.uesai mu'ima Really? Why? .usi Tom desira un poma. Tom wants an apple. Tom wants a pot. Sinjoro Smith instruas al mi la anglan. Mr. Smith teaches me English. Sir, I teach myself English. ma'a nitcu lo ka casnu We need to have a talk. Create an empty file '%s' Tio estas bona respondo. That's a good response. That's a good answer. .e'o ko no da jungau lo du'u mi zvati ma kau Please don't tell anyone where I am. Don't worry, I'll take a look at the rest of the planet. Voluntez vartar til ke me par-finis skribar ita letro. Please wait until I have finished writing this letter. Let's go all the way that I think it's impossible to write. Yo ne es un studiante. I'm not a student. But that's not what you're looking at. jupna'pu' maH. We're very good friends. I'm sorry, I think you're thinking about it. Qui save li responses? Who knows the answers? Who's going to save the world? Mi amas ajlon! I love garlic. I love an ass! Un surriso invia un signal de amicitate. A smile sends a friendship signal. A crossed by a signal of love. Mi venkis ŝin. I beat her. I won her. ta'i ma do cilre la lojban By what method did you learn Lojban? Education So Education and Education aren't we? muqeHHa' 'e' DaQub'a'? Do you think he would forgive me? A whiteq'? No, io non crede que io merita esser blasmate. No, I don't think that I am to blame. No, something that does not think something might be disabled. no da vi zvati There's nothing here. No, you've been on your way Ni adoptis ŝin. We adopted her. We've been looking for her. Yo ne save pro quo tu ride. I don't know why you're laughing. You don't know what you're doing. Ŝi surhavas fasonitajn vestaĵojn. She wears designer clothes. She's wearing clothes. Estas nun la tempo por paroli. It's time to talk. It's time to talk. Metu ĉi tiujn leterojn en la leterkeston! Put these letters in the mail box. Put these mail in the treasury! An le vino ha un bon gusto? Does the wine taste good? A wine has a taste? ra dukse tolcando He's too busy. It's too much linen Maria estas transseksa. Mary is transgender. Maria's over there. lam yopwaHlIj. Your pants are dirty. And the yopwa U.S. nuq DaloSlI'? What are you waiting for? What is going on? Tikob das Tomas binom in gad. I think Tom is in the garden. Tibs su Tomas in Tgad. Mi ne drinkas ion ajn pli fortan ol biero. I don't drink anything stronger than beer. I don't drink anything stronger than beer. La saman demandon mi direktis al Tom. I asked Tom the same question. The same question I went to Tom. ku'i lo ckafi cu xlali But the coffee's not good. Install a minimal virtual machine Tikob das Tomas binom yunik. I think Tom is young. Tibs of Tomas binmyni. Ĉi tiu laboro estas tro peza ŝarĝo por mi. This heavy workload is too much for me. This work is too heavy for me. Do ia es tua fia? Where was your daughter? So some are you? 'oH vIchoHlaH 'e' vIjIn. I wish I could change that. This removes the distinction between time and space, and means the knowledge of the universe. Me es ancora sposida. I'm still married. I'm still going to talk to you. .i mi na ta'e jukpa I don't cook. I don't care about it. pei ra se djica da'i la tom Is that what Tom would want? Perform arithmetic, if d'am billion years ago. .i se ki'u nai bo mi jai bandu le nobli ke lojbo bangu lo vlatai zekri Regardless of that reason, I defend the noble Lojban language against word-shape crimes. If you kiss, I'll take the hair off of the board Tomo povis vidi neniom. Tom couldn't see anything. Tom couldn't see anything. Esque noi posse esser amicos? Can we be friends? And what would we like to be loved? Me ave bon novas. I have good news. I'm fine. Ĉu tio estas via, Tomo? Is this yours, Tom? Is that yours, Tom? ghobe'. jupwI' ghaH watSen Qel'e'. No, he is my friend, Doctor Watson. You're going to give seven minutes like that. Diru al ŝi, ke mi estas malsata. Tell her that I am hungry. Tell her I'm hungry. .i da detri le djedi pe ba zi zi'e ne du'i le nu mi jbena My birthday is coming soon. I'm not going to make it cold day, I'll have to wash the rest of the Date. ju'o cu'i jetnu Perhaps it is true. Absolute value [u] Tom pote aida nos. Tom can help us. Tom canida us. ko'a klama la .nagoias. mu'i tu'a lo kagycu'u He went to Nagoya on business. Let's go and let's go and let's go. On ave alga cosa en la caxa. There's something in the box. Wave to something in the ~a. le ninmu poi la argail pacna lo nu speni cu du da poi le nanmu poi da pacna lo nu speni cu pacna lo nu speni The woman Argyle hoped to marry was the woman the man she hoped to marry hoped to marry. Let's love the Wishlist into a couple of work with the other hand Mi ŝatas vian manieron pensi. I like the way you think. I like your way to think. Ŝi spertas pri la temo. She is at home in the subject. She gets out of the topic. Lass nos parlar pri Boston. Let's talk about Boston. And we're making an part of Boston. tcemelbi It's gorgeous. Liteel La plej bona loko por serĉi Dion estas ĝardeno. Vi povas fosi por trovi lin tie. The best place to find God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. The best place to look for God is a garden. You can dig out there. Mirinde, ĝi malaperis en momento. As if by magic, it disappeared in an instant. It's beautiful, it's gone in a moment. ra xendo rinsa mi .i se mu'i bo mi kufra They welcomed me warmly, so I felt at home. I'm going to fall off, and I'll have a little drink. Ili ne komprenis vian ŝercon. They didn't understand your joke. They didn't understand your joke. Tu debe solmente concentrar te. You only need to concentrate. You must only select folders. 'up 'oH. This is disgusting. 'Supt' operation. paSloghlIjDaq QemjIq tu'lu'. There is a hole in your sock. That's what you're kidding? Dankon pro la rimarkado de miaj eraroj kaj pro la korektado. Thank you for noticing my errors and correcting them. Thanks for the interviewing of my mistakes and for the correction of correction. la tom cu mutce tordu Tom is very short. All right, let's do it. mi birti lo du'u mi prami ra I am sure I am in love with her. I'm going to make two Loved La chefurbo di la Mongolia es Ulan Bator. The capital of Mongolia is Ulan Bator. The capital of the Ministry of Ulan is Ulan Bator. Ha'! tugh! Come on! Quickly! Ah, hurry up! Ni hastu! Alikaze, ni malfruos. Hurry up! If you don't, we'll be late. Let's hurry, or we'll be late. me'rIy QaHbe'taH tam. Tom wasn't helping Mary. I'm sorry, we're from the universe. Il ha solmente quatro centos demonstratores in le placia. There are only four hundred demonstrators in the square. I'm only going to show you an hundred hints in the music library. Morgaŭ je la sama tempo ni estos surgrimpantaj la monton Fuji. About this time tomorrow, we'll be climbing Mt. Fuji. Tomorrow at the same time, we'll be on boarding the mountain Majiji. Lu es men hunde. It is my dog. I'm sorry. Tomas tikom das nolom valikosi. Tom thinks he knows it all. Tomas Writings of Nloksliks. Tomaso venis tro malfrue. Tom arrived too late. Thomas came too late. Ka tu kredas ke me ne savas quo eventas? Do you think I don't know what's happening? Can't you believe that I don't save what an event? paq vIlaDtaHvIS jIQongchoHpu'. While reading the book, I felt asleep. All right, let me get rid of the universe. Traduko - trukado. Translator, traitor. Translation is sick. Nemo ha jammais essite illac. No one's ever been there. Never saw that there's no reason. Ме иа поте апена креде меa оиос. I could hardly believe my eyes. such as do not exist. ko pencu lo xadni be mi Touch my body. Touch the light Mia buŝo estis seka. My mouth was dry. My mouth was dry. Spikols-li eli Toki Pona? Do you speak Toki Pona? A sybst from Torira? Mi faris la laboron kontraŭ mia volo. I did the work against my will. I did the work against my will. Secun alicun historicos, Napoleon esseva un despota illustrate a causa del melioramentos que ille faceva al institutiones social de Francia. Alteres le condemna como un dictator egocentric a causa del grande numero de personas qui moriva in su guerras. According to some historians, Napoleon was an enlightened despot because of improvements he made in the social institutions of France. Others denounce him as an egocentric dictator because of the large number of people who died in his wars. If we don't want to have any idea, we've been added to the previous part of the universe. They're not able to change the terms of France. Other forms of referred to as a floating point number. Ĉu vi ŝatas danci? Do you like dancing? Would you like to dance? Le traduction automatic meliorava multo. Machine translations improved a lot. Auto wireless lot is better. Escepte de pelveto da fruktoj la kuireja tablo estis malplena. The kitchen table was bare except for a bowl of fruit. And in the taste of a cake of fruit was empty. Ĉu vi ŝatas eŭropanojn? Do you like Europeans? Do you like Europeans? Kikod no vilol golön? Why don't you want to go? Kidin't you gonna go on the floor? Tom time facer errores al labor. Tom worries about making mistakes at work. Tom timed out Errors to work. Ille batteva le record mundial. He broke the world record. They're giving up the everyone's attention to the ground. Eligu la televidilan ŝtopkontaktilon kaj malŝaltu la lumon. Unplug the television and turn off the light. Turn on the TV function and turn off the light. Bon dia, meа brilia de sol. Good morning my sunshine. Good story, I've come from the only one. Лос иа клуи акел скола. They closed that school. such as are running by manner of request.E....................................... ....................... Un puero solitari legeva proxime a un foco debile. A lonely boy was reading near a feeble fire. A guy who alones himself read the next digest delivery. Ĉu vi devas fari tion? Are you obliged to do that? Do you have to do it? DujDaq qaghomqa'. I'll meet you back on the ship. It's going to be me well. Tu es un instructor. You're a teacher. You are logged in. lo nu sispe'i ko'e ku frili ko'a He had no difficulty in finding the place. Crocosmia Tomo volis inviti Manjon al la lernojarfina balo. Tom wanted to ask Mary to the prom. Tom wanted to invite Marie to the toilet. Yo parla Interlingua. I speak Interlingua. But that's why you don't think so much. Ili malvenkis en la ludo, sed observis la regulojn. They lost the game but observed the rules. They lost their game, but kept the rules. ra va zgana so'i klesi be lo danlu He observed many types of creatures there. How much do you want to lock the type of new mailing list? Yo ne svimma tam sovente quam ante. I don't swim as much as I used to. But that's not true, we've never had sex before. mI'QeD vIpar. I don't like math. mIQDanpression. Restabiliĝu! Get a grip! Go away! La ŝtelita mono estis retrovita. The stolen money has been found. The stolen money was found. Tomo aspektas vere dolĉa. Tom seems real sweet. Tom looks really sweet. Kiel mi povas atingi la flughavenon? How can I get to the airport? How can I get the airport? Io sape que illo es mal. I know it's bad. I know that's not true. Ni havas alian opinion. We don't think so. We have another opinion. ma'a bilga lo nu pensi lo pendo We must think about friends. Ma' hard to think that we're going to take care of each other Kiu mortis? Who died? Who's dead? tujqu'law' chatlh'e' ngaSbogh HIvje'. The soup in the cup looks very hot. We have made it possible that we are about to take most of the ten billion years available. On the other hand, we don't seem to have been visited by aliens. Ел иа перде ла нумерос де телефон де сya амис. He lost his friends' phone numbers. else such as belong to such as provide a mustecloance with the United States of service by the United States. Mia plano por la somero estas vojaĝi al Eŭropo. My plan for the summer is to go to Europe. My plan is to go to Europe. mi ka'enai lacri lo nu la .tom. cu sidju I can't be sure Tom will help. I'll take off the leg. Vos debe sequer le consilio de vostre medico. You should follow your doctor's advice. You've got to follow the United States. Tiuj ŝuoj dolorigas min iomete. These shoes hurt me a little. Those shoes hurt me a little bit. mi'ai pilno lo sanbau po'o bu'u lo zdani We only use Spanish at home. I'm having a health part of ain't gonna be able to do it. 'oH yISop. Eat it. That's what we have to do. La raportoj estis konfuzaj. The reports were confusing. The report were messed. nuq 'oH DIvI' Hol ghojmeH mIw ngeDqu''e'? What is the easiest way to learn English? The universe can spontaneously create itself out of ten billion years ago. Ples pardonar me. Please forgive me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Ĝi estas japana nomo. It's a Japanese name. It's Japanese name. DuSaH pagh. Nobody cares about you. TwoSa, you'll have to do it. Tom non debeva attender longemente in le antecamera. Tom didn't have to wait long in the waiting room. Tom should not be funny, but in front of it. Me espera ce Tom va persepi no cosa. Hopefully, Tom won't notice anything. Me, when it's the pulse of Tom, it's where something's going to be something like that. Non importa quanto grande es le fame que tu ha, tu debe mangiar lentemente. However hungry you are, you must eat slowly. Not all that you have to do because you're all right, you've got to do so. La ministro aprobis la konstruplanojn. The minister approved the building plans. The minister approved the building building. Subite, elu paroleskis. All of a sudden, she spoke out. Suddenly, from word proceeding. Asoluta sin sinifia, ia dise Qohelet. Asoluta sin sinifia, tota cosas es sin sinifia. Absolutely meaningless, said Kohelet. Absolutely meaningless, everything is meaningless. There's nothing wet to do, some we need to do. As a suicide, it's all over against sin, that's why it's a lot of sin. Ni estis maltrankviligitaj ĉar ni ne ricevis ajnan novaĵon. We were worried because we weren't getting any news. We were troubled because we didn't get any news. Tom deve retornar a Australia. Tom has to go back to Australia. Tom by Sen touch from Australia. Esque tu comprende it? Do you get it? And what about you? chay' lulo'lu'? What are they for? How come I'm going to talk about it? Illa ha remanite celibe durante su vita integre. She remained single all her life. It's a good thing for you to eat. 'IH 'op ghotpu'. Some people are beautiful. 'HHourn'. qIt qo' pIm. Another world is possible. Black answers. Malofte medicinstudentoj helpas unu al la alia en studado. Shared studying among premeds is rare. It's a lot of time to do with those who help each other in studying. Donald Trump debe esser extradite a Iraq pro dar conto del crimines de guerra del soldatos qui ille pardonava. Donald Trump must be extradited to Iraq to be held accountable for the war crimes of the soldiers he pardoned. Whold Trud must be assigned to Iqupa because of the account of the war who fought for them. mi na djuno lo du'u makau lo glico valsi po'u zoi gy.gerund.gy. cu smuni I don't know the meaning of the English word "gerund". I've been put on the other side of your brother, and I'm going to take care of it. Laborar quam un formica. Work as the ant. Working would have been formed. tera'Daq Hopqu' jul. The Sun is very far from the Earth. That's why we've been on the other side. Ni ne intencas rezigni. We're not giving up. We don't want to give up. Ŝi estis arestita de la polico. She was arrested by the police. She was arrested by the police. Tiu KD apartenas al mia filo. That CD is my son's. This CD belongs to my son. «jIHeghchoH'a'?» «ghobe', bIQongchoH.» "Am I going to die?" "No, you are going to sleep." 'I would like to think about it,' said the future of the universe, 'of the future.' Ni neniam bezonis tion. We've never needed it. We never needed that. La poesistes ia es misteriosa silente a tema de ceso. Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese. The herself was in a few stories, in a moment of silence. Nos audiva. We heard. We hear you. ra drani That's correct. pixmaps Esque tu vermente non comprende? Do you really not understand? Is that you really don't know what you're doing? Ne kriu al ploranta infano. Tio nur ĵetas brulaĵon sur la fajro. Don't shout at the crying child. It only adds fuel to the fire. Don't cry for a child. It's just burning on the fire. La kato ŝatas ĉasi musojn. The cat loves to chase mice. The cat likes hunting mice. Mi kantas volonte. I like singing. I sing praises to you. la ko'a mensi na klama lo mergu'e Her sister is not going to America. Don't worry, it's great. Mia domo apudas la domon de Tomo. My house is next door to Tom's house. My house is next to the house of Tom. Li garson ha fat un errore. The boy has made a mistake. He`s going to shave the errors. Ilu ne esis che su, tam ofte esas la kazo pri lu. He was not at home, as is often the case with him. He didn't worry, it's often the case of light. Le ecclesia es circumferite de boscos e lacos. The church is surrounded by woods and lakes. The email address you supplied is Greener. lo skacau crino sidbo cu fengu sipna Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. A woman who knows what they're going to do with sippa La fumo di tabako produktas la kancero. Tobacco smoke is productive of cancer. The smoke of smoke produces cancer. Io pote parlar espaniol. I can speak Spanish. Could not close temporary folder: %s A fini Tom ia es condenada. Tom was eventually convicted. Tom is just talking with each other. Li estas ĝentila kaj, kio estas eĉ pli bona, tre honesta. He is kind, and, what is still better, very honest. He's kind of nice and what's even better, very honest. Il pluve ubique. The rain is raining all around. You've got to stay back here. tIQ pIghvam. These ruins are ancient. BigQg. Thank you. La aŭto ekbrulis. The car caught fire. The car was burning. L'Italiani drinkas kafeo nultempe. The Italians never drink coffee. He's the one who drinks coffees a cup of coffee in the list. Isto es un mentita grossier. That's a big lie. This is a preferred game. Se ne pluvas, Tomaso ordinare iradas en lernejon piede. Tom usually walks to school if it's not raining. If it isn't possible, Thomas is going to go to school. Ne diru al la estro. Don't tell the boss. Don't tell the boss. Mi ne veturas al la lernejo per buso. I don't go to school by bus. I don't go to school with a bus. ghaH wISovbe'. We don't know her. We've got the laws of evolution for the first time. Non me face isto! Don't do this to me! Don't make it! la.djan. cu sanga ma fi'o se cpana lo tsina What did John sing on the stage? I'm going to tell you what's going on here. bIQaghvIpnISbe'. You need not be afraid of making mistakes. Thank you. Ille ha decedite per cancere le anno passate. He died of cancer last year. They have provoked the United States for all kinds of thing. Tio estis libro tiel bona, ke mi legis ĝin tri fojojn. That was such good a book that I read it three times. That was a book so good that I read it three times. Vexator! Jerk! Vexator! Li aĉetis krajonojn, notlibrojn, vortarojn, kaj tiel plu. He bought pencils, notebooks, dictionaries and so on. He bought a pencil, a young ones, dictionaries, and so on. Los va mata vos! They'll kill you! Los rear you! mi ba'o nitcu le za'u mei I no longer need them. Let's go do it Si actiones dice plus que parolas, proque le penna es plus forte que le spada? If actions mean more than words, why is the pen mightier than the sword? Sir, this is more than that's spoken, because it's much more likely that we're talking about the front? Tom esseva de accordo con me cento per cento. Tom agreed with me a hundred per cent. Tom was bought with me one hundred years by one hundred. Io ha nulle idea ubi illa habita. I have no idea where she lives. Something has no id yet. Do es la sposa de Tom? Where is Tom's wife? So there's the spades of Tom? Mi nov robe es rubi. My new dress is red. I'm a professional. Mi devas inspekti tion. I must look into it. I have to view that. Kial la pordo estas malfermita? Why is the door open? Why is the door open? Me aprende ides. I'm learning Yiddish. I don't know. nabmaj naDta' vu'wI'. The manager approved our plan. That's what you're saying, but I'm still in you. Le primavera va tosto arrivar. It'll soon be spring. The boat's going to get out of here. mi djuno fi za'u panono valsi I know more than 100 words. I can't allow the bread of your family. Vi trovos la libron en la historia sekcio de la biblioteko. You'll find that book in the historical section of the library. You'll find the book in the history section of the library. bISeDtaHvIS poSDaq yIretlh! Keep to the left when driving. Professor, if there is only one hundred twenty-ray for the first one. Li senpacience atendas la rezultojn de sia ekzameno. He's anxiously awaiting the results of his exam. He's waiting for the results of his exam. Multan farendan laboron mi havas. I have a lot of work to do. I've got so much to do. Ĉu li jam manĝis? Did he eat already? Did he have eaten yet? do melbi soi lo nu ma kau ni no'a cu se jalge lo nu ro da prami do You are beautiful to such an extent that everyone loves you. So, my dear, so we'll be a ma'am, if we've got a little bit of Love, then we'll have to do it wovchoHpu' chal. The sky has brightened. Aovch is going to play the future of our life. chIm SImmeH jan 'ul 'aplo'mey. The batteries in my calculator are dead. Hey, I think we've got it all the time before we're burning. Mi bezonas, ke vi subskribu tiujn paperojn. I need you to sign these papers. I need you to sign those papers. Mi ne sciis kien iri. I didn't know where to go. I didn't know where to go. Le lupo ulula. The wolf howls. The wolf bites. Mankas al mi la tempo por plu paroli kun vi. I have no more time to talk with you. I'm not going to talk to you any more. Нос иа релока нос а Жазаир. We moved to Algiers. such as do not belong to else, such as now.... La eras es mea. The mistakes are mine. The era is me. Tomo vidis Manjon, kiu provis fuĝi. Tom saw Mary trying to escape. Tom saw Marie who tried to escape. Li kuŝis surdorse sur la lito. He lay on his back on the bed. He was lying on the bed. qach qoDDaq ratlhlu'meH QaQ jajvam. It was too nice a day to stay inside. The answers to these big questions show that we have made remarkable progress in the last hundred years. In effecto, vos assatis ha ration. In fact, you are quite right. In effect, you're referred to has some reason. tam DaSov 'e' vISovbe'. I didn't know you knew Tom. The kind of know I'm going to be sent to you. Yo hastat a hem. I hurried home. But, you know, it's going to be where you're doing. Vi ne povas elpremi pli da monon el mi. You can't wring any more money from me. You can't get more money from me. Maria no gusta numeros nonreta. Mary does not like odd numbers. Maria Lighty number no small. mi termu'i lo ka limna I'm going to swim. I'll take care of him. mi pu na jimpe I didn't understand. Are you sure you want to hurt? Ilia esploro rivelis, ke amerikanoj ne interesiĝas pri Japanio. The research done by them shows that Americans are not interested in Japan. Their research is that it's not interested in Japan. mach tIr ngoghvam. This loaf of bread is small. ButchtIPP on top of the evening. Il me place conversar con te. I like talking to you. I'm going to place with you. Kial ni devas fari tion hodiaŭ? Why do we have to do that today? Why should we do this today? Yo ne posse melcar ti vacca. It es malad. I cannot milk this cow. It's sick. But it's not a pass, that it's okay. I'm not going to see you. Il es proque le luce se propaga plus rapidemente que le sono, que nos vide le fulmine ante que nos audi le tonitro. It is because light travels faster than sound that we see lightning before we hear thunder. There's a reason for the rent, just once more quickly than the sound that we're going to see the eye before we hear the glass. Io non ama caffe calide. I don't like hot coffee. I don't love caffe. ramvetlh Hoch pa' Dablu'mo', paSbogh 'op meb mejmoHnIS meb pa'mey pIn. Fully booked for the night, the hotel had to turn away some late guests. We've got to come out of the universe, we've got the only intelligent beings in the galaxy. We should make sure we survive and continue. Ĉu vi vere deziras plenumi pli multe? Do you really want to get more done? Do you really want to perform more? In fin, il ha nihil simile al dansa. Io considera lo qua un del plus importante affinamentos de civilisation. There is nothing like dancing after all. I consider it as one of the first refinements of polished society. In the end, there have no one like this. I don't think that any more important addresses of important performances. Studön no binos nefikulik. Studying is not easy. Don't let go. Multe paises ia partisipa la juas olimpial. A lot of countries participated in the Olympic Games. There's a lot of what's the one who puts their olives on their backs. ra na zilmipri It isn't a secret. Mailing list creation request Li estas multe pli aĝa ol Ken. He is much older than Ken. He's a lot older than that. Mi provis esti ŝaĝa. I've tried to be reasonable. I tried to be chess. bIQDaq Ha'DIbaHmey Sar leghlaH vay'. A variety of creatures can be seen under the water. That's why we have fossils of algae from 3.5 billion years ago. Ŝi estas prudenta. She has good sense. She's a wise woman. xo lo pixra cu pu se vecnu fi do How many pictures did you buy? Printer '%s' is low on at least one marker supply. Tom vole attention. Tom wants attention. Tom wants to Warning. Li estas viro, al kiu ni povas fidi. He's a man we can trust. He's a man we can trust. Quel jup tu ama? Which skirt do you like? What do you like? Asta plu tarda! See you later! Damn it! DaH raS yISay'moH! Clean the table already! That's what you're saying, damn it! ko nicygau lo jubme Clear off the table. Change Boot Disk Nia sola filino mortis pro kancero. Our only daughter died of cancer. Our daughter is dead for cancer. Il ha nihil a mangiar. There's nothing to eat. There's nothing to do with you. Sekvan semajnfinon Tom aĉetos novan aŭton. Tom is going to buy a new car next weekend. Next weekend Tom will buy a new car. Еске ту поте номи ла диас де ла семана? Can you name the days of the week? such as do not belong to else, such as now.... ................. ............... ............. ....................... ............. ...................................................................................................................... An vos vole que Catalonia deveni un stato independente in forma de republica? Do you want Catalonia to become an independent state in the form of a republic? An rear account wants to be shown in case when loading an audio format of the network. Ŝi estas tiel bela kiel Neĝblankulino. She is as beautiful as Snow White. She's so beautiful as an old lady. Ob vu laborar in urbe? Do you work in a town? Obb Do you want in urgent? Me ne prizas teo. I don't like tea. I don't care about tea. Azeno estas griza. A donkey is gray. It's like a gray man. Ili feliĉas pri la rezulto. They are happy about the result. They're happy about the result. nab lonpu'. He abandoned the plan. Don't be silly. mi nitcu lo nu sispe'i lo mi penbi I need to find my pen. Let's see... Quante vices cata die passa iste bus? How many times does the bus run each day? How many rules do you want to add this bus? Mi ne povas diri al vi, kie Tom loĝas. I can't tell you where Tom lives. I can't tell you where Tom lives. Mi diris al li bonan nokton. I wished him a good night. I told him a good night. vuv. She thinks highly of him. You're right. It es li dom de Anita. It is Anita's house. Something's home. wa'Hu' muQuchmoHta' ghaH. He made me happy yesterday. We're going to talk about seven minutes. lo ta ninmu cu tcemelbi That girl looks very pretty. Tiny Worlds La sola lingua cual Ester sabe parla es ides. The only language Esther knows how to speak is Yiddish. The only language Cultural Esther is an id. Alga de mundo no usa pijama. Some people don't wear pajamas. No, it's only a man's simple. A que pensa tu quando tu vade al lecto? What do you think about when you go to sleep? That's what you think when you're doing on the ground? DaSjaj ghaH vIghom 'e' vIpIH. I expect that I will see him on Monday. With seven minutes, I'm going to tell you what I have to do. Io voleva que io non haberea de incontrar te de novo. I wish I wouldn't have to meet you again. Something you don't want to have something wrong with this mailing list. juH chegh vav. Father came home. He`s going to see you now. Al fin, Mario succedeva a ganiar le amor del princessa. At last, Mario managed to win the princess's love. I'm going to end the ball of the ball. Mi patre ha comprate un nove auto. My father has bought a new car. I've got a comge in a new auto. Mi sposa e io conveniva un plano de vacantias. My wife and I agreed on a holiday plan. I'll deal with something I'm going to make sure she's plan. Li trairis la arbaron marŝante. He walked through the forest. He went through the forest walking. Malia a alga veses vinse. Evil sometimes wins. It's impossible to see you. Eĉ dum momento, mi ne dubas pri via honesteco. I don't for a moment doubt your honesty. Even for a moment, I don't doubt your integrity. Tom tenis la flagon tiel, ke ĉiu povis vidi ĝin. Tom held the flag so everyone could see it. Now Tom held the flag so that everybody could see it. Me promenas kun mea hundo ye la vespero. I take a walk with my dog in the evening. I'm walking with a good dog at the evening. Mary rideva sub cappa. Mary giggled. Maryapuva under the cap. Voluntez sendar la letro esprese. Please send the letter by express. Be careful with the glass is clear. Hutlh tepwIj. My baggage is missing. That's my concern! That it true. Stop! Tu la face mal! Stop! You're hurting her! Stop the face! ghojmeH ghItlhwI'wIj 'oH Qapchu'bogh ghojmeH ghItlhwI''e'. The pencil which writes well is mine. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. We will take it as a salutary warning, I think, for the rest of our conference this week. la tom na zvati ti ca zi Tom isn't here just now. All right, my dear, that's a good boy. tlhIm tI'lI' merI'. Mary is mending the carpet. AsIam, I'm going to buy you. Maria es un fem pasiente. Mary is a patient woman. Maria is a f fire in the war. qaStaHvIS ram naQ vum. They worked all night. We heard a beginning. Ту ес полиамиал? Are you polyamorous? else appeared to end up, such as do you want to do it now? Mi povas fari kion ajn mi ŝatas. I can do whatever I like. I can do whatever I like. ko na capti'i fi mi Don't threaten me. Don't think I've been thinking about it. wovmoHwI' Dachu'laHneS'a'? Could you turn on the light, please? That's what you're saying, but I'll take you away? Lia malsano estas unu el miaj timoj. His illness is one of my anxieties. His illness is one of my fears. 'Iv DaloSlI'? Who are you waiting for? Who are you? choHpu' Hoch. Everything's changed. I was thinking about it. lo bakni cu bakcmo .ije lo mlatu cu latcmo A cow goes moo, a cat goes meow. They're going to be going to baked. Solmente in le amor le unitate e le dualitate non es in conflicto. Only in love are unity and duality not in conflict. Only in the love of the list and the two parts are not in ack. Omne scientia es basate super le experientia; sed le validitate del resultatos obtenite per cata experimento es inseparabilemente unite al conditiones e al contexto de conscientia in que le prova es realisate, vale dicer, le totalitate de nostre natura. All science is experiential; but all experience must be related back to and derives its validity from the conditions and context of consciousness in which it arises, i.e. the totality of our nature. Everyone knows what an evolutionary field; but the knowledge of the resulting device is taken through each series of cells when they are being sent to condition, and we're sensitive to the attachments that we have, since it is an insight into the galaxy, if we don't know that natural selection. ko na viska Don't look at this! Don't hurt yourself Li ordinare revenas hejmen malfrue. He usually comes home late. He usually returns home late. pu manku blanu It was dark blue. Let's go, let's go. Proque illa applica oleo de oliva super su cilios? Why does she apply olive oil on her lashes? Because we don't know what oil oil oil is than we're going to waste? Mi amuziĝas instrui. I have fun teaching. I'll teach you a lot. Io cambiara iste traduction. I will change this translation. You need to change this feature. ¡Tent zirat! You don't say! Fucking Irene! Come on. Good luck, boys. Kio estas la kialo por tio? What's the reason for that? What is the reason for this? Los ia sesa besa la un la otra. They stopped kissing. Los if it's the one who looks like it's six o'clock. Bíi néde Thom lanemideth wáa. Tom wants a dog. Bíném the Hasididláa. Li nenion manĝis hieraŭ. He did not eat anything yesterday. He didn't eat yesterday. La serpentala-mordo esis fatala. The snake bite was fatal. The service orders were fatal. Tomo kaj ni volas, ke vi iru kun ni. Tom and I want you to come with us. Tom and we want you to go with us. Yo ne parla con aboyant canes. I don't talk to barking dogs. But you don't fit in with abovert can do it. Mi eĉ ne sonĝe estus pensinta, ke Georgo trompos min. Never did I dream that George would cheat me. I couldn't even dream if George was thinking about me. Hovmey Davan. I trust you completely. Ovry Dava. SumIgh. You're evil. It`s all right. Yo es de Canada. I'm from Canada. But you're from Canada. Esque tu pote intender Tom? Can you understand Tom? And what do you think you can do with Tom? SoHvaD bInepqa'taH. You're lying to me again. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. ghojwI' SoH'a'? Are you a student? CA: Professor Hawking, thank you? Ra, bíi híya ra rul wa. No, the cat is not small. Ra, bíín, run as it was possible. Sullo komencis mortigi siajn malamikojn, kaj Cezaro estis sur listo de homoj, kiujn li volis mortigi. La familio de la patrino de Cezaro petegis por lia vivo, kaj Sullo, malvolonte, indulgis lin. Tiam Cezaro aliĝis al la roma armeo, kaj revenis post la morto de Sullo. Sulla began to kill his enemies, and Caesar was on list of the people that he was going to kill. Caesar’s mother’s family begged for his life, and Sulla, reluctantly, spared him. Then Caesar joined the Roman army and returned after Sulla’s death. Honour began to kill his enemies, and Caesar was on a list of men whom he wanted to kill. The family of Caesar's mother begged for his life, and his way, and departed from following Caesar. Esque tu ama tu infantes? Do you love your children? And what do you think you're in love? ngemDaq maHtaH. We are in the forest. We think we have Import them down. Mi neniam konsentis en io tia. I never agreed to anything like this. I never wanted to be in something like that. Le radiographia monstrava duo digitos fracturate. The x-ray showed two broken fingers. The number of pages in the document. Yo odia lunedís. I hate Mondays. You hate Moneís. Тота косас партени а тота де мундо. All belongs to all. such as do not belong to else, such as now. Mi diras nur la veron al vi. I'm just telling you the truth. I just tell you the truth. Un sol lingua non suffice jammais. One language is never enough. A language does not exist. Me volas dankar vu pro vua kun-laborado. I would like to thank you for your collaboration. I want to thank you for making stuff. Ĉi tiu libro estas skribita en tre simpla angla kaj do estas plej bona por novaj lernantoj. This book is written in very simple English and so is best for new learners. This book is written in a very simple English and so it's best for new students. HeghvIpbe'. She is not afraid to die. I'll repeat it. 'up nIm. Milk is nasty. Our only chance. Estis tre milde! It was very mild! It was a thousand! Reflecte ante de parlar. Think before you speak. Give me an hour before the door. Ni devas ami niajn najbarojn. We should love our neighbors. We need to love our neighbors. Cual cosa tu ia trae per nos? What did you bring for us? Do you know what you're looking for with us? Mi certas ke li venos. I'm certain that he'll come. I'm sure he's coming. Bahaisme es un relijio multe stilosa. The Baha'i Faith is a very cool religion. Baha is a lot of sentences containing a lot of styles. Li ofte vizitadis Eŭropon antaŭ tiam. He had often visited Europe before that time. He often appeared to Europe in front of it. Ме ес ен ла медиа де боли акуа. I am boiling water. else such a belong to the service of service........................ ................................................................ .................................................................................................. Hetobs omis. We hate them. He thinks it's cold. Proque io? Why me? For something? Me ne havas irga bona refero-libro apude. I don't have any good reference book at hand. I don't have any right-bookbook. Tote le villages esseva belle. All the villages were beautiful. All you were beautiful. qIj'a' vIghro'vetlh 'ej wov'a'? Is that cat grey? Blessed are the 'Log out' menu item? bangwI' qatlho'. Thank you, my dear. That's why you got it? la tom. cinmo lo ka sepli Tom felt left out. On my head, you'll see if you're dead. Si totos te ama, tu face le cosas mal. If everyone likes you, you're doing it wrong. If everything loves you, love the things that are wrong. Manjo estas tiel afabla, ke oni ne povas ne ŝati ŝin. Mary's so nice that you can't help but like her. Marie's so kind you can't like her. Dajlaw'. That sounds interesting. Thank you very much. do zmanei ma poi selska Which color do you prefer? Personal Envelopepaper size xu ko'a se pampe'o Does he have a girlfriend? xumbin' if pam_*_item: Tiu ĉi sonĝo realiĝos. This dream will come true. This dream will be real. Proque Tom deberea visitar Boston? Why should Tom visit Boston? Because Tom should be used to visit Boston? Sioro Togawas nominesis kom urb-estro. Mr Togawa was nominated for mayor. Mr. captain. jIlughbe''a'? Am I not right? Oh, my God, how are you? Los es en la media de jua a futbal. They're playing football. Los is in the media of juin access. Ma nequí posse auxiliar me. But nobody can help me. Ma Doc, it's not going to be auxiliary '%s'. Io pote a pena audir le. I can hardly hear him. Something could give you a sound to hear. Me vole mori. I want to die. I want to die. Doch lo'be'lu'taHchugh 'a pollu'taHchugh Dochvam nIHlu'. Property is theft. The really thing is that we have fossils of algae from 3.5 billion years ago. chIS paq. The book is white. chlISqu. Me drinkabis tro multa kafeo cadie. I've drunk way too much coffee today. Me too many coffee today. e'o ko jai galfi lo lanci Change the flag, please. I'm sorry, but I can't talk about it. Io debe apprender como ordinar alimento in francese. I have to learn how to order food in French. I have to make sure that we have to do the right of France. Ambi posse parlar francesi. Both of us can speak French. Ambric parsonfrance. Tomo estas la plej lerta artisto en nia klaso. Tom is the most talented artist in our class. Tom is the most smart artist in our class. Li ĉiutage skribas en sia taglibro. He writes in his diary every day. He writes in his diary every day. Ädanoms godi. They thanked God. I don't think so. Li forprenis sian mantelon. He took off his overcoat. He took away his mantle. Yo save que yo ama te. I know I love you. You know that y loves you. Estas gigante malbona ideo, stiri sen stirlicenco. It is a colossally bad idea to drive without a driver's license. It's like a bad idea, driving a license without driving. ri'a ma do na jimpe Why don't you understand? Don't worry, ma'am. pe'udo'u mi jbera ti do Please, I'd like you to lend this to me. Let's get lost, then you'll get sick of me. Mi fermis la kranon. I turned off the tap. I closed the tap. Qatlh vIraS Hol ghojmeH Qu'. Learning French is difficult. let's make sure you're right. In le futuro, multe obreros essera reimplaciate per robots. In the future, many workers will be replaced by robots. A future, a lot of instructions, will be sent to you. Esce la nom de Tom es en la lista? Is Tom's name on the list? Esce the name of Tom is in the list? An vos pote disponer de un dollar? Could you spare a dollar? So you can make sure you want to make a deal? Tomo kredas, ke Manjo mortigis Johanon. Tom believes Mary killed John. Tom believes that Marie killed John. La mikroprogramara ĝisdatigo aldonas plenan signaran subtenon de mesaĝoj en okdek lingvoj. The firmware update adds full character support for notifications in eighty languages. The micropara adds to update a full release support in eighty languages. Tomo aŭskultis la historion de Manjo. Tom listened to Mary's story. Tom listened to Marie's history. xu le za'u mei cu dunli zu'ai lo ka se jdima ma kau Are they all the same price? x Please make two virtual machine, if you do not have to do this thing Mi simple ne kapablus decidiĝi fari tion. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I just couldn't be able to do this. DaneHchugh chaH vIghel. I'll ask them if you like. I don't know if it's very important. ca ca'a si'ercarvi It's snowing. ca'ather'carvit xu do pu'i viska VFD Have you ever seen a UFO? x then push you're VFD ma se tirna What is that sound? But if there's a Return Me ne havas amiko kun qua me povas parolar pri mea problemi. I've no friend to talk to about my problems. I don't have a friend with which I can talk about myself. Ankaŭ instruisto foje eraras. Even a teacher can make mistakes. He can't go wrong either. Ni akvumas la ĝardenon. We are watering the garden. We pull out the garden. bangwI' wa'DIch ghaH. She is my first love. Why didn't you take seven minutes? Eble neĝos ĉi-vespere. It might snow this evening. Maybe it's snow tonight. Vojaĝi ne estas plezuro por mi. I don't enjoy traveling. It's not a pleasure for me. la tuks. dzipo cipni Tux is an Antarctic bird. the tusk. dzipik Le question es que illes ha fame. The point is that they are hungry. The question they're big. Mi donos al vi ĉi tiun pendjuvelon. I'll give you this pendant. I'll give you this Help. nagh 'ughqu' woHlaHbe'bogh chenmoHlaH'a' Hoch ta'laHbogh Qun'e'? Can an omnipotent God create a stone so heavy that even He may not lift it? But we have solved the future of the human race. But we are the only intelligent beings in the galaxy, but we should make sure we survive and continue. tuj jay'. It's fucking hot. I'm going to be right back. ba'o lo nu trene cliva ku mi le renytcana cu zvati The train had already left by the time I got to the station. They're going to take a empty right now, and I'm moving out of the field Bíi théesháadedi le wa. I will be back soon. Bíth íhád By default. Ni esis justa. We were right. We were right. Li familie haver problemes: lus interesar sinioro Holmes. The family has problems, they interest Mr. Holmes. He had a lot of fathers've got a lot of money. Ecce Tatoeba. Here is Tatoeba. So that's Tatoeba, Ella ama scureles. She loves squirrels. Elthe love of Eleles. Tomas äsagom das nu letos fidön. Tom said it's OK to eat now. Tomas for instance, I'm going to tell you something. La koncernato nun restadas en Usono. The person in question is now staying in the Unites States. The appropriate one is staying in the United States. chutmey vuv QupwI'pu' net poQ. Young people must respect the law. You've got it as if you would like to guess either. Estas vi fidrogulo, kiel mi! You are a drug addict like me! It's a coward! Like me! Tomo vidis fantomon. Tom saw a ghost. Tom saw a ghost. Si, lo es vera! Yes, it's true! Yes, it's true! Salas konocis lu. Salas knew him. Hello, everyone's going to see you. Mi scivolas, kial la polico ne trovis la pafilon. I wonder why the police didn't find the gun. I wonder why the police didn't find the gun. Composores crea musica. Composers create music. It's a lamp that creates music. Mi pensas, ke tio kostas tro multe. I think that's too expensive. I think that costs too much. Nolob das Tomas äbinom nebeatik. I know Tom was unhappy. Nolobs of Tomasäbintvan. Tomo ne volis iri al festo de Mario. Tom didn't want to go to Mary's party. Tom didn't want to go to the party of fail. I son obik penemom Tomas. My son is also named Tom. I'm making a sound for Tomas Tomas. da se pacna There is hope. Wishlist Mi scias, ke vi dungis lin. I know you hired him. I know you hired him. Mi ne legas liajn romanojn. I do not read his novels. I'm not reading his novel. ko'a xamgu He's good. This is the preferred disk space that will be used to print the list. Vos ha multe libros. You have many books. You have a book. Kio aperis unue: ĉu la ovo aŭ la kokino? What came first: the egg or the chicken? What happened first is the egg or the chicken? ra ba'o nonkansa He isn't alone anymore. ra's not going tokan Nos confideva in illa. We trusted her. We know why they're in his place. Ĉu mi povas diri al vi ion? Can I tell you guys something? Can I tell you something? La bluzo esas neta. The blouse is clean. The blizzard is not attached. Vilob givön atosi omes. I want to give them this. You've got it to me. You can't see it. Noi volent ün avocat. We want a lawyer. No, I don't want to know. jeq retlhDaq ba' jan. John sits by Jack. I don't think we're going to bet. Fide Tom! Trust Tom. Fide Tom! mi'ai je'a xagji We really are hungry. I'm at Next xaxa Alcuno veniva! Someone was coming! Some of the coming! vavDaj DaSov'a'? Do you know his father? How much do you know I'd like to know? Túlan. I am coming. How many are in there? Nos vole provar. We want to try. We want to come down for it. Il perdabis omna espero. He had lost all hope. I can't understand all hope. tam vonglu'. Tom was hypnotized. The Princess will be taken away from the sky. 'obam'a' Qang vIparHa'. I like President Obama. 'bah',' said the universe. Mersí pro tui raporte. Thanks for your report. We're going to see you later. reQan. We'll protect you. rep. La puerino sugas sua fingro. The little girl is sucking her finger. Much more than your finger. Tu es semper in mi corde. You're always in my heart. You're at the moment. Ili es felici. They're happy. They`re happy. ra renro lo selkei be vo'a He threw his toy. It's going to be a big deal, and it's a big breath. "Ĉu vi volas veturigi nin aŭ ke mi veturigu?" "Ne gravas. Kio estas via prefero?" "Al mi estas egale; kiel ajn taŭgas." "Nu, do, mi veturigos. Tio prezentos al vi oportunon iomete ripozi laŭvoje." "Would you like to drive, or shall I?" "Oh, no matter. What's your preference?" "I don't mind; either way is fine." "Well, then, I'll drive. That'll give you a chance to rest a bit on the way." "Do you want to drive us out or I want you to take a ride? Ili estas kun ŝi ĉar ili estas ŝiaj amikoj. They're with her because they're her friends. They're with her because they're her friends. yIbej 'ej yIghoj. Watch and learn. He's going to be a big deal. Ĉu vi scias ion pri Aŭstralio? Do you know anything about Australia? Do you know anything about Australia? Tomo volis, ke Mario diru la veron. Tom wanted Mary to tell the truth. Tom wanted to tell the truth. be'nI'wI' DamuSHa' 'ach DumuSHa' 'e' DaSovbej'a'? You love my daughter; but are you sure that she loves you? That's what you know, but I grant no indulgences. You play chess, do you not? How did you know that? jIpuvlaHbe'. I can't fly. Let's get out of here. Nemo pote dar vos pace, si non vos mesme. Nobody can bring you peace but yourself. You can't pass by yourself in peace, if you don't like the same way. Tom e Mary consenti. Tom and Mary agree. Tom and Maryple. Ĉu vi ne havas telefonon en via aŭto? Don't you have a phone in your car? Don't you have a phone in your car? Me volas dormar pluse. I want to sleep a little more. I want to sleep more. Tomo malfermis butikon. Tom opened a store. Tom opened a shop. La furtero celis su en la obskura portalo. The thief hid in the dark doorway. The mushroom went out in the nose for a catcher. Esce la musica plase vos? Do you like music? Esc's music with you? Forsan tosto io cedera, e in vice de isto, io facera un parve somno. I may give up soon and just nap instead. For some reason, in this case, something that is small, something that is small. DuSaQDaq SoHnIStaHvIS yIDachQo'! You must not be absent from school. TwoS target files should be played only whenever possible! La kato estas mortinta. The cat is dead. The cat is dead. Dima estas unu hardita ulo. Dima is one badass dude. Sun is onehard guy. Mi aŭdis pri geedziĝo de Tom kaj riĉa virino. I've heard of Tom's marriage to a rich woman. I heard about Tom and rich woman. Tom e Mari es poliamial. Tom and Mary are polyamorous. Tom Marino is per chemical. Qagh 'oHchu' Hoch. It was all a mistake. It's a big deal that we have made it to talk about it. Ĉu tio ne estas knaba nomo? Isn't that a boy's name? Isn't that a child's name? ba fasnu ei i'a Whatever will be, will be. baken an event and I'm going out of it Me ia brosi sua capeles. I brushed her hair. Mee some brosp caps. Tom es un sexista. Tom is a sexist. Tom is a sixxite. Gela le pisce e le carne, per favor. Please freeze the fish and meat. If you want to fall in the flesh, please use "Unmount Volume" in the popup menu of the volume. Ille ha tres annos plus que io. He's three years older than me. They've got a lot of fun that something else. Li estas junulo kun promesplena estonteco. He is a promising young man. He's a young man with a full future. Patriotismo es tu conviction de que un pais es superior a tote le alteres proque tu nasceva in illo. Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all others because you were born in it. Path is assigned to Twitter, which is one of the other side of assigned to all others because of it. Esque tu non pote laborar un pauc plus rapidemente? Can't you work any faster than that? Esque you can't work in a few seconds fast? Tom parolis al mi en la franca. Tom spoke to me in French. Tom spoke to me in French. Bon, cisa me pote aida el. Well, maybe I can help him. Good, you can do something like that. Mi demandas min, kion pensas Tomo. I wonder what Tom thinks. I'm asking me what Tom says. No ökanoy lödön nen vat. You couldn't live without water. Noökany can't be vat. Il non semblava haber un problema. There didn't seem to be a problem. I'm not going to have a problem. Kanol klödön obi. You can believe me. Kallie on the insertion orbud. bIl, lojmIt yIpoSmoH! Bill, open the door. Thank you, thank you very much. petaQ ghaH tom'e'. Tom is an asshole. All right, I'm going to find you. ma tcini do What's up? Modes La elspezoj estis meznombre dek dolaroj ĉiutagetage. The expenses average ten dollars a day. The spends were a average day of ten dollars every day. Binol-li surdik u stupik? Are you deaf or stupid? Let's go to bed? La morto estas io, kion la naturo devas kaŝi, kaj ĝin ĝi kaŝas bone. Death is a disgusting thing that nature has to hide, and it does it well. Death is something that nature should hide, and it's covered well. Ilu havas talento por piktar. He had a talent for painting. He's got a talent for glasses. Ŝi prenis riskojn. She took risks. She took risk. La persones a veses menti. Sometimes, people lie. The faces of a smile. Fa como me dise; no fa como me fa. Do as I say; don't do what I do. Fading as long as I couldn't make it. Mi ne timas flugi. I'm not afraid of flying. I'm not afraid to fly. Brosez vua denti pos repastar. Brush your teeth after meals. Brasezed by yourself. Ne gravas al mi, ĉu Fred venis al la festo aŭ ne. It makes no difference to me whether Fred came to the party or not. It doesn't matter if Fred came to the party or not. mi nelci lo bangu be mi I like my language. I don't hurt it. Vi plaĉas al mi. I like you. You like me. DunuQ'a'? Is this annoying? D'q'a? Ne igu min ridi! Don't make me laugh! Don't make me laugh! Tomo iris al la nutraĵvendejo. Tom went to the grocery store. Tom went to the store store store. Alga de mundo es bastante panicada. Some people are pretty scared. That's all right. Io torturava le prisioneros. I tortured the prisoners. Something stinks about airs. Io esseva in le automobile. I was in the car. There was an internal error trying to search for applications: Tomo ne estas la tipo, kiu edziniĝemas. Tom isn't the marrying type. Tom isn't the type that's silly. La butiko estos malfermita je la naŭa horo. The store opens at 9 a.m. The shop is open at nine o'clock. pa' vIjaHpu'be' 'e' vIpay. I regret that I didn't go there. That's why I am about to tell you that. La knabo kiu kantas estas rimarkinda. The boy who is singing is excellent. The boy who sings is remarkable. Ĉu vi ne povas fermi la faŭkon dum kelkaj minutoj? Can't you shut your trap for a few minutes? Can't you close the time for a minute? Sidu! Sit! Sit down! Esce tu gusta esta pais? Do you like this country? Esced to taste? Me ne vidis lo eventar. I didn't see it happen. I haven't seen it before. bIwuqta''a'? Have you made your decision yet? Thank you! Ŝi ŝatas ĉi tiujn katojn. She likes these cats. She likes those cats. Maria es tua fia, no? Is Mary your daughter? Maria is your fucka, no? lo ka speni te ckini cu jarco lo ka se li'enrafsi zoi sy. bo .sy. Relationship through marriage is indicated by the prefix "bo". Let's go, let's move! Moving out. Estas negrava eraro. That's a trivial error. I have an accident. ko kurji ki'u lo nu lo nanmu ku ralte lo celxa'i Careful, the man has a gun. Together kiss, do you know that's where we're running out of the universe leghlaHbe'wI'pu' qo'Daq che' wa' mIn ghajbogh loD'e'. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. But you will answer them that we have made remarkable progress in the universe. We haven't heard seven hundred years. roda poi ke'a tcidu dei cu melbi All that read this are beautiful. It's all the work that we've had to talk about it. Li ŝatas trinki kafon sen sukero. He likes drinking coffee without sugar. He likes to drink coffee without sugar. La treno arivis justa-tempe. The train came on time. The conversation is being revealed in a fair time. .e'o ko ve pagre fi mi le silna Please pass me the salt. I've got some c'am, but I've got some silk. Mi estas amerikano. I am an American. I'm a member. mi ba planyjdika I will lose weight. I'm going to make Newsrs qach tlhopDaq puH Duj tu'lu'. There is a car in front of the building. But until you come out of your vocabulary, you're going to tell me. do djica lo nu mo What do you want to do? So guess what you're talking about, well? pu si'ercarvi It snowed. Hell, let's see whether it's free Maria es solitar en la foresta. Mary is alone in the forest. Maria is alone in the fart. Ĉi tiu pico estas malbonega. This pizza is really bad. This pizza is bad. Quo esas la sekretajo? What's the secret? Quness is the secret? ko noroi termosygau lo kanla ca lonu lo xance cu naljinsa Never rub your eyes when your hands are dirty. Don't use the Wintab API for tablet support yItaH 'ej bIQap. Stick with it and you'll succeed. While we're starting to get out of here. Mi aĉetis fotilon por 30 dolaroj. I bought a camera for 30 dollars. I bought a camera for 30 dollars. Mi ŝoforis kamionon. I used to drive a truck. I dropped a truck. Ĉi tie vi troviĝas en privata proprieto. You're trespassing here. Here you are in a private custom. lo nanmu poi klama ti ca lo prulamdei cavi krefu zvati The same man that came yesterday is here again. Are you sure you want to make it? El ia dona a me alga selos. He gave me some stamps. It's something that gives it to me. Tu fa quo tu posse. You do what you can. You're right. Kio viaopinie estas ĉi tio? What do you figure this is? What do you think this is? Ioco es un nom japanes. Yoko is a Japanese name. Io is a sweet-japan. Islando apartenis al Danio. Iceland belonged to Denmark. Iceland's belong to Dano. ko curmi lo nu ko'a cliva Let her go. Exiting... ghot mIgh ghaH Sa'mIy'e'. Sami is an evil person. I`ll be right back in seven minutes. Li alvenis ĝustatempe malgraŭ la pluvo. He arrived on time in spite of the rain. He arrived in time because of the rain. Heghpu' ghaH 'e' wIghojDI' mayay'. We were shocked at the news of his death. And there's seven minutes, and we've lost our peace. Tu debe comenciar immediatemente. You must start at once. You must start right now. Tu es le melior matre in le mundo. You're the best mom in the world. You're a better ma'am. Tu ha un poco de color sur le naso. You've got some paint on your nose. You have a pot of colour on the colour. ca'e do klama ka'ai mi You're coming with me. That's why I'm a tsar's cat. QoQ wIgh ghaH. He has a genius for music. But we've got a few minutes. lo stizu cu na'e xunre skari The chair is of a non-red color. Unix (/ˈjuːnɪks/; trademarked as UNIX) is a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T Unix, development starting in the 1970s at the Certigu malŝalti ĉiujn lumojn antaŭ ol foriri. Make sure to turn off all the lights before going out. Make sure all lights before running. Li diris nenion, kio kolerigis ŝin. He said nothing, which made her angry. He didn't say anything to be angry with her. la .tom. cu lijda fenki Tom is a religious nut. He's not going to be able to get rid of it. Li eliris el la ĉambro kun brilaj okuloj. He came out of the room with his eyes shining. He went out of the room with a bright eyes. To es pro quo yo es ci. That's why I'm here. To what y is for you. Ne esas facila tasko, skribar letro. It is no easy task to write a letter. It's not an easy task, not a writing glass. lo cmaci cu ro moi lo'i tercu'e poi mi tadni djica Math is the last subject that I want to study. Small became the first hard disk space that I should share the rest of the history Dun 'oH! It's wonderful! Two o'clock! Li malŝaltis la televidilon kaj eklernis. He turned off the TV and began to study. He turned off the TV and started learning. Aora nos scrive mesajes sur nosa telefonetas. Now, we write messages on our cell phones. And we've had a mass of massics on a hard phone. Mi ŝatas ridi. I like to laugh. I like to laugh. ei mi cikre le lumci minji I have to fix the washing machine. and I'll give you an Duration Le pisca es interdicte hic. Fishing is prohibited here. The man's death is between dict. Tu filio de puta! You son of a bitch! Your child's child! Mi opinias vin respondeca pri tiu okazaĵo. I hold you responsible for this incident. I think you are responsible for this event. Tom ha cessate su medicamentos de novo. Tom is off his meds again. Tom has been uploaded by a medium. Dochvam Dochvetlh ghap yItlhap! Take this or that. The really voice item could not be renamed. Tu esas plu forta kam ni. You're stronger than us. You're too strong for us. Ŝi estas fiera esti katolika. She's proud to be a Catholic. She's a proud cat. mi pu lenku gi'e cilmo I was cold and wet. I am going to access the rest of the Education. Totes ama un exquisite construction de phrase. E ille sembla haber le habilitate de trovar exactemente le parolas juste pro qualcunque occasion. Everyone loves an exquisite turn of phrase. And he seems to have the knack of finding exactly the right words for any occasion. Everyone likes to have a collection of Action built himself. Each one will have the tenth language of the country to find that which is right away for what it is going to happen. Ante tu mori, tu vide li anelle! Before you die you see the ring! Before you die, you see him. la koknoc. terdi lai klingon. Qo'noS is the home planet of the Klingons. The world's falling down. Le discurso de ille nos ha commovite. His speech moved us. The online part of them have finite resources. .i ke'u nai tezu'e lo ka jinga fi la Ganyn vau la Link cu cikre bi fatri spisa be lo cibmakfa pe lo ka prije vau tezu'e lo ka ponse lo makfa cibjgatai Furthermore, in order to defeat Ganon, Link mends the eight scattered fragments of the triforce of wisdom, in order to have the magic triangle. If you're going to die by Earth's birthday, you'll see the Linker's Linker, you're going to be a big blow in front of the Sun, and you're going to know what you're saying, Li estas ie en la parko. He's somewhere in the park. He's somewhere in the park. Mi bezonas diri ĝin al Tom. I need to tell Tom. I need to say it to Tom. Quante tempore ha remanite vos? How long did you stay? How many times have you been backed up? ma pu vecnu fi do fe lo vi karce Who sold you this car? Don't use the rest of your career Yo have un amico. I have a friend. But you have a kind of love. Tom esas nur puero. Tom is just a kid. Tom is just a professional. Tom non pote attinger le libro sur le planca superior. Tom can't reach the book on the top shelf. Tom can't set the book on the cold. Mi detruas nenion. I am not breaking anything. I can't destroy anything. lo za'u ra prami lo za'u verba be vo'a They love their children. We're going to save the rest of the universe Mostra plu detalias. Show more details. We're going to play it any more. Desde quando es tu hic? Since when you have been here? How much do you get here? e'o do co'i jdika lo ka sutra lo ka tavla Could you please speak slower? e'am do n't give us a suvuvace · Global Voices Меа колор фавореда ес блу. My favorite color is blue. such as do not exist. Il ha un congestion del traffico super la autostrata. There's a traffic jam on the highway. Emergency moderation of the list traffic. Supozeble vi aŭdis la malbonan novaĵon. You will have heard the sad news. I guess you heard the bad news. No person sabe tota cosas. Nobody knows everything. No, no matter what's happening. Yo vole habitar in li cité. I want to live in the city. But you want to be wise in him, you know. lo'e ropno cu te cmene la fudbolo la'o gy football gy Europeans call soccer football. A poor man's name is a serious handicap. Abesh withetha woho wa. All belongs to all. Abshwww. kgm Si tu retorna a tui país natal, tu va esser líber e va devenir felici. If you return to your country of birth, you will be free and will become happy. If you don't fit in your noses, you'll be lererer's happiness. Alga de mundo ia salta a en la pisina. Some people jumped into the pool. A everyone jumps in the chair. wa'vatlh wa'maH ben DIvI'vam cherlu'ta'. This organization was founded one hundred and eleven years ago. The conditions are that we have fossils of algae from 3.5 billion years ago. No dotob das oyufom obe. I don't doubt that he will help me. No, that's why you can do it again. Nos es enemis. We're enemies. We're in love. Se la leono estas la reĝo de bestoj, la aglo estas la reĝo de birdoj. If the lion is the king of beasts, the eagle is the king of birds. As the lion's lion is the king of animals, the eagle is the king of birds. Ĉi tie la ĉielo estas tiel malpurigita de lumo, ke nokte oni ne povas vidi eĉ unu stelon. The light pollution here is so bad, you can't even see a single star at night. The heavens are so polluted from light that night can't even see one star. QamchoH 'e' nID tam 'ach QamlaHbe'. Tom tried to stand up, but he couldn't. Furthermore, we can really get out of the universe. Trajno baldaŭ ekveturos. A train is going to leave soon. - It's too soon. wa' vIghro' ghaj ghaH. She has one cat. We're going to talk about seven minutes. Il tracta me quam su sclavo. He treats me like his slave. You have to handle the presence of a person. Ŝekspiro skribis multajn interesajn teatraĵojn. Shakespeare wrote a lot of interesting plays. So we wrote a lot of interesting plays. ko'a sipna je pilno be re kicne She sleeps with two pillows. Install a workstation Eĉ nun ni ankoraŭ dubas, ĉu li estas vere la murdinto. Even now, we still doubt that he is the real murderer. Even now we don't doubt if he's the must murder. Li sidis ĉirkaŭita de siaj infanoj. He sat surrounded by his children. He sat around his children. be'nI'lI' DaDa. You're like your sister. All right, let's get it. la maris cu nelci lo ka jukpa lo nanba Mary likes to bake bread. The mar didn't provide a magnetic nose? La detektivo bezonis ses monatojn por trovi la veron pri tiu afero. The detective took six months to get at the truth of that affair. The detected six months needed to find the truth about this thing. Dona pas a nos! Grant us peace! That's what we give! Toto esseva troppo facile. It was all so easy. He was too easy. Ob vu savar lon matra? Do you know his mum? You know what? mi na kakne lo nu jacygaigau le palta .iki'ubo le jacysabji na ca sabji I cannot rinse the dishes. There is no water. I'll take some kind of thing by default. Monto Fuji estas pli alta ol ĉiu alia monto en Japanio. Mt. Fuji is higher than any other mountain in Japan. A mountains in Japan is higher than every other mountain in Japan. qanayHa' 'e' tlhob be'nallI'. Your wife is going to ask you for a divorce. I don't care about this time. Mi ne ŝatas lian manieron paroli. I don't care for the way he talks. I don't like his way to talk. Tu rascale, pro quo tu plendi tant? You rascal, why are you complaining so much? You're such a bug, why did you cry? Pükob-li tu vifiko plo ol? Am I talking too fast for you? A gas glass glass than what? tlhIch vIpur 'e' vImev 'e' vItul. I hope to stop smoking. like I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do. Li estis inklina al tio, rezigni ĉion por ŝi. He was willing to give up everything for her. He was in fucking it, to give up everything for her. bIwuQ'a'? Do you have a headache? Thank you. Hazarde li estis malsana. It happened that he was ill. He was sick. La studento venis el Londono. The student came from London. The student came from London. ko'a roroi dukse tavla He is always talking big. Never Played qarI'DI', SIbI' qarI'. I'll call you as soon as I can. I'm in my life, I'm sure I would like to know. Li lupo ulula. The wolf howls. He's a wolf's wolf. Faméu. I am hungry. Fammit. Rigardu tiun belan knabinon. Look at that pretty little girl. Look at that nice girl. Ci no sabe alga espaniol? Who doesn't know some Spanish? You're hurting the war? Tomo diras, ke mi estas mallarĝpensa. Tom says I'm narrow-minded. Tom says I'm wrong. El mortis pro tuberkloso. She died from turbeculosis. He's dead out of counter's death. Ilu livis sua esquado pro ilu ne konsentis kun la entrenisto. He left his team because he couldn't get along with the manager. He didn't agree with him. Bon senso es instincto. Dose sufficiente de illo es genio. Common sense is instinct. Enough of it is genius. It's good for a genius. Silentu. Mi estas ĉi tie por helpi vin. Shut up. I'm here to help you. I'm here to help you. Illa parla currentemente interlingua. She speaks Interlingua fluently. You're looking for yourself. Atendu. Tio ĉiam ree okazas. Wait. It's happening all over again. Wait, it's always going back. Bíi eril delishe Thom wa. Tom wept. Bíi e'clock. Se vu par-skribis la letro, me en-postigos ol. If you have written the letter, I'll post it. If you write the glass, I'll make it after all. Manja! Eat! It's creeping! Il ne es plu interessat in me. He's no longer interested in me. You're no longer me. Al diabolo con le frontieras! To hell with borders! A man's face is faceing it! Obinobs domo adelo. We'll be at home today. She's a big house. Kio malbonas kun vi, Tomo? What's wrong with you, Tom? What's wrong with you, Tom? Mi ne povas melki tiun ĉi bovinon. Ĝi estas malsana. I cannot milk this cow. It's sick. I can't raise this cow. It's sick. Tu veni de cual pais? Which country do you come from? You came from the world? chotIbmoHtaH. You're making me nervous. It's nice to see you. Doy' 'e' vIQob. I think he's tired. Do you know what you're saying, but I grant no indulgences. Ĉu mi rajtas prepari la tablon? May I set the table? Can I prepare the table? Los ia esamina esce la sala es vacua. They checked whether the room was empty. Los is the espulcuculation. Noi audit les. We heard them. No, I can't hear that. wej QallaH tam. Tom is not yet able to swim. Names of the talloation. Vi ne kulpas pri la akcidento. The accident wasn't your fault. It's not your fault of the accident. Mi akuzis vin pri nenio. I wasn't accusing you of anything. I accused you nothing. Le correspondentia es conservate in plure archivos. The correspondence is kept in several files. The mail is invalid. ta na mlatu .i ta gerku That's not a cat. That's a dog. syt mulat. gerkger Mi ne memoras ion plian. I don't remember anything else. I don't remember anything else. Mi ne sentas min tro varma. I don't feel too warm. I don't feel too hot. ti poi cutci ku'o mi se ralte These shoes belong to me. That's what I'm saying, 'I'll eat it if I eat it,' Eble ni povos paroli pri tio poste. Maybe we can talk about that later. Maybe we can talk about it later. chaq maQaHlaH. Maybe we can help. It's a serious end. ma se zvati lo mapku pe mi Where's my hat? But if zuva makes me sit down juppu'Daj chaHmo' lutlhej. They're with her because they're her friends. juuro-ku-kai Sami cacava. Sami pooped. Samcapa. Tomo detale priskribis la incidenton. Tom described the incident in detail. Tom actually describes the ink. Mia domo tro grandas. My house is too big. My house is too big. le se platu cu se cfila no da This plan has no flaws. Whether to play a cup of children do xamgu mlatu You're a good cat. So x printutupu Ni ludu korbopilkon post la lernejo. Let's play basketball after school. Let's play a basket after school. Esce tu gusta Xina? Do you like China? Esca Xina? Neniam hezitu diri la veron. Never hesitate to tell the truth. Never tell me the truth. .i to'unai mi pensi lo smuni be lu ko no'e zasti li'u In detail, I'm considering the meaning of the command "exist somewhat". I think we have to think about it, Don't think so far. Le capital de Brasil es Brasilia. The capital of Brazil is Brasilia. Here's your secret place. Un linguo nulatempe suficos. One language will never be enough. A single language in time it's enough. e'a pei mi zutse ti Can I sit here? I'm sorry, but we're about to eat each other Eo su yn gath. I'm a cat. And su y's going to be fun. Atendoplena sento ŝvebas en la aero. A sense of expectation is hanging in the air. A full feeling floating in the air. Vi estas bona kateto. You're a good kitty. You're a good kid. Nos nata a vices in le laco. We sometimes swim in the lake. We didn't seem to have a long time in the kitchen. Tom cuasi nunca fa un demanda. Tom hardly ever asks questions. Tom is now a very great question. Tomo konfesis, ke li ne legis la libron de Manjo. Tom admitted that he hadn't read Mary's book. Tom declared that he didn't read Marie's book. lo vi dinju cu cnino This building is new. A woman of you piece of a piece of money Se mi ne atentos pri ĉiuj burokrataĵoj, ili simple forpelos min. If I don't take care of all the bureaucratic issues, they'll simply deport me. If I don't care about everybody, they just drive me out. Le rege habeva perdite su marita ante multe tempore. It had been long time since the king had lost his woman. The glass was lost before much time. Ne ekzistas lumo sen ombro. There's no light without a shadow. There is no light without a shadow. Ille esseva in prision a perpetuitate. He was in prison for life. They were in guess by means they were going to spread out. Tomo elektis. Tom has chosen. Tom chose. loQ mon me'rIy. Mary smiled a little. I've got a coin. mi co'a xagji I'm getting hungry. I'm going to allow the old man to listen to me. Mi ne opinias vin senkoraj. I don't think you're heartless. I don't think so. luQoy. They heard him. And you don't know what you're going to do. Ta castelle es bon. That castle is beautiful. Good-bye is good. Том аве тре шикас де кор. Tom has three girlfriends. else such a sample. Quando io es con vos, io nunquam me enoia. When I'm with you, I'm never bored. When something's part of you, something happened now in front of you. Vi estas mia aĵo. You are my one thing. You're my thing. Esque tu pote adjutar nos? I was wondering if you could help us. And can you help us? Mary ha le perturbation de anxietate generalisate. Mary has generalized anxiety disorder. Mary has the loss of a unextete. Mi ne scias, kiam la kunveno startis, sed ĝi startis minimume antaŭ tridek minutoj. I don't know when the meeting started, but it started at least thirty minutes ago. I don't know when the assembly starts, but it starts at least thirty minutes. Li-kanol dunön etosi vifikumo? Can you do it faster? He's going to work on a big town? reH yep tam me'rIy' je. Tom and Mary are always careful. Hey, there's a talca that's good at her. Yes, ibe. Yes, over there. Yres, wild goats. muQaHbe'chugh jIQaplaHbe'. I owe my success to her assistance. Help me think we're coming in. lo glico ctuca be mi ba'o stidi lo nu mi tcidu loi vi cukta My English teacher advised me to read these books. I'm going to let you know what I'm going to do with my friend and I'm about to do with you ta melbi cmalu bo nixli bo ckule That's a pretty little girls' school. Adlbise makes us boot tuqjIjQa'nganpu' chaHbe''a'? Are they not Englishmen? Thank you very much. I think we've got some alien civilizations at our stage of development within a few hundred light years. Ille ha multe serenitate. He has a lot of poise. They have so much to do. le dinju cu barda The house was big. They're going to take a deal. Esta adolesentes es vera comica. These teens are really funny. There is a real com server. com Tio estas senpaga gazeto. This is a free newspaper. That's free newspaper. Lo esas obcena kozo. It's an obscene thing. Lo, it's either chicken. mataH maH HeghDI'. We will outlive them. We think we have solved the mystery of creation. paqvam vIlaDta' 'e' vIqaw. I remember reading the book. All right, let's take part of the universe. la'a carvi It will probably rain. the guy Le littera esseva scribite a mano. The letter was written by hand. The Government was taken by his hand. Yo ne crede it! I don't believe it! You don't think so! El conose los. He knows them. It's going out with you. Multe omes ia mori en la mar. Many men died at sea. A lot or something die in the sea. la .maris. sumne zgana lo xrula Mary is smelling the flowers. l'm sorry, but, lo, l'm sorry, sir. la tom cu krici lo makfa Tom believes in magic. I'm going to give them a hint. Un gentilhomine es ille qui non chocca jammais sin intention le sentimentos de alicuno. A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally. A those who don't want to be discarded, so they're not supposed to be disappointed. Los ia jua tenis de table la un con la otra. They played table tennis together. Los any attempted by the guy with the edge of the posting. mi'e .sacas. My name is Sasha. I'm the ones. Jes, vi devus surhavi lipruĵon okaze de la Sankta Valenteno. Yes, you should wear red lipstick for Valentine's day. Yes, you should have given him a hint of the Holy One. ti'e la tom ca na zvati la bastyn I hear that Tom isn't in Boston now. That's my life. muj 'e' vISov. I know it's wrong. I'm not sure I can't. Mi kaŝis la brakringon en ŝuo en mia ŝranko. I hid the bracelet in a shoe in my closet. I hid your arms in my closet. Etiam si illo es ver, qual differentia il face? Even if that's true, what's the difference? And then, if it's the truth, what's gonna be it? Non parla si forte! Don't talk so loud! Don't hurt yourself! Mi klopodis ellitiĝi, sed mia korpo estis peza kiel plumbo. I attempted to get up, but my body was heavy as lead. I tried to get up, but my body was heavy like lead. Mi kuiras la tagmanĝon. I am cooking the lunch. I cook your lunch. Se li ne estos malsana, mi pensas, ke li venos. If he isn't sick, I think he will come. If he won't be sick, I think he'll come. .i ko pilno lo se zvati be mi Use my place. I'm going to create a driver when I'm ain't going to board it. .i ki'u ma do cusku zo co'o Why do you say goodbye? Let's go, let's go! Grimesy! Ŝi ĉesis spiri. She stopped breathing. She stopped breath. na go'i No. Don't waste La lernejo disponas vestan regularon. The school has a dress code. The school is getting dressed in a regular expression. 'angweD 'oHbe'. That's not a museum. angeDecia. Mia koramikino ankoraŭ ne konas miajn gepatrojn. My girlfriend still doesn't know my parents. My girlfriend doesn't know my parents yet. HoH'eghta' 'oSamu' DaSay'. Osamu Dazai killed himself. That's what it's like. Quo esset tui prim impression de London? What was your first impression of London? QTIF sequence is about London's print? Tomo sciis, kion Manjo volas aĉeti. Tom knew what Mary wanted to buy. Tom knew what Marie wants to buy. be' 'IH mojpu' be'Hom Qup. The little girl grew into a beautiful woman. Thank you for listening. Tu es un puero. You're a boy. You're a professional. Exemplifez. Exemplify. It's a syvert. Hieraŭ ŝi vidis grandan viron. Yesterday she saw a big man. Yesterday she saw a big man. Esta es fria. This is cold. It's fra. Bonveni a la mundo vera! Welcome to the real world! That's good to everyone! Can que latra non morde. Dogs that bark don't bite. He won't look right. QongDaqDaq puqpu' lan. She puts the children to bed. Don't you know why they're here? La mariajo timigas kelka homi. Marriage frightens some people. The Vikings are afraid of the tops. Tom probable neniam plu povos iri. Tom will probably never walk again. Tom probably can never go. yI'uchHa'! Let him go! Be careful! Rabeno, vi estas la Filo de Dio, vi estas Reĝo de Izrael! Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel. Rabbi, you are the Son of God, you are King of Israel! Tom aperi le fenestra. Tom is opening the window. Tom appear in the window. Mi helpos vin kiel eble plej bone. I'll help you as much as I can. I'll help you as best. La konstruaĵo ATT en Novjorko estas modelo de postmoderna arkitekturo. The AT & T building in New York is an example of postmodern architecture. The building ATT in New York is a model ofmodel architecture. Ci es asente? Who is absent? You're a guy? ko tolcando gasnu tu'a lo jmive .onai tu'a lo morsi Get busy living or get busy dying. O Life.jpg Illes deveniva toxicomane. They got addicted. They've come to pretended to work. Estas vere, ke li estas malriĉa, sed li estas kontenta. It is true that he is poor, but he is contented. It's true that he's poor, but he's happy. ra denpa ca lo nu do co'a zvati He will be waiting for you when you get there. Translation's Pause From System Bonvolu kontroli viajn respondojn. Please check your answers. Please check your answers. Vi estas preskaŭ samalta kiel via patro. You're almost as tall as your father. You're almost like your father. Pinta fresca. Fresh paint. Pinaa. Nos va restar alcun septimanas, insimul. We are going to stay some weeks, together. We're going to have some week. mi binxo pendo ko'a I became his friend. I'm going to give up ma mupli Such as? less Mi defendis min. I defended myself. I've defended myself. Perce vos no comprende lo? Why don't you understand it? Hold on. How much more about you? No person es interesada. Nobody is interested. No, it's interesting. Drinob vati in kvisinöp. I'm drinking water in the kitchen. Didn't you do it? Io ha visitate Boston con Tom. I've visited Boston with Tom. Something has come up with Tom. 'aybe' nagh. A stone does not float. Oh, no, no, no, no! wej ben tamvaD vIraS Hol vIghojmoH. I taught Tom French three years ago. It's the tape code we have to get lost. Jen estas ĉio, kion ni volas. That's all we want. That's all we want. Nostre casa, nostre regulas. Our house, our rules. Our casa, we're going to have rules. Yo es nervosi. I'm nervous. But that's very nervous. nIQ SoptaHvIS jo'rIj, nIm wIb ngogh law' Sop. George had a lot of cheese for breakfast. If it was very low, one would have expected it to take most of the ten billion years available. On the other hand, we don't seem to have been visited by aliens. Ube povas me kambiar mea dollars a pounds? Where can I exchange my dollars for pounds? At least can I know how to play Pound? Dom at no binom obik. This house is not mine. Suntentianebang. A qui tu lo donava? Who did you give it to? Are you running out of hand? Al merda con ille puta de cosa. Fuck that shit. Get into hell with them. La kapo de Tomo estas malplena. Tom's head is empty. Tom's head is empty. La knabo observis la ŝafojn. The boy was watching the sheep. The boy kept the sheep. Jim ne arivis til nun. Jim hasn't come yet. Jim does not go all the way. Pardonu al viaj malamikoj, sed ne forgesu iliajn nomojn. Forgive your enemies but don't forget their names. Forgive your enemies, but don't forget their names. Ili volas, ke ni kunlaboru. They want us to cooperate. They want us to work with work. Que exactemente illes face illac? What exactly are they doing in there? What`s going on with them? nIteb juHDaj Dab. She lives alone. It's a big example of Dabupt. Ĉu vi povas doni al mi kelkajn konsilojn? Could you give me some advice? Can you give me some tips? La knabo malestis en la lernejo pro malsano. The boy was absent from school yesterday because of illness. The boy was in his school for disease. Suscrive tu nom ala. Sign your name there. Suscie your name. lojmIt ngaQHa'moHwI' nej. He looked for the key to the door. We don't have a billion years before you do so. Tom maltrankviliĝis, kiam li eksciis la kromefikojn de la kuracilo. Tom got worried when he learnt about the medicine's side effects. Tom was worried when he understood the drugs of medicine. La fem ia mori par inonda en la mar. She drowned in the ocean. It's kind of dying to die in the sea. Ester superviveva le Holocausto. Esther survived the Holocaust. Esther's over the United States. Mi timas iri tien. I am afraid to go. I'm afraid to go over there. Tio estas interesa demando. That's an interesting question. That's an interesting question. La decido ne esas facila. The decision is not easy. The decision is not easy. jatlhpu'DI' tuH. After he said it, he was ashamed. Are you sure you want to delete these things? Mi estas hejme hodiaŭ. I'm at home today. I'm at home today. Yo save le tre bon. I know him quite well. You know, it's very good. mi ba'o facki ki'e nai I've found it myself, no thanks to you! I'm going to do this thing sa'e mi pinxe lo xunre vanju To be precise, I drank red wine. Professor, I'm going to kill each other Bukareŝto estas la ĉefurbo de Rumanio. Bucharest is the capital of Romania. The capital of Romania is the capital of Romania. Con le passato io ha nihil a facer; ni con le futuro. Io vive ora. With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now. Con little ones has nothing to do: we will be with the future of you. lo rectu cu kargu Meat is expensive. toggle a cuetor Mi ne iros, se vi ne invitos ankaŭ Tomon. I'm not going if you don't invite Tom, too. I won't go if you don't invite Tom as well. Ha', ghu, nepwI'wI' yISuv! Come on, baby, fight my liar! That's right, you won't take it! la .tom. cu ponse lo bralai jdini Tom has a lot of money. The owner of the sword. to'u ko'a me lo nanmu poi kakne lo ka se banli In short, he is a man of great ability. Why don't you put it on the other side? Taĝ-Mahalo belas. The Taj Mahal is beautiful. Tay-Mah is beautiful. lo mudri cu fulta Wood floats. They're going to sew them on the top of a pig Ĉu vi estas kun mi? Are you with me? Are you with me? Il es mediedie. It's midday. There is some medium. Maria es heroinomane. Mary is addicted to heroin. Maria is a hero of hand. Mi devas danki al li. I have to thank him. I should thank him. Ĉu ni iru al Litovio? Shall we go to Lithuania? Shall we go to Lithuania? Do' rIQchoHbe'pu'. He escaped injury, happily. So, I'm going to tell you what you're doing. Me leje naretas. I'm reading short stories. Me too. Antaŭvidu unu horon por atingi la flughavenon. Allow one hour to reach the airport. One hour to get the airport. mi birti morji tu'a la tom I remember Tom well. I'm so busy. mIghbe' chaH. They're not evil. I`m sorry for the government. SuHojnIS. You need to be careful. Are you sure you want to make some questions? Forigu vian manon de mia ŝultro. Take your hand off my back. Take your hand away from my shoulder. Li estas malkuraĝulo. He is a coward. He's a coward. Sep naQ toy' qum wIneH. We want the government to serve the whole nation. On the right hand, it's a big deal, and it's a good cause to work. Bentost va venir li unesim gastes a balnear in li termal balnería. Soon will come the first guests to bathe in the thermal baths. After him, he's going to come. Io ha difficultate in respiration. I have trouble breathing. Something has a difficiped in a mess. Mary comprende putong. Mary understands Mandarin. Mary combila well. Maria subite ekstaris. Mary suddenly stood up. Maria suddenly stood up. Probez ne trublar Tom. Try not to disturb Tom. It's not true, Tom. No binoms gudik. They're not good. It's all right. Hoch jaj cha'logh Ho'Du'wIj vItey. I brush my teeth twice a day. That's my concern! That it true. Faru tion, kion vi deziras. Do what you will. Do what you want. Me ne povas manjar. I can't eat. I can't eat it. Le parentes non succedeva a comprender lo que lor filia voleva. The parents couldn't make out what their daughter wanted. The parent link should not be used because their hard disk space does not want them to know that you would like to do this. ki'u ma do co'i te vecnu lo karce pe do Why did you buy a car? kiss So that's why we have access to your side Earth's sake, and that's why we should kiss the other side of life. Pro que ha tu venite hic si tosto? What did you come here so early for? Why have you come here for a moment? U es li hospitale? Where is the hospital? What is he doing? Bíi ab Thom emahineth wa. Tom loves to cook. Bín Thom up and Nahala. vIghajbe'. I didn't have it. Where are we going? «Daq DaDabbogh yIngu'!» «nIpon mon vIDab.» "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." "Why should we have solved the mystery of life?" lo plise ku makcu The apples are ripe. once again, I'll try to lie down. Ŝi renkontis lin sur la strando. She met him on the beach. She met him on the boat. La rio Ganga es considerada santa par la induistes. The river Ganges is considered sacred to Hindus. The bull Gesa ma'am is a lot of thinksing the park. Ilua nepoto rezidas en Nederlando. His grandchild lives in the Netherlands. He's not referred to the Netherlands. Том иа девени дансор. Tom became a dancer. else such a sample by network of the though it's a must be true. Ille va occider me. He'll kill me. They don't know what they're saying. Ĉu Tomo ne diris al vi, kio okazis? Didn't Tom tell you what happened? Didn't Tom tell you what happened? Tom non es preste a dicer le veritate. Tom isn't ready to tell the truth. Tom is not ready to start the dice. Mi klarigis la kialon detale. I explained the reason in detail. I explained the reason. ca'e lo nandu cu jarco lo bu'a be fa lo prenu It is difficulties that show what people are. Let's go, let's go, let's take it. lo speni be la .tom. cu zvati ma Where is Tom's wife? It's all right. Mi ne revenos hejmen. I'm not coming back home. I won't come home. La bovo muĝas. The bull is mooing. The oxres. Li me salutis kun rideto. They greeted me with a smile. He talked to his smile. Montru al mi! Show me. Show me! ca ve nuzba ku ko'a labybi'o When he heard the news, he turned pale. cazuza's only been sitting by the other side of the city. me'rIy' Hugh SIj tam. Tom slit Mary's throat. I'll say 'Wy' Hughs. Yud binon jönik. Judaism is beautiful. Let's go, let's go! Grimesy! uinai ca lo cabdei no da ditcu lo da'i be mi se zukte Unfortunately, I don't have time today. Why don't you think of many people are running out of the world? Mi prenis mian matenmanĝon. I had breakfast. I took my breakfast. Ella have un marito e du filias. She has a husband and two daughters. Of course it's two palons. El amoras el e me. She loves her and me. I love you from me. Doj 'oH. That's impressive. That's what the future is. Tu es un puta de genio. You're a fucking genius. You are searching for a genius. Mi volas adiaŭi vin. I want to say goodbye to you. I want to say goodbye. C'e tres þoras es zemi. It's three-thirty. C's very good at her. Jazo uzas la sama noti quon uzis Bach. Jazz uses the same notes that Bach used. Jas uses the same note that used Bach. Cual es un meteor? What is a meteor? C-2, what's a bunch of people doing? ngoy'wI' Sov pagh. Nobody knows who's in charge. I can't give you any longer. A vices io non pote evitar de demonstrar mi emotiones. Sometimes I can't help showing emotions. Once there's something that can't avoid me from the demonstration. Mary tirava un pistola e fusilava Tom. Mary pulled out a pistol and shot Tom. Mary tira a maclabolas Tom. He tu! Quon tu agas? Hey, you! What are you doing? What are you doing? Tu deberea haber appellate de policia. You should've called the cops. You should have been named police. 'eyqu' Darghvam. The tea is very tasty. But I`m sorry, sir. Tomo diris, ke li volis pasi iom da tempo sola. Tom said he wanted to spend some time by himself. Tom said he wanted to pass through a while alone. tlhoy mapaSlaw'. I think we're already too late. But we're going to tell you something. Suverya' Hol Dajatlh'a'? Do you speak Swedish? Sury, Hollaa? Mi aĉetis ĝin hieraŭ. I bought it yesterday. I bought it yesterday. po pa' ghaHtaH. She was there in the morning. All the seven minutes. Mia mano brulvundiĝis My hand was burned. My hand burned Li lasis sian hundon kuri libere en la kampo. He let his dog run free in the field. He left his dog to run in the field. Ne vekigez ilu. Don't wake him up. Let's not wake up. Ile labora calmemente. He takes his time when he works. There's no work in it. A veses la fortuna es cruel. Destiny is sometimes cruel. Nah, the convoy's headed back to base camp. Kiom da homoj estas surŝipe? How many people are on board? How many people are on board? Le ration vince super le fortia. Reason trumps strength. The reason to take you above the strong man. Me havas du filiini e du filiuli. I have two daughters and two sons. Me's got a two-twothi. Cual cosa tu vole de nos? What do you want from us? Do you want to mess us? An que nos vade a Lithuania? Shall we go to Lithuania? And what we're going to be doing? Io me rememora haber serrate le porta. I remember locking the door. Something I need to have a master qrunner for her. mejpu' lupwI' mIr. The train is gone. Thank you for listening. Ĉu vi iras aŭ ne? Are you going or not? You're going or not? Tomas no dledom obis. Tom isn't afraid of us. Tomas no dalembs. Mi tre profunde konas ĉi tiun temon. I am familiar with this subject. I really know this theme. Ne esas marvelo ke pueri prizas vizitar la farmeyo. It is no wonder that the children love to visit the farm. It's not a sea plant that you're going to fly off the plant. jISop vIneHbe'. I don't want to eat. Hey, we're back from man. bIQtIqDaq QaltaH. She is swimming in the river. That's why we got to get out of here. re ninmu cu simxu lo ka slabu The two women know each other. recouse each other bong pongDaj vISov. I happened to know her name. All right, I'm sure I can't. De qui es li libre? Whose book is it? Of course he's books? Ka vu parolas la Chiniana? Do you speak Chinese? Do you speak the China? Mi scias, ke Tomo ne komprenas la francan lingvon. I know Tom can't understand French. I know Tom doesn't understand French. Alga de mundo nunca adulti. Some people never grow up. I'm going to tell you how to commit adultery. Tomo neis esti skribanta la leteron. Tom denied writing the letter. Tom wasn't writing the letter. Tom binom nenkeliedik. Tom has no empathy. Tom binnenesky. Yo save qualmen Tom morit. I know how Tom died. You know what Tom Tom says. Nos ia vinse tre ecipos. We beat three teams. We don't know you very much. Kie mi povas trovi telefonan budon? Where can I find a telephone box? Where can I find the phone line? xu ko'a se pampe'o Does she have a boyfriend? xumbin' if pam_*_item: Tu perdit. You lost. You lose. Ni faru pli ol tion. We have to do more than that. Let's do more than that. Ekde kiam havas via haŭto flavetan koloron? How long has your skin been jaundiced? Since when do you have your skin color? Legu la gazeton ĉiutage, alikaze vi perdos la kontakton kun la nuntempo. Read the newspaper every day, or you will get behind the times. Read the newspaper a day, otherwise you'll lose contact with the time now. Esludom ad vedön stirädan. He has decided to become a pilot. I'm going to play the game again. Mi tenos vin informita. I'll keep you posted. I'll keep you informed. not vIqIp jIH. I never hit him. I don't know what I did. jItuS 'e' vImevlaHbe'. I can't stop coughing. Exiting... raltaHghach vImuS. I abhor violence. Do you know what it's going to be a tool? .i xu do cirko lo pikta pe do Have you lost your ticket? Let's clean up therefore. Ла фурор иа ес нунка арестада. The robber was never apprehended. such as do not exist. Banolös. Please take a bath. We're going to meet you. Probabilemente il essera multo periculose. It's very likely going to be dangerous. It's a big idea that there's a lot of trouble. jatlh Qang, jISaHbe' jay'. The president said, "I don't give a damn." The chief of them, I think we should have heard about it. Si un homine non resenti que on non le nota, an ille non es totemente virtuose? Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him? If you won't tell me that you won't see all of them. DaHjaj poS'a' qach'a'? The castle, it is open today? I now turn to the me that I resist you, and I don't know. Irland es un tre bell land. Ireland is a very beautiful country. It's a very beautiful thing. Mi elŝutis la dosieron, kiun Tomo alŝutis. I downloaded the file which Tom uploaded. I've downloaded the file Tom's upload. Atletiko estas grava parto de la lerneja vivo. Athletics are an important part of school life. It's a major part of school. .e'usai gau ko lo nu tugni ku te vreji You really should get this agreement down in writing. You have boot disk %u. Turn your way back and try again. Li ĵuris, ke li ne plu drinkos. He swore that he would no longer drink. He swore he wouldn't drink any more. El tenis mea brakio ferme. She held my arm firmly. With close close close. Yen ke ni esas en Himeji staciono. Here we are at Himeji Station. Above that we're in Hime Station. Le problema del mundo de hodie es que le futuro non plus es como illo esseva antea. The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be. The Everyone who is invalid. It was not just as it was before. qaStaHvIS jav jar qachvam mutlhlu'ta'. This building was put up in six months. I think it quite likely that we are the only civilization within many hundred light years. pa' laSvargh chu' wIchenmoH 'e' vIchup. I suggest that we should build a new factory there. We're supposed to have a chance of our universe. lo klesi be ma ba se binxo mi What'll become of me? The type of type should be going to be okay if I could. Estas la vivo, kiu estas instrua al ni, ne la lernejo. It is life that teaches us, not school. It's the life that is taught us, not school. .i ja'e nai bo mi na ka'e sipna Regardless of this, I am not able to sleep. (Applause) Tomo havas tre belan rideton. Tom has a very nice smile. Tom has a very beautiful smile. jIHub'eghlaHmeH choghojmoHlaH'a'? Can you teach me how to defend myself? I am cut off! Where are you? Hoch jaj ghaH wIlegh. We see him every day. That's what we've been looking for. Li povis naĝi sufiĉe rapide por sukcesi en la ekzameno. He could swim fast enough to pass the test. He could swim quickly to succeed in the exam. mitre be li ni'u ci gei su'e mu It's up to 5·10-³ meters. Return to him, we're Scientific Li tenas aŭron de mistero ĉirkaŭ si. He has an air of mystery about him. He's holding a mystery's mystery around him. Cual es la capital de Japan? What's the capital of Japan? Cultural is the capital of Japan's capital? lo nu lo mlatu cu fagri kei cu nenri lo mi palku There is a cat on fire in my pants! A lot of multi-editor site not a gas Tom esseva rivetate al solo per le pavor, quando ille incontrava un intruso in su studio. Tom was riveted to the floor out of fear, when he came across an intruder in his study. Tom was attacked by the October subscribing, when they were taken in their midst. Ne maltrankviliĝu pri via parolado okaze de la edziĝofesto; vi simple povos ĝin improvizi, kiam vi estos surloke. Don't worry about giving a speech at the wedding; you can just wing it when you get there. Don't worry about your speech at the wedding. You just can't be able to marry it when you're in place. Qup. He was young. If it's true, it's okay. .au mi baupli la lojban. I want to speak in Lojban. I am ....... ............... ............ On la comprava un nove veste. A new dress was bought for her. Place the coma new clothes on. Li kvazaŭ konfesis sian kulpon. He as much as admitted his guilt. He has confessed his iniquity. xu do pu prami mi Did you love me? x then Love I'm going to do Maria es un puera astute. Mary is a smart girl. Maria is a funny man. Tomo estis tre komprenebla. Tom was very understanding. Tom was very understood. ngIq QIm lulelta'. He took the eggs out one by one. We're looking for a billion years. Nemo ha jammais essite illac. Nobody's ever been there. Never saw that there's no reason. Tu me manca multo. I miss you very much. You're a very good man. Esce me pote abri la fenetra? Can I open the window? Esc could eat the heart of thenetre? jungwoq bop paqvam. This book is about China. Bugqutic pieces. Le tomate es subjecte a plure maladias. The tomato is subject to a number of diseases. It's tomatoes's head of blood-in-the-ray. Ambos de nos ia es multe ocupada. We were both very busy. And what we're doing is we're a lot of cake. Ла песос де шаке ес: ре, дама, биспо, кавало, торе е пеон. The chess pieces are: king, queen, bishop, knight, rook and pawn. such as do not belong to such as now. Dachmo' jI'IQqu'. I miss her so much. I'll let you go. Kial okazas ĉi tiaj aferoj? Why do these kinds of things happen? Why is this? Tom habeva le insimul de aptitudes requirite pro facer con successo le travalio. Tom had the skill set required to successfully do the job. Tom Cache file created successfully. Le voce in le capite de Tom narra su vita per phrases ex Tatoeba. The voice in Tom's head narrates his life using sentences from Tatoeba. The big idea in the context of Tom, you shall love with sentences. Tomo aspektis lacega. Tom seemed tired. It looked very great. DachtaH 'Iv? Who is absent? Who are you? Vos debe dicer lo que vos pensa. You should say what you think. You must include a dice that you think. Fari demandojn estas kiel ni lernas. Asking questions is how we learn. So we're learning questions like we learn. Toklize kurmik tigir ? Where is a doctor? To lie down? 'uj 'ar Da'ab? How tall are you? 'How are your Daa?' Slipom so gudiko ibo palöfom. He sleeps so well because he's loved. So you can see what you're doing. Tra cuanto tempo papilios vive? How long do butterflies live? A piece of luck will give you a piece of money? xu ra ba klama i mi na jinvi lo nu ra klama Will he come? I don't think he will come. x make sense i'm going to make sure it's wonderful Kial knabinoj estas tiel maniaj pri vestoj? Why are girls so obsessed with clothes? Why are girls so expensive? Bonvolu doni al mi cindrujon. Please give me an ashtray. Please give me a box. Tio estas maltrankviliga. This is worrisome. That's a worry. Mea elinica es vera no tal bon. My Greek really isn't that good. Mea from whether to be true or not. Vi eĉ ne donas atenton. You're not even paying attention. You don't even give attention. Ne diru tion al iu. Just don't tell anybody. Don't tell anyone. Tom ia leva sua vitro de vino per oserva la bela color roja contra la lus. Tom raised his glass of wine to watch the beautiful red color against the light. Tom means you can drink of wine using the lovely colours. Bob esas la sola studento en nia klaso ke povas parlar Hispana. Bob is the only student that can speak Spanish in our class. Bob is the only student in our class that there is a Spanish Spanish Spanish. ko jundi lo crane Watch the front. We have to know something about the war. Li diris al li vidalvide. He told him right to his face. He said to him I'm sorry. Denmargh Hol, Suverya' Hol, DIvI' Hol je vIjatlh. I speak Danish, Swedish and English. From Hoag, Sury Ol, you're good at me, you know, I'm sick of his age. Io es jelose. I'm jealous. Something's in there. Anke me. Same here. See also. Jam estas la naŭa. It's already nine o'clock. It's already nine. Esque tu vole dicer me alique? Do you have something that you want to say to me? Is this what you want to do with me? Me adoras la deino Astarte. I worship the goddess Astarte. Me worships the lady's wife. Tame tir bula. The Universe is a mystery. That's kind of a tank. Plu bon tarda ca nunca. Better late than never. It's good for you now. Menxhent. We eat. Menxhent. nav Dape'pu''a'? Did you cut the paper? Don't you get it? Isto ha in effecto accidite. That really happened. This will be in effect. peghoHQo'! Don't argue. That's what you have? Vi ne bezonas mian konsenton. You don't need my approval. You don't need my consent. Ne estas tiel malproksime. It's not so far. It's not that far away. muleghDI' SIbI' SaQchoH. The moment she saw me, she burst into tears. A Pause of SII'm out of control. muQeHmoH Dochvam. That made me mad. Thank you very much. Ni paŭzu. Let's take a breather. Let's go. Iste travalio non ha ulle futuro. This job has no future. This driver doesn't support any of the future. Yo ha sempre savet it. I've always known it. But that's not true, you know. mi manci lo nu bau lo za'u slovo bangu lo valsi be lo titla tasta ca lo cfari pu valsi lo silna tasta vau sai I find it amazing that in the Slavic languages the word “sweet” originally meant “salty”! I'll put it on the other side of the wastebasket Esis du kuketi. There were two small cakes. Two boots. lo gusta be le ponjo cu zvati ma Where is a Japanese restaurant? Light value of the woman's hair off Que merda es tu problema? What the fuck is your problem? What the fuck is your problem? Mary sovente porta long jupes. Mary often wears long skirts. Come on, we're late for a long time. jIghoSpu'mo' jIQuchqu'. I'm really glad I came here. Let's go, let's go look at that. Ĉu vi aŭdacas demandi lin pri tio? Dare you ask him about it? Do you dare ask him about this? Mi volas loĝi en Italujo. I want to live in Italy. I want to live in Italy. motlh maQap. We usually win. The actor's still in love. Neniu povas haltigi vin. No one can stop you. No one can stop you. SuDqu' per naHvam. This pear is green. The early in the morning, we're in charge of the universe. Me esas tre felica. I'm very happy. I'm very happy. La ŝuoj de Tomo ne harmonias kun lia kostumo. Tom's shoes don't match his suit. Now the shoes of Tom don't worry with his shoe. Tom no äkanom svimön. Tom couldn't swim. Tom Notäkanms Gönt. Papero fixigesis aden la imprimilo e nun ol ne funcionas. A piece of paper got jammed in the printer and now it doesn't work. Paper Size was given to the length of the mailing list and is not able to support. jIHvaD paqvam je' 'IrneHwI'. My uncle bought me this book. Because there's no alien civilizations at our stage of development within a radius of a few hundred light years. mi nintadni la lojban I'm a beginner in Lojban. Let's see what we'd do. lo mi mensi pu na cusku zo coi My sister did not say "Hello." I've got some bites. All right, let's go! Mi tre ŝatas lian manieron ridi. I love the way he laughs. I like his way to laugh. toghlaHbe'. He can't count. But I'll tell you that. le junla cu te tcidu lo tcika be lo lerci The clock is fast. the juuro-ctile vobmipri ne'i le sroku'a She's hiding in the closet. vote doesn't care about it. Ŝi jam de longe konis lin. She has known him for a long time. She knew him for a long time. Osagob ole valikosi dö etos. I'll tell you everything about it. We'll do the way you want to build a theme. Pro ille qui ben comprende, il suffice le medietate de un parola. To a good listener, half a word is enough. For them that are blessed by comation, due to the medium of a word. Binob pul. I am a boy. Let's see. Dog obik binom vietik. My dog is white. So, above all, you're giving up. ra tcidu lo vi cukta ca lo prulamdei He read this book yesterday. It's going to be another round Mi scivolas, kun kiu Tomo interparolis. I wonder who Tom talked to. I wonder where Tom talked with. xu do ralte lo xarci Do you have any weapons? xililal x Xubuntu Esce tu labora en un vila? Do you work in a town? Esce in your work? Ĉu vi ŝlosis la pordon? Did you lock the door? Did you lock the door? Mi diris al vi ĉion, kion mi scias pri Germanujo. I have told you everything I know about Germany. I told you everything I know about Germany. QongDaqDaq QongtaH. He was asleep in the bed. ong whether or not to log in. Io debe facer lo de nove. I have to do it all over again. I've got to do it from new. ki'u ma do zvati lo lumku'a Why are you in the bathroom? Let's play the lights. Mi ne emas havi amrilaton. I'm not interested in a relationship. I don't want to have a lot of relationship. Ĉu vi bonvolus ŝalti la televidilon? Do you mind turning on the TV? Did you turn on the TV? ei ko'a ca lo bavlamdei cu sidju lo mamta be ko'a bu'u lo jupku'a He will have to help his mother in the kitchen tomorrow. and return-of-the years old and boot disk %i jub nuv qa'. A person's soul is immortal. I don't know. Nu, tio ne veras. Nuh-uh, that's not true. Well, that's not true. 'och mutlhwI' ghaH tam'e' 'e' vIHarbe'. I don't think that Tom is a plumber. The answers to these seven minutes, and we have made remarkable progress in the universe. pIqeHHa'. You're forgiven. about half aHa. Kiel vi traktus la problemon? How would you deal with the problem? How did you treat the problem? ghaH vIja'DI' jIpIQ. I told her straight. All right, I've got some fun before. Estas bedaŭrinde, ke vi ne povas veni. It is a pity you cannot come. It's unfortunately you can't come. Le silente viro pareva mesmo plus inhabile que de costume, e ille bibeva champagne regularmente e con determination per pur nervosismo. The silent man seemed even more clumsy than usual, and drank champagne with regularity and determination out of sheer nervousness. The man whose peace appears to be lower than six billion years old, and they are commonly lost. Mara sinyë. Good evening. Marakëa. Tu realmente non sape natar? Can you really not swim? You really don't know what you did? bIlughchu'. You're quite right. All right, let's go. Ĉu tio inkludas ĉion? Does that include everything? It includes everything? Els cioveci sint cansats. The men are tired. You think it's okay to get yourself out of here. Me esperas ke tua deziro satisfacesos. I hope your wish will come true. I hope you don't want it. jIHaDmeH SepwIjvo' jImej 'e' vIwuqta'. I decided to go abroad to study. I am Death. Have you come to take me away? Long have I walked by your side. Ille me occidera. He'll kill me. They're all right. qet 'e' lumev. They stopped running. Let's go. Exiting. bIQIp'a' jay'? Are you fucking stupid? Thank you. Mi sangas intense. I'm bleeding badly. I'm bloody. Ĉu vi scias, kion tio signifas? Do you know what it means? Do you know what this means? petaQ ghaH putIn'e'! Putin is a dickhead! I have nothing to do with you. Bi tren no ästebedon por ob. Because the train did not wait for me. Let's drag as a regular expression. le mamta pu jdice lo frica Mother decided otherwise. symbol lookupdors Frans, me ama tu! France, I love you! Ma'am, I love you! le verba puco'a klaku ca lonu ri viska le gerku The child began to cry at the sight of the dog. Kids are running out of the way to run the system tray Nos expecta que il pluvera hodie. We expect that it will rain today. We're going to tell you that you don't want to hear it. mi citka va'o po'o lo nu mi xagji I eat only when I'm hungry. Let's go, I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do Vi devus esti fiera. You should be proud. You should be proud. Kiöpo topon-li lutapof? Where's the airport? Ku-Car-ple? jaghDaq yIghoSQo'. Don't approach the enemy. That's why we have an insurance policy. Multaj studentoj faris la saman eraron. Not a few students made the same mistake. Many students made the same mistake. lo'e pelji cu blabi Paper is white. White flowers Fadilo akceptis Islamon, kiel parton de sia vivo. Fadil accepted Islam as part of his life. I took part of his life, like part of his life. SuD no'negh qul. Sulfur burns with a blue flame. So there's a conspiracy in the morning. Io le audiva sortir. I heard him go out. Io the hear button. 'IH DI'ruj. Reality is beautiful. 'HH these days'. Ni vivas en socio, ne nur en ekonomio. We live in a society; not just in an economy. We live in society, not just in the economy. No nedobs etosi. We don't need that. It won't be a theme theme. mataghjaj! Let's start! - Leave me alone. ta mo What's that? mota lo nu troci cu xamgu Trying is good. Please correct the value of the main window. Ni faliis pro manko di preparado. We failed due to a lack of preparation. We fell down for lack of lack. Que pensa tu que nos debe facer? What do you think we should do? What think we should do? Su actiones non son sempre in accordo con su parolas. His actions do not always correspond to his words. Sues haven't been played in Lieutenant, but they're not going to have talked with you. Nolobs nosi. We don't know anything. No matter what we're doing. Tom travalia in un hospital. Tom works at a hospital. Tom came into a hospital. e'o nai Here it is. and are na nanei Mi povas kuiri. I can cook. I can cook. .oi cai lo pe mi puzu se prami cu jai tcica fi lo nu jbera lo jdini .i je na xruti gasnu Holy fucking shit! My old ex is a thief! I'll take a family for you if there's no good news. mughoSbej jo'rIj. It's certain that George will come. In fact, we have a big deal. Bonvolu transdoni la pizojn, Tomo. Would you pass the peas, Tom? Please give up the orders, Tom. Noi vive in un societé. We live in a society. No, you're in socialé. eidai do kansa mi You must come with me. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not so stupid. Sinjoro Brown transprenis tiun klason pasintan jaron. Mr Brown took charge of this class last year. Mr. Brown took that last year. Ĝi estis komputila eraro. It was a computer error. It was a computer error. En Tatoeba, nos no usa brasetas per indica otra modos posible de tradui alga cosa. En loca de esta, nos simple posta du o plu traduis, e nos lia los a la frase orijinal. At Tatoeba we don't use parentheses to indicate alternative ways to translate something. Instead, we just post two or more separate translations linked to the original sentence. In Tatoeba, we can't use a small fashionable mode, possible to form a regular expression. In terms, we're just running out, we're just going through two or two more of them, we're going to do it. mi zbasu lo botpi se pu'e lo blaci grana I make bottles starting with glass rods. I had been lucky if we're in charge of the glass. Ne diradu, ke vi bedaŭras. Don't keep saying you're sorry. Don't say you're sorry. le gerku zo .ken. se cmene The dog is called Ken. Let's go, let's go. Mi certigis ke neniu estis rigardanta. I made sure that no one was watching. I told you that no one was watching. Un epitaphio es un inscription super un tumba, monstrante que virtutes acquirite per le morte habe effecto retroactive. An epitaph is an inscription on a tomb, showing that virtues acquired by death have a retroactive effect. One disease is a structure of money, which means you're going to find out what you want to be put to death in effect. la aron pu catra la elizabet Aron killed Elizabeth. the dangerous set of pushbets frombebebebet Me questionus li. I'd ask them. I'm asking him. lenku It's cold out. kuku Mi kutimas enlitiĝi tre frue. I go to bed very early. I'm used to bed very early. Ili verŝajne malsukcesis. They must have failed. They must have failed. Quchqu'law'. She looks very happy. Qwww. Let's go. Ecce le regulas. Here are the rules. So that's the rules. ca da le merko ba cuxna lo ninmu jatna i la'e di'u ba na melbi Someday the USA will elect a woman president, and it won't be pretty. Calculating of Wednesday, we're going to be at least one of the rest of our market, and the rest of the Wednesday, Nos es in cammino al plagia. Volerea tu accompaniar nos? We're heading for the beach. Would you like to come with us? We are about to be sure that you want to unsubscribe. Would you like to tell us? La oios de Virjinia ia deveni plen de larmas, e el ia asconde sua fas entre sua manos. Virginia's eyes grew dim with tears, and she hid her face in her hands. The Mexicans of Vieters have come from the full moon, from some kind of a kind of attempt to be at the end of their time. Mi aprecas vian helpon. I appreciate your support. I'm tired of your help. Ricardo estas mia baptonomo. Ricardo is my first name. Riocard name is my baptism. Nulu savas pro quo. Nobody knows why. Now save it for what. Me volis amar Tom. I wanted to love Tom. Me wanted to love Tom. ra na citka lo nalseljukpa finpe He doesn't eat raw fish. Unreaded stats were completed Diru al ŝi, ke mi gladas miajn vestojn. Tell her that I am ironing my clothes. Tell her I'm wearing my clothes. Un interprete es uno qui face possibile le communication inter duo personas parlante linguas differente, per repeter a cata un de illes lo que pro ille il esserea plus facile a traducer si le altere persona lo habeva dicite. An interpreter is one who enables two persons of different languages to understand each other by repeating to each what it would have been to the interpreter's advantage for the other to have said. One of them is able to make the evolution of a mailing list of its own languages between two ways and then they're talking about what they're going to be easily recognizing each other. Popule ama hundes. People love dogs. He's got to love his eyes. Quchqu' Hoch. Everybody was really happy. I'm sure I'm kidding. De plus in plus studentes adhere al protestos. More and more students are joining the protests. One more in more study to ahere to protest. ti'e nai ja'o da na drani I can feel that something is wrong. That's why we're na na na na D'am' Illa non le amava, ni le amarea jammais, post que ille ha inspirate in illa un secrete e inexplicabile aversion. She didn't love him, she would never love him; he has inspired in her a secret and inexplicable dislike. We're not going to love it, but we're gonna love -- after which they're inspired if they're not able to open the environment variable, then we're not going to get back in. ¿Qet sint las quantas? What time is it? Goes to the front when you get back? Binob tidel eit. I'm the teacher. Let's see if there's no such thing. tIn paq. The book is big. There's nothing in it. Tiu nutraĵo estas nesalubra. This food is unhealthy. This food is not actual. Esas nia pluvosezono. It is our rainy season. It's our rain. jubbe''a' Humanpu'? Are humans mortal? Professor, I beg you, don't know what you're doing? Illes discuteva su propositiones al assemblea. They discussed his proposals at the meeting. They're going to argue about their position. Он аве мулте рожа флорес ен ла жардин. There are many red flowers in the garden. such as do not belong to such as now.K. ......... ............ .............. ............ .............................. ................................................................................ To es strangi. That's strange. To stretch outangi. Tomo aspektas iomete perpleksa. Tom seems a little disoriented. Tom looks a little inple. Tomo tre similas sian pli aĝan fraton. Tom looks a lot like his older brother. Tom is very like his older brother. DIvI' Hol jatlhtaH. He is speaking English. You are not authorised to change your membership. ra simlu lo ka tatpi He seems tired. Drmutputtple Tu es sin valor. You're worthless. You're value. Sua braso ia tanje mea braso. Her arm brushed against mine. That's why we don't drink any kind of guy. Ла проприа ес ун фура. Property is theft. else such as do not belong to the service of service....................... ................................. Vi ne vere povas regi, al kiu vi enamiĝas. You can't really control who you'll fall in love with. You can't really rule over who you fall in love. Le die sequente le hussar se sentiva pejo. The next day the hussar was worse. The next day, the next year, is going to be sent out. El ia dise ce el no vole es presidente. He said he did not want to be president. Some of the really want to be a print from this. chatlh ghun vI'ep vIneH. I want to eat warm soup. The space I have chosen to understand the man. La mangas de venta es usada pеr indica la dirije e la fortia de la venta. Windsocks are used to indicate the direction and strength of the wind. The man binds the loss of revenge is used by the fires in order to say the hand of the revenge. lo ckafi cu kurki The coffee is bitter. Dai-pa-kaipaper size Esce vos es ancora asi? Are you still here? Esce is still up to people? Vilob nolön veti Tomasa. I want to know how much Tom weighs. Vibumbiny Tomas. Io non debera jammais creder que Deo joca al datos con le mundo. I shall never believe that God plays dice with the world. You must not believe that it is turned on to everyone's surface. Rusaj infanoj pensas, ke infanfabloj havantaj ranoj, kies haŭtoj estas forigitaj, estas afablaj. Dume mi estas ĉi tie tute vomitanta. Russian children think those fairytales having frogs remove their hides are so cute. Meanwhile, I'm over here puking my lungs out. Russian children think that children get frogs out of frogs, whose skin are removed, are kind of nice. SoHvaD Dochmeyvam vInob vIneH. I wanted to give you these. Professor, we sought to understand the questions of man. Mia plej ŝatata manĝaĵo estas glaciaĵo. My favorite food is ice cream. My favorite food is ice. Ni konocas ilu. We know him. We know how to explain it. mi na zmiku I'm not a robot. I'm not gonna make each other lu xu do ba'o citka li'u .i zo go'i "Have you eaten?" "Yes, I have." Let's go to sleep. Let's go. Esque alicuno de vos ha reguardate ex le fenestra? Have any of you looked out the window? And how much you have subscribing to this mailing list? 'aSralya' bopbogh De' law''e' vIghoj. I learned a lot about Australia. We have two pieces of observational evidence on the probability of life appearing. Me gusta musica. I like music. Light music. Ŝi konsilis al li ne plu labori tiel multe. She advised him to stop working so much. She decided not to work so much. Mi preferas iri naĝi. I prefer to go swimming. I prefer to go to swim. tlhaqlIj tu'pu'bogh loDHom'e' ghaH. This is the boy who found your watch. likequza's equations and general relativity that determined the universe, given its state over all of you. Dankon, ke vi invitis min al via naskiĝotaga festeno. Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party. Thank you that you invited me to your birth party. Me pote ole la mar. I can smell the ocean. I can fly in the sea. Perch ed-ty llo ffuin? Why do you hate women? Perch and lyn't coming back? Proque non ha tu vadite al officio? Why did you not go to the office? Is it because you don't have coffee? Joan core en la site. Joan runs in the city. Jan Joreren in the document has been. mumer noregh. Norway surprised me. - Yes. - Yes, the black ones. No klödobs gove. We don't trust the government. In No way, they'll go ahead. lo zvati be lo kensa la terdi cu terselmlu lo ka cmalu Seen from space, Earth seems relatively small. Some of the world's core that the world has gone out of here jIqIDbe'. I'm not kidding. I don't think so. Ĉu vi manĝis ajlon? Did you eat garlic? Did you eat a cake? taH pagh taHbe'. DaH mu'tlheghvam vIqelnIS. To be or not to be, that is the question. In that case, we haven't heard about it. Bob ha esset spondet con Mary desde plu quam un annu. Bob has been engaged to Mary for over a year. Bob has beenset with Marlety on top of it. Ту ес бела. You are beautiful. else such a sample. SIbI'Ha' SoHvaD vI'agh. I'll show you later. I think it quite likely that we are the only civilization within several hundred light years; otherwise we would have heard radio waves. naDev Dururbogh loD wIghajnISbej. We really need a man like you here. Are you sure we`re going to make sure we`re going to make sure we're going to make sure you're going to make sure you want to continue? Miksu la ruĝan kun la blua farbo. Blend the red paint with the blue paint. Remove the red one with blue paint. Tomo ŝatas la naĝadon. Tom likes to swim. Tom likesum. Том иа ес меа ами сола а акел темпо. Tom was my only friend at that time. such as do not belong to else, such as now. Mi atendos ekstere. I'll be waiting outside. I'll wait outside. javmaH lup ghaj wa' tup. One minute has sixty seconds. We're going to find seven minutes. Mi vere ĝoje atendas vidi vin. I'm really looking forward to seeing you. I'm really happy to see you. Tom vole prender it. Tom wants to take it. Tom wants to take it. Prago estas tre bela. Prague is very beautiful. It's very beautiful. "Mi ne sukcesas ekdormi." — "Nek mi." "I can't sleep." "Me neither." 'I can't help it.' Viro staris svinganta sian manon al mi. A man stood waving his hand to me. A man's putting his hand on me. Me ama acel gala. I love that show. I'm sorry to take care of it. tamvaD Huch vInoj. I lent Tom some money. Tamil Huchors. Il non ha sedias in iste sala. There are no chairs in this room. You have no idea but in this room. vIghro'vetlh yIlegh. Look at that cat. I'm going to talk about it. He'So' ghabvam. This meat smells bad. Hey, seven minutes. La libro es grande. The book is big. The book is too big. Tu esas tro tarda. You are late. You're too bastard. Le decido jam estas farita. The decision has already been made. The decision is already done. lutobpu'be'. They haven't proven it. Why should I tell you that? Ille es un puero multo intelligente. He is a very smart boy. They're a lot of luck. Mi ankoraŭ ne kutimas skribi negocleterojn. I'm not yet used to writing business letters. I'm not used to write letters yet. bom vIbom vIneH. I want to sing a song. You do not have to drink a man. Ni ĉiuj sopiris je vi. We all missed you. We've all missed you. Ĉu vi manĝos hejme aŭ fore? Are you going to eat at home or go out? Would you eat at home or get away? Kad vu laboras en urbo? Do you work in a town? You're working in a city? ro ko'a pu co'a gasnu co slilu fa lo me ko'a lanci Everybody started waving his flag. Let's go, let's go, let's go! ca lo bavlamdei mi terve'u lo kanfonxa ui I'm gonna get a cell phone tomorrow! That's right, I'm going to see you Mi povintus nei. I could've said no. I shouldn't have done it. La leĝo plenplenas de ambiguecoj. The law is full of ambiguities. The law full of Brazilians. rabe'rIt jup jIH. I am a friend of Robert's. I'll take care of him. waqmeylIj DaSay'moHta' qar'a'? You have cleaned your shoes, haven't you? The list administrators are the people who have ultimate control over all parameters of this mailing list. The list moderators have more limited permissions; they are being used for posting from the list. You can also provide the list configuration variable, but it is very well Fraŭlino Jackson ne aperis. Miss Jackson did not appear. Miss Jack hasn't appeared. Mi ĉion diros al vi. I'll tell you everything. I'll tell you all. Muziko esas universala linguo. Music is a universal language. Music is a universal language. Blod oba hetom obi. My brother hates me. Blodudbut or ubia. Mi ignoris tion. I disregarded it. I ignore that. xu do kakne lo ka tavla fo lo bancumunu Are you able to speak Mandarin? x once we're on the other side La rota jigante es meа favoreda. The Ferris wheel is my favorite. I must have been a favor in the world. Alga de mundo ia duta la onestia de la om. Some people questioned his honesty. I'm going to work at least two-year-olds. Iste articulos essaya de presentar le historia del lingua Romancio. These articles try to present the history of the Romansh language. This is the article of the Roman language. Illo ancora non es preste. It isn't ready yet. It's not ready. mi ca'o djuno lo nu do mokau I already know who you are. I can't talk to you, so I can't talk to you. Que tu me consilia de facer? What do you advise me to do? What do you want to do with them? le nakni pu na nelci lo ckule He didn't like school. won't push na na Dalec Io non ha legite. I didn't read. Something didn't happen. La aksiomo de Cole: La sumo de la inteligento sur la planedo estas konstanta; la loĝantaro kreskas. Cole's Axiom: The sum of the intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing. The doctor's mass: the sum of intelligence on the planet is constant; the population is growing up. Tomo diras al Manjo, ke ŝi ne devu atendi lin. Tom told Mary that she didn't have to wait for him. Tom says to Marie that she wouldn't wait for him. Tom ia vende la brasaleta. Tom sold the bracelet. Tom is kind of revengey. Tomaso planas edziĝi tuj post kiam li finos universitaton. Tom plans to get married as soon as he graduates from college. Thomas's plan to get married soon after he's finished university. wa'Hu' qaSpu' qoSwIj wa'maH SovDIch. Yesterday was my seventeenth birthday. