed. Ille rejectava le mangiar con repugnantia. He refused the food with disgust. They reject le mangiar con repugnantia. Ĝin mi volas fari. It's what I want to do. I want to do it. Trae mangos. Bring mangos. Trae eats. pu carvi It was raining. pu carvi Por lerni naĝi vi devas unue treti akvon. In order to swim, you have to learn to tread water first. To learn to swim you must first pull water. E corpore e spirito son nutrite. Both body and spirit are nurtured. E body and spirit sound nourished. mi pu minde la .tom. lo ka zvasta I told Tom to stay. I can hide the .tom. lo ka zvada Tomo lertas pri matematiko. Tom is good at mathematics. Tom is learning about mathematics. Ĉu tiu estas la aŭto pri kiu vi parolis al mi? Is that the car you told me about? Is this the car you spoke to me? mi djica lo ka vinji sazri fau lo ka makcu I want to be a pilot when I grow up. mi djica lo ka viji sazri fau lo ka makcu Diable, kion pastro scias pri geedziĝo? What the hell does a priest know about marriage? They know what a priest knows about marriage? QomtaHvIS yav jottaH ghaH. She stays calm through earthquakes. Qom long years ago, we haven't heard it. ko sidju Help! _Help la .tom. certu kujmikce Tom is a competent nurse. the .tom. Expert kujmikce Mára. Good. Mára. Li neniam parolis kun via superulo ekde la tago de sia dungiĝo. He has never spoken with your supervisor since the day that he was hired. He never spoke to your superior since the day of his hire. In tote le relationes inter le populos on debe usar un lingua neutral. In all relations between peoples, a neutral language must be used. In all the relays between the population should be used in a neutral language. ju'o mi drani I'm sure that I'm right. Numeric I draw Kanom kömön. He can come. Kanom kömön. Ella have un marito e du filias. She has a husband and two daughters. Ella has one husband and two girls. jeq retlhDaq ba' jan. John sits by Jack. These are the only intelligent beings in the universe. Tio ne estos io facile farebla. It won't be an easy thing to do. This will not be something easy to do. Illes es jocante football. They're playing football. They're joining afootball. potlhbe' 'oH. This is not important. Under extremes, we think the universe. Felicemente ille superviveva al accidente. Fortunately he survived the accident. Fortunately, they have survived to the accident. Noi habita proxim del diga. We live near the dike. We have been next to the day. 'epIl naHmeymaj 'ey law' 'epIl naHmeychaj 'ey puS. Their apples aren't as tasty as ours. 'epIl naHmeyma 'ey law' 'epIl naHmeychaj 'ey old. fe ma fa do djica What do you want? fe ma fa do djica Yo es solmen fatigat. I'm just tired. Yo es penso fatigat. le pa sinxa junla cu te tcidu lo tcika pe baza lo mentu be li 10 The alarm clock is ten minutes fast. le pa sinxa junla cu te tcidu lo tcika pe base lo peti be li 10 Äremof buki in selidöp. She bought a book at the shop. Äremof mouths in seudaidöp. Necuno de illas sape le francese. None of them knows French. None of illas know le francese. La portuges brasilera plase me. I like Brazilian Portuguese. The Portuguese brasilera plasse me. Fidol mödiko-li? Do you eat a lot? Fidol mödiko li? Yo ha nequande cessat amar te. I've never stopped loving you. Yo ha nequante cesat amar te. maS So'chu' 'eng qIj. The moon was completely hidden by a big black cloud. maS So'chu' 'eng qIj. Mia revo ankoraŭ estas nur revo. My dream is still just a dream. My dream is still just a dream. Logolöd omi. No melidom etosi. Look at him. He doesn't deserve that. Logolöd omi. No melidom ethos. mi ka'e spuda lo preti be fi ra I can respond to his question. mi ka'e spuda lo preti be fi ra Que vos face un viage tranquille a China! Have a safe trip to China! Que vos face un viage tranquille a China! be'nalwI' Sov. She knows my wife. It's not true, it's the only man. Tu es un bon carpentero. You're a good carpenter. You're a good carpenter. Gololöd al pükön ko Tomas. Go talk to Tom. Gollolöd al pükön ko Tomas. Me marchis alonge la ped-voyo. I walked along the footpath. I walked along the ped-way. Tomo metis la bovlon en la mikroondan fornon. Tom put the bowl into the microwave. Tom put the bowl into the microwave oven. Kial vi serĉis Tomon? Why were you looking for Tom? Why did you look for Tom? Mi ne scipovas paroli la anglan lingvon, kaj eĉ malpli la hispanan. I cannot speak English, much less Spanish. I can't speak English, and even less Spanish. Disi kante es klasiki. This song is a classic. Disi cante es classics. Bona medikamento gustas amare. Good medicine is bitter to the mouth. Good medicine tastes loving. mi'ai toltinsa We are flexible. mi'ai soltina Vi devas obei min. You have to do as I say. You must obey me. Ili es felici. They're happy. They are happy. tlhIH remol maH. We will bury you. let's take the thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. .u'inai This isn't funny. .u'inai Ni estis ĵus parolantaj pri vi kiam vi vokis. We were just talking about you when you called. We were just talking about you when you called. Kö dabinon lif, dabinon spel. Where there's life, there's hope. Kö dabin lif, dabin spel. Tu es enoiosissime. You're very boring. Tu es eniosissime. mi pu kanpe lo du'u lo cabdei cu zdile I knew that today would be fun. mi pu kanpe lo du'u lo cabdei cu zdile Me havas nulo dicinda ad il. I've got nothing to say to him. I have nothing to say to it. ko'a se spaji ca lo nu zgana lo pruxi She was surprised when she saw the ghost. co'a se spas ca lo zgana lo pruxi Labof-li dogi? Nö. Does she have a dog? No. Labof-li dogi? Nö. loDnI'Daj retlhDaq QamtaH. He was standing by his brother. That is why we believe that we are in the galaxy. Ескута ла плуве. Listen to the rain. It's all right. jInmol chu' taghlu'meH QaQbe'bej poHvam. This is hardly the time to start a new enterprise. Exiting... Data'vIp! jImuj'a'? You're afraid to do that, aren't you? Data'vIp! Exiting? la al cu speni lo ropa tixnu be la betis Al is married to Betty's only daughter. la al cu speni lo spin tixnu be la betis Mi glass es plen. My glass is full. I'm going to glass is full. Ni manĝis bonan manĝon kaj trinkis vinon. We ate a nice meal and drank wine. We ate a good meal and drank wine. mi ta'e pilno lo naldamtanko seba'i lo sigja mu'i lo nu kanro I habitually use smokeless tobacco as substitute for cigarettes because of health reasons. mi workstation naldamtanko seba'i sigja mu'i lo nu canro Mi certas, ke Tomo baldaŭ revenos. I'm sure Tom will return soon. I'm sure that Tom's coming back soon. Quande tu vole it? When do you want it? When do you want it? 'oH ta'lu'lI'. That's being done. That's the universe. Io sempre voleva gerer un parve hotel in le montanias. I've always wanted to run a small hotel in the mountains. It always wants gerer a small hotel in le montainias. Ni ludu kartojn anstataŭe. Let's play cards instead. Let's play cards instead. traji nunbebna mi This is the stupidest thing I've ever done. trails nowbebna mi Alcuna cantava. Someone sang. Some cantava. Ille me dava un orange in excambio de un pecia de torta. He gave me an orange in exchange for a piece of cake. They gave me an orange in exchange of one piece of cake. Tu ne darfas irar ibe se tu ne volas irar. You need not go there if you don't want to go. You don't harm going there if you don't want to go. me'rIy'vaD banan naH nob tam. Tom handed Mary a banana. me'rIy' forge banan naH nob tam. Ел иа ромпе ла рекордо мундал. He broke the world record. ← Ingredients Ĉiu malegalas. Everybody's different. Everyone's wrong. Le esperanto es un lingua utile. Esperanto is a useful language. The expectation is a useful language. lo taxfu be mi cu zvati ta noi cnita My clothes are down there. lo taxfu be mi cu zvati ta noi cnita Poterea vos monstrar me como usar iste machina? Could you show me how to use that machine? Can you display me how to use this machine? beb yorDaq 'oHtaHbogh vIghro'vetlh yIbej! Look at that cat on the roof. But our mouth is where we come from! Realia es bela. Reality is beautiful. Realia is beautiful. Il es bon pro me si il es bon pro te. It's OK with me if it's OK with you. Il es bon pro me si il es bon pro te. Yo sede quande yo urina. I sit when I pee. Yo sede quande yo urinary. Ille remaneva un homine paupere. He remained a poor man. They remanva un homine paupere. ra bilma It's sick. rabilma Ma le alte precio del pan conduceva al fame massive inter le gente commun de Francia, qui resentiva le nobles ric del pais, qui habeva le moneta necessari pro mangiar ben e construer enorme mansiones, durante que illes debeva dormir in le stratas. But the high price of bread led to mass starvation among the common people of France, who resented the rich nobles of the country who had the money needed to eat well and build huge mansions while they had to sleep on the streets. Ma le alte precio del pan conduceva al famous massssive among France's gente commun de France, qui resintive le nobles ric del paris, qui habeva le monata necessaria pro mangiar ben e build enormous mansiones, while they must sleep in le stratas. mi .enai do ba klama We will go but you won't. mi .enai do ba clama Spikol-li Deutänapüki? Do you speak German? Spiceli Deutänapüki? Hutlogh yIn vIghro'. A cat has nine lives. Hutlogh's waves come from. not ghItlh tam. Tom never writes. Don't afford to thank you as well. Ne expecta tro mult de il. Don't expect too much of him. Don't expect too much of it. Li ne diris tion eksplicite - sed li aludis, ke mi mensogis. He didn't say so, but he implied that I was lying. He didn't say it explicitly - but he heard that I was lying. Me voli viva in Fransia. I want to live in France. I want to live in Fransia. U es li toilette? Where is the toilet? U es li toilette? Esque vu have un carte geografic? Do you have a map? Esque you have one carte geographic? Grant rifuzis akcepti malvenkon. Grant refused to accept defeat. Grant refused to accept defeat. Jen via kapuĉmantelo. Here's your coat. This is your headman. Binobs blods. We are brothers. Binobs blonds. Esque tu videt mi sestra? Did you see my sister? Esque tu videt mi sestra? vIghro' wIghaj. We have a cat. A woman who's coming in. Bíid thad dóyom le leyóoth wa, Thom. I can defend myself, Tom. Bíid thad dóyom le leyóoth wa, Thom. banan naH yub gho'pu' 'ej pumpu'. He slipped on a banana peel. banan naH yub gho'pu' 'ej pumpu'. ko'a gapnitfa'egau lo jubme He turned the table upside down. Install a jupnitfa Tom estas konata kiel Maria en la Interreto. Tom is known as Mary on the Internet. Tom is known as Mary on the Internet. Lo esed inteligenti e practical homo. He was an intelligent and practical man. It is an intelligent and practical man. Illa pagava pro assister al concerto. She paid to attend the concert. Illa payva to attend concert. Tu es arrestate! You're under arrest! You're a section! Oni supozis ke li estis mortigita dum la dua mondmilito. He was thought to have been killed in the Second World War. He was supposed to have been killed during World War II. qochwI' ghaH. He's my partner. Let's take a look at it. Oh, shit. Ella ama su nov auto. She likes her new car. Ella ama su novo car. Tomo distranĉis la meleagron per elektra tranĉilo. Tom cut the turkey with an electric knife. Tom distracted the turkey with an electric cuter. La rapidtrajno el Parizo alvenos je la deka horo. The express train from Paris arrives at ten o'clock. The fast train from Paris will arrive at the tenth hour. Me esas vua fratino. I'm your sister. I am your sister. Ŝi lasis sian pluvombrelon en la buso. She left her umbrella in the bus. She left her rainfall in the bus. Lanjo baldaŭ forkonsumis sian asekuran monon. Layla quickly burned through her insurance money. Lanjo soon forked his insurance money. mi ba zukte ra vau si'a I'll do it, too. mi ba zukte ra vau si'a ko na fonta'a mi Don't call me again. The source code Mi neniam diris, ke tiu laboro estos facila. I never said this job would be easy. I never said this work would be easy. Ло ес тан симпле ке ан ун енфанте поте фа ло. It's so simple that even a child can do it. ← Ingredients Recipes Mi opinion es contrari al tue. My opinion is contrary to yours. My opinion is contrary to yours. Donald Trump va esser li sequent presidente del Unit States de America. Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States of America. Donald Trump va be li sequent president del United States of America. Daq QaQ muSamta'. He found me a good place. That is why I am in the Milky Way. Tomo diris, ke Manjo estas tre feliĉa. Tom said Mary is very happy. Tom said that Manjo is very happy. da'i ma pu co'u morji Who could forget? da'i ma pu co'u morji Kisi dunol-li in Boston? What are you doing in Boston? Kisi dunol li in Boston? Mi ne bezonas, ke oni prizorgu min. I don't need looking after. I don't need to take care of me. QaQjaj lengraj. Have a good trip! QaQja lengra. Binob hikat. I'm a tomcat. Binob hikat. Ме но ес малада. I am not ill. It's what it's like. Le mal tempore me opprimeva. Bad weather oppressed me. Time out of time. reH qavoqbe'nIS. I never should've trusted you. reH memvoqbe'nIS. Esque tu es in London? Are you in London? Esque tu es in London? nutlhejjaj Qun'a'! God be with us. Thank you for listening! Vi estis infektitaj. You've been infected. You were infected. Li rubi dom es nov. The red house is new. Li rubi dom es nove. naDev HIch ghajbogh nuv'e' tu'lu'. boQ vIpoQ. There's a guy in there with a gun. I need backup. naDev Hich ghaj u'lu'. boQ FriendQ. coi susan .i ba'e pei Hi, Susan. How are you? coi susan .i ba'e peas wej 'uQ vut SoS. Mother has not cooked dinner yet. wej 'uQ vut SoS. Ĉu vi skribis al Tomo? Have you written to Tom? Did you write to Tom? bIHe'So'. You stink. Topie'So'. Tom estis ankoraŭ fraŭlo tiam. Tom was still a bachelor then. Tom was still a bachelor then. La monpuno devas esti pagata per kontanta mono. The fine shall be paid in cash. The fine must be paid with cash. Illa prendeva su dinar. She ate her dinner. Illa prendeva su dinar. bIDoj. You're impressive. bIDs. Il non ha multe traffico super iste strata. There is not much traffic on this road. There are no much traffic over this street. loDHom QaQ ghaHlaw' jo'rIj'e'. George seems to be a good boy. loDHom QaQ ghaHlaw'jo'rIj'e'. Io ha justo nunc vendite lo. I just sold it. It has just now sold it. Esagob ole valikosi, keli nolob dö Deut. I have told you everything I know about Germany. Esagob ole validosi, keli nolob dö Deut. Donald Trump es un mythomano. Donald Trump is a compulsive liar. Donald Trump is a mythoman. Ni adoptis ŝin. We adopted her. We adopted her. Ni neniam juĝu homojn laŭ ilia aspekto. We should never judge people by their appearance. Let's never judge people according to their appearance. na tai xlali It's not that bad. nai xlali Yo ne have sestras. I have no sisters. Yo ne have sestras. Esque io non vos diceva que a Tom placerea le dono? Didn't I tell you Tom would like the gift? Esque io non vos diceva que a Tom placerea le gift? ngengDaq ghotI' DIwam. We went fishing in the lake. ngeng is a ghotI' DIwam. yIjon! Catch him! yIion! Le sol cosa que un pisce non pote jammais trovar es aqua; e le sol cosa que le homine nunquam potera trovar es Deo. The one thing that a fish can never find is water; and the one thing that man can never find is God. The only thing that a little can't ever find is water; and the only thing that the homine could never be found is Deo. Vilob miti. We want meat. Vilob mites. mi na kakne lo nu jacygaigau le palta .iki'ubo le jacysabji na ca sabji I cannot rinse the dishes. There is no water. mi na kakne lo nu jacyga update le palta .iki'ubo le jacysabji na ca sasji Li sejornis en Roma til septembro. They stayed in Rome till September. Li sejornis in Roma til September. xu da va mribriju Is there a post office around here? xu da va mribriju reH po 'eq Hu' SoSwI'. My mother always gets up early in the morning. reH po 'eq Hu' SoSble'. li piso'u nilyla'e lo nu la tom se sfasa The probability of Tom being punished is very small. li piso'u nilyla'e lo nu la tom se sfasa Nos desire tu voyaja a Australia We want to go to Australia. We design your journey to Australia Yo dormit. I was sleeping. Yo dormit. Forsan le guillotina non es perfecte mais illo es le systema le melior que on ha. The guillotine may not be perfect but it's the best system we have. Perhaps guillotine is not perfect but it is the system better than it has. Mi kredas, ke io timigis lin. I reckon something scared him. I think something was afraid of him. ko na jgidu'esku Don't gloat. ko na jgidu'esku DaH HuD yorDaq vIpawpu'. mumerqu', naDev ngeng tu'lu'law' 'e' 'angmo' pu'jInwIj. I've just arrived at the top of a mountain. That's really surprising, because according to my map, there should be a lake here. I now turn to know that I am in many ways. mumerqu', naDev ngeng tu'law's 'and' in my concern. Toklize gododé ? Where should I pay? Toxize gododé ? .ue mi'o se gunta We're under attack! .ue mi'o se guntta Tom ama multo le joco. Tom loves the game a lot. Tom ama multa le joco. Li-vilol logön cemi olik? Would you like to see your room? Li-vil logön cemi olik? ke'o Excuse me? That Tom e Mary ancora es in Boston. Tom and Mary are still in Boston. Tom and Mary are still in Boston. jIDoy'be'choHpu'. I am no longer tired. Exiting... Le poesia es un forma de mathematica, un relation extrememente rigorose con le parolas. Poetry is a form of mathematics, a highly rigorous relationship with words. The poetry is a form of mathematician, a relationship extremely rigorous with the words. Ili estas polaj. They're Polish. They are Polish. jIHvaD nIm DaSuqlaH'a'? Can you get me some milk? Do you really want to walk DaSuq to live? Tiu laboro estas daŭrigata. This is a work in progress. This work is sustained. Esque tu ha vomitate? Did you throw up? Esque tu ha vovority? ghomvetlh DevmeH laH ghajbe'. He doesn't have the ability to lead that group. ghomvete la DevmeH la ghajbe'. Vide vos, qui veni a nostre casa? Can you see who's coming to our house? See you, qui veni a nostre casa? le cukta be'u cu zvati ma Where's the book I need? Thank you very much indeed, but they're going to take place. la tom na se jibri ca ku Tom is out of work now. the tom na se jibri ca ku Hol 'ar DajatlhlaHchu'? How many languages can you speak fluently? Hol 'ar Daja telladochu'? La policano duktas la automobilo. The policeman is driving the car. The police hire the car. poH Daghajchugh HIghoS 'ej HISuch! Please come and see me if you have time. Long day old, HighoS 'ej HISuch! Li atingis la plej altan gradon en la ekzameno. He got the highest grade on the exam. He reached the highest grade in the exam. Salta. Jump. Salt. Yo es solmen fatigat. I'm just tired. Yo es penso fatigat. Que merda es illo? What the fuck is that? What's it? je'u le selgungunma cu nandu .i ku'i la naun.xaras. ba kakne lo ka snada mulgau It's true that the project is a difficult task, but Mr Hara will be able to bring it off. That's what you like, if you think, you're all right? muD Hutlhmo' tera' maS, pa' DuHbe' SuS wab je. Without air there can be no wind or sound on the moon. I have sought to take the mystery of Earth, according to the life rate of life. Ĉesu spioni nin. Stop spying on us. Stop spying on us. Flentapük binom fikulik. French is difficult. Flentapük binom ficulik. La festo estis tiel bona. The party was so good. The party was so good. Mi pensas, ke mi estas preta por ŝanĝo. I think I'm ready for a change. I think I'm ready for change. Io labora hic. I work here. Io labora here. ghojwI' SoH. You are a student. Education, thank you so much. tupar. You don't like me. tupar. Kion mi povas fari por helpi al vi? What can I do to help you? What can I do to help you? ghaytan chun ghaH. She was probably innocent. It's probably chun ghaH. El ia rompe la recordo mundal. He broke the world record. From some break the recording world. Tom have un debil stomac. Tom has a weak stomach. Tom has one weak stomach. Mi atentigis Tomon pri tio. I pointed this out to Tom. I paid attention to Tom about that. Lua nevo rezidas en Nederlando. Their nibling lives in the Netherlands. Its snow resides in the Netherlands. Li decidu animales del zodiac chinese es derivat de deciun tipes de animales on trova in natura: li ratte, li bove, li tigre, li lépor, li serpent, li cavall, li agno, li simie, li gallino, li cane, li svine e li mitologic dracon; on usa les quam un calendare. The twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac come from eleven types of animals we find in nature: the rat, the ox, the tiger, the hare, the snake, the horse, the ram, the monkey, the rooster, the dog, the pig, and the mythological dragon; they're used as a calendar. He decides animals del zodiac Chinese es derivat de deciun typically de animales on trova in nature: li ratte, li bove, li tiger, li lépo, li serpent, li cavall, li agno, li simie, li gallino, li dog, li svine e li mythological cloth; on use les quam un calendare. Mi pardonas al vi. I forgive you. I forgive you. Antaŭ la dua mondmilito, la landlimo inter Finnlando kaj Sovet-Unio estis proksime al Leningrado. Before WWII, the border between Finland and the USSR was near Leningrad. Prior to World War II, the border between Finland and Soviet Union was near Leningrad. Mi sentas admiron por lia talento. I feel admiration for his talent. I feel an admiration for his talent. Tom marchis trans la strado. Tom walked across the street. Tom marched across the road. mi djica lo ka klama pa xotli I want to go to a hotel. mi djica lo ka klamma pa xotli Перке он иа мата ел? Why was she killed? It's all right? Kas tir kalaf ? Is she happy? Do you pull a kalaf ? Yo ne save u tu esset. I know where you were. Yo ne sande u tu esset. Io es un nove studente. I am a new student. It is a new student. Il odias aranei. He hates spiders. Il odias aranei. ghojmeH latlh ghItlhwI' choqemlaH'a'? Can you get me another pencil? Education the universe will allow us to continue or continue? la.siskos. stali lo selmipri barja ca lo nicte Sysko hangs around in secret pubs at night. la.siskos. stali lo semmipri barja ca lo nicote Yo va morir por te. I will die for you. Yo va morir por te. Sunt-sa ffelig? Are they happy? Sunt-sa ffeleg? El brosi sua dentes. She brushes her teeth. El brochures su dentes. Tomo dankis al Manjo pro ŝia donaco. Tom thanked Mary for her gift. Tom thanks to Manjo for her gift. La urso komencis disŝiri la tendon. The bear began tearing at the tent. The bear began to scatter the tent. Es io sol hic? Am I alone here? Is something alone here? Un femina qui confida integremente in le homine qui illa ama es le creation del imagination de alicun novellista. A woman filled with faith in the one she loves is the creation of a novelist's imagination. One feminine one who is confidently integrated into the homine qui lla ama is the creation of the imagination of some novellist. mi ba cinmo lo ka nonkansa ro do I will miss you all. mi ba cinmo lo ka nonkansa ro do Mi bezonas prunton. I need a loan. I need a loan. Em, bíi rahíya rul wi. Yes, the cat is big. Em, bíi rahíya roll wi. Äbinos in yel telmilik. It was in the year two thousand. Äbinos in yel telmilik. qaqeS yIchaw'! Let me give you a piece of advice. ImqeS yIchaw! Ella desaparit sin dir un singul parol. She disappeared without speaking a single word. Ella desaparit sin dir un single speech. Io non cognosce iste parola. I don't know that word. I don't know this word. Mary monstrat li lettre a me. Mary showed the letter to me. Mary monnett li lettre a me. Chascun have humid somnies. Everybody has wet dreams. Chascun has wet somnies. mi djica lo ka litru ka'ai do I want to travel with you. mi djica lo ka litru ka'ai do do nelci lo mlatu vau xu nai You like cats, don't you? so cool it mlatu vau xu nai Kosovo esset un provincia de Serbia. Kosovo was a province of Serbia. Kosovo esset un province of Serbia. La riĉo de tiu lando devenas el ĝia nafto. That country's wealth comes from its oil. The wealth of this country comes from its oil. mi .a'o tavla bau la .lojban. I hope I can talk in Lojban. mi .a'o tavla balan la .loliban. Nos vive in un societate civilisate. We live in a civilized society. We live in a civilized society. Ken deziras havi biciklon. Ken wants a bicycle. Ken wants to have a bike. Me ne promisis irgo. I didn't make any promises. I didn't promise going. ma se zvati le jdini pe do Where's your money? but if zvati le jdini pe do La nonconose e la despeta de la diretos umana ia trae atas de barbaria cual ofende la consiensa umana, e la veni de un mundo do tota persones va es libre per parla e crea, e librida de temia e de miseria, es proclamada como la aspira la plu alta de umanas. Disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people. The unconose and the depeta de la diretos homana ia tra atas de barbararia cual ofe la consine homina, e la veni de un monta do all persones va es libre per parla e crea, e libida de temia e de miseria, es proclamada as the aspira la plu high de homanas. Kompare al nia domo la via estas palaco. Compared to our house, yours is a palace. In comparison to our house yours are a palace. De kie tio venis? Where did that come from? Where did this come from? Pesach felice! Happy Pesach! Pesach happy! Le unic lingua ver in le mundo es le basio. The only true language in the world is a kiss. The only language ver in world is the basis. Tom es un persona honeste al extremo. Tom's an extremely honest person. Tom is one person honestly to the extreme. Ille esseva surprendite per le subite apparition del amico. He was surprised by the sudden appearance of his friend. They were surprised by the sudden appearance of the friendship. la tom na'o pinxe lo ciblu Tom is a vampire. the tom na'o pinxe lo maritalu Io non oblidara jammais lo que eveniva ille nocte. I'll never forget what happened that night. It will not oblivious to keep it that old girl tonight. Yo ha finit. I have finished. Yo ha finit. In li comense Deo creat li ciel e li terra. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. In li comense Deo creat li ciel e li earthe. Ŝi malfrue venis kiel kutime. She came late as usual. She's late to come as usual. yItlhe'! Turn around! All right, let's take me away! Tom Pensat que Mary esset li sestra de John. Tom thought that Mary was John's sister. Tom Pensit que Mary esset li sestra de John. chorgh ben boghpu' puqloDDaj. His son is eight years old. chorgh ben interndpu' puqloDDaj. It es nu autun. It's fall now. It is nu autun. 'Susan' binon nem Linglänik. Susan is an English name. 'Susan' binon nem Linglänik. Yo ne comprende quo il vole. I don't understand what he wants. Yo ne comprende quo il vole. Том но густа ке Мариа скриве фрасес сур ерминос, кар ел теме ке Мариа та девени енамада пар лос, е но та воле плу ама ел. Tom doesn't like it when Mary writes sentences about stoats, since he is afraid that she would fall in love with them and wouldn't any longer want him around. ← Ingredients Noi va dansar. We'll dance. We are going to dance. Li stradas ne es secur in li nocte. The streets aren't safe at night. He roads are not safe in him tonight. Binol libik. You're free. Binol libik. Tom va cosini. Tom will cook. Tom va cosini. Kiun ajn vojon vi iras, vi povas atingi la stacidomon. Whichever way you go, you can get to the station. Whatever way you go, you can reach the station. Mi volas scii, kiam tio okazos. I want to know when that'll happen. I want to know when that happens. Io es felice que vos non era hic. I'm glad you guys weren't here. It's happy that you're not here. James finfine konfesis ŝteli monon de la trinkmonujo. James finally fessed up to stealing money from the tip jar. James finally acknowledged stealing money from the drinking room. mu'i ma ra fengu Why are they angry? mu'i ma ra fengu lo za'u prenu pe ra'i cu jai fenki The people from Madrid are crazy. lo zau take pe ra'i cu jai fenci ghunchoHpu' chatlh 'e' yIloS. Wait till the soup warms. Programming is where we all thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Ha Tom tentate illo? Has Tom tried that? How did Tom try it? Tomo ne devis helpi nin, sed tion li faris. Tom didn't have to help us, but he did. Tom didn't have to help us, but he did it. Mi ne konas ŝin de tiom longe. I haven't known her that long. I don't know her from that long. Quo esas la temo di ita pleo? What's the subject of that play? What is the subject of this pleasure? Tom tentava le melio teger su tracias pro salvar le facie. Tom tried his best to cover his tracks so he could save face. Tom tempava le melio teger su tracias to save the faces. Mi povintus helpi. I could have helped. I could help. Esce me pote abri mea oios? Can I open my eyes? Esce I can abri mea oios? Quale vu savas, vivo esas komparebla kun voyajo. As you know, life is comparable to a voyage. What you know, life is comparable to walking. Mi ne estis marmalsana. I wasn't seasick. I wasn't marmalsana. SIbI' vItI'. I'll fix it right away. SIbI' facitI'. lo cifnu cu smaji ze'e lo nicte The baby was quiet all night. lo cifnu cu sma zé'e lo nikente Yo ama cates. I love cats. Yo ama cates. ram vuDchaj. Their opinion matters little. ram viDchaj. Kiu verkis tiujn poemojn? By whom were these poems written? Who wrote these poems? la tom cu krici lo makfa Tom believes in magic. the tom cu crici lo makfa Nos ha quatro cameras a dormir supra. We have four bedrooms upstairs. We have four changes to sleep on top. Me ama la sol. I love the sun. I love the sun. Tom estas kun siaj amikoj. Tom is with his friends. Tom is with his friends. mi tubypa'i do I love you like a brother. mi tubypa'i do mi pu cortu lo tuple ba lo nu ze'u cadzu My legs hurt after the long walk. mi pu cortu lo tuple ba lo nu ze'u cadzu Nia projekto fiaskis. Our project failed. Our project failed. roD muSuch tam. Tom visited me regularly. roD muSuch as well. Ka irgu altra iros? Is anyone else going? Will someone else go? xu lo do famtynakni za'o zvati lo drata gugde Is your uncle still abroad? xu lo do famtynakni za'o zvati lo Other gugde Kio ajn okazis al acida pluvo? Ni ne plu aŭdas pri ĝi en la novaĵoj. Whatever happened to acid rain? You don't hear about it in the news anymore. Whatever happened to acid rain? We don't hear any more about it in the news. fe ma fa la tom ca'o catlu Who's Tom looking at? fe ma fa la tom ca'o catlu Comprende profundemente que le momento presente es toto lo que tu sempre ha. Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Understanding deeply than the moment present is everything that you always have. It hay sempre questiones. There are always questions. It hay will always ask. Si, binob. Binor-li Söl Nakano? Yes, I am. Are you Mr Nakano? Si, binob. Binor-li Söl Nakano? mong Ha'qujvam moH vItuQ vIneHbe'. I don't want to wear this stupid tie. Don't have been able to know the rest of your life. Tom ia leva sua vitro de vino per oserva la bela color roja contra la lus. Tom raised his glass of wine to watch the beautiful red color against the light. Tom ia leva her glass of wine by serving the beautiful colour roja against the lus. Ĉu vi bezonas okulvitrojn por legi? Do you need glasses to read? Do you need glasses to read? Li esprimis sin klare. He expressed himself clearly. He expressed himself clearly. Mi gamba dextre esseva vulnerate in le accidente. I got my right leg hurt in the accident. Mi gamba dextre es wulnerate in le accident. Ni devintus iri dekstren. We should have turned right. We would have to go right. la .meris. pampe'o mi Mary is my girlfriend. the .meris. pampe'o mi Hochlogh nIm je'. She always buys milk. Hochlogh goes on. mi co'a ralte lo mlatu I'm getting a cat. mi co'a ralte lo mlatu lojmIt yIpoSmoH jay'! Close the damned door! Omít yIpoS favora jay! Löfob studön Flentapüki. I like to study French. Löphob studön Flentapüki. Li tro malrapide laboras por esti utila al ni. He works too slowly to be helpful to us. He works too slowly to be useful to us. jIvumbe'. I don't work. Exiting... Son zioma binom hikös. The son of an uncle is a cousin. Sound zioma binom hikös. Söl Smith binom tidan gudik. Mr Smith is a good teacher. Söl Smith binom tidan gudik. Hastez, puero! Hurry up, child! Haste, puer! La polisior porta un masca contra gas. The policeman is wearing a gas mask. The polysior porta un masca contra gas. Blasfäm binon krim nendrefäbik. Blasphemy is a victimless crime. Blasfäm binon crim nendrefäbik. Esas gratuita. It's free. It is congratulated. Ĉu vi aŭdis la klakon? Did you hear the click? Have you heard the click? Rigardu tiun belan knabinon. Look at that pretty little girl. Look at this beautiful girl. Le vocabulario presenta un serie de parolas commun al moderne linguas iberic, ma non plus usual in italiano. The vocabulary presents several words which are common to the modern Iberian languages but have fallen into disuse in Italian. The vocabulary present a series of words common to modern languages iberic, but not more usual in Italian. Lelyëas nu lómini. He is going beneath the shadows. Lelyëas nu lómini. Il es solmente al individuo que un anima es date. It is only to the individual that a soul is given. It is only to the individual that an animation is given. Mea matro tre prizas la teo. My mum likes tea very much. My mat very early the tea. Non crede a isto. Toto es un conto de fees. Don't believe that. It's all a fairy tale. Don't believe to this. Toto is an account of fees. mi pu terve'u lo kabri be lo ckafi I've brought a cup of coffee. mi pu terve'u lo kabri be lo ckafi A illa il place multissimo leger. She likes reading the most. A il il il place multisimo lighter. Me vivar in Hyogo. I live in Hyogo. I live in Hyogo. le nakni pu dansu ze'a ro pagbu be lo nicte He danced all night long. le nakni puǒ zé'a ro paybu be it nothing Les placeva lo que Jefferson diceva. They liked what Jefferson said. Les placeva lo que Jefferson diceva. Amikoj faras aferojn kune. Friends do things together. Friends do things together. qoy'wI'vaD Hoch Huch vIghajpu'bogh vInob. I gave the beggar all the money I had on me. Let's take a look at us today. Oh, there's a look at the end of life. vogh DajaHlaH. You may go anywhere. vagh DajaH live. Vi estas ŝercema juna virino. You're a funny young lady. You're a joke young woman. lo virnu smacu pu jersi lo mlatu The brave mouse chased the cat. virnu smaku pu jersi lo mlatu No labob timi al yufön Tomase. I don't have time to help Tom. No labob fear yufön Thomas. Malgrado le pluvia, iste viage me placeva multo, in general. In spite of the rain, this trip very much pleased me, on the whole. Malgrad le pluvia, this viage me place a lot, in general. bImejnIS. You should go. bImejIS. ta poi mlatu cu bunre That cat is brown. ta poi mlatu cu bunre Ná alya i vinya loa! Happy New Year! Ná alya i vinya loa! Aspektas bone! Looking good! Looks good! Acel ia cambia cada cosa. That changed everything. Get any changes every thing. Deo non ha morite, Ille certo vive. God is not dead, He is surely alive. Deo non ha morite, Ili certo vive. Omnicos es bon. Everything is good. Omnicos es bon. Illes ambulava a transverso le mercato. They walked through the market. They ambulance at transverse le mercate. Ube esas la latrino? Where is the latrine? Where is the latrine? Mi deziras, ke mi povu fari pli multe. I wish that I could do more. I want me to be able to do more. DuHoHbe'chugh, Durach. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That's what you think, Durach. Friedrich Nietzsche esset un german filosof. Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher. Friedrich Nietzsche esset un German philosof. Tom va minyona rokla stragayar. Tom pointed out our mistakes. Tom va minyon rock stragayar. Kial okazas ĉi tiaj aferoj? Why do these kinds of things happen? Why does these things happen? Me volas koitar tu anusale. I want to fuck you in the ass. I want to coitar tu annusale. Mi dankas, ke vi helpis min transiri la straton! Thank you for helping me cross the street. I thank you that you helped me cross the street! Meháya rul woho wa. All cats are beautiful. Meháya roll wooho wa. Studom vifiko. He is quick to learn. Studying vific. naDev bIpawpa' matlheD. We'll be leaving before you get here. Thank you for listening. ta na mlatu .i ta gerku That's not a cat. That's a dog. ta na mlatu .i ta gerku Il ha un pomo super le tabula. There is an apple on the table. Il ha un apple super le tabula. On ha interrumpite su fornimento de aqua proque ille non pagava le factura. They shut his water off because he didn't pay the bill. On have interrupted its water supply because they do not pay the invoice. jIghItlhlaHbe'choH. I can't write anymore. The project is where we continue to live in. Pevunob me neif. I've been wounded with a knife. Pevunob me neif. On debe fa sempre la plu bon cual on pote. One should always do one's best. You must always do the most good cual on can. Li havas duan gradon en matematiko. He has a master's degree in mathematics. He has a second grade in mathematics. Il es semper le plus obscur justo ante le aurora. It's always darkest just before dawn. Il es sees le plus dark justo in front of le aurora. Ni devus helpi unu al la alia. We ought to help each other. We should help each other. ghaH yajbe' ghojmoHwI'Daj je. Even his teacher didn't understand him. That's what you all say, thank you very much indeed. La om de la limpia ia veni ier. The cleaning man came yesterday. The om of the limpia ia veni ier. La om peteni sua can con un brosa. The man combs his dog with a brush. The om peteni su can con un brosa. Binob tidel eit. I'm the teacher. Binob tidel eit. Esque illa dormi? Is she sleeping? Esque illa dormi? cha'maH jav (26) ben boghpu' ghaH. She's twenty-six (26). cha'maH jav (26) ben undpu' ghaH. dukse lerci It is too late. duxse lerci DaH nuq ta'lI' be'nI''a'lI'? What's your older sister doing now? I now turn to the future of your mouth? Tom petis al Mary atendi lin antaŭ la biblioteko. Tom asked Mary to wait for him in front of the library. Tom asked Mary to wait for him before the library. ko smaji ca lo nu mi tavla Be quiet while I am speaking. co sma ca lo nu mi tavla Un infante es le opinion de Deo de que le vita debe continuar. A baby is God's opinion that life should go on. One child is the opinion of Deo que le vita must continue. La traduores de la Atesta Nova ia es considerada ereses. The translators of the New Testament were considered heretics. The translators of the Atest New ia are considering ereses. Spikol-li Yapänapüki? Do you speak Japanese? Spiceli Yapänapüki? Äbumob domi nulik. I built a new house. Äbumob dome nulik. Äsagol obe no valikosi. You didn't tell me everything. Äsagol obeys no validity. Illa non es fede. She isn't ugly. Illa es fede. Japanio estas grupo de insuloj kun multaj montoj kaj preskaŭ neniu arbaro. Japan is a group of islands with many mountains and almost no forests. Japan is a group of islands with many mountains and almost no forest. Manjo enfermis sin en la ĉambro kaj fermis ĉiujn fenestrojn. Mary shut herself up in the room and closed all the windows. Food has enclosed itself in the room and closed all windows. Il me placerea creder que nos apprende ab nostre errores. I'd like to believe we learn from our mistakes. Il me placere creder que nos apprende ab nostre errors. ei ko'a ca lo bavlamdei cu sidju lo mamta be ko'a bu'u lo jupku'a He will have to help his mother in the kitchen tomorrow. ei ko'a ko lo bavlamdei cud lo mamta be ko'u lo jupku'a ro le re ko'a pu carmi krixa They both screamed. ro re'a pu carri krixa Tu le ha facite rubescer. You made him blush. You have done rubescer. Tomo sekvis nin ĉi tien. Tom followed us here. Tom followed us here. ghaHvaD cheSvel chu' chenmoHta'. He made her a new coat. ghaH only cheSvel chu's beginning'. Le avion a jecto attingeva Narita un hora in retardo. The jet plane reached Narita an hour late. Le plane a jet attingeva Narita an hour in delay. Rey Hussein viagea a Cairo. King Hussein travelled to Cairo. King Hussein viagea to Cairo. En la lasta jaro Tom ne loĝis en Boston. Tom didn't live in Boston last year. In the last year Tom did not live in Boston. Ĉu vi manĝis ĝin en la klasĉambro? Do you eat it in the classroom? Have you eaten it in the classroom? Ĉu ventas? Is it windy? Coming up? U es tui vestimentes? Where are your clothes? U es tui vestimentes? lo'e merko cu te cmene la fudbolo la'o gy soccer gy Americans call football soccer. I think you're Name the fuddle the gy soccer gy Estas malvarme ekstere. It's cold outside. It's cold outside. Tomaso ne pensis, ke Maria eble estas ankoraŭ hejme. Tom didn't think it was likely that Mary was still at home. Thomas didn't think Mary might be at home yet. Ili promesis. They promised. They promised. neqratlh tuQ tam. Tom wears glasses. neqra vte tuQ tam. La Roma Imperio travivis mil jarojn. The Roman Empire survived for a thousand years. The Roman Empire experienced thousands of years. Mi lernas la turkan. I am learning Turkish. I learn Turkish. Kial ni ne dividu ĉambron? Why don't we share a room? Why don't we share a room? Con ci tu ia es en la rota jigante? Who were you with on the Ferris wheel? Con ci tu ia es in la root jigante? QInvam vIghItlhmeH qaSnIS wej rep. I need three hours to write this letter. During the past, we have come to take advantage of the universe. First, we have come back to take advantage of the first time. ko na jai lerci fai tu'a lo ckule ca lo bavlamdei Don't be late for school tomorrow. ko na jai lerci fai tu'a cule ca lo bavlamdei Nun es interesada. No one is interested. Now it's interesting. Sekuran vojaĝon. Have a safe trip. A safe trip. Ramification e integration es duo operationes fundamental in le controlo de versiones. Branching and merging are two basic operations of revision control. Ramification and integration are both operations fundamental in the control of versions. Le mundo integre es un scena, e omne viros e feminas es solmente actores. All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. The world's integer is a scene, and any man and women are only acting. Dach bID ghojwI'pu'. Half of the students are absent. Dach bID wholeo o'clock. Ĝis baldaŭ. Catch you guys later. It's very soon. Nuntempe la plej multaj vestaĵoj estas importataj el Ĉinujo. These days, most clothing is imported from China. Today most clothing is imported from China. La nova fotilo, kiun nia kompanio surmerkatigis antaŭ nelonge, aspektas diferenca de iu ajn, kiun ni surmerkatigis antaŭe. The new camera our company has been marketing lately has a design different from any we've marketed before. The new camera our company marketed recently looks different from anyone we marketed before. Me joyoze respondis. I answered with joy. Me joyoze replied. lo gunma pu mo'ifli lo nu telgau lo vorme They forgot to lock the door. The gunma pu mo'ifli lo telgau lo vorme lIQan. They will protect you. ProgrammingQan. Yo ha captet vos, e nu vu deve laborar durmen por me. I have captured you, and now you have to work hard for me. Yo ha captet vos, e nu you have to work hardmen for me. Еске тота де мундо ама мусика? Does everybody love music? ← Donu al mi la ŝancon fari vin fieri pri mi. Give me a chance to make you proud of me. Give me the chance to make you boast about me. Kial vi ne aŭskultas min? Why don't you listen to me? Why don't you listen to me? mupwI' vIghajnIS. I need a hammer. I would like to come up with you either. Brigitte ha ver amor pro le animales. Brigitte has a real love for animals. Brigitette ha ver amor pro le animalas. tamtaH Hoch. All is quiet. That's what it looks like. la tom pu mo'u klama ti pu lo solnuntolcanci Tom got here before sunrise. the tom pu mo'u klama ti pu lo solinontolcanci Kozi semblas bona. Things look good. Kozi seems good. Il visitat Francia trivez. He visited France three times. Il visit France trives. Estos problemo. There'll be a problem. There will be a problem. Mi ricevis leteron de ŝi. I received a letter from her. I got a letter from her. Qatlh vIraS Hol ghojmeH Qu'. Learning French is difficult. let them know Hol EducationmeH What. HeSpu' tam. Tom has committed a crime. HeSpu' as well. Bon die a omnes! Good afternoon everybody! Good day to everyone! ba'a ui nai ra fliba I'm afraid she will fail. ba'a ui nai ra fliba Kie? Where? Where? le bitmu poi la xamtidamtis cu farlu fi ke'a cu na du la banli bitmu pe le jungo The wall from which Humpty Dumpty fell is not the Great Wall of China. le bitmu poi la xamtidamtis cu farlu fi ke'a cu na du la banli bitmu pe le jungo Le traduction es como un femina. Si illo es belle, non es fidel. Si es fidel, illo certemente non es belle. Translation is like a woman. If it is beautiful, it is not faithful. If it is faithful, it is most certainly not beautiful. The translation is like a feminine. If it's pretty, it's not confident. If it's confident, it's certainly not pretty. Yo provat salvar le. I tried to save him. Yo provat save le. Tom jettat un ove a Mary. Tom threw an egg at Mary. Tom jettat un ove a Mary. Me ancora no vole jubila. I don't want to retire yet. I still don't want jubila. .e'o do pinxe lo tcati Please drink tea. .e'o do pinche lo tcati Li poesie de Baudelaire es magnific. Baudelaire's poetry is magnificent. Li poetry de Baudelaire es magnific. Ĉu vi ŝatas esti fama? Do you like being famous? Do you like to be famous? Lo es in li stadie. He is in the stadium. It is in his stage. qet tam. Tom ran. qet tam. Том иа каде де сya кавало. Tom fell off his horse. ← La parolanto uzis ĉiun eblan oportunecon por prezenti sin grava. The speaker took every opportunity he could to big-note himself. The speaker used each possible opportunity to present itself important. roda fapro ma'a Everything is against us. roda fapro ma'a Tomo diris, ke li estos feliĉega, se li helpos al Maria sarki la ĝardenon. Tom said that he'd be more than happy to help Mary weed the garden. Tom said he would be happy if he helped Mary sarki the garden. Mi ĝin aĉetis hieraŭ. I bought it yesterday. I bought it yesterday. Ys gwol perthir agur. He wants to leave now. Ys gwol perthir agur. Mi ĉiam estis ruza. I've always been smart. I've always been red. jaj veb nuSuchmeH paw 'IrneHnalwI'. My uncle was coming to see us the next day. indeed next thousand nuSuchmeH paw 'IrneHnal'. Hirundoj migras al varma klimato. Swallows migrate to a warm climate. Hirundes migrate to a warm climate. Tu es horribil. You're horrible. You're horrible. Mi nomine es Jack. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. la tom pu zukte lo ka catlu le za'u pixra Tom took a look at the pictures. the tom pu zukte lo catlu le za'u Image la .natacas. cu rusko cmene Natasha is a Russian name. the .natacas. cu rusko Name coi doi le blanu tsani Hi, the blue sky! coi doi le blanu tsani Ille habeva un delicatessa que attraheva le feminas. He had a gentleness that was attractive to women. They had one delicious than attraheva le feminas. jISoptaH 'e' vItIv. I like to eat. Exiting... Me nulafoye demandis irgo a vi. I never asked you anything. I never asked going to you. Ла консиенса фа тал нос коардес. Thus conscience does make cowards of us all. ← Recipes Recipes Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Kiu estas la plej populara sporto en Usono? What is the most popular sport in America? Who is the most popular sport in the United States? Sami ridet sempre. Sami was always smiling. Sami smilet always. Mi skribis ĝin por Tomo. I wrote it for Tom. I wrote it for Tom. Yo va retornar tam bentost quam yo trova Tom. I'll be back as soon as I find Tom. Yo va revenar tam bentost quam yo trova Tom. Ni devas fari pli ol tion. We have to do more than that. We need to do more than that. Il arivat a un ponte, quel ductet trans un fluvie. He arrived at a bridge that led across a river. Il arivat a un bridge, quel ductet trans un fluvie. Me esas en Perth. I'm in Perth. I am in Perth. Tom volas, ke Mary pardonpetu. Tom wants Mary to apologize. Tom wants Mary to apologize. Ille furava le moneta. He stole the money. They furava le moneta. Dotrakuyú. I agreed. Dotrakuyú. Me ia mata la bove. I killed the cow. I'm a little bit the beef. lo vi cukta cu me mi moi .i lo me do moi ma zvati This book is mine. Where is yours? You've got me my moi .i lo me do moi ma zvati nuchuH. They threw spears at us. nuchuH. Kie estas la malsanulejo? Where's the hospital? Where is the hospital? Nos es colligente flores. We are picking flowers. We're going to collect flowers. Li forveturis antaŭ tri tagoj. He left three days ago. He went three days ago. Tomo volis priparoli tion kun Manjo. Tom wanted to talk to Mary about it. Tom wanted to talk about this with Manjo. Tom ia demanda a me esce me ave un scema. Tom asked me if I had a plan. Tom ia demanda a me esce me ave un scema. Ille barca naufragava al litore de Chile. That boat wrecked off the coast of Chile. They barca nauffrava al litore de Chile. Tua oios es bela. Your eyes are beautiful. Your oios is beautiful. Li tre gravas por mi. He's very important to me. He's very important to me. mi'o klama ca lo nu co'u carvi We'll go when the rain stops. mi'o clama ca lo nu co'u carvi Kanobs yufön ole. We can help you. Kanobs yufön ole. Bonveni a Japan. Welcome to Japan. Welcome to Japan. La rezultoj estas bonaj. The results are good. The results are good. Plu ne es sempre plu bon. More is not always better. It's no longer good. tennuSwI' ghaH tam'e'. Tom is my uncle. Get it off! Oh, man. You're going to tell me yourself, man. Homoj plej koleriĝas kiam ili sentas sin primokataj. Ĝuste tial tiuj, kiuj memfidas, apenaŭ koleriĝas. People are most angry when they feel they are being mocked. That's why those who are confident in themselves seldom become angry. People are most angry when they feel primed. That's why those who are confident are just angry. Arivinte adheme, me deskovris la furto. On arriving home, I discovered the burglary. Arivitant adheme, I discovered the theft. Neptuno es le planeta le plus distante ab le Sol. Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun. Neptune is the planet the hardest ab le Sol. Il devet salvar li princessa. He had to save the princess. Il devet save li princessa. Yo devet atender a Tom por finir. I had to wait for Tom to finish. Yo devet atender a Tom to finish. La prezo estas cent dolaroj plus imposto por unu nokto. The room charge is 100 USD a night plus tax. The price is hundreds of dollars plus tax for one night. Saĝa gvidanto scias, kiam endas sekvi. A wise leader knows when to follow. A wise leader knows when teaching to follow. Dog binom jönik. The dog is beautiful. Dog binom jönik. mi'ai ba vitke do We will visit you. mi'ai baambie do Lo que insenia es le facto, non le nomine que nos da a illo. Assassinato e pena capital non es oppositos que cancella le un le altere, ma similares que prolifica lor proprie specie. It is the deed that teaches, not the name we give it. Murder and capital punishment are not opposites that cancel one another, but similars that breed their kind. Which insenia is the fact, not the name that we gave to it. Assassinate and penalty capital are not opposed to canceling the other, but similar to why their own species. ro da ru zukte Everybody does that. ro da ru zukte e'i pensi lo pendo We must think about friends. e'i penso lo penso Tom hihicat. Tom giggled. Tom hihicat. ma cmene lo tixnu be do What's your daughter's name? but Name it tixnu be then Sape vos como io pote ir usque ibi? Do you know how I can get there? You know how I can go until ibi? Tomo observis Marian forirantan. Tom watched Mary leave. Tom watched Marian leaving. «jIHeghchoH'a'?» «ghobe', bIQongchoH.» "Am I going to die?" "No, you are going to sleep." ‘jIHeghchoH'a'?' ‘ghobe', bIQongchoH.' Il es de Germania. He's from Germany. Il es de Germany. Io debe cambiar de domicilio a Boston. I have to move to Boston. It should change from dominance to Boston. wej vIt wIghojpu'. We have yet to learn the truth. We know how we used to believe your life. ra tolci'orai He is the eldest. ra tolli'orai Princessa Mary esset capteta de un potent dracon nominat Tom. Princess Mary was captured by the powerful dragon named Tom. Princess Mary esset caught by a powerful dragon named Tom. Por kio mi faris tion? What did I do that for? What did I do that for? Mi ne ignoris ilin. I didn't ignore them. I didn't ignore them. Носа скола коменса а ла ора ото. Our school begins at eight. ← Ingredients Un supramercato tan grande! What a big supermarket! One supramercato so big! Li ne ĉeestis pro la ventego. His absence was due to the storm. He didn't stand for the storm. Yumi fariĝos instruisto. Yumi will become a teacher. Yums will become a teacher. Me declara la abri de la juas olimpial. I hereby declare the opening of the Olympic Games. I declare the abri of the juas Olympic. ko na xanka gi'e gleki Don't worry, be happy! ko na xanka gi'e gleki Mi postvivas. I'm surviving. I'm alive. Yo vole habitar in li cité. I want to live in the city. Yo vole habitar in li cité. Nu, ĉu vi frenezas? Hey, are you crazy? Well, are you crazy? Heri esseva jovedi. Yesterday was Thursday. Yesterday was young. Mi kelkfoje malobservas la regulojn. I sometimes break the rules. I sometimes disregard the rules. La advokato atendis lin. The lawyer was expecting him. The lawyer waited for him. Yo totmen consenti con Tom. I totally agree with Tom. Yo totmen consent con Tom. Scri con tui levul manu. Write with your left hand. Scri con tui levul manu. Tomo ne havis tempon por finmanĝi. Tom didn't have time to finish eating. Tom didn't have time to finish. Si tu ha un pomo e io ha un pomo, e nos excambia iste pomos, alora tu e io ha ancora cata uno un pomo. Ma si tu ha un idea e io ha un idea, e nos excambia iste ideas, alora cata un de nos habera duo ideas. If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas. Si tu ha un pomo e io ha un pomo, e nos exchangea this pomos, then tu e io ha still cata un un pomo. Ma si tu ha un idea e io ha un idea, e nos exchange this ideaes, then every one of us will have two ideaes. Pro que to posset esser li mortator, yo celat me sub li lette. Because that could have been the murderer, I hid myself under the bed. Pro que to posset esse li mortator, yo cellat me under li lette. Ĉu ĝi estis sonĝo aŭ ne? Was it a dream or not? Was it a dream or not? lo nu do dunda za'ure'u cu fadni fi lo jalge be lo simsa fasnu It's times like these that you give again. lo do dunda za'ureu cu fadni lo jalge be lo simsa fasnu Лос десира вакансе ала. They wish to go there for vacation. It's what you want to do. Mi kontrolis la daton. I checked the date. I checked the date. Mi ne vidis Tomon dum la tuta tago. I haven't seen Tom all day. I didn't see Tom all the day. mutce lo ka se spaji ku fa lo nu viska lo nu do ti zvati It is quite a surprise to see you here. mute lo ka se spaj ku fa lo nu vska lo nu do ti zvati Mi deziras pli bone konatiĝi kun vi. I'd like to get to know you better. I want to get better to know you. Le homine non es le inimico del homine sin le medio de un systema false de governamento. Man is not the enemy of man but through the medium of a false system of government. The homine is not the enemy of the homine without the means of a government's system false. Io non las considera como mi amicas. I don't consider them my friends. I don't think of how I am friendly. Tu non pote arrestar nos. You can't stop us. You cannot arrest us. Illos son troppo grande. They're too big. It's too big. Il es un Cicero in li eloquentie. He is a Cicero in eloquence. Il es un Cicero in li eloquentie. Ämafobs dibi flumeda. We measured the depth of the river. Ämapobs dibi flumeda. Tomo aspektis lacega. Tom seemed tired. Tom looked tired. mi jinvi lo du'u kakne lo nu je'urja'o I think I can prove it. I jinvi lo du'u kakne lo nu'urja'o Еске ту жуа а шаке? Do you play chess? ← Le anniversario de Tom esseva heri. Tom's birthday was yesterday. Tom's anniversary was her. qaqchoHbe' yIn. It doesn't get better. eduqchoHbe's questions. lo do cutci ti zvati Your shoes are here. lo do cutci ti zvati Mi volas, ke vi fervore okupiĝu pri viaj studoj. I would have you apply yourself to your studies. I want you to be fiercely busy with your studies. sa'u ko cusku zo ie Just say yes. That's what you think about? Nada es fasil. It is easy to swim. Nada is fascail. Tom inhalis. Tom inhaled. Tom inhalis. SaQchoH. He began to cry. SaQchoH. bImoDbe'chugh lupwI' DatIjlaHbe'. Hurry up, or you'll miss the bus. But I'm going to tell you that if you don't think we're going to live. Noi esset battet. We were beaten. We esset batt. 'amerI'qa' SepjIjQa' joqwI'Daq vaghmaH DujtlhuQmey tu'lu'. There are fifty stars on the American flag. Under extremes, there are no alien civilizations at the last time. Issuing an insurance policy against abduction by aliens seems to have been visited by aliens. Ille ha tres annos plus que io. He's three years older than me. They have three years more than something. Ne avigila le. Don't wake him up. Don't marry le. Al merda con isto. Fuck this. Al merida con this. Noi ambi es de Australia. Both of us are from Australia. Noi ambi es de Australia. Yo odia matematica. I hate maths. Yo odia mathematica. Li devas tuj ellitiĝi. He has to get up immediately. He must get out of bed immediately. 'oy' taghDu'wIj. My lungs hurt. 'oy' taghDu' my concern. Me gusta vive en la campania plu ca vive en la site. I prefer living in the country to living in the city. I tasted live in the peasant plus ca vive in the site. ra nelci lo nu bajra She likes to run. ra unlci lo nu bayra le lanzu ca mo How is the family doing? le lanzu ca mo Me regardis elu. I was looking at her. I've regarded him. Ne gravas! It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter! Mi sentas min malsana. I'm feeling sick. I feel sick. Un femina cognosce le facie del homine qui illa ama assi como un marinero cognosce le mar aperte. A woman knows the face of the man she loves as a sailor knows the open sea. Un femina cognosce le faci del homine qui ila ama so as a marinero cognosce le mar open. Morgaŭ je la sama tempo ni estos surgrimpantaj la monton Fuji. About this time tomorrow, we'll be climbing Mt. Fuji. Tomorrow at the same time we will be burying Mount Fuji. la nakni cu nanba tcubi'a He's a bread addict. the nakni cu nánba tcubi'a lo xagji cityge'u ca ca'o gercmo vi lo klaji Hungry puppies are barking on the street. lo xagji cityge'u ca'o gercmo vi lo complaints Oni sklavigas mildulojn. They subjugate the meek. They enslaved thousands of thousands. Yo clave-cludet li porta. I locked the door. Yo key-cludet li porta. mi nitcu tu'a su'o vlacku I need a dictionary. mi nitcu tu'a su'o vlacku Kial vi volas labori por nia entrepreno? Why do you want to work for our company? Why do you want to work for our business? Agrabla la prunto, malagrabla la redono. Neither a borrower nor a lender be. Agrable the loan, unpleasant the return. Mi ne veturas al la lernejo per buso. I don't go to school by bus. I don't drive to school by bus. Mi estis dancanta. I was dancing. I was dancing. Mi ŝatus resti pli longe. I'd like to stay longer. I would like to stay longer. Me ia cade en ama con tu a la momento cuando me ia vide tu. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. I'm hunting in love with you at the moment cundo me ia vide tu. Ме студиа мусика. I'm studying music. It's what it's like. El ia scrive un letera. She wrote a letter. From some scrive un letera. Cénatyë nér. You are seeing a man. Cénatyë nér. Tom ferroglattat su camise. Tom ironed his shirt. Tom ferroglattat su camise. Ĉar estis dimanĉo, mi ellitiĝis malfrue. It being Sunday, I got up late in the morning. Because it was Sunday, I got out late. Nequí venit! Nobody came. It's not going back! You're coming back! Le temperatura de ille es normal. His temperature is normal. The temperature of that is normal. Verŝajne Tomo ne volas iri. Tom is unlikely to want to go. Probably Tom doesn't want to go. Eniru, mi insistas. Come in. I insist. Come in, I insist. Nos ama la belia. We love beauty. We love the belia. Esque vos me dice le veritate? Are you telling me the truth? What are you saying the truth? Tom dit que chascun quel il conosse fa to. Tom said everybody he knows does that. Tom dit que chascun quel il conosse fa to. roghvaH ghurtaHghach lunoH chaH 'e' ra'ta' ghaH. He ordered them to survey population growth. roghvaH Programming a generalised moonH chaH 'e' ra'ta' ghaH. ma xagrai fi lo ka tolpli lo temci What should I do to save time? but xagrai fi lo ka telpli lo temci yI'uchHa'! Let him go! yI'uchHa! Il non es rar que pueras hodie parla quasi que illas esserea pueros. It is not rare for girls today to talk as if they were boys. Il es no rar que pueras today parla quasi que illas essera pueros. Eble, mi meritas tion. Maybe I deserve this. Maybe, I deserve that. Io va reposar ante que io sorti. I'm going to rest before I go out. Io va repostar ante que io sorti. An Tom nunquam se fatiga? Doesn't Tom ever get tired? At Tom nowquam if made? Viaj malamikoj estas nur iluzio. Your enemies are just an illusion. Your enemies are just an illusion. Ĉu tio inkludas ĉion? Does that include everything? Does this include everything? Mi volas drinki ĝis ebrio. I want to get drunk. I want to drink until drunk. Tomo, tiu estas mia frato, Johano. Tom, this is my brother, John. All this is my brother, John. mi'a ralte pa gerku We have a dog. mi'a ralte pa gerku Mi prenis taksion, ĉar pluvis. I took a taxi because it was raining. I took a taxi because it rained. mi na jimpe le ctununta'a be ko'a Her lecture is above my head. mi na jimpe le pununta'a be ko'a Ho! li diris, mi volonte dronus, se la akvo ne estus tiom malvarma! Oh! he said, I would gladly drown myself, if the water was not so cold! Oh, he said, I would be willing to drown if the water wasn't so cold! Me ta es felis par aida te. I would be happy to help you. Me ta es felis par aida te. Le correspondentia es conservate in plure archivos. The correspondence is kept in several files. The mailing is stored in multiple archives. Mi estas via patrino. I am your mother. I'm your mother. Elu telefonis me posdimeze. She called me in the afternoon. Elu called me on afternoon. Esque to es blu? Is this blue? Esque to es blue? mi jinvi le du'u za'u ko'a pu viska mi I think they saw me. mi jinvi le du'u za'u ko'a pu vska mi ju'o do ba snada I'm certain of your success. Professor, you don't know what you doing, but then you know that? Bonvolu sekvi la kuracinstruon donitan de la hospitalo. Please follow the treatment given by the hospital. Please follow the treatment training given by the hospital. Tio multe zorgigas Tomon. This worries Tom a lot. This much cares for Tom. Offensas pote esser pardonate, ma non oblidate. Injuries may be forgiven, but not forgotten. Offenses can be forgiven, but not obliterated. Estas granda parko apud nia lernejo. There is a big park near our school. It's a big park near our school. ghItlhwI'lIj QaQ law' ghItlhwI'wIj QaQ puS. My pen isn't as good as yours. Let's allow you to thank you for QaQ's attempt to listen to your rest. pIQoylaH. We can hear you. pIQoy fund. Esque iste es tu sposa? Is that your wife? Why is this your sposa? Yo hihicat. I giggled. Yo hihicat. Ant tevoy korik koe kapa tigiyid. Only six people were present at the party. Ant tevoy corik koe cap tiyid. Lia edzino estas japana. His wife is Japanese. His wife is Japanese. Dona a me exemple. Give me an example. Give me an example. Esque pisce vos place? Do you like fish? Esque pisce vos place? Binom siör. He is a gentleman. Binom siör. la tom cuxna lo xomoi karce Which car did Tom choose? the tom cuxna lo xomoi carce Noi ne es perfect. We're not perfect. We are not perfect. In mi brasse dextri yo tenet un creatura completmen alterat. In my right arm I held a completely changed creature. In mi brasse dextri yo tenet un creature completmen alterat. Li esas ne-separebla. They are inseparable. They are non-separable. yIghuH! yIQ rItlh. Caution! Wet Paint yIghuH! yIQ rItlh you. Li kuŝis sur sia dorso. He lay down on his back. He lay on his back. mi na troci lo nu daspo I'm not trying to destroy. I'm not going to try it a couple of days Atletiko estas grava parto de la lerneja vivo. Athletics are an important part of school life. Atletics is an important part of school life. Sue esas Amerikana studento. Sue is an American student. Sue is an American student. Tomo estas receptmedicina pograndisto. Tom is a prescription drug wholesaler. Tom is a recept medical bridger. ngeDbe' yIn. Life's not easy. ngeDbe's questions. Ĉesu molesti ilin. Stop harassing them. Stop disturbing them. Ŝajnas, ke neniu estas hejme. There doesn't seem to be anyone home. There seems to be no one at home. Tom habita in Chicago desde un anno. Tom has lived in Chicago for a year. Tom habited in Chicago since one year. Daq'e' Dabbogh tam yIngu'chu'! Where exactly does Tom live? We believe that we have two hundred light years. ti mutce vajni This is very important. That's a lot of things Tood Tomasa binom yulibik. Tom's car is blue. Tood Thomas binom yulibik. Tiam Roĉjo diris: "Gojigan Kristnaskon al ni ĉiuj, karuloj. Dio benu nin!", kion ĉiu familianoj reeĥis. "Dio benu nin ĉiujn!" diris Timĉjo plej laste el ĉiuj. Then Bob proposed: "A Merry Christmas to us all, my dears. God bless us!" Which all his family re-echoed. "God bless us every one!" said Tiny Tim, the last of all. Then Robie said, "Gojgan Christmas to us all, dear people. God bless us!" what all family members have settled. "God bless us all!" Timbie said most last of all. mi tavla fi lo cinfo I talked about lions. mi tavla fi lo cinfo Post-marki ne vendesas en ita butiko. Stamps aren't sold in this store. Post-marks do not wake up in that store. Esque vu vole partir un orange con me? Do you want to share an orange with me? Esque you want to share one orange with me? la .tam. cu se mapti lo nu cu'upre binxo Tom is fitted to become a businessman. the .tam. This is a suitable thing that performs a binx Li aniĝas en du profesiaj grupoj. He belongs to two professional groups. He is aged in two professional groups. mi jinvi lo du'u na ku le prenu cu stace I don't think that he's honest. mi jinvi lo du'u na ku le take cu stace Komence ĉio marŝis kiel planite. At first, everything proceeded according to plan. At first, everything walked as planned. pe'i ra gleki I think they're happy. pe'i ra gleki chut qeSwI' ghaH tam'e'. Tom is a lawyer. But that's what I think I'm all right? lo me mi mensi lu kelci le prenu se kelci My sister plays with dolls. lo me me mensi lu kelci le take se kelci Fadil comenciava questionar su religion. Fadil started to question his religion. Fadil beginning to question his religion. Pro quu vus visitar mes? Why are you visiting us? Why should you visit even? Gi melin! I love you! Gi melin! Li kantis antaŭ longa tempo. He sang a long time ago. He sang a long time ago. ghaHvaD 'epIl naH wInoblI'. We're giving him the apple. Professor, we really used to think about the kids who were teaching them. Proque tu las cerca? Why are you looking for them? Why are you looking for? Vostre capillos sembla vermente in disordine. Your hair really does look untidy. Vostre capillos semble verme in disordine. Tomas ämanifom yani obe. Tom opened the door for me. Tomas ämanifom yani obida. Io prendera un vitro de champagne. I'll take a glass of champagne. It takes one glass from champagne. Me vartos tu ye la kustumala loko. I'll be waiting for you at the usual place. I'll keep you at the custom location. Tom nequande revidet Mary. Tom never saw Mary again. Tom unsquared revidet Mary. Ella es in hem. She is at home. Ella es in hem. janta pe'u Check, please. janta pe'u Tio estis preskaŭ amo je la unua rigardo. That was almost love at first sight. This was almost love at first glance. No labob jifleni. I don't have a girlfriend. No labob jiflens. Iste passage es reservate exclusivemente pro brossas a dentes. This aisle is reserved solely for toothbrushes. This passage is reserving exclusively for brushing to teeth. Me havas tanta montrar vu. I have so much to show you. I have so much to show you. Yo have pecunie. I have money. Yo have pecunie. mu'IHchoHmoH mIvvam 'e' DaQubbe''a'? Don't you think this hat looks good on me? This answer took seven minutes, and really gave me the rest of the universe. Il ha tante idiomas in le mundo, ma il non ha ulle parola que pote exprimer quanto io te ama. There are so many languages in the world but there is not any word that can express how much I love you. Il ha tanta idiomas in le world, ma il ne ha any word que can exprimer amount io te ama. ra simlu lo ka gleki He seems happy. ra simlu lo ka gleki Berlusconi es un pecia de merda. Berlusconi is a piece of shit. Berlusconi is one piece of shita. .i ko mi tavla zo'e naku caku .i .eidai do co'e ca lo nu me'au lo te go'i Don't come to me now with that. You should have said something when it originally happened. .i ko mi tavla zona'e naku caku .i .eidai do co'e ca lo nu'au lo te go'i reH pa' 'oHtaH. It was there all the time. reH pa's population. Mi havas la senton, ke mi estis ĉi tie antaŭe. I have the feeling that I've been here before. I have the feeling that I was here before. Quo vu save pri Israel? What do you know about Israel? What do you know about Israel? Il vale melio apprender ab le mal sorte del alteres que ab su proprie adversitates. Better be wise by the misfortunes of others than by your own. Il vala melio apprendar ab le mal sorte del others que ab su own aversatis. Nolob, das no nolob. I know that I do not know. Nolob, das no no nolob. ghItlhwI' 'ar ghaj ghaH? How many pens does she have? Let's go, thank you for the rest of our conference me? Tom senti que su equipa ganiara le joco. Tom feels that his team will win the game. Tom senses que su equipa vinara le joco. Kiel vi difinas normalecon? How do you define normal? How do you define normality? mi xadgu'a I practice sports. mi xadgu'a Le czar, le hospites, le servitores, mesmo le catto gris sedente al angulo, esseva totes surprendite e meraviliate del bellissime Vasilissa. The Tsar, the guests, the servants, even the gray cat sitting in the corner, all were amazed and wondered at the beautiful Vasilissa. The czar, the hosts, the server, even the cat gray sitting at the corner, was all overprinted and meraviliate of the bellisime Vasilisa. Anstataŭ plendi, ke ni ne havas ĉion, kion ni volas, ni estu dankemaj, ke ni ne ricevas ĉion, kion ni meritas. Instead of complaining that we do not have everything we want, we should rather thank not to receive all that we deserve. Instead of complaining that we don't have everything we want, let's be grateful that we don't get everything we deserve. Qual die es hodie? What day is it today? What day is today? En la Amerikana futbalo, noto valoras sis punti. In American football, a touchdown scores six points. In the American football, a note is worth its points. vay' choHnISlu'. Something has to change. vay' havanISlu'. Tu es un bell fémina. You are a beautiful woman. Tu es un bell fémina. Mi esperas, ke ĉio iris bone. I hope everything went well. I hope everything went well. ra cinla verba He is a slim child. ra cynla verb pu fasnu bu'u la rom It happened in Rome. Can make bu'u la rom Il esset tre felici. He was very happy. Il esset tre felici. do mo prenu What kind of person are you? So let's take Bone paroli la anglan estas malfacile. To speak English well is difficult. Well speak English is difficult. Li ne havas sanasekuron. He doesn't have a health insurance policy. He has no health insurance. Isto es le melior que on pote arrangiar. It doesn't get any better than this. This is better than can arrange. QaqwI' ghaH. He's a fraud. Qaño ghaH. tam lumev. They broke the silence. as light as possible. Heri, tres bon films esseva emittite al mesme tempore per television. E io videva necun de illos. Yesterday, there were three good films at the same time on the TV. And I saw none of them. Yesterday, very good movies were emitted to the same time by television. And something seen none of them. Cual es tua libro? Which is your book? Cual is your book? Ел парла алга лингуас вариоса. He speaks several languages. ← Ingredients Hej, kien iris Tom? Hey, where did Tom go? Hey, where did Tom go? Me pote espeta. I can wait. I can be married. Mi timas, ke mi havas internan sangadon. I'm afraid I have internal bleeding. I'm afraid I've got an inner bleeding. la tom. pu mrobi'o ri'a tu'a lo karcysnuti Tom was killed in a car accident. la tom. pu mrobi'o ri'a tu'a lo carcysnuti Mi preferus honorindan morton. I would prefer an honorable death. I would prefer honorable death. Damascus es in Siria. Damascus is in Syria. Damascus is in Syria. Vi devus esti pli malobstina. You should be more reasonable. You should be more inobstine. nIteb nIteb. They fill you alone. impariteb impariteb. Li havas filmojn, kiuj neniam estis distribuitaj al la kinejoj, por protekti ilin de pirata kopiado. He has in his possession films that were never distributed to cinemas to protect them against piracy. He has movies that have never been distributed to the cinemas in order to protect them from pirate copying. Diru al mi, kion vi havas en via mano. Tell me what you have in your hand. Tell me what you have in your hand. Hodiaŭ la vetero estas pli malbona ol hieraŭ. The weather today is worse than yesterday. Today the weather is worse than yesterday. Mi sidis ĉi tie rigardante Tomon, dum li renversis la burgerojn kaj turnis la kolbasojn sur la rostokradon. I've been sitting here watching Tom flipping burgers and rotating the sausages on the grill. I sat here looking at Tom, while he reversed the burgers and turned the collars on the roast grid. Ka tu volas inter-disputar? You wanna fight? Do you want to inter-disput? wej QallaH tam. Tom is not yet able to swim. wej Qal stands as well. In tir luntansaf gu jin. I don't find him sympathetic enough. In tiri luntasaf gu jin. Io ha fame! I'm hungry! Io ha famouse! Pardona me, me ia fa la plu bon cual me ia pote. I'm sorry, I did my best. Excuse me, I've made the most good cual me some may. Non ha tu quasi finite? Aren't you almost finished? Non ha tu quasi finite? Ĉu mia nova hararanĝo plaĉas al vi? Do you like my new haircut? Does my new hair set like you? Tomo ŝparas monon por povi iri al Aŭstralio. Tom is saving up money so he can go to Australia. Tom saves money to be able to go to Australia. Kiu kredas je Dio? Who believes in God? Who believes in God? Mi ŝatas la kastelon Azuchimomoyama. I like Azuchimomoyama Castle. I like the castle Azichimoyama. Robert Smith es li cantator del gruppe The Cure. Robert Smith is the singer of the group The Cure. Robert Smith is his singer of the grouppe The Cure. Quande tu vole it? When do you want it? When do you want it? la .tom. pu culnygau lo botpi lo djacu Tom filled the bottle with water. la .tom. pu culnygau lo botpi lo dquoka Yo aprende chinesi. I am learning Chinese. Yo aprende chinesesi. Qap ghomDaj 'e' tul ghaH. He hopes that his group succeeds. Qap ghomDaj 'e' tul ghaH. Ples ne far it! Please don't do it. Ples ne far it! Aperte tui bocca! Open your mouth! Open tui bocca! Tom ne have un familie. Tom had no family. Tom did not have one family. La cavalo core rapida. A horse runs quickly. The horse is very fast. Ili va mortar vos! They'll kill you all! They're dead! Kiam ŝia edzo mortis, ŝi sentis sin kiel sinmortiganto. When her husband died, she felt like committing suicide. When her husband died, she felt like a suicide. xu ra jarco lo pixra do Did she show you the picture? xu ra Show lo p Image do Kiu estas Emily? Who's Emily? Who is Emily? Tomo estas adaptebla. Tom is adaptable. Tom is adaptable. Mi donos al vi ĉi tiun fotilon. I'll give you this camera. I'll give you this camera. Änolob das ovedob pakusadöl. I knew I'd be blamed. Änolob das ovedob pakusadöl. Malofte li vizitis tie. Seldom did he visit there. At least he visited there. Ni selektis il kom nia chefo. We chose him to be our leader. We selected it as our chief. In caso de urgentia, vos potera recurrer a vostre sparnios. In an emergency you can fall back on your savings. In the case of a hurricane, you could resort to your sparnios. Tom jectava un frappe a Nigel Farage. Tom threw a milkshake at Nigel Farage. Tom jectava un frappe a Nigel Farage. Yo ne posse obliviar Marika. I can't forget Marika. Yo ne posse obliviar Marika. muj 'e' vISov. I know it's wrong. muj 'e' fiaSov. Ŝi ekveturis al Londono hieraŭ. She left for London yesterday. She went to London yesterday. la .tom. cu citka ca ro djedi su'o ci taslai poi rismi Tom eats at least three bowls of rice every day. la .tom. cu citka ca ro manni su'o ci taslai poi rismi Ме паиа пар еста карта де банка. I'm paying with this debit card. ← Tomo vere koleras al mi. Tom is really angry at me. Tom is really angry with me. Tomo estas maldiligenta, sed Manjo ne. Tom is lazy, but Mary isn't. Tom is rude, but Manjo doesn't. Esce vos gusta peper? Do you like pepper? Esce vos gusta peper? na'e canja lo ka'irtrusi'o .enai lo cidja .abo lo xumrkonkreto Democracy is not exportable like food or cement. na'e canja lo'irtrusi'o .enai lo cidja .abo lo xumrkonkreto Me devis selektar un de du. I had to choose between the two. I had to choose one of two. tu'a pu ku na ka'e se rivbi It was inevitable. tu'a pu ku na'e se rivbi ghaH tlha'laHmeH puq, QIt yIt. He walked slowly so the child could follow. ghaH thank you for the progress of meuq, QIt yIt. jup maHpu'. We were friends. jup maHpu'. DaH raS yISay'moH! Clean the table already! