اتبع قلبك فحسب. Just follow your heart. Just follow your heart. تزوج جورج من أختي. George married my sister. George married my sister. يعقد المجلس اجتماعا مرتين في الشهر. The committee meets twice a month. The Council meets twice a month. كان سامي يقوم بعمل خطير. Sami was doing a dangerous job. Sammy was doing a dangerous job. إن ذلك عملي. It's my job. That's my job. مرحبا بكم في ويكيبيديا. Welcome to Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. كان فاضل يربّي و يعتني بالخيول في جنوب آريزونا. Fadil groomed and raised horses in southern Arizona. Fadel was raising and caring for horses in southern Arizona. بالرّغم من مشاركة جميع سكّان المدينة في البحث، لا أحد وجد الطّفل الصّغير فاضل. Even with the whole town searching, no one found little Fadil. Despite the participation of all the residents of the city in the search, no one found the little boy virtuous. كان من المفترض أن نكون حذرين أكثر. We should have been more careful. We were supposed to be more careful. سُرقت للتو. I was just mugged. It was just stolen. أفضل الخروج على البقاء في البيت. I prefer going out to staying at home. I'd rather go out than stay at home. اشترى فاضل منزلا في القاهرة. Fadil bought a house in Cairo. Fadel bought a house in Cairo. لقد تحدّثت مع مدرّسيك. I've spoken to your teachers. I talked to your teacher. الفرصة الضائعة لا تتكرر The lost chance will never come again. The missed opportunity is never repeated. يزور العديد من السياح مدينة كيوتو في الربيع . Many tourists visit Kyoto in the spring. Many tourists visit Kyoto in the spring. اتّصلي بي حالما تجدين توم. Call me as soon as you find Tom. Call me as soon as you find Tom. بارك الله فيك. Bless you! God bless you. اختفى سامي كي يبدأ حياة جديدة. Sami disappeared to start a new life. Sammy disappeared to start a new life. هل تتحدث السواحلية؟ Do you speak Swahili? Do you speak Swahili? نطقا سامي و ليلى بالشّهادة معا. Sami and Layla took their shahada together. Sammy and Lily testified together. هل كانت قصتها حقيقية؟ Was her story true? Was her story true? كم تبعد الحديقة عن منزلك؟ How far is the garden from your house? How far is the garden from your home? هل الحمّام جاهز؟ Is the bath ready? Is the bathroom ready? يصنع العسل من قبل النحل. Honey is made by honey bees. Honey is made by bees. يا له من مغامر ! How adventurous! What an adventurer! فرّت ليلى إلى مصر. Layla flew to Egypt. Leyla fled to Egypt. أي طفل يعرف ذلك. Any child knows it. Any kid knows that. ألا يزعجك ذلك؟ Doesn't that bother you? Doesn't that bother you? إن كنت تحتاج مظلةً، فسأعيرك واحدةً. If you need an umbrella I'll lend you one. If you need an umbrella, I'll lend you one. دعونا نأخذ قسطاً من الراحة. Let's get some sleep. Let's get some rest. هل يعجبك ذلك؟ Do you like it? You like that? اضغطن على الجرس مرتين. Press the bell twice. Press the bell twice. أنا أعرف من هو الذي تبحث عنهُ. I know who it is you're looking for. I know who you're looking for. شغلت التلفزيون وكانوا يعرضون الجائزة الكبرى. I turned on the TV and the Grand Prix was being broadcasted. I turned on the TV and they were showing the grand prize. هذا مكان الحادثة. This is the place where the incident took place. This is where it happened. تاع منُّه هاذا؟ Whose is this? What's that? كانت ليلى شرطيّة ذات خبرة. Layla was a veteran cop. Lily was an experienced cop. اتصل بي توم مرات كثيرة الأسبوع الماضي. Tom has called me many times this past week. Tom called me many times last week. سنفسل. We'll fail. Smurfs. افضل صديق كتاب My best friend is a book. Best Friend Book لا أعلم متى سأعود بالتحديد. I don't know exactly when I will be back. I don't know when I'll be back. ماري ليست غيورة. Mary is not jealous. Mary's not jealous. الدعم من مُتحدث اللُغة الأصلي سيكون موضع تقدير. Support from a native speaker would be appreciated. Support from the native speaker would be appreciated. قالت صاحبة المحل: "أعتقد أن كود لبنان هو 961". "I believe that the code for Lebanon is 961," the shopkeeper said. The store owner said, “I think the Lebanon code is 961.” سيأخذك هذا الباص إلى المطار. This bus will take you to the airport. This bus will take you to the airport. أنا سأدفع الحساب. I'll pay the bill. I'll pay. آسف لإني أزعجتك. Sorry to trouble you. I'm sorry I bothered you. هو صديقها He's her friend. He's her boyfriend. هل بإمكانك أن تصدق ما قاله؟ Can you believe what he said? Can you believe what he said? بدأ المال يتدفّق. Money started pouring in. The money started flowing. كان سامي يوشي. Sami snitched. It was Sammy Yoshi. أعرف أنك تقول لا. I know you're going to say no. I know you say no. ماذا بعد ذلك؟ And then? What then? لا داعي للقلق. There is nothing to worry about. Don't worry. لم أرى مثل هذا البطيخ الكبير من قبل. I never seen such a big watermelon before. I've never seen such a big melon before. استأجر محامي سامي طبيبا شرعيّا. Sami's attorney hired a forensic pathologist. Sammy's lawyer hired a coroner. شنو تبي الحين؟ What do you want now? What's going on? هوما ڨع كيف كيف⸮ Are they all the same? Huma knows how. ماشي طبيب مليح. He is no good as a doctor. It's okay, Dr. Mellah. كانوا جائعين. They were hungry. They were hungry. خذ ما تحتاج من الوقت. Take all the time you need. Take as much time as you need. هل تستطيع تكلم التركمانية؟ Can you speak Turkmen? Can you speak Turkmen? سأُحوّل المبلغ. I will transfer the money. I'll transfer the money. ما علينا إلا أن نبلعه. We just have to swallow it. All we have to do is swallow it. أخي ساعدني في حل واجبي. My brother helped me with my homework. My brother helped me with my homework. بحثَ فاضل في المنزل كي يعثر عن المال. Fadil hunted around the house to find the money. Fadel searched the house to find the money. يوحي صوتك اليوم بأنّك متعب. You sound tired today. Your voice today suggests that you're tired. قام سامي بشيء. Sami did something. Sammy did something. انتا تتعلم العربي You are learning Arabic. You're learning Arabic. ارتدى سامي الملابس التي عادة ما يرتديها للعمل. Sami wore his regular work clothes. She wears the clothes she usually wears to work. لا تنس أن لدينا واجباً. Don't forget that we have homework. Don't forget we have a duty. لنخرج لتناول مشروب. I suggest we go out for a drink. Let's go out for a drink. أنا لدي جار إيطالي. I have an Italian neighbor. I have an Italian neighbor. كان مطعم سامي رائعا. Sami's restaurant was very nice. It was a great Sammy restaurant. أنا مستعدة! أيمكننا الذهاب؟ I'm ready! Can we go? I'm ready, can we go? هل وقع توم في ورطة؟ Did Tom get into trouble? Is Tom in trouble? فقدت ثقتي فيه. I lost my trust in him. I lost faith in him. أنت تسمع هذه الأصوات في رأسك فقط. You're only hearing that voice in your head. You only hear those voices in your head. ده غبي لدرجة انه مش هيخاف من حاجة خطر. He is too dumb to fear danger. He's so stupid, he's not afraid of anything dangerous. الخطوة الأولى دائماً ما تكون الأصعب. The first step is always the hardest. The first step is always the hardest. في زوج خْدمنا في بلاد القبايل. We both worked in Kabylie. In our servant's husband in the land of the Kabbalah. لم أبحث عنك أبدا. I never looked for you. I never looked for you. مع من تريد أن تتحدث؟ Who do you want to talk to? Who do you want to talk to? هل يمكنني ان اتكلم معك للحظة؟ Can I talk to you a moment? Can I talk to you for a second? اشتريت بعض البيض الطازج الذي أتى من المزرعة للتو. I bought some fresh eggs which had just come from the farm. I bought some fresh eggs that just came from the farm. سأقابلك في الخارج. I'll meet you outside. I'll meet you outside. هي لا تريدني أن أتحدث حول هذه المسألة. She doesn't want me to speak about this matter. She doesn't want me to talk about it. من الأفضل أن لا نقول أي شيء حيال هذا. It's best we don't say anything about that. We better not say anything about this. أخيراً وصلنا للبحيرة. Finally we arrived at the lake. We finally got to the lake. رأيتُ طائراً يُحلّقُ فوقَ شجرةٍ. I saw a bird flying over a tree. I saw a bird flying over a tree. لقد كنت صامتا لمدة طويلة I have been silent for a long time. You've been quiet for a long time. تمّ إطلاق سراح فاضل بكفالة. Fadil was released on bail. Fadel was released on bail. هل سافرت لوحدك مرة؟ Have you ever traveled alone? Have you ever traveled alone? ماذا حصل الأسبوع الماضي؟ What happened last week? What happened last week? تزوّج سامي مرّة أخرى. Sami remarried. Sammy's getting married again. تحدى ياني سكورا أن يصوم اربعة أيام خلال رمضان. Yanni challenged Skura to fast for four days during Ramadan. Yani challenged Skora to fast four days during Ramadan. سامي يكره ذلك المدرّس. Sami hates that teacher. Sammy hates that teacher. لم يكن سامي لينجو على أيّة حال. Sami wasn't going to survive anyways. Sammy wouldn't have survived anyway. لم يستحقّ سامي موتة مأساويّة كتلك. Sami didn't deserve a tragic death like that. Sammy didn't deserve such a tragic death. أحدهم يراقبك. Someone is watching you. Someone's watching you. بيونسي و جاي زي سمّيا لابنتهما بلو أيفي. Beyoncé and Jay-Z called their daughter Blue Ivy. Beyonce and Jay-Z named their daughter Blue Ivy. إن النساء يغيرن العالم. Women change the world. Women are changing the world. أنا أعتقد أني بطريق الخطأ حذفت ذلك الملف. I think I mistakenly deleted that file. I think I accidentally deleted that file. ينبغي -على الأقل- أن تكون معهم خريطة. At least they should have a map. At least they should have a map. ربّما ينبغي أن ننسى الأمر. Maybe we should forget it. Maybe we should forget about it. هي تركتني أذهب. She let me go. She let me go. كانت ليلى تنتظر المحاكمة. Layla was waiting for trial. Leyla was awaiting trial. وقف سامي أمام النّافذة. Sami stood in front of the window. Sammy stood in front of the window. واصل سامي الرّكض. Sami kept running. Sammy continued to run. قطّع يانّي حبّات التّين إلى شطرين. Yanni cut the figs in halves. Yanni cut the figs into two halves. هل تحب كرة المضرب؟ Do you like tennis? Do you like tennis? كان سامي خائفا من أن تضحك عليه ليلى. Sami was afraid Layla would laugh at him. Sammy was afraid that Lily would laugh at him. تقوم أمي بإعداد كعكة لأجل أبي. My mother is making a cake for my father. My mom makes cake for my dad. عمل سامي في مطعم أبيه و هو يقشّر البطاطا لساعات طويلة. Sami worked at his father's restaurant, peeling potatoes for hours on end. Sammy worked at his father's restaurant, peeling potatoes for hours. عليك أن تبقي غرفتك نظيفة. You must keep your room clean. You have to keep your room clean. كان توم آخر طفل يذهب إلى منزله. Tom was the last kid to go home. Tom was the last child to go home. لا تنظر إلى الخلف. Don't look back. Don't look back. سَوفَ أتصل بها مرة أُخرى غداَ. I will call her once again tomorrow. I'll call her again tomorrow. ليلى تحبّ القيل و القال. Layla loves gossiping. Lily likes gossip. جين جت من استراليا. Jane comes from Australia. Jane Jett from Australia. جت فيك رصاصة؟ Were you shot? Got a bullet in you? أكتب رسالة. I'm writing a letter. Write a letter. ابدأ إعداد حقيبتك. Start preparing your suitcase. Start by packing your bag. احجز تلك الكلاب. Shut those dogs up. Book those dogs. أنهى سامي تلك العلاقة غير الشّرعيّة. Sami ended the affair. Sammy ended that illegal relationship. لا تضف جملا من مصادر محفوظة الحقوق. Don't add sentences from copyrighted sources. Do not add a sentence from copyrighted sources. هل هذه صورة حديثة؟ Is it a recent picture? Is this a recent photo? يعطيك الصّحة. Thank you! Gives you health. كَم مالاً حَصَلتَ عَلى لِلماسِ؟ How much money did you get for the diamond? How much money did you get for the diamonds? كان سامي يخفي أسرارا. Sami had skeletons in his closet. Sammy was hiding secrets. ضاجعت مدرّستي. I slept with my teacher. I slept with my teacher. كل ما أستطيع فعله هو الإنتظار. I can only wait. All I can do is wait. أنت حقا ممل. You're really annoying. You're really boring. لن يؤلم. It won't hurt. It won't hurt. لا أعرف أحد في هذه المنطقة لذلك عليك المحاولة بتشكيل صدقات. I don't know anybody in this area, So you have to try making friends. I don't know anyone in this area, so you have to try to make friends. رد ديما: "وعليكم السلام، الصائب!". "كيف أمورك هذه الأيام؟" "Walakum-us-Salam, Al-Sayib!" Dima replied. "What are you up to these days?" Dima's response: "Peace be with you, the right one!". "How are you doing these days?" غيّر سامي حياة ليلى للأبد. Sami changed Layla's life for ever. Sammy changed Lily's life forever. إنه يشبه أباه كثيراً. He closely resembles his father. He looks a lot like his father. كنت أرغب في البقاء في السرير طوال اليوم. I wanted to stay in bed all day. I wanted to stay in bed all day. أنا جوعان. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. متى سنقيم الحفلة؟ When shall we have the party? When are we having the party? هل أبوك طبيب؟ Is your father a doctor? Is your father a doctor? لقد هوجمنا! We're being attacked. We've been attacked! تبدو مجهداً. You look very tired. You look tired. عاد سامي للعيش هنا. Sami moved back in. Sammy came back to live here. يصعب علي أن أعبر عن ما أريد بكلمات. I find it difficult to express my meaning in words. It's hard for me to say what I want in words. يجب أن نبقى منتبهين. We need to stay focused. We have to keep an eye out. توم قرصاتو عقرب. Tom was stung by a scorpion. Tom Discato Scorpion. يجب عليك أن لا تفوت فرصة مشاهدتها. You shouldn't miss the opportunity to see it. You shouldn’t miss the chance to see it. ترك فاضل المدرسة. Fadil dropped out of school. Fadel left school. احترقت المنازل واحدة تلو الأخرى. The houses caught fire one after another. The houses burned down one by one. هذا اذن على خلافك. This is so unlike you. So that's not you. أنا كبير بما يكفي. I'm old enough. I'm old enough. ماذا الحرية؟ What is liberty? What freedom? أنا أرى توم I see Tom. I see Tom. الخير ينتصر دائما. Good always wins. Good always wins. الأطفال مرآة للجو العائلي. Children reflect the family atmosphere. Children are a mirror of the family atmosphere. لم أكن واثقا مما يجري. I wasn't sure what was going on. I wasn't sure what was going on. لما لم تأتي؟ Why didn't you come? Why didn't you come? هل يمكنني أن أسأل, إلى أين أنتَ ذاهب؟ May I ask where are you going? Can I ask, where are you going? هذه وسادة سامي. وسادتك على الأريكة. This is Sami's pillow. Yours in on the couch. This is Sammy's pillow, and your pillow is on the couch. احتاج توم الطعام . Tom needed food. I need Tom to eat. ليس بالضرورة. It is not necessarily so. Not necessarily. صرفا فاضل و ليلى المال معا. Fadil and Layla spent the money together. They spent money and money together. "هل أنت أمريكي؟" "نعم، من تيكساس" "و أنا من أوهايو" "إسمي بول" "أنا تيد. سعدت بلقائك." "Are you American?" "Texas." "Ohio." "Paul." "Ted. Nice to meet you." "Are you American?" "Yes, from Texas" "And I'm from Ohio" "My name is Paul" "I'm Ted. Nice to meet you." الشرطيَة كانت خائفة على حياتها. The female police officer was in fear for her life. The cop was afraid for her life. أين هي لوري؟ Where is Laurie? Where's Laurie? أنا سوف أحميك! I'll protect you! I'll protect you! تحرّكت ليلى نحو سامي. Layla moved toward Sami. Lily moved towards Sammy. أعلم أن خبزها سيكون لذيذا. I know that her bread will be tasty. I know her bread will be delicious. الرواية دي عندها تلت أجزاء. This novel consists of three parts. The story then followed parts. الوالد ينتظر. Father is waiting. Daddy's waiting. ستضمن جُدُر النار أمان الإنترنت. A firewall will guarantee Internet security. Firewalls will ensure the safety of the Internet. أنا مغرم بامرأة أخرى. I'm in love with someone else. I'm in love with another woman. توقف توم عن الضحك أخيرا. Tom finally stopped laughing. Tom finally stopped laughing. أقلعت الطائرة في الساعة العاشرة بالضبط. The plane took off at exactly ten o'clock. The plane took off at exactly 10 o'clock. نحن ذاهبون إلى المسجد. We're going to the mosque. We're going to the mosque. لقد تغيّرت حياة سامي بالكامل. Sami's whole life changed. Sammy's life has changed completely. لديها ابن يحبه الجميع. She has a son everybody loves. She has a son that everyone loves. الأمازيغية هي لغتي الأولى. My first language is Berber. Amazigh is my first language. كتب "مع تحياتي" في ذيل الخطاب ثم قام بتوقيع اسمه. He wrote "regards" at the end of the letter and then signed his name. He wrote "Congratulations" in the tail of the letter and then signed his name. ذهبوا للطابق العلوي في الغرفة الصغيرة ، حينما كان كل شيء كما هو معتاد عليه ، الساعة القديمة كانت تتكُ ، و عقارب الساعة كانت تشير الى وقت اليوم ، لكن ادركوا حين مرورهم خلال الباب الى الغرفة ان كلاهما قد كبر و اصبحوا رجل و امرأة. They went upstairs into the little room, where all looked just as it used to do. The old clock was going "tick, tick," and the hands pointed to the time of day, but as they passed through the door into the room they perceived that they were both grown up, and become a man and woman. They went upstairs in the small room, when everything was as it used to be, the old clock was ticking, and the clock was pointing to the time of day, but they realized as they walked through the door into the room that they had both grown into men and women. تواجه اليابان أزمات اقتصادية قاسية. Japan is confronted with severe economic problems. Japan is facing severe economic crises. عقدتُ العزم على أن أكون عالمًا في العلوم الطبيعية. I am determined to be a scientist. I was determined to be a natural scientist. ماكانش مسموح ليّا نخرج. I wasn't allowed to leave. We weren't allowed out. ظننتك قلت أنك لا تحب توم. I thought you said you didn't like Tom. I thought you said you didn't like Tom. يكسب قوته بالكتابة. He earns his bread as a writer. He earns his living by writing. ما سبب غضبهم؟ Why are they angry? What are they so angry about? توم يحب لعب الشطرنج Tom likes playing chess. Tom likes to play chess. أحب مشاهدة مبارايات كرة السلة. I love watching basketball. I love watching basketball games. سيارتي مزودة بمشغل أقراص مدمجة. My car is equipped with a CD player. My car has a CD player. هل يوجد أين يمكننا التحدث على انفراد حول هذا؟ Is there somewhere that we can talk privately about this? Is there any place we can talk in private about this? عانى سامي من صداع نصفي. Sami had a migraine headache. Sammy suffered a migraine. أكلت طعام الغداء بسرعة. I quickly ate lunch. I ate lunch quickly. لا أحد يعلم عن مكانه. No one knows where he is. No one knows where he is. كانت ليلى مختلفة حقّا. Layla was really different. Lily was really different. أريد أن أصبح طبيبة أو ممرضة أو مدرسة. I want to be a doctor or a nurse or a teacher. I want to be a doctor, a nurse or a teacher. تعلمت تقنية جديدة. I learned a new technique. I learned a new technique. ستتحسن إذا تناولت هذا الدواء. You'll feel better if you drink this medicine. You will get better if you take this medicine. رؤية الدم جعلها تنفعل. The sight of blood made her excited. Seeing the blood made her nervous. بكم الساعة؟ How much is this watch? What time is it? أطفئ النور إذا سمحت. Turn off the light, please. Turn off the light, please. ألبس فستاناً زهري. I wear a floral dress. I'm wearing a pink dress. أنا أركض. I run. I'm running. حكم عليه القاضي بالإعدام. The judge condemned him to death. The judge sentenced him to death. كانت على وشك أن تخرج. She was about to go out. She was about to come out. يا لك من ملاك! You're an angel! You're such an angel! أود أن أقدم على طلب. I would like to make a request. I'd like to make a request. كم تستغرق من الوقت؟ How long does it take? How long does it take? حملت الحديد فلم أجد أثقل من الدَيْن. I carried iron, but didn't find anything heavier than debt. I took the iron and couldn't find a heavier debt. سوف تنساني يوما ما. You'll forget about me someday. You'll forget me someday. عملت عملا شاقا لكي أدعم عائلتي. I worked hard in order to support my family. I worked hard to support my family. لا يحق لك أن تكسر اللوائح المتبعة. You are not allowed to violate the rules. You have no right to break the rules. لم يكن سامي ينتبه أثناء الدّرس. Sami wasn't paying attention in class. Sammy wasn't paying attention during class. لم لم تحاول الاتّصال بنا؟ Why didn't you try calling us? Why didn't you try calling us? أعمل في الليل. I work nights. I work at night. الرقم الذري للهيدروجين هو واحد. The atomic number for hydrogen is 1. The atomic number of hydrogen is one. لعبنا كرة السلة بالأمس. We played basketball yesterday. We played basketball yesterday. أحاول المساعدة فحسب. I'm trying to help. I'm just trying to help. أيمكنك إخباري بما يحدث هنا؟ Would you tell me what's going on here? Can you tell me what's going on here? أظن أننا ما زلنا في بولندا. I think we are still in Poland! I think we're still in Poland. سمعت أن جِم رفض الاقتراح. I've heard Jim rejected the proposal. I heard Jim rejected the proposal. عليك أن تطيع والديك. You should obey your parents. You have to obey your parents. كان فاضل الوحيد الذي كان يعلم ما حدث لليلى. Fadil was the only one that knew what happened to Layla. Fadel was the only one who knew what happened to Lily. جعل الضباب الكثيف رؤية الطريق أمرا صعبا. The thick fog made it hard to see the road. The thick fog made it difficult to see the road. اعتنقت ليلى الإسلام و بدأت ترتدي الخمار. Layla converted to Islam and started wearing the Muslim headscarf. Leyla converted to Islam and began to wear a muffler. إنها أختي الكبرى. She is my elder sister. She's my big sister. من حظنا وجود توم هنا ليساعدنا. We're lucky Tom is here to help us. We were lucky to have Tom here to help us. الجو حار It's hot. It's hot. لم يكن لدى سامي أحد كي يساعده. Sami didn't have anybody to help him. Sammy didn't have anyone to help him. سوف اذهب للتسوق بعد الغداء. I'm going to go shopping after lunch. I'll go shopping after lunch. انشر الخبر Spread the news! Spread the word. تزوّجت أمّ فاضل مرّة أخرى. Fadil's mother remarried. I married Fadhel's mother again. وسمك؟ What's your name? And fish? سيكون فعل ذلك خطرًا. Doing that would be dangerous. Doing so would be dangerous. تجشّأ سامي. Sami burped. Sammy burps. عيد فطر مبارك. Happy Ramadan Feast. Eid Mubarak. ما الذي عليّ فعله الآن بعد أن سجّلت؟ What do I have to do now that I'm registered? What should I do now that I've registered? طوّر سامي لغة خاصّة به، فكانت لديه عباراته الخاصّة لتسمية الأشياء. Sami developed his own language. He had his own words for things. Sammy developed a language of his own, and he had his own phrases for naming things. حلقت الطيور في كل اتجاه. The birds flew away in all directions. The birds flew in all directions. علي الذهاب الآن. I have to go now. I have to go now. هل سبق لك و أن كنت شاهدا في محاكمة؟ Have you ever served as a witness in a court case? Have you ever been a witness in a trial? هذا قلم. This is a pen. That's a pen. سأشرح هذا لاحقا. I'll explain this later. I'll explain that later. اتّصل سامي بعائلته. Sami had contact with his family. Sammy called his family. أنا لا أعرف السلاح الذي سيستخدمه الإنسان في الحرب العالمية الثالثة، لكني أعرف أنه سيستخدم العصا والحجر في الحرب العالمية الرابعة I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. I don't know what weapon a man will use in World War III, but I do know that he will use a stick and a stone in World War IV. نحن نتقابل مرة في الشهر We see each other once a month. We meet once a month. يقول البعض أنه يجب مقاطعة إسرائيل بسبب ممارستها لنظام الأبارتايد. Some say that Israel should be boycotted for its apartheid system. Some say that Israel should be boycotted for its practice of apartheid. نحن نحتفل الليلة. Tonight we celebrate. We're celebrating tonight. اِبقَ بعيداً عني. Keep away from me. Stay away from me. لدي بعض الأصدقاء في القاهرة. I've got some friends in Cairo. I have friends in Cairo. أعتقد أنها لم تتلقَّ أي ردود. I believe she didn't get any replies. I guess she didn't get any answers. طلب سامي من ليلى أن تذهب إلى المستشفى. Sami told Layla to go to the hospital. Sammy asked Layla to go to the hospital. الي ماذا تنظر تحديدا What specifically are you looking for? What exactly are you looking at? هذه كتبي، وتلك كتبه. These are my books, and those are his books. These are my books, and those are his books. إزيك يا عم؟ What's up, dawg? Ezek, uncle? أخذ سامي ليلى إلى العيادة. Sami took Layla down to the clinic. Sammy took Lily to the clinic. ترجمت النص حرفياً. She translated it word for word. I translated the text literally. كان الماء باردا جدّا. The water was freezing. The water was too cold. اشترى عمي البارحة كلباً. Yesterday my uncle bought a dog. My uncle bought a dog last night. فنجانا قهوة بالحليب من فضلك. Two coffees with milk, please. A latte, please. في تتويبا، عليك دائمًا أن تستمع إلى الأعضاء المُحَنَّكِين، فهم سيخبرونك بما لا ينبغي لك فعله والسبب، ثم افعله. In Tatoeba, you gotta always listen to veteran members. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it. In Tatweba, you should always listen to the seasoned members, they will tell you what you shouldn’t do and why, and then do it. سأحاول وضع أفكاري في كتاب. I'll try to shape my ideas into a book. I will try to put my thoughts in a book. لدى منّاد جهاز تلفاز من التّسعينيّات. Mennad has a TV set from the 1990's. I have a TV set from the '90s. ما زالت الحياة أمامك. Life lies in front of you. You still have life ahead of you. اذى توم نفسه بمنشارِ خشب. Tom hurt himself with a wood saw. Tom hurt himself with a saw. ربّما تخبرني عن مكانٍ أجد فيه توم. Maybe you can tell me where I can find Tom. Maybe you can tell me where to find Tom. لم يكن توم اكبرمن ماري بكثير Tom was not much older than Mary. Tom wasn't much older than Mary. أريد أن أقود. I want to drive. I want to drive. نسحقُّوك. We need you. Smash you. تطير النحلات من زهرة إلى زهرة. Bees fly from flower to flower. Bees fly from flower to flower. خرج سامي من الباب. Sami stepped out the door. Sammy walked out the door. جعلت المدرّس يتعثّر بدون قصد. I accidentally tripped the teacher. You accidentally tripped the teacher. أنت لم تُرِِد أن تدرس أبداً على أي حال. You have never wanted to study anyway. You never wanted to study anyway. كل الأوراق النقدية الأمريكية لديها نفس اللون. All American bills are similar in color. All US banknotes have the same color. توم يقرأ الإنجيل. Tom is reading the Bible. Tom reads the Bible. لم تكن ليلى مغرمة به. Layla was not in love with him. Lily wasn't in love with him. إنها تتكلم الإنجليزية بطلاقة شديدة. She speaks English very fluently. She speaks very fluent English. لقد سأمت من الحياة إلى أبعد الحدود. I am really tired of living. I'm tired of living to the limit. من المهم أن تتذكر من هم أصدقاؤك. It is important to remember who your friends are. It’s important to remember who your friends are. جريس لم تصل بعد. Grace hasn't arrived yet. Grace hasn't arrived yet. كان سامي يروي قصصا عن حياته في قناته على اليوتوب. Sami told stories about his life on his YouTube channel. Sammy was telling stories about his life on his YouTube channel. لأخفف من وزني، أسبح كل يوم لساعة في حوض السباحة. To lose weight I swim every day, one hour in the swimming pool. To lose weight, I swim every day for an hour in the pool. قدّم سامي نصائحا ليلى حول كيفيّة التّعامل مع اكتئابها. Sami gave Layla advice about how to deal with that depression. Sammy gave Lily advice on how to deal with her depression. أريد تعلم الكراتيه. I want to learn karate. I want to learn karate. سيقتلني توم إن عرف أنّي قلتُ لكَ هذا. If Tom finds out I told you this, he'll kill me. Tom would kill me if he knew I told you that. هل يكتب جيمي رسالةً؟ Is Jimmy writing a letter? Does Jimmy write a letter? فرضت ليلى الكثير من القيود الدّينيّة على أولادها. Layla placed many religious restrictions on her children. Laila imposed a lot of religious restrictions on her children. كان سامي يتحرّك. Sami was moving. Sammy was moving. ماشي لغلطا ديالهم. It's not their fault. It's all right for them. ايبان راو واعي بواش راني نحّس. He seems to be aware of my feelings. Iban Rao is conscious of Rani's well-being. نحتاج فقط قليلا من الوقت. We just need a little time. We just need a little time. أتقبلون الدفع ببطاقة الإئتمان؟ Do you accept Visa card? Do you accept credit card payments? هل طلبت الكتاب؟ Did you order the book? Did you order the book? اشترى سامي كلبا لليلى. Sami bought Layla a dog. Sammy bought a dog for Lily. ما زالت قدماي تؤلمانني. My legs still hurt. My feet still hurt. تحدث إليّ الرجل العجوز بالفرنسية. The old man spoke to me in French. The old man spoke to me in French. إذا ما كان هناك من لا يزال يشك في كون أمريكا هي البلد الذي فيه كل الأشياء ممكنة، أو لا زال يتساءل عما إذا كان حلم آبائنا المؤسسين لا يزال حياً في زماننا هذا، أو لا زال يتساءل عن قوة ديمقراطيتنا، فإن ما يحدث في هذه الليلة هو جوابك. If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. If anyone still doubts that America is the country where all things are possible, or still wonders if the dream of our founding fathers is still alive in our time, or still wonders about the power of our democracy, what happens tonight is your answer. من الذى ترجم القرآن إلى العبرية؟ Who translated the Quran in Hebrew? Who translated the Quran into Hebrew? معظم الناس يظنون أني مجنون. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. اتفقنا على توزيع مهام تنظيف البيت فيما بيننا. We agreed to share the housework. We agreed to distribute the house cleaning tasks among ourselves. شهد حصول الجريمة. He witnessed the murder. He witnessed the crime. هىَ لابد أن تجد عملاً. She must find work. She has to find a job. أمّي، أنا في المنزل. Mom, I'm home. Mom, I'm home. تعبتُ من هذه اللغات الجرمانية. I'm tired of this Germanic language. I'm tired of these Germanic languages. هل استرحت قليلا؟ Did you get any rest? Did you get some rest? "توم" لم يكن متفاجئًا أبدًا. Tom wasn't surprised at all. Tom was never surprised. لا أحد علم بذلك. No one knew it. Nobody knew that. تخرّج سامي من المعهد و كان الأوّل في قسمه. Sami graduated from the seminary, the top of his class. Sammy graduated from the institute and was the first in his department. لم يعد توم يغنّي الآن. Tom doesn't sing anymore. Tom doesn't sing anymore. أصبحت ابنتها امرأة جميلة. Her daughter has become a beautiful woman. Her daughter became a beautiful woman. هنا أريد أن أعيش. That's where I wanna live. Here I want to live. لماذا لا تأتي كي تعمل في هذه العيادة؟ Why don't you come to work for this clinic? Why don't you come work at this clinic? أمي لا يمكنها ركوب الدراجة. My mother can't ride a bicycle. My mom can't ride a bike. قتل امرء واحد جريمة لا تغتفر و إبادة شعب كامل مسألة فيها نظر, One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic. Killing one man is an unforgivable crime and exterminating an entire people is a matter of consideration. أين أقرب فندق؟ Where's the nearest hotel? Where's the nearest hotel? توم لا يحب سلوك ميري. Tom doesn't like Mary's attitude. Tom doesn't like Miri's behavior. كلامه وافعاله لا يتفقان معا. His words and actions do not go together well. His words and deeds do not agree with each other. يحبّ فاضل الأكل في مطاعم تيكساس تشيكن. Fadil loves Texas Chicken. Fadhel likes to eat at Texas Chicken restaurants. أتحتاج إلى الكتاب؟ Do you need the book? You need the book? لم أسمع شيئاً. I've heard nothing. I didn't hear anything. لقد أخبرتهم بالفعل. I already told them. I already told them. شو كلمه؟ What is a word? What's a word? كان الكلب ميتاً. The dog was dead. The dog was dead. فضلت تشتغل. She kept working. I prefer to work. ها هي حقيبتك. Here is your bag. Here's your bag. الكره لا يظهر بكل بساطة من فراغ. إنه بالعادة يبدأ من الحسد أو الخوف. Hatred doesn't just appear out of thin air, it usually starts from envy or fear. Hatred does not simply appear in a vacuum; it usually begins with envy or fear. أنا أعرف أنكِ ما زلتِ تحبيني. I know that you still love me. I know you still love me. اذهب إلى النوم Go to bed. Go to sleep. سيتولّى فاضل صادق إدارة المخبر. Fadil Sadiq will be in charge with the laboratory. Fadel Sadik will be running the lab. رجّ قبل الفتح رجاءً. Please shake before opening. Shake before opening, please. الكلب يحتضر. The dog is dying. The dog is dying. سيدي، لقد تركت ولاّعتك على الطاولة. Sir, you have left your lighter on the table. Sir, I left your lighter on the table. كان سامي يعيش حياة مختلفة. Layla had a different life. Sammy was living a different life. سأطلق عليه النار. I'm gonna shoot him. I'll shoot him. فاضيل يتحدث العربيه Fadil speaks Arabic. Fadil speaks Arabic. أنا من مصر. I am from Egypt. I'm from Egypt. لديّ عشرة أقلام. I have ten pens. I have ten pens. انهار منزل سامي. Sami's house collapsed. Sammy's house collapsed. احترق منزل ليلى بالكامل. Layla's house burned to the ground. Lily's house burned down. أنا لا أعمل لأي أحد. I don't work for nobody. I don't work for anyone. كم يوماً تحتاج عادةً للوصول إلى هناك؟ How many days does it usually take to get there? How many days do you usually need to get there? لقد تم تعليق أهمية كبيرة على إمكانية انتخاب شخص من أصل أمريكي إفريقي يدعى باراك حسين أوباما إلى منصب الرئيس. ولكن قصتي الشخصية ليست فريدة إلى هذا الحد Much has been made of the fact that an African-American with the name Barack Hussein Obama could be elected President. But my personal story is not so unique. I have attached great importance to the possibility of electing an African-American named Barack Hussein Obama to the office of President. But my personal story is not so unique. تعال الى هنا من فضلك. Please come here. Come here, please. هذا ابنها يا سامي. This is her son, Sami. That's her son, Sammy. تعبت ليلى من الانتظار. Layla got tired of waiting. Lily's tired of waiting. كان فاضل متعطّشا للشّهرة. Fadil craved notoriety. Fadel was avid for fame. لا يوجد آثار حياة فوق سطح كوكب المريخ. There is no sign of life on Mars. There are no traces of life on Mars. اليوم سأعد سلطة لنفسي و بنفسي. Today, I'll make some salad for myself on my own. Today I'll make a salad for myself and myself. كانت ليلى تقدّم دروسا في مدرسة الأحد. Layla taught Sunday school classes. Leyla was teaching Sunday school. ليس لدي وقت. I don't have time. I don't have time. اقتربت ليلى نحو سامي و قبّلته. Layla moved toward Sami and kissed him. Lily approached Sammy and kissed him. هذا الخبز لذيذ. This bread is delicious. This bread is delicious. رأيت توم في المكتبة I saw Tom at the library. I saw Tom in the library. أشعر بالبرد. I am cold. I'm cold. لن أتجاوز عن أخطائك ثانيةً. I'll never overlook your mistakes again. I won't make any more of your mistakes. هوايتي هي صنع مجسمات للطائرات. My hobby is making model planes. My hobby is making airplane models. أيمكنني الذهاب إلى الحمام؟ May I use the toilet? Can I go to the bathroom? لقد درّب سامي خيول ليلى القزمة. Sami trained Layla's poneys. Sammy trained Lily's midget horses. ربما علي أن أتصل بك لاحقا. I may have to call you later. Maybe I should call you back. راني مسقسي روحي شحال رايحا طّوّل. I wonder how long it's going to take. My soul is long gone. أيمكنني أن أستعير مضرب التنس خاصتك لليوم؟ Can I borrow your tennis racket today? Can I borrow your tennis racket for today? أعدك أنّي سأكلّمه. I promise I'll talk to him. I promise I'll talk to him. ها هو العنوان. Here's the address. Here's the address. الله أعلم. Only God knows. God knows. بعض الأحيان كثرة التفكير في قضايا بسيطة يمكن حلّها أو تحسينها أفضل بكثير من إضاعة الوقت بالتفكير في قضايا رئيسية لا يمكن التعامل معها. Sometimes thinking about dealing with the minor issues that can be solved or improved is better than wasting time on the main issues that nothing can be done for them. Sometimes thinking about simple issues that can be solved or improved is much better than wasting time thinking about key issues that can’t be dealt with. انتحر سامي. Sami took his own life. Sammy committed suicide. تسبّب سامي عمدا بجروح خطيرة ليلي. Sami intentionally caused Layla serious injuries. Sammy intentionally caused Lily serious injuries. المجوهرات و العطور أمور ثانوية الإنسان الطبعي ليس بحاجة لها. jewelries and perfumes are unessential things, Normal humans don't need them. Jewels and perfumes are secondary. A normal human doesn't need them. كان فاضل حقّا يحبّ المال. Fadil did like money. He really loved money. ظنّ فاضل أنّ ذلك الدّواء كان سمّا. Fadil thought the medication was poison. Fadel thought that medicine was poison. هل هذا كتابك؟ Is this your book? Is that your book? إنقطع دان علاقاتٍ مع ابنته. Dan severed ties with his daughter, Linda. Dan broke up with his daughter. ارتكب توم عديد الجرائم. Tom committed many crimes. Tom committed many crimes. شخص ما يأكل. Somebody is eating. Someone's eating. كم الوقت هناك؟ What is the time there? What time is it? لم أرك منذ سنوات. I haven't seen you in years. I haven't seen you in years. المحاولة لتعليم أحمق كمثل توفير علاجٍ طبي لرجل ميت. Trying to teach a fool is like providing medical treatment for a dead man. Trying to teach a fool is like providing medical treatment to a dead man. أرهب سامي ليلى مجبرا إيّاها أن تكون معه. Sami terrorized Layla into being with him. Sammy was forced to be with him. ماذا تحب أن تأكل؟ What do you like to eat? What would you like to eat? أرادت ماري معرفة ما إن كان لِتوم حبيبة. Mary wanted to know if Tom had a girlfriend. Mary wanted to know if Tom had a girlfriend. لم أعرف كيف أجيب على سؤاله. I didn't know how to answer his question. I didn't know how to answer his question. نحن نرحب بك في نادينا. We welcome you to our club. We welcome you to our club. صنعتُ هذا الكرسي. I made this chair. I made this chair. أنا أستخدم تويتر. I'm using Twitter. I use Twitter. كان يعرف سامي كيف يخاطب النّساء الشّابّات. Sami knew how to talk to young women. Sammy knew how to talk to young women. أنا لم أفهم. I do not understand. I don't understand. لقد حدث هذا الحادث بسبب إهماله The accident happened because he wasn't careful. This incident was caused by his negligence. ما هي طبيعة عملك في المكتب؟ What do you actually do in the office? What is the nature of your work in the office? بحثت مطولا عن حذاء بمقاسي. It took me a while to find a pair of shoes that fit. I looked at length for shoes of my size. بنته متحمسة للذهاب معه إلى أي مكان. His daughter is eager to go with him anywhere. His daughter is excited to go with him anywhere. جريدة اليوم تحذّر من قدوم عاصفة. Today's paper says that a typhoon is coming. Today's newspaper warns of a storm. من يعزف على الجيتار؟ Who is playing the guitar? Who plays guitar? الأمر ممكن بالتأكيد إن أردت. It is certainly possible if you want it. It's definitely possible if you want. ما يحتاجه حقاً هو وظيفة جيدة. What he needs most is a good job. What he really needs is a good job. لم أكن أريد أن أفعل هذا بهذه الطريقة. I didn't want to do it this way. I didn't want to do it that way. لا أريد أن تنتهي علاقتنا. I don't want us to finish. I don't want it to end. علمت أنه سيقبل. I knew he would accept. I knew he'd take it. لقد غيرَ داروين الطريقة التي نري بها العالم. Darwin changed the way we see the world. Darwin changed the way we see the world. أنت من كان مدرّسا. You were the teacher. You were the teacher. ما طولتش بزاف. She didn't last long. What a tallish bzaf. تكتب لي مرةً كل شهر. She writes to me once a month. She writes to me once a month. هل تكتب الشعر؟ Do you write poetry? Do you write poetry? أمي أكبر من أبي سناً. Mom is older than Dad. My mother is older than my father. ساقابله يوما ما One day I will meet him. I'll meet him someday. أعتقد أنك تعمل خطأً كبير I think you're making a big mistake. I think you're making a big mistake. الجسر بني على يدي الرومان. The bridge was built by the Romans. The bridge was built by the Romans. أريد أن أنتظر حتى أتزوج. I want to wait until I'm married. I want to wait until I get married. اضطرّ سامي على قضاء اللّيلة في الأدغال. Sami had to spend the night in the jungle. Sammy had to spend the night in the bush. اقطع تلك الشجرة الميتة ، وإلا فإنها ستقع فوق منزلك . Cut down that dead tree, or it will fall down on your house. Cut down that dead tree, or it will fall over your house. ربما يكون قد مات. Maybe he's dead. Maybe he's dead. أنت تنام في حجرتي. You sleep in my room. You sleep in my room. شعرك جميل. Your hair's beautiful. Your hair is beautiful. ما رأيك في عطلة في الكاريبي؟ How about a Caribbean holiday? How about a holiday in the Caribbean? أين هو مفتاحي؟ Where is my key? Where's my key? إنه موجود في البيت الآن. He's at home right now. He's home now. علم سامي أنّ ليلى لم تكن تحبّه. Sami realized that Layla didn't love him. Sammy knew that Lily didn't like him. لقد واجهَت الكثير من الصعوبات. She has gone through many difficulties. She's had a lot of trouble. كان سامي ينتظر فقط. Sami was just waiting. Sammy was just waiting. توم ينتظر. Tom is waiting. Tom is waiting. تُسقِط هذه الأشجار أوراقها في فصل الشّتاء. These trees shed their leaves during the winter. These trees shed their leaves in the winter season. فكّر جّيدا يا سامي. Think hard, Sami. Think hard, Sammy. ما عندي فكة I don't have change. I have no change. سنتجبين صبيّا. You're having a baby. We're having a boy. توم ليس مؤهلاً لتدريس المدرسة الثانوية. Tom isn't qualified to teach high school. Tom is not qualified to teach high school. هل اشتقت لي؟ Did you miss me? Did you miss me? هو يرسل لنا أزهارا. He sends us flowers. He's sending us flowers. ارتفع عدد السياح بشكل كبير في السنوات الاخيرة . The number of tourists has increased greatly in recent years. The number of tourists has increased significantly in recent years. اختبأ سامي خلف شجرة صنوبر. Sami hid behind a pine tree. Sammy hid behind a pine tree. لم يتوقّع توم أيّة مساعدة من ماري. Tom didn't expect any help from Mary. Tom didn't expect any help from Mary. فتحت ليلى حنفيّة الماء. Layla turned the water on. Lily opened the water tap. لقد قابلنا مدرّسنا. We met our teacher. We met our teacher. أخبرتني أنها تريد كلباً أليفاً. She told me that she wanted a pet dog. She told me she wanted a pet dog. أظن أنك كنت تبكي. I think you have been crying. I think you were crying. كلما أتصل به ، يكون قد خرج. Whenever I call, he is out. Whenever I call him, he's out. تسارع السائق بسيارته. The driver accelerated his car. The driver accelerated his car. عادة ما يذكر مقولات لشيكسبير. He often quotes Shakespeare. He usually mentions quotes by Shakespeare. كان سامي شخصا مثيرا للإعجاب. Sami was larger than life. Sammy was an impressive person. توم يعمل في بوسطن. Tom works in Boston. Tom works in Boston. هي أنقذت حياتي. She saved my life. She saved my life. "شكرًا،" قال ديما بينما اتصل بالرقم. "Thanks," Dima said as he dialed the number. "Thanks," Dima said as he called the number. كان يمكن أن تكون حالته أكثر سوءً. His condition could have been worse. He could have been worse. كان عليّ فعل هذا منذ زمن. I should have done this years ago. I should have done this a long time ago. كان بإمكان فاضل أن يتّصل بالشّرطة. Fadil could have called the police. Fadel could have called the police. مْشينا وحْد الثْلاث ساعات. We walked about three hours. We've been walking for three hours. هلّا أخفضت صوت التلفاز؟ Could you lower the volume of the television? Would you turn down the TV? تخاصما سامي و ليلى حول مشكل إدمانها على الكحول. Sami and Layla argued about her drinking issue. Sammy and Laila had an argument about her alcoholism. حقّق سامي في ماضي ليلى. Sami investigated Layla's past. Sammy's investigation into Lily's past. لنأخذ استراحة قصيرة. Let's take a short break. Let's take a little break. هل يجب أن يكون الزواج المثلي قانونيا؟ Should gay marriage be legal? Should same-sex marriage be legal? كلّ شيء يؤلم. Everything hurts. Everything hurts. هل اللغة الفرنسية أصعب من الإنجليزية؟ Is French more difficult than English? Is French more difficult than English? هذه الرسالة موجهة إليك. This letter is addressed to you. This letter is addressed to you. عليها المغادرة باكراً وإصطحاب أطفالها من المدرسة. She has to leave early and pick up her kids at school. She has to leave early and pick up her kids from school. من مالك هذا البيت؟ Who owns this house? Who owns this house? هذا كل ما احتاجه. These are all the things that I need. That's all I need. من فضلك خذني إلى المستشفى. Please take me to the hospital. Please take me to the hospital. ذهب سامي لإحضار الدّواء بسرعة. Sami went to get the medicine quickly. Sammy went to get the medicine fast. إنها تقوم بصرف الكثير من المال على الكتب. She spends a lot of money on books. She spends a lot of money on books. كانت عند الشّرطة كلّ الأدلّة التّي كانت بحاجة إليها. The police had all the evidence they needed. The police had all the evidence they needed. قَرَّرَتِ التوقفَ عن التدخين. She decided to stop smoking. You decided to stop smoking. هذا الماء لا يتجمّد أبدا. This water never freezes. This water never freezes. دفع سامي الثّمن بحياته. Sami paid with his life. Sammy paid with his life. ما الذي قلبها عليك؟ What turned her against you? What turned her on you? هذا شيء اريد ان اعمله لوحدي. This is something I need to do alone. That's something I want to do alone. ماذا أعطيتني؟ What did you give me? What did you give me? من فضلك هدئ من السرعة عندما يكون أمامك تقاطع طرق. Please slow down when getting close to the intersection. Please slow down when you have an intersection. توقفت الساعة عن العمل. The clock stopped. The clock stopped working. يمكن عمله، لكنه ليس سهلا. It's doable, but not easy. It can be done, but it's not easy. القانون والسياسة هما شيئان مختلفان. Law and politics are two different things. Law and politics are two different things. زوج أمّ سامي أساء معاملته. Sami's stepfather abused him. Sammy's stepfather abused him. سامي سيتطيع ربط حذائه. Sami can tie his shoes. Sammy will be able to tie his shoes. كان سامي يستمع للموسيقى المسيحيّة. Sami listened to Christian music. Sammy was listening to Christian music. قد رأيته. I did see him. I've seen it. عُد قريبًا. Come back soon. Come back soon. يبدو لي أن كلكم مخطئون. It appears to me that you are all mistaken. It seems to me you're all wrong. سامي و ليلى أمضيا الظّهيرة كلّها هما يشاهدان التّلفاز. Sami and Layla have been watching TV all afternoon. Sammy and Lily spent the afternoon all watching TV. كنت تتحدث في نومك البارحة. You were talking in your sleep last night. You were talking in your sleep last night. وصلت البارحة. I arrived here last night. Arrived yesterday. نحن ترتدي الزي الرسمي في مدرستنا. We wear uniforms at our school. We wear uniforms at our school. هذا مهم جداً. This is very important. This is very important. أنا أريد أن أذهب إلي الجنة, ولكن لا أريد أن أموت للوصول إلى هناك! I want to go to heaven, but I don't want to die to get there! I want to go to heaven, but I don't want to die to get there! روى فاضل للشرطة كلّ شيء. Fadil told police everything. Fadel told the police everything. ما هي الجُمل التي تفضلها ؟ What is your favorite sentence? Which sentences do you prefer? أرى أن هذا المعجم مفيد للمبتدئين. I think this dictionary is useful for beginners. I think this book is useful for beginners. أقنع سامي ليلى بان تأتي إلى منزله. Sami convinced Layla to come over. Sammy convinced Layla to come to his house. أنا لا أعرف ما يجري هنا. I don't know what happens here. I don't know what's going on here. أعلم أنّك تحبّين القهوة. I know you like coffee. I know you like coffee. فكرنا انه طبيعي لازم يتعاقب. We thought it natural that he should be punished. We thought it was normal to have a succession. تفوّقت ليلى على سامي ذكاءا. Layla outsmarted Sami. Leyla outsmarted Sammy. هذه الساعة مكسورة This watch is broken. This watch is broken. أسرع و إلا فاتك القطار. Hurry up, or you'll miss the train. Hurry up or you'll miss the train. رمى سامي الملابس التي استداها أثناء الجريمة. Sami dumped the clothes he had worn during the crime. Sammy threw away the clothes he had worn during the crime. هل أنت جديد هنا؟ Are you new here? Are you new here? أنا لا أهتم للربح I don't care about profit. I don't care about winning. ماريا تمشي بُبطء. Maria walks slowly. Maria walks slowly. اومبعد، رحت، وشنو مرڨت بلّي نسيت ساكادۆ ديالي ف دارهوم. After that, I left, but then I realized that I forgot my backpack at their house. I left, I left, and I forgot about Sakadev Diyali in Darhum. ليس لديه مصداقية He has no credibility. He has no credibility. وجد يانّي دودا داخل تلك التّينة. Yanni found larvae inside the fig. Jani found Doda inside that dragon. هل يمكننى أن أخرج للعب؟ Can I go out to play? Can I go out and play? واصل سامي صداقته مع ليلى. Sami continued to be friends with Layla. Sammy continued his friendship with Lily. هي شديدة الخوف من الكلاب She is much afraid of dogs. She's so scared of dogs. ماذا ينتظر فاضل؟ What is Fadil waiting for? What is Fadel waiting for? لا تستطيع أن تفعله غدا. You cannot do it tomorrow. You can't do it tomorrow. قرّر فاضل أن يتعلّم العربيّة. Fadil decided that he wanted to learn Arabic. Fadel decided to learn Arabic. الثمن مرتفع. The price is high. The price is high. أُطلق على توم فقُتل. Tom was shot and killed. Tom was shot and killed. هلا أوقفت الموسيقى. Could you turn the music down? Will you stop the music? ألا تبالي إن دخنت؟ Does it bother you if I smoke? Don't you care if I smoke? يجب أن تعثر عليها. You need to find her. You have to find her. كلفونا بهذا العمل. They assigned the task to us. They gave us this job. حضر توم للمدرسة بالسيارة Tom comes to school by car. Tom came to the school by car. تزوّج سامي من امرأة مسلمة. Sami married a Muslim woman. She married a Muslim woman. هل كان توم بحاراً؟ Was Tom a sailor? Was Tom a sailor? من يا ترى سيكشف أسرار المحيط؟ Who shall ever unravel the mysteries of the sea? Who will reveal the secrets of the ocean? تعجبني اللغة الأمازيغية. I like the Berber language. I like the Amazigh language. عندي منزل. I have a house. I have a house. كان فاضل يعلم أنّ الشّرطة يمكن أن تصل في أية لحظة. Fadil knew that police could show up at any second. Fadel knew that the police could arrive at any moment. عليك أن ترتاح بعد التمرين. You should rest after exercise. You need to rest after the exercise. أخبرتها عنك. I told her about you. I told her about you. أنتَ إما معنا, أو ضدنا. You are either with us or against us. You're either with us, or against us. استمرّ سامي في إرسال المال لليلى. Sami kept sending Layla money. Sammy kept sending the money to Lily. تصرف توم غير مقبول. Tom's behavior is unacceptable. Tom's behavior is unacceptable. أعاد سامي طلاء منزله. Sami repainted his house. Sammy repainted his house. لا أكاد أسمعه. I can barely hear him. I can hardly hear him. لا تفعل شيئا حتى آتي. Don't do anything until I come. Don't do anything until I come. لا تقل شيئًا قبل التفكير فيه. Don't say anything without thinking. Don’t say anything before you think about it. ليس هناك أي شك من أن الإسلام هو جزء لا يتجزأ من أمريكا. وأعتقد أن أمريكا تمثل التطلعات المشتركة بيننا جميعا بغض النظر عن العرق أو الديانة أو المكانة الاجتماعية: ألا وهي تطلعات العيش في ظل السلام والأمن والحصول على التعليم والعمل بكرامة والتعبير عن المحبة التي نكنها لعائلاتنا ومجتمعاتنا وكذلك لربنا. هذه هي قواسمنا المشتركة وهي تمثل أيضا آمال البشرية جمعاء So let there be no doubt: Islam is a part of America. And I believe that America holds within her the truth that regardless of race, religion, or station in life, all of us share common aspirations – to live in peace and security; to get an education and to work with dignity; to love our families, our communities, and our God. These things we share. This is the hope of all humanity. There is no doubt that Islam is an integral part of America. I believe that America represents the common aspirations of all of us regardless of race, religion or social standing: the aspirations to live in peace, security, education, work with dignity and express the love we have for our families, our communities and our Lord. These are our common aspirations and they also represent the hopes of all humanity. هل البنك بعيد عن هنا؟ Is the bank far from here? Is the bank far from here? قابل سامي مسلمين من مختلف الدّول. Sami met Muslims from various countries. Sammy met Muslims from different countries. كان سامي في مكان لا تُسمح فيه السّباحة. Sami was in a no-swim zone. Sammy was in a place where swimming was not allowed. في الحقيقة، هذا هو سبب وجودي هنا. Actually, that's why I'm here. Actually, that's why I'm here. لا تخبره أبداً "لا أستطيع الاجابة" Never tell him 'I can't answer'. Never tell him "I can't answer." قطع ذلك البلد العلاقات الدبلوماسية مع الولايات المتحدة. That country broke off diplomatic relations with the United States. That country broke off diplomatic relations with the United States. رحب المعلمون بالولد الصغير. The teachers greeted the little boy. The teachers welcomed the little boy. مدّ سامي يده لليلى. Sami gave Layla his hand. Sammy reached out to Lily. ساعد يانّي سكورة في قطف ثمار التّين. Yanni helped Skura pick figs. Help Jani Skoura pick the figs. تعطلت الساعة. The watch broke down. Clock's broken. شرب سامي ستة كؤوس من النّبيذ. Sami drank six glasses of wine. Sammy drank six glasses of wine. احاول العثور على طريقة لجمع الأموال. I'm trying to find a way to make money. I'm trying to find a way to raise money. جون ليس أخي ، بل ابن عمي. John is not my brother, but my cousin. John is not my brother, but my cousin. أأنت جاد؟ Seriously? Are you serious? كان سامي في المرحاض. Sami was in the toilet. Sammy was in the toilet. تكمن المشكلة في المحرك. The trouble lay in the engine. The problem is the engine. الصبي ده مين؟ Who is that boy? The kid's mine? حجز مقعداً لي. He kept a seat for me. Reserve a seat for me. هناك العديد من ربات البيوت اللاتي يشتكين من الأسعار المرتفعة. There are many housewives who complain about high prices. There are many housewives who complain about the high prices. أُختي لَديها سَيطَرَةٌ جَيدةٌ عَلى كُلِّ مِنَ الإنجليزيةِ و الفَرنسية My sister has a good command of both English and French. My sister has good control over both English and French. خبّأ سامي سيّارته بين مجموعة من الأشجار. Sami hid his car in a grove of trees. Sammy hid his car between a bunch of trees. توم كان قد قتل بشكل مروع خلال الأيام الأخيرة من الحرب. Tom was frightfully murdered during the last days of the war. Tom had been horrifically killed during the last days of the war. نظرت ليلى إلى الخلف عبر النّافذة. Layla looked back through the window. Lily looked back through the window. نعم، على الأرجح أنها سوف تأتي إلى المنزل. Yes, she'll probably come home. Yeah, she'll probably come home. انكسرت ذراع سامي في ستّ أماكن مختلفة. Sami's right arm was busted in six places. Sammy's arm broke in six different places. كل كلمة في هذا القاموس مهمة. Every word in this dictionary is important. Every word in this dictionary is important. الثقة بالنفس مفتاح النجاح. Trusting yourself is the key to success. Self-confidence is the key to success. اسحب! Pull! Pull! لو كنتُ مكانك, كنتُ سأفعل نفس الشئ؟ If I were you, I would also do the same. If I were you, I'd do the same thing? كان سامي مشتّت الانتباه. Sami was distracted. Sammy was distracted. أفسد سامي الحفل. Sami ruined the party. Sammy ruined the party. لست قلقا بشأنه I'm not worried about it. I'm not worried about him. توقف ! Stop! Stop it! لا أصدق أن توم مات. I can't believe Tom's dead. I can't believe Tom's dead. كم يجني السبّاكون؟ How much do plumbers make? How much do plumbers make? بدأ فاضل يواعد فتاة مسلمة من مصر. Fadil started dating a Muslim girl from Egypt. Fadel began dating a Muslim girl from Egypt. يقول توم بأنه ليس هو من كسر النافذة Tom says that he wasn't the one who broke the window. Tom says he didn't break the window. شرب سامي قارورة كاملة من الأقراص. Sami swallowed a whole bottle of pills. Sammy drank a whole vial of pills. لا ينس الله شيئا، و لو كان عملا صالحا صغيرا. God never forgets even a small kindness. God does not forget anything, even if it is a small good deed. كتب سامي رسالة طويلة لليلى. Sami wrote a long letter to Layla. Sammy wrote a long letter to Lily. جعلته يدهن البيت. I made him paint the house. I made him paint the house. آكل كتاباً. I eat a book. I eat a book. هذا هو السي دي الذي كنت أبحث عنه. This is just the CD that I was looking for. This is the CD I was looking for. هي لا تعرفني حتى. She doesn't even know me. She doesn't even know me. جميع هذه الأمور بحاجة لنقاش. All of these things need to be discussed. All these things need to be discussed. مش دي سودا؟ Isn't it black? What's with the Soda? دائماً ما يصل الأبطال متأخّرين. Heroes always arrive late. Heroes always arrive late. أنا مهندس حاسب آلي. I'm a computer scientist. I'm a computer engineer. سامي مدين جدّا. Sami is so thankful. Sammy is very indebted. أريد أن أشتري. I want to buy. I want to buy. أنا هروح لوحدي I'll go on my own. I'm going alone. أنزِل يديك! Put your hands down! Put your hands down! سأعطيك مزيدا إن أمكنني ذلك. I'd give you more if I could. I'll give you more if I can. كانت مليحة معايا. She was kind to me. Mleiha was with me. اتّصل سامي بالشّرطة. Sami called the cops. Sammy called the police. عندما عبّرت جون ريفرز عن دعمها لإسرائيل، لم تُبدِ أيّ تعاطف حين سُئلت عن مدينيّي غزّة الذين كانوا يُقتلون بالمئات. When Joan Rivers expressed her support for Israel, she showed no sympathy when asked about Gaza's civilians who were killed by the hundreds. When John Rivers expressed her support for Israel, she showed no sympathy when asked about Gazan civilians being killed in the hundreds. تتويبا مفتوح المصدر. Tatoeba is open source. Open Source Tufaba. أوميد بهائي. Omid is Bahá'í. Omid Bahai. كان واضحا أن توم رجل غني. Tom was obviously a rich man. It was clear that Tom was a rich man. عاد سامي للعيش هنا. Sami moved back. Sammy came back to live here. كان صبوراً جداً. He was very patient. He was very patient. فوّتت ليلى درس مدرسة الأحد. Sami missed Sunday school. Lily missed Sunday school. لا يزال هذا التّين يابسا جدّا. These figs are still very hard. This fig is still very dry. سامي خطر للمجتمع. Sami is a danger to the society. Sammy's a danger to society. لا أريده أن يعلم الحقيقة. I don't want him to know the truth. I don't want him to know the truth. أين تلعب التنس؟ Where do you play tennis? Where do you play tennis? لقد خسروا الكثير. They have lost a lot. They lost a lot. كان سامي يملك المال. Sami had money. Sammy had the money. الواضح، هو من يقع عليه اللوم. Obviously, he is to blame. Obviously, he's the one to blame. لا أريد أن أراه بعد الآن. I don't want to see him at all. I don't want to see him anymore. الجميع قادر على تعلم لغة أجنبية، لكن الأمر يزداد سهولةً لمن يكون موهوبا. Everyone is capable of learning a foreign language, but it's all much easier for those with talent. Everyone is able to learn a foreign language, but it is easier for those who are talented. الامتحان كان جد صعب بنسبتي لي. The assignment was too much for me. The exam was very difficult for me. عاشوا في إسبانيا بضع سنوات. They lived in Spain for several years. They lived in Spain for a few years. لم يعر أي اهتمام لتحذيري. He paid no attention to my warning. He paid no attention to warning me. كانوا يتكلّمون بالألغاز. They were speaking in riddles. They were talking in riddles. يستحيل إنهاء التقرير في أسبوع. It is impossible to finish the report in a week. It's impossible to finish the report in a week. حلمت بالمستقبل الخاص بهما وهم معاً She dreamed of their future together. I dreamed of their future together. ألا تتوقع أن يحدث شيئا؟ Aren't you expecting something to happen? Don't you expect something to happen? آمل ذلك. I hope so. I hope so. أين الخطأ؟ Where is the mistake? Where's wrong? سامي هو مدير العيادة. The clinic director is Sami. Sammy is the clinic director. كان سامي جالسا، يطالع كتابا بمفرده. Sami was sitting and reading a book all by himself. Sammy was sitting there, reading a book by himself. كان سامي عالقا في الدّاخل. Sami was trapped inside. Sammy was stuck in there. كان سامي يعلم أنّ ليلى كانت تبحث عنه. Sami knew Layla was looking for him. Sammy knew that Lily was looking for him. هذا التّين جيّد و لذيذ. These figs are nice and sweet. This fig is good and delicious. أنا أعرف أني في مشكلة الآن. I know I'm in trouble now. I know I'm in trouble now. ماذا اشتريت؟ What did you buy? What did you buy? من فضلك أغلق الباب خلفك. Please shut the door behind you. Please close the door behind you. أنا مترجم I'm a translator. I'm a translator. هذا قاموسي. This is my dictionary. That's my dictionary. إنك محترف وأنا مبتدئ. You are a professional, but I am an amateur. You're a professional and I'm a beginner. يجب أن لا تحكم على الآخرين من مظهرهم. You shouldn't judge others on how they look. You should not judge others by their appearance. أعلنت ليلى أنّها ضابطة شرطة. Layla announced that she was a police officer. Lily said she was a police officer. لا غِنى لنا عن مساعدته. His help is indispensable to us. We don't need his help. أخبرني أنه سيذهب إلى فينس. He told me he would go to Venice. He told me he was going to Vince's. علا وجه نانسي التعب. Nancy looks so tired. Nancy's face is tired. أريد الذهاب إلى طوكيو. I want to go to Tokyo. I want to go to Tokyo. ينبغي أن تُفسخ السّلطة الفلسطينيّة. The Palestinian Authority should go. The Palestinian Authority must be dissolved. أودّ منك مساعدة توم. I'd like you to help Tom. I'd like you to help Tom. عليّ أن أختار بين الذهاب معه أو البقاء هنا وحدي. I had to choose going with him or staying here alone. I have to choose between going with him or staying here alone. و لكن لماذا؟ But why? But why? سوف يكون عندهم أسئلة أكثر كثيرا عننا. They're going to have a lot more questions than we do. They'll have a lot more questions about us. ذكّرتني القصة بأبي. The story reminded me of my father. The story reminded me of my father. دعى سامي ليلى لقضاء اللّيل معه. Sami invited Layla to spend the night with him. Sammy invited Lily to spend the night with him. كان عمر الفقيد ثمانين سنة. The deceased was eighty years old. The deceased was 80 years old. أُصيبت كايت بالبرد. Kate had a cold. Kate got a cold. لقد وصلت الحرب ضدّ المخدّرات إلى حيّنا. The war on drugs has reached our neighborhood. The war on drugs has arrived in our neighborhood. لست مهتمًّا بفعل ذلك. I'm not interested in doing that. I'm not interested in doing that. تحتاج أقلامك إلى بري. Your pencils need sharpening. You need your pencils to brie. كان الطقس باردًا هنا طوال شهر آذار- مارس. It was cold here through March. It was cold here throughout March. بالطبع، يجب ان اخبرها. Of course, I have to tell her. Of course, I have to tell her. إنك حنون. You are so kind. You're affectionate. آمل ان لا تخبر توم بذلك I hope you don't tell Tom that. I hope you don't tell Tom that. هل يبدو لك بأني أمزح؟ Do I look like I'm kidding? Does it look like I'm kidding? لم يكن ذاك مدرّسي. This wasn't my teacher. That wasn't my teacher. كان سامي يغادر المدرسة. Sami was leaving school. Sammy was leaving school. هل تعتقد أن هذا الكتاب يستحق القراءة؟ Do you think this book is worth reading? Do you think this book is worth reading? هل يجب ان اقول المناخ يتغير او الاحتباس الحراري؟ Should I say "Climate Change" or "Global Warming"? Should I say climate change or global warming? راك سور⸮ Are you sure? RAKsurvey ليس لدى سامي دروس هذا الصّباح. Sami doesn't have class this morning. Sammy has no lessons this morning. كان سامي يعيش حياة محترمة. Sami had a respectable life. Sammy was living a decent life. لبس الرجل قناع نمر. The man wore a mask of a tiger. The man wore a tiger mask. أحب القهوة أكثر من الشاي. I like coffee better than tea. I love coffee more than tea. من أين أنت؟ Where do you come from? Where are you from? ينبغي على سامي أن يستمع لليلى. Sami should listen to Layla. Sammy should listen to Lily. الشيء الوحيد الذي ندم عليه فاضل هو إلقاء القبض عليه. The only remorse Fadil showed was for the fact he was caught. The only thing Fadel regretted was being arrested. أنا مدرس. I am a teacher. I'm a teacher. أين أبي؟ Where's my father? Where's Dad? لماذا أنت غير محبوب هنا؟ Why aren't you liked here? Why are you so unpopular here? لست مرتاحا لهذا. I don't feel good about it. I'm not comfortable with that. تعرّف سامي بامرأة مسلمة على الانترنت. Sami met a Muslim woman online. Sammy met a Muslim woman online. أحتاج وقتا. I need time. I need time. ينبغي أن تتّصل بسامي. You should phone Sami. You should call Sammy. لقيتني وين حتّا واحد ما حوّس. You found me where no one else was looking. Wayne found me when someone sensed it. هذا ليس وقت الإحتفال. This is not a time for celebration. This is no time to celebrate. شرحت له الامر. I explained it to him. I explained it to him. لقد بُنيت أهرام المايا ومعابدها الضخمة على نحو رائع باستخدام الأدوات الحجرية Mayan pyramids and large temples were built elegantly using stone tools. The Mayan pyramids and their monumental temples were magnificently built using stone tools. إنها توّاقة إلى معرفة النتائج. She's anxious to know the results. She's eager to know the results. أنا ما شربت الحليب. I didn't drink the milk. I never drank milk. كان سامي جالسا مع صديقه. Sami was sitting with his friend. Sammy was sitting with his friend. هل تتحدث التركية؟ Do you speak Turkish? Do you speak Turkish? هو يشرب النّبيذ الأحمر. He drinks red wine. He's drinking red wine. لم تكن لدى سامي أظافر. Sami had no nails. Sammy didn't have fingernails. يُقال أن التدخين سيئ للصحة. It is said that smoking is bad for your health. They say smoking is bad for your health. جريس كان شكلها معصبة. Grace looked angry. Grace was a bigot. أحرقت ليلى فاضل حيّا من أجل ماله. Layla burned Fadil alive for his money. Laila Fadel was burned alive for his money. أخي أحمق. My brother is an idiot. My brother's an idiot. يقول توم بأنه استمتع بالحفلة الموسيقية. Tom says that he enjoyed the concert. Tom says he enjoyed the concert. بدأت ليلى تستهلك المخدّرات و الكحول بإفراط. Layla began abusing drugs and alcohol. Lily began to consume drugs and alcohol excessively. لقد ناموا حقا على الأرض. They really slept on the floor. They really slept on the floor. عليك أن ترتدي معطفا. You should wear a coat. You have to wear a coat. ما الذي تريد أن تتحدث عنه؟ What do you want to talk about? What do you want to talk about? لطفا، كن أهدأ. Less noise, please. Please, be quiet. كانت ليلى في القبو. Layla was down in the basement. Lily was in the basement. لعلمك، إنها تحب الحيوانات. She likes animals, you know? You know, she likes animals. أيمكنك صرف خمسين؟ Do you have change for a fifty? Can you spend 50? هل تملِكنَ لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على حواسيبِكُنَّ؟ Do you girls have the berber keyboard on your computers? Do you have the Amazigh keyboard on your computers? فجّر جيم حزامه النّاسف. Jim detonated his explosive belt. Jim blew up his sorry belt. الهلال و النجمه هما رمزان للاسلام. The star and crescent are the symbol of Islam. The crescent and star are symbols of Islam. كان تقبّل وفاة ليلى صعبا على سامي Sami struggled to accept Layla's death. It was hard for Sammy to accept Laila's death. الجيش الإسرائيلي يطلق النّار و يقتل فلسطينيّين عزّل. The Israeli army shoots and kills unarmed Palestinian people. The Israeli army shoots and kills unarmed Palestinians. أتعلم العربية. I'm learning Arabic. Learn Arabic. أنا في لندن. I am in London. I'm in London. ما هو عملك؟ What do you do? What do you do? دوكّا، مويرال في عمرها 20. Muiriel is 20 now. Duca, Muiral is 20. كأنّك من الهند. It looks like you are from India. It's like you're from India. دع كاميرتي و شأنها. Leave my camera alone. Leave my camera alone. إنني أتبع حمية. I'm on a diet. I'm on a diet. يميل الأشخاص الأنانيّين إلى اتّخاذ آراء ثابة حتّى و إن لم تكن صحيحة. Self-centered people tend to have fixated views even if they're not valid. Selfish people tend to take firm opinions even if they are not true. فحص الطبيب المرضى. The doctor examined the patients. The doctor examined the patients. انقطع اتصالي بالإنترنت. My internet connection was cut off. I'm offline. أنا أحبه، لكنه مثلي الجنس I love him, but he's gay. I love him, but he's gay. لا ترمي الناس بالحجارة وبيتك من زجاج. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Don't throw stones at people and your house with glass. توم مميز جدا. Tom is very special. Tom is very special. شتمني من دون سبب. He insulted me without reason. He insulted me for no reason. يظهر أن الطقس يتحسن. It would seem that the weather is improving. The weather seems to be getting better. لم يُعذّب أحد بالطّريقة التي عُذّب بها سامي. No one has ever been tortured the way Sami was. No one was tortured the way Sammy was tortured. هذا التّين أصفر اللّون. These figs are yellow. This fig is yellow in color. كان سامي يستمتع. Sami was having fun. Sammy was having fun. تبعد عن باريس خمسين كيلومتراً. It's fifty kilometers to Paris. It is 50 km from Paris. مش فاهم منك حاجة. I do not understand you. I don't understand what you need. هل تملِكُ لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على حاسوبِكَ؟ Do you have the berber keyboard on your computer? Do you have the Amazigh keyboard on your computer? أمي لديها رخصة قيادة و لكنها لا تقود سيارة. My mother has a driver's license, but she doesn't drive. My mom has a driver's license, but she doesn't drive a car. كان سامي ينفق المال. Sami was spending money. Sammy was spending money. والد بوب يعمل في مصنع سيارات. Bob's father works in a car factory. Bob's father works in a car factory. قال سامي هذا لإحدى الممرّضات. Sami told that to a nurse. Sammy said that to a nurse. لا آكل الفواكه. I don't eat fruit. I don't eat fruit. لم يُحل أبدا لغز وفاتها. The mystery of her death was never solved. The mystery of her death has never been solved. أخبر توم ماري بأن علاقتهما انتهت. Tom told Mary that their relationship was over. Tom tells Mary that their relationship is over. دعونا نرى الآن ما باستطاعتك! Now the ball is in your court! Let's see what you can do now! دعونا نبدأ على الفور. Let's get started right away. Let's get started right away. لقد اختفت أعراض ليلى. Sami's symptoms have disappeared. Lyla's symptoms have disappeared. استغلّ كل فرصة. Take advantage of every opportunity. Take every opportunity. ليلة سعيدة! Good night! Good night! وصل القطار. The train has arrived. The train has arrived. استأنف قراءة الكتاب. He continued reading the book. Resume reading the book. لا أعتقد أنها ستفهم. I don't believe she would understand. I don't think she'll understand. الجانب الأيسر من منزل توم يقع في كونيتيكت، بينما الأيمن يقع في نيويورك. The left side of Tom's home is in Connecticut, while the right side is in New York. The left side of Tom's house is in Connecticut, while the right is in New York. كان لدى منّاد موعد هام. Mennad had an important appointment. Mannad had an important appointment. كم شخصًا دعوت؟ How many people did you invite? How many people did you invite? يحتوي التّين على أعلى نسبة من السّكّر مقارنة بغيره من الفواكه. Figs have the highest sugar content out of any other fruit on the planet. Figs have the highest sugar content compared to other fruits. واصلت رسائل التّعاطف في الوصول بأعداد كبيرة. Letters of sympathy kept flooding in. The letters of affection continued to arrive in large numbers. يقارن الناس أحيانًا بين الموت والنوم. People sometimes compare death to sleep. People sometimes compare death to sleep. هو قادر على نسيان وعده. He's apt to forget his promise. He is able to forget his promise. عد إلى العمل. Get back to work. Get back to work. كان سامي يعيش في مجمّع مسوّر. Sami lived in a gated community. Sammy lived in a gated compound. هل تدرس اللغة الإنكليزية؟ Do you study English? Are you studying English? شعري لونه بني فاتح. My hair is light brown. My hair is light brown. تركت بطاقتي في المنزل. I left my card at home. I left my card at home. أيجب علي أن أقوم بذلك مرة أخرى؟ Do I have to do it over again? Do I have to do this again? محمد يحب أن يأکل ناسي ليماك. Muhammad likes to eat nasi lemak. Muhammad likes to call my people Lemak. ذهب سامي للتّسوّق. Sami went shopping. Sammy went shopping. أصيب سامي بجرح خطير واحد فقط. Sami had only one serious injury. Sammy sustained only one serious injury. فتح سامي الباب. Sami opened the door. Sammy opened the door. الكتاب أحمر. The book is red. The book is red. سامي ينتظر ليلى. Sami is waiting for Layla. Sammy is waiting for Lily. يعيش عمي في شقة سكنية. My uncle lives in an apartment. My uncle lives in an apartment. تسمّى ألمانيا «Deutschland» بالألمانيّة. Germany is called "Deutschland" in German. Germany is called “Deutschland” in German. ماذا تشاهد؟ What are you watching? What are you watching? و لا تنسَ ريّ المزروعات. And don't forget to water the plants. And don't forget to irrigate the crops. أذهب إلى المدرسة. I go to school. I go to school. اللغة الصينية أصعب من اللغات الأجنبية الأخرى. Chinese is harder than other foreign languages. Chinese is more difficult than other foreign languages. اسم ابنهما هو جون. Their son's name is John. Their son's name is John. متى وصلت إلى لندن؟ When did you get to London? When did you get to London? أجبروا على الانسحاب. They were forced to withdraw. They were forced to withdraw. يكون العدد الصحيح طبيعيا إذا وفقط إذا كان أكبر أو يساوي 0. An integer is natural iff it is greater than or equal to 0. An integer is normal if and only if it is greater than or equal to 0. حينما سقطت القنابل على قاعدتنا البحرية وهدد الطغاة العالم، كانت هي هناك لتكون شاهداً على صعود جيلٍ نحو العلا وعلى ديمقراطية أُنقذت. أجل نستطيع. When the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness, and a democracy was saved. Yes, we can. When the bombs fell on our naval base and tyrants threatened the world, she was there to witness a generation's rise to power and a democracy saved. لقد أتى بنفسه He came in person. He came himself. المكيّف لا يعمل. The air conditioner doesn't work. The air conditioner's not working. لا أعرف شيئاً عن ماضيه. I don't know anything about his past. I don't know anything about his past. ولدت في 18 من مارس عام 1994. I was born on March 18th 1994. She was born on March 18, 1994. أشكّ في صحة ذلك. I don't think that's correct. I doubt that's true. أنت تقف في طريقي. You are in my way. You're standing in my way. لا يمكنني شرحهُ أكثر. I can't explain it either. I can't explain it anymore. هي تسبح مثل السمكة She swims like a fish. She swims like a fish. أتريد الخروج لاحتساء شيء؟ Do you want to go out for a drink? You want to go out for a drink? يؤسفني أن أقول إنها الحقيقة. It is unfortunately true. I'm sorry to say it's true. ربحنا المباراة. We won the match. We won the game. ما هذا الخذش على وجهك؟ What's this scratch on your face? What's that scratch on your face? أهلاً و سهلاً بك في تتويبا. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to the fold. لازم تتكلم بالإنجليزي هنا. You have to speak English here. You need to speak English here. قال له: "تفضّل بالجلوس إذا سمحت". "Sit down, please," he said. He said, “Please sit down.” أريد أن أعرف رأيك. I want your opinion. I want to know what you think. أخرج الطاولة من فضلك. Carry the table out, please. Take out the table, please. شاهد سامي ليلى و هي تتألّم. Sami watched Layla suffer. Sammy saw Layla and she was in pain. ماذا نسيت؟ What did you forget? What'd you forget? هل يريد توم أن يأتي؟ Does Tom want to come? Does Tom want to come? وسمو؟ What's his name? And transcendent? قبِلته الكلية كطالبٍ. The college accepted him as a student. College accepted him as a student. هل يعضّ هذا الكلب؟ Does this dog bite? Does this dog bite? لماذا يحدث هذا دائماً لي؟ Why does this always happen to me? Why does this always happen to me? سامي ينتظر في الخارج. Sami is waiting outside. Sammy's waiting outside. كل ما كان يحتاجه توم حقاً كان شيئاً ما ليأكله. All Tom really wanted was something to eat. All Tom really needed was something to eat. هذا الفلم يستحق المشاهدة لمرة ثانية. This movie is worth seeing again. This movie is worth watching again. كرفس الورقا أو دار بيها بولا. He crushed the sheet of paper up into a ball. Paper celery or Biha Paula's house. رأيت الرجل يقفز. I saw the man jump. I saw the man jump. لنعُد قبل أن تُمطر. Let's go back before it begins to rain. Let's get back before it rains. لست مشغولاً، صحيح؟ You aren't busy, are you? You're not busy, are you? هل تأكل في الفصل؟ Do you eat in the classroom? Do you eat in class? أوقِف الحافلة في الموقف تمامًا. Stop the bus exactly at the station. Stop the bus in the parking lot. لقد وصل سامي للتّو. Sami has just arrived. Sammy just got here. هلا تفضل أحد لفتح النافذة؟ Can someone open a window? Would you prefer someone to open the window? لا تنظر إلي! Don't look at me! Don't look at me! ينبغي أن تميز بين الصحيح والخطأ. You should distinguish between right and wrong. You have to distinguish between right and wrong. استنى شويه. Wait a moment. Wait a minute. كان سامي ينتظر في فندق مجاور. Sami waited at a nearby hotel. Sammy was waiting at a nearby hotel. نَعَم، هذا بَيتي. Yes, that's my house. Yes, this is my house. هو أطول مني He's taller than me. He's taller than me. شرب سامي ستة كؤوس من الخمر. Sami drank six glasses of wine. Sammy drank six glasses of wine. إلى ذلك الحين. Until then. Until then. المحلّي الوحيد الذي يستخدمه يانّي في صنعه لمربّى التّين هو العسل. The only sweetener Yanni uses to prepare fig jam is honey. The only sweetener Yanni uses in making it for a fig jam is honey. مَهمَا يَطلُبُ مِنكَ، يَجِبُ أَلّا تُجِيبَهُ. Whatever he asks you, you mustn't answer. No matter what he asks of you, you mustn't answer him. قال الصائب: "نوبز، إن قتلت أنت يا ديما 25 شخصًا فلا بد أنهم كانوا نوبز". "Noobs," Al-Sayib stated. "If 25 people got killed by you, Dima, then they must have been noobs." “Nobs,” he said, “if you kill 25 people, they must have been Nobs.” بدت و كأنها لم تأكل منذ أيام. She looked as if she hadn't eaten in days. She looked like she hadn't eaten in days. أعدّ سامي حلويّات لذيذة. Sami prepared delicious pastries. Sammy made delicious desserts. كثير من المطاعم الوجبات السريعة تستخدم عروضا وتخفيضات بهدف جعل الزبائن يشترون طعام غير صحي أكثر مما يؤثر سلباً على الصحة العامة. Many fast food restaurants provide discounts to get customers to buy more junk food, which negatively affects public health. Many fast food restaurants use offers and discounts to get customers to buy more unhealthy food, which negatively affects public health. أنا مدينٌ بنجاحي لهم لمساعدتهم لي. I owe my success to their help. I owe it to them to help me. الحجز مطلوب. Reservations are required. Reservation required. لا يمكن لمخلوق أياً كان أن يعيش في الفضاء. No creature whatsoever can live in space. No creature can live in space. ممنوع تدخل لهتا. You aren't allowed in here. There's no going in. الإدعاء بأن العلم القبائلي يمثّل منطقة القبائل هو كذبة فظيعة. The claim that the Kabyle flag represents Kabylie is a flagrant lie. The claim that the tribal flag represents the tribal area is a terrible lie. أنا لست صديقته. I'm not his friend. I'm not his girlfriend. ما زلت أتمنى أن تفعل ذلك. I still wish that you'd do that. I still wish you would. كان الدّم المرشوش في كلّ مكان من الغرفة. There was blood spatter everywhere in the room. There was blood everywhere in the room. هو يقرأ كتاباً. He reads a book. He's reading a book. انتظرَت الحافلة. She waited for the bus. I waited for the bus. لا تكن سخيفا! فنحن أصدقاء جيدون. Don't be silly! We're just friends. Good friends. Don't be silly, we're good friends. امشِ أمامي. Walk ahead of me. Walk in front of me. أخبرتني ذلك بنفسك. You told me so yourself. You told me that yourself. انا املك تأشيرة سياحية . I have a tourist visa. I have a tourist visa. أستطيع تحدث الإنجليزية. I can speak English. I can speak English. تتراوح درجة الحرارة في الصيف من ثلاثين إلى أربعين درجة. In the summer, the temperature ranges from thirty to forty degrees Celsius. The temperature in summer varies from thirty to forty degrees. ماذا تفعلون؟ What are you doing? What are you doing? جاءت اليوغا من الهند. Yoga comes from India. Yoga came from India. أنا من شيكوكو. I am from Shikoku. I'm from Shikoku. احضره في وقت قريب. Bring it over soon. Get it soon. هناك بعض الكتب على المكتب. There are some books on the desk. There are some books on the desk. لديك أخين أصغر منك. You have two younger brothers. You have two younger brothers. لقد سببت له الكثير من المتاعب. I caused him a lot of trouble. You've caused him a lot of trouble. أين هي الفواتير التي تريد أن أدفعها؟ Where are the bills that you want me to pay? Where are the bills you want me to pay? كن حذرا. Be careful. Be careful. أحبّ سامي هذا المكان. Sami liked it here. Sammy loved this place. يجب أن يحضر الاجتماع أحدنا، إما أنا أو أنت. Either you or I must attend the meeting. The meeting should be attended by one of us, me or you. برشفة واحدة . Bottoms up! One sip. لازم تركب الباص ده عشان توصل المتحف. You have to get on that bus to go to the museum. You need to get on the bus to get to the museum. هذه معضلة. It is a difficult problem. This is a dilemma. لقد بقى سامي حيّا بالكميّة الضّئيلة من الطّعام و الماء الّتي قدّمها إيّاه مختطفيه. Sami survived on what little food and water his abductors gave him. Sammy survived with the small amount of food and water his captors gave him. ليس بإمكانك الدخول لأنك قاصر. Because you're a minor, you can't enter. You can't come in because you're a minor. مع السلامة! Good-bye! Bye! هي أنفقت كل مالها على الملابس. She spends all of her money on clothes. She spent all her money on clothes. سأشتاق إليك. I'll miss you. I'll miss you. هل تذهبُ إلى جامعة تيزي وزّو؟ Do you go to Tizi Ouzou University? Do you go to Tizi-O-Zu University? أين يوجد مخبَز من فَضلك؟ Excuse me. Where is the bakery? Where's your favorite bakery? يشاهد سامي فيديوهات على اليوتوب طوال الوقت. Sami watches YouTube videos all the time. Sammy watches YouTube videos all the time. توقعت أنك ستنبهر. I figured you'd be impressed. I thought you'd be impressed. هل بإمكانك تفسير ما تريده؟ Can you explain what do you want actually? Can you explain what you want? غادرت ليلى سامي. Layla left Sami. Lily left Sammy. نشأ سامي في مجتمع مسلم. Sami grew up in a Muslim community. Sami grew up in a Muslim community. احاول أنا بإراحة الناس دائما بالكلمات التي ارغب أن اُقال I always find myself comforting people with the words I want to hear. I always try to comfort people with the words I want to say. نعم، ذلك صحيح. Yes. That's right. Yeah, that's right. قدمت له المدرسة ساعة من ذهب. He was given a gold watch by the teacher. The school gave him an hour of gold. هل يمكنك أن تدلني على الطريق إلى محطة الباص؟ Could you direct me to the bus stop? Can you show me the way to the bus station? هو مثليّ. He is gay. He's gay. كتابك على المكتب. Your book is on the desk. Your book's on the desk. هل أنت متأكد أنك لم تنسَ شيئاً؟ Are you sure you haven't forgotten anything? Are you sure you haven't forgotten something? إنني أفهم ما تقول I understand what she's saying. I understand what you're saying. قد كنت في المحطة. I've been at the station. I was at the station. أخبر سامي الشّرطة أين كانت تسكن ليلى بالضّبط. Sami told police where Layla exactly lived. Sammy told the police exactly where Layla lived. هل بإمكاني تقبيله حين أودّعه؟ Can I kiss him goodbye? Can I kiss him when I say good-bye? أريد أن أنكحك. I want to fuck you. I want to fuck you. أكيليز بطل أسطوري عند الإغريق. Achilles was an ancient Greek hero. Achilles is a legendary Greek hero. إنّ سامي يركض منذ ساعات و هو يبحث عن منزل ليلى. Sami has been running in the neighborhood for hours, trying to find Layla's house. Sammy's been running for hours and he's looking for Layla's house. خان فاضل حبيبته. Fadil betrayed his love. Khan Fadel is his girlfriend. سباحة ممنوعة No swimming. Swimming is prohibited. ذهبت إلى المستشفى لزيارته. I went to the hospital to visit him. I went to the hospital to visit him. الغريق يتعلق بقشة. A drowning man will clutch at a straw. The drowning is about a straw. إنها فكرة جيدة. That's a great idea. It's a good idea. ربما ذهبت لفتره I may be gone for a while. Maybe she's gone for a while. يعلم الجميع أن اثنين زائد اثنين تساوي أربعة. Everybody knows that two and two make four. Everyone knows that two plus two equals four. ربما يكون ذلك صحيحا. Perhaps that's true. Maybe that's true. ترتاد أختي الجامعة. My sister goes to a university. My sister goes to college. آرت متعقّب خطير. Aart is a dangerous stalker. Art's a dangerous tracker. اتبعني! Follow me! Follow me! هل شربت عصير البرتقال هذا؟ Did you drink this orange juice? Did you drink that orange juice? إنه ليس ما تعتقد! It's not what you think! It's not what you think! كانت الوليمة من أطيب ما ذقت. That feast was one of the best I ever had. The feast was the best I had ever tasted. لا تقلق. أنا سأبقى معك.. Don't worry. I'll stay with you. Don't worry, I'll stay with you. خذ وقتك ، لسنا مستعجلين. Take your time. There's no hurry. Take your time, we are not in a hurry. أنا أعرف ما الذى تحاول فعله. I know what you're trying to do. I know what you're trying to do. كثير من الشباب يميلون إلى ارتكاب الأخطاء ذاتها. Many young men tend to commit the same errors. Many young people tend to make the same mistakes. لن يسدّده سامي. Sami isn't going to pay it. Sammy won't pay. يحلب سامي الأبقار مرّتين في اليوم. Sami milks the cows twice a day. Sammy milks cows twice a day. يعيش عمي قرب المدرسة. My uncle lives near the school. My uncle lives near the school. إن كنت تبحث عن وظيفة، اتصل بي. If you're looking for a job, call me. If you are looking for a job, call me. توم ما يَقْدرش يجاوب ضوك. Tom can't answer now. Tom won't answer your questions. لقد انتهت حياة سامي. Sami's life is over. Sammy's life is over. وصلت للتوّ. I just arrived now. I just got here. روح ساعدهم يا بضّ. Go and help them, Bud. Help them, help them. سأعمل ما بوسعي لأجل توم. I'll do anything I can for Tom. I'll do my best for Tom. الخبر السعيد هو أنه بإمكاننا مساعدتك. The good news is that we'll be able to help you. The good news is we can help you. عدد الناس المسجلين في الفيسبوك أكبر من عدد سكان الولايات المتحدة. The amount of people on Facebook is greater than the population of the United States of America. The number of people registered on Facebook is greater than the population of the United States. نعم أنا من سابورو. Yes, I am from Sapporo. Yeah, I'm from Sapporo. اوكي Okay. Okay. بإمكانك أن تتحدث بالصينية، وستترجم لي ليلي. You can speak in Chinese. Lily will translate for me. You can speak Chinese, Lilly will translate for me. لم لم تدْعه يدخل؟ Why didn't you invite him in? Why didn't you let him in? من ذلك الصبي؟ Who is that boy? Who's that boy? هل تذكرني؟ Do you remember me? Remember me? الفرق بيني و بينها في الطول كبير. She's way taller than me. The difference between me and them in length is great. كانا سامي و فريد يتبادلان الملابس. Sami and Farid swapped clothes. Sammy and Fred were exchanging clothes. أعد الكتاب إلى مكانه. Put the book back where it was. Put the book back in its place. ظل الولد ساكناً. The boy remained silent. The boy stood still. على سامي أن يكون مستعدّا. Sami should be prepared. Sammy has to be ready. من هو هذا العجوز؟ Who is that old man? Who's the old man? كان سامي يعيش حياته. Sami was living his life. Sammy was living his life. أين تذهب للعمل؟ Where do you work? Where do you go to work? أراد سامي أن يكون صديقا لنا. Sami wanted to be friends with us. Sammy wanted to be our friend. هل عندك واحد أكبر قليلًا من هذه؟ Do you have one a little bigger than these? Do you have one that's a little bigger than this? كانت لفاضل ذريعة قويّة. Fadil got an airtight alibi. Fadel had a strong alibi. الأمر يعود إليك. It's up to you. It's up to you. مرحباً! شكراً على الطيران معنا. كيف حالكم اليوم؟ Hi! Thanks for flying with us. How are you today? Hey, thanks for flying with us. How are you today? افترقا سامي و ليلى حقّا. Sami and Layla really separated. Sammy and Lily really broke up. نشأ إيلان بابيه في إسرائيل. Ilan Pappe grew up in Israel. Ilan Pappe grew up in Israel. لن يصغي إليك أحدا حتى تقول شيئا خاطئاً. Nobody listens until you say something wrong. No one will listen to you until you say something wrong. الأقربون أولى بالمعروف. Charity begins at home. Closest to the best. لن يحدث ذلك. That won't happen. Not gonna happen. ابتلع سامي قارورة كاملة من الأقراص. Sami swallowed a whole bottle of pills. Sammy swallowed an entire vial of pills. الخامس من مايو هو يوم ميلادها. His birthday is May 5th. May 5th is her birthday. بدأ يهتمّ فاضل باللّغة العربيّة. Fadil started to become interested in the Arabic language. Fadhel began to care about Arabic. شاهدت ليلى ذلك بصدمة. Layla watched in shock. Lily saw it with shock. هل هذا جديد؟ Is it new? Is this new? اتّصل سامي بالشّرطة. Sami phoned the police. Sammy called the police. قال سامي أنّه وُلد في هذه العيادة. Sami said he was born in this clinic. Sammy said he was born in this clinic. أريد أن أنساها. I want to forget her. I want to forget her. لقد كبرت! How you've grown! You've grown up! ذقت المرارات كلها فلم أجد أمر من الحاجة إلى الناس. I suffered through all sours but didn't find bitter than needing people. I tasted all the bitterness and found no need for people. لا بأس أن تذهب. It's okay to go. It's okay to go. لا أستطيع أن أتحمل أكثر من هذا. I cannot bear it any longer. I can't take it anymore. رائع! Fantastic! Wow! ليلى فتاة حفلات. Layla is a party girl. Lily's a party girl. لا ينبغي أن ننسى ذلك أبدا. We should never forget it. We should never forget that. هل لك ان تذهب للسباحة عارياً. Would you ever go skinny dipping? Can you go swimming naked? ذكر هاتوياما أنه يعيل عائلته بالمراهنة على سباق الخيل. Hatoyama says that he supports his family by gambling on horse racing. Hatoyama stated that he supports his family by betting on horse racing. لا ترفع أمة على أمة سيفا ولا يتعلمون الحرب فيما بعد. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. A nation shall not lift up a sword against a nation, nor learn war any more. حوّل توم غرفة نومه إلى مكتب. Tom converted his bedroom into an office. Tom turned his bedroom into an office. البرنامج سوف ينتهي بالنشيد الوطني . The program will finish with the national anthem. The program will end with the national anthem. باركت له على نجاحه. I congratulated him on his success. I congratulated him on his success. أجبر سامي ليلى أن تأكل طعاما فيه قياء. Sami forced Layla to eat food with vomit in it. Sami Laila was forced to eat a potluck. كان سامي يبدّل ملابسه كلّ يوم. Sami changed clothes on a daily basis. Sam changed his clothes every day. هل يكون هذا مكتب سامي باقر؟ Is that Sami Bakir's office? Is this Sammy Baqer's office? كيف تجرء على قول شيءٍ كهذا؟ How dare you say such a thing! How dare you say such a thing? متى تستيقظ؟ What time do you get up? When do you wake up? إنه يخافُ من خيالهِ. He is afraid of his own shadow. He's afraid of his imagination. الناس يحبون الحرية. People love freedom. People love freedom. إنها مهمةٌ صعبة، اختيار ما هو "صحيحٌ" وما هو "خطأ"، لكن يجب عليك أن تفعلها. It is a difficult task, choosing what is "right" or "wrong", but you have to do it. It’s a difficult task to choose what’s “right” and what’s “wrong,” but you have to do it. تخلّى سامي عن الدّراسة كي يركّز كامل الوقت على ربح المال في النّادي. Sami dropped out of school to focus full-time on making money at the club. Sammy gave up studying to focus full-time on making money at the club. لنسمع تفسير توم بدايةً. Let's hear Tom's explanation first. Let's hear Tom's explanation first. أنت أحْسَنُ منّي. You are better than me. You're better than me. انت تعمل بمشقة كبيرة . استرح لبعض الوقت . You're working too hard. Take it easy for a while. You're working too hard. Take a break. تحافظ على غرفتها مرتبة دوماً. She always keeps her room clean. She always keeps her room tidy. بَرْكَاو ما تلومو في رواحكم. Stop blaming yourselves. Barkao's not to blame in your ruts. توم بيمشي بشويش. Tom walks slowly. Tom Bemche with Shueish. هل أنتِ ابنة سامي؟ Are you Sami's daughter? Are you Sammy's daughter? خشيت ليلى على حياة سامي. Layla was afraid for Sami's life. I feared for Sammy's life. لقد فعل ما وعد ان يقوم به He did what he promised to do. He did what he promised to do. في نهاية المطاف، وجد سامي نفسه في المستشفى. Sami ended up at the hospital. Eventually, Sammy found himself in the hospital. اليوم هو الجمعة. This day is Friday. Today is Friday. لقد رفض طلبي. He turned down my application. He turned me down. سامي مدرّسنا في رقص الهيبهوب. Sami is our hiphop teacher. Sammy's our hip-hop teacher. سامي يكره السّيجارة. Sami hates cigarettes. Sammy hates cigarettes. توم يعرف. Tom knows. Tom knows. هل ذاك المكان بعيد عن المصرف؟ Is this place far from the bank? Is that place far from the bank? الصمت علامة على الرضا. Silence is a sign of consent. Silence is a sign of satisfaction. قفزت ليلى عبر النّافذة كي تنجو بحياتها. To save herself, Layla jumped out the window. Lily jumped through the window to save her life. هو ضليعُ في علم الهندسة . He is well versed in geometry. He is well versed in geometry. الجزائر بحاجة إلى الزراعة. Algeria needs agriculture. Algeria needs agriculture. لم قلت ذلك؟ Why did you say that? Why did you say that? توم ليس في البيت Tom is not home. Tom's not home. ستمطر. It is going to rain. It'll rain. الرجاء ابلاغي عن أي تغيير في حالته. Please inform me of any change in his condition. Please inform me of any change in his condition. لا يمكنني العيش من دون تلفاز. I can't live without a TV. I can't live without a TV. سمعت اليوم شيئاً جديداً. I heard something new today. I heard something new today. كان سامي ينوي الانتحار. Sami wanted to end his life. Sammy was going to commit suicide. تذكّر! Remember! Remember! افتُتحت المستشفى الشهر الماضي. The hospital had a grand opening last month. The hospital opened last month. ضحك الجميع عليّ. I was laughed at by everyone. Everyone laughed at me. ما أدري. I don't know. I don't know. تبدو وكأنك ستخرج إلى حفلة من نوع ما. You look like you're going out to a party. You look like you're going to some kind of party. اشتريته بالأمس. I bought this yesterday. I bought it yesterday. أشعر في الكئابة عندما أكون عالق في زحمة السير. I feel depressed when I am stuck in traffic. I feel depressed when I'm stuck in traffic. أشار أن تنفيذ الخطة سيكلف الكثير من المال. He pointed out that the plan would cost a lot of money. He pointed out that implementing the plan would cost a lot of money. خيبَةُ أملها كانت جليّة للجميع. Her disappointment was apparent to everyone. Her disappointment was obvious to everyone. كان فاضل يراسل دانية. Fadil sent Dania letters. Fadel was texting Dania. لم تركتني؟ Why did you abandon me? Why'd you leave me? لقد تأخرت عن العمل. You were late for work. I'm late for work. شاركَ في الألعاب الأولمبية. He took part in the Olympic Games. He participated in the Olympics. موقعا الشبكتين الاجتماعيتين الشهيرتين فيسبوك وتويتر يخضعان لدستور الولايات المتحدة، وقوانين ولاية كاليفورنيا. The well-known social networking sites Facebook and Twitter operate under the United States Constitution and California state law. The popular social networking sites Facebook and Twitter are governed by the U.S. Constitution and California state laws. أنتَ مخطئ, تلك ليست القضية. You're wrong. That's not the case. You're wrong. That's not the case. إلى أين أنت ذاهب؟ Where are you going? Where are you going? أراد سامي ماله. Sami wanted his money. Sammy wanted his money. هو أكل التفاحة. He ate the apple. He ate the apple. أشكرك لشرحك لي ذلك. Thanks for your explanation. Thank you for explaining that to me. من فمك إلى باب السماء! Let's hope so! From your mouth to the door of heaven! عدّت المرأة النقود بحذر، ثم قالت: "لكنك أنقصتَ 0.99". Carefully, the woman counted the money, and then said, "But you're still missing the 0.99." The woman carefully counted the money, then said, "But you've cut 0.99." يعلم فاضل الكثير. Fadil knows too much. Fadel knows a lot. كان سامي يقضي حكما بالسّجن المؤبّد. Sami was serving a life sentence. Sammy was serving a life sentence. أعرفه. I know him. I know him. أنت تجعلني سعيداً. You make me happy. You make me happy. لا تتحرك. Don't move. Don't move. ابنتي تدرُس في تلك المدرسة. My daughter studies in that school. My daughter teaches at that school. ليس في قاموسي كلمة مستحيل. I don't know what the word 'impossible' means. There's no impossible word in my dictionary. لم يسبق لسامي و أن ملك كلبا. Sami has never had a dog. Sammy has never owned a dog. حاولت ليلى الابتعاد عن سرب قناديل البحر ذاك. Layla tried to swim away from the school of jellyfish. Lily tried to get away from that jellyfish swarm. توم و أصدقاؤه يلعبون البوكير. Tom and his friends are playing poker. Tom and his friends play Albuquerque. يئس المدرّسون من سامي. Teachers gave up on Sami. Teachers are desperate for Sammy. في أي وقت أكلت؟ What time did you eat? What time did you eat? اقعد فى بيتك. Stay home. Sit at home. لم أستطع النوم. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't sleep. سيقضي سامي بقيّة حياته في السّجن. Sami will spend the remainder of his life in jail. Sammy will spend the rest of his life in prison. هذا الشعور سهل. This feeling is easy. That feeling is easy. سأذهب إلی الشاطئ. I will go to the beach. I'm going to the beach. أحتاج الى سكين. I need a knife. I need a knife. أريدك. I want you. I want you. رفعت صدرها. She heaved her chest. She lifted her chest. كرسيّك مثل كرسيي تمامًا. Your chair is identical to mine. Your chair is just like mine. أعاد فاضل التّفكير في الأمر. Fadil had second thoughts. Fadel rethought it. دعونا نقلب العملة. Let's flip a coin. Let's flip the coin. أنتَ لستَ أول من يفعل هذا الخطأ. You are not the first to make this mistake. You're not the first one to make that mistake. عملهم هو تجميل الفنانين. Their job is to do make-up for performing artists. Their job is to beautify artists. تبدأ مناوبة سامي الساعة السادسة صباحاً. Sami's shift starts at six in the morning. Sammy's shift starts at 6:00 a.m. أتكلم الأوزبكية. I speak Uzbek. I speak Uzbek. سيزور الرئيس الفرنسي اليابان الشهر المقبل. The French president is to visit Japan next month. The French president will visit Japan next month. ذاك المنزل صغير جداً. That house is very small. That house is too small. هناك اثنا عشر شهرًا في السنة. One year has twelve months. There are 12 months in a year. غرفتي ليست كبيرة جدا. My room isn't very big. My room is not very big. كان ذلك آخر يوم رأيت فيه ليلى. It was the last day that I saw Layla. That was the last day I saw Lily. مالازمش تحقر حتى بنادم علاخطرش فقير. You must not despise someone because they are poor. Malasmash despises even the most destitute. ذلك رائع حقاً! That's really great! That's really cool! ذلك المصنع ينتج الألعاب. That factory makes toys. That factory produces toys. متى تخرّجت من الكليّة؟ When did you graduate from college? When did you graduate from college? هذا كتابي. That's my book. This is my book. اللجنة تتالف من عشر اعضاء. The committee is comprised of ten members. The committee consists of 10 members. طلباتك أوامر. Your wishes are my commands. Your orders are orders. من أين تشتري الكتب؟ Where does she buy books? Where do you buy books? كان الحفل جيّدا للغاية. The party was so good. The party was really good. أعرف أباك. I know your father. I know your father. إنك محق تماماً. You're quite right. You're absolutely right. لقد أمضى مدة حسبه لحيازة المخدّرات. He has served time for drug possession. He spent his entire life on drugs. أريد أن آكل في مطعم الليلة. I want to eat out tonight. I want to eat at a restaurant tonight. توم شعر في المغص قبل الإمتحان. Tom got butterflies before the exam. Tom felt the colic before the exam. الناس يعيشون في جميع أنحاء العالم. People are living in all parts of the world. People live all over the world. هل تريدُ أن تبيعَ سيّارتك؟ Would you like to sell your car? You want to sell your car? نادى سامي كلّ القسم بعبارة "أغبياء." Sami called the entire class "jerks." Sammy called the whole department "stupid." احضرتُ لها مثلَّجات لكي لا تحزن I got her an ice cream so that she wouldn't get depressed. I brought her ice cream so she wouldn't be sad. من الخطر أن يكون المرأ في حالة نفسيّة كهذه. This is a dangerous state of mind for a man to be in. It's dangerous for a woman to be in such a state of mind. هذا جيّد، لكنّك نسيت شيئا. That's fine, but you're forgetting something. That's good, but you forgot something. عذرا لعدم الرد أبكر. Sorry I didn't reply sooner. Sorry for not responding earlier. من سيكون ضحيته التالية؟ Who would be its next victim? Who's gonna be his next victim? .نقرِّي I teach. Click. اما كل شيء او لا شيء All or nothing. It's all or nothing. عانت ليلى من اكتئاب شديد. Layla suffered from a severe depression. Lily suffered from severe depression. سامي بحاجة لشيء ما. Sami needs something. Sammy needs something. يحاول سامي أن يتأقلم مع حياة سيعيشها من الآن فصاعدا على كرسيّ متحرّك. Sami is trying to adjust to a life that will now be lived in a wheelchair. Sammy is trying to adjust to a life he will live from now on in a wheelchair. يبدو عليك المرض. You look sick. You look sick. تعرّضت دانية للاغتصاب و التعذيب. Dania was raped and tortured. Dania was raped and tortured. كان سامي ينتظر في العلّيّة. Sami was waiting in the attic. Sammy was waiting at the top. كان سامي يحمل مخدّرات معه. Sami had drugs on him. Sammy was carrying drugs with him. استأجر سامي غرفة في الفندق. Sami rented a hotel room. Sammy rented a room at the hotel. أنا رجل حر. I'm a free man. I'm a free man. عالج هذا الدواء البرد الذي أصابني. This medicine cured me of my cold. This medicine cured my cold. إعرف نفسك! Know thyself! Identify yourself! لا أريد أن أخسركَ. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose you. كانت ليلى مهتمّة بالمال. Layla had interest in money. Lily was interested in money. إلى أين أنتم ذاهبون؟ Where are you off to? Where are you going? لدي ألم في قدمي. I have a pain in my foot. I have pain in my feet. بابايا بيحب البيتزا. My father loves pizza. Papaya likes pizza. لا خيار لنا سوى المتابعة. We have no options but to continue. We have no choice but to follow. أنت فتاة جميلة. You're a beautiful girl. You're a beautiful girl. أنا في البيت. I am at home. I'm home. يجب ان تحافظ علي نظافه غرفتك You should keep your room clean. You need to keep your room clean. اعتنيت بأختي المريضة. I took care of my sick sister. I took care of my sick sister. سرِقَ كتابُك؟! متى وأين؟ Your book was stolen?! Where and when? He stole your book? When and where? سمع سامي صوت أمّه. Sami heard his mother's voice. Sam heard his mother's voice. اتّبع تعليمات الممرضة، من فضلك. Please follow the nurse's directions. Follow the nurse's instructions, please. كان سامي يبيع الألماس. Sami sold diamonds. Sammy was selling diamonds. لقد تم قصف المنطقة المحيطة هنا. The area around here was bombed. The area around here has been bombed. في فصل الخريف تغير الأوراق ألوانها و تتساقط. In autumn, leaves change their color and fall. In the autumn the leaves change colors and fall out. صلصة غواكامولي هي صلصة مصنوعة من الأفوكادو. Guacamole is a dip made from avocados. Guacamole sauce is a sauce made from avocado. قالت بأنها ستتصل بك لاحقاً. She says she will call you later. She said she'd call you back. رأى سامي ذلك الكلب. Sami saw the dog. Sammy saw that dog. انا من كردستان. I'm from Kurdistan. I'm from Kurdistan. تعجّل! Hurry! Hurry up! مرحبًا، أردت أن أخبرك أن المشكلة قد حُلَّتْ. Hi, I just wanted to let you know that the problem is fixed. Hey, I just wanted to let you know that the problem is solved. كانت ليلى جالسة في السّيّارة. Layla sat in the car. Lily was sitting in the car. انت تعلم اني احبك, اليس كذلك. You know that I'm in love with you, don't you? You know I love you, right? أخذ سامي ليلى من المطار. Sami picked Layla up from the airport. Sammy took Layla from the airport. أحب الرقص. I love to dance. I love dancing. لقد حدَقَت بعينين نصف مُغمضتين. She squinted. She stared with half-closed eyes. وجد سامي موضوعا رائعا للكتابة عنه. Sami found a wonderful topic to write about. Sammy found a great topic to write about. بقي سامي قلقا بشأن قتله لأخيه. Sami remained tormented by the killing of his brother. Sammy remained concerned about his brother's murder. رجاء عرفني على توم. Please introduce me to Tom. Please introduce me to Tom. فتح لنا منّاد الباب و أدخلنا إلى منزله. Mennad answered the door and let us in the house. He opened the door for us and brought us into his house. هل ستبيعه بيتك؟ Will you sell your house to him? Will you sell your house? أُخذ سامي إلى العيادة البلديّة. Sami was taken to the municipal clinic. Sammy was taken to the municipal clinic. اتسلينا لما لعبنا بيزبول. We enjoyed playing baseball. We had fun playing baseball. أختي تسكن بالقرب من يوكوهاما. My sister lives near Yokohama. My sister lives near Yokohama. سامي يحبّ القاهرة. Sami loves Cairo. Sammy loves Cairo. كان والدا لنكولن فقيرين طول حياتهما . Lincoln's parents remained poor all their lives. Lincoln's parents were poor all their lives. قريب ماكاين حتى كتاب. There are almost no books. Close up McKay's even a book. أنظر بنفسك. See for yourself. See for yourself. حافظي على جسم نحيف. Stay thin. Keep a thin body. سامي لطيف جدّا تجاه أعضاء مجتمع الميم. Sami is very friendly to LGBT people. Sammy's very nice to members of the LGBT community. يحتاج اكتساب اللغة إلى الإبداع. Language acquisition requires creativity. Language acquisition needs creativity. كانت لدى سامي دائما أقراص في متناول اليد. Sami always had pills within easy reach. Sammy always had pills on hand. طبعاً! Of course. Sure! استمر في التعلم وستصبح متقنًا للغات متعددة. Keep learning and become a polyglot. Keep learning and you will become proficient in multiple languages. هل تعتقد أننا سنجد بيتها؟ Do you think that we'll find her house? Do you think we'll find her house? أغلق الباب من فضلك. Close the door, please. Close the door, please. أريد أن أزور كوريا. I want to visit Korea. I want to visit Korea. ضمّت الولاياتُ المتحدةُ الأمريكيةُ تكساسَ عام 1845. The United States annexed Texas in 1845. The United States annexed Texas in 1845. واصلت الكلاب النّباح. The dogs kept barking. The dogs kept barking. احفظ هذه الأسماء عن ظهر قلب. Learn these names by heart. Memorize these names by heart. من يهمّه؟ Who cares? Who cares? هو الوحيد لي نبغيه. He's the only one I love. He's the only one I want. يجب أن نلتزم بمبادئنا. We must be loyal to our principles. We must adhere to our principles. كنت أعلم أنه أنت. I knew it was you. I knew it was you. أُلقي القبض على مهرب المخدرات في المطار. The drug smuggler was arrested at the airport. A drug smuggler was arrested at the airport. ربح سامي بعض المال. Sami made some money. Sammy made some money. لا تقولي شيئًا قبل التفكير فيه. Don't say anything without thinking. Don’t say anything before you think about it. أهدتني آن هذه الهدية. I was given this present by Ann. Anne gave me this gift. انعطفتُ يمينًا. I turned right. I took a right. سامي غير راضٍ بوظيفته. Sami's job isn't making him happy. Sammy is unhappy with his job. اسّنّى، بغيت نقوللك حاجة. Wait. I want to tell you something. Begone, I wanted to tell you something. ركب توم السيارة. Tom drove the car. Tom got in the car. لِمَ لًم يقولوا شيئا؟ Why didn't they say something? Why didn't they say anything? ماذا فَعَلتَ بِالأمس؟ What did you do yesterday? What did you do yesterday? لا تعتقد بأنك ستتخلص مني بهذه السهولة. Don't think you're gonna get rid of me that easily. Don't think you'll get rid of me that easily. أستخدمه. I use it. Use it. طلب سامي من ليلى أن تساعده في حلّ المشكل. Sami asked Layla to help him out. Sammy asked Layla to help him solve the problem. يجب عليك الانضمام لي. You must join me. You should join me. هل تريد فنجانا آخر من الشاي؟ Would you like another cup of tea? Would you like another cup of tea? أنت صديقي. You are my friend. You're my friend. ليس علينا فعل ذلك يوميا. We don't need to do this every day. We don't have to do that every day. هذه نكتة. This is a joke. That's a joke. هل لي أن أستعير سيارتك؟ Can I borrow your car? May I borrow your car? قتل ذلك الرجل. He killed that man. He killed that man. هذا الكتاب بيع جيدا في اليابان This book sold well in Japan. This book sold well in Japan. كل ما عليك فعله هو بذل جهدك. All you have to do is try your best. All you have to do is do your best. كن مؤدباً مع والديك. Be polite to your parents. Be polite to your parents. هذا الموضوع رائج بين المراهقين على تويتر. This topic is trending among teens and tweens on Twitter. This topic is popular among teenagers on Twitter. أمّ سامي مسيحيّة جيّدة. Sami's mom is a good Christian. Sammy's mother is a good Christian. التقيا سامي و ليلى بعد الدّراسة. Sami and Layla met after class. They met Sammy and Lily after the study. توم عندو ماشينة تاع لا كريم. Tom has an ice cream machine. Tom doesn't have cream. ماذا تفعلن؟ What are you doing? What are you doing? لّي عايشين ف دار تع زجاڨ، ما لازمش يرميو لحجر. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. I live in a house that doesn’t have a stone. ضرب سامي ليلى على رأسها. Sami struck Layla on the head. Sammy hit Layla on the head. كان سامي يريد أن تعطيه ليلى المزيد من المال. Sami wanted Layla to give him more money. Sammy wanted to give him more money. هذا الكرسي قبيح. This chair is ugly. This chair is ugly. سأراه الليلة مجددا. I'm seeing him again tonight. I'll see him again tonight. هل رددت على تلك الرسالة بعد؟ Have you answered that letter yet? Have you returned that message yet? هو يعارض هذا المشروع. He opposes this project. He opposes this project. لا يعجبني هذا الشخص, توقّف عن الخروج معه. I don't like that guy. Stop going out with him. I don't like this guy. Stop going out with him. حاول بكل ما تستطيع، لكن لن تقدر على إجبار شخص على أن يعتقد شيئًا ما، ناهيك عن نفسك. Try as you might, but you cannot force a belief onto someone else, much less your own self. Try everything you can, but you won’t be able to force someone to believe something, let alone yourself. نعم ذهبت البارحة. Yes, I went yesterday. Yeah, I went last night. كل التلاميذ تقريبا كانوا في القسم. Almost all of the pupils were in the classroom. Almost all the students were in the department. يمكنه أن يتعفن في الجهنم. He can rot in hell. He can rot in hell. المسؤولون يجب أن يأسيسوا لا تواصل وطيد بين الموظّفين. Administrators need to establish close contact with employees. Officials should establish no close communication between employees. توم قاعد بيمشي على مهله. Tom walks slowly. Tom's rule is to walk on its own. حاول الهروب. He attempted to escape. Try to escape. أعطه إياها. Give it to him. Give it to him. بتتكلمي انجليزي؟ Do you speak English? You speak English? لكن لا أريد But I don't want to. But I don't. طوم عمرو ما ينسى يقول صحّا. Tom never forgets to say thank you. What Tom forgets, he says, is true. المعرفة هي نصف المعركة. Knowing is half the battle. Knowledge is half the battle. لقد شعرت بلمسة خفيفة على كتفي. I felt a light touch on my shoulder. I felt a slight touch on my shoulder. استمع سامي للرّسالة الصّوتيّة. Sami listened to the voice mail. Sammy listened to the voicemail. كاين غير شوية بيناتنا لي يقدرو يديرو هك. Only a few of us can do that. Kane's not roasting our data for me. They can run HC. أنتَ جلبتَ العار علىَ عائلتنا. You have brought shame upon our family. You brought shame on our family. السيد سوزوكي لديه ثلاث بنات. Mr Suzuki has three daughters. Mr. Suzuki has three daughters. البُعد يُنسي. Out of sight, out of mind. Distance is forgotten. شكرا على الشراب Thanks for the drink. Thanks for the drink. عادت ليلى إلى القاهرة. Layla headed back to Cairo. Leyla returned to Cairo. في الحقيقة، سيكون هذا سؤالي الرابع. Actually this will be my fourth question. Actually, that would be my fourth question. كان فاضل شخصا محترما في الحي. Fadil was well respected in the community. Fadel was a decent person in the neighborhood. اين هى ذهبت؟ Where did she go? Where'd she go? دومًا جائع. He's always hungry. Always hungry. كُن داعماً. Be supportive. Be supportive. أعيش بالقرب من هنا. I live near here. I live around here. سرقْتُ حقيبتك لأنني نفذتُ من النقود I stole your bag because I ran out of money. I stole your bag because I ran out of money. أنا لا أفهم هذا. I don't understand this. I don't understand this. إسمي ريكاردو. My name is Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. إنها ساعة متأخرة. It's late. It's late. كانت لدى سامي قناة على اليوتوب. Sami had a YouTube channel. Sammy had a YouTube channel. أخبرت والديّ بنواياي. I made known my intentions to my parents. I told my parents of my intentions. بيكاسو فنان مشهور. Picasso is a famous artist. Picasso is a famous artist. لم يكن سامي يعلم أنّ ليلى مسلمة. Sami didn't know that Layla was Muslim. Sammy didn't know that Layla was a Muslim. لم يعد لدي إلا واحدة. I've only got one left. I only have one left. لقد وجدت اجنحة الفندق واسع ، الأرائك مريحة ، الشطائر وفيرة. I found the suites capacious, the sofas commodious, the sandwiches copious. I found the hotel suites spacious, comfortable sofas, abundant sandwiches. دخلت ماري. Mary came in. Mary came in. البارحة كان عيد ميلادي. Yesterday was my birthday. Yesterday was my birthday. الجوعُ كافرٌ. A hungry man is an angry man. Hunger is infidel. لقد أثمر عمل ليلى الجاد. Layla's hard work paid off. Lily's hard work paid off. شفت هادي؟ Did you see that? You saw Hadi? نشأت ليلى في بلدة محافظة. Layla was raised in a conservative community. Laila grew up in a conservative town. اعتذر توم لماري عن تأخره. Tom apologized to Mary for being late. Tom apologized to Mary for being late. اترك لي بعض المثلجات. Save me some ice cream. Leave me some ice cream. كيف يمكن لإله قادر على كل شيء أن يخلق صخرة لن يمكنه أن يحملها؟ Could an almighty god create a stone that he would not be able to subsequently lift? How can a God who is capable of everything create a rock that he cannot carry? هوايتي الجديدة هي المساهمة في موقع تتويبا. My most recent hobby is contributing to Tatoeba. My new hobby is to contribute to a Tatoiba site. لا أحد يريد أن يلعب مع تانغو باستثناء صبي صغير. No one wanted to play with Tango except the little boy. Nobody wants to play with Tango except a little boy. أسرع و ستلحق بالقطار. Hurry, and you will catch the train. Hurry up and catch the train. نحن نثق بك We trust you. We trust you. أخذت تبكي. You began to cry. She started crying. يا رجل, إذا لم يكن الأكبر, فبالتأكيد هو أخطر الحيوانات المفترسة. إنه يقتل من أجل المتعة. Man, if he is not the largest, is certainly the most dangerous of ferocious animals. He kills for pleasure. Man, if he's not the oldest, he's definitely the most dangerous predator. العلم قوة. Knowledge is power. Science is power. أود أن أتعلم العربية. I would like to study Arabic. I would like to learn Arabic. لا بد أنها ما زالت في العشرينات من عمرها. She must still be in her twenties. She must be in her 20s. أحبّ دراسة اللّغات الأجنبيّة. I like to study foreign languages. I love studying foreign languages. لنناقش هذه المشكلة لاحقاً. Let's discuss that problem later. Let's discuss this problem later. و أخيراً أتى الجمعة. Finally, it's Friday. Finally came Friday. أشعر بالبرد. I'm cold. I'm cold. تناول سامي سمّا. Sami took poison. Sammy ate poison. إنهُ ليس خنزير; إنهُ قرد. It's not a pig; it's a monkey. He's not a pig; he's a monkey. ما مهنتك؟ What's your occupation? What's your profession? هل هو غال جدا؟ Is that too expensive? Is it too expensive? أُريد الإنتقام. I want vengeance. I want revenge. أنا أري الفتاة. I see the girl. I see the girl. عليك الرحيل. You have to go. You should go. سرق سامي المال من ليلى. Sami stole money from Layla. Sammy stole the money from Lily. هو يعلم العربيه He is teaching Arabic. He knows Arabic. دعينا نستعد للذهاب. Let's get ready to go. Let's get ready to go. قامت ليلى بتبليغ زائف. Layla made a false report. Lily made a false report. شجّع فاضل دانية على الذّهاب إلى الجامعة. Fadil encouraged Dania to go to college. Fadel encouraged Dania to go to college. هيا نصنع تجارة. Let's make a trade. Let's make a trade. مساعدتك ضرورية لنجاحنا. Your help is necessary to our success. Your help is essential to our success. مفاصلي تؤلمني. My joints ache. My joints hurt. ذهبت إلى العنوان الخطأ. I went to the wrong address. I went to the wrong address. اتصلت بي بعد الظهر. She called me in the afternoon. She called me this afternoon. لم يكُن فاضل في المنزل. Fadil wasn't inside the house. He wasn't home. كيف تعرفت على توم؟ How do you know Tom? How did you know Tom? ابق! Stay! Stay! ضحّى سامي بليلى كي يُخرج نفسه من المأزق. Sami threw Layla under the bus to save himself. Sammy sacrificed Lily to get himself out of trouble. بدا سامي و كأنّه مسكون. Sami looked possessed. Sammy looked like he was haunted. أختي تشبه جدتي. My sister resembles my grandmother. My sister looks like my grandmother. سأعود بعد ساعة. I'll be back in an hour. I'll be back in an hour. على أي حال، هذا الأمر لا يعنيك. In any case, it's no business of yours. Anyway, this doesn't concern you. لقد أكلنا هناك ثلاث مرات. We have eaten there three times. We ate there three times. مقبول Fair enough! Not bad. أينما كنت تعيش, هناك العاصمة. Wherever you live, there's the capital. Wherever you live, there is a capital. من الممكن أن لا تأتي. Maybe she will not come. You may not come. حاول أن يكلمنا بالفرنسية. He tried to talk to us in French. He tried to speak to us in French. أنا تأخرت. I am already late. I'm late. يمكنك استعارة الكتاب بشرط أن تحافظ عليه. You may borrow this book as long as you keep it clean. You can borrow the book provided you keep it. لن يستطيع المجيء لأنه مريض. Because he's sick, he can't come. He can't come because he's sick. لم يأتي أحد. Nobody came. No one came. عاد سامي إلى مصر. Sami returned to Egypt. Sami returned to Egypt. ماذا تريد بعد ذلك؟ What do you want then? What do you want next? ماذا نأكل الليلة؟ What do we eat tonight? What are we eating tonight? انضمّ سامي إلى نادي الإعلام الآلي. Sami joined the computer club. Sammy joined the Automated Media Club. أغلقت ليلى الباب. Layla shut the door. Lily closed the door. أنا أرفض الموافقة على تلك الخطة. I refuse to consent to that plan. I refuse to approve that plan. الإنترنت مفيد جدا لمعرفة ظروف كل جزء من العالم. The Internet is very useful for knowing the circumstances of each part of the world. The Internet is very useful to know the conditions of every part of the world. المنزل لديهِ ثلاثة طوابق. The house has three floors. The house has three floors. أملك قاموسا جيدا. I have a good dictionary. I have a good dictionary. معامن راكي تهدري؟ With whom are you talking? Who's Raki wasting? أعرف هذا الولد الذي لا تعرف عنه شيئا . I know that boy whom you don't know. I know this boy you don't know anything about. سأبقى في المنزل في حال أمطرت غداً. I'll stay home in case it rains tomorrow. I'll stay home in case it rains tomorrow. لعلّك بامكانك مساعدتي فعلها. Maybe you can help me do that. Maybe you can help me do it. أنا متعب. I'm tired. I'm tired. اتّصل سامي بالشّرطة. Sami called the police. Sammy called the police. واصل سامي السّير. Sami continued walking. Sammy kept walking. ألقوا أسلحتكم! Drop your weapons! Drop your weapons! كانت عند سامي عادة سيّئة. Sami had a bad habit. Sammy had a bad habit. كيت ذكية أكثر من أي طالب آخر في فصلنا. Kate is smarter than any other student in our class. Kate is smarter than any other student in our class. لم يكن هذا مهذبا. That wasn't nice. That wasn't polite. انهم نصارى. They are Christians. They're Christians. والدنا يذهب الي العمل بالسيارة. Our father goes to work by car. Dad goes to work in the car. وُلد فاضل في مدينة واكو في تيكساس. Fadil was born in Waco, Texas. Fadel was born in Waco City, Texas. من فاز؟ Who won? Who won? من خلق الشمس؟ Who made the sun? Who created the sun? پاري هييا لمدينا شّابّا ڨاع ف لمۆند. Paris is the most beautiful city in the world. Gary, come on, we're young men. كان هناك الكثير من الناس في الغرفة. There were a lot of people in the room. There were a lot of people in the room. حياته مليئة بالمشاكل. His life is full of trouble. His life is full of problems. رفضت الضحية إقامة دعوى قضائية. The victim declined to press charges. The victim refused to file a lawsuit. سأل توم ماري إذا ما كانت خططت للسباحة أم لا. Tom asked Mary whether she planned to swim or not. Tom asked Mary if she planned to swim or not. كان الجميع في البلدة يحبّ فاضل. Everybody in the community loved Fadil. Everyone in town loved Fadel. علم اللاهوت, هو دراسة أساس الأديان والمعتقدات الألوهية كيف بدأت و تطورت و أثرت على المجتماعات التي تؤمن بها. Theology is the study of the origin of religions and divine faith as how they started, progressed and impacted on the societies. Theology is the study of the basis of religions and theistic beliefs how they began, evolved, and influenced the societies in which they believe. سامي يعمل في عيادة محلّيّة. Sami works at a local clinic. Sammy works at a local clinic. أعتمد عليك. I'm counting on you. I'm counting on you. أنتِ، انزلي عن درّاجتي. Hey, get off my bike. Hey, get off my bike. دع الأمر لي. Leave it to me. Leave it to me. نحن جميعا مهاجرين, قد لا نكون الأشخاص الأوائل, ولكن حتما من خلال أقاربنا أو أجدادنا. We're all immigrants, if not in first person, then definitely in the form of some relative or ancestor. We are all immigrants, we may not be the first people, but inevitably through our relatives or grandparents. لم يكن فاضل يعرف أيّ شيء عن الإسلام. Fadil didn't know anything about Islam. Fadel didn't know anything about Islam. ۆه، كاين پاپييّۆن شباب! Oh, there's a butterfly! Hey, Caine, you guys! سأذهب إن ذهب توم. I'll go if Tom goes. I'll go if Tom goes. أرسل سامي هدية لليلى. Sami sent Layla a gift. Sammy sent Lily a gift. تسلق كارلوس الجبل. Carlos climbed the mountain. Carlos climbed the mountain. أنا أبحث فقط, شكراً لكِ. I'm just looking, thank you. I'm just looking. Thank you. إن العيش في الخارج هو أفضل طريقة لتعلم لغة أجنبية. Living abroad is the best way to learn a foreign language. Living abroad is the best way to learn a foreign language. كان سامي آتيًا من هناك. Sami was coming from there. Sammy was coming from there. سأكون جاهزة خلال عشر دقائق. I'll be ready in ten minutes. I'll be ready in ten minutes. أقرأ كتابين في الأسبوع I read two books a week. I read two books a week. سامي يكتب كتابا حول كيفية ربح المال. Sami is writing a book about money-making. Sammy writes a book about how to make money. إنها مُغَنية. She is a singer. It's rich. كل شخص متهم بجريمة يعتبر بريئاً إلى أن تثبت إدانته قانوناً بمحاكمة علنية تؤمن له فيها الضمانات الضرورية للدفاع عنه. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. Every person charged with an offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law by a public trial in which he shall have the guarantees necessary for his defence. كيف حال توم؟ How's Tom? How's Tom? أجابت و هي تبكي. She answered in tears. She answered crying. ماذا حدث في بيت بولوك الليلة؟ What happened at Bullock's this evening? What happened at Bullock's house tonight? إنه يعرفنا جيداً. He knows us very well. He knows us well. هل تريدني حقاً أن أخبر توم بشأنك أنتَ و ماري؟ Do you really want me to tell Tom about you and Mary? Do you really want me to tell Tom about you and Mary? في الثانية والعشرين من عمري . وقعت في حب رئيسي At the age of 22, I fell in love with my boss. At 22, I fell in love with my boss. أرسلوك إلى هنا لتتجسس علينا! You were sent here to spy on us! They sent you here to spy on us! كيف تهجئ "جميل"؟ How do you spell "pretty"? How do you spell "beautiful"? سامي يستمع لليلى. Sami listens to Layla. Sammy's listening to Lily. هناك الكثير من المرضى لدى الدكتور سميث. Dr. Smith has a lot of patients. There are a lot of patients with Dr. Smith. كان سامي هو روح الحفلة. Sami was the life of the party. Sammy was the spirit of the party. إن كلمة مركز المدينة تشير إلى الجزء التجاري من أي مدينة. The word downtown refers to the business quarter of any town. The word city center refers to the commercial part of any city. الكثير يأخذ الأمور على محمل الجد و أدب البعض يفسح المجال للبعض الآخر لإساءة التصرف. People take things too personally and the good behaviour of some rewards the bad behaviour of others. Many take things seriously and the manners of some give way to others for misbehavior. خرج سامي من الباب. Sami went out the door. Sammy walked out the door. ألا تستطيع مساعدتي بأي شيء؟ Can't you do anything to help me? Can't you help me with anything? أصبحنا أصدقاء على الفور. We immediately became friends. We became friends immediately. من الممكن أن تثلج غداً. Perhaps it will snow tomorrow. It could snow tomorrow. هي التي اعتنت بجرحه She is the one who took care of his wound. She took care of his wound. هذا القاموس أفضل من ذاك. This dictionary is better than that one. This dictionary is better than that. هو صادق و لهذا أحبّه. He is honest. That's why I like him. He's honest and that's why I love him. يجب عليك الالتزام بالعواقب. You should abide by the consequences. You must abide by the consequences. احتسوا ماء السكر بالتناوب. They took turns sipping sugar water. Drink sugar water alternately. سرق مارك زكربرج فكرتي! Mark Zuckerberg stole my idea! Mark Zuckerberg stole my idea! اليوم هو يوم عطلتي و لكنّها تمطر. Today is my day-off but it's raining. Today's my day off, but it's raining. هل تعرف إذا تتحدث الإنغليزية؟ Do you know if she can speak English? Do you know if you speak English? لقد كان غبي بما فيه الكفايه ليصدقها. He was stupid enough to believe her. He was stupid enough to believe her. الحرّيّة لكردستان! Free Kurdistan! Freedom for Kurdistan! إنه قوي كالحصان. He's as strong as a horse. He's strong as a horse. أخذ سامي سيّارة ليلى و تركها عالقة في المستشفى. Sami took Layla's car and left her stranded at the hospital. Sammy took Layla's car and left her stranded in the hospital. راني رايح نشري بارابلي جديد. I am buying a new umbrella. Rani Rae is posting a new parably. كان شوب، ففتحت الشباك It was warm, so I opened the window. It was Shop. I opened the window. يبلغ عدد سكان تلك الدولة نحو ثلاثة أرباع من هم في اليابان. The population of that country is about three-fourths of that of Japan. The population of that country is about three-quarters that of Japan. من أين لك بالمال؟ How did you come by the money? Where'd you get the money? حمد سامي الله على حمايته. Sami thanked God for protecting him. Thank God for his protection. إن جيم يتعلم القيادة. Jim is learning how to drive a car. Jim is learning to drive. كان ساني يتحرّك. Sami moved. Sunny was moving. ذهب إبن سامي إلى الجامعة. Sami's son went to college. Sammy's son went to college. واجه سامي ليلى بشأن الحمل. Sami confronted Layla about the pregnancy. Sammy confronted Layla about the pregnancy. كان سامي يحبّ التّمثيل. Sami liked to perform. Sam loved to act. دعنا نحصل على زجاجة من الويسكي. Let's get a bottle of whiskey. Let's get a bottle of whiskey. تتحدث ماريكو الإنجليزية بمهارة. Mariko speaks English well. Mariko speaks English very well. صفعت ليلى وجه سامي بقوّة. Layla gave Sami a good slap on the face. Laila slapped Sammy's face hard. أعدّ سامي قهوى. Sami made coffee. Sammy made coffee. لم يتبضّع المرأ هناك حتّى؟ Why shop there anyway? Didn't a woman even shop there? متى ينتهي اليوم الدراسي؟ When do studies finish When does the school day end? سمعت ليلى سامي و سليمة يتخاصمان. Layla heard Sami and Salima arguing. I heard Leyla and Sammy fighting. أين بيتها؟ Where is her house? Where's her house? كِلاً من هما في الغرفة. Both of them are in the room. Both are in the room. آمل ألا تنشب الحرب. I hope war doesn't break out. I hope war doesn't break out. هل لديك فكّة؟ Have you got change? Do you have change? أتيت. I came. You came. لم يسمع سامي من ليلى لأشهر. Sami didn't hear anything from Layla for months. Sammy hasn't heard from Lily in months. عايز جيتار. I want a guitar. I want a guitar. أحب سماع الموسيقى معك. I love playing music with you. I love listening to music with you. رحلة فاضل إلى القاهرة أتاحت له الفرصة كي يحسّن مستواه في العربيّة. Fadil's trip to Cairo gave him the opportunity to improve his skills in Arabic. Fadel’s trip to Cairo gave him the opportunity to improve his level in Arabic. ما معدل البريد الجوي؟ What's the airmail rate? What's the airmail rate? يصبح جبل فوجي مغطًى بالثلج في الشتاء. Mt. Fuji is covered with snow in winter. Mount Fuji becomes snow-covered in winter. "أنا أتدوّر جوعا." "هناك بعض بقايا الأكر في الثلاجة." "I'm starving." "There are some leftovers in the fridge." "I'm starving." "There's some leftover acre in the fridge." سلّم سامي نفسه للسّلطات. Sami turned himself in. Sammy turned himself in to the authorities. ليس ذنبي. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. لا ُثعطني أي فكرة. Don't give me any ideas. Don't give me any idea. هذه المسألة سهلة لدرجة أن أيّ طالب يمكنه حلّها. This is such an easy problem that any student can solve it. This issue is so easy that any student can solve it. أخبرني الحقيقة. Tell me the truth. Tell me the truth. علّم يامي ليلى السّباحة. Sami taught Layla how to swim. Yammy taught Lily to swim. هذه أول مرة أسمع هذه القصة. That is a new story to me. This is the first time I've heard this story. كان سامي يحبّ حياة الحفلات. Sami liked the party life. Sammy loved party life. كنت بصدد إخبار سامي. I was going to tell Sami. I was going to tell Sam. ما الأمر؟ What gives? What is it? لا أعرف ما مصدرها. I didn't know where it came from. I don't know where it came from. أذهب أحياناً ، وأحياناً أُخْرى لا أذهب. Sometimes I go and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I go, sometimes I don't. كان يحمل علبة كبيرة بين ذراعيه He had a big box in his arms. He had a big box in his arms. مَن؟ Who is it? Who? عندها نظارة شمسية. She has sunglasses. She has sunglasses. لا يهمّ من أين أتى. It doesn't matter from where he comes. It doesn't matter where it came from. يبدو أنك من الهند. It looks like you are from India. You seem to be from India. لم يستطع سامي تحمّل ذلك الضّجيج. Sami couldn't stand that noise. Sammy couldn't stand the noise. لا أحد يأتي لزيارتي بعد الآن. No one comes to visit me anymore. No one comes to visit me anymore. هل يوجد شيئ في ذهنك؟ Is something on your mind? Is there something on your mind? أراد سامي أن يسمع صوت ليلى. Sami wanted to hear Layla's voice. Sammy wanted to hear Lily's voice. توم لْقاوَه ميّت في الپارطمة تاعو. Tom was found dead in his apartment. Tom's dead in the woods. "وقل ربِّ زدني علمًا". But say, "O my Lord! advance me in knowledge." And say, "My Lord, increase me in knowledge." السيارة آتيه من ناحية اليمين. The car comes from the right. The car's coming from the right. "لقد تغيّرت." "لا تكذب من فضلك!" "I have changed." "Please!" "You've changed." "Don't lie, please!" يقع بيتي بالقرب من نقطة انتظار الحافلة. My house is close to a bus stop. My house is near the bus stop. أين الصبيان؟ Where are the boys? Where are the boys? ينتظرك توم للتحدث معك. Tom is waiting to talk to you. Tom is waiting to talk to you. كان سامي مهتمّا بشأنه فحسب. Sami was just minding his business. Sammy was only interested in him. هنالك العديد من الفنادق في هذه البلدة المشكلة أن جميعهم باهظي الثمن. There are many hotels in this town, The problem is they are all expensive. There are a lot of hotels in this town. The problem is they're all expensive. هل أنجزت جميع فروضك؟ Have you done all your homework? Have you done all your homework? نعم, إنها غاضبة. Yes, she is angry. Yeah, she's angry. ابتسم سامي. Sami smiled. Sammy smiled. إنه يوظف خادمة. He employs a maid. He's hiring a maid. لما لم تقل لها؟ Why didn't you tell her? Why didn't you tell her? توم أتىَ يوم الإثنين وعاد إلىَ البيت في اليوم التالي. Tom came on Monday and went back home the following day. Tom came in on Monday and came home the next day. كان يوجد جسر هنا في يوم من الأيام. At one time, there was a bridge here. There was a bridge here once. عندما كان شاباً، كان عاملاً مثابراً. When he was young, he was a hard worker. As a young man, he was a hard worker. يبدأ الدوام الدراسي في الثامنة و النصف. School begins at 8:30 a.m. School starts at 8:30. لا تنس أن تبعث الرّسائل. Don't forget to mail the letters. Don't forget to send messages. حتّا واحد ما يفهمني. Nobody understands me. Someone who understands me. توقّف سامي عن البكاء. Sami stopped crying. Sammy stopped crying. يجب عليهم حل النزاعات بين الدول. They have to solve conflicts among nations. They have to resolve conflicts between states. متى كانت آخر مرة ركبت بها دراجة هوائية ؟ When was the last time you rode a bike? When was the last time you rode a bicycle? سامي لا يريدني. Sami doesn't want me. Sammy doesn't want me. ماذا حدث لليلى. What happened to Layla? What happened to Lily? ركبت القطار الخطأ. I got on the wrong train. I got on the wrong train. ليس من السهل العيش مع توم. Living with Tom isn't easy. It's not easy living with Tom. يتحدث بسرعة كبيرة. He talks too fast. He talks too fast. مبارك! Congratulations! Congratulations! حان الوقت لأن تشتري سيارة جديدة. It's time for you to buy a new car. It’s time to buy a new car. توم رجل لطيف . Tom is a kind man. Tom's a nice guy. كان سامي دائما يحمل مسدّساته معه. Sami always carried his guns with him. Sammy always had his guns with him. نريد التّمسّك بنمط حياتنا القديم. We want to hold on to our ancient way of life. We want to stick to our old way of life. الفتاة حررت الطيور من القفص. The girl released the birds from the cage. The girl freed the birds from the cage. غيّرت الفتاة شكلها. This girl changed her look. The girl changed her form. توم يشترى قِط. Peter is buying a tomcat. Tom's buying a cat. لا تنسى ميعادنا غدا. Don't forget our date tomorrow. Don't forget our date tomorrow. ما خطبك الليلة يا توم ؟ Tom, what's wrong with you tonight? What's wrong with you tonight, Tom? أنا دائما ما أنسى الأسماء. I am constantly forgetting names. I always forget names. مشى سامي. Sami walked. Sammy walked. لو سمحت، هل تعلم ما هي توقعات الطقس ليوم غد؟ Excuse me, do you know what is the weather forecast for tomorrow? Excuse me, do you know what the weather forecast is for tomorrow? أتمنى أن تفعل ما أُمِرت به. I wish you would do as you're told. I hope you do what I'm told. لقد انتُهِكَ السُياح في الملهى . The tourists were ripped off at the nightclub. Tourists have been violated at the club. كان سامي و ليلى ينويان الذّهاب إلى تلك الحانة. Sami and Layla had plans to go to that bar. Sammy and Lily were going to go to that bar. كان سامي نائما في حفرة حفرها في الرّمل. Sami was sleeping in a hole that he dug in the sand. Sammy was sleeping in a hole he dug in the sand. ماذا تقول الرّسالة؟ What does the letter say? What does the message say? ماذا لو فشِل؟ What if he fails? What if he fails? أنتِ لا تستطيعين أن تأكليها فقط لأنها مغذية. You can't eat it just because it is nutritious. You can't eat it just because it's nutritious. فقط أخبريني ما الذي تريدينهُ. Just tell me what you want. Just tell me what you want. لسوء الحظ ، لقد كنت مشغولا بالأمس ولم استطع فعل ذلك. Unfortunately, I was busy yesterday and couldn't do that. Unfortunately, I was busy yesterday and couldn’t do it. ما لي أخ. I don't have a brother. I have a brother. لا أستطيع مساعدتك. في الحقيقة، أنا مشغول جدا الآن. I can't help you. As a matter of fact, I'm very busy just now. Actually, I'm very busy right now. هي تلعب الغولف كل نهاية أسبوع. She plays golf every weekend. She plays golf every weekend. لا تأت هنا. Don't come here. Don't come here. مثل أيّة طالبة ثانويّة، كانت ليلى فتاة مجنونة على الفتيان. Like any high school student, Layla was boy-crazy. Like any high school student, Lily was a crazy girl for boys. هل بإمكانك أن تعدي سلطة لذيذة؟ Can you make a tasty salad? Can you make a delicious salad? كيف يمكن لشخص أن يطلق النّار على نفسه في ظهره؟ How could someone shoot themselves in the back? How can someone shoot themselves in the back? توقّف سامي. Sami stopped. Stop it, Sammy. قدّم لي المدرّس احتجازا. The teacher gave me a detention. The teacher gave me detention. زرت أمريكا. I have visited America. I visited America. مزيان يكتب جملة على السبورة البيضاء. Mezian is writing a sentence on the whiteboard. Mazian writes a sentence on the whiteboard. أين وُلد؟ Where was he born? Where was he born? قدم له العمدة مفتاح المدينة. The mayor presented him with the key to the city. The mayor gave him the key to the city. هل يعتنون بالكلب؟ Do they take care of the dog? Are they taking care of the dog? فقط أحتاج لقاء الوقت معك. I just need to spend time with you. I just need time with you. البركة عميقة جدًّا. The pond is very deep. The pool's too deep. سامي يحبّ ليلى حقّا. Sami really likes Layla. Sammy really likes Lily. إنهم يدعونك توم. They call you Tom. They call you Tom. أيمكنني الحصول على قطعة من تلك الكعكة؟ Could I get a little piece of that cake? Can I have a piece of that cake? لا تغيّر نفسك بسبب الآخر. كن نفسك و ستعجب الشّخص الحسن على ما أنت عليه. Don't change because of someone. Be yourself and the right one will like you as you are. Don't change yourself because of the other. Be yourself and the good person will like who you are. إنه يركلني! He's kicking me! He's kicking me! ليست معك حيوانات أو نباتات، صحيح؟ You don't have any plants or animals, right? You don't have animals or plants, do you? يقع مطعمنا بالقرب من محطة الحافلات الجنوبية. Our restaurant is near the southern bus station. Our restaurant is located near the southern bus station. من المؤكد أنه ممكن. It's definitely possible. It's definitely possible. هل كنت مملاً بالفعل؟ Was I really boring? Were you really boring? تعرّف سامي بفتا مسلم في المدرسة. At school, Sami met a Muslim boy. Sammy met a Muslim girl at school. هذا هو الوقت الذي يصل فيه عادة. This is the time he normally arrives. That's when he usually arrives. بدأ سامي يحضر حلقة في الثّانويّة. Sami started attending a halaqa at high school. Sammy started attending an episode in high school. بدأت محاضرته في موعدها. His lecture started on time. His lecture began on time. لم لا؟ Why not? Why not? ذهب إلى الجهة الأخرى. He went over to the other side. He went the other way. ادا تقرا ليپارۆل، ما عدهومش ڥريمان معنا. If you look at the lyrics, they don't really mean much. If you don't read this, don't read it. تظاهر سامي بالموت. Sami played dead. Sammy pretended to be dead. حان وقت ذهابي. It's time for me to go. It's time for me to go. يجب عليك ممارسة الرياضة. You should exercise. You have to exercise. يريد فنجانا واحدا من الشاي فقط. He wants only one cup of tea. He only wants one cup of tea. هلا توقفت عن تتبعي من فضلك The leveret runs in the steppe. Will you stop following me, please? وصلنا إلى المستشفى بسلام. We safely arrived at the hospital. We arrived at the hospital safely. لا تذهب لطبيب نباتات مكتبه ميتة . Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died. Don't go to a plant doctor whose office is dead. كانت الحياة جميلة بالنّسبة لسامي و ليلى. Life was good for Sami and Layla. Life was beautiful for Sammy and Lily. أين يُمكِنُ لنظّاراتي أن تكون؟ Where could my glasses be? Where can my glasses be? لن أنساه أبدا. I'll never ever forget him. I'll never forget him. هل تفهمني؟ Are you getting me? Do you understand me? أعارني كتابَيْن. He lent me two books. Lend me two books. ساند سامي ليلى. Sami supported Layla. Sammy supported Layla. أعِد لي قَلمي. Give me my pen back. Give me back my pen. أريد أن أنام الآن. I want to sleep now. I want to sleep now. هل عندك كمبيوترين؟ Do you have two computers? Do you have two computers? أراد سامي كلبا. Sami wanted a dog. Sammy wanted a dog. هذا لن ينتهي أبدا. This is never going to end. This will never end. بإمكان سامي أن يقنع أيّ شخص بأيّ شيء. Sami can convince anyone of anything. Sammy can convince anyone of anything. كان يسميني اتشيرو. He called me Ichiro. He called me Ichiro. لا أبالي إن كان الجو باردا نوعا ما. I don't mind if it's a little cold. I don't care if it's kind of cold. وجد سامي نفسه محاطا بالمسلمين. Sami found himself surrounded by Muslims. Sammy found himself surrounded by Muslims. إذا؟ So? Well? آمل أن تتحقّق كلّ أحلامك. I hope that all your dreams come true. I hope all your dreams come true. سامحني أرجوك. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. من لا يَهمّه المال؟ Who doesn't care about money? Who doesn't care about money? هو قرأ ترجمة القرآن بالعبرية فى أقل من إسبوع. He read the translation of the Quran in Hebrew in less than a week. He read the translation of the Qur'an in less than a week. جاك بيعرف يكّلم فرنساوي. Jack can speak French. Jack knows how to speak French. لستُ مشغولًا مثل يوشيو. I am not as busy as Yoshio. I'm not as busy as Yoshio. لم أذهب إلى الشّاطئ منذ وقت طويل. It's been forever since I didn't go to the beach. I haven't been to the beach in a long time. عندي ابنا خالة. I have two cousins. I have an cousin. كادت شاحنةٌ تدهسُنِي. I was nearly run over by a truck. I almost got run over by a truck. الكلمات لا يمكنها التعبير عن شكري بما يكفي. I have no words to express my gratitude. Words can't express my thanks enough. أتعلم ما يعني هذا؟ Do you know what this means? You know what that means? من سيهتم بأطفالي إذا مت؟ Who will take care of my kids if I die? Who will care for my children if I die? لا يعرف أيّا منّا. He knows neither of us. He doesn't know either of us. لليد خمسة أصابع. A hand has five fingers. The hand has five fingers. اقرأ! Read! Read! أبتسم سامي بسخريّة. Sami smirked. Sammy smiled sarcastically. هذا لا يخصني. This has nothing to do with me. It's none of my business. توم لا يثق بماري بعد الآن. Tom doesn't trust Mary anymore. Tom doesn't trust Mary anymore. تعلّم فاضل العربيّة في القاهرة. Fadil learned Arabic in Cairo. He learned Arabic in Cairo. لم أقصد شيئاً! I'm just saying! I didn't mean anything! أمسكت فراشة جميلة. I caught a beautiful butterfly. I caught a beautiful butterfly. ألستِ والدة توم؟ Aren't you Tom's mother? Aren't you Tom's mother? يعمل سامي في العيادة البلديّة. Sami works for the municipal clinic. Sammy works at the municipal clinic. حفظ سامي سورة من القرآن الكريم. Sami memorized a surah. Sammy memorized a sura from the Holy Qur'an. توم مزْهور كي عَندو طَفلة كيما ماري. Tom is lucky to have a daughter like Mary. Tom is showing off Kima Marie's baby. عليّ العثور عليها. I have to find it. I have to find her. تبدو سعيداً هذا اليوم. You look happy today. You look happy today. علينا أن نجدها في الحين. We need to find her right away. We have to find her right now. أتى سامي لإقلال صديقته. Sami came to pick up his girlfriend. Sammy came to pick up his girlfriend. ماذا عنك؟ Fine. And you? What about you? أريد أن أستأجر حافلة. I want to charter a bus. I want to rent a bus. كان سامي يلوّح لليلي بينما كانت راحلة بسيّارتها. Sami waved to Layla as she was driving away. Sammy was waving at Lily while she was leaving in her car. لربما تساقط الثلج غداً. Perhaps it will snow tomorrow. It might snow tomorrow. إسبانيا دولة متقدمة. Spain is a developed country. Spain is a developed country. غير أنني على يقين من أنه يجب علينا من أجل المضي قدما أن نعبر بصراحة عما هو في قلوبنا وعما هو لا يقال إلا وراء الأبواب المغلقة But I am convinced that in order to move forward, we must say openly the things we hold in our hearts, and that too often are said only behind closed doors. However, I am sure that in order to move forward, we must express openly what is in our hearts and what is said only behind closed doors. استقلت. I resigned. I quit. اخبر سامي الشرطة عن تاريخ ليلى مع المخدّرات. Sami told the police about Layla's drug history. Sammy told the police about Layla's history with drugs. تبدين حزينة. ما الأمر؟ You look sad. What's wrong? You look sad. لم تعمل المكابح. The brake didn't work. The brakes didn't work. كنت أحب التكلم بالأمازيغية. I loved speaking Berber. I used to like to speak Amazigh. لا تحزن إن الله معنا. Do not grieve, indeed Allah is with us. Don’t worry, God is with us. هل بإمكان غزّة أن تنجو من هجوم واسع آخر؟ Can Gaza survive another massive attack? Can Gaza survive another massive attack? أجبرت على الإعتراف. She was forced to confess. I was forced to confess. أكنت مع أحدهم؟ Were you with anyone? Were you with someone? وقع فاضل في حبّ امرأة مصريّة. Fadil fell for an Egyptian woman. Fadel fell in love with an Egyptian woman. شعرت بالحزن. I felt sad. I felt sad. توم يفقد كثيرا من الدم. Tom is losing blood. Tom loses a lot of blood. اعتقلت الشّرطة سامي. Police arrested Sami. The police arrested Sammy. يجب عليك أن تُخطط للقدوم معنا المرة المقبلة التي نذهب فيها للتخييم. You should plan to come with us the next time we go camping. You should plan on coming with us the next time we go camping. التفاح فاكهة لذيذة. An apple is a tasty fruit. Apples are delicious fruit. هذه السكين حادة للغاية. This knife is very sharp. This knife is very sharp. تعاهدا سامي و ليلى كي يبنيا أفضل حياة ممكنة لأسرتهما النّاشئة. Sami and Layla vowed to build the best life possible for their growing family. They made a pact with Sami and Leila to build the best possible life for their young family. متى أتيت إلى اليابان؟ When did you come to Japan? When did you come to Japan? فحص الدّكتور صادق المرضى. Dr. Sadiq checked on the patients. Dr. Sadiq's examination of the patients. ماذا تعتقدين أني كنت أفعل؟ What do you think I've been doing? What do you think I was doing? كنبغيك I love you. Kenpgic إنهُ طويل القامة مِثل والدهُ. He's as tall as his father. He's as tall as his father. اللعنة F*uk it Shit. هذه هديّة لفاضل لنرحّب به في أسرتنا. It's a gift for Fadil to welcome him into the family. This is a gift for Fadel to welcome into our family. بالأمس وصل توم إلى بوسطن. Tom got to Boston yesterday. Yesterday Tom arrived in Boston. هل أنتَ بخير؟ Are you all right? Are you okay? لم أكن أريد أن أحدث أية ضجة. I didn't want to make any noise. I didn't want to make any noise. ربطة عنقك تليق ببزتك. Your tie blends well with your suit. Your tie fits your suit. لفتت ليلى انتباه سامي. Layla caught Sami's eye. Laila caught Sammy's attention. بكيتُ طوال الليل. I cried all night long. I cried all night. البحر هائج. The sea is rough. The sea is raging. ستنطق المحكمة الدستورية بالقرار صبيحة هذا اليوم. The constitutional court will issue a decision by noon today. The Constitutional Court will pronounce the decision this morning. هتف الصائب: "وأسوأ من ذلك، أنهم لا يعرفون ما يفعلون تجاهك، يا ديما!" "Even worse!" Al-Sayib exclaimed. "They don't know what to do with you, Dima!" He exclaimed, "And worse, they don't know what to do to you, Dima!" أبلغت ليلى عن الحريق. Layla reported the fire. Leyla reported the fire. هل تذكر جريمة القتل الغامضة؟ Do you remember the mysterious murder? Do you remember the mystery murder? انتهى الصيف. Summer has ended. Summer's over. هي تتعلم الالمانية. She's learning German. She's learning German. لدى سامي صديق مسلم. Sami has a Muslim friend. Sammy has a Muslim friend. إنها لا تحب السوشي. She doesn't like sushi. She doesn't like sushi. الميزانية قليلة جدا. The budget is extremely small. The budget is very low. لدي قلم. I have a pen. I have a pen. كان سامي مسيحيّا قبل أن يعتنق الإسلام. Before his conversion to Islam, Sami was Christian. Sami was a Christian before he converted to Islam. انقطعت أخبار ليلى عن سامي. Sami didn't hear from Layla. There was no news of Sammy. هل أنت المساعد الجديد؟ Are you the new assistant? Are you the new assistant? انه يأكل الكثير. He eats a lot. He eats a lot. إنها كلمة أود أن أجد لها بديلًا. It's a word I'd like to find a substitute for. It's a word I'd like to find an alternative to. إنه لم يعلم بذلك . He didn't know that. He didn't know that. كان عمر فاضل سبعة عشر سنة آنذاك. Fadil was about seventeen years old at the time. He was seventeen years old at the time. بإمكاني البقاء في غرفة الضيوف. I can stay in the guest room. I can stay in the guest room. اصبر فقد أوشكنا على الانتهاء. Hang on; we're almost there. Hang on. We're almost done. غادر سامي المنزل و هو يبدو كباحة خردة. Sami left the place looking like a junkyard. Sammy left the house looking like a junkyard. قعدو بلا لسان. They were left speechless. A tongueless bartender. كانت ليلى تكره سامي. Layla hated Sami. Lily hated Sammy. يحب قراءة الصحف. He likes to read newspapers. He likes to read newspapers. أَتَسَاءَلُ إذَا يَتَحَمَّسُ توم مِثْلَمَا تَتَحَمَّسُ ماري. I wonder if Tom is as excited about this as Mary is. I wonder if Tom is as excited as Mary is. قبلتُ رسالتك بالأمس. I got your message. I got your message yesterday. عاشا سامي و ليلى حياة مثاليّة. Sami and Layla had a picture-perfect life. Sammy and Lily lived a perfect life. لا يبدو على توم أنه مقتنعٌ. Tom doesn't look convinced. Tom doesn't seem to be convinced. لم يعد هناك أي صابون. There isn't any soap. There's no more soap. في صحتك. Cheers! Cheers. ليش؟ Why? Lesh? هو أكبر منها سنا بثلاث سنوات. He is older than she is by three years. He's three years older than her. قررا الزواج الشهر المقبل. They've decided to get married next month. They decided to get married next month. فاضل يتكلّم كثيرا. Fadil talks too much. Fadel talks a lot. ماذا فعلت في إجازتك؟ What did you do on your vacation? What did you do on your vacation? أرسلنا لهم نسخة. We sent them a copy. We sent them a copy. يتحركون من مكان إلى آخر. They move from place to place. They move from one place to another. أُدخل سامي إلى العيادة. Sami was brought into the clinic. Sammy was admitted to the clinic. رفضت دعوته. She turned down his invitation. I refused his invitation. صعيبا تهضر مليح رومييا ف 2 ولّا 3 سنين. It's quite difficult to master French in 2 or 3 years. It's been a long time coming for two and three years. أعطيت بعض الكتب له. I gave some books to him. I gave him some books. ذلك خارق للعادة. That's extraordinary. That's extraordinary. لوني المفضّل هو الأحمر. My favorite color is red. My favorite color is red. كان سامي يتعاطى الماريخوانا. Sami did marijuana. Sammy was on marijuana. من يعلم ما قد يحصل مستقبلًا؟ Who knows what might happen in the future? Who knows what might happen in the future? أنت كثير الكلام. You talk too much. You talk too much. سأعد لك بعض القهوة. I'll fix you some coffee. I'll make you some coffee. أين يسكن خالك؟ Where does your uncle live? Where does your uncle live? كان جبل فوجي مغطى بالثلج. Mt. Fuji was covered with snow. Mount Fuji was covered in snow. بنين بزّاف، ياك؟ It tastes very good, doesn't it? Boys with a bidder, yak? لا بدّ من أنّ سامي سمع شيئا. Sami must have heard something. Sammy must have heard something. كان سامي لطيفا مع ليلى. Sami was cool with Layla. Sammy was nice to Lily. لن نشتري سراويل الجين هذه. هذا تبذير فادح للمال. We're not buying those jeans. It's throwing good money after bad! We're not buying those gin panties. أنت المخطأ في الحادث. You are to blame for the accident. You're wrong about the accident. من فضلك أبق الأمر سراً. Please keep it secret. Please keep it a secret. طعام مطاعم الوجبات السريعة غير صحي. Fast food is unhealthy. Fast food restaurants are unhealthy. أنا أقرأ I'm reading. I'm reading. من فضلك فكر في الموضوع. Please think about it. Please think about it. حدث ذلك كما قال توم It happened the way Tom said it did. It happened like Tom said. هل لي أن أساعدك؟ May I help you? May I help you? إدا راحت علينا لماشينا، نروحو فلكار. If we should miss the train, we'll go by bus. If we're comfortable with our cattle, we'll go to Falkar's. أجاب سامي. Sami responded. Sammy answered. لا أملك إلا نصف ما عنده من كتب. I have only half as many books as he. I only have half of my books. الحب حاجة و الجواز حاجة تانية خالص. Falling in love is one thing; getting married is another. Love is a need and permissibility is a pure need. اعتنق سامي الإسلام حديثا. Sami is a new Muslim. Sami converted to Islam recently. هل تحبني؟ Do you love me? Do you love me? للأرانب آذان طويلة. Rabbits have long ears. Rabbits have long ears. هادا وش راه مفهّم معا لخّر. That is somewhat explained at the end. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah. لا أغسل شعري بالصابون في الصباح. I don't shampoo my hair in the morning. I don’t wash my hair with soap in the morning. عندما نفقد لغةً، نفقد المعلومات حول ثقافتها، ومجتمعها وتاريخها. When we lose a language we lose information about culture, society and history. When we lose a language, we lose information about its culture, its society and its history. السكرتيرة متعبة من الطباعة. The secretary is tired of typing. The secretary's tired of printing. سرق فاضل مال ليلى و سيّارتها. Fadil stole Layla's money and car. Fadel stole Layla's money and her car. أظنه جيدًا أن الكتب ما تزال موجودة، لكنها تجعلني نعسانًا. I think it is good that books still exist, but they do make me sleepy. I think it's good that books still exist, but they make me sleepy. لم يكن مدرّسي. He was not my teacher. He wasn't my teacher. بدأ سامي يتخلّف على المدرسة. Sami started skipping school. Sammy started falling behind in school. هو أنقذ الطفل مجازفاً بحياته. He saved the child at the risk of his own life. He saved the baby at the risk of his own life. هربت ليلى من المكان قبل وصول الشّرطة. Layla fled the scene before the police arrived. Leyla ran away before the police arrived. انتبه! Take care! Watch out! من الصعب أن تكون والداً. It's hard being a parent. It's hard being a parent. عاد فاضل إلى القاهرة. Fadil went back to Cairo. Fadel returned to Cairo. يتوجب علي الذهاب الآن. I must go now. I have to go now. سامي و ليلى أبناء عم. Sami and Layla are cousins. Sammy and Lily are cousins. أنا لست نادماً على مجيئي هنا. I don't regret coming here. I don't regret coming here. بإمكانك البقاء لتناول العشاء. You can stay for dinner. You can stay for dinner. لا يمكن ان اُرى معك . I can't be seen with you. I can't be seen with you. أنتَ لا يمكنك تحدث الإنجليزية, هل يمكنك؟ You can't speak English, can you? You can't speak English, can you? لا أحد شكّ أنّه كان ثمّة شيء. No one suspected a thing. No one doubted there was something. تعرّف فاضل على ليلى بالكاد. Fadil barely recognized Dania. Fadel barely recognized Layla. أكيد فاتتني المحطة و انا نايم. I must have gone past the station while I was taking a nap. I missed the station and slept. لا يمكن للشّرطة أن تستجوبه لهذا السّبب. Cops can't question him because of that. The police can't question him for that. غير توم االلي ما يعرفش ماري هنا. Tom is the only one here who doesn't know Mary. Tom doesn't know what Mary's doing here. كم عمرك؟ How old are you? How old are you? قررت أن أعمل لحساب شركة في أمريكا. I've made up my mind to work for a company in the States. I decided to work for a company in America. برشاقة القطّ، قفز نحو الرّف لكنّه أخفق و سقط إلى الأرض. With cat-like grace he leapt toward the ledge, missed it and fell to the ground below. Gracefully, the cat jumped onto the shelf but failed and fell to the ground. ذهبت إلى المقهى بالأمس. I went to the coffee shop yesterday. I went to the cafe yesterday. أتشاهد التلفاز؟ Do you watch television? You watch TV? لحم الخنزير أكثر إستهلاكاً من لحم الأبقار في روسيا. Pork is more consumed than beef in Russia. Pork is more consumed than beef in Russia. جورج بوش هو الرئيس الواحد والأربعون للولايات المتحدة. Mr George Bush is the forty-first president of the United States. George W. Bush is the 41st President of the United States. هو يتعلم الالمانية. He's learning German. He's learning German. قطف يانّي حبّات تين كبيرة. Yanni picked big figs. Yanni picked big figs. ألم يأتِ بوب إلى هنا؟ Bob came here, didn't he? Didn't Bob come here? علّم سامي السّباحة لليلى. Sami taught Layla how to swim. He taught Sammy to swim for Lily. هُم يذهبُونَ إلى جامعة تِيزي وزّو. They go to Tizi Ouzou University. They're going to Tizi Ouzou University. هنا كتاب. Here is a book. Here's a book. أنت حتماً اللاعب الأفضل في الفريق. You're definitely the best player on the team. You must be the best player on the team. أعلمُ بأني لم أعد جميلة كما كنت، إلا أنه لم يخطر ببالي مطلقًا بأنك قد تخدعني. I know I'm not pretty anymore, but I have never thought that you would cheat on me. I know I'm not as pretty as I used to be, but I never thought you'd fool me. فلنغلق التلفاز . Let's turn off the TV. Let's turn off the TV. أحس بأن لياقتي عالية. I'm feeling fit. I feel like I'm in high shape. يحب توم كعكة الأناناس المقلوبة كثيرا. Tom just loves pineapple upside-down cake. Tom likes the inverted pineapple cake a lot. إنّ منّاد في بيت الله الآن. Mennad is in the house of God right now. He's in God's house now. ربطته صداقة معها بينما كان في الولايات المتّحدة. He became friends with her while in the U.S. I made friends with her while she was in the United States. الآنسة ماري اُسرت بواسطة تنين قوي يدعي توم. Princess Mary was captured by the powerful dragon named Tom. Miss Mary was captured by a powerful dragon named Tom. لماذا لا تردن أن تخبرننا بالحقيقة؟ Why don't you want to tell us the truth? Why don't you want to tell us the truth? سمعت ذلك منك. I heard it from you. I heard it from you. الولايات المتحدة تتكون من خمسون ولاية The United States comprises 50 states. The United States is made up of 50 states. ساق سامي بسرعة إلى المستشفى. Sami quickly drove to the hospital. Sammy was rushed to the hospital. عمر ليلى الآن 13 سنة. Layla is now 13. Omar Laila is now 13 years old. أين المدرسة؟ Where is the school? Where's the school? ما خلاّوناش ندّخلو لهاداك الكاف. We weren't allowed to go into that cave. Let's get you in there. كما في السماء، كذلك على الأرض. As above, so below. As in heaven, so on earth. من مالك تلك الحقيبة؟ Who does this suitcase belong to? Who owns that bag? كان قاعد قدّام خوه. He was sitting beside his brother. It was a base in front of his head. طوم و ماري راهوم يلّعبو في البوكير. Tom and Mary are playing poker. Tom and Mary Rahum play in the Albuquerque. سامي محظوظ بكونه مسلما اليوم. Sami is blessed to be a Muslim today. Sammy is lucky to be a Muslim today. سآكل هاهنا. I'll eat it here. I'll eat here. ذاك الشخص يظن أن قطي يعيش على الشجرة. That person thinks that my cat lives on the tree. That guy thinks my cat lives on the tree. حتانا بانتلي هاكدا. I think so, too. Hattana Pantli Hakda. طلب توم من ماري القيادة. Tom asked Mary to drive. Tom asked Mary to drive. توم وماري متشابهان كثيراً. Tom and Mary are a lot alike. Tom and Mary are very similar. الفئران حيوانات خجولة. A mouse is a timid creature. Rats are shy animals. أسف, لم أتعمد فعل هذا. I'm sorry. I didn't intend to do that. Sorry, I didn't mean to do that. أيوه، هادا وش رانا رايحين نديرو. OK, this is what we are going to do. Yay, Hada and Sha Rana Raehen Ndiro. هذه هي المسألة. The question is this. That's the thing. البنات اعترضوا على خطتنا. The girls objected to our plan. The girls objected to our plan. عليك أن تتأسف. You should apologize. You have to be sorry. كلبي ينبح. My dog is barking. My dog barks. اتّهم سامي ليلى برمي آجرّة عبر نافذته. Sami accused Layla of throwing a brick through his window. Sami Laila was accused of throwing a brick through his window. ترك سامي المكواة تشتغل في غرفة نومه. Sami left the iron on in his bedroom. Sammy let the iron work in his bedroom. إفحص كُل واحد. Check everyone. Check every one. أمازالوا غاضبين؟ Are they still angry? Are they still mad? استعمل فاضل رقما آخر لاتّصال بليلى. Fadil used another number to call Layla. Fadel used another number to call Lily. يا له من كلب كبير. What a big dog it is! What a big dog. لماذا أنت عابس جدا؟ Why are you so grouchy? Why are you so frowned upon? كان سامي يخطّط لحياة أخرى. Sami was planning a new life. Sammy was planning another life. من فضلك أنزِل المسدّس. Please put the gun down. Please put the gun down. هل لديك خبرةً في العمل؟ Do you have work experience? Do you have work experience? سامي يسعل. Sami is coughing. Sammy coughs. كان سامي يرحّب بالزّوّار في الاستقبال. Sami greeted visitors at the reception. Sammy was welcoming visitors to the reception. للننتقل للعيش في مكان آخر. Let's move away. Let's move somewhere else. أين تعلمت الإنجليزية؟ Where did you learn English? Where did you learn English? ترجم الجمل الآتية إلى اليابانية. Translate the following sentences into Japanese. Translate the following sentences into Japanese. سألتُه عن الحادث. I asked him about the accident. I asked him about the accident. فُصل سامي عن وظيفته. Sami got fired. Sammy was fired from his job. أحدهم على الهاتف يريدك. You're wanted on the phone. Someone on the phone wants you. هل أصبت بالبرد؟ Have you got a cold now? Did you catch a cold? كان سامي معرّضا لحكم بالسّجن مدى الحياة. Sami faced life in prison. Sami was subject to life imprisonment. لقد أعجبتنّ سامي. Sami likes you. I liked Sammy. يجب أن تساعدها و بسرعة! You have to help her, but quickly. You have to help her and quickly! انقلبت سيارته عدة مرات قبل سقوطها في النهر. His car turned over several times before falling into the river. His car flipped several times before falling into the river. لم أرها كثيرًا في المدرسة. I've not seen her often at school. I didn’t see her much in school. كانَ سامي يُشاهِدُ التِّلفاز. Sami was watching TV. Sammy was watching TV. متى تنام في العادة؟ What time do you usually go to bed? When do you usually sleep? بعد مرور بضعة أشهر، أصبح فاضل يتحكّم في كلّ مظهر من حياة ليلى. Within a few months, Fadil controlled every aspect of Layla's life. A few months later, Fadel became in control of every aspect of Layla’s life. سامي هو من صنع هذا الفيديو. Sami created this video. Sammy made this video. هل غسلت يديك؟ Have you washed your hands yet? Did you wash your hands? أصيب بالإحباط مؤخرا. He is depressed lately. I was disappointed recently. هذا اللون لا يناسبني. That color doesn't look good on me. This color doesn't suit me. طلب منّي المساعدة. He requested my assistance. He asked me to help. لا تقلق. لن يحدث هذا ثانية. Don't worry. This won't happen again. Don't worry, it won't happen again. ليس عندي وقت. I don't have time. I don't have time. أنا وجدت ذلك أيضا. I also found this. I found it too. ينبغي أن تنسي سامي. You should forget Sami. You should forget Sammy. كان سامي يحبّ الأحذية. Sami liked shoes. Sam loved shoes. لا أحد يعرف إسمه. Nobody knows his name. No one knows his name. بصراحة لا أوافقك الرأي. Frankly speaking, I don't agree with you. I honestly disagree. ألست سعيداً؟ Aren't you happy? Aren't you happy? هل يوجد متجر هناك؟ Is there a shop there? Is there a store there? تشتهر اليابان كثيراً بالزلازل. Japan is greatly famous for earthquakes. Japan is very famous for earthquakes. لم أقصد بتاتا أن يحدث هذا. I really didn't mean for this to happen. I never meant for this to happen. منظر رائع، أليس كذلك؟ A wonderful view, isn't it? Nice view, isn't it? شكراً, أنا فقط أتفرج. I'm just looking, thank you. Thanks. I'm just watching. كم طول ذلك؟ How long is this? How long is that? كان كلب سامي ينبح. Sami's dog barked. Sammy's dog was barking. نحن صديقان. Me and him are friends. We're friends. عمرها يناهز الأربعين. She is about forty. She's about 40. أحضر النُسخة الإحتياطية. Bring backup. Get the backup. الآن، اسمح لي أن أطرح عليك سؤالاً. Now, let me ask you a question. Now, let me ask you a question. الحبل تمدّد ثم عاد لحالته الطبيعة. The rope stretches and springs back into shape. The rope stretched and then returned to its natural state. إنّ مكانك في هذه العيادة. Your place is in this clinic. Your place is in this clinic. هذا الشرح يتخطى طاقتي الاستعابية. The explanation was beyond my understanding. This explanation is beyond my capacity. أتمنى لك نومًا هادئًا يا تِمِي.‏‏ Sleep well, Timmy. Have a good night's sleep, Timmy. واصل سامي إرسال الرّسائل لليلى. Sami continued to send letters to Layla. Sammy kept sending messages to Lily. تبّا لك. Go fuck yourself! Fuck you. ألم يخطر لك أن تغلق النوافذ؟ Didn't it occur to you to shut the windows? Didn't it occur to you to close the windows? قدّم سامي سجّادة لفاضل. Sami gave a prayer rug to Fadil. Sammy gave a rug to Fadel. أسكُن قربَ ملعَب جولف. I live close to a golf course. I'm near a golf course. قرأت عينة وجيزة من كتابه. I dipped into his book. I read a short sample of his book. كان سامي يلعن. Sami cursed. Sammy was cursing. تعهّد سامي أن لا يتّصل أبدا بعائلته. Sami vowed to never contact his family again. Sammy vowed never to call his family. ما هو السبب الرئيسي للذهاب إلى المدرسة؟ What is the principle reason for going to school? What is the main reason for going to school? بإمكانه الانتظار حتى الغد. He can wait until tomorrow. He can wait till tomorrow. سأقلك بعد العمل. I'll pick you up after work. I'll pick you up after work. لدي نصف ما لديه من كتب فقط. I have only half as many books as he. I only have half of his books. لم أتعلم كيف أقود السيارة بعد. I still haven't learned to drive a car. I haven't learned how to drive yet. هلا منحتني بعض الوقت؟ Will you give me some time? Can you give me a minute? سيُطلَق سراحك. You will be released. You'll be released. هم يطالبون بساعات عمل أقل. They are demanding shorter working hours. They're demanding less hours. ما هي فرقَتُكَ الموسيقيّة المفضّلة؟ What is your favorite music group? What's your favorite band? ا اومبعد⸮ So what? Or something. أحبك وأريد الزواج معك. I'm in love with you and I want to marry you. I love you and I want to marry you. ظل يركض. He ran on and on. He kept running. إسحاق يهوديّ و لديه العديد كثير من الأصدقاء المسلمين. هل في الأمر إشكال؟ Yitzhak is Jewish and he has many Muslim friends. Is that wrong? Isaac is Jewish and has many Muslim friends. لم يكن سامي مسلما. Sami was not Muslim. Sammy was not a Muslim. سامي و ليلى أبناء خالة. Sami and Layla are cousins. Sammy and Lily are cousins. ياني كان قذر للغاية لدرجة الأطفال الآخرون كانوا يخافوا منه ولم يسبق لهم أن لعبوا معه. Yanni was so filthy that other children were scared of him and never played with him. Yanni was so dirty that the other children were afraid of him and had never played with him. قطعاً Definitely! Absolutely. ما زال توم في المستشفى. Tom is still in the hospital. Tom's still in the hospital. هوَ أحضر الطعام لضيفهُ وقدم لهُ المأوىَ. He brought food to his guest and provided him shelter. He brought food to his guest and gave him shelter. لن تعرف قيمة الشيء حتى تفقده. You never realize the value of something till you lose it. You won't know the value of something until you lose it. أحتاج طابعاً بريدياً. I need to get a stamp. I need a stamp. إنعدان الطعام أضحت به ضعيفاً ومنهكاً. Lack of food had left him weak and exhausted. The food is weak and exhausted. حصل الطلاب على منحة دراسية قيمتها 15,000 يورو لرحلة العودة ومصاريفهم اليومية. The students receive a 15,000 euro scholarship for their return trip and daily expenses. Students received a scholarship of 15,000 euros for their return trip and daily expenses. ذهب أبي إلى الصين. My father has gone to China. My father went to China. هل لي بكأس ماء؟ May I have a glass of water? Can I have a glass of water? كان سامي يعلم أنّ تلك النّافذة لا تُقفل. Sami knew the window didn't lock. Sammy knew that window wouldn't close. تقدر تهدر عشرا لوغات. She is able to speak ten languages. You can waste ten lugs. منّاد يتفهّم الوضع. Mennad understands. Manad understands the situation. هل تعرف ماذا يعني عندما يهدي الرجل المرأة خاتماً؟ Do you know what it means when a man presents a ring to a woman? Do you know what it means when a man gives a woman a ring? سوف تكون مهمتك تدريب الموظفين على نظام الكمبيوتر الجديد. Your task will be to train the employees on the new computer system. Your task will be to train employees on the new computer system. أنا أحد الرجال الصالحين. I'm one of the good guys. I'm one of the good guys. تقول أنها تحب الأزهار. She says that she likes flowers. She says she likes flowers. بدا سامي عاديّا جدّا. Fadil appeared completely normal. Sammy looked so ordinary. ستنطلق الحافلة بعد خمس دقائق. The bus leaves in five minutes. The bus leaves in five minutes. توم و ماري يقولون بانهم لم يفعلوا ذلك ابدا. Tom and Mary say they never did that. Tom and Mary say they never did. مرّر إليّ الزبدة إذا سمحت. Pass me the butter, please. Pass me the butter, please. إستخدم رأسك! Use your head! Use your head! السفر للفضاء سيكون شائعا في المستقبل . Space travel will be commonplace some time in the future. Space travel will be common in the future. أوافقه الرأي. I agree with his opinion. I agree. كولّ واحد عندو ديكاليتي او ديفابلاس. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. One col at Decacity or Devaplas. لتوم ندب على وجهه. Tom has a scar on his face. Tom has a scar on his face. أرسل فاضل رسائلا لليلى. Sami sent Layla letters. Fadel sent messages to Lilly. توم لا يحب الأشخاص الذين يغضبون بسهولة. Tom doesn't like people who get angry easily. Tom doesn't like people who get angry easily. توم بيسبح بسرعة أوي. Tom swims very fast. Tom swims fast. هؤلاء الطلاب كورييون. Those students are Korean. These students are Korean. كان سامي في قسمي. Sami was in my class. Sammy was in my department. تلاقيت بيهُم في زوج في بلاد القبايل و جوّزنا نْهار شْبَابْ. I met both of them in Kabylie and we all had a great day. I met them in a couple in the tribal lands and we were jockeyed by a young man. كانت مشغولة بإنهاء واجباتها. She was busy doing her homework. She was busy finishing her homework. كانت ليلى معلّمة في مدرسة الأحد. Layla was a Sunday school teacher. Leila was a Sunday school teacher. أعطني المفتاح. Give me the key. Give me the key. ليست لديّ أوشام. I don't have tattoos. I don't have tattoos. لن يسيء لكم أحد. Nobody is going to hurt you. No one will offend you. عندي مفاجأة لفاضل بمناسبة نهاية الأسبوع الّتي تزامنت مع عيد الشّكر. This Thanksgiving weekend, I have a surprise for Fadil. I have a surprise for Fadel for the weekend that coincided with Thanksgiving. دائماً ما يلبس القمصان الزرقاء. He always wears blue shirts. He always wears blue shirts. اليابان قريبة إلى الصين. Japan is close to China. Japan is close to China. زين. Good. Zane. لا أعلم I don't know. Don't know. لم اكن اعرفها في ذلك الوقت. I didn't know her at that time. I didn't know her at the time. يريد توم اللقاء بي. Tom wants to meet me. Tom wants to meet me. تسبّب الكساد الكبير في زيادة حادّة في معدّل الجريمة. The Great Depression triggered a great surge in crime. The Great Depression caused a sharp increase in crime. أصبحت صديق توم. I became Tom's friend. I became Tom's friend. إلى أين أنت ذاهبٌ يا أبي؟ Where are you going, Dad? Where are you going, Dad? كان سامي شرطيّا غير صادق. Sami was a crooked cop. Sammy was an untruthful cop. ذهبت أمي إلى السوق. Mother has gone to the market. My mom went to the market. لم يأتِ بعد. He hasn't come yet. He's not here yet. أنا أتتطلع لحفلة عيد القديسيين خاصتك. I'm looking forward to your Halloween party. I'm looking forward to your Halloween party. هي أكسل من أعرف. She is the laziest person I know. She's Axl I know. سَقْسيتو إذا كمّل يصبغ البِيت. I asked him whether he had finished painting the room. Succeed if the whole house dyes. عند دخولي إلى الغرفة كان مستغرقاً في قراءة كتاب. When I entered his room, he was reading a book. When I came into the room, he was reading a book. أكل توم شطيرة ماري. Tom ate Mary's sandwich. Tom ate Mary's sandwich. سامي يحبّ موسيقى الكاونتري. Sami loves country music. Sammy loves country music. إننا نواجه أزمة ضخمة. We are facing a violent crisis. We are facing a huge crisis. منينك؟ Where are you from? Minnick? "هل هذا فتى أو فتاة؟" "اسأله". "Is that a boy or a girl?" "Ask them." "Is that a boy or a girl?" "Ask him." أفضّل الموت على ذلك. I'd rather die than do that. I'd rather die. جميع زملاء صفّي خارج المدينة. All of my roommates are out of town. All my classmates are out of town. كانت ليلى تتكلّم العربيّة لكنّها كانت أمريكيّة. Layla spoke Arabic but was American. Leyla spoke Arabic, but she was American. سؤال جيد. It's a good question. Good question. إن الذين ينسون كل شيء سعداء. Those who forget everything are happy. Those who forget are happy. لمَ لا نأكل طعام الغداء معاً؟ Why don't we have lunch together? Why don't we have lunch together? هناك الكثير من الحيوانات في الحديقة. There are lots of animals in the park. There are a lot of animals in the park. لدي شعور أنه محق. I have a feeling he is right. I have a feeling he's right. بإمكان سامي إصلاح هذه النّافذة. Sami can fix this window. Sammy can fix this window. بعض الأطعمة تسبب لي الحساسية. Some foods cause me an allergic reaction. Some foods make me allergic. بإمكاننا المسامحة، لكن من المستحيل أن ننسى. We can forgive, but forgetting, it's impossible. We can forgive, but it's impossible to forget. لا يزال سامي معجبا بليلى. Sami still likes Layla. Sammy still likes Lily. أهلا حبيبي! هذا أنا، ليلى. إنّي بخير و أنا عائدة إلى المنزل. أحبّك، حبيبي. إلى اللّقاء. Hi, honey! It's me, Layla. I'm safe and I'm coming home. Love you, honey. Bye. Hey, baby, it's me, Lily. I'm fine coming home. I love you, baby. Bye. البدانة مرض العصر. Obesity is the most common disease these days. Obesity is the disease of the age. بدأ سامي يصوم. Sami started fasting. Sammy began to fast. هادا لقط ديالي. That's my cat. Aim to pick up Dially. نييّا حاجا شابا. Innocence is a beautiful thing. Neya Haja is young. غزّة هي أكبر سجن في العالم. Gaza is the biggest prison on Earth. Gaza is the largest prison in the world. غيري العلم، لو سمحت. Change the flag, please. Change the flag, please. كان سامي يعيش حياة سعيدة في القاهرة. Sami had a happy life in Cairo. Sami was living a happy life in Cairo. انتظر سامي حتّى عادت ليلى. Sami waited until Layla got back. Sammy waited until Lily came back. لقط ديالي ينبح. My cat barks. Diyala's cat is barking. أنا اؤمن بالله. I believe in God. I believe in God. لم يقترح طبيب سامي أيّ علاج خاص. Sami's doctor didn't suggest any special treatment. Sammy's doctor didn't suggest any special treatment. بدأوا واحداً تلو الآخر. They started one after another. They started one by one. كان غرض الرسالة هو إخبارها أنه كان مريضا. The letter was to let her know that he had been ill. The purpose of the letter was to tell her that he was ill. تعجبني شجاعتك. I admire your courage. I like your courage. تديپاندي علا لكۆنتكست. It depends on the context. Tdevandi at Kintext. هل لحقت بالقطار؟ Did you catch the train? Did you catch the train? لم يسبق لنا و أن قمنا بهذا من قبل. We have never done it before. We've never done this before. إنّ صوت ليلى يتناسب حقّا مع وجهها. Layla's voice really matches her face. Lily's voice really fits her face. كانت تكره مدرّسها في الرّياضيّات. She hated her math teacher. She hated her math teacher. "سامحني." "و ماذا عليّ أن أسامح؟" "Forgive me." "What do I have to forgive?" "Forgive me." "And what should I forgive?" ربما علينا جلب توم معنا. Maybe we should take Tom with us. Maybe we should bring Tom with us. تقاعدت السنة الماضية. I retired last year. I retired last year. مات سامي بحادثة. Sami died accidentally. Sammy died in an accident. أريد أن تروي لي كلّ ما حدث. I want you to tell me everything that happened. I want you to tell me everything that happened. خسروا من جديد. They lost again. They lost again. جمع خيل هو خيول. The plural of horse is horses. Collecting horses is horses. إنه لا يقصد أن يعامل الآخرين بقسوة. إنها طبيعته فحسب. He doesn't mean to be mean. It's just his nature. He doesn't mean to treat others too harshly. توم يعلم أنه بإمكانه فعلها. Tom knows he can do it. Tom knows he can do it. نقل سامي ليلى إلى العيادة. Sami took Layla down to the clinic. Sammy Leyla was taken to the clinic. لا تنادي مثليي الجنس "شواذ" Don't ever call gays "fags". Don't call gays "gay." من المحتمل أن تكون ليلى قد ماتت الآن. Layla is probably dead now. Lily is probably dead by now. لم أندم أبدا على أي شيء فعلته. I never regretted anything I did. I never regretted anything I did. أطلقت ليلى النّار على سامي لإنقاذ حياتها. Layla shot Sami to save her life. Laila shot Sammy to save her life. أنا في المطار الآن. I'm at the airport now. I'm at the airport now. سأفعلها بنفسي. I'll do it myself. I'll do it myself. اصطدمت سيّارة سامي بمظلة موقف للحافلة. Sami's car crashed into a bus shelter. Sammy's car collided with a bus parking umbrella. لن أنساهم أبدا. I'll never forget them. I'll never forget them. قابلها عندما كان في أمريكا. He met her while in the U.S. He met her when he was in America. التقيت بها في طريقي إلی المنزل I met her on my way home. I met her on the way home. سنتعلم الأبجدية في هذا الدرس. We'll learn the alphabet in this lesson. We will learn the alphabet in this lesson. البرازيل تتالف من ستة و عشرين ولاية. Brazil is comprised of twenty-six states. Brazil is made up of 26 states. لَيسَ العِلْمُ خَيالاً. Science is not fantasy. It's not science. أنا لا أغني. I do not sing. I don't sing. يعجبه أن يغني في حوض الاستحمام. He likes to sing in the bathtub. He likes to sing in the bathtub. انا اترقب زيارتك خلال العطلة الصيفية . I'm looking forward to your visit during summer vacation. I look forward to your visit during the summer holidays. قرأت كتابك. I read your book. I read your book. وجدت هذا الخاتم في الشارع هذا الصباح I found this ring on the street this morning. I found this ring on the street this morning. طلب سامي من الرّبّ أن يسامحه. Sami asked the Lord to forgive him. Sammy asked God to forgive him. لست جاهزاً بعد. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. قد يبدو أحياناً شاباً غريباً. Sometimes he can be a strange guy. He may sometimes seem like a strange young man. الأطفال يحبون الاستماع إلى القصص الخيالية. The children love listening to fairy tales. Kids love to listen to fairy tales. هذا بسببي. I caused this. It's because of me. لا يبدو أنه يفهم ما تقوله له. He does not seem to be able to catch on to what she is saying. He doesn't seem to understand what you're saying to him. أنا على القائمة. I'm on the list. I'm on the list. من ذلك الشخص؟ Who is this person? Who's that guy? لا يعرف توم كيف يستريح ويستمتع بحياته. Tom doesn't know how to relax and just enjoy life. Tom doesn’t know how to rest and enjoy his life. من فضلك, صحِح لي, عندما أُخطيء. Please correct me when I make a mistake. Please, correct me, when I'm wrong. شكراً لقدومك لزيارتنا. Thanks for coming over tonight. Thank you for coming to visit. لم يتمكّن المحقّقون من إيجاد من أطلق النّار. Investigators couldn't find who pulled the trigger. Investigators couldn't find the shooter. هل بإمكانك معرفة عمري؟ Can you guess my age? Can you tell my age? دعونا ننسى هذا. Let's forget about this. Let's forget this. أدركت الآن أنني عبثت. I realize I messed up. Now I realize I messed up. انا بشغل معك. I work with you. I'm busy with you. مجدداً. Once again. Again. قتلت ليلى ابنها. Layla murdered her own child. Lily killed her son. هل لديكِ أيّة دروس هذه الظّهيرة؟ Do you have any classes this afternoon? Do you have any lessons this afternoon? سامي هو من تسبّب بحملي منه و الآن لا أريد أن أكون حاضنته البشريّة. Sami got me pregnant but I don't want to be his human incubator. Sammy's the one who got me pregnant, and now I don't want to be his human incubator. لم يرد سامي أن يقول أيّ شيء. Sami didn't want to say anything. Sammy didn't want to say anything. هذا أمر جديد بالنسبة لي. It's news to me. This is new to me. رأى سامي ليلى في العيادة. Sami saw Layla at the clinic. Sammy saw Layla at the clinic. لا لست نعساناً. No, I'm not sleepy. No, I'm not sleepy. حاول أن يكتب قصةً قصيرةً. He tried writing a short story. Try to write a short story. ما هدفك الحقيقي؟ What's your real purpose? What's your real purpose? سنحتاج مساعدتك. We'll be needing your help. We'll need your help. سيدني هي أكبر مدينة في استراليا. Sydney is the largest city in Australia. Sydney is the largest city in Australia. انا احبك I love you. I love you. لم يقتلني أحد بعد. Nobody's killed me yet. Nobody's killed me yet. أحيك كل يوم. I knit every day. I knit every day. هل تملكنَ لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على هواتفكنّ؟ Do you girls have the berber keyboard on your phones? Do you have the Amazigh keypad on your phones? تقدر تسنّا شويّا. Can you wait a bit? You can tsn shui. هل أنت غير مشغول غداً؟ Are you free tomorrow? Are you free tomorrow? أنا متأكد. I am sure. I'm sure. الكوب مليء بالحليب. The glass is full of milk. The cup is full of milk. تحصّل منّاد على المساعدة. Mennad got help. Get a caller for help. أنا من النرويج. I am from Norway. I'm from Norway. يا لوقاحتك! How rude of you! How rude of you! وسادة منّاد مبلّلة جدّا. Mennad's pillow is soaking wet. A very wet pillow. سألته إلى أي مكان هو ذاهب. I asked him where he was going. I asked him where he was going. كما أنني فخور بنقل أطيب مشاعر الشعب الأمريكي لكم مقرونة بتحية السلام من المجتعات المحلية المسلمة في بلدي: السلام عليكم I am also proud to carry with me the goodwill of the American people, and a greeting of peace from Muslim communities in my country: assalaamu alaykum. I am also proud to convey to you the best feelings of the American people, coupled with the greeting of peace from the Muslim communities of my country: واش تخّدمي؟ What's your occupation? My service snitch? ولكنهُ كان محظوظاً. But he was lucky. But he was lucky. التقطلي صورة. Take a picture of me. Take a picture. الدخول للموظفين فقط. Admittance to staff members only. Entry is for staff only. لأنك قلت ذلك. Since you say so. Because you said so. كيفَ سأسدد ديونى الآن؟ How will I pay my debts now? How am I gonna pay my debts now? إنها غاضبة. She's outraged. She's angry. قال الصائب: "أعلم،" بينما جلب لنفسه علبةً جديدةً من الفانتا. "هذا أمر جدي. إذن، لم اتصلت؟" "I know," said Al-Sayib, getting a new bottle of Fanta. "This is serious business. So why'd you call?" The right one said, "I know," while he brought himself a new can of vanta. "That's serious. So, why did you call?" كانت ليلى فتاة مشهورة في الثّانويّة. Layla was a popular girl in high school. Lily was a famous girl in high school. على سامي تنظيف هذه الفوضى. Sami has to clean up this mess. Sammy has to clean up this mess. شميت وحدة. I smelled one. Schmidt Unit. هذه الكلمة كانت تعني شيء في الأيّام السّابقة, لكن اليوم تعني شيء آخر. The word meant one thing not long ago, but it means something else now. That word used to mean something back in the day, but today it means something else. أنا أعتقد أن الحب غير موجود. I think love doesn't exist. I think love doesn't exist. ليس متاحاً. He is not available. Not available. نسي سامي موعده مع ليلى. Sami forgot the appointment with Layla. Sammy forgot his date with Lily. أنت طويل و لكنه أطول. You are tall, but he is still taller. You're taller, but taller. أنا سألت توم بعض الأسئلة. I asked Tom a few questions. I asked Tom some questions. عاش توم في بوسطن لمدة طويلة. Tom has lived in Boston for a long time. Tom lived in Boston for a long time. هل يداك نظيفتان؟ Are your hands clean? Are your hands clean? إن الكلب أبيض. The dog is white. The dog is white. أصبحت الحيوانات المفترسة محصورة في جيوب معزولة من الأرض. Big predators became confined to isolated pockets of land. Predators became confined to isolated pockets of land. لا تنجو أقوى الأنواع، ولا أذكاها، بل أكثرها استجابةً للتغيير. It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. The strongest species do not survive, nor the brightest, but the most responsive to change. التّين يقلّل الإجهاد. Figs reduce stress. Figs reduce stress. باختصار شديد، هي ربحت و أنا خسرت. To cut a long story short - she won and I lost. In short, she won and I lost. في أي عام ولدت؟ What year were you born? What year were you born? كان يجب أن تكون في الحفلة الليلة الماضية. كان هناك الكثير من المتعة. You should have been at the party last night. It was a lot of fun. You should have been at the party last night. اعترف سامي بذلك. Sami admitted that. Sammy admitted it. ارجعها عندما تنتهى. Return it when you are done. Give it back when you're done. هذا الكتاب صعب الفهم This book is difficult to understand. This book is hard to understand. لا الطّلبة و لا المدرّسين ينبغي أن يتوقّفوا عن التّعلّم. Neither students nor teachers should ever stop learning. Neither the students nor the teachers should stop learning. تدفأت علي النار . She warmed herself by the fire. I got warmed up. هل تتذكرنا؟ Do you remember us? Do you remember us? هل تعرف كم عمر السيدة نكانو؟ Do you know how old Miss Nakano is? Do you know how old Mrs. Nakano is? بقيت في المنزل اليلة الفائتة. I stayed at home last night. I stayed home last night. بغية الاختباء من الشرطة، قضى "ديما" الليلة في سلة قمامة. Hiding from the police, Dima spent the night in a dumpster. In order to hide from the police, Dima spent the night in a garbage can. هذا سؤال صعب. That's a hard question to answer. That's a tough question. تهدر سبنيوليّا؟ Do you speak Spanish? You're wasting Spinolia? المكتب مكسور. This desk is broken. The office is broken. صداقتك تعني لي الكثير. Your friendship means a lot to me. Your friendship means a lot to me. تغيّرت حياتي بشكل هام. My life has changed quite a lot. My life has changed significantly. يمثل إدراك أوجه الإنسانية المشتركة فيما بيننا بطبيعة الحال مجرد البداية لمهمتنا. Of course, recognizing our common humanity is only the beginning of our task. Understanding our common humanity is, of course, just the beginning of our mission. ربّما ستتعلّم درسا من ذلك. Maybe you'll learn a lesson from this. Maybe you'll learn a lesson from that. أنا متعب و لا أستطيع مواصلة السير. I am too tired to walk any more. I'm tired and I can't keep walking. هذه ليست صورة سامي. This isn't Sami's picture. That's not Sammy's picture. خسر سامي اللّعبة في نهاية الأمر. Sami ended up losing the game. Sammy eventually lost the game. كم يبعد المطار عن هنا؟ How far is it to the airport? How far is the airport from here? اكتشف العلماء أنواعا جديدة من الدينصورات. Scientists have discovered a new species of dinosaur. Scientists have discovered new species of dinosaurs. تحدثت ماري باليابانية ببطئ. Mary spoke Japanese slowly. Mary spoke slowly in Japanese. توم أقترحَ هذا. Tom suggested it. Tom suggested this. ربّما أتى إلى هنا كي يقابل ليلى. Maybe he came here to see Layla. Maybe he came here to meet Lily. أنت أدنى مني منزلة. You are inferior to me. You're inferior to me. اتّصل سامي بصديق كي يصطحبه. Sami called a friend to pick him up. Sammy called a friend to pick him up. لا أمانع في كلتا الحالتين. I don't mind either way. I don't mind either way. قرأت إيميلي هذا الكتاب. Emily read this book. Emily read this book. التلوث يضر كوكبنا. Pollution is damaging our earth. Pollution is damaging our planet. قرّر فاضل أن يتابع دروسا في العربيّة. Fadil decided to take an Arabic class. Fadel decided to take classes in Arabic. أتذهب إلى المدرسة بالحافلة؟ Do you go to school by bus? You go to school by bus? ليس جميع نساء العالم يتمنون أن يكونوا أمّهات. Not every woman in this world wishes to be a mom. Not all women in the world want to be mothers. الملل شائع . Boredom is commonplace. Bored is common. كي نكبر، حايب نولّي صلطان. When I grow up, I want to be a king. To grow up, Haib Noli Siltan. لم يشعر سامي بالرّاحة. Sami felt bad. Sammy did not feel comfortable. متى ذهبت إلى هناك؟ When did you go there? When did you go there? سيأخذ هذا وقتا طويلا. This will take a lot of time. This is gonna take forever. هل لي أن أذهب للسباحة يا أمي؟ Can I go swimming, Mother? Can I go swimming, Mom? شرب سامي. Sami drank. Sammy's drinking. انا لست عدوك. انا صديقك. I'm not your enemy. I'm your friend. I'm not your enemy, I'm your friend. تلك هي الخطوة الأولى. That is the first step. That's the first step. لم يسمع فاضل من ليلى. Sami didn't hear from Layla. I haven't heard from Lily. كان سامي بحاجة إلى المال. Sami needed money. Sammy needed the money. أراد سامي أن تعطيه ليلى المزيد من المال. Sami wanted Layla to give him more money. Sammy wanted to give him more money. غطست في المسبح. She dived into the swimming pool. I dived into the pool. لم أعلم بأنه كان على توم فعل ذلك بنفسه. I didn't know Tom had to do that by himself. I didn't know Tom had to do it himself. وُلد ابن ليلى في هذه العيادة. Layla's baby was born in this clinic. Laila's son was born in this clinic. يعجبني جهلك. I admire your ignorance. I like your ignorance. اتّصلت ليلى بالأمن. Layla called security. Lily called security. لم يكن لديّ أيّ شيء آخر أفعله. I had nothing else to do. I had nothing else to do. تكات ساعتي المنبهة عالية جداً. My alarm clock's ticking is too loud. My alarm clock ticks too high. يمكن لسامي أن يغادر. Sami can leave. Sammy can leave. أنت رجل صبور. You're a patient man. You're a patient man. هذا البيت ليس لي. This house is not mine. This house isn't mine. أعطني الملح من فضلك. The salt, if you please. Give me the salt, please. كان فاضل زوج ليلى الرّابع. Fadil was Layla's husband number four. He was Laila's fourth husband. هل افتقدتني؟ Did you miss me? Did you miss me? اتركني وحيدا Leave me alone Leave me alone. كانت ليلى تريد الطّلاق. Layla wanted a divorce. Lily wanted a divorce. إنه يركلني!! He's kicking me! He's kicking me! رجاء، ارفع صوتك. Speak louder, please. Please, speak up. هل ذكر أحد إسمي؟ Did somebody mention my name? Has anyone mentioned my name? ليس هناك أي غيوم في السماء. There's not a cloud in the sky. There are no clouds in the sky. أنت لم تقم بغسل يديك إلي الآن ،أليس كذلك؟ You haven't washed your hands yet, have you? You haven't washed your hands yet, have you? قفز فاضل إلى العمل. Fadil jumped into action. Fadel jumped to work. بالمناسبة، كم ولداً سيذهب؟ By the way, how many kids are going? By the way, how many kids are going? كان سامي يدرّس العربيّة في مدرسة مسيحيّة. Sami taught Arabic at a Christian school. Sami used to teach Arabic in a Christian school. كانت دانية مسحورة. Dania was hooked. Dania was enchanted. ليس لدي وقت لأنهي فروضي. I have no time to do my homework. I don't have time to finish my homework. لم تستحق ليلى أن تموت. Layla didn't deserve to die. Lily didn't deserve to die. كان سامي يشاهد. Sami watched. Sammy was watching. كانت ليلى بين الموت و الحياة. Layla was barely clinging to life. Lily was between death and life. جلس سامي مجدّدا. Sami sat back down. Sammy sat down again. شعر سامي بالسّلام. Sami felt peace. Sammy felt at peace. بدى ذلك العمل سهلا جدا، لكني استغرقت فيه أسبوعا. The job looked quite simple, but it took me a week. It seemed so easy, but it took me a week. كان فاضل فردا محترما جدّا عند أهل البلدة. Fadil was a highly regarded member of the community. Fadel was a very respected individual among the people of the town. صنع يانّي قليلا من مربّى التّين. Yanni made some fig jam. Yanni made a little fig jam. أأنت من نظّم الحفلة؟ Are you the one who organized this party? You organized the party? سألعب كرة المضرب غداً. I am going to play tennis tomorrow. I'm playing tennis tomorrow. سيستوجب عليها أن تنتظره. She'll have to wait for him. She'll have to wait for him. كانت تلبس بلوزة حمراء وتنورة بيضاء She was clothed in a red blouse and white skirt. She was wearing a red blouse and a white skirt. انا لا أحتاج لنقودك. انا فقط احتاج لوقتك. I don't need your money. I just need your time. I don't need your money. أحتاج قطا واحدا فقط. I need only one cat. I only need one cat. كانت ليلى عالمة آثار شرعيّة. Layla was a forensic archaeologist. Lily was a forensic archaeologist. إنها تسأل كيف هذا ممكن. She's asking how that's possible. She's asking how that's possible. لقد فقدت حذائي في الحريق. I lost my shoe in the fire. I lost my shoes in the fire. هناك ستون ثانية في الدقيقة. There are sixty seconds in a minute. There are sixty seconds in a minute. النشالون يستهدفون السياح . Pickpockets target tourists. Fans are targeting tourists. سأزورك بنفسي. I'll personally visit you. I'll visit you myself. أين بيتك؟ Where is your house? Where's your house? لا يزال فاضل يتمتّع بحياته إلى حدّ أقصى. Fadil still lives life to the fullest. Fadhel is still enjoying his life to the maximum. دفعني سامي. Sami pushed me. Sammy pushed me. مزّق سامي الرّسالة. Sami tore the letter into pieces. Sammy tore up the message. رأيت رجلاً يتّجه نحوي. I saw a man coming toward me. I saw a man coming at me. تأسست الشركة برأس مال يبلغ 100.000 دولار. The company was started with $100,000 in capital. The company was founded with a capital of $100,000. كان الجرو يلحس خدّها. The puppy licked her cheek. The puppy was licking her cheek. أريد أن أعرف من سيأتي معنا. I want to know who is coming with us. I want to know who's coming with us. أبدا. Never. Never. لن يروق لك ما سأقول. You're not going to like what I'm going to say. You won't like what I'm saying. نحتاج إلى سيارة. We need a car. We need a car. أيها الناس! أيها الناس، لو سمحتم! شكرًا على حضوركم. Everybody! Everybody, please! Thank you for coming. People, please, thank you for coming. ولي العهد هو من يرث العرش. The crown prince is the one who is to succeed to the throne. The Crown Prince inherits the throne. من ذلك الرجل الذي يعزف على البيانو؟ Who is the man playing the piano? Who's that guy playing the piano? سأقرر. I'll decide. I'll decide. بلا شك أنت السبّاح الأفضل بيننا. You are undoubtedly the best swimmer among us. No doubt you're the best swimmer among us. من تلك المرأة التي ترتدي فستاناً وردياً؟ Who is the woman dressed in pink? Who's that woman in the pink dress? عانق سامي ليلى. Sami gave Layla a hug. He hugged Sammy Layla. هذه الفكرة ليست منطقية. This idea is not rational. That idea doesn't make sense. بقى عمرها واحد و تمنين. She turned eighty-one. She's only one year old. إنها تمطر. It's raining. It's raining. دعني أساعدك في عملك. Let me help you with your work. Let me help you with your work. العربيه صعبه Arabic is difficult! Arabic is hard. لماذا تعتقد أنّ كلّ المسلمين إرهابيّين؟ Why do you believe that all Muslims are terrorists? Why do you think all Muslims are terrorists? لم يسمح لنا البستاني بالمشي على العشب. The gardener didn't let us walk on the grass. The gardener wouldn't let us walk on the grass. الجو حار جداً في جنوب اسبانيا في فصل الصيف. In the summer it's very hot in southern Spain. It is very hot in southern Spain in the summer. أعتقد أنه سيصبح غنياً يوماً ما. I believe he is going to be rich one day. I think he's gonna be rich someday. لم لا تأكل خضاراً؟ Why don't you eat vegetables? Why don't you eat a vegetable? بخصوص هذه المسألة، أنا راض تماما. So far as this matter is concerned, I am completely satisfied. On this issue, I am completely satisfied. لأجلِ صداقتنا For our friendship! For our friendship. شكرا يا رفاق. Thank you, guys. Thanks, guys. أنا بخاف م الزلازل. I'm afraid of earthquakes. I'm afraid of earthquakes. مارانيش خايف من الرّتايل. I'm not scared of spiders. Maranesh is scared of the style. هذا كتاب للقراءة. This is a book to read. This is a book to read. اليابان قريبة من الصين. Japan is close to China. Japan is close to China. كان سامي ذاهبا إلى القاهرة كي يمضي بعض الأيّام مع ليلى. Sami was going to Cairo to spend a few days with Layla. Sami was going to Cairo to spend some days with Layla. البارَح كانْ نْهارْ شْبَابْ. It was a beautiful day yesterday. Yesterday was a runaway youth. أريد تعلم الإنجليزية. I want to learn English. I want to learn English. هل تسمحين لي أن أمسك يدك؟ May I hold your hand? May I hold your hand? غمست اصبعي في العسل. I dipped my finger into the honey. I dipped my finger in honey. ينبغي على سامي أن ينتظر. Sami should wait. Sammy has to wait. إن كنت في مشكل، فسأساعدك. I would help you if you were in trouble. If you're in trouble, I'll help you. آمل أنّ سامي محقّ. I hope Sami is right. I hope Sammy's right. منعني أبواي من مقابلة توم مرة أخرى. My parents didn't allow me to see Tom again. My parents prevented me from meeting Tom again. دهست شاحنة كلبنا. Our dog was run over by a truck. I ran over our dog truck. يجب ألا تتحدث بصوت عالٍ. You must not speak loudly. You shouldn't talk too loud. إنه لطيف. He is nice. He's cute. ظلت جريمة القتل لغزاً. The murder remains a mystery. The murder remained a mystery. عليك أخذ استراحة. You need to take a break. You should take a break. ما زال ذراعي يؤلمني. My arm still hurts. My arm still hurts. أنتم طلبة جدد. You are new students. You're new students. لا تؤخر إلى الغد ما يمكن أن تؤخر إلى بعد غد. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. Don't delay until tomorrow what you can delay until the day after tomorrow. كان سامي يتربّص في الشّاطئ و يبحث عن ضحيّة. Sami was stalking the beach, looking for a victim. Sammy was lurking on the beach looking for a victim. سام ، ما الذي تفعله؟ Sam, what are you doing? Sam, what are you doing? تحدثتُ مع توم حول مشاعري. I talked to Tom about my feelings. I talked to Tom about my feelings. أنت في أوروبا! You're in Europe! You're in Europe! هو لا يريد الدراسة اليوم. He doesn't want to study today. He doesn't want to study today. كان فاضل مصري الأصل و كان يعمل بجدّ. Fadil came from Egypt and he worked hard. Fadel was Egyptian in origin and worked hard. ساعدني في حمل هذا إلى الأسفل من فضلك. Please help me take this down. Help me carry this down, please. استدار المدرّس. The teacher turned around. The teacher turned around. فرك الجرح بالملح. Rub salt in the wound. Rub the wound with salt. تفضل بالدخول Come inside. Come on in. إنتحرت. She took her own life. She killed herself. كان إطلاق سراح سامي مقرّرا. Sami was scheduled for release. Sammy's release was decided. ليس هذا ما أردت إخبارك عنه. That's not what I wanted to tell you. That's not what I wanted to tell you. دعونا ننقسم إلى فرق. Let's split up into teams. Let's split up into teams. انتحرت ليلى. Layla committed suicide. Lily committed suicide. خطير جداً بالنسبة لكَ أن تكون هنا. It's too dangerous for you to stay here. Too dangerous for you to be here. هل أنت غاضب؟ Are you mad? Are you angry? استجمع توم ما يكفي من الشجاعة لطلب علاوة . Tom summoned up enough courage to ask for a raise. Tom mustered up enough courage to ask for a raise. بدا على نانسي التعب. Nancy looks tired. Nancy looked tired. هذه الفتاة كانت دائماً جيدة ومُطيعة. This girl was always good and dutiful. This girl was always good and obedient. سلوكه يشعرني بالغثيان. His behavior makes me sick. His behavior makes me sick. ذهبت لوري للأكل في مطعمها المفضّل. Laurie went to her favourite restaurant to eat. Lori went to eat at her favorite restaurant. أنا لست سعيداً. I'm not happy. I'm not happy. في أي وقت تخرج من عملك؟ What time do you leave your work? What time do you get out of work? صدرت مذكّرات توقيف ضدّ ليلى. Layla had warrants for her arrest. Arrest warrants were issued against Layla. اِجلس من فضلك. Sit down, please. Sit down, please. هل نحن مستعدون للذهاب Are we good to go? Are we ready to go? لا أحد فسّر ما كان يقوم به فاضل هناك. No one explained what Fadil was doing there. No one explained what Fadel was doing there. أنا مستعد. I'm ready. I'm ready. فلنسألها عندما تعود إلى المنزل. Let's ask her when she gets back home. Let's ask her when she gets home. أنا أتعلم اللغة التشيكية. I learn Czech. I am learning Czech. لماذا السماء زرقاء؟ Why is the sky blue? Why is the sky blue? قومي بزيارتنا غداً. Visit us tomorrow. Visit us tomorrow. لم يُسمح لباية أن تكون في ذلك المنزل. Baya wasn't permitted to be in that house. A building wasn't allowed in that house. يجب أن يبقى سامي مع ليلى. Sami should stay with Layla. Sammy has to stay with Lily. آسف على الإزعاج. Sorry for the inconvenience. Sorry to bother you. عاصمة أسبانيا هي مدريد. Madrid is the capital of Spain. The capital of Spain is Madrid. أعط هذا الكتاب لتوم Give this book to Tom. Give this book to Tom. كان سامي يحبّ مساعدة النّاس. Sami liked to help people. Sammy liked to help people. تَعْجبنا نَفس الموسيقى. We like the same music. We like the same music. لا يملك سامي الحقّ في فعل هذا. Sami doesn't have the right to do that. Sammy has no right to do this. كان سامي بحاجة لمقوّم أسنان. Sami needed braces for his teeth. Sammy needed a braces. ينبغي أن تتقيد بمبادئك. You should live up to your principles. You should stick to your principles. في البندقية , دائما هنالك الكثير من السياح . In Venice, there are always lots of tourists. In Venice, there's always a lot of tourists. أشاهد التلفاز. I am watching television. I watch TV. انتظر. عد إلى هنا. Wait. Come back. Wait, come back here. كان سامي يختلس النّظر عبر النّوافذ. Sami was peeping in the windows. Sammy was peeking through the windows. بدأ سامي الأكل. Sami started eating. Sam started eating. نظر سامي إلى باب ليلى. Sami looked at Layla's door. Sammy looked at Laila’s door. حاول أن يكتب أقصوصة. He tried writing a short story. He tried to write a story. توجّه سامي مباشرة إلى المنزل. Sami went straight home. Sammy went straight home. لا ينكسر البلاستيك بسهولة. Plastic does not break easily. Plastic does not break easily. لا أحد يتكلم معي. No one speaks with me. No one's talking to me. كانت مشغولة بأعمال البيت. She was busy with household work. She was busy with housework. فرش شقة جديدة يقتضي نفقات كبيرة. Furnishing a new apartment requires large expenses. A new apartment requires a large expense. اختصّ فاضل في الطّب الشّرعي للأطفال. Fadil specialized in pediatric forensic work. Fadel specializes in legitimate medicine for children. لا أحب مدرستي. I don't like my school. I don't like my school. أظنّ أنّه لدى سامي وقت لقائه في ال I think that Sami has got time to spend in jail. I think Sammy has time to meet him at the L.A. أين الكتب؟ Where is the book? Where are the books? أتى أخيرا. At last he came. He's finally here. كان لدى سامي كلب. Sami had a dog. Sam had a dog. هل يمكنك القدوم؟ Can you come? Can you come? أين اشتريت تلك القبّعة التي كنت ترتديها البارحة؟ Where did you buy that hat that you were wearing yesterday? Where did you buy that hat you were wearing yesterday? وجدت الشّرطة مسرحا لمجزرة فظيعة. Police encountered a scene of unspeakable carnage. The police found the scene of a terrible massacre. سأكون معك حالًا. I'll be right with you. I'll be right with you. شرب قرصين من الأسبرين كي يتخلص من زكامه. He took two tablets of aspirin to get rid of his cold. Drink two tablets of aspirin to get rid of the cold. انت حياتي. You are my life. You're my life. كان العديد من عمّال سامي مسلمون. Many of Sami's workers were Muslims. Many of Sammy's workers were Muslims. يجب أن تواجه الحقائق. You must face the facts. You have to face the facts. انتهيت للتوّ. Just finished it. Just finished. بعض الاطفال كانو يلعبون لعبة الصحن الطائر قرب البركة . Some children were playing frisbee near the pond. Some of the children were playing a flying saucer game near the pond. أجبته تلقائياً عندما سمعت اسمي. I replied automatically when I heard my name. I answered automatically when I heard my name. أعلن توم عن تقاعده. Tom announced he was retiring. Tom announced his retirement. إن القواقِم أسوأ عدوّ للطيور في نيوزلندا. Stoats are the worst enemy of birds in New Zealand. They are the worst enemy of birds in New Zealand. أنت تواعد طالبةً من كيئو، ألست كذلك؟ You're going out with a Keio student, aren't you? You're dating a Keio student, aren't you? في ماذا تفكر؟ What are you thinking about? What are you thinking? ليس من عادتنا فعل ذلك. We're not used to doing that. We don't usually do that. هي لم تأتِ لأن صديقها لم يأتِ She didn't go because her boyfriend didn't. She didn't come because her boyfriend didn't come. لّي ادوتي علا روحو، هادا سيني لّوّل تع لانتيلّلژانس. To have doubts about oneself is the first sign of intelligence. I have a gift for my soul, Hada Seni. قال فاضل لدانية أنّه يحبّها قبل أن يقفل الخطّ. Fadil told Dania he loved her before he hung up. Fadhel Ladany said he loved her before he hung up. عليك أن تنام. You should sleep. You need to sleep. يَڤْعَرْ! That's fucking cool. He's naked! سامح سامي ليلى. Sami forgave Layla. Forgive Sammy Layla. هاداك الراجل حبسوه على جال القتيلة. The man was imprisoned for murder. Hadak the man locked him in the victim's grave. ذهبت أيضاً. I also went. She's gone, too. دعني و شأني! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! ما علاباليش ايدا عندي لوقت. I don't know if I have the time. I haven't had any for a while. ليلى فتاة جميلة. Layla is a pretty girl. Lily's a beautiful girl. ماري عالمة في المصريات. Mary is an Egyptologist. Mary is an Egyptologist. اتلغى الإجتماع لأن ما فيش أمل إن الطرفين يوصلوا لإتفاق. The meeting was called off as there was no hope of agreement on either side. The meeting was called off because there was no hope that the two sides would reach an agreement. هل سبق لك و أن صلّيت في مسجد؟ Have you ever prayed in a mosque? Have you ever prayed in a mosque? وقع سامي في حبّ فتاة مسلمة اسمها ليلى. Sami fell in love with a Muslim girl named Layla. Sammy fell in love with a Muslim girl named Leila. وضع سامي كلّ هذا خلفه. Sami put all that behind him. Sammy put all this behind him. كان سامي يحبّ الرّياضيّات. Sami loved math. Sammy loved math. أحس الطفل بالأمان بين ذراعي أمه. That child felt secure in his mother's arms. The baby felt safe in his mother’s arms. هناك إحتمال أن تندلع الحرب. There's a possibility of war. There's a possibility of war. لم أيقظتني لتخبرني شيئًا بهذه الأهمية؟ الآن، لن أستطيع التركيز على عملي البتّة! Why did you wake me up to tell me something that big? Now, I'll never be able to concentrate on my work! Why did you wake me up to tell me something so important? لم يستطع توم أن يمنع دموعه. Tom couldn't hold back his tears. Tom couldn't stop his tears. كان سامي في صفّي. Sami was in my class. Sammy was in my class. وجد الدّكتور صادق الزّرنيخ في قياء ليلى. Dr. Sadiq found arsenic in Layla's vomit. Dr. Sadiq found the arsenic in Layla's vomit. أختلف معك. I disagree with you. I disagree. كان سامي يرمّم منزله. Sami was renovating his home. Sammy was renovating his house. هل وجدت كثيرا من الجزائريين في ألمانيا؟ Did you find a lot of Algerians in Germany? Have you found many Algerians in Germany? غرفتك انظف من غرفتي. Your room is cleaner than mine. Your room is cleaner than mine. يبدو أنّ المحقّقين اتّبعوا الاتّجاه الخطأ في تحقيقهم. The detectives may just be barking up the wrong tree. The investigators seem to have followed the wrong direction in their investigation. طوم رقيق بزّاف. Tom is very slim. Thom's a fluffy-crawler. بدأت أمها الصراخ. Her mother started shouting. Her mother started screaming. تمتعنا بالسباحة في النهر. We enjoyed swimming in the river. We enjoyed swimming in the river. كاد سامي أن يفقد وعيه. Sami almost fainted. Sammy almost lost consciousness. يمكنك أن تأخذ أحد الكتابين. You may take either of the two books. You can take one of the books. هلّا اقترحت مكانا جيدا لأكل الطعام الكوري؟ Can you recommend a good place to eat Korean food? Would you suggest a good place to eat Korean food? مات سامي. Sami died. Sammy's dead. يصّلي المسلمون دائما و هم متوجّهون نحو الكعبة. Muslims always pray facing toward Mecca. Muslims always pray as they head towards the Kaaba. كان سامي مهووسا بسرقة أغراض زملائه في الغرفة. Sami had some issues with stealing his roommates' things. Sammy was obsessed with stealing his roommate's stuff. وصل سامي إلى قاع الهاوية ماليّا. Sami hit rock bottom economically. Sami reached the bottom of the abyss financially. جِم مواطن كندي. Jim is Canadian. A Canadian citizen's body. و أنت أيضا You too. You too. لدى أمي ثلاثة كلاب. My mum has three dogs. My mom has three dogs. كان الهبوط متقنا. The landing was perfect. The landing was perfect. مانِيش باغي نتنافس مْعا حتى واحد. I don't want to compete with anybody. Manish Baghi is competing with even one. لم يسكن توم في بوسطن العام الماضي. Tom didn't live in Boston last year. Tom didn't live in Boston last year. أنهى سامي عمله. Sami finished his work. Sammy finished his work. إنهُ صغير جداً. He's so young. It's too small. لماذا لا يمكنك القدوم؟ Why can't you come? Why can't you come? فتّشت الشّرطة حاوية النّفايات التي كانت خلف مكتب سامي. Police searched the dumpster behind Sami's office. The police searched the trash can behind Sammy's desk. أين المحطة؟ Where is the station? Where's the station? إنه سهل جدا. It's as easy as pie. It's too easy. علينا اخباره. We've got to tell him. We have to tell him. قالت أن عمرها عشرين سنة لكن هذا غير صحيح. She said she was twenty years old, which was not true. She said she was 20 years old, but that's not true. وكأنني كنت أحدث الحائط It's like I was talking to a wall. It's like I was banging on a wall. كلامه واعماله متاناقضان. His words and deeds do not match. His words and deeds are contrary. لأنني أحبك. Because I love you. Because I love you. هؤلاء الذين لا يردنا الذهاب، لا ضرورة لهم الذهاب. Those who do not wish to go need not go. Those who don't want us to go, don't have to go. يرجى تَفَهُم أنه في ظل هذه الظروف ، ليس لدينا أي خيار سوى البحث عن مشترٍ آخر. Please understand that, under these circumstances, we have no other choice but to find another buyer. Please understand that under these circumstances, we have no choice but to look for another buyer. مين أكتر حد بتحترمه في حياتك؟ Whom do you respect most in your life? Who has the most respect in your life? أحبك. I love you. Love you. لقد قام بقتل ذاك الرجل. He killed that man. He killed that man. كانت ليلى تقطن في حيّ سكني. Layla lived in a residential area. Lily lived in my neighborhood. كان سامي يذهب إلى المسجد كلّ يوم. Sami went to the mosque every day. Sammy used to go to the mosque every day. صنع سامي لنفسه اسما مستعارا. Sami created an alias. Sammy made a nickname for himself. صحيح! Right! Yeah! أخذ سامي المال. Sami took the money. Sammy took the money. أنا سعيد لرؤيتك مجدداً. I'm glad to see you again. It's good to see you again. شرب سامي العشرات من الأقراص و زجاجة تيكيلا. Sami has swallowed dozens of pills and a bottle of tequila. Sammy drank dozens of pills and a bottle of tequila. آمُلُ ذلك. I do hope so. I hope so. ليس هناك حاجة للاستعجال. لدينا متسع من الوقت. There's no need to hurry. We have plenty of time. There's no need to rush. لم يكن سامي يكره المسلمين. Sami didn't hate Muslims. Sammy didn't hate Muslims. إن ما قاله لا يجدي نفعاً . What he said counts for nothing. What he said doesn't work. إنه مجنون بحبك. He's crazy about you. He's crazy about you. ما الذي يحدث هنا؟ What's happening here? What's going on here? لربما تمتعض من وجهة نظري، إلا أنّ لي الحقّ في قول ما أشاء. You may not like my views, but I have the right to say what I think. From my point of view, I may resent it, but I have a right to say whatever I want. هل تعتقد بان ماري تريد ان تفعل هذا بنفسها Do you think Mary really wanted to do that by herself? Do you think Mary would want to do this to herself? لقد عاد فاضل. Fadil is back. Fadel's back. إنه أخي. It's my brother's. He's my brother. سألَتْهُ وردّ بِنعم. She asked him and he said yes. She asked him and he replied yes. أنا مشتاق إليك جداً. I miss you very much. I miss you so much. أحقا مات أبي؟ Did my father really die? Is my father really dead? انا قرعاجي. I am curious. I'm a percussionist. سُميّتُ على خالي. I was named after my uncle. I was named after my uncle. فُتحت البوابة من تلقاء نفسها. The gate opened all by itself. The gate opened on its own. علينا عمل هذا بأنفسنا. We have to do this by ourselves. We have to do this ourselves. ماذا يفعل توم هنا؟ لم أرسل له دعوة. What's Tom doing here? I didn't invite him. What's Tom doing here? اعترض ديما: "لكن هذا سخيف! الكوبيكات لم تعد تستخدم منذ عصور! و0.99 ليس رقمًا طبيعيا حتى!" "But that's ridiculous!" Dima protested. "Kopeks haven't been around in ages! And 0.99 isn't even a natural number!" Dima objected: "But that's ridiculous! Koopcats are no longer in use for ages! and 0.99 is not even a natural number!" هذا هو المفتاح الذي يفتح الباب. This is the key that opens that door. This is the key that opens the door. أحرّك الضّرس المتقلقل بلساني باستمرار. I keep wiggling the loose tooth with my tongue. I move the restless tooth with my tongue constantly. تاكادا هو أغنانا كلنا. Takada is the richest out of all of us. Takada is the richest of us all. لا تقبل بالعالم كما هو. Do not accept the world as it is. Do not accept the world as it is. أحبّ ذلك المغنّي حقّا. I really dig that singer. I really like that singer. قدّم سامي لليلى بطاقة زيارة لمحلّ للأسلحة و مجال للرّمي. Sami gave Layla the business card of a local gun store and shooting range. Sami gave Lily a card to visit a gun shop and a shooting range. أصلحت الدراجة البارحة. I fixed the bike yesterday. I fixed the bike yesterday. أراد سامي أن تراسله ليلى عبر الهاتف. Sami wanted Layla to text him. Sammy wanted Layla to text him. جميع طلبتها يحبون حقا مطالعة الكتب. All her students really love to read books. All her students really like to read books. ذلك سبب انفعاله. That is why he got angry. That's why he's so emotional. كانت ليلى تموت. Layla was dying. Lily was dying. لم يكن من الضروري القيام بذلك. There was no need to do that. I didn't have to do that. قال: ثق بي. "Trust me," he said. He said, “Trust me. لا يشعر توم بالثقة لتحدّث مع الأشخاص الآخرين. Tom doesn't feel confident in his ability to talk with other people. Tom doesn’t feel confident to talk to other people. أخبارك ايه يا توم؟ How are you, Tom? What's up, Tom? ما الذي جعلك تأتي إلى هنا؟ What made you come here? What made you come here? ترجم الجملة التي أنت بصدد ترجمتها ترجمةً جيدةً، ولا تتأثر بالترجمات إلى اللغات الأخرى. Make a good translation of the sentence that you are translating. Don't let translations into other languages influence you. Translate the sentence you’re about to translate well, and don’t be influenced by translations into other languages. و بعد قليل أتى. After a while, he came. And soon he came. لَقَد حَقَقوا هَدَفَهُم. They achieved their goal. They've achieved their goal. كلبي سريع. My dog is fast. My dog is fast. أبي غاضب معي. Father is angry with me. My dad's mad at me. ما الذي في الملف؟ What's in the file? What's in the file? لم يطع فاضل أباه و لم يحترمه. Fadil disobeyed and disrespected his father. Fadel did not obey his father and did not respect him. انفجرت أنابيب المياه عندنا. Our water pipes burst. Our water pipes exploded. جاع الرجل العجوز حتى الموت. The old man starved to death. The old man starved to death. أنا قط، وليس عندي اسم بعد. I am a cat. I don't have a name yet. I'm a cat, and I don't have a name yet. انظر إلى الصورة. Look at the picture. Look at the picture. دعونا نحصل على سيارة أجرة. Let's get a cab. Let's get a cab. وُلد سامي قبل ليلى. Sami was born before Layla. Sammy was born before Layla. كانت ليلى المتحجّبة الوحيدة في مدينتنا. Layla was the only hijabi in town. Laila was the only veiled woman in our city. يحب الآنسةَ سميث جميعُ طلابها. Miss Smith is liked by all students. Miss Smith loves all her students. كان سامي يريد أن يقيم علاقة صداقة مع ليلى. Sami wanted to be friends with Layla. Sammy wanted to make friends with Lily. وضع سامي جثة ليلى في قعر القارب Sami placed Layla's body on the bottom of the boat. Sammy put Layla's body on the bottom of the boat. أعجب الحفل ليلى. Layla liked the party. I love the party, Lily. إننا نأكل التفاح. We're eating apples. We eat apples. سامي مسؤول على العيادة كلّها. Sami is responsible for the whole clinic. Sammy's in charge of the whole clinic. أنا سوف ألبس النظارات الشمسية. I will wear sunglasses. I'll wear sunglasses. أقدر أشتري البيت ده على كام؟ How much could I buy this house for? Can I buy this house on cam? هههه، وَشْنُو؟ Lol, what? Huh, whining? كان يعمل ليلا، نهارا كي يصبح ثريا. He worked day and night so that he might become rich. He worked day and night to get rich. عندك المعلومات اللّي تكفي باش تكملي؟ Do you have enough information to go on? Do you have enough information for Bash to continue? اختفت عدسات سامي. Sami's contacts were missing. Sammy's lenses are gone. يحتوي التّين على أعلى نسبة من السّكّر مقارنة بباقي الفواكه. Figs have the highest sugar content out of any other fruit on the planet. Figs have the highest sugar content compared to other fruits. هل هذا واضح؟ Am I clear? Is that clear? القطط تكره البلل. Cats dislike being wet. Cats hate to get wet. دعينا نتقاسم النفقات. Let's share the expenses. Let's split the expenses. منزلك رائع. Your house is fantastic. Your house is great. من فضلك فكر في الأمر. Please think about it. Please think about it. مات سامي في السّجن بسبب مشكل صحّي. Sami died in prison from a health-related issue. Sammy died in prison because of a health problem. من الجميل محادثتك. It's good talking to you. Nice talking to you. إذا خلعت حذاءك فضعهما في مكانهما من فضلك. If you are taking your shoes off, please put them in their place. If you take off your shoes, please put them in place. مشكور! Thanks! Thanks! غني لنا أغنية أخرى. Sing us another song! Sing us another song. ادرس بجد كي لا ترسب. Study hard so you don't fail. Study hard so you don't fail. فُصل سامي عن وظيفته. Sami was fired. Sammy was fired from his job. من الأفضل ألا تذهب إلى هناك. You'd better not go there. You better not go there. أدار فاضل مقبض الباب بهدوء و دخل إلى المنزل. Fadil quietly turned the doorknob and entered the house. Fadel calmly turned the doorknob and entered the house. هل سمعت عن نتيجة المباراة؟ Have you heard about the result of the game? Did you hear about the game? أنا أذهَبُ إلى جامعة مولود معمّري بِتِيزي وزّو. I go to Mouloud Mammeri University in Tizi Ouzou. I'm going to the University of Mevlutami Bezzie-Zu. منزله مملوء بالذباب. His house is full of flies. His house is full of flies. أنا أذهبُ إلى جامعة تيزي وزّو. I go to Tizi Ouzou University. I'm going to Tizi-Zu University. يذهب معي كلبي إلى أي مكان أذهب إليه. My dog goes everywhere with me. My dog goes with me wherever I go. ردّ توم على الإتصال. Tom answered the phone. Tom answered the call. ما زالت لديك فرصة. You still have a chance. You still have a chance. يلّا بسرعه! Hurry up. Hurry up! أعرف رجلا يحسن تكلم الروسية. I know a man who can speak Russian well. I know a good man who speaks Russian. ما زلتُ في الجامعة. I'm still at the university. I'm still in college. هو أخي He is my brother. He's my brother. مدرسة الرياضيات فاجأتنا باختبار. The math teacher sprang a surprise on us and gave a quiz. The math school surprised us with a test. يجب أن أذهب. I have to go. I gotta go. لم تكُن لدى فاضل حياة أُسريّة على الإطلاق. Fadil had no home life whatsoever. Fadel didn't have a family life at all. وافق منّاد. Mennad agreed. He agreed to a machete. قال لابنه أن ينزل عن السلم. He told his son to get down from the ladder. He told his son to get off the ladder. مشى سامي نحو الباب. Sami walked towards the door. Sammy walked to the door. يعتقد أنه أرقى مستوى منا. He thinks he's too good for us. He thinks he's the finest of us. هذه السيارة تحتاج لإصلاح. This car needs repairing. This car needs to be repaired. استرخى منّاد. Mennad relaxed. Relax, Munad. من فضلك تعال بأسرع ما يمكن. Please come as soon as possible. Please come as soon as you can. توم و ماري شربا الشمبانيا Tom and Mary drank champagne. Tom and Mary drank champagne. يدرس سامي العربيّة من الثّامنة إلى العاشرة صباحا. Sami studies Arabic from 8 to 10 am. Sammy teaches Arabic from 8 to 10 a.m. انتظرني في مكتبي. Wait for me in my office. Wait for me in my office. لا أحد أعرفهُ يرتدي ربطة العُنُق بعد الآن. No one I know wears a tie anymore. Nobody I know wears a tie anymore. هذا الكلب ذكي جدّا. This dog is very clever. This dog is very smart. صحح الأخطاء ، إن وُجدت. Correct the mistakes, if there are any. Correct errors, if any. أريد أن أعيش في نيويورك. I'd like to live in New York. I want to live in New York. هذا كتاب. This is a book. This is a book. ليس صحيحًا بالضرورة أن كل ما يقوله المعلم صحيح دائمًا. It is not necessarily true that what the teacher says is always correct. It’s not necessarily true that everything the teacher says is always true. هل بإمكانِكَ مساعدتي لإيجاد نظّاراتي؟ Could you help me find my glasses? Can you help me find my glasses? كان سامي يسبح في مسبحه. Sami was swimming in his pool. Sammy was swimming in his pool. دمّر زلزال عيادة سامي. Sami's clinic was destroyed by an earthquake. An earthquake destroyed Sammy's clinic. سامي لا يستحقّ هذا. Sami doesn't deserve this. Sammy doesn't deserve this. تركت كلبي. I left my dog. I left my dog. أنتهى الأجتماع The meeting ended. Meeting's over. العباقرة من الناس كالشهبُ التي قُدِّر لها أن تحترق لتضيء زمنها. Men of genius are meteors destined to burn in order to illuminate their century. Geniuses are like meteors that are destined to burn to light their time. كانت لفاضل ذريعة قويّة. Fadil had an ironclad alibi. Fadel had a strong alibi. حبّيت بابور يدّيني بعيد علا هنا. I want a boat that will take me far away from here. Babur loved my hands far up here. من تكون أهم بكثير مما تملك What you are is more important than what you have. Who you are is more important than what you have. صديقي يدرس اللغة الكورية. My friend studies Korean. My friend is studying Korean. تعال معي. Come with me. Come with me. في الأشهر الأولى من حياتها، تعتمد صغار الدّببة كلّيّة على أمّهاتها. In the first months of their lives, bear cubs are completely dependent on their mothers. In the first months of life, young bears are completely dependent on their mothers. أين هما؟ Where are those two? Where are they? لاماجۆريتي تاع نّاس تامن بلّي انا مهبول. Most people think I'm crazy. I'm not a security person. I'm not a security person. أنا لم أذُقِ الطعامَ منذُ أيامٍ. I haven't eaten anything for days. I haven't tasted food in days. توم كان فَاطن، بصح ما قْدرش يتحرّك. Tom was awake, but he couldn't move. Tom was smart, so he didn't have to move. هل ستذهب إلى الحفلة الليلة؟ Will you go to the party tonight? Are you going to the party tonight? عند إشارتك. واحد، إثنان، إنطلق! On your marks, get set, go! On your mark. One, two, go! هل عندك خطط لليوم؟ Do you have any plans for today? Do you have plans for today? إني أعتمد على وعدك. I rely on your promise. I'm counting on your word. لا أدعي فهم النساء. I don't pretend to understand women. I don't pretend to understand women. هو تجاوز الثلاثين. He's over thirty. He's over 30. سينجو سامي. Sami will survive. Sammy will survive. تمّ احتجاز ليلى من أجل تلقّيها للعلاج. Layla was locked up for treatment. Leyla was detained for treatment. تعرّف سامي في الحين على صوت ليلى. Sami instantly recognized Layla's voice. Sammy recognized Lily’s voice. الحب و السلام. Love and Peace. Love and peace. لن أنس أبدا ما فعلته من أجلي. I'll never forget what you did for me. I'll never forget what you did for me. أود معرفة سبب حذف اسمي من القائمة. I'd like to know why my name was deleted from the list. I would like to know why my name was removed from the list. أقام سامي علاقة غير شرعيّة مع امرأة متزوِّجة. Sami was having an affair with a married woman. Sammy had an affair with a married woman. كانت لديّ مدرّسة مثيرة. I had a hot teacher. I had a hot teacher. من أحرق الكيكة؟ Who burned the cake? Who burned the cake? أكل سامي حوالي اثنى عشر بيضة. Sami ate a dozen eggs. Sammy ate about a dozen eggs. لا أريد القيام بعمله نيابة عنه. I don't want to do his work for him. I don't want to do his job for him. أنت بلاشك اللاعب الأفضل في الفريق. You're undoubtedly the best player on the team. You are definitely the best player on the team. إطعام شخص خلال شهر رمضان الكريم عمل ذو ثواب عظيم. Feeding someone during the holy month of Ramadan is very rewarding. Feeding a person during the holy month of Ramadan is a great reward. عذر توم كان ضعيف للغاية. Tom's excuse is pretty thin. Tom's alibi was too weak. لدى توم درجات جيدة Tom has a good head for numbers. Tom's got good grades. لدي سعال. I have a cough. I have a cough. تبدأ المدرسة الساعة الثامنة و النصف. School begins at 8:30 a.m. School starts at 8:30. حياة سامي كارثة برمّتها. Sami's own life is a complete disaster. Sammy's life is a total disaster. زُرِعَت الأشجار بجانب الطريق. Trees are planted along the street. Trees were planted by the side of the road. كانت ليلى لا تزال في عداد المفقودين. Layla was still missing. Lily was still missing. آمُل أنكَ لست غاضباً. I hope that you are not angry. I hope you're not angry. إنها لأخي. It's my brother's. It's for my brother. كان سامي مفتقدا للمال. Sami was short on money. Sammy was missing money. هل أنهيت واجباتك؟ Have you finished your duties? Did you finish your homework? على سامي دفع تكلفة العلاج من ماله الخاص. Sami has to pay for the treatment out of his pocket. Sammy has to pay for the treatment out of his own money. شعر فاضل أنّه كان يجب عليه أن يعتنق الإسلام. Fadil felt he needed to be a Muslim. He felt that he should have embraced Islam. أخبر سامي ليلى أنّه انتظر حياته كلّها كي يقابل فتاة مثله. Sami told Layla that he had been waiting all his life to meet a girl like her. Sammy told Layla that he had waited his whole life to meet a girl like him. إننا مسؤولون عن حمايتك من الآن فصاعداً. We are responsible for your protection from now on. We are responsible for your protection from now on. لا تثق بأحد عدى نفسك. Don't trust anybody but yourself. Trust no one but yourself. ما نخافش مالرتايل. I'm not afraid of spiders. We're not afraid of Malretille. رأى سامي مسلمين يصلّون. Sami saw Muslims praying. Sammy saw Muslims praying. ظنّ سامي أنّ هذا كان مفيدا له. Sami thought that that was beneficial for him. Sammy thought it was good for him. كيف وجدت هذه الكتب النادرة؟ How did you come by these rare books? How did you find these rare books? أنا أتصِل بها كُل مساء. I call her every evening. I call her every evening. إنّ الأمور لا يمكن أن تزداد سوءا. Things can't be worse. Things can't get any worse. أرني ما في جيبك. Show me what's in your pocket. Show me what's in your pocket. ابتعدت ليلى. Layla moved away. Lily walked away. يعيش أبويّ في القرية. My parents live in the country. My parents live in the village. علاش تخدم هنا. Why do you work here? Alash serves here. أفهم لغتك. I understand your language. I understand your language. غالباَ ما يتجاوز توم حد السرعة بقيادته بشكل طفيف Tom often drives slightly over the speed limit. Tom often oversteps the speed limit by driving slightly. عُمّد سامي. Sami got baptised. Sammy was baptized. انغمست ليلى في الدّين. Layla immersed herself in religion. Lily fell into debt. إن أعطيتني بعضا من تلك الأوراق النّقديّة، فربّما بإمكاننا إبرام صفقة. If you can give me a couple of those bills, maybe we could have a deal. If you give me some of that cash, maybe we can make a deal. استمرت الخطبة ثلاثين دقيقة. The speech lasted thirty minutes. The speech lasted 30 minutes. أحضر سامي ليلى معه. Sami brought Layla with him. Sammy brought Lily with him. عليك أن تدرس جاهداً. You must study hard. You have to study hard. إنه كتاب جيد It's a good book. It's a good book. لا يستحقّ سامي دموعكِ. Sami doesn't deserve your tears. Sammy doesn't deserve your tears. دائماً ما يصدق. He always tells the truth. He always believes. لولا مساعدتها لم اكن علي قيد الحياه الان If it weren't for her help, I would not be alive now. If it wasn't for her help, I wouldn't be alive right now. ماري, هل سوف تجيبي على سؤالي؟ سأل أديل بينما كانت تحاول أن تسيطر على حماسها. "Mary, will you answer my question?" asked Adèle while trying to control her excitement. Mary, are you going to answer my question? Adele asked while trying to control her enthusiasm. لم تخبرني بعد لماذا قررت ألا تذهب. You still haven't told me why you decided not to go. You still haven't told me why you decided not to go. عار عليك! Shame on you! Shame on you! بعض الأطفال يلعبون ألعاب الفيديو في جميع الأوقات. Some children play video games all the time. Some children play video games at all times. قتل سامي عاهرة. Sami murdered a prostitute. Sammy killed a whore. كنت هنا امبارح. I was just here yesterday. I've been here a long time. ما هو اللّون الذي نجمعه مع الأزرق كي نحصل على الأخضر؟ What color do we blend with blue to get green? What color do we combine with blue to get green? هل تود أن تأتي بالداخِل؟ Would you like to come inside? Would you like to come inside? فاضل مصري. Fadil is Egyptian. Fadel Egyptian. لازم اروح الحمام. I have to go to the toilet. I have to go to the bathroom. آمل أن أحصل على نسختين من هذا الكتاب. I am hoping to get two copies of this book. I hope to get two copies of this book. البطاقة التي سحبتها حمراء، أليس كذلك؟ The card you drew was a red, wasn't it? The card you pulled is red, right? أنا أسف جداً أنكَ لديكَ برد وأنكَ في السرير. أنا لعِبت مع ماري اليوم لبعض الوقت. آمل أنكَ غداً ستكون قادر على النهوض. أنا سعيد اليوم أن البرد الذي لدي تحسن. I am very sorry you have a cold and are in bed. I played with Mary today for a little while. I hope by tomorrow you will be able to be up. I am glad today that my cold is better. I'm so sorry you have a cold and you're in bed. I played with Mary today for a while. I hope tomorrow you'll be able to get up. I'm glad today that my cold is getting better. أحبك و أريد الزواج بك. I'm in love with you and I want to marry you. I love you and I want to marry you. عندو رّوز؟ Does he have rice? Roz's? افتح لبيبان. Open the doors. Open up to Pepan. حفظ الطلبة هذه القصيدة. The students learned this poem by heart. Students memorized this poem. ما إنطباعك عن أمريكا؟ What's your impression of the United States? What do you think of America? شكراً لحبك. Thank you for your love. Thanks for loving you. بماذا توصي؟ What do you recommend? What do you recommend? لم يصب أحد بأذى. Nobody was injured. No one was hurt. مازالت الكنيسة قائمة. كل شيء آخر دُمر. The church is still standing. Everything else was destroyed. The church still stands. Everything else is destroyed. ما المشكلة؟ What's wrong? What's the matter? أعطتني آن هذه الهدية. Ann gave me this present. Anne gave me this gift. هل يحب توشيو ساتشيكو؟ Does Toshio like Sachiko? Does he like Toshio Sachiko? سامي بالأسفل. Sami is downstairs. Sammy's downstairs. أنا غنيتُ أغنيةً. I sang a song. I sang a song. أطلق فاضل عيارين. Fadil fired a couple of rounds. Fadel fired two shots. انتقلت ليلى للعيش في مكان آخر. Layla moved away. Leyla moved to live elsewhere. كم مرّة عليّ تكرار ذلك؟ How many times do I need to repeat it? How many times do I have to do that? إنها دائماً تشتري ثياباً ثمينة. She always buys expensive clothes. She always buys expensive clothes. منعني المدرّس من الخروج. The teacher was holding me. The teacher stopped me from going out. هذا الكلب أكثر تعلقا بنا من ذا القط. This dog is more attached to us than this cat. This dog is more attached to us than this cat. ربما، كنت لتفضل طبقًا فرنسيا. Perhaps you would have preferred a French dish. Perhaps, you'd prefer a French dish. كانت زوج سامي ألطفَ النساء على الإطلاق. Sami's wife was the nicest lady ever. Sammy's husband was the nicest woman ever. الكثير من الفلسطينيين ممنوعين من العيش مع أزواجهم في إسرائيل لكن، و بطبيعة الحال، يواصل البعض في الادّعاء أن إسرائيل ليس دولة تمارس سياسة الأبارتايد. Many Palestinians are banned from living with their spouses in Israel, but of course, some continue to claim that Israel is not an apartheid state. Many Palestinians are prohibited from living with their spouses in Israel but, of course, some continue to claim that Israel is not a apartheid state. أنا حتى لستُ متأكداً ما إذا كُنتُ أريد أن أرى هذا الفيلم. I'm not even sure I want to see that movie. I'm not even sure if I want to see this movie. كانا سامي و ليلى يحضران تلك الحصّة الدّراسيّة معا. Sami and Layla had that class together. Sammy and Lily were attending that class together. كان سامي مستاءا جدّا من ذلك. Sami was really unhappy about it. Sammy was very upset about it. هذه القصّة الحقيقيّة لفاضل صادق. This is the true story of Fadil Sadiq. This is the true story of Fadel Honest. من الصعب أن نراك هنا. We hardly ever see you around here. It's hard to see you here. هل لي أن أعزف البيانو؟ May I play the piano? May I play the piano? أرادا ليلى و سامي أن يمضيا بقيّة حياتهما سويّا. Layla and Sami wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. Lily and Sammy wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. تبدو متعباً. You look tired. You look tired. طلب مني توم مسامحته. Tom asked me to forgive him. Tom asked me to forgive him. لا أعرف إذا كان صادقاً أم لا. I don't know whether he was honest or not. I don't know if it's true or not. دونالد ترامب كذاب مرضي. Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Donald Trump is a pathological liar. آسفين ع الإزعاج. Sorry to trouble you. Sorry for the inconvenience. لست مشغولة. I'm not busy. I'm not busy. هل تعرف أخاهم؟ Do you know their brother? Do you know their brother? شربت ليلى كلّ الكحول. Layla drank all the alcohol. Lily drank all the alcohol. بعض الأحيان لا أسطتيع فهم أبي عندما يتكلم مع جدي وجدّتي. Sometimes, I don't understand my dad when he talks to my grandmother and grandfather. Sometimes I can't understand my father when he talks to my grandparents. نمنا طوال اليوم. We slept all day. We slept all day. بإمكانك الاعتماد عليّ يا فاضل. You can count on me, Fadil. You can count on me, Fadel. أرى قطتك في الحديقة. I see your cat in the garden. I see your cat in the garden. دعى سامي للرّبّ كي يسامحه. Sami asked the Lord to forgive him. Sammy asked God to forgive him. هل سبق أنك احببت شخصا لا يحبك؟ Have you ever loved someone who never loved you back? Have you ever loved someone who doesn't love you? من عرفه، أحبه. Those who know him like him. Who knew him, loved him. إنها أكبر مني بسنتين. She is two years older than you. She's two years older than me. أنا جائعٌ للغاية. I'm really hungry. I'm so hungry. لم تتحرّك السيّارة. The car didn't move. The car didn't move. توم ليس كبيراً بما يكفي ليفهم هذا. Tom isn't old enough to understand this. Tom's not old enough to understand this. أُبقيَ فاضل في المستشفى لأشهر. They kept Fadil in the hospital for months. Fadel was kept in the hospital for months. جواز السفر، لو سمحت. Passport, please. Passport, please. كان يريد فاضل أن يحرق جثّة ليلى. Fadil wanted to incinerate Layla's body. Fadel wanted to burn Layla's body. عندي تذكرة زائدة. I have an extra ticket. I have an extra ticket. كان توم منهكا. Tom was worn out. Tom was exhausted. هل بإمكاننا الاستراحة قليلا؟ Shall we take a short rest? Can we take a break? بعضهم مدرّسون ، وبعضهم مهندسون. Some of them are teachers, and some are engineers. Some are teachers, some are engineers. سأبذل جهدي ألا أزعجك وأنت تدرس. I'll try not to disturb you while you're studying. I'll do my best not to disturb you while you're studying. حنا حباب قدم. We're old friends. Hanna's a foot. استيقظ بيل باكراً ليلحق بأوّل قطار. Bill got up early in order to catch the first train. Bill woke up early to catch the first train. هناك الكثير من الغزلان في نارا. There are a lot of deer in Nara. There are a lot of deer in Nara. بينما كنت ذاهبا إلى العمل، التقيت بخالي. On my way to work, I ran into my uncle. While I was going to work, I met my uncle. توم يرتدي معطف رياطي Tom is wearing a sports coat. Tom's wearing a coat. تمّ حذف فيديوهات سامي على اليوتوب. Sami's YouTube videos were taken down. Sammy's YouTube videos have been deleted. كان بإمكان إسرائيل أن تغمر الأنفاق المحفورة بين غزّة و مصر بالمياه بدون أن تبيد تلك المنطقة الفلسطينيّة. Israel could have flooded the Gaza-Egypt tunnels without annihilating the Palestinian enclave. Israel could have flooded the tunnels dug between Gaza and Egypt without destroying the Palestinian area. ستستيقظ أبكر. You are to get up earlier. You'll wake up earlier. توم وميري كانا صديقان مقربان. Tom and Mary were close friends. Tom and Mary were close friends. جاء توم إلى بوسطن عام 2001. Tom came to Boston in 2001. Tom came to Boston in 2001. من الأفضل أن ترتدي قبعة على رأسك خلال أشتية موسكو الباردة. It's best to wear a cap on your head during the cold Moscow winters. It is best to wear a hat on your head during the Moscow cold winter. تساءل النّاس لما كان فاضل يتكلّم بالعربيّة. People wondered why Fadil spoke in Arabic. People wondered why Fadel was speaking Arabic. هيا ادخل Come on in. Come on in. أنا مواطن عراقي. I am an Iraqi citizen. I am an Iraqi citizen. قابلته في عدة مناسبات. I met him on several occasions. I met him on several occasions. أنتِ يمكنكِ دائماً النوم على أريكتي. You can always sleep on my couch. You can always sleep on my couch. ذهب سامي ليحضر حصّة لتعلّم الطّبخ المصري. Sami went to a Egyptian cooking class. Sammy went to a class to learn Egyptian cooking. متأكد بأن توم سيفعل ذلك. I'm sure that Tom will do that. I'm sure Tom will. هل أستطيع أن آخذ هذهِ معي؟ Can I take this with me? Can I take this with me? كنّا نحبّ المدرّس البديل. We loved the substitute teacher. We loved the substitute teacher. كانت ملابسنا دائما نظيفة. Our clothes were always clean. Our clothes were always clean. عملت ماري مربّية للأطفال عندما كانت مراهقة. Mary worked as a babysitter when she was a teenager. Mary worked as a nanny when she was a teenager. المدرسة أبعد من المحطة. The school is farther than the station. The school is further from the station. ينبغي أن تعمل بنصيحته. You may as well follow his advice. You should take his advice. علم نفسه الفرنسية. He taught himself French. He taught himself French. لا أريد لهذا السر أن ينكشف. I don't want this secret to be exposed. I don't want this secret exposed. الله أعلم. Allah knows. God knows. أُريد الحياة الأبدية! I want eternal life! I want eternal life! ما علاباليش واش راك تمعني. I don't know what you mean. What's wrong with you? كان الدّكتور صادق بطلا في الحي. Dr. Sadiq was a superstar in the community. Dr. Sadiq was a hero in the neighborhood. احب الوان هذا اللوحة، ولکن بالنسبة لي هي صغیرة جدا I like the colors on this painting, but it's far too small for me. I like the colors of this painting, but for me it's too small. الطريق انخفض الى وادٍ، من ثم ارتد ارتفاعاً الى اعلى التلة. The road dipped into a valley, then swept up over a hill. The road went down a ravine, then bounced back up the hill. أيمكننا الحصول على شوكة؟ Could we have a fork? Can we get a fork? اهدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِيمَ صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنعَمتَ عَلَيهِمْ غَيرِ المَغضُوبِ عَلَيهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّالِّين . Guide us to the straight path – the path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked Your anger or of those who are astray. We have calmed the upright cactus, the cactus that you have given to the displeased, and not to the lost. مدرّسنا للرّساضيّات سيّء. Our math teacher sucks. Our math teacher sucks. انه لمن المهم جداً الحصول على ما يكفي من الراحة. It's very important to get enough rest. It's very important to get enough rest. تكلم! Speak up! Speak! فتح توم الباب وسأل فيما إذا كانت ماريا مشغولة. Tom opened the door and asked Mary if she was busy. Tom opened the door and asked if Maria was busy. لا بدّ من أنّ سامي كان خائفا. Sami must have been scared. Sammy must have been scared. مدرّس الرّياضة يناديني بالسّمين. The gym teacher calls me "fat." The gym teacher calls me fat. من المحتمل أن تكون ليلى قد ماتت. Layla is probably dead. Lily is probably dead. هل يمكنك أن تفسح لي الطريق من فضلك؟ Could you please move out of my way? Can you give me a break, please? كان توم يشتغل في شركة نفطية. Tom worked for an oil company. Tom worked for an oil company. رأيته يركض. I saw him running. I saw him running. أنا تعب. سأذهب إلى السرير. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. I'm going to bed. أقام سامي صداقة مع زميله في الغرفة. Sami became friends with his roommate. Sammy made friends with his roommate. ماذا تطبخ؟ What are you cooking? What are you cooking? اصطحب سامي ليلى من منزلها. Sami picked Layla up from her house. Sammy Leyla was taken from her home. كان سامي ينام بمسدّس تحت وسادته. Sami slept with a pistol under his pillow. Sammy was sleeping with a gun under his pillow. سيروق لك ذلك. You'll love this. You'd like that. وقعت سنّي الأمامية. My front tooth fell out. I dropped my front tooth. لا تقلق. أنا سوف أعتني بها. Don't worry. I'll take care of it. I'll take care of her. يريد لحما. He wants meat. He wants meat. إذا لم تكن معنا فأنت ضدنا. If you're not with us then you're against us. If you are not with us, you are against us. قال الصايب: "نعم، هذا أنا، لكن هناك على الأقل واحد منا في كل بلد. و جميعنا نحب الفانتا، و نحب أن نضع المبتدئين عند حدّهم." "Yes, that's me," said Al-Sayib. "But there's at least one of us in every country. And we all like Fanta, as well as putting noobs in their place." "Yes, that's me, but there's at least one of us in every country, and we all love the fanta, and we like to put beginners at their limit." لماذا ينقل الماء الكهرباء؟ Why does water conduct electricity? Why does water transmit electricity? أفضل ركوب الدراجة. I prefer biking. I'd rather ride a bike. لم تزوّجتي منه؟ Why did you marry him? You didn't marry him? تكاليف الخدمات المالية آخذة في الارتفاع في كل بلد. Costs of financial services are rising in every country. The costs of financial services are rising in every country. توم ماكانش قادر باش يكمّل واش بْدا. Tom wasn't able to finish what he'd started. Tom McCansch is capable of completing Wash Badda. لننسى الأمر. Let's forget that. Let's forget it. مكانك في هذه العيادة. Your place is in this clinic. Your place is in this clinic. أين أنت؟ Where are you? Where are you? القلعة القديمة مقصد سياحي مشهور . The old castle is a popular tourist attraction. The old castle is a popular tourist destination. تلك السيارة حقاً جديدة That car is very new. That car is really new. إنّهما معي. They're with me. They're with me. غير دخلت لشّمبرا خرج. He left the room as soon as I entered it. I went in and Shambra came out. لدي أربعة أضعاف ما عندك من الأقراص المدمجة. I have four times more CDs than you do. I have four times as many CDs as you do. كان لديه شعر أشيب. He had grey hair. He had gray hair. هو غبي وغير صادق. He's stupid and dishonest. He's stupid and dishonest. أنا معجب بشجاعتك. I admire your courage. I admire your courage. أنا معجبةٌ بمهارته في القيادة. I admire his skill at driving. I admire his leadership skills. سوف أحطم وجه طوم. I'm gonna fuck Tom up. I'm gonna break Tom's face. ساهم! Participate! Contribute! بإمكانك المجيء إن أحببت. You may come if you like. You can come if you like. لا أحد يفهمني. Nobody understands me. No one understands me. لقد توقّفت حياة سامي بعد وفاة ليلى. Sami's life since Layla's death has stopped. Sammy's life was interrupted after Layla's death. سامي يحبّ قيادة قارب الكانوي. Sami loves canoeing. Sammy likes to drive a canoe. لقد قاربت الساعة على الثالثة. It is almost three. It's almost 3:00. تذكرت الآن. Now I remember. I remember now. لديهم لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على حواسيبهم. They have the berber keyboard on their computers. They have the Amazigh keyboard on their computers. ما رانيش حوتا تاع صّح، انا پلّوشا برك. I'm not a real fish, I'm just a mere plushy. What a hell of a hunch, I'm Balocha Park. لمۆدپاس هووا "مويرال". The password is "Muiriel". Lambdas Howa "Muiral". صديقي لا يلعب كرة المضرب. My friend doesn't play tennis. My friend doesn't play tennis. يعرف توم المدينة جيدا Tom knows the city very well. Tom knows the city well. غرفة معيشتنا مشمسة. Our living room is sunny. Our living room is sunny. الجميع يحبها. She is loved by everyone. Everybody loves her. ذهب سامي إلى القسم. Sami went to class. Sammy went to the department. ألحقت ملاحظة بالمستند باستخدام ملقط ورق. A note was attached to the document with a paper clip. A note was attached to the document using paper tweezers. ماذا للغداء؟ What's for lunch? What for lunch? أنا فرحان أوي. I'm very happy. I'm hilarious. أعتذر لعدم الرد عليك أبكر. I'm sorry I didn't reply to you sooner. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. أحتاج لمزيد من الوقت لأنهي واجبي. I need more time to finish my homework. I need more time to finish my homework. هذا واجبي. It's my job. It's my duty. هل هذا نهر؟ Is this a river? Is that a river? كان ذاك مدرّسي في العلوم. It was my science teacher. That was my science teacher. اطو الخريطة. Fold up the map. Roll up the map. كان سامي ينتظر بالقرب من هناك. Fadil waited nearby. Sammy was waiting nearby. يجب أن تذهب غربا You should head west. You have to go west. أصبح سامي أشهر مدرّس في ثانويّتنا. Sami became the most popular teacher at our high school. Sammy became the most famous teacher in our high school. ماذا حصل؟ What's happening? What happened? سُرقت محفظتي بالأمس. My wallet was stolen yesterday. My wallet was stolen yesterday. تبادلا فاضل و ليلى أكثر من ألف رسالة حبّ. Fadil and Layla exchanged more than a thousand love letters. Lily and Fadel exchanged over a thousand love letters. ساعدني أبي في حل واجبي. My father helped me with my homework. My father helped me with my homework. اتصل بالشرطة! Call the police! Call the police! يعمل أبي في المصنع. My father works for a factory. My dad works at the factory. أحب أن أكون معها. I like being with her. I like being with her. لقد وضعت هذا الموقع في مفضلاتي. I added this website to my favorites. I put this place in my favorites. إن غادرنا الآن فسنصل على الوقت. If we leave now, we should make it. If we leave now, we'll get the time. راح نهدر مْعا الشيخ. I'll speak with the teacher. Let's go with the sheik. ساعثر علي مكان خاص بي I'm going to find a place of my own. I'll find my own place. لم لا تقول له ذلك؟ Why don't you tell him that? Why don't you tell him that? راني باغي نشري موطو جْديد. I want to buy a new motorcycle. Rani Baghi is posting a new post. متشرف بمعرفتك. Pleased to meet you. Nice to meet you. آن لديها الكثير من المعجبين. Anne has many admirers. Anne has a lot of fans. أخذ منّاد جهاز التّحكّم و أطفأ التّلفاز. Mennad grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. He took the remote and turned off the TV. أضعت مفتاحي. I lost my key. I lost my key. بدأ سامي يقرأ و هو في الثّالثة من عمره. Sami started reading at three years old. Sam started reading when he was three years old. لا أحد أعرفهُ يحب توم بعد الآن. No one I know likes Tom anymore. Nobody I know likes Tom anymore. المعذرة؟ Pardon me? Excuse me? سامي قصير بكثير عن ليلى. Sami is much shorter than Layla. Sammy's too short for Lily. لِمَ لَمْ يعد يرسل لي رسائلا؟ Why doesn't he send me letters anymore? Why doesn't he send me messages anymore? لقد تغيّرت الأوقات كثيرا. Times have changed a lot. Times have changed a lot. لقد احتفلوا السياح احتفالاً كبيراً . The tourists painted the whole town red. Tourists celebrated a great deal. يستحسن أن تذهب لرؤية طبيب العائلة حالاً. You'd better go to see your family doctor at once. You'd better go see the family doctor right away. إنا سعداء. We are happy. I'm happy. يُقال أنها وُلدت في ألمانيا. They say that she was born in Germany. She is said to have been born in Germany. إنه يتصرف بغرابة. He's behaving oddly. He's acting weird. أيمكنك أن تقود سيارة؟ Can you drive a car? Can you drive a car? من المحتمل أن يصل قريبا. He is likely to arrive soon. He'll probably be here soon. إننا جائعون. We are hungry. We're hungry. ربح سامي ثروة صغيرة بمطعمه الشّهير للمأكولات البحريّة. Sami built a small fortune with his popular seafood restaurant. Sammy made a small fortune at his famous seafood restaurant. الصورة معلقة على الحائط. The picture is hanging on the wall. The picture hangs on the wall. نصحته ألا يضع الكثير من السكر. She advised him not to use too much sugar. I advised him not to put on too much sugar. وافقت على كتابة تلك الرسالة. I agreed to write that letter. I agreed to write that letter. صلّى سامي. Sami prayed. Pray Sammy. اسمي معروف لدى الجميع في مدرستي. My name is known to everybody in my school. My name is known to everyone in my school. من فضلك إملأ هذه الاستمارة. Please fill in this form. Please fill out this form. نحن هنا يا جمال. We're here, Jamal. We're here, Jamal. بدأ سامي يتكلّم تماما مثل أبيه. Sami is starting to sound exactly like his father. Sam started talking just like his father. أنا لا أستخدم الفيسبوك I don't use Facebook. I don't use Facebook. البيت الشعري القادم مؤثر اكثر . The next verse is even more touching. The next hairy house is even more poignant. أنا أُحب أن أُجرب لأفعل أشياء جديدة. I love trying to do new things. I like to try new things. الباقي عليك! The rest is left to you! The rest is on you! الجو بارد جدا فى استانبول. The weather is very cold in Istanbul. It's so cold in Istanbul. أستحم كل يوم تقريباً. I take a bath almost every day. I shower almost every day. أنا قبائلي. I'm Kabyle. I'm tribal. هل لك أن تغلق الباب؟ Would you mind shutting the door? Can you close the door? بدأت النار فى المطبخ The fire started in the kitchen. Fire started in the kitchen. لا يمكنني مساعدتك لأني مشغول. I can't help you because I'm busy. I can't help you because I'm busy. قال سامي أنّه لا يحبّ المسلمين. Sami said that he didn't like Muslims. Sammy said he doesn't like Muslims. أريد قائمة بجميع أقارب "توم". I want a list of all Tom's relatives. I want a list of all Tom's relatives. ومعاً تمثلان حسن الاتساق والانسجام ما بين التقاليد والتقدم. Together, you represent the harmony between tradition and progress. Together, they represent good harmony and harmony between tradition and progress. ربّما تريد التّحدّث على انفراد. Maybe you want to talk in private. Maybe you want to talk in private. شعبية مواقع الإنترنت تعتمد على محتوياتها. The popularity of websites depends on their content. The popularity of websites depends on their content. عاد توم إلى المنزل بعد منتصف الليل. Tom came home after midnight. Tom came home after midnight. هذا حقا مثير This is really interesting. This is really exciting. اختبأت ليلى خلف الشّجرة. Layla hid behind a tree. Lily hid behind the tree. لماذا لا يأكل أحد بطاطتي؟ Why does nobody eat my potatoes? Why doesn't anyone eat my potatoes? ما اسم حصانك؟ What's your horse's name? What's your horse's name? الكثير من المتاحف تكون مغلقة أيام الإثنين. Many museums are closed on Mondays. Many museums are closed on Mondays. و أخيراً استسلم. At last he yielded. Finally he gave up. يؤمن فاضل بربّ الإسلام. Fadil believes in the God of Islam. Fadhil believes in the Lord of Islam. أفهم كل شيء I understand everything. I understand everything. وصلت السيارات إلى هناك واحدة تلوى الأخرى. Cars arrived there one after another. The cars got there one by one. ماذا قال؟ What was said by him? What'd he say? ليه توم قلقان جدا؟ Why does Tom worry so much? Why is Tom so worried? كان شعر ليلى قصيرا و متناثرا. Layla had messy short hair. Lily's hair was short and sparse. الناس يحتاجون الى الطعام. The people need food. People need food. انسَ أمر العشاء. You could forget about dinner. Forget about dinner. ينبغي أن تكون مسؤولًا عن أفعالك. You should be responsible for your actions. You should be responsible for your actions. أريد كتاباً لأقرأ I want a book to read. I want a book to read. اشترى لها فستاناً. He bought a dress for her. He bought her a dress. هل لديك أي فكرة عن من يستطيع فعل مِثل هذا الشيء؟ Do you have any idea who would do this kind of thing? Do you have any idea who would do such a thing? لا بد أنه بلد رائع الجمال. The country must be very beautiful. It must be a beautiful country. هاذان هما الزوجان الذان حدّثتك عنهما. This is the couple I told you about. These are the couple I told you about. كل شيء في الحياة نسبيّ. Everything in life is relative. Everything in life is relative. توم راح يشارع ماري. Tom is going to sue Mary. Tom's going to go to Mary's. أحب توم تسريحة شعر ماري الجديدة. Tom liked Mary's new hairstyle. Tom loved Mary's new hairstyle. لا تأكل. Do not eat. Don't eat. كان فاضل يريد أن يستغلّ ليلى. Fadil looked to take advantage of Layla. He wanted to take advantage of Lily. شمس ومطر, قوس قُزح. Sun and rain, rainbow. Sun and rain, rainbow. لا يمكن لمال سامي أن يقتني له السّعادة. Sami's money can't buy him happiness. Sammy's money can't buy him happiness. أعدك أنّني لن أخذلك. I promise I won't let you down. I promise I won't let you down. لن يكون من السّهل نسيانك. It won't be easy to forget you. It won't be easy to forget you. أنا لو كنت غنياً, كنت أود أن أعطيكِ مال. If I were rich, I'd give you money. If I was rich, I'd give you money. إنه سريع الكلام. He is a fast speaker. He's fast-talking. لم أكن أريد أن أقول لك هذا. I didn't want to tell you this. I didn't want to tell you this. تلقّى سامي حكمين بالسّجن المؤبّد. Sami got two life sentences. Sammy received two life sentences. سوف يحتاج توم الكثير من المساعدة. Tom will need a lot of help. Tom will need a lot of help. حمايتك هي مسؤوليتنا من الآن فصاعداً. We are responsible for your protection from now on. Your protection is our responsibility from now on. لقد كان الرجل الأناني مكروها من طرف زملائه. The selfish man was despised by his colleagues. He was a selfish man hated by his colleagues. عليك أن تعمل بجدّ. You should work hard. You have to work hard. ماعليك إلا أن تضغط على الزر. You have only to push the button. All you have to do is press the button. التقت ليلى بأصدقاء سامي. Layla met Sami's friends. Lily met Sammy's friends. واحدة وقعت من مركب في البحر. A woman fell from a ship into the sea. One fell from a boat into the sea. ماذا؟ لا أستطيع سماعكم أيها الرفاق. What? I can't hear you guys. I can't hear you guys. ما أطول عودك! How tall you are! How long you been back! أتنسى عادة القيام بواجبات؟ How often do you forget to do your homework? Do you usually forget to do homework? توم كان فدار ماري. Tom was at Mary's house. Tom was Mary's father. سيكون الطّبيب هنا من دقيقة إلى أخرى. The doctor is going to be here any minute. The doctor will be here from minute to minute. أنا معتز يا دكتور. Doctor, my name is Mutaz. I'm proud, Doctor. راح هاداك الضباب. The fog has lifted. You're in the fog. إنتظر Wait! Wait. شيء ليس منطقيا أبدا. Something doesn't make any sense. Something that never makes sense. دخلت ليلى إلى البنك. Layla entered the bank. Lily walked into the bank. لست قبطان الفريق الجديد. I am not the captain of the new team. I'm not the captain of the new team. توم قال أنه يعرف ماري Tom said he knew Mary. Tom said he knew Mary. ياله من طفل محبب! يييي! What a cute baby! Peek-a-boo! What a lovely child! اتّصل سامي بأمّي. Sami called my mom. Sammy called my mom. هذا أسرع قطار في العالم. That's the fastest train in the world. This is the fastest train in the world. أحب الموسيقى التي يشغلانها توم وماري. I like the kind of music that Tom and Mary play. I love the music played by Tom and Mary. هىَ لا تخرق القانون. She's not breaking the law. She doesn't break the law. أحضر لي فنجاناً من القهوة؟ Bring me a cup of coffee, will you? Get me a cup of coffee? فوّتت ليلى لقاءا مع سامي. Layla missed a meeting with Sami. Lily missed a meeting with Sammy. علمنا أحمر و أسود. Our flag is red and black. Our flag is red and black. ماذا تخبز؟ What are you baking? What are you baking? لم يرغب أحد في محادثتي بالأمازيغية. No one wanted to speak Berber to me. No one wanted to talk to me in Tamazight. ديمۆقراطييا هييا لافۆرم لعيّانا ڨع تاع لحوكم، حاشا لخرين لّي تّجربو من قبل. Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried. Democracy, come on, Lavrem, you've got eyes on you, so you don't have to give it a try. جميعنا اتفق. We've all agreed. We all agreed. لا أدري إن كان ليفعلها لأجلي. I don't know if he would have done it for me. I don't know if he'd do it for me. ماذا فعلت بتلك الكتب؟ What did you do with those books? What did you do with those books? لقد إنتهيت للتو من تناول الطعام. I've just finished eating. I just finished eating. كيف تعرفين هذا؟ How do you know that? How do you know that? خذ هذه الأقراص. Take these pills. Take these pills. آمل أن سيساعدني. I hope that he will help me. I hope it will help me. نجاحنا ثمرة لمجهوداته. Our success was due to his efforts. Our success is the result of his efforts. من القائل؟ Says who? Who says? محدش هيعرف. No one will know. He doesn't know. كلنا صادقنا على المخطط. All of us approved of the plan. We all approved the plan. أتعلم ماذا؟ انس الأمر! سأقوم به بنفسي. You know what? Forget it! I'll just do it myself. You know what, forget it, I'll do it myself. توم عزف سوناتة ضوء القمر على البيانو Tom played Moonlight Sonata on the piano. Tom played the moonlight sonnet on the piano. سامي لا يصطحب أيّ شخص. Sami won't pick up just anybody. Sammy's not taking anybody. يبدو سامي مثلي. Sami looks like me. Sammy looks like me. سامي يحبّكنّ. Sami likes you. Sammy loves you. هل توم هو من اعطاك مسدس الماء هذا ؟ Was Tom the one who gave you this squirt gun? Did Tom give you that water gun? اثنان وخمسون بالمئة من النساء البريطانيات يفضلن الشوكولاته على الجنس. Fifty-two per cent of British women prefer chocolate to sex. Fifty-two percent of British women prefer chocolate to sex. أحضر لنا يانّي سلّة تين من الجزائر. Yanni brought us a basket of figs from Algeria. Yanni brought us a tin basket from Algeria. عاش تانغو مع صبي صغير في قرية صغيرة. Tango lived with a small boy in a small village. Tango lived with a young boy in a small village. كان القيام بذلك شيئا سخيفا على ما أعتقد. I think it was a stupid thing to do. It was a silly thing to do, I think. كيف تجد اعتناقك للإسلام؟ How do you like being a Muslim? How do you find your conversion to Islam? اين كلبك؟ Where is your dog? Where's your dog? سامي على اليوتوب. Sami is on YouTube. Sammy on YouTube. أرسلت العيادة فاتورة أخرى. The clinic sent another bill. The clinic sent another bill. قُتلا في المعركة. They died in battle. Killed in battle. حسن السؤال نصف العلم. A good question is half of knowledge. Good question half the science. الغريق يتعلق بقشة. A drowning man will catch at a straw. The drowning is about a straw. أُجلت رحلتهم بسبب هطول المطر. Their trip was postponed because of the rain. Their flight was delayed due to rain. كان سامي ينتظر ليلى. Sami waited for Layla. Sammy was waiting for Lily. سامي ينام في الطّابق العلوي. Sami sleeps upstairs. Sammy's sleeping upstairs. أنتَ ربحتها. You've earned it. You won it. المشكلة أنهم لا يملكون مالا. The trouble is that they have no money. The problem is they don’t have money. أين كنت يا سامي؟ Where have you been, Sami? Where have you been, Sammy? أظن أنني سأبقى لفترة. I guess I'll stay a while. I think I'll stay a while. أنهيت قراءة الكتاب للتو. I just finished reading the book. I just finished reading the book. كان لدى ليلى أربعة أطفال من أربعة رجال مختلفين. Layla had four children with four different men. Leyla had four children from four different men. من ارتكب هذه الجريمة حتماً فقد عقله. Whoever committed this crime was surely out of his mind. Whoever committed this crime must have lost their mind. لم يكن سامي يشعر بالرّاحة. Sami felt bad. Sammy wasn't comfortable. قرّر سامي أن ينهي حياته. Sami decided to end his life. Sammy decided to end his life. هذه التفاحة حمراء جداً. This apple is very red. This apple is so red. في النهاية أُلقي القبض على المتمرد و تم سجنه. The rebel was ultimately captured and confined to jail. Eventually the rebel was arrested and imprisoned. صدم الكلب شاحنة. A truck hit the dog. The dog hit a truck. كان اللعب في الحديقة ممتعا. It was fun playing in the park. Playing in the park was fun. سامي ذاهب إلى الجامعة هذا العام. Sami is going to college this year. Sammy's going to college this year. جڨاب لي ربّي حاجا ماشي كيف كيف كيما تخمّمّلها بعد ما تعطيها لوقت. I suppose it's different when you think about it over the long term. How can you guess it after you've given it a while? هذا يجعله جدير بالاهتمام . It makes it worthwhile. That makes it worthwhile. اصبر، ها أنا قادم! Hold on, I'm coming! Hang on, here I come! اليوم الإثنين. It's Monday. Monday. أفضل دفاع هو الهجوم. Attack is the best defense. The best defense is attack. فقد سامي حياته. Sami lost his life. Sam lost his life. أنا أعرفه I know him. I know him. قد بدأت لتوّي بتعلّم الكوريّة. I have just started to study Korean. I just started learning Korean. أُصيب في المعركة. He was wounded in the fight. He was wounded in battle. لم تكن معركةً واحدةً، بل أكثر. It was not one battle, but many. It wasn't just one fight, it was more. ربما توم يحبك. Maybe Tom likes you. Maybe Tom loves you. هل تدرس؟ Are you studying? Are you studying? لم يسمح لي أن أقود سيارته إطلاقاً. He wouldn't allow me to drive his car. He never let me drive his car. في البداية، فكّرت ماري بتأجير منزلها، ولكن الجميع نصحها ببيعه عوض تأجيره. At first Mary had thought of renting out her house; but everyone advised her to sell it. At first, Mary thought of renting her house, but everyone advised her to sell it rather than rent it. أريدك أن تخبرني الحقيقة. I want you to tell me the truth. I want you to tell me the truth. هل نسيت شيئا؟ Did you forget anything? Did you forget something? أنا جديد هنا I am new here. I'm new here. ماذا تعتقد أفضل طريقة لتشجيع توم علىَ دراسة المزيد؟ What do you think is the best way to encourage Tom to study more? What do you think is the best way to encourage Tom to study more? إذا أخذت قرص الدواء هذا, بعض الأعراض الجانيبة قد تظهر. If you take this pill, side effects may result. If you take this pill, some side effects may appear. مرض الكورونا سبب لي أن بقيت في المشفى لثلاثة أسابيع. Coronavirus caused me to stay in the hospital for three weeks. Corona disease caused me to stay in the hospital for three weeks. لستن أهلا للثقة. You are not trustworthy. You're not to be trusted. لقد حكّ سامي كعبه حتّى بدأ ينزف. Sami scratched his heel so much that it started to bleed. Sammy scratched his heel until he started bleeding. أتحبني؟ Do you love me? You love me? لماذا بكيت؟ For what reason did you cry? Why did you cry? اسأل ترانغ إن كان سيخرج هذا المساء. Ask Trang if he's going out this evening. Ask Trang if he's going out this evening. كان سامي يقضي الوقت مع امرأة. Sami was spending time with a woman. Sammy was spending time with a woman. كانت المدرّسة تبكي. The teacher was crying. The teacher was crying. لا تنظر إلي! Don't look at me. Don't look at me! هل أنت تعلم ماذا تفعل؟ Do you know what you're doing? Do you know what you're doing? من المستحيل العيش بدون ماء. It is impossible to live without water. It is impossible to live without water. أفضل أن لا أعلّق. I prefer not to comment. I'd rather not comment. خرج سامي. Sami went outside. Sammy came out. لا أحد يعيش هنا بعد الآن. No one lives here anymore. Nobody lives here anymore. أعد الكتاب إلى مكانه الذي وجدته فيه. Put the book where you found it. Put the book back where you found it. معدة توم تؤلمه قليلاً. Tom's stomach feels funny. Tom's stomach hurts a little. لم أكن على علم بمرضها. I didn't know she was ill. I didn't know she was sick. شكراً جزيلاً لك يا دكتور. Thank you very much, doctor. Thank you very much, Doctor. ما نقدرش نعيش حيات كيما هادي. I can't live that kind of life. We can't live the life of Kima Hadi. أنا على يقين أنه هكذا جرى الأمر. I'm pretty sure that's how it happened. I'm sure that's how it went. مرحباً، هل من أحدٍ هناك؟ Hello, is there anyone there? Hey, anybody there? لم يتزوّج سامي مجدّدا بعدها. Sami never remarried. Sammy never married again. كان عليّ أن أحاول. I had to give it a try. I had to try. تناول سامي كمّيّة من الأقراص. Sami swallowed a bunch of pills. Sammy took a bunch of pills. كان سامي آتيًا من ذاك المقهى. Sami was coming from that coffee shop. Sammy was coming from that coffee shop. أنا هو الشخص الذي يحبك. I'm the one who loves you. I'm the one who loves you. قدّم سامي بلاغا للشّرطة. Sami filed a police report. Sammy filed a police report. إن كانت ثمّة طريقة لأستمتع بالدراسة، هلّا أخبرتني عنها؟ If there's some way to enjoy studying, could you teach me how? If there's a way for me to enjoy studying, would you tell me about it? ليست كل الأيام يوم الأحد. Not every day is Sunday. Not every Sunday. مرأتي رح ع السوق My wife is going to the market. My wife is in the market. أظن أن توم لطيف. I think Tom is kind. I think Tom's cute. كان سامي نائما نوما عميقا. Sami was sound asleep. Sam was sleeping deeply. سيصبح عمرها سبعة عشر عاماً السنة المقبلة. She will be seventeen next year. She's gonna be seventeen next year. لن تستفيد من المقاومة فلا تحاول. It's useless to try and resist. You won't benefit from resistance. Don't try. كان مايك الشّخص الوحيد الذي نجى من سقوط الطّائرة. Mike was the only person who survived the plane crash. Mike was the only one who survived the plane crash. اشتمّ كلب سامي شيئا. Sami's dog smelt something. Sammy's dog smelled something. علاقدّاش لحق طوم لّهنا. What time did Tom get here? Tom's right here. من هي اللغة الأصعب بنظرك ؟ What is the hardest language, in your view? Which language is harder for you? ما كُنتش فالخدم اليُوم. I wasn't at work today. The servants aren't here today. هل بإمكاني استعارة هذا القرص؟ May I borrow this CD? Can I borrow this disk? لاتستطيع أن تتذكر. لايمكنها أن تتذكر. She can't remember. She can't remember. أَنجِبَ سامي من علاقة غير شرعيّة. Sami's birth resulted from an extramarital affair. Sammy's had an affair. شعرت بأن جوالي يهتز في جيبي. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. هل انت مع توم؟ Are you with Tom? Are you with Tom? كوت قمصانه. She ironed his shirts. Coat his shirts. لا يوجد طرق مختصرة إلى القمة. تلك الطرق تؤدي إلى الهاوية. There are no shortcuts to the top, only to the bottom. There are no shortcuts to the top. Those roads lead to the abyss. ظهرة توم فجأة. Tom appeared out of thin air. Tom's back all of a sudden. سينظّف سامي كلّ شيء. Sami is gonna clean it all up. Sammy will clean everything up. راني نتعلم التركمانية. I'm learning Turkmen. Rani is learning Turkmen. تعال معنا. Come along. Come with us. هل تعلم ما يعمله توم لكسب لقمة العيش؟ Do you know what Tom does for a living? Do you know what Tom does for a living? محفظتي ضاعت. I have lost my wallet. My wallet's gone. لا أعرف إن كنا نحتاج ذلك. I don't know if we needed that. I don't know if we need that. خذ راحتك. Make yourself at home. Make yourself comfortable. كانت لدى سامي درّاجة ناريّة. Sami had a motorcycle. Sammy had a motorcycle. من فضلك أبقِ ذلك سراً. Please keep this secret. Please keep that a secret. هو شخص سيئ للغاية لدرجة أن الجميع يكرهونه. He is such a bad person that everybody dislikes him. He's so bad that everyone hates him. مارانيش حاب نكون بطل. I don't want to be a hero. Maranesh likes to be a hero. علمت أن شيئا طريفا قد يحدث. I knew something funny might happen. I knew something funny might happen. "إسمك..." "فاضل صادق." "Your name is...?" "Fadil Sadiq." "Your name..." "Fadel Honest." فكّرت الشّرطة في جميع الاحتمالات. Police thought of all possibilities. The police thought of all possibilities. لن أستسلم لأني لدي شيء يستحق أن أكافح من أجله. I won't give up because I have something worth fighting for. I will not give up because I have something worth fighting for. هل عندك الفاتورة؟ Do you have a receipt? Do you have the bill? أصغى Hark! Listen. إنها مجرد نظرية. It's only a theory. It's just a theory. تقدر تديرها. You can do it. You can run it. اعتبره صديقاً. I consider him a friend. Consider him a friend. لا شكر على واجب. Don't mention it. No thanks on duty. شعر طوم صح قصير. Tom's hair is really short. Tom's hair is short. نتا حابس يا الزح؟ Are you fucking stupid? You're stuck, aren't you? مرحبا! Welcome. Hello! انسَ الأمر. Forget it! Forget it. توم يحادث ماري على الهاتف. Tom is on the phone with Mary. Tom's talking to Mary on the phone. أذهب إلي العمل في الساعة السابعة. I go to work at seven o'clock. I go to work at 7:00. لقد مضت ثلاثة سنوات منذ وفاته. It is three years since he died. It's been three years since he died. أنصحك إنك تتأسف. You should apologize. I'd advise you to be sorry. ألصق سامي متفجّرا بلاستيكيّا على النّافذة. Sami stuck plastic explosive on the window. Sammy stuck a plastic explosive on the window. ممنوع التدخين. No smoking. No smoking. أنتِ وصلتِ مبكراً جداً. You arrived too early. You're so early. توقع توم حدوث ذلك. Tom expected this to happen. Tom thought it would happen. اِنتبه! Look out! Watch out! حلّت تلك العمارة محلّ العديد من المنازل. The building replaced several houses. This building has replaced many houses. أنا غير متفاجئ. I'm not surprised. I'm not surprised. يعتبرونه بطلاً. They consider him a hero. They consider him a hero. ذهب سامي لزيارة ليلى Sami went to visit Layla. Sammy went to visit Lily. هل خلق الله العالم في يوم وحيد؟ Did God really create the earth in a single day? Did God create the world in a single day? لم نره في أي مكان. We didn't see him anywhere. We didn't see him anywhere. لم أشتري زوجاً من الأحذية لستة أشهر; أنا أستحق زوجاً جديداً لذلك أنا أعتقد أني سأذهب لشرائهم. I haven't bought a pair of shoes for six months; I deserve a new pair so I think I'll go buy them! I haven't bought a pair of shoes for six months; I deserve a new pair so I think I'll go buy them. أَسَّسَ اْلشَّرِيفُ النَّاظِمَ فِي اْلبَلْدَةِ. The sheriff established order in the town. I've established the honor of being a regular in the country. لم يكن سامي يعلم بعلاقة ليلى مع فريد. Sami didn't know about Layla's relationship with Farid. Sammy didn't know about Lily's relationship with Fred. هذا أغبى ما قُلتُه على الإطلاق. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. كان سامي يتعاطى المخدّرات. Sami took drugs. Sammy was on drugs. عقدنا اجتماعا في الأسرة. We had a family meeting. We had a meeting in the family. أنت متقلب المزاج. You're moody. You're moody. لم أكن على علم بمرضها. I didn't know that she was ill. I didn't know she was sick. أتذكر الحادثة بكل وضوح وكأنها حدثت البارحة فقط. I remember the event as clearly as if it had happened just yesterday. I remember the incident vividly as if it had only happened yesterday. كان سامي أشرس مفترسي الشّوارع. Sami was the ultimate street predator. Sammy was the fiercest street predator. هل لي أن أقاطع؟ May I interrupt? May I interrupt? اِنهالت بالبكاء. She began crying. I cried. لقد جعلني سامي حاملا لكنّي لا أريد أن أكون حاضنته البشريّة. Sami got me pregnant but I don't want to be his human incubator. Sammy got me pregnant, but I don't want to be his human incubator. الجزائر تزعم إيران. Algeria supports Iran. Algeria claims Iran. كان سامي يتخيّل عن ليلى. Sami fantasized on Layla. Sammy was imagining Lily. أعتقد أنه ثمة طرقة أخرى. I believe that there are other ways. I think there's another way. وصلت إلى طوكيو البارحة. I arrived in Tokyo yesterday. I arrived in Tokyo yesterday. هنالك ايضا سياح فرنسيون . There are also French tourists. There are also French tourists. نادرا ما يضحك بل لا يضحك أبدا. He seldom, if ever, laughs. He rarely laughs, but never laughs. لذلك قد فصلنا توم. That's why we fired Tom. So we've fired Tom. غادر سامي النّادي في سيّارة. Sami left the club in his car. Sammy left the club in a car. لا يمكنك أن تفعل شيئين في الوقت ذاته. You can't do two things at once. You can't do two things at once. تلقّى سامي حكما بالسّجن المؤبّد. Sami received a life sentence. Sammy received a life sentence. جميع اليابانيين تقريبا لديهم شعر داكن اللون. Nearly all Japanese have dark hair. Almost all Japanese have dark hair. لم يحضر سامي إلى موعده في المحكمة. Sami failed to appear at his court date. Sammy didn't show up for his court date. لا أعلم إذا كان توم جائعاً أم لا I don't know whether Tom is hungry or not. I don't know if Tom's hungry or not. الطونوبيل تاعنا طاحت أون پان. Our car broke down. The Tonopil is on the run. يعرف توم ماري ، أليس كذلك؟ Tom knows Mary, doesn't he? Tom knows Mary, doesn't he? النادل جلبَ لنا وجباتنا بسرعة. The waiter served our meals quickly. The waiter brought us our meals quickly. توقفت عن التدخين I quit smoking. I stopped smoking. هزّ سامي تلك الشّجرة. Sami shook the tree. Sammy shook that tree. هل أنا صديقتك؟ Am I your friend? Am I your friend? أثار سامي بعض الشّكوك. Sami raised some suspicion. Sammy raised some doubts. يمكن لتوم توضيح ذلك. Tom could explain that. Tom can explain that. أريد أن أموت مع جيتر ياني. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Jeter Yanni. رُبّما أستسلِمُ قريبًا وآخُذ قيلولةً بدلا من ذلك. I may give up soon and just nap instead. Maybe I'll give up soon and take a nap instead. أحتاج التحدث معك عن أمر طارئ I need to talk to you about an urgent matter. I need to talk to you about an emergency. كان ذاك أرنوبًا شريرًا. That was an evil bunny. That was an evil rabbit. لم أكن لأفعل ذلك من دون مساعدتك. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you. I couldn't have done it without your help. نقدر نطفي تلفزيون؟ Can I turn off the TV? Can we turn off a TV? أنت تأكل اللحم. You are eating meat. You're eating meat. لست طالباً. I'm not a student. I'm not a student. تخاصما سامي و ليلى حول مسألة من سيتكفّل بأولادهما. Sami and Layla argued over the custody of their children. Sammy and Laila argued over who would take care of their children. ألّفت أغنية عما حدث هنا السنة الماضية. I wrote a song about what happened here last year. I wrote a song about what happened here last year. ما ثمن هذه القبّعة؟ What is the price of this cap? How much for this hat? سامي في خطر دائم. Sami was in constant danger. Sammy is in constant danger. سأل توم عن هذا. Tom asked for that. Tom asked about this. انتحرت المغنية الشهيرة. The popular singer committed suicide. The famous singer committed suicide. ذلك يتوقف على السياق. It depends on the context. It depends on the context. أمي تحبني. I am loved by my mother. My mother loves me. قالت أنه ينبغي علي أن أعود للبيت مبكرا. She said that I should come home soon. She said I should be home early. طلبت من توم ألّا يلاحقنا أكثر. I asked Tom to stop following us. I told Tom not to come after us anymore. طلب سامي من الله أن يساعده. Sami asked God to protect him. Sammy asked God to help him. بدآ سامي و ليلى يتغازلان و يمضيان وقتا معا. Sami and Layla began flirting and spending time together. Sammy and Lily started flirting and spending time together. كم يوماً تحتاج عادةً للوصول إلى هناك؟ How many days do you usually need to get there? How many days do you usually need to get there? هو يحب المغامرة . He likes adventure. He likes adventure. أنا لو كنت غنية, كنت أود أن أعطيك المال. If I were rich, I'd give you money. If I were rich, I'd give you money. أنت مشتر جيد. You are a good customer. You're a good buyer. زاد القاز في السومة. Gas prices are up. I've increased the poison. أنت ملاك! You're an angel! You're an angel! ده عشان انتي بنت. That's because you're a girl. That's why you're a girl. أيّهما تفضّل، أهذه أم تلك؟ Which one do you prefer, this one or that one? Which do you prefer, this or that? الإنثروبولوجيا اللغوية تدرس التواصل البشري حول العامل وكيف ترتبط اللغة في الإدراك البشري للعالم وكيف يتواصل الإشخاص بين أنفسهم. Linguistic anthropology studies human communication around the globe. It is concerned with how language is linked to human perception of the world and how they relate to each other. Linguistic anthropology studies human communication about the agent, how language relates to human perception of the world, and how people communicate between themselves. قام سامي بتبييض شعره كي يصبح أشقرا. Sami bleached his hair blond. Sammy bleached his hair to make him blond. الأمل ليس استراتيجية. Hope is not a strategy. Hope is not a strategy. فتحت ليلى صنبور الماء. Layla turned the water on. Lily opened the water faucet. فقد توم حاسة الشم. Tom lost his sense of smell. Tom lost his sense of smell. لا أعرف أين توجد نظاراتي الشمسية I don't know where my sunglasses are. I don't know where my sunglasses are. خرج الأولاد من الغرفة واحداً تلو الآخر. One by one the boys went out of the room. The boys came out of the room one by one. كان سامي راغبا في أن تبقى ليلى بعيدة عن فريد. Sami wanted Layla to stay away from Farid. Sammy wanted Leyla to stay away from Fred. ليلى في سنّ الإنجاب. Layla is old enough to have children. Lily's of childbearing age. يمكن للإجهاد أن يؤثر تأثيرا سلبيا كبيرا على صحتك. Stress can have an enormous negative impact on your health. Stress can have a significant negative impact on your health. أمضيت رسالة سامي الهاتفيّة بحرف الفاء. Sami's text message was signed with the letter F. I spent Sammy's phone message with an F. هل تعارض التدخين؟ Do you object to smoking? Do you oppose smoking? أنا أضحك فقط. I am only joking. I'm just laughing. دفتر يومياتك عندي. I have your diary. I have your journal. في البداية كنت خائفاً First l was afraid. At first I was scared. الحياة في هذه الكلية ليست كما توقعت البتة. Life at this college is nothing like I expected. Life in this college is not what I expected. أشكرك لأنك وضّحت لي ذلك. Thanks for your explanation. Thank you for explaining that to me. ماذا صنع توم؟ What did Tom make? What did Tom do? أين هي السّفارة الألمانيّة؟ Where is the German embassy? Where's the German embassy? ماري اقنعت توم بالذهاب معها الي بوسطن Mary convinced Tom to go to Boston with her. Mary convinced Tom to go to Boston with her. تناول سامي أقراص النّوم. Sami took sleeping pills. Sammy took sleeping pills. هذا القرار نهائي. This decision is final. This decision is final. لن أنس مراسلة أمّي. I will not forget to write to my mother. I won't forget my mom's reporter. واقيلا عندي تاۆري عليها. I think I have a theory about that. I have a taper on it. حتى الآن، كل شيء كان ناجحا. So far everything has been successful. So far, everything has been successful. هو طفل العائلة. He is the baby of the family. He's the family kid. أهلاً بعودتك. لقد اشتقنا إليك! Welcome back. We missed you! Welcome back, we've missed you! البيت كان محترقاً تماماً من جراء النار. The house was completely burnt down by a fire. The house was completely burned down by the fire. اغلق جميع الأبواب والنوافذ. Shut all the doors and windows. Close all doors and windows. أين بيته؟ Where is his house? Where's his house? هنالك العديد من السياح الاجانب في أساكوسا . There are many foreign tourists in Asakusa. There are many foreign tourists in Asakusa. أسكتناهم. We kept them quiet. We silenced them. يمكنك الذهاب إلى أين تشاء. You may go anywhere. You can go wherever you want. لا تخيب ظني بك! Don't disappoint me. Don't disappoint me! هو فقط رجل. He is only a man. He's just a man. شعر سامي بالارتباك. Sami got nervous. Sammy was confused. لمات كيما لامور - ادي سامپل، بصّح تتكۆمپليكا. Math is like love - a simple idea, but it can get complicated. Matt Kima Lamour - Eddie Sammel, Cheers Tekmelika. هل تلك دراجتك؟ Is this your bicycle? Is that your bike? لكم سامي ليلى في وجهها، متسبّبا في انتفاخ عينها إلى حدّ الانغلاق. Sami punched Layla in the face, causing her eye to swell shut. Sami Layla punched her in the face, causing her eye to swell to the point of closure. أعتقد أنكَ فكرتَ في ما كنتُ سأفكر فيه. I think you thought what I'm going to think. I think you've thought about what I was going to think. المرحاض معطّل. The toilet doesn't work. The toilet's broken. كان سامي يشتم. Sami was cursing. Sammy was cursing. لقد انتهي الأمر بيننا It's over between us. It's over between us. ينبغي ألّا نجعل تحيزاتنا تأثر في قراراتنا. We should not be influenced in our decisions by our prejudices. We should not let our prejudices influence our decisions. هل تعرفه؟ Do you know who he is? Do you know him? وكما قال أبراهام لينكولن لأمة كانت أكثر انقساماً مما نحن عليه الآن. نحن لسنا بأعداءٍ، بل أصدقاء. ورغم أن الانفعالات مزّقت أواصر المودة بيننا، إلا أنه لا بد من أن لا نسمح لها بقطع أوصالها As Lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, we are not enemies but friends. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. As Abraham Lincoln said to a nation that was more divided than we are now. We are not enemies, we are friends. Although the passions have torn the bonds of affection between us, we must not allow them to separate. هل بإمكانك تكلم الإيطالية؟ Do you speak Italian? Can you speak Italian? هناك من ينظر إليك. Someone is watching you. Someone's looking at you. يكره سامي ذلك المدرّس. Sami hates that teacher. Sammy hates that teacher. هو وَعد أن يمضي فترة خمس سنوات كرئيس. He vowed that he would serve out his five-year term as chairperson. He promised to serve a five-year term as president. تلك الموسيقى تذكرني دائماً بك. That music always reminded me of you. That music always reminds me of you. صفق الجمهور للممثلة. The audience applauded the actress. The audience applauded the actress. هم أعطوها لي They gave it to me. They gave it to me. لا يريد جمال أن يعلم هذا. Jamal doesn't want to know about it. Jamal doesn't want to know that. رجّعلي سْتِيلُويَا. Give me my pen back. My man's stylizing. أضمن لك أنّ هذه المعلومات صحيحة. I guarantee that this information is correct. I guarantee you this information is correct. الثقة بالنفس مفتاح النجاح. Self confidence is the key to success. Self-confidence is the key to success. تفضّل طلبك. Here's your order. Here's your order. ولدت ليلى إبنها السّادس. Layla gave birth to baby number six. Leyla was born her sixth son. لقد عدت إلى البيت I'm home. I'm home. أضاع المدرّس ورقة امتحاني. The teacher lost my test. The teacher lost my exam paper. أنا لا ألومك. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. لقد أنهيت عملي للتو. I just finished the work. I just finished my job. أرني شيئاً أرخص لو سمحت. Please show me something cheaper. Show me something cheaper, please. كان من عادتها أنها كانت تزورني باستمرار. She used to visit me regularly. She used to visit me all the time. أفكر في الذهاب إلى الجبال. I am thinking of going to the mountains. I'm thinking of going to the mountains. قتلت ليلى كلبها. Layla killed her dog. Lily killed her dog. شيء مذهل ! ، سائح امريكي كان يقول : كل كلمة "حصان" تلفض باللغة الهنغارية مثل لفضة كلمة "منخفض" بالانكليزية . It's amazing! – an American tourist was saying: In Hungary, every "horse" is "low"! An American tourist used to say that every word "horse" is spelled out in Hungarian as "low" in English. ابن عمي من مصر. هو مصري. My cousin is from Egypt. He is Egyptian. My cousin is from Egypt. He is an Egyptian. إستطلاع يُظهر أن العديد من رجال الأعمال يتخطون الغداء. A survey shows that many businessmen skip lunch. A survey shows that many businessmen skip lunch. سامي سعيد لكونه يسكن في مدينة ليون، بفلوريدا. Sami is happy to call Leon, Florida, home. Sammy is happy to be living in Lyon, Florida. ماذا تُسَمّى هذه الوردة؟ What do you call this flower? What is this rose called? أيمكنه توم حقا السباحة أسرع منك؟ Can Tom really swim faster than you? Can Tom really swim faster than you? قريباً سيأتي اليوم الذي يستطيع فيه البشر السفر إلى كوكب المريخ. The day will soon come when man can travel to Mars. Soon the day will come when humans will be able to travel to Mars. أنت فيلسوف، أليس كذلك؟ You're a philosopher, aren't you? You're a philosopher, aren't you? لقد أنهينا أكل طعام الفطور للتو. We've just finished breakfast. We just finished eating breakfast. تسمح لي إني أسألك شوية؟ May I ask a couple of questions? May I ask you a grill? سامح الجميع لكن لا تنس شيئا. Forgive everyone, forget nothing. Forgive everyone, but forget nothing. عندك فقط خيارين. You only have two options. You only have two options. القرآن تُرجم إلى لغات عديدة. The Quran was translated into many languages. The Qur'an has been translated into many languages. ماما قطعت الكيكة. My mother cut the cake. Mama cut the cake. روى سامي لنا قصّة حياته. Sami told us his life story. Sammy told us his life story. هل تَمْزَح؟ Are you kidding? Are you kidding? هيا لنشرب. Let's get drunk. Let's drink. هادي سورپريز. It's a surprise. Hadi Surfers. علي أن أخبر جمال بما سمعته. I should tell Jamal what I heard. I have to tell Jamal what I heard. لِمَ أُتْعِبُ نفسي. Why do I even care? Why am I bothering myself. إتقان لغة أجنبية ليس بالأمر السهل Mastering a foreign language isn't easy. Mastering a foreign language is not easy. سمّينا إبننا على إسم جدي. We named my son after my grandfather. We named our son after my grandfather. كان حذاء سامي ضائعا. Sami's shoes were missing. Sammy's shoes were missing. تفاصيل المشروع لم تكن واضحة في الشهرين الماضيين. The details of the project have not been clear for the last two months. The details of the project have not been clear in the past two months. لن يكون أبي مشغولاً غداً. My father won't be busy tomorrow. My dad won't be busy tomorrow. ربّما سأصنع لنفسي زيّا كهذا لحفل هالووين القادم. Maybe I'll have a costume made like that for next Halloween. Maybe I'll make myself a costume like this for the next Halloween party. إنهُ إقتباس من كتاب. It's a quote from a book. It's a quote from a book. روسيا يجب ان لا تغير نشيدها الوطني مراة عدة. Russia shouldn't change its national anthem so often. Russia must not change its national anthem several times. أريد أن ترووا لي كلّ ما حدث. I want you to tell me everything that happened. I want you to tell me everything that happened. يوما الإثنين والثلاثاء القادمين عطلة. Next Monday and Tuesday are holidays. Next Monday and Tuesday are holidays. يبدو واضحاً . It seems obvious. It seems obvious. هل وصلتني أي رسائل؟ Have any letters arrived for me? Did I get any messages? فكر في ذلك. Think about it. Think about it. يحاول الانفصاليون تطوير سرد زائف من أجل تبرير مشروعهم السياسي. The separatists are trying to develop a pseudoscientific narrative to justify their political project. Separatists are trying to develop a false narrative in order to justify their political project. رأيتك تطبخين. I saw you cooking. I saw you cooking. اشتريت كمبيوتر جديد الشهر الفائت. I bought a new computer last month. I bought a new computer last month. إنه ليس مدخنا. He isn't a smoker. He's not a smoker. إلى اللقاء See you again. Bye. السلاحف ليس عندها أسنان. Turtles don't have teeth. Turtles don't have teeth. لدي الكثير من الواجبات هذا اليوم. Today, I have a lot of homework. I have a lot of homework to do today. منين انتم؟ Where are you from? Who are you? كانت ليلى تستعدّ لمغادرة المطعم. Layla was getting ready to leave the restaurant. Lily was getting ready to leave the restaurant. أريد أن أعرف رأيك. I want to know your opinion. I want to know what you think. انهُ مقصد سياحي مشهور. It's a popular tourist destination. It's a popular tourist destination. أطلقت ليلى النّار على الكلب. Layla shot the dog. Lily shot the dog. هذا جيد جدا This is very good. That's very good. احسّ سامي بالحقد. Sami felt resentlful. Sammy has a grudge. هل سبق و ذهبت للسباحة عارياً. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? You ever go swimming naked? الجيران الجدد قد وصلوا. The new neighbours have arrived. The new neighbors have arrived. كان سامي يريد أن تختفي ليلى من حياته. Sami wanted Layla to disappear from his life. Sammy wanted Layla to disappear from his life. لديه سيارته الخاصة. He has his own car. He has his own car. كم مجلة على المكتب؟ How many magazines are on the desk? How many magazines are on the desk? الى ماذا تنظر ؟ Hey, what are you looking at? What are you looking at? نحن سعداء We're happy. We're happy. تحب البرتقال. She likes oranges. She likes oranges. أنا أعتقد أني بطريق الخطأ أرسلت البريد الإلكتروني إلى توم. I think I mistakenly sent that email to Tom. I think I accidentally e-mailed Tom. أراد سامي أن يجعل ليلى تحبّه. Sami wanted to make Layla love him. Sammy wanted to make Lily love him. التقط كلب الشّرطة رائحة سامي. The police dog picked up Sami's scent. The police dog picked up Sammy's scent. لا يهم ما تفعله, يجب عليك أن تفعل أفضل ما لديك. No matter what you do, you have to do your best. No matter what you do, you have to do your best. لم يتخاصما سامي و ليلى أمام أطفالهما. Sami and Layla didn't argue in front of the kids. Sammy and Lily did not fight in front of their children. أعطت ليلى لسامي رقم هاتفها. Layla gave Sami her phone number. Lily gave Sammy her phone number. بالتالي، سوف أضطرُ للقاءِ هنا. Hence, I shall have to stay here. So, I'm gonna have to meet here. سألت صاحبة المحل: "ولكن، ألا تظنها كبيرة قليلًا؟". "But don't you think that it's a little big?" asked the shopkeeper. The store owner asked, “But don’t you think she’s a little old?” روى سامي قصّة حياته لليلى. Sami told Layla about his life. Sammy told the story of his life to Lily. ناداني المدرّس بالأحمق. The teacher called me stupid. The teacher called me an idiot. أتذكر أسمه، كلما استمعت إلى هذه الأغنية. Every time I hear this song, I think of his name. I remember his name, whenever I listened to this song. يوم الأحد هو أول يوم في الأسبوع. Sunday is the first day of the week. Sunday is the first day of the week. مهمتي هي الإهتمام بالطفل. Taking care of the baby is my job. My job is to take care of the baby. انطلق متجها إلى لندن أمس الأول. He departed for London the day before yesterday. I went to London yesterday. قاست الممرضة حرارته. The nurse took his temperature. The nurse measured his temperature. يمكن أن أحاوله مرة أخرى. I may give it another try. I could try it again. توم يْبَانْ وَاعَرْ. Tom looks strong. Tom's showing off. ما أسهل أن يكتسب المرء عادات سيئة! How easily one acquires bad habits! How easy it is to have bad habits! أكيد لديك كثير من الأسئلة. You certainly have a lot of questions. You must have a lot of questions. يمكنك اختيار أيا كان ما تريد. You may choose whichever you want. You can choose whatever you want. شنو اسميتك؟ What's your name? What's your name? سأعود لآخذ حقيبة يدي. I'll return to get my handbag. I'll go back and get my handbag. استعمل فاضل بطاقة اعتماد ليلى. Fadil used Layla's credit card. Fadel used Leila's credit card. هل أنت واثق أنك تريد الذهاب إلى هناك؟ Are you sure that you want to go there? Are you sure you want to go there? عاش سامي حياة رفيعة المستوى. Sami lived a prestigious life. Sammy lived a high-profile life. ليس كل ما على شبكة الإنترنت يمكن إيجاده باستخدام جوجل. Not everything on the web can be found through Google. Not everything on the web can be found using Google. اُنقل الطاولة إلى الخارج إذا سمحت. Carry the table out, please. Move the table outside, please. لم أرى سيارة بهذا القدم بهذه الحالة الجيدة. I've never seen a car this old in such good condition. I've never seen a car this good. هل تذهبينَ إلى جامعة تيزي وزّو؟ Do you go to Tizi Ouzou University? Do you go to Tizi-O-Zu University? شفت ده قبل كده. I've seen that. I've seen it before. أمر رائع أن تكون لديك أسرة. It's great to have a family. It's great to have a family. لقد إنتهيت للتو من تناول الإفطار. I've just finished eating breakfast. I just finished breakfast. يمكن لعلاقة حبّ أن تصبح علاقة غير سليمة. Love can turn toxic. A love relationship can become an unhealthy one. سُجِنت ليلى لثلاث سنوات طِوال. Layla was jailed for three long years. Lily's been locked up for three years. المعلّم تاعنا ولد حرام. Our boss is such a bitch. The teacher is a forbidden child. إنك تخيفني في بعض الأحيان. Sometimes you scare me. You scare me sometimes. يتوجب عليك أن تشكره. You ought to thank him. You should thank him. إذا كنت مكانك لفعلت نفس الشيء. If I were in your situation, I would do the same thing. If I were you, I would do the same. أيمكنك إخباري عن سبب حبك لها؟ Could you please tell me why you love her? Can you tell me why you love her? بمن اتّصل فاضل؟ Who did Fadil contact? Who did Fadel call? هل ستعود غدا؟ Will you come back tomorrow? Are you coming back tomorrow? هذه المرّة سنفوز بكأس كرة القدم. This time, we'll win the football cup. This time we're going to win the football cup. إبحث و ستجد. Seek, and you will find. Search and you'll find. أيهما أثقل، الذهب أم الرصاص؟ Which is heavier, lead or gold? Which is heavier, gold or lead? و لا تنسَ سقاية المزروعات. And don't forget to water the plants. And don't forget to water the crops. ما الخطب؟ What is the problem? What's the matter? ۆه، دۆركا ولّات ڥريمان بيزار... Uh, now it's really weird... He, Derka Waalt, German Bizarre... كان سامي في خطر. Sami was in danger. Sammy was in danger. كنت أشاهد التلفاز حينها. I was watching TV then. I was watching TV then. زرت طوني البارحة. I visited Tony yesterday. I visited Tony yesterday. هي تحتاج للمزيد من النوم. She needs to sleep more. She needs more sleep. متىَ أتيتِ؟ When did you come? When did you come? "أين أكلت الغذاء؟" "أكلت في مطعم." "Where did you eat lunch?" "I ate at a restaurant." "Where did you eat lunch?" "I ate in a restaurant." أخذت الكتاب. I took the book. I took the book. اعتنق فاضل الإسلام في شهر يناير سنة 1998. Fadil became a Muslim in January 1998. Fadel converted to Islam in January 1998. كان فاضل يقطن في الحيّ الذي تقطن فيه ليلى. Fadil lived in the same neighborhood as Layla. He lived in the neighborhood where Lily lived. سامي موجود هنا من أجل حاسوب. Sami is here for a computer. Sammy's here for a computer. تلك هي سيارته That is his car. That's his car. أتمنى لك يوماً طيباً. Have a nice day. Have a good day. هل هذه الأشياء لك؟ Are these yours? Are these things yours? أنا بطل. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. اخرج من غرفتي Get out of my room! Get out of my room. ارتدى الأطباء أقنعة بيضاء تغطي أفواههم و أنوفهم. The doctors wore white masks over their mouths and noses. Doctors wore white masks covering their mouths and noses. أفكّر بشكل مختلف عنك. I think different from you. I think differently about you. لحكايا تع لغول تخلع. The ghost story was terrifying. For tales of ghouls take off. تعرّض سامي للسّرقة. Sami was robbed. Sammy was robbed. راك تقول بلّي خبّيت جمالك بلعاني⸮ You are saying you intentionally hide your good looks? Rak says yes. I hid your beauty in my mouth. عليك أن تأتي لزيارتي مرة أخرى. You must not come to meet me again. You have to come visit me again. لدي منها رسالة لك. I have a message for you from her. I have a message for you. ولهؤلاء الأمريكان الذين لا زلت انتظر دعمهم، أقول: ربما لم أكسب تصويتكم، إلا أنني سمعت أصواتكم، وأحتاج دعمكم، وسأكون رئيسكم أنتم أيضاً. And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voices. I need your help. And I will be your president, too. To those Americans whose support I am still waiting for, I say: I may not have won your vote, but I have heard your voices, and I need your support, and I will be your president as well. ألف سامي حياته المزدوجة إلى حدّ كبير. Sami has grown too comfortable with his double life. Sammy has had a long double life. أنا قبائلية I'm Kabyle. I'm tribal. لا أستطيع تذكر اسمِهِ. I can't remember his name. I can't remember his name. هذا هو أفضل كتاب قرأته في حياتي. It's the best book that I've ever read. This is the best book I've ever read. إن لم يحصل المرء على ما يحب، يحب المرء ما حصل عليه. Not having what one likes, one likes what one has. If you don't get what you like, you love what you get. كان ذلك صعب التصديق. That was hard to believe. That was hard to believe. كانت على وشك الخروج. She was about to go out. She was about to go out. أجب على السؤال. Answer the question. Answer the question. أنا كبير بما فيه الكفاية لأصوت. I'm old enough to vote. I'm old enough to vote. سأكلّمه بموضوع الموسيقى الصّاخبة. I'll talk to him about the loud music. I'll talk to him about loud music. لا أريد البكاء أمام توم. I didn't want to cry in front of Tom. I don't want to cry in front of Tom. الدولة لجأت إلى الأمم المتحدة لطلب المساعدة. The country appealed to the United Nations for help. The state turned to the United Nations for help. غيّر فاضل تفاصيل حسابه البنكي. Fadil changed his bank account details. Fadel changed his bank account details. قاد توم السيارة. Tom drove the car. Tom drove the car. اكتشفت للتو أن زوجتي قد خانتني. I just found out that my wife cheated on me. I just found out my wife cheated on me. سيحصل سامي على فرصته للانتقام. Sami will have his revenge. Sammy will get his chance for revenge. بإمكاني أن أسبح. I can swim. I can swim. كبير على جاين بعامين. He is older than Jane by two years. Two years older than Jane. الحب شيئ مهم. Love is an important thing. Love is important. سامي من قام بهذا. Sami did this. Sammy did this. لماذا صعدت إلى سقف بيتها؟ Why did you climb up on the roof of her house? Why did she go up to the roof of her house? البحيرة بعيدة جداً عن هنا. The lake is a long way from here. The lake is far from here. قال لي ألا أقود بسرعة. He told me not to drive too fast. He told me not to drive too fast. تستخدم سيارتي الكثير من الوقود. My car burns a lot of gas. My car uses a lot of fuel. صديقي شخص ثرثار. My friend is a chatty man. My friend's a big mouth. رجعت كارول إلى فندقها. Carol returned to her hotel. Carol went back to her hotel. تشرب كايت الكثير من الحليب كل يوم. Kate drinks a lot of milk every day. Kate drinks a lot of milk every day. تزوّجت أمّي مرّة أخرى. My mom remarried. My mom got married again. قال توم بأنه لم يكن مسموحا له فعل ذلك. Tom said he wasn't allowed to do that. Tom said he wasn't allowed to do that. كان سامي مهتمّا بشأنه. Sami was minding his own business. Sammy was interested in it. هل حقا أنت أميرة ؟ Are you really a princess? Are you really a princess? أشم رائحة شيء يحترق يا أمي. I smell something burning, Mother. I smell something burning, Mom. قتلت بيتي أمك. Betty killed your mother. Betty killed your mother. مصروفات الدراسة بالكليات غالية جداً. My college tuition is too expensive. College tuition is very expensive. لا تضحك على الأبله و المعوق. Do not laugh at the weak-minded and the disabled. Don't laugh at the idiot and the cripple. لقد إحتالت عليه. She swindled him. She cheated on him. لا أريد قراءة أي شيء. I don't want to read anything. I don't want to read anything. لن تنجح. You won't have your way. It won't work. بعض الثعابين سامة. Some snakes are poisonous. Some snakes are poisonous. ماكنش عارف كده. He didn't know that. MacNash knows that. ماراكش سورپري، باينا بلّي كونت علابالك. Seeing that you're not surprised, I think you must have known. Maraksh Surrey, Bayna Bligh Count of Alabalak. عمتي أكبر من أمي. My aunt is older than my mother. My aunt is older than my mother. هل أنت تلميذ؟ Are you a student? Are you a student? اسمحي لي خلعتك. Sorry I startled you! Let me take you off. يعرف جاك كيف يتكلم الفرنسية. Jack can speak French. Jack knows how to speak French. سآخذ الصفراء. I'll take the yellow one. I'll take the yellow. هل ترى الراكون؟ Do you see the raccoon? You see the raccoon? دّنيا بلا لامور ما عندها حتّا معنا. Life without love is just totally pointless. Don't worry, she's still with us. تعقّبت الشّرطة آثار سامي. The police tracked Sami down. The police traced Sammy's tracks. كم كلّفت التذاكر؟ How much did the tickets cost? How much did the tickets cost? كانت ليلى تحبّ نمط الحياة الرّيفية. Layla loved the country lifestyle. Lilly loved the rustic way of life. لم يكن سامي يعلم ما معنى عبارة مغيّر للهواية الجنسيّة إلى أن اغتيل رجل مغيّر لهويّته الجنسيّة في حيّه. Sami didn't know what the word transgender meant until a transgender man was killed in his neighborhood. Sammy didn’t know what a sex-changer meant until a transgender man was assassinated in his neighborhood. لا تنسَ أن تضع طابعاً على رسالتك. Don't forget to put a stamp on your letter. Don't forget to put a stamp on your letter. ركب سامي الطّائرة. Sami boarded the plane. Sammy's on the plane. أنا لا أخبرك أي شئ. I'm not telling you anything. I'm not telling you anything. ما رانيش ناوي ندير هاد الشّي. I don't intend to do that. What Ranesh Nawi we run ha-ha-shi. يبدو أن الجميع يحب جمال. Everybody seems to like Jamal. Everyone seems to love Jamal. موضوعنا هذا الأسبوع هو: _____. Our topic of the week is: _____. This week’s theme is: _____. أستمع إلى المذياع كل ليلة. I listen to the radio every night. I listen to the radio every night. ليس فقط انت بل انا ايضا كنت المعني As a rule, I prefer people who deal with matters of this kind directly with those involved. Not only you, I was involved. كيفا لقيت لماكلا ف ليسپاس⸮ How do you find food in outer space? Kiva Makala الجزائريون مسلمون سنيون. Algerians are Sunni Muslims. Algerians are Sunni Muslims. كونوا متسامحين. Be tolerant. Be tolerant. إنها إجابة قدمتها صفوفٌ امتدت حول المدارس والكنائس في أعدادٍ لم يسبق لهذه الأمة أن شهدت مثلها؛ إجابة قدمها أناسٌ وقفوا منتظرين لمدة ثلاث أو أربع ساعات، كثيرون منهم شاركوا في التصويت للمرة الأولى في حياتهم، إيماناً منهم بأن هذه المرة لا بد أن تكون مختلفة عن غيرها، وان أصواتهم من الممكن أن تحقق ذلك الفارق. It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches, in numbers this nation has never seen. By people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference. It is an answer presented by classes that have spread around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; an answer presented by people who stood waiting for three or four hours, many of them voting for the first time in their lives, believing that this time it must be different from others, and that their voices could make that difference. يشكل الفصل الثالث نهاية البداية في الكتاب. توقف هناك واقرأ تعليقات الناقد. Chapter three is the end of the beginning of the book. Stop there and read the critic's comments. Chapter 3 marks the end of the beginning in the book. Stop there and read the critic's comments. لقد أنقذت ليلى حياة سامي. Layla saved Sami's life. Lily saved Sammy's life. ممنوع تدخلو لهاد البيت. You aren't allowed in this room. No going in the house. لقد أوقفته، أليس كذلك؟ You stopped it, didn't you? You stopped him, didn't you? آمل أن لا تنس القيام بذلك. I hope you don't forget to do that. I hope you don't forget to do that. علم سامي أنّه وقع في فخّ. Sami realized that he was trapped. Sammy knew he was trapped. سجّل سامي نفسه. Sami recorded himself. Sammy recorded himself. ذهب سامي إلى مستشفى في نهارة المطاف. Sami ended up going to the hospital. Sammy went to a hospital in the afternoon. هل رأيت هذا يا جمال؟ Did you see that, Jamal? Did you see that, Jamal? أكل سامي قرابة اثني عشر بيضة. Sami ate a dozen eggs. Sammy ate about a dozen eggs. ستنجب ليلى طفلا. Layla is going to have a baby. Lily's having a baby. نمت البلدة و أصبحت مدينة. The town grew into a city. The town grew and became a city. سيكون الغد أفضل! Tomorrow will be better! Tomorrow will be better! لقد هدأ المنزل. The house went quiet. The house has calmed down. هيا بنا! Let's go! Come on! يسافر أبي إلى الخارج أحياناً. My father sometimes goes abroad. My dad goes abroad sometimes. هل تعرف كيف تستخدم معجمًا؟ Do you know how to use a dictionary? Do you know how to use a dictionary? هذا القط يحتاج للمساعدة كي ينزل من الطاولة. That cat needs help to climb off a table. This cat needs help to get off the table. قام سامي بالحراسة. Sami kept guard. Sammy was on guard. ومنذ ذلك الوقت عاشوا جميعا بسعادة. And they all lived happily ever after. Since then they have all lived happily. لا تفتح الباب. Don't open the door. Don't open the door. أمي لا يمكنها المجيء. My mother can't come. Mom can't come. عندما ذهبت صاحبة المحل لتجلب البذلة لديما لاحظت لطخات من الدم على سترته، ولم تجد إلا أن تحدق وهي مصدومة. As she fetched Dima the suit, the shopkeeper noticed smears of blood on his shirt, and couldn't help but stare in shock. When the shopkeeper went to get the suit, she noticed blood stains on his jacket, and she couldn’t help but stare as she was shocked. كان سامي يحسب حبّات سبحته. Sami was fingering his prayer beads. Sammy was counting his rosaries. أردت أن أشتري لك بعض الملابس للشّتاء. I wanted to get you some clothes for the winter. I wanted to buy you some clothes for the winter. كان سامي يقضي المزيد من الوقت في منزل ليلى. Sami was spending more and more time at Layla's house. Sammy was spending more time at Layla's house. الأب و الإبن يعملان معا مجدّدا. Father and son working together again. Father and son working together again. هذه التفاحة طعمها حامض. This apple tastes sour. This apple tastes sour. هل ضرب سامي ليلى؟ Did Sami hit Layla? Did Sammy hit Lily? طلبَت الانضمام إلى نادى لرياضة الغولف. She applied for the membership in a golf club. She asked to join a golf club. أمضى منّاد اللّيلة في منزل أبيه. Mennad slept over at his father's house. He spent the night at his father's house. من أجل ماذا أتيتَ إلى هنا؟ What did you come here for? What did you come here for? هناك مئات الآلاف من النّساء في السّجون الأمريكيّة في أيّة لحظة. There are hundreds of thousands of women in jail at any given time in the United States. There are hundreds of thousands of women in U.S. prisons at any given moment. كانا سامي و ليلى يخطّطان لقضاء عطلة نهاية الأسبوع معا. Sami and Layla were planning to spend the holiday weekend together. Sammy and Lily were planning to spend the weekend together. هي تخفي أمرًا ما. She's hiding something. She's hiding something. لقد أحدثت وفاة سامي هلاعا وسط أهل الحي. Sami's death put the community into a panic. Sammy's death caused panic among the neighborhood's residents. انظر مرة أخرى Look again. Look again. أنا أرى وأسمع. I see and hear. I see and hear. كانت لدى سامي حياة خفيّة. Sami had a secret life. Sammy had an invisible life. إنها أثقل منه بكثير. She's much heavier than him. It's a lot heavier than him. مش فاهم انت عايز تقول إيه. I don't understand what you're saying. I don't know what you want to say. صادفت توم في طريقي إلى المدرسة. I met Tom on my way to school. I ran into Tom on the way to school. سامي يملك الكثير من المال. Sami has plenty of money. Sammy has a lot of money. ظرف و طابع بريد من فضلك. An envelope and a stamp, please. Envelope and postage, please. كلب كين أبيض. Ken's dog is white. Ken's white dog. بلغ البلل بدني. I got wet to the skin. Get physically wet. أُعجب سامي بذلك حقّا. Sami really liked that. Sammy really liked it. إنها من محبي القطط. She's a cat lover. She's a cat lover. لديك ستّ رسائل غير مقروءة. You have six unread messages. You have six unread messages. فهمت ليلى أنّ صديقها كان في خطر محتمل. Layla understood that her boyfriend was potentially dangerous. Lily understood that her boyfriend was in potential danger. لم تأت قبل الثانية. She didn't come before two. She didn't come before 2:00. راهو هنا لپرۆبلام. Therein lies the problem. Raho's here for Bergblam. صحّا علا لكسپليكاسيۆن ديالك. Thanks for your explanation. Cheers to Lexykassin Diyalk. باش تكون پارفات، خصها ديفۆ واحد. To be perfect she lacked just one defect. Bash is a varvat. Dev singled her out. أطلق سامي النّار على كلب متشرّد. Sami shot a stray dog. Sammy shot a homeless dog. توم أمضى فترة بعد الظهر بأكملها مع ماري. Tom spent the entire afternoon with Mary. Tom spent the entire afternoon with Mary. لم يقطف يانّي إلاّ حبّات الأكثر نضوجا. Yanni harvested only the ripest figs. Jani only picked the most mature grains. إنني قلق عليه. I worry about him. I'm worried about him. هو يأمل أن يجعلها تفعل ما يريده. He hopes to entice her into doing what he wants. He hopes to make her do what he wants. شكرا جزيلا على دعوتك لي. Thank you so much for inviting me. Thank you so much for inviting me. قُتل سامي. Sami was killed. Sammy was killed. إنها جميلة جداً. She is very pretty. It's so beautiful. أتلك درّاجتك؟ Is this your bike? Is that your bike? الكتاب عن ملك فقد تاجه. This book is about a king who loses his crown. The book is about a king who lost his crown. أين الكتاب؟ Where is the book? Where's the book? الصبر أُمُّ العلوم. Patience is the mother of science. Patience is the mother of science. لم أعلم بهذا الأمر. I didn't know that. I didn't know that. انا هنا بصفتي سائح . I'm here as a tourist. I am here as a tourist. فوّت سام درس التّاريخ. Sami missed his history class. Sam missed his history lesson. فهمتيني؟ Do you understand me? Understand me? أعتقد أنك صائب. I think you're right. I think you're right. كان سامي جرّاحا تجميليّا بارزا في القاهرة. Sami was a prominent Cairo plastic surgeon. Sami was a prominent plastic surgeon in Cairo. الدّار تاع توم تبنات في 2013. Tom's house was built in 2013. Tom was adopted in 2013. مش فاهمك. I do not understand you. I don't understand. و أخيرا خرجت. I'm finally out. I finally got out. ذهب سامي إلى المسجد يوم الجمعة. Sami went to the mosque on Friday. Sami went to the mosque on Friday. ما عنديش الفلوس I don't have any money. I don't have the money. سأنتقل للعيش معك. I'll move in. I'm moving in with you. لماذا لم تأتي لتزرني؟ Why didn't you come visit me? Why didn't you come visit me? أريد حبيبا. I want a boyfriend. I want a boyfriend. دخلتُ الغرفة التي كانت مليئة بالناس. I entered the room, which was full of people. I entered the room that was full of people. بعد أن أنهيت عملي، خرجت لأتنزه. Having finished the work, I went out for a walk. After I finished my work, I went out for a walk. لوكان غير جِيت مسرّح في ڤاع اللغات. If only I was fluent in all the languages. If not, it's already in the language. أخذت تبكي. I began to cry. She started crying. أتعتقد ذلك؟ Do you think so? You think? أهل أبدو أنيقا؟ Do I look okay? Do I look neat? أيمكنك أن تغلّف هذا كالهدايا، من فضلك؟ Can you gift-wrap this, please? Can you wrap this up like a gift, please? صفّ كليتيّ وقلبي‎. Try out my reins and my heart. Class my kidneys and my heart. إنها لا تعرف شيئاً عن عائلتك. She knows nothing about your family. She doesn't know anything about your family. يبدو وكأنّها ستمطر. It seems that it will rain. It looks like it's gonna rain. لا أوافقك الرأي. I don't agree with you. I don't agree. ماذا ستفعل بهذا المال؟ What are you going to do with this money? What are you gonna do with that money? اتصلت مينج بصديقها ليلة البارحة. Ming called her friend yesterday evening. Ming called her boyfriend last night. لقد طُرِدَتْ من المدرسةِ. She was expelled from the school. She was kicked out of school. ذهب فاضل إلى المنزل فحسب. Fadil just went home. Fadel just went home. كان سامي مختبئا في منزل أمّه. Fadil was holed up at his mother's house. Sammy was hiding in his mother's house. و كيف حالك أنت؟ And you, how are you? And how are you? كان سامي غير مسلما. Sami was a non-Muslim. Sammy was a non-Muslim. تلقّى منّاد المساعدة. Mennad got help. He's got a helper club. لم يفهم سامي. Sami didn't understand. Sammy didn't understand. أراد سامي شخصا كي يعتني به. Sami wanted somebody to take care of him. Sammy wanted someone to take care of him. لست كبيرا بما يكفي لتحصل علي رخصة قيادة. You're not old enough to get a driver's license. You're not old enough to get a driver's license. إخترقت الرصاصة جسده. The bullet went through his body. The bullet penetrated his body. أشعل الضوء. لا يمكنني أن أرى شيئاً. Switch on the light. I can't see anything. I can't see anything. وفرنا مساعدات إنسانية للاجئين. We have supplied humanitarian aid to refugees. We have provided humanitarian assistance to refugees. هل سبق لك و أن زرت المكسيك؟ Have you ever been to Mexico? Have you ever been to Mexico? دهش سامي. Sami's jaw dropped. Sammy's astonished. كانت ليلى تمارس رقص التّعرّي و تربح المال. Layla stripped and made money. Lily was doing strip dancing and making money. هل بإمكانك مساعدتي في المطبخ؟ Could you give me a hand in the kitchen, please? Can you help me in the kitchen? تريد ليلى أن تعيش مع سامي كزوجته. Layla wants to live with Sami as his wife. Lily wants to live with Sammy like his wife. أنصحك بعدم مصاحبة توم. I advise you not to keep company with Tom. I advise you not to hang out with Tom. السيد إسبرانتو بخير, اليسَ كذلك؟ Mr. Esperanto is well, isn't he? Mr. Esperanto's fine, isn't he? جمال عند موعد مع عميد الجامعة. Jamal has an appointment with the college principal. Jamal's on a date with the dean of the university. ولكن لها رائحة غريبة. But it smells strange. But it has a strange smell. كان المدرّس يتجاهلني. The teacher was ignoring me. The teacher ignored me. لن أدعها تذهب إلى هناك. I won't let her go there. I won't let her go there. ما يقوله ليس له علاقة بهذه المشكلة. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. فرِد بلوغس هو أكبر مصحح في تتويبا. Fred Bloggs is the biggest corrector on Tatoeba. Fred Plugs is the biggest corrector in a tulip. بيت السيد جونسون بالقرب من بيتي. Mr Johnson's house is next to my house. Mr. Johnson's house is near my house. لغتي معقدة للغاية. My language is very complicated. My language is very complicated. انتظر لحظة. Wait a moment. Wait a minute. استرجعت ليلى صحّتها. Layla regained her health. Lily regained her health. إن ذلك مهم بالنسبة لي. For me, it's important. It's important to me. لم عصيت أمري؟ Why did you disobey my order? Why did you disobey me? إذاً سأسأله عن ذلك غداً. I will ask him about it tomorrow, then. Then I'll ask him about it tomorrow. توم إبتلع حبة الدواء الأخيرة من محفظة الأدوية. Tom swallowed the last pill in the dosette box. Tom swallowed the last pill from the medicine portfolio. تعرّفت على توم في الحفلة و أصبحا صديقَيْن. She made friends with Tom at the party. I met Tom at the party and they became friends. لم يبقَ شيء في الثلاجة. Nothing remained in the refrigerator. There's nothing left in the fridge. كرم مدرس جديد. Karam is a new teacher. A new teacher's generosity. نظف أنفك Wipe your nose. Clean your nose. عليكِ أن تسامحيني. You have to forgive me. You have to forgive me. ماذا كنت تفعل في ذلك الوقت؟ What were you doing at that time? What were you doing at the time? منّاد لا ينشط في مجال الإنتاج التّلفزيوني. Mennad is not in the business of producing television. Munad is not active in television production. ما زلت نعسان ، صحيح؟ Still sleepy, right? You're still sleepy, right? لا أعتقد أنها ستمطر غدا. I don't think that it will rain tomorrow. I don't think it's gonna rain tomorrow. ارتدت معطفها ثم خرجت. She put on her coat and went out. I put on my coat and went out. أنا في إضراب من 8 إلى 12 ديسمبر. I'm striking from December 8th through the 12th. I'm on strike from December 8 to 12. عمر السيدة أربعون عامًا على الأرجح. The lady is forty years old at most. The woman is probably 40 years old. تفضّل البيت بيتك. Please help yourself. Go home. Go home. أنا سأنزل في المحطّة القادمة. I get off at the next station. I'm going down to the next stop. أحدث سامي إنفجارا في المنزل. Fadil started an explosion in the house. Sammy caused an explosion in the house. وقعت في حب امرأة. I fell in love with a woman. I fell in love with a woman. ذلك يبدو جيدا That looks good. That sounds good. كان المدرّس يسخر منّي. The teacher made fun of me. The teacher was making fun of me. لا أدري أين موقف الباص. I don't know where the bus stop is. I don't know where the bus is. الخشب يحترق. Wood burns. The wood is burning. الفَتاة جَميلة. The girl is beautiful. The girl is beautiful. ألا تتغير أبداً؟ You never change, do you? Don't you ever change? يوجد في مصر أفضل طعام و أفضل موسيقى في العالم العربي. Egypt has the best food and the best music in the Arab world. Egypt has the best food and the best music in the Arab world. معتقدش إنها شبه أُمَّها I don't think she takes after her mother. I think she's like her mother. كانت ليلى تفقد الدّم بسرعة. Layla was losing blood fast. Lily was losing blood fast. لم يكن لدى سامي أيّ مشكل لمقابلة فتيات أو إيجاد نساء يصطحبهنّ. Sami never had any trouble finding women or picking women up. Sammy had no problem meeting girls or finding women to accompany them. نعم، كان ذلك مذهلاً ، لا يُصدق. Yes, that was amazing. Unbelievable! Yeah, that was amazing. Unbelievable. إن كان لديك ما تقول، فقُله. If you've got something to say, just say it. If you have something to say, say it. أنا أعرف هذا الولد الذي لا تعرف عنه شيئا. I know that boy whom you don't know. I know this boy you don't know anything about. كان سامي يعيش حياة غريبة. Sami led a crazy life. Sammy was living a strange life. علينا ألّا نتكلم في المكتبة. We must not speak in the library. We shouldn't talk in the library. متى ستبدأ المباراة؟ What time will the game start? When does the game start? تسليم البضاعة يتم بعد شهر من تسجيل الطلب. Delivery of goods is done after a month of placing the order. Delivery of the goods is made one month after the order is registered. ازرب. Hurry up. I'm going. أنا أعي مشكلتك. I'm aware of your problem. I understand your problem. توجد هناك حبّة تين جيّدة. هل بوسعك قطفها؟ There is a nice fig up there. Can you get to it? There's a good fig there. هذا مدرّسي في الموسيقى. This is my music teacher. That's my music teacher. املأ الإستمارة أدناه. Fill out the form below. Fill out the form below. لا عليك! Never mind! It's okay! من فضلك إقلب الصفحة. Please turn the page. Please turn the page. ما من حياة بدون كهرباء و ماء. There is no life without electricity and water. There is no life without electricity and water. التدخين عادة سيئة. Smoking is a bad habit. Smoking is usually bad. إنها كبيرة جداً. It's very big. It's too big. أُرسلت الصحون إلى الطاولة الخطأ. The dishes got sent to the wrong table. The dishes were sent to the wrong table. أخبر منّاد ليلى أنّه كان يقطن في منزل. Mennad told Layla he lived in a house. He told Manad Layla that he was living in a house. نحتاج قواعد! We need rules! We need rules! اتّصل بي حالما تجد توم. Call me as soon as you find Tom. Call me as soon as you find Tom. أهو أمريكي؟ Is he American? He's American? هل والدتك في النزل Is your mom at home? Is your mother at the inn? لما لم تأتِ إلى العشاء؟ Why didn't you come for dinner? Why didn't you come to dinner? سامي يقرأ كتبا طبّية. Sami reads medical books. Sammy's reading medical books. لم يخبر سامي ليلى عن سليمة. Sami didn't tell Layla about Salima. Sammy did not tell Laila about Salima. متى خلدت إلى النوم ليلة الأمس؟ What time did you go to bed last night? When did you go to bed last night? أنت لطيفٌ للغاية معي. You are much too kind to me. You're very kind to me. خويا يُغلَق عِينِيه كي يكون يشرُب. My brother closes his eyes when he drinks. Goya closes his eyes to be drunk. إنه يتحدث الأن معها. He is just now speaking with her. He's talking to her now. إن كنتَ رجلا، فتصرف مثل الرجال. If you are a man, behave as such. If you're a man, act like a man. أنت أطول مني قامة. You are taller than I. You're taller than me. سأظل هنا هذا الشهر بأكمله. I will stay here all this month. I'm gonna be here all month. إنه وقت الغداء. It's lunch time. It's lunchtime. أين كنت؟ Where were you? Where have you been? نشأ سامي و هو يعتقد أنّ كلّ المسلمين إرهابيّين. Sami grew up thinking that all Muslims were terrorists. Sami grew up thinking that all Muslims are terrorists. أصلح سامي نافذة مكسّرة في الحمّام. Sami repaired a broken window in the bathroom. Sammy fixed a broken window in the bathroom. ليس لديّ إخوة. I don't have any brothers. I don't have brothers. حُكِم على ليلى ثلاث مرّات بالمؤبّد. Layla was handed three life sentences. Lily was sentenced three times to life. هكذا دخل الجامعة. This was how he entered the university. That's how he went to college. ماري لم تفعل ما طلبت منها ان تفعله. Mary didn't do what you asked her to do. Mary didn't do what I asked her to do. سامي يحبّ الحلويّات. Sami likes cookies. Sammy likes sweets. سامي لا يستمع إلّا للموسيقى الكلاسيكيّة. Sami only listens to classical music. Sammy only listens to classical music. تجمّع أصدقاء ليلى في المستشفى. Layla's friends gathered at the hospital. Lily's friends gathered at the hospital. دعني أفكر للحظة. Let me think for a minute. Let me think for a second. ليلى بعيدة عن الخطر. Layla is out of danger. Lily's out of danger. ذاكرتهُ تُدهِشُني. His memory amazes me. His memory amazes me. الجميع يتحدث لغةً واحدةً. Everyone speaks a language. Everyone speaks one language. فحص الطّبيب عيني سامي. The doctor checked Sami's eyes. The doctor examined Sammy's eyes. رأيت بيتاً سطحه أحمر. I saw a house whose roof was red. I saw a house with a red roof. الحاسوب آلة معقدة. A computer is a complex machine. Computer is a complex machine. يبالغ توم دائما. Tom always exaggerates. Tom always exaggerates. ما يزال يذكر اليوم الذي اكتشفت فيه أمه أنه يدخن. He still remembers the day his mother found out he was smoking. He still remembers the day his mother found out he smoked. هذا القاموس لا ينفع لشيء. This dictionary isn't useful at all. This dictionary doesn't work for anything. لا أريد أن أبدو غبيّا. I don't want to look silly. I don't want to look stupid. أنا لست متعباً. I'm not tired. I'm not tired. كشف سامي عن أمره في فيديو على اليوتوب. Sami snitched on himself in a YouTube video. Sammy revealed it in a YouTube video. تمّ إغلاق العيادة. The clinic was closed down. The clinic is closed. ما الذي تفكر فيه؟ What are you thinking about? What are you thinking? يمكن ايجاد السياح اليابانيين في كل مكان . Japanese tourists can be found everywhere. Japanese tourists can be found everywhere. ما مدي ارتفاعها ؟ How high is it? How high? إنك تقول كلاما فارغا يا صديقي. You speak nonsense, my friend. You're saying shit, buddy. طبع هذا الكتاب في انجلترا. This book was printed in England. This book was published in England. لا يمكن معالجته كلياً. It cannot be completely cured. It can't be completely cured. كان سامي يبدو كطبيب أو محام. Sami looked like an attorney or a doctor. Sammy looked like a doctor or a lawyer. هل ستحضر الإجتماع؟ Are you going to attend the meeting? Are you coming to the meeting? لم يكن سامي يعمل آنذاك. Sami didn't have a job at that time. Sammy wasn’t working at the time. ممنوع تدخلي لهاد البيت. You aren't allowed in this room. No going in the house. أنت حساس جدا للضجيج. You are too sensitive to noise. You're very sensitive to noise. أنا أغسل الأواني. I'm doing the dishes. I'm washing pots. ما زلت لست متأكداً من الذهاب. I'm still hesitating whether to go there or not. I'm still not sure I'm going. أحب تفكيك الاشياء لمعرفة كيفية عملها. I like to take things apart to see what makes them tick. I like to take things apart to see how they work. أطفئ توم المصابيح. Tom turned the lights off. Turn off the lights. هل بإمكاني مقابلتك يوم الإثنين؟ Will I be able to see you next Monday? Can I see you on Monday? لديه منزلين. He has two houses. He has two houses. هل أنت قادم على السادسة أم على السّابعة؟ Are you coming at six or at seven? Are you coming at 6:00 or 7:00? اكتشف سامي قناة ليلى على اليوتوب. Sami found Layla's YouTube channel. Sammy discovered Lily's YouTube channel. إنتظر Hang on. Wait. كان المدرّس يسخر من جسمي حرفيّا. The teacher literally body-shamed me. The teacher was literally mocking my body. أقفل سامي على نفسه في غرفة نومه و قضى عطلة نهاية الأسبوع كاملة و هو يشرب الكحول. Sami locked himself in the bedroom and drank all weekend. Sammy locked himself in his bedroom and spent the entire weekend drinking alcohol. ليماژيناسيۆن تافّيكتي ڨع ليزاسپي ف حياتنا. Imagination affects every aspect of our lives. Limavinasevin Tavekti is in our lives. إنهم في المكتبة. They're in the library. They're in the library. كان سامي معجبا بفنّ الخطّ العربي. Sami was attracted by Arabic calligraphy. Sammy was a fan of Arabic calligraphy. لا تنسى أن تأتي إلى بيتي. Be sure to drop in at my house. Don't forget to come to my house. هذه هي الطريقة التي يريد بها سامي هذا That's the way Sami wants it. That's how Sammy wants it. لم يدرسوا قط في المدرسة. They never studied in school. They never studied at school. لا يحب توم هذا اللون. Tom does not like this color. Tom doesn't like that color. لا يمكنني السماح لك بفعل ذلك. I can't allow you to do that. I can't let you do that. أبدًا لا يفكّر توم بالآخرين. Tom never thinks about others. Tom never thinks of others. صرخت على المدرّسة. She yelled at the teacher. I yelled at the teacher. قاتلوا من أجل وطنهم . They fought for their homeland. They fought for their country. هذا غير صحيح. This is not true. That's not true. حان الأوان لتعلّم اللّغة الألمانيّة. It's time to learn the German language. It's time to learn German. كان دكتور فاوست ضليعاً في الكيمياء. Dr. Faust was well versed in alchemy. Dr. Faust was well versed in chemistry. بحث سامي عنه في غوغل. Sami googled it. Sammy's Googled it. ماذا هناك في حقيبتك؟ What do you have in your bag? What's in your bag? ضرب سامي ليلى و أفقدها وعيها. Sami knocked Layla unconscious. Sammy beat Lily and knocked her out. هل أنت جاهز للذهاب للبيت الآن؟ Are you ready to go home now? You ready to go home now? سامي مترجم. Sami is a translator. Sam is a translator. كان منزل منّاد مكتضّا بالنّاس. Mennad's house was packed. It was a house full of people. بدأت ليلى تقيم علاقات جنسيّة. Layla started having sexual encounters. Lily began to have sexual relations. إن قطرة واحدة من السم كافية لقتل ١٦۰ شخصًا. One drop of the poison is enough to kill 160 people. One drop of poison is enough to kill 160 people. لم يعد يثق به أحد بعد الآن. No one trusts him any more. No one trusts him anymore. توم متديّن. Tom is religious. Tom is religious. هل لديكما أيّة دروس هذه الظّهيرة؟ Do you have any classes this afternoon? Do you have any lessons this afternoon? هل أنهت الفتياة الأكل؟ Have the girls finished eating? Did the girl finish eating? متى يُغلق المطعم؟ When does the restaurant close? When does the restaurant close? هل توم دائما يتكلم من أجلك؟ Does Tom always speak for you? Does Tom always talk for you? بدت ليلى نعسانة. Layla seemed sleepy. Lily looked sleepy. من المحتمل أنّ سامي محقّ. Sami is probably right. Sammy's probably right. لديك بعض الكتب. You have some books. You have some books. دعى سامي ليلى لتناول الشّاي. Sami invited Layla for tea. Sammy invited Lily to tea. لم يكن سامي مسيحيّا قطّ. Sami was never a Christian. Sammy was never a Christian. كنت عاطفية جدّا. I was very emotional. I was so emotional. القطط حيوانات في غاية النظافة. Cats are very clean animals. Cats are very clean animals. أين أستطيع أن أشتري طوابعا؟ Where do I get stamps? Where can I buy stamps? حسب اللي سمعتُه، هو راح أمريكا عشان يدرس أحياء. According to what I heard, he went over to America to study biology. From what I hear, he's going to America to study alive. عاش سامي حياة هادئة في القاهرة. Sami led a quiet life in Cairo. Sami lived a quiet life in Cairo. هم الذين يطلق عليهم ضحايا الحرب. They are the so-called victims of war. They are called victims of war. المهم هو العمل. What's important is work. What matters is work. الجو معتدل هنا. The climate here is mild. It's mild here. هذا المنتزه جميل و نظيف حقاً. This park is really beautiful and clean. This park is really nice and clean. سأشاهد التلفاز هذا المساء. I am going to watch TV this evening. I'll watch TV this evening. كان على سامي أن يحضر درس التّصوير. Sami had photography class. Sammy had to attend a photography class. إنه عالم رائع. He's a wonderful scholar. It's a wonderful world. بقِيَ محافظاً على قِيَمِه و مبادئه. He remains loyal to his principles. He stayed true to his values and principles. أخبرني من فضلك إلى أي مكان أذهب بعد ذلك. Please tell me where to go next. Please tell me where to go next. أين تقع عيادته؟ Where is his clinic situated? Where's his clinic? توني ولد مهذب. Tony is a polite boy. Tony's a good boy. أخبروني عنه. They told me about it. They told me about him. أعمل لدى شركة نفط. I work for an oil company. I work for an oil company. لولا مساعدتك لفشل أبي. If it had not been for your help, my father would have failed. If it wasn't for your help, my father would have failed. لا أستطيع فهم تلك التعليقات. I can't understand those comments. I can't understand those comments. كانا سامي و ليلى يتخاصمان. Sami and Layla were arguing. They were Sammy and Lily feuding. كانت ليلى ابنة فاضل الصّبيّة. Layla was Fadil's baby girl. Leila was Fadel’s daughter. بدأنا نفهم أكثر. We began to understand more. We started to understand more. نعم ، يحدث هذا بين الحين و الآخر. Yes, that happens from time to time. Yeah, it happens every now and then. جئت سيراً على الأقدام. I came on foot. I came on foot. تعرّف سامي على ذلك السّلاح. Sami recognized the gun. Sammy recognized that weapon. عيّطلي فلبيرو. Call me at the office. Get me Philpereaux. ساد الصمت في الغابة. Silence reigned in the forest. There was silence in the forest. زيّن سامي المنزل. Sami decorated the house. Sammy decorated the house. بقي سامي صامتا. Sami stayed silent. Sammy was silent. الإبن سر أبيه. Like father, like son. The son is his father's secret. أنا من أُستراليا. I'm from Australia. I'm from Australia. اختر الورود التي تحبها. Choose any flowers you like. Choose the roses you like. لم يتّصل سامي أبدا. Sami never called. Sammy never called. استدارت بابتسامة. She turned around and smiled. Turned around with a smile. أنا في عجلة من أمري. I'm in a hurry today. I'm in a hurry. أعطاه عمي هدية. My uncle gave him a present. My uncle gave him a gift. درس سامي العربيّة لسنة. Sami studied Arabic for one year. Sammy's Arabic lesson for a year. لم يكن سامي يعرف كيف يصبح مسلما. Sami didn't know how to be a Muslim. Sammy didn’t know how to become a Muslim. أنا أتعلّم كثيرا من كتب الأمازيغية للأطفال. I learn a lot from Berber kids books. I'm learning a lot from Amazigh children's books. هربت لدّار. I ran home. I ran away. البرتقال غني بفيتامين سي . Oranges are rich in vitamin C. Oranges are rich in vitamin C. أقدّر ولائها. I appreciate her loyalty. I appreciate her loyalty. أنا سعيد لأنّه لا يوجد أحد هنا. I'm glad no one's around. I'm glad there's no one here. سني يؤلمني. My tooth hurts. My tooth hurts. رحّب فاضل بليلى. Fadil welcomed Layla inside. Fadel Blily welcomed. عادةً أمشي. I usually walk. I usually walk. طعمه كالبراز. It tastes like shit. Tastes like feces. سأذاكر. I'm going to study. I'll study. المنافسة قوية. The competition is fierce. The competition is strong. كيف هي شقتك الجديدة؟ How is your new flat? How's your new apartment? تفطّن سامي لهذا. Sami realized that. Sammy figured it out. خشيت أن أفقدك. I was afraid to lose you. I was afraid I'd lose you. توم لا يعرف بأني موجود. Tom doesn't even know I exist. Tom doesn't know I exist. هذه أعمق نقطة في البحيرة. This is the lake's deepest point. This is the deepest point of the lake. كان سامي يعتقد أنّ مجيدا كان تهديدا خطيرا لحياته. Sami thought that Majid was a dangerous threat to him. Sammy believed that Majida was a serious threat to his life. يبحث علماء مركز "سيتي" عن حياة ذكيّة في الفضاء لأنّهم لم يعثروا عليها في كوكب الأرض! The people at SETI are looking for intelligent life in the universe because they haven't found it here on Earth! Citi scientists are looking for intelligent life in space because they haven’t found it on Earth. انحرفت ليلى عن الطّريق. Layla ran off the road. Lily got off the road. انقاذ الجنس البشري يبدأ بالعائلة. The salvation of human race starts with the family. Saving the human race begins with the family. لم نسمعه يغني الأغنية قط. We have never heard him sing the song. We never heard him sing the song. مارانيش متأكّد بلي هكذا صرات. I'm not sure that that's how it happened. Maranesh sure did. That's how it went. غيّر فاضل تفاصيل حسابه المصرفي. Fadil changed his bank account details. Fadel changed his bank account details. بالصّح عجبكم؟ But do you like it? You guys like it? ما قاله فاضل للشّرطة كان مثيرا للإهتمام. What Fadil told the police was intriguing. What Fadhel said to the police was interesting. غابت لأنها مريضة. She is absent because of sickness. She missed because she was sick. أنا حُرّ. I'm free. I'm free. بدأ سامي تحقيقه الخاص. Sami began his own investigation. Sammy started his own investigation. هذا حانوت جديد فتح السمانة لي فاتت. This is a new store that opened last week. This is a new bar that opened the quail for me. I missed it. أنا رجلٌ. I'm a man. I'm a man. توم مات. Tom died. Tom's dead. كنت متعَبا. I was tired. I was tired. هذه المشكلة مزعجة حقًّا. This problem is really annoying. This problem is really annoying. أنقذت حياتي. She saved my life. You saved my life. لبس سروالاَ نظيفاَ. He put on clean trousers. He wore clean pants. انها ابنتي. She's my daughter. She's my daughter. فقط تنفس طبيعي. Just breathe normally. Just breathe normally. سامي بحاجة لليلى. Sami needs Layla. Sammy needs Lily. من هو الشخص التي أعطى هذه الأوامر؟ Who was the one who issued those orders? Who is the person who gave these orders? لا تزال ليلى تعمل من أجل استرجاع صحّتها. Layla is still working to regain her health. Lily is still working to get her health back. ترجم ما تحته خط. Translate the underlined sentences. Translate what's below the line. نضف المرايا. Clean the mirror. Weed the mirrors. كيف حال الجميع؟ How is everyone? How's everybody doing? سأشتري ذلك. I'll buy this. I'll buy that. ذهبت ليلى إلى الخارج. Layla went outside. Lily went outside. لا تستطيع السباحة هنا. You cannot swim here. You can't swim here. لِنُفَكّر بأسوأ ما يمكن أن يكون قد حصل. Let's consider the worst that could happen. Let's think of the worst that could have happened. هل نسينا مالنا؟ Did we forget our money? Have we forgotten our money? توم كان قد أعتقل, حوكم, ثم قطع رأسه لخيانته. Tom was arrested, tried, and beheaded for betrayal. Tom had been arrested, tried, and then beheaded for treason. أرى أنك تعمل. I can see that you are working. I see you're working. اهلا وسهلا Welcome. You're welcome. اسمح لي كي خلعتك. Sorry I startled you! Let me take you off. لا أحد جائع. Nobody is hungry. Nobody's hungry. نصب سامي و أصدقاؤه كمينا لعصابة فريد. Sami and his friends ambushed Farid's gang. Sammy and his friends ambushed Fred's gang. سُجن سامي مدى الحياة. Sami was jailed for life. Sammy was jailed for life. من الجدير بالاهتمام تعلم الاسبانية . It is worthwhile learning Spanish. It is interesting to learn Spanish. هناك حدود بين الولايات المتحدة و المكسيك. There is a border between the United States and Mexico. There is a border between the United States and Mexico. أشعر بالجوع. I feel hungry. I'm hungry. يكنني أن آخذه إلى الحديقة. I can take him to the park. I can take him to the park. كان سامي مكرّسا حياته للكنيسة و أهل البلدة. Fadil was devoted to church and community. Sammy dedicated his life to the church and the people of the town. متى تستيقظ؟ When do you get up? When do you wake up? أنا مستعد للمغادرة الآن. I'm ready to leave now. I'm ready to leave now. كان سامي خارج البلدة، في موعد مع الطّبيب. Sami was out of town at a doctor's appointment. Sammy was out of town, on a date with the doctor. اسمح أن أذهب عوضاً عنه. Let me go in place of him. Let me go instead. لما عم الهدوء في الغرفة ، فقط يمكن سماع صوت التكتكة لساعة قديمة . As the room fall silent, only the ticking sound of an old clock could be heard. When the room was quiet, only the ticking sound of an old clock could be heard. أشتريتها اليوم أم البارحة؟ Did you buy it today or yesterday? Did you buy it today or yesterday? كان سامي يحبّ الإسلام. Sami loved Islam. Sammy loved Islam. تأقلما مع التغيير بسرعة. They adapted themselves to the change quickly. Adapt to change quickly. افرش أسنانك كلّ يوم. Brush your teeth every day. Brush your teeth every day. لن يستطيع أن يدرس من شدة التعب. He is too tired to study. He won't be able to study very well. طلبت مني المساعدة. She asked me for help. She asked me for help. عديد من دول العالم تسمح للأشخاص المصابون بامراض مزمنة أن يختاروا الموت الرحيم. Many countries allow people with chronic diseases to choose to die a merciful death. Many countries allow people with chronic illnesses to choose euthanasia. تنهد ديما وقال: "فهمت، آسف على اللخبطة إذن. استمتع بالفانتا. ويومًا سعيدًا". "I see," Dima sighed. "Sorry for the confusion, then. Enjoy your Fanta, and have a good day." Dima sighed and said, "I get it. Sorry to mess up, then. Enjoy the vanta. Have a good day." لدينا حادث في ورشة البناء. We've got an accident at the construction site. We have an accident at the construction workshop. طلبت ليلى الطّلاق عام 2000. Layla filed for divorce in 2000. Laila requested the divorce in 2000. هل تتحدث الإيطالية؟ Do you speak Italian? Do you speak Italian? رأيت ذلك بأم عيني. I saw it with my own eyes. I saw it with my own eyes. هل تعرف إن كان سيحضر الحفل؟ Do you know if he's coming to the party? Do you know if he's going to the party? أود ان ادعوك إلى العشاء. I'd like to invite you to dinner. I'd like to invite you to dinner. سامي و ليلى يعيشان في عالمين مختلفين. Sami and Layla live in separate worlds. Sammy and Lily live in two different worlds. أَحدْ أجدَاد توم عَاشَ في هذهِ القلْعَة. One of Tom's ancestors lived in that castle. Somebody found Tom lived in this castle. لا تسخر من الأجانب. Don't poke fun at foreigners. Don't make fun of foreigners. آه، شكرا يا عزيزي. Ah, thank you, my dear. Ah, thank you, dear. ضربته قلم. She slapped his face. I hit him with a pen. الأمر غريب. It's pretty weird. It's weird. عدد سكان هذه المدينة يتناقص كل عام. The population of this city is decreasing every year. The population of this city is decreasing every year. من في البيت؟ Who is in the house? Who's home? هذه القارورات فارغة. These bottles are empty. These bottles are empty. أعدت الكتاب إلى المكتبة. I returned the book to the library. I returned the book to the library. فين الأسنسير؟ Where is the elevator? Where's the Ascension? يحب توم الجبنة. Tom likes cheese. Tom likes cheese. إنني متعب قليلاً. I'm a little tired. I'm a little tired. أرني كيف تعمل. Show me how it works. Show me how it works. بدأت الشّرطة تحلّل مسرح الجريمة. Police set about processing the tragic murder scene. The police are beginning to analyze the crime scene. ليس سبب من الخوف. There's no reason to be afraid. No reason to be afraid. يستطيع طفلها أن يسير. Her baby can walk. Her child can walk. كان فاضل يريد المزيد من المال. Fadil wanted more money. Fadel wanted more money. لمسيد راو مغلوق علا جال التلج. The school is closed because of the snow. For Mr. Rao's claustrophobia. لقد دعوتك إلی هنا لأسألك سؤالا I called you in here to ask you a question. I invited you here to ask you a question. .مانيش ڨع فاهم عقليتها I can't understand her way of thinking at all. Manish understood her mentality. نحتاجو كرّوسة. We need a car. We need a chair. ما هذا؟ What is this? What's that? كان سامي يسكن في حيّ يعجّ بالحياة. Sami lived in a neighborhood with a lot of street life. Sammy lived in a neighborhood full of life. لماذا أنت منزعج كثيرا؟ Why are you so annoyed? Why are you so upset? نسي سامي تلك الكلمة. Sami forgot the word. Sammy forgot that word. قامت بالإنتحار. She took her own life. She committed suicide. كان بإمكان سامي سماع كلّ شيء. Sami could hear everything. Sam could hear everything. وهذه الآيات تتبع المؤمنين. يخرجون الشياطين باسمي ويتكلمون بألسنة جديدة. يحملون حيّات وإن شربوا شيئا مميتا لا يضرهم ويضعون أيديهم على المرضى فيبرأون. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover! And these signs follow the faithful; they cast out devils in my name, and speak new tongues; they bear life, and if they drink anything deadly, it shall not harm them, and they shall lay their hands on the sick, and they shall be healed. جاك ليس موجوداً. Jack isn't here. Jack's not here. باستطاعتك تناول التّين. You can eat the figs. You can have the figs. لا أتكلم الألمانية. I don't speak German. I don't speak German. هاظبط المنبه على الساعة سبعة. I'll set the alarm for seven o'clock. Set the alarm at seven. لا تمشي على الزجاج. Don't trample on the grass. Don't walk on glass. بإمكانك أن تختار أيّ طريق تريده. You can take whichever way you like. You can choose any path you want. أكلنا هناك تلت مرات. We have eaten there three times. We ate there several times. لو كنت أخبرتَك الحقيقة, كنتَ ستُفاجأ. If I were to tell you the truth, you would be surprised. If I had told you the truth, you'd be surprised. لن يقوم توم بفعل ذلك أبدا. Tom will never do that. Tom would never do that. لا، لا أعلم. هناك أشياء كثيرة. No. I don't know. It's a lot of things. No, I don't know. حط الخاتم في صباع ماري. He put the ring on Mary's finger. The ring landed in Mary's heels. سأساعدك في تنظيفه. I'll help you clean it up. I'll help you clean it up. لحظة من فضلك. Just a moment, please. One moment, please. هىَ فقدت والدها فىِ البحر. She lost her father at sea. She lost her father at sea. أخبر سامي الطّبيب عن هذا الأمر. Sami told the doctor about that. Sammy told the doctor about it. حان وقت النوم. It's bedtime. Time for bed. إغسل أنت الصحون يا بِن. You wash the dishes, Ben. You wash the dishes, Ben. جين لديها خمس حقائب يد. Jane has five handbags. Jane has five handbags. سآتي. I'm coming. I'll come. يسرّني أن أخبركم أنّ ليلى باكر ستصبح من اليوم فصاعدا مراقبة الممرّضات لهذه العيادة. I'm very pleased to announce that Layla Bakir will be this clinic's nursing supervisor from today on. I'm pleased to inform you that from this day forward, Lily Packer will be the nurse monitor for this clinic. أمضى سامي و ليلى بعض الوقت معا في مطعم محليّ للوجبات الخفيفة. Sami and Layla hung out at the local diner. Sami and Leila spent some time together at a local snack bar. هل هما صديقان أم حبيبان؟ Are they friends or are they dating? Are they friends or lovers? هل صديقكِ هنا؟ Is your boyfriend here? Is your friend here? لقد رأيتك بمكان ما من قبل I've seen you somewhere before. I've seen you somewhere before. اعتبر فاضل اللّغة العربيّة جدّ معقّدة للتّعلّم. Fadil found Arabic very complicated to learn. Fadel considered the Arabic language too complicated to learn. كان بإمكانك أن ترى الدّم في كلّ مكان. You could see blood everywhere. You could see blood everywhere. إلّي بّلاش كَتّر مِنّو.‏‏ If it's free, get as much as you can. El Belash is a lot of people. أين تسكن؟ Where do you live? Where do you live? لا تتكلم باليابانية. Don't speak in Japanese. Don't speak Japanese. ربما توم لديهُ شيئاً لإخفائه. Maybe Tom has something to hide. Maybe Tom has something to hide. لن أكون سعيدًا، لكن لن أقتل نفسي. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. I won't be happy, but I won't kill myself. أنا مدين لك كثيرًا لكل ما فعلته لأجلي. I am greatly indebted to you for all you have done for me. I owe you so much for everything you've done for me. ما الأمر معك؟ What's wrong with you? What's the matter with you? لدي صديق يعيش في سابورو. I have a friend who lives in Sapporo. I have a friend who lives in Sapporo. سامي مدير العيادة. Sami is the director of the clinic. Sammy's the clinic director. المفتاح عند سامي. Sami has the key. The key to Sammy. الصورة دي اتّاخدت في نارا. This photo was taken in Nara. The picture was taken in Nara. يرجى ملء نموذج طلب الوظيفة المرفق. Please complete the attached job application form. Please fill in the attached job application form. هل أنت تفكّر في إخباره عن ذلك؟ Are you thinking of telling him about that? Are you thinking about telling him about it? ستتعلم كيف تفعلها عاجلًا أو آجلًا. You'll learn how to do it sooner or later. You'll learn how to do it sooner or later. أقنعته أنه كان مخطئا. I convinced him that he was wrong. I convinced him he was wrong. عليّ أن أنام. I have to go to sleep. I have to sleep. لم يرد منّاد الابتعاد كثيرا عن منزله. Mennad didn't want to get too far from his house. He didn’t want to get too far away from his house. لكل شخص الحق في حرية التفكير والضمير والدين، ويشمل هذا الحق حرية تغيير ديانته أو عقيدته، وحرية الإعراب عنهما بالتعليم والممارسة وإقامة الشعائر ومراعاتها، سواء أكان ذلك سرا أم جهرا، منفردا أم مع الجماعة. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom to express it in teaching, practice, observance and observance, whether in private or in public, individually or in community with others. المكتب لي و ليس له. This office belongs to me, not him. The office is mine, not his. قرّر سامي أن يؤجّل ذهابه إلى الجامعة. Sami made the decision to postpone college. Sammy decided to postpone going to college. لدى بيل الكثير من الأصحاب. Bill has a lot of friends. Bill has a lot of friends. في الوقت ده مسمعناش غير كلام عن حرامية وجرايم قتل والناس اللي ماتت من الجوع. During that time, we only heard about thieves, about murders, about men who had died of hunger. At the time he heard nothing but talk of harems and murders and people who died of hunger. أنتَ تريد الطلاق, أليس كذلك؟ You want a divorce, don't you? You want a divorce, don't you? لم يقتل العمل الشاق أحدًا. لكن لم المخاطرة؟! Hard work never killed anyone. But why take the risk?! Hard work didn't kill anyone. But why take the risk?! عجبكم لحال؟ Did you have fun? You like it anyway? لا أوافقك الرأي. I disagree with you. I don't agree. ركض سامي إلى غرفة نومه بأقصى سرعة ممكنة. Sami ran to his bedroom as fast as possible. Sammy ran into his bedroom as fast as he could. فضل يبص عليّه. He fixed his eyes on me. Thanks for looking at him. انا بخلفه . I am at the rear of him. I'm behind him. كان فاضل يبحث عن أجوبة. Fadil was looking for answers. Fadel was looking for answers. رقصتي المفضلة هي التانجو. My favorite dance is the tango. My favorite dance is tango. انه يسوق سيارة.