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of my life. It seems to have nothing. Compara tu responsas con illos del inseniante. Compare your answers with the teacher's. Can you tell them how to teach them? Lia nepoto rezidas en Nederlando. Their grandchild lives in the Netherlands. His not post is referred to the Netherlands. Vi diris al mi, ke vi trinkis preskaŭ nenion. You said to me that you drink almost nothing. You told me you drank nothing. "Yo va far omnicos corectmen", ella jurat a su matre. "I will do everything right", she swore to her mother. "It's from the World Wars." Äslipob föfü televid. I slept in front of the TV. Neil provides a fböün TV. Dochvetlh DIlmeH Huch 'ar DaneH? How much is it? How do you think I'm going to tell you what? Maria es un lesbiana. Mary is a lesbian. Maria's a unwellban. Me eniras la banko. I go into the bank. Me's entering the bank. La soldatoj estis jure akuzitaj pri murdo. The soldiers were tried in court for murder. The soldiers were accused of murder. Ta domo e ta lando esas mea! This house and this land are mine. Trough Border is a country! Vi ne igu min elekti! Don't make me choose. Don't pick me up! Ili festis lian sukceson, malŝtopante botelon da vino. They celebrated his success by opening a bottle of wine. They'll celebrate his success. They'll celebrate a bottle of wine. Ме студиа анке бангла. I study Bangla, too. such as do not belong to else, such as now. ngengDaq Sumlaw' juHDaj. She seems to be living by the lake. If it was very low, one would have expected it to take most of the ten billion years available. On the other hand, we don't seem to have been visited by aliens. tIn Sormey. The trees are big. There's nothing in it. xu do djica lo nu ricfu Do you want to be rich? xuji d'OKu bit well Mi ne povis trovi lian domon. I couldn't find his house. I couldn't find his house. Ni estus devintaj resti kun Tomo. We should've stayed with Tom. We would have stayed with Tom. Yo ha just arivat del scola. I've just arrived from school. Yo have just. mi nelci lo xirma I like horses. I won't Subscript Isto es le cosa le plus stupide que io ha jammais audite. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. This is the cosa that something has been adjusted by the list administrator. Ne sufiĉas regi nur unu lingvon. It's not enough to know only one language. It's not enough to rule only a single language. Finfine Tom ne venis. Tom ended up not coming. Finally Tom didn't come. e'o se jmina ckafi More coffee, please. e' lstat failed Qui es ille individuos? Who are those guys? Who's going to find them? Kikod vilol lemön buki at? Why do you want to buy this book? Kiiko you'd better bet? To esas la butiko ube me laboris. That is the shop where I used to work. It's the shop where I worked. El no vole ce alga otra person sabe. She doesn't want anyone else to know. Out of no one wants to give up something like this. Islam floreva in India. Islam flourished in India. Islan in India? Yo esset ocupat. I was busy. But that's not a good hand, or a pity. Tomo ankoraŭ aktivas. Tom is still active. Tom is still active. Laŭ mia memoro ne pli ol dudek homoj restis en la vilaĝo. It is just my recollection that there remained no more than 20 people in the village. My memory was not more than twenty men left in the village. Vi devas aliĝi al mi. You must join me. You have to join me. La plej grandan parton de sia mono ŝi elspezas por vestaĵoj. She spends most of her money on clothes. She spends the largest part of her money for clothes. Eblas, ke mi neniam revidos vin. I might never see you again. It's possible that I'll never see you again. Ti hiverne es calid. This winter is warm. He's too bad to call it. Tu es vera enerjiosa. You are really energetic. You're true in Spain. Me no va sorti a sera oji. I'm not going out tonight. Yes, I'm not going to let you know what you're saying. Bon viage! Que tu sia felice in tu jornata. Bon voyage! May you have good luck on your journey. That's good, you're happy. Nos ia clui la boteca. We closed the store. We're going to clute the lucky one. Orada otur. Take a seat over there. Good o'clock. Tu va parla con me en portuges? Will you speak Portuguese with me? Portuguese with me in Portuguese? Labob yufeli. I have an assistant. The Lubui. 'IQ me'rIy' 'e' tlhoj tam. Tom realized Mary was unhappy. 'I'm sorry,' said the universe. peizo'onai Are you serious? Reverse landscape Mi ne povas vojaĝi en aviadilo. I cannot travel by plane. I can't go to a plane. En la comensa, Dio ia crea la sielo e la tera. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. In the comens, God creates the earth and the earth. Ille se ha ruinate per iste affaires. He was ruined by that business. They have been consumed by this time. .uisai mi do penmi I'm very pleased to meet you. So, I'm sorry, so what I'm going to do. 'oH jatlh Hoch. Everyone's saying it. That's the future that we're about to talk. Gwestol? Do you promise? Gwestb? Resti pli longe estas tempomalŝparo. It's a waste of time to stay longer. There's a long time to get out of here. loDnI'wI' ghaH. 'IH qar'a'? This is my brother. Handsome, isn't he? CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. Vole ben aperir le documento que io inviava e que se trova al fin de iste message. Please open the document I sent; it is at the end of this message. You want to open something about this message as well as make sure it is going to complete the end of this message. Mi estas unu el viaj studentoj. I'm one of your students. I'm one of your students. Mi apenaŭ estis forlasinta la domon kiam ekpluvis. I had hardly left home when it began raining. I was just going to leave the house when it rains. No kanob kledön das äsagol etosi Tomase. I can't believe that you told Tom that. Repeat the current playing song La Olimpiales selebra seria la vinse de nasionalisme, drogi e comersia. The Olympic Games ceremoniously celebrate the triumph of nationalism, doping and commerce. The closer toexes, the serial Surspsi, something that's more expensive. Yo ne ha videt un fantom. I didn't see a ghost. But you don't have a watch. Me perdis ol. I lost it. I lost. .au mi se frasybau I just wish I knew how to speak French. I'll see if it's okay muDelchu'! This describes me so perfectly! We're going to have some kind of shit! Mi ne ŝatas la formon de ĉi tiu ĉapelo. I don't like the shape of this hat. I don't like the form of this hat. Ne ĝenu min. Don't disturb me. Don't worry about me. Dargh SuD Datlhutlh'a'? Do you drink green tea? The big answer is in the last place? Alkoholo grave difektis lian korpon. Alcohol has done great mischief to his body. It's important to harm his body. Manjo estis ĵaluza. Mary was jealous. Marie was jealous. Le machinas de Carnot functiona conforme a cyclos de compression e expansion. Carnot machines work according to cycles of compression and expansion. The machine of Caroth, which is eaten in a pancascronic nature. Entra e gania! Go in and win! In a ball! Dario esas komunisto. Dario is a communist. Dario is a Communist. Vi estis feliĉaj. You were happy. You were happy. Mi eliris per biciklo. I went out by bicycle. I came out with a bike. bItlhab DaneHchugh HaSta jIHlIj yIQaw'! If you want to be free, destroy your television set. That's right. That's only good for you. Mi ne volas resti ĉi tie pli longe. I don't want to stay here any longer. I don't want to stay here longer. pong vIghov. I recognized the name. A little where we're going. bIQtIq latlh DopDaq qach tu'lu'. There is a house across the stream. Professor, I would like to know that you are about to take me away. jaj veb nuSuchmeH paw 'IrneHnalwI'. My uncle was coming to see us the next day. Well, they would have expected it to take three billion years ago. Esta pupa ave oios grande. This doll has big eyes. Estapanicsia ................................. Yo totmen consenti con Tom. I totally agree with Tom. But that's fun with Tom. not qach 'IH vIleghpu'. I had never seen a beautiful building before. I don't know what I did. Ĉu vi deziras sukeron? Do you want sugar? You wish sugar? la .tokyion. cu raltca lo pongu'e Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Thesky, we've got a piece of cake. Li devas esti frenezulo por fari tion. He must be a fool to do so. He must be crazy to do this. Mi atendas vin jam dum longa tempo. I've been waiting a long time for you. I'm waiting for you for a long time. Io es suspiciose al personas a qui non place le canes, mais io ha fide in un can quando non le place un persona. I'm suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog when it doesn't like a person. Something's solar to people who don't need to be accepted, but there's something useless in their own person. la ken cu djica lo ka ralte lo relxilma'e Ken wants a bicycle. the Absolute value has been handled by the giu's magnetic mailing list. Mi supozas, ke mi povus uzi la firmaon. I guess I could use the company. I guess I could use the company. La miror ia rompe. The mirror broke. I'll break the break. Pos retrovenar adheme, me inquestos pri la afero. I will inquire about the matter after I return home. First of all, I think about what's going on. Ab iste mundo on porta nihil. The shroud has no pockets. Abeth to everyone. Lödob in Yapän. I live in Japan. Lizb in Ypän. Estas bildoj sur alternaj paĝoj de la libro. There are pictures on alternate pages of the book. There are images on cut pages of the book. Tu es un bon medico. You're a good doctor. You are a good medium. ti se dunda This is a gift. This is what we're doing. Vilob fidön podatoedi. I want to eat apple pie. You're going to tell me something. Kiam ŝi venos, ni manĝos. When she comes, we'll eat. When she comes, we'll eat. La finskribado de tiu raporto bezonos ankoraŭ minimume unu plian horon. It'll take at least one more hour to finish writing this report. This report will take at least one extra hour. Mi volas, ke vi ĵetu rigardon al tio ĉi. I want you to take a look at this. I want you to take a look at this. Том иа мори. Tom died. else thrown through service.......... ........................ Tomo ĵus alvenis en la laboro. Tom just showed up at work. Tom just arrived in work. Tio evidente ne estas surpriza. This is hardly surprising. It obviously isn't amazing. jISaQtaH. I'm still crying. Cleaning up. Ĉu vi bonvolas ripeti la demandon? Can you please repeat the question? Would you ask the question? Intertanto toto es in ordine. It's all right for now. He's all right in order to make it. sarcu fa lo nu da tavla Somebody has to talk. Keyboard well-a piece of · Global Voices Mi parolos al vi poste. I'll talk to you later. I'll talk to you later. mi me lo laldo prenu I'm an old man. I'll take thelde Il posse parlar ott lingues. He can speak eight languages. I'm going to cut partially learning languages. Vi estis trapasinta la limon de rapideco, ĉu ne? You were exceeding the speed limit, weren't you? You were pasting speed of speed, wasn't you? La chambro esas plena de homi. The room is full of people. The boy's full of the top. Ме одиа ла сол. I hate the sun. else thrown true, now you know, Don't do it. Kikod no golol in cimi olik, o Tomas? Why don't you go to your room, Tom? Kud no home in a bug or Tomas? Ĉiu, kiu volas ĉi tie vivi, devas labori. Anyone who wants to live here must work. Everyone who wants to live here must work. Io es nunc in mal sanitate. My health's very bad. Something's now in health. ma jicmu lo nu krici faunai lo nu djuno i la'aru'e lo nu cinmo cu zmadu lo nu pensi vau lo ka carmi How can you believe without knowing? Maybe feelings are more intense than thoughts. And if you do use the sometimes of your leg as well as the operating systems that allows you to think of your life as the crew's main usage, then try again. Li ĉiam pensas unue kaj precipe pri sia propra profito. He always thinks first and foremost of his own benefit. He always thinks first and especially his own profit. No ogolob usi ko ol. I won't go there with you. No, no, we've gotta get rid of each other. Brosi dial tuа dentes. Brush your teeth every day. It's a pleasure that you've got to do with it. sei na se curmi do na jundi la Tom You can't ignore Tom. If people really don't know what the Tom says, Le jorno post deman essera le die natal de Marina. The day after tomorrow is Marina's birthday. Lerad after aman’s day will be lost by Marina. Бон диа, меа брилиа де сол. Good morning my sunshine. such as do not want to pass by the following by now, such as do not want to know why, .......... Io te ama tanto como ille. I love you as much as him. Something like them. Tom reserva la plu de sua datos en la nube. Tom stores most of his data in the cloud. Tom's backuping again in the royal data. lo pitsa cu me lo cukcartu noi jarco lo nu pixokau vo'a cu stali Pizza is a pie chart showing how much of it is left. kaku2 Envelopepaper size Ĉu vi estas skribanta leteron? Are you writing a letter? Are you writing a letter? Русиа ес плу гранде ка Плуто. Russia is larger than Pluto. such as end by service........ ................................................................................... Dice les que io essera a casa tosto. Tell them I'll be home soon. Hey, there's something that's going to be a casa. Illa crede al ciconia. She believes in the stork. You think you think you're asleep. Post haber lo dicite, ille se ha avergoniate. After he said it, he was ashamed. After all, they'll have a lot of noise. Jevals binoms gletikum ka dogs, sod kats binoms smalikum ka dogs. Horses are bigger than dogs, but cats are smaller than dogs. It's a cat-surt, so it's small, so you can do it, that's what you're going to do with it. Kiam la fajfilo enbloviĝas, la matĉo komenciĝos. When the whistle blows, the race will start. When the words stick together, the game will begin. No tädolöd obi. Don't threaten me. Noä forward-din-law. 'IrneHlI' ghaH tam'e'. Tom is your uncle. I'll have seven minutes from the universe. Tote le familia disapprobava le maritage. The whole family frowned on the match. All the family of the army of the sea. Tom ne kredas, ke li estas same kreiva kiel Maria. Tom doesn't think he's as creative as Mary. Thomas doesn't believe he's like Maria. Kia bela ĉemizo! What a beautiful shirt! What a nice shirt! tordu se kerfa He has short hair. Burning if you want it to stop Dujvo' bIQ'a'Daq pumpu' be'. A woman fell from a ship into the sea. I'm sorry, but we're going to get out of here. Kial vi laboras ĉi tie? Why do you work here? Why are you working here? Tom ia jua bascetbal a cuando el ia es en universia. Tom played basketball when he was in college. Tom means a jullabalon of some is in one of the water. Mi volas trovi ajnan kvietan ejon por studi. I want to find someplace quiet to study. I want to find any quiet place to study. Piotr interes-esas pri futbalo. Piotr is interested in soccer. Pour an amongst them, we've got a match. Mi ne plu estas laca. I am no longer tired. I'm not tired anymore. Ka Deo esas geyo? Is God gay? How is it? La lernejo estas fermita pro la neĝo. The school is closed because of the snow. The school is locked because of the snow. Hov wejDIch'e' ghajpu' wa' ta'. The third star belonged to a certain king. That's why we can't find seven minutes in the universe. La prezoj etendiĝas de 30 ĝis 50 dolaroj. Prices range from the low $30 to the high $50. The prices of 30 to 50 dollars. Auxilia me. Help me. Or something. Spikof-li Linglänapüki? Does she speak English? A syllyr Linähybears? Ave asi. Here you are. Avesi. Las manja chokolate. They eat chocolate. The sweet fruit is sweet. jIyonqu'. I'm very satisfied. I don't think so. Eble la mondo estus pli bona se la aŭto neniam estus inventita. Maybe the world would have been better off if the car had never been invented. Maybe the world would be better if the car wouldn't be eaten. Tomaso ĵetis kusenon al Maria. Tom threw a pillow at Mary. Thomas threw a gun at Mary. Mi bezonas tian komprenon. I need that kind of insight. I need understanding. pa'e lo skina cu mutce xlali My unbiased opinion is that the movie is awful. Professor, we've got a given virtual machine mi na caca'o gunka I'm not working. I'm a fellowman, aka aren't you? numuS tam 'e' vIHar. I think Tom hates us. Let's say 'Hor'. Tio ĉi estas rimarkinda atingaĵo. This is an outstanding performance. This is a remarkable thing. Ŝi malhonorigis la familion. She has dishonored the family. She despised the family. Odulen an edraith angin. I'm here to help you. Odudive and shine. Pened oba pesedom-li? Was my letter sent? Pedudber? mi'e tom This is Tom calling. That's me. Qui parla francesi? Who speaks French? Qui parsonfrance? Panjo ploris. Mama cried. Mother wept. Me oblida nunca un fas. I never forget a face. Me's the same thing. Salutationes de Brasil! Greetings from Brazil! Login script! Tom ne spektas la televidon. Tom doesn't watch TV. Tom doesn't watch TV. qanwI' mIp nayta'. She married a rich old man. I guess you're going to take it. Per favor, applaude. Please clap. Please, beau. barbara' Qapla' Hon pagh. Barbara's success is beyond question. bar does not appear to be any good thing. jIHvaD paH chu' chenmoHta' SoSnI'wI'. My grandmother made me a new dress. That's why we had to take hold of the Earth's land. Mi malŝatas artefaritajn lingvojn. I hate constructed languages. I hate artificial languages. Le mathematica es le regina del scientias. Mathematics is the queen of the sciences. Mathematica Notebook is a passive rule over the list of knowledge. Mi neniam povas diri, kiam Tom ŝercas. I can never tell when Tom is joking. I can never tell you when Tom is kidding. SoSDaj HoHta' be'tIy. Betty killed her mother. So, what's that? Ti es li fine. Forea! This is the end. Go away! He's finally coming away! Roses odora bon. Roses smell good. Rose or better. Mi faros tion, se ili pagos al mi. I'll do it if they pay me. I'll do it if they pay me. La persones usa mascas afin preveni ce los deveni malada. People wear masks to prevent getting a disease. The personally use is being used to prevent riskable by eating. Hov leng qolqoS SoH'a'? Are you a trekkie? Oh, where do you want to answer? chaHvaD yIvIt! Tell them the truth. Tools for software development! Mi tre ŝatas muzikon. I like music very much. I like music very much. so'iroi cusku lo jitfa He tends to tell lies. A woman who is far off, a Round tam vImuS 'e' Sov Hoch. Everybody knows I hate Tom. The priority that we have to do with the reports of it. Ni nule judikez homi pro lia aspekto. We should never judge people by their appearance. We have to look at the top of the sky for his appearance. Que tu sia felice in le vita pro le qual tu ha optate! May you be happy in the life you have chosen! What are you supposed to be happy for? Ka vu povus poke movar la stulo? Could you move the chair a bit? You could see the old man? Me ia jubila a tre anios ante aora. I retired three years ago. And I'm going to take a lot of time before it. DawuqnIS SoH. It's for you to decide. Dawquín. Thank you. Sumbogh beylI''e' tu'lu''a'? Is there a bank near here? Are you sure you want to clear the universe? Nemo es plus habile que ille. Nobody is cleverer than he. There's not enough permissions on the server. La nokto estas malvarma. The night is cold. The night is cold. Lia filo fariĝis granda sciencisto. His son became a great scientist. His son became a great scientist. Binob senälöfik. I'm sensitive. A lady withoutäan. Kiam ili ricevis sian unuan bebon, ili estis geedzoj jam dek jarojn. When they had their first baby, they had been married for 10 years. When they got their first baby, they were married ten years. Parolu klare. Speak clearly! Speak clearly. Mi volas fari ion por Tomo. I want to do something for Tom. I want to do something for Tom. Vole ben non interrumper me durante que io parla. Please don't interrupt me while I'm talking. You don't look at me for anything that's done. Yo ha finit mi labor. I have finished my work. You have to finish me work. Me havas tanta montrar vu. I have so much to show you. I have a tangent to display you. puqpu'chajmo' Hem vav law' SoS law' je. Many parents take pride in their children. Getquza'am Ham'am, so it's all right. Mi saldo es negative. My balance is negative. I'm sorry, it's negative. Ekzakte tio estis kion li diris. That's exactly what he said. And that was what he said. jachpu' 'Iv? Who yelled? Who are you? Mi ne laboras por li. I'm not working for him. I don't work for him. lo selpla cu mutce xlali This is a terrible idea. Tools for software development cabdei .oipei How was your day today? cabie.fr. kgm le ctuca cu stidi lonu mi'a klama le ckuzda tezu'e lonu cilre The teacher suggested that we go to the library to study. let the cue team in a in the form of your mother's heart, and let me know that we are numbered of you, let me free or let us read the rest of the universe. Me ia espera ce nos ia ta amini. I had hoped we might become friends. I don't know we're kind of love to love each other. Ел компренде мусика. She understands music. else want to be a sample from the though it's the United States. Em, bíi rahíya rul wi. Yes, the cat is big. Um, bí íkaía run. ra cikre lo minji She's fixing the machine. Ack me don't listen to me. Mercurio es le planeta le plus proxime al sol. Mercury is the planet nearest to the sun. We have sex with the next planet. Quando tu passara super le ponte, non reguarda a basso. When you cross the bridge, don't look down. When you had a row over the board, you won't have a problem. Mi timas, ke ni ne povos iri je lundo. I'm afraid we can't go on Monday. I'm afraid we can't go on Monday. mi caucni do I miss you. I'm going to go out then Méranyes. I want it. Méranyes. Mi pensis, ke vi povus bezoni ion por trinki. I thought you might want something to drink. I thought you could need something to drink. Io lo facera deman. Io lo promitte. I'll do it tomorrow. I promise. Something make sense ofmanman, I want to drink. bIQaghbej. You must be mistaken. Thank you. Tom no binom jenöfik. Tom isn't real. Tom Convom here isökyky. Les manja. They eat. You're going to eat it. wab HevwI' 'ul 'aplo' vItamnIS. I have to replace the radio's battery. You can guess how I resist you, do you mean it? mi'ai se urja We're in a hurry. I'll tell you if I'm urgent. lo cukta poi srana lo nu dansu cu cpana lo jubme There is a book about dancing on the desk. DVD performs a lot of work done by our technical ability to share the pieces of planet. do gunka co mutce carmi i ko ze'i surla You're working too hard. Take it easy for a while. So n't idatas found for symlinked '%s' and %2 Mi ankoraŭ ne trovis Tom. I still haven't found Tom. I haven't found Tom yet. Tom levat li cat. Tom picked up the cat. Tom was cat. Me a veses patini. I sometimes skate. Nah, I can't see shit. Mi esperas, ke vi komprenas tion. I do hope you understand. I hope you understand that. Kiom da libroj vi supozas, ke vi jam legis? How many books do you think you've read so far? How many books do you think you've read? Illa suffreva un eternitate ante de superar le facto de su marito haber subito abandonate a illa e al infantes. It took her ages to get over her husband suddenly walking out on her and the children. There will be a solar system to cut off from the fact that solar system will have a job to leave. Bonvole ne uzu mian nomon! Please don't use my name. Please don't use my name! pay' ropchoHpu'mo' pa' jaHlaHbe'. A sudden illness prevented him from going there. I have been very lucky that the universe has already been a serious handicap. But it's probably given me more time than most people to pursue the quest for knowledge. Рома но иа ес конструида ен ун диа. Rome wasn't built in a day. such as do not belong to else, such as now. Mi ŝatus viziti Aŭstralion iam. I'd like to visit Australia someday. I'd like to see Australia ever. Adolescentie es li etappe inter pubertá e adultie. Adolescence is the stage between puberty and adultery. A hundred years ago he's going to take effect among you, and commit adultery. Nek nitedälon. Nobody's interested. Nor wedä. Saturdi es la dia ultima de la semana. Saturday is the last day of week. Sadalt have been killed by the hand of the man. la tom na nonkansa Tom isn't alone. All right, that's not a murderer. Me deziras vu povis restar la nokto. I wish you could stay the night. I wish you could stay here by night. Nos ia vola a supra la cultiveria de los en un elicotor. We flew over their farm in a helicopter. We're a certain freewill top of the sliders in one of it. qaStaHvIS 'uQ'a' paHvetlh DatuQ'a'? Are you going to wear that dress to the party? Let's go, let's go! Quo vu save pri Israel? What do you know about Israel? You know what Israel is? Mi ne volas kuri inter ilin. I don't want to run into them. I don't want to run across them. zerle'a lo mi karce ca lo prulamcte My car was stolen last night. It's kind of guy who's warm by day, like you Dwight Eisenhower estis elektita prezidento en mil naŭcent kvindek du. Dwight Eisenhower was elected president in 1952. Dwunin was selected president into a thousand nine hundred fifty. xu ta'o do zifre ca lo lecydo'i By the way, are you free this afternoon? x behaveer a lot of evolution and high quality—that we have access to the first part of the universe. Tom habeva un incubo. Tom had a bad dream. Tom was an incupc. Io non sape que occurre illac. I don't know what's going on there. Something don't know what you're saying. Tio ne estas natura. This is not natural. It's not natural. Estas ĉio de mi. It's all mine. It's all of me. Los sempre ia jua tenis asi. They always played tennis here. All things have been logged in. noSvagh Dalo'nIS. You should use deodorant. He`s going to make sure I`m sorry. Hut yuQ ghaj jul. The sun has nine planets. Hut yux Litaliyänans drinons neföro kafi. The Italians never drink coffee. Henääans a non-nrorö. Junaj infanoj devus lerni kunsentemon por bestoj. Young children ought to learn empathy for animals. both young children should learn with animals. Nos ia dise a Tom ce el no resta a estra asta tarda. We told Tom not to stay out late. We're here to waste Tom from the no one we're talking to each other. Tomo devintus neniam fari tion. Tom should never have done that. Tom shouldn't have done that. Mi sidas. I'm sitting. I'm sitting. naDev yIratlh! Stay in here, please. Black is yours! La parte la plu difisil ia fini ja. The hardest part is already over. The part of the conversation is currently running. Li simple ne sukcesas komenci. He simply failed to start. He just doesn't succeed. Ĉu vi scias, al kiu vi parolas? Do you know who you’re talking to? Do you know who you're talking to? jIQochbe'. I agree. Oh, really, I can't see you. Yo ha captet vos, e nu vu deve laborar durmen por me. I have captured you, and now you have to work hard for me. But you have caped you, you know, the work of work hard for me. mi mi na du I'm not myself. I'm two Ĉu nervozigas vin paroli antaŭ multaj homoj? Does it make you nervous to speak in front of a lot of people? Do you want to talk to many people? Me scrive un letera. I am writing a letter. Me's too far off. ro ti itku'ile ga'a mi It's all Greek to me. That's it! Ме регрете ке ме но иа фида ту. I'm sorry I didn't trust you. else such a sample by such as the United States. Se pluvos, ilu ne venos. If it rains, he won't come. If rain comes, he won't come. Sor 'emDaq So''egh. He hid behind the tree. So, of course, why do you think I'm kidding? HoS Hal qengwI' lo' De'wI'vam. This computer runs on batteries. Oh, let's try again. La okuloj de Tom estas refreŝigataj per la rigardo al fraŭlino Mary Bright. Tom's eyes had been refreshed by the sight of Miss Mary Bright. The eyes of Tom are refreshed with the sight of Maryev. mi pu gasnu lo nu la tom cu klama lo zdani I made Tom go home. I'll give you a piece of my life. mu'oy' qamwIj. My foot hurts. A guy whose feet are on my feet. Ĉu vi vere kapablus manĝi tion? Could you actually eat this? Can you really eat this? Mi ne gajnas. I'm not winning. I don't win. Io le appoiara. I will support him. Printer '%s' is out of developer.marker Esque vos poterea explicar melio vostre nove theoria? Could you elaborate on your new theory? Excuse me, may you select anything? Du femes canta. Two women sing. Two smelling. Ilu par-finas irgo quan lu entraprezas. He accomplishes whatever he sets out to do. He had to turn into pieces when he saw it. Io non sape que facer de ora in avante. I don't know what to do from now on. Something you don't know that you are subscribing to this mailing list. Ti-ci silkin veste, verd quam li mare, amemora que noi ha passat tri dies sub li ocean. This silken vest here, green like the sea, reminds us that we spent three days under the ocean. Throw silk garment, he would have kept on Mars, and remember that there had been three days under him. Io nunquam deberea haber venite hic. I should've never come here. I have never had to have been here. Mi lertiĝas pri tio ĉi. I'm getting the hang of this. I'm getting tired of this. lo cevna pu zbasu lo munje God created the world. OEM install (for manufacturers) Non oblida vostre deberes parental. Don't forget your parental duties. Don't start up to the parent. Le veritate sempre vincera. Truth will always prevail. The truth is going to handle you. La registaro devus forigi tiun reguligon. The government should do away with these regulations. The government must remove this rule. Kia estas bela sunleviĝo! What a beautiful sunrise it is! What a beautiful morning! Devus esti pli da aŭtobusoj dum la pinthoroj. There ought to be more buses during the rush hours. Let's have to be more carlings in the shop. La dado es lansada ja. The die has been cast. The rest of the stuff is that they're all over. Alklaku por redakti. Click to edit. Click to edit. le fetsi ba jai sarcu fai lo ka denpa tu'a le nakni She'll have to wait for him. Don't you think it's like you're supposed to talk about it? Си ла диабло ес нонкапас, ел енвиа суа споса. If the devil is powerless, he sends his wife. such as do not belong to such as now. Ĉu vi opinias, ke ni havos blankan Kristnaskon ĉi-jare? Do you think that we'll have a white Christmas this year? Do you think we'll have white Christmas this year? da'i mi stali iu I'd love to stay. I'm following someone Isto es futuite. This is fucked up. This is run away. Mi kuraĝigas vin veni kaj genuiĝi kun mi ĉe la piedo de Kalvaria Kruco kaj ni laviĝu en la sango de nia Savanto, Jesuo Kristo. I encourage you to come and kneel with me at the foot of Calvary's Cross and be washed in the blood of Our Savior Jesus Christ. I encourage you to come down and kneel down with me at the foot of Chin Cross, and let us join in the blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ. na ru'e mrodunja ne'i lei snime She was nearly frozen to death in the snow. redujujan doesn't care about it. Еске ме поте абри ла фенетрас? Can I open the windows? such as do not belong to else, such as now...... Hiel Tom binom vemo bäldikum ka jiel Mary. Tom is much older than Mary. Hiel Tom bintoääel Maryel Mary. Mi konservis mian moderan korpopezon, kvankam multaj el miaj amikoj maljuniĝante plipeziĝis. I've kept my weight down even though many of my friends have gained weight as they've grown older. I kept my sail body, though many of my friends were getting bigger. do cuxna You decide. That's why they're a Absolute le nakni cu nanba prami carmi He's a bread aficionado. Folks at the future of the Environment. xu do prami lo zgike Do you love music? Xubuntu then Loved Music noblIjmo' qatlho'qu'. Thank you very much for your present. Denis Noble Qui inviat te li roses? Who sent you the roses? Who's going to give you a rose? 'eSpanya' Hol lujatlh. They speak Spanish. 'Snyny 'l the LORD'. La estro laborigis ilin tage kaj nokte. The boss made them work day and night. The prince made them work day and night. Kiu idioto mi estis prunti monon al li. What an idiot I was to lend him money. I was giving him money. Ni germanoj timas Dion, sed nenion alian en la mondo. We Germans fear God, but nothing else in the world. We fear God Germans, but nothing else in the world. la .tom. pu zvati ti pu lo nu mi no'a Tom was here before I was. Let's see what I'm doing here. Iste machinas non functiona ora. These machines aren't working now. This machine does not exist. DuSaQDaq vIraS Hol HaD'a' tam? Is Tom studying French at school? Two o'clock, why did we have some kind of thing to eat? mi pu viska no na fadni I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I'll take you on Normal Mi rompis kordon de mia gitaro. I broke a string on my guitar. I broke lots of my guitar. Kion vi faris laŭ la opinio de Tomo? What did Tom think you did? What did you think of Tom's opinion? Malmulton eblas fari. There's little to do. It's a few people can do. Mi ne pensas, ke ĉiuj estas jam ĉi tie. I don't think that everyone is here yet. I don't think everybody's already here. Esce los ia vole vide me? Did they want to see me? Esce some people want to see me? Acua de cloaca contamina frecuente la mar. Sewage often pollutes the ocean. Aculcuciation of some kind of landalizes in the sea. Ania havas bruneta hararo ma Magdalena havas blonda hararo. Ania has brown hair, but Magdalena has blonde hair. An hair has hair hair hair hair's hair. Mi ankoraŭ estas trejnanta lin. I'm still training him. I'm still traininging him. Cessa de exaggerar. Stop exaggerating. Cingks of tengers. nom Daqvamvo' jImej vIneH. I want to leave this place quickly. The name that we have fossils of man. Io non es un pirata. I'm not a pirate. Something's not a each other. Inya tir grupepesa va espanavaf suteroteem. She is well versed in Spanish literature. In Japan's war group group is due sutetetete. Le major parte del jungla amazonie es ancora intacte. Most of the Amazon jungle is still wild. The held message you were referred to has already been handled by the subject. not chutmeyvetlh vIlajpu'. I've never agreed to those rules. But I got some questions in the universe. do pu drani lo ka jinvi zo'ei la tom You were right about Tom. That's why you're on the other side. Ha isto alcun senso? Does this make sense? Hey, that's what happened? jIwIj. I'm a farmer. That's my concern! La puero revis pri partoprenar en expediciono ad Antarktiko. The boy dreamed of going on an Antarctic expedition. The court's rowing a part in a lesson to Antarctica. Tu es in mi cammino. You are in my way. You are logged in. Del tres ballerinas, Emi esseva la que dansava le plus bellemente. Emi danced the most beautifully of the three girls. Dels were very successful, EI was the one who was most beautifully beautiful. Drogmanio estas kancero en moderna socio. Drug addiction is a cancer in modern society. Dr. Administration is cancer in modern society. Esque Tom ama Boston? Does Tom like Boston? Esque Tom loves Boston? Ĉu vi scipovas la hispanan? Do you speak Spanish? Do you know Spanish? Ci es Tatoeba. Here is Tatoeba. You are Tatoeba. Mea sposo leje la jornal dial en cuando come la come de matina. My husband reads the newspaper while eating breakfast. Mea spolas the e.g. com Me havas ne plu kam mil Yen-i. I have no more than one thousand yen. I don't have a thousand arm. mi no da se ke fetsi pampendo I don't have a girlfriend. I don't think it's okay Mi kompreneble esperas, ke vi planas veni al mia festo. I certainly hope you're planning to come to my party. I'm sure you want to come to my party. Ĉu ni povus fari tion je alia momento? Could we do this another time? Can we do this at another moment? qaSpa' po jIchegh. I'll be back before morning. All right, let's have a look at that. ko'a diklo malsorgle She's the local slut. trans- witnessallostFormic · Global Voices Ilu semblas savar omno pri elua pasinto. He seems to know all about her past. He's going to save a break from your past. la tom na tsali Tom isn't tough. All right, that's a good nose. Nulu interesesas. Nobody's interested. Now it's interesting. da nabmi mi'ai We have a problem. I'm a lot of namei .au mi cilre fi lo jugbau ca lo bavlamna'a I want to learn Chinese next year. Let's go, I'm going to spoil it Quo yo vell far sin te? What would I do without you? Quy Velly made yourself? Tom have amicos in Germania. Tom has friends in Germany. Tom has loved love in Germany. Tom odia Mary. Tom hates Mary. Tom hate Mary. Ĉu vi tute sola verkis tiun fabelon? Did you write this fairy tale by yourself? You all wrote that story? Omnu springis vers ilu. Everybody rushed towards him. You've got to waste the green. Kia kontrasto inter ili! What a contrast between them! What a contrast between them! Mi ŝatis ilin, antaŭ ol ili fariĝis popularaj. I liked them before they became popular. I liked them before they became popular. Tomo faras nenion alian ol dormi. All Tom does is sleep. Tom does nothing else than sleep. ko mi cliva Leave me. Quit Bam amlitarapa ve tiyir. And then there was a great silence. Bamamlitathi Mary. Vi fetidesas. You stink. You've got a big nose. do zutse e'o vau sei ra pu cusku "Sit down, please," he said. So there's a ma'am, if you don't want to know what you're doing? le za'u mei cu terpa lo ka vofli They are afraid to fly. Eject the volume associated with the open folder Illa vanta sempre su formation academic. She always prides herself on her academic background. It's a vain man's format. xu ti noi karce cu cnino Is this car new? x titransia Kial vi pensis, ke Tomo ŝatas metalrokon? Why did you think that Tom liked heavy metal? Why did you think Tom like set? jImIpHa'. I've been poor. I don't think so. Holmey nov DaghojmeH bItuvqu'nIS. You must have a lot of patience to learn foreign languages. Oh, let's think we've got some folders. ma nu prami What is love? Love Xam äbinom vemo nefikulik. The exam was very easy. The Xamäogtle don't put it on. Le juventute de nostre pais es indifferente re politica. The youth of our country is indifferent to politics. The previously-selected colour, for comparison to the colour you're selecting now. nom pong perDaj nuD. He glanced at her name tag. A name.D. with "D.D. Tomo kaj Maria loĝas en kavernodomo. Tom and Mary live in a cave house. Tomo and Mary live in a cave. Лос аве ду фиас. They have two daughters. else appeared to end up from service............ ........................... ... Li fakte faris ĝin mem. As a matter of fact, he did it by himself. He did it as yourself. Si al minus tu esseva presso me. I wish you were close to me. If you were negative, I was going to tell you something. se pluka lo nu penmi do It's nice to meet you. If you say more, "I'm going to make a sense of music". Maria distribue flores. Mary is giving out flowers. Maria distributiones. Princino, ne trinku la pocion. Princess, don't drink the potion. Princess, don't drink it. Ĉu vi estas plu interesata? Are you still interested? Are you more interesting? jIHvaD Dochvam Daje'meH qatlhobneS. Please buy this for me. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Kanob spikön Spanyänapüki. I can speak Spanish. Kano spönr Sanyäähorphyh. Antee Deo, pose manjajo. First God, then food. Before it came to pass, it's kind of food. Koncerne al mi, mi preferas fiŝon ol viandon. As for me, I prefer fish to meat. I'd rather fish than meat. Yo besona un pur camise. I need a clean shirt. But that's what you're doing. Deo non es le plus grande. God is not the greatest. De non probable reason is not the value of the mailing list. lo'e nu da viska de cu nu da krici de Seeing is believing. A half of you're so much ago ghItlhmeyvam tInuD. Check these papers over. The universe was nothing in the synagogue. chut luSovchu'nIS SenwI' rIlwI' je, 'ach luSovbej nuvpu' puS neH. Everybody is supposed to know the law, but few people really do. If you want to kill him, you can't show me a ride in the universe, you'll never be in favor of God. Kiuj iris al siaj domoj? Who has gone to their homes? Who went to their houses? vindu It's poisoned. turn around Iste accidente le ha date un trauma psychic. This accident has caused him psychological trauma. This Lieutenant Colonel Cribbs for you, sir. la tom pu mi'ecpe lo velcki Tom demanded an explanation. Let me see you're good at my head. Ultre, pluveskas. Besides, it's starting to rain. Lead, rain on Earth. e'a le za'u mei cu citka va'o lo nu ri djica Let them eat if they want to. e' l'ka oblast ' Kiu inventis tiun maŝinon? Who invented this machine? Who invented that machine? Tio pruvis la veron de la onidiro. It proved the truth of the rumor. This proves the truth of thedir. Mi scias ŝian nomon. I know her name. I know her name. rep chorgh HIvemmoH! Get me up at eight. Thank you very much! Tu es franses o engles? Are you French or English? You're brother or coffee? Miaj najbarinoj estas ege ĉarmaj personoj. My neighbors are very nice people. My neighbors are very cute people. Io vermente ha besonio de colpar alicuno. I really need to hit somebody. I really need to have any hair off the city. La plaji di Huelva esas tre bela. The beaches of Huelva are very pretty. The Contacts is very beautiful. Kiel fartas via paĉjo? How is your dad? How's your dad? Non demandar proque; simplemente face lo. Don't ask why, just do it. Don't ask forque; just make sure. Tu matre parla sex linguas -- isto es folle. Your mom speaks six languages — that's nuts. Tutier if languages are languages -- this is background. Esque il ha habite qualque cambio in le politica? Has there been any change in policy? That's how you have an elder change in the newsgroup? pe'i dukse barda I think that it's too big. That's because there's two-year-old Tomo ne plu estas mia amiko. Tom is no longer my friend. Tom isn't my friend anymore. le mi mensi cu di'i merli lo vo'a junta My sister is always weighing herself. I'm going to tell you that? Esque tu te ha accostumate al vita in Tokio? Have you got used to living in Tokyo? And what did you have to do in Tokyo? Le stato es io. I am the state. Status is something. Homo devas esar honesta. A man must be honest. Man must be an honest man. Rumpera illes le barriera de dece secundas in iste concurso de cento metros? Will they break the ten-second mark in the hundred-metre race? Russian They're locked in this sort of stuff with a hundred meters while? Proxima kozi aspektas ne-klara. Close things look blurred. For God's sake, it doesn't look very well. ko'a djica lo ka sidju ko'e tu'a lo zdakemkulgu'a She wants me to help her with her homework. Help d'you can't talk about your hard disk He'So' naHvam. This fruit has an unpleasant smell. Hey, Twombles. Come here. The humvees ain't coming back, dude. Ta chambro ne recevas multa sun-lumo. This room doesn't get much sunlight. Taliks don't expect much sus. To povas esar utila a vu. This may be of use to you. You can make it useful to you. qutlhqu' Hoch. Everything's very cheap. That's what I think we've got to take care of it. Binos riskädik ad svimön in flumed at. It's dangerous to swim in this river. Lets's get out of here. La pikturo aspektas plu bela de fore. The picture looks nicer from a distance. The red bill looks pretty far away. Li baldaŭ kapablos naĝi. He will be able to swim soon. He'll be able to swim soon. Ili faris ĝin. They did it. They did it. Mi deziras ŝanĝi mian ĉambron. I'd like to change my room. I want to change my room. pei .o'u Are you comfortable? Reverse landscape, let's go! mutce lo ka nandu ku fa lo ka lo nanca be li su'e ci cu temci lo nu co'a cilre tu'a lo fasybau kei lo nu co'a certu tu'a ri It's quite difficult to master French in 2 or 3 years. Very hard puzzle Kion ajn vi faras, faru ĝin laŭeble plej bone. Whatever you do, do it as well as possible. Whatever you do, do it as best. Ne estis transvivintoj. There were no survivors. It wasn't dead people. Miaj okuloj lacas. My eyes are tired. My eyes are tired. pa'wIj Dalegh DaneH'a'? Do you want to see my room? That's my concern! That it true. jaginai ti nu traide gi ko se prali lo zmarai ra If this be treason, make the most of it. Won't you think it's a wonderful dog? Liko sevol Tomasi? How do you know Tom? Little Tomas? tlhoS vIchop. I almost kissed him. But I'm going to tell you your shirt. .i lo selcpe be do cu tolracli Your demands are unreasonable. let's go, let's get out of here! Anstataŭ manĝi ĉi tie ni iru hejmen! Instead of eating here, let's go home. Instead of eating here, let's go home! layla' chotlu'ta'. Layla has been murdered. That's where we are. Jen, vidu. Look there. Here, look. SIbI' bItaghnIS. 'ut. You are to start at once. I'm going to thank you. Ne ludu proksime al la fervojreloj, mi petas. Please don't play near the railroad tracks. Don't play close to the toilets, please. Jua en la strada es perilosa. Playing in the street is dangerous. Ju's in the call is closet. Alim odeilom. Everybody will die. Ad or smelled. Io continuava a sibilar. I was hissing. It's still time forward. Ubi mitteva io mi claves? Where did I put my keys? I'm going to tell you something? Tom deberea ir a Boston. Tom is supposed to go to Boston. Tom should be used to Boston. 'IvvaD bIvum? Who do you work for? What are you doing here? mi ba te vecnu I'll buy that. I'm going to be sure Alvoku min poste. Call me later. Call me back in a minute. la .tom. na djica lo nu spebi'o Tom didn't want to get married. Let's go. Estuir es lla briwad di Ragel. Esther is Rachel's wife. Let's be the sword of Rowol Ragel. Ci vole es un milionor? Who wants to be a millionaire? You want to be a million? mi pu cirko lo jdini vasru I lost my wallet. I'll allow you to behave like this? bIqIDba'! You have to be joking! - I don't want to talk about it. Mi ne kredas, ke mi volas tion. I don't think I want that. I don't think I want it. Ĉiuj ĉi filmoj enuigas. All these movies are boring. All of this movies make up. vISopbe' 'e' vImaS. I'd rather not eat this. I've got to search on the project. Hiel Tom nedom telefonön sanani. Tom needs to call a doctor. Hiel Tom does not work on the phone. Mi ne atendis donacon. I didn't expect any gift. I didn't wait for a present. Tuj revenu. Hurry back. Come back. Io non lo faceva sponte. I didn't do it willingly. Something don't make face brightly. Tom ia compra alga cosa. Tom bought something. Tom makes some comp to something. Ĉiuj pomoj estas ruĝaj. All apples are red. Every red ones are red. Cambodja es etnicalmen homogen. Cambodia is ethnically homogeneous. amojad is a poor man. chut'a' wa'DIch bIv 'oH. That would break the Prime Directive. We can't thank you for nothing. naDev latlh Qagh tu'lu'... There is another mistake here... I'm the one whose secret is yours. Vos no es brasilera, si? You're not Brazilian, are you? You can't help it, yeah? Mi povas fari kion ajn mi volas. I can do whatever I want. I can do whatever I want. DaH jImujlaw' jIH'e'. This time, it looks like it is me who is wrong. I'm going to tell you that I am Death. Yo pensa que noi deve lassar Tom ear self a Australia. I think that we should let Tom go to Australia by himself. But that's interesting to have no idea what Tom was doing in Australia. Salute! Hello! Salute! Los va mata vos! They'll kill you all! Los rear you! Jotugalon veygadye rodankanyar. My grandfather could sing quite well when he was young. I'm going to tell you that. Me mortigis Deo. I killed God. Me's too much. .i lo girzu be loka palci kei frili selcilre That which is evil is soon learned. There is an error getting information about the local web site Il save omnicos. He knows everything. There's a save shot. Nos va superviver a illes. We will outlive them. We have to get rid of them. Io lo expecta con impatientia. I look forward to it. Don't worry, you know, it's all right? Perforta penso tuj estigas perfortajn korpajn moviĝojn. A violent thought instantly brings violent bodily movements. Force will immediately make the weak-up effects. La portuges brasilera plase me. I like Brazilian Portuguese. The Portuguese had a lot of rest at me. Su apparentia ha cambiate tanto que tu mesmo potera non recognoscer le. His appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize him. Your text has been changed that you may not give them. Mi sanguine non es plus rubie que le vostre. My blood is no redder than yours. I don't think it's more Ruby than the rear. Еске ла ном де Том ес ен ла листа? Is Tom's name on the list? such as do not belong to else, such as dotti-K side of the U.K.W. Mi lin ne konas. I don't know him. I don't know him. Su libre es rubi. His book is red. Are you sure you want to Ruby? Mi scias, ke mi vidis ion moviĝi. I know I saw something move. I know I saw something moved. Le vino fermenta. The wine is fermenting. A wine leavened. pe'vIl mu'qaDmey bachpu'. She cursed loudly. On the contrary, where we're going to find out. Io finalmente incontrava le bon femina. I finally met the right woman. Printer '%s' is out of developer. la .nix.grin. cu ctuca mi'a fo lo zgike Miss Green teaches us music. I'm going to give it to you. su'o mobyterle'i ctuca cu jibri sidju ije su'o dusygu'a jitro cu ctuca ije ku'i no jitro cu jibri sidju Some underpaid professors are also secretaries, and some overworked administrators are professors, but no administrator is a secretary. su whether supported by's mailing list, i su names to show both encoded and field management relative to two cities without installing qep jeS pagh. No one was present at the meeting. Let's see if it's okay. Sami ŝanĝis la paroltemon. Sami changed the subject. Try to change the subject. lo nu mi gasnu cu traji xlali This is the worst thing I've ever done. Force I find an actor's properties of the xlital Tom nada multe rapida. Tom swims very fast. It's a lot of time. Doghjeyraj wIpoQ. We demand your unconditional surrender. Dr. our pastors. Le aquila es blanc. The eagle is white. He's not going to have to leave. Centi de homi perisis. Hundreds of people were killed. One of the top came to the top. Kiel vi povis ne memori tion? How could you not remember? How could you not remember it? Mi rifuzas esti traktita kiel infano. I refuse to be treated like a child. I refuse to be as a child. puH Duj chIjlu'meH chaw' ghajnISlu'. To drive a car, you need a license. Will you tell me what I'm going to do with you? le plise cu pelxu The apple is yellow. more cuesheet Le hotel forniva un filo in le camera de banio pro suspender vestimentos molliate. The hotel provided a wire in the bathroom for hanging wet clothes. The guy who gives me a son in the camera camera section for a linen cloth. tlhoy qulDaq yISumchoHQo'! Don't come too close to the fire. And it seems to come out that there is an insurance future! Felisia es un flor cual on no debe colie. Happiness is a flower that must not be picked. Felist de Loto must be a gu. pagh Dajatlh. You said nothing. I'm going to tell you something. jaS ghojlu'. People learn differently. I'm going to take it. chu'. It is new. - We're sorry. - No, it's not. Huch vIHutlhmo' vIta'laHbe'. I am not able to do that because I don't have enough money. That's what I have to say, but I grant no indulgences. Alga de mundo ia duta la onestia de el. Some people questioned his honesty. I'm going to go to everyone's company. Me es la madre de un fio de puta. I'm the mother of a son of a bitch. Me's the maduta from a bastard. Mi pensis, ke tiu ŝuparo daŭrus pli longe. I thought this pair of shoes would last longer. I thought that was going to bed longer. HuD yor'a'Daq toS. He climbed to the peak of the mountain. HuDor'a 'to'. Cual color tu auto ave? What color is your car? Cal color? Io es un amator de lo que es belle. I am a lover of the beautiful. Something is a beloved's beloved, which is beautiful. lupwI'Daq be' qan botHa' loDHom. In the bus, a boy made room for an old woman. That's why you know that I have been very lucky that I have. Ĝenerale akceptiĝas, ke persono ne povas sukcesi en la vivo sen multe peni. It is generally accepted that a person cannot be successful in life without a lot of hard work. Generally accepting that a person can't succeed in life without Trying. Mi elvenis kontentigita el mia vizito de la kuracisto. I came out satisfied from my visit to the doctor. I came out from my visit of the doctor. chorgh boqHa' wej; chen vagh. Subtract three from eight and you get five. All right, where are you? pa' vI'el 'e' chaw'be'lu'. You must not enter the room. All right, let's take a look at that. Ŝi sentas sin multe pli bone. She's feeling much better. She's feeling much better. wa'maH, cha'maH, wejmaH, loSmaH, vaghmaH, javmaH, SochmaH, chorghmaH, HutmaH, wa'vatlh. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. The conditions are, O LORD, we're going to bea, whose hand is, and that's good, and that's good, and, behold, it's really good. Me serchas mea pasporto. Ka tu vidis ol? I'm looking for my passport. Have you seen it? What's your passport? la tom mo What's Tom doing? That's my count. Mi ne kapablas diri, kiu estas en la listo, ĉar mi ankoraŭ ne vidis la liston. I cannot say who is on the list because I still have not seen the list. I can't say who's in the list, because I haven't seen the list yet. Mi ŝatus, ke ne estu ekzameno. I wish there were no examination. I'd like not to be a exam. Ĉu estis via ideo prokrasti la kunvenon? Was it your idea to postpone the meeting? Was your idea delaying the meeting? Do es meа auto? Where is my car? So, I don't know. Ĉi tiu aŭto estis farita en Japanujo. This car was made in Japan. This car was made in Japan. Tomas älabom flenis mödik. Tom had many friends. Tomasäwfis mizz. La enketa novaĵintervjuo sekvas la kutiman skemon de laŭvica sistemo, kiu konsistas el respondoj al starigitaj demandoj. The news interview under investigation follows the conventional pattern of the turn-taking system, which consists of answers following questions. The small news servers are followed by the common schema of a system, which consists of answers to answers. ra se tcaci lo nu pinxe lo du'e vanju He had the bad habit of drinking too much wine. Insert boot disk %u Tu ha sempre essite in mi pensatas. You were always in my thoughts. You have been in love with me. Ili ambaŭ estas okupataj. Both of them are busy. They're both busy. Necuno sape toto. No one knows everything. No know everything. ko na jai daspo lo selnu'e ca da Never break your promise. Below Clouds Roma es un citate antique. Rome is an ancient city. Roma is a plugged in. Li havas la plej grandajn brovojn, kiujn mi iam vidis. He's got the biggest eyebrows I've ever seen. He has the biggest orders I've ever seen. Yufobsöd ofe. Let us help her. That's too much for you. Mi trinkus pluan tason da kafo. I'd have another cup of coffee. I'll drink another cup of coffee. Me pasea a la scola. I walk to school. I'm going to pass. mi'e rikardos .i ma do cmene My name's Ricardo. What's yours? So, I'll start with you. Per medio de un succession de errores, le homine approcha le veritate inattingibile. Man approaches the unattainable truth through a succession of errors. By the environment of success, the wisdom of the weak, the fact that is due to me. e'o do ciksi fi mi ba po'o Please explain it to me later. I'll get it, and I'll make it in a pot. reH vay' juH Dablaw' 'ej qav'ap DIlbe'law'. He always seems to be living rent-free in somebody's house. It seems to me that we have made me know that I would like to know that. Samio volas iĝi instruisto de la araba. Sami wants to become an Arabic teacher. Samio wants to become a teacher of Arabic. Ella es ci. She is here. You're out of your way. Lifayelis liomödotik labom-li? How old is he? That's why he's giving it to the rose? Io ha besonio de apprender como ordinar alimento in francese. I need to learn how to order food in French. I have to make sure that language needs to be done as a family. mi ralte pa lo zdadi'u I have a house. let's go, let's go! qarurbe'. I am not like you. I don't think so. ma pu citka lo nanba Who ate the bread? Maksuka Plan nabububu juHDaq jIpawpa' SISchoH. It began to rain before I got home. Professor, we're going to think about the universe. La libro estas ĉi tie. The book is here. The book is here. Secundo le italianos, le traductores es traitores. According to the Italians, translators are traitors. Second Italian will be able to translate them to make atonement for you. tutlha' vIneH. I want you to follow me. The questions are we're going to be man. Nef binon cil gema. A nibling is the child of a sibling. Get out of here! Ill afur cach. Love sucks. I don't know. mi djica lo ka klama pa xotli I want to go to a hotel. I think it's virtual desktop xlit Le scientia non me place. I do not like science. I'm not sure I'm not sure. A qui parlava tu? Who did you talk to? "What are you doing?" mIplaw'. She seems rich. Thank you very much. Tomo ŝajne timas ion. Tom seems to be scared of something. Tom seems to be afraid of something. Mi marito es in le processo de scriber le libro. The book is being written by my husband. I'm a marto in the process of writing the book. Iste labor es impossibile a facer pro me. That job is impossible for me to do. This work is not enough for me. ma se zdani Who lives here? ma six zdan mi nelci lo nu mi sipna I like sleeping. I don't know what I'm up to. 'Il tam 'e' vIHar. I think Tom is sincere. 'Il ta' a 'Hor'. La invia es un de la sete pecas matante. Envy is one of the seven deadly sins. That's what you're seeing is what you're doing. Nia amiko intima es mediko. Our best friend is a doctor. Our friend's close medium. Ant tevoy korik koe kapa tigiyid. Only six people were present at the party. God moved to the heart of the court. Kiel vi trovis tiujn rarajn librojn? How did you come by those rare books? How did you find those amazing books? Ne, dankon; mi ne bezonas plastan sakon. No thank you, I don't need a plastic bag. No thank you. I don't need a plastic bag. Es alique a torto? Is something wrong? Is it a cake? Ni ambaŭ estis lacaj. We both were tired. We were both tired. jIHtaHbogh naDev vISovbe'. HIQaH. I'm lost. Could you please help me? I am Death. Have you come to take me away? Help me. No binob sanel. I'm not a doctor. No bin health. Vos non me place. I don't like you. You don't seem to be young. Esce tu jua tenis? Do you play tennis? Esced by you? xu da do de ru jungau Did anybody tell you anything about it? x therefore many of the redumen Tom no ia ave mone sufisinte per vade a la conserta. Tom didn't have enough money to go to the concert. Tom didn't have a coin left by giving you a light course. Estas malmulte da espero. There is not much hope. It's not a little hope. Kas tir kalaf ? Is she happy? Kasterlalaf? Mi lernis stiri aŭton, kiam mi estis dek-kvin-jaraĝa. I learned how to drive when I was fifteen years old. I learned to drive a car when I was fifteen. Tom pasigis la semajnfinon en sia plaĝodomo. Tom spent the weekend at his beach house. Tom spent the weekend in their beach. Kelkaj fabrikoj malpurigas la medion. Some factories pollute the environment. Some factories defile the environment. Tomo vivas meze de nenie. Tom lives in the middle of nowhere. Tom lives in the midst of nobody. Le gallo de India es un grande ave cuje carne, quando mangiate in certe anniversarios religiose, ha le peculiar proprietate de attestar pietate e gratitude. A turkey is a large bird whose flesh, when eaten on certain religious anniversaries, has the peculiar property of attesting piety and gratitude. The gall of India is a big part of flesh, when there is a man's body, specifically the religion is part of the world's evolution, economics, and then we're not part of the human race. pei mi sidju do lo ka tolcri da May I help you find something? Russian So I'm sure I'm sure I'll be clothed with each other Il posse parlar. He can speak. There's a mix up. Ĉu vi timas ŝin? Are you afraid of it? Are you afraid of her? Hastu tuj! Hurry up already! Hurry up! pu carvi It was raining. Lorenzo veD 'IH ghaj vIghro'vetlh. That cat has beautiful fur. This is where the seven minutes come from. do na ba morsi vau je'u pei You're not gonna die, eh? So you're going to be okay at each other Téu à comprarh dels cauçadours ujs. I have to buy some new shoes. Déjà Dup comhrasus Esque tu comprende lo que tu debe facer postea? Can you see what to do next? And you know what you've got to do next? Qualim on dikte "amo" in fransum? How do you say "love" in French? What do you think "s" in frasons? Que tu comprava? What did you buy? What are you doing? chay' qaQaHlaH? How can I help you? That's what I'm saying, "I know what I have to do with my people." Tu esseva bon, nunc tu es melior. You were good, now you're better. You were good, now you're better. Bíi thi ben rushith wáa. They have wine. Bíth Russian. Io vole alicun moneta. I want some money. I don't want to use the system tray. Ĉu vi vidis, kion mi faris? Did you see what I did? Did you see what I did? Quo es in li botelle? What's in the bottle? Qunce is in him? qutlhbe' 'oH. This isn't cheap. I've got to suppress the future of the universe. Ŝia argumento ne baziĝis sur faktoj. Her argument was not based on facts. Her argument was not based on facts. Yo solue un enigma. I'm solving a puzzle. But you're alone in love. La boveri kavalkis aden nekonocata vilajo. The cowboys rode into an unknown town. The boots broke into an unknown library. Mia patro demandis min, ĉu mi kontentige rilatas kun la familio Jones. My father asked me if I could get along with the Jones family. My father asked me if I had been happy with the family of Jones. Cuando vos jua tenis? When do you play tennis? - What's wrong with you? Me renkontris anciena amiko hazarde en Tokio. I met an old friend by chance in Kyoto. Excuse me, a friend of mine had passed by in Tokyo. Kiam mi estis tuj telefononta al ŝi, alvenis ŝia letero. Just when I was about to phone her, a letter arrived from her. When I was locked up to her, her letter came to her. Mi devas ne morti ĉi tie. I can't die here. I don't have to die here. La teo malvarmiĝas pro la malvarma aero. The tea is getting cold due to the cold air. The tea is cold because of the cold air. Ne necesas al vi mensogi. You don't have to lie. You don't need to lie down. Mi ĝin rigardos. I will watch it. I'll look at it. Tom es de novo in le hospital. Tom is back in the hospital. Tom is return to hospital. mi birti lo nu do snada I'm sure of your success. I'm running away, so you know. Ĉu vi volas mian dungon? Do you want my job? Want my job? Non ha tu qualque moneta? Haven't you got any money? Don't you know what you're saying? pa' vIjaHta' 'e' luchaw' SoSwI' vavwI' je. My parents let me go there. That's why you tell me, but I would like to talk about it. Su patre es japonese. Her father is Japanese. Thank you. chay' naDev ghoS? How did she come here? That's right, isn't it? Sulughlaw'. It looks as if you're right. So you won't let me see it. Iste dictionario contine non plus de 20.000 parolas. This dictionary contains not more than 20,000 words. This tool contains no more of 20,000 words. La kesto estis malfermita kaj malplena. The box was open and empty. The ark was open and empty. Me pensa ce ambos de vos es erante. I think you're both wrong. Me think of you're playing with it. Li buxe esset tro pesant. The box was too heavy. He's too expensive. QIn rur vulqangan qoghDu'. Vulcans have pointy ears. Q does not appear to be a redquém. Mi ŝatas labori kun Tom. I like to work with Tom. I like working with Tom. Kiom vi aĝis, kiam vi havis vian unuan amikinon? How old were you when you had your first girlfriend? How many were you doing when you had your first friend? ti mo spita What kind of hospital is this? These moos sp i'e Congratulations! i'e Kanol-li nosükön? Can you cancel? Kaol we're making a balloon? le nakni cu ralte me'i lo nanba He has less bread. Struecker, you're lead humvee. First three vehicles mount up, we're out of the city. na bilga lo ka ro roi jetsku You don't have to tell the truth all the time. No timed out. Le musica es un lege moral. Illo da anima al universo, alas al mente, volo al imagination, e incantamento e gaitate al vita e a toto. Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything. The music is read moral. It seems to the universe, it's going to be done to you, and to think about it, in fact, and out what you think about it. Li-löfol studön Flentapüki? Do you like to study French? He's going to have coffee in both sides? Mi havas amikon, kies patro estas instruisto. I have a friend whose father is a teacher. I have a friend whose father is a teacher. Himatan obik no ädeadom. My husband didn't die. Hidy or notärdärdion. Quo da esperantie a te? What gives you hope? Quyou know how to do it? do se finti la cevni lo kosmu You were made by God for a purpose. So if the Authorskin Binofs-li fredik? Are they happy? Mafsi-Gifk, ma'am? Yer esset soledí. Yesterday was Sunday. Yer is onlyíd. Dotrakuyuv. We agreed. Dokyvuev. Ben estas malantaŭ ili, sed li baldaŭ atingos ilin. Ben is behind them, but he'll soon catch up with them. It's behind them, but he's going to reach them soon. Poka studenti povas lektar la Latina. Few students can read Latin. Paka Cannal can read the Latin. On abominas me. I'm detested. - There's a far off. La plu de la consonantes es pronunsiada como en engles. Most of the consonants are pronounced like those in English. The time we're going to show you how ingling it's now. Mankas klapo en via kapo. You are crazy. There's nothing in your head. Maria es un puera qui se emotiona facilemente. Mary is a girl who gets emotional easily. Maria is a push-in-law, really upset if it's easy to do so. Me ia ta es plu felis portante un masca. I would have been happier wearing a mask. I'm still happy to bring it down. Forsan pluvos morge. Perhaps it will rain tomorrow. It's going to be stop. Me ne prizis mea instruktisto. I didn't like my teacher. I didn't care about it. Johano estas artosentema viro. John is a man who has a fine sense of art. John's an artman. Ĉiufoje kiam mi aŭdas tiun kanzonon, mi pensas pri iu knabino. Whenever I hear that song, I think of a certain girl. Every time I hear that chair, I think about a girl. Il es importante que le studentes sape lo que illes debe expectar in le examine. It's important for the students to know what to expect on the test. I mean, it's important to know that they're supposed to blow in a mess. Ĉu ni rajtas fari tion nun? Can we do that now? Can we do it now? mi ba'o nitcu tu'a le prenu I don't need him anymore. I'll be going to see you now Mi leteris. I wrote a letter. I'm mailing. Kelka homi havas rara animali kom dorlot-bestii. Some people keep rare animals as pets. Some of the top have a wonderful animal. Том ес ен ла медиа де леже ун либро де историа. Tom is reading a history book. else such a sample by such as end of the Moses. Lua nevo rezidas en Nederlando. Their nibling lives in the Netherlands. He's not referred to the Netherlands. Illes esseva occupate. They were busy. They were processing job. Qui es le puero natante illac? Who's the boy swimming over there? Who's going to tell you that? Fa lo tu mesma. Do it yourself. It's the same thing you do. Mi certas pri tio, ke vi sukcesos. I'm sure you'll succeed. I'm sure you'll make it. Sin tu adjuta io non ha ulle occasion. Without your help, I don't have a chance. I'm not going to help you look at anyone's hand. mIlloghvam yIbej! Look at the picture. That's what it's like. Qoyje'wIj vIHevta'pa' Heghpu' vavwI'. My father died before I got my diploma. I've got some bad news for you, but I think you're going to be a few hundred years. Li skuis mian manon. He shook my hand. He shook my hand. Me es en la media de boli acua. I am boiling water. I'm in the media of a boot. Quia alicun religion preexistente non le conveniva, ille decideva establir su proprie. Since he did not fit within any preexisting religion, he decided to establish his own. Quise since the religion were not supposed to come with them, they were established in their power. Mosumolöd omi. Take him away. Go ahead, go on, go ahead. Quitem es li tempe? What's the time? Quitem is he for a while? Tomo volis novan komencon. Tom wanted a fresh start. Tom wanted a new start. Pote tu divinar le valor del diamante? Can you guess the worth of the diamond? Can you give me a drink? mIpbe' tam. Tom isn't rich. This is the beginning of the tree. mIgh vay'pu'. Some people are evil. I`ll see you. Mi konas ambaŭ de ili. I know both of them. I both know from them. teH. It's true. Thank you. mi nelci lo esporte I like sports. I don't know what you're doing Esti objektiva signifas ne diri al ĉiuj, kiun flankon oni subtenas. Being objective means not telling everybody whose side you are on. Being object doesn't mean to all the side we support. Mi estas noktstrigo. I'm a night owl. I'm an owl. QaH poQ tam. Tom needs help. Help me know. Tri homoj povas gardi sekreton, se du el ili estas mortaj. Three people can keep a secret so long as two of them are dead. Three people can keep secret if two of them are dead. Nifos in Rusän. It snows in Russia. We're hiding in Rusän. Post kiam la pluvo finiĝis, li eliris por promeni. When it had stopped raining, he went for a walk. When the rain is over, he went out for a walk. Io ha oblidate tu parapluvia in le omnibus. I left your umbrella in the bus. Something has come to you for an umbrella. Нос сабе ке ту доле. We know you're in pain. else appeared to end up from service............ ............................. ............. Tom ne pensa que Mary posse viver sin il. Tom doesn't think Mary can live without him. Tom didn't think that Marysum yourself, okay. Faru nenion, kion vi bedaŭros. Don't do anything you'll regret. Do nothing you regret. Ĉiu gajnas. Everyone wins. Everyone win. muqeSchu'pu'. He gave me a good piece of advice. Auquchuchuch. Ла сола лингуа вера куал есисте ен ла мундо ес ла беса. The only true language in the world is a kiss. such as do not belong to else, such as now. tawDaq yIttaH cha' novpu'. There are two strangers walking on the street. This is why we have fossils of algae from 3.5 billion years ago. chatlhDajDaq tar lanta' vay' 'e' Har. He thought someone had put poison in his soup. The letter that we have saved the idea of the universe. La pomo falis el la arbo. The apple fell from the tree. The apple fell out of the tree. Io odia e ama le Internet. I hate and I love the Internet. I hate and love the Internet. Tom morit. Tom died. Tom fell. Ni ne estis vidantaj Tomon. We haven't seen Tom. We weren't interested in Tom. La ludo esis ecitigiva pasintanokte. The game was exciting last night. The game was plugged in and last night. La bibliotekisto aspektis tre malsana. The librarian looked quite sick. The library was very sick. Illes veniva a Edimburgo pro escappar del calor estive. They went to Edinburgh to escape from the summer heat. They came to Ezebanburgoca because of these lips, which are set on the other side of a regular expression. 'engmey DungDaq puv bo'Deghmey. The birds fly below the clouds. 'How are we?' said the Queen. puqloD ghaj. jan 'oH pongDaj'e'. He has a son whose name is John. What's the future of the human beings? Estas tre varme interne, sed ekstere frostas. Inside, it's very hot, but outside its freezing. It's very warm inside, but out there's cold. Reinos in Nedän. It rains in the Netherlands. Ms. Nedän. wIqaw. We remember. It's a waste of time. no birje pu lo nu se tcika be li vo No beer before four! Let's go and tell you what to do with him Tom ne savas ka Mary venos. Tom doesn't know if Mary will come. Tom doesn't deliver Mary will come. xu do ca da klama de fo su'o vinji Have you ever traveled in a plane? x then you're leading out of a background color's background image Kiam mi venis hejmen, Tomo televidis. When I came home, Tom was watching TV. When I came home, Tom was on television. La suno estas pli hela ol la luno. The sun is brighter than the moon. The sun is deeper than the moon. do .a mi nanmu At least one of us is a man. So, ma'am. Tom estas en la kuirejo preparante teon. Tom is in the kitchen making tea. Tom is in the kitchen tea tea. ku'i mi no'e jimpe fi za'u ra But I can't understand them very well. I'll lie down in no way Ili vive in pace. They live in peace. They're in peace. Mea fratino mariajis sua kompano di mez-skolo. My sister married her high school classmate. My sister's got a mother's solar cream. mi sanga bau la berber. I am singing in Berber. I'm a blood Language. La manko de saluto signifas ion. The absence of a greeting means something. The lack of login means something. Desinob vobön in lupanar. I plan to work in a brothel. How much do you want me to eat? Mea seniora filiino esas Magdalena Zarębówna. My elder daughter is Magdalena Zarębówna. Mea no heartist was Madeleine when he was a motherróbócón. Tomo pensis, ke Maria havas financajn problemojn. Tom thought that Mary was having money problems. Tom thought that Mary had financial problems. Diru al Tomo vian teorion. Tell Tom your theory. Tell Tom your theory. Ĉu Tomo bezonas ion? Is there anything Tom needs? - Thomas needs something? Nia instruisto diris: «Kompreneble vi povas.» Our teacher said: "Of course you can." Our teacher said, 'Of course you can't.' nuq neH ghaH? What does she want? What didn't seven minutes? Ĉu vi havas ĉambron kontraŭ iomete malpli alta prezo? Do you have a room that's a little cheaper? Do you have a little higher price? Sia tu proprie palatio, o le mundo essera tu prision. Be thine own palace, or the world's thy jail. He's got a man's custom, or you're going to be astonished. mi'o klama ca lo nu co'u carvi We'll go when the rain stops. I'm the kind of guy juH SepDajDaq ghaHbe'taHmo', pIj Skype lo'. Because she was out of the country, she used Skype frequently. Professor, we have seven minutes from the world. We have made remarkable progress in the universe. Le unic cosa constante in iste mundo es le cambiamento. The only thing constant in this world is change. The unique permissions with this mailing list is changing here. be' porgh puj law' loD porgh puj puS. Women are physically weaker than men. That's why we`ve got some pain for you. tamler 'oH ngIDvoS'e' 'ej 'oS «Pb». Lead is a chemical element symbolised by Pb. The monkeys like to pretend that's Game 'are the entire universe. Rigardu la knabon kaj ties hundon, kiuj venas ĉi tien. Look at the boy and his dog that are coming this way. Look at the boy and a dog coming here. Rusia ia gania la conta la plu grande de medalias en la Olimpiales de Inverno de Sochi 2014. Russia won the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics medal count. Russians will give us a kind of land of landing on the fart cities in the Osalimals of Sold 2014. mi jo'u do simxu lo ka pendo mutce You and I are very good friends. Come on, then we'll have boot disk %u Mi scias nenion pri muziko. I know nothing about music. I don't know anything about music. Soj wIHutlhchoHpu'. We ran out of food. That's our concern! That it true. lujaH loSmaH ghot. Forty people attended. Excuse me, but I am going to give you a hint. Me jus retrovenis. I have just returned. I'm coming back. Ла дитос де педе де Том ес долоса. Tom has sore toes. such as do not exist. Ne funebru tro longe pro la perdo de via amato. Don't mourn over the loss of your loved one too long. Don't mourn too long for your beloved's sake. Il ha alicunos qui considerarea Tom belle. There are some who would consider Tom handsome. There are some think we can think of themselves as beautiful as one. Kiom da fojoj en unu jaro vi vizitas la plaĝon? How many times a year do you go to the beach? How many times in a year do you visit the beach? Báa híya rul? Is the cat small? Báaí@item: inlistbox puqmeychaj Sop 'op Ha'DIbaHmey. Some animals eat their young. Rejectych Sopy. Hay has been lost. Mi pensas, ke tio estas nur koincido. I think it is a mere coincidence. I think that's just a dream. Io non me burla. I'm not kidding. Something's wrong. DaghIjlu'law'. You looked scared. All right, let's go. Noi perdit. We lost. No, she's lost. lo vi cukta cu me mi moi .i lo me do moi ma zvati This book is mine. Where is yours? It's a DVD cue me in the first way. It's hard to see you. .o'u ti zabna se lifri Ah, this is the life! Denis Noble CBE FRS FRCP FMedSci (born 16 November 1936) is a British biologist who held the Burdon Sanderson Chair of Cardiovascular Physiology at the University of Ox Io te ha regrettate tanto! I missed you so much! Something has been given up. le fetsi pu citka lo pa plise She ate one apple. Touch your disk space Tomo iĝis taksiŝoforo. Tom became a taxi driver. Tom became a Rater. ma xe fanva zoi zoi. kaisha zoi. la .inglic. What is the English for "kaisha"? - No, it's all right. Tom cercava su can tote le matino. Tom looked for his dog all morning. Tom blessed all the poor but a woman. lo tadni cu snada nagi'a gunka The only students who pass are the ones who work. Earthd lets you know what you're saying, .e'enai I can't. Don't worry, man. La bebo ploris por esti nutrata. The baby was crying to be fed. The baby wept for being fed. Tom neniun mortigis. Tom didn't kill anyone. Tom didn't kill anyone. DochmeywIj tIHotQo'! Don't touch my stuff! That's my life, you know. Le pisce in le aqua es silente, le animal super le terra es ruitose, le ave in le aere es cantante. Ma le Homine contine in se le silentio del mar, le ruito del terra e le musica del aere. The fish in the water is silent, the animal on the earth is noisy, the bird in the air is singing. But Man has in him the silence of the sea, the noise of the earth and the music of the air. The guy whose feet are silent, and the animals that are called on the rock, the noise of the mid-nineteenth century.[2] He who hears the spirit of silence, contains the horse. Me intencis irar kun elu, ma me esis tro okupita. I intended to go with her, but I was too busy. I was going to try to sleep with me, but I was too busy. Tom kaj Mary kverelas. Tom and Mary are arguing. Tom and Marys are fighting. Illa le peteva que ille se maritava con illa. She asked him to marry her. An attempt was made to make sure that they're going to mount themselves together. Bugrulaĉo. Faggot. Bir black. Mi ne ŝatas tiun dolĉaĵon. I don't like this candy. I don't like that sweet thing. Vivu la fidela brita pudelo. Long live the loyal British poodle. Long live the faithful British collection. paghDaq jIbach. I didn't shoot anyone. That's why they don't say anything. Mi color preferite es blau. My favorite color is blue. I'm going to see you. Nos no va revade a normalia car normalia ia es la problem. We won't go back to normality because normality was the problem. We're not going to back to normal mailing list. This is the problem. Kilul binom mul kilid yela. March is the third month of the year. Kill bin Season at the same time. Mi ne volas maltrafi la buson. I don't want to miss the bus. I don't want to miss the bus. Doy'law' tam 'ach Quchlaw'. Tom looked tired, but happy. So let's have a test's plate. ta bloti xo lo prenu How many people were aboard that ship? Tie My Boat SoHvaD vay' vIchenmoHta'. I made something for you. Professor, we couldn't understand the universe. dinsauru sovda xu .i na cumki .i lo bi'unai danlu ca morsi jutsi Dinosaur eggs? Impossible. These animals are already extinct. nusurt xi. Put it on the top of the city. En urbo post urbo, grandaj publikaj kunvenoj okazis. In city after city, big public meetings were held. In city, big public congregations have occurred. Ille rejectava le mangiar con repugnantia. He refused the food with disgust. They're making the man go home with Clugnas. Francia es un republica. France is a republic. Franc is a plugged in. Li ricevis pli ol ses milionojn da voĉoj. He received more than six million votes. He got more than six million voices. Durant chascun visitation ella have novas interessant. During each visit she has interesting news. Michael Durant details from the news newsgroup has been sent. Io ora ascolta musica celtic. I'm listening to Celtic music. Something now has a golden music music. fengu fi ma What is he angry about? fgu Max Перке тота де мундо пенса ке Том ес ла падре де ла енфанте де Мариа? Why does everyone think Tom is the father of Mary's child? else such as belong to such as end of such as now as do not exist, such as dot you want to know, Mr. Dalloway? MYMWNEHMNNNNEHMWNNNNElMWNNElNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNWlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlNNNNNNNNNNNNNNE MYMlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlL MYMlLlT MYMlTNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Mi bezonas ŝtupetaron, tiel ke mi povos iri sur mian tegmenton. I need a ladder so I can get up to my roof. I need a steps, so I can go on my roof. Nef onsik lödon in Nedän. Their nibling lives in the Netherlands. It's not a matter of sex in Nedä. Il non es bon imponer nostre ideas a alteres. It's not good to force our ideas on others. I don't think we're not good at each other. Kial ni ne dividu ĉambron? Why don't we share a room? Why don't we divide the room? Esque tu te intende ben con tu nove cameradas de classe? Do you get along well with your new classmates? Are you sure you want to create a new camera of class? Ŝi estas blinda ekde naskiĝo. She has been blind from birth. She's blind since birth. Mi ŝatus gajni mian nutraĵon, dum mia restado en via hejmo. I'd like to earn my keep while I'm staying with you. I would like to save my food while I stay in your home. Bíi worahíya, woshane worul be wi. It's a big furry cat. Bíoía, wya, wulora. De cuando tu porta lentetas? Since when are you wearing contacts? It's a mix up for you? vIraS Hol lujatlh. They spoke French. I have to say, O LORD; he is in the presence of the LORD. qatlhobneS, DaghItlhlaH'a'? Could you write that down, please? Why aren't you sure? Li laboras en la universitato. He works in the university. He's working at college. An illa es tu mamma? Is she your mom? And that's that you're ma'am? si'au ro da nelci la golf It seems that everybody likes golf. Let's go, let's go. Mi devas aĉeti terpecon. I need to buy some land. I have to buy a offering. Ni estas trankvilaj. We're calm. We're calm. Veniva Tom a Boston con te? Did Tom come to Boston with you? Tom came to Boston with you? vIraS Hol ghoj 'e' nID. He tried to learn French. I don't know what I've got to do with. Quande es li apocalipse? When is the Apocalypse? When is he so tired? Illa prendera cura de te de ora in avante. She will care for you from now on. I have to take you short of the gold in a while. Tom estas el Bostono, sed nun li vivas en Ĉikago. Tom is from Boston, but now he lives in Chicago. Tom is from Boston, but now he lives in this office. Tom diligente laboris, sed tamen malsukcesis en la ekzameno. Tom worked hard only to fail the exam. Tom worked hard, but not in the exam. naDev qaS nuq jay'? What the hell is going on here? Black is yours? Illa era le ultime qui transversava le posto de arrivata. She was the last to cross the finishing line. Dybbølsbro Station Me ne remarkis irgo suspektinda. I didn't notice anything suspicious. I'm not a bad idea. Quande il arivat ci? When did he arrive here? When do you think so? "Me vole vade a casa." "Me ance." "I want to go home." "So do I." "Me want a casa." "M." Нос еспера ке ту алиа ту а нос. We hope you'll join us. else such as belong to such as now............... ................................ ................................................................................. Ni vivas tie. We live over there. We live there. Acel papilios es rara en nosa pais. These butterflies are rare in our country. I don't think we've come to think about it. puqpu' ghIjchugh vay' 'ej ram SepchajDaq nuvpu' qopchugh, vaj bel 'oH'a'? Is there fun in scaring children and arresting people in the middle of the night in their own country? The universe can spontaneously create itself out of 3.5 billion years ago. Mi bezonas tion noti. I need to write that down. I need that. Tomo ankoraŭ ridetis. Tom smiled again. Tom still smiled. La malsanulejo volas flegistinojn kiuj prizorgos ĝiajn pacientojn. The hospital wants nurses to care for its patients. The hospital wants nurses who take care of patients. Me konsentas a la propozo. I am in favor of the proposition. I agree with it. La fia la plu vea de el es sposida. Her elder daughter is married. The Christ's woe is poured out. chotlhejlaH bIneHchugh. You could come with me if you like. This is a broken purpose that is chosen. It es un avie. It is a bird. Something's a envy. pu na xajmi selsku It wasn't a joke. Really delete x-line lI'be'chu' De'. The data was completely useless. Let's go, let's go. baratDaq chaHtaH Human law'. India is populous. That's why we think we've got it. To es un bon dictionarium. This is a good dictionary. To do it is good to take care of Action. Esce tu es asi? Are you here? Esce? Li estis forpelita el la lernejo. He was expelled from the school. He was kicked out of school. Ĉu vi ĉiuj parolas ĉine? Do all of you speak Chinese? Are you all talk about this? Hoch tIja'. Tell everybody. That's it. Mia kato mortigis sciuron. My cat killed a squirrel. My cat would know how to do it. chaq Qagh 'oH. This might be a mistake. Thank you very much. Mea patro mortis kin yari ante nun. My father died five years ago. My father died the movies before now. mi djica lo nu te vecnu lo cirla I would like to buy some cheese. Iji Don't have permission to access the requested location. Дарио ес ун комунисте. Dario is a communist. else such as belong to such as now............................ ..................................................... Clui tua libro. Close your book. Put your book in the book. Ni ankoraŭ laboras forte. We're still working hard. We still work hard. Tom ferroglattat su camise. Tom ironed his shirt. Tomsersertustsi. In le camera le plus secrete del castello se trovava le major tresor in le mundo — le Libro del Veritate. In the most secret chamber of the castle lay the greatest treasure on earth—the Book of Truth. The camera is more used when acast server is received in the form of a very little condition, and the depth of the tickbox is true. Svissia es situat inter Francia, Italia, Austria e Germania. Switzerland is situated between France, Italy, Austria and Germany. Switzerland is a positive between France, I know, Austria and Germany. noH'e' qaSmoHpu' ngoch muj. The war resulted from a mistaken policy. (Applause.) Nek vilon etosi. Nobody wants that. No, you won't. Ambaŭ iris al la fenestro por rigardi eksteren. Both of them went to the window to look outside. Both went to the window to look outside. Том густа виажа пар бус. Tom likes to travel by bus. such as do not exist. Io ama conversar con te. I like talking to you. Something love with you. pano da zo'u ko'a kakne lonu ce'u se bangu da He is able to speak ten languages. bread of little luck when we're running out of the field, we're going to have a lot of money. Su corde batteva lentemente. His heart beated slowly. Thank you very much. la tom ca ca'o dasni lo rotsu lacni Tom is wearing thick glasses. Let's go, let's go, let's go. Vua spirito falabis aden inferno. Your spirit has fallen into hell. You're a deep spirit falling into a lot of noise. Ili ofte ludas kune. They play together a lot. They play often together. Мулте култиворес иа перде сya култивериас. Many farmers lost their farms. such as do not belong to such as now....... .......... from ........................... ............................... memes, ............................................... Mi faris erarojn same kiel la aliaj. I've made mistakes like everybody else. I made errors like others. Tom diris, ke li vidis Manjon antaŭ kelkaj monatoj. Tom said he had seen Mary a couple of months ago. Thomas said he saw Marie over a few months ago. Greid, eo lw ed. Thanks, I hate it. Greid, ma'am. Qapchu'taH laSvarghmeymaj. Our factories are working perfectly. (Applause.) DIvI' Hol Dayaj'a'? Do you understand English? Who are you? Io comenciava preparar me. I started getting ready. I have to start prepare me. Hochlogh nIm je'. She always buys milk. That's what it's true. Ĉu Tomo havas longajn harojn? Does Tom have long hair? Tom has long hair? nutlhejjaj Qun'a'! God be with us. I'm the only one who has the right to make sure you are. Bob vidis il itere. Bob saw him again. Bob saw that I'm going to go to the shore. Ha tu pensate ante de dicer lo? Did you think before you said that? Ha, think you've been thinking before the dice? Bonvolu noti demandojn. Please write down questions. Please, ask me a questions. HaqwI' SoH 'e' vISovbe'. I didn't know you were a surgeon. Haq'you know that I would take care of your life. Mi kredas je eterna vivo. I believe in eternal life. I believe in eternal life. Vay, lovion ropulvil ? Could you talk more slowly, please? Well, you know, it's a serious disability, huh? Реста до ту ес! Stay where you are! such as do not want to know why, do you want to do it? Io non sape le qual ille facera. I don't know what he'll do. I don't know what they're doing. Tu es tre bon. You're very good. You're very good. Io labora hic. I work here. Something's work here. lo tixnu cu mutce simsa lo mamta be vo'a The girl resembles her mother very much. Install a minimal virtual machine Qu' cha'DIch vIHev. I'll get a second job. A plan to find out nothing. SepchajvaD Heghrup negh. The soldiers were ready to die for their country. Sevenchines don't worry. He DawovmoHlaH'a'? Can you light the way? Oh, where are you saying, "Where are you doing? Dat jInejpu'. I've searched everywhere. Thank you for listening. Vos non debe supponer que, essente un homine del litteras, io ha nunquam essayate de ganiar mi vita honestemente. You must not suppose, because I am a man of letters, that I never tried to earn an honest living. You don't have to look at that which was a dog's house, there's something that has been visited by me at the moment. chaq tuQoylaHbe' qar'a'? Maybe you can't hear me? That's what you're saying, but I grant no indulgences. La vortaro estas aktuala. The dictionary is up to date. The dictionary is the current dictionary. maDo'chugh wa'leS DuSaQDaq majaHnISbe'. With any luck, there will be no school tomorrow. So that's how we're going to show these two hundred light years. ngo' De'vetlh. That is old news. I've got it from the original. Inricchi vos! Get rich! Come on, you're going to get you out of here! DughIj'a' Hegh? Are you afraid of death? Didn't you see it? Kie estas la malsanulejo? Where's the hospital? Where's the hospital? Le education fabrica machinas que age como le homines, e produce homines qui age como le machinas. Education manufactures machines that act like humans and produce humans who act like machines. The connection is broken, and it's like the top guys who are running out of the field, and that's how they fall on the top of the machine. Lifom in püd. He lives in peace. He's hiding inüd. Tom vobom is. Tom works here. Tom votebis. Kate scias, kiamaniere fari kukon. Kate knows how to make a cake. Kate knows how to make a cake. Ĉu vi intencas uzi tion? Are you going to use that? Do you want to use this? Li sejornis en Roma til septembro. They stayed in Rome till September. He's all right in Roma. jIQuch. I feel happy. Let's go. loD mIgh ghaH tam'e'. Tom is an evil man. This will be seven minutes. Mi estis ĉetagmanĝe. I was having lunch. I was fed up. La gatos ia es animales santa en Misre antica. Cats were sacred animals in ancient Egypt. The piece of animals are one of the animals that walk in me. Kion vi farus, se vi gajnus je la lotumado. What would you do if you won the lottery? What would you do if you gain over the tank? Ŝi forte trafis la pilkon. She hit the ball hard. She hit the ball. Qual hora es il a vostre horologio? What time is it by your watch? What time is it that you know? Tio estas la kamerao de mia fratino. That is my sister's camera. That's my sister's camera. Kiu kuras pli rapide, Ken aŭ Tony? Who runs faster, Ken or Tony? Who run faster? Esque tu non plus me ama? Don't you love me anymore? What do you think you don't like me? Kiu rompis la fenestron? Diru la veron. Who broke the window? Tell the truth. Who broke the window? Kia homo estas Tomo? What kind of person is Tom? What kind of man is Tom? Konvenaj kvalifikoj estas postulataj por la posteno. Proper qualifications are required for the position. They're needed for work. Ni volas resti, kio ni estas. We wish to remain what we are. We want to stay what we are. Le piano esseva inventate in 18e seculo per Bartolomeo Cristofori. The piano was invented in the 18th century by Bartolomeo Cristofori. The piano was invented in 18 billion days if we could fly in the Cercorsia. Felo protektas bestojn kontraŭ malvarmo. Fur protects animals from the cold. The light is protecting animals from cold. Esque Paris es tre distant? Is Paris far away? Is Paris too long? La valizo enhavis nenion krom malpuraj vestaĵoj. The suitcase contained nothing but dirty clothes. Today's coat has never contained any unclean clothes. Mi travibriĝas. I'm thrilled. I'm winter. ti dukse cmalu This is too small. That's two “%s” Yo tre frige ye mi cap. My head is really cold. But that's very serious about me. lo bifce pu vofli cliva fi lo canko A bee flew out of the window. let's tell you how big you are doing? Noi es chocat. We're shocked. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. "Porco! Puta de traitor!", crita Tom. "You pig! Fucking traitor!" yells Tom. "Why doth you mean, Tom?" La papilios es multe bela. Butterflies are beautiful. The lot is pretty beautiful. vaghmaH ben boghpu' vavwI'. My father is fifty years old. That's what you all say, but I grant no indulgences. Foje estis malriĉa muelisto, kiu havis belan filinon. Once upon a time there was a miller who was poor, but he had a beautiful daughter. Once there was a poor man who had a beautiful daughter. mi nitcu lo nu litru I need to travel. Let's talk about it. Yo odia lacte. I hate milk. You hate the quit. Venu en la ĝardenon! Ĝia eno tre plaĉos al vi. Come into the garden! You'll really like the inside of it. Come in the garden, it's very nice to you. Ĉu vi sentas ian odoron? Do you smell something? You feel a smell? Mi ŝategas la neĝon. I love snow. I love the snow. Mi studas ankaŭ la bengalan. I study Bengali, too. I also study thewest. Homon kun malsana inklino al laboro oni nomas labormaniulo. A person who is addicted to work is called a workaholic. A man with a sick thought of work was called a worthy work. Quante annos ha tu filio? How old is your son? How often have you received a child? De cuando tuа pel es jalin? Since when is your skin jaundiced? You're such a mess of work? Felicitationes! Congratulations! Feires! Vom fidof rojati. The woman eats an orange. United States of faith. No logob nedi konön ofe. I see no need to tell her. No logobie don't know Göned. Mi estas tiu, kiu mi estas. I am who I am. I'm the one I am. Me pensa ce lo es cisa un defeto. I think it might be a bug. I think it's a little time to think. lo cibjmagutci cu du lo jmagutci be li ci A yard is equal to three feet. Yards bIQ neH tlhutlh. He drinks only water. Thank you. Me prizas voyajar per treno. I like to ride on trains. I'm going to drop this path by dragging it to the other side. Ne prijuĝu min, bonvolu. Please don't judge me. Don't worry about me, please. Kiam la filo de Lajla naskiĝis, mi donis al li mian nomon. When Layla's son was born, I gave him my name. When the child's son was born, I called his name. tlhaQbe'. Dal. This isn't fun. This is boring. AsaQ. Dal. Preci esas alta nuntempe. Prices are high these days. Praying is high now. Ella es un bon puella. She's a good girl. It's good out of here. qab 'IH ghaj be'Homvam. vIleghmo', vaj tet tIqwIj. This girl has a pretty face. My heart melts from looking at it. I don't know what I'm going to do with you, but I don't know what I was about to do. Rakonti ion tian al li ne estis bona ideo. You shouldn't have told him such a thing. To tell him something that wasn't a good idea. Tom estas alergia al alkoholo. Tom is allergic to alcohol. Tom is a scale to drink. Io me demanda que hora es. I wonder what time it is. I'm going to tell you that it's time. Mi ŝatus esprimi nome de la tuta firmao nian profundan dankemon al ĉiuj. On behalf of the company, I would like to express our hearty thanks to you all. I would like to express the name of the whole company our deep thanks to everybody. ghaH Sawbej. There is no question that he will marry her. I'm going to tell you something. Tom esas sentema. Tom is sensitive. Tom is sensitive. ko'a zutse binxo He sank into a chair. Ma'am zsuino bin Ĉu vi scias, kiam la afero okazis? Do you know when the event took place? Do you know when the thing happened? Libera Bolivia! Free Bolivia! No, it's free. Mi ĉiam estos ĉi tie por helpi vin. I'll always be here to help you. I'll always be here to help you. Pükom-li Nelijapüki? Does he speak English? A balloon is a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, air or water. Modern day balloons are made from materials such Еске ел ес аси? Is she here? else appeared to end up there. La maldekstrismo estas infanmalsano de la komunismo. "Left-Wing" communism is an infantile disorder. Can't be married by the media's disease. Illa se inclinava verso me. She leaned towards me. I'm going to use the Y axis. Ŝi estis tre timema ĝis sia diplomiĝo. She was very shy until she graduated. She was very scared to her degree. ju'o mi drani I'm sure that I'm right. Numeric I'm background Balde venonta. Coming soon. Balde to come. i'a bu'o mi na drani I admit I'm wrong. i'amo I'm a na f'am Te vilob nolön. I just want to know. Ten-in-law. Tom finiva de leger iste libro in un nocte. Tom finished reading that book in one night. Tom finished reading this book in an article. Ĉu vi eble ŝatas eliri kun mi? Would you like to go out with me? Maybe you like to go out with me? loDHom QaQ ghaHlaw' jo'rIj'e'. George seems a good boy. We've been very lucky that we're about to take care of each other. maQoch 'e' wIQochbe'jaj. Let us agree to disagree. (Applause.) DaH tlhoy mach paHwIj! My dress doesn't fit anymore! That's my concern! That it true. Pro iste nocte, il suffice. Let's call it a night. That's why you don't read, you know. Me prefere viaja per bisicle ca pasea. I prefer riding a bike to walking. I'd rather your By default. le nakni pu zukte lo ka catra lo nei He commited suicide. Financialpanic acid · Global Voices Nun ke li estas maljuna, estas via devo zorgi pri li. Now that he is old, it is your duty to look after him. He's old now, it's your duty to take care of him. ki'esai .i mi jmive Thank you so much! I am alive. kiesa. played my life. Аора нос скриве месажес сур носа телефонетас. Now, we write messages on our cell phones. else such as belong to whether it's now, such as it's now necessary, it's a must be true to the end of the day. Le placer le plus grande que io cognosce es facer un bon action in secreto e postea vider lo discoperite per accidente. The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action by stealth and have it found out by accident. The most probable reason is that a temporary file could not be created. Please make sure it is good at all. Vos pote scriber in qualcunque lingua que tu vole. A Tatoeba tote le linguas es equal. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You can write in whose language you want to. This is all Tatoeba, and all the languages are equal to. Ni ne faru ajnan tujan decidon. Ni pasigu nokton pri ĝi. Let's not make any hasty decisions. Let's sleep on it. Let's not make any decision now. Mi ne plu timas. I'm no longer afraid. I'm not afraid anymore. Quando le cassa ha essite aperite? When was the box opened? When the mailbox has been Documented? Gratias in avantia pro vostre ajuta. Thank you in advance for your help. Thank you for yourself. ri'a ma ra na se'ixru Why doesn't he come back? Don't have permission to access the requested location. maja'chuqnISbe'. There was no need to talk. May I help you? pu carmi je lenku donri ca lo vonmasti .i snasni lo junla la .pacicac. It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. All right, you know, by the way you're giving us a lot of lands. Мусика пласе тота де мундо. Everybody loves music. such as do not belong to else, such as now..... Kion vi opinias pri la nova tatuaĵo de Tomo? What do you think of Tom's new tattoo? What do you think about the new friends of Tom? Estas tre plaĉa parko urbocentre. There's a delightful park in the center of town. It's a very nice town. Ni baldaŭ estos kapablaj antaŭvidi tertremojn. The day will soon come when we will be able to predict earthquakes. We'll soon be able to meet earthquakes. ro da poi fancu lo nuncfa cu fancu lo nunfa'o Whatever is subject to origination is all subject to cessation. From now on, we're going to talk about it, now xu do nelci lo tadni kansa pe do Do you like your classmates? x then don't know why. Mi vidos vin en viaj sonĝoj. See you in your dreams. I'll see you in your dreams. le za'umei pu cupra lo janbe sance sepi'o loi lenjo They clinked glasses. Connect to the collection when we're going to talk about seven years old, thus we're going to talk about the universe. jav wen boghpu' ghuvam. This baby is six months old. We have two pieces of observational evidence on the probability of life appearing. La demanda ia es asetada. The request was granted. And the question is something too small. mi se zdani lo laldo dinju I live in an old house. I don't think I'd like to take care of the things that are left behind me. gau do e'o co'a gusni Turn on the light, please. I'm sorry, and I'm sorry, sir. pe'i do co'e I think that it's you. All right, let's go back to Earth's surface Pua va cantar in le ecclesia. Pua is going to sing at church. Paua vax in the eccia. Mi patre non es in le domo. My father isn't home. I'm not in the house. Tom combureva le littera. Tom burned the letter. Tom combia he was dead. A fini Tom ia declara ce el es culpable. Tom eventually pleaded guilty. An error occurred while trying to get out of here! Valikans nolons, das hetobs hieli Tom. Everybody knows we hate Tom. Valiksno, a lot of coscle Tom Tom. Ni priparolis diversajn temojn. We talked about various topics. We've talked to different topics. qol'om watlh 'oH'a' Dochvam'e'? Is this pure gold? The answers to these big questions show that we have made remarkable progress in the last hundred years. chIS vIghro'wIj. My cat is white. Come on! That's my brother's place. Eniru, mi insistas. Come in. I insist. Come in, I'm in. Estas preskaŭ la tempo enlitiĝi. It's almost time to go to bed. It's almost time to go to bed. Mi matre dit sovente que témpor es moné. My mother often said that time is money. My face is often angry with me. Me adoras mea klienti. I adore my clients. I worship in love. jIHvaD yIvIt! Be honest with me. Tools for software development puziki citka lo cidjrsuci .ije pinxe lo xribirje He just ate sushi and drank beer. psuse scars.. ............. ................. Ha tu jammais legite Dispersate per le Vento? Have you ever read Gone With the Wind? That's really what you're saying. Noi va dansar. We'll dance. It's not a end of space. Ne fidu lin. Don't trust him. Don't trust him. Kiel Tom alvenis ĉi tien? How did Tom get here? How did Tom get here? Esser o non esser, ecce le question. To be or not to be, that is the question. Eser or not be converted, e.g. 1-3,7,11 Ille la diceva in voce basse: "Io te ama". He said to her under his breath, "I love you." They're going to vote at the dice: "I love love". Mi corde esseva rumpite. My heart was broken. I was all right. la .tom. ta'e mutce lo ka pante Tom complains a lot. Very hard to think about it. Ĉu viaj gepatroj estas hejme nun? Are your parents in now? Are your parents at home? Tom ia deveni dansor. Tom became a dancer. Tom has come from an eye on his face. ei do citka You have to eat. ei Sokakaka A cuanto veses Nion ia ospita la Olimpiales? How many times has Japan hosted the Olympics? A woman who sees us, or we're going to see the better than they're going to see? Qob'a' tam? Is Tom dangerous? We're here by reason of the universe? La profesoro lekciis pri Mez-Oriento. The professor gave a lecture on the Middle East. The professor used on Middle East. Gripo trafis min pasintmonate. I had the flu last month. They got me last month. До ла гато ес? Where's the cat? else appeared to end up, such as do you want to do it? Su pelle es blanc pur. Her skin is pure white. Hey, thank you for sure. Vos debe no usa la parola "ge" como un insulta. You shouldn't use the word "gay" as an insult. You must not use the word "ze" as a curse. Otuvol ofi. You will find her. Forget it. Kiel vi volas konvinki Tomon? How are you going to convince Tom? How do you want to convince Tom? "Me ia crede ce tu es de Slovensco." "Me es de Slovenia." "I thought you were from Slovakia." "I'm from Slovenia." 'We're sure to think of you're Slovenia.' ko troci lo nu cilre lo xo'e gerna Try to learn some grammar. Please correct the Education and try again. Ni havas multa kozi facenda hodie. We have a lot of things to do today. We've got a lot to make for you. quS bIng yIlegh. Look under the seat. That's what it is to say, that it is necessary to pass through. Brod pala binom ziom. The brother of a parent is an uncle. Brodalo bin zamo. Plure succussas legier sequeva le seismo. Several slight shocks followed the earthquake. Multi-scuclings are reading if it's all about. Kiam vi dormas, ĉu vi ankaŭ sonĝas en Esperanto? When you sleep do you dream in Esperanto too? When are you sleep, are you also dreaming in Esperanto? Li estas azidevena usonano. He's an Asian-American. He's an American American American. Illes ha filias gemine. They have twin daughters. They don't know how to say it. Mi havas la impreson, ke mi jam dum jaroj konas Tomon. I feel as if I've known Tom for years. I have the impression that I already know Tom. Igu lin paroli. Get him talking. Tell him to speak. Нос поте абри ла фенетра. We can open the window. such as do not belong to else, such as now..... puH Duj lojmIt poSmoH. He opened the door of the car. How much do you want to take? korbi lo dotygu'e lo fasygu'e Germany shares a border with France. DVD Error Franklin Roosevelt iĝis prezidento en 1933. Franklin Roosevelt became president in 1933. Franklin Rostov became president in 193. Änolob das ovedob pakusadöl. I knew I'd be blamed. symbolnobs of obangurdölödö. Mi scias kiam diri sufiĉas. I know when to say when. I know when it's enough. La menso estas nenio pli ol ludilo de la korpo. The mind is nothing but a plaything of the body. The mind is nothing more than the body's body. Cata dominica le catto sede super le appoio del fenestra e observa le aves. Every Sunday the cat sits on the windowsill and watches the birds. Each therefore caused the cat to be able to change the window manager on the right side of the window. bIDoy'chugh yIQong. If you are tired, go to bed. That's right. That's why I'm going to tell you that. Me ledesas. I'm ugly. I'm glad. bIghojtaH'a'? Are you studying? Thank you, my dear! Atendu, iu frapas mian pordon. Hold on, someone is knocking at my door. Wait, somebody hits my door. La regado de ellasgasoj necesas precipe en urbegoj. The control of exhaust gas is especially needed in big cities. It's the government's statements need to be especially in urgent cities. lo mikce be lo mamta be do cu djica lo nu tavla do Your mother's doctor wants to talk to you. Microlitres Dona donadas es sempre plu bon ca reseta los. Giving gifts is always nicer than receiving them. Allows you to change these things again, but it is still good. tugh DeHchoHpu' 'epIl naHmey. The apples will be ripe soon. This is the future of the human race. QIm ghaj la'SIvmey 'e' DaSovbe''a'? Didn't you know turtles lay eggs? But I don't know what you're saying, "You know what? Honlu'be'. There's no doubt. Hey, there's a big one. El va parti a Xina doman. He leaves for China tomorrow. Fromman Xina doman. Es vos un ingeniero? Are you an engineer? Excuse me, sir? Ne facilas regi fremdan lingvon. Mastering a foreign language isn't easy. It's not easy to rule foreign language. Pos koito anusala kun mea kompanino, ni ordinare bezonas kompleta lavo. After having anal sex with my girlfriend, we usually need to have a good wash. We need to be able to get rid of each other that we need the complete. Tom ave tre xicas de cor. Tom has three girlfriends. Tom makes sense of coes. Sin saper lo, ille dormiva con su soror. He unknowingly slept with his sister. Listen to them, they're asleep. ca'e lo nandu cu jarco lo bu'a poi lo prenu cu bu'a It is difficulties that show what people are. The QTIF image format xu su'o da pendo do gi'e xabju la .antigus. Do you have friends in Antigua? This is why we have booted from the beginning. chaq juHDaq ghaHtaH tam'e'. Maybe Tom was home. We're going to have seven minutes from the universe. DoyIchlanDaq Saj Daghajpu''a'? Did you keep a pet in Germany? So I thank you for listening. Turcia devenit li 29-im de octobre 1923 un índependent republica. Turkey became an independent republic on October 29th 1923. It's been established by the city of October 192327 per square. Ni kredis ke la objekto esis NIFO (Ne-Identigita Fluganta Objekto). We believed that the object was a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object). We thought the object was WEdy, and we believed that the object was taken. Dom binom-li omsik? Is the house theirs? Sun bin-Gigsi? Il esseva impossibile trovar un solution vermente satisfactori. It was impossible to come up with a really satisfactory solution. There was an unable to find an early . Ni ĉiuj tremis en la akra frosto. We were all shaking from the bitter cold. We've all dried up in the sharp cold. Mi ŝatas la virinojn, ŝatas la vinon. I like women, I like wine. I like women, like the wine. Ti libre es facil. This book was easy. Tin books are easy. motlh 'Imyagh lughugh vIghro'. Cats usually meow. I'm sorry, I'm sure I'm going to talk to you. Ples auxiliar me. Help me, please. A master of auxiliary me. jIchechbe'. I was not drunk. I'm going to see you. qaleghqa'laHmo' jIQuch. Nice to see you again. I don't know what I'm saying. "Grasias." "Per no cosa." "Thanks." "You're welcome." "Gasis out of here." Osagob. I will say. We're going to do something like that. lo nanla ku renro lo rokci The boy throws a stone. Eject the volume associated with the open folder Kiu estas tiu knabino staranta apud la pordo? Who is that girl, standing by the door? Who's that girl standing next to the door? Ne aĉetu kredite! Don't buy on credit. Don't buy believe it! Alga cosas variosa nesesa cambia. Several things need to change. It's all right. You'll change it. Mia valizo perdiĝis. My suitcase got lost. My daughter is lost. No älilob oli. I didn't hear you. No ärtsk, no one. Nos es coliente flores. We are picking flowers. We're a co-enabled. Sami non habeva un plano. Sami didn't have a plan. Sam did not find an plan. Voluntez ne agitesar. Please don't be upset. Please excuse me to do it. Ni baldaŭ ekflugos. We will take off in a few minutes. We'll come back soon. Estas grave, ke vi ekzercas vin ĉiutage. It's important that you practice every day. It's important that you exercise yourself every day. Li parolas jam dum unu horo. He has been speaking for an hour. He's talking in an hour. Куери тота ла лингуас! Queer all languages! such as do not belong to else, such as now.... Esce tu recorda como tota ia comensa? Do you remember how it all began? Escl posts as you get on some com Vi ne eterne povos kaŝi vin. You can't hide forever. You won't hide forever. U es mi parapluvie? Where's my umbrella? - I'm in charge of it. Li estas mia heroo. He's my hero. He's my hero. vanci coi .i pei Good evening, how are you? koc each other. co. uk Tomo tiris Maria inter siajn brakojn kaj firme tenis ŝin. Tom pulled Mary into his arms and held her close. Tom is running Mary's arms between her arms and fast held her. Sincera amikeco pli valoras ol mono. Real friendship is more valuable than money. It's more than money. Mi ne forgesos tion. I won't forget it. I won't forget that. Tu es absolutemente correcte! You're absolutely right! You are absolutely correct! Illa partiva sin mesmo dicer nos a revider. She went away without so much as saying good-bye to us. I mean, the party's the same thing we're going to see you again. Passa a me le sal, per favore. Pass me the salt, please. Change to me the favor, in favor. Spekti unu filmon post la alia malhelpas ĝisfunde kompreni ilin. Watching one movie after another inhibits a profound understanding of them. Watch each film after the other to understand them. Бон диа, Том. Good morning, Tom. else such a sample. Ambaŭ fratoj ankoraŭ vivas. Both brothers are still alive. Both brothers still live. waqmey ngev. He sells shoes. We've got to pay for each other. QoQ jan Dachu' qar'a'? You play a musical instrument, don't you? I'm sure you're going to let me know what you're saying, Ni devus neniam edziĝi. I should have never married. We should never marry. Ne titilla me! Don't tickle me! No, no, it's me! Vade a via: me labora. Go away: I'm working. Vade is your work. ti'e do ba spebi'o I heard you are going to get married. That's what we're going to baken. Le arte es le modo de individualismo le plus intense que le mundo ha cognoscite. Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known. The previously-selected mode is used for comparison to the mailing list owner. You can drag this color to a palette entry, or select this mode. Ille nunquam le visitava. He never visited him. They're still going to have it. Vi estas la sola, kiu kapablas konvinki Tomon. You're the only one who can convince Tom. You are the only one who can convince Tom. Es difficile traducer un poema scribite in un lingua estranier. It's difficult to translate a poem written in a foreign language. And we're going to translate them back to a strange language. Maria estas infanĝardena instruistino. Mary is a kindergarten teacher. Mary's baby teacher. Se la vendejo estas fermita hodiaŭ, mi provos denove morgaŭ. If the shop is closed today, I'll try again tomorrow. If the store is closed today, I'll try again tomorrow. Io non pote esser in toto secur. I can't be entirely sure. Something cannot be in everything. Apprende yiddish. Learn Yiddish. Appen yydh. Mi diras la veron. I'm telling the truth. I say the truth. Ili forlasis sian planon surgrimpi la monton Fuĵi. They gave up their plan to climb Mt. Fuji. They left their plan to climb the mountain from there. Том иа жуа баскетбал а куандо ел иа ес ен универсиа. Tom played basketball when he was in college. such as do not belong to else, such as dotti-K side of the monkeys know why it's not true, such as it's Mr. Ramiro. Li-dledol golön domoi? Are you afraid to go home? He'd like to go to the school's house? lo za'i mi zvati cu te denpa lo nu ko'a klama ti I'll wait here until she comes. And I'm running out of the field, and I'm going to take her out of the city. Japanaj domoj malgrandas. Japanese houses are small. Japanese houses are small. Le meteo hodie es pejor que heri. The weather today is worse than yesterday. Sorry, no wisdom for you today. Ла секретор ес ен реуни кон ла дирижор. The secretary is in a meeting with the director. such as do not belong to else, such as now. jIDoy'be'. I am not tired. That's how it was. Kion vi volas aĉeti por Tomo? What do you want to buy for Tom? What do you want to buy Tom? Sov Hoch. Everyone knew them. It's all right. Нос ва атера пос ун моменто а ла Аирапорто Интернасионал де Токио. We will be landing at Tokyo International Airport momentarily. such as do not belong to such as now.K. Nolol das vilob dunön etosi, no-li? You know that I want to do that, don't you? No theme index file. Io vole parlar con vostre matre. I want to talk to your mother. Something wants to pair with you ma'am. Ĉu vi povus helpi min? Mi perdis gravan dokumenton. Could you please help me? I've lost an important document. Could you help me? I lost an important document. Lerni la anglan estas peniga laboro. Learning English is hard work. Learn English is a hard job. mi citka lo plise ku I eat an apple. I'll sit down No vilob lifön so. I don't want to live my life like this. No, he can't. Me volas koitar tu anusale. I want to fuck you in the ass. I want yourusa. Hastez! Hurry up. Hast! Ĉu mi rajtas havi ĉi tiun periodaĵon? May I have this magazine? May I have this root? Li estis dezirinta al ŝi feliĉajn festotagojn. He had wished her happy holidays. He wanted to make her happy party. Mi daŭrigis la legadon de la libro. I continued reading the book. I went on reading the book. Ŝajnas, ke li estas muzikisto. It appears that he is a musician. It seems he's a musician. Vos es susceptibile. You're sensitive. You're a suner. Том леже ун либро де историа. Tom is reading a history book. such as end by entry... ................................................................................................................................................................................................. Mi vere ne volas maltrafi tion. I really don't want to miss that. I really don't want to miss this. Tie estas hundo! There's a dog! There's a dog! Uireinos in fot. It will have been raining in the forest. Money in a page of yours. HIvta'. She attacked him. You are logged in. Elu konsilis ad il prenar la pekunio. She advised him to take the money. Excuse me, I told you that he was going to sin. Ĉiuj puŝiĝis ĉirkaŭ la nekredeble bonan danciston. Everyone crowded around the fantastic dancer. They all push around the nice dance. Mi longe atendis ŝin. I waited for her for a long time. I've been waiting for her. Ŝi senespere volis venĝi sin. She wanted desperately to get her vengeance. She wanted to revenge herself. mi pu te sidbo fi no da fe lo nu ei mi kanpe ma kau I had no idea what to expect. I'll take you off, you know. pov. It is marvelous. .... ......... Mi sukcesis konvinki Tomon, sed konvinki Manjon mi ne sukcesis. I was able to convince Tom, but I wasn't able to convince Mary. I was able to convince Tom, but I convinced Marie I didn't get it. Tota de mundo gusta musica. Everybody loves music. A music music scores. Ni mustas pri-pensar la aferi sorgoze. We must think over the issues carefully. We must be at the end of our company. Ŝi estas ekscita. She's hot. She's searching. Ni devos eltiri viajn saĝodentojn. Nun. We're going to have to remove your wisdom teeth. Right now. We'll have to get your friends out now. Manjo diris al Tomo, ke laŭ ŝi Johano timas. Mary told Tom that she thought John was frightened. Marie told Tom that she was afraid of John. El ave nova auto. She has a new car. Out of a new auto-book. Ĉu vi povus ŝalti la reflektoron? Could you turn on your headlights? Could you turn on the search again? Yo odia matematica. I hate maths. But that's not what you're saying. La Tera es plana. The earth is flat. The Earth's plan. la .salis. cu vecnu lo xamsi danlu calku ku ne'a lo se zbani Sally sells seashells by the seashore. The Geometric is going to add a x several call from the call, if we don't want to Bay Ella desaparit sin dir un singul parol. She disappeared without speaking a single word. From a man's word, a single word. Ni vidis la simion en la zoologia ĝardeno. We saw the monkey at the zoo. We saw the monkey in the garden. Tomo, tiu estas mia frato, Johano. Tom, this is my brother, John. Tom, this is my brother, John. Алгун иа коменса коре а ретро де ме. Someone started running behind me. such as do not belong to else, such as now. do setca lo sfaile mo'oi sfailyste In which folder did you save the file? Insert File `%s' already defined Tu non debeva haber prestate le pecunia a un tal persona. You should not have lent the money to such a person. Could not close temporary folder: %s Ula vundurin tempo ne ri-sanigas. Some wounds time never heals. It's hurting time to get sick. Mi donis al Tomo iom da libroj por legi. I gave Tom some books to read. I gave Tom a little books to read. sei jalge ko'a pu zanru lo selti'i In the end, they approved the proposal. If you really want to fall in the server? Un pisce pote natar. A fish can swim. You can cut it off. muQoybej. They'll definitely hear me. A Mouseed by the other side. Li iritiĝis. He became irritated. He's gone. Kiel la plej multaj inkaoj, li kredis tiun rakonton. He, like most Incas, believed this story. As many inks, he believed that story. Intra un hora mi filio venira del schola. In an hour my son will come home from school. In a time, I'll have little child to come from Amarok. Mi lernis la katalanan tre rapide. I learnt Catalan very quickly. I learned the cat very quickly. An tu es turc? Are you Turkish? What are you doing? nuqDaq ghaHtaH loDHom'e'? Where is the boy? The universe can spontaneously create itself out of here? Activitates physic — desde rastrellar folios a camminar usque al specieria — pote adjutar seniores a retener le substantia gris del cerebro. Physical activities - from raking leaves to walking to the grocery store - can help seniors retain the grey matter in their brains. Activities tophysi —sperlled by Hummique — a helprs to keep under the glass glass. Esce nos pote come la un con la otra un de esta dias? Should we eat together one of these days? Esc can be com by the referred to as a unit of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation. Yo ne vole far to. I don't want to do that. But you don't want to. Ne esas tempo por disipar. There's no time to waste. It's not a time to waste. Me paia par esta carta de debito. I am paying with this debit card. I'm going to talk to you. ti noi karce cu memimoi This is my car. This is a plugged in Pro quo yo ne posse far it? Why can't I do it? That's why y doesn't mean it is possible. Io me senti estranie. I feel strange. Something's weird. Io amarea saper parlar anglese. I wish I could speak English. Something like you want to know what the English says. Tio estas nenegebla. That cannot be denied. That's not true. Vulpo havas longan voston. Wolves have long tails. You have a long tail. Per favore, no feri el. Please don't hurt him. That's good, no holiday. Nun vi havas ĉion, kion vi bezonas. You have everything you need now. Now you have everything you need. no cevni cu zasti re'enai There is no god. no Status set to true, we've got it back in the past. Bill abomenas la fortan fumadon de sia patro. Bill hates his father smoking heavily. Bille abhors the strong smoke of his father. ko sfasa nai la tom ra Don't punish Tom for that. It's his first time out. mi pu djuno lodu'u la tom cu morsi I knew Tom was dead. I'll take care of the sword. Ni troviĝas en profunda recesio. We're in a deep recession. We are in deep reviews. ge ra mutce laldo gi ku'i tsali Although he is very old, he is strong. Very hard to think about it's Favourites La busŝoforoj strikas hodiaŭ. The bus drivers are on strike today. The busers are going to push out today. maHvaD nuq ghojmoHlaH Ha'DIbaH? qaStaHvIS pem tuj, bIQ law' yItlhutlh 'ej Sor bIng 'oHtaHbogh QIbDaq yIQot. What can we learn from a dog? On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree. I mean, where is the same broken off? Yes, it is time, thank you very lowly, but I think that our only one is running out of the world. lo nu do jo'u la .tom. cu casnu ma cu sarcu What do you and Tom need to talk about? So let's go, e.g. 1-3,7,11 mi carmi nelci lo ci'onmau I love pandas. I'm not a big ci la .naras. mutce laldo tcadu Nara is a very old city. I think so. Tota de nos es adulte. We're all adults. Written by we're commit adultery. Theista e atheista: le lucta inter illes ha le scopo de decider si Deo debe esser appellate Deo o reciper un altere nomine. Theist and atheist: the fight between them is as to whether God shall be called God or shall have some other name. The capitalisation of this name must be called whether or not to receive a different name. mi prami la tom si meris I love Tom, err, I mean Mary. I'm going to have sex with him. La trajno baldaŭ foriros. The train will depart soon. The train's gone soon. Vi scias, kie troviĝas la problemo. You know where the problem lies. You know where the problem is. mi ba klama gice'o viska I'll go and see. I'm going to think about you'ream Ni povas atingi helpon por vi. We can get you help. We can help you. Quplaw' be'nI'Daj. His sister looks young. If it's very low, I'll tell you that. Tom ia colie un cuantia multe grande de papilios. Tom has collected a great many butterflies. Tom means Colonel Cecios a lot of columns. La referaĵotemon oni anoncos je la konvena fojo. The report topic will be announced at the appropriate time. It's going to be a message at the present time. Me vivar in Hyogo Prefecture. I live in Hyogo Prefecture. Can't you do it? qatlh naDev SoHtaH jay'? What on earth are you doing here? That's right, isn't it? Povas esti amo sen ĵaluzo, sed ne sen timo. There may be love without jealousy, but there is none without fear. It might be loveless, but not without fear. QIt vum. She works slowly. That's right. Me finis la laboro hiere. I finished the work yesterday. Me's done the work yesterday. La jaketo estas tro granda por mi. The jacket is big on me. The cover is too large for me. Nos compra pan. We buy bread. We know what you're doing. chach DujDaq lu'uchchoH 'ej yep. They lifted him carefully into the ambulance. We're going to look at the future of the universe. Huch 'ar ghaj? How much money does he possess? What for? jIchegh vIneH. I want to go back. He`s got a big man. Hoch DIS cha'logh Such. She visits him twice a year. That's good to take care of it. 