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Yo esset in li montes. I was in the mountains. Yo esset in li montes. Le vino e le bira es bon. The wine and the beer are good. Le wine e le bir es bon. Le fabrica usa multe machinas complexe. The factory uses many complicated machines. The factory uses many machines complex. Yo deve saver pro quo tu es ci. I need to know why you're here. Yo deve saver pro quo tu es ci. Та ке ту но ес тан баса. Don't be so unkind. ← lo speni be le fetsi cu merko Her husband is American. lo spani be le fetus cu merko ca ma ckupra lo do cnino brafi'a When will your new novel come out? ca ma ckupra lo do cnino brafi'a Yo dormit solmen tri hores. I only slept for three hours. Yo dormit penso tri hores. Dano estis liberigita pro sia bonkonduko. Dan was released for good behavior. Dano was released for his kindness. Lente-, grave- e silentiosemente, le Phantasma se approchava. The Phantom slowly, gravely, silently, approached. Lente-, grave- and silencefully, le Phantasma se approcha. DaHjaj peDtaH 'e' vInoH chal vIleghDI'. Judging from the look of the sky, it is going to snow. I now mean 'and' you're not going to know what you know. zo lutsiferas cmene ko'a Her name is Lucifera. The name of the program: %s ko fonjorne la .tam. Call Tom. co fojorne la .tam. le sudgaubu'u cu cilmo The towel is wet. southern Base Ĉu vi du jam renkontis? Have you two met? Have you met two? Su sanitate le permitte de laborar si durmente. His health enables him to work so hard. His healthful le allowed to work if hard. Me ia debe labora a soldi. I had to work on Sunday. I need to work on soldi. jIjang vIneH. jIjanglaH'a'? I have a few questions. Would it be OK if I asked them? projecting o'clock, projecting live? Eĉ nun ni ankoraŭ dubas, ĉu li estas vere la murdinto. Even now, we still doubt that he is the real murderer. Even now we still doubt if he is really the murderer. Tom gusta la mar grande. Tom likes the ocean. Tom tasted the sea size. La plu vitimas ia es enfantes peti. Most of the victims were small children. The more vitimate some is emphasising to ask. mi ti ca'o xabju co'a pu za lo nanca be li ci I have been living here for three years. mi ti ca'o xabju co'a pu za lo preci be li ci Legu la gazeton ĉiutage, alikaze vi perdos la kontakton kun la nuntempo. Read the newspaper every day, or you will get behind the times. Read the paper every day, otherwise you will lose the contact with the present time. no da mensi mi I do not have a sister. no da mensi mi Tre fore elu povis vidar la lumi de la urbo. Way off in the distance she could see the lights of the city. Very far out it could see the lights of the city. Mi trinkis glason da biero por sensoifigi min. I had a glass of beer to quench my thirst. I drank a glass of beer to sense me. Ne livez me, me pregas. Please don't leave me. Don't let me go, I pray. In un mundo fede e infelice le homine le plus ric pote comprar nihil si non feditate e infelicitate. In an ugly and unhappy world the richest man can purchase nothing but ugliness and unhappiness. In a world fede e infelice le homine le plus ric can comprar nihil si non fedity e infelitate. Tom ave un frate en Boston. Tom has a brother in Boston. Tom ave un frate in Boston. mu'i ma mi mutce gunka Why am I working hard? mu'i ma mi mutce gunka Pro quo yo ne posse far it? Why can't I do it? Why doesn't yo own doing it? Doch tam. Tom is rude. Doch as well. chotta' loD. The man committed murder. chotta' loD. Qui plantat li árbor? Who planted the tree? Qui planat li árbor? pIvoq. We will trust you. pIvoq. Nos es totes humanos. We are all humans. We're all human beings. Qup chaH. They're young. If there is a chaH. Quplaw'. He looked young. If you think it's okay. Homo estas mortema pro siaj timoj kaj senmorta pro siaj esperoj. Men are mortal because of their fears, and immortal because of their hopes. Man is mortal for his fears and immortal in his hopes. Yo pensat que yo esset felici. I thought I was happy. Yo pensat que yo esset felici. do mo ca le mumdei What're you going to do on Friday? do mo ca le mumdei Kiujn aplikojn vi preferas? Which applications do you like best? Which applications do you prefer? Johano estas artosentema viro. John is a man who has a fine sense of art. John is an artless man. Nos es solmente un racia de simias avantiate in un planeta minor de un stella vermente median. Sed nos pote comprender le Universo. Isto face que nos deveni alique multo special. We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special. We are only a rational of monkeys advanced into a planet less than a star-like medium. But we can understand the Universe. This makes us come back to the very special. Ille habeva ben cadite in le trappa. He was fairly caught in the trap. They're all right in the trap. QoQ 'IjtaH. He was listening to music. QoQ 'I was entering. ko'a ba'o selsau lo cnino nunji'e He has got used to a new life. This is the errors and should now be visited by the errors. Mi vidos vin post horo. I'll see you in an hour. I'll see you in an hour. To es ínpossibil. That's impossible. To es ínpossibil. Li emocie ruiniĝis, ekde li eksciis la malfidelon de sia edzino. He's been an emotional wreck ever since he found out about his wife's affair. He was emotionally ruined, since he knew his wife's distrust. Tom es un fumator. Tom is a smoker. Tom is a smoker. Á querë immo i quén nelyë nóna náven. Become yourself the person you were born to be. Á querë immo i quin nelyë nóna náven. Logol-li fati e moti? Do you see the father and the mother? Logols made and motives? Mi iom dubas pri Tomo. I have my doubts about Tom. I'm a bit doubting Tom. ra puzisai tsuku lo zdani He just got home. ra puzisai tsuku lo zdani Solmente al final on intende le titulo. Only at the end does one understand the title. Solve to the final on intended the title. .a'onai Oh no! o'clock, or Ka vi volas oranjo? Do you want an orange? Do you want orange? tu'a lo birje ku se to'e curmi pu lo se tcika be li vo Beer is prohibited before 4:00. tu'a lo birje ku se to'e curmi pu lo se tcika be li vo ca lo bavlamdei mo'u darca lo lunra fa ra Tomorrow, he will land on the moon. ca lo bavlamdei mo'u darca lo lurra fa ra La jaketo estas tro granda por mi. The jacket is big on me. The jacket is too big for me. On ave plu ca dudes mil spesies conoseda de plantas comable en la mundo. There are more than twenty thousand known species of edible plants in the world. On ave more ca dudes mil spies conoseda de plantes comable in the world. Dume oni povas starigi la tablon jen tien. The table can be placed over there for now. While you can set up the table here. Le puero parla con su avo. The boy is speaking to his grandfather. Le puero parla con su water. Ĉu vi decidis pri hodiaŭ vespere? Have you made up your mind about tonight? Have you decided about tonight? Io non pote, ben que io vole. I cannot even though I want to. Io can't, bet que io vole. xu do djuno lo nu makau gasnu tu'a ti Do you know who made it? xu do Add it makau gasnu tu'a ti Mi ne nur konsilis ŝin, sed ankaŭ frandzis ŝin. I not only gave her some advice, I also gave her a cunnilingus. I didn't just advise her, but also frackled her. Mi fratre habita in San Diego. My brother is living in San Diego. Mi fratre habita in San Diego. La hungara estas mia denaska lingvo. Hungarian is my mother tongue. The Hungarian is my native language. wa' jup neH vIghaj, 'ej jupvam ghaHpu'. He was my only friend. The jup did not come from, 'ej jupvam ghaHpu'. Doj 'oH. That's impressive. That's true. Particulas material isolate es abstractiones; lor proprietates pote esser definite e observate solmente per lor interaction con altere systemas. Isolated material particles are abstractions, their properties being definable and observable only through their interaction with other systems. Particle material isolation is abstractions; their property properties can be defined and observed by only their interaction with other system. Mi ne kredas, ke ŝi aŭskultos nin. I don't think she's going to hear us. I don't think she'll listen to us. lo patfu be mi ku kanro My father is in good health. lo patfu be mi ku canro E nu? And now? And nu? Al diabolo con le frontieras! To hell with borders! To the devil with the frontier! Ni estas tro maljunaj. We're too old. We're too old. Mea nom es Dilxad. My name is Dilshad. My name is Dilxad. Binob hikat. I'm a cat. Binob hikat. Il face troppo calide pro laborar. It is too hot a day for work. Il face troppo calide to work. Mi estis for de mia hejmo dum la tutaj someraj ferioj. I was away from home all through the summer vacation. I was away from my home all summer holidays. Cuasi tota de mundo ia es felis. Almost everyone was happy. Cusas all of the world is happy. No vilob pükön dö of. I don't want to speak about her. No vilob pükön dö of. naDev SughoSlaH'a'? Can you come? Where does SughoS live? Ме регрете ке ме но иа фида ту. I'm sorry I didn't trust you. ← Ingredients Ĉar mia patrino estis malsana, mi restis hejme kaj ne iris al la lernejo. Since my mother was sick, I stayed home from school. Because my mother was sick, I stayed home and didn't go to school. La plej bonaj keksoj, kiujn mi iam manĝis, estas tiuj, kiujn via patrino bakis por mi. The best cookies I've ever eaten are the ones that your mother baked for me. The best boxes I ever ate are those your mother baked for me. Hiel Tom nedom vokön sanani. Tom needs to call a doctor. Hiel Tom nedom vokön sanani. g ybixy wi zoesz They killed our cows. g ybixy wi zosez Glitinte sur la ŝtuparo, li preskaŭ ne eskapis. He had a narrow escape when he slipped on the stairs. Glyting on the stairs, he almost didn't escape. ma se zvati za'u le nanla Where are the boys? but if zvati za'u le nanla Inhalu. Inhale. Inhalu. Ла гатос иа ес анималес санта ен Мисре антика. Cats were sacred animals in ancient Egypt. ← Ingredients Recipes Mi scias, ke iuj plaĝoj malfermiĝis en iuj partoj de la subŝtato. I know some beaches have opened in some parts of the state. I know some beaches opened in some parts of the state below. Де куандо туа пел ес жалин? Since when is your skin jaundiced? ← Lass nos far it. Let's do it. Let us do it. Ille legeva un jornal. He was reading a newspaper. They read one newspaper. Nos ia sabe ce nos pote fa lo. We knew we could do it. We don't know how we can do it. Plus ver parolas esseva parlate nunquam. Truer words were never spoken. Plus ver talk es parlate nunquam. .u'u Sorry... .u nuqDaq puH Duj Daverghpu'? Where did you park the car? Where is there puH Duj Daverghpu? A alga dia — lo es como un miracle — lo va desapare. One day — it's like a miracle — it will disappear. A alga dia - it's like a miracle – it's going to disappear. Esque ella have infantes? Does she have children? Esque she has children? ma fu'esku do Who's accusing you? But let's get out of space. Forigu vian manon de mia ŝultro. Take your hand off my back. Remove your hand from my shoulder. xu do se bangu lo bantuzulu Do you speak Talossan? xu do if bangu it bantuzulu do jai sarcu fai lo ka co'a You'll have to start. so jai sarku fai lo co'a Tagrodaslivils binons veütik. Condoms are important. Tagrodaslivils binons veütik. Qual esse le temperatura? What's the temperature? What is the temperature? El kustumas arivar tarde a la skolo. She tends to be late for school. El kustumas arivar late to the school. Mi cliente non dice un parola. My client isn't saying another word. Mi cliente ne dice un keyword. Li internet es un labirinte. The Internet is a labyrinth. Li internet es un labirinte. Foriru dum vi povas. Leave while you can. Go away as you can. Si ille dice "io te ama" tote le tempore, ille non es seriose. If he says "I love you" all the time he doesn't mean it. If they say "something you love" all the time they are not serious. chech tam. Tom's drunk. chech tam. .i mi prami gaxygle I love anal sex. .i mi Love gaxygle SepchajvaD Heghrup negh. The soldiers were ready to die for their country. Sevenchas software Heghrup negh. No vilob fidön miti. I don't want to eat meat. No vilob fidön miti. Me ne povis ri-konocar ilu komence. I couldn't recognize him at first. I couldn't know them at first. Vostre suppa de gallina es excellente. Your chicken soup is great. Vostre suppa de gallina es excellente. Ĉu vi ne emis foriri? Didn't you feel like going? Didn't you like to leave? Tomo konstruis sablan kastelon. Tom built a castle in the sand. Tom built a sand castle. ko'a co'u pacna gi'e sezycatra tu'a lo vindu He lost hope and killed himself with poison. co'a co'u pacna gi'e sezycatra tu'a vidu Qui ha manjat li pane? Who ate the bread? Qui ha manjat li pan? rut qach qoDDaq mIn QanwI' nguv tuQtaH tam. Tom sometimes wears sunglasses indoors. The answers to these big questions are that we don't really want to think that if you haven't heard it as well. Profitu la semajnfinon. Enjoy the weekend. Take advantage of the weekend. On non pote fider se al policia hic. You can't trust the police here. You cannot trust if to police here. Ascolta! Non sia si insolente! Listen up! Don't be so insolent! Ascolta! Not her own insolent! Me ia vole ce tu sabe. I wanted you to know. I don't want to give you your sand. Iston i nîf lîn. I know your face. I nîf lîn. wa'Hu' qaleghpu'. I saw you yesterday. That's me well. I can't let me go. Miaj patrinoj sanas. My parents are healthy. My mothers are healthy. Tiu vendejego fermiĝas je la sepa. This department store is closed at seven. This revenge closes on the seventh. Illes me ama totes. They all love me. They love me all. muQuchqu'moH Dochvam. That makes me very happy. Thank you very much indeed. Ili invitis ilin por vespermanĝi. They invited them to dinner. They invited them to wake up. mi terpa lo nu cnixai do I am afraid of offending you. mi terpa lo nu cnixai do vi le mi zdani ku ckafrspreso mi'izba At home I have a Espresso maker. You le mi zdani ku ckafrpresso mi'izba Tom recipeva un dur colpo. Tom took a hard hit. Tom receives a hard cup. lo nu ko'a mutce lo ka tolci'o na zunti lo nu tsali Although he is very old, he is strong. lo nu co'a mutce lo solci'o na zunti lo nu tsali Sen duboj, la angla estas la plej facila kaj samtempe la plej efika internacia komunikilo. The English language is undoubtedly the easiest and at the same time the most efficient means of international communication. Without doubts, English is the easiest and at the same time the most effective international communication. Iom da pluvo neniam malutilis al iu. A little rain never hurt anyone. Some rain never hurt someone. SoplI' ghaH. He is eating. Sopbie's ghaH. Li ĉiam deziris turni ĉies atenton al si mem. He always wanted to call attention to himself. He always wanted to turn all of his attention to himself. On ia mata Dan sola a du dias a ante la comensa de la prosede. Dan was killed just two days before the trial began. On her little Dan alone to two days to before the beginning of the prosede. La numero estas 932-8647, sed mi ne scias la regionan kodon. The number is 932-8647, but I don't know the area code. The number is 932-8647, but I don't know the regional code. Aĝo ne gravas - krom se vi estas fromaĝo. Age isn't important, unless you are cheese. Age doesn't matter - unless you are cheese. Yo habita in Indonesia. I live in Indonesia. Yo habita in Indonesia. Matene kantantan birdon vespere kaptos kato. The bird that sings in the morning is caught by the cat in the evening. In the morning singing bird will catch a cat in the evening. Voĉdonu nun! Vote now! Call now! "Kia estas la vetero?" — "Regas malvarmo ekstere." — "Jes, kaj ekpluvas." "How is the weather?" — "It's cold outside." — "Yes, and it's starting to rain." "What's the weather?" "Regas cold outside."— "Yes, and it rains." Yo vole atender. I will wait. Yo vole atender. Ni havas alian opinion. We don't think so. We have another opinion. Sendez Tom hemo. Send Tom home. Send Tom home. Me no brode sua teletas. I don't embroider their handkerchiefs. Me no brode su teletas. Kial neniu diris ion? Why didn't anyone say anything? Why didn't anyone say anything? Li estas multe pli aĝa ol Ken. He is much older than Ken. He is much older than Ken. mi pu te vecnu lo creka poi simsa lo do creka I bought the same shirt as yours. mi pu te vez lo creka poi simsa lo do creka La nebulo densiĝas. The fog is getting thicker. The fog goes down. Pri kiuj aferoj vi estas lerta? What subjects are you good at? What things are you learning about? Ме боли акуа. I am boiling water. It's all right. ma smuni la'o zoi Tatoeba zoi What does TATOEBA mean? The universe is out of Tatoeba, which is why Tatoeba is in place. Lo es multe ventosa. It's very windy. It is much windy. Kial vi malŝparas la plejparton el via tempo en Tatoeba? Why do you waste most of your time on Tatoeba? Why do you waste most of your time in Tatoeba? Li sempre omisas la skolo. They always skip school. They always skip the school. Tomo sciis niajn nomojn. Tom knew our names. Tom knew our names. Guarda amor in tu corde. Le vita sin amor es como le jardin cuje flores es morte per manco del luce solar. Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. Guard love in your cord. The lifeless love is as the garden whose flowers are killed by a morning of the luce soar. No. No. No. Ne kriu al ploranta infano. Tio nur ĵetas brulaĵon sur la fajro. Don't shout at the crying child. It only adds fuel to the fire. Don't cry to a weeping child. This only throws fuel on the fire. Cual libro es la tua? Which is your book? What book is the tua? Ĉu vi volas nun manĝi la restaĵon de kokoso? You want to eat nata de coco, right? Do you want to eat the remainder of coconut now? Me pote abri la fenetra. I can open the window. I can abri la fenetra. nItebHa' vutpa'Daq 'uQ luvutlI' tam me'rIy' je. Tom is in the kitchen with Mary cooking dinner. Our father's father is one of the universe. You are the only intelligent beings in the past. Lu es men. It is mine. Lu es men. Mi estis tiu, kiu instruis Tomason legi. I was the one who taught Tom how to read. I was the one who taught Thomas to read. Illes vive al etage in basso. They live on the floor beneath. They live to day in bass. Ne atende! Don't wait. Don't wait! mi pu klama lo nenri be lo me ta kumfa I entered her room. mi pu klama lo nenri be lo me ta cumfa Mi granpatre esseva archeologo. My grandfather was an archaeologist. Mi granpatre es was an archeologist. ca ve nuzba ku ko'a labybi'o When he heard the news, he turned pale. cal nuzba ku co'a labybi'o qaSDI' qoSDaj qaS Dochmey Huj. Strange things happened on her birthday. These are the answers to these big questions. Ŝparu la penon de tiom da vojaĝoj! Don't bother making so many trips. Chop the pen of so many trips! Tomas vitom eli Maria. Tom is avoiding Mary. Tomas vitom eli Maria. Ĉu vi havas dormoĉambron kiu estas iom malpli kosta? Do you have a room that's a little cheaper? Do you have a bedroom that is slightly less expensive? qarI'DI', SIbI' qarI'. I'll call you as soon as I can. I'm sorry, SIbI'd like to talk about it. Yo regardat li film. I saw the movie. Yo regardat li film. lojmIt tlhopDaq bomtaH loD Qup. A young man is singing before the door. It happened until recently, however, that we might appear to patent the universe. Li aqua es pur. The water is clean. Li aqua es pur. cnino fa no cnita be la lunra There is nothing new under the moon. cnino fa no cnita be la lunra Pasintan monaton mi organizis geedzan feston. I organized a marriage ceremony last month. Last month I organized a wedding party. Tom ha acceptate su destino con resignation. Tom has resignedly accepted his fate. Tom has accepted his fate with resignation. Ĉu Tomo estas sufiĉe bonfarta por labori hodiaŭ? Is Tom well enough to work today? Is Tom good enough to work today? ra te cmene lo bersa be ri zo djeimyz He called his son James. ra te Name lo bersa be rizo djeimyz Ĉu ni povas elspezi por nova aŭto? Can we afford a new car? Can we spend on a new car? SuHub'eghlaHmeH SughojnIS. You'll need to learn how to defend yourselves. SuHub'egh savemeH SughojIS. naDev yIloStaH! Wait here. We don't appear to be here! Io ha un relation amor-odio con iste libro banal ma colorate. I have a love-hate relationship with that trite yet colorful book. Io ha un relation amor-ody con this book banal ma colorate. Ille esseva supponite de venir. He was supposed to come. They were supponite to come. Le francese se ha disveloppate a partir del latino. French developed from Latin. Le francese se ha cedote a partir del Latin. Le majoritate del linguas es belle. Most languages are beautiful. The majority of languages are pretty much. Ili kontrolis la maŝinon pri difektoj. They checked the machine for defects. They controlled the machine on defects. Mi farigis la laboron. I got the job done. I did the job. La instrukcioj estas ligitaj kun la maŝino. The instructions are attached to the machine. The instructions are connected with the machine. Ĉu vi povas paroli ĉine aŭ ruse? Can you speak either Chinese or Russian? Can you speak all or Russian? Le caseo es facite de lacte. Cheese is made from milk. The case is made of lacte. vIHtaHvIS lupwI', chIjwI'vaD jatlhbe' raQpo'pu' net poQ. Passengers shall not converse with the driver while the bus is in motion. That's what you all say, but it's only enough to take advantage of the universe. You play chess, there's no indulgences. SaH pagh jay'. No one gives a shit. SaH ti jay'. Estas ĉio de mi. It's all mine. It's all of me. chun pagh. No one is innocent. chun, it's so. Il es tam alt quam ella. He is as tall as her. Il es tam alt quam ella. Hallo, Tom. Hello, Tom. Hall, Tom. le dinju cu barda The house was big. le dinju cu barda Muiriel nun aĝas 20. Muiriel is 20 now. Muiriel is now aged 20. ngIq pe'elneS! Please come in one by one. ngIq pe'elnesS! Bonvolu diri al ŝi, ke ŝi realvoku min. Please tell her to call me back. Please tell her to realvok me. Tomas äsagom das sevom oli. Tom said he knew you. Tomas äsagom das sevom oli. tIn nagh tIn, mach machwI'. A large rock is large; a small one is small. tIn nagh tIn, mach mach macé'. loDvam porgh Hat vItlh law' porgh Hat motlh vItlh puS. The man's body temperature is higher than normal. This is the last part for the Hat to understand the universe for Hhat, which is why we have sought to understand the universe. mi se dalpe'o lo blabi mlatu I have a white cat. mi se dalpe'o lo bla bla mlatu Me dankas, fine me komprenas. Thank you, I finally understand. I thank you, finally I understand. La kavalo esas plu granda kam la hundo, ma la kato esas min granda kam la hundo. Horses are bigger than dogs, but cats are smaller than dogs. The horse is larger than the dog, but the cat is less larger than the dog. paq DalaDchu'ta' qar'a'? You've read through the book, haven't you? Do you really want to talk about your questions? Bonvolu memori malŝalti la lumon antaŭ ol enlitiĝi. Please remember to put out the light before you go to bed. Please remember to turn off the light before getting stuck. Quchlaw' jeyn. Jane looks happy. Quchlaw' jeyn. La iudis es fatigada. The Jews are tired. The ilderis is made. yapbe'. It's not enough. yapbe'. na vajni falo nu le nakni pu cusku ma kau It doesn't matter what he said. na comen fall nu le nakni pu cusku ma kau ti pixra le bloti be mi This is a picture of the ship I was on. You Image Boat I'm sorry DaHjaj jI'It. I'm feeling blue today. I'm going to take me away. Lodas! Congratulations! Lodas! Yo es un honest person. I'm an honest person. Yo es un honest person. Magnetophonos son adjutas utile pro inseniar. Tape recorders are useful teaching aids. Magnetophonos sound will help useful to teach. Vu prestat un libre. You lent a book. You're ready one libre. ju'oipei la .meris. cu catra la .tom. Did you know that Mary killed Tom? juipei la .meris. cu catra la .tom. mi pu clite krosa'i I bowed politely. I'm about to cross'i Tomas ävilom binön tidel Flentapüka. Tom wanted to be a French teacher. Tomas ävilam binön tidel Flentapüka. Li parolas la jidan kun germana akĉento. He speaks Yiddish with a German accent. He speaks the jidan with a German accent. Eremol-li buki at? Did you buy this book? Eremol li buki at? Куал ес полиамиа? What's polyamory? It's all right? Tomo surmetis siajn novajn ŝuojn. Tom put on his new shoes. Tom put his new shoes on. Me no vide multe el. I don't see him much. I don't see much of it. Antaŭ du monatoj mi ĉesis fumi. Two months ago, I gave up smoking. Two months ago I stopped smoking. DevwI' lulotlhpu' nganpu'. The inhabitants rebelled against the ruler. Again, thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Kiu haltejo estas la sekva? What's the next stop? What stop is the next? ghaH wISovbe'. We don't know her. ghaH evolutione'. tugh juH vIpaw 'e' tamvaD yIja'. Tell Tom I'll be home soon. tugh juH fypaw 'e' as far as yIja'. Ni ĵus renkontiĝis en la koridoro. We have just met on the corridor. We just met in the corridor. Tom era un aventurero. Tom was an adventurer. Tom era un adventurer. la tom cu ctuca fi lo fraso fe lo verba Tom teaches French to children. la tom cu ctuka fi lo fraso fe lo verb Tomo ne portas ĉapelon. Tom isn't wearing a hat. Tom doesn't wear a hat. Kio gravas estas la intenco. It's the thought that counts. What matters is the intent. Tomo estas kaculo. Tom is an asshole. Tom is a cat. qatlh DaSov DaneH? What do you want to know that for? Let's go, DaSov DaneH? Me padron es sposida. My boss is married. Me padron es sposida. Afina algebra grupo super korpo 𝑘 estas reprezentebla kovarianta funktoro de la kategorio de la komutaj algebroj super 𝑘 al la kategorio de la grupoj tia, ke la reprezentanta algebro estas fine generita. An affine algebraic group over a field k is a representable covariant functor from the category of commutative algebras over k to the category of groups such that the representing algebra is finitely generated. Affin algebra group over body k is a repressable covariant founder of the category of community algebras over k to the category of the groups such that representing algebra is ultimately generated. El ia desira a me susede. She wished me success. El ia volar a me susede. Maria es un lesbiana. Mary is a lesbian. Maria es un lesbiana. Ilu havas talento por piktar. He had a talent for painting. It has talent to pick up. Tom trovis laboron, kiun li ŝatas. Tom found a job that he likes. Tom found a job he likes. la .tom. cu simlu lo ka xankycfu Tom seems to have a lot on his mind. la .tom. cu simlu lo ka xankycfu Ме одиа ла сол. I hate the sun. It's what it's like. pagh parHa' ghaH 'ej ghaH parHa' pagh. She likes nobody and nobody likes her. This is why parHa' ghaH 'ej ghaH parHa' This way. Esce vos ave portasenes? Do you have ashtrays? Esce vos ave portenes? do ka'e tirna roda You can hear everything. so that's a thorn wheel megh wISopjaj! Let's eat lunch. I'm going to go in the city. Hoch choHlu'law'. Everything seemed to change. That's what you've had to do. Kiel vi volas konvinki Tomon? How are you going to convince Tom? How do you want to convince Tom? Il cesis serchar la perlo. He stopped looking for the pearl. It ceased searching the pearl. Pote vos comprender Tom? Can you understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? bIqanlaw'. You look old. bIqanlaw'. Illo es tabu hic. That's taboo around here. It's table here. lo ra cnino mapku cu mapti ra Her new hat becomes her. lo ra cnino mapku cu fit ra Tom havas nur unu amikon en Bostono. Tom has only one friend in Boston. Tom has only one friend in Boston. Ägivol atosi obes. You gave it to us. Ägivol atosi obes. Plidob ad fidön podis. I like to eat apples. Plidob to fidön pods. ghoS ghaH 'e' vIpIH. I expect him to come. ghoS ghaH 'e' ficipIH. Illa ha perdite tote le sperantia. She has lost all hope. Illa has lost all the spirantia. ben 'ar bIboghpu'? How old are you? We don't think we're all right? Ilua "villa" sur la kolino quaze dominacas la maro. His villa on the hill commands the sea. Ilua "village" on the coline that dominates the sea. Me espera gania. I expect to win. I hope you win. Nequí esset ta. No one was there. Do not close message: %s %s Ŝi ekzercas sin pri la violono. She is practicing the violin now. She exercises herself about the violin. Kie vi perdis ilin? Where did you lose them? Where did you lose them? Me iracigis la muliero. I made the woman angry. I've hit the woman. Ni skuis la arbon por faligi la nuksojn. We shook nuts from the tree. We waved the tree to drop the nuts. Bata rieta tid amidapafa gu jinafa. His ideas are quite different from mine. Bata rite tid amidapafa gu jinafa. Ilu ne havas sucio. He is free from care. I don't have a sucio. Se li ne estos malsana, mi pensas, ke li venos. If he isn't sick, I think he will come. If he isn't sick, I think he will come. Tom es tan amable. Tom is quite likable. Tom is so amable. mi klama fo ma fe lo ckudi'u How do I get to the library? mi clama fo ma fe lo ckudi'u Doghjeyraj wIpoQ. We demand your unconditional surrender. Donghjeyra dureQ. Estas stranga sento kiu rampas sur vi, kiam vi staras fronte al iu, pri kiu vi sonĝis lastan nokton. It is a strange feeling that creeps over you, when you are standing in front of somebody you dreamed about last night. There is a strange feeling that creeps on you when you stand facing someone you dream last night. ra kanydzu lo vo'a gerku ca lo ro cerni He walks his dog every morning. ra canydzu lo vo'a gerku ca lo ro Morning On ave xampiniones, ma me no vole los. There are mushrooms, but I don't want any. On ave xampiniones, but I don't want it. Io deberea haber restate con Tom. I should've stayed with Tom. Something should have remained with Tom. Me va resta ala. I will stay there. I'm going to stay ala. Ilia kabano situas en la valo. Their hut is situated in the valley. Their bath is located in the valley. Li edzinigis mian kuzinon. He married my cousin. He married my cousin. Akvo trembrilas en la sunlumo. Water glitters in the sunlight. Water trembles in the sunlight. Tom, tu jam deberea haber apprendite a facer isto toto sol. Io va monstrar te un ultime vice. Tom, it's about time you figured out how to do this by yourself. I'll show you one last time. Tom, you should already have an apprende to do this everything alone. I'll show you one last time. Tom ne volas maltrafi sian flugon. Tom doesn't want to miss his flight. Tom doesn't want to miss his flight. Ni omna maladeskis per gripo, ed anke la instruktisto. We all caught flu, and so did the teacher. We all get sick with a flu, as well as the instructor. Ube povas me kambiar mea dollars a pounds? Where can I exchange my dollars for pounds? Where can I exchange my dollars to pounds? le prenu cu ponjo He is Japanese. Let's take a job Muitas graschcias. Many thanks. Muitas graschcias. Esce tuа amis es portuges o brasilera? Are your friends Portuguese or Brazilian? Is you loved to be Portuguese or brasilera? Mia ŝatokupo estas kuiri. My hobby is to cook. My chat cup is to cook. bong pongDaj vISov. I happened to know her name. bong pongDaj fasSov. Ultima Tom ia dise la veria. Tom eventually told the truth. Last Tom ia dise la veria. El Pebaltats govom voli. America rules the world. El Pebaltats govom voli. Spikom Linglänapüki. He speaks English. Spikes Like Linglänapüki. Li portis okulvitrojn. He wore glasses. He wore glasses. not Dochvetlh vIchuppu'. I never suggested that. Don't you think we're all right? Activitates physic — desde rastrellar folios a camminar usque al specieria — pote adjutar seniores a retener le substantia gris del cerebro. Physical activities - from raking leaves to walking to the grocery store - can help seniors retain the grey matter in their brains. Activities physic – since rastrellar leafed to camminar until the species – can help seniors to keep the substance gray of the brain. Mi ŝatas sociajn retejojn. I like social networking web sites. I like social networking sites. Qualmen ella aspecte? What does she look like? How much does she look like? Ego ama le succo de sambuco. I love elderberry juice. Ego ama le succo de sambuco. No binof gudikum ka tifel. She is no better than a thief. No binof gudikum ka tyfel. Tu ama la ancora, nonne? You still love her, don't you? You love the still, right? chatlh DaSoptaHvIS yIchuSQo'! Don't make noises when you eat soup. That's what you all say! Me dormis nur du hori. I only slept two hours. I slept only two hours. Ne revenu sen informoj. Don't come back without information. Don't come back without information. Iste dictionario me ha essite multo utile. This dictionary has been of great use to me. This dictionary has been very useful. Mi neniam aŭdis mian patrinon kanti. I've never heard my mother sing. I never heard my mother sing. ko'a pu zdigau mi'a lei se xamsku ze'a le murse He entertained us with jokes all evening. Calculating my law if xamsku zé'a le wall Vi tuj komencu. You should begin right away. You'll start immediately. La riparisto devis enveni tagmeze, sed li estis kaptita dum pluraj horoj en trafikŝtopiĝoj. The handyman was supposed to arrive at twelve noon, but got stuck in a traffic jam for a few hours. The repairer had to come in on noon, but he was captured for several hours in traffic thefts. Pösods anik dredons raänidis. Some people are afraid of spiders. Pösods anik dredons raänidis. Tom have un tatuage sur su péctor. Tom has a tattoo on his chest. Tom has one tatuage on his péctor. Tu esas tro tarda. You are late. You are too late. Io pote solmente attender. I can only wait. It can only be awaiting. Me ia vide el corente. I saw him running. I don't think about it. xagji xu Hungry? xagji xu Mi aprezas, kion vi faris hieraŭ. I appreciate what you did yesterday. I appreciate what you did yesterday. Mi opiniis, ke mi povos helpi vin. I thought I could help you. I thought I could help you. ghung tam. Tom is hungry. Programming as well. Ĉu tuŝas vin tiuj pentraĵoj? Do these paintings appeal to you? Does these paintings touch you? ko na klama Don't come. ko na clama nuq DaSop DaneH? What do you like to eat? The DaSop DaneH? Tiu vestaĵo estas favorpreza. This dress is a good bargain. This suit is favorable. Manjo faris tion, kion ŝi promesis. Mary did as she had promised. Manjo did what she promised. Ni manĝu. Let's eat. Let's eat. Famül obik älödom is du yels teldeg. My family has lived here for twenty years. Famül obik älödom is du yels teldeg. mi ca co'u dasni I am undressing. mi co'u dasni Mi bone plenumas mian laboron. I do a good job with my work. I'm doing my job well. sei mi jinvi mi te mukti lo ka vi stali I think I'm gonna stay here. sei mi jinvi mi te mukti lo ka vi stali Iste motor non ha assatis potentia. That motor doesn't have enough power. This engine has not assatistic power. Ni estas trankvilaj. We're calm. We're calm. pe'i .ei do ca surla zukte I think you had better take a rest. pe'i .ei do ca surla zukte Ili estas saĝaj knabinoj. They are sensible girls. They are wise girls. Per favore, lasa me en pas. Please leave me alone. Please leave me in pas. Ovoj povas esti uzataj kiel armilo. Eggs can be used as weapons. Eggs can be used as a weapon. Parlevent. We talked. Parlevent. Nos sempre passa le vacantias presso le mar. We always spend our vacation by the sea. We always pass le vacantias pressure le mar. Esque dracones vermen existe? Are dragons real? Esque clothes vermen exists? QaD'a' beylI'lIj? Is your bank safe? Don't you know what you have to do? Iste ave non pote volar. This bird cannot fly. This ave cannot be wanted. Mi simple ne kapablus decidiĝi fari tion. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I just wouldn't be able to decide to do that. La supramercato es abrida. The supermarket is open. The supramercato is abrida. Tomo estas ne tiu, kiu bezonas helpon. Tom isn't the one who needs help. Tom is not the one who needs help. Päfunoms. They were murdered. Päfunoms. Me ama vosa gato. I love your cat. Me ama voia gato. le mi mamta piso'uroi catlu lo tivni ca lo nicte My mother seldom watches TV at night. le mi mamta piso'uroi catlu lo tivni ca lo nikute Ĉu vi povas vidi lin movi sin? Can you see him moving? Can you see him move? lo bifce cu vofli vi lei xrula Bees are flying among the flowers. lo bifce cu vocofli vi lei xruula Le prime victima del guerra es le veritate. The first to die in war is the truth. Le first vicetimate del guerra es le verity. le dinju pu barda The house was big. le dinju pu barda Ilu saltis aden la rivero, defiante la frostita aquo. He jumped into the river in defiance of the icy water. It jumped into the river, challenging the frozen water. Vu mustas marchar ante vu povas kurar. You must walk before you can run. You must march before you can care. Ni serĉas iun, kiu povas uzi komputilon. We are looking for somebody who can use a computer. We are looking for someone who can use a computer. la'oi Aix-la-Chapelle se fanva fu la'oi Aachen fo lo bandu'e'u "Aix-la-Chapelle" is Aachen in German. la'oi Aix-la-Chapelle se fanva fu la'oi Aachen fo lo bandu'e'u Mi matenmanĝas en ĉiu tago. I eat breakfast every day. I eat in every day. Tom faris ĉion laŭregule. Tom did everything by the book. Tom did everything by way. xu do ka'e fanva fo lo glibau fi lo ponbau Can you translate English into Japanese? xu do ka'e fanva fo lo glibau fi lo ponbau Tom ha fat un errore. Tom has made a mistake. Tom ha fat un mistakenly. Mea matro ne parolas la Angla tre bone. My mom doesn't speak English very well. My little man doesn't speak the English very well. Tote le infantes deberea poter vestir se como illes vole. Every child should be able to dress how they like. All the kids should be able to dress as they want. Yo vole plorar. I want to cry. Yo vole cry. Dum la plimulto de Tatoebaj frazoj estas anglalingvaj, estas kuraĝige, ke ankaŭ la Esperanta, la itala, la germana, la turka, la rusa, la franca kaj la hispana jam havas imponajn nombrojn de frazoj. While there is a plurality of Tatoeba sentences in English, it is encouraging that Esperanto, Italian, German, Turkish, Russian, French and Spanish already have respectable numbers of sentences as well. While most Tatoeba sentences are English, it is encouraging that the Expectant, Italian, German, Turkish, Russian, French and Spanish already have imposing numbers of sentences. Esque tu non es ancora dormiente? Aren't you asleep yet? Esque tu es not yet dormiente? Vi devus eliri de tempo al tempo. You should get out once in a while. You should get out of time to time. Spikols-li Larabänapüki? Do you speak Arabic? Spices-li Larabänapüki? Perch ed-ty llo ffuin? Why do you hate women? Perch e-ty llo ffuin? Ha'DIbaH Hajqu'. He is much afraid of dogs. Ha'DIbaH Hajqu'. Tio estas nekredebla! It's incredible! That's incredible! Esque tu vole un orange? Do you want an orange? Esque tu vol un orange? naDev qaloS. I'll wait for you in here. naDev mellAS. Kisi etunol-li ko pen obik? What have you done with my pen? Kisi ethunol-li ko pen obik? Socialismo es le mesme cosa que Communismo, dicite in melior interlingua. Socialism is the same as Communism, only better English. Socialism is the same thing as Communism, said in better interlingua. Sami probat li succ de Layla. Sami tried Layla's juice. Sami probat li succ de Layla. Vos debe facer un deposito de tres menses de location. You have to give three months' rent as a deposit. You must do one deposito de tres nuns de location. Kats binoms nims neitik. Cats are nocturnal animals. Kats binoms nims neitik. Li kredas, ke mi ne scias, kion li faris. He thinks that I don't know what he did. He believes I don't know what he did. Ille gusta pan con butyro. He likes bread and butter. They taste pan with butter. Li sukcesintus se li provintus. He would have succeeded had he tried. He would succeed if he had tried. Tom nun ne volas iri hejmen. Tom doesn't want to go home now. Tom now doesn't want to go home. Tom diceva que ille non vole parlar in francese. Tom said he didn't want to speak in French. Tom said that they don't want to talk in French. La vilaĝo estas facile atingebla. The village is easy of access. The village is easily accessible. ko troci lo ka jimpe Try to understand. Calculate it from jimpe Alga de mundo es multe noncortes. Some people are very rude. Alga de world es multe noncortes. Ha vos jam vidite le Turre de Tokio? Have you ever seen Tokyo Tower? Have you already seen the Turre of Tokyo? Me boli acua. I am boiling water. I boil acua. El e me es brasilera. She and I are Brazilian. El e me es brasilera. mi se jibri tu'a lo barja I work at a bar. mi se jibri tu'a lo barja Yo petit Tom signar li paperes. I asked Tom to sign the papers. Yo petit Tom sign li paperes. Tomo diris, ke mi aspektas mizera. Tom said that I looked miserable. Tom said I look miserable. Edeadom bü yels kil. He died three years ago. Ededom bü yels like. Noi sempre di to. We always say that. We always say everything. Ti libre es facil. This book was easy. Ti libre es facil. Yo espera que noi trova Tom. I hope we find Tom. I hope we find Tom. Kikodo binor-li so lügik? Why are you so sad? What kind of binor-li so lügik? Ŝi estis tre timema ĝis sia diplomiĝo. She was very shy until she graduated. She was very fearful until her graduation. Tom es strabe. Tom has a squint. Tom es strabe. da'i mi dunda ro drata be ti do I'll give you anything but this. da'i mi dunda ro Other be ti do Mi ĵus estis elironta el la domo. I was about to leave my house. I just got out of the house. Kie estas via uniformo? Where's your uniform? Where is your uniform? Ме одиа е ама ла интереде. I hate and I love the Internet. It's what it's like. Me deziras vu povis restar la nokto. I wish you could stay the night. I want you to be able to stay the night. Tom populariĝis inter adoleskantoj, tuj kiam li debutis sur la ekrano. Tom became popular among teenagers as soon as he made his debut on the screen. Tom became popular among teenagers, as soon as he debuted on the screen. vuv. She thinks highly of him. viv. Yo have alquó in mi ocul. I have something in my eye. Yo ha alquó in mi ocul. Danö, hetob oni. Thanks, I hate it. Danö, hetob onions. Vi respondis pri nenio. You answered nothing. You answered nothing. qaSpu'DI' 'op rep tagh rojHom. A ceasefire began a few hours later. U.D. 'op rep tagh rojHom. El ne manjas karno. She doesn't eat meat. Out of not eating meat. Tomo ne multe scias pri tio. Tom doesn't know much about that. Tom doesn't know much about it. maDyar HolDaq DIp Segh tu'lu'be'. There is no grammatical gender in Hungarian. maDyar Hol es Dip Segh tu'be'. ko'a se spaji lo pruxi She was surprised when she saw the ghost. co'a se spaci lo pruxi Miaj gepatroj ne scias. My parents don't know. My parents don't know. Kiam vi aĉetis ĉi tiun vidbendon? When did you buy this video? When did you buy this sight? Tom lo aperiva. Tom opened it. Tom it appears. Jenon itjäfidiko. It happens automatically. Jenon itjäfidic. L'universo esas enigmato. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is enigmate. Ille non ganiava le premio, sed se approchava de illo. He didn't win the prize, but he came close to it. They don't win the prize, but if approved by it. paqvam yIlaD! Read this book. paqmka yIlaD! Io simplemente non comprende tote iste nonsenso. I just can't make sense of all this nonsense. It just doesn't understand all this ignorance. ra mipri lo nei He hides himself. ra mipri lo nei pagh latlh jatlhnISlu'. There's nothing more to say. This is probably the extraordinary one. Kiuj estas viaj ordonoj? What are your orders? What are your commandments? Ĉu mi devus forĵeti tiujn aferojn? Should I throw these away? Should I discard these things? Vojaĝo al Havajo kostos al vi proksimume ducent dolarojn. A trip to Hawaii will cost you about 200 dollars. Travel to Hawaii will cost you approximately two hundred dollars. muqarHa' 'ej vIqarHa' je. She loves me and I love her, too. muqarHa' 'ej ficiqarHa' je. Tu ta debe vende tua desinias perce los es vera merveliosa. You should sell your drawings because they're really wonderful. Tu ta du vend tua desinias perce los es vere merveliosa. Quo esset li question? What was the question? What is it a question? Io ha mangiate un catto. I have eaten a cat. Io ha mangiate un catto. tam vImuS 'e' Sov Hoch. Everybody knows I hate Tom. tam fymuS 'and' So far as Hoch. Kelnero, alportu al mi duoblan. Waiter, bring me a double. Kelner, bring me double. Maria es vivace. Mary is vivacious. Mary is alive. Io vide un libro super le tabula. I see a book on the table. I see one book over the table. Mi estas kamionstiristo. I am a truck driver. I'm a trucker. Proque illa applica oleo de oliva super su cilios? Why does she apply olive oil on her lashes? Why does it apply olive oil over its chilies? xu do xusra lo du'u mi na clite Are you saying I'm impolite? xu do xusra lo du'u mi na clite jagi do ka'e kansa le se prami be do gi ko prami le se kansa be do If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with. jagi do ka'e kansa le se Love be do gi ko Love le se kansa be do Mayuko esset tre fatigat. Mayuko was very tired. Mayuko esset tre fatgat. Yo lee un libre. I read a book. Yo lee un libre. Ili elektis ŝin prezidantino. They elected her president. They chose her a chair. Yo pensat que yo esset felici. I thought I was happy. Yo pensat que yo esset felici. Mi aŭdis la sonoradon de la telefono. I heard the phone ring. I heard the sounding of the phone. No löfilob oli plu. I don't like you anymore. No löphilob oli plu. ku'i mi tu'a lo gunma ka'enai mutce jimpe But I can't understand them very well. ku'i mi tu'a lo gunma ka'enai mutce jimpe la tcadu pe la xocimin cu traji lo ka barda vau lo tcadu pe bu'u la viietnam Hochiminh City is the largest city in Vietnam. la tcadu pe la xocimin cu traji lo ka barda vau lo tcadu pe bu'u la viietnam Yo ne es un sorciera. I am not a witch. Yo es un sorciera. Ille parla multo super le islam. He talks about Islam a lot. They talk a lot over le islam. Non judicar un homine secundo su apparentia. Don't judge a man from the way he looks. Don't judicate one homine according to his apparent. Ŝi konsilis al li trinki pli da lakto, sed li ne pensis, ke tio estas bona konsilo. She advised him to drink more milk, but he didn't think this was good advice. She advised him to drink more milk, but he didn't think it was good advice. Tomo estas tre senpacienca. Tom is very impatient. Tom is very impatient. do tcidu ma What are you reading? then turn down but Tomo montris al Manjo sian ĝardenon. Tom showed Mary his garden. Tom showed Manjo his garden. xu da kakne lo ka spusku Is there anyone who can answer? xu da kakne lo ka spusku Ella volet incontrar me. She wanted to meet me. Ella volet unbear me. Ĝi estas parte farita el ligno. It is made partly of wood. It is partly made of wood. Esta es un de la razonas per cual me es asi. That's one reason why I'm here. Esta es un de la reason per cual me es asi. Me espera ce Tom va persepi no cosa. Hopefully, Tom won't notice anything. I hope ce Tom va persepi no cosa. Tom non voleva esser in Boston. Tom didn't want to be in Boston. Tom does not want to be in Boston. Tio estas ĝusta. It's right. That's right. Nos ave acel compartida. We have that in common. Nos ave acel compartment. Yo standa bon. I'm fine. Yo stas bon. Mi scias, kion ili faros. I know what they're going to do. I know what they are going to do. Illa non ha ephelides. She doesn't have any freckles. Illa non ha ephelides. La lampoj aŭtomate malŝaltiĝas. The lights automatically turn off. The lamps automatically turn off. Ille la dava su prime basio. He gave her her first kiss. They the dava su first base. Studeva ille anglese heri? Did he study English yesterday? Studying that English her? puH Duj Doqqu' neH ghaH. He wants a red car. puH Duj Doqqu' neH ghaH. Voluntez vartar til ke me par-finis skribar ita letro. Please wait until I have finished writing this letter. Volnu vartar til ke me par-finis write ita letro. Tomo devas foriri tuj. Tom has to leave immediately. Tom must leave right away. Como sta tu? Io non te ha vidite durante un eternitate! How are you doing? I haven't seen you in ages! How do you? I don't you have seen during one eternity! Ni simple elprovu tion! Let's try it. Let's just try it! Yo deve studiar. I must study. Yo deve to study. Tokinde va blayak rosulá ? How do I delete a sentence? Touch va blayak rosulá ? Le place le football. He likes soccer. Le place lefootball. Estas jam la deka horo. Mia patrino certe estas kolera. It's already ten o'clock. My mother must be angry. It's already the tenth hour. My mother is sure to be angry. yIQaghQo'! Don't make mistakes! yIQaghQo! Vi transiris la linion. You crossed the line. You went through the line. Tu perdit. You lost. You lost. ko'a se pluka lo nu ko'a ve nuzba He was pleased to hear the news. Calculate self-on-on-one without ever Kial vi portas rozkoloran T-ĉemizon, Tomo? Why are you wearing a pink T-shirt, Tom? Why are you wearing a colorful T-shirt, Tom? mi djica lo ka klaku I wanted to cry. I want it to click La menso estas nenio pli ol ludilo de la korpo. The mind is nothing but a plaything of the body. The mind is nothing more than the body's player. bangwI' wa'DIch ghaH. She is my first love. bango, thank you very much indeed. Le patatas ha remanite calide. The potatoes stayed hot. The potatoes have remanite calide. Rumi es la fia prima. Rumi is the first daughter. Rums are the fia prima. Tomaso planas edziĝi tuj post kiam li finos universitaton. Tom plans to get married as soon as he graduates from college. Thomas plans to marry immediately after he ends up a university. Li vivas en randurbo de Londono. He lives in a London suburb. He lives in the early city of London. Quo evenit ínter te e Tom? What happened between you and Tom? What becomet ínter te and Tom? Tomo diris al ĉiuj, ke li sukcesis en la ekzameno. Tom told everyone that he'd passed the exam. Tom told everyone he succeeded in the exam. Vi demisiu. You need to resign. You should resign. la .tom. cu banli Tom is awesome. la .tom. cu banli Tomo diris neniom en la tuta nokto. Tom didn't speak a word all night long. Tom said nothing all night. ra zo'u lo tatru cu barda She has big boobs. That's what you got to do is like, which is what you should like? Nos ia compra alga bales de tenis. We bought some tennis balls. We've got some companion alga bales from tennis. bIQaghbej. You must be mistaken. bIQaghbej. Li estas junulo kun promesplena estonteco. He is a promising young man. He is a young man with a promising future. Un policiero californian stoppava un auto e parlava al chauffeur. A Californian policeman pulled a car over and spoke to the driver. One police officer californian stops one car and talks to the chauffeur. Qup bIH 'ej pIv. They're young and healthy. If feet 'ej pIv. jISaQtaH. I'm still crying. Exiting... Mi lacis hodiaŭ. I was tired today. I'm tired today. Me volas taso de kafeo. I would like a cup of coffee. I want a cup of coffee. Jim ne va venir hodie. Jim will not come today. Jim ne va venir today. Ĉu vi scias, al kiu tiu aŭto apartenas? Do you know who this car belongs to? Do you know who this car belongs to? Vide, un papilio! Look, a butterfly! See, one butterfly! Ордина алфабетал ла паролас. Put the words in alphabetical order. Is it possible for you to know what you are doing? Nos non son inimicos. We're not enemies. Nos ne son inimicos. me'wI' qoS 'oH jajvam'e'. Today is my aunt's birthday. It will take it out of the universe. It will be the last part of the universe. Rapidu! Hurry up. Hurry up! Ille projecto es destinate a faller. That plan's bound to fail. They project is aimed at failure. ca lo nu limla'u ra kei ra cirko lo ri nurta'e ckiku While swimming in the pool, she lost her locker key. ca lo nu limla'u ra kei ra cirko lo rita'e ckikku Alga de mundo nunca maturi. Some people never grow up. Alga of world now matures. La morto ne eviteblas. Death is inevitable. The death is not evitable. ghoghlIj vIQoylaHtaH. I can still hear your voice. ghogyful lifeQoy product is entering. .i mi nelci la lojban ki'u lenu mi pensi ta'i le pe'a lojbo I like Lojban because I think in a figuratively Lojbanic manner. .i mi neulci la lojban ki'u lenu mi pens ta'i le pe'a loibo .i le'ocu'i do na bredi lo nu casnu lo kagni kei poi plixau No worries, you aren't ready to talk about the company, which is useful. .i le'ocu'i do na brevi lo nu kangi kei poi pluxau wa' jaj tera' maSDaq mID lucher Humanpu' 'e' DaHar'a'? Do you think mankind will someday colonize the Moon? That's Earth, but is there other than the human beings? Tomas binom men ut, keli sükobs. Tom is the one we're looking for. Tomas binom men ut, keli sükobs. ca lo nicte ro mlatu cu grusi At night all cats are grey. this is nothing ro mlatu cu grosi xu do citka lo rectu Do you eat meat? xu do citka lo rectu wIb tera' na'ran wIb. Lemons are sour. We used to think that the mystery of the universe could be divided into two parts. Felisia es un flor cual on no debe colie. Happiness is a flower that must not be picked. Felisia is a flower cual on no du colie. Ме одиа еста мундо. I hate this world. It's what it's like. chajDaj SoHpu' 'e' vISov. I know you were close to him. chajDaj SoHpu' 'e' fiaSov. Me dankas tu pro invitar me al festo. Thanks for inviting me to the party. I thank you for inviting me to a party. jatlhtaHvIS boch mInDu'Daj. He talked with his eyes shining. I really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Li-nolol nemi velatik Tomasa? Do you know Tom's real name? Li-nol nemi velatik Tomasa? ghaytan yajHa'lu'pu' neH. It's probably just a misunderstanding. It's probably fine that we don't think it's a probability that it's not enough. Ĉu al vi plaĉas ĉi tiu ĝardeno? Do you like this garden? Do you like this garden? Comprende tu le mission? Do you understand the mission? Understanding your mission? no ru mi spaji None of these things surprise me. no ru mi spasji Mi amico faceva un bon suggestion. My friend put forward a good suggestion. Mi amico faceva un bon suggestion. Bíi shane rul wi. The cat is furry. Bíi shane roll wi. Qapbej nablIj. Your plan is sure to succeed. Qapbe nab Programming. Quante plu ni studias, tante plu ni deskovras nia ne-savo. The more we study, the more we discover our ignorance. The more we study, the more we discover our non-savo. Esce tu jua xace? Do you play chess? Esce tu jua xace? George H. W. Bush non moriva bastante tosto. George H. W. Bush didn't die soon enough. George H. W. Bush did not die pretty much toast. Mi estas tiel aĝa kiel vi. I'm as old as you. I'm as old as you. Том иа дебе аборте ла виажа. Tom had to cancel his trip. ← Ingredients Recipes Mi asertis, ke mi estas amiko de ŝi. I pretended to be friends with her. I found that I was a friend of her. ro remna cu jilra le remna poi ro vulko cu jilra ke'a Every human envies the human admired by every Vulcan. ro remna cu jilra le remna poi ro vulko cu jilra ke'a Pekunio importas en ita maniero. Money is important in this way. Pecunia imports in this way. jang ghaH, jatlh, jIlIj. "I forgot," she answered. jang ghaH, yes, thank you. Vi devas studi diligente. You must study hard. You need to study diligently. lo makfa cu du lo se fadni poi pu'o se jimpe The supernatural is the natural not yet understood. lo makfa cu du lo se fandi poi pu'o se jimpe wa'Hu' jIboghbe'. I wasn't born yesterday! The number of pages in the galaxy. ti slabu cukta This is an old book. That's the sugar that's okay vIghro’ jIH. wej pong vIghaj. I am a cat. I don't have a name yet. Convenir'. wei pong venisa. Mi ŝatus glason da akvo. I'd like a glass of water. I would like a glass of water. Li abate intentet important constructiones in ti annus por su claustre. The abbot was set on important constructions in those years for his convent. Li abate intentet importent constructions in ti annus por su claustre. Vi senutilis. You were useless. You've been useless. Ĉio ĉi funkciis en mia kapo sufiĉe bone sed ja tiutempe, kiam mi havis nur kvar jarojn, do en aĝo en kiu mi plej verŝajne eĉ ne parolis, krom por esprimi bazajn bezonojn. This all worked reasonably well inside my own head but at the time I was only four, an age at which apparently I wasn't even speaking yet except to express basic needs. All this worked in my head well enough but indeed at the time I had only four years, so at an age in which I most probably didn't even speak, except to express basic needs. ko'a le ri zdani na zvati He isn't at home. ko'a le ri zdani na zvati Se ili faras kontrakton, ni estas savitaj. If they make a deal, we're saved. If they make a contract, we are saved. Mi lezis mian piedon, kiam mi enaŭtiĝis. I hurt my foot getting in the automobile. I read my foot when I was bored. Ille non ha affollate se. He hasn't gone mad. They don't have affolate se. El conose el. He knows them. El conose el. Älilob noidi in slipacem. I heard a noise in the bedroom. Älilob noids in slipacem. Tot ne. Not at all. Tot no. La varo estos vendita surloke. The goods will be sold on the spot. The summer will be sold on top. La instruisto substrekadis gravecon de ĉiutagaj ekzercoj. The teacher underlined the importance of daily exercises. The teacher stressed importance of daily exercises. Li estas vigla kvankam li estas tre maljuna. He is active although he is very old. He is alert though he is very old. En la parko birdoj kantas ĉirkaŭe. In the park birds are singing all around. In the park birds sing around. vumnISbe'. She doesn't need to work. vumnISbe'. wovmoHwI'mey Dachu'Ha'laH'a'? Could you turn off the lights? Thank you very much indeed. Povus estis gasa ellaso en nia domo. There might be a gas leak in our house. It could have been a gas leak in our house. Mi ne povas kredi, ke vi farus tion. I can't believe you'd do that. I can't believe you would do that. paq'e' ghajbogh ghaH law' law' paq vIghajbogh law' rap. She has as many books as I. paq'e' ghaj in the ghaH law's paq comes from the law' rap. do se krasi ma Where are you from? then if crashed but mi ba pleji sepi'o le me la'o I'll pay by Visa. mi ba plu sesi'o le me la'o La kateto dormetas. The kitten is taking a nap. The cat is sleeping. Io non te ama. I don't like you. Io non te ama. Malhavante pli bonan farendaĵon, Tomo decidis fari longan promenon. For the lack of something better to do, Tom decided to take a long walk. Having a better burden, Tom decided to make a long walk. tIr ngogh vIje'be'. I don't buy bread. Do you know what you are? mi nelci lo ka citka lo nanba I love eating bread. I don't like it ka citka lo nánba ko nicygau lo jubme Clear off the table. co nicygau lo jubme Mi ne manĝas fiŝaĵon. I don't eat fish. I don't eat fish. mi ba te dunda lo ka jitro le kagni po le mi patfu I am to take over my father's business. mi ba te dunda lo ka jitro le kagni po le mi patfu lo va gerku pu plipe That dog jumped. lo va gerku pu plupe Mi ŝatus retrati monon. I'd like to withdraw money. I would like to slow money back. Mi konsilas al vi ŝanĝi viajn manĝkutimojn. I think you should change your eating habits. I advise you to change your food habits. La suno estis kaŝita de la monto. The sun was hidden by the mountain. The sun was hidden from the mountain. Maria estas infanĝardena instruistino. Mary is a kindergarten teacher. Mary is a kindergarten teacher. Esque tu trovava tu libro? Did you find your book? Esque tu trova tu book? Li púer ha vidit li auto. The boy has seen the car. Li púer ha videt li car. Edunons nosi. They haven't done anything. Edunons nosi. ro mi'ai kecti We're all sorry. ro mi'ai kecti vay' vIHoHpu'be'! I didn't kill anyone. All right, man. How did you know that? Esque alicuno de vos reguardava ex le fenestra? Did any of you look out the window? What will any of you give a paragraph except the window? pagh yonmoHlu'pu'. None were satisfied. This is why you thank you very much. ti senta lo dertu gi'e vitno lo ka bisli ije lo go'i bu'u so'o lo stuzi cu condi lo ka mitre li so'i This is a layer of soil that is permanently frozen, and in some places it's many feet deep. you sent it dertu gi'e vitno lo bisli ije lo go'i bu'u so'o lo stasez cu condi lo mitre li so'i Ĉi tiu bombo povus detrui la tutan mondon. This bomb could destroy the whole world. This bomb could destroy the whole world. Hantanyel tulesselyanen. Thank you for coming. Hantanyel tulesselyanen. Bonveni a casa. Welcome home. Bonveni a casa. Kiu estas via sanga grupo? What's your blood type? Who is your blood group? Li portas talizonon. He's wearing a cummerbund. He's wearing a waist zone. mi pu djica lo ka prami la tom I wanted to love Tom. mi pu djica lo ka Love la tom ki'u ma la tom ca'o zvati ti Why's Tom still here? ki'u ma la tom ca'o zvati ti Non mandar lo al merda! Don't fuck it up! No manga lo al merda! Ci es asente? Who is absent? You're listening? A retro de la casa on ave un forno de brices per forni pan. Behind the house there is a brick oven for baking bread. A back from the casa on ave one oven of bricks by providing a pan. Yo es Charlie. I am Charlie. Yo es Charlie. Серта! Definitely! It's all right! Tom e io passava le die insimul. Tom and I spent the day together. Tom and I have passed the day together. na se zasti She's out of touch with reality. na se zasti To es tant ironic. That's so ironic. It's so ironic. Vi estas ĉarma. You're cute. You're charming. la'oi googol du li pano te'a panono A googol is ten to the power of one hundred. the googol two li bread te'a bread Aserto ne estas pruvo. An assertion isn't a proof. Assessment is not evidence. megh wISoptaHvIS qatlh chetlhej boneHbe'? Why don't you want to eat lunch with us? I've been in charge of them because they're all right? Mia patro koleras kontraŭ mi. Father is angry with me. My father is angry with me. La kanto memorigas min pri mia hejmo. The song reminds me of my home. The song reminds me of my home. La gazono estas ĉiam pli verda je la flanko, kiun oni akvumas. The grass is always greener on the side that's watered. The gas is always greener on the side you water. Ne parolu dum vi manĝas. Don't talk while you're eating. Don't talk while you eat. DaH 'Internet wIHutlhtaHvIS mayInlaHbe'. The Internet is now something we can't live without. I now turn to the Internet that I have made remarkable progress in the world. Tom estas mia amiko. Tom's my friend. Tom is my friend. Il es mediedie. It's midday. Il es mediedie. Mi alvenis ĉi tien hieraŭ. I arrived here yesterday. I've arrived here yesterday. Esque vos pote comprender Tom? Can you guys understand Tom? Why can you understand Tom? Dalol penön in pük alseimik, keli vilol. Su Tatoeba, püks valik binons leigik. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. Dalol penön in pük alseimik, keli vilol. Su Tatoeba, püks valak binons leigik. Telefonetas es aora sempre presente. Cellphones are now ubiquitous. Telephony is aora always present. Io pensava que vos odiava Tom. I thought you hated Tom. I thought you hate Tom. Iu estas en la domo. Someone's in the house. Someone is in the house. Como pote io adjutar te? How can I help you? How can something help you? Binom fat obik. This is my father. Binom fat obik. Da me le balla de ferro. Give me that iron ball. Da me le balla de ferro. Knabinetoj dancas en la arbaro. Little girls are dancing in the woods. Cabinets dance in the forest. Vu esos balde savas la vereso. You will soon know the truth. You will try to soon know the truth. Ni nultempe uzas sukro. We never use sugar. We never use sugar. Vilĉjo ofte malobservas sian promeson. Bill often fails to keep his word. Vilbie often disregards his promise. Vi nenecesas. You're unnecessary. You're unnecessary. li ze cu tcika lo nu zarci sisti The store closes at seven. li zez tcika lo nu zarci Quit yuch vISoppu'DI' tlhepQe'wIj wejwa' vImuS. I hate the taste of my saliva after eating chocolate. That's what you all say, but I don't know what my disability is doing. pu si'ercarvi It snowed. pu si'ercarvi Qapla'maj lughal. They are jealous of our success. Qapla lughal. Tio estis tro por Tom. This was too much for Tom. This was too much for Tom. Mi korektis min. I corrected myself. I corrected me. Franco have un blu pantalon. Franco has blue jeans. Franco has one blue pantalon. Mi povas nur kompati la maljunulon. I cannot but feel sorry for the old man. I can only compete the old man. Tomo probable ne parolas la francan tiel bone, kiel vi pensas. Tom probably doesn't speak French as well as you think he does. Tom probably doesn't speak French as well as you think. loDnI' vIghajbe'. I don't have a brother. loDnI' veniskabe'. DorDI' tay chopchuq naywI' SawwI' je. The bride and groom kissed when the ceremony ended. DorDI' tay chopchuq nay o'clock. Tom dit que il esset setosi. Tom said that he was thirsty. Tom dit que il esset setosi. Nihil evenira. Nothing's going to happen. Nothing old. vay' Datlhutlh DaneH'a'? Would you care for something to drink? Thank you for listening? mi ca ca'o catlu la tom I'm looking for Tom. mi ca'o catlu la tom paq chu' qonlI' qonwI'. The writer is working on a new book. paq chu'd be answered by a few o'clock. Yo nequande obliviat to. I never forgot that. Yo unquante obliviat to. Perce vos ia pensa ce Tom gusta roc metal? Why did you all think Tom liked heavy metal? Perce vos ia pensa ce Tom gusta roc metal? O delidiks blods e jiblods! Dear brothers and sisters! O delidiks blods and jiblods! Bonvolu paroli la francan. Please speak French. Please talk French. Illas es differente. They're different. Children are different. La knabo estis laca. The boy was tired. The boy was tired. banli ju'ocu'i Maybe it's great. banli ju'ocu'i Tom es un om vea. Tom is an old man. Tom is one om old. lojmIt DaSoQmoHpu''a'? Did you close the door? You know that we may have been in love with your eyes? To es remarcabil. This is remarkable. To es remarcabil. Mi povas porti tion por vi. I can carry that for you. I can carry this for you. Tomo kaj Manjo plenumis sian komision sen iu malfacilaĵo. Tom and Mary accomplished their mission without any difficulty. Tom and Manjo performed his commission without any difficulty. Quo tu opine pri ti homes? What do you think of these people? What are your opine about you homes? Tio estas nekontestebla fakto. It's a fact you can't deny. This is an incontestible fact. mi nelci lo tcati I like tea. I don't like it tcats Kiel oni formas la pluralon de la substantivoj? How do you make nouns plural? How do you form the plural of the nouns? Ili dansat secun li son del musica. They danced to the sound of the music. They danced secun li son del musicica. Nijmegen es li max old cité de Nederland. Nijmegen is the oldest city in the Netherlands. Nijmegen is li max old cité de Netherlands. Le amicos es fures de tempore. Friends are thieves of time. Le amicos es fures de time. Esta adolesentes es vera comica. These teens are really funny. There are adolescences is very comic. Ме поте коме витро; ло но доле ме. I can eat glass; it does not hurt me. ← Ingredients Recipes pIvlu'meH QongnISlu'. Sleep is essential to health. pIvlu'meH QongnISlu'. lo cukta poi srana lo nu dansu cu cpana lo jubme There is a book about dancing on the desk. reaped poi Personal District cu cpana lo jubme Ille sapeva ben convincer mi filia de su historia deceptive. He did a real snow job on my daughter. They sapava ben convincer mi filia de su historic deceptive. le prenu cu simlu lo ka kanro He seems healthy. le cu simlu lo ka canro ravDaq ba'taH. He was sitting on the floor. That is why it is low in the galaxy. Infanoj ne povas naĝi en tiu ĉi rivero. Children can't swim in this river. Children can't naâi in this âi river. Scio estas povo! Knowledge is power. Knowledge is power! Ni ĉiuj amis Tomon. We all loved Tom. We all loved Tom. Sekvan semajnfinon Tom aĉetos novan aŭton. Tom is going to buy a new car next weekend. Next weekend Tom will buy a new car. Me revade a la sinagoga. I'm going back to the synagogue. Me revade a la sinagoga. Mea avulo mortis kande me esis puero. My grandfather died when I was boy. My old man died when I was a puero. meb SochmaH wejDIch SoH. You are guest seventy-three. meb SochmaH we have nothing SoH. Mi amuziĝas. I'm having fun. I'm fun. Mi uxor es palestine. My wife is Palestinian. I like it is palestine. ue'ipei do pare'u stuvi'e le gugde'itu Are you excited about being in Italy for the first time? ue'ipei do pair'u stavi'e le gugde'itu loi tadni pu cliva The students left. Small tadni pu Exiting... Hiel Dan binom pükavan. Dan is a linguist. Hiel Dan binom pükavan. Tomo kaj Mario ludis tenison kune. Tom and Mary played tennis together. Tom and Mario played tennis together. Bone, Tomo. Faru tion, kion vi volas. Fine, Tom. Have it your way. All right, Tomo. Do what you want. Ne serĉu la malfortojn de homoj, sed iliajn fortojn. Do not search for people's weaknesses, but for their strengths. Don't seek people's weaknesses, but their strengths. Ni evaluas la domajo ye 1000 dolari. We estimated the damage at 1000 dollars. We evaluate the house at 1000 dollars. Ni bezonas kultelo por la butro. We need a knife for the butter. We need a cult for the butt. Mi volas, ke vi ĉesu esti kune kun ĉi tiuj brutuloj. I want you to stop hanging around with those ruffians. I want you to stop being along with these glasses. Tevenyel. I hate you. Tevenyel. Ŝi ne konis nek lian adreson nek lian telefonan numeron. She knew neither his address nor his phone number. She didn't know either his address or his phone number. Me pensa ce ambos de vos es erante. I think you're both wrong. I think this is both of you is an errant. 'IH tam 'ej loy'. Tom is handsome and charismatic. 'IH as well as 'ej loy'. au nai mi za'u re'u viska le prenu I never want to see him again. au nai mi zà'u re'u vska le take Tota cosas parteni a tota de mundo. All belongs to all. All things participate to the whole of the world. Proque illa era occidite? Why was she killed? Proque il era occidite? Li ricevis pli ol ses milionojn da voĉoj. He received more than six million votes. He received over six million votes. Vu ne povus vivar sen aquo. You couldn't live without water. You could not live without water. Su bicicle es blu. His bicycle is blue. His bike is blue. .i ko na jundi la .tom. Ignore Tom. .i ko na jundi la .tom. Ла мусика иа сеса. The music stopped. It's what it's like. Manjo diris al Tomo, ke laŭ ŝi Johano timas. Mary told Tom that she thought John was frightened. Manjo told Tom that according to her John is afraid. Maria es solitar en la foresta. Mary is alone in the forest. Mary is to settle in the forest. Tom desire nur un tase de tee. Tom only wants one cup of tea. Tom desire only un tase de tee. Mutobs dunön etosi vemo vifiko. We must do this very quickly. Mutobs dunön ethos weather vific. Buk binon su tab. The book is on the table. Buk bin su tab. Le mobiles esseva pulverulente. The furniture was dusty. The mobiles were powdered. meqlIj nIv vIlajneS. I bow to your superior judgement. Meqypaspasarv facilaneS. 'IrneHnal ghaH SoSnI' be'nI' loDnal'e'. My mother's sister's husband is my uncle. 