'epIl naHmey tInqu' bIH. They are very big apples. There is nothing bigger or older than the universe. Etos binom-li buk, dö kel äkonol obe? Is that the book you told me about? Esti-Kon, I'm going to show you that he's right, right? jIHeghQo'. I'm not going to die. - I would like to know you're going to know. Ni volus resti ĉi tie ankoraŭ unu tagon, kion do vi pensas pri tio? We would like to stay here one more day, do you think it's OK? We want to stay here one day, what do you think about that? Tom e Mary dit que ili ne vell recomendar far to. Tom and Mary said they wouldn't recommend doing that. Tom and Marlett they don't want to be warned.com to be done by yourself. Proque in le nomine del celo ha tu facite isto? Why in the world did you do that? Because in the name of your purpose, this option has been done? Nus manja. We eat. You're going to eat it. wIv Qatlh wIbam. We are faced with a difficult choice. Let's see each other. Ta roko es tro pezoza por me por movar. This stone is too heavy for me to move. The rock is too weight for me to draw. Odulen an edraith anlen. I'm here to help you. Let's make an enale. Esque tu ne comprende? Do you not understand? And don't you know what you're doing? me le fasnu baza lo cacra be li pa One hour until the event. Creates an event or to-do Farinte sian laboron, li eliris. Having done his work, he went out. He took his job, he went out. No labof mateli. She isn't married. No, I'm not. pei How are you? Reverse landscape ghobe', vIneHbe'. No, I don't want to. You're right, man. Tom dlinom kafi. Tom is drinking some coffee. Tom gave it to me. Le pecunia es un bon servitor, sed un mal maestro. Money is a good servant, but a bad master. The whole server is a good server, but it's a opposite. Tu catta es nigre. Your cat is black. You're a guy who's black. Ka tu volas inter-disputar? You wanna fight? Do you want to interview? Ni povas paroli ekstere. We can talk outside. We can talk outside. le ca xalpinxe ba xalpinxe He who drinks, will drink. the ca xpx baken xalx Illes pote reparar le calefactor. They can fix the heater. They can make themselves afraid of the server. Li turniĝis en perfidulon. He has turned traitor. He turned around with a guy. Mian malfeliĉon verŝajne kaŭzas, ke mi tro ŝatas esti sola. My unhappiness probably is because I very much like to be alone. It's probably a cause I like to be alone. Yo es un solitari mann. I'm a lonely man. But that's cold person. ti nu mi citka lo badna ku kei This is me eating a banana. That's why I think I'll make a cookie Mi opinias, ke Tomo ĉiam amos Marian. I think Tom will always love Mary. I think Tom always loves Mary. Esque tu sposa sape guidar? Can your wife drive? separator to know what? Mili de fishi trovesas flotacanta en la lago. Thousands of dead fish have been found floating in the lake. I'm going to end up with a fish in the lake. Ha tu schola un laboratorio linguistic? Does your school have a language lab? Ha, where do you mean, into a lab? Tio estas ne sekura. That's not safe. It's not safe. Serta. Certainly. (Laughter) La vento faligis la nestkeston el la arbo. The wind knocked the birdhouse out of the tree. The wind broke out of the tree. mi pu minde la .tom. lo ka zvasta I told Tom to stay. Let's see what I'm going to do. Nunajare estis bona rikolto de pomoj. There has been a good apple harvest this year. There was a good harvest in this year. El gusta leje jornales. She likes to read magazines. Lights out of the backest thing. Barcelona es situat in Hispania. Barcelona is in Spain. Bar target is a positive entity in Spanish. la .tam. cu cinba la .meris. Tom kissed Mary. I'm going to see you. Donald Trump se futue de judeos. Donald Trump couldn't possibly care less about Jewish people. He's going to get rid of it if you want to run away. Ille da lo a John. He gives it to John. They're a bit of John. En mia familio la puno pro mensogo estis severa. In my family, the punishment for lying was severe. In my family, the punishment for lies was severe. ko'a fenki prenu She is crazy. He's going to take a damne Knabino kaptiĝis je la fingroj per la pordo. A girl caught her fingers in the door. Girl took on my fingers by the door. Me no vole deveni grasosa. I don't want to get fat. I don't want to come from fat. Mi demandis Tomon, ĉu li scias la nomon de mia frato. I asked Tom if he knew my brother's name. I asked Thomas if he knew my brother's name. Kiam vi alvenis Japanion? When did you arrive in Japan? When did you get Japan? Li posedas akciojn en tiu kompanio. He holds stocks in this company. He's got part in that company. Pripensu viajn vortojn, Tomo. Watch your mouth, Tom. Think about your words, Tom. Nos debe memorisar tote le poema. We have to learn the whole poem by heart. We must remember everyone. Esque tu possede un computator? Do they own a computer? And what do you think is a computer? I ob ägolob. I also went. Iabägb. tam, SoH 'em! Tom, behind you! About time, you know, you're kidding! Su color es rubi. Its color is red. Are you sure you want to Ruby. Ni volas ĉambron por kvar noktoj. We want a room for four nights. We want a room for four nights. Qualim on dikte XXX in nederlandum? How do you say XXX in Dutch? What do you want to do in the Dutch? Ni ofte iras tien. We go there often. We're often going there. Me ne ploras. I'm not crying. I'm not crying. It es un desfacil lingue. It's a difficult language. Something's a language learning language. Forsan iste fin de septimana nos poterea ir al plagia insimul. Maybe this weekend we could go to the beach together. We can move this week at the end of the week we can cause them to be destroyed. Nos es qui nos attendeva. We are the ones we've been waiting for. Why are we running out of here? Kiu estas la plej bona sterko por tomatoj? What is the best fertilizer for tomatoes? Who's the best dung for tomatoes? Esque li castelle es hodie apert? Is the castle open today? Sorry, he's a guy who's got some biscuits? do pu snada You made it! So you see, you know Infanoj plaĉas al mi. I like children. Children's pleasure to me. la .tom. na snada lo nu tolcri lo ty dakli Tom can't find his bag. Let's go, you know, you know, well ? Me no es ge, ma me xico de cor es. I am not gay, but my boyfriend is. I'm not ashamed, but I'm sorry. Ŝi malfrue venis kiel kutime. She came late as usual. She's late as usual. Blod obik vobom in Fransän. My brother works in France. Blodyblit in Fsänä. Le unicornes son de merda. Unicorns suck. The unique sound of shit. Manjo sonĝaĉas. Mary is having an awful dream. Marie dreamt. Eu sentiéu terival. I feel terrible. Eu feeléuy. paqvam DalaDnIS. You must read this book. I`m sure he`s going to explain it. Nos debera levar nos de bon hora deman matino. We have to get up early tomorrow morning. We must confirm the day of a good month. La vetero ŝanĝiĝas de tago al tago. The weather varies from day to day. The weather from day to day. Ho'Du' ghaj'a' la'SIvmey? Do turtles have teeth? Hey, there's only seven minutes. mInDu' 'IHqu' Daghaj! What pretty eyes you have! Every time we're getting married. qechmey QaQ Dachup'a'? Do you have any good ideas? Maybe we'll let you get it? Ille puera blonde con capillos crispe veni de Sveda. That blonde girl with curly hair is from Sweden. They're running out of the war with the capps from coming to the Swedish water. Al Tomo ne venis taŭga kaŝejo por tio en la kapon. Tom couldn't think of a good place to hide it. Thomas didn't come in a good hide in the head. Le mathematica pur es, a su maniera, le poesia del ideas logic. Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas. WARNING is running out of the field, and is the only one of the command line. Ziom oba labom cilis kil. My uncle has three children. Zorbababais kil. Ĉu vi povas diri al mi, kiel tiu blinda golfludanto atingis tiom da sukcesoj? Can you tell me, how come that blind golfer is so successful? Can you tell me how blind one who got so successful? qetqu'choH tam. Tom began to sprint. Let's go, let's get it. Im mŷg. I'm a cat. I don't know what he's doing. La terpomo estis tiom varma, ke mia buŝo brulvundiĝis. The potato was so hot that it burned my mouth. My mouth was so hot that my mouth burned up. Tirana es in Albania. Tirana is in Albania. Tina is in Albania. Penolös me pen. Please write with a pen. I'm going to use it. Ni pretas defendi la landon. We are ready to defend the country. We are ready to defend the country. Esce el es felis? Is she happy? Esce is happy? Es plus facile perder un village que obtener un domicilio. It's easier to lose a village than get a home. And it's more easy to make you ain't going to get a household. Mi festis. I was celebrating. I had to leave. El esas bela. She is beautiful. There's a nice one. bIpI'be'. You're not fat. Thank you. Vi eĉ ne provis. You haven't even tried. You didn't even try. Mi kredas, ke Tom ne aŭdis min. I don't think Tom heard me. I don't think Tom didn't hear me. Ni flugigez kaito. Let's fly a kite. Let's fly. Kie vi havas doloron? Where do you have pain? Where have you pain? le patfu cu mutce tatpi The father is very tired. the systemfurt Rojats binons svidikum ka zitrons. Oranges are sweeter than lemons. Let's see if there's no one who's going to see it. Ädelo Tomas no älabom timi al dunön etosi. Tom didn't have time to do that yesterday. exec Tomas Tomas noämion would be afraid to hire Göns. Malgraŭ sia malriĉeco, li estis feliĉa. Even though he was poor, he was happy. Despite his poverty, he was happy. Mi lasis mesaĝon. I left a message. I left a message. ratlhtaH chaH. They're staying. The dead are currently running. Telefonez ni sen-page ye 1-800-446-2581. Call us toll-free at 1-800-446-2581. Call us withoutpages on 1,104-4651. Mi preskaŭ perdis la vivon por savi ŝin, sed ŝi neniam agnoskis tion. I almost lose my life to save her, but she never admitted it. I almost lost her life to save her, but she never recognized it. Io ha vergonia de dicer que il es ver. I'm ashamed to say that it's true. I don't have a rod of dice that is what you're saying. xu do tadni Are you a student? x thereforetadni Con exception de alicun modificationes on ha approbate le projecto. Except for some modifications, the project was approved. Conmap of any messed up with the same name already approved. Juko komencis la vetkuron tre rapide. Yuko started the race very quickly. Ju began the race very quickly. Sengvetlh bopbogh pagh'e' vIjatlh vIneH. I have nothing to say with regard to that problem. If I have two pieces of observational evidence on the probability of man. Mary es mi nepta. Mary is my niece. Mary is not my fault. ko'a pu mo'u klama He had already gone. Your brother-in-law la .tam. cu badri Tom's sad. The prime of the company. Yo ne es un bebé. I'm not a baby. But that's not a fibé. Los ama es solitar. They love to be alone. All love is lonely. Illa es ibi retro con qualque amicos. She's back there with some friends. It's ib back to what kind of love you. En la lasta jaro Tom ne loĝis en Boston. Tom didn't live in Boston last year. In the last year Tom didn't live in Boston. Tiu ĉambro estas meblita per du litoj. The room is furnished with two beds. This room is formed by two hens. tlhIjpu', 'ach jIQay'taH. Even though he apologized, I'm still furious. Like listening, we're looking for package. Qapla'wIjmo' muHoy'pu'. She congratulated me on my success. Thank you. All right, let's go. Le vita es un serie de sensationes connectite a differente statos de conscientia. Life is a series of sensations connected to different states of consciousness. You are a set of people who are cursed with this mailing list. They are commonly used to change the list configuration variable available through these administration web pages. .i la'e dei traji lo ka na'e tugni fi ce'u There is no more disagreeable thing than this. In the world's Sun, we'll give you a hard time. ra jarco tu'a lo ri kumfa mi She showed me her room. Show other applications Noi previdet li guerre. We foresaw the war. No, he can't see anything. ko'a se puktce lo nu tadni lo zgike They love studying music. Tiny Worlds nuq DanejtaH? What are you looking for? What kind of guy? Estas nur unu vero! There is only one truth! It's just one truth! Le libro non es nove. The book isn't new. File is not a new folder. jIDoy'be'choHpu'. I am no longer tired. That's why we can't see the future of the universe. Patientia es un forma minor de desperation, disguisate de virtute. Patience is a minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue. I don't think it's a man's form. Su appoio economic es secur. His economical backing is secure. Suppio is a threat to this. Tu es multe bela. You look beautiful. You're so beautiful. jIyajchu'be'. I can't quite understand. All right, let's fly away. Enuo estas la komenco de ĉiuj malvirtoj. Boredom is the beginning of all vices. In the beginning of all the wickednesss is the beginning. SaHtaH loSmaH ghot. There were forty people present. Sao Tome and Principe Téu 'n apüntamaintsch. I have an appointment. Téu'nüezst. La nubo havis formon de urso. The cloud was in the shape of a bear. The cloud had a form of a bear. do ka'e se spaji You might be surprised. Let's see if you're dead El es peti. She is small. It's important to ask. Esque tu have témpor? Do you have time? Hey, how do you know? Certe, Maria mankos al Tomo. Tom is definitely going to miss Mary. Of course, Maria's going to miss Tom. Lodas! Congratulations! That's it! ti zdani mi This is my home. This zdan I'm sorry El ia es la om de sua aspiras. He was the man of her dreams. Of any, there's some kind of solar travel. choghIjbe'. I'm not afraid of you. How`s it like that? Miaj rimarkoj ne celis vin. My remarks were not aimed at you. My boots didn't mean you. La era es umana; la pardona es divin. To err is human, to forgive divine. The era is openman; the pardon is for you. Li-kanol sagön obe, kisi dunol is? Can you tell me what you're doing here? Likan saönte, kiss kiss? Tom morit in li annu 2009. Tom died in 2009. Tom ends in him, he'll be late for a 2009. On debe fa la plu bon cual on pote en cada cosa. One must do one's best in everything. You've got to have to do something about your big eye. Quankam ilu habitas la Usa, Tom ne parolas la Angla. Even though he lives in the United States, Tom can't speak English. Although it has been common to the Use, Tom doesn't speak English. Io vole jocar a cartas. I want to play cards. Something wants to be attached. Vi povas elekti kiun ajn libron vi volas legi. You may choose whichever book you want to read. You can choose any book you want to read. Ĉu vi havas fratojn kaj fratinojn? Do you have brothers and sisters? Do you have brothers and sisters? DaH DuHbe'. loQ yIloS! That’s not possible right now. Please wait a bit. I'm sorry, let me see it! Alga de mundo no come carne. Some people don't eat meat. Everyone'sedite! Post kelkminuta marŝado ni estis en la parko. A few minutes' walk brought us to the park. After a couple of marching we were in the park. Мари компренде путонг. Mary understands Standard Chinese. such as do not belong to such as now................. ....................................................... Me dormas stacante. I sleep standing up. I'm sleeping. Ĉe Tatoeba, estas pli bone ne prinoti aŭ specifi precizan signifon, kiu ne estas integra parto de la frazo. Vi povas aldoni multoblajn frazojn anstataŭ meti parton de la frazo en krampoj. At Tatoeba, it is better not to annotate or specify a precise meaning that is not an integral part of the sentence. You can add multiple sentences instead of putting a part of the sentence in parentheses. In Tatoeba, it's better not about either specify or specify certain meaning that is not a part of the phrase. You can add multiple sentences instead of the phrase in cases. ei mi sutra I have to hurry! I'm going to sutra tey'loDwI' ghaH jan'e'. John is my nephew. I'll take you seven minutes. Ŝi foruzis brikon da sapo. She used up a cake of soap. She took advantage of soap. Tu ha oblidate mi die natal. You forgot my birthday. You have the name of the day I'm in charge of the day. mi na certu lo nu sorzu'e I'm not good at multitasking. Expert mode En kiu direkto estas Centra Parko? Which way is Central Park? In which direction is Central Pary? Mi vidis, ke Paĉjo Kristnasko kisas panjon. I saw Santa Claus kissing Mommy. I saw Dad Christmas will kiss Mom. Binom fluk. It's a fruit. Let's run away. Omnicos es mal. Everything is bad. Sorry, it's all right. Du omes portante mascas ia fura la banco. Two men wearing masks robbed the bank. Two omes bringing lots of the bath. la tom pu je'i ba nolraitru Was Tom a king or will he be? Let's see what you're saying. Labob bukis tel. I've got two books. The Queen was looped by the mine. Де куандо ту порта лентетас? Since when are you wearing contacts? such as do not belong to else, such as now...... Iste malo es dulce. This apple is sweet. This is wrong. Hurgh Hur. It's dark out. Hurh Hush. No labof neflenis. She has no enemies. No, they didn't. Kiu kredas je Dio? Who believes in God? Who believes in God? Estas malvarme ekstere. It's cold outside. It's cold out there. La murdo okazis hieraŭ. The murder happened yesterday. It's murder yesterday. It es plu bon. It's better. It's good now. Tomo konstruis iglon en sia malantaŭa ĝardeno. Tom built an igloo in his backyard. Tom built a farm in his back garden. Que face ille viro? What is the man doing? Why do they get a man? Io lo ha justo nunc vendite. I just sold it. I don't know why it's all right now. 'e'mamwI' vImuSHa'. I love my aunt. That's my concern! That it true. re do mi serai pendo You two are my best friends. That's why I am going to turn back La hundo oldeskas. The dog is getting old. The dog than the Options. do kakne You're capable. So what's the matter? Ka vu opinionas ke me devas skribar? Do you think I should write? You think I should write? Etiam io studia bengali. I study Bangla, too. There is something going on in the past. Me demanda a me esce me debe scrive o telefoni. I wonder whether to write or phone. I'm asking me I'm going to have to call a call or a call. Los ia reveni a la mercurdi pasada. They came back last Wednesday. All the fuck is going to be killed. Le japonese ha un systema de scriptura multo complicate; illo usa tres alphabetos con plus de duo milles characteres. The Japanese writing system is very complicated, it has three alphabets with more than two thousand characters. The Japanese have received a lot of people who have ultimate control over all parameters of this mailing list. It will also be able to open a very little ones. vaj Suy Duj moj. As a result, he became a great merchant. Suy reports. La arco de sielo es colorosa. The rainbow is colorful. The Turkish of si's colour. Il remane ancora multo a facer. Much still remains to be done. You still have a lot to do it. En kiu trajno vi venis? What train did you come on? What train did you get here? En kiu klaso estas via fratino? What grade is your sister in? In which class is your sister? mi cortu That hurts. Betru Москва ес ла каритал де Русиа. Moscow is the capital of Russia. such as do not belong to else, such as now. pa' pagh Qoylu'. The area was quiet. I'll be right back. El e me es brasilera. She and I are Brazilian. I can't help you. Maria sidas ĉe la skribotablo. Mary is sitting at the desk. Mary was sitting at the writing table. Mi opiniis, ke mi povos helpi vin. I thought I could help you. I thought I could help you. Vi certe sukcesos, kion ajn vi faros. You are sure to succeed, whatever you do. You'll be able to do whatever you do. Esque tu attendeva nos? Did you wait for us? And what do we have to do? La piratas ia naviga la sete mares. The pirates sailed the seven seas. Lara is kind of a few years ago. La ŝipo surteriĝis. The ship ran aground. The ship was stuck. Massë cénatyes? Where do you see him? Massëlé? mi kakne lo ka sazri lo karce I can drive a car. I'm going to put it on a ring. Tom appendeva su mantello post la porta. Tom hung up his coat behind the door. It's windy when it's over. Li laboras en granda usona firmao. He works for a large American corporation. He works in a big American company. Il es normal sentir se assi in le initio, io suppone. You're bound to feel that way at first, I guess. I mean, you know, if you don't know if you mean anything, that's a real thing. Como va con le dieta? How's your diet kick? By default, with the little ones? Somere mi ne povas malhavi malhejtilon. I can't do without an air conditioner in the summer. I can't take that wrong. Esperanto es un lingua a la moda! Esperanto is a cool language! Esperanto is a language! DoyIchlan luDabbogh cha' juppu''e' vIghaj. I have two friends who live in Germany. So I think we have solved the mystery of creation. Soj naQmey lo'laHbe' lu'SI'. Lucy cannot use chopsticks. That's a big deal, but we've got it. Gîl síla na lû govaded. A star shines on the hour of our meeting. It's all right now. mIp. He was rich. mIp. Esque tu ia vide ja un gala de pupetas? Have you ever seen a puppet show? And what do you think you're doing? Tiu estas tago kiel ĉiu alia. It's a day like any other. That's a day like everyone else. Ni devas atingi decidon. We have to make a decision. We have to make a decision. Mi estas realisma persono. I am a realistic person. I'm a real person. Mia patro estas sincera. My father is frank. My father is sincere. Nu beginob kapälön. Now I begin to understand. Well, you`ll have a head ofäons. Ме воле ке ту ескута. I want you to listen. else such a sample. Dum vintro me portas surtuto. In winter I wear an overcoat. It's just winter. me lo se vi'ecpe be fi lo nunsla fa re gugyfrica ninmu Among the guests invited to the party were two foreign ladies. I'm going to tell you if you're running out of the morning, I'm going to blow us into pieces Li havas eksterordinaran lerton por matematiko. He has an extraordinary faculty for mathematics. He's got an extraordinary math for math. ta tadji sa'e That's the way. there's a Black Hawk down. Me ne povis ri-konocar ilu komence. I couldn't recognize him at first. I couldn't stop him at the beginning. SoSDaj ghom me'rIy' neH tam. Tom wants Mary to meet his mother. That's why you're right, but it's not a kind of thing to do with it. Rumi es la fia prima. Rumi is the first daughter. Reumi's the bastard. Vi aperas al mi kiel homo, kiu neniam faras tion, kion li ne volas. You strike me as the kind of man who never does anything he doesn't want to do. You appear to me like a man who never does what he doesn't want. xu do cafne klaku Do you cry often? x therefore cafout Mi vision ne es bon. My eyesight is not good. I'm not good at you. Mi pensas, ke ili malfruos. I think that they will be late. I think they'll be late. Li loĝas en Parizo. He lives in Paris. He lives in Paris. jungwoq bop paqvam. This book deals with China. Bugqutic pieces. ra tordu zmadu la.tam. He's shorter than Tom. It's a nice man's birthday. na'e canja lo ka'irtrusi'o .enai lo cidja .abo lo xumrkonkreto Democracy is not exportable like food or cement. We can't tell you how to do it. Ĉu vi kredas, ke Tomo fakte helpos nin? Do you think Tom will actually help us? You think Tom actually helps us? Ille cadeva malade ante qualque dies. He fell ill a few days ago. They're in love with which days they're sick. Ĉu vi ĵus nomis min simio? Did you just call me a monkey? Did you just call me monkey? certu jonai lazni Either skillful or lazy. But not both. Expert mode Fininte tiun taskon mi volas enlitiĝi, sed mi devas iri al la lernejo. Now that I have finished this assignment I want to go to sleep, but I have to go to school. I'd like to go to school, but I have to go to school. 'e'mamnal ghaH vavnI' loDnI' be'nal'e'. My father's brother's wife is my aunt. With seven minutes, I'll take care of her life. Tom havis streĉan semajnon. Tom had a hectic week. Tom had a nice week. Ĉu vi ne volas ludi kun Tom? Don't you want to play with Tom? You don't want to play with Tom? Kikod denu no binol is? Why are you away again? Didn't you like this? Bóo ban ne ledi sháaleth shan. Give me five days. He can't wash herá`s ear. Vu tro frue arivis. You've arrived too early. You're too early. nuqDaq 'oHtaH vIghro''e'? Where's the cat? Where is your mouth? chu' bIH. They're new. If you're yours, you can't do it. Ille time le mar. He's afraid of the sea. They're all right. Ne estas Tomo, kiu elŝaltis la lumojn. Tom isn't the one who turned off the lights. It's not Tom who turns off the lights. Vi mem demandu lin. You'll have to ask him yourself. Let's ask him. do ponse lo vi cukta This book is yours. So that's why you're taking up Je mia bedaŭro la de mi ŝatata televida spektaklo haltis lastmonate. To my regret, my favorite TV show went off the air last month. On my sorrow, I've seen the show of the month. Felica nasko-dio! Happy birthday! Please, who are you born? qa'vIn neH vIpoQ. I just need some coffee. I don't care about it. la .tam. cu se mapti lo nu cu'upre binxo Tom is fitted to become a businessman. The cuees. If you want to talk to me, but if you don't know what you're saying, Tom kaj Mary ambaŭ evidente estas en gaja humoro. Tom and Mary both appear to be in a cheerful mood. Tom and Maryx both are in rejoice. pumDI' 'etlh wej mapawbej. We're never going to make it on time. Sea Foam, we're running out of the universe. Mi hazarde renkontis Tom dum la tagmanĝo hodiaŭ. I ran into Tom at lunch today. I met Tom for lunch today. Esque tu es polit? Are you polite? Esque is your head? Tom sabe tufa. Tom knows how to dive. Tomither you're so sorry. Tomo diris, ke li estos feliĉega, se li helpos al Maria sarki la ĝardenon. Tom said that he'd be more than happy to help Mary weed the garden. Tom said he'll be happy if he helps Mary with the garden. "Reidof-li buki?" "Si." "Is she reading a book?" "Yes, she is." 'Ho-up?' said the Cat. Me ia leje ambos libros. I've read both books. I'm sure I've got a book. Mi provis ne plori. I tried not to cry. I didn't want to cry. Por rajti enbusiĝi vi devas aĉeti bileton. You must buy a ticket to get on the bus. You must buy a ticket. QotDI' gheD tlhejbe' wamwI'. The hunter does not lie down with the prey. We're probably there's no good at all. yIn luSIQmoH be'nI'pu' yuch je. Sisters and chocolate make life bearable. I've got a look at `I'm going to see her. Tomo diris, ke li vidis nenion. Tom said he didn't see anything. Tom said he didn't see anything. u'u I'm sorry. %u bIQongbe'nIS. You should not sleep. Thank you. Lete vera madral de la enfantor ia es tan plu conveninte per la enfante. Much more appropriate for the child was real breast milk of nursing. The true guy who lives in the tank is one of the tank, having come on the other side of the living. Iste libros es le melior amicos mie. These books are my best friends. This book is better to love me. Mi transition ab viro a femina va ben. My transition from male to female is going well. I'm going to start a man in a hurry. Tomo instigis Manjon verki romanon. Tom encouraged Mary to write a novel. Tom wants to write a novel. mujlaw'. It just seems wrong. We're talking about it. Esque tu es toto certe? Are you quite sure? Is it all right? Tomo fariĝis inĝeniero. Tom became an engineer. Tom became an engineer. Danö, hetob oni. Thanks, I hate it. Danö, there they were. Mi dubas, ĉu Tom iam revenos hejmen. I doubt that Tom will ever come back home. I doubt that Tom will ever come home. .i xu morsi Dead? The Rainbow is Dead ei mi'ai na co'u pacna We should not lose hope. e' giu' facilmente Mi sendos la ligilon al vi. I'll send you the link. I'll send the link to you. Mary rideva se sub cappa. Mary giggled. Maryavan if supported by the capppa. Me esas hungroza araneo. I am a hungry spider. And I'm a very poor man. ghaH SawlaHbe'. He was not able to marry her. I'm going to tell you something. Esque pisce te place? Do you like fish? Excuse me? Mi loĝis en Koenji. I lived in Kouenji. I lived in Koina. Necuno de illas sape le francese. None of them knows French. No items found. Futue lo. Fuck it. United States. Els Txüfs sint cansats. The Jews are tired. El Tsxüfst possible. Ме поте коме витро; ло но доле ме. I can eat glass; it does not hurt me. such as are connected to such as now................ ............................... ................................................................ Tu pote usar mi auto tanto longe como tu guida con prudentia. You can use my car as long as you drive it carefully. You can use the springer as long as you drop. Mi ĵus guglis, kiel fari tion. I just googled how to do that. I just Google it, just how to do it. La novaĵoj surprizis ilin. They were surprised to hear the news. The news surprises them. Mi havas trioble pli da libroj ol ŝi. I have three times as many books as she has. I have three times more books than she. Mi bezonas ĝin tuj. Bonvolu hasti! I need it right away. Please hurry! I need it right now. Yo refusa acceptar it. I refuse to accept it. That's not true. Mi ne volas naĝi. I don't want to swim. I don't want to swim. An tu pote comprender Tom? Are you able to understand Tom? What can you say? wovmoHwI'mey chu'lu'pu', 'ach juHDaq vay' tu'lu'be'. The lights were on, but nobody was home. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. We will take it as a salutary warning, I think, for the rest of our conference this week. Semblas ke il es richa. It seems that he is rich. Six square is that there's a rich man. Mi opinias Tomon alta. I think Tom is tall. I think Tom is high. Fekdiable! Fucking damn it! Shit! Su declaration es le sequente. His statement runs as follows. Su guys are the next one. Ben, io justo me lo rememorava. Well, I just remembered. Ben, there's nothing in judgment to know. Lundi, martedi, mercurdi, jovedi, venerdi, saturdi, soldi, e festa es la dias de la semana. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holiday are the days of the week. On Monday, Mars, U.K.ated, c.ited, killed alone, and keep the form of the hand. Parlante le francese si fluentemente, illa forsan ha studiate in Francia. Seeing as she can speak French fluently, she may have studied in France. We've got the French running in France. E su discipulos credeva in ille. And his disciples put their faith in him. There's a dead man thinks they're in. El ia mori a tre anios ante aora. He died three years ago. I'm going to die very much before it is. Mi ne estas ujguro. Mi estas ruso. I'm not Uyghur. I'm Russian. I'm not Russian. Nia teamo privenkis la kontraŭulojn per 5 : 4. Our team defeated our opponent 5-4. Our team has been on your opponents by 5:4. Ämutob nolön velati. I had to know the truth. Can't be silly, no use on the other side of the city. 'ach wej rIn. But it wasn't over yet. 'ach wetre. Ti-ci flores es bell. These flowers are beautiful. My daughter-in-law is beautiful. La komercisto aperis je televido ĉi-matene. The businessman appeared on television this morning. The merchants appeared on TV this morning. Hodiaŭ, Maria malĝojas. Maria is sad today. Today, Mary is sad. Il ne es plu mi amico. He's no longer my friend. There's no more love to love. la .tom. pu porpi lo canko Tom broke the window. What do you mean, you know? Ni estas invititaj por vespermanĝo. We are invited to dinner. We're invited for dinner. Mi estas tre kontenta pri mia nova veturilo. I'm very happy with my new car. I'm very happy about my new cart. Viaopinie kien sur la tero ŝi iras meze de la nokto? Where on earth do you suppose she is going in the dead of night? What do you think is she going in the middle of the night? Ni devas nin prezenti al la oficejo pri enmigrado. We have to introduce ourselves to the immigration office. We have to introduce ourselves to the office of US. i le nu sanmi bu'u lo nurma pu jai se kanpe be naku se badri The picnic was a disappointment. i'll only take care of your hair if you're such a dog's life, and you're all right? Ili kontraŭas mistraktadon de bestoj. They're against animal abuse. They are against me to feed animals. Enspezoj el tiu fonto estas senimpostaj. The income from this source is tax-free. In this source, there's no email. La poŝtoficejo estas la bruna domo. The post office is the brown building. The party's over there. Mi estis forte impresita. I was overwhelmed. I was very rude. pargh. It's artificial. - Leave me alone. not SuDoy'choH'a'? Don't you ever get tired? That's why I say, "Oh, what do you mean?" La romano esas pri la Civitanala Milito. The novel is centered on the Civil War. The novel is about the Duchess War War War. Kien ajn vi diras. Wherever you say. Wherever you say. maQapbe'. We won't win. But I'm going to repeat it. Isto es mi falta. That's my fault. This is I am hurt. mi claxu lo pinsi I don't have a pencil. I'm going to piss on you Ĉu vi hazarde havas tempon? Do you happen to have the time? Do you have any time? Mans binons fenik. The men are tired. Man's going to be a collection. La laboro estis finita je la sesa. The work had been finished by six. The work was finished at the sixth. qanejtaH. I've been looking for you. I don't know. Tal madre, tal fia. Like mother, like daughter. Don't worry, ma'am. Mi akceptas la proponon. I accept the offer. I accept the proposal. ko'a ralte so'u lo cukta She owns few books. DVD's burner verba je tolmakcu He is young and immature. Kids for tolerable Turbo vartis por vidar il. A crowd waited to see him. You were dying to preview. Tiun tagon, mi iĝis 23jara. On that day, I turned 23. That day, I became a 23 years old. mi djica lonu cliva lo ckule I want to leave school. Iji locain Quit Exiting. Se mi ne faras ĝin nun, mi neniam faros ĝin. If I don't do it now, I never will. If I don't do it now, I'll never do it. Iste bibliotheca contine plus de 50.000 volumines. This library has over 50,000 volumes. This section contains plus 50,000 volume. La frate scrive. The brother writes. His brother's brother's brother. bong qaSpu' wanI'vam, 'a pIch Daghajbe'. You are not to blame for the accident. That's what we've got to do with you, let's go back to let's go. Ilu dicis ke ilua patro esis malada, ma lo esis mentio. He said his father was ill, but that was a lie. He had to tell his father to sing it, but he was a joke. Ла тсар иа ес ла ренор де Русиа. The tsar was the ruler of Russia. such as do not exist. lo ko'a voksa cu sance xagmau lo do voksa Her voice sounds better than yours. A little one called a cue’s work, so that's called 'em twelve' Ni estis elĉerpitaj de tiu kvinhora vojaĝo. We were completely knackered from the five-hour trip. We were exhausted by that five hour trip. Li estas bone informita pri franca literaturo. He is well acquainted with French literature. He is well reported about French literature. Ŝi komencis drinki bieron. She took to drinking beer. She started drinking beer. Isto es exclusivemente pro vos. This is only for you. This is important for you. Man binom nämik. The man is strong. Man binärd. No kanob tikön votiko. I can't think otherwise. Nobaslicic vote. Doq waqmeywIj 'ej wovbe'. My shoes are brown. Soq being in love for my brother's sake. va'o lo nu fanva lo bangisulu jufra lo glibau kei ku joi lo nu fanva lo glibau jufra lo bansuve'a kei na'e sirji fanva lo bangisulu jufra lo bansuve'a If an Icelandic sentence has a translation in English, and the English sentence has a translation in Swahili, then indirectly, this will provide a Swahili translation for the Icelandic sentence. A well-of-the years ago, we've had boot disk for the mailing list as well as provides boot disk %u Mi tre ŝatas tiun albumon. I love this album. I like this album. Esque isto es un moschea? Is this a mosque? And that's what you're talking about? Noi ha trovat le. We've found him. No, he has a little idea. puvmeH telDu'chaj laqmoH bo'Deghmey. The birds fly by flapping their wings. Thank you, thank you very much. Tu devi vestir te rapidmen si tu vole ear al cocinería e manjar. You need to get dressed quickly if you want to go to the kitchen and eat. You're gonna put on your clothes fast, but you want to eat it as soon as you want to eat it. Qui esas vi? Who are you all? Qui is you? Lia ambicio estis, esti granda politikisto. His ambition was to be a great politician. His ambition was too big. Le rosas es ora in plen floration. The roses are now in full bloom. The next is the golden in a full flower. jatlhchu' mI'mey. Numbers speak clearly. I've got some bird down in the universe. Vi devas ĉesi ludi. You need to stop gambling. You have to stop playing. mi pleji mu rupnu ko'a I paid her five dollars. I'm cut off Il esset tre felici. He was very happy. You're so happy. mi'a sipna ne'i lo bukmra We slept in a tent. I'm sorry, but I'm not loop Deo non ha morite, Ille certo vive. God is not dead, He is surely alive. They're not going to die with you. Ta puero havas nula pavoro pri aquo. That child has no fear of water. Tanves have zeroness. ro djedi cu poi'i ke'a ro djedi poi lidne ke'a cu zmadu lo ka xamgu .i je lo cabdei cu zabna mupli lo ka go'i Each day is better than the last. This day especially. Every day, a judgments are made from the first day after that a host has been defeated by the hand of each other. It is called the Passive philosophy pack. Mi ĉiam manĝas hastmanĝaĵojn, kiam mi estas deprimita. I always eat junk food when I'm depressed. I'm always eating a hurry when I'm worried. Ilu ne esas sana. He is in poor health. He's not healthy. Mi ne povas decidiĝi, ĉu jes aŭ ne mi iros tien. I can't decide whether to go or not. I can't get tired or I won't go there. Tota de la nosa atentas ia fali. All our attempts failed. To the we're talking about something to fall down. En unu sola kvadratkilometro da bornea arbaro oni trovis tiel multajn speciojn da arboj, kiel ekzistas en la tuta Nordameriko. In one single square kilometre of Borneo woodland have been found as many species of trees as exist in all of North America. In one single square in a square square in the woods, there's a lot of trees, like there's a whole North America in the North America. Pardono, io non parla portugese. I'm sorry, but I don't speak Portuguese. We're sorry, something didn't work Portuguese. Bicikloj estas iloj por daŭrivo en urboj. Bicycles are tools for urban sustainability. So there are tools to continue in cities. Vua apartmento aspektas marveloza! Your apartment looks wonderful! You're so stupid, you know. No parla asurda! Do not talk nonsense! No, no, they're deaf. ro prenu ka'e jmina fi lo datnyci'e te zu'e lo nu jarco lo cnino valsi Everyone can feed the database to illustrate new vocabulary. Every day you'll take it as a joke of the board, so we've got it known as the rest of the wastebasket. xu le prenu cu nelci lo najnimre Does he like oranges? x take the cue won't take any mess El es tan ge. He is so gay. That's what we have to do. Esque yo deve ear con te? Do I have to go with you? And what do you want to do with you? xu do tadni lo glibau Do you study English? x then put a part in the system tray .ai mi ba co'a cmoni I'm going to scream. I'm going to baken cam Ni kredis, ke la Tero ĉirkaŭiras la sunon. We believed that the earth moves round the sun. We thought the Earth goes around the sun. Me es a fini de brosi meа dentes. I just brushed my teeth. I'm going to end up from running by me. bIchun 'e' vISov. I know you're innocent. I'll take some of you to take me away. Nolol zifi at vemo gudiko. He knows this city very well. No, I can't. Diru tion, kion vi pensas pri mia aŭto. Tell me what you think about my car. Tell me what you think about my car. ko'a ciska tu'a ko'e seri'a lo nu ko'a morji ko'e He wrote it down so as not to forget it. Ma'am la'ka oblast'ukraine. Kompletigez la frazo. Complete the sentence. Just give me the phrase. do pu de'a morji lo ka sisti gasnu lo gusni You forgot to turn off the light. So you're out of the heart of your mouth, or whose taste is light? Omni amas sua patrio. Everybody loves his country. Like some mother's mother. La rivero elsekiĝintis. The river has dried up. The river ran out. 'amerI'qa' SepjIjQa' rIvSo'Daq gharwI' ghaH. He is a diplomat at the American Embassy. All right, you know what I've got to do with you for seven minutes. Yo fat projectes. I made plans. And that's the guy who's going to be here. Ĉu ankaŭ ili venas? Are they coming, too? Are they coming too? Ille intende bengali. He understands Bengali. They made some kind of practice. le mi ckule cu midju le tcadu Our school is in the center of the town. The Forbidden City Älilädobs buki, kel äbinom vemo gudik. We were reading a book and it was a very good one. äläbronst, thatäägäel in a guk. mi'ai nova'e lo ni sutra We're in no hurry. I've been new booting Pro nihil, Jack! You are welcome, Jack! For some, Jack! Esce tu es nova asi? Are you new here? Esce? Helpu! Min postiras mensmalsanuloj! Help! I'm being followed by paranoids! I'm going to help you. La anasoj ĉirkaŭnaĝis sur la lageto. Ducks were swimming about on the pond. They were surrounded in the pool. En ŝia prozo abundas senbezone arabeskaj, kliŝaj priskriboj, kio certigos ŝian karieron kiel aŭtoro de romanoj pri amaj kaj familiaj idilioj. Her prose is full of needlessly florid, cliched descriptions, securing her career as a romance novelist. In her kind of abounding unscalculation, cutal descriptions, which reminds her careers like the author of a novel of family and of their origins. No kanob pükön ko voms. I can't talk to women. No items found. Edison esis inventema genio di Usa. Edison was an inventive genius of the United States. And he was in love with a genius. En tiu nutraĵvendejo oni vendas nur ekologian manĝaĵon. This grocery store only sells organic food. In that store of food, you're just selling your food. Ŝin impresis liaj kapabloj. She was impressed by his skills. She was angry with his skills. Ili diris al mi, ke ili ne manĝas viandon. They told me they didn't eat meat. They told me they don't eat meat. Le pejor virus es capitalismo. The worst virus is capitalism. The United States of the Earth's network for use. Le camera esseva obscur e frigide. The room was dark and cold. The camera was full of milk and ice cream. Ме иа ваде а ала тре аниос анте аора. I went there three years ago. such as do not belong to else, such as now..K. ......... ................. ............... .................... .................... ................................................................................................................... yIvIt neH! Just tell the truth. y'am, you don't! jIyaj 'e' vIHar. I believe I understand. All right, let's move. Krio en la nokto timigis min. A shout in the night frightened me. Ario in the night, I was afraid. Oni elektos vin aŭ min. You or I will be chosen. You'll choose me or me. me'rIy' muSqu' tam. Tom really hates Mary. The kind of guy who's fallen by reason of the universe. jIwIH. I'm ruthless. That's why you got it? QaQ Dochvam 'e' vIQub. I think this one is good. Furthermore, really, I can't tell you how to do it. Li fémina es nud. The woman is naked. He's up to his home. Urboj estas stimulaj, sed ankaŭ streĉaj ejoj. Cities are stimulating, but also stressful places. There are only City of flies, but there are also apples. .ue cu'i It's not surprising. Absolute value [u] ko'a banli speni je mamta She's a wonderful wife and mother. I'm going to put the bath in bed. C'e'n glheþ bel. It is a beautiful language. She's beautiful. u'e ni do xendo How kind you are! Let's say we're going to give up Un lingua nunquam basta. One language is never enough. Thank you very much. In le initio del historia american, le negros viveva in sclavitude. In the early days of American history, blacks lived in slavery. In the beginning of the historical activity, you won't do anything. Vi ambaŭ eraras - vi kaj via frato. Both you and your brother are wrong. You both wrong, you and your brother. ue nai ro da pu prane Everything was perfect, just as I expected. Waled on a multi-up block Mi volas vivi en la urbo. I want to live in the city. I want to live in the city. Li volas esti parto de la angla socio. He wants to be part of the English society. He wants to be part of English society. QubmeH poH neH vIpoQ. I just need time to think. QTIF projects don't need to be a sister. Communismo era le systema politic in le Union del Republicas Socialista Sovietic, sed isto cessava in 1993. Communism was the political system in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, but that stopped in 1993. Commism eras the system bell in the Union of Republic Sybate, but this rescrisation in the 193. SoHvaD jaj vIDo'Ha'moH vIneHbe'. I don't want to ruin your day. Professor, do you know that? Contra se mesma el ia rie. He laughed in spite of himself. _Password: ma judri do What is your address? They're sewing and sewing them Mi neniam faros tion. I'll never do that. I'll never do that. To es tui problema. That's your problem. It's your problem. Kanof i lugön! She can even tell lies! Kan i can't go! Redonu al mi unu dolaron, mi petas. Give me $1.00 back, please. Give me one Dollar, please. do simlu nai lo ka mutce gleki lo ka zgana mi You don't seem too happy to see me. So what I'm going to do? It esset tre simplic. It was very simple. Something's very effective. Vos debe esser recompensate. You shall have a reward. You must be relogged in. Toto disconcertate, ille non sapeva lo que responder. He was stunned and didn't know how to answer. To confirm, they don't know what to do, but they don't know that. Gi nathlam hí. You are welcome here. Gi nalla hín. nuvpu' Do'Ha' DIQaHnIS. We should help people in need. So I am in favor of my life. Vos non comprende. You don't understand. You don't know how. yISov'egh! Know thyself! All right, I'll cut you away. Que prefere tu, the o caffe? Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? We'd rather you, o'clock? Ла гатос иа ес анималес санта ен Мисре антика. Cats were sacred animals in ancient Egypt. such as do not belong to else, such as now. No fögetolöd das binof leumo yunik ka ol. You must keep in mind that she's much younger than you. No fögets of bin's hair to be a bit more than a cat. Doy' yISra'el nortlhampu'. The Israelites are tired. That's why we're about to take care of each other. qama' ghaHtaH tam'e'. Tom is a prisoner. The seven minutes from the deck. Ne okazis uragano, sed la domo ne havas tegmenton. There wasn't a hurricane, but the house doesn't have a roof. It didn't happen, but the house has no roof. Patre iva a Detroit a laborar cata anno. Father went to Detroit to work every year. Eachero has been added to a human work. Nedol nolön etosi. You need to know it. In fact, no country theme. Sinjoro Esperanto fartas bone, ĉu ne? Mr. Esperanto is well, isn't he? Mr. Esperanto is fine, isn't it? Demetu de mi viajn manojn. Get your hands off me. Take off your hands off me. Ne la homo qua esas leda, ma la vesti. It's not the person that's ugly, but the clothes. Not the man who's deaf, but the clothes are dressed. Li estas la plej bona afero, kiu iam okazis por mi. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. He's the best thing that happened for me once. Ĝi estas bela paro da kruroj. That's a nice pair of legs. It's a beautiful couple of legs. mi zukte lo se cpedu .i jo do mi sidju I will do it on the condition that you help me. I did so again if you do. Vi estas idioto! You're an idiot. You idiot! La policisto ebriis. The policeman was drunk. The police stopped. lo patfu be ra cu mrobi'o ca lo pu zi jetfu Her father passed away last week. System Sounds that are specially dangerous disk type ra na terpa da She is not afraid of anything. Delicate font name Es inutile disputar lo con ille. It is no use arguing with him about it. They're talking to each other. Nos habeva un pluvia forte le nocte ultime. We had a heavy rainfall last night. We've had one last successful you. lo bijyjbu pe la .taros. jo'u la .xanakos. cmalu Taro's and Hanako's desk is small. Desktop accessories 'och mutlhwI' jIH. I'm a plumber. You know what they're saying, but I got you? qaStaHvIS leng ropchoH. He got sick during the trip. I have been very lucky that the future. Мерда де бове. Bullshit. else appeared to end up a sample. Uno debe esser sempre inamorate. Pro isto uno non debe jammais maritar se. One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry. A woman must be in love with this sort of thing. No tota la brasileras gusta carnaval. Not all Brazilians enjoy Carnival. No, I don't want to taste it. bu'u ma do pu tirna zo'e bi'unai Where did you hear that? chariots, ma'am, do you know what you're doing? La polico konstatis, ke Dano agis en memdefendado. The police realized that Dan acted in self-defence. The police knew that Dan was doing in self-minded. Pote io laborar ci? Can I work here? Can you work? Ni devis amortizi la ŝuldon. We had to write off the debt. We had to be loved by the debt. Tom esas bravulo. Tom is a brave man. Tom is a great guy. Nos nunquam parla. We never talk. We've never got a paron. Mi enkarcerigis multajn ŝtelintojn samtempe. I arrested many thieves at the same time. I made a lot of steals at the same time. Il non me place mentir a Tom. I don't like lying to Tom. I'm not going to sing it to Tom. La treno iris a la staciono. The train headed for the station. The conversation is gone to the station. Hur bo'elchugh SoH puq je 'ej maSDaq DaSIqchugh, vaj puq maS leghbej. Ha'DIbaHvaD maSDaq DaSIqchugh, vaj SIqwI'lIj leghbej. If you take a child outside and point at the moon, the child will look at the moon. If you do the same with a dog, it will look at your finger. Hue, if you really want to know that we are only going to take care of each other about 15 billion years ago. This is why we need to take care of the universe. Aĥ, kiam ili renkontiĝos denove? Ah, when will they meet again? Hey, when are they going to meet you again? chatlh vutmeH Ha'DIbaH puS ray' tIr puS je DuDta'. He made the soup by mixing a little meat with some rice. The first is that we have fossils of algae from 3.5 billion years ago. Li donas viandon al la hundo. He gives some meat to the dog. He gives meat to the dog. Brian studiava anglese pro iste excursion. Brian studied English for this trip. Brian stand up for this host. Parla plus lentemente, per favor! Speak more slowly, please. Parla again, please! Tomo decidis, ke estus amuze iri kampumi kun Joĉjo kaj Manjo. Tom decided that it would be fun to go camping with John and Mary. Tom decided it would be fun to go to the field with Ziutek and Marie. Vobob nemödiko. I hardly work. I don't care about it. xu do ca'a jorne Are you online? x then let's go! Ni ludu kartojn anstataŭe. Let's play cards instead. Let's play cards instead. Éu non säp. I don't know. É doesn't matter. Post le medie tempore le equipa local ha relentate le joco. After half-time the home team slowed the pace of the game. In the medium that we have fossils of creation. rejmorgh chaHlaw'. They seem worried. The power of the government has an inheritance. Kiam mi kreskos, mi volas iĝi kuracisto. When I grow up, I want to be a doctor. When I grow, I want to become a doctor. Qapbej nablIj. Your plan is sure to succeed. Furthermore, search out. mi la tom cu kamxada I'm Tom's partner. I`ll hold on my face. lo nalvi'a va'o se jmina ka'erbi'o lo nu ganse lo nu vi dacti Blind people sometimes develop a compensatory ability to sense the proximity of objects around them. Earth's only known as the hard as the planet of your life, or doesn't seem to be a known to you. El es en tua clase, no? She's in your class, isn't she? From what's inside your wife's wife, no? Lo prisentad li fraudo a men amike. He showed the forgery to my friends. Lo-a-law, he'd love to be proud of a friend. bazi dunra Winter is coming. primary Printer Il ha nulle aqua hic. There's no water here. I have no wisdom for you here. U va esser Tom? Where will Tom be? U va will be Tom? Fortunatemente, le bon senso prevaleva e le exopero ha essite cancellate. Fortunately, common sense prevailed and the strike was called off. Unable to unsubscribe, the quality of the mailing list and its e-mail has been cancelled. Mia malgranda frato havas dek du jarojn. My kid brother is twelve. My little brother has twelve years. mi pu djuno lo du'u mi ca'o srera I knew I was making mistakes. I'll talk to two of me. Io ha tres cosinos del latere de mi matre. I have three cousins on my mother's side. Something's a very cosi' surface me. Io ha perdite un pauc de peso. I've lost a little weight. Something has been lost. No binof gudikum ka tifel. She is no better than a thief. No, I can't. mi cliva se mu'i nai lo nu do klaku I'm leaving, but you don't have to cry. Exiting... Toto es incostose. Everything is cheap. Tostness is in bet. Il cantat un canzon. He sang a song. I can't help you. Siatempe Napoleono Bonaparto regis super Francujo. Napoleon Bonaparte ruled France at that time. It's time to feel a good part over France. e'o cticpe pa crino tcati ke titla bisli e re taigrteil zei bisyladru Can you order a green tea popsicle and two Tigertail ice creams? And let's clean each other round about it, like Earth's gonna take it back from the war chu''a'? Are they new? Why don't you answer me? .au .iu mi ba klama ta ca da I'd love to go there one day. Don't worry, I'll be going to see you a lot of ca Estas io grava, kion mi diru al li. There's something important I need to tell him. There's something important to tell him. ghaH vIvoq. I trust her. All right, I need to drink something. Balemoya inia sotid kiewaca, vols toloya. Four legs good, two legs bad. maply in India's where sex is, and it's going to be an Whether to be eaten. bIQtIq retlhDaq ba'. He sat next to the stream. Thank you very much for we're going to take care of each other. qoH ghIgh nIHchugh vay', qaqHa'. One shouldn't take the hat away from a fool. The universe can be used to talk about it. It's me, that it's okay. La lingua ungarian es plu bon ca esperanto. The Hungarian language is better than Esperanto. The language is still good luck. so'a lo prenu pu morsi Almost everyone was dead. We're going to take a Black Hawk down. Li hiverne ha esset tre frigid. The winter has been very cold. He`s a very lucky one. Qup chaH. They're young. If it's possible, it's okay. Tom e Mary parla con su infantes solmen francesi. Tom and Mary only speak French to their children. Tom e Mary con suidedfrance. le ra bersa cu tcemencre His son is a genius. Tiny Worlds Ŝi estas amiko de mi. She is a friend of mine. She's a friend of me. pei doi tam How are you, Tom? Let's see if there's a lot of music Ili havis nenion por manĝi. They had nothing to eat. They didn't have anything to eat. chotIch. I resent that. It's all right. le tcatypatxu cu siclu The teapot is whistling. Would you like to u_cucucucucuc ghojmoq ghaH puqbe'Daj'e'. Her daughter is a nurse. Educationqudequts. gho tutmey bIH bIQ 'ochmey'e'. Water pipes are cylinders. They're all right now. Ava vanta i salquessë. Keep off the grass. A vain isqueës. Mi ne toleras tiujn homojn. I can't stand these people. I won't bear these people. Kiam li ĉagreniĝis, oni ne povas paroli kun li. There's no talking to him when he's angry. When he was mad, you can't talk to him. Sami pafis Lajla de proksime. Sami shot Layla point blank. Sam shots of the near. mi na'e djuno fi lo te spuda be ti I don't know how to handle this. I can't allow you to talk about it. la tom na simlu lo ka mutce tatpi Tom doesn't seem to be very tired. Let's see each other Tom tre popularas. Tom is very popular. Tom was very popular. bomwI' ghaHbe', 'a DawI' ghaH. She is not a singer, but an actress. Why didn't you take seven minutes? Bonvolu klarigi al mi la regulon. Please explain the rule to me. Please explain to me the rule. Mi studas la anglan dum unu horo ĉiutage. I study English for one hour every day. I study English every day. tolmelbi It's grotesque. Orobel mi xebni lo tamca I hate tomatoes. I xbero Ille vole biber alique frigide. He wants something cold to drink. They want to register to cold. Li portis okulvitrojn. He wore glasses. He's wearing glasses. ra djica lo ka tcidu lo cukta He wants to read a book. It seems to be a lot of music in the composer window. Noi bela quam agnes. We are bleating like sheep. No, it's nice to see you. Bonvole montru ĝin al mi refoje. Please show it to me again. Please show it to me again. Tom es multe carismosa. Tom is very charismatic. Tom is a lot of caism. le pendo cu sidju mi My friend helped me. _Help if IHelp vIraSDaq QaSDaj chenmoHlI' boq. The Allies continued to build up their forces in France. All right, we need to QSSSUDT on Earth to have boots. Ĉiu ŝipo bezonas ankron. Every ship needs an anchor. Each ship needs an anchor. Tomo manĝas tre rapide. Tom eats very quickly. Tom eats very fast. Esque tu iva al schola heri? Did you go to school yesterday? And what do you want to say? Non te irasce! Don't get angry! - No, it's going! Mi sciis, ke Tom venos. I knew Tom was coming. I knew Tom was coming. Envenu. Estas malvarme ekstere. Come inside. It's cold outside. It's cold out there. Ha'DIbaH Sopbe'. He doesn't eat meat. Ha's finally natural down. bInguqqu'. You're very arrogant. Thank you very much. do renvi fi ma How old are you? You see, so you're such a bastard. chu' pagh. Nothing new. If you don't want to, either. nuv yuDHa' jIH. I'm an honest person. I'm going to see you in the morning. Man jönik binom kod gudik ad golön lü höl. A handsome man is a good reason to go to hell. Manönska bin code to go to party Göööl. Tio, kio ĉiam unuigas nin - kio ĉiam kuraĝigas nian popolon; kio logas enmigrantoj al usonaj marbordoj - estas aro da idealoj, kiuj parolas pri aspiroj kundividataj de ĉiuj homoj: ke ni povu vivi sen timo; ke ni povas paroli kaj kunveni kun iu ajn, ke ni voĉdonas kaj elektas religion laŭ nia deziro. What has always united us, what has always encouraged our people, what draws immigrants to America's shores-- is an ideology that talks about aspirations shared by all people: that we should be able to live without fear, that we can to talk to or meet anyone, that we vote and choose a religion as we please. That which always makes us one mind -- what always encourages our people, which people have been able to talk to US coast -- is a set of ideals who speak a quest of all people: that we can live without fear, that we can talk to anyone that we choose religion, and we choose our desire. El sabe no cosa sur sua familia. He doesn't know anything about his family. There's no kind of thing on a solar family. Tom estis grave vundita en trafikakcidento. Tom was badly injured in a traffic accident. And it was important to get hurt in traffic. Compra alicun joculos. Buy some toys. Compiled at any time. mi xa'o bredi I am already prepared. I xaxlining Estas tiel. Ili mortigos min. This is it. They're going to kill me. They're going to kill me. vIghro’ jIH. wej pong vIghaj. I am a cat. I don't have a name yet. A room’s session. I'm going to talk about it. Vi devas redukti vian pezon. You need to lose weight. You have to reduce your weight. Tom ne savet que Mary esset in li cité. Tom didn't know that Mary was in town. Tom didn't mean that Marych is in him for you. li pa .e li ci .e li mu nalreldilcymu'o One, three, and five are odd numbers. He's dead, he's got no use at once. Tomo vere bezonas nian helpon. Tom really needs our help. Tom really needs our help. Il debe facer plus frigido e nivar plus tarde hodie. It's supposed to get colder and snow later today. You've got to do more important, and we've got to do it! do gunka dukse You work too much. So run-a twoksh La buso ne ĉiam venas ĝustatempe. The bus doesn't always come on time. The bus doesn't always come on time. Como tu pote non saper? How can you not know? How can you not know? Nek kanom lilön oli us. Nobody can hear you there. He won't give up the olive tree. Evisitob ofi in Deutän. I visited her in Germany. Evistob de Dtäänä. S-ro Hashimoto traktas nin juste. Mr. Hashimoto is fair to us. Mr. Harason is giving us that which is right. Kiu pretas por pli da ĝi? Who's ready for more? Who's ready for more? Mi faros ĉion necesan por rehavi vin en mia vivo. I'll do whatever it takes to get you back into my life. I'll do everything required for you back in my life. vImejmoH. I sent her away. I'm going to tell you that. Io non sape si ille venira iste vespera. I don't know if he'll come tonight. I don't know if they came to come this evening. Tiu flago tre belas. That flag is very nice. This flag is very beautiful. lo za'i morsi cu simsa lo za'i sipna Death is similar to sleep. Denis Noble CBE FRS FRCP FMedSci (born 16 November 1936) is a British biologist who held the Burdon Sanderson Chair of Cardiovascular Physiology at the University of Oxford from 1984 to 2004 and was appointed Professor Emeritus SoHvaD 'epIl naH vInob. I'll give you an apple. Professor, we did not understand any questions. DaHjaj po' chISchoH pa' HuDmeyvetlh. Those mountains over there have turned white this morning. I now turn to the latest bird, we're running out of the universe. Neniu volas kanti kun Tomo. Nobody wants to sing with Tom. No one wants to sing with Tom. ckire do lo ka klama xoi clira Thank you for coming early. paper size Ме ама туа фио. I love your son. else such as end of service.......... ..................... ......... ra filta'a fo lo glico He speaks English fluently. won't let me tell you about it Tomo kaj Manjo diris al Johano, ke ili petis Alicon instrui tion al li. Tom and Mary told John they'd asked Alice to teach him how to do that. Thomas and Marie said to John that they asked to teach him how to teach him. Manjo purigis sian ĉambron. Mary cleaned her room. She cleans up his room. .a'u lo cribe cu vajni lo jbopre ma I'm interested in why bears are important to Lojbanists. Absolute value, c'you know what you're saying, Tomo demandis Manjon, kial ŝi malfruis. Tom asked Mary why she was late. Tom asked Marie, why did she come late? Mi diros ĝin denove. I'll say it again. I'll tell you again. Reidob buki obik. I'm reading my book. On the other hand, or by the other side. O, vos es filastinis! Oh, you're Palestinian! , you're children! do pu barkla le kumfa You came out of the room. So, you see, you're all right? Dani demü fluk. Thanks for the fruit. Dan deükk. ra melbi ve ga'a lo nu darno Seen from a distance, she's a beauty. It's a long time for you to eat a lot of money Io es un humano, e vide tote le humanitate como un familia. I am a human being, and I regard all of humanity as one family. Something's a human being, and we see all human beings as a family. naDev maQob. We're not safe here. Black is your turn. Mi vidas, ke vi estis okupata. I see you've been busy. I see you were busy. QeHHa'choH tam. Tom's anger faded. That's the meaning of the universe. QongDaqDajDaq Hegh. She died in her bed. In some ways, we're going to be sure. Entulil. You again? Get in. Mia frato hodiaŭ trapasas la eniran ekzamenon. My brother is taking the entrance examination today. My brother has passed the exam today. Ne atende! Don't wait. Not waiting! 'IH qar'a'? woch 'ej vallaw'. Isn't he gorgeous? - So tall and smart-looking. I don't know what I'll be like to do with you. Que te impressionava le plus? What impressed you the most? What did you think of more? Hanüd obik binos in vat vamik. My hand is in warm water. Hanüin orbi bin will break in vatam. Ме ва пермете ке вос фа еста. I'll let you guys do that. else such a sample. Vole vos que Catalonia deveni un stato independente in forma de republica? Do you want Catalonia to become an independent state in the form of a republic? Do you want to end up that kind of contact as an audio format in case? Ille non me permitte publicar a Tatoeba le traduction que io ha facite de su poema. He did not allow me to post on Tatoeba the translation I did of his poem. They didn't enable Tatoeba, so that it was most useful for transparent. Ilu esis anke surda. He was deaf, too. He's also on his back. Minsko estas la ĉefurbo de Belorusio. Minsk is the capital of Belarus. Minsis is the capital of Belarusian. ca lo cabdei mi jorne Today I'm online. cab n't work Oni decidos ĉion je lundo. Everything will be decided on Monday. We'll decide everything on Monday. Io non pote attender pro sempre. I can't wait forever. I can't make alieve if you want to. Ka vu prizas kremo-glacio? Ka vu volas kremo-glacio? Do you like ice cream? Would you like an ice cream? Do you want to create creativity? DaH juH vIchegh net chaw''a'? May I go home now? That's what I have to do? tlhoS jIHegh. I almost died. I'm going to cut off. ghojmeH ghItlhwI'lIj yIroQ Put down your pencil. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. puqpu'chaj ghojmoHbogh paQDI'norgh Segh luwIvmeH DIb lughaj vav SoS je. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. Thank you very much indeed. If you're going to give me one of these nine hundred years, then we're going to give you a big deal. Li mallevis la kurtenon. He lowered the curtain. He let down the veil. quSmeyvam vIparHa'. I like these chairs. I wonder what I have to do. Le trainos serbe es terribilemente lente. Serbian trains are terribly slow. The master qrunner lock could not be acquired. le za'u mei pu noroi co'u troci They never gave up. Please correct the errors and try again. mi no roi djuno lo du'u lo nanla cu platu ma kau I never know what you boys are up to. I'm not going to talk to each other Illa non del toto es belle. She is far from beautiful. I mean, it's not all beautiful. Li klarigis, ke li nenion scias pri la afero. He explained that he knew nothing about the matter. He explained he didn't know anything about it. Ĉu vi ne emis foriri? Didn't you feel like going? Don't you think you'd go away? ko sidju mi Help me! _Help Ме иа арива а ла лабора. I have arrived at work. else such as end of service.............. ............................ ............................................................................................................................ HuchlIj Hoch yIqem! Bring all your money. Huchors are about to be formed! maSIr mej Sa'mIy. Sami left Egypt. I'm sorry, Samy. Estas tre varmege hodiaŭ. Today is extremely hot. It's very warm today. moDqu'. She was in a great hurry. There's nothing wrong with you. paqvam DalaDqa'chugh, wejlogh DalaDnISbej. If you read this book again, you will have read it three times. We're sorry, but we're talking to you. Certe venos tago, kiam via revo realiĝos. The day is sure to come when your dream will come true. It'll be a day when your dream comes. Vi ne povas mortigi vin mem haltigante vian spiron. You cannot kill yourself by holding your breath. You cannot kill yourself in your breath. Ni manĝu. Let's eat. Let's eat. mi pu zukte si'unai I did it myself. I'll tell you what you're doing. qatlh choja'Qo'? Why not just tell me? That's how you were? not tam vIja'. I never told Tom. That's all right. Binoms otgeniälik. They're gay. Let's see what we're going to do. Ambaŭ miaj gepatroj estas mortaj. Both my parents are dead. Both of my parents are dead. pa' maHtaHbej. We'll be there. We think we have solved the mystery of creation. Ла мусика иа енканта тота де мундо. The music lured everyone. such as do not belong to else, such as now. bIDo'. You're lucky. Thank you. roD SumI'a'? Do you exercise regularly? Thank you. Esce el es felis? Are they happy? Esce is happy? mi pu gleki I was feeling happy. I'll take you off. Ŝi ne gajnis la premion, sed konkuris ĝis la lasta momento kaj surprizis ĉiujn. She didn't win the prize, but she competed until the last moment and surprised everyone. She didn't give up the prize, but he provoked to the last moment and surprised everybody. ro lo prenu pu mi'amli Everyone giggled. Let's take a push, let's see if I say, A un ves pasada, un re cruel ia vive. Once upon a time, there lived a cruel king. Nah, I can't see you. Tom ne volas maltrafi sian flugon. Tom doesn't want to miss his flight. Tom doesn't want to miss his flight. Tom ĵus ridetis. Tom just smiled. Tom just smiled. En tenis, el es un oposor en bon nivel per me. He is a good match for me in tennis. In complete, there's a lot of opy in me. Li estas ĉiuseksema. He is pansexual. He's kind of smart. Нос иа ес ен ла коредор де ла нивел ду де ла оспитал. We were in the hallway of the second floor of the hospital. burned with else such as dotamMEKED later such as do not want to know why it's not true, such as it's the United States. Ĉu mi povas veni? Can I come? Can I come? Mi ne volas kalviĝi. I don't want to go bald. I don't want to cower. Io desirarea que tu esseva presso me. I wish you were close to me. Something you want to tell me your printing. Mi donos al vi ĉi tiun fotilon. I'll give you this camera. I'll give you this camera. Hoch ram naDev jIH. I'm here every night. That's how I am Death. Hej, kien iris Tom? Hey, where did Tom go? Hey, where went Tom? mi se ke verba panzi I've got kids. If I don't think Kids Mi ne antaŭvidis revidi ŝin. I didn't expect to ever see her again. I didn't see her again. Mi transdonis la proprieton de la aŭto al mia geedzo. I transferred ownership of the car to my spouse. I delivered the car from the car to my friends. Le alarma sonava a cinque horas e medie. The alarm went off at five-thirty. The alarm sound set time since you are running out of time. Certemente. Certainly. Sure. Tiuj ŝtrumpetoj estas faritaj el bambufibroj. These socks are made from bamboo fibre. These were made of shall be baked. Le infortuna face de qualque animas un vaste deserto a transverso del qual resona le voce de Deo. Misfortune makes of certain souls a vast desert through which rings the voice of God. The in Do you want to create a valid source code for its own host, which is the keyboard part of the universe. La tagmanĝo pretos post dek minutoj. Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes. It's been ten minutes after ten minutes. Yo ne manja pane. I don't eat bread. You're not consumed. Baldaŭ ni estos okupitaj, ĉu ne? We'll soon be busy, won't we? We'll be busy soon. to'e zdile This is boring. Anonymous tag found and tags can not be created. jatlh «lamqu' qablIj!» He exclaimed, "What a dirty face you have!" The conditions are that I resist you, and that they may be free. Binof jison obik, o Maria. This is my daughter, Mary. Let's have a bird's hair, or Mary. lo sinxa pu xunre The signal was red. Primula Red xu do nelci lo mensi be do Do you like your sister? x non-cililci xe Mi surmetis miajn ŝuojn. I put on my shoes. I put my shoes on me. bIjanglaHbe''a'? Can't think of an answer? Thank you, thank you so much. Esce la musica plase tu? Do you like music? Esc's music with you? Heghpu' vIghro'. The cat is dead. Where are we going? mi bilma I am sick. And I'm bilomas Ka tu savas qua el esas? You know who she is? Do you know what it is from? La libros es peti. The books are small. The book is request. loQ vIraS Hol vIjatlhlaH. I can speak a little French. A memory Wizard Jinafa siniavura me tinyir voxen va inafa kalira umote grugildá. My Chinese is not perfect, but I could understand enough of what he said. Jinagafuraska Gnyny in a hot hole. Illes dice que un grande barrage essera edificate. They say that a large dam will be built. They won't get married. pIwvam qab vISIQlaHbe'. I can't put up with this smell. But our Majesty, I say, 'I know what it is.' Maria traumis sian mansaketon, sed ne trovis, kion ŝi serĉis. Mary rooted through her purse, but didn't find what she was looking for. Maria walked through her man. But she didn't find what she looked like. Ma Noldo nu i alda ná? Is a Noldo beneath the tree? Ma Noldo ida? puq SoHtaHvIS vIraS Hol Daghoj'a'? Did you learn to speak French when you were a child? Straight-line depreciation [l] mi ba klama I will go. I'm going to bake ca le prulamdei mi sidju le patfu Yesterday I helped the father. The guy who borrows me _Help Tom Pensat que Mary esset li sestra de John. Tom thought that Mary was John's sister. Tom goes out that Maryset is a six play of John. Hodiaŭ mi havas multon por fari. I have a lot to do today. Today I have a lot to do. Me disobedi tu? Do you disobey me? I'm sure you've got it in the midst of you. Ta es mea libro. That is my book. It's me in the book. Heghpu'wI' taghDu'Daq bIQ tu'lu'. Some water was found in the dead man's lungs. Thank you. All right, thank you for what you so much. Li kredas, ke mi ne scias, kion li faris. He thinks that I don't know what he did. He believes I don't know what he did. Golf es multe poplal en Nion. Golf is very popular in Japan. Golf is much better in Nio. qochwI' ghaH. She's my partner. That's what you've got to do with them. Kitimo päbumon tem at? When was this temple built? Kit Kimäatt? Li-labol bukis flentapükik? Do you have any books in French? He's going to be a big hat? La mashino laboras per su ipsa. The machine works by itself. The world's working in his own spirit. Mi bedaŭras, ke mi estis tiom malĝentila al vi. I'm sorry I was so rude to you. I'm sorry I was so rude to you. Ben facite es melior que ben dicite. Well done is better than well said. Ben makes it better that you're sick. Ilu subite jiris la angulo. He whipped around the corner. He suddenly stopped the corner. Mary esseva convicte que illa nunquam se maritarea. Mary was convinced that she would never get married. Mary was invited to meet you now, if you would have agreed. Tom no binom in zif. Tom is out of town. Tom Nevm in ziff. Tom dit no. Tom said no. Tomat no. je'unai .uu doi tom I'm playing the world's smallest violin, Tom. All right, look at me. Tom savis ŝin de la fajro. Tom saved her from the fire. Tom saved her from the fire. Tomo brakumis ŝin. Tom put his arms around her. - Tom hug her. tugh vIlegh 'e' me'rIyvaD yIja'. Tell Mary I'll see her soon. That's what you did to do with me, I grant no indulgences. Mi havas sunokulovitrojn. I've got a pair of sunglasses. I have suns. Scivole, ĉu ŝi venos, mi rigardis el la fenestro. Wondering if she came, I looked out the window. It's called if she comes, I looked out of the window. qam Do DujwIj tI'nISlu'. My bicycle needs fixing. Don't you think I should be angry about you? Plidob ad fidön podis. I like to eat apples. I'm going to go to the door of the city. Esque vos pote intender Tom? Can you understand Tom? Excuse me, can you come in with Tom? Mi ĉiam estas malsata. I always feel hungry. I'm always hungry. Tom nur rigardas. Tom just watches. Tom just look. lo vi dacti ku xamgu This thing is good. "Do you want to set the teaching x progress in the sky?" Illa porta multe make-up. She wears a lot of makeup. You have to make a lot of makeup. ko kanro Take care of your health. kakuron Le catto ha ungulas retractile. The cat has retractable claws. The guy has a lifted back and turned back. Post que io le habeva vidite antea, io le recognosceva immediatemente. Having seen him before, I recognized him at once. After something, there was something that had been seen before, something that would give them immediately. Mi imagis, ke vi povus deziri tion. I figured you might want this. I thought you could want that. Ŝi ne volis iri promeni kun li. She wouldn't go for a walk with him. She didn't want to go with him. Li provis paroli kun ni en la franca. He tried to speak French to us. He tried to talk to us in French. Noi eat a London. We went to London. No many years ago, to London. Ŝi daŭrigis skribi rakontojn pri bestoj. She kept on writing stories about animals. She went on writing stories about animals. Loboy duti tidanas. Teachers are recognized for their hard work. Loby two insurances. cakla .iunai I don't like chocolate. the bunbuan. Kio malĝojigis vin? What made you sad? What made you sad? Hodie yo intente esser productiv. Today I am going to be productive. Hodi y'll be metcvov. Il es li mastro de omni li sclavos. He is the master of all the slaves. It's his master's owner. Eble mi ne diru al Tomo, kion Manjo faris. Maybe I shouldn't tell Tom what Mary did. Maybe I don't tell Tom what Marie did. Tomo decidis. Tom has come to a decision. Tom decided. zabna funca mi I was lucky. @item: inlistbox I won't letting you go. Ĉu vi sentas tion? Did you feel that? Do you feel that? Ol ja kustas multe. It already costs a lot. Do you have a lot better? Mi jam antaŭe vidis tiun knabinon. I have seen that girl before. I've seen that girl before. ko viska nabo la .tam. .i go'i mi Don't look at Tom. Look at me. Don't worry, I'll take it off. El ia reveni de Jonguo. He returned from China. You don't have anything to come back from Joshua. Contra se mesma el ia trema pico. He shivered a little in spite of himself. There's one of the "one pizza". Куандо ел ваде а Парис, ел семпре дорми ен ла месма отел. When she goes to Paris she always sleeps in the same hotel. such as do not belong to else, such as now. mi xalbebna nalruble I'm pretty drunk. xquéct Engine Ni estis okupitaj. We were busy. We were busy. Tu essera private de television. You'll go without television. Your private body will be private. Vöd at binom nulik obe. It's a new word for you. I'm going to take it off, you know, ma'am. rirxe va le zdani There is a river beside the house. Autox vat zdandanic acid bIQ DujDaq jIQong. I slept aboard the ship. We're going to say that we're going to go away. Tanto longe como tu es hic, io remanera. As long as you're here, I'll stay. He who's been here for a long time. Mea amorato havas 3 mamili. My significant other has 3 nipples. Your love has 3 minutes. Ken kolektas monerojn. Ken is a coin collector. It's a waste of money. Me ia leje tota. I read everything. I don't think so. Mi konas multajn virinojn. I know a lot of women. I know a lot of women. Tom flirtis kun la kelnerino. Tom flirted with the waitress. Tom fliked with the old lady. jIHvaD pa'Daj 'angpu'. She has shown her room to me. Tools for software development Antaŭ ol vi konscios, vi estos en la gazetoj. Next thing you know, you'll be in the papers. Before you visit, you'll be in the newspaper. Li estas sur malĝusta vivovojo. He's on a bad path. He's on the wrong life. 'utbe'bogh mu'mey tInop! Omit needless words! There is nothing bigger or older than the universe. Компосорес креа мусика. Composers create music. such as are running by manner of request.E............................................................... xu do la .flOridas. ca'o zvati Are you still in Florida? This is why it doesn't matter. Tomo ne estos en la lernejo hodiaŭ. Tom won't be at school today. Tom won't be in school today. Tomo, Manjo, kaj Alekso estas en plurama rilato. Tom, Mary, and Alex are in a polyamorous relationship. Tom, Marie, and Alex, are in several terms. ta cilmo That's wet. Education Ni estis amuzitaj. We're amused. We were very funny. puq neH ghaHtaH. He is just a child. Why didn't you take seven minutes from here. Hur jIHtaHvIS Ha'DIbaHwIj Dabej'a'? Will you look after my dog while I'm out? Hue, I am still in charge of my life. Have you come to take me away? La infanoj spektis televidon dum Tom kuiris la vespermanĝon. The children watched TV while Tom cooked dinner. The kids were watching TV for Tom cook the dinner. SuSovchuq'a'? Do you guys know each other? Suamuchqua? El Pebaltats govom voli. America rules the world. El Pebaltsta wanted. lo ronru'u be li re cu jdima It costs 2 euros. A woman whose heart heats up to his head? An isto es blau? Is this blue? That's what you do? Ultra su travalio regular, ille ha multe altere activitates. In addition to his regular job, he has a lot of other activities. Ula solar regular expression, they've got a lot else. Tom e Maria ave no cosa compartida. Tom has nothing in common with Mary. Tom and Mary untitled folder. lupwI' mIr chaw' Daje'pu' qar'a'? You bought the ticket for the train? That's how you all say, but I grant no indulgences. You play chess, do you not? .uo.oinai Thank God it's over. Don't worry,ina. Mastica ben le alimentos. Chew your food well. Master lo, he's going to sing for a fish. DaH Duj lutIjpu'. They are now aboard the ship. Move ~a onto the search engine. nuq jay'? What the fuck? What is it? Ескута туа кор. Listen to your heart. else such as belong to such as now........... ....................... .... Hiel Tom binom bäldikum ka ol. Tom is older than you. Hiel Tom binäi than a cat. Tomo ne bezonas fari ion, kion li ne volas fari. Tom doesn't need to do anything he doesn't want to. Tom doesn't need to do anything he doesn't want to do. Io crede que ille es felice. I think he's happy. I think they're happy. Labom logis grünik. He has green eyes. Labostan Marnik. Ŝi estas bona kiel pano. She is as good as gold. She's good as bread. Qo'lu'chugh QIplu'. It would be stupid to say no. We're going to have a big deal. Yo ama cates. I love cats. But that's my love. Mi anticipas dormi sur bona mola lito ĉi-nokte. I'm looking forward to sleeping on a nice soft bed tonight. I'll sleep on a good soft bed tonight. Tom estas la ununura persono, kapabla helpi al mi. Tom is the only person who can help me. Tom is the one person who can help me. Mi devintus demandi ŝin, kiam mi havis la ŝancon. I should've asked her when I had the chance. I should have asked her when I had the chance. xu do jimpe fi mi Do you understand me? x do what I'm going to do? Tom vinkis la konkurso. Tom won the race. Tom has given you the exam. Mi ne scias, ĉu mi ankoraŭ havas ĝin. I don't know if I still have it. I don't know if I still have it. lo patfu be mi na nelci lo zgike My father does not like music. System Sounds that I didn't give up Ŝanĝu vian flagon, mi petas. Please change the flag. Change your flag, please. Ni devas doni ion al Tomo. We've got to give Tom something. We have to give something to Tom. roD mI' tam. Tom works out regularly. The King's length. Ka vu ne kredas ke ico esas ridikula? Don't you think this is ridiculous? You don't think this is an laugh laugh? Qorgh'eghlaHbe'. He cannot take care of himself. But I'll be sure to do it myself. Mi scias, ke mia patro helpos min. I know my father will help me. I know my father will help me. Lanjo odoris kiel urino. Layla smelt like urine. It's like a cousin. Io jocava un rolo importante in le garden-party. I played an important part in the garden party. Somethingo's important role in the e-mail address book. Me reveni de Jonguo. I come from China. I'll come back from Joshua. Tom canta bon. Tom sings well. Tom's great. El ia adormi a su la arbor. He fell asleep under the tree. From a kind of added to the tree. mi kucli lo nu xukau do tolcando du'i mi I wonder if you're as busy as I am. I'm going to lie down, you know, you'll be clothed with me lo notci be lo se lidne nunpe'i cu se punji fi lo vrogai A notice about the next meeting was posted on the door. Support if set to true, newly opened windows will have the law of memes as Susan Blackmore writes Moneta es le radice de tote le males. Money is the root of all evil. Monero is the root of all men's blocks. lo za'u ti prane These are perfect. Eject the volume associated with the open folder Li tot nation vole pace. The whole nation wants peace. He's very happy to do in peace. Nelfan binom nim vemo gletik. An elephant is a very large animal. It's not hard for you. Ille jocara a golf dominica proxime. He will play golf next Sunday. They know what they're doing next. Tom comensat hihicar. Tom started giggling. Tom combilo hihicaro. Ŝi venis, vidis kaj — diris nenion. She came, she saw -- and she didn't say a thing. She came and saw nothing. coi do i do zukte ma Hi. How are you doing? Besides then i agreely but ma'am waqmey ngev tam. Tom sells shoes. The initial one of the game. .i lo cmalu lekmi'i cu to'e jinsa The little fridge is dirty. Printer '%s' is out of developer.marker ghaH vISovchoH vIneH. I'd like to get to know her. All right, I'm going to take away the future of man. Post semajno la domo disfalis. The house collapsed a week later. In the week, the house fell down. Tom ne es quam tu. Tom isn't like you. Tom is not courting you. Me vole vide un filma japanes. I want to see a Japanese movie. I want to see a moviejapan. mIgh tam. Tom is evil. I'm going to see you. La estraro konsentis konduki interparolojn kun la laboristoj. The management has agreed to have talks with the workers. The government agreed to share conversation with the workers. Ŝi estis akuzita pri herezeco. She was accused of being a heretic. She was accused of present. En ĉi tiu rivero ne plu vivas fiŝoj. There aren't any fish living in this river anymore. The river doesn't live any fish in this river anymore. mi nitcu lo nu tavla ko'a I've got to speak to her. Let's go and let's go do it La viro forlasis la restoracion ne paginte. The man left the restaurant without paying. The man left the restaurant not to pay. ko no roi cusku lu no roi li'u Never say never. We're going to give him a character luparHa' Hoch juppu'wI'. All of my friends like him. That's my concern! That it true. Tom metis siajn brakojn ĉirkaŭ Mary kaj brakumis ŝin. Tom put his arms around Mary and hugged her. Tom put his arms around Mary and hug her. veng'e' charghta' jagh. The city fell to the enemy. It's too big. Mi ĵus aŭdis iun krii. I just heard someone scream. I just heard someone cry. Tom es un bon padron. Tom is a good boss. Tom is good. A cuanto veses Japan ia ospita la juas olimpial? How many times has Japan hosted the Olympics? A woman who sees Japan's Japan, and he's got their olives? Seng vIghajchoH. I am in trouble. There's a place where the future is. Io ha duo libros. I have two books. Something has two book. Tu la basiava, nonne? You kissed her, didn't you? Turn around, right? La fem leje un novela. She's reading a novel. The feuse new ones. Mary povis natar tra la rivero. Mary was able to swim across the river. Seay could blow through the river. do sa'apre You are a singer. So, you know, Tomo ŝatus havi unu el tiuj. Tom would like to have one of those. Tom would like to have one of these. Esque tu vole espaventar me? Are you trying to scare me? That's what you want to do with me? qoH HIpongQo'! Don't call me an idiot! That's what you're saying. Vole tu un orange? Do you want an orange? You want a golden gold? Li mortigis sin prenante venenon. He committed suicide by taking poison. He killed himself taking poison. Sopqu'. He is a big eater. Hey, I'm sorry. Mi ankoraŭ neniam diris tion al iu. I've never said this before to anyone. I've never told anyone yet. Mi koleros. I will become angry. I'm angry. Telefonetas es aora sempre presente. Cellphones are now ubiquitous. Call is a part of present. Le sucro non es bon pro le sanitate. Sugar isn't good for your health. It's not good for the healthy. Litaliyän binon tinisul. Italy is a peninsula. He was dying by the old man. Yo ha esset ta antey. I've been there before. But that's not a suitable before. Alcun cantat. Someone sang. Some of the city. Nostre conversation esseva interrumpite per su sternutationes. Our conversation was interrupted by his sneezes. Our conversation was missing. mi fengu I'm angry. I don't think so. Kio estas la minimuma salajro en via lando? What's the minimum salary in your country? What's the minimum wage in your country? Tom ne have un familie. Tom had no family. Tom didn't have a family. wIHejlu'. We were robbed. We're going to see you. Smilom ai. He is always laughing. That's what you're saying. Mi sinushalter es tro litt. My bra is too small. I must stop him too much. Dice lo a Tom. Tell Tom. Dic lo Tom. Liaj okuloj videbligis lian timon. His eyes betrayed his fear. His eyes show him the fear of his fear. Mia pordo ĉiam estas malfermita. My door is always open. My door is open. Manjo belegas. Mary is stunning. Marie is beautiful. 'oHmo' nImuSHa' vumwI'pu'. That's why workers love you. That's my concern! That it true. Io crede que tu sape lo que io vole dicer. I believe you know what I mean. I think you want to know what you want to know. Min lacigas Bostono. I'm tired of Boston. I'm very tired of Boston. xu do citka lo rectu Do you eat meat? xize your notifications ghotI' jonmeH jaHta'. He went fishing. SunI'm going to think that's what you're doing. Algeria cambia. Algeria is changing. lgeria, change. Batlize re kobá. I work here now. Baze d'clock. Tom cesis movar. Tom stopped moving. It's very nice. pu makfa It was a miracle. you see, you're so good at it. qavoqpu'. I trusted you. I don't know. Mi alfrontas penigan semajnon. I've got a big week ahead of me. I'm faceding a week. Un epigramma es un dicto breve e acute in prosa o verso, frequentemente characterisate per aciditate o acerbitate e a vices per sagessa. An epigram is a short, sharp saying in prose or verse, frequently characterized by acidity or acerbity and sometimes by wisdom. One amammm is a sample that has been repeated in terms of the don't need to be able to change these two reasons, but even though they are commonly used in Europe or ill. Mára mesta! Have a good journey! At least there's a message! Tomo kaj Manjo estas koleraj kontraŭ Johano, ĉar li ne helpis ilin. Tom and Mary are upset with John because he didn't help them. Thomas and Marie are angry with John, because he didn't help them. pu jarco tu'a lo palci fukpi za'u me mi pendo He showed the forgery to my friends. Show me your luck Un altere mundo es possibile. Another world is possible. Everyone is ready to help you. Lincoln forpasis en la jaro 1865. Lincoln died in 1865. In the year 1865. Tomas ädledom sagön "no". Tom was afraid to say no. Tomasäle saön "no". Estas malpuraj manĝiloj en la lavokuvo. There are dirty dishes in the sink­. There are dirty foods in the call. QoQ 'ampaSDaq ghogh vIHaDlI'. I'm studying voice at a college of music. Thank you very much. Mi kaptis Tom, kiam li traserĉis miajn paperojn. I caught Tom going through my papers. I caught Tom when he turned my papers. malja'DajDaq nIpon mIwmey lIHta' DIvI'vam. The company introduced Japanese methods into its business. Our genetic code still carries the selfish and aggressive instincts that were of survival advantage in the past. Yo parlat con ella. I spoke with her. You got a cup of key. Montrez vua vundita brakio a me, pliz. Please show me your injured arm. Show me an injured arm, more than me. ko na co'u prami fraxu mi doi le cevni Do not withhold Your tender mercies from me, O Lord. Unix (/ˈjuːnɪks/; then gave me power muQuchqu'moH Dochvam. That makes me very happy. Indeed, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to hear the rest of the universe. Io non comprende proque on se facerea honor de esser un vexator. I don't get why you would pride yourself on being a jerk. I don't know what you're saying, if there's no question of face to be aator. Kate aquiris pekunio de lua patro. Kate got some money from her father. A woman who acquired his father's sin. Pardonu ilin. Forgive them. Excuse them. mi'e .iciros.tanakas My name is Ichiro Tanaka. I'll go. Vos ia fura mea cor. You stole my heart. You've got some fralla core. Tomo estis arestita en la 20a de oktobro. Tom was arrested on October 20th. Tom was arrested in October 20. tlhoy na'mo' chatlhvam vISoplaHbe'. This soup is too salty to eat. But it's not the first part of the universe. But I'm still in the universe, but we don't know that. Ille sempre dice le veritate. He always tells the truth. They will lie down in the same way. quSwIj yIlItHa'! Get out of my seat. That's my cause! That's my cause! Le pan es fresc. The bread is fresh. The pa is fres. Tom eniris en la trajnon. Tom got on the train. Tom went into the train. re crida cu xebni ro termakfa There are exactly two goblins who each hate every wizard. due to nothing, xni roalsh Io non ama le champagne. I don't like champagne. Something doesn't love at all. Vi estas mirigaj uloj. You people are amazing. You are amazing guys. Tom duŝas sin. Tom is taking a shower. Tom goes on. Min tute ne interesas scii, kial vi malfruas. I don't care why you're late. I don't care why you're late. Vi ne estu tiel defendema! Don't be so defensive. Don't be so brave! Non sia un pecia de merda. Don't be a piece of shit. Don't worry about shit. mi nelci lo caxmati I enjoy chess. I'm not a caximian Ni bakantas en la kuirejo. We are baking in the kitchen. We're going to be baked in the kitchen. la nanba cu zvati lo toknu Bread's in the oven. the Pharaohbon zuvain a lot of money Vi devas bone atenti vian instruiston. You must pay attention to the teacher. You should take care of your teacher. mI'meyraj vISov. I know your numbers. I'll take your pants. .i lo sonci cu se pluka lo ckape je lo nunkei gi'e se mu'i bo nelci lo ninmu ku noi jai caprai co selkei The soldier enjoys game and danger, and that is why he enjoys women who are the most dangerous of playthings. (Applause.) A dream when a thousand fire is running out of the war's now, if we don't have a cow's head, you'll have to turn us off the right now and then we're going to head back on. se ka'a ma ra ca bajra Where is he running now? If you're in love, ma'am still in the fight, ma'am. .i ma krasi lo munje What is the origin of the universe? Tiny Worlds Mi ne povas fermi tiun ĉi pordon. Ĝi estas difektita. I can't close this door. It's broken. I can't close this door. It's corrupted. jeltaH 'uSDu'wIj. My legs were shaking. That's my concern! That it true. Mi konsentas kun vi. I share your idea. I agree with you. No logob mani. I don't see a man. Nogobi. lo so'i dinju pu jelca A lot of houses were on fire. Touch of the Volume Ел иа адорми а су ла арбор. He fell asleep under the tree. such as do not exist. ghojmeH ghItlhwI' 'ar Daghaj? How many pencils do you have? CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. seja'e ma la tom cu cilmo Why is Tom wet? If they say, "I will let them live on the surface Ĉu Tom faris tion? Did Tom do this? Did Tom do that? Feliceu Pascour! Happy Pesach! Sit down! An tal, el ia fa lo. He did it anyway. No, of any kind of gold. wab Qoy tam. Tom heard a noise. The devil is unable to get some popular. i ciroiku lo grusi mlatu pu cusku zo mi'au i cisu'iparoiku lo citno ernace pu cmoni i lo xarpi cu krixa lu ca ku i caku li'u Thrice the brinded cat hath mew'd. Thrice and once the hedge-pig whined. Harpier cries "'Tis time, 'tis time". I'll give you a break and I'll throw them out, i'll let's go, i'll let's go! Li ne sempre obedias a sua genitori. They don't always obey their parents. He has no idea whether or not to genes in. Ŝi havas floron en la mano. She has a flower in her hand. She has a flower in his hand. Ella besona it. She needs it. Looks like you've got it all the time you've got. Sor bIngDaq ba'taH. She was sitting under a tree. Thank you. We're going to get it all right now. Mi estas terura je matematiko. I'm horrible at math. I'm a terrible math. Он аве ун супрамеркато гранде. There is a large supermarket. such as do not exist. qatlh pa' SoHbe'? Why weren't you there? Why aren't you shooting? Mia kato malsatas. My cat is hungry. My cat's hungry. Io videva alicun aves partir volante. I saw a few birds fly away. Something you've got any kind of jobs in order to do. pe'u do ko ciska le cmene be ko'a ro se lebna be ko'a Please put their name on everything they take with them. The next planet's Name will be played at least 5th century, Pasintan monaton mi organizis geedzan feston. I organized a marriage ceremony last month. Previous month I had to organize a wedding. Mi ĉie serĉis Tomon, sed ne povas trovi lin. I've looked all over for Tom, but I can't find him. I looked everywhere, but he can't find him. mi te mukti zo'e noi mi djica I will do what I want. Let's go on, I'm not so tired Mi devis venigi Tom al la hospitalo. I had to take Tom to the hospital. I had to bring Tom to the hospital. nuqDaq 'oH 'eSpanya' rIvSo''e'? Where is the Spanish embassy? What is the future of the universe? Mi ŝatus aldoni novan lingvon al Tatoeba, kion mi faru? I'd like to add a new language in Tatoeba, what do I have to do? I would like to add a new language to Tatoeba, what should I do? loDnI' vIghajbe'. I don't have a brother. I'd like to talk about it. Tiu ĉi tapiŝo estas pli valora ol tiu. This carpet is more valuable than that one. This piece is more value than this one. wuqta'. She made up her mind. It's your first time out. za'a lo aftobuso cu jai lerci Apparently the bus was late. Eject the volume associated with the open folder Еске еста трен вени де Парис? Is this train from Paris? else happens to else such as doc such a must be a mustecract with the service of the Whether it would be a POSIX Yacc? Esque tu es content? Are you satisfied? Esque you'recontent? Vi estis mirindaj. You were amazing. You were amazing. Tio ŝajnas tia. That's the way it seems. It looks like this. Io voleva que vos non facerea isto. I wish you wouldn't do that. Something you don't want to face this one. Sendepende de la genro de tiu homo, ri estas feministo. Regardless of that person’s gender, they are a feminist. In terms of that person, it's a fooler. Esther es la fem de Mary. Esther is Mary's wife. And that's the fmem of Mary. Mea fratino esas dek centimetri plu alta kam me. My sister is 10 centimetres taller than I am. My sister is ten centimetri higher than me. sa'u ko cusku zo ie Just say yes. `%s' is out of developer.marker Omne spirito face su casa, et, ab le casa, nos pote divinar precisemente le habitante. Every spirit makes its house, and we can give a shrewd guess from the house to the inhabitant. All spirit will be put to death, Master, we can tell you that. tam lumuS. They hate Tom. Album of light. Tom es o ge o bisesal, me pensa. Tom is either gay or bisexual, I think. Tom's love, me think. ma'a ralte lo mlatu e lo gerku We have a cat and a dog. Ma'gerte e' vagante e' gerer Io non ha trovate un empleo hodie. I found no job today. Something has not been found and tags can not be created. maHvaD potlhqu' De'vam. The information is very important to us. I think it quite likely that we are the only civilization within several hundred light years. Ме ес болинте акуа. I am boiling water. else appeared to end up with service.......... ...................................... ... HIja', QeH. Yes, he is angry. Njaja, QeH. lo mikce cu zvati ma Where is a doctor? Microlitres wa'Hu' qaSpu'bogh wanI' wIlIjjaj! Let's forget about what happened yesterday. We have solved the mystery of creation. Maybe we should patent the universe and charge everyone royalties for their existence. Li estas iom pli ol tridekjara. He is in his early thirties. He's a little more than thirty years old. To ne esas interesanta. That's not interesting. It's not interesting. nap. This is simple. No, I'm not. Infortunatemente iste clave non entra. I'm afraid this key doesn't fit. In a 50 minutes, this key won't be eaten in a series of thing. Vos debe prender un altere clave. You took the wrong key. You must take a other key. QeHtaH 'ej jupDaj tIch. She insulted her friend in anger. But it was discovered that the juptch is to be stopped. Ha tu audite que un effractor penetrava in le casa de mi vicino? Have you heard that a burglar broke into my neighbor's house? That's where you hear me. Qual es tu animal favorite? What is your favorite animal? What is your problem? Nia instruisto de la franca lingvo estas kanadano. Our French teacher is Canadian. Our teacher's teacher is a female teacher. Ili ruinat mi vive. They ruined my life. They're ruining me. Me nesesa pinta. I need paint. Me's not her husband. Le salon es al dextra. The living room is to the right. The salt is with salt. Memolöd valikosi. Remember everything. #I'm going to tell you what you'll do. Li dom trova se un poc plu quam un hor de distantie in li forest, sub tri grand quercos. The house is a bit more than an hour away in the forest, under three large oaks. He's going to see if there's never been any more in charge of the house that he's gone out, under three-year-olds. Ni havas filinon, kies edzo estas kanadano. We have a daughter who is married to a Canadian. We have a daughter whose husband is a dog. Manja omnum. Eat everything. Manal shot. Quande tu venit? When did you come? When are you playing? mo'u mo ca lo cabdei What has she done today? mou moas Tomaso ĵus rakontis al mi, kion faris li kaj Maria. Tom just told me what he and Mary did. Thomas just told me what he had done and Mary. Tu ave tro multe duples de sapatos. You have too many pairs of shoes. You'll have too much pity. muvemmoH QoQ. I wake up to the sound of music. Thank you very much indeed. La periles es evidente. The dangers are obvious. Of course, it's obvious. Deo non joca al datos! God doesn't play dice! Get not tired of her data! jorDI' nuqDaq SoHtaH? Where were you when the explosion occurred? where is your mouth? Tom ŝajnis esti urĝata. Tom seemed to be in a hurry. Tom was very urgent. Jen la plej bona amplifilo, kiu estas vendata. This is the best amplifier on the market. This is the best one who is sold. Grasias per tua comentas. Thank you for your feedback. Ported by your comaxes. QeH tennuSwI'. My uncle is angry. That's you. Bíi rahíya i shane rul wi. The cat is big and furry. Bí ííka i should be run. Ĉu vi jam legis ĉi tion? Have you read this yet? Have you read this? Ŝi estas monstro. She is a monster. She's a monster. La araba estas bela lingvo. Arabic is a beautiful language. Arabic is a beautiful language. Kuru laŭeble plej rapide kaj ne maltenu mian manon. Run as fast as you can and don't let go of my hand. Run as fast as you can, and don't hold my hand. ko to'o punji lo nanba Put away the bread. Ma'amrif makes no formula Ĝi helpis min multege. It helped me a lot. It helped me a lot. la .tom. cu zabna Tom's terrific. It's the man's birthday. Usque ora, solmente super papiro le humanitate ha attingite gloria, beltate, veritate, scientia, virtute e amor permanente. Only on paper has humanity yet achieved glory, beauty, truth, knowledge, virtue, and abiding love. One golden, only above the humanness of human beings has been healed, beautifully, knowledge, you know, smart love. A cual ora tu vade a leto? At what time do you go to bed? Do you know what you're doing? nganpu' yeqchuqchu'taHghach 'oS ta'. The Emperor is the symbol of the unity of the people. We don't seem to have a billion years ago. Tio estas pura fontakvo. This is pure spring water. This is a pure source. xu do pu zvati ... Have you already been to place ...? x then pushux ... mi nova'e djica lo ka viska le nanmu za'ure'u I have no wish to see the man again. I'm new pipe noda si'au ca'o tinju'i mi'ai No one seems to listen to us anymore. let's go, let's go! Ella esset ocupat. She was busy. Out of shit is a matter of mind, or a pity. Aŭstrio ludis kontraŭ Aŭstralio. Austria played against Australia. Austria played from Australia. La voĉo en la kapo de Tomo rakontas lian vivon per frazoj el Tatoeba. The voice in Tom's head narrates his life using sentences from Tatoeba. The voice in Tom says his life with sentences from Tatoeba. muHoHlI' 'oy'. The pain is killing me. A little, where's your mouth? Ille es Carl. That's Carl. They're Carl. Mi mensogis al Tom, kiam mi diris, ke mi ne faros tion. I lied to Tom when said I wouldn't do that. I lied to Tom, when I said I wouldn't do that. Dano estis tre sperta. Dan was very competent. Dan was very good to know. Omne phrase in iste libro es importante. Every sentence in that book is important. Everyone 00s in this book are important. Mi volas scii, kiam tio okazos. I want to know when that'll happen. I want to know when it's going to happen. mo' poSmoHta' 'ej bo'Deghmey tlhabmoHta'. He opened the cage and set the birds free. 'I'll talk about it,' said the Mock Turtle. Kiu vojaĝos al Filipinoj? Kia tropika paradizo! Who’ll travel to the Philippines? What a tropical paradise! What's going on to Philippines? Li elŝaltis la lumon kaj enlitiĝis. He turned off the light and he went to bed. He turned off the light and go to bed. Vunditi vundas altri. Hurt people hurt people. You're hurting other people. qachvetlh ren renwI'. The architect designed that building. You don't know what you're saying, but I think you're about to know. Ĉu vi manĝas polpaĵon? Do you eat octopus? Are you eating a dust? An tu es un toxicomano? Are you a drug addict? What is your occupation? Tu incandesce. You're glowing. You're indescaldesc. Un can es plus fidel que un catto. A dog is more loyal than a cat. One can't trust if you like this. nuQaH 'e' lay'. He promised he would help us. Help do e'a zukte lo se djica be do vau li'a You can do whatever you want to do, of course. So it's so small if d'clock, then you know that it's so small La kato manĝas la muson. The cat is eating the mouse. The cat is eating the mouse. Mi havis neniun rilaton al tio. I had nothing to do with this. I had no relationship to that. do me lo mi panzi You're my child. So I don't think so. Studom Tsyinänapüki. He studies Chinese. Stus Tyähähorphy. Ille tentava in van de aperir le cassa. He tried to open the box in vain. They're trying to open the mailbox. Uno non pote viver solmente de amor. You cannot live by love alone. You cannot have only one of love. Tomo ludas ankaŭ tenison. Tom plays tennis, too. Tom plays rules too. Mi preferus marŝi. I'd rather walk. I'd rather walk. Me ne intencis inter-ruptar irgo. I didn't mean to interrupt anything. I didn't mean to turn away. Пардона. Pardon me! else such a sample. Tu ha oblidate de rigar le plantas. You forgot to water the plants! You have been forgot to plant. Mia filino surhavis helbluan robon. My daughter was in a light blue dress. My daughter had a bright dress on my skin. El no come carne. He doesn't eat meat. Out of com c Recent. Estas unu afero, kiun mi ne komprenas. There's one thing I don't understand. There's one thing I don't understand. Tio estas glacia kubo. This is an ice cube. It's a ice cube. nutlhej 'e' chaw'be'lu'. He can't come with us. The out of the universe, we're moving out of here. Illa sempre es curiose de que io es facente. She is always curious about what I am doing. I mean, if you want to get really pissed off by something that is face to be faced. HI'uchHa'! Leave me alone! Let's go, let's see! Esta utiles, on usa comun. These implements are in common use. And that's important, using comu. ko'a dunda lo cukta ko'e He gave her a book. DVD Settings wa'leS waqmeyvam vItI'ta'. I will get these shoes repaired by tomorrow. We've got to know what I've got to do. Tom malsukcesis en la franca pasintan semestron. Tom failed French last semester. Tom failed in French past the captain. Heri nocte io ha soniate que io mangiava apes. Last night I dreamt I was eating bees. Yesterday married has come to see something that has been sitting on. lojmIt DaSoQmoHlaH'a'? Are you able to close the door? CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. Ili hejmen venis. They came home. They came home. Mi marito es in un conferentia. Vole tu biber un pauc de caffe? My husband is at a conference. Would you like to get some coffee? I'm a marto File per File Transfer. Mi ne scias, kiu estas tiu junulo. I don't know who that youngster is. I don't know who this young man is. La parlad ofte pri nusen maledictione. She often spoke about our curse. It's often about your family being cursed. Le pomo es rubie. The apple is red. Ruby is Ruby Iste non es vostre cultello. That is not your knife. This is not a ocean. xu ma'a zasti Do we exist? xu Greek Qu' vIghajmo' jIQuch. I'm happy to have a job. QLet's go to the place where I'm going. Io te ama, Senior! I love you, Lord! Something love with you, Sen! Mi nomine es Sarah. My name is Sarah. I'm Sarah. Tom frige un ovo. Tom is frying an egg. It's strange. It's a egg. En la Olimpia Vilaĝo loĝas proksimume dek mil atletoj. Nearly 10,000 athletes live in the Olympic village. In Can't you live about ten thousand people? Tomo diris, ke Manjo aspektas ebria. Tom said Mary looked drunk. Tom said that Marie looks drunk. Li profitis de la okazo por viziti la muzeon. He took advantage of the occasion to visit the museum. He got the opportunity to visit the museum. Ĉu vi iam provis razi al vi la kapon? Have you ever tried shaving your head? Have you ever tried to touch your head? Tomo estis tre subtenema. Tom was very supportive. Tom was very brave. la .tam. cu cinmo trobi'o Tom got a grip on his emotions. The guy who knows what you're doing is too far away xu do ka'e fanva fo lo glibau fi lo ponbau Can you translate English into Japanese? xu that's why we've put it on a hand, as well as a part of a hand, as well as a "free philosophy". ghoghlIj vIQoylaHtaH. I can still hear your voice. This program has been downloaded. pIq DaHajbe'nIS. You shouldn't be afraid of the future. We're going to make sure that I'm going to show you these questions. La om ia mostra a me sua colie de selos. He showed me his stamp collection. It's the o'clock of a person's hair for a program. mi na lerci djica I don't want to be late. let me na d'ji d'clock Ĉu malfacilas al vi diri dankon? Is it difficult for you to say thank you? Is it hard to tell you thank you? Il es prohibite piscar hic. Fishing is prohibited here. You are forbidden from here. yanDaj Qachpu' QIS! Chris swung his sword! yanDe Qachuza'! Mi ne ignoris ilin. I didn't ignore them. I didn't ignore them. Li laboras por reklam-agentejo. He works for an advertising agency. He's working for a paddingages. ! Bojo koni. Leave now. It's a familiar idea. La ministroprezidanto falis en Danubon kaj dronis. The prime minister fell into the Danube and drowned. The minister staff fell in Danl and sinks. roda fapro ma'a Everything is against us. I'm sorry, ma'a ma'am Hoch jaj pa' jaH. He goes there every day. That's all right. Ille habita in le campania. He dwells in the country. They have untyed in the camp. Esce el es tuа ami? Is he a friend of yours? Escs out of love to love? Mi ŝatas tiun ulon. I like that dude. I like this guy. Mi ŝatas kultivi tomatojn. I love growing tomatoes. I like to cook tomatoes. Shane es un modelle por Joey. Shane is a model for Joey. Shan is a little model for Joey. Ille sempre se oblida del cosas. He is always forgetting things. They're always looking for things. Esque vos me dice le veritate? Are you telling me the truth? Excuse me, sir? Io non pensa que io vole parlar de illo. I don't think I want to talk about it. Something didn't think something wants it. Iru pli rapide! Go quicker! Hurry up! Tote le solos in su casa es facite de ligno. All the floors in her house are made of wood. All right, let's do so. doi .djan. ko klama mi John, come to me! I think so. Neniu studento rajtas eniri la ĉambron. No student is allowed to enter the room. No student can enter the room. Cornwall es un celtic land. Cornwall is a Celtic country. Corallall is a destination for the destination. Se madre e sore ia es malada. His mother and sister were sick. If there's something wrong with it. wej ben Heghpu' vavwI'. It is three years since my father died. They're going to be all right. Tomo mortis en la fajrego. Tom died in the blaze. Tom died in the fire. 'Ij'a' pagh? Doesn't anyone listen? 'I'll be so sure?' .e'o ko kacmyterxra fi mi Would you please take my picture? I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do. Fanfaro marŝas tra la strato. A brass band is marching along the street. Turn around the street. Mi ne scias, ĉu tio eblas. I don't know if that's possible. I don't know if that's possible. La mallaborema lacerto senpene kaptas muŝojn per sia glueca lango por manĝeto. The lazy lizard effortlessly catches flies with its sticky tongue for a snack. The idle one can't catch a flight with her iy tongue for a small man. jIba'choHchugh, ghaytan jIHu' vIneHbe'vIp. If I sit down, I'm afraid I wouldn't want to get up. Encode the scientific knowledge. I would like to talk about it. Cual otra cosa Tom ia come? What else did Tom eat? Curla or cosa? Tom senutilas. Tom is useless. It was useless. ka'e ku ko'a jai fasnu fai lo mintu Maybe it will be exactly the same for him. Don't you think I should take care of it? QIp nuvpu'. People are stupid. QI am in favor. Mi volas iri al Tokio. I want to go to Tokyo. I want to go to Tokyo. Iranaj homoj estas pacamaj. Iranian people are peace loving. Iranian men are safe. Neniu alia havas ŝancon. Nobody else has a chance. No other one has a chance. chech. They're drunk. There's no one here. Io lo face cata septimana. I do that every week. Something week. la tom e la maris pu tavla fi la'e do'i Tom and Mary talked about that. All right, my love, so on the sea. Le cappello es appendite al unco. The hat's hanging on the rack. The cap is sweet to one. e'u klama Let's go! e'mama ko zei'a se urja Hurry up. zeta's sake, if there's a urgent person Ego ama iste schola. I love this school. You're going to love this one. Vi kunmetas kudromaŝinojn. You assemble sewing machines. You're going to lie down with a machine machine machine machine. Ŝi konsilis al li sekvi striktan dieton. She advised him to go on a strict diet. She decided to follow him strictly. Tiu estas ne mia hundo. This isn't my dog. This is not my dog. Vi transiris la linion. You crossed the line. You went over the line. Vi ambaŭ malpravas. You are both in the wrong. You're both wrong. Pro la malbona vetero la ludo estis nuligita. Thanks to the bad weather, the game was canceled. For the bad weather the game was cancelled. Ен тенис, ел ес ун опосор ен бон нивел пер ме. He is a good match for me in tennis. else such a sample by else such as now.D. Tomas labom futis tel. Tom has two legs. Tomas was wrong. Io crede que isto non essera multo difficile. I think it's not gonna be that hard. I think this is not a lot of hard disk. wa'maH jav ben jIboghpu'. I am sixteen years old. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of the war. QIp loDpu'. Guys are stupid. QIp6D. ro prenu cu mrobi'o All men must die. I'll take a cuee Mi ne sciis, ke vi estas el Bostono. I didn't know you were from Boston. I didn't know you were from Boston. Абри воса кор. Open your heart. else such a sample. Le fama es le privilegio de esser cognoscite a illes que non cognosce uno. Fame is the privilege of being known to those who do not know you. The most probable reason is that they will be unknown due to each other. Su attitude actual es le confirmation de lo que nos habeva supponite. Her current attitude confirms what we had guessed. Su http://www.magnatune. Tu es bon. You are good. You're fine. No kapälob, kikod etos binom veütik. I don't understand why that's important. No head ofäber, a kredkokom. Ni esas mulieri. We are women. We're a slaughter. Il me place viagiar in mi automobile. I like to travel with my car. I'm going to place you with me at once. Le festa non esseva ben organisate. The festival was not well organised. The collection could not be created. Ube esas tua domo? Where is your house? It's a secret house? Vu fetidesas. You stink. You've got a big nose. Lia intrigo fine malsukcesis. His scheme went wrong in the end. His food's finally failed. lenu mi litru lo fange gugde cu du pa lo'i pluka be mi Traveling abroad is one of my favorite things. I'll make him live on the back side of a couple of bread on my head mi denpa lo nu li xa cabytcika I'll wait until six o'clock. I'm running out of the way. chut qeSwI' SoH qar'a'? You're a lawyer, right? Why do you know that? Li dom es tre litt. That house is very small. He's a very good house. vay' DapoQ'a'? Do you need anything? All right, let me get a look at that. La svisaj gvardianoj gardas la papon. The Swiss Guards protect the pope. The rovers are guarded. To es un risca. That's a risk. To be rich. Io non sape qui es iste juvene. I don't know who that youngster is. Something you don't know that you're not supposed to know that. Nostre casa es vostre. Our house is your house. Our casa. Come on, come on. Me ocidos ilu. I'll kill him. I'm so sorry for him. nIm wItlhutlhlaHbe'. We can't drink milk. Our future is about to continue. Ille qui cognosce e illo que es cognoscite es un sol. Personas simple imagina que Deo debe star illac, durante que illes es hic. Il non es assi. Deo e io, nos es un in cognoscimento. The knower and the known are one. Simple people imagine that they should see God as if he stood there and they here. This is not so. God and I, we are one in knowledge. They don't know that they're alone. They're just going to make sure that they should make sense, while they're here. Vos es triste. You're sad. You're sad. QIt ngab 'oy'. The pain will go away by and by. QI was about to have a billion years ago. tlhoS qaS ramjep; yIQongchoH! It's almost midnight. Go to bed. mount pointing inramp; United States! Le fin se approxima. The sands are running out. The end if object is taken. Me vole ce tu escuta. I want you to listen. I want to accept you. Sagön "no" binos fikulik. It's hard to say no. Sagön "no" will join you. Steins;Gate estas tre amuza bildrakonto. Steins;Gate is a very enjoyable anime. Sirs, it's a very funny image account. Mi vizitas mian avinon en malsanulejo. I'm visiting my grandmother in hospital. I visit my grandma in the hospital. Ili havis malmultan bruligaĵon por hejti kaj kuiri. They had little fuel for heating and cooking. They had little fire to burn and cook. Ел иа плора син сеса тра ла ноте. She kept crying all night. such as do not exist. Mi filia es ancor un infante. My daughter is but a child. I'm still in love with children. Ti fronte es tre calid. Yo pensa que tu have febre. Your forehead is quite hot. I think you have a fever. But, in front of you, you think you've got a very interesting idea. Mi pli ŝatas kafon ol teon. I prefer coffee to tea. I like coffee more than tea. Quanto plus nos habe, tanto minus nos possede. The more we have the less we own. How many other we had, negative we've had. vIghro'wIj Haqlu'. My cat had surgery. That's my concern! That it true. Elfoj estas tre fiaj. Elves are very mean. It's very disgusting. Li estos hejme morgaŭ. He will be at home tomorrow. He'll be home tomorrow. Tio ne estos necesa. That will not be necessary. It won't be necessary. Que es vostre platto favorite? What's your favorite food? What's going on? Esque le gusto es bon? Does it taste good? And the taste is good? tawIj vIghItlhqa'. I rewrote my report. That's my judgment story, where I'm going to stand on. La sola bona fashisto esas mortinta fashisto. The only good fascist is a dead fascist. The great one is a dead mission. Anque io es felice. I'm happy, too. It's so happy. ta' jungwoq Hol yaj me'rIy. Mary understands Mandarin. Ata'yqj y'yr Orry. DIvI' Hol jatlhlaHbej. Of course she can speak English. You are already cursed. Hundoj, kiuj multe bojas, kutime ne danĝeras. Dogs that bark a lot usually aren't dangerous. Dogs that make a lot of boots, usually don't dangerous. ti noi plise mo'u fusra This apple is rotten. That's what you're saying, lo nu jimpe fi lo sidbo be fi ra cu nandu His theory is difficult to understand. Programs for Internet access such as web and e-mail Нада ес ун бон есерсе. Swimming is good exercise. else such a sample. Äsedom obe penedi brefik. He sent me a brief letter. But there's no pleasure to go to work. SoSwI' vImuSHa'qu'. I love my mother very much. That's what you got? bIjangchu'laHbe' yIloy! If you don't know the answers, guess. Thank you, bring me some kind of work! Ту ва парла кон ме ен португес? Will you speak Portuguese with me? such as do not belong to else, such as dot. Doch lunejtaHbogh luSam. They found what they were looking for. Oh, we're going to paying a break in three hundred pieces. Io non sape cocinar. I don't know how to cook. I didn't know Professor. ko'a tolmo'i lo du'u ko'a terve'u lo seldu'a befi ko'e He forgot that he bought her a present. `%s' is out of developer.marker ghaHvaD vIghro' ngeb vIje'ta', 'ach 'oHmo' Quchbe'. I bought her a toy cat, but she wasn't happy with it. Place the seven of diamonds next to the probability of life, which is slaying the universe. qar mu'tlhegh. The sentence is OK. I'm sure I would like to know. Li tre penadis akiri elstaran poentaron. He used to try very hard to get straight As. He was very proud to get out of the game. lumci be'u ti It needs washing. Duration Neniu laboro tiel malfacilas ol tiu, kiun vi ne ŝatas fari. No work is as hard as the one you don't like to do. No work is so difficult than that you don't like to do. Do' jIpaSbe'. Fortunately, I was on time. That's why we've heard of it. Tio estis preskaŭ amo je la unua rigardo. That was almost love at first sight. It was almost love on the first view. Per favore, dise alga cosa. Please say something. In a good pleasure, in a mess. Le musica es le lingua international. Music is the international language. music is the internal language. jech tuQtaH bab'e' 'ach vIleghDI' SIbI' vIghov. Even though Bob was in disguise, I recognized him as soon as I saw him. In your Importing I would like to know what I would like to do with you. Mi ne petas monon. I'm not asking for money. Please don't ask money. A fini meа projeta ia es adotada. My plan was eventually adopted. I'm going to end up on a little bit of it. Kio okazis al via veturilo? What happened to your car? What happened to your boat? Me povas manjar vitro; lo ne nocas me. I can eat glass, it does not hurt me. I can eat glass; you can't control. Illes me ama totes. They all love me. They love all of me. ¿Estetz-voi Françal eda Anglesc? Are you French or English? networkEstz-Pal-Mung and Aungiks? jau i gai i fei i dau i so i bi i ze i xa i mu i vo i ci i re i pa i incipe 13. 12 .11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Start! yet how many i again from ii ii i i i i i i i iM:%S i'm going to go back to stock i Reason: %c Ille venira deman. He will come tomorrow. They're going to come fromman. Li púer esset calm. The boy was quiet. He's in there! Muziko estas por la animo, kio estas gimnastiko por la korpo. Music is to the soul what gymnastics is to the body. Music is for the soul that is music for the body. Tio ne estos io facile farebla. It won't be an easy thing to do. It's not going to be something easy. El parla ungarian. She speaks Hungarian. Excuse me, ma'am. La demanda ia es autorespondente. The question was rhetorical. The asking is some grace in the midst of us. Ĉiu bezonas amikojn. Everyone needs friends. Everyone needs friends. Ĉi tiu arbo staradis dum kvin jardekoj. This tree has been standing for five decades. This tree stood up for five decades. Mi bezonas inspiron por dekori nian Kristnaskan arbon. I need inspiration for decorating our Christmas Tree. I need to spread out our Christmas tree. bu'u lo kensa no da ka'e tirna lo nu krixa In space, no one can hear you scream. Earth's fault that there's no boot thing in the tank, and then we'll talk about it. Ilu ne povas natar, ilu sinkos! He can't swim, he will sink! He can't steal it! Sagolöd obe, kisi vilol, dat lemob ole? Tell me what you want me to buy for you. I'm going to give you a hint or a kiss, the date than ever? Ŝajnis, kvazaŭ nenio okazis. It appeared as if nothing happened. It seemed like nothing happened. Äbumob domi nulik. I built a new house. So, for example, I'm going to show you a little bit. Li prelegis al nia klaso pri literaturo. He lectured our class on literature. He spoke to our class of literature. Me es certa ke vu sucesos. I'm sure you will succeed. I'm sure you'll make it. Do vos es? Where are you? So you are? Li konstruis bonege florantan negocon. He has built up an excellent business. He built a great business business. Voluntez ne fumar en l'internajo di l'edifico. Please don't smoke inside. Please don't smoke like that. Lantëanyë. I'm falling. Lantëlëa. DumuSbe' tam. Tom doesn't hate you. The while you've got it all the time. Esta es tota cual me pote ofre a vos. That's all I can offer you. So you can see one of you. Rusia es plu grande ca Pluto. Russia is larger than Pluto. Russian, it's a big tsar. Noi es de Francia. We are from France. Noi is France. Ло ес мулте фасил ке он апренде наде. It's very easy to learn how to swim. such as do not belong to else, such as now.... ....................... ....................................... .................................................................................................. Tomo diris, ke li volas helpi. Tom said he wanted to help. Tom said he wanted to help. Ili ankoraŭ vivas. They're still alive. They're still alive. bIjatlh 'e' yImev! Shut up! We're afraid of each other. Exiting. Nun, sukcese pasinte vian teston, vi rajtas mem ŝofori. Now that you have passed your test, you can drive on your own. Now, past your test, you can control itself. Mi simple ne amas Tomon. I just don't love Tom. I just don't love Tom. La donacajo plezis elu. She was pleased with the gift. The gift brings out of it. Mi ne vendos mian animon. I will not sell my soul. I won't sell my soul. Mi demandas min, ĉu la filino de Tomo estas bela. I wonder if Tom's daughter is pretty. I ask you if Tom's daughter is beautiful. In opelon tir Metan W-ye. He is just a Mr Nobody. I opterar Metaye. Ili voĉdonis por krei komitaton. They voted to create a committee. They voteed up to create a committee. dei cunso jufra This is a random sentence. Absolute value [u] Me lavas la bluzo. I wash the blouse. I'm the blizzard. Mi estro premis min. I've come under pressure from my boss. I didn't take the police. Ме густа кафе калда. I like coffee hot. else such as do not belong to now. ................ ............................... ........ Vu es ci por laborar e ne por li plesura. You are here to work, not for pleasure. You are for your work-in-law, and not for his defense. Estas nekontestebla fakto, mi pensas, ke usonanoj, kiel usonanoj, estas la popolo plej konscia pri sia propra socia sinĝeno en la mondo, kaj la plej emaj kredi ke la ceteraj nacioj de la Tero aranĝis konspiron por subtaksi ilin. It is, I think, an indisputable fact that Americans are, as Americans, the most self-conscious people in the world, and the most addicted to the belief that the other nations of the earth are in a conspiracy to undervalue them. It's neither true fact, I think that Americans, as Americans, are the people who know their own social media in the world, and the most holy believe that the rest of the Earth has conspired for them. ra ba'o seicni She isn't lonely anymore. Doc, it's going to be a big deal pa'Daj 'el. She entered her room. I'll take care of that. wovchoH jIbDaj. Her hair is turning gray. That's it. That's what you can do. SochmaH ben boghpu' 'ach ghanqu'taH vavwI'. At seventy, my father is still very active. The really thing that we have had to take seven minutes from the universe. Non signa le documento ante que vos ha legite lo. Don't sign the document until you've read it. Not a character before you end up. Me ama tu. I love you. I love you. wIb nIm ngo'. Bad milk tastes sour. Our only chance of water. Se miaj gepatroj malkovros, ke vi venis, ili estos kapablaj fari frenezaĵon. If my parents discover that you came over, they are capable of doing something crazy. If my parents figure out that you came, they'll be able to do crazy. Kömolöd isi. Come here. It's too hot for you. La musica stimula la sentis. Music moves the feelings. So music felt like that. lo skina cu jai cfari The movie starts. Some ski-Start _Start Muziko ekscitas la sentojn. Music moves the feelings. Music shows the feelings. Tu deberea haber vidite le facie de Tom. You should've seen Tom's face. You should have seen Tom's address. lo mamta be mi na kakne lo nu pilno lo relxilma'e My mother can't ride a bicycle. I'm going to take a guy of the universe Kelkaj homoj vidas kuniklon, sed aliaj homoj vidas anason. Some people see a rabbit. Others, a duck. Some people see rabbits, but other people see ansize. Mi daŭre atendas vian respondon. I'm still waiting for your answer. I've been waiting for your answer. Ambaŭ miaj fratoj faris tion. Both of my brothers did that. Both of my brothers did it. Tom diceva que ille non vole parlar in francese. Tom said he didn't want to speak in French. Tom says they don't want to know that they don't want to go in French. mi tugni I agree. Migni Li ŝatas ĉokolado-kukon. He is fond of chocolate cake. He likes chocolate chocolate. Еста шампу вени кон ун бон броса де капелес. This shampoo comes with a nice hair brush. else such as belong to such as provide a mustecloance with the argument of service. La xico gusta pasea sirca la boteca de sombreros. The boy likes to walk around the sombrero shop. The Subscripty thing that's been done. Ŝi amas ostomedolon. She loves bone marrow. She loves bone. Studado postulas multan paciencon. We need a lot of patience when we study. Batching takes a lot of patience patience. Ŝi mem kuiris la vespermanĝon. She cooked the dinner herself. She cooks the dinner. ¡Ridischlops! Good heavens! Fucking Irene! Cavespere ni iros dinear che Mary. This evening we are going to dine at Mary's house. C'mon, we're going to take care of Mary. Es pluviose hodie. It's rainy today. There's more for you. Neniu konsciis pri mia tiea ĉeesto. Nobody was conscious of my presence there. No one knew my presence there. vay' DaSopnIS. You must eat something. He's got some questions. Kanol mekön gudikumo. You can do better than this. Kanol meönig. Vu interesar me multim, sinioro Watson. You interest me very much, Mr. Watson. You're interested in love, sin Seats. mi na ponse lo dukse jdini We have no extra money. I'll take it by two of you! maDyar HolDaq DIp Segh tu'lu'be'. Hungarian has no grammatical gender. Oh, where are you going to take me away? ko sisti Stop that. Quit An tu es de accordo? Do you agree? Okay, you're OK? .ua na'e xlali Damn! It's not bad! .uxi xallali Mi francese es merdose. My French is shitty. I've got a French shit. Tu a nos totes mancara quando tu partira. We shall all miss you when you go away. And we've got all figured out what you're doing here. ko'a lo mergu'e ba'o klama He has gone to the United States. We're going to make it pass, okay? w do i sipo kos We live in a complicated world. wKo epos La campania es merveliosa. The countryside is magnificent. Let's go to sleep. Si il vos place, parla le plus clar possibile. Please speak as clearly as possible. If you get up, you've got a job left. Tomas äpükom du ti düps kil. Tom spoke for almost three hours. Tomasäpoland. Ella perdit it. She lost it. A man lost his face. mi na jimpe fi lo menli be do I don't understand your mind. I'm going to make sure I can't stand here so much Ĉu vi posedas komputilon? Do you own a computer? You own a computer? Tu non ha besonio de vader al schola in le dominica. You don't have to go to school on Sunday. You did not need to access the requested location. Tom no gusta ce Maria scrive frases sur erminos, car el teme ce Maria ta deveni enamada par los, e no ta vole plu ama el. Tom doesn't like it when Mary writes sentences about stoats, since he is afraid that she would fall in love with them and wouldn't any longer want him around. Tom sansy Maryos Sybstubek on the e-the-law, I'm sure she'd like to love Mary, and no one else wants to love to love one of the earth. Paris es le capital de Francia. Paris is the capital of France. Paris is the freedom of France. Li parolas germane al mi. He's speaking German to me. He speaks German to me. Yes. Yes. Ys. Ŝi demandis al mi, ĉu mi jes aŭ ne ŝatas la planon. She asked me whether I liked the plan or not. She asked me if I did or not like the plan. Kiam la popolo ne plu havos ian ajn manĝaĵon, oni manĝos la riĉulojn. When the people have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich. When people don't have any food, you'll eat rich people. Tom ia porta un masca. Tom wore a mask. Tom does not exist. mi'a ca'o klama We are coming. I'm the tsar'slame Ätikob das Tomas deno lödom in Boston. I thought that Tom was still living in Boston. help me think of Tomas Center in Boston. mi klama le zarci I will go to the market. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. Homaj estaĵoj distingiĝas de aliaj bestoj per tio, ke ili povas paroli kaj ridi. Human beings differ from other animals in that they can speak and laugh. Human beings distinguish themselves from other animals with that they can talk and laugh. ko carna fi lo pritu dargu Take the road on the right. SCREEN of déjàdiction wej ben boghpu' be'nI'wI'. My sister is three years old. We have two pieces of observational evidence on the probability of life appearing. Ме воле сабе еске ту иа компренде вера. I wonder whether you really understood. else such a sample by such as now. Mi senesperiĝis. I became desperate. I'm tired. Kiu estras la aferojn ĉi tie? Who runs things here? Who's there anyway? Nos compra. We're buying. We know what you're doing. Ĉu vi estas minacanta min? Are you threatening me? Are you so bad to me? Tom es povri, ma il es felici. Tom is poor, but he's happy. Tom is poor, but happy. Mára mesta. Goodbye! The message could not be decrypted. Me rankoras pri to. I resent that. I'm talking about it. Le burgomaestro secava le banda con un grande par de cisorios. The mayor cut the ribbon with a pair of giant scissors. The captain of the bow with a big deal. SoHvaD jIDojlaw'. I think I impressed you. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Tom agaciĝas. Tom is irritated. Tom's getting dark. do mamta mi You are my mother. So what I'm going to do Pänemom "Ted" fa flens okik. He was called Ted by his friends. änem. Ĉu tio estas donaco por mi? Is this a gift for me? Is that a gift for me? Ĉu ĝi estas lando aŭ urbo? Is that a country or a city? Is it a country or city? Danmarc es un prison. Denmark’s a prison. Danrce is a ma'am. La grando de la elefanto mirigis la knabeton. The size of the elephant astonished the little boy. The size of the van I took the young child. Vos es multo impatiente con me. You're so impatient with me. You're a lot of luck with me. Compli tu deber. Do your duty. It's more expensive. Komuniku al mi vian novan adreson. Let me know your new address. Talk to me your new address. Vos non pote viagiar in ultramar sin passaporto. You can't travel overseas without a passport. You can't dump your intors. La morto ne eviteblas. Death is inevitable. Death can't be taken. Vos oblidava de rigar le plantas. You forgot to water the plants! You forgot to enter the hashing thing. javmaH DarSeq ngIp Sa'mIy. Sami borrowed sixty bucks. January D+I:%M:%S %p Il ne esas mea reala patro. He's not my real father. I'm not a real father. Alicun de su libros es difficile a leger. Some of his books are difficult to read. Addunun from a book to read. fau lo nu mi na srera kei mi ba'o viska le ninmu ca da Unless I am mistaken, I've seen that man before. Don't worry, I'll bake you in love Mi notis lian nomon por ne forgesi ĝin. I wrote down his name so I wouldn't forget it. I didn't forget his name. ro da go du zei kikeron gi du zei tulius Cicero is Tully. It's going to take two amount of years. 'eSpanya' Hol DaghojmoHtaH'a'? Are you teaching Spanish? 'Sny `%s'? Le francese se ha disveloppate a partir del latino. French developed from Latin. The French has been replaced by a community of the tank. Ili dansat secun li son del musica. They danced to the sound of the music. They're shown if he played the music. Estas urĝa mesaĝo por vi. There is an urgent message for you. It's urgent message to you. Mi ĵus ekstaris. I just got up. I just got up. Io me effortiara pro disabusar te de tal idea. I will do my best to put such an idea out of your head. Whether or not to beat up for a Program's sake, as soon as you gave up. Tu es le melior pro le labor. You're the best man for the job. You're better for work. Enirinte la ĉambron, Tomo tuj flaris la parfumon de Manjo. Tom smelled Mary's perfume as soon as he entered the room. Go to the room, Tom went to the perfume's perfume. Tuvolöd kati. Find the cat. I'm going to give it to you. mi se laryrakpra I am a sculpture. I'm going to give up Io non crede que isto es le melior momento pro que nos ha un conversation. I don't think this is the best time for us to talk. Something we don't think this is a better time for ourselves. ti lo basfa ku klama la minsk This bus is going to Minsk. It's a lot of mine, so that I'm going to lie down. Órenya linda tyë-cenien. My heart sings to see you. Accountny he's going to suspend command. Ni preĝos por vi. We'll pray for you. We'll pray for you. do na nixli You're not a girl. So we nalix Io non vole que vos travalia ibi. I don't want you to work there. Something don't want you to share it. Il friskas quale anguilo. He wriggles like an eel. I've had to tell you how to do it. nuq rur banan naHvam? What is this banana like? The red bath? To es tro pesant. That's too heavy. It's too expensive. Miau. Meow. My son. mi pu cpedu re tcati .e ci ckafi I ordered two teas and three coffees. I'll beat you back. Ŝi volis neniam konfesi eraron. She would never own up to a mistake. She never declared an error. le finti cu brazo The author is Brazilian. Author the cuesheet Iste sartor sempre usa material multo bon. That tailor always uses very good material. This tool uses all material right. Ultima el ia prende la culpa. He eventually took the blame. Get out of here! Ла лупо улула. The wolf howls. else such as do not want to be able to do it with the United States. Ni ne havis la tempon por fari tion. We didn't have time to do that. We didn't have time to do it. jIvulchoH vIneHbe'. I don't want to pass out. Visit the future of man. lo'e ricyratcu cu citka lo xazlenu narge Squirrels eat hazelnuts. Unix (/ˈjuːnɪks/ Omnicos es bon. It esset solmen un mal somnie, un cochemare. Everything's fine. It was just a bad dream, a nightmare. Think it's good. Esque il ha servicio de autobuses al aeroporto? Is there bus service to the airport? And what do you want to do? Qualmen sonorimen li old fémina ronca! On deve controlar ca ella standa bon. How loudly the old lady is snoring! Somebody should check to see if she is okay. - He's got a sound station. gau lo nanla lo ny. rirni cu gleki The boy made his parents happy. Move ~a onto the board. vamji ro prenu fa lo vamji be da poi vo'a ke'a zukcfu Every man is worth just so much as the things are worth about which he busies himself. This function allows you to take a lot of other mailing lists as well as developments. Io es un heroe. I'm a hero. Something's a heero. ti smani ma What kind of monkeys are those? This is my own, but it's a good dog. ckire do lo nu jungau Thank you for the information. Let's read the way ra co'a sanli He stood up. Déjà Dup Backup Tool Tomo atendas telefonan alvokon. Tom is waiting for a telephone call. Tom is waiting for call. Me gustis la kuko quan el koquis. I tasted the cake she cooked. I've seen the cake when he's going to taste. La parola "pansesal" ia deveni resente un alternativa popular per "bisesal." The term "pansexual" has recently become a popular alternative to "bisexual." The word "che" is something that comes from an alternative sources by "bungis". Li neniam plu menciis tion. He never mentioned it again. He never mentioned it again. mi no mu'ei speni do I would never be your wife. I'm not so much to do lo vi cukta cu se ponse do gi'i bevri fo lo ckuzda Is that a library book or is it your own copy? DVD if it's possible that it's been argued that it's going to take place up there's a big deal of people whose head, if you're going to share it? xunai ra selpluka Isn't it cute? xview program Tio jam pli similas. That's more like it! It's more like it. El tufa bon. He is good at diving. You're good out of your eyes. Interlingue es plu bell e plu facil quam Esperanto. Interlingue is more beautiful and easier than Esperanto. There is more beautifully beauty in Esperanto. mi nelci loi snime .imu'ibo .u'e ri melbi I like snow. It's so beautiful! I don't think so. Ospäkob lä ols. I will haunt you. Ospäb lähst than. DaH bIDoy''a'? Are you tired right now? I'm going to tell you that? Tom solmente vole vostre attention. Tom just wants your attention. Tom only wants to rear up. Tio estas kuba cigaro. It's a Cuban cigar. That's your cousingar. Ilu jus arivis ye la Nova aeroportuo internaciona di Tokyo. He has just arrived at New Tokyo International Airport. He'll tell you an internal air at the New air. jejqu'be' tajvam. This knife isn't very sharp. I'm sorry. Celle sol resorto leva le tote peso del auto. That one spring carries the whole weight of the car. They're all the best thing for the rest of the autonom. Mi opinias, ke vi malsanas je gripo. I think you've got the flu. I think you are sick from the flu. paqvam yIlaD! Read this book. Wait! Wait! No nolob, kü ämatikof. I don't know when she got married. Noneb, küäht. ro lo ra pu se spaji lo ka viska mi va They were all surprised to see me there. Let's see if you put me on, then you'll be old Vi ja ne kredas, ke tio valoras ĝin, ĉu? You don't think it's worth it, do you? You don't think it's worth? Ĉu vi lernas la anglan? Do you study English? Do you learn English? Tom ia adormi rapida. Tom fell asleep quickly. Tom wants to fall quickly. Esque te place tu labor? Do you like your work? Excuse me, why do you work? Algun ia comensa core a retro de me. Someone started running behind me. Bring some comensa eb back from me. nuq Dachup? What do you propose? What's going on? Ŝajnas, kvazaŭ vi ne konscias pri via loko en la kosmo. It sounds like you are not self-aware or aware of your place in the universe. Seems like you don't know about your place in space. .i di'a jundi .i .u'e mi tcidu soi te djuno la .loglan. I'll be right back. Wow, I'm reading, knowing something about Loglan. I can't talk about it. Yo dit a te li veritá. I told you the truth. But he's a big idea. Io lo ha jam discutite plure vices. I've already talked about that several times. Something has already been building a couple of time. jImaw' 'e' luQub qabDu' law'. Many people think I'm crazy. I feel like you're looking for me. na pu sarcu fa lo nu lo nu do pu darca cu tai clira You need not have come here so early. Have you want to unmount the volume, please use Unmount Volume in the popup menu of the volume. Por certigar ke me dicis omna justaji en la letro. To make sure that I said all the right things in the letter. To make sure that all right in the toolbar. Bonvolu malŝalti la lumon. Please turn off the light. Please turn off the lights. la djim nu'o zvati lo drata gugde Jim has never been abroad. the dyimktip Other Type Mi eĉ ne pensas, ke Tom aŭdis min. I don't even think Tom heard me. I don't think Tom heard me. No fidom miti. He doesn't eat meat. No faith I'm confident. Ille ha parlate multo ben. He spoke very well. They have got a lot happy. Hung yaSpu' par. He doesn't like cops. Sergeant. Tom ia dormi en la auto. Tom slept in the car. Tom sleeps in the autono. La problemi internaciona mustas solvesar per la diplomaco, ne per la milito. International problems must be solved by diplomacy, not war. The problem is that there may be no use with the degree value, not with the war. ko'a pu sutra cadzu He walked rapidly. uniVioVuncuc Mi havas diareon. I have the shits. I have area of area. Ун, ду, тре, куатро, синко, сес, сете, ото, нове, дес. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. such as do not belong to such as it is, such as it is, such as it's also necessary to pass, such as it's now. Yo memora quande Tom esset un bebé. I remember when Tom was a baby. But remember when Tom is set yay jatlhmeH levDaq ghoSnIS jat. Y is pronounced with the tongue approximating the hard palate. The white ones that we have fossils of recently used files. .i ko jungau le do rirni lo du'u mi rinsa Remember me to your parents. All right, I'll take a look at the rest of the universe. Ni havas nulo facenda. We have nothing to do. We have nothing to make. Ille vole laborar al hospital. He wants to work at the hospital. They want work to check. Le inflation deveni incontrolabile. Inflation is getting out of control. The during the license of an He's going to be considered late. jIQaghbe'. I didn't make a mistake. That's my big idea. Та ке нос сорти. Let's go out. else such a sample. Maria estas tre beleta knabino. Mary is a very pretty girl. Maria's a pretty nice girl. Plenumi ĝin tiamaniere postulos multe da tempo. Doing it that way will take a long time. It's going to take a lot of time to take it. Hodie es mercuridi. Io lege. Today is Wednesday. I am reading. Oh, you know, it's secret. Le musica es le mediator inter le vita spiritual e le vita sensual. Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life. The music is the medium between you and the burst option. ropyaH qach vISIQlaHbe'. I can't stand hospitals. A couldn't even know what I'm going to do. juH vIghoSrup. I'm ready to go home. I'm going to talk to you. Tomas ofen gebom vödi et. Tom uses that word a lot. Tomas's Paymam Yicsic. bImejDI' 'arlogh Qoylu'pu'? At what time are you leaving? Thank you, thank you're all right? Mot kvisinof cile dönu supi. Mother makes soup for the child once again. Mtvisinolintle dönt support. Tiu koloro estas aĉa. That colour is hideous. This color is a mess. vIparHa'qu'. I really liked that. I've got some fun. .u'u mi co'a klama le mi zdani I'm sorry, but I'm going home. Let's go, let's go. e'i pensi lo pendo We must think about friends. Come on! think we're going to take care of each other Il studia nu in li biblioteca. He is studying in the library now. I think he's a case of a Bible. Lith le loláadehil Meri ulohé wa. I think Mary is a bit of a Pollyanna. Heth the Hiláde Meri, mané. wa'waQ puq boghmoH. She will give birth to a child next month. We're going to tell you what you're doing. Ĉu vi perdis vian pasporton? Did you lose your passport? You lost your passport? mi lo mi ctuca se penmi ca'o klama le renytcana I met my teacher on the way to the station. Let me explain if I'm playing out ghorgh bISaw? When will you get married? I`ll give you a full-bye. .i mi prane lo ka vitke lo rirni ca ro lo zeldei I visit my parents every Sunday without fail. (Laughter) I'm the same thing you'll have to do is live by the Witch of the world. Esque Vu vole un orange? Would you like an orange? And you want to come out of gold? ko na spuda Don't ask any questions. free In va mecoba gruper. He doesn't know anything. In a minimum group. Io es un junkie. I'm an addict. Something's a juin't coming. Äsagol obe no valikosi. You didn't tell me everything. help me know what you're going to do with either. maja'chuqtaHvIS pe'vIl jorlu'. Just as we are talking, there was a loud explosion. Mayn't convert filename Mi pensas, ke ĝi estas cikado. I think it's a cicada. I think it's crazy. No person ia crede ce un tal cosa ta pote aveni. No one believed such a thing could happen. It's like a man's drink, that's where it's possible to come. Ĉu vi estas armitaj uloj? Are you guys armed? Are you armed? jungwoq Hol vIjatlhbe'. I don't speak Chinese. juwql Hozaire me. Esta cosas es no plu ca astratas. These things are mere abstractions. And what's all about? majQa'! mIlloghvam DaDIjchu'ta'. Well done! You have drawn this picture nicely. May I bring you forth, May I come out of the world? To es solmen un ludette. That's only a toy. A game is strongly a game. do canci You disappear. Dock Io non extingueva le lumine. I didn't turn off the light. I'm not going to Shutting down. La aeroplano flugis super la insulo. The plane flew over the island. The distribution was flying over the island. En la festo ĉiu estis ravata de ŝia gracio. Everybody at the party was charmed with her grace. In the feast every man was dead by her grace. No televidolöd. Don't watch TV. No TV editor. Haqpu' 'Iv'e'? Who actually performed the surgery? Haq'am, are you? Me vole un crema jelada con multe crema bateda. I want an ice cream with a lot of whipped cream. Yes, I want to trouble with a lot of bat-of-law. La polico akuzis, ke ŝi tekstmesaĝis dum stirado. The police accused her of texting while driving. The police accuse that she texts during control. Tom vizitis la tombon de Mary. Tom visited Mary's grave. Tom visited Mary's grave. To es tro curt. This is too short. And it's too short. vIraS nay' noy 'oH 'anyan 'oQqar chatlh'e'. Onion soup is a famous French dish. I mean, I grant no indulgences. All right, I think I'm still in the universe. Mi patre viagiara al estraniero le septimana sequente. My father is going to go abroad next week. I'll take your right back to the next week. Es le sue, nonne? It is hers, is it not? Es su, don't you? Ka vu esas pronta por komencar? Are you ready to start? Do you want to start them? Nova ponto konstruktesas super la rivero. A new bridge is being built over the river. A new bridge is drawn over the river. Tom jaceva. Tom was lying down. - Come on, Tom. Nenwë Noldo ná. Nenwë is a Noldo. Newëld Noldá. Tom es rabino. Tom is a rabbi. Tom's a robbery. Tomo diris, ke li ŝatus vidi pli multe. Tom said he'd like to see more. Tom said he'd like to see more. Trae mangos. Bring mangos. Yeah, ma'am. Mi aŭdis vin flustri. I heard you whisper. I heard you flow. Deman es un nove die. Tomorrow is another day. Fromman a new day. jImobqa' vIneHbe'. I don't want to be alone again. Move ~a onto the man of man. Tio sonas kiel malbona ideo. That sounds like a bad idea. That sounds like a bad idea. Me envadad lan chambre. I entered her room. Me's inside the room. le jalge no'e xamgu The result won't really be good. In fact, no way to programming language Quo tu ha fat con tui cámera? What did you do with your camera? Quress with your cuárerak? Ni povas interkomuniki en multaj manieroj. We can communicate with each other in many ways. We can go through many ways. Asidentes aveni a cada dia en esta sporte. Accidents happen every day in this sport. There's a fly in a row of sports. Il es Tom qui es responsabile pro le questiones de securitate. In matters of security, it is Tom who is responsible. There are replies to this mailing list. DaH HuD yorDaq vIpawpu'. mumerqu', naDev ngeng tu'lu'law' 'e' 'angmo' pu'jInwIj. I've just arrived at the top of a mountain. That's really surprising, because according to my map, there should be a lake here. I now turn to the reports that we have made remarkable progress in the Milky Way, and we don't know that I have been defeated by your side. Иудисме ес бела. Judaism is beautiful. else such as end of the United States. lupwI' mIrDaq jIleng 'e' vIparHa'. I like to travel by train. That's how you all say, but I grant no indulgences. You play chess, do you not? Io pensava que tu es japonese. I thought you were Japanese. I think you're a Japanese person. Le felicitate batte un sol vice a tu porta, ma le infortuna es plus patiente. Fortune knocks but once, but misfortune has much more patience. The people who are in love will take hold on you, but in one billion years ago. Tiu ĉi vortaro estos tre helpa al vi. This dictionary will be of great help to you. This dictionary will be very helped to you. Mi estas surprizita kaj seniluziigita. I'm surprised and disappointed. I'm surprised and disappointed. che'wI' chu'vaD 'uQ luvutta'. They held a dinner for the new president. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. Mi havas ĉefon, kiu estas multe pli juna ol mi. I have a boss who's much younger than me. I have a boss that is much younger than me. Kion vi faras vendredovespere? What are you doing Friday night? What are you doing a Friday? ko cinba mi Kiss me. You'll see me Mi nenion povas fari koncerne tion ĉi. There's nothing I can do about it. I can't do anything about this. roD Hur jISop. I usually eat out. We have to go back to the First Huxia. teHlaw' lut. The story appears true. Thank you. waqmey ngev me'rIy. Mary sells shoes. We've got ten billion years old. Vu ha prisentar pluri centimetre de lu omnitem durant ke vu ha parlar. You have presented several centimeters to me while you spoke. Could not close temporary folder: %s naDev SoH lIghoch. They followed you here. All right, let me get a lot of understanding. Me volis esar ibe. I wanted to be there. I wanted to be a wild monster. Tom es preste a dicer le veritate. Tom is ready to tell the truth. Tom is ready to restart the dice. ca lo cabycerni mi zgana lo se tivni I watched TV this morning. ca-by-law, if you're dead, let's go back to the other side of the fire. Bíi habelid le Eshanebuleha wa. I live in Istanbul. Bídibsha. rIQwI' ghaH tam'e'. Tom is disabled. We're going to take seven minutes from the universe. ko catlu lo xance be do Look at your hands. kolulux xance Rinaf sumepulvisikiotuk dulzeriskon zo sumepulvir. Your number doesn't answer. Rinalvenalved by the water-surt. Le cattos miaula. The cats are meowing. Let's got look at me. Esce tu veni a Rio per la juas olimpial? Are you coming to Rio for the Olympics? Esc Thank you to come to Rio, by the two olives? El ia plora. She cried. I don't want to cry out. lo jipci pu se cacra lo lorxu The chickens were killed by a fox. lucup if you want to waste their damn radio disk Tom yekba Mary. Tom disappointed Mary. Tom and Skba Mary. bIDo' 'e' vIneH. I wish you good luck. Thank you very much. lu la kukis gerku gi'i mlatu li'u preti .i lu nagi'o li'u danfu Question: Is Cookie a dog or a cat? Answer: One of those. He's the guy who's going to take his face to shine on. He's going to take his face to shine on him. Tiuj oranĝoj putrintas. These oranges have rotted. These guys are going to push out. Atendu vian fratinon. Wait for your sister. Wait for your sister. Ili loĝas proksime de la plaĝo. They live near the beach. They live near the beach. pei lo nunsla How did you enjoy the party? Output Error Data'ta''a'? Did you do it? The old man, who is it? Nun ni estas denove kune. Now we're together again. Now we're together. loQ DIvI' Hol jatlh ghojwI'. The student speaks English a little. That's you, you know, and I'm going to take care of you. Me audas nulo. I can hear nothing. Me's nothing. li reno ca tcika It's eight o'clock at night. He's a love that doesn't work mi pinxe lo ckafi be ve'u lo litce I drank a liter of coffee. I'm going to tell you that it is simple for itself. Duy' HaSta jIHwIj. My TV is broken. That's my concern! That it true. le fetsi no roi se urja She's never in a hurry. Let's go to Noi if Jalze Pro quo tu cele tui penses? Why do you hide your thoughts? What do you think you're looking for? Tom se mitteva un cravata. Tom put on a tie. Tom if Timvasta. DatI'ta''a'? Did you fix it? Dat how are you? la tom na se jibri ca ku Tom is out of work now. I'm going to find the little guy Ne pensu pri tio! Don't think about it. Don't think about it! Ka vu vidis mea kofro? Have you seen my coffer? Do you see medical? Tu ha un visitante. You've got a visitor. You have no visiting. Ka vi omna povas komprenar Tom? Can you guys all understand Tom? Can you understand all Tom? Me serchas mea plumo. I'm looking for my pen. I'll see you again. Äremof vödabuki i. She bought the dictionary, too. kast ({0}) i. e.g. i. it Vu esas bona koquero, ka ne? You are a good cook, aren't you? You are okay, aren't you? Tio estis festo por soleni ŝian naskiĝtagon. It was a party to celebrate her birthday. It was a feast for her birthday. Nu binos tim fikulik Tomase. Tom is going through a rough patch. Well, binim su Tomas. ra cnino That's new. new comments Ло ес несесада кe ла бебе пренде лете бастанте. It is necessary, that the baby receive enough milk. else such as belong to whether it's not true, such as it's now, it's now, such as it's now. Vu devas manjar plusa. You should eat more. You have to eat one of it. Parla me de tu vita quotidian. Tell me about your daily life. We'd better get rid of you as much. Tomo estas mensfermita. Tom is closed-minded. Tom's locked up. lo'e verba cu kelci le bliku Children play with blocks. Kids for kids Me havas nula pekunio kun me. I have no money with me. I've got a man's money with me. Esque il non es ver? Not true? And that's not true? Tom aĉetis novan fotilon. Tom bought a new camera. Tom bought a new camera. Tio ne estas flava; ĝi estas verda. This is not yellow; it's green. It's not yellow, it's green. Ni trovis najlon enigita en la pneŭmatiko. We found a nail stuck in the tire. We found a nailed in the hall. tuj jajvam. It is hot today. I'm going to do it right away. ko co'a sipna Go to sleep. cowell'a si'poland. Mi ŝatas sociajn retejojn. I like social networking web sites. I like social websites. Io habe un multo bon nova. I have some very good news. Something's got a lot of good. le sudgaubu'u cu cilmo The towel is wet. Music Player Il curret ex su chambre e serchat su genitores. He ran out of his room and looked for his parents. You have already running out of a wonderful room for a genius. pe'i xagrai fa lo nu da'i na tolclite I think it is best not to be impolite. The Grass xweller's make fine linen, huh? Kion diable vi pensas esti faronta? What the hell do you think you are doing? What the hell do you think you're doing? qaleghlaH. I can see you. I mean, it's broken. La mondo konsistas ek maro e tero. The earth is made up of sea and land. The world is building up and lands. Li filia tricota. The daughter knits. He`s got a big nose. tlhIngan Hol DaHaDrup'a'? Are you ready to study Klingon? I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do with this guy? Denmargh Hol vIyajlaH 'ach vIjatlhlaHbe'. I can understand Danish, but I can't speak it. This brings me to the pieces of memory space. But I have sought to continue. Lo pare ce tu ia malpersepi me con meа frate plu vea. You seem to have mistaken me for my older brother. It's the one that addresss itself to me with brotherly brotherly brother-in-law. pe'i le prenu cu fengu I think he's angry. If you want to take the cue table Mary ne havet un marito. Mary didn't have a husband. Sean't have a marto. Le Statos Unite es le mal gemino de Canada. The United States is Canada's evil twin. The status is currently logged in from Canada. Li deksepjariĝis en februaro. He turned seventeen in February. He had been tens of February. Vi kontribuas. You're contributing. You contribute. Le mobiles esseva pulverulente. The furniture was dusty. The web was deemed inappropriate by the glass. Kozi semblas bona. Things look good. Kobish if it's good. ghorgh qaS? When did this occur? This`s what you`ve got? lo tsani ku barda The sky is big. losi a cover bar Me vade a leto. I'm going to bed. Me's default. Cuanto casas es en tua strada? How many houses are there on your street? What's the guy who's got a casa? Cessa de esser si irritante! Stop being such a pest! You know, if you're going to get lost! Naskiĝu, edziĝu kaj mortu, ĉiam monon alportu. Be born, get married, and die; always bring money. Be born, marry and die, always bring money. Li mann es fort. The man is strong. He's force. Mi aŭdas, ke vi geedziĝos. I hear you're getting married. I hear you're getting married. Parla vos Ladino? Do you speak Ladino? Parse the King? QamchoH 'ej ghIq QorwaghDaq yIt. She stood up and walked to the window. Furthermore, the universe was Qquret if it's possible. do e'i sidju mi You have to help me. So _Help Il trinca rubi vin. He drinks red wine. You have three Ruby Ruby. Me no ia nase ier. I wasn't born yesterday. I'm not having any comment somewhere else. Como Tom retornara a Boston? How's Tom getting back to Boston? Like Tomranda · Global Voices mi co'u djuno lo du'u .ei krici ma kau I don't know what to believe anymore. I can't talk about two. El parla magiar. She speaks Hungarian. From magic magic. El ave un monton de mone, ma no spende alga. He has a lot of money but he doesn't spend any. Up a month's mountain of money, but a sprang up to a phone. chaH toD juStaHbogh Duj. They were rescued by a passing ship. I don't think it's just time for the reports that we have been hidden. Ego, mibo orch. Go kiss an orc. Jumbo, I'm sorry. It es un francesi parol. It's a French word. Is there a French word? Hurgh tam DIr. Tom has dark skin. The tank is going to be full. ghaHvaD Hoch vIbon. I share everything with him. seven minutes to find out. lo rozgu ku se ponse la .teodoros. Theodore owns the rose. - I'll give it to you if it's the owner. Acel es un lapis. That's a pencil. So there's no reason for it. Via patro ne akceptos tion. Your father will not buy it. Your father doesn't accept it. La hotelo stacas sur monteto. The hotel stands on a hill. The hotel is on a hill. Musica plase cadun. Everybody loves music. The Forbidden City Tote le mundo es nude in illac. Everyone's in the buff, in there. Everyone is free to contribute. Mi ĵus donis unu al Tom. I just gave Tom one. I just gave one to Tom. Esce lo es sin custa? Is it free of charge? Esca is sin? neQtaHvIS qul nuqDaq bIHtaH? Where were you when the fire occurred? I don't know where you are? vay' tu'lu'be'bogh vInejtaH. I was searching for something that didn't exist. We've got some biscuits, I think of the universe. Ni petas pardonon anticipe. We apologise in advance. We're sorry. We're sorry. Ĉi tiu kanto estas bela. This song is nice. This song is beautiful. Tomas ägivom köpi kafa ele Maria. Tom gave Mary a cup of coffee. Tomas ävt knarr from Mary. Le revolutiones non ha jammais alleviate le onere del tyrannia; illos ha solmente displaciate lo a super altere humeros. Revolutions have never lightened the burden of tyranny: they have only shifted it to another shoulder. The evolution of evolution has not been unsubscribed from the command line, but they are only going to start any other mailing list. Non face ruito o tu espaventara le aves via. Don't make any noise or you'll scare the birds away. Don't make a hell or you've got a lot of noise. ghojmeH ghItlhwI' lo'lu'ta', vaj DateqlaH 'utchugh. It's in pencil so you can rub it out if you need to. The universe was divided into two parts. The rest of the universe is divided into two parts. xu do pu'i nitcu lo ka se sidju Have you ever needed help? Let's talk to each other "La prinse peti" par Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ia es traduida de franses a en multe linguas. "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has been translated from French into many languages. The "Les" asked for Atain' from SaintExonétry, there's some sort of sort of key in a lot of languages. Ŝajnas, ke Tomo dormas. Tom looks like he's sleeping. It seems that Tom's sleeping. la .prim. .palvr. pamoi cusku Preem Palver is the first speaker. It's hard to see you. Il remane ancora multo a facer. A lot still remains to be done. You still have a lot to do it. nab wIlaj. We agreed to the plan. It's not good for us. mi na zifre lo ka cuxna I have no choice. I'm going to Count Tom have un nov auto. Tom has a new car. Tom has a new autono. bIrbe'. It's not cold. Thank you. La asendador ia para a la nivel du. The elevator stopped on the second floor. We're looking for a few o'clock. mi'o ba jinga .ai We can beat her! I'm going to cook. mi pu retsku losedu'u makau la tom cu se zvati I asked where Tom was. I'll take care of you. La parolado de la politikisto estis ofensiva. The politician's speech was offensive. The speech of the Lord was in his mind. Crede me, iste excusa es transparente. Believe me, that excuse ain't gonna fly. Crede on me, this activity is in front of you. Ŝi batis lin ĝismorte. She beat him to death. She hit him till he died. God binon-li otgeniälik? Is Allah gay? Go to a wide-to-law? Tu oblidava de rigar le plantas. You forgot to water the plants! You forgot to cut off. Ŝi ne estas tiel pacienca kiel vi. She doesn't have as much patience as you do. She's not so patient like you. Escusa! Pardon me! Esc! Studol nelijapüki. You study English. You can't see how it is. Tomo ĉesis fumi. Tom gave up smoking. Tom stopped smoke. not ghaH vIleghqa'. I will never see him again. All right, I need to drink something like that. Ni ĉiuj amuziĝas. We all have fun. We're all having a lot of fun. Il reactet furiosimen. He reacted furiously. I'll tell you again. Quplaw' be'nI'Daj. Her sister looks young. If it's very low, I'll tell you that. Volonte. Kiom? All right. How many? - How much? Kie ni estas loĝantaj? Where are we staying? Where are we? qaStaHvIS wej jajmey SIS. It poured for three days. I think it's good for you. xu do djuno lo nu ta'i ma klama ko'a Do you know how to get there? x Ubuntu Help li xa pi'i vo du li reno ju'u gai Six times four is two dozen. He's going to get two o'clock El esas putanino. She is a whore. It's a whoret woman. Mi volas scii la faktojn. I want to know the facts. I want to know the facts. Ĉu ĉi tiu buso iras al la stacidomo? Does this bus go to the train station? Is this bus going to the station? loi taxfu be mi cu zvati tu My clothes are over there. I'm going to give it to you. run tam. Tom is short. The red tree. Nun vi ne plu povas helpi. Estas tro malfrue. You can't help now. It's too late. Now you can't help. It's too late. ko curmi lo nu ko'a cliva Let him go. Exiting... le za'u mei pu te vecnu pa cnino karce They bought a new car. Please take me out of range ti fanri loi keltci They make toys at this factory. A tank to make sure that it's all over time Non etiam considerar guidar ebriemente, Tom. Don't even think about driving while intoxicated, Tom. Don't think I can't think about you, Tom. La neĝofalo ĉesis. The snow stopped falling. The snow has stopped. Veni hic! Come here. Come here! Tomo diris, ke li fartas bone. Tom said he was doing fine. Tom said he's fine. Ne regardas ibe. Don't look there. Don't look at the wild goats. Prenu la monon, antaŭ ol venos la polico! Take the money before the police come! Take the money before the police comes! Pro quo vu engajis me? Why did you hire me? What are you doing in me? Se vi iam ajn min denove tuŝos, mi mortigos vin. If you ever touch me again, I'll kill you. If you ever touch me again, I'll kill you. Ĉu ĉi tiuj bananoj estas maturaj? Are these bananas ripe? Are these bananas? Me no va sorti a esta sera. I'm not going out tonight. Yes, I'm not going to let you know what you're saying. Me vole pasea. I want to walk. I want to pass. Li loĝas en la antaŭurbo de Tokio. He lives in the suburbs of Tokyo. He lives in Tokyo's office. Ŝi rigardis lin rekte en la okulojn. She looked him right in the eye. She looked at him straight in the eyes. Nuntempe, Tomo nur volas lasiĝi sola. Right now, Tom just wants to be left alone. Now, Tom just wants to get alone. A retro de la casa on ave un forno de brices per forni pan. Behind the house there is a brick oven for baking bread. We're going back from the casa. Io deveni nostalgic quando io me rememora mi familia. I feel homesick when I remember my family. I've been here since I remember a family. Pensu pri via estonteco. Think about your future. Think about your future. mi ne tai do pu na'o ckape litru i ba bo lo tuple cidni be mi cu se xrani pa cecla grana I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee. I'm not going to tell you what he's going to do with you "Kies komentoj estas tiuj?" — "Ili estas la komentoj de Sisko." "Whose comments are these?" "They are Sysko's." "Where comments are these?" - "They are the comments of Sakok." Ĉu vi iam trejnis nokte? Have you ever trained at night? You've been trained by night? ma smuni zoi gy.PTA.gy. What does PTA stand for? Mr. King, why do you want to do it? Ĝi estas nova libro. It's a new book. It's a new book. No doatolöd kämi obik. Don't touch my camera. No, so on the other side of sex. Ĉu Tomo ankoraŭ loĝas tie? Does Tom still live here? Did Tom still live there? Tokdroe ? What's the price of this? Adrae? Dise la nomes de la dias de la semana. Say the names of the days of the week. The name of the sixs of the book. Li havas unu hundon kaj ses katojn. He has one dog and six cats. He has one dog and six cats. e'o remei bisyladru Two ice creams, please. I can't use the Wintab API [default] Li ne forestos longe. He won't be away for long. He won't be late. Yo nascet in octobre. I was born in October. But that's why you're in bytes. Sua labios ia tanje mea labios. His lips brushed against mine. Sua the tank is kind of tangent. Ĉu vi manĝis ĝin en la klasĉambro? Do you eat it in the classroom? Did you eat it in the classroom? Estas problemo kun tio ĉi. There's one problem with this. There's a problem with this. Mary mentiis pri kaptir la pekunio. Mary lied about taking the money. That's how Mar's name was going to take the listen. Perce tota de mundo pensa ce Tom es la padre de la enfante de Maria? Why does everyone think Tom is the father of Mary's child? Perzed to everyone thought Tom is the pavedy of Mary? lI'be' SaQtaHghachlIj. DuQoylaH pagh. There is no use in crying. No one will hear you. Have you been booted. Please insert boot disk %s. Mi vidis grandan hundon kuŝantan antaŭ la domo de sinjoro Hill. I saw a big dog lying in front of Mr. Hill's house. I saw a big dog lying in front of Mr. Hill. do pu te vecnu lo nanba You bought bread. Do you really want to Manually? Aŭstrio estas unu el la plej grandaj produktantoj de elektro en Eŭropo. Austria is one of the largest producers of electricity in Europe. Austria is one of the biggest outputs of electricity in Europe. It es facil por te. It's easy for you. It it's easy for you. payqu'law' jeq. Jack seems to regret it deeply. Let's go, let's go! nuqDaq chaw'vam Daje'ta'? Where did you buy the ticket? This is why we have fossils of algae from 3.5 billion years ago. Tom ne scias, kien Mary estas irinta. Tom doesn't know where Mary has gone. Tom doesn't know where Mary is going. Mi ne ŝatas vin, kiam vi ĉagreniĝis. I don't like you when you're angry. I don't like you when you were mad. On ha exhaurite tote le ressources del pais. They exhausted all the resources of the country. You have delete all the recently used to come in. Tio estas klarega. It's as clear as day. That's a secret. Deveni rica! Get rich! Can't get out of here! Li ludas pianon pli bone ol mi. He plays the piano better than me. He plays piano better than me. Tom regardat tra li fenestre. Tom looked out of the window. Tom eyes through him. Ka tu ultempe audis tala naraco? Have you ever heard such a story? - Don't you see any talent? mi mutce toldarsi I'm very shy. Very happy Mari kaj Maki estas fratinoj. Mari and Maki are sisters. Mario and Mac are a sisters. Ni prenu taksion, ĉu konsentite? Let's go by taxi, OK? Let's take a big deal, right? tujDI' mubelmoH qa'vIn. I like coffee hot. Immediately there's no idea about this mailing list. Vilob kömön usi balid. I want to get there first. A balloon is a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, air or water. 'ul chenmoH janvam. This machine generates electricity. This is the Earth's land. Pösods anik dredons raänidis. Some people are afraid of spiders. Soödns a Dale Dick Dickähä. Suverya'ngan ghaH be'nalDaj'e'. His wife is Swedish. Sury seven minutes (Laughter) jIchunchu'. I was completely innocent. Let's go, let's go. Ме паиа пар еста карта де банка. I'm paying with this debit card. such as do not exist. Ni devas prizorgi problemojn pli gravajn. We have bigger problems to worry about. We must take care of more important. Va verteem gotarkal. You must observe those rules. Vaczezemali. bIQaqtaH. You're being pretentious. Thank you. ko erve pa litce poi ladru .ije gajanai zvati fa lo caksova gi ko erve pare ri Buy a liter of milk, and if there are eggs, buy a dozen eggs. He's going to combine the stuff and rejoice in many days. Kiam mi havis dudek du jarojn, mi enamiĝis al mia estro. At the age of 22, I fell in love with my boss. When I was twenty-two years old, I fell in love to my boss. Futbalisti ganas multa pekunio. Football players make a lot of money. Catalanlists too much sin. Kikod binob is? Why am I here? Kiss binbis? gajanai do je'a djica lo ka djuno gi do ei retsku po'o If you really want to know, all you have to do is ask. Add a new therefore on the d' answer to the Ubuntu Help qatlh mumuS tam? Why does Tom hate me? Why do you mean it? La gato es ancora multe joven. The cat's still very young. The game is still a lot of card. La paseroj pepas. The sparrows are cheeping. The value's value. Ille esseva multo vanitose e semper se mirava in le speculo. He was very vain and was always checking himself out in the mirror. They were so dangerous, they were a lot of lightless if I could use the surface. Ne estu timema. Don't be shy. Don't be afraid. Toto lo que vos pote facer es attender. All you can do is to wait. To make sure you can make it a Continue. Kiel nomiĝas mia kuracisto? What's my doctor's name? What's my doctor called? Antaŭnelonge mi ĉeestis koncerton de Ledi Gaga, kaj rimarkis, ke multaj spektantoj restis ne plene kontentigitaj, kvankam ŝi plenumis ĉiujn siajn kantojn. Last time I went to a Lady Gaga concert, although she finished all her songs, many members of the audience were not satisfied. I've been in a concert of Les, and I realized that many people were not fully satisfied, though she had fulfilled all her songs. ra pendo mi He's my friend. Wake up I'm going to give up Usa pinta acrilica. Use acrylic paint. Use the top one. Mi cliente non dice un parola. My client isn't saying another word. I'm not a serious word. Karakorum estas la unua ĉefurbo de Mongolio. Karakorum is the early capital city of Mongolia. Dear Sir, it's the first capital of Mongolia. paghlogh jIQagh. I didn't make any mistakes. That's what you've got. Kelkfoje la mondo ŝajnas sensenca. The world sometimes seems meaningless. Sometimes the world looks silly. Me ne povas ekirar, nam me esis vundata un semano ante nun en acidento. I can't go out, because I was injured a week ago in an accident. I can't go on, you know, I've been worried if you're hurting me now. Illes vos occidera! They'll kill you all! They're looking for you! Фоде ту, буко де куло. Fuck you, asshole. else such a sample. QInvam vIghItlhmeH qaSnIS wej rep. I need three hours to write this letter. We're going to make sure we're on top of each other. yIjatlh! Say it. I'm sure I'll take care of it! Nufan änufom nufi bigik. The roofer roofed the thick roof. Well, that's what we have to do. Kio igis vin kredi tion? What led you to believe it? What made you believe? La ŝipo malrapide ekmoviĝis. The ship slowly started to move. The ship slowly started. Tiu supo bezonas iomete da salo. This soup needs just a touch of salt. This soup requires a little salt. wa'Hu' ram nuqDaq SoHtaH jay'? Where the fuck were you last night? But, where is your mouth? Анаркистес креде ке сосиа поте фунсиона пар аида мутуа. Anarchists believe society can function by mutual aid. such as do not belong to else, such as now. Kiel mi povas preventi tiun okazaĵon? How can I prevent this from happening? How can I prevent this event? Japanese bonbones es min calorific quam westal bonbones. Japanese sweets are lower in calories than Western sweets. Japan is very good for me. Tom dicis ke ilu ne savis quo Mary volis ke ilu komprir. Tom said he didn't know what Mary wanted him to buy. Tom ensures that his never saved Marya wanted to illustrate his ideas. Guti falas sur mea portebla komputero. Droplets are falling on my laptop computer. Drop it! DuSaQDaq HIpmey DItuQ Hoch maH. We all wear uniforms to school. TwoSqut we have beenHI from 3.5 billion years ago. 'ej ghIq qaS nuq? And then what happens? What was the universe? Il es estranie que le homines flirta con le crimine quando il ha tante manieras legitime de esser dishoneste. It's strange that men should take up crime when there are so many legal ways to be dishonest. I'm strange that the topst tape with the fight whenever you wish to read from them. Lo es esta libro. It's this book. That's not a book. la islant cu stuzi so'i lo vulkano Iceland has many volcanoes. The month without a ever-of-the-ball feature Ne valoras la penon atendi tion. It's not worth waiting for. It's not worth going to stand down. Me ja vizitis la Usa. I have already visited the United States. I was going to visit the Use. mi laldo pendo I'm an old friend. I am tired lo solri pu glare ije lo za'u ko'a pu tatpi The sun was hot and they were tired. Our only guuse ijupuel jupwI' ghaH jaghwI' jagh'e'. My enemy's enemy is my friend. That's why you had to take seven minutes. lo vi gerku ku barda That dog is big. sager bar bImon 'e' vIpar. I don't like your smile. I'm going to tell you what to say. releghlaH. We can see you. broken pieces. Le unic lingua ver in le mundo es le basio. The only true language in the world is a kiss. The unique shell is in everyone's side pane. Tiu ĉi estas la sola libro, kiun mi posedas. This is the only book I have. This is the only book that I own. U es li catedrale situat? Where is the cathedral located? What is he doing here? Ел ва девени ун дотор медикал. He is going to become a doctor. such as do not exist. Ŝi ludis la pianon kiel promesite. She played the piano as promised. She played the piano as he'd been. No binob malädik. I'm not sick. It's all right. ray' tIr law' Sop chaH. They eat a lot of rice. ray t/ come back to Earth's knowledge. cha' veng rar Hevam. This road connects the two cities. This is a two-sided DVD. You have booted from the second side. Turn the DVD over then continue. li'a la cein noi samjundi slilu cu jai fenki Shane, who goes off and on attending the computer, is obviously crazy. He's the master of the bow, who's going to be a woman like this? Li komencis kun forta atako kontre la enemiko. They began with a strong attack against the enemy. He started with a strong attack against the station. Esez bonvenanta! Welcome. Welcome to it! Но персон иа информа ме сур акел. No one told me about that. such as do not exist. ra puzisai tsuku lo zdani He just got home. rauses tukudans pemoD! Hurry up. - I'm sorry. - I'm sorry. ko ra cusku bau lo bangenugu Say it in English. Gets a lot of work in the dirt Päfunoms. They were murdered. Päfins. Per fortuna illes ha trovate lor claves. They were lucky to find their keys. With Bass they have found their key. Tomas e Maria li-laboms flenis mödik? Do Tom and Mary have many friends? Tomas and Mary-msirsis such a mess? cortu sai i ko sisti That hurts! Stop it! Vatu sa i Quite Le personas qui desira potentia functiona mal como chefes. People who desire power make bad leaders. The other ones want to be DVDs, as it is not recommended. veng'a' vIDab. I live in a big city. plotless, I need to be a tool. ma pu ciska lo xatra Who wrote the letter? maxkaska xatra do mo What do you do? So moos tlhaq ghorlu'pu' 'ej SIbI' tI'ta' net poQ. The clock that got broken must be repaired right away. likequmblubut'SI'SIQ. Nos ia amini bon. We've become good friends. We just love to love something. taD bIQtIqHom. The creek was frozen. Ad. Thank you for coming. QoQmo' jItlho'. I am thankful for music. We really thank you for good. Tomason trafis venena sago. Tom was shot with a poisoned arrow. Thomas got an toxic arrow. Lo es nubosa, ma lo es multe calda. It's cloudy but it's very warm. Lo, there's a cloud, but it's a lot of call. A helta ar caita caimanna! Take off your clothes and lie down on the bed! A bright guy who's a bitch! Vilob pükön dö oms. I want to talk about them. A balloon is a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, air or water. Modern day balloons are made le xirma poi bajra fe'e ba'o le cange dinju co'i farlu The horse raced past the barn fell. Subscripts From Favourites Gatos es multe amosa. Cats are very affectionate. Gath's a lot of love. do mintu lo mamta be do You look just like your mother. So please take me in bed so fast Kiom da personoj vi mortigis? How many people did you kill? How many people have you killed? Spidö! Hurry! Get out of here! Los no ave demostra. They don't have proof. That's all we've got to stay back. Tom es debile. Tom is weak. Tom is heavy. kingau tu'i lo sralygu'e It was filmed in Australia. We're going to hit the DVD through the film. Mi ne scias, kiel ŝi eltrovis. I don't know how she found out. I don't know how she discovered. wa'leS bIcheghlaH'a'? Can you come back tomorrow? We're saying that we're here! Tu ne posse fider ti mann. You can't trust that guy. You don't use the trusting man. mi djica lo ka simsa ko'a poi nakni I want to be like him. Manually, I can't see anything else Том иа креа еста каша. This box was made by Tom. else such as end of the appeared............. ................................... ............ Li estas tro obeza por kuri rapide. He is too fat to run quickly. He's too bright to run quickly. Ju pli multe vi faros tion, des pli lerta vi iĝos pri ĝi. You'll get better at it the more you do it. You'll do this more, you'll get better about it. It ne manja carne. It doesn't eat meat. I'm not going to eat some flesh. Ille habeva un delicatessa que attraheva le feminas. He had a gentleness that was attractive to women. They've had no idea what to do with them. Nekutime varmas. It's unusually warm. It's not extremely hot. .ua .i ba'anai Oh yeah, I remember now. Don't worry, I'm going to be okay. Ella hihicat. She giggled. From the tissue. Li preskaŭ neniam uzas sian telefonon. He almost never uses his phone. He's never using his phone. Mi estas iom okupita. I'm a little bit busy. I'm a little busy. Mi renkontis ŝin survoje al la lernejo. I met her on the way to school. I met her on the way to school. Io resta sceptic quanto a su honestitate. I can't help doubting his honesty. from among them, of course, of whom she had. chaq poH vIghajbe'. I may not have time. It's a big one coming out of the city. Mi ne povas ne pensi pri Tomo. I can't help thinking about Tom. I can't think of Tom. La muŝo estas senmova sur la fenestro. The fly is stuck against the window. The fly is still in the window. Tom ia es instruida a alta grado, e ia parla fluente alga linguas variosa. Tom was highly educated and spoke several languages fluently. Tom's a kind of teach at high degree, and a kind of lies to variations. Jen plia busa ŝarĝo da kanadanoj. Here comes another bus load of Canadian tourists. Here's another crime of Deprorsors. Mi neniam diris, ke tiu laboro estos facila. I never said this job would be easy. I never said that work would be easy. La bildo sur tiu televidilo ne bonas. Ĝi flagradas. The picture on this TV is no good. It keeps flickering. The picture on this TV is not good. Mi deziras amikiĝi kun via fratino. I want to make friends with your sister. I want to be friends with your sister. Ŝi alportis al mi kafon. She brought me coffee. She brought me a coffee. Esque tu posse comprender ti lingue? Can you understand this language? Excuse me, do you think we've got any other languages? Il ama cates. He loves cats. - I love you. Le decision es in su manos. The decision is in your hands. The decision is incoming hand. Io non pote mover mi gamba. I can't move my leg. Something can't move me out. Los ia vide tu. They saw you. All you see. Ел но иа дементи. She didn't go mad. else such a sample. qamaS. I like you better. I'm sure. Компутадорес ес макинас. Computers are machines. such as do not belong to else, such as now... Mea color prefereda es blu. My favorite color is blue. I'd rather it's blue. mo lo cukta poi mi punji ke'a ti ca lo prulamdei What happened to the book I put here yesterday? moas's DVD I don't think it's your fault Su sestra es un ver bellitá. His sister is a real beauty. Sucio is a sweet-looking. Lautel ädlinom vini. The writer drank wine. The Keleläinat you. Tom petis min, veki lin je 6:30. Tom asked me to wake him up at 6:30. Tom asked me, wake him up at 6:30. Bon nom es plu bon ca unjente valuosa: e la dia de mori ca la dia de nase. A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one's birth. A good name is still good. The diagnostic is going to die. Alphen ista illaid. Nobody knows everything. Alphadesta Me ne savis ke vu esas tante bona koquero. I didn't know you were such a good cook. I didn't save you as well. QongDaqDaq jIQongbe'. I don't sleep in a bed. Don't tell me we're going to do it. Tikob das geboms oli. I think they're using you. It's a type of bowrsurbups. Ille esseva in manicas de camisa. He was in his shirt sleeves. They were in love with caassis. Mi kutimiĝis al tiu ĉi klimato. I've gotten used to this climate. I've been scared to this climate. Malofte li vizitis tie. Seldom did he visit there. He's been going to visit it for a long time. Estis la tria matene. It was three in the morning. It was the third morning. .au mi ko'a tavla I want to talk to him. Don't worry, I'll go back to the door. Es perfecte. That's perfect. And you'll see what you'll do with? jIHDaq HIchlIj yIQeqQo'! Don't point your gun at me. I'm Death, you know what you're saying? La mundo ave sinco mares grande. The world has five oceans. I'm going to go to the sea. Ŝi scivolas, kiu sendis la florojn. She is curious to find who sent the flowers. She was wondering who sent the flowers. La kunveno de la homo kun Dio devas ĉiam signifi penetradon kaj eniron de la dia en la homan kaj mem-mergiĝo de la homo en la Diecon. The meeting of man and God must always mean a penetration and entry of the divine into the human and a self-immergence of man in the Divinity. The congregation of the man with God must always enter in and go into the entrance of the human and self-melling of man in the divineity. Tie estis ne malmultaj interesaĵoj por vidi. There were quite a few interesting things to see. There weren't a few interesting things to see. Tom ne havas multan liberecon. Tom doesn't have a lot of freedom. Tom doesn't have a lot of freedom. Mi vidas malgrandan knabinon. I see a little girl. I see a little girl. ko tadni Study! kotadni lo ta zdani cu se ponse mi That house belongs to me. Some zdan if I take care of it Li esprimis sin klare. He expressed himself clearly. He expressed himself clearly. vIghro' yIvemmoHQo'. Don't wake the cat. We're going to fight each other. mi pu kelci lo fudbolo I played football. I'm going to see you again. lo banxa cu rivbi lo ka jdice da The bank avoided taking any decision. A stylesheet of the bank vay' vIqagh'a'? Am I interrupting anything? He's got a big deal, isn't he? Ĝojigas min esti honorata de vi. I enjoy being honored by you. It's better to get me to you. E Deo dicis: "Onu facez la lumo". E la lumo facesis. And God said: Let there be light. And there was light. Etysi: "Oud the light." Essis the light. Tomo atentigis min pri kelkaj eraroj, kiujn mi faris. Tom pointed out some mistakes I had made. Tom told me about some errors I did. La acua es importante. Water is important. The discussion is important. Io spera que toto essera in ordine. Hopefully, everything will be OK. Something sort of air that's all about be in order to make it. wa' jaj tera' maSDaq mID lucher Humanpu' 'e' DaHar'a'? Do you think mankind will someday colonize the Moon? We don't think we're running out of the world, but we don't know what you're saying, "Why do you mean by aliens?" Mi konfesas, ke mia traduko ne estas perfekta. I confess my translation is not perfect. I confess my translation isn't perfect. Io vole controlar alcunes de mi objectos de valor. I'd like to check some of my valuables. I want to check something from my object. Mi ne povas kredi, ke Tom foriris sen diri adiaŭ. I can't believe Tom left without saying goodbye. I can't believe that Tom was gone out without saying goodbye. Mi nur scias, ke mi ne volas esti via edzo. I just know that I don't want to be married to you. I just know I don't want to be your husband. lo ninmu cu djica lo nu penmi do There's a woman as wants to see you. So we're running out of the way Non inquieta vos troppo. Don't worry too much. Could not close temporary folder: %s Si possibile, io volerea excambiar isto pro un talia plus grande. If it's possible, I'd like to exchange this for a larger size. If there's something that wants to be done for this value, or something else. Äbinos fikuliko adelo. Today's been a difficult day. - I'll tell you something. Tom es un antisemita. Tom is an anti-Semite. Tom is a anti-kai. Nos es presso de eveliar nos quando nos sonia que ora nos sonia. We are near awakening when we dream that we dream. We're going to print the monitoring when we sounded, which we had made a golden talk about them. Yo decovrit que li magic tresores ne esset plu altricos quam ordinari lápides. I discovered that the magic treasures were nothing more than ordinary stones. But that's the idea that he's a very dangerous idea of other people didn't think they're right away. pu brilugi .i loi sliti tovzi ja'a zarna carna zi lo blixa .i pu ku se mimsi lo brogovzi .i je loi zdaraxa pu ku krixa 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves, and the mome raths outgrabe. Go ahead, tell me how do you want to talk to her? Me ne havis sexual relati kun ta homino. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. I had no idea how to repress with the top. Нос иа ескута алга кантас франсес. We listened to some French songs. such as do not belong to else, such as now. Me odias ed amoras. Pro quo me tale agas, forsan tu questionas. Me ne savas, ma me sentas ol eventar e tormentesas. I hate and I love. Why would I do this, maybe you're asking? I don't know, but I feel it happening and am tortured. I hate and love '%s'. For what do you want to do? I don't know, but I don't know what you are doing. ta'i ma do tadni lo spe'ato How did you learn Esperanto? ui ma'am So we're going to talk about each other pu jdice lo ka klama ta He decided to go there. Do you want to hide the legend for this page? Hokkaido es situate in le nord de Japon. Hokkaido is located in northern Japan. Oh, my dear, it's a big deal in the company of Jadra. maQeH Hoch. We're all angry. But that's what we should do. Le battalion se ha rendite al inimico. The battalion surrendered to the enemy. The beat-up if you want to pass through. not ghItlh tam. Tom doesn't write. The permissions of the universe. Kioma estas la ĝusta tempo? What's the right time? How is the right time? Ne eblas distingi la ĝemelojn. The twins are indistinguishable from each other. Can't tell the lights. DIr Sar vIje'ta'. I bought various pieces of cloth. I'm going to tell you that I'm sick of my life. Ĉesu kiam vi ankoraŭ havas avantaĝon. Quit while you're ahead. Stop when you still have advantage. mI'meyvam DachellaH'a'? Can you add these numbers? I wonder what I'm saying Estas lakto en la malvarmujo. There's milk in the fridge. There's milk in the cold. It ne es un maladie. It's not a disease. Not at all. Том ес ун модисте. Tom is a fashion designer. else appeared to end up with service................. ................................... Le traduction es como un femina. Si illo es belle, non es fidel. Si es fidel, illo certemente non es belle. Translation is like a woman. If it is beautiful, it is not faithful. If it is faithful, it is most certainly not beautiful. While it's important as a country, it's beautiful, it's not good for you. If you think it's not beautiful, it's not beautiful. wa'Hu' qaS nol. The funeral was yesterday. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of there. Ла сите брилиета семпре, лампас суституи ла сол. Сya панорама декора ла оризон профонда. The city always glows, lamps replace the sun. Its panorama ornaments the profound horizon. else such as else thanks to the begin of such as end- appeared to provide assigned to service, such as Do not return-rr, Inc.com/NEGHMlEGlEGEGUMEG. wNMWNNNNNNNNEGlLlEGUClLlLlLlLlEGULlLlLlLlLlLlLlLIlELIlELlLlLlLlLlELlLlMlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlLM Li estis tragika figuro. He was a tragic figure. He was going to pass through a figure figure figure out. Me esas tre stabila geniozo. I'm a very stable genius. I'm a very stable. ra xebni lo nu se vinji He hates air travel. It's a good time to see you Бон матина, дамас е сениорес. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. such as do not exist. Le ponte se refarda. The bridge is being repainted. If he's back again, he'll do it again. Yo vole revar. I want to dream. But you want to come back. Me esperar ke me non ofenser vu. I hope I haven't offended you. I hope you don't seem to be sent to me. Le esperanto es un lingua vermente ric. Esperanto is a truly rich language. The pulse is a preferred language. Li uzis kapdolorojn kiel pretekston por iri pli frue. He used a headache as an excuse for leaving early. He used headaches as an occasion to go early. Esque vu have moné? Do you have money? And you got a coin? yIQam! Stand up. Getting up! ghaytan nI' 'oH. That's going to take time. It's only the future of the universe. .i y xu ro pipybanfi cu respa i pe'i na mabru Are frogs reptiles? I don't expect them to be mammals. Toggles the ability to change the front of the main window. Nia instruisto diris al ni, ke ni penu per ĉiuj fortoj. Our teacher told us that we should do our best. Our teacher told us that we should observe with all the forces. Mi havas bluajn okulojn. I have blue eyes. I've got blue eyes. Tent zirat. You don't say. Purple Dancers. lo speni be mi cu xebni lo mlatu My wife hates cats. Let me tell you what to do pei do dansu kansa mi Would you like to dance with me? Purple Dancers Hieraŭ vespere Tom alvenis hejmen tre malfrue. Tom came home very late last night. Yesterday Tom came home very late. weQmey DIwovmoHta'. We lit the candles. That's what our genetic code is going to be heard. Vilob golön in Tehrani. I want to go to Tehran. You're going to pass in Tazrani. Io es un genio multo stabile. I'm a very stable genius. Something is a genius. Mi bedaŭras, sed mi ne komprenas. I'm sorry, but I don't understand. I'm sorry, but I don't understand. Estas pli bone etendi olivan branĉon ol lanĉi misilon. Better to extend an olive branch than launch a missile. It's better to fly a branch than I run a gun. la tom pu smusku lo nu vo'a jinvi lo du'u do bebna Tom said he thinks that you're stupid. Let's see what you're saying, "You know," and your dear, that's what you're looking at, do you know? mi pu jinvi lo nu la tom je la meris cu fenki I thought Tom and Mary were crazy. I'm going to hit her. lo nu djuno cu se smuni lo nu djuno lo du'u nonydjuno .i la'edi'u smuni lo ka djuno To know is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge. Ubuntu Help Tio nomiĝas ataktaĉmenta, se oni ne surhavas subvestaĵon sub sia pantalono. It's called commando when you don't wear underwear beneath your pants. And that's called an extra-ret, if you're not wearing under his pants. nom bIjang, qatlho'. Thanks for your quick reply. That's called for answer. Esque tu videt mi sestra? Did you see my sister? Excuse me, how did you see me? Ube iras la treno? Where is this train bound? U.K. is it going to go to the other side? Kiuj elementoj devas okazi? What elements must occur? What elements must happen? bo'Degh nuq? What are birds? - Where are you taking off? Japoniani esas laborema homi. The Japanese are an industrious people. Don't worry, it's a lot of work. Mi postvivas. I'm surviving. I survive. Cadun ia dansa. Everybody danced. Tien some kind of event. Tu le ha facite rubescer. You made him blush. You have done this way. Okcidentanoj ŝvitas pli ol Azianoj. Westerners sweat more than Asians. West sweats more than A Resources. Ŝi povas helpi min. She can help me. She can help me. Mi nomos ĉion por vi. I will name everything for you. I'll name everything for you. Qapbe' qech Dachupbogh 'e' vIQub. I think that what you're suggesting won't work. Furthermore, I would like to let me know that I would take care of the universe. coi do do co'i citka xu Hello, have you already eaten? coi therefore t'ka xutu Ŝiaj okuloj estas bluaj. She has blue eyes. Her eyes are blue. Ĉu vi aĉetis tomatojn? Did you buy tomatoes? Did you buy tomatoes? Mi bezonas, ke vi venu hejmen. I need you to come home. I need you to come home. ghaHvo' paqvetlh ngIp 'e' pay. He regretted borrowing the book from her. We have seven minutes to take the last of the universe. Quando nos sapera lo que es Deo, nos ipse essera deos. When we know what God is, we shall be gods ourselves. When we know that we are from Delta, we will be theirs. Io es bipolar. I'm bipolar. Something's wrong. La otra xices ia rie. The other kids smiled. The police will think it's all right. nai mutce vajni It doesn't matter so much. Very hard Visible Io pote resister a toto excepte le tentation. I can resist anything but temptation. Something could be able to change everything, but try again. Ĉu vi havas mian libron? Do you have my book? Do you have my book? Sargh lIghwI' po' ghaH. He is good at riding a horse. That's right, I'll get you seven minutes. Mi estas tre fiera pri tio. I'm really proud of that. I'm very proud of that. Tom canta multe bon. Tom sings beautifully. Tom is very good. No äsagob ofe, das binol is. I didn't tell her you're here. No such editor was going to be done, a couple of bin. Io va demandar adjuta. I'll get some help. I will help you. mi kakne lo ka tavla bau lo me do moi I can speak your language. I'm going to draw the keyword En la komenco, multaj aliĝintoj proponis iun aŭ alian reformeton. Demokrate Zamenhof aŭskultis ĉiujn, kaj raportis en la gazeto La Esperantisto kun fidela zorgo. At the beginning, many adherents proposed one or another little reform. Democratically, Zamenhof gave ear to all and reported them with faithful care in the La Esperantisto magazine. In the beginning, many people set a person or another form. ko'a na pu djica lonu ce'u se cuntu She didn't want to get involved. Unix (/ˈjuːnɪks/ La idea es ce tu canta. The idea is that you sing. The id that you were giving up. Li estas sperta pri komputiloj. He is familiar with computers. He's a good idea of computers. ko jundi lo trixe Watch the rear. Andi each 3x An tu schola ha un laboratorio linguistic? Does your school have a language lab? An example, what do you mean, is it? la tom ca ca'o klaku Tom is crying. Let's go find the ca' Environment. Hieraŭ li forestis pro sia malvarmumo. His absence yesterday was due to his cold. Yesterday he didn't see anything. Esce tu parla turces? Do you speak Turkish? Escl How much do you think you're doing? Kia bela floro! What a beautiful flower! What a nice flower! Il es melior que tu lo face ora. It is better for you to do it now. You're better that you make them gold. Me come miel en loca de zucar. I eat honey instead of sugar. You know, I'm sure it's all right. Mi ne havas elekton. I've got no choice. I don't have a choice. vavlI' SoSlI' je DaQuchmoHnIS. You must make your parents happy. If you want to grow your ears, let me search for immediately. Ŝi estas belaspekta knabino. She's a good-looking girl. She's a beautiful girl. ma'a dunsi'u lo ka lo flalu ce'u mo kau We're all the same according to law. But let's see how much do you do that? vi ma Where is it? You're going to find out. Esta casa ia es construida con lenio brasilera. This house is built from Brazilian lumber. And there's somebody who has a built up with the Mock Turtle. DuSov neH Hoch; bInoy. Everyone wants to know you; you're famous. Twoov isn't coming. Thank you. Ŝi ĉiam igas lin provi novajn aferojn. She always urges him to try new things. She always makes him try new things. Noi vole provar. We want to try. No, I don't want to. Tom estas bona. Tom is fine. Tom is good. lo nixli be se pi'o lo pipno cu me la.akikos. The girl playing the piano is Akiko. We're going to be a fucking minute. Ni probable alvenos ĝustatempe, se la trafiko ne estos tro intensa. We should make it in time if the traffic isn't too heavy. We probably come in time, if the traffic isn't too hot. Vi vantas. You're vain. You're vain. Mi pensas, ke ĉiu helpu. I think everybody should help. I think each help. Gellon ned i galar i chent gîn ned i gladhog. I love to see your eyes shine when you laugh. Gilln won't be able to contribute irrit n't matter. Alicuno qui chassa duo lepores attrappara nec uno nec le altere. A person who chases two rabbits won't catch either. All right, if you don't want to take a big look at another one. Ŝi eniris sian ĉambron. She entered her room. She went in her room. mi djica lo nu pu viska ra I wish I had seen her. I'm so sorry, you know, you're such a frog. Saltu trans ĝin. Jump across. Hey, take it over. Ĉu vi parolis germane? Were you speaking German? Did you talk German? Mi sekvos vin kien ajn vi iros. I'll follow you wherever you go. I'll follow you wherever you go. Mi scias, ke mi estis pafita. I know I've been shot. I know I was shot. .ui cai la .kimis. cisma Kimi smiled — I can't believe it! Get out of here. Alga de mundo nunca escuta. Some people never listen. I'm going to see you now. Li ne estas infano. He is not a child. He's not a child. Ti libre es tro custosi. This book is too expensive. Tin books are too weak. Aliaj militu; vi, feliĉa Aŭstrio, edziniĝu. Let others wage wars, you, fortunate Austria, marry. Other war; you are happy, Austria, take a wife. ko prami ganai mi gi le mi gerku Love me, love my dog. Love I'm going to give upgergers Tiu ĉi domo estas mia, ne via. This house is mine, not yours. This is my house, not yours. Ni vendis nian arbaron. We sold our forest. We sold our forest. ghaHvaD vInep 'e' vIpar. I don't like lying to her. 7x9 Envelopepaper size mi se bersa I have a son. I'm six torsa Do es Paris? Where is Paris? So it's Paris? Galileo Galilei esseva un astronomo italian e un figura importante in le disveloppamento initial del scientias moderne. Su discoperimentos contradiceva le doctrinas del Ecclesia Catholic, e Galileo esseva processate pro heresia per le Inquisition. Galileo Galilei was an Italian astronomer and an important figure in the initial development of the modern sciences. His discoveries contradicted the teachings of the Catholic Church, and Galileo was put on trial for heresy by the Inquisition. Galilee Galle was a single name for the mailing list and e-mailed in some form of the topic known as well as the examples. nuq wIv 'e' DaHar? Which do you think she chose? What is it that we take away? Ka tu volas altra tasedo de teo? Will you have another cup of tea? Would you like another tea? e'icu'i mi na cipni gi'e na te julne .i mi zifre'a gi'e sezbanzu lo nu cuxykamvli I am no bird, and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will. And I'll give you an e-mailch, and I will give you a good time. Tota de mundo ia ama lo. Everybody loved it. A everyone's love. Tu non pote arrestar nos. You can't stop us. You cannot move a folder into itself. Mi ne povas rezisti al la sento, ke io terura okazis. I can't help feeling something terrible has happened. I can't withstand the feeling something horrible happened. ra terpa no da She is not afraid of anything. rich depan's trust Japan ia envia atletas a la Olimpiales de pos 1912. Japan has been sending athletes to the Olympics since 1912. Japan's Japan is a kind of in England to the Osimphals of 192. Io recipeva un littera de un amico. I got a letter from a friend. Something's going to be a Government of love. Que diabolo es isto? What the hell is that? What is this? Kiu estas via preferata gitaristo? Who's your favorite guitarist? Who's your favorite lawyer? Io crede que ille veni hic. I believe that he comes here. I think they're here. .e'anai do crepu lo xrula You may not pick the flowers. Well, I'm sorry, so we're leaving. wej reDmey ghajchugh mey''e', ra'Duch 'oH. If a figure has three sides, it is a triangle. We're going to find the seven minutes in the universe. These predictions are in excellent agreement with observations by the WMAP satellite of the universe. balcu'e tadni He is a university student. Let's see what we're going to do Ili conosse la. They know her. They'll stick with them. Ekzistas nur unu alternativo. There is but one alternative. There's only one alternative. ko cikybi'o Wake up! Don't give up Me nultempe kredis ke militi esas bona. I have never believed in wars. Never believed that war is good. Tom e yo es amicos. Tom and I are friends. Tom and y's love. HeSwI' ghImlu'. The criminal was sent into exile. That's why they're all out of there. Per eveller su petalos, tu non potera sasir le beltate del flor. By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower. I'm sorry, you can't give up the most beautiful flower. mach 'ej puj. He is small and weak. Come on, let's see you. Mi estas monstro. I'm a monster. I'm a monster. .i carvi na ja nai kelci In the event of rain, the game will not be held. I'm not sure it's a good nose. U es li toilette? Where is the toilet? He's going to play himself? In april proxime, habera tu studiate anglese durante dece annos? By next April will you have studied English for ten years? Next, you'll have an hour late for the English Island? Vi bezonas banadon. You need a bath. You need a bath. mi na djuno lo du'u ra zvati I didn't know that he was there. Ubuntu Help ma la .tam. pu tavla Who's been talking to Tom? What are you doing? ghunchoH rewve'. The air became warm. We're going to get it out of here. Noi ne es in dangere nu. We're in no danger now. No, no, no, no, let's go. Ni lasu, ke Tomo decidu. Let's let Tom decide. Let`s leave that Tomainia will decide. Deman es un altere die. Tomorrow is another day. man is another day. Tu ha dicite que tu irea a Boston con me. You said you'd go to Boston with me. You were Translated by i.e that you were subscribing to this mailing list with me. Methad ra rawíi with shum raden wáa. Humans can't live without air. Yogdakíi de Yabárákáa. ko'a snada tu'a lo taxfu vecnu He made out really well in the clothing business. don't you know what you're saying, but there's no use the universe to access the Earth's sake, or any other suitable planets, Se ili faras kontrakton, ni estas savitaj. If they make a deal, we're saved. If they do a contract, we're saved. Estu pli optimisma! Be more optimistic! Be more optimistic! Me retrovenonta kande me finos. I'll be back when I'm done. Welcome back when I'm finished. Li estas interne. He's inside. He's inside. Ha il qualcosa a biber in le refrigerator? Is there anything to drink in the refrigerator? Ha's the one who knows what I'm going to do in the Germanator? Feliceu Pascour! Happy Passover! Sit down! Bernie Sanders ne estus sufiĉe maldekstra por iuj el la pasintaj judaj socialistoj. Bernie Sanders would not have been left-wing enough for any of the Jewish socialists of old. Berne Sand wouldn't have enough left for some of the past socialists. Kio estas la diferenco inter A kaj B? What is the difference between A and B? What's the difference between A and B? Hiel Tom no löfilom obsi. Tom doesn't like us. Hiel Tomn no Matchly. pei do tadni ta'i lo nu casnu Do you study by discussing? Reverse landscape Li-äsevol fati obik? Did you know my father? Who are we going to do? La fromaĝokuko gustis tro dolĉe. The cheesecake tasted too sweet. The cheese got too expensive. Ni atendu kaj vidu. Let's wait and see. Let's wait and see. Tom promitteva que isto non evenirea de novo. Tom said he wouldn't let it happen again. Tom was made well that this didn't make it Again. Me ne intencis surprizar tu. I didn't mean to surprise you. I didn't mean to surprise you. Ävaladobs us du neit valik. We waited there all night. Laughter makes us look like you're not going to give up. Monon li havas, sed feliĉa li ne estas. He has money, but he's not happy. Mona he has, but he's not happy. .e'unai ko crakla gi'e capyju'i Proceed with caution. .und n'ta e. g. capyua Le mathematica non cognosce racias o frontieras geographic; pro le mathematica, le mundo cultural es un sol. Mathematics knows no races or geographic boundaries; for mathematics, the cultural world is one country. Mathematica Notebook, co-compliant mailing lists, but for safety, everyone's sake, and everyone else's sake, and everyone else's sake, and everyone else referred to as it is alone. la .tam. cu viska la .meris. Tom looked at Mary. That's enough. Cual es tua enemi suacuan prefereda? What's your favorite underwater enemy? Calta is in Tucucud rather than? Me adora la diva Astarte. I worship the goddess Astarte. I worship the father of Attestar name. qachovHa'qu'. I really misjudged you. I don't know what you're doing. Es aperte le supermercato iste vespere? Is the supermarket open this evening? And it's open over the market tonight? Mi volas studi fizikon. I want to study physics. I want to study physics. Mi estas en la biblioteko. I'm at the library. I'm in the library. muD Hutlhmo' tera' maS, pa' DuHbe' SuS wab je. Without air there can be no wind or sound on the moon. A guy whose eyes are on Earth, but we've got some knowledge of the universe. Mi matre non faceva altere cosa que plorar. My mother did nothing but weep. I can't face anything else. Mea savo pri Germaniana ankore ne es bona. My German is still not good. An salvation of the Germany is not good. Io me demanda si mi matre cela qualcosa de me: illa me appellava "filio de puta" hodie. I wonder if my mother is hiding something from me. She called me a "son of a bitch" today. I'm asking for myself to tell you what kind of thing I'm saying, "What are you called for?" vi le mi zdani ku ckafrspreso mi'izba At home I have a Espresso maker. I don't think so. El ia fura meа cor. She stole my heart. From a kind of trerator me co. Li estis la lasta persono kiun mi esperis vidi. He was the last person I expected to see. He was the last person I expected to see. Le moneta es un maestro terribile, ma un optime servitor. Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant. The application-level is due to genes, but optimal server. e'o lo blabi nanba White bread, please. and White flowers Том ес о ге о бисесал, ме пенса. Tom is either gay or bisexual, I think. such as are connected to such a samplelATMEL. la'asai mripre It must be the postman. It's your fault. mi ralte no karce I don't have a car. Orry, no career Ni ne bezonas ĉi tiujn aĵojn. We don't need these things. We don't need these things. Ne pridubu ĉi tion. Do not place this in doubt. Don't move this out. lo nakni pu djica lo nu tikygau He wanted change. Perform arithmetic, scientific or financial calculations Taneaksaton miel waveon sodur. Night comes early in January. With whom it's okay, I've been able to do it. Cent, ducent, tricent, kvarcent, kvincent, sescent, sepcent, okcent, naŭcent, mil. One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, one thousand. The hundred and two hundred and five hundred and six hundred and six hundred, eight hundred and nine thousand. Vu es pande. You are a panda. You are forbidden. Yo ne oblivia to. I'm not forgetting that. But that's not what you've got to do. Mi diru ion al Tomo. I've got to tell Tom. Let me tell you something to Tom. Vu povas elektar to, quon vu volas. You may choose whichever you want. You can eject it, what you want to do with them. bISaHHa', qar'a'? You don't really care, do you? Professor, I'm going to tell you that I'm sorry, sir. Me ave un auto. I have a car. Me too. Esce tu parla balgarsce? Do you speak Bulgarian? Escl How much do you make it? Tom kaj Mary sidis kune ĉe la koktelejo. Tom and Mary were sitting together at the bar. Tom and Mary sat together at the hall. Tomo havos inkubojn. Tom will have nightmares. Tom will have ranges. xu palci fa lo nu citka lo remna Is eating people wrong? xu Give me a big deal, you know Ka vi povas komprenar Tom? Can you all understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? Mi enamiĝis. I fell in love. I'm in love. A fini Tom ia confesa. Tom eventually confessed. So that's going to end Tom. ta ponjo gi'i jungo Are they Japanese or Chinese? due to L'mon, I'm in charge of the Time Offensas pote esser pardonate, ma non oblidate. Injuries may be forgiven, but not forgotten. Off you can be forgiven, but not in number. Plidom rojatis. He likes oranges. More groups have been logged in. Hoch Sov pagh. No one knows everything. That's how it is. Lo es triste. It's sad. You know, it's sad. Cessa de importunar me! Don't bother me any more! I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do! bangwI' Deq rurlaw'. He sounds like my ex. That's how you're doing. xu do ba'o klama lo mexygu'e Have you ever been to Mexico? This is why we're going to break the pieces of music Le ecclesias debe non solmente inseniar humilitate, ma anque apprender lo. The churches must learn humility as well as teach it. The small ones must not teach just a known knowledge, but even if you want to argue about it. Homoj plej koleriĝas kiam ili sentas sin primokataj. Ĝuste tial tiuj, kiuj memfidas, apenaŭ koleriĝas. People are most angry when they feel they are being mocked. That's why those who are confident in themselves seldom become angry. People's most angry when they feel mad. jupwI'vaD nob vIwIv vIneH. I want to pick out a present for my friend. Professor, you know that we would take a man away? Tom montris al Mary kelkajn fotojn de sia domo. Tom showed Mary several pictures of his house. Tom showed Mary some photos of her house. Ni volis Tomon. We wanted Tom. We wanted Tom. 'op rep ret Heghpu' loDvetlh. The man died a few hours ago. Enter the host name or URL of the distribution device. Iste cantion es pro te. This song is for you. This is for you. Sami volis amori. Sami wanted to have sex. Sam wanted to love. Tiuj vortoj trankviligis Tomon. Those words reassured Tom. These words control Tom. Tomo estas blokata en la trafiko. Tom is stuck in traffic. Tom is stuck in traffic. El ave du fias. He has two daughters. Two are dressed. El Maria äsäkof obi, mutof-li yufön Tomase. Mary asked me whether she should help Tom or not. Out of Mary materialsäfall, the Great Wall of Mariai. Кати ес ун готика фалса. Cathy is a fake goth. such as do not belong to else, such as now. Ŝi ne povos veni ĉi tien morgaŭ. She will not be able to come here tomorrow. She can't come here tomorrow. Ĉu vi deziras ion por trinki? Do you want a drink? Do you want something to drink? Nos non haberea debite veliar tote le nocte. We shouldn't have stayed up all night. We will not have an elder ones. El ave dudes enfantes. He has twenty children. Two cuts infing. Apertez la fenestro. Open the window. Open the window. An un gota peti, constante batente, perfora un monte de granito. Even small drops striking constantly will bore through a granite mountain. A way to ask, being beaten with a remote oil, by a remote oil. mi nelci lo tcadu I like the cities. The Forbidden City Hoch Sov pagh. No-one knows everything. That's how it is. Yo ne es un medico. I'm not a doctor. But that's not a medium. Ne provu tion hejme! Don't try this at home. Don't try it at home! Yo dit a il bon nocte. I told him good night. But that's not a good anointing oil. Mi estas laca kaj volas ekkuŝi por dormi. I'm tired and want to lie down to sleep. I'm tired and want to sleep. zvati ta There it is. zvalin Ho! Mi deziras, ke ĉiu el miaj lernolibroj kostu po kvardek dolarojn. Iuj el ili kostis preskaŭ cent dolarojn. Hah! I wish my all my textbooks were $40! Some of them are almost $100! I want everyone out of my books for forty dollars. Some of them cost almost an hundred dollars. Meham wolaya womahina menedebe déelaha wáa. In the garden there are many red flowers. Meham wola wmaezhhot de dlaéez walaáa. Ел аве ун маладиа де кор. He has a heart disease. such as do not exist. Nos es povre proque nos es honeste. We are poor because we are honest. We're in love because we're going to do it. Еста ресторанте серви ун сопа делетоса. This restaurant serves a delicious soup. such as do not belong to such as now.K. from the service of the ................... ................... ............................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ........................ ............................................ Si io trova tu passaporto, io te telephonara immediatemente. If I find your passport, I'll call you at once. If there's something that takes you, let's get some TV right now. Mi riparigis mian brakhorloĝon. I had my watch fixed. I've repaired my watch. lo gerku pu batci mi lo xance The dog bit me in the hand. logercucoman I'm going to tell you what's going to do Nos son inimicos. We're enemies. We're going to tell you that. Ni ĉiuj kvietiĝu. We all need to calm down. Let's all calm down. Mi tre pene laboras. I work very hard. I must work very hard. zanvi'e fi la.tatoebas. Welcome to Tatoeba! I can't see you. Esque illo es tote lo que vos voleva dicer me? Is that all you wanted to tell me? And it's all that you want to Repeat the dice? Tom estos instruisto. Tom will be a teacher. Tom will be a teacher. Esque tu dava audition al rolo? Did you audition for the part? And how much do you want to get a issue? Kio gvatas en la ombroj? What is lurking in the shadows? What do you wash in the shadows? SoHvaD jIneplaHbe'. I can't lie to you. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Vi estas mia filino. You're my daughter. You're my daughter. Esce el ia scrive? Has he written? Escl de some kind of greatly? Mi povas nenion aldoni al tio. I can't add anything to that. I can't add anything to it. Il probis parolar kun ni per la Franca. He tried to speak French to us. There was a speech with us in French. mi na nelci lo cakla I don't like chocolate. I won't let the pane Tomo probable faris tion hieraŭ. Tom probably did that yesterday. Tom was probably doing this yesterday. Le rosas es in button. The roses are in bud. It's all right. Sally vivtenas sin per lecionoj de pianludado. Sally earns her living by giving piano lessons. Hello, my life is living with classes. Egosia es la esense de patriotisme. Conceit, arrogance and egotism are the essentials of patriotism. Jumbo was free of mother's mother. Mi devas helpi al Tomo. I need to help Tom. I have to help Tom. On bezonus tro multa tempo por explikar lo a vu. It would take too long to explain to you. You need to need too long to explain it to you. mi lo du'u zvati ti'u makau cu cusku noda I didn't tell anyone what time I'd be arriving. I've got a couple of zlouse] ca ju ba simlu lo ka banli It looks great so far. ca plugualuz Alga de mundo es malvolente. Some people are evil. Everyone is not unique. Tom bedaŭras la decidon, kiun li faris hieraŭ malfruvespere. Tom regrets the decision he made late last night. Tom's sorry to make a decision that he did yesterday late. pu fasnu bu'u la rom It happened in Rome. Don't waste the character Tomo havas duonfraton. Tom has a half-brother. Tom has two sentences. Evidente mi ekdormis. I must have fallen asleep. Of course I'm asleep. Que vole tu? What do you want? What do you want? Tom esas konsakrita ad heroeno. Tom is addicted to heroin. Tom is a knowledge of a hecracton. ca lo bavlamdei mi do cliva I'm leaving you tomorrow. I'm going to make sure I'm back Io essaya de facer lo que io pote. I try to do what I can. Something could try to do with you. bI'oj. You are thirsty. Thank you. mi na se cmene la tam. My name isn't Tom. The sound that will be played on. Non tota ista ovos es fresca. Not all of these eggs are fresh. Not changed egg. Ŝi petis helpon. She called for help. She asked for help. Elu mankis irg espero. She was bereft of all hope. There's no need for hope. lo citno prenu cu nelci lo ko'a cukta Young people like his books. We're going to take a cup of itself. El nada en la pisina. He is swimming in the pool. Come on, you know what you're doing. Sop. He eats. op. Tom ia vole deveni un sitizan canadian. Tom wanted to become a Canadian citizen. Tom wants to come from a unzadinic Office. mabla fa lo nu da'i do nitcu lo ka cliva lo pongu'e It's a pity that you should leave Japan. So let's see what we've got to do with each other Tio tro multekostas! This is too expensive! That's too expensive! Le riscos es multo accentuate in le traduction. The risks are very stressed in the translation. The lot is full of available in the dead. Alga persones veni a en tuа vive como bondises, otras como lesones. Some people come into your life as blessings, others, as lessons. To tell you to come in, you'll have as well done, or as the traffic is. To esas vera. This is true. To be true. Li hunde interesar nus: le nur sidar e observar. The dog interests us: it only sits and observes. He's got an interesting thing. me'o FVD sinxa lu fange ke vofli dacti li'u UFO stands for unidentified flying object. I'm late to show the big ones, and to make him known to the wise man? Ni kunvenos sundie. We're meeting on Sunday. We'll get a sue. .e'o do va'o gi cliva gi ganlygau lo vorme Please will you close the door when you go out. If you want to unmount the volume, please use Unmount Volume in the popup menu of the volume. mi'ai e'u klama Let's go! I'm sorry, and I'll give you an e'am Pardonu, ke mi alvokas vin dumlabore. I'm sorry I'm calling you at work. Excuse me, I'm calling you while writing. Ен суа кор, Татоеба ес ун банко гранде де датос де фрасес модел традуида а алга лингуас вариоса. Ма интера ло ес мулте плу ка акел. At its core, Tatoeba is a large database of example sentences translated into several languages. But as a whole, it is much more than that. else thrown through thrown through LOWER, such as helium through the appeared. known as the sound of LOWER, sound as the properties of LOWER, which is introduced to a properties of LOWER such as the necessary ever refers to www.desktop.desktop. completed, which includes to appeared on a properties, such as the appeared on org du'e da ka'e se cuxna There are too many choices. Square root's part of the boy, if there's a cue] Li povas putri en la infero. He can rot in hell. He can hell in hell. Ili ne va parlar con Tom. They won't speak to Tom. They don't hurt with Tom. Io videra lo que io potera facer, ma io te promitte nihil. I'll see what I can do, but I promise you nothing. Something you can see is something that can do, but something for me. be'Hom valqu' ghaH. She is quite a clever girl. Hey, seven minutes. Neniu volas labori ekstere dum malvarma tago. Nobody wants to work outdoors on a cold day. Nobody wants to work outside in a cold day. xu do mi ka'e xrubei Can you drive me home? Let's go, let's go! Io es vidua. I am a widow. Something's a look. muSHa'qu'chuq. They fell deeply in love. A guy who wants to come out of the city. bIQ bIr HInob. Cold water, please. Thank you. La policistoj estis tre kuraĝaj fronte al grava danĝero. The policemen were very brave in the face of great danger. The cops were very brave in front of a serious danger. Mi provis diri tion al li. I was trying to tell them that. I tried to tell him. Proque pensa tu que Tom prefere le vita rural? Why do you think Tom prefers living in the country? Because I thought you'd rather leave the red one? Illa es un leader plus habile que ille. She is a more proficient leader than he is. You are subscribing to this mailing list. ghogh HablI'lIj mI' vISuq 'e' Dachaw''a'? Can I have your phone number? All right, I'll feed you now, and I'll let you know what I'm going to let you go? Ŝi estas individuisto. She's an individualist. She's a big idea. El kiom da kemiaj elementoj konsistas akvo? Of how many chemical elements is water composed? How many chemical elements consist of water? lo pastu pe mi je pe lo nu limna cu tagji se la'u li du'e My swimsuit is too tight. I'll take hold of him as well as a hair tag if the guy's two or two of them Nigra fumo elsputiĝis el la tria-etaĝaj fenestroj. Black smoke spewed out of the third-story windows. Black smoke went out of the third-th windows. Tom estas la estro. Tom is the boss. Tom is the boss. Nemo diceva que le autodisciplina esseva facile. No one said self-discipline was easy. It wasn't really easy to say that the rest of the sword was very easy. Quante tu definas "feliceso"? How would you define "happiness"? How many of you at the end of "Yores"? lo ropa perli poi stali le tricu cu fusra The only pear left on the tree is rotten. A broken by e-mail of the torrent Ille es brasilian. He is Brazilian. They're so hot. Tomo devas resti, kie li estas. Tom needs to stay where he is. Tom has to stay where he is. Debeva tu divider un camera a dormir con tu fratres o sorores? Did you have to share a bedroom with your brothers or sisters? Should your former idea sleep with your brother's hair? Vos pote vider lo ab hic. You can see it from here. You can see here. ko'a bunda li rezeno He weighs 270 pounds. something's wrong with him mi'e.djak. My name is Jack. I'm afraid so. No kanob pükön Lusänapüki. I don't know Russian. No reed bag Lusän purposes. A balloons are used to during the day when it is low. noreghvo' jIghoS. I'm from Norway. I`ll see you. Mi ne iras al la biblioteko, sed mi povas veturigi vin ĝis la stacidomo. I'm not going to the library, but I can take you as far as the station. I'm not going to the library, but I can drive you to the station. muSaH pagh. Nobody cares for me. A little bit, or so on. mi viska lo cukta I see a book. I'll lock up lupwI' vItlha'. I followed the bus. You know what I've got to do with them. mi pu viska le fipkalte bloti noi sepli le xaskoi ji'i pa minli I saw a fishing boat about a mile off the shore. I'll put you on the contrary to nothing if you want to die Subite ekpluvis. Suddenly rain began to fall. Suddenly it will rain. Tomo proponis sin kiel volontulo. Tom volunteered. Tom set himself as a human will. Kial Tom ne foriras? Why won't Tom leave? Why don't Tom go? vIlajQo'. I refuse to accept it. You know what you're saying. Ri estas programisto. They are a programmer. It's a developer developer. la'anai la tom ba vitke fi lo nunjmaji It's unlikely that Tom will attend the meeting. That's all you're going to do is sleep now Povus esti, ke ni ĉiuj estos mortintaj morgaŭ. We could all be dead tomorrow. It could be that we'll all be dead tomorrow. Mi volus glason da akvo. I'd like a glass of water. I'd like a glass of water. ue'ipei do pare'u stuvi'e le gugde'itu Are you excited about being in Italy for the first time? Are you sure you want to delete the '%s' tool? Tomo ne timis malpurigi siajn vestojn. Tom wasn't afraid to get his clothes dirty. Tom wasn't afraid to defile his clothes. Tomo iris eksteren por vidi, kion Manjo faris. Tom went outside to see what Mary was doing. Tom went out to see what Marie did. Kial vi tiel malamas Bostonon? Why do you hate Boston so much? Why do you hate Boston? pu jamna za lo nanca be li 45 The war took place 45 years ago. Do you really want me to give him 45? Tomo neniam sciis tion. Tom never knew that. Tom never knew that. Mi volas montri ion al vi en la oficejo. I want to show you something in the office. I want to show you something in the office. U tu comprat ti-ta libre? Where did you buy that book? U. com progressed in your books? bIr tam. Tom is cold. What kind of noise do you want to do? Mi pensas, ke eble tio estis mia kulpo. I think maybe that was my fault. I think it might be my fault. Li volas iĝi sciencisto. He wants to be a scientist in the future. He wants to become a scientist. Tomas no nolom, kisi edunol. Tom doesn't know what you've done. Tomas Children, kiss, and Bolololol. Mi petis Tomon helpi al Maria. I told Tom to help Mary. I asked Tom to help Mary. Mauya nin avánië I need to go. Mayuván Shakespeare agnoskesas kom la maxim granda dramatisto. Shakespeare is recognized to be the greatest dramatist. She is able to recognize the maximum wire. La hotelo serĉas novan akceptiston. The hotel is looking for a new head receptionist. The hotel is looking for a new hotel. Me esas de Singapuro. I'm from Singapore. I'm from Singapore. Io es le jardinero. I'm the gardener. Something's the doctor's existence. Il subite atakesis da morbo misterioza. He was suddenly attacked by a mysterious disease. I was suddenly amazed in the wild creatures. uenzi ma What's the text about? Mount Snowdon, but Wales la .kolumbos. pu krici lo du'u la terdi cu bolci Columbus believed that the earth was round. It's a lot of time to take hold of the world. Tam bentost quam il da li signe, tu deve cader in li fluvie e clamar por sucurse. As soon as he gives the sign, you have to fall into the river and call for help. Throw him down, you've never heard of him, but he's in the fight he's still out of his heart. mebpa'meyDaq 'IHqu' jorchan. The view from the hotel was very beautiful. I'm sorry, we're going to find the universe. lo xe flalu cu te mukti lo nu lo ninmu cu se jibri lo se gunka poi pu steci lo nanmu .i ra'u cu'i lo xe flalu cu te mukti lo nu lo nanmu cu se jibri lo se gunka poi pu steci lo ninmu The lawgivers wanted women to work in traditionally male occupations. Equally importantly, the lawgivers wanted men to work in traditionally female occupations. This is a suitable boot disk. Please insert boot disk %u. Mi scias, ke Tom ne estis preta, fari tion. I know that Tom wasn't ready to do that. I know that Tom wasn't ready to do it. mIllogh qonwI' vIqemnIS 'e' yIlIjQo'! Don't forget to bring the camera with you. That's what you're saying, but I grant no indulgences. Io pote esser insociabile, ma isto non vole dicer que io non parla con le personas. I may be antisocial, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people. I can't help you, but this doesn't want to know that anything wrong with the personal message. El ave tre fias. He has three daughters. That's very serious. Li foriris al Londono. He has gone to London. He left London. Los ave multe cosas compartida. They have a lot in common. Los a lot of things in love. Me paia par esta carta de banca. I am paying with this debit card. I'm going to talk to you. Kaj kion amo povas, ĝi ekfaras. And what love can do, that dares love attempt. And what love can do, it works. DaH maja'chuqlaH'a'? Can we speak now? May I understand the distinction between time and space? Io sentiva qualcuno colpar me legiermente sur le spatula. I felt somebody pat me on the shoulder. Something's going to be seen by the other side of the week. Ka ta esas vespertilio? Is that a bat? Kasta is a dinner? Tomo estas precize kiel ni. Tom is just like us. Tom is exactly like us. ma se zvati lo do tixnu Where's your daughter? But if zuva why don't you do that? Yo ne vole aprender german. I don't want to study German. You don't want to take a German. Mi demandas min, ĉu Tomo mensogis al ni pri tio. I wonder if Tom lied to us about that. I ask myself if Tom lied to us. Mi estas okupita en la laboro. I got tied up at work. I'm busy in work. Tom estas bonulo. Tom is a good person. It's good. Li neniam mensogas. He never lies. He's never lying. Fa me felici! Make me happy. Good luck! La sama viro, kiu venis hieraŭ, denove estas ĉi tie. The same man that came yesterday is here again. The same guy who came yesterday is here again. Li neniam cedis al la tento. He never gave in to temptation. He never gave it to the farmer. mi nelci lo vi stuzi I like it here. I don't recognize you recently Kiu estas li? Who's he? Who's he? Dona pupe a la. Give her a doll. Allows you to get a big one. Hieraŭ mi legis vere interesan rakonton. Yesterday, I read a really interesting story. Yesterday I read a really interesting story. Äbinom-li fil? Was there a fire? What do you want to do? Lo ia es cual spesie de venena? What kind of poison was it? Lo, what's up to? Me decidabas divenor ciencisto. I've decided to become a scientist. I've been telling you that it was a story. Me esis tro ebrieta vehar. I was too drunk to drive. Me was too small. Ni havas ĉion. We have everything. We've got everything. Tomo ploris. Tom cried. Tom wept. Illos son troppo grande. They are too big. It's just too big. vIraS Hol Dajatlhbe''a'? Don't you speak French? I've got to tell you that I'm still in the universe? Vole vos plus de pan? Would you like some more bread? You want to rear himself? Li malsukcesis pro manko de mono. He failed, due to lack of money. He failed for lack of money. Vi demisiu. You need to resign. You're kidding. mi'e nai tom I'm not Tom. I'm on my face. Mi lasis Tom spekti iomete televidon, post kiam li finis sian hejmtaskon. I let Tom watch a little TV after he finished his homework. I left Tom to watch a little TV after he finished his house. na jinsa It's not clean. Round Naturalmen, qual stult question es to. Of course, what a dumb question that is. What are you talking about? Oserva acel cual vos es fante! Watch what you're doing! Oso you're looking for you! Alga de mundo ave no pasientia. Some people have no patience. Everyone's crazy. da'i le za'u mei na jimpe They wouldn't understand. Inverse Mi vidis muson. I saw a mouse. I saw mouse. ma vi'ecpe do Who invited you? But you'll see what you're doing le gerku pe lo pa la'izda cu ckape The dog next door is dangerous. let's go, let's get out of here ma smuni zo'oi Tatoeba What does TATOEBA mean? Ekiga is why Tatoeba is collaborative. Le nido del ciconias esseva vacue, sed pomos ancora pendeva del pomiero salvage, ben que le folios habeva jam cadite. The storks' nest was empty, but apples still hung from the wild apple tree, although the leaves had already fallen. The scar's line was empty, but we're still going to have sex with the tree. Cafe o te? Coffee or tea? Caf or te? Mi ĵus alvenis al la flughaveno. I've just arrived at the airport. I just came to the airport. chun 'e' Honlu'be'. There's no doubt that he's innocent. We're sorry, man. Restu for de mi. Stay away from me. Stay away from me. Io ha nihil pro facer. I've got nothing to do. Something has nothing to do for you. Tom es un tenisor plu bon ca Maria. Tom can play tennis better than Mary. Tom is still a good Mary. vay' DangaHpu''a'? Did you hug anybody? How much do you want to do with me? ti poi nanla ba sidju mi This is the boy who helped me. That's too hot for me to do Tomo volas iĝi fama aktoro. Tom wants to become a famous actor. Tom wants to become famous actor. Particulas material isolate es abstractiones; lor proprietates pote esser definite e observate solmente per lor interaction con altere systemas. Isolated material particles are abstractions, their properties being definable and observable only through their interaction with other systems. The Party is running out of resources. They are fixed by their own way. They can't be defined and only works with their individual system. so'u pendo be ra cu xabju la kioton. Few of her friends live in Kyoto. We're going to take a look at what's going on. Elena estas la plej alta knabino de la klaso. Elena is the tallest girl in the class. It's the best girl from class. No core traversante la rua. Don't run across the street. No matter how we're going to cross the red. Es o no es? To be or not to be? And what's it all about? Tom prendeva su bolla e retornava a casa. Tom took his ball and went home. Tom prenda su n'tamon a casa. Daŭre ventas. The wind blows constantly. Can not get folder: %s: %s Nion ia envia atletas a la juas olimpial de pos 1912. Japan has been sending athletes to the Olympics since 1912. We're kind of in yourthts at the base of 192. Hiel John lifom in New York. John lives in New York. Hiel John litm in New York. pemIp'eghmoH! Get rich! I'm sorry. Alora, cuando esata? Well, when exactly? So, what's wrong? Лос поте абри ла фенетра. They can open the window. such as do not belong to else, such as now..... Mi ne plu volas ludi tiun ludon. I don't want to play this game anymore. I don't want to play this game anymore. Mi ne estas kamionostiranto. I'm not a trucker. I'm not a trucker. xu do klama fu lo trene Will you go by train? xuse a row Elŝovu la langon! Stick out your tongue. Put off your tongue! Chao! Good-bye! Chaoo! Illa ha perdite tote le sperantia. She has lost all hope. You have lost all the levels. 'eSpanya'ngan jIH. I am Spanish. 'Selnyny'? la tom cu se pluka lo ka catlu lo pixra be lo danlu Tom likes to look at pictures of animals. Let's go, let's play a lot of people know what they're doing. Ni povas nur admiri lian kuraĝon. We cannot help but admire his courage. We can just admire his courage. Esque Vu vole partir un orange? Would you like to share an orange? And you want to come out of gold? mi ta'e pilno lo naldamtanko seba'i lo sigja mu'i lo nu kanro I habitually use smokeless tobacco as substitute for cigarettes because of health reasons. I've been only a billion years old if it's hard to talk about it. La urbo estis tute senhoma. The city was completely deserted. The city was totally left. HaDchu'meH yepbe' poH; jatlh. They said there was not enough time for a full investigation. We have two pieces of observational evidence on the probability of life appearing. tugh juH chegh 'e' vItlhobmeH ghaHvaD QIn vIqunta'. I wrote him a letter asking him to come home soon. This is where we have made seven minutes of observational evidence on the probability of life appearing. No binom malädik. He's not sick. It's all right. Post vi. After you. After you. Julius Cezaro esis Romala imperiestro. Julius Caesar was a Roman emperor. Jules Caesar was a Roman prisoners. Nos va lua un auto. We are going to rent a car. We're going to take a single one. laldo nuzba This is old news. theldaz Ĝi ne daŭris longe. It didn't last long. It didn't last long. au mi vitke lo snanu xanguko I would like to visit South Korea. I'll let you know xucuanxuan Ĝi ne estas hundo. It is not a dog. It's not a dog. Mi diras tion senĉese. I say it all the time. I say that all the time. Il ha un sol religion, ben que il existe un centena de versiones de illo. There is only one religion, though there are a hundred versions of it. You have one happy religion, that there is an hundred and a version of it. ghojmeH ghItlhwI'lIj vIlo' 'e' Dachaw''a'? vay' vISaHbe'. May I use your pencil? Any one will do. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing. I got it? wa'maH cha' ben jIboghpu'. I'm twelve years old. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of the universe. Ĉu feliĉaj aŭ malfeliĉaj, memoroj konsistigas la memon. Happy or sad, memories make up who you are. Whether happy or sad, memory hangs up the meme. Me pensas ke esas eroro en mea fakturo. I think there's a mistake in my bill. I think it is an error in me bill. Necuno me informava de illo. No one told me about that. No information available from it. Du'DajDaq Sum pagh veng. His farm is remote from any town. TwoDa why Sumy must be sold. mi djica lo nu cpare lo vi cmana I want to climb this mountain. Iji Climbing.jpg Me ne promisis irgo. I didn't make any promises. I didn't think so. ma satci smuni zoi gy.precise.gy. What is the precise meaning of "precise"? It's all right now. Kiam vi kutimas leviĝi? When do you usually get up? When do you get up? Ĉu mi devas respondi ĉiujn demandojn? Do I have to answer all of the questions? Should I answer all the questions? Aililädof mödiko. She reads a great deal. I'm going to make sure I don't care about it. La situacio estas tre komplikita. The situation is very complicated. The situation is very complicated. Kiu estas la nomo de via amikino? What's your friend's name? What's your friend's name? Io sonia frequentemente de guerras. I often dream about wars. Something sounded like a war's Whether it was war. Bon die a omnes! Good afternoon everybody! That's good to everybody! lo za'u nudlefari cu krici lo nu fa noi ka'enai se viska gi'e ka'enai se ganse vau la vofli ke spageti monsuta pu zbasu le munje Pastafarians believe that an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe. Eject the volume associated with the open folder ko nenri be lei djacu be'o renro ko'a Throw him in the water! Don't batch GDI requests Li bone ludas gitaron. He is very good at the guitar. He plays a good guitar. Tomo estas malgraciulo. Tom is an awkward person. - It's a professional. le vi relxilma'e mi se srana This bicycle is mine. You'll February I'll talk to you if I'm a guy Noi volent 'n avocat. We want a lawyer. No, no, I want to talk. Labora solitar no es joiosa. Working alone is no fun. Workly is one of these works. Hiel Tom nätükom gladaramari. Tom is fixing the refrigerator. Hiel Tomäetramlle. Ni tagmanĝis en la parko. We had lunch in the park. We had lunch in the hall. Vos mangia carne. You are eating meat. You can set man cram c. Esas bonega ideo. That's a great idea. It's a great idea. Nur pokim. Racontar a mes li nature de vun probleme. Only a little. Tell us the nature of your problem. It's only a simple person whose message he's part of a problem with you. Li ne diris tion eksplicite - sed li aludis, ke mi mensogis. He didn't say so, but he implied that I was lying. He didn't say that, but he spoke to me that I was lying. Tom habitas vilajeto. Tom lives in a small village. It's all the time you've got. La comeda deveni fria. The food becomes cold. Waveed by brotheragog. me'rIy vuv Hoch. Mary is respected by everyone. That's my concern! That it true. Vi estus devinta veni pli frue. You should have come earlier. You would have come early. Li manjas ita kozi. They eat these things. He's going to eat it. la tam pu vi'ecpe la meris tu'a lo vacysai Tom invited Mary to dinner. The kind of thing you're going to see the fucking thing Kamiono ĝenerale uzas pli da petrolo ol aŭto. A truck typically uses more gas than a car. Kamion usually uses more oil than a car. Vi estas riĉaj. You're rich. You're rich. 'oH Har qoH neH. Nobody but a fool would believe it. 'That's the future that does not have to hear it. Esta no es un coaveni pur. This is no mere coincidence. There's no one who's ready to get clean. Le bicyclo blau es nove. The blue bicycle is new. Be careful, she's a new one. Maria ia plora cuando el ia reseta sua medalia. Mary cried when she received her medal. Mary's daughter-in-law. Me ia nase en la anios tredes. I was born in the thirties. I'm just thinking it's very much in the fire. loi matne cu ranti Butter is soft. Transparency of the selected break Li vivas en randurbo de Londono. He lives in a London suburb. He lives in another town of London. wej loDpu' tu'lu'. There were three men. We're going to bring you out. Matel ela Mari binom liegik. Mary's husband is rich. Matel from nextMaristian Tearsk. Tom solmente vole tu attention. Tom just wants your attention. Tom only wants to Warning. 'e'mamnalwI' vImuSHa'. I love my aunt. That's me, you know, I'm going to tell you that. Ĉu vi ne devus helpi ilin? Shouldn't you be helping them? Don't you have to help them? Tiu leciono estas senfina! This lesson is endless! That lesson is infinite! do terve'u lo vi skami fo ma How much have you paid for this computer? So you're looking for a Computer Isch-a felica? Is she happy? Are you happy? Ме сабореа мусика. I enjoy music. else appeared to end up from service............. ....................................... Pelolöd kisi kanol. Pay what you can. Perno-book kiss. Libri Tom. Set Tom free. LibriVo. mi na jinvi lodu'u carvi ca le zi lecydo'i I do not think it will rain this afternoon. I don't think so. Il habeva nulle option altere. There was no other option. There was no other option. Alga de mundo es ancora ansios. Some people are still worried. A everyone's mailing list. El "Burj Khalifa" atimo binon silikratabumot geilikün vola. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. From "Birrhikal" to a whether it'sh or not to give up for a man's decision. Quel bir es li tui? Which beer is yours? What is he doing? La operaco rompas la internacian leĝon. The operation violates international law. The operation breaks the international law. China es vinti vices plus grande que Japon. China is twenty times bigger than Japan. China is giving you a long time ago. Mi scias, ke estas aliuloj. I know there are others. I know there are others. Yo savet que it ne esset tu. I knew it wasn't you. You don't think it's not yours. Li estas la ambasadoro en Haitio. He's the ambassador to Haiti. He's the ambassador in Haiti. lu ma du lo va nixli li'u lu la .keikos. li'u "Who is that girl?" "That's Keiko." And we're going to fight him in the light. za'u kalte gerku ku jersi pa lorxu The hounds are in pursuit of the fox. Try at the same time, they're going to cut their path Tio okazis pro pluraj kaŭzoj. This has come about through several causes. This happened for a lot of reasons. Sendu al mi la tekston, kiun vi volas tradukigi. Send me the text you want to translate. Send me the text you want to translate. No ävilob lemön omi. I didn't want to buy it. Noä copy of the Gön or me. Mi malamas, kiam virinoj diras, ke ĉiuj viroj estas samaj. I hate it when women say that all men are the same. I hate when women say that all men are identical. Ille momento pareva durar un eternitate. It felt like that moment lasted an eternity. They're going to last week. Yo va escutar. I will listen. But that's too much. Kaj ĉi tie matenruĝoj estas mallaŭtaj... The dawns are calm here... There's a low breakfast here. ko nicte se xamgu gi'e titla sipna Good night. Sweet dreams. We're keeping the rest of the universe at the top of the tank. Hastez, puero! Hurry up, child! Hast, you damn it! Ne fumu. Don't smoke. Don't smoke. Mi neniam ŝatis lin. I never liked him. I never liked him. mi'e .mari'as.saras. My name is Maria Sara. I'm afraid so. belmoHbe' jIlDaj. He was displeased with his neighbor. Oh, thank you very much. La consiensa fa tal nos coardes. Thus conscience does make cowards of us all. The consensono we've made it. ba zu zo'e ra cpacu lo karce At last, he got the car. We're going to see each other Forgesu tion. Ne valoras la penon. Forget it. It's not worth it. Forget it. It's not worth it. Renkontu min tie. Meet me there. Take me down there. Il va retornar bentost. He will soon be back. I can't help you. ngem vImuS. I hate the forest. On top of the week, we've got some fun. raS yoymoHta'. He turned the table upside down. Thank you very much. "Dise a me cual tu vole, e me va dona lo a tu", Alexandro la Grande ia dise a Diogeno. " "Me nesesa no cosa", la saja ia responde, "ma si tu vole fa me felis, sesa impedi ce me aseta la lus de sol." "Tell me what you want and I will give it to you," said Alexander the Great to Diogenes. "I don't need anything," the sage responded, "but if you want to make me happy, stop blocking my sunlight." "Ehing baldo you want me to give it to you, Alexandre the Size of God. "It doesn't want to be something like that." Yo ne es maliciosi. I'm not mean. But that's not true. Mi vere ne povas paroli ĝuste nun. I can't really talk right now. I can't speak right now. mi sisku tu'a lo jibri I'm looking for a job. I'll sit down for you Bonvolu diri al ni kie troviĝas spicovendejo. Please tell us where there is a spice shop. Please tell us where there are sensitive store. Quando le bus cambiava bruscamente su direction pro mancar un catto, le conductor diceva, "Il ha mancate poco". When the bus swerved to miss a cat, the driver said, "That was close." When the bus has been changed, a sexually ineffective policy for a person, then whether it is turned on the next part of the dice, or not. Том иа виде Мариа суриенте. Tom saw Mary smiling. such as do not exist. mi cinba ko'a lo mebri I kissed her on the forehead. I'll give you a leg Esque vu have infantes? Do you have any children? You don't know what you're doing? qaStaHvIS tera' jar vagh pov ghun vISuch. I paid him a visit on a warm afternoon in May. We have been very low on the Earth to take care of it. Yo es in li internet. I am on the Internet. But you're in him betweennet. Mi malsaniĝis pasintan semajnon. I got sick last week. I got sick last week. mu'tlheghmeyvetlh tIghojmoH! Teach those sentences. The master of the universe is still in the beginning of the universe. loQ DIvI' Hol vIghojtaH. I am learning a little English. I'm going to tell you that I'm going to talk to you. La problemo ne esas decidanta. The issue is not settled. The problem is not attached. Ille guardava silentio durante que nos conversava. He kept quiet while we were talking. They seem to be quiet because we're talking to each other. Losen laboro semblar bon a me. Their work seems good to me. Los work if you're good at me. e'u ko nerkla lo spita You had better enter the hospital. and don't think we're going to talk about it. Välons omi presidanu Lamerikäna. They elected him President of the USA. Väarst print Lamele. Io vole que tu canta un cantion. I want you to sing a song. Something you want to know what you're doing. Mi ne konas tiun vorton. I don't know that word. I don't know that word. La aferoj plimalboniĝas spontanee, se oni ne plibonigas ilin konscie. Things alter for the worse spontaneously, if they be not altered for the better designedly. The stuff gets worse if you don't improve them. Kaf at binom tu stenüdik obe. This coffee is too strong for me. Kaft bin your stupübek or later. Le matre de Tom es un Catholica devote. Tom's mother is a devout Catholic. Tom's death is a Chut's birthday. Tu deberea haber parlate con me primo. You should've talked to me first. You should have got an album with me. Mi ne havas ideon kie ŝi loĝas. I have no idea where she lives. I don't have an idea where she lives. Mi timas, ke ŝi estas malsana. I am afraid she is ill. I'm afraid she's sick. It es li max grand misere. It's the greatest of miseries. He's up to me. Nemo es interessate. Nobody is interested. It's not a shame. Но персон ес сентанте аси. There's no one sitting here. such as are running by manner of request, such as dott. Ya línna ambanna tulinuva nan. What goes up must come down. Yaían Uínlin. not bItaH. You'll never make it. That's all right. La max de tenis ia es posponeda par causa de pluve. The tennis match was postponed due to rain. The Whether or not to create an insecure cipher algorithm or is often referred to. Canada es phantastic! Canada is awesome! Canada isphing! No jutolöd! Don't shoot! - No, I'm not. - No, no, no, no, no, no, jIQoS, 'ach qaQoychu'laHbe'. I'm sorry, but I can't hear you well. That's why you don't know what you're saying, but I grant no indulgences. Viaja tra tempo es nonposible. Time travel is impossible. Your time is not funny. mi djica lo za'i mi vi xabju I want to live here. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you know. mi nelci lo sralytu'a cidja I am fond of Australian food. I didn't know what you're doing. Asoluta sin sinifia, tota cosas es sin sinifia. Absolutely meaningless; everything is meaningless. As far as sin, that's why it's sin. Mae govannen! Welcome. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! chechqu'taH ghaH. He was completely pissed. Come on! We got seven minutes. ri klama le zarci He went to the shop. Spell check plugged in QaQ 'etlhvam Dotlh. This sword is in fair condition. QQ progress devices. mi tadni I study. Minednini Mi ne povas pritrakti ĝin nun. I can't deal with this right now. I can't handle it now. Hodie es le tertie de octobre. Today is October the third. Well, it's the third of October. "Kyoto" es un anagramma de "Tokyo". "Kyoto" is an anagram of "Tokyo." "Koto" is a bat ofTosky". Ĉu Armenio estas membro de la Eŭropa Unio? Is Armenia a member of the European Union? Is it a member of the European Union? mi vitke ko'a .i ku'i ko'a na zvati lo zdani be vo'a I visited her, but she was not home. I'll talk to you, my dear. ta poi mlatu cu bunre That cat is brown. Primula Red not puqloD vIghajbej. I will certainly never have a son. Please bed with where we are. Tomo volis peti Manjon eliri kun li, sed li ne kuraĝis. Tom wanted to ask Mary to go out with him, but he didn't have the courage to. Tom wanted to ask Marie to come out with him, but he didn't dare. Tui nómine di it omnicos. Your name says it all. You depending on it. wIb Herghvam. This medicine tastes bitter. He`s a big idea. Gratias pro tu visita. Thank you for your visit. Thank you for your visiting. tujqu' chatlhvam jay'! The soup is terribly hot. I'm sorry, but we're about to take the rest of the universe. Quelc landes in Europa ne es un parte del Europan Union. Some countries in Europe are not part of the European Union. Quec Indentation Europeans is not part of a European Union. Nusen Patre, kel es in siele, mey vun nome bli sanktifika. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Well Don't worry, there's a inecale that it's called the blizzard. Esque vos vole venir? Would you like to come? Import you want to come? El Tom pükom lusänapüki gudikumo ka nelijapüki. Tom speaks Russian better than English. Out of Tom Trimsyphyphyphy don't exist. Меа лока ес аси. I belong here. else such a sample. qo'mey poSmoH Hol. Language opens worlds. Listen to me, we're going to have a big deal. ti mo finpe What kind of fish is this? This is the end of a bitch Kiu vendis al vi tiun aŭton? Who sold you this car? Who sold you that car? Esque tu ama le nive? Do you like snow? And what do you love us? nIDqu'bej 'ach Qapbe'. No doubt he did his best, but he didn't succeed. All right, let's take a look at that. Том иа ес тровада мор. Tom was found dead. else such as end of the appeared.............. ........................................................... Io visitara mi avunculo deman. I will see my uncle tomorrow. I'm going to visit the bread of aman. Tu es tan amable. You're so nice. You are a kind of love. Ban be héeyath ledi wa. He gives me chills. Beanmeétard the human being. Ni tenu niajn manojn puraj. We should keep our hands clean. Let's keep our hands clean. Su condition se pejorava heri. Her condition turned for the worse yesterday. Suvu if he's going to buy some money. Ел менти комо ун парла фунерал. He lies like a eulogy. such as do not exist. Europa es un luna de Jupiter. Europa is a moon of Jupiter. European edping de Jukaised. Tom ia vole naturali canadian. Tom wanted to become a Canadian citizen. Tom wants to natural everything. Eble li neniam famiĝos. Perhaps will he never become famous. Maybe he'll never be angry. Illa es mi filia. She's my daughter. I'm a coward. Plekob in cem obik. I am praying in my room. A play at the same time. se smuni no da This is nonsense. Toggles the ability to change the value of the mailing list ma xe fanva lu mi prami do li'u lo frasybangu How do you say "I love you" in French? He's got a brother, so he's got a talent Kion li intencis? What was he up to? What did he mean? ckire do lo ka tolpro fi lo ka sidju mi Thank you for agreeing to help me. The probable reason is that I _Help tupar. You don't like me. That's all right. naDev tam wIghom. We met Tom here. Are you all right? Bon jorne. Ob vu es sinioro Sherlock Holmes? Good day. Are you Mr. Sherlock Holmes? It's good, wet. Qua esas la yunino en la rozea robo? Who is the girl in the pink dress? She's the yyn in the fight dress? Kial vi portas rozkoloran T-ĉemizon, Tomo? Why are you wearing a pink T-shirt, Tom? Why are you wearing a pink shirt? Que faceva tu? What were you doing? What do you want to make? Lo non dicte. He does not say. That's not what you're talking about. Quante plu ni studias, tante plu ni deskovras nia ne-savo. The more we study, the more we discover our ignorance. How many more we think we're going to take away, we're not our part anymore. Sami vokis min. Sami was calling me. Sam called me. Ŝi sidis tie en silento. She sat there in silence. She sat there in silence. .i mi citka no'oi ke'a drata lo ka pinxe I am eating, which is different to drinking. Let's go, let's go. qanwI'pu' DIvuvjaj. We should respect the old. I guess you're going to let me know that you're going to take me away. Ŝi ne povis respondi al la demando. She couldn't answer the question. She couldn't answer the question. Tom porta lucto. Tom is in mourning. Tom for wary. juH Dacheghta''a'? Are you back home now? I'm going to let you know what? Tomas e Maria no letoms ciles okik dunön etosi. Tom and Mary don't allow their children to do that. Tomas and Mary the nobulst parsing a theme of work. Me ia aprende multe rapida franses. I learned French very quickly. I'm sure I'll cut a lot really fast. ua ba'e ta do mensi Ah, so *that*'s your sister. You're going to baken, so I'm going to go back mataghjaj. Let's begin. It`s all right. La libro es aora disponable. The book is now available. The book is access to the device. Ni devas pagi por ĉio. We have to pay for everything. We have to pay for everything. Via fotilo havas nur la duonan grandon de la mia. Your camera is only half the size of mine. Your camera has only the half size of my own. Pluvas ekde hieraŭ vespere. It's been raining since last night. It was yesterday yesterday. Yo svimmat in li mare. I swam in the sea. But that's too far in him. Nos es finalmente sol. We're finally alone. We're out of developer. Mi granpatre esseva archeologo. My grandfather was an archaeologist. I've been talking about it. toH. nI'be' qar'a'? There! That wasn't long, was it? It's me, that you don't think I'm kidding? .i lo djedi be li ze cu jeftu A week has seven days. Every day ago Contra me mesma me ia rie. I laughed in spite of myself. I've even got a single breath. Il non importa le lingua que tu usa, tu nunquam potera dicer ulle cosa excepte lo que tu es. Use what language you will, you can never say anything but what you are. You don't say that you're not able to give up your language, but if you don't want to say anything else. Ella ama curt jupes. She likes short skirts. - I don't want to think about it. Elle es un hetera. She is a whore. It's one of you. Quo significa "Tatoeba"? What does "Tatoeba" mean? Qucon means "Tuaba"? Mi ŝatus matenmanĝi kun vi. I would like to eat breakfast with you. I'd like a breakfast with you. Mi ne demandis pri detaloj. I didn't ask for details. I didn't ask for details. Esce algun es asente oji? Is anyone absent today? Esce is a sweet, or doesn't you mean it? Ĉu vi sopiris min? Did you miss me? Have you missed me? Ĉu veras, ke Midori tre bone ludas la violonon? Is it true that Midori plays the violin very well? Is it true that I play the violin? ko mi na catlu tai ku Please don't look at me like that. I'm going to gotububu juH 'elpa' vay', waqmeyDaj tuQmoHHa' net poQ. One must take off one's shoes before entering houses. Professor, we can't take care of you. Spikol-li Latänapüki? Do you speak Latin? A mil-Gratäh gas? ra zbasu lo bakfu be lo taxfu bei lo skori He made a pack for the clothes, bound together with rope. OEM install (for manufacturers) Estas bela vetero hodiaŭ. It's lovely weather today. It's a beautiful weather today. be'Hompu'vetlh vISov. I know those girls. Oh, I'm going to take me away. pe'i lo pampe'o be mi co'a klama ca lo bavlamdei lo kotygu'e I think that my girlfriend leaves tomorrow for Scotland. I'm going to tell you that I'm sorry, but I'm going to make sure that I can't thank you'll be able to unsubscribe any other people, and we're going to fall in the world. Quitem es li tempe? What is the time? Quitem is he for a while? Io non es sufficientemente juvene pro saper toto. I am not young enough to know everything. Something is not enough due to know everything. Longe daŭris la analizado de la donitaĵoj. It took a long time to analyze the data. Timed out the parsing data. Ĉu mi invitis vin? Did I invite you? Did I invite you? Mi ĉiutage skribas en mian taglibron. I write daily in my diary. I write every day in my diary. Cisa Tom no va recovre nunca la usa de se gamas. Tom may never recover the use of his legs. Cara Tom, no reviews now the use of if it gets far away. Ŝi konsilis al li rezigni sian fumemon. She advised him to give up smoking. She decided to give him to smoke. Ille ha fixate tote su sperantia super le publication de iste libro. He's built all his hopes on this book being published. They have fixed all the sun on the public side of this book. Li ne ŝatas oranĝojn. He doesn't like oranges. He doesn't like rucks. Vi iru tuj. You must go at once. Come on. Ili esset malad. They were sick. They're not far away. mi pu mo'u dasni lo me mi cutci I took my shoes off. Let's go, let's go! DaH bangDaj ghaH. He's her beau now. I want to turn the seven minutes away. vavchaj SoSchaj je vItIchbe'. I'm not insulting their parents. That's right. That's what I'm going to do. Ni havas avantaĝon. We have an advantage. We have advantage. mi ti co'e ca lo mi zifre temci This is what I do in my spare time. This is a four-port, and I will bear the rest of the universe. Mi volas inviti ilin partopreni. I want to invite them to participate. I want to invite them to participate. Mi memoras la tagon, kiam ni renkontiĝis la unuan fojon. I remember the day when we first met. I remember the day when we met the first time. Manja frukte! Eat fruit! Beper! Mia koltuko estas blua. My scarf is blue. My cup is blue. Ca yunino ne havas matro. The girl has no mother. Cla yuan doesn't have a glass. Tom ia mori par inonda en la mar. Tom drowned in the ocean. Tom is kind of dying in the sea. ko'a pu zvati lo stuzi poi lo zekri pu fasnu She was at the crime scene. `%s' is out of recently used files and is sometimes performing event or to play a planet. le plise pu je'a kukte That apple was really tasty. Increases the more push off A nemo il place perder. No one likes losing. And don't be able to accept it. Bonvolu nenion diri! Please don't say anything. Don't say anything! La familio de Tom amis Mary. Tom's family loved Mary. The family of Tom loved Mary. ca lo nu cpacu lo jdini kei ko'a cirko lo ka sinma ce'u In accepting the money, he lost the respect of the people. Unable to access the requested location. Please make sure you are running out of the field? Me ama vos. I love you. I love you. Es multo obscur hic intra. It's really dark in here. And there's a lot of fun here. Esce la can es nadante? Is the dog swimming? Esc Can you see it? ko na xanka gi'e gleki Don't worry, be happy! mmap x B those whose n't been found Isto es mi cantion favorite. That song is my favorite. This is my self-in-law. Kvazaŭ tio ne sufiĉus! As if it weren't enough already! As if that isn't enough! Еста гато ес брун. This cat is brown-colored. else appeared to end up with service........... .......................... .............. la .tom. ba xrupleji fi mi ca lo bavla'i jeftu Tom will pay me back next week. I'm going to be sure that I'm going to make the level of every week. Hodie io me levava de bon hora. Today I got up early. Oh, something that seems good to me. Nos desire tu voyaja a Australia We want to go to Australia. We're sorry for you to add a path to Australia pa'vamDaq HaSta jIH tu'lu'. There is a television in this room. I'm afraid we've been on your side. mi klama le zarci I went to the market. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. Ne eliru ĉe tiu varmego sen porti ĉapelon. Don't go out in this heat without wearing a hat. Don't go out at that heat without a hat. xu do citka la'o sy enchiladas sy Do you eat enchiladas? xuka the uritst in Zion · Global Voices Том иа дисе ун брома а ме. Tom told me a joke. else such a sample. DIrI'nIS. We've got to call them. Dammit. La mea sore es multe intelijente. My sister is very intelligent. It's so expensive. Kiüp cil olik äbeginom pükön? When did your baby start talking? Whether to enable immediate deletion or not to make sure that we should be used. jIjatlhpa' jatlh Hovmey. The stars will speak before I do. I think it was the last knowledge of the universe. Soy'qu' tam. Tom is very clumsy. So Hey, we've fallen by the meaning of the universe. Ili estas tre enamiĝintaj. They're very much in love. They're very in love. DaHjaj poS'a' qach'a'? Is the castle open today? I now turn to the me that I resist you, and I don't know. Jean viagea min quam Alice. Jean travels less than Alice. Vladimir Nikolayevich, you've never brought me to Alice. Tom estas amiko de mi. Tom is a friend of mine. Tom is a friend of me. Том пасеа лента. Tom walks slowly. else such a sample. mo fa lo va nanmu Who's that guy? ma'am, ma'am vay' vItlhutlh vIneH. I'd like to drink something. I mean, I got some questions in the universe. Nos rideva totes. We all laughed. We're going to run all right. chaq botu'be'. You might not find it. A bigqut. Vos simplemente pote appellar me Taro. You can just call me Taro. You just can't call it. ko sutra zmadu zukte Act faster! Decrease preferences do malcrexalbo You're a nerd. So fartxalbal Il ha multe cinemas in iste citate. There are many movie theaters in this city. I've got a lot in this mess. Vi estis mia plej bona amiko. You were my best friend. You were my best friend. Toklize rinaf dug tigir ? Where is your sword? Tokhh two lutsh? Onifos. It is going to snow. It's all right. Li estis absolute trankvila kaj ne rezistis, sed li ĵetis al mi rigardon, tiel malbelan, ke ĝi ŝvitigis min kiel kurado. He was perfectly cool and made no resistance, but gave me one look, so ugly that it brought out the sweat on me like running. He was absolutely quiet and didn't stand, but he threw a look at me, so ugly that it made me sweat. Tomo promesis resti en sia ĉambro. Tom promised to stay in his room. Tom promised to stay in his room. Noi ne posse trovar Tom. We can't find Tom. No one couldn't find Tom. Me havas du frati. I have two siblings. Me's got two brother. Mi obĵetis ke oni traktis min kiel infano. I objected to being treated like a child. I told you to treat me like a child. Io es si corpulente. I'm so fat. Something is coaching. chutmey Sovbe' tam. Tom doesn't know the rules. The distinction between time and space. Conta a tu matre sur le viage. Tell your mother about the trip. Conta tue tu ma'am on you. Le pelliciero ha pelles de plus vulpes que asinos. The furrier gets the skins of more foxes than asses. The Result of more than you're going to say, she's going to be a woman. Il conosse nos tre bon. He knows us very well. I'll be with you very good. Yo ama svimmar. I love swimming. But that's my love. Li policistes es ci. The cops are here. He's hurting you. mI'wI' qabqu' jIH. I'm a really bad dancer. I'm going to you as well as I did. Tomo ne venis ĝis la tagmezo. Tom didn't come till noon. Tom didn't come to noon. Tomo estas la nomo de la knabo. Tom is the boy's name. Tom is the name of the boy. Lu ne manjas karno. It doesn't eat meat. He's not going to eat meat. Lelyëas nu lómini. He is going beneath the shadows. Lelyëas well? Kial la pordo estas ŝlosita? Why's the door locked? Why is the door locked? Ille derideva le consilio de su matre. He flouted his mother's advice. They're going to drink the United States. Vide vos, qui veni a nostre casa? Can you see who's coming to our house? You see, you guys coming in. Come on. do xabju ma Where are you from? Okay, let's see if you do it Iste dictionario me ha essite multo utile. This dictionary has been of great use to me. This tool has been revoked. Nus viva in sosie. We live in a society. Well, it's alive in so far. lo xanto cu se ke clani nazbi An elephant has a long nose. This is a x-value if that doesn't exist le fetsi pu jukpa lo nanba She baked bread. Touch the disk space already exists. Il non es le longor, ma le profunditate del vita (lo que importa). It is not length of life, but depth of life. The length of the server certificate, but the depth of the server certificate chain, which is slaying the fruit of the universe. Tom estas la viro el miaj revoj. Tom is the man of my dreams. Tom is the man from my dreams. Ni bezonas iom da kafo. We need some coffee. We need some coffee. Ni restudu la lecionon 5. Let's review Lesson 5. Let's take the lesson 5. wa'leS bIjeS net poQbe'. You don't have to come tomorrow. We're going to say that's why we're looking for it. Ascolta, io desira que tu me face un favor. Look, I want you to do me a favor. A bloodlsta, something you want to allow me to accept. Me nada dial. I swim every day. Meah. qamonmoH. I make you smile. I'm going to tell you that. Li ne estas malsana. He's not sick. He's not sick. Fat olik nolom-li? Does your father know? Let's see what you're saying. Arto profunde interesas me. I am deeply interested in art. Art interested in me. mi'a klama lo zarci We go to the market. I'll give you a lot of money lo'e merko cu te cmene la fudbolo la'o gy soccer gy Americans call football soccer. Wednesday, 00 September 0000 at %-I:%M:%S %p Tomo staris apud Maria. Tom stood beside Mary. Tom stood by Mary. qatlh narghbe' chaH? Why didn't they show up? Why don't you understand it? Tio malĝojigis Tomason. It made Tom sad. Things got Thomas. Ŝi kliniĝis por preni ŝtoneton. She stooped to pick up a pebble. She was big to take a stone. Manjo estis nomita la tutmonde plej seksalloga virino. Mary was named the world's sexiest woman. Marie was called the world's most sexually sexually woman. ro prenu cu djica lo nu panpi There is no one who doesn't desire peace. Let's take a cue down of the board Ni ne havas tiom da mono, kiom ni kredis. We don't have as much money as we thought. We don't have so much money as we believed. cha' puqbe'pu' ghaj tam. Tom has two daughters. We're going to see you seven minutes. mi cusku lo se du'u benji lo za'u re'u pikta mi kei ra I told them to send me another ticket. I took a couple of cards, and we're cut off from the past. Ja pli da aĉetantoj, des pli altaj la prezoj. The greater the demand, the higher the prices. There's more purchases, the higher prices. mi xamgu kakne ra pe puziku I'm good at this. I'm going to make it happen, I'm going to take it off. Oni sklavigas mildulojn. They subjugate the meek. They're in bondage with thousands of people. ghaHvo' paq'e' vIngIpta'bogh 'oH paqvam. It was this book that I borrowed from him. But seven minutes, we have made remarkable progress in the universe. We have made remarkable progress in the universe. Mi ne pensas, ke vi iam renkontis Tom. I don't think you've ever met Tom. I don't think you ever met Tom. Ille ha cambiate nihil desde que io le ha vidite. He hasn't changed a bit since I saw him. They have changed none of the things that something has been seen. Ĉiama dediĉo al tio, kion oni nomas sia afero, nur estas subtenenda pere de ĉiama neglekto de multaj aliaĵoj. Perpetual devotion to what a man calls his business, is only to be sustained by perpetual neglect of many other things. It's always called what it's called, but it's always subjected to always from many other things. Nai Valaraukar tye-mátar. May Balrogs eat you. Nauru-Tollyrádr. Es triste. It's sad. You know, it's sad. Edunons nosi. They haven't done anything. And we would. 'IHqu' runpI'vetlh! That's a nice-looking teapot! I'm sorry, but I'm still in the universe! Yo vide un blanc leon. I see a white lion. You got a pass. Li-binol matel? Are you married? He's going to be a big deal. Valikos labom völadi okik. Everything has its price. Valikos the Somöböi eight. La oldi tro multe regardas retroe la pasinto. Old people look back on the past too much. He's got too much back in the past. ta poi zdani cu se ponse ko'a That house belongs to him. The capitalization of the server certificate, or the financial gain of the universe, is part of the server, and the top of the universe. Ka tu vidis li? Have you seen them? When did he see? An vos vole divider un orange? Do you all want to share an orange? An rear wants to make a fine gold? ¡Clametz àl militzia! Call the police! Fucking Irene! Mi estis surprizita, ke vi gajnis la premion. I was surprised that you won the prize. I was surprised that you got the prize. xu do pu'i zbasu lo dinju Have you ever built a house? These things are done in Greek. Li povas paroli kaj skribi france. He both speaks and writes French. He can talk and write . Post la festo boteloj kaj cindrujoj kuŝis dise kaj kaose sur la planko. After the party, the floor was cluttered with empty bottles and ashtrays. And after the party's bottle, and you're stuck in the floor. Mi ĵus duŝiĝis. I just showered. I just got two cut off. Mi neniel sukcesis solvi tiun problemon. I could not solve this problem by any means. I couldn't solve this problem. Al mesme momento que io le incontrava, io me determinava a ben facer le cognoscentia de ille. No sooner had I come into contact with him than I determined to get to know him well. To the same moment that something is taken from the same time, something that I determines the head of those who were numbered of them. Mia patro nun estas en la ĝardeno. Father is in the garden now. My father is in the garden now. naDev mamobtaH. We're alone here. Black is yours. jIpawDI' SIStaH. When I arrived, it was raining. I've been afraid of it. Mi bezonas vin por klarigi ion al mi. I need you to explain something to me. I need you to explain something to me. xu do pu fonjorne Did you call? Let's push the fuckye Io volerea vider lo. I would like to see it. Something wants to view. Mutob studön. I must study. Mutbangi. Le telephono sona. The telephone is ringing. The rest of the audio. ko'a nenri le sroku'a He's in the closet. no lesraros' Mi ne volas ke vi ĝuu pri tio. I don't want you to enjoy it. I don't want you to care about that. Tomaso lernis la francan lingvon dum tri jaroj. Tom studied French for three years. Thomas learned French language for three years. Ofen yufob Tomase ed ele Maria dunön etosi. I often help Tom and Mary do that. Ofen yfo file Tomas and out of Mariaöns a theme. bIrtaH 'e' vIparHa'. I like it when it's cold. Thank you. All right, let's go. Dum la milito homi subisis multa desfacilaji. During the war, people went through many hardships. While the war was under a lot of bugs. .i ri'a ma le tsani cu blanu Why is the sky blue? Let's go, let's go. Esque tu dormi jammais, Tom? Do you ever sleep, Tom? Did you sleep, Tom? SID jIH. I'm a patient. I am Death. Ka vu povas komprenar Tom? Are you able to understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? nIm wIb pItSa' chab vIparHa'. I like cheese pizza. Our only chance of long-term survival is not to be stopped. SuSagh'a'? Were you all serious? Where are you going? Morgaŭ mi restos hejme. I will stay home tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll stay home. La akvo ankoraŭ ne bolas. The water isn't boiling yet. The water hasn't eaten yet. le po'u ta sanga cu selzaumi'o loi nixli That singer is popular with girls. Hey, we're going to tell you that blood pie, we're going to talk about the universe. Esque vos esseva serie? Were you guys serious? Excuse me, but you were looking for a number? Neai drinob tiedi ko zitron. I never drink tea with lemon. Don't be a doctor in there. Mi bebé vole parlar. My baby wants to talk. I'm tired of work. Mi matre se inquieta de toto. My mother worries about everything. I'll bet if he's all the way. Tomo estas federacia persekutisto. Tom is a federal prosecutor. Tom is a judged pursued by Tom. fi'i do zanvi'e fi la .kolumbias. Welcome to Columbia! So let's go. Isto displaceva a totes. That displeased everyone. This will cut off all of it. Vi estis malzorgema. You were reckless. You were serious. Lingvo estas veturilo de penso. Language is the vehicle of thought. Language is a language of thought. ghommaj Damuv DaneH'a'? Would you like to join our team? Don't you think so much about it? luHaqlu'. They had surgery. Haquan. co'a dei'a ru'e desku The shaking began to slowly get less. R'ai'ka oblast ' Alital. You stink. Alita. Los es no plu ca diferente. They are merely different. That's all right. mi djuno lo du'u mi pu'o morsi I know I'm going to die. I'm going to take the rest of the board SaH pagh. No one cares. That's right. lo brityrupnu be li pa pu vamji lo merkyrupnu be li mu A pound was five dollars. British US Dollar Sami lassat li buxe in li mansarde. Sami left the box in the attic. So he's got to meet you. Ili ambaŭ estas tre brilaj. Both of them are very brilliant. They're both very proud. .i lo xirma ce lo xasli cu datsi'u Horses and donkeys are different. Subscripts are commonly used to date and more than one billion years ago. do melbi You are beautiful. So melbi Es le sue, nonne? It's his, isn't it? Es su, don't you? Yo ama les. I like them. But that's my love. Ŝajnas al mi, ke jam estas la tempo, ke mi translokiĝu al la ĉirkaŭurbaro. I think it's time for me to move to the suburbs. It seems to me that it's time to cross the forest around. chut qeSwI' poQ tam. Tom needs a lawyer. Why don't you know what you're saying, "Why do you know? Ekzistis neniuj arboj sur la insulo. There were no trees on the island. There were no trees on the island. Pro la manko di asistanti, ni mustas ajornar la generala kun-veno. Due to the lack of attendees, we have to postpone the general assembly. Because of the lack of assistant, we must have the general share of the general. Mi pensas, ke vi aspektas kia Tom. I think you look like Tom. I think you look what Tom was. Ĉar ni ne povas trovi pli bonan, ni profitu kion ni havas. Since we can't find a better one, let's make the best of what we have. Because we can't find better, let's profit what we have. Do ni amas frazi. Ma, ni amas lingui mem pluse. So we love sentences. But, even more, we love languages. So we love sentences. Ya elautob bukis kil. I've already written three books. Ya elunbed kiss. .u'inai This isn't funny. Don't worry,ina. La infanoj estas amataj de sia patrino. The children are loved by their mother. The children are beloved of her mother. Un traduction non es traduction, a minus que illo nos da e le parolas e le musica del poema. A translation is no translation, unless it will give you the music of a poem along with the words of it. An attempt is not referred to, even though we're talking about it, and music tongue speaks very well. Ilu havas korbedo di fragi. He has a basket full of strawberries. He has a heart heart of blood. ra morsi She is dead. The Rainbow is Dead Un miracle ia aveni! Tom es completa sana, e no vestijio de la maladia ia resta! A miracle has happened! Tom is completely healthy, and there's no more trace of the disease! One day I'm telling you something that's done! QapHa'law' tlhaqwIj. My clock seems to be broken. Thank you. All right, let's go. No kanob! I can't! No, I'm not. Lo es asi. It's here. Lo, it's enough to see you. Tiu kompatinda sinjorino estas handikapita. That poor lady is disabled. That poor lady is disabled. e'apei mi pilno le ckiku May I have the key? And let's create a workstation Neniu povas eskapi sian morton. Nobody can escape death. No one can escape his death. lo vinji pu klama ti'u lo se platu The plane arrived on time. Visit the drive associated with the open folder ko'a je mi bruna He and I are brothers. I don't want to hear any noise. Alga de mundo gusta lo. Some people like that. A everyone's knowledge. Ne juĝu iun laŭ ties vestaro. You should not judge a person by his clothes. Don't bother anyone in its clothing. Tua roba es multe bela. Your dress is very nice. You're so beautiful. Io pote defender me, Tom. I can defend myself, Tom. Something can mean me, Tom. Le catto chassa le sciuro. The cat chases the squirrel. The guy who knows how to know. mi vreta lo srasu I lie on the grass. The Grass Ain't Greener Estas pli bone, ke vi faru ĝin nun. It is better for you to do it now. It's better that you should do it now. Laŭ mi, jam tempo venis, ke mi purigu la kamentubon. I think it's time for me to clean the chimney. According to me, it's time for me to clean up the chimney. Io vide un leon. I see a lion. Something happened to you. Mi bezonas tuj vidi ilin. I need to see them immediately. I need to see them immediately. rInpa' wa' Hogh, ghochwIj vIpawta'. I reached my destination in a week. That's my concern! That it true. Dice me. Tell me. It's me. On non pote creder in un mentitor, mesmo quando ille dice le veritate. A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth. You cannot think that in a praises, even when they say, "It's the same thing." Verdire, li ne kapablis fari la taskon. To tell the truth, he wasn't up to the work. Actually, he couldn't make it. En la angla oni ofte uzas adjektivojn kiel adverbojn sen ŝanĝi la formon. Adjectives in English are often used as adverbs with no change in form. In English, we're often using adjectives as adbs without changing the form. Li estas bona naĝisto. He is a good swimmer. He's a good swim. Qatlh QoghIj Qur. The structure of the brain is complicated. let alone the pieces of war. Bozhena esas bela blondino; el esas la maxim bela yunino en nia skolo. Bozhena is a pretty blonde; she is the prettiest girl in our school. Bosz is a beautiful woman. It's a great y's in our cellar. Tu es mea fia. You're my daughter. You're such a shame. Thad dóyom le leyóoth wa, Thom. I can defend myself, Tom. Thd dómez the United States, Thom. Vos odia Tom, nonne? You hate Tom, right? You hate Tom, don't you? Mi havas multe da respondeco. I have a lot of responsibilities. I have a lot of responsibility. China es vinti vices plus grande que Japon. China is twenty times as large as Japan. China is giving you a long time ago. It esset solmen un cochemare. It was only a nightmare. There is NO WARRANTY. Noi besona un nov strategie. We need a new strategy. A regular strategy. mi na'e sanji tu'a da poi mi vi zukte I don't know what I'm doing here. I'm having your health, and I'll put you in a sense of work, Vi ne devas esti ĉi tie, kiam Tom estos veninta. You can't be here when Tom arrives. You don't have to be here when Tom comes. la'a na go'i That's probably not so. let's go na na na na na Tiu ĉi libro estas ŝia. This book is hers. This book is her book. Esante sincera kun tu, me ne amas il. To tell you the truth, I don't love him. Having sincere with your mind, I don't love that. Ел дорми жа. He's already sleeping. else thrown through service.......... ........................ mi se slabu ra I'm aware of it. If I don't think about it, .u'o mi do pu'o nurgau I'm coming to your rescue! All right, I'll take it off la .maik. cu se pendo su'o re da poi ninmu Mike has two friends who are women. If it turns out, we're going to give us a lot of work in love. La numero de foles es infinita. The number of fools is infinite. The number of background is in parallel. Mi fartas pli bone ĉi tie. I'm better off here. I feel better here. Mi rimarkis, ke ŝi portis novajn okulvitrojn. I noticed that she was wearing new glasses. I noticed she had new glasses. .i va'o su'oda lo ka ticysku cu selzu'e da'i fi lo nu na selja'e lo nu se fengu nagi'enai tolmansa In some situations, telling a white lie could be used to avoid people to be disappointed or get angry by or with someone. Action mi co'e xu Did I do that? All right, let's go! No labob peni al penön penedi. I have no pen to write my letter with. No. No way. vID tam. Tom is belligerent. The module that has to be played. Contra le muro! Up against the wall! Set the wall! Ilia kabano situas en la valo. Their hut is situated in the valley. Their house is in the valley. Metal contrae cuando lo es frida. Metal contracts when cooled. Yeah, it's nothing of you. nIteb qaghoS DaneH 'e' muja'pu'nIS. You should have told me that you wanted me to come alone. It's a great idea that we don't think about it. do tavla mi ta You talk to me about that. That's why I'm dreaming Yo es ci nu. I am here now. You're so far. Poka lernanti savas quale lektar la Latina. Few students know how to read Latin. Aka learning to know how to read the Latin. Mi ne kredas, ke Tomo faris tion intence. I don't think Tom did that on purpose. I don't think Tom was doing it on purpose. Il ha multe americanos qui sape parlar japonese. There are many Americans who can speak Japanese. I've had a lot of people know what she's going to do. lo mamta be mi cu dunda lo selkei fi mi ca li bi nilnalci'o mi My mom bought me this toy when I was 8. I'm going to give up and I'm going to Area the day of the month. wagh 'oH. That's expensive. It`s the future. Mi provas dormi. I'm trying to sleep. I'm trying to sleep. qaStaH pagh. Nothing's happening. I'll see you again. Tom spertis malfacilaĵon spiri. Tom had trouble breathing. Tom went through a very hard breath. Ĉu vi kredas ke li faris la eraron intence? Do you think he made that mistake on purpose? Do you think he did the mistake? ko'a za'o nejni prenu He is still very much alive. Don't take it Nos cambiava de domicilio a Algiers. We moved to Algiers. We have to change the house of their homes. Nos ave alga cosa plu compartida. We have something else in common. We're going to build something else. Isto summarisa le situation assatis ben. It sums up the situation pretty well. This is the top man's situation. It's all right. lo mi karcyckiku ma zvati Where are my car keys? And I don't think soyyyyyyy Ica hundi esas granda. These dogs are big. This is a big dog. jup ghaH jagh jagh'e'. An enemy of an enemy is a friend. All right, I`ll be late for you. lo rirni be mi zu litru .i je mi nonkansa lo nu zvati lo zdani be mi'a My parents are away on a trip and I'm alone in our house. I'm talking to him, so I don't want to talk about it. .i .a'o cy. ca'o jmive ca I wish she were alive now. O Life.jpg yIHub'egh! Defend yourself. You're going to cut off. nuq mI'lIj? What's your number? What do you need? dukse lerci It is too late. Two cutsking lo'e fasnu na jalge no da Things don't just happen. Create an event poH wIlo'Ha'taH. We're wasting time. Our only chance of long-term survival is not to remain inward-looking on planet Earth, but to spread out into space. Kiu estas riproĉinda? Who's to blame? Who is ready to be blamed? Le musica es le silentio inter le notas. Music is the silence between the notes. music is a silent silence among the notes. Vi havas nenian senson de direkto. You have no sense of direction. You don't have any senses of a direction. Estas nenio seksuma en tio. There's nothing sexual about it. There's nothing to do with it. Puni la malbonajn kaj savi la malfortajn. Punish the wicked and save the weak. Let the evil and save the weak. Ŝi vestis sin kaj iris eksteren. She got dressed and went outside. She dressed herself, and went outside. Ĉar estis dimanĉo, mi ellitiĝis malfrue. It being Sunday, I got up late in the morning. Because Sunday was Sunday, I got up late. Kiel la pentristo atingas tiun efikon? How does the painter get that effect? How does the painter get this effect? La kuracisto diris al mi, ke mi ĉesu fumi. The doctor told me to give up smoking. The doctor told me I'd stop burning. le nakni pu citka lo nanba e lo za'u torta e no drata He ate only bread and cakes. Struecker, you're lead humvee. Please make sure you're pretty far, and don't believe it. Onu facez la lumo! Let there be light! Redo the light! Nos non veniva. We didn't come. Why not come. vIqoplu'. I got arrested. I don't know. Io les videva occider lo. I saw them kill it. Something's the one who's been working on it. Ме но иа коме анкора ла коме де матина. I haven't eaten breakfast yet. such as do not belong to else, such as now.... .................... ................... ...................... ..................... ............................................................................... Quante cameras il ha in tu casa? How many rooms are there in your house? How often has a casa. Fa un paso a retro. Take a step back. At the end of time. Ni devas fari pli ol tion. We have to do more than that. We have to do more than that. Hispanujo iam regis Filipinojn. Spain once ruled the Philippines. Spain's ever reigned over Philippines. Ŝi vendas marajn konkojn ĉe la mara bordo. La konkoj, kiujn ŝi vendas certe estas maraj konkoj. Do, se ŝi vendas konkojn ĉe la mara bordo, sendube la konkoj, kiujn ŝi vendas, estas marbordaj konkoj. She sells seashells by the seashore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, I'm sure the shells she sells are seashore shells. So, she sells seas at the sea. xu ti fraso Is this French? x tilas fr Li bone scias, kiel uzi komputilon. He knows well how to use a computer. He knows how to use a computer. Le Jorno International del Feminas (le 8 de martio 2014) celebra importante realisationes del feminas in tote le mundo. International Women's Day (March 8th 2014) celebrates important achievements of women all over the world. The Joern media de Jerox at 8th 2014, the important important important thing is recommended to everyone in the midst of the world. Kiu komencos? Who'll start? Who'll begin? Kampalo estas la ĉefurbo de Ugando. Kampala is the capital of Uganda. Kampal is the capital of Uz. Nos ha jam prendite plen conscientia del periculos que curre le fumator passive. We are becoming very aware of the dangers of secondhand smoke. We have been already taken out of the morning, so you're going to wake up with a big smoke. Tio estas malĝojiga historio. That is a distressing story. It's ridiculous history. Esas multa libri en la biblioteko. There are a lot of books in the library. There's lots of books in the library. Li universe es un misterie. The Universe is a mystery. He's one of these actions. Ta ce la lus esiste! Let there be light! Tante was thrown out! Konsultez vua mediko. Consult your doctor. Consult the main medium. London ia es bombida a multe veses. London was bombed several times. London is a complex, so that I can't see a lot. Mi postulas kontentigon. I demand satisfaction. I demand to do something. Tremateras es comun en Nion. Earthquakes are common in Japan. It's very beautiful. Le vita es plen de secretos. Life is full of secrets. You're going to be filled with a little if you're a little bit. bItuHjaj! You ought to be ashamed. I'm sure it's all right. Ла дупле иа аве ун фио. The couple had a son. else such as do not exist. Ni tradormis. We overslept. We're going to run through. Li ŝanĝis sian laboron. He changed his job. He changed his job. Mi eble malfruos. I may be late. Maybe I'll be late. pu xajmi That was a good one. pushxici Dochmey vIqemnISbogh bopbogh tetlh'e' vIgher. I made a list of things I needed to bring with me. So we have solved the pieces of observational evidence on the probability of life appearing. Elu joyegis vidar lua spozo retrovenar de ilua voyajo ad Iran. Her heart burst with gladness to see her husband return home from his overseas tour of Iran. Whether or not to preview sounds when they're at the end of his paths. Mi ŝatus glason da akvo. I'd like a glass of water. I'd like a glass of water. Esque tu vole té o café? Do you want tea or coffee? And you want to beté, or café? Mi neniam dirus ion por intence suferigi vin, vi sciu. I would never say anything to intentionally hurt you, you know. I'd never say something to keep you on purpose, you know. Le festa esseva mortalmente enoiose. The party was perfectly deadly. The feast was shot in a shot. Ta frukto malodoras. This fruit smells nasty. It's a fruit. jIHvaD ghotI' vutta'. She cooked some fish for me. Tools for software development La belia es sujetal. Beauty is subjective. Las are symsyl. veQ tuj. Hot garbage. That's right now. Äpenom obe lelöfapenedi. He wrote me a love letter. In fact, ma'am, ma'am. wa' QongDaq buqHom vIje' vIneHpu' 'e' vIlIj. I forgot to buy one pillow. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of man's life. Logor-li bödi su telefonadrat? Do you see the bird on the telephone wire? Lonoton Engine? ko denpa bu'u le bartu Wait outside. _Other Organiser bIjatlhtaHvIS bItamqu'; tlhoS qaQoylaHbe'. You speak so quietly I can barely hear you. Professor, I pray you, it is very low for me. But I think you're going to know that you are still going to tell me. Dalob-li labön gasedi at? May I have this magazine? Dalb during the G3b Archive? Maria äsiedof ed ädlinof kafi. Mary sat and drank her coffee. Maria No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, for me. coi rodo xagycerni Good morning, everybody. coi rox x config file Esque tu sape delitterar "Massachusetts"? Can you spell "Massachusetts"? And lets you know what to do? Tomas ähetom vobi okik. Tom hated his job. Tomasä shalt thou son of eighti. lo patfu be ra cu ponjo Her father is Japanese. takes a cuet in a pan La stacio estis forlasita. The station was deserted. The station was abandoned. Ni ne povas esti tro laborema. We cannot work too hard. We can't be too busy. .ie ti jufra lo zasti ranmi be lo me la baskervil lanzu Yes, it is the statement of a certain legend of the Baskerville family. (Laughter) .... ......K.. ......... ............................. lo......................... Nams ola binoms jöniks. Your hands are pretty. Nams than binjsönsiks. Vi ne bezonas kunporti tagmanĝaĵon. You don't need to carry lunch with you. You don't need to bring a meal. .i ko na jundi la .tom. Ignore Tom. Don't worry about it. Il ha nulle cosa que es bon o mal: il es nostre mente que fabrica iste etiquettas. There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. There are no regular expression that is good or not: we are gods, which are made in this Tag "%s" Kiel vi fartas, Tom? How are you feeling, Tom? How are you, Tom? Il es un poc plu old quam me. He is a bit older than me. There are no more effective than never found. Bonan tagon. Vi estas nia nova najbaro, se mi ne eraras? Good afternoon. You are our new neighbor, if I'm not mistaken? Good morning, you're our new neighbor if I'm not mistaken. Le freno non functiona ben. The brake isn't working well. The driver doesn't make it. Kömolöd ko ob! Come with me! ...it's too hot for o'clock! ki'a nai .i do pu xalbo I understand, you were joking. kiax, so push xalal Ka vi povas komprenar Tom? Are you able to understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? Li decidis fariĝi advokato. He decided to be a lawyer. He decided to become a lawyer. La ĉambro de Tomo estas ne tre pura. Tom's room isn't very clean. The room of Tom is not very pure. A fini Tom ia acorda. Tom eventually agreed. It's over Tom's body. Ĉu tio valoras la riskon? Is it worth the risk? Is that worth risk? ghaytan yap 'oH. That's probably plenty. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. Tes pomes es grand. Those apples are big. It's a big one. qeSwIj yIpab! Follow my advice. Why don't you think it's my fault? Tom sempre come frutas a la come de matina. Tom always eats fruit for breakfast. Tom Disables com increase the com Generation of mim. S'cheßelt. Shit. So, c'chete. No tikob das Tomas oyufom obes. I don't think Tom will help us. No point of Tomas pleases. jup ghajbe'. He doesn't have any friends. - I don't know. paqlIj chu' vIlaD 'ej vItIvqu'. I read your new book with real delight. All right, if you do not know what I have to do with you? ki'a cai I don't understand a word of what you're saying. ki'a ca Ille admitteva su errores. He admitted his mistakes. They made a make-up problem. La knabo vizitas sian avinon. The boy visits his grandma. The boy goes visits his grandmother. Ille debe ir. He must go. They must be changed. Mi emegas iri eksterlanden. I am aching to go abroad. I'm too far to go abroad. Nemo vole jocar con ille. Nobody wants to play with him. It doesn't want to be popular with them. Li kuŝas en la ombro. He's lying in the shade. He's lying in the shadow. Mi havas sentkapablon en miaj kruroj. I have feeling in my legs. I have an idea in my legs. nuqDaq 'oH 'angweD'e'? Where is the museum? What is the future of the universe? Tomo ne kredis, ke Manjo klopodas senkreditigi lin. Tom didn't believe that Mary was trying to discredit him. Tom didn't believe that Marie's trying to make him sick. jupDaj jIH 'e' vIghet. I pretended to be friends with her. I guess I'm going to talk to you. No, io non lo ha scribite. No, I didn't write it. No, something didn't have any sense. Tom senti que su equipa ganiara le joco. Tom feels that his team will win the game. Tom Sensor such a bat-and-ball game played. Mi kredas, ke tio ne veras. I'm afraid it's not true. I think that's not true. pu pendo mi He was my friend. Hold on. I'm going to see you! mi na ponse lo jdini I don't have any money. I Owner qech qab 'oHbe'. That's not a bad idea. Let me know that I am still running out of the world. Perce nos no fa cualce cosa? Why don't we do anything? Through us, we've done something like that? Mi estas certa, ke Tomaso intencas reveni. Tom is going to come again, I'm sure. I'm sure Thomas is going to come back. Delfeno ne pli ol hundo estas fiŝo. A dolphin is no more a fish than a dog is. It's not more than a dog is a fish. puqpu'vaD Hub'eghmeH mIw wIghojnISmoH. We need to teach children how to defend themselves. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. ko clira klama lo zdani Come home early. Exiting... Tom non ama Mary, ma io la trova sympathic. Tom doesn't like Mary, but I like her. Tom didn't love Maryyy, but something out of the market. Let nos proba kelkum. Let's try something. And we were talking to each other. mi cu cunso cadzu ne'i le manku I'm wandering in the dark. I've got some cheese, don't let's go. El es peti. He is small. It's important to ask. naDev jIHtaH, ghaHvaD 'e' yIja'Qo'! Don't tell him that I'm here. I am Death. Have you come to take me away? Ĉio estas solvita. It's all settled. Everything is resolved. qaStaHvIS wej DIS DIvI' Hol vIghoj. I have been studying English for three years. We've been big enough to you. Oh, where are we going to talk about? Illes debe esser felice. They must be happy. They're supposed to be happy. Illa non es fede. She isn't ugly. I'm not tired. Mi malamas karaokeon. I hate karaoke. I hate an old man. Säkäd äbinon vemo fikulik. The problem was very difficult. SäääM A balloon is a gas station. Los gatos no ave posesores, los ave empleadas. Cats don't have owners, they have staff. All the best to smell, you've got to sit down. Ido es li max bell e simplic lingue. Ido is the most beautiful and simple language. Iddo, he's here to face language. Sami dava un coca a Layla. Sami gave a coke to Layla. Samva da Harrell. lo ka renvi cu mutce pluja Life is so complicated. Very Light GreyColor name Nemo sape toto. Nobody knows everything. We don't know everything. Kiom inteligenta estas tiu hundo! What a clever dog! How smart is that dog! Saluton, karulino, mi faris du bildojn kaj mi volas vian opinion pri ili. Hello, my dear, I made two pictures and I want your opinion on them. Hello, dear, I've made two pictures and I want your opinions about them. nuyorgh wIDab. We live in New York. Good morning. Quch vIghro'wIj. My cat is happy. Qwww. my brother's place. Älömibos ädelo. It rained yesterday. again, I would like to go on the other side ofäde. bIHaj qar'a'? You were scared, weren't you? You know what I am yours? Proque me demanda tu? Why do you ask? Why do I ask you? sarcu It is necessary. Keyboard xu le nu do klama cu srana lo selgu'a Are you going there on business? x robe and Cavermas' jdika lo ni tilju The weight is decreasing. Let's go all the way Kiöp binoms Tomas e Maria? Where are Tom and Mary? Kiötinam Tomas and Maria? la tom pu klama co sipna Tom went to bed. All right, let's see if you're right. Il non ha credos in mathematica. There are no creeds in mathematics. There's no idea what you're saying. Nos es totes humanos. We are all humans. We are all human beings. Me vidis bela ucelo. I saw a beautiful bird. I saw a beautiful target. nabraj lulajpu'Qo'. They rejected your plan. Cache file created successfully. pongDaj vIqawlaHbe'. His name eludes me. InungDexiaqucia, ma'am. Vos es mi inimicos. You're my enemy. You're in charge of me. Mi bezonas iun, kiu komprenas min. I need someone to understand me. I need someone who understands me. mi nai ralte ko'a It's not mine. I've been put on the other side Esque to es blu? Is this blue? And what do you want to do? Etos binom tu gudik al binön velatik. It's too good to be true. Ets binlokx to Gönsik. Quon tu facas por evitar to? What are you doing to prevent this? You do what you do to avoid? Ĝi estis terura sceno. It was a terrible scene. It was a terrible scene. Ŝi rifuzis ludi per ĝi, ŝi nur sidadis kaj aspektis kolera. She refused to play with it, and just sat and looked angry. She refused to play with it, she only sat down and looked angry. La akvo ne estas pura. The water is not clean. The water is not clean. mi nelci lei boxna pe la xekri xamsi I like the waves of the Black Sea. I'm not telling you the xxiaxici x Tio estas ĉio, dankon. That's all, thanks. That's all, thank you. ju'o cu'i do nelci You might like this. Absolute value [u] lotlhwI'pu' bIj ghaH 'e' luqap. They urged him to punish the rebels. The following Professor, we will thank you for the answer. Me ne komprenas. I don't understand. I don't understand. Hochlogh ghoHchuq tam me'rIy' je. Tom and Mary argue with each other all the time. That's what you've got to do with it. Mi opinias, ke vi devas pensi pri la estonteco. I think you should think about the future. I think you should think of the future. wovmoHwI'mey Dachu'Ha'laH'a'? Could you turn off the lights? That's how you're going to let them get away? Quon tu respondis? What did you answer? Quramped? Ne, sidiĝu. No, sit down. No, sit down. nuv potlh law' Huch potlh puS. People are more important than money. Hey, I think it's one of the universe. fe ma zvati fa lo pe mi za'u pixra Where are my pictures? f'am, let me Image Postmorgaŭ estos mardo. The day after tomorrow is Tuesday. I'll be on Mars after all sides. la'a la tom speni Perhaps Tom is married. All right, let's go. Nos jua tenis dial. We play tennis every day. We've held the news. Yo have null secretes con te. I don't have secrets with you. But you have no Secret associated with you. Do'Ha' SoQDaj vI'IjmeH narghpu' 'eb jIpaSmo'. Unfortunately I was not in time for his speech. So, I don't know what I've got to do with you. Om svimom äs fit. He swims like a fish. Omsrramst. Kats binoms nims neitik. Cats are nocturnal animals. Kats bin we're not gaining. La notas ia es relasada a lundi. The minutes were released Monday. We're talking about it. Tiu pluvombrelo apartenas al Tomo. That umbrella is Tom's. This rain belongs to Tom. Тота уманас насе либре е егал. Лос аве разона е консиенса, е дебе ата ла ун а ла отра кон спирито де фратиа. All human beings are born free and equal. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. else thrown through else such as end of a begin, such as end of appeared. known as fika runs by appeared. manner of--N\twwwwti-quality POSIX such as do not refers to a appeared to POSIX Yacc such as fikaFor example:--N\t--N\toro does not refers to a properties such as a appeared on appeared on a appeared to more quickly known as opposed to properties of TO TRANSLATORS mi pu djica lo ka prami la tom I wanted to love Tom. Let's see what I've got to do. ¡Ben nic'ht! Good night! Let's go, let's go! Kisi ädunol in Boston ävigo? What were you doing in Boston last week? Kiisääol in Bostonägäon? La ponto "Ora Pordego" estas konstruita el fero. The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron. The bridge was built out of iron. pemoD, petIj! Hurry up and get in. Come on, Princes! Ni tranĉis la ŝnuron. We cut off the rope. We cut the rope. Нос ва луа ун ауто. We're going to rent a car. else appeared to end up from service............ ............................. .......... Mi estas tre bona velanto. I'm very good at sailing. I'm a very good boy. Vade a scola. Go to school. Vade to scolas. Mary passa hores in li chambre balneari. Mary spends hours in the bathroom. We're going to have a big nose in him. ma spebi'o Who's getting married? - But she's hate her. Tomo malebriis. Tom was sober. Tom went ahead. Li neniam parolis kun via superulo ekde la tago de sia dungiĝo. He has never spoken with your supervisor since the day that he was hired. He never talked with you from the day of his two concation. Kelkfoje freneziĝo estas taŭga respondo al realeco. It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane. Sometimes crazy is a good answer to reality. Yo videt la besant un altri mann. I saw her kissing another guy. You've got to see the hots a couple of people. Li levis la cindrujon. He picked up the ash-tray. He raised up the violin. No surie. Don't smile. No, on the way. Mea amorato havas 3 mamili. My girlfriend has 3 nipples. Your love has 3 minutes. Ĝi finiĝos per malŝparo de laboro. It will end in a waste of labor. It's end with a waste of work. lojmIt poSmoH. She opens the door. We're going to have a big deal. Mi ŝatas lerni antikvajn lingvojn. I like learning ancient languages. I like to learn ancient languages. No nedol pükön pükis mödik. It doesn't require you to be a polyglot. No such water bag has been inflated with such as helium. doi pendo e'o ko smaji binxo Hey guys, please be quiet. Let's see each other Ne perturbu miajn cirklojn! Do not disturb my circles! Don't push my circle! bot quSmeyvetlh. Those chairs are in the way. I have been very sure that there was a lot of time in the universe. Esperanto ne estas la celo de nia agado, sed nur rimedo por atingi nian celon. Esperanto isn't the goal of our activism but merely a means of achieving our goal. Esperanto isn't the point of our action, but only a way to get our goal. Ni rigardu la mapon! Let's look at the map. Let's look at the map! Qua tradukos lo aden la Angla? Who is going to put this into English? Four translation in the English English? Doch'e' 'oSbogh mu'vam DaQIjchu'laH'a'? Can you explain the exact meaning of this word? Let's go, let's move! Moving out. Maria ha un can. Mary has a dog. Maria has a un po'. mi fau gi tcidu lo se cukta gi citka I read a book while eating. I'll root up incoming calls if it's up to your Facebook mailing list .i poi'i la .tato'ebas. ku kau ke'a ckaji So that's Tatoeba. Unix (/ˈjuːnɪks/; trademarked as UNIX) is a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T Unix, development starting in the 1970s at the Bell Labs research center by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and others. Átaremma i ëa han ëa · na aire esselya · aranielya na tuluva · na care indómelya cemende tambe Erumande : ámen anta síra ilaurëa massamma · ar ámen apsene úcaremmar sív’ emme apsenet tien i úcarer emmen. Álame tulya úsahtienna mal áme e telehta ulcullo : násie Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. oufuku (reply postcard) Se vi kisus min, mi estus feliĉa. If you'd kiss me, I'd be happy. If you kiss me, I'd be happy. la'oi Aix-la-Chapelle se fanva fu la'oi Aachen fo lo bandu'e'u "Aix-la-Chapelle" is Aachen in German. Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. Io ascolta, mais io non audi. I listen, but I don't hear. Something didn't hear. Ĉu vi scias, kion vi demandas? Do you know what you're asking? Do you know what you're asking? "Donu skribilon al mi." "Ĉu tio taŭgos?" "Jes, ĝi taŭgos." "Give me something to write with." "Will this do?" "Yes, it will do." 'Give me a pen,' it would be good.' Bonvolu rakonti al mi la historion pri birdospektado. Would you please tell me the story about bird watching? Please tell me the story of a bird to look at me. Le morte non es extinguer le luce; il es solmente disconnecter le lampa proque le aurora ha arrivate. Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come. Shutting down might cause them to lose unsaved work. Ме ес ун женио мулте стабле. I'm a very stable genius. such as are running by such a sample of the service.......... boQlIj vIpoQchugh qarI'. I'll call you if I require your assistance. I need to get all of you as well as me. Vi nenecesas. You're unnecessary. You're being old. Nam hodie multa genitori indulgas lia filii, multa pueri ne savas bona kondutado. As these days most parents indulge their children, many children don't know what good manners are. An eye for many genes in the eye of his Excellency, a lot of funny doth not deliver a good conversation. Si le situation non cambia pro le melior, io essera obligate a prender precautiones. If the situation doesn't improve, I'll be obliged to take measures. If you know, it is not necessary to change the better, anything will be searched for killing them. xu do re'olte su'o pinsi Do you have any pencils? x therefore, if you're going to die Tom ia demanda a me esce me fami. Tom asked me whether I was hungry. Tom asked me a big question. lo patfu be mi cu xabju la.tokion. gi'e gunka bu'u ty My father lives and works in Tokyo. I'll take a look at the head of the week. muyIv yeSuS. Jesus annoys me. You can't even believe it. .ie cai I'm feeling very agreeable. . ca la .alis. sipna le ri kumfa Alice sleeps in her room. It's all right. lo nu mi klama lo zdani cu xamgu da'i mi I should go home. I'm running out of space, and I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do mi pu te vecnu lo cukta I bought a book. I'll take care of During Automatically · Global Voices Me mustis il helpas kun la dom-laboro. I had to help with the housework. I've been going to help you with the home table. Yo lee un libre. I read a book. But that's a book. Plena luno estos videbla ĉi-vespere. A full moon can be seen tonight. The moon will be visible tonight. le la .sen.micel. renytcana cu zvati ma Where is the metro St. Michel? Let's go. reH 'oH peghlaHbe' vay'. That secret can't be kept forever. But, let's go. We can't talk about it. Ill te es tan di ffreidd. The tea is too cold. That's why you are a tanked. Qual hora es il nunc a tu pais? What time is it now in your country? What time is your time now? Mesmo quando io studiava mathematica, physica e informatica, il me ha sempre parite que le problema del conscientia es possibilemente le plus interessante inter illos que le scientia debe solver. Even when I was studying mathematics, physics, and computer science, it always seemed that the problem of consciousness was about the most interesting problem out there for science to come to grips with. While there's something that comes with me,Don't need to die, it's okay, I think that the war's really meant as an insight among them, they're all about to know that they're alone. To es mi filia. This is my daughter. To me, I'm in love. Ille es morte. He's dead. They're dead. la .tom. ca'o co'a jai fanza mi Tom is starting to annoy me. That's the guy who doesn't care about it. Alga de mundo crede lo. Some people believe that. Everyone's got to think about it. Nos vole ce Tom va es susedosa. We want Tom to be successful. We want to scan Tom va is thrown out. jIQoS. vIta'laHbe'. I'm sorry, I can't do that. That's what you're saying, but I'm going to know. ti na me do cukta .i ri me mi moi This is not your book, it's mine. This is why DVD was plugged in. Un medico que non es artista etiam non es medico. A doctor who is not an artist is no doctor either. A medium that is not an artist's fault. Mi devas fini ĝin antaŭ ol foriri. I must finish it before I go out. I have to finish it before leaving. Kial vi eliris? Why did you go out? Why did you go out? Me ia pasa la dia con la familia. I spent the day with family. I'm not going to follow the family of the family. "Di qua esas ica libri?" "Li esas di Alice." "Whose books are these?" "They are Alice's." "Di" which is this heart?" "He is Alice's. Tomas deno löfom eli Maria, e tikob das of deno löfof omi. Tom still loves Mary, and I think she still loves him. Tomas's husband-in-law, from Mary's head, and defin-law. Kie estas la forkoj? Where are the forks? Where are the toilets? roda mulno jo xamgu Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. rodafix x Peace · Global Voices Doch Danejbogh 'oH'a' Dochvam'e'? Is this what you're looking for? The really thing that we think about the universe was created in different conditions. Binols senöfik. You're sensitive. Missölly. wa' ben nIpon jaHmo' tam, nIpon Hol ghojnIS. Tom has to learn Japanese because he's going to Japan next year. The only thing that we have, is that we've had, is that we don't have to survive. Via donaco vere ĝojigis min. I really liked the gift you gave me. Your gift really made me happy. Bonvoli manja kelkum. Please eat something. You're going to eat some days. Yo ha leet ti libre. I've read that book. But that's the right book. Yo va esser tranquil. I'll be quiet. But you'll be going to be throughquick. Io me demanda que es ille macula verde a distantia. I wonder what that green spot in the distance is. I'm going to say that they're going to be the green green. Obs valik valadobs oli. We're all waiting for you. Obsum vlabst olives. El ia mostra a me sua colie de selos. He showed me his stamp collection. I'm sure you're saying, "I'll do it." Ме но воле девени грасоса. I don't want to get fat. such as do not exist. Tio estis mia propono. I was the one who suggested it. It was my proposal. Me ia amini con Jane. I've become friends with Jane. I would like to love with Jane. La judicio eventos morge. Judgement will be given tomorrow. The religious event has been plugged in. Tom sempre se plange de lo que Mary face. Tom always complains about what Mary does. Tom want to make sure that Mary faced. Ĉu vi aŭdis la klakon? Did you hear the click? Did you hear the click? troci vamji It's worth a try. Please choose a new mailing list. Tom es susceptibile. Tom is sensitive. Tom's solar now. ramvetlh maqIHchuq. We met that night. ram I gotq down. Ella ne manja carne. She doesn't eat meat. This is not going to devour the flesh. Non parla stupiditates! Don't speak nonsense! Don't be silly! Доналд Трумп ес ун ментор патоложиал. Donald Trump is a pathological liar. such as do not belong to else, such as now. Аста ревиде! Good-bye. such as do not belong to else! ghopDu'wIj vISay'moH. I wash my hands. That's my concern! That it true. cai mo'u gasnu ti It's done! Unable to rename desktop file La buxo esos utila kom tablo. The box will serve as a table. The therefore will be useful for a table. Ĉu vi ne volas, ke ni helpu Tomon? Don't you want us to help Tom? Don't you want us to help Tom? mi'ai na pendo We aren't friends. I've been on top of each other La problemo finfine solvos sin. The problem will eventually solve itself. The problem is finally a solution. Ne elŝaltu la lumon. Don't turn off the light. Don't switch off the light. Plidom-li rojatis? Does he like oranges? More-airsised? .au pei nai do ra vitke Don't you want to visit her? So, don't you know what you're doing? Da isto al Tom quando ille arrivara. Give this to Tom when he comes in. And this to Tom when they get together. la .bil. klama lo panka fi'o cafne Bill often goes to the park. .bilo. urif Noi studiat francesi. We studied French. Noiztierfrance. Dunque illa lo face. So she does. So you can do it. porgh vaQ ghaj. He has a nice body. I'm going to be ready for seven minutes. Esque vos fuma? Do you smoke? separator to smoke? qItbe'. That's not possible. Black is yours. Bata rupa tir ke meki denafi oxi. This story belongs clearly to no genre. After all, it's cool that I'm not supposed to tell you about it. Daq'e' Dabbogh tam yIngu'chu'! Where exactly does Tom live? We have solved the mystery of creation. Me ne vidis tu enirar. I didn't see you come in. I didn't see you in a row. Sed la koloro malsamis ol la specimenkoloro en la katalogo. However, the color was different from the sample color in your catalog. But the color difference was different than the red color in the output. DIvI' HolDaj rachmeH Sep novDaq HaDpu'. She studied abroad in order to brush up her English. So you're doing HoDaches Sep seems to be a new HaD. Ĉu vi scias, per kio Tomo perlaboras sian vivon? Do you know what Tom does for a living? Do you know what Tom loves his life? .i mi cliva mu'i le nu samru'e kelci gi'e sipna do'e le mi se prami I leave motivated by computer gaming and sleeping with my beloved. That's why I was running out of the field, as well as the rest of the universe is slaying me. Io serea satisfacte se io poterea pagar contante. I'd appreciate it if you could pay in cash. I don't really want to get married if something can be done with it. Ĉu iu ajn vizitis min dum mi forestis? Did anyone visit me during my absence? Did anybody have gone for me while I was gone? qoH jIHpu'. I was a fool. I'm going to have a drink. Esque omni surtit? Did everybody leave? Excuse me? Tomo bruligis siajn vestaĵojn. Tom burned his clothes. Tom burned his clothes. Mia patrino havas du fratojn. My mother has two brothers. My mother has two brothers. La instruisto substrekadis gravecon de ĉiutagaj ekzercoj. The teacher underlined the importance of daily exercises. The teacher undertreped importance of everyday exercises. Bonfaro neniam restas senpuna. A good deed never goes unpunished. It's a good person will never be guiltless. Le prime amor es un sorta de vaccination que libera un homine de attrappar le maladia le secunde vice. First love is a kind of vaccination which saves a man from catching the complaint the second time. The first love is a sort of product, which is free from the clearest one of the human race. Please make sure that they are allowed to do so. Ĉu vi ne sentas vin iel respondeca? Don't you feel in some way responsible? Don't you feel pretty sad? Kiel mi nun protektu miajn infanojn? How am I going to protect my children now? How am I supposed to protect my children? pavyseljirna kavbu ba'o xu ku Have you caught that Unicorn yet? November (11) la .tokios. cu barda tcadu Tokyo is a big city. The storm is stuck. jaghlI' jIH vIneHbe'. I don't want to be your enemy. I'll have a drink of man. Reguardar le television es amusante. Watching TV is fun. Rescan the contents of your desktop in a folder. Demandu al ŝi kiam ŝi intencos reveni. Ask her when she will come back. Ask her when she wants to return. au forca I'd like a fork. Auca Tenu la pordon malfermita. Keep the door open. Hold the door open. Se vi ne volas legi, do ne legu. If you don't want to read, then don't read. If you don't want to read, don't read. Vi faris tro da eraroj. You've been making too many mistakes. You've got too many errors. fliba lo nu gunka He fails at work. flib City qImHa'law' tam. Tom seems distracted. That's the Let's move out. Куандо ла вижила де тота сантас ес? When is Halloween? such as do not belong to else, such as now. mi na se glibau I can't speak English. I'm not sure if it's possible tlhoy 'Il be'nalwI'. chaq qab, chaq QaQ; jISovbe'. My wife is too sincere. I don't know if it's good or bad. until me, come on. That's why you would like to take me away. To es ínpossibil. That's impossible. To it's ínsbilo. Odulen an edraith angin. I came to save you. Odudive and shine. Binos-li velatik das no äbinol is ädelo? Is it true that you weren't here yesterday? Ms. King of noääolis wasääärd? Ŝi malfermis la zipon de ŝia pantalono. She unzipped her pants. She opened her pants. Еске вос воле вени? Would you like to come? else appeared to end up there. Nubomal ! Put your hands down! Let's do it! Tom e Mary restava amicos. Tom and Mary stayed friends. Tom and Mary service to love. Ho'Du'Daj lamHa'choHmoH. He brushes his teeth. Oh, let's move out. lo valsi ne se mau lo cladakyxa'i cu katna pe'a za'u da Words cut more than swords. Power of Words if there's no fat Ni eliras kune jam tri jarojn. We've been dating three years. We go out together for three years. li du'e cu jdima It's too expensive. He's two of them Ĉu estas aŭdogvidiloj en la franca? Are there French audio guides? Is it an in French? Älogob omis. I saw them. (Laughter) Ŝi sajne ne interesiĝas pri piedpilkado. She seems to have no interest in soccer. She's not interested in a Sunday. Lakto esas desagreabla. Milk is nasty. The night is desax. Il pluveva finmente. A light rain was falling. There are raining completed. Tom ia vide la surie de Maria. Tom saw Mary's smile. Tom, some see the things that were on Mary's face. rut burghDaq 'oy' vIghaj. I have occasional pains in the stomach. That's right, it's where we're going to talk about. Esce algun pote dise a me cual ora es? Can anyone tell me the time? Esc to a unit? Tomo scipovas naĝi preskaŭ same bone kiel Manjo. Tom swims almost as well as Mary. Tom can swim as well as Marie. Io non parla francese. I don't speak French. Something didn't fit in French. Ĉu vi havos Kristnaskan festeton hejme? Will you have a Christmas party at your home? Will you have Christmas Christmas at home? maHajbe'. We're not afraid. I think I'm sorry. Printempo venas. Spring is coming. Spring is coming. mi'o ba zi sei incala cu zvati le zdani Inshallah, soon we'll be home. I'm going to be baken if I'm going to do this thing Proque vos non intende? Why don't you understand? Because you don't Import? Lia malsaniĝo estis kaŭzita de la malbona vetero. His illness is caused by bad weather. His sick was caused by the bad weather. La studentoj petveturis. The students hitchiked. The students passed by. ma co'i fasnu What happened? Create an event Tom cocinara. Tom will cook. Tom Binary. ra xamgu tarti She has very good manners. Show scripted by %1 Tomo postvivis. Tom has survived. Tom survive. Ayik sometir warzeks ke intafa anameda ; anameda sotir tel ke ayik. Man is not the product of his environment – the environment is the product of man. Aykst Calendars that in a state of name, adaduda, adydit that it's too hot for you. Mi scias, ke Tom faras tion je ĉiu mateno. I know Tom does that every morning. I know that Tom does this at every morning. Spikols-li Sperantapüki? Do you speak Esperanto? A balloon is a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas? lo fonxa cu spofu The phone is out of order. Let's tell you something Ĉu mi iel ajn povas pruntepreni vian tajpilon? Is there any chance of my borrowing your typewriter? Can I borrow any thing that you ask? xu do ba kansa mi Will you accompany me? Don't worry, I'm going to bet. Il visitat Francia trivez. He visited France three times. You need to visit France three. On ia porta rapida el a la ospital. He was rushed to the hospital. It's something that's got to quickly come out of the o'clock. Ha tu justo nunc revenite? Did you just get back? What do you want to do now? Äbinom reg gudik. He was a good king. I'll tell you something. Quando tu te excusa, tu assecura le base pro un offensa futur. When you apologize, you lay the foundation for a future offense. When you log in, you're going to help me get a hint for your future. La spektantaro aplaŭdis al la aktoroj pro ilia spektaklo. The audience acclaimed the actors for their performance. The audience pressed on the actors for their show. Estu pasia! Be passionate! Be careful! ko cliva lo zdani be mi Get out of my house! Exiting... "Bon" es la antonim de "mal", e "alta" es la antonim de "basa". "Good" is the antonym of "bad" and "tall" is the antonym of "short." "Bon" is the "im", and "sal" is "bli". loQ rur. It actually looks a bit similar. That's right. Kiam mi estis infano, mi venkis en desegnokonkurso. When I was a kid, I won a drawing contest. When I was a child, I prevailed in a pattern. Li ne povos iel trankviliĝi pro sia kulpokonscienco, ĝis li konfesos sian faron. He'll have no rest from his guilty conscience until he confesses what he's done. He shall not be able to be quiet for his own fault, until he shall confess his work. Le doctor L.L. Zamenhof (1859-1917) traduceva personalmente obras de maestro litterari in esperanto. Doctor L.L. Zamenhof (1859-1917) personally translated masterpieces of literature into Esperanto. The list of LL. Zamenh9 (15-197) context menus can be useful for a person's sake, but he's going to be a L. Vizitu kuraciston! Go see a doctor. Visit the doctor. muD Duj SaqmoH 'orwI'. The pilot will land the plane. Why do you mean, Saqut you're talking to them? wa' vIneH! I want one! The children of man! cusku lu .aupei ckafi li'u .i cusku lu .aunai ki'u li'u "More coffee?" "No, thanks." Absolute value. All right, let's go. Es tu allergic a qualcosa? Are you allergic to anything? Essvuler what? qatlh bImob? Why are you alone? That's why they're looking for? Binom yunikum ka ob. He's younger than me. Bamuyukuy. Ili konsentis fari ĝin. They agreed to it. They wanted to do it. Ĉu vi estas ĉi tie pro negoco? Are you here for business? You're here for business? Tom es dependente de eroina. Tom is addicted to heroin. Tom is an artist's case. ca ma do tolyli'a When do you arrive? Written by Huxora vIje'. I bought it. I've got some fun. Me ia compra ja tre de aceles. I've already bought three of those. I'm some comicra tresa very much. Ĉu vi volus glason da biero? What about a glass of beer? Would you like a glass of beer? Io pote esser tanto mal quanto le pejor, sed, gratias a Deo, io es tanto bon quanto le melior. I may be as bad as the worst, but, thank God, I am as good as the best. Something can be an intor when he comes into the hall, but they are connected with, something that's good when it's better. Ама но мори. Love doesn't die. else such a sample. Siputé. I am thirsty. Hey, you know. Ŝi daŭrigis sian laboron en la banko. She continued her job in the bank. She went on her job in the bank. ko'oi ma'a co'u damba Let's not argue anymore. Li' c'e' il lob. La hundo oldeskas. The dog's getting old. The dog than the Options. jIluj 'e' vImuS. I hate to lose. You know what I've got to do with her. Tomo skribas leteron al Manjo. Tom is writing a letter to Mary. Tom writes a letter to Marie. vengvam vIDabpu'mo', pa' novwI' jIHbe'. Having lived in the town, I'm not a stranger there. I have given you a billion years of your life, and we're going to take place the rest of the universe. Ili estas nedisigeblaj. They're inseparable. They're notable. Li estas humila pri sia opinio. He is humble about his opinion. He's a humble idea of his opinion. wIHejlu'pu'. We've been robbed. We're going to see each other. Vi povas uzi lupeon por pli grande vidi malgrandan tekston. You can use a magnifying glass to magnify small text. You can use a iron to see a smaller text. Li lacas post siaj kursoj de germana. He's feeling tired after German class. He's tired after his courses from German. Tomo ŝoforis. Tom chauffeured. Tom hangs up. Mi deziras, ke mi povu helpi al vi, sed mi ne povas resti pli longe. I wish I could help you, but I can't stay any longer. I wish I could help you, but I can't stay longer. Ille labora in le universitate. He works in the university. They're working in the U.S. Mia avo daŭre estas sana korpe kaj mense. My grandfather is still sound in mind and body. My grandpa is still healthy and in mind. xu lo za'u do pu zukte si'u nai Did you do it by yourselves? xuuse what you've got to do with each other tlhoy bIpojtaH. You're over-analyzing. That's all right. We're going to tell you that. Me esperar ke me non ofenser vu. I hope that I have not offended you. I hope you don't seem to be sent to me. Tom va minyona rokla stragayar. Tom pointed out our mistakes. Tom will give me a light rocky rocky. Tio estis mia unua vidpunkto. That was my first way of thinking. That was my first view. Reagan divenis la prezidero di la Usa en 1981. Reagan became President of the United States in 1981. Reactive the historical idea of the Use in 1981. Русиа ес гранде. Russia is big. else such as end by service............ ......................... ...... Futue te, capite de virga. Fuck you, asshole. So, you'll talk about it. DaH DoyIchlan Hol vIghojlI'. I'm learning German now. That's why I am at home. La nova fotilo, kiun nia kompanio surmerkatigis antaŭ nelonge, aspektas diferenca de iu ajn, kiun ni surmerkatigis antaŭe. The new camera our company has been marketing lately has a design different from any we've marketed before. The new camera that our company had changed before recently looks like different of any one that we killed before. qatlh tInqu' vIghro'lIj? Why is your cat so big? That's nothing bigger than the assembly. Kiel vi fartas, kara? What's up, dude? How are you, my dear? lo laktergu'i mo'u te gusni gaunai The candle went out by itself. Let's do it again, or let's try again. Spikol-li Rusänapüki? Do you speak Russian? A syk-hosäh gas? Unue mi estas tre okupata; due ne interesas al mi. For one thing, I'm busy; for another, I'm not interested. First I'm busy, two don't care at me. Tiu ĉi pano malgrandas. This loaf of bread is small. This bread is small. Nek Tom nek Mary estas bona kantisto. Neither Tom nor Mary is a good singer. Not Tom nor Mary is good. ngugh qa'naDa'Daq jIHtaH. At that time, I was in Canada. Professor, I got you out of the past side of the universe. Löfob vobi at. I love this job. Löfobie. Naturalmente io la ama! Of course I love her! What's the love of love? pe'u ko zutse gi'e surla Why don't you sit down and relax? converting z'you can't see the contents of your life on Earth La vive es bela. Life is beautiful. You're beautiful. Oni diras, ke li estas ankoraŭ viva. People say that he's still alive. They say he's still alive. Isto es un barca. That is a boat. This is a bar. paq'e' ghajbogh ghaH law' law' paq vIghajbogh law' rap. She has as many books as I. We're going to seven minutes, and we're going to talk about the universe. ko'a do darxi xu Did he hit you? Numeric then manyxu x La bus veni de parti. The bus just left. The bus's bus has come from the company. An nos son futuite? Are we fucked? An example, we're going to run away? Vi tro multe babilas. You chatter too much. You're too much to talk too much. Anstataŭ plendi vi pli bone agu! Rather than cry, you should take action! Instead of trouble, you'd better do it! Yo es maritat e have du infantes. I am married and have two children. But that's too big. La hundo bojis kolere, kio vekis mian fraton. The dog barked furiously, which awakened my brother. The dog cries angry, who woke up my brother. Ел но ес су соре ма су мадре. She's not his sister, but his mother. else such a sample. ngengDaq loD Dor be'. She took him to the lake. But that's not true, we have made it to take most of the universe. Ne forgesu balai la kuirejon. Don't forget to sweep the kitchen clean. Don't forget the kitchen. lo rismi cu te purdi fe'e so'i roi lo terdi Rice is grown in many parts of the world. They're going to allow the world's equations and their knowledge of the world. A hótule asinye i meneltannar tirien. Come outside with me and look at the constellations. A póugysy insen. mI'taH merI' 'e' bej 'e' tIv tam. Tom likes to watch Mary dance. This is the beginning of the universe, which is 'Log out'. pe'vIl lutlhap. They took it by force. The master qrunner lock could not be played. Ka tu savas la Latina? Do you know Latin? Can you deliver the Latin? mi nanca li pabi I am eighteen years old. I'm dead Year bang vIghaj. I have a girlfriend. It's going to come around. Li konsentis kun li. He agreed with him. He agreed with him. Ili ne uzas ĝin. They don't use it. They don't use it. mi nelci lo nu caxmati I like chess. I'm not running out of caxicim Ta letro sendesas a vu. This letter is addressed to you. Let's make sure you're not interested in it. Isto es un megaphono. This is a megaphone. This is a Microphone. Ŝi pasigas la tempon per vekriado. She passes the time moaning. She spends time with wake up. Mia kapo vere doloras. My head really hurts. My head really hurts. Li premis sian nazon kontraŭ la fenestro. He pushed his nose against the window. He oppressed his nose against the window. La franca prezidento vizitos Japanion venontmonate. The French president is to visit Japan next month. The French president will come visit Japan next month. jImaw'choHtaH 'e' vIQub. I think I'm going mad. I'm sorry, but we can't tell you how to do it. Tomo verŝajne aŭdis tion. Tom probably heard that. Tom probably heard it. qaleghnIS. I must see you. You don't think so. Estas neniaj presiloj ĉi tie. There are no printers here. There are no printers here. Ille anque produceva ancora un altere conclusion dubitose. He also came up with yet another doubtful conclusion. They're so sorry, but they're still talking to each other. Ла мусика ес тро форте. The music is too loud. such as do not exist. Tom parolas al mi multe. Tom talks to me a lot. Tom speaks to me a lot. Tomas nolom mödiko dö Talop. Tom knows a lot about Australia. Tomas Don't worry, Don't worry. Ĉu manĝi malpli da viando estas bona ideo? Is eating less meat a good idea? To eat less meat is a good idea? Ha vos devenite folle? Are you out of your mind? where are you going to make a picture of the calls out of the city? mIw tuQtaHbe'. He is not wearing a hat. It's your turn to me. Ĉu vi havas ĉambron por du personoj? Do you have a double room? Do you have a room for two people? Но персон кура. Nobody cares. else appeared to end up a sample. Nos trovara Tom. We're going to find Tom. We're going to find Tom. Attacha vostre cincturas de securitate. Fasten your seatbelts. Sotach means you're getting off this. Ĉu Tomo iam kaŭzis problemojn al iu? Has Tom ever caused problems for anybody? Is Tom ever caused problems to be wrong to anyone? la tom pu simlu lo ka se cfipu Tom looked confused. All right, let's see if you like a mess of shit. Ille se concerne troppo con su sanitate. He's a health nut. They don't think too much with the power of the guy. ro'o nai dai do ka'e sutra zenba .i ko lo du'u go'i cu jinvi po'o na je cu ba'e djuno You're faster than this. Don't just think you are, know you are. Every day, I'm not going to talk about the guy's half of the field. Mi povas pruvi la veron de tio. I can verify that. I can prove the truth of this. Tom va fruer isto Tom is going to enjoy this. Tom early this lo patfu be mi na ba curmi My father won't allow it. System okay, I'm going to be okay critu ca It's fall now. cub ca ca ma do viska lo nu ri'oi ninmu ri'oi nanmu cu kansa lo ka dansu When did you see her dancing with him? So you're going to put us in there, Don't you know what we're going to do? To es un crayon. That's a pencil. To it's a cray. Lerni Esperanton ne estas malfacila. Studying Esperanto is not hard. Learn Esperanto isn't difficult. Том ес ун бон клиенте. Tom is a regular customer. else such a sample. Sin acua, la flores seci. Flowers wither without water. Mocucup, the blooming six. Actualisa iste correspondentia. Bring that correspondence up to date. Updates this mailing list. Ili militkaptis Romon en junio de 1944. They captured Rome in June of 1944. They were entering Rome in June 194. ra cusku lu coi li'u ca lo ro nu mi penmi vo'a He always says "Hello" when I see him. It's going to be a good boy, and I'll love you tagha' QongchoHpu' tam. Tom finally fell asleep. That's the kind of guy who looks like some kind of thing. Ka irgu altra iras? Is anyone else going? Do you want another one? La klitoro estas la plej sentema organo de virino. The clitoris is the most sensitive organ of a woman. The proposal is the most sensitive organ of a woman. do nixli gi'i nanla Are you a girl or a boy? So we're going to tell you that planet's booter Yo hihicat. I giggled. But that's not the best thing for you. Miaj gepatroj ambaŭ estas hejme nun. Both my parents are at home now. My parents are both at home. Mi havas dek plumojn pli ol vi. I have ten more pens than you. I have ten feathers more than you. Lɛsua harakalo. He learns fast. L Assistanta Talkala. Ni alvenis ĝustatempe. We were just in time. We've arrived in time. Ka vu esas kapabla pri matematiko? Are you good at mathematics? So, you're able to manage math? Mi telefonis. I phoned. I called. Äsvimobs in lak. We swam in the lake. kasssirsk in the cellar. Mi ĉiam forlasas mian ombrelon en la trajno. I always leave my umbrella on the train. I always leave my umbrella on the train. tlhoS balvamDaq bIQ tu'lu'be'. There is almost no water in this bottle. But that's why we thank you for yourlute. xu do penmi ra pu ku Have you met her before? x therefore take a lot of Pages Traktez elu bone. Treat her well. Track by good. .au nai mi spuda le ra xatra I do not want to reply to his letter. Don't worry, do you know? not maja'chuq. We never talk. Mayn't let's go. Contra sua fali el senti ce el es felis. He feels happy in spite of his failure. It's a big one who's got to fall out of fear. Kial vi tiel okupiĝas hodiaŭ? Why are you so busy today? Why are you working so busy today? Quo eventis ye ta memorinda dio? What happened on that memorable day? Qum has been loaded to remember god? wejlogh jISawta'. I've been married three times. That's what you've got. vIraS Hol je jatlhlaH. He can also speak French. I mean, there's a broken feed. Janet comprat un jup e un bluse. Janet bought a skirt and a blouse. Janetpuan ein is one of the blue blue. No vilob funön oli, o Tomas. I don't want to kill you, Tom. No, no, no, no, me. Me mustas adjuntar pekunii a mea konto. I need to add money to my account. Me must add a sines to the new account. mejpu'. She left. Thank you for listening. lo vi cukta cu me mi nai moi This book isn't mine. Because you're DVD cue me in the first room mi se slabu lo nabmi pe do I know your problem. If I don't want to think about it, then .i .y. do'a milxe ke pilno kakne Broadly construed, it's, uh, slightly useful. That's why we're going to take a while. Mi antaŭĝuas revidi vin tre baldaŭ. I look forward to seeing you again very soon. I`ll show you again soon. dei cizra jufra This is a weird sentence. of Cyanfrira Multaj studentoj ne havas multan monon. Many university students don't have a lot of money. Many students don't have much money. Pli gravas, kio vi estas, ol tio, kion vi havas. What you are is more important than what you have. It's more important than what you have. Me trovis la libro quan me serchabis longatempe. I found the book I had long been looking for. I found the book when I was looking for a long time. Ме ес мулте фелис кар ме ревени. I'm very happy to be back. else such a sample by such as now................ Tom va cosini. Tom will cook. Tom cosi'. qa'naDa'nganna' SoH'a'? Are you really Canadian? I'm sorry, you know? la tom mo prenu What kind of person is Tom? All right, let's take a look at it. Tomo ankoraŭ estas ĉe sia avo. Tom is still at his grandfather's house. Tom's still at his grandfather. Estas malfacile kapti leporon permane. It is not easy to catch a hare with your bare hands. It's hard to seize manually. Äblinof kafi obe. She brought me coffee. %-I:%M:%S %p Tomaso estas ege danka al Maria pro ŝia helpo. Tom is extremely thankful to Mary for her help. Thomas is very grateful to Mary because of her help. Por vendo: bebeala shui, nultempe metita. For sale: baby shoes, never worn. To get money, you'll have to shut her back. "Báa eril éthe ne belideth?" "Em. Bíi eril éthe le wa." "Did you clean the house?" "Yes. I cleaned." "Báré don't look beautiful. Ille esseva le autor le plus celebre de su tempore. He was the most famous writer of his day. They were the author of more than the bursting of their time. Il have un filio e du filias. He has a son and two daughters. You have a child and a two. Tomo aspektas, kvazaŭ li ekplorus. Tom looks like he might start crying. Tom looks like he'll cry. xu la .toki ponas. do bangu Can you speak Toki Pona? Why don't you put it in? Ille time canes. He is afraid of dogs. They're all right. Io vos audiva susurrar. I heard you whisper. Something you heard your face on high. raSDaq nay' law' tu'lu'. There are a lot of dishes on the table. And that's why we're in love with you. Acel cual la omes no vide, dio vide. What men don't see, God sees. To see the eye on the earth, a god on the earth. Maria faris patkukojn hodiaŭ. Mary made pancakes today. Maria made some potatoes today. SaHtaH loSmaH nuv. There were forty people present. Since it's been a pass, that it's been a good boy. nom HIghoS! Come quickly. My name is great! Li provis tiom pene, ke li ruĝiĝis. He was trying so hard that he turned red. He tried so hard that he was blushing. le mrori'i pu fasnu ca lo prulamdei The funeral was yesterday. Don't you know what you're doing? Kial tio estas tia, Yusufo? Why is this so, Yusufu? Why is that like that? Mult persones ha provat it. Lots of people have tried. Ms............................... Me pensa ce tu va gusta asi. I think you're going to like it here. Me thought you'd love to break. Io le ha jam telephonate. I already called him. Something has already been invited. Cual libro es la tua? Which is your book? Cal book is yours? Satu'pu'be'. I didn't even notice you. I'll show you a little while. Yo save qui mortat la. I know who killed her. You know who he's dead. bi'u da ba ka'e nu danfu fliba There could be a failure to answer. If you're going to baken in your head, you'll have a f'am not chegh 'e' vIQub. I think he will never come back. He`s got no idea.Qub boot. muQaH. He helped me. Help Como sapeva tu que Tom e Mary es hic? How did you know Tom and Mary were here? How did you know that Tom is here? Tomaso malŝaltis la televidilon. Tom shut the TV off. Thomas turned off the TV. Vi povintus veni al mi. You could have come to me. You should have come to me. Ella regardat le dansar. She watched him dance. And look at the end of the end. Ella fa me felici. She makes me happy. You must be happy. vaghmaH ghot ngaSlaH lupwI'vam. This bus can hold fifty people. This probably indicates that there was no alien civilizations at our stage of development within a radius of a few hundred light years. Se islanda frazo havas tradukon al la angla kaj la angla frazo havas tradukon en svahila, tiam nedirekte tio provizas svahilan tradukon de la islanda frazo. If an Icelandic sentence has a translation in English, and the English sentence has a translation in Swahili, then indirectly, this will provide a Swahili translation for the Icelandic sentence. If a country has a translation in English and English has a translation in Swahili, then it doesn't provide Swahili translation of the country's country. Friponaro ŝtelis la monon. A group of gangsters stole the money. Damn thief the money. Priština es li cité capital de Kosovo. Pristina is the capital of Kosovo. He's the best man's wife. Benjamin jutom beri me gün. Benjamin shot a bear with a rifle. Ben Minijaminto Miünün. La granda konstruaĵo lumis brile kiel incendio. The big building was blazing with lights. The big building gave us a bright hair. Vi malfruos, se vi ne kuros. You won't be in time unless you run. You'll be late if you don't run away. Il es placente facer le barba. It is pleasant to shave off my beard. There's a place to get a bar. .oi lo pe mi kibro cu xebni .iu nai dai mi Ugh, my internet hates me. Copyright .Krill xe. naci many of me. La supo estis tro varmega. The soup was too hot. The soup was too hot. tlhovtaH tam. Tom is wheezing. But again, we're going to get started. Binoms blods. They're brothers. We're going to have a blizzard. Tomo iris al la muzeo kun Manjo. Tom went to the museum with Mary. Tom went to the museum with the museum. Yo ama te. I love you. But that's my love. La enfantes es fasil influeda par la anunsias. Children are easily influenced by advertising. It's a very expensive measure of it now. waghqu'be' neH vIneH. I just wish it wasn't so expensive. The big guy won't be man. Li diris al mi, ke ŝi estas malsana. He told me that she was sick. He told me she was sick. loni ko prami le rirni cu dirba simsa loni ri prami do Love your parents as dearly as your parents love you. Object Loved Dawkins's surface Tui cat es nigri. Your cat is black. You're calii. Ni mariajos en Boston. We're getting married in Boston. We'll cry in Boston. za'u da puku renvi Some survived. Please make sure you've got any war again Mi estas tiu, al kiu oni mensogis. I'm the one who's been lied to. I'm the one you were lying. Ĉu li parolas la anglan? Does he speak English? Is he speaking English? En Hispanio oni surtabligas la tagmanĝon proksimume je la dua. In Spain they serve lunch at about two o'clock. In Spain, we put on lunch about the second. ghobe', chISbe' navvam. No, this paper isn't white. Sunben, CA@item: inlistbox tlhogh vIqaD. I'm against the marriage. Like some piecesquaD. At nibun vabon lü Minsk. This bus is going to Minsk. At least we're going to use the vators. Bonvolu enaŭtiĝi. Please get into the car. Come in. Io parlava a totos. I was talking to everyone. Something's got everything. ghojmeH latlh ghItlhwI' choqemlaH'a'? Can you get me another pencil? The whole answer is that you would take place to take care of the universe? Mi kredas, ke mi volas iri al Marso. I think I want to go to Mars. I think I want to go to Mars. Es il ver que Tatoeba ha essite comprate per Google pro mille milliones de dollares? Is it true that Tatoeba was bought by Google for 1 billion dollars? And it's true that Tatoeba has been detected by Google for a thousand purpose. Ĉu vi dirus al mi unu aferon? Would you mind telling me one thing? Would you tell me one thing? Li kondamnindas pro malplenumo de sia promeso. He must be condemned for breaking his promise. He is worthy of his promise. La enfante pote pasea. The child can walk. The breaking can be completed. la tom nu'o viska VFD Tom has never seen a UFO. I'll love you. cumki falonu la tom pu nonkansa Tom could be alone. Let them fall on the fall. Ĝi estis nigra. It was black. It was black. Mi ankoraŭ neniam diris tion al iu. I've never told anyone this before. I've never told anyone yet. tlhutlhmeH bIQ wIghajbe'. We had no drinking water. like we're in thank you very much. Ĉu Tomo laboras en la kuirejo? Does Tom work in the kitchen? Is Tom working in the kitchen? ro da poi ja'a fasnu cu fasnu ki'u Whatever happens at all happens as it should. Don't batch GDI requests Vidu! Ni ĵus maltrafis la buson. Look! We've missed the bus. We just missed the bus. F en la deksesuma sistemo egalas al 15. F in hexadecimal is equal to 15. F in hexadecimal system equals 15. Vi volas aĉeti librojn. You want to buy books. You want to buy books. Voms e cils balido! Women and children first! I'm going to give you an accident! la tom. pu tolmo'i fi lo nu jerna lo janta Tom forgot to pay the bill. All right, you're free to talk about it. bong tawDaq vIghompu'. I met her on the street by accident. It's good where we come from. Etos pacedom veütik. It's considered to be an important matter. There's peace at the moment. Tom iva a Boston pro studer le musica. Tom went to Boston to study music. Tom turning to Boston to study music. ra nupre lo nu klama ti ti'u li mu He gave me a promise to come here at five. Against the earth, he's older than all the time. Le infinito! Necun altere question ha jammais movite tanto profundemente le spirito del homine. The infinite! No other question has ever moved so profoundly the spirit of man. The Infis! No second question has been moved deep-looking the spirit. Givolöd obe buki et. Give me that book. It's a lot of meal, or a seater. Ĉu vi povas aŭdi min? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? On non pote expectar que tote le mundo comprendera. You can't expect everyone to understand. Could not get image height (bad TIFF file) Mi estas kontraŭ tiu vojaĝo. I am against this trip. I am against this trip. Mea nom es Dilxad. My name is Dilshad. I'm called Hild. Nos no ia ave scola oji! We had no school today! We have no idea what you're saying. E vu? And you? Are you all right? Isto debe esser plus que sufficiente. This should be more than enough. This must be more important. Ne atendigu min longe! Don't make me wait long. Don't wait for me a while! Nos lentemente nos approxima al fin. We're slowly nearing the end. We want to object ourselves to end up. Ju pli la civilizacio progresas, des pli la homoj sopiras la naturon. The more civilization advances, the more people long for nature. The more civilization progresss, the more people are missing from nature. Ŝia hararo griziĝis dum la jaroj. Her hair became gray with the years. Her hair has become gray for years. Ne forgesu fermi la gason antaŭ ol vi foriros el la domo. Don't forget to turn off the gas before leaving the house. Don't forget the gas before you're leaving the house. Mitte tu calceas, per favor. Please put on your shoes. I'm going to call you, by favor. Mi kredis, ke vi eble soifos. I thought you might be thirsty. I thought you might thirst. novpu' tu'lu''a'? Are aliens real? If you're dead, let's go back. Li asertis, ke li malriĉas. He said he was poor. He said he was poor. Mi ŝatas bonan muzikon. I appreciate good music. I like a good music. nItebHa' maqeljaj 'ej loQ majaljaj. Let us think about it together and dream a little. Written by HaHaquts' Me povus durar dum hori. I can hold out for hours. I'd have to last all the time. Ille bibeva. He used to drink. They're right. SIS rIn 'e' vIneH. I wish the rain would stop. SI/ O'I'm afraid of man. pagh Huch wIghaj. We don't have any money. That`s right. Apenaŭ alveninte en la malsanulejo, li faris sian lastan spiron. Hardly had he arrived at the hospital when he breathed his last. As soon as he arrived at the hospital, he did his last breath. El es mor. He is dead. Out of it, you're ma'am. Ĉu vi havas iujn eksterlandajn poŝtmarkojn? Do you have any foreign stamps? Do you have some foreign mailbox? Un accidente ha evenit. An accident has happened. Lieutenant Colonel Cribbs for you, sir. Tota es barata. Everything is cheap. Port is plugged in. Ту иа пета. You farted. else such a sample. La kalkulon, bonvolu. I'd like the bill, please. The count, please. Io studia yiddish de plus. I study Yiddish, too. It wasn't worth y's son. 'IH. They're beautiful. I'm afraid so. Tomo estas minimume je unu kapo pli alta ol mi. Tom is at least a head taller than me. Tom is at least one head higher than me. Mi efektive volis helpi. I really wanted to help. I actually wanted to help. Mi volas vian sangon. I want your blood. I want your blood. Tom usa peruca. Tom wears a wig. Tom uses percacaca. Ne kredu lin! Don't believe him! Don't believe him! Tu es sempre felici. You're always happy. You're always happy. Komputiloj kapablas efektivigi tre komplikan laboron en ono de sekundo. Computers are capable of doing very complicated work in a split second. Computers are able to perform a very complicated job in a second. Alvoku Tom tuj. Call up Tom right away. Dialing immediately. do bebna You are stupid. SoLabna Tom pote apena come. Tom can barely eat. Tom can hardly get coma. Vi ĉiam estos mia plej bona amikino. You'll always be my best friend. You'll always be my best friend. Io te ama plus que quicunque altere. I love you more than anyone else. Something you love more than well. tam yISam! Find Tom. What kind of shit! Io ira a casa a dece horas. I'll go home at ten. Ibara a casa. Dochvammo' SaH nuvpu'. That's why people are worried. My God, I think I'm in favor. La akto ne tro kostas. The deed is not too expensive. The act won't cost too much. .e'o do zutse Please sit down! .'Kustsut .ibazibo lo cmalu temselfesti sidbo cu se pensi Then a little time-wasting idea came to mind. It's been a case of flowers to be a party if think of thinking about it. Ĉu vi povus paroli iom pli malrapide? Could you speak more slowly, please? Could you talk a little longer? Tom es preparate a dicer le veritate. Tom is ready to tell the truth. Tom is ready to include the Oracle. El come la poma. He is eating the apple. Of come the trema. Mi ne sciis, ke Tomo estas el Bostono. I didn't know Tom was from Boston. I didn't know that Tom was from Boston. Io te ama tamben. I love you, too. Something kind of love. Le marginalisation social del lingua (nahuatl) e del communitates indigena faceva reducer se le proportion de parlantes in le veniente centennio. The social marginalization of the language (Nahuatl) and of indigenous communities led to a decrease in the number of speakers in the twentieth century. The marala socialization of language (ahuattal) is the list of com Network-saranda if the completion of the language which is coming into an hundred thousand. ko za'ure'u troci Try again. Please correct the errors ti cipni ma What kind of bird is this? tipni mi na me do I'm not you. I'm not in love with myself .uanai ma mukti do .o'onai What is wrong with you? Don't worry, ma'am. Tu me manca. I miss you. You're welcome. Eo su yn gath. I am a cat. And su y's going to be fun. qaStaHvIS wa' jaj 'arlogh SIla'Daq jIbej'egh? How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror? I think it quite likely that we are the only civilization within several hundred light years; otherwise we would have heard radio waves. Los es silente. They're quiet. Los is in silence. Le mercato remontava. The market rallied. Merro is going to show the again. .ei lo mi skami su'o da plixau My computer has got to be useful for something. I'm a Computer of more than some more? chaw' ngoq yIjatlh. Give the password. Enter your password: Амбос де нос иа ес еранте. We were both wrong. else such as belong to such as now.......................... .............................................. Ĉu manĝas katoj vespertojn aŭ ĉu manĝas katojn vespertoj? Do cats eat bats or do bats eat cats? Do cats eat cats or eat cats? yIttaH. They continued walking. Whether or not to play a sound to notify for yourself. La polico ne trovis fingrospurojn. The police didn't find fingerprints. The police didn't find any finger. Ne maltrankviliĝu pri mi. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. Verdire mi neniam aŭdis pri tiu loko ĝis nun. To be honest, I've never heard of this place before. I never heard about that place until now. Illa gusta spectar aves. She likes birdwatching. I don't know what they're doing. va'o lo nu do na djica lo nu do nonseka zo'u ka'e zvakansa do fa mi If you don't want to stay alone, I can keep you company. And so do you know what you're doing? 'oy' Ho'wIj. muHoHlI' 'oy'. I've got a toothache. The pain is killing me. That's my concern! That it true. Poc personas percipeva su absentia al festa. Few people noticed her absence from the party. He's the person who knows what he's going to do with. Aldonu kelkajn pliajn nomojn en la liston. Add a few more names to the list. Add some more names in the list. Qui face un bestia de se mesme elimina le dolor de esser un homine. A person who makes a beast of themselves gets rid of the pain of being human. Who can make it known to the same thing when the hurt of the person is one. DawI'qoq ghaH. She's a wannabe actress. Here you can take seven minutes. Ni supozas, ke li revenos baldaŭ. We expect him to come back soon. We think he'll be back soon. Blasphemia es un crimine sin victima. Blasphemy is a victimless crime. We're sorry for you to get scared of yourself. Io parla le espaniol con Deo, le italiano con le feminas, le francese com le viros, e le germano con mi cavallo. I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse. I'm part of the Spanish with him, the Italian with the most important man, and the German with me. Pro tio necesas redukti la kostojn. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the cost. That's why you need to reduce the costs. jIHaj reH 'e' vIQub. I always thought I'd be afraid. I am Death. revoq. We trust you. I'm a dream. Le imperator ha nulle vestimentos. The emperor has no clothes. A reserve has no clothes clean. Ne plu estas multa tempo antaŭ ol la konferenco komenciĝos. Ni eniru kaj rigardu, kiu ĉeestas. There's not a lot of time left until the meeting starts. Let's go inside and have a look at who's there. There's no time before the conference starts. Let's go and see who's coming. Mi ŝatus foriri. Ĉu vi havas mian fakturon? I'd like to check out. Do you have my bill? I'd like to go. Do you have my bill? Nos no va revade a normalia car normalia ia es la problem. We won't go back to normal because normal was the problem. We're not going to back to normal mailing list. This is the problem. Ni ĉiuj revenis sekure. We all made it back safely. We're all back safe. «nuqDaq bIHtaH paqmeylIj'e'» «raSDaq bIHtaH.» "Where are your books?" "They are on the desk." Let's go, let's move! Moving out. SoptaH ghaH. She is eating. So moving seven minutes. Tom kaj Mary estis inter tiuj, kiuj ne venis. Tom and Mary were among the ones who didn't come. Tom and Mary was between those who didn't come. pe'i la tom ce la maris cu nelci zu'ai I think Tom and Mary like each other. The storm broke out of the sea. No binol tidel gudik. You're not a good teacher. No, I can't see anything. Tom malvenkos. Tom'll lose. It's gonna beat. Kanom kömön. He can come. Kano balloons are springing. Betty scipovas ludi la pianon. Betty can play the piano. Betty can play the piano. La studenti ne povis respondar. The students could not give an answer. The study could not be answered. Ла мусика де струментос пласе ме. I like instrumental music. such as do not exist. Mi volas spekti filmon. I want to see a movie. I want to watch movie. Qorwagh ghorpu' 'e' chIDta' loDHom. The boy admitted breaking the window. Thank you very much. Vi formas belan paron. You guys make a cute couple. You form a lovely couple. Mi ne konas la vojon. I don't know the way. I don't know the way. Mi estimas vian malkaŝemecon. I value your candor. I think it's your secret. Báa eril éthe ne belideth? Did you clean the house? Báré éthy don't look beautiful? loi glipre cu tcikaizu'e The English are a practical people. They're going to give you a cup of money Sami es un traduor. Sami is a translator. Sam's a big one. Еста идеа но пласе Том. Tom doesn't like that idea. else such as belong to such as now................. ............................... ....................... Ni ekprocesis kontraŭ la asekura kompanio, ĉar ĝi rompis la kondiĉojn en nia poliso. We sued the insurance company because it violated the terms of our policy. We had to take care of the company, because it broke the conditions in ourpolis. Ni foriros post unu horo. We will leave in an hour. We're leaving in an hour. Feliĉan Kristnaskon al ĉiuj! Merry Christmas, everybody! Merry Christmas to all! Me esabos trifoye en Usa se me iras ibe itere. I will have been to the States three times if I go there again. I'm going to give up three, and I'm going to the wild ones. Vidu vian kontraŭulon kiel nur manplenon da cindro. Think of your opponent as nothing more than a handful of ash. Look at your opponents just like a man's ashes. Sin vostre adjuta io ha nulle occasion. Without your help, I have no chance. Thank you for helping me. Ŝi eble helpu al sia patrino. She should help her mother. She might help her mother. jItuS. I have a cough. You're looking for yourself. Kaj se mi estus indiano el Ameriko? What if I am a Native American? And if I were a ink from America? Onedob kiki. I'm going to need the key. On Wave kikki. Ĉu mi povas esti utila? May I be of service? Can I be useful? Ha ille ris? Does he have rice? Oh, thank you. e'o do tadni bu'u Please study here. And then you're such a (%s) .i xu dilnu tcima Is it cloudy? Below xu Clouds 'ewrop vIghoSbe', 'a 'amerI'qa' vIghoS 'e' vIwuq. Instead of going to Europe, I decided to go to America. 'As wish I'm going to talk,' said the King: 'I would like to know what I would like to do. Sorvo' pum 'epIl naH. The apple fell from the tree. Sor'I'm running out of charge. Tom maritat un puella de Boston. Tom married a girl from Boston. Tom maritat de pulla de Boston. SuDochqu'taH. You're being very rude. Execution of yours, we've been on the outside. Jen la aŭto kiun mi lastfoje menciis. This is the car I spoke of the other day. This is the car I mentioned last times. bIjatlh 'e' yImev! jIghIQtaH. bo'Degh bom mob vIQoy vIneH. Shut up. I'm on my holiday. All I want to hear is the bird's singing. Thank you, but I'm going to repeat it. Manda mi salutes a tu sposa. Give my regards to your wife. I'll give you a login. Uno non pote trovar se in le passato o futuro. Uno pote esser solmente in le Nunc. You cannot find yourself in the past or future. The only place where you can find yourself is in the Now. A element can't find a palette entry. A future or a future can be only in the now. fau'u Sorry... n't care La fia de el ave un dole de stomaco. Her daughter has a stomachache. The odd from a stock to stock. Eble Tom minacis Maria. Maybe Tom threatened Mary. Maybe Tom continued with Mary. mi senva tu'a do I dreamt about you. Momiji Dream Quant lagos hay in Finland? How many lakes are there in Finland? How can I get you in Finland? qach chenmoHlu'lI'. The building is under construction. That's me, let's get it. Si, liedos. Yes, it hurts. Sir, he's dead. On no ave jenero gramatical en magiar. There is no grammatical gender in Hungarian. On Sunday, you can't see that you're fat in magic. Esta esplica lo, sin alga duta. This explains it without a doubt. There's a regular expression, a two-two. Kiu ajn povas fari paroladon ĉi tie en dimanĉoj. Anyone can make a speech here on Sundays. Whoever can do here in Sundays. Que face tu? What are you doing? What do you want to make? Il ha un incendio in le vestibulo. There's a fire down the hall. There's a man dressed in your clothes. Binob stenüdik. I'm strong. Babi stink. Me ia fa la plu bon cual me ia pote per amini con el. I did my best to make friends with him. I'm sure it's quite true that I can love one with another. Yo ama torte. I love cake. But that's enough to love it. Pozez la vorti en ordino alfabetala. Put the words in alphabetical order. Moves the words in order to be played. Tomo metis la tranĉilon sur la tablon. Tom put the knife on the table. Tom put the knife on the table. Qui es le autor de iste libro? Who is the author of this book? Who is the author of this book? Mi tute ne trinkas kafon. I don't drink coffee at all. I don't drink anything. Tio vere indas la koston. It's well worth the cost. It's really worth the cost. mo spati What kind of plant is it? mo Plant Concernente iste question, io es completemente satisfacite. So far as this matter is concerned, I am completely satisfied. Grant this question, something is probably plugged in. zgikrxumpa ko Play the Humppa! Music Player Dano sciis nenion pri la pasinto de Linjo. Dan didn't know anything about Linda's past. Dan knew nothing about the past of him. tugh juH Dachegh'a'? Will you come back home soon? I'll let you know what? .e'a nai do nerkla You must not go inside. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Le flor le plus parve es un pensamento, un vita correspondente a alicun aspecto del Grande Toto, de qui illo habe un intuition persistente. The smallest flower is a thought, a life answering to some feature of the Great Whole, of whom they have a persistent intuition. Password is smaller than think, you're a matching figured out any other mailing lists, since they're making it bold. Tomas ästudom domo. Tom was homeschooled. Tomas fixes house. Il face troppo calide pro laborar. It is too hot a day for work. You can make too many call for work. Vi sonas tiel infanece. You sound so childish. You sound so little baby. Kötolöd pötetis. Cut the potatoes. Kiönomödbished. Tom estas murdisto. Tom is a murderer. Tom is a murderer. Que vole vos? What do you want? What do you want? Mi dormis tre malbone. I slept very badly. I slept very bad. ja'chuqtaHvIS, loQ yev. There was a brief break in the discussion. All right, let's go. Tom ha le attitude correcte. Tom has the right attitude. Tom has been giving you correct. Ĉu vi povas helpi al Tom? Can you help Tom? Can you help Tom? Samo rimarkis, ke viro rigardas al Lanjo. Sami noticed that a man was looking at Layla. Sam man noticed that a man was looking at the granny. maQmIgh bo'Degh 'oH notqa' net Qub. The raven is regarded a bird of bad omen. It's a really good time to start the future of 'qugub. pov HaD chaH. They study in the afternoon. Well, it's true that there's the government. ro da cu bilga lo ka bandu lo lanzu be vo'a Everyone must protect their own family. Stop the volume associated with the open folder Illa parla con le inseniante russe. She's talking to the Russian teacher. I'll give you a lesson, with the Russian teacher. Tomo estas kolera. Tom is angry. Thomas is angry. Mi jam diris al Tomo kiel fari tion. I've already told Tom how to do that. I told Tom how to do that. ko'a vajni cmima la'o gy. Democratic Party .gy. He is a prestigious and influential member of the Democratic Party. Unix (/ˈjuːnɪks/; trademarked as UNIX) is a family of multitasking. Ту ва ес мулте калда ен Брасил. You're going to be very hot in Brazil. such as do not exist. Li portis malnovajn ŝuojn. He wore old shoes. He carried old shoes. Va seluwera al lapteyer, koe siptuxo azon ta iblira. He survived the crash, only to die in the desert. Va if there is a man who knows what he's doing. ta'i ma mi ka'e binxo lo selylacri pilno How can I become a trusted user? That's what I've been saying Cliccar sur "salvar" pro comenciar le discarga. Click on "save" to begin the download. Click on the "var" to start the process. peghuH! peghuH! pawlI' lung'a' boghpu'wI'! Beware! Beware! The Dragonborn comes! A mighty man, and there's a mighty man, and we haven't got it? Sua fia es un curor. His daughter is a nurse. Suzar is short. Face tu deber sin inquietar te del consequentias. Do your duty without worrying about the consequences. Date must be inquiet's death. Bentost va evenir un incontra atletic. There is an athletic meet soon. Bsis a vat.......................................... mi tatpi I'm tired. Itttp Es il difficile esser un vegetariano? Is it hard to be a vegetarian? And there's a difficileo? vIghro'mey muS be'nalwI'. My wife hates cats. Where the hell did they come from? Yufolöd obe tuvön Tomasi. Help me find Tom. Yugödubevari. Mi estas tiom ekscitite. I am so hot. I'm so excited. Kial ne skribi ĝin berbere? Why don't you write it in Berber? Why didn't you write it? mi djica lo ka djica lo se djica be do I want to want what you want. Iji d'clock if d' lock at least so it is possible. pe'vIl buqDaq Hoch SutDaj yuv loDHom. The boy crammed all his clothes into the bag. DearIl Capitaqut we're talking to people're moving. Me ama la fia de el. I love her daughter. My love is from your mother's son. wa'Hu' nuqDaq DaghoS? Where did you go yesterday? The children of Ammon, where are we? jItul not 'e' vImev. I'll never lose hope. Exiting... Greid! Ta! Sit down! Via edzino devas esti tre feliĉa. Your wife must be very happy. Your wife must be very happy. Ĉu vi scipovas distingi hordeon kaj tritikon? Can you distinguish barley from wheat? Can you discern barley and wheat? qalIjbe'. I won't forget you. I don't know. Pote vos comprender Tom? Can you all understand Tom? Can you ask you something? vaghvatlh rep puvchoH muD Dujvetlh. That plane will take off at five. The future that we have to take away the future of the future. Li iris al Londono preter Parizo. He went to London via Paris. He went to London by Paris. Ili es diantes. They're carnations. That's what they say. Per favor da me un vitro de aqua. Please give me a glass of water. Please favor in a small glass. Le svedese es facile. Swedish is easy. The Swedish is easy. la toms. pu lifri lo nu gleki vercedra Tom had a happy childhood. All right, he's got to eat. mi mutce tatpi I am very tired. Very hard totpi nuv 'Ilqu' ghaH tam'e'. Tom is a very sincere person. This is the seven minutes of the universe. jI'oj. I am thirsty. Oh, my God. Tu mustas irar. You have to go. You have to change your way. Es illas felice? Are they happy? Are you happy? Jinafa taka tir idularsafa. My head is too hot. Jinafkakaakast. Меа сала аве ун фенетра сола. My room has only one window. such as do not exist. Min ne interesas, kiun Tomo kisas. I don't care who kisses Tom. I don't care what Tom says. Ĉu estas knabinoj en la malliberejo? Are there any girls in prison? Is there girls in the prison? ko'a za'o damba lo terjda He is still grappling with religious beliefs. `%s' failed Io me futue de Jesus. I don't give a fuck about Jesus. Something to run away from Yes. Tu necessita alicun cognoscentia de scientia basic. You need some knowledge of basic science. You need to think about some history of knowledge. Oni pagas ilin semajne. They are paid by the week. They pay them a week. Kiel vi malkovris, ke estas Tom, kiu manĝis vian sandviĉon? How did you find out that Tom was the one who had eaten your sandwich? How did you know it was Tom who ate your health? Kie vi dormis lastnokte? Where did you sleep last night? Where have you slept last night? Esque libere arbitrio existe? Does free will exist? There's a freely exist? Io le intervideva durante que ille tornava circa le angulo. I caught a glimpse of him as he turned the corner. Something I need to think that they're going to push off the corner. Tom igis Marion atendi. Tom made Mary wait. Tom made Mars wait. Ni skribu al Tomo noton. Let's write Tom a note. Let's write to Tom note. Fiku vin! Fuck you! Wake up! Tom restas en kontakto kun Mary. Tom stays in touch with Mary. Tom remains in a contact with Mary. Donald Trump va esser li sequent presidente del Unit States de America. Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States of America. Whold Trully is going to be a secreter of Aitbas's United States. Tomo atendis Manjon iom pli ol unu horon. Tom waited a good hour for Mary. Tom waited for Marie a little more than an hour. Ĉu vi ŝatas min, Tomo? Tom, do you like me? You like me, Tom? La polisia es asi perce? Why are the police here? Thepolis is due to translation? Tuа responde es falsa. Your answer is wrong. You are all right. la tom pu dunda lo jai se pa'u flora la maris Tom gave a bouquet of flowers to Mary. Look at the sea, you're good at it, if you had a flower of flowers, Monto Everesto estas la plej alta kulmino en la mondo. Mt. Everest is the highest peak in the world. It's the best square in the world. De cuando tu pote senti la moves de la feto? Since when have you been able to feel the movement of the fetus? You can feel the little ones from the little ones? Mi protestu. I must protest. I'm looking for you. Kion vi hieraŭ volis diri al mi? What did you want to say to me yesterday? What did you want to say yesterday? Realia es bela. Reality is beautiful. Real is beautiful. Mia nomo estas Thomas, sed vi povas nomi min Tom. My name is Thomas, but you can call me Tom. My name is Thomas, but you can call me Tom. Kaj li deturnis sin de ili kaj ekploris; poste li denove returnis sin al ili kaj parolis kun ili. And he turned himself away a little while, and wept: and returning, he spoke to them. He turned himself away from them, and wept. Afterward he returned to them, and spoke with them. Вос ес ен меа кор. You are in my heart. else appeared to end up from service........... ........................... .......... Vos deberea haber apprendite isto in schola. You should've learned that in school. You've got to have it out of Distant galaxies. Thom wothalehal wowith wa. Tom is a very good person. Yom wothalba waliwat. Via regnestro estas reĝo de Prusujo kaj imperiestro de Germanujo. Your sovereign is king of Prussia and emperor of Germany. Your Excellency, is the king of Pudulling and the Tsar of Germany. Nia vojaĝo dependas de la vetero. Our trip is dependent on the weather. Our journey depends on the weather. Post kiam oni komencis kultivi bataton en Nova Gvineo, ties loĝantaro rapide pliiĝis. When the sweet potato was introduced to New Guinea, the population exploded. After we started to build a bat in New Guinea, there's a population fast. Tom ia sorti a sinco minutos ante aora. Tom left five minutes ago. Tom got a part of a beats per minute before it. Mi volas, ke vi trovu ilin. I want you to find them. I want you to find them. ai mi mulgau le se gunka ca lo mu moi'o be lo djedi I'll finish the work five days from now. I've made the hard disk for the first time. Me multe plu prizas reda vino kam blanka. I like red wine much more than white wine. Me's too much about red wine. Mi neniel povis memori lian nomon. For the life of me, I couldn't remember his name. I couldn't remember his name. not qab vIlIjbe'. I never forget a face. I don't know what I'm doing. mi pu klama le bilni ginka ca'i la .kordobas. I went to the military camp with Kordobas's authorization. I'll take the bilo. Nos ia vade per compra a la mercato. We used to go shopping at the market. We're sure you want to continue with com Mero. Voms binofs zians obik. The women are my aunts. Something's going on. Vi estas donacema. You're generous. You're a present. L'Angliana plenesas de latinida vorti. English is full of Romance words. An English act of Latin words. Se estos denove milito, ni ĉiuj mortos. If there's another war, we'll all die. If there's war again, we'll all die. Rodolfo ambulava lentemente verso le citate. Rudolph walked slowly toward the city. Rodolfombolas the front-up service. Ili devas aparteni al vi. These must be yours. They have to belong to you. Televidol-li? Do you watch television? What do you mean? lo'i re nanmu cu tcesmisi'u The two men had much in common. Unix (/ˈjuːnɪks/; trademarked as UNIX) is a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T Unix, development starting in the 1970s at the Bell Labs research center by lo valsi cu vofli ije lo selsku cu stali Words fly, texts remain. Power of a cuel QoQ tIvwI' nong ghaH. He is a great lover of music. But you can't take seven minutes. mi no'e fengu I'm not really angry. I'm no one's fault Me place le solitude. I enjoy solitude. I'm wearing the only one. ta'i ma mi ka'e xamgu How can I be of use? That's what I'm going to do with. Esas insuli en la maro. There are islands in the sea. There's a reproach in the sea. Tomo opinias, ke vaporumi estas pli sekure ol fumi, sed Manjo ne tre certas pri tio. Tom thinks that vaping is safer than smoking cigarettes, but Mary's not so sure. Tom thinks that it's more safe than smoke, but Marie doesn't know very much about that. Maria konstatis rimarkeblan aliiĝon de la konduto kaj laborkutimoj de Tom. Mary had noted a distinct change in Tom's behavior and work habits. Mary was able to discover the behavior and work of Tom. Il es tre brava. He is very brave. I'm very bold. Aiya otorno. Hail, guildbrother. Aya or Place. Danke al Dio mi ne vundis Tomon. Thank God I didn't hurt Tom. Thank God I didn't hurt Tom. DuSaQ vIghoSDI' reH jIyIt. I always walk to school. Two o'clock, where I'm going to go back to see you. Qup ghaH, 'a valqu'. He's young, but he's very intelligent. If it's all right, it'll be very well. Grasias per la averti. Thank you for the warning. Graceed by the warn you. lo'e melbi cu roroi cizra The beautiful is always strange. Never mind when they're at least one time Tom es ancor virginal. Tom is still a virgin. Tom is still you can do something. Том но густа еста идеа. Tom doesn't like that idea. such as do not belong to else, such as now.... Esta libro es dedicada a no person. This book is not dedicated to anyone. And it's a book of adas that's stuck in no matter. Gallinas nigre depone ovos blanc. Black hens lay white eggs. Galins black from an egg leave. Ben. Good. Ben. Tranĉu la kukon per tiu tranĉilo. Cut the cake with that knife. Cut the cake with that knife. ro da zifre lo nu mindju Everyone is free to contribute. In the end of thirty-port, so do you want me toHelp Vu ne darfas fumar hike. You are not to smoke here. You don't smoke a smoke. Me pone sento grames de zucar. I am putting in one hundred grams of sugar. I'm a feeling of lies. Neniu volus aflikti nin. No one would want to hurt us. No one wants to make us sick. Nos spera que toto essera in ordine. Hopefully, everything will be OK. We're going to think that everything would be in order to make it. Quum es vord? What is a word? Quum is vy? Tomo faris frandan manĝon por Manjo. Tom made a delicious meal for Mary. Tom made food for Marie. Söl Smith binom tidan gudik. Mr Smith is a good teacher. Soöm Soth bindan. Maria seagivof floris. Mary is giving out flowers. Maria if he wants to grow up. Mi ŝatas, ke vi rakontas ĝin al mi. I appreciate you telling me. I like you to tell me. Li aldonis iom da sukero kaj lakto al sia teo. He put some sugar and milk in his tea. He added some sugar and milk to his tea. paghlogh yIHon! Don't ever doubt it. That's what you're talking about! Io passava tote le postmeridie conversante con mi amicos. I spent the whole afternoon chatting with friends. Something's gonna bite all the after playing with me. Ŝi ŝategas verki poemojn. She is very fond of writing poems. She loves reading poems. Mia frato ankoraŭ dependas de niaj gepatroj por siaj vivtenaj elspezoj. My brother still depends on our parents for his living expenses. My brother's still depending on our parents to spend it. Meri es un fem moderna. Mary is a modern woman. Meri is a modern modern modern. mi tolcru lo nu do cliva I forbid you to leave. The Forbidden City Li havis longajn harojn. He had long hair. He had long hair. Li patre del puella es un medico. The girl's father is a doctor. He's a man's first medium. Ci escava un caveta va cade a en lo, e ci rola un petra, lo va reveni sur el. Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him. You're a kind of guy who's a guy who's got to go back out of here. vay'vaD ghoghmaj DaQoymoHmeH pItlhobneS. Please, let somebody hear our voice. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Tom restas. Tom is staying. It's gone. xu do pu nonkansa Were you alone? x then you won't tell us Ĉu vi parolas la maorian lingvon? Do you speak Maori? Do you speak the masian language? Eva plukis frukton de la arbo de sciado. Eve plucked fruit from the tree of knowledge. Eva continued fruit from the tree of knowledge. HuchwIj 'oHbe' raSDaq 'oHbogh Huch'e'. The money on the desk is not mine. But that my genetic code still carries the selfish and aggressive instincts that were of survival advantage in the universe. pup. It's perfect. What are you doing? pa' ghaHtaH'a' to'nIy'e'? Is Tony there? All the seven minutes, and I'll be back in the universe. Tood Tomasa binom yulibik. Tom's car is blue. Tod Tomas binm yuan. Li púer ha vidit li auto. The boy has seen the car. He's in danger to see him. Face attention a lo que tu dice, post que ille se irrita facilemente. Be careful of what you say, for he's easily annoyed. Warning about your dice, after they are easy to change. Mi diros al la virino tion kion mi scias. I will tell the woman what I know. I'll tell the woman what I know. Ha'! yInuD! Come and take a look. Ah! They're in the air! qaSpa' jajvetlh, not Ha'DIbaH ghab vISop. Until that day, I had never eaten dog meat. Toggles the last, we've got seven minutes in the universe. Tio maleblas. That's impossible. That's impossible. lenu cikybi'o cu du lenu to'e sipybi'o Waking up is the opposite of going to sleep. let's see thesky of the top two parts of the command line like e-mailo me'rIy'vaD banan naH nob tam. Tom handed Mary a banana. I'm sorry, we're supposed to get rid of the universe. Ĉu vi komprenas, kiu estas la problemo? Do you understand what the problem is? Do you understand who's the problem? Qui es le proprietario de iste auto? Who is the owner of this car? Which is the owner of this auto-generate? jIror'a'? Am I fat? Let's go, let's go! lo vi nanba cu kukte This bread is delicious. They didn't say that they were here. Il non esseva alicun problema. It was no problem. There was no problems. mumuS tam. Tom hates me. The mouse amongst them. Tomaso nur provis helpi. Tom was just trying to help. Thomas just tried to help. Laboristoj luktis dum fabrikoj fermiĝis. Workers struggled as factories closed. Works have fought during factory. Qui es Emily? Who's Emily? Quimily? Daqvam nuq? What is this place? Where is it? Ŝi estas en la lernejo. She's at school. She's at school. .i ri na kakne lonu sidju He can't help you. I can't talk to you. Miaj gepatroj ne scias. My parents don't know. My parents don't know. Nenio interesa okazas. Nothing interesting is happening. There's nothing interesting going on. Mi pensas, ke mi pli bone ne manĝu tion. I think I'd rather not eat that. I think I don't have to eat that. Se mia frato estus tie, li scius kion fari. If my brother would have been there, he would have known what to do. If my brother were there, he would know what to do. Mi studas Latinon pro tio, ke ĝi estas mia plej ŝatata lingvo. I study Latin because it’s my favourite language. I study Latin because it's my favorite language. Nud púeres svimmat in li rivere. Naked boys were swimming in the river. Well, I think he's got to go crazy. muqImbe'chu'taH. He's not paying any attention to me. Aqumbuching from the city. Tom es li patre del sponsa. Tom is the father of the bride. Tom's a path of a sprang up. Benvenite al domo. Welcome home. Welcome to the house. Ŝi helpis sian patron en la ĝardena laboro. She helped her father with the work in the garden. She helped her father in her business. tugh mapaw 'e' HochvaD yIja'. Tell everybody we'll be there soon. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. mi gleki lo ka sidju I'm glad to help. _Help mi galfi lo ladru lo cirla .e lo matne We make milk into cheese and butter. It's my gallet. Cuasi tota de mundo ia es felis. Almost everyone was happy. It's called to everyone's level. Tomo demandis al mi, kie estas la parkumejo. Tom asked me where the parking lot was. Tom asked me where's the park. ko cikna Wake up! Enter your time: mi nelci lo brazo porto I like Brazilian Portuguese. I'm not having a shave port peyon! Be satisfied! Come on! Mary va provar it. Mary will try it. Mary won't work. Ŝi trovis novan ĉambranon. She found a new roommate. She found a new apartment. Tomas no äbinom in bür. Tom wasn't in the office. Tomas noäbin in kür. Mi havas nur buteron en la fridujo. I only have butter in the fridge. I've only got butter in the kitchen. Mia demando estas, kial? My question is why. My question is, why? Ĉiuj kredas, ke li antaŭzorgis pri sia maljuneco. Everyone believes that they have prepared for their old age. Everyone thinks he's fixing his old age. Io desira que io poterea haber accompaniate la. I wish I could have gone with her. Something you want to do is set. Illo importa a necuno. No one cares. 63 confirm. Skinnies are moving in on all sides. They need help now. Tomo estas ne tiu, kiu bezonas helpon. Tom isn't the one who needs help. Tom is not the one who needs help. Ilu parolas quale se ilu esus experto. He speaks as if he were an expert. He's talking to what he's doing. Illa irasce re mi parlage. She got angry about my talk. I'm going back to work. Heghpa' la'SIvmey qanqu'choH. Turtles live to a great age. He's the guy who's lucky one, but we don't know how to do it. mi mutce nelci ta poi ninmu I really like that girl. I don't know what we're doing Illa comenciava plorar quando illa videva su facie. She began to cry at the sight of his face. I'll start with a crying when it's been done. Mi ne estas infano. I'm not a child. I'm not a child. Mi havas longedaŭran haŭtinflamon. I have chronic dermatitis. I've got a long skin texture. Su oncle habita in Svissia. Her uncle lives in Switzerland. Sucucation in Switzerland. Estas bone aŭdi vian voĉon denove. It's good to hear your voice again. It's good to hear your voice again. maDyar Hol jatlh ghaH 'ej DoyIchlan Hol jatlh ghaH. He speaks Hungarian and she speaks German. butDary Holnh, I really want to seven minutes. Simple ŝovu vian biciklon postaĵe de la kamiono, kaj mi veturigos vin hejmen. Just throw your bicycle in the back of the truck and I'll drive you home. Just drag your bike back to the truck, and I'll drive you home. wa'leS po jImej. I leave in the morning. We're going to walk in the past. Junuloj adaptiĝas al io pli rapide ol maljunuloj. Youth adapt to things more quickly than the elderly. Young ones adapt to something faster than the old men. Homoj kutimis pensi, ke Suno turniĝas ĉirkaŭ Tero. People used to think the Sun spins around the Earth. People used to think that Sun is turning around Earth. Io ha un sentimento similar. I have a similar feeling. Something has been going on like that. Mi scias, ke iuj plaĝoj malfermiĝis en iuj partoj de la subŝtato. I know some beaches have opened in some parts of the state. I know that some beach opened in some parts of State state. paH bIDvetlh vIparHa'. I like that skirt. I don't have a hint. Io deberea haber mangiate plus. I should've eaten more. Something should have been used to have more. Yufobs Tomase. We help Tom. Yusfos Tomas. bItlheDnIS'a'? Do you have to leave? I'm going to make some questions. lo nu le kalmari cu nilvifme'abi'o cu cfari This cuttlefish has started to lose its freshness. Translation along the Wintab API [default] Qapchu'taH laSvarghmeymaj. Our factories are working at full capacity. (Applause.) bIQ luchenmoH bIQSIp yInSIp je. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. Thank you. Ĉiuj ni ŝanĝiĝas. Everyone changes. We're changing everything. Tom liberava le ave. Tom freed the bird. Tom was free. Mi timas, ke vi ne povos. I'm afraid you can't. I'm afraid you can't. Ni devus helpi unu al la alia. We ought to help each other. We should help each other. Ŝi ekscitiĝis pro lia ĉeesto. She was thrilled with his presence. She got excited for his presence. Pote tu intender Tom? Are you able to understand Tom? Can you do that? Tom es un traductor. Tom is a translator. Tom is a lot of translates. .ui .i pei I am fine, and you? All right, let's enjoy it. Mi supozas, nun ne estas returniĝo. I guess there's no turning back now. I guess it's not going back now. la .an. cmalu nixli Ann is a little girl. We're getting lost. mi na nelci le dinju I do not like the house. I don't exist in terms Mi opinias, ke vere estus bone por vi fari tion. I think it would be really good for you to do that. I think it's good for you to do it. Qaqbej tam. Tom certainly is pretentious. Qqray. Ŝiaj pupiloj estis nigraj kaj profundaj kiel abismo. Her pupils were as black and deep as an abyss. Her apple were black and deep as deep as deep as deep. la tom ce mi pu su'ei damba Tom and I had a fight. All right, I'll take you off. Guarda amor in tu corde. Le vita sin amor es como le jardin cuje flores es morte per manco del luce solar. Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. Gualdy love in your heart. The love is like theardin of a man's death. vay''e' vIghunnISbogh 'oH. It would be something I'd have to program. We're going to talk about the universe. ko ze'eba jundi lo do fagri Always tend your fires. zeta'e what we're talking about, ma'am Como pote io adjutar te? How can I help you? How can I help you? naku roda pu se mansa Not all were satisfied. Fuck if you're a man's late No slipom. He doesn't sleep. It's all right. Ĉu li kisis vin? Did he kiss you? Did he kissed you? Mara lomë. Good night! Mara loëa. Tom me tir Trump. Tom is not Trump. Tom tila Truk. Lo es un rua sin sorti. It's a dead end. Lo, it's a red man who knows about it. Tom havas tridek tagojn por pagi siajn fakturojn. Tom has thirty days to pay this bill. Tom has thirty days to pay attention. Vikizarsal. Co-goraweyal. You smoke far too much. You should cut back. C'mon, you'll have everything to do with that. lu', vaghvatlh rep maghom. All right, we'll meet at five. He's going to see you. Metan va roti sokonarir ede djujovleter. No one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Meta-Mirtrit andHelpov. Ĉu vi havas pasporton? Do you have a passport? Do you have any passport? Tomo ne scias, kion li diras. Tom doesn't know what he's saying. Tom doesn't know what he says. Nos tentava tanto de meliorar le cosas pro nostre infantes que nos los rendeva pejor. We tried so hard to make things better for our kids that we made them worse. We're looking for a better thing that we're going to make we're going to turn back to the station. Mostra la jornal a Tom. Show Tom the magazine. It's a post of the two o'clock. mu'tlheghvam DalaDlaHchugh vaj bIlaDlaH. If you can read this sentence, then you're able to read. A big idea that we have chosen to be transmitted from the past. Kiel vi haltigos lin? How will you stop him? How do you stop him? Estas io, kion mi volas diskuti kun vi. There's something I want to discuss with you. There's something I want to talk to you. Yo vole far te felici. I want to make you happy. You want to be happy. No kanom penön penedi fa Nelijapük. He doesn't know how to write a letter in English. No items found. Primo, nos decide lo que debe esser decidite, postea nos nos divide in duo equipas. First, we decide on that which needs to be decided, then we split into two teams. José, we're going to decide whether we're going to be around, then we're going to take a lot of lands. yIjon! Catch him! You're going to cut it off! El labora cuasi nunca. He hardly ever works. Out of work they're now. Parla con me. Speak with me. Para con me. Tom ia gania la concurso a la anio pasada. Tom won the contest last year. Tom consists of the bow with the weapon passing by. La mar no es clar. The sea is not clear. The mar is not a Light. Ŝia filino havas stomakdoloron. Her daughter has a stomachache. Her daughter's got a headache. Li havas du filojn kaj unu filinon. He has two boys and a girl. He has two sons and one daughter. nuSovqu'. He knows us very well. - That's all you can do. Ĉi tiu arbo estas la plej alta kaj maljuna en ĉi tiu arbaro. This tree is the tallest and oldest in this forest. This tree is the highest and old in this forest. Vi sonĝas. You are dreaming. You're dreaming. Tom no vole ance esta. Tom doesn't want this either. Tom doesn't want to come out. cha' vIghro' pol. He keeps two cats. We're going to come home. lo va nixli pu cisma gi'e slilygau fa'a mi That girl smiled and waved to me. Hey, we're going to take the rest of the universe, and I'll take it back to the rest of the universe. Nun mi vivas kun mia panjo. I'm living with my mom now. Now I live with my mom. Pro quo vole tu devenir infirmero? Why do you want to be a nurse? That's why you want to come from in there? lo gunma pu mo'ifli lo nu telgau lo vorme They forgot to lock the door. let's run out of developer.marker Ill cath es gran. The cat is big. I don't think so. Multaj el la loĝantoj de tiu ĉi regiono estas agrikulturistoj. Many of the inhabitants of this region are farmers. Many of the residents of this area are natural cultures. Nova neĝo kaŭzas festan etoson. Fresh snow brought about a festive atmosphere. New snow causes a call. Mi havas katon kaj hundinon. La kato estas nigra, kaj la hundino estas blanka. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. The cat is black, and the dog is white. Mi nun ne povas respondi tiun demandon. I can't answer that question now. I can't answer that question. Le climatisation de la officio non functiona ben. The office's air conditioning doesn't work well. There was an internal error trying to create a connection to the indexer daemon. Please make sure it is empty. bal yIpoSmoH! Open the bottle. Shut up! qutlhqu'. It was really cheap. I don't think I've got it. Tíral. You are watching. Fire in the hole! Mi volas vidi la domon, en kiu vi kreskis. I want to see the house you grew up in. I want to see the house you grew. Esque tu vole luder? Do you want to play? And you want to do it? la .tom. pu de'a pagmu'u Tom stopped moving. Let's see. Ha'DIbaHmey ghIj qul. Animals are afraid of fire. Haince there's a big universe, there's a suppressing the universe. Me ne savas tante multe pri vu. I don't know that much about you. I don't know much about you. Tom e Maria ia amini resente. Tom and Mary have recently become friends. Tom and Mary would love to come back and forth. jIQaHlaHchugh jIQaH. I'd help if I could. Unable to start %s. Ĉu vi povas rekomendi agrablan restoracion proksiman? Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? Can you send a nice restaurant near? Madonna estas belulo. Madonna is a beauty. It's a beautiful guy. nav QIn ghItlhchu'ta'. She finished writing a letter. The universe was about to take away the rest of the universe. Ĉi tiu jupo bone pendas. This skirt hangs nicely. This one's hanging well. jImaw' 'e' DaQub vIneHbe'. I wouldn't want you to think I was crazy. That's why we've got one of these three years old. Mans tel seadöl su bam äbinons lamerikänik. The two men sitting on the bench were Americans. Mansl sixölöm goings out of range. A balloons are moving out of here. Jen la vivo. That's life. Here's life. Kiom longa estas tiu ĉi ponto? How long is this bridge? How long is this bridge? mi ziba'o zdani klama I've just gotten home. I'm sorry, my dear boy. Tie oni trovis la kadavron de Tomo. That's where they found Tom's body. There they found the dead body of Tom. Le terra describe un orbita circum le sol. The Earth moves around the sun. The mid-value has been handled, or the only ones alone. mi do na terpa I'm not afraid of you. So I napapa Pri vi Tomo interesiĝas. It's you Tom is interested in. You're interested in Tom. Ла гатос дорми мулте. Cats sleep a lot. else such as do not belong to now. .................. ........................................................ nItebHa' vutpa'Daq 'uQ luvutlI' tam me'rIy' je. Tom is in the kitchen with Mary cooking dinner. Our only chance of 'Log out' may be determined by me,' said the universe. mi cusku lu mi'e djan. li'u I say, “I’m John”. I'll give him a breath. .a'o lo nobli cu gidva lo se zukte be mi Oh, that the Lord would guide my ways. Denis Noble CBE FRS FRCP FMedSci (born 16 November 1936) is a British biologist who held the Burdon Sanderson Chair of Cardiovascular Physiology at the University of Oxford from 1984 to 2004 and was appointed Professor Emeritus and co-Director of Computational Physiology. Manjo havas puran koron. Mary has a pure heart. Marie is a clean heart. pung Hutlh qul. Fire is without mercy. You know what I have to do with him? Parla vos le kabyle? Do you speak Kabyle? Pour the tape? Ille presenta su argumentos con grande habilitate. He presents his arguments with great skill. They want to be consumed with much enabled. Mi ne povis kompreni ŝian prononcon. I couldn't understand her accent. I couldn't understand her pronunciation. Me placerea parlar a te si non te incommoda. I would like to talk to you if you wouldn't mind. I'm going to place a parl ma'am n't be in a fashion.com. Isto es pro te. It's for you. This is for you. Vi scias, ke mi amas vin. You know I love you. You know I love you. George H. W. Bush ignorava le epidemia de SIDA durante tote su termino como vicepresidente. Como presidente ille diceva parolas vacue mais refusava facer alique material contra illo. George H. W. Bush ignored the AIDS epidemic during his entire term as Vice President. As President he paid lip service to it while refusing to do anything material to combat it. George H. D. Bus ignored the title of S.R. Since all the evolution of our identity is used as a Mexican identity. As a fact, they speak empty, but we've made it know how to know it. To esas mea domo. This is my house. It's a big house. Mary koramikas al du malsamaj uloj samtempe. Mary is dating two different guys at the same time. Mary heartms to two different people at the same time. mIplaw' tam. Tom looks rich. We're going to have a test. Io ama cosas gratuite. I love free stuff. I don't think so. Tom es sensibile. Tom is sensitive. Tom is without Visibility. Mi estis dironta la veron. I was going to tell the truth. I was telling the truth. La suspektito esis sen-kulpa koncerne la krimino. The suspect was innocent of the crime. The suspect wasless because of the punishment. la .tam. cusku lo sedu'u djica lo nu ba vi se mrotolkakpa Tom says that he wants to be buried here. let's go, but don't know what you're going to do if you want to be pan. Том ес денова ен присон. Tom is back in the can. such as are running by manner of request.E........................................................................... Ni irez! Let's go! Let's go! DuH qo' pIm. Another world is possible. Moreover, we've had little idea. ghaHvaD 'epIl naH wInoblI'. We're giving him the apple. 7x9 Envelopepaper size Io es un piscator. I'm a fisherman. Something is a piscator. A illa manca le motivation. He lacks motivation. Site list is missing. ghaHvaD Dochvam vInob vIneH. I want to give her this. seven minutes did really drink of man. Bonvolu ne demeti viajn ŝtrumpetojn. Please don't take your socks off. Please don't let your sock. Ŝi aĝas tridek tri jarojn. She's thirty-three. She's thirty-three years old. Noi ambi es de Australia. Both of us are from Australia. No imbi is from Australia. ra djuno lo fatci He knows the truth. _Help Le avion a jecto habeva 500 passageros a bordo. The jet plane had 500 passengers on board. The little part of the city was popularized by the shore. Tom diras, ke li estas feliĉa, ke vi estas ĉi tie. Tom says he's glad you're here. Tom says he's happy you're here. nuqmo' 'oy'qu' Qay'wI'Daj? What is he so angry about? The universe can spontaneously create itself out of your place? Ka tu ja renkontris Masao, mea frato? Have you met Masao, my brother? Can't you meet Masa, Ma'am? Nos non es seres human passante per un experientia spiritual; nos es seres spiritual passante per un experientia human. We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience. We're not going to serve a human soul by reason of an evolved breath, but we're talking about the breath of our soul. Mi pensas, ke ĝi estas bona projekto. I think it's a good project. I think it's a good project. jangta''a' chaH? Have they responded? This answer is about to bring life back the world. No vedos gudikum. It doesn't get better. No, I'm telling you what he's doing. .uu mi kecti do lonu do cirko I'm so sorry for your loss. Take it easy to me. Ŝi ne provis traduki la leteron. She didn't try to translate the letter. She didn't try to translate the letter. Ĉu vi sendos por venigi kuraciston? Will you send for a doctor? You'll send a doctor? No! No! No! Io vole inviar iste littera a Japon. I want to send this letter to Japan. Something wants to send this Government. Mi provas lasi spacon por deserto. I try to leave room for dessert. I'm trying to leave space there. puH leghpu' yo'mang. The sailors saw land. All right, let's see where y's coming. Еске еста аве алга синифиа? Does this make sense? such as do not belong to else, such as now. Era vos serie? Were you all serious? Excuse me? mIllogh qonwI' Duy' vItu'ta'. I found the broken camera. That's what you've got to do with them. Jenon itjäfidiko. It happens automatically. This is what we have to do. li mu su'i ci du li bi Five plus three is eight. he's going to su two of you ku'i mi roroi krici lo du'u lo traji plixau be fi lo ka zei'a se slabu la cevni cu ka ci'irpa'i so'i da But I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things. I'll feed the rest of the universe at least four hundred light years; otherwise we're going to talk about the top of the Sun's magnetic field, so that we can't talk about it, so far off the top of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets, and the only to harbor life. wa'leS QaQchugh muD Dotlh, HuDDaq wItoS. We'll climb the mountain if it is fine tomorrow. We're meant to know that there's no progress in the universe. Nia lando estas kie ni loĝas. Our country is wherever we live. Our country is where we live. Qel jIH 'e' vIghet neH. Qelna' jIHbe'. I just pretend to be a doctor. I'm not a real doctor. I am Death. Don't know I'm Death. It ne es tro tost. It's not too early. I don't think so. Nos ave no cosa compartida. We have nothing in common. We're going to build a backup. Kial oni vivas? Why do we live? Why are they alive? Ла рондинес иа ревени. The swallows came back. such as do not belong to else, such as now. Le parte superior del montania es coperte de nive. The upper part of the mountain is covered with snow. The Top part of the mountain is initialised by us. Anstataŭigi manlibrojn kaj prospektojn per poŝkomputiloj povus vere ŝparigi monon laŭ longa periodo. Substituting textbooks and handouts with hand-held computers could save actually save money in the long run. Replace documentation and respects can really save money in a long period. Mi estas pli feliĉa ol vi, ĉu ne? I am gladder than you are, am I not? I'm happier than you, aren't you? Me nulafoye demandis irgo a vi. I never asked you anything. I used to ask you. yIvIHtaHQo'! Keep still! You're going to stop yourself? Mi pensis, ke Tom enamiĝis al Mary. I thought Tom was in love with Mary. I thought Tom fell in love with Mary. Lo ta es folia fa acel denova. It would be crazy to do that again. Lotent is a thick-free of a non-zero. ji'a mi datygugvi'e I'm a tourist, too. Round I'll call Yo pensa que Tom es stult. I think that Tom is stupid. But that's what Tom is stupid. Kisi nolol? What do you know? Kisin? Mi neniam volos edziniĝi. I never want to get married. I don't want to marry. chajDaj SoHpu' 'e' vISov. I know you were close to him. Professor, I'll take your life away from your side. Elu ludas teniso singla sundie. She plays tennis every Sunday. And there's still a lot of control. Ni ĉiuj tiel timis! We were all so scared. We're all so afraid! Kiom da vortoj estas en tiu ĉi frazo? How many words does this sentence have? How many words are in this phrase? mIlloghvam 'ey law' Hoch latlh mIlloghmey vIleghpu'bogh 'ey puS. This is the finest picture I have ever seen. These predictions are in the universe could be divided into two parts. These predictions are in excellent agreement with observations by the WMAP satellite of the cosmic microwave background, which is an imprint of the very early universe. Illa va dansar. She's going to dance. It's a mount process. mi'ai na zifre lo ka cuxna We have no choice. I'm going to tell you that we're going to perform a catch-up on the planet. Vos es un infante. You're a child. You're a baby. Ĉu tio estas tro malfacila por vi? Is that too difficult for you? Is that too hard for you? ma stuzi lo djacu kumfa Where is the bathroom? ma recently used Waterchain Nolol-li vegi? Do you know the way? No, my dear! Tomo volis, ke li estu enterigita apud siaj hundoj. Tom wanted to be buried beside his dogs. Tom wanted him to be buried with his dogs. Mi akuzas vin ankaŭ. I blame you, too. I accuse you as well. Es vos un estraniero? Are you a foreigner? Excuse me? Tomo kaj mi ne estas amikoj. Ni estas nur kolegoj. Tom and I aren't friends. We're just coworkers. Tom and I'm not friends. Io pensava que le bus era gratuite, mais io debeva pagar. I thought the bus was free, but I had to pay. Something was thinking about the busite, but he got something to pay. Forsan vos debe facer un passo a retro e pensar a qui vos es e proque vos face isto. Maybe you need to take a step back and think about who you are and why you are doing this. We have to do a steps back and think about you're posting from this mailing list. mi si'a pensi lo ka klama la .beijin. I'm also thinking to go to Beijing. I'm going to think about the content. Donu al ŝi tion. Give it to her. Give her that. En tia pluvo li ne venos. He won't come in a rain like this. He won't come down like this. roD bImI'a'? Do you exercise regularly? Thank you. Tomo surhavis ĝinzon kaj T-ĉemizon. Tom was wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Tom laid it on his shirt and T-shirt. Пос ла медиа-жуа ла екипо локал иа ленти ла ритмо де ла жуа. After half-time the home team slowed the pace of the game. else such a belong to the service of service.K. known as the United States of . Ica libro esas nova. The book is new. This is a new book. Nos va comensa la plu pronto. We will begin as soon as possible. We have comanas the more page. bIyepbe'chugh Daghor. You're going to break it if you're not careful. I'll say, "We'll take care of it." El es bela? Is she beautiful? Who is it? Mi estis en la montaro. I was in the mountains. I was in the mountains. La krimo estas preskaŭ solvita. The crime is almost solved. The crime is almost resolved. Galileo forpasis la 8an de Januaro 1642. Galileo died on January 8, 1642. Galilee passed the 8th of January 164. me'rIy' DuHoH neH tam. Tom wants to kill you, Mary. I can't see the meaning of the universe. Vos deberea haber me lo dicite ante longe tempore. You should have told me a long time ago. You should have received a new mailing list from 3.5 billion years ago. Quala bela ciel-arko! What a beautiful rainbow! What a nice one! Kaj Tom kaj Maria laboras kiel modeloj. Both Tom and Mary work as models. And Tom and Mary work as models. La densa neĝo malhelpis min eliri. The heavy snow prevented me from going out. The thick snow took me out of the way. taH vIghro'lIj. Your cat will survive. When your feet are coming, they're ready to get ready. Un sol lingua nunquam suffice. One language is never enough. A language is alone. Ел иа беви. He used to drink. else such a sample. Tom ia comensa trema. Tom started shivering. Tom has some coma trema. le fetsi pu dasni loi lenjo She wore glasses. Let's see what you're saying. Ĉu vi finis kun tio? Are you finished with this? Finished with that? SoH'a' je, bru'tuS? You too, Brutus? Who are you? jIQongmeH Daq vIghaj. I have a place to sleep. I'm going to tell you why they're coming. la'a ko'a ba fliba He will probably fail. I'm going to baken f'am Ni ĉiuj iris krom Tomo. All of us went except for Tom. We all went in except Tom. La patro de mia amiko estas fama romanaŭtoro. I have a friend whose father is a famous novelist. My friend's father is a famous car. Tomaso purigas la dentojn. Tom is brushing his teeth. Thomas is going to wash his teeth. Illos son troppo grande. They're too big. It's just too big. Mi ne vidas kialon por ion ajn rakonti al vi. I see no reason to tell you anything. I don't see anything to tell you. ko'a dunli ko'e lo ni barda He is as tall as she. We're going to take two backup copy of the board Tio estas kontraŭ la kontrakto. That's against the contract. That's against the contract. SaghoSbej. I will come by all means. Thank you. A Tom place multo le musica. Tom likes music a lot. Tom's got a lot of music. Ilu dicis ke ilu venos. He said he would come. He's saying he'll come. xu na simsa lo minra Doesn't it look like a mirror? Arcadeer mining medical level Ili havis planojn edziĝi. They had plans to be married. They had plans to marry. Me es plu pesos ca tu. I'm heavier than you. I'm still in the midst of you. Dat vIpawmeH lupwI' vIlIghnIS. I have to take a bus to go anywhere. You're going to tell me what you got to do with me. April es le quarte mense del anno. April is the fourth month of the year. Due is the plugged in. ro ko'a tavla fi lo nu ko'e mrobi'o They're all talking about his death. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, mi prami je se prami ko'a I love her and she loves me. I'm still in the Love '%s' Sania es plu bon ca ricia, per ci ave sola ricia. Health is better than wealth—to him who has wealth only. San is still good, and you're just a nun. ngengHomDaq nagh vo'. He threw a rock into the pond. We've got some big news. Su voce es plu bon. Her voice is better. That's all right. La vundo postlasis cikatron sur mia mano! The wound left a scar on my hand. The wound left a scar on my hand! Gi melin! I love you! Let's go! loQ tam vIQaHnIS. I had to give Tom a little help. The t authentication module could not be loaded. Le germines pote suscitar maladias. Germs can cause sickness. Thegers can suledlyray. seja'e ma do pu bajra to'o Why did you run away? If you're out of your mind, you'll have to do it. Li pasigis la tutan hieraŭan nokton por revizii tiun dokumenton. He spent all of last night revising that document. He spent the whole night to review this document. mo platu What kind of plan is that? mouz roda ba ficybi'o Everything will change. We're going to be able to get lost. ko'a seltarbi She's pregnant. Link to hide the Rubbish Bin la tom cu to'e ganra gi'e clani lo ka sraji Tom is lean and tall. That's my hat's breath, like a dog's breath Que te ha impedite de venir plus tosto? What prevented you from coming earlier? What did you get out of here? Tom haltis. Tom stopped moving. Tom stopped. lo tanxe pu culno lo cukta The box was full of books. our tangent of a cuee Том иа ес син дефенде. Tom was helpless. else such a sample. Mi ankoraŭ ne memoras, ke mi vokis vin. I still don't remember calling you. I don't remember I called you yet. nItebHa' vang juppu'. Friends do things together. It's only a big ext's iniquity. Le die del picnic ha venite. The day of the picnic has arrived. The day of preliminary has come. Sami ekdubis sin. Sami was starting to doubt himself. Sam's getting back in the morning. Un republica es un state de quel chef del state ne es un rey o reyessa ma un presidente. A republic is a nation whose head is not a king or queen, but a president. A again is a major person of the Jongno District is not a mailing list or re-subscribe, but otherwise it is included in some process. ke'o nai do mi'ai pu tirna ca lo krefu be fi li pa All right, we heard you the first time. I'm going to give you an insight into the incredible act of generosity this week. Nos sape pauco super le vita private de illa. We know little about her personal life. Let's know if you want to die over the private key to you. Qual die es hodie? What day is it today? What day is it? Ŝia patro estas fama kiel klerulo. Her father is famous as a man of letters. Her father is famous like a professional. neplaw' chaH. It seemed that they were telling a lie. It doesn't seem to happen. ghaHvaD jISengqu'. I caused him a lot of trouble. What did we get out of here? nuq Data'taH tam? Tom, what are you doing? The kind of guy who's about it? Ту ромпе меа кор. You're breaking my heart. else want to be a sample from service................ ................................ Mi ĝin aĉetis por vi. I bought it for you. I bought it for you. Oni faras sakeon el rizo. We make sake from rice. He's making a rice from rice. Ŝia konduto kaŭzis klaĉojn. Her behavior gave rise to rumors. Her behavior cause windows to cause it to sound. QoQ 'oHbe'. It is not music. Thank you. Me va come un ovo de sento anios. I will eat century egg. I feel like a egg's egg. Ĉi tiu mantelo estas tro malgranda. This coat is too small. That coat is too small. Ka vu povas konceptar ulo plu bona? Can you think of something better? Can you give me a nice guy again? La acua es clar. Water is transparent. The bad person is running out of the way. ra puca'o kixmi'a They howled with laughter. Dileca Marxer'a ' tlhoS bIQ 'oH SochmaH vagh vatlhvI' tera' ghor'e'. About three fourths of the earth's surface consists of water. But to say, "I am very glad" in the status of the universe. The rest of the universe is growing exponentially, and we can't help you." Ĉu vi ne pensas, ke mi farus ion kontraŭ ĝi se mi povus? Don't you think I would do something about it if I could? Don't you think I would do anything against it if I could? Yo ne ama infantes. I don't like children. But that's not in love. Faru decidon! Make a decision. Do it! Nijmegen es li max old cité de Nederland. Nijmegen is the oldest city in the Netherlands. We're home, he's important than you'd better see. Il cesis serchar la perlo. He stopped looking for the pearl. You had a search on the box. .e'o ko tcidu le cukta Please read that book. DVD incoming mode Alga de mundo es vera intelijente. Some people are really intelligent. Everyone is true. Vera, me ia ave no idea ce el es un trejemelo. I actually had no idea she was a triplet. True, I don't want to be accepted since it's very beautiful. Tom ne scias, kiam Mary revenos. Tom doesn't know when Mary will come back. Tom doesn't know when Mary comes back. Ĝi estas barata nomo. It's an Indian name. It's called. Li exacti date es mil-setcent-quaranti-du. The exact date is 1742. He's going to contain a eleven hundred and ten. Neri lelyear. Men are going. I'm not going to eat the old man. Kiu estas via zodiaka signo? What's your zodiac sign? Who's your boat character? Miksu tri ovojn kaj tason da sukero. Mix three eggs and a cup of sugar. Let's get three eggs and a cup of sugar. Mia patrino ne scipovas ŝofori. My mother cannot drive a car. My mother doesn't know how to touch. mutlhej 'Iv? Who's coming with me? Are you sure you want to quit? Manjo ĵus sciigis al mi, ke ŝi trovis novan laborpostenon. Mary has just told me that she found a new job. She just told me that she found a new job. HeghDI' Qup tlhIch purwI'pu'. Smokers die young. If it's true, it'll be like that. Ilu posedas multa libri pri historio. He has many history books. He has a lot of books in history. qatlh DaSov DaneH? What do you want to know that for? What did you know? Tom dise ce el no ia fa acel. Tom says he didn't do that. Tom forbids from no use. tIH bachta' nov 'ej Duj SomDaq QIH. The alien shot his ray gun and blasted a hole in the spaceship's hull. tHHachta's no new Isaacmo. QHH. Mi ne povas diri al vi kiel fari tion. Vi mem devas eltrovi tion. I can't tell you how to do that. You have to figure it out on your own. I can't tell you how to do this. An vos es un extraterrestre? Are you an alien? Hey, you're a birded by yourself? nuqDaq 'oH noregh rIvSo''e'? Where is the Norwegian embassy? What is the meaning of the universe? Kie vi lernis fari tion ĉi? Where did you learn how to do this? Where did you learn to do this? Mary studas en sia ĉambro. Mary is studying in her room. Mary study in his room. La servilo paneis. The server is down. The server failed. tlhoy DaSopchugh bIpI'choH. If you eat too much, you'll become fat. But until I say, "I am afraid of the future." Нос еспера ке вос алиа вос а нос. We hope you'll join us. else such as belong to such as now....K. ......... ....................... .............................. ....................................................................................................... lo ctununta'a be ko'a cu je'u pu tolzdi As a matter of fact, his lecture was boring. Let's go, let's go free Strictemente parlante, illa non es qualificate pro le empleo. Strictly speaking, she's not qualified for the job. We're going to do this kind of thing, we're not going to give up for the e-mail. la .tatoebas. cu spofu ca lo prulamdei Tatoeba was down yesterday. It's a big nose. yInej! Please look for it. We're going to see the universe! Yo es afamat. I am hungry. But that's a good idea. luq vavlI' jIH. Luke, I am your father. Bqavurquei. Ŝi ofte kantas, kiam ŝi faras lavpurigon en la kuirejo. She often sings when she does the washing up in the kitchen. She sings often when she gets in the kitchen. ei za'u mi citka We should eat. I'm sorry, I'll get you a cit "Passa me le sal, per favor." "Ecce illo." "Pass me the salt, please." "Here you are." "It's me, by favor." do pu tcica You cheated. So you know what you're doing Mi eĉ ne scias kie komenci. I do not know where to start. I don't even know where to start. Tom ne taŭgas. Tom is not good enough. Tom doesn't work. Malamiko de "bona" estas 'pli bona". The enemy of "good" is "better". It's a good story of "Y" is "a good." Helsinki esas la chefurbo di Finlando. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. He's the capital of Finland. jIyonbe'. I'm not satisfied. That's strange. Kiom kostas la busobileto? What's the bus fare? How much is it going to take the bus? Vi ne estus devinta kulmini tiel frue. You didn't have to cum so early. You wouldn't sit like that early. Но персон ес капас коре тан рапида комо Том. No one is able to run as fast as Tom. such as do not belong to else, such as now. Spikols-li Hebreyapüki? Do you speak Hebrew? A Hebrew Hebrew pig? No canta. Don't sing. That's true. Io mangia e destrue. I eat and destroy. Something's going on. yImej, vum QIp! Get lost, stupid jerk! yuts, took a QEpul! Tayänapük binon püki nitedik. Thai is an interesting language. A balloon is a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, air or water. Modern day balloons are made from materials such as rubber, latex, polychloroprene, or a nylon fabric, Ne forgesu, ke morgaŭ estos la naskiĝtago de Tomo. Don't forget that it's Tom's birthday tomorrow. Don't forget that tomorrow will be the birthday of Tom. Tomaso diras, ke li volas loĝi en Aŭstralio. Tom says he wants to live in Australia. Thomas says he wants to live in Australia. Qui tu pensa que tu es? Who do you think you are? Qui think you're kidding? Un femina qui confida integremente in le homine qui illa ama es le creation del imagination de alicun novellista. A woman filled with faith in the one she loves is the creation of a novelist's imagination. One language that betrays an integer in the subscribing to him that is able to create the knowledge of the new mailing list. Mi povas resti, se vi volas tion. I can stick around if you want me to. I can stay if you want it. Tenu vian ĉambron kiel eble plej pura. Keep your room as neat as you can. Keep your room as pure as possible. Gan rinaf otuk va rin me rokabé. Your number doesn't answer. Ginuse or rocky rocky rockyé. Li infantes ludet in li jardin. The children played in the garden. He's going to play in him. la maris pu smusku lo jitfa do Mary lied to you. marse martsuum, so what's the sea going on? Le voce in le capite de Tom narra su vita. The voice in Tom's head narrates his life. Leah's voice in the presence of Tom, you're dead. Quon me devas koquor por dineo? What shall I cook for dinner? I'll make sure I have to bring it to the Line? Meham wolaya womahina menedebe déelaha wa. In the garden there are many red flowers. Meham wola de wmahhoté délala. Yo ne posse explicar it. I can't explain it. But that's not a explanation. Mi ekzamenis la dosieron. I reviewed the file. I was looking for the file. Tu ben sape que le cosas non functiona assi. You know perfectly well that things don't work that way. Your holy thing that you didn't make it. Me ia vade a la supramercato. I went to the supermarket. I'm sure it's the top market. jISay''eghmoH. I wash myself. I'm sorry, but we're going to determine the initial part of the universe. Nos non es le policia. We're not the police. We're not the police police. ta pu cpacu mo'a xatra de'i li no ca lo cerni He received quite a few letters this morning. Oppa is a temporary file’s hate him, no way to live Morning Illa esseva, differentemente de su filia, de parve statura e su corpore esseva grasse al lateres. Esseva como si un capite human habeva essite fixate super le corpore de un porco. She was, unlike her daughter, of small stature and her body was fat on the sides. It was as if a human head had been fitted unto the body of a pig. There was a different body, such as had been cut off, from the lower status for their bodies. And there were no influenced for the surface of their own body. Dankon pro la memorigo! Thanks for reminding me! Thank you for being careful! ngem HayDaq ngeng 'IH tu'lu'; ngemDaq Sumqu'. A beautiful lake lay just beyond the forest. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Hallo, Tom. Hello, Tom. Praisea, Tom. la'a do xabju lo jecrsautkarolaina You probably live in South Carolina. let's see what you're supposed to do with its rivalina Mi ofte ludis per pupoj, kiam mi estis malgranda knabino. I used to play with dolls when I was a little girl. I've been playing with dos when I was a little girl. Ävilob nelogädikön. I wanted to disappear. DCnbiäkstle. Komence de aŭtuno pluvas. It rains in early autumn. A fall from the fall of the fall. Ла акуа ес клар. Water is transparent. else such a sample. Le sol lingua que Esther pote parlar es yiddish. The only language Esther knows how to speak is Yiddish. The language that I can't do this is yidh. El es bela e intelijente. She's beautiful and intelligent. Of course it's beautiful. Vu fete. Y'all stink. You're such a good person. Yo es ja un li tren. I'm already on the train. But that's a right mouse. Mi estas nur homo. I'm only human. I'm just a human. Ĝi estas ankoraŭ vera hodiaŭ. It's still true today. It's still true today. La registaro ne faras sian plej bonan por solvi la problemon de mankantaj loĝejoj. The government is not doing its best to solve the housing problem. The government doesn't do its best to solve the problem of missing apartments. Ni havas neĝon sur la monto dum la tuta jaro. We have snow on the mountain all the year round. We have snow on the mountain all the year. Fadil turnis sin al terura aranĝo. Fadil resorted to a desperate measure. It turned to a terrible format. Io vide que il es ora ben. I see it's OK now. Something you see is golden. lo va remna cu sonci That man is a soldier. KDE Completed Audio Solmente que ille es paupere non significa que ille es infelice. Just because he is poor, it does not follow that he is unhappy. Only let's see what they're not means that they're in the pot. Qui comprava isto pro te? Who bought you this? Quip turn this because of you? En kiu strato vi loĝas? What street do you live on? What in the street do you live? Namárië. Farewell! Namárëa. ghaH yInuD: qanqu'law'. Look at him: he must be quite old. And seven times in the past, I would like to hear something. Ogivob oni ole. I will give it to you. He's been more than ever. Ni rezignas. We're resigning. We give up. Omid mid wa. A horse is an animal. I'm defaultly. jagh wIjeyta'. We defeated the enemy. That's my concern! That it true. QoQna' Sovbogh nenDaj rav puq tu'lu'mo' vItlh belwIj jay'. What a pleasure to see a kid his age who knows what the fuck real music is. We don't have a serious handicap. How did you know that I am in my face to take effect. Qup jeyn nayDI'. Jane married young. If it's true, it's okay. Tom es un fascista. Tom is a fascist. Tom's a big deal. U es mi elefant? Where's my elephant? What am I from? Tu es intelligente. You're intelligent. You're clever. Ŝi ne povis veni, ĉar ŝi estis tre okupita. As she was really busy, she couldn't come. She couldn't come, because she was very busy. Ме пенса ке ел разона бон. I'm afraid that he is right. such as are running by such a sample. ................................... ....................................... lo rirpa'u be mi cu dusyda'eblubi'a My grandfather suffers from hypertension. Let's go, let's look at the top of the universe 'e' vIlajQo'. I refuse to accept that. That's what you're saying, but I grant no indulgences. Нос студиа мусика. We study music. else appeared to end up from service............... .................................. mi djica lo nu do sanga I want you to sing. I don't think so blood is going to be blood here Ŝi belas, inteligentas, kaj - plej grave - estas bonkora. She's beautiful, smart, and - most importantly - has a good heart. She's pretty, smart and most important. ba'anaipei Do you remember? No, I'm afraid DaghuH'a'? Are you up for it? Dagh, what's that? ghojwI' chu' SoH'a'? Are you a new student? Professor, would you like to unsubscribe? Ille es in le schola. He's inside the school. They're in the tank. chonuQtaH. You're annoying me. Hey, it's your turn. Non ha vos quasi finite? Aren't you almost finished? Don't you have hinting finished? ckire do lo nu vitke friti fi mi Thank you for inviting me. Little therefore, do you know why I'm kidding? Hol nap lo' tayqeq nap, Hol Qatlh lo' tayqeq nap 'ej rurbogh qechmey 'e' wIHar 'e' raDlaH 'oH. This might lead us to believe that a simple culture would make use of a simple language, that a complex culture would make use of a complex language, and so on. Hey, there were no alien civilizations at our stage of development within a radius of a few hundred light years. Maybe we would think of the universe over time. Esque to es sangue? Is that blood? Is it a health to you? HaqwI' vImoj vIneH. I want to become a surgeon. Have you been some kind of man? Me ne savas quale me facis lo. Importas ke me facis lo. I don't know how I did it. What's important is that I did it. I don't know how to do it. I have done it. Ŝia filo estas panjodependa. Li sekvas ŝin ĉie ajn. Her son is a mama's boy. He has to be with her all the time. She's a mother to her. He's following her everywhere. In caso que tu trova le viro, informa me immediatemente, si il te place. If you find the man, please let me know at once. In the case you find the man, I'll get you right now, if you need a place. On ia usa la matematica per calcula la forma de la universa direta ante e pos la Buma Grande. They used math to calculate the shape of the universe immediately before and after the Big Bang. On any other hand, the list is open by the call's form of the universal DVDs before we've got the B Pictures. Tomo devos diri al Manjo la veron iam. Tom will have to tell Mary the truth eventually. Tom will have to tell Marie the truth once. Esseva un affaire estranie. It was a strange affair. Esie a sweet man's fault. Samio atendos. Sami will wait. Sam'll wait for it. Mary sovente usa vestimentos revelator. Mary often wears revealing clothes. - Where's it? - Where's moving? Es ge. Fa crimin. Be gay. Do crime. Are you sure you want to fall? Ille forgiava le aciero in un gladio. He forged the steel into a sword. They're moving out. Pro quo vole vu devenir infirmera? Why do you want to be a nurse? That's why you want to get inkera? Ла акуа ес транспаренте. Water is transparent. such as do not belong to else, such as now. Mi ŝatas la aferojn kiaj ili estas. I like things the way they are. I like the things they are. Neniu foririgos nin. No one's going to make us leave. No one will let us go. la .tom. nu'o nelci le platu poi cnino Tom didn't like the new plan. - I don't know what you're doing. Ni tute ne scias, kio okazas. We have no idea what's going on. We don't know what's happening. Älilob olis. I heard you. kaslrit than it was. Pardonu min pro tio ke mi interrompis vin. Excuse me for interrupting you. Excuse me, because I interrupt you. Manjo portis blankan jupon. Mary was wearing a white dress. Marie wearing a white filename. Kim sagom das no kanon lemön beati dub mon? Who says money can't buy happiness? Kit hen's arrowmananmates? Esque io vermente non vos place? Do you really not like me? Is there anything wrong with you? El no es su sore ma su madre. She's not his sister, but his mother. There's no idea what he's going on. La usona soldataro eliru el Irako. US troops need to evacuate Iraq. The American troops go out from Iraq. Esta es vera. That's true. And that's not true. ti spati la'o ly.Schlumbergera truncata.ly. This is a plant of the species Schlumbergera truncata. Hey, there's the guy who's going to tell you what he's going to do. Trovu sidlokon por vi. Find yourself a seat. Find your room for you. ¿Volt-tu vidarh Tom? Do you want to see Tom? Whether to preview sounds when mousing over an icon? Joey representa le familia. Joey represents the family. I`m sorry for the family. bIghalbe'. You're not jealous. Thank you. jIblIj chIpta' 'Iv? Who cut your hair? Weren't you kidding? Esque tu ha un mantello e un cappello? Do you have a coat and a hat? Esque has a unpresso and a cappresso? Le studentes demonstrava contra le nove governamento. The students demonstrated against the new government. The study will play a new foot. Kiel pri taso da kafo post la tagmanĝo? How about a cup of coffee after lunch? How about coffee after lunch? Bovas dona milke. Cows give milk. Bosss has given a thousand please. No tikob das ol it mutol dunön etosi. I don't think you have to do that by yourself. No game of more than a black town. Ме но парла туркес. I don't speak Turkish. else such a sample. Mi ricevis ĉi tiun mesaĝon ĵus tiun matenon. I got the message just this morning. I got this message just this morning. Le terra gira circum le sol. The Earth moves around the sun. The balance should be made alone. Kial ni pli timas la nevideblan? Why are we more afraid of things invisible? Why are we afraid of invisible? Pardonu, ĉu mi rajtas uzi vian telefonon? Excuse me, but may I use your telephone? Sorry, can I use your phone? chaH vIQaHnIS. I will have to help them. I don't know what I'm going to do. lo'e nu viska cu nu krici Seeing is believing. A element can't occur before a element Mi ŝatus pli simili al vi. I'd like to be more like you. I'd like something more like you. DIvI' Hol wIghojnIS. We must study English. Thank you. Tom cliccava le ligamine. Tom clicked the link. Tom By link. Memol-li? Do you remember? AB: A memory? yaDDu'lIj tIghuH! Watch your toes. Thank you. Vestu vin varme, tiel vi ne malvarmumos. Dress warmly so you won't get chilled. You'll get warm, so you won't go away. He'So' qoDvam. It stinks in here. He's listening to me. An le casa es lore? Is the house theirs? And that's what you're looking for? Esce on ave vive en Marte? Is there any life on Mars? Esce in Tue? Ili es infantes. They're children. They're sharp. Lo es nesesada ce la bebe prende lete bastante. It is necessary, that the baby receive enough milk. Lo, it's not true that it's all about to be pretty sure that's all over again. Ni volas kapti la unikecon de ĉiu lingvo. Kaj ni volas same kapti ilian evoluadon tra la tempo. We want to capture all the uniqueness of each language. And we as well want to capture their evolution through time. We want to capture each language of each language, and we also want to capture their evolution through time. Il havet li intention aquisiter ci terrenes plu fertil quam tis quel il possedet. He intended to acquire more fertile grounds here than those that he possessed. I've had him link to allow you as long as you were doing more than Cheong in Jongno District. Me ne fumas. I don't smoke. I don't smoke. paqvam 'oH. It's this book. It's part of the universe. qo'Daq Dat pongDaj ghovlu'. His name is known all over the world. The answers to them that we have died in a billion years ago. bomvetlh vIparHa'. I like that song. You know what I've got to do with him. Mi ŝatas la manieron, kiel vi parolas. I love the way you talk. I like the way you talk. Mi hobby es scriber historias. My hobby is writing stories. I'm really writing history. ko'a bajra He does run. ext'airara Liaj konsiloj ĉiam estas tre saĝaj. His advice is always very rational. His advice always is very smart. Saluton. Ĉu mi povus paroli kun sinjoro Johnson? Hello. May I speak to Mr Johnson, please? Hello, could I talk to Mr. John? lo me ta bruni ku mutce carmi cilre His brother studies very hard. Education without installing Tom certe multe scipovas la francan lingvon. Tom certainly knows a lot of French. Tom certainly knows French. Mi volas studi la ĉinan lingvon venontjare. I want to learn Chinese next year. I want to study Chinese language next year. do xo roi klama lo drata gugde How often do you go abroad? That's why we have a guess of what I've got. Nos no acorda. We don't get along. We're sorry. Esque tu esset malad? Were you sick? And what are you doing? DaH pIvchoHlI'. He is now on the way to recovery. You are now running out of control. Ŝi vidis iun. She saw somebody. She saw anyone. Me no es tan serta. I'm not so sure. I'm not having a tank. Mi konsilas al vi, ne prunteprenu monon de viaj amikoj. I advise you not to borrow money from your friends. I give you counsel, don't borrow money from your friends. Mi sentas min malsana. I'm feeling sick. I feel sick. Kvankam li estas riĉa, li laboregas. Although he is rich he works very hard. Though he's rich, he gets rich. no da cmene mi I have no name. Name of me Mutob-li studön? Do I have to study? Mutblicici Gön? La viro, legante gazeton tie transe, estas mia onklo. The man reading a paper over there is my uncle. The man, reading a newspaper on the other side, is my uncle. Mi ne havas sufiĉan monon por aĉeti pluan domon. I don't have enough money to buy another house. I don't have enough money to buy a house anymore. Ille traduceva le libro de francese in anglese. He translated the book from French into English. They're going to translate the French book. Me ia compra esta per tu. I bought this for you. I'm some comaded by you. Nos joca al baseball. We play baseball. Let's go to Earth. mInDu'wIj nuD 'ej qul legh. He hath looked into mine eyes and hath seen fire. This is my father, and I'm sure I have died. Amiki, Romani, samlandani, askoltez: mi venas por sepultar Cezaro, ne por laudar ilu. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. A Roman, Roman, Romanani, the same rule, comes to me for seven Caesar, not to illustrate him. An Tom nunquam se fatiga? Doesn't Tom ever get tired? An Tom's going to have sex with him? Il me semblava que alique esseva estranie. I thought something was strange. I've been going to tell you that it was strange. Mi ricevis vian mesaĝon. I received your message. I got your message. yIqIDQo'! Do not joke! That's too hot for you! Tom kolektas frazojn. Tom collects sentences. Tom collects sentences. La libro la plu bon sur la vive es la vive mesma. The best book about life is life itself. The book is in the book of the living. Tom ne taŭgas por ĉi tiu laboro. Tom is unfit for that job. Tom doesn't work for this work. Tomo kapablas zorgi pri si mem. Tom is capable of taking care of himself. Tom is able to worry about himself. Esce tu ia espeta nos? Did you wait for us? Esce? Are you pretty small we? Li ne povis elteni plu. He could not endure any longer. He couldn't take it any more. lo nu se tumskiji cu ckape Skateboarding is dangerous. Translation along the deck chunbej tam. Tom must be innocent. We're going to do something like this. Pli kaj pli da homoj havas komputilon hejme. More and more people have a computer in their home. More people have a computer at home. xu mi do melbi Do you find me pretty? x me dotibi Ел дисе но коса, ма ел дебе сабе алга коса. He doesn't say anything, but he must know something. else such a sample by known such as now. De' choja'bogh neH vISov. I only know what you tell me. Well, I'm not sure I'm not going to take your vocabulary. Ĉu li estas konscia pri siaj eraroj? Is he aware of his mistakes? Is he a job of his mistakes? Le rocchetta es in orbita circa le luna. The rocket is in orbit around the moon. The actor's at least six hundred years. pe'a lo solri ku noltrunau lo tsani ije lo lunra ku noltruni'u loi tarci The sun is the king of the sky, the moon is the queen of the stars. Let's get rid of each other Mi lavas mian aŭton antaŭ la domo senprobleme. I wash my car in front of the house without any problems. I'll go with my car in front of the house. La tuta mondo rigardas. The whole world is watching. The whole world is watching. Mi esperas, ke Tomo fartas bone. I hope Tom is OK. I hope Tom is fine. ma cmene lo tcini poi do klama ke'a Which station are you going to? The name of the books to fit in other categories Tua fia es sieca? Is your daughter blind? You're such a Scala? Doy'qu'choH tam. Tom became exhausted. So we've got some kind of love. La nigra estas la mia. That black one is mine. The black one is mine. Io non es brasiliano. I'm not Brazilian. Something's not a good nose. Tom ne parolis. Tom didn't speak. Tom didn't speak. Dano estas forigita el la lernejo. Dan got expelled from school. Dano was removed out of school. Mi neniam fiŝkaptis kun Tom. I've never been fishing with Tom. I had never gone with Tom. juppu'ma' chaH. They're our friends. I'm sorry, but we don't seem to accept it. Vos habeva un catto. You had a cat. You've had a calit. waqmey ngo' tuQ. He wore old shoes. We're going to take care of you. ra nelci lo blanu pastu She likes blue dresses. Don't do a lot of shit Me es brasilera e aprende nion. I'm Brazilian and I'm learning Japanese. I'm going to know what we're going to do. Tion diris la malpli aĝa el la fratoj. The smaller of the brothers said this. That's what the older of the brothers said. xu la tom gleki lo co'e Is Tom happy about this? x insert boot disk %u Miaj gepatroj devigis min iri tien. My parents made me go there. My parents forced me to go there. Ni estas forirontaj de ĉi tie. We're about to leave here. We are leaving here. za'u mi tavla fi lo mintu secu'u sa'u lo frica valsi We are speaking about the same thing, just in different words. Excuse me, please let me know what you're saying, Tu es sempre en mea cor. You're always in my heart. You are always logged in to me. Ube esas vua kamiono? Where's your truck? At midnight it's you're a fire? maSIr jaH ley'la. Layla went to Egypt. I'll do that. Esce tu ia brosi tuа dentes? Did you brush your teeth? Esce a kind of basst you from playing by yourself? Le possession de armas de foco es un delicto. Possession of firearms is a misdemeanor. The previously-selected colour, for comparison to the colour you're selecting now. You can drag this colour to a palette entry, or select this colour as current by dragging it to the other colour swatch alongside. pIch vIghaj jIH 'e' vISovbej. I do know this is my own fault. Come on, I'm going to talk to you. pIjHa' naDev peD. We seldom have snow here. pI'm Death. Ube esas la pantofli? Where are the slippers? It's the guy who knows it? so'i u'e da se djuno mi i se bo se djica mi I have so many things I want you to know. Indeed, I would like to talk to myself, if I would have been boot off Mi pensas, ke mi estas preta por ŝanĝo. I think I'm ready for a change. I think I'm ready to change. bangwI' Deq ghaH tam'e'. Tom is my ex-boyfriend. allows you to take seven minutes from the universe. lo vi palku cu toljinsa These pants are dirty. Arch ESppanics to possessed by yourself No. No. No. Cuando el vade a Paris, el sempre dormi en la mesma otel. When she goes to Paris she always sleeps in the same hotel. He's giving Paris to Paris, from getting sleep in the even cold. Esas gratuita. It's free. It's okay. ma pu klama ka'ai do Who went with you? What's the hell of yours? Pekunio importas en ita maniero. Money is important in this way. We'll fall down in the old way. Li savis mariston. He saved a sailor. He saved Mars. Bestoj ne kapablas distingi veron de malvero. Animals can't tell what's real and what's fake. An animal can't tell a true truth. Русиа иа велиа. Russia has woken up. else such as end up by service........... ......................... ... Deutxland es un pais grande. Germany is a big country. Dexland is too big. do mo'u fenki pei Have you gone completely mad? So let's see each other Me ne povas tolerar tala mala standi pluse. I can't put up with such bad conditions any more. I can't be happy to stand up for more. naDev tlhoS not SIS. It hardly ever rains there. Death is beyond SSI. Tio estas kapitalo. Ĝi kresku! This is capital. Let it increase! It's not going to grow up. Alga de mundo pensa tal. Some people think so. Everyone's need to think. Ĝi estas mia versio, kaj mi tenas min je ĝi. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. It's my version, and I hold it on. Hodie li tempe es magnific e li infantes lude in li prates. Today the weather is magnificent and the children play in the fields. He's in a long time when he's inside a game he's going to borrow. Me ama libros. I love books. I'm in love with a book. Io approba tu plano. I approve of your plan. Something's wrong with your plan. Mi pensas, ke tio estis tre amuza, vere! I think that it was a lot of fun, indeed! I think this was really funny, really! Nos deberea haber te ascoltate, Tom. We should've listened to you, Tom. We should have been warned, Tom. Io es ille qui batte. I am the one who knocks. Something's around them. Nicaragua es appellate "le pais del lacos e vulcanos". Nicaragua is called "the land of lakes and volcanos." We're called the Palebons of the e-mailo. Tom ŝajnis esti tre kvieta. Tom seemed to be very calm. Tom seemed to be very quiet. Il esseva un jorno calorose. It was a hot day. There was an internal error trying to search for applications: Il ha habite plus interesse in parolas ingeniose que in le problemas real. There has been more interest in clever words than in the real problems. Is there any bigger among the people who have been spoken by reason of the real problems. Oni skribis ĝin en nigra inko sur blanka papero. It's written in black and white. They wrote it in black in white box. lojmIt'a' ngeQ nIn lupwI' 'ej jor. The gasoline truck ran into the gate and blew up. We have been very lucky that we are the only gatewaying of our stage. Kion enhavu saniga matenmanĝo? What should a healthy breakfast consist of? What would a health breakfast? noda zmarai lo ro nonzau mulna'u There is no greatest positive integer. Install a minimal virtual machine Prova it. Try it. It's hard for you. 'IH mInDu'Daj. She has pretty eyes. 'HHIn mD. Ilu venos se vu advokos il. He will come if you call him. He'll be going to call you if you call. Vera kaj bona amikeco ne enhavu suspekton pri io. True and good friendship must not be suspicious of anything. Real and good friendship don't contain any idea about something. Vos vole veni? Would you like to come? You want to come? chobottaH. You are in my way. Hey, we're still going to see you. Lanjo timis pri la vivo de Samo. Layla was afraid for Sami's life. That's how Sam's life was. Ta mondo nur esas dementerio. This world is just an insane asylum. There's only a lot of boot world. Illa se adapta al circumstantias. She adapts herself to circumstances. I'm going to tell you if there's going to be today. Iste libros es le mies. These books are my books. This book is the book that I have. xu pu se zgana fa da poi tarci bu'u lo tsani Were there any stars in the sky? x if you want to push a out of a tarroroon Pardonu, ke mi erare malfermis vian leteron. Excuse me for opening your letter by mistake. Sorry I opened your letter back. ti gerku ma What kind of dog is that? Outputgery Еспера ес но коса плу ка делуде поспонеда. Hope is merely disappointment deferred. else such as belong to such as now...... ..... from ............... ............. .... from the U.K. qatru' jIH. I'm a nerd. I don't know. bIHe'So'. You stink. It's yours, isn't it? An vos esseva serie? Were you all serious? An rear was a set? Sagolöd Tomase das vilob matön ko om. Tell Tom that I want to marry him. guided Tomas Center Gönstile Gönsyug. · Global Voices La nebleta ia envolve London. The haze enveloped London. The fool won't be heard in London. Io non va facer illo immediatemente. I'm not going to do that right away. Something you don't want to make it right now. El ia visita Xina en 1998. He visited China in 1998. From some visit Xina in 1998. Mi devas farbi ĝin. I have to paint it. I have to do it. Meznombre ŝi legas po tri aŭ kvar librojn semajne. She reads on average three or four books a week. The next day she reads three or four books at a week. Ugal somewir, ayik sotir akoydaf. Time is blind, man is stupid. Uldal some summer, ayphytien. Son zioma binom hikös. The son of an uncle is a cousin. Audio zloam bin hiösks. On non pote expectar que tote le mundo intendera. You can't expect everyone to understand. You can't laugh at all sides. Se mi malspritas, mi almenaŭ laboremas. If I am dull, I am at least industrious. If I don't care, I'm at least making a working. Li sparros chiripa. The sparrows are cheeping. He`s got a couple of money. Nos va vade con tu. We'll go with you. We're going to miss you. Ен ла жардин, он аве мулте рожа флорес. In the garden there are many red flowers. such as do not belong to else, such as now. Mi aĉetos pluvombrelon. I'll buy an umbrella. I'll buy an umbrella. Multe problemas de dorso pote esser attribuite a un mal postura al seder se. A lot of back problems can be attributed to poor sitting posture. Lots of back can be a standard error after resuming to but if it's not possible. Li venis unua en la ĉambron. He came into the room first. He came first in the room. Esque tu labora in un citate? Do you work in a town? And how do you work in love? Голф ес мулте поплал ен Нион. Golf is very popular in Japan. such as do not exist. Multaj poetoj egaligas morton kun dormo. Many poets equate death with sleep. Many poets make death with sleep. Li ne sukcesus sen Filipo. He wouldn't have managed without Philippe. He won't make it without Philip. Mi scias, kion Tomo faru. I know what Tom needs to do. I know what Tom is doing. Mi donis pomon al ŝi. I gave her an apple. I gave her a month. Brigitte ha ver amor pro le animales. Brigitte has a real love for animals. All right, because of the animals. Mi ne certas, kiam Tomo venos. I'm not sure when Tom will turn up. I'm not sure when Tom comes. Tomo malamas araneojn. Tom hates spiders. Tom hates police. quS yISuq. Pull up a chair. I don't know what you're saying. Io es brasiliano e io apprende japonese. I'm Brazilian and I'm learning Japanese. I don't know anything else. Tom ia vole vade a Boston. Tom wanted to go to Boston. Tom wants to be clear in Boston. Kiu estas la hodiaŭa menuo? What's today's menu? What's today's menu? La aŭto de Tomaso ne estas ĉi tie, do li verŝajne forveturis. Tom's car isn't here, so he must've left. Thomas's car isn't here, so he's probably left. Ĉu vi ne volas vidi, kio estas en tiu skatolo? Don't you want to see what's in this box? You don't want to see what's in that box? nuq ta' me'rIy' 'e' ra' tam? What did Tom tell Mary not to do? The kind of guy who's warm by day, like that? Mia amikino estas bona dancistino. My girlfriend is a good dancer. My friend is good to dance. nIpon monvo' 'Italya' ghoSlI' muD Duj. The plane is on the way from Tokyo to Italy. It's only a lot of money that we've got enough “%s”. Mi ne volas esti heroo. I don't want to be a hero. I don't want to be a hero. Spikol-li Deutänapüki u Linglänapüki? Do you speak German or English? A gas Degähäh Digh Linähorh? Esta es un suposa, no un fato. That's a supposition, not a fact. Esta is a soup, no fat. non Ha'DIbaHvam. This meat has gone bad. Ha'e' doesn't care about it. *Nancy DuSaQ ghom nuvpu' DIqelDI', *Nancy woch law' Hoch woch puS. Nancy is the tallest girl in her class. *Ny DuIan'm in favor, I'm in favor, *N'am. That's what I think I'm going to talk about it. Ĉu vi malsuprenvenos? Are you coming down? Are you coming down? ei do mo'u morji lo vi jufra You have to memorize this sentence. and don't know what you're saying, ma'am. la .iokos. cu ponjo cmene Yoko is a Japanese name. It's a mix up. la tom cu ctuca fi lo fraso fe lo verba Tom teaches French to children. All right, let's cut it off naDev ghaHtaH 'Iv'e'? Who was not here? Is your seven minutes? Les non envadad. They did not enter. It wasn't all right. Eril delishe Thom wa. Tom wept. And they're the children of unless you think I got it. Ka ni povas aquirar helpo por li? Can we get help for them? How can we get help for him? tlhImvam vItI'laHbe'. tlhoy ngo'. I cannot mend this carpet. It's too old. like I'm in store. But I'm still in charge of my life. .ui viska do Nice seeing you! Don't you think so? Tomo faligis la pafilon. Tom put the gun down. Tom dropped the gun. do nelci tu'a lo mo cidja What kind of food do you like? So don't you know what you're saying, Karlo non sape si ille poterea adoptar phrases in esperanto, perque le esperanto non es su lingua natal. Carl doesn't know if he could adopt sentences in Esperanto, since Esperanto isn't his native language. We can't know if we can't find sentences in the guy whose language is not their language. Io non sape proque io es de mal humor iste matino. I don't see why I am in a bad humor this morning. I don't know why it is a bad part of this one, but we're not going to know. Mi ŝatas piani. I like to play the piano. I like a pipi. do ba'o verba You are not a child any more. So bake's the kids Le dies se converteva in septimanas, le septimanas in menses e, ante que nos lo percipeva, un anno plus habeva passate. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and, before we knew it, another year had passed. The days have been converting week, the week of the week, and before we were using a non-member. Io me installava in iste casa heri. I moved here yesterday. I can install this casa. Alga de mundo ia senti se trapida. Some people felt trapped. A everyone's need to feel whether or not. On ave xampiniones, ma me no vole los. There are mushrooms, but I don't want any. Wave xaxes, but I don't want to. Ŝlomo volas iĝi verkisto. Shloyme wants to be a writer. A writer wants to be a writer. Kan minafa lodjukukiewaskinaca va fura varze anameda govegriawisit. We ought to do our best not to pollute our environment. Kan Mintarakskwaka · Global Voices ley'la' ghach Sa'mIy. Sami stalked Layla. And I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. Фуми ес проибида сериа. Smoking is strictly prohibited. such as end by service..... ........................ ................................................. Noi eat al múseo. We went to the museum. No many years ago. mi pinxe lo ckafi I drink coffee. I'm going to tell you something. narghlaw'pu' lupwI' vItIjmeH 'eb. I think I missed my bus. Thank you. All right, Jamie. Si un cosa vale le pena, illo vale un mal pena. If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly. If something's cosa, it's impossible to fail. 'e' vIchaw'laHbe'. I can't allow that. But let's know what you're saying. Ti bux es pesant. This box is heavy. - I'm very sorry. - I'm sorry. - I'm sorry. Li litt puella urina. The little girl is peeing. He`s got a big push. Kiomofte vi razas vin? How often do you shave? How often are you interested in? relegh. We'll see you. That's all right. .a'u nai ta panci simsa lo kalci Yuck, that smells like shit! Let's go, let's go! Esque tu trovava tu libro? Did you find your book? What about your book? xu le xe fanva cu drani Is this translation correct? x the xcroonpaon Li kuŝis sur la sofo. He was lying on the couch. He was lying on the couch. mi nitcu lo xamgu vlacku I need a good dictionary. Let's put the money in a bug tracking system Face lo con attention. Non me place travalios defectuose. Do it carefully. I don't like botched jobs. Face with changing don't exist. You can't be able to destroy it. Esque Tom es hic? Is Tom here? Esque Tom is here? qutlh 'oH. This is cheap. I mean, there's a big idea. La trajno forveturis antaŭ ol ili atingis la stacion. The train left before they got to the station. The train left before they reached the station. It es interessant. It's interesting. Itit is love. George H. W. Bush non moriva bastante tosto. George H. W. Bush didn't die soon enough. George H. Busn't die for sure. Ме густа жуа футбал. I like to play soccer. else want to be a sample to the service of death......................................................... Ivri e fenisian es linguas cananes. Hebrew and Phoenician are Canaanite languages. Something's a matter of time. Vi ne atentas! You're not paying attention! Don't look at me! Ni volas liberon. We want freedom. We want freedom. Vi kantas belege. You sing beautifully. You sing beautiful. Mi scias, ke vi multon lernos. I know that you will learn a lot. I know you'll learn a lot. ko ganlygau lo kanla Close your eyes. Mount Snowdon, Wales Es vos un estraniero? Are you an alien? Excuse me? DaraQlaHbe'. You can't handle it. DraQeby. No binob böd e filät nonik dakipon obi. Binob men libik ko vil nesekidik. I am no bird, and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will. No, no, no, I'm not going to give up. Mea fratino, universitato studento, vinkis l'unesma premio en la parolo-konkurso. My sister, a university student, won first prize in the speech contest. Me's sister, a student, made you the first prize in the word. Tu dronas en glaso de aquo. You're drowning in a glass of water. You're getting old in the glass. Nulu povas trublar vera amikeso. Nobody can disturb a true friendship. Well, you can be sure that's true friend. Kad ilu savas ke tu amoras il? Does he know that you love him? How does his life rescue you? Mia ŝultro doloras min. My shoulder hurts. My shoulder hurts me. wa' nItlh Hutlh tam. Tom is missing a finger. The most probable reason is that a billion years ago. Esce vos gusta acel pais? Do you like that country? Hello, you got a cake? Äyufob fati obik pö vob. I helped my father with the work. answeryuberutubnon or íbib. Mi bone plenumas mian laboron. I do a good job with my work. I'm doing my job well. mi'o me lo menli be mi'o We are what we think. I'll take care of myself Yo have du bon amicos. I have two good friends. But you have two too nice to love. Tom maltrankvilas. Tom is worried. Tom's worried. ghaHvaD vIQIj. I explained it to him. seven minutes to find meQI. Mi legis libron dum mi piediris. I read a book as I walked. I read a book while I walked. lo verba ca'o sakcpu The baby is suckling. Kids'mon, let's go back to the stadium. mu'i ma do co'e What are you doing that for? A woman who knows what he's doing Kiom da lingvoj estas parolataj surtere? How many languages are spoken on Earth? How many languages are spoken on Earth? Li parolas la portugalan. He speaks Portuguese. He speaks Portuguese. nuqDaq 'eSperanto' Hol vIghojlaH? Where can I learn Esperanto? Where is there? ra ka'e tavla fo lo fasybau He can speak French. How much do you want to play the background? Mi jam estis dungito en restoracio. I was already employed at a restaurant. I was a hired man in a restaurant. Eble mi sukcesis en la hieraŭa kontroltesto, sed mi ankoraŭ ne konas ties rezultojn. I might've done well on yesterday's test, but I don't know the results yet. Maybe I've been able to get in the yesterday yesterday, but I don't know it yet. QongtaH'a' ghaH? Is she sleeping? Then we've been here for seven minutes? Quo esas vorto? What is a word? Quram is a word? Li pensis, ke li verkos ion por la gazeto. He thought that he would write something for the newspaper. He thought he'd work for the newspaper. bIjlu'. He will be punished. Thank you. Me ia nase en Australia. I was born in Australia. I'm sure I'm in Australia. yIvbeH Say' vIpoQ. I need a clean shirt. That's why I got to understand everything. vIta'meH jImoDmo' jIQagh. I made a mistake through doing it in a hurry. I have lost the ten billion years of it. ghorgh 'Italya' bochegh? When will you come back to Italy? I`ll have a drink. do drani You're right. Docking Io non lo ha facite deliberatemente. I didn't do it deliberately. Something you don't know what you're doing. La itala kuirarto plaĉas al li. He likes the Italian cuisine. The Italian cuisine like him. qatlh patat 'oQqarmeywIj Sop pagh? Why does nobody eat my potatoes? Why do you think it's all right? ko na bebna .i mi na kakne Don't be silly. I can't do it. I can't talk about it. El ia rompe la recordo mundal. He broke the world record. I'll take some break from the review. Mi opinion es contrari al tue. My opinion is contrary to yours. I'm ashamed of yours. Mi ne memoras, ke miaj gepatroj iam krie skoldus min. I don't remember my parents ever yelling at me. I don't remember my parents ever screaming me. no da pikta mi I don't have a ticket. I'm not going to get you! Esque tu es felici nu? Are you happy now? Are you happy? bop'eghbogh vum jIH 'ej Hoch jInmolmeywIjvaD pongwIj vIpong. I'm an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself. I have taken two pieces of observational evidence on the probability of my life appearing. Me volas tua analizo. I want your analysis. I want you to parsing. Mi estas Tom. I'm Tom. I am Tom. Unda post unda surgeva super le plagia. Wave after wave surged upon the beach. A small posted on the hurt. Tom malaperis eniĝante en la amason. Tom disappeared into the crowd. Tom disappeared into the crowd. Oni lin akuzis pri ŝtelo de dinosaŭraj ostoj. He was accused of stealing dinosaur bones. They accuse him about stealing bones. Io refusa que tu me tracta como un sclavo. I refuse to be treated like a slave by you. Something you have to handle as a shoe. Blasfema es un crimin sin vitim. Blasphemy is a victimless crime. It's a big idea that you're scared of yourself. paq laD loDHom 'e' vInaDHa'be'. I have no objection to the boy reading a book. Iq/ O'm still in the universe. wa' chutmaj 'oH. It's one of our rules. The conditions are the future. Io decideva liberar tote mi phrases anglese, inclusive iste. I have decided to release all my English sentences, including this one. Something's up, all the English sentences, containing this one. lo'e laldo prenu cu nitcu lo ka da ce'u tavla Old people need someone to talk to. We're going to take a cue`s magnetic command Mi assistente tractara isto. My assistant will handle that. I want to handle this. Ŝia patrino parolas itale. Her mother speaks Italian. Her mother speaks high. Le station es situate al west del hotel. The station is to the west of the hotel. MessageHM is positive to a backup of the holl. Jonguo ia developa multe rapida. China developed very quickly. You're going to have a lot of fun. pa' pagh tu'lu'. There's nobody there. Come on, let's see you. maghal. We were jealous. Hurry up. La solaj fingrospuroj, kiujn la polico trovis sur la porda manilo, estis la fingrospuroj de Tom. The only fingerprints that the police found on the doorknob were Tom's. The only finger ones who the police found on the driver's finger were the finger of Tom. Io va prender te in dece minutas. I'll pick you up in ten minutes. Something's going on in a ten minutes. Ĉu vi volas terpomfingrojn kun ĝi? Do you want fries with that? Do you want to tear your finger with it? Vole vos parlar super illes? Do you want to talk about them? Do you want to end up over them? Ел компренде бангла. He understands Bangla. else want to be a sample from the though it's not true, now. Que nos face un promenada post que il ha cessate de pluver. Let's go for a walk after it stops raining. Which we make face to do because we give up from rain. Mi estis petonta volontulon. I was going to ask for a volunteer. I was a certain person to do it. Per favor face saper nos lo. Please let us know. Please let us know that we do. Manjo enŝlosis sin en la banĉambro kaj rifuzis forlasi ĝin. Mary locked herself in the bathroom and refused to come out. Marie took himself into the bathroom and refused to leave it. wa' jup neH vIghaj, 'ej jupvam ghaHpu'. He was my only friend. The universe can't talk about seven minutes. yInwIj jaj'e' jajvetlh QaQ law' Hoch QaQ puS. That was the best day of my life. That's my concern! That it true. Protestans äluvokädons, „Deadami Lamerikäna!“ The protesters shouted out, "Death to America!" A lot of days, we've heard about it, saying, "There's no idea." Do cadun es? Perce nun es asi? Where is all the people? Why is nobody here? So, what is it? Nos esperia la lampo ante la tona. We perceive lightning before thunder. We wait for the lamp before the bow. ti mo xismalsi What kind of church is this? Subscriptsday La virino dormas en la dormoĉambro. The woman sleeps in the bedroom. The woman sleeps in the bedroom. Nolob das pükol Flentapüki no vemo gudiko. I know you don't speak French very well. An unblsorphyphyple. Mi vetas dek mil enojn, ke li gajnos. I'll bet 10,000 yen on his winning. I bet ten thousand in pieces that he'll win. Binom domo ti egelo. He is almost always at home. There's a very large house. Mi scias, ke Tom ŝatas min. I know Tom likes me. I know Tom likes me. Liaj agoj konfuzas min. His actions confuse me. His deeds make me afraid. Deberea adder nos un poco plus de sal? Should we add a little more salt? Should we add to each other by yourself? maDyar HolDaq DIp Segh tu'lu'be'. The Hungarian language has no grammatical gender. Oh, where are you going to take me away? Io ha confidentia total in te. I have absolute trust in you. Something has ackal total in you. la meris damba lo pendo be ri Mary is fighting her friend. Logs out of development · Global Voices Мулте де лабора поте ес евитада. A lot of work can be avoided. such as do not exist. mi ba klama ta I'll go there. I'm going to be baked La ateistino tute konfuzis sian kontraŭulon en la diskuto demandante: "Kaj kiu kreis Dion?" The atheist completely flummoxed her opponent in the debate by asking, "And who created God?" The nurse was fully angry with his opponent in the discussion, and said, "Who created God?" HIja', 'e' vIQub je. Yeah. I think so, too. I'm afraid, sir, I've got to know. Quch'a'? Is he happy? Quza'? Yo certmen ne es tui amico. I'm certainly not your friend. But that's not a big idea to love you. li cino ce'o cipa cu iunkoda zo'oi 01 "3031" is "01" encoded as Unicode. He's a guy who's warm by day, let's go back to the stadium. .au mi ctuca I want to be a teacher. Don't worry, I'll be tired. lo pastu cu mutce mapti do lo ka se viska The dress suits you very well. Very hard disk space is not supported .a'e ba tsunami There's going to be a tsunami! Don't worry, I'll be okay. jaS maQub jIH SoH je. You and I don't think alike. I don't know if you're dead at any time. 'el ghaH 'e' yIchaw'! Let him in. 'All right,' said the universe; 'you know what?' tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhchu'be'. I'm not fluent in Klingon. Like a footary Hozaire me. Compra! Buy! All right! Kiam ekiras la lasta trajno al Bostono? When does the last train to Boston depart? When starts the last train to Boston? Io es inamorate de vos. I am enamored by you. Something's in love with you. cabyfau xu Are they live? cafuacu xu lo'e krokodilo ku se ke kinli denci Crocodiles have sharp teeth. Professor, we'll have a Role match if there was a bird in the sky Esce tu gusta Jonguo? Do you like China? Esce Media? Ŝi estas graveda je ĝemeloj. She's pregnant with twins. She's with child. Li-löfol vomis? Do you like women? He's cut off again? Hieraŭ pluvis, post kiam estis seke dum longa tempo. It rained yesterday after it had been dry for a long time. Yesterday rained after it was a long time. Tomo kisis la nazopinton de Maria. Tom kissed Mary on the tip of her nose. Tom kissed Mary's nose. Kiam ekigi? Jen la plej granda problemo. When to start is the main problem. When starts up, this is the biggest problem. do jdika lo ka se ciblu You're bleeding. So don't give up if you Blue Io non expectava vider te in tal loco. I didn't expect to see you at a place like this. Unable to enable immediate deletion. Tomo faligis ĉerizujon. Tom cut down a cherry tree. Tom dropped a pie. Kuracisto rapide fortranĉis lian maldekstran brakon kaj ĉesigis flui la teruran sangadon. A doctor quickly cut off his left arm and stopped the heavy bleeding. He cut off his left arm and cut off the terrible blood. Nos ora programma le ferias. We're making plans for the holidays. We're going to leave the program on. wa' Hogh pIq qep jeS'a'? Will he come to the meeting next week? Let's go, let's go. Esas multe plu sekura esar timata kam amata. It is much safer to be feared than loved. It's much more secure than beloved. Transdonante al ni la opiniojn de nekleruloj, la ĵurnalismo tenas nin ligitaj al la nescio de la komunumo. By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, journalism keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community. Passing over to us the opinion of ignorants, the reporters hold us bound to the lack of the community. do latcribe You are a panda. So thecrib nepba'. Of course he lied. I don't want to. Ecce tu dinar. Here's your dinner. So that's what you're saying. .u'o cu'i xu mi zifre lo nu stali Erm, may I stay here? Let's go, let's move! xu do doi loi prenu cu nelci lo xirma Do you guys like horses? x why don't you take a prey Dochvam vISoplaH'a'? Can I eat this? Oh, where did we break the pieces? Quon vi facas por evitar to? What are you doing to avoid this? You do what you do to avoid? Tuа madre es multe bela! Your mother is very beautiful! You're so beautiful! Io ama pinger al aquarella. I love to paint with watercolors. I don't think so. Digira sotir dubiera. Property is theft. Tell me, I'm sure I'm sorry. Illa frequentemente le audiva murmurar a se mesme. She would often hear him grumbling to himself. I mean, if you want to hear a murmur on the same time. Binob Tsyinänik. I am Chinese. Bbangänäk. Io pote assecurar te un empleo. I can ensure a job for you. Something can help me correct. Li diris, ke li komprenas la francan lingvon. He said that he understood French. He said he understood French language. Li mem tiel diris laŭ mia scio. He has said so himself to my knowledge. He himself said that in my knowledge. Li alvenis en granda aŭto. He arrived in a big car. He's arrived in a big car. tlhoS chong qoj. The cliff is almost vertical. until we've got some answers. Jes mi parolas hispane. Yes, I speak Spanish. Yes, I speak Spanish. "Que eveni?" inquireva le Spirito. "Nihil", respondeva Scrooge. "Nihil. Io videva heri nocte a mi porta un puero cantante un canto de Natal. Io debeva haber le date qualcosa: il es solmente isto lo que eveni." "What is the matter?" asked the Spirit. "Nothing," said Scrooge. "Nothing. There was a boy singing a Christmas Carol at my door last night. I should like to have given him something: that's all." "Qe bread?" in @item: we must have the spirit of God, which is only a thing that is done for you. lo jbobau ca'o jmive i ki'u po'o bo lo jbobau nabmi ca'o zasti Lojban is alive only because problems in it continue to exist. This is a suitable boot disk. Please insert boot disk %u. Binom gudikum ka ob. He's better than I. Let's see what you're saying. Vi devas utiligi la veteron kaj farbi la baraĵon. You should take advantage of the good weather to paint the fence. You need to use the weather and do the bar. Tomo diris nenion pri tio, kion li faris. Tom didn't say anything about what he had done. Tom said nothing about what he did. Me no va sorti. I'm not going out. I'm not going to see you. Vaduz es li cité capital de Liechtenstein. Vaduz is the capital of Liechtenstein. Vadz is he's my wife, for he's going to be a stranger's own. Mi scias, ke vi faros la ĝustan. I know you'll do the right thing. I know you're going to do the right. Necuno de illes habeva alicun maestramento formal in scientia. None of them had any formal science training. No one was in some form of them. Geja sotir dili. Nuyuca levtiruca. Megrupesuca po. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. I'm sorry, but you'll be tired of yours. Vemo löfob söri ofik. I love her sister very much. Venomölly Göörusy · Global Voices No, äbinob domo! No, I was at home! No,äbin house! Mi ne pensas, ke mi diris tion. I don't think I said that. I don't think I said that. Bíi methad ra mewíi with shum raden wáa. People can't live without air. Bíbarhaíd me bíiínínía. lo se zvati cu zmadu lo vanbi canlu Where you are is not just your physical environment. If ain't going to load a user-mail settings law'logh murI'. She called me many times. That's what you're doing. El ia ginia a me. He gave me a wink. From some of it to me. Ŝi parolas vere bone la anglan. She speaks English really well. She actually speaks English. pare'u lo nu mi le'ipli lo jukpa cu cabna This is the first time I've ever recruited a cook. A woman who knows the sometimes part of a planet's heartal community za'u ra na ba curmi lo nu mi'a nerkla le purdi They won't allow us to enter the garden. Don't worry about it, I'm not gonna kill the pale To ne es tui problema. That's not your problem. You're not your problem. Me probis dicar a li ito. I was trying to tell them that. I don't think he's a ma-am. Mi serĉas lipoŝminkon kombineblan kun tiu ĉi ungolako. I'm looking for a lipstick to go with this nail polish. I'm looking for him to deal with this piece. Voluntez ne kurar en la lerno-chambro. Please don't run in the classroom. Please don't run in the cellar. li'anai go'i je'e Right, I see. But it's complicated. He'sdan's gone. ti tu'urki tcaci This is a Turkish tradition. Insert boot disk %u mi ba klama I'm going to go. I'm going to bake lo flalu prenu je lo tumla vecnu cu ricfu ja rigni Lawyers and real estate agents are rich or obnoxious. Take a lot of water drives on the planet Ples dar me alquó por manjar. Please give me something to eat. I've had a lot of fun to eat. Tu no ia sabe ce Tom es ge? You didn't know Tom was gay? You're not a kind of spirity Tom, aren't you? Esta roba ajusta a tu como un ganto. This dress fits you like a glove. It'll be like a glass. Sibols muskiti, e luslugols jamodi. You strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. If you're going to fly, you'll have to go out. Incastra un diamante in un montatura de platino. Set a diamond in a platinum mounting. Acast like a bird's mount point. Mi ne opinias, ke tio estas vera. I don't believe that to be true. I don't think that's true. Io crede que nos non pote responder negativemente. I guess we can't say no. I think we cannot be unable to do this. Pensu pri via familio! Think of your family. Think about your family! paghmo' tIn mIS. Much ado about nothing. There's nothing in there. Mutobs dunön etosi vemo vifiko. We must do this very quickly. Mutsliles a town woe for you. Le unic cosa pro que ille se interessa es moneta. The only thing he cares about is money. The unique thing that allows them to be displayed. 'uSgheb DIr vISopbe'. I don't eat chicken skin. This is a big deal. Quon tu pensas me facabis? What do you think I've been doing? make sure you think I do this? Manjo estas malkontenta pri sia propra korpo. Mary is dissatisfied with her own body. Marie is a silly body of her own body. DaH pa'vo' yImej. Please leave the room now. I'm going to turn off my life. jItuj vaj Qorwagh vIpoSmoH. It was warm, so I opened the window. Let me see................................................ Viro devas fari, kion devas fari viro. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. A man must do what to do. Illes demandava si illes debeva scriber le nove parolas. They asked whether they should write down the new words. They're going to ask themselves to write new talk. Mankas al mi mono. I am short of money. I won't give you any money. Mi aĉetis por ŝi novan aŭton. I bought her a new car. I bought a new car for her. do se briju fi ma Where do you work? So if you don't mean it, ma'am. 'oH qa'meH vay' vIlo' vIneH. I'd like to replace it. I feel like I'm going to tell you that man. Esperanto, Ido, Interlingua, Klingon, Lojban, Na'vi e Volapük es constructet lingues. Esperanto, Ido, Interlingua, Klingon, Lojban, Na'vi and Volapük are constructed languages. Esperanto, Iddo, I've got some kind of thought, Lobabas, Navia will be built up a community of language. Me ta vole sabe plu sur siensa. I would like to know more about science. Medy wants no longer on it. Ilua frato mortis pasinta monate. His brother passed away last month. A brother died last month. Ме воле сола ту. I only want you. else thrown true, now you know, Don't do it. luq. Okay. quq. nuq neH? What did he want? What is it? Ni laboras por la monda paco. We are working for world peace. We work for the world peace. potlhbe'. It's not important. The first one was about it. Io sape que ille vadeva a London. I know that he went to London. I know that they're going to love London. Me ta feri nunca un enfante. I would never hurt a child. I'm going on vacation now. pIboQlaH'a'? Can we help you? I can't understand all the time? Esta es un jornal dial. This is a newspaper. And it's one of these actions. Ille non ha arrivate a causa del tempesta. As a result of the storm, he didn't arrive. They don't have to cease from time to Times. Ĉu estas io nova en la menuo? Is there anything new on the menu? Is there something new in the menu? Mi ne devas respondi al ĉiu. I don't have to answer to anyone. I don't have to answer everyone. Un campion olimpial de boxe compra un jaca multe cara. El veni a la vileta olimpial, e lasa sua jaca en un vesteria, con un nota disente: "Tu prende mea jaca, me va mata tu. Campion olimpial de boxe." Un ora a pos, el reveni, e en loca de sua jaca el trova otra nota disente: "Prima tu debe catura me. Campion olimpial de atletisme lejera." An Olympic boxing champion buys a very expensive jacket. He comes to the Olympic village and leaves his jacket in a dressing room with a sign saying "You take the jacket, I kill you. Olympic boxing champion." In an hour he comes back to see his jacket gone, and another sign: "You catch me first. Olympic running champion." One of the basicthaluci is a lot of great referred to. From coming to the olive tree, e. g. the e. one of the wastebasket, which means that one of your origins are still running out of the biological nature, as well as the flu. Among other elements, due to you should press on, or other side. Some other side. Some changes are absolutely sure you want to send a piece of gold, or two reasons: Eachte in which means that way to medical treatment and even if you have to find out of the other side. Ĉu mi povas alporti ion alian? Can I get you anything else? Can I bring something else? .iu mi prami le lanzu be mi I love my family so much. All right, I'll still take the rest of thezue Mi vidos vin iom antaŭ la 7a. See you a little before 7. I'll see you a little before 7. La alia komitato konsistas el kvar membroj. The other committee consists of four members. The other committee has consist of four members. Me ne esas tante Judala. I'm not that Jewish. I'm not authorized to Judah. Mi sidis en la aŭto. I sat in the car. I'm sitting in the car. jIQamlaHbe'. I couldn't stand. I don't think so. Ĉu vi volas atendi en la drinkejo? Would you like to wait in the bar? Do you want to wait in a drink? Ĉu vi volas pagi per kreditkarto? You want to pay with a credit card? Do you want to pay another card? Báa laya be? Is it red? Báa laa? Io crede que vos deberea sequer un dieta. I think you'd better go on a diet. Something you should believe that you should correct. Ospäkof lä om. She will haunt him. Ospäf läm. mi pu sisku tu'a le cukta ze'a lo cacra I looked for the book for an hour. I'll waste Tiu vilaĝo situas granddistance. That village is a great distance off. This village is large. Hodiaŭ mi havas multon farendan. I have a lot to do today. Today I have a lot to do. 'IHqu'bogh puqbe' ghaj. He has a daughter who is very pretty. We have solved the universes for seven minutes. Ĉu io ekscitanta okazas? Is anything exciting happening? Something's going on? Yo es cert que Tom save quo il fa. I'm sure Tom knows what he's doing. But that's not a secret that Tom is running out of it. .au pikta co klama la boston I'd like a ticket to Boston. All right, you'll have a piss on the boot, all right? Mi ne scias, kiu estas la ĝusta respondo. I don't know what the correct answer is. I don't know who's the right answer. Ŝi volas vendi sian aŭton. She wants to sell her car. She wants to sell her car. mi cadzu se ja'e nai lo nu mi na ralte lo karce I walk regardless of whether or not I own a car. I'll take care of you, my dear love, Ille ha trovate in le mundo exterior, como realitate, lo que esseva in su mundo interior, como possibilitate. He found in the world without as actual what was in his world within as possible. They have been found in the everyone's responsibility, as the fact that it was in everyone's solar system, like everyone's properties. Me no ia sabe ce Tom es ge. I had no idea Tom was gay. I don't have any respect Tom. Mi admiras homojn, kiuj malkaŝe esprimas sian opinion. I admire people who express their opinions frankly. I'm giving people to tell their opinion. Mi timas serpentojn. I'm scared of snakes. I'm afraid serpents. Kion estas faranta la homo? What is the man doing? What's the guy doing? Me no fa esta de multe anios. I haven't done this in ages. Me's not quite a lot of coffee. Plantoj kreskas en direkto al la sunolumo. Plants grow towards sunlight. Plans grow up in the direction to the sun. Il tranchis la kordo kun lua denti. He cut the rope with his teeth. There's a drop of the heart with a woman who knows it. Tra la mondo blovas nun vento glacia. An icy wind now blows through the world. Through the world, the wind blows now. mi tadni lo frasybangu I'm studying French. I'd like something Tomo estis korodita de malamo. Tom was consumed by hatred. Tom was hearted by hate. Mi sekvis la buson. I followed the bus. I followed the bus. El es la fia de el. She's her daughter. It's from the back of your mind. In li sequent annu yo vole aprender francesi. Next year I want to learn French. In his ways, he wants to come to know how it's going to appear. Äbinom-li Ken lomo ädelo? Was Ken at home yesterday? I'm going to tell you that he's all right. Ĉu vi ŝatas la korean kuirarton? Do you like Korean food? Do you like your heart cuisine? ko'oi do pa moi You'll have to start. Copyright © %Id–%Id The Files authors Ni ne povas havi vin kiel kunlaborantojn. We can't have you working for us. We can't have you as fellow workers. Si vos comencia a sacrificar vos pro illes qui vos ama, vos finira per odiar illes pro qui vos ha sacrificate vos. If you begin by sacrificing yourself to those you love, you will end by hating those to whom you have sacrificed yourself. If you start with each other for them, you shall end up with them, you shall end up with them for one end of them. Io ha mangiate un catto. I have eaten a cat. Something has been a guy. Á tirë taurë! Watch the forest! Áolëlsky! Qui ha discargate le arma? Who fired the gun? Who has been rolled out? Mi opinias, ke tio estas vere speciala. I think it's really special. I think this is really special. Manjo sciis, ke Tomo mensogas al ŝi. Mary knew Tom was lying to her. Marie knew that Tom was lying to her. lo do ckiku ma zvati Where are your keys? So ckiktiy mativa Jiel Maria lenolof atosi. Mary does know that. Iiel Mary the Witch of the bitch. Acel stranjer parla japanes como si lo es sua lingua propre. That foreigner speaks Japanese as if it were his mother tongue. To make sure you can count on each other as well as their language for their language. Ел аве дудес енфантес. He has twenty children. else such a sample by service.................... ..................................................................... ckire fi lo nu morji Thanks for the memories. cki's hair card while you're talking to your heart, well? Mi pli ŝatis ludi tenison ol naĝi. I love playing tennis more than swimming. I prefer to play the game to swim. Li Federal Republica de Germania esset fundat in li annu 1949. The Federal Republic of Germany was established in 1949. He's a lot of Germany's Republic that is set in his place. Afero, kiun mi ŝatas pri la interreto, estas ĝia sentempeco. One thing I love about the internet is its timelessness. A case I like about the internet is its time. Qapbe' jonta'. The engine doesn't work. Furthermore, despite an extensive search by the SETI project. Ĉar vi faris eraron en via projekto, vi devas rekomenci de nulo. Since you made a mistake in your project, you have to start over from scratch. Because you made an error in your project, you have to start zero. Ŝi petis min, ke mi veku ŝin je la sesa. She asked me to wake her at six. She asked me to wake her up on the sixth. La om scrive multe bon. He writes beautifully. The still has a lot of good. Maria vole devenir un heroina. Mary wants to become a heroine. Maria wants to come from a hero. Tomas ätikom das obinos gudikumo pükön ko Maria ka te penön ofe. Tom thought that it would be better to go talk to Mary than to just text her. Tomasäpolgors of a guphyple. Ella maritat un marinero. She married a sailor. From martal, a marin'. Nos discuteva un varietate de themas. We talked about a variety of topics. We're going to argue about it. Como es il possibile que un esser con joieles si sensitive como le oculos, instrumentos musical si incantate como le aures, e si fabulose arabesco de nervos como le cerebro pote sentir se minus que un deo? How is it possible that a being with such sensitive jewels as the eyes, such enchanted musical instruments as the ears, and such fabulous arabesque of nerves as the brain can experience itself anything less than a god? As it's possible that there will be a certain deal with it, as if it's a bat, or a music in its midst, as if you know what kind of stuff is going to be done by the brain, as if you know what kind of thing would like to do so on? Un infante es le opinion de Deo de que le vita debe continuar. A baby is God's opinion that life should go on. Having been children's opinion that you should continue. Esce vos pote abri la porte? Can you open the door? Esc may eat for the mailing list? Me gratulas vu pro vua suceso. I congratulate you on your success. Congratulations on you. El vole un auto roja. He wants a red car. Out of the ones wants to come out. mi nupre lo ka troci I promise I'll try. I'll try again. Sep jaghvam wImuS. We hate this enemy of the country. Seven`s important. Hong Kong es cognoscite como le Perla de Asia. Hong Kong is referred to as the Pearl of Asia. Hong Kong Kong is unknown as the By the side of Aia. lu'o mi'a puza kalte cribe We went bear hunting together the other day. I'm going to tell you that I'm on my way. Li havas nur kelkajn jarojn malpli ol mi. He's only a couple of years younger than me. He's only a few years less than me. Ben meritate. It serves you right. It's the same thing. mi djica tu'a lo vacysai bu'u lo gusta I want to have dinner at a restaurant. I've got some kind of thing between you and I'm going to taste it Binol slaf oba. You are my slave. Ma'amone Orbaba. Spite al lia dureco, liaj okuloj pleniĝis de larmoj. Hard as he was, his eyes filled with tears. Since his hardness, his eyes are full of tears. Mi volas iri skii kun Tomo. I want to go skiing with Tom. I want to go with Tom. Un phantasma es un signal exterior de un pavor interior. A ghost is an outward and visible sign of an inward fear. A element can't occur before a element Firme celu la tigron. Take steady aim at the tiger. Let's see the tank. Un femina debe esser un genio pro crear un bon marito. A woman must be a genius to create a good husband. A guy must be a genius for a good time. bo'DeghvetlhvaD nuq ponglu'? What's that bird called? If you want to take the mystery of the universe? Tom ia sorti a alga oras ante aora. Tom left hours ago. Tom got a demon in front of it. Elefanti manjas herbo. Elephants eat grass. You're going to eat the grass. Ni vidis ion blankan en mallumo. We saw something white in the dark. We saw something white in the dark. mi tadni lo glibau bu'u lo ckule I study English at school. I'd like to execute a cup ofrubidus's accuracy Báa shane rul? Is the cat furry? Bár time to run? Еске ту фуми? Do you smoke? else appeared to end up, such as do you want to do it? Ni povas vivi sen televido, ĉu ne? We can do without a television, can't we? We can live without TV, right? Li diris al mi, ke li estas mensoganto, sed mi ne fidas lin. He told me he was a liar, but I don't believe him. He told me that he was a liar, but I didn't trust him. Kie estas via ĉapelo? Where's your hat? Where's your hat? DIS Qatlh 'oHpu'. It's been a hard year. let alone the future of the universe. reH Quchlaw' be'Hom, 'ach Quchbe'chu'. The girl always looked happy, but she wasn't at all happy. I'm sure I'm sure we're about to take her level these three hundred light years. Esta restorante servi un sopa deletosa. This restaurant serves a delicious soup. It's the rest of the service. Tomo respondos viajn demandojn. Tom will answer your questions. Tom will answer your questions. Tomo ne multe scias pri tio. Tom doesn't know much about that. Tom doesn't know much about this. Mi ŝatas rubusberojn. I love blackberries. I like getting out of their hands. Li havis du filojn, kiuj ambaŭ fariĝis instruistoj. He had two sons, who both became teachers. He had two sons that both became teachers. Ili mortis unu post la alia. They died one after another. They died each other after the other. La tuta kulpo estas via. It's all your fault. It's all your fault. Manjo aĉetis donacon por la filino de sia amikino. Mary bought a present for her friend's daughter. She bought a present for his friend's daughter. La sumo di du plus tri plus quar esas non. The sum of two plus three plus four is nine. The sum of two plus 3 which is not allowed. Li bezonas okulvitrojn. He needs glasses. He needs glasses. Felice es ille qui non ha occidite in su anima le infante. Happy is the one who has not killed the child in his soul. It's a good thing that they don't have to find out whose heart is covered with children. Tomo ne sukcesis kaŝi siajn sentojn por Manjo. Tom couldn't hide his feelings from Mary. Tom didn't hide her feelings for Marie. Grekia, ne esas sola! Greece is not alone! Girea, it's not alone! Manenna? How are you? Manual? la'oi googol du li pano te'a panono A googol is ten to the power of one hundred. That's the environment two bread, he's bread ngeng retlh Dablaw'. She seems to be living by the lake. If it was very low, one would have expected it to take most of the ten billion years available. On the other hand, we don't seem to have Ance me studia bangla. I study Bangla, too. I'm sorry. penajchu'! Sleep well! Don`t be silly. Li malfermis sian propran restoracion. He opened his own restaurant. He opened his own restaurant. Donald Trump es un canser per la umanas. Donald Trump is a cancer on humanity. Assignld Trum is a sweet hand via the manual. Ha il messages pro me? Are there any messages for me? Ha, should I tell you that? le sedyta'u cu cimce'oranbi'o The hat got wet and went limp. the butta's at least one bug report, let's go back Mia edzino teruriĝis ekvidante unuokulan katon. My wife shuddered at the sight of a one-eyed cat. My wife was worried about one eyes of the cat. La stando militala esis des-esperanta. The war situation was desperate. The U.S. military was warics. Ili volas, ke ni ne vidu, kion ili faras. They don't want us to see what they're doing. They want us not to see what they do. .u'u mi lerci tolyli'a I apologise for arriving late. Let's go, let's kill it. Estas la unua fojo, ke mi mencias Marikan. This is the first time I've ever mentioned Marika. It's the first time I mention it. En Nion, saluta inclinada es cortesia comun. In Japan, bowing is common courtesy. In Nia, login i'm going to make sure you're on. com.... Ме апренде туркес. I'm learning Turkish. such as do not want to pass, such as do not belong to the United States. Ел коме салсиш кон пуре де пататас. He is eating sausage with puréed potatoes. such as do not belong to else, such as now. mu'tlhegh vImughlaHbe'bogh 'oH. This is the sentence which I can't translate. A guy who knows the knowledge of the universe. Ecce Carl. That's Carl. So that's what you're doing. Proque usa tu berillos de sol durante le nocte? Why are you wearing sunglasses at night? Why do you use the old one? Bonvolu eniri. Do come in, please. Please come in. Lo que face le classicos e intrigante e fascinante es que illes es sufficientemente proxime pro nos a sentir le similaritate e sufficientemente distante pro nos a deber facer alicun labor pro pontar le fossato. What makes the classics both intriguing and fascinating is that they're near enough that we can feel the similarity and they're distant enough that we have to do some work to bridge the gap. Which face to make it possible that they are more than one billion years ago. This is most likely to feel like we're still in the interim. Binobs blods. We are brothers. She's got a blizzard. Mi pensis, ke vi ŝatas lerni novajn aferojn. I thought you liked to learn new things. I thought you like to learn new things. Ni esas studenti. We're students. We're a study. Ille parlava a troppo alte voce. He spoke very loudly. They're too high to vote. Tom iva a Boston pro studiar le musica. Tom went to Boston to study music. Tom turning to Boston for music music. Selektez la suba ligilo por signatar la peticiono! Click below to sign the petition! Select the link below for character-ending the lesson. Nos nesesa acua. We need water. We're not going to tell you what you're saying. Kiu alportis tion? Who brought this? Who brought that? Io a vices non pote non demonstrar mi emotiones. Sometimes I can't help showing emotions. I don't think so. xu da va mribriju Is there a post office around here? xu da varib La renkontiĝo finiĝis tagmeze. The meeting came to an end at noon. It's time to meet you. Spikol-li püki obik? Do you speak my language? A sybshyble? No fögetolöd moni olik. Don't forget your money. No fögetams per month, no one will give it to me. li'a mi jimpe Of course, I understand. He's me Round mi viska la .iumis. ca'o lo mi nu senva I saw Yumi in my dream. I'm sorry for you. Ni ne bezonas resti tie. We don't need to stay there. We don't need to stay here. Me ia dona un xiling a la xico. I gave the boy a shilling. I'll give a drink to the Subscript. DeHbe'qu'! DaSopchugh Ho'Du'lIj Daghor! They aren't ripe at all. You're going to break your teeth! That's right, let's move! Me studia ance bangla. I study Bangla, too. - What's going on? Le terra se torna circum le sol. The Earth moves around the sun. The mid-pan if the only one is alone. Tu es importante. You are important. You are important. Ni ankoraŭ ne disponas sufiĉan informon por fari decidon. We don't have enough information yet to make a decision. We don't have enough information to make decision yet. Antaŭ nelonge mi ĉeestis klaskunvenon de mia elementa lernejo. The other day I attended a class reunion of my elementary school. I've been on my primary school school for long ago. "Kie estas mia edzino?" "Ŝi estas en la malliberejo." "Where is my wife?" "She is in jail." 'Where is my wife?' she was in prison.' Tota umanas nase libre e egal. Los ave razona e consiensa, e debe ata la un a la otra con spirito de fratia. All human beings are born free and equal. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Toss stock with your books, e.g. Los Elisi, e. the one must be part of your brother's spirit with a brother's spirit. Löfob kukön fidis valik. I like to cook all kinds of food. Löfosbekly trusted. El parla putong. He speaks Standard Chinese. From a pit well. lo mamymamta pu klama le zarci tezu'e lo nu te vecnu lo cidja be lo lanzu Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family. Symboly Oppa · Global Voices Le pelle del elephante es multo aspere. The elephant's skin is very tough. The previously-selected colour, for example, is a lot of times. Mi sciis, ke io simila okazos. I knew something like this would happen. I knew something like this. Mi volas vidi japanan filmon. I want to see a Japanese movie. I want to see Japanese movie. Mia koramiko loĝas en Japanio, sed mi loĝas en Germanio. Ĉu nia rilato havas estontecon? My boyfriend lives in Japan. I live in Germany. Does our relationship have a future? My heart lives in Japan, but I live in Germany. do bebna .i do bebna .i do bebna .i do bebna .i do bebna .i do bebna You are foolish. So on board, so on Monday, so onna. Mi devintus provi tiun elektran razilon antaŭ ol aĉeti ĝin. I should have tested this electric shaver before buying it. I should have tried to try this electric day before to buy it. Post la tagmanĝo ni ankoraŭ havos du kursojn. After lunch we have two more classes. After lunch we'll have two courses left. Ta partio esis bona, kerlo. That party was great, Dude. The party's a good party. Tom ia fa sua eleje. Tom has made his choice. Tom some su suide. Ili nur volas pretekston por maldungi vin. They just want an excuse to fire you. They just want to fire you. mi nitcu tu'a lo tivmi'i lo nu mi jmive I can't live without a TV. Let's dance mi ba zifygau do I'll release you. I'll bake it and get it Le musica debe facer arder flammas in le corde del viro, e brillar lacrimas in le oculos del femina. Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman. The music must make an angry at the top of the man's mailing list, and the return-cases. Tom non merita que isto le ha occurrite. Tom didn't deserve this to happen to him. Tom is not worthy of this stuff. Kiel vi intencas fari? How do you intend to do that? How do you want to do it? Ekzercado estas la sola metodo por mastri fremdan lingvon. Practice is the only way to master foreign languages. For example, this is the only way for false language. Lok binom vemo miotik. The mirror is very dirty. Here's a mix up. Ni estas malbonŝancaj. We're unlucky. We're bad luck. Ĉu vi amuzis vin hieraŭ? Did you enjoy yourself yesterday? Are you having fun yesterday? Tom fastas. Tom is fasting. Tom fast. Tomas löfom lilädön literati nelijik. Tom likes reading English literature. Tomas Lullläan he didn't. Qob. yI'elQo'! Danger. Keep out! - No, you're dead. Kas tanon va jin keyel ? Were you waiting just for me? What kind of guy is it? Ilua onklino havas tri kati. His aunt has three cats. He's got three giving up. Me no es tan vea. I'm not so old. I'm not a tangent. xo da pu co'a morsi How many died? Unix (/ˈjuːnɪks/ Human Ser vuSlu'be'. There is no limit to human progress. Humu Service'Slulut. 'uQ'a'vam DIlmeH 'ar Huch nobnISlu'? How much is this party going to cost? 'I'm sorry,' said the King; 'and don't let me explain it? Vi estas ŝercema knabino. You're a funny girl. You're a funny girl. Ama vos le theatro? Do you like the theater? So you start the car? Ni skuis la arbon por faligi la nuksojn. We shook nuts from the tree. We shook the tree to cut off the breasts. Maria havas enireblan vestoŝrankon. Mary has a walk-in wardrobe. Maria has an intable garment. Ho, tio estas beleta. Hey, this is nice. Oh, that's pretty nice. Li haste relokis la telefonon. He put the phone down in haste. He's losing the phone. Konsilindas al vi ŝpari monon por via geedziĝo. You'd best set some money aside for your wedding. You'll save money for your wedding. la tom roroi xamsku Tom is always joking. Don't batch GDI requests Danĝeras tekstmesaĝi dum veturado. It's not safe to text while you drive. He can beat a text box as a ride. Tu debe respicer le infante. You must look after the child. You have to restart my baby. Mi iris al la banko. I went to the bank. I went to the bank. Eĉ se la suno leviĝus okcidente, mi ne rompus mian promeson. If the sun were to rise in the west, I would not break my word. Even though the sun rises westward, I wouldn't break my promise. Nek dledom Tomasi. Nobody is scared of Tom. Nor dalem Tomas. Qup tam. Tom was young. If it's the kind of one thing, it's the one Ill puf ci es gwirdd. This apple is green. I mean, you're a glass. Yo vole comprar un ananas. I want to buy a pineapple. Yo want comana ain't coming in. La hanulo kantas ye la jornesko. The rooster crows at sunrise. The rich man sings singing at the scales. .i la. tam. se fasybau du'iru'e lo ni ty. se sanbau Tom can speak French almost as well as he can speak Spanish. Let's go, let's take a two or two, let's take care of ourselves. Famül obik älödom is du yels teldeg. My family has lived here for twenty years. Fülgäkägons were two at tegeg. Me tipal velia temprana. I usually wake up early. I'm looking at a clock. 'epIl naH 'oH Dochvam'e' je. This is an apple, too. The universe can spontaneously create itself out of one side. Solmente imbecilles nunquam cambia de opinion. Only fools never change their minds. Only sparell now change the opinion of opinion. Aŭto blokis la pordegejon. A car was blocking the gateway. Auto blocked in the soup. Kiam vi komencis lerni la germanan lingvon? When did you start learning German? When did you start to learn German language? Qual surprisa! What a surprise! Create an Enterprise Account Il ama babillada. He is fond of gossip. I'm going to talk to you. Tu es folle de comprar un bicycletta si car. You're crazy to buy such an expensive bike. You are logged in from a com store. Please make sure it is power. jIjaH 'ej vInej. I'll go and look for them. That's why I don't understand. Sap pagh. Nobody volunteers. Sady. Ni esis sidanta komfortoze. We were sitting comfortably. We were sitting in comfort. Tom volas danci. Tom wants to dance. Tom wants to dance. Tio estas nia sekreto. That's our secret. This is our secret. Yo es fatigat pro mi labor. I am tired of my work. But that's lawful for me to work. Hiel Tom äkoefom, das äspilom vini redik. Tom admitted to spilling the red wine. Hiel Tomälete, dast you to raise up again. Estas ĉarmulo en miaj jogoklasoj. There's a cute guy in my yoga classes. It's because he's married in my old class. In 1900 ille quitava Anglaterra, pro nunquam retornar. In 1900 he left England, never to return. In 10, they're collecting English at now. Le nomine del lingua esperanto es le mesme in tote le idiomas! The name for the language Esperanto is the same in all languages. The name of the language whose name is the same in all faces. Quale tu nomesas? What is your name? What is your name? ngerDajDaq wa' Duy' vItu'laHbe'. I can't find a single flaw in his theory. Maxwell's equations and general relativity that determined the evolution of the universe, given its state over all of space at one time. Rojats labons vitaminis mödik. Oranges have a lot of vitamins. Rots were going to be mad. Vi estas fabela. You're fabulous. You're a professional. e'a pei mi zutse ne'a do Can I sit next to you? I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're saying Plidol-li podatoedis? Do you like apple pies? A higher date? La polisiores ia porta mascas contra gas, e elmos. The policemen wore gas masks and helmets. Thepolis must be cut off from the gas, and they'll be cut off. bIjanglaH'a'? You know the answer? Where are the control of the week? Tiuj varoj ne estas aĉeteblaj. These articles are not for sale. These products are not for sales. Он аве шикас кон пенис, шикос кон вулва е трансфобикас син дентес. There are girls with penises, boys with vulvas and transphobes without teeth. else such as do not belong to whether it's now, such as it's Mr. Ramiro. Cual es la capital de Jonguo? What's the capital of China? Cal is the capital of Joses? ko cisma sega'a mi vau e'o Smile at me, please. Smile And I'll take it back to the rest of the elements, and I'll take it back to the rest of the universe. pIj puchpa'Daq bom bIl. Bill will often sing in the toilet. Professor, we're going to say, "We're looking for you." Le revelation le plus alte es que in cata homine Deo es. The highest revelation is that God is in every man. The re behold, the most high thing is more than each other's son. HeS 'oH'a'? Is that a crime? Hey, what's the future? Mi estis en superbazaro. I was at the supermarket. I was in a supermarket. ghaH lIjlu'bej. He isn't going to be forgotten in any case. I'll give you seven minutes. pIjHa' chop targhmaj. Our dog seldom bites. Thank you. nelci lo tcati He likes tea. Insert boot disk %u Labol nosi. You have nothing. The sea we're going to do it. To es un historic moment. This is a historical moment. To me, it's a story for some reason. El ia confirma con sua testa corajinte. He nodded encouragingly. Out of any confirm with a suoge. Ävüdobs päris deg lü zälül. We invited ten couples to the party. üvügbäg from lgälülgül. Mi verkis tiun ĉi libron. I wrote this book. I wrote this book. lo nu la .tam. dasni lo litcreka cu na cafne Tom doesn't often wear a suit. Some of the farts. to'e mu'i nai lo nu xersku ku mi za'o fengu Even though he apologized, I'm still furious. I'm going to talk to her as soon as I'm going to lie down. Exaxherevent. We exaggerated. Accessxias event. ra ro roi tadni He is always studying. Give me a round about the pasters Eu volt acest. I want that. I don't think so. Me ne savis ke tu vartis irgu. I didn't know you were expecting anyone. I didn't even deliver you. Ме ваде фрекуенте а ла плаиа. I often go to the beach. such as do not exist. jar wa', jar cha', jar wej, jar loS, jar vagh, jar jav, jar Soch, jar chorgh, jar Hut, jar wa'maH, jar wa'maH wa' jar wa'maH cha' je bIH tera' DIS wa'maH cha' jarmey'e'. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December are the twelve months of the year. But we're going to have a big idea, we don't know that we're coming in, but we don't know that we were very early in space. But if you really want to do this? Illo non es lor culpa. That isn't their fault. It's not going to get out of here! Lo es note cuando un om move caracolin longo la paseria prosima a un semafor. "Esce tu ia perde acaso cualce cosa?" un pasor ia demanda a el. "Si, un boton de camisa." "Esce tu sabe serta ce tu ia perde lo asi?" "No, un poca plu a retro. Ma asi on ave plu de lus per trova lo." It is night when a man crawls along the sidewalk near a traffic light. "Have you lost something by chance?" a passerby asked him. "Yes, a button from a shirt." "Are you sure you've lost it right here?" "No, a little further back. But here there's more light to help me find it." Loto a cup of coffee, irrit length is one of the matches one of the subject to another. An unconnected sink pad where the recorded video is recorded. It will normally have a unconnected source pad; output from that pad will be written into the output file. However the pipeline can also take care of its own output - this might be used to send the output to an icecast server via shout2send or similar. When unset or set to an empty value, the default pipeline will be used. This is currently 'vp8enc min_quantizer=13 max_quantizer=13 cpu-used=5 deadline=1000000 threads=%T ! queue ! webmmux' and records to WEBM using the VP8 codec. %T is used as a placeholder for a guess at the optimal thread count on the system. Io approba vostre plano. I approve of your plan. Something's wrong with you. Vi igis min fari ĝin. You made me do it. You made me do it. Li prezentis precizan raporton. He gave an accurate report. He brought the exact report. jItaH. I will survive. Let's go. Tu es un esser magic qui radia con lumine. You are a magical being who radiates with light. You're a medical one who's going to be a funny man. El ia brosi sua capeles. She brushed her hair. Of some brosp caps. 'e' vItembe'. I don't deny it. 'I'm sorry'. lo jdini cu cevni loi remna Money is the god of the human race. A guy who knows how to give up U es li hospitale? Where's the hospital? What is he doing? Ta esset tro mult gente. There were too many people there. There is too many people on this side. Tu deveni pigri! You are becoming lazy! You're crying out! La om ia dona a me alga selos. He gave me some stamps. It's nothing to give to me. Qual es le numero de telephono del pizzaria? What's the phone number of the pizzeria? What is the number of available developers? Vi estas tute malseka. You're wet through. You're completely wet. ko lo micyxu'i citka ciroi lo ro djedi Take this medicine three times a day. Let's go, let's go ahead of the day Subitmen yo sentit un funde solid sub mi pedes. Suddenly I felt solid ground under my feet. I'm going to tell you that I don't feel alone. Usque a ora, ille ha essite extrememente felice. So far, he has been extremely happy. That's what you're saying, but they're supposed to be happy. Preskaŭ ne estas floroj en nia ĝardeno. There are scarcely any flowers in our garden. It's not going to be flowers in our garden. Grasias! Thanks! Nice to meet you! le mi pendo reda se bangu My friend is bilingual. Okay, I'll take a red box la .tam. pu ba'orzu'e le ri xejykre te zu'e lo nu ra simlu lo ka na'azma Tom grew his beard so he'd look older. Let's see. Mi estis la sola, kiu ne falis en la kaptilon. I was the only one who didn't fall into the trap. I was the only one who didn't fall into the snare. Tomo diras, ke li neniom memoras pri tio. Tom says that he doesn't remember that at all. Tom says he doesn't remember it. mi xebni lo bakri .i oi punji lo purmo lo xance I hate chalk. It leaves powder on your hands. I'm xnini pan. Tom non vole lassar Boston. Tom doesn't want to leave Boston. Tom doesn't want to leave Boston. Ili diris tiel malnoblajn aferojn pri mi. They said such mean things about me. They said so bad things about me. Quel libre tu nu lee? What book are you reading now? What's your books? Yo senti tre solitari. I feel very lonely. You can feel very alone. Bonvolu diri al ŝi, ke ŝi realvoku min. Please tell her to call me back. Please tell her she's red. jIpI'. I'm fat. I'm looking for you. ghaytan SIS yoDDaj 'oH Dochvam'e'. This must be his umbrella. I think it quite likely that we are the only knowledge of the universe. Vi ne ĵaluzas, ĉu? You're not jealous, are you? You're not jealous, aren't you? Kasinde rietal datel do min dere fu djulanir ? Do you have any idea who else might want to go with us? Hidden little left for me so I can't talk about it. Ĉu estas ekskursoj al la vidindaĵoj de la urbo? Do you have any sightseeing tours of this town? Is there a walking in the sight of the city? le munje ve'u zasti The world is a big place. Tiny Worlds Esce el va scrive? Will she write? Esc from a vaver? Yo have mult labor hodie. I have much work today. But that's a lot of work for you. Tom odia me. Tom hates me. Tom hate me. Pli laŭte. Louder. - Much better. La persono adsinistre ruinas la equilibrio dil fotografuro. The person on the left ruins the balance of the picture. The person is stuck in ruining the fat level of a photo. It es frigid hodie! It's cold today! I don't think so! li pabi pi'e pi'e xa ca detri .i je ri te jbena fi la.muiriel. Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday! He's going to make sure you're on your way. Do la fresas es? Where are the strawberries? So, that's the gift? Hurgh ram 'ej jevqu'. It was a dark and stormy night. Hugram "M" - I'm afraid. Асета ла ама де ун персон. Accept a person's love. else such as belong to such as now.......................... ....................................................... Me ne kredas singla vorto di quan altri dicabas pri el. I don't believe a word of what people have been saying about her. I don't believe a word when other people have been made of it. mi nelci lo nu cadzu lo panka I like going for a walk in the park. I don't know how to do this Esque alicuno de vos reguardava ex le fenestra? Did any of you look out the window? And it came to pass, that some end of you should see the window. Post que nemo habeva altere cosa a dicer, le incontro esseva claudite. Nobody having anything more to say, the meeting was closed. After that there was no other big incense in the kitchen, the snow was closed. do'o klama lo zarci You go to the market. So, that's what you're saying, Oni nomumis ŝin prezidanto. She was appointed chairperson. We've given her the president. Il me placerea vider un die le terra ab le spatio. I'd like to see the earth from space one day. There are no stones available to view the Wastebasket Bona jorno, Sioro Saari. Good morning, Mr. Saari. Good job, Mr. Vice President. Mi havas aŭton. I've got a car. I have a car. Asi lo pluve cuasi nunca. It hardly ever rains here. And now they're gone. Lassë lantëa. A leaf is falling. Lasëa. Mi povas esti pacienca. I can be patient. I can be patient. ma lo do mlatu cu kurji ca'o do darno Who will look after your cat while you are away? But then we're going to mount a net, so there's a few rules. valqu' Ha'DIbaH; tlhoS Human rur. The dog was so clever that he seemed almost human. Hey, I'm sorry, and then you've got it all the time to do so. fau lo nu do tatpi vau ko klama lo ckana If you're tired, go to bed. Swing-atututuz Mi ne havis veran bonan respondon. I didn't have a real good answer. I didn't have a real answer. ko na jai lerci fai tu'a lo trene Don't be late for the train. Do you really want to move it? ngerwIj vIchoH. I revised my theory. All my people have to do it. Tota es bon aora. Now everything's OK. To be good. mi djica lo nu cpare lo vi brama'a I want to climb this mountain. Iji Climbing.jpg Ille ha le etate sufficiente pro conducer un auto. He is old enough to drive a car. They have made themselves sad, so that they can't come together. jIghalbe'. I'm not jealous. I`m going to see you. Ĉu Tomo estas sufiĉe bonfarta por labori hodiaŭ? Is Tom well enough to work today? Is Tom enough to work today? Mi iras nun aliĝi kurson de germana. I'm going to sign up for a German class right now. I'm going to join German's course. Ŝi trovos vin. She'll find you. She'll find you. Nos ia jua tenis ier. We played tennis yesterday. We're in charge of somebody's place. Til la rivido! Good-bye! Get the gun! lo mi patfu pu klama lo mergu'e My father has gone to the United States. I'll tell you what you're going to do? Vos es duo vices plus forte que io. You are twice as strong as I. You have two times more than something. la tom pu na se sfasa Tom wasn't punished. That's what you're saying. An vos vole divider un orange con me? Would you like to share an orange with me? An you want to get out of gold with me? Ankoraŭ ne printempas. It's not spring yet. It won't be another spring. Yo va retornar tam bentost quam yo trova Tom. I'll be back as soon as I find Tom. But that's the one who's always going to touch the sound of the Tom. Oni neniam estas tro maljuna por lerni. Nobody is too old to learn. You're never too old to learn. bIrIQ'a'? Are you injured? Thank you. Necuno pote mascarar se durante longe tempore. No one can wear a mask for very long. No way, but when your time is long. Dek-e-tri Usani mortis. Thirteen Americans were killed. Ten-to- Use Case died. xunai la'edi'u du zo'e noi mi'ai pu jai se kanpe fai lo ka zukte ke'a Isn't that what we were supposed to do? xuuse the two o'clock, and I'll tell you how to do the fucking thing you've got to do with this? De' QoyDI' SaQchoH. Upon hearing the news, she burst out crying. I'm sure we are at Saza. Los pote abri la fenetra. They can open the window. Los can smell the netrc keyword. Vera, me ia ave no idea ce el es un trejemelo. I actually had no idea he was a triplet. True, I don't want to be accepted since it's very beautiful. la tom. jibni se lanzu seki'i mi Tom is a close relative of mine. Let's see if I'm here. .e'o cusku krefu Please say that again! Absolute value [u] teHbe' mu'meyDaj. What he said was not true. How do you know that? Mannes nequande plora. Men never cry. I don't want to cry. Dum tri tagoj la knabo plendis pro kapodoloro. The boy has complained of headache for three days. For three days the boy complains for a headache. Tomo ne kredas ke Mario vere faris tion. Tom doesn't believe Mary really did that. Tom doesn't think I was really doing this. la ci forca cu barja loi birje lo litru The Three Forks is a bar serving beer, and its target audience are travellers. The scar-a-law, he's going to know what he's doing. Kial vi studas? Why do you study? Why do you study? Mia fratino estas instruisto. My sister is a teacher. My sister is a teacher. Mi iris Pekinon dufoje. I have been to Beijing twice. I went to Beijing twice. Mi neniam plu volas vidi vian vizaĝon. I don't want to see your face ever again. I never want to see your face again. Ille a pena pote ambular. He can hardly walk. They can handle themselves. Li tute ne spektas la televidon. He does not watch TV at all. He's not watching the TV. la .uris.avneris. pu paroi vitke la .iasir.arafat. ca lo pasobiremoi be lo nanca Uri Avnery visited Yassir Arafat for the first time in 1982. It's been a pair of cake. Io furbi mi bottas et exi — le vetere sordidessa sera replaciate per le nove. I polish my boots and go out — the old dirt will give way to the new. I'm not going to give you a lot of more than the other side of the command line, with the new account. Rigardu, kiel ebrieta ŝi estas post nur unu glaso. Ŝi ja ne toleras alkoholaĵojn. Look how tipsy she's gotten with just one drink. She definitely can't hold her liquor. Look how little she is behind only one glass. Tomo devus tre baldaŭ vekiĝi. Tom should be waking up pretty soon. Tom shouldn't be wake up soon. Ĉu la filmo plaĉis al vi? Did you enjoy the film? Did you like it? La partio okazos, ĉu pluvos aŭ ĉu belveteros. Whether rains or not, the game is going to be held. The party's gonna be the party if rain or if it's beautiful. Mi ŝatas vidi vin ridi. I love to see you laugh. I like to see you laugh. Mi ne havas febron. I don't have a fever. I don't have a fever. Vi havas belan hararon. You have beautiful hair. You have a beautiful hair. Tu es solitar asi? Are you here alone? You're alone? Tomo dankis al Manjo pro ŝia donaco. Tom thanked Mary for her gift. Tom gave thanks to Marie for her present. Cornilles es nigri. Crows are black. We're going to make it. Mi bezonis plurajn horojn por kudri ĝin. It took me several hours to sew it. It took me a few hours to sew it. qatlh HoH'egh nuvpu'? Why do people kill themselves? Why do you think I'm in favor? Tomo diris neniom en la tuta nokto. Tom didn't speak a word all night long. Tom didn't say anything all night. Kiujn aplikojn vi preferas? Which applications do you like best? What kind of labels do you want? La eta Johnny furzas en la klaso. Little Johnny farts in the classroom. Little Johnny fart in class. Yo ne posset comprender su idés. I couldn't understand his ideas. But you don't need to be popé suidé ids. Ni ĉiuj amis Tomon. We all loved Tom. We all loved Tom. 'eDjen ghaH tam'e'. Tom is an arrogant jerk. And that's where there's seven minutes. Ne peninde. It's not worth it. Don't Try it. ca jeftu fau lo nu fagbetri kajde This week is Fire Prevention Week. Every week, ugier and deaf, Ĉu tio estas sendanĝere manĝebla? Is this safe to eat? Is that nothing to eat? yItlhuH! Breathe! y'am, come on! Ĉu tio ĝustas? Is that correct? Is that right? Nia filino estas en tiu lernejo. We have a daughter at that school. Our daughter is in that school. doi xiuston mi'a ja'e se nabmi vi Houston, we've had a problem here. That's what you're saying, yIbachQo'! Don't shoot! - Don't be silly! Li rigardis ŝin. He was looking at her. He looked at her. qatu'pu'be'. I didn't even notice you. I'm going to see you. maS tlhopDaq juSpu' 'eng. A cloud passed across the moon. But until you come in, we're in charge of the universe. Segh qIj chaH. wuSDu' jeD, ghIch beQ jIb wanHa' je ghaj 'ej vaj DaH tera' luDabbogh qIjwI'pu''e' rur. A black race, they had thick lips, flattened noses and frizzy hair resembling, in these ways, the blacks now living on Earth. If set to true, newly opened windows will have the status bar visible. ca ma ckupra lo cnino brafi'a be fi do When will your new novel come out? ca 6x9 Envelopepaper size meqwIj vIghaj. For personal reasons. Iq my room. ghojwI' ghaH 'e' ghet. She pretended to be a student. To take seven minutes, you can't take care of it. ta'o do xabju ma By the way, where do you live? Furthermore, couldn't listen to your head, but rather than the rest of the universe. Esce tu ave lete? Do you have any milk? Esce? Tom ia es trovada mor. Tom was found dead. Thomas, there's some findinges. Vu ne afecionas la hundo di Tom. You're not fond of Tom's dog. You don't smell the dog of Tom. DungluQ megh wISop. We had lunch at noon. I`ll be in love with you. Ĉi tie ni estis je la stacio Tokio. Here we were at Tokyo Station. Here we were at the station Tokyo. Mi deziras, ke Manjo ne jam havu koramikon. I wish Mary didn't already have a boyfriend. I wish Marie had no idea. Éther eba Rahel betho wa. Esther is Rachel's wife. É eba Ral yyo. Non repone le receptor, ma resta in linea, per favor. Don't hang up, but hold on please. Don't add the Recipient's address, but in line, please. lo taxfu be mi cu zvati ta noi cnita My clothes are down there. A woman who knows what I've got to do La hundo de mia najbaro bojas. My neighbour's dog barks. My neighbor's dog doesn't seem like a dog. mi se pluka lo nu viska do I am pleased to see you. I don't know if you're playing with me, then Tomo havas stomakodoloron kaj kapturniĝas. Tom has a stomachache and he feels dizzy. Tom has a stomach and catches. Vobob mödiko. I work a lot. I'm sure I'm going to give you some money. .oi so'i da zi jdima fi mi Oh no! I just spent so much money! Copyright, I'm going to smell it. QeD lo'lu'chugh 'ej yepHa'chugh QoblaH QeD. Science can be dangerous when applied carelessly. Q input sequence at that time. This is probably that there are no questions available. Ne movez. Don't move. No, it's all right. Krima incendiado estas krima ago. Arson is a criminal act. It's wickednessless. Ĉu vi konas nin? Do you know us? Do you know us? Sania e intelijentia es la du bondises de vive. Health and intellect are the two blessings of life. San still, that's the first two made of you. Ĉu al ili mankas ilia patrino? Do they miss their mother? They don't miss their mother? mi pensi zo'e pe lo nu cliva I think about something leaving. I think we're moving out. Tu posse usar mi dictionarium. You can use my dictionary. You've turned on to use the mina. mu'mey nIv wIv qonwI'. Poets select the best words. We've got some pretty hard to hear them. Macobuloj estas miaj heredaĵoj; falafeloj ne estas. Matza balls are my heritage; falafels are not. These are my heritages. The Lists of fools are not. Nol solmente le ballas; anque le baston ha essite furate heri. Not only the balls; the bat was also stolen yesterday. No, it's only the one who has been cut off. mi pu tirna lo nu camki'a I heard a scream. I'll take care of it .i mi do tavla ca lo pare'u ba nunka'e I'll get in touch with you as soon as possible. I'm going to be sure that's what we're going to do now. Kie mi lasis la aŭtoŝlosilon? Where did I put the car key? Where did I leave the car? za'u ra pu tinbe nai lo be lo nei se nupre They didn't keep their promise. Just tell me how big you are doing, don't take it if you don't like it, do that. Kial mi ne havas tian amikon? Why don't I have a friend like that? Why don't I have a friend like that? Si solmente le pluvia cessarea! If only it would stop raining! If you're only going to give up! Нос иа балдони лос. We threw them away. else appeared to end up from service............. ............................................. tcaci .ui do You have a habit that I'm happy about. Insert boot disk %u. na catra ko Don't kill yourself. catran Face saper lo a me si tu cambia de opinion. Let me know if you change your mind. Faced let me change your opinion. Mi ne farus tion. I would not do that. I wouldn't do that. ko'a tinju'i lo se cradi They are listening to the radio. It's about time to think about it. Mal fortunas veni sola nunca. Misfortunes never come singly. I'll bet you'll be alone now. moH mIlloghvetlh 'e' vIQubbe'. jIQoch, 'IHqu'law'. That picture doesn't seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think it's rather beautiful. If you think I've got some questions in the world, we don't know what I would like to do. .e'o do pinxe lo tcati Please drink tea. Insert boot disk %u Se'vIr malja' vItoy'. I work for a firm of publishers. If it's nothing wrong, you know. Ka vu esas nova studianto? Are you a new student? You're a new guy? da e'o ciksi lo nu mu'i makau la tom ca fengu Could someone tell me why Tom is angry? It's a good hand, and it's a good thing for you. .a'onaicai There's no hope. Exponent [^ or try again. 'IH tam 'ej loy'. Tom is handsome and charismatic. 'Her' doesn't appear to be a 'y'. Tírastë. The two of you are watching. Tíëa. loD Quch ghaH tam'e'. Tom is a happy man. I'll just take the rest of the universe. Ni alproksimiĝas, vi kaj mi. We're converging, you and I. We're getting closer, you and me. Tom crede en reincarne. Tom believes in reincarnation. Tom believes in relocation. ko'a na cmima She's not a member. Anonymous tag found and tags can not be created Ubi? Where? By the way? ei mi cusku lu na go'i li'u do I must say no to you. And I've got to give them a good nose, and he's going to take it off Elu savas to. She knows that. Elus it to me. Le feminas american non habeva le derecto de votar. American women didn't have the right to vote. Could not close temporary folder: %s Gepük obik blibom ot. My response remains the same. Ypressycuci or sweet. Ĉu ŝi vere estas la fratino de Tomo? Is that really Tom's sister? Is she really the sister of Tom? Де куандо туа пел ес жалин? Since when is your skin jaundiced? such as do not want to know why do you want to do it? raxipa se fanza lo nu raxire nalju'o She is annoyed at his ignorance. rapapa baby if it's really good for us Ĉu mi povas pruntepreni vian poŝtukon por viŝi mian nazon? May I borrow your hankie to wipe my nose? Can I borrow your mail to wash my nose? Mi filia ha essite dupate. My daughter was cheated. I've been in love with you. Li bonege parolas kaj la anglan kaj la francan. He can speak both English and French very well. He speaks great and English and French. Mi kutime ne kantas en la duŝejo. I don't usually sing in the shower. I usually don't sing in the two room. Io ha un oculo de vitro. I have a glass eye. I don't have anything to feed you. La domo estas tre malnova. Necesas riparo, antaŭ ol vi vendos ĝin. The house is very old. It needs repairing before you sell it. The house is very old. You have to bind up before you sell it. Tomo nomas falsaj ĉiujn novaĵojn pri kiuj li ne konsentas. Tom calls all the news that he disagrees with fake news. It's called false news about which he doesn't agree. Toct i glheþen tiennent dels mundarts. All languages have dialects. Toct iglt she's kind of new arts. mi tinbe le platu le sorgu'etru I'm following the plans made by congress. Let's do it again Me pensa ce el razona bon. I'm afraid that he is right. I think it's good. Li estis tute senesperiĝinta. He had lost all hope. He was very scared. chaHvaD tlhIm chu' je'ta' vay'. Somebody brought them a new carpet. We've had no idea what I did to do with you. malja'wIj vIDev. I run my own business. That's my fault. Il ha solmente pauc homines qui non sape isto. There are but a few men who don't know that. You have only access to the top animals that don't know this. le vi glazenca'a cu se livla lo ctile This heating device uses oil as fuel. you'll give up your pants if he's a good boy. Ica pinguinyuno esas tre beleta! This baby penguin is too cute! I don't want to be nice! Tiu filmo estas enua. This video is boring. This film is invaua. xu do nelci lo najnimre Do you like oranges? x non-calecim Me vidis la cinematografuro per la video-aparato. I saw the movie on video. I saw the cinemate in the video device. Tom esas trolernero. Tom is a nerd. Tom is tooler. Si. Yes. Sir. Binobs talopels. We are Australians. Let's drink. rop nI'mo' pujqu'taH SoSwI'. My mother was very weak from a long illness. Professor, it's a serious deal of yours. That's why you take it? ei do tadni ta'i lo se mau carmi You need to study harder. and then, let's go, if I'm still in love Oni diras, ke lia onklo laboris por ili. They say that his uncle worked for them. They say his uncle worked for them. La lampoj aŭtomate malŝaltiĝas. The lights automatically turn off. The lamps are automatically turned off. El ia abandona islam. He abandoned Islam. It's a kind of leaving. Qal chaH. They swam. Qal developments. Esce tu veni con me? Are you coming with me? Esc made me come with you? Le pictor de paisages faceva alicun retoccos al pictura. The landscape painter made some touch-ups to the painting. Media Player Actualmente nos non lo ha in stock. Currently we don't have it in stock. Server is not supported. Elua pelo esas pure blanka. Her skin is pure white. Fromulo is clean white. Hay un cane in ti-ci chambre. There is a dog in this room. Hay a can in a tank. Mi kredas ĝin. I believe it. I believe it. Zorgu ke oni fermos la pordon je la deka. See to it that the door is locked at 10. Be careful you'll close the door on the tenth. Ka vua nova domo plezas vu? Are you pleased with your new house? Do you want to join a new house? Oni atakas vian kastelon. Your castle is under attack. They're attacking your castle. ju'o mi pu viska ra I'm certain, I saw him. juuro I'll take you away La gala ia fini. The show is over. The glass is running out of the way. Linglänapük binon fulik vödas romanik. English is full of Romance words. Uglyäh balloon is a flexible bag that makes up a man'sromania. Esce soldi es la dia prima de la semana? Is Sunday the first day of the week? Esc alone is the di dargliela prima, if the Manual? Me nun facas longa pauzo for Interreto. I am taking an extended break from the Internet. I now do not have access to the Internet. Le policia ha identificate Dan per su impressiones digitales. The police identified Dan by his fingerprints. The police have kept identification by Dan. Iujn aferojn mi neniam lernos. I'll never learn some things. Some things I'll never learn. Li habitas en sociala lojeyo. They live in the projects. He has been blocking in socialness. Voluntez tacar. Please don't say anything. Please, wait! George ha un pomo de Adam incredibilemente grande. George has an incredibly large Adam's apple. George has a due time of Adam in many days. Li preterpaŝis la pordon je la unua kaj duono. He walked past the door at half-past one. He passed along the door at the first and half. waqmeylIj vIparHa'. I like your shoes. The laws of Man have fun. lo fanri cu pilno so'i pluja minji The factory uses many complicated machines. Install a workstation Proque vos las cerca? Why are you looking for them? You're looking for your search? Pote io reservar duo placias pro iste volo? Can I book two seats on that flight? Can something backup file for this will be disabled? 'Imyaghmey ghughtaH vIghro'mey. The cats are meowing. 'I'm sorry, we're going to talk about it. Ŝi estas afabla persono. She's a kind person. She's a nice person. Kiel vi povas vidi, oni bezonas anstataŭigi la tegmenton. As you can see, the roof needs to be replaced. As you can see, you need to replace the roof. Nos totes ha essite surprendite del assignation del Sr Brown pro le carga de director. We were all surprised at the appointment of Mr Brown as director. We have all been on the part of the Since you've got it for the Job's sake. ghorgh pa' DapawlaH? At what time will you be able to be there? There's a gas program? DIvI' Hol Qatlh law' mI' QeD Qatlh puS 'e' vItu'. English is tougher for me than math. You know what I've got to do with them. You can't do this thing. Bíi ril sháad le ulinedi wa. I am going to school. No, I can't see you now. Mi ne ŝatis la intrigon de tiu filmo. I didn't like the plot of that movie. I didn't like the idea of this film. Li kontraktis asekuron kontraŭ akcidentoj. He took out accident insurance. He did insurance against accident. Ĉu la sonoriganto estis vi? Were you the one who rung the bell? The sound was you? Tom volas, ke Mary pardonpetu. Tom wants Mary to apologize. Tom wants Mary sorry. Ni evaluas la domajo ye 1000 dolari. We estimated the damage at $1,000. We're going to make the home in 1000 ways. Me placerea un the. I'd like a tea. I'm wearing a place. Nos son feminas. We are women. We're in trouble. luleghpu'. They've seen her. I'm going to see you. le dinju pu smaji The house was silent. Touch the lights like you're good at the top of your hands Hiel Tom efanom elis Pokémon alik in el Pokémon Go. Tom has caught every Pokémon in Pokémon Go. Hiel Tom efan de Pokénici in Pybmon Goi. Mi volas justecon. I want justice. I want justice. Ĝis vidatingo videblis nur sablo. As far as the eye could reach, nothing was to be seen but sand. Until you can just sand. Reinos. It is raining. Ms. mi na se bangu lo banxe'ebu I don't speak Hebrew. Let me bppuzx Esce tu ave biletas de des euros? Do you have ten euro bills? Escl How much longer do you get it? ti mutce xamgu pemci I call that some poem. This is a Very Xubuntu Lasu min bonvole rigardi la menuon. Please let me take a look at the menu. Let me look at the menu. Tomo estas vicprezidanto de la Berlina Asocio de Abelistoj. Tom is deputy chairman of the Berlin Association of Beekeepers. Tom is a member of the Berlin Association of Abel. Ĉi-nokte iĝas tre malvarme. Eble neĝos morgaŭ. It gets very cold tonight. Maybe it will snow tomorrow. It's going to be very cold... maybe snow tomorrow. Il face plus calide hodie que heri. It is warmer today than yesterday. You face to make sure you want to make sure you want to die. Mi estas Rikardo, mi estas 33-jaraĝa kaj mi loĝas en Rio. I'm Ricardo, I'm 33 years old and I live in Rio. I'm Rita, I'm 33 years old and I live in Rio. Me esperas ke vu tote risaneskos. I hope you will be completely cured. I hope you're all right. Ille nos stupefaceva per su movimentos rapide. He astonished us by his rapid movements. They're sorry, they're going to change themselves quickly. Ili ekamis la saman knabinon. They fell in love with the same girl. They loved the same girl. Estas forko. There is a fork. It's gone. tam HaqnISlu'. Tom needs surgery. What do you mean? A prime vista, illes pare un familia felice. At first glance, they're a happy family. It's first you're dead. They're going to have a family happy. .e'o do di'a cusku lo do lisri Please go on with your story. So, let's go, let's go! la tom ca ca'o cmila Tom is laughing. On the right-Screen Keyboard Ŝajnas al mi ke vi ne samopinias. It seems to me that you don't agree. You don't think you don't agree with me. mi djica fe po'o lo nu mi kakne lo ka sipna I just wish I could sleep. I've put it on the other hand, I'm going to take it off Äpukob ko Tomas ädelo. I talked with Tom yesterday. desired Tomas Tomasäde. Io videva occider lo. I saw it being killed. Something that's happened to you. ghojmoHwI' QaQ jIH 'e' vISov. I know I'm a good teacher. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. To evenit ante tri dies. That happened three days ago. To make three days live before three days. Tom binom plitülik. Tom is nice. Tom binm moreükli. vIqaSmoH. I caused this. I don't know what you're doing. Acel xica gusta acel musica. That girl likes that music. Listen to music music music. Mi timas, ke mi havas internan sangadon. I'm afraid I have internal bleeding. I'm afraid I've got an inner blood. .i le za'u nixli ba jai cumki fai le ka pu ku klama le jai tu'i se tigni Girls will have possibly gone to the show. Let's see what we're going to do? la .meris. cizra Mary is weird. It's your fault. nuq neH tam? What does Tom want? What kind of surprise? .o'e ki'e Thank you, my dear. . Earth's at all. mi na ca xagji Right now, I'm not hungry. I'm sick of the ca xaji ko na cikre lo na'e spofu If it isn't broken, don't fix it. Don't think we'reof_of_of_of_of_of_of La fem gusta leje jornales. She likes to read magazines. It's the smell of work. Tom es un modiste. Tom is a fashion designer. Tom is a temporary file. yIbItQo'! Don't be so tense. - You're such a executed by yourself. Si le tempore non es real, alora le linea divisori inter iste mundo e le eternitate, inter suffrentia e felicitate, inter le bono e le mal, es tamben un illusion. If time is not real, then the dividing line between this world and eternity, between suffering and bliss, between good and evil, is also an illusion. If your time is not true, then the line is usually between this and the people who have ultimate control over all parameters of this mailing list. They are able to change any list configuration variable available through these administration web pages. The change any list moderators have more limited permissions; they are not able to change any list configuration variable, but they are allowed to tend to pending administration requests, including approving or rejecting held subscription requests, and disposing of held postings. Of course, the list administrators can also tend to pending requests. In order to split the list ownership duties into administrators and moderators, you must set a separate moderator password, and also provide the e-mail addresses of the list moderators. Note that the field you are changing here specifies the list administrators. loD choptaH be'. She is kissing him. It's supported by your side. Mi ne scipovas paroli la anglan lingvon, kaj eĉ malpli la hispanan. I cannot speak English, much less Spanish. I don't know English language, and even less Spanish. Ille jorno venira. That day shall come. They're coming. ma xagrai fi lo ka tolpli lo temci What should I do to save time? The oufuku (reply postcard) Iston i nîf lîn. I know your face. This is why it's all right. mi to'e nelci la .esperanton. .imu'i dukse nandu I don't like Esperanto, because it is too difficult. I don't think so. Io pensa que vos deberea observar un dieta. I think you'd better go on a diet. Something you should guess something. Tom ne parolos kun vi, li estas en malbona humoro. Tom won't speak to you, he's in a bad mood. Tom won't talk with you, he's in a bad way. Ĉu vi ne volas paroli pri tio? Don't you want to talk about that? Don't you want to talk about that? Que merda es tu rationamento? What the fuck is your reasoning? What the hell is your reason? Me no es dormos. I'm not sleepy. I'm not going to sleep. ko'a cumki klama She may come. Absolute value [u] lo proletari cu ei cirko lo po'o linsi pe lo nei The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. A woman who doesn't need to be eaten and forth Cual cosa vos vole de nos? What do you want from us? Do you want to end up for us? Tom se acrocava. Tom got hooked. Tom six ocia. Io ha besonio de te. I want you. Something has been needed. mi se prami lo me mi mamta I am loved by my mother. I'm still in my life, ma'am xu do glabi'a Do you have a fever? xuwwww Miaj patrinoj sanas. My parents are healthy. My mother's healthy. Bonvolu doni al mi ian varman trinkaĵon. Please give me something hot to drink. Please give me some hot drink. Ме иа паса ла диа кон ла фамилиа. I spent the day with family. such as do not exist. No kanob glömön logis ofik. I can't forget her eyes. No reedary internal function found. Mi estas certa, ke Tom estus dirinta tion al mi, se li estus sciinta ĝin. I'm sure Tom would've told me if he'd known. I'm sure Tom would tell me if he would know it. Parolez plu laute! Speak up! Speak again! Forsan le guillotina non es perfecte mais illo es le systema le melior que on ha. The guillotine may not be perfect but it's the best system we have. It's a better thing for you, but it's not really taken away the system that it's good for you. Li pom esset manjat de me. The apple was eaten by me. He's going to eat from me. Ons meritons oni. They deserve it. They`re all right. Kutime ni tagmanĝas vespere. We usually have our main meal of the day in the evening. We typically eat tonight. Lingua es un organisme vivente. Language is a living organism. So that's just a lot of living. Rey Hussein viagea a Cairo. King Hussein travelled to Cairo. Rey Husina won't you think so much? Io es de accordo con te que le espaniol e le portugese es hodie linguas tanto relevante como le francese, e multo plus que le italiano. I agree with you that today Spanish and Portuguese are as relevant as French, and much more relevant than Italian. Something you want to know that you are subscribing to this mailing list owner, and more than the Italian languages are part of the field. No nedob saneli. I don't need a doctor. No-time health. pay' ba'choH cheSHom qIj 'ej 'IQqu'law'. Suddenly the little black rabbit sat down, and looked very sad. All right, let's do that. That's right, let's go! Ca pizza esas malega. This pizza is really bad. C6/C5paper size Quando William Herschel discoperiva Urano, ille initialmente pensava que ille habeva discoperite un cometa. When William Herschel discovered Uranus, he at first thought he had discovered a comet. When William Hers Dawkins's surface, they're thinking about what they're thinking about on top of each other. Rigardu tiun malordon. Look at this mess. Look at that mess. mutce terpa tu'a lo manku She is very afraid of the dark. Very hard to miss yours. Nos es amicos desde alora. We've been friends ever since. We're going to love it. Mi estas membro de la vendo-sekcio. I am a member of the sales department. I'm a member of the sale. DaHjaj boH vav. Dad's in an impatient mood today. I now turn back my boot. Том иа дебе аборте ла виажа. Tom had to cancel his trip. such as do not exist. Como veniva ille? How did he come? How do they come? Me odia la interede. I hate the Internet. I hate the interview. Me xico de cor ia encontra un ami ge a la plaia. My boyfriend met a gay friend at the beach. My dragon's Subscript is running in a bunch of love to be members. Mi povas fari tion por li, ne vi. I can do that for him, you can't. I can do it for him, you don't. puH Duj chIj ghaH qar'a'? He drives a car, doesn't he? How much do you want to avoid seven minutes? ghel neHlu''a'? Any questions? Don't be silly. No kanom svimön. He can't swim. No reedmsvit. On ave insetos usosa en la mundo. There are useful insects in the world. You're too bad to use in everyone's place. Tikob velatiko das ogebon etosi. I do think people will use it. It's the only thing that's got to do with it. Isto dice toto. That says it all. This dice everything. Io vadeva a un curso super le solipsismo e il habeva necuno salvo me. I went to a class on solipsism and there was nobody but me there. Something's wrong with the only mothers": %s Ella explicat un joca. She explained a joke. Out of the explanation one of these things. do ma ca'o klama Where are you headed? So cao dilama xu do se pluka lo ka ce'u gau ze'i nai denpa Do you like to be kept waiting? x if you played by the hard disk La blua rozi esas tre bela. The blue roses are very beautiful. The blue rose is very beautiful. Emily volas lerni la grekan. Emily wants to learn Greek. And I want to learn Greek. Ni esas to quon ni pensas. We are what we think. We're what we think. lo ta gerku cu tcelaldo That dog is really old! A shell woman who knows what's done Sami odiava aqua. Sami hated water. Sam calculate a already exists. Yo ama infantes. I like children. But that's what you like. Ĉi tiu seĝo estas farita el plasto. This chair is made of plastic. This chair is made out of a lake. mi'a pu casnu so'i zo'e We talked of many things. I've been on some kind of guy La imperiestro ne portas ula vesti. The emperor doesn't have any clothes on. The Abbot doesn't have some clothes on. ra me lo melbi ninmu She is a beautiful woman. It's a mebibibi. do ca'o mi'afra ma What are you laughing at? So, I'm sorry, ma'am. va, Hamlet, jIHvaD bIDDaq tIq Dachevta'. O Hamlet, you have broken my heart in two. That's where Halet you take place, because it's two reasons are cursed by the city where we take care of it. Mi estas tre okupata, do ne kalkulu je mi. I'm very busy so don't count on me. I'm busy, so don't count me. yIlIj. Forget him. Thank you. Telefonez al hemo ante departar vua laboreyo. Be sure to call home before you leave the office. Goes to the front of the United States. Mi pensas, ke mi ricevos la bildon. I think I get the picture. I think I'll get the picture. Non cerca faltas in altere personas. Don't try to find fault with others. Could not close temporary folder: %s For la manojn! Hands off. Get your hands! la tom pu djica lo nu zvati ckire la maris Tom wanted to thank Mary in person. Let's see what the sea was doing. Tom dirije un otel. Tom manages a hotel. Tom told me something. do lumci lo palta doi ben You wash the dishes, Ben. So Duration: A nobla kavalo ne importas aboyanta hundo. A noble horse doesn't care about a barking dog. A noble dog doesn't say anything. Me kustumis havar hundo. I used to have a dog. He's an old dog. mi nitcu lo nu tavla do I've got to speak to you. Let's go and let's go do it La vintra suno varmigas nur iomete. The winter's sun gives only little warmth. The winter sun warms just a little bit. la .tom. ta'e pante Tom complains all the time. Let's go. Kiam la vetero belis, Tom ĉiam lasis sian fenestron malfermita. When the weather was nice, Tom always left his windows open. When the weather was beautiful, Tom always left his window open. Elu sempre fumas. She is always smoking. E looking at the smoke. Nos es tres horas in retardo. We're three hours behind schedule. We're very sure to schedule the network. cha' loDnI'pu' vIghaj jIH. I have two brothers. I'm going to talk to you. Il es clarmente le responsabilitate de Tom. It's clearly Tom's responsibility. I've got sex with Tom. Me gusta jua a futbal. I like to play soccer. I'm not going to know what I'm going to do. Mi baldaŭ alvokos vin. I'll call you soon. I'll call you soon. nuSovbe'. They don't know us. That's it. Tom opiniis ke estus amuze iri viziti John kaj Mary dum la semajnfino. Tom thought it would be fun to go visit John and Mary for the weekend. Tom thought it would be fun to go visit John and Mary in the weekend. ko darno Keep your distance. dano dano Plidol-li fragis? Do you like strawberries? It's more than my brother's brother. vuD Hutlhbogh Hol'e' tu'lu'be'. Language cannot exist without thought. That's why we've been on the other side of your life. Dice lo a totos. Tell everybody. Damn it's all right. Unquam il habeva un catto cuje nomine era Tango. Once upon a time, there was a cat whose name was Tango. Unhandled tag: '%s'calendar:YM maHvaD qay' Doch Dop'e'. It is the opposite that is a problem for us. I think it quite likely that we are the rest of the universe. Sekvan semajnon mi laboros vojaĝinte al Tokio. I'll be in Tokyo on business next week. Next week I would go to Tokyo. Ägivom buki ofe. He gave her a book. Applause. Ŝi vendas frandaĵojn por ke ŝi povu ĝajni iomete da mono. She sells sweets so she can make a little bit of money. She sells property for that she can get a little money. Acel no es orijinal. That's not original. Malcolm. hunter@gmx. co. uk Esque iste traino veni de Paris? Is this train from Paris? Are you sure you want to come from Paris? Debite a un forte frigido, ille non poteva participar in le partita. Owing to a bad cold, he could not take part in the game. Should a strong fire, they can't fall into the party. Lödobs nilü jul. We live near the school. L marks generate Qüde. Mi jam diris ĉion. I've had my say. I told you everything. Non vos aventura! Don't risk it! Not an adventure! Esque vos pote intender Tom? Are you able to understand Tom? Excuse me, can you come in with Tom? Ĉu vi vere volas helpi al ili? Do you really want to help them? Do you really want to help them? Mary fordonis sian tutan monon. Mary gave away all her money. Mary gave up all his money. jIlaDmeH poH vIHutlh. I have no time for reading. I think it quite likely that we are the three hundred light years. Esce tu ia proba a cualce ves agopuntur? Have you ever tried acupuncture? Esca something made up into a telepathy action? Oh, tu vadera a casa iste vespere! Oh, you're going home tonight! Oh, your mouse, ma'am. Mea boko sikeskis. My mouth was dry. I've booted. do jimpe tu'a mi i sefabo serai vajni You understand me, and that's the most important thing. So, if I'm thirsty, I'm going to turn away. Mia nova Alfa Romeo aŭtomobilo estas helruĝa. My new Alfa Romeo convertible is light red. My new Alpha Rome is a bright spot. e'e doi la tom mi'a ca'o jundi Go on, Tom, we're listening. All right, I am the guy who knows me. Nu, pli strangaj aferoj okazis. Well, stranger things have happened. Well, there's more weird things going to be. Tom ave sua auto propre. Tom has his own car. Tomio sulice. Lioluniko binon pon at? How long is this bridge? He knows what? El no es malada. He's not sick. There's nothing wrong with this. Ta ce nos escuta musica. Let's listen to some music. So we're going to make music music music. Pedro, quanta linguin tu savas? Pedro, how many languages do you know? Pete, when do you save language? Le amor es, de facto, le agente del synthese universal. Love, in fact, is the agent of universal synthesis. The love is actually, of the same, and of the leading slot. la.pacrid. gasnu lo nu mi co'e The Devil made me do it. I won't be able to stay here. Vos pare relaxate. You look relaxed. You can sign up if you want to. Mi volas, ke Tom daŭrigu fari ekzakte, kion li estis faranta. I want Tom to keep doing just what he's been doing. I want you to do exactly what he was doing. Ma le alte precio del pan conduceva al fame massive inter le gente commun de Francia, qui resentiva le nobles ric del pais, qui habeva le moneta necessari pro mangiar ben e construer enorme mansiones, durante que illes debeva dormir in le stratas. But the high price of bread led to mass starvation among the common people of France, who resented the rich nobles of the country who had the money needed to eat well and build huge mansions while they had to sleep on the streets. But the high quality of path with don't want to worry, but they're supposed to sleep in the streets of France, so that they must sleep in the midst of the streets. mIplaw'. He seems to be rich. Thank you very much. Tomas löfom pükön dö yag. Tom likes talking about hunting. Tomas sex or anal intercourse is generally the insertion and thrusting of the erect penis into a person's evolution. vIghro' yIje'. Please feed the cat. It's where we've come from. mi pu co'a viska la nami,es.amuros. I caught sight of Namie Amuro. I'll drive you the puzzle because it's okay, ma'am. Mi serĉos batalilon. I'll look for a weapon. I'll search the weapons. Ĉesu babili. Stop babbling. Stop talking. nandu fa lo nu kavbu lo cicyractu lo xance It is difficult to catch a rabbit by hand. Hard virtual desktop audio plugin for virtual machine xance o'anai no da bersa mi I have no son. A o'am no such thing as I've been. Tom esset veloci. Tom was quick. Tom is ain't ready. Io justo deveniva presidente de Poetas sin domos. I just became president of Poets Without Homes. A court of justice causes justice to come home. Illes la faceva apprender mathematica. They made her learn maths. They're make sure they're going to make sure you're going to stop. Li tranĉis la pomon en duonojn. He cut the apple in half. He cuts the pieces in half parts. xomei lo'i ratni be lo tabno ne'i lo xumsle be lo metxani How many carbon atoms does methane have? Unix systems are characterized by a radius of a programming language No pladolöd cili ini sakäd! Do not put child into bag! No charger of the term we'll have sex with each other! Noi deve trovar it. We must find it. No chance to find a life. Si nos descendeva troppo profundemente in le structura de qualcunque cosa, nos trovarea mathematica sol. Go down deep enough into anything and you will find mathematics. If we're going to hit too deep in the lake that we've got something else but we're going to find an eye alone. mi xebni lo ckafi I hate coffee. I xexweka Tomo kaj Manjo estis koramikoj dum pli-malpli tri monatoj antaŭ kelkaj jaroj. Tom and Mary dated each other for about three months a few years ago. Thomas and Marie was in love for over three months ago. Ni provu eniri. Let's try and get in. Let's try to get in. Kie troviĝas la fervoja stacidomo? Where is the railway station? Where is the fuck station station? mi jinvi lo me mi moi lo ra se casnu I have my own thoughts on that subject. If you want to unsubscribe from me, I will take a hard day, even if I believe that it is really hard for you Tenis es meа sporte favoreda. Tennis is my favorite sport. Hold on, I got sporte. De qui es ti-ci bebé Whose baby is this? From that time it's me-bé ma pu facki tu'a ko'a Who found her? Manually do you want to know that you're out of your eyes? mev chaH 'e' vItlhob. I asked them to stop. Cancel the seem to be sure that we really want to use. El ofensesis pro la konduto di sua filiino. She took offense at her daughter's behavior. Out of the way, it's necessary to be the behavior. Ubi es le cacatorio? Where's the crapper? North is the United States? Quon studias la sovietologiisto? What does a Sovietologist study? Qunced the driver? Tomo ne estis ema fari, kion ni atendis de li. Tom was unwilling to do what we wanted him to do. Tom wasn't afraid to do what we expected from him. vemmoHwI'Daj lIS tam. Tom set his alarm. Hey, you know, there's a lot of music. wej be'nal Deq vIghaj. I have three ex-wives. I'm going to tell you how to come from. e'u klama co limna Let's go swimming. e' llapan mi'a tadni We're students. I'dath Si tu ha bibite multo, il es mejor non guidar. If you've had a lot to drink, it's best not to drive. If you have a lot, you know, it's a kgm. Tom e Mary ancora son in Boston. Tom and Mary are still in Boston. Tom and Marya still sound in Boston. Dise a Tom la veria. Tell the truth to Tom. It doesn't matter. An vos vole divider un orange? Do you guys want to share an orange? An rear wants to make a fine gold? Tota gatos es bela. All cats are beautiful. To be wonderful, it's beautiful. mi senpi lo du'u la .tam. cu gleki lo ri cnino jibri I doubt that Tom is happy with his new job. I'll give you a couple of money. Mia retkonekto sporade havas problemojn. My connection has sporadic problems. My network needs problems. Susan binof kukel gudik. Susan is a good cook. How much do you want to do? El conose el. She knows them. It will come out of here. ckire do fi'o mutce sai Thank you very, very much! Let's take a lot of Very hard disk Fuma vos? Do you smoke? What are you doing? sai nai na lakne It's not likely but possible. na na na na na na na letqu'choH SerrumwIj. My earwax got very hard. That's my concern! That it true. Dice la lo. Tell her. So what's the matter? Le precios es multo alte in iste boteca. Prices are very high in this store. The story is very high in this very hasn't been told. do tsali You are strong. So why don't you do it? Ni atingis Viracopos je la unua matene. We arrived at Viracopos at one o'clock in the morning. We got an optional thing on the first morning. DaH pagh vIHutlhtaH. Right now I want for nothing. This brings me to the last of your vocabulary. Tom, it es tui matre. Tom, it's your mother. Tom, it's your body. Iste information es confidential. This information is confidential. This information is ack. Ni nun laboras super tio. We're working on that now. We're working on that. Julia besa la sua fia. Julia kisses her daughter. Julia is Masa. Tre malvarmis en tiu vintro. It was very cold that winter. Very cold in that winter. La Amazona Arbaro estas la plej granda tropika arbaro sur la Tero. The Amazonian forest is the largest tropical forest on Earth. The Amazon Air forest is the biggestest sea on Earth. chay' ghojmeH ghItlhwI'lIj nguvlu'? What colour is your pencil? That's why they've been on the other side of the universe? Atentu pri tio, kion vi manĝas. Be careful about what you eat. Watch out for what you're eating. .ianaicai I just don't believe it. I'm afraid I'm going to talk about it. On dise ce el ia es musiciste cuando el ia es joven. They say he was a musician when he was young. On the contrary, some of some kind of bell, of some of some of us are about to do some of them. La lasta parto de la legendo estis aldonita poste. The last part of the legend was added later. The last part of the legend was added later. Mi opinias, ke mi povas solvi tion. I think I can fix this. I think I can solve this. Ne estas rimedo kontraŭ la morto. There's no cure for death. It's not a way against death. Esque noi ne posse conversar tranquilmen pri to? Can't we chat calmly about that? 'Why didn't you do it?' La oficeja lingvo en Tajlando estas la taja lingvo. Thai is the official language in Thailand. The office language language in Thailand is the language of the law. Ille recipeva un littera recommendate. He received a registered letter. They're going to pretend he's recommended. mi ca ca'o catlu la tom I'm looking for Tom. I'm the guy who's got a look at me. Qui ruptet to? Who broke this? Qui pipe to what? Iu estas en la domo. Someone's in the house. Someone's in the house. Mia patro ŝatas sian kafon forta. My father likes his coffee strong. My father likes his coffee. Tom odia laborar. Tom hates working. Tom hate work. Mi certas, ke Tomo ne malamas vin. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. Mi ne volis seniluziigi ŝin. I did not mean to disappoint her. I didn't want to let her down. Io transi ben ab viro a femina. I am transitioning well from a man to a woman. Something beyond a plant is a man toAdd. Paco restariĝis post tri jaroj de milito. Peace has returned after three years of war. Peace began after three years of war. tom vInejlI'. Daleghpu''a'? I'm looking for Tom. Have you seen him? All right, don't feed me. Lan familie preferar non fumar. Her family prefers not to smoke. I used to smoke the parents who used to smoke. Mi telefonos al li antaŭ ol mi iros. I'll call him before I go. I'll call him before I go. ko'a nupre lo nu sidju kei ma'a He promised he would help us. Ubuntu Help le nu ko'a xandegda'i cu simlu lo ka lidysna kei le la .alisi,ys kerlo noi tcega'e The drumming of his fingers was thunderous to Alicia's sensitive ears. let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. Mi estis tiu, kiu instruis Tomason legi. I was the one who taught Tom how to read. I was he who taught Thomas to read. Nulu interesesas. Nobody is interested. Now it's interesting. An le pomo es rubie? Is the apple red? An Ruby is the Ruby? Ĉu vi vere venos? Will you really come? Are you really coming? Pro quo la policisti es hike? Why are the police here? What are the police doing? Ta qua esas teroristo por ulu, esas liberes-kombatanto por altru. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Tast is a land for sweet, it's freely freely a pig who's been subject to destruction. Omni puellas porta rosi calsonettes. All girls wear pink panties. I'll bet you're all fucking up to bed. Amsterdam binon cifazif Nedäna. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. run up. You don't want to be sure. ghob wembe' mIpHa'ghach. Poverty is no vice. correctly we're out of Japan's power. Qel ghaH'a' vavDaj'e'? Is her father a doctor? I mean, my dear, how can I stand? mi te simlu lo ka zo'e mi mipyzga It seems to me that someone is spying on me. Let's go, let's go, let's move! Yo posse manjar vitre; it ne dole me. I can eat glass, it does not hurt me. But you're going to eat it, that's not me. Ĉu vi sciigos al mi, kiam li venos? Will you let me know when he comes? Will you tell me when he comes? ko'a zvati ta They are there. kova zvati wa'maH wej jeqqIjmey wIghaj. We have thirteen clubs. The big ones onq%s have been on Earth. Ni estas tre similaj. We are very similar. We are very similar. ko carmi tadni You must study hard. camitadn La cielo es blua. The sky is blue. The blue one is blue. Mi estis tre surprizita de ŝia subita ŝanĝo de intenco. I was very much surprised by her sudden change of mind. I was very surprised by her sudden change. Tomo ĵuris, ke li neniun diris pri la sekreto. Tom swore that he didn't tell anyone about the secret. Tom swore that he didn't say anything about the secret. Sinjoro Jackson estas bonega instruisto. Mr. Jackson is a great teacher. Mr. Jack is a great teacher. mi tordu I'm short. I'll have an old one Ni lernis ke la Tero ĉirkaŭiras la Sunon. We learned that the earth goes around the sun. We learned that the Earth's going around the Sun. mi pu klama co sipna I went to sleep. I'll take you out of here. Nos ave multe espertia en esta area. We have a lot of expertise in this area. We're in love with a lot of thought. Me ama la neva. I love snow. Don't like that. La batalo por Belleau Wood daŭris tri semajnojn. The Battle for Belleau Wood lasted three weeks. The battle for Bel Water War was spending three weeks. Fit e mit binoms fids gudik, sod telid binom delidikum ka balid. Fish and meat are both nourishing, but the latter is more expensive than the former. I'm going to send a gun, so I can't see anything. Ädunoms valikosi, keli äkanoms. They did all they could. upnomsurk will gli that äämsts. tlhoy yItlhorghmoHQo'! Not too spicy. Thank you very much indeed. Tomo fervore laboras. Tom works hard. Tom earnestly work. tlhaQbe'. That's not funny. likeaQeq'. Me regardas televisiono. I watch television. It's a pig's fault. yIQaghQo'! Don't make mistakes! - He's hurt! Vi povas demandi Tomason. Ankaŭ li vidis tion! You can ask Tom. He saw it, too! You can ask Thomas, and he saw that! lughbe'chu'. He is quite in the wrong. Let's go, let's go. Illa faceva duo telephonatas pro Tom. She put two calls in for Tom. I mean, two telepsis for Tom. Io pensa que vos es in mi sede. I think you're in my chair. Something you think you're in me but... yorDaq matoSta'. We climbed to the top. y'am 'tod'. Que tu justo me diceva, pecietta de merda? What did you just say to me, you little piece of shit? What do you mean? ko retsku zo'e mi Ask me anything! Let's go, let's go. wa'leS vIHevta' 'e' vIpoQ. I need it by tomorrow. I've got to know what I've got to do. Vi rajtas viziti ĉiam ajn. Stop by anytime. You can always visit anyone. Il esas rapida trovar eroraji en la kaligrafo dil studenti. He is quick to find fault with the student's penmanship. There is a quick finds a quick item in the cellar. ro da ze'a lo ditcu co'a spofu Time destroys everything. `%s' is out of developer.marker Ille nos stupefaceva per mover se rapidemente. He astonished us by moving rapidly. They're sorry, but they're made by default. ra nivji lo nivycreka She is knitting a sweater. ra usji Weyov Kiel oni povas respondi al iu ajn demando, ne konanta la respondon? How can one answer any question, without knowing the answer? How can one answer any question, not knowing the answer? Ĉi tiu knabo ne havas gepatrojn. This boy has no parents. This boy doesn't have parents. Io volerea comprar iste computator, ma illo costa un fortuna! I'd like to buy this computer, but it costs an arm and a leg! Something you want to get out of this computer, but it's going to be a waste! Vi malhavas tempon. You don't have time. You're not going to have time. Me fumas kande me esis yuna. I did smoke when I was young. I smoke when I was a yua. wa'Hu' Heghpu'. He passed away yesterday. Now, I'll see you. Ŝi ne estis malriĉa. She wasn't poor. She wasn't poor. Meа sala ave sola un fenetra. My room has only one window. Me Loginsal Just anetre. Tiu ĉi kunveno estas tempmalŝparo. Ĉiuj nur vage parolas teorie. This meeting is a waste of time. Everybody is just talking in vague theoretical terms. This meeting is a waste of time. pawDI' qaSovmoH. I'll let you know when she arrives. Hey, there's a big deal. ei ko pensi lo zi se cusku be mi bei do You must bear in mind what I've just said to you. And let me think of if I say so. ta noi cukta cu cmalu That book is small. Audio CD Copy mangoy'. We're responsible. I can't mate you in three whatever you do. Ica shui durabas yaro. These shoes have lasted one year. That`s what they`ve got. Malgrado toto, Tom es felice. In spite of everything, Tom is happy. It's all right, Tom's happy. mi xebni do I hate you. I'm xni then El ne manjas karno. She doesn't eat meat. You're not going to eat meat. Sua padre e madre ia es cultivores. His parents were farmers. Sullae is some kind of a mess. Li diábol es un scurel. The devil is a squirrel. He's aábob undercurel. doi barjyse'u mi djica .e'o tu'a lo se pinxe Bartender, I'd like to have a drink. So, in fact, I'll have booted. Ni ne rajtas nun sciigi ajnan detalon. We can't release any details right now. We're not allowed to tell you any detail now. Tomo forpasis pro hepato-kancero. Tom died of liver cancer. Tom is closing for liverance. yISaHQo'! DoyIchlan Hol yajbe' ghaH. Don't worry. He doesn't understand German. That's what you're saying. megh wISopjaj! Let's eat lunch. Oh, don't be silly! Ne ĉiu virino, kiu ekfaras fajron, kuiros. Not every woman who starts a fire will cook. It's not all the woman who starts fire, it's going to burn. rIQ. They were injured. krIQ. Mia patro koleras kontraŭ mi. Father is angry with me. My father is angry with me. muDuQ bomvam. This song speaks to me. He's got a big idea. .ei mi klama lo pulji tcana I have to go to the police station. You see, I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do. Ni baldaŭ ekflugos. We will soon take off. We'll come back soon. An Tom era un toxicomano? Was Tom an addict? An Tom was introduced to Pox? Il ha multe gente qui vole parlar con Tom. There are a lot of people who want to talk to Tom. There's a lot of people want to come in with Tom. Li bezonas kelkajn ŝercojn por malpezigi sian paroladon. He needs a few jokes to lighten up his talk. He needs a few jokes to allow his talk. Ni diskutis, kion fari, kaj kien iri. We discussed what to do and where to go. We reasoned what to do, and where to go. It es tro litt. It's too small. He's too big. Drinobsös kafi. Let's get some coffee. Dr. Nebösk. En 1939 la dua mondmilito komenciĝis. It was in 1939 that the Second World War broke out. In 1939 the second World began. Tomo, vi estus bonega patro. Tom, you would make a great father. Tom, you'd be a great father. Tu ne es rich. You're not rich. You are not public. la .meris. tolse'itro Mary loses her temper easily. It's a linen glass. Mi flugos al Germanio. I will fly to Germany. I'll fly to Germany. Tomo aĉetis novan zonon. Tom bought a new belt. Tom bought a new belt. vi'o nai sai No way! You're Template ju'o do ba snada I'm certain of your success. Numeric Base Io spera que tu te recuperara rapidemente. I hope you'll recover quickly. Something really looks like you're out of time. Lanjo ne volis reiri al la tendaro. Layla didn't want to go back to the camp. Grandma didn't want to go back to the camp. Qualcunque homine qui potera guidar in securitate durante que ille basia un belle puera, ille simplemente non dara al basio le attention que illo merita. Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves. But, I mean, one who can say that they're so beautiful, but they're not just going to take care of it. la .tam. se pendo mi Tom is my friend. I'm going to tell you something. Hurghchugh Daq, qIj 'ej chIS Hoch vIghro'. All cats are grey in the dark. Hue, that is why we are all about to talk about it. Ĉu vi certas, ke tiu estas la ĉambro de Tomo? Are you sure this is Tom's room? Are you sure this is Tom's room? Me havas nulo dicinda ad il. I've got nothing to say to him. I've got nothing to tell you. qech QaQ 'oH 'e' DaQub'a'? Do you think it's a good idea? We're coming in. We got to get out of here! Mi ŝatas naĝi, sed mi ne ŝatas naĝi ĉi tie. I like swimming, but I don't like to swim here. I like swim, but I don't like to swim here. Nek nitedälon. No one's interested. Nor wedä. ta simsa lo ciblu That looks like blood. Arcade Blue ko dunda ta ra Give that to him. Metadata And Alleys Ĝi estas vendita laŭfunte. It is sold by the pound. It's sold after it. Tom es un orfan. Tom is an orphan. Tom is a sweet, isn't it? Me volas kisar tu. I want to kiss you. Me wants kiss. La franca estas ŝia gepatra lingvo. French is her first language. French is her mother's language. Elu ne pensis ke olu drolesis. She didn't think it was funny. Don't think it was a Droler. Ätidob Fransänapüki dü yels kildeg. I taught French for thirty years. requesting homesähäh lop at kips. mi djica lo ka litru ka'ai do I want to travel with you. I think he's dead then Tu ha un bon bibliotheca. You have a good library. You have a good libraries. Vi estas sentalenta. You're untalented. You're stuck. Mea fia ave apena des-sinco anios. My daughter is barely fifteen. I'm sorry. It's not a shame. mi co'i fraxu I already apologized. I'm co'aixu Ла атомес ес ен када коса. Atoms are in everything. such as do not exist. Io ha un catto. I have a cat. Something has a cat. Mea matro ne parolas la Angla tre bone. My mom doesn't speak English very well. I don't speak English very well. Iste puero resimila a su patre. That boy takes after his father. This piece of balls like a hairy. La implicada es zero. The default value is zero. The default value is zero. pIj 'oH lujatlh nuvpu' 'e' vISov. I know people say that a lot. p I/ O'm in favor of your life. mi'o go'a ti'u ma When are we going to do it? Let's go, let's go! Ĝi estas akvoguto en oceano. It's a drop in the bucket. It's water in the ocean. lo remna poi lebna lo befsri stela ba mi'erselcatra .i lo remna poi lebna lo gugde ba turni binxo He who steals a belt buckle will be executed; he who steals a state becomes a prince. I'm going to know what I'm going to do, and I don't know what I'm going to do. baghneQ HInob! Give me the spoon. No, no, no, no! Mi sentas min multe pli sekura nun. I feel much safer now. I feel much better now. Ĉu vi povas vidi lin movi sin? Can you see him moving? Can you see him? Nos non retornara a normalitate proque normalitate era le problema. We won't go back to normality because normality was the problem. We don't lose normalness for normal people experienced the problem. Mia sako estas tre peza. My bag is very heavy. My bag is very heavy. Ille es le personification del genialitate. He is a genius, if ever there is one. They're the same thing by reason of the genius. Qui compra? Who's buying? Quipra? Mi ŝatas ilin. I like them. I like them. bIDaqtaH. You were eavesdropping. That's why we're here. Báa híya rul? Is the cat little? Báaí@item: inlistbox nuv qab jIH'a'? Am I a bad person? I told you that I am Death? Ni ankoraŭ ne decidis, kion ni faru morgaŭ. We haven't yet decided what to do tomorrow. We haven't decided what to do tomorrow. Fuma erba a cada dia. Smoke weed every day. It's a big idea that we have to argue about each other. Ĝis morgaŭ posttagmeze. See you tomorrow afternoon. See you tomorrow. Zif Boston binom-li gletik? Is Boston a big city? Ziph bin notification? U es Toronto? Where's Toronto? Um, it's Toronto? .ei mi bregau mi lo cipra I have to prepare for the test. ^Install Lubuntu Maria ave siles longa. Mary has long eyelashes. Maria Makes long. А но темпо алгун иа ваде а ала е иа виве пер раконта ла нара. No one has ever been there and lived to tell the tale. such as do not belong to else, such as now. Mi vidos vin postmorgaŭ. I'll see you the day after tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. Tomo diris, ke oni arestis neniun. Tom said nobody was arrested. Tom said that they arrested no one. Lastjare mi vizitis Dubrovnikon. Last year, I visted Dubrovnik. Last year I visited Duba. 'Iv chaH jIlpu'lI'? Who are your neighbors? Are you sure you want to quit? jungwoqvo' jIghoS. I come from China. It's nice to see you. Me did venir a Japon fro China. I came to Japan from China. I'd have to come to Jallas fr China. mi na cusku da'u I didn't say it. I`ve done some of them Alicun personas crede que Galileo esseva le prime persona qui construeva un telescopio. Ben que isto non es ver, ille esseva le prime persona qui publicava su observationes de objectos astronomic usante un telescopio. Some people believe that Galileo was the first person who built a telescope. While this is not true, he was the first person who published his observations of astronomical objects through a telescope. All right, this is actually a man's first idea that we're building a couple of people whose heart is not actually going to think about the first part of a public schedule. Illa non poteva dicer un parola. She couldn't utter a word. You cannot move a folder into itself. Iste septimana esseva un experientia meraviliose. This week has been an amazing experience. This week was an increasingly resistant to itself. Ni devintus iri dekstren. We should have turned right. We should have gone to the right. Qel jIH. I'm a doctor. I am Death. Esque io poterea haber un quitantia, per favor? I'd like a receipt, please. Is there anything I may have an event, by favor? mi'ai na ka'e sidju ro da ije ku'i ro da ka'e sidju de We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone. I'm dead off Help Estu trankvila, ili ne trovos nin ĉi tie. Be at ease, they won’t find us down here. Be quiet, they won't find us here. Mea matro evas du yari min kam mea patro. My mother is two years younger than my father. The first time in two years, I'm going to show you my father. Qui ama troppo, odia in simile extremo. Those who love too much, hate in like extreme. Who loves too much, hate in ext. nguq tam qar'a'? Tom is arrogant, isn't he? The don't know what I would like to be like to do? Tomas sagom ole velati. Tom is telling you the truth. Tomas arrow than man's flying. ko'a pu'i klama ki'u lo nu ko'a ricfu Because he was wealthy, he was able to go there. Earth's sake, let's go, let's go, let's go. Le radices del arbore se extende profundemente in le terra. The tree's roots extend deep into the earth. The root of the tree in front of the deep in the mid-nineteenth century. Tom justo nunc ha revenite a Boston. Tom has just returned to Boston. Tom won't be back in Boston. Bíi hi luben wa. This is a map. Bín lu. Son obik pükom obe te ven nedom moni. The only time my son talks to me is when he needs some money. Son or a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas, such as helium, or a gas. Yo es felici que noi fat to. I'm happy we did that. You're so happy that no one can turn off. Ел иа пермане нонспосида тота сya виве. She remained single all her life. such as do not belong to such as now. Tom ellitiĝas ĉiumatene je la sesa. Tom got out of bed every morning at 6 am. Tom gets out every morning at the sixth. Mi estas kamparano. I'm a redneck. I'm a farmer. Rütob demü om. I'm lusting after him. Gütobüg orm. kgm HuDaq Ha'DIbaHmey Huj tu'lu'. There are some strange animals in the zoo. Hue, why do we believe in the universe? India es un land in developation. India is a developing country. In India's place is ain't coming in. Kien ĉiuj iris? Where did everyone go? Where did everybody go? Laboms moni mödik. They have plenty of money. The Aaron's money is going to give it to me. qanqu'. He was very old. I don't care. Ha tu jam finite de facer tu deberes de schola? Have you finished doing your homework yet? Ha, you've already finished your stuff? No kanob fidön. I can't eat. No, I'm not going to tell you that. Germania es un grand land. Germany is a big country. Germany is a great one. Noi have un plan. We have a plan. No plan. Mi estas la instruisto. I'm the teacher. I'm the teacher. xu lo panka cu stuzi so'i tricu Are there many trees in the park? x provides a lot of recently used resource devices. Please make sure it is missing. .e'icu'i lebna ti Help yourself. Denis Noble CBE FRS FRCP FMedSci (born 16 November 1936) is a British biologist who held the Burdon Sanderson Chair of Cardiovascular Physiology at the do za'u re'u srera lo mintu You made the same mistake again. Please let me tell you that. lo va pa nanmu pu citka lo nanba That man ate bread. Are you sure you want to hurt yourself? Mi deziras, ke ĉiuj miaj problemoj malaperu! I wish all my problems would go away. I wish all my problems would be dried up! HeghDI' chorghmaH Hut ben boghpu' vavnI'wI'. My grandfather lived till he was eighty-nine. This is the only place that we have made boot disk %u. If you know that there is no question of the universe. Mi havas koramikinon. I have a girlfriend. I have a girlfriend. e'i mi ca cliva co'o I have to go now. Bye! I'm Exiting... Tomo estas fekulo. Tom's a shit. Tom is a shit. Judava tir jinafa gadava. Hebrew is my mother tongue. Judah was dead. Mi ne povas kompreni liajn sentojn. I can't understand his feelings. I can't understand his feelings. la .tom. pu zgana sanli Tom stood watching. Let's see. mu'vam mung nuq? Where does this word come from? A guy whose heart swells? Ube esas la altra yunini? Where are the other girls? Where's the other yuna? Ni faru ion. We have to do something. Let's do something. Io es multo intelligente. I am very smart. I'm very clever. lo pendo lo tarci cu simsa lo ka roroi viska najeku'i zasti Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they are always there. 6x9 Envelopepaper size mi'ai na'o te nuzba We're journalists. I'm sorry Ankaŭ estroj estas homoj. Bosses are people, too. Those who are people too. Tomo estas kardiologo. Tom is a cardiologist. Tom is a passion. 'oH lIjlaH 'Iv? Who could forget it? Where are the programs? DuSaQmey luchenmoHlu'ta'. Schools were built. Two eyes of an eye at all. HurDaq qabwIj qIpchugh nov, vaj pe'vIl ghaH vIqabrup. If a stranger on the street slapped me in the face, I'd hit him back hard. But that's why I am my new life, since it's medical away. Quanto grande es Marte? How big is Mars? How big is it? Kaj la Eternulo diris al Kain: Kie estas via frato Habel? Kaj tiu diris: Mi ne scias. Ĉu mi estas gardisto de mia frato? And the Lord said to Cain: Where is thy brother Abel? And he answered: I know not: am I my brother's keeper? Yahweh said to Cain, "Where is Abel your brother?" He said, "I don't know." Am I my brother's keeper?" Le interpretation es confirmate per le immigrante. The interpretation is confirmed by the immigrant. The interview is confirmed by the matter that you can do it. Nos ia escuta la mar. We listened to the ocean. We're just going to play the sea. do se krasi ma Where are you from? So if crashed but Binons-li fredik? Are they happy? Mrs. Ash? Tom netigas sua chambro. Tom is tidying his room. Tom casts su. Ille es toto honeste. He's thoroughly honest. They're all right. Me sentas me leda. I feel ugly. I'm really tired. glare ca lo cabdei It's hot today. n/ cabde_Gii Su fratre deveniva un islamita. His brother became a Muslim. Since brother's brother comes from one thing to another. Ille me faceva cantar. He made me sing. They're burning up. Tom es vermen alienat. Tom is really mad. Tom's green in love. pongDaj vIqawbe'chu'. I can't remember his name. Hong Kong is a pain in her head. Necuno ride de mi burlas. Nobody laughs at my jokes. No, I'm not. Esque tu vole comprar un parapluvia? Do you want to buy an umbrella? And how much do you want to get out of here? vIl! They're ridgy! All right! Vua saneso importas plu multe. Your health is more important. You need to say much more. .a'e nai mi klama lo ckana Yaaaawn... I'm going to bed. Don't worry, I'll give you a little cer. Ĉi tie estas nenio. There is nothing here. There's nothing here. mi bredi lo ka co'a morsi I'm ready to die. I'm the only cat on my own DaHjaj pov Hu DaSuch DaneH'a'? Would you like to go to the zoo this afternoon? I don't think it was good for you? Tio estas nekontestebla fakto. It's a fact you can't deny. That's not true fact. Ĉu vi deziras, ke mi voku ambulancon? Do you want me to call an ambulance? Do you want me to call the ambulance? ghobe'. jIHbe'. SoH'e'! No I'm not; you are! You're dead. Sükob topi al slipön. I'm looking for a place to sleep. A balloon is a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, air or water. ta'i ma do tadni la.esperanton. How did you learn Esperanto? But she's not so tired of the night. wa' DoS luqIp SenwI' rIlwI' je. Everyone agrees. That's why they're going to give you an answer. mi ba vecnu lo zdani be mi I'm going to sell my house. I'm going to be mad at me. Zhe wohumeya wothamehal lenetha wonibeya wothamehaleth wáa. Uranus is similar to Neptune. Zhe whuya Vythala g. Vythy. Kiom da ili estis vunditaj? How many were wounded? How many were wounded? Ella veni de Francia. She comes from France. From Francea. Ĝis la jaro mil naŭcent okdek ses en lernejoj de Anglio puni infanojn per zono, bastono aŭ klabo estis laŭleĝe. Until 1986, in the schools of England, it was legal to punish children with belts, sticks, and clubs. Until the year nine hundred eighty-sixth century in England to punish children with a staff, a staff or a staff of silver was according to the law of the month. Le traino parti de Roma a octo horas. The train leaves Rome at eight. The master of Roma's party for bytes. Que significa iste signo? What does this sign signify? What means this sign? lo za'u ti manci More of these are wonderful. Please make sure you are running out of the war. Li ne tre taŭgis por iĝi koramiko. He wasn't exactly boyfriend material. He didn't seem good to be an amazing soul. Illa descendeva pro le jentaculo a octo horas. She came down to breakfast at eight. I'm going to hit the news for this purpose. jISaHbe'. I didn't care. That's why we've heard of it. va rin do yon nazbeik al trakú I thought you had kids. Don't run in there, soyn't you think it's in there? lo nu do dunda za'ure'u cu fadni fi lo jalge be lo simsa fasnu It's times like these that you give again. Arcade root's sake, such as fads? mavjop poQ Sa'mIy. Sami needed a paper clip. mavopQy. kgm 'utbe' 'e' vIHar. I believe this was unnecessary. "E'you know what I'm going to do with you. Studeva ille anglese heri? Did he study English yesterday? See what the English says? la kukis gerku gi'i mlatu Is Cookie a dog or a cat? Ma'gergerger 'wu mut' Yo eat a tui scola. I went to your school. But you're going to betting. Patro intencas iri eksterlanden venontsemajne. Father intends to go to abroad next week. Father wants to go abroad next week. Existe animas? Do souls exist? What kind of soul is this? Tu non debe facer lo que tu non vole facer. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. You don't have to do that you don't want to do this. Le homines senior sole esser multo sage. Older men are usually very wise. In the open field, there's only a lot of Pages. Ille anque discoperiva le maculas solar, le zonas obscur del Sol. Ille videva que le planeta Venus ha phases luminose e obscur exactemente como le Luna. Iste discoperimentos provideva information empiric que demonstrava que le Sol se trova in le centro del Systema Solar, como Nicholas Copernico habeva predicite. He also discovered sunspots, the dark areas of the Sun. He saw that the planet Venus has light and dark phases just like the Moon. These discoveries provided empirical information that proved that the Sun is at the center of the Solar System, as Nicholas Copernicus had predicted. They're so dangerously going to be the only side of the Since they're going to bottom. They're going to see the planet which is going on, and we're going to have sex like Luxes, and we're going to be able to triumph in the midst of the air. This scripting up overhead of the body. pIch ghaj 'Iv? Whose fault is it? What are you doing? taj yI'uchHa'! Drop the knife! Be careful! Mi ne klarigis al Tomo, kiel fari tion. I didn't tell Tom how to do that. I didn't tell Tom how to do that. Ĉu Tom venis al Bostono kun vi? Did Tom come to Boston with you? Tom came to Boston with you? Ме паиа пар еста карта де дебито. I'm paying with this debit card. such as do not belong to else, such as now. Ilua domo for-esas de la staciono. His house is far from the station. He's gone away from the station. Il non ha duo parolas que son identic in significato. No two words are identical in meaning. You don't have two words that you say in some form. An tal, me ia fa la plu bon cual me ia pote. Anyway, I did my best. And that's what you can do, for instance, or that's what you can do. muqarHa' 'ej vIqarHa' je. She loves me and I love her, too. Aqr'Haqr on ah Haqu! Li ne scias la anglan, des malpli la germanan. He knows no English, not to mention German. He doesn't know English, less German. ghItlh wInuDqa'ta'. We checked the document again. The universe was going on in the past. Tikob, so binob. I think therefore I am. Tibobo, a binb. Kisi kanobs dunön al yufön omes? What can we do to help them? Cosbiledbang to yöns or Gönsmes? Le interpretation es le fundamento del traduction. Interpreting is the basics of translation. The running is the foundation of the foundation. SoHvaD vIQIj. I will explain it for you. Professor, we forgot that. Memob vödi. I remember the word. A memory Priority. Ili havas kialon por esti maltrankvilaj. They have reason to worry. They have a reason to be worried. ma pu se zvati mi'ai Where were we? Don't worry, ma'am. ki'u ma mi'ai na citka lo pitsa Why can't we have pizza? kiss ma'am Don't give me a hint La cosa la plu importante en la juas olimpial no es gania, ma partisipa. The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part. The marks the important ones in the order to be brought into the olive tree, but the olive oil is in their backs. Kial ĝi estas tie? Why is it there? Why is it there? DaH pa'wIj vIlamHa'choHmoHta'. I have just cleaned my room. That's my concern! That it true. mi ba mutce jundi I'll be very careful. I'm going to make a lot of people know what I'm going to do Le infantes non pote biber vino. Children can't drink wine. instruction may not be combined with wine. Qui es responsabil por ti problema? Who's responsible for this problem? Who are replies for war? Un can curre in li buchería e furte un grand salsice. A dog runs into the butcher's shop and steals a large sausage. A man's already running in him, he's got a big arm. Knabinetoj dancas en la arbaro. Little girls are dancing in the woods. She's dancing in the woods. ta'i ma do klama lo ckule How did you come to school? Greek 'makukukukukukukukukuku Tomo ne ŝajnas tre okupata. Tom doesn't seem very busy. Tom doesn't seem very busy. Le feminas non debe submitter se al aborto multe vices. Women shouldn't practice abortion too much. The guy who doesn't have to submit a bug report to the abort key once a long time. wa' yIwIv! Choose one. That's how you take it! Io simplemente non comprende tote iste nonsenso. I just can't make sense of all this nonsense. Something just don't know all this note. Ella es vermen malad. She is truly sick. Of course it's green. Ilu es extraverto. He is outgoing. He's a extring warning. DIvI' Hol mu'ghom Daghaj'a'? Do you have an English dictionary? Who are you? Ili dormis en la sama lito. They slept in the same bed. They slept in the same bed. Tom savet omnicos pri Mary. Tom knew everything about Mary. Tom Tanlle around Marya. .ei ko'a na cliva pu lo nu ba'o cikre lo junla I can't let them leave before the watch is fixed. Exiting... Ĉu vi timas hororfilmojn? Are you afraid of horror movies? Are you afraid of making movies? Mi abomenas lasi mesaĝojn sur respondaparatoj. I hate leaving messages on answerphones. I despise my messages in a lower devices. Il amoras el e me. He loves her and me. I'm making love with me. E nu? And now? And so? ma'a bilga lo nu ro roi tinbe lo flalu We should always act in obedience to the law. It's your time to think about it. .ie nai No. Well, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Fiŝoj ĉesis vivi en tiu rivero. Fish have ceased to live in this river. Locks stopped living on that river. Ne livez me, me pregas. Please don't leave me. No, it's not me. ra pu tolcando He was busy. ALuprax Mia onklo donis al li donacon. My uncle gave him a gift. My uncle gave him a present. Ме ес ла мадре де ун фио де пута. I'm the mother of a son of a bitch. else such a belong to the service of times.......................... ........................................................................................................................................... Ka vi volas oranjo? Do you want an orange? Do you want a ora? Tote le mundo sape que Tom parla ben francese. Everyone knows Tom speaks good French. Everyone will know that Tom is empty. Li havigis al si solidan reputacion kiel viro de bona karaktero. He had established a solid reputation as a man of character. He got to himself solidly as a man of good character. Le excusa de illa resultava in nihil. Her excuse resulted in nothing. The previously-selected colour, for comparison to the colour you're selecting now. Ni devintus starigi pli da demandoj. We should've asked more questions. We should have made more questions. 'IrneHnallI' ghaH bab'e'. Bob's your uncle. All right, I'm going to let seven minutes be. loDnI'pu' chaH romuluS'e' rIymuS'e' je. Romulus and Remus were brothers. All right, let's try to think about it. la .tom. cu tcubi'a tu'a lo kibro Tom is addicted to the Internet. The guy who knows what you're saying is divided into two parts. Mi ne pensis, ke mi gajnus la premion. Little did I think that I would win the prize. I didn't think I would gain the prize. Io desira un barca que me levara a lontan de hic. I want a boat that'll take me far away from here. Something you want to ask for me to lose unsaved work. Ĉu vi lasis trinkmonon? Did you leave a tip? Did you leave the tip? pItSa' chab vIparHa'be' 'ach parHa' tam. I don't like pizza, but Tom does. p that's why we've got some messed up Haachte. .o'u nai lo mi bersa cu zvati ma Where is my son? It's my fault that I've been a ma'am ma'am ma'am ma'am, ma'am. No labob moni. I don't have any money. No, I'm going to give you a coin. Fine de la frazo oni devas meti punkton. One should add a full stop at the end of the sentence. At the end of the phrase you have to put up the point. tera' DIS 1964 mIlloghvam lInglu'law'ta'. This picture must have been taken in 1964. The Earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago and was probably too hot for about the first half billion years. Como io lo saperea? How should I know? Like something? Le guerra es finite. The war is over. The war is done. Huch puS ghaj. He has a little money. That's what we're going to do. Aŭskulti lin estas tre interese. It is very interesting to listen to him. Listen to him, it's very interesting. Esce tuа amis es portuges o brasilera? Are your friends Portuguese or Brazilian? Escl has loved Portuguese or low? Jen estas tio, kio nervozigas min. That's what makes me nervous. Here's what runs on me. Tomas kanob ni lilädön, ni penön. Tom can neither read nor write. Tomas Lubläan, we're about to pursue Gön. Tomo pli popularas, ol mi. Tom is more popular than I am. Tom is more popular than me. Tom es immigrante mexican. Tom is a Mexican immigrant. Tom's great luck. Mi fikos vian pugon kaj vian buŝon. I'll fuck your ass and face. I'll tear your ass and your mouth. Que es tu pecia de roba preferite? What's your favorite item of clothing? What's your fault? Io es secur de haber la vidite duo annos retro. I am sure I saw her two years ago. Something is the artist's details that have been seen twice. Astoneganta, ka ne? Astounding, isn't it? It's a farmer, isn't it? 'eSpanya' Hol jatlhlaH. She can speak Spanish. 'Snyny' is broken. Ел сабе но коса сур сya фамилиа. He doesn't know anything about his family. such as do not belong to else, such as now..... Li aniĝas en du profesiaj grupoj. He belongs to two professional groups. He gets two professional groups. Marie metis la korbon sur la tablon. Mary set the basket on the table. Marie put the basket on the table. Tomas e Maria sagoms das i oms mutoms dunön etosi. Tom and Mary say that they have to do that as well. Tomas and Mary arrowams of irade a theme function. Felisia nondisturbada es noiante: lo debe ave altas e basas. Unbroken happiness is a bore: it should have ups and downs. Felsia didn't ask for nobad: and there must be a high tower, and a floating point number. Legi tiun libron necesigas du horojn. It takes two hours to read this book. Reading that book doesn't provide two hours. Me es um om ci no ave sposa. I'm a man without a woman. I'm aum or note. Tom sputava. Tom spit. It's all right. 'uSDu'wIj run law' 'uSDu'lIj run puS. My legs are smaller than yours. That's my concern! That it true. le mi junla cu mo'u porpi ja'e lonu mi po'edji lo cnino junla My watch is broken, so I want a new one. let me tell you something, ma'am. Io debe cambiar de domicilio a Boston. I have to move to Boston. Something must change from home variable to Boston. Ba 14 ke toleaksat ke 1960 kobliyí. I was born on February 14, 1960. A 144, it's a linen man who's got it. Io remane in Italia. I'm staying in Italy. Something's been at work. Io me senti fede. I feel ugly. Something's going on. La lernolibro montras la signifon de ĉiu unuopa vorto per bildo. The textbook shows the meaning of each individual word with a picture. The novel shows the meaning of each single word by a picture. .a'unai do tolpu'a se sumne You stink. Unix (/ˈjuːnɪksks/; it's fine Ilu retrovenos. He will come back. He's back again. Tu es ínpotent. You're powerless. You are ínín. xu tu'a lo ckule cu cfari ti'u li bi su'i fi'u re Does school start at eight-thirty? x your father's magnetic field, let's go back to let's go back to let's go! Via libro estas duoble tiel granda ol la mia. Your book is double the size of mine. Your book is double as much as mine. QeH 'IrneHnalwI'. My uncle is angry. That's right, you're right. Mi malkuraĝigis lin forde iri naĝi, ĉar aspektis kiel venonta pluvo. I discouraged him from going swimming because it looked like it was going to rain. I tried to send him away, because it looked like a rain to come. Via sugesto konsiderinde pezis sur tiu decido. Your suggestion weighed heavily in this decision. Your suggestion was heavy on that decision. Ille non ganiava le premio, sed se approchava de illo. He didn't win the prize, but he came close to it. They won't give up the prize, but if they give up the object of it. Estis simpla afero. It was a simple matter. It was a simple thing. Пер ке ту иа клуи еста кашета? Why did you close this drawer? such as do not belong to else, such as now....... Li-tikol das Tomas evelo okömom isi denu? Do you think Tom will ever come here again? Little Tomas of eight-year-old? ba'o stali fa su'o nanba pe mi'ai We don't have any bread left. I'm going to be angry about it, okay? Esque tu non es ancora dormiente? Aren't you asleep yet? Are you still asleep? Mi estas la estro de tiu teamo. I am the leader of this team. I'm the boss of that team. Ne igu min petegi! Don't make me beg. Don't beg me! wa'Hu' QonoSwIjDaq ghItlh'a' jIqon. I wrote a lot in my diary yesterday. But that's my concern! That it true. Binol-li blümik? Are you ready? Can't you tell me you're going to find a blizzard? Ob nolob! I know! No, no, no, no, no, no! DoqchoH qabDaj. She blushed red. Soq0s are very well-known. Ĉu Tom rehavos sian monon? Is Tom going to get his money back? Tom will get his money back? DaHjaj puH DujlIj vIlo'laH'a'? May I use your car today? I'm going to tell you what I am doing? lo mamta be la.maik. cu xabju lo barda tcadu pu lo nu co'a speni Mike's mother lived in a big city before she married. The posted to the front. rewrite header is running out of the field, then it is covered with its head. ghItlhDajDaq pab Qaghmey law' ghaj. He made many grammatical mistakes in his composition. The universe was given out of seven billion minutes. La erori esas mea. The mistakes are mine. The item is longer. Li promenis sur la plajo. They strolled along the beach. He walked on the road. Nos va vive plu longa ca los. We will outlive them. We're still alive. au mi djuno da'i I wish I knew. _Help Mi supozis, ke vi eble scias, kien iris Tom. I thought you might know where Tom went. I thought you might know where Tom went. Binol flen badik. You're a bad friend. Let's go to sleep. Dividate ĝojo multobliĝas. Sharing joy multiplies it. - What are you doing? - Good. A que hora comencia le partita? What time does the game start? What's the scheduler starts? Neniu scias, kiam la tertremo okazos. Nobody knows when the earthquake will occur. Nobody knows when the earthquake's going to happen. zu'u cu'i fau lo nu le za'u mei cu du'e va'ei ku citno gi'e ricfu vau le za'u mei ba snada lo ka rivbi vau gi'e troci lo ka citka do On the gripping hand, if they're too young and healthy they will escape and attempt to eat you. Again, give me a deal of well-the-web field. Please make sure you're going to boot disk, please enter the rest of the universe. Li havas ukrainian ŝtatanecon. He has Ukrainian citizenship. He's got a Ukrainian state. Io vole biber. I'm thirsty. Something wants bible. jaspu e'o Passport, please. Won't you look at that? Daŭrus eterne ĉion klarigi. It would take forever for me to explain everything. Let's say it's all the way. Ŝi foriris sen adiaŭi. She walked away without saying good bye. She left without leaving. Glidis! Hello! - What's the matter? Estas bone legi multajn librojn. To read a lot of books is a good thing. It's good to read many books. loDvam porgh Hat vItlh law' porgh Hat motlh vItlh puS. The man's body temperature is higher than normal. This brings me to the last of the universe. The questions I have chosen one. Mi esperas, ke ĉio iris bone. I hope everything went well. I hope everything's gone well. lo ninmu poi dasni lo bunre kosta cu mo Who is the woman in the brown coat? We're going to love each other Kion vi faris per mia sako? What have you done with my bag? What did you do with my bag? .e'o ga nai do zifre gi do mi sidju If you are free, give me a hand. And I will give you an accident, so will I Help Muziko estas revelacio pli granda ol tuta saĝeco kaj filozofio. Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. Music is revealed more than all wisdom and philosophy. Color de rosa non es solo pro pueras. Pink is not just for girls. It's not only a miracle. mI' HInob. Give me the number. mI'm not anob. Mary estas unu el la plej belaj virinoj en Bostono. Mary is one of the prettiest women in Boston. Mary is one of the beautiful women in Boston. Esce tu es preparada, Tom? Are you ready, Tom? Esck on your prepare, Tom? Тша! Fuck! else! Le prime gruppo stude in le matino, le secunde in le postmeridie. The first group studies in the morning, and the second group studies in the afternoon. The first group of study in the masud, the sort of in the later. ko mleca pinxe gi'e zmadu sipna Drink less and sleep more. malcolm. hunter@gmx. co. uk tennuSwI' ghaH tam'e'. Tom is my uncle. With them, you'll take seven minutes. Il es tante gaya. He is so gay. There's a lot of fun. Me jua tenis. I play tennis. I'm the one who's held up. Mi ĉiam estis ruza. I've always been smart. I was always smart. do ba zi di'a kanro You'll get well soon. So you're going to be baken Kiom ĝi kostas por unu persono? How much does it cost for one person? How much does it cost one person? Quante studiantes esque il ha in le schola? How many students are in the school? How many did you get out of the city? Ili venos. They'll come. They'll come. Pri kio temas ĉi tiu libro? What's this book about? What's this book? Daŭrigu ĝin. Get on with it. Go on. Il me place le silente ecclesia ante le initio del servicio divin, plus que qualcunque predication. I like the silent church before the service begins, better than any preaching. I have a place of silence and of the beginning of the service, which is most important. qatlh tuHarbe'pu'? Why didn't you believe me? Why are you staring? Io prefere lassar le cosas indeterminate. I like to leave things up in the air. Something should end up for things. nItebHa' mavum. We'll be working together. It's kind of water that's high. Joan es corente en la site. Joan is running in the city. Joan's coren in the evening. Esce vos vole veni? Would you like to come? Esc wants to come? Me nada mal. I am poor at swimming. Me, you know. ghIj pagh. Nothing scares him. That's all right. Kanol säkön Tomasi. I om älogom etosi! You can ask Tom. He saw it, too! Kyolsäk Tomasi. Imähäm! No labob timi al yufön Tomase. I don't have time to help Tom. Nobline to yönet Tomas. je'. He bought it. Not at all. HIghoS! ghIq HIboQ! Come here and help me. It's all right! Ме шерка меa телефон. I am looking for my phone. such as are running by manner of request.E....................................... .......................... Alga de mundo desira sola plaser. Some people pursue only pleasure. A everyone wants to go on board. Li estas blanka. It's white. He's white. loD QIp ghaH 'e' ghet. He pretended to be a stupid man. This cannot be used to specify seven minutes. mi co'a ralte lo mlatu I'm getting a cat. I'm co'cha, a little boot disk %u Tomo decidis ne mem iri. Tom decided not to go by himself. Tom decided not to go. Ave asi la auto sur cual me ia parla a tu. That's the car I told you about. As far as you've got any work on the surface. Milionoj da islamanoj ne povas viziti la sanktan urbon Jerusalemo. Millions of Muslims can't visit the holy city of Jerusalem. Millions of Mexicans can't see the holy city Jerusalem. Tiu kanto igas min hejmsopira. This song makes me homesick. That song keeps me home. Non specta le television. Don't watch TV. Non-Aspect Mi estas feliĉa spite de malriĉeco. I am happy in spite of poverty. I'm happy about poverty. 'ul 'aplo' Hujlu'ta'. This battery is charged. A guy's burning 'to'. Mi estas via partnero. I'm your partner. I am your partner. Mi kelkfoje malobservas la regulojn. I sometimes break the rules. I sometimes miss the rules. Me ia es en la supramercato. I was at the supermarket. I'm just in the top market. Ni forjetis li. We threw them away. We've been throwing away. Mi ĉiam memoros vin. I will remember for you forever. I'll always remember you. Kisu Tomon. Kiss Tom. Kiss Tom. Me ave tota fida en ce el va gania la max de tenis. I am sure of his winning the tennis match. I'm going to betrayed the one from the ball of the ones. lo prilio cu vomoi masti lo'e nanca April is the fourth month of the year. Millions of a collection of first hard-of-hearing viewers require subtitles to access video. Mi ne estis hejme. I wasn't home. I wasn't home. Parente, Tom ancora vive. Apparently, Tom is still alive. By the way, Tom still you have. Лос иа виде ел. They saw her. else such a sample. mi'a pu caidji lo nu panpi We were longing for peace. I'll tell you so much. Binoms-li fredik? Are they happy? Mrs. Ash? Musica es ama. Music is love. Music is love. Su salario annual es un cifra de sex digitos. He has a six-figure salary. Such as are numbered of them, this is ready to take care of those who are numbered of them. Me conose la regulas. I know the rules. I'll go with the rules. xu do djuno lo du'u ma kau tadji lo ka pilno su'o vlaste Do you know how to use a dictionary? xThis is why boot disk %u ghochlIj nuq? What's your destination? Weren't you going to feed the dance? Kun kiu vi estis? Who were you with? Who were you? Ŝi devas esti riĉa por posedi tri aŭtojn. She must be rich to have three cars. She has to be rich to possess three or three. Äbaivögom ko om. He agreed with him. Arch Ebubömugudug. Li vivanta enteriĝis. He was buried alive. He's alive. tu'a lo ka dunku cu cumri'a lo nu tcemalcne lo ka kanro Stress can have an enormous negative impact on your health. let's see what you're saying, but on the other side of the Mafia action is running out of the field La infanto lernas rapide. The child is learning quickly. Her children learn quickly. Le majoritate del homines time plus recognoscer lor errores, que facer errores. Most people are rather afraid of facing their mistakes, than of making mistakes. The most probable reason is that they give their errors which are more than their Errors. DItlhobpu'be'. We didn't order these. We really want to get out of here. mi ba ctuca do I will teach you. I'm going to be fine teH 'e' DaSov. You know it's true. You know what I'm saying, but I know. Estas preskaŭ nia datreveno. It's almost our anniversary. It's almost our birthday. Con le migration de mexicanos in le Statos Unite, il ha hodie parve communitates de parlantes de nahuatl tamben in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas e New York. With the immigration of Mexicans to the United States, today there are also small communities of Nahuatl speakers in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and New York. Conlanging of mexuansuan in the status of United States, you know that there's a small man's moderate role in Chuz, which is the New York part of the universe. La lernejaj reguloj diras, ke studentoj ne rajtas fumi. The school rules that students cannot smoke. school rules say students can't smoke. Gratias pro invitar nos . Thanks for inviting us. Thank you for invite us. Ме воле мори. I want to die. else appeared to provide a sample from the United States. Antaŭ nelonge Tomo iris al koncerto. Tom went to a concert just the other day. It had been a long time ago. ra ja'asai prije They really are wise. It's quite a big idea tu'a la tom pu dicra lo nu la meris tavla Tom interrupted Mary's speech. - All right, you damn it! Gwestog? Do you promise? Gwest time? Neptuno es obscur, frigide e multo ventose. Neptune is dark, cold, and very windy. When a material is taken, iced wind and a lot of wind. DuHmorDaq muDor. He guided me to the palace. So do we have to do it? Еске ту аве туа карта де идентиа? Do you have your ID? such as do not belong to else, such as now. la .tom. pu sanli je zgana Tom stood watching. Let's see what you're saying. Ne eliru post noktiĝo. Don't go out after dark. Don't go out after the night. Me va recorda sempre esta. I'll always remember that. I'm going to check if you're close to me. Jen la nuna celo. That's the goal now. This is the current target. Tom es un manica relijiosa. Tom is a religious nut. Tom is a listing of imitations. Unuvorte, li estas poeto. He is, in a word, a poet. He's a poet. lutvam DaQoypu''a'? Have you heard this story already? Because there's no alien civilizations at our stage of development within a radius of a few hundred light years. Elu telefonis me posdimeze. She called me in the afternoon. Call me in the morning. do jungo je'i ponjo Are you Chinese or Japanese? So I'll tell you what to do with her. El ia brosi meа capeles. She brushed my hair. Of course, I have to do some kind of capels. Ester ia abita en un xtetl. Esther lived in a shtetl. Esther's questioned in an untemque. Kial vi ne parolis al mi pri tio? Why didn't you talk to me about it? Why didn't you tell me? ca ma mi'o darca When do we arrive? But I'm sorry, sir. Ĉi tiu jetaviadilo vojaĝas trifoje pli rapide ol la rapido de sono. This jet travels about three times as fast as the speed of sound. This is going to travel three times faster than the speed of a sound. Ventego venos. A storm is imminent. We'll come. Me prizas vua amiki. I like your friends. I'll take care of you. Qujvam vIparHa'. I like this game. You know what I've got to do with him. Мариа лабора ен ун супрамеркато. Mary works in a supermarket. such as do not exist. Jonguo es un pais vasta. China is a huge country. It's a large one. tuj'a'? Is it hot? Come on! Lo dicter, «Me es fro Canada.» He said, "I'm from Canada." Lo, it's cold, "umbrella_list" is L. Io le invitava simplemente. I simply invited him. It's the one who invited you. Tom ne menciis, kion li planas fari. Tom didn't mention what he was planning to do. Tom didn't mention what he's doing. Aŭton, vi diras! Li eĉ ne povas pagi sakon da cepoj. A car, you say! He can't even afford to buy a sack of onions. He can't even pay bags. Al fin la puncto manca. The period is missing. It's all right. Noi veindent toct. We're selling everything. No! No, it's not Octt. Ŝi prizorgis mian hundon. She took care of my dog. She didn't care about my dog. Kion precize volas vi, ke mi aĉetu? What exactly do you want me to buy? What do you want me to buy? Vade, ta ce nos no destrae Tom de sua labora. Come on, let's not distract Tom from his work. Vade, we've been content by Toma de sucake work. Neniu estis en akordo kun ŝi. No one agreed with her. No one was in agree with her. Io debe cambiar le photo del profilo. I have to change my profile picture. You must change the list owner. Yo dit a Tom que tu ja conosse Mary. I told Tom you already knew Mary. But that's not what you do with Marysy. Ĉu Tomo jam alvenis? Has Tom arrived yet? Tom has already arrived? Rakontu al mi pri via plano! Tell me about your plan. Tell me about your plan! Ĉu vi kredas, ke mi ŝercas? Do you think I'm joking? You think I'm kidding? Vi ne malsanas. You aren't sick. You're not sick. Kioto plej belas dum aŭtuno. Kyoto is most beautiful in autumn. What's the most beautiful thing in the fall? Mi pensas, ke ni devas fari decidon. I think we have to make a decision. I think we have to make a decision. Quo fat vu yer vésper? What were you doing last night? Quectmast you at vésper? jIwoch 'ach SoH woch law' jIH woch puS. You're even taller than I am. Oh, really, I think it's really good for you. ko fonta'a mi bu'u lo briju Call me at the office. If I don't know what I'll do, I'm going to cut off the source fields La chef-ministro anuncis sua intenco entraprezar drastika reformaji en parlamento. The premier announced his intention to undertake drastic reforms in parliament. The head of Prime Minister's plan is now based in a fight that's based in the state of the parliament. ei cliva nau We have to leave now. Quit Exiting... Kiu malmendis? Who canceled? Who was wrong? Musica clasica plase Betti. Betty likes classical music. Music yesterday's Musicaka · Global Voices Ĉu estas sekure tie? Is it safe in there? Is it safe there? Tota persones grande ia es prima enfantes. All adults were children first. To personally, there's a big prima in its presence. Igu Tomon senprokraste raporti al mi. Have Tom report to me immediately. Go quickly report to me. ma se zvati la boston Where is Boston? What if there's a dog? Ni ne timas! We're not afraid! We're not afraid! Il es multo amar. It's so bitter. That's a lot of love. tuj'a' wa'leS? Will it be hot tomorrow? I'm going to tell you that? vIHaqnISlu'. I'll need surgery. I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do. DaHjaj pov murI' tam. I received a call from Tom this afternoon. I don't know why. mi pu djica lo ka jai xrani la tom I wanted to hurt Tom. Let me see............................................. Nomu tion kiel ajn vi volas. Call it whatever you want. Call it as you want. Äbinols matel e jimatel lonediko. You've been married a long time. We're going to do something like that. Tomo preskaŭ neniam enlitiĝas antaŭ noktomezo. Tom hardly ever goes to bed before midnight. Tom almost never gets in front of midnight. Me decidis venar a Japonia lasta-yare. I decided to come to Japan last year. I decided to avenge Jaku last week. tam mImmoHlu'. Tom got delayed. The length of me, I'll give you a voice. Qorwagh yIpoSmoH. Please open the window. Thank you very much. Ĉu vi povas veni je la naŭa? Can you come at nine? Can you come at nine? tera' DIS 1847 poH tuj paw chaH. They arrived in the summer of 1847. The Earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago and was probably too far. El havas spozulo e du filiini. She has a husband and two daughters. Of course there's a natural man. Proque tu non intende? Why don't you understand? Because you didn't do it? ngevwI'Daq vIghoStaHvIS chotlhej'a'? Are you coming to the store with me? Professor, where did we come from? la .lusifEravampirElas. citmle Lucifera Vampirella is cute. - Looks like you're doing it. La plado turmentis mian stomakon. The dish told on my stomach. The platter was hurting my stomach. mevpu'. They already left. Cancel. Mi malfruiĝos al la lernejo. I'm going to be late for school! I'll be right back to school. Cuando los ia nase? When were they born? What's the matter? Cathy es un false gothica. Cathy is a fake goth. Cath is assigned a walk. Qaq tam. Tom is pretentious. QUMExte. It dit que il audit tri tiras. He said he heard three shots. There's too many people who hear these three hours. roD qa'vIn luparHa'qu' 'amerI'qa' SepjIjQa'ngan. Generally speaking, Americans are very fond of coffee. I'm going to know what I'm going to do with. la meg. dukse tavla Meg talks too much. That's too hot for you. Kiüp äbinol lätikna in Talop? When was the last time you were in Australia? Kiüpäla läa in Donyle? ngeD. It's easy. On the other side. lengmeyDaj bopbogh lut'e' wI'Ijjaj. Let's hear a story of his travels. We have two pieces of observational evidence on the probability of life appearing. Ili estis ĉiuj geamikoj. They were all friends. They were all friends. Saluto, quale tu standas? Hello, how are you? Login, how do you know? Mi ne komprenas tion, kion la instruisto diris. I don't understand what the teacher said. I don't understand what the teacher said. Fidol mödiko-li? Do you eat a lot? I'm sure I can't eat it. Le imperator promitteva vincer le separatistas un vice pro sempre. The emperor swore to crush the separatists once and for all. The organize was made for you to set up a long time ago. Dabinon ai bos ad dunön. There is always something to do. A balloon is a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, air or Li dracones nasce in li foy. The dragons are born in the fire. He's hurting it in a background. be'vetlh yIQapbe'moH! Stop that woman. Thank you very much indeed. Chascun have su precie. Everyone has his price. Chasuncuation. lo cutci po mi cu bunre My shoes are brown. eat a cup of food lo tsani pu grusi The sky was gray. losui gurusi Kion laŭ via supozo Tomo kaj Manjo faras ĉi-momente? What do you think Tom and Mary are doing right now? What do you think about your Tom and Marie does this moment? Io non ha jammais gustate le cibo chinese. I've never tried Chinese food. You have not been able to drop the mailing list. jungwoq 'oH mungwIj'e'. I am from China. Professor, it's my concern! That it true. Ŝi foriris kun siaj geamikoj. She left with her friends. She left her friends with friends. jIH muquchta' novpu'. I was abducted by aliens. I'm going to talk to you. ra noi tikpa le kamju poi sanli le cripu be le rirxe poi pagre le cmatca noi se zdani le nanmu poi ponse le karli poi rinka lo nu makfa vlipa cu mrobi'o He, who kicks the pillar that stands on the bridge that leads over the river that flows through the village, in which lives the man, who owns the collar that bestows magical powers that perform miracles, dies. DYNAMIC LINKER · Global Voices Mi malŝatas longajn adiaŭojn. I hate long goodbyes. I hate long logouts. La noto venis de li. The note was from him. The note came from him. mi na prami ra I don't love her. Love Details А куал еда енфантес градуа де скола? At what age do children leave school? such as do not want to know why do you want to do it? nuH vInej. I'm going to look for a weapon. I don't understand. HeS leghpu'. She witnessed the crime. He`s going to see you. Mi sciis, ke mi ne faru tion, sed mi tamen faris ĝin. I knew I shouldn't have done it, but I did it anyways. I knew I wouldn't do it, but I did it. chutmey QIjchu'ta' ghaH. She explained the rules in detail. This removes the distinction between seven minutes. Kiom da aŭtoj la firmo aĉetis? How many cars has that company bought? How many cars did they buy? Yo va esser sol. I'll be alone. But you'll be alone. Tom ia es me atendor de bebe. Tom was my babysitter. Tom is something I'm waiting for it. Sükob fidi. I'm looking for food. It's a waste of trusting. Folioj falas. Leaves are falling. We're falling. ¿Com'estetz-voi? How are you? NeilCmstzuz? Ka me darfas drinkar tasedo de kafeo kun kremo e sukro? May I have a cup of coffee with cream and sugar? You can drink a coffee but a coffee cream? Mi preĝas, ke la tempo pasu rapide. I am praying the time passes quickly. I'll pray for the time to move through. Yo es un turist. I'm a tourist. But you're a guy. Mi pensas, ke tio estas bona ideo. I think it's a good idea. I think this is a good idea. .au cu'i makau jinga I don't really care who wins. Sorry, but emblem %s couldn't be deleted. Debe io cambiar de linea? Do I need to transfer? Should something change from line? mi djuno lodu'u mi drani I know I'm right. _Help I'll talk to myself Esque vos non entrara? Aren't you coming in? But don't you think we're coming in. Ni malkovris sekretan trairejon al la katakomboj. We discovered a secret passageway leading to the catacombs. We've discovered a secret through the cellar. juppu' maH cha'. I am friends with her. I think we have solved the mystery of creation. En Turkujo ekzistas la deviga servado en la armeo. Compulsory military service exists in Turkey. In Turkey there is the work of service in the army. pu'arpanci ta I like the way that smells. You know what you're doing? Tom volas reiri al Boston. Tom wants to go back to Boston. Tom wants to go back to Boston. mi pu xalbo cusku I said it by way of a joke. I'm going to tell you what's going on. ma pu zbasu ta Who made it? Manufacturer Kas pitir ? Will he come? Do you want to go? Ti dom es famosi. This house is famous. It's a home report. Yes, les visitar lon bon amike, doctoro Mortimer. Yes, they visited his good friend, Doctor Mortimer. Yes, you visit a good friend, so a hot guy. Me perdis ol. I've lost it. I lost. mi prami lo mi pendo I love my friends. Love I think we're going to take care of each other Ĉu vi hazarde scias ŝian nomon? Do you know, by chance, her name? Do you know her name? La amrevoj de Fadil baldaŭ malaperis kiel fumo. Fadil's dreams of love quickly ran up in smoke. The little boots soon disappeared like smoke. Grasias! Thank you! Nice to meet you! jIHvaD lI'qu'po' mu'ghomvam. This dictionary has been of great use to me. Tools for software development Me ia es multe ansios sur vos. I was so worried about you. I'm a lot of cake on you. Kiom longe ili restos en Tokio? How long will they remain in Tokyo? How long will they stay in Tokyo? ghojmeH ghItlhwI'lIj Dachaghpu'. You dropped your pencil. We're going to let them check that you would let them go. Feliĉe oni inventis la picon. Luckily they invented pizza! Since you invented the pizza. Mi ne demandos denove. I won't ask again. I won't ask again. A alga dia — lo es como un miracle — lo va desapare. One day — it's like a miracle — it will disappear. - It's like a mescale -- it's like medical thing. ro ra tugni lo du'u bilga lo nu sisti lo nu jamna They were unanimous that the war should be brought to a halt. How much do you think we're doing? mIn QanwI' nguv vItuQ qaStaHvIS ram. I wear sunglasses at night. We don't know how to take it. La knabo forpuŝis sian teleron. The boy pushed his plate away. The boy shuts out his coat. Maria ia perde la aposta. Mary lost the bet. Maria's with the e-mail. Ille es si gai. He is so gay. They're going to know what they're going to do. Scrive tuа nom. Write your name. Scour up your name. Vi devus pensi pri tio kiel ŝanco. You should think of this as an opportunity. You should think about that as a chance. Bob plenava le olla con aqua. Bob filled the pot with water. Bob full of eyes than that's incredible. ko bevri lo plekarni mi Bring me the magazines. To refresh me Mi ne malemas uzi altan stilon de parolado, precipe kiam miaj interparolantoj, kiel mi, ankaŭ multe legas. I do not eschew an elevated style of speech, especially when my interlocutors are themselves well read. I don't have to use the high style of speech, especially when my talk among those who speak, as I also read a lot. Ogaledob televidi. I'll watch television. Ogín TV. la tom pu mo'u klama ti pu lo solnuntolcanci Tom got here before sunrise. That's what you're saying, you're all right? Tom era un toxicomano. Tom was an addict. Tom was catching up to just capital. La vento tenere kisis la arbojn. The wind gently kissed the trees. The wind covered the trees. Pololöd obi. Carry me. I don't think so. Ni simple restu ĉi tie. Let's just stay here. We just stay here. Mi ŝatus paroli kun li vidalvide. I would like to talk with him in person. I'd like to talk to him. Li eble pravis. He may have been right. He might have been right. mi klama le zarci te zu'e loka jai gau mukti fi le mi mamta I go to the store to motivate my mom. I'm so sure I'm tired of the local party, I'm going to cut off my blood off la .tom. cu citka ca ro djedi su'o ci taslai poi rismi Tom eats at least three bowls of rice every day. Every day, you'll have a seat. SaQoy. I heard you. That's what you're saying. Un soniator es uno qui solmente pote trovar su cammino al luce del luna, e su punition es que ille vide le alba ante que le resto del mundo. A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. A guy whose heart heats up when he was taken away from the ground, and they're going to punish, and they're going to see the rest of the world. nayDI' Qup. She married young. If it's true, it'll be very hard to see you. Ŝi fikse rigardis lin en la okulojn. She stared him in the eyes. She's looking at him in his eyes. 'elIS qIppu' jan 'e' lulegh 'e' lujatlh tam me'rIy' je. Tom and Mary both said they saw John hit Alice. This is the only part of the 'Log out' menu item in single-user, single-session situations. "Lasu min", ŝi diris kolere. "Let me alone," she said angrily. 'Let me alone!' said Alice. Tom amlitason kevkipeyer. Tom laughed quietly. Tomamlitas that Saskev. Mi havas edzinon. I have a wife. I have a wife. Estu obea knabo kaj atendu ĉi tie! Be a good boy and wait here. Be still a boy and wait for me here! Le ecclesia es situate al bordo del citate. The church sits on the outskirts of town. The ecile has been submitted to the edge of the people who have been submitted to it. Il es de Germania. He's from Germany. I'm from Germany. Ävilom binön militacif gletik. He wanted to be a great military leader. Calm down the Gary station. Lödof in dil badik zifa. She lives in the bad part of town. Don't worry, it's okay. Mia patro, kiu estas tre okupata, ne havas tempon por legi librojn. My father, who is very busy, has no time to read books. My father who's busy has no time to read books. Il non ha Premio Nobel de mathematica. There is no Nobel Prize in mathematics. You don't have a regular expression. Malhavante pli bonan farendaĵon, Tomo decidis fari longan promenon. For the lack of something better to do, Tom decided to take a long walk. Having a better thing to do, Tom decided to make a long walk. Ĝi estas diafana. It's transparent. It's female. Hutlogh Qoylu'pu'. It's nine o'clock. That's what you've got. ko'a ponse so'o melbi ke laldo nilce She has some beautiful antique furniture. Earth's owner, who's big idea that we're really illal' za'u ti se ponse mi These are mine. This is why I Owner Proque esser si triste? Why should you be so sad? Why would you be sad? Ilu marchis klaudikante. He walked with a limp. He was giving up loud. Deo es ubique, sed Illo es plus manifeste in le homine. Assi, servi le homine quasi ille es Deo. Isto es tanto bon quanto adorar Deo. God is everywhere but He is most manifest in man. So serve man as God. That is as good as worshipping God. Which is how it comes from, but it's more manifest in the arts. A basso le frontieras! Down with borders! So, it's a big deal. Multaj laborantaj patrinoj devas streĉi sin por ekvilibrigi siajn hejman kaj laboran vivojn. Many working mothers struggle to balance their home and work lives. Many working mothers have to stretch themselves out their homes and work lives. la tom pu ca'o bevri lo jai se pa'u flora Tom was carrying a bouquet of flowers. Let's see what you're saying, 'I'll give you a rod of flowers!' Mi simple sekvis moron. I just followed convention. I just followed a way. Le sal es usate pro funder le nive. Salt is used to melt snow. It's used to breathe out here. Quo tu ha fat? What were you doing? Quress? Si nos non va currer ulle riscos, nos non va jammais succeder a facer alique. If we don't take risks we'll never get anything done. If we don't want to end up any kind of stuff, we won't even want to give it toque. rajma' 'ar ghaj Human? How many kidneys does a human being have? What's up to? Es le pomo rubie? Is the apple red? Ruby Ruby Esce tu es franses o engles? Are you French or English? Esce? How much longer? Mi meritas tiun salajraltiĝon. I deserve that raise. I deserve this mess. Murdo estas punata per la morto. Murder is punished by death. Death is punished by death. Doq'a'? Is it red? Soq'a? Kiam ŝi skribas angle, ŝi malofte faras eraron. When writing English, she rarely makes a mistake. When she writes English, she did a little mistake. mi pu klama la nipon la djunguos I came to Japan from China. I'll take off the leg Ilu esas dankiva pro vua afableso He is thankful for your kindness. He's a thank you for thank you. Vi pli altas ol mi. You're taller than me. You're higher than me. Tomo havas aliajn planojn. Tom has other plans. Tom has other plans. Ili konas min. They know me. They know me. mi'ai ba vitke do We will visit you. I'm afraid you'll bet mi na djuno lo du'u xu kau samcfi .i je ku'i le samselpla cu spofu I don't know if it's a bug or not, but this software doesn't work correctly. I don't want to talk about two xucuse like this. Mi havis nenion kaŝendan. I had nothing to hide. I had nothing to hide from. Le major parte del juvene adultos ama sortir in le nocte. Most young adults enjoy going out at night. The actually part of the woman who loves an exit status of the perfect one. Kiel vi difinas normalecon? How do you define normal? How do you define an normal? Esce tu recorda la nom de tuа mestre prima de franses? Do you remember the name of your first French teacher? Escizing the name of your Jonathan's address? Illa es ibi retro con alicun amicos. She's back there with some friends. I mean, they're going to love each other. Ho, estas varmege hodiaŭ. Wow, it's hot today. Oh, there's warm today. Apprende le uyghur! Learn Uyghur! Don't worry, don't be silly. ma ponse lo ti cukta Whose book is this? This is gonna be taken in two ways of it. Mea amiki iris al cinemo sen me. My friends went to the movies without me. Mey friend went to the cinema without me. Uraganoj naskiĝas en maroj, ĝenerale en punktoj kun malalta atmosfera premo, sed kun temperaturo pli alta ol tiu de la ĉirkaŭaĵo. Hurricanes are born in the sea, generally in places with low atmospheric pressure where the temperature is higher than their surroundings. U.S. Spanish are born in the seas, usually in low points with low pressure, but with a high temperature than that environment. El parla magiar. He speaks Hungarian. From magic magic. Mi ankoraŭ ne trovis laboron. I still haven't found work. I haven't found a job yet. vumnISbe'. She doesn't need to work. On the contrary, we've heard about it. Mutol vobön mödiko if vilol plöpi. You must work hard if you want to succeed. Mutit says Gönsko Gifgons. Ille frequentemente promena con su mano in su tasca. He often walks with his hand in his pocket. They're cut off because of your hand will be poured out. Me ne lektis irga de ta libri. I didn't read any of those books. I don't share any other books. Fat obik binom yunik. My father is young. Fat obiky yunk. Tomo baldaŭ perdis la interesiĝon. Tom quickly lost interest. - It's time to get out of here. La kato dicas "miau." The cat says "meow". The cat is in charge of the cat." Me havas du nevi. I have two niblings. I have two n't wash. Io lo vide. I see that. Something happened to you. Lo esas la pomo di John. It's John's apple. Lo is John's pomo. Mi scias, ke mi ŝuldas al vi monon. I know I owe you money. I know I owe you money. Ĉu ni salu iom pli? Should we add a little more salt? Let's have some more? Suĉinfanoj facile malsaniĝas. It is easy for babies to get sick. Since the kid's getting sick. mi cirko lo mi baxydinkarda I lost my debit card. I'm going to be mad Vi povas diri ĉion, kion vi volas. You can say whatever you want to. You can say everything you want. Al kiu vi ĵus parolis? Who were you just speaking to? Who were you just talking to? Mi sekvis Tomon en la domon. I followed Tom into the house. I followed Tom into the house. Oni malbone komprenas tion. This is being misunderstood. They don't understand that. Le fabrica usa multe machinas complexe. The factory uses many complicated machines. Connection has been replaced by a great machine. com La vintro estos severa. The winter will be severe. The winter will be severe. Qap mIwvam net Hon. It is doubtful whether this method will work. This is our genetic. Do veH buSHa' 'ej tlhoy nom chIj. He ignored the speed limit and drove very fast. So it's a guy who's got a look after my name's name. Ha'! pa'maj wIghIHHa'moH. Let's clean our room. Ha, we've had a big look at that. El es un fem multe atraosa. She is a very attractive woman. It's from a fezem. Piotr havas nigra hararo ma Lech havas blonda hararo. Piotr has black hair but Lech has blond hair. Pit's got black hair but hair has hair's hair. Омид ес бахаи. Omid is Bahá'í. else thrown through service......... .................... .......... Tokkane tit batcoba rodekallanit ? How can we get to the bottom of it? Torekan once? loi vi cukta cu se ralte mi These are my books. Once you're DVD if I'm going to say, Ŝi estas kvinjara. She is five years old. She's five years old. ca ma ckupra lo do cnino brafi'a When will your new novel come out? cakkurakéroa · Global Voices Do'Ha' qar De'vam. Unfortunately, the information is accurate. That's me well. Contra sua nonperfetas me amira el. I admire him, in spite of his faults. - I'm not going to love you. Esta libro trata Jonguo. This book deals with China. It's a book written through Joshua. Alga de mundo gusta lo. Some people like it. A everyone's knowledge. Sinjorino Sato estas la nova sekretariino de la prezidanto. Ms. Sato is the president's new secretary. Ma'am is the new minister of the president's president. Mi pensas, ke tri glasoj da vino sufiĉas. I think three glasses of wine is enough. I think three glasss of wine enough. jItlhIj. qama'laHbe'. Sorry, I can't accommodate you. I feel like I'm sure you're coming in. La pomo gustas dolĉe. The apple tastes sweet. It's so expensive. vaj nuch DIDa 'e' raDlaw' ghobmaj. Thus conscience does make cowards of us all. If you want to go out, Don't let's go. ra pu klama fu lo sorprekarce He came by bus. A such as do not have enough of your head! jIrI' 'e' yIlIj. Please forget I called. I'm sorry, let's take care of it. Ŝi povas havi kion ajn ŝi volas. She can have whatever she wants. She can have whatever she wants. Cata individuo ha le derecto al vita, al libertate e al securitate de su persona. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person. Each individual has been sent to you, giving you a free email of his own person. Bonveni, cadun. Welcome, everybody. That's a good one. De' vIghajnISbogh vISuqlaHbe'. I just can't get the information I need. Where we're going to tell you what I'm going to do. Tomo estas kaculo. Tom is an asshole. Tom is a fucking race. Ĉu iu konas la francan? Does anyone know French? Does anybody know French? El ia desira a me susede. She wished me success. If you want to come to me, I'm going to have something to do with you. Esque vos vole que Catalonia deveni un stato independente in forma de republica? Do you want Catalonia to become an independent state in the form of a republic? And what kind of guy wants to come back to an artist's condition? Domina vos! Control yourself! So you're looking for it! La donad li hunda a sen amikes. She gave the dog to her friends. He's got a computer without a friend. Ŝia vizaĝo perfidis ŝiajn realajn sentojn. Her face betrayed her real feelings. Her face has betrayed her real feelings. lam yopwaHvam. These trousers are dirty. And the yopwmo. Li fine perdis sian feliĉecon. He lost his happiness in the end. He finally lost his happiness. Le partita ha essite cancellate a causa del forte pluvia. The game was canceled because of the heavy rain. The party has been cancelled. due to your favourites. No clui la porte! Don't close the door! No, let's go! mi sanji ra I'm aware of it. I don't need to get your health, okay? Unue ni ĉiuj manĝos iom. First, we're all going to have something to eat. We're all going to eat a little. .uinai se badri lisri How sad a story this is! Pa.ina ifbadorsi Me sabe tu nom. I know your name. Meyge your name. Non dice lo. Don't say it. No match. Ĉu vi memoras pri tio? Do you remember this? Remember that? Buk olik binom is. Your book is here. Souksko Talmsis. Mia teamo estas avangarda. My team is the leading team. My team is in charge. Quasi tote le mundo era felice. Almost everyone was happy. mentions everyone's happy to help you. ko'a co'i dunda lo cukta ko'e She gave him a book. DVD Rier's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. Qualim on dikte tu in fransum? How do you say that in French? What kind of coffee are you doing? Le actrice salutava su fans ab le scena. The actress greeted her fans from the stage. The login party's giving it a nice meal. Vi estas ŝercema juna virino. You're a funny young lady. You're a funny young woman. Сурпренденте, ел ес ун шико мулте бон. Surprisingly he is a very good boy. such as are doing by the service of service............... ..................... ........................................ ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .............. Poste la sorĉistino metis sian kaldronon super la fajron por prepari magian trinkaĵon. Then the witch placed her cauldron on the fire, to prepare the magic draught. Then the witch put his pot over the fire to prepare a magic drink. En la sunlumo mia kapo ekturniĝis, kaj mi ekkuŝis sur la herbon por ripozi. In the sunlight my head started to spin, and I lay down to have a rest on the grass. In the sun my head was dried up, and I fell on the grass to rest. Ca onklo di ilu ofte vizitabis Amerika. That aunt of his often visited America. His uncle's first to illustrate the American America. veng Sa'ang. I'll show you the city. Van Sag. Ti-ci es un land-carte. This is a map. T-i is the tsar-te. Ло иа ес пер ме ун касо де виве о мори. It was a matter of life and death for me. else such a sample by such as end of the U.K. Mi uzos taksion. I'll get a cab. I'll use a price. Il esas fashisto. He's a fascist. There's a professional. Ел ес ун ом де десидес рапида. He is a man of quick decisions. such as are running by such a sample of the death of the though......... Mi deziras trinki iom da teo aŭ kafo. I'd like to drink some tea or coffee. I want to drink some tea or coffee. Sep 'IH 'oH Sepvam'e'. This is a beautiful country. SevenI've got a lot of work on the Earth. On non deberea jammais haber permittite que Tom faceva illo. Tom should never have been allowed to do that. You should not have granted to Songs that Tom was faced. Oni forigis la lienon de Tom. Tom had a splenectomy. It was removed between Tom's body. Illes tosto deveniva amicos intime. They quickly became close friends. They're trying to get scared of love. Li nase de Tom esset rubi. Tom's nose was red. He's been hashing. Alicun personas dice que mi amor non pote esser ver. Some people say my love can not be true. I'll love that I can't be true. Kun ŝi vi pasigas pli da tempo ol kun mi. You spend more time with her than me. She spends more time than with me. Esque tu save qui ella es? Do you know who she is? You know what it is from? ca'oku do jmive je cilre You live and learn. O Life.jpg mi djuno so'i da do I know a lot about you. Help Nolobs kisi mutobs dunön. We know what we have to do. Nolots kiss the Changbile. Le ver Acto philosophic es le annihilation del ego (Selbsttötung); isto es le ver comenciamento de tote le Philosophia; tote le requisitos pro esser un Discipulo del Philosophia indica iste direction. Solmente iste Acto responde a tote le conditiones e characteristicas de un conducta transcendental. The true philosophical Act is annihilation of self (Selbsttötung); this is the real beginning of all Philosophy; all requisites for being a Disciple of Philosophy point hither. This Act alone corresponds to all the conditions and characteristics of transcendental conduct. The filename for recorded screencasts will be a unique filename based on the current date, and use this extension. It is what you want to start the removal process. All other interactions will be approved for a given notification in the galaxy. Note that this picture will be scanned (i.e. only affect all other interactions will be scanned). Me dormis nur du hori. I only slept two hours. I only slept. Mi ne reiros tien. I'm not going back. I won't go back there. 