'IrneHnal ghaH SoSnI' be'nI' loDnal'e'. Tomas ähetom vobi okik. Tom hated his job. Tomas ähetom vobi eyesak. Noi devet cessar. We had to stop. We have to cease. me'rIy retlhDaq ba' tam. Tom sat next to Mary. But we don't think we are the only intelligent beings. ko'a tcebilma .i cpedu fi lo mikce He was seriously ill, and the doctor was sent for. co'a tcebilma .i cpedu fi lo mikce U va esser Tom? Where will Tom be? U va esser Tom? Konsentite, ni simple faru tion. All right, let's just do this. Be aware, let's just do that. Menxha dal pà es büva dal apa. Eat bread and drink water. Menxha dal pà es büva dal apa. Ла фем густа леже жорналес. She likes to read magazines. Is it possible for you to know what you are doing? mi citka lo badna ku po'o I ate only bananas. mi citka lo badna ku po'o Kiel danki lin en la turka? How to thank him in Turkish? How to thank him in Turkish? Miliche sɛ mingetaya lɛ. I said that I would help him. Miliche s' mingetaya l'. ra tavla fi lo zgike They are talking about music. ra tavla fi lo zgike Nud púeres svimmat in li rivere. Naked boys were swimming in the river. Nud púeres swimmat in li rivere. Su successo ha cognite alcun eclipses. His success met some eclipses. His success has known some eclipses. Tomo atentigis min pri kelkaj eraroj, kiujn mi faris. Tom pointed out some mistakes I had made. Allo paid me attention to some mistakes I did. mi pu tirna lo nu la .tom. cu sanga I heard Tom singing. I can pull it nu la .tom. cu blood Ni estis okupitaj. We were busy. We were busy. Kenji tenisas. Kenji plays tennis. Kenji was holding. Tomaso estas malpli maljuna, ol mi pensis. Tom isn't as old as I thought. Thomas is less old than I thought. mi sisti I quit. Quit .ua .i ba'anai Oh yeah, I remember now. .ua .i ba'anai Io iva al supermercato. I went to the supermarket. Io iva al supermercato. "Ho! Se mi estus tiel mojosa kiel Tomo, mi havus tri koramikinojn." "Mi havas alian opinion pri tio. Ĉiuokaze, Tomo ne havas koramikinon." "Oh man! If I was as cool as Tom was, I'd have three girlfriends" - "I have another opinion about that. In any case, Tom has no girlfriend." "Oh! If I were so cool as Tom, I would have three girlfriends." "I have another opinion of this. Anyway, Tom has no girlfriend." La mangas de venta es usada pеr indica la dirije e la fortia de la venta. Windsocks are used to indicate the direction and strength of the wind. The mangas of wind is employed rather than indicating the drift and strength of the wind. Tiu arbo ne portas fruktojn. This tree does not bear fruit. This tree does not bear fruit. la tom pu zukte da poi mutce se bebna Tom did something very stupid. the tom pu zukte da poi mutce se bebna Naiveco estas lia ununura merito. Naivete is his only merit. Naitivity is his single merit. Ti puella have un graciosi pupé. That girl has a lovely doll. Ti puella has one grace pupé. Tom ia compra un jornal dial. Tom bought a newspaper. Tom ia compra un newspaper dial. Mi neniam iras al la maro! I never go to the sea. I never go to the sea! Me esas Finlandano. I'm Finnish. I am Finland. mi pu badri zi'o I felt sad. mi pu badri zi'o Quo ella fa? What does she do? What does she do? tengchaHDaq jIpawDI' qarI'. On my arrival at the station, I will call you. This is why I am in favor of you, and I would like to talk about. Mi television besonia adjustamento. My TV needs an adjustment. I television needs adjustment. Nenio interesa okazas. Nothing interesting is happening. Nothing interesting happens. .i fau lo nu mi sanli binxo kei mi cusku le se du'u mo'u citka While standing up, I say that the eating is over. .i fau lo nu sanli binx kei mi cusku le se du'u mo'u citka Isto es futuite. This is fucked up. This is moist. Jack aspektis bona, kvankam laca. Jack was looking well, although tired. Jack looked good, though tired. Io debe cambiar le photo del profilo. I have to change my profile picture. You must change the photo of the profile. Ĝisdatigu tiun korespondadon. Bring that correspondence up to date. Update this correspondence. Tom estas la estro. Tom is the boss. Tom is the boss. Moneta es le radice de tote le males. Money is the root of all evil. Moneta is root of all males. Ĉiujn fotojn kaj filmregistraĵojn de aviadilo disĵetanta pluŝajn ursetojn la belorusaj aŭtoritatoj nomas falsaĵoj kaj provokoj. All the photographs and videos of the aeroplane dropping teddy bears are claimed to be falsification and provocation by Belarusian authorities. All photos and film records of aircraft scattering rain bears the beauty authorities call fakes and breakthroughs. Oni skribis ĝin en nigra inko sur blanka papero. It's written in black and white. It was written in black ink on white paper. Illo ancora non es preste. It isn't ready yet. It's not ready yet. Vamos trincar café. Let's get some coffee. Nelson, Twombly? Come in. Over. Matene akraj krioj de papagoj rompas la silenton. In the morning sharp cries from parrots break the silence. In the morning sharp screams of papags break the silence. sei lakne vi carvi de'i lo crisa It tends to rain here a lot in the summer. sei lakne vi carvi de'i lo crisa Me ekiris de la chambro. I left the room. I went out of the room. Certemente. Certainly. Of course. Forsan on debe haber sentite le amor pro ben recognoscer le amicitate. Maybe you need to have felt love to properly recognise friendship. Perhaps on must have felt le amor to recognize the friendship. Si qualcunque altere cosa falle, lege le instructiones. If all else fails, read the instructions. If any other thing falls, read the instructions. Èu sint ün xheniüs trei staval. I'm a very stable genius. þu sint ün xheniüs trei stasal. .e'o ko kacmyterxra fi mi Would you please take my picture? .e's hearty heart rate my heart rate Tomo baldaŭ perdis la interesiĝon. Tom quickly lost interest. Tom soon lost the interest rate. naDev tam wIghom. We met Tom here. naDev tam Querghom. La lernejaj reguloj diras, ke studentoj ne rajtas fumi. The school rules that students cannot smoke. The school rules say students are not allowed to smoke. Me esas libera viro. I'm a free man. I am a free man. Le Natura monstra semper le colores del spirito. Nature always wears the colors of the spirit. The Natural sample name for the colours of the spirit. La nomo de tiu birdo estas mevo. This bird is called a seagull. The name of this bird is mew. xu do ka'e zvati de'i li cy pano ly mu dy re Can you come at ten on May second? xu do ka'e zvati de'i li cy bread ly mu dy re Ille gania cinque per cento super lo que ille vende. He makes five per cent on what he sells. They win five per hundred over what they sell. Li estas malbonhumora. He's in a bad mood. He's a bad man. lo nu fanva le valsi cu nandu mutce That word is very hard to translate. Very hard value Estu trankvila, ili ne trovos nin ĉi tie. Be at ease, they won’t find us down here. Be quiet, they won't find us here. Kosovo esset un provincia de Serbia. Kosovo was a province of Serbia. Kosovo esset un province of Serbia. Ŝi estis akceptita en universitaton Vaseda. She was admitted to Waseda University. She was accepted at Vaseda university. Ilua nevo rezidas en Nederlando. His nibling lives in the Netherlands. Their snow resides in the Netherlands. Me volas komprar nov automobilo. I want to buy a new car. I want to cover a new car. Vu mustas kaptar vua tempo por dedikar su en vua tezo. You have to take your time over your thesis. You must catch your time to dedicate on your thesis. Il iras a la biblioteko por lektar libri. He goes to the library to read books. It goes to the library to read books. Me esas de Singapuro. I'm from Singapore. I am from Singapore. Li-äbinol jimatel Toma? Were you married to Tom? Li-äbinol jimatel Toma? Tom es un olimpic champion. Tom is an Olympic champion. Tom is an Olympic champion. Qualmen standa Mary? How is Mary? How many stand Mary? Quanto grande es Marte? How big is Mars? How big is Tuesday? Llo h-ôn sunt lassad. The men are tired. Llo h-ôn sunt left. maQoypu'. We heard. maQoypu'. Penolös me glöpapen. Please write with a pen. Penolös me glöpapen. bIjatlh 'e' yImev! Shut up! Thank you for listening. ca lo bavlamdei mi terve'u lo kanfonxa ui I'm planning to buy a mobile phone tomorrow. ca bavlamdei mi terve'u lo kanphonxa ui klama fa la .tom. .e nai la .meris. Tom went instead of Mary. clama fa la .tom. .e nai la .meris. Li demandis min, ĉu mi ŝatas matematikon. He asked me whether I like math. He asked me if I like math. Á tulë, Hísiel, hilyëalves! Á hauta! Come, Hísiel, we follow him! Stop! Á tulë, Hísiel, hilyëalves! Á hauta! mawogh. We went too far. mawogh. La Tera es plana. The earth is flat. The Earth is plain. Su fratre es un famosi football-lusor. His brother is a famous soccer player. Su fratre es un fames football-lusor. Ŝiaj haroj estas longaj. She has long hair. Her hair is long. Esce el es felis? Are they happy? Esce el es felsas? Tom es un modiste. Tom is a fashion designer. Tom is a modifier. Llo h-eliffan fanugant erf. Elephants eat grass. Llo h-eliffan fanugant erf. nuqDaq 'oH chach lojmIt'e'? Where is the emergency exit? Where is the evolution of the universe? Ella vole dansar. She wants to dance. Ella wants to dance. Kanob logön floli. I can see a flower. Kanob logön floats. HolwIj DajatlhlaH'a'? Can you speak my language? That's my concern? Mi devigis min maldormi. I forced myself to stay awake. I forced me to sleep. Maria vole devenir un heroina. Mary wants to become a heroine. Mary wants to become a heroine. Contra tota difisilias el ia susede. He succeeded in spite of all difficulties. Against the whole diphysiliates from any susede. Mi ankoraŭ ne havas donacon por Tomo. I don't have a present for Tom yet. I still don't have a gift for Tom. Ni havas Stegosaurus. We have a stegosaurus. We have Stegosaurus. Ĝi estas ĝuste super vi. It's right above you. It's right over you. qabqu' Ha'DIbaHvetlh ghIH tIr ngoghvetlh je! That burger was terrible! Thank you for listening! Kion alian povus oni atendi? What else could you expect? What else might one wait? Li petegis ŝin reveni. He implored her to come back. He begged her to return. Pro quo tu invitat me? Why did you invite me? Why did you invite me? Io ha un camion. I've got a lorry. Io ha un camion. Jen kie mi naskiĝis. That's where I was born. This is where I was born. Fuma cannabe omne die. Smoke weed every day. Smoke cannabe every day. Mia patro aĉetis fotilon por mi. Dad bought me a camera. My father bought a camera for me. Hoch jaj Sut vISay'moH. I wash clothes every day. That's what Sut understandSay's all right. lo cifnu cu cisma sega'a mi The baby smiled at me. You know what I think about? To es Edward. This is Edward. To is Edward. muHoHlI' Qo'vam. This job is killing me. How long does it take the rest of the universe. It es li pom de Johan. It's John's apple. It es li pom de Johan. wej vIghro' ghaj me'nalDaj. His aunt has three cats. we come from ghaj me'nalDaj. lo fetsi pu ti'a na'e darno She was not far behind. lo fetisi pu ti'a na'e darno Ĉu vi gustis la supon de Manjo? Have you tasted Mary's soup? Have you tasted Manjo's soup? Vi ne permesu ke Tomo eniros. You shouldn't let Tom in. You don't let Tom enter. vIHvaD Soj lujabbogh vISopnIS; latlh vIwIvlaHbe'. I have no choice but to eat what they serve me. This is why we really understand the universe. The knowledge of your life will be made by no means of life. tlhIch pur 'e' mev bIl. Bill stopped smoking. Thank you for listening. vay' DapoQ'a'? Do you need anything? vay' DapoQ'a'? Mi serĉis ŝin. I was looking for her. I was looking for her. Vilob visitön Koreyäni. I want to visit Korea. Vilob visitön Koreyäni. A fini Tom va sede. Tom will eventually give up. A fini Tom va sede. Givolöd obe delis lul. Give me five days. Givolöd obey delis lul. Mi ne povas trovi miajn gantojn. I can't find my gloves. I can't find my gloves. Io me demanda que es ille macula verde a distantia. I wonder what that green spot in the distance is. Io me demand que es il macula verde a distantia. Es pluviose hodie. It's rainy today. It's rainy today. la tom citka lo titnanba Tom will eat cake. the tom citka lo titnanba chun. He was innocent. chun. mi la tom cu kamxada I'm Tom's partner. mi la tom cu kaxada .u'e mutce xamgu minji What a wonderful machine! .u'e mute xamgu minji Le poetas ha essite mysteriosemente silente re caseo. Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese. The poets have been mysteriously silently recased. Il ne dat it a me. He didn't give it to me. Il ne dat it a me. La "kunulo-sistemo" estas metodo de resti sekura dum marŝado en arbaro, krom kiam oni renkontas gravedajn ursinojn, kiuj manĝas por du, aŭ eĉ tri aŭ kvar. The "buddy system" is a way to stay safe while hiking in the woods, except when encountering pregnant bears, which eat for two or even three or four. The "coul system" is a method of staying safe while walking in a forest, except when you encounter pregnant bears that eat for two, or even three or four. La polico pafis responde. The cops fired back. The police shot in response. Tomo ĵetiĝis en la ĉambron. Tom burst into the room. Tom threw into the room. lo nu mi klama lo zdani cu xamgu da'i mi I should go home. lo nu mi clama lo zdani cu xamgu da'i mi Il comprat me un nov dictionarium. He bought me a new dictionary. Il comprat me un novo dictionarium. It es evident que tu ha mentit. It's evident that you told a lie. It es evident que tu ha liet. mawIv rIntaH. We've made a final decision. but don't seem to have been here. be'nI'lI' DaDa. You're like your sister. be'nI' Programming DaDa. Vi estas ŝercema knabino. You're a funny girl. You're a joke girl. Si totos te ama, tu face le cosas mal. If everyone likes you, you're doing it wrong. Si totos te ama, tu face le cosa mal. Ni ne havis la tempon por fari tion. We didn't have time to do that. We didn't have the time to do that. Le dies se converteva in septimanas, le septimanas in menses e, ante que nos lo percipeva, un anno plus habeva passate. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and, before we knew it, another year had passed. The days that were converteva in week, the week week in weeks and, before we lost it, one year plus had passed. Yo ne menti. I don't lie. Yo ne lie. Ĉiu lernanto devas fari sian laboron. Every apprentice must do their own work. Each student must do their work. DajwI' ghaH neHlu'chugh yabDaj je'nISlu' 'ej mI'nISmoHlu'. To be an interesting person you have to feed and exercise your mind. Just don't think we're moving out there. No kanob letön ole dunön etosi. I can't allow you to do this. No canob letön ole dunön ethos. Io credeva que Tom nunquam lo trovarea. I thought Tom would never find it. Io credva que Tom nunquam lo trova. tagha' juHDaj vISam. At length, I found his house. tagha' juHD lifeSam. Io furbi mi bottas et exi — le vetere sordidessa sera replaciate per le nove. I polish my boots and go out — the old dirt will give way to the new. Io furbi mi bostas et exi `the stale sisters will be replaced by the new one. Donald Trump esas patologial mentiemo. Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Donald Trump is a pathological liem. Thom lan nethu wa. Tom is your friend. Thom lan nethu wa. Manjo estas tiel afabla, ke oni ne povas ne ŝati ŝin. Mary's so nice that you can't help but like her. Food is so nice that you can't like her. Mi sciis, ke Tomo kaj Manjo sukcesos! I knew Tom and Mary weren't going to make it. I knew that Tom and Manjo would succeed! do zanru je'i tolzau lo mi se platu Are you for or against my plan? So try at'i solzau it me if please Cuando du persones ave la mesma opina, un de los es plu ca nesesada. If two people have the same opinion, one of them is redundant. Taking two people ave the even opina, one of them is more than unsed. Mi ricevis ĉi tiun mesaĝon ĵus tiun matenon. I got the message just this morning. I got this message just that morning. Yo ha leet ti libre. I've read that book. Yo ha leet ti libre. Eo su yn gath. I'm a cat. Eo su yn gath. Il indormit e comensat roncar tre sonorimen. He fell asleep and began snoring very loudly. Il indormit e comensat roncar tre sonorimen. mi na ralte lo skami I don't have a computer. mi ralte lo Computer laDlaH tam 'e' vIHar. I think Tom is literate. laD will live as well as 'and' to understandHar. Yo save quo Tom fa. I know what Tom is doing. Yo sande quo Tom fa. lo cabna cu se tcika li rere .uedai It's already ten o'clock at night. lo cabna cu se tcika li rere .uedai Estas vino sur la tablo. There is wine on the table. There's a wine on the table. "Marxisme cultural" ia es un critica de la cultur poplal par la Scola de Frankfurt de la teoria criticante, un discipline ce usa sabe de la siensas sosial per revisa marxisme. En la usa moderna entre destristes, "marxisme cultural" ia deveni un terma sustitua per la teoria de conspira de la era Nazi "Bolxevisme cultural." "Cultural Marxism" was a critique of popular culture by the Frankfurt School of critical theory, a discipline which used knowledge from the social sciences to revise Marxist theory. In modern usage among right-wingers, "Cultural Marxism" has become a substitute term for the Nazi-era conspiracy theory "Cultural Bolshevism." "Marxime cultural" ia es un critica de la cultur poplal par la Scola de Frankfurt de la theoretical criticante, un discipline ce usa sare de la siens socialia per revisa marisme. In the use of moderna inter destristes, "marxime cultural" ia devenes un thermal sustitua by the theory of conspira de la era Nazi "Bolxme culturalvis." Том ес туа ами. Tom is your friend. It's what it's like. Il reactet furiosimen. He reacted furiously. Il reactet angermen. Svimön in flum at binos pöligik. Swimming in this river is dangerous. Svimön in stream at binos pölik. Ka li komprenis? Did they understand? Did he understand? se vamji so'i da mi That's worth a lot to me. se vamji so'i da mi Tom no es un iudi. Tom isn't a Jew. Tom no is one of them. Manenna? How are you? Manenna? lo'e cipnrkorvo cu xekri Crows are black. Cypnkorvo cu xekri toH, wInIDjaj. Well, let's give it a try. toH, used by IDs. Tio ĝenerale direblas pri la homaro. That can be said of mankind at large. This is generally discerning about humanity. Vos non pote cancellar le appunctamento. You can't break the appointment. You cannot cancel the appunctment. Li parolas jam dum unu horo. He has been speaking for an hour. He's already talking for an hour. Tom es preste a dicer le veritate. Tom is ready to tell the truth. Tom is ready to discern the truth. ghotI' Sop norgh. Sharks eat fish. ghotI' Shop norgh. Ne rigardu malsupren. Don't look down. Don't look down. Ubi se trova le zoo? Where's the zoo located? Ubi se trova le zoo? w do i u sipo kos We live in a complicated world. w do i u sipo cos Tu no ia nesesa come rapida. You didn't need to eat quickly. You don't know how fast. Mi volas studi la ĉinan lingvon venontjare. I want to learn Chinese next year. I want to study Chinese language next year. ko sisti Stop that. Quit Los es ge. They're gay. Los es ge. Su longe capillos esseva completemente molliate. Her long hair was completely wet. His long capillos were completely moliate. Dat vIpawmeH lupwI' vIlIghnIS. I have to take a bus to go anywhere. Do you know that your life is your life? Ŝi estas kvieta virino. She is a quiet woman. She's a quiet woman. Enirinte la ĉambron, Tomo tuj flaris la parfumon de Manjo. Tom smelled Mary's perfume as soon as he entered the room. When entering the room, Tom immediately smelled Manjo's perfume. Ke gws es yn barol? What is a word? What gws is yn barol? le cukta cu barda The book is big. Thank you very much Turces es un lingua multe regulada e lojical. Turkish is a very regular and logical language. Turces is a language much regulated and loyal. Il occurre nihil sin que Deo lo sape. Nothing happens without God's knowledge. There's nothing like God knows it. Dek-e-tri Usani mortis. Thirteen Americans were killed. Ten-and-three Useers died. Binob senälöfik. I'm sensitive. Binob senälöfik. Kiam mi kantas karaokeon, mi kantas ĉion ekde malnovaĵoj el mia infaneco ĝis la lastaj sukceskantoj. When I sing Karaoke, I sing everything from oldies from my childhood to the latest hits. When I sing a caraoke, I sing everything from old things from my childhood to the last suckers. Mi timas, ke mi nun ne povas. I'm afraid I can't right now. I'm afraid I can't. Neniu plu vizitas min. No one comes to visit me anymore. No more visit me. "Tomaso" estas vira nomo. Tom is a man's name. "Tomaso" is a male name. Yo va comprar un calendare. I'll buy a calendar. Yo va comprar un calendare. Mi estas en la trinkejo. I'm in the bar. I'm in the drink place. Illo es tanto futuite. That's so fucked up. It's all right. Noi paya. We're paying. Noi paya. mi nitcu lo nanba je lo ladru I need some bread and milk. I'm nitcu lo naba je lo ladru Ili konsistigas proksimume 12,5 procentojn de la tuta loĝantaro. They make up about 12.5 percent of the total population. They make up approximately 12.5 percent of the whole population. ra mlana ra He's at her side. ra mlana ra Ille ha cadite a in le fluvio. He fell into the river. They have led to in le fluvio. vay''e' vIghunnISbogh 'oH. It would be something I'd have to program. We have come from the first part of the universe. Ho, tio estas beleta. Hey, this is nice. Oh, that's nice. ma cmene lo tcini poi do klama ke'a Which station are you going to? but Name it tci poi do klama ke'a Manja frukte! Eat fruit! Eat fruit! Tom esset ci li tot die. Tom was here all day. Tom esset cci li tot die. mi djica tu'a lo cladakfu poi simsa ti I want a sword like this! mi djica tu'a lo cladakfu poi simsa ti revoq Hoch maH. We all trust you. revoq Hoch maH. Esque isto es tu vitro o de tu soror? Is this your glass or your sister's? What is this your glass or your sister? Ellen non parla anglese. Ellen does not speak English. Ellen doesn't talk English. No vilom dielön. He doesn't want to die. No vilom dielön. Lo es calda oji. It's hot today. It is hidden eggs. Meham wolaya womahina menedebe déelaha wáa. In the garden there are many red flowers. Meham wolaya womahina menedebe déelaha wáa. Litaliyänans drinons neföro kafi. The Italians never drink coffee. Litaliyänans drink neföro kafi. bIQtIqDaq QaltaH. She is swimming in the river. bIQtIq is the QhighH. Alicun eruptiones recente de salmonella ha essite causa de preoccupation pro le autoritates sanitari. Several recent outbreaks of salmonella are a cause for concern to health authorites. Alicun outbreaks recently from salmonella have been a cause of concern due to health authorities. Ĉu mi havas la rimedojn por tio? Can I afford it? Do I have the means for this? Ŝi tro multe drinkis. She drank too much. She drank too much. Ili ne va parlar con Tom. They won't speak to Tom. They don't go parlar with Tom. Mi povas helpi, se vi volas. I can help if you want. I can help if you want. Yo ne have un gitarre. I don't have a guitar. It doesn't have one guitar. xu su'o da pendo do gi'e xabju la .antigus. Do you have friends in Antigua? xu su'o da penso do gi'e xabju la .antigus. Post le pluvia le sol ha venite foras del nubes. After the rain, the sun emerged from the clouds. After the rainy le sol ha venite departs del clouds. ti zdani ra This is her house. ti zdani ra Edison esis inventema genio di Usa. Edison was an inventive genius of the United States. Edison was an inventive genius of Usa. Ju pli multe vi faros tion, des pli lerta vi iĝos pri ĝi. You'll get better at it the more you do it. The more you will do this, the more skilled you will become about it. Ili tion provos ree. They'll try again. They will try this again. En Japonia esas bela urbi, exemple Kyoto e Nara. In Japan there are beautiful cities, for example Kyoto and Nara. In Japan there are beautiful cities, e.g. Kyoto and Nara. mi birti lo du'u ko'a zernalfu'e I am convinced of her innocence. mi birti lo du'u ko'a zernalfu'e .e'anai do crepu lo xrula You may not pick the flowers. .e'anai do krepu lo xrua Demetu vian mantelon. Take off your coat. Take your handle off. Ti-ci es un land-carte. This is a map. Ti-ci es un land-carte. Mi opinias, ke tio estas vere speciala. I think it's really special. I think this is really special. Le facto pro le qual io sincermente me felicita le plus es le facto de que io non ha jammais devenite membro de un secta. There is nothing I congratulate myself on more heartily than on never having joined a sect. The fact for which something sincerely happy the more is the fact that something has not ever become a member of a century. To es strangi. This is strange. To es strangi. No binoms gudik. They're not good. No binoms gudik. Kial vi parolis kun ŝi? Why were you talking to her? Why did you talk to her? Ili fa errores. They made mistakes. They make errors. Yo ne es pigri. I'm not lazy. Yo es ne es pigri. ko na tolmo'i tu'a lo do jdini Don't forget your money. co no tomo'i tu'a lo do jdini qanqu'DI' Hegh. He died at a very old age. I think I'm all right. Futue te, filio de puta. Fuck you, asshole. Futue te, filio de pita. Elu marchas. She walks. Elu marchas. Me nultem obliver un fasie. I never forget a face. Me nulltem obliver un fate. Ĉu vi mem elektis tiujn kantojn? Did you choose those songs yourself? Did you choose these songs yourself? Vi devus leteri hejmen unufoje en monato. You should write home once a month. You should learn home once in a month. Li komencis kun forta atako kontre la enemiko. They began with a strong attack against the enemy. He began with a strong attack on the enemy. ei mi'ai sidju We have to help. And I'm Help Ille mangiava pan con carne. He ate bread and meat. They eat a food pan with a carne. yIbachQo'! Don't shoot! yIbachQo! Ostebedobs. We'll wait. Ostebedobs. mi gasnu lo nu ra kargau lo vorme I made him open the door. mi gasnu lo nu ra cargau lo vorme SoH 'emDaq lojmIt yISoQmoH! Close the door after you. That's why we used to think about the universe. Ĉu vi havas alilandajn librojn? Do you have any foreign books? Do you have ally books? Preparu por vi iom da varma teo. Make yourself some hot tea. Prepare for you some hot tea. Mi pripensis la planon. I was thinking about the plan. I thought about the plan. Ме ес ла мадре де ун фио де пута. I'm the mother of a son of a bitch. ← Ingredients Mi pensas, ke vi estos impresita. I think you'll be impressed. I think you'll be impressed. Interne estis varme kaj komforte. It was warm and cozy inside. There was nothing hot and comfortable. 'eSpanya' Hol jatlhlaH. She can speak Spanish. 'company' Hol already understands the future. Me manja hir. I eat here. Me manja hir. Le pyramides de Egypto es un del septe miraculos del mundo. The pyramids of Egypt are one of the seven wonders of the world. The Pyramids of Egypto are one of the seventh wonders of the world. Voms binofs zians obik. The women are my aunts. Voms binofs zians obik. Kompletigez la frazo. Complete the sentence. Complete the sentence. mi na klama lo zarci ki'u lo nu lo karce cu spofu This statement is false: I go to the market because the car is broken. mi na klama lo zarci ki'u lo nu lo carce cu spofu lo ta zdani cu se ponse ra That house belongs to him. lo ta zdani cu se Owner ra Me esis serchanta tu. I have been looking for you. I was searching for you. Se Dio demandintus min tiam, kiam li plenumis la kreadon de la planedoj, mi proponintus pli simplan sistemon. If God had consulted me before embarking on the creation of the planets, I would have suggested a simpler system. If God asked me then when he fulfilled the creation of the planets, I would propose a simpler system. Ankoraŭ ne estas tro malfrue por diri tion al li. It's not too late to tell him. It's not too late to say that to him. juHDaj HurDaq vum barat be'pu' net chaw'be'. Indian women are not allowed to work outside their houses. HD Hur is why you are barred from the rest of the universe. Ellas es quam prostitutas. They're like prostitutes. Ellas es quam prostitutas. bInaypu''a'? Are you married? bInaypu'? ca ma la tom pu co'a se speni When did Tom get married? ca ma la tom pu co'a se speni Lia intrigo fine malsukcesis. His scheme went wrong in the end. His intrigue finally failed. banan naH chab DaSopta''a'? Have you ever eaten a banana pie? banan naH chab DaSopta'a'? Li sciis, kien li metis sian skribilon. He knew where he put his pen. He knew where he put his pen. ghaH yInuD: qanqu'law'. Look at him: he must be quite old. ghaH questionsuD: memnqu'law. Maria es heroinomane. Mary is addicted to heroin. Mary is heroic. Sinjoro Vajt estas proksimume samaĝa kiel mi. Mr White is about my age. Mr. Vajt is approximately the same as me. da pu sarcu lo nu la tom cu pacna Tom needed hope. da pu satur lo nu la tom cu pacina lo mi cutci cu dukse lo ka cmalu .i mi nitcu lo ka cpacu su'oi cnino My shoes are too small. I need new ones. mi cutci cu dukse lo cmalu .i mi nitcu lo cpacu su'oi cnino Quale me aktualigas ica softwaro? How can I update this software? How do I update this software? HIchlIj yI'uchHa'! Drop your gun! Hichbily yI'uchHa! Нос иа дисе а Том ке ел но реста а естра аста тарда. We told Tom not to stay out late. ← Tomo pensis, ke li estas kato. Tom thought he was a cat. Tom thought he was a cat. do mutce xendo You are so kind. do mute xendo mi na selbau lo me do moi I don't speak your language. mi na marilau lo me do moi Boaz iris al la pordego de la urbo kaj sidiĝis tie. Kaj jen preterpasas la parenco, pri kiu Boaz parolis. Kaj li diris: Alproksimiĝu kaj sidiĝu ĉi tie, vi, tia-tia. Tiu alproksimiĝis kaj sidiĝis. Now Boaz went up to the gate and sat down there. Behold, the near kinsman of whom Boaz spoke came by. Boaz said to him, "Come over here, friend, and sit down!" He came over, and sat down. Boaz went to the gate of the city, and sat there. Behold, the relative of which Boaz spoke about. And he said, Come near, and sit here, thou, so-tia. This came near and sat down. e'o lo blabi nanba White bread, please. e'o lo White naba Mi ne ŝatas vojaĝojn. I don't enjoy traveling. I don't like trips. Bam amlitarapa ve tiyir. And then there was a great silence. Bam amlitarapa ve tiyir. Se vi rigardos sufiĉe profunde, vi vidos muzikon; la koro de naturo estas ĉie muziko. If you look deep enough you will see music; the heart of nature being everywhere music. If you look deep enough, you will see music; the heart of nature is everywhere music. Ме ес семпре фатигада. I'm always tired. It's what it's like. do ca mo What are you doing? then this means au forca I'd like a fork. au forca Mi plaĉas al neniu. Mi ĉiam plaĉis al neniu, ĉar mi ne estas bela. Nobody likes me. I have never been liked by anybody, because I am not beautiful. I like no one. I always liked no one because I'm not beautiful. Non cercar defectos, trova un correctivo. Don't find fault, find a remedy. Don't search for defects, find one correct. Nosa scema ia resulta en fali. Our plan resulted in failure. Our scema some results in falls. Mi ne povas pensi alimaniere. I can't think otherwise. I can't think anyway. Mi povas alporti ĝin. I can bring it. I can bring it. Sevol-li fati ofik? Do you know her father? Self-they made ofik? Duj nIHwI' jIHbe'. I'm not a pirate. Two were going to go by either side. Tomo iam fianĉiĝis kun Manjo. Tom was once engaged to Mary. Tom once became fine with Manjo. Qup tam HeghDI'. Tom died young. If even HeghDI'. Sulughlaw'. It looks as if you're right. Sulughlaw'. Es il ver que "Gratias" in vietnamese sona como "Come on"? Is it true that "Thank you" sounds like "Come on" in Vietnamese? Es il ver que "Gratias" invietnamese sona as "Come on"? Löfob spatön ve flum. I like to walk along the river. Löfob spatön vé flum. qaqeHHa'. You're forgiven. IdqaHHa'. Human Segh Hoch muS tam. Tom hates the whole human race. Human Segh Hoch muS as well. SoSoylI' yIngagh! Fuck your mom. So can you tell you questions? Ĉu mi rajtas pruntepreni viajn aŭtajn ŝlosilojn? Can I borrow your car keys? Can I borrow your audio keys? Esta es surprendente. This is surprising. Esta es surprendante. Ka tu povas komprenar Tom? Can you understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? Kisi nolol? What do you know? Kisi nolol? vIghro' wIghaj. vIghro'mey DIparHa'qu' Hoch. We have a cat. We all love cats. A woman who has come into existence. There have come from time old and older civilizations on the first time. Ĉu vi opinias, ke ni havos blankan Kristnaskon ĉi-jare? Do you think that we'll have a white Christmas this year? Do you think we'll have a white Christmas this year? Tomo decidis ne mem iri. Tom decided not to go by himself. Tom decided not even to go. taj vIpoQ. I need a knife. ti ficipoQ. Tom esset cortesi. Tom was being polite. Tom esset cortes. Tomo ĉesis fumi. Tom gave up smoking. Tom stopped smoking. Como sovente, ille mangia legente un jornal. As is often the case, he eats while reading a newspaper. As often, they eat reading a newspaper. Mi ne pardonpetas pri tio. I make no apologies for that. I'm not sorry about it. Tom ia cade de sua cavalo. Tom fell off his horse. Tom ia cade de her horse. Astronomistes ia oserva sesdes-du lunas cual orbita Saturno. Astronomers have observed sixty-two moons orbiting Saturn. Astronomy some oservate sixdes-two moones cual orbit Saturn. Bonvolu aĉeti bieron por mi. Please buy me a beer. Please buy a beer for me. mi te vecnu lo vi cukta ca lo prulamdei I bought this book yesterday. mi te vezu lo vikukta ca lo prulamdei Un sponsa recentemente maritate es un femina qui lassa detra se grande sperantias de felicitate. A bride is a woman with a fine prospect of happiness behind her. One sponsa resource marity is a feminine one that leaves a detra if large thicknesses of happiness. mi ji'a nelci do I also like you. mi ji'a neci do Kiam mi fermas la okulojn, mi imagas, ke mi estas birdo kaj povas flugi. When I close my eyes, I imagine that I am a bird and can fly. When I close your eyes, I imagine that I am a bird and can fly. ngengDaq loD Dor be'. She took him to the lake. ngeng is why it is Dor be. Vi estas mirigaj uloj. You people are amazing. You're terrible guys. Yo es maritat e have du infantes. I am married and have two children. Yo es maritat e have du infantes. lo nu le kalmari cu nilvifme'abi'o cu cfari This cuttlefish has started to lose its freshness. nu le calmari cu nilvifme'abi'o cu _Start xu do ba'o va zvati Have you ever been there? xu do ba'o va zvati mi se slabu lo nabmi pe do I know your problem. mi se slabu lo nabmi pe do Unu aferon mi ne komprenas. There's one thing I don't understand. One thing I don't understand. Io vos audiva susurrar. I heard you whisper. Io vos audiva susurrar. Но персон иа ваде а ала а куалке вес е иа виве пер нара ла нара. No one's ever been there and lived to tell the tale. ← Mey vun regno veni; mey on fa vun volio, kom in siele anke sur tere. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Mey vun kingdom veni; mey on fa vun volio, as in siele also on earth. O, vos es filastinis! Oh, you're Palestinian! Or, you're daughter-styled! Ma volf dinäda. As things have turned out. Ma volf dinäda. La korba pilko estu ŝveligata. The basketball needs to be inflated. The rib ball should be swolved. Shane es un paragon pro Joey. Shane is a model for Joey. Shane is a paragon for Joey. Pro quo la policistaro es hike? Why are the police here? Why is the police officer here? Äspelob das obinol is adelo. I was hoping you'd be here today. Äspelob das obbinol is adelo. Neniu povas helpi vin, Tom. No one can help you, Tom. Nobody can help you, Tom. La interede es un conserna seria. The Internet is serious business. The interede is a conserna series. la .tom. pu xusra lo du'u la .meris. cu nelci do Tom said that Mary likes you. la .tom. pu xusra lo du'u la .meris. cu unlci do Yuhan no labom blodi. Juan doesn't have a brother. Yuhan no labom blondi. lo xe fanva be dei cu xlali xe fanva The translation of this sentence is a bad translation. lo xe fanva be dei cu xlali xe fanva Estas neeble viziti Romon en unu tago. One can't visit Rome in one day. It is impossible to visit Rome on one day. wa'leS chopIHlaH. You may expect me tomorrow. wa'leS chopIH live. tamtaH Hoch. All were silent. That's what it looks like. Mi ne sciis, ke tofuo tiom bongustas. I didn't know tofu was this tasty. I didn't know that tofu is so delicious. le mlatu ca cilmo The cat is wet. Let's kill this child Hoch lurarlu'. All of them are connected. That's nothing. Ella refusat su oferta. She refused his offer. Ella refused his offer. la .tokios. cu barda tcadu Tokyo is a big city. the .tokios. cu barda tcadu Es il ver que tu pareva heri al television? Is it true that you were on TV yesterday? Es il ver que tu parva heri al television? Tom es instabile. Tom is unstable. Tom is unstable. .e'u mi ciksi sepi'o lo cartu Let me explain it with a diagram. .e' mi cixi seci'o lo cartu Ni ne bezonas lin. We don't need him. We don't need him. laDlaHmeH 'ej ghItlhlaHmeH Hoch loDHom Hoch be'Hom je lughojmoHlu'. Every boy and girl is taught to read and write. TheD will save the universe and charge everyone's progress. There's nothing else at the first time. nuqDaq vengvam 'oSbogh pu'jIn'e' vIje'laH? Where can I buy a map of the city? Where did we win the universe be able to understand the future of the universe? le bersa be lo fetsi be lo gerku cu zerle'a lo mi rikybakfu gi'e citka lo mi snuji gi'e kalcyvi'i ne'i lo mi saksruseibo'i Son of a bitch stole my backpack, ate my sandwich, and shit in my Thermos! le bersa be lo fetsi be lo gerku cu zerle'a lo mi rickybakfu gi'e citka lo mi snuji gi'e calcyvi'i ne'i lo mi saksruseibo'i Ĉiuj estis feliĉaj. Everyone was happy. All were happy. Tom kaj Mary ambaŭ estas vegetaranoj. Tom and Mary are both vegetarians. Tom and Mary are both vegetarians. Me ia pote apena crede mea oios. I could hardly believe my eyes. I can always believe mea oios. Tu non deberea haber lo facite. You shouldn't have done it. You should not have done it. bot quSmeyvetlh. Those chairs are in the way. Keep everyone else. DeHbe'qu'! DaSopchugh Ho'Du'lIj Daghor! They aren't ripe at all. You're going to break your teeth! FromHbe'qu! What's your mouth? Proque multe catholicos mangia pisce le venerdi? Why do many Catholics eat fish on Fridays? Why will many catholice mangia pisce le venerdi? mi citka lo plise ku I eat an apple. mi citka lo pluse ku Illes vive del caritate. They are living on charity. They live from charity. Mi lavas mian aŭton antaŭ la domo senprobleme. I wash my car in front of the house without any problems. I wash my car before the house without trouble. Houston, noi have un problema. Houston, we have a problem. Houston, we have one problem. chaH vISovbe'. I don't know them. What are you doing? Mi volis ruĝajn ŝuojn. I wanted red shoes. I wanted red shoes. Morgaŭ mi restos hejme. I will stay home tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll stay at home. Li aspektas multe pli juna ol mi. He looks much younger than me. He looks much younger than me. je'upei Really? je'upei Mi ne sciis, ke vi atendas kiun ajn. I didn't know you were expecting anyone. I didn't know you were waiting for anyone. mi pu mo'ifli lo nu telgau lo vorme We forgot to lock the door. mi mo'ifli Loto It ne manja carne. It doesn't eat meat. It doesn't eat carne. Tom ne pensa que Mary posse viver sin il. Tom doesn't think Mary can live without him. Tom ne pensa que Mary posse viver sin il. .i sei lo xlali tcaci ba'o farvi se'u lonu ri to'e farvi kei na frili A bad habit, once formed, cannot easily be got rid of. .i sei lo xlali tcaci ba'o farvi se'u lonu ri to'e farvi kei na Easy Do binom Tsyinänan, no spikom Tsyinänapüki. Although he is Chinese, he doesn't speak Chinese. So binom Tsyinänan, no spikil Tsyinänapüki. Vi aĉetis ĝin al Tomo, ĉu ne? You bought it from Tom, didn't you? You bought it to Tom, didn't you? Ille es al schola. He's at school. They're all right. QongtaH puqpu'. pechuSQo'! The children are sleeping. Please don't be so noisy. Qong suppresses puqpu'. pechuSQo! Me dicis tro multa ja. I've said too much already. I said too many already. mi ralte no relxilma'e I don't have a bicycle. mi ralte no relxilma'e Nos ascolta musica. We listen to music. Nos ascolta musicica. ki'e pendo do pairnu'i io re'e Thank you, friend. You are fair and just. ki'e penso do pairnu'i io re'e Mi infantes non pote parlar hebreo. My children can't speak Hebrew. I can't talk Hebrew. motlh maQap. We usually win. motlh maQap. HuD yorDaq chalqach tu'lu'. There was a tower on the top of the mountain. HuD yor es chalqach tu'lu'. Li deksepjariĝis en februaro. He turned seventeen in February. He spent in February. Tom morit. Tom died. Tom morit. tujDI' mubelmoH qa'vIn. I like coffee hot. Professor, I'll have to talk to you immediately. Nemo ha jammais essite illac. No one's ever been there. Nemo has ever been illac. Ella deve auxiliar le. She needs to help him. Ella deve auxiliary le. Kelkfoje la mondo ŝajnas sensenca. The world sometimes seems meaningless. Sometimes the world seems nonsense. Perce nos no fa cualce cosa? Why don't we do anything? Perce nos no fa cualce cosa? Maifükolös logis. Open your eyes, please. Maifükolös logged in. Tom ia colie un cuantia multe grande de papilios. Tom has collected a great many butterflies. Tom ia colie un cuantia far grand de papilios. Ili ridetis. They smiled. They smiled. Vi estas nenio por ili, se vi ne estas unu el ili, sed por esti unu el ili, vi devus naskiĝi en ilia lando, aspekti simile al ili, kaj eĉ pensi laŭ ilia maniero. Se vi estas malsimila, ili malamos vin senkaŭze. Ili estas rasistoj. If you are not one of them, then you're nothing to them; in order to be one of them you've got to be born in their land, look like them and even think like them. As long as you are different, they will hate you for no reason. They are racists. You are nothing to them if you are not one of them, but to be one of them, you should be born in their country, look like them, and even think in their way. If you are different, they will hate you without reason. They are racists. xu do glabi'a Do you have a fever? xu do glabi'a Du bilieti a San Diego, me pregas. Two tickets to San Diego, please. Two bilities to San Diego, I pray. Mi legos la libron. I'll read the book. I'll read the book. qaSbe'jaj! May it not happen! First one! Tom habeva le insimul de aptitudes requirite pro facer con successo le travalio. Tom had the skill set required to successfully do the job. Tom had been the together of aptitudes required to make successfully travalious. Mi supozas, ke ne damaĝas provi ĝin. I suppose it doesn't hurt to try. I guess it's not harmful to try it. naDev maHtaH 'e' chaq Sov. She might know that we are here. It was not uncommon for me to suppress the rest of the universe. Ille se addormiva immediatemente. He fell asleep right away. They add themselves immediately. Lo furtad men horlojete. He stole my watch. Lo furtad men horlojete. Sami studiava multe religiones. Sami studied many religions. Sami studied many religions. Tomas e Maria viloms logön obis. Tom and Mary want to see us. Tomas and Maria viloms logön obis. Ni ne komprenas unu la alian. We do not understand each other. We don't understand each other. Mi estas realisma persono. I am a realistic person. I'm a realistic person. lo dinju cu se dijysenta 20 da The building has 20 floors. lo dinju cu se diysent 20 da DaHjaj pov SIS 'e' vIHarbe'. I do not think it will rain this afternoon. I'm better able to SIS 'and' doHarbe'. En Eŭropo estas multaj malnovaj kasteloj. There are many old castles in Europe. There are many old castles in Europe. Eĥo estis tre ĝoja, ĉar lia patrino revenis. Echo was very happy that his mother had returned. Echo was very happy because his mother returned. Mistraktado ne nepre estas malica. There doesn't need to be malice for it to be abuse. Mistreatment is not necessarily malicious. Mia lernejo havas dormejon. My college has a dorm. My school has a sleeping place. le nakni pu citka lo nanba e lo za'u torta e no drata He ate only bread and cakes. le nakni pu citka lo nanba e lo za'u tortra e no Other Mi ne povas diri al vi kiel fari tion. Vi mem devas eltrovi tion. I can't tell you how to do that. You have to figure it out on your own. I can't tell you how to do this. Ha'DIbaH lI'qu' 'oH Hun'e'. The horse is a very useful animal. Ha'DIba is the evolution of the universe. First of the universe, there were the laws ko stali ti Stay here! co stali ti Tomo ne intencis iri al Bostono. Tom didn't plan to go to Boston. Tom did not intend to go to Boston. .i ri'a ma le tsani cu blanu Why is the sky blue? .i ri'a ma le tsani cu blanu Aŭton, vi diras! Li eĉ ne povas pagi sakon da cepoj. A car, you say! He can't even afford to buy a sack of onions. He can't even pay a bag of onions. Ugal somewir, ayik sotir akoydaf. Time is blind, man is stupid. Ugal somewir, ayik sotir akoydaf. Mi ĝojos respondi vian demandon. I'll be happy to answer your question. I'll be glad to answer your question. Mi perdis nur unu tagon da laboro pro malvarmumo kaj mia tablo surhavas monton da dokumentoj. I only missed one day of work because of a cold and my desk is piled high with papers. I lost only one day of work for cooling and my table contains a mountain of documents. Tom ha hodie ne mult laborat. Tom didn't do much work today. Tom ha today ne mult laborat. Yo ama li calore. I like the heat. Yo ama li calore. Mi rakontos al vi pri mia patro. I'll tell you about my father. I'll tell you about my father. Ĉu vi sufiĉe vidis? Have you seen enough? Have you seen enough? bIpIvtaH 'e' vItul. I hope you are all well. bIpIv points out 'and's ability to understand. tennuSnalDaj ghom. She met her uncle. tennuSnalDaj ghom. Hasta te! Io non pote attender plus. Come on! I can't wait any more. Hasta te! I can't expect more. La leterportisto estis mordita de tiu hundo. The postman was bitten by that dog. The letter bearer was bitten by this dog. tIH bachta' nov 'ej Duj SomDaq QIH. The alien shot his ray gun and blasted a hole in the spaceship's hull. iH bachta' new 'ej Duj As far as QIH is. jIlaD; bIghItlh. I read; you write. Exiting; bighI thank you. Ille plorava continuemente. He kept on crying. They are crying continuously. Proque non pote nos titillar le un le altere? Why can't we tickle each other? Why can't we titillar le le another? Io pote solmente importar files GIF. I can only import GIF files. It can only import files GIF. mi mutce gleki bu'u la georgias I am very happy in Georgia. mi mutce gleki bu'u la georgias .olkai lo ka do ka'e zukte ku fa lo ka simxu lo ka lacri All you can do is trust one another. .olkai lo ka do ka'e zukte ku fa lo ka simxu lo ka lacri Riuschlevent. We succeeded. Riuschlevent. Esce me pote empresta tuа brosa? Can I borrow your brush? Esce I can emprest tu brosa? Tiu ĉi planedo estas en serioza danĝero. This planet is in serious danger. This planet is in serious danger. Bon viage! Que tu sia felice in tu jornata. Bon voyage! May you have good luck on your journey. Good viage! What are you happy in your younger. Yo aperte li ocules e vide un long brun capill-tresse. I open my eyes and see a long brown braid. Yo open li ocules e vide un long brown capill-tresse. Estu atenta kun la bebo. Be careful with the baby. Be careful with the baby. Le policia e le FBI sequeva plure pistas. The police and the FBI pursued several leads. The police and the FBI weekly runways. Le bibliotheca es claudite in dominica. The library is closed on Sundays. The library closed in domain. Quch yu'mIy' qar'a'? Yumi is happy, isn't she? What would I like to talk about? Papiliones brillante volava ad hic e ad illac. Brilliant butterflies flew hither and thither. Papilinions brillante volava to here and to illac. Miaj amikoj nomas min Manjo. My friends call me Mary. My friends call me Manjo. Ĉu vi volas matenmanĝon? Do you want breakfast? Do you want breakfast? e'o do co'i jdika lo ka sutra lo ka tavla Could you please speak slower? e'o do co'i jdic it ka sutra lo ka tavla Kiam acido tuŝas metalon, ĥemia reago okazas. When acid touches metal, a chemical reaction happens. When acid affects metal, a chemical reaction occurs. Voluntez ne kurar en la lerno-chambro. Please don't run in the classroom. Want not to care in the learning room. Foje estis malriĉa muelisto, kiu havis belan filinon. Once upon a time there was a miller who was poor, but he had a beautiful daughter. Once there was a poor moister who had a beautiful daughter. do stali fi'o temci ma How long did you stay? then stalli'o temci ma Tancavë. Certainly. Tanciavë. Ĉu en la universo ekzistas eksterteranoj? Mi tion kredas. Do extraterrestrials exist in the universe? I think so. In the universe there are outsiders? I believe it. Le opposito de un facto es falsitate, sed le opposito de un veritate profunde pote multo ben esser un altere veritate profunde. The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth. The opposito de un facto is falsified, but the opposito of a truth can soon be much better than one other truth deep. Tom ne scias la lokon. Tom doesn't know where. Tom doesn't know the place. lam yopwaHlIj. Your pants are dirty. lam yopwaH Programming. lo za'u vi flaume ku makcu These plums are ripe. lo za'u vi flaume ku makcu Sescent mil viroj estis mortigitaj aŭ vunditaj. Six hundred thousand men were killed or wounded. Six hundred thousand men were killed or wounded. Un epigramma es un dicto breve e acute in prosa o verso, frequentemente characterisate per aciditate o acerbitate e a vices per sagessa. An epigram is a short, sharp saying in prose or verse, frequently characterized by acidity or acerbity and sometimes by wisdom. One epigramma is a dikto brief and acute in prosa or verse, frequently characterised by acidity or acebitate and a vices per ste. Mi povri sestra, ella esset tant yun. My poor sister, she was so young. Mi povri sestra, ella esset tan yun. naru'e jenca That's almost a shocking situation. there's nothing. Meviele sogrupenyes ! One never knows! Meviele sogrupenyes! Sami ascoltava illo. Sami was listening to that. Sami ascoltava it. lo ckule cu na jai zdile School's not fun. The ccule cu na jai zdile mIplaw' ghaH. He seems to be rich. mIplaw' ghaH. Eo su fasterig. I'm Dutch. Eo su faterig. In alcun landes li punition por alt-trahition posse esser un incarceration por li tot vive. In some countries, the punishment for treason can be life in prison. In some countries he punishment for high-trahition possession will be an incarceration for him tot live. Kial ni devas fari tion hodiaŭ? Why do we have to do that today? Why do we have to do this today? Meg irita Ken a veses. Meg sometimes annoys Ken. Meg irritata Ken a bladder. xu do jinvi lo du'u mi bebna Do you take me for a fool? xu do jinvi lo du'u mi bebna Angliana vidabis multa probi di espelo-reformo tra lua historio; maxim multe de li faliis. English has seen many attempts at spelling reform throughout its history; most of them failed. English has seen many probs of espel reform throughout its history; most of them have failed. Io vadeva a un curso super le solipsismo e il habeva necuno salvo me. I went to a class on solipsism and there was nobody but me there. It vadeva to a current over le solipsism e il habeva nullo save me. «yI'elQo'» jatlhbogh 'echlet'e' buSHa'mo' lojmIt poSmoH 'ej qoD 'el. Disregarding the "No Entry" sign, she pushed open the door and walked inside. Thank you for listening. But if we really think of the universe. Tomo petis min desegni mapon. Tom asked me to draw a map. Tom asked me to draw a map. Kiu estas via plej ŝatata speco de pico? What's your favorite type of pizza? Who is your favorite kind of pizza? Yo ne save ca il es felici o ne. I don't know whether he's happy or not. Yo ne sande ca il es felici o ne. Ne eblas regi fremdan lingvon post mallonga tempo; vi devas studi ĝin paŝon post paŝo. You can't master a foreign language in a short time; you have to study it step by step. Unable to rule a foreign language after a short time; you must study it step after step. Kiel distordiĝis via manartiko? How did you sprain your wrist? How did your manarchy distort? le za'u mei cu zvati ti They are here. za'u me zavati ti Faméu. I am hungry. Faméu. Estas bone aŭdi vian voĉon denove. It's good to hear your voice again. It's good to hear your voice again. Ella hat vendit li cane. She had the dog sold. Ella hat vitit li dog. Yun homes ama su libres. Young people like his books. Yun houses ama su libres. Io debera permaner in Boston durante al minus tres septimanas. I'll need to be in Boston for at least three weeks. Io debera permaner in Boston during at least three weeks. muQuchmoHpu' QInlIj. Your letter made me happy. Thank you very much for kids. Ĉiu tutmonde serĉas feliĉon — kaj ekzistas unu certa maniero por trovi ĝin. Tio estas per regado de viaj pensoj. Feliĉo ne dependas de eksteraj kondiĉoj. Ĝi dependas de internaj kondiĉoj. Everybody in the world is seeking happiness—and there is one sure way to find it. That is by controlling your thoughts. Happiness doesn't depend on outward conditions. It depends on inner conditions. Every world is looking for happiness -- and there is one certain way to find it. This is by managing your thoughts. Happy does not depend on external conditions. It depends on internal conditions. jIH muquchta' novpu'. I was abducted by aliens. Unable to start the program: %s DIvI' Hol wIghojlI'. We were learning English. DevI'll be used in many ways. lut vIQoypu' 'e' vIqaw. I remember hearing the story once. lut fiaQoypu' 'e' fiaqaw. Li sonorigis ĉe la pordo. He rang the doorbell. He sounded at the door. Uraganoj naskiĝas en maroj, ĝenerale en punktoj kun malalta atmosfera premo, sed kun temperaturo pli alta ol tiu de la ĉirkaŭaĵo. Hurricanes are born in the sea, generally in places with low atmospheric pressure where the temperature is higher than their surroundings. Hurricanes are born in seas, generally in points with low atmospheric pressure, but with temperature higher than that of the environment. Mens bäldik golons nevifiko. Old people walk slowly. Mens bäldik golons nonvific. Mia aŭto difektiĝis. Ĝi nun estas en la riparejo. My car is broken and it's in the shop now. My car has been hurt. It's now in the repair. ko'a dunda lo cukta ko'e He gave her a book. Power of Install a cup of sugar Kiel Tomo intencas pagi tion? How does Tom plan to pay for this? How does Tom intend to pay that? Ella ne posse controlar su sentimentes. She can't control her emotions. Ella does not possess control his feelings. Camminante in le strata, io videva mi amico. Walking on the street, I saw my friend. Camminant in le strata, io videva mi amico. Necesas, ke vi plenumu viajn planojn. It's necessary that you fulfill your plans. You need to perform your plans. Qui ha comprate iste casa pro te? Who bought you this house? Qui ha comprate this casa pro te? Куанто касас ес ен туa страда? How many houses are there on your street? ← ghaH 'IHqu'moH paHDaj chu'! How pretty she looks in her new dress! ghaH 'IHqu' very much paHD chu'! Me kredas ke la kontrato ruptesis. I regard the contract as having been broken. I believe the contract was broken. Io vole controlar alcunes de mi objectos de valor. I'd like to check some of my valuables. Something wants to control some of my objects of value. Il face vermente multe frigido. It's truly very cold. Il face verte multe frigido. pu friti lo najnimre pesxu mi She offered me some marmalade. Can cool it najimre pesxu mi Le pejor solitate es esser destitute de un sincer amicitate. The worst solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendship. The pejor solved is to be distilled from a sinceer friendship. Tomo ne estas kanada. Tom isn't Canadian. Tom is not Canadian. Tomo diras, ke li ankoraŭ ne estas preta. Tom says he's not done yet. Tom says he is not ready yet. Yo posse manjar vitre; it ne dole me. I can eat glass, it does not hurt me. Yo posse eat vitre; it ne dole me. vItnIS tam. Tom has to tell the truth. ficitnIS as well. Tota umanas nase libre e egal. Los ave razona e consiensa, e debe ata la un a la otra con spirito de fratia. All human beings are born free and equal. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Everything humans become nase libre and egal. Los ave reason e consine, and must act the one to the opposite with a spirit of siblings. 'IH bIQtIqvam. This river is beautiful. 'IH bIQtIqm. Bonvolu doni al mi ekzemplon de aplikado. Please give an example of usage. Please give me an example of application. Tom ne es mi filio. Tom isn't my son. Tom is not my daughter. Le rete se imbroliava in le helice. The net got entangled in the screw. Network if imbroliava in le helice. En januaro di ta yaro, nivas dum quar dii, de la dek-e-quaresma til la dek-e-sepesma. In January of that year, we saw snow for four days, from the fourteenth to the seventeenth. In January of ta yaro, nivas in quar dii, de la ten-e-quaresma til la ten-e-sevenesma. Yo retorna al sinagoga. I'm going back to the synagogue. Yo return to sinagoga. Pua cantara in le ecclesia. Pua is going to sing at church. Pua cantar in le ecclesia. Yo va inviar te li ligament. I'll send you the link. Yo va sent te li ligament. Isto es exclusivemente pro vos. This is only for you. This is exceptional for you. not maja'chuq. We never talk. not maja'chuq. Ŝia revo iam realiĝos. Her dream will one day come true. Her dream will ever be realized. Ŝi kliniĝis por preni ŝtoneton. She stooped to pick up a pebble. She leaned to take a stone. Ĉu io ekscitanta okazas? Is anything exciting happening? Is something exciting going on? xu do ta'e lumci lo xance pu lo nu citka Do you wash your hands before meals? xu do ta'e lumci lo xance pu lo nu citka Tu rascale, pro quo tu plendi tant? You rascal, why are you complaining so much? You rascally, why do you complain so far? DaH ta'lu'lI'. The work is now in progress. I'm going to take me away. Ĉu vi vivas kun viaj gepatroj? Do you live with your parents? Do you live with your parents? mi xebni lo pulji poi simsa ra I hate policemen like him. mi xebni lo pulji poi simsa ra Io es le chef, nonne? I'm the boss, aren't I? Io es le chef, nonne? Io iva al lecto sin cenar. I went to bed without eating dinner. Io iva al lekto sin cesar. ¿Volt-tu vidarh Tom? Do you want to see Tom? ¿Volt-tu viderh Tom? Mi estus tre singarda se mi estus vi. I'd be very careful if I were you. I would be very careful if I were you. mi mutce tatpi I am very tired. mi mutce tatpi Tom sabe ja tota esta. Tom knows all this already. Tom sabe already all is. Durante milliones de annos le homines viveva justo como le animales. Alora alique ha evenite que disfrenava le poter de nostre imagination, nos apprendeva a parlar. For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination, we learned to talk. Durante miliones de annos le homines viveva justo as the animals. Soma alique ha estite que disfrenava le eup de nostre imagination, nos apprendeva a parlar. DaHjaj pov Hu DaSuch DaneH'a'? Would you like to go to the zoo this afternoon? I'm moving pov Hu DaSuch DaneH'a? O vos es con nos o contra nos. You are either with us, or against us. Or you are with us or against us. Ille va occider me. He'll kill me. They're going to occasion me. ghaHvaD yIvbeH je'. She bought a shirt for him. ghaH used to yIvbeH je'. Tiu romano tre plaĉis al mi. I've enjoyed this novel very much. This novel was very pleasing to me. latlh peghmey vISov. I've got more secrets. Can you cover us, let's take me away. ko'a pu cinba lo mi xance He kissed my hand. ko'a pu cinba lo mi xance Me no es tan vea. I'm not so old. Me no es tan vea. Eble hodiaŭ viaj revoj realiĝos. Maybe your dreams will be realized today! Maybe your dreams will be fulfilled today. No kanom pükön Nelijapüki. He doesn't speak English. No canom pükön Nelijapüki. mi xa'o bredi I am already prepared. I'm going to breed Nun dicez a me. Now tell me. Now tell me. Dani bofikes oles. Thanks to both of you. Dani boosts oils. Mi donis pomon al ŝi. I gave her an apple. I gave a apple to her. Ili es instructores. They are teachers. They are teachers. ko'a pu darxi do ma What did they hit you with? ko'a pu darxi do ma .uinai pu jaurcarvi Unfortunately, it rained. .uinai pu jaurcarvi Mi ŝatas vian manieron pensi. I like the way you think. I like your way to think. Al kio utilas filozofio? What is the use of philosophy? What is philosophy useful? Tom era toxicomane. Tom was addicted. Tom era toxicity. Tom esset presc ciec. Tom was almost blind. Tom esset presc ciec. Morbilo povas esti ege danĝera. Measles can be quite dangerous. A morbid can be quite dangerous. Li ne venis. He did not come. He didn't come. Tom prende un balne. Tom is taking a bath. Tom takes one ball. Ĉu vi faros tion por mi? Will you do this for me? Are you going to do that for me? chunqu' ghaH. She's very innocent. chunqu' ghaH. Manenna sinarë? How are you today? Mannna sinarë? Studön Flentapüki no binos nefikulik. French isn't easy to master. Studyön Flentapüki no binos nonficulik. Mary es un bon puella. Mary is a good girl. Mary is a good puella. jImobqa' vIneHbe'. I don't want to be alone again. The project is possible, or should we be able to either time. It es li dom de Anita. It is Anita's house. It is his house of Anita. la maris. cu fetspe mi Mary is my wife. the seas. cu fetspe mi e'o ctuca mi lo nu jukpa lo titnanba Please show me how to make cakes. e'o ctuka mi lo nu jukpa lo titnanba Tom esas tua amiko. Tom is your friend. Tom is your friend. Mitte duo coperturas in le lecto. Put two blankets on the bed. Mitte duo cover in le le lekto. Ka tu ja renkontris Masao, mea frato? Have you met Masao, my brother? Have you already met Massa, my brother? Vi ŝatus ĝin. You'd like it. You'd like it. "Ĉu via amiko estas idioto aŭ kio?" demandis la patro. "Is your friend an idiot or what?" asked the father. "Are your friend an idiot or what?" asked the father. Esque vos lo videva? Did you guys see it? Why do you see it? Ĉu vi pretas por komenci? Are you ready to start? Are you ready to start? mi djica lo nu loi mi cidja cu ba'e morsi .i bilma jebo mrobi'o naje morsi I want my food dead. Not sick, not dying, dead. I don't know what I mean, but I'm Dead . bilma jebo mrobi'o naje Dead motlh Qap tam. Tom usually wins. Let's take care of Qap as well. Vi nefidindas. You're unreliable. You're unfamiliar. Me ne havas irga bona refero-libro apude. I don't have any good reference book at hand. I don't have any good reference book bye. Io volerea haber un amica como tu. I wish I had a friend like you. It will want to have a friendly as you. 'ey bIQvam. The water is tasty. 'ey bIQmm. Ĉi tiuj vestoj estas pli multekostaj, sed ili estas faritaj en medi-kongrua kaj respondeca maniero. These clothes are more expensive, but they are made in an eco-friendly and responsible way. These clothes are more expensive, but they are made in a medium-compatible and responsible way. Multe homines parla francese. French is spoken by many. Many homines parla francese. Me lektos libro. I will read a book. I'll read a book. Era vos serie? Were you all serious? And you series? Mi decidis rakonti al Tomaso, ke mi amas Marian. I've decided to tell Tom I love Mary. I decided to tell Thomas that I love Mary. jISovbejbe', 'ach chaq nughoS ghaH. I'm not sure, but he might come. äSovbejbe', 'ach Maybe nughoS ghaH. An vos non entrara? Aren't you coming in? You don't enter? Ĉu vi povus paroli iom pli malrapide? Could you speak more slowly, please? Could you speak a little slower? Me vidis reda e blanka automobilo; la reda spektesis plu bona kam l'altra. I saw a red car and a white one; the red one was nicer looking than the other. I saw red and white car; the red looked better like the other. ta poi bloti cu klama fi ma Where did that ship come from? ta poi Boat cu klama fi ma Il esseva contradictori le declarationes del testes ocular super lo que illes habeva vidite. The eyewitnesses gave conflicting accounts of what they had seen. There were contradictors the declarations of the tests ocular over what they had to see. ko'a ko'e ba'o skusfa lo nu savru He scolded them because of the noise. Calculate Base's shift from sand xu do na pu djuno lo du'u pu za lo nanca be li re co'a morsi Didn't you know that he passed away two years ago? xu don't add it du'u pu za lo Years be li re co'a Dead Esce el scrive? Does he write? Esce el scrive? Пробабле, ло ес мулте интересанте, ма регретабле ме иа но компренде. It is probably very interesting. But I'm afraid I didn't understand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mia onklo vivis en Vaŝingtono D.K. dum du jaroj. My uncle lived in Washington, D. C. for two years. My uncle lived in Washington D.K. for two years. Esce tu vole veni? Would you like to come? Esce you want to come? mi no mu'ei speni do I would never be your wife. mi no mu'ei speni do la djim nu'o zvati lo drata gugde Jim has never been abroad. the djim nu'o zvati lo another gugde nuqneH qo'! Hello, world! What are you doing? El ave problemes. She has problems. El ave problemes. Vera scienco instruas nin dubi kaj forteni nin de nesciado. True science teaches us to doubt and to abstain from ignorance. True science teaches us to doubt and force us from ignorance. Tiu ĉi arbo estas alta, sed tiu estas ankoraŭ pli alta. This tree is tall, but that one is even taller. This tree is high, but this is still higher. Mi vundis min razante. I cut myself shaving. I'm hurting me. Linguo apertas mondi. Language opens worlds. Language opens worlds. naDev mavIHbe'choHlaHbe'. We can't stop here. naDev mavIHbe'choH livebe'. la tom mo What's Tom doing? the tom mo Yo arivat in China. I arrived in China. Yo arivat in China. ma pu ciska dei Who wrote this sentence? ma pu ciska dei Ŝi konsilis al li ne plu labori tiel multe. She advised him to stop working so much. She advised him not to work so much anymore. Illo es nostre decision. That's our decision. It's a mystery decision. Proque io sempre? Why always me? Why does something always? «nuq DaneH SoH?» «Ha'DIbaH vIneH.» "What do you, yourself, want?" "I want meat." ‘nuq DaneH SoH?' Yo esset apen preparat. I was hardly prepared. Yo esset apen preparat. Tomo devas purigi sian ĉambron antaŭ la dua kaj duono. Tom has to clean his room before 2:30. Tom must clean his room in front of the second and half. Nos debe hastar nos. Io non vole esser tarde al concerto. We'd better hurry. I don't want to be late for the concert. We need to have us. I don't want to be late to concert. Es o no es, esta es la demanda. To be or not to be, that is the question. Es or no es, esta es la demande. Он аве ун супрамеркато гранде. There is a large supermarket. It's what it's going to be. Bonvolu senhezite starigi al ni demandojn! Please go ahead and give us questions! Please don't let us ask questions! Le semines del pomo es venenose, ma illos es periculose pro le sanitate solmente si on los consume in grande quantitates. Apple seeds are poisonous, but are only dangerous to health when consumed in large quantities. The seeds of the apple are venomous, but they are periculate for the healed only if on them consume in large quantities. Пос ла медиа-жуа ла екипо локал иа ленти ла ритмо де ла жуа. After half-time the home team slowed the pace of the game. ← Vi lacas, kaj ankaŭ mi. You are tired, and so am I. You're tired, as well as me. Tu ben sape que le cosas non functiona assi. You know perfectly well that things don't work that way. You know that the things don't operate so. pIHar. We believe you. pIHar. Kiu estas la nomo de la restoracio? What's that restaurant's name? Who is the name of the restaurant? ro prenu cu djica lo nu panpi There is no one who doesn't desire peace. ro cu djica lo nu panpi Illas compra pan. They buy bread. Illas compra pan. Tom no ia ave mone sufisinte per vade a la conserta. Tom didn't have enough money to go to the concert. Tom noi ave money sufficient by going to the concert. xo lo pixra cu pu se vecnu fi do How many pictures did you buy? xo lo p Image cu pu se vezu fi do Mi ĝojas, ke vi demandis pri tio. I'm glad you asked that. I'm glad you asked about it. Nun vi ne plu povas helpi. Estas tro malfrue. You can't help now. It's too late. Now you can't help. It's too late. Me regardis mea ago quale krimino. I viewed my action as a crime. I've regarded my act as a crime. El es un faxiste. They're a fascist. El es un faxite. Le melior cosas in le vita es gratis. The best things in life are free. The better thing in life is free. Mi ne demandis pri detaloj. I didn't ask for details. I didn't ask for details. Me dormas stacante. I sleep standing up. I'm sleeping standing. do tugni la tom vau je'upei You agree with Tom, right? So toggle the tom vau je'upei Ilua frato mortis pasinta monate. His brother passed away last month. His brother died last month. Ob vu haver programe? Do you have a timetable? Ob you have a program? Li avies es rubi. The birds are red. Li avies es rubi. Tom me diceva que ille voleva viver sur un plagia isolate. Tom told me he wanted to live on a secluded beach. Tom me diceva que ille voleva vever on un plagiarism isolated. Mi pensas, ke Tomo kaj Manjo ambaŭ estas lacaj. I think that Tom and Mary are both tired. I think Tom and Manjo are both tired. Binob jimatel Tomasa. I'm married to Tom. Binob jimatel Tomasa. Vi povas iri ien ajn. You may go anywhere. You can go anywhere. xu do se bangu lo bangrklingo Do you speak Klingon? xu do se bangu lo bangrkling Tiu ĉi tajpmaŝino estis ofte uzata. This typewriter has been used a lot. This typing machine was often used. Io lo regretta. I regret it. Io lo regretta. Deffeneth gw! Defend yourselves! Deffeneth gw! wIjwI' jIH. I'm a farmer. Let's go. Left. Betty mortat su matre. Betty killed her mother. Betty mortat su matre. Ka vu konocas elua patro? Do you know her father? Do you know her father? Qobqu' janvam. yIHotQo'! This machine is most dangerous; don't touch it. Qobqu'namp. yIHotQo! Estu sobra! Stay sober! Be sober! mi ralte lo remei be lo gluta I have a pair of mittens. mi ralte lo remei be lo gluta pa tadni cu sinma ro ctuca Exactly one student respects every professor. pa tadni cu sinma ro ctuca Noi es optimistes. We're optimists. We are optimistic. Alora le oculos del parve pupa comenciava a brillar como vermes lucente e illo acquireva vita. Then the little doll's eyes would begin to shine like glowworms, and it would become alive. Then le oculos del small pupa start a brillar as vermes lucente e it acquireva vita. Том ес ен ла медиа де абри ла фенетра. Tom is opening the window. ← Yo es tre inteligent. I am very smart. Yo es tre intelient. ma pu zbasu ta Who made it? but manufacturers for Mi helpis Tomon ŝargi la ŝarĝaŭton. I helped Tom load the truck. I helped Tom load the charge car. Quankam ilu habitas la Usa, Tom ne parolas la Angla. Even though he lives in the United States, Tom can't speak English. Although these inhabit the Use, Tom does not speak the English. la tom ji la meris klama lo zarci Is Tom, or is Mary going to the market? the tom ji la meris klama lo zarci Jen la libroj, kiujn vi petis. Here are the books you asked for. Here are the books you asked. bomwI' SoH. You are a singer. Just like that, it's so far. tugh DeHchoHpu' 'epIl naHmey. The apples will be ripe soon. tugh DeHchoHpu's 'epIl naHmey. La fem ferida ia es un turiste brasilera. The wounded woman was a Brazilian tourist. The sometimes wounded ia es un turiste brasilera. Paco, graco kaj beno de Dio estu super vi. Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. Peace, grace and blessing of God be above you. Le nederlandeses parla multe linguas. Dutch people can speak many languages. Dutch talk a lot of languages. .ui pei How happy are you? .ui peas Tom ia fumi canaba. Tom smoked pot. Tom some fumes canaba. Mi ne havas tempon okupiĝi pri klaĉoj. I have no time to engage in gossip. I don't have time to deal with clicks. ckire do lo nu vitke friti fi mi Thank you for inviting me. ckire do lo nu lengthe friti fi mi Qui plantat li árbor? Who planted the tree? Qui planat li árbor? La internaciona linguo Interlingue publikesis en 1922 sub la nomo Occidental. The international language Interlingue was published in 1922 under the name Occidental. The international language Interlingue was published in 1922 under the name Western. Vi ankoraŭ ne iru hejmen! Don't go home yet. You don't go home yet! chaq Qorwaghmey ghorpu'bogh nuv'e' ngu'laH. Possibly he knows who broke the windows. Maybe we have fossils of observational evidence on the probability of life appearing. Iufoje mi jesas, kvankam mi volas nei. Sometimes I say "yes," even though I want to say "no." Sometimes I'm throwing, though I want to don't. la djim. certu lo fasybau .e lo dotybau Jim mastered French and German. the djim. Expert it fasybau .e it dotybau Ŝi foruzis brikon da sapo. She used up a cake of soap. She lost a brick of soap. Ka il kushis sur la dorso? Was he lying on his back? Did it cook on the back? Quo manjat Tom? What did Tom eat? What eat Tom? ra nelci lo nu tcidu She likes to read. ra nelci lo nutci El ave problemes. She has issues. El ave problemes. le nanmu de'a vasxu jecabo cu catlu le ninmu He held his breath as he gazed at her. le nanim de'a vasxu jecabo cu catlu le ninmu Yen ke ni esas en Himeji staciono. Here we are at Himeji Station. Just as we are in Himeji station. luqop. They arrested him. luqop. La reĝo postlasis grandan riĉaĵon. The king left a large fortune behind. The king posted a great wealth. Enspezoj el tiu fonto estas senimpostaj. The income from this source is tax-free. Enweights from this source are unimposed. Éu sint gay. I am gay. Éu sint gay. Ne perturbu miajn cirklojn! Do not disturb my circles! Don't disturb my circles! Do'Ha' teHbe'. I'm afraid not. Do'Ha' teHbe'. Me no va sorti a sera oji. I'm not going out tonight. Me no va sorti a sera oji. Ta puero havas nula pavoro pri aquo. That child has no fear of water. Ta puero has no pavor about water. Salutationes de Brasil! Greetings from Brazil! Brasil's greetings! pIjHa' chop targhmaj. Our dog seldom bites. pIjHa' chop targhma. Si tu vole dansar, lass nos dansar juntmen. If you want to dance, let's dance together. If you want to dance, let us dance juntmen. Ube esas tua kamiono? Where's your truck? Where is your truck? Centi de homi perisis. Hundreds of people were killed. Hundreds of men lost. Pardono, io ha perdite le patientia. I'm sorry I lost my temper. We're sorry, something has lost the patient. jIvumqa'meH jIcheghpa' SojHomqoq vISop. I had a snack before I went back to work. Exiting... Me ia nase en Australia. I was born in Australia. I've been born in Australia. Ella have un litt dom. She has a small house. Ella has one litt house. De tote le splendores le plus authentic non se trova externemente, ma intra nos. The most real of all splendors are not in outward things, they are within us. Of all the splendores le plus autentic non troves outdoors, ma intra nos. Ла проприа ес ун фура. Property is theft. ← za'u ta ca'o citka pa snuji They are eating a sandwich. za'u ta ca'o citka pa snuji Li estis surveturita kaj mortigita surloke. He was run over and killed on the spot. He was on and killed on the ground. tam vIponta' 'e' vIQub. I think I've persuaded Tom. tam ficiponta' 'e' fidaQub. Que pensa vos del libro? What do you think about the book? What do you think of the book? Emily e Kate es amicas. Emily and Kate are friends. Emily and Kate are friendly. Quando nos parla super le guerra, nos parla vermente super le pace. When we talk about war, we're really talking about peace. When we talk about le guerra, we parla verte super le peacee. Yo pensa que noi deve lassar Tom ear self a Australia. I think that we should let Tom go to Australia by himself. Yo pensa que noi deve lassar Tom ear self to Australia. Mi ne intencas denove fari tion. I don't intend to do that again. I don't intend to do it again. Me mustas savar la vereso. I must know the truth. I must know the truth. ra terpa no da She is not afraid of anything. ra terpa no da Els cioveci sint cansats. The men are tired. Els cioveci sint cansats. qatlh bIpaS juH DacheghDI'? Why did you come home so late? Why bIpaS juH DacheghDI? Tu esseva bon, nunc tu es melior. You were good, now you're better. You were good, now you are better. Li unic bon fascist es un mort fascist. The only good fascist is a dead fascist. Li unun bon fascist es un mort fascist. Tio estas io malfacila. That's a tough one. That's something difficult. Mi petas permeson enŝipiĝi. I request permission to come aboard. I'm asking permission to get trapped. lo prilio cu vomoi masti lo'e nanca April is the fourth month of the year. A woman who kills them in the past. Mi koleros. I will become angry. I'll be angry. Un republica es un state de quel chef del state ne es un rey o reyessa ma un presidente. A republic is a nation whose head is not a king or queen, but a president. One republic is a state of quel chief of the States is not a rey or reyessa but a president. Proque vos non intende? Why don't you understand? Why don't you intended? La mortontoj vin salutas. Those about to die salute you. The Death Eaters greet you. not puqloD vIghajbej. I will certainly never have a son. note puqloD venisajbej. Tom non ha vidite Mary desde le die de Sancte Valentin. Tom hasn't seen Mary since Valentine's Day. Tom has not seen Mary since the day of Sancte Valentine. Nö, kat no binon smalik. No, the cat isn't small. Nö, cat no binon smalik. Me vivar in Kakogawa. I live in Kakogawa. I live in Komagawa. Ni ne povas savi ĉiujn. We can't save everyone. We can't save everyone. e'o ko dunda lo cidja mi .i mi xagji sai Please give me something to eat. I am so hungry. e'o ko dunda lo cidja mi .i mi xagji sai Acel taxe no ia es fasil. That task wasn't easy. Acel taxe no ia es fasil. Ni preĝis, ke nia patro pardonu nin. We prayed that our father would forgive us. We prayed that our father forgive us. taH pagh taHbe'. DaH mu'tlheghvam vIqelnIS. To be, or not to be: that is the question. This is not possible, but it brings me to the second big question. Tomo volis donaci ion tre specialan al sia amikino. Tom wanted to give a very special present to his girlfriend. Tom wanted to give something very special to his friend. Io es in le lecto. I'm in bed. Io es in le lekto. Mi ofte sonĝas la saman sonĝon. I often have the same dream. I'm often dreaming the same dream. Estas eble. It is possible. It's possible. Japan es un rich land. Japan is a rich country. Japan is a rich country. Tom metis sian armilon sub sia kapkuseno. Tom put his gun under his pillow. Tom put his weapon under his captain. Ella jacet se in li herbe. She laid herself on the grass. Ella jacet se in li grass. Yo vole comprar un ananas. I want to buy a pineapple. Yo vole comprar un pineapple. Kun kiu vi estis? Who were you with? Who were you? le prenu cu me lo ze'u pendo be mi He's my old friend. take me zé'u penso be mi Mi petis vin haltigi tion. I asked you to stop it. I asked you to stop this. Но персон иа ваде а ала а куалке вес е иа виве пер нара ла нара. No one has ever been there and lived to tell the tale. ← Le texto es le elemento le plus importante de iste cantion. The lyrics are the most important part of this song. The text is the most important element of this cantion. 'epIl naH SuD 'oH Dochvam'e'. This is a green apple. This is the only intelligent beings in the past. teH lutlIj 'e' vIHar. I believe your story. You do not know what you are doing. Me ja dicis a Tom quo lu mustas facar. I've already told Tom what he needs to do. I have already said to Tom what he must do. La suomuja armeo estas sur la batalkampo. The Finnish army is on the battlefield. The suomy army is on the battle field. .i .e'o do te lisri tu'a ko'a ca lo bavlamdei .a'u sai .ui .a'o se'i nai ro'i Hey, could you tell a story about it tomorrow? I'm very interested, and I hope you can. .i .e'o do te lisri tu'a ko'a ca lo bavlamdei .a'u sai .ui .a'o se'i nai ro'i Me odia el. I hate him. I hate him. Vi ŝajnas koni min, sed mi ne konas vin. You seem to know me, but I don't know you. You seem to know me, but I don't know you. DaH jImujlaw' jIH'e'. This time, it looks like it is me who is wrong. I now turn to the last time. Li natura es plen de misteries. Nature is full of mystery. His nature is full of mysteries. Tom ia veni a Boston con me. Tom came to Boston with me. Tom's going to come to Boston with me. Vua spirito falabis aden inferno. Your spirit has fallen into hell. Your spirit dropped into hell. ghom muvHa'ta', jIjlaHbe'mo' ghaH vu'wI' je. He left his team as he could not get along with the manager. ghom muvHa'ta, projecting a safe state of space you're free of charge. Me es brasilera e aprende nion. I'm Brazilian and I'm learning Japanese. I'm brasilera and take nothing. Mi ne ŝatas la formon de ĉi tiu ĉapelo. I don't like the shape of this hat. I don't like the shape of this hat. Doch'e' 'oSbogh mu'vam DaQIjchu'laH'a'? Can you explain the exact meaning of this word? Do we find it in the last part, and we are in the future of the universe? Io te ama, mi tresor. I love you, sweetheart. Io te ama, mi tresor. SeplIjDaq ray' tIr Soplu''a'? Do you eat rice in your country? If there is tray out there? Еске нос ваде аора? Are we going now? Is it? maS yupma' yItIv! Happy Moon Festival! maS yupma' yItIv! La xico gusta pasea sirca la boteca de sapones. The boy likes walking around the soap shop. The xico gustata pasea sirca la botheca de sapones. Mi ŝatas ludi bazopilkon. I like playing baseball. I like to play a baseball. Ĉu estas skribotablo ĉe la fenestro? Is there a desk by the window? Is there a desk on the window? .ei do na smusku lo jitfa You must not tell a lie. .ei do na smusku lo jitfa Tom ne intenci permesi al Maria kisi lin. Tom didn't intend to let Mary kiss him. Tom did not intend to allow Mary to kiss him. bevri lo baktu be lo djacu They carried water in buckets. bevri lo bakutu be lo dquo mi na jimpe lo du'u makau nabmi I don't understand the problem. mi na jimpe lo du'u makau nabmi 10 personoj estis vunditaj dum la akcidento. Ten people were injured in the accident. 10 people were injured during the incident. Estas tre malĝentile, ke vi malakceptas ilian inviton. It is very impolite of you to decline their invitation. It is very rude that you reject their invitation. mu'mey QIj mu'ghom. A dictionary defines words. Under extremes, there are many extremes. Gallesi es un oficial lingue in Gallia e Chubut. Welsh is an official language in Wales and Chubut. Gallies is an official linggue in Gallia and Chubut. Le formula chimic del aqua is H₂O. The chemical formula for water is H₂O. The formula chemistry of the water is H2O. Esta libro es dedicada a no person. This book is not dedicated to anyone. There is a book dedicated to no person. Nostre classe se compone de 40 pueros. Our class consists of 40 boys. Our class if a companion of 40 puers. Mi volas aliĝi al la grupo de Johano. I want to join Joe's group. I want to join John's group. Tiun libron ofte legas plenkreskuloj. This is a book often read by adults. This book often reads adults. Dona a me altri exemple. Give me another example. Give me others an example. qatlh qay'taH? Why is that still a problem? Let's go, let's go! Kion estas faranta la homo? What is the man doing? What is the man doing? Esta falda es barata. This skirt is cheap. Being tired is cheap. Es illo blau? Is that blue? Is it black? U tu es nu? Where are you now? U tu es nu? Ibi vive un vetule homine in le cabana presso le laco. There lives an old man in the hut by the lake. Ibi vive un old homine in le kabana pressure le laco. Mi havas nenion por diri. I have nothing to say. I have nothing to say. Ty es yn mab. You're a boy. Ty es yn mab. lo badna ku kukte Bananas are delicious. lo badna kukte Nia laboro esas tote finita nun. Our work is all over now. Our work is all over now. le nakni pu kansa lo speni be vo'a He was accompanied by his wife. le nakni pu kansa lo speni be vo'a xu do jimpe Do you understand? xu do jimpe pu sisku tu'a za'u ta ca'o lo mu cacra He looked for them for five hours. pu sisku tu'a za'u ta ca'o lo mu cacra ko'a je mi bruna He and I are brothers. ko'a je mi brown Yo ne posse manjar. I can't eat. It doesn't own eating. Esque io nunc vide cosas bizarre? Am I seeing things? What does this now see things bizarre? Nos es como papilios cual voleta tra un dia e pensa ce lo es per sempre. We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it's forever. We are like papers cual wants behind a day and think about it is by always. Me savas ube trovar vu. I know where to find you. I know where to find you. Mi iros eĉ se pluvos. I will go even if it rains. I'll go even if it rains. ra do na zmadu lo ni bebna He is no more a fool than you are. ra do na zmadu lo ni bebna Me ia dona un xiling a la xico. I gave the boy a shilling. I would give one xiling to the xico. Mi deziras amikiĝi kun via fratino. I want to make friends with your sister. I want to get friends with your sister. La du viroj, kiuj sidis sur la benko, estis amerikanoj. The two men sitting on the bench were Americans. The two men who sat on the bench were Americans. Nos debe partir immediatemente. We must leave immediately. We must share immediately. Ni tostu je la honorgasto! Let's toast the guest of honor! Let's stop the honor! Non ha tu qualque moneta? Haven't you got any money? Non ha tu quaque monata? le tricu cu sraji clani The tree is high. Acu cu sraji clani Esce esta tortuga es tua? Is this turtle yours? Esce est toruga es tua? Elogob omis. I've seen them. Elogob omissions. Mi ne tuŝas vin. I'm not touching you. I don't touch you. lo xamsi ku blanu The sea is blue. lo xamsi ku blanu Me crede ce la sermonor no ia pote parla "amen". I believe that the preacher could not speak "Amen." I think this is the sermonor we can speak "at least". Me placerea vider lo. I would like to see it. I place to see it. Mi emegas iri eksterlanden. I am aching to go abroad. I like to go abroad. Tom no scrive. Tom doesn't write. Tom no scrive. On la comprava un nove veste. A new dress was bought for her. On the company one fresh clothes. Doy' 'e' vIQob. I think he's tired. Doy' 'and' doy' doy. leSpal chu' be' 'ej bom loD. She played the guitar and he sang. leSpal chu' be' 'ej bom loD. Yo pensa que ella es un honest fémina. I think she's an honest woman. Yo pensa que ella es un honest fémina. Tom me tir Trump. Tom is not Trump. Tom I pull Trump. Ill bethisad es yn segruid. The Universe is a mystery. Ill bethisad is yn segruid. Yo petit Tom signar li paperes. I asked Tom to sign the papers. Yo petit Tom sign li paperes. Fadil turnis sin al terura aranĝo. Fadil resorted to a desperate measure. Fadil turned to a terrible arrangement. Io es timide, ma io prende cura de me mesme. I'm shy, but I take care of myself. It is afraid, but something taking care of myself. Devus esti pli da aŭtobusoj dum la pinthoroj. There ought to be more buses during the rush hours. There should be more carbuses during the painters. Ne estis ebla al li, fari la foton en mallumo. It was impossible for him to take the picture in the dark. It was not possible to him, to make the photo in darkness. Ŝi deziris, ke li havu pli da tempo por ŝi. She wished he had more time for her. She wanted him to have more time for her. El es tuа ami? Is he a friend of yours? From is your friends? Ille denotava grande emotion. He showed signs of great emotion. They denote large emotion. Illo per fortia debera esser facite. It'll have to be done forcibly. It will be done by strong forces. Svimön in nifatim no binos pöligiko menes saunik. Winter swimming isn't dangerous for healthy people. Svimön in nifatim no binos pöligiko menes saunik. Tomo ne estos en la lernejo hodiaŭ. Tom won't be at school today. All will not be in school today. Tom salivava. Tom salivated. Tom salivava. Qob. yI'elQo'! Danger. Keep out! Qob. yI'elQo! Esque tu have mult amicos? Do you have many friends? Esque tu have mult amicos? Isto es si frustrante. This is so frustrating. This is whether frustrating. Ŝi kaŭzis al mi multajn problemojn. She's caused me a lot of trouble. She caused me a lot of problems. Dochmey law' vIje'ta'. I bought a lot of things. Domey law's life. Io le incontrava per hasardo al aeroporto. I chanced to meet him at the airport. Io le noncerva per hasardo al airport. mi fengu I'm angry. I'm doing Mi vetas, ke vi diros al mi, ke vi estas tro lacaj por helpi. I bet you're going to tell me you're too tired to help. I bet you'll tell me that you're too tired to help. To es li max grand muséo del cité. This is the largest museum in the city. To es li max grand muséo del cité. Li es homeosexuali. They're gay. He is homeostasis. S-ro Green estas instruisto de historio. Mr. Green is a history teacher. Mr. Green is a history teacher. Li enoyas. They are bored. Li enoyas. Pened oba pesedom-li? Was my letter sent? Pened oba pesedom li? He, tu! Non currer presso le piscina! Hey, you! No running by the pool! Hey, tu! Don't run pressure le piscine! Esce vos jua tenis? Do you play tennis? Esce vos jua tennis? ko prami ganai mi gi le mi gerku Love me, love my dog. co Love earning me gi le mi gerku Ĉu vi ĵus ekkonis ŝin? Did you just meet her? Did you just know her? lo se cupra poi vasru lo jgina stika jmive cu jmive ckape lo remna Products with GMO are dangerous to human life. lo se cupra poi vasru lo jgina stic Lifetime cu Lifeve ckape lo remna Vi estas vera flirtemulino! You're such a flirt. You're a real flirtator! ko'oi lo cfari nanca cu zabna Happy New Year! Earth's _Start Years' zabna Mi helpis al li hieraŭ. I helped him yesterday. I helped him yesterday. Tom justo nunc ha revenite a Boston. Tom has just returned to Boston. Tom just now has returned to Boston. Steins;Gate estas tre amuza bildrakonto. Steins;Gate is a very enjoyable anime. Steins;Gate is a very fun picture account. Judava tir jinafa gadava. Hebrew is my mother tongue. Judava tir jinafa gadava. Tom cercava su can tote le matino. Tom looked for his dog all morning. Tom search for his dog all the morning. Löfob kukön fidis valik. I like to cook all kinds of food. Löfob kukön relied on validity. Еста ес ла дисионарио ла плу бон куал он аве ен ла библиотека. This is the best dictionary there is in the library. ← Tio verŝajne estas malfacila por Tomo. This must be hard for Tom. This is probably difficult for Tom. Qel ghaHbe'. She's not a doctor. Qel ghaHbe'. On non debe cantar e dansar in le Venerdi Sancte. You can't sing and dance on Good Friday. You must not sing and dance in the Friday Sancte. Vilob nolön veti Tomasa. I want to know how much Tom weighs. Vilob nolön vets Thomas. Tom estis en sia ĉambro. Tom stayed in his room. Tom was in his room. Kiam mi estis tuj telefononta al ŝi, alvenis ŝia letero. Just when I was about to phone her, a letter arrived from her. When I was immediately calling her, her letter arrived. Tio estas unu opcio. That's one option. This is one option. Ŝi pasigas la tempon per vekriado. She passes the time moaning. She spends the time by stirring. Pro quo tu have tant cates? Why do you have so many cats? Why do you have so much hide? tlhoS qaS ramjep; yIQongchoH! It's almost midnight. Go to bed. StopS una ramjep; yIQongchoH! Ille ha trovate in le mundo exterior, como realitate, lo que esseva in su mundo interior, como possibilitate. He found in the world without as actual what was in his world within as possible. They have found in the world outside, as reality, which was in its world's interior, as an ability. Felica esas ti qui valorigas saneso. Happy are those who know the value of health. Happy are those who value health. Me esas instruktisto. I am a teacher. I am an instructor. Ilu posedas multa libri pri historio. He has many history books. It owns many books about history. Le station es al west del hotel. The station is to the west of the hotel. Le station es al west del hotel. Parla me de tu vita quotidian. Tell me about your daily life. Parla me de tu vita daily. En la teatro. In the theater. In the theatre. Ŝi ne gajnis la premion, sed konkuris ĝis la lasta momento kaj surprizis ĉiujn. She didn't win the prize, but she competed until the last moment and surprised everyone. She did not win the prize, but competed until the last moment and surprised everyone. Hurghchugh Daq, qIj 'ej chIS Hoch vIghro'. All cats are grey in the dark. I think that's why we're all right, qIj've come from each other. No core traversante la strada. Don't run across the street. No core traversing the road. Mary es un brav puella. Mary is a brave girl. Mary is a boy puella. do mo'u fenki pei Have you gone completely mad? so mo'u fenki peas Mary es min activ quam su sestra. Mary's less active than her sister. Mary is less activ quam su sestra. Post la tagmanĝo ni ankoraŭ havos du kursojn. After lunch we have two more classes. After lunch we will still have two courses. Том сабе ке Мариа но ес аси. Tom knows Mary isn't here. ← Recipes Recipes Ingredients Recipes Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients. Me kuraní da ko Boston lapil. I don't want you to go to Boston. Me curaní da co Boston lapil. lo mi mamta na nelci lo nu zgana lo veltivni My mother doesn't like watching TV. lo mi mamta na neulci lo nu zgana lo veltivni Mi ne volis vidi Tomon denove. I didn't want to see Tom again. I didn't want to see Tom again. Libera Bolivia! Free Bolivia! Free Bolivia! Viele in madagiyir, pune sardikya is deaxol al griawiyid. When he got back up on his feet, the girl and the goat had disappeared. Viele in madagyir, pune sardikya is deaxol al griawiyid. Ni ankoraŭ ne decidis, kion ni faru morgaŭ. We haven't yet decided what to do tomorrow. We haven't decided what we should do tomorrow. Ankaŭ mi ne estas specialisto. I'm not an expert either. I'm not a specialist too. Kiam ŝi venos, ni manĝos. When she comes, we'll eat. When she comes, we'll eat. Tote le mundo nasce equal. All people are born equal. Everyone is born equal. ca lo cabdei lo dormijysai be ma cu se citka do What will you have for lunch today? ca lo cabdei lo dormijsai be ma cu se citka do Me gusta la portuges brasilera. I like Brazilian Portuguese. I taste the Portuguese brasilera. Qob'a' tam? Is Tom dangerous? Qob'a' as well? Tom, mi bezonas vian helpon. Tom, I need your help. Tom, I need your help. DIvI' Hol jatlhlaHbej. Of course she can speak English. DIvI' Hol sought to live in several hundred years. do na bilga lo ka cusku fi mi fe lo cmene be do You don't have to tell me his name. so na bilga lo ka cusku fi mi fe lo nome be do mataH HeghDI'. We will outlive them. Avoid HeghDI'. la .tom. cu vi'anka Tom is blind. the .tom. cu vi'anka nuHDaj 'oH qawlaHghachDaj QaQ'e'. A good memory is his weapon. C-2, I think we're the universe. You're all right now. Le revolutiones non ha jammais alleviate le onere del tyrannia; illos ha solmente displaciate lo a super altere humeros. Revolutions have never lightened the burden of tyranny: they have only shifted it to another shoulder. The revolutions have not ever been alleviated on the one side of the tyrannia; they have only load it to over another humeros. Sian komision li plenumis tre bone. He carried out his mission very well. His commission he performed very well. Ben meritate. It serves you right. Well worthy. Ta roko pezas kin tuni. This stone weighs five tons. Ta rock weighs kin tuna. Pexes nada movente la coda. The fish swims by moving its tail. Pexes nada moving the tail. wa'leS po jImej. I leave in the morning. Our little time. wa'Hu' Hu lughoSmeH lupwI' lulIgh. They went to the zoo by bus yesterday. That's what you all say, and I'll fight you either. Mi ĉiam memoros vin. I will remember for you forever. I'll always remember you. e’osai ko sarji la .lojban. Please support Lojban! e'osai ko sarji la .loban. Tom e Meri es antifaxistes. Tom and Mary are anti-fascists. Tom and Meri are antifaxites. la .tom. ta'e pante Tom complains all the time. la .tom. ta'e pante mi se bangu lo banjubu'o I speak Lojban. mi se bangu lo banjubu'o Aŭskulti lin estas tre interese. It is very interesting to listen to him. Listen to him is very interesting. mong Ha'quj Doqqu' vIje'ta'. I bought a red tie. mong Ha'quj Doqqu' fianje'ta'. Tom sembla dormir. Tom seems to be sleeping. Tom sembble dormir. Ni tagmanĝis en kafejeto. We had lunch at a little coffee shop. We've been eating in a cafe. da'i le za'u mei na jimpe They wouldn't understand. da'i le zà'u mei na jimpe Rütob demü of. I'm lusting after her. Rütob demü of. Grekia, ne esas sola! Greece is not alone! Greece, is not alone! ca lo cabdei mi mutce selcu'u Today I have a lot of things to do. cabdei mi mutce esser Ŝi atendas bebon. She is expecting a child. She's waiting for a baby. Esque Tom non se fatiga jammais? Doesn't Tom ever get tired? Esque Tom not if made ever? Ĉu vi ambaŭ pretas iri? Are both of you ready to go? Are you both ready to go? juHwIj vIDIlmeH Huch law' vIlo'pu'. I have spent a lot of money on my house. That's my life.DilmeH Huch law's friend'pu'. Noi va haver gastes deman. We will have guests tomorrow. Noi va have guestes deman. Lio edeadom-li son omik? How did his son die? Lio ededom-li son omik? yaH vIchegh. I'm going to go back to the office. yaH facichegh. la .tom. pu de'a pagmu'u Tom stopped moving. the .tom. pu de'a paymu'u Le invitatos se misceva al reception nuptial. Guests mingled at the wedding reception. Le invitationos se misceva al prescription nuptial. la .tam. cusku lo sedu'u xebni lo nunjamna Tom says that he detests war. la .tam. cusku lo seu'u xebni lo nunjamna la.meris. cu kakne lo ka limna Mary can swim. la.meris. cu kakne lo ka limna Tom ne es un ver guerrero. Tom is not a true warrior. Tom is not a ver guerrero. Ilu mortis pro la koldeso pasinta nokte. He died from the cold last night. Ilu died because of the necklace last night. Tom e io ambes mentiva a vos. Tom and I both lied to you. Tom and it both mentive to you. Que faceva tu? What were you doing? What do you do? Nos ia es en la coredor de la nivel du de la ospital. We were in the hallway of the second floor of the hospital. We're somewhere at the corer of the level two of the ospital. Tom esseva un poco inebriate. Tom was tipsy. Tom was a little drunk. Li estis videble nervoza. He was visibly nervous. He was apparently nervous. Robert Smith es li cantator del gruppe The Cure. Robert Smith is the singer of the group The Cure. Robert Smith is his singer of the grouppe The Cure. lo fanri cu pilno so'i pluja minji The factory uses many complicated machines. Install a workstation Mi opiniis, ke tio valoras provon. I thought it was worth a try. I thought this was worth trying. Liko kanob yufön? How can I help? Like canob yufön? Mi provas apliki kolorojn, kiel vortojn, kiuj aranĝas poemojn, kiel notojn, kiuj aranĝas muzikon. I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music. I try to apply colors, such as words that arrange poems, such as notes that arrange music. Ла пеш ес кара. Fish is expensive. It's all right. Maria ia plora cuando el ia reseta sua medalia. Mary cried when she received her medal. Mary is crying out of her reset her medal. Un desinia tan bela! What a beautiful drawing! One desinia so beautiful! La rusoj gajnis laŭ ĉies atendo. The Russians won, as everyone expected. The Russians won according to this expectation. sei nalcumki do klama lo zdani nau You can't go home now. sei nalcumki do klamma lo zdani nau wa' Hogh pIq qep jeS'a'? Will he come to the meeting next week? How are you going to give me the rest of the universe? mi xagji I am hungry. mi xagji Tomo estas precize kiel ni. Tom is just like us. Tom is exactly like us. It es mi secret jardin. It's my secret garden. It's my secret garden. Si esta nara no interesa tu, continua a capitol du. If this story doesn't interest you, go on to Chapter 2. Si esta nara no interest tu, continue to capitol du. Xina ave cualias xines. China has Chinese characteristics. Xina ave culias xines. No binom fat obik. He's not my father. No binom fat obik. Tiu infano insistis iri tien kun siaj gepatroj. That child insisted on going there with his parents. This child insisted to go there with his parents. Ne ekzistas lumo sen ombro. There's no light without a shadow. There is no light without shade. Vento akompanis la pluvon. Wind accompanied the rain. Wind accompanied the rain. Yo amat te. I loved you. Yo amat te. Nihil occurrera. Nothing's going to happen. Nothing happened. Sami dava un coca a Layla. Sami gave a coke to Layla. Sami dava un coca a Layla. Ne esis tre varma dum la pasinta nokto. It wasn't very hot last night. It wasn't very hot during the past night. Esce me pote abri la cortina? Can I open the curtain? Esce I can abri la cortine? Ili dansat. They danced. They dance. Kiu estas riproĉinda? Who's to blame? Who is rebuked? Cuando vos jua tenis? When do you play tennis? Who are you holding? Ме ес ун веган, ма меа гато но ес. I'm a vegan, but my cat isn't. ← Kial vi estas solaj? Why are you alone? Why are you alone? Vi ambaŭ pravas. Both of you are right. You're both right. Ille modulava le argilla in un bassino. He formed the clay into a bowl. They modulate le argilla in un bassine. To vermen evenit. This really happened. To vermen beit. cha' paqmey munojpu'. He lent me two books. This is a dimension of media. Li pendigis la aŭdoparolilon. He hung up. He hanged the ear speaker. Li haste relokis la telefonon. He put the phone down in haste. He has been relocating the phone. Me indignas. I'm indignant. I'm outraged. Yo ha finit. I have finished. Yo ha finit. Mi ne ŝatas sablon. Ĝi estas kruda, raspa, irita, kaj ĝi lokiĝas ĉie. I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. I don't like sand. It's raw, rasp, irritated, and it's located everywhere. Il non esseva tanto facile quanto io pensava. It wasn't as easy as I thought. Il was not as easy as something thought. tam vIwuv. I relied on Tom. tam fiawuv. Tom es preparate a dicer le veritate. Tom is ready to tell the truth. Tom is ready to discern the truth. Mi rifuzas esti traktita kiel infano. I refuse to be treated like a child. I refuse to be treated as a child. lo'e verba cu kelci le bliku Children play with blocks. Kids Oni utiligas min. I'm being used. They utilize me. loQ pechuS'eghmoH. A little louder. loQ pechuS' fors sake. Tom atingis por la kafeo. Tom reached for the coffee. Tom got for the coffee. Le ignorantia es sin limites. Ignorance has no limits. The ignorance is limitless. Esque vu audit li file MP3 quel yo vos inviat? Did you listen to the MP3 file I sent you? Esque vu audit li file MP3 quel yo vos sentut? tlhaq ghorlu'pu' 'ej SIbI' tI'ta' net poQ. The clock that got broken must be repaired right away. Let's take advantage of the ten billion years ago. Mi estas hejme hodiaŭ. I'm at home today. I'm home today. ja'o do jai fenki You must be crazy. ja'o do jai fenci 'upqu'! How disgusting! 'upqu'! Yo ne save quande it va arivar. I don't know when it will arrive. Yo ne sande quande it va arivar. Veni con nos. Come along with us. Come with us. jeftu be li ji'ire Approximately two weeks. Every week li ji'ire Verŝajne estas bona ideo, ke ni parolu la anglan, por ke li povu kompreni. It's probably a good idea for us to speak in English, so he'll be able to understand. It is probably a good idea that we speak English so that he can understand. Mi lernas la araban. I am learning Arabic. I learn Arabic. Mi estis alkutimiĝinta al studado kiam mi estis lernanto. I was used to studying when I was a student. I was attracted to study when I was a student. Kio gvatas en la ombroj? What is lurking in the shadows? What digs into the shadows? Oni forpelis Tomon el la lernejo. Tom got kicked out of school. They fired Tom from school. Vi estos ŝaka kaj mata en tri movoj. You'll be checkmate in three moves. You'll be shaka and mata in three moves. Ne sufiĉas regi nur unu lingvon. It's not enough to know only one language. Not enough to rule only one language. Yo senti me quam in un forne. I feel like I'm in a furnace. Yo sent me quam in un forne. Me ia compra esta per tu. I bought this for you. Me ia compra esta per tu. jIDumtaH. I am having a nap. jIDum is entering. Ni pardonpetas pro ia malkomforto. We apologize for any inconvenience. We apologize for some discomfort. La musica ia sesa. The music stopped. The music of the sixth. Me manjas rizo. I am eating rice. I eat rice. Pote io venir anque deman? Can I come tomorrow too? Can something come even ask? Li libre raconta li historie de un dracon quel ne posset exhalar flamme. The book tells the story of a dragon that can't breathe fire. Li libre raconta li historian de un drawon quel ne posset exhalar flame. yIQ QaDmoHwI' DIr. The towel is wet. Thank you for that. Tom vizitis la tombon de Mary. Tom visited Mary's grave. Tom visited Mary's tomb. not DuSam vay'. No one will ever find you. not DuSam vay'. Yo have mult labor hodie. I have much work today. Yo have a lot of work today. Logob das Volapük binom pük gudik. I see that Volapük is a good language. Logob das Volapük binom pük gudik. Mi ŝatus, ke ne estu ekzameno. I wish there were no examination. I would like not to be an exam. Фоде ту, мерда. Fuck you, asshole. It's true, it's all right. Alcun cantat. Someone sang. Some cantat. Sua moves rapida ia stona nos. His rapid movements astonished us. Sua moves fast a bit of stona nos. Tomo estas mekanikisto. Tom is a mechanic. Tom is a mechanic. bImuSHa''egh. You love yourself. bImuSHa'egh. Tu es horribil. You're horrible. You're horrible. Li estis tro maljuna. He was too old. He was too old. Tomo suspiris. Tom sighed. Tom sighed. Mi ankoraŭ estas trejnanta lin. I'm still training him. I'm still training him. yI'el! Come on in! That's it! Mia domo estas kiel la via. My house is like yours. My house is like yours. maSIr jaH ley'la. Layla went to Egypt. maSIr jaH ley'la. ngoy'wI' Sov pagh. Nobody knows who's in charge. If you think it's so far. To es mi filia. This is my daughter. To es mi filia. Tom kanom rönön vifiko. Tom can run fast. Tom canom rönön vific. Manjo klaĉas kun Katrino. Mary is gossiping with Kate. Manjo clicks with Katrina. Eril ham ra with miwitheha wa. The city was completely deserted. Eril ham ra with miwitheha wa. Nos ave no cosa compartida. We have nothing in common. We have nothing to share. Ni alvenis ĝustatempe. We were just in time. We've arrived at the right time. Haltez la veturo hike. Stop the car here. Stop the vehicle here. mi birti lo du'u mi prami ra I am sure I am in love with her. mi birti lo du'u mi Love ra mutce carvi It's raining cats and dogs. mute carvi do banzu lo ka plipe fo makau You jumped high enough. then ban it ka plupe fo makau Eble mi sukcesis en la hieraŭa kontroltesto, sed mi ankoraŭ ne konas ties rezultojn. I might've done well on yesterday's test, but I don't know the results yet. Maybe I succeeded in yesterday's control test, but I still don't know its results. Estus preferinde, se vi malaperus. You'd better leave. It would be preferable if you disappear. Li lastmomente nuligis la kunsidon. He cancelled the meeting at the last minute. He last cancelled the meeting. lo mi junla cu te tcidu lo tcika pe baza lo mentu be li re My clock is two minutes fast. it mi junla cu te tcidus lo tcika pe base lo peti be li re Mi estis realvokonta vin. I was going to call you back. I've been calling you. "Kioma horo estas?" "Estas la tria kaj dudek." „What's the time?“ „It is twenty minutes past three.“ "What time is it?" "There are the third and twenty." Bonvolir sidar e fumar. Please sit down and smoke. Bonvolir sidar and smoke. vIta'meH jImoDmo' jIQagh. I made a mistake through doing it in a hurry. This is why you know, you've been doing so. Ille dispreciava le consilio de su matre. He flouted his mother's advice. They dispreciate le council de su matre. ko'a pu sutra farlu fi le serti She fell head over heels from the ladder. co'a pu sutra farlu le serti Ni apogas la demokration. We stand for democracy. We rely on democracy. Yo besona un pur camise. I need a clean shirt. Yo besona un pur camise. Ili estis pravaj. They were right. They were right. Parente, Tom ancora vive. Apparently, Tom is still alive. Parent, Tom still alive. pIQantaH. We're protecting you. pIQantaH. In geographia politic, le frontiera es un linea imaginari inter duo nationes, separante le derectos imaginari de un de illos del derectos imaginari del altere. In political geography, a boundary is an imaginary line between two nations, separating the imaginary rights of one from the imaginary rights of the other. In geographia politics, the frontier is a line imagination between two needles, separating the rights to imagine one of them from the rights to imagine the other. Le musica es le lingua international. Music is the international language. The music is the language international. Disputa es nonusosa. It's useless to argue. Dispute is harmful. fi'i do zanvi'e fi lo mi'a zdani Welcome to our home! fi'i do zanvi'e fi lo mi'a zdani Ме но парла туркес. I don't speak Turkish. It's what it's like. e'a nai tavla lo sazri Don't talk to the driver. e'a nai tavla lo sazri Le radiographia monstrava duo digitos fracturate. The x-ray showed two broken fingers. The radiography sampled two digits fracturate. Tomo havas malpli da amikoj ol mi. Tom has fewer friends than I do. Tom has fewer friends than me. Kial vi flustras? Why are you whispering? Why do you flow? It esset frigid ta mem in li estive. It is cold there even in summer. It esset frigid ta self in li estive. Vu es ci por laborar e ne por li plesura. You are here to work, not for pleasure. You are here to work and not for him to please. Apenaŭ alveninte en la malsanulejo, li faris sian lastan spiron. Hardly had he arrived at the hospital when he breathed his last. When he arrived in the hospital, he made his last breath. Tom malfermis la sekurŝrankon. Tom opened the safe. Tom opened the safeguard. Ilu voyajis en la Filipini un yaro ante nun. He was traveling in the Philippines this time last year. I've traveled in the Philippines a jar before now. Io habita in iste casa durante tres annos. I've lived in this house for three years. Io habita in this casa during three years. ro lo re mi'o terpa lo ka tavla We were both afraid to talk. ro lo re mi'o terpa lo ka tavla Tote le villages esseva belle. All the villages were beautiful. All the villages were pretty. Tom es nor vicino. Tom is our neighbor. Tom es nor vicino. Ili elvolvis siajn sanviĉojn. They unwrapped their sandwiches. They developed their shrines. Nenio en tio estas inda je fiero. There's nothing to be proud of. Nothing in this is worthy of pride. Том ес ен ла медиа де нада ен ла стангета. Tom is swimming in the pool. ← Ingredients ki'e la iukinas Thanks, Yukina. ki'e la olekinas Esque tu ne have ocules in li cap? Don't you have eyes in your head? Esque tu ne have ocules in li cap? Io perde sempre. I always lose. Io perde sempre. Ŝi fuĝis Alĝeron. She fled Algiers. She fled Algeria. Maria ia mostra sua senos. Mary showed her breasts. Mary will show her gender. Li amikeso divenis aden profunda amoro. Their friendship ripened into a deep love. His friendship came down into deep love. Tom pludormis ĉi-matene. Tom slept in this morning. Tom plunged this morning. La kvadrato de la longo de la hipotenuzo de ajna orta triangulo egalas al la sumo de la kvadratoj de la longoj de ĝiaj baza kaj vertikala lateroj. The square of the length of the hypotenuse of any right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of its base and vertical sides. The square of the length of the hypotenus of any orth triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of its base and vertical sides. dei'a tilju The weight is decreasing. That's the way you all say, It es interessant. It's interesting. It's interesting. Ella explicat it. She explained it. Ella expliccat it. HaqwI' vImoj vIneH. I want to become a surgeon. Why aren't you shooting? ma cmene ra What is his name? but Name Tom vive in un burgo non distante de Boston. Tom lives in a town not far from Boston. Tom vive in a burg non distaste of Boston. Homo ŝatas brilan sunlumon. Man likes bright sunshine. Man likes bright sunlight. do e'i sidju mi You have to help me. _Help jImaw' 'e' luHar HochHom. Most people think I'm crazy. I'm going to tell you what I think I'm all right. mi cu cunso cadzu ne'i le manku I'm wandering in the dark. mi cunso cadzu ne'i le manku Ni sidu dum kvin minutoj. Let's sit for five minutes. Let's sit for five minutes. not pemev! Don't ever leave. No, pemev! Tory mori. Tory dies. Tory die. ti na me do cukta .i ri me mi moi This is not your book, it's mine. ti na me dokukata .i ri mi moi Me regretas lo, ma me ne havas krayono por skribar. I'm sorry I have no pencil to write with. I regret it, but I have no starch to write. lo bancu cu zasti There is more. lo bancu cu zasti Illo es un puta de disordine. It's a fucking mess. It's a little bit of disorder. Surprisantmen, a unesim vise li chambre esset vacui. Surprisingly, at first glance the room was empty. Surprisantmen, a first vise li chambre esset vacui. Li ne respondis al la letero. He failed to answer the letter. He didn't respond to the letter. Esque Liechtenstein es un europan land? Is Liechtenstein a European country? Esque Liechtenstein is one European country? Esque Tom subride alquande? Does Tom ever smile? Esque Tom subride alquande? Restar ya ci es plu secur. It's safer to stay right here. There's no longer safe. Tota de mundo ia dansa. Everybody danced. All of the world's dance. Tom diceva a Mary que ille nunquam habeva essite sur un plagia pro nudistas. Tom told Mary he'd never been to a nude beach. Tom said to Mary that they had never been on an plagia pro nuditas. Su pilo es setose. Her hair is silky smooth. His little is set. Li-binol malädik? Are you sick? Li binol malädik? Äbinom reg gudik. He was a good king. Äbinom reg gudik. peghoHQo'! Don't argue. gh raceQo! Пер ке ту иа клуи еста кашета? Why did you close this drawer? ← Pelicanes ave becos longa. Pelicans have large beaks. Pelicanes ave becos long. La gepatreco kun ĝiaj ĝojoj kaj zorgoj estis tute nova sperto por Maria kaj Tomo. Parenthood with its joys and cares was a completely new experience for Mary and Tom. The gestation with its joys and concerns was a completely new experience for Mary and Tom. jaghvaD veng lon mangghom. The army abandoned the town to the enemy. jagh just veng lon manngghom. pa prenu poi gunka fi lo nu le munje cu vlipa A man on a quest to empower the world. pa take poi gunka fi lo nu le mjs cu vlipa Ille explicava le regulas in detalio. He explained the rules in detail. They explain the rules in detail. Ha'! mapaSbej. Come on! We'll be late. Ah! mapSbej. wej loDnal pup vISamta'. I have yet to find a perfect husband. wej loDnal pup favaSamta'. mi'o ma ca zvati Where are we now? mi'o ma ca zvati Human Ser vuSlu'be'. There is no limit to human progress. Human Ser vuSlu'be'. le kagni pe mi'a ca le nu ri cfari pu le'ipli xa po'o lo seljibri When we started out, we only had six employees. print mi'a ca le nu _Start pu le'ippli xa po'o lo sejibri Tomo havas pli junan fratinon nomatan Manjo. Tom has a younger sister named Mary. Tom has a younger sister called Manjo. On ha constate que le povressa e le disempleo, con su consecutive miseria e despero, son le fontes principal del crimine. Ha il alicun lege pro prevenir le povressa e le disempleo? It has been established that poverty and unemployment, with their attendant misery and despair, are the chief sources of crime. Is there any law to prevent poverty and unemployment? On ha constate que le povresa e le disemplo, con su consecutive miseria e despero, son le sources principal del crime. Ha il un lega to prevent le povresa e le disemplo? ghorpu' 'Iv? Who broke this? ghorpu' 'Iv? Mi estis sola. I was alone. I was alone. Eble Tomo ne iros al Bostono ĝis la venonta printempo. Tom may not go to Boston until next spring. Perhaps Tom will not go to Boston until the next spring. Me naskis ye la 4ma di junio, 1974. I was born on June 4, 1974. I gave birth to the 4th of June, 1974. Mi mem ne komprenas tion. I don't understand that myself. I don't understand it myself. Io non sape que occurre ibi. I don't know what's going on there. I did not know what ibi occurred. Conta a tu matre sur le viage. Tell your mother about the trip. Count to your matre on le viage. paq vIlaDtaHvIS jIQongchoHpu'. While reading the book, I felt asleep. Do you know how longQongchoHpu. Mi estas tre kontenta pri mia nova veturilo. I'm very happy with my new car. I'm very pleased with my new vehicle. loDHom jIH. I am a boy. loDHom Longer. Ĉio estas solvita. It's all settled. Everything is resolved. Voluntez sendar la letro esprese. Please send the letter by express. Want to send the leather ready. to'u ko'a me lo nanmu poi kakne lo ka se banli In short, he is a man of great ability. to'u ko'a me lo nmu poi kakne lo se banli Mi havas la liston. I have the list. I have the list. ma pamoi lo'i bende Which is the leading team? But first one's tape U tu habita? Where do you live? U tu habita? pumlI' por. A leaf is falling. pum Programming for. Ankoraŭ ne printempas. It's not spring yet. It's not spring yet. Que typo de joieles va tu portar con iste veste? What sort of jewelry are you going to wear with this dress? What type of jewelles are you carrying with this clothes? xu pu na xajmi Wasn't that fun? xu pu na xajmi nen chaH 'e' lughet 'e' lutIv puqpu' reHtaHvIS. Children like to pretend to be adults when they play. None of the universe. I am very lucky that the only intelligent beings are very hot. Kial mi ne havas tian amikon? Why don't I have a friend like that? Why don't I have such a friend? Io decideva liberar tote mi phrases anglese, inclusive iste. I have decided to release all my English sentences, including this one. It decisively free all my sentences English, including this one. Damasko estas la ĉefurbo de Sirio. Damascus is the capital of Syria. Damascus is the capital of Syria. Oni ne fumu en la teatro. No smoking in the theater. Don't smoke in the theatre. Buk olik binom is. Your book is here. Buk olik binom is. Legado disvolvas la menson. Reading develops the mind. Reading develops the mind. Milito ne estas neevitebla. War is not inevitable. War is not inevitable. mi gleki gi'e se mansa I'm happy and satisfied. mi gleki gi'e se mansa La estonteco apartenas al tiuj, kiuj kredas je la beleco de siaj sonĝoj. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Mi ignoris tion. I disregarded it. I ignored that. do ca'o mi'afra ma What are you laughing at? then ca'o mi'afra ma Ni tute ne devas helpi al Tomo. We don't need to help Tom at all. We don't have to help Tom at all. Ŝi demandis min, ĉu mi scipovas kudri. She asked me whether I know how to sew. She asked me if I could cook. Estis la tria matene. It was three in the morning. It was the third morning. tlhogh vIqaD. I'm against the marriage. Thank you very much. Dochvetlh muS tam. Tom hated that. Dochvetlh muS as well. lo stizu cu na'e xunre skari The chair is of a non-red color. stitch na'e Primure scari Parla con me. Speak with me. Parla con me. Jim ne estas advokato, sed doktoro. Jim is not a lawyer but a doctor. Jim is not a lawyer, but a doctor. Il probis parolar kun ni per la Franca. He tried to speak French to us. Il probis to talk to us through the French. Yo cadet sur li terra, e plorat por li unesim vez in mi vive. I fell to the ground, and cried for the first time in my life. Yo cadet on li earth, e cryat por li unesim vez in mi vive. Le facto se portava al lumine. The fact was brought to light. Le facto se portava al lumine. Celle sol resorto leva le tote peso del auto. That one spring carries the whole weight of the car. Celle sol resort leva le all the weight of the car. Le contessa es de accordo con omne iste conditiones. The countess agrees with all these conditions. The connection is meant to agree with all these conditions. Me gusta jua tenis. I like playing tennis. I tasted jua tennis. Tom ia es multe vea. Tom was very old. Tom's a lot of old. mi na te makfa I'm not a magician. mi na te makfa SIStaH. It keeps raining. SIS is entering. Per eveller su petalos, tu non potera sasir le beltate del flor. By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower. By eveller su petalos, tu unable sasir le belt del flower. Kiu estas via preferata verkisto? Who is your favorite author? Who is your favorite writer? Mi ŝatas, ke vi rakontas ĝin al mi. I appreciate you telling me. I like you tell it to me. Ella explicat un joca. She explained a joke. Ella expliccat un joca. Ille sempre parla como si ille sapeva toto. He always talks as if he knows everything. They always talk as if they know everything. Jira la boton contra la orolojo. Turn the knob counterclockwise. Jira the boot against the oralium. ra binxo lo pulji She became a police officer. ra binxo lo pulji Tomo faros ankaŭ tion. Tom will do that, too. Tom will also do that. Kial oni vivas? Why do we live? Why do they live? Äbinom-li fil? Was there a fire? Äbinom li fil? Benjamin jutom beri me gün. Benjamin shot a bear with a rifle. Benjamin jutom berries me gün. Li-nedol buki? Do you need the book? Li-nedol mouths? Ŝi donis al mi falsan telefonnumeron. She gave me a fake phone number. She gave me a fake telephone number. La poemoj de Homero estis verkitaj en la greka. The poems of Homer were written in Greek. Homero's poems were written in Greek. Ille ha cambiate nihil desde que io le ha vidite. He hasn't changed a bit since I saw him. They have changed none since something has been seen. Mi estas preta morti. I am ready to die. I'm ready to die. Lo aveni a alga veses. It happens sometimes. Lo aveni a alga vues. Le pictor de paisages faceva alicun retoccos al pictura. The landscape painter made some touch-ups to the painting. The painter of pasages face a bit of return to painting. Ĉu Tomo lasis vin fari, kion vi volis? Did Tom let you do what you wanted? Did Tom let you do what you wanted? Tomo iĝas vere kolera. Tom is going to be really mad. Tom becomes really angry. Io sapeva qui ille es. I knew who he was. Io sapava qui il es. Vi estas mia filino. You're my daughter. You're my daughter. Dabinons löfäls nenvöladikum ka Sperantapük. There are hobbies more worthless than Esperanto. Dabinons löfäls nenvöladikum ka Sperantapük. le se platu cu se cfila no da This plan has no flaws. le place cu se cphila no da Mi familie amat Tom. My family loved Tom. Mi familie amat Tom. "Reguarda le vitro alchimic", ille critava; "alique pur e pesante brilla in le crucibulo." Per un mano tremule ille lo levava, e in grande agitation clamava: "Auro! Auro!" "Look at the alchemic glass," he cried; "something glows in the crucible, pure and heavy." He lifted it with a trembling hand, and exclaimed in a voice of agitation, "Gold! gold!" "Reguarda le vitro alchimic", lyci critava; "alique pur e pesante brilla in le crucibule." By one hand tremule il lo leva, e in grand agitation clamava: "Auro! Gold!" Brosez vua denti pos repastar. Brush your teeth after meals. Brose your teeth after repastar. Vilom vedön tidan. He wants to become a teacher. Vilom vedön tidan. Ŝi estas riĉulino. She is a wealthy woman. She's rich. Mi volis riĉiĝi. I wanted to become rich. I wanted to get rich. Kiom longe vi spertas tiun doloron? How long have you had this pain? How long do you experience this pain? SaHtaH loSmaH nuv. There were forty people present. SaH was entering farSmaH nuv. Mi sestra es famosi. My sister is famous. I see it's famous. Tio estis tre amuza. It was a lot of fun. That was very fun. rop 'e' vIQub. I think she is sick. spin 'e' do you knowQub. ghotI' jonmeH jaHta'. He went fishing. ghotI' yonmeH jaHta'. le fetsi ca'o citka da She's eating something. le fetsi ca'o citka da lo me mi mamta ku fengu My mother is angry. lo me mamta ku fengu Ŝi ne povis respondi al la demando. She couldn't answer the question. She could not answer the question. Miami es li max grand cité de Florida. Miami is the largest city in Florida. Miami es li max grand cité de Florida. Tomo povis vidi neniom. Tom couldn't see anything. Tom could see nothing. Li pedes de Tom es vermen grand. Tom's feet are really big. It's Tom's vermen grand. Iste articulos essaya de presentar le historia del lingua Romancio. These articles try to present the history of the Romansh language. This article attempts to present the history of the Romance language. Том но густа овос. Tom doesn't like eggs. Is it possible for you to know what you want to do. Ho! Tio ŝajnas bongustega! Wow! That looks delicious. Oh, that seems delicious! gau ko cladu ke cmalu zmadu Make it a little louder. gau ko cladu ke cmalu zmadu chIS'a' navvam? Is this paper white? chIS's namely, the rest of the universe? Ella es tre alt. She's very tall. Ella is very high. El ave tre fias. He has three daughters. El ave tre fias. Ille debe ir. He must go. They've got to go. No dledobs. We're not afraid. No dledobs. Vi esas plu forta kam ni. You guys are stronger than we are. You are more powerful than we. Emi studiara le anglese. Emi will study English. Emi studia le English. HIvje''e' ghorpu' ghaH. It was a glass that he broke. Hivje'e' ghorpu' ghaH. Mi nomine es Sarah. My name is Sarah. My name is Sarah. Quant lagos hay in Finland? How many lakes are there in Finland? Quant lagos hay in Finland? Ĉu vi nombris la mantukojn? Have you counted the towels? Did you count the sleeves? Mi permesas ĉiujn atencojn, escepte tiujn al esencaj organoj. I'm allowing all attacks except on vital organs. I allow all attentions, except those to essential organs. DISamnIS neH. We just have to find them. DISamnIS neH. Nan mara. I am well. Nan mara. Tom dit que il pensat que Mary besonat manjar plu san. Tom said he thought Mary needed to eat healthier food. Tom dit que il pensat que Mary besonat eats more sane. Ĉu vi estas praktikaj? Are you practical? Are you practical? Ĉu vi estis simpatia? Were you sympathetic? Have you been sympathetic? Li savis mariston. He saved a sailor. He saved a seaman. Том иа жуа баскетбал а куандо ел иа ес ен универсиа. Tom played basketball when he was in college. ← Lua pelo esas pure blanka. His skin is pure white. Its fur is purely white. Fidez a tu ipsa. Have confidence in yourself. Trust in yourself. Ŝi trovis unu. She found one. She found one. jaghDaj HoSghaj jey. He defeated his powerful antagonists. JaghDaj HoSghaj jey. 'op chab nIm je DungeHta' SoS. Mother has sent you some cakes and milk. 'op chab imparim je DungeHta' SoS. Qui es le puero natante illac? Who's the boy swimming over there? Qui es le puero nante illac? Amo estas senpardona. Love doesn't forgive. Love is unpared. ra co'a cikna ti'u li ze He gets up at seven. ra co'a cikna ti'u li zé Tom bedaŭras la decidon, kiun li faris hieraŭ malfruvespere. Tom regrets the decision he made late last night. Tom regrets the decision he made yesterday late evening. Me havas onklo qua habitas Kyoto. I have an uncle who lives in Kyoto. I have a uncle who inhabits Kyoto. .ei mi pleji vi ma Where should I pay? .ei mi maximi vi ma Ĉu lerni la francan lingvon plaĉas al vi? Do you enjoy studying French? Does learning French language like you? Ме шерка меa телефон. I am looking for my phone. It's what it's like. Yo dit a il bon nocte. I told him good night. Yo dit a il bon midnight. ghuy'cha'! jIHvo' narghqa'ta'! Damn it! He's escaped me again. We're going to take you away! Qua yunulo esas Masao? Which boy is Masao? What boy is Massa? La estintecon oni povas nur koni, ne ŝanĝi. La estontecon oni povas nur ŝanĝi, ne koni. The past can only be known, not changed. The future can only be changed, not known. The existence can only be known, not change. The future can only be changed, not knowing. Se la kuracisto nur ne tiamaniere glutegus sian manĝaĵon. If only the physician wouldn’t eat his food in one gulp like that. If the doctor just wouldn't swallow their food in such a way. La folioj de la betulo jam flaviĝis. The birch leaves have already turned yellow. The leaves of the bet have been melted. .ue cu'i It's not surprising. .ue cu'i ro lo prenu pu mi'amli Everyone giggled. ro lo take pu mi'amli El vive en London. She lives in London. From live in London. Egosia es la esense de patriotisme. Conceit, arrogance and egotism are the essentials of patriotism. Egosia is the essence of patriotism. Donald Trump es un cáncere del homanité. Donald Trump is a cancer on humanity. Donald Trump is a cáncere del homanité. ckire fi lo nu morji Thanks for the memories. ckire fi lo nu morji Estas tro varme. It's too hot. It's too hot. pa'vamvaD tlhIm chu' vIje'nIS. I have to buy a new carpet for this room. This is why we really understand the universe. Omava ke inafa zoltera tir batyon askiks. His conclusion is based on these facts. Omava ke inafa zoltera pull batyon askiks. chutmey Sovbe' tam. Tom doesn't know the rules. Sobe's evolution, however. Нос густа мусика. We like music. It's what you want to do. QongmeH pa'Daq wab vIQoy. I heard a noise in the bedroom. QongmeH is why I am in favor of lifeQoy. Estas preskaŭ la sesa. It's nearly six o'clock. It's almost the sixth. To es li fine. This is the end. To es li fine. Vi ne vetu pri tio! Don't bet on that. You don't be afraid of it! Нос иа перде ун монтон де моне. We lost a lot of money. ← ← Ka vu es justa? Are you correct? Are you fair? Gravitate es le fortia natural per lequal objectos son attrahite le unes le alteres. Gravity is the natural force by which objects are attracted to each other. Gravity is the strong natural by lequal objects sound attrahite le first le others. mu'i ma do co'e What are you doing that for? mu'i ma do co'e ba'anaipei Do you remember? Are you sure you want to unmount the rest i'e Congratulations! i'e chut qeSwI' DIllaHbe' tam. Tom can't afford a lawyer. But that's what you're all right? Dormanta infano similas anĝelon. A sleeping child looks like an angel. A sleeping child resembles an angel. Jen teĥnikaj dokumentoj, kaj ili tre malfacile tradukeblas. These are technical documents and they are very difficult to translate. Here are tech documents, and they are very difficult to translate. roD bImI'a'? Do you exercise regularly? roD bImI'a? Lith le loláadehil Meri ulohé wa. I think Mary is a little too optimistic. Lith le loláadehil Meri jéhé wa. mi no roi tcidu fi lo bi'unai cukta I never read that book. I'm not going to decide it bi'unaikulta Ел аве ун монтон де моне, ма но спенде алга. He has a lot of money but he doesn't spend any. ← Ingredients Recipes Li ne respondis al mia demando. He didn't respond to my question. He didn't answer my question. Io ha justo ora finite le lectura de "Culmines Tempestose". I just finished reading Wuthering Heights. Io ha justo ora finite le read de "Culmines Tempestose". Io ama tu catto. I love your cat. Io ama tu catto. Tu es susceptibile. You're sensitive. You are susceptible. Li puella prendet li rapiere e celat it. The girl took the rapier and hid it. Li puella prendet li rapiere e cat it. Manjo kaj mi geedziĝos. Mary and I are getting married. Eat and I'll marry. Me pensa ce Tom vera merita esta. I think Tom really deserves it. I think about Tom very worthy of being. Mi opinias, ke ŝi elpensis tiun historion. I think she made up that story. I think she devised this story. Nos parla turces. We speak Turkish. Nos parla turces. Bon dia, meа brilia de sol. Good morning my sunshine. Bon dia, me blilia de sol. Ме канта су ла плуво. I'm singing in the rain. Is it possible for you to know what you want to do. Mi ne opinias, ke tio estas vera. I don't believe that to be true. I don't think that's true. Mi bone rilatas kun ŝi. I get along well with her. I'm well related to her. Me esas leda. I'm ugly. I am led. 'ul 'aplo' Hujlu'ta'. This battery is charged. 'ul 'applo' Hujlu'ta'. La libros es peti. The books are small. The books are requests. Üc. Yes. Üc. Acel es un arbor multe bela. That's a very pretty tree. Acel is a tree much nice. 'Ivvo' 'oH DaSovpu'? Who did you learn it from? The universe is essentially the universe. You are the only intelligent beings. mi senpi lo du'u la .tam. cu gleki lo ri cnino jibri I doubt that Tom is happy with his new job. mi unpi lo du'u la .tam. cu gleki lo ri cnino jibri Tomo diris, ke li volas helpi. Tom said he wanted to help. Tom said he wanted to help. Fa me felici! Make me happy. Make me happy! pe' 'ej nav qatwI' poSmoH. He cut the envelope open. Thank you for me, thank you very much indeed. Tu ha oblidate mi die natal. You forgot my birthday. Tu ha oblidate mi die natal. HurDaq tuj'a'? Hot outside? If we're right now? Io lo expecta con impatientia. I look forward to it. Io lo expecta con impatientia. Noi ne es in dangere nu. We're in no danger now. We're not in dangere nu. Io videva alicun aves partir volante. I saw a few birds fly away. It sees any aves partar volante. La fem leje un novela. She's reading a novel. The sometimes leje un novela. Asi on misca cafe brasilera e colombian. They blend Brazilian and Colombian coffee here. Asi on misca café brasilera and columbian. lo pa nanca cu du lo pa masti be li pare A year has twelve months. lo pa Years cu du lo pa masti be li pare Lo es esta libro. It's this book. It is an essay book. Bonvolu doni al mi cindrujon. Please give me an ashtray. Please give me a cinema. Junaj infanoj devus lerni kunsentemon por bestoj. Young children ought to learn empathy for animals. Young children should learn consistency for animals. vIchaw'Qo'. I won't permit it. playchaw'Qo'. Per favore, dona la fatura. The check, please. Please give the invoice. Mi povas senti mian koron bati. I can feel my heart pounding. I can feel my heart beat. xu do ba'o tcidu le cukta Have you finished reading that book yet? xu do ba'o decide the sugar Illas probabilemente lo sape. They probably know. It's probably what you know. La libron, kiun vi donis al mi, tiun mi perdis. I lost the book you gave me. The book you gave me, I lost. Se tiu lavmaŝino fuŝos denove, mi plendos al la fabrikanto. If that washing machine goes wrong again, I shall complain to the manufacturer. If this washing machine runs again, I'll complain to the manufacturer. Ŝi diris: "Venu kun mi en la ĝardenon de miaj revoj!" She said: "Come with me into the garden of my dreams!" She said, "Come with me in the garden of my dreams!" Yo ne esset for tre long. I wasn't gone very long. Yo ne esset for very long. Kiun lingvon oni parolas en Usono? What language do they speak in the US? What language is spoken in the United States? mi ralte pa gerku e re mlatu I have a dog and two cats. mi ralte pa gerku e re mlatu Ilu es extraverto. He is outgoing. Ilu es extravert. do mutce melbi You're very pretty. do mute melbs La katino de Tomo havis naŭ idojn. Tom's cat had nine kittens. Tom's cat had nine children. Tom era moleste. Tom was annoying. Tom was soft. bIH vImeQmoHpu'. I burned them. Thank you very much indeed. Me spektis parado dum irar adheme. I caught sight of a parade on my way home. I watched a parade when going to adheme. Sur li ultim págine Mary scrit: "Li nave es submersent." On the last page, Mary wrote: "The ship is sinking." On him ultim págine Mary scrit: "He nave es submersent." Ni estas junaj. We're young. We're young. e'u bajra How about running? e'u bayra Mi ne estas pli inteligenta ol li. I am no more intelligent than he. I'm not smarter than he. qach qoDDaq ratlhlu'meH QaQ jajvam. It was too nice a day to stay inside. I'll be sure that we are the only intelligent beings in the past. Li cane aboya. The dog is barking. Li dog aboya. Mi tute ne parolas la francan. I don't speak any French. I don't speak French at all. De' lI' 'oH. That is a useful piece of information. That's the universe. Nu, maifükolöd logis olik! Now, open your eyes. Well, maifükolöd logs on it! Mutol gesagön säki. You must answer the question. Mutol gegagön säki. Ne igu min ridi! Don't make me laugh! Don't make me laugh! Mannes nequande plora. Men never cry. Mannes unsquared crying. [pu ku] ca lo nu mulno kei mi cliva I had already left by the time it finished. [pu ku] ca lo nu mulno kei mi Exiting Ili estas junaj. They're young. They are young. A helta ar caita caimanna! Take off your clothes and lie down on the bed! A helta ar caita caimanna! Lass Tom reposar. Let Tom rest. Lass Tom repostar. lo skapi pe le fetsi pu milxe glare Her skin was warm. lo scapi pe le fetisi pu milxe glare Ioco es un nom japanes. Yoko is a Japanese name. Something is a name Japanese. Via regnestro estas reĝo de Prusujo kaj imperiestro de Germanujo. Your sovereign is king of Prussia and emperor of Germany. Your ruler is king of Prussia and emperor of Germany. Tom no ia pote permete a se vade a la conserta. Tom could not afford to go to the concert. Tom noi can permete a se vade a la conserar. Ella hihicat. She giggled. Ella hihicat. Canta me tu plus belle canto, revela tu spirito e lassa me toccar lo, con mi manos luminose nascite in sonios, formate de spero e movite de amor. Sing your most beautiful song to me, show me your soul and let me touch it with my luminous hands born out of dreams, molded by hope and moved by love. Canta me tu plu pretty canto, reveal your spirit and leave me touching it, con mi manos luminose nascite in sonios, is malformed from hope and motivated to love. Ne indas paroli kun ŝi. There is no use talking to her. It's nothing to talk to her. ta ba'o cribe .i ta cribe pesxu That's not a bear anymore. That's bear goo. ta ba'o cribe .i ta cribe pesxu Kiom longa vi estis vivanta en Osaka? How long have you been living in Osaka? How long were you living in Osaka? Mi ne povus malkonsenti pli. I couldn't disagree more. I couldn't disagree more. Ni ne ricevis salajron dum tri monatoj. We haven't been paid for three months. We didn't get a salary for three months. xu le pixra cu cnino Is it a recent picture? xu le Image cu cnino La barcon es a mar. The ship is at sea. The barcon is at sea. Islando apartenis al Danio. Iceland belonged to Denmark. Iceland belonged to Denmark. pung Hutlh qul. Fire is without mercy. pung Hu to the same time. Manjo alproksimiĝis. Mary approached. Food approached. SIrlIy Qeb tuQtaH me'rIy'. Mary is wearing a silver ring. SIrbily Qeb tuQ suppresses me'rIy'. Desinob vobön in lupanar. I plan to work in a brothel. Desinob vobön in lupanar. Lazarus Zamenhof esas Polono. Lazarus Zamenhof is Polish. Lazarus Zamenhof is Poland. mi pu'o klama lo bartu I'm about to go out. mi pu'o klamma lo bartu La parte la plu difisil ia fini ja. The hardest part is already over. The part the most difficult it ends already. Tu es tan amable. You're so nice. Tu es tan amable. Venu, Emilia! Via patro vin atendas. Come, Emilia! Your father is waiting for you. Come on, Emilia! Your father waits for you. Illes es in optime condition. They are in great condition. They are in optimal condition. Salas ia conose el. Salas knew them. Saas some conose el. Ne forgesu skribi! Don't forget to write. Don't forget to write! .a'e nai mi klama lo ckana Yaaaawn... I'm going to bed. .a'e nai mi klama lo ckana Yo pensa que Tom deve manjar plu. I think Tom should eat more. Yo pensa que Tom deve eats more. Non repone le receptor, ma resta in linea, per favor. Don't hang up, but hold on please. Non repone the receiver, but rest in line, please. Mi neniam fiŝkaptis kun Tom. I've never been fishing with Tom. I never fished with Tom. Ŝi sidis tie en silento. She sat there in silence. She sat there in silence. Sive Shakespeare skribis o ne ica poemo, probable restas misterio. Whether Shakespeare wrote this poem or not will probably remain a mystery. Sive Shakespeare wrote or not this poem, presumably remains a mystery. Yo fat projectes. I made plans. Yo fat projects. xagze'a It's improved. xagze'a Ni povas ricevi plu. We could get more. We can get more. Tu la basiava, nonne? You kissed her, didn't you? You're the basic, right? tlhoy jen. It's too high. It's late here. No kanob kledön das äsagol etosi Tomase. I can't believe that you told Tom that. No canob cledön das äsagol ethos Tomase. Hutlh puq chonnaQ. There is a fork missing. Hutlh puuq chon Novo. lo du'u zo'e gleki ku cumki Maybe they are happy. two's zallows the cumki Unda post unda surgeva super le plagia. Wave after wave surged upon the beach. Unda post unda surgeva super le plagia. Hanüd obik binos in vat vamik. My hand is in warm water. Hanüd obik binos in vat vamik. Luneklipso estas malofta fenomeno. An eclipse of the moon is a rare phenomenon. Luneclipsis is a poor phenomenon. qaSpa' jar veb qach wIqeDnIS. We must vacate the house before next month. The next year I'm plus a couple of years ago. Esce el gusta Xina? Does she like China? Esce el gusta Xina? La aerbendo tralasas. The tire leaks air. The air belt travels. Il es nu un studiante. He's now a college student. Il es nu un studitante. chay' ghojmeH ghItlhwI'lIj nguvlu'? What colour is your pencil? Let's go, let's take me now? Tomo ĵuris, ke li neniun diris pri la sekreto. Tom swore that he didn't tell anyone about the secret. Tom swore that he didn't say anything about the secret. Tom havas la perfekta alibio. Tom has the perfect alibi. Tom has the perfect alibrium. Еске ту но сабе ки ме ес? Do you not know who I am? It's all right? La furioza homamaso renversis aŭtojn kaj frakasis vitrinojn de vendejoj. The angry mob overturned cars and smashed storefront windows. The angry crowd reversed cars and smashed winters of sales. On ia porta rapida el a la ospital. He was rushed to the hospital. On any door rush from to the ospital. Mi iras al la lernejo ĉiumatene. I go to school every morning. I'm going to school every morning. Le vulnere causava grande dolor al athleta. The injury caused the athlete great pain. Le vulnere cause great pain to athleta. Mi ne komprenas tion, kio okazas. I don't understand what's happening. I don't understand what's going on. Li mann es yun. The man is young. Li mann es yun. Acel mar es blu. That sea is blue. Acel mar is blue. Le majoritate del personas pensa que le homine non debe mangiar carne human. Most people think that people shouldn't eat people. The majority of people think that the men should not eat a carne human. Virino vizitis nin dum vi dormis. A woman visited us while you were sleeping. A woman visited us while you slept. ko'a djica lo ka sidju ko'e tu'a lo zdakemkulgu'a She wants me to help her with her homework. Calculate disc for listening. This concept entails that the zdakekulgu's surface is a bit like this Tomo falsis la subskribon de sia ĉefo. Tom forged his boss's signature. Tom falsified his chief's signature. QubmeH poH neH vIpoQ. I just need time to think. QubmeH pas neH facipoQ. Kiel Tom alvenis ĉi tien? How did Tom get here? How did Tom get here? Sed mi ne estas kiel la ceteral infanoj! Mi estas pli bona ol ĉiuj, kaj ĉia diras nur la veron. Mi promesas al vi, paĉjo, ke mi ellernos metion, kaj estos via konsolo kaj apogo dum via maljuno. But I am not like other boys! I am better than all of them and I always tell the truth. I promise you, Father, that I'll learn a trade, and I'll be the comfort and staff of your old age. But I'm not like the rest of the children! I'm better than all, and I'm just saying the truth. I promise you, dad, that I'll get a measure, and it'll be your comfort and support during your harm. Li neniam eliris. He never went out. He never went out. El scrive libros. He writes books. From scrive books. Mi capillos es multo fede. My hair is very ugly. Mi capillos es multo fede. vIghro' ghaj me'rIy. Marie had a cat. venisro' ghaj me'rIy. Ni es enemiki. We're enemies. We are enemy. Mi retpoŝte sendis la hejmtaskon de Tomo al li. I emailed Tom his homework. I emailed to send Tom's homework to him. Noi devenit amicos quande yo esset in Taiwan. We became friends when I was in Taiwan. We have become amicos quande yo esset in Taiwan. Il niva forte. It's really snowing. Il niva forte. Il eniris la chambro. He entered the room. Il entered the chamber. Mi neniam ajn vidis ion tian. I've never seen anything like this before. I never saw anything like that. jIHegh 'e' vImaS. I prefer to die. pandeigh 'e' fiamaS. Tom tion faris. Tom did that. Tom did that. pIghov. We recognized you. pIghov. QongtaHbogh Ha'DIbaH vIlegh. I saw a sleeping dog. There is an error creating Ha'Diba facilegh. Alga de mundo nunca va comprende. Some people will never understand. Alga de world nunca va comprende. jISaHbe'. I don't care. Exiting... Io videra lo que io potera facer, sed io vos promitte nihil. I'll see what I can do, but I promise you nothing. I'll see it than I could do, but something you promised nihil. lo fetsi cu mutce toldarsi She's very shy. lo fetassi cu mutce todarsi Iste puero resimila a su patre. That boy takes after his father. This mayer resimilar to his parent. ku'i lo ckafi cu xlali But the coffee's not good. ku'i lo ckafi cu xlali Tom es povri, ma il es felici. Tom is poor, but he's happy. Tom is poor, but it is happy. Fidof podi. She's eating an apple. Fidof pods. Ло де ме ес плу бон ка ло де ту. Mine is better than yours. ← Ingredients rav yIngu'! Which floor is it? Come on! Ili volas, ke ni kunlaboru. They want us to cooperate. They want us to work together. Ni estas kvaropa familio. We are a family of four. We're a four-parent family. Tom es fort. Tom is strong. Tom es fort. jIQonglaHbe'. I couldn't sleep. Exiting... Pote nos colonisar Marte? Can we colonize Mars? Can we have settlers Tuesday? Ili revas pri la tago, kiam ili naĝos en mono. They dream of the day when they'll be rolling in money. They get back on the day when they swim in money. lo banlu'atu morsi pe'a bangu Latin is a dead language. lo banlu'atu Deada pe'a bangu To ne es mi billete. This is not my ticket. That's not my ticket. Dorpa' lojmItjaj paqmeyvam tInobHa'! Please return these books by Saturday. Dorpa' lojmItjaj paqkos tInobHa! ma jdima How much is this? but jdima Ĉu vi povas vidi la nevideblan homon? Can you see the invisible man? Can you see the invisible person? Ankaŭ mi aŭdis tion. I heard it, too. I heard that too. Ill puf es gwirdd. The apple is green. Ill puff is gwirddd. La negoco lamas. Business is quite slow. The business lays. Tomo devis dikiĝi por la rolo. Tom had to put on weight for the role. Tom had to thicken for the role. Hodiaŭ estas mia naskiĝtago. Today is my birthday. Today it's my birthday. blabi xu Is it white? White xu Kim sagom das no kanon lemön beati dub mon? Who says money can't buy happiness? Kim sagom das no canon lemön beati dub mona? Nos esseva in retardo proque le traffico esseva congestionate. We were late as a result of the traffic jam. We were in delay because traffic was congestion. Tomo malamas araneojn. Tom hates spiders. Tom hates spiders. Estima tu que il es importante lo que altere personas pensa de nos? Do you care what other people think about us? Estim tu que il es important lo que other people think of us? La ŝuoj de Tomo ne harmonias kun lia kostumo. Tom's shoes don't match his suit. Tom's shoes do not harmonize with his suit. jImIghbe'. I'm not evil. Exiting... "Yo va far omnicos corectmen", ella jurat a su matre. "I will do everything right", she swore to her mother. "Yo va far omnicos corectmen", she swears to her matre. Me gusta musica pop. I like pop music. I taste music pop. Tomo ŝajnas inteligenta. Tom seems intelligent. Tom seems intelligent. Dochmey vIqemnISbogh bopbogh tetlh'e' vIgher. I made a list of things I needed to bring with me. Professor, we have sought to understand the questions where we have come from. Yo pensa que Tom es incolerat. I think Tom is angry. Yo pensa que Tom es incolerat. mi co'i fraxu I already apologized. Cà mi co'i frauxu Un pex oro grande nada en la lageta. A large goldfish swims in the pond. One pex gold large nada in the pond. mi pu djica lo ka nurxrugau la tom I wanted to save Tom. mi pu djica lo ka justxrugau la tom Tom ia demanda a me esce me fami. Tom asked me whether I was hungry. Tom ia demanda a me esce me fami. Ci es tui trincage, Tom. Here's your drink, Tom. Ci es tui trincage, Tom. muSbej muSwI'pu'. Haters gonna hate. Go! Go! Chalk One troops are on the deck. 'InSongmey je' ghaH. He bought flowers. 