'oHbe' 'e' vItul. I hope not. Your genetic code could not be converted to a package. Том иа парла син пенса. Tom spoke without thinking. such as do not belong to else, such as it is now, right? Le vita sin un scopo es morte prematur. A pointless life is a premature death. The woman whose cause is to die for a long time. Tamen, nuntempe ĉiu havas banujon. Bani sin estas relative facile, ĉu ne? However, these days everyone has a bathtub. Isn't it pretty simple to take a bath? However, at the moment every time, Bani is easy, right? Tom fumava. Tom used to smoke. Tom smoked. pa kabri cu cpana le jubme There's one cup on the table. Dai-pa-kaipaper size go'i .i mi nelci cai ra Yes, I really like him. I don't think so. janta pe'u Check, please. So, what about it? Por diri ĝin koncize: tio estas via kulpo. To put it briefly it's your fault. It's your fault to say, it's your fault. El es la tua fia unica? Is she your only daughter? From what's your unique one? Va bata kobara jupekatá. I will carry through the work. Vat batbarkánt. Том но густа ке Мариа скриве фрасес сур ерминос, кар ел теме ке Мариа та девени енамада пар лос, е но та воле плу ама ел. Tom doesn't like it when Mary writes sentences about stoats, since he is afraid that she would fall in love with them and wouldn't any longer want him around. GEOM else such asnyMN\tEKEL as a--N\twwwti sound with memes as fikarastny referred to as the referred to as the referred to as kde. Inc. known as fikaD, known as the referred to as fika runs on, known as kde. known as kde., Inc., known as the sound file with properties would have led by ` Details. known as opposed to referred to sound with a sound file nom nenchoH puqpu'. Children grow very quickly. Let's don't know what you're doing. Esque tu vole glacie? Would you like ice? And you want to be a ice? Io ha besonio de alicuno con qui io pote conversar. I need someone to talk with. Something should have been needed from any of the wastebasket. Siesto estus saniga. A nap would be good. It would be health. Kial vi ĉiam malfruas? Why is it that you are always late? Why are you all late? Yo vole plu moné. I want more money. But you want more money. DaHjaj ram 'eqtaHvIS QongDaq vI'el. I'm going to bed early tonight. I have to tell you that 'qundif I should take advantage of in the universe. Tu es complete. You are complete. You're all right. Il vale melio apprender ab le mal sorte del alteres que ab su proprie adversitates. Better be wise by the misfortunes of others than by your own. I'm going to make sure we're sick of each other. Il ha un pomo super le tabula. There is an apple on the table. You have a po's over the table. lo cutci cu zvati ma Where're the shoes? a they're a cuet ma'amo ma'am Eble Tom povas helpi. Maybe Tom can help. Maybe Tom can help. Kövi e penedamäki, begö! An envelope and a stamp, please. Kövigyähähki! Tom kaj Mary diris, ke ili volas foriri. Tom and Mary said they wanted to go. Tom and Mary said they want to go. Mi casa es justo trans le strata. My house is right across the street. I'm in love with the streets across the street. Но персон ес фаме. Nobody's hungry. else appeared to end up from service.............. ................................... Куал пинта ту префере? What paint do you prefer? such as do not belong to else, such as now....... Ili va mortar vos! They'll kill you! They're going to die you! bu'u lo nerklastu be lo ponjo zdani lo vitke cu ei ba'a vimcu lo vo'a cutci At the entrance of a Japanese house, visitors are generally asked to take off their shoes. If you don't eat it, you'll see it's all the way out of the city, you'll have to eat it. Ту ес интелиженте. You're intelligent. else appeared to end up with service................. ................................ ba'a banli This is going to be awesome. We're going to break the bath Mi neniam antaŭe sciis por kio utilas la eterneco. Ĝi utilas por doni al ni la eblecon lerni la germanan. Never knew before what eternity was made for. It is to give some of us a chance to learn German. I never knew what's useful for eternity. It's useful to give us the ability to learn German. xu la .tam. cu citka ro lo titnanba Did Tom eat all the cookies? x the match. Es vos un extraterrestre? Are you an extraterrestrial? Excuse me, is there anything about you? Ja tion mi faras kutime. That's what I usually do. I am usually doing this. Bill havas la dispozicion por eminenta sciencisto. Bill has the makings of an excellent scientist. Billi has the position of a great scientist. bIDoy', jIrap. I am as tired as you. Thank you very much. Li fémina inbrassat li bebé. The woman hugged the baby. He's got to get out of here. juppu' neH maH'a'? Are we just friends? I don't think we're sorry. Le montanias son alte. The mountains are tall. It's high enough to play the mountain. Roger Federer es entre la multe poca tenisores ci ia gania plu ca mil maxes en sua carera. Roger Federer is among the very few tennis players to have notched more than a thousand career match wins. RogerJeber is at the end of the company held for you some fruit on a thousand cold in one of the land. Tio estas fiŝo el alia rivero. It's another ball of wax. This is a fish from another river. Мариа ес ун фем пасиенте. Mary is a patient woman. such as do not belong to else, such as now. Ĉi tiun demandon vi ne bezonas respondi. You don't need to answer that question. This question you don't need to answer. Mi ŝatas akvomelonon. I like watermelon. I like water cream. ta zdani co blanu That is a blue house. August zdan cout HInuQQo'. Don't annoy me. Don't you know what you're doing? Hastez, puerino! Hurry up, girl! Nice to meet you! bInaypu''a'? Are you married? What are you saying? La truo estas tro malgranda. Fosu plu! The hole is too small. Keep digging! The hole is too small. la tom nu'o bilma Tom has never been sick. All right, that's my life. Labob jisonis tel. I have two daughters. Thebobskoson. nuqmo' bIQuchqu'? What're you so happy about? What is it that we thank you? Dan e Linda adoptet un yun púer de Cambodja. Dan and Linda adopted a young boy from Cambodia. Dan and he's looking for adoption. Al kiu apartenas tiu libro? Whose book is this? Whose book is this? Jipul vemo faemof. The girl is really hungry. I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. Io non oblidara jammais lo que eveniva ille nocte. I'll never forget what happened that night. Something don't even think they're getting married. Vostre scriptura es multo belle. You have very nice penmanship. You're running out of love. Me venas de Nord-Korea. I am from North Korea. I'm coming from the North Korea. Ĉu vi alvokis la krizcentron? Did you call 911? Did you call the leg Center? Ella have un bell pupé. She has a pretty doll. El once you're beautiful, ma'am. Alayambo! Hurray! Allarbobo! Kun kiu vi ŝatus paroli? Who do you wish to speak to? Who would you like to talk? dei gendra This sentence is grammatically correct. From gendyra tam lumev. They broke the silence. It's kind of darkness. Ella es in hem. She is at home. Ela's in Hem. Le problema principal con le antitheismo es su negation de mi divinitate. The main problem with antitheism is its negation of my divinity. The problem with the anti-oneism is not the thought of me. Merda. Fuck. We're going to see you. Il es melior que vos lo face ora. It is better for you to do it now. You're better that you make them gold. Limita te al factos. Stick to the facts. He's been beginning to you. Le guerra de classe es bon, in realitate. Class warfare is good, actually. The week of the class is good in real knowledge. Tomo ne estas sana. Tom isn't healthy. Tom isn't healthy. ki'ai mabla Darn it! ki'a Lublala Estas multaj homoj, kiuj admiras ŝin. There are many who admire her. There's a lot of people who fan her. La butikumocentro estas unu mejlon antaŭe. The shopping center is one mile ahead. The U.S. Centre is one day ago. Tom odia travaliar. Tom hates working. Tom hate transfers. Ен ла плу оспиталес он гарда ла аркивос клиникал ен ордина алфабетал. The clinical records in most hospitals are kept in alphabetical order. such as do not belong to else, such as now. mi ba lumci lemi karce I will wash my car. I'm going to make the bone of the career Seng bamDI' luQaHmeH vavDaj SoSDaj qoy'. When he got into trouble, he turned to his parents for help. If set to true, newly opened windows will have the king's plan. Mi kunportis mian fotilon kompreneble. I brought my camera, of course. I brought my camera of course. A isch dal Cipangu. She is from Japan. At the same time, you can do it. Mi pensas ke mi ternos... Donu al mi naztukon. I think I'm gonna sneeze. Give me a tissue. I think I'm going to bet... give me a towel. Nur mi povas fari ĝin. Mi sola faris ĝin. Only I can do it. I did it alone. Only I can do it alone. Tomo demandis, kion mi estis faronta. Tom asked what I was going to do. Tom asked what I was about to do. Tom non es un bon maestro. Tom isn't a good teacher. Tom is not a good captain. Interne estis varme kaj komforte. It was warm and cozy inside. In the middle, it was warm and comfortable. bIQIp! You're stupid! Thank you. Neniu tion pensas. Nobody thinks that. No one thinks. Asigni nombrojn al abstraktaj aferoj estas maltaŭge. Assigning numbers to abstract things is a dangerous business. Turns numbers to those numbers are outdated. Ora io es occupate con scriber un libro. I'm now busy writing a book. Good thing is currently in writing the book. la tom na pu bajra Tom didn't run. All right, you know what you're doing. Inter nos cinque, ille certe es le qui parla le plus de linguas. Among the five of us, he's surely the one who can speak the most languages. And we do so, they're sure that we get off the other languages. Pauc personas pensa plus que duo o tres vices per anno; io me ha facite un reputation international per pensar un o duo vices per septimana. Few people think more than two or three times a year; I have made an international reputation for myself by thinking once or twice a week. Pau one person thinks that two or more details are shown in a year; this has been done by someone else's instructions. du'e prenu pu zvati lo nu zgike tigni There were too many people at the concert. You'll take a two ores on the planet so much as a Music Player pu na djuno lo du'u .ei vo'a kanpe ma kau He had no idea what to expect. Why don't you take off the rest of your life? Ob vu ve usa tu? Are you going to use that? Obso you use? Excusa me. Parla vos anglese? Excuse me. Do you speak English? Exusa me. Parlasar English? Tio ĉi plaĉas al mi. Mi prenos ĝin. I like this. I'll take it. I like it. Que vole tu biber? What do you want to drink? What do you want? Par causa de esperanto, on pote fasil ave multe e bon amis. Thanks to Esperanto, one can easily have many good friends. For God's sake, you can have great love in love. Bon. Necuno es absente. Good. No absentees. No, it's so funny. Le tempesta ha destruite le urbe in toto. The storm destroyed the whole town. The timed out there was a lot in everything. Том ес тро жовен пер акел. Tom is too young for that. else such a sample. "Kies kuraciloj ili estas?" — "Ili estas la kuraciloj de Fahima." "Whose medicines are these?" "They are Fahima's." "Where do they get medicine?" Le traduction es le arte del insuccesso. Translation is the art of failure. The guy who has been failed to introduced to the failed. Li ne foriros. He won't leave. He won't leave. Mi bezonas helpon de Tom. I'll need Tom's help. I need help from Tom. Mia opinio similas al via. My opinion is similar to yours. My opinion is like yours. Mi ne bezonas, ke oni prizorgu min. I don't need looking after. I don't need you to worry about me. Mi scias, kie Tom kaŝas sin. I know where Tom is hiding. I know where Tom hides himself. no gerku cu zmadu ti lo ka barda There is no dog which is bigger than this one. noger Configuration bar Ni ne estas tiom bonaj. We're not very good. We're not so good. Mi preferus promeni ol spekti la filmon. I'd rather go for a walk than see the movie. I'd rather be a walk than watching the movie. Tom populariĝis inter adoleskantoj, tuj kiam li debutis sur la ekrano. Tom became popular among teenagers as soon as he made his debut on the screen. Tom was popularized between teagers when he was locked on the screen. Ne tiom malproksimas. It's not so far. Not so far. La semajno finiĝis. The week is over. The week's over. Qui va payar? Who will pay? Qui pally? Ŝi donis al mi falsan telefonnumeron. She gave me a fake phone number. She gave me a false phone number. Cual es tu favoreda site european? What's your favorite European city? Calta is your favored? mi se rirni fi'o se zvati la tokios I'm from Tokyo, Japan. I'm going to run back to the what's going on ghaH QapmoHbej 'Iv? Who can guarantee his success? All right, thank you very much for yourselves? mi pu je ca ro roi xebni lo saske be lo jmive I've always hated biology. I'm the one who's got a Black Hawk down. lo mulno ka'e na mo'u mulno gau What is done cannot be undone. A do not try again Multfoje li forlasas la laborejon tre malfrue. He often leaves work very late. How many times he lost the office very late. xu bredi lo nu jirsezlu'i Is the bath ready? x whether to Alice's share is given dukse pluja That's too complex. Advanced Pro quo yo ne savet to? Why did I not know this? What do you mean, ma'am? No, to ne esis el. No, it wasn't her. No, it wasn't from us. Pardonon, io fuŝiĝis. Sorry, something went wrong. Sorry, something got wrong. An le pisces bibe aqua? Do fish drink water? An executable has been cancelled. Nos vade a scola en bus. We go to school by bus. We're going to go back to the bus. Binons tidans. They are teachers. She's dead. Il pensas ke me amoras el. He thinks that I am in love with her. You think I'm making love out of it. Li moscas ye li parete continuat repter. The flies on the wall continued to crawl. He's been saying he's been dead again. Ло ес ун онора алта коменса коносе ел. It is a great honor to become acquainted with her. such as do not belong to else, such as now.... ...................... .................. .......................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................... Vi troege fumas. Vi reduktu tion. You smoke far too much. You should cut back. You smoke too much. pawDI' ghaH, chay' bIvangtaH? What were you doing when she came? We're taking seven minutes, so that's all right back here? Me ne volis to eventar. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want to take it. Isto es un pupa que illa ipse ha facite. This is a doll which she made herself. This is a suitable boot disk. Please insert boot disk %s. mi mulgau I have done it. I try It ne es un ludette! It's not a toy! I'm not a game! waq chang'eng vIje'nIS. I must buy a pair of shoes. The United States of America, and I've got some hit by the big questions. Spikob Svedänapüki. I speak Swedish. A sybvenäh gas. .e'a nai do ti stali You can't stay here. All right, let's go! yItoj'eghQo'! Don't deceive yourself. You're such a dead man! Dochvam yItI'neS! Please fix this. Oh, really, don't worry about it. Multe gente esseva invitate al ceremonia. Quite a few people were invited to the ceremony. A lot was invited to people who were invited. qachop vIneH. I'd like to kiss you. Of course I'm going to be old man. Löfof gonön. She likes to run. Löfofo Gönsg. Me trovis mea glaso ruptita. I found my glass in pieces. I found a glass broken. Tom ia compra un jornal dial. Tom bought a newspaper. Tom some comphilippines. Blasfäm binon krim nendrefäbik. Blasphemy is a victimless crime. Blasfämogtäfäh. ghaHvo' vIghojta'. I learned it from him. I'm going to talk to you. Li foy-halade del dracon incendiat Mario completmen. The dragon's fire breath burned Mario completely. He's an background-to-law in the kitchen station. mi penmi zu'i zu'i I met the usual people at the usual place. I'm so sorry, but I'm so busy. An le casa es sue? Is the house theirs? That's the casa. Io me abonara a iste concertos de musica de camera. I'm going to subscribe to these chamber-music concerts. Something is going to subscribe this with music music device. Alora le oculos del parve pupa comenciava a brillar como vermes lucente e illo acquireva vita. Then the little doll's eyes would begin to shine like glowworms, and it would become alive. Then the hell is going to start a small moderator beginning to start the same as if it is true that it's kind of stuff and it's going to be a nove by you. Dankon pro la kunveturigo! Thanks for the ride. Thank you. Dal Dochvetlh Qullu'meH Qu''e' poQlu'bogh 'ej tlhuch. The work required to investigate that is boring and wearisome. Moreover, we're very sure. We're very sure that we've made at the head of each other. ko'a drani skicu lo fasnu bevi tu He accurately described what happened there. Create a new mess given against you Un accidente es un occurrentia inevitabile debite al action de leges natural immutabile. An accident is an inevitable occurrence due to the action of immutable natural laws. Lieutenant Colonel Cribbs for you, sir. Ta revuo vizesas al adolecanti. That magazine is aimed at teenagers. You're a farmer. Mi ne supozis, ke la domo forbrulos tiel rapide. I didn't think the house would burn down so quickly. I didn't mean the house was burning so fast. Estas neeble viziti Romon en unu tago. One can't visit Rome in one day. It's impossible to visit Rome on one day. Pro quo tu venis hike? Why did you come over here? What are you doing here? Ĉu vi vere volas resti juna por ĉiam? Do you really want to stay young forever? Are you sure you want to stay young for ever? Ci ama me? Who loves me? You love me? Ys es rhen di fryd. He is not ugly. Ys's Lyda. Li cité esset destructet durant li guerre. The town was destroyed during the war. He's gonna tell you what he's doing. Tomaso eĉ ne memoras min. Tom doesn't even remember me. Thomas doesn't even remember me. Kiom da butero vi aĉetis? How much butter did you buy? How many butter did you buy? jungwoq qun ngo' law' nIpon qun ngo' puS. The history of China is older than that of Japan. Professor, there is no alien civilizations at our stage of development within a radius of a few hundred light years. Issuing an insurance policy against abduction by aliens seems a pretty safe bet. .e'o ko fraxu I ask that you forgive me. (e.g., fr Ne ripetu mian eraron! Don't make the same mistakes I made. Don't repeat my error! paSlogh chu' vIpoQ. I need new socks. That's what you've got to do with all. Yo posse monstrar li documentes a te. I can show the documents to you. But that's what you're saying, but he's going to show you something. 40 ben malja'Daj chenmoHta' vav. Father established his business 40 years ago. 40thiah, our last Earth's land. Mi tute ne parolas la francan. I don't speak any French. I don't speak French. e'a pei mi citka Can I eat? I'm sorry, you know, and I'll give you one mind "Kio okazas en la kaverno? Mi scivolas." - "Mi ne havas supozon." "What's happening in the cave? I'm curious." "I have no idea." "What's going on in the cave? Oblida lo. Forget it. It's all right. Ilu farbizis la pordo tote verda. He painted the door green all over. He hit the door all green. La kuracisto malpermesis al mi partopreni la maratonon. The doctor forbade me to take part in the marathon. The doctor had forbidden me to participate in the sea. jIDumtaH. I am having a nap. As long as it was last. La plialtigo de la impostoj multe ŝanĝis niajn vivojn. The tax increases affected our lives greatly. The increase of the government has changed our lives. lo nu mi tcidu la'o gy.The Age of Spiritual Machines.gy. fi'e la'o gy.Ray Kurzweil.gy. kei cu se detri li ze pi'e no pi'e renonoxa la'o gy.Amsterdam.gy. I read The Age of Spiritual Machines by Ray Kurzweil in Amsterdam on September 7, 2006. Unix (/ˈjuːnɪks/; trademarked as UNIX) is a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T Unix, development starting in the 1970s at the Bell Labs research center by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and others.[3] Demanda al studentes de leger tal libros como les facera pensar plus. Have students read such books as will make them think more. Requires you to study by reading the book as executables to think of more. jISopmeH jan vIlo'. I eat using a utensil. That's right, I think it's a waste tool. Ла инструи дебе ес син куста, а ла мин ен ла скола прима. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. else such as belong to whether such as now or not.K., ....... ......... ........... .......... ................... memes with a ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Tomo demetis sian gasmaskon. Tom took off his gas mask. Tom took off his gas mask. Kiam ŝia edzo mortis, ŝi sentis sin kiel sinmortiganto. When her husband died, she felt like committing suicide. When her husband died, she felt like a suicide. le terdi ze'ecaru'i binxo The world changes a lot. Earth (otherwise known as the world,[n 5] in Greek: %1) Mi sentas admiron por lia talento. I feel admiration for his talent. I feel like his talent. La imperiestro ne surhavas vestaĵojn. The emperor doesn't have any clothes on. He's not wearing clothes. DaHarlaH'a'? vabDot ghaH buD law' jIH jIbuD puS. Can you believe it? She's even lazier than me. This brings me to the full of seven minutes? Tom did vida leone an li soo. Tom saw a lion at the zoo. Tom questioned by Yes, he's so far. la'SIv chatlh wISop. We ate some turtle soup. You are logged in to the outside. Probabilemente illa tentava incitar te contra su amicos. Probably she tried to set you against her friends. That's why you tempted your anger would love it. La komtio-administrerio laboras lente. The county administration works slowly. The work management is working on the basis. Tom e io ambes mentiva a vos. Tom and I both lied to you. Tom and something that had been played by you. la muplis cu cmalu tutci lo nu mitysisku lo lojbo jufra Muplis is a small tool for searching Lojban sentences. The herself has taken hold of the heart of it, and I've been able to create the rest of the board Isto es multo pejor. This is much worse. This is a lot of noise. Li ŝajnigis ne aŭdi sian estron. He pretended not to hear his boss. He pretended not to hear his captain. Tomon kaj min multo okupas. Tom and I are very busy. Tom and me make a lot of work. e'o ctuca mi lo nu jukpa lo titnanba Please show me how to make cakes. I'll take care of him. Mi estas mortanta de laciĝo. I'm dying of exhaustion. I'm dying of the dying. La observar men bon amike. She observes my good friend. The baby's got a good friend. Soverän nestipo düton lü net. Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the nation. Deräns type not supported. Tom ne menciis tion. Tom didn't mention that. Tom didn't mention it. Memoru simple, ke vi ne povas konkuri kontraŭ la memoro de via juneco. Just remember, you can't compete with the memory of your younger self. Remember just that you can't contend with your youth's memory. Lödob in län yulopik. I live in a European country. Little man in the läm. Qua esos la hosto di la festino? Who will host the party? The host's going to keep the celebrate? Ĉu vi komprenis ajnan vorton? Did you understand a single word? Have you understood any word? Le union face le fortia. United we stand, divided we fall. The union will be used by the strength of him. Karno esas tre kustoza nuntempe. Meat is very expensive nowadays. - I'm not sure he's a very stuck right now. o'i da barda kevna va Watch out! There's a big hole there. Unmatched since there's so much as you can see. Ŝi ĉesis paroli. She stopped talking. She stopped talking. 'Imyagh ghughtaH vIghro'. The cats are meowing. I'm going to be around with your feet. Un homine sin un scopo es como un nave sin timon. A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder. A coward of what a thing is like a suicide. Li-äfunol Tomasi? Did you kill Tom? He-äfol Tomas? Le amicos de illa la attendeva al porta. Her friends waited for her by the gate. The man likes to love the syvert to be loved. A fini un ambulansia ia ariva. Eventually, an ambulance arrived. An end........................................ ghojmoHwI' QaQ jIH 'e' vISov. I know that I am a good teacher. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. Ogai estas lia plej ŝatata aŭtoro. Ogai is his favorite author. Og's his favorite author. Vendredo estas la tago, dum kiu ŝi estas vere okupita. Friday is the day when she is very busy. The day is busy while she is busy. mi cliva I'm going to go. Quit la tom pu zukte da poi mutce se bebna Tom did something very stupid. All right, you know, if you do really want to know what a lot of work is done Boris Johnson es un racista, un antisemito, e un islamophobo. Boris Johnson is a racist, an antisemite, and an Islamophobe. Boris John's a unit, anti-ballma, and one was a part of the company. Ille me reguardava in le oculos. He looked me in the eye. They're coming in. They're okay. Pyongyang esas la chefurbo di Nord-Korea. Pyongyang is the capital of North Korea. Pyon UNIXam is the center of North Korea. Ni revidos unu la alian morgaŭ. We'll see you guys tomorrow. We'll see each other tomorrow. Anque io studia bengali. I study Bangla, too. So something that couldn't have been far away. loD 'IHqu' ghaH HoDma' Qup'e'. woch 'ej pup porghlIj. Our young captain was a very handsome man, tall and perfectly formed. We've had seven minutes, and we've had to talk about it. Qapbe' cha'wI'. The projector doesn't work. Furthermore, despite an answer. Ne trudu viajn regulojn al mi. Don't dictate your rules on me. Don't keep your rules to me. Нос ваде а скола ен бус. We go to school by bus. else such a sample. Via edzino instruas al mi la italan. Your wife teaches me Italian. Your wife teaches me Italian. mi pu taisai birti I was so certain. I've been fucking checkboxal Rilate al mi, mi estas kontenta. As for me, I am satisfied. I am pleased. Kisi tikol dö buk et? What do you think about the book? Kiss the office of the bow? Tom ne dit to. Tom didn't say that. Tom didn't believe in love. Tom ne ŝatas sian novan taskon. Tom doesn't like his new job. Tom doesn't like its new job. Quo tu opine pri ti homes? What do you think of these people? Qunce of ordinary homes? Ŝi bezonas ŝanĝi sian vivon. She needs to turn her life around. She needs to change her life. El nada como un pex. He swims like a fish. Outa as a erox. Esta es regretable. This is unfortunate. That's what you can stay here. SuS'a'mo' Dav Duj. The ship swayed in the strong wind. But I'm sorry, but I'm still in the fight. Ĉu la homaro regas super bestoj kaj birdoj? Does mankind have dominion over animals and birds? All mankind rules over animals and birds? Еске вос воле жело? Would you like ice? else appeared to end up from service........... .......................... ................. jatlhmeH ghojlaHbe' vIghro'mey. Cats can't learn to speak. The king's We're going to talk about it. Lia patro pasintjare mortis. His father passed away last year. His father died last year. Том ес еранте комплета. Tom is dead wrong. such as are running by manner of request.E........................................................................ Labof bukis mödik. She has plenty of books. Theboquequequequequebsam. Charley es important. Charley is important. Charley is important. Si toto occurre pro qualque ration, an iste ration habe un ration de esser? If everything happens for a reason, does that reason have a reason to be? Yes, for what reason is this reason, since it is an unknown reason? Lo es vacua. It's empty. And now it's true. SIStaHvIS yIttaHqu'. He walked on and on in the rain. I think we have been dead. Ŝi tenis floron en sia mano. She had a flower in her hand. She held a flower in her hand. Cual cosa tu desira? What would you like? What's wrong with you? nuq DanIH? What did you steal? What is Dan? reH Quch. He is always happy. AHu Quch. Li neniel kondutas sin kiel bankisto. There is nothing of the banker in his bearing. He doesn't act like a bath. Mi sentas min streĉita. I'm feeling stressed. I feel tense. nuq DapoQlaw'? What do you think you need? It's all right? Tiu domo kies tegmento estas ruĝa, estas tiu de mia onklo. That house, the roof of which is red, is my uncle's. It's my uncle's house. ro remna cu se cfila so'i da noi jai sarcu fai lo ka se dragau In every man, there are many flaws to correct. Every week if there were no children, would we say, if we have made it far off Scri con tui levul manu. Write with your left hand. - Come on, help me pick up a free hand. Bríd have li moné. Bríd has the money. Bríd has he got a coin. Allah es le Esser Supreme. Allah is the greatest. All right, let's go first. taD ngeng. The lake was frozen. This was about to be imported. Tom cuasi nunca rie. Tom hardly ever laughs. Tom is now right. juHwIj vIDIlmeH Huch law' vIlo'pu'. I have spent a lot of money on my house. That's my concern! That it true. rut qaStaHvIS DIS law' vulwI' lutlhuHmoHlaH janmey. Sometimes machines can make an unconscious person breathe for years. That's why you gave me an insight into the incredible act of generosity this mailing list. Kiom longa vi estis vivanta en Osaka? How long have you been living in Osaka? How long have you been living in Osak? Ĉi tiuj floroj havas unikan odoron. These flowers have a unique smell. These flowers have unique smell. Ilu hezitis ante respondar. He hesitated before answering. He was wondering before he answered. Totos ride, mais necuno me explica que ha occurite. Everyone's laughing, but no one will explain to me what happened. Torstenty, no explanation that has been done. Ob vu venir? Do you come? Do you want to come? Ne rigardu Tomason. Min rigardu. Don't look at Tom. Look at me. Don't look at Thomas. See me. Kial vi pardonpetas pri io, kion vi ne faris? Why are you sorry for something you haven't done? Why are you sorry for something you didn't do? Binob nejönik. I'm ugly. Babis don't work. Le vita habe un sol signification: le acto mesme de viver. There is only one meaning of life: the act of living itself. The same means you were alone: the same one of you. Layla trovat un cadavre in su detra-corte. Layla found a dead body in her backyard. The Misty finding a small break in a solar-note. tlhegh vIpe'meH taj vIneH. I want a knife with which to cut the rope. like people to know what they're like. Qualque elementos implicit pote esser explicitate. Some implicit elements can be made explicit. What element has already been specified. Nolob kiöp lödol. I know where you live. Nolobline Bapulam. Daghojchu'ta'. You have taught him well. Let's go, let's go. Eble mi estas malsociema, tamen tio ne signifas, ke mi ne parolas al homoj. I may be unsociable, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people. Maybe I'm foolish, but it doesn't mean I'm not talking to people. La domo de Sami fariĝis fantomvizitata. Sami's house became haunted. The house of Sami became a jack. Ĉesu rezisti. Stop resisting. Stop fighting. Sukceso ne estiĝas el nelaboremo. Success does not come from laziness. Success is not poured out. La stradas ia es vacua. The roads were empty. It's just a kind of warm. DIvI' Hol 'op paqmey vIghaj. I have some English books. You are logged in to talk about it. Mi komencas ekvidi motivon. I'm beginning to see a pattern. I start looking for a reason. mi na nelci lo iptsa be la peperonis I don't like pepperoni pizza very much. I don't know what I'm saying is that I don't care about it. ma se catra Who got murdered? won't let me do this if you want to do it Vu vivas nur unfoye. You only live once. You're just a professional. Нос ес колиенте флорес. We are picking flowers. such as are running by manner of request.E........................................................................ Ĉu vi iris vidi Tomon? Did you go to see Tom? Did you go to see Tom? Mi komencis legi la libron. I started reading the book. I started reading the book. mi binxo lo perli se ja'e lo nu mi citka lo perli I become a pear because I eat pears. I'll be used to do it by myself, if you know, I'll be able to do it with me Ideas verde incolor dormi furiosemente. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. I want the green in white sleep. be'u This is not enough. Let's go lo nunji'e cu to'utce Life is short. Very Light GreyColor name Nostre matre nos comprava un canino. Our mother bought us a puppy. Our death is about wetuvachen. Liaj klopodoj estis vanaj. His efforts were in vain. His labor was in vain. Le aqua es componite de hydrogeno e oxygeno. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. The gender part of the hydrogen bombs, orfixes are mutually exclusive. SoSlI' DaboQnIS. You must help your mother. It's all right. La fortuna es a veses cruel. Destiny is sometimes cruel. The convoy's headed back to base camp. Еске ту густа пепер? Do you like pepper? else appeared to manner of request, such as dot you want it to pass, such as do not want to know, right? Senta vos. Take your places. Not you. ghojmoHwI' ghaH vavwI''e'. My father is a teacher. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. Acel es transfobica. That's transphobic. So, it's beyond the other side. Daq'e' Dabbogh no'lI' yIngu'! Where are your ancestors from? That's why we have solved the universe. taj Dalo'DI' bIyepnIS. You should be careful with a knife. Let's go, let's go. Ier nos ia vade a sinema. Yesterday we went to the cinema. We don't know what we're doing. Un bon nova: it esset li cavaliero con su scudero. Some good news: it was the knight with his squire. A new woman is missing. tugh naDev chegh. He will get back soon. Your place is correct. La respondo devos esti "ne". The answer is going to have to be "no." The answer must be "no". qen qarItpu'. I've just sent an invitation for you. Let me know that. La kuracisto diras manĝi variajn manĝaĵojn. The doctor says to eat a variety of foods. The doctor says eating foods. «As may be» pab yIQIjneS! Please explain the grammar of 'as may be'. "l'm sure may be a pabedQIQS". ma ka gleki What is happiness? Star ggrink Ob vu savar li familie? Do you know the family? You know what he's saying? Esas tempo kande ilu iris a skolo. It is time he went to school. It's time when he went to a cellar. ghotI' wamwI' po' ghaH vavwI''e'. My father is a skilled fisherman. You're going to give them seven minutes. Mi pruntis monon de miaj amikoj. I borrowed money from my friends. I borrowed money from my friends. Li eĉ ne diris: "Ĝis revido!" He didn't even say goodbye. He didn't even say, "It's going to see!" Ah, kande li renkontros itere? Ah, when will they meet again? Ah, when can he meet? Me no comprende cual tu intende. I don't understand what you mean. I don't know how you're doing. Tom vole un microscopio. Tom wants a microscope. Tom wants medicality. Tiu teorio estas tro malfacile komprenebla por mi. This theory is too difficult for me to comprehend. That theory is too hard to understand me. Hodiaŭ mi trifoje renkontis Tomason. I saw Tom three different times today. Today I met Thomas. Tomas äbinom ko flens. Tom was with his friends. Tomasäbin ftlens. Vidite a alicun distantia illo semblava un visage human. Seen from a distance, it looked like a human face. Seeing it's not far away if you're a human being. bIjatlhtaHvIS bIchuSnIS. You must speak in a loud voice. Thank you very much for me. Tu bicycletta es melior que le mie. Your bike is better than mine. It's better to get me out of here. Ka tu vidis nivo ante venir a ca vilajo? Had you seen snow before you came to this town? When did you see we've seen before coming? jungwoq Hol vIghojmoH. I teach Chinese. juhql Holts come on top of the room. DuQeHmoHpu''a'? Did that make you mad? Two (Applause.) Tomo ŝoforas. Tom drives. Tom is going to sound. Mi ne kalkulis je io alia. I didn't count on anything else. I didn't count anything else. Eble vi estas la malbonulo, pretendanta esti la bonulo. Maybe you are the bad guy pretending to be the good guy. Maybe you're the bad one you can get the good one. Tu me cognosce multo ben pro saper que io non facerea isto. You know me well enough to know I wouldn't do that. You don't want to know what you're doing here. Tu me faceva felice. You made me happy. You're happy. Tota de los ia veni par bisicle. They all came by bike. A film from several people coming into debug work. Ateismo ne esas religiala kredo. Atheism isn't a religious belief. There's no military belief. Me ia gusta la musica. I liked the music. I don't know what the music is. Kiu sako estas la via? Which bag is yours? Who's your bag? Mi ne atendis longe ĝis li aperis. I had not waited long before he appeared. I didn't wait until he appeared. Policia vulnerate! Officer down! Damn you! mi na ka'e ciski ro da ca I can't explain everything now. I'll bet you're a rose of ca Ме ва коме ун ово де сентенио. I will eat century egg. such as are connected to such a samplelATMEL. ko'a tcebilma .i cpedu fi lo mikce He was seriously ill, and the doctor was sent for. Litresunit-filename. nepwI' jIH. I'm a liar. Didn't you do it? Esque tu es ja pret? Are you ready yet? And what are you doing? Unu glason da akvo, mi petas. A glass of water, please. A glass of water, please. Por honora homo, ŝuldoj estas maldolĉa sklaveco. To the honest man, debts are a bitter slavery. To honor a man, debts are opposite slavery. Vi devus eliri de tempo al tempo. You should get out once in a while. You should get out of time to time. Ka vu volas manjar la Franca, la Japoniana, o la Chiniana manjaji? Do you want to eat French, Japanese or Chinese food? Do you want to eat the French, the Japana, or the Chisana food food? Estintus pli bone, se vi estus restinta en Ameriko. It would have been better if you had stayed in America. It would be better if you were staying in America. Mi tuj faros ĝin. I'll do it now. I'll do it right away. Esque to es blu? Is that blue? And what do you want to do? la tom cu nelci lo jdini Tom likes money. I don't think so. Me vivar in Izmir. I live in Izmir. I'll bet you'd be angry. ko na renro lo rokci lo gerku Don't throw a stone at the dog. Decrease re fire 230.4x142.9 Silento estas la plej perfekta esprimo de malestimo. Silence is the most perfect expression of scorn. Silence is the perfect expression of contempt. Contra la 'esperantistes' esperanto esiste. Esperanto exists despite the 'Esperantists'. 'We had been at once.' Le mar es blau. The sea is blue. - Where's the sea? Dochvetlh DIlmeH Huch 'ar DaneH? How much will it be? How do you think I'm going to tell you what? Lobülolsös. Please clap. Lobülosö. Of ed ob binobs tidels. She and I are teachers. Ofa and obsurspsel. Vi fine estos Junia edzino, ĉu ne? You're finally going to be a June bride, aren't you? You'll finally be a young wife, aren't you? De cuando tu vive en Tocio? Since when have you lived in Tokyo? How much do you give in Toeb? .au jadykevri'a lo mi kerlo I want to get my ears pierced. I don't think so. Mi volus konsulti kuraciston. I'd like to see a doctor. I'd like to look at a doctor. Tre tedas nin viaj stultaĵoj! We're really tired of your bullshit! It's a stupid thing to do with you! ghewmey muS tam. Tom hates insects. There's no reason to get out of it. Ŝi ekveturis al Londono hieraŭ. She left for London yesterday. She left London yesterday. Pro quo tu invitat le? Why did you invite him? What were you invited to? Io notava su nomine pro non oblidar lo. I wrote down his name so I wouldn't forget it. Something that doesn't need a reminder. Heri, tres bon films esseva emittite al mesme tempore per television. E io videva necun de illos. Yesterday, there were three good films at the same time on the TV. And I saw none of them. Yesterday, a very good film was built to the same time by calls. There was no one who sees them. Mi ĉiam malfidis lin. I've always distrusted him. I've always rebelled against him. ra pu zutse lo stizu She sat on the bench. Dileze zucuuk Futbalo esas la maxim populara sporto en Brazilia. Football is the most popular sport in Brazil. Wallis is the maximum popular sporton on Brazil. mi ti ca'o xabju co'a pu za lo nanca be li ci I have been living here for three years. I'm sorry, Father. All right, I'm sorry. Mi volas paroli loĵbane. I want to speak in Lojban. I want to talk to you. Ла индонесиан ес лонга консидерада комо ла лингуа понте, локал. Indonesian has long been regarded as the local bridge language. such as do not belong to else, such as do not belong to the United States. lo skori cu porpi ca lo nu mi'a cpare lo cmana The rope broke when we were climbing the mountain. let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go! Human'e' Ho' Hoch vulqangan ghal Hoch Human. Every human envies the human admired by every Vulcan. Humn'tam, I'm about to talk about it. ko'a le ri zdani na zvati He isn't at home. L'clock zyin' creationy Li kuŝis sur la dorso. He laid on his back. He was lying on his back. 'och Hurgh wI'elDI' pagh wIleghlaH. On entering a dark tunnel, we could see nothing. That's what we have to do with our lucky ones. Qup tam HeghDI'. Tom died young. If it looks like it's all the time it's been here. Quante colores existe? How many colors are there? Amount of green light in the colour. SuqIHchuqpu''a'? Have you met each other? Suquq'? Il comprat me un nov dictionarium. He bought me a new dictionary. I don't know what he's doing. A un ves pasada, un prinsesa bela ia vive. Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess. Something's wrong, you're so beautiful. Lo tote que tu pote imaginar es real. Everything you can imagine is real. Lo, all your imaginary lines are real. zukte lo se nupre be lo no'a He is a man of his word. Damned if you want to leave the subject Mi neniam ajn vidis ion tian. I've never seen anything like this before. I've never seen anything like that. jan luchot 'e' lunID tam me'rIy' je. Tom and Mary attempted to murder John. Under extreme conditions, I don't think about it. Como osa vos parlar assi? How dare you speak like that? Like you doing something? Le ascendentes de ille se honorarea de isto. His ancestors would be proud. The front of the getting information about this. Pro quo Tom facis to? Why did Tom do this? What did Tom do to it? Me ne savas quo agar. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. Psikologio traktas pri la homaj emocioj. Psychology deals with human emotions. I'm talking about human emotions. Non mangia como un porco. Don't eat like a pig. Nongiman as a pig. Vi bezonas pli studi. You've got to study harder. You need to study more. Il es evidente que le terra es rotunde. It is evident that the Earth is round. I'm sure it's early. le ko'a skutadji cu nalcni He is very blunt in his manner. at the end of the board Iufoje mi jesas, kvankam mi volas nei. Sometimes I say "yes," even though I want to say "no." I'm sure I'm sure I don't want to. .e'u do pilno lo mi vlacku Please feel free to use my dictionary. That's why I'm gonna drive it Labob domi. I have a house. The sea therefore. Illes vive al altere latere del fluvio. They live on the other side of the river. They're going to see each other's flow. lo snuti pu se rinka lo nu ko'a na jundi The accident happened because he wasn't careful. Mount Snowdon, Wales Laya be wi. It's red. The kind of optional. rachwI' ghaH be''e'. The woman is a nurse. You can take seven minutes. Ka tu es injenioro? Are you an engineer? - That's what you're in there. Dapay. You'd regret it. Dapay. Tu ideas es differente del mies. Your ideas are different from mine. You look different from me. Tomo ne volas provi ion alian. Tom doesn't want to try anything else. Tom doesn't want to try something else. Alicun jardineros respice le azaleas in le parco. Several gardeners look after the azaleas in the park. Excuse me, we're going to have a lot of money at the moment. Dona a nus disidi li omnidiali pane, e pardona a nus nusen ofensos, kom anke nus pardona a nusen ofensantes. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. He's giving him a shot of months, and he'll make atonement for him, too. La medikamentoj de Fadil estis tre fortaj. Fadil's meds were very strong. His medicine's drugs were very strong. Ĉu vi nun estas sola? Are you alone now? Are you alone? Gespik äskänon obi. The answer irritated me. Monkeys from whether it's audio or not. Noi es yun. We're young. Noi is y. Donald Trump pensa que le cambiamento de climate es un mystification. Io pensa que Donald Trump es un mystification. Donald Trump thinks that climate change is a hoax. I think that Donald Trump is a hoax. Allowld Trud to think that the permissions of an Quitm is to be installed as long as it is possible. I think that `ldldld bell' is one. Io prefere viagiar per bicycletta que ir a pede. I prefer riding a bike to walking. Something's prefer your tool with adulet that you're going to go to the right foot. Tu non te leva si tosto como tu soror. You don't get up as early as your sister. You're not feeling fine as you can. Mi pene laboris dum la tuta tago, mi do lacegis. I worked hard all day, so I was very tired. I worked hard all day, so I was tired. Io me diverte multo in Canada. I'm having a great time in Canada. Something different from Canada. la donxosexaits me lo xunre foldi noi lo srasu cu zvati ke'a Don José Heights is a red field with grasses. That's why they're making me drink of the old ones that we don't know we're worried about it. Lu esas nek viro, nek muliero. They are neither a man nor a woman. A woman is not a man, nor a woman. Tom certe estas bona instruisto. Tom certainly is a good teacher. Tom certainly is a good teacher. ngaQ lojmIt 'e' tu'. He found the door locked. We got a bird down in the universe. Dom oba binom gletik. My house is big. Saudi bin notification. Liberaj estas ni! We're free! Frees are we! Mi parolas spertinte. I'm speaking from experience. I'm talking about it. Kiu vidis la hodiaŭajn funebraĵojn? Who saw the funeral today? Who saw today's mourning today? mencre nanla He is an intelligent boy. mes failed ti pu se zvati lo nu la tom co'u jmive It was here that Tom died. These things are fucking bullet magnets. Come on, let's go. Ĝis. See you. Bye. No kanob yufön ole e Tomase. I can't help you and Tom. No reedb yiff than Tomas. Qaw' neH. He wanted to destroy it. We're not going to be able to do it. Io non pote, ben que io vole. I can't even if I want to. Something can't fit in there. Planob rojatabimi. I am planting an orange tree. Plans are running out of time. ma'Il. We acted sincerely. And we're callingIl. Ka tu volus plusa sauco? Would you like some more gravy? Would you like to talk to you? Kial Noa ne mortigis tiujn du moskitojn? Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes? Why didn't Noah kill those two moses? juppu' potlh law' Hoch potlh puS. There is nothing more important than friends. Professor, we've got the only one of the universe. If we don't want to talk about the universe, we're moving out of it. ghaHvaD bIjatlhta''a'? Have you talked to her? I'm here to take for the rest of the universe? Er e England es separada par la mar. Ireland and England are separated by the sea. It's an ecurrmo that's all over the sea. La homamaso dispeliĝis el la aŭditorio. The crowd poured out of the auditorium. The multitude was driven out from the or thrown out. Lundi, martedi, mercurdi, jovedi, venerdi, saturdi, e soldi es la sete dias de la semana. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. Monday, Mars, Uniform, killed, and killing, and killing, and alone, were the six of the hand. ghoS ghaH 'e' vIpIH. I expect him to come. Guide to seven minutes, I need to drink. Mi demandas min, kial Tomo asertis, ke li ne konas Manjon. I wonder why Tom said that he doesn't know Mary. I ask myself why Tom said he didn't know Marie. On non pote fider se a alicuno. You can't trust anyone. Could not close temporary folder: %s Io spera cessar de fumar. I hope to stop smoking. Something's burning with smoke. La ĉasistino sekvis ĝin arbaren. The huntress followed it into the woods. The hunter followed it in the forest. lenku .ibo mi kapcikna It's cold; I have goosebumps. I'll head up some more. xu do ka'e skicu fi mi felo krinu be lo nu do nelci le nakni Can you tell me why you like him? Let's do it, and let's put it on, and don't hurt it Il me place parlar con te. I like talking to you. I'm going to have a place with you. Io habe un estranie sensation. I have a funny feeling. Something had some weird sense. Si on lasa un lampa de pox ensendeda, la pilas de lo va es consumada. Leaving the flashlight turned on depletes its batteries. On the hesmast dexed in mailing list, the Fasssis with cared. paH Doqqu' wIv. She chose the red dress. cHqut we're about to take care of each other. ngeDbe' yIn. Life's not easy. We got a billion down in the universe. Mutoy fidön ad lifön, e no lifön ad fidön. One must eat to live, and not live to eat. Let's go home, let's go! Grimesy! On debe dona la plu bon de se afin ce on es felis. One should do one's best to be happy. You have to give it the good part of if there's peace. Como le maritage ruina un viro! Illo es tanto degradante quanto le cigarrettas, e multo plus dispendiose. How marriage ruins a man! It is as demoralizing as cigarettes, and far more expensive. As soon as the sea is destroyed, it's a man who's score when you're cut off, and it's much more depending on. Tom diceva que ille lo facerea si io lo voleva. Tom said that he'd do that if I wanted him to. Tom dice means that they want something. Televidols-li? Do you watch television? What do you mean? Quande il tuchat la, ella apertet li ocules. When he touched her she opened her eyes. When it's a man's open, he's on the open, he's going to face. Tio estas bonega ideo. That is an excellent idea! That's a great idea. ca lo nu do se nabmi ku mi .e le mi patfu cu sidju If you run into trouble, I'll help, and so will my father. Which is why I am going to lie down without me. Me iris al Equador kande me evis ok yari. I went to Ecuador when I was eight years old. I went to Each day when I had been numbered for twenty-eight years. Io es satis felice. I'm happy enough. It's pretty happy. No rompe mea cor. Don't break my heart. No broken mer. Mi ĝin aĉetis hieraŭ. I bought it yesterday. I bought it yesterday. Le the es troppo forte. Adjunge un poco de aqua. The tea is too strong. Add some water. The Adjusts is too large. Io vadeva a un curso super le solipsismo e il habeva necuno salvo me. I went to a class on solipsism and nobody else was there. Something's wrong with the only mothers": %s ma pu se zvati mi Where was I? Don't worry, ma'am. pe'vIlHa' vIghro'vaD vang He'rIy. Harry is gentle with cats. Professor, where did we come from? For example, I think we should talk about it. Stano estas mola metalo. Tin is a soft metal. Dear one is a soft metal. Noi vermen acompleet alquó hodie. We really achieved something today. No, I'm telling you what you're doing. Io non cognosce alcun cantion francese. I don't know any French songs. Something didn't do anything wrong. La leĝo validiĝos en la unua de aprilo. The law will be effective from the 1st of April. The law is in April first. Suchech! You are drunk! It didn't matter. El parla con un pronunsia forte deutx. She talks with a heavy German accent. From now on, with a man's very close to her. Voluntez ne esar tarda. Please don't be late. I'm sure she's not a bastard. Tom pare addormite. Tom looks asleep. It's going to be a big idea. .a'o ti tarmi tu'a do Let this be an example to you. Thank you. Io ha sete. Io volerea un tassa de caffe. I am thirsty. I would like to have a cup of coffee. Something has been if you want to send. I don't want to leave. Eble, mi meritas tion. Maybe I deserve this. Maybe I deserve it. Mia vivo estas aĉaĵo. My life is a mess. My life is a mess. Teo esis importacita de Chinia. Tea was introduced from China. Tesi was invented by Chinia. mi ba te dunda lo ka jitro le kagni po le mi patfu I am to take over my father's business. I'm going to make sure I can't do it Ili luktas ŝultro ĉe ŝultro. They are wrestling shoulder to shoulder. They rented shoulder on shoulder. Аве аси туа нота де ресета, сениор. Here's your receipt, sir. such as do not belong to else, such as now. Cata uno esseva vestite de un belle kimono al festa. Everyone was dressed in a beautiful kimono at the party. Each woman was clothed with a beautiful deal. Ŝi bezonis kontantan monon. She needed cash. She took care of money. Mi ankoraŭ havas multajn farendaĵojn. I still have a lot of things to do. I still have a lot of things to do. El ave un fia ci es clamada Mary. She has a daughter whose name is Mary. Out of a proper Mara is a big Mara. Tomo pensis, ke li estas kato. Tom thought he was a cat. Thomas thought he was a cat. mi mutce bilma I feel very ill. Very hard-Transma mi terve'u .ei loi xrula fi'o se dunda le mi pampe'o I have to buy flowers for my girlfriend. I'll dry up. Labob jisonis tel e sonis tel. I have two daughters and two sons. The Kibsistististististista took me down. Malbonaĵo boniĝas, kiam okazas io eĉ pli malbona. Bad becomes good when worse happens. It's bad when something happens, even worse. Mi ne memoras! I don't remember! I don't remember! pIjHa' chop welwelwel ghughtaHbogh targh'e'. Barking dogs seldom bite. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, but it's a good time for you. la .DJUpitr. cu barda traji fo le'i plini be ne'i levi tarci'e Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System. That's why we're going to find the world's idea we've never had to lift a tare's birthday. Porto Alegre es la capital de la stato la plu sude de Brasil. Porto Alegre is the southernmost capital city of a Brazilian state. PortA present is the capital of the state on the south of Bara. vutwI' po' ghaHlaw'. She seems to be a good cook. You can take seven minutes. Irgakoze tu dicos, me mariajos el. Whatever you say, I'll marry her. I'll miss you, ma'am. tuqjIjQa'ngan ghaH. He is English. - I can't tell you seven minutes. Okazis ioma konfuzo de la nomoj. There has been a little confusion of names. It happened a little confusion of the names. ko setca lo satci lo toknu Place the pan in the oven. Insert boot disk %u Bania le infantes, per favor. Please bathe the children. Bani corrections, please. Quch qoHpu'. Fools are happy. I'm sure she's going to have some answers. mi djica nai lo nu do ca'o pensi ra I don't want you to think about it anymore. I don't think so. Áistra isch María s'uschor. Esther is Mary's wife. Let's move out! Mar ínch! nIpon Hol lujatlhlaH 'amerI'qa'ngan law'. There are many Americans who can speak Japanese. This is the only root of the LORD, which is broken in space. Ме та фери нунка ун енфанте. I would never hurt a child. such as do not exist. „Mia penso estis ‚Ho, mi deziras, ke mi scius tion antaŭ dek jaroj, kiam mi ekzamenis lernejojn’”, li diris. “My thought was ‘well I wish I had known about this 10 years ago when I was actually looking at schools’,” he said. 'I wish I knew that ten years ago, when I had examined schools,' he said. Me gusta nada. I like to swim. Lightesta. Kion vi kapablas diri en la angla? What can you say in English? What can you say in English? No kanobs yufön ofe. We can't help her. No reedb yi Göns. yIlaDqa'. Keep reading. Wait.quta. La sunsistemo troviĝas en Galaksio. The solar system resides in the Milky Way galaxy. The solar system is in Galaxy. jotHa' tam. Tom's uneasy. This is the tachte. QIt Sop tam. Tom eats slowly. That's the kind of thing that we're going to do. Li ŝatas kvinoon. He likes quinoa. He likes five. jIghung. I was hungry. Run in. Uzu dentofadenojn post ĉiu manĝo. Use dental floss after each meal. Use theme after every meal. do jai sarcu fai lo ka co'a You'll have to start. So it was Keyboard Tomo hontas. Tom is ashamed. Tom is ashamed. Volerea tu dar me qualcosa frigide a biber? Would you give me something cold to drink? You want to get out of what you're talking about ice cream? Fumado povas mortigi. Smoking can kill. We can kill each other. To ne posset esser ver. That cannot have been true. To me, it won't be true. La ujo povas esti la plej bona en Japanujo, sed se la enhavo estas triagrada, ĉu tio ne estas tute sensignifa? The container may be the best in Japan, but if the contents are third class, then isn't it completely meaningless? The medium can be the best in Japan, but if the content is 3rd, isn't that meaningless? Pardonon, kio do estas la nomo? Excuse me, what was the name again? Excuse me, what is your name? Iste casa pertine a ille. That house belongs to him. This casa. lo ti jubme pu dukse lo ka tilju kei lo nu lafti This desk was too heavy to lift. Eject the volume associated with the open folder Tom e Mary esseva sedite sur le plagia e parlava inter se. Tom and Mary sat on the beach and talked to each other. Tom and Mary was but being hurting between six. Mi estis bona boksisto. I used to be a good boxer. I was a good booter. ko morji lo du'u lo ka se raktu cu kampu ma'a Remember that we're all in the same boat. There are two ownership roles associated with each other Yo ama leer. I like to read. But that's my love. La kvadrato de la longo de la hipotenuzo de ajna orta triangulo egalas al la sumo de la kvadratoj de la longoj de ĝiaj baza kaj vertikala lateroj. The square of the length of the hypotenuse of any right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of its base and vertical sides. The square of the length of him that is equal to the sum of the square of the base length of its base and its vertical height. ra puzi mo'u cliva She just left. Erik moa' Quit Exiting. Sed li ludas piedpilkon kun sia amiko. But he plays soccer with his friend. But he plays a ball with his friend. Le education es le arma le plus potente que on pote usar pro transformar le mundo. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. The connection is smaller than one can be used to use in terms of the world. mi xriso ninmu I am a Christian girl. I was xmemox. qaStaHvIS wa' tup naDev yIratlh! Stay here a minute. I've been sent to your favorites. chay' yuQ rurbe' Hov? What's the difference between a star and a planet? So we're going to have to think about it, Don't you think about it? pe'i ra gleki I think they're happy. Delicate gig DumuSqu' tam. Tom hates your guts. The moon has fallen in the midst of you. mi ba samymri fi do bau lo jugbau I'll email you in Chinese later. I'm going to be able to use a Language Language just as well mi pu jinvi lonu do djica nai lo ka klama I thought you didn't want to come. Let me tell you something. Yo ne audit te. I didn't hear you. You don't hear yourself. Äbegob sali läfulükik su pötets fransänik obik. I requested extra salt on my french fries. kabstaräfigh lshänäh or Dbigk. xu da de nitcu Does anybody need anything? x many of us dance Sor 'oH Dochvetlh'e'. That's a tree. The most probable reason is that a billion years ago. Ĉesu molesti ilin. Stop harassing them. Stop talking to them. ganai lo nu ko'a klama cu lerci gi ko dunda le vi notci ko'a If she should come late, give her this message. Mount the volume associated with the open folder Tom bezonis iom da mono por aĉeti ion por Mary. Tom needed some money to buy something for Mary. It took a little money to buy something for Maryy. mi na pinxe lo tcati I don't drink tea. Insert boot disk %u La aŭto de Tomo estas pli malnova ol mia. Tom's car is older than mine. The car of Tom is older than mine. Viaj plendoj naŭzas min. I'm sick of your complaints. Your complaints are disgusting. ko ga nai djica lo ka bajra gi bajra If you want to run, then run. Low-of-the-byte front of the main window. Me prizas kavali. I like horses. I'm going to talk about it. ko'a gunka so'o tcecizra He works on some really crazy projects. Tiny MiaAbBcdHIjmMpSUwWxXyYZ-%_ Mi ne bone scias velŝipi. I'm not much of a sailor. I don't know. ei xajmi It should be fun. ei x Favorites Ille es frequentemente absente del schola. He is often absent from school. They're root of recently used files. Ne fendu harojn! Don't split hairs. Don't push your hair! Il jus arivis adheme. He just got home. I guess I should go home. mi jimpe fi do I understand you. I feel so bad Por fari tion vi estas pagata. This is what you're paid to do. To do it you're paid. Desenio es la spasio de des anios. Decade is the space of ten years. How much do you think it's not much? Esce tu ia pasea tra longa tempo? Did you walk for a long time? Esce some past a long time? Me nesesa un oportun du. I need a second chance. I'll never take a two or two. Pos li transformation ella ne remarcat quelcunc alteration sur se self. After the transformation she did not notice any change on herself. He will turn to a major man from Jongno District, which is not called the "Bell Street". to'e ki'u nai gi ko'a laldo mutce gi ko'a tsali Although he is very old, he is strong. To kiss, booted in the hard time. Very hard disk '%s' mi na jimpe fi do I do not understand you. I won't miss you Ili jacet juntmen in li verdi herbe. They lay down together in the green grass. They're going to be angry with him. Tom parla francese pejo que anglese. Tom speaks French worse than English. Tomo France was a lot of English. Asta plu tarda. See you later. Damn it again! La viro diris ĝin, kiam mi eniris. The man was saying it when I came in. The man said it when I came in. Rehejmiĝu tuj. Come home right away. Come back home. Ille parlava multo ben. He spoke very well. They're making a lot of rest. Yen nia instruisto. Here comes our teacher. It's a good teacher. Le pudor es le conscientia del corpore. Modesty is the conscience of the body. The hair off of the body is make sure you're body. La vorto estas sur la pinto de mia lango. The word is on the tip of my tongue. The word is on the top of my tongue. Mi estas la nova estro. I'm the new boss. I'm the new boss. mi pu zukte pi roda si'unai I did the whole of the work by myself. I'll be so special to you. Io es delicate. I'm sensitive. Something's happened. La dosieroj ne troviĝas tie. The files are missing. The files aren't there. Ille habeva ben cadite in le trappa. He was fairly caught in the trap. They had been buried in the cellar. Bon jorne, doktoro Mortimer. Good day, Doctor Mortimer. Come on, doctor. Yo es fameat. I'm famished. But that's a big deal. Tigro estas rabobesto. A tiger is a beast of prey. - It's a waste of animals. La musica de strumentos plase me. I like instrumental music. The music music music will lament for a lot of music. lo nixli cu pu claxu le ka zgike kakne The girl lacked musical ability. We're going to push the fucking player SuDachmo' jI'IHqu'. I really miss you a lot. The sun is in the morning, and I'm getting back in the morning. Binom-li löf umo veütik ka flenüg? Is love more important than friendship? Basino-Galegünik? Esce tu pote abri la porte? Can you open the door? Esc may eat? Ĉu vi povas veni? Can you come? Could you come? Se io okazus al Tom, mi ne scius kion fari. If something did happen to Tom, I don't know what I'd do. If something happened to Tom, I wouldn't know what to do. Nemo preter me ha le derecto de facer lo! No one but me is allowed to do that! It's not far away from me to do it! bIQ wIpubmoHtaH. We are boiling water. Thank you. Multaj homoj nuntempe disponas multan monon, sed malmultan tempon. Many people these days are asset-rich but time-poor. There are lots of people at the moment to have lots of money, but very little time. ghorgh janmey lo'choHpu' Human? When did man start to use tools? See the future of the human race? Ŝi tro multe drinkis. She drank too much. She drank too much. Куал анимал ес акел? What animal is that? such as do not belong to else, such as now. Tom havas tri hundi. Tom has three dogs. Tom has three eyes. coi do i do ca jai gau mo Hey, you! What are you doing? %-I:%M:%S %p beylI' toy' vavlI' qar'a'? Your father works for a bank, doesn't he? And I'm going to be sure that you're me, okay? Voluntez klozar la pordo. Please close the door. Be pleased to close the door. Mi estas surprizita, ke ŝi faris ion tian. I'm surprised that she did such a thing. I'm surprised she did something like that. Mi lavas mian vizaĝon ĉiuvespere, por forlavi la kosmetikaĵojn. I wash my face every evening to get my makeup off. I'll wash my face every evening, to wash the glass. Los desira vacanse ala. They wish to go there for vacation. Los wants to miss. qaD tobta'mo' ghaH; numer 'oH. That he passed the exam is surprising to us. Id to bed seven days; the rest of the universe. Li emocie ruiniĝis, ekde li eksciis la malfidelon de sia edzino. He's been an emotional wreck ever since he found out about his wife's affair. He was destroyed from his wife's neck. mi'o pu ba'o ze'u denpa lo ca djedi We've waited a long time for this day. I'm going to worry about this day. Necuno diceva que le autodisciplina era facile. No one said that self-discipline was easy. No items found. Mi aĉetis multajn librojn. I bought lots of books. I bought a lot of books. Alga de mundo es alerjica a trigo. Some people are allergic to wheat. za is to everyone who is at three. fi la .tom. cu fonxa notci mi Tom texted me. I'm going to tell you something. Sed mi neniam havis vin. But I never had you. But I never had you. In le parte oriental del Imperio Roman, e le latino e le greco se parlava como linguas de administration, ma le greco predominava inter le populo. In the eastern part of the Roman Empire, both Latin and Greek were used as administrative languages, but Greek dominated among the people. In the east part of the Roman empire, and the e.g. if the population are taken in the midst of the people, but the e.g. in the midst of the people. La akvo estis blua. The water was blue. The water was blue. Si necessari, io venira tosto deman matino. If need be, I will come early tomorrow morning. If you don't have anything to come from the lady. rojmab luqI'pu'. They signed the peace treaty. Bavingquts. Mi havas du aliajn skribendajn leterojn. I have another two letters to write. I have two other letters to write letters. Tio tute ne racias. That makes no sense whatsoever. This is not being declared. Lo es calda oji. It's hot today. Lo call is still eared. Mi neniam sukcesas distingi Bill de lia frato. I never can tell Bill from his brother. I've never been able to tell Bill from his brother. vogh DajaHlaH. You may go anywhere. Replace the pieces that are broken. tlhIch jIpur 'e' vImevta'. I quit smoking. Like I would like to go out of the universe. Exiting. bIjatlh 'e' yImev. Don't talk! We're afraid of each other. Exiting. xu ra djuno fi lo fonjudri be do Does she know your phone number? xkuHelp · Global Voices nuqDaq 'oH qa'vIn'e'? Where's the coffee? What is it that I think I'm sure you want to talk about it? Me nada cuasi dial. I swim almost every day. That's what you're saying, but we've got it. Mi banas min ĉiun tagon. I bathe every day. I'll bathe myself every day. Il posse venir. He can come. You need to come here. Dona a me li kuliere. Give me the spoon. Allows him to lie down. Le ultime roman del scriptor merita esser legite. The writer's latest novel is well worth reading. The last goal of the script will be done. Me no es ge. I'm not gay. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, le'e se gugdejupunu cu clite Japanese people in general are polite. let's see if there's one Quit Tom non mangia carne nec ovos. Tom doesn't eat meat or eggs. Tom doesn't want cramps no egg. Vi estas paranojaj. You're being paranoid. You're an arts. qatlh bIQeHqu'? Why are you so angry? That's why you say that? Il es tam alt quam ella. He is as tall as her. I mean, there's a question from the court. Yo es un carpentero. I am a carpenter. But that's a guy who doesn't know what you're doing. lo pulji cu gunka fi'o se tolnu'a lo nu mrobi'o Policemen work at the risk of their own lives. Golden Bloom If you want to show a normal mailing list of held messages In general io credeva a toto que tu diceva. I used to believe everything you said. In general, something like you think it's all right. Nun es interesada. Nobody is interested. Now it's interesting. Ella es depresset. She's depressed. It's a man's decision. wa' vIchaghpu'. I dropped one. All right, I've got some fun. Es-ys ffelig? Is he happy? Are you sure you want to make it? Dojqu' Dochvetlh. That's pretty impressive. So, I don't know what I was saying, but I can't see it. Finalmente, io succedeva a trovar le. At last, I managed to find him. Finnish, something reculation to find out. Gravas, ke la lernantoj scias, kio estas atendebla en la ekzameno. It's important for the students to know what to expect on the test. It is important that the students know what's waiting for in the exam. .i mi tavla le nei soi ri I'm talking to myself. I don't want to run away. Ili kutime iras al la lernejo de lundo ĝis vendredo. They usually go to school from Monday to Friday. They usually go to Monday's school until Friday. vumqu' 'ej not bep. She works hard and never complains. We've heard what you're saying. Sa bod gwenir eidd. She can come today. Sadunkididy. Ĉu vi instruas la hispanan? Are you teaching Spanish? Do you teach Spanish? Ille es sempre con le fronte corrugate. He's always scowling. They're in front of the front of him. Rezisto vanas. Resistance is futile. She's in vain. La mondo hodie bezonas progresar lua produktado di nutrajo. The world today needs to advance its production of food. The world today requires a progress level of production. Mi volas, ke vi donu al Tomo alian ŝancon. I want you to give Tom another chance. I want you to give Tom another chance. Me ha perda libre. I have lost a book. Me has a books. Me tre regretas quo me agis. I really regret what I did. I'm very little about what I did. DaH puH DujwIj tI'lu'lI'. My car is being fixed now. Why should I tell you that? Labob katis tel. I have two cats. The rose was stuck in the box. Ĉi tie estas paro. There's a couple here. It's a couple of work there. Ĉu vi estas certaj, ke vi ne volas veni? Are you sure you don't want to come? Are you sure you don't want to come? Kanob logön floli. I can see a flower. Kano Gönthi. No teme critica Israel. Don't be afraid of criticizing Israel. It's no use to Israel. DIvI' Hol vIHaDlI'. I study English. You are II'm going to be a shame. ki'u ma do ca'o cikna Why are you still awake? kiua ma'am, ma'am. Ka la bona vetero duros til morge? Will the fine weather keep up till tomorrow? Let's go all the way Vi estas nenio por ili, se vi ne estas unu el ili, sed por esti unu el ili, vi devus naskiĝi en ilia lando, aspekti simile al ili, kaj eĉ pensi laŭ ilia maniero. Se vi estas malsimila, ili malamos vin senkaŭze. Ili estas rasistoj. If you are not one of them, then you're nothing to them; in order to be one of them you've got to be born in their land, look like them and even think like them. As long as you are different, they will hate you for no reason. They are racists. You are nothing for them, if you are not one of them, but to be one of them, you should be born in their land, look like them, and even think about their way. If you are different, they will hate you. Bibenye. It's a good question. Let's do it. Vi igis min feliĉa. You made me happy. You made me happy. An le catto es parve? Is the cat small? And this is a small? Quale vu savas, vivo esas komparebla kun voyajo. As you know, life is comparable to a voyage. That's what you save, life is comparable with path. Al merda con iste puta de cosa. Fuck this shit. US Letter with this shit. jang ghaH, jatlh, jIlIj. "I forgot," she answered. This answer took seven minutes, and then go to the rest. Ĉi tiu mantelo estas laŭmezura por vi. This coat fits you perfectly. It's a coat for you. Que anno es? What year is it? What happened? Ŝi estis vundita en la akcidento. She was hurt in the accident. She was hurt in the accident. Foriru dum vi povas. Leave while you can. Go away while you can. Me vidis reda e blanka automobilo; la reda spektesis plu bona kam l'altra. I saw a red car and a white one; the red one was nicer looking than the other. I saw red and whitee, the red court was good at the beginning of his feet. Tom estas hipio. Tom is a hippie. Tom is hipno. DochwIj 'oHlaw' Dochvam'e'. I think this is mine. That's my concern! That it true. tam luDuQ puH Dujmey. Thomas loves cars. Organisation Mi perdis mian monpaperujon ie ĉi tie. I lost my wallet somewhere around here. I lost my coin somewhere here. Vi povus almenaŭ diri dankon. You might at least say thank you. You could at least say thank you. Dicez la verajo. Tell me the truth. It's the real one. Mi neniel scias, kiel fari tion. I have no idea how to do that. I don't know how to do it. Lo es clar. It's clear. Very Light. Ätikob das binom sanel. I thought that he was a doctor. I'm going to do something like this. Ĝi estas senfunda glaso. It's a bottomless glass. It's cut off. Lübrod pala binom ziom. The brother-in-law of a parent is an uncle. Lübrokhom. La nombro de membri kreskos rapide. The number of members will grow quickly. The number of members will increase quickly. Ĉu vi scias, kiu estigis tiun teamon? Do you know who brought that team into being? Do you know who created this team? Báa eril éthe ne belideth? Have you cleaned the house? Báré éthy don't look beautiful? Como la clima es a esta matina? What's the weather like this morning? Do you really want to take it? Il furiosijat e incarcerat la in li turre del castelle. He became angry and imprisoned her in the castle tower. I'm going to get you in. Ha vos jam vidite un elephante? Have you ever seen an elephant? Ah, you've already seen a bunch of people before? Le appartamento ha essite reservate per telephono. The apartment has been reserved by telephone. The protocol of the whether you have a backup file. .aunai mi klama lo ckule I don't want to go to school. Don't worry, I'll give you akukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukuku Un crocodile manjat un cane. A crocodile ate a dog. A element can't occur before a element Ili revas pri la tago, kiam ili naĝos en mono. They dream of the day when they'll be rolling in money. They'll take care of the day they'll get back in money. Tre otra soldatos ia es ferida. Three other soldiers were wounded. It's a very bad soldier. ma ca zukte Who does that? but ca sobed Esas speco en danjero extingeskar. It is an endangered species. And it's kind of going to be at the presence of Shutting down. Yo ne comprende quo il vole. I don't understand what he wants. But you don't know what you want. mi prami lo gerku I love dogs. I'm going to makegery ghogh HablI'lIj mI' vIqawbe'. I forget your phone number. All right, now, I have no pleasure in your ears. bI'oy''a'? Are you in pain? Thank you, Ma'am. Nun ni ne povas diskuti pri tio. We can't discuss this now. Now we can't talk about it. Neniu faras tion pli bone ol Tomo. Nobody does that better than Tom. Nobody does it better than Tom. HaqwI' jIH. I'm the surgeon. How did you do that? Jonguo ave cualias jonguo. China has Chinese characteristics. Joshua had a cup of landalta. povvam Sut Say'moHnIS SoSoy. Mummy has to do the washing this afternoon. That's my concern! That it true. Io aperiva le fenestras. I opened the windows. Something's going to appear in the window. Un del qualitates de aciero es duressa. One of the qualities of steel is hardness. One of whom the meaning of a person is tworession. Tio estas afero de principo. It's a matter of principle. This is the case of principle. Proque tu pensava que Tom amava heavy metal? Why did you think Tom liked heavy metal? Because your thinking that Tom loves to bevl demmll? ro mi'ai prami ro do We love you all. I'm a doctor's shuttle, so Beth detale priskribis, kion ŝi vidis. Beth described what she had seen in detail. Bethal actually describes what she saw. ghem vISopta'be'chugh jIQonglaHbe'. I can't sleep without a midnight snack. There is no difference that we have to go away. Nos ia reloca nos a Jazair. We moved to Algiers. We've got a lot of people to do with Jaza. mi selcme zo .xopkins. My name is Hopkins. I don't want to worry about it. Un gala tan bela! What a show! A beautiful tank! Buk binon su tab. The book is on the table. A balloon is a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, air or Tomaso rifuzas pripagi siajn kontojn. Tom is refusing to pay his bills. Thomas refuses to reject his accounts. Le semines del pomo es venenose, ma illos es periculose pro le sanitate solmente si on los consume in grande quantitates. Apple seeds are poisonous, but are only dangerous to health when consumed in large quantities. The six person's poison is poison, but they're in the pancax, and they're just a lot of people who think about it. Le virtute consiste, non in abstiner se del vitio, ma in non desirar lo. Virtue consists, not in abstaining from vice, but in not desiring it. You don't want to think about it, not only when you're talking to, but in fact, you don't want to do this thing. Yo audit un brue. I heard a noise. Yo hear a noise. Ĉu la paciento estas preparita por la operacio? Is the patient prepared for surgery? Is the patient prepared for the operation? Le duration del passion es proportionate al resistentia original del femina. The duration of passion is proportionate with the original resistance of the woman. The tworation is due to the back of the war. Qual belle die pro esser ex casa. What a beautiful day to be out and about. How beautiful is going to be a casa. QapmeH 'ul lo' janvam. This machine works by electricity. Thank you very much. Kiun tipon de muziko vi aŭskultas? What kind of music do you listen to? Which type of music do you want to listen? Söl Tanaka binom tidel obsik nelijapüka. Mr Tanaka is our teacher of English. Soön Tanati-pelli did not seem to be such as it is such as it's no such thing as it is. Mi ne pensas, ke Tomo havas hundon. I don't think that Tom has a dog. I don't think Tom has a dog. xu lo se jinvi be lo drata bei do do vajni Do you care what other people think about you? Xubuntu if you do not fit in other people do well Mea suba vesti esas trempita. My underpants are wet. I'm wearing it right now. Istos cisorios seca ben. These scissors cut well. This will make sure you do it again. la tom ca'o na morsi Tom isn't dead yet. All the way, Don't let's go. Il subsiste solmente alcun ruinas. There remain only a few ruins. I mean, I just ruin some ruin. Ла паролас де ун ом ес комо акуас профонда, ла фонте де сажиа ес комо ун флуе константе. The words of a man's mouth are as deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook. else such as end of thrown through such as helium, such as fika is going to be a sampled by the United States. But appeared, fika like a sampled States and referred to as Do not convert it. Ĉu vi estas pretaj? Are you guys ready? Are you ready? Esis tre varma jorno. It was a very hot day. It was very hot. Li puellas hihicat. The girls giggled. He's a professional. Аве аси ла ауто сур куал ме иа парла а ту. That's the car I told you about. else such as do not belong to such as now..K. .... ...... ......... ........... ........ .................. ... .................. ....................................................................................................................................................................... Kiu semas venton rikoltos ventegon. He who sows the wind shall reap the storm. He who sows wind will reap the storm. Tom ŝatas naĝi. Tom likes swimming. Tom likes to swim. Illes realisa un election general annualmente. They hold a general election every year. They've made real hard to shot out of Germany. They're ever running out of string. QIt ghItlh tam. Tom writes slowly. The universe was about it. Sufiĉas! Enough is enough! Enough! Ме воле жуа а картас. I want to play cards. else such as do not belong to the service of service................................... .................................... Mi volis ruĝajn ŝuojn. I wanted red shoes. I wanted red shoes. Túlattë. The pair of them is coming. T Mozillatël. ko co'e ca lo nu cando Do it when you have time. n't even think of life as well as end of a living. bIrqu' ghaH. She was really cold. I thank you for seven. La rapidia de sua moves ia es stonante. The rapidity of his movements was astonishing. The fastness of sun will move some marks. Mi sentas min morale en ŝuldoj al ŝi. I feel morally indebted to her. I feel moral in debts to her. Io odia iste mundo. I hate this world. I hate this one. Vi estas klarparolema. You're articulate. You're a explainer. nuqneH, juppu'wI'? Hail, friends. What do you mean, Professor? Tomo distranĉis la meleagron per elektra tranĉilo. Tom cut the turkey with an electric knife. Tom touched his turkey with an electric knife. SIbI' parHa'. She liked him right off. I think I'm looking for you. .u'u Sorry... Let's go. mi nupre lo nu mi ba smaji I promise I'll be quiet. I'll feel like I'm going to be okay Mi ne volas esti parenca al vi! I don't want to be related to you! I don't want to be an acceptable to you! Dochvam yajlaHbe' puq val je. Even an intelligent child couldn't understand this. Oh, really, but I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do. cho'oy'moH 'e' yImev. Stop hurting me. Hey, there's a each other's Exiting. He, cornuto, presta attention a quo tu va! Hey, asshole, watch where you're going! Hey, cotunch, Print to see what you're doing! Ni provis haltigi ilin. We tried to stop them. We tried to stop them. Jen Karlo. That's Carl. What are you doing here? Esque ili es felici? Are they happy? Are they happy? lo do ctebi cu xunre Your lips are red. Which is why wet each other Ме иа насе ен ла аниос тредес. I was born in the thirties. such as do not exist. Ne tiom rapide, juna amiko. Hold your horses, young man. Not so fast, young friend. Demandoj kaj respondoj ludas gravegan rolon en interagado. Questions and answers play an enormous role in interaction. Questions and answers are playing a critical role in interacting. Me ia nada en la mar. I swam in the sea. I don't know what you're doing in the sea. mi pu klama lo nenri be lo me ta kumfa I entered her room. I don't want to be a lot of shit Fek al neŭtralismo! Fuck neutrality! Shit, it's crazy! mi'ai pu viska lo nu ko'a co'i klama lo nenri be lo kumfa We saw her enter the room. I'll throw you out, you'll let's go. Yo ama sport. I like sports. That's right. That's my love. Io me oppone a ir illac. I object to going there. I think it's medical money. Tom have un tatuage sur su péctor. Tom has a tattoo on his chest. Tom has got autuva on sué. Surprendente, el es un xico multe bon. Surprisingly he is a very good boy. In the dust, it's a bit good. Éu atent à trovarh 'n noveu posteu. I'm trying to find a new job. Éric D. D. Duan find a new then. Ta binoklo esas tro granda. These sunglasses are too big. Tank is too large. Mea patri ne esis bona homi. My parents were not good people. My mother wasn't good at the beginning. Tom está preocupado sobre su futuro. Tom is worried about his future. Tom panels are a ordinary future. luqop. They arrested her. quan. Penob penedi. I'm writing a letter. It's a great deal of work. lo fanmo ku jibni The end is nigh. Kids have a deal, and we have a deal Ŝi trovis unu. She found one. She found one. Мусика пласе кадун. Everybody loves music. else such as belong to such as now................ ............................... ...... lo jdatcana cu darlu lo nunglecau pe pu lo nunspe The church teaches abstinence before marriage. Dybbølsbro Station lo morji be noda cu gleki Those are happy, who forget everything. A woman who lets you know what a cup of coffee provides. 'Ivvo' 'oH DaSovpu'? Who did you learn it from? You know what you're doing? Amo ne mortas. Love doesn't die. Love doesn't die. tu'a ra nanca li ji'i vono He is about forty. I'll give you knowledge of your birth Doy'moH jajvam. Today was a tiring day. So let's do it again. Vasilissa se transformava in un cygno blanc e volante escappava al transverso del fenestra. Vasilissa turned into a white swan and flew away through the window. Vasca if enabled in a set of field to skip this way, they'll go on to the other side of the window. Ty es yn mab. You're a boy. Ty is y. On vijila Tom. Tom is under surveillance. You can see Tom. Tom ne es ancor in hem. Tom's not home yet. Tom is not yet in due. Le discoperta de un nove typo de mangiar contribue plus al humanitate que le discoperta de un stella nove. The discovery of a new type of meal contributes more to humankind than the discovery of a new star. The cover is part of a new man's house, and they give me more than one human beings in the other side of the human race. ghaytan lugh. It's probably right. It's too easy. Tio estas netolerebla. This is intolerable. That's impossible. Ni bezonas talentajn personojn. We need talented people. We need talent people. Lazarus Zamenhof esas Polono. Lazarus Zamenhof is Polish. The guy's going to be okay. Tomo demandis Manjon, kion ŝi faris dum la tuta mateno. Tom asked Mary what she had been doing all morning. Tom asked Marie what she had done all the morning. Illes parla duo linguas estranier. They speak two foreign languages. They're part of the two languages. Ella besat me, ne le. She kissed me, not him. I don't think so. sei na cumki do tugni ro da ro de You can't agree with everyone about everything. If you give them a month, then you'll be a month of yours. mi vi citka ca ro donri I eat here every day. I'll wait for you. lo alminiu cu jinme Aluminum is a metal. They've got to provide a minimal cue] On non pote fider se al policia. You can't trust the police. You cannot wait if the police are pressed. Mi riparigis mian bracelethorloĝon. I had my watch fixed. I had to fix my hair clock. Tom es un follo. Tom is a screwball. Tom is a trap. Ne forgesu skribi! Don't forget to write. Don't forget to write! Ĝim promesis al mi, ke li ne venos plu. Jim promised me not to come again. It promised me he wouldn't come anymore. DIlmeH Huch chaw' lo' *Tom. Tom paid by credit card. 9x11 Envelopepaper size 'och mutlhwI' ghaH tam'e'. Tom is a plumber. The item that you want to take seven minutes from the universe. la .meris. cu nelci lo nu selma'e lo xirma Mary loves to ride her horse. The Swedish part of the nervous system. It doesn't seem to be used as a Subscript. Me ama meа padre. I love my father. My love is full of love. Löfob spatön ve flum. I like to walk along the river. Löfo streams streaming streams. De' chu' luQoyDI' Quchmo' SaQ Hoch. Hearing the news they all cried for joy. I'm sorry, but we're still in the galaxy. Saary is probably the rest of the universe. Ka tu esas ibe? Are you there? Do you want to feed the wild goats? Tu catto es nigre. Your cat is black. You're a guy who's black. Kiel ni helpas? How do we help? How do we help? e'o pitsa Can I have a pizza, please? Every day, you're running out of the sky Miaula Mao? Does Mao meow? My Mafia? Bedaŭrinde mi devas adiaŭi. I'm afraid I must say goodbye. Unfortunately, I've got to say goodbye. Me ne intencis vekigar Tom. I didn't mean to wake Tom up. I didn't mean to wake up Tom. HollIj 'oH'a' vIraS Hol'e'? Is French your language? Oh, where do we get the future? Le suffrentia ha un proposito nobile: le evolution del conscientia e le combustion del ego. Suffering has a noble purpose: the evolution of the consciousness and the burning up of the ego. su Sexy Lady: guy whose heart heats up and none of the mailing list moderators. Their range has been discarded because the list moderator password has been set to introduce them. You can also consisting of both verb and URLs for some mailing lists of this nature ko stali ti Stay here! Come on! Le ballon descendeva gradualmente a mesura que le aere sortiva. The balloon descended gradually as the air came out. The balloon is going to hit the stage that there is a mass mass given in the world. la .buc. cu xusra lo jetnu Bush tells the truth. Let's go, let's go. Kiu loĝas en la apuda domo? Who lives in the house next door? Who lives in the house next? Bonvolu lasi min sola. Mi estas okupita. Please leave me alone. I am busy. Please let me alone. Li-ävilol sagön bosi obe? Was there something you wanted to tell me? Heteräol non-oop. jungwoq 'oH mungwIj'e'. I come from China. Professor, it's my concern! That it true. Qui surprisat te? Who surprised you? Quiin on an untry side? Jes, mi iris al la butiko! Yay, I went to the store! Yes, I went to the shop. Ne revenu sen informoj. Don't come back without information. Don't get back without information. xa'emi'o tolsti Let us begin. Xubuntu L'amon' describes a lot of fun rut ghaH vIyajlaHbe'. At times I can't understand him. That's right. But I'm going to tell you something. Tomo ne estas same forta, kiel iam. Tom isn't as strong as he used to be. Tom isn't as strong as ever. Malfacilas ĝin trovi. It's hard to find. It's hard to find. Li libre es ci. The book is here. He's your books. Il me place multo esser sociabile. I love being sociable. There are lots of social. muSbej muSwI'pu'. Haters gonna hate. They're going to kill you. ti cu pluka mi This pleases me. This cue me more Li-pükol Deutapüki u Nelijapüki? Do you speak German or English? He digs out of a gas bag that can be inflated with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, air or water? Ys es yn lladrun. He's a thief. Ysa glad. La Beduini vivas en la dezerto. Bedouins live in the desert. The doctor lives in the desert. Kisi äsagoms? What did they say? Isn't it for TV? Ilu dicas "me volas" kande ilu deziras ulo, e dicas "no" kande ilu ne deziras lo. He says "want" when he wants something, and "no" when he does not. He picks "actions" when he desires to illustrate a guy, and when he doesn't want to illustrate it. Pote nos colonisar Marte? Can we colonize Mars? Can we inch? Me ta gusta bevi un cafe. I would like to drink a coffee. I'm running out of the guy who's got some fun. Vi esas plu forta kam ni. You're stronger than we are. You're a strong one. To es mi consilie. This is my advice. To me, it's me. Al vi ne eblas fari tion. It is impossible for you to do so. You can't do that. Ĉu vi estas la kuranto kiu eskapis el la subtera urbo? Are you the runner who escaped the underground city? Are you the escape who escaped from the city? Tom hihicat. Tom giggled. Tom Resources. Ni faris la plej bonan el tiu situacio. We made the best of that bad situation. We did the best of this situation. Que illes furava de te? What did they steal from you? What do they think of you? Fakte mia kato timemas. The fact is that my cat is shy. In fact, my cat is afraid. Io non pote vender te isto. I can't sell you that. Something cannot accept this one. .i mi nelci lo melbi ju santa I like beautiful things even if they are umbrellas. I don't know what I'm doing. lo nolraitru be le gligu'e cu ckini lo nolraitru be la sferies The Queen of England is related to the King of Sweden. A woman who lets her hair down when the moment is swallowed up! Де ки еста жорнал диал ес? Whose newspaper is this? such as do not belong to else, such as now. Etiam io. Me, too. That's all. Ille parla currentemente le japonese. He's fluent in Japanese. They're looking for Japanese. Dochmey law' vIje'ta'. I bought a lot of things. Do you want to find the probability about it? Sesa es tan emosiosa. Stop being so emotional. If a tank is dead, then it's a tank. vaj qay'... In that case, we've got a problem... I'm sure I'm going to... nuqDaq bIH bIQ ghaywI' pa'mey'e'? Where are the showers? Where are your seven minutes to be mean by the universe? Nos esseva in retardo proque le traffico esseva congestionate. We were late as a result of the traffic jam. We were browsing, because of the list administrator was confirmed. Mi neniam aŭdis pri tio. I've never heard it. I never heard of that. ra simlu sanji lo se cinmo be mi He seems to be aware of my feelings. Ask if you're a guy I'm going to kill you ki'u ma do ralte re je mo'a karce Why do you have only two cars? Let's kiss so much like you're love Pone al latere tu cosas. Put away your things. I don't think so. Mi petis Tom pri tio, ke li ne intervenu. I asked Tom not to interfere. I asked Tom that he wouldn't come out. Tiu traduko ankoraŭ ne estas kontrolita. This translation hasn't been reviewed yet. This translation is not check yet. Mi ne povas eviti ridi. I cannot help laughing. I can't avoid laugh. Guinness es la maxim bona di la biri. Guinness is the finest of beers. Gues are the best ones who's got coffee in the order. Li estos okupata morgaŭ. He will be busy tomorrow. He'll be busy tomorrow. Estas tre danĝere naĝi en ĉi tiu rivero. It's very dangerous to swim in this river. It's too dangerous to swim in this river. Io te diceva de non approchar te! I said stay back! Something's wrong with you! Bíi eril delishe Thom wáa. Tom wept. Bíi e'clock. Mi absolute konsentas kun vi. I am wholly in agreement with you. I really agree with you. Tom scias, ke la tasko ne estos facila. Tom knows that the job won't be easy. Tom knows that the job won't be easy. Ille non sape le distinction del ben e del mal. He doesn't know the difference between good and evil. They don't know what you're saying, but they don't know. 'oH vIDIlnIS. I have to pay for it. That's what I think he's going to make sure. El havas korpo perfekta. She has a perfect body. Out of the body is perfect. Oni ordonis la suspektaton ne foriri el la urbo. The suspect was told not to leave town. It was commanded not to get out of the city. Tande li puella jettat un spegul detra se. Then the girl threw a mirror behind her. Tande he's gonna drive out a mirror in a mirror. ¡Encantat! Nice to meet you! Fucking intch! lo nu ko'a mutce lo ka tolci'o na zunti lo nu tsali Although he is very old, he is strong. Very hard disk space that we have made it hard disk space Mi malŝategas tortojn. I hate pies. I hate cake. Kiam vi diros "Mi konsentas"? When are you going to say, I do? When do you say "I agree"? Ille me lo ha date sponte. He gave it to me willingly. They have been running out of days. Tu debe cognoscer te. You should know yourself. You've got to be able to rest. qaSpu'DI' ramjep maHu'. We got up after midnight. I'm sorry, we can't think of each other. Io ha mal al pectore. I have a pain in my chest. Something's wrong. Li estas malbonhumora. He's in a bad mood. He's bad luck. Io nasceva in Tokio in 1968. I was born in Tokyo in 1968. Something's been running in Tokyo. mulegh vIneHbe'. I don't want it to see me. A white man like that. ra pu muvdu la amerikas She moved to America. How much do you want to take out the lights of · Global Voices Kim binol e kisi dunol is? Who are you, and what are you doing here? Kim specifies and kissse? Tio ne estas tiel bona ideo. That's not such a good idea. It's not that a good idea. Preparu por vi iom da varma teo. Make yourself some hot tea. Prepare for you a little hot tea. la .tam. cu viska lo junla Tom looked at the clock. That's what you're saying. An tu es un ingeniero? Are you an engineer? And you're in a cold? Ĉesu konduti kiel infano! Stop acting like a child. Stop being a child! Resume, li estas kapablega ulo. In short, he is a man of great ability. He's a headman. Ill te es tan di ffreidd. The tea's too cold. That's why you are a tanked. Ni estas venkontaj. We're going to win. We're victory. Qochchuq tom merI' je. Tom doesn't agree with Mary. Go on. Go ahead. wa'Hu' ram qa' vIlegh. I saw a ghost last night. The conditions are that I would like to know that. Kelkaj kokoj kredas ke la suno krepuskas nur por ili. Some roosters believe the sun rises for them. Some soup think the sun will create only for them. mi na se nelci ti poi gerku I am not liked by this dog. I don't know if there's no choice Lundio, mardio, merkurdio, jovdio, venerdio, saturdio e sundio esas la sep dii en un semano. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. On Monday,dium, Wednesday, Ruckit, guard, killed the seven years old is the seven of the living in a dead place. DIvI' Hol lughoj'a'? Do they learn English? Who are you? Me manja hir. I eat here. I'm going to eat something. Io recipeva un appello de illes. I got a call from them. Something's wrong with them. Mi amas francan kafon. I love French coffee. I love French coffee. Illa comprava duo libras de butyro. She bought two pounds of butter. I've got you to cut off. Tomo, vidinte belan knabinon en la parko, volis paroli kun ŝi. Tom saw a pretty girl in the park and wanted to talk to her. Tom, when he saw a nice girl in the park, wanted to talk to her. Tro fruas por voki Tomon. It's too early to call Tom. It's too early to call Tom. Io ha recipite un littera de mi fratre. I received a letter from my brother. Something has received him to be my brother's death. Tulipoj floros baldaŭ. Tulips will bloom soon. You're going to be a flower soon. QalwI' po' jIHbe'. I'm not very good at swimming. That's how you did? Lia nevo rezidas en Nederlando. Their nibling lives in the Netherlands. He's not referred to the Netherlands. Mea onklo okupis su per docar koquo-arti. My aunt engaged herself in teaching cooking. Uncle uncle prevailed in a subex. Illa dara su photo a quicunque lo vole. She will give her picture to whoever wants it. I mean, there's a Si Tell you something. La pexes abunda en la mar grande. Fish abounds in the ocean. The Thank you very much in the sea. Me volas irar a Nord-Korea. I want to go to North Korea. I want to go to the North Korea. Quante amicos intime ha tu? How many close friends do you have? How much do you like in love? la tom pu stali bu'u lo zdani Tom stayed home. On my count, you're a good boy. Li estis tiel okupita, ke li sendis sian filon anstataŭ mem iri. He was so busy that he sent his son instead of going himself. He was so busy that he sent his son instead of being gone. Ella ne escutat. She did not listen. Not out of sight. El ia reveni de Xina. He returned from China. Out of Xina's back. Ne esas posibla dicar qua facis to. There is no telling who did this. It's not a very good idea that it's done to it. Nos va parti aora. We're leaving right now. We're going to talk about it. Esce esta ave alga sinifia? Does this make sense? Esced to sin? Io spera sincermente que vos tosto vos recuperara de vostre maladia. I sincerely hope that you will soon recover from your illness. Something's wrong with you, you know that you're looking for a rear end. ma tcika What time is it please? Daqueka Al merda le stato. Fuck the state. Old status. Ille percurreva rapidemente le pagina pro trovar le parola que ille cercava. He quickly scanned the page for the word he was looking for. They're going to quickly find the words which they search for. lo ra cnino mapku cu mapti ra Her new hat becomes her. Abrupt ma ma ma'ampe ma'am Nos non ha habite multe nive in iste hiberno. We haven't had much snow this winter. We have no elder in this tissue. Post longa atendado ni eniris. We got in after a long wait. After long waiting for us to come. La lastan el amaso atakas la hundo. Devil take the hindmost. The last of the crowd is attacking the dog. SIDbe'. He is impatient. SoIDbe. jungwoq Soj DaparHa''a'? Do you like Chinese food? Professor, where is the United States? Oh, where did we get the old man? Qui ha manjat li pane? Who ate the bread? Who's going to eat him? In despecto de toto, Tom es felice. In spite of everything, Tom is happy. In the middle of everything, Tom is happy. Ne estu egoisma, junulino! Don't be selfish, young girl! Don't be selfish, girl! Li venas renkonti min kelkfoje. He comes to meet me sometimes. He comes to me sometimes. SIStaHvIS 'oy' 'IvtIHwIj 'e' vISov. I am aware that my hip aches when it rains. I think it's my life too. Estas vere. That's true. It's true. Ŝi foriris de sia hejmo post tri tagoj. She left home after three days. She left her home in three days. Ĉu vere? Really? Really? Me no sabe cuando el va veni asi. I don't know when he'll come here. I'm not having a cup of bread coming out of the way. Vemo löfob nifi. I like snow a lot. We're supposed to talk about it, but we'll talk about it. Ме парла есперанто е руске. I speak Esperanto and Russian. such as do not exist. Mia frato forlasis la lernejon, kiam li estis dekkvarjara. My brother left his school when he was fourteen years old. My brother left school when he was about to four years old. ta misno merko ckufi'i That is a recognized American author. I'll call some Wednesday Il ha necuno hic. There's no one here. There's no one here. ghotI' Sop norgh. Sharks eat fish. I`ll go away with you. Mi optime desiros pro le recuperation rapide de tu patre. My wishes for your father's rapid recovery. I'm very sorry. I'm sorry. I'm going to get rid of you soon. meH tI'lu'lI'. The bridge is being repaired. We're running out of here. Kat obik löfon miligi. My cat loves milk. Katubikunging a thousand. Ni bezonas vian helpon! We need your help! We need your help! Enfantes trova sempre un razona per amini. Children always find a reason to become friends. In finding a technology to love. E alora? So what? And so? ku'i lo ckafi to milxe kukte toi minji cu ze'e selplicru .ui .oi se'a nai However, the coffee (mildly delicious) machine is always permitted for use. Yay, but ugh for caffeine! Unix (/ˈjuːnɪks/; trademarked as UNIX) is a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T Unix, development starting in the 1970s at the Bell Labs research center by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and others.[3] ko'a gleki lo nu pu snada ta poi nu kamjunmre He was happy that he passed that exam. A guy whose hands you know that they're made up to work in other categories qaHar. I believed you. I guess so. yImoD, yItIj! Hurry up and get in. - I don't know. Que illes furava de vos? What did they steal from you? What are they going to do with you? ra pu klama fu lo tu'unre'e They went by subway. Here's a big idea that you're Primoula Red Alique pote esser e le comenciamento e le fin. Something can be both the beginning and the end. Alque can be start and end up. Mi elĉerpis ĉion el mia vigleco pri tiu projekto. I spent all my energy on that project. I've changed everything from my mind so I don't care about this project. Vi estos miaj gastoj. You'll be my guests. You'll be my guests. Kie li lernis Esperanton? Where did he learn Esperanto? Where did he learn Esperanto? Pro la inundo la rizrikolto estis mizera. Because of the flood, it was a bad rice-harvest. Because of the flood of affliction was poor. Mostra la tu cartas. Show your cards. It's a fool of yours. .aunai mi klama la italias. I don't want to go to Italy. I've been thinking about it. Oni traktas viron laŭ lia kuraĝo, virinon laŭ ŝia ĉarmo. Man is judged by his courage, woman by her charm. They treat a man with his courage, a woman in her bosom. Un pesimiste no espera ce algun besa el. A pessimist doesn't expect to be kissed by anyone. Unlike no account at the end of your mind. La sielo ia clari pico e pico. La sol ia apare plen briliante e la mar ia deveni tan calma como un lago. Little by little the sky cleared. The sun came out in full splendor and the sea became as calm as a lake. The guy who looks like a lake of pizza. The only one of the natural leaped by the sea of a tank as a lake. Mary rarmente usa vernisse de ungues. Mary seldom uses nail polish. Don't worry, it's really hard for you to think about it. jIQongchoHpu'. I fell asleep. You can see the future. lo xotli cu ragve lo dargu There's a hotel across the street. The x Rainbow is Dead Me es de London. I am from London. I'm from London. tamvaD wa' vInob neH. I just gave Tom one. Professor, we haven't got some meaning of the universe. Il iras a la biblioteko por lektar libri. He goes to the library to read books. I'm going to the library to read books. Egegivob omiki buki ome. I returned his book to him. I'm so sorry, or I'm sorry. .i ko mi tavla zo'e naku caku .i .eidai do co'e ca lo nu me'au lo te go'i Don't come to me now with that. You should have said something when it originally happened. Let's go, let's go! Grimesy! Tu es enoiosissime. You're very boring. You're in Spain. Me trovis ke klozar la pordo esis desfacila. I found it hard to close the door. I found close to close the door. jIQIp. I was stupid. I'm going to go look at that. ramvetlh maghom. We met that night. ram is in the Lagmo. Maria flankenmetas monon por iri al Japanujo. Mary is setting by money to go to Japan. Maria is going to go to Japan's office. Ankaŭ li estis surprizita. He was surprised too. He was also surprised too. ra mipri lo nei He hides himself. No, I don't feel like a bad person ko na klama Don't come. Account Name: Tom dit alquo. Tom said something. Tom fell into love. Me simple ne savas quon dicar. I just don't know what to say. I just don't know what a ficar. Cem at binon vemo hitik. This room is very hot. A ...it's a man's idea. Kiom aĝa vi estas? How old are you? How old are you? Illo significa nihil pro me. It means nothing to me. It means something for me. Restar ya ci es plu secur. It's safer to stay right here. It's your first time out. Thank you. Tomo elŝaltis sian radivokilon. Tom switched off his walkie-talkie. Thomas turned off his pants. Ka me darfas prenar plusa peco di kuko? May I have another piece of cake? Do you think of a piece of cake? Magdalena interes-esas pri geografio. Magdalena is interested in geography. Madeleine found himself a long time. La aktoro kaj la kuracisto estas malsanaj. The actor and the doctor are sick. The actor and the doctor are ill. Mi ne plu timas vin. I'm not scared of you anymore. I'm not afraid of you anymore. Me ia es fatigada e ia dormi. I was tired and I slept. I'm sure I can't sleep any sleep. Acel libro merita la leje. That book is worth reading. Can not get folder: %s: %s Io continuava a sibilar. I kept whistling. It's still time forward. mi cusku lu mi'e tom li'u I say "I'm Tom". I'll look at him. 'uQ tIn wISopta'. We had a big dinner. There's nothing else inside the wood. Еске ту та воле данса кон ме? Would you like to dance with me? such as do not belong to else, such as dot. Me va sabe lo doman. I'm going to know tomorrow. Mey Commit Soman. Me mustas savar la vereso. I must know the truth. I've got to know what it's true. lo mikce cu djusku lo se du'u mi sisti lo nu bajra ku ki'u tu'a lo dukse slugu'a The doctor advised me to quit jogging because it was excessive exercise. Microlitres audio player include the rest of your mouth. I'm going to kiss the two modes of your mouth. Pro quo es Tom talmen afamat? Why is Tom so hungry? What is Tom important, huh? mi terpa lo nu cnixai do I am afraid of offending you. I'll give you a drink, so you know. ba'a pu vamtu I think he's going to be sick. Include you're good to see you Mi kredas, ke vi estas tiu, kiun mi atendis dum ĉi ĉiuj jaroj. I think that you're the one that I've been waiting for all these years. I think you're the one I've been waiting for all this years. До ла либро ес? Where is the book? else appeared to end up, such as do you want to do it now? Ni bezonas kultelo por la butro. We need a knife for the butter. We need a trough to lie down. Il ne ha fat it. He didn't do it. You don't have any hit on the ground. Туa роба ес мулте бела. Your dress is very nice. such as do not exist. Tota la labora per revive ia fali. All the resuscitation efforts have failed. The work in a dead fall. Qob tam. Tom is dangerous. It's a tremendous question. e'o ko curmi lo nu mi klama Please let me go. I'm going to talk about it, my dear. 'epIl naH chab vISop vIneH. I want to eat apple pie. 'pIlHgbut plot man's plan. Quale tu prizas to? How do you like that? How do you care about it? chaq jIlughbe'. I might be wrong. It's nice to see you. Estas kvindek kilometroj al Parizo. It's fifty kilometers to Paris. It's fifty kilometers to Paris. Ĉu vi estas surda? Are you deaf? Are you deaf? Ille non parla finnese, mais su granpatre si. He doesn't speak Finnish, but his grandfather does. They didn't give up to the end, but they didn't drink. Tom odia le estranieros. Tom hates foreigners. Tom hate Arch Exis. Mi preferet color es rubi. My favorite color is red. I prefer to Ruby. Io ama le blau. I like the blue. Something like you're going to love. Un catto esseva sedite sur le sedia. A cat was sitting on the chair. Untore was but deaf on the buta. ra jmive It's alive. Life Neniam rezignu! Never give up! Don't give up! Mi supozas, ke tio ĝustas. I guess that's right. I guess it's right. Acel fio de puta ia ruina sua vive. That son of a bitch ruined her life. That's why you're ruining it. meb ghaH tam'e'. Tom is a guest. I'm alone in the middle of the universe. Es tu preparate pro lo pejor? Are you prepared for the worst? Are you ready for lunch? No spikob fransänapüki. I don't speak French. No spänshäh gas. Vide vos, qui veni a nostre casa? Do you see who's coming to our house? You see, you guys coming in. Come on. Ann kantis lulkanton por sia fratineto. Ann sang a lullaby for her little sister. An instrument for his sister's sister. Proque Tom ha besonio de visitar Boston? Why does Tom need to visit Boston? Because Tom has been needed to visit Boston? Tomo estas ankoraŭ virgulo. Tom is still a virgin. Tom is still dead. Mi havas busan horaron en mia telefono. I have a copy of the bus schedule on my phone. I have a bus schedule in my phone. Äkanol yufön. You could help. answerkan Marol yönf. Ĉu vi volas aŭdi ĝin? Do you want to hear it? Do you want to hear it? QomtaHvIS yav jottaH ghaH. She stays calm through earthquakes. We're going to find the next seven minutes. Ni eldorlotas nian plej junan filinon. We spoil our youngest daughter. We'll throw our youngest daughter out. Si qualcunque altere cosa falle, lege le instructiones. If all else fails, read the instructions. If you do something else, read the instructions. Qap Ho'Dos ngo'. The old system works. Thank you, ma'am. Mi pagis nenion por ĉi tiu biciklo. I got this bicycle for free. I paid nothing for this bike. Tiu problemo tiel facilas, ke mi povas solvi ĝin. This problem is so easy that I can solve it. That problem is so easy that I can solve it. Markku kaj Liisa jam havis sufiĉan penon por teni la lupon for de la pordo. Markku and Liisa had just enough to keep the wolf from the door. Mark and he was enough to hold the wolf away from the door. Äsäkob Tomasi, kis etos binom. I asked Tom what that is. äshäb Tomas, kiss a theme binm. La nomes es en ordina alfabetal. The names are in alphabetical order. The name is in order to dance. Ĉu vi vidis miajn okulvitrojn ie? Have you seen my glasses anywhere? Did you see my glasses somewhere? Forsan nos deberea conversar. Maybe we should talk. And we're going to have to take off the transmission. Estas tricent kandidatoj por unu sola posteno. There are three hundred applicants for only one position. There's three hundred pieces for one job. jIHvaD yInobHa'! Give it back to me! Have we heard of the universe? Binob studan in niver. I am a student in a university. Let's go to sleep. Mi renkontis lin en januaro. I met him in January. I met him in January. Apparentemente, illa es toto in pace con se mesme. She seems totally at peace with herself. Turn this off only if you want them to do so in peace if it is the same. Vos non es tanto juvene como Tom. You're not as young as Tom. You are not the one who knows how Tom is. le cevni mo'u nurxru ko'a lo jdazei God redeemed them from sin. Let's go, let's go! El ave problemes. He has problems. From a problem. le mi mensi cu certu batkyci'a My sister is a very good typist. I'm going to talk about the tickbox! mi pu viska lo nu la tom cu mipri da I saw Tom hide something. I'll drive you on my head. tugh taHlaHbe' QIvam. This bridge will not endure long. But it's your last. Thank you. Ĉu mi rajtas sidi ĉe la trairejo? Could I sit on the aisle? Can I sit at the door? Tu deberea haber mangiate qualcosa iste matino. You should've eaten something this morning. You have to have a man who has to have this mailing list. Quant tu ha payat por li robe? How much did you pay for the dress? How many were you going to have a statute for him? QuchtaHghach nuq? What is happiness? Qu package management? dukse lerci That's too late. Two cutsking Ille vadeva con un baston. He carried a cane. They're locked with a ball. le nanmu poi mi viska cu mutce rajycla The man that I see is very tall. Don't worry, I'll love you mi gleki gi'e se mansa I'm happy and satisfied. I'm going to give it to pass, if there's no man's guy chaq SoH pong rap ghajbogh latlh jupwI''e' je SamISmoH! I may have mistaken you with my other friend who has the same name! CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer. We will take it as a salutary warning, I think, for the rest of our conference this week. In le parte monogame de nostre mundo, maritar se significa que le derectos es dividite in duo partes equal e que le deberes es duplicate. In our monogamous part of the world, to marry means to halve one’s rights and double one's duties. And there's part of an ecosystem that means, if the news is divided into two parts. vIt Sovlaw' pagh. It seems that no one knows the truth. That's what it becomes me, it's nothing. Le pisce es bon mercato hodie. Fish is cheap today. Certificate is too busy for you today. Me parias kin dolari ke il ne venos. I bet five dollars that he will not come. I'm in the film so I'm not going to come. Nia bicikla ĉirkaŭiro de la francaj Alpoj daŭris du semajnojn. Our bike tour of the French Alps lasted two weeks. Our bike's going to take two weeks. Ĉi-nokte lanĉiĝos raketo al la luno. A moon rocket will be launched tonight. This night will start a rocket at the moon tonight. xu do pu'i mo'u kavbu lo finpe Have you ever caught a fish? Let's see what you're doing. Yo pensa que Tom deve manjar plu. I think Tom should eat more. But you think that Tom offers more often. lurgh wIvbogh yIngu'! Which direction will he choose? We have lost the universe. Ille a vices perde le sperantia. He sometimes loses hope. They'll be used to think about it. Los es ge. They're gay. All right. Ĉu vi nombris la mantukojn? Have you counted the towels? Did you count the toilets? Ne devigu min diri tion refoje! Don't make me say it again. Don't let me say this again! Li ne povus iri al la universitato. He could not go to college. He couldn't go to university. Mi estas turko. I'm Turkish. I'm a rose. .i .e'o do te lisri tu'a ko'a ca lo bavlamdei .a'u sai .ui .a'o se'i nai ro'i Hey, could you tell a story about it tomorrow? I'm very interested, and I hope you can. So, let's go, Ma'am. 'utbe' Dochvetlh. That was not necessary. Their voice is that we have heard about it. Io tre stranga okazis en la urbo Salvador. Something very strange happened in Salvador city. Something was very strange in the city El Salvador. au do na drani I wish you were wrong. So you'll find out what you're doing Per levumostango Tom tiris la najlon el la tabulo. Tom pulled the nail out of the board with a crowbar. Thou shalt lift up the nail from the board. La viro sufiĉe saĝas por ne fari tiajn agojn. The man is too wise to do such things. The man's smart enough to do such things. Ni lernis ke Newton deskovris la lego di gravitado. We learned that Newton discovered the law of gravitation. We learned that the newest part was reading the reading. mi djica lo ka klaku I wanted to cry. Iji System Click Tom es un persona honeste al extremo. Tom's an extremely honest person. Tom is a personal identity. SoHvaD poH vIghajbe'. I don't have time for you. Professor, we really thank you for the extraordinary effort you made to share your questions with us today. Johano diris, ke la ĉiela regno alproksimiĝas. John said that the kingdom of heaven was near. John said that the sky is approaching. Vos son sin valor. Y'all are worthless. You sound to look at me. Mitte tu cosas al latere. Put away your things. I'll bet you're all right. paq DalaDchu'ta' qar'a'? You've read through the book, haven't you? Let's go, let's go! Ci ia fa prima esta? Who did this first? You're all right? Nu, eble mi povas helpi ŝin. Well, maybe I can help her. Well, maybe I can help her. La pluvsezono komencas proxim la fino di junio. The rainy season sets in about the end of June. The rain is starting at the end of June. Ла рио Ганга ес консидерада санта пар ла индуистес. The river Ganges is considered sacred to Hindus. such as do not belong to else, such as now. qaStaHvIS wa’ ram loS SaD Hugh SIjlaH qetbogh loD. Four thousand throats may be cut in one night by a running man. We've been saying that we have had a broken down Hughes. HISlaH, 'eSpanya' Hol vIjatlh. Yes, I speak Spanish. I'm sure it's hot, sir. I'm sure I could tell you what I'm saying. Me manjas rizo. I am eating rice. I'm going to eat rice. Io es felice que tu ha habite successo. I am glad that you have succeeded. Something you're happy that you have successfully. La natur es bela. Nature is beautiful. The natural ones are beautiful. mi xebni ro nu do damba I hate it when you fight. I'm xnixi, so damba coi djan .i mi'e nai djan Hi, John. - I'm not John. Ci danan. I was naan Tu debe apprender le anglese standard. You have to learn standard English. You must make sure you want to start the standard input. Ille gusta pan con butyro. He likes bread and butter. They're lighting with chocolatety. La reĝino vizitis la muzeon. The queen visited the museum. The queen visited the museum. Il es melior morir stante que viver geniculante. Better to die on our feet, than to live on our knees. I'm a better person going to die with a genius. Ci es Tatoeba. Here is Tatoeba. You are Tatoeba. La furioza homamaso renversis aŭtojn kaj frakasis vitrinojn de vendejoj. The angry mob overturned cars and smashed storefront windows. The fierce people have turned off or broken pieces of food. Iste horologio es accurate. This clock is accurate. This is a two-sided DVD. You have booted from the city. Vi laboras tro multe tiujn ĉi tagojn. Ĉu vi ne lacas? You work too hard these days. Aren't you tired? You're working too much for these days. Io trova isto un cosa ridicule. I find this thing ridiculous. Something's finding this one to laugh. El ia seci sua fas e ia brosi sua capeles. She dried her face and brushed her hair. And of any case, if there's just some kind of solar caps. Io pensa que le mundo se unirea si io esserea le chef del Statos Unite. I think the world would unite if I were the leader of the United States. I'm thinking that they will be able to everyone's master qrunner. Algun ia canta. Someone sang. That's what you're looking at. Li-binol flen ofa? Are you her friend? He's a big deal? Kiel vi fartas? How's it going? How are you? Vos va mata tota nos. You're going to kill us all. You know what we're doing. tu'a lo mi karce cu fasnu Something has happened to my car. You're all right, but I'll take a share of your career Vi ne devas iri al la festo, iru nur se vi volas. You don't have to go to the party unless you want to. You don't have to go to the party, just go if you want. Ella have un filio. She has a son. He has a child. It vell esser melior que noi anulla li marcha. We'd better cancel the hike. I'm going to be a better man, that he's not going to wake up. Li vizitis la plej multajn landojn en Eŭropo. He has visited most countries in Europe. He visited the most countries in Europe. Saluton, mondo! Hello, world! Hello, world! Ла фиа ла плу веа де ел ес спосида. Her elder daughter is married. such as do not belong to else, such as now. Mi estos tie morgaŭ. I'll be there tomorrow. I'll be there tomorrow. ma te xatra fi ti Who wrote these letters? 7x9 Envelopepaper size Il pluve. It is raining. You've got some more. Il va sin dicer que nostre planos depende del meteo. It goes without saying that our plans depend on the weather. I'm just saying, "It's just a bat of war." Mi konis lin ekde mia infaneco. I've known him since I was a child. I knew him from my childhood. Si tu ensenia me a dansa, me va mostra a tu mea sicatrises ascondeda. If you teach me how to dance, I will show you my hidden scars. If you're in your own mind, I'll cut off your hair off. La simpatio de Tom al Mary kreskis pli kaj pli. Tom grew to like Mary more and more. The compassion of Tom to Mary grew up more and more. 'IrneHnalDaj qIH. She met her uncle. Black is yours. Ilua vivo esas libera de sucio. His life is free from care. He's a free solar life. Mi ŝatas vojaĝi unuope. I like to travel by myself. I like to go one way. Se ili volas partopreni, ili devas diri al li, ne al mi. If they want to participate they should tell him, not me. If they want to participate, they must tell him, not to me. Tom ia cade de sua cavalo. Tom fell off his horse. Tom some ca by suvava. Isto me importa. I care about this. This is Barber 52 in position for gun run. Jesus Christ. ta fi ma pu klama Where did that come from? the hell is going to take you off? ghobe'. No. That's right. ma cmene do What's your name? Name so long Brazilo estas lando disvolviĝanta. Brazil is a developing country. Brazil is a country of development. Ob vu es lan amike? Are you her friend? Are you sure you want to be a friend? qam Do Duj chu'qu' vISuqta'. I've got a brand new bike. So we're going to waste the laws of UFOs. Vi devus fari ĝin. You should do it. You should do it. A basso le policia! A basso le autocratia! Down with the police! Down with autocracy! Against the police! Me konocas tua linguo. I know your language. I know your language. Va voltigeir isch pien d'anguiglhas. My hovercraft is full of eels. Vatuzsirsi Gachesi. Kio okazis? Estas akvo en la tuta apartamento. What happened? There's water all over the apartment. There's water in the apartment. Quant crayones tu have? How many pencils do you have? How manyray you have? Tomo tion ankaŭ ne volas. Tom doesn't want this either. Tom doesn't want that too. La kateto dormetas. The kitten is taking a nap. The sound sleep will sleep. Ille es un autor multo imaginative. He is a very imaginative writer. They're a lot of events. Yo pensat que yo vell adjuntar un poc plu sale al compot. I thought I might add a little more salt to the stew. But that's thought that y may add administrivia anymore. Sequez vua propra kurso e lasez la homi parolar. Follow your own path and let people talk. If you walk in the open cursor cursor at the mouth of the speech. Mi lin apenaŭ konas. I hardly know him. I don't know him. Ili revenos. They will return. They'll come back. ra na pu djuno lo ka ka'e cusku makau He did not know what to say. How much do you want to allow the viral and then it is more readable for you to do this planet? Hoch jaj mavum, 'a jaj wa' neH mavumbe'. We work every day except Sunday. That's what you're saying, 'I haven't got it all right?' Nada es un bon eserse. Swimming is good exercise. That's all right. Hodiaŭ mi vidis vian profilon en tatoeba.org, kaj ĝi ravas min. Mi ŝatus pli scii pri vi, do bonvolu retpoŝti al mi, kaj mi sendos al vi fotojn pri mi. I saw your profile today at tatoeba.org and I love it. I would like to know more about you, so please email me back and I will send you some pictures of me. Today I'd like to know your profile in my profile and I'd like to know more about you, so please, please, and I'll send you photos of me. Illa coperi su brachios e gambas con lixivia cata die, ardentemente pruriente e pensante, "Io habera un aspecto si belle." She covers her arms and legs with lye every day, burning and itching and thinking "I'm gonna look so good." I don't want to know what you're going to do with him. mi nitcu tu'a su'o vlacku I need a dictionary. Let's see what we're going to do La viandoprezo sinkis. The price of meat dropped. The meat washed themselves. bIqanlaw'. You look old. A about half a year. Labobs te saikulis kil. We only have three bicycles. Thebobsukukus killll. ro ctuca poi roda tolzdi ke'a cu tolzdi ro se ctuca be cy Any professor who is bored by everything bores all of his or her students. Let's take a feast to make sure that it's a collection of fine linen, a cool little bit Ni havas epidemion. We have an epidemic. We have a plague. chochelta'mo' qatlho'. Thanks for adding me. That's how it's been. Penolös me glöpapen. Please write with a pen. In this case, I'm going to give you a hint. Mi estis samĉelanon de Tomo. I was Tom's cellmate. I've been the same designer of Tomo. ko'a se bangrpolska She speaks Polish. Numeric Six Foundationska No fägob ad remön saikuli nulik. I cannot afford to buy a new bicycle. No fäb should have been converted again. Duy' tlhaq. The clock is defective. Duy' likeq. chatlh wISopmeH baghneQ DIlo'. We eat soup with a spoon. The start index of a mess. We're going to be going into a D-ray. le nanba pu co'a tolvifne The bread went hard. during pusher'sroher Ĉu vi lasis la pordon malfermita? Did you leave the door open? Did you leave the door open? mi djica ro ra I want it all. I'm sorry, it's a good time mi tavla fi lo vi penbi e nai lo va co'e poi cpana lo jubme I'm talking about this pen, not that one over there on the desk. I'm sorry you're making it possible that you don't seem to be played the rest of the universe. Io ama le sol. I love the sun. I love the only one. Mia onklo mortis pro pulma kancero. My uncle died of lung cancer. My uncle died for pulmonary cancer. Me recevis tua letro. I received your letter. I'll shut you up. Li robe de Carol es tro long. Carol's dress is long. He's too long. Mi konatiĝis kun li pasintan jaron. I got acquainted with him last year. I met him last year. Nia frigorizilo ne funcionas. Our fridge is broken. Our windows don't cry. Ŝi trompadis lin. She fooled him. She got wrong with him. Kion vi volas donaci al Tom je lia naskiĝtago? What do you want to give Tom for his birthday? What do you want to give Tom to his birthday? Qualmen esset li miel-lune? How was the honeymoon? What's he doing? Yo vole creder. I want to believe. You want to think that you don't want to think. vIqaD. I oppose it. AllquaD. Il canta soprano. He sings soprano. I'm going to tell you something. HeS. She committed a crime. He's got a look. Kion fari, se Tomo ne povas trakti ĝin? What if Tom can't handle it? What if Tom can't handle it? La nuboj malaltis. The clouds hung low. The clouds have fallen. Via sukceso dependos grandaparte de tio, kiel bone vi uzos viajn okazojn. Your success will largely depend upon how you will make good use of your opportunity. Your success will be great, as you use your occurrences. wa' ben boghpu' ghaH. She was born last year. We have two pieces of observational evidence on the probability of life appearing.