'InSongmey je' ghaH. Esas nulo celita qua ne revelesos. There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed. There are nothing hidden that will not reveal. Esque vu have infantes? Do you have any children? Esque you have kids? Esque tu es satisfat? Are you satisfied? Esque tu es satifate? La polico arestis la kunmurdintojn. The police have arrested the murderer's accomplices. The police arrested the fellowmen. Mi volas fari pagotan telefonvokon al Aŭstralio. I want to make a collect call to Australia. I want to make a paid call to Australia. Ĉu vi ŝatas vojaĝi? Ankaŭ mi. Do you like to travel? Me too. Do you like to travel? Me darea tu qualcosa frigide a biber? Would you give me something cold to drink? Me dara tu quacosa frigide a biber? Il es proque tu es un puera. That's because you're a girl. Il es proque tu es un puera. xomei lo'i ratni be lo tabno ne'i lo xumsle be lo metxani How many carbon atoms does methane have? xomei lo'i ratni be lo tabno ne'i lo xumsle be lo metxani Ĉu vi donis al Tomo tion, kion li petis? Have you given Tom what he asked for? Did you give Tom what he asked? Ni kontentas pri la rezultato. We're pleased with the result. We're content with the result. Ube esis tu dum la tota pos-dimezo? Where were you the entire afternoon? Where was you during the entire rear day? la .tom. pu sanli je zgana Tom stood watching. The .tom. pu sanli je zgana Kial vi iris en la urbon? Why did you go to the city? Why did you go into the city? Tom ne aspektas konvinkita. Tom doesn't look convinced. Tom doesn't look convinced. Pu inya en al kalí da batliz me pir I told her not to come here. Pu inya in al calí da batliz me pir Contra la mal clima el ia veni. He came in spite of bad weather. Against the little climate from someone to come. HolDaj wa'DIch 'oHbe' DIvI' Hol'e'. English isn't his first language. Hold on all of the universe. We are the only intelligent beings in the first part, and the laws Vi povas alklaki la plumon por poste ŝanĝi la frazojn. You can click on the pen to change sentences afterwards. You can click on the plum to then change the sentences. DuSaQDaq HIpmey DItuQ Hoch maH. We all wear uniforms to school. DuSaQ is the HIpmey DItuQ HISH. mi cafne kelci lo fudbolo ba tu'a lo ckule I often play soccer after school. mi cafne keulci lo fudbolo ba tu'a lo cule La vido plenigis min per timo kaj teruro. The sight filled me with fear and terror. The sight filled me with fear and terror. Un dracon habita in li cavern? A dragon lives inside the cavern. One cloth habita in li kavern? Ту ес бела. You are beautiful. It's all right. Su theoria es basate sur elaborate investigationes. His theory is based on elaborate investigation. On theory it is based on elaborate investigations. Ne eliru post noktiĝo. Don't go out after dark. Don't go out after night. Ĉu mi povas pruntepreni vian poŝtukon por viŝi mian nazon? May I borrow your hankie to wipe my nose? Can I lend your mailbox to watch my nose? Tu debe sequer le consilio de tu medico. You should follow your doctor's advice. You must follow your physician's advice. Ni simplu provu tion denove! Let's just try it again. We'll like to try it again! La suspektito esis sen-kulpa koncerne la krimino. The suspect was innocent of the crime. The suspect was innocent in regard to the crime. vi ma Where is it? you but Ol helpis me multe. It helped me a lot. It helped me a lot. Ne estu egoisma, junulino! Don't be selfish, young girl! Don't be selfish, girl! Iranaj homoj estas pacamaj. Iranian people are peace loving. Iranian people are peaceful. .i lonu mi joi la tal. puzi casnu ti cu mukti lonu mi te preti fo do .i pe'i loi mlatu loi gerku cu zmadu loka kukte .i xu tugni Me and Tal's recent discussion prompted me to ask you. I expect cats to taste better than dogs. Agree? .i lon mi joi la tal. puzi koku mukti lonu mi preti fo do .i pe'i loi mlatu loi gerku ku zmadu local kukte .i xu tugni Еске ту сабе гида? Do you know how to drive? It's all right? Tomo atendas sian amikon. Tom is waiting for his friend. Tom is waiting for his friend. Roma es li cité capital del munde. Rome is the capital of the world. Roma es li cité capital del munde. ngerwIj vIchoH. I revised my theory. I am well-known in my life. Tom ia dise a Maria ce el es fame. Tom told Mary he was hungry. Tom ia dise a Maria ce el es hungere. Nef binon cil gema. A nibling is the child of a sibling. Nef binon children gema. Il indormit e comensat roncar tre sonorimen. He fell asleep and began snoring very loudly. Il indormit e comensat roncar tre sonorimen. Viaj ideoj estas sensignifaj. Your thoughts are of no significance at all. Your ideas are meaningful. Tom es ancor virginal. Tom is still a virgin. Tom is still virgin. Mi estis feliĉa tiam. I was happy then. I was happy then. Homo, konu vin mem; tiam vi ekkonos la Universon kaj Dion. Man know thyself; then thou shalt know the Universe and God. Man, know yourself. Then you will know the Universe and God. Mi neniom scias, pri kio Tomo parolas. I have absolutely no idea what Tom's talking about. I don't know what Tom is talking about. Hieraŭ mi metis la donacojn en la subtegmento, hodiaŭ mi metis ilin sub la lito kaj morgaŭ mi forĵetos ilin tra la fenestro. Yesterday I put the gifts in the attic, today I put them under the bed and tomorrow I'll throw them out the window. Yesterday I put the gifts in the basement, today I put them under bed and tomorrow I will throw them out through the window. Le incertitude es pro le anima lo que le tortura es pro le corpore. Uncertainty is to the soul as torture is to the body. The uncertainty is for the soul that the torture is for the body. El Oslo binon cifazif Norgäna. Oslo is the capital of Norway. El Oslo binon cifazif Norgäna. ramvetlh maghom. We met that night. ramve vé maghom. Ĉu li estas konscia pri siaj eraroj? Is he aware of his mistakes? Is he aware of his mistakes? Illa esseva tanto belle que le filio del mercator non poteva non genicular pro basiar la le mano. She was so beautiful that the merchant's son could not help kneeling down to kiss her hand. Illa was so pretty much that the daughter of the mercator could not be geniculated to base the hand. Io comenciava a pensar que io habeva agite stupidemente. I started to think I had behaved foolishly. Something beginning to think that something had been acting stupidly. gau la.pacrid. mi co'e The Devil made me do it. gau la.pacrid. mi co'e Spongoj estas truetaj. Sponges are porous. Spongs are tricky. Degluti lo, non lo mastica. Swallow it. Don't chew it. Deglut it, not it mastica. Tom disse que achava que eu era espirituoso. Tom said that he thought that I was witty. Tom disse que acha que eu era espirituoso. vergh bejtaH be'Hom. The girl was gazing at the dock. vergh believing a bee'Hom. Tomo atendas, ke ĉiuj foriru. Tom is waiting for everyone to leave. Tom is waiting for everyone to go away. Non fide te a misogynos. Don't trust misogynists. Not confident you to misogynos. Ävilob savön oli. I wanted to save you. Ävilib savön oli. Ĉu vi povas havigi al mi plian krajonon? Can you get me another pencil? Can you have me another pencil? DaH nuq bota'pu'? What have you done now? I'm going to take me away. Iam mi estos kuracisto. I will be a doctor someday. I'll be a doctor once. Per favore, no disputa. Please don't argue. Please, no dispute. Labob bukis tel. I've got two books. Labob bukis tel. Li estas tute honesta. He's thoroughly honest. He's all honest. Ili estis nominta ŝin Johana. They named her Jane. They were named her John. .iecai Truer words have never been spoken. .icai wIjtaH tam. Tom was plowing. It's possible to change the same way. Supozeble la hundo mordemas. I guess the dog bites. Supposably the dog bites. Li poesie de Baudelaire es magnific. Baudelaire's poetry is magnificent. Li poetry de Baudelaire es magnific. Jaron post jaro ili iĝis pli malriĉaj. From year to year they were growing poorer. A year after year they became poorer. Ĉu vi povas vidi iun ajn? Can you see anyone? Can you see anyone? bIghHa'meyDaq law' maw'wI'pu'. Prisons are full of lunatics. We don't think we're all right, but they're going to cranks. Tom es un machista. Tom is a chauvinist. Tom is a wizard. Tomas älabom flenis mödik. Tom had many friends. Tomas älabom flanis mödik. Kion mi gajnis? What did I win? What did I win? Quo es un watt? What is a watt? What is one watt? mi ro jai vajni ba'o cusku I really have nothing else to say. I really mean ba'o cusku vaghmaH ben boghpu' SoSwI'. My mother is fifty years old. We have two pieces of observational evidence on the probability of life appearing. Tomo ne povas kredi, ke Manjo klopodas senkreditigi lin. Tom can't believe that Mary is trying to discredit him. Tom cannot believe that Manjo is attempting to discredit him. Il ha multe americanos qui sape parlar japonese. There are many Americans who can speak Japanese. Il ha multe americanos qui sape parlar Japanesee. bomvetlh vIparHa'. I like that song. Thank you very much indeed. Oni povas vidi multajn bestojn en ĉi tiu arbaro. You can see many animals in this forest. You can see many animals in this forest. Mi perdis mian ombrelon kaj devas aĉeti novan. I've lost my umbrella. I must buy a new one. I lost my umbrella and must buy a new one. La invia es un de la sete pecas matante. Envy is one of the seven deadly sins. The latter is one of the set pecas matante. Io vade al schola. I walk to school. Io vade al scola. Nun mi ne povas. I can't right now. Now I can't. vIt neHbe' tam. Tom doesn't want to tell the truth. facit neHbe' tam. A illa manca le motivation. He lacks motivation. A ila mana le motivation. Io es multo felice de vider te. I'm very glad to see you. It's much happy to see you. Li proponis planon por plibonigi la ofican efikecon. He put forward a plan for improving office efficiency. He proposed a plan to improve the efficient effectiveness. Mi scias, ke Tomo estis infana mirindulo. I know that Tom was a child prodigy. I know that Tom was a child-in-law. e'icu'i mi na cipni gi'e na te julne .i mi zifre'a gi'e sezbanzu lo nu cuxykamvli I am no bird, and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will. e'icu'i mi na cipni gi'e na julne .i mi zifre'a gi'e sezbanzu lo nuxykamvli Ili morgaŭ vojaĝos al Nîmes. They are going to Nîmes tomorrow. They'll travel to Nîmes tomorrow. Mi lasis Tom spekti iomete televidon, post kiam li finis sian hejmtaskon. I let Tom watch a little TV after he finished his homework. I let Tom watch a little TV after he finished his homework. mo spati What kind of plant is it? mo Plant Pro quo tu cele tui penses? Why do you hide your thoughts? Why do you target tui think? Pasanta aŭto trafis en flakon kaj ŝprucigis akvon sur min. A passing car hit a puddle and splashed water all over me. Passing a car hit into a flap and sprayed water on me. Esce vosа amis es portuges o brasilera? Are your friends Portuguese or Brazilian? Are you loved to be Portuguese or brasilera? Mi certas, ke Tomo suferas. I'm sure Tom is suffering. I'm sure that Tom suffers. Le musica es le anima del lingua. Music is the soul of language. The music is the soul of the language. Satol-li dö fid? Do you have enough food? Satol li dö fid? qanepba'pu'. It's obvious that you told a lie. Ignepba'pu. Lu es men hunde. It is my dog. Lu es men hunde. ti noi glico ensaio cu so'u sai va'ei prane This English essay is far from perfect. ti noi glico ensao cu so'u sai va'ei prane No labom famüli. He doesn't have a family. No labom famüli. Le classe obrer e le classe empleator ha nihil commun. The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. The class obrer and class employee have nothing common. Mi estos ĝuste ĉi tie. I'll be right in here. I'll be right here. Ni serĉas volontulon. We're looking for a volunteer. We're looking for a volunteer. "Ме аве ун ами де кор." "Де куандо?" "I have a boyfriend." "Since when?" "I know you're going to go?" Leon fidom miti. The lion is eating meat. Leon trustm mites. Ĉu vi pensas, ke Tom skribis tion? Do you think Tom wrote this? Do you think Tom wrote this? Illa comenciava a facer excusas. He began to make excuses. Illa startva to make excuses. nuv potlh law' Huch potlh puS. People are more important than money. Thank you for listening. Tu nada bon, no? You swim well, don't you? You got some good, no? nap yIn. 'ach wInapHa'nISmoH 'e' wIqap. Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. nap waves. 'ach usnapHa'nIS will have been in favor of `qap'. Le supermercato es aperte iste vespere? Is the supermarket open this evening? Le supermercato es open this evening? Tomo ne estas okupita nuntempe. Tom isn't busy right now. Tom is not busy at present. Nos ia baldoni los. We threw them away. We've got some baldons it. le gerku cu zasti le cipni To the bird, the dog exists. le gerku cu zasti le cypni Ya línna ambanna tulinuva nan. What goes up must come down. Ya línna ellanna tulinuva nan. Ŝi estas ekscita. She's hot. She's exciting. Kömolöd isi. Come here. Kömolöd isi. Амбос де нос ес мулте дормоса. We're both very sleepy. It's all right, but it's not true. Vi estas kun Tomo, ĉu ne? You're with Tom, aren't you? You're with Tom, aren't you? Io non adjutava. I didn't help. Io non helpva. Kio estas aŭtodafeo? What is an auto-da-fé? What's a cardaffe? Yo va morir ho-nocte. I'm going to die tonight. Yo va morir ho-nocte. Lia aŭto estas dujara. His car is two years old. His car is two years old. HuDDaq qach tIn ghaj. He has a big house on the mountain. HuD is going to me wellch tIn ghaj. Spelob das otuvol omis. I hope you find them. Spelob das otvol omis. Mi renkontis lin en januaro. I met him in January. I met him in January. Mi sestra lude con un pupé. My sister is playing with a doll. Mi serstra lude con un pupé. lo ropa perli poi stali le tricu cu fusra The only pear left on the tree is rotten. it spin pearls po poi stali le tris cu fusra mi djica stali lo nu mi cmecau vi I want to remain anonymous in this. mi djica stali lo nu mi cmeca vi mi na pu djuno lo nu la tom cu se bruna I didn't know Tom had a brother. mi na pu Addon lo nu la tom cu se brown Том ес ун бон падрон. Tom is a good boss. ← ← Mi skribis mil frazojn. I wrote a thousand sentences! I wrote a thousand sentences. Nulo facesas hike sen disputo. Nothing is ever done here without dispute. Nothing faces here without dispute. xu do plika'e su'o nanba tu'a lo cerni sanmi Do you have bread for lunch? xu do moreka'e su'o nánba tu'a lo Morning sanms La bruo aktuale ĝenas min. The noise is disturbing me. The noise is currently annoying to me. Ille ama la e me. He loves her and me. They love the e me. SeplIjDaq tIgh motlh 'oH'a'? Is it a general custom in your country? If there is nothing bigger than the universe? Vi diros tion al ni, ĉu ne? You're going to tell us, aren't you? You'll say that to us, aren't you? A Tom place multo le musica. Tom likes music a lot. To Tom places much le musica. Ni notos tion jenamaniere. We'll note it in the following way. We'll notice this way. Alicun habitantes del citate veniva a adjutar le. People in the town came to help him. Alicun habittes del city veniva a helper le. mi na citka lo mijypau be lo plise I don't eat the core of an apple. mi na citka lo miypau be lo pluse mi na cusku da'u I didn't say it. I'm going to cusku da'u To es mi bir. That's my beer. That's me a bird. Mostra la tu cartas. Show your cards. Mostra la tu cartas. Qualmen standa tui marita, Tom? How's your wife, Tom? How many standing tui marita, Tom? Non pone plus questiones. Don't ask any more questions. Don't put more questions. Tom ne scias, ĉu tio estas vera aŭ ne. Tom doesn't know whether it's true or not. Tom does not know if this is true or not. Tu es un puta de genio. You're a fucking genius. You are a bit of genius. Mi sidis en la aŭto. I sat in the car. I sat in the car. Nos debe colonisar Marte. We must colonize Mars. We should have settlers Tuesday. Rajendra Prasad esseva le prime presidente de India. Rajendra Prasad was the first president of India. Rajendra Prasad was the first president of India. Mi pensas, ke ĝi valoras provon. I think it's worth trying. I think it's worth trying. Kisi ädunol in Boston ävigo? What were you doing in Boston last week? Kisi ädunol in Boston ävigo? Ili es diantes. They're carnations. They are diantes. Tom avertis Maria. Tom warned Mary. Tom warned Mary. Ел иа пермане нонспосида тота сya виве. She remained single all her life. ← Ingredients Ĉu vi iam ludis domenon? Have you ever played dominoes? Have you ever played a domain? Quo tu ha fat con tui cámera? What did you do with your camera? What do you have fat with tui cámera? Ме густа кафе калда. I like coffee hot. It's what it's like. mebpa'mey vIpawDI' Hurgh. It was dark when I reached the hotel. I am Death. You play chess, man. How did you know that? Kie li lernis Esperanton? Where did he learn Esperanto? Where did he learn Esperanto? No Tomas ädunom etosi. It wasn't Tom who did that. No Tomas ädunom ethos. Yo have nequó por ofertar. I have nothing to offer. Yo have nequó to offer. pawDI', cha' rep ret narghpu' muD Duj tIjmeH 'eb. They missed the plane by two hours. pawDI', cha' rep net narghu' muD Duj tImeH 'eb. Tom poneva multe questiones a Mary al quales illa non poteva responder. Tom asked Mary many questions that she couldn't answer. Tom put a lot of questions to Mary to whom it was not possible to answer. petaQ nguq ghaH tam'e'. Tom is an arrogant fuck. petaQ nguq ghaH tam'e'. Tomo ne volis paroli kun Manjo. Tom didn't want to talk to Mary. Tom didn't want to talk to Manjo. Onu facez la lumo! Let there be light! Set the light! Le Statos Unite usa gas lacrimogene contra infantes qui comencia ambular proque lor parentes cerca asylo legalmente. The United States uses tear gas on toddlers whose parents legally seek asylum. The States Unitedly use gas lacrimogene against children who start an ambulance because their relatives search for asylum legally. puqmeyDaj je'bogh 'ej Qanbogh bo'Degh rurbe' ghotI', QImmeyDaj lonmo'. Unlike birds, which feed and shelter their young, fish abandon their eggs. Under dimension of space, there was an insight into the probability of life appearing. Tomo jam komencis. Tom has already started. Tom has already begun. Mi estas iom surprizita. I'm kind of surprised. I'm a little surprised. Ples ne far it! Please don't do it. Ples ne far it! Me no ave telefon. I don't have a phone. I'm not on my phone. Ille non vole ir, ni io. He doesn't want to go; neither do I. They don't want to go, let's go. le fetsi cu kakne lo nu zabna tavla fo lo glico She can speak English pretty well. le fetis cu kakne lo nu zabna tavla fo lo glico Hoch jaj qaSuchlaHbe'. I cannot visit you every day. That's nothing. ra pu lifri lo nandu nunji'e She's had a hard life. Very old now, it's hard now Contra la difisilia lingual nos ia amini pronto. In spite of the language difficulty, we soon became friends. Against the difficulty language nos ia amini pronto. Ĉi vi konas Tomon? Do you guys know Tom? You know Tom? Нос несеса мусика. We need music. It's what it's like. ko sisti lo nu raktu mi Stop bugging me. Quit me Tracy perdeva su berillos. Tracy lost her glasses. Tracy perdeva su berillos. Ĉu vi havas iujn eksterlandajn poŝtmarkojn? Do you have any foreign stamps? Do you have any foreign stamps? .ei do ckeji lo se tarti be do You should be ashamed of your conduct. .ei do ckeji lo se tarti bee do Manjo sonĝaĉas. Mary is having a bad dream. Eat dreaming. Fode tua mama, puta. Fuck your mom, bitch. Fode your mother, pita. ei na xaksu lo jdini We shouldn't spend money. ei na xaksu lo jdini Mi kredas, ke Tom ne aŭdis min. I don't think Tom heard me. I think Tom didn't hear me. Tom pagos por omno. Tom will pay for everything. Tom will pay for everything. Le nomine del pianista es cognoscite a totes. The name of the pianist is known to everybody. The name of the pianist is unknown to alls. Kio estas la minimuma salajro en via lando? What's the minimum salary in your country? What is the minimum wage in your country? raSDaq HIchlIj yIlan! Put the gun on the table. That's why I think it's all right! Lingvo povas esti uzata diversmaniere. Language can be used in many ways. Language can be used in different ways. cheboqbe'chugh jaghma' tlhIH. You are either with us, or against us. But that's what you all say, if you all say, it's okay? Dachmo' jI'IQqu'. I miss her so much. Dachmo's Exiting. Yes. Yes. Yes. Tu es fede, ma comocunque io te ama. You're ugly, but I love you anyway. You are ugly, but as long as you love. Yo ne es un sorciera. I am not a witch. Yo es un sorciera. Li sparros chiripa. The sparrows are cheeping. He will spread chiripa. Me probis dicar a li ito. I was trying to tell them that. I tried to say to him there. Ĉu vi skribos tie ĉi vian nomon? Will you write your name here? Will you write your name here? La tertremo kaŭzis vastarean damaĝon. The earthquake caused widespread damage. The earthquake caused vast damage. To es solmen un ludette. That's only a toy. To es penso un playette. Non es isto lo que tu debe facer? Isn't that what you're supposed to do? Not that's what you should do? Tio ege plaĉas al mi. I really like that. That's quite like me. cusku lo sedu'u mu'onai It is said that... cusku lo mau'u mu ora ca cafne tcemli It's now fairly common. ca cafne tcemli ma fa'u ma klama ma fa'u ma Who and who goes where and where, respectively? ma fa'u ma clamma ma fa'u ma Tio estas nia sekreto. That's our secret. That's our secret. Un pesimiste no espera ce algun besa el. A pessimist doesn't expect to be kissed by anyone. Un pesimite no hope ce algun besa el. Le meluvan úne ar alye lúmessen tenna nurucilie. I will love you for better for worse till death us do part. Le meluvan úne ar alye lúmessen tenna naucile. Li fratre scrit un lettre al sestra. The brother wrote a letter to the sister. Li fratre scrit un lettre al sestra. lalDan vIHarbe'. I don't believe in religion. lalDan fiaHarbe'. Mi donis al mia fratino pupon. I gave my sister a doll. I gave my sister a doll. ja'o ko'a nalzvati He must be out. Unread Li demandas min pri tio ĉiam kiam li vidas min. He asks me for it every time he sees me. He asks me about when he sees me. Nemo diceva que le autodisciplina era facile. No one said self-discipline was easy. Nemo diceva que le autodisciplinary era easy. Li-ävilol sagön bosi obe? Was there something you wanted to tell me? Li-ävil sagön bosses obey? Ĉu vi manĝas rizon en via lando? Do you eat rice in your country? Do you eat rice in your country? .iu mi prami le lanzu be mi I love my family so much. .iu mi pour le lanzu be mi tu'a lo ka dunku cu cumri'a lo nu tcemalcne lo ka kanro Stress can have an enormous negative impact on your health. tu'a lo dunku cu cumri'a lo nu tcemalcne lo kanro No kanob tikön dö valikos. I can't think of everything. No canob tikön dö vavalcos. Mi supozas, ke vi scias, kio hieraŭ okazis ĉi tie. I assume you know what happened here yesterday. I guess you know what happened here yesterday. Ni trinku iom! We're gonna grab a drink! Let's drink a little! qe'rot 'oQqarmey muS tam. Tom hates carrots. qe'rot 'oQarmey muS tam. Le judeos son lasse. The Jews are tired. Le judeos son lasse. Tom laborat quam jardinero. Tom worked as a gardener. Tom laborat quam gardener. Joan core en la site. Joan runs in the city. Joan core on the site. ta pu cpacu mo'a xatra de'i li no ca lo cerni He received quite a few letters this morning. ta pu cpacu mo'a xatra de'i li no ca lo Morning Ме ваде фрекуенте а ла плаиа. I often go to the beach. It's what it's going to be like. Iarwain ú-deitha. Tom doesn't write. Iarwain ú-deitha. Vi povintus veni al mi. You could have come to me. You could come to me. su'o da jai se gleki fai lo ka darca .ije su'o de go'i fai lo ka cliva Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go. su'o da jai se gleki fai lo darca .ije su'o de go'i fai lo vau Mi devis malfermi mian valizon. I was made to open my briefcase. I had to open my validity. Li rigardis min kun larmo en okulo. He looked at me, with a tear in his eye. He looked at me with a tear in an eye. Mia familio ne estas riĉa. My family is not rich. My family is not rich. Katolikoj estas kontraŭ naskoregado. Catholics are against birth control. Catholics are against birth control. banan naHmey neH Sop tam. All Tom ate was bananas. banan naHmes neH Sop tam. Se la leono estas la reĝo de bestoj, la aglo estas la reĝo de birdoj. If the lion is the king of beasts, the eagle is the king of birds. If the lion is the king of animals, the eagle is the king of birds. lo munje ga nai da'i selpau no ninmu gi mo What would the world be without women? Momi ga nai da'i semepau no ninmu gi mo Desapone tuа masca. Take off your mask. Desapone tu sca. Svimön is binos pöligik. It's dangerous to swim here. Svimön is a binos pölik. Kim nolom gepükis? Who knows the answers? Kim nolom gepükis? Mary babilas dum dormar. Mary is talking in her sleep. Mary chats while sleeping. Tomo kaj Manjo diris al Johano, ke laŭ ili Alico ankoraŭ ne finis tion. Tom and Mary told John that they didn't think Alice was finished doing that. Tom and Manjo told John that according to them Alice had not finished it yet. ma bedja'a Who is the group leader? but bedja'a Tom no es comente un poma. Tom isn't eating an apple. Tom no es komente un poma. Li mortigos tu! They'll kill you! He'll kill you! Tomaso pruntedonos monon al vi, se vi tion petos de li. Tom will lend you money if you ask him to. Thomas will lend money to you if you ask him so. Soj vIDIlnISbe'pu'. I didn't need to pay for the food. That's what you're doing. Tio ne gravas ĉi-momente. That's not important right now. This doesn't matter at all. El ia ave un fia. He had one daughter. From some ave un fia. Kiel vi fartas, Tom? How are you feeling, Tom? How are you doing, Tom? Im gelir ceni ad lín. I am happy to see you again. Im gelir scenes to lín. do xo roi klama lo drata gugde How often do you go abroad? then xo roi klama lo another gugde Mia frato ne atendas la buson, li iras piede. My brother isn't waiting for the bus, he's going by foot. My brother is not waiting for the bus, he goes foot. lo nalvi'a va'o se jmina ka'erbi'o lo nu ganse lo nu vi dacti Blind people sometimes develop a compensatory ability to sense the proximity of objects around them. nalvi'a va'o se vinna ka'erbi'o lo nu ganse lo nu dacti .oi nai ro'o lo cidja cu kukte Yum, this food is delicious! .oi nai ro'o lo cidja kukte Yo vermen ama nive. I really like snow. Yo vermen ama nive. Ваде, та ке нос но дестрае Том де суа лабора. Come on, let's not distract Tom from his work. ← , Tomas labom namis gletik. Tom has big hands. Tomas labom namis gletik. Tom levat li cat. Tom picked up the cat. Tom levat li cat. xu la .tam. cu citka ro lo titnanba Did Tom eat all the cookies? xu la .tam. cu citka ro lo titnanba It ne es tro tost. It's not too early. It is not too toast. Me sentas me desbela. I feel ugly. I feel ugly. Li laboris la tutan nokton. He worked the whole night. He worked all night. No rompe mea cor. Don't break my heart. No break mea cor. mo lo cukta poi mi punji ke'a ti ca lo prulamdei What happened to the book I put here yesterday? I sugar poi mi punji ke'a ti lo prulamdei Illes la permitteva de maritar le. They let her marry him. They let the allowed to marinate le. chotIbmoHtaH. You're making me nervous. chotIbm's population. Elua kordio joyegis. Her heart jumped for joy. Elu cordio joyags. Ŝi mortis hieraŭ. She died yesterday. She died yesterday. Mi povas pruvi la veron de tio. I can verify that. I can prove the truth of that. Yo ne es un dictator. I'm not a dictator. Yo es un dictator. Kaj se mi estus indiano el Ameriko? What if I am a Native American? And if I were an Indian of America? Oranĝoj signas amon feliĉan, citronoj senrespondan. Oranges signify a happy love while lemons symbolize an unrequited one. Oranges sign love happy, lemons without response. Tom es un follo. Tom is a screwball. Tom es un follo. Ili bezonas heroon. They need a hero. They need a hero. xu do na'o citka lo rismi de'i roldei Do you eat rice every day? xu do na'o citka lo rismi de'i stealdei Tom bedaŭras, ke li ne studis pli pene. Tom regrets not having studied harder. Tom regrets that he did not study rather. Лос ама мусика. They love music. It's what it's like. Mi ne ŝatas lakeojn. I don't like ass-kissers. I don't like lakes. Magdalena e Ania ambi es de Polonia. Both Magdalena and Ania are from Poland. Magdalene and Ania ambi are from Poland. Qui inviat te li roses? Who sent you the roses? Who sent you he roses? Qorwagh ghorpu' 'e' chIDta' loDHom. The boy admitted breaking the window. Qorwagh ghorpu' 'e' chIDta' loDHom. lei gunka cu jibypante The workers are on strike. lei gunka cu jibypante Me ave un fia. I have a daughter. Me ave un fia. "Ĉu vi ŝatus teon aŭ kafon?" "Ambaŭ ne." "Would you like tea or coffee?" "Neither." "Did you like tea or coffee?" "You don't." chunbej tam. Tom must be innocent. chunbej tam. Yo es anc felici. I'm happy, too. Yo es anc felici. jIpaj 'e' vIHechbe'chu'. I have no intention whatever of resigning. How many are you doing? lo kamnu'e lazni traji cu me lo se lacri traji The slowest one to make a promise is the most faithful one in keeping it. lo kanu'e lazni traji cu lo se lacri traji Como tu pote non saper? How can you not know? How you can't know? wa'maH wa' ben boghpu' ghaH. She's eleven years old. The very conditions are that we have been on top of the ghaH. Suĉinfanoj facile malsaniĝas. It is easy for babies to get sick. Children are easy to get sick. Mi ŝatas akvomelonon. I like watermelon. I like a water mill. Se'vIr malja' vItoy'. I work for a firm of publishers. Se'vIr malja' facitoy'. Me devas atencar important afero en mea oficeyo. I have an important business to attend to in my office. I need to wait an import matter in my office. Me no vole come carne. I don't want to eat meat. I don't want to like carne. Passa me le sal. Pass me the salt. Pass me le salt. nepwI' ghaHbe'. She's not a liar. nep o'clock. Лингуа ес ун органисме вивенте. Language is a living organism. It's what it's like. Tomo marŝis. Tom walked. Tom marched. To es eufemie! That's a euphemism. To es eufemeie! Dise autobuse es vadant a Minsk. This bus is going to Minsk. Dise buse es vadant a Minsk. Leger faceva de Don Quixote un gentilhomine, ma creder lo que ille habeva legite le ha facite folle. Reading made Don Quixote a gentleman, but believing what he read made him mad. Leger faceva de Don Quixote un gentilhomine, ma creder que ci habeva legite le ha made folle. baratngan loDHom ghom ghojmoH. He taught a group of Indian boys. baratangan loDHom ghom to practice very much. Вос ес тан амабле. You're so nice. It's all right. Cual es tua dia de semana prefereda? What's your favorite day of the week? Cual is your day of week preferably? No tikob das Tomas slipom. I don't think Tom is asleep. No titib das Tomas slipom. Buki lemödik äremob. I bought lots of books. Buki lemödik äremob. ghojwI' chaHbe' be'Hompu''e' None of the girls is a student. Education, if I think you're all right? Passa me ille libro, per favor. Hand me that book, please. Pass me that book, please. Mi bebé vole parlar. My baby wants to talk. Mi bebé volar parlar. Ni vinkos. We'll win. We'll win. lo skina poi mi'o kinzga ti'u lo prula'i ku'o cu se kingau tu'i lo sralygu'e The movie we saw last night was filmed in Australia. That's what I wonder you at one time. You are the only intelligent beings in the past. Vos non es multo amusante. You aren't very funny. Vos is not much fun. Esta es un razona per cual me es asi. That's one reason why I'm here. Esta es un reason per cual me es asi. loD jIH. I am a man. loD to take advantage of it. Antaŭ nelonge mi ĉeestis klaskunvenon de mia elementa lernejo. The other day I attended a class reunion of my elementary school. I recently attended a class meeting of my elementary school. No fögetolöd moni olik. Don't forget your money. No fögetolöd moni olik. Me ia invita mea amis. I've invited my friends. I've invited myself to love. Tu es un idiot! You're an idiot! You're an idiot! Me ia vide Tom ier en un restorante. El ia conversa con un xica. I saw Tom yesterday in a restaurant. He was talking to a girl. I've ever seen Tom ier in one resort. From his conversation with one xica. ko ti mi zmadu'a Give me some more. ko ti mi zmadu'a Gallesi es un oficial lingue in Gallia e Chubut. Welsh is an official language in Wales and Chubut. Gallies is an official linggue in Gallia and Chubut. Vi ne insultu min, Tom. Don't insult me, Tom. You don't insult me, Tom. xu mi ka'e tavla la.bil. May I speak to Bill? xu mi ka'e tavla la.bil. Nos jettat les for. We threw them away. Nos jettat les for. sarcu fa lo nu da tavla Somebody has to talk. hello fa lo nu da tavla Ne estas Tomo, kiu elŝaltis la lumojn. Tom isn't the one who turned off the lights. It's not Tom, who turned off the lights. Ella ama curt jupes. She likes short skirts. Ella ama curt jupes. Vi aperis precize en la ĝusta momento. You've turned up at the right moment. You appeared exactly at the right moment. Binol-li tradutan? Are you a translator? Binol-li tradutan? Li esas brilante reda! They are bright red! He is brilliantly red! Luís non sape su lection de anglese. Luis does not know his English lesson. Luís did not know his lessons for English. pIvoq. We trusted you. pIvoq. Yo ne parla con aboyant canes. I don't talk to barking dogs. Yo ne parla con aboyant dogs. Anda lenda? Long journey? Anda lenda? Ha tu banda adhesive? Do you have any tape? Ha tu band adhesive? mi morji nai lo du'u fe makau mi pu citka ca lo romoi nicte I can't remember what I ate last night. mi morji nai lo du'u fe makau mi pu citka ca lo roomi nikente Franklin Roosevelt deveniva presidente in 1933. Franklin Roosevelt became president in 1933. Franklin Roosevelt derived president in 1933. Mi vetas, ke tio eĉ ne estas la vera telefonnumero de Mary. I bet that's not even Mary's real phone number. I bet that this is not even Mary's real phone number. Binoms-li fredik? Are they happy? Binoms-li fridik? Il es un litt diábol. He's a little devil. Il es un litt diábol. Lödol-li in bumot at? Do you live in this building? Lödol-li in bumot at? Printempe en la ĝardeno kreskas novaj plantoj. New plants grow in the garden in spring. Early in the garden, new plants grow. Vi estas tio, kion vi legas. You are what you read. You're what you're reading. Kiun tipon de muziko vi aŭskultas? What kind of music do you listen to? What type of music do you listen? Tomo denove parolas dum sia dormo. Tom is talking in his sleep again. Tom speaks again during his sleep. Mi ne gajnas. I'm not winning. I don't win. qej qa'pu' mIgh. Evil spirits are mean. Let's go, let's go! Drinob vati in kvisinöp. I'm drinking water in the kitchen. Drinob vati in quisinöp. Tu ha un bon bibliotheca. You have a good library. You have a good library. Vi pli bone ne restu tro longe eksterlite. You'd better not stay up too late. You're better not to stay too long outside. pa' jIpawpa' Heghpu'. She died before I arrived there. Exiting... Aiya osellë. Hail, guildsister. Aiya osellë. La polico povus aresti vin pro tio. You could get arrested for that. The police could arrest you for that. 'ul chenmoH janvam. This machine generates electricity. It's all over the beginning. Ту ва ес бела усанте еста роба бродеда! You'll look beautiful in this embroidered gown! ← no le dacti cu jai spaji mi None of these things surprise me. no le dact cu jai spaj mi Qual es vostre fructo favorite? What's your favorite fruit? What is your fruit favored? Li decidis fariĝi kuracisto. He made up his mind to be a doctor. He decided to become a doctor. De qui es li libre? Whose book is it? Who is libre? mi klama lo malsi fu lo karce I go to church by car. mi klama lo malsi fu lo carce On ha decovrit que li vestiment de nocte esset plen de sangue. They discovered that the nightgown was soaked with blood. On ha decovrit que li vestiment de night esset full of blood. Es pome sub li pupitre. There is an apple under the desk. Es pome under li pupitre. No binob sanel. I'm not a doctor. No binob sanel. mi na'e djuno fi lo tadji be ko'a I don't know how to do it. mi'adjuvant lo tadji be ko'a Le dolor ha passate. The pain has gone. Le pain ha paste. Ni ambaŭ vidis ilin. We both saw them. We both saw them. To es un crayon. That's a pencil. To is a crayon. SuDachmo' jI'IHqu'. I really miss you a lot. Thank you for listening. Ne estas kaŭzo por mi iri tien. There is no reason why I should go there. There is no reason for me to go there. La sola bona fashisto esas mortinta fashisto. The only good fascist is a dead fascist. The only good fascist is a dead fascist. Suqanlaw'. You look old. Suqanlaw'. Non te aventura! Don't risk it! Not your adventure! Mi ne ŝatas, ke li scias tro multe. What I don't like is that he knows too much. I don't like he knows too much. ko mleca pinxe gi'e zmadu sipna Drink less and sleep more. ko mlca pinxe gi'e zmadu sipna Noi ne es in dangere. We're not in danger. We're not in dangerous. Sagoböv otosi. I'd say the same thing. Sagoböv otosi. Ne timu demandi. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Don't be afraid to ask. De que cosa vos vos preoccupa quando vos vade al lecto in le nocte? What do you worry about when you go to sleep at night? What are you worried about when you are going to read in the night? Kie vi ekhavis tiun ĉemizon? Where did you get that shirt? Where did you get that shirt? Vestu vin varme, tiel vi ne malvarmumos. Dress warmly so you won't get chilled. Watch you warm, so you won't heat up. va'o lo nu do na djica lo nu do nonseka zo'u ka'e zvakansa do fa mi If you don't want to stay alone, I can keep you company. va'o lo nu na djica lo nu nonsek zona'u ka'e zvakansa do fa mi La ciklo di sango. The cycle of blood is not regular. The cycle of blood. Ла акуа ес клар. Water is transparent. It's what it's like. Samio ja estis frenezega. Sami was definitely fucked up in the head. Samia was crazy. Alga de mundo crede lo. Some people believe that. Alga de worlde crede it. Otuvol ofi. You will find her. Otuvolo gods. Ĝi estis komputila eraro. It was a computer error. It was a computer error. U es tui chapel? Where's your hat? U es tui chapel? La revolucionala konsilantaro kun-venis por projetar strategio. The revolutionary council met to plan strategy. The revolutionary consultant co-vened to protect strategy. Yo va dir te. I'll tell you. Yo va dir te. Se vi provos eskapi denove, mi mortigos vin. If you try to escape again, I'll kill you. If you try to escape again, I'll kill you. xu lo ponjo prenu cu mutce citka lo finpe Do Japanese eat a lot of fish? xu lo ponjo take cu mutce citka lo finpe nuqDaq Dab? Where does he live? Where areq Dab? Esce Ken jua tenis? Does Ken play tennis? Esce Ken jua held? ti noi lante cu kunti This can is empty. ti noi lante cu conti To es un risca. That's a risk. To es un risca. Le ver Acto philosophic es le annihilation del ego (Selbsttötung); isto es le ver comenciamento de tote le Philosophia; tote le requisitos pro esser un Discipulo del Philosophia indica iste direction. Solmente iste Acto responde a tote le conditiones e characteristicas de un conducta transcendental. The true philosophical Act is annihilation of self (Selbsttötung); this is the real beginning of all Philosophy; all requisites for being a Disciple of Philosophy point hither. This Act alone corresponds to all the conditions and characteristics of transcendental conduct. The ver Act philosophyc is the anniversary of the ego (Selbstötung); this is the ver beginning of all the Philosophy; all the requirements for being a Discipline of the Philosophy indicating this direction. Only this Act in response to all the conditions and characterists of a conduit's transcendental. ei mi pu tadni lo glibau I had to study English. ei mi pu tadni lo glibau ghav 'uSqan luyughbogh mIvmey tuQtaH negh. The soldiers were wearing steel helmets. ghav'uSqan luyugh in the mIvmesi tuQ realv. Ben que ille se ha excusate, io es ancora furiose. Even though he apologized, I'm still furious. Ben que il se ha excuse, io es still furious. Io te ha regrettate tanto! I missed you so much! Io te ha regrette tanto! At nibun vabon lü Minsk. This bus is going to Minsk. At nibun vabon lü Minsk. Äsedom obe penedi brefik. He sent me a brief letter. Äsedom obey pens brefik. Tua fia es asi? Is your daughter here? Your daughter is so old? Ni estis elĉerpitaj de tiu kvinhora vojaĝo. We were completely exhausted from the five-hour trip. We were exhausted by this five hour trip. Tikob das Tomas binom in gad. I think Tom is in the garden. Tikob das Tomas binom in gad. Tom ne volas irar sole. Tom doesn't want to go alone. Tom doesn't want to go alone. Ekzistis neniuj arboj sur la insulo. There were no trees on the island. There were no trees on the island. Nia filino estas en tiu lernejo. We have a daughter at that school. Our daughter is at that school. korbi lo dotygu'e lo fasygu'e Germany shares a border with France. corbi lo dotygu'e it makes a DVD'e Mi nomis lin Tom. I called him Tom. I called him Tom. Kio koncernas mian patron, li neniam iris eksterlanden ĝis nun. As for my father, he has not gone abroad until now. What concerns my father, he never went abroad so far. Io remane in Italia. I'm staying in Italy. Io remane in Italy. do ba'o verba You are not a child any more. do ba'o verb Yo va retornar tam bentost quam yo trova Tom. I'll be back as soon as I find Tom. Yo va revenar tam bentost quam yo trova Tom. Le macellero pesa le carne. The butcher is weighing the meat. Le macellero heavy le carne. lo lalxu cu se jinsru lo tricu The pond was encircled with trees. lo lalxu cu se jinsru lo trista "Bon" es la antonim de "mal", e "alta" es la antonim de "basa". "Good" is the antonym of "bad" and "tall" is the antonym of "short." "Bon" is the anonym of "mal", and "high" is the anonym of "basa". Tu debe mantener le rhythmo o tu suffocara a medie cammino. You have to pace yourself or you'll choke halfway through. You must maintain the rhythmo or tu suffocara a medie cammino. Tiuj ŝtrumpetoj estas faritaj el bambufibroj. These socks are made from bamboo fibre. These stitches are made of bamboo fibers. Elu marchis lente por ke elu ne mis-pazez. She walked slowly so she wouldn't slip. Elu marchis slowly so that elu ne mis-paze. Esque tu vole luder? Do you want to play? Esque tu vole luder? Vi povas facile fari ĉi tion. You can do this with ease. You can easily do this. Tom bezonis iom da mono por aĉeti ion por Mary. Tom needed some money to buy something for Mary. Tom needed some money to buy something for Mary. A basso le policia! A basso le autocratia! Down with the police! Down with autocracy! A bass le police! A basso le autocratia! Pote vos facer isto? Can you do that? Can you do this? Por indiki 'tenson' en la ĉina, kiel montrita supre, ekzistas 'partikuloj', 'tempo-indikaj vortoj' kaj ankaŭ pluraj okazoj, kie dependas de la kunteksto. When indicating 'tense' in Chinese, as shown above, there are 'particles', 'time-specifying words' and also many cases where it depends on context. To indicate 'tenson' in Chinese, as shown above, there are 'particles', 'time-indicating words' as well as several occasions, where depends on the context. Me ne prizis mea instruktisto. I didn't like my teacher. I didn't question my teacher. Ti es li fine. Forea! This is the end. Go away! Ti es li fine. Fore! Qob Sovchu'nIS. He must be aware of the danger. Qob Sovchu'nIS. Tomo admiras vian kuraĝon. Tom admires your courage. Tom admits your courage. HuchwIj nIH nIHwI'. My money was stolen by a thief. That's my concern. I'm going to go through it. ju'o cu'i dukse lerci Maybe it's too late. Numeric Base Oyöbom ad logön oli. He'll be glad to see you. Oyöbom to logön oli. vIchaw'Qo'. I refuse to allow it. playchaw'Qo'. Homoj konsideras lin senvalora. People regard him as nothing. People consider him worthless. Manjo desegnis domon kaj arbon. Mary drew a house and a tree. Food drew a house and a tree. Estis vere froste hieraŭ vespere. It was very cold yesterday evening. It was really cold yesterday evening. Vos ha multe libros. You have many books. Vos ha multa libos. Bozhena esas bela blondino; el esas la maxim bela yunino en nia skolo. Bozhena is a pretty blonde; she is the prettiest girl in our school. Bozhena is a beautiful blonde; it is the most beautiful yunino in our school. Dankon pro via donaco. I thank you for your gift. Thank you for your gift. Como es vostre gamba? How's your leg? How is your gambit? Libri Tom. Set Tom free. Books Tom. reQan. We'll protect you. reQan. Io es jelose. I'm jealous. It's jealous. lo tadni na nelci lo ckule The students don't like school. lo tadni na neulci lo culue Tent zirat. You don't say. Tent zirat. Le moschea era construite in le seculo dece-quinte. The mosque was built in the fifteenth century. Le moschea era built in le seculo dece-quinte. puvmeH telDu'chaj laqmoH bo'Deghmey. The birds fly by flapping their wings. Couldn't allocate memory for PCX image. Qun nuq? What is a god? What the future? wejpuH. leng chaw'wIj vIchIllaw'pu'. Great, I may have lost my passport. We're going to take me away. All my life Illaw'pu'. Un equipa de scientistas britannic ha discoperite lo que apparentemente demonstra que il ha un forte correlation inter le credentias de un persona e le structura de su cerebro. A team of British scientists has discovered what is apparently a “strong correlation” between a person's beliefs and the structure of his or her brain. One team of scientists British has discovered what apparently demonstrated that it has a strength right between the beliefs of a person and the structure of its brain. Ne moviĝu, ĝis mi revenos. Don't move till I get back. Don't move until I come back. chay' qaQaHlaH? How can I help you? The questions I would like to live in? Jammais. Never. Never. Me ama la frutas e me come alga de los tota la dias. I love fruit and I eat some every day. I love the fruit and I as something about it all the day. lo nanla pu smaji The boy was silent. lo nanla pu smagi Tom havas tri hundi. Tom has three dogs. Tom has three dogs. Ili faris ĝin. They did it. They did it. mi nupre lo nu mi ba smaji I promise I'll be quiet. mi nupre lo nu mi ba sma malja'wIj vIDev. I run my own business. I'm my life. Neai glömob logodi. I never forget a face. Neai glömobi logos. Мусика ес ама. Music is love. It's all right. mi cirko lo ckiku .ija'ebo mi na kakne lo ka nerkla lo kumyzda I have lost my keys so I can't get into my flat mi cirko lo cikku .ija'ebo mi na kakne lo ka nerkla lo kumyzda Multe gratias, vos es semper plus flattatori que io. Thank you very much, you always say more agreeable things than I do. Much free, you are sometimes more flattators than something. wa'leS jagh wIghom. Tomorrow we will encounter the enemy. But we're going to believe that we're going to believe that we're in the city. naDevvo' yIvIHQo'! Don't move from here. NeDevvo'y yIvIHQo! vIqaSmoH. I made this happen. Thank you very much. Tu es troppo intelligente pro non solver le problema difficile. You are too clever not to solve the hard problem. You are too clever to not solve the problem difficult. Mi faris erarojn same kiel la aliaj. I've made mistakes like everybody else. I made mistakes just like the others. To omna finis tam subite kam ol komencis. It all ended as suddenly as it started. To all ends as suddenly as it begins. Printempo venas. Spring is coming. Spring comes. Me ia nada en la mar. I swam in the sea. I've ever been in the sea. Tiu diable pesta Nagisa vere iris denunci min al la intstruistaro. Dammit, that pest Nagisa, she really went and snitched on me to the teachers. This diable plague Nagisa really went down to the intruder. Vi plaĉas al mi. I like you. You like me. jIlughbe''a'? Am I not right? Exiting? nuqDaq 'oH portughal rIvSo''e'? Where is the Portuguese office? Where is the evolution of the universe? Ĉu vi scias, kiam li venos? Do you know when he will come? Do you know when he comes? mi ba finti lo danfu be ra I'll solve that problem. mi ba event danfu be ra Como tu me manca. How I miss you. As you eat me. Lassa me un message, per favor. Leave me a message, please. Leave me a message, please. No binob malädik. I'm not sick. No binob malädik. tlhIch pur 'e' mevta' vavwI'. My father quit smoking. Thank you for listening. Kiam ŝi vidis min, ŝi kurante foriris. When she saw me, she ran away. When she saw me, she took care of leaving. Li petis la stipendion. He applied for the scholarship. He asked for the scholarship. naDev nIteb HurDaq SoHtaH 'e' vIlegh 'ej vay'vaD DajatlhlaH DaneH 'e' vIQub. I saw you out here by yourself and thought you might like someone to talk to. We're going to go through our mouth. But if we're all right, we're going to be sure we're making sure we want to understand the universe. Va voltigeir isch pien d'anguiglhas. My hovercraft is full of eels. Va voltgeir ich pie d'angiglhas. QaqwI'! You fraud! Qaño! Li esas plu forta kam ni. They're stronger than us. They are more powerful as we do. Li premis sian nazon kontraŭ la fenestro. He pushed his nose against the window. He pressed his nose against the window. Kate vestas sian pupon. Kate is dressing her doll. Kate wears his doll. ma du do Who are you? but two do Diable, kion pastro scias pri tio? What the hell does a priest know about that? They know what a priest knows about this? Su facie esseva in le umbra ab le luce. His face was shadowed from the light. His face was in le umbra ab le luce. bIDoy', jIrap. I am as tired as you. bIDoy', Exiting. Ni nur tenis la manon unu de la alia. We were just holding hands. We just kept the hand of each other. Futue te! Go fuck yourself! Futue te! Ella es ínnocent. She's innocent. Ella es ínnocent. mi do fartra lo ka do makcu .ijo do tarti ri I'll treat you like an adult when you start acting like one. mi do fartra lo ka do makcu .ijo do tarti ri Tu te habituara tosto a viver hic. You will soon get accustomed to living here. Tu te habituara toast a vever here. U es li duches? Where are the showers? U es li duches? Me rankoras pri to. I resent that. I'm racking about everything. bIjang 'e' vIpIHbe'. I didn't expect you to answer. bIjiang 'e' ficipIHbe'. Binol slaf oba. You are my slave. Binol slaf oba. Si vos approfundara sufficientemente le reguardo, vos videra musica; in le corde del natura, ubique, lo que existe es musica. If you look deep enough you will see music; the heart of nature being everywhere music. If you approach enough the reguard, you will see music; in the heart of the natural, where, what exists is musical. Monstra me que vos ha corage. Prove you're brave. Show me que vos ha corage. Io lo facera deman. Io lo promitte. I'll do it tomorrow. I promise. Io lo facia deman. Io lo promitte. Astoneganta, ka ne? Astounding, isn't it? Astoneganta, isn't it? Esce la lus es un onda o un particula? Is light a wave or a particle? Esce la lus es un onda o un particula? Li provis paroli kun ni en la franca. He tried to speak French to us. He tried to talk to us in French. Lusmelols. You stink. Lusmelols. Li riparis mian aŭton. He fixed my car. He repaired my car. mo stuzi What kind of place is it? mo stuse Esperoze, omno esos oke. Hopefully, everything will be OK. Hopefully, everything will be OK. lo se cusku be do cu drani What you said is correct. lo se cusku bee do cu drains Mi estas la morto. I am Death. I'm dead. nov rur Sa'mIy. Sami looked like a foreigner. New York Sa'mIy. Lobülolsös. Please clap. Lobülosös. jISIvbe'. I am not curious. Exiting... lo xrula pu jmive zenba ba lo carvi The flowers revived after the rain. lo xrula pu Life venba ba lo carvi Stephen King scribe super personas mal. Stephen King writes about evil people. Stephen King runs over people ill. Le camera esseva obscur e frigide. The room was dark and cold. The camera was dark and cold. Ester es un traductor. Esther is a translator. Esther is a translator. It esset un perfect die. It was a perfect day. It esset un perfect die. Bíi ril thi le ruleth wa. I have a cat. Bíi ril thi le rueth wa. Mallaŭtigu la radion iomete. Turn the radio down a little. Turn off the radio slightly. ro da go du zei kikeron gi du zei tulius Cicero is Tully. ro da go du kyker gi du μ tulius Ŝi aĉetis horloĝon por mi. She bought me a watch. She bought a watch for me. Benvenite al familia, Mina! Welcome to the family, Mina! Welcome to the family, Mina! wIHejlu'. We were robbed. We used to know that. Mi donos al vi libron. I'll give you a book. I'll give you a book. An Tom veniva a Boston con vos? Did Tom come to Boston with you? And Tom came to Boston with you? qa'vInwIjDaq wa' Su'ghar qut ngogh yIlan. Please put a lump of sugar in my coffee. I am my concern that I am in favor of the universe. To es li max grand muséo del cité. This is the largest museum in the city. To es li max grand muséo del cité. Tri infantes sedet sur li sofa. Three children sat on the sofa. Three kids sit on him sofa. Tu es toto molliate. You're wet through. You're so soft. Grasias per la avisa. Thank you for the warning. Grasias through the avisa. Il esseva un scena espaventabile. It was a horrible scene. Il was a scene espavable. Ego non mangia. I don't eat. Ego ne mangia. Suppone que il ha alcun imbecille con qui tu simplemente non pote intender te. Suppose there's some jerk you just can't get on with. Suppone que il ha some imbecille con qui tu simply cannot intended you. I ob ägolob. I also went. I ob ägolob. Меа тиа иа преста синко шилингес а ла карпентор. My aunt lent the joiner five shillings. ← Io es multo intelligente. I am very smart. It is very clever. Ел ес ун ом де десидес рапида. He is a man of quick decisions. ← Se mi ne atentos pri ĉiuj burokrataĵoj, ili simple forpelos min. If I don't take care of all the bureaucratic issues, they'll simply deport me. If I don't pay attention to all bureaucrats, they'll just drive me away. Le parte superior del montania es coperte de nive. The upper part of the mountain is covered with snow. The part top of the mountain is covered by anyone. Non es bon rumper un promissa. It is not good to break a promise. Non es bon rumper un promissa. Tri monatoj ne sufiĉis por fini la eksperimenton. Three months were not enough to finish the experiment. Three months were not enough to finish the experiment. Esque vu have ancor questiones? Do you have any further questions? Esque you have yet to ask questions? Bonvolu fermi la pordon. Please shut the door. Please close the door. toH, vuDlIj nuq? Now, what is your opinion? toH, do you want to go to the future? Pos li transformation ella ne remarcat quelcunc alteration sur se self. After the transformation she did not notice any change on herself. After his transformation she does not remarcat quelcunc altration on himself. Ta sulo esas humida. This soil is moist. Ta sulo is wet. e'o cticpe pa crino tcati ke titla bisli e re taigrteil zei bisyladru Can you order a green tea popsicle and two Tigertail ice creams? e'o gticpe pa crin tcati ke titla bisli e re taigrteil þ bisyladru Tom ne savas la difero inter astronomio ed astrologio. Tom doesn't know the difference between astronomy and astrology. Tom does not know the difference between astronomy and astrology. mi djica lo nu xabju lo tcadu I want to live in the city. mi djica lo nu xabju lo tcadu Io ha comprate un Daily News. I bought a Daily News. Io ha comprate un Daily News. Ella scrit un libre pri animales, She wrote a book about animals. Ella scrit un libre pri animales, bIrIQ'a'? Are you injured? bIrIQ'a'? Isto es multo pejor. This is much worse. This is a lot of pejor. SIbI' pa' vIjaHnIS'a'? Must I go there at once? SIbI's life-in-law? Kiel vi ilin havigis al vi? How did you get them? How did you have them to you? Li vivas larĝe kaj lukse. He is leading a life of ease. He lives widely and luxly. Normaleco estas enuiga. Normalcy is boring. Normality is boring. Ĵetu la planon en la rubujon. Put the plan on the scrap heap. Throw the plan into the wastebin. wa'leS 'oH qoSwIj'e'. Tomorrow is my birthday. That's my concern! Mi sekvos vin kien ajn vi iros. I'll follow you wherever you go. I'll follow you wherever you go. Mi lernas la judhispanan. I'm learning Ladino. I learn the judhispan. Ме но ес брасилера. I'm not Brazilian. It's what it's like. Esta es vera. That's true. It's true. Ме сенти страна. I feel strange. It's what it's like. Ĉu estas nenio alia? Is there nothing else? Is there nothing else? Il non semblava haber un problema. There didn't seem to be a problem. Il non semblosive have one problem. Li diris neniun vorton. Not a single word did he say. He said no word. Me no es barati. I'm not Indian. I'm not cheap. Tomo instruas la francan al siaj amikoj. Tom teaches his friends French. Tom teaches French to his friends. ra pu co'a mutce cmila He burst into laughter. ra co'a mutce cmila Cual es la capital de Japan? What's the capital of Japan? Cual is the capital of Japan? mulegh vIneHbe'. I don't want them to see me. mulegh o'clock. tam me'rIy' je lumerlu'. Tom and Mary were both surprised. tam me'rIy' je lularlu'. Ĉu vi ŝatas eŭropanojn? Do you like Europeans? Do you like Europeans? Li fine perdis sian feliĉecon. He lost his happiness in the end. He finally lost his happiness. A vices io non pote evitar de demonstrar mi emotiones. Sometimes I can't help showing emotions. At the time something can't be avoided from demonstrating my egos. Li decidis fariĝi advokato. He decided to be a lawyer. He decided to become a lawyer. melbi dinju It's a pretty house. melbi dinju Yo ama te! I love you! Yo ama te! loQ DIvI' Hol vIghojtaH. I am learning a little English. loQ DivI' Hol comes out. A fini los ia sposi la un con la otra. He eventually married her. A fini los li sposi la un con la otra. Tu deberea haber appellate de policia. You should've called the cops. You should have named by police. Deo amas ti qui povas moderar sua iraco e pardonar nevolita kulpi. God loves those who can control their anger and forgive unintentional negligence. Deo loves you who can moderate their Iraqis and forgive unnoigned guilt. Kiel mi povas montri al vi mian amon? How can I show you my love? How can I show you my love? Mi ĉiam forlasas mian ombrelon en la trajno. I always leave my umbrella on the train. I always leave my umbrella on the train. Tom tir tec korik enkalis va cobacka numen jontiktan me albad. Tom's the kind of person who calls a spade a spade and a lot of people don't like that. Tom pull tec corik encalis va cobacka numen jontikta me albad. Ka vu povus poke movar la stulo? Could you move the chair a bit? Could you then move the fool? Tom nunquam videva ulle lupos, mais ille poteva audir los. Tom never saw any wolves, but he could hear them. Tom nowquam seen any wolf, killing them could hear it. Мари компренде путонг. Mary understands Mandarin. It's what it's like. Kial vi konsentis pasigi la vesperon kun Tomo? Why did you agree to spend the evening with Tom? Why did you agree to spend the evening with Tom? bIlengrup'a'? Are you ready for the trip? bIllengrup'a? Gripo trafis min pasintmonate. I had the flu last month. Griphook hit me last month. La fazano ne estus mortpafita, se ĝi ne estus blekinta. The pheasant would not be shot but for its cries. The face would not have been death-payed if it had not been bubbling. Me esas felica vidar tu. I'm happy to see you. I am happy to see you. Tomas labom kati vietik. Tom has a white cat. Tomas labom cats vietik. mi roroi se sidju do I am always helped by you. mi roroi seHelp do Lo manja. He is eating. Lo manja. Mi vidis lin ĉirkaŭiri la urbon dimanĉe vestite. I saw him walking around town wearing his Sunday best. I saw him round about the city on Sunday dressed. Mi mensogis, pardonu al mi. I lied. Please forgive me. I was lying, sorry to me. le pendo cu sidju mi My friend helped me. I'd think I'm Help Un pisce pote natar. A fish can swim. One little can swim. lo kenka cu kukte mutce The cake is delicious. lo kenka kukte mutce Kakajo. Shit. Cake. Ĝi estas nur kuniklo. It's just a rabbit. It's just a rabbit. puqloDwI' De' jengva' 'oH De' jengva'vam'e'. This CD belongs to my son. This meant that the universe was one of the universe. First of the universe, there were the only intelligent beings. Mi pensas, ke ili vidis vin. I think they saw you. I think they saw you. Ojonob cemi obik ole. I'll show you my room. Ojonob cemi obik ole. Mia vivocelo estas fariĝi registara ĉefo. My goal in life is to be Prime Minister. My life goal is to become a government chief. En 1632, li publikigis libron, kiu deklaris, inter aliaj aĵoj, tio, ke la Kopernika teorio heliocentra estas ĝusta. Galileo estis denove alvokita al la Inkvizicio kaj ĉi-foje oni lin trovis kulpa je herezo. In 1632, he published a book that stated, among other things, that the heliocentric theory of Copernicus was correct. Galileo was once again called before the Inquisition and this time was found guilty of heresy. In 1632, he published a book that stated, among other things, that the Copernicus theory heliocentric is correct. Galileo was again called to the Inquisition and this time he was found guilty of heresis. Io securmente esserea triste si ille mori. I'll certainly be sad if he dies. It will safely be sad if they die. Li canes e li cates ne es amicos. Dogs and cats aren't friends. Li canos e li cates es ne amicos. Mi povas fari ĝin duan fojon. I can do it again. I can do it a second time. Tomaso helpas al Maria. Tom is helping Mary. Thomas helps Mary. En la lernejo oni adoptis la novan metodon por instrui la anglan. The school adopted the new method of teaching English. In school the new method was adopted to teach English. Том иа мори а лунди ен Бостон. Tom died Monday in Boston. ← Isto displaceva a totes. That displeased everyone. This displaces to alls. Cils obik no lieloms obi. My children don't listen to me. Cils obik no lieloms obi. lo nakni pu radytu'i lo du'u mi drani He admitted that I was right. lo nakni pu radytu'i lo du'u mi dani Ta roko es tre pezoza por levar. This stone is too heavy to lift. Such a rock is very weighty to lead. Ŝi venis tri minutojn post mia alvoko. She came three minutes after I called. She came three minutes after my call. Illa frequentemente le audiva murmurar a se mesme. She would often hear him grumbling to himself. Illa frequently le audiva murmurar a se same. La kristanaro hodiaŭ festas la unuan dimanĉon de Advento. Today, Christianity celebrates the first Advent. The Christian today celebrates the first Sunday of Adventure. peyon! Be satisfied! peyon! ghel neHlu''a'? Any questions? ghee neHlu'a? El asoluta no ia comprende la broma. He didn't understand the joke at all. El asolute no ia compreciate la broma. Ne estis fervojoj. There were no railroads. There were no railways. Tomas äsagom das nu letos fidön. Tom said it's OK to eat now. Tomas äsagom das nu letos fidön. Ili estis eĉ pli interesitaj de lia bela edzino. They were even more interested in his beautiful wife. They were even more interested in his beautiful wife. Guinness es la maxim bona di la biri. Guinness is the finest of beers. Guinness is the best of the beer. teHbe' mu'meyDaj. What he said was not true. Under extreme conditions, we're all right now. Manjo brilas. Mary is glowing. Food shines. Ĉu vi ŝatas la kadron de tiu pentraĵo? Do you like the frame on this painting? Do you like the frame of this painting? .e'usai gau ko lo nu tugni ku te vreji You really should get this agreement down in writing. Thank you very much indeed. ghaytan Sov. She probably knows. It's probably a Wilder. Ädanoms godi. They thanked God. Ädanoms godi. Mi laboras ĉiutage krom dimanĉe. I work every day except Sunday. I'm working every day except on Sunday. Esta es la meа espera. That's my hope. It's the better to expect. Tu es in mi cammino. You are in my way. Tu es in mi cammino. Ilqua deziras troa multo, ganas nulo. He who desires too much, gets nothing. Ilqua wants too much, winning nothing. La popolo estas kolera. The people are angry. The people are angry. Ille parlava a troppo alte voce. He spoke very loudly. They talk to too high voice. Mi faris ion ekstere. I was doing something outside. I did something outside. Le anglese es plen de parolas romance. English is full of Romance words. English is full of speaking romance. coi do i do zukte ma Hi. How are you doing? coi do i do zukte ma Esque io debe lavar le lactuca? Should I wash the lettuce? Why should I wash the milk? Franco have un blu pantalon. Franco has blue jeans. Franco has one blue pantalon. Nos morira totes. We all die. We die all. jevtaH tam. Tom is wheezing. There's a look at it as well. Mi malestimas monon. I despise money. I despise money. Estas tiel. Ili mortigos min. This is it. They're going to kill me. They'll kill me. Le possession del sagessa duce al ver felicitate. The possession of wisdom leads to true happiness. The possession of the wisdom for you due to very happy. Alga de mundo ta pote pensa tal. Some people might think so. Alga de world ta can think such. Theista e atheista: le lucta inter illes ha le scopo de decider si Deo debe esser appellate Deo o reciper un altere nomine. Theist and atheist: the fight between them is as to whether God shall be called God or shall have some other name. Theist and atheist: le lucta among them ha le scope de decisionar si Deo must be named Deo or get one other name. Ha tu devenite folle? Are you out of your mind? Have you become a folle? la tom a la meris klama lo zarci Tom or Mary go to the market. the tom to the meris clearly lo zarci La revo realiĝis. The dream came true. The dream was fulfilled. Qapchu'taH laSvarghmeymaj. Our factories are working perfectly. Furthermore, we haven't heard the universe. Le vino fermenta. The wine is fermenting. The wine ferments. Bonvolu traduki tiun japanan tekston en la francan. Please translate this Japanese text into French. Please translate this Japanese text into French. Lith le loláadehil Meri ulehehé wa. I think Mary is a bit of a Pollyanna. Lith le loláadehil Meri ulehehé wa. Ille percurreva rapidemente le pagina pro trovar le parola que ille cercava. He quickly scanned the page for the word he was looking for. They're quick to find the word that they search for. Lassa me assecurar me que tu gamba non es rumpite. Let me make sure your leg isn't broken. Leave me so that your gambit is not rumbling. Yo esset pardonat. I was pardoned. Yo esset pardon. Spikol-li Svedänapüki? Do you speak Swedish? Spiceli Svedänapüki? Veni contar nos le aventuras de tu vita. Come tell us about your adventures in life. Come to count us le adventures de tu vita. Mary es li filia de un carpentero. Mary is a daughter of a carpenter. Mary is his daughter of one carpenter. Vu venis tarde adheme. You are home late. You've come late adheme. Esque tu es polit? Are you polite? Esque tu es polit? Mi urĝege bezonas ĝin. I need it yesterday. I need it urgently. la tom pu cusku losedu'u ri tatpi Tom said he was tired. the tom pu cusku losedu'u ri tatpi Mi scias, ke vi certe malsatas. I know you must be hungry. I know you're sure hungry. preti fi ko la .tam. Ask Tom. cut fi ko la .tam. Kiom da homoj ankoraŭ estas tie? How many people are still there? How many people are still there? Vi sonas tre juna. You sound very young. You sound very young. ma vi'ecpe do Who invited you? ma vi'epe do Ŝi iĝis feliĉa. She became happy. She became happy. tam ghIjqu'lu'. Tom was terrified. tam anceliqu'lu'. Non compra me alcun cosa. Don't buy me anything. Don't understand me something. Esce tu es un estrateran? Are you an extraterrestrial? Esce tu es un estrateran? Tomo ne estas la tipo, kiu edziniĝemas. Tom isn't the marrying type. Tom is not the type that marries. tIr ngogh yISop 'ej bIQ yItlhutlh. Eat bread and drink water. tIr Passwordh yISop 'ej bIQ yItlh you. Pri kia nutraĵo vi parolas? What kind of food are you talking about? What food are you talking about? Ni iras al la kinejo. Venu kun ni. We are going to the movies. Come with us. We're going to the cinema. Come with us. Dum la tuta mateno Tomo serĉis sian hundon. Tom looked for his dog all morning. During the whole morning Tom sought his dog. Mi ĉion antaŭvidis. I had it all planned. I predicted everything. xu do nelci lo najnimre Do you like oranges? xu do neulci lo najimre Ni faris neĝohomon ĉi-vintre. We made a snowman this winter. We made a snowman this winter. Yo es maritat. I am married. Yo es maritat. wab Qoy tam. Tom heard a noise. wab Qoy as well. Kiu estas via koramikino? Who is your girlfriend? Who's your girlfriend? Yo ama mi patre. I love my father. Yo ama mi parent. Dona pas a nos! Grant us peace! Give steps to us! Ma ille habeva besonio de un empleo. But he needed a job. But they had had had a need for an employment. Ne kulpigu ŝin pri tio. Don't blame it on her. Don't blame her about it. Boris Johnson es un racista, un antisemito, e un islamophobo. Boris Johnson is a racist, an antisemite, and an Islamophobe. Boris Johnson is a racist, one antisemitus, and one islamophobe. Por rajti enbusiĝi vi devas aĉeti bileton. You must buy a ticket to get on the bus. To be allowed to get involved you must buy a ticket. Vi devas ĉesi drinki. You have to stop drinking. You have to stop drinking. Ĉu al ili mankas ilia patrino? Do they miss their mother? Are they missing their mother? Maria frotis siajn vangojn per la manplatoj kaj embarasite ĉirkaŭrigardas. Maria rubbed her cheeks with the palms of her hands and looked around with embarrassment. Mary furnished his cheeks with the palms and embarrassed looking around. Io le imaginava como un viro longe. I imagined him a tall man. Io le imaginary as a man long. loD chechchoHmoHta' be'. She got him drunk. loD chechchoH beberata' bee. Mi tiom ŝuldas al vi. I owe you so much. I owe you so much. mi na djica lonu mi pinxe lo lenku I don't want to drink anything cold. mi na djica lonu mi pinxe lo lenku Tom ia bava. Tom was drooling. Tom's a bava. Esas nekredebla! That's unbelievable! It's incredible! HIqvam pIw QaQ law' HIqvetlh pIw QaQ puS. This wine is superior to that one in scent. I am the last part of QaQ law's HIqve to take advantage of the Haw QaQ genre. Nem ofik binom Irina. Her name's Irina. Nem ofik binom Irina. Li estas konstrulaboristo. He's a construction worker. He's a build worker. ko ca jundi mi Watch me now. andi mi jundi mi La fratino de George preparis kelkajn sandviĉojn por mi. George's sister made me some sandwiches. George's sister prepared some sandwiches for me. Isto es un parve passo pro un homine, ma un salto gigantesc pro le humanitate. That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. This is a small step for a homine, but a jump giantsc for the humanities. Mi havas busan horaron en mia telefono. I have a copy of the bus schedule on my phone. I have a bus schedule on my phone. Vi suferos pro tio ĉi. You'll suffer because of that. You'll suffer from this. DISvam 'amerI'qa' SepjIjQa'Daq jaH'a'? Is she going to go to the United States this year? That was the only intelligent beings in the past. But is it the only intelligent beings? taH vIghro'lIj. Your cat will survive. It's where you come from. Mi estis tre surprizita de ŝia subita ŝanĝo de intenco. I was very much surprised by her sudden change of mind. I was very surprised by her sudden change in intention. naDev Dururbogh loD wIghajnISbej. We really need a man like you here. naDev Durur has been created by the city of the city. mi kakne lo ka tavla bau lo me do moi I can speak your language. mi kakne lo ka tavla balan lo me do moi Esque lunedí es tro tard? Is Monday too late? Esque luedí es tro tard? be'vetlh yIQapbe'moH! Stop that woman. Thank you for listening! Esta veste de nada es en vende a custa reduida. This swimsuit is on sale. There is a speed of nada is in vende to custa reductida. peSop 'ej petlhutlh. Eat and drink. Professor, thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Ni habitas proxim granda biblioteko. We live near a big library. We live next to a large library. Io sonia frequentemente de guerras. I often dream about wars. Io sonia frequently de guerras. cha' mIlloghvamDaq rurbe'chuq vay' Datu'ta''a'? Did you find the difference between these two photos? That's the existence of the universe. But is there anything in the galaxy? Me es bolinte acua. I am boiling water. I'm boiling acua. Mi eksoifas. I'm getting thirsty. I'm exoiding. ta du lo ko'a zdani That is his house. ta du lo co'a zdani Kvankam la Unuiĝintaj Ŝtatoj estas evoluinta lando, en ĝi ankoraŭ estas kvanto de tre malriĉaj homoj. Even though the United States is a developed country, it still has some very poor people. Although the United States is an evolving country, in it is still an amount of very poor people. lo ta zdani cu se ponse mi That house is mine. lo ta zdani cu se ponse mi Ĉu vi estas mia gekuzo? Are you my cousin? Are you my ice? Ni lasu tion ripozi. Let's give it a rest. Let's let's rest. Il ne esas mea reala patro. He's not my real father. Il is not my real father. lo'e melbi cu roroi cizra The beautiful is always strange. lo'e melbi cu roroi cizra Ме ва мостра а ту ла виа. I'm going to show you the way. ← Ingredients Recipes Vi ne povas imagi, kiom mi zorgis pri tio. You can't imagine how concerned I was. You can't imagine how much I took care of it. Certe. Tuj. Sure. Right away. Of course, right. Москва ес ла каритал де Русиа. Moscow is the capital of Russia. ← Tomas e Maria tidoms in jul ot. Tom and Mary teach at the same school. Tomas and Maria tidoms in jul ot. Lante la armeo konkeris terenon trans la rivero. The army slowly advanced across the river. Slowly the army conquered land across the river. Nos ia reloca nos a Jazair. We moved to Algiers. We're going to relocate us to Jazair. mi catra la.cev. I killed God. mi catra la.cev. Me studia alga linguas variosa. I am studying several languages. I study algae languages will vary. Konsultez vua mediko. Consult your doctor. Consult your physician. Ла инструи дебе ес син куста, а ла мин ен ла скола прима. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. ← Ni ambaŭ estas frenezaj. We're both crazy. We are both crazy. Tom canta bon. Tom sings well. Tom singa bon. Tory mori. Tory dies. Tory die. Kio ĝi povus esti? What could it be? What could it be? Qual can es le tue? Which dog is yours? What can the tue be? Ti hiverne es calid. This winter is warm. Ti heverne es calid. tennuSwI' ghaH. He is my uncle. Get it off! Come on, man. Come on. Kikodo ägolol-li lü dom omik? Why did you go to his house? Kicode ägol-li lü dom omik? la .iokos. cu ponjo cmene Yoko is a Japanese name. the .iokos. cu ponjo Name qa'vIn tu'lum DItlhutlhtaHvIS nabmo' wIja'chuqjaj! Let's discuss the plan over a cup of coffee. I am in favor of your ten billion years ago. Maria es un princessa de fees. Mary is a fairy princess. Mary is one prince of fees. le cmatca cu zenba binxo lo tcadu The town grew into a city. le cmatca cu zenba binxo lo tcadu ku'i do noroi tavla mi ta But you have never spoken to me about that! That's why we're going to take me such as mi nu penmi rakau kei djica It is her that I want to meet. mi nu penmi rakau kei djica Do es la saleta privada? Where's the toilet? So is the salty privacy? mi zvati la .paris. I am in Paris. I zvati la .paris. Mi ne havas monon. I have no money. I don't have money. Mi vetas dek mil enojn, ke li gajnos. I'll bet 10,000 yen on his winning. I bet ten thousand ins that he will win. Il dit a ella. He told her. Il dit a ella. La bovo muĝas. The bull is mooing. The beef flies. Kial Tomo neniam faras tion? Why does Tom never do that? Why does Tom never do that? Kikod vilol lemön buki at? Why do you want to buy this book? Kikod vilol lemön buki at? La parolas de un om es como acuas profonda, la fonte de sajia es como un flue constante. The words of a man's mouth are as deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook. The words of an om are as appropriate in-depth, the source of sajia is as a stream consisting. Mi ĵus donis unu al Tom. I just gave Tom one. I just gave one to Tom. Lu esas nek homulo, nek homino. They are neither a man nor a woman. It is neither a homul, nor a homin. Mike Pompeo lesagom, das Lirän äsädon eli USS Maine. Mike Pompeo claims Iran sank the USS Maine. Mike Pompeo lesagom, das Lirän äsädon eli USS Maine. Io ama mi lingua! I love my language! I love myself a language! be'nI'pu' chaH ma'rI''e' ma'qI''e' je. Mari and Maki are sisters. be'nI'pu' chaH ma'rI'e ma'qI'e' je. Qui besona un trincage? Who needs a drink? Qui besona un trincage? Yo dit a te li veritá. I told you the truth. Yo dit a te li veritá. Io non vole hastar te, ma vamos prender le proxime bus. Don't want you to hurry, but let's take the next bus. I don't want to have you, but let's take the next bus. Li mem finis tiun laboron. He finished this work for himself. He himself finished this job. ¡Díeu t'alegra! Have a nice day! ¡Díeu t'algra! Mi havas koramikon. I have a boyfriend. I have a heart friend. Neniu rivero en la mondo estas pli longa ol Nilo. No river in the world is longer than the Nile. No river in the world is longer than Nile. DunuQ'a'? Is this annoying? DunQ'a'? le fetsi pu sipna ze'a lo cacra be li so'u She slept for a few hours. le festisi pu sipna zez'a lo cacra be li so'u ti mudri jubme This is a wood table. ti mutri jubme La trajno malfruiĝas je tridek minutoj. The train is 30 minutes overdue. The train melts at thirty minutes. xu do nelci ti noi flora Do you like this flower? xu do neulti ti noi flora Ma Noldo nu i alda ná? Is a Noldo beneath the tree? Ma Noldo nu i alda ná? Li laboro de Monsieur Bertillon semblar bon a sciential home. The work of Monsieur Bertillon seems good to a scientific person. Li labor de Monsieur Bertillon sembler bon a scholarly home. Sua braso ia tanje mea braso. Her arm brushed against mine. Sua braso ia tanje mea braso. El comprende bangla. He understands Bengali. El comprende bangla. do jai se kanpe fai lo ka tinbe lo flalu You are supposed to obey the law. do jai se kanpe fai lo ka tinbe lo fallu Nulu povas komprenar vua letro. No one can understand your letter. Nulls can understand your leather. Tom non poteva pensar super Maria sin memorar con quante affliction lor separation occurreva. Tom couldn't think of Mary without remembering how painful their breakup had been. Tom was unable to think over Mary without remembering with how much affliction their separation occurred. Io pensava que io non jammais te viderea vive un altere vice. I thought I'd never see you alive again. I thought I wouldn't keep you seeing each other instead. bIQtIq DopDaq yIt jan. John took a walk along the river. bIQtIq Dop is the yIt jan. Markku kaj Liisa jam havis sufiĉan penon por teni la lupon for de la pordo. Markku and Liisa had just enough to keep the wolf from the door. Markku and Liisa already had enough effort to keep the wolf away from the door. nIpongan jIH. I am Japanese. I'm going to take a walk. bISovbejlaHbe'. You can't be so sure. bISovbei fundabe'. Mi ne scias, kiam li venos sekvafoje. I don't know when he'll come next time. I don't know when he comes next time. Li-ogolol ko obs? Will you go with us? Li-ogolol ko obs? Tomo laboras en banko. Tom works at a bank. Tom working in a bank. Il have mult amicos ci. He has a lot of friends here. Il have mult amicos ci. Ĝi estas pruntaŭto. It's a rented car. It's a loan car. ghuy'! jImuj. Damn, I was wrong. - I'm going to see you. Le traductor multo sovente apprende nove cosas super se mesme. The translator constantly learns new things about himself. The translator will very often appreciate new things over itself. .i le za'u nixli ba jai cumki fai le ka pu ku klama le jai tu'i se tigni Girls will have possibly gone to the show. .i le za'u nixli ba jai cumki fai le ka pu ku clama le jai tu'i se tigni La bildo sur tiu televidilo ne bonas. Ĝi flagradas. The picture on this TV is no good. It keeps flickering. The image on this TV is not good. Es impossibile viver in le mundo sin jocar al comedia de tempore in tempore. It's impossible to live in the world without playing at comedy from time to time. It's impossible to see in world without joining time to time in time. Еста но ес куал ме иа команда. This is not what I ordered. ← Imperio significa poter. Empire means power. Empire means to be able. Le via ferree crucia le cammino a iste loco. The railway crosses the road at this point. Le via ferree crucia le cammina to this place. El ludas teniso omnadie. She plays tennis every day. El plays tennis anyway. Lore me ne konocis vu. I didn't know you then. Lore I don't know you. Li puér esset vendit in li sclavitá. The boy was sold into slavery. Li puér esset portit in li sclavitá. Non pensa tu que io sape lo que le gente dice de me? Don't you think I know what people say about me? Don't think tu que io sap lo que le gente dice de me? Doqqu'taH chal. The sky was red. So we're entering a call. Me timas ke tu ne povas mariajar el. I'm afraid you can't marry her. I'm afraid you can't husband him. 'ar juch bIQtIqvam'e'? How wide is this river? 'ar juch bIQtIqvam'e'? Ultra su travalio regular, ille ha multe altere activitates. In addition to his regular job, he has a lot of other activities. Ultra su travalio regular, ille ha far other activity. Ŝi flue parolas la anglan kaj la francan. She is fluent in English and French. She fluently speaks English and French. Le mercato remontava. The market rallied. Le mercato remoteva. Esque tu have moné? Do you have money? Esque tu ha moné? wej ben tamvaD vIraS Hol vIghojmoH. I taught Tom French three years ago. We're just just as far as you're doing, you're coming in very much. Do veH buSHa' 'ej tlhoy nom chIj. He ignored the speed limit and drove very fast. So veH buSHa' 'ej urdinary name chIj. Mi ankoraŭ neniam diris tion al iu. I've never said this before to anyone. I've never told anyone yet. vIghro'vam vIneH. I want this cat. Come on, let's come out. la tom na simlu lo ka mutce tatpi Tom doesn't seem to be very tired. the tom na simlu lo ka mutce tatpi Se vi tuŝas tiun draton, vi ricevos ŝokon. If you touch that wire, you'll get a shock. If you touch this wire, you'll get a shock. Psikologio traktas pri la homaj emocioj. Psychology deals with human emotions. Psychology deals with human emotions. Tomo ne scias, ke Manjo estas kanadanino. Tom doesn't know that Mary is a Canadian. Tom doesn't know that Manjo is Canadian. Lu es exter li questione. It's out of the question. It is an exter li question. Il apertet su bocca. He opened his mouth. Il openat su bocca. Mi rompis kordon de mia gitaro. I broke a string on my guitar. I broke my guitar's cord. ei cliva nau We have to leave now. Exiting... Ŝi pardonpetis pro sia malfruiĝo. She apologized for her delay. She apologized for her infringement. Qualim on dikte XXX in nederlandum? How do you say XXX in Dutch? Qualim on dikte XXX in nederlandum? tomat naH, 'anyan 'oQqar je vIneH. I'll have tomato and onion. tomat naH, 'anyan 'oQqar by o.g. Garda la mone restante! Keep the change! Keep the money remaining! Rusia ia gania la conta la plu grande de medalias en la Olimpiales de Inverno de Sochi 2014. Russia won the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics medal count. Russia once won the county of the largest of medalias in the Olympics of Inverno de Sochi 2014. Io vide un horologio, ma io non succede a imaginar me le horologiero. Le mente human es incapace de apprehender le quatro dimensiones, assi, como pote illo facer se un idea de un Deo, ante le qual mille annos e mille dimensiones es quasi que un. I see a clock, but I cannot envision the clockmaker. The human mind is unable to conceive of the four dimensions, so how can it conceive of a God, before whom a thousand years and a thousand dimensions are as one? I see a clock, but I don't expect to imagine me the horror. The mind human is incapable of apprehender the four dimensions, so as it can do if an idea of a Deo, before the amount of thousands of years and thousands of dimensions is almost than one. mi drata I is an other. Other I'm Por honora homo, ŝuldoj estas maldolĉa sklaveco. To the honest man, debts are a bitter slavery. For an honorable man, debts are bitter slavery. mi pu te vecnu lo pare fe'i re sovda I bought half a dozen eggs. mi pu te vezu lo para fe'i re soda Me va mostra a tu la via. I'm going to show you the way. I am going to show you the yours. ko no roi bu'u ti kelci Never play here. ko no roi bu'u ti kelci Me gusta la clima brasilera. I like the Brazilian climate. I taste the climate brasilera. Historion verkas la venkintoj. History is written by the victors. History verifies the winners. Hochlogh po jIHaH'egh. I always take a bath in the morning. Hochlog po pavantaH'egh. La granda frato rigardas vin. Big Brother is watching you. The big brother looks at you. La tempesta ia destrui tota la vila. The storm destroyed the whole town. The storms will destroy them all the villa. Iste horario indica le horas de arrivata e partita. That time table gives the hours of arrival and departure. This hour indicating le horas de arrivata e partita. Tomo diris, ke li vidis nenion. Tom said he didn't see anything. Tom said he saw nothing. not SuDoy'choH'a'? Don't you ever get tired? Not SuDoy'choH'a? It es evident que ella ne ama su marito. It's obvious that she doesn't love her husband. It is evident than she does not love her husband. Li mortigos vi! They'll kill you! He'll kill you! chaq tuQaHlaH. Maybe you can help me out. Maybe yourQaH background. je'e I understand. je'e Ĉesu gapi al ŝiaj mamoj! Stop staring at her breasts! Stop stuttering to her mothers! Heri nocte io ha soniate que io mangiava apes. Last night I dreamt I was eating bees. Yesterday tonight something has sounded than something mangiava apes. Tu non necessita un doctorato in physica quantic pro esser contra le guerra nuclear. You don't need a PhD in quantum physics to be against nuclear war. You do not need one doctorate in physical quantities to be against the war nuclear. Kio videblas ĉe la deka kanalo? What is on Channel 10? What is visible at the tenth channel? Kiom da fratinoj Tomo havas? How many sisters does Tom have? How many sisters do Tom have? Ultre, pluveskas. Besides, it's starting to rain. Ultre, pluveskas. ma klama ta Who goes there? but clearly ta Iste film esseva emittite per television. That movie was shown on TV. This film was emitted by television. chay'? ne'Derlan Hol jatlhtaH tam! What?! Tom's speaking Dutch! The first thing you don't think we're all right? ko smacni Be calm. co smacni Dava tu audition al rolo? Did you audition for the part? Dava tu audition al role? La pueri ludis meze di strado. The children were playing in the middle of the street. The puers played in the middle of a road. mataH maH HeghDI'. We will outlive them. Avoid maH HeghDI'. lo fraso nanba cu kukte French bread is delicious. lo fraso nanba cu kukte Tio tiel bongustas. This is so tasty. This is so delicious. SIDbe'. He is impatient. SIDbe'. Mi bezonas homojn, kiujn mi povas fidi. I need people who I can trust. I need people I can trust. Tom ne scias, kion fari. Tom doesn't know what to do. Tom doesn't know what to do. El Maria äsäkof obi, mutof-li yufön Tomase. Mary asked me whether she should help Tom or not. El Maria äsäkof obi, mutof-li yufön Tomase. Li dracones nasce in li foy. The dragons are born in the fire. Li tracones nasce in li foy. ko'a nupre lo nu sidju kei ma'a He promised he would help us. Under extreme conditions, one should have expected it to access the rest of it. Manjo estas turko. Mary is a Turk. Manjo is a turk. Xina ia developa multe rapida. China developed very quickly. Xina's ever developed much fast. Illo es lo que illo es. It is what it is. It's what it's like. Kiom da okuloj havis la ciklopoj? How many eyes had the Cyclops? How many eyes did the cyclops have? Kion vi dirus, estante en mia situacio? What would you say if you were in my place? What would you say, being in my situation? Brazilo iĝis la sesa ekonomia potenco de la mondo. Brazil became the sixth largest economy in the world. Brazil became the sixth economic power of the world. tam bIjlu'taH. Tom is being punished. Even though bIjlu's moving. ei do tadni tai lo ka carmi zmadu You should study harder. ei do tadni tai lo kacarmi zmadu Mi tute ne zorgas. I'm not worried at all. I don't care at all. Tiam mi estis en Kanado. I was in Canada then. Then I was in Canada. mi'ai ba vitke do We'll visit you. mi'ai baambie do xu da poi vi zvati lo tadni kumfa cu ba'o tirna la norman.finkelctain. Has anyone here in the classroom heard about Norman Finkelstein? xu da poi vi zvati lo tadni cumfa cu ba'o tiran la norm.finkelctain. Mi identiĝis kun la banditoj en la filmo. I identified myself with the gangsters in the film. I identified with the bandits in the movie. Il heredis la domo. He inherited the house. Il inherited the house. DaH qIyowto' luDabtaH be'nI'pu'Daj ghaH je. His sisters as well as he are now living in Kyoto. I now turn to the fight, but we're moving away from the other hand. Mi vision ne es bon. My eyesight is not good. I'm not good. wa'Hu' paH bID'e' je'ta'bogh me'rIy' 'oH. That was the skirt that Mary bought yesterday. The conditions are that we have made up of the universe. These are the only intelligent beings in the galaxy. La implicada es zero. The default value is zero. The implication is zero. DaH qateq. Now I delete you. I'm going to pleaseq. qIgh yIghoS! Take a short cut. qIgh yIghoS! la'e di'u co'e That's it. the one of these things Tomo ne estas iu, kiun vi devas fidi. Tom isn't someone you should trust. All is not someone you have to trust. SaghoSbej. I will come by all means. SaghoSbej. Li dracon reptet ex li aqua. The dragon crawled out of the water. Li drain reptet ex li aqua. lo nakni pu djica lo nu tikygau He wanted change. lo nakni pu djica lo nu tikygau Esque tu es toto certe? Are you quite sure? That's why you're everything certain? La pomo falis el la arbo. The apple fell from the tree. The apple fell out of the tree. Ci sabe alga linguas variosa, el oteni plu de la mundo. He who knows several languages gets more from the world. Cy save alga linguistics will vary, from holding out more of the world. Me ama la neva. I love snow. I love the snow. Qorgh'eghnIS Hoch. It's every man for himself. Qorgh'eghnIS Hoch. He tu! Quon tu agas? Hey, you! What are you doing? Hey tu! What are you acting? Bóo ban ne ledi áabeth. Give me the book. Bóo ban ne ledi áabeth. Tomo resumis la situacion. Tom summarized the situation. Tom summed up the situation. Le can de Mary es multo intelligente. Mary's dog is very intelligent. The can of Mary is very clever. tIQ chutvam. This is an ancient law. tIQ chutm. Mi volas aĉeti jaĥton. I want to buy a yacht. I want to buy a jacket. Mi ĵetis la paperon en la fajron. I threw the paper into the fire. I threw the paper into the fire. tuqjIjQa'ngan ghaH. He is British. tuqjIjQa'ngan ghaH. la meris. melbi bunre se kanla Mary has beautiful brown eyes. la meris. melbi bunre se kanla It es tre humid. It's very humid. It is very wet. Esta es comica no plu. This is not funny anymore. Esta es comica no plu. Tom ia aprende patini cuando el ia ave des-tre anios. Tom learned to skate when he was thirteen. Tom's going to take a patini running out of some ave des-tre anios. Mersí pro tui raporte. Thanks for your report. Mersí pro tui reporte. Vi vantas. You're vain. You are going to go. Ло иа аида мулте ме! It helped me a lot! It's all right! nIQ SoptaHvIS jo'rIj, nIm wIb ngogh law' Sop. George had a lot of cheese for breakfast. Our only chance of long-term survival is that we have walked in the past. SeymoHlaH paq. A book can be thrilling. Sey trevado paq. Ni lasu, ke Tomo decidu. Let's let Tom decide. Let's let Tom decide. Yo es un carpentero. I am a carpenter. Yo es un carpenter. Mea onklo nun vivas komfortoze. My aunt now lives in comfort. My uncle now lives comfortly. Ne eblas, ke ŝi diris ion tian. She can't have said such a thing. It's impossible for her to say something like that. Io vadera ibi immediatemente. I'll come right away. Io vadera ibi immediately. Ла акуа ес транспаренте. Water is transparent. It's what it's like. chaHvaD vIjatlhbe'choHpu'. I don't talk to them anymore. This is why we really understand the universe. Том иа парла син пенса. Tom spoke without thinking. Is it possible for you to know what you want to do. Eldormiĝi estas la malo de endormiĝi. Waking up is the opposite of going to sleep. Eldorming is the tide of getting asleep. mi nitcu tu'a lo tivmi'i lo nu mi jmive I can't live without a TV. mi nitcu tu'a lo tivmi'i lo nu mi Lifeve Naturalmente io la ama! Of course I love her! Of course something the love! Japanese bonbones es min calorific quam westal bonbones. Japanese sweets are lower in calories than Western sweets. Japanese bonbones is less calorific quam western bonbones. Mi devas ne morti ĉi tie. I can't die here. I don't have to die here. La suspektato komencis konfesar fine. The suspect began to confess at last. The suspect began to confess at last. Qui compra it? Who's buying? Qui compra it? Yo ne lee libres. I do not read books. Yo ne lee libres. Io me senti estranie. I feel strange. Io me senti estranie. Fide Tom! Trust Tom. Fide Tom! Estas tempo, ke mi foriru. It's time for me to go. It's time to go away. Nifos in Rusän. It snows in Russia. Niphos in Rusän. Iste septimana esseva un experientia meraviliose. This week has been an amazing experience. This week was a experienced meraviliosis. Sape tu pro que duo de tres studentes non participava in le incontro de studentes? Do you know the reason why two-thirds of the students did not attend the student meeting? Sape tu pro que du de tres students non participatory in le incontro de students? be'nI'Daj Sawpu' ghaH. He was married to her sister. be'nI'Daj Sawpu' ghaH. La mulieri esas sentiva. Women are sensitive. The muliers are sensitive. Me pensas ke olu esas tro granda. I think that it's too big. I think it's too big. mi pu jinvi lo nu do ca simlu lo ka badri I thought you looked sad. mi pu jinvi lo nu do ca simlu lo ka badri ben law' qaS. It happened a long time ago. That's the one another. Mi envenis tra la fenestro. I came in through the window. I got in through the window. Serpentoj estas reptilioj. Snakes are reptiles. Serpents are reptiles. xu do caucni mi Did you miss me? xu do caucni mi Hieraŭ ŝi vidis grandan viron. Yesterday she saw a big man. Yesterday she saw a big man. Alcunos del studentes del collegio que es attrappate fraudante sur le examines mesmo non se rubesce. Some of the college students who are caught cheating on the exams do not even blush. Some of the students of the curriculum that is attrappate fraudulently on the examinations even if not rubesce. Siorino Brown skribis libro pri politiko. Mrs. Brown wrote a book on politics. Mr. Brown wrote a book about politics. Quante vices cata die passa iste bus? How many times does the bus run each day? How much time does this bus take? xo jungo cu pendo do How many Chinese friends do you have? xo jungo cu penso do Mi ŝatas la lumon de kandeloj. I like candlelight. I like the light of candles. In tir matelik. He's a gardener. In tira matelik. bISaHHa', qar'a'? You don't really care, do you? bISaHa', I would like to talk about each other? Yo have un cat e un cane. Li cat es nigri e li cane es blanc. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. Yo have un cat e un cane. Li cat es nigri e li dog es blanc. La estro laborigis ilin tage kaj nokte. The boss made them work day and night. The boss employed them day and night. Mi petis lin fari tion. I asked him to do that. I asked him to do that. Le flor le plus parve es un pensamento, un vita correspondente a alicun aspecto del Grande Toto, de qui illo habe un intuition persistente. The smallest flower is a thought, a life answering to some feature of the Great Whole, of whom they have a persistent intuition. Le flor le mela es un pensamente, un vita matching any appearance of the Great Toto, de qui it ha ha ha un intuitivee persistente. Ne diru al Tom la kialon! Don't tell Tom why. Don't tell Tom the reason! ti spati la'o ly.Schlumbergera This is a plant of the species Schlumbergera truncata. ti Plant la'o ly.Schlumberger veng'e' charghta' jagh. The city fell to the enemy. veng'e' charghta' jagh. Esque vos es libere? Are you guys free? Why are you free? Ju pli mi dormas, des malpli mi emas labori. The more I sleep, the less I feel like working. The more I sleep, the less I tend to work. Еста ап ес стонанте. This application is awesome. It's what it's like. Mi devis foriĝi el la domo. I had to get out of the house. I had to get away from the house. Fögetolöd obi. Forget me. Fögetolöd obi. QamchoH 'ej ghIq QorwaghDaq yIt. She stood up and walked to the window. QamchoH 'ej chargeq Qorwagh is the yIt. Ŝi venigis lin al la lago. She took him to the lake. She brought him to the lake. Su pelle es blanc pur. Her skin is pure white. Su pelle es blanc pur. Ili varme salutis nin. They greeted us warmly. They greeted us warmly. Li manjas ita kozi. They eat these things. He eats her cozi. Tom demandat plu. Tom demanded more. Tom asked more. Téu vaes duvitaziuns. I have my doubts. Téu vais duvitaziuns. Saluto. Me esas Joe Carlton. Ka me povas parolar kun Michael? Hello. This is Joe Carlton. May I speak to Michael? Health. I am Joe Carlton. Can I talk to Michael? Tu debe filtrar le sortita de iste commando a fin de monstrar solmente le lineas que contine "foo". You need to filter the output of this command in order to display only the lines with "foo" inside. You must filter the sorted from this command to end of only show the lines that contain "foo". ko kargau lo moklu gi'e ga'orgau lo kanla Open your mouth and close your eyes. Jardin My heart rate Close the channel Me ankore ne finis parolar. I haven't finished speaking yet. I haven't finished talking yet. ko muvycau Be still. co muvyca 'ampaSDaq DIvI' Hol ghojmoH tennuSnalwI'. My uncle teaches English at the university. But when we think we're all right, you'll have to guess that if you think you're all right? qechwIj HochDIch vIchup. That's my final offer. That's my concern, I'm all right. Sorvam QIb vIngevQo'. I won't sell this tree shade. Sleeping QIb fiangevQo'. Ме ес но плу темоса де канес. I'm no longer afraid of dogs. It's what it's going to be. Kion vi hieraŭ volis diri al mi? What did you want to say to me yesterday? What did you say to me yesterday? raSDaq vIghro' tu'lu'pu'. On the table there was a cat. That is why we have come from the universe. Ŝajnas, ke Tomo dormas. Tom looks like he's sleeping. It seems that Tom is sleeping. mi jbena fo lo gugdesugu I'm from Singapore. I jbena fo lo gugdesugu Ĉu via frato ankoraŭ estas en Germanujo? Is your brother still in Germany? Is your brother still in Germany? Me preferar dicter. I prefer to say. I'm going to take a saying. xu ta du ro da Is that all? xu ta du ro da Tom esas elektro-teknikisto. Tom is an electrical engineer. Tom is an electric technician. Oblida lo. Forget it. Oblida lo. Si io un dia, que Deo non permitte, debera morrer, que mi epitaphio sia iste: Il le ha essite necesse un sol proba del existentia de Deo: le musica. If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: The only proof he needed for the existence of God was music. Si io un dia, que Deo not allowed, deberar morrer, que mi epitaphia her this: Il le ha was needed a sole proof of Deo's existence: le musica. Yo have mult labor hodie. I have much work today. Yo have a lot of work today. lo cukta ku .e lo pinsi ku zvati ma Where are the book and the pencil? sugared ku .e lo pinsi ku zvati ma Ĉar tion diras li, ĝi certe veras. Because he said that, it must be true. Because he says this, it's certainly true. "Qual hora es il?" ille pensava. "What time is it?" he wondered. "What hour is it?" someone thought. Еске ту иа виде жа ун гала де пупетас? Have you ever seen a puppet show? ← Cual color tu auto ave? What color is your car? Can your car get? Ĉu ŝi ne bone fartas? Ŝajne ŝi estas iomete deprimita. Is she not doing well? She seems somewhat depressed. Isn't she doing well? I think she's a bit depressed. Cadun ia ama lo. Everybody loved it. Caddun ia ama lo. Li laboras en granda usona firmao. He works for a large American corporation. They work in a large American company. Dice la que illa le adjuta. Tell her to help him. Dice the que il le help. Mi sestra lude con un pupé. My sister is playing with a doll. Mi serstra lude con un pupé. Ме воле сабе еске ту компренде. I wonder whether you understand. It's just like it. xu le xe fanva cu drani Is this translation correct? xu le xe fanva cu drains Tom estas destinita perdi la vetkuradon. Tom is bound to lose the race. Tom is designed to lose the betting. Kiun ajn lingvon vi lernas, vortaron vi bezonas. Whatever language you study, you cannot do without a dictionary. Whatever language you learn, a dictionary you need. chaq maQaHlaH. Maybe we can help. Maybe maQaH fund. Io cerca mi telephono. I am looking for my phone. I'm looking for a telephon. ko na viska mi Don't look at me! co na viska mi Illa eligeva un roba blau clar. She chose a light blue dress. Illa eligeva un roba blau cleare. Ĉu vi vere volas vivi tian vivon? Do you really want to lead this kind of life? Do you really want to live such a life? Tomas binom-li matel ela Maria? Is Tom married to Mary? Tomas binom li matel ela Maria? Ĉu vi rakontis al Tom, kio okazis? Did you tell Tom about what happened? Did you tell Tom what happened? yIt 'e' lumev. They stopped walking. yIt 'e' lulv. loQ majatlh. We talked a little. loQ May you take advantage of it. ti noi karce cu memimoi This car is mine. That's what we think of memes mi ckire ko'a lo ka kavbu lo pe mi mapku poi mi pu cirko bu'u lo brife klaji I'm grateful to him for catching my hat that I lost on the windy street. mi ckire ko'a lo kavbu lo pe mi mapku poi mi pu cirko bu'u lo brife complaints Tio vere ne estus necesa. That really won't be necessary. This would not really be necessary. Roma es un citate antique. Rome is an ancient city. Rome is a city old. Me ne volas ke irgu pleez mea gitaro. I don't want anyone to play my guitar. I don't want to go please my guitar. Ora illa es foras. She is out now. Ora it's gone. Ne maltrankviliĝu pri mi. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. Pardonon, kio do estas la nomo? Excuse me, what was the name again? We're sorry, what's the name then? Me regretas venar adheme tante tarde. I'm very sorry I came home so late. I regret to come adheme so late. Illo es un problema serie. That's a serious problem. It's a problem series. Me va dise a tu un secreta cual va cambia tua vive. I'll tell you a secret that will change your life. I va disse a tu un secret cual va change tua vive. Ti libre es tro custosi. This book is too expensive. Ti libre es tro custosi. Ni havis neniun problemon kun ili. We haven't had any problems with them at all. We had no problem with them. Ava vanta i salquessë. Keep off the grass. Ava vana i salquessë. Qui comprava isto pro te? Who bought you this? Who understands this for you? Dalqu'. It's incredibly boring. Dalqu'. Ubi es vostre camion? Where's your truck? Ubi es vostre camion? roD mI' tam. Tom works out regularly. roD mI' as well. mi senva lo cizra I dreamed a strange dream. I sent it cizra Ĉi tiu knabo ne havas gepatrojn. This boy has no parents. This boy has no parents. Mi scias, kie Tom kaŝas sin. I know where Tom is hiding. I know where Tom hides himself. Pro qui noi mori? Why do we die? Why are we going to die? jIpaS net chaw'be'. I can't be late. Exiting... Ĉu vi estas feliĉa nuntempe? Are you happy right now? Are you happy right now? Mi klopodas eltrovi, kio estas malfermita kaj kio ne estas. I'm trying to figure out what's open and what isn't. I'm trying to find out what's open and what's not. Siesto estus saniga. A nap would be good. Siesto would be healthy. Kion laŭ via supozo Tomo kaj Manjo faras ĉi-momente? What do you think Tom and Mary are doing right now? What according to your assumption is Tom and Manjo doing this very much? Manjo faris amikecan braceleton. Mary made a friendship bracelet. Food has made an friendly bracelet. La opera kantisto havas belan voĉon. The opera singer has a beautiful voice. The opera singer has a beautiful voice. jIyonbe'. I'm not satisfied. Exiting... El veni de Cimri. He comes from Wales. El veni de Cimri. Le crita me eveliava de mi somno. The cry roused me from my sleep. Le crita me eveliava de mi somno. Il va sin dicer que nostre planos depende del meteo. It goes without saying that our plans depend on the weather. Il va sin dicer que nostre will plan depending on weathering. Yo ne have sestras. I have no sisters. Yo ne have sestras. Cual spesie de venena lo ia es? What kind of poison was it? Cual thicknesse de vena lo ia es? Ni devas atingi decidon. We have to make a decision. We have to reach a decision. Le juventute de nostre pais es indifferente re politica. The youth of our country is indifferent to politics. Le juventute de nostre paris es indifferent repolitico. Binofs-li fredik? Are they happy? Binofs-li fridik? le nakni pu na nelci lo ckule He didn't like school. le nakni pu na neulci lo ccule lojmIt DaSoQmoHlaH'a'? Are you able to close the door? You know that we may still continue to live in? Li havas amason da libroj. He has books galore. He has a lot of books. Esas desfacila facar co. This is difficult to do. It is difficult to do what. Io pensa que io pensa, dunque io pensa que io existe. I think that I think, therefore I think that I am. Io pensa que io pensa, dso io pensa que io exists. mi birti morji tu'a la tom I remember Tom well. mi birti morji tu'a la tom li xa pi'i vo du li reno ju'u gai Six times four is two dozen. li xa pi'i vo du li kidney ju'u gai Kiu fabelo estas via plej ŝatata? What's your favorite fairy tale? What kind of fable is your favorite? Cual es la capital de Xina? What's the capital of China? Cual is the capital of Xina? Mi estis anĝela aktorino. I was an angel of an actress. I was an angel actors. Non me ha placite le fin de iste film. I didn't like the ending of that movie. Don't me have placed the end of this film. le nu ko'a xandegda'i cu simlu lo ka lidysna kei le la .alisi,ys kerlo noi tcega'e The drumming of his fingers was thunderous to Alicia's sensitive ears. nu'a xandegda'i simlu lo lidysna kei le .alisi,ys kerlo noi tcega'e Futuesez neutreso! Fuck neutrality! Futuese neutreso! lo pamoi pu na xagrai The first was not the best. That's thought of pu na xagrai do pu ticysku fi la tom You lied to Tom. So pu ticysku fi la tom .a'o nai ro da ca se cirko Everything will be lost now. .a'o nai ro da ca cirko No logob mani. I don't see a man. No logo ways. le verba puco'a klaku ca lonu ri viska le gerku The child began to cry at the sight of the dog. verb puco'a click ca lonu risska le gerku Mi scias, ke Tomo enamiĝis en Manjo. I know Tom's in love with Mary. I know that Tom was in love with Manjo. La nubskrapulo estas en la urbocentro. The skyscraper is in the center of the city. The cloud cracker is in the city center. It es un complicat afere. It's a complicated matter. It is a complimentcat afere. la tom pu ca'o bevri lo jai se pa'u flora Tom was carrying a bouquet of flowers. the tom pu ca'o bevri lo jai se pa'u flora Restu sidanta, mi petas. Remain seated, please. Stay sitting, please. Hieraŭ vi ne estis hejme, ĉu? You weren't home yesterday, were you? Yesterday you weren't at home, aren't you? leQvetlh SuD yIHotQo'! Don't touch that blue button. leQvetlh SuD yIHotQo! Omid mid wa. A horse is an animal. Omid mid wa. Sauron vole que chascun hobbit time le. Sauron wants every hobbit to fear him. Sauron wants que chascun hobbit time le. nItebHa' letlhDaq ghIr tam me'rIy' je. Tom and Mary walked down the stairs together. We have walked by the universe. These are the universe that we should patent the universe and charge everyone else. To es nonsense. This is nonsense. To is nonsense. Mi devas helpi al Tomo. I need to help Tom. I have to help Tom. Ni pardonpetas pri la ĝenaĵo. We apologise for the inconvenience. We're sorry about the gentleman. wej ben Heghpu' vavwI'. It is three years since my father died. We bless Heghpu's going to crank. ko'a cu narslutroka'e ro lo re tuple She is paralyzed in both legs. Create an empty file '%s' zo ba'e basna lo valsi poi se lidne je nai lidne zo ba'e The word "ba'e" emphasizes the word that follows it, rather than what precedes it. ba'e basna lo valsi poi Previous je nai Previous zo ba'e Сурпренденте, ел ес ун шико мулте бон. Surprisingly he is a very good boy. ← qavoqmo' jIQIp. I was stupid to trust you. I'm sorry, projectingQIp. Lo pare ce tu ia malpersepi me con meа frate plu vea. You seem to have mistaken me for my older brother. Lo par ce tu ia malpersepi me con meu frate plu vea. Que visitar nus? Who is visiting us? Que visit nus? ko'a xamgu He's good. Calculate xamgu ma djuno paunai Who knows? _Add to paunai mi prami do I love you. I Love then Qual sorta de veneno era illo? What kind of poison was it? What kind of poison was it? No tikob das Tomas dledom. I don't think Tom is afraid. No titib das Tomas dledom. Roba pecunia. Steal money. Roba pecunia. Ĉu vi ne irus al la koncerto kun mi? Won't you go to the concert with me? Wouldn't you go to the concert with me? Ĉu iliaj edzinoj rajtas vidi ilin? Are their wives permitted to see them? Are their wives allowed to see them? Quo fat vu yer vésper? What were you doing last night? What fat do you yer vésper? Nun manjez tua dineo. Now eat your supper. Now eat your dinner. Joey representa li familie. Joey represents the family. Joey representative li familie. Ni iras tien solaj. We're going there alone. We're going there alone. Kion mi povas alporti? What can I bring? What can I bring? mi stali lo ta xotli I'm staying at that hotel. mi stali lo ta xotli Ĉu vi konas bonan motelon en la ĉirkaŭaĵo? Do you know of a good motel in the area? Do you know a good motel in the environment? mi me lo laldo prenu I'm an old man. I'm going to let it take Еста грандиа ес мулте пети пер ту. This size is too small for you. ← Ingredients Me ama hundes. I like dogs. Me ama hundes. Tiu valizo estas pli peza, ol ĝi aspektas. This suitcase is heavier than it looks. This validity is heavier than it looks. Hiel Tom binom vemo bäldikum ka jiel Mary. Tom is much older than Mary. Hiel Tom binom weather bäldikum ka jiel Mary. Ĉu Tomo kuris? Did Tom run? Tom ran? Isto es mi sacco. This is my bag. This is my wisdom. mi ca cliva .i ku'i mi ba za volve I'm leaving now, but I'll be back in a while. mi ca Quit .i ku'i mi ba zà volve Viaj haroj estas tro longaj. Your hair is too long. Your hair is too long. klaje'i mi le jupku'a gi'e jgari lo dakfu .i cfari lo nu staji katna She followed me into the kitchen and picked up a knife. She then started cutting vegetables. plain'i mi le jupku'a gi'e jgari lo dakfu .i _Start it nu staji catna ma ditcu lo nu do stali la.osakan. How long have you been staying in Osaka? ma ditcu lo nu do stali la.osakan. Tom e Mary regardis a l'altra senparole. Tom and Mary looked at each other speechlessly. Tom and Mary resorted to the other wireless. Mi estis bona boksisto. I used to be a good boxer. I was a good box. Tom es erante completa. Tom is dead wrong. Tom is wrongly complete. Mi volas dulita chambro por quar nokti, kustanta cirkume kinadek dolari po nokto I'd like a double for four nights from tonight for about fifty dollars a night. I want a two-sided room for four nights, cooking around kinty dollars per night La nigra estas la mia. That black one is mine. The black is mine. Vos debe facer un election. You need to make a choice. You should do one choice. Pardonu al viaj malamikoj, sed ne forgesu iliajn nomojn. Forgive your enemies but don't forget their names. Excuse your enemies, but don't forget their names. .i de'u na nuzba This isn't news. .i de'u na nuzba lo sakta cu runta lo glare djacu Sugar dissolves in hot water. it sakta cu run it glare d Water yIja'! Do tell! yIja! Pomes es rubi. Apples are red. Poems are ruby. La instrumenta kazo estas unu el la plej belaj aspektoj de la rusa lingvo. The instrumental case is one of the most graceful aspects of the Russian language. The instrumental case is one of the most beautiful aspects of Russian. Le pectore me dole. I have a chest pain. Le pectore me dole. Arnold Schwarzenegger nascet in Austria. Arnold Schwarzenegger was born in Austria. Arnold Schwarzenegger nascet in Austria. Mi ne kredas, ke mi volas tion. I don't think I want that. I don't think I want it. mi jimpe I understand. mi jimpe Trovu sidlokon por vi. Find yourself a seat. Find a seat for you. Ille non poteva trovar ulle refugio. He couldn't find any refuge. They could not find any shelter. mIw tuQtaHbe'. He is not wearing a hat. mIw tuQ suppresses'. Le civilisation del planeta Arratellia es superior a illo de Terra. The civilization of planet Arratellia is superior to Earth's. The civilization of the planet Arratellia is superior to that of Earth. Ĉu dek tri estas para nombro? Is thirteen an even number? Is thirteen a para number? Io ha tote le tempore in le mundo. I have all the time in the world. That's all the time in the world. Vi ne devas iri al la festo, iru nur se vi volas. You don't have to go to the party unless you want to. You don't have to go to the party, go just if you want. Tomo finfine decidis provi transsalti la riveron. Tom finally decided to try jumping over the stream. Tom finally decided to try to skip the river. Li cité esset destructet durant li guerre. The town was destroyed during the war. Li cité esset destructet durant li guerre. Ili bone traktas siajn dungitojn. They treat their employees well. They treat their prisoners well. jIghung. I was hungry. Spenghung. jIHub'eghnIS. I had to defend myself. Longiub'eghnIS. El parla ungarian. She speaks Hungarian. El parla ungarian. Si Deo nos ha create in su proprie imagine, nos ha multo ben reciprocate. If God created us in his own image, we have more than reciprocated. Si Deo nos ha created in his own imagination, nos ha multe bene reciprocity. Ämutob nolön velati. I had to know the truth. Ämutob nolön velati. Esce vive es esistente en Marte? Is there any life on Mars? Esce vive es es esistente en Marte? Lo que face le classicos e intrigante e fascinante es que illes es sufficientemente proxime pro nos a sentir le similaritate e sufficientemente distante pro nos a deber facer alicun labor pro pontar le fossato. What makes the classics both intriguing and fascinating is that they're near enough that we can feel the similarity and they're distant enough that we have to do some work to bridge the gap. Lo que face le clasicos e intrigante e fascination es que they're quite next to us to feel the similarity and fortunately distracting for us to deber do any work to bridge the foster. la .tam. cu vobmipri ni'a le ckana Tom is hiding under the bed. la .tam. cu vobmipri ni'a le ckana Pardonon, ĉu vi povus ripeti kion vi ĵus diris? Excuse me, could you repeat what you've just said? We're sorry, could you repeat what you just said? Ka vu povus kopiar ico por me? Can you copy this for me? Could you copy this for me? Kis binom löf? What is love? Kis binom löf? Ti flor es plu bell quam un rose. This flower is more beautiful than that rose. Ti flor es plu bell quam un rose. Ille devenira un bon medico. He will become a good doctor. They become a good physician. Me ama broma de parolas. I love playing on words. I love broma to speak. Tom comenciava facer su excusas. Tom began to apologize. Tom starts doing his excuses. Kiuj iris al siaj domoj? Who has gone to their homes? Who went to their houses? Ille ha un grande talento como pictor. He has a great talent as a painter. They have a large talent as a painter. Klödolöd obe das no vilob deilön. Believe me, I don't want to die. Klödolöd obey das no vilob deilön. Ĉiu peco el la mebloj en ilia hejmo konvenas al la stilo de la domo. Each piece of furniture in their home suited the style of the house Each piece of the furniture in their home fits the style of the house. yISagh! Be serious. yISagh! Il parla yiddic. He speaks Yiddish. Il parla yiddic. Un can curre in li buchería e furte un grand salsice. A dog runs into the butcher's shop and steals a large sausage. A can run in li buchería e furte un grand salsice. La demando estas, ĉu li povas fari ĝin aŭ ne. The question is whether he can do it or not. The question is whether he can do it or not. Yo vole criar. I want to scream. Yo vole criar. mi pu xa'o cusku zo je'u I already said yes. I don't think we should have all figured out at xa's surface. ngaj yIn. Life is short. Nomads. Mi havas amikon, kies patro estas instruisto. I have a friend whose father is a teacher. I have a friend whose father is a teacher. Mi pensas, ke Tomo ne gajnis. I think that Tom didn't win. I think that Tom didn't win. Ni ankoraŭ ne trovis ĝin. We haven't found it yet. We haven't found it yet. maQup. We are young. maQup. Bonan tagon. Vi estas nia nova najbaro, se mi ne eraras? Good afternoon. You are our new neighbor, if I'm not mistaken? Good day, you're our new neighbor if I'm not wrong? En la ĝardeno de Maria estas ĉarma kabano el ligno. In Mary's garden is a charming wood cabin. In Mary's garden is a charm bath from wood. roD qa'vIn luparHa'qu' 'amerI'qa' SepjIjQa'ngan. Generally speaking, Americans are very fond of coffee. roD mei'vIn luparHa'qu''amerI'qa' SepjIjQa'ngan. Ŝia filo estas panjodependa. Li sekvas ŝin ĉie ajn. Her son is a mama's boy. He has to be with her all the time. Her son is mother-dependent. He follows her everywhere. Le veritate, assi como le auro, debe esser obtenite non per facer lo crescer, ma per mundar lo de toto lo que non es auro. Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold. The truth, so as the gold, must be obtained not by making it grow, but to mount it from everything that is not golden. Mia edzino teruriĝis ekvidante unuokulan katon. My wife shuddered at the sight of a one-eyed cat. My wife was terrible by watching a single cat. vay' tu'lu'be'bogh vInejtaH. I was searching for something that didn't exist. All right, let's move out. la .tom. pu co'u citka Tom stopped eating. la .tom. pu co'u citka vIghro'mey vIparHa'. I like cats. How did you come from? QoQ tam maS. She prefers quiet music. QoQ tam maS. Esque it es un puella o un púer? Is it a girl or a boy? Esque it es un puella o un púer? Esque tu esset malad? Were you sick? Esque tu esset malad? Qu'lIj yIta'choH neH! Just get to work. What about yIta'choH neH! Lass Tom reposar. Let Tom rest. Lass Tom repostar. Pro quo vole tu devenir infirmero? Why do you want to be a nurse? Why do you want to become an infirmary? Isto non ha jammais accidite. That never happened. This has never been accessed. Tomo frenezas. Tom's insane. Tom is crazy. ko ganlygau lo kanla Close your eyes. co ganlygau lo kanla Me no fa esta de multe anios. I haven't done this in ages. Me no fa esta de mult anios. Malami iun estas tiel facile. Hating someone is so easy. To hate someone is so easy. Nam hodie multa genitori indulgas lia filii, multa pueri ne savas bona kondutado. As these days most parents indulge their children, many children don't know what good manners are. Nam today many genitals induce their sons, many puers do not know good behavior. Aŭdante ŝin paroli la anglan, vi pensus ŝin esti britino. To hear her speak English, you would take her for an Englishwoman. Hearing her to speak English, you would think of her being a britine. Le question es que illes ha fame. The point is that they are hungry. Le question es que il ha fame. jIverqu'taH. I was very dizzy. Exiting... ckire do lo nu do ba sidju Thank you in advance for your help. ckire do lo nu do ba siHelp Le trainos serbe es terribilemente lente. Serbian trains are terribly slow. The trainos serbe is terribly slowly. Un barometro es un instrumento ingeniose que indica si il face bon o mal tempore. A barometer is an ingenious instrument which indicates what kind of weather we are having. A barometer is a tool engine that indicates whether it is doing good or out of time. Binom nelijel. He's an Englishman. Binom unliiel. bISuDbe'chugh bIQaplaHbe'. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. bISuDbe's closer bIQap funds'. Mi estis samĉelanon de Tomo. I was Tom's cellmate. I was Tom's girlfriend. lo fonxa ca'o se sance .i lu mi spuda .ai li'u "The phone is ringing." "I'll get it." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xu do la .flOridas. ca'o zvati Are you still in Florida? xu do the .flOridas. ca'o zvati Huch vIHutlh. I have no money. How do you know, you all right? Nos lentemente nos approxima al fin. We're slowly nearing the end. We learn ourselves approximate to the end. Tio estus logika. That would be logical. This would be logical. Inter ĉiuj landoj de la mondo Ĉinio havas la plej multajn homojn. China has the most people of any country in the world. Among all countries of the world China has most people. Un exception es un cosa que prende le libertate de differer del altere cosas de su classe, como un viro honeste, un femina digne de confidentia, etc. An exception is a thing which takes the liberty to differ from other things of its class, as an honest man, a truthful woman, etc. One exception is a thing that takes the freedom to differentiate from the other things from its class, as a man honestly, a feminine worthy of confidentia, etc. Yo ha esset ta antey. I've been there before. Yo ha esset ta antey. Mi estas tiom ekscitite. I am so hot. I'm so excited. tam vonglu'. Tom was hypnotized. tam vonglu'. Mary, ekzilinte Tom, estis promociita al la komenco de ĉiu frazo. Mary, having exiled Tom, was promoted to the beginning of each sentence. Mary, exiled Tom, was promoted to the beginning of each sentence. Mi flugos al Germanio. I will fly to Germany. I'll fly to Germany. Mi nómine es Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. I'm in charge of Ricardo. Thomas non ama le carne de bove. Tom doesn't like beef. Thomas non ama le carne de bove. mi na pu te smuni ra I didn't mean that. mi na pu te smuni ra In nor parc es un bon glissuore sur quel mey luder li infantes. In our park, we have a nice slide for children to play on. In nor parc es un bon glissuore on quel mey luder li infantes. Vi estas tre belaj. You are very beautiful. You're very beautiful. Äkömom domoi suno. He came home soon. Äkömom houses sun. Tom ia mori a lundi en Boston. Tom died Monday in Boston. Tom is going to die to Monday in Boston. mi djuno lo du'u do nelci lo ka litru doi la tom I know you like to travel, Tom. mi Addo lo du'u do nelci lo ka litru doi la tom Dunque illa lo face. So she does. So you do this. To ne es un pip. This is not a pipe. To is not a pip. lo za'i mi zvati cu te denpa lo nu ko'a klama ti I'll wait here until she comes. That's how I zavati cu decalo lo co'la clama ti Le nomine del lingua esperanto es le mesme in tote le idiomas! The name for the language Esperanto is the same in all languages. The name of language expectancy is the same in all idiomas! qaStaHvIS wa' jaj 'arlogh SIla'Daq jIbej'egh? How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror? That's the universe that I think the universe was one before? mi pu zukte si'unai I did it myself. mi pu zukte si'unai Tomo diras al Manjo, ke ŝi ne devu atendi lin. Tom told Mary that she didn't have to wait for him. Tom tells Manjo that she should not wait for him. Tote le cosas vivente es connectite in le catena unic del esser. All living things are connected in one chain of being. All the things you're connected in the unique string will be. Tener se al dextra! Keep to the right! Hold itself to the right! Tom eskapis de la kastelo, vestita kiel virino. Tom escaped from the castle, disguised as a woman. Tom escaped from the castle, dressed as a woman. Le possession de armas de foco es un delicto. Possession of firearms is a criminal offense. The possession of weapons of the same is an offense. ghotI' wamlaH. They can fish. ghotI' wam fund. chovoqlaH 'e' DaSov vIneH. I want you to know that you can trust me. chovoq 'e' DaSov o.g. mi xebni lo ckafi I hate coffee. mi xebni lo ckafi Bonvolu ne distri min de la laboro. Please don't take my mind off the work. Please don't distract me from the job. Nelfan binom nim vemo gletik. An elephant is a very large animal. Nelfan binom nim weather gletsik. xu da do de ru jungau Did anybody tell you anything about it? xu da do de ru jungau Ha tu audite que un effractor penetrava in le casa de mi vicino? Have you heard that a burglar broke into my neighbor's house? Have you heard that one effractor penetrated in le casa de mi vicino? seja'e ma mi ca'o jmive Why am I still alive? Seja'e ma mi ca'o Lifee Io partiva mi camera con Sysko. I shared my room with sysko. Io partva mi rooma con Sysko. ko na terpa Don't be afraid. co na terpa Kiam mi donis tion al vi? When did I give you that? When did I give you that? la .tom. ca'o co'a jai fanza mi Tom is starting to annoy me. la .tom. ca'o co'a jai fanza mi La elektro igis kandelojn por nia vivo preskaŭ senutilaj. Electricity made candles of little use in our life. The electricity made candles for our life almost useless. Mi estas via instruistino pri la franca. I'm your French teacher. I'm your teacher about French. Куандо туа аниверсарио ес? When is your birthday? It's all right? Estas neniaj presiloj ĉi tie. There are no printers here. There are no printers here. Mi esperas, ke tio neniam okazos. I hope it doesn't ever happen. I hope this will never happen. Michael la attrappava per le mano. Michael caught her by the hand. Michael la attrappava per le man. pare'u lo nu mi le'ipli lo jukpa cu cabna This is the first time I've ever recruited a cook. seem to take me into the first part of a baby Io non ha moneta pro comprar le dictionario. I have no money to buy the dictionary with. It has no money to understand the dictionary. Su vestimentos es foras de moda. His clothes are out of fashion. His clothes are gone out of fashion. Vi prefere ŝparu monon por via geedziĝa festo. You had better set some money apart for your wedding. You'll rather save money for your wedding party. jajvam no'ma' molmey DISuch. We visit the tombs of our ancestors on this day. You are the only intelligent beings in the galaxy. QIn rur romuluSngan qoghDu' je. Romulans also have pointed ears. QIn rur romuluSnga favoraghDu' je. Que Tom facera in Boston? What'll Tom be doing in Boston? What did Tom do in Boston? Lia filo fariĝis granda sciencisto. His son became a great scientist. His son became a great scientist. Estas vere. That's true. It's true. Sep 'IH 'oH Sepvam'e'. This is a beautiful country. Seven billion years ago. ra nelci lo blanu pastu She likes blue dresses. ra neci lo blanu pastu Mosumolöd omi. Take him away. Mosumolöd omi. Alga de mundo no pensa tal. Some people don't think so. Alga de world no pensa tal. mi pu zi co'a cusku di'u mi'u la .djan. I was just saying the very same thing to John. mi zi co'a cusku di'u mi'u la .djan. mi pu lenku gi'e cilmo I was cold and wet. mi pu lenku gi'e cilimo Ka tu prizas nivo? Do you like snow? Do you take a level? QaQ 'etlhvam Dotlh. This sword is in fair condition. QaQ've been able to create the rest of the universe. ma se zvati le mamta be mi Where's my mother? ma se zvati le mamta be mi Telik tir tel lodolukaf reduks ke Lorik. An honest man is the noblest work of God. Telik pull tel lodolukaf reduces that Lorik. Tio memorigas min pri mia infanaĝo. It reminds me of my childhood. That reminds me of my infancy. mi se pluka lo ka citka lo titla I like to eat sweets. mi se pluka lo ka citka lo titla wej. Not yet. wej. Kion ni timis? What were we afraid of? What were we afraid of? Tom ia gania la concurso a la anio pasada. Tom won the contest last year. Tom has gained the concourse to the anio passing. mi caca'o je baca'o prami le mi krasi gugde I love, and will continue to love, my mother country. mi caca'o je baca'o Love le mi crazi gugde xu ti fraso Is this French? xu ti fraso Mi malemas al tiaj aferoj. I don't go in for that sort of thing. I'm wrong with such things. Vos me odia, nonne? You all hate me, don't you? Vos me odia, nonne? Bonvolu helpi al mi elekti ĉapelon kongruantan kun mia nova vesto. Please help me pick out a hat which matches my new dress. Please help me choose a hat matching my new suit. lo skami be la tom na frati Tom's computer is not responding. Computer be the tom na brothers Esque it es un papilion o un tinea? Is it a butterfly or a moth? Esque it es un papilion or un tinea? No person sabe tota cosas. No-one knows everything. No person save all things. jar wa', jar cha', jar wej, jar loS, jar vagh, jar jav, jar Soch, jar chorgh, jar Hut, jar wa'maH, jar wa'maH wa' jar wa'maH cha' je bIH tera' DIS wa'maH cha' jarmey'e'. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December are the twelve months of the year. jar wa', jar cha', jar wej, jar loS, jar vagh, jar jav, jar Soch, jar chorgh, jar Hut, jar wa'maH, jar wa'maH wa' jar wa'maH cha's ears ground' DIS wa'maH cha' jarmey'e'. lo tsani ku culno lo tarci The sky is full of stars. lo tsani ku culno lo tarci bIDaqtaH. You were eavesdropping. But that's wrong. Ille es scientifico. He is a scientist. They're scientists. mi'ai na naldrani We're not wrong. mi'a naldrani Io pensa que io comprende. I think I understand. Io pensa que io comprende. loi taxfu be mi cu zvati tu My clothes are over there. loxfu be mi cu zvati tu Mi trinkus pluan tason da kafo. I'd have another cup of coffee. I would drink a further cup of coffee. Io es vermente satiate de hiberno. I am really fed up with winter. It is highly satisfied with hiberno. Io va facer un excursion in Kyushu iste estate. I'm going to make a tour of Kyushu this summer. It will do one execution in Kyushu this state. me'rIy' vIja'be' tamvaD 'e' vIlay'. I made Tom promise not to tell Mary. me'rIy' fianja'be as far as 'and' faclay'. Kelka homi havas rara animali kom dorlot-bestii. Some people keep rare animals as pets. Some men have rare animals as dorlot forests. Tu non esserea capace de dicer. You wouldn't be able to tell. You will not be able to discern. Japanujo importas grandajn kvantojn da petrolo. Japan imports a large quantity of oil. Japan imports large amounts of oil. Estas problemo kun tio ĉi. There's one problem with this. It's a problem with this one. Vobob nemödiko. I hardly work. Vobob nemödik. Mostra no pardona. Show no mercy. Most no pardon. Ni petas pardonon anticipe. We apologise in advance. We ask for forgiveness in advance. mi se panzi lo ci verntineidja I have three teenagers. mi se panzi lo ci verntineidja Binol vomül jönikün zifa. You're the prettiest girl in town. Binol vül jönikün zifa. muja' 'Iv? Who notified me? muja' 'Iv? ko'a kakne lo nu jdika lo cteki He was able to reduce taxes. ko'a kakne lo nu jdica lo cteki Kiom longe vi jam observas lin? How long have you been watching him? How long do you watch him? Contra la pluve el ia comensa. He started in spite of the rain. Contra la pluve el ia comen. Ne laboru tro intense! Don't work too hard! Don't work too intensely! xu ti mivdalmuzga lo finpe Do you have fish at this zoo? xu ti mivdalmuzga lo finpe Mi ne kredas, ke tio gravis. I don't think it mattered. I don't think it was pregnant. va'o lo nu lo karce co'a spofu kei ma'a cadzu If the car breaks down, we'll walk. va'o lo nu lo carce co'a spofu kei ma'a caddzu ro prenu mi'afra lo ko'a srera Everyone laughs at someone who makes a mistake. Let's take me'afra it ko'a srera Rusia es un pais enorme. Russia is a huge country. Russia is one pais enormous. Ne ĵetu rokojn en la riveron. Don't throw rocks into the river. Don't throw rocks into the river. Elua vivo es doloroza. Her life is full of pain. Elu life is painous. Sör obik smufükof bliti obik. My sister irons my pants. Sör obik smufükof bliti obik. Reinos. It's raining. Reinos. la .bil. klama lo panka fi'o cafne Bill often goes to the park. la .bil. clama lo panka fi'o kafne nIm Daghaj'a'? Got milk? I'm going to give you Dagha'a? To es un historic moment. This is a historical moment. To is a historical moment. Le juvenes collocava un pista de hockey super le stagno congelate. The boys set up a hockey rink on the frozen pond. Le juvenes collocava un runway de hockey super le stagno congelate. Le potentia corrumpe. Power corrupts people. Le power corrumpe. « Kas gildal ?» « Vol gildá. » "Do you understand?" "I don't understand at all." « Kas gildal ?' Vol gildá. » 'opleS ta'lIj Dapay. A time will come when you will regret your action. 'opleS ta' Programming Dapay. Ruĝo ne plu estas laŭmoda. Red is out of fashion. Red is no longer fashionable. Mi ne scias, ĉu tio eblas. I don't know if that's possible. I don't know if this is possible. Si vos comencia a sacrificar vos pro illes qui vos ama, vos finira per odiar illes pro qui vos ha sacrificate vos. If you begin by sacrificing yourself to those you love, you will end by hating those to whom you have sacrificed yourself. If you start to sacrifice you for them who love you, you will end up to hate them for whom you have sacrificed you. Mi ŝatas loĝi kun ŝi. I like living with her. I like to live with her. mi ba jungau la tom I'll inform Tom. mi ba jungau la tom Bonvole ne uzu mian nomon! Please don't use my name. Please don't use my name! Mia plej ŝatata manĝaĵo estas glaciaĵo. My favorite food is ice cream. My favorite food is ice cream. Yo odia lacte. I hate milk. Yo odia lacte. Ben que es erudite, on non pote contar sur ille. Scholarly as he is, he can't be relied on. Ben que es erudite, on cannot contar on il. Saluton, mondo! Hello, world! Hello, world! Tio estas tre danĝera. That's very dangerous. This is very dangerous. Labob blodis. I have brothers. Labob blows. taH yIn. Life goes on. We haven't heard any questions. Tomo estas marsano. Tom is a Martian. Tome is a marsan. paghlogh yIHon! Don't ever doubt it. kalogh yIHon! Io ha cacate in tu lacte. I shat in your milk. Io ha cacate in tu lacte. Jiblods bofik oba labofs mateli. Both of my sisters are married. Jiblods bofik oba labofs mateli. Abrams ĉasis Brown. Abrams chased Browne. Abrams hunted Brown. No nedol pükön pükis mödik. It doesn't require you to be a polyglot. No nedol pükön pükis mödik. An Tom es hic? Is Tom here? And Tom is here? Mi alportis glaciaĵon al vi. I brought you some ice cream. I brought ice cream to you. Tomaso atendis pacience dum tri horoj. Tom waited patiently for three hours. Thomas waited peacefully for three hours. puqbe'Daj vISuch 'e' muchaw'. She allowed me to see her daughter. puqbe'Daj favaSuch 'e' muchaw'. ro da gleki Everybody's happy. ro da gleki Hetob nifi. I hate snow. Hetob nifi. ghIrep naHmey DIlmeH Huch 'ar DaneH? How much are the grapes? Anarchorep naHey DilmeH Huch 'ar DaneH? Ĉu vi povas protekti min? Can you protect me? Can you protect me? Ico esas mea unesmafoyo. This is my first time. This is my first time. Ti remarca ne es tant stult. That comment is not so stupid. Ti remarca ne es tan stult. Ла ном де ла ом ес Том Жаксон. The man's name is Tom Jackson. ← Li-kanol püki Cinänapüki o Lusänapüki? Can you speak either Chinese or Russian? Li-kanol püki Cinänapüki or Lusänapüki? mi jibri gunka ca lo xavdei ku ji'a I work even on Sunday. mi jibri gunka ca lo xavdei ku ji'a boQqang'a' tam? Has Tom been helpful? boQqang'a' as well? Yo odia li hiverne. I hate winter. Yo odia li heverne. Melaya luhili letha i netha; hesho ra letha wi. My blood is no redder than yours. Melaya luhili letha i netha; hesho ra letha wi. mi pu tirna lo nu camki'a I heard a scream. mi pu tira lo nu camki'a Ni estas invititaj por vespermanĝo. We are invited to dinner. We are invited for dinner. O isch là. There he is. O isch là. Ille momento pareva durar un eternitate. It felt like that moment lasted an eternity. They currently seem to last one eternity. Ni nomizis la kato Madonna. We call the cat Madonna. We called the Madonna cat. Illos son troppo grande. They are too big. It's too big. Естас аспета бела. These look nice. It's all right. HuchlIj Hoch yIqem! Bring all your money. Huch Programming Hochqem! Tu ideas es differente del mies. Your ideas are different from mine. You're different from mees. puqpu'chajmo' Hem vav law' SoS law' je. Many parents take pride in their children. puqpu'chaymo' Hem vav law' SoS law' je. lo ka litru cu junzenri'a Traveling makes people knowledgeable. lo litru junzenri'a peghuH! peghuH! pawlI' lung'a' boghpu'wI'! Beware! Beware! The Dragonborn comes! Go! Go! Chalk One troops are on the deck. may' wIQaplaHbe'bogh wISuvtaH. We're fighting a losing battle. But we used to think that the theory of the universe was created in different states. Tuta nokto por festi kaj tuta tago por dormi. Feast all night and sleep all day. Whole night to celebrate and all day to sleep. Nulu savas la motivo. No one knows the reason. Nothing knows the reason. Se muri povis dicar, quo rakonti volus oli dicus ni? If walls could talk, what stories would they tell us? If women were able to say, what would they tell them tell us? Puerini esas puerini e pueruli esas pueruli. Girls are girls and boys are boys. Puerins are puerini and pueruli are pueruli. pu xajmi That was a good one. pu xajmi ju'o le fetsi cu drani Certainly she is correct. Difficulty of the fatty acids La planko estas ŝlima. The floor is muddy. The floor is steep. Pükolöd nevifiko. Speak slowly. Pükolöd nonvific. La tago estis seka. It was a dry day. The day was dry. Ĝi estas la altdifina versio. This is the HD version. It is the high-end version. Que tu le diceva super me? What did you tell him about me? Que tu le diceva super me? jaS ghojlu'. People learn differently. Do you think you're all right? la tom tavla lo rirni be ri fo lo fasybau po'o Tom speaks only French with his parents. the tom tavla lo rirni be ri fo lo fasybau po'o raS DungDaq ba' vIghro'. The cat sat on the table. That's why we've come from. Esce vos ia jua tenis ier? Did you play tennis yesterday? Esce vos ia hold ier? Algebro estas mia plej ŝatata fako. Algebra is my favorite subject. Algebro is my favorite feature. xu do tavla lo gerku pe do Do you talk to your dog? xu do tavla lo gerku pe do Mi estas terura je matematiko. I'm horrible at math. I'm terrible in math. di'ai Good luck. day .ua na'e xlali Damn! It's not bad! .ua na'e xlali Ille repeteva lentemente su nomine. He repeated his name slowly. They repel slowly their name. ghItlhmeyvam tInuD. Check these papers over. Authorise universeos tInuD. jIHvaD peghHa'be'. She didn't tell me her secret. I'm going to take it for you, but you're going to take me away. Tom vade sur sua bisicle. Tom is riding his bicycle. Tom wade on her bisicles. Tom es un fascista. Tom is a fascist. Tom is a fascist. Non vos aventura! Don't risk it! Don't you adventure! Ille altere stilo es mie. That other pencil is mine. They're another style. Saharo estas vasta dezerto. The Sahara is a vast desert. Sahara is a vast desert. chaq botu'be'. You might not find it. Maybe botu'be'. La virino manĝas panon. The woman eats bread. The woman eats bread. ko'a co'i dunda lo cukta ko'e She gave him a book. Earth's two minutes, and so forth. Tomo scias, ke Manjo estas resaniĝanta alkoholmaniulo. Tom knows that Mary is a recovering alcoholic. Tom knows that Manjo is a healing alcoholic. mi tugni da'i I'd agree. mi tugni da'i Yo es de Canada. I'm from Canada. Yo es de Canada. Миау. Meow. It's all right. Ŝi havas longajn harojn. She has got long hair. She has long hair. Lo esas obcena kozo. It's an obscene thing. It is an obcene boil. Fadil ne fidis la medikamentojn. Fadil didn't trust the medication. Fadil did not trust the medications. Tomo bruligis siajn vestaĵojn. Tom burned his clothes. Tom burned his clothes. Mary fordonis sian tutan monon. Mary gave away all her money. Mary gave all his money. No sagolöd nemi oma. Don't say his name. No sagolöd nemi oma. Tom esset un maliciosi person. Tom was a bad person. Tom esset un malicosi person. Amazona aala sotir tela loglupafa bwafa aala moe tawava. The Amazonian forest is the largest tropical forest on Earth. Amazon aala sotir tela loglupafa bwafa aala moe tawava. No plidob ad niludön. I don't like to guess. No moredob to niludön. It esset tre simplic. It was very simple. It esset very simplistic. .ue la tom. goi ko'a ca'o tavla fo la dzitumbau .i mi na pu djuno lo du'u ko'a kakne lo ka baupli ra Tom is speaking in Dutch! I didn't know he knew this language. .ue la tom. Goi ko'a ca'o tavla fo la dzitumbau .i mi na pu adun lo du'u kokne lo buppli ra Me gratulas vu pro vua suceso. I congratulate you on your success. I congratulate you for your success. Tomo enŝaltis la lampeton sur sia litotablo. Tom turned on the small lamp on his bedside table. Tom turned the lamp on his bedboard. Папа ес плу веа ка мама. Dad is older than mom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . maS tlhopDaq juSpu' 'eng. A cloud passed across the moon. But until recently, we are in favor of the universe. Heghpu' vIghro'. The cat is dead. Heghpu's coming from. Pardona me, do es la saleta privada? Excuse me, where's the toilet? Pardon me, so is the salted captive? .ianai loi mucyjoifro le paltylumca'a cu za'o nenri The sporks are still in the dishwasher? .ianai lo mucyjoifro le paltylumca'a za'o nenri La acua es clar. Water is transparent. The acua is clear. Man binom klotugik. The man is elegant. Man binom clotugik. Cata nove lingua es como un joco. Every new language is like a game. Each new language is like a game. Kio pri ŝi ne plaĉis al vi? What didn't you like about her? What about her didn't like you? Mi havis parttempan laboron kiel hotela ĉambraranĝistino, sed mi tion ne tre multe ŝatis. I had a part-time job as a hotel maid, but I didn't like it very much. I had a part-time job like a hotel roomman, but I didn't like that very much. Solmente un persona qui pote viver con se ipse pote gauder del dono del otio. Only a person who can live with himself can enjoy the gift of leisure. Only one person who can live with if ipse can gauder del gift del otio. Io continuava a sibilar. I kept hissing. It continued to sibilar. 'e' vIlajQo'. I refuse to accept that. 'e' lifelongQo'. Illa non es como nos. She's not like us. It's not like us. Ävobob in Talop. I used to work in Australia. Ävobob in Talop. Sepvam vI'elta' QoQ vIHaDmeH. I came to this country for the purpose of studying music. Seven light years old' QoQ findsHaDmeH. xu lo za'u do pu zukte si'u nai Did you do it by yourselves? xu lo za'u do pu zukte si'u nai Ni faru ĝin ĉivespere. Let's do it tonight. Let's do it tonight. Ys gwol perthir addyn. He wants to leave now. Ys gwol perthir addyn. Quo? What? What? Tom estas alergia al alkoholo. Tom is allergic to alcohol. Tom is allergic to alcohol. Ŝi sekvis lin hejmen. She followed him home. She followed him home. Ili apenaŭ eniris la stadionon, kiam la konkurso komenciĝis. Barely had they entered the stadium, when the match began. They just entered the stadium when the competition began. Se li ricevis 10 el 10 en la ekzameno, estas ĉar li trompis. If he got a 10 out of 10 on the test it's because he cheated. If he received 10 out of 10 in the exam, it is because he cheated. Tom es un antisemita. Tom is an anti-Semite. Tom is an anti-semited. Vamos trincar café. Let's get some coffee. Nelson, Twombly? Come in. Over. Ni supozas, ke li revenos baldaŭ. We expect him to come back soon. We assume he will come back soon. xu ko'a se pampe'o Does he have a girlfriend? xu co'a se pampe'o qachop vIneH. I'd like to kiss you. péchop o'clock. Esce tu ia fa un intervisa pratical per la rol? Did you audition for the part? Esce tu ia fa un intervisa practica by the role? nom pong perDaj nuD. He glanced at her name tag. name pong perDa nuD. Mary es li filia de un carpentero. Mary is a daughter of a carpenter. Mary is his daughter of one carpenter. Löfob fati obik. I love my dad. Löfob made obik. Ille labora in le universitate. He works in the university. They work in the university. Yo pensa que Tom vell esser un bon instructor. I think Tom would make a good teacher. Yo pensa que Tom vell be a good instructor. Tio ne estas flava; ĝi estas verda. This is not yellow; it's green. This is not flat; it is green. vIHejlu'pu'. I've been robbed. You don't know what you do. Quo fa Mallaidh? What is Mallaidh doing? What does Mallaidh do? He'So' ghabvam. This meat smells bad. Let's go! Ille esseva le scriptor le plus celebre de su tempore. He was the most famous writer of his day. They were the script on the other part of your time. buqwIj Daleghpu''a'? Have you seen my purse? That's my concern! Oh, what's my concern? pa' ghaHtaHbe'. He is not there. But we're moving back to base camp. xu do ca'o pilno ta Are you using that? Install a workstation Ni povas foriri post la tagmanĝo. We can go after the lunch. We can leave after lunch. Noi devenit amicos quande yo esset in Taiwan. We became friends when I was in Taiwan. We have become amicos quande yo esset in Taiwan. Ille es un puero multo intelligente. He is a very smart boy. They're a very clever bit. la .tam. facki lodu'u ri srera Tom discovered that he had made a mistake. the .tam. File not found La malkovro de la mistera saturna ringaro en la epoko de Huygens kondukis al multaj pliaj observoj. The discovery of Saturn's mysterious ring system led to a rush of observations of the planet during Huygens' time. The discovery of the mysterious saturation ring in Huygens' era led to many more observations. Ovedob god nulika vola. I will become God of the new world. Ovedob god nulic vola. puH Duj lojmIt poSmoH. He opened the door of the car. puH Duj lojm met pose. ca lo nondei mi klama lo malsi On Sunday, I go to church. ca lo undei mi klama lo malsi mi zo'u ro da mansa With me everything is OK. That's what I think I'm all right? A un ves pasada, un re cruel ia vive. Once upon a time, there lived a cruel king. To one time passed, one cruelly around them. Qapbe' jonta'. The engine doesn't work. Qapbe' jonta'. Mi volas kafon kun lakto. I want coffee with milk. I want coffee with milk. Ĉi tiu libro apartenas al la lerneja biblioteko. This book belongs to the school library. This book belongs to the school library. Me vivar in Japon. I live in Japan. I live in Japan. SuS lurgh vIchoHlaHbe', 'ach reH ghochwIj vISIchmeH DujwIj SuS DIrmey vIlISlaH. I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. I am very lucky to live in, but I am very lucky at my life. mi djica lo ka co'i zenba lo ka sutra lo ka cadzu I want to go faster. mi djica lo co'i zenba lo ka sutra lo ka caddzu Mary demandis al si "Kion mi faros?". Mary said to herself "What shall I do?". Mary asked himself "What will I do?". Ĉi tiu ilo povas esti tre danĝera, se oni uzas ĝin nesingarde. This tool, if used carelessly, can be very dangerous. This tool can be very dangerous if you use it unsingardly. ti mo What is it? ti mo vIghro'vetlh yIlegh. Look at that cat. Come on, thank you for the extraordinary effort you come from? yISra'el 'eSpanya' Hol Dajatlh'a'? Do you speak Judeo-Spanish? Misty! Have you ever been visited by your ability to share your questions? Ту поте номи ла диас де ла семана? Can you name the days of the week? ← To ne es tui problema. That's not your problem. To is not your problem. mi na verba I'm not a kid. I'm not kids It es aqua. It's water. It is watery. Mi ne scias, kiel ŝi eltrovis. I don't know how she found out. I don't know how she found out. Lamerikänans evilons suseitön tiki, das buk u biomagodem mutön pakonsidons äs yegi teda alseimik. Ons, esuemons, das plä militi, dipavi e tedi, i dabinon krigi kulivik. Binos lekomip bal das, desinons ad gaenön pro kods bofa nobik - Lamerikän ai eklödon, das valuts onik binons valemik - e läs nobik: tikälabüdöm binon modi gudikün ad selön prods lamerikänik. Tikorös das, bioskop pladulon sedsi ona vemikün, büiko vafsi, lespadanafavi u nünömavi! Denu vil onsik ad suseitön Linglänapüki äsä püki valemik. Soif noetobs deklini fluna onsik sis degyels tel. Americans wanted to impose the idea that a book or a movie should be considered the same as any commercial object. For they understood that besides the army, diplomacy and trade there is also a cultural war. It's a battle they intend to win both for noble reasons -- the United States has always felt that its values ​​are universal -- and less noble ones: the education of minds is the best way to sell American products. Consider that cinema represents their most important export, ahead of weapons, aerospace or computers! Hence their desire to impose English as a global language. Even if we can observe for the last two decades a decline in their influence. Lamerikänans evilons suseitön ticks, das bu u biomagodem mutön packosidons äs yegi teseimik. Ons, esuemons, das plä militaryi, dipavi and tedi, i dabino culivik. Binos lekipbal das, desinos to gaenön pro nodín faus -kavi - dé, i dé, déklin kénkékéké, i déké, dékékékésìsìsìsìsìsìsìsìsìsìnkénkénkénkékékéké, dékékìsìsìsìsìsìsìsìsìnkékékékékón fékón fékékékékóng, dékékékón fén fésìsìn fékésìsìsìn fékékékékékékékékékékékékékékékékékékékékékón fésìsìsìsìsìsìsìsìn fékón fékékékón fékón fékékékékón fésìsìsìn fékón fékón fékékékékékékékékékón fékékékón fékón fékón fékìn fékìn fékékékékékón fékékékékékón fékékón fékón fékón fékón fékón fékón fékónkónì, dé, dékónkónkónkón fékón fésìkón fékón fékón fékìkìkón fékón fékón fé, dìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìnìnìkìkìnìnìkìkùkìkìkìkìkìkónìkìkì, dìkìkón dìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìnìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkì, dāsì, dāsìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkìkónìkìkìkónìkónìkónìnìnìnìkìnìnìkónìnìnìkónìkónìkónìnìnìnìnìnìnìn zu'u lo stuzi cu jai tolkargu .i zu'u nai ri glare dukse On the one hand, the place is cheap. On the other hand, it's too hot. zu'u lo staszi cu jai tokargu .i zu'u nai ri glare duxse Mi aŭdis pri geedziĝo de Tom kaj riĉa virino. I've heard of Tom's marriage to a rich woman. I heard of Tom's marriage and a wealthy woman. Ben estas malantaŭ ili, sed li baldaŭ atingos ilin. Ben is behind them, but he'll soon catch up with them. Ben is behind them, but he will soon reach them. Kion mi faru? What to do? What should I do? Ме иа споси меa фиа. I married my daughter. It's what it's like. qatlh bIH luHajlu'? Why are people scared of them? Let's go, let's let's go! Knabinoj ne estas tiel komplikitaj. Viroj estas simplaj. Girls aren't complicated. Men are simple. Girls are not so complicated. Men are simple. Ube tu trovis ol? Where did you find it? Where did you find it? ra renro lo vo'a selkei He threw his toy. ra renro lo vo'a puzzle Ĉu tio estas tro malfacila por vi? Is that too hard for you? Is this too difficult for you? Том иа дона ла клаве де суа апарте а Мариа. Tom gave Mary a key to his apartment. ← Ingredients Tio povus esti nur via imago. It could just be your imagination. This could only be your image. Illa parla currentemente interlingua. She speaks Interlingua fluently. Illa parla lavente interlingua. Téu 19 ars. I am 19 years old. Téu 19 ars. Non te irasce! Don't get angry! Don't you go! Eliru! Ne ludu ĉi tie! Get out! Don't play here! Don't play here! ko'a zvati ta They are there. co'a zvati ta Kio igis vin kredi tion? What led you to believe it? What made you believe that? Daut cila binof posdaut. The daughter of a child is a granddaughter. Daut cila binof posdaut. Ĉu vi estas tiom granda kiom mi? Are you as tall as me? Are you so big as I am? Ille time canes. He is afraid of dogs. They'll eat time. Mi devintus provi tiun elektran razilon antaŭ ol aĉeti ĝin. I should have tested this electric shaver before buying it. I would have to try this electric razor before buying it. Ĉu vi povas rememori kiom malrapida Interreto estis antaŭe? Can you remember how slow the Internet used to be? Can you remember how slow the Internet was before? ko cisma sega'a mi vau e'o Smile at me, please. Smile sega'a mi vau e'o Esque vos pote intender Tom? Can you all understand Tom? Are you able to intended Tom? Esser idealista significa haber enthusiasmo pro altere cosas. Being an idealist means having enthusiasm for other things. Esser idealist means to have enthusiasm for other things. Mi timas, ke ŝi malsanas. I am afraid she is ill. I'm afraid she's sick. Mi bezonas vin por klarigi ion al mi. I need you to explain something to me. I need you to explain something to me. Nos es ansiosa. We're worried. We're anxious. Nequí va saver. Nobody will know. It's not possible to know. Mi volas nur, ke vi feliĉas. We just want you to be happy. I just want you happy. tu nu salci kei That's a party. tu nu salci kei leghlaHbe'wI'pu' qo'Daq che' wa' mIn ghajbogh loD'e'. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. But if we extrapolate back, we find answers to the last few hundred light years. Me ama libros. I love books. I love books. Spikols-li Volapüki? Do you speak Volapük? Spices-li Volapüki? Mi ne havas ideon. Tial mi ja demandas. I have no idea. That's why I'm asking. I don't have any idea. Le homine pote errar, ma solmente un idiota persiste in le error. A man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error. The homine can err, but only one idiot persists in the error. naDev jaHlaHbe' SIStaHmo'. The rain prevented him from coming here. Are you sure you want to access the selected file '%s'. Le burla amusava le audientia. The joke amused the audience. Le burla amusava le auditia. SuvID. You're belligerent. SuvID. Ĉu Tomo scias, ke vi estas ĉi tie? Does Tom know that you're here? Does Tom know you are here? Tom ne scias, kiu konstruis tiun domon. Tom doesn't know who built his house. Tom doesn't know who built this house. Le jorno post deman essera le die natal de Marina. The day after tomorrow is Marina's birthday. Le jorno post deman essera le die natal de Marina. la tom. cinmo lo ka sepli Tom felt left out. the tom. cinmo lo ka sepli Dojqu' ghaH 'e' vItu'. I find her very impressive. Dojqu' ghaH 'and' to know'. Ella comensat plorar. She started crying. Ella comensat cry. Sr. Thomas es un inseniator multo habile. Mr Thomas is a very able teacher. Sr. Thomas is a engineering lot skillful. Me havas du patrini. I have two mothers. I have two parents. Tomo kutime ne surhavas kravaton. Tom doesn't usually wear a tie. Tom usually doesn't wear a tie. bIjanglaHbe''a'? Can't think of an answer? bIjang funda'a? Qua tradukos lo aden la Angla? Who is going to put this into English? What will it translate into the English? ba'unai ko'a mencre It's not an exaggeration to state that he is a genius. ba'una ko'a mencre Ävabobs travärü zif. We drove across the city. Ävabobs travärü zif. Tom esseva rivetate al solo per le pavor, quando ille incontrava un intruso in su studio. Tom was riveted to the floor out of fear, when he came across an intruder in his study. Tom was revealed to the solo by the pavor, when he was a non-zero in his study. xu do pu'i viska VFD Have you ever seen a UFO? xu then pu'i viska VFD Ме ес тристе син ту тра ла диа. I miss you all the time. ← Mi ne povas melki tiun ĉi bovinon. Ĝi estas malsana. I cannot milk this cow. It's sick. I can't milk this cow. It's sick. Tom planas vespermanĝi ĉivespere kun Mary. Tom is planning to eat dinner with Mary tonight. Tom plans to dinner tonight with Mary. Tu amica, como sta? How is your friend? Your friendly, how do you stand? jIbup. I'll quit. Exiting... Usa pinta acrilica. Use acrylic paint. Use paint acrylic. A lelya! Go! A lelya! Tomo estis nia interpretisto. Tom was our interpreter. Allo was our interpreter. Io visitara mi avunculo deman. I will see my uncle tomorrow. Io visita mi avuncul deman. do pu te vecnu lo nanba You bought bread. so do you wake it naba ra simlu lo ka bilma He seems ill. ra simlu lo kabilma Il es un umbra. It's a shadow. Il es un umbra. da pu fonta'a .i ko smadi lo du'u da me ma kau Somebody called. Guess who? da pu fonta'a .i ko smadi lo du'u da me ma kau No kanob pükön Lusänapüki. I don't know Russian. No canob pükön Lusänapüki. mi djica tu'a lo va cukta I want that book. mi djica tu'a lo vakukta Sor ngeQ puH Duj. The car bumped the tree. Sor ngeQ puH Duj. coi Hi. coi Mi abnegacias min mem, ĉar mi scias, ke mi estas nek pensoj nek korpo. I deny myself, because I know that I am neither thoughts nor body. I'm ate myself because I know I'm neither thoughts nor body. Ili laboras ĉi tie. They work here. They work here. Faru deziron. Make a wish. Make a desire. Он иа аве мусика. There was music. It's what it's like. Brasil mantene relationes mercantil con multe paises. Brazil maintains commercial relations with many countries. Brasil maintained relay mercantil with many parises. Illa le manipula. She gets around him. Illa le manipulater. Mi scias, ke tio estas stranga. I know that this is weird. I know that's strange. Li ne estis elrevigita. He was not disappointed. He was not raised out. Mi pruntis monon al mia amiko. I lent my friend some money. I borrowed money to my friend. Ĉu vi povas veni? Can you come? Can you come? Vol difik mögon. Another world is possible. Vol difik mögon. Il furiosijat e incarcerat la in li turre del castelle. He became angry and imprisoned her in the castle tower. Il angersjat e incarcerat la in li turre del castelle. Ŝi estas preskaŭ same alta kiel vi. She is almost as tall as you. She's almost as high as you. Vi esas plu forta kam ni. You're stronger than us. You are more powerful than we. Bonvolu doni al mi ian varman trinkaĵon. Please give me something hot to drink. Please give me some hot drink. .i lo nenri be lo blaci dinju cu te stidi lo ka na renro lo rokci Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. .i lo nenri be lo blaci dinju cu te stidi lo ka na renro lo 2à Hoch lumobbe'moH be'pu'. Women share everything. Thank you very much indeed. chunbej. He must be innocent. chunbej. Quant morit? How many died? Quant morit? Il ha un congestion del traffico super la autostrata. There's a traffic jam on the highway. Il ha un congestion del traffic over the highway. SoHvaD jIDojlaw'. I think I impressed you. Professor, we really thank you for the project. La ŝipo malrapide ekmoviĝis. The ship slowly started to move. The ship was slowly moving. Mike ama jocar al basketball. Mike likes to play basketball. Mike loved to join the basketball. Estas malfacile kapti leporon permane. It is not easy to catch a hare with your bare hands. It's hard to catch a lever on hand. Volfo ululas. A wolf is howling. Volfo ululas. Ĉu vi ŝatas pistitajn terpomojn? Do you like mashed potatoes? Do you like pickled potatoes? Ob binob cinädan. I am an engineer. Ob binob cinädan. mi pu cirko lo jdini vasru I lost my wallet. mi pu cirko lo jdini vasru Tikob das Tomas no äkapälom säki. I think Tom didn't understand the question. Tikob das Tomas no äcapälom säki. tlhoy jI'ugh. I'm overweight. Quit Exiting. Me esas kontre la milito. I am against war. I am against the war. Me ne lektis omno. I didn't read it all. I didn't learn everything. Mi jam trovis personon por fari tiun laboron. I've already found somebody to do that job. I've already found a person to do this job. Quale standas tua fratino hodie? How's your sister today? What is your sister standing today? Deo respecta me quando io lavora; ma Deo ama me quando io canta. God respects me when I work; but God loves me when I sing. Deo respect me when I wash; ma Deo ama me when I sing. yuQ 'IH 'oH tera''e'. The earth is a beautiful planet. yuQ'I true Earth's universe. Le aviso dice: "Non fullar le herba". The notice says, "Keep off the grass". Le aviso dice: "Non fullar le grass". Ecce tu dinar. Here's your dinner. Which is your dinner. milxe carvi ca lo prulamdei There was a light rain yesterday. milxe carvi ca lo prulamdei chIS toQ. The eagle is white. chIS toQ. Quo tu fa, Tom? What're you doing, Tom? What do you do, Tom? Лос иа виде ел. They saw her. It's what it's like. Illo es poco plus longe. It's a bit further way. It's a length of it. Leje esta libro. Read this book. Leje esta book. Haroldo la 2-a estis la lasta anglosaksa reĝo de Anglujo. Harold II was the last Anglo-Saxon king of England. Harold II was the last Anglo-Saxon king of England. La okulo estas la spegulo de la animo. The eye is the mirror of the soul. The eye is the mirror of the soul. He'a' tIqqu' 'oH yIn'e'. Life is a long, long road. If we think we have all been on top of the universe. Surmetu varmajn vestojn vintre. Wear warm clothes in winter. Put warm clothes inside. Kaj kiel statas la aferoj en Vaŝingtono? And how are things in Washington? And how do things state in Washington? Ille habita in le campania. He dwells in the country. They have habited in le campania. mi'a ca'o klama We are coming. mi'o ca'o clama Tomaso kredas, ke la vojaĝoj sur Lunon estis falsitaj. Tom believes that the moon landings were faked. Thomas believes that the trips on Moon were forged. mI'laHchu' *Mary. Mary can dance well. mI's savechu' *Mary. rep chorgh HIvemmoH! Get me up at eight. rep chorgh Hivem very much! Nia instruisto diris: «Kompreneble vi povas.» Our teacher said: "Of course you can." Our teacher said, 'Of course you can.' La knabo kiu kantas estas rimarkinda. The boy who is singing is excellent. The boy who sings is remarkable. Tiu estas la oficejo, kie li laboras. That is the office where he works. This is the office where he works. Mi iom frenezas. I am a bit crazy. I'm a bit crazy. Kipro estis brita protektorato. Cyprus was a British protectorate. Cyprus was a British protectorate. Eperob monapoküli obik. I have lost my wallet. Eperob monapoküli obik. ghoSlI' SuS'a' 'e' SovlaH 'op Ha'DIbaH. Some animals can sense the coming of a storm. ghoSful' SuS'a 'e' Soviet 'op Ha'DIbaH. Ubi es le vitros? Where are the glasses? Where are the vines? bIQaghlaw' SoH'e'. I think you're the one who's mistaken. bIQaghlaw' SoH'e'. Me ia vide nunca el sirca asi. I've never seen her around here. I've ever seen from sirca asi. Io pensava que io te habeva perdite. I thought I'd lost you. Something thought something you'd got lost. Ла тас ес плен. The cup is full. It's all right. Le investigatores non sape, nonobstante, si le structura del cerebro de un persona determina su credentias politic o si le credentias politic veni primo e le structuras modificate del cerebro veni postea como consequentia del disveloppamento de iste credentias politic. The researchers do not know, however, whether the structure of a person's brain determines his or her political beliefs or whether the political beliefs come first and the modified brain structures come later as a consequence of the development of these political beliefs. The investigators did not know whether the brain's structure of a person determines his belief policy or if the belief policy came first and the structures changed by the brain to come later as a consequence of the development of this belief policy. Nos son inimicos. We're enemies. Nos son inimicos. Mi volas scii la faktojn. I want to know the facts. I want to know the facts. Malfacilas paroli tri lingvojn. It is difficult to speak three languages. It's hard to speak three languages. xu ba krici zo'ei la .tam. Will they believe Tom? xu ba cricci zona'ei la .tam. Hay un cane in ti-ci chambre. There is a dog in this room. Hay un dog in ti-ci chambre. jan woch law' Hoch woch puS. John is taller than anybody. jan woch law' Hoch woch's right. La instruisto donis al la studentoj multajn hejmtaskojn. The teacher made the students do a lot of homework. The teacher gave the students many homework. chImtaH puH Duj 'ul 'aplo'. The car battery is dead. chIm suppresses puH Duj'ul 'applo'. Como sta tu, Mike? How are you, Mike? How do you stand, Mike? Tomo estas aroganta aĉulo. Tom is an arrogant jerk. Tome is an arrogant ache. se jdima lo ci rupne'uru That'll be three euros. if jdima lo ci rupne'uru Li respondis al mia demando: Ne. He answered my question in the negative. He answered my question, "No." Ania e Piotr evas dek-e-du. Ania and Piotr are twelve. Ania and Piotr become ten-and-two. Un interprete es uno qui face possibile le communication inter duo personas parlante linguas differente, per repeter a cata un de illes lo que pro ille il esserea plus facile a traducer si le altere persona lo habeva dicite. An interpreter is one who enables two persons of different languages to understand each other by repeating to each what it would have been to the interpreter's advantage for the other to have said. An interpreter is one that makes it possible for communication between two people talking languages different, by repeter to each of them that for them to be easier to translate themselves into the other person it would have been said. Bonvolu alporti tason da teo. Please bring a cup of tea to me. Please bring a cup of tea. .e'u go do da djica gi ko da mi cpedu If there is anything you want, don't hesitate to ask me. .e'u go do da djica gi ko da mi cpedu ra jinvi lo du'u mi pu tatpi He thought that I was very tired. ra jinvi lo du'u mi pu tatpi Ĉu li ŝatas Ĉinion? Does he like China? He likes China? Qualim vu savar tu, sinioro? How do you know that, sir? What do you know you, sinior? tordu se kerfa He has short hair. tordu se kerfa Tio ne impresas min. That doesn't impress me. That doesn't impress me. La lastan monaton li farbigis sian domon blanka. Last month he had his house painted white. The last month he made his house white. jIHvaD ghaH yIvan! Say hello to him for me. Forty only ghaH yIvan! Yo dormit. I was sleeping. Yo dormit. Tomo kiel bufono sin vestis. Tom was dressed as a court jester. Tom as a butterfly dressed himself. Yo pensa que Tom es stult. I think that Tom is stupid. Yo pensa que Tom es stult. mi pu zvati le cmana I was in the mountains. I could zvati le Mount lo se renvi cu culno lo se spaji Life is full of surprises. lo se renvi cu culno lo se spasi Intensiv cursus sempre es max exhaustente. Intensive courses are always the most exhausting. Intensive cursus is always less exhaustive. ko'a bunda li rezeno He weighs 270 pounds. co'a bunda li rezeno Mutoy fidön ad lifön, e no lifön ad fidön. One must eat to live, and not live to eat. Mutoy fidön to lifön, e no lifön to fidön. xu lo prenu cu kufra .i na go'i Are people comfortable? No. xu lo cu cu cufra .i na go'i bIH vIje'. I bought those. Your feet are in your face. .oi cai lo pe mi puzu se prami cu jai tcica fi lo nu jbera lo jdini .i je na xruti gasnu Holy fucking shit! My old ex is a thief! .oi cai lo pe mi puzu se pum cu jai tcica fi lo nu jbera lo jdini .i je na xruti gasnu Bonvolu ŝlosi la monŝrankon. Please lock the safe. Please lock the wallet. qutlhbe'. It's not cheap. Thank you for listening. La libro estas legata de mi. I am reading a book. The book is read by me. Como me descomuta esta? How do I turn this off? How am I discommuted esta? do pe'a miptera You're a bug. then pe'a miptera Tomo ne estas nia filo. Tom isn't our son. All is not our son. Ka vu povas levar ta roko? Can you lift this stone? Can you raise such a rock? Ni estis maltrankviligitaj ĉar ni ne ricevis ajnan novaĵon. We were worried because we weren't getting any news. We were worried because we didn't get any news. QongDaqDaq puqpu' lan. She puts the children to bed. Qong is found to be puqpu'n. Es de ille, nonne? It's his, isn't it? Is they not? Malhelpu lin iri. Prevent him from going. Help him go. naDev Qob. It's dangerous here. naDev Qob. Me odias ta aspekto. I hate the look of that! I hate such a look. E le juvenes qui se describeva como conservatores habeva un amigdala (le structura del cerebro associate con le processamento emotional) que esseva plus grande. And young people who described themselves as conservative had an amygdala (the brain structure associated with emotional processing) that was larger. And le juvenes qui se describeva kom conservators habenva un amigdala (the brain's structure associated with the emotional processor) which was larger. Qui es li puella in li rosi robe? Who is the girl in the pink dress? Qui es li puella in li rosi robe? Tote le mundo sape que Tom parla ben francese. Everyone knows Tom speaks good French. Everyone knows that Tom speaks well French. La filma ia es alga deludente. The movie was a little disappointing. The film ia es alga deludent. Vi naivas, kredante tion. It's naive of you to believe that. You're naive, believing that. Il have un filio e du filias. He has a son and two daughters. Il have un filio e du filias. Kie mi povas trovi telefonan budon? Where can I find a telephone box? Where can I find a telephone bid? Hodie es le tertie de octobre. Today is October the third. Hodie is the third of October. Tom diris, ke li vidis Manjon antaŭ kelkaj monatoj. Tom said he had seen Mary a couple of months ago. Tom said he saw Manjon a few months ago. e'o ko ckafi zengau Please give me some more coffee. e'kaffi zengau Se brôg? Is this a bear? If brôg? Valikos, keli Tomas äsagom, binom velatik. Everything that Tom said is true. Valikos, keli Tomas äsagom, binom velatik. Me par-finas skribar la letro. I've finished writing the letter. I peer-end writing the leather. Äbinos fikuliko adelo. Today's been a difficult day. Äbinos ficulic adelo. Omnu havas forta e febla traiti. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Everyone has strong and weak features. bIQ tlhutlh be'. The woman drinks the water. Professor, we all thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Illo non me ha placite. I didn't like it. It's not like that. Ille es non plus que un soniator. He is no more than a dreamer. They're not more than one soniator. Oni bezonas esperon. People need hope. You need hope. Ĝi estas simple farebla kaj krome malaltpreza. It's easy to make and it's cheap. It is simply makeable and in addition to a low price. Mi alvoku Tomon. I have to call Tom. I call Tom. mISlaw' tam. Tom seems confused. mISlaw' tam. Es le catto parve? Is the cat small? Is le catto small? jungwoq Soj DaparHa''a'? Do you like Chinese food? jungwoq Soj DaparHa'a? Yo va esser sol. I'll be alone. Yo va essel. rut QaQbe' qeS DIlnISbe'lu'bogh. Free advice isn't always good advice. rut QaQbe' qelnISbe'lu'nci. yuch vISoplaHbe'! I can't eat chocolate! yuch fySop servobe! Esas speco en danjero extingeskar. It is an endangered species. There is a kind in a dancer extinguishing. mIv chu' neH. She wants a new hat. mIv chu' neH. mi na prami ra I don't love her. mi na Love ra Amiki, Romani, samlandani, askoltez: mi venas por sepultar Cezaro, ne por laudar ilu. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. Friends, Romans, fellow countries, listen: I come to sepult Caesar, not to wash them. puH DujDaq ghItlhwI' tu'lu''a'? Are there any pens in the car? Do we believe that the universe was expanding? Ille esserea capace de dar te su ultime camisa. He would give you the shirt off his back. They will be able to give you their last shirt. wa'leS rep vagh vempu' chaH net poQ. They have to be awake by 5:00 a.m. tomorrow. wa'leS rep vagh vempu' chaH net poQ. Nequí save que Tom es ci. No one knows Tom is here. It's not possible that Tom is here. It es un maledition. It's a curse. It is a curse. Tomo atingis jam multajn el siaj celoj. Tom has already achieved many of his goals. Tom has reached many of his goals already. Mi scivolas, kun kiu Tomo interparolis. I wonder who Tom talked to. I know who Tom talked about. ko'a ka'e klama He can come. (unknown) Mia hararo iĝis tro longa. My hair has grown too long. My hair became too long. jIDoy'taH. vaj SIbI' QongDaq vIjaH. I was tired, so I went straight to bed. The project is where we haven't been living in the galaxy. Esce la nom de Tom es en la lista? Is Tom's name on the list? Is Tom's name in the list? Interlingue es plu bell e plu facil quam Esperanto. Interlingue is more beautiful and easier than Esperanto. Interlingue is more bell and more facil quam Esperanto. Tom ekronkis. Tom started to snore. Tom broke out. Il havet li intention aquisiter ci terrenes plu fertil quam tis quel il possedet. He intended to acquire more fertile grounds here than those that he possessed. Il havet li intention aquisiter ci terranes plu fertil quam tis quel il possesedet. La coqua tre bon. She cooks very well. The coqua tre bon. ko na catlu pa'o lo canko gi'e jundi lo nu se tadni do Don't look out the window, focus on your studies. ko na catlu pa'o lo canko gi'e jundi lo nu se tadni do Io non ha potite persuader le que il esseva ver. I could not persuade him that it was true. Io non ha potite persuader le que il es es ver. lo cabdei lo mi pendo cu terjbe Today is one of my friends' birthday. lo cabdei lo mi pensdo cu terjbe xu mi pu jai zu'e se terpa do Did I scare you? xu mi pu jai zu'e se terpa do Mea camera ave sola un fenetra. There's only one window in my room. Mea camera ave sole un fenetra. Еске ту густа пепер? Do you like pepper? It's all right? Elu haltis por fumar sigareto. She stopped to smoke a cigarette. Elu stopped to smoke a sigare. pu plipe jo'u cu pagre lo canko He jumped out the window. More than one another. You should pay it a dog Vi lasis la pordon malfermita. You left the door open. You left the door open. Isto ha in effecto accidite. That really happened. This has in effect accidite. mi'a ni'i prami lo jufra .i je ku'i zmadu fa lo ni prami lo bangu So we love sentences. But, even more, we love languages. mi'ai Love lo jufra .i je ku'i zmadu fa lo ni Love lo bangu pagh, wa', cha', wej, loS, vagh, jav, Soch, chorgh, Hut, wa'maH. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. This is why, wa', cha', wej, loS, vagh, jav, Soch, chorgh, Hut, wa'maH. poghmeyDaj tuQmoH. He put on his gloves. I can't have mercy on yourQ very much. Zamenhof es li creator de Esperanto. Zamenhof is the creator of Esperanto. Zamenhof is his creator of Esperanto. nuq DaSov? What do you know? The future DaSov? Que es il in error in nostre maniera de facer lo? What's wrong with how we did it? Que es il in error in nostre way to do so? Ni tenu niajn manojn puraj. We should keep our hands clean. Let's keep our hands clean. Qua esas en ita chambro? Who is in this room? What is in this room? lo xirma ku cmoni The horse is neighing. lo xirma ku cmoni Ili lude football. They play soccer. They play afootball. Sha ra lezh wa. We don't get along. Sha ra lezh wa. mi pu dansu ze'a ro pagbu be lo nicte I danced all night long. mi puǒ zé'a ro paybu be it nothing Me es certa ke vu sucesos. I'm sure that you'll succeed. I'm sure you will succeed. DaH HIja'. Now tell me. I'm going to go to HIja. Kaj kion amo povas, ĝi ekfaras. And what love can do, that dares love attempt. And what love can, it does. Voluntez kalkular la fakturo. Please add up the bill. Want to calculate the invoice. mi djica lo nu penbi'o I really just want to make friends. mi djica lo nu pens'o La maniero en kiu ŝi parolis al ni estis suspektinda. The way she spoke to us was suspicious. The way she spoke to us was suspicious. Me es de London. I am from London. I'm from London. Illa ora compra le computator. She is buying the computer. Illa ora compra le computer. no prenu pu djuno No one knew it. Don't take a bit La traduko ne eblas. The translation is impossible. The translation cannot be done. lo xanto cu se ke clani nazbi An elephant has a long nose. lo xant cu se ke clani nazbi Hodiaŭ ŝi portas blankan robon. She is wearing a white dress today. Today she wears a white robe. Tom conosse te. Tom knows you. Tom conosse te. mi me la tcaudjo'us I am Teochew. I'm the tuckaudjo'us Tio estas la unua flanko de la medalo. This is one side of the medal. This is the first side of the medal. Mi revenos je la sesa kaj tridek. I'll be back at six-thirty. I'll return to the sixth and thirty. Ille es analphabete. He is illiterate. They're analphabete. Multe gente se preoccupa de pagar lor facturas. Many people worry about paying their bills. Much getting if worried about paying their invoices. Trinku iom da teo. Drink some tea. Drink some tea. Esque tu save su matre? Do you know his mum? Esque tu sande su matre? To va esser un avantage por me e por te. That will be an advantage for me and for you. To va will be an advantage for me and for you. Parti it con noi. Share it with us. Part it with us. jIloS DaneH'a'? Do you want me to wait? Exiting... Nun es capas core tan rapida como Tom. No one is able to run as fast as Tom. Now it is capable of core as fast as Tom. Ne titilla me! Don't tickle me! Not titilla me! Le traino gradualmente prendeva velocitate. The train gained speed gradually. The drag gradually takes speed. Le beltate da a un femina le poter de incantar un amante e terrificar un marito. Beauty is the power by which a woman charms a lover and terrifies a husband. The belt da a femina le is able to incantate one lover and terrify one husband. Kial vi dormas? Why are you sleeping? Why are you sleeping? Ŝtormoj igas arbojn kreskigi pli profundajn radikojn. Storms make trees take deeper roots. Storms make trees grow deeper roots. Eĉ la plej graciaj kaj imponaj konstruaĵoj tie povas nun ŝajni senglore humiligitaj, iomete ridindaj flanke de la monstro. Even the most graceful and imposing existing buildings may now be so sadly diminished as to seem slightly ridiculous beside the monster. Even the most graceful and imposing buildings there may now seem unglorely humiliated, slightly ridiculous alongside the monster. Li canes es in li jardin. The dogs are in the garden. Li canos es in li garden. Maria es un ric puera. Mary is a rich girl. Maria es un ric puera. ca ma do cliva se ka'a lo lunra .i ro mi'a nitcu do When will you leave for the Moon? We all need you. ma do Quit se'a lulara .i ro mi'a nitcu do An vos vole que Catalonia deveni un stato independente in forma de republica? Do you want Catalonia to become an independent state in the form of a republic? You want Catalonia to come from a state independently in the form of a republic? ro prenu cu mrobi'o All men must die. ro cu mrobi'o Si, io veni immediatemente. Yes, I'm coming immediately. Yes, I'll come right now. rop nI'mo' pujqu'taH SoSwI'. My mother was very weak from a long illness. I'm very sorry, but it's not possible. qama'pu' vIjoy'ta'. I tortured the prisoners. I can't understand your life. Ora io es occupate con scriber un libro. I'm now busy writing a book. Or something is busy with writing a book. Bon Pesah! Happy Pesach! Bon Pesah! mi nai ralte ko'a It's not mine. mi nai ralte ko'a Ĉiu homo rajtas partopreni la regadon de sia lando, aŭ rekte aŭ pere de libere elektitaj reprezentantoj. Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. Each person is allowed to participate in the rule of his country, either directly or through freely elected representatives. Yo sempre amat Tom. I always liked Tom. Yo sempre amat Tom. Noi savet to. We knew this. Noi savet to. Le indicator de combustibile es rupte. The fuel gauge is broken. The indicator of fuel is broken. Maria usa filtro de paper per tamisi cafe. Mary uses a paper filter to strain coffee. Mary uses a filter of paper by tamisi café. Mi ridis. I laughed. I laughed. Io komencas. Something's beginning. It starts. 'oHmo' chotlhobnIS. You have to ask me for it. That's the universe that we have fossils of algae from the universe. Al fin, Mario succedeva a ganiar le amor del princessa. At last, Mario managed to win the princess's love. At the end, Mario succedeva a winar le amor del princessa. yInuDqa'! Look at it again. Come on, come on! Esque to es sangue? Is that blood? Esque to es sangue? DIrI'nIS. We've got to call them. DirI'nIS. ro la'e do'i cnino mi All this is new to me. ro la'e do'i cnino mi la aristoteles jo'u la dekart cu se steci lo ka ke'a mencremau ro se ctuca be ke'a Aristotle and Descartes are the only philosophers who are smarter than all of their disciples. the aristoteles yo'u la tenart cu se steci lo ke'a mencremau ro se ctuca be ke'a Isto ha le gusto de vanilla. This tastes like vanilla. This has the taste of vanilla. bIwuqta''a'? Have you made your decision yet? bIwuqta'a? Mi ne scias, ĉu li havas iujn specialajn povojn aŭ ne, sed li probable estas pli forta ol normala homo. I don't know if he has any special powers or not, but he's probably stronger than a normal human. I don't know if he has any special powers or not, but he is probably stronger than normal man. Catalonia ne es Hispania. Catalonia is not Spain. Catalonia is not Hispanic. Poterea io vider vostre passaporto martian? Could I see your Martian passport? Potentially something to see your passport martian? Mi ŝatas ovoblankaĵon. I like the white of an egg. I like an egg-white. Ni kaj ludis kaj ridis. We played and laughed. We and played and laughed. poH wIlo'Ha'taH. We're wasting time. The Earth was growing in the past. Ni estu seriozaj ĉi tie. We need to be serious here. Let's be serious here. Forjentez tua pafilo. Toss your gun on the ground. Get away your gun. Quo tu ha fat? What were you doing? What do you have fat? Es metro in Kazan. There is a metro in Kazan. Is a meter in Kazan. lo nu troci cu xamgu Trying is good. The nine slices cu xamgu Io volerea no haber credite in Tom. I wish I hadn't believed Tom. I wantrea no to have credit in Tom. Yo va payar. I'll pay. Yo va payar. Bonvolu mallaŭtigi la radion. Please turn down the radio. Please shut off the radio. Tiu leciono estas senfina! This lesson is endless! This lesson is endless! Ме студиа анке бангла. I study Bengali, too. It's what it's like. La sekva tekstero estis citita el bone konata fablo. The following passage was quoted from a well-known fable. The next texter was quoted from a well-known fable. Me savas ube irar. I know where to go. I know where to go. Huch law' vIghajbe'. I don't have much money. Huch law' veniskabe'. Mi ne havas elekton. I've got no choice. I have no choice. La mikroprogramara ĝisdatigo aldonas plenan signaran subtenon de mesaĝoj en okdek lingvoj. The firmware update adds full character support for notifications in eighty languages. The microprogram update adds full signature support from messages in eighty languages. Kiom da fojoj en unu jaro vi vizitas la plaĝon? How many times a year do you go to the beach? How many times in a year do you visit the beach? Yo ne es un medico. I'm not a doctor. Yo es un medico. chut luSovchu'nIS SenwI' rIlwI' je, 'ach luSovbej nuvpu' puS neH. Everybody is supposed to know the law, but few people really do. chut luSovchunIS Without either case's rIl either, 'ach luSovbej nuvpu's meaning notH. Yo posse monstrar a te li fotos. I can show you the pictures. Yo posse vider a te li photos. Post un breve interludio, Caesare decideva reinrolar se in le armea e quittava Roma. Durante que ille navigava trans le mar, un gruppo de piratas le sequestrava. After a brief interlude, Caesar decided to join the army once again and left Rome. While he was sailing across the sea, a group of pirates kidnapped him. After a brief interlude, Caesare decisive reinrollar se in le army and quittava Roma. Durante que ly navava trans le mar, a group of pirates le sequestrava. Yo savet que it ne esset tu. I knew it wasn't you. Yo savet que it ne esset tu. Mi volus glason da akvo. I'd like a glass of water. I wanted a glass of water. Ni devas respekti unu la alian. We have to respect each other. We must respect each other. Mi opinias, ke ni dungu lin. I think we should hire him. I think we'll hire him. Tu solmente pensa al pecunia. You're thinking only about money. You just think of pecunia. Un sol lingua non sufficera jammais. One language will never be enough. One single language will not keep it enough. lo mi se srana ma zvati Where are my things? I'm Personal but zwatts lo pitsa cu me lo cukcartu noi jarco lo nu pixokau vo'a cu stali Pizza is a pie chart showing how much of it is left. The pitsa cu lokukartu noi Showo lo nuxokau vo'a cu stali Ме клуи ла порте. I'm closing the door. It's what it's like. Vi ne povas elpremi pli da monon el mi. You can't wring any more money from me. You can't print out more money from me. lo turni zanfri na xamgu lo truci'e People who desire power make bad leaders. lo turn zanfri na xamgu lo truci'e Il va retornar bentost. He will soon be back. Il va revenar bentost. la aron pu catra la elizabet Aron killed Elizabeth. la aron pu catra la elizabet Do' jIpaSbe'. Fortunately, I was on time. So it's Exiting. Il furiosijat e incarcerat la in li turre del castelle. He became angry and imprisoned her in the castle tower. Il angersjat e incarcerat la in li turre del castelle. ku'i mi roroi krici lo du'u lo traji plixau be fi lo ka zei'a se slabu la cevni cu ka ci'irpa'i so'i da But I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things. mi roro mi roro kricci lo du'u lo traji pluxau be lo þa se slabu la cevni cu cci'irpa'i so'i da Osagobs ome. We'll tell him. Osagobs ome. Tom estas malvirta. Tom is vicious. Tom's wrong. Necuno sape toto. Nobody knows everything. No one knows everything. Estas lia firma decido vojaĝi al Anglio. He is determined to go to England. It is his firm decision to travel to England. Le catto ha ungulas retractile. The cat has retractable claws. Le catto ha ungulas retractile. Antaŭe mi ne diris tion al vi, ĉu? I haven't told you this before, have I? I didn't tell you before, right? Mia patrino bakis kukon por mia naskiĝtago. My mother baked a cake for my birthday. My mother baked chicken for my birthday. ca lo prulamdei ku lo me mi nakni famti ku te vecnu lo gerku Yesterday my uncle bought a dog. ca lo prulamdei ku lo me nakni famti ku te vezu lo gerku Illes non pare approbar le plano. They don't seem to approve of the plan. They don't seem to approve the plan. ko na co'u prami fraxu mi doi le cevni Do not withhold Your tender mercies from me, O Lord. ko na co'u Love fraxu mi doi le cevni Me amas dansar. I love to dance. I love dancing. Yo ne posse mover mi gambe. I can't move my leg. Yo ne posse mover mi gamba. Debeva tu divider un camera a dormir con tu fratres o sorores? Did you have to share a bedroom with your brothers or sisters? Should your estars a room to sleep with your fratres or sorores? Me decidis venar a Japonia lasta-yare. I decided to come to Japan last year. I decided to come to Japanese last-yare. Dio es ge? Is Allah gay? God is ge? Me gusta nada. I like to swim. Me gusta nada. Paris binon cifazif Fransäna. Paris is the capital of France. Paris binon cifazif Fransäna. mIp tam. Tom is rich. mIp as well. Tiu problemo similas tiun, kiun ni havis pasintjare. This problem is akin to the one we had last year. This problem resembles the one we had last year. It ne esset facil. It wasn't easy. It does not esset facil. Kiu estas tiu knabino staranta apud la pordo? Who is that girl, standing by the door? Who is this girl standing next to the door? Li lavas siajn harojn. He washes his hair. He washs his hair. ra terpa lo nunmro He is afraid of death. ra terpa lo numro ghaHvaD Subqoq wIpongpu' 'ach numagh. We called him a "hero", but he betrayed us. ghaH software Subqoq pluspongpu' 'ach numagh. Tikob, binos gudik, das buks dabinons nog, ab ons slipöfikükons obi. I think it is good that books still exist, but they do make me sleepy. Tikob, binos gudik, das bus dabinons nog, ab ons slipöfikücons obi. Yo besona un avocate. I need a lawyer. Yo besona un avoirate. La xico gusta pasea sirca la boteca de sofas. The boy likes walking around the sofa store. The xico gustata pasea sirca la botteca de sofas. Venez kun me. You're coming with me. Come with me. tugh chaballIj qaSmoHlu'. It won't be long before your dream comes true. Thank you very much indeed. Cils li-slipoms? Are the children asleep? Cils li-slipoms? Li garson besat li puella. The boy kissed the girl. Li garson besat li puella. Qua vu esas? Who are you? What are you? Vi devus fari ĝin. You should do it. You should do it. Io crede que tu sape lo que io vole dicer. I believe you know what I mean. I think you know what I want to say. Le intemperie non es un obstaculo. Bad weather is no obstacle. At the time, it is not an obstacle. Li-mutol dunön etosi? Are you obliged to do that? Li-mutol dunön ethos? Ili es vicinos. They are neighbours. They're alive. Órenya linda tyë-cenien. My heart sings to see you. Órenya linda tyë-cenien. Cata sancto ha un passato, cata peccator ha un futuro. Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. Each saint has one past, every sincator has one future. Illo es un stilo. It's a pencil. It's a style. Les dona nulum. They give nothing. Les dona nulum. la tom tavla lo rirni be ri fo lo fasybau po'o Tom speaks only French to his parents. the tom tavla lo rirni be ri fo lo fasybau po'o Ĉu tio ne ĝenus vin, se vi frotus al mi la piedojn? Would you mind rubbing my feet? Wouldn't that bother you if you froth my feet? Ili va mortar vos! They'll kill you all! They're dead! vIraS Hol je jatlhlaH. He can also speak French. Mr.S. Hol at the course of the future. Yo vole ear. I want to go. Yo vol ear. Tomo venas preni vin. Tom is coming to get you. Tom comes to take you. Kiu tro alte svingas, nenion atingas. Who swings too high, achieves nothing. Who is too high swings, doesn't reach. Sami ŝanĝis la paroltemon. Sami changed the subject. Sami changed the speech theme. Tio, kion vi devas fari, englutinte danĝeran substancon, dependas de tio, kion vi englutis. When you swallow a dangerous substance, what you need to do depends on what you swallowed. What you need to do, swallowing a dangerous substance depends on what you swallowed. .i'enai ctuci'e Education in this world disappoints me. .i'enai ctuci'e La infekto disvastiĝis rapide. The infection has spread quickly. The infection spread rapidly. Mi skribis leterojn dum la tuta tago. I have been writing letters all day long. I wrote letters all day. roda mulno jo xamgu Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. wheel mulno yo xamgu Kas tir kalaf ? Is he happy? Do you pull a kalaf ? Io comprava un par de scarpas. I've bought me a pair of shoes. Io comprava un par de scarpas. qo'Daq Dat pongDaj ghovlu'. His name is known all over the world. answers are the Dat pongDaj ghovlu'. mi paroi se moklu gi'eku'i reroi se kerlo I only have one mouth, but I have two ears. mi paroi se moklu gi'eku'i reroi se kerlo tlhoy tIq jIbwIj. My hair has grown too long. Thank you for my sake. Nu, tio ne veras. Nuh-uh, that's not true. Well, that's not true. Tomo estas novaĵalporta. Tom is innovative. Tom is a news report. Le esperanto es un lingua completemente phonetic. Esperanto is a completely phonetic language. The expectation is a language completely phonetic. Ni devus neniam edziĝi. I should have never married. We should never marry. machechchoHjaj. Let's get drunk. machechchoHjaj. Tom non vole dicer le veritate. Tom doesn't want to tell the truth. Tom does not want to discern the truth. El ia es ocupada. She was busy. Of some is busy. Io ha un can. I have a dog. Io ha un can. Io non pote vender te isto. I can't sell you that. I can't sell you this. Ĉu matene vi havas la tempon legi la ĵurnalon? Do you have time to read the newspaper in the morning? In the morning you have the time to read the journal? Mersí! Thank you! Mersí! Me ne komprenas. I don't understand. I don't understand. pu manku nicte secau lo lunra It was a dark night, with no moon. Can I keep anything dry without it on Monday la tom nelci lo cumymu'efi'a Tom likes science fiction. the ten of Words Igu Tomon senprokraste raporti al mi. Have Tom report to me immediately. Make Tom unprocrazed to report to me. Le studio presta un sorta de incantamento a tote le ambiente que circumfere nos. Study lends a kind of enchantment to all our surroundings. The study pressed a kind of incantation to all the environments that surround us. qam Do DujwIj tu'pu' ghaH. He found my bike. That's why I'm my concern you the ghaH. Ta ce nos vade! Let's go! Ta ce nos vade! До ла гато ес? Where's the cat? It's all right? Dankon pro via detala klarigo. Thank you for your detailed explanation. Thank you for your detailed explanation. Nia instruisto diris al ni, ke ni penu per ĉiuj fortoj. Our teacher told us that we should do our best. Our teacher told us that we should repent with all the forces. Tom maritat Mary. Tom married Mary. Tom maritat Mary. Löfom omi ed obi. He loves him and me. Löfom omi and obi. Dajlaw'. That sounds interesting. Dajlaw'. El natür isch fascinind. Nature is fascinating. El natür ich fascinininid. Lia fingro sangadas. His finger bleeds. His finger is bleeding. Ester es un survivor de la Olocausto. Esther is a Holocaust survivor. Esther is one survivor of the Olocaust. Ta esas Carl. That's Carl. Ta is Carl. Kompreneble, ŝi akceptis la inviton. She naturally accepted the invitation. Of course, she accepted the invitation. Io non vole vangloriar. I don't mean to brag. I don't want to vanglor. Tu es enoiosissime. You're really boring. Tu es eniosissime. ¡Góspoxhi! Good heavens! ¡Góspoxhi! ko cimoi pinxa ti di'i lo djedi ca'o lo ze'aba jeftu be li re Take this three times a day for the next two weeks. And thou shalt pin thee of any day this day, or shalt make it a week be he again Tu es un svin. You're a pig. Tu es un svin. Tom ha cessate su medicamentos de novo. Tom is off his meds again. Tom ha cessate su medicamentos de novo. mi djuno so'i da do I know a lot about you. _Add to Wastebasket mupIlmoH tam. Tom inspired me. mupI very much as well. QI'e' QIvam tIq law' Hoch tIq puS. This bridge is the longest bridge. QI'e' QImt tIq law'hon tIq meaning. ghu'vetlh vISovchu'. I know all about the situation. Let's take a look at your life. mi ba planyjdika I will lose weight. I'm a ba planydic Li prince mortat li dracon. The prince slew the dragon. Li prince mortat li dragon. Yo finit scrir. I finished writing. Yo finitǒ. Nos expecta que il pluvera hodie. We expect that it will rain today. Nos expecta que il pluvera today. Aora nos fa tota enlinia. We do everything online now. Aora nos fa whole enline. Bob ha esset spondet con Mary desde plu quam un annu. Bob has been engaged to Mary for over a year. Bob ha esset spondet con Mary since more than one year. La mediko urjigis la kuracato por cesar fumado. The doctor urged the patient to stop smoking. The physician rushed the cure to stop smoking. Méran tirë. I wish to see. Méran tiraë. Ella vole dansar. She wants to dance. Ella wants to dance. Ella es vermen malad. She is truly sick. Ella es vermen malad. Ella refusat mi invitation. She declined my invitation. Ella refused mi in invitation. Kisi äpenol? What did you write? Kisi äpenol? Me volis lernar de la maxim bona. I wanted to learn from the best. I wanted to learn from the best. pa' maHtaHbej. We'll be there. But it's not possible. Il comprat me un nov dictionarium. He bought me a new dictionary. Il comprat me un novo dictionarium. .e'u selstidi ko'a Why don't we ask for his advice? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Va jinafa nazbeya renal, voxen kas lanel da in va rin renar ? You love my daughter; but are you sure that she loves you? Va jinafa nazbeya renal, voxen kas lannel da in va rin renar ? Cual es la capital de Egipte? What's the capital of Egypt? What is the capital of Egypt? On va invia tu. You'll be envied. On va vos tu. .i mi zukte loka zifre be lonu klama be lo zdani I take the liberty of going home. .i mi zukte local zifre be lonu klam be lo zdani La parolado de la politikisto estis ofensiva. The politician's speech was offensive. The politician's speech was offensive. Yo trinca lacte. I drink milk. Yo trince lacte. Нун кура. No one cares. It's all right. lo xekri gerku pu bajra The black dog ran. lo xekri gerku pu bayra la tom pu mi'ecpe lo velcki Tom demanded an explanation. the tom pu mi'ecpe lo vecki Vi devus esti pli atentaj! You guys should be more careful. You should be more careful! Tíral. You are watching. Tíral. Ni ĉiuj maltrafis la celon. We all missed the target. We've all missed the purpose. Mi jam denove malsatas. I'm getting hungry again. I'm hungry again. mIghbe' chaH. They're not evil. mIghbe' chaH. e'o do ciksi fi mi ba po'o Please explain it to me later. e'o do cixi mi ba po'o Me ia promete ce me dise no cosa. I promised not to tell. Me ia promete ce me dise no cosa. Bonveni a la enferno! Welcome to hell! Welcome to the nurse! Io pote resister a toto excepte le tentation. I can resist anything but temptation. It can be resistant to everything except for the temptation. Sagön "no" binos fikulik. It's hard to say no. Sagön "no" binos ficulik. wa'Hu' qaS nol. The funeral was yesterday. Wait one another. Sanan nonik binon nendöfik. No doctor is perfect. Sanan nonik binon nendöfik. Kie ni estas loĝantaj? Where are we staying? Where are we living? Tom ia sorti a sinco minutos ante aora. Tom left five minutes ago. Tom ya sorti a sinco minutes ante aora. Mi ĉiam estis sendiulo. I always was an atheist. I was always a messenger. La reĝo iris al la ĉasado ĉimatene. The king went hunting this morning. The king went to the hunt this morning. Pardonon, io fuŝiĝis. Sorry, something went wrong. I'm sorry, something messed up. Esperanto es un lingua a la moda! Esperanto is a cool language! Esperanto is a language to the fashion! Tomo demandis Manjon, kie estas ŝia patrino. Tom asked Mary where her mother was. Tom asked Manjon where her mother was. Nos es plus intimemente ligate al invisibile que al visibile. We are more closely connected to the invisible than to the visible. We are more closely linked to the invi available than to you available. Va façiun lor tignhova comvimçada. My manner had convinced them. Va façiun lor tignhova comvimçada. tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh'a'? Do you speak Klingon? I am listening to the universe. How did you get it? Том ес биоложисте марал. Tom is a marine biologist. Is it possible for you to know what you want to do. chut po'wI' ghaHbe' jIm'e'. Qel ghaH. Jim's not a lawyer. He's a doctor. But that's exactly why I'm going to be the project. Qel ghaH. mi gleki lo ka sidju I'm glad to help. mi gleki lo ka siHelp la .tom. pu barda Tom was big. the .tom. pu barda El ia es bastante ebra. He was pretty much drunk. It's pretty hard to get out of it. qIt'a' poH leng? Is time travel possible? qIt'a past leng? Acel es transfobica. That's transphobic. Acel is transphobic. Tomo skribas poezion. Tom writes poetry. Tom writes poetry. Li estis ambicia. He had ambition. He was ambitious. Le opiniones del duo politicos collide violentemente. The views of the two politicians collide violently. The opinions of both politics will collide violently. Ло ес ун дирето санта. It's a sacred right. It's what it's going to be. ca lo prulamcte mi tcidu lo cukta Last night I read a book. This is how prulamcte I would tend to sugar Vi aspektas, kvazaŭ vi vidis fantomon. You look like you've seen a ghost. You look like you saw a ghost. Le decido jam estas farita. The decision has already been made. The decision is already made. Änolob das Tomas okanitom kaniti et. I knew Tom would sing that song. Änolob das Tomas occanitom caniti et. Yo es anc nervosi. I'm nervous, too. Yo es anc nervous. Venuso kaj Tero estas preskaŭ je la sama grando. Venus and Earth are almost the same size. Venus and Earth are almost at the same size. Mi studas en la domo de Johanino. I am studying at Juana's house. I study in Johanino's house. .au mi retsku fi do fe lo se du'u mi zukte makau zo'e bi'unai I'd like to ask you about how to do that. .au mi netsku fi do fe lo se du'u mi zukte makau zona'e bi'unai "Que eveni?" inquireva le Spirito. "Nihil", respondeva Scrooge. "Nihil. Io videva heri nocte a mi porta un puero cantante un canto de Natal. Io debeva haber le date qualcosa: il es solmente isto lo que eveni." "What is the matter?" asked the Spirit. "Nothing," said Scrooge. "Nothing. There was a boy singing a Christmas Carol at my door last night. I should like to have given him something: that's all." "Que eveni?" inquireva le Spirit. "Nihil", answerive Scrooge. "Nihil. I see hers tonight to me porta un puero singant un canto de Natal. It must have le date quacosa: it es only this que eveni." Memorias de infantia demora ancora in su corde. Memories of childhood still lie near her heart. Remember of children immediately still in his cord. Tio tro multekostas! This is too expensive! That's too expensive! Mult persones ha provat it. Lots of people have tried. Many people have tried it. Mi ne ŝatas vin, kiam vi ĉagreniĝis. I don't like you when you're angry. I don't like you when you hunted. ja'o ru'e da djacu ni'a le jubme I think that there is water under the table. Waterchain Jes, mi estas el Sapporo. Yes, I am from Sapporo. Yes, I'm from Sapparo. A un ves pasada, un prinsesa bela ia vive. Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess. To one time past, one princess beautifully a bit of life. Li-kanol yufön? Can you help? Li-kanol yufön? En kiewapar ! The weather is so nice! In ubiwapar ! la .tam. djica lo nu tilcfu ciksi Tom wants a detailed explanation. la .tam. djica lo nu tilcfu cixi Adio! Bye! Goodbye! dei cizra jufra This is a weird sentence. dei cyzra jufra vIjatlhta'! I said it! All right, let's take a look at your life. Ni eldorlotas nian plej junan filinon. We spoil our youngest daughter. We smell our youngest daughter. mi nelci le sidbo I love the idea. I don't save the pattern %s lo zvati be lo kensa la terdi cu terselmlu lo ka cmalu Seen from space, Earth seems relatively small. lo zvati be lo kens the world cu terselmlu lo ka cmalu lo cukta cu na cnino The book isn't new. sugard cu na cnino Estas tempo, ke vi aĉetas novan aŭton. It's time for you to buy a new car. It's time you buy a new car. Il me place le silente ecclesia ante le initio del servicio divin, plus que qualcunque predication. I like the silent church before the service begins, better than any preaching. Il me place le silent ecclesia prior to the front of the service divin, plus any predication. Nai áre laireva calyuva i falassi! Have a good summer vacation! Nai áre laireva calyuva i falli! Nunc tu lege mi pensatas. You are reading my thoughts. Now your law I thought. Nos studia anglese in le mesme classe. We study English in the same class. We study English in the same class. Ella parla yiddic. She speaks Yiddish. Ella parla yiddic. Opelob löli. I'll pay you for everything. Opelob löli. Quo es un vocabul? What is a word? What is one vocabul? Ni estas en fazo de drameca aliiĝiĝo. We are in a phase of dramatic change. We're in the stage of dramatic alignment. Ел компренде бангла. He understands Bangla. It's what it's like. tlhInja Quj. She played chess. Indigenous Quj. Tom binom lautel gudik. Tom is a good writer. Tom binom lautel gudik. Ŝi diris al mi, ke ŝi ne certas. She told me she wasn't sure. She told me that she was not sure. Mi bezonas helpon de Tom. I'll need Tom's help. I need Tom's help. Rigardu, serpento! Look, a snake! Look, snake! yIbItQo'! Don't be so tense. yIbItQo! Tomo demandis, kion mi estis faronta. Tom asked what I was going to do. Tom asked what I was doing. puqpu'chaj ghojmoHbogh paQDI'norgh Segh luwIvmeH DIb lughaj vav SoS je. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. This answer carries on the last part of the universe. If you don't appear to cranks, but we don't seem to have been visited by aliens. vay' Daleghchugh SIbI' HIja'! If you see anybody, tell me immediately. All right, let's go! Ta ce nos escuta musica. Let's listen to some music. Ta ce nos eskuta musica. SuH, jIghuH. OK, I'm ready. SuH, projectaghuH. Dum jaroj Marina estis inspektanta domojn. For years Marina had been inspecting houses. For years Marina was inspecting houses. Ilu probis helpar elu. He tried to help her. I would try to help him. Tomo devas resti, kie li estas. Tom needs to stay where he is. Tom must stay where he is. Parti it con noi. Share it with us. Part it with us. tIv tam. Tom enjoyed it. tIv as well. Il me place conversar con te. I like talking to you. Il me place conversation con te. no gerku cu bramau ti There is no dog which is bigger than this one. no gerku cu bramau ti Kelkaj homoj vidas kuniklon, sed aliaj homoj vidas anason. Some people see a rabbit. Others, a duck. Some people see rabbit, but other people see ana. juH qachwIj vIngevnIS. I have to sell my house. juH péch my fiangevnIS. Mara sinyë. Good evening. Mara sinyë. Bonan nokton! Good night! Good night! Ŝanĝiĝemaj internaciaj rilatoj tenas naftajn kostojn alte. Volatile international relations are keeping oil prices high. Changed international relationships hold birth costs high. Tiuspecaj problemoj estas neeviteblaj. These kinds of problems are unavoidable. This kind of problems are inevitable. Per favor, retira del tabula le servicio a the. Please clear away the tea things. Please withdraw from the table service to the. Mi scias, ke mi ŝuldas al vi monon. I know I owe you money. I know I owe you money. Me ne pripensis to. I hadn't considered that. I didn't think about it. Le futuro es un femina con facie invisibile. The future is a woman with an invisible face. The future is a woman with faces that are available. Ĉu vi finis kun tio? Are you finished with this? Have you finished with that? Deberea adder nos un poco plus de sal? Should we add a little more salt? Should we add a bit more of salt? mi'ai ka'e cliva We can leave. Quit Mi estos nomado la tutan vivon. I'm a nomad for life. I'll be calling all life. tu'a mi ca nanca li pabi ji'ini'u I am eighteen years old. tu'a mi ca Years li pabi ji'in'u ki'u lo nu ciska bau lo glico kei lo nu tcidu lo vi cukta cu frili mi Written in English, this book is easy for me to read. ki'u lo ciska balo lo glico kei lo nu tciquta cu Easy mi ko'a le bruna be ko'a cu mleca lo ni claselxadni He is not as tall as his brother. co'a le brown be ko'a cu mlca lo ni classaelxadni La krimo estas preskaŭ solvita. The crime is almost solved. The crime is almost resolved. Mary es un antifascista. Mary is an anti-fascist. Mary is an antifascist. Ĉiuj ridis. Everyone laughed. Everyone laughed. Tom povis scii per la rideto sur la vizaĝo de Mary, ke ŝi amuziĝis en la festo. Tom could tell by the smile on Mary's face that she had had a good time at the party. Tom could know by the smile on Mary's face that she had fun in the party. Tikob velatiko das ogebon etosi. I do think people will use it. Ticob vellatics das ogebon ethos. Pro quo Tom ne posse venir? Why can't Tom come? Why didn't Tom own coming? Legu lecionon dek dekomence. Read Lesson 10 from the beginning. Read lesson ten initially. Pro kiu la sonoriloj? For whom do the bells toll? Why are the bells? Nia laboro estas tute finita nun. Our work is all over now. Our work is all over now. Multaj laborantaj patrinoj devas streĉi sin por ekvilibrigi siajn hejman kaj laboran vivojn. Many working mothers struggle to balance their home and work lives. Many working mothers must stretch themselves to balance their home and work lives. La pueri facis skulturi ek metal-filo. The children made sculptures out of wire. The puers make shoulders like a metal-file. mi na nelci lo cakla I don't like chocolate. I don't like this Sami es un traduor. Sami is a translator. Sami is a translator. Ätidob Fransänapüki dü yels kildeg. I taught French for thirty years. Ätidob Fransänapüki dü yels kildeg. Он иа порта рапида ел а ла оспитал. He was rushed to the hospital. ← Ingredients Tom es legendari. Tom is legendary. Tom is legendary. mi viska lo nolnau .e lo nolni'u I see a nobleman and a noblewoman. mi vska lo nolnau .e lo nolni'u lo mi nakpa'i cu simlu lo ka junri My boyfriend seems serious. mi nakpa'i cu simlu lo junri maghoHmeH poH vIghajbe'. Soj vIvutlI'. I don't have time to argue with you; I'm preparing the food. How long did we come from? Le musica exprime lo que non pote esser dicite e super le qual il es impossibile esser silente. Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. The music is expected that it cannot be said and over which it is impossible to be silent. Salas ia aspeta fatigada. Salas looked exhausted. Jumps some aspete made. Il non ha credos in mathematica. There are no creeds in mathematics. Il ne ha creos in mathematica. Salas konocis lu. Salas knew him. Knowing to know him. Cadun ave la direto a un nasionalia. Everyone has the right to a nationality. Canun ave la direto a un nasionalia. In vice de desirar que ille novem menses passara rapidemente, e planger me del umbra super mi pedes, io haberea gaudite de cata minuta del pregnantia, comprendente que le meravilia que cresceva in me es in mi vita le unic opportunitate que io ha pro assister Deo in un miraculo. Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy and complaining about the shadow over my feet, I'd have cherished every minute of it and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was to be my only chance in life to assist God in a miracle. In turn of wanting that someone new weeks past quickly, and planger me del umbra over miǒ, io ha should gaudite from every minute del pregnantia, Understanding that le meravilia que growva in me es in mi vita le una opportunity que io ha to attend Deo in un miraculo. Perce Maria plora tan multe? Why does Mary cry so much? Perce Mary weeps so much? ti poi plise cu barda These apples are big. ti poi increase cu barda qaStaHvIS paQDI'norgh ropmo' Dach ghaH. She was absent from school owing to sickness. It's very hot, but we don't have a serious handicap. lo mamymamta pu klama le zarci tezu'e lo nu te vecnu lo cidja be lo lanzu Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family. lo mamymamta pu klamma le zarci tezu'e lo nu te vezu lo cidja be lo lanzu Quando il se tracta de atomos, le linguage pote esser usate solmente como in poesia. Le poeta, etiam, non es preoccupate tanto per describer factos quanto per crear images e stabilir connexiones mental. When it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry. The poet, too, is not nearly so concerned with describing facts as with creating images and establishing mental connections. When there are a handle of atoms, the language can only be used as in poetry. The poet, as well as, it is not concerned with as long as they would actually discover how much by creating images and establishing mental logins. Fa me felici! Make me happy. Make me happy! Quon vi regardas? What are you all looking at? What do you watch? Labob katis tel. I have two cats. Labob catis tel. Tomaso venis tro malfrue. Tom arrived too late. Thomas came too late. Tomo jam sciis la veron. Tom already knew the truth. Tom had already known the truth. Un campion olimpial de boxe compra un jaca multe cara. El veni a la vileta olimpial, e lasa sua jaca en un vesteria, con un nota disente: "Tu prende mea jaca, me va mata tu. Campion olimpial de boxe." Un ora a pos, el reveni, e en loca de sua jaca el trova otra nota disente: "Prima tu debe catura me. Campion olimpial de atletisme lejera." An Olympic boxing champion buys a very expensive jacket. He comes to the Olympic village and leaves his jacket in a dressing room with a sign saying "You take the jacket, I kill you. Olympic boxing champion." In an hour he comes back to see his jacket gone, and another sign: "You catch me first. Olympic running champion." One champion Olympics of boxe compra un jaca mult kara. El veni a la vileta Olympic, e lasa su jaca in un vveria, con un notee disente: "Tu prende mea jaca, me va mata tu. Campion olimpial de boxe." Un ora a pos, el reveni, e in loca de su jaka el trova otra nota disente: "Prima tutura tutura merio merio. Campiepi. Mi ne kapablas. I can't do it. I can't. wej juH chegh qar'a'? He has not come home yet, has he? Let's go, let's go! loDnI'lI'vaD yIbon. Share with your brother. Tools for software development jatlh «lamqu' qablIj!» He exclaimed, "What a dirty face you have!" Thank you for listening. juH qachDaj 'oH. This is his house. The little IlchDa's race. Ŝi rondiris en la apartamento, por kontroli, ĉu ĉio estas en ordo. She went around the apartment to see that everything was in order. She was round in the apartment to check if everything is okay. Yo ama leer. I like to read. Yo ama leer. la .lusifEravampirElas. citmle Lucifera Vampirella is cute. the .lusifEravampirElas. citmle Manjo kredas, ke ŝi belas. Mary thinks she's beautiful. Manjo believes she's beautiful. Ĉu ni povas kredi tion? Can we believe that? Can we believe that? pIj 'oH lujatlh nuvpu' 'e' vISov. I know people say that a lot. This is the universe that we have sought to understand the universe. pagh'e' bIbepmeH meq tu'lu'. You don't have a single reason to complain about anything. This is why bIbepmeH meq tu'lu'. muDuQqu'pu' vIttlhegh qolqoS! The proverb's message struck me to the core. How did you know that you are making answers to these questions! Ille non voleva permitter me de conducer su auto. He wouldn't allow me to drive his car. They don't want to allow me to conduct their car. xu do mabla junri Are you fucking serious? xu do cheaper junri Io non sape si io ira al travalio deman. I don't know if I'll go to work tomorrow. Io ne sap si io ira al travalio deman. Esque vos esseva serie? Were you guys serious? Have you been a series? la tom pu ca'o sipna Tom was sleeping. the tom pu ca'o sipna Yo ne vole obliviar it. I don't want to forget it. Yo ne vole obliviar it. Oni pagas ilin semajne. They are paid by the week. They are paid a week. Hundes pove svima. Dogs can swim. Dogs pove swima. ju'o do so'iva'e tolcando I'm sure you're very busy. therefore so'iva'e tolcando naDev qaSpu' wanI'mey Huj. Strange things have happened around here. Under extreme conditions, one would have expected me to take two minutes. Vian pasporton vi devas kunporti al la banko. You should bring your passport to the bank. You must bring your passport to the bank. Olda viro eniris anciena kirko kun sua seniora filiulo, ilua juniora filiino ed elua miniona bebeo. An old man entered the old church with his elder son, his younger daughter and her little baby. Old man entered an older quirk with her senior daughter, his junior daughter and her mine baby. Yo lude football. I play soccer. Yo ludefootball. At binon pöli jeikik. This is a terrible mistake. At binon pöli jeikikik. 'arlogh pa' DaghoS? How many times have you gone there? 'arlagh pa' DaghoS? Li aĉetas malnovan ĉapelon. He's buying an old hat. He buys an old hat. La finskribado de tiu raporto bezonos ankoraŭ minimume unu plian horon. It'll take at least one more hour to finish writing this report. The termination of this report will still need at least one more hour. do ca zukte ma What are you doing? do this zukte ma Je nia amikeco. Here's to our friendship. In our friendship. mi ba ctuca do I will teach you. mi ba ctuka do Лос ес магра. They are thin. It's all right. Silvia havis severan patron, kiu neniam laŭdis ŝin. Silvia had a stern father who never praised her. Silvia had a severe father who never heard her. Ka vu povas donar a me la fakturo? Could I have the bill, please? Can you give me the bill? Li alvenis ĉi tie antaŭ dek minutoj. He came here ten minutes ago. He arrived here ten minutes ago. luparHa' Hoch juppu'wI'. All of my friends like her. There's nothing bigger than that. Io solmente voleva informar te que io ha un rendez-vous. I just wanted to let you know I have a date. It just wants to inform you that io ha un rendez-vous. Ĉu vi estas dormema aŭ laca? Are you sleepy or tired? Are you sleepy or tired? ko'a drani skicu lo fasnu bevi tu He accurately described what happened there. co'a drains skip it made bevels tu Tomo, vi estus bonega patro. Tom, you would make a great father. All right, you'd be a good father. la.klabastr. .e la.gizmos. cu mlatu Klabaster and Gizmo are cats. la.klabastr. .e la.gismos. cu mlatu Dum antea tempi homi ped-iris de Edo a Kyoto. In former days people walked from Edo to Kyoto. During previous temples men ped-iris from Edo to Kyoto. Tomo devas mem fari tion. Neniu rajtas helpi lin. Tom has to do it by himself. Nobody is allowed to help him. Tom has to do it himself. No one has to help him. Bill abomenas la fortan fumadon de sia patro. Bill hates his father smoking heavily. Bill abhors his father's strong smoking. Yo es vor servitor. I'm your waiter. Yo es vor server. Yo es plu old quam il. I am older than him. Yo es plu old quam il. muvemmoH QoQ. I wake up to the sound of music. muvem trem QoQ. Se li estus sciinta kio estis okazonta, li estus ŝanĝinta sian planon. Had he known what was about to happen, he would have changed his plan. If he had known what had happened, he would have changed his plan. 'IH ghogh HablI'wIj. My phone is beautiful. 'IH ghogh Hab Programming' my concern. No kanob tikön votiko. I can't think otherwise. No canob tikön votes. Mi esperas, ke tio estas la vero. I hope that's the truth. I hope this is the truth. Tomas e Maria sagoms das i oms mutoms dunön etosi. Tom and Mary say that they have to do that as well. Tomas and Maria sagoms das i oms mutoms dunön ethos. rachwI' ghaH be''e'. The woman is a nurse. I think it's tearing. I'm going to tell you, man. Qualmen on di XXX in anglesi? How do you say XXX in English? How much about XXX in English? Ille essayava, e ille succedeva. He tried, and he did it. They tried, and they were succedeva. Lol at binom jönik. This rose is beautiful. Lol at binom jönik. tugh naDev chegh. He will get back soon. tugh naDev chegh. Li fémina inbrassat li bebé. The woman hugged the baby. Li fémina inbrassat li bebé. do tsali You are strong. then tsali Subite ekpluvis. Suddenly rain began to fall. Suddenly, it was rained. Daqvam nuq? What is this place? What is the future? ghojmoHwI'wI' QaHmo' Qu'vam vISuqta'. I got this job with my teacher's help. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. Ĉu vi parolas nederlande? Do you speak Dutch? Do you speak Dutch? Mi kontraŭas, ke mia filo studos eksterlande. I object to my son studying abroad. I object that my son will study abroad. Le freno non functiona ben. The brake isn't working well. The brake does not operate correctly. La oficeja lingvo en Tajlando estas la taja lingvo. Thai is the official language in Thailand. The office language in Thailand is the Thai language. Ĉiu planto bezonas akvon kaj lumon. All plants need water and light. Each plant needs water and light. Tom es tro joven per acel. Tom is too young for that. Tom is too young with acel. Kas tid kalaf ? Are they happy? Is tid calaf ? rIQmoHbogh yanwI' HeghmoHbej yan. He who wounds by the sword, dies by the sword. Professor, if you really think that we should have been in charge of the first few millions of years. Onu ne povas fidar ad irgu. You can't trust anyone. It can never be trusted to go. Melodia non es simplemente alique que on pote cantetar. A melody is not merely something you can hum. Melodia is not simply alique that on can sing. Li loĝas en la antaŭurbo de Tokio. He lives in the suburbs of Tokyo. He lives in Tokyo's suburbs. Mi ŝatus iam roli en la "Carnegie Hall". I'd like to perform at Carnegie Hall someday. I would like to ever roll in the "Carnegie Hall". Том но аве моне. Tom has no money. It's what it's like. Manja nudles. Eat noodles. Manja nodles. Bonvolu respondi per telekso. Please answer by telex. Please answer with telex. Mi tuj faros ĝin. I'll do it now. I'll do it right now. Miaj amikoj invitis min al manĝo. My friends treated me to a meal. My friends invited me to eat. La clima de Nion es plu blanda ca acel de England. The climate of Japan is milder than that of England. The climate of Nion is more bland ca acel of England. Maria vilof nolön, kim äsedom flolis. Mary wants to know who sent the flowers. Mary vilof nolön, kim äsedom flolis. Io non vole que tu travalia illac. I don't want you to work there. Io ne vole que tu travalia illac. Ĉu ni povas ĉesi paroli pri tio? Can we quit talking about this? Can we stop talking about this? lengDaj veb qel ghaH. She thinks about his next trip. lengDa next hundred qel ghaH. Ni malkovris sekretan trairejon al la katakomboj. We discovered a secret passageway leading to the catacombs. We discovered a secret passage to the catacombs. mi lo crino kapsiku cu na'e citka I don't eat green peppers at all. I Green capsiku na'e citka mi cortu lo jamfu be mi My feet hurt. I'll cut it jamfu be me jISaHbe'. I didn't care. Exiting... Qui haberea pensate, circa 1900, que in un periodo de cinquanta annos, nos haberea de saper tanto plus e comprender tanto minus? Who would have thought around 1900 that in fifty years time we would know so much more and understand so much less. Who should think about 1900, which in a period of fifty years, we should have to know as much more and understand as less? La manxa roja e grande de Jupiter es un tempesta enorme. Jupiter's Great Red Spot is a giant storm. The manxa roja and large of Jupiter is a stormy enormous one. Yo es felici que noi fat to. I'm happy we did that. Yo es happiness que noi fat to. Como veniva ille? How did he come? How did they come? Maria disdonas flori. Mary is giving out flowers. Mary distributes flowers. mi selcme zo .xopkins. My name is Hopkins. Mi minesweeper .xopkins. mu'tlheghvam DalaDlaHchugh vaj bIlaDlaH. If you can read this sentence, then you're able to read. This brings me to the last of the universe, and is the future of our future. ko sutra zmadu zukte Act faster! ko sutra zmadu zukte "Vi ĉeestas por obei miajn ordonojn." "En viaj revoj, amik'!" "You're here to follow my orders." "In your dreams, pal!" "You are present to obey my commandments." "In your dreams, amik'!" Ĝis revido ĉe la festo! See you at the party. To see at the party! Kien vi volas iri por nia unua leciono? Where do you want to go for our first lesson? Where do you want to go for our first lesson? Yo tre frige ye mi cap. My head is really cold. Yo tre frige ye mi cap. Mardenya, mardelya. My home is your home. Mardenya, mardelya. Vole ben aperir le documento que io inviava e que se trova al fin de iste message. Please open the document I sent; it is at the end of this message. Vole be blessed to open the document that something sent and which is found at the end of this message. Tom esseva in favor de interrumper le mission. Tom was in favor of aborting the mission. Tom was in favor of interrumper le mission. Io deberea haber informate le policia super isto, ma io non lo ha facite. I should have reported it to the police, but I didn't. It should have informed the police over this, but something has not done. Dona a lo tempe. Give him time. Give to it early. Mi ne estas tre bone organizita. I'm not very organized. I'm not very well organized. lo ro tadni cu tadni lo glibau All the students are studying English. lo ro tadni cu tadni lo glibau Yo deve dir alquó a Tom. I have to tell Tom something. Yo deve dir alquó a Tom. citri gunka He's a historian. citric guanka wej vay' DaSop, qar'a'? You haven't eaten anything yet, have you? We won't let's go! mi nitcu lo xamgu vlacku I need a good dictionary. mi nitcu lo xamgu vlacku ta'e ku do ma zukte ca lo zeldei What do you usually do on Sundays? ta'e ku do ma zukte ca lo zeldei Mi fratre habita in San Diego. My brother is living in San Diego. Mi fratre habita in San Diego. mi glico lo nu mi citka la cidjrbiskit I am English in that I eat biscuits. mi glyco lo nu mi citka la cidjrbikit HIvoq! Trust me. HIvoq! De qui es ti-ci bebé Whose baby is this? From qui es ti-ci bebé ko'a noi ninmu kei pu gletu be mi co spaji She fucked me by surprise. ko'a noi ninmu kei pu gletu be mi co spasji Kiu tradukis la Koranon en la hebrean? Who translated the Quran in Hebrew? Who translated the Koran into Hebrew? tam vIqIHpu' 'e' vIQub. I think I've met Tom before. so do you know, 'and' do you knowQub. Nigro venkas. Black wins. Black wins. xu do nu'ospe Are you single? xu do'ospe ngeDqu' Qu'vam; ta'laH puq. This work is simple enough for a child to do. ngeDqu's What's the rest; ta's progress puq. Tiu ĉi tapiŝo estas pli valora ol tiu. This carpet is more valuable than that one. This tap is more valuable than this one. Ille puera blonde con capillos crispe veni de Sveda. That blonde girl with curly hair is from Sweden. They puera blonde con capillos crispe veni de Swedish. Ĉu vi parolis al iu? Did you speak to anybody? Did you speak to someone? ¿Com'isch-tu? How are you? ¿Com'isch-tu? Си ту воле те, ме аве алга де ло ен ла армарио. If you want tea, I have some in the cupboard. ← Ingredients pu pendo mi He was my friend. pu pendo mi Mi estas la meza el tri infanoj. I'm the middle child of three. I'm the middle of three children. Proque tu pensava que Tom amava heavy metal? Why did you think Tom liked heavy metal? Why did you like Tom amava heavy metal? In basso es un persona qui vole parlar con vos. A person who wants to speak with you has arrived downstairs. In bass is a person who wants to talk to you. Tikob das kanol yufön Tomase. I think you can help Tom. Tikob das canol yufön Tomase. Ĉu via lernejo estas malproksima de via hejmo? Is your school far from your home? Is your school far from your home? Ilu esas dankiva pro vua afableso He is thankful for your kindness. Illu is grateful for your afable De cuando me ia es peti, me ama vade a mar con me familia. Since I was little I have loved going to the sea with my family. De cuando me ia es peti, me ama vade a mar con me familiar. Si io es lo que io habe e si io perde lo que io habe, alora qui es io? If I am what I have and if I lose what I have who then am I? Si io es lo que io haero e si io perde lo que io haero, po qui es io? Quel lingue vu parla in vor land? What language do you speak in your country? Quel lingue vu parla in vor land? Tomon forkaptis eksterteruloj. Tom was abducted by aliens. Tom caught out outsiders. da'i mu'i ma su'o da prezerle'a ra Why would anybody kidnap him? da'i mu'i ma su'o da prezerle'a ra Ŝi jam de longe konis lin. She has known him for a long time. She knew him for a long time. fe xo lo dakli do se kansa How many bags do you have? fe xo lo dakli do se kansa turqIya' Hol jatlh'a' joH? Does the lady speak Turkish? Let's move out! You're all right? Hodie il ha plus buddhistas in Germania que personas qui sape facer un bon pastisseria al chocolate. There are more Buddhists in Germany today than people who know how to make a good chocolate cake. Hodie il ha plus buddhistas in Germany que people qui know to do a good pastiseria al chocolate. Io crede que illa non venira. I think she will not come. Io crede que illa non venira. Ме ес ен ла медиа де препара кафе. I'm making coffee. ← Ingredients Recipes Ingredients Yo savet que it ne esset tu. I knew it wasn't you. Yo savet que it ne esset tu. Ili luktas ŝultro ĉe ŝultro. They are wrestling shoulder to shoulder. They struggle shoulder at shoulder. jaginai ti nu traide gi ko se prali lo zmarai ra If this be treason, make the most of it. jaginai ti nu traide gi ko se prali lo z minimal ra jImejnIS, paS! I must go, it's late! Exiting... xu lo panka cu stuzi so'i tricu Are there many trees in the park? xu lo panka cu stuse so'i Acu mi pu zvati lo ckule I was at school. mi pu zvati lo ccule Mi jentaculo se ha resumite a alicun trenchos de ananas. I only had some pineapple for breakfast. I jentacle if ha summed up to a bit of pineapples. ra se cfila gi'e ku'i se nelci mi She has her faults, but I like her. ra se philila gi'e ku'i se nelki mi wa' vIneH! I want one! All right, let's go! La puerino sugas sua fingro. The little girl is sucking her finger. The puerino sucks her finger. mujuStaHvIS mubejbe'. He passed by without looking at me. It was very lucky that it was very short. pu urja It was urgent. _Other Organiser Usa simplemente le mie pro le momento. Just use mine for now. Use simply le mie for the moment. Me come favas. I eat beans. I how to do. Nos ha jam prendite plen conscientia del periculos que curre le fumator passive. We are becoming very aware of the dangers of secondhand smoke. We have already taken full awareness of the periculates that the smoker is running past. Hay mult birerías in Bavaria. There are a lot of breweries in Bavaria. Hay mult brewerías in Bavaria. Tan stonante! How amazing! Tan stoning! Tom ĉesis plori. Tom stopped crying. Tom stopped crying. Tu adjuta a me deveni de plus in plus necessari! Your help is becoming more and more necessary for me! Your help to me come from more in addition necessary! .e'o cusku krefu Please say that again! .e. cusku crefu Mi volas studi la historion de Japanujo en la universitato. I want to study Japan's history at university. I want to study Japan's history at university. Tom volas reiri al Boston. Tom wants to go back to Boston. Tom wants to go back to Boston. Li pikis sin per kudrilo. He pricked himself with a pin. He picked himself with a cutter. Mi preferet color es rubi. My favorite color is red. I prefer color is ruby. Tomo plukas oranĝojn. Tom is picking oranges. Tom rains oranges. ti mutce xamgu pemci I call that some poem. ti mutce xamgu pemci Io vide un blanc leon. I see a white lion. I see one blank lion. Mary. To es mi nómine. Mary. That's my name. Mary. To be my name. Mia malgranda frato havas dek du jarojn. My kid brother is twelve. My little brother has twelve years. tlhoy 'ughmo' buq nIteb vIqenglaHbe'. The bag was too heavy for me to carry by myself. recent 'ughmo' buq vasteb favaqeng fundabe'. La pueri sorgas ta hundo. The children take care of that dog. The puers smile such a dog. ghItlhlaHbe' 'ej laDlaHbe'. She cannot write or read. Authorize the future of the 'and continue to live'. Yo cadet sur li terra, e plorat por li unesim vez in mi vive. I fell to the ground, and cried for the first time in my life. Yo cadet on li earth, e cryat por li unesim vez in mi vive. Yo va nequande haver un filio. I will never have a son. Yo va unquante have un filio. Mi eble lasis mian ombrelon en la aŭtobuso. I may have left my umbrella in the bus. I may have left my umbrella in the bus. Esque it esset pluviosi in London? Was it rainy in London? Esque it esset pluvies in London? 'eSpanya' Hol lujatlh. They speak Spanish. You have an insight into the Hole of the ten of clubs. le jalge no'e xamgu The result won't really be good. le jalge no'e xamgu mi jinvi lo du'u ko'a ba zanru I'm sure he would approve. mi jinvi lo du'u ko'a ba zanru Li nase de Tom esset rubi. Tom's nose was red. Li nase de Tom esset rubi. Kiom devas pagi unu persono por tiu ekskurso. How much is this tour per person? How much one person has to pay for this tour. India es un land in developation. India is a developing country. India is a country in development. Alga de mundo no ave vergonia. Some people have no shame. Alga de world no ave vergonia. Анаркистес креде ке сосиа поте фунсиона пар аида мутуа. Anarchists believe society can function by mutual aid. ← Ingredients Recipes Como osa vos parlar me assi? How dare you speak to me like that? How do you talk to me so? qaStaHvIS qImroq tuj vIraS vIjaH. During the summer, I will go to France. Let's go, let's go! Mi razontas min. I'm going to go shave. I'm going to reason me. ua o'u lo cuntu cu se snada I was relieved to know that the operation was a success. one or another, if you want to change the program at once, or then we should change the program at once. e'a do lacri ra You may rely on him. e'a do lakri ra Mi malŝatas labori. I hate working. I dislike to work. Qaqbej tam. Tom certainly is pretentious. Qaqbej as well. Tame tir bula. The Universe is a mystery. Tame tira bula. Ni ĉiuj amuziĝas. We all have fun. We're all fun. Yo ne va auxiliar te. I will not help you. Yo ne va auxiliary te. 'IrneH ghaH SoSwI' loDnI''e'. The brother of my mother is my uncle. 'IrneH ghaH SoS o'clock. Jane iris promeni kun sia hundo. Jane took her dog for a walk. Jane went to walk with her dog. Ni devintus starigi pli da demandoj. We should've asked more questions. We should have asked more questions. Tu es un puero. You're a boy. Tu es un puero. Voms at binofs stenüdik. These women are strong. Voms at binofs stenüdik. not yImev! Never leave. not yImev! Esque nunc tu ascolta musica? Are you listening to music? Esque now tu ascolta musicica? xagycai tadji lo nu pedbi'o It's a great way to make friends. xag Calculators tadji lo nu pedbi'o Io sape lo que io facera. I know what I'll do. Io sape lo que io facia. Vay, itabudel ! Close your eyes, please. Vay, itabudel! Me es sempre fatigada. I'm always tired. I'm always made. ma jdima lo vi junla What is the price of this watch? but jdima lo vi junla Tom estas bona kliento. Tom is a good customer. Tom is a good customer. Al Tomo mankas lia filino. Tom misses his daughter. To Tom's missing his daughter. jIwoch 'ach SoH woch law' jIH woch puS. You're even taller than I am. projectwoch 'ach SoH woch law' Longer wowch meaning. Binob gudikün. I'm the best. Binob gudikün. Esque tu labora? Are you working? Esque tu labora? Monon li havas, sed feliĉa li ne estas. He has money, but he's not happy. Money he has, but happy he is not. Mia retkonekto sporade havas problemojn. My connection has sporadic problems. My Internet connection has problems. Voluntez ne esar tarda. Please don't be late. Willn't be late. le pa nanla ca te vecnu lo pa gerku The boy buys a dog. le pa nanla ca te vez lo pa gerku Io crede que io comprende. I think I understand. I think something understands. .i da detri le djedi pe ba zi zi'e ne du'i le nu mi jbena My birthday is coming soon. .i da de detri le mane pe ba zzi'e ne du'i le nu mi jbena lo do ckiku ma zvati Where are your keys? lo do ckikku ma zvati chut tIQ 'oH. This is an ancient law. chut tIQ ' race. pongDaj vIqawbe'chu'. I can't remember his name. pongDaj favaqawbe'chu'. naDev bIghoSlaH'a'? Can you come? Are you sure you want to continue? qatlh 'oH Daje'ta'? Why did you buy it? Let's go! That's the universe! La ĉemizo de Lanjo estis kovrita de sango. Layla's shirt was covered in blood. Lanjo's shirt was covered by blood. ue mi cirko lo datni Oh, I lost the data! ue mi cirko lo biatai Mi havas aŭton. I've got a car. I have a car. lo bai selfu pu se pilno bu'u lo gugde'usu co'u lo 1865 moi nanca Slavery in the United States was not abolished until 1865. bai self- workstation bu'u gugde'us co'u lo 1865 moi Years Ilu havas korbedo di fragi. He has a basket full of strawberries. Ilu has a basket of flags. Tokkane tit batcoba rodekallanit ? How can we get to the bottom of it? Tokkane tit batcoba rodeallanit ? Pro un ration o un altere, lor vacantias in Francia non satisfaceva le expectationes. For one reason or another their holiday in France didn't come up to expectations. For one reason or another, their holiday in France does not satisfy the expectations. Cercante le auro, le alchimistas discoperiva multe altere cosas de plus grande valor. The alchemists in their search for gold discovered many other things of greater value. Searching the gold, the alchimists discover much other things of a larger value. Tom volas vidar sua filiulo. Tom wants to see his son. Tom wants to see her daughter. Mi faris tion multefoje. I did it many times. I did that a lot of time. Le rapiditate con que ille se moveva nos stupefaceva. The rapidity with which he moved astonished us. Le quickity con que il se moveva nos stupefaceva. Maria äsiedof ed ädlinof kafi. Mary sat and drank her coffee. Mary äsiedof and ädlinof kafi. Mi pensas, ke ĝi estas bona projekto. I think it's a good project. I think it's a good project. Mea boko sikeskis. My mouth was dry. My mouth sikeskis. Va jaftol atayá. I killed the cow. Va jaftol atayá. Sin vostre adjuta io ha nulle occasion. Without your help, I have no chance. Sin vostre helpo io ha nulle occasionion. Avo garo am man theled? Why not? Water yarn am man laled? Ille non se fide plus al doctor. He doesn't trust the doctor any more. They're not confident in addition to doctor. fi la.tokion. fa la.lyndyn. cmalu Compared to Tokyo, London is small. fi la.tokion. fa la.lyndyn. cmalu Mi studas ankaŭ la bengalan. I study Bengali, too. I also study the Bengali. Омид ес бахаи. Omid is Baha'i. It's all right. DatI'ta''a'? Did you fix it? DatI'ta'? Ella havet un bebé. She had a baby. Ella havet un bebé. Quon vu regardas? What are you looking at? What do you watch? Ille dice le mesme cosas desde quando io faceva le cognoscentia de ille. He's been saying the same things since I first met him. They say the same thing since I've made the cognoscent of them. do xendo prenu You're a kind person. So xendo take Le enthusiasmo succedente cata occasion que le ballon blanc agita le rete pote parer mysterio o follia, ma on debe tener in conto que le miraculo occurre poco. The enthusiasm that occurs every time the white ball hits the net may seem mysterious or crazy, but it must be kept in mind that the miracle happens infrequently. Le enthusiasmo succedente every occasion que le ballon blanc agitate le net can pair mysterio or follia, but on must hold in account that the miracle occurred poco. qatlhej 'e' DanaD'a'? You mind if I join you? Let's go 'e' DanaD'? Manjo ĵetis sian mansakon sur la liton. Mary threw her purse on the bed. Manjo threw his hand bag on the bed. Ka tu iros a la festo tanokte? Will you go to the party tonight? Are you going to the party tonight? Io sovente passa mi tempore libere a ascoltar musica. I often spend my free time listening to music. It often past my time free to listen music. Ne, sidiĝu. No, sit down. No, sit down. Io a vices non pote non demonstrar mi emotiones. Sometimes I can't help showing emotions. Io a vices can't demonstrate my egos. Ла вирус ла плу мал ес капиталисме. The worst virus is capitalism. ← Ingredients lo karce pe lo famti be mi cu sutra zmadu lo mi co'e My uncle's car is faster than mine. lo carce pe lo famti be mi cu sutra zmadu lo mi co'e Nanyë yaulë. I am a cat. Nanyǒ" yauulǐ". Le morte non es extinguer le luce; il es solmente disconnecter le lampa proque le aurora ha arrivate. Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come. The die is not an extinguisher le luce; it is only disconnecter le lampa proque le aurora ha arrrivate. ma velkla ti fo do How did you come here? but velk ti fo do Vua vizito gayigas il. Your visit has cheered him. Your visit enjoys it. Yo es conservativ. I'm conservative. Yo es conservativ. Ili festis lian sukceson, malŝtopante botelon da vino. They celebrated his success by opening a bottle of wine. They celebrated his success, leaving a bottle of wine. Toĉjo kaj Manjo diras, ke ili ne havos sufiĉe da tempo por fari tion. Tom and Mary say they won't have time to do that. Tommy and Manjo say they will not have enough time to do so. Li situation es tre mal. The situation is very bad. He situation is very bad. Me volis salvar Tom. I wanted to save Tom. I wanted to save Tom. Malamiko de "bona" estas 'pli bona". The enemy of "good" is "better". An enemy of "good" is 'better". Le blau del celo se reflecte in le mar. The blue sky is reflected in the sea. The target's black if reflected in the sea. Se ili volas partopreni, ili devas diri al li, ne al mi. If they want to participate they should tell him, not me. If they want to participate, they must tell him, not me. Illes le appoiava material- e spiritualmente. They gave him both material and spiritual support. They leave appoiava material- and spiritually. Ni devas prizorgi problemojn pli gravajn. We have bigger problems to worry about. We need to take care of problems more important. mi ba'o cpedu tu'a le za'u mei I've already ordered them. mi ba'o cpedu tu'a za'u mei Binob men ut, kel ägivom etosi ome. I'm the one who gave him that. Binob men ut, kel ägivom ethos ome. Tomo respektatas de ĉiu. Tom is respected by everyone. Tom respects from everyone. Mi ne plu timas vin. I'm not scared of you anymore. I'm no longer afraid of you. Ille recipeva un littera recommendate. He received a registered letter. They get one font recommended. mi na djuno lo satci ni lo vi cripu cu clani I don't know the exact length of this bridge. mi na Addno lo satci ni lo vi cripu cu clani Ni ĉiuj tremis en la akra frosto. We were all shaking from the bitter cold. We were all dismayed in the sharp cold. Li Republica de China es un democratic state. The Republic of China is a democratic state. He Republic of China is a democratic state. Tom debe multe moneta a Mary. Tom owes Mary a lot of money. Tom owes much money to Mary. Dochvam yajlaHbe' puq val je. Even an intelligent child couldn't understand this. Doch the ya livebe' puq val je. go'o .i na go'i The following sentence is true. The preceding sentence is false. go'o .i na go'i Ille tentava coragiosemente facer fronte a su detention como hostage. He tried to brave it out while held as a hostage. They try to bravely do face to their detention as a hostage. Esque ille bibe caffe? Is he drinking coffee? And that's the Bible? Me objecionas traktesar tale. I object to being treated like that. I objectize to treat such. muQoybej. She'll definitely hear me. muQoybej. La knabo manĝas panon. The boy is eating bread. The boy eats bread. Me odias vidar tu tala. I hate seeing you like this. I hate to see your talents. wa'maH Holmey jatlhlaH. She is able to speak ten languages. Under extreme conditions, we have fossils of view. do ponse lo vi cukta This book is yours. therefore, Owner La plado turmentis mian stomakon. The dish told on my stomach. The dish upset my stomach. motlh 'oH 'e' Qub. He thinks that's normal. That's the universe that we think about the universe. ca ma lo munje cu tolcfari When will the world come to an end? This but it's so much _Start Li tre penadis akiri elstaran poentaron. He used to try very hard to get straight As. He was very hard to get an excellent score. sei lakne ko'a cusku lo jitfa He tends to tell lies. se lakne ko'a cusku lo jitfa DaraQlaHbe'. You can't handle it. DaraQ fundabe'. .i carvi na ja nai kelci In the event of rain, the game will not be held. .i carvi na ja nai kelci Tom pare malcontente. Tom seems to be dissatisfied. Tom seems ill-content. Tote le duo son occupate. Both of them are busy. All the two sound busy. puH DujlIjDaq ghogh HablI' tu'lu'be''a'? Don't you have a phone in your car? We are the only intelligent beings in the universe? la mikce cu ze'e ve'e litru The Doctor travels through all space and time. the mince cu zé'e vé litru Io pensa que tu es stupide. I think you're stupid. Io pensa que tu es stapide. Esce tu sabe nada? Can you swim? And that's your wisdom? la'o ca'o citka lo nanba Millie is eating bread. la'o ca'o citka lo naba Vi parolos la hispanan flue! You're going to speak Spanish fluently! You'll talk Spanish fluently! Maria labora en un supramercato. Mary works in a supermarket. Mary working in one upper market. SengmeH nughoSta'. He's come to make trouble. SengmeH nughoSta'. dei se ponse mi This sentence is mine. the owner of me Les manja chokolate. They eat chocolate. Les manja chocolate. mi nitcu lo nu tavla ko'a I've got to speak to him. mi nitcu lo nu tavla ko'a 'eSpanya' Hol DaghojmoHtaH'a'? Are you teaching Spanish? 'evany' Hol Daghojm is your mouth? xu da gerku gi'e citka lo narseljukpa finpe Are there dogs that eat raw fish? xu da gerku gi'e citka lo nnarseljukpa finpe Tu debe mangiar alimentos nutritive. You have to eat nutritious foods. You must eat food nutrients. Oni atakas vian kastelon. Your castle is under attack. You attack your castle. yItaH 'ej bIQap. Stick with it and you'll succeed. yI're entering 'ej bIQap. Ille jorno venira. That day shall come. They yorno venina. Li estas sur malĝusta vivovojo. He's on a bad path. He's on a wrong life path. qeS QaQmo' qatlho'. Thanks for the good advice. I think I'm sorry. Bill ne estas tiel alta kiel Bob. Bill is not as tall as Bob. Bill is not as high as Bob. Ŝi volas vendi sian aŭton. She wants to sell her car. She wants to sell her car. Il es prohibite piscar hic. Fishing is prohibited here. You're forbidden from piscar here. re ninmu cu simxu lo ka slabu The two women know each other. re nìmu cu simxu lo ka slabu vaQ ghaH. She is aggressive. vaQ ghaH. La sitelo plenis de akvo. The bucket was full of water. The bucket filled with water. Si tu invita le, il va probabilmen venir. If you invite him, he'll probably come. Si tu invite le, il va probablemen venir. Estas la sepa kaj tri kvaronoj. It's quarter to eight now. It's the seventh and three quarters. Esce vos gusta acel pais? Do you like that country? Esce vos gusta acel pais? Me ne esas mediko. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a physician. le patfu be ra cu ponpre His father is Japanese. le patfu be ra cu ponpre Drumbaca mo Tatoeba ! Welcome to Tatoeba! Drumbaca mo Tatoeba! La vivo estas spegulo! Life is a mirror! Life is a mirror! Li ne forestos longe. He won't be away for long. He won't go far. Vi malodoras. You stink. You're disgusting. qaStaHvIS yInwIj 'oplogh jIQagh. I've made several mistakes in my life. I'll take my answers to my questions. Ĉu vi ne diros tion al Tomo? Aren't you going to tell Tom? Don't you say that to Tom? Kiu estas via preferata gitaristo? Who's your favorite guitarist? Who is your favorite guitarist? no da jimpe fi mi Nobody understands me. no da jimpe fi mi Le aquila es blanc. The eagle is white. Le aquila es blanc. La kabloj kondukas elektron. Wires carry electricity. The cables drive electricity. lo nu draci ku ti'u ma cfari What time does the play begin? lo nu traci ku ti'u ma _Start Diwura kake batcoba tir, ~ grenyafa puda mal tari kalir. There is sorcery behind this, said a sinister voice coming from the crowd. Diwura kake batcoba pull, ~ grainyafa puda mal tari calir. Tuvolöd kati. Find the cat. Tuvolöd cats. Tom nequande menti. Tom never lies. Tom never lies. Tomo estis mortigita per subgrunda eksplodilo. Tom was killed by a land mine. Tom was killed by an underlying explosion. On non deberea jammais haber permittite que Tom faceva illo. Tom should never have been allowed to do that. You should never have allowed Tom to do it. Me va lua un auto. I am going to rent a car. I va lua un car. Tomo volas vidi sian filon. Tom wants to see his son. Tom wants to see his son. Kiu malmendis? Who canceled? Who's upset? Io debe pensar super isto. Io va tentar trovar un altere maniera de dicer lo. I'll need to think about it. I'll try to come up with another way to word it. I need to think about this. I'll try to find one other way to say it. Ĉu vi estas sola hejme? Are you home alone? Are you alone at home? Mi ne kutimas je tia konduto. I don't usually do that. I don't tend to do such behavior. su'o mobyterle'i ctuca cu jibri sidju ije su'o dusygu'a jitro cu ctuca ije ku'i no jitro cu jibri sidju Some underpaid professors are also secretaries, and some overworked administrators are professors, but no administrator is a secretary. su'o mobyterle'i ctuca cu jibri sidu ije su'o dusgilo'a jitro cutuca ije ku no jitro cu jibri sidu Helpemaj komentoj pri la nova desegno estas tre bonvenaj. Constructive feedback about the new design is very welcome. Help comments on the new design are very welcome. Noi previdet li guerre. We foresaw the war. Noi previdet li guerre. ti fanri loi keltci They make toys at this factory. ti fanri lo keltci Forsan iste fin de septimana nos poterea ir al plagia insimul. Maybe this weekend we could go to the beach together. Perhaps this end of week we might go to the plagiarism together. Tom non fuma herba. Tom doesn't smoke weed. Tom does not smoke grass. Pelolöd kisi kanol. Pay what you can. Pelolöd kiss canol. HIq nov Daghaj'a'? Do you have a foreign beer? Is your new Dagha'a? 'oy'taH Qay'wI'wIj. I have a pain in my little toe. That's what you all say, that's my concern. On debe no usa la parola "ge" como un insulta. You shouldn't use the word "gay" as an insult. You must not use the word "ge" as an insult. Tom sin dubita sape que Maria es in le hospital. Tom certainly is aware that Mary is in the hospital. Tom no doubt knows that Mary is in the hospital. La homoj preskaŭ ĉiam reagas samamaniere al la frustriĝo. People almost always react to frustration in the same way. People almost always react the same way to the frustration. Tom vieleon "baseball" gilutiur. Tom plays baseball every day. Tom vieleon "baseball" gilutiur. le pa mlatu ca jersi le ricyratcu The cat chases the squirrel. le pa mlatu ca jerssi le ricyratcu Tom es un old amico. Tom is an old friend. Tom is an old friend. la'oi Emi xamgu nixli Emi is a good girl. Emi xamgu nixli Rigardu tiun virinon tie! Check out the woman over there! Look at that woman there! puH Duj Say'moH. I washed the car. A few Say's Thanks. vIpoQbe'. I don't need them. lifelongQbe'. lo xrula purdi ku nitcu lo nu dunda ri lo djacu The flower garden needs watering. lo xru purdi ku nitcu lo nu dunda ri lo dquo Nos sape pauco super le vita private de illa. We know little about her personal life. We know pauca over le vita private de illa. Mi sestra es famosi. My sister is famous. I see it's famous. QaQqu' matHa'! What a good shot! QaQqu' matHa! ghot mIgh ghaH Sa'mIy'e'. Sami is an evil person. ghot mIgh ghaH Sa'mIy'e'. La trafikal acidento eventis sur la choseo. The traffic accident took place on the highway. The traffic accident took place on the cose. mi pinxe lo ckafi I drink coffee. mi pinxe lo ckafi Me vade a la plaia a multe veses. I often go to the beach. I am going to the beach to many times. Noi eat a London. We went to London. We age London. lo'e verba ku sutra lo nu ri banro Children grow very quickly. Kids whose kind of guy Ŝi vendas marajn konkojn ĉe la mara bordo. La konkoj, kiujn ŝi vendas certe estas maraj konkoj. Do, se ŝi vendas konkojn ĉe la mara bordo, sendube la konkoj, kiujn ŝi vendas, estas marbordaj konkoj. She sells seashells by the seashore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, I'm sure the shells she sells are seashore shells. She sells sea cones on the seaboard. The cones she sells are certainly sea cones. So, if she sells cones at the seaboard, probably the cones she sells are coastal cones. Marta ama te. Marta loves you. Marta ama te. Scrive tuа nom. Write your name. Write your name. Tom conose cadun. Tom knows everybody. Tom conose caddun. Il me placerea vider un die le terra ab le spatio. I'd like to see the earth from space one day. Il me placere vide un die le earth ab le spatio. Es triste. It's sad. It's sad. Latvaj knabinoj estas inter la plej bonaj knabinoj en la mondo! Latvian girls are among the best girls in the world! Latvian girls are among the best girls in the world! loDnI'wI' QanwI' jIH'a'? Am I my brother's keeper? I grant no indulgences. You play chess, do you not? .ei ma'a kurji loi me ma'a laldo We must provide for our old age. .ei ma'a curji loi ma'a laldo De cuando Ricardo es sposida? Since when is Ricardo married? De cuando Ricardo es sposida? Nun es fame. Nobody's hungry. Now it's famous. Ĉu vi vere volas okupiĝi pri tiu ĉi laboro dum la cetera parto de via vivo? Do your really want to be doing this job for the rest of your life? Do you really want to be involved with this work during the rest of your life? La parlad ofte pri nusen maledictione. She often spoke about our curse. The parlad often about nusen curse. parmaqqayDaj yatlhmoH. He got his girlfriend pregnant. parmaqayDaj ya thank you very much. Hastez, Tom! Hurry up, Tom. Haste, Tom! Li tempe es mal. The weather is bad. He storms is bad. Mi montros al vi mian ĵus aĉetitan aŭtomobilon. I'll show you the car I've just bought. I'll show you my newly bought car. In vice de mangiar hic, que nos va a casa. Instead of eating here, let's go home. In vice de mangiar here, que nos va a casa. Mi estis en superbazaro. I was at the supermarket. I was in a supermarket. Sin tu adjuta io non ha ulle occasion. Without your help, I don't have a chance. Sin tu helpo io ne ha any occasion. Do'Ha' DachtaH. Unfortunately, she is absent. So it's a Dach to suppress. Magdalena ed Ania esas bon amiki. Magdalena and Ania are good friends. Magdalene and Ania are good friends. Том ес ун шовинисте. Tom is a chauvinist. It's what it's like. Ĉu vi scias ion pri Aŭstralio? Do you know anything about Australia? Do you know anything about Australia? Li lacas post siaj kursoj de germana. He's feeling tired after German class. He runs after his courses of German. Quande ariva ti avion in Narita? When does this plane reach Narita? Quande ariva ti plane in Narita? Ĉi tiu estas unu el la plej bonaj komputiloj, kiujn mono povas aĉeti. This is one of the best computers that money can buy. This is one of the best computers money can buy. vIraS Hol'e' jatlh qabDu' law'. French is spoken by many. That's what you all say, but I can't see your questions. No! No! No! Ме ес ен ла медиа де боли акуа. I am boiling water. ← Vu povas elektar to, quon vu volas. You may choose whichever you want. You can choose everything you want. Tom alacremente mangiava le malo que io le dava. Tom eagerly ate the apple I gave him. Tom alacrete mangiava le malo que io le dava. mIgh; molor rur. She's just evil. mIgh; molor rur. Он аве плу ка дудес мил спесиес коноседа де плантас комабле ен ла мундо. There are more than twenty thousand known species of edible plants in the world. ← Ingredients Un cirotera volante en la sielo sembla un papilio. A bat flying in the sky looks like a butterfly. One circuit flying in the seal sembble one paper. Me lektas un libro. I am reading a book. I read one book. Kion vi pensis, dum vi renkontis min je la unua fojo? What did you think when you actually met me for the first time? What did you think when you met me at the first time? Olu ne es la vera kozo. It's not the real thing. Olu is not the actual boil. La om ia mostra a me sua colie de selos. He showed me his stamp collection. The om ia showing me her colie de selos. la .tom. cu ponse lo bralai jdini Tom has a lot of money. la .tom. cu pons lo bralai jdini Il ne es plu interessat in me. He's no longer interested in me. Il es no plu interessat in me. Tulipoj floros baldaŭ. Tulips will bloom soon. Tulips will flourish soon. Me montros a vu quale peskar. I'll show you how to catch fish. I'll show you how to fish. Ŝi taksiis al la malsanulejo. She took a taxi to the hospital. She estimated the hospital. Illo probabilemente es plus que bastante. That's probably plenty. It's probably more than pretty much. Me prepara cafe. I'm making coffee. I'm preparing a cafe. Esque vu vole partir un orange? Do you all want to share an orange? Esque you want to share one orange? Ŝi kutime dormas dum ok horoj. She usually sleeps for eight hours. She usually sleeps for eight hours. la koknoc. terdi lai klingon. Qo'noS is the home planet of the Klingons. Thank you very much. Ne chascun posse esser un poete. Not everybody can be a poet. Don't chascun posse will be a poet. je'a jetnu Indeed, it's true. je'a jetnu Tancavë. Yes. Tanciavë. Me aprende turces. I'm learning Turkish. I grab turces. .e'a pei mi co'a kansa Can I join? .e'a pei mi co'a kansa Abesh withetha woho wa. All belongs to all. Abesh withethha wooho wa. Sami bibe. Sami drinks. Sami Bible. Нос студиа мусика. We study music. It's what it's like. Mi ŝatus demandi. I would like to ask. I would like to ask. Mi ŝatus pli simili al vi. I'd like to be more like you. I would like to look more like you. Qui compra it? Who's buying? Qui compra it? tai ku transite fa lo gloriia co munje Thus passes the glory of the world. tai ku transite fa lo gloria co mundi Li kredas min ĵaluza. He thinks I'm jealous. He believes me jealously. ko na cpedu tu'a lo jdini mi Don't ask me for money. co na cpedu tu'a lo jdini mi Tom dicis ke ilu ne savis quo Mary volis ke ilu komprir. Tom said he didn't know what Mary wanted him to buy. Tom said that they didn't know what Mary wanted them to comprehend. Tom senhaŭtigis sian genuon. Tom skinned his knee. Tom spared his knee. Tom pote apena come. Tom can barely eat. Tom can apena as well. Eo grêdd in ill sul anc gan ys yst llygen rhen. Eo grêdd in ill afur anc gan eo llw senh rhen. Eo grêdd in ill Dew anc gan ys yst tosen. I believe in the sun even when it is not shining. I believe in love even when I do not feel it. I believe in God even when He is silent. Eo grêd in ill sul anc gan ys yst lygen rien. Eo grêd in ill afur anc gan eo llw senh rien. Eo grêd in ill Dew anc gan ys yst tosen. chonuQmeH DaqaSmoHta''a' neH? Did you do that just to annoy me? Distant galaxies are in excellent progress. Mi neniam faris tian promeson. I never made such a promise. I never made such a promise. Sua moves ia stona nos par sua rapidia. His movements astonished us by their rapidity. Her move her stona nos par su rapidia. De cuando tu porta lentetas? Since when are you wearing contacts? De cundo tu porta lententes? Ta roko es tro pezoza por me por movar. This stone is too heavy for me to move. Such a rock is too heavy for me to move. Kiun vi serĉas, Tomo? Who are you looking for, Tom? Who are you looking for, Tom? Löfom slipön. He likes sleeping. Löfom slipön. Tom have un tatuage sur su péctor. Tom has a tattoo on his chest. Tom has one tatuage on his péctor. Li estas tre bona en Pokero. He is very good at poker. He is very good in Poker. Io voleva que io non haberea de incontrar te de novo. I wish I wouldn't have to meet you again. Something wants something that doesn't have to disable you from news. cha' veng rar Hevam. This road connects the two cities. cha' veng rar Hem. wa'leS jIHvaD nay' 'ey vut vavwI'. My father will prepare a tasty meal for me tomorrow. That's only what you're going to play, but you're going to play yourself. Kion vi preferas: teon aŭ kafon? Which do you like more: tea or coffee? What do you prefer: tea or coffee? Esque Vu vole partir un orange? Would you like to share an orange? Esque You want to share one orange? jItuS. I have a cough. Exiting. Kio estas la tasko de historiisto? What's the historian's duty? What is the task of a historian? lo nu do te cusku cu vajni It's important that you hear this. That's what you cusku cu comeni Tom esis che la chambro. Tom was in the room. Tom es che la chamber. Tom restas en kontakto kun Mary. Tom stays in touch with Mary. Tom remains in contact with Mary. Ella es tre alt. She's very tall. Ella is very high. ma se zvati lo do pampe'o Where's your boyfriend? ma se zvati lo do pampe'o Los va mata tu! They'll kill you! Los va mata tu! Esque il es felici? Is he happy? Esque il es felici? Mi sentas min malbonfartega. I really feel terrible. I feel bad. Pri patrino oni ĉiam certas. The mother is always certain. You're always sure of a mother. Mi scias, ke mi nenion scias. I know that I know nothing. I know I don't know anything. Tom es un soldate. Tom is a soldier. Tom is a soldier. Il me place viagiar in mi automobile. I like to travel with my car. Il me place vigiar in mi automobile. paqvam DalaDnIS. You must read this book. paqvam DalaDnIS. Le svedese es facile. Swedish is easy. The Swedish is easy. Yo espera que Tom va dir yes. I hope Tom says yes. Yo espera que Tom va dir yes. la tom cu marvele Tom is awesome. the tom cu marvele Li kvazaŭ konfesis sian kulpon. He as much as admitted his guilt. He as if he confessed his fault. Li-pükol Deutapüki u Nelijapüki? Do you speak German or English? Li-pücol Deutapüki u Nelijaapüki? Yo ama te! I love you! Yo ama te! Ille a vices pote esser un typo estranie. Sometimes he can be a strange guy. They can only be a guy who is training. Mi havas la impreson, ke mi jam dum jaroj konas Tomon. I feel as if I've known Tom for years. I have the impression that I already know Tom for years. Vi ne povas juĝi homojn laŭ ilia eksteraĵo. You can't judge people by their looks. You can't judge people according to their outside. Noi ne save exactmen quande it evenit. We don't know exactly when it happened. We don't know exactly how it became. Io non vole prender cura de un can. I don't want to take care of a dog. It does not want to take care of one dog. Tom prizas parolar pri la vetero. Tom likes talking about the weather. Tom asks to talk about the weather. be' qan ghogh 'oH. It's the voice of an old woman. That's me well. I think it's true. Mostra los a me. Show them to me. Most los a me. Ha'! tugh! Come on! Quickly! Ah! tugh! pagh loS poH. Time waits for no one. This is why it's going to pass. Löfob oli, o lanan obik. I love you, my angel. Löfob oli, or lanna obik. do nelci lo grute You like fruit. so don't sweet it down Es vos allergic a qualcosa? Are you allergic to anything? You're allergic at something? Tom ne ĉeestas. Tom is absent. Tom is not present. Isto es solmente un joco. This is just a game. This is only a bit. Esta esplica lo, sin alga duta. This explains it without a doubt. Esta esplica lo, sin alga duta. Liaj konsiloj ĉiam estas tre saĝaj. His advice is always very rational. His tips are always very wise. letqu'choH SerrumwIj. My earwax got very hard. That's what you Serrum my concern. Li actual presidente have mult ínamicos. The current president has many enemies. He current president has many ínamacos. Том ес ун модисте. Tom is a fashion designer. It's what it's like. Dano vidis ion suspektindan je la mateno, kiam Linjo mortis. Dan saw something suspicious on the morning Linda died. Dan saw something suspicious in the morning when Linjo died. Mi auto es in panna. My car has broken down. My car is in pan. Yo have un verdi camise. I have one green shirt. Yo have un verdi camise. la .tam. cusku lo sedu'u lo zu'o cilre lo fange bangu cu nandu Tom says that learning a foreign language is hard. the .tam. cusku lo seu lo zu'o cire lo fange bangu Hardu Ti valikans äbinons fredik. Almost everyone was happy. Ti vavalaks äbinos fredic. peQongchoHQo'! Don't fall asleep. peQongchoHQo! Li afable akceptis la penon sendi min hejmen. He kindly took the trouble to send me home. He afable accepted the pen to send me home. naDev mub naychuqghach Sawchuqghach je. Same-sex marriage is legal here. naDev mub naychuqghach Sawchuqghach je. lo za'i morsi cu simsa lo za'i sipna Death is similar to sleep. lo za's Dead cu simsa lo za'i sipna Es tu de accordo? Do you agree? Is you going to Okay? Admiration es nostre polite recognoscentia del similitude inter alicuno e nos mesme. Admiration is our polite recognition of another's resemblance to ourselves. Admiration is a nostre polite acknowledgement of the similarity between someone and ourselves even. Xam äbinom vemo nefikulik. The exam was very easy. Xam äbinom weather non-ficulic. Mi klarigos al vi kiel uzi ĝin, kiam mi revenos. I'll explain to you how to use it when I come back. I'll explain you how to use it when I come back. Tom parolis al mi en la franca. Tom spoke to me in French. Tom spoke to me in French. La teoria de Esplode Grande ia es proposada en 1927, e on ia crese lo en 1929. The theory of the Big Bang was proposed in 1927 and expanded in 1929. The theory of Esplode Great ia is proposed in 1927, and on its growth it in 1929. Ме воле сола ту. I only want you. It's just like it's all right. ti lanci This is a flag. ti spears 480 'uj'a' 'aD meH chu'. The new bridge will be as long as 1.5 km. 480 'uj'a' 'aD meH chu'. mi'a sipydji We're sleepy. mi'a sipydji Li forsan povas helpar ni. They might be able to help us. They may be able to help us. Tu va es multe calda en Brasil. You're going to be very hot in Brazil. Tu va es mult calda en Brasil. la tom na klama lo zarci Tom doesn't go to the market. the tom na clama lo zarci Еске Том иа дементи? Has Tom become crazy? Is it? ra'u xu cumki Is that even possible? ra'u xu cumki Ka tu parolas la Chiniana? Do you speak Chinese? Do you speak Chinese? Le film esseva interessante, como io habeva expectate. The movie was interesting, as I had expected. The film was interesting, as something had expected. Omni puellas ama cavalles. All girls love horses. Omni puellas ama cavalles. maDyar Hol jatlh ghaH 'ej DoyIchlan Hol jatlh ghaH. He speaks Hungarian and she speaks German. maDyar Hol ja vte ghaH 'ej DoyIchlan Hol jatlh ghaH. Toto esseva reducite a cineres. Everything was burnt to ashes. Toto was reduced to cinners. lutvam DaQoypu''a'? Have you heard this story already? This is the last part of your life. be'e pruxi Spirit, are you there? Thank you very much Том, еске ту ама анкора ме? Tom, do you still love me? It's all right? Tua fia es sieca? Is your daughter blind? Your fia es sica? Que pote il mancar al felicitate de un homine qui es con bon sanitate, sin debitas, e que habe un conscientia munde? What can be added to the happiness of a man who is in health, out of debt, and has a clear conscience? What can it be eaten to the happiness of a homine who is with good health, without debts, and that would have been a conscious world? Vi, un mercante advenit per cavalle, acompaniet de su servitor. There, a merchant arrived by horse, accompanied by his servant. You, one mercante advenit per cavalle, accompanied by his server. Li oldi homo morid in lesen chambre. The old person died in their room. Li oldi homo morid in lesen chambre. mi cpedu fi ko'a fe lo nu sidju mi I asked him to help me. I'm going to give you a little bit too much Un sol lingua nunquam suffice. One language is never enough. One single language nowquam enough. ra barda nanla He's a big boy. ra barda nanla Me ne iros al la lernejo sabate. I'm not going to school on Saturday. I won't go to school on Saturday. ko'a gleki lo nu pu snada ta poi nu kamjunmre He was happy that he passed that exam. ko'a gleki lo nu snada ta nu kamjunmre Man jönik binom kod gudik ad golön lü höl. A handsome man is a good reason to go to hell. Man jönik binom cod gudik to golön lü höl. Me va come un ovo conservada. I will eat century egg. I va as one egg preserved. Mi telefonis. I phoned. I called. zo'e cfari ca ma When does that start? _Start but On espera ce no va pluve a esta sera. Hopefully, it won't rain this evening. I hope we're mostly going to be there. Do ni amas frazi. Ma, ni amas lingui mem pluse. So we love sentences. But, even more, we love languages. So we love sentences. But, we love languages even more. le mi mensi cu di'i merli lo vo'a junta My sister is always weighing herself. le mi mensi cu di'i merli lo vo'a joint Io audiva un femina critante. I heard a woman screaming. Io audiva un femina critante. Omna kati belesas. All cats are beautiful. All cats get nice. mi carmi nelci lo nu mi sipna I love to sleep. mi carri neci lo nu mi sipna .o'o cu'i Enough! .o's key El debe vade. He must go. Let's go. Noi ridet e ridet. We laughed and laughed. We smile and smile. Фуми ес проибида сериа. Smoking is strictly prohibited. It's what it's like. jupwI' chu' ghaH. He's my new friend. Just thank you for each other. le nanmu poi mi viska cu mutce rajycla The man that I see is very tall. le nanmu poi mi viska cu mutce rajycla ti poi nanla ba sidju mi This is the boy who helped me. You don't think you're okay. Me gusta plu la nada ca la sci. I prefer swimming to skiing. I taste more the nada ca sci. qatru' ghaH. She's a nerd. Illu's ghaH. Me pagos por omno. I'll pay you for everything. I will pay for everything. na vajni mi fa lo nu do jdice lo ka te cmene mi makau It's not important to me what you decide to call me. This means I do so nu do jdice lo ka te Name mi makau To es marvelosi. It's wonderful. To es marvelosi. Kanob kanitön. I can sing. Kanob canitön. Ili conosse la. They know her. They will conosse la. Noi es chocat. We're shocked. We're chocat. wej Qorwagh ghaj pa'vam. This room has three windows. wej Qorwagh ghaj pa's last. En kiu trajno vi venis? What train did you come on? What train did you come in? la maris cu nelci lo ka jukpa lo nanba Mary likes to bake bread. the maris cu neulci lo ka jukpa lo nánba Bríd have li moné. Bríd has the money. Bríd have li moné. Ella es depresset. She's depressed. Ella is depresset. Lo morir ante tri mensus in Devonshire. He died three months ago in Devonshire. It die before three mensus in Devonshire. Tom ia trata Maria como un rea. Tom treated Mary like a queen. Tom's ever treated Mary as one rea. Esque tu sape delitterar "Massachusetts"? Can you spell "Massachusetts"? Esque tu sape delitterar "Massachusetts"? Li mortis aĝanta 54 jarojn. He died aged 54 years. He died aged 54 years. La senlaboreco plialtiĝas. Unemployment is rising. The unemployment increases. El es a la borda de un crise mental. She is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. El is to the edge of a crise mentality. bIQtIq retlhDaq ba'. He sat next to the stream. Professor, we don't really think about the universe. Mi malofte ridis tiel multe. I have rarely laughed so much. I rarely laughed so much. Esque tu have témpor? Do you have time? Esque tu have témpor? Tom es vermen alienat. Tom is really mad. Tom es vermen alienat. Ni atendos vin tie. We'll wait for you there. We'll wait for you here. le zdani poi romoi se xabju la .tam. The last house was Tom's residence. le zdani poi rooms se xabju la .tam. do na jimpe You don't understand. so na jimpe Io vole biber. I'm thirsty. It wants to biber. Нос но ес рика. We're not wealthy. It's all right. Ĉi tiu jetaviadilo vojaĝas trifoje pli rapide ol la rapido de sono. This jet travels about three times as fast as the speed of sound. This jet plane travels three times faster than the speed of sound. Ili aĝas proksimume 4 semajnojn. They're about 4 weeks old. They age approximately 4 weeks. Vi metu du kovrilojn sur la liton! Put two blankets on the bed. You put two covers on the bed! Suscrive tu nom ala. Sign your name there. Suscrive your name ala. La ujo povas esti la plej bona en Japanujo, sed se la enhavo estas triagrada, ĉu tio ne estas tute sensignifa? The container may be the best in Japan, but if the contents are third class, then isn't it completely meaningless? The medium can be the best in Japan, but if the content is third grade, isn't that completely meaningful? Mi volas montri ion al vi en la oficejo. I want to show you something in the office. I want to show you something in the office. Me vivar in Tokyo. I live in Tokyo. I live in Tokyo. Äfanons Tomi. They caught Tom. Äfanos Tomi. Esce tu ia conose meа padre? Did you know my father? Esce tu ia conose me pare? Le pisca es interdicte hic. Fishing is prohibited here. Le pisca es interdicte here. On ave alga cosa en la caxa. There's something in the box. On ave alga cosa in the kaxa. Mi neniam vidis tian grandan hundon. I've never seen such a big dog. I never saw such a big dog. No person es interesada. Nobody is interested. No person is interested. Cornwall es un celtic land. Cornwall is a Celtic country. Cornwall is a target country. Ne existas plusa spaco por plusa plubonigo en ica sistemo. There is no room for further improvement in this system. There is no additional space for additional enhancement in this system. Labol bukis tel. You have two books. Labol bukis tel. Ме ес ен Русиа. I am in Russia. It's all right. Strebu al feliĉo. Strive to be happy. Stretch to happiness. ta brablo That is a ship. ta brablo Joey representa le familia. Joey represents the family. Joey representative le family. La viro diris ĝin, kiam mi eniris. The man was saying it when I came in. The man said it when I entered. Lanjo provis mildigi la situacion. Layla tried to diffuse the situation. Lanjo tried to mitigate the situation. Tom ne esset maritat. Tom was unmarried. Tom is not married. do djica lo nu mo What do you want to do? do djica lo nu mo Quo tu pensa pri ti homes? What do you think of these people? What do you think about you homes? Estas preskaŭ la tempo enlitiĝi. It's almost time to go to bed. It's almost time to get stuck. Io vide un leon. I see a lion. I see one lion. Maria ave siles longa. Mary has long eyelashes. Mary ave siles long. Me grulojbanavú. I don't speak Lojban. Me grguibanavú. Ili faros erarojn. They're going to make mistakes. They will make mistakes. Nia frigorizilo esas ruptita. Our fridge is broken. Our fridge is broken. Mi simple estis ĝentila. I was just being polite. I've just been generous. bI'oj. You're thirsty. bI's. Io non succedeva a venir a causa de un forte cadita de nive. I failed to come on account of a heavy snowfall. Io non succedeva a venir a cause de un forte cada de nive. Li tro laboris kaj malsaniĝis. He worked too hard, and became sick. He worked too hard and sick. Noi parla francesi. We speak French. We speak French. Pos fa la seso anal con me xico de cor, nos debe usual lava bon nos. After having anal sex with my boyfriend, we usually need to have a good wash. After doing the sex anal with me xico de cor, we must usually wash good us. noda si'au ca'o tinju'i mi'ai No one seems to listen to us anymore. noda si'au ca'o tinju'i mi'ai Qual es vor nómine? What's your name? What is your name? Li cité capital de Ucraina es Kyiv. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev. Li cité capital de Ucraina es Kyiv. Yo ha obliviat alquó. I've forgotten something. Yo ha obliviat alquó. La konstruaĵo estas putra interne kaj ekstere. The building is rotten inside and out. The building is decayed inside and out. bIjatlh 'e' yImev qoH! Shut up, you idiot! But let's take answers to your questions! Pro quo vole vu devenir infirmera? Why do you want to be a nurse? Why do you want to become infirmary? Bonvolu, alportu al mi duonan botelon da vino. Please bring me a half-bottle of wine. Please bring me a half bottle of wine. La imperiestro ne portas ula vesti. The emperor doesn't have any clothes on. The emperor did not bear any clothes. Ni abordis la aeroplano. We went aboard the plane. We board the aircraft. Mi kapitulacas. I surrender. I'm capitulating. Jesus me enoia. Jesus annoys me. Jesus me enoa. Va te facer futuer! Go fuck yourself! Va te do futuer! Obs bofik älogobs etosi. We both saw it. Obs bofik älogobs ethos. Florence esseva pro me un boia de salvation super le mar del vita. Florence was for me a life buoy in the sea of life. Florence was for me a boy of salvation over the sea of the life. Mi vetas ke li koleriĝos. I bet he will get mad. I'm afraid he'll be angry. Ĉu manĝi malpli da viando estas bona ideo? Is eating less meat a good idea? Is eating less meat a good idea? Nansi es de London. Nancy is from London. Nansi is from London. Tu ha furate mi corde. You stole my heart. Tu ha furate mi corde. Il habitat six annus in Ankara. He lived in Ankara for six years. Il habitat six annus in Ankara. Mi matre dit sovente que témpor es moné. My mother often said that time is money. Mi matre dit often que témpor es moné. Ili va mortar te! They'll kill you! They're dead! Labob jisonis tel. I have two daughters. Labob jisonis tel. mo What's up? mo Illo esseva realmente un miraculo. It really was a miracle. It was really a wonderful one. Io crede que vos ha torto. I think that you're wrong. I think you have a cake. Il es ben possibile que tu vole postponer tu viage a Boston. You may want to consider postponing your trip to Boston. Il es ben possible que tu vole postponer tu viage a Boston. ghaH woch law' jIH woch puS. He is taller than I. ghaH woch law'Tear woch right. Omne veritate habe duo lateres; il es conveniente de examinar ambes ante de compromitter nos con un de illos. Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either. Every truth would have both layers; it is convenient to examine both before a commitment we with one of them. Ĉu vi jam legis ĉi tion? Have you read this yet? Have you read this? Un gala tan bela! What a show! One gala tan beautiful! Quale vu nomesas? What is your name? What are you naming? Tomo ankoraŭ estas ĉe sia avo. Tom is still at his grandfather's house. Tom is still at his grandfather. la ken cu djica lo ka ralte lo relxilma'e Ken wants a bicycle. the ken cu djica lo ralte lo relxilma'e Jim mastris la francan kaj la germanan. Jim mastered French and German. Jim mastered French and German. Satu'pu'be'. I didn't even notice you. Satu'pu'be'. Fode tu, buco de culo. Fuck you, asshole. Fode tu, a boy's mouth. .au mi tavla do I want to speak with you. .au mi tavla do cha' rav ngaSbogh qach vIDab. I live in a two story house. These are the people who are in charge of that which we should be able to share the city at all. au mi klama lo gugdejupu I wish I could go to Japan. au mi clamma lo gugdejupu xu do pu smusku lo nu do ralte lo mlatu Did you say you had a cat? xu do pu smusku lo nu do ralte lo mlatu juH vIlegh. I see a house. juH ficilegh. Kiomfoje mi ripetu tion? How many times do I need to repeat it? How many times do I repeat that? Tom have alquó in su valise por Mary. Tom has something in his suitcase for Mary. Tom has an alquó in his validity for Mary. Ĝi helpis min multege. It helped me a lot. It helped me a lot. Av-'osto, agorel vae. Don't worry, you did well. Av-'osto, agorel vae. Futuez tu! Fuck you! Futu yours! Tu me manca. I miss you. You eat me. Me ia es multe ansios sur tu. I was so worried about you. I'm a lot of years on you. Ĉu vi estas certaj, ke vi ne bezonas mian helpon? Are you sure you don't need my help? Are you sure you don't need my help? Le hacha es multo importante in le cultura american. The axe is very important in American culture. The hash is very important in the americanculture. Ka vi ultempe audis tala naraco? Have you ever heard such a story? Have you ever heard such a narrative? peghuntaH. Keep warm. peghun is entering. Quando la eveniva iste accidente? When did the accident happen to her? When did the old accident become? Ätifom moni. He stole the money. Ätifom moni. Vay, itabudec ! Close your eyes, please. Vay, itabudec! Lemol omis, no-li? You're buying those, right? Lemol omis, no-li? Ävilob jonön omes buki olik. I wanted to show them your book. Ävilleob jonön omes buki olik. pano da zo'u ko'a kakne lonu ce'u se bangu da He can speak ten languages. A pan of zo'u co'kne lon ce'u se bangu da Le homaros es crustaceos. Lobsters are crustaceans. The human beings are crustaces. Kial Tomo ŝatas labori ĉi tie? Why does Tom like working here? Why does Tom like to work here? Tio jam pli similas. That's more like it! That's more like it. ko kurji ki'u lo nu lo nanmu ku ralte lo celxa'i Careful, the man has a gun. ko curji ki'u lo nu lo nanmu ku ralte lo celxa'i Do ia es tua fia? Where was your daughter? So is that your daughter? do pu gunka se mau mi You worked more than I did. do pu gunka se mau mi Tom ia porta un masca. Tom wore a mask. Tom ia porta un masca. wa'leS SIS 'e' vItul. I hope that it rains tomorrow. wa'leS SIS 'and' facitul. me'rIy' vav ghaH tam'e'. Tom is Mary's father. me'rIy' vav ghaH tam'e'. Ĝi estas miraklo. It's a miracle. It's a miracle. Ille es toto honeste. He's thoroughly honest. They're everything honest. 'Imyaghmey ghughtaH vIghro'mey. The cats are meowing. It seems to have been an increasingly dangerous idea that we have come from! 'IvvaD bIvum? Who do you work for? 'Iv only bIvum? Su pelle es blanc pur. His skin is pure white. Su pelle es blanc pur. Mi ne estas certa, ĉu mi vere volas tion. I'm not sure whether I really want that. I'm not sure if I really want it. Proque in le nomine del celo ha tu facite isto? Why in the world did you do that? Why in the name of the goal have you done this? DuHbe'. It's impossible. Boot Options Io vole solmente tener su mano. I just want to hold her hand. I just want to hold his hand. Mi akuzis vin pri nenio. I wasn't accusing you of anything. I accused you of nothing. Ĉu iu ajn manĝos tion? Is anyone going to eat that? Any one will eat this? Omnu es responsanta pro sua agi. Everyone is responsible for his own actions. Everyone is responsible for her actions. Mi parolos al vi poste. I'll talk to you later. I'll talk to you later. Ŝi belas, inteligentas, kaj - plej grave - estas bonkora. She's beautiful, smart, and - most importantly - has a good heart. She's beautiful, smart, and - most important - it's kind. Tom povas kurar rapide. Tom can run fast. Tom can care quickly. Tomas e Maria no letoms ciles okik dunön etosi. Tom and Mary don't allow their children to do that. Tomas and Maria no letoms children eyes dunön ethos. Mi havas koramikinon. I have a girlfriend. I have a girlfriend. Yo pensa que il es felici. I think he's happy. Yo pensa que il es felici. La bus veni de parti. The bus just left. The bus came from parties. Ples dar me alquó por manjar. Please give me something to eat. The most harm me alquó to eat. Il ha nihil a mangiar. There's nothing to eat. Il ha nihil a mangiar. chaq lughbe'. Maybe that was wrong. Maybe Lughbe'. La observar men bon amike. She observes my good friend. The observation but good friends. It pluviat. It was raining. It rained. Mi ne kredas, ke ni estas malvenkantaj. I don't think we're losing. I don't think we're old. Li puellas hihicat. The girls giggled. Li puellas hihicat. Illa zezea un poco. She has a slight lisp. Illa zezea un poco. Tu rompe mea cor. You're breaking my heart. You break my heart. Ne tucha li herbe. Don't touch the grass. Not tucha li grass. Ŝi havas depresion. She's in a depression. She has a depression. Yo es Tom Hunter. I'm Tom Hunter. Yo es Tom Hunter. Mi ne memoras, kiu donis tion al mi. I don't remember who gave me this. I don't remember who gave me that. paq DalaDchugh, Hochlogh bIDub'egh. Every time you read a book, you will be the better for it. paq DalaD que, Hochlogh bIDub'egh. mach 'ej puj. He is small and weak. mach 'ej puj. ma judri do What is your address? ma judri do 'oHmo' nImuSHa' vumwI'pu'. That's why workers love you. That's true, you're going to pursue the universe. You're going to go through a human race. Yo ne vole far to. I don't want to do that. Yo don't want to do everything. Hieraŭ mi dum la tuta tago parkerigis anglajn vortojn. I learned English words by heart all day yesterday. Yesterday I throughout the day parked English words. Mi francese es merdose. My French is shitty. I'm French. Va jinaf dug deal !! Give me my sword. Va jinaf dug deal !! Rinaf sumepulvisikiotuk dulzeriskon zo sumepulvir. Your number doesn't answer. Rinaf sumepulvisikituk dulze risk zona sumepulvir. Doch lo'be'lu'taHchugh 'a pollu'taHchugh Dochvam nIHlu'. Property is theft. Doch it's 'the's future 'a pollution' knowledge DochspánsHlu'. DaHjaj QaQ muD Dotlh. The weather's nice today. Mierna QaQ muD can be created. Yo es cert que ella ama me. I'm sure she loves me. Yo es cert que ella ama me. poH DaghajDI' qalegh vIneH. I'd like to see you when you are free. Let's go, let's go, let's go! On ha succedite a eliger le como burgomaestro. They got him elected Mayor. On has succeeded in selecting the as a burgmaster. Mary rideva sub cappa. Mary giggled. Mary laughs under head. Kiom da vortoj estas en tiu ĉi frazo? How many words does this sentence have? How many words are in this sentence? Vi ne rajtas juĝi homojn laŭ ilia eksteraĵo. You can't judge people by their looks. You are not allowed to judge people according to their extinction. No pämotob ädelo. I wasn't born yesterday. No pämotob ädel. bIQongbe'nIS. You should not sleep. bIQongbe'nIS. Lerni la anglan estas peniga laboro. Learning English is hard work. Learning English is a penious job. Io me preoccupa de si un travalio tanto grande non es troppo difficile pro me. I'm concerned whether or not I can handle a big job like that. Io me worry de si un travalio tano grande es troppo difficile pro me. In Esperanto, le accento tonic incide semper super le penultime syllaba. In Esperanto, the main stress always falls on the second-to-last syllable. In Esperanto, le accent tonic incident semen over le penultime syllaba. Spikol-li Linglänapüki? Do you speak English? Spicol-li Linglänapüki? Me esas tre stabila geniozo. I'm a very stable genius. I am a very stable genius. se smadi mi fa lo nu la tom cu mitysisku do My guess is that Tom is looking for you. se smadi mi fa lo nu la tom cu mitysisku do do na ba morsi vau je'u pei You're not gonna die, eh? So a ba Dead vau je'u pei 'aSralya'Daq DIvI' Hol jatlhlu'. In Australia, they speak English. 'Sralya' is the only intelligent beings.' Mi tro longe estis ignorita. I've been ignored for too long. I was too long ignored. Esque noi posse auxiliar te? Can we help you? Esque noi posse auxiliary te? mi'ai djuno lo du'u do pu zukte ma kau We know what you did. mi'ai Addo lo du'u dou zukte ma kau ra su'o re'u zvati la.xokaidon. He has been in Hokkaido before. ra su'o re'u zvati la.xokaidon. Mi fikos vian pugon kaj vian buŝon. I'll fuck your ass and face. I'll make your fist and your mouth. La aktoro kaj la kuracisto estas malsanaj. The actor and the doctor are sick. The actor and the doctor are sick. Al kiu vi ĵus parolis? Who were you just speaking to? Who did you just speak to? tetDI' chuch, betgham moj. When ice melts, it becomes liquid. tetDI' chuch, betgham moj. jIDIlmeH Huch chaw' vIlo'laH'a'? Can I pay with a credit card? project is it that the universe is in space? La gato fa miau. The cat meows. The gat fa miu. Bela kelnerino servis nin. A pretty waitress waited on us. A beautiful waiter served us. А но темпо алгун иа ваде а ала е иа виве пер раконта ла нара. No one has ever been there and lived to tell the tale. ← La filmo nomata "Paranormal Activity" ne estis sufiĉe bona. The movie called "Paranormal Activity" was not that much good. The film called "Paranormal Activity" was not good enough. Huj 'e' Qub tam. Tom thinks that's strange. Huj 'e' Qub tam. Tom ia leje a alga loca ce persones basa nesesa plu de dormi ca persones alta. Tom read somewhere that short people need more sleep than tall people. Tom ia leje a alga loca ce persones low unhealthy more of sleep ca persones high. Binom fluk. It's a fruit. Binom fluk. Nosháad weman wáa. Winter is coming. Nosháad weman wáa. mi nalre'ucti I am a vegetarian. mi nalre'ukti Li policistes es ci. The cops are here. He police officers are you. Japanio ne estas tiel granda, kiel Kanado. Japan is not as large as Canada. Japan is not as big as Canada. Su parve fratre sempre le ha admirate. Tom's little brother has always looked up to him. On a small brother always le ha admirate. Tomo kaj la aliaj samopinias. Tom and the others agree. Allo and the others think. Forsan tu non pote audir me. Maybe you can't hear me. Perhaps you can't hear me. Ili amas ĝirafojn. They love giraffes. They love giraffes. Mi montros al vi kiel kapti fiŝon. I'll show you how to catch fish. I'll show you how to catch a fish. maSwov SIQlaHbe' 'ej HurghtaHghach SIQlaHbe'. She cannot bear moonlight and she cannot bear darkness. maSwov SIQ fundabe''s 'ej Hurghtasecru SIQ transformabe'. Lasu min bonvole rigardi la menuon. Please let me take a look at the menu. Let me please look at the menu. Ú es Paul? Where is Paul? It's Paul? Mia plano por la somero estas vojaĝi al Eŭropo. My plan for the summer is to go to Europe. My plan for the summer is to travel to Europe. Mi donis al Tomo iom da libroj por legi. I gave Tom some books to read. I gave Tom some books to read. Es le sue, nonne? It's his, isn't it? Is it so, right? Mi starantas. I'm standing. I'm standing. .i lo cmalu lekmi'i cu to'e jinsa The little fridge is dirty. .i lo maclu lekmi'i cu to'e jinsa .oi nai glare cakla Mmm, hot chocolate! .oi nai glare cacla mi termu'i lo ka limna I'm going to swim. mi termu'i lo kalimna Mea patro koquos por me delicoza repasto morge matine. My father will cook me a delicious meal tomorrow morning. My father coquos for me delicious repasto morge matine. Quetin ú quenyo. I don't speak Quenya. Quetin ú quenyo. SoSlI' DaboQnIS. You must help your mother. SoS Programming DaboQnIS. motlh ghotI' tlhol Sopbe' 'evnganpu'. Generally speaking, Westerners don't eat fish raw. Send me to the last time. mi''a na ka'e viska su'o da We can't see anything. mi'a na'e viska su'o da le nakni na pu smusku su'o cnino He didn't say anything new. le nakni na pu smusku su'o cnino Le vita es un question de prioritates. Life is a question of priorities. The life is a question of priorities. Shakespeare agnoskesas kom la maxim granda dramatisto. Shakespeare is recognized to be the greatest dramatist. Shakespeare is aware of as the greatest dramatist. Mi ne volas resti ĉi tie pli longe. I don't want to stay here any longer. I don't want to stay here longer. Hodiaŭ, Maria malĝojas. Maria is sad today. Today, Mary is sad. Manjo estas malkontenta pri sia propra korpo. Mary is dissatisfied with her own body. Food is discontented about its own body. lo me la .nipon. datygugvi'e ku se penmi fe'eroroi Japanese tourists can be found everywhere. lo me la .nipon. datygugvi'e ku se penmi fe'erororoi Yo crede que Tom e Mary ha miscomprendet. I think Tom and Mary are mistaken. Yo crede que Tom e Mary ha misunderstand. La judicio eventos morge. Judgement will be given tomorrow. The judgment will happen tomorrow. Suverya' Hol Dajatlh'a'? Do you speak Swedish? Thank you very much indeed? Substituu ĝin. Replace it. Substitute it. Mi ne sentas min tro varma. I don't feel too warm. I don't feel too hot. Qel QaQ ghaH net jatlh. He is said to be a good doctor. Qel QaQ ghaH net indeed thank you. Pro la multaj alvokoj, bonvolu pacienci. Thank you for being patient as we respond to the high volume of calls. For the many calls, please patient. Binos del telid mula adelo. Today is the second day of the month. Binos del telid mula adelo. La kato ŝatas ĉasi musojn. The cat loves to chase mice. The cat likes to hunt mice. la .tam. cu badri Tom's sad. la .tam. cu badri HeghvIpbe'. She is not afraid to die. HeghvIpbe'. Li infante aprende rapidmen. The child is learning quickly. Li infante aprecite rapidmen. Odulen an edraith anlen. I'm here to help you. Odulen an eraith anlen. vecnu lo cifnu cutci noi noroi pilno For sale: baby shoes, never used. Manually let us know the rest of our workstation Kial vi fiksrigardas? Why are you staring? Why do you look fixed? Estintus pli bone, se vi estus restinta en Ameriko. It would have been better if you had stayed in America. It would be better if you were left in America. Me ia fini aora. I'm finished now. I'm going to finish aora. Mi sidas. I'm sitting. I'm sitting. Kion vi estas faranta per tiuj pupoj? What are you doing with these dolls? What are you doing with these pops? Ĉu vi deziras ion por trinki? Do you want a drink? Do you want something to drink? Sesdek novaj muzeoj estas malfermitaj. Sixty new museums opened. Sixty new museums are open. Tom ne savas ka Mary venos. Tom doesn't know if Mary will come. Tom does not know what Mary will come. .i ko mi jungau fo lo bavla'i nunpe'i ja'e .au lo nu mi kakne co jukpa lo titnanba .e lo tcati .e lo ckafi Let me know the next time you will visit, so I can make some cookies, tea and coffee. .i ko mi jungau fo lo bavla'i nowpe'i ja'e .au lo mi kakne co jukpa lo titnanba .e lo tcati .e lo ckafi Il es evidente que vos non vive hic. It's obvious you don't live here. It's obvious that you don't live here. Metu ĉion en taksion. Put everything in a taxi. Place everything in a cab. Vi estas tiu, kiun mi serĉis. You are the one that I was looking for. You're the one I've searched. Le gente le considerava un grande erudito. People thought him to be a great scholar. Le gente le Considerva un grand scholar. ma ca tcika .i li 3 pi'e 20 "What time is it?" "It's 3:20." ma ca tcika .i li 3 pi'e 20 Mi volas trovi ajnan kvietan ejon por studi. I want to find someplace quiet to study. I want to find any quiet place to study. Mi devas vendi al ili ĉion hodiaŭ. I have to sell them all today. I have to sell them everything today. Hike esas l'exemplo di progreso quon ni facas. This is an example of the progress that we're making. Here is the example of progress we do. Löfob jisoni obik. I love my daughter. Löfob jisoni obik. tam wImuS Hoch maH. We all hated Tom. though it would become Hoch maH. Esque tui filia es ci? Is your daughter here? Esque tui filia es ci? Si tu retorna a tui país natal, tu va esser líber e va devenir felici. If you return to your country of birth, you will be free and will become happy. If you return to your country natal, you will be líber and va become happy. In va intaf rokleem adim vofayar. At last, he became aware of his own mistakes. In va intaf rockleem adim vofayar. Me ia vole dona un donada a Tom. I wanted to give Tom a gift. I want to give one gift to Tom. Me pasea a la scola. I walk to school. Me pasea a la scola. Li donas viandon al la hundo. He gives some meat to the dog. He gives meat to the dog. Por certigar ke me dicis omna justaji en la letro. To make sure that I said all the right things in the letter. To make sure I said all the fairs in the leather. Äsagof das mutof golön. She said she had to go. Äsagof das mutof golön. mi nenri lo ckule kumfa I'm in the classroom. I don't give it a little kumfa Mi ege dubas prie. I highly doubt that. I'm quite doubting about it. Tomas binom beginel. Tom is a beginner. Tomas binom beginel. Енглес ес плен де паролас романика. English is full of Romance words. It's all right, but it's all right. Lödob in Yapän. I live in Japan. Lödob in Yapän. lo aksiptrina cu katcpi Hawks are birds of prey. lo axyprina cu catcpi Tom va parlar. Tom will talk. Tom va parlar. bIghung'a'? Are you hungry? bIghung'a? Mi povintus nei. I could've said no. I could never. Me ne manjos glacio. I will not eat ice cream. I won't eat ice. Il habeva multe gente super le platteforma. There were a good many people on the platform. There was a lot of getting over the XML format. Forsan io deberea haber dicite a Tom. Maybe I should've told Tom. Perhaps something should have said to Tom. Mi tre ŝatas filmojn. I like movies a lot. I like movies very much. ko lebna loi mi lenjo Take my glasses. ko lebna lo mi lenjo Tomo aspektas, kvazaŭ li vidis fantomon. Tom looks like he's seen a ghost. Tom looks like he saw a ghost. Ni lernis ke Newton deskovris la lego di gravitado. We learned that Newton discovered the law of gravitation. We learned that Newton discovered the law of pregnancy. Subitmen yo sentit un funde solid sub mi pedes. Suddenly I felt solid ground under my feet. Subitmen yo sent un fore solid under my own. Li provis frapi al la pordo. He tried to knock at the door. He tried to hit the door. ¡Aciic'h! Achoo! ¡Aciic'h! so'a lo prenu pu morsi Almost everyone was dead. so it's going to take a Dead Il es plus facile que un russo deveni atheista que qualcunque altere persona in le mundo. It's easier for a Russian to become an atheist than for anyone else in the world. It is easier than a Russian to come totheist than any other person in the world. Dice a ille que io non lo legeva. Tell him I didn't read it. Tell them that I don't read it. Nolob kiöp lödol. I know where you live. Nolob kiöp lödol. Quo eveni ci? What's happening here? What are you coming? Forsan tosto io cedera, e in vice de isto, io facera un parve somno. I may give up soon and just nap instead. Perhaps toast it cedera, and instead of this, something to do a small somno. Li similas al sia patro. He is like his father. He looks like his father. Iste cantion es pro te. This song is for you. This cantion is for you. Hol nap lo' tayqeq nap, Hol Qatlh lo' tayqeq nap 'ej rurbogh qechmey 'e' wIHar 'e' raDlaH 'oH. This might lead us to believe that a simple culture would make use of a simple language, that a complex culture would make use of a complex language, and so on. Holnap loy taynap, Hol let alone the universe alone, and take seven hundred light years. pe'i mi kakne lo ka bapli lo nu la tom cu klama I think I can persuade Tom to go. pe'i mi kakne lo bappli lo nu la tom cu clama Je liaj diroj mi restis senvoĉa. His words rendered me speechless. In his sayings I remained unvoiced. A cuanto veses Nion ia ospita la Olimpiales? How many times has Japan hosted the Olympics? A cuanto vees Nion ia ospita la Olympiales? tujtaH 'e' vIparHa'. I like it when it's hot. Immediately we can't see what you have to do. Le rege habeva perdite su marita ante multe tempore. It had been long time since the king had lost his woman. The king had been lost his husband for a lot of time. dukse lo ni kargu It's too expensive! duxe lo ni cargu Io ha jam ascoltate quasi tote le album. I've almost finished listening to the album. Io ha jam ascolte quasi all the album. Su oncle habita in Svissia. Her uncle lives in Switzerland. Su oncle habita in Switzerland. Mea amiki iris al cinemo sen me. My friends went to the movies without me. My friends went to cinema without me. Ekzakte tio estis kion li diris. That's exactly what he said. Exactly what he said. ko na renro lo rokci lo gerku Don't throw a stone at the dog. ko na renro lo 2 lo gerku Io vole parlar con vostre matre. I want to talk to your mother. Io volar parlar con vostre matre. nuqmo' boHuptaH? What are you punishing them for? The future is that we are moving back to "%s" La kesto superas la porteblan pezon. The box is too heavy to carry. The box exceeds the portable weight. Vi ne emociiĝu tiom! Don't get so emotional. You don't be afraid of that! Jen estas tio, kio nervozigas min. That's what makes me nervous. This is what makes me nervous. Lo es un barata. It's a bargain. It is a cheap one. Tomo iris plonĝi kun ŝarkoj. Tom went diving with sharks. Tom went to complain with sharks. lo tanxe pu culno lo cukta The box was full of books. lo tanxe pu culno lo sugarta Nion es prosima a Jonguo. Japan is close to China. Nion is prosima to Jonguo. Me ilun ocidos. I'll kill him. I'm going to kill you. Ambre pueras rideva. Both girls laughed. Ambre pushes a smile. Esce tu vole fa un barbecu a esta sera? Do you want to have a barbecue this evening? Esce tu volaci fa un barbecu a esta sera? mi sanga lo melbi I sing a beautiful song. mi blood lo melbi Io spera que tu te recuperara rapidemente. I hope you'll recover quickly. I hope that you recover quickly. Tom esseva un gentilhomine in cata aspecto. Tom was every inch a gentleman. Tom was a gentilhomine in every appearance. La infanti alaktas. The babies are suckling. The children act. Yo ne save quo Tom dit a Mary. I don't know what Tom told Mary. Yo ne sande quo Tom dit a Mary. mi zvati ma Where am I? mi zvati ma Mia vivo estas aĉaĵo. My life is a mess. My life is something. Donald Trump es un cáncere del homanité. Donald Trump is a cancer on humanity. Donald Trump is a cáncere del homanité. En kriza urĝo, ĉu vi agas tuje? In an emergency, do you act quickly? In a screaming rush, do you act immediately? majQa'! That's brilliant! MayQa! Ĉu iu ĉi tie? Anybody here? Someone here? Sciigu al mi kiam estas io ajn kion mi povos fari. Let me know if there is anything I can do. Knowing me when there is anything I can do. Tota persones nase egal. All people are born equal. Everything is personally born equals. bIngDaq 'oHtaH tlhI'yopatra' ghIch'e' net jal, chaq pIm tera' qun. If Cleopatra's nose had been a little lower, the history of the world might have been different. But our population of our universe is an insight into the universe. Indeed, we would have heard the initial state of the universe. T'améu. I love you. T'améu. Mi nepre ne eniros en tion. There's no way I'm going in there. I won't go into that. Mi scias kiam diri sufiĉas. I know when to say when. I know when to say enough. mi no va'e tugni do I do not agree with you at all. mi no va'e tugni do ko'a ciksi lo pe'anai smuni be le jufra She explains the literal meaning of the sentence. co'a cixi lo pe'anai homuni be le jufra Ne vekigez ilu. Don't wake him up. Do not wake them up. Neniam malfermu pordon de moviĝanta veturilo. Never open the door of a car that is in motion. Never open a port of moving vehicle. Estas preskaŭ nia datreveno. It's almost our anniversary. It's almost our birthday. On non pote expectar que tote le mundo comprendera. You can't expect everyone to understand. You cannot expect everyone to understand.