اليس كذالك He drives a car, doesn't he? He's driving a car, isn't he? لازم نطلب السماح من توم. I need to apologize to Tom. We have to ask Tom's permission. آمل أن تخطئ توقعات توم. I hope Tom's predictions are wrong. I hope you miss Tom's expectations. دفنت في مسقط رأسها. She was buried in her hometown. She was buried in her hometown. تلك كتبنا. Those are our books. Those are our books. دفع سامي بالكلب إلى الخارج. Sami pushed the dog out. Sammy pushed the dog out. غضب توم جدا. Tom got very mad. Tom was very angry. أخبره بأن ينتظر Tell him to wait. Tell him to wait. يمكنها ان تعد من واحد إلى عشرة. She can count from one to ten. It can count from one to ten. وقع سامي تحت سحر ليلى. Sami succumbed to Layla's charm. Sammy fell under Lily's spell. قد بحذر. Drive safely. Drive safe. تحصّل سامي على ما استحقّه تماما. Sami got exactly what he deserved. Sammy got exactly what he deserved. كانت ليلى تعيش في القاهرة. Layla lived in Cairo. Leyla lived in Cairo. هل يعيش بالقرب من هنا؟ Does he live near here? Does he live around here? لم يسبق لها أن زارت هوكايدو. She has never been to Hokkaido. She has never visited Hokkaido. يبلغ عمق النهر نحو ستة أميال في بعض الأماكن والطريقة الوحيدة لعبوره هي الحبل والبكرة The river is six miles deep in some areas and the only way to cross it is using a pulley and a rope. The river is about six miles deep in some places, and the only way to cross it is by rope and pulley. درست الإنجليزية لمدة خمس سنوات. I've studied English for five years. I studied English for five years. قال أنه اشترى سيارة مستخدمة. He said that he had bought a used car. He said he bought a used car. كان سامي يرسل المال لأهله. Sami sent money home. Sammy was sending money to his parents. تأخّرتُ بسبب إزدحام الطريق. I was late because of the traffic. I was late because of the traffic. ما هي الفوائد الصّحّيّة للتّين؟ What are the health benefits of figs? What are the health benefits of figs? ما الذي يحدث؟ What's going on? What's going on? كان أمرا رائعا اللّقاء معك وجها لوجه! It was awesome to meet you in real life! It was great to meet you face to face! راح يجي غدوا؟ Will he come tomorrow? Will they come tomorrow? بإمكانك المشاركة في الاجتماع بغض النظر عن سنك. You can take part in the meeting regardless of your age. You can participate in the meeting regardless of your age. لا يسعني إلا الإنتظار. I can only wait. I can only wait. لا قدر الله! God forbid! God forbid! كانت ليلى أمّا مشغولة. Layla was a busy mom. Lily was busy. أمريكا، لقد قطعنا شوطاً طويلاً. ورأينا الكثير. إلا أنه لا زال هناك الكثير ليُنجز. لذا، فلنسأل أنفسنا هذا المساء: إذا ما عاش أطفالنا حتى القرن القادم؛ وإذا ما كانت بنتاي على قدر من الحظ لتعيشا طويلاً مثل آن نيكسون كوبر، فما هو التغيير الذي ستشهدانه؟ وما هو التقدم الذي سنكون قد أحرزناه؟ America, we have come so far. We have seen so much. But there is so much more to do. So tonight, let us ask ourselves, if our children should live to see the next century, if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as Ann Nixon Cooper, what change will they see? What progress will we have made? So let’s ask ourselves this evening: If our children live into the next century; if my daughters are as lucky to live as long as Anne Nixon Cooper, what change will they see? عندها الكثير من الكتب الإنجليزية. She has a lot of English books. She has a lot of English books. إبتسم للكاميرا إذا سمحت! Smile at the camera, please! Smile for the camera, please! لايبدو أن توم يتجاوب مع العلاج Tom doesn't seem to be responding to the treatment. Tom doesn't seem to be responding to the treatment. لا تمزح رجاءً! No jokes please! Don't joke, please! أنتَ إما معنا, أو ضدنا. You are either with us, or against us. You're either with us, or against us. بعد أن اعتنق جيم الإسلام، اتّخذ اسما مسلما. After Jim converted to Islam, he took a Muslim name. After Jim converted to Islam, he took a Muslim name. حسناً. Alright. Okay. اذهب لمساعدة أخيك! Go help your brother! Go help your brother! أتذكرُ ما فعلتَ الجمعة الماضية؟ Do you remember what you did last Friday? Remember what you did last Friday? متوحش! Wild! Savage! كنت خائفاً من أن أضيع في الظلمة. I was afraid of getting lost in the dark. I was afraid of getting lost in the dark. أريد التحدث اليك عن شيء آخر. I want to talk to you about something else. I want to talk to you about something else. بدا سامي مستاءا جدّا. Sami appeared to be very upset. Sammy seemed very upset. هل عندك حساب في أي شبكة اجتماعية؟ Do you have an account with any social networking web sites? Do you have an account on any social network? لقد اتّخذ سامي قرارا و لا أحد يستطيع أن يجبره على التّنازل. Sami made a decision and no one can get him to waiver. Sammy has made a decision and no one can force him to come down. أنا حقّا أفتقد جمال. I really miss Jamal. I really miss Jamal. كان فاضل على علاقة مع ليلى. Fadil was having an affair with Layla. Fadel was having an affair with Layla. صنعت لي أختي دميةً جميلة. My sister made me a beautiful doll. My sister made me a beautiful doll. فتح فاضل المنزل بهدوء و دخل على أطراف أصابعه. Fadil quietly opened the backdoor and tiptoed into the house. Fadel quietly opened the house and entered on his fingertips. سأريك بعض الصور. I will show you some pictures. I'll show you some pictures. يمكنك القول أن كلّ واحدة من هاتين الكرتين لها نفس وزن الأخرى. You could say that both of those balls are the same weight. You could say that each of these balls has the same weight as the other. كل شيء أفضل من دونك. Everything is better without you. Everything's better without you. بإمكاننا تسليم المنتوج في أسبوع. We are able to deliver within a week. We can deliver the product in a week. هيا. دعونا نخرج من هنا. Come on. Let's get out of here. Let's get out of here. أذهب الى مركز الشرطة. I'm going to the police station. Go to the police station. أُطلِق سراح فاضل شريطة أن لا يتّصل أبدا بعائلة زوجته. Fadil was released on the condition he never contacts his wife's family. Fadel was released on the condition that he never contact his wife's family. توم يعتقد أن ماري لن تقول نعم. Tom thinks that Mary won't say yes. Tom thinks Mary won't say yes. الشركات المتعددة الجنسيات تفوق الشركات العاملة التقليدية في دولة واحدة فقط. Multinational corporations outperform traditional corporations operating in just one country. Multinational companies outnumber traditional operating companies in just one country. ما الذي تعنيه كلمة "get" في هذه الجملة؟ What does the word "get" mean in this sentence? What does "get" mean in this sentence? ها هو مفتاحك. This is your key. Here's your key. إنها تتحدث البولندية. She speaks Polish. She speaks Polish. أصبح سامي مسيحيّا. Sami became Christian. Sammy became a Christian. أتسلق الجبال. I climb mountains. Climbing mountains. كان الفلم مثيراً للإهتمام كما توقعت. The movie was interesting, as I had expected. The film was as interesting as I expected. رأى سامي ما كانت ليلى تريده أن يراه. Sami saw what Layla wanted him to see. Sammy saw what Lily wanted to see. لا أنصح بذلك. I don't recommend that. I wouldn't recommend it. لدي عائلة كبيرة I have a big family. I have a big family. "إنّ جمال ليس قدّيسا." "بالرّغم من ذلك، أنا أثق به." "Jamal is not a saint." "Yet I trust him." "Jamal is not a saint." "Nevertheless, I trust him." غايتي هي ألا تفعل ما تندم عليه. I just don't want you to do something you'll be sorry for. My goal is not to do what you regret. إذا أكلت كثيراً، ستصبح سميناً. If you eat too much, you'll become fat. If you eat too much, you'll get fat. لدينا لوحات المفاتيح الأمازيغية على هواتفنا. We have the berber keyboards on our phones. We have Amazigh keyboards on our phones. كم من الوقت يلزم للوصول إلى المحطّة. How long does it take to get to the station? How long does it take to get to the station? سأُحَلِق إلى المانيا. I will fly to Germany. I'm flying to Germany. سُمّيت السّفينة "النّجم الفضّي". The boat was called "The Silver Star." The ship was named the Silver Star. هذه خريطة كبيرة لألمانيا. Here's a big map of Germany. This is a great map of Germany. لن ننساهم أبدا. We'll never ever forget them. We'll never forget them. أين كنت يا جمال؟ Where have you been, Jamal? Where have you been, Jamal? دعه ينه جملته! Let him finish his sentence! Let him finish his sentence! هل الهنود هم من اخترع السيجار؟ Did the Indians invent cigars? Did the Indians invent cigars? لقد ابتزّها بمبلغ كبير من المال. He extorted a large amount of money from her. He blackmailed her with a lot of money. ليلة سعيدة يا أُم. Good night, Mom. Good night, Mom. هل تبيع المياه المعدنية؟ Do you sell mineral water? Do you sell mineral water? يجب ان تنتظر. You need to wait. You have to wait. ما ذلك؟ What's that? What's that? يا للروعة! How fascinating! Wow. سوف أعود بعد قليل. I will be back soon. I'll be right back. آمل أن أخاك قد تحسن. I hope your brother is better. I hope your brother gets better. يسكن فاضل و ليلى تماما بجوار فندق رامي. Fadil and Layla are living right next door to Rami's hotel. Fadel and Leila live right next to the Rami Hotel. اقترب فاضل و أخرج مسدّسه ثمّ وجّه طلقة إلى قلب رامي. Fadil approached, pulled his gun out and fired once into Rami's heart. Fadel approached and took out his gun and then pointed a shot at Rami's heart. شاهد سامي ليلى و هي تموت. Sami watched Layla die. Sammy saw Layla die. على الأصدقاء مساعدة بعضهم البعض. Friends should help one another. Friends have to help each other. عندي تمنيا خاوة. I have eight brothers. I have an empty wish. يانّي يحبّ التّين. Yanni loves figs. Jani loves figs. توم نحيف جدا. Tom is very slim. Tom's too skinny. نحن لا نتواعد. We're not dating. We're not dating. قيادة السيارة أمر في غاية البساطة حقاً. Driving a car is really very simple. Driving a car is really simple. كان سامي يريد أن يستعيد حياته. Sami wanted his life back. Sammy wanted his life back. الحظ أعمى. Luck is blind. Luck is blind. أُغلق مطعم سامي. Sami's restaurant was shut down. Sammy's restaurant is closed. اختارا فاضل أن ليلى أن يمضيا وقتهما معا كحبيبان. Fadil and Layla chose to spend their time together as boyfriend and girlfriend. They chose to spend their time together as lovers. كان سامي يخطّط لإنهاء حياة ليلى. Sami was plotting to end Layla's life. Sammy was planning to end Layla's life. توم يحب الفن الحديث. Tom has an aesthetic sense for modern painting. Tom loves modern art. الطَبعْ يغلبُ التطبّع. Old habits die hard. The print beats the print. دفع توم ثمن التذاكر. Tom paid for the tickets. Tom paid for the tickets. انا اكره القراد . I hate ticks! I hate ticks. هل أنت متزوجة؟ Are you married? Are you married? أيها الأطفال أرجوكم إلعبوا بعيداً عن منزلي. Kids, please play away from my home. Children, please play away from my house. عليك أن تصغي لما يقوله توم. You should listen to what Tom says. You have to listen to what Tom says. احتاج سامي لبعض المال. Sami needed some money. Sammy needed some money. علينا أن نخلي العيادة. We have to evacuate the clinic. We have to evacuate the clinic. وضح لي ما تريدني أن أفعل. Tell me what you want me to do. Explain to me what you want me to do. كان لدى ليلى مرض نفسي غير مشخّص. Layla had an undiagnosed mental illness. Lily had an undiagnosed mental illness. السباحة ليلاً خطرة. Swimming at night is dangerous. Swimming at night is dangerous. كان ينبغي على سامي أن يتّصل بليلى. Sami should have called Layla. Sammy should have called Lily. نظر إليّ شزرًا. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye. He looked at me. ينتظر توم ردًّا. Tom is waiting for a reply. Tom is waiting for a response. أذكر أني أغلقت الباب. I remember locking the door. I remember I locked the door. تبدو كئيبا You look gloomy. You look gloomy. تتألف دراسة علم اللاهوت من الفلسفة و التاريخ و الأنثروبولوجيا. The study of theology is comprised of philosophy, history and anthropology. The study of theology consists of philosophy, history, and anthropology. يعجبه الاستماع إلى المذياع. He likes to listen in to the radio. He likes to listen to the radio. إيه، أرْواح تْعِيش. Yes, please come. Eh, the leaves live. كان سامي يعيش حياته. Sami lived his life. Sammy was living his life. إنك ثري جدا. You are very rich. You're very rich. ماري بتتكلم ياباني بشويش. Mary spoke Japanese slowly. Mary speaks Japanese. كيف تقول " شكراً لك " باليابانية؟ How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? حاول فاضل مجدّدا. Fadil tried again. Try Fadel again. الأطفالُ مفعمونَ بالطاقة. Children are full of energy. Kids are full of energy. لو لم تساعدني، لما كنت سأنجح. Were it not for your help, I could never succeed. If you hadn't helped me, I wouldn't have succeeded. وفضلا عما تقدم فلن يكون هناك أي تمييز أساسه الوضع السياسي أو القانوني أو الدولي لبلد أو البقعة التي ينتمي إليها الفرد سواء كان هذا البلد أو تلك البقعة مستقلا أو تحت الوصاية أو غير متمتع بالحكم الذاتي أو كانت سيادته خاضعة لأي قيد من القيود. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. In addition, there shall be no discrimination based on the political, legal or international status of the country or territory to which the individual belongs, whether that country or territory is independent, under trusteeship, non-self-governing or subject to any restrictions on its sovereignty. متى قطعت اجازتك الصيفيه؟ When are you going on summer vacation? When did you break off your summer vacation? كان في المنزل صمت رهيب. The house was dead silent. There was a terrible silence at home. سأذهب إلى منطقة القبائل، الجزائر، لتعلم الأمازيغية. I am going to Kabylie, Algeria, to learn Berber. I'm going to the Kabyle region, Algeria, to learn Amazigh. تسقط الحكومة! Down with the Government! Down with the government! أخذ فاضل كلّ لوحاته و أحرقها. Fadil took all his paintings and burned them. Fadel took all his paintings and burned them. لفاقير ماشي لّي عندوش شوييا، مي لّي يسحق بزّاف. Poor is not the one who has too little, but the one who wants too much. To fakir mashi lee anandush shuiya, mi li squashed with a giraffe. ليس شيئًا يمكن لأيّ شخص فعله. It's not something anyone can do. It's not something anyone can do. لن أكلمه من الآن فصاعداً. I won't talk to him anymore. I won't talk to him from now on. اكثر من تسعين بالمئة من الناس الذين يتبعون حمية غذائية و ينخفض وزنهم الى ما دون وزن جسمهم الطبيعي سوف يكسبون وزنهم من جديد في نهاية المطاف. More than 90% of people who go on a diet and dip below their body's natural weight will eventually gain that weight back. More than 90 percent of people who follow a diet and lose weight below their normal body weight will eventually gain weight again. كان فاضل طليقا فالعربيّة حتّى ظنّت ليلى أنّه عربي. Fadil was so fluent in Arabic that Layla thought he was Arab. Fadel was at large, and even Layla thought he was an Arab. ليست اليابان بحجم كندا. Japan is not as large as Canada. Japan is not the size of Canada. لم تكن تلك هي الحقيقة. That wasn't the truth. That wasn't the truth. شْكُونْ أحسَنْ قنّاص؟ Who's the better hunter? Be a better sniper? تعرّف سامي على أبي. Sami recognized my dad. Sammy got to know my dad. أهلاً و سهلاً! Welcome. Hello and easy! هل لديك أي مجلات يابانية؟ Do you have any Japanese magazines? Do you have any Japanese magazines? الطقس ليلاً يكون بارداً The night is cold. It's cold at night. راك تهضر علييا⸮ Are you referring to me? Rak Tahdir Alia توم أخذ حبة الدواء الأخيرة من علبة الأدوية. Tom took the last pill from the pill container. Tom took the last pill from the medicine box. سُرقت مني حقيبتي. I was robbed of my bag. My bag was stolen from me. تعال عند العاشرة تماماً. Come at ten o'clock sharp. Come at 10:00 sharp. اصطاد الولد الطائر بالشبكة. The boy captured the bird with a net. Catch the bird boy in the net. لماذا تعتقدان أنّ كلّ المسلمين إرهابيّين؟ Why do you believe that all Muslims are terrorists? Why do you think all Muslims are terrorists? ذهب براين إلى المدرسة مع كيت. Brian went to school with Kate. Brian went to school with Kate. أحضر كلبه إلى المدرسة. He brought his dog to school. Bring your dog to school. هذه الوردة جميلة. This rose is beautiful. This rose is beautiful. أخبرني بذلك يا جمال. Tell me about it, Jamal. Tell me about it, Jamal. ما رأيها في ما توصل إليه المؤتمر من نتائج؟ What does she think about the conference results? What do you think of the outcome of the conference? لست إلا زبون. I'm only a customer. I'm just a customer. أتى سامي إلى العيادة للقاء ليلى. Sami came to the clinic to see Layla. Sammy came to the clinic to meet Layla. أنت جيم، أليس كذلك؟ You're Jim, right? You're Jim, right? لم أرغب بأن أبدوا غبيا. I didn't want to look stupid. I didn't want to look stupid. هل يتهمك الناس بأنك سطحي؟ Do people ever accuse you of being superficial? Do people accuse you of being superficial? أنا لا أسكن في هذه المدينة. I don't live in this city. I don't live in this city. عليك العودة. You have to come back. You have to go back. استحممن من فضلكن. Please take a bath. Take a shower, please. صارع سامي بشدّة من أجل حياته. Sami fought hard for his life. Sammy fought hard for his life. علي شحن هاتفي الجوال. I have to charge my mobile phone. I have to charge my cell phone. إنه لاعب تنس. He's a tennis player. He's a tennis player. إنه من فرنسا. He is French. He's from France. جلس سامي مقابل ليلى Sami sat in front of Layla. Sammy sat across from Lily. متى رأيت الفلم؟ When did you see the film? When did you see the movie? كان سامي دوما يريد أن يكون مركز الاهتمام. Sami wanted to be always in the center of attention. Sammy always wanted to be the center of attention. هل يجب ان تُكتْب هذه الرسالة بالإنجليزية Does this letter have to be written in English? Does this letter have to be written in English? لم أكن أريد أن أحرجك. I didn't want to embarrass you. I didn't want to embarrass you. لم يكن سامي مغرما بليلى. Sami was not in love with Layla. Sammy wasn't in love with Lily. يوجد شيء واحد فقط ممكن نعمله الآن There's only one thing we can do now! There's only one thing we can do right now. كان سامي يملك سيّارة ذات دفع رباعي. Sami had an SUV. Sammy had a four-wheel drive. كان فاضل أبا مهملا. Fadil was a neglectful father. Fadel was a careless father. ما إن انتهى اجتماعهم، شرعوا في العمل. As soon as their meeting was over, they set to work. As soon as their meeting was over, they started working. هي طبيبة الآن. She’s a doctor now. She's a doctor now. كُتبت الرّسالة. The letter was written. The message was written. بما أنك هنا، لعلنا نبدأ. Since you're here, we might as well begin. Since you're here, let's get started. ضرب فاضل دانية مرّة أخرى. Fadil beat Dania again. Fadel hit Dania again. زار سامي المسجد النّبوي بالمدينة المنوّرة في المملكة العربيّة السّعوديّة. Sami visited the Prophet's mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia. Sami visited the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia. ستبدأ المسرحية الساعة الثانية مساءً. The play begins at 2 p.m. The play starts at 2:00 p.m. صوبت مسدسي نحو الهدف. I aimed my gun at the target. I aimed my gun at the target. خسر وظيفته لذاك السبب. For that reason, he lost his job. He lost his job for that reason. إنها ليست مزحة. أنتَ سوف تدفع السعر كاملاً. It is not a joke, you will have to pay the full price. It's not a joke, you'll pay the full price. إحدى أمنياتي هي أن أتعلم اللغة الآيسلندية. One of my dreams is to learn Icelandic. One of my wishes is to learn Icelandic. بدأ يشعر بالمرض. He began to feel ill. He started to feel sick. أتى سامي إلى موقف الحافلة لاصطحاب ليلى. Sami came to the bus stop to pick Layla up. Sammy came to the bus stop to pick up Lily. لم تكن قارورة الأقراص تلك كافية لقتل سامي. The small bottle of pills wasn't enough to kill Sami. That pill bottle wasn't enough to kill Sammy. منزل توم صغير جدّا. Tom's house is very small. Tom's house is very small. نظف زجاج النافذة بقطعة قماش مبلولة. Clean the window with a damp cloth. Clean the window glass with a damp cloth. في الأعالي، يصعب على الناس التنفس. In high altitudes, people find it hard to breathe. At the top, it's hard for people to breathe. لقد وعدتني. You promised me. You promised. هل قمت بعملك؟ Did you do your tasks? Did you do your job? كان سامي يحاول إعادة بناء حياته. Sami was trying to rebuild his life. Sammy was trying to rebuild his life. لم هذا مهمّ حتّى؟ Why is this even a thing? Why is that even important? كان سامي منبهرا بالحكايات العربّية. Sami is fascinated with Arabic fairy tales. Sammy was impressed by the Arabic tales. وجدت مطعما مكسيكيا جيدا. I found a good Mexican restaurant. I found a good Mexican restaurant. تلقّى سامي حكما بالسّجن المؤبّد. Sami received life in prison. Sammy received a life sentence. بدأت أحب الصورة أكثر من أي وقت مضى. I've come to like the picture more than ever. I love the picture more than ever. أريد أن أُلقي نظرة أفضل على اللوحة, أريد أن أقف أقرب. I want to take a better look at that painting. I want to stand closer. I want to take a better look at the painting. I want to stand closer. سامي ينتظر في الصّف. Sami is waiting in line. Sammy's waiting in class. إنه لا يخاف من الموت. He isn't afraid of death. He's not afraid to die. ماري وتوم يلعبون ما جونج. Tom and Mary are playing mahjong. Mary and Tom are playing Ma Jung. توم سوف يحب هذا المكان. Tom is going to love it here. Tom will love this place. صديقتك هنا. Your friend is here. Your girlfriend's here. الكل كان سعيداً. Everyone was happy. Everyone was happy. هو يحبّها و هي تحبّه أيضا. He loves her; she loves him, too. He loves her and she loves him too. وضع سامي نفسه في الخطر بفعله هذا. Sami put himself in danger by doing so. Sammy put himself in danger by doing this. اخبرنا عندما لم تفهم شيئا ما. Let us know if you don't understand something. Tell us when you don't understand something. ما كنت وحيداً. I wasn't alone. I wasn't alone. استدى سامي ملابس زوجته. Sami dressed in his wife's clothes. Sammy wore his wife's clothes. اعطني فرصة! Give me a chance! Give me a chance! هذه النظارات جميلات. These glasses are beautiful. These glasses are beautiful. تحفظ الثلاجة الأكل من الفساد. The refrigerator preserves food from decay. Refrigerator saves food from corruption. دمّر سامي حياة ليلى. Sami destroyed Layla's life. Sammy ruined Layla's life. كتاب المسلمين المقدس هو القرآن. The holy book of Muslims is the Qur'an. The Muslim holy book is the Quran. سامي يدين لي مالا. Sami owes me money. Sammy owes me money. إنها توبخني لكي أكتب الوظيفة منذ البارحة. She has been scolding me to write the homework since yesterday. She's been scolding me for writing the job since yesterday. كان ينظر إليها. He was looking at her. He was looking at her. أين سيارتي؟ Where is my car? Where's my car? قضى سامي اللّيلة في العيادة. Sami spent the night at the clinic. Sam spent the night at the clinic. الحقيقة أني أخاف البرق I'm really scared of thunderstorms. The truth is, I'm afraid of lightning. ستكون مشغولاً غداً، أليس ذلك صحيحاً؟ You'll be busy tomorrow, won't you? You'll be busy tomorrow, won't you? تملكُ لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على حاسوبها. She has the berber keyboard on her computer. She has the Amazigh keypad on her computer. أسبح في المحيط. I'm swimming in the ocean. Swim in the ocean. لم يكُن دوما هكذا. He wasn't always like that. It wasn't always like that. أنا مدرس أيضاً. I am a teacher, too. I'm a teacher, too. هذه الوردة هي أجمل الورود على الإطلاق. This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers. This rose is the most beautiful rose ever. لم أكن أعتقد أنّك ستنسى ذلك. I didn't think you'd forget to do that. I didn't think you'd forget that. أنا لست متأكداً إن كان هذا صحيحاً. I'm not sure if this is correct. I'm not sure that's true. هل استمتعت بمشاهدة الفلم؟ Did you enjoy the movies? Did you enjoy watching the movie? تناول سامي بعض الأقراص. Sami took some pills. Sammy took some pills. توم يريد تشغيل المكيّف ولكن ماري لا تريد. Tom wants to turn the air conditioner on, but Mary doesn't want him to. Tom wants to turn on the AC, but Mary doesn't. خَنَقَت قِطٌّ. She strangled a cat. She strangled a cat. هناك نافورة ماء للشرب قرب ملعب التنس. There's a drinking fountain by the tennis court. There is a drinking fountain near the tennis court. طموحها هو أن تصبح سفيرة. Her ambition is to become an ambassador. Her ambition is to become an ambassador. ليست صغيرة ،أليس كذلك ؟ She's not young, is she? She's not young, is she? أستعمل منظمًا لضربات القلب. I've got a pacemaker. I'm using a pacemaker. هل تحب التفاح؟ Do you like apples? Do you like apples? الحاجة أم الإختراع. Necessity is the mother of invention. Necessity or invention. بالواقع إن الإجابة بسيطة. The answer is actually quite simple. Actually, the answer is simple. كيف إستطاع الزواج من سيدة أخرى بعد يومٍ واحد من وفاة زوجته السابقة! How could he marry another woman one day after his previous wife death! How he married another woman one day after his ex-wife died ما الذي يراهُ فيها؟ What does he see in her? What does he see in her? انسني. Forget me. Forget me. دائمًا ما يكون حزينًا. He's always sad. He's always sad. الحاسبات الشخصية مفيدة جداً Personal computers are very useful. Personal computers are very useful. لا تتأخر عن اجتماع الغد. Don't be late for the meeting tomorrow. Don't be late for tomorrow's meeting. نحن لن نعمل معهم أبدا. We'll never work for them. We'll never work with them. ما الذي يُبَثُّ الآن؟ What's on the air now? What's going on now? إنها مسالة حياة أو موت. It's a matter of life and death. It's a matter of life and death. لم نتوقّف عند قبلة فقط؟ Why stop at a kiss? We didn't just stop at a kiss? خذ كل الوقت الذي تحتاجه . Take all the time you need. Take all the time you need. فاضل ثرثار. Fadil talks too much. Fadhil's a talker. ما رأيك في اللغة اليابانية؟ What do you think about the Japanese language? What do you think of Japanese? لا يزال سامي يتذكّر ذلك. Sami still remembers. Sammy still remembers that. هذا الأمر لن يُقبل أبدا من طرف موظفي المكتب. The people in the office will never agree. This will never be accepted by the staff of the office. هو مزور. He is a counterfeiter. It's a forgery. ما علاباليش كيفاش رايح نبيّنها، لاخاطرش باينا كي شّمس! I don't know how to demonstrate it, since it's too obvious! We'll show it to you. Don't worry about it. تشجع! You can do it. Cheer up! متميز Brilliant! Featured ذهبا ليلى و سامي إلى المسجد معا. Layla and Sami went to the mosque together. Lily and Sammy went to the mosque together. هل نسيت الإمضاء مجدّدا؟ Did you forget to sign your name again? Did you forget to sign again? نعم، فعلت. Yes, you did. Yes, I did. يجلب التّين النّاضج كلّ أنواع الحشرات. Ripe figs attract all sorts of insects. Mature figs bring in all kinds of insects. قد أكون حاملا. I might be pregnant. I might be pregnant. طولُك مثل طولي. You are as tall as I am. You're as tall as me. اشتريتُ سيارةً جديدةً. I bought a new car. I bought a new car. ظننتني أبليت حسنا. I thought I did pretty well. I thought I did well. الأخطاء هي معلمين. Mistakes are teachers. Mistakes are teachers. الوقت ينفذ. Time is running out. Time's running out. ستتغيّر حياة ليلى للأبد. Layla's life will change for ever. Lily's life will change forever. مرَ الوقت المخصص بسرعة . The alloted time ticked away quickly. The allotted time passed quickly. على سامي أن يعود هاهنا حالًا ويساعدنا لننهي المهمة. Sami should get his butt back here and help us finish the job. Sammy has to come back here right now and help us finish the job. أنا وأنت نشكل فريقا جيدا. You and I make a good team. You and I make a good team. بحث سامي عن الفيديو على قناة ليلى في اليوتوب. Sami searched the video on Layla's YouTube channel. Sammy searched for the video on Lily's YouTube channel. أخبرتنا بأن الطريق مغلق. She told us the road was closed. She told us the road was closed. أتوقعت أن يقول الحقيقة؟ Did you really expect him to tell you the truth? You expect him to tell the truth? أريد أن أقول لك شيئاً. I have something to tell you. I want to tell you something. لم أرى أحدا. I didn't see a soul. I didn't see anyone. توم يشرب كثيرا. Tom drinks a lot. Tom drinks a lot. تعرّض سامي لسوء المعاملة. Sami was mistreated. Sammy was mistreated. هل سنلحق بالقطار؟ Will we be in time for the train? Are we going to catch the train? كان سامي يريد أن تتزوّج به ليلى. Sami wanted Layla to marry him. Sammy wanted to marry Lily. قد يكون مرضها السرطان. His illness may be cancer. It could be cancer. هي تحب الطيور و الأزهار. She is keen on birds and flowers. She loves birds and flowers. أحضر فاضل بعض الملابس لدانية. Fadil brought some clothes for Dania. Fadel brought some clothes for Dani. تعرضوا طريق السياح و طلبو منهم المال. They approached the tourists and asked them for money. They ran into tourists and asked them for money. ما هو تاريخ ميلادك؟ What is your date of birth? What's your birthday? ضربت ليلى سامي. Layla hit Sami. Lily hit Sammy. اعتنق سامي الإسلام في شهر رمضان. Sami converted to Islam in Ramadan. Sami converted to Islam during the month of Ramadan. مرحباً! شكراً للتحليق معنا. كيف حالكم اليوم؟ Hi! Thanks for flying with us. How are you today? Thank you for flying with us. How are you today? سأقوم بذلك شرط أن تساندني. I will do it on condition that you support me. I'll do it if you'll back me up. "كم الساعة الآن؟" "إنها الثالثة وعشرون دقيقة." "What time is it?" "It's 3:20." "What time is it?" "It's 23 minutes." سامي لا يقلّ أيّ شخص. Sami won't pick up just anybody. Sammy's not picking anybody up. أنت لم تعمل بما فيه الكفاية. You didn't work hard enough. You haven't done enough. كان لدينا ثلاث طائرات. We had three airplanes. We had three planes. متى غادر فاضل الفندق؟ What time did Fadil leave the hotel? When did Fadel leave the hotel? أحب الطريقة التي يتكلم بها. I really love the way you speak. I like the way he talks. تلقّى فاضل عددا من الرّسائل من ليلى. Fadil received a number of letters from Layla. Fadel received a number of letters from Layla. كان مدرّسا لطيفا. He was a cool teacher. He was a nice teacher. أين أقرب معرض فني؟ Where's the nearest art gallery? Where's the nearest art gallery? كانت المرأة المصابة سائحة برازيلية . The injured woman was a Brazilian tourist. The injured woman was a Brazilian tourist. أنا لا أعرف اسمه I don't know his name. I don't know his name. سامي قام بهذا. Sami did this. Sammy did this. ما طول الجسر؟ How long is the bridge? How long is the bridge? الكتاب على المكتب. The book is on the table. The book's on the desk. دفعت ليلى بسامي إلى الحائط. Layla pushed Sami to the wall. Lily pushed Bassamy to the wall. أتساءل أيّ طريق هو الأقصر. I wonder which way is the shortest. I wonder which way is shorter. عرّض سامي نفسه لخطر الكشف. Sami risked detection. Sammy put himself at risk of detection. أفضل ألا أخرج اليوم. I'd rather not go out today. I'd rather not go out today. بماذا تحدّق؟ What are you staring at? What are you staring at? كاد توم أن يُطرد من العمل. Tom almost got fired. Tom almost got fired. هو لا يدخن. He does not smoke. He doesn't smoke. صنعت لي أمي حقيبة. My mother made me a bag. My mom made me a bag. يطير الطير. The bird flies. Fly the bird. هذا كل ما أعرفه. I know only this. That's all I know. انت من فين ف كندا؟ Where in Canada are you from? You're from Fenn, Canada? تعرّض سامي للضّرب. Sami was beaten. Sammy got hit. لا يمكنك التدخل في حياتي. You can't run my life. You can't interfere with my life. هذا اختبار حمل و هو إيجابي. It's a pregnancy test and it's positive. This is a pregnancy test and it's positive. كنت مشغولاً الأسبوع الماضي. You were busy last week. I was busy last week. هناك قط أسود نائم على الكرسي الأصفر. There's one black cat sleeping on the yellow chair. There's a black cat sleeping in the yellow chair. تدعى المعجزات معجزات لأنها لا تحصل! Miracles are called miracles because they don't happen! Miracles are called miracles because they don’t happen. عكس المدرّس عيناه. The teacher squinted his eyes. The teacher reversed his eyes. يمكنك المجيء والعيش معي. You could come and live with me. You can come live with me. لا تقل ذلك. Don't say that. Don't say that. قطتي وكلبي متعايشان. My cat and dog get along. My cat and dog are together. كانت حياة سامي معرّضة للخطر. Sami's life was in danger. Sammy’s life was in danger. ما دْخَلْتْشْ الفْرَاشْ حتى فات نُصّ اللِيل. I didn't get to bed until after midnight. I didn't even enter the mattress until the night's text was gone. حسب ما أعرف، الرواية غير مترجمة إلى اليابانية. As far as I know, the novel is not translated into Japanese. As far as I know, the novel is not translated into Japanese. ذهبت إلى بيتي. I went home. I went to my house. عليك أن تأخذ هذا. You have to take this. You have to take this. آسف لا يمكنني سماعك جيداً. I'm sorry, but I can't hear you well. I'm sorry I can't hear you very well. إنها قديمة قِدم العالم. It's as old as the world. It's as old as the world. لم تملك أي مال، لذا لم تستطع الذهاب معي. She didn't have any money, so she couldn't go with me. She didn't have any money, so she couldn't go with me. كان سامي يتابع ليلى على الإنستغرام و كانت تتابعه هي أيضا. Sami followed Layla on Instagram and she followed him back. Sammy was following Laila on Instagram and she was following him, too. أحب أكل البطيخ. I like to eat watermelon. I like to eat watermelon. إنه يعمل في المختبر. He works in the lab. He works in the lab. ليلى مدرّسة في روضة. Layla is a kindergarten teacher. Lily's a kindergarten teacher. الدرس الأول سهل. The first lesson is easy. The first lesson is easy. أخي الأكبر مدرس. My older brother is a teacher. My older brother's a teacher. توم بالاك كان قادر يقتل ماري لوكان ما حبّسوش جون. Tom probably would've killed Mary if John hadn't stopped him. Tom Palak was able to kill Mary Lucan and not trap John. ارم العصى وشاهد الكلب يجلبها. Throw a stick and watch the dog fetch it. Toss the stick and watch the dog bring it. لبست جاكيتّها. She put on her sweater. I wore her jacket. كتب سامي لليلى رسالة حبّ فيها ستّ صفحات. Sami wrote a six-page long love letter to Layla. Sammy wrote Lily a love letter with six pages in it. هل أنت في علاقة؟ Are you in a relationship? Are you in a relationship? خذ الحكمة من أفواه المجانين. Even idiots can give good advice. Take wisdom from the mouths of madmen. لنسرع. Let's hurry up. Let's hurry. لنلقِ نظرة. Let's take a look. Let's take a look. لا تنظري إلي بهاتين العينين الحزينتين. Don't look at me with such sad eyes. Don't look at me with those sad eyes. يرغب أن يلتقي بك. He wants to meet you. He wants to meet you. استمر المطر ثلاثة أيام. The rain lasted three days. The rain lasted three days. إنتحرت. She committed suicide. She killed herself. الأسد كان يتنظر أن ينطلق. The lion was waiting to spring. The lion was waiting to set off. أهذا كتابك؟ Is this book yours? Is that your book? حلمي أن أكون طبيباً. My aim is to be a doctor. My dream is to be a doctor. هل أنت متأكد بأنك لست بحاجة فعل هذا؟ Are you sure you don't need to do that? Are you sure you don't need to do this? اليوم، غير مسموح له أن يأكل أي شيئا حلوا. Today, he is not allowed to eat anything sweet. Today, he is not allowed to eat anything sweet. إنه دائم الضحك. He is always laughing. He's always laughing. علينا الحصول على نتائج. We have to get results. We have to get results. ظنت أني طبيب. She thought that I was a doctor. She thought I was a doctor. إنّها قصة معقّدة. It's a complicated story. It's a complicated story. سنقتلك. We'll kill you. We'll kill you. مدرستنا قريبة من المحطة. Our school is near the station. Our school is close to the station. علي مقابلة توم في بوسطن يوم الإثنين القادم عند 2:30. I'm supposed to meet Tom in Boston next Monday at 2:30. I have to meet Tom in Boston next Monday at 2:30. سببت الجملة رقم 354618 الكثير من الربكة في موقع تتويبا. Example sentence no. 354618 created a lot of confusion on the Tatoeba website. The sentence 354618 caused a lot of confusion at the Tulipa site. أنا فخورة جدا بوالدي. I'm very proud of my father. I'm so proud of my father. توم أيضا كان هنا. Tom also was here. Tom was also here. هو يعيش في كارديف. He lives in Cardiff. He lives in Cardiff. إنها سُلحفاة توم, إنها تُدعى ماري. This is Tom's pet turtle. She's called Mary. It's Tom's turtle. It's called Mary. أدعمه. I'm behind him. Back him up. دخلت ليلى فخّا بدون أن تعلم. Layla unknowingly wandered into a trap. Lily went into a trap without knowing. أين كتابي؟ Where's my book? Where's my book? صلّى النّاس صلاة الغائب لسامي. A funeral prayer in absentia was held for Sami. People prayed the absent prayer for Sammy. إنتظرتك. I waited for you. I waited. أنا مستعد! أيمكننا الذهاب؟ I'm ready! Can we go? I'm ready, can we go? كنت محقا قطعا. You were absolutely right. You were absolutely right. سيستغرق المشروع سنة على الأقل. This project will take at least a year to finish. The project will take at least a year. استعارت ليلى مسدّسا من سامي. Layla borrowed a gun from Sami. Lily borrowed a gun from Sammy. اتّصل سامي. Sami called. Sammy called. لا أستطيع القيام بهذا العمل بمفردي. I can't do this work alone. I can't do this on my own. لقد نفذ ما لدينا من الغاز . We have run out of gas. We're out of gas. أين يمكننى تبادل النقود؟ Where can I exchange money? Where can I exchange money? كان لدينا الكثير من المغامرات في رحلتنا . We had lots of adventures on our trip. We had a lot of adventures on our journey. دائماً ما تنتقدني! You're always criticizing me! You always criticize me! هل صحيح أنك لم تكن هنا البارحة؟ Is it true that you weren't here yesterday? Is it true you weren't here last night? لا يعرف أحد عنوانه إلّا توم. No one knows his address but Tom. Nobody knows his address but Tom. شرب سامي من ذاك الكأس. Sami drank out of that glass. Sammy drank from that glass. لم تكن غلطتي. It wasn't my fault. It wasn't my fault. ادا تشوف غلطا، مادا بيك تسڨّمها. If you see a mistake, then please correct it. If you're wrong, what's wrong with you? كاد الولد أن يغرق. The boy was almost drowned. The boy almost drowned. اصطدم سامي بشجرة لأنّه لم يكن قادرا على رؤية شيء. Sami ran into a tree because he couldn't see a thing. Sammy hit a tree because he couldn’t see anything. لقد تغيّرت حياة سامي. Sami's life was changed. Sammy's life has changed. نادي فاضلا يا دانية. Dania, go call Fadil. Bad club, Danya. سأُذيق ذلك الوغدَ من مرارةِ كأسِه. I'll give that bastard a taste of his own medicine. I'm gonna taste that son of a bitch from the bitterness of his glass. كان سامي راغبا في أن تعود ليلى إلى مصر. Sami wanted Layla to go back to Egypt. Sammy wanted Leyla to return to Egypt. تحبّ النّساء جلب الانتباه. Women like attention. Women like to get attention. كان سامي يفكّر في حياته. Sami thought about his life. Sammy was thinking about his life. فجأة بدأ المطر بالهطول. Suddenly rain began to fall. Suddenly it started raining. هو ولد ذكي جدا. He is a very smart boy. He's a very smart boy. أريد أن أزور إنجلترا يوما. Someday I'd like to go to England. I want to visit England one day. كان هناك مدرّسون يصرخون. There were teachers yelling. There were teachers screaming. حان وقت طعام الغداء. It's lunch time. Time for lunch. هل تمانع في الوقوف جانبًا؟ Would you mind standing aside? Would you mind standing aside? نحتاج شاحنة جديدة. We need a new truck. We need a new truck. المدرّس قادم. The teacher is coming in. The teacher's coming. كان سامي يعلم أنّ الشّرطة كانت تبحث عنه. Sami knew the police were looking for him. Sammy knew the police were looking for him. الإنجليزية لغةٌ عالمية. English is a global language. English is a universal language. من أي بلد أنت؟ Which country are you from? What country are you from? عليك أن تتّصل بسامي. You should phone Sami. You have to call Sammy. رجاءً، اغسل يديك جيدًا قبل الأكل. Please wash your hands properly before eating. Please wash your hands before eating. إننا نأخذك إلى مصر. We're taking you to Egypt. We're taking you to Egypt. في فرنسا إما يقولون تليفون أو يقولون محمول ، لكن - الكلمة - الأخيرة غامضة ، لأن من الصعب عادة تحديد ما إذا كان المقصود تليفونا أو حاسبا أو جهازا محمولا آخر. In France they say either "(téléphone) mobile" or "portable", but the latter is ambiguous, because you often cannot tell whether it refers to a telephone, a computer, or another portable device. In France they either say a phone or they say a mobile, but - the last word - is ambiguous, because it is usually difficult to determine whether it is meant for a phone, a computer or another mobile device. سررتُ بمعرفتكَ. I'm pleased to meet you. Nice to meet you. يصدقنا القول دوماً. He always tells the truth. We always believe the word. لقد كنت معك في كل خطوة على الطريق. I was with you every step of the way. I've been with you every step of the way. أيّها سيارة توم؟ Which car is Tom's? Hey, Tom's car? لم يكن لدى سامي الكثير من الأصدقاء في الحيّ. Sami didn't have very many friends in the neighborhood. Sammy didn't have a lot of friends in the neighborhood. أنتَ كيف تعرف هذا؟ How do you know that? How do you know that? لم أحصل على خيار. I've got no choice. I didn't get a choice. آمل أن يستطيع أن يأتي! أود أن أراه. I hope he'll be able to come! I'd like to see him. I hope he can come! I'd like to see him. لا بد من وجود طريقة ما. There has to be a way. There has to be some way. كان سامي يركن سيّارته بجانب منزل باية. Mennad was pulling up to Baya's house. Sammy was parked next to Baya's house. كم أنت مزعج! You are so annoying! How annoying you are! سمح ليا Excuse me. Leah كتبنا أنا وتوم عدة كتب معا. Tom and I have written several books together. Tom and I wrote several books together. سامي يتكلّم العربيّة. Sami speaks Arabic. Sammy speaks Arabic. هو يصدق أى شئ أقوله. He believes whatever I say. He believes everything I say. يمضي سامي كلّ يوم في الحانة. Sami spends every single day at the bar. Sammy spends every day at the bar. كان قطّ سامي يخذش ليلى. Sami's cat was clawing Layla. Sammy's cat was scratching Lily. بيتك أكبر من بيتي ثلاث مرات. Your house is three times as large as mine. Your house is three times bigger than mine. الرياضة مفيدة للصحة. Sport is good for your health. Sports are good for health. هل ستسافر إلى أمريكا الشهر القادم؟ Will you go to America next month? Are you going to America next month? أنا طويلة جدا. I'm pretty tall. I'm too tall. انضمّ فاضل إلى جامعة حكوميّة في فيلاديلفيا. Fadil enrolled in a community college in Philadelphia. Fadel joined a public university in Philadelphia. سأجد سيارتي بنفسي. I'll find my car on my own. I'll find my own car. كانت الغرفة خالية من الأثاث. There was no furniture in that room. The room was free of furniture. بقيَ واحد وذهب الآخر. One stayed and the other went away. One is left and the other is gone. نقدر نستعمل لقلم ديالك. May I use your pencil? We can use your pen. يصعب عليّ جدا أن أفهم هذا الكتاب. This book is too difficult for me to understand. It’s hard for me to understand this book. أتظن أني أعطي الموضوع أكبر من حجمه؟ Do you think I'm exaggerating? You think I'm giving it too much? إنه لا يُحبنا لذلك لا يُريد أن يأكلَ معنا It's because he doesn't like us that he doesn't want to eat with us. He doesn't like us, so he doesn't want to eat with us. لدي مغص. I have a stomachache. I have colic. أردتُ أن أتأكد أنك ستأتي إلى هنا. I needed to make sure you'd come here. I wanted to make sure you'd come here. أعندك غرفة تخصك؟ Do you have a room of your own? Do you have a room of your own? وقف سامي خارج غرفة المستشفى. Sami stood outside the hospital room. Sammy stood outside the hospital room. أريدك أن تقرأه I want you to read it. I want you to read it. أنا أعد, لن أفعلها مجدداً. I promise I'll never do it again. I promise, I won't do it again. "أنا أفهم الإيطالية بشكل رائع," لقد تباهت بينما تختار طبق من قائمة الطعام, ولكن عندما قُدم الطعام, كان كما لم تكن تتوقع. "I understand Italian perfectly," she boasted while choosing a dish from the menu, but when the food was served, it was not at all what she expected. "I understand Italian wonderfully," she bragged as you picked a dish from the menu, but when the food was served, it was as you didn't expect. أقلعت عن التدخين منذ ستة أشهر. I gave up smoking six months ago. I quit smoking six months ago. يبدأ الدوام الدراسي في الثامنة و النصف. School begins at half past eight. School starts at 8:30. كانت أمّ سامي مسلمة. Sami's mother was Muslim. Sammy's mother was a Muslim. كان خبر وفاة فاضل مؤلما بالنّسبة لعمّال المستشفى. The news of Fadil's death devastated the hospital staff. The news of Fadel's death was painful for the hospital workers. هل انت طالب جديد؟ You're a new student? Are you a new student? رائع! Awesome! Wow! أحب الشوكولاتة. I like chocolate. I love chocolate. ومنه نستطيع متابعة الخوارزمية. Then we can continue the algorithm. From it we can follow the algorithm. أخذ سامي ليلى إلى قاعة مثلّجات. Sami took Layla to an ice cream parlor. Sammy took Lily to an ice cream parlor. يبدأ الدوام الدراسي في الثامنة و النصف. School begins at eight-thirty. School starts at 8:30. أحب الماء بقشور البرتقال. I like water with orange peel. I like the water with orange peels. وقفوا كل الطلاب عندما عزف دان النشيد الوطني. All the students stood up when Dan played the national anthem. All the students stood when Dan played the national anthem. تبدو في الستينات من عمرها على الأقل. She looks at least sixty. She looks at least in her 60s. استعدّ سامي للرّحيل. Sami prepared to leave. Sammy's ready to go. وظّف فاضل ليلى كي تساعده. Fadil recruited Layla to help. He hired Fadel Laila to help him. سأدفع بالشيك. I'll pay by cheque. I'll pay the check. أين ضربتهم؟ Where did you beat them up? Where did you hit them? بيتك يحتاج لإصلاح. Your house needs repairing. Your house needs fixing. سأحاول أن لا أغيب لمدة طويلة. I'll try not to be away too long. I'll try not to be gone too long. كانت ليلى تعمل في ناد للتّعرّي. Layla worked at a strip joint. Lily was working at a strip club. كيف بإمكاننا أن نطلب من النّاس أن يحترموا الطّبيعة و الكوكب و الحيوانات إن لم يحترموا بعضهم البعض؟ How can we ask for humans to respect nature, the planet and the animals if respect between them does not exist? How can we ask people to respect nature and the planet and animals if they don't respect each other? توم كان عندو ڤاع واش يحتاج فالكابة تاعو. Tom had everything he needed in his suitcase. Tom had a snitch who needed a cab. لا تتدخل في ما لا يعنيك. Mind your own business! Do not interfere with what does not concern you. لبرّانييا احيروني. Foreign people intrigue me. Braniah, cheer me up. سأكلّمه بشأن الموسيقى الصّاخبة. I'll talk to him about the loud music. I'll talk to him about loud music. أين تعلّم الكتابة؟ Where did he learn to write? Where does he learn to write? اعتقد بأنه يمكننا مساعدة بعضنا البعض. I think we can help each other. I think we can help each other. يأكل الكلب طعامه. The dog is eating his food. The dog eats his food. سأزوره غداً. I'll visit him tomorrow. I'll visit him tomorrow. هو يدرس الفزياء. He is doing physics. He studies physics. كان سامي محبوبا جدّا عند أهل البلدة. Sami was well liked in the community. Sammy was very popular with the people of the town. أوقات كتير باخد برد. I often catch colds. A lot of cold times. لبست ليلى ملابسا مثيرة. Layla dressed sexy. Lily wore sexy clothes. أنا أطهو, ولكن بدون الكثير من المتعة. I cook, but without much pleasure. I'm cooking, but not too much fun. سامي يستحقّ أكثر من ذلك. Sami deserves more than that. Sammy deserves more than that. كان فاضل الطّبّاخ الرّئيسي. Fadil was the head chef. He was the chef's favorite. تبرع باموالك الى الفقراء وسوف تمتلك كنز فى الجنة Donate your money to the poor and you'll have treasure in heaven. Donate your money to the poor and you will have a treasure in heaven. سآخذ نصيحتك بعين الاعتبار. I will keep your advice in mind. I'll take your advice into consideration. العمال في هذه المعامل يشكلون نسبة كبيرة من المهاجرين. Workers in these factories comprise a large percentage of immigrants. Workers in these factories make up a large proportion of immigrants. حالة لثتك سيئة. Your gums are in bad shape. Your gums are bad. إنّها مفاجأة. It's a surprise. It's a surprise. هذه المرة، هدفي هو باريس. This time my goal is Paris. This time, my goal is Paris. عمّا قريبٍ ستفضل ترجمة الجمل في تتويبا على الدردشة معي. She would sooner translate sentences on Tatoeba than chat with me. Pretty soon you'd rather translate sentences in a tulip than chat with me. سامي يحبّ مادّة التّصوير. Sami loves photography class. Sammy likes photography. هلا جلبت لي كأسا من الماء من فضلك؟ Could you get me a glass of water, please? Could you get me a glass of water, please? لا تتعب نفسك بالتفكير ما الذي سيحدث خلال شهر, ولا خلال سنة, يفكي أن تركز على اللذي سيحدث خلال ال 24 ساعة القادمة. Don't make yourself busy thinking about what will happen in a month, Nor in a year, Just concentrate on what is going to happen in the 24 hours in front of you. Don’t bother thinking about what’s going to happen in a month, or in a year, focus on what’s going to happen in the next 24 hours. أين كتبي؟ Where are my books? Where are my books? "قسما!" "إني لا أصدّقك!" "I don't believe you!" "I swear!" "Swear!" "I don't believe you!" ممكن تتصاغ بطريقة تانية؟ Can it be phrased in another way? Can you put it another way? ليس ذلك من شأنك. That's none of your business. None of your business. فما يركز عليه هي الجمل، وليست الكلمات. It's all about sentences. Not words. What he focuses on are sentences, not words. أنا كبير بما يكفي لأقود. I'm old enough to drive. I'm old enough to drive. لكل فرد الحق أن يلجأ إلى بلاد أخرى أو يحاول الاتجاء إليها هربا من الاضطهاد. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. Everyone has the right to seek refuge in another country or to seek refuge there from persecution. الجو بارد. It's cold. It's cold. أنا الآن في الثلاثين من عمري. I'm thirty now. I am now 30 years old. لا تنس أن تأخذ كاميرا معك. Don't forget to take a camera with you. Don’t forget to take a camera with you. لم يصدّق توم أيا من كلام ماري. Tom didn't believe anything Mary said. Tom didn't believe any of Mary's words. كانت جثة فاضل مرمية في القمامة. Fadil's body was in the garbage. Fadel's body was dumped in the garbage. إن لم يكن معطلا، فلا داعي لأن تصلحه. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If it's not broken, you don't have to fix it. أريد أن أذهب إلى كيوتو. I want to go to Kyoto. I want to go to Kyoto. ماذا تفضل أكثر، التفاح أم الموز؟ What do you like most - apples or bananas? What do you prefer more, apples or bananas? أنا حزين. I'm sad. I'm sad. ليلى سمينة و قبيحة. Layla is fat and ugly. Lily's fat and ugly. مرحباً بيل ، كيف حالك؟ Hi, Bill. How are you? Hey, Bill. How you doing? لم أرى قط غروبا جميلا للشمس مثل هذا. I've never seen such a beautiful sunset. I've never seen such a beautiful sunset. هذه المدينة تعجبني جداً. I like this city very much. I like this city very much. شريت طونوبيل جْديدة، شريتها جْديدة. I bought a new car. I bought it new. New bonnet, new bonnet. ليس بتلك الصعوبة. It's not that hard. It's not that hard. الكرة الآن في ملعبك! Now the ball is in your court! The ball is now in your court! رفضت مساعدتي. She refused my offer to help her. She refused to help me. خير أصدقاء الفتاة: الألماس. Diamonds are a girl's best friends. The girl's best friend: diamonds. هذا الأمر نحتاج أن نعمل عليه سويّاً. This is something that we need to work on together. This is something we need to work on together. يتكون المجلس من إثنا عشر عضواً. The committee consists of twelve members. The Council shall consist of twelve members. يود فاضل أن يراك. Fadil would like to see you. Fadel would like to see you. هل أنت مدخنة؟ Are you a smoker? Are you a smoker? هل تعلم أن الرجال الذين يتناولون حبوب منع الحمل بانتظام لا يحمِلُون؟ Did you know that men who regularly take the birth control pill don't get pregnant? Did you know that men who take birth control pills regularly don't get pregnant? هل سلّمك سامي رسالتي؟ Did Sami give you my message? Did Sammy give you my message? وسمو العود تاع طوم؟ What's Tom's horse's name? And what's the height of the oud? ما أن رن الجرس حتى دخلت المعلمة إلى الصف. As soon as the bell rang the teacher came into the classroom. As soon as the bell rang, the teacher walked into the class. أخذ سامي مفاتيح سيّارة ليلى و غادر. Sami took Layla's car keys and left. Sammy took Lily's car keys and left. أين أختك؟ Where's your sister? Where's your sister? كان لدى سامي ما يكفي من العلم كي يجيب على أسئلة سهلة و هذا ما سمح له كي يعرض نفسه كطيبب. Sami knew enough about medicine to bluff his way through some easy questions, passing himself off as a doctor. Sammy had enough science to answer easy questions and this allowed him to present himself as a good man. على أي سرير تريد أن تنام؟ On which bed would you like to sleep? What bed do you want to sleep in? ماري أرسلت لي رسالة قصيرة. Mary texted me. Mary sent me a short message. كان سامي يحبّ ألعاب الطّاولة. Sami liked board games. Sammy liked table games. انتظر توم ماري وقتا طويلا، لكنها لم تأتِ. Tom waited a long time for Mary, but she never showed up. Mary waited a long time, but she didn’t come. هو متهور. He is a daredevil. He's reckless. ابتل توم بشدة. Tom got soaking wet. Tom got wet. وُلد في هذه الغرفة بالتحديد. He was born in this very room. He was born in this particular room. الصحة هي أغلى شيء نملكه. Health is the most precious thing we have. Health is the most precious thing we have. المسؤولون يجب أن يبنوا تواصل قريب مع الموظّفين. Administrators need to build close contact with employees. Officials should build close contact with staff. يا له من طفل جميل. What a cute baby! Peek-a-boo! What a beautiful child. نفض يانّي النّمل عن التّينة ثمّ أكلها. Yanni brushed off the ants and ate the fig. The ants flicked on the dragon and ate it. وضع سامي الكاميرا في جيبه. Sami put the camera in his pocket. Sammy put the camera in his pocket. جرّبها مرة بعد أخرى. He tried it over and over again. Try it again and again. لا خابَ من استشارَ. Four eyes see more than two. Don't be disappointed he consulted. سمعت صوت ضجة غريبة. I heard an unusual noise. I heard a strange noise. بدأ سامي يمضي المزيد من الوقت مع ليلى. Sami began spending more time with Layla. Sammy started spending more time with Lily. يانّي يعلم. Yanni knows. Jani knows. لدي أخت I have a sister. I have a sister. إنك محق تماماً. You are absolutely right. You're absolutely right. لماذا بوستن مقصد سياحي مشهور بهذا القدر . Why is Boston such a popular destination for tourists? Why Boston is such a popular tourist destination. نقل سامي أسرته إلى حيّ جديد و منزل أوسع. Sami moved his family to a new neighborhood and a larger home. Sammy moved his family to a new neighborhood and a larger house. سألعب الشطرنج مع توم اليوم. I'm going to play chess with Tom today. I'm playing chess with Tom today. أبحث عن عمل. I'm looking for work. I'm looking for a job. رزقوا بولد وحيد. They had only one child. They had a lonely boy. لماذا لا نذهب إلى البيت؟ Why don't we go home? Why don't we go home? شعرها جاف. She has dry hair. Her hair is dry. هي تعجبني. I like her. I like her. الشتاء الماضي، ذهبت إلى كندا لتزلج. Last winter, I went to Canada to ski. Last winter, I went to Canada to ski. واش كتعرف نجليزية؟ Do you speak English? What, you know English? كلاب توم هاجموا ماري. Tom's dog attacked Mary. Tom's dogs attacked Mary. لن أنس أبدا التّجربة التي عشتها البارحة. I'll never forget the experience I had yesterday. I will never forget the experience I had yesterday. أرسل سامي رسالة أخرى لليلى. Sami sent Layla another letter. Sammy sent Lily another message. شعرت وكأنّ يدًا باردة لمستني. I felt as if a cold hand was touching me. It felt like a cold hand touched me. ف لّوّل، راني رايح ندير شيما تع سّيت انترنات ژديد ديالي. First, I'm going to do an outline of my new website. Rani Raih Nadir Shema is known as the "Dead Dialle Internazionale". الشاي مشروب شعبي في جميع أنحاء العالم. Tea is a popular beverage throughout the world. Tea is a popular drink all over the world. وداعا. Farewell! Bye. اُغسل يدّيك. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. من هو أب سامي؟ Who is Sami's father? Who is Sammy's father? سوف يصل الى باريس غداً. He will arrive in Paris tomorrow. He will arrive in Paris tomorrow. لا تتدخل في ما لا يعنيك! Mind your own business! Do not interfere with what does not concern you! ولا بد نكون سمعتها غالط. I must have heard her wrong. I must have heard it loud. كان سامي قبيحا جدّا. Sami was so ugly. Sammy was very ugly. نجا توم. Tom has survived. Tom survived. لستُ سوى فتاة عاديّة. I'm just a normal girl. I'm just a normal girl. هل مظهري جيد؟ Do I look okay? Do I look good? ماذا يسمى هذا الطائر؟ What's that bird called? What is this bird called? إلين في المستشفى. Elaine is in hospital. Elaine's in the hospital. كانا سامي و ليلى أصدقاءا لسليمة. Sami and Layla were friends with Salima. Sammy and Lily were good friends. هل توم قبّلَ مريم؟ Did Tom kiss Mary? Did Tom kiss Mary? هل أُخذت هذه الصورة حديثاً؟ Is it a recent picture? Was this photo taken recently? لدى سامي موعد مع الطّبيب اليوم. Sami has a doctor's appointment today. Sammy has a doctor's appointment today. انجذب سامي لسحر جمال جيني الجنوبي. Sami was attracted by Jenny's Southern charm. Sammy was drawn to the charm of Jenny's Southern beauty. آخِرُ شخصٍ أخبرتُه فكرتي ظنّنِيْ مجنونًا. The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts. The last person I told my idea thought I was crazy. اعترف بالهزيمة. He admitted defeat. Admit defeat. أتفق معك. I agree with you. I agree. يريد توم الذهاب إلى أستراليا. Tom wants to go to Australia. Tom wants to go to Australia. ذهبت ليلى للمدرسة كي تصبح ممرّضة ذات شهادة. Dania went to school to be a certified nurse. Lily went to school to become a certified nurse. توقّف سامي عن إصدار ذلك الصّوت. Sami stopped making that noise. Sammy stopped making that sound. عيد ميلاد الذّكرى العشرين لزواج سامي و ليلىى على الأبواب. Sami and Layla's twentieth anniversary is just around the corner. The 20th anniversary of Sammy and Lily's wedding is coming up. سامي هو أملنا الوحيد. Sami is our only hope. Sammy is our only hope. اركض بأقصى سرعة. Run as fast as possible. Run as fast as you can. يبدو أن توم كان مشغولا. It looks like Tom's been busy. Looks like Tom was busy. جئت I came. Here. انتظر سامي حتّى اليوم التّالي. Sami waited until the next day. Sammy waited until the next day. ما اسمك؟ Do you have a name? What's your name? من الأفضل أن أسئلها. I had better ask her. I'd better ask her. من فضلك لا تتحدث عني أثناء غيابي. Please don't talk about me when I'm gone. Please don't talk about me while I'm gone. بدت ليلى رائعة. Layla looked perfect. Lily looked great. لا تقلق. إنهُ لا يفهم الألمانية. Don't worry. He doesn't understand German. He doesn't understand German. يستمع إلى محطة مذياع موجة قصيرة. He listens to a short wave radio station. Listen to a short wave radio station. مات سامي لوحده. Sami died alone. Sammy died alone. ‫هي لديها بيت صغير. She has a small house. She's got a little house. انا اربي الماشية . I rear cattle. I'm raising cattle. هل أنتَ تسعل دماء؟ هذا ليس جيداً. Are you coughing blood? That's not good. Are you coughing up blood? هذه الأمر علينا أن نعمل سويّاً لحلّه. This is something that we need to work on together. This is something we have to work together to solve. قُد بحذر. Drive carefully. Drive safe. قام العبيد بمعظم الأعمال. Slaves did most of the work. Slaves did most of the work. أود رؤيتك مجددا I'd like to see you again. I'd like to see you again. والديَّ يكرهانه. My parents hate him. My parents hate him. توم جاء الى هنا قبل الغروب Tom got here before sunrise. Tom came here before sunset. انبطح من فضلك. Please get down. Get down, please. هل أنت جديد أيضاً؟ Are you new, too? Are you new too? سأغادر إلى أمريكا في الغد. I will go to America tomorrow. I'm leaving for America tomorrow. أريد أن أشاركك هذا. I want to share this with you. I want to share this with you. كنت أبلغ الثلاثين عاما فقط آنذاك. I was only thirteen years old at that time. I was only 30 years old at the time. أعددت لك قليلا من الحساء. I'll make some broth for you. I made you a little soup. لنتحرّك. Let's move! Let's move. رد ديما: "وعليكم السلام، الصائب!"، لكنه رفع الصوت في هاتفه هذه المرة، لتجنب جعل هذه الجملة مكررةً. "كيف أمورك هذه الأيام؟" "Walakum-us-Salam, Al-Sayib!" Dima replied, but raised the volume on his phone this time, so as to avoid making this a duplicate sentence. "What are you up to these days?" Dima replied: "Peace be with you, the right one!", but he raised the voice in his phone this time, to avoid making this sentence redundant. "How are you doing these days?" كان فاضل لا يثق بالأدوية. Fadil was suspiscious of medication. Fadhil did not trust the medicines. هذا هو الفتى الذي أفكر به. This is the boy I think about. That's the boy I'm thinking of. لست معتادا أن أعامَلَ بهذه الطريقة. I'm not used to be treated like that. I'm not used to being treated this way. أعدّ سامي فيديو على اليوتوب. Sami made a video on Youtube. Sammy made a video on YouTube. للرجل والمرأة متى بلغا سن الزواج حق التزوج وتأسيس أسرة دون أي قيد بسبب الجنس أو الدين، ولهما حقوق متساوية عند الزواج وأثناء قيامه وعند انحلاله. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. Men and women of marriageable age shall have the right to marry and to found a family without any restriction on grounds of sex or religion and shall have equal rights at marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. منذ أن كذب عليّ ماريو، لم أعد أكلمه. Since Mario lied to me, I don't speak to him anymore. Since Mario lied to me, I don't talk to him anymore. يا لها من فتاة جميلة! What a cute little girl! What a beautiful girl! زينب سمينة جداً. تاكل خمسة وجبات في اليوم. وزن زينب ١٠٠ كيل. Zainab is very fat. She eats five meals a day. Zainab's weight is 100 kg. Zeinab is very fat. She eats five meals a day. Zeinab weighs 100 kilos. لقاوها فقاع لواد. It was found at the bottom of the river. Beat her up, Pemphigus Load. لقد قضيت أسبوعا مع أسرة فلسطينيّة من غزّة. I spent a week with a Palestinian family from Gaza. I spent a week with a Palestinian family from Gaza. وقد أرسل الله ملائكته لحماية معك أينما ذهبت . God has sent his angels to protect you wherever you go. God has sent His angels to protect you wherever you go. أكره مادة الكيمياء. I hate chemistry. I hate chemistry. واجِه الحياة بابتسامة! Face life with a smile! Face life with a smile! عندك حقّ. You're right. You're right. حاولنا إقناعه بالعدول عن رأيه لكننا فشلنا. We tried to get him to change his mind, but couldn't. We tried to talk him out of it, but we failed. كان مدرّسيّ يحبّونني دائما. My teachers always liked me. My teachers always loved me. من الصعب إقناع جوناثن. It's hard to persuade Jonathan. It's hard to convince Jonathan. تحدث معي بالإنجليزية رجاءً. Please speak to me in English. Speak to me in English, please. الزُجاجة على الرف العُلوي. The bottle is on the upper shelf. The glass is on the top shelf. توم كان غارَق فتخمامو. Tom was lost in his thoughts. Tom was drowned. كان سامي في مكان ممنوع السّباحة فيه. Sami was in a no-swim zone. Sammy was in a no-swimming place. هم سعداء They are happy. They're happy. هل ستكون في البلاد وقت عيد الميلاد؟ Will you be home for Christmas? Will you be in the country by Christmas? ليس لدي أكثر من 1,000 ين . I have no more than 1,000 yen with me. I don't have more than 1,000 yen. صعدَ سامي على متن عربته و غادرَ. Sami got in his van and left. Sammy got on his wagon and left. كانت ليلى ترقص في نوادي التّعرّي و تربح المال. Layla stripped and made money. Lily was dancing in strip clubs and making money. اصطحب سامي ليلى من المطار. Sami picked Layla up at the airport. Sammy Leyla was picked up from the airport. ابتسمت نانسي بسعادة. Nancy smiled happily. Nancy smiled happily. رايحا تسقاملك € 30. This will cost €30. I'll give you 30. أصبح رئيسا للشركة في سن الثلاثين. He became the company president when he was thirty. He became president of the company at the age of 30. ما رأيك بمعطفي الجديد؟ What do you think of my new coat? How about my new coat? هل أنا أول صديق لك ليس يابانيا؟ Am I your first friend who's not Japanese? Am I your first friend who's not Japanese? تحدّث سامي إلى أبيه. Sami spoke to his dad. Sam talked to his father. أغلب الطلبة يهتمون بالمالية أكثر مما يهتمون بالصناعة. More students are interested in finance than in industry. Most students are more interested in finance than in industry. وضع سامي حدّا لحياته في السّجن. Sami took his own life in prison. Sammy put an end to his life in prison. فقط انتظر هنا. Just wait right here. Just wait here. أجبر الحادث ليلى على التّنقّل بالكرسي المتحرّك. The accident forced Layla into a wheelchair. The incident forced Layla to move in the wheelchair. نحن نحتفل بحمل ليلى. We're celebrating Layla's pregnancy. We're celebrating Lily's pregnancy. لا يشتري إلا ما ينفعه. He buys only what'll be useful for him. He only buys what is good for him. أعتقد أن ما تقوله صحيح. I believe what you said is true. I think what you're saying is true. لم أعره انتباها I didn't pay attention to him. I didn't pay attention to him. انتظر حتى يتوقف المطر عن الهطول. Wait till the rain stops. Wait until it stops raining. لفها ، اخذها بين ذراعيه ، حنى ضهرها ، و اعطاها قبلة هوليوودية كبيرة. He spun her around, took her in his arms, dipped her back, and gave her a big Hollywood kiss. Wrap her up, take her in his arms, bend her back, and give her a big Hollywood kiss. هذا لك. This is for you. This is for you. إنك في خطر! It's dangerous! You're in danger! لم يذهب فاضل بعيدا. Fadil didn't get far. Fadel didn't go far. ضحّى سامي بليلى كي ينجو بنفسه. Sami threw Layla under the bus to save himself. Sammy sacrificed Lily to survive on his own. بعثتُه لك منذ يومين. I sent it to you two days ago. I sent it to you two days ago. هل أنت قريبه؟ Are you related to him? Are you related? كنت أقرأ رواية حينها. I was reading a novel then. I was reading a novel then. لست مختبئا. I'm not hiding. I'm not hiding. لقد عوقبوا على جرائمهم. They were punished for their crimes. They were punished for their crimes. لم يفهمني. He didn't understand me. He didn't understand me. لم يفتح سامي الباب. Sami didn't open the door. Sammy didn't open the door. ستبدأ الدراسة بعد غد. School begins the day after tomorrow. School starts the day after tomorrow. ليس لدي مال. I don't have any money. I don't have any money. توم قال بماذا يريد هو دائما. Tom said that's what he's always wanted. Tom said what he always wanted. هل عليك أن تعمل يوم الأحد؟ Must you work on Sunday? Do you have to work on Sunday? مادرنا والو. We didn't do a thing. Madarna Wallo. كرر توم الخطأ نفسه. Tom made the same mistake again. Tom repeated the same mistake. ترى الفتاة الفتى. The girl sees the boy. The girl sees the boy. زد بعض الحطب إلى النار. Put some more wood on the fire. Add some firewood to the fire. تعال معنا. Come with us. Come with us. تَبِعْتُها إلى الغرفَة. I followed her into the room. I followed her into the room. تخلّت ليلى عن سامي. Layla left Sami. Lily gave up on Sammy. استجابت الشّرطة لجهاز الإنذار. Police responded to the alarm. Police responded to the alarm. الملك يجب أن يتنازل عن العرش. The king must abdicate. The King must abdicate the throne. بكي سامي عندما سمع ليلى تنطق بالشّهادة. Sami cried when he heard Layla take the shahada. Sammy cried when he heard Layla testify. كلنا أمهات. We're all mothers. We're all mothers. كان باب سامي مقفلا. Sami's door was locked. Sammy's door was locked. لا تبذر مالك في شراء أشياء لست بحاجة إليها. Don't waste your money by buying things you don't need. Don’t waste your money buying things you don’t need. أقام سامي صداقة مع العديد من الأطبّاء. Sami made friends with many physicians. Sammy has made friends with many doctors. أحضر لي مفتاح الغرفة. Bring me the room key. Bring me the room key. أحلاماً سعيدة! Sweet dreams! Sweet dreams! توم وحيد تماما من جديد. Tom is all alone again. Tom's completely alone again. سامي ينتظر فقط. Sami is just waiting. Sammy's just waiting. احتاج سامي ذلك المال. Sami needed the money. Sammy needed that money. كانت ليلى في مشكلة. Layla was in trouble. Lily was in trouble. كان سامي يمضي وقتا في العيادة مع ممرّضة اسمها ليلى. Sami has been spending time in the clinic with a nurse named Layla. Sami was spending time in the clinic with a nurse named Leila. لا شيء طبيعي أكثر من الوقوع في الحب. Falling in love is the most natural thing in the world. Nothing is more natural than falling in love. ليس لدينا حق بالقيام بهذا. We don't have the right to do this. We have no right to do this. أين نذهب بعد ذلك؟ Where are we going after? Where do we go next? وقفت في آخر الصف. She went to the back of the line. I stood at the end of the line. هاجم توم ماري بسكّين. Tom attacked Mary with a knife. Tom attacked Mary with a knife. الإنثروبولوجيا البيولوجية تدرس تاريخ تعايش الإنسان مع البيئة, مثل الأمراض المعدية, الوفاة المبكرة, و إكتشاف الأدوية, و تطور الإنسان من حيوانات أخرى. Biological Anthropology studies the history of human adaptation to the environment, such as disease, early death, medicine discovery and human evolving from other animals. Biological anthropology studies the history of human coexistence with the environment, such as infectious diseases, premature death, drug discovery, and human evolution from other animals. كان يرتدي سترة زرقاء. He had a blue jacket on. He was wearing a blue jacket. قال سامي ذلك لليلى. Sami told Layla that. Sammy said that to Lily. يوجد خدشة هنا، فهل تستطيع اعطائي حسم؟ There's a scratch here. Could you give me a discount? There's a scratch here. Can you give me a break? وحشتني. I miss you. Stuffed me. توم تعجبه السمراوات. Tom likes brunettes. Tom likes brunettes. قَرَأُوا كِتَابَهَا. They read her book. They read her books. على ماذا يحتوي؟ What does it contain? What's in it? من كم يوم تتالف السنة الكبيسة ؟ How many days comprise a leap year? How many days does a leap year take? أنا أدرس الرياضيات. I study mathematics. I teach math. مع انني كنت جالساً تحت الشمس، ولكن كنت أشعر بالبرد. Even though I was sitting in the sun, I still felt chilly. I was sitting in the sun, but I was cold. ألعب معه. I play with him. Play with him. البيت انهدم في هزة أرضية. The house collapsed in an earthquake. The house was destroyed in an earthquake. شْحَال كايَنْ؟ How many are there? Cayan's cripple? ضحك ديما قائلًا: "لا بأس بها، فأنا ما زلت أنمو. ستصبح مناسبة لي". "It's fine," Dima laughed. "I'm still growing, after all. I'll grow into it." Dima laughed, “It’s okay, I’m still growing. It’s going to be good for me.” لا يظهر توم مشاعره دائما. Tom doesn't usually show his feelings. Tom doesn't always show his feelings. كفّ عن تأنيب ضميرك. Stop feeling guilty. Stop scolding your conscience. كم تريد أن يُدْفَعَ لك؟ How much do you want be paid? How much do you want to be paid? لا أعلم ما حدث في العيادة. I don't know what happened at the clinic. I don't know what happened at the clinic. أخذ سامي وسادة من السّرير. Sami took a pillow off the bed. Sammy took a pillow from the bed. ما ميعاد إقلاع طائرتك؟ What time does your plane leave? What time does your plane take off? خطر له فكرة جيدة. A good idea crossed his mind. Danger has a good idea. حقن سامي ليلى بالسّم. Sami injected Layla with poison. Sammy Layla injected the poison. ينبغي أن يكون كل نص من نوع مختلف. Each text should be of a different type. Each text should be of a different type. الشفرة الكاملة أكبر من أن توضع في مقالة، بإمكانكم تنزيلها مع ملف Makefile للينكس من هنا. The full code is far too large to fit in an article; you can download it along with a Makefile for Linux from here. The full code is too large to be placed in an article, you can download it with the Makefile for Linux here. هذه السكين أفادتني كثيرًا. This knife was very useful to me. This knife helped me a lot. يستحق توم ترقيةً. Tom deserves a promotion. Tom deserves a promotion. كان ذلك الضّجيج يصمّ الآذان. That noise was deafing. That noise was deafening. يجب على سامي أن يعتذر. Sami must apologize. Sammy has to apologize. أنت تواعدين طالبًا من كيئو، ألست كذلك؟ You're going out with a Keio student, aren't you? You're dating a Keio student, aren't you? لنشاهد الرائي. Let's watch TV. Let's see. أتحبان بعضكما؟ Do they love each other? Do you love each other? لديُ إبنة متزوجه من رجل فرنسي. I have a daughter who's married to a Frenchman. I have a daughter who's married to a Frenchman. نادراً ما تبتسم نانسي. Nancy seldom smiles. Nancy rarely smiles. حاولت أن أجعله يساعدني. He tried to get me to help him. I tried to get him to help me. قطّع يانّي سويقة التّينة. Yanni cut off the stem of the fig. Yanni sliced the dragon. هل أثلجت البارحة؟ Did it snow yesterday? Did it snow last night? أصابه الصلع في شبابه. He started going bald quite young. He had baldness in his youth. العبرية لغة صْعِيبَة. Hebrew is a difficult language. Hebrew is a difficult language. أتمنى أن تتقبلوا طلبي. I hope that you will accept my request. I hope you'll accept my request. بكى منّاد. Mennad cried. He cried a manade. أريد مشغل MP3. I want an MP3 player! I want an MP3 player. لقد كذبت رغما عني. I told a lie against my will. You lied against my will. شاهدنا فلماً مضحكاً يوم الأحد الماضي. We saw a funny movie last Sunday. We watched a funny movie last Sunday. لم يفعل فاضل شيئا. Fadil did nothing. Fadel did nothing. بكم أستطيع أن أشتري هذا البيت؟ How much could I buy this house for? How much can I buy this house? إنت بتشوفه دايما؟ Do you see him often? You're showing him, Dima? أصبحت ممرضة. She became a nurse. I became a nurse. كان سامي ينتظر استدعاءه. Sami waited to be called. Sammy was waiting to be called. أردت قراءتهم. I wanted to read them. I wanted to read them. إلى أين أنت ذاهب؟ Where are you going to? Where are you going? فاضل يقود درّاجته. Fadil is riding his bicycle. Fadel drives his bike. لم يصدّق سامي حظّه السّعيد. Sami couldn't believe his good luck. Sammy couldn't believe his good luck. مات الشاه! Checkmate! The Shah is dead! صعد قطه على طاولة المطبخ و وجد هناك بعض اللحم اللذيذ. His cat climbed up on the kitchen table and found some tasty meat. A cat climbed up on the kitchen table and found there some delicious meat. هذا عمل ينفع الآخرين. This is a work that benefits others. This is work for others. كم الساعة؟ What time is it? What time is it? ينبغي أن تدرك أن هذا جد. You should understand, this is serious. You should realize this is serious. هل هذا الراديو لك؟ Is this radio yours? Is that your radio? ذهب سامي إلى تلك النّافذة. Sami went up to the window. Sammy went to that window. كان سامي يُعتبر مدرّسا رائعا. Sami was considered a great teacher. Sammy was a great teacher. إنها صفقة جيدة. It's a good deal. It's a good deal. فقط لدي بعض الأسئلة. I just have a few questions. I just have a few questions. كان لدى سامي مشكل مع المخدّرات و الكحول. Sami had a problem with both drugs and alcohol. Sammy had a problem with drugs and alcohol. كان فاضل في المنزل بمفرده مع ليلى. Fadil was home alone with Layla. Fadel was at home alone with Layla. تم نصحهها من قبله للتخلي عن التدخين. She was advised by him to give up smoking. She was advised by him to give up smoking. عليك الانتباه إلى إشارة المرور. We must pay attention to the traffic light. Pay attention to the traffic light. كنت في القطار لمدة 12 ساعة. I was in the train for twelve hours. I was on the train for 12 hours. هرب سامي إلى مصر. Sami fled to Egypt. Sami fled to Egypt. هل أستطيع الحصول على كأس من النبيذ الأبيض؟ Could I have a glass of white wine? Can I have a glass of white wine? ليس بإمكانك أن تُعلّم كلباً عجوزاً حركات جديدة. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. You can't teach an old dog new moves. يلعب التلفاز دوراً هاماً في الحياة اليومية. TV plays an important part in everyday life. Television plays an important role in everyday life. استعملت ليلى بطاقة اعتماد أمّها. Layla used her mother's credit card. Lily used her mother's credit card. هو يكره الحليب. He hates milk. He hates milk. لا أحب أياً من هذا. I don't like any of this. I don't like any of this. كان سامي يستعير المال دائما. Sami was always borrowing money. Sammy always borrowed money. مرحباً بك في المنزل. Welcome home. Welcome home. كل ما عليك هو إمضاء إسمك هنا. All you have to do is sign your name here. All you have to do is sign your name here. إحنا فقط نتكلم We're just going to talk. Let's just talk. لم تر طبيباً؟ Why not see the doctor? You didn't see a doctor? الجميع مرتبك. Everybody is confused. Everyone's confused. سأذهب بغض النظر عن مجيئه. Whether he comes or not, I'll go. I'll go no matter how he comes. أنا متأكد أنكَ محق. I'm sure you're right. I'm sure you're right. مع السلامة. Goodbye to you. Bye. هل ترى ما أعني؟ Do you see what I mean? You see what I mean? كنت متعبا جدا. I was very tired. I was so tired. كان سامي يقلّد أباه المتعسّف. Sami mimicked his abusive father. Sammy was emulating his abusive father. توم يريد أن يأكل هنا الليلة. Tom wants to eat here tonight. Tom wants to eat here tonight. على العموم ، التاريخ يكرّر نفسه. Generally speaking, history repeats itself. History repeats itself. "Tatoeba" معناها "على سبيل المثال" باللغة اليابانية. "Tatoeba" means "for example" in Japanese. "Tatoeba" means "for example" in Japanese. هل تحبان بعضكما كثيرًا؟ Do you love each other very much? Do you love each other so much? ذهبوا لتناول العشاء في مطعم راق. They went out for dinner at an upscale restaurant. They went to dinner at a fancy restaurant. كان سامي نفسه أبا. Sami was a dad himself. Sammy was a father. انضمّ شركاء سامي في الجريمة إليه في السّجن. Sami's accomplices also joined him in prison. Sami's accomplices joined him in prison. لنتصافح. Let's shake hands. Shake hands. ريّح ما تشوف فييّا شغول انسان "نۆرمال". Stop seeing me as a "normal" person! Let's see what the Negram Man is doing. كان سامي يحبّ قتل النّاس. Sami liked killing people. Sammy liked to kill people. جاءت أسرة فاضل إلى المدينة. Fadil's family has come to town. Fadel's family came to town. استمع إلي Hey, listen to me. Listen to me. يشعر جمال بتحسن طفيف. Jamal feels a little better. Jamal feels a little better. اتّصل سامي بليلى تكرارا و مرارا لكنّ اتّصالاته كانت تحوّل إلى البريد الصّوتي. Sami called and called but Layla's phone just went to voice mail. Sammy Bliley called repeatedly but his calls were diverted to voice mail. عبّر فاضل عن حزنه. Fadil expressed sorrow. Fadel expressed his sadness. كان سامي أحيانا يحمل مسدّسا. Sami sometimes carried a handgun. Sammy sometimes had a gun. إنهُ لم يستطع أن ينتظر ليجرب لوح ركوب الأمواج. He couldn't wait to try out his new surfboard. He couldn't wait to try the surfboard. أليست اللغة الإنجليزية صعبة؟ English is difficult, isn't it? Isn't English hard? دعونا نرى الفيلم. Let's watch a movie. Let's see the movie. أين هي نعالي؟ Where are my slippers? Where are my shoes? سامي و ليلى حقّا يقضيان الكثير من الوقت معا. Sami and Layla do spend a lot of time together. Sammy and Lily really spend a lot of time together. المكان ليس بعيداً عن باريس. It is not far to Paris. It's not far from Paris. كلب سامي لديه براغيث. Sami's dog has fleas. Sammy's dog has fleas. هذا الطائر لا يمكنه التحليق. This bird cannot fly. This bird can't fly. أصبح سامي أبا جديدا. Sami became a new dad. Sammy became a new father. توم ليس في البيت Tom isn't home. Tom's not home. مفاصلي بتوجعني. My joints ache. My knuckles are scarring me. لا تكن غبيا. Don't be a dick. Don't be stupid. برأيك، كم سيكون مدى خطورة هذه المهمة؟ How dangerous do you think this mission is going to be? How dangerous do you think this mission will be? كان بيل في اليابان. Bill was in Japan. Bill was in Japan. هل تذكر اليوم الذي تقابلنا فيه أول مرة؟ Do you remember the day when we first met? Do you remember the day we first met? ربما أنت تعلم أين هي كتبي. Maybe you know where my books are? Maybe you know where my books are. من سيغني الليلة؟ Who will sing tonight? Who's singing tonight? كان سامي يختلس النّظر. Sami was peeking. Sammy was peeking. كل شخص لديه آرائه الخاصّة. Everybody has their own opinion. Everyone has their own opinions. لم أكن أنوِ أن أخبره. I wasn't going to tell him. I wasn't going to tell him. لم يكن سعيدا قطّ. He was never happy. He was never happy. هل أنتي ماري؟ Are you Mary? Are you Mary? من الأفضل أن لا تُكثر من الأكل. You had better not eat too much. You better not eat too much. لو سمحت. Please. Excuse me. أذكر أني قابلت ذلك الرجل من قبل. I remember meeting that man before. I remember meeting that guy before. اني احبه جدا. I love him a lot. I love him so much. نحن نحتاج إلي المطر. We need the rain. We need rain. أريد الذهاب للنوم I want to go to sleep. I want to go to sleep. يَجِبُ أن إبنٌ يطُعُ وَالدَهُ. A son must obey his father. A son must obey his father. كلا سامي و مجيد مثليّان. Sami and Majid were both gay. Both Sami and Majeed are gay. العربية المستعملة دي للبيع. This used car is for sale. Arabic for sale. أفسد المطر نزهتنا. The rain spoiled our picnic. The rain ruined our picnic. الجميع يعلم أنه ليس من المحتمل أن تقول ماري شيء مفاجئ. Everyone knows Mary is not likely to spring a surprise. Everyone knows it's not likely Mary will say something surprising. سمعت ليلى صوتا مألوفا. Layla heard a familiar sound. Lily heard a familiar voice. أخطر سامي الشّرطة. Sami alerted police. Sammy alerted the police. كيف حالك الآن؟ How do you feel now? How you doing? "يا توم!" "يا ماري!" “Tom!” “Mary!” "Hey Tom!" "Hey Mary!" كان هناك مدرّسون بالجوار. Teachers were around. There were teachers around. أمّا الروح فنشيطٌ، وأما الجسد فضعيف. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. The soul is active, but the body is weak. انتظر سامي بالجوار. Fadil waited nearby. Wait for Sammy around. ذكّرني بأخذ جواز سفري. He reminded me not to forget my passport. Remind me to take my passport. نظّفنا صفّنا. We've finished cleaning our classroom. We cleaned up. البقرة تعطينا الحليب. A cow gives us milk. The cow gives us milk. فتحت ليلى بابا. Layla opened a door. Lily opened a door. رايحا تدّيلي بزّاف وقت باش نفهّملك بلّي ما راهيش رايحا تمشي. It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work. Yehah! bid me with a time-bash-crawler. We won't let you see what Rahesh is walking. أنا بحاجة إلى الحب. I need love. I need love. قدّم سامي ليلى مفاتيح الباب الأساسي للنّادي. Sami gave Layla the keys to the main door of the club. Sami Laila gave the keys to the club’s main door. اِندلعت الحرب أخيراً. The war finally broke out. War finally broke out. دي مشكلة كبيرة That's a serious problem. It's a big deal. توم أرسل ماري إلى بوسطن. Tom sent Mary to Boston. Tom sent Mary to Boston. قادر نسّنّا برك. I can only wait. Able we forgot pools. مات كلب سامي. Sami's dog died. Sammy's dog died. أنا لا أرغب في التّفكير في الزّواج الآن. I don't feel like thinking about marriage right now. I don't want to think about getting married right now. سامي يصنع عطره بنفسه. Sami makes his own perfume. Sammy makes his own perfume. زوجتي خائفة من قيادة سيارة جديدة. My wife is afraid to drive my new car. My wife is afraid to drive a new car. حاولت أمّ سامي أن تقتله. Sami's mother tried to kill him. Sammy's mother tried to kill him. من الممكن ألا تأتي غداً. She may not come here tomorrow. You may not come tomorrow. اشتريت كتاباً عن الحيوانات. I bought a book about animals. I bought a book about animals. كلّ المدرّسين كانوا هنا. All the teachers were here. All the teachers were here. عائلتي مشتركة في جريدة. My family subscribes to a newspaper. My family is in a newspaper. تدهورت صحّة سامي بشكل حاد. Sami's health has sharply declined. Sammy's health deteriorated sharply. أنتَ لابد أن تجد عملاً. You must find work. You have to find a job. امتلأ قلبي بالسعادة. My heart was filled with happiness. My heart is filled with happiness. تعلمت الكثير منك. I learned a lot from you. I learned a lot from you. هلّا أوصلتني إلى المستشفى؟ Will you drive me to the hospital? Can you drive me to the hospital? أيمكنني أن أقول شيئاً؟ May I say something? Can I say something? أنا ذهبت إلى مدرستك. I went to your school. I went to your school. أسرع سامي كي يقلّ ليلى من المدرسة. Sami rushed to pick up Layla from school. Sammy rushed to pick up Lily from school. نستطيع أن نسافر في الزمن. ونحن نفعل هذا بمعدل مذهل مقداره ثانية واحدة لكل ثانية. We can travel through time. And we do at the remarkable rate of one second per second. We can travel in time, and we do this at a staggering rate of one second per second. كان فاضل يقطن في حيّ سكني بالقرب من القاهرة. Fadil lived in a housing development near Cairo. Fadel lived in a residential neighborhood near Cairo. أكاد أنسى أين أنا. I almost forget where I was. I almost forgot where I am. خسرنا تلك المباراة. We lost the game. We lost that game. ما يقوله ليس له أي معنى. What he says does not make any sense. What he says makes no sense. أنا مدرّس بديل. I am a substitute teacher. I'm a substitute teacher. ستمطر الليلة. It will rain tonight. It's gonna rain tonight. سامي لا يشعر أبدا بالارتياح. Sami never feels good. Sammy never feels good. كان أبي على وشك أن يغادر عندما رن جرس الهاتف. My father was about to leave when the phone rang. My dad was about to leave when the phone rang. كيف تشعر الآن؟ How do you feel now? How are you feeling now? كان سامي مذهولا. Sami was stunned. Sammy was stunned. أرغب ببطاريات لهذا الجهاز. I would like batteries for this device. I want batteries for this device. هل تعتقد أن الاحترار العالمي هو نتيجة لعمل البشر؟ Do you believe global warming is the result of human actions? Do you think global warming is the result of human action? توم حلّاب. Tom is womanizer. Tom Milking. سلّه عندما تراه. Cheer him up when you see him. Ask him when you see him. مش فاهم انت قاعد تقول إيه. I don't understand what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. تولّى فاضل القيام بذلك العمل. That job was handled by Fadil. Fadhel took on that job. لا أريد الذهاب للحفله. I don't want to go to the party. I don't want to go to the party. من يملك هذا المنزل؟ Who owns this house? Who owns this house? لنذهب إلى المسرح مبكرا كي نجد مقاعدا جيدة. Let's go to the theater early so that we can get good seats. Let's go to the theater early so we can find good seats. كان سامي يحبّ الأشياء الجميلة في الحياة. Sami enjoyed the fine things of life. Sam loved the beautiful things in life. هو التقرير ممكن يبقى صادق؟ Can the report be true? Is the report honest? كل شيئ سيتغير. Everything will change. Everything will change. لأجل الجحيم، ابق بعيدا عني! Stay the hell away from me! For fuck's sake, stay away from me! أصيب سامي بالذّعر. Sami panicked. Sammy panicked. ماذا؟ What? Huh? الوردة دي حلوة. This rose is beautiful. The rose is sweet. أنا مدرّسكم البديل. I am your substitute teacher. I'm your substitute teacher. اوكون غير نقدر نروح ل ژّاپۆن. I wish I could go to Japan. Okun can't go to Pagan. ساعدوني. لا أعرف السّباحة. Help me. I can't swim. I don't know how to swim. بدأ سامي يفكّر بأنّ منزله كان مُراقَبا. Sami started to believe that his house was being watched. Sammy began to think that his house was being watched. سامي يعلم الآن. Now Sami knows. Sammy knows now. إلامَ تنظر؟ What are you looking at? What are you looking at? شكلنا وقعنا ففخ. It looks like we fell into a trap. We kind of fell into a trap. من أين قمت بخياطة هذه البدلة؟ Where did you have your suit made? Where did you sew this suit from? كادت أن تصدمني سيارة. I was nearly hit by a car. I almost got hit by a car. إذا أكلت كثيرًا فإنك تصير سمينًا. If you eat too much, you'll become fat. If you eat too much, you become fat. تظاهر بالنوم. He pretended to be sleeping. Pretend to sleep. ماذا تعمل؟ What's your job? What do you do? هل لي ببعض الأسئلة؟ May I ask some questions? May I have a few questions? برجاء إرفاق شهادة جودة. Please attach a certificate of quality. Please attach a quality certificate. يبدو إسم سامي مؤلوفا بالنّسبة لي. Sami's name sounds familiar to me. Sammy's name sounds familiar to me. إن جودة الموسيقى تزداد سوءا كلّ عام. Music is getting worse every year. The quality of music is getting worse every year. راك رايح ترقد ؟ Are you going to sleep? Rak Rahe is lying down? أنا لست طبيباً. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. إنه شيخ غريب الأطوار My mission is of critical importance. He's an odd old man. حتّا واحد ماجا. Nobody came. There's one, Maja. لن ننساهم. We won't forget them. We won't forget them. خنت ظني فيك. You disappointed me. I betrayed you. لدي الاس الديناري. I have the ace of diamonds. I've got the diamonds. أحضر فاضل ليلى إلى المنزل. Fadil brought Layla home. He brought Fadel Layla home. سويسرا بلد جميل. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Switzerland is a beautiful country. هل عندك سيارة؟ Do you have a car? Do you have a car? كان سامي يرتدي نظّارات. Sami wore glasses. Sammy was wearing glasses. كان سامي يربح المال. Sami was making money. Sammy was making money. هل انت مشغول غداً صباحاً ؟ Are you busy tomorrow morning? Are you busy tomorrow morning? سيخبر سامي ليلى. Sami will tell Layla. Sammy will tell Lily. تفضّل خذ واحدة. Please take one. Here, take one. الصديق الوفي كالطائر النادر. A real friend is like a rare bird. A loyal friend is like a rare bird. سمع سامي انفجارا رهيبا. Sami heard an awful blast. Sam heard a terrible explosion. ستبحر السفينة إلى هونولولو غداً. The ship sails for Honolulu tomorrow. The ship will sail to Honolulu tomorrow. قفز سامي من نافذة الطّابق الثّاني. Sami jumped out of the second storey window. Sammy jumped out the second floor window. تذهب زوجته معه أينما ذهب. His wife goes with him wherever he goes. His wife goes with him wherever he goes. ستشعر بتحسن إذا تناولت هذه الحبوب. You'll feel better if you take these pills. You'll feel better if you take these pills. فركت ليلى يد سامي. Layla rubbed Sami's hand. Lily rubbed Sammy's hand. تعجّ الحديقة بالأطفال. The park is filled with children. The park is crawling with kids. هل تستطيع أن تعُدّ بالإيطالية؟ Can you count in Italian? Can you promise in Italian? ذهبت إلى حديقة الحيوان البارحة. I went to the zoo yesterday. I went to the zoo last night. ألا يشعرك هذا بالرّاحة؟ Does it feel good? Doesn't that make you feel better? ربات البيت في أيامنا هذه لا يعرفن إلا الشكوى من ارتفاع الأسعار. Today's housewives do nothing but complain of high prices. The housewives of our day know only the complaints of high prices. أخبر سامي بتلك السّرقة. Sami reported the theft. Tell Sammy that he stole. غرفته أكبر بمرتين من غرفتي. His room is twice as large as mine. His room is twice as big as mine. سامي مشترك في قناة اليوتوب هذه. Sami is subscribed to this YouTube channel. Sammy is a subscriber to this YouTube channel. لنذهب بالحافلة. Let's go by bus. Let's go by bus. لا أحد كانت لديه شهيّة. No one had much of an appetite. Nobody had an appetite. أعاد سامي النّظر في الأمر. Fadil had second thoughts. Sammy looked into it. نحن في الطابق الثامن We are on the eighth floor. We're on the eighth floor. إنها غاضبة عليّ. She is mad at me. She's mad at me. وصل الشرطة إلى مكان الحادثة. The police got to the scene of the accident. Police arrived at the scene. متى تنام؟ What time do you usually go to bed? When do you sleep? أطعم قطتي كل صباح وكل مساء. I feed my cat every morning and every evening. I feed my cat every morning and every evening. بيرو هي ثالث دول أمريكا الجنوبية مساحةً بعد البرازيل والأرجنتين. Peru is the third largest country in South America after Brazil and Argentina. Peru is the third-largest South American country after Brazil and Argentina. إنها تحب الأطفال. She loves children. She loves kids. كان سامي يحبّ كلبه حقّا. Sami absolutely loved his dog. Sammy really loved his dog. هوما كُبار. They are big. Huma is a grown-up. أريد أن أريك مدينتي الجميلة . I want to show you my beautiful city. I want to show you my beautiful city. تشاجر مع المدرّس. He argued with the teacher. He fought with the teacher. أنت طباخ جيد You are a good cook. You're a good cook. آبن من توم؟ Whose son is Tom? Whose son is Tom? تقدري تحكِّيلي دهري. Can you rub my back? You can tell me. لكن نفس المبدأ يجب أن ينطبق على صورة أمريكا لدى الآخرين ومثلما لا تنطبق على المسلمين الصورة النمطية البدائية فإن الصورة النمطية البدائية للإمبراطورية التي لا تهتم إلا بمصالح نفسها لا تنطبق على أمريكا. But that same principle must apply to Muslim perceptions of America. Just as Muslims do not fit a crude stereotype, America is not the crude stereotype of a self-interested empire. But the same principle should apply to the image of America in others, and just as the primitive stereotype of an empire that is concerned only with its own interests does not apply to America. هذا الفيلم للكبار فقط. Only adults may watch that film. This movie is for adults only. أعلم أن هناك أناساً من يمكنهم رؤيته. I know there are people who can see it. I know there are people who can see him. ذهبت ليلى إلى الجامعة. Layla went to college. Lily went to college. كانَ سامي يستدرِج العاهرات إلى عربته ثمّ يغتصِبُهُنَّ. Sami lured prostitutes into his van then raped them. Sammy would lure the prostitutes into his carriage and then rape them. لا بدّ أنّ هناك طريقة أفضل لفعل هذا. There must be a better way to do this. There's got to be a better way to do this. لن تنهي هذا المشروع. You won't finish this project. You won't finish this project. كان سامي يركب نفس الحافلة التي تركبها ليلى. Sami rode the same bus as Layla. Sammy was riding the same bus as Lily. حمّد الشمس! Praise the Sun! Warm up the sun! سوف أجعله يسمع. I'll get him to listen. I'll make him listen. اللّغة مجرّد خريطة للتّفكير و المشاعر و الذّكريات البشريّة. و مثل جميع الخرائط، فإنّ اللّغة أيقونة صغيرة أصغر بمائة ألف مرّة من الشّيء الذي تمثّله. Language is just a map of human thoughts, feelings and memories. And like all maps, language is a thumbnail image a hundred thousand times smaller than what it is trying to convey. Language is just a map of human thoughts, feelings, and memories, and like all maps, it's a tiny icon that's 100,000 times smaller than the thing it represents. ساعدني بوب. Bob helped me. Help me, Bob. إسرائيل ليست هي الشّعب اليهودي، ناهيك عن أنّها الدّين اليهودي. Israel is not the Jewish people and much less the Jewish religion. Israel is not the Jewish people, let alone the Jewish religion. كيف حال بناتي؟ How are my girls? How are my girls? أفرش أسناني مرتين في اليوم. I brush my teeth twice a day. I brush my teeth twice a day. إبحث عن لوحة تحمل رقم واحد مكتوباً بخط كبير. Look for a sign with a big "one" on it. Look for a plate with one number written in large font. ضُبِط سامي في مستشفى و هو يعرض نفسه كطبيب. Sami was caught at a hospital pretending to be a doctor. Sammy was caught in a hospital offering himself as a doctor. هل أنت مبسوط هنا؟ Are you happy here? Are you okay here? نفد السكر. We're out of sugar. Out of sugar. خلقت لتكون شاعرًا. You are made to be a poet. I was created to be a poet. أقفل سامي النّوافذ. Sami locked the windows. Sammy closed the windows. تزوّج سامي من فتاة مسلمة. Sami married a Muslim girl. She married a Muslim girl. هذا سؤال أساسي. This is a fundamental question. That's a fundamental question. كان سامي يشاهد و هو عاجز على فعل أيّ شيء. Sami watched helplessly. Sammy was watching and he couldn't do anything. اقترب سامي أكثر. Sami approached. Sammy came closer. اتّصل سامي بليلى، طالبا منها أن تأتي و تصطحبه. Sami called Layla to come and get him. Sammy Belly called, asking her to come and pick him up. إنها تحب المثلجات . She likes ice cream. She likes ice cream. الكرفتة الي انت لابسها حلوة. That's a nice tie you're wearing. You're wearing it sweet. الرّاجل كان ياكل لخبز. The man was eating bread. The guy was eating bread. على الجزائر أن تضمن أمن مياهها الإقليمية. Algeria needs to secure its territorial waters. Algeria must ensure the security of its territorial waters. وأخيراً قرر أن يتزوج. He finally decided to get married. He finally decided to get married. كنت أتطلع لهذا طوال الأسبوع. I've been looking forward to this all week. I've been looking forward to this all week. يمكننا أن نوصله الليلة. We can deliver it this evening. We can drop him off tonight. ترجم سامي القرآن من العربيّة إلى الإنجليزيّة. Sami translated the Quran from Arabic into English. Sami translated the Quran from Arabic into English. سامي نادم على ذلك. Sami regrets it. Sammy regrets it. أنا لا أمتلك شئ من تلك الأشياء. I don't own one of those things. I don't own any of that stuff. غادرت ليلى النّادي الرّيفي برفقة سامي. Layla left the country club with Sami. Laila left the rural club with Sammy. توم غاضب جدا مني الآن. Tom is now very angry with me. Tom's so mad at me right now. واصل سامي البحث. Sami kept looking. Sammy kept looking. هذا كتاب صغير. This is a small book. This is a little book. هم مثليون. They're homosexual. They're gay. لم لم تنتقل بعد؟ Why aren't you moving yet? Why haven't you moved in yet? لقد اختفى فاضل. Fadil is missing. Fadel's gone. عليّ الذهاب إلى النوم. I have to go to bed. I have to go to sleep. لغتك الإنجليزية تتحسن. Your English is improving. Your English is improving. لا أعتقد أننا سنستطيع أن نحل هذه المشكلة بأنفسنا. I don't think that we'll be able to solve this problem by ourselves. I don't think we can solve this problem ourselves. بدآ سامي و ليلى يمضيان كلّ يوم معا. Sami and Layla started spending every day together. Sammy and Lily started spending every day together. لقد خدعت نفسك. You betrayed yourself. You fooled yourself. أريد أن أرسل هذا الطرد إلى كندا. I'd like to mail this package to Canada. I want to send this package to Canada. بيتي بارد جدا. It's very cold in my house. My house is so cold. أحب أن أقرأ الكتب. I love to read books. I like to read books. عشر سّنين راهي وقت بزّاف لواحد يسّنّاها. Ten years is a long time to wait. Ten years is a time-out for someone who's improved it. اسمي لم يظهر في القائمة. My name doesn't appear on the list. My name didn't appear on the list. من فضلك اتركني وحدي. Please leave me alone. Please leave me alone. هناك برتقالة على الطاولة. There's an orange on the table. There's an orange on the table. الأمازيغ فخورون بلغتهم. Berbers are proud of their language. The Amazigh are proud of their language. هذه فرصة أكبر من أن تفوّت. This is too good a chance to miss. This is too much of a chance to miss. كان سامي طفلا متضرّرا. Sami was a damaged child. Sammy was a damaged child. أين وُلِدَ توم؟ Where was Tom born? Where was Tom born? توم على ظهر السفينة. Tom is on board the ship. Tom's on board. حصلت على هذه الدراجة مجاناً. I got this bicycle for free. I got this bike for free. لقد حذرتك ماري. Mary warned you. I warned you, Mary. أريد أن أَدْرُسَ التركمانية. I want to study Turkmen. I want to study Turkmen. تكدب عليك كل وقت. She lies to you all the time. It's on you all the time. سامي يستمع للموسيقى المسيحيّة. Sami listens to Christian music. Sammy listens to Christian music. كان يتصرّف بغرابة. He acted strange. He was acting weird. سيذهب توم إلى مدرسة داخلية في العام القادم. Tom is going to boarding school next year. Tom's going to boarding school next year. في النهاية، على الجميع أن يتعلموا بأنفسهم. Everyone must learn on their own in the end. In the end, everyone has to learn for themselves. أحب أكثر الأمريكيين روزفلت. Most Americans liked Roosevelt. I love the Americans most, Roosevelt. تتفحص البنت مؤخرة دراجتها الهوائية . The girl is checking out the rear of the bicycle. The girl checks the back of her bike. أنا شديد البدانة. I'm so fat. I'm very obese. عاش سامي حياة هادئة مع ليلى. Sami led a quiet life with Layla. Sammy lived a quiet life with Lily. سأتكلم مع الأستاذ. I'll speak with the teacher. I'll talk to the professor. قوة الريح جعلت المشي صعباً. The force of the wind made it difficult to walk. The power of the wind made walking difficult. أنا أطبُخ, لكن بدون الكثير من المتعة. I cook, but without much pleasure. I cook, but not too much fun. رتبت غرفتها بسرعة. She cleaned her room in a hurry. I arranged her room quickly. أنا رجل. I am a man. I'm a man. توم على ظهر السفينة. Tom is on the ship's deck. Tom's on board. إنه آخر من أطلب منه المساعدة فهو شخص لا يعتمد عليه. He's the last person I would ask help from, because he is completely unreliable. He's the last person I ask for help. He's unreliable. كان سامي مهتمّا بالأمر. Sami was interested. Sammy was interested. سنة جديدة سعيدة! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! شك المحامي في براءته. The lawyer doubted his innocence. The lawyer doubted his innocence. أُمي, توم يضربني. Mom, Tom's hitting me! Mom, Tom's hitting me. أنا ممتن لك لاستضافتك إياي في الحفلة. I am grateful to you for inviting me to the party. I'm grateful to you for having me at the party. هل يمكنك إعطائي رقم الشرطة رجاءً. Could you please give me the police number. Can you give me the police number, please? يخضع الفرد في ممارسته حقوقه وحرياته لتلك القيود التي يقررها القانون فقط، لضمان الاعتراف بحقوق الغير وحرياته واحترامهـا ولتحقيق المقتضيات العادلة للنضام العام والمصلحة العامة والأخلاق في مجتمع ديمقراطي. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, the individual shall be subject to such limitations as are determined by law only, in order to secure recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and to satisfy the just requirements of public order, public interest and morality in a democratic society. إنهم قلقون بشأنه They're concerned about him. They're worried about him. استجوبت الشّرطة بعض سكّان الحيّ. Police asked questions around the neighborhood. The police questioned some of the residents of the neighborhood. ماذا أفعل الآن؟ What should I do? What do I do now? أخي صغير لكنه قوي. My brother is small but strong. My brother is young but strong. إسراء و معراج مبارك. Have a blessed Isra and Mi'raj. Esra and Maaraj Mubarak. هل أنتِ صديقتي؟ Are you my friend? Are you my friend? أين كنت ذاهب؟ Where were you going? Where were you going? أعطني ذلك الكتاب Give me that book. Give me that book. كتب سامي لليلى رسالة حبّ طويلة. Sami wrote Layla a lengthy love letter. Sammy wrote Lily a long love letter. بعد مرور بضعة أشهر، أصبح سامي يتحكّم في كلّ مظهر من مظاهر حياة ليلى. Within a few months, Sami controlled every aspect of Layla's life. A few months later, Sami became in control of every aspect of Layla’s life. لم يكن سامي متأكّدا من الاتّجاه الذي كاني يريد أن يأخذه في حياته. Sami wasn't sure where he wanted to go in life. Sammy wasn’t sure which direction he wanted to take in his life. اجلس معي. Sit down with me. Sit with me. سامي يحاول التّركيز على هذا الجزء من حياة روزفلت. Sami is trying to focus on that chapter of Roosevelt's life. Sammy is trying to focus on this part of Roosevelt's life. أريد أن أشترى غذاء. I want to buy food. I want to buy food. أودّ أن أقضي المزيد من الوقت مع عمّتي. I would like to spend more time with my aunt. I'd like to spend more time with my aunt. بالكاد أفهمها. I understand this, more or less. I can barely understand her. لقد زرت الجزائر. I visited Algeria. I've been to Algeria. بعض الناس يقرأون الصحيفة و يشاهدون التلفاز في وقت واحد. Some people read the newspaper and watch TV at the same time. Some people read the newspaper and watch TV at the same time. هذا مشروع حكومي. This is a government project. This is a government project. صراع العروش هو مسلسلي المفضّل. Game of Thrones is my favorite series. Game of Thrones is my favorite show. أشعر بالبرد. I feel cold. I'm cold. كان سامي يدلّك ظهر ليلى. Sami was giving Layla a back massage. Sammy was rubbing Lily's back. تعلم لغة أجنبية صعب. It's difficult to learn a foreign language. Learning a foreign language is hard. الملك أعدم بالمقصلة خلال الثورة الفرنسية. The king was guillotined during the French Revolution. The king was executed by guillotine during the French Revolution. هل تذكرين ذلك الزمن عندما كنا أطفالاًً، وسافرنا على متن قطار؟ Do you remember the time when we were children, and travelled on a train? Do you remember that time when we were kids, and we traveled on a train? كانت ليلى مغطّاة بالدّم. Layla was covered in blood. Lily was covered in blood. تدور الأرض. The earth rotates. Earth spins. طروطار درك، ما نقدرو نديرو والو. It's too late to do anything about that now. Dr. Tartar, we don't appreciate Ndero Wallo. نحن ذاهبتان إلى المطبخ. We're going to the kitchen. We're going to the kitchen. عمل سامي في وزارة الصّحّة. Sami worked for the ministry of health. Sammy worked at the Ministry of Health. سامي يشرب. Sami drinks. Sammy drinks. طلبت منه أن يوصلني إلى المنزل. I asked him to drive me home. I asked him to take me home. وعدني جيم أنه لن يعود. Jim promised me not to come again. Jim promised he wouldn't come back. لازم نعمل دا بنفسنا We have to do this by ourselves. We have to do it ourselves. لا تستطيع الدخول You may not come in. You can't come in. متأكد بأن توم سيخبرنا بالحقيقة. I'm sure Tom will tell us the truth. I'm sure Tom will tell us the truth. رأى إيفو حبة العنب تلك. Ivo saw the grape. Ivo saw that grape. ألم أقل ذلك؟ Didn't I say that? Didn't I say that? سافر توم تحت اسم مستعار . Tom traveled under an assumed name. Tom traveled under an assumed name. الأحد ليس يوم عمل بالنسبة لي. Sunday is not a workday for me. Sunday is not a business day for me. كان الصبي يبحث عن المفتاح المفقود. The boy was searching for the lost key. The boy was looking for the missing key. أرني شيئاً أرخص لو سمحت. Show me a cheaper one, please. Show me something cheaper, please. كيف تجرؤ على قول شيء كهذا لي؟ How dare you say such a thing to me? How dare you say such a thing to me? يجب أن تُنَمِّيَ شجاعتك. You must build up your courage. You have to grow your courage. كان المدرّس يحبّني. The teacher liked me. The teacher loved me. راني انتيك. I feel great. Rani Antik. لفترة, أنا كنت مدمناً على شُرب المشروبات الغازية كنت أشربها كل يوم. For a while, I was really addicted to cola and drank it every day. For a while, I was addicted to sodas. I used to drink them every day. أنا أقرأ الآن I'm reading now. I'm reading now. اليوم لا اشعر أنني بحالة جيدة Today I'm not feeling well. Today I don't feel so good. تَقَدَم. Come forward. Come on. عددهم كبير. Their number is great. They're big. أعطى توم الشرطة عنوانا خاطئا. Tom gave the police a false address. Tom gave the police the wrong address. هذا القطار مكتظ، فلنركب التالي. This one's crowded, so let's take the next train. This train's packed. Let's get on next. أنا حرقت يدي أثناء صب الماء الساخن. I burnt my hand while pouring hot water. I burned my hands while pouring hot water. أحتاج إلى الترك قريبا. I've got to leave soon. I need to leave soon. الكتاب هُنَا The book is here. The book is here. ذهبَتْ إلى ألمانيا لتدرس الطب. She went to Germany to study medicine. She went to Germany to study medicine. نزل توم من الشجرة. Tom climbed down from the tree. Tom came down from the tree. كان توم هنا أيضاً. Tom was also there. Tom was here too. غداً عيد الأم. Tomorrow is Mother's Day. Tomorrow is Mother's Day. الساعة بطلت تشتغل. The clock has stopped. Clock's ticking. أريد تعلّم العبرية. I want to learn Hebrew. I want to learn Hebrew. هل لك أن توصلني إلى البيت؟ Will you drive me home? Can you give me a ride home? لديّ لكنة أمازيغية محليّة مثاليّة. I have a perfect native Berber accent. I have a perfect local Amazigh accent. لم يكن سامي يحبّني. Sami didn't like me. Sammy didn't like me. أخبرني أين أضع هذه الكتب. Tell me where to put these books. Tell me where to put these books. تحدّث عن مرضها. He talked about her illness. Talk about her illness. أفهم قصدك. I understand what you mean. I see your point. أين مظلاتنا؟ Where are our umbrellas? Where are our parachutes? لدينا هر أبيض. We have a white cat. We have a white cat. لازم نخفّو رواحتينا. We must move quickly. We have to hide our souls. قريب ما كان حتّى واحد في هاديك الصالة. There was hardly anyone in the room. There wasn't even one in your hand in the hall. إنها باردة كالثلج. It's as cold as ice. It's as cold as ice. هو ذهب للنوم في تمام الساعة السادسة ومازال نائماً. He went to sleep at six o'clock and he is still sleeping. He went to bed at 6:00 and is still asleep. شكراً لدعوتكِ لي إلى الحفلة. Thank you for inviting me to the party. Thanks for inviting me to the party. لا شيء في بالي للكتابة عنه. I can't think of anything to write about. There's nothing in my mind to write about. أي تخصص درست في الجامعة؟ What did you major in at college? What major did you study at the university? تفضل بالجلوس. Please sit down. Have a seat. رجاءً لا ترسل لي أي صور فاضحة لكي لا أرفض طلبك. Please don't send me any nude pictures or I will reject your request. Please don't send me any explicit photos so I won't refuse your request. جون ماكانشو هنايا. John isn't here. John McAnshaw is here. نزڨيلهوم غدوا كي نولّي. I'll call them tomorrow when I come back. Nzpilhum is here to take me. بقي فاضل في القاهرة و عمل هناك. Fadil stayed and worked in Cairo. He stayed in Cairo and worked there. شرب منّاد. Mennad drank. He drank a machete. رقصنا على أنغام الموسيقى. We danced to the music. We danced to the music. أفضل أن لا أذهب. I would rather not go. I'd rather not go. لا تفتح هذه الرّسالة حتّى تغادر البلد. Don't open this letter until you're out of the country. Don't open this message until you leave the country. إنك تشرب الكثير من القهوة. You drink too much coffee. You drink too much coffee. لم تعد هذه الكلمة مستعملةً. This word has gone out of use. This word is no longer used. بإمكانك استخدامها في أي وقت. You can use it anytime. You can use it at any time. سئمت من تحمل تباهيه بنفسه. I'm tired of listening to his boasts. I'm tired of taking pride in myself. "توم، ماذا تفعل؟" "ماذا يبدو أنني أفعل؟" "Tom, what are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing?" "Tom, what are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing?" خمس عشرة دقيقة فقط. Only fifteen minutes. Just fifteen minutes. قالتلي ما تمسنيش. She told me not to touch her. She told me what Tamsinich is. كيف يمكنني أن أغيّر هذا؟ How can I change that? How can I change that? لديهم بنتان. They have two daughters. They have two daughters. اني مديون له. I owe him a debt. I owe him. ماشي قليل لّي اعيشو كتر من تسعين سنا. It is not rare at all to live over ninety years. I'm a bit of a 90-year-old. هل تقوم بذلك عن قصد؟ Are you doing that on purpose? Are you doing this on purpose? انا واحد من طلابك I'm one of your students. I'm one of your students. إنها لا تأكل إلا الخضار. She eats nothing but vegetables. They only eat vegetables. سأطلق سراحك. I'm going to release you. I'll let you go. هذه الساعة أفضل من تلك. This watch is superior to that one. This watch is better than that. هو أقرب. He's closer. It's closer. ما فعلته أنا كان خاطئاً. What I did was wrong. What I did was wrong. هل تذهبون إلى جامعة مولود معمّري بِتِيزي وزّو؟ Do you guys go to Mouloud Mammeri University in Tizi Ouzou? Do you go to the University of Mevlut, Tessie and Zo? ساعدوا بعض في الواجب. They helped each other with homework. Help each other with homework. دعينا ننقسم. Let's split. Let's split up. نزل سامي. Sami went down. Sammy's Inn. تقتني كيت كلباً. Kate keeps a dog. Kate's got a dog. ما عنديش لانتانسيۆن نكون اڨۆيست. I don't intend to be selfish. We don't have to be evangelists. أُسمَحُ أن أُملِكَ رأياً شخصيّاً؟ Can I have a private opinion? Am I allowed to have a personal opinion? كان سامي يرتدي بلوزا أزرقا. Sami was wearing a blue sweatshirt. Sammy was wearing a blue blouse. أتى سامي كي يحصل على جرعته من المخدّرات. Sami came to get his fix. Sammy came to get his potion. كان يعيش هنا. He used to live here. He lived here. ان حقيقة بريطانيا كانت لا تملك نشيداً وطنياً قبل ١٧٤٥ هي بحد ذاتها شأن يذكر. The fact that Britain had no national anthem before 1745 is in itself of little consequence. The fact that Britain did not have a national anthem before 1792 is in itself a matter of little. اتّصلت ليلى بصديقتها. Layla called her friend. Lily called her friend. فَهمتُ ذلك. I got it. I get it. هل تعلم لماذا؟ Do you know why? You know why? عندما رأيت قصة شعره، حاولت بأن أخفي ضحكتي. When I saw his new hairstyle I tried hard to suppress my laughter. When I saw his haircut, I tried to hide my laugh. هذا جدي للغاية. That's very serious. That's very serious. لكل شخص حق التملك بمفرده أو بالاشتراك مع غيره. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. Everyone has the right to own property alone or in association with others. هو يحبّ الطّقوس. He loves rituals. He likes the ritual. أنا سوف ازور المتحف اليوم. I'll visit a museum today. I'm visiting the museum today. لماذا تتأخر دائما؟ Why is it that you're always late? Why are you always late? فقط اذهب و خذ قسطا من الرّاحة. Just go and get some rest. Just go get some rest. لا يبدون كأمريكيين. They don't seem to be Americans. They don't look like Americans. استعار سامي أقلام ليلى. Sami borrowed Layla's pencils. Sammy borrowed Lily's pens. إذا أخذت هذا الدواء, قد تظهر لك بعض الأعراض الجانبيّة. If you take this drug, side effects may result. If you take this medicine, you may have some side effects. اللغة الإنجليزية ليست سهلة و لكنها مثيرة للإهتمام. English is not easy, but it is interesting. English is not easy, but it is interesting. سألت توم ماري في ما إذا كان يمكنه استعارة كتاب دراستها الانجليزي. Tom asked Mary if he could borrow her English textbook. Tom asked Mary if he could borrow her English textbook. كيف عرفت مكان تواجدي؟ How did she know where to find me? How did you know where I was? هل صعد كل الركاب؟ Are all the passengers aboard? Have all the passengers boarded? أنا في البيت. I'm at home. I'm home. ينبغي أن تحاول تكوين عادةٍ لاستخدام قواميسك. You should try to form the habit of using your dictionaries. You should try to make a habit of using your dictionaries. تظاهر بأنه طبيب. He pretended to be a doctor. Pretend he's a doctor. أتى السيد سميث. Mr. Smith came. Mr. Smith came. بالكاد يستطيع كتاب اسمه. He can scarcely write his name. He can barely write his own name. أغلقَ الباب. He closed the door. Close the door. كان سامي يسوق. Sami drove. Sammy was driving. سقطت الكثير من الأشجار. Many trees fell down. A lot of trees fell. كانت حياة سامي في بدايتها. Sami's life was taking off. Sammy’s life was just beginning. لماذا لا يُسمح لنا بالقيام بذلك؟ Why are we not allowed to do that? Why aren't we allowed to do that? الاعتراف بالحقّ فضيلة. A fault confessed is half redressed. Recognizing the right is a virtue. يجب مناقشة هذه الأمور. All of these things need to be discussed. These things need to be discussed. مزقت الصحيفة إلى قطع. I tore the newspaper into pieces. I tore the newspaper into pieces. لا تنس! Don't forget! Don't forget! دعونا نبحث عن جمل تحتوي على مفردات جديدة ذات علاقة بهذا الموضوع، ثم نضيف الجمل إلى هذه القائمة: _____؛ ونترجمها. Let's find sentences with new vocabulary on this topic, add them to the following list: _____; and translate them. Let's look for sentences that contain new vocabulary related to this topic, and then add the sentences to this list: ____; and translate them. هل يمكنك إيصالي إلى المحطة؟ Could you give me a ride to the station? Can you get me to the station? وصل سامي إلى المنزل. Sami arrived home. Sammy came home. اتّصل سامي بثانويّة ليلى. Sami called Layla's high school. Sammy called Lyla High. يعتمد ذلك على السياق. It depends on the context. It depends on the context. لا تكذب على نفسك. Don't lie to yourself. Don't lie to yourself. أنا أيضاً لا يعجبني ذلك. I don't like it, either. I don't like that either. علِمتُ أنها كانت بلاستيكًا لكن طعمها كان كطعم الخشب. I knew it was plastic but it tasted like wood. I knew it was plastic, but it tasted like wood. كانت ليلى ترقص و تربح المال. Layla danced and made money. Lily was dancing and making money. انفجر سامي غضبا. Sami exploded. Sammy was furious. أرواح معايا. Come with me. Spirits with me. اكثر من نصف سكان العالم يعيشون فى المدن More than half the world’s population lives in cities. More than half the world's population lives in cities. إن جمال يسوق سيارته عبر الجسر. Jamal is driving across the bridge. Jamal drives his car across the bridge. من الأفضل لك التوقف عن التدخين. You had better stop smoking. You better stop smoking. كان أبي مستلقيا، يشاهد التلفاز. My father was lying down while watching TV. My father was lying there, watching TV. شكراً لكِ على لطفكِ. Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for your kindness. شكرًا على قدومك. Thank you for coming. Thank you for coming. ذلك كلب ماري. This is Mary's dog. That's Mary's dog. ذهبت إلى أوروبا مرة. I went to Europe once. I went to Europe once. دّنيا تخلاص باش نقدر نفهّم حاجا. It would take forever for me to explain everything. Denya Devotion Bash We appreciate Nehemiah Hajja. كان السّجناء مضطرّين للنّوم في زنزانة واحدة، غالبا على أجنابهم. Inmates were forced to sleep in one cell, often sideways. The prisoners had to sleep in one cell, often on their sides. عَنْدِي أَصْدِقَاء كُثُرْ I have many friends. I have a lot of friends. علينا حماية سمعة هذه العيادة. We have the reputation of this clinic to protect. We have to protect the reputation of this clinic. لديك ثلاثة أقلام. You have three pens. You have three pens. سامي من مصر. Sami is from Egypt. Sammy is from Egypt. نحن ندرس العربي You teach Arabic. We're studying Arabic. عشت هنا قرابة الستين عاماً. I have lived here a little over 60 years. I've lived here for almost 60 years. ظنّ سامي أنّ ليلى كانت تنوي إطلاق النّار عليه. Sami thought Layla was going to shoot him. Sammy thought Layla was going to shoot him. أبكاني المدرّس. The teacher made me cry. My father-in-law. لم يعجبني ذلك. I didn't like it. I didn't like it. عينا توم كعيني أبيه. Tom has his father's eyes. Tom's eyes are like his father's. هل سبق لك أن ذهبت إلى لندن؟ Have you been to London? Have you ever been to London? كانت ليلى تريد جلب الانتباه. Layla wanted to attract attention. Lily wanted to get attention. أجمع أغراضك ثم إرحل. Gather your things and leave. Pack your things and leave. سامي أمازيغي لكن لا يستطيع التحدث بالأمازيغية. Sami is Berber but he can't speak in Berber. Sammy Amazigh but can't speak Tamazight. ذهب الأستاذ إتو إلى الولايات المتحدة ليدرس اللسانيات. Professor Ito went to the United States for the purpose of studying linguistics. Professor Ito went to the United States to study linguistics. عليك ألا تذهب إلى هناك. You should not go there. You shouldn't go there. ليست هناك مستشفيات قرب بيته. There are no hospitals in the vicinity of his house. There are no hospitals near his house. درس سامي في الثّانويّة. Sami studied at high school. Sammy's in high school. إنه يعيش في طوكيو. He lives in Tokyo. He lives in Tokyo. مليار شخص يتكلمون الإنجليزية. One billion people speak English. A billion people speak English. حذف سامي صورة ليلى من ذلك الحاسوبِ. Sami deleted Layla's photo from the computer. Sammy deleted Lily's photo from that computer. لدى الطبيب سميث الكثير من المرضى. Dr. Smith has a lot of patients. Dr. Smith has a lot of patients. هلا ساعدتني؟ سأكون مسرورا بذلك. "Will you help me?" "I'll be glad to." Will you help me? سامي في الاستماع. Sami is listening. Sammy's listening. أبي يتكلم دائما بصوت مرتفع جدا. My father always speaks in a very loud voice. My father always speaks very loudly. ما هو برنامجك التفزيوني المفضل ؟ What's your favorite television program? What's your favorite TV show? ذهبت ليلى إلى الكنيسة كي تصلّي من أجل سامي. Layla went to the church to pray for Sami. Lily went to church to pray for Sammy. لا أريد أن أتحدث بشأن هذا الآن. I don't want to talk about this right now. I don't want to talk about this right now. مؤكّدٌ أنه ساعدهم لمنفعة شخصية. It is certain that he helped them for the benefit of himself. He must have helped them for personal gain. كان فاضل ينتظر أن تتّصل به ليلى. Fadil was waiting for Layla to call him. He was waiting for Lily to call him. يجب أن اخذ الدواء كل ست ساعات I have to take my medicine every six hours. I have to take the medicine every six hours. تهجم الكلب على الصغير. The dog attacked the little boy. The dog attacked the little one. شو هذا؟ What's this? What's this? ذلك لأن الفقاعة تلاشت في الهواء. Many kinds of animals have vanished from the earth. That's because the bubble faded in the air. ليس عندي إلا نصف عدد كتبه. I have only half as many books as he. I only have half of his books. سعر الدخول عشرة دولارات للشخص الواحد. The admission is ten dollars a person. Entry price is $10 per person. قال دِك: "يمكنني السباحة". Dick says, "I can swim." Dick said, "I can swim." هناك مستشفى بالقرب من هنا. There is a hospital nearby. There's a hospital nearby. هم يعرفون توم They know Tom. They know Tom. لا يُدعى سامي كثيرا للحفلات. Sami is not often invited to parties. Sammy isn't invited much for parties. لذا، فإننا نحب الجمل. لكننا نحب اللغات أكثر. So we love sentences. But, even more, we love languages. So, we love sentences, but we love languages more. سأجلب لك الفاتورة حالًا. I'll bring you the bill immediately. I'll get you the bill right away. الاطار الخلفي لعجلتي ضارب. The rear tire of my bicycle is flat. The rear tire of my wheel is pounding. سأتأخّر على دروسي. I'll be late for my classes. I'm gonna be late for class. أتى سامي إلى العيادة ليقابل ليلى. Sami came to the clinic to see Layla. Sammy came to the clinic to meet Layla. معرفهاش. I don't know her. Familiarity. التقطا ليلي و سامي صورة أخرى معا. Layla and Sami made a picture together. Lily and Sammy took another picture together. ماذا تُفضّل؟ What do you like? What do you prefer? لم تبكي؟ Then why are you crying? Why are you crying? عليك أخذ حبة مع كأس من الماء مرتين أو ثلاث مرات يوميا. You have to take a tablet with a glass of water two or three times a day. Take a pill with a glass of water two or three times a day. ظلت ماري عزباء طوال الفترة التي عاشتها في اليابان. Mary remained single all her life in Japan. Mary remained single throughout her time in Japan. علي أن أبقى في السرير طوال اليوم. I have to stay in bed all day. I have to stay in bed all day. واصل سامي بناء مشواره الفنّي في موسيقى الهيبهوب. Sami continued building his hiphop musical career. Sami continued to build his artistic career in hip-hop music. هيا بنا نذهب إلى مكتبي. Let's go to my office. Let's go to my office. لا تنظر إليها! Don't look at her! Don't look at her! أخبر سامي أباه. Sami told his dad. Sammy told his father. نريد السلام في العالم. We want peace in the world. We want peace in the world. لست المرأة التي يستحقّها سامي. I'm not the woman Sami deserves. I'm not the woman Sammy deserves. من الممكن أنها ستأتي. She might come. Maybe she'll come. استعارت ليلى سيّارة سامي. Layla borrowed Sami's car. Lily borrowed Sammy's car. نكون ماشي فرحان، بصّح ما نقتلش روحي. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. We're going to be happy. Good morning, we're not killing my soul. إنها حادة الذكاء. She is very intelligent. She's sharp. هو إتهمّ الشرطة يوضع القفّاز في مكان الجريمةّ لتزييف الحقيقة. He accused police of planting the glove at the crime scene. He's accusing the police of putting the glove at the crime scene to fake the truth. هل انت طالب مستجد؟ You're a new student? Are you a freshman? سامي يعيش حياة رائعة. Sami's life is wonderful. Sammy has a wonderful life. الرجاء فتح حقيبتك. Please open your suitcase. Please open your bag. أحتاج لتقول لي أين أذهب. I need you to tell me where to go. I need you to tell me where to go. انهض! Get up! Get up! "مفكرة الموت" هو واحد من أفضل عشرة مسلسلات تلفزيونية عندي. "Death Note" is one of my top ten favourite TV series. Death Note is one of my top ten TV series. نانسي مبتلعبش تنس. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Nancy's a tennis scavenger. لنذهب فور ما يتوقف المطر. Let's go as soon as it stops raining. Let's go as soon as it stops raining. دخل الخريف. It's fall now. Entering Autumn. عنده ثلاثة أولاد. He has three sons. He's got three kids. يجب ان تحافظ علي مكتبك نظيف You should keep your desk clean. You have to keep your desk clean. القرار قرارك. It's up to you to decide. It's your call. الإنترنت مصدرُ معلوماتٍ لا يقدر بثمن. The Internet is an invaluable source of information. The Internet is an invaluable source of information. بدت ليلى متحمّسة. Layla seemed excited. Lily seemed excited. الجو حار جداً It's too hot. It's so hot. ذلك الولد يركض. That boy is running. That boy is running. علي أن ألازم السرير طول اليوم. I have to stay in bed all day. I have to stay in bed all day. وجد محرر بطاقات التذكرة حقيبة وضعت تحت مقعد في القاعة ، و صوت التكتكة بداخلها جعله قلقاً. The ticket clerk found baggage placed under a bench in the hall, and the ticking sound inside it made him worried. The ticket editor found a bag placed under a seat in the hall, and the ticking sound inside it made him anxious. كان على سامي أن يغادر. Sami should have left. Sammy had to leave. اجزوا الآن. Book now. Get off now. إنه لمن دواعي شرفي أن أزور مدينة القاهرة الأزلية حيث تستضيفني فيها مؤسستان مرموقتان للغاية أحدهما الأزهر الذي بقي لأكثر من ألف سنة منارة العلوم الإسلامية بينما كانت جامعة القاهرة على مدى أكثر من قرن بمثابة منهل من مناهل التقدم في مصر. I am honored to be in the timeless city of Cairo, and to be hosted by two remarkable institutions. For over a thousand years, Al-Azhar has stood as a beacon of Islamic learning, and for over a century, Cairo University has been a source of Egypt's advancement. It is an honor to visit the eternal city of Cairo, where I am hosted by two very prestigious institutions, one of which is Al-Azhar, which for more than a thousand years has been the beacon of Islamic sciences, while Cairo University has been for more than a century a beacon of progress in Egypt. ولدت في 18 من آذار عام 1994. I was born on March 18th 1994. She was born on March 18, 1994. بدى الأمر جنونيّا. It sounded crazy. It seemed crazy. هل سَبَق أن ذهبتَِ إلى البندقية؟ Have you ever gone to Venice? Have you ever been to Venice? هل سمح لك عمك أن تقود سيارته؟ Did your uncle let you drive his car? Did your uncle let you drive his car? نظر سامي إلى الخارج. Sami looked outside. Sammy looked outside. أنا أشرب الماء. I drink the water. I drink water. لا اهتم بما يقوله الآخرون. I don't care what anyone says. I don't care what others say. كان سامي يكره ليلى بشدّة. Sami hated Layla's guts. Sammy hated Lily so much. هل يمكنك غناء النشيد الوطني الارجنتيني؟ Can you sing the Argentine National Anthem? Can you sing the Argentine national anthem? أتى إلى أمريكا عبر كندا. He came to America via Canada. He came to America via Canada. أنا أصطحبك إلى المنزل. I'm driving you home myself. I'm taking you home. لن يُلقى القبض عليّ. I won't get caught. I won't be arrested. الحب لا يرى عيوباً. Love sees no faults. Love sees no flaws. تعرف أنّ جون كان يحبها. She knows that John loved her. You know John loved her. قام فاضل بتنزيه الكلب. Fadil walked the dog. Fadel had the dog removed. من كتب رسالة؟ Who wrote a letter? Who wrote a letter? لا تعرف شيء عن الجنس. She knows nothing about the birds and the bees. You don't know anything about sex. و كيف لك أن تعرف؟ How do you know? How do you know? هو كتب رسالةً. He wrote a letter. He wrote a letter. دعى سامي عددا كبيرا من النّاس. Sami invited too many people. Sammy invited a lot of people. أحتاج بضع دقائق. I need a few minutes. I need a few minutes. اشتهرت كاليفورنيا بفواكهها. California is famous for its fruit. California is famous for its fruits. "هادا واش كونت نحوّس!" قالها ب زڨا. "This is what I was looking for!" he exclaimed. "Hada Wash Count Anhas!" said B Zha. البعض يحب أن يكافئ نفسه، وأن لا ينتظر هدية من أحد. Some people like rewarding themselves, not expecting reward from others. Some people like to reward themselves and not expect a gift from anyone. ماذا تطبخين؟ What are you cooking? What are you cooking? يجب أن تتم هذا التقرير قبل يوم الأثنين. You must have the report done by Monday. This report should be done before Monday. كانت ليلى تستحقّ أن تُكره. Layla deserved to be hated. Lily deserved to be hated. توم ملحد. Tom is an atheist. Tom's an atheist. نَستمتع كي نقرا كتابات بْلونڤلي. I enjoy reading books in English. We enjoy reading Blungley's writings. أنت ستساعدني! You will help me! You'll help me! أعطتني الممرضة حقنة. The nurse gave me a shot. The nurse gave me a shot. بقي فاضل في الأعلى. Fadil stayed upstairs. Fadel remained at the top. ما قلته صحيح. What you say is true. What you said is true. ومن يحلل عليه غضبي فقد هوى. Anyone on whom my wrath descends is indeed perished. He who is angry with me has lost his mind. أرسلت لك هذا البريد الإلكتروني منذ أسبوعين I sent you this email two weeks ago. I sent you this e-mail two weeks ago. شيء جميل كهذا أبدا لن يفقد قيمته. A beautiful object like that never loses its value. Something as beautiful as this will never lose its value. تذهب مايوكو إلى المدرسة على الدراجة. Mayuko goes to school by bicycle. Mayuko goes to school on a bike. ليلى متعبة دائما. Layla is always tired. Lily's always tired. لقد وجّه الكساد الكبير ضربة قويّة لعائلة سامي. The Great Depression hit Sami's family hard. The Great Depression dealt a severe blow to Sami's family. توم كان يفعلها بشكل خاطئ, سوف أريه كيف يفعلها. Tom was doing it wrong, so I showed him how to do it. Tom was doing it wrong. I'll show him how. كانت تلك جريمة من أجل المال. This was a murder for money. That was a crime for money. تعلم في مدرسة عمومية. He was educated at a public school. Learned at a public school. يقلّص التّين من احتمال الإصابة بهشاشة العظام. Figs decrease the risk of osteoporosis. Tin reduces the risk of osteoporosis. هل فهمت؟ Got it? Do you understand? أعجبني هذا السّؤال. I love that question. I like that question. من فضلك، أخبرني بما ينبغي أن أفعله. Please tell me what I should do. Please, tell me what I should do. اترك ليلى و تعال لتعيش معي. Leave Layla and come to live with me. Leave Lily and come live with me. عليك أن تعيرني بعض ملابسك. You'll have to lend me some of your clothes. You're gonna have to lend me some clothes. عن من تتحدث؟ Who are you talking about? Who are you talking about? أعتقد أنه من المهم قول الحقيقة. I think it's important to tell the truth. I think it's important to tell the truth. دلّ سامي ليلى على مضارب الغولف المناسبة لكلّ وظيفة. Sami showed Layla the right clubs to use. Sammy Leyla showed the right golf clubs for every job. اوكون غير قبلْت نعاون توم ب هادي لحاجا. I should have agreed to help Tom with that. O'Kon didn't help Tom B. Hadi with Hajja. قطاع غزّة سجن ذو حراسة مشدّدة. The Gaza Strip is a maximum security prison. Gaza Strip is a maximum security prison. إبنك بطل. Your son is a hero. Your son is a hero. تعال إلى منزلي. Come home. Come to my house. المؤمن لا يُلدغ مرتين من جحر واحد. A fox is not caught twice in the same snare. The believer is not twice bitten by a single burrow. نظّف غرفتك. You must clean your room. Clean your room. أتى ليطلب منا المساعدة. He came to ask us for our help. He came to ask us for help. لدي سيارة I have a car. I have a car. إنه من الرائع رؤيتك It's great to see you. It's good to see you. يمكن استخدامه كسكين. It can be used as a knife. It can be used as a knife. هذا مدرّسنا في الفن. This is our art teacher. This is our art teacher. ركضت ماري. Mary ran. Mary ran. بدأت صحته تتدهور. His health has begun to decline now. His health began to deteriorate. يُقال أن البندقيّة مدينة جميلة. They say that Venice is a beautiful city. Venice is said to be a beautiful city. تكون حاجا لازم نپرۆڨراميها. It would be something I'd have to program. You must be a pilgrim. هو لا يعرف ما معنى الخوف. He knows no fear. He doesn't know what fear is. نظر سامي إلى الأسفل. Sami looked down. Sammy looked down. ماذا إن علم سامي بذلك؟ What if Sami knows about that? What if Sammy finds out? لا أحد كان قادرا على التّنبّؤ بذلك. No one could have predicted this. No one could have predicted that. أنا في دبي. I'm in Dubai. I'm in Dubai. افتح فومّك! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! قال سامي أنّه كان يخشى على حياته. Sami claimed he feared for his life. Sammy said he was afraid for his life. كان بإمكان سامي أن يثور غضبا. Sami would have gone ballistic. Sammy could have been furious. كان سامي يسرنم. Sami was sleepwalking. Sammy was sleeping. هل يتحدث أحدٌ الإنجليزية؟ Does anyone speak English? Does anyone speak English? كان سامي يضاجع ابنة ليلى التي تبلغ 16 سنة. Sami was sleeping with Layla's 16-year-old daughter. Sammy was sleeping with Leila’s 16-year-old daughter. هل عدت مسبقا؟ Are you back already? Are you back already? يحتوي هذا النادي على خمسين عضوا. The club has more than fifty members. This club has 50 members. أنتَ إما معنا, أو ضدنا. You're either with us or against us. You're either with us, or against us. تتكلّم الفيليبّينيّة؟ Do you speak Filipino? You speak Filipino? سامي في المطبخ. Sami is in the kitchen. Sammy's in the kitchen. توحّشتي طوم؟ Do you miss Tom? You mutilated Tom? كان فاضل في حفل. Fadil was at a party. Fadel was at a party. لم يكن فاضل غاضبا من دنية بسبب ما قامت به. Fadil wasn't upset with Dania for what she did. Fadel was not angry at Denya for what she had done. نجى سامي من الحادث. Sami survived the accident. Sammy survived the accident. هذا رقم سحري. It's a magic number. That's a magic number. لا فرق عندي انضم أم لا ينضم. It makes no difference to me whether he joins us or not. It makes no difference whether I join or not. شحال راك باغي تخلص؟ How much do you want be paid? Rak Baghi's bucket got rid of? هل يُمكنني استعارة سيارتك لهذه الليلة؟ Can I borrow your car tonight? Can I borrow your car for tonight? هذه السيارة له This car is his. This car is his. سيبيع توم منزله. Tom is going to sell his house. Tom will sell his house. برأيِكَ هل باستطاعتي تحمّل كل ذلك الإغراء؟ Do you think I can handle all that glamour? Do you think I can handle all that temptation? كان توم عاريًا. Tom was naked. Tom was naked. نظر توم لنفسه في مرآة الرؤية الخلفية. Tom looked at himself in the rear-view mirror. Tom looked at himself in the rearview mirror. التقيا سامي و ليلى لأوّل مرّة في محطّة للوقود بالقاهرة. Sami and Layla first met at a gas station in Cairo. They met Sami and Leila for the first time at a gas station in Cairo. ممكن تخدني السيما؟ Could you take me to a movie? Can you give me a sema? لقد شاهدت كل أفلامه I've seen all his movies. I've seen all his movies. أخبرني قبل أن تقوم بأي شيء متعلّق بالعيادة. Let me know before you do anything concerning the clinic. Tell me before you do anything about the clinic. نطق سامي بالشّهادة الأسبوع الماضي. Sami took his shahada last week. Sammy testified last week. ما الذي كنت تفعله آن ذاك؟ What were you doing at that time? What were you doing then? تحب الموسيقى أكثر من أي شيء آخر. She likes music better than anything else. I love music more than anything else. حاجا ماشي مليحا؟ Is it bad? A pilgrim? التّين لذيذ. Figs are delicious. The figs are delicious. ذلك حذاءها. These shoes are hers. That's her shoe. توم دار ڤاع واش يقدر باش يخلّي ماري تعاونو. Tom did everything he could to get Mary to help him. Tom's house is a snitch who appreciates the bash of Mary's collaboration. أطفئ هذه الموسيقى فورا. Turn this music off immediately. Turn that music off immediately. قالتلِي راني خايْفة منَّك. She told me that she was afraid of me. Rani told me she was afraid of you. هو طبيب. He's a doctor. He's a doctor. لم يكن عليّ أكل هذا. I shouldn't have eaten that. I shouldn't have eaten that. الصخور الواقعة تشكل خطرا على المتسلقين. Falling rocks present a danger to climbers. The rocks present a danger to climbers. أشعر بالدوار كلما وقفت. I feel dizzy every time I stand up. I feel dizzy whenever I stand. أوفى فاضل بوعده. Fadil kept his word. Fulfill his promise. إياك أن تخبرني، دعني أخمن. Don't tell me. Let me guess. Don't you tell me. Let me guess. ذهب سامي في عطلة. Sami went on vacation. Sammy went on vacation. ما لا يقتلني يجعلني أقوى. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger. لعلّه من الأفضل المغادرة. It might be best for me to leave. Maybe it's best to leave. أعده غدا من فضلك. Please bring it back tomorrow. Bring it back tomorrow, please. نناديه مايك. We call him Mike. Call him Mike. لا تتزوّج أبدا بامرأة كليلى. Never marry a woman like Layla. Never marry a woman. جاء الحادث في اعقاب تبني تنظيم القاعدة في بيان نشره الهجوم الذي استهدف القصر الجمهوري في مدينة المكلا بجنوب اليمن واسفر عن مقتل 30 ضابطا وجنديا. The incident came in the wake of Al-Qaeda's admission of responsibility, in a statement published by the organization, for an attack that targeted the republican palace in the city of Al-Mukalla in southern Yemen and resulted in the deaths of 30 officers and soldiers. The incident followed al Qaeda's adoption in a statement published by the Republican Palace attack in the southern Yemeni city of Mukalla, which killed 30 officers and soldiers. سمع سامي أربعة طلقات متفرّقة. Sami heard four distinct gunshots. Sammy heard four shots scattered. هل لي بركوب الدرّاجة؟ May I ride a bicycle? Can I ride the bike? بكى توم فجأة عندما قرأ عن الحادث. Tears sprang to Tom's eyes when he read about the accident. Tom suddenly cried when he read about the incident. موقعنا على الوِب متوقّف للصيانة المجدولة. Our website is offline for scheduled maintenance. Our Web site is down for scheduled maintenance. الأستاذ على حق. The teacher is right. The professor is right. كانت زوجة سامي تضايقه دائما. Sami's wife was constantly taunting him. Sammy's wife was always harassing him. هل كان ذلك زلزالا؟ Was it an earthquake? Was that an earthquake? جاك لا يقود بسرعة. Jack doesn't drive fast. Jack doesn't drive fast. ذهب سامي بالسّيّارة إلى منزل ليلى. Sami drove to Layla's home. Sam went by car to Layla's house. هل تعتقد أنه قام بالعمل وحده؟ Do you think he did the job on his own? Do you think he did the work alone? الطيور على أشكالها تقع. Birds of a feather flock together. Birds in their shapes fall. كنت هنا البارحة. I came here yesterday. I was here last night. إنك تعيش مرة واحدة لا غير. You only live once. You only live once. فاضل شخص غبي و أنوي، يريد التحكّم في الجميع. Fadil is a self-centered idiot that wants to control everybody. Fadel is a fool and I intend to control everyone. استمر. Go on. Go on. عايز أموت مع جتر ياني. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Jater Yanni. ماكلاش لنجاصة واحدة برْك، كلا ثلاثة. He didn't just eat 1 pear, but 3. McLach to save one. Bless you, both three. لا تلمس الجرح. Don't touch the wound. Don't touch the wound. هذه الشركة لا تولي أهمية لسلامة عمالها. This company is indifferent to the safety of its workers. This company does not attach importance to the safety of its workers. الوحدات السّكنية الغير مكلفة تنتشر كثيراً في تكساس. New affordable housing developments are springing up all over Texas. Inexpensive housing units are very common in Texas. كان بإمكان سامي أن يحمي ليلى. Sami could have protected Layla. Sammy could have protected Lily. يستطيع طفلكم أن يسير. Your baby can walk. Your child can walk. الفضاء مليئ بالغموض. Space is full of mystery. Space is full of mystery. أعطى سامي ليلى حقنة. Sami gave Layla an injection. Sammy gave Lily an injection. يضهرلي بلي راك تعرف ديجا كلش. It seems like you know everything already. You know Deja Klish. الله أكبر! Allah is great! God is bigger! قبل مغادرة سامي للولايات المتّحدة، كان يعتقد أنّ جميع سكّان العالم مسيحيّون. Before he left the United States, Sami thought that everyone in the world was Christian. Before leaving the United States, Sami believed that all the world's people were Christians. وين جاية بلاد القبايل؟ Where's Kabylie? Where's Cain's country? لقد لبست ليلى الحجاب طوال حياتها. Layla wore hijab all her life. Lily has worn the hijab all her life. أنا متزوجة. I'm married. I'm married. كان سامي يتمتّع حياته. Sami was enjoying his life. Sammy was enjoying his life. بيحب يكتب مقالات على ويكيبيديا He loves writing articles for Wikipedia. I love writing articles on Wikipedia. يعطيها كل ما تطلبه منه. He gives her everything she asks for. Give her everything she asks. أثق بك. I trust you. I trust you. استمع سامي للتّسجيل و سمع صوت رجل في الخلفيّة. Sami listened to the recording and heard a man's voice in the background. Sammy listened to the recording and heard a man in the background. أعطني كتابك. Give me your book. Give me your book. بَيْدَ أن مشروع تتويبا ليس "جنّة كلمات". توقفوا رجاءً عن إضافة الكلمات. But Tatoeba Project is not a word heaven. Please stop adding words. However, Project Tatweba is not a "word paradise." Please stop adding words. أستطيع عزف مقطوعات لشوبان. I play Chopin. I can play Chopin. البيتزا باردة. The pizza is cold. Pizza's cold. إنك لست جباناً. You are not a coward. You're not a coward. كانت الرّسالة مُمضاة من طرف دان. The letter was signed by Dan. The letter was signed by Dan. أعاد سامي بناء حياته و أصبح طبيبا بارزا. Sami rebuilt his life and became a prominent doctor. Sammy rebuilt his life and became a prominent doctor. أحب أن آكل البطيخ. I like to eat watermelon. I like to eat watermelon. انهض من سريرك! Get out of bed! Get out of your bed! باع توم منزله. Tom sold his house. Tom sold his house. ذهبت ليلى إلى الحمّام. Layla went to the bathroom. Lily went to the bathroom. كان تساقط الشّعر في ذلك السّنّ أمرا محزنا بالنّسبة لها. Suffering from hair loss at her age is so sad. The hair fall of that year was sad for her. ذهب سامي لينام قرابة السّاعة العاشرة. Sami went to bed around ten o'clock. Sammy went to bed about ten o'clock. من الممكن أن تربح المسابقة. It is possible that you'll win the competition. You can win the contest. ربّما كان مريضا. Maybe he was sick. Maybe he was sick. كعكتك شهية. Your cake is delicious. Your cake is delicious. شحال من حلقت شفتي ف وان بيس؟ How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? Who shaved my lips off? المدرسة بتبتدي الساعة تمنية و نص. School begins at half past eight. The school starts with a wishful hour and a text. الله وحده يعلم. Only God knows. God only knows. بعد فوز بايدن في الانتخابات, طار الديمقراطيين من السعادة. After Biden won the election, the Democrats were walking on air. After Biden won the election, the Democrats flew from happiness. لا تعطه شيئا من هذا الحساء. Don't give him any of that soup. Don't give him any of that soup. هو لا يقول أبداً شكراً على الرغم من كل ما فعلته من أجله. He never says thanks in spite of all that I've done for him. He never says thank you despite everything you've done for him. كانا سامي و ليلى يتخاصمان باستمرار. Sami and Layla argued constantly. Sammy and Lily were constantly feuding. إنه يحب القطارات. He loves trains. He loves trains. حاول سامي أن يبني حياة مثاليّة لنفسه و لأسرته. Sami tried to make a picture perfect-life for himself and his family. Sammy tried to build a perfect life for himself and his family. إنها تفضل البقاء في المنزل على الخروج. She prefers staying home to going out. She'd rather stay home than go out. هي صارت غنية . She became rich. She got rich. أنتَ لديكَ أنف كبير. You have a big nose. You have a big nose. ليس هناك فرصة للفوز. There's no chance of winning. There's no chance of winning. إذا أردت, يمكنني أن أُريك كيف تفعل ذلك. If you want, I can show you how to do that. If you want, I can show you how. تشاجرت ماري مع حبيبها . Mary had a tiff with her boyfriend. Mary had a fight with her boyfriend. كان سامي يريد أن يغيّر حياته. Sami wanted to change his life. Sammy wanted to change his life. أ أنت جائع ؟ Are you hungry? You hungry? اضطر للعيش فقيرا لسنوات عدة. He had to lead a miserable life for many years. He had to live poor for many years. الصديقُ وقتَ الضيقِ. In hard times, you find out who your friends are. The friend's time of trouble. قام يانّي بحفظ مربّى التّين في الثّلاّجة. Yanni stored the fig jam in the fridge. Yanni saved the fig jam in the fridge. مساء الخير. Good evening. Good afternoon. بغيت نريّح قدّام التاقة. I want to sit near the window. I wanted to relax in front of the collar. أيهما كتابك؟ Which is your book? Which is your book? إنشاء موقع إلكتروني بدون أي تكلفة؟ Create a Website for Free of Cost? Create a website at no cost? كتب سامي رسالة للشّرطة. Sami wrote a letter to the police. Sammy wrote a letter to the police. هل أضعت شيئاً هنا؟ Did you lose anything here? Did I lose something here? أتى منّاد إلى منزلي. Mennad came to my house. He came to my house. واصلت دانية التّحقيق بشأن فاضل. Dania continued to follow Fadil's lead. Dania continued to investigate Fadel. هل تحب الموسيقى الأمازيغية؟ Do you like Berber music? Do you like Amazigh music? أردت شراء إحدى لوحات توم. I wanted to buy one of Tom's paintings. I wanted to buy one of Tom's paintings. التدخين قد يكون قاتلاً. Smoking may be fatal. Smoking can be deadly. كان سامي قرّة عين أمّه. Sami was the apple of his mother's eye. Sammy was the eye of his mother. هدّد سامي ليلى بالقتل. Sami threatened Layla's life. Sammy Leyla threatened to kill. فَقَط أُرِيدُ أن أكُنَ شَخصاً جَيِّداً. I just want to be a good person. I just want to be a good person. هل هذا أمر؟ Is that an order? Is that an order? لا أعلم ما تخطط له، لكني سأمنعك بالقيام به. I don't know what you're planning to do, but I won't let you do it. I don't know what you're up to, but I'm gonna stop you from doing it. غير مسموح لك أن تصعد إلى سيارته. You are not allowed to climb into his car. You're not allowed to get in his car. أنا آسف I am sorry. Sorry. لا يمكننا تجاهل هذه المشكلة. This problem can't be ignored. We cannot ignore this problem. استعمل فاضل ثلاث كتب مختلفة لتعلّم العربيّة. Sami used three different textbooks to learn Arabic. Fadel used three different books to learn Arabic. فقد رباطة جأشه عند رؤيته لبيته و هو يحترق. He lost his reason when he saw his house burn down. He lost his composure when he saw his house on fire. واضح إنك غلطان. Clearly you are mistaken. You're obviously a sinner. قتلته بتي. Betty killed him. I killed him, Betty. هذا تخصصه. That's his specialty. That's his specialty. بدأ سامي يواعد ليلى. Sami started dating Layla. Sammy started dating Lily. شعرت ليلى و كأنّها أوقعت في فخّ. Layla felt completely trapped. Lily felt as if she had fallen into a trap. هم اتهموني بالكذب. They accused me of being a liar. They accused me of lying. بات الأمر واضحا الآن. Well, it's obvious now. Now it's clear. لقد وصلت مشاكل فاضل و ليلى إلى نقطة اللاّرجوع. Fadil and Layla's problems reached the point of no-return. Fadel and Layla's problems have reached a point of no return. أشعر أني رشيق. I'm feeling fit. I feel graceful. أعطيت أختي قاموساً. I gave my sister a dictionary. I gave my sister a dictionary. أنا لا أنوي مقابلته. I have no intention of seeing him. I don't intend to meet him. لا أزال أشعر بشور مروّع. I still feel terrible. I still feel terrible. دخل سامي إلى المسجد. Sami entered the mosque. Sam went to the mosque. هل سبق لك أن ذهبت إلى الولايات المتحدة؟ Have you ever been to the United States? Have you ever been to the United States? كان سامي يتعرّض للمضايقة. Sami was being bullied. Sammy was being harassed. لن أنس المرّة الأولى التي خرجنا فيها. I'll never forget our first date. I won't forget the first time we went out. إن اسمك جميل. You have a beautiful name. Your name is beautiful. لم يشعل النار مع أن الجو كان بارداً. Though it was cold, he didn't light the fire. He didn't start the fire even though it was cold. لا يمكن لتوم أن ينسى الماضي. Tom can't let go of the past. Tom can't forget the past. كان فاضل مشغولا، يكتب الرّسائل الهاتفيّة. Fadil was busy texting. Fadel was busy, writing phone messages. أرادا ليلى و سامي أن يقيما موعدا غراميّا رائعا. Layla and Sami wanted a dream date. Lily and Sammy wanted to have a great date. أيمكنني أخذ صورة؟ May I take a photo? Can I take a picture? درك راني عايش مع عمي. Now I live with my uncle. Rani lived with my uncle. وجد سامي ملابس ليلى معلّقة في غرفته. Sami found Layla's clothes hanging up in his room. Sammy found Layla's clothes hanging in his room. كان سامي متعطّشا للشّهرة. Sami craved notoriety. Sammy was hungry for fame. بقي عندي بعض الوقت. I have some time left. I have some time left. تعال بسرعة. Come quick! Come quickly. هذا الكتاب لديه الكثير من الكلمات الأمازيغية المفيدة. This book has a lot of useful Berber words. This book has a lot of useful Amazigh words. أريد تعلم الفارسية. I want to learn Persian. I want to learn Persian. استدعيت اللجنة فوراً . The committee was summoned at once. I immediately called the committee. راه سخون الحال هنا. It's hot out here. It's hotter here. حبّيت نعاونك. I'd like to help you. I loved your help. أنا أغنّي بالأمازيغيّة. I am singing in Berber. I sing in Amazigh. بقيت حتى وصل توم. I remained until Tom arrived. I stayed until Tom arrived. مدرّسنا وغد. Our teacher is an asshole. Our teacher's a bastard. أصلي في المسجد ليس في البيت. I pray in the mosque, not at home. I pray in the mosque, not at home. لقد كسر النافذة عمداً. He broke the window on purpose. He broke the window on purpose. واصل سامي المحاولة. Sami kept trying. Sammy kept trying. لا تنس إضافتي. Don't forget to add me in. Don't forget to add me. سمح سامي لليلى بالدّخول لحياته. Sami let Layla into his life. Sammy let Lily into his life. هذا اللحم لذيذ. This meat is delicious. This meat is delicious. أهم شيء أن تهتم بما تأكله. Above all, watch your diet. The most important thing is to take care of what you eat. ليركب الجميع. All aboard! Everybody get in. لست أحسن في تذكر الأشياء مني. You are no better at remembering things than I am. I'm no better at remembering things than I am. لقد انذهل السائحون بالمشهد الرائع . The tourists were fascinated with the exquisite scenery. The tourists were amazed by the magnificent scenery. ربما على توم التوقف قبل أن يؤذي نفسه. Maybe Tom should quit before he hurts himself. Maybe Tom should stop before he hurts himself. تعرف كيفاش تصوق طونوبيل؟ Do you know how to drive a car? You know how to frame a tonobil? أنت تكذب، أليس كذلك؟ You're lying, aren't you? You're lying, aren't you? يا له من سؤال. أكيد أنا أحبه. What a question! Of course I love him. What a question. هو تركَ توم يذهب. He let Tom go. He let Tom go. سامي يحبّ هذا. Sami likes that. Sammy likes this. رفض توم التحدث عن ذلك Tom refused to talk about it. Tom refused to talk about it. ظننتك تملك معايير أسمى. I thought you had higher standards. I thought you had higher standards. من هذا الصبي؟ Who's that boy? Who is this boy? متى سترجع؟ When will you be back? When are you coming back? هل تعرفني؟ - لا أعرفك. Do you know me? - No, I don't. - I don't know you. كانت ليلى تتألّم من عينيها. Layla's eyes hurt. Lily was in pain with her eyes. وجدت له عملا. I found him a job. I found him a job. هذا هُراء. This makes no sense. This is bullshit. ليس من المفترض بك أن تدخن هنا. You are not supposed to smoke here. You're not supposed to smoke in here. هذا وما لم نتوقف عن تحديد مفهوم علاقاتنا المشتركة من خلال أوجه الاختلاف فيما بيننا فإننا سنساهم في تمكين أولئك الذين يزرعون الكراهية ويرجحونها على السلام ويروجون للصراعات ويرجحونها على التعاون الذي من شأنه أن يساعد شعوبنا على تحقيق الازدهار So long as our relationship is defined by our differences, we will empower those who sow hatred rather than peace, and who promote conflict rather than the cooperation that can help all of our people achieve justice and prosperity. Unless we stop conceptualizing our common relationships through our differences, we will contribute to empowering those who sow hatred, favour peace, promote conflict, and favor cooperation that will help our peoples prosper. كل ما تفعله هو الشكوى. You are always complaining. All you do is complain. ألم يخطر ببالك أن تغلق النوافذ؟ Did it not occur to you to close the windows? Didn't it occur to you to close the windows? خرج سامي مشهرا سكّين جزارة كبير. Sami came out, wielding a large butcher knife. Sammy went out with a big butcher knife. أتى المدرّس خلفنا. The teacher came behind us. The teacher came after us. ممنوع تدخلو لهتا. You aren't allowed in here. You're not allowed in here. سأبقى هنا هذا الشهر كله. I will stay here all this month. I'm gonna be here all month. إيدير هو المغني الأمازيغي المفضل لدي. Idir is my favorite Berber singer. Idir is my favorite Amazigh singer. طلبت منه ألا يقود بسرعة. I asked him not to drive so fast. I told him not to drive too fast. زميل العمل ادعى أن الحافلة فاتته. The coworker claimed he had missed the bus. The co-worker claimed the bus missed him. غيّر سامي الموضوع. Sami changed the subject. Sammy changed the subject. اعتقد سامي أنّ ليلى هي من هجمت عليه. Sami believed Layla attacked him. Sammy thought it was Layla who attacked him. كان النصف الأخير من المسرحية مملاً قليلاً. The latter half of the drama was a little dull. The last half of the play was a bit boring. لم يقدر سامي على تحمّل ذلك الضّجيج. Sami couldn't stand that noise. Sammy couldn't stand that noise. كان المدرّس يمشي حول القسم. The teacher went around the class. The teacher was walking around the section. ليست هذه شمعة بيضاء. This candle is not white. This is not a white candle. على المرء أن يفعل كلّ ما بوسعه. One must do one's best. One has to do everything one can. صح طلب سّماح، بصّح مازالني زعفان. Even though he apologized, I'm still furious. Oh, right. He asked for permission. He's right, I'm still pissed. نتا ما تصبرش معايا ڨع. You're so impatient with me. I don't know what you're doing. سأل ديما: "ماذا تقصد؟"، لكنه تجشأ، لأنه لو بقي صامتًا لكانت هذه الجملة بسيطةً جدا. "What do you mean?" Dima asked, but burped, for if he remained silent, this sentence would be too simple. Dima asked, “What do you mean?”, but he burped, because if he had stayed silent this sentence would have been very simple. نادرًا ما يهدي زوجته. He seldom gives his wife presents. He rarely leads his wife. في كثير من الأحيان تقوم الحكومات الاستبدادية بسجن معارضيها السياسيين. Tyrannical governments frequently gaol their political opponents. Authoritarian governments often imprison their political opponents. هذا الكلب غبيّ. This dog is stupid. This dog is stupid. دعونا نأخذ تصويت. Let's take a vote. Let's take a vote. ليس عليك الاعتذار. You don't have to make an apology. You don't have to apologize. سرق الولد فلوسا من محفطة والدتها. The boy stole money from his mother's handbag. The boy stole Flossa from her mother's purse. المجتمع لا يبالي مطلقاً. Society could not care less. Society doesn't care at all. تجاهل سامي الإنذار. Sami ignored the warning. Sammy ignored the alarm. أنا أتحدث عنه. I'm talking about it. I'm talking about him. لا يمكنني أن أخبرك كم أحبّك. I can't tell you how much I love you. I can't tell you how much I love you. هل أخبرت سارة؟ Did you tell Sarah? Did you tell Sarah? الجميع يحبونها. Everybody loves her. Everybody loves her. هم من السويد They come from Sweden. They're from Sweden. قال سامي شيئا. Sami said something. Sammy said something. ليتني كنت قادرا على نسيان تلك الحادثة. I wish I could forget about that incident. I wish I had been able to forget that incident. يملك يانّي بستانا من أشجار التّين. Yanni has a fig tree orchard. Yanni owns a fig tree orchard. تبغي السرمبق؟ Do you like mussels? You want the combo? أنتِ لديكِ رؤية أفضل منى؟ You have better sight than me. You have a better vision than I do? اشترىت عدد قليل من الكتب من المكتبة. I bought a few books from the bookstore. I bought a few books from the library. لدى الفيل أنف طويل. An elephant has a long nose. The elephant has a long nose. دعونا نستعد للذهاب. Let's get ready to go. Let's get ready to go. كان بإمكان سامي أن يقيم صداقة حتّى مع صخرة. Sami could make friends with a fucking rock. Sammy could have even made friends with a rock. هل هذا يباع بالكيلو أم بالعبوة أم بالواحدة؟ Is this sold by the kilo, by the package or individually? Is this sold in kilos, or in a can, or in one? أملك سيارةً. I have a car. I have a car. أحضر منّاد باية و أمّهة إلى منزله. Mennad brought Baya and her mom to his house. Bring Manad Bay and his mother to his house. ما تسقسيهومش وين راهوم رايحين. Don't ask them where they are going. What do you think, Wayne Rahum? أصبح سامي مذهولا و مشوّشا. Sami became lost and confused. Sammy became distraught and confused. أشعل كين الشمع. Ken lit the candles. Ken lit the wax. الجيش الإسرائيلي يطلق النّار على سيّارات الإسعاف الفلسطينيّة. The Israeli army shoots Palestinian ambulances. The Israeli army opened fire on Palestinian ambulances. تصدر المجلة كل إسبوع. The magazine comes out every week. The magazine is published every week. هل تحتاجون إلى سيارة إسعاف؟ Do you need an ambulance? Do you need an ambulance? بدأت ليلى ترتدي الحجاب في فترة شهر رمضان. Layla started wearing the hijab around Ramadan. Leila began wearing the hijab during the month of Ramadan. افتح الباب. Open the door! Open the door. أعاد توم المال لماري. Tom paid Mary back. Tom returned the money to Mary. هي لا تعتبر اللحم لذيذا. She doesn't find meat tasty. She doesn't consider the meat delicious. قَوَّد مَنَّا! Go the fuck away! Lead us! كم من مرة ذهبت؟ How many times have you gone? How many times have you been gone? الجمل سفينة الصحراء The camel is the ship of the Sahara. the Desert Ship لدينا أذنان. We have two ears. We have ears. أريد الإجابةَ على السؤال الأخير أولاً. I want to answer the last question first. I want to answer the last question first. أقنعته أن يتخلى عن الموضوع. I persuaded him to give up the idea. I convinced him to give it up. أود العمل في بوستن. I'd like to work in Boston. I would like to work in Boston. كَم لبثت؟ How long did you stay? How long? افترس سامي انفتاح ليلى و ضعفها, Sami preyed on Layla's openness and vulnerability. Sammy's open-mindedness and weakness. فضّلت ليلى قضاء وقتها خارج المنزل. Layla preferred to spend her time out of the house. Lily preferred to spend her time out of the house. من أين اقتنيت مربّى التّين هذا؟ Where did you buy this fig jam? Where did you get this fig jam? تأخرنا بسبب العاصفة. We were late because of the storm. We were late because of the storm. إنه كبير بما فيه الكفاية ليقود سيارة. He is old enough to drive. He's old enough to drive a car. سكّان غزّة و الضّفّة الغربيّة لا يمثّلون إلاّ نصف الشّعب الفلسطيني. The people of Gaza and the West Bank are only half of the Palestinian people. The residents of Gaza and the West Bank represent only half of the Palestinian population. أحب هيتومي. I love Hitomi. I love Hitomi. لا يبدو هذا عاديّا. This doesn't seem normal. That doesn't sound normal. يعطيك صّحّا بزّاف بزّاف! Thank you very much! Gives you a shout-out with a parader! زرتُ شانغهاي لَمَّا زرتُ الصين المرة الأخيرة. The last time I went to China, I visited Shanghai. I visited Shanghai when I last visited China. ماذا قال؟ What did he say? What'd he say? كان سامي يعيش حياة ساحرة. Sami was living a charmed life. Sammy was living a magical life. هل لي أن أتحدث مع الطبيب؟ Can I speak to the doctor? Can I talk to the doctor? آمل أن تمطر غداً. I hope that it rains tomorrow. I hope it rains tomorrow. سامي مسلم منذ ستّ سنوات. Sami has been Muslim for six years. Sammy has been a Muslim for six years. كان سامي نائما نوما عميقا. Fadil was sound asleep. Sam was sleeping deeply. كان سامي يحبّ الأشياء الممتازة في الحياة. Sami enjoyed the fine things of life. Sam loved the good things in life. أصيب سامي بالإحباط. Sami became depressed. Sammy was disappointed. قال ديما لنفسه: "سأبدو مثل جيمس بوند حقيقي في هذه"، ثم دخل المحل. "I'd look like a real James Bond in that," Dima said to himself, then entered the store. "I'm going to look like a real James Bond in this," Dima said to himself, then walked into the shop. يجب أن أذهب إلى البيت I have to go home. I have to go home. أنت مشتاق لها فحسب. You just missed her. You just miss her. الحمّام جاهز. The bath is ready. Bathroom's ready. أتستطيع تحدث الفرنسية؟ Can you speak French? Can you speak French? هل تعرف الولد في الصورة؟ Do you know the boy in the picture? Do you know the boy in the picture? عندي كتاب. I have a book. I have a book. عندما تسوق في الظلام تحس و كأنك تحلق في السماء. Driving in the dark feels like flying! When you shop in the dark, you feel like you're flying in the sky. لم تكذب من أجلها؟ Why do you lie for her? Why would you lie for her? لا تعبث بإنفك! Don't pick your nose! Don't mess with your nose! ماذا سيعرف؟ What would he know? What will he know? عايز ايه؟ What do you want? What do you want? كم كتاباً لديه؟ How many books does he have? How many books does he have? استقلت كينيا عام 1963. Kenya became independent in 1963. Kenya became independent in 1963. حدث ذلك في الأول من مايو. It happened on the first of May. It happened on May 1. غرفة الاستعجالات في الطّرف الآخر من العيادة. The emergency room is at the other end of the clinic. The E.R.'s on the other side of the clinic. دعنا ننسى هذا. Let's forget about this. Let's forget this. الإسلام خطر. Islam is dangerous. Islam is dangerous. عْلَى وَاشْ؟ About what? On what? كم أكره هذا الطقس! I hate this weather. I hate this weather! بيكاسو رسام مشهور. Picasso is a famous artist. Picasso is a famous painter. كانت رخيصة الثمن جداً. It was really cheap. It was very cheap. هل تهتم بالرياضة؟ Do you have any interest in sports? Do you care about sports? ومما زاد الطين بلةً، أن زوجها توفي. To make matters worse, her husband died. To make matters worse, her husband died. لا تطلب مني مالا. Don't ask me for money. Don't ask me for money. شهدنا ثلاثة حروب. We've seen three wars. We've seen three wars. لم يكن اسمها في القائمة. Her name wasn't on the list. Her name wasn't on the list. سوف أفعلها سواءاً وافقت أم لم توافق. I am going to do it whether you agree or not. I'll do it whether you say yes or not. لا أحب القهوة. I don't like coffee. I don't like coffee. اقطع الشجرة الميتة دي، وإلا هتقع على بيتك. Cut down that dead tree, or it will fall down on your house. Cut down the dead tree, or it will fall on your house. أخي صغير البنية إلا أنه قوي. My brother is small but strong. My brother's a little brown, but he's strong. طلب سامي الطّلاق. Sami filed for divorce. Sammy asked for the divorce. هل مازلتَ مُستيقظاً؟ You're still awake? Are you still awake? هذان العنصران مستقلان عن بعضهما. These two factors are independent of each other. These two elements are independent of each other. لم يجد توم مفتاحه في أي مكان. Tom couldn't find his key anywhere. Tom couldn't find his key anywhere. لازم نكۆنسيديريو لحاجا لماشي مليحا لّي قادرا تصرا. Let's consider the worst that could happen. I'm gonna have to find a pilgrim to insist. كانت الثّامنة و النّصف و لم يكن هناك أثر لفاضل بعد. At 8:30, there was still no sign of Fadil. It was eight and a half and there was no sign of Fadel yet. إنه قوي كالحصان. He is strong as a horse. He's strong as a horse. لقد ألح على أهمية السلم. He emphasized the importance of peace. He insisted on the importance of peace. ماتكونش جايح. Don't be so stupid. You're not clean. أنا لا أريد أن يكون هناك أي سوء فهم. I don't want there to be any misunderstanding. I don't want there to be any misunderstanding. أتود أن أساعدك؟ Do you want me to give you a hand? You want me to help you? انا اعرف كيفية النجاة I know how to survive. I know how to survive. هذه حقيقة لا تتغير. This is an immutable truth. That's an unchanging fact. ليس من الأدب أن تتكلم و فمك ممتلئ. It is rude to speak with your mouth full. It's not polite to talk with your mouth full. قال سامي أنّه يملك سيّارة. Sami said he had a ride. Sammy said he had a car. نعم, إنهُ غاضب. Yes, he is angry. Yeah, he's angry. ولكن المرح ليس كافياً. But fun is not enough. But fun is not enough. من الأفضل لك أن تغادر. You'd better go. You'd better leave. سمع سامي طلقة. Sami heard a shot. Sammy heard a shot. أشتم رائحة حريق يا أمي. I smell something burning, Mother. I smell a fire, Mom. لم تقصد أيّ أذى. There was no malice intended in what she said. She didn't mean any harm. هذا ليس عملك. That's not your job. That's not your job. أريد أن أتزوج فتاة مثلها. I want to marry a girl like her. I want to marry a girl like that. يجب أن تجيد نحو الأمازيغية لتتكلم هذه اللغة. You have to know Berber grammar to speak this language. You have to be good at Tamazight to speak that language. ما نحبش لي يقلقني كي نكون خدّام. I don't like people bothering me when I'm working. What we don't have worries me to be servants. هي لَمْ تذهبْ لأن صديقها لم يذهبْ She didn't go because her boyfriend didn't. She didn't go because her boyfriend didn't go. سامي ينتظر سيّارة أجرة. Sami is waiting for a taxi. Sammy's waiting for a cab. تعرّف سامي على صوت ليلى. Sami recognized Layla's voice. Sammy recognized Lily's voice. وضعت مضاد للتعرق على كل جسمي . اذ بدء العرق بالبخ من اعلى راسي ، انت تعرف السبب. I put roll-on antiperspirant all over my body. If sweat starts squirting out the top of my head, you know why. I put an antiperspirant all over my body, and I start to squirt from the top of my head, you know why. مكعب سكر واحد من فضلك. One lump of sugar, please. One sugar cube, please. ما تزيدش تعيط لطوم. Don't call Tom anymore. You're not giving a tom. لم يكن عند سامي أحد يناقش معه مشاكله. Sami had no one to discuss his problems with. Sammy had no one to discuss his problems with. كان سامي من أسرة مسلمة ملتزمة. Sami was from a practising Muslim family. Sami was from a committed Muslim family. لم يكن فاضل يعرف الكثير عن الإسلام آنذاك. Fadil didn't have much knowledge about Islam back then. Fadel did not know much about Islam at the time. نانسي عندها بيانو. Nancy has a piano. Nancy has a piano. ما الذي تراهُ فيها؟ What do you see in her? What do you see in her? لا يفكّر توم بالآخرين. Tom doesn't think about others. Tom doesn't think about others. لدي أشياء أهم لأفعلها. I have more important things to do. I have more important things to do. سيقام حفل زفافهم غداً. Their wedding will be tomorrow. Their wedding is tomorrow. أنا أعرف أباك I know your father. I know your father. ما الغرض من رحلتك؟ What's the purpose of your trip? What is the purpose of your trip? ماذا؟ لا أسمعك. What? I can't hear you. I can't hear you. أحببني المدرّس. The teacher liked me. I love the teacher. توجب على توم أن يتخذ قرارا. Tom had to make a decision. Tom had to make a decision. سامي يملك سيّارة. Sami has a ride. Sammy has a car. لقد كَرِهتُ المَدرَسَة. I hated school. I hated school. كان ينبغي على سامي أن يتنظر. Sami should have waited. Sammy had to wait. أنا آكل وأشرب. I eat and drink. I eat and drink. يبدو توم في حيرة. Tom looks baffled. Tom seems to be confused. آكل تفاحة. I am eating an apple. I eat an apple. شاهد جمال التلفاز إلى وقت متأخر من الليل. Jamal watched TV too late. Watch the beauty of television until late at night. اتنصب عليك. You've been deceived. I'm counting on you. أنا متمدّد فحسب. I am only lying down. I'm just stretching. هؤلاء الثلاثة بناته. Those three are his daughters. These three daughters. ليس معي نقود I have no money on me. I don't have any money. ليس بإمكاني تحمل هذا الضجيج. I can't stand the noise. I can't stand that noise. إنه يحب مدرسته كثيراً. He likes his school a lot. He loves his school very much. ألا تشعر بالبرد؟ Don't you feel cold? Aren't you cold? ما الجديد؟ What's new? What's up? حان الوقت لفعل شيئاً ما. It's time to do something. It's time to do something. لو لم يشأ توم أن يكون هنا، لما أتى. If Tom didn't want to be here, he would not have come. If Tom didn't want to be here, he wouldn't have come. لم تلبث ليلى و أن تبنّت الحياة الرّيفيّة. Layla soon embraced the country lifestyle. Layla didn't take long to adopt the rustic life. لا أدري كيف فعلتَها. I don't know how you did it. I don't know how you did it. توم أعدم بالمقصلة خلال الحرب الأهليّة الأمريكية. Tom was guillotined during the American Civil War. Tom was executed by guillotine during the American Civil War. توم في الخارج يسقي الأزهار. Tom is outside watering the flowers. Tom's out watering the flowers. أرجو إنتباهكم! Attention, please! Attention, please! ذهب سامي إلى منزل ليلى كي يقضي المزيد من الوقت معها. Fadil went to Layla's house to spend more time with her. Sami went to Laila’s house to spend more time with her. نحن نتوقّع من التّجربة أن تحدث نتائج. We are expecting the experiment to produce results. We expect the experiment to produce results. اسمي محذوفٌ من القائمة. My name is omitted from the list. My name's off the list. ستتزوج ابنتي في يونيو My daughter is getting married in June. My daughter is getting married in June. نجاحُهُ كلّفه كثيرًا. He paid too high a price for success. His success cost him dearly. حرثت الحقل. I plowed the field. I plowed the field. لم تعد إليّ نقودي. She didn't give me my money back. I don't have my money back. بعد الاستماع إلى أغنية عربية عشرين ثانية هذه المرة -لأنه لو سمعها عشر ثوان لكانت هذه جملة مكررة- سمع ديما أخيرًا صوتًا مألوفًا يقول: "السلام عليكم!" After listening to an Arabic song for twenty seconds this time - for if he listened for ten this would be a duplicate sentence - Dima finally heard a familiar voice say, "As-Salamu Alaykum!" After listening to an Arabic song twenty seconds this time, because if he had heard it ten seconds, this would have been a repeated sentence, Dima finally heard a familiar voice saying: “Peace be with you!” كتب التقرير. He wrote the report. He wrote the report. أصبح سامي متطرّفا خطيرا. Sami became a dangerous fanatic. Sammy became a dangerous extremist. هل اسمتعت بوقتك في رحلتك إلى لندن؟ Did you have a good time on your trip to London? Did you enjoy your trip to London? هرب الرجل عقب رؤية الشرطي. Seeing the policeman, the man ran away. The man fled after seeing the policeman. متى سترجع إلى المنزل؟ When will you come home? When are you coming home? أنظر إلى ذلك المبنى الأحمر. Look at that red building. Look at that red building. ألا تمانع أن أفتح النافذة؟ Do you mind if I open the window? Do you mind if I open the window? أسرع و إلا فاتنا القطار. Hurry up, or we'll miss the train. Hurry up or we'll miss the train. سيبقى الأولاد أولاداً. Boys will be boys. The boys will still be boys. ربحت لاكورس. Did you win the race? I won the lacrosse. زرت لندن مرتين. I have been to London twice. I've been to London twice. لم يصب سامي بكسور أسفل صدره. Sami had no broken bones below his chest. Sammy didn't get broken down in his chest. سلام. Peace. Bye. أشجار الخوخ تتطلب الكثير من أشعة الشمس. Peach trees require lots of sunshine. Peach trees require a lot of sunlight. أحتاج إلى مساعدتك. I need your help. I need your help. قام المتظاهرون بضرب العديد من رجال الشرطة حتى الموت. The rioters beat many policemen to death. Protesters beat several policemen to death. لا أصدق أني جالس بجانب توم. I can't believe I'm sitting next to Tom. I can't believe I'm sitting next to Tom. هي، أنت! Hey, you! Hey, you! ذلك لأنك بنت. That's because you're a girl. That's because you're a girl. عقدتُ العزم على أن أكون عالمًا. I am determined to be a scientist. I was determined to be a scientist. انتظر سامي هناك. Sami waited there. Wait for Sammy there. غادر سامي إلى منزله. Sami left to head home. Sammy went home. و أخيراً ظهر. At last he appeared. He finally showed up. أعطني الملعقة. Give me the spoon. Give me the spoon. يا غبي! You idiot! You idiot! متأكد بأن توم يخطط لفعل ذلك. I'm sure Tom is planning to do that. I'm sure Tom's planning on doing that. لم لا تقبل بذلك؟ Why don't you accept that? Why don't you take it? عادة ما يصلّي سامي في الجماعة. Sami usually performs prayers in congregation. Sammy usually prays in congregation. تفقّد سامي رسائل ليلى الإلكترونية. Sami checked Layla's e-mails. Sammy checked Lily's e-mails. انتظرتْ ردي. She waited for my reply. She waited for my answer. عطيني التيساع! Leave me alone! Give me the tits! كسّر سامي نظّاراته و لا يستطيع رؤية شيء. Sami broke his glasses and he can't see anything. Sammy broke his glasses and couldn't see anything. أحبّ دراسة اللّغات. I like to study languages. I love studying languages. سامي يحبّ التّعرّف على أصدقاء جدد. Sami likes making friends. Sammy likes to make new friends. لنذهب إلى هناك بسرعة. Let's get there quickly. Let's get there quick. أحبت شابا أصغر منها سنا. She fell in love with a younger man. She loved a younger man. أعطني فرصةً أخرى. Give me another chance. Give me another chance. لدي أسبوع لأنهي واجبي. I have a week to do my homework. I have a week to finish my homework. أريد أن أقبل بالإسلام دينا. I want to accept Islam. I want to accept Islam as my religion. لا تخاطر. Don't take chances. Don't risk it. قد ينزل الثلج It may snow. It could snow. هل تتذكر كيف كانت تبدو؟ Do you remember what she was like? Do you remember what she looked like? بحثت عنه في كل مكان لكني لم أجده. I looked for it everywhere but didn't find it. I looked everywhere, but I couldn’t find it. ديانا أختك غير الشقيقة كذلك. Diane is your half sister, too. Diana is your half-sister as well. الأمواج عالية. The waves are high. The waves are high. هل نحن بحاجة إلى لغة عالمية؟ Do we need a world language? Do we need a universal language? مينذاك اللعبة تْدوم نْهار كامَل. Sometimes the game lasted all day. Who's that game lasts a full day. قامت ليلى بحرق كلّ كتب آرت المتعلّقة بالأدب العنصري. Layla burned all of Aart's books about racist literature. Laila burned all of Art's books related to racist literature. درك راني عايش مع خالي. Now I live with my uncle. Rani lived with my uncle. هىَ ليست أختي. She's not my sister. She's not my sister. لا تكن شرّيرا. Don't be evil! Don't be evil. من رسم هذه اللوحة؟ Who painted this painting? Who painted this painting? الرَجُل الشاب الأعمى تغلب على إعاقتهُ. The blind young man has overcome his handicap. The blind young man overcame his handicap. البارحة سمعت عن حالتي وفاة في مرض الكورونا ببلدتي. Yesterday, I heard about two fatalities in my town due to a coronavirus. Yesterday I heard about two deaths from coronavirus in my hometown. كمان مرة. Once again. A violin once. حصلت على علامة جيدة في مادة الإنجليزية. She got good grades in English. I got a good mark in English. نسيتُ شراء السكّر. I forgot to buy sugar. I forgot to buy sugar. لن أدير ظهري لِتوم. I'm not going to turn my back on Tom. I'm not turning my back on Tom. هذا الكتاب لديه الكثير من الكلمات الأمازيغية النافعة. This book has a lot of useful Berber words. This book has a lot of useful Amazigh words. إنه يتكلم الإنجليزية بلكنة ألمانية. He speaks English with a German accent. He speaks English with a German accent. من يطرق الباب؟ Who is knocking on the door? Who's knocking? تزحلقت العربة المسرعة و اصطدمت مقدمة العربة ب مؤخرة الشاحنة بشكل مفاجئ جداً . The speeding vehicle skidded and crashed head-on into the rear-end of a truck before the driver could say Jack Robinson. The speeding carriage slid and the front of the carriage hit the rear of the truck very suddenly. هي لا تحب الثعابين و الرياضيات. She does not like snakes and mathematics. She doesn't like snakes and math. رفض توم أن يفعل أي شيء قذر مع ماري. Tom refused to soil his hands for Mary. Tom refused to do anything dirty with Mary. أعرف أنك كنت في بوسطن. I know you've been in Boston. I know you were in Boston. سأطلق النار عليه. I will shoot him. I'll shoot him. لا تقلق. Don't worry! Don't worry. أعطوه فرصة للهروب. They gave him a chance to escape. Give him a chance to escape. سامي يحبّ الموسيقى الصّوتيّة. Sami loves acoustic music. Sammy loves sound music. أريد كأسا من الماء من فضلك. A glass of water, please. I'd like a glass of water, please. لا تقلق Never mind. Don't worry. في الحقيقة لم آكل أي شيء منذ هذا الصباح. As a matter of fact, I have had nothing since this morning. I haven't actually eaten anything since this morning. كان فاضل خطيرا جدّا بالنّسبة للنّاس. Fadil was very dangerous to other people. Fadel was too dangerous for people. كثيرا ما يكون التّواضع مربحا أكثر من الفخر. Humility often gains more than pride. It’s often more rewarding than pride. يتلف التّين بسرعة كبيرة. Figs deteriorate really fast. It damages the figs very quickly. افضل القطط أكثر من الكلاب. I prefer cats to dogs. Cats are better than dogs. أراد سامي أن يصبح مسلما. Sami wanted to be a Muslim. Sammy wanted to be a Muslim. كان ذلك آخر استعراض حبّ قام به سامي تجاه ليلى. That was Sami's final act of love for Layla. This was Sammy’s last love show for Lily. وقعت تفاحة عندما فتحت باب الثلاجة. When I opened the door of the refrigerator, an apple fell out. An apple fell when I opened the refrigerator door. هل تلك الحقيبة السوداء لك؟ Is that black briefcase yours? Is that black bag yours? كان سامي مفزوعا. Sami was terrified. Sammy was terrified. ذوق زوجتي في الفساتين يختلف عن ذوقي. My wife's taste in dress is contrary to my own. My wife's taste in dresses is different from mine. أيحب توشيو ساتشيكو؟ Does Toshio like Sachiko? Does he like Toshio Sachiko? لازَم نْفَرّحْ بابا. I have to make my dad happy. We have to let Daddy go. أنا لا أعرفها I don't know her. I don't know her. إن لعب كرة المضرب ممتع. Playing tennis is a lot of fun. Playing tennis is fun. العراك جزء من حياة فاضل اليوميّة. Confrontations are part of Fadil's everyday life. Fighting is part of Fadel's daily life. لازم ما تتكلمش هنا. You should not talk here. You need to talk here. وزّع علينا ورق اللعب. Deal us the cards. He handed us the cards. سوف ننطلق عندما يخفّ هطول المطر. We set out when the rain had eased. We'll take off when the rain subsides. ارتدى سامي بدلة للشّرطة. Sami wore his police uniform. Sammy wore a police suit. دعى فتى آخر ليلى للرّقصة. Another boy invited Layla to the dance. Another boy invited Lily to the dance. الحروب لا تبدأ هكذا كما يبدأ الشتاء، بل الناس هم من يبدأون الحروب. Wars don't simply start like winter starts, but rather it is people that start a war. Wars don’t start like winter, people start wars. لا يدان أي شخص من جراء أداة عمل أو الامتناع عن أداة عمل إلا إذا كان ذلك يعتبر جرماً وفقاً للقانون الوطني أو الدولي وقت الارتكاب، كذلك لا توقع عليه عقوبة أشد من تلك التي كان يجوز توقيعها وقت ارتكاب الجريمة. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed. No person shall be convicted of an act or omission unless it is an offence under national or international law at the time of the commission of the offence, nor shall he be liable to a heavier penalty than that which may have been imposed at the time of the commission of the offence. سأحاول ما استطعتُ ألّا أُقاطِع مذاكرتك. I'll do my best not to disturb your studying. I'll try my best not to interrupt your study. كان سامي يسافر مع كلبه. Sami traveled with his dog. Sammy was traveling with his dog. تعال العام المقبل. Come next year. Come next year. ما رأيها في سيارتي؟ What does she think about my car? What did she think of my car? لا أريد العمل. I don't want to work. I don't want to work. لا أرى لذلك حاجة. I didn't see the need for it. I don't see a need. هل أُخذت هذه الصورة حديثاً؟ Is this a recent photo? Was this photo taken recently? أطلق سامي النّار و لم يصب. Sami shot and missed. Sammy opened fire and wasn't hurt. قاع التواقي راهُم مغلوقين. All of the windows are closed. The bottom of the hoops is locked. تستحق ذلك. You deserve it. You deserve it. رأيت صورتها. I saw her picture. I saw her picture. انخفضت الطائرة الصغيرة قليلاً لكي تصبح تحت الغيوم. The small plane dipped slightly to go under the clouds. The little plane went down a bit to get under the clouds. سامي و ليلى تشاجرا بشدّة. Sami and Layla had a huge argument. Sammy and Lily fought hard. أنا من طوكيو. I'm from Tokyo. I'm from Tokyo. امتلأت حقيبته بالماء. His bag was filled with water. His bag was filled with water. لقد تعطّل محرّكي. My engine is out. My engine's down. كانت ليلى مشجّعة مثيرة في الجامعة. Layla was a sexy college cheerleader. Lily was a hot cheerleader in college. العربيّة ليست معقّدة. Arabic isn't complicated. Arabic is not complicated. راو يبرا بلعقل ملمرض ديالو. He is slowly recovering from his illness. Rao Yabra with a sick mind Diallo. انه مجرم قذر و قاتل متسلسل, أتمنى أن يرسل لسجن لبقيّة حياته. He's a dirty criminal and a serial killer. I hope he will be sent to prison for the rest of his life. He's a dirty criminal and a serial killer. I hope he gets sent to prison for the rest of his life. سأذهب إلى طوكيو غدا. I will go to Tokyo tomorrow. I'm going to Tokyo tomorrow. لو أردت أن أخيفك لحكيت لك ما حلمت به منذ بضعة أسابيع. If I wanted to scare you, I would have told you about what I dreamt about a few weeks ago. If I wanted to scare you, I'd tell you what I dreamed of a few weeks ago. من أخذ مفاتيحي؟ Who took my keys? Who took my keys? تلقّت ليلى المساعدة. Layla received help. Lily got help. ها هو كلبك. Your dog is here. There's your dog. سامي مقتنع أنّ الجميع يكرهه. Sami is convinced that everybody hates him. Sammy is convinced that everyone hates him. توم يحب القراءة Tom loves reading. Tom loves to read. بنى فاضل علاقة حبّه مع دانية على الأكاذيب. Fadil's love for Dania was built on lies. Fadel built his love affair with Dania on lies. لقد فقد الأمل بشكل تام. He lost all hope. He's completely lost hope. الرب واحد. The Lord is one. God is one. كان كل الموز الذي أتيت به إلي البارحة فاسدًا. The bananas you brought to me last night were all bad. All the bananas you brought me yesterday were rotten. كيف نِمتِ الليلة الماضية؟ How did you sleep last night? How did you sleep last night? سأحضر بعض كؤوس الشرب. I'll get some glasses. I'll get some drinks. الرجاء مساعدتي في ملء هذه الإستمارة. Please help me fill out this form. Please help me fill out this form. من حسن حظّ سامي، لم تخبر ليلى أحدا عن ذلك. Luckily for Sami, Layla told no one about that. Lucky for Sammy, Layla didn't tell anyone about it. لا تقلق. ألم أقل أن كل شئ سيجري على ما يرام. Don't worry. Didn't I say that everything would go well? Didn't I say everything was gonna be okay? هذا أمر يا توم. That's an order, Tom. That's an order, Tom. سامي حقّا أحمق. Sami really is an idiot. Sammy's a real jerk. بالله عليك! Come on! Come on! إنّه لأمر ممتع أن يتعرّف المرأ على زوج من المسلمين في هذه المدينة. It's so refreshing to meet a good Muslim couple in this town. It's fun to get to know a couple of Muslims in this city. احجزن تلك الكلاب. Shut those dogs up. Lock up those dogs. ها هي تذكرتي للرجوع. Here's my return ticket. Here's my ticket back. دايما نروح لّمسيد نمشي. I always walk to school. We're always going to Mr. Namsit. كان سامي صديقا لتلك الفتاة. Sami was not friends with that girl. Sammy was a friend of that girl. هل تبحث عن أحد؟ Are you looking for someone? Are you looking for someone? طوم لقى ماري مخبية في البلاكار. Tom found Mary hiding in the closet. Tom met Mary hiding in the blacar. سامي يقرع على باب ليلى. Sami is knocking on Layla's door. Sammy knocks on Lily's door. وإلى كل هؤلاء الذين يشاهدوننا هذه الليلة فيما وراء حدودنا، من البرلمانات وقصور الحكم، إلى هؤلاء الذين يتجمعون حول أجهزة الراديو في أركانٍ منسيةٍ في عالمنا، أقول: حكاياتنا تختلف في تفردها، إلا أن المصير الذي يجمعنا واحدٌ، وأن فجر قيادةٍ أمريكيةٍ جديدة قد أطل علينا. And all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand. To all those who watch us tonight beyond our borders, from parliaments and palaces of government, to those who gather around radios in forgotten corners of our world, I say: Our stories are different in their uniqueness, but the destiny that unites us is one, and the dawn of a new American leadership has dawned on us. كانت ليلى تعمل كمتعرّية. Layla worked as a stripper. Lily worked as a stripper. انظر إلى من يتكلم. Look who's talking. Look who's talking. بالغ سامي في فيديوهاته للمقالب التي ينشرها على اليوتوب كي يجلب الانتباه. Sami pushed the limits of his YouTube pranks to get attention. Sammy exaggerated in his videos of the pranks he posts on YouTube in order to attract attention. اذهب الى المسجد خمس مرات يوميا Go to the mosque five times a day. Go to the mosque five times a day. يتكلم الفرنسية أيضاً. He can also speak French. He also speaks French. تذكر وعدك. Remember your promise. Remember your promise. سمع سامي بعض كلاب تنبح. Sami heard some dogs barking. Sam heard some dogs barking. من قال ذلك؟ إنه خطأ تمامًا! Who said that? It's totally wrong! Who said that? it's totally wrong! كانت ليلى تعيش شمال القاهرة. Layla lived north of Cairo. Leyla lived north of Cairo. ضحّى فاضل بسرّية هويته. Fadil sacrificed his anonymity. Fadel sacrificed his anonymity. هل يعلم أين اختبأت تلك القطط؟ Does he know where those cats hid themselves? Does he know where those cats hid? عملت امي بجد لكي تربينا . My mother worked hard in order to rear us. My mother worked hard to raise us. لهذه القصّة نهاية حزينة. This story has an unhappy ending. This story has a sad ending. ما علاباليش ڨع وش لازم ندير دوركا. I don't know what to do anymore. We don't have to run a cycle. خُتن سامي في سنّ السّادسة من عمره. Sami was circumcised at the age of 6. Sammy was circumcised at the age of six. "شكون⸮" "يمّاك.". "Who is it?" "It's your mother." "Shakun." "Yamak." يا ليتني عندي أصدقاء كثر. I wish I had more friends. I wish I had so many friends. كان فاضل يعلم أنّ الشّرطة ستكون في الطّريق إلى هناك. Fadil knew that the police were going to be on the way. Fadel knew the police would be on the way. أمتزوج أنت أم عزب؟ Are you married or single? Are you married or single? لم أُنهِ واجباتي بعد. I haven't finished my homework yet. I haven't finished my homework yet. لم يأذني أحد. Nobody hurt me. You didn't let anyone. منذ ان استلمت النساء المزيد من المسؤوليات في العمل و في المجتمع ، يقال ان عدد النساء الذين يعانون من الاجهاد من تربية الاطفال و العمل اخذ بالتصاعد . Since women are taking on more responsibilities at work and in the community, it is said that the number of women with stress from both child-rearing and work is increasing. Since women have taken on more responsibilities at work and in society, the number of women experiencing stress from child-rearing and work is said to be on the rise. سامي موظف استقبال. Sami is a receptionist. Sammy is a receptionist. انزعج سامي. Sami got annoyed. Sammy was upset. كيف آكل هذا؟ How should I eat this? How do I eat this? قبّلها. He kissed her. Kiss her. شكرت ليلى سامي على الورود. Layla thanked Sami for the flowers. She thanked Sammy for the roses. هلا. Hey. Hey. لا اتكلم عربي. I don't speak Arabic. I don't speak Arabic. كانت هذه آخر صورة التقطها سامي. That was the last picture Sami took. This was the last picture Sammy took. لم يكن توم هنا البارحة. Tom wasn't here yesterday. Tom wasn't here yesterday. أريد أن أكون هنا I want to be here. I want to be here. عطيت لو للكلب ياكل ولاّ مازال؟ Have you fed the dog yet? You gave Lou the dog eats and still doesn't? ماذا ستفعل الليلة؟ What are you going to do tonight? What are you doing tonight? فقد سامي كلب ليلى. Sami lost Layla's dog. Sammy lost a dog. محاولته باءت بالفشل. His attempt ended in failure. He tried unsuccessfully. الأمر عينه حصل لتوم. The exact same thing happened to Tom. The same thing happened to Tom. رائع Terrific! Cool. كانت طائرتنا تحلق فوق السحب. Our plane was flying above the clouds. Our plane was flying over the clouds. قَصَدْتُهُ مِِثلَ نُكتَةٍ. I meant it as a joke. I meant it like a joke. ماذا يعني هذا بالعربية؟ What does this mean in Arabic? What does that mean in Arabic? لا تنس استعمال عبارات "من فضلك" و "شكرا". Don't forget to say "please" and "thank you". Don’t forget to use the words “please” and “thank you.” نتن ياهو هو مجرم حرب. Netanyahu is a war criminal. Yahoo stinks. He's a war criminal. أتحبينني بحق؟ Do you really love me? Do you really love me? لا زلتُ أتعلّم الأمازيغية. I still learn Berber. I'm still learning Amazigh. أهان سامي ليلى بقصّ شعرها. Sami humiliated Layla by cutting her hair. Sammy insulted Layla by cutting her hair. نُقل سامي إلى العيادة البلديّة. Sami was taken to the municipal clinic. Sammy was taken to the municipal clinic. ماذا تفعل يا أبي؟ What are you doing, Dad? What are you doing, Dad? اللّغة الأمازيغيّة لديها الآن أكاديميّة في الجزائر. The Berber language has an academy in Algeria now. The Amazigh language now has an academy in Algeria. لم يكن سامي نائما. Sami wasn't sleeping. Sammy wasn't sleeping. تلك المرأة العجوز تعيش لوحدها. That old woman lives by herself. That old woman lives alone. تعلّم التحكّم في فخرك. Just learn to swallow your pride. Learn to control your pride. إنه فنّان مشهور. He is a famous artist. He's a famous artist. أرسل سامي لعشيقته 3000 رسالة صوتيّة. Sami sent his mistress 3000 voice messages. Sammy sent his girlfriend 3,000 voicemails. سأنتقل الشهر التالي. I'm going to move next month. I'm moving out next month. طلب السفير البريطاني لقاء مباشرا مع الرئيس. The English ambassador demanded to meet with the President directly. The British ambassador requested a direct meeting with the president. كلبي يأكل العنب. My dog eats grapes. My dog eats grapes. أُحضِرَ سامي مجدّدا إلى العدالة. Sami was brought back to justice. Sammy was brought back to justice. لديّ بعض الملابس لك. I have some clothes for you. I have some clothes for you. قدماها طويلتان. She has long feet. Her feet are long. أكره الكلاب. I just hate dogs. I hate dogs. يحترم عالمنا قانوناً ذهبياً واحداً: من يملك الذهب يضع القانون. The world follows one golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules. Our world respects one golden law: he who owns the gold makes the law. كان مكيّف الهواء يشتغل. The air conditioner was on. The air conditioner was on. سيقدّم سامي بعض الدّواء لليلى. Sami is going to give Layla some medicine. Sammy's gonna give Lily some medicine. سلّم سامي أمر حياته لله. Sami gave his life to God. Sammy gave up his life for God. دعونا نقم برحلة إلى أستراليا Let's take a trip to Australia. Let's take a trip to Australia. انتظرت ليلى الشّرطة. Layla waited for the cops. Lily waited for the police. لا أعرف شيئًا البتّة. I know nothing. I don't know anything. و أخيراً حقق هدفه. At last he achieved his goal. He finally achieved his goal. ماريكا فينلاندية، بصّح تهدر الألمانية كي الألمانيين سواسوا. Marika is Finnish but she speaks German just like the Germans. Marika Finnande, Splendid Waste German Ki Germans Swaswa. في هذه الانتخابات أشياءٌ كثيرة حدثت لأول مرة وحكاياتٍ كثيرة ستُروى عبر الأجيال. أما الحكاية التي تدور في ذهني هذه الليلة، فإنها لامرأة أدلت بصوتها في أطلانطا. إنها تشبه الملايين غيرها الذين وقفوا في الصفوف طويلاً ليضعوا بطاقاتهم في صناديق الاقتراع. إلا أن هناك وجه خلاف وحيد بينها وبين الآخرين، هو أن آن نيكسون في عامها السادس بعد المائة. This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. But one that's on my mind tonight is about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election, except for one thing: Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old. In this election, so many things have happened for the first time, and so many stories will be told through generations. The story I have in mind tonight is of a woman who voted in Atlanta. على أي سرير تريد أن تنام؟ Which bed do you want to use? What bed do you want to sleep in? يمنع استخدام هذه المعلومات لأغراض تجارية. It's forbidden to use this information commercially. It is prohibited to use this information for commercial purposes. كل ما يمكنك فعله هو الانتظار. All you can do is wait. All you can do is wait. توم في البيت. Tom is in the house. Tom's home. لم كان يحدث ذلك؟ Why was that happening? Why was that happening? لماذا لا يدعونه "سامي" بكلّ بساطة؟ Why don't they just call him "Sami"? Why don't they just call him Sammy? هل أنتَ جمال صادق؟ أنا من محبّيكَ. Are you Jamal Sadiq? I'm a big fan! Are you an honest beauty? هيا. أنتَ يمكنكَ أن تفعلها. Come on. You can do it. Come on, you can do it. هل جننت؟ Have you gone nuts? Are you crazy? في بعض الواح الكومبيوتر ، القابليات او الاعدادات كانت تحدد باستخدام مفتاح غلق و فتح يركب على اللوح ; في يومنا هذا ،هذه الاعدادات يتم عملها في البرمجة. On some computer boards, the capabilities or configuration was set using a dip switch mounted on the board; today these settings are done in software In some computer boards, the capabilities or settings were determined using a lock-and-open switch mounted on the board; nowadays, these settings are done in programming. في تلك الدولة الحكومة تتحكم بالاسعار. In that country the government controls prices. In this country, the government controls prices. كان سامي طفلا معرّضا للخطر. Sami was a child in danger. Sammy was a child at risk. رصدت الشّرطة سيّارة فاضل بالقرب من الحدود. Police spotted Fadil's car near the border. Police spotted Fadel's car near the border. صفع سامي ليلى مجدّدا. Sami slapped Layla again. Sammy slapped Lily again. هل يوجد أي شيء أخر تريد أن تُخبرني به؟ Is there anything else you want to tell me? Is there anything else you want to tell me? ما إنْ تبدأ التدخين، فإنه يصعب عليك ترك تلك العادة السيئة. Once you start smoking, it is difficult to get rid of that bad habit. Once you start smoking, it’s hard to quit that bad habit. توم غاضب على مارى. Tom is angry at Mary. Tom is angry at Mary. لدي وظيفة جيدة الان. I have a good job now. I have a good job now. تغير المطر إلى ثلج. The rain changed to snow. The rain changed to snow. تعرّضت ليلى للمضايقة في قسمها. Layla was bullied in class. Leyla was harassed in her department. أُرِيدُ أَنْ أَرَى الْغُرْفَةَ. I should like to see the room. I want to see the room. لم أسمع في حياتي بهذا البتة. Never in my life have I heard such a thing. I've never heard that before in my life. هيّا يا جيم. Come on, Jim. Come on, Jim. إزاي يحصل لي كده؟ How could this happen to me? How do I get that? لن يفوز توم. Tom isn't going to win. Tom won't win. ما مهنتك؟ What do you do for a living? What's your profession? الطلبة في استراحة الآن. The students are having a recess now. Students are on a break now. سامي لا يستحقّ مطلقا أن يُطرد. Sami definitely doesn't deserve to be fired. Sammy doesn't deserve to be fired. متى استيقظت؟ When did you get up? When did you wake up? ماتنسناش! Don't forget about us! Matinsnach! أنا طالب I'm a student. I'm a student. لماذا كذبت علي؟ Why did you lie to me? Why did you lie to me? كتب سامي بعض الشّعر بالعربيّة. Sami wrote some poetry in Arabic. Sammy wrote some poetry in Arabic. يجب على المسؤولين أن يقيموا تواصل وثيق بين الموظّفين. Administrators need to establish a close liaison with employees. Officials must maintain close communication between employees. سامي يحبّ الشّوكولاتة. Sami enjoys chocolate. Sammy likes chocolate. نظرا للوقت المتأخّر، ألحّ سامي على ليلى كي تمضي اللّيلة في شقّته. Because it was late, Sami encouraged Layla to spend the night in his apartment. Due to the late hour, Sami urged Layla to spend the night in his apartment. لم يصل الباص بعد. The bus hasn't come yet. The bus hasn't arrived yet. توجّه سامي نحو الباب و قرع مرّتين. Sami went to the door and knocked twice. Sammy went to the door and knocked twice. أنا أعرف هؤلاء الفتيات I know those girls. I know these girls. ماذا سنفعل ؟ What are we gonna do??? What do we do? أنا أسف لعدم قدرتي لحضور عزاء توم. I'm sorry I wasn't able to attend Tom's funeral. I'm sorry I couldn't come to Tom's funeral. كيف يمكنني أن أنساها؟ How do I forget her? How could I forget her? سامي يحبّ المأكولات البحريّة. Sami likes seafood. Sammy likes seafood. يمكنك زيارتي متى ما أحببت. You can come visit me whenever you like. You can visit me whenever you like. واصل سامي الكلام. Sami kept talking. Sammy kept talking. أحب مواقع الشبكات الاجتماعية. I like social networking web sites. I love social networking sites. إسحاق، الذي وُلد و نشأ في تل أبيل، يرفض سياسات الأبارتايد التي تمارسها الحكومة الإسرائيليّة. Yitzhak, who was born and raised in Tel-Aviv, rejects the apartheid policies of the Israeli government. Isaac, who was born and raised in Tel Aviv, rejects the apartheid policies of the Israeli government. شعرنا بالقليل من الذعر. We panicked a little bit. We were a little panicked. طلب توم من ماري إيقاف السيارة. Tom asked Mary to stop the car. Tom asked Mary to stop the car. أنت لا تعلم ما قله لي. You don't know what he told me. You don't know what to say to me. من فضلك إخلع قبعتك. Please take off your hat. Please take off your hat. ساعدني في تنظيف البيت من فضلك. Please help me clean the house. Help me clean the house, please. إن أحببت، فسأعلمك كيف تلعب الشطرنج. If you like, I will teach you to play chess. If you like, I'll teach you how to play chess. أنا فخور بك. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you. لكل إنسان الحق، على قدم المساواة التامة مع الآخرين، في أن تنظر قضيته أمام محكمة مستقلة نزيهة نظراً عادلاً علنياً للفصل في حقوقه والتزاماته وأية تهمة جنائية توجه إليه. Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. Everyone has the right, in full equality with others, to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. لا تقلق. أنا سأعتني بك. Don't worry. I'll take care of you. I'll take care of you. لم يتوقّع أحد أن يفوز توم. No one expected Tom to win. No one expected Tom to win. استأجرت ليلى مدرّبا للكلاب. Layla hired a dog trainer. Lily hired a dog trainer. لوث ذلك الماء بالزيت. The water was fouled by oil. Contaminate that water with oil. سامي طبيب. Sami is a doctor. Sammy's a doctor. سامي يمشي. Sami is walking. Sammy walks. توم كان خايف لوكان يسمعو كاش واحد. Tom was afraid that somebody would hear him. Tom was scared if they could hear Cash One. أرغم فاضل دانية على أن تمارس معه أفعالا جنسيّة لا تُوصف. Fadil forced Dania to perform unspeakable acts on him. Fadel forced Dania to perform unspeakable sexual acts with him. كيف تعرف أنك تستطيع القيام بذلك؟ How do you know you can do that? How do you know you can do this? أشتاق إليك كثيراً. I miss you very much. I miss you so much. كان عند ليلى صور لها بملابس البيكيني. Layla had pictures of her in a bikini. Lily had pictures of her in bikini clothes. إفعل ما يخبرك توم به لتفعله وكل شئ سيكون بخير. Do what Tom tells you to do and everything will be fine. Do what Tom tells you to do and everything will be fine. أنا مشتاق لك. I miss you. I miss you. الأمازيغية مفيدة. Berber is useful. Amazigh is useful. لقد كنت صادقاً عندما قلت أريد الزواج بكِ. I was sincere when I said I want to marry you. I was honest when I said I wanted to marry you. هو لم يكن مدرّسي. He was not my teacher. He wasn't my teacher. كان سامي في الجامعة. Sami was in college. Sammy was in college. ظننت توم ميّتا. I thought Tom was dead. I thought Tom was dead. نقل سامي ليلى بسرعة إلى المستشفى. Fadil rushed Layla to the hospital. Sami Laila was rushed to the hospital. تبدو شاحباً للغاية. You look very pale. You look so pale. ستعود ليلى حالا. Layla will be right back. Lily will be right back. أنا أدرس عدّة لغات. I'm studying several languages. I'm studying several languages. اتّخذ سامي اسما مسلما. Sami took a Muslim name. Sammy took a Muslim name. شكرا جزيلا. Thanks a bunch. Thank you very much. التمس الحذر وأنت تعبر الطريق. Be careful when you cross a road. Be careful when crossing the road. لا شيئَ مثالي. Nothing's perfect. Nothing's perfect. يعتقدون أن كل ما هو جديد أفضل مما هو قديم. They take it for granted that what is new is better than what is old. They think that everything that is new is better than what is old. يانّي يأكل التّين. Yanni is eating figs. Jani eats figs. سامي متسلّط. Sami is bossy. Sammy's a bully. لدي كحة. I have a cough. I have a cough. اقترب سامي أكثر. Sami got closer. Sammy came closer. انتظر إلي الآن يا جمال. Watch me now, Jamal. Wait for me now, Jamal. اكتمل. Done. Completed. يحب اليابانيون السفر كمجموعات. The Japanese like to travel in groups. The Japanese love to travel as a group. كان فاضل يريد أن تتزوّج به ليلى. Fadil wanted Layla to marry him. Fadel wanted to marry Layla. قلتَ لي أنّك لن تتركني لوحدي أبدا. You said you'd never leave me alone. You told me you'd never leave me alone. ابق معنا. Stay here with us. Stay with us. أنا في العمل الأن, لذلك سأتصل بكَ لاحقاً. I'm at work now, so I'll call you later. I'm at work now, so I'll call you later. الحاجة تفتق الحيلة. Necessity is the mother of invention. Necessity taper trick. إنه محظوظ أكثر مما هو ذكي. He is more lucky than clever. He's luckier than he's smart. يعجبه الاستماع إلى الراديو. He likes to listen in to the radio. He likes to listen to the radio. هذه ليست ساعة عملي. It's not my working hour. This isn't my watch. نصحق نسقسيق كستيۆن جايحا. I need to ask you a silly question. We're going to send you a clean stub. مهمتك أن تجمع الأوراق الميتة في الحديقة. Your job is to gather dead leaves in the garden. Your job is to collect dead leaves in the garden. بزاف! That's a lot! Bzaf! "أنتِ تُفقدينني صوابي يا عزيزتي." "أعلم ذلك." "You drive me crazy, baby." "I know." "You're driving me crazy, baby." "I know." كان فاضل جرّاحا موثوق به. Fadil was a trusted surgeon. Fadel was a trusted surgeon. هذه السيارة أكبر من تلك. This car is bigger than that one. This car is bigger than that. خذ وقتك ،يا يوشيدا.. Take your time, Yoshida. Take your time, Yoshida. يمكنني أن اسمعه. I can hear it. I can hear it. هل تَعَلَمَ اليابانية أيضاً؟ Did he learn Japanese as well? Did you learn Japanese too? انتقلت ليلى للعيش هنا. Layla moved in. Lily moved here. قدّم سامي وثائقا تثبت أنّه قد زار حقّا ذلك المستشفى. Sami produced paperwork that shows that he really had been to the hospital. Sami provided documents proving that he had actually visited that hospital. أحضرها لي. Bring it to me. Bring it to me. لعبا سامي و ليلى لعبة أوراق. Sami and Layla played a card game. Sammy and Lily played cards. اربط يديه خلفه. Tie his hands behind him. Tie his hands behind him. أستطيع تقشير تفاحة. I can peel an apple. I can peel an apple. الإسلام صواب. Islam is common sense. Islam is right. كان سامي يريد أن يشتري ملابسا لليلى. Sami wanted to buy Layla clothes. Sammy wanted to buy Lily clothes. ترك فاضل ليلى في العراء. Fadil left Layla in the wild. Fadel left Layla out in the open. بدأ الشرطة التحقيق في جريمة القتل. The police began to go into the murder case. Police have begun investigating the murder. زيّن سامي المكتب. Sami decorated the office. Sammy decorated the office. سأترك الكتب هنا. I am leaving the books here. I'll leave the books here. أعطني يدك يا جمال. Give me your hand, Jamal. Give me your hand, Jamal. لم يطلّق فاضل ليلى. Fadil didn't divorce Layla. He didn't divorce Fadel Layla. صرخ بقوة في حين يطلب المساعدة. He strongly cried out asking for help. He screamed loudly while asking for help. قف! Stop! Whoa! يركض توم بسرعة كبيرة. Tom runs very fast. Tom is running too fast. لا أحد يفهم ماذا يجري. Nobody understands what's going on. No one understands what's going on. قامت أمي بقياس حرارة جسدي. My mother took my temperature. My mother measured my body temperature. هذه الجملة تصف بالتحديد مشاعر الكاتب. This sentence states exactly how the writer feels. This sentence specifically describes the feelings of the writer. يبدو قوياً. He looks strong. He looks strong. الإستيقاظ ضد النوم. Waking up is the opposite of going to sleep. Wake up against sleep. أين أقرب كنيسة ؟ Where's the nearest church? Where's the nearest church? ماذا حصل ؟ What happened? What happened? ليتني كنت أستطيع الذهاب إلى الحفلة الغنائية. I wish I could go to the concert. I wish I could go to the concert. لطالما عانى توم من تلك المشكلة. Tom has always had that problem. Tom has always had this problem. أيمكنك تولّي أمره؟ Can you deal with it? Can you handle him? كانت جثّة ليلى ملطّخة بالدّم. Layla's body was spattered with blood. Lily's body was bloodied. يجب عليكَ أن لا تحكم علىَ شخص من مظهرهُ. You shouldn't judge a person by his appearance. You shouldn't judge someone by how they look. سامي فعل هذا. Sami did this. Sammy did this. واضح أنّه مذنب. Clearly, he's guilty. He's clearly guilty. نحن لا نعرف عنه شيئاً. We don't know anything about him. We don't know anything about him. حاول توم أن يقتلني. Tom tried to kill me. Tom tried to kill me. أنا حقا احب القطط. I really love cats. I really like cats. إنك تبلي حسناً. You are doing very well. You're doing great. كُفّ عن اللعب بشعرك. Stop playing with your hair. Stop playing with your hair. أنا في إضراب من 8 إلى 12 ديسمبر. I'm striking from the 8th to the 12th of December. I'm on strike from December 8 to 12. ما هي هوايتك؟ What's your hobby? What's your hobby? كاين زوج طونوبيلات مڨاريين ف لڨاراج ديالو. There are two cars standing in his garage. Caine is the husband of Tonopilate Magarien in Lagaraj Diallo. انا احب كلا منهما I like both of them. I love both of them. انسَ الأمر. Forget it. Forget it. اتّصل بي مدرّسك. Your teacher called me. Your teacher called me. تعجبني خطتك. I like your plan. I like your plan. لم أكن أريد أن أهينك. I didn't want to humiliate Tom. I didn't want to offend you. اعمل انك لن تفعل هذا I know that you didn't do that. I know you won't. لكۆمّونيزم ژامي ما يلحق او انا عايش. Communism will never be reached in my lifetime. My mother's either following or I'm living. ملأ الزجاجة بالماء. He filled the bottle with water. Fill the bottle with water. من أي سورة هذه الاَية؟ From which Surah is this Ayah from? Which sura is that? تضرب الزلازل اليابان بكثرة. Earthquakes frequently hit Japan. Earthquakes hit Japan a lot. هذه هي الطريقة الخطأ للقيام بهذا. It's the wrong way to do it. That's the wrong way to do this. ايه المبنى اللي بسقف أخضر ده؟ What is that building with the green roof? Which building has a green roof? هل يمكنك أن تنصحني بمطعم جيد؟ Can you recommend a good restaurant? Can you recommend a good restaurant? ايها الناس امضوا قدماً . نحن سوف نتبعكم . You people go ahead. We'll bring up the rear. People, go ahead. We'll follow you. يتكلم جاك الإنجليزية. Jack speaks English. Jack speaks English. طلب الشرطى اعادة اصطفاف سيارتى The policeman told me to repark my car, and I did. The cop asked for my car to be re-parked. أنا أشعر بالملل. I am bored. I'm bored. ما افتكرش ان الفقر عيب. I think being poor is nothing to be ashamed of. I think poverty is wrong. أخبرني ألّا أقود بسرعة عالية. He told me not to drive too fast. Tell me not to drive too fast. من الأفضل أن تعيد كتابة هذه الجملة. You should rewrite this sentence. You better rewrite that sentence. أنا في مصر. I'm in Egypt. I'm in Egypt. أتريد شرب شيء ما؟ Would you like something to drink? You want something to drink? ذهب إلى الدكان. He went to the store. He went to the shop. إنه يوافقني الرأي. He agrees with my opinion. He agrees with me. رأيي أنه محق. In my opinion, he's right. I think he's right. وصلوا منفصلا. They arrived separately. They arrived separately. هذه القلعة جميلة. That castle is beautiful. This castle is beautiful. معظم الوقت بيلعب في الجنينه He often plays in the garden. Most of the time, he plays in the gym. لقد تغيّرت القاهرة. Cairo has changed. Cairo has changed. لكل شخص بصفته عضوا في المجتمع الحق في الضمانة الاجمتماعية وفي أن تحقق بوساطة المجهود القومي والتعاون الدولي وبما يتفق ونظم كل دولة ومواردها الحقوق الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والتربوية التي لا غنى عنها لكرامته وللنمو الحر لشخصيته. Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality. Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and to the realization, through national effort and international cooperation and in conformity with the regulations and resources of each State, of the economic, social and educational rights indispensable to his dignity and the free development of his personality. هذا ليس مهماً. This is not important. That's not important. مَن أكل الخبز؟ Who ate the bread? Who ate the bread? أنا أنام في الساعة العاشرة. I sleep at ten o'clock. I'm sleeping at 10:00. الجو دافئ بعض الشيء اليوم. It's fairly warm today. It's a little warm today. ذهبت ليلى إلى حفل لهالووين أقيم في الشّارع. Layla went to a Halloween street party. Lily went to a Halloween party on the street. ما زالت تمطر منذ ليلة البارحة. It's been raining since last night. It's been raining since last night. عليك أن تساعدها. You must help her. You have to help her. لم اشتريت هذه السيارة؟ Why did you buy this car? Why did you buy this car? هذا الأمر لا يعنيني. This matter does not concern me. That doesn't concern me. لا يشرب أغلب الناس ما يكفيهم من المياه. Most people don't drink enough water. Most people don’t drink enough water. كان لدى ليلى إبن. Layla had a son. Lily had a son. اللغة الصينية أصعب من اللغات الأجنبية التانية. Chinese is harder than other foreign languages. Chinese is more difficult than foreign languages. هل تشارك في هذه الفعالية؟ Would you take part in this event? Are you participating in this event? اعطى مركز المعلومات السياحية خريطة المدينة لكل من طلبها . The tourist information center gave a city map to whoever asked it. The tourist information center gave the city map to everyone who requested it. لقد قفز من السيارة. He jumped out of the car. He jumped out of the car. أتى الولد راكضاً. The boy came running. The boy came running. كتبت كتاباً عن الطيور. She wrote a book about birds. I wrote a book about birds. يمكن للجميع أن يشارك. Everyone is free to contribute. Everyone can participate. لا نريد إلا أخذها لبيتها. We just want to take her home. We just want to take her home. جميعهم سياح . They're all tourists. They're all tourists. نحن لم نرى الكثير من السياح بالقرب من هنا مؤخراً. We haven't seen a lot tourists around here lately. We haven't seen a lot of tourists around here lately. وقع فاضل بشكل عميق في حبّ فتاة مسلمة من مصر. Fadil fell deeply in love with a Muslim woman from Egypt. Fadel fell deeply in love with a Muslim girl from Egypt. كان سامي يواجه حكما بالسّجن المؤبّد. Sami faced possible life in prison. Sammy was facing a life sentence. يا أحمق! You idiot! You idiot! لم كلّ هذا؟ Why all this? What's all this for? أعطني بطاقة اعتمادك من فضلك. Please give me your credit card. Give me your credit card, please. هل تتحدث اللاتفية؟ Do you speak Latvian? Do you speak Latvian? أأنت تمزح؟ Are you kidding? Are you kidding? فُصِلَ سامي عن أمّه لمدّة أسابيع. Sami has been separated from his mother for weeks. Sammy was separated from his mother for weeks. فسياقات الكلمات تظهر في الجمل. تعبر الجمل عن الشخصيات. يمكن أن تكون الجمل مضحكةً، أو ذكيةً، أو سخيفةً، أو عميقة، أو مؤثرة، أو مؤذية. Sentences bring context to the words. Sentences have personalities. They can be funny, smart, silly, insightful, touching, hurtful. Phrases of words appear in sentences. Phrases express characters. Phrases can be funny, clever, silly, deep, touching, or hurtful. منطقة القبائل هي جزء من الجزائر و ستبقى. Kabylie is part of Algeria and will always be. The Kabylie region is part of Algeria and will remain. أنا عارف الولد ده اللي انتي مش عارفاه. I know that boy whom you don't know. I know that boy you don't know. لا أتوقع منك شيئا. I don't expect anything from you. I expect nothing from you. يمكنني القفز. I can jump. I can jump. انتقلوا للعيش هنا. Move in here. They moved here. سلّم سامي نفسه للشّرطة. Sami surrendered to police. Sammy turned himself in to the police. الأسلحة النارية ليست من يقتل البشر. البشر هم من يقتل البشر. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. It's not guns that kill people. It's people that kill people. اضطرّ سامي على حذف الفيديو من يوتوب. Sami had to take his YouTube video down. Sammy had to delete the video from YouTube. للكبار فقط. Adults only. Adults only. أنا توم هانتر. I'm Tom Hunter. I'm Tom Hunter. لم يدعني سامي. Sami didn't invite me. Sammy wouldn't let me. ماذا ستأكلون على الغداء؟ What's everyone eating for lunch? What are you having for lunch? تعرّف منّاد على أصدقاء رائعين. Mennad made amazing friends. Manad has made great friends. ماذا فعلتِ؟ What did you do? What did you do? كانت عند سامي ستّ دروس في اليوم الواحد. Sami had six classes within a day. Sammy had six lessons a day. هل تعرف كيف تستخدم قاموسًا؟ Do you know how to use a dictionary? Do you know how to use a dictionary? أيمكنك أن تحزر ما لديّ؟ Can you guess what I have? Can you guess what I have? ظننتُكَ تحب تعلم أشياءَ جديدة. I thought you liked to learn new things. I thought you liked learning new things. شكلك جميل وأنت تلبس الأزرق. You are very attractive in blue. You look good in blue. قد لا أملك الكثير من المال، لكن علي الاقل أنا أعيش بشروطي الخاصة I may not have a lot of money, but at least I live on my own terms. I may not have a lot of money, but at least I live on my own terms. اختر مضربك المفضل. Pick your favorite bat. Choose your favorite bat. الثلج يتساقط في الجبال. Snow is falling on the mountains. Snow falls in the mountains. اعطيني فرصة! Give me a chance! Give me a chance! لست من الهند. I am not from India. I'm not from India. انتظري لحظة، إلى أين تظنّين نفسكِ ذاهبةً؟ Hey, wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? Wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? أحمل معي قنينة مياه معدنيّة دومًا. I always carry a bottle of mineral water with me. I always carry a bottle of mineral water with me. الحفلة التي دُعينا إليها ستكون غدا، ليس اليوم. The party that we've been invited to is tomorrow, not today. The party we were invited to is tomorrow, not today. العالم لا يتمحور حولك. The world doesn't revolve around you. The world doesn't revolve around you. يحبّ سامي الحيوانات الأليفة. Sami loves pets. Sammy loves pets. توم وحيد لأهله. Tom is an only child. Tom is alone with his parents. أيها الطبيب، عندي مشاكل في الذاكرة. Doctor, I have memory problems. Doctor, I have memory problems. أيمكنك فتح النافذة؟ Can you open the window? Can you open the window? أين مالكَ؟ Where's your money? Where's your money? لابد أنه كان مؤلماً للغاية It must've been extremely painful. It must have been very painful. لقد أُغوِيَت ليلى. Layla was seduced. Lily was seduced. لم يرني أحد. Nobody saw me. No one saw me. لم يكره الفرنسيّين لهذه الدّرجة؟ Why does he hate the French so much? Why do the French hate it so much? لالا ماشي انا، نتا! No I'm not; you are! No, it's okay. I'm Nata! لا يحتاج توم إلى دراسة الفرنسية، فهو يستطيع تحدثها جيدا. Tom doesn't have to study French. He can already speak it quite well. Tom doesn’t need to study French, he can speak it well. ماذا تفعل يا اخي؟ What are you doing bro? What are you doing, brother? من الممكن أن لا تأتي. It's possible that she won't come. You may not come. أنت صديق توم، أليس ذلك صحيحاً؟ You're Tom's friend, aren't you? You're Tom's friend, aren't you? من أنت يا صديقي؟ Who are you, friend? Who are you, my friend? ادخل, الباب مفتوح. Come in. The door is open. Come in. The door's open. نصحني الطبيب بأن أترك الشراب المُسْكِر، ما أصابني بالتوتر وقلة الصبر. My doctor told me to lay off the liquor so I have this uneasy impatient feeling. The doctor advised me to quit drinking, which made me nervous and impatient. ياني مهتم باللغة البربرية. Yanni is interested in the Berber language. I'm interested in the Berber language. البديل ممكن. An alternative is possible. The alternative is possible. تسببت الأمطار الغزيرة في إيقاف جميع القطارات. The heavy rain caused all the trains to stop. Heavy rains caused all trains to be stopped. يحبّ الجزائريّون التّين. Algerians love figs. Algerians love figs. لا تقلق بشأن ذلك, أنا سأذهب بنفسي. Don't worry about it, I'll go myself. Don't worry about it, I'll go myself. توم لم يسمح لميري بالدخول. Tom wouldn't let Mary in. Tom wouldn't let Mary in. .مافيا الأدوية تعرقل كل من يسعى لايجاد لقاح ضد الفيروس التاجي The drug mafia hinders everyone seeking to find a vaccine against coronavirus. The drug mafia is blocking anyone seeking a vaccine against the coronavirus. أنا لا أنتقدك. I'm not criticizing you. I'm not judging you. أنا أقدر ذلك. I appreciate this. I appreciate that. يحترق الخشب بسهولة. Wood burns easily. Wood burns easily. يخطط تيد للذهاب إلى الخارج بعد تخرج. Ted is looking forward to going abroad after graduation. Ted plans to go outside after graduation. أقلّ سامي مسافر أوتوستوب. Sami picked up a hitchhiker. At least Sammy's a traveler. سامي في السّجن الآن. Fadil is in jail now. Sammy's in jail now. تسلّقت ليلى السّلّم. Layla climbed the ladder. Lily climbed the ladder. دعنا نأخذ قسطاً من الراحة. Let's get some sleep. Let's get some rest. لا أستطيع أن أتحمل هذا الصوت. I can't put up with this noise. I can't stand that sound. صديقك هنا. Your friend is here. Your friend's here. في النهاية حل الخلاف. The dispute was finally settled. Eventually, the dispute was resolved. هل تتذكر ما لبسته كاثي في الحفلة؟ Do you remember what Cathy was wearing at the party? Do you remember what Kathy wore to the party? الغه العربيه صعبه Arabic is difficult! Arabic is hard. هذا هو المكان الذي يعيش فيه. This is where he lives. That's where he lives. تعلمت الأبجدية الأمازيغية. I learned the Berber alphabet. I learned the Amazigh alphabet. لا شك أن توم يستمتع. Tom must be having fun. No doubt Tom is enjoying it. إنتهت المسرحية. This play has ended. The play is over. سامي طويل، إذا يحتاج لسيّارة كبيرة. Sami is tall, so he needs a big car. Sammy's tall, so he needs a big car. لم يكن توم متأكداً مما إذا كان عليه تقبيل ماري أم لا ، لذا لم يفعل. Tom wasn't sure if he should kiss Mary or not, so he didn't. Tom wasn’t sure if he had to kiss Mary or not, so he didn’t. هذه الطاولة مصنوعة من الخشب. This table is wooden. This table is made of wood. يريد فاضل أن يعرف ما هي حقيقة المسلمين. Fadil wants to know what Muslims really are. Fadel wants to know what Muslims really are. تعال لتأخذنا. Come get us. Come get us. أنا واقع في حبك I'm in love with you. I'm in love with you. واش بغيتيني نجي لليابان باش نشوفك؟ Do you want me to come to Japan to see you? What's wrong with me getting away to Japan? من فضلك أخبرني كيف أكون على تواصل معها. Please tell me how I can get in touch with her. Please tell me how to get in touch with her. يوجد في هذا المتجر حلوى أكثر من المتجر الآخر. This shop has more candy than that shop. There's more candy in this store than in the other one. كان يتصرّف بشكل غريب. He acted strange. He was acting weird. حُكِمَ على فاضل بالإعدام لقتله لفتاة صغيرة. Fadil was sentenced to death for the killing of a young girl. Fadel was sentenced to death for killing a young girl. وقال توم كان آسف جدا. Tom said he was so sorry. Tom said he was very sorry. جمع منّاد تلك الوسادات و أخذها إلى غرفته. Mennad grabbed the pillows and took them to his room. He picked up those pillows and took them to his room. لن أغادر حتّى تخبرني بما أريد معرفته. I'm not leaving until you tell me what I want to know. I'm not leaving until you tell me what I want to know. السلامُ عليكُم. Peace be with you. Peace be with you. هرب معمر القذافي سليمًا. Muammar Kaddafi escaped unharmed. Muammar Gaddafi escaped intact. ماري تريد الخضوع لجراحة تكبير الصدر. Mary wants to undergo breast augmentation surgery. Mary wants to have breast augmentation surgery. هناك قطط في المريخ أيضًا. There are cats on Mars, too. There are cats on Mars, too. أنا تلميذ. I'm a student. I'm a student. أود التحدث إلى رئيس الممرضين. I would like to speak to the head nurse. I'd like to speak to the head nurse. أراد سامي أن يعاقب ليلى. Sami wanted to punish Layla. Sammy wanted to punish Layla. القائمة لانهائيّة. The list is endless. The list is endless. لقد فرضت إسرائيل عقوبات قاسية على غزّة. Israel slapped draconian sanctions on Gaza. Israel has imposed harsh sanctions on Gaza. "بالمناسبة، ماذا بشأن اختبار الحمل ذلك؟" "كان سلبيّا." "By the way, what happened with that pregnancy test?" "It came out negative." By the way, what about that pregnancy test? It was negative. هذه تبدو كاليونانية لي، لكن و بالنسبة للناطقين بلغة الإسبرانتو، فهذه تبدو كلغة الفولابوك. It's all Greek to me, but to the Esperantist it's Volapük. This sounds like Greek to me, but to Esperanto speakers, this sounds like Vulapok. أفعله مباشرة Do it right away. Do it right away. عاد من أمريكا. He came back from America. He came back from America. أعطيته كل ما كان عندي من المال. I gave him all the money I had. I gave him all the money I had. إنها خَشِنة قليلاً عند الحواف. She's a bit rough around the edges. It's a little rough at the edges. أفكّرت في الأمر؟ Did you think about it? Have you thought about it? أنا صنعت قراري. I've made my decision. I made my decision. لم يرد سامي قضاء وقت في السّجن. Sami didn't want to spend time in jail. Sammy didn't want to spend time in jail. فاضل عربي. Fadil is Arab. Fadel Arabi. التقط صورة أخرى. Take another picture. Take another picture. استيقظ سامي. Sami woke up. Wake up Sam. ما نوع السيارة التي يقودها؟ What kind of car does he drive? What kind of car does he drive? باريس إحدى أكثر مدن العالم زيارةً. Paris is one of the world’s most visited cities. Paris is one of the most visited cities in the world. ليس هناك حل. There isn't any solution. There's no solution. علينا إخلاء العيادة. We have to evacuate the clinic. We have to evacuate the clinic. كُل الخضار الخاص بك. Eat your veggies. Eat your vegetables. سأحضّر بعض القهوة. I will make some coffee. I'll make some coffee. أعجبتني الغرفة المطلة على الوادي. I liked the room overlooking the valley. I liked the room overlooking the valley. طلبت مني السيدة سميث الذهاب إلى المدينة. Mrs. Smith asked me to go to the city. Mrs. Smith asked me to go into town. تبين أنا الرجل محقق خاص. The man turned out to be a private detective. Turns out I'm the private investigator guy. إنه بريطاني. He is British. He's British. مالارازمان راهي صح. It is unfortunately true. Malarhazman Rahi is right. واصل سامي المشاهدة. Sami kept looking. Sammy continued to watch. انا فقط لا اعلم ماذا اقول I just don't know what to say. I just don't know what to say. مثير للإهتمام. Interesting. Interesting. قاتل سامي من أجل النّجاة بحياته. Sami fought for his life. Sammy fought for his life. من فضلك أعرني كتابك. Lend me your book, please. Please lend me your book. ما زال لدينا الكثير من الوقت. We still have more time. We still have a lot of time. قوّة المعيشة في بلاد القبايل. Living in Kabylie is fantastic. The power of living in the land of the tribes. هذه القلعة جميلة. This castle is beautiful. This castle is beautiful. ما نقدرش نخايل حياتي بلا بيك. I can't imagine my life without you. I can't live my life without Beck. لكن هذه ليست الصورة الكاملة. تتويبا ليس مجرد قاموس جمل مفتوح، وتعاوني، ومتعدد اللغات فحسب. بل إنه جزء من نظام نريد بناءه. But that's not the whole picture. Tatoeba is not just an open, collaborative, multilingual dictionary of sentences. It's part of an ecosystem that we want to build. But that's not the whole picture. Tawaba is not just an open, collaborative, multilingual dictionary of sentences. It's part of a system we want to build. كم الساعة على أي حال؟ What time is it, anyway? What time is it anyway? ذهبت إلى المسرح في وقت مبكر جدا كي أجد مقعدا جيدا. I went to the theater quite early with a view to getting a good seat. I went to the theater too early to find a good seat. جامل سامي ليلى. Sami gave Layla a compliment. Jamil Sami Laila. مانيش ارتيست، ژامي ما كانت عندي لاّم تاعها. I am not an artist. I never had the knack for it. Manish Artest, my mother didn't have it. ندمت بحق على ما قلته لها البارحة. I really regret what I said to her yesterday. I truly regret what I said to her yesterday. لمن هذا الرّقم؟ Whose number is this? Whose number is that? كان المدرّس يتصرّف بغرابة. The teacher was acting weird. The teacher was acting strange. رأيتك تطبخ. I saw you cooking. I saw you cooking. أحتاج إلى أن أصلح ساعتي. My clock needs to be fixed. I need to fix my watch. الثلج يتساقط كل يوم. Snow falls every day. It snows every day. راني فرحان كي درت هاذ الشي على جالي. I'm happy that you did that for me. Rani Farhan Ki turned this thing on Gali. لن تصدّق ما قاله لي توم! You won't believe what Tom told me! You won't believe what Tom told me! أعادت الشّرطة فتح القضيّة عام 2006. The police reopened the case in 2006. The police reopened the case in 2006. من هؤلاء الأشخاص؟ Who are those people? Who are these people? كان سامي يقطن في حيّ مليء بالحيويّة. Sami lived in a neighborhood with a lot of street life. Sammy lived in a lively neighborhood. ألقى سامي بالمسدّس من النّافذة. Sami threw the gun out the window. Sammy threw the gun out the window. رنّ جرس الهاتف و أنا آكل طعام الغداء. The phone rang when I was having lunch. The phone rang as I ate lunch. كان عليك أن تفكر في هذا قبل أن تتسبب بحمل ليلى. You should have thought about that before you got Layla pregnant. You should have thought of that before you got Lily pregnant. كنس الخادم الأرض. The servant swept the floor. The server sweeps the ground. من الأفضل أن تذهب. You should go. You'd better go. أنا صديق روبرتس. I am a friend of Robert's. I'm Roberts' friend. هل عرض توم مساعدتنا؟ Did Tom offer to help us? Did Tom offer to help us? هي ولدت محظوظة. She was born lucky. She was born lucky. ارتبط سامي عاطفيّا مع إحدى مريضاته. Sami became romantically involved with one of his female patients. Sammy was romantically involved with one of his patients. كانت واجدا باش تعاونهم بش إينقِّيو ادّار. She was ready to help him with cleaning the house. It was Wagda Bash's collaboration with Ingyo Adar. أعرف أستاذا للإنجليزية جاء من كندا. I know an English teacher who comes from Canada. I know an English teacher who came from Canada. أراها نادراً I see it rarely. I rarely see her. قطك يحتاج للمزيد من الأكل. Your cat needs to eat more. Your cat needs more food. شنو؟ What? What? .انتبهوا يا ناس. هناك مجرمين يسعون لتفشي الفيروس التاجي ليجنوا أموالا هائلة من بيع أدويتهم Be careful, people. There are criminals who seek the outbreak of the coronavirus to make huge money from selling their medications. Look out, people, there are criminals who are trying to spread the coronavirus to make huge money selling their drugs. ماذا تظن نفسك فاعلاً؟ What do you think you're doing? What do you think you're doing? يعطيك الصحة. Thank you. Gives you health. أنا أتتطلع لرؤيتك في قبعتك وردائك. I'm looking forward to seeing you in your cap and gown. I'm looking forward to seeing you in your hat and your robe. توم لم يلمس أي شيء. Tom didn't touch anything. Tom didn't touch anything. سأعود قريباً. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. الخميرة ستجعل العجين ينتفخ. Yeast will make the dough rise. The yeast will make the dough swell. لا تقلق بشأن ذلك! Don't worry about it! Don't worry about it! تفضّلِ يا ليلى. Come in, Layla. Go ahead, Lily. كان سامي يعيش حياة إجراميّة. Sami lived a life of crime. Sammy was living a criminal life. طعام العشاء سأشتريه أنا. I'll pay for lunch. Dinner. I'll buy it. هو أصم، لكنه يعرف كيف يقرأ الشفاه. He is deaf, but knows how to read lips. He's deaf, but he knows how to read lips. احتفظ بالصّورة. Keep the picture. Keep the picture. لا تقلق بشأن ذلك. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. في عمري 25 سنا. I'm 25 years old. I'm 25 years old. لا تقلق إذا لم تستطع. Don't worry if you can't. Don't worry if you can't. جُرح في كتفه. He was wounded in the shoulder. Wounded in his shoulder. تعد أمي كعكة لأبي. My mother is making a cake for my father. My mom makes cake for my dad. ربّما نسيت المظلّة في الحافلة. She may have left her umbrella on the bus. Maybe I left the umbrella on the bus. هذا الطريق يؤدي إلى القاعة العامة. This road leads to the public hall. This road leads to the public hall. خبر عاجل: الناس قبل بضع مئات من السنين لم يتكلموا كما نتكلم الآن. Newsflash: People a couple of hundred years ago didn't speak the same as we do. News flash: A few hundred years ago, people didn’t talk as much as we do now. بالكاد لم يصدّقها أحد. Almost no one believed her. Hardly anyone believed her. أنت قديم. You're old. You're old. توم يحتاج الى محامٍ جيد. Tom needs a good lawyer. Tom needs a good lawyer. تعلّمتُ العيش دونها. I learned to live without her. I learned to live without her. من الأحسن لك أن تصدق. You'd better believe. You better believe it. يُقال أن اليابانيينَ ودودون جداً لأولئك الذين يعرفونهم، ولامبالين جداً بأوئلك الذين لا يعرفونهم. It is said that the Japanese are very friendly to those that they know, and very indifferent to those they don't. The Japanese are said to be very friendly to those they know, and very indifferent to those they don't know. والدتك في حالة حرجة. Your mother is in critical condition. Your mother's in critical condition. كان سامي بحاجة لنظّارات. Sami needed glasses. Sammy needed glasses. كان مدرّسنا البديل شابّا. Our substitute teacher was young. Our substitute teacher was young. لا تجادل وانت غضبان ولا تأكل وانت شبعان. Don't argue when you are angry and don't eat when you are full. Don't argue when you're angry, and don't eat when you're full. انا صديقك. I'm your friend. I'm your friend. منذ ١٩٩۰م و حتّى الآن ، استلم الجائزة إحدى عشرة طالبةً. Since 1990, eleven female students received the award. Since 1961, eleven students have received the award. هي لا تحسن الإنجليزية مثلك. She doesn't speak English as fluently as you. She's not as good at English as you are. لم أقصد أن أفعل ذلك. I didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean to do that. أراد سامي أن يحيي علاقته مع ليلى. Sami wanted to rekindle his relationship with Layla. Sammy wanted to revive his relationship with Layla. مهما قلت فإنه سيبكيها. Whatever you say will set her off crying. Whatever you say will make her cry. ظننت أنك قلت بأنك لن تأتي. I thought you said you weren't coming. I thought you said you weren't coming. من يرأس هذه الشركة؟ Who is the boss of this company? Who's running this company? لقد وعدته. I promised him. I promised him. يجب مناقشة هذه القضايا. All of these things need to be discussed. These issues must be discussed. ليس ذلك باستطاعتي. I can't. I can't do that. أفكّر في تغيير وظيفتي. I am thinking of changing my job. I'm thinking about changing my job. هناك سيالة بين التفاحة و الكتاب. There is a pen between the apple and the book. There's a fluid between the apple and the book. كنّا صديقات. We were friends. We were friends. توم يبدوا معروفاً للغاية. Tom seems to be very popular. Tom seems very well known. الفاشيون مثل الأخضر بن كولة، نور الدين ختال، نعيمة صالحي، فيصل كرشوش و الانفصاليين لديهم دور محدود جدا في الساحة السياسية الجزائرية. Fascists like Lakhdar Benkoula, Noureddine Khettal, Naima Salhi, Faycal Kerchouche, and the separatists have a very limited role on the Algerian political scene. Fascists such as Lakhdar Ben Kola, Noureddine Khatal, Naima Salehi, Fayssal Karshoush and the separatists have a very limited role in the Algerian political arena. هل بإمكاني تسليم الصّك له؟ Can I give him the check? Can I give him the check? هي تغازل كل أحد. She's flirty with everyone. She flirts with everyone. لم أره بعد ذلك. I didn't see him anymore. I didn't see him after that. كم تبعد الحديقة عن منزلك؟ How far is it from your house to the park? How far is the garden from your home? ابتعد عن طريقي يا فتى. Out of my way, boy. Get out of my way, boy. سوف أشاهد الأخبار على التليفزيون. I'll now watch the news on TV. I'll watch the news on TV. كان رجلاً سابقاً لعصره. He was far in advance of his days. He was a man before his time. بدأت أبرد. I'm beginning to feel cold. I'm getting cold. قُتِلَ سامي من طرف صديق فريد المقرّب، رامي. Sami was murdered by Farid's best friend, Rami. Sami was killed by Fred's best friend, Rami. سوف يُفتَن اصحاب الذوق الصعب الارضاء بمثل هذه الابيات الشعرية . Fastidious tastes will be most charmed with such verses as these. Those with difficult taste will be fascinated by such poetic verses. ما أروع منزلك! Your house is very nice. How wonderful is your home! معيش حاجه من دول I don't own one of those things. Living in Need of Countries لم يسبق لسامي و أن رأى طبيبا في حياته. Sami never saw a doctor. Sammy has never seen a doctor in his life. ذهب بلال إلى المدرسة. Bilal went to school. Bilal went to school. توم كان قد قتل بشكل مروع خلال الأيام الأخيرة من الحرب. Tom was horribly killed during the last days of the war. Tom had been horrifically killed during the last days of the war. لا أعرف إن كانت لا تزال معي. I don't know if I still have it. I don't know if she's still with me. ليس لدي أي شيء أفضل للقيام به. I have nothing better to do. I have nothing better to do. سامحني. Forgive me! Forgive me. أعدت لنا وجبة رائعة. She cooked us a wonderful meal. She made us a great meal. كان فاضل يضرب أطفاله. Fadil would hit his children. Fadel was beating his children. إسمي حسّان. My name is Hassan. My name is Hassan. تفضل بالدخول. Come in. Come on in. إنها مع جمال. She's with Jamal. She's with Jamal. أَخْرَجَ جُوْن مِفْتَاحًا مِنْ جَيْبِهِ. John took a key out of his pocket. I'm taking June out of his pocket. أريد أن أنام. I want to sleep. I want to sleep. كان سامي منشغلا إلى حدّ أنّه اتّصل بسيّارة إسعاف. Sami was worried enough to call an ambulance. Sammy was so busy that he called an ambulance. أعدت العشاء بنفسها. She cooked the dinner herself. She made dinner herself. يبدو من منظر السماء أنها من الممكن أن تمطر اليوم بعد الظهر. Judging from the look of the sky, it may rain this afternoon. It looks like it could rain this afternoon. انتظر لحظة، إلى أين تظنّ نفسكَ ذاهبًا؟ Hey, wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? Wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? هذا الطبق ممتاز. This dish is terrific. This dish is excellent. أيمكنك عمل قائمة بالمسائل التي ستناقش؟ Will you make a list of issues to discuss? Can you make a list of the issues to discuss? لديهنّ لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على هواتفهنّ. They have the berber keyboard on their phones. They have the Amazigh keyboard on their phones. ويستطيع الجميعُ المساهمةَ. And everyone has the ability to contribute. And everyone can contribute. دَارْهَا مالْڤري وْعَدْ بلّي ما يْديرهاش. He did it even though he had promised not to do it. She turned her money around and promised me what would turn her around. حصل ما قال أنه سيحصل. What he said would happen has happened. He got what he said would happen. كان سامي يحفر حفرا في البستان. Sami was digging holes in his backyard. Sammy was digging holes in the orchard. عادت ليلى في قطار إلى القاهرة. Layla caught a train back to Cairo. Laila returned on a train to Cairo. وما زاد الأمور سوءًا، أن زوجها توفي. To make matters worse, her husband died. To make matters worse, her husband died. أنا صديقه و سأبقى كذلك. I am his friend and will remain so. I'm his friend and I'll stay that way. دعه ينه كلامه! Let him finish talking! Let him finish! ثار الفلاحون على الحكومة. Farmers rebelled against the government. The peasants revolted against the government. أيمكنك كتابة الرسالة بالإنجليزية؟ Can you write a letter in English? Can you write the letter in English? يلعب توم وماري كرة المضرب. Tom and Mary are playing tennis. Tom and Mary play tennis. لقد آذى سامي الجميع. Sami hurt everyone. Sammy hurt everyone. هل لديها بيانو؟ Does she have a piano? Does she have a piano? لا أشرب خمر الفودكا! I don't drink vodka! I don't drink vodka! من الأفضل أن تلازم البيت لأنك لديك حمى. As you have a fever, you'd better stay home. You'd better stay home because you have a fever. كان يتصرّف بغرابة. He acted strangely. He was acting weird. دعى سامي ليلى للعشاء. Sami invited Layla to dinner. Sammy invited Lily to dinner. طريقة لبس السياح تخالف اداب المجتمع المحلية . The way tourists dress offends the local standard of propriety. The way tourists dress is against the etiquette of the local community. التقيت بماري البارحة. I met Mary yesterday. I met Mary yesterday. كان سامي يملك كلّ شيء يحتاجه في حياته. Sami had everything in life. Sammy had everything he needed in his life. يربي توم الخيول العربية. Tom raises Arabian horses. Tom raises Arabian horses. كان سامي يريد العاهرات. Sami wanted prostitutes. Sammy wanted prostitutes. لا أزال راغبة في أن أنجب أطفالا. I still want to have kids. I still want to have kids. لنتظاهر بأننا مخلوقات فضائية. Let's pretend we are aliens. Let's pretend we're aliens. كم رائعة أنتِ! How nice of you! How wonderful you are! لترتاح في تسوقك الأسبوعي، يجب أن تملك سيارةً. For comfortable weekly shopping you have to have a car. To rest in your weekly shopping, you must have a car. لاقيته ذات يوم. One day I met him. I met him one day. اقترض أخي الأكبر مالاً من مرابي My older brother borrowed money from a loan shark. My older brother borrowed money from my garage. أنا هنا كصديق. I'm here as a friend. I'm here as a friend. شعر هذا الشاب أزرق. This young man has blue hair. This guy's hair is blue. لا شيء من هذا حدث. None of that actually happened. None of this happened. لا تقلق. At ease. Don't worry. بالنسبة لي فانه ليس أخاً ولا صاحبا. For me he is neither a brother nor an acquaintance. For me, he is neither a brother nor a friend. سيغضب توم كثيرًا إن عرف أنّي قلتُ لكَ هذا. If Tom finds out I told you this, he'll be very angry. Tom would be so mad if he knew I told you that. ذلك كتاب طوني. This is Tony's book. That's Tony's book. قرابة الألف شاركوا في المظاهرة. Nearly a thousand people participated in the demonstration. Nearly a thousand took part in the demonstration. توم سعيد Tom is happy. Tom is happy. سأنتظر في الدّاخل. I'll be waiting inside. I'll wait inside. سيضربني فاضل. Fadil is gonna hit me. Fadel will hit me. ما الذي تعاقبهم عليه؟ What are you punishing them for? What are you punishing them for? لن تحضر آن حفلتنا. Anne will not come to our party. Anne's not coming to our party. لا يحترق البلاستيك بسهولة. Plastic does not burn easily. Plastic does not burn easily. من فضلك ساعدني. Please help me. Please help me. كُشِفت حديثًا حقائق جديدة فيما يتعلق بالصين القديمة. New facts about ancient China have recently come to light. New facts have been revealed regarding ancient China. هذا اجتماع مهم. This is a very important meeting. This is an important meeting. أخبرت توم أن السبب الذي لم أكن أريد القيام به هو أنني لم أعتقد أنها كانت فكرة جيدة I told Tom the reason I didn't want to do it was that I didn't think it was a good idea. I told Tom the reason I didn't want to do it was because I didn't think it was a good idea. استعار سامي سيّارة ليلى. Sami borrowed Layla's car. Sammy borrowed Lily's car. هل تعرفون الفرق بين الجراثيم و الفيروسات؟ Do you all understand the difference between germs and viruses? Do you know the difference between germs and viruses? كان سامي يريد أن يحبّه النّاس من أجل ما يملكه و ليس من أجل شخصيّته. Sami wanted people to like him for what he had more than for what he was. Sammy wanted people to love him for what he had, not for who he was. إنك مجنون. You're crazy. You're crazy. هاداك الجرح قّيح. Pus has formed in the wound. Hadak wound pus. ماذا يريدون؟ What do they want? What do they want? أتذكري ما فعلتِ الجمعة الماضية؟ Do you remember what you did last Friday? Remember what you did last Friday? متى ستنشر روايته الجديدة؟ When will his new novel come out? When will his new novel be published? أتى سامي إلينا و حيّانا. Sami walked up to us and greeted us. Sammy came to us and greeted us. لا أحد يستطيع أن يقول ماذا سيحدت في المستقبل. No one can tell what'll happen in the future. No one can say what will happen in the future. ما زالت الحشرة حية. The bug is still alive. The insect is still alive. لقد أعجبتما سامي. Sami likes you. You liked Sammy. راشيل كوري أمريكيّة قُتلت في غزّة. Rachel Corrie was an American who was killed in Gaza. Rachel Corrie is an American who was killed in Gaza. كان سامي يعيش في حيّ ذو معدّل جريمة عالٍ. Sami was living in a neighborhood where there was a lot of crime. Sammy lived in a high-crime neighborhood. توم مستعد لمساعدتك. Tom is willing to stand by you. Tom is ready to help you. هل تتكلم ... الإنجليزية؟ Do you speak... English? Do you speak... English? أزعجني بكاء الطفل. I was bothered by the baby's crying. The baby's crying bothered me. توم مذعور قليلا. Tom's a bit freaked out. Tom's a little freaked out. تبدو حزيناً. You look down. You look sad. عادة ما أتمشى كل صباح. I usually go for a walk every morning. I usually walk every morning. اليوم هو الأحد Today is Sunday. Today is Sunday. بإمكان الحبّ أن يجعلك مريضا. Love can make you really sick. Love can make you sick. لا أعرف كيف، لكنّي فعلتها. I don't know how, but I did it. I don't know how, but I did it. سمع سامي ليلى تصرخ. Sami heard Layla screaming. Sammy heard Layla screaming. كانت عند سامي كلاب حراسة. Sami had guard dogs. Sammy had guard dogs. هىَ متزوجة من بحار. She married a sailor. She's married to a sailor. ماذا بعد ذلك؟ Then what? What then? من الجيد معرفة ذلك That's good to know. Good to know. اعتُبر سامي في عداد المفقودين. Sami was reported missing. Sami is considered missing. بيع المنزل بثمن رخيص. The house went cheap. Selling the house cheaply. سأبقى هناك حتى الساعة السادسة. I'll stay there till six o'clock. I'll be there till 6:00. عندي فكرة. I have an idea. I have an idea. كان من الخطأ رفض مساعدته. It was a mistake to refuse his assistance. It was wrong to refuse to help him. من سيصبح الضّحيّة التّالية؟ Who would be its next victim? Who's gonna be the next victim? أفضل الغناء على الرقص. I would rather sing than dance. I'd rather sing than dance. مسح توم الطاولة. Tom wiped the table. Tom cleared the table. قل لي أي نوع من الخبز تريد أكله. Tell me which bread you want to eat. Tell me what kind of bread you want to eat. ابن خالي بارع في الخدع السحرية. My cousin is good at doing magic tricks. My cousin's good at magic tricks. ادخل إلى المنزل. Come into the house. Get in the house. من الأرجح أن ينسوا وعودهم. They're likely to forget their promises. They're more likely to forget their promises. هو أترعَ الكأس. He filled the cup to the brim. He sponsored the trophy. بدأ سامي يقضي وقتا كثيرا مع ليلى. لقد أصبحا متلازمان. Fadil started spending a lot of time with Layla. They were inseparable. Sammy started spending a lot of time with Layla. They became inseparable. لا يمكنني إعطائك جواباً نهائياً اليوم. I cannot give you a definite answer today. I can't give you a definitive answer today. قرر أن يبقي خطته سراً. He made up his mind to keep his plan secret. He decided to keep his plan a secret. بنى سامي عيادة في القاهرة. Sami built a clinic in Cairo. Sami built a clinic in Cairo. كوبي كامل. My glass is full. Full Cuban. قم بعملك بنفسك. Do your own work. Do your own thing. أنا أنتظر ردك. I'm waiting for your reply. I'm waiting for your response. نحن لا نعرفه We do not know him. We don't know him. توم ليس بمغنٍّ جيّد. Tom isn't a good singer. Tom's not a good singer. كان سامي يعلم أين هو صفّه. Sami knew where his class was. Sammy knew where his class was. أي خيار كان لدي؟ What choice did I have? What choice did I have? إنها تعزف على الكمان بمهارة. She plays the violin very well. She plays the violin with skill. أحسن لك تعتذر. You should apologize. You better apologize. ما اسم هذا الطائر؟ What's that bird called? What's this bird's name? كانت ليلى نائمة نوما عميقا. Layla was sound asleep. Lily was sleeping deeply. لم أرى قط زرافة حتى اليوم الذي زرت فيه حديقة الحيوانات. I had never seen a giraffe till I visited the zoo. I never saw a giraffe until the day I visited the zoo. ألم تعد تحبّني؟ Aren't you in love with me anymore? Don't you love me anymore? أردت الحذاء الأحمر. I wanted red shoes. I wanted the red shoes. سامي يعمل في العيادة. Sami is working at the clinic. Sammy works at the clinic. كيف تجرؤ أن تقول ذلك؟ How dare you say that? How dare you say that? أنت ملاك You're an angel. You're an angel. تمنّيت لو فاز توم. I would have liked that Tom succeeded. I wish Tom had won. بدأ سامي يجعل شعره طويلا. Sami began to grow his hair long. Sammy began to make his hair long. رقم هاتفي 789. My phone number is 789. My number is 789. ينبغي أن تصلح سيارتك. You should get your car fixed. You should fix your car. هل تذهب عادة إلى المطاعم؟ Do you often go to a restaurant? Do you usually go to restaurants? هذا منزلي. This is my house. This is my house. لست بارعا في الكذب. I'm not good at lying. I'm not good at lying. أُلغيت المباراة بسبب تغير الجو. Thanks to the bad weather, the game was canceled. The match was cancelled due to a change in weather. رفع قبّعته اِحتراماً. He raised his hat in respect. Raise his hat respectfully. كان سامي مقيما في الحيّ الجامعي. Sami was staying in the dorm. Sammy was a resident of the university district. بإمكان سامي أن يأكل هذا. Sami can eat this. Sammy can eat this. كان فاضل يواعد امرأة مسلمة من مصر. Fadil was dating a Muslim woman from Egypt. Fadel was dating a Muslim woman from Egypt. البنت لا قالت شيء. The girl didn't say anything The girl didn't say anything. لا تحكم بظواهر الأمور. Don't judge by appearances. Don't rule things out. سامي غبيّ تماما. Sami is a complete idiot. Sammy's a total idiot. اللحم غال جدا اليوم. Meat is very expensive nowadays. The meat is very expensive today. أصيب سامي بجروح. Sami got wounded. Sammy was injured. كان ذلك أمله الوحيد و الأخير. This was his one and only hope. That was his only and last hope. هل تريد أن تسمع ما قاله عنك ذاك الشخص؟ Do you want to hear what that person said about you? Do you want to hear what that person said about you? ماذا يوجد في الجانب الآخر من الطّريق؟ What is that across the street? What's on the other side of the road? قلقلنا من أجلك كثيرا. We're very worried about you. We worried too much for you. خطير جداً لكِ أن تكوني هنا. It's too dangerous for you to stay here. Too dangerous for you to be here. درس فاضل الإسلام. Fadil studied Islam. Fadel studied Islam. أنا سائح. I'm a tourist. I'm a tourist. هل تفهم؟ Do you understand? Do you understand? الأسود لي. That black one is mine. Black's mine. وينك؟ Where are you? Wink? أين تظن أن علينا أن نمكث؟ Where do you think we should stay? Where do you think we should stay? بعد طلاقه من ليلى، اصبحت حياة سامي فوضى. After his divorce with Layla, Sami's whole life was in shambles. After his divorce from Layla, Sammy's life became a mess. انشر الإسبرانتو! Spread Esperanto! Spread the Esperanto! للخنازير بعض الميزات المشتركة مع البشر. Pigs share certain characteristics with human beings. Pigs have some features in common with humans. كانوا يترقبون اشارة الانطلاق. They were watching for the signal to start. They were waiting for the signal. ما فيش وقت نضيعو. There is no time to be lost. There's no time to waste. هذا ما نستخدمه دائما. That's what we've always used. That's what we always use. نحتاج للماء كي نعيش. We need water to survive. We need water to live. توم زاد في أستراليا و كْبَر ثمّاك. Tom was born in Australia and grew up there. Tom increased in Australia and grew up there. وفي الصباح التالي، خرج ديما من القمامة، لكنه وجد أن كل ملابسه بها رائحة قمامة. The next morning, Dima got out of the dumpster, but only to realize that all of his clothes now smelled like garbage. The next morning, Dima came out of the garbage, but found that all his clothes smelled of garbage. تعلمت العزف على الغيتار عندما كان عمري عشر سنوات. I learned to play guitar when I was ten years old. I learned to play guitar when I was ten years old. كان سامي يرقص بشكل جميل. Sami danced beautiful. Sammy danced beautifully. بقي الأولاد هادئين. The boys kept quiet. The boys remained calm. كانت الإشارة حمراء. The signal was red. The signal was red. لم أقصد أن أوذيك. I really didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you. مازالني نستنى باش نشوف توم. I'm still waiting to see Tom. I still miss Bash. We'll see Tom. سرق سامي بطاقات اعتماد ليلى. Sami stole Layla's credit cards. Sammy stole Lily's credit cards. كان يبعد منزل فاضل بخمس دقائق فقط من هناك. Fadil's home was just five minutes away. He was only five minutes from there. لم يشعر سامي قطّ بأنّه مسيحي. Sami never felt Christian. Sammy never felt like a Christian. لعبت التنس. I played tennis. I played tennis. عليك أن تجيب على السؤال. You must answer the question. You have to answer the question. هل يهم؟ Does it matter? Does it matter? أأشتري لك شرابا آخر؟ Can I buy you another drink? Buy you another drink? ما نقدروش نخلّو هاذ الشي يْزيد يصرى. We can't let this happen again. We can't afford to let this thing get more insistent. ماذا شويت؟ What did you grill? What'd you grill? هل بإمكانك إعادة ما قلت؟ Come again? Can you repeat that? اليوم حار It's hot today. Today is hot. أخبرني كيف أحل هذه المسألة. Tell me how to solve the problem. Tell me how to solve this. هناك ما يقارب الثّلاثة آلاف مسجد في إسطنبول. There are around three thousand mosques in Istanbul. There are about three thousand mosques in Istanbul. ينبغي على سامي أن يتحدّث مع المدرّس بعد الدّرس. Sami should see the teacher after class. Sammy should talk to the teacher after class. هذا الكتاب مؤلف بلغة إنجليزية مبسّطة و هو سهل للقراءة. Written in easy English, the book is easy to read. This book is written in plain English and is easy to read. تم قبوله في الجامعة بعد أن رسب في امتحان القبول مرتين. He entered the university after failing the examination twice. He was admitted to the university after failing the entrance exam twice. أنا ذاهب إلى الحديقة I go to the park. I'm going to the park. لم يسبق لسامي و أن ضرب ليلى قطّ. Sami never hit Layla. Sammy never hit Layla. روى فاضل للشرطة ما حدث. Fadil told police what happened. Fadel told the police what happened. ألقِ نظرةً على هذه الخريطة. Take a look at this map. Take a look at this map. منذ زمن بعيد والناس ينبهرون بقدرته الفائقة على حل المسائل الحسابية الرياضية في عقله بدون استخدام الورقة ولا القلم. From a very early age he amazed everyone with his extraordinary abilities to do mathematical calculations in his head without the use of pen and paper. People have long been fascinated by his ability to solve mathematical problems in his mind without the use of paper or a pen. في أي سن بدأت عندك الدورة الشهرية؟ At what age did you have your first period? At what age did you start your menstrual cycle? أمشي إلى المدرسة. I walk to school. I walk to school. سيعالج هذا الدواء صداعك. This medicine will take care of your headache. This medicine will cure your headache. لا يستحقّ سامي أكثر ممّا أستحقّه أنا في الحياة. Sami doesn't deserve more than what I deserve from life. Sammy doesn't deserve more than I do in life. هل يغذى الرجل القط؟ Does the man feed the cat? Does the man feed the cat? الصندوق فارغ تقريبا The box is almost empty. The box is almost empty. توم عندو ماشينة تاع ماييز. Tom has a a popcorn machine. Tom's got a machinist. نحتاج إلى مساعدتك. We require your help. We need your help. تتحدث مثل أمك. You speak like your mother. You talk like your mother. أنا سعيدٌ جداً في جورجيا. I am very happy in Georgia. I am very happy in Georgia. المسلمون يؤمنون بعيسى و محمّد. Muslims believe in Jesus and Muhammad. Muslims believe in Jesus and Muhammad. ليس هناك طريقة أخرى. No other way. There's no other way. لن أغادر محطّة الشّرطة هذه حتّى أرى سامي. I'm not leaving this police station until I see Sami. I'm not leaving this police station until I see Sammy. كانت الشّرطة تعتقد أن ليلى كانت متورّطة في الجريمة بشكل ما. The police believed that Layla was somehow involved in the murder. The police believed that Layla was somehow involved in the crime. أظهرت النتائجُ خطأ التنبؤات. The prediction was falsified by the result. The results showed the predictions were wrong. أقلّ سامي ليلى من المطار. Sami picked Layla up from the airport. Pick up Sammy Layla from the airport. أعزف الكمان. I play violin. I play the violin. لم ألعب الجولف بتاتا. I never played golf. I never played golf. غادر فاضل البلد في الثّالث و العشرين من أغسطس. Fadil left the country on August 23. Fadel left the country on the 23rd of August. أشعر بالجوع. I am hungry. I'm hungry. لقد كنت صامتا لمدة طويلة I've been silent for a long time. You've been quiet for a long time. تأخرنا على المدرسة بسبب المطر الغزير. We were late for school because it rained heavily. We were late for school because of the rain. توم علّمني سباحة الفراشة. Tom taught me butterfly swimming. Tom taught me butterfly swimming. لا يمكننا الانتظار أكثر. We can't wait much longer. We can't wait any longer. ذلك فندقٌ. That is a hotel. That's a hotel. لنأخذ صورة كذكرى. Let's take a picture for memory's sake. Let's take a picture as a memory. أنا خائف جداً من الذهاب إلى هناك بنفسي. I'm too scared to go there by myself. I'm too scared to go there myself. نحن أصدقاء قدامى. We're old friends. We're old friends. أنا جعان أوي. I am terribly hungry. I'm hungry, Oi. أُدعى بوب. They call me Bob. My name is Bob. بإمكانكِ أن تختارين أيّ طريق تريدينه. You can take whichever way you like. You can choose any path you want. إلى أين ذهبت نهاية الأسبوع الماضي؟ Where did you go last weekend? Where did you go last weekend? لن تتغيّر أبدا يا سامي. You'll never change, Sami. You'll never change, Sammy. واحد اسمه هنري كال يريد يشوفك. Someone named Henry wanted to see you. One named Henry Cale wants to show you. سامي محظوظ. Sami is lucky. Lucky Sammy. لا أستطيع القيام بكل شيء بنفسي. I can't do everything on my own. I can't do everything myself. زدت و كبرت في دزاير. I was born and grew up in Algeria. I grew up in Dzier. أحب الإنجليزية أكثر من الرياضيات. I like English better than Math. I love English more than mathematics. خطأ Wrong. Error أحضر الطعام. Bring food. Bring the food. سأحضر بعض النظارات . I'll get some glasses. I'll get some glasses. لستِ حامل. You're not pregnant. You're not pregnant. أنا تسللت من خلفِها. I sneaked up behind her. I snuck behind her. بوسطن ماشي كيما شيكاڤو ڤاع. Boston is not at all like Chicago. Boston Mashi Kima Shikapo. يأكلون بالشوكة و السكين. They eat with a knife and fork. They eat with a fork and a knife. احتاجت ليلى للشّعور بأنّها محبوبة. Layla needed to feel loved. Lily needed to feel loved. وَاشْ كَايَنْ؟ What gives? Wash Kaine? كانت تعلّق بالأمازيغية. She was commenting in Berber. It was related to Amazigh. لم تكن هناك قرابة بين سامي و ليلى. Sami and Layla weren't related. There was no connection between Sammy and Lily. أعلم بأنك خائف I know you're afraid. I know you're scared. ما لا يُصلَح، تركُهُ أصْلَح. What can't be cured must be endured. What doesn't work, let it work. توم يبدوا سعيداً, لكن ليس لفترة طويلة. Tom was happy. Not for long, though. Tom seems happy, but not for long. كانت تجمع ليلى و سامي صلة قرابة وطيدة. Layla and Sami were very close. Leyla and Sammy had a close relationship. لا أعلم إن كان سيأتي بالقطار أو بالسيارة. I don't know whether he'll come by train or by car. I don't know if he'll come by train or car. عليك أن تعتذر لها منه. You are to apologize to her for it. You have to apologize to her. تسلّق سامي شجرة عالية جدّا. Sami climbed a very high tree. Sammy climbed a very high tree. اِبقَ هادئاً عند شرح الدرس. Be quiet during the lesson. Stay calm when teaching the lesson. أنا لا أعرف أي شئ بعد. I don't know anything yet. I don't know anything yet. ما نعرفوش جيرانّا. We don't know our neighbors. We don't know our neighbors. ليس في هذا الإعلان نص يجوز تأويله على أنه يخوّل لدولة أو جماعة أو فرد أي حق في القيام بنشاط أو تأدية عمل يهدف إلى هدم الحقوق والحريات الواردة فيه. Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein. Nothing in this Declaration may be construed as conferring on a State, a group or an individual any right to engage in an activity or perform an act aimed at the destruction of the rights and freedoms set forth therein. لماذا تركت عملك في المزرعة؟ Why did you leave your job on the farm? Why did you leave your job on the farm? غسل يانّي التّين بالماء المنقّى. Yanni washed the figs with filtered water. Wash the fig yanny with purified water. من سرق التفاحة؟ Who stole the apple? Who stole the apple? هيَ تذهبُ إلى جامعة مولود معمّري بِتِيزي وزّو. She goes to Mouloud Mammeri University in Tizi Ouzou. She's going to the University of Mevlut, Tessie and Zo. إنه جو رائع ، أليس كذلك؟ Great weather, isn't it? It's a great atmosphere, isn't it? كان سامي مدمنا على الكحول خارج عن السّيطرة. Sami was an alcoholic out of control. Sammy was an alcoholic out of control. أراد سامي أن يركّز على دراسته. Sami wanted to focus on school. Sammy wanted to focus on his studies. كان إهمالا منها أن تنسى. It was careless of her to forget it. It was careless of her to forget. شكرا على آدخال الغسيل يا جيري. Thanks for bringing the washing in, Gerry. Thanks for the laundry, Jerry. روما مدينة قديمة. Rome is an old city. Rome is an ancient city. هاهي قوتك. Here's your coffee. Here's your power. إن جمال هنا. Jamal is here. Jamal's here. البحر هائج. The sea is raging. The sea is raging. استمع إلى توم Listen to Tom. Listen to Tom. سمعتها تتكلم الإنجليزية بطلاقة. I heard her speak English fluently. I heard her speak fluent English. أريد أن أتعلّم الأمازيغية و العربية. I want to learn Berber and Arabic. I want to learn Amazigh and Arabic. دعى سامي لله كي يساعده. Sami asked God to help him. Sammy asked God to help him. اليوم هو عيد الإستقلال. Today is Independence Day. Today is Independence Day. انا مجرد سائح . I'm a mere tourist. I'm just a tourist. كان فاضل يسكن هنا. Fadil lived here. Fadel lived here. على سامي أن يأكل. Sami needs to eat. Sammy has to eat. هناك أمور عليّ فعلها في المنزل. I have some stuff to do at home. There are things I have to do at home. المنزل معزول بشكل ملائم. The house is suitably isolated. The house is properly isolated. صديقي لا يلعب التنس. My friend doesn't play tennis. My friend doesn't play tennis. أريد أن أكون طبيباً في المستقبل. I want to be a physician in the future. I want to be a doctor in the future. شاهد سامي كلّ فيديو على قناة ليلى في اليوتوب. Sami watched every video on Layla's YouTube channel. Sammy watched every video on Lily's YouTube channel. أولادي نعمة. My children are a blessing. My boys are a blessing. انتهى الحفل الغنائي عند العاشرة. The concert came to an end at ten o'clock. The concert ended at 10:00. هل لي أن آتي و أقابلك غداً؟ May I come and see you tomorrow? May I come and see you tomorrow? هذا كبير جدا This is very big. This is too big. الزجاجة ملئى بالماء. The bottle is filled with water. The bottle is full of water. كان سامي ملازما الفراش. Fadil was bedridden. Sammy was bedridden. نحن نعمل من أجل حقوق المرأة. We're working on women's rights. We work for women’s rights. لا يوجد أي شيء مدعاة للفخر. There is nothing to be proud of. There's nothing to be proud of. أين مدخل المتحف؟ Where is the entrance to the museum? Where's the museum entrance? كان سامي يضحك. Sami was laughing. Sam was laughing. تعيش جدتي وحدها. My grandmother lives by herself. My grandmother lives alone. لأني أريد أن أصير معلمة لغة إنجليزية. The reason is that I want to be an English teacher. Because I want to be an English teacher. مئة هو رقمي المفضل. One hundred is my favorite number. A hundred is my favorite number. بريطانيا العظمى بلد النبلاء و ركوب الخيل. Great Britain is a land of gentlemen and horse riding. Great Britain is a country of nobility and horseback riding. استمرت الحرب قرابة السنتين. The war lasted for about two years. The war lasted about two years. من المأكّد أنّه سينجح في الإمتحان. It is certain that he will pass the examination. I'm sure he'll pass the test. لدي جلد دهني. I have greasy skin. I have greasy skin. لم أرى شيئا مثله أبدا. I've never seen anything like it. I've never seen anything like it. صنعت ليلى بسخا لمفاتيح سيّارة سامي. Layla made copies of Sami's car keys. Layla made a dirtbag for Sammy's car keys. اغطس فيها و اسماك الضاري المفترسة سوف تاكلك. Dip into it and the piranhas will eat you. Dive in and the predatory fish will eat you. منّاد لا يزال في منزل صديقته. Mennad is still at his girlfriend's house. Manade's still at his girlfriend's house. أقصى مدة انتظار يمكنني تحملها هي أربعة أيام. I can wait four days at the longest. The maximum waiting time I can afford is four days. من الصّعب أن تجد ناطقين أصليين بالعربية في دبي أين غالبيّة النّاس تتكلّم بالإنجليزيّة. It's hard to find Arabic native speakers in Dubai where most people speak English. It’s hard to find native Arabic speakers in Dubai where the majority of people speak English. لقد انتهت حياتي. My life is over. My life is over. هل تذكرتّ إغلاق جميع النوافذ؟ Did you remember to close all the windows? Did you remember to close all the windows? مات السنة الماضية. He died one year ago. He died last year. ستصل السفينة الفضائية إلى القمر قريباً. The space ship will get to the moon soon. The spaceship will soon reach the moon. الأدب مستقبل دولة. Literature is the future of a nation. Literature is the future of a country. نسيتُ شراء الخبز. I forgot to buy bread. I forgot to buy bread. الطريق ليس للجبان ولكن للبطل. The way is not for the coward but for the hero. The path is not for the coward but for the hero. يحدث ذلك كثيراً. Such a thing occurs frequently. It happens a lot. قطك في حاجة للمزيد من الأكل. Your cat needs to eat more. Your cat needs more food. كيوتو تعتمد على السياحة . Kyoto depends on the tourist industry. Kyoto is based on tourism. اجلس على الطاولة. Sit at the table. Sit at the table. أنت عار. You're not dressed. You're a disgrace. عادة ما يبتسم دُرايمُن. Doraemon often smiles. Drayman usually smiles. لا شكّ أن عمره يتجاوز الستين. He must be over sixty. No doubt he is over 60. كان سامي راغبا في إخراج ليلى من الصّورة. Sami wanted Layla out of the picture. Sammy wanted to get Lily out of the picture. لا ليس حقا. No, not really. No, not really. سُررت بلقائك. It's great to meet you. Nice to meet you. هل تتحدث المقدونية؟ Do you speak Macedonian? Do you speak Macedonian? تحبني كل عائلتي. I am loved by all my family. My whole family loves me. هذا العالَم المُدَمَر بالفعِل شَهِدَ حَربَين عالَميَتين. This destructive world has already experienced two world wars. This already devastated world has witnessed two world wars. سمعا ليلى و سامي ضجّة غريبة. Layla and Sami heard a strange noise. Lily and Sammy heard a strange noise. ابني مراهق متمرد. My son is a rebellious teenager. My son is a rebellious teenager. واصلت الشّرطة تفتيش عربة فاضل. The police continued searching Fadil's van. The police continued to search Fadel's vehicle. إنت مين؟ Who are you? You're Min? كانت وظيفة النساء الرئيسية حتى زمن قريب هي أن يتزوجن ويلدن الأطفال. Until recently, the main function of women was to marry and give birth to children. Until recently, women’s main job was to marry and have children. الى متى سنقف مكتوفى الايدى. When will we stop sitting by and watching? How long are we going to stand idly by? "من أين أنتِ؟" "أنا من الجزائر." "Where are you from?" "I come from Algeria." "Where are you from?" "I'm from Algeria." جدي من أوساكا. My grandfather comes from Osaka. My grandfather's from Osaka. سامي بعيد عن الخطر. Sami is out of danger. Sammy's out of danger. سألته إن كان سعيدا. She asked him if he was happy. I asked him if he was happy. ستصاب بالبرد هكذا. You will catch cold. You'll catch a cold like this. هل تبحث عن شيء معين Are you looking for something specific? Are you looking for something specific? أصيب جيمي في حادث سير. Jimmy was hurt in a traffic accident. Jimmy was injured in a car accident. كيف تجرؤ؟ How dare you? How dare you? أبقى عينيه مسلّطةً على وجهها. He kept his eyes fixed on her face. He kept his eyes on her face. لماذا تريني هذه الصّورة؟ Why are you showing me this picture? Why are you showing me this picture? اشترك سامي في قناة ليلى على اليوتوب. Sami subscribed to Layla's YouTube channel. Sammy signed up for Lily's YouTube channel. أنا فعلا أقدر صحبتك I really appreciate your company. I really appreciate your company. هذا العلم جميل جدا. This flag is very pretty. This flag is so beautiful. أنا مطلقة. I am divorced. I'm divorced. لاحظ وجودَ ثقبٍ في سترته، لكنه حاول تجاهله. He noticed a hole in his jacket, but he tried to ignore it. He noticed a hole in his jacket, but tried to ignore it. لم يكن ينبغي على سامي العودة. Sami never should have returned. Sammy shouldn't have come back. ساعدهنّ. Help them. Help them. لا أعتقد أنه قادم. I don't think he'll come. I don't think he's coming. سنذهب إلى ألمانيا غداً. We are going to Germany tomorrow. We're going to Germany tomorrow. ادا ما تاكولش تموت. If you don't eat, you die. Unless you're gonna die. "WHO" هو اختصار لمنظمة الصحة العالمية . WHO is the abbreviation for World Health Organization. "WHO" is short for WHO. كان على سامي أن يذهب إلى العمل. Sami had to go to work. Sammy had to go to work. كان عليهم توقع ذلك. They should have known better. They should have expected it. دخل سامي تدريجيّا حياة ليلى. Sami drifted into Layla's life. Sammy gradually entered Laila's life. أنا متعب بسبب المرض والعمل. I am tired, from sickness and work. I'm tired of being sick and working. إنها الملكة. It's the queen. She's the queen. غالبا ما يتذمر توم من طهو أمه Tom often complains about his mother's cooking. Tom often complains about his mother's cooking. انتظرت قرابة النصف ساعة. I have been waiting for almost half an hour. I waited about half an hour. أستذهب إلى حفلة توم؟ Are you going to Tom's party? You're going to Tom's party? يجب إحترام معتقدات و أديان الآخرين. people's faiths and religions have to be respected. The beliefs and religions of others must be respected. لم علي القيام بذلك بنفسي؟ Why do I have to do this by myself? Why do I have to do this myself? أوقف السيارة Stop the car. Stop the car. شعبية مواقع الإنترنت تعتمد على محتوياتها. The popularity of a web site depends on its content. The popularity of websites depends on their content. سرق توم مالًا من أصدقائه. Tom stole money from his friends. Tom stole money from his friends. يا لها من زهرة مسكينة. What a poor flower! What a poor flower. توصّلت ليلى في الحصول على وظيفة بإثارة الإعجاب. Layla charmed her way into a job. Laila got a job with admiration. عليك أن تدفع مقدماً. You must pay in advance. You have to pay in advance. لم أنت مستعجل؟ Why are you in such a hurry? Why are you in such a hurry? بحبك. I love you. Love you. فعل فاضل ذلك بطريقة فطريّا. Fadil instinctively did it. Fadel did it in an innate way. هل تعرف الإجابة؟ You know the answer? Do you know the answer? لن يستمرّ سامي في تمويل علاج ليلى. Sami will no longer pay for Layla's treatment. Sammy's not gonna keep funding Lily's treatment. لقد توفي وهو يقاتل في حرب فيتنام. He died fighting in the Vietnam War. He died fighting in the Vietnam War. كان سامي في العمل عندما اتّصلت به ليلى. Sami was at work when Layla called him. Sammy was at work when Lily called him. ما رأيك بالذهاب لمشاهدة فلم؟ How about going to a movie? How about going to a movie? كان حبّ فاضل لدانية غير مشروط. Fadil loved Dania unconditionally. It was an unconditional love for Dane. لا أستطيع عزفَ البيانو. I can't play piano. I can't play the piano. فحص سامي جرح ليلى. Sami examined Layla's injury. Sammy examined Layla's wound. ماذا تريدين؟ أنا أريد حيوان. What do you want? I want an animal. What do you want? يوصلني جمال كل يوم بسيارته. Jamal gives me a ride every day. Jamal drives me his car every day. اهي، لّيل راهي طويلا، اه ولّا لالا⸮ Well, the night is quite long, isn't it? Oh, my God, Lil' Rahi long, uh, Lola's nothing. هذه الكتب جديدة. These books are new. These books are new. واحد لوقت كونت حايب نولّي استرۆفيزيسيان. I once wanted to be an astrophysicist. One for the time of Count Haip Noli Estervizisian. أراد فاضل أن يعرف كلّ شيء عن الإسلام. Fadil wanted to know everything about Islam. Fadel wanted to know everything about Islam. بينما نظر من خلال نافذة المتجر، اتسعت عينا ديما حين سقطتا على بذلة أعمال، ثم اتسعتا أكثر وأكثر حين لاحظ أن السعر 3,000,000.99 روبلًا بلّاروسيًّا. As he looked through the store window, Dima's eyes widened as they fell upon a gorgeous black suit, and then widened even more when he noticed the 3,000,000.99 BYR price tag. As he looked through the shop window, Dima's eyes widened as they fell on a business suit, and then widened further and further when he noticed that the price was 3,000,000.99 Belarusian rubles. هل تأكل الفيلة لحوم؟ Do elephants eat meat? Do elephants eat meat? لدينا مدرّس جديد. We got a new teacher. We have a new teacher. أرسل سامي لليلى صورة له و صدره عار. Sami sent Layla a picture of him shirtless. Sammy sent Lily a picture of him with his chest full of shame. سيقام العرس في الربيع القادم. The wedding will take place next spring. The wedding will take place next spring. على سامي أن يعتاد على الأمر. Sami will have to get used to it. Sammy has to get used to it. إنه لا يعرف كيف يقود سيارة. He does not know how to drive a car. He doesn't know how to drive a car. باراك الله عليك. May the blessings of God rest upon you. God bless you. لا يوافق والديَّ على خياري المهني. My parents don't approve of my career choice. My parents don't approve of my career choice. من تلك البنت؟ Who's that girl? Who's that girl? أُمي تريد أن تذهب هناك, ولكن أبي يريد أن يشاهد التليفزيون. Mom wants to go there, but Dad wants to watch TV at home. My mom wants to go there, but my dad wants to watch TV. صفع سامي ليلى في الوجه. Sami slapped Layla's face. Sammy Layla slapped in the face. التغيير هو الشيء الوحيد الذي يظل ثابتاً. Change is the only constant. Change is the only thing that remains constant. أنت ولد مُطيع. You are a good boy. You're a good boy. حل الربيع. Spring arrived. Spring's over. من هؤلاء النَّاس؟ Who are these people? Who are these people? ماذا إذا كنت على حق؟ What if I'm right? What if I'm right? هناك ما أريد قوله لك. I have something that I want to say to you. There's something I want to tell you. تأخر عن الموعد بسبب حادث سير. His delay of coming here on time is due to a traffic accident. He was late for a car accident. دعني أذهب وحدي. Let me go alone. Let me go alone. نمى حزن سامي كي يصبح اكتئابا. Sami's sadness deepened into a depression. Sammy's grief grew into depression. يُعتقد أن بيكاسو رسم هذه الصورة. The picture is presumed to have been painted by Picasso. Picasso is believed to have painted this image. أنا أشعر بالعطش. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty. طالت الخسائر التي خلفها الإعصار الكثير من المحافظات. The damage of the typhoon spread over several prefectures. The damage caused by the hurricane affected many provinces. هذا العمل هام جدا بالنسبة لهم. The task is of great importance to them. This work is very important to them. بعد ظُهر هذا اليوم سيكون لدينا مقابلة. This afternoon we will have an interview. This afternoon we'll have an interview. لماذا قرّرت أن تتعلّم العربيّة؟ Why did you decide to learn Arabic? Why did you decide to learn Arabic? هل أنتَ خائف؟ You're afraid? Are you scared? اختفت ليلى. Layla went missing. Lily is gone. ينبغي لها أن تستمع إلى آراء الآخرين أكثر. She should listen more to other people. She should listen to other people’s opinions more. يجب أن تهدف التربية إلى إنماء شخصية الإنسان وإلى تعزيز احترام الإنسان والحريات الأساسية وتنمية التفاهم والتسامح والصداقة بين جميع الشعوب والجماعات العنصرية أو الدينية، وإلى زيادة مجهود الأمم المتحدة لحفظ السلام. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. Education shall be directed to the development of the human personality, to the promotion of respect for the human person and fundamental freedoms, to the development of understanding, tolerance and friendship among all peoples and racial or religious groups, and to the enhancement of the United Nations peacekeeping effort. تلاقيت بيهُم في زوج في بلاد القبايل و جوّزنا نْهار قوّة. I met both of them in Kabylie and we all had a great day. I met them in a couple in tribal lands and we were rocked by power. هي طالبة. She's a student. She's a student. قال سامي أنه حتى لو كان في السجن، فإنه سيُرسل أحدا ليقتلها. Sami told that even from jail he would send somebody to kill her. Sami said that even if he was in prison, he would send someone to kill her. اِشتريت زجاجتَي حليب. I bought two bottles of milk. I bought two bottles of milk. بقي الباب مغلقًا طوال اليوم. The door remained closed all day. The door was locked all day. عليك أن تأتي معي. You have to come with me. You have to come with me. أنا نضج كفايةً لأتّخذ قراراتي الخاصّة. I'm old enough to make my own decisions. I'm old enough to make my own decisions. لو سمحت خلي الموضوع ده سر. Please keep it secret. Please keep it a secret. من المحتمل أن تكون ليلى قد فرّت من المنزل مرّة أخرى. Layla has probably run off again. Lily may have run away from home again. خسر سامي. Sami lost. Sammy lost. هذه المرأة طبيبة. This woman is a doctor. This woman is a doctor. عاد سامي. Sami returned. Sammy's back. كانت ليلى محبطة جدّا. Layla was very depressed. Lily was very disappointed. قل لها ألا تبحث عني. Tell her to not look for me. Tell her not to look for me. لم أقول شيئا؟ Why would I say anything? Didn't I say anything? أنا فقط أمزح. I'm only joking. I'm just kidding. أحتاج إلى أن أركز. I need to concentrate. I need to focus. لجأ سامي إلى الكحول و المخدّرات لإيقاف ذلك الألم. Sami turned to alcohol and narcotics to stop the pain. Sammy resorted to alcohol and drugs to stop that pain. كنت هنا من قبل. I've been here before. I've been here before. طالما أننا نعيش، علينا أن نعمل. As long as we live, we have to work. As long as we live, we have to work. طلب سامي من ليلى أن تلتقي به شخصيّا. Sami asked Layla to meet him in person. Sammy asked Lily to meet him in person. حتّى سامي كان مستاءا. Sami was upset, too. Even Sammy was upset. اتّصل مدير المدرسة بمدرّستنا و أخبرها أنّه سيدعنا نعود إلى قسمنا. The principal called our teacher and told her that he was sending us back to class. The headmaster called our teacher and told her he'd let us go back to our department. الغصن مال عليها وضربها. The branch sprang back and hit her. The branch leaned on her and hit her. كانت ليلى بمثابة عمود عند أهل البلدة. Layla was a pillar of the community. Leyla was a pillar of the town. لا يمكنني التركيز عندما تكون هنا. I can't concentrate while you're here. I can't concentrate when you're here. أطفئ توم الأنوار. Tom turned the lights off. Turn off the lights. لم يكن سوى ثلاثة بالغين في تلك القاعة. There were only three adults in the room. There were only three adults in that room. مدّ يده إلى التفاحة. He reached for the apple. He reached for the apple. ستحضر الإجتماع بدلا مني. She will attend the meeting instead of me. You're coming to the meeting for me. بتبص علي ايه بظبط What specifically are you looking for? Look at me exactly. حاب حاجا تشربها⸮ Would you like something to drink? Hab Haja يا إلهي ، مبتدئ هزمني في اللعبة! omg a n00b pwned me! Oh, my God, a rookie beat me in the game! خذ الكرسي الآخر. Take the other chair! Take the other chair. وضعت والدتي الأطباق قرب النافذة. My mother put the plates near the window. My mother put the dishes by the window. هي تريد تعلّم الأمازيغية. She wants to learn Berber. She wants to learn Tamazight. نحن ذاهبان إلى المطبخ. We're going to the kitchen. We're going to the kitchen. و كيف أجبت؟ How did you reply? How did you answer? نشعر بالحرارة We're hot. Feel the heat. هذه شجرة. That's a tree. This is a tree. لا يمكن لليلى أن تنجب أطفالا. Layla can't have children. Lily can't have kids. هل تأتي إلى هنا كل يوم؟ Do you come here every day? Do you come here every day? التّين الطّازج يتلف بشكل سريع جدّا. Fresh figs are extremely perishable. Fresh figs get damaged very quickly. يمسك براين بِيَدَيْ كيت. Brian is holding Kate's hands. Brian's holding Kate's hands. كدب علينا. He lied to us. Bear on us. أنت حر في الاستفادة من هذه الغرفة بأي طريقة ترضيك. You are at liberty to make use of this room in any way you please. You are free to take advantage of this room in any way that pleases you. استمع! Listen! Listen! هذه قصيدة رائعة. That's a great poem. That's a great poem. اصابة توم تبدو خطيرة. Tom's injury seems serious. Tom's injury looks serious. غادرت المكتب منذ فترة. She has already left the office. I left the office a while ago. لقد كنتُ أتعلّم الأمازيغية لسنوات. I have been learning Berber for years. I've been learning Amazigh for years. توم ينظف أسنانه بالفرشاة ثلاث مرات على الأقل يومياَ Tom brushes his teeth at least three times a day. Tom brushes his teeth at least three times a day. كان خطأ حاسوبيّ. It was a computer error. It was a computer error. شكراً لله. Thank God. Thank God. تبان لي حاجا انتيريسّانت. It seems interesting to me. He showed me an antiresant pilgrim. طوم صغير بشويّة برك على ماري. Tom is only a little older than Mary. Little Tom with a puddle grill on Mary. الجزائر أولا Algeria first! Algeria First الرجاء إغلاق الباب عند الخروج. Please will you close the door when you go out. Please close the door when you get out. بعد أن صفعت ليلى، انتابني شعور فظيع. After I slapped Layla, I felt terrible. After I slapped Lily, I had a terrible feeling. يمكنك أن تطلب منه أن يساعدك. You can ask him for help. You can ask him to help you. حقاً أُريد زيارتك أنتِ و أطفالك, لكن يبدو انني لم أعثر على الفرصة المناسبة. I keep meaning to visit you and your kids. I just never seem to get around to it. I really want to visit you and your kids, but I didn't seem to find the right opportunity. زرنا طوكيو مرات عديدة. We have been to Tokyo many times. We visited Tokyo many times. السفر سهل هذه الأيام. Travelling is easy these days. Traveling is easy these days. هذا المكتب يأخذ مساحة كبيرة. This desk takes up too much room. This office takes up a lot of space. أوقعت مفاتيحي. I dropped my keys. I dropped my keys. اختار هاوكنغ التركيز على الرياضيات والفيزياء، رافضا بهذا حث والده الطبيب إياه على دراسة الطب. Rejecting the urging of his physician father to study medicine, Hawking chose instead to concentrate on mathematics and physics. Hawking chose to focus on mathematics and physics, refusing his father's exhortation to him to study medicine. يعطيك صسحّا كيما فهّمتلي وعلاش فينالمان نّاس تحسبني حمار. Thanks for having explained to me at last why people take me for an idiot. He gives you an anointing, so that you may understand me, and the nests of men who think I am an ass. بإمكان فاضل أن يفقد كلّ شيء. Fadil may lose everything. Fadel could lose everything. هذا الكتاب ملكٌ للمكتبة. This book belongs to the library. This book belongs to the library. تعافى سامي كليّة. Sami made a full recovery. Sammy's fully recovered. توم صديقي. Tom is my friend. Tom's my friend. ألست قلقا من إحتمال أن يُجرح توم؟ Aren't you worried that Tom might get injured? Aren't you worried about Tom getting hurt? قدّم سامي الأكل لكلبه. Sami fed his dog. Sammy served food to his dog. يوجد مقهى أمام المحطة. There's a coffee shop in front of the station. There is a cafe in front of the station. كان المدرّسون يكرهونها. Teachers hated her. The teachers hated her. تمّ اعتقال ليلى في القاهرة بمصر. Layla was arrested in Cairo, Egypt. Leila was arrested in Cairo, Egypt. انتبه! هناك حفرة كبيرة هناك. Watch out! There's a big hole there. There's a big hole there. يصبح الجو أبرد يوماً بعد يوم. It is getting colder day by day. It gets colder every day. كيف حال ماري؟ How is Mary? How's Mary? السوشي جيد، لكن الأطباق التايلاندية أفضل. Sushi is good, but Thai dishes are better. Sushi is good, but Thai dishes are better. أنا واثق من أنك ستساعدني. I am assured of your help. I'm sure you'll help me. سامي هو المريض التّالي الذي سفحصه الدّكتور باكر. Sami is Doctor Bakir's next patient. Sammy is the next patient that Dr. Packer will examine. هل هذا هو الحب؟ Is it love? Is that love? أودّ أن أمضي المزيد من الوقت مع خالتي. I would like to spend more time with my aunt. I'd like to spend more time with my aunt. إنهم يأكلون التفاح. They're eating apples. They eat apples. كل قططها جالسة على سقف سيارتها. All her cats are sitting on the roof of the car. All her cats are sitting on the roof of her car. ملأ سامي كأسا بمضاد التّجمّد. Sami filled a glass with antifreeze. Sammy filled a glass with antifreeze. كل الناس طيبو القلب. All humans are good at heart. All people are good-hearted. المسلمون يؤمنون بيسوع و محمّد. Muslims believe in Jesus and Muhammad. Muslims believe in Jesus and Muhammad. أنا معجب بك كثيرًا. I like you very much. I like you a lot. حضر علي إفطار عند سامي. Ali attended an Iftar meal hosted by Sami. I had breakfast with Sam. سامي يحبّ ليلى. Sami likes Layla. Sammy loves Lily. اسمي وانج. My name is Wang. My name is Wang. غادرالقطار قبل أن يصلوا إلى المحطة. The train left before they got to the station. Get off the train before they get to the station. أنا لا أمزح. I'm serious. I'm not kidding. إنه يعمل في المصرف. He works at a bank. He works at the bank. أين سنلتقي؟ Where will we meet? Where will we meet? مدرسة الرياضيات فجئتنا بمفاجئة و أعطتنا إختبار The math teacher sprang a surprise on us and gave a quiz. Math school surprised us and gave us a test. لم يكن سامي يقول الحقيقة. Sami wasn't telling the truth. Sammy wasn't telling the truth. زيارة جميع المعالم السياحية حقاً ترهقني كثيراً . Visiting all the tourist sights really wore me out. Visiting all the sights really exhausts me a lot. رأيت شخصا يقبّل توم. I saw somebody kiss Tom. I saw someone kissing Tom. كان سامي و ليلى يمارسان تبادل الشّركاء الجنسيّين. Sami and Layla were swingers. Sammy and Lily were having sex with each other. أمي وأبي عندهما مزرعة كبيرة هناك. My father and mother have a big farm there. My mom and dad have a big farm there. هيئتُ النظام بحيث لا يستطيع إلا الجذر الوصول إلى الشاشة الإدارية. I made it so only root could access the administrative screen. I configured the system so that only the root can access the admin screen. أنا أصغر منك بثلاث سنين. I'm three years younger than you. I'm three years younger than you. اشترى سامي مسكنا يحتوي على ثلاث غرف نوم في القاهرة. Sami purchased a three-bedroom residence in Cairo. Sami bought a three-bedroom residence in Cairo. مانيش حايب نكون خرا، حايب نكون ستيل! I don't want to be lame; I want to be cool!! Manish Haib we'll be out, Haib we'll be Steel! ثم وقعت أحداث 11 سبتمبر 2001 واستمر هؤلاء المتطرفون في مساعيهم الرامية إلى ارتكاب أعمال العنف ضد المدنيين الأمر الذي حدا بالبعض في بلدي إلى اعتبار الإسلام معاديا لا محالة ليس فقط لأمريكا وللبلدان الغربية وإنما أيضا لحقوق الإنسان The attacks of September 11th, 2001 and the continued efforts of these extremists to engage in violence against civilians has led some in my country to view Islam as inevitably hostile not only to America and Western countries, but also to human rights. Then the events of September 11, 2001, and these extremists continued their efforts to commit acts of violence against civilians, which led some in my country to consider Islam as inevitably hostile not only to America and Western countries, but also to human rights. هل تعلم من اشترى لوحتك؟ Do you know who bought your painting? Do you know who bought your painting? لمن هذه اللوحات؟ Whose paintings are these? Whose paintings are these? لماذا تريد شراء هذا الكتاب؟ Why do you want to buy this book? Why do you want to buy this book? أكيد أنّي أحبّها. Of course I love her. I must love her. عندي مشكلة I have a problem. I have a problem. هل لي أن أساعدك؟ Can I help you? May I help you? كل جهد يستحق المكافأة. Every effort deserves a reward. Every effort is worth the reward. لم أقل كلمتي الأخيرة! I didn't say my last word! I didn't say my last word! أتيت إلى اليابان السنة الماضية. I came to Japan last year. I came to Japan last year. كيف حضّرت هذا الحساء؟ How did you make this soup? How did you make this soup? هذا غير متوقع إلى حد ما That is rather unexpected. That's a little unexpected. هل تأخّرت كثيرا يا رفاق؟ Am I too late, guys? Are you guys too late? هم يخططون أن يستقروا في نيوزلندا. They are planning to settle in New Zealand. They plan to settle in New Zealand. كلما وجدت شيئًا يعجبني، وجدته غاليا جدا. Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive. Whenever I find something I like, I find it very expensive. أتحس بوجع في بطنك؟ Do you feel any pain in your stomach? Do you feel pain in your stomach? نظر سامي حوله. Sami looked around. Sammy looked around. كانت ليلى تسرق المصارف. Layla was robbing banks. Lily was robbing banks. هل بإمكانك قيادة سيارة؟ Can you drive a car? Can you drive a car? ارفع القلم من على الأرض. Pick up the pencil from the floor. Lift the pen off the floor. لما وصل إلى تجربة الرقم 966، كان ديما قد بدأ باليأس. By the time that he tried 966, Dima was beginning to give up hope. When he reached the 966 test, Dima was beginning to despair. سمع سامي صوتا بداخله. Sami heard an inner voice. Sam heard a voice inside. اللغة الإنجليزية هي لغة العالم. English is the world's language. English is the language of the world. إنه يتكلم الإنجليزية. He is speaking English. He speaks English. أنت تعلَمُ جيّدا ما تُريدُهُ هيَ. You know very well what she wants. You know very well what she wants. لم اكن وحيدة. I was not lonely. I wasn't alone. الإنجليزية ليست لغتي الأم. English is not my mother tongue. English is not my mother tongue. تورّي برك بلّي نتا ماشي رۆبۆ. It only shows you're not a robot. Torre Blessings Blc Nta Mashi Rebbe. لنجلس أين يوجد ظل. Let's sit where there is some shade. Let's sit where there's a shadow. إنها زوجتي. She's my wife. She's my wife. لنأكل شيئا قبل أن نخرج. Let's eat something before we go out. Let's eat something before we go out. إنه فقير، لكنه بالرغم من ذلك سعيد. He is poor, but happy. He's poor, but he's happy. لا أدري ماذا كان يمكنني أن أفعل لولا مجيئك لمساعدتي. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't come to help me. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come to help me. هذا كل ما عندي. خذه. This is all I have. Take it. That's all I got. لديهم بطانية واحدة فقط. They have only one blanket. They only have one blanket. بمساعدتك أستطيع النجاح With your help, I could succeed. With your help, I can succeed. كان سامي ذاهبا إلى موعده السّنوي مع الطّبيب. Sami was going to his annual appointment with his doctor. Sammy was going to his annual appointment with the doctor. أي لون تحب أكثر؟ الأزرق أم الأحمر؟ Which color do you like more, blue or red? Which color do you like the most? Blue or red? ستحبه إلى الأبد. She'll love him forever. You'll love him forever. كان جالسا، يحتسي النبيذ. He was sitting drinking wine. He was sitting, sipping wine. كانت للشرطة أسباب لتشتبه بسامي. Police had reasons to suspect Sami. The police had reason to suspect Sammy. ينبغي أن تلغى منهجيا المشاريع الضارة بالبيئة. Environmentally damaging projects should be abandoned systematically. Environmentally harmful projects should be systematically eliminated. هي تحب المطر. She likes the rain. She loves the rain. ماعنديش إخوات صبيان. I don't have any brothers. I don't have any younger sisters. ورث جون ثروة كبيرة. John inherited a large fortune. John inherited a great fortune. كان الفتيان يشربون. The guys were drinking. The boys were drinking. بكيت لأن الجميع غيري بكى. I just cried because all the others did. I cried because everyone else cried. إنك تشتكي دائماً. You are always complaining. You always complain. الجميع يتفق معك. Everybody agrees with you. Everyone agrees with you. سأحتاج إلى المزيد من المال. I'm going to need some more money. I'm gonna need more money. كان سامي يقضي وقتا أكثر مع ليلى. Sami spent more time with Layla. Sammy was spending more time with Lily. بجد مبتعرفش تسبح؟ Can you really not swim? Seriously, you don't swim? نُقِل سامي بسرعة إلى المستشفى و تعافى بعد ستّة أيّام. Sami was rushed to the hospital and recovered within six days. Sammy was rushed to the hospital and recovered six days later. علم سامي أنّ ليلى قد ماتت. Sami realized Layla was dead. Sammy knew that Lily was dead. كان مدرّس الفنون صارما. The art teacher was strict. The art teacher was strict. عليك أن تتحكم بنزواتك. You must control yourself. You have to control your impulses. توم ايضا يمتلك منزل فى بوسطن. Tom also has a house in Boston. Tom also owns a house in Boston. من الأرجح أن يكون سامي قد قضى نهاية الأسبوع مع صديقته. Sami probably spent the weekend with his new girlfriend. Sammy probably spent the weekend with his girlfriend. و أخيرا وجدتها. Finally, I've found her. I finally found her. ما عملتش حاجة غلط. I haven't done anything wrong. I didn't do anything wrong. وُلِدَ سامي من علاقة غير شرعيّة. Sami's birth resulted from an extramarital affair. Sammy was born from an illicit relationship. عملهن هو تجميل الفنانين. Their job is to do make-up for performing artists. Their job is to beautify artists. أراد سامي بعض الماء. Sami wanted some water. Sammy wanted some water. أعلى، لو سمحت، لا أستطيع أن أسمع جيدا. Louder please, I cannot hear well. Higher, please, I can't hear well. ادرس بجد و ستنجح. Study hard, and you'll succeed. Study hard and you will succeed. سأظل حتى يرحل توم. I'll stay until Tom leaves. I'll stay until Tom leaves. لديه الكثير من المال في المصرف. He has plenty of money in the bank. He's got a lot of money in the bank. توم طالب. Tom is a student. Tom is a student. كانا سامي و ليلى يمضيان ما استطاعا من الوقت معا. Sami and Layla were spending as much time together as they could. Sammy and Lily were spending as much time together as they could. ماذا قالوا أيضا؟ What else did they say? What else did they say? ما هو برنامجك التلفزيوني المفضل؟ What is your favorite TV program? What's your favorite TV show? كان بريئاً من الجريمة. He was innocent of the crime. He was innocent of the crime. أنا أتتطلع لإجازة الصيف. I'm looking forward to summer vacation. I'm looking forward to the summer break. هذا الكلب يركض بسرعة. This dog runs fast. This dog is running fast. أود أن أعبر عن امتناني لما قدمته لهذه البلدة. I would like to express my gratitude for what you have done for this town. I'd like to express my gratitude for what I've done for this town. ما هي السعادة؟ What is happiness? What is happiness? قرر أن يصبح محامياً He decided to be a lawyer. He decided to become a lawyer. كان فاضل طفلا صغيرا ذو ابتسامة مشعّة. Fadil was a little boy with a sunny smile. Fadel was a little boy with a radiant smile. الجدة ذهبت الي السوق لشراء طعام للأسرة. Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family. Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family. كتبت ليلى تلك الرّسائل لصديق مقرّب. Layla wrote the letters to a close friend. Lily wrote those letters to a close friend. توقفي عن ضرب أخيكِ. Stop hitting your brother. Stop hitting your brother. المعذرة، هلّا أعدت ذلك؟ Pardon me, can you repeat that? Excuse me, would you repeat that? هي القطة فوق الكرسي ولا تحته؟ Is the cat on the chair or under the chair? Is the cat on the chair and not under it? أقدر ما عمِلته لأجلي. I appreciate what you've done for me. I appreciate what you've done for me. يقطن سامي في منطقة بعيدة من البلد. Sami lives in a remote part of the country. Sami lives in a remote part of the country. أكره النساء الغيورات. I hate jealous women. I hate jealous women. الفلسطينيّون هم السّكاّن الأصليّون في فلسطين. The Palestinians are the indigenous people of Palestine. Palestinians are the original inhabitants of Palestine. اللغة الصينية أصعب من اللغات الأجنبية الأخرى. Chinese is more difficult than other foreign languages. Chinese is more difficult than other foreign languages. العشب بحاجة إلى التجديب. The grass needs cutting. The grass needs pruning. أنت أفضل مني. You're better than me. You're better than me. أبق الأطفال بعيدا عن الأدوية. Keep children away from medicine. Keep children away from medications. اللّغة الألبانيّة جميلة جدّا. The Albanian language is very beautiful. Albanian is so beautiful. أريد تعلم الفرنسية حقا. I really want to learn French. I really want to learn French. يبدو لي أن جميعكم مخطئون. It appears to me that you are all mistaken. It seems to me you're all wrong. انتبه Watch out! Careful. شفتو كي كنت فلامبطون؟ Did you see him while you were at Lambton? You've seen how you've been flamingoed? في العديد من المطاعم في تركيا، يقدّم الكباب كمقبّل رئيسي. In many restaurants in Turkey, kebab is the main entree. In many restaurants in Turkey, kebabs are served as the main acceptor. لم آكل طعاما صينيا قط. I have never eaten Chinese food. I've never eaten Chinese food. فاز سامي. Sami won. Sammy won. يعتبر التّين مصدرا جيّدا للمعادن. Figs are a good source of minerals. Figs are a good source of minerals. لا يجب عليك أن تستمع إلی ما يقول. You don't have to listen to what he says. You don't have to listen to what he's saying. ينبغي على سامي أن يهتمّ بشؤونه. Sami should mind his fucking business. Sammy needs to take care of his own business. لا تتركني وحدي! Don't leave me by myself! Don't leave me alone! هوَ فقد والدهُ في البحر. He lost his father at sea. He lost his father at sea. أنا بالفعل متأخر. I am already late. I'm already late. قرّر سامي أن يرفع الفيديو على اليوتوب. Sami decided to upload the video on YouTube. Sammy decided to upload the video on YouTube. قروتُ كتابه. I read his book. I read his book. أنا ميت م الجوع. I'm very hungry. I'm dead of hunger. هل عندك اعتراض على هذه الخطة. Do you have any objection to this plan? Do you object to this plan? ماذا يفعل الآن توم؟ What's Tom doing now? What's he doing now, Tom? تغيرتَ كثيرًا. You changed a lot. You've changed a lot. لا يستحقّ سامي أن يرى نور النّهار مجدّدا. Sami doesn't deserve to see the light of day again. Sammy doesn't deserve to see the light of day again. ما قاله حينها صدمني. What he said then shocked me. What he said then shocked me. سامي منخرط في مجتمع الميم. Sami is in the LGBT community. Sammy is involved in the LGBT community. سأخبر جمال غدا. I'm gonna tell Jamal tomorrow. I'll tell Jamal tomorrow. سنذهب إلى حفلة رقص غداً. We are going to a dance tomorrow. We're going to a dance tomorrow. إرجع! Get back, get back! Come back! فضح سامي ليلى على اليوتوب. Sami exposed Layla on YouTube. Sammy Leyla on YouTube. أحضره إلي. Bring him to me. Bring him to me. هو الآن في المستشفى. He is in the hospital at present. He's now in the hospital. أنت هو حياتي يا بنيّ. You're my life, Son. You're my life, son. المعذرة، لا أريد التحدث عن الموضوع. I'm sorry, but I don't want to talk about it. Excuse me. I don't want to talk about it. بدآ سامي و ليلى يكتبان رسائل لبعضهما الآخر. Sami and Layla started writing each other letters. Sami and Leila started writing letters to each other. أقول كل شيئ بالأمازيغية. I say everything in Berber. I say everything in amazigh. "ديما؟!" كان الصائب مصعوقًا جدا حتى أنه أسقط الفانتا التي في يده على حاسوبه، ما أدى إلى تخريب جولته لصيد النوبز. "ديما؟! أهذا حقًّا أنت؟!" "Dima?!" Al-Sayib was so shocked that he dropped his Fanta on his computer, thereby ruining his noob hunt. "Dima?! Is that really you?!" "Dima?!" The right one was so shocked that he dropped the vanta in his hand on his computer, which sabotaged his Nob hunting tour. "Dima?! Is that really you?!" ماذا أكلت؟ What have you eaten? What did you eat? توجه إلى محطة حافلات الجزائر العاصمة. He headed for the Algiers bus station. Head to Algiers Bus Station. إبنٌ يَحتَاجُ إلى أن يَطُعُ وَالِدَهُ A son must obey his father. A son needs to obey his father. ترك سامي الجامعة منذ ستّ سنوات. Sami left college six years ago. Sammy dropped out of college six years ago. هل تذكر اسمه؟ Do you remember his name? Do you remember his name? هل أصبح الحديث عن فلسطين تابوّا اليوم؟ Is it a taboo to talk about Palestine today? Are we talking about Palestine today? كان سامي يشغل منصبا جيّدا في العيادة. Sami had a good position at the clinic. Sammy was in a good position at the clinic. أنا فقط سأترك هذه هنا. I'll just leave this here. I'm just gonna leave this here. هناك دوما بعض المهام المتعلقة بامور المنزل التي ينبغي القيام بها . There are always some chores to be done about the house. There are always some tasks related to the house things that should be done. نسي سامي نظّاراته في غرفة الفندق. Sami left his glasses in the hotel room. Sammy forgot his glasses in the hotel room. ما الذي حصل له؟ What happened to him? What happened to him? كُن مُتسامحاً. Be tolerant. Be tolerant. عادةً ما يذهبون إلى المدرسة من الاثنين الى الجمعة. They usually go to school from Monday to Friday. They usually go to school from Monday to Friday. كان ذلك القط حقا أزرق اللون. That cat really was blue. That cat was really blue. انتقل إلى هنا. Move in here. Move over here. صالَحَت مَعَ صَدِيقَتِها. She reconciled with her friend. It worked out with her friend. إلى ماذا تنظر؟ What are you looking at? What are you looking at? إذا سجلت في الفيس بوك، فسترسل معلوماتك لوكالات الاستخبارات. If you sign up to Facebook, your information will be sent to intelligence agencies. If you sign up for Facebook, your information will be sent to intelligence agencies. الشرطيّة كانت تخشى على حياتها من الخطر. The female police officer was in fear for her life. The cop was afraid for her life of danger. وقتاش جرّب توم يدير هاذ الشي؟ When did Tom try doing that? And when did Tom run this thing? ماري تعزف البيانو. Mary plays the piano. Mary plays the piano. بقي صامتاً طوال الوقت. He was silent all the time. He kept quiet the whole time. أهلاً بعودتك. لقد اشتقنا إليك! Welcome back. We missed you. Welcome back, we've missed you! غيّر سامي رأيه بخصوص المسلمين. Sami changed his opinion of Muslims. Sami changed his mind about Muslims. ولما كنت صبيا قضيت عدة سنوات في إندونيسيا واستمعت إلى الآذان ساعات الفجر والمغرب As a boy, I spent several years in Indonesia and heard the call of the azaan at the break of dawn and the fall of dusk. As a boy, I spent many years in Indonesia listening to the dawn-time ears of Morocco. أين الآخرين؟ Where are the others? Where are the others? اعتقد أنك تعرف لماذا استدعيتك . I think you know why I summoned you. I think you know why I called you. كادت ليلى أن تموت. Layla nearly died. Lily almost died. كم ثمنها؟ How much is it? How much? تتكلم و كأنك رئيسنا. You talk as if you were the boss. You sound like our boss. أين اشتريت تلك القبّعة التي كنت ترتديها البارحة؟ Where did you buy that hat you were wearing yesterday? Where did you buy that hat you were wearing yesterday? فقد ابنين في الحرب. He lost two sons in the war. He lost two sons in the war. إنها بنفس طولك. She is as tall as you. She's about the same height as you. أنا طالب. I'm a student. I'm a student. كان على سامي أن يأخذ قسطا من الرّاحة. Sami had to rest. Sammy had to take a break. اسمي جاك. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. ماذا تريد؟ أنا أريد حيوان. What do you want? I want an animal. What do you want? سرق الرجل حقيبة يدي. The man robbed me of my purse. The man stole my handbag. أراد سامي مقابلة مسلمين حقيقيّين. Sami wanted to meet real Muslims. Sammy wanted to meet real Muslims. توحّشتني⸮ Did you miss me? I panicked. أخبرني توم أن الوقت نَفَذَ منّا. Tom told me that we were out of time. Tom told me we ran out of time. يخلق الرّب الجمال من الرّماد. God creates beauty from ashes. God creates beauty from ashes. لديك الكثير من الكتب. You have many books. You have a lot of books. أيمكنك أن تكرر ما قلته من فضلك؟ Could you repeat that, please? Could you repeat what I said, please? ما هو وقت الإفطار؟ What time is iftar? What time is breakfast? تفاجأت زوجتي. My wife looked surprised. My wife was surprised. ماذا تعلّمتنّ؟ What have you learned? What did you learn? تهدف الشركة إلى فتح فروع في الصين. The company aims to branch out into China. The company aims to open branches in China. عليك أن تتجهز بسرعة. You must get ready quickly. You need to get ready fast. القطة نائمة على الأريكة. The cat is sleeping on the sofa. The cat is sleeping on the couch. شكراً لإخبارنا بأن توم من فعلها. Thank you for telling us that it was Tom who did that. Thanks for telling us Tom did it. ذهب للمتجر في آخر لحظة، قبل الإغلاق بقليل. He went to the store at the last minute, just before it closed. He went to the store at the last minute, just before closing. هذا ليس عدلاً. That isn't fair. That's not fair. هادي ادي شابّا! That's a good idea! Eddie's young! لدي صداع في رأسي. I've got a headache. I have a headache. هذه هي الساعة التي اشتريتها امس . This is the watch I bought yesterday. This is the watch I bought yesterday. أعرف اسمه I know his name. I know his name. شعر سامي أنّه قد ابتعد عن المشاكل و الأخطار التي تميّز الحياة في مدينة كبيرة. Sami felt far from the troubles and dangers of a big city. Sammy felt that he had moved away from the problems and dangers that characterized life in a big city. أضاف سامي بعض الفرولة للعصير. Sami added strawberries to the juice. Sammy added some freshness to the juice. فقد ملايين الأشخاص حياتهم أثناء الحرب. Millions of people lost their lives during the war. Millions of people lost their lives during the war. رأت ليلى صورة الملفّ الشّخصي لسامي و أُعجبت بها. Layla saw Sami's profile picture and she liked it. Lily saw Sammy's profile picture and liked it. كان لدى سامي الكثير من المشاكل العقليّة و العاطفيّة و كان يعالجها بتناول الكحول. Sami had lots of mental and emotional problems and he treated them with alcohol. Sammy had a lot of mental and emotional problems and was treating them with alcohol. كان سامي يسكن في نفس الشّارع الذي كانت تسكن فيه ليلى. Sami lived on the same street as Layla. Sammy lived on the same street as Lily. ذاكرتك ليست جيّدة. You do not have a good memory. Your memory's not good. لم تكره الكنديّين إلى هذه الدّرجة؟ Why do you hate Canadians so much? Why do you hate Canadians so much? تركت ليلى الثّانويّة. Layla left high school. I left Laila high school. كان سامي يعيش حياة قاسية. Sami has a difficult life. Sammy was living a hard life. عندما يكثر الطّعام، تصبح الدّببة أقلّ عدائية. When food is abundant, bears become less aggressive. When food is plentiful, the bears become less hostile. كان الدّكتور صادق بطلا في البلدة. Dr. Sadiq was a superstar in the community. Dr. Sadiq was a hero in town. انتقلا إلى هنا. Move in here. They moved here. غادر سامي قبل انتهاء الموسيقى. Sami left before the music stopped. Sammy left before the music ended. ستحتاج جسرًا مؤقتًا. You'll need a temporary bridge. You will need a temporary bridge. ماذا كُنتِ ستقولينَ لو كنتِ في مكاني؟ What would you say if you were in my place? What would you say if you were me? ما أن سمعت الجرس حتى ردت على الهاتف. As soon as she heard the bell ring, she answered the telephone. As soon as she heard the bell she answered the phone. أحضر لي شيئاً لآكله. Bring me something to eat. Get me something to eat. "هي، هل تحاول مخادعتي؟" "لا، أنا أحاول أن أذهب في نزهة. أنا لا أعرف من أنت حتّى." "Hey, are you trying to trick me?" "No, I'm trying to go for a walk. I don't even know who you are." "Hey, are you trying to trick me?" "No, I'm trying to go for a walk. I don't even know who you are." هل من أحد يستطيع أن ينطق هذه الكلمة؟ Is there anyone who can pronounce this word? Can anyone say that word? أصبحت مشهورة. She became famous. I became famous. هل ستقوم بالعمل الذي لم يقم به سيوسامه؟ Will you do the work that Seosamh didn't do? Are you going to do the work that Sisam didn't do? كان لكل بيت حديقة. Every house had a garden. Each house had a garden. كانت لديّ علاقة صداقة جيّدة مع مدرّسي. I was good friends with my teacher. I had a good friendship with my teacher. كان المدرّس لطيفا جدّا. The teacher was so nice. The teacher was very nice. لقد فقدت كل إحترامي لك. I have lost all respect for you. I've lost all respect for you. هل قالت شيئا؟ Did she say something? Did she say something? حاول سامي أن يصف ما حدث. Sami tried to describe what happened. Sammy tried to describe what happened. تعلمتُ الأمازيغية في البيت. I learned Berber at home. I learned Amazigh at home. يجب عليك أن تعوض عن الوقت الضائع. You must make up for lost time. You have to make up for lost time. كانت عند فاضل خطّة و تحلّى بصبر كبير من أجلها. Fadil had a plan and he was very patient. Fadel had a plan and had great patience for it. السيارات وصلت واحدة تلو الأُخرى. Cars arrived there one after another. The cars arrived one by one. بدا سامي منزعجا. Sami was like annoyed. Sammy seemed upset. أُعجبت عمتي بنجاحي. My aunt was pleased with my success. My aunt admired my success. سامي يحبّ التّحلية. Sami likes dessert. Sammy likes dessert. إيكولِّي ملبعيد. He's a distant relative of mine. Ikuli is far away. كان سامي يعيش أفضل أوقات حياته. Sami was living his best life. Sammy was living the best time of his life. التلفاز مفتوح. The TV's on. TV's on. أين ساعتي؟ Where is my watch? Where's my watch? هل تملكون لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على هواتفكم؟ Do you guys have the berber keyboard on your phones? Do you have the Amazigh keyboard on your phones? لا يوجد أي سبب يدعو توم لئلا يصدق ماري. Tom didn't have any reason not to believe Mary. There's no reason for Tom not to believe Mary. استعمل سامي مفتاحه. Sami used his key. Sammy used his key. لا تركض، بل امش على مهلك. Don't run, walk slowly. Don't run, walk easy. هل بإمكانك تسلق تلك الشجرة؟ Can you climb up that tree? Can you climb that tree? لا يستطيع توم أن يقرر هل يشتري حاسوبًا جديدًا الآن أم ينتظر بضعة أشهر. Tom can't decide whether to buy a new computer now or wait for a couple of more months. Tom can’t decide whether to buy a new computer now or wait a few months. مشيا سامي و ليلى على طول الشّاطئ. Sami and Layla walked down along the beach. Sammy and Lily walked along the beach. أصبح المطر ثلجاً. The rain changed into snow. It's getting snow. نعم، لكن لست مجبرا على البقاء حتى النهاية. Yes, but you do not have to stay to the end. Yeah, but you don't have to stay until the end. توخى الحذر. Be vigilant. Be careful. آمُل ألا أضطر إلى استخدام هذا المسدس. I hope I don't have to use this pistol. I hope I don't have to use that gun. أطلعَ سامي ليلى رسالة فطرت قلبه. Sami showed Layla a letter that broke his heart. Sammy showed Lily a letter that broke his heart. الصّبيّ على ما يرام. The baby is still fine. The boy's fine. لا يمكننا فعل أي شيء حيال ذلك. We can do nothing about it. We can't do anything about it. قال توم بانك تحتاج ان تذهب. Tom said that you need to go. Tom said you needed to go. يبدو أن الحافلة تأخرت عن الوصول. Apparently, the bus is late. The bus was late to arrive. رأيتك راكباً سيارتك الجديدة. I saw you driving your new car. I saw you riding in your new car. السلام عليكم Salaam alaikum. Peace be with you. قدّم سامي بطاقته لليلى. Sami gave Layla his card. Sammy presented his card to Lily. أعدك بذلك I give you my word. I promise. هل تسمع ما أقول ؟ Do you hear what I'm saying? Do you hear what I'm saying? هَذِه الْسَّيَّارَة فِي حَالَة مُمْتَازَة This car is like new. This car is in excellent condition. يبدو ذاك كسامي. That looks like Sami. That sounds like Sammy. هاذ الشاشيّة مخدومة في أستراليا. This hat was made in Australia. This gauze is served in Australia. لُواكن يقرا مليح، يقدر ايجيب ليختيبار ديالو. If he studied hard, he would pass the test. Loaken reads Melih, appreciates Egib Lichteppar Diallo. اذا كانت لدينا مشاكل مالية ، نستطيع دائماً الاستعانة بمدخراتنا. If we have money problems we can always dip into our savings. If we have financial problems, we can always use our savings. نعم، الصّبيّ لك. Yes, the baby is yours. Yeah, the boy's yours. أنا حقا لا أستطيع أن أفهم فن النحت الحديث. I really can't understand modern sculpture. I really can't understand modern sculpture. هل نظاراتك طبية؟ Are your glasses prescription? Are your glasses prescription? سمّى فاضل إبنته ليلى. Fadil named his daughter Layla. Fadel named his daughter Layla. كولّ ما نلقا حاجا تعجبني، تكون غاليا بزّاف. Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive. As much as I like a pilgrim, you're expensive with a bidder. هل تستطيع تحمُّل معاملةٍ كهذه من أحد؟ Could you bear anyone to treat you like that? Can you afford to be treated like that by anyone? من عرف نفسه فقد عرف ربه. He who knows himself knows his Lord. He who knows himself knows his God. زرت حديقة الحيوان بالأمس. I went to the zoo yesterday. I visited the zoo yesterday. لم أنت وقح لهذه الدرجة؟ Why are you so insolent? Why are you being so rude? لقي سامي حتفه بطريقة رهيبة. Sami met a terrible end. Sammy died in a terrible way. أكلنا شحنة كاملة من التفاح. We ate a whole load of apples. We ate a whole shipment of apples. فقدت زوجتي في حادث سير. I lost my wife in a traffic accident. I lost my wife in a car accident. بدأ سامي عامه الجامعي في سبتمبر. Sami started college in September. Sammy started his college year in September. لا يعيرونني انتباهًا. They don't pay me attention. They don't pay attention to me. لكل إنسان حق التمتع بكافة الحقوق والحريات الواردة في هذا الإعلان، دون أي تمييز، كالتمييز بسبب العنصر أو اللون أو الجنس أو اللغة أو الدين أو الرأي السياسي أو أي رأي آخر، أو الأصل الوطني أو الاجتماعي أو الثروة أو الميلاد أو أي وضع آخر، دون أية تفرقة بين الرجال والنساء. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, and without distinction between men and women. عادة ما تُدعى هاواي "لؤلؤة المحيط الهادي". Hawaii is often referred to as "The Pearl of the Pacific." Hawaii is often called the “pearl of the Pacific.” كم كلمة انجليزية تعرف؟ About how many English words do you know? How many English words do you know? هل لي أن آكل هذه الكعكة؟ May I eat this cake? May I eat this cake? لم نرى ما كنا نريد أن نراه. We haven't seen what we need to see. We didn't see what we wanted to see. جاء ليطلب منا أن نساعده. He came to ask us to help him. He came to ask us to help him. كان سامي يعلم من هجم عليه. Sami knew who attacked him. Sammy knew who attacked him. ذاك الفندق قريب جداً من البحيرة. That hotel was very near the lake. That hotel is very close to the lake. متى انتهى الاجتماع؟ When did the meeting end? When did the meeting end? سمّم سامي كلبه. Sami poisoned his dog. Sammy poisoned his dog. إنه قلق بسبب مرض والده. He is concerned about his father's illness. He's worried about his father's illness. قابلته يوما. One day I met him. I met him once. غداً سنواجه العدو. Tomorrow, we will face the enemies. Tomorrow we will face the enemy. أنا لا أعرف متى سيكون لدي الوقت لأنهي قراءة بقية هذا الكتاب. I don't know when I'll have time to finish reading the rest of this book. I don't know when I'll have time to finish reading the rest of this book. لقد تغيّرت حياة سامي للأبد. Sami's life was changed for ever. Sammy's life has changed forever. كان سامي يحلق لحيته. Sami was shaving. Sammy shaved his beard. راني نسالهالك. I have a bone to pick with you. Rani Nashalak. اعتقد انه كان من الخطأ أنك لم تأخذ بنصيحتي. I think it was a mistake that you didn't take my advice. I thought it was wrong that you didn't take my advice. هو يحبها He loves her. He loves her. أتعني أنه لم يسبق لك و أن رأيت كابوسا؟ Are you telling me that you've never had a nightmare? You mean you've never had a nightmare? من هذه الفتاة؟ Who is this girl? Who is this girl? ألديك مفتاح هذا الباب؟ Do you have the key to this door? You got a key to that door? سآخذ هذا. I'll take this one. I'll take that. كم كلّفتك التذاكر؟ How much did the tickets cost you? How much did the tickets cost you? لقد حدث حادث في ورشة البناء. There has been an accident at the worksite. There was an accident at the construction site. أعطني كل التفاصيل. Give me all the details. Give me all the details. لي أخت واحدة. I have one sister. I have one sister. قالت ماري أنها لن تتزوج توم حتى لو كان أخر رجلٍ على الأرض. Mary said she wouldn't marry Tom if he was the last man on earth. Mary said she wouldn't marry Tom even if he was the last man on Earth. نمى سامي. Sami grew up. Sammy's grown. هي تملك منزلا ضخما. She owns a gigantic house. She owns a huge house. كانَ يَتَنَمَّرُ عَلَيهِ He was bullying him. He was bullying him. واجه سامي ليلى بعدها Sami later confronted Layla. Sammy Leyla وجد يانّي دودا بداخل تلك التّينة. Yanni found larvae inside the fig. Jani found Doda inside that dragon. توضّأ سامي لصلاة المغرب. Sami performed ablution for the evening prayer. I pray for Mary to pray. أراءه وأفكاره غيرت منظوري للحياة. His opinions and ideas changed my perspective on life. His opinions and ideas changed my perspective on life. نسيتُ عنوان بريدي الإلكتروني. I forgot my email address. I forgot my e-mail address. لا يستطيع أحد أن ينكر هذا. No one could deny this. No one can deny this. لا أعرف ماهذا الشيء, هذه المرة الأولى التي أراه. I don't know what is this thing, This is the first time I see it. I don't know what it is. It's the first time I've seen it. لم تعد تسكن هناك. She doesn't live there any more. She doesn't live there anymore. قام بالعمل كما طُلب. He accomplished the work as planned. He did the work as requested. فعلتُ ذلك دون استشارة أحد. I did that without consulting anyone. I did it without consulting anyone. سجّل والدي فاضل ابنهما في مدرسة راقية في القاهرة. Fadil's parents enrolled him in a prestigious school in Cairo. Fadel’s parents enrolled their son in a prestigious school in Cairo. كان فاضل يعبر الطّريق. Fadil was crossing the street. Fadel was crossing the road. حاول توم إخباري شيئًا، لكنّ ماري قاطعته قبل أن ينطق ببنت شفة. Tom tried to tell me something, but Mary interrupted before he could say anything. Tom tried to tell me something, but Mary interrupted him before he could say a word. استعمل فاضل ماله لمغازلة ليلى. Fadil used his money to romance Layla. He used his money to flirt with Lily. اركض! Run! Run! حاول أن تحسن من لغتك الإنجليزية. Try to improve your English. Try to improve your English. فتحت ليلى عينيها. Layla opened her eyes. Lily opened her eyes. لكن للقصّة جانب آخر. But there is another side to the story. But the story has another side. ليس مهما ما تقوله، بل ما تفعله. It's not what you say, but what you do that counts. It's not what you say, it's what you do. زينة. Good. Decorations. الوقت شيء ثمين، لهذا علينا أن نستغله بأفضل طريقة. Time is a precious thing, so we should make the best use of it. Time is precious, that's why we have to use it in the best way. كان سامي خجولا جدّا. Sami was very shy. Sam was very shy. لَن تَجدَكَ الشُرطةُ هُناك The police will never find you there. The police won't find you there. استأذنَتني كي تستعمل الهاتف. She wanted my permission to use the telephone. She asked me to use the phone. لا يحلق سامي لحيته أبدا. Sami never shaves. Sammy never shaves his beard. أنا سعيد بحياتي. I'm happy with my life. I'm happy with my life. قدّم فاضل ليلى لرامي. Fadil introduced Layla to Rami. Fadel presented Laila to Rami. لماذا ذهبت إلى طوكيو؟ Why did you go to Tokyo? Why did you go to Tokyo? سأصبح طبيبًا. I am going to be a doctor. I'm gonna be a doctor. لهذا أنا خرجت That's why I quit. That's why I came out. وين نلقى التريكوات؟ Where would I find T-shirts? Where do we get the knits? ماتت أمي عندما كنت صغيراً. My mother died when I was a kid. My mother died when I was young. البيت صغير. The house is small. The house is small. توم كان وحده في المنزل. Tom was the only one in the house. Tom was alone in the house. لم يأتي توم إلى الحفلة الليلة الماضية. Tom didn't show up at the party last night. Tom didn't come to the party last night. ذلك الرجل لديه فم كريه. That man has a foul mouth. That guy's got a nasty mouth. ماذا يعني هذا بالعربية؟ What does that mean in Arabic? What does that mean in Arabic? أحدهم سرق حقيبتي. Somebody has stolen my suitcase. Someone stole my bag. توقف عن محاولة إبهاجي. Stop trying to cheer me up. Stop trying to cheer me up. كنّا نتشاجر أنا و ليلى. Layla and me were arguing. Lily and I were fighting. الرجاء مساعدتي في ملء هذا النموذج. Please help me fill out this form. Please help me fill out this form. كان سامي يعمل طبيبا مقيما في مستشفى محلّي. Sami was doing his residency at a local hospital. Sami worked as a resident doctor at a local hospital. سرعان ما تعرّف سامي على أصدقاء جدد. Sami made friends immediately. Sammy soon made new friends. سأوصلك إلى البيت. I'll drive you home. I'll drive you home. توم حجز المقعدين الأوّلين في الصف الأول بالمسرح. Tom booked two seats in the first row at the theater. Tom booked the first two seats in the first row of the theater. ”هذه صورة لابنتي ليلى.“ ”كم هي جميلة.“ ”كم كانت جميلة.“ ”آه، آسفة.“ "This is a picture of my daughter Layla." "She's beautiful." "She was." "Oh, I'm sorry." "This is a picture of my daughter Leila." "How beautiful." "How beautiful." "Oh, sorry." لن أذهب ما لم تخبريني أين أجد توم. I'm not leaving until you tell me where I can find Tom. I'm not going unless you tell me where to find Tom. من ينام هنا؟ Who's sleeping here? Who sleeps here? لاحظت أنها جلست في الصف الأول. I noticed that she sat in the front row. I noticed she sat in the front row. لقد رفضَت اقتراحي. She rejected my proposal. She rejected my proposal. في نظر المزارع، الفواكه أهم من الأزهار. For the peasant, fruits are more important than flowers. In the eyes of the farmer, fruits are more important than flowers. تعرف ما أعنيه. You know what I mean. You know what I mean. ملأت كيسها بالتفاح. She filled her bag with apples. I filled her bag with apples. سار سامي إلى تلك النّافذة. Sami went up to the window. Sammy walked to that window. هل تعرف ما هي مهنة توم؟ Do you know what Tom does for a living? Do you know what Tom's career is? تبدو مريضاً. You look sick. You look sick. لا يجب علي أن آتي هنا. I shouldn't have come here. I don't have to come here. الحائط مطلي بالأخضر. This wall is painted green. The wall is painted green. قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِ. Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind. Say I'm hurting people. كم عندك من الأصدقاء المُقَرّبين؟ How many close friends do you have? How many close friends do you have? أنا فقط ذهبت لفحص شيئا ما. I just went to check something. I just went to check something. ولا يمكن لخطاب واحد أن يلغي سنوات من عدم الثقة كما لا يمكنني أن أقدم الإجابة على كافة المسائل المعقدة التي أدت بنا إلى هذه النقطة No single speech can eradicate years of mistrust, nor can I answer in the time that I have all the complex questions that brought us to this point. Not a single speech can undo years of mistrust, nor can I answer all the complex questions that have led us to this point. ولد مثل توم لا يستحق بنت مثل ماري. A boy like Tom doesn't deserve a girl like Mary. A boy like Tom doesn't deserve a girl like Mary. لقد احتاج الأمر لحملة تلفزيونيّة وطنيّة من أجل تعقّب سامي و العثور عليه أخيرا. It took a national TV campaign to finally track Sami down. It took a national television campaign to track down Sammy and finally find him. مدح سامي ليلى واصفا إيّاه بحبّ حياته. Sami praised Layla as being the love of his life. Sami Laila praised him for the love of his life. الطائرة المقاتلة ألقت قنبلة. That fighter plane dropped a bomb. The fighter jet dropped a bomb. قام قاتل سامي بتنظيف الأظراف الفارغة. Sami's killer cleaned up the shell casings. Sammy's killer cleaned up the empty envelopes. تمثال حي يسترح على دكة و تمثالان لحرية الكلام مع السياح . A living statue rests on a bench and two statues of liberty talk with tourists. A living statue resting on a bench and two free-to-talk statues with tourists. سامي أعلم بالأمر. Sami knows best. Sammy knows. بالغ يانّي في أكل التّين. Yanni ate too many figs. I'm too old to eat figs. لا تأتي هنا أبداً مرة أخرى! Don't you ever come here again! Don't ever come here again! توم و ماري يلعبان البوكير. Tom and Mary are playing poker. Tom and Mary play the Albuquerque. لا أحد يصدق ذلك بعد الآن. No one believes that anymore. Nobody believes that anymore. أنتِ لديكِ أنف كبير. You have a big nose. You have a big nose. انطفأ اللهب. The flame went out. Flame out. أنا أكبر منك قامة بقليل. I'm a little taller than you. I'm a little older than you. أنا ملحد. I'm an atheist. I'm an atheist. إسمي بوب. They call me Bob. My name is Bob. نفضّل فندق قْريب للمطار. I'd prefer a hotel close to the airport. We prefer a nearby hotel to the airport. أُمضيَت المعاهدة يوم 18 نوفمبر 1903. The treaty was signed on November 18, 1903. The treaty was signed on November 18, 1903. سلّم على الدّراري تاوعك. Give my love to your kids. Say hi to your brother. يجب على الدول العربية تجريم زواج القاصرات. Arab countries have to criminalize child marriage. Arab countries should criminalize child marriage. الأهم فالمهم. First things first. Most importantly. انها ليست الفتاة المناسبة لك. She's not the right girl for you. She's not the right girl for you. سامي راغب في أن تبقى ليلي. Sami wants Layla to stay. Sammy wants to stay lily. طلبت منا أن نتركها وحدها. She asked us to leave her alone. She asked us to leave her alone. سأتأخر قليلا اليوم. I'll be a little late today. I'm gonna be a little late today. إنّ سامي باقٍ هنا و لا يبالي بجماعة من الجبناء تحت راية مشاغب حيّ مثلك. Sami is here to stay and he doesn't give a damn about a bunch of cowards led by a neighborhood bully like you. Sammy's staying here and he doesn't care about a bunch of cowards under the banner of a live rioter like you. من فضلك ناولني الزبدة. Pass me the butter, please. Please give me the butter. لم أنتِ تبكين؟ Then why are you crying? Why are you crying? علينا أن نبدأَ من مكانٍ ما. We have to start somewhere. We have to start somewhere. هل بإمكاني إيقاف سيارتي هنا؟ Could I park my car here? Can I park here? هذا البناء أزرق. This building is blue. This building is blue. أين ستكون يوم الإثنين؟ Where will you be on Monday? Where will you be on Monday? الموز أصفر. Bananas are yellow. Bananas are yellow. بإمكان نيو أن يجنب الرّصاص. Neo can dodge bullets. Neo can dodge bullets. لقد أعجبني الحفل، لكن القاعة كانت باردة. I enjoyed the concert except that the hall was cold. I liked the party, but the hall was cold. من ذلك الصبي الذي يسبح هناك؟ Who's the boy swimming over there? Who's that boy swimming there? أرسلت الشّرطة كلبا إلى داخل ذلك المكان. Police sent a dog in. The police sent a dog into that place. أتعلم أين اختبأ توم؟ Do you know where Tom hid? Do you know where Tom hid? من أين إشتريتِ هذا الثوب؟ Where did you buy that dress? Where did you buy this dress? كان لدى سامي مشكل إدمان على الكحول. Sami had a problem with alcohol. Sammy had an alcohol problem. لدي أخ I have a brother. I have a brother. آمل ألّا يكون توم في إثرنا. I hope Tom isn't looking for us. I hope Tom's not after us. هل تسكن في لبنان؟ Do you live in Lebanon? Do you live in Lebanon? يصعب علي أن أقرر أيها سأشتري. I'm finding it difficult deciding on which one to buy. It's hard for me to decide which one to buy. الحق معك You are right. Right with you. سأعود. I'll come back. I'll be back. أنا أعرف أين يعمل توم. I know where Tom works. I know where Tom works. ذهبت إلى إيطاليا لتدرس الموسيقى. She went to Italy to study music. I went to Italy to study music. إنها ليس ما تعتقد. It's not what you think! It's not what you think. كان سامي منزعجا. Sami was annoyed. Sammy was upset. نقل سامي ليلى إلى المركز الصّحّي. Sami took Layla to the health center. Sammy Leyla transferred to the health center. جاء الطالب من لندن. The student came back from London. The student came from London. ماذا صنعت ليلى بشعرها؟ What has Layla done to her hair? What did Lily do with her hair? هل لديك أي اهتمام بالرياضة؟ Do you have any interest in sports? Do you have any interest in sports? كان علي أن أخبر أحدا. I had to tell somebody. I had to tell someone. شعر فاضل أنّه استحقّ أن يقضي ذلك الحكم. Fadil felt that he deserved to serve that sentence. He felt he deserved to serve that sentence. "أين تتألّم؟" "في كلّ مكان." "Where does it hurt?" "Everywhere." "Where does it hurt?" "Everywhere." الإنجليزية لغة صعبة ، أليس كذلك؟ English is difficult, isn't it? English is a difficult language, isn't it? أنا أيضاً. Me too. Me too. كم ولداً موجود في هذا الصف؟ How many boys are there in this class? How many boys are in this class? الكل يحبها. Everybody loves her. Everybody loves her. حنا صحاب قدم. We're old friends. We're foot buddies. تحدثت معها لساعة. I talked with her for an hour. I talked to her for an hour. سامي شخص غامض. Sami is mysterious. Sammy's a mystery. صنعت لي أمي تنورة جميلة. My mother made me a cute skirt. My mom made me a nice skirt. هذه السيارة ليست ملكي This is not my car. This car isn't mine. أنا سعيدٌ جداً في جورجيا. I'm very happy in Georgia. I am very happy in Georgia. علينا أن نسقي الأزهار. We need to water the flowers. We have to water the flowers. لقد قلت لهم أن يبقوا في غرفتهم. I told them to stay in their room. I told them to stay in their room. نحن مغامرين . We're adventurous. We're adventurers. لمن هذه الكتب؟ Whose books are those? Whose books are these? حاولت قتل نفسي مرّتين. I tried to kill myself twice. I tried to kill myself twice. كانت ليلى لا تزال تتعافى. Layla was still recovering. Lily was still recovering. ليس ثمّة هواء في هذه الغرفة. There's no air in this room. There's no air in this room. من الممكن أن تتجمد الأسبوع القادم. It may freeze next week. It could freeze next week. لا تُصلحهُ إذا لم يكن منكسراً. Don't fix it if it ain't broke. Don't fix it if it's not broken. ضحّت ليلى بسامي كي تخرج نفسها من المأزق. Layla threw Sami under the bus. Leyla sacrificed Psami to get herself out of the predicament. كان سامي بمثابة عمود لأهل الحي. Sami was a pillar of the community. Sammy was a pillar of the neighborhood. ايميلي كتبت رسالة. Emily wrote a letter. Emily wrote a letter. أريد أن أتعلم السباحة. I want to learn to swim. I want to learn to swim. اختفى سامي لسبب غامض. Sami has mysteriously gone missing. Sammy disappeared for some mysterious reason. هل يذكّر هذا بشخص ما؟ Does this remind you of anybody? Does that ring a bell? أكان الجو غائماً في طوكيو البارحة؟ Was it cloudy in Tokyo yesterday? Was it cloudy in Tokyo yesterday? ينبغي أن نواجه هذة المشكلة. We should face up to this issue. We have to face this problem. تركتُ كتابك في السيارة. I left your book in the car. I left your book in the car. يا للإحراج! How embarrassing! What an embarrassment! كان هناك ثلاثة ينتظرون أمامي. There were three people waiting in front me. There were three waiting in front of me. إنه مريض. He is sick. He's sick. أنا لستُ راضياً عن جودةِ عملكَ. I'm not satisfied with the quality of your work. I'm not satisfied with the quality of your work. قُتلن في المعركة. They died in battle. They were killed in battle. لم أفهم هذا التفسير. The explanation was beyond my understanding. I didn't understand that explanation. حقن سامي ليلى بمخدّر. Sami injected Layla with a drug. Sammy Lila was injected with a drug. تخاصما سامي و ليلى في المحلّ أمام الجميع. Sami and Layla argued in the store in front of everybody. Sammy and Lily fought in the shop in front of everyone. سامي كان جزء من kkk Sami was a part of the KKK. Sammy was part of KKK. توم يعيش مع عمه الآن. Tom is living with his uncle now. Tom lives with his uncle now. مايك هو قائد الفريق. Mike is the team's captain. Mike is the team leader. يبدون أمريكيين. They look American. They look American. لدي كلبين, واحد أبيض و الآخر أسود I have two dogs. One is white and the other black. I have two dogs, one white and one black. ستكون أحمق إذا رفضت تلك الفرضة العمل. You'd be crazy to turn that job offer down. You'd be a fool to refuse to work. تتواصل الحرب. The war goes on. The war continues. عندي معرفة بهذا الجوار. I am familiar with this neighborhood. I know this neighborhood. توم أكل الكعكة الأخيرة من البرطمان. Tom ate the last cookie in the jar. Tom ate the last cake from the jar. تسبّبت الاحتجاجات بشلل في البلد. The protests brought the country to a standstill. Protests have paralyzed the country. أمس قرأت قصة مثيرة للاهتمام. Yesterday I read an interesting story. Yesterday I read an interesting story. كانت ليلى تنتظر في الظّلام. Layla was waiting in the darkness. Lily was waiting in the dark. أجابت ليلى برسالة من عندها. Layla responded with a letter of her own. Lily replied with a letter from her. أريد أن آتي أيضاً I want to come, too. I want to come too. ذكّرني كي أجدّد جواز سفري. Don't forget to remind me to renew my passport. Remind me to renew my passport. إنها تمسك شيئاً. She has something in her hand. She's holding something. كانت ليلى ضحية تلاعب لكنّها لم تتفطّن للأمر. Layla was being manipulated and she didn't realize it. Layla was a victim of manipulation, but she didn't realize it. اتهمتني بالكذب. She accused me of being a liar. You accused me of lying. لم يكن إلاّ سوانا. There was just me and him. It was just us. هو اليوم يشعر أنه أفضل بكثير. He feels a lot better today. Today he feels much better. بيني وبينك، طريقة تفكيره ضحلة. Between you and me, he has a shallow way of thinking. Between you and me, his way of thinking is shallow. أعطيت كتبي لهؤلاء الناس. I gave my books to those people. I gave my books to these people. ردّ سامي إطلاق النّار. Sami returned fire. Sammy returned fire. تبدو وكأنك فعلت شيئا ما كان عليك فعله. You look like you've been doing something you shouldn't. You look like you did something you had to do. أنا هنا I am here. Right here. متقاطعناش. Don't interrupt our conversation. CrossNash. هوايتي جمع اللعب القديمة. My hobby is collecting old toys. My hobby is collecting old toys. يجب عليك البدأ قريبا. You must start soon. You should start soon. كانت دايمن هاكدا. This is always the way it has been. It was Damon Hakda. لا يجوز القبض على أي إنسان أو حجزه أو نفيه تعسفاً. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. No one shall be arbitrarily arrested, detained or exiled. هل متحف الفن في هذه المنطقة؟ Is the museum of art around here? Is the art museum in this area? صَحِح الأخطاء, إذا كان هناك أي منها. Correct the errors, if there are any. Correct errors, if there are any. توجّه سامي إلى اليسار. Sami went left. Sammy turned to the left. هي على وشك المغادرة. She is about to leave. She's about to leave. دعني آخذ صورة لك إذا سمحت. Please let me take your picture. Let me take a picture of you, please. لا أحد كان يعلم ماذا يقول. Nobody knew what to say. No one knew what he was saying. طبخت ليلى العشاء لفاضل. Layla cooked Fadil dinner. Lily cooked dinner for Fadel. أنا قد تعلمت أن أكتب بالأبجدية. I have already learned to write the Abjad. I have learned to write with the alphabet. توم حقيقة لا يعيش داخل حدود مدينة بوسطن. Tom doesn't actually live within Boston city limits. Tom really doesn't live within the city limits of Boston. تقضي قضاعات البحر 90% من حياتها في الماء. Sea otters spend more than 90% of their lives in water. Sea otters spend 90% of their lives in water. ما الذي تنوي فعله؟ What do you intend to do? What are you up to? تلك الدراجة دراجتي. This bicycle is mine. That's my bike. ما اسم صديقك؟ What's your friend's name? What's your friend's name? شنو تبي؟ What do you want? What's up? طلبت مني أن أوقظها عند السادسة. She asked me to wake her at six. She asked me to wake her up at 6:00. الباب مغلق. The door is locked. The door's locked. أسألها سؤالاً. I ask her a question. Ask her a question. اتّصل سامي بصديق كي يقلّه. Sami called a friend to pick him up. Sammy called a friend to pick him up. من الأفضل ألا تكتب كلمات المرور كي لا يراها الغير. It's recommended that you don't write your passwords down where others might see them. It is better not to write passwords so that others do not see them. السماء صافية. The sky is clear. The sky is clear. هل تملِكُ لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على هاتفكَ؟ Do you have the berber keyboard on your phone? Do you have the Amazigh keyboard on your phone? تماماً! Precisely! Exactly! مع الأسف إن ذلك صحيح. It is unfortunately true. Unfortunately, that's true. كَم أحببت الكتاب الذي اشتريته بالأمس. I liked the book which I bought yesterday very much. I loved the book I bought yesterday. خْرَا! Fuck! Get out! استولى سامي على مال دانية. Fadil took Dania's money. Sammy took Danya's money. اشتغل في فرنسا طوال حياته. He has worked in France his whole life. He worked in France throughout his life. توقفي عن ضربي. Stop hitting me! Stop hitting me. سجلت رقم هاتفه. I wrote down his phone number. I recorded his phone number. أُسّست امبراطوريّة الدّرّاني في أفغانستان من طرف أحمد شاه درّاني عام 1747. The Durrani Empire was established in Afghanistan by Ahmad Shah Durrani in 1747. The Darani Empire was founded in Afghanistan by Ahmad Shah Durrani in 1747. إلى أين تذهب Where're you going? Where are you going? هل تمانع أن أدخن هنا؟ Do you prevent me from smoking here? Do you mind if I smoke in here? ماذا حدث لحاسوبي؟ What happened to my computer? What happened to my computer? كان سامي يستعير المال من شركته طوال الوقت. Sami borrowed from his company all the time. Sammy used to borrow money from his company all the time. على أية حال، ليس ذاك بالشيء المهم. Either way, it's not important. Anyway, it's not that big of a deal. خالي يدخن كثيرًا جدا، ولا غنى له عن التبغ. My uncle is a very heavy smoker; tobacco is indispensable to him. My uncle smokes too much, and he's indispensable to tobacco. انا ذاهب الى المعمل I'm going to work. I'm going to the lab. أخبرني Tell me. Tell me. لماذا لا نخرج و نكن لوحدنا فقط أنا و أنتِ. Why don't we go outside so that we would be alone you and me? Why don't we go out and be alone, just you and me. سامي يتخاصم معي دائما. Sami is always arguing with me. Sammy always quarrels with me. أخبر فاضل أسرته أنّه اعتنق الإسلام. Fadil told his family that he converted to Islam. Fadel told his family that he converted to Islam. ماذا ترون؟ What do you think? What do you see? هذا سؤال مهم جداً. This question is one of great importance. That's a very important question. سامي و ليلى يسكنان بجوار فندق فريد. Sami and Layla are living right next door to Farid's hotel. Sammy and Lily live next door to Fred's hotel. أريد أن أعرف المزيد عن توم. I want to learn more about Tom. I want to know more about Tom. تحسنت. It's gotten better. I got better. كم شخصًا رأيت في المنتزه؟ How many people did you see in the park? How many people have you seen in the park? لي صديق يدرس في الخارج. A friend of mine is studying abroad. I have a friend studying abroad. أين مدخل المتحف؟ Where's the entrance to the museum? Where's the museum entrance? لا تخف من أي شيء Fear nothing. Don't be afraid of anything. هل رأيت أختك؟ Have you seen your sister? Have you seen your sister? توم هو اللي ورالي كيفاش ندير. Tom is the one who showed me how to do it. Tom's the one who ran the Kevash rally. ماركو يَقضي الكثير مِن الوقت في مُشاهدة التليفزيون. Markku spends a lot of time watching television. Marco spends a lot of time watching TV. لهذا تركت وظيفتي. This is why I quit the job. That's why I quit my job. حاول سامي شرح الأمر للجميع. Sami tried to explain that to everyone. Sammy tried to explain it to everyone. أتظنّ أنّ توم رأى ماري؟ Do you think Tom saw Mary? You think Tom saw Mary? عاش سامي حياة أسريّة مثاليّة. Sami had a perfect family life. Sammy lived a perfect family life. لا تزال ليلى تعيش في القاهرة. Layla still lives in Cairo. Leyla still lives in Cairo. ما أذنت لك أن تمس الفن You are not permitted to touch the art. I didn't allow you to touch the art. انتحرت عن عمر ينازه الثلاثين عاماً. She killed herself at the age of thirty. She committed suicide at the age of 30. لماذا لا يستطيع أبدا فعل شيء؟ Why can he never do anything? Why can't he ever do anything? لا تتكلم بصوت عالٍ هنا. Don't talk in a loud voice here. Don't talk out loud here. مش فاهمة. I do not understand. I don't understand. ولكنني سأكون دائماً أميناً معكم حول التحديات التي سنواجهها. وسأصغي إليكم، خاصة حينما نختلف. وفوق كل ذلك، سأطلب منكم المشاركة في الجهود الرامية لإعادة بناء هذه الأمة على نفس النحو الذي اِنتُهِجَ منذ مئتين وواحد وعشرين عاماً؛ حجراً بحجر، وطوبةً طوبة، ويداً أخشنها العمل فوق يد. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. And above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation, the only way it's been done in America for 221 years; block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we will face. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. Above all, I will ask you to participate in the efforts to rebuild this nation in the same way that I did two hundred and twenty-one years ago: stone by stone, brick by brick, hand by hand. إن إرادة الشعب هي مصدر سلطة الحكومة، ويعبر عن هذه الإرادة بانتخابات نزيهة دورية تجري على أساس الاقتراع السري وعلى قدم المساواة بين الجميع، او حسب أي إجراء مماثل يضمن حرية التصويت. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures. The will of the people shall be the source of the power of government, and shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections held on the basis of secret ballot, on the basis of equality of all, or by any similar procedure guaranteeing the freedom to vote. يبدو أننا نتخاصم كثيرا أنا و أنت. You and I seem to argue a lot. Looks like you and I are fighting a lot. لم يلبث و أن أصبح سامي زابونا مألوفا في محلّ ليلى. Sami soon became a regular at Layla's store. It wasn't long before Sammy Zapona became a household name in Laila's shop. أقنعناه بالذهاب. We argued him into going. We convinced him to go. تعرّض سامي لطلقة من بندقيّة رشّ. Sami was blasted with a shotgun. Sammy got shot with a spray gun. أمن الناصرة يمكن أن يكون شيء صالح؟ Nazareth! Can anything good come from there? Can Nazareth's security be a good thing? توم يُريدَك أن تتحقق من ذلك. Tom wants you to check it out. Tom wants you to check it out. لا يشرب أي من أصدقائي القهوة. None of my friends drink coffee. None of my friends drink coffee. المحطة ليست بعيدة عن هنا. The station is not far from here. The station is not far from here. انخفضت الأسعار في سوق الأسهم اليوم. The stock market has dropped today. Prices fell in the stock market today. سيكون من السهل إيجاد شخص يقوم بذلك من أجلك. It'll be easy to find someone to do that for you. It will be easy to find someone who will do it for you. نجلس و ننتظر. We sit and wait. Sit and wait. هل تدري متى سيصل عازف الموسيقى إلى هنا؟ Do you know when the musician will come here? Do you know when the musician will be here? كان سامي يعدّ فيديوهات لليوتوب. Sami was making YouTube videos. Sammy was making YouTube videos. كل آت قريب The whole future is just around the corner. Every coming soon. لمَ لا تجلس و تستريح؟ Why don't you sit down and relax? Why don't you sit down and rest? سألتني سؤالاً. She asked me a question. You asked me a question. يمكنني قراءة الأسبانية بسهولة. I can read Spanish easily. I can read Spanish easily. توم قتل بشكل مخيف خلال الأيام الأخيرة من الحرب. Tom was dreadfully killed during the last days of the war. Tom was dreadfully killed during the last days of the war. أخي مدرس. My brother is a teacher. My brother's a teacher. كان آرت عنصريّا. Aart was racist. Art was racist. إلى اللقاء. See you again. Bye. تحصّل سامي على ماله. Sami got his money. Sammy got his money. دراعي بيوجعني My arm hurts. My arm's on me. كان إوشاك سامي على الموت سببا في سحب اهتمامه بالأعمال و تركيزه على الدّين. Sami's brush with death shifted his focus from business to religion. Sammy's death was the reason he withdrew his interest in business and his focus on religion. هناك سياج حول المنزل. There is a fence around the house. There's a fence around the house. علينا التسوق. We have to do the shopping. We have to shop. فستان جميل. Nice dress. Nice dress. ذلك هو المكان الذي كنت أعمل فيه. That's the place where I used to work. That's where I used to work. لم تكن تعلم أين كانت. She didn't know where she was. She didn't know where she was. يسمح بالدخول للطلاب فقط لا غير. Admission to students only. Only students are allowed in. الكل يريد أن يجلس بجانبها. Everybody wants to sit beside her. Everyone wants to sit next to her. فلسطين يقولولها بالعربية "فلسطين". Palestine is called "Filastin" in Arabic. They call it “Palestine” in Arabic. أنا آكل تفاحةً. I'm eating an apple. I'm eating an apple. تتكلم كأنها تعرف كل شيء عنه. She talks as if she knew everything about it. She talks like she knows everything about him. لم تفعل ذلك؟ Why is she doing this? Why would you do that? أُعطيك خَمس دقائق لحل هذه المشكلة. I give you five minutes to resolve this issue. I give you five minutes to solve this problem. صوت بتي جميل. Betty has a sweet voice. Betty's voice is beautiful. وأنت أيضًا. The same to you. You, too. هجر سامي ليلى. Sami gave Layla a silent treatment. Sammy abandoned Lily. لم سنرغب بعمل ذلك؟ Why would we want to do that? Why would we want to do that? تبيّن في النهاية أنّني كنت على حق. It turned out that I was right. Turns out I was right. لم يتمكّن أحد من الاغتيال هتلر. No one managed to kill Hitler. No one was able to assassinate Hitler. سامحني من فضلك. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. أعطِني إيّاه يا جمال. Give it to me, Jamal. Give it to me, Jamal. ذهب فاضل إلى منزل دانية. Fadil went to Dania's home. Fadel went to Dania's house. لم يشكّك فاضل في شيء. Fadil didn't question anything. Fadel doubted nothing. هل تعلم ماذا فعل؟ Do you know what he has done? You know what he did? أنا أتتطلع لقضاء وقت مع عائلتي. I'm looking forward to spending time with my family. I'm looking forward to spending time with my family. وجدنا الباب الأمامي مغلق. We found the front door locked. We found the front door locked. أنا هنا منذ الساعة الخامسة. I have been here since five o'clock. I've been here since 5:00. هذه كلمة أمازيغية. This is a Berber word. That's an Amazigh word. بدأت ليلى تواعد سامي. Layla started dating Sami. Lily started dating Sammy. لا أستطيع تذكر اسمه الآن. I can't think of his name just now. I can't remember his name now. لم يسبق لي أن تسلقت جبل فوجي. I've never climbed Mt. Fuji. I've never climbed Mount Fuji. توم إبتسم. Tom smiled. Tom smiled. اكتشف سامي شيئا مقلقا. Sami made an alarming discovery. Sammy discovered something troubling. أجبر سامي ليلى على الجلوس على ركبتيها أمامه. Sami made Layla kneel in front of him. Sammy forced Layla to sit on her knees in front of him. لا أريد أن أذهب إلى المدرسة. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. هن يصدقنه. They believe it. They believe him. شكراً جزيلاً! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! ألا تتذكره؟ Don't you remember him? Don't you remember him? هل بإمكانك إخبار توم أنني مررت من هنا؟ Could you tell Tom that I stopped by? Can you tell Tom I stopped by? قام باعتقال المجرمين. He arrested the criminals. He arrested criminals. كيف يبدو لك مستواي في الإنجليزيّة؟ What do they think about my English? What's my level in English look like? أتساءل أين وضعت نظاراتي. I wonder where I put my glasses. I wonder where I put my glasses. أسعدتني رسالتك. Your letter made me happy. I'm glad you texted. يستطيعو البقاء معنا They can stay with us. They can stay with us. أريد تعلم الإيندونيسية. I want to learn Indonesian. I want to learn Indonesian. أن تستيقظ في الصباح وهناك شخصُ ما يقول لك صباح الخير - لم يكن لدي هذا الشعور لفترة طويلة. Getting up in the morning and there's someone who says good morning to you - I haven't had this feeling for a long time. You wake up in the morning and someone tells you good morning – I haven’t had this feeling for a long time. ما تعاملونيش كي الطفل الصغير. Don't treat me like a child. Don't treat me like a little kid. حنا ماشي كامَل مَن بوسطن. Not all of us are from Boston. We're all from Boston. الآن، لن يأخذني أحد على محمل الجدّ. No one is gonna take me seriously now. Now, no one's gonna take me seriously. إنها تدرّس القراءة و الكتابة. She teaches reading and writing. She teaches reading and writing. غسل يانّي التّين. Yanni washed the figs. Wash the Yani the fig. ليس لديّ أب. I don't have a daddy. I don't have a father. أسمح لك بالذهاب إلى هناك إذا أردت. You may go there. I'll let you go there if you want. لا يبدو هذا عادلا إطلاقا. That doesn't seem right at all. That doesn't seem fair at all. و أخيراً حلّت المشكلة. At last, she solved the problem. The problem is finally solved. كان سامي يقيم حفلا. Sami was having a party. Sam was having a party. أطلق سامي النّار في رأس ليلى. Sami shot Layla in the head. Sammy shot in Laila's head. ماذا تتوقع أن تجد هنا؟ What do you expect to find here? What do you expect to find here? متى تستيقظ كل يوم؟ What time do you get up every day? When do you wake up every day? أظن بأن توم يحبني. I think Tom likes me. I think Tom likes me. لماذا لم تسطيع أن تأتي بالأمس؟ Why couldn't you come yesterday? Why couldn't you come yesterday? توم هو اللي قالي وقتاش الاجتماع. Tom is the one who told me when the meeting would be. Tom's the one who called the meeting. جِئْتُ إلى هنا لأتَعَلّم I came here to learn. I came here to learn. أحتاج بصلة واحدة فقط لهذه الوصفة. I only need one onion for this recipe. I only need one onion for this recipe. كان الجميع يحبّ فاضل. Everybody loved Fadil. Everyone loved Fadel. هل رأيت وجه مطلق النار؟ Did you see the shooter's face? Did you see the shooter's face? هي طالبة She's a student. She's a student. استمرّ سامي في التّحديق. Sami still stared. Sammy kept staring. سألت المرأة: "قصة؟". "ماذا تقصد؟" "'Story'?" the woman asked. "What do you mean?" The woman asked, "Story?" "What do you mean?" أصاب بالبرد دائمًا في الشتاء. I always catch a cold in the winter. I always get cold in the winter. أريد من توم أن يخبركَ لماذا فعلَ ذلك. I'd like for Tom to tell you why he did what he did. I want Tom to tell you why he did it. أعمل كل يوم عدا يوم الأحد. I work every day except Sunday. I work every day except Sunday. أعلم مع من تكلم توم. I knew who Tom had talked to. I know who Tom talked to. أين أختك؟ Where is your sister? Where's your sister? علم سامي أنّ اللّه قد هداه أخيرا إلى دين حق. Sami knew that God finally guided him to a true religion. Sammy knew that God had finally guided him to a true religion. انقطعت الكهرباء. The power went out. The power went out. ألا يوجد قطعة أرضٍ هنا للبيع؟ Is there some land for sale here? Isn't there a lot of land here for sale? من الممكن أن أليس ستأتي. Alice may possibly come. Maybe Alice will come. إذا وجدت نفسك في حفرة، توقف عن الحفر. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. كنت أقرأ خلال ساعة واحدة. I had been reading for an hour. I was reading in an hour. كان المنظر من قمة هذا المبنى رائعا. The view from the top of that building was magnificent. The view from the top of this building was fantastic. هل تلك السيارة لك؟ Is that car yours? Is that car yours? توم في الخارج يلعب لعبة الصحن الطائر مع كلبه. Tom is outside playing frisbee with his dog. Tom is out playing a flying saucer game with his dog. لا أسامحكِ مطلقا. I do not forgive you at all. I don't forgive you at all. هل شاهد أحدٌ ذلك الفِلم؟ Has anyone seen that movie? Has anyone seen that movie? كبرتُ في منطقة القبائل، الجزائر، ناطقا باللغة الأمازيغية. I grew up in Kabylie, Algeria, speaking the Berber language. I grew up in the Kabyle region, Algeria, speaking Amazigh. لا تقلق. أنا لدي تأمين. Don't worry. I have insurance. Don't worry, I have insurance. لا أدري إن كانت ستأتي. I don't know whether she will come. I don't know if she's coming. يجب عليك أن تدرس بجهد أكبر. You must study much harder. You should study harder. عرض سامي على فريد 400 دولار ليساعده على التّنظيف. Sami offered Farid 400 dollars to help clean up. Sammy offered Fred $400 to help him clean up. لا تعمل. العب! Don't play. Work! Don't work. هل تحدثني؟ Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me? كل لحظة مهمة. Every moment matters. Every moment is important. لدي كُتب قرأتها مرارا وتكرارا. I have books that I've reread several times. I have books I have read over and over again. تخلّى سامي عن ليلى بسبب إدمانها على الكحول. Sami left Layla because of her alcoholism. Sammy gave up on Lily because of her alcoholism. راقب الجزء الخلفي . Watch the rear. Watch the back. أرسل سامي رسالة بيجر لليلى. Sami paged Layla. Sammy sent Bigger a message for Lily. بكي سامي. Sami wept. Becky Sammy. كان سامي يشرب. Sami drank. Sam was drinking. لا تنس أن تبعث الرّسائل من مركز البريد. Don't forget to mail the letters. Don't forget to send messages from the post office. وين يهدرو الانجليزية؟ Where is English spoken? Where are they wasting English? هذه المشاكل تجعلني أفكّر في مغادرة المنزل. These problems make me wanna leave home. These problems make me think about leaving the house. كلّ النّساء يعشقن الألماس. All women like diamonds. All women love diamonds. أنا أتتطلع لرؤية توم. I'm looking forward to seeing Tom. I'm looking forward to seeing Tom. غسل توم وجهه وكلتا يديه. Tom washed his face and hands. Tom washed his face and both hands. الجميع يحبها. Everybody likes her. Everybody loves her. احتفظ بهذه المعلومة لنفسك. Keep this information under your hat. Keep this information to yourself. يستغرق السير من المحطة إلى المدرسة عشرين دقيقة. It takes twenty minutes to walk from the station to school. It takes 20 minutes to walk from the station to the school. أتفضل الربيع أم الخريف؟ Which do you prefer, spring or autumn? Do you prefer spring or autumn? لم يصدّق أحد قصّته. No one believed his story. No one believed his story. ليس باليد حيلة. There's nothing I can do. There's nothing we can do. كان سامي يتلفّظ أنفاسه. Sami was gasping for life. Sammy was breathing. في المرة المقبلة سأفعل ذلك بنفسي. Next time, I'll do it myself. Next time I'll do it myself. لم تسنح لي الفرصة لمشاهدة الفيلم. I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet. I didn't get a chance to see the movie. كنا نسبح كثيرا في هذا النهر. We used to swim in this river a lot. We used to swim a lot in this river. لسوء الحظّ، كلّف ذلك سامي حياته. Unfortunately, that cost Sami his life. Unfortunately, it cost Sammy his life. بوب و توم إخوة. Bob and Tom are brothers. Bob and Tom are brothers. أنا ممثل شهير. I am a famous actor. I'm a famous actor. إنتظر دقيقة من فضلك! Wait a minute, please! Wait a minute, please! تصحق سح تسقسي لاكيستيۆن باش تعرف لاريپۆنس⸮ Do you really need to ask the question to know the answer? Lakistivin Bash Ta'ruf La'revins آن مشجّعة. Ann is a cheerleader. Anne's a cheerleader. طوم راو واقف فلكوانا تع لبيت. Tom is standing in the corner of the room. Tom Rao stands at home. صوّيني. Take a picture of me. Vote. أحبّ هذا السّؤال. I love that question. I love that question. لقد لاحظ سامي ذلك. Sami noticed. Sammy noticed that. تحطّمت الطّائرة على المنزل. The plane crashed into the house. The plane crashed into the house. من المستحيل تعلم الإنجليزية في شهر. It's impossible to learn English in a month. It is impossible to learn English in a month. بإمكاني أن آخذك إلى هناك كي تراه. I can take you there to see it. I can take you there to see it. شكلها فاتن في ذلك الفستان. She looks pretty in that dress. She looks gorgeous in that dress. عديد من دول العالم تسمح للأشخاص المصابون بامراض مزمنة أن يختاروا الموت الرحيم. Many countries in the world allow people with chronic diseases to choose euthanasia. Many countries allow people with chronic illnesses to choose euthanasia. يدير فنان عالمي. Yidir is a universal artist. He runs a world-class artist. قاربت على السادسة. It's almost six. I'm almost six. "أين أنت؟" "أنا هنا!" "Where are you?" "I'm here!" "Where are you?" "I'm here!" سآخذ سيّارتي. I'm going to take my car. I'll take my car. هذا السياسي ضليع في الحالات الداخلية و الخارجية . That politician is well versed in internal and external conditions. This politician is well versed in internal and external situations. تخدرت يدي من البرد. My hand are benumbed with cold. My hands are numb from the cold. عوقب على كذبه. Because he lied, he was punished. He was punished for lying. النساء داعِمات جدًّا. The women are very supportive. Women are very supportive. سامي لا يتّصل أبدا. Sami never calls. Sammy never calls. رانِي نحلَم تكون عَندي شركة تاعي. I dream of having my own company. Rani's dreaming I've got a co-op. عندي حلم. I have a dream. I have a dream. لازم نشتغل طول ما إحنا عايشين. As long as we live, we have to work. We have to work as long as we live. من فضلك، ساعدني على اختيار قبعة تتناسب مع فستاني الجديد. Please help me pick out a hat which matches my new dress. Please, help me choose a hat that fits my new dress. كيف نِمتَ الليلة الماضية؟ How did you sleep last night? How did you sleep last night? أملك لوحة المفاتيح للأمازيغية على هاتفي. I have the keyboard of berber on my phone. I have the Amazigh keyboard on my phone. ذهب سامي وليلى للتخييم. Sami and Layla went camping. Sammy and Lily went camping. عندما كان أحمد صغيرا، كان يستطيع تسلّق الأشجار العالية. When Ahmad was a boy, he could climb tall trees. When Ahmed was young, he could climb tall trees. أودّ أن أعرف بكم تمنها. I would like to know how much it costs. I'd like to know how much you wish for it. كنت أبحث عن عصير الليمون طيلة اليوم. I have been looking for lemon juice all day long. I've been looking for lemonade all day. عليك أن تزور طبيباً. You must see a doctor. You should see a doctor. إفعل شيئاً, رجاءً. Please do something. Do something, please. رجال و نساء قاتلوا للدفاع عن وطنهم. Young men and women fought to defend their country. Men and women who fought to defend their country. ستخسر كثير من الوزن إذا مارست الرياضة كل يوم لمدة ١٥ دقيقة. You will lose a lot of weight if you just exercise every day for 15 minutes. You will lose a lot of weight if you exercise every day for 15 minutes. عيناها زرقاوتان. She has blue eyes. Her eyes are blue. سامي ينتظر منذ أيّام. Sami has been waiting for days. Sammy's been waiting for days. ده كتابك. It's your book. That's your book. من أين تشتري ملابسا؟ Where do you buy clothes? Where do you buy clothes? لدينا فرصة. We have a chance. We have a chance. أدخل سامي ذراعه أكثر داخل ذلك ذلك الجحر. Sami pushed his arm further inside the hole. Sammy inserted his arm further into that burrow. يحتاج المنزل إلى إصلاحات. The house requires repairs. The house needs repairs. تلقّى سامي حكمين بالمؤبّد. Sami got two life sentences. Sammy received two life sentences. متى تنوي السفر إلى اليابان؟ When do you plan to leave for Japan? When will you travel to Japan? أخفى توم الكتاب تحت الوسادة. Tom hid the book under his pillow. Tom hid the book under the pillow. أنا متمدّد فحسب. I'm only lying down. I'm just stretching. هل توافق على هذا؟ Do you agree about that? Do you agree with that? عليك أن تفي بوعدك. You must keep your promise. You have to keep your promise. لم يكن سامي مستعدّا للنّطق بالشّهادة. Sami wasn't ready to say the shahada. Sammy wasn't ready to testify. هل تريد أن تشرب؟ Do you want a drink? Do you want a drink? ما سبب كلّ هذا الضّجيج؟ What's all the noise about? What's with all the noise? الرجل الطويل خرج من البيت. The tall man came out of the house. The tall man came out of the house. التزكرة لشخصين. The ticket admits two persons. Praising for two. سأذهب إلى فرنسا لأدرس الرسم. I'll go to France to study painting. I'm going to France to study painting. كانت ليلى تفوح منها رائحة الكحول. Layla was reeking of alcohol. Lily smelled of alcohol. من فضلك أغلق الباب. Please close the door. Please close the door. مش شايف انه غريبة حبتين؟ Don't you think it's too strange? I don't think he's weird. Two pills? تم القبض على توم. Tom was taken prisoner. Tom was arrested. جاءت اإلى اليابان عندما كانت صغيرة. She came to Japan as a child. She came to Japan when she was young. تحب ماري مشاهدة التلفاز. Mary likes watching TV. Mary likes to watch TV. يمّا ما تقْدرش تسوق الفيلو. My mother cannot ride a bicycle. You can't afford to shop the Philo. تفطّنت ليلى للخطأ الذي قامت به. Layla realized the mistake she made. Lily realized the mistake she had made. عادةً ما ألعب التنس. I usually play tennis. I usually play tennis. في أي مجلدٍ حفظت الملف؟ In which folder did you save the file? In which folder did you save the file? تشرفت جدا بمعرفتك. I'm very happy to make your acquaintance. Very nice to meet you. لا يمكن أن يكون ذلك صحيحاً. It can't be true. That can't be right. هل أى ينظر أحد؟ Is anyone looking? Is anyone looking? طاولتك هنا. I have your table right here. Your table's here. أذهب إلى المدرسة بالباص. I go to school by bus. I go to school by bus. سأذهب وألقي نظرة أخرى. I'll go and have another look. I'm gonna go take another look. هل تتناول المشروبات الكحولية؟ Do you drink alcohol? Do you drink alcohol? هذا القارب صالحاً للإبحار. This boat is seaworthy. This boat is seaworthy. لا تقلق. أنا لن أقول للشرطة. Don't worry. I'm not going to tell the police. I won't tell the police. توم يحب الخروج Tom loves going out. Tom likes to go out. ذهبت ليلى و ابنتها إلى التّبضّع. Layla took her daughter shopping. Lily and her daughter went shopping. كان الصوت الوحيد المسموع هو تكتكة الساعة . The only sound to be heard was the ticking of the clock. The only sound heard was the ticking of the clock. أريدك أن تتحسن. I want you to be better. I want you to get better. أنا مسرور للغاية لسماع ذلك. I'm really glad to hear that. I'm so glad to hear it. انتظرك جمال طوال الظهيرة. Jamal waited for you all afternoon. Jamal's been waiting all afternoon. أنا سببّت هذا. I caused this. I caused this. رأيت النّافذة تنزل. I saw the window roll down. I saw the window come down. من مدرسك؟ Who is your teacher? Who's your teacher? يقرأ الصبي كتابه. The young boy is reading his book. The boy reads his book. هو معتاد على قراءة الجريدة أثناء الوجبات. He has the habit of reading the newspaper during meals. He used to read the paper during meals. أود أن أطلب منك معروفا. I'd like to ask a favor of you. I'd like to ask you a favor. لن أسبح بهذه البحيرة I wouldn't swim in this lake. I'm not swimming in this lake. لقد فعلت ذلك عن عمد! You did this intentionally! I did it on purpose! اللجنة تشمل عشر اعضاء. The committee comprises ten members. The committee includes 10 members. ألقى سامي بكرسيّ عبر النّافذة. Sami threw a chair through the window. Sammy threw a chair through the window. ما الذي تحدّثت عنه؟ What did you talk about? What did you talk about? البسي قبّعتكِ. Put on your cap. Put your hat on. لا تعاملني وكأني طفل. Don't treat me as if I were a child. Don't treat me like a child. يعجبني عرضك. I like your offer. I like your offer. هي حقيقة ملحوظة في اغلب الاحيان ، ان الرجال كتبوا قصائد جيدة تحت الهام العاطفة ، الامر الذي لايمكنهم كتابته في ظل ضروف اخرى. It is a fact often observed, that men have written good verses under the inspiration of passion, who cannot write well under other circumstances. It is often a remarkable fact that men have written good poems under the inspiration of passion, which they cannot write under other circumstances. "م" تشتم "د" فتصبح قاعدة بيانات تتويبا أغنى جملة. "د" يشتم "م" فتصبح قاعدة بيانات تتويبا أغنى جملة. "م" و "د" يتعادلان و الجميع يستفيد. M insults D - the Tatoeba database is one sentence better. D insults M - the Tatoeba database is one sentence better. D and M are even, and everyone else wins. "M" smells "D" becomes the database of the richest line. "D" smells "M" becomes the database of the richest line. "M" and "D" are equivalent and everyone benefits. هل توم سعيد؟ Is Tom happy? Is Tom happy? بقى عازف بيانو. He became a pianist. He remained a pianist. أعرفه بإسمه الأول. I know him by his first name. I know him by his first name. نريد أن نوصل أدوات اللغة إلى المرحلة التالية. نريد أن نرى إبداعات في مجال تعليم اللغات. ولا يمكن لهذا أن يحصل بدون مصادر لغوية متاحة للجميع والتي لا يمكن بناؤها بدون مجتمع والمجتمع لا يمكنه المساهمة بدون منصات فعّالة. We want to bring language tools to the next level. We want to see innovation in the language learning landscape. And this cannot happen without open language resources which cannot be built without a community which cannot contribute without efficient platforms. We want to take language tools to the next level. We want to see innovations in language education. This cannot happen without language resources that are accessible to all and that cannot be built without community and society cannot contribute without effective platforms. أهناك مقاس أكبر؟ Do you have a larger size? Is there a bigger size? هل تفهم ما أقوله لك؟ Are you getting me? Do you understand what I'm saying to you? سوف تحصد ما زرعت. You reap what you sow. You will reap what you sow. لا بدّ من أنّك شعرت بالخوف. You must have been scared. You must have been scared. كان سامي يعيش سامي حياة بدون أخلاق. Sami led an immoral life. Sammy was living a life without morals. لا، شكراً لك. لقد شبعت. No, thank you. I'm full. No, thank you. شوهِد سامي و هو يتناول أقراصا. Sami was seen swallowing pills. He watched Sammy take pills. أخذ سامي مال ليلى. Sami took Layla's money. Sammy took Lily's money. لن يتركك مرضاك. Your patients won't abandon you. Your patients won't leave you. لوسي من أمريكا. Lucy is from America. Lucy from America. انقطعت أخبار ليلى عن سامي. Sami didn't hear back from Layla. There was no news of Sammy. عيّطت علاخاطرش سرقولي لكارت كريدي. I'm calling because my credit card has been stolen. I hired Alakharash Sargouli for Carte Creede. كانت سيّارة سامي تتقلّب بينما كان هو بداخلها. Sami's car was tumbling while he was still inside. Sammy's car was flipping while he was inside. طُرد سامي من العمل. Sami got fired. Sammy was fired. من الواضح انه خرب . It's obviously ruined. It's obviously ruined. لا يمكنني المكوث طويلا اليوم. I can't stay long today. I can't stay long today. ده أخويا الكبير. He's my older brother. That's my big brother. هل هو معلم؟ Is he a teacher? Is he a teacher? نحن آسفون جداً We're very sorry. We're so sorry. لكلّ عالِم هفوة. Even Homer sometimes nods. Every scientist has a gag. رفع إيدو. He raised his hands. Elevate Edo. لا بد لي من التحدث معها حول الخطة الجديدة. I have to talk with her about the new plan. I have to talk to her about the new plan. كان سامي مصابا بالرّبو. Sami had asthma. Sammy was shot. أنا مازلت أحاول إصلاحها ولكنها لا تعمل. I keep trying to fix it, but it's still not working. I'm still trying to fix it, but it's not working. كم هذا محرج! How embarrassing! How embarrassing! استطاع أن يبني بيتاً صغيراً. He was able to build a small house. He was able to build a small house. هو يفضل الريف على البلدة. He prefers the country to the town. He prefers the countryside to the town. حين أسمع هذه الأغنية، فإنني أفكر بك، وأفتقدك. When I hear this song, I think of you, and miss you. When I hear this song, I think of you, and I miss you. هل تريد أن تأكل؟ Do you want to eat? Do you want to eat? كانت المرحلة التالية هي الدخول إلى مدرسة للفنون. The next stage was to enter a good arts school. The next stage was to enter an art school. الفيلم ده للأطفال. That film is for children. This movie is for kids. سامي لا يحبّ المسلمين. Sami doesn't like Muslims. Sammy doesn't like Muslims. كان ذاك مدرّسي البديل. It was my substitute teacher. That was my substitute teacher. تحدث ايفرت لقرابة الساعتين. Everett spoke for almost two hours. Everett spoke for about two hours. لا تقفل الخط من فضلك. Don't hang up yet, please. Don't hang up, please. كان سامي يمضي لياليه في الأريكة. Sami has been spending his nights on the couch. Sammy spent the night on the couch. لو كان ذلك الكلام صحيحًا، فسنقبل هذا الإستنتاج. If the statement is true, then we will have to accept the conclusion. If that's true, we'll accept that conclusion. ماذا للعشاء؟ What's for dinner? What for dinner? لقد كاد أن يفقد سامي حياته. Sami almost lost his life. Sammy almost lost his life. انا بخير ماذا عنك انت ؟ I'm fine. How about you? I'm fine. How about you? أبي في المطبخ لأنه يطبخ. Dad is in the kitchen because he's cooking. Dad's in the kitchen because he's cooking. أنا لا أريد أن تتأخر على الصف. I wouldn't want you to be late for class. I don't want to be late for class. لن أؤذيك. I won't harm you. I won't hurt you. توم يمشي ببطئ. Tom walks slowly. Tom walks slowly. قتل سامي ليلى خنقا. Sami choked the life out of Layla. Sammy killed Laila by strangling. أنا كبير بما يكفي لأشرب. I'm old enough to drink. I'm old enough to drink. هم في حاجة لمساعدتك. They need your help. They need your help. الآن، بإمكان الشركة أن تبرر هذه المصاريف. Now the company can justify such expenditure. Now, the company can justify these expenses. كيف بإمكاني مساعدتك ؟ How can I help? How can I help you? أنا أعرفها I know her. I know her. لا أحب الموسيقى الكلاسيكية. I don't like classical music. I don't like classical music. تبدو هذه اللّعبة خطيرة نوعا ما. This game seems a bit dangerous. This game looks kind of dangerous. نعرف أن الشمس أكبر من الأرض. We know that the Sun is bigger than the Earth. We know that the sun is bigger than the earth. عليك ألا تذهب. You shouldn't go. You shouldn't go. اتّصل سامي بالشّرطة يوما بعد وفاة ليلى. Sami called the police one day after Layla's death. Sammy called the police the day after Layla's death. أعتقد أنك ذهبت بعيدا. I think you went too far. I think you've gone too far. سمعت ليلى صوتا مألوفا. Layla heard a familiar voice. Lily heard a familiar voice. هنا أم تأخذها معك؟ Here or to go? Here or take it with you? أريد الذهاب لأستراليا لمرة أخرى قبل أن تنتهي صلاحية جواز سفري. I want to go to Australia one more time before my passport expires. I want to go to Australia again before my passport expires. هل تسكن هنا؟ Do you live here? Do you live here? إنه مشغول بفعل شيء ما. He is busy doing something. He's busy doing something. أنا متعب الآن. I'm tired now. I'm tired now. الإنجليزية لغة مستعملة في أمريكا. English is spoken in America. English is a language spoken in America. هو يجري He runs. He's running. حلمت بكابوس ليلة البارحة. I had a bad dream last night. I had a nightmare last night. هلّا أخبرتني عن سبب وجود توم في بوسطن؟ Can you tell me why Tom is in Boston? Can you tell me why Tom's in Boston? كان فاضل يريد أن يراه العالم و هو يقتل ليلى. Fadil wanted the world to see that he was killing Layla. Fadel wanted the world to see him kill Layla. لقد انهارت حياة سامي كلّيّة. Sami's life totally fell apart. Sammy's life has completely collapsed. راك هايل. You look stunning! Rack Hill. كيما تولّي تشبه ل تّصويرا ديالك ف لپاسۆپر، تمّاك تقدر تڥواياژي. When you're beginning to look like the photo in your passport, you should go on a holiday. So that Tully resembles Diylik's portrayal of Vaseger, Teguayavi is able to. الفاتورة من فضلك. The check, please. Bill, please. نانسي ابتسمت و هي فرحانة. Nancy smiled happily. Nancy smiled and was thrilled. قال المعلم ان الارض كروية. The teacher said that the earth is round. The teacher said the earth is round. تتكلم ماريكو الإنجليزية جيداً. Mariko speaks English excellently. Mariko speaks good English. انتهت رحلة سامي هنا. Sami's journey ends here. Sammy's journey ended here. الأب عائد إلى البيت غداَ. Father is coming home tomorrow. Daddy's coming home tomorrow. ينبغي على سامي أن يتحدّث مع المدرّسة بعد الدّرس. Sami should see the teacher after class. Sammy should talk to the teacher after class. ألعب التنس كل يوم. I play tennis every day. I play tennis every day. أين ساعتي؟ Where's my watch? Where's my watch? ليس عندي الوقت لأساعدك في حل واجبك I don't have time to help you with your homework. I don't have time to help you with your homework. لنغني هذه الأغنية بالإنجليزية. Let's sing the song in English. Let's sing this song in English. رنّ الهاتف لكن لم يجب أحد. The phone rang, but nobody answered it. The phone rang, but no one answered. تحدّث سامي عن ليلى بإعجاب شديد. Sami spoke about Layla with great admiration. Sammy spoke about Lily with great admiration. آكل تفاحة. I'm eating an apple. I eat an apple. هل كان الكتاب شيقاً؟ Was the book interesting? Was the book interesting? هل نسيت تحيّتي؟ Did you forget to greet me? Have you forgotten my greeting? اجتمعت عائلة سامي كي تتذكّره. Sami's family gathered to remember him. Sammy's family came together to remember him. سامي عليه الانتظار أكثر. Sami should wait a little bit. Sammy has to wait more. هامشي كمان شوية. I'm about to leave. My margin is a grilled violin. "نظّاراتي." "لا تقلق، سنجِدُها." "My glasses." "Take it easy, we'll find them." "My glasses." "Don't worry, we'll find them." سأبقى هنا لمدة ثلاثة أشهر I'll be staying here for three months. I'm staying here for three months. هذا شيء عادي بالنّسبة لي. This is normal to me. This is normal for me. هل هذه هي حقا الحقيقة؟ Is this the real truth? Is that really the truth? لم يسبق لأبي أن سافر إلى الخارج. My father has never been abroad. My father has never been outside. هل تذكر اليوم الذي تقابلنا فيه أنا وأنت أول مرة؟ Do you remember the day when you and I first met? Do you remember the day you and I first met? أعطِني ساعتان. Give me two hours. Give me two hours. لقد رأيت سامي في المزرعة. I saw Sami on the farm. I saw Sammy on the farm. لم يرد توم الذهاب إلى هناك. Tom didn't want to go there. Tom didn't want to go there. أذهب إلى الفراش. I go to bed. Go to bed. هذه متعة. It's a pleasure. This is fun. أنا إنسان صادق. I am an honest person. I'm an honest man. هي ف الحمام. She's in the restroom. She's in the bathroom. كان سامي ينتظرك. Sami was waiting for you. Sammy was waiting for you. أنا سعيد جداً الآن. I'm very happy now. I'm so happy right now. توم فقير ولكنه سعيد. Tom is poor, but he's happy. Tom is poor but happy. ذاقت ليلى دم سامي. Layla tasted Sami's blood. Lily tasted Sammy's blood. متى اخترعت الطباعة؟ When was printing invented? When did you invent printing? هل تتحدث السويدية؟ Do you speak Swedish? Do you speak Swedish? يؤمن المسلمون أنّه هناك ربّ واحد فقط. Muslims believe there is only one God. Muslims believe that there is only one God. يا لها من أزهار جميلة! Such pretty flowers! What beautiful flowers! أراد سامي أن يربّي أولاده تربية إسلاميّة. Sami wanted to raise his children as Muslims. Sami wanted to raise his children Islamic education. اصابه توم ليست خطيره Tom's injury isn't serious. Tom's injury isn't serious. وصفت أمّ فاضل ابنها أنّه فتى جيّد. Fadil's mother characterized him as a good boy. Fadel's mother described her son as a good boy. يبدو شاباً. He looks young. He looks young. أمضينا وقتاً ممتعاً و نحن نلعب الورق. We had a good time playing cards. We had a good time playing cards. من الذي اتصل بآن. Who telephoned Ann? Who called Anne? أتَ لا يمكنك تحدث الإنجليزية؟ Are you not able to speak English? Can't you speak English? أنا حقاً لستُ جائعة. I'm really not hungry. I'm really not hungry. ابذل وسعك في كل شيء . Do your best in everything. Do your best at everything. صرخت الفتاة حين رأت ألسنة اللهب. The girl screamed when she saw the flames. The girl screamed when she saw the flames. من فضلك اخلط الورق جيداً. Please shuffle the cards carefully. Please mix the paper well. كدبت علييّا من قبل، وعلاش نامنك دوركا؟ You've lied to me before. Why should I trust you now? You've written to me before, and we'll let you do it? تعافى سامي بشكل كامل. Sami made a full recovery. Sammy is fully recovered. السكوت علامة عن الرضا. Silence gives consent. Silence is a sign of satisfaction. أرسل سامي رسالة هاتفيّة أخرى لليلى. Sami texted Layla again. Sammy sent Lily another phone message. كان سامي يشاهد فيديوهات على اليوتوب. Sami was watching YouTube videos. Sammy was watching videos on YouTube. كان سامي يعيش حياة جميلة. Sami was living a nice life. Sammy was living a beautiful life. هل تذهب إلى المدرسة بالباص؟ Do you go to school by bus? Do you go to school by bus? عاد سامي للعيش في منزله. Sami moved back home. Sammy came back to live in his house. هل بإمكانك أن توصلني لمنزلي؟ Could you give me a ride home? Can you give me a ride home? سامي يذهب إلى الكنيسة. Sami goes to church. Sammy goes to church. البيت مسكون بالأشباح. The house is haunted. The house is haunted. هذه التّينة طريّة جدّا. This fig is very mushy. This dragon is so soft. حضرت الشرطة خلال دقائق Police were on the scene within minutes. The police are here in a few minutes. سررت بعودتك. I'm glad to see you back. Good to have you back. أنت دائماً ما تشتكي. You are always complaining. You're always complaining. أنت غبي. You're a fucking idiot! You're stupid. على قدر لحافك مد رجليك، رحم الله إمرءاً عرف قدر نفسه. Cut your coat according to your cloth. By the grace of God, you will know your own destiny. إنه ليس هنا ، أليس كذلك؟ He isn't here, is he? He's not here, is he? مدينتي ملاصقة للمحيط. My hometown is adjacent to the ocean. My city is adjacent to the ocean. أنتم أطول مني قامة. You are taller than I. You're taller than me. إننا نشجع مساهمتكم. We encourage your participation. We encourage your contribution. سأعلمك القيادة. I'll teach you how to drive a car. I'll teach you to drive. كيف هي الحياة في غزّة؟ How's life in Gaza. How is life in Gaza? لا تشتم الاصم وقدام الاعمى لا تجعل معثرة. بل اخش الهك. انا الرب. You shall not curse the deaf, nor put a stumbling block before the blind, but you shall fear your God. I am the Lord. You shall not curse the deaf, and before the blind you shall not make a stumbling block; but fear your God: I am Yahweh. يريد سامي أن يمضي بعض الوقت لوحده. Sami wants to spend some time alone. Sammy wants to spend some time alone. ما رانيش حايب نسّنّا بزّاف كيما هاكدا. I don't want to wait that long. Ma Ranesh Haib we made a bidder to make a run for it. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. In the name of God, the Merciful. ذهب إبني إلى لندن، أين ولدت. My son went to London, where I was born. My son went to London, where I was born. لذا، فإننا في تتويبا نبني الأساسات فحسب... لجعل الوِب مكانًا أفضل لتعلم اللغات. So ultimately, with Tatoeba we are only building the foundations… to make the Web a better place for language learning. So, we're just building foundations... to make the web a better place to learn languages. ان شلالات نياغارا مشهورة كمنتجع سياحي رائد في العالم . The Niagara Falls are famous as a world leading tourist resort. Niagara Falls is famous as the world's leading tourist resort. لم تعجب تلك فكرة سامي. Sami didn't like the idea. I didn’t like Sammy’s idea. هل تغسل يديك قبل الوجبات؟ Do you wash your hands before meals? Do you wash your hands before meals? تسلم إيديك! Thank you! Hand over your hands! هل سمعت ذلك الصوت؟ Did you hear that sound? Did you hear that voice? يانّي يسافر في اليابان. Yanni is traveling in Japan. Jani travels in Japan. كان سامي يعذّب القطط. Sami tortured cats. Sammy was torturing cats. هل تعرف الإجابة؟ Do you know the answer? Do you know the answer? فعلته بسرعة. I did it quickly. I did it fast. تهانينا على وجهك. Congratulations on your face. Congratulations on your face. ما هذه إلاّ قمة الجبل الجليدي. It's just the tip of the iceberg. This is just the tip of the iceberg. لقد أنهت قراءة الرسالة. She finished reading the letter. She finished reading the letter. حدث ذلك ذات ليلة. It happened one night. It happened one night. المدرسة بتبتدي الساعة تمنية و نص. School begins at eight-thirty. The school starts with a wishful hour and a text. لقد خشيَ أن يقضي عيد الميلاد في المستشفى. He dreaded having to spend Christmas in the hospital. He was afraid to spend Christmas in the hospital. احتجز فاضل العاهرات في قبو منزله. Fadil padlocked the prostitutes in the basement of his house. Fadel held the prostitutes in his basement. يمكنني أن أقشر تفاحة. I can peel an apple. I can peel an apple. أين أقرب محطة قطار؟ Where is the closest train station? Where is the nearest train station? كان فاضل منهكا. Fadil was all in. Fadel was exhausted. زارت شركة سياحية مدينتنا . A company of tourists visited our town. A tourist company visited our city. يستطيع طفلنا أن يسير. Our baby can walk. Our child can walk. "وقل ربِّ زدني علمًا". And say, "My Lord, increase me in knowledge." And say, "My Lord, increase me in knowledge." تستطيع النملة أن ترفع أكثر من خمسين ضعف وزنها. An ant can lift more than 50 times its weight. An ant can lift more than 50 times its own weight. أودّ زيارة عمتي هذا الأسبوع. I want to visit my aunt this week. I'd like to visit my aunt this week. هل تتناول فطور الصباح في المنزل؟ Do you have breakfast at home? Do you have breakfast at home? لم يصدر سامي أيّة ضجّة. Sami didn't make any noise. Sammy didn't make a fuss. ذهبت الأم إلى المدينة لجلب بعض الخبز. Mother went to town to get some bread. The mother went to the city to bring some bread. متى أقفلت هذه الباب آخر مرة؟ When was the last time you locked this door? When was the last time you locked this door? بإمكانك أن تطلب منه المساعدة. You can ask him for help. You can ask him for help. غزّة هي إحدى الجيوب الأكثر اكتظاظا بالسّكّان في العالم. Gaza is one of the world's most populous enclaves. Gaza is one of the most densely populated enclaves in the world. سكّان غزّة يعيشون تحت حصار خانق. The people of Gaza are living under a crippling blockade. The people of Gaza live under a suffocating siege. واصل سامي مراقبة ليلى. Sami kept eying Layla. Sammy continued to watch Lily. لم يتعرّف سامي بتاتا على صوت ليلى. Sami didn't recognize Layla's voice at all. Sammy never recognized Layla's voice. الأنثروبولوجيا تدرس التاريخ الإنساني من خلال تفحص الأشياء المدفونة مثل الفخّار و الأدوات. Archaeology studies human culture by examining the ancient objects found buried such as pottery and tools. Anthropology studies human history by examining buried objects such as pottery and tools. أعطني الكتاب Give me the book. Give me the book. لقد أنكر توم أنه متورط في القضية Tom denied that he had been involved in the affair. Tom denied he was involved in the case. كفى. That's enough. Enough. كان لديّ مدرّس مصاب بجنون الارتياب. I had a crazy paranoid teacher. I had a paranoid teacher. أنا أتعلم اليابانية. I am learning Japanese. I'm learning Japanese. حلمها هو أن تصبح ممرضة. Her dream is to become a nurse. Her dream is to become a nurse. أحسنوا معاملة الرجال، يأتِكم الخام في سلام. Treat the men well and the ore will come. Treat men well, the crude will come to you in peace. وساهم الاستعمار خلال العصر الحديث في تغذية التوتر بسبب حرمان العديد من المسلمين من الحقوق والفرص كما ساهم في ذلك الحرب الباردة التي عوملت فيها كثير من البلدان ذات الأغلبية المسلمة بلا حق كأنها مجرد دول وكيلة لا يجب مراعاة تطلعاتها الخاصة. More recently, tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations. Colonialism during the modern era has contributed to tension by depriving many Muslims of rights and opportunities, as did the Cold War, in which many Muslim-majority countries were treated unjustly as mere proxies whose own aspirations should not be taken into account. دعنا ننقسم. Let's split. Let's split up. توم يشتغل في شركة نفطية. Tom works for an oil company. Tom works for an oil company. حاولت ليلى استعمال الدّين لحماية أولادها من شرور هذا العالم. Layla tried to use religion to protect her children from the evils of this world. Leila tried to use religion to protect her children from the evils of this world. لم أعتقد أن توم من الممكن أن يكون جدّاً قاسي. I had no idea Tom could be so cruel. I didn't think Tom could be so cruel. أهلاً و سهلاً بك في اليايان. Welcome to Japan. Welcome to Yayan. ينبغي عليك ان تُبقي مكتبك نظيف You should keep your desk clean. You should keep your desk clean. توم ظهر فجأة من الهواء. Tom appeared out of thin air. Tom suddenly appeared from the air. هل تحتاج إلى سيارة إسعاف؟ Do you need an ambulance? Do you need an ambulance? لقد تم سرقتها. It's been stolen. It's been stolen. دخل سامي إلى المستشفى. Sami went to the hospital. Sam went to the hospital. أخبرنا أن كنت لا تريد أن تأتي. Let us know if you aren't going to come. Tell us that you don't want to come. واشْ كَايَن فَمَّا؟ What's up there? What's the matter with me? هىَ وضعت المجلة علىَ المنضدة. She put the magazine on the table. She put the magazine on the table. أنا أقرأ هذا الكتاب. I'm reading this book. I'm reading this book. ما الذي تريده؟ What is it that you want? What do you want? هذه ستكون مهمة خطيرة جداً. This will be a very dangerous mission. This is going to be a very dangerous mission. لواحد ما يسّنّا والو من لمسايد. One can't expect everything from schools. For one we've made it easier than Lemside. باع يانّي كلّ ما عنده كي يشتري تذكرة للعودة إلى منزله. Yanni sold everything he had to raise money for a ticket home. Yanni sold everything he had to buy a ticket home. سامي و ليلى ذاهبان إلى الشّاطئ. Sami and Layla are going to the beach. Sammy and Lily are going to the beach. طلب فاضل من ليلى أن تصوّب المسدّس نحو رامي. Fadil told Layla to hold the gun on Rami. Fadel asked Layla to point the gun at Rami. إنهُ يحارب طواحين الهواء. He fights windmills. He's fighting windmills. نحن ضد الحرب. We are against war. We are against war. سنأكل كثيرًا الليلة، آمل أنك لست على حمية. We're going to eat a lot tonight so I hope you're not on a diet. We're eating a lot tonight. I hope you're not on a diet. تعال إلى منزلي. Come to my house. Come to my house. يدرس توم في المكتبة الآن. Tom is now studying in the library. Tom is studying at the library now. إنه يتحدث على الهاتف. He's talking on the telephone. He's on the phone. ماذا تنتظر؟ لنذهب. What are you waiting for? Let's go. What are you waiting for? إن فكرته تتجاوز قدرتي على الفهم. His idea is beyond the reach of my understanding. His idea is beyond my comprehension. أراد سامي أن يتعرّف بمسلمين. Sami wanted to meet Muslims. Sammy wanted to get to know Muslims. اشترت رطليْ زبدة. She bought two pounds of butter. She bought two pounds of butter. لم آكل مذ أفطرت، وأنا جائع جدا. I haven't eaten since breakfast and I'm very hungry. I haven't eaten since I had breakfast, and I'm very hungry. شربت الشاي بدون سكر, لأنني أريد أفقد قليل من الوزن. I had tea without sugar, Because I want to lose some weight. I drank tea without sugar, because I want to lose a little weight. كانت لدى سامي صداقة مع أصدقاء ليلى. Sami was friends with Layla's friends. Sammy had a friendship with Lily's friends. إنهُ يستطيع أن يفعل هذا أفضل مني. He can do it better than me. He can do this better than I can. لا أعتقد أننا سنستطيع أن نحل هذه المشكلة بأنفسنا. I don't think that we will be able to solve this problem by ourselves. I don't think we can solve this problem ourselves. هل أنجزت فرضك؟ Have you done your homework? Did you do your homework? أخبرني أنه ذاهب إلى أمريكا. He told me he was going to America. He told me he was going to America. هل كان جمال هنا؟ Has Jamal been around? Was Jamal here? أفكر فيك. I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking about you. كيفَ سيدفع ديونهُ؟ How will he pay his debts? How's he gonna pay his debts? ما الذي تفعله؟ What's she doing? What are you doing? المكتبة بالقرب من الحديقة. The bookstore is near the park. The library is near the park. كان سامي يحاول أن يقوم بشيء متميّز لليلى. Sami was trying to do something special for Layla. Sammy was trying to do something special for Lily. أراد توم استدعاء الشرطة، ولكن ماري لم تسمح له. Tom wanted to call the police, but Mary wouldn't let him. Tom wanted to call the police, but Mary wouldn't let him. كان سامي معرّضا لحكم بالؤبّد. Sami could face life behind bars. Sammy was subject to a life sentence. فقدت تراسي نظارتها. Tracy lost her glasses. Tracy lost her glasses. توم هو اللي قال لي باللي ماري ما كانتش تحبني. Tom is the one who told me that Mary didn't like me. Tom was the one who told me that Mary didn't love me. أخبرني عن طفولتك. Tell me about your childhood. Tell me about your childhood. غضب سامي غضبا شديدا على الشّرطة. Sami got very angry with the police. Sammy got very angry with the police. هل بمكانك أن تصوّرني مع أصدقائي؟ Could you take a picture of me and my friends? Can you shoot me with my friends? أنا ذاهب لأدرس I'm going to study. I'm going to study. هل تحبه ؟ / هل تحبينه ؟ Do you love him? Do you love him? / Do you love him? الشيوعية هي النظام المُمارس في الإتحاد السوفيتي. Communism is the system practiced in the Soviet Union. Communism is the system practiced in the Soviet Union. أشعر و كأني عندي حريق في معدتي. My stomach feels like it's on fire. I feel like I have a fire in my stomach. دبّرً المحامي وسلية لهرب توم من السجن. His lawyer managed to get Tom sprung from prison. The lawyer arranged for Tom to escape from prison. آه، فهمت الأمر. Oh, I see. Ah, I get it. أَضْحَك الناس على أستاذه. He made a fool of his teacher. I make people laugh at his professor. إني أتمشى معها. I'm walking with her. I'm walking with her. لن أبيعه. I'm not going to sell it. I'm not selling it. التقطلي صورة أخرى. Take another picture of me. Take another picture. إنه يعرف كيف يلعب البوكر. He knows how to play poker. He knows how to play poker. لن أتركك تفلت بهذه السهولة. I won't let you slip away so easily. I'm not gonna let you get away that easy. طعام سامي المفضّل هو الباستا. Sami's favorite food is pasta. Sammy's favorite food is pasta. هو متأخّر. He's late. It's late. أنا لست مدرساً. I'm not a teacher. I'm not a teacher. لنختصر الوقت, أستقلينا الطائرة To save time, we took the plane. To cut time short, we boarded the plane. سامي وحيد. Sami is lonely. Sammy's lonely. توفي ابني الوحيد بالسرطان. I had my only son die of cancer. My only son died of cancer. سلّمت على التلميذ الأسبق. I shook hands with the former student. Greet the former student. راها جزايرية. She's an Algerian woman. She's an islander. سأتذكر دائما أول مرة رأيتها فيها. I'll always remember the first time I saw her. I'll always remember the first time I saw her. طوم خدم لك هادو ليك. Tom made these for you. Tom served you Hado Lake. انا راهب . I am a monk. I'm a monk. طُرد سامي من العمل. Sami was fired. Sammy was fired. كان سامي يتحكّم في حياة ليلى. Sami was dominating Layla's life. Sammy was in control of Layla's life. اريد التحدث معها على انفراد. I want to talk to her alone. I need to talk to her in private. إنهُ مبتدىء. He is a beginner. He's a rookie. قررت أن أخبرها بأني أحبها. I decided to tell her that I love her. I decided to tell her I loved her. متى رأيت ياني آخر مرّة؟ (البارحة في المسجد) "When did you see Yanni last?" "Yesterday at the mosque." When was the last time you saw Yanni? (Yesterday at the mosque) صادف سامي مشاكلا. Sami ran into trouble. Sammy had problems. هرب الرجل بعد أن رأى الشرطي. Seeing the policeman, the man ran away. The man ran away after seeing the policeman. الرجل الذي يجلس هناك مغن شهير. The man sitting over there is a famous singer. The man sitting there is a famous singer. انسى ما قلته بالأمس. Forget what I said yesterday. Forget what I said yesterday. جاك يجمع الطوابع. Jack collects stamps. Jack collects stamps. نُقِل سامي إلى المستشفى في السّاعات الأولى ليوم السّادس من جوان، 2006. Sami was rushed to the hospital in the early hours of June 6th, 2006. Sami was hospitalized in the early hours of June 6th, 2006. سامي، الذي كان يعمل كقوّادا، كان يمثّل أشرس المفترسين في الشّارع. Sami, a pimp, was the ultimate street predator. Sami, who worked as a pimp, was the fiercest predator on the street. ألا تبعد يدك عني؟ Will you take your hand off me? Don't you take your hand off me? أغضبت هذه الأخبارُ الصائبَ كثيرًا حتى أنه سكب الفانتا التي في يده ثانيةً. This news made Al-Sayib so furious that he once more spilled his Fanta. This bad news made him so angry that he poured the vanta in his hand again. إنك تعطي المسألة أكثر من حقها. You are exaggerating the problem. You're giving it more than it's worth. خلاص على كده. This is the end. That's it. إنهُ في مشكلة. He's in trouble. He's in trouble. كان سامي لا يزال صديقا لليلى. Sami was still friends with Layla. Sammy was still a friend of Lily's. الوردة دي جميلة. This rose is beautiful. The rose is beautiful. عليك عدم الخوف. You need not have such fear. You shouldn't be afraid. أشنو ڭلتي؟ What did you say? Ashno Velti? سأصلح دراجتي في البيت. I'll fix my bicycle in the house. I'll fix my bike at home. لا اعتقد اننا نملك الوقت الكافي لفعل ذلك. I don't think we have enough time to do that. I don't think we have enough time to do that. لا يبدو بأن توم يعرف الكثير عن ماري. Tom doesn't seem to know a lot about Mary. Tom doesn't seem to know much about Mary. لقد ناما بنفس السرير They slept in the same bed. They slept in the same bed. ألف جملة لكلٍ من هذه الكلمات. Make a sentence with each of these words. A thousand words for each of these words. لم يكن عليك فعل هذا. You shouldn't have done that. You didn't have to do this. شحال عندك من صاحابك في الفايسبوك؟ How many friends do you have on Facebook? Do you have any Facebook friends? أين الشاي بالحليب؟ Where is the tea with milk? Where's the milk tea? هل لديك ما تقوله بخصوص هذا الأمر؟ Do you have anything to say regarding this? Do you have anything to say about this? كان فاضل يستهلك المخدّرات. Fadil used drugs. Fadel was using drugs. سامي يحبّ التّفّاحات الحمراء. Sami likes red apples. Sammy likes red apples. كان سامي كامنا في انتظار ليلى. Sami lied in wait for Layla. Sammy Kamna was waiting for Layla. كان سامي يأخذ الكلاب لتمشيتها. Sami walked the dogs. Sammy was taking the dogs for a walk. أركض كل يوم. I run every day. I run every day. شُخّص اكتئاب حادّ عند سامي. Sami was diagnosed with acute depression. Sammy was diagnosed with severe depression. لا تعجبني هذه الملاحظات. I don't like these remarks. I don't like these notes. نعم. Yep. Yeah. أجريتْ لي مقابلة عمل. I was interviewed for a job. You gave me a job interview. سُرقت مني ساعتي البارحة. I had my watch stolen yesterday. My watch was stolen from me yesterday. أعطني كأساً من الماء من فضلك. Please give me a glass of water. Give me a glass of water, please. مع خروج زوجته من الصّورة، أصبح سامي حرّا لاستكشاف علاقته مع ليلى بشكل أعمق. With his wife out of the picture, Sami had the freedom to explore his relationship with Layla even further. With his wife out of the picture, Sami is free to explore his relationship with Layla more deeply. لا ألومك على ضربه. I don't blame you for hitting him. I don't blame you for hitting him. عليك أن تتوقّف هنا. You have to stop right here. You have to stop here. جدي من أهل أوساكا. My grandfather comes from Osaka. My grandfather's an Osaka. ليس كل سؤال يستحق الاجابة. Not every question deserves an answer. Not every question is worth answering. هو ترجم الاية الى اللغة الانكليزية . He translated the verse into English. He translated the verse into English. علي أن أساعد أمي. I must help my mother. I have to help my mom. هل تعمل في هذه العيادة؟ Do you work in this clinic? Do you work at this clinic? ماذا تقترح؟ What do you suggest? What do you suggest? محمّد جلّاوِي هو رئيس الأكاديميّة الجزائريّة للّغة الأمازيغيّة. Mohamed Djellaoui is the head of the Algerian Academy of the Berber Language. Mohamed Djalaoui is the president of the Algerian Amazigh Academy. اجعل أحداً آخر يقوم بذلك إذا سمحت. Please have someone else do it. Have someone else do it, please. لديها أفكار مضحكة حول كيفية إدارة شركة. She has some funny ideas about how to run a company. She has funny ideas about how to run a company. ليس ذلك بمقدوري. I can't. I can't do that. هذا شيء لن أنساه. It's something I'll never forget. That's something I won't forget. ما رانيش راح نسقسيق حاجا وحدوخرا ليوم. I won't ask you anything else today. We're not going to spend a day on hajj and Hadhrat. أنا مُرهقٌ. I am shattered. I'm tired. لا تنظر إلى الوراء. Don't look back. Don't look back. جورج كثير الكلام. George is quite talkative. George is talking too much. اذهب أولا يا جمال. You go first, Jamal. Go first, Jamal. لم يكن سامي راغبا في أن يكون الطّرف الخاسر في الطّلاق. Sami didn't want to be the loser in the divorce. Sammy didn’t want to be the loser in the divorce. مين جيّ معايه؟ Who's coming with me? Who's good with him? تمّ التّبليغ على فقدان فاضل. Fadil was reported missing. Fadel's been reported missing. هي مدرّسة لطيفة. She's a sweet teacher. She's a nice teacher. عادت ليلى إلى القاهرة. Layla got back to Cairo. Leyla returned to Cairo. من أجل ذلك أنا خرجت That's why I quit. That's why I came out. سيعود سامي فورا. Sami will be right back. Sammy will be right back. اللغة الأمازيغية نافعة. The Berber language is useful. The Amazigh language is useful. ارتدى سامي سروال جين أسود. Sami wore black jeans. Sammy wore black Jean shorts. كان سامي يتشاجر كثيرا مع أمّه. Sami fought frequently with his mother. Sammy was fighting a lot with his mother. هي تتكلم القليل من العربية. She speaks a little Arabic. She speaks a little Arabic. تعرّف سامي بفريد في السّجن. Sami met Farid in jail. Sammy is known as Fred in prison. توم كان قلبه مكسور عندما ماري قالت له انها تركته Tom was heartbroken when Mary told him she was leaving him. Tom had a broken heart when Mary told him she left him. إنّ دان لا يخدم المجتمع. Dan is doing a disservice to the community. Dan doesn't serve the community. لابد أن اشتري واحدة. I must buy one. I have to buy one. كل من في هذا الموقع رأى مدى عدوانية انفصاليي فرحات مهني. Everyone on this website has seen how aggressive Ferhat Mehenni's separatists are. Everyone on this site saw how aggressive professional separatists are. ألم أقل لك ذلك؟ Didn't I tell you so? Didn't I tell you that? يناير هو أول شهر في السنة. January is the first month of the year. January is the first month of the year. لا تُخبِر أحداً. Don't tell anyone. Don't tell anyone. أود الاختلاء بتوم لبضع دقائق. I'd like to have a few minutes alone with Tom. I'd like to take Tom in for a few minutes. عليك أن تبدأ حالاً. You should begin right away. You need to start right now. وعلاوة على ذلك حدا التغيير الكاسح الذي رافقته الحداثة والعولمة بالعديد من المسلمين إلى اعتبار الغرب معاديا لتقاليد الإسلام Moreover, the sweeping change brought by modernity and globalization led many Muslims to view the West as hostile to the traditions of Islam. Moreover, the sweeping change that modernity and globalization have accompanied has led many Muslims to view the West as hostile to the traditions of Islam. بين الإخوة كثير من التوتر. There's a lot of tension among the siblings. There is a lot of tension between brothers. المدخَلُ ليس من هنا. This is not the entrance. The inlet's not from here. ناولني ذاك الكتاب من فضلك. Hand me that book, please. Give me that book, please. كما يجب أن يتم بذل جهود مستديمة للاستماع إلى بعضنا البعض وللتعلم من بعضنا البعض والاحترام المتبادل والبحث عن أرضية مشتركة There must be a sustained effort to listen to each other; to learn from each other; to respect one another; and to seek common ground. Sustained efforts must be made to listen to each other, to learn from each other, to respect each other and to seek common ground. الكثير من الأزواج ينتهي بهم إلى الطلاق. Many couples end in divorce. Many couples end up getting divorced. إذا أردت أن تسمع قصة مخيفة، سأحكي لك ما حلمت به منذ عدة أسابيع. If you want to hear a scary story, I'll tell you about a dream I had a few weeks ago. If you want to hear a scary story, I'll tell you what I dreamed of a few weeks ago. راه يهدَر مْعاهم بالأمازيغية. He's talking to them in Berber. He's running with them in Tamazight. تبدو صحيحة بالنسبة لي. It seems right to me. Sounds right to me. هو بجانبي. He is next to me. He's next to me. حبّات التّين هذه طيّبة المذاق. These fresh figs are savory. These figs taste good. عليك بمساعدته، و بسرعة. You have to help him, and quickly! You have to help him, and quickly. كتب توم قصة عن ذلك. Tom wrote a story about that. Tom wrote a story about it. سأقوم بتحويل المبلغ. I will transfer the money. I'll transfer the money. لم يتحقق حلم الفرص المتاحة للجميع بالنسبة لكل فرد في أمريكا ولكن الوعد هو قائم بالنسبة لجميع من يصل إلى شواطئنا ويشمل ذلك ما يضاهي سبعة ملايين من المسلمين الأمريكان في بلدنا اليوم. ويحظى المسلمون الأمريكان بدخل ومستوى للتعليم يعتبران أعلى من المعدل المتوسط The dream of opportunity for all people has not come true for everyone in America, but its promise exists for all who come to our shores – that includes nearly seven million American Muslims in our country today who enjoy incomes and education that are higher than average. The dream of opportunity for everyone in America has not been realized, but the promise is there for all who reach our shores, including the equivalent of seven million American Muslims in our country today. American Muslims have a higher than average income and level of education. زار سامي العديد من الدّول الإسلاميّة. Sami visited many Muslim countries. Sammy has visited many Islamic countries. تخرّج فاضل من الثّانوية في القاهرة. Fadil graduated from high school in Cairo. He graduated from high school in Cairo. يا لها من زوبعة عاصفة! What a strong wind! What a whirlwind! جلست لوري على الكرسي. Laurie sat on the chair. Laurie sat in the chair. ۆه، سروالي لبيض! او كان ژديد. Oh, my white pants! And they were new. Eh, my pants are for eggs! اندفع توم زيادة. Tom got a little carried away. Tom pushed up. لم يتمكّن أحد من إلقاء القبض على ذلك الكلب. No one could catch the dog. No one was able to catch that dog. هل لي أن أُلقي نظرة على جواز سفرك؟ May I look at your passport? May I take a look at your passport? حكم الملك البلد. The king governed the country. The king ruled the country. إحذر! Look out! Watch out! ممتاز! Excellent! Perfect! الجو بارد اليوم! It's cold today! It's cold today! لا تقم بشيء حتى آتي. Don't do anything until I come. Don't do anything until I come. أقنع سامي ليلى كي تحضر له سلاحا. Fadil convinced Layla to get him a gun. Sammy convinced Laila to get him a gun. لننس ما حدث اللّيلة الماضية. Let's forget about what happened last night. Let's forget what happened last night. هو صار غني . He became rich. He got rich. أتمنى أن يكون لديك وقت أكثر لي. I wish you had more time for me. I hope you have more time for me. رأيت توم هنا سابقا. I've seen Tom here before. I've seen Tom here before. أكون أو لا أكون؟ To be or not to be? To be or not to be? كان سامي راغبا في أن تجيبه ليلى عن بعض الأسئلة الصّعبة حول ماضيها. Sami wanted Layla to answer some tough questions on her past. Sammy wanted Layla to answer some tough questions about her past. لا أريد أن أراه. I don't wanna see him. I don't want to see him. هيا بنا. Let's go. Come on. كان سامي يأخذ دروسا. Sami was taking classes. Sammy was taking lessons. يبلغ عدد سكان اليابان حوالي مئة و عشرون مليون نسمة. The population of Japan is about 120 million. Japan has a population of about 120 million people. لَقَد وَصَلوا إلى هَدَفَهُم. They reached their goal. They've reached their goal. هي بتحكي عربي شويه. She speaks a little Arabic. She's an Arab storyteller. كانا سامي و ليلى يتخاصمان كثيرا. Sami and Layla argued a lot. Sammy and Lily were fighting a lot. لا أريد أن أعمل في ظل هذه الظروف. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don’t want to work under these conditions. لم يقرأ سامي رسالة ليلى حتّى. Sami didn't even read Layla's letter. Sammy didn't even read Lily's letter. أنا لستُ مقتنعًا على الإطلاق. I'm not convinced at all. I'm not convinced at all. الطائر غمس رأسه في الماء. The bird dipped its head into the water. The bird dipped its head in water. ينبغي على سامي أن يتولّى المسؤوليّة. Sami should assume responsibility. Sammy has to take responsibility. تعالَ إلى الأمام. Come forward. Come forward. كان سامي يقصرني في الطول. Sami was shorter than me. Sammy was cutting me short. أنا موافق مع اقتراحه. I accept his proposal. I agree with his suggestion. هل تلك الأشياء لك؟ Are these your things? Are those things yours? سأعود في السادسة و النصف. I'll return at 6:30. I'll be back at 6:30. شكراً لك Thank you. Thank you. أهناك مشكلة في الأمر؟ Is there anything wrong about it? Is there a problem? لدى ذلك الفريق لاعبون أقوياء البنية. That team has strong players. That team has strong players. تلقّى سامي اتّصالا غريبا من شخص لم يتعرّف عليه. Sami got a strange call from someone whose voice he didn't recognize. Sammy received a strange call from someone he didn't recognize. تمّ طرد سامي من العيادة. Sami was kicked out of the clinic. Sammy was kicked out of the clinic. هي تلعب She works. She plays. هل ساعتك على التوقيت الصحيح؟ Is your watch correct? Is your watch on time? أهذا ابنك يا بِتِي؟ Is this your son, Betty? Is that your son, Betty? ألا تريد إيقاف توم؟ Don't you want to stop Tom? Don't you want to stop Tom? لم يعلم سامي ماذا كان يعمل. Sami didn't know what he was doing. Sam didn’t know what he was doing. عند سامي ستّ كلاب الآن. Sami has six dogs now. Sammy's got six dogs now. أعطاني أبي لعبةً. My father gave me a game. My dad gave me a toy. يجب أن تفخر جدا بابنتك. You must be very proud of your daughter. You should be so proud of your daughter. أبي مهندس مدني. My father is a civil engineer. My father is a civil engineer. هذا الضّجيج يصمّ الآذان. This noise is deafening. This noise deafens the ears. تسبح بمهارة ، أليس كذلك؟ You swim well, don't you? You swim well, don't you? عايز اشوفك قبلمّا تمشي. I want to see you before you go. I want to see you before you walk. توم مبيعرفش يلعب تنس. Tom can't play tennis. Tom McArch plays tennis. هذا الفيلم ليس الفيلم الذي فكرت انه هو . The film was not what I had thought it was. This movie isn't the movie I thought it was. كان فاضل يثق بليلى بشكل كامل. Fadil trusted Layla completely. Fadel trusted Lilly completely. صعدت إلى غرفة نومها في الطابق العلوي. She went upstairs to her bedroom. She went upstairs to her bedroom. من هناك؟ Who's there? Who is it? ستُحضَرُ ليلى إلى العدالة. Layla will be brought to justice. Lily will be brought to justice. أُحضِرَ فاضل إلى العدالة. Fadil was brought to justice. Fadel was brought to justice. دعه يذهب! Let him go! Let him go! تبدأ الأوبرا في الساعة السابعة. The opera starts at seven. The opera begins at seven. خضع سامي لتلك اللّعبة الجنسيّة الخطيرة. Sami sumbitted to that dangerous sexual game. Sammy's been through this dangerous sex game. إنّي خائف جدّاً. I'm so afraid. I'm so scared. لمن هذين الحذائين؟ Whose shoes are these? Whose shoes are these? ما عرض هذا الشارع؟ What's the width of this road? What's the width of this street? خطأ. Wrong. Wrong. أعطنا هذا القط. Give that cat to us. Give us that cat. من؟ Who? Who is it? إبنها الأكبر سيخدم مسؤلاً عن المؤسسة. Her eldest son will serve as the administrator of the estate. Her eldest son will serve in charge of the institution. هو سيكون دائماً معكِ. He will always be with you. He'll always be with you. شفتو؟ Did you see it? Lips? أقوم ببعض التمارين الخفيفة كل صباح. I take light exercise every morning. I do some light exercise every morning. لم يكن باستطاعة سامي الانتظار. Sami couldn't wait. Sammy couldn't wait. بروح المدرسة الساعة سابعة. I go to school at seven. School spirit at seven. لا أحب المدرسة. I don't like school. I don't like school. سأنادي سامي. I'll call Sami. I'll call Sammy. لم أُرِدْ أن يحدث ذلك. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want that to happen. لا أشارك رأيك. I don't share your opinion. I don't share your opinion. بدأ لتوّه. He started just now. It just started. أنا أقرأ كتابك I am reading your book. I'm reading your book. ما راناش في السينيما. We are not at the cinema. What a Ranash in Cinema. أحضر سامي صديقا. Sami brought a friend. Sammy brought a friend. ماقدرش أقول لها دلوقتي. الموضوع مبقاش بالبساطة دي. I can't tell her now. It's not that simple anymore. I can't tell her right now. كان سامي سعيدا بخروج ليلى من حياته. Sami was glad Layla was out of his life. Sammy was happy to get Lily out of his life. هل تؤمن بالمسيحية؟ Do you believe in Christianity? Do you believe in Christianity? لم يكن سامي راغبا في مواجهة فريد وجها لوجه. Sami didn't want to have a face-to-face confrontation with Farid. Sammy did not want to face Fred face-to-face. ما ذهبت إلى المدرسة. I didn't go to school. I didn't go to school. اتّصل بطبيب في الحال! Call a doctor immediately. Call a doctor right away! إن القطار قد غادر. The last train has already gone. The train's gone. ليس بإمكانك تفويته. You can't miss it. You can't miss it. الناس يحبون التحدث والتحدث والتحدث. People love to talk - talk - talk. People like to talk and talk and talk. أنت هنا You're here. You are here. شعر ماريا طويل. Maria has long hair. Maria's hair is long. انت منين ف كندا؟ Where in Canada are you from? You're from Canada? أنا رجل سهر. I'm a night owl. I'm a vigilante. أردت الشهرة فقط. I just wanted to be popular. I just wanted fame. سامي يتعلّم بسرعة. Sami learns fast. Sammy learns fast. هل تعلم كم عدد السياح الذين ياتون الى بوسطن كل يوم ؟ Do you know how many tourists come to Boston every day? Do you know how many tourists come to Boston every day? كان سامي يغسل الأواني. Sami was washing dishes. Sammy was washing pots. أتعرف كم الساعة؟ Do you know what the time is? You know what time it is? وَاعْرَة. She is strong. Naked. منزِلي قريب من المدرسة. My house is near the school. My house is close to school. لن أنس ذلك الحفل ما دمت حيّا. I shan't forget that feast as long as I live. I won't forget that party while I'm alive. سامي يحبّ هذه الصّورة. Sami likes this picture. Sam likes this picture. هل هذه أختك؟ Is that your sister? Is that your sister? أزاحت غطاء الصندوق. She took off the lid of the box. I removed the lid of the box. كانت المرأة الجريحة سائحة برازيلية . The wounded woman was a Brazilian tourist. The injured woman was a Brazilian tourist. كان دواء ليلى ضروريّا كي يحتفظ قلبها بنبض منتظم. Layla's medication was essential to maintain a steady heartbeat. Lily’s medication was necessary to keep her heart beating regularly. توم ماكانش باغي يروح للمسيد هاذ الصباح. Tom didn't want to go to school this morning. Tom Macanch Baggy is going to the master this morning. هذا كبير جدا This is too big. This is too big. علي أن أكتب رسالة. هل لديك ورق؟ I have to write a letter. Do you have some paper? I have to write a letter. شكراً لكِ على المعلومة. Thank you for the information. Thank you for the tip. انت تعيش في عالم الخيال . You live in a fantasy world. You live in a fantasy world. طلبت منه أن يكون هنا عند السادسة. I asked him to be here by six. I asked him to be here at six. توژور حبّيت كتر ليپارسۆناژ لّي عنهوم ميستار. I always liked mysterious characters more. Tovar, I love Cutter Levarsvanav. I care about Mistar. لم أعرت مالا لشخص مثلها؟ Why did you lend money to someone like her? Why would I lend money to someone like her? لا يزال الجميع يبتسم. Everyone is still smiling. Everybody's still smiling. درس سامي الطّب. Sami studied medicine. Sammy's medical school. رمى يانّي بذلك التّين. Yanni threw the figs away. Jani threw that fig. هىَ أتت إلى هُنا مرةً أخرى. She came here once again. She came here again. عادة ما يصلّي سامي صلاة العشاء قبيل ذهابه إلى النّوم. Sami usually performs the isha prayer just before going to bed. Sammy usually prays the evening prayer before going to bed. افتقدناك كثيرا! We miss you so much. We missed you so much! من الصّعب عليّ كطبيب أن أقول هذا عن طبيب آخر، لكن هذه هي الحقيقة. It's hard for me as a doctor to say that about another doctor, but this is the truth. It's hard for me as a doctor to say this about another doctor, but that's the truth. هي نامت في الساعة العاشرة أمس. She slept at ten o'clock yesterday. She fell asleep at 10 yesterday. أخبرني، هيا. Come on and tell me. Tell me, come on. توم يعلم أنني في البيت Tom knows I'm home. Tom knows I'm home. ايه اللي انت قاعد تقوله ده؟ What're you saying? What are you saying to him? أنا خباز I'm a baker. I'm a baker. تقع المحطة غرب الفندق. The station is to the west of the hotel. The station is located west of the hotel. ثمّة أمور لا يمكن التعبير عنها بالكلمات. There are some things that cannot be expressed in words. There are things that cannot be expressed in words. أثارت غضبي بكلامها. Her words made me mad. She made me angry with her words. وقتاش شْرى توم هاذْ التريكو؟ When did Tom buy that shirt? And when did you buy Tom that tricot? لن يموت أحد هنا. No one is going to die here. No one's gonna die here. شرحت المعلمة الدرس الجديد بإسهاب للطلاب. The teacher explained the new lesson at length to the students. The teacher explained the new lesson at length to the students. كانت هناك لطخات دم في كلّ مكان من الغرفة. There was blood spatter everywhere in the room. There were bloodstains everywhere in the room. أخرجت قلماً من جيبها. She took a pen out of her pocket. She took a pen out of her pocket. هولندا بلد صغير. Holland is a small country. The Netherlands is a small country. فعل هذا الشيء كان غير وارد. Doing that was out of the question. Doing this thing was out of the question. إسرائيل تعلم ما سفعله بالضّفّة الغربيّة لكن لا يبدو أنّها تعلم ما ستفعله بغزّة. Israel knows what to do with the West Bank but not really with Gaza. Israel knows what it will do in the West Bank, but it doesn’t seem to know what it will do in Gaza. الأفكار المبدعة أصبحت قليلة للغاية مؤخّراً. Creative ideas have been thin on the ground lately. Creative ideas have become very few lately. أنتَ تحتاج أن تنظر إلى الأُمور من زاوية مختلفة, إنها ليست كارثية كما تظن. You need to look at things from a different angle, it's not as catastrophic as you think. You need to look at things from a different angle. It's not as disastrous as you think. كرة القدم هي رياضة العالم الأكثر شعبيّة. Soccer is the world's most popular sport. Football is the world’s most popular sport. أغلب من أتحدث إليهم على فيسبوك هم طلبة. Most of the people I chat with on Facebook are students. Most of the people I talk to on Facebook are students. لا تحتقر إنساناً لأنه فقير. Don't despise a man because he is poor. Do not despise a man because he is poor. ما الذي حصل لأختك؟ What has become of your sister? What happened to your sister? ابتزّ سامي ليلى. Sami blackmailed Layla. Sammy Leyla was blackmailed. اعتبروا أنفسكم محظوظين. Consider yourselves lucky. Consider yourselves lucky. أذاهب أنت معنا؟ Will you be going with us? Are you with us? العنف ضد النساء هو أحد أكثر اختراقات حقوق الإنسان تكراراً حول العالم. Violence against women is one of the most frequent violations of human rights worldwide. Violence against women is one of the most frequent human rights abuses around the world. ما الذي جاء بك إلى هنا باكراً هكذا؟ What made you come here so early? What brings you here so early? دفعني المدرّس بعيدا. The teacher pushed me away. The teacher pushed me away. هل كل شيء على ما يرام؟ Is everything all right? Is everything okay? شعر توم قصير حقا. Tom's hair is really short. Tom's hair is really short. لازَم عْلينا نْروحو في اللخَر تاع الشْهَرْ. We have to leave at the end of the month. We'll have to go in later in the month. هل تذكر السيد سايتو؟ Do you remember Mr Saito? Do you remember Mr. Saito? أتسمع صوت الأمواج على الشاطئ؟ Can you hear the noise of the waves on the beach? You hear the waves on the beach? لقد تسلقت جبل فوجي. I've climbed Mt. Fuji. I climbed Mount Fuji. دعونا فقط نصبح أصدقاء. Let's just be friends. Let's just become friends. كان مدرّسي مفترسا جنسيّا. My teacher was a predator. My teacher was a sexual predator. بإمكانك وضعها في أي مكان. You can put it anywhere. You can put it anywhere. أنتَ تقريباً مت. You almost died. You're almost dead. لا تنسه أبدا. Don't ever forget it. Don't ever forget it. عرض سامي على الشّرطة أن يخبرهم بكلّ ما يعلم. Sami offered to tell police everything that he knew. Sammy offered the police to tell them everything he knew. لم تكن أول مرة. It wasn't the first time. It wasn't the first time. انا احب كلا منهما I like each of them. I love both of them. عندي قط وكلب. I have a cat and a dog. I have a cat and a dog. يبدو توم بحال جيدة. Tom seems OK now. Tom looks good. بإمكان سامي البقاء. Sami can stay. Sammy can stay. أعرف كل شيء. I know everything. I know everything. لم تصدر كلّ هذا الضّجيج؟ Why are you being so noisy? Why are you making all this noise? انتقلت ليلى للعيش في القاهرة مؤخّرا. Layla has recently moved to Cairo. She recently moved to Cairo. كان سامي أكبر أبناء رامي و ليلى صادق. Sami was the oldest of all the children born to Rami and Layla Sadiq. Sami was the eldest son of Rami and Leila Sadiq. بقى سامي. Sami stayed. It's still Sammy. سامي شاب تخلّى عن الدّراسة في مستوى الثّانويّة و لا يملك وظيفة حقيقيّة. Sami is a high-school dropout without a real job. Sammy is a young man who dropped out of high school and doesn't have a real job. ما ودعك ربك وما قلى. Your Lord has neither forsaken you, nor has become displeased. What your Lord has given you. نحتاج للمزيد من السكر. We need more sugar. We need more sugar. قتل سامي ليلى. Sami took Layla's life. Sammy killed Layla. لن يناسبني هذا الفستان. This dress is not going to fit me. I'm not gonna fit in that dress. هل هناك ما لم أضع في الإعتبار؟ Did I miss anything? Is there something I haven't considered? انهار سامي ساقطا. Sami fell. Sammy collapsed. وجد دراجتي الضائعة. He found my bike. He found my lost bike. الجو حار جداً It is too hot. It's so hot. لا يمكنني أن أقبل هديّتك. I cannot accept your gift. I can't accept your gift. عليك أن تحفظ هذه الجملة. You have to memorize this sentence. You have to memorize this sentence. لا يجب أن تتصل به. You must not come in contact with him. You shouldn't call him. أنا عطشان. I got thirsty. I'm thirsty. خذ وختك Take your time Here's your ring. شعر فاضل أنّه كان عليه أن يعتنق الإسلام. Fadil felt he had to be a Muslim. He felt that he had to convert to Islam. إنه لا يحتاج إلى أن يعمل. He doesn't need to work. He doesn't need to work. شاهدنا التلفاز بعد الغداء. We watched TV after lunch. We watched TV after lunch. كان في المدرسة. It was at school. He was at school. أنا من الإكوادور. I am from Ecuador. I'm from Ecuador. سأعود للعمل كي أكسب قليلا من المال. I'm gonna go back to work and earn some money. I'm going back to work to make a little money. هل أعرفك؟ Do I know you? Do I know you? توم لم يكن مدعوّاً إلى المأدبة. Tom wasn't invited to the banquet. Tom wasn't invited to the banquet. انتظرتك لساعتين. She waited for you for two hours. I waited for you for two hours. كان الجميع يحبّ سامي. Everybody loved Sami. Everyone loved Sammy. نتفائل به. We feel good about it. Optimistic. قبل ما تعرفها نتا، تكون نتا ف لجرنان. Next thing you know, you'll be in the papers. Before you know it, you're a gernan. اتصلت به بالأمس. I called him up yesterday. I called him yesterday. أرفض أن أنادى بغير "صاحب السمو". I refuse to be called anything besides "Your Highness". I refuse to be called other than "His Highness." سامي يحبّ هذا المسلسل. Sami likes this series. Sam likes this show. توم مكنش عارف يبوس ماري ولا لاء علشان كدا مبسش Tom wasn't sure if he should kiss Mary or not, so he didn't. Tom McNash, Arif Jebus, Mary, and Laaa, because they don't like it. عليك النوم. You should sleep. You should sleep. تحمل الفئران الطاعون. Rats carry the plague. Rats carry the plague. القبائل يتكلمون اللغة الأمازيغيّة التي يُطلق عليها محليّا القبائلية. بالنسبة للإنفصاليين، يتكلمون، يكتبون و يقرأون بالفرنسية أمّا الأمازيغيّة فهي غريبة بالنسبة لهم مثل الروسيّة. Kabyles speak the Berber language that's locally called Kabyle. As for the separatists, they speak, write and read in French and Berber is as strange to them as Russian is. Tribes speak the Amazigh language, which is locally called tribalism. For separatists, they speak, write and read in French. For them, Amazigh is as foreign as Russian. أنا ذاهبة إلى ماينتس ثُم إلى كولونيا العام القادم. I'm going to Mainz and then to Cologne next year. I'm going to Mainz and then to Cologne next year. تمكّن سامي أن يبقى يقظا. Sami managed to keep his wits about him. Sammy was able to stay alert. عندما هب الريح، انطفأت الشمعة. The moment the wind blew in, the candle went out. When the wind blew, the candle went out. لم تعتقد أنّه يجب أن تقوم بذلك؟ Why do you think you have to do that? Why do you think you should do that? أخاف من قيادة السيارة في الشوارع ذو الأتجاه الواحد. I am afraid to drive a car in one-direction streets. I'm afraid of driving on one-way streets. ليست لديّ أيّ مشاكل في المعدة. I do not have any stomach problems. I don't have any stomach problems. هي تكتب الألحان وهو يكتب الكلمات. She writes the melodies and he writes the lyrics. She writes melodies and he writes words. هل هي سديقتي؟ Is she my friend? Is it my garden? بيتي قريب من المحطة. My house is near the station. My house is close to the station. أنقذت ليلى حياتي. Layla saved my life. Lily saved my life. بعد أن صفعت ليلى، شعرت بالذّنب. After I slapped Layla, I felt terrible. After I slapped Lily, I felt guilty. ألا تزال تلك العيادة موجودة؟ Does that clinic still exist? Is that clinic still there? ما يأتي سهلا يذهب سهلا. Easy come, easy go. What comes easy goes easy. أطلق سامي النّار على ليلى عن كثب. Sami shot Layla point blank. Sammy shot Lily very closely. كان الحذاء الذي أعطيته لسامي صغيرا عليه. The shoes I gave Sami were too small for him. The shoes I gave Sammy were too small for him. أنا متزوّج بامرأة فلسطينية. I am married to a Palestinian woman. I am married to a Palestinian woman. لا أحد من زملائي يعيشون بالقرب من هنا. None of my classmates live near here. None of my colleagues live near here. لم أعلم أنّها كانت مريضة. I didn't know that she was ill. I didn't know she was sick. يعرف الجميع النص " الولد كان صارماً في الاستجواب " ، لكن في وقتنا هذا لا يعرف الكثير من الناس التكملة : هي قصيدة بخصوص ولد مات بعد ان رفض التخلي عن عضوية كومسومول الخاصة به . Everybody knows the line “The boy didn't crack under interrogation”, but nowadays many people don’t know the continuation: it is a verse about a boy who died, having refused to renounce his Komsomol membership. Everyone knows the script "The Boy Was Strict in Interrogation", but nowadays not many people know the sequel: it is a poem about a boy who died after refusing to give up his Komsomol membership. لم أنت أناني لهذه الدّرجة؟ Why are you so selfish? Why are you so selfish? انتقلي للعيش هنا. Move in here. Move in. أستطيع أن أرسل لك قاموسي الأمازيغي. I can send you my Berber dictionary. I can send you my Amazigh dictionary. سأبقى معك إلى الأبد. I'll be with you forever. I'll stay with you forever. لا بدَّ أن أنتهزها لرفع قدري اللّغويّة. I must take advantage to enhance my language ability. I must use it to elevate my linguistic destiny. كيف تعلمون ذلك يا رفاق؟ How do you guys know? How do you guys know that? كانت ليلى تفضّل قضاء وقتها خارج المنزل. Layla preferred to spend her time out of the house. She preferred to spend her time outside the house. ها قد أَتَوْا. Here they come. Here I come. لديّ أخ واحد. I have one brother. I have one brother. شربَ فنجانا من الحليب. She drank a cup of milk. He drank a cup of milk. ماذا حدث لي يا رفاق؟ What happened to me, guys? What happened to me, guys? كان فاضل يقطن بـشارع صادق. Fadil lived on Sadiq street. Fadel lived on Sadiq Street. الرائحة من مميزات الثوم. The smell is characteristic of garlic. The smell is characteristic of garlic. توم يحب شطائر الجبنة. Tom likes cheeseburgers. Tom likes cheese sandwiches. تلك حقيبة جين. This is Jane's bag. That's Jane's bag. توم كان باغي يشري حاجة خاصة لماري لعيد ميلادها. Tom wanted to buy Mary something special for her birthday. Tom Buggy had a special need for Mary for her birthday. طلبت منه المساعدة. She asked him for help. I asked him for help. لديها الكثير من الكلاب. She has many dogs. She has a lot of dogs. أنت مُسامح. You are forgiven. You're forgiven. بدأ سامي يواعد الفتيات. Sami began dating. Sammy started dating girls. كان سامي مدرّسا بوذيّا. Sami was a Buddhist teacher. Sammy was a Buddhist teacher. كان يشير توم إلى ماري. Tom was pointing at Mary. Tom was referring to Mary. ليس بإمكانكم أن تدخلوا جميعكم. You can't all come in. You can't all go in. عن ماذا سأكتب اليوم؟ What should I write about today? What am I going to write today? كان سامي يريد أن يكون لديه منزله الخاص. Sami wanted to have his own house. Sammy wanted to have his own house. إنهُ يبدو بحالة جيداً جداً. He looks very good. He looks really good. قابلت بوب صباح اليوم. I saw Bob this morning. I met Bob this morning. اشتاق سامي لليلى. Sami missed Layla. I miss Sammy. لم يكن الجو حاراً ليلة الأمس. It wasn't very hot last night. It wasn't hot last night. قل الحقيقة دائماً. Always tell the truth. Always tell the truth. لا أستطيع تذكر اللحظة التي وضع زوجي يديه على عنقي و ضمّني بقوة. I can't remember the moment my husband put his hands around my neck and hugged me tightly. I can't remember the moment my husband put his hands on my neck and held me tight. أنا سعيد بسماع صوتك. I am happy to hear your voice. I'm glad to hear your voice. تعال و ساعدني. Come here and help me. Come and help me. شربت القهوة. I drank the coffee. I drank coffee. من الممكن أن لا تأتي. Maybe she won't come. You may not come. هل تتكلم العربية؟ Do you speak Arabic? Do you speak Arabic? لست هنا لأجرحك I'm not here to hurt you. I'm not here to hurt you. إحدى الحقائب فارغة تماماً. One of the suitcases is completely empty. One of the bags is completely empty. كانت ليلى تستحقّ أن تكون سعيدة. Layla deserved to be happy. Lily deserved to be happy. المشي بعد الأكل شيء جيّد للصّحّة. A walk after eating is good for health. Walking after eating is good for health. احتال سامي علي ليلى كي تعيره 3000 دولارا. Sami conned Layla into loaning him 3000 dollars. Sami Ali cheated on Layla to lend him $3,000. كلاهما في الغرفة. Both of them are in the room. They're both in the room. سامي كاتب. Sami is an author. Sammy is a writer. توم سعيد Tom's happy. Tom is happy. للأمومة والطفولة الحق في مساعدة ورعاية خاصتين. وينعم كل الأطفال بنفس الحماية الاجتماعية سواء أكانت ولادتهم ناتجة عن رباط شرعي أم بطريقة غير شرعية. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special assistance and care. All children enjoy the same social protection, whether they are born legally or illegally. ممكن أسأل شوية أسئلة؟ May I ask a couple of questions? Can I ask you some questions? خسروا الحرب. They lost the battle. They lost the war. لم نستطع أن نجد أي شيء متعلق بجدي و جدتي. We haven't been able to find out anything about Grandma and Grandpa. We couldn't find anything about Grandma and Grandpa. لم یحدث قط. It never happened. It never happened. الابتسامة لا تفارق وجه توم. Tom always has a smile on his face. The smile doesn't leave Tom's face. توم آت لأجلك/لك Tom is coming for you. Tom is coming for you. أنت تحب اللغة الإنجليزية ، أليس كذلك؟ You like English, don't you? You like English, don't you? سمع المدرّس ذلك بالصّدفة. The teacher overheard it. The teacher overheard it. لم يخبرني فاضل بشيء. Fadil told me nothing. Fadel didn't tell me anything. أخبرها ما أخبركَ به. Tell her what he told you. Tell her what he told you. تشرّفت بلقائك. I'm pleased to meet you. Nice to meet you. صدقوا أنه صادق. They believed he was honest. Believe it's true. نظرت ليلى من النّافذة. Layla looked out the window. Lily looked out the window. لا نريد الذهاب مبكرا جدا. We didn't need to come so early. We don't want to go too early. افتقدتك كثيراً! How I've missed you! I missed you so much! أنا أُحب كُلاً من القطط والكلاب. I love both cats and dogs. I love both cats and dogs. وَشْ مْ الصَّفْحَة؟ What page? Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh- أعجبت ليلى سامي. Sami likes Layla. Lily liked Sammy. لا يذيع المسلمون الموسيقى في المساجد. Muslims don't play music at the mosque. Muslims do not broadcast music in mosques. كان سامي في غرفة استعجالات أحد المستشفيات. Sami was in a hospital ER. Sammy was in a hospital emergency room. الأسبوع الواحد فيه سبعة أيام. There are seven days in a week. One week has seven days. أحياناً نخطئ. We sometimes make mistakes. Sometimes we make mistakes. إنك تذكر عيوبي دائماً! You're always criticizing me! You always remember my flaws! كم شخص أخبرتَ؟ How many people did you tell? How many people did you tell? سامي على متن حافلة. Sami is on a bus. Sammy's on a bus. أنا مشغول اليوم. I'm not free today. I'm busy today. انهم لن يدعوني ارى توم. They won't let me see Tom. They won't let me see Tom. إنني أعمل في طوكيو حالياً. I'm working in Tokyo now. I'm working in Tokyo right now. كُلّ ما يَطلُبُ مِنكَ يَجِبُ أَن لا يَجيب. Whatever he asks you, you mustn't answer. All he asks of you must not answer. على الدوام قدم توم أفضل ما يستطيع لمساعدة ماري. Tom always did his best to help Mary. Tom always did the best he could to help Mary. ما قلته أغضبنا. What you said made us angry. What you said made us angry. توم يرغب بالوقوف إلى جانبك. Tom is willing to stand by you. Tom wants to stand by you. أعتقد أنني سأعطس. أعطني منديلاً. I think I'm gonna sneeze. Give me a tissue. I think I'll sneeze. أحب أن أشرب القهوة ساخنة I like hot coffee. I like to drink hot coffee. ما الجديد؟ What's up? What's up? كان سامي يتكلّم. Sami was talking. Sammy was talking. رهن فاضل الحليّ. Fadil pawned the jewellery. Fadel's pawn. هرب سامي. Sami escaped. Sammy ran away. دُعيتُ إلى عرسهما. I was invited to their wedding. I was invited to their wedding. الصورة دي بتفكّرني بأيام طفولتي. The photo takes me back to my childhood days. The picture reminds me of my childhood. متى أكلت؟ What time did you eat? When did you eat? كادت أن تبكي. She was on the verge of crying. She almost cried. راهي تسقسي كيفاش هادي تكون پۆسّيبل. She's asking how that's possible. Rahi Tsuqsi Kefash Hadi is a sybil. كان فاضل خائفا بالتأكيد. Fadil was definitely afraid. Fadel was definitely scared. غادر القطار للتو. The train has already left. The train just left. هذا أول رمضان لياني في الجزائر. This is Yanni's first ever Ramadan in Algeria. This is the first Liani Ramadan in Algeria. لا يبدو هذا صوت سامي. This doesn't sound like Sami. That doesn't sound like Sammy. أنت تجعلني سعيدا/أنت تسعدني You make me happy. You make me happy. You make me happy. لقد غيّر سامي حياتي. Sami changed my life. Sammy changed my life. راهو كاين الجليد في الطريق. ما تخلّيهش يصوق. The road is frozen! Don't let him drive! Raho Kaine ice is on the way. What's left is plastered. كان أب سامي في انتظاره. Sami's dad is waiting for him. Sammy's father was waiting for him. عُيّن منّاد طبيبا مساعدا. Mennad was appointed co-director. Mannad was appointed an assistant physician. خرج من النهر. He got out of the river. Out of the river. نحن في حرب. We're at war. We're at war. كان سامي يريد أن تبدو جريمة القتل تلك كحادث. For Sami, the murder had to look like an accident. Sammy wanted this murder to look like an accident. غادر سامي فحسب. Sami just left. Sam just left. نانسي كان شكلها تعبانة خالص. Nancy looks so tired. Nancy was a complete mess. سأتصل بك. I'll give you a call. I'll call you. لا يمكنك التحكم في حياتي. You can't run my life. You can't control my life. لقد تعرّفنا على مدرّسنا. We met our teacher. We've identified our teacher. تتألف هذه النظرية من ثلاثة أجزاء. This theory consists of three parts. This theory consists of three parts. لا أقدر أن أسامحه على ما فعل. I can't forgive him for what he did. I can't forgive him for what he did. سحق سامي الأقراص السّامّة و ذوّبها في العصير. Sami crushed the poisonous pills and dissolved them into juice. Sammy crushed the poison tablets and dissolved them in juice. لا يزال جروي الدّب هذيه يرضعان. These bear cubs are still nursing. These bear pups are still breastfeeding. مات مليون شخص في الحرب. One million people died in the war. One million people died in the war. رجاءً لا تصوري هنا. Please do not take photos here. Please don't shoot here. الأمازيغية هي جزء مني. Berber is a part of me. Amazigh is a part of me. أذلك كتابك الجديد؟ Is that your new book? Is that your new book? تركوا المشكلة بدون حل. They left the problem unsolved. They left the problem unresolved. من فضلك أقفل الباب بهدوء. Please close the door quietly. Please lock the door quietly. الأطعمة الملئية في الدهون ممكن أنت تسبب أمراض مثل السرطانات و أمراض القلب. High-fat foods can cause many diseases such as cancer and heart diseases. Foods filled with fat can cause diseases such as cancers and heart disease. سأترك المدرسة. I'm going to leave school. I'm leaving school. دعونا نتكلم عن شخص ٱخر . أ Let's talk about somebody else. Let's talk about someone else. أخي الأكبر طويل القامة حقاً، يبلغ حوالي 1.8 متر. My elder brother is really tall, about 1.8m. My older brother is really tall, about 1.8 meters. لا تلعب هنا. Don't play here. Don't play here. قامت الشرطة باعتقالها. She was arrested by the police. The police arrested her. توقّف فاضل عن تناول الأدوية و عادت تلك الأصوات. Fadil stopped his meds and the voices were back. Fadel stopped taking the drugs and those voices came back. لا، أنا لست بمتزوج. No, I am not married. No, I'm not married. ستعطيني بطانية إضافية. She'll give one more carpet to me. You'll give me an extra blanket. أنا جائع. I'm hungry! I'm hungry. جلبت ليلى انتباه فاضل. Layla attracted Fadil's attention. Lily got Fadel's attention. أقفلت ليلى صنبور الماء. Layla turned the water off. Lily closed the water faucet. كلّنا خائفون قليلا. We're all a bit scared. We're all a little scared. من الأفضل لك أن تسرع. You'd better hurry up. You better hurry up. وأضاف ديما: "وأيضًا،" وأخذ حاسبته وقسم 0.99 على 3,000,000، وضربه بـ 100. "أنت تدركين أنك لن تخسري إلا 0.0033%، صحيح؟" "And besides," Dima made sure to add, taking out his calculator and dividing 0.99 by 3,000,000, before multiplying by 100. "You do realize that you would only lose 0.0033%, right?" "And also," Dima added, taking his calculator and dividing 0.99 by 3,000,000, and multiplying it by 100. "You realize you're only going to lose 0.0033%, right?" كنت هنا البارحة لمدة ثلاث ساعات. I was here yesterday for three hours. I was here last night for three hours. املأ هذه الاستمارة من فضلك. Fill out this form, please. Please fill out this form. دار ماضي سامي عليه. Sami's past caught up to him. Sammy's past is on him. أظنّها تخفي شيئًا. I think that she's hiding something. I think she's hiding something. لماذا تخلّى سامي عنّي؟ Why did Sami abandon me? Why did Sammy abandon me? هناك الكثير مما أود قوله لك. There's so much I want to say to you. There's a lot I'd like to say to you. ليلى ممرّضة سامي الخاصّة. Layla is Sami's private nurse. Lily's Sammy's private nurse. كان سامي يلعب لعبة خطيرة للغاية. Sami was playing a very dangerous game. Sammy was playing a very dangerous game. منّاد صغير. Mennad is little. A little ballad. ستنجو ليلى. Layla will survive. Lily's gonna make it. ومن منطلق تجربتي الشخصية استمد اعتقادي بأن الشراكة بين أمريكا والإسلام يجب أن تستند إلى حقيقة الإسلام وليس إلى ما هو غير إسلامي وأرى في ذلك جزءا من مسؤوليتي كرئيس للولايات المتحدة حتى أتصدى للصور النمطية السلبية عن الإسلام أينما ظهرت That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn't. And I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear. In my personal experience, I have come to believe that the partnership between America and Islam should be based on the truth of Islam, not on what is un-Islamic, and I see this as part of my responsibility as President of the United States to counter negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear. بإمكان سامي أن يتناول كعكة كوكيز أخرى. Sami can have another cookie. Sammy can have another cookie. زوجتي طبيبة. My wife is a doctor. My wife is a doctor. نحن نحتاج إلي المطر. We need rain. We need rain. بِتْنا في هاكوني. We stayed overnight in Hakone. Our house is in Hakone. مرحباً, توم. صباح الخير. Hello, Tom. Good morning. Hi, Tom. سمحلي، مي خلّيني نوجّه تلاتا ليزيرّار ف لارتيكل لّي من فوق. Excuse me; allow me to point out three errors in the above article. Let me, let me point my laser at me from above. استمع بانتباه ولا تقاطع. Listen closely and do not interrupt. Listen carefully and do not interrupt. تحرك عقرب الثواني الخاص بالساعة . The clock ticked. Move the second hand of the hour. سامي بحاجة إلى الرّاحة. Sami needs to rest. Sammy needs to rest. إنّه قدرنا. It is our destiny. It's our destiny. لم تدرك خطأها. She was unconscious of her mistake. She didn't realize it was her fault. هل سيعود يوماً ما؟ Will he ever come back? Will he ever come back? تقول أنك تتعمدُ إخفاء مظهرك الحسن؟ You are saying you intentionally hide your good looks? You're saying you're deliberately hiding your good looks? يشرب توم القهوة يوميا. Tom drinks coffee every day. Tom drinks coffee every day. ياخذ السياح الكثير من الصور . The tourists took lots of pictures. Tourists take a lot of pictures. الألِف هو الحرف الأول للأبجدية العربية. Aliph is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. Alef is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. أراد سامي ذلك المال. Sami wanted the money. Sammy wanted that money. من فضلك أحضر لي جريدة اليوم. Bring me today's paper, please. Please bring me a newspaper today. أسرع و إلا فسيفوتك القطار. Hurry, or the train will leave you behind. Hurry up or you'll miss the train. كان سامي يريد أن تهتمّ به الفتيات. Sami wanted girls to pay attention to him. Sammy wanted the girls to take care of him. إفعلي ما يخبركِ توم به لتفعليه وكل شئ سيكون بخير. Do what Tom tells you to do and everything will be fine. Do what Tom tells you to do and everything will be fine. توم لم يأخذها معه. Tom didn't take it with him. Tom didn't take her with him. كلّ ما فعلتُ كان لِتوم. Everything I did, I did for Tom. Everything I did was for Tom. رجلاً عاقلاً لن يفعل هذا. A sane man wouldn't do that. A reasonable man wouldn't do that. أنت موهوبٌ حقاً. You are really talented. You're really talented. توم حرفي جيّد. Tom is a very good craftsman. Tom's a good craftsman. ما الذي تخشاه ؟ What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of? لا أعلم ماذا أقول. I just don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. تبدو ليلى جميلة اليوم. Layla looks pretty today. Lily looks beautiful today. عليك أن تُحكم السيطرة على نفسك. You must control yourself. You have to control yourself. و كيف لي أن أعرف؟ How should I know? How would I know? كان سامي يعيش حياة رائعة. Sami had a wonderful life. Sammy had a wonderful life. أسمعت الأخبار؟ Did you hear the news? You hear the news? راقب الجزء الخلفي . ساراقب انا الجزء الامامي. Watch the rear. I'll watch the front. Watch the back, I'll watch the front. سأنزل في المحطة القادمة. I'll get off at the next station. I'll be down at the next station. هل جئت وحدك؟ Did you come here alone? Did you come alone? مارأيك بهذه الخطة؟ What do you say to this plan? What do you think of this plan? ذهب إلى لندن لتعلم الإنجليزية. He went to London to learn English. He went to London to learn English. لم نختبئ؟ Why are we hiding? Why are we hiding? يعمل أبي في مصنع. My father works in a factory. My father works in a factory. بيته صغيرٌ، وكذلك قديمٌ His house is small and moreover it's old. His house is small, as well as old. يوجد كتاب عن الرقص على المنضدة . There's a book about dancing on the desk. There's a book about dancing on the table. ما تقوله صحيح. What you say is true. What you're saying is true. كيف تعرف أن توم وماري لا يكذبون؟ How do you know Tom and Mary aren't lying? How do you know Tom and Mary aren't lying? ما تلفّش و تدور. Don't avoid my question. It doesn't swirl. نحن لا نستطيع الإنتظار للعشاء. We can't stay for dinner. We can't wait for dinner. عاد سامي من المركز الصّحّي. Sami was back from the health center. Sammy's back from the health center. اخبرتك ان لم اريد ان افعل هذا. I told you I didn't want to do this. I told you I didn't want to do this. يملك سامي تلفزة ملوّنة. Sami has color TV. Sammy has a color TV. الأرض كروية. The earth is round. Earth is spherical. كان سامي تائها و مشوّشا. Sami was lost and confused. Sammy was lost and confused. أنتَ قد ترغب في التحدُث إلى توم. You might want to talk to Tom. You might want to talk to Tom. ذلك فندقٌ. That's a hotel. That's a hotel. ماذا تعتقد أفضل وسيلة للوصول إلى منزل توم من هنا؟ What do you think is the best way to get to Tom's house from here? What do you think is the best way to get to Tom's house from here? اختفى سامي من حياة ليلى. Sami disappeared from Layla's life. Sammy disappeared from Laila's life. لم تقصد أن تؤذي أحداً بكلامها. There was no malice intended in what she said. She didn't mean to hurt anyone with her words. تتكلم الأمازيغية مع أبنائها. She speaks Berber to her kids. Amazighs talk to their children. لم يخطر هذا في بالي أبدا. I would never have guessed that. It never occurred to me. متى تدرس؟ When do you study? When do you study? إنها من فرنسا. She is from France. She's from France. فلنحاول! Let's have a try. Let's try! سامي يتّصل بالشّرطة. Sami is calling the cops. Sammy's calling the police. وُلدت في كيوتو سنة ١٩٨٠ للميلاد. I was born in Kyoto in 1980. She was born in Kyoto in 1960. أنا مشغولة الأن. I am busy now. I'm busy now. أنا مجرد موظف عادي. I'm just a plain old office worker. I'm just a regular employee. سامي خائف جدّا. Sami feels so scared. Sammy's so scared. من فضلك إلغِ هذا الملفّ. Please delete this file. Please cancel this file. لقد شدّدت إسرائيل حصارها على غزّة. Israel has intensified its siege on Gaza. Israel has tightened its blockade of Gaza. لا تذكر خطتنا لأي أحد. Don't mention our plan to anybody. Don't mention our plan to anyone. هرب القط. The cat ran away. The cat ran away. كان سامي خارج المدرسة. Sami was outside school. Sammy was out of school. تحوّل جسم سامي بواسطة عمليّات جراحيّة لتعديل جنسه. Sami had his body transformed with gender reassignment surgery. Sami's body has been transformed by surgeries to modify his sex. ذهب سامي لجلب الماء لليلى. Sami went to get Layla some water. Sammy went to fetch water for Lily. أين هي الوثائق التي كانت على طاولتي؟ Where are the documents that were on my desk? Where are the documents on my table? عاد سامي إلى محلّه للبيتزا. Sami returned to his pizza joint. Sammy went back to his pizza place. لا يفضل أحدًا على أحد. He shows partiality to no one in particular. No one prefers to no one. أنا لا اعرف ما يحصل هنا. I don't know what happens here. I don't know what's going on here. لم تكن بنات زوجة سامي تحببنه. Sami's stepdaughters didn't like him. The daughters of Sammy's wife did not like him. لست راضيا عما فعلته. I'm not satisfied with what you've done. I'm not satisfied with what you've done. هي تتدرب على البيانو كل يوم . She practises the piano every day. She practices piano every day. أنا تايلاندي. I am Thai. I'm Thai. لم يتوقّعا سامي و ليلى حملا. Sami and Layla had a surprise pregnancy. Sammy and Lily didn't expect to get pregnant. ألا تتعرق أبدا؟ Don't you ever sweat? Don't you ever sweat? عليّ الذّهاب يا سامي. I've got to go, Sami. I gotta go, Sammy. كان سامي يتعاطى المخدّرات. Sami did drugs. Sammy was on drugs. أنا أدرس اللغة الكورية. I study Korean. I'm studying Korean. سامي يكبر. Sami is getting old. Sammy's growing up. عمّد سامي أبناءه. Sami baptised his children. Sammy baptized his sons. أقفلت ليلى الباب. Layla locked the door. Lily locked the door. عاد سامي إلى المنزل. Sami returned home. Sammy came home. أصل هذه الكلمة فرنسي كذلك. This word is also French in origin. The origin of this word is also French. قال توم أنه لا يعرف كيفية حل المشكلة Tom said he doesn't know how to solve the problem. Tom said he didn't know how to solve the problem. سامي مسيحي. Sami is a Christian. Sammy is a Christian. على بالْهم بلّي عَنْدي الحق. They know I'm right. On their mind I do have the right. لو سمحت، اقلِ البيض قليلا كي لا يصير البياض قاسيا. Please boil the eggs just a little so that even the whites are not quite hard. Please, fry the eggs a little so the whites don't get hard. تقع فرنسا في أوروبا الغربية. France is in Western Europe. France is located in Western Europe. يتألف المجلس من أربعة أعضاء. The committee consists of four members. The Council shall consist of four members. كان سامي شرطيّا حسن الأخلاق. Sami was a mild-mannered cop. Sammy was a good cop. لم يقل لي ولو كلمة واحدة. She didn't say even one word to me. He didn't say a word to me. هذه اليرقانات تأكل الأوراق. These caterpillars eat leaves. These larvae eat leaves. تبدأ الدراسة في أوروبا شهر سبتمبر. School starts in September in Europe. Study in Europe begins in September. جمع المدرّس واجباتنا. The teacher collected our homework. The teacher collected our homework. أصر ديما: "لكنه صحيح! لن يجعلوني أشتري البذلة ما لم أعطهم 99 كوبيكًا! ألا تستطيع أن ترسل لي بعض المال؟" "But it's true!" Dima insisted. "They won't let me buy the suit unless I give them another 99 kopeks! Can't you wire me some money?" Dima insisted: "But it's true! They won't make me buy the suit unless I give them 99 kopecks! Can't you send me some money?" طلب سامي من ليلى أن تتبعه إلى الطّابق السّفلي. Sami told Layla to follow him downstairs. Sammy asked Layla to follow him to the basement. إنه لا يشرب الكحول على الإطلاق. He never drinks alcohol. He doesn't drink alcohol at all. من فضلك غادر حالاً. Please leave right away. Please leave immediately. ما غرض زيارتك؟ What is the purpose of your visit? What's the purpose of your visit? كرسيك مطابقٌ لكرسيي. Your chair is identical to mine. Your chair's the same as mine. أتعرف طريقة لعب الشطرنج؟ Do you know how to play chess? You know how to play chess? أي كتاب أحسن؟ Which book is better? What better book? كان كثيرا ما يتّبع النصائح الخاطئة. He often accepted bad advice. He often followed the wrong advice. إنَّها تَعتَقِدُ أنَّهَا أعْلَمْ. She thinks she knows best. She thinks she knows. إني في المنزل. I'm at home. I'm home. ما المجال الذي قمت بدراسته في الجامعة؟ What did you major in at college? What field did you study at university? ومن كلام الباطل فابعد. Distance yourself from a falsehood. It is false speech far away. الخِطة الجديدة كانت ناجِحة جداً. The new plan has been very successful. The new plan was very successful. النّمسا بلد الكناغر. Austria is the land of kangaroos. Austria is a kangaroo country. لم تكن للشّرطة أيّة أدلّة أخرى ضدّ ليلى. The police had no other evidence against Layla. The police had no further evidence against Layla. أظن أنه يمكنني الركض بمثل سرعة توم. I think I can run as fast as Tom. I think I can run as fast as Tom. الورد ده رحته مميزة. These flowers have a unique smell. The rose is special. كانت عند سامي حصّة دراسيّة واحدة فقط يوم الجمعة. Sami had only one class on Friday. Sammy only had one class on Friday. هل كنت تواعدها؟ Did you use to go out with her? Were you seeing her? كان ذلك خلال العودة إلى المنزل نهاية الأسبوع. It was homecoming weekend. That was during the weekend homecoming. تحوّلت الدّقائق إلى ساعات. Minutes turned into hours. Minutes turned into hours. ماذا حدث بالأمس؟ What happened last night? What happened yesterday? هذه التّينة يابسة جدّا. This fig is super hard. This dragon is so dry. تحدّث فاضل و دانية عن الطقس. Fadil and Dania talked about the weather. Fadel and Dania talked about the weather. العالم قرية صغيرة. The world is a small village. The world is a small village. الاكتئاب الحقيقي يكون عندما تتوقف عن حب الاشياء التي تحبها Real depression is when you stop loving the things you love. The real depression is when you stop loving the things you love. شاهد سامي ذلك يحدث. Sami watched that happen. Sammy saw it happen. قرأت رسالته عدة مرات. She read his letter again and again. I read his letter several times. كانا سامي و ليلى أصدقاءا مقرّبين لزوج تعرّفوا عليه في الكنيسة. Sami and Layla were really good friends with a couple from the church. Sami and Leila were close friends of a husband they met in church. تهدّمت بناية في القاهرة. A building collapsed in Cairo. A building was destroyed in Cairo. أصلح الأغلاط ، إذا وُجدت. Correct the mistakes if found. Fix the mistakes, if you have them. يحب أهل أوروبا شرب الخمر. Europeans like to drink wine. The people of Europe love to drink. يمكنني أن أتمتّع كثير باللعب لمفردي. I can have so much fun just playing by myself. I can enjoy a lot playing alone. لا يمكنني. I can't. I can't. أتخطّى الإعلانات على الفيديوهات كلما أمكن. I skip ads on videos whenever I can. I skip video ads whenever possible. كان سامي يعمل في شركة لبطاقات الاعتماد. Sami was working for a credit card company. Sammy worked for a credit card company. ليس لديّ عذر. I don't have an excuse. I have no excuse. إنها تمطر بشدة. It is raining hard. It's raining hard. سنتزوّج يوما ما. One day we shall be married. We'll get married someday. طوم راو واقف فلكوانا تع اشّومبرا. Tom is standing in the corner of the room. Tom Rao stands tall. إنه من محبي القطط. He's a cat lover. He's a cat lover. كان سامي يتحدّث. Sami was talking. Sam was talking. أُحب تجربة أشياء جديدة. I love trying new things. I like to try new things. سأجعلها سعيدة - سأشعرها بالسعادة I will make her happy. - I'll make her happy. - I'll make her happy. بالصّح الكون ما يخلاصش. But the universe is infinite. Praise the universe for what it's worth. فقدت شجرة أوراقها. The fig tree lost its leaves. The tree lost its leaves. أريد البقاء هنا معك. I'd like to stay here with you. I want to stay here with you. الروايات التي كتبها مثيرة للإهتمام. The novels he wrote are interesting. The novels he wrote are interesting. اقسى انواع الكذب هو غالباً ما يقال في صمت. The cruelest lies are often told in silence. The worst lies are often told in silence. أتذكر طفولتي بوضوح. I remember my childhood clearly. I remember my childhood clearly. كان سامي يصيح. Sami was yelling. Sammy was screaming. كرة القدم هي لعبتي المفضلة. Football is my favorite game. Football is my favorite game. الطريق طويل. The road is long. It's a long way. هل هذه كلابك؟ Are these your dogs? Are those your dogs? ان النشيد الوطني المجري هو قصيدة فرانس كولجاي ، مع تلحين الموسيقي لفرانس إيركيل. Hungary's national anthem is Ferenc Kölcsey's poem, with the music composed by Ferenc Erkel. The Hungarian national anthem is a poem by Frans Kolgay, with music by Frans Erkel. أنتَ يمكنكَ أن تناديني توم. You can call me Tom. You can call me Tom. رائحة كلب سامي كريهة. Sami's dog stinks. Sammy's dog stinks. متى قال أنه سيأتي؟ What time did he say he'd come? When did he say he was coming? التّين طريّ. Figs are soft. The fig's soft. أشعر بارتباكٍ في حضوره. I feel awkward in his presence. I feel confused in his presence. ليس من الأدب أن تتكلم و فمك ممتلئ. It's not polite to speak with your mouth full. It's not polite to talk with your mouth full. نجا من الحادثة شخص واحد. Only one person survived the accident. One person survived the incident. كان سامي بحاجة لسيّارة إسعاف. Sami needed an ambulance. Sammy needed an ambulance. آمل أن أراك مجدداً. I hope to see you again. I hope to see you again. هو لن يكونَ مُسْتَعدّاً. He will not be ready. He wouldn't be an asset. هذا لصديق لي. It's for a friend of mine. That's for a friend of mine. لا تنم والنوافذ مفتوحة. Don't sleep with the windows open. Don't sleep with the windows open. كيف جرى الأمر؟ How did it go? How'd it go? الناس لا يمكن أن تعيش إلى الأبد. People can't live forever. People can't live forever. قرأ الكتاب من الجلدة إلى الجلدة. He read the book from cover to cover. He read the book from skin to skin. من أين اشتريت تلك القبّعة؟ Where did you buy that hat? Where did you buy that hat? كيف حال أخيك؟ How's your brother? How's your brother? توم ينزف. Tom is losing blood. Tom's bleeding. إنهُ الطفل الذي يأكُل اللحم. It's a child that is eating meat. He's the kid who eats meat. هل سيتمكن من القدوم غداً؟ Will he be able to come tomorrow? Will he be able to come tomorrow? لا أحب المغرورين. I don't like egotists. I don't like cocky. راني قادَر نخمَّم و نحلَم بلونجلي. I am able to think and dream in English. Rani is omnipotent and we dream of Longley. لا يهمني إذا هطل الثلج. I don't care if it snows. I don't care if it snows. بيّنت صاحبة المحل: "رئيسنا يصر على ذلك السعر، ولكن كما تعلم، ليس عليك أن تدفع لي 0.99 بالكوبيكات. بإمكانك أن تدفع أكثر إن أردت". "Our boss insisted on that price," the shopkeeper explained. "But you know, you don't have to pay me 0.99 in kopeks. You can pay more if you like." “Our boss insists on that price, but you know, you don’t have to pay me 0.99 in cupcakes. You can pay more if you want,” the shop owner explained. حتّى المدرّسة كانت تبكي. Even the teacher was crying. Even the teacher was crying. لن تغادر المنزل مرّة أخرى. You're not to leave this house again. You'll never leave the house again. لا أستطيع أن أفعل ذلك. I can't do it. I can't do that. كان سامي بمثابة دونلد ترامب في مصر. Sami was the Donald Trump of Egypt. Sammy served as Donald Trump's donald in Egypt. أنت تقوم بعمل جيد. You are doing very well. You're doing a good job. بإمكان سامي فعل أيّ شيء لحماية ليلى. Sami would do anything to protect Layla. Sammy can do anything to protect Lily. كانت ليلى في غاية السّعادة. Layla was overjoyed. Lily was very happy. سأنتظر في الخارج. I'll wait outside. I'll wait outside. لا تستخدم قلمي. Don't use my pen. Don't use my pen. عليك أن تذهب. You must go. You have to go. سامي لا يحمل سلاحه النّاري معه. Sami doesn't have his gun on him. Sammy doesn't have his gun on him. سأمهلك حتّى الغدّ. I'm giving you time until tomorrow. I'll give you till tomorrow. كان سامي يعيش حياة صعبة للغاية. Sami had a very difficult life. Sammy was living a very difficult life. ضع الملف في المجلّد. Put the file in the folder. Put the file in the folder. الورقة مكتوبة بالأمازيغية. The paper is written in Berber. The paper is written in Amazigh. إستعد Prepare yourself. Get ready. ستغضب ليلى. Layla will be mad. Lily's gonna be pissed. أصبحت ليلى حاملا في الثّانويّة. Layla got pregnant in high school. Lily became pregnant in high school. عيناي تؤلمانني. My eyes hurt. My eyes hurt. ألست عطشاناً؟ Aren't you thirsty? Aren't you thirsty? لا تقلق. أنا سأفعلها. Don't worry. I'll do it. Don't worry, I'll do it. أنتِ لا يمكنكِ تحدث الإنجليزية, هل يمكنكِ؟ You can't speak English, can you? You can't speak English, can you? كان لدى سامي جهاز تنصّت تحت ملابسه. Sami had a wire underneath his clothing. Sammy had a wire under his clothes. ماذا تقرأ What are you reading? What are you reading? توم وماري متوترين للغاية للعثور على عمل. Tom and Mary are anxious to find jobs. Tom and Mary are too nervous to find work. لقد عقّدت عائلة سامي حياته. Sami's family made his life complicated. Sammy's family has complicated his life. بقي سامي شخصا بارزا في حيّه. Sami maintained a visible profile in his neighborhood. Sammy remained a prominent person in his neighborhood. البارحة كان برداً. It was cold yesterday. Yesterday was cold. لم يسيء إليك أحد. Nobody hurt me. No one has offended you. نُقِل سامي فورا إلى المستشفى. Sami was immediately rushed to the hospital. Sammy was immediately taken to the hospital. أتساءل إن كان يحبني. I wonder if he loves me. I wonder if he loves me. كان لديّ مدرّس عنصري. I had a racist teacher. I had a racist teacher. أنا أضيع وقتي. I'm wasting my time. I'm wasting my time. توم يريد مِني أن أقول ذلك. Tom would want me to say that. Tom wants me to say that. يشتبه الريفيون عادةً بالغرباء. Country people are traditionally suspicious of strangers. Rural people usually suspect strangers. هذه صورة شقيقتي. This is a picture of my sister. This is my sister's picture. سوسن فقدت ذاكرتها. Sawsan lost her memory. Susan lost her memory. الكلمات لا يسعها التعبير عن حزنها العميق. No words can express her deep sorrow. Words cannot express their deep sorrow. قدّم سامي قرصا لليلى. Sami gave Layla a pill. Sammy gave Lily a pill. يريد يانّي أن يأكل بعض التّين. Yanni wants to eat some figs. Jani wants to eat some figs. عْلى حْساب الشوفة الحرب مازال ما خلاصتش. It seems that the war is not over yet. By the way, the war still isn't over. ماذا يحدث هنا؟ What's going on here? What's going on here? قدّ ما تاكُل المشماش نتاع كوتشا، قدّ ما تبغي تزيد تاكُل. The more you eat Kuqa's apricots, the more of them you'll want to eat. You may not eat kotsha noodles, you may not want to eat more. سامي شديد الخجل. Sami is extremely shy. Sammy is very shy. خذ مفاتيح سيّارته. Take his car keys. Take his car keys. عذر توم كان ضئيلاً. Tom's excuse is pretty thin. Tom's alibi was slim. علم سامي أنّ ليلى كانت حيّة. Fadil realized that Layla was still alive. Sammy knew that Lily was alive. يتمثل عملهم في تجميل الفنانين. Their job is to do make-up for performing artists. Their job is to beautify artists. هي تشرب الجعة عديمة الكحول كل يوم لأن الجعة هي مشروبها المفضل إلا نها لا تريد تناول الكحول كل يوم. She drinks non-alcoholic beer almost every day because beer is her favorite drink, but she doesn't want to drink alcohol every day. She drinks alcohol-free beer every day because beer is her favorite drink but she doesn’t want to drink alcohol every day. رأيت أنا و جون أسداً البارحة. Joe and I saw a lion yesterday. John and I saw a lion yesterday. عندها نفس عدد الكتب مثل الذي عندي. She has as many books as I. She has as many books as I do. كايَن ناس يآمنو بلي النْجوم يتحكّمو في حْياتْنا. Some people believe that the stars control our futures. Can people believe in me? The stars control our lives. ارتكبت خطأً فادحاً. I made a nightmarish mistake. I made a huge mistake. ما هو السبب الحقيقي لعدم رغبتك بعمل هذا؟ What's the real reason you don't want to do this? What's the real reason you don't want to do this? لم يكن سامي لينجو على أيّة حال. Sami was not going to survive anyway. Sammy wouldn't have survived anyway. كانت ليلى تسرق البنوك. Layla was robbing banks. Lily was robbing banks. رأيتُ واحدة مرة. I saw one once. I saw one once. اقل من 40% من الطلبة فقط يذهبون الى الجامعة. Not more than 40 percent of students go on university. Less than 40% of students go to college. اشترط فاضل أن تقدّم له دانية المال. Fadil demanded that Dania give him the money. Fadel stipulated that Dania should give him the money. بإمكانه الاستراحة. He can rest. He can rest. انتظر سامي ستّة أشهر أخرى. Sami waited six more months. Sammy waited another six months. كيف يمكنني أن أساعدك؟ How can I help you? How can I help you? سبق أن أعطيت توم هدية عيد ميلاده. I've already given Tom his birthday present. Tom has already been given his birthday gift. لا تستطيع شرب ماء البحر لأنه مالح. You can't drink seawater because it is too salty. You can't drink sea water because it's salty. صفع سامي ليلى. Sami slapped Layla. Slap Sammy Layla. سيخرج سامي رجلا حرا و للأبد Sami will walk out a free man for ever. Sammy will be a free man forever. أيمكنني الدفع عن طريق بطاقة الإئتمان؟ Can I pay by credit card? Can I pay by credit card? احب أن اكون لوحدي I love being alone. I like being alone. عليّ أن أتحدّث مع الطّبيب فورا. I need to talk to the doctor immediately. I need to talk to the doctor right away. مبيعات السيارات اليابانية في الخارج جيدة. Japanese cars sell well overseas. Japanese car sales abroad are good. سامي ينتقل للعيش في مكان آخر. Sami is moving. Sammy is moving in. الكبار فقط بإمكانهم مشاهدة ذاك الفلم. Only adults may watch that film. Only adults can watch that movie. كان سامي مدرّسا بالفطرة. Sami was a natural born teacher. Sammy was a natural teacher. كان فاضل ينتظر ليلى كي تدخل. Fadil was waiting for Layla to come in. Fadel was waiting for Layla to come in. رنّ الجرس عندما كنت أتغدّى. The phone rang when I was having lunch. The bell rang when I was having lunch. اتريد لعب الغولف أم لا؟ Do you want to play golf or not? Do you want to play golf or not? هو أغلق عينيه. He closed his eyes. He closed his eyes. مالي هي واحدة من أفقر بلدان جنوب الصحراء الإفريقية. Mali is one of the poorest countries in Subsaharan Africa. Mali is one of the poorest countries in sub-Saharan Africa. إنه والدي. He's my father. He's my father. هل بإمكاني مرافقته؟ May I go with him? Can I come with him? نام سامي كالصّبيّ الصّغير. Sami slept like a baby. Sammy slept like a little boy. حلّ الدّولتين ليس هو الأفضل في فلسطين. The two-state solution is not the good one in Palestine. The two-state solution is not the best in Palestine. إن الأرضية الخشبية جميلة. A wood floor is beautiful. The wood floor is beautiful. هل بإمكاني أن آخذ تذكرتي في المطار؟ Can I pick my ticket up at the airport? Can I take my ticket at the airport? كان سامي حاضرا عندما انتحرت والدته. Sami was there when his mother committed suicide. Sammy was present when his mother committed suicide. أجاب سامي على السّؤال. Sami answered the question. Sammy answered the question. بشرة الإنسان حساسةٌ جدا للتغير في الحرارة. Man's skin is very sensitive to temperature changes. Human skin is very sensitive to changes in temperature. هذا عشوائي جداً. This is so random. This is so random. لو فقط كنت أطول بقليل! If only I'd been a little taller! If only you were a little taller! هل لي أن أستعير مظلتك؟ Can I borrow your umbrella? May I borrow your umbrella? لكل شخص نفس الحق الذي لغيره في تقلّد الوظائف العامة في البلاد. Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country. Everyone has the same right as anyone else to hold public office in the country. انهار سامي ساقطا. Sami slumped over. Sammy collapsed. أرت ليلى خاتمها لسامي. Layla showed Sami her ring. Lily showed Sammy her ring. لا أحتاج إلى مساعدتك. I don't need your help. I don't need your help. أنا عادة ما أذهب للمدرسة من الإثنين إلى الجمعة. I usually go to school from Monday to Friday. I usually go to school from Monday to Friday. سامي جرّاح تجميلي. Sami is a plastic surgeon. Sammy's a plastic surgeon. كانت ليلى تحبّ الحياة الرّيفيّة. Layla loved the country life. Lily loved the wild life. كان سامي يحب الحياة. Sami loved life. Sam loved life. يمكنك اختيار أي واحد منهم. You may choose any of them. You can choose any one of them. أين الملابس التي تحتاج إلى غسل؟ Where is the laundry? Where are the clothes that need washing? إنه يتحسّن كل يوم. He is getting better day by day. He's getting better every day. يجب ان تستخدم الباب الخلفي ريثما يجري صبغ البيت . You'll have to use the rear door while the house is being painted. You should use the back door while the house is being painted. يقسم نهرٌ المدينةَ إلى جزء شرقي و آخر غربي. A river separates the city into east and west. The river divides the city into an eastern and a western part. لكم سامي فريدا في قضيبه. Sami punched Farid in the dick. Sammy Freda punched you in the dick. بلّغ سامي السّلطات بالاعتداء الجنسي. Sami reported the sexual assault. Sami informed the authorities of the sexual assault. شكراً لكَ على المعلومة. Thank you for the information. Thank you for the tip. حبّس! راك تحرج فيها! Stop it! You're making her feel uncomfortable! Rak's embarrassed about it! هل تستطيع أن تريني غرفة أخرى؟ Can you show me another room? Can you show me another room? متى اشترى توم هذا القميص؟ When did Tom buy that shirt? When did Tom buy this shirt? خرج الوضع عن سيطرتي. The situation is beyond my grasp. It's out of my control. ما هي اللغة التي يتكلمونها في المكسيك؟ What is the language spoken in Mexico? What language do they speak in Mexico? كسر وزير خارجية أمريكا جون كيري ساقه اليمنى أثناء ركوب الدراجة يوم الجمعة في فرنسا. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry broke his right thigh bone in a bicycling accident Sunday in France. US Secretary of State John Kerry broke his right leg while cycling on Friday in France. هذه النافذة ضد الرصاص. These windows are bulletproof. This window is bulletproof. توم ما يخرجكش من عقلك؟ Doesn't Tom drive you crazy? Tom, what's taking you out of your mind? شكراً جزيلاً! Thanks a lot! Thank you so much! هى ولدت في العام 1960. She was born in 1960. She was born in 1960. هل يوجد أي شئ مُهِم؟ Is there anything important? Is there anything important? لن أنس ذلك اليوم أبدا. I won't forget that day. I'll never forget that day. يعرف "مهرجان الربيع" بالعام الصيني الجديد أيضاً. Spring Festival is also known as Chinese New Year. The Spring Festival is also known as the Chinese New Year. هل تستطيع تكوين جملة بالأمازيغية؟ Could you make a sentence in Berber? Can you form an Amazigh sentence? انتقل سامي للعيش في ولاية آخرى. Sami moved states. Sammy moved to another state. هي ستكون بخير she's gonna be okay She'll be fine. أغلقَ الباب. He shut the door. Close the door. كان أحدهم ينتظر فاضل. There was someone waiting for Fadil. Someone was waiting for Fadel. خسر توم وظيفته. Tom lost his job. Tom lost his job. لم تسأل؟ Why do you ask? Why do you ask? الي راتور⸮ الي برك. Round trip? Only one-way. To Rattore to Pools. توم قالّي بلي كان متزوج بماريا. Tom told me he used to be married to Mary. Tom said Bly was married to Maria. لقد أعددت لك الفطور I cooked breakfast for you. I made you breakfast. لم يستحقّ سامي أن يموت هكذا. Sami didn't deserve to die like that. Sammy didn't deserve to die like that. ها هي دراجتي. Here is my bicycle. Here's my bike. نحن في المنزل We're at home. We're home. لدى الأطباء مشكلة صعبة. Doctors have a difficult problem. Doctors have a difficult problem. غضب سامي. Sami got pissed. Sami's anger. هكذا لقد نجح. Thus he succeeded. That's how it worked. واحد زائد اثنان يساوي ثلاثة. One plus two equals three. One plus two equals three. ألقت ليلى نظرة عن كثب على الصّورة. Layla took a closer look at the picture. Layla took a closer look at the photo. أنتِ أُمّي. You are my mother. You're my mother. تعلمتُ الأمازيغية في البيت. I learnt Berber at home. I learned Amazigh at home. أنت آخر شخص في العالم سيسرني رؤيته مستنسخاً؛ إنك ممل بما فيه الكفاية من دون نسخة. You're the last person in the world I would like to see cloned; you're boring enough on your own. You're the last person in the world I'd be happy to see cloned; you're boring enough without a copy. لن يصبغ سامي شعره أبدا. Sami would never dye his hair. Sammy will never dye his hair. كلهم مدرّسون جيدون. All of them are good teachers. They're all good teachers. لن يوظفكن أحد. Nobody's going to hire you. No one will hire you. لا أستطيع تحمل الحرارة. I can't take the heat. I can't stand the heat. هل لديك حذاءً بحجم قدمي؟ Do you have these shoes in my size? Do you have shoes the size of my feet? من الأفضل أن تغلق الباب. You'd better shut the door. You better shut the door. كيف حالك؟ How are you? How you doing? تتويبا: حيث الجمل جمل دائمًا، إلا حين لا تكون كذلك. Tatoeba: Where sentences are always sentences, except when they aren't. It’s always the same, except when it’s not. نحن بمأمن الآن. We're safe now. We're safe now. تعرّض سامي لعدّة جروح خطيرة في جسمه. Sami suffered several severe injuries to his body. Sammy sustained several serious injuries to his body. توم مطلوب بتهمة القتل. Tom is wanted for murder. Tom's wanted for murder. لا تقلق أبدا. You never worry. Don't you ever worry. أنا أفقد سمعي. My hearing is going. I'm losing my hearing. أتمنى لهم كلّ السعادة. I wish them every happiness. I wish them all happiness. جيم في ورطة. Jim is in trouble. Jim's in trouble. سمعت امرأة تصرخ. I heard a woman screaming. I heard a woman screaming. هذا ما يقوله الناس. That's what people say. That's what people say. اذهب لمساعدة سامي. Go help Sami. Go help Sammy. أُدعى جاك. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. كشف سامي عن معلومات صادمة في غرفة الاستجواب. Sami dropped a bomb in the interrogation room. Sami revealed shocking information in the interrogation room. كل الاطفال صادقون. All the boys are honest. All the kids are honest. َو قُلِ الْحَقُّ مِن رَّبِّكُمْ فَمَن شَاء فَلْيُؤْمِن وَمَن شَاء فَلْيَكْفُر. Say: the truth from the Lord of you all. Then whosoever will, let him believe, and whosoever will, let him disbelieve. And say the truth from your Lord, whosoever will, let him believe, and whosoever will, let him disbelieve. يحبان بعضهما. They love each other. They love each other. إنه يوم الإثنين, كما تعلم It's Monday, you know. It's Monday, you know. لم لم تردّ على رسالتي الهاتفيّة؟ Why didn't you text me back? Why didn't you return my phone message? إهدأ: إنهُ فقط يغيظك. Calm down; he's just teasing you. Calm down, he's just teasing you. أيٌّ قلمك؟ Which is your pen? What pen? يظن توم أن على ماري الاعتذار من جون. Tom thinks Mary should apologize to John. Tom thinks Mary should apologize to John. قلت أني كنت وحيدا، أليس كذلك؟ You said you were alone, did not you? You said I was alone, right? خذ ما تشاء من الوقت. Take all the time you want. Take as much time as you want. يشبه جاك أباه. Jack resembles his father. Jack looks like his father. ربما ستمطر غداً. It may rain tomorrow. Maybe it'll rain tomorrow. أريد فقط إجابة صريحة، لا أكثر. I just want a straight answer. Nothing more. I just want a straight answer, no more. هي لا تعلم أين تبحث عنه. She doesn't know where to look for him. She doesn't know where to look. اقترب عيد الميلاد. Christmas drew near. Christmas is coming. أتذكر أني رأيتها مرة على الطريق. I remember seeing her once on the street. I remember seeing her on the road once. أنا لست أحمقا، أليس كذلك؟ I'm not stupid, am I? I'm not a fool, am I? أنا سعيد جداً أنكً معنا اليوم. I am very happy that you have been with us today. I'm so glad you're with us today. هل يحب توم كرة السلة؟ Does Tom like basketball? Does Tom like basketball? عندي قلم. I have a pen. I have a pen. أدرك سامي أنّ المسلمين يمارسون أشياءاً مذكورة في الكتاب المقدّس لا يمارسها المسيحيّون و اليهود أنفسهم. Sami realized that Muslims are practising things that are mentioned in the Bible that Christians and Jews themselves aren't practising. Sami realized that Muslims practice things mentioned in the Bible that are not practiced by Christians and Jews themselves. كنت أشعر بالغثيان. I was feeling nauseous. I was nauseous. لا تفقد الثّقة في نفسك أبدا. بإمكانك ان تقوم بأيّ شيء تريده. Never lose faith in yourself. You can do everything you want to do. Never lose faith in yourself. You can do anything you want. أنا أعرف أمك I know your mother. I know your mother. عندما سَمِعَ الأخبار, تحولَ شاحباً. When he heard the news, he turned pale. When he heard the news, he turned pale. توم يبدوا غير قادر على فهمها. Tom just doesn't seem to get it. Tom seems unable to understand it. قرّر سامي القيام بذلك عملا بنصيحة أحد المدرّسين. Sami, on the advice of a teacher, decided to do that. Sammy decided to do so on the advice of a teacher. شعورها له كان متبادلاً. Her feeling for him was reciprocated. Her feelings for him were mutual. بدّل فاضل نتائجه المدرسيّة الجيّدة بعصابات الشّوارع. Fadil swapped good grades with street gangs. Fadel switched his good school results to street gangs. إنهم يتحدثون عن هذا و ذاك. They are talking about this and that. They're talking about this and that. سنناقش هذا فيما بعد. We'll discuss that later. We'll discuss this later. أنا أحب الفواكه المعلبة I like canned fruits. I like canned fruit. لماذا لا تأكل الخضروات؟ Why don't you eat vegetables? Why don't you eat vegetables? ماذا؟ أين أضع المفاتيح؟ Huh? Where'd I put the keys? Where do I put the keys? كان فاضل يُعالج بأدوية مضادّة للذّهان. Fadil was placed on anti-psychotic medication. Fadel was being treated with antipsychotic drugs. لم ذهبت إلى هناك بدوني؟ Why did you go there without me? Why did you go there without me? هناك العديد من الجامعات في كيوتو. There are numerous universities in Kyoto. There are many universities in Kyoto. كيف لك أن تعرف أنهم لا ينظرون إليك باستغراب لأنك لديك وجه غريب؟ How do you know they're not just giving you a weird look because you have a funny face? How do you know they're not looking at you weird because you have a weird face? يستطيع توم الركض بسرعة. Tom can run fast. Tom can run fast. أنت منزعج. You're upset. You're upset. في سبتمبر/أيلول، توجد كثير من قناديل البحر في المحيط. There are lots of jellyfish in the ocean in September. In September, there are many jellyfish in the ocean. لن يدع سامي ليلى تدمّر حياته السّعيدة مع سليمة. Sami wouldn't let Layla destroy his happy life with Salima. Sammy won't let Layla ruin his happy life with Salima. الكلمة الفرنسية "شا" تعني قطة. The French word 'chat' means 'cat'. The French word "cha" means cat. كل الناس سيموتون حتماً. All men must die. Everyone's gonna die. تعال من فضلك Please come. Come, please. استمعت القطة لخطواتها. The cat listened to its steps. The cat listened to her steps. أنا متعبة. لقد كان يوماً طويلاً. I'm tired. It's been a long day. I'm tired. It's been a long day. سامي يشاهد فيديو ليلى على اليوتوب. Sami is watching Layla's YouTube video. Sammy's watching Lily's video on YouTube. سيأتي قريباً. He will come soon. He'll be here soon. فاضل ليس مختلفا. Fadil is no different. Fadel is no different. ليس ذلك من شأنك. It's none of your business. None of your business. سألته عما فعله البارحة. I asked him about what he did yesterday. I asked him what he did last night. ربطة العنق هذه لا تليق ببزتي. This tie doesn't go with my suit. This tie isn't my suit. غيرت نمط حياتي اليومي. I've changed my daily routine. It changed my everyday life. إنها تبحث عن مفاتيح سيارتها. She is looking for her car keys. She's looking for her car keys. رفضت عرضه. She turned down his proposal. I turned him down. حان وقت النهوض. It's time to get up. Time to get up. كنت أواعد مدرّستي في الثّانويّة. I was dating my high school teacher. I was dating my high school teacher. مات الرجل العجوز من شدة الجوع. The old man died from hunger. The old man died of starvation. أين الزعيم؟ Where's the boss? Where's the boss? شاهد سامي ليلى و هي تعاني. Sami watched Layla suffer. Sammy saw Layla suffer. كان فاضل يحصل على نتائج جيّدة في العربيّة. Fadil did extraordinarily good in Arabic. Fadel was getting good results in Arabic. أعلم جيدا أن المكروه لا يأتي بمفده. I bear in mind that misfortunes never come singly. I know for a fact that hate doesn't come easily. وقعت شوكة من على الطاولة. A fork fell off the table. A fork fell off the table. عفوًا. You're welcome. Excuse me. خُدِعتُ من قبل البائع. I was taken in by the salesman. I was tricked by the salesman. مليون شخص استُشهدوا في الحرب. One million people lost their lives in the war. One million people were killed in the war. أتحدث الإنجليزية يومياً. I speak English daily. I speak English every day. يحب أبي البيتزا كثيراً. My father likes pizza very much. My dad loves pizza. كتبت رسالة لأمي. I wrote a letter to my mother. I wrote a letter to my mother. الحب أن تراها حتى في أحلامك. Love is seeing her even in your dreams. Love to see it even in your dreams. كنت مشغولا جدا الأسبوع الماضي. I was very busy last week. I was very busy last week. تظاهر توم بأنه لم يرى ماري. Tom pretended he didn't see Mary. Tom pretended not to see Mary. أريد الذهاب إلى اليابان. I would like to go to Japan. I want to go to Japan. ما هدف زيارتك؟ What's the purpose of your visit? What's the point of your visit? لا يوجد إقبال كافٍ على هذه البضاعة. There is not enough demand for this product. There's not enough demand for this stuff. أنا أستعد للأسوأ. I'm getting ready for the worst. I'm preparing for the worst. هو مابيتكلمش ياباني في البيت. He doesn't speak Japanese at home. He speaks Japanese at home. أنا أتعجب لماذا قال توم ذلك I wonder why Tom said that. I wonder why Tom said that. الكتاب هِنا The book is here. The book is here. هذا هو مدرّس العلوم. This is the science teacher. This is the science teacher. كان سامي ينبّه ببوق سيّارته. Sami was honking. Sammy was alerting his car horn. كشف سامي أمر ليلى على اليوتوب. Sami exposed Layla on YouTube. Sammy revealed Lily's order on YouTube. أنا ملحد. I'm atheist. I'm an atheist. البيت من ثلاث طوابق. The house has three stories. House of three floors. ماهوش عاجبني لحال كامل بالنتيجا. I am not satisfied with the result at all. I like the whole thing. إسرائيل بحاجة إلى الضّفّة الغربيّة. Israel needs the West Bank. Israel needs the West Bank. لسببٍ ما، المايكروفون لم يعمل سابقًا. For some reason the microphone didn't work earlier. For some reason, the microphone didn't work before. فَتَحَتْ الفَتَاةُ عَيْنَيْهَا وَرَأَتْ الدُّبَّ وَهَرَبَتْ إِلَى النَّافِذةِ. The girl opened her eyes, saw the bear, and fled to the window. The girl opened her eyes and saw the bear and ran to the window. لقد تأخر جمال مجددا. Jamal is late again. Jamal's late again. أُخرج! Get out! Get out! أظنه يختلف حين تفكر فيه على المدى البعيد. I suppose it's different when you think about it over the long term. I think it's different when you think about it in the long run. أتسمح لي بالعزف على البيانو؟ May I play the piano? May I play the piano? كانت ليلى تعيش في حيّ أين يودّ أيّ شخص أن ينشئ أسرة. Layla lived in a neighborhood where anybody would like to raise a family. Leyla lived in a neighborhood where anyone wanted to start a family. بعض الأحيان أضطر لذهاب مشيا على الأقدام Sometimes I happen to go on foot. Sometimes I have to go on foot. ماذا تتعلم؟ What do you learn? What are you learning? كان الاقتصاد الياباني واحدا من أسرع الإقتصادات نموا في عام 1980. Japan was one of the world's fastest growing economies in the 1980s. The Japanese economy was one of the fastest growing in 1980. دعى سامي ليلى للأكل في الخارج. Sami invited Layla out for food. Sammy invited Layla to eat out. انتقل الى الجزء الخلفي من الباص رجاءً . Please move to the rear of the bus. Move to the back of the bus, please. لم يسافر أبي إلى الخارج من قبل. My father has never been abroad. My father had never been abroad before. تطلّب الأمر حملة تلفزيونية وطنية لتعقّب فاضل و إلقاء القبض عليه. It took a national TV campaign to finally track Fadil down. It took a national television campaign to track down Fadel and arrest him. اطرد من شغله. He lost his job. Fired from his job. أين فصل توم؟ Where is Tom's classroom? Where's Tom's class? تَرجمْ هذا الكتابَ إلى الأنجليزيّة. Translate this book into English. Translate this book into English. ركض سامي للنّجاة بحياته. Sami ran for his life. Sammy ran for his life. هل يحب توم الطماطم؟ Does Tom like tomatoes? Does Tom like tomatoes? مساء الخير Goodnight. Good afternoon. تعالَ مُجدداً. Come again. Come again. لا أحد يعلم من أين أتى ذلك الكلب. No one knows where that dog came from. No one knows where that dog came from. اسمي ليس في القائمة. My name isn't on the list. My name's not on the list. هو يعمل في مصنع. He works in a factory. He works in a factory. إنك مخطئ بشأن ذلك. You are mistaken about that. You're wrong about that. فعل ما طلبت منه تماماً. He did exactly what I told him to do. He did exactly what I asked. ماذا! هل فعلت ذلك حقًا؟ What! You didn't really do that? What, did you really do that? هل أقلع مايك عن الشرب؟ Has Mike quit drinking? Did Mike stop drinking? عاش سامي حياة برّاقة. Sami lived a glittering life. Sam lived a bright life. كان فاضل يبلغ سبعة عشر سنة آنذاك. Fadil was about seventeen years old at the time. He was seventeen years old at the time. بدأت الصحيفة تفقد قراءها بعد تفريطها بأحد أشهر كتابها. The newspaper began to lose readers when it dispensed with one of its most popular writers. The newspaper began to lose its readers after losing one of its most famous books. واصل سامي الحديث. Sami kept talking. Sammy kept talking. قال سامي أنّه لم يكن يعيش هناك أحد. Sami said that no one lived there. Sammy said no one lived there. أشتاق جدّا لأخي لقد تزوّج وسافرَ إلى دولة الإمارات. I miss my brother so much. He got married and moved to the UAE. I really miss my brother. He got married and went to the UAE. كانت ليلى تستمتع بحياتها في القاهرة. Layla was enjoying her life in Cairo. Leyla was enjoying her life in Cairo. هل تحتاج للمفاتيح؟ You need the keys? Do you need the keys? كانت ليلى تعيش حياتها فقط. Layla was just living her life. Lily was just living her life. هل تضمّنت كل ما أردت آن تقوله في النصّ؟ Did you include everything you wanted to say in the text? Did you include everything you wanted to say in the script? ماذا تفضل أكثر، الرز أم الخبز؟ Which do you prefer, rice or bread? What do you prefer more, rice or bread? واصل فاضل دروسه في العربيّة في القاهرة. Fadil continued his Arabic classes in Cairo. Fadel continued his Arabic lessons in Cairo. المحل مغلق يوم الأحد. The shop is closed on Sunday. The shop is closed on Sunday. سامي لا يريدني؟ Sami doesn't want me. Sammy doesn't want me? وُلد سامي في مصر. Sami was born in Egypt. Sami was born in Egypt. أعتقد أنني أحتاج إلى التحدّث مع توم. I think I need to talk to Tom. I think I need to talk to Tom. أنا رأيت كلباً. I saw a dog. I saw a dog. جرّ فاضل المزبلة إلى خارج البيت. Fadil dragged the garbage can out of the house. Fazal dragged the dumpster out of the house. خلع سامي حذاءه. Sami took his shoes off. Sammy took off his shoes. هي غبية, ولكن أمينة. She's stupid, but honest. She's stupid, but honest. ربما هي حقا لا تملك غرفة خاصة بها. Maybe she really doesn't have a room of her own? Maybe she really doesn't have a room of her own. يعيش في شقة. He lives in a flat. He lives in an apartment. ده قراري. This is my choice. That's my decision. هل تريد الذهاب إلى السينما؟ Do you want to go to the movies? You want to go to the movies? آبن من أنت؟ Whose son are you? Whose son are you? هيا بنا نذهب. Let's go. Let's go. خلال رمضان، يمكن للمسلمين الأكل مجددا بعد غروب الشمس. During Ramadan, Muslims can eat again after sunset. During Ramadan, Muslims can eat again after sunset. يوغرطة زاد في سيرتا. Jugurtha was born in Cirta. Yogharta increased in certa. لا تبدو سعيدا جدا لرؤيتي. You don't seem too happy to see me. You don't seem too happy to see me. أعتذر منك، لم أقصد إخافتك. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. ساعد هذا الكتاب سامي كي يتعلّم العربيّة بشكل أسرع. This book really helped Sami learn Arabic faster. This book helped Sammy learn Arabic faster. المكتبة في الطابق الرابع. The library is on the 4th floor. The library is on the fourth floor. افتُتحت المستشفى الشهر الماضي. I had a grand opening for the hospital last month. The hospital opened last month. لم لن تأتِ معنا؟ Why aren't you coming with us? Why won't you come with us? كان سامي يسبح في المال. Sami was rolling in money. Sammy was swimming in money. هي تركتهُ يذهب. She let him go. She let him go. أين أخوك؟ Where is your brother? Where's your brother? اللغة اليابانية لغتي القومية. Japanese is my native language. Japanese is my national language. توم مرهق بوضوح Tom is clearly worn out. Tom is clearly exhausted. أنا أريد فقط الحصول على المتعة. I just want to have fun. I just want to have fun. أنا لا أفهم هذه الكلمة. I don't understand this word. I don't understand that word. انفقع بالوني! My balloon popped! Blow my balloon! من غير المفاجئ أنّ النّظام السّعوديّ المضطهِد صديق للنّظام الإسرائيلي العنصري ذو النّزعة العسكريّة. It comes as no surprise that the oppressive regime of Saudi Arabia is friends with the militaristic and racist regime of Israel. Unsurprisingly, the oppressive Saudi regime is a friend of the militarized, racist Israeli regime. رأى سامي ذلك المنزل. Sami saw the house. Sammy saw that house. ما هي موسيقاكَ المفضّلة؟ What's your favorite music? What's your favorite music? الهندوس و المسلمون كلّهم إخوة. Hindus and Muslims are all brothers. Hindus and Muslims are all brothers. تدمر عشرة ملايين هكتار من الغابات القديمة أو تزال كل سنة. فكر بالبيئة رجاءً قبل طباعة هذه الرسالة. Ten million hectares of ancient forest are being cleared or destroyed every year. Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Ten million hectares of old forests are destroyed or destroyed every year. Think about the environment, please, before you print this letter. قاتل سامي من أجل حياتيه. Sami fought for his life. Sammy fought for his life. بدأ سامي يقوم بأعمل لمحاربة الاتّجار بالمخدّرات في حيّه. Sami started to take actions against drug trade in his neighborhood. Sammy started doing work to fight drug trafficking in his neighborhood. هم يعلمون هذا كله. They know all that. They know all this. ماذا جرى في النّادي؟ What happened at the club? What happened at the club? كانت ليلى ممرّضة معتمدة تعمل في مركز معروف لمعالجة السّرطان. Layla was a registered nurse working for a renowned cancer center. Leila was a certified nurse who worked at a well-known cancer treatment center. من سيريد أن يستأجر توم؟ Who'd want to hire Tom? Who's gonna want to hire Tom? هناك نافذة على يسارك. There is a window on your left. There's a window on your left. إنّ الحياة لا تبدأ و تنتهي بسامي. Life doesn't begin and end with Sami. Life doesn't start and end with Sammy. هل هو صديق؟ Is he a friend? Is he a friend? خدعها. He fooled her. Tricked her. إنّهنّ معي. They're with me. They're with me. توم شخص إجتماعي للغاية. Tom is such a social butterfly. Tom's a very social person. كانت ليلى تنتظر ابنة أخيها كي تصطحبها. Layla was waiting to pick up her niece. Lily was waiting for her niece to pick her up. إنتظري دقيقة, يا ماري! Wait a minute, Mary! Wait a minute, Mary! لا أريد أن تحرق جثتي. I don't want to be cremated. I don't want my body burned. هو لا يتحدث اللغة اليابانية بالمنزل. He doesn't speak Japanese at home. He doesn't speak Japanese at home. لم يكن ينبغي أن يحدث هذا. This should not have occurred. This shouldn't have happened. قد تضطر إلى طردها. I may have to fire her. You might have to fire her. لم صفّ توم سيّارته هناك؟ Why did Tom park there? Why would Tom park there? واصل المشي لفترة. He continued walking for a while. Keep walking for a while. هنبتدي أوّل ما هيّ تيجي. As soon as she comes, we will begin. We're starting with what Tiggy is. مِنَ المُحتَملِ أنَّ توم لَنْ يُصَدِّقَك Tom probably won't believe you. It's possible Tom won't believe you. الرياضيات أساس الحرية. The essence of liberty is mathematics. Mathematics is the basis of freedom. الأولاد لا يلعبون بالدّمى. Boys don't play with dolls. Boys don't play with dolls. تزوّجت أمّ سامي مرّة أخرى. Sami's mother remarried. Sammy's mother got married again. أقام سامي صداقة مع طلبة آخرين من السّنة الأولى. Sami made friends with other freshmen. Sammy made friends with other first-year students. بس انت مش موجود هناك. But you're not there. But you're not there. ليس عندي حساب في هذه المنتديات. I do not have an account in these forums. I don’t have an account on these forums. الشرطة تبحث عنّي. The police are after me. The police are looking for me. كانت ماري تتألم كثيرا من ظهرها. Mary's back pain was torturing her. Mary was in a lot of pain on her back. تبدو أوروبا الآن مثل الجنة. Europe looks like a paradise now. Europe now looks like paradise. كان سامي عائدا إلى منزله على متن درّاجته. Sami was riding home. Sammy was coming home on his bike. أرسل سامي الكثير من الرّسائل لليلى. Sami sent Layla many letters. Sammy sent a lot of messages to Lily. أريد أن أشتري هدية لك. I want to buy a gift for you. I want to buy you a present. إخرج من هنا. Get out of here. Get out of here. كنا جميعًا نشك فيه. We are all suspicious about him. We all doubted him. هيَ لا تزال تحبّك. She still loves you. She still loves you. ماذا فعلت في الإجازة الماضية؟ What did you do last vacation? What did you do last weekend? اتضحك عليك. You've been deceived. It's on you. أمي لا تتحدث الإنجليزية بشكل جيد جداً. My mom doesn't speak English very well. My mother doesn't speak English very well. لم تنام في مكان كهذا؟ Why are you sleeping in a place like this? Why did you sleep in a place like this? العديد من الأطفال لا يُحبون الخضروات, لكن أخي الصغير يُحبُها. Many children don't like vegetables, but my little brother loves them. A lot of kids don't like vegetables, but my little brother does. فتّش سامي المنزل كلّه و لم يكن أحد هناك. Sami searched the whole house and no one was there. Sammy searched the whole house and there was no one there. أنت الشخص الوحيد. You are the only one. You're the only one. كاين بزّاف كلامي ما نفهمهومش. There are many words that I don't understand. Kane's a phony. We don't understand. كان هناك مدرّسون بالقرب. Teachers were around. There were teachers nearby. عمي يدخن كثيرًا جدا، ولا غنى له عن التبغ. My uncle is a very heavy smoker; tobacco is indispensable to him. My uncle smokes too much, and he's indispensable to tobacco. أنا وهو أولاد عَم. Him and me are cousins. He and I are cousins. لا أعلم من أين أتت. I didn't know where it came from. I don't know where it came from. تركتها تذهب. She let her go. I let her go. سأغادر المدرسة. I'm going to leave school. I'm leaving school. 200000 دولار كافية بالنّسبة لسامي كي يبدأ حياة جديدة. 200,000 dollars is enough for Sami to start a new life. $200,000 is enough for Sammy to start a new life. لا أستطيع أن أتذكر ما أكلتهُ بالأمس. I can't remember what I had to eat yesterday. I can't remember what I ate yesterday. ضع المسدس على الطاولة. Put the gun on the table. Put the gun on the table. كان سامي يتعرّف على أصدقاء جدد بسهولة. Sami made friends easily. Sammy easily made new friends. تناول سامي بعض الأقراص النّوم. Sami took some sleeping pills. Sammy took some sleeping pills. اعتُبر سامي في عداد المفقودين. Fadil was reported missing. Sami is considered missing. سيسعدني رؤية ذلك. I would like to see it. I'd be happy to see that. أنا حابَس ما علاباليش علاش. I'm stupid and I don't know why. I'm trapped by what's wrong with Alaaash. إذا قمت بتغيير الخطة، فيجب عليك أن تعلم أعضاء الفريق بالتغييرات. If you alter the plan, you must inform the team members of the changes. If you change the plan, you should let the team members know about the changes. نحن طلاب We are students. We're students. أشاهد التلفاز في بعض الأحيان. I sometimes watch TV. I watch TV sometimes. لنذهب يا جمال. Let's go, Jamal. Let's go, Jamal. حان وقت الإستيقاظ. Time to get up. Time to wake up. احكي لي عن رحلة سفرك من فضلك. Please tell me about your trip. Tell me about your trip, please. أنت حتى لا تحدق فيَّ. You don't even look at me. You're not even staring at me. من الغائب؟ Who's missing? Who's absent? اليابان بلد صناعي. Japan is an industrial nation. Japan is an industrial country. إنّهم معي. They're with me. They're with me. معذرة، كيف تعرف إسمي؟ Excuse me. How do you know my name? Excuse me. How do you know my name? لنجرب شيئاً! Let's try something. Let's try something! كان سامي متعطّشا لذلك. Sami craved that. Sammy was hungry for it. عادة ما كنا نذهب معا لصيد السمك. I often went fishing with him. We usually go fishing together. إنهم عاملوني بسوء. They treated me badly. They treated me badly. أحببت هذا الفيلم. I liked this film. I love this movie. كانت ردّة فعل سامي عنيفة. Sami reacted violently. Sammy's reaction was violent. كان عند سامي كلب شمّ. Sami had a sniffing dog. Sammy had a sniffing dog. ما اخبرت توم حتى الآن. I haven't told Tom yet. I haven't told Tom yet. قضى الملك على أعدائه. The king crushed his enemies. The king destroyed his enemies. إذهبي إلىَ غرقتِك! Go to your room! Go to your sink! ما الذي تقوله؟ What're you saying? What are you saying? لقد ضاجعت مدرّستي. I slept with my teacher. I slept with my teacher. هل تعلم ما يعمله توم لكسب رزقه؟ Do you know what Tom does for a living? Do you know what Tom does for a living? لديها عينان جميلتان. She has beautiful eyes. She has beautiful eyes. جعلت مدرّسي يتعثّر دون قصد. I accidentally tripped my teacher. You accidentally tripped my teacher. كان ذلك خيارك أنت. It was your own choice. That was your choice. كانت الكلمة التي ألقاها توم رائعة. Tom's speech was excellent. Tom’s speech was wonderful. إن كنت تريد تينا طازجا، فعليك بالذّهاب إلى منطقة القبائل في الجزائر. If you want good fresh figs, you need to go to Kabylie, Algeria. If you want fresh Tina, you have to go to the Kabylie region of Algeria. لا تحزن إن الله معنا. Don't be sad, indeed Allah is with us. Don’t worry, God is with us. شعر سامي بأنّه كان مُضايَقا. Sami felt bullied. Sammy felt it was a hassle. نحن في المنزل الآن. We're home now. We're home now. لا تنس مطرّيتك. Don't forget your umbrella. Don't forget your rain. لمّا متحبش الناس، همّ كمان مش هيحبوك. When you dislike others, you are disliked by them in turn. When people like you, they don't like you. كانت ليلى غاضبة و محبطة. Layla was angry and depressed. Lily was angry and frustrated. "إنها معجزة! إنها تحركت!" " أنا أعتقد أنها الريح." "It's a miracle! It moved!" "I think it's the wind." "It's a miracle! It's moved!" "I think it's the wind." أَيْنَ الْجَرِيدَةُ؟ Where is the newspaper? Where's the newspaper? سامي وفيّ. Sami is faithful. Sammy's loyal. لم يكن جيدا لأوكرانيا أن تتخلص من أسلحتها النووية. Ukraine shouldn't have disposed of its nuclear weapons. It was not good for Ukraine to get rid of its nuclear weapons. سحب سامي كلبه إلى الخلف. Sami pulled his dog back. Sammy pulled his dog back. أنا آتٍ I'm coming. I'm coming. أحب ممارسة الألعاب الرياضية. I like playing sports. I like to play sports. تلقّى فاضل حكمين بالمؤبّد. Fadil got two life sentences. Fadel received two life sentences. استمع المدرّس لي. The teacher listened to me. The teacher listened to me. ليس بإمكانك أن تبرهن هذا You can't prove that. You can't prove it. التفاصيل ليست مهمة. The details aren't necessary. Details are not important. اليوم، حياة سامي أفضل بكثير. Today, Layla's life is much better. Today, Sammy's life is much better. يقلقني سامي. Sami worries me. I'm worried, Sam. أنتهيت من فطورك؟ Have you finished breakfast yet? You're done with your breakfast? قام مدير المدرسة بتعليق رخصة ذلك المدرّس للتّدريس هناك. The principal suspended that teacher's license to teach there. The headmaster suspended that teacher's license to teach there. أتمنى لو أستطيع فعل شيء لمساعدة الأطفال الجياع حول العالم. I wish I could do something to help the hungry children around the world. I wish I could do something to help hungry children around the world. هي دي النهاية. This is the end. It's the end. أتمنىَ أن الصيف لا ينتهىِ ابداً. I wish summer would never end! I hope summer never ends. انخفض من فضلك. Please get down. Get down, please. ما هي شروطكم؟ What are your conditions? What are your terms? لدى بيتي إدانة سابقة بالسرقة. Betty has a previous conviction for theft. Betty has a prior conviction for theft. لا أريد أن أخبرهم عن سبب تأخّري. I don't want to tell them why I'm late. I don't want to tell them why I'm late. يعمل جون بجدّ. John works hard. John works hard. لقد وصلت متأخرا قليلا. We've arrived a little late. You're a little late. دعنا نتقاسم النفقات. Let's share the expenses. Let's split the expenses. اعتادت ليلى على الأكل هنا كلّ نهاية أسبوع. Layla ate here regularly on weekends. Lily used to eat here every weekend. الثعالب حيوانات برية Foxes are wild animals. Foxes are wild animals. لدينا مدرّس رياضيّات سيّء. Our math teacher sucks. We have a bad math teacher. أنا أحبّها كأخت. I love her like a sister. I love her as a sister. أخذت تبكي. She began crying. She started crying. أي كتاب أفضل؟ Which book is better? What better book? استيقظ سامي أخيرا من الغيبوبة. Sami finally emerged from the coma. Sam finally woke up from the coma. الحاسوب موضوع على يسار السيدات. The computer is placed to the left of the women. The computer is on the left of the ladies. لقد حضر الاجتماع كممثل للشركة. He attended the meeting as the company representative. He attended the meeting as a company representative. ماذا تعني؟ What do you mean? What do you mean? لم يكن يعرف شيئا. He didn't know anything. He didn't know anything. ربما سيغير رأيه. He might change his mind. Maybe he'll change his mind. عدنا إلى بوستن في العشرين من أكتوبر. We returned to Boston on October 20th. We returned to Boston on October 20. تجاهل ما قاله. مقد كان يمزح فقط. Ignore what he said. He was only joking. Ignore what he said. ڨـ‬ع واش ندير، هييا تقول بلّي نقدر ندير خير. Whatever I do, she says I can do better. We're running. Come on, we can run. سألتني كم عمري. She asked me how old I was. She asked me how old I was. هادي لقطّا ديالي. That's my cat. He led a cat Diyali. لدي كل البوماتك I have all your albums. I have all your albums. اللغة الصينية أصعب من اللغات الأجنبية التانية. Chinese is more difficult than other foreign languages. Chinese is more difficult than foreign languages. ماذا تريد أن تأكل؟ What would you like to eat? What do you want to eat? هىَ وضعت المجلة علىَ الطاولة. She put the magazine on the table. She put the magazine on the table. المسلمون يعبدون الله. Muslims worship God. Muslims worship God. سامي لم يقتل أحدا قطّ. Sami never killed anyone. Sammy never killed anyone. أنا لا أستطيع أن أعيش بدونك. I can't live without you. I can't live without you. حسناً. أنا موافق. OK. I agree. Okay, I'm in. هل رخصتك معك؟ Do you have your driver's license? Do you have your license? أناديه مايك. I call him Mike. I call him Mike. البقر يعطينا الحليب. Cows give us milk. Cows give us milk. توصّل فاضل من إصابة رامي بطلقة في الظّهر. Fadil managed to shoot Rami once in the back. Fadel got a shot in the back. السماء صافية. The skies are clear. The sky is clear. كان يوغرطة ملكا أمازيغيا. Jugurtha was an amazigh king. Yogurt was king of Amazigha. توم شخص خجولٌ نوعاً ما. Tom is sort of a shy guy. Tom's kind of shy. قدّم سامي شكوى ضدّ ليلى. Sami filed a report against Layla. Sammy filed a complaint against Layla. أيمكنني استعارة مضربك للتنس اليوم؟ Can I borrow your tennis racket today? Can I borrow your tennis racket today? سأذهب إلى لندن في الصيف. I'm going to London this summer. I'm going to London in the summer. لا أحب الطريقة التي يتكلم بها. I don't like the way he speaks. I don't like the way he talks. حقا أريد رؤيتك اليوم. I really wish to see you today. I really want to see you today. أريد أن أذهب إلى أمريكا في يوم من الأيام. I want to go to America someday. I want to go to America someday. أنت بطلي يا سامي. You're my hero, Sami. You're my hero, Sammy. قَوّدْ! Fuck off! Drive! أوفى سامي بوعده. Sami kept his word. Sammy kept his promise. كان سامي مقيّدا لسرير المستشفى. Sami was shackled to his hospital bed. Sammy was tied to the hospital bed. "هل يستطيع أحدٌ مساعدتي؟" "سأفعل". "Can somebody help me?" "I will." "Can someone help me?" "I will." يُستخرج الحمض النووي من عينة من الدم. DNA is extracted from a blood sample. DNA is extracted from a blood sample. كانوا واقفين في صفّ. They were standing in a line. They were standing in line. كانت لدى سامي بوليصتي تأمين على حياته. Sami had two life insurance policies. Sammy had two life insurance policies. أنا أعلم أين تسكن I know where you live. I know where you live. محفظتك في الجيب الخارجي لحقيبتك المدرسيّة. Your wallet is in the outside pocket of your bookbag. Your wallet is in the outer pocket of your school bag. يستطيع طفلك أن يسير. Your baby can walk. Your child can walk. كان فاضل قد أعدّ العشاء للتّو. Fadil had just prepared dinner. Fadel had just made dinner. بعثت برسالة بدلاً من الذهاب بنفسي. Instead of going myself, I sent a letter. I sent a message instead of going myself. ليلى سافلة. Layla is a bitch. Lily's a bitch. كتب سامي لليلى الكثير من الرّسائل. Sami wrote Layla a lot of letters. Sammy wrote a lot of letters to Lily. سأنزل عند المحطة القادمة. I'm getting off at the next station. I'll be down at the next station. ضحّى سامي بأمّه كي يُخرج نفسه من المأزق. Sami threw his mom under the bus. Sammy sacrificed his mother to get himself out of trouble. سُأِل كل طالب سؤالاً واحداً. Every pupil was asked one question. Each student was asked one question. أكنت في المدرسة في ذلك الوقت؟ Were you at school at that time? Were you at school at the time? يجب عليك المجيء معي. You have to come with me. You should come with me. سامي يحبّ وادليه. Sami loves his parents. Sammy likes his cues. ماذا تريد هى؟ What does she want? What does she want? لقد فقدت قواي كلها. My strength is all gone. I've lost all my powers. أنا لا أضع اللوم عليك. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. في النهاية ، دخل السجن. In the end, he landed in jail. In the end, he went to prison. فقدت العلكة طعمها. The gum has lost its taste. The gum has lost its taste. اتركني و شأني. Go away. Leave me alone. إنها جميلة يا رجل! Dude, she's hot! It's beautiful, man! هل جُنِنْت؟ Have you lost your reason? Are you crazy? يمكن أن يكون فاضل قد مات. Fadil might be dead. Fadel could be dead. اينما تذهب ، سوف تجد سياح يابانيون . Wherever you go, you'll find Japanese tourists. Wherever you go, you will find Japanese tourists. من هنا، سيدي. This way, Sir. This way, sir. لم يخبرني أحد بوجودكما هنا. Nobody told me you were here. No one told me you were here. بإمكان ليلى أن ترقد في سلام الآن. Layla can rest in peace now. Lily can rest in peace now. لا يوجد أمل. There is no hope. There's no hope. من فضلك اكتب ما سأقوله. Please write down what I am going to say. Please write what I'm going to say. أنا صيني I'm Chinese. I'm Chinese. هل تحب الجري؟ Do you like to run? Do you like running? المنزل الواقف على التلة قديم جداً. The house standing on the hill is very old. The house on the hill is very old. هل تكلمني؟ Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me? صام ياني شهر رمضان بأكمله. Yanni fasted for the whole month of Ramadan. The entire month of Ramadan is fasted. كان فاضل يعبث مع ليلى بالهاتف. Fadil flirted with Layla on the phone. Fadel was messing with Layla on the phone. أريد تعلم الأيرلندية. I want to learn Irish. I want to learn Irish. كيف لك أن تقول ذلك؟ How can you say that? How can you say that? توم ليس جيد للحديث مع الاطفال Tom isn't good at talking to children. Tom's not good for talking to kids. أخرج دفترًا. He took a notebook out. Take out a notebook. تعلمت الكثير عن الحضارة الإغريقية. I learned a lot about Greek culture. I learned a lot about Greek culture. ما الذي يحدث هنا؟ What's going on here? What's going on here? خطته خطرة! His plan is dangerous! His plan is dangerous! وصلتني رسالتك بالأمس. I received your letter yesterday. I got your message yesterday. أين مكان عملك؟ Where do you work? Where do you work? هل تعرف كيف تلعب كرة القدم؟ Do you play soccer? Do you know how to play football? حكت لي قصة شيّقة. She told me an interesting story. She told me an interesting story. شكون هو الحيوان اللّي تحبّو بزاف؟ What is your favorite animal? Shakun is the animal you like with a zaf? ترك توم البوابة مفتوحة. Tom left the gate open. Tom left the gate open. توم لم يذهب ابدا الى المدرسة Tom has never gone to school. Tom never went to school. لا أريد أن أعمل. I don't want to work. I don't want to work. أنا لا أتكلم اللغة اليابانية.‏‏ I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. علينا توضيح السبب فحسب. We just have to explain why. We just need to explain why. أراد سامي أن يأخذ تلك الدّروس. Sami wanted to take those classes. Sammy wanted to take those lessons. التّين ليّن جدّا. Figs are very delicate. The dragon is very soft. رجاء اترك رسالة على المجيب الآلي. Please leave a message on my answering machine. Please leave a message on the answering machine. ما قاله عن الإنجليزية صحيح. What he said about England is true. What he said about English is true. كيف توم؟ How's Tom? How's Tom? لقد أيقظتُك. I woke you up. I woke you up. أخبر توم بأني مشغول. Tell Tom that I'm busy. Tell Tom I'm busy. سامي يأكل هناك. Sami eats there. Sammy eats there. خرجت قطة من تحت المكتب. A cat came out from under the desk. A cat came out from under the desk. هل تعرف كيف تفتح هذا الصندوق؟ Do you know how to open this box? Do you know how to open this box? استمرّ سامي في عيش حياته. Sami went on with his life. Sammy continued to live his life. حرس الحارس الليل بطوله. The guard was on duty all night. Guard the whole night. هذا الحزام ضيق جدا علي. This belt fits me too tightly. This belt is too tight for me. السفر يوسع آفاق تفكير المرء. Travel broadens one's horizons. Traveling broadens one's horizons of thought. فتح فاضل مطعما للأكل الخفيف. Fadil opened a fast-food restaurant. Fadel opened a snack restaurant. أعجبتني رائحته. I liked the way it smelled. I like the smell. سامي يحبّ النّاس. Sami loves people. Sammy loves people. عاد سامي. Sami got back. Sammy's back. حقن سامي ليلى بجرعة عالية من الميثامفيتامين. Sami injected Layla with a pretty heavy dose of meth. Sammy Layla was injected with a high dose of methamphetamine. اعتنِ بنفسك. Take care of yourself. Take care. دير بالك على لطفل لقبيح. Keep an eye on the naughty kid. Turn your mind on a husky kid. التقيتُ بصديق لي في المطار. I met a friend of mine at the airport. I met a friend of mine at the airport. بدا سامي لطيفا. Sami seemed cool. Sammy looked nice. في موسم السياحة ، ترفع العديد من الفنادق اسعارها . In the tourist season, many hotels raise prices. In the tourist season, many hotels raise their prices. أريد أن أعرف ما يحدث هنا. I want to know what's going on out here. I want to know what's going on here. سامي و ليلى كانا مسيحيّين قد عادى من مهمّة تبشيريّة. Sami and Layla were Christians coming back from a mission. Sami and Layla were Christians who had become accustomed to a missionary mission. يستطيع كل طفل فعل ذلك. Any child can do that. Every child can do that. جيم ضرب لها البيانو. Jim accompanied her on the piano. Jim hit her piano. هل يمكننا أن ننسى أن ذلك قد حدث؟ Can we forget that that just happened? Can we forget that it happened? الكتب هي أعز أصدقائي. Books are my best friends. Books are my best friends. تغير كثيرًا منذ المرة الأخيرة. He changed a lot since the last time. A lot has changed since the last time. الوقت ينتظر و الوقت ينسى. Time waits and time forgets. Time waits and time forgets. قيس قبل ما تغيص. The devil is in the details. Measure before you change. انا لست عضوا بالناد . I'm not a member of the club. I'm not a member of the club. إقرأ المقالة. Read through the article. Read the article. خط أمي جميل. My mother has good handwriting. My mom's line is beautiful. أريد أن أشرب فنجاناً من القهوة. I want to have a cup of coffee. I want to have a cup of coffee. انتظر سامي لستّة أسابيع. Sami waited for six weeks. Sammy waited six weeks. تبدو أحمقاً. You look stupid. You look like an idiot. سوف أذهب. I will go. I'll go. هنالك رائحة كريهة تنبعث من قدميك. There is a bad smell coming from your feet. There's a bad smell coming from your feet. هذا الحلم سَيَتَحَقَّق. This dream will come true. This dream will come true. أنا فلسطيني. I am Palestinian. I am Palestinian. ده تقليد. That's an imitation. It's tradition. أرسله بالبريد. Send it by mail. Send it by mail. راكو هايلين. You look stunning! Raku Hylen. ياني كانَ قذِر للغاية لدرجة أن بعض الأشخاص ظنّوه مجنوناً. Yanni was so scruffy that people thought he was crazy. Yanni was so dirty that some people thought he was crazy. لم يكن واضحا من الذين نفذوا الهجوم It was unclear who carried out the attack. It was unclear who carried out the attack. أنا شريكك. I'm your partner. I'm your partner. أنا مسرورة لعدم وجودي هناك. I'm glad I wasn't here. I'm glad I'm not there. هل اشتريت ذلك من السوق السوداء؟ Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy that on the black market? سآخذك إلى مكان آمن. I'm going to take you where you'll be safe. I'll take you somewhere safe. يعزف على البيانو بشكل جيد جداً He plays the piano very well. He plays the piano very well. الحب شيء و الزواج شيء آخر. Falling in love is one thing; getting married is another. Love is one thing and marriage is another. من تحسب نفسك؟ Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are? هذا لا يغير شيئاً. That doesn't change anything. That doesn't change anything. ما الذي تريدهُ هى؟ What does she want? What does she want? خاط سامي جيبه المثقوب. Sami sewed up the hole in his pocket. Sammy sewed his pierced pocket. ما كان يجب علي أن أثق بتوم I shouldn't have trusted Tom. I shouldn't have trusted Tom. أمضت ليلى يوما كاملا بدون تناول دواء حيويّ. Layla went a full day without vital medication. Leyla spent a whole day without taking a biomedicine. كان فاضل مهتمّا بالخيول. Fadil was interested in horses. Fadel was interested in horses. إبقي نحيفة. Stay thin. Stay skinny. كان المدرّس يسخر من جسمي فعليّا. The teacher literally body-shamed me. The teacher was actually making fun of my body. تعال لتستريح قليلا. Come have a rest. Come rest for a while. قال فيليب: تعال و تحقق بنفسك. "Come and see", said Philip. Philip said, “Come and see for yourself.” سامي كاذب منعدم المبادئ. Sami is an unprincipled liar. Sammy is a principleless liar. لأننا نحبك، فها نحن نحدث تتويبا لتحصل أنت على تجربة استخدام أحسن. أترى؟ نحن نحبك، هاه؟ Because we love you, we are updating Tatoeba to bring you a better user experience. See? We love you huh? Because we love you, we're creating a spell for you to have a better use experience. See? We love you, huh? إلى أين نحن ذاهبون؟ Where are we going? Where are we going? انا احب ذلک. I like that. I like that. أعد الكتاب في أقرب فرصة ممكنة. Return this book as soon as you can. Prepare the book as soon as possible. خَطهُ رديء. His handwriting is poor. His plan sucks. لم يرى سامي من أطلق النّار عليه. Sami didn't see who shot him. Sammy didn't see who shot him. كان سامي مشوّشا. Sami was lost. Sammy was confused. الجميع سعداء. All are happy. Everyone's happy. كان سامي يريد المال فقط. Sami just wanted money. Sammy just wanted the money. تحسن الوضع. It's gotten better. The situation has improved. الأخضر بيليق عليك. Green suits you. It's green on you. ايه اللي كين قاعد بياكله؟ What is Ken eating? Who's eating it? قد لا نتحمل سعره. We may not be able to afford it. We may not be able to afford it. أريد أن أكون طبيباً في المستقبل. I want to be a doctor in the future. I want to be a doctor in the future. دائماً ما تبقي غرفتها نظيفة. She always keeps her room clean. She always keeps her room clean. لديه قطان: أحدهما أسود والآخر أبيض. He keeps two cats: one is black, and the other white. He has two cats: one black and one white. اشتغلت ليلى في نادٍ للتّعرّي آملة أن تربح المال بسرعة. Layla worked at a strip club, hoping to earn a quick buck. Layla worked at a strip club hoping to make money fast. لا تستخف بمقدرتي. Don't underestimate me. Don't underestimate me. اسمع Listen up. Listen. هل توصّلت أن تقنع فاضل؟ Did you manage to convince Fadil? Did you get to convince Fadel? لو شئ مُمتع, أنا أود أن أفعلهُ, بالطبع. If something is fun, I like to do it, of course. If it's fun, I'd like to do it, of course. يعقد الآن المعرض الفني في كيوتو. The art exhibition is now being held in Kyoto. The art exhibition is now held in Kyoto. ليس من الضروري أن تذهب. You don't have to go there. You don't have to go. لم أنت بمفردك؟ Why are you alone? Why are you alone? هل يبدو هذا مألوفا لك؟ Does this look familiar to you? Does that sound familiar to you? ناداني المدرّس. The teacher called me up. The teacher called me. أنا عضو في نادي السباحة. I'm a member of the swimming club. I'm a member of the swimming club. يا راجل أنا لسة شايفها ع الأخبار، انت هتشككني ف نفسي؟ Man, I just saw it on the news! Damn, you're making me doubt my own eyes! Hey, man, I don't see the news. You're questioning me? كان مدرّسنا في العلوم. He was our science teacher. He was our science teacher. هل فهموا؟ Did they understand? Do they understand? انضمّت ليلى إلى مخيّم للنّازيّين الجدد. Layla joined a neo-Nazi camp. Leyla joined a neo-Nazi camp. ضاع حذاء سامي. Sami's shoes were missing. Sammy's shoes are missing. لا يهتمّ سامي باليوتوب. Sami wasn't into YouTube. Sammy doesn't care about YouTube. سنتبعك فحسب. We'll just follow you. We'll just follow you. كان سامي في مكان مُنعت فيه السّباحة. Sami was in a no-swim zone. Sammy was in a place where swimming was banned. كان عمر سامي خمسة عشر أو ستة عشر عاما. Sami was fifteen or sixteen. Sami was fifteen or sixteen years old. بلغ جون أني اتصلت من فضلك. Please tell John that I called. Tell John I called, please. من فضلك أرني إياها مرة أخرى. Please show it to me again. Please show it to me again. تكون ماري زوجتي. Mary is my wife. Mary is my wife. سأساعدك في توفير بعض الوقت. I'm going to help you save some time. I'll help you save some time. نادراً ما أراها. I see it rarely. I rarely see her. ذهب سامي للنّوم. Sami went to sleep. Sammy went to sleep. كان فاضل فردا محترما جدّا عند أهل الحي. Fadil was a highly regarded member of the community. He was a very respectable person to the people of the neighborhood. أجبر سامي ليلى على الذّهاب معه. Sami forced Layla to go with him. Sammy forced Lily to go with him. سيأخذ دقيقة من وقتك فقط. It'll only take a minute of your time. It'll only take a minute of your time. الذي قلته كان يجب أن يقال. What you said needed to be said. What you said should have been said. سامي يتعلّم العربيّة منذ سنتان. Sami has been learning Arabic for about two years. Sammy has been learning Arabic for two years. سامي يربح الكثير من المال. Sami makes good money. Sammy makes a lot of money. أنا أُحِب هاري, ليس أكثر من دراكو طبعاً, ولكن ما زلتُ أعتقد أنه لطيف. I like Harry, not as much as I like Draco of course, but still I think he's cool. I love Harry, not more than Draco, of course, but I still think he's cute. أنت تحب التفاح. You like apples. You love apples. هي مرنة في آرائها. She is flexible in her opinions. She is flexible in her opinions. سأكون هنا طوال اليوم I'll be here all day. I'll be here all day. احتسين ماء السكر بالتناوب. They took turns sipping sugar water. Drink sugar water alternately. بُنِيَ منزل توم في 2013. Tom's house was built in 2013. Tom's house was built in 2013. ذوق هذا التّين رائع. These figs taste amazing. This dragon tastes great. التطورات الاخيرة في الدواء جديرة بالملاحظة Recent advances in medicine are remarkable. Recent developments in medicine are noteworthy. الإنسانية لا تعني الإيمان بالله و إتباعه! Humanity doesn't mean belief in God and follow him! Humanity does not mean to believe in God and follow Him! عليك أن تلبس معطفا. You should wear a coat. You have to wear a coat. ما نوع الأكلات اليابانية التي تحبها؟ What kinds of Japanese food do you like? What kind of Japanese food do you like? ماذا تقصد؟ What do you mean? What do you mean? إنه يمارس رياضة النزحلق في هوكايدو كل شتاء . He skis in Hokkaido every winter. He does skateboarding in Hokkaido every winter. هذه عيادة و ليست قاعة رياضيّة. This is a clinic, not a gym. This is a clinic, not a gym. أشرق وجه الطفل حين رأى بابا نويل. The child's face glowed when he saw Santa Claus. The baby's face shone when he saw Santa. وضع توم السلاح على الأرض. Tom laid the gun down on the floor. Tom put the gun on the floor. أريد الذهاب إلى أمريكا يوماً من الأيام. I want to go to America someday. I want to go to America someday. غادر فاضل المنزل. Fadil left the house. Fadel left home. سامي معجب بليلى حقّا. Sami really likes Layla. Sammy really likes Lily. نحن رجال. We are men. We're men. هي لم تكتشف الحقيقة أبدا. She never found out the truth. She never found out the truth. راهي تمشط للعود. She brushes the horse. Rahi's combing for the lute. ما عندي وقت. I don't have time. I don't have time. توم لم يرد أن يرقص مع ماري Tom didn't want to dance with Mary. Tom didn't want to dance with Mary. ما تحڨرش لپوڥوار ديالي. Don't underestimate my power. What does it mean to be a DJ? ما علاباليش واش نقول. I just don't know what to say. What the fuck we say. من خرّب البستان؟ Who destroyed the garden? Who ruined the orchard? خطابها أثَر في الجمهور. Her speech moved the audience. Her speech affected the audience. لا تتدخل فيما لا يعنيك! Don't interfere with matters that do not concern you! Don't get involved in anything that doesn't concern you! لدي ثلاثة كلاب. I have three dogs. I have three dogs. بدأ سامي يومن بالكارما. Sami started to believe in karma. Sammy Yeomen started with karma. لماذا إستغرقَ هذا وقتاً طويلاً؟ Why did it take so long? Why did this take so long? الم یکن هذا واضحا؟ Was that not clear? Isn't that clear? إتفقوا على سعر. They agreed on a price. They agreed on a price. كان باستطاعة أحمد تسلُّق الأشجار العالية عندما كان طفلاً. When Ahmad was a boy, he could climb tall trees. Ahmed could climb tall trees when he was a child. لم يكن يعد توم يطيقه أكثر من ذلك. Tom couldn't stand it any longer. Tom couldn't stand it anymore. ما هي أكثر جملة تفضل؟ What is your favorite sentence? What's your favorite sentence? عولِج سامي حتّى شفي. Sami was nursed back to health. Sammy's been cured. أمسكه! Get him! Hold him! انتبه لما تقوله يا توم. Watch your mouth, Tom. Watch what you say, Tom. كنت أضاجع مدرّستي. I slept with my teacher. I was fucking my teacher. عاد سامي للعيش في المكان الذي كان يعيش فيه سابقا. Sami moved back. Sammy returned to live where he had previously lived. مقرف! Disgusting! Gross! لم نصدق ذلك We didn't believe it. We didn't believe it. كان سامي مخمورا. Sami was drunk. Sammy was drunk. كان سامي عالقا في القبو. Sami was trapped in the basement. Sammy was stuck in the basement. تركني سامي كالغبيّة في ذلك النّادي. Sami left me like an idiot in that club. Sammy left me like a fool in that club. ذلك ليس بإمكاني. I can't. That I can't. ذهبنا إلى هوكايدو الصيف الماضي. Last summer we went to Hokkaido. We went to Hokkaido last summer. انهِ هذا. Finish this. Finish this. أين هم؟ Where are they? Where are they? كان سامي يحبّ الحياة المريحة. Sami liked the good life. Sammy loved a comfortable life. ما الساعة الآن؟ What time is it? What time is it? يدرّب الفريق مدرّب جيّد. A good coach trains this team. The team trains a good coach. بطريقة أو بأخرى سنجد توم. One way or another, we'll find Tom. One way or another we'll find Tom. خيموا على حافة الماء. They camped at the water's edge. They camped on the edge of the water. هذه هي النافذة التي كسرها. This is the window he broke. This is the window he broke. دعنا نخرج من هنا قبل أن يرانا توم. Let's get out of here before Tom sees us. Let's get out of here before Tom sees us. لم تكن ليلى تجيب. Layla wasn't answering. Lily wasn't answering. هذا القاموس لا ينفع لشيء. This dictionary is not useful at all. This dictionary is useless for nothing. انتبه، ذاك الرجل معه مسدس. Watch out, the man has a gun. Careful, that guy's got a gun. العصافير تغرّد Birds sing. The birds are tweeting. سرق فاضل سيّارة. Fadil stole a car. Fadel stole a car. سامي يعيش حياة غريبة و مجنونة. Sami has a weird crazy life. Sammy is living a strange and crazy life. حضر علي إفطارا في منزل سامي. Ali attended an Iftar meal hosted by Sami. I had breakfast at Sam’s house. كرهته. She hated him. I hated him. استيقظت في الخامسة هذا الصباح. I woke up at five this morning. I woke up at 5:00 this morning. لقد كنتُ معلماً لعامين. I've been a teacher for two years. I was a teacher for two years. الجزائر مثيرة للاهتمام. Algeria is interesting. Algeria is interesting. هذا مفتاحك. This is your key. That's your key. أمطرت مطراً خفيفاً البارحة. There was a light rain yesterday. It rained a little yesterday. علمنا أن توم لن يتأخر. We knew Tom wouldn't be late. We knew Tom wouldn't be late. هل أنتِ تخونيني؟ Are you cheating on me? Are you cheating on me? قتل سامي ليلى ثمّ قتل نفسه. Sami killed Layla then he took his life. Sammy killed Layla and then killed himself. سامي ينام هنا. Sami sleeps here. Sammy's sleeping here. هل سبق وكنت هناك من قبل ؟ Were you there before? Have you ever been there? قررت أن أترك المدرسة. I decided to leave the school. I decided to leave school. تعاطف المدرّس معي. The teacher sympathized with me. The teacher sympathized with me. أيمكنك إثبات ذلك؟ Can you prove it? Can you prove it? ليست لديّ شهية. I have no appetite. I don't have an appetite. من الممكن تدريب الذاكرة من خلال شرب القهوة. It is possible to train the memory by drinking coffee. It is possible to train memory by drinking coffee. اعترف سامي بكلّ شيء. Sami confessed everything. Sammy confessed to everything. هل تلك عربتك؟ Is that your carriage? Is that your carriage? كيف خطرت ببالك فكرة المعرض هذا؟ How did you come up with the idea for this exhibition? How did you come up with this exhibition idea? كان فاضل يحبّ المدرسة. Fadil enjoyed school. Fadel loved school. أرغم سامي ليلى على ممراسة الجنس الشّفوي معه. Sami had Layla perform oral sex on him. Sammy forced Layla to have oral sex with him. هل تظن حقا أن توم لن يأتي؟ Do you really think that Tom won't come? Do you really think Tom's not coming? أريد أن أتقرّب منك. I want to get closer to you. I want to get close to you. تلقّيت بطاقتك للتّو. I just received your card. I just got your card. قال توم أنه يحتاج إلى أن يتصل بالشرطة. Tom said that he needs to call the police. Tom said he needed to call the police. هل اتصل بي أحد عندما كنت في الخارج؟ Did anyone call me while I was out? Did anyone call me when I was out? نشأ سامي في مدينة جامعيّة نابضة بالحيويّة. Sami grew up in a vibrant college town. Sami grew up in a vibrant university town. رائع! Brilliant! Wow! إنّي أترجم مقالا. I am translating an article. I'm translating an article. هل يمكننى مساعدتك؟ Can I help you? Can I help you? أهذا هو الطريق إلى المحطة؟ Is this the way to the station? Is this the way to the station? انا حساس جدا من البرد. ممكن اعطائي بطانية أخرى I'm very sensitive to cold. May I have another blanket? I'm so sensitive to the cold. شكرا على القهوة يا عزيزتي. Thanks for the coffee, sweetheart. Thanks for the coffee, honey. أنا خلفه مباشرة . I'm right behind him. I'm right behind him. سأقوله مرّة واحدة فقط، إذن تسمع بعناية I will say this only once, so listen carefully. I'll only say it once, so listen carefully. إنني أفعل هذا لأجله. I'm doing it for him. I'm doing this for him. نقدر نستعمل لقلم ديالك. Can I use your pencil? We can use your pen. لقد أحببني المدرّس. The teacher liked me. The teacher loved me. راني قريب نهبل. I'm about to lose my mind. Rani is nearby. كان كلا من توم وماري غائبان اليوم. Both Tom and Mary were absent today. Both Tom and Mary were absent today. إن الجميع يحترمك. You're respected by everybody. Everyone respects you. لدينا الكثير من العمل للقيام به قبل الذهاب للمنزل We have a lot of work to do before we can go home. We have a lot of work to do before we go home. لا أتكلم العربية بشكل جيد جدا. I don't speak Arabic very well. I don't speak Arabic very well. حاولت ألا تنظر إليه. She tried not to look at him. I tried not to look at him. مرحباً, هل تناولتم الطعام؟ Hello, have you already eaten? Hey, did you guys eat? إنها تأمل أن تصبح مصممة أزياء. She hopes to become a designer. She hopes to become a fashion designer. يعرف سامي ليلى منذ سنواته في الجامعة. Sami has known Layla from college. Sammy has known Leyla since his college years. إنها تعشق توم. She loves Tom. She loves Tom. أين تعمل؟ Where does she work? Where do you work? وصلت هنا مساء الإثنين. I got here Monday night. I got here Monday night. متأكد أن توم لن يفعل ذلك. I'm sure Tom would never do that. I'm sure Tom won't. سيفوتك القطار. You will miss the train. You'll miss the train. هل هناك أي إمكانية لإعادة شحن الموبايل بدون أي تكلفة؟ Is there any possible way to recharge our mobile free of cost? Is there any possibility to recharge the mobile at no cost? سامي أفضل من فريد. Sami is better than Farid. Sammy's better than Fred. مرحبا, ادخل Hi, come on in. Hey, come in. توجد جثّة في صندوق السيّارة. There's a body in the trunk of the car. There's a body in the trunk. انتهى الأمر بفيديو عراك سامي بنشره على اليوتوب. Sami's fight eventually landed on YouTube. Sammy's fight video ended up being posted on YouTube. هتمي شكلها فرحانه أوي. Hitomi looked very happy. - It's kind of fun. - Oi. تريد عبور النفق؟ You want to go via the tunnel? You want to cross the tunnel? إنها تعيش في نيويورك. She lives in New York. She lives in New York. سأقاضيك. I'll sue you. I'll sue you. هذه هي القرية التي أخبرتك عنها. This is the town I told you about. This is the village I told you about. هل سينجو سامي؟ Will Sami survive? Will Sammy survive? أريدكم أن تذهبوا جميعا إلى مؤخّرة الحافلة. I want you all in the back of the bus. I want you all to go to the back of the bus. إسحاق يهودي، لكن لغته الأولى هي العربيّة. الإنجليزيّة هي لغته الثّانية. الفرنسيّة هي لغته الثّالثة، أمّا العبريّة فهي لغته الرّابعة. Yitzhak is Jewish, but his first language is Arabic. English is his second language. French is his third, and Hebrew is his fourth. Isaac is Jewish, but his first language is Arabic. English is his second language. French is his third language, and Hebrew is his fourth. شفت هادا؟ Did you see that? Have you seen it? توم أقترحَ ذَلك. Tom suggested it. Tom suggested it. لن يعمل الراديو. The radio will not work. The radio won't work. الأمازيغية هي لغتنا. Berber is our language. Amazigh is our language. أنت تستحقّ هذا المديح. You deserve those compliments. You deserve that praise. هو يتكلّم البرتغاليّة. He speaks Portuguese. He speaks Portuguese. "أين كنتِ؟" "كنت في اجتماع." "في اجتماع في الشّاطئ مع سامي؟" "Where were you?" "At a meeting." "A meeting at the beach with Sami?" Where were you? I was at a meeting. I was at a beach meeting with Sammy. نحن نفهم We understand. We understand. من الصعب التمييز بين الواقع و الخيال . Reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish. It’s hard to distinguish between reality and fantasy. اعتدى فاضل على ليلى. Fadil assaulted Layla. Fadel assaulted Layla. أراد سامي الانتظار في الخارج. Sami wanted to wait outside. Sammy wanted to wait outside. أُنظر إلى هذا. Look at this. Look at this. ظننت أننا لن نذهب إلى هناك. I thought we weren't going to go there. I thought we weren't going there. لا تستهن بقوتي. Don't underestimate my power. Don't underestimate my power. فهمت. I understood. I see. أنا أتسلى قليلا فقط. I'm just having some fun. I'm just having a little fun. من يريد القيام بهذا؟ Who would like to do that? Who wants to do this? أوقف ذلك Stop that. Stop it. أتريد صورتي؟ You want my picture? You want my picture? هو بحاجة للمساعدة فحسب. He just needs help. He just needs help. أنا لو كنت غنياً, كنت أود أن أعطيكَ مال. If I were rich, I'd give you money. If I was rich, I'd give you money. إقرأها مرة أخرى من فضلك. Read it once more, please. Read it again, please. هل سبق أن ذهبت إلى أمريكا؟ Have you ever been to America? Have you ever been to America? كانت الفتاة خائفة من ظلها. The girl was afraid of her own shadow. The girl was afraid of her shadow. انتحر سامي. Sami ended his own life. Sammy committed suicide. هل يمكنك وضع السيارة في المرآب؟ Can you keep the car in the garage? Can you put the car in the garage? وجد سامي تلك الفتاة. Sami found the girl. Sammy found that girl. سامي يحبّك. Sami likes you. Sammy loves you. أخذ سامي حياة ليلى. Sami has stolen Layla's life. Sammy took Lily's life. قتلت نفسها. She took her own life. She killed herself. أعمل مع سالي في المكتب نفسه. Sally and I work in the same office. I work with Sally in the same office. كان سامي بالجوار، ينتظر ليلى بصبر كي تنهي الحديث مع صديقاتها. Sami was close-by, waiting patiently for Layla to finish talking with her girlfriends. Sammy was around, waiting patiently for Layla to finish talking to her friends. بإمكاننا مقاطعة إسرائيل. We can boycott Israel. We can boycott Israel. وجب على السياح مغادرة البلدة قبل حلول الفجر . The tourists had to leave the town before dawn. Tourists had to leave town before dawn. نُقِلت ليلى إلى المستشفى. Layla was taken to the hospital. Lily was taken to the hospital. انتهى الاجتماع على التاسعة. The meeting finished at nine. The meeting ended at 9:00. إن هناك للقاعدة من ينتسبون لها في عدة بلدان وممن يسعون إلى توسعة نطاق أنشطتهم. وما أقوله ليس بآراء قابلة للنقاش وإنما هي حقائق يجب معالجتها They have affiliates in many countries and are trying to expand their reach. These are not opinions to be debated; these are facts to be dealt with. There are al-Qaeda affiliates in several countries who are seeking to expand their activities, and what I'm saying is not debatable views, but facts that need to be addressed. خرجت مع أصدقائها. She left with her friends. I went out with her friends. وصف المقال الإخباري المتهَم أنه مذنب بالرغم من إثبات براءته. The news article painted the defendant as a guilty man, even though he had been proven innocent. The accusing news article described him as guilty despite proving his innocence. أعترف بأنني كنت مهملاً. I admit that I was careless. I admit I was careless. كان سامي يدرس الإسلام سرّيّا. Sami was secretly studying Islam. Sammy was secretly studying Islam. عدد سكان الصين أكبر من اليابان. The population of China is larger than that of Japan. China has a larger population than Japan. ليلى فتاة. Layla is a girl. Lily's a girl. كان سامي غاضبا. Sami was furious. Sammy was angry. كانا ليلى و سامي يريدان قضاء يوم مثالي. Layla and Sami wanted to spend a perfect day. Lily and Sammy wanted to have a perfect day. أحب أختها الصغرى كثيراً. I like her younger sister very much. I love her little sister very much. لايستطيع توم أن يكف عن شرب الكحول Tom cannot stop drinking alcohol. Tom can't stop drinking. تقريباً. Almost. Pretty much. إبن زنا! Bastard! Son of a bitch! هل تتكلم اللغة الإنجليزية؟ Do you speak English? Do you speak English? هي لا تكرهكَ يا توم. She doesn't hate you, Tom. She doesn't hate you, Tom. هو عرضنا صورةً أمه. He showed us a picture of his mother. He showed us his mother's picture. نظرت حولي. I looked around me. I looked around. نحن نبيع عصير البرتقال. We sell orange juice. We sell orange juice. انا مندهش , توم I'm impressed, Tom. I'm impressed, Tom. استيقظ سامي بعد غيبوبة دامت ستّ أسابيع. Sami woke up after a six-week coma. Sammy woke up after a six-week coma. أعرفُ كَم يعني لكِ. I know how much he means to you. I know how much it means to you. لا توله اهتماما، أرجوك. Please don't mind him. Don't pay attention, please. زحف سامي عبر نافذته. Sami crawled in through this window. Sammy crawled through his window. الجزائر تحد ليبيا. Algeria makes drones. Algeria borders Libya. كان سامي يستعير من أخيه لمدّة طويلة. Sami was borrowing from his brother for a long time. Sammy had been borrowing from his brother for a long time. أشكرك على مساعدتك مقدمًا. Thank you in advance for your help. Thank you for your help in advance. هناك على الأقل ثلاثون طالب في صفنا. There are at least thirty students in our class. There are at least 30 students in our class. الحادثة دي حصلت بسبب إهماله The accident happened because he wasn't careful. The incident was caused by his negligence. تريد كأساً آخر من الشاي؟ أعددت لك كأساً منذ لحظات قليلة! You want another cup of tea? I've just made you one! Want another cup of tea? I made you a few moments ago! هي تحبّ أطفالها. She loves her children. She loves her kids. كان سامي صديقا لأصدقاء ليلى. Sami was friends with Layla's friends. Sammy was friends with Lily's friends. إنتظر دقيقة, توم! Wait a minute, Tom! Wait a minute, Tom! أفلح سامي. Sami was successful. It worked, Sammy. هو و أنا في نفس العمر He and I are the same age. He and I are the same age. الحب و الكره شعوران متعاكسان Love and hate are opposite emotions. Love and hate are opposite feelings. أحس بالخطر فهرب. Sensing danger, he ran away. He felt dangerous and ran away. سينيد أوكونور أدت الشهادتين. Sinéad O'Connor made the shahada. Sinead O'Connor performed the two degrees. هذه فكرة جيدة! That's a good idea! That's a good idea! انا حامل. I am pregnant. I'm pregnant. اعرف كيف يشعر توم. I know how Tom feels. I know how Tom feels. سامي ينتظر إدانته. Sami is waiting to be sentenced. Sammy's waiting to be convicted. الانثروبولوجيا الثقافية تدرس العادات و التقاليد للأفراد و القواعد التي صنعوها مثل كيف يتواصلون مع بعضهم أو كيف يتصرفون في بعض الأمور. Cultural Anthropology studies the tradition and norms of people and the rules they made as how they interact with one another or behave in some cretin ways. Cultural anthropology studies the habits and traditions of individuals and the rules they have created, such as how they communicate with each other or how they behave in certain matters. هل تعرف كيف تصلح التلفاز؟ Do you know how to fix this TV? Do you know how to fix a TV? متى يصل هذا القطار إلى يوكوهاما؟ What time does this train reach Yokohama? When does this train arrive in Yokohama? كان سامي مضطربا. Sami was very troubled. Sammy was upset. تعلّمت نعيش بلا بيها. I learned to live without her. I learned to live without her. أنا مواطن أمريكي. I am an American citizen. I'm an American citizen. سألني سائق الحافلة بالأمازيغية: "إلى أين أنت ذاهب؟" The bus driver asked me in Berber: "Where are you going?" The Amazigh bus driver asked me, "Where are you going?" لم يكن بوسع الأطبّاء فعل أيّ شيء لليلى. There really wasn't anything that doctors could do to Layla. The doctors couldn't do anything for Lilly. السيد إيتو رجل متعلم. Mr Ito is a highly educated man. Mr. Ito is an educated man. إن هذا للطفٌ منك. It was nice of you to say that. That's nice of you. إنك تكبر المشكلة. You are exaggerating the problem. You're making a big deal. أيمكنك أن تجاري سرعته في السباحة؟ Can you swim as fast as he can? Can you keep up with his speed? تلقّى سامي اتّصالا من ابنة فريد. Sami received a call from Farid's daughter. Sammy got a call from Fred's daughter. من فضلك البس حذاءك. Please put on your shoes. Please put your shoes on. بدأ سامي يصرخ و يصيح و يلكم الجدار. Sami was screaming and yelling and punching the wall. Sammy started screaming and yelling and punching the wall. يكرهني مدرّسي. My teacher hates me. My teacher hates me. هم يصدقونها. They believe it. They believe her. بقي سامي حيّا لبضع ساعات قبل أن يموت أخيرا في المستشفى. Sami lingered for a few hours before eventually dying at the hospital. Sammy survived for a few hours before finally dying in hospital. نصحت توم أن يخبرهم بقراره مسبقاً بدلاً من أن يفاجئهم به. I advised Tom to prepare them for his decision instead of just springing it on them suddenly. She advised Tom to inform them of his decision in advance rather than surprise them with it. كان آرت معاديا للسّاميّة إلى حدّ لا يُصدّق. Aart was incredibly antisemitic. Art was incredibly anti-Semitic. انتهى العالم البارحة بينما كنت نائما. The world has ended yesterday while I was sleeping. The world ended yesterday while you were sleeping. توم شكرني على الهدية. Tom thanked me for the gift. Tom thanked me for the gift. أنا أعلّمهم السباحة. I'm teaching them to swim. I'm teaching them to swim. يُقال أن الحب أعمى. They say love is blind. They say love is blind. لا تشكرني من فضلك. Please don't thank me. Please don't thank me. كان ذلك الضّجيج صاخبا. That noise was deafing. That noise was loud. الضجة أتت نتيجة إنفجار. The noise resulted from an explosion. The noise came from an explosion. لقد طلب مني مال. He asked me for money. He asked me for money. اليوم بارد Today it is cold. Today's cold. لم يكن هناك أيّ أثر للحياة. There was no sign of life. There was no sign of life. تعرّف فاضل على امرأة مسلمة. Fadil met a Muslim woman. Fadel identified with a Muslim woman. لا تتحدى من ليس لديه ما يخسره. Don't challenge someone who has nothing to lose. Don’t challenge someone who has nothing to lose. طول محنا عايشين لازم نشتغل. As long as we live, we have to work. Long live we have to work. لقد تغيّرت الأمور كثيرا هنا. Things have changed a lot down here. Things have changed a lot here. شكرا مرة أخرى Thanks again. Thanks again. فتحتُ الباب وخرجت من السيارة. I opened the door and got out of the car. I opened the door and got out of the car. قلت لك أن ذلك سيكون مملاً. I told you this was going to be boring. I told you that would be boring. إلى ماذا تنظر؟ What're you looking at? What are you looking at? لسامي و ليلى ستّ أطفال. Sami and Layla have six children. Sammy and Lily have six children. أعلن سامي حربا على سكّان الحيّ بأكمله. Sami declared a war to the whole neighborhood. Sammy declared war on the entire neighborhood. الْبَحْرُ أَخْضَرُ. The sea is green. The sea I'm greening. لقد كان من الواضح أنها في ألم. She was obviously in pain. She was obviously in pain. كُلْ ما تريد. Eat whatever you like. Eat whatever you want. لا يمكن التّنبّؤ بتصرّفات سامي. Sami is just unpredictable. Sammy's actions cannot be predicted. ليس لدي الوقت لشراء ربطة عنق جديدة قبل الوليمة. I don't have time to buy a new tie before the banquet. I don't have time to buy a new tie before the feast. أنتِ فقط تهربين من مشاكل الحياة. You're just running away from life's problems. You're just running away from life's problems. أحب السباحة. I like to swim. I like swimming. أنا نباتي. I am vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. لا يمكنني فعل ذلك. I can't do it. I can't do that. أنت لا تعلم بالقصة كاملة. You don't know the whole story. You don't know the whole story. ما فعلتيهِ أنتِ كان خاطئاً. What you did was wrong. What you did was wrong. من فضلك سامحني. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. لا يمكنني الانتظار للوصول الى المنزل والنوم في سريري. I can hardly wait to get home and sleep in my own bed. I can't wait to get home and sleep in my bed. هذه الوردة أجمل من تلك. This flower is more beautiful than that one. This rose is more beautiful than that. تعجبني اللغة اليابانية كثيرا. I like the Japanese language very much. I like Japanese very much. أراد سامي أن يتزوّج من امرأة مسلمة. Sami wanted to marry a Muslim woman. Sammy wanted to marry a Muslim woman. هذه التفاحة شديدة الحمرة. This apple is very red. This apple is so red. سقطت منّي مفاتيحي. I dropped my keys. I dropped my keys. توفيت أمي عندما كنت طفلة. My mother died when I was a child. My mother died when I was a child. انظر إلي Look at me. Look at me. قال سامي أنّه لديه من سيوصله بسيّارته. Sami said he had a ride. Sammy said he had someone to drive him. كان سامي يخاطر. Sami took chances. Sammy was taking a risk. يقولون ان في كل سنة اعداد السياح في تشرين الأول تكون الاعظم . They say that every year the number of tourists is greatest in October. They say that every year the number of tourists in October is the greatest. لدينا ثلاثة حراس أمن يتبادلون الأدوار. We have three security guards who take shifts. We have three security guards on the move. كان لدينا مدرّس عنصري. We had a racist teacher. We had a racist teacher. ما جّيكش مام پا في راسك تاكول لّي شّيكولا ديالي. Don't you even think of eating my chocolate! What's wrong with your head is that I have a Chicola Dialle. دعنا لا نستعجل كثيرًا. Let's not be in too much of a hurry. Let's not rush too fast. لا أتحمل البرد. I can't stand the cold. I can't stand the cold. أعتقد أننا يجب أن نفعل المزيد. I think we should do some more. I think we should do more. عادة ما يستلقي كلبي على العشب. My dog often lies on the grass. My dog usually lies on the grass. أنا أحبه. I love it. I love him. سُرقت نقودي. I had my money stolen. My money was stolen. البحيرة عميقة هنا. The lake is deep here. The lake is deep here. لماذا تعتقد ذلك؟ Why do you think so? Why do you think that? أملكُ لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على حاسوبي. I have the berber keyboard on my computer. I have the Amazigh keyboard on my computer. هذا ما قاله توم لي. That was what Tom told me. That's what Tom told me. ليس في قاموسي كلمة مستحيل. I don't know the word 'impossible'. There's no impossible word in my dictionary. نضع العالم بين يديك. We put the world at your fingertips. Put the world in your hands. هذا ليس من شأننا. That's not our business. It's none of our business. هاد الدّر للكرا، ماشي للبيع. This is a house to let, not to be sold. It's for the kra, it's for sale. إن احتجت المال سأطلبه من والدي. If I need money, I'll ask my father. If you need the money, I'll ask my father. كان لون شعر ليلى قاتما. Layla had dark hair. Lily's hair was dark. أنا اعتدت أن أفكر أنه من واجبي أن أساعد توم. I used to think it was my responsibility to help Tom. I used to think it was my job to help Tom. أيمكنني استعارة هذا الكتاب؟ May I borrow this book? Can I borrow this book? هذه الكتب لي. These books belong to me. These books are mine. أنا من المملكة العربية السعودية. I'm from Saudi Arabia. I am from Saudi Arabia. كل ما نحن بحاجة إليه هو خطة. All we need is a plan. All we need is a plan. توقف الحصان و رفض أن يتحرك. The horse stopped and wouldn't move. The horse stopped and refused to move. مضى شهران منذ وصولي إلى طوكيو. It has been two months since my arrival in Tokyo. It's been two months since I arrived in Tokyo. غادر سامي المسجد. Sami left the mosque. Sammy left the mosque. لم يسبق لسامي و أن قابل مسلما في حياته. Sami had never met a Muslim in his life. Sammy has never met a Muslim in his life. أُصيب المدرّس بصدمة. The teacher was shocked. The teacher was shocked. علي أن أنهض على كل حال. I have to get up anyways. I have to get up anyway. لقد أنهيت العمل للتو. I just finished work. I just got off work. بالرغم من أن هذا البيت ليس قلعة أو قصرا، إلا أنه يجعلك تحس بالأمان. This house is no fortress or castle, but it still instills a sense of security. Although this house is not a castle or palace, it makes you feel safe. إن لم تُنهِ حساءَك، فلن تُشاهِد التِّفاز اللّيلة. If you don't finish your soup, there will be no TV tonight. If you don't finish your soup, you're not watching TV tonight. هذه سيارة أبي. This car is my father's. This is my dad's car. يجب ان تلتزم الصمت You must keep quiet. You need to keep quiet. تفطّن سامي لهذا. Sami has realized that. Sammy figured it out. لنلعب كرة القدم. Let's play soccer. Let's play football. قلت ذلك. I said that. I said that. أعلم أنّك لا تستحقّ ذلك. I know you don't deserve that. I know you don't deserve this. لدي سيارة قديمة. I have an old car. I have an old car. هناك شيء لم أذكره. There's one thing I didn't mention. There's something I didn't mention. مفيش أي مشاكل. There are no problems. No problems. لم يكن سوى ثلاثة بالغين في تلك الغرفة. There were only three adults in the room. There were only three adults in that room. أنا متأكد من أنها ستعود قريباً. I'm sure that she will come back soon. I'm sure she'll be back soon. الوسادة لم تعد مثل الأول. The cushion has lost its spring. The pillow is no longer like the first. الجبن أصفر. The cheese is yellow. The cheese is yellow. ما علاباليش واش رح يصرى. I want to know what'll happen. What's wrong with him is still going on. هل هذه الكتب لك؟ Are these books yours? Are these books yours? لكۆمّونيكاسيۆن ديالهوم راهي پلوس كۆمپلكس علا واش حساباتلنا. Their communication may be much more complex than we thought. We've got a lot of calculations to do. توم؟ أعتقدت أنك ميت. Tom? I thought you were dead. I thought you were dead. ابق مكانك. Stay where you are. Stay there. ماذا تعتقدون؟ What do you think? What do you think? عليّ أن أخلد إلى النوم. I have to go to bed. I have to go to sleep. كان صبيّ سامي نائما. Sami's baby was sleeping. Sammy's boy was asleep. علابالي واش راه باغي يشري توم. I know what Tom wants to buy. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. أنا لا أريد أن أتحدث عن طفلي. I don't want to talk about my child. I don't want to talk about my baby. أهذا هو المفتاح الذي كنت تبحث عنه؟ Is this the key you were looking for? Is that the key you were looking for? أظن أننا تحادثنا عبر الهاتف. I believe we spoke on the phone. I think we spoke on the phone. اقترح سامي المساعدة. Sami offered help. Sammy suggested help. كان من الممكن أن أرى كيلي، لو أنني وصلت مبكرا. Had I arrived earlier, I could have seen Kelly. I could have seen Kelly if I had arrived sooner. ما رانيش ناوي ندير واش طلب منّي طوم نديرو. I don't intend to do what Tom asked me to do. What Ranesh Nawi is running is what Tom Ndiro asked me to do. هل أستطيع أن أرى جواز سفرك؟ Can I see your passport? Can I see your passport? كان سامي يتلقّى علاجا. Sami went through treatment. Sammy was being treated. ماذا قال سامي بالضّبط؟ What did Sami tell you exactly? What exactly did Sam say? سحب سامي ليلى على الطّريق. Sami dragged Layla onto the road. Sammy pulled Lily on the way. قفز كين من فوق الحائط. Ken jumped over the wall. Ken jumped over the wall. هل أستطيع أن أسألك عن اسمك؟ May I ask your name? Can I ask you your name? أنت تستخف به . You are selling him short. You underestimate him. قميصك ملبوس بالمقلوب. Your shirt is inside out. Your shirt's on backwards. حساباتلي خوه. I mistook him for his brother. My accounts are khoh. إن كلامي كالمرآة فإذا قرأهُ حمارٌ فلا تتوقع أن يرى وجه ملاك . My words are like a mirror; if a jackass read them, then don't expect he'd see an angel's face. My words are like a mirror, and when a donkey reads them, do not expect him to see the face of an angel. ربّما علينا الذّهاب إلى ورشة الإصلاحة. Maybe we should go to the repair shop. Maybe we should go to the repair shop. أمسك يدي. Grab my hand. Hold my hand. إنها تتحدث ثلاث لغات. She speaks three languages. She speaks three languages. من أين حصل على هذه الكنزة؟ Where did he get that sweater? Where did he get this sweater? ليلى تحبّ التّجميل. Layla likes makeup. Lily loves beauty. علينا القيام بتحليل للدم. We have to do a blood test. We need to do a blood test. أهذه هي الطّريقة التي اكتشفتها من أجل محاربة الاكتئاب؟ Is this the way you have found to fight depression? Is this the way you found out to fight depression? هل تحتاج حقا لكلب إضافي؟ Do you really need one more dog? Do you really need an extra dog? وجد سامي نفسه في سرير مستشفى. Sami found himself in a hospital bed. Sammy found himself in a hospital bed. أتمتلك سيارة؟ Do you have a car? You own a car? أنا أستطيع أن أعيش بدون ماء. I can live without water. I can live without water. لم أشترِ كلّ ما طلبه منّي سامي. I didn't buy everything Sami asked me to buy. I didn't buy everything Sammy asked me to. يجب أن تعمل بجد حتى لا تفشل. You must work hard in order not to fail. You have to work hard to not fail. التقى سامي بليلى عام ١٩٩٦. Sami met Layla in 1996. Sammy met Lily in 1996. توم خائف جداً. Tom was very scared. Tom's so scared. ابتسم. Smile. Smile. احفظ المال في مكان آمن. Keep the money in a safe place. Keep the money in a safe place. اين تعيش في تركيا؟ Where in Turkey do you live? Where do you live in Turkey? لا أصدق! I can't believe it! Unbelievable! أذّن سامي. Sami recited the adhan. Sammy's ears. الصحة أهم من المال. Health is more important than wealth. Health is more important than money. هل تحب ذلك؟ Do you like it? Do you like it? توم هو أبي Tom is my dad. Tom is my father. كانت تلك التفاحة حقا لذيذة. That apple was really tasty. That apple was really delicious. لا تنمْ والأنوار مضاءة. Don't sleep with the light left on. Don't sleep with the lights on. توقّفت حياة سامي. Sami's life stopped. Sammy's life stopped. سأل سامي ليلى إن كان بإمكانه استعارة المزيد. Sami asked Layla if he could borrow more money. Sammy asked Layla if he could borrow more. سامي من هواة اليوتوب. Sami is a YouTuber. Sammy's a YouTube fan. أشعل سامي الاضاءة. Sami switched the light on. Sammy turned on the lights. أنا سعيدٌ بمعرفتك. I'm very happy to know you. I'm glad to know you. ما قعدتش بزاف. She didn't last long. It's not bad. فاضل ليس بالدّاخل. Fadil isn't in. Fadel is not inside. تحقق حولها. Check around. Check around. إجلسي يا كيت. Sit down, Kate. Sit down, Kate. أمي تكبر أبي عمراً. Mom is older than Dad. My mom's growing up. استمر المطر خمسة أيام. The rain lasted five days. The rain lasted five days. كان سامي يتناول الدّواء. Sami was on medication. Sammy was on medication. تكلم بصوت اعلى لفائدة الذين في المؤخرة . Speak louder for the benefit of those in the rear. Speak louder for those in the ass. أنا سعيد جداً. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. منّاد يعلم. Mennad knows. Munad knows. الأمر عينه حصل لصديق لي بعد أسبوع! The exact same thing happened to my friend a week later! The same thing happened to a friend of mine a week later! لم أقصد فعل ذلك. I didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean to. لي ثلاث أخوات. I have three sisters. I have three sisters. أريد رؤية توم قبل مغادرتي. I want to see Tom before I leave. I want to see Tom before I leave. أسوأ طريقةٍ للإضرار بقضيةٍ ما هي بالدفاع عنها باستخدام حجج خاطئة عمدًا. The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments. The worst way to harm a case is to defend it using deliberately wrong arguments. هذه جملة. This is a sentence. That's a sentence. لم يكن سامي شرطيّا صادقا. Sami was a crooked cop. Sammy wasn't an honest cop. لماريكان پلاصا شابّا باش تعيش، ادا راك هنا باش تدير دراهم. America is a lovely place to be, if you are here to earn money. Marikan Glasa is a young bash living, Ada Rak is here bash runs their Dirham. أحدثت العاصفة الكثير من الخسائر. The storm caused a lot of damage. The storm caused a lot of damage. توم قُطع رأسه خلال الآيام الأخيرة من الحرب. Tom was beheaded during the last days of the war. Tom was beheaded during the last days of the war. أنا حقّا بحاجة لأطلب منك معروفا. I really need to ask you a favor. I really need to ask you a favor. كان فاضل تحت تأثير المخدّرات و بدون مساعدة. Fadil was drugged and helpless. Fadel was under the influence of drugs and without help. ما الذي يعجبك بشأنها؟ What do you like about her? What do you like about her? لم أنت تبكي؟ Then why are you crying? Why are you crying? المسلمون يدفنون موتاهم في المقبرة. Muslims bury their dead in graves. Muslims bury their dead in the cemetery. أُحضِر فاضل إلى محطّة الشّرطة و استُجوِب. Fadil was brought into the police station and questioned. Fadel was brought to the police station and interrogated. هي أكلت التفاحة. She ate the apple. She ate the apple. لدى فرنسا حدود مشتركة مع إيطاليا. France has a common border with Italy. France shares a border with Italy. عليك أن تتحدث معهم. You have to go talk to them. You need to talk to them. أين هي؟ Where is she? Where is it? أريد فقط أن تساعدني. I just wanted you to help me. I just want you to help me. انه يحب الشاي. He likes tea. He loves tea. هذا صعبٌ جداً. This is extremely hard. This is so hard. أستطيع فهم الأمازيغية لكن لا أستطيع تكلمها. I can understand Berber but can't speak it. I can understand Tamazight, but I can't speak it. أظن أنه ذهب إلى كيوتو. He may have left for Kyoto. I think he went to Kyoto. أساء الملك استخدام سلطته. The king abused his power. The king abused his power. لا تنس معاينة الدّواليب. Don't forget to check the tires. Don't forget to check the closets. لا يحبّ يانّي حبّات التّين الرّخوة. Yanni doesn't like squishy figs. Yanni doesn't like soft figs. كانوا واقفين في طابور. They were standing in a queue. They were standing in line. هذا الطالب نشيط جدًا. That student is very active. This student is very active. سُجِنَ رجل بتهمة العنصرية ، حيث تحدث بشكل معنف ضد المرأة مع سائح فرنسي . A man has been jailed for a racist, misogynist tirade against a French tourist. A man was jailed for racism, where he spoke violently against the woman with a French tourist. أراك في مابعد. See you later! See you later. يوجد حمام سياحة وصالة بولينج. There's a swimming pool and a bowling alley. There is a tourist bath and bowling alley. لا تقاتلني. Don't fight with me. Don't fight me. أخبرك الحقيقة. I am telling you the truth. Tell you the truth. كانت ليلى عطشة. Layla was thirsty. Lily was thirsty. سامي نائم. Sami is sleeping. Sammy's asleep. سأكون في الحمام. I'm going to be in the bathroom. I'll be in the bathroom. جهاز تحكم التلفاز تحت الأريكة. The TV remote control is under the couch. TV remote under the couch. كم هديةً تتوقع أنها استلمت في الإجازة الماضية؟ How many gifts do you think she received last holiday season? How many gifts do you expect she received last weekend? كنتُ في دبلن و شاهدتُ سينيد أوكونور تؤدي الشهادتين. I was in Dublin and I watched Sinéad O'Connor make the shahada. I was in Dublin and I watched Sinead O'Connor testify. أحرج سامي ليلى. Sami embarrassed Layla. Sammy embarrassed Lily. ما غرضك في زيارة هذا البلد؟ What's your purpose in visiting this country? What is your purpose in visiting this country? أين المخرج؟ Where's the exit? Where's the exit? ما حدث لهم لا يزال لغزا. What happened to them is still a mystery. What happened to them remains a mystery. وصل توم إلى المحطة متأخرا و لذا فاته القطار. Tom got to the station too late, so he missed the train. Tom arrived at the station late and so missed the train. اللغة الأمازيغية راه عَنْدْهَا أَكَادِيمِيّة ضُرْكْ فِي دْزايَرْ. The Berber language has an academy in Algeria now. The Amazigh language rah has a kadimi-darkness in Dzair. نحن مدرسون. We are teachers. We're teachers. افعله يا فاضل. Do it, Fadil. Do it, Fadel. بلده الأصلي هو ألمانيا. His home country is Germany. His native country is Germany. سأنزل من القطار عند المحطة القادمة. I'm getting off the train at the next stop. I'll get off the train at the next stop. هل ستبيع منزلك له؟ Will you sell your house to him? You gonna sell your house to him? أنا من جبل طارق. I am from Gibraltar. I'm from Gibraltar. سأنتقل للعيش معكِ. I'll move in. I'm moving in with you. يا زّح! ولّاه انتيك! Damn! It's not bad! Oh, my God! حاولت أن أجعل تشارلز يساعدني لكنه لم يفعل. I tried to get Charles to help me, but he wouldn't. I tried to get Charles to help me, but he didn't. لا يستطيع توم التكلم بالفرنسية كثيرا. Tom can't speak very much French. Tom can't speak much French. أُنْشِئَتْ مدارس. Schools were built. Schools have been established. هي لا تستحقّه. She doesn't deserve him. She doesn't deserve it. سأقتل هذه العادة أو أموت محاولا. I will kill this habit or die trying. I'll kill this habit or die trying. بالنسبة لي إن ذلك شيء مهم. For me, it's important. For me, that's important. كان سامي يريد أن يعيش حياته. Sami wanted to live his life. Sammy wanted to live his life. توفّي صديقي الأسبوع الماضي. My friend died last week. My friend died last week. هكذا هي الحياة. That's life. That's life. لا اعرف كيف أستخدم الشوكة جيداً. I can't use a fork well. I don't know how to use a fork. إنه يزعجني حقا. It's really bothering me. It really bothers me. هل تريدني أن اتحدث إليهم؟ Do you want me to talk to them? Do you want me to talk to them? هاجمنا العدو ليلاً. The enemy attacked us at night. The enemy attacked at night. كل ما عليك فعله هو الضغط على الزر. All you have to do is press the button. All you have to do is press the button. حاول توم ألا ينظر إلى ماري. Tom tried not to look at Mary. Tom tried not to look at Mary. أحضر لي الجريدة من فضلك. Bring me the newspaper, please. Bring me the paper, please. أريد أن أقول لك شيئاً. I want to say something to you. I want to tell you something. لدي القليل من المال , مع ذلك اشعر بالسعادة معك. I have little money; however, I feel happy with you. I have a little money, though. I'm happy with you. سامي لا يستحقّ ذلك. Sami doesn't deserve that. Sammy doesn't deserve it. يمكنك أن تقرأ هذا الكتاب . are you can read the book? You can read this book. احترق سامي بينما كان في غيبوبة. Sami was burned while he was in a coma. Sammy burned while in a coma. سأعيش في المدينة. I'll live in the city. I'll live in the city. كان سامي مسلما عاديّا. Sami was an ordinary Muslim. Sammy was an ordinary Muslim. بإمكانِكَ تعلّم الأمازيغية. You can learn Berber. You can learn Tamazight. إنها مشهورة في اليابان وأمريكا أيضًا. She is well known both in Japan and in America. It is popular in Japan and America as well. لم يكن عند سامي أيّ شخص يطلب منه المساعدة. Sami had no one to turn to. Sammy didn't have anyone to ask for help. سيحسم الله الأمور. God will decide. God will settle things. اقترحت علينا الذهاب إلى السينما. She suggested that we go to the theater. She suggested we go to the movies. تغلّب سامي على مهاجمه و قتله. Sami overpowered his assailant and killed him. Sammy overcame his attacker and killed him. القنبلة النووية هي سلاح فظيع. An A-bomb is a terrible weapon. A nuclear bomb is a terrible weapon. دخلت ليلى في اكتئاب عميق بسبب فقدانها لصديقتها المقرّبة، سليمة. Layla slipped into a deep depression over the loss of her best friend, Salima. Leila went into deep depression because of the loss of her best friend, Salima. أنا بخير، شكرا. Fine, thanks. I'm fine, thanks. لو أخبرني بالحقيقة لكنت سامحته. If he had told me the truth, I would have forgiven him. If he had told me the truth, I would have forgiven him. لقد أستمرت في قول الأشياء نفسها. She kept saying the same things. She kept saying the same things. توم هو أستاذ ماري. Tom is Mary's professor. Tom is Professor Mary. إنه يغسل سيارتك. He is washing your car. He's washing your car. كان سامي يأخذ دروسا جامعيّة عاديّة. Sami took regular college classes. Sammy was taking regular college classes. لا يعيش في هذا المبنى أحد . No man lives in the building. No one lives in this building. اشتكى سامي. Sami complained. Sammy complained. لا أدري. I don't know. I don't know. انا ذاهب الى هناك حتى ولو لم تذهب I'm going there even if you don't go. I'm going there even if you don't. ما رأيك في بعض البيض و البيكون؟ How about some eggs and bacon? How about some eggs and bacon? كان سامي معرّضا لحكم تلقائيّ بالسّجن المؤبّد إن أُدين. Sami faced an automatic term of life in prison if convicted. Sami was subject to automatic life imprisonment if convicted. لا أعرف هذا الحي جيدا. I don't know this neighborhood too well. I don't know this neighborhood very well. متأكد من نجاحه. I'm sure of his success. I'm sure it will. كانت رسالة سامي مكتوبة يدويّا. Sami's letter was handwritten. Sammy's letter was handwritten. أصبح مدرّس رياضيّات. He became a math teacher. He became a math teacher. أنا لا أنام كثيرا. I don't sleep so much. I don't sleep much. إنه عبقري. He is a genius. He's a genius. كان مدرّسا بديلا. He was a substitute teacher. He was a substitute teacher. طبعاً. Of course. Sure. لا تستسلم إن فشلت. Don't give up if you fail. Don't give up if you fail. سيتقاعد أبي في سن الستين. My father will retire at the age of sixty. My dad's retiring at 60. لماذا لا تلبس فستاناً؟ Why don't you wear a dress? Why don't you put on a dress? في اكثر الاحيان تكون المنطقة المخصصة للدراجات الهوائية في مؤخرة القطار . The dedicated bike zone is most often at the rear of the train. Most often the bicycle area is at the back of the train. ها قد أتى الباص! Here comes the bus! Here comes the bus! أحب رسوم الأنمي جدا. I like anime very much. I love cartoons very much. ما أطولك! How tall you are! How tall! بُني هذا الجسر منذ عامين. This bridge was built two years ago. This bridge was built two years ago. توم يلعب لعبة الصحن الطائر. Tom is playing Frisbee. Tom is playing the flying saucer game. ذهب سامي إلى الحمّام ليفرش أسنانه. Sami went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Sammy went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. تمنيت لو أنه كان بإمكاني الذهاب إلى الحفلة الغنائية. I wish I could go to the concert. I wish I could have gone to the concert. أشعلنا الشموع. We lit the candles. We lit candles. هل بإمكاني الخروج لألعب؟ May I go out to play? Can I go out and play? اصبعي تحول الى بني بعد ان غمرته في محلول برمنغانات البوتاسيوم الكثيف جزئياً. My finger turned brown after I dipped it in a slightly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. My finger turned brown after being dipped in a partially thick potassium permanganate solution. عُد إلى منزلِك. Go back to your house. Go home. سأذهبُ منفردًا I'll go on my own. I'm going solo. أعطني دماً، أعطيكَ حريّةً. You give me blood, I will give you freedom. Give me blood, I give you freedom. أخذ الولد يبكي. The boy began to cry. The boy was crying. الجزائر هي أكبر بلد في إفريقيا. Algeria is the largest country in Africa. Algeria is the largest country in Africa. هل لديك أدنی فكرة عن سبب كره "توم" لي ؟ Do you have any idea why Tom doesn't like me? Do you have any idea why Tom hates me? لقد رسّخ سامي احترام الآخرين في ذهن أبنائه. Sami instilled respect for others in his children. Sammy has established respect for others in the mind of his children. توم أغلق الصنبور Tom turned the faucet off. Tom, turn off the tap. يلعب بمهارة. He plays very well. Plays skillfully. غادر فاضل المستشفى. Fadil left the hospital. Fadel left the hospital. في أي وقت وصلت المنزل؟ At what time did you arrive at your home? What time did you get home? أريدكم أن تذهبوا إلى غرفكم وتغلقوا الأبواب. I want you to go to your rooms and lock the doors. I want you to go to your rooms and lock the doors. كنت في انتظارك. I have been waiting for you. I was waiting for you. كسرت لوري الزجاج. Laurie broke the glass. Lori broke the glass. متى نصل؟ When do we arrive? When do we get there? ستشعر بتحسن إذا شربت هذا الدواء. You'll feel better if you drink this medicine. You will feel better if you drink this medicine. فاضيل عربي Fadil is Arab. Fadil Arabi حاول سامي الفرار من العدالة. Sami tried to escape from justice. Sammy tried to escape justice. من يعزف على البيانو؟ Who's the man playing the piano? Who plays the piano? أملك كلباً وقطة. I have a cat and a dog. I have a dog and a cat. سلمى إدعت أنها تذكر تفاصيل عن عائلتها في إلمانيا في الجيل السابق. Salma claimed that she remembers details of her German family in her previous life. Selma claimed to recall details of her family in Germany in the previous generation. كان سامي يتخبّط في مشاكل متعلّقة بإدمانه على الكحول. Sami was tortured with issues involving alcohol abuse. Sammy was having problems with his alcoholism. هو يخاف بسهولة. He scares easily. He's easily scared. سوف أُحضرُ الطعام. I'll get the food. I'll get the food. لا تنس ذلك. Don't forget that. Don't forget that. هذه ليست زوجتي. That's not my wife. That's not my wife. لماذا بحق السماء قام بهذا؟ Why on earth did he do that? Why the hell would he do that? جمعت الشّرطة الكثير من الأدلّة من ساحة الجريمة. The police gathered a lot of evidence from the crime scene. The police collected a lot of evidence from the crime scene. مانهدرش الفرنسية. I don't speak French. French Manheadrush. أقنع سامي ليلى كي تعيده إلى الحانة بسيّارتها. Sami talked Layla into driving him back to the bar. Sammy convinced Layla to take him back to the bar with her car. أين هي الفواتير التي تريد أن أدفعها؟ Where are the bills you want me to pay? Where are the bills you want me to pay? لا نار بدون دخان. There is no fire without smoke. No fire, no smoke. شكراً ، من فضلك أعد الزيارة. Thanks, please come again. Thank you, please return the visit. جعلت أخي يصلح دراجتي. I had my brother repair my bicycle. I made my brother fix my bike. خرج توم من التاكسي. Tom got out of the taxi. Tom got out of the taxi. هل الحقيبة السوداء لك؟ Is that black bag yours? Is the black bag yours? كَم أتمنّى الذهاب إلى اليابان. I wish I could go to Japan. How I wish to go to Japan. "!صرخت قائلة "النجدة! ساعدوني. "Help, help," she cried. She screamed, "Help! Help me! ماذا تحب؟ What do you like? What do you like? تحتاج إلى أن تعود إلى المنزل. You need to come home. You need to go home. سلمت يداك! Thank you! Hands in the air! بكم القميص؟ How much is the shirt? How much shirt? إمض اسمك في الأسفل إذا سمحت. Sign at the bottom, please. Please sign your name below. أخبر زوجتك بي. Tell your wife about me. Tell your wife B. الحاجات دي بتاعتك؟ Are these your things? Your needs? إنها لم تكن أول مرة يفعلوها. It wasn't the first time they had done it. It wasn't the first time they did it. سامي حقّا بحاجة إلى الرّاحة. Sami really needs to rest. Sammy really needs a break. أخذ الولد يبكي. The boy started crying. The boy was crying. لغتنا جزء مهمّ من هويّتنا الثّقافيّة. Our language is an important part of our cultural identity. Our language is an important part of our cultural identity. هذه الجملة ليس لها أي معنى. This sentence doesn't make sense. This sentence has no meaning. يذهب والديه إلى الكنيسة كل يوم أحد. His parents go to church every Sunday. His parents go to church every Sunday. قالت أن عمرها عشرين سنة لكنها كانت تكذب. She said she was twenty years old, which was not true. She said she was 20 years old, but she was lying. قلّل سامي من احترام ليلى. Sami disrespected Layla. Sammy disrespected Layla. سأل الصائب: "أين أنت يا ديما؟!"، بينما جلب منشفةً ليمسح الفانتا المسكوب. "Just where are you, Dima?!" Al-Sayib asked, getting a towel to wipe the spilled Fanta. He asked the right person, “Where are you, Dima?” as he brought a towel to wipe the spilled vanta. بدونك أنا لا شيء. Without you, I'm nothing. Without you I'm nothing. اسمي أحمد. My name is Ahmad. My name is Ahmed. ما هو أسمُ جدّكَ؟ What is your grandfather's name? What's your grandfather's name? لقد هوجموا. They were attacked. They were attacked. لديها ابن وابنة. She has a son and a daughter. She has a son and a daughter. ولكن أنا لا أريد الهروب, أنا أريد أن أرى إيطاليا. But I don't want to escape, I want to see Italy. But I don't want to escape, I want to see Italy. إنه معتاد على السفر. He's accustomed to traveling. He's used to traveling. لا تَغِش. Don't cheat. Don't cheat. ألم ننس شيئاً؟ Aren't we forgetting something? Haven't we forgotten something? تابع العمل بعد استراحة قصيرة. He continued his work after a short break. Keep working after a short break. سريعا ما أصبح سامي زابونا مألوفا في محلّ ليلى. Sami soon became a regular at Layla's store. Sammy Zapona soon became familiar in Laila's shop. قد يستغرق بعض الوقت This may take a while. It might take a while. لمّا متحبيش الناس، همّ كمان مش هيحبوكي. When you dislike others, you are disliked by them in turn. When people like you, they don't like you. أعلن مصطفى كمال أتاتورك قيام الجمهورية التركية في سنة 1923 م. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1923. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1923. هل لك أن تخبرني كيف أصل إلى مركز لنكن؟ Can you tell me how to get to Lincoln Center? Can you tell me how to get to Lincoln Center? سألتني عن عمري. She asked me how old I was. She asked me my age. والدتي لا تتحدث الإنجليزية بشكل جيد جداً. My mom doesn't speak English very well. My mother doesn't speak English very well. طلب سامي من الله أن يغفر له. Sami asked the Lord to forgive him. Sammy asked God to forgive him. بالنّسبة لفاضل، لم تكن العربيّة شيئا جديدا فحسب، بل كانت أيضا صعبة للغاية. To Fadil, Arabic was not only new, but very complicated. For Fadel, Arabic was not only something new, it was also very difficult. ما زالت تعتمد على والديها. She still depends on her parents. She still depends on her parents. صلّى سامي صلاة الظّهر مع فاضل. Sami performed the noon prayer with Fadil. Sammy prayed the afternoon prayer with Fadel. اقترب سامي من ليلى. Sami approached Layla. Sammy approached Lily. هادا هووا لخطّ ديالي! That's MY line! Hada-hwa for Diyala's line! لقد سُرّح سامي من المستشفى. They released Sami from the hospital. Sammy was discharged from the hospital. لم أكن أريد أن تقرأ هذا. I didn't want you to read that. I didn't want you to read this. تعال و تناول منه قليلا. Come and have some. Come and have a little. ونظرا إلى الاعتماد الدولي المتبادل فأي نظام عالمي يعلي شعبا أو مجموعة من البشر فوق غيرهم سوف يبوء بالفشل لا محالة. وبغض النظر عن أفكارنا حول أحداث الماضي فلا يجب أن نصبح أبدا سجناء لأحداث قد مضت Given our interdependence, any world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will inevitably fail. So whatever we think of the past, we must not be prisoners of it. Given international interdependence, any world order that elevates one people or group of people above others will inevitably fail. Regardless of our ideas about past events, we must never become prisoners of past events. بإمكان أي ولد القيام بذلك. Any child can do that. Any kid can do that. أخاف من أطباء الأسنان I'm scared of dentists. I'm afraid of dentists. كان في مكتب سامي أريكة. Sami had a couch in his office. It was in Sammy's couch office. رمى الكرة. He threw the ball. Throw the ball. ناقشنا الخطة معه. We discussed the plan with him. We discussed the plan with him. دهسته سيارة. He was run over by a car. He was run over by a car. وزع علينا الورق. Deal us the cards. He handed us the paper. عاد سامي إلى المنزل. Sami got home. Sammy came home. أتمشّى كل يوم. I walk every day. I walk every day. رأيت فتاة واقفة تحت الشجرة. I see a girl standing under that tree. I saw a girl standing under the tree. عندما دخلت الغرفة كان قد مضى على ابني ساعات يكتب. My son had been writing for several hours when I entered the room. When I entered the room my son had been writing for hours. أتريد مني مساعدتك في الطبخ؟ Do you want me to help you with the cooking? You want me to help you cook? أأنت أكبر من توم؟ Are you older than Tom? Are you older than Tom? لدي أخوات I have sisters. I have sisters. كان سامي مقنعا للغاية. Sami was very convincing. Sammy was very convincing. نهنئ نساء العالم بعيدهن العالمي! Happy International Women's Day! We congratulate the women of the world on their global day! أنقذ الشاب الفتاة من الغرق. The young man saved the girl from drowning. The young man saved the girl from drowning. سأذهب إلى هناك حتى و لو أمطرت. I will go there even if it rains. I'll go there even if it rains. لربّما كنت كبير السن ولكنني لا زلت أستطيع ركوب الدراجة. I may be old, but I can still ride a bike. I may be old, but I can still ride a bike. كان يحتوي حاسوب سامي على الكثير من الصّور الإيباحيّة للأطفال. Sami's computer contained a lot of child pornography. Sammy's computer had a lot of child pornography. لقد منحتني حياة جديدة. You have given me a new life. You gave me a new life. يتمثل عملهن في تجميل الفنانين. Their job is to do make-up for performing artists. Their job is to beautify artists. هل بوب على حق؟ Is Bob right? Is Bob right? تعداد سكان الصين أكبر من تعداد اليابان. The population of China is larger than that of Japan. The population of China is larger than that of Japan. كان سامي يقضي وقتا أكثر في منزل ليلى. Sami was spending more and more time at Layla's house. Sammy was spending more time at Layla's house. سينطلق القطار في غضون خمس دقائق. The train leaves in 5 minutes. The train leaves in five minutes. ليس كل الناس يحبون الكلاب. Not all people like dogs. Not everyone likes dogs. بعد سقوط الشيوعية, الرأسماليون متهمون في محاولة "السيطرة على العالم". As communism has collapsed, capitalism is now accused of trying to "dominate the world." After the fall of communism, capitalists are accused of trying to "take over the world." على سامي أن يبحث هناك. Sami should look there. Sammy has to look over there. أحب القطط والكلاب. I like both dogs and cats. I love cats and dogs. توم أدار ظهره لــنمط حياته القديمة وثم كرّسَ نفسه لأسرته. Tom turned his back on his old way of life and dedicated himself to his family. Tom turned his back on his old lifestyle and then devoted himself to his family. علينا تأجيل الاجتماع. We'll have to postpone the meeting. We have to postpone the meeting. تبوّل سامي. Sami urinated. Sammy peed. الباب دائما مفتوح. The door is always open. The door is always open. كانت ليلى بالكاد تستطيع أن تتنفّس. Layla could barely breathe. Lily could barely breathe. ليلى تذكر سامي. Layla remembers Sami. Lily remembers Sammy. لا تقل لي أنّك غيور لأنّه لا أحد سيصدّق ذلك. Don't tell me that you're jealous because no one would believe it. Don't tell me you're jealous because no one's gonna believe it. توقّفت ليلى عند محلّ بقالة بمحطّة وقود. Layla pulled at a gas station convencience store. Leila stopped at a grocery store at a gas station. سكورة تصنع مربّى التّين. Skura is making some fig jam. Sugar makes the fig jam. هل تحتاج أية مساعدة ؟ يارفيقي . Do you need any help, buddy? Do you need any help, buddy? لم تقبّل تلك البقرة السّمينة؟ Why are you kissing that fat cow? You didn't kiss that fat cow? ستُنشر روايتها الجديدة الشهر القادم. Her new novel will be out next month. Her new novel will be published next month. إنّ سامي يفقد الكثير من الدّم. Sami is losing to much blood. Sammy's losing a lot of blood. لغته الفرنسية ضعيفة. His knowledge of French is poor. His French is weak. كان النّاس يريدون الحياة السّعيدة. People wanted the good life. People wanted a happy life. لم تنهِ قهوتك. You haven't finished your coffee. You didn't finish your coffee. كان سامي يحبّ الشّجار. Sami liked to fight. Sammy liked to fight. أنا لدي جارة يهودية. I have a Jewish neighbor. I have a Jewish neighbor. شغّل سامي جهاز الإنذار. Sami sounded the alarm. Sammy turned on the alarm. هل سيارتك بالقرب من بيتك؟ Is your car next to her house? Is your car near your house? أنا العب مع أصحابي. I'm playing with my friends. I play with my friends. ليست طويلة. She is not tall. Not long. يجب ان تذهب للبيت ؟ Shouldn't you go home? You have to go home? مطار كندي من فضلك. Kennedy Airport, please. Canadian airport, please. ”أين الطفل؟“ ”الطفل نائم.“ "Where's the baby?" "Asleep." "Where's the baby?" "The baby's asleep." أنا لا أعرف لماذا I don't know why. I don't know why. إنّ الدّبّ يأكل تفّاحة. The bear is eating an apple. The bear is eating an apple. لم أنس. I didn't forget. I haven't forgotten. متى تلعب التنس؟ When do you play tennis? When do you play tennis? المدينة القديمة مقصد سياحي مشهور. The old city is a popular tourist destination. The old town is a popular tourist destination. كان سامي عامل سيّارة إسعاف. Sami was an ambulance attendant. Sammy was an ambulance worker. ليلة سعيدة! Goodnight! Good night! كنتُ لأحب كتابة مئات الجمل في تتويبا، لكن، عندي أشياء عليّ عملها. I would love to write hundreds of sentences on Tatoeba, but I've got things to do. I'd love to write a hundred sentences in a coffin, but I've got stuff to do. أكره رؤية صورتها. I dislike seeing her picture. I hate seeing her picture. كان ذلك الضّجيج قويّا جدّا. The noise was quite loud. That noise was very strong. أَحَبُّ نظريّة علمية إليّ هي أن حلقات زحل مكونة بالكامل من الأمتعة المفقودة. The scientific theory I like the best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost luggage. I like the scientific theory that Saturn's rings are made entirely of lost baggage. لم أقصد إيذاءك. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you. حقاَ ! Duh. Oh, really? تغلّب سامي على ليلى. Sami overpowered Layla. Sammy overcame Lily. لقد صعد جبل فوجي. He went up Mt. Fuji. He's gone up Mount Fuji. لقد ذهب أبي إلى الصين. My father has gone to China. My father went to China. بدأ سامي يخلع ملابس ليلى. Sami started taking Layla's clothes off. Sammy began to take off Layla's clothes. راتبي لا يسمح لنا أن نعيش برفاهية. My salary doesn't allow us to live extravagantly. My salary does not allow us to live in luxury. الطاليانية ماشي واعرة. Italian isn't difficult. Tallinn's a walker and a licker. إنها لذيذة! It's delicious! It's delicious! أين السفارة البريطانية؟ Where is the British embassy? Where is the British Embassy? إذا أخذت حبّت الدواء هذه, قد تظهر بعض الأعراض الجانبيّة. If you take this pill, side effects may result. If you take this pill, there may be some side effects. أود حجز موعد للمعالجة بالفلورايد لابني. I'd like to make an appointment for fluoride treatments for my son. I'd like to make an appointment for my son's fluoride treatment. أين الفتيات؟ Where are the girls? Where are the girls? استعار سامي مئات الدّولارات من أمّه. Sami borrowed hundreds of dollars from his mother. Sammy borrowed hundreds of dollars from his mother. كان سامي يخرج الكلب لتمشيته. Sami walked the dog. Sammy would take the dog out for a walk. "هل اشترت ساعةً؟" "أجل". "Did she buy a watch?" "Yes, she did." "Did she buy a watch?" "Yes." كان سامي في المنزل. Sami was home. Sammy was at home. أنا متأكّد أنّ الجميع ينتظر. I bet everyone is waiting. I'm sure everyone's waiting. أحب صوت الغيث أثناء هطوله علی السقف. I love the sound of rain on the roof. I love the sound of relief as it hits the ceiling. صوّتُّ لصالح كين. I voted for Ken. I voted for Ken. يمثّل ترامب ما يستحقّه الأمريكيّون. Trump is what Americans deserve. Trump is what Americans deserve. إنه سعيد رغم فقره. He is poor, but happy. He is happy despite his poverty. سُرقت سيارتي ليلة أمس. I had my car stolen last night. My car was stolen last night. لم يكن ينبغي على سامي تناول الكحول. Sami was not supposed to use alcohol. Sammy shouldn't have had alcohol. تجاهلهم سامي. Sami ignored them. Ignore them Sammy. توم ما ولّاش للبيرو تاعو مور الغْدا. Tom didn't go back to his office after lunch. Tom's never been to Peru before tomorrow. أنا مسكين. I'm needy. I'm poor. أنقذ فاضل حياته. Fadil saved his life. Fadel saved his life. تأقلمت ليلى مع حياتها الجديدة في زنزانة سجن مصري. Layla settled in to her new life in an Egyptian prison cell. Leila adapted to her new life in an Egyptian prison cell. عودوا إلى أماكنكم. Go back to your seats. Go back to your places. خلع سامي ملابسه. Sami took his clothes off. Sammy took off his clothes. أصيب فاضل بصدمة عندما علم بوجود ضحيتان أخرتين. Fadil was shocked when he learned there were two more victims. Fadel was shocked to learn of two other victims. هل حدث أي شيء؟ Has something happened? Did anything happen? أليس أسوداً؟ Isn't it black? Isn't he black? الجو ممطر It is rainy. It's raining. يُوصف المسلمون كمتطرّفين يريدون قتل كلّ النّاس غير المسلمين. Muslims are portrayed like extremists that want to kill all non-Muslims. Muslims are described as extremists who want to kill all non-Muslims. كنت أتساءل متى ستعود؟ I was wondering when you'd be back. I was wondering when you'd be back. أريد أن أقضي وقتًا أكثر معك وحدنا. I want to spend more time alone with you. I want to spend more time with you alone. أريد أن تخرج من المدينة. I want you to get out of town. I want you out of town. ادي الكتاب للي عايزه. Give the book to the guy who wants it. Give me the book I want. تلك كتبهم. Those books are theirs. Those are their books. دعاني المدرّس بالسّمين. The teacher called me "fat." The teacher called me fat. أنت لست صديقنا. You are not our friend. You're not our friend. توم و ماري ديسيداو يتزوجو في بوسطن. Tom and Mary have decided to get married in Boston. Tom and Mary Desedao get married in Boston. طبقة من الجليد غًطى الشارع. A fresh layer of snow covered the street. A layer of ice covered the street. ذهبت مع أختي إلى القلعة. My sister and I went to the castle. I went with my sister to the castle. مهلاً ، تجنب المدير اليوم ، يبدو حقاً منزعج من شيء ما . Hey, steer clear of the boss today, he seems really ticked off about something. Hey, avoid the manager today. He's really upset about something. سوف نذهب إلى بوسطن حتى نرى توم. We're going to Boston to see Tom. We'll go to Boston until we see Tom. فجّر توم البالونة. Tom blew up the balloon. Tom blew up the balloon. الأطفال يموتون. Children are dying. Children are dying. توم ليس مستعداً بعد. Tom isn't ready yet. Tom's not ready yet. نُقَدِّر مساعدتك. We appreciate your help. We appreciate your help. شجّع توم باش يدِيرها. Encourage Tom to do it. Encourage Tom Bash to run it. تصفيفة شعرها تجعلها تبدو أصغر من عمرها. Her hair style makes her look younger than her age. Her hairstyle makes her look younger than her age. واقيلا رايحا تجي. I think that she will come. I'm coming right up. هذه أختي الصغرى. This is my younger sister. This is my younger sister. قابلتها في طريقي إلى المدرسة. I met her on my way to school. I met her on the way to school. دعني أفعلها Let me do it. Let me do it. منين انت؟ Where are you from? Who are you from? "لقد جئت لزيارة جمال." "تفضّل بالدخول." "I've come to see Jamal." "Come in." I've come to visit Jamal. Come on in. كسر توم زجاج النافذة. Tom broke the window. Tom broke the window glass. كان زوجي الأخير غبيًا بالفعل. My last husband was really stupid. My last husband was stupid. انه مجرد خيال . It's just a fantasy. It's just a fantasy. بسرعة. Hurry up. Quickly. أضاعَ سامي نظّاراتِهِ في المسبح. Sami lost his glasses in the pool. Sammy lost his glasses in the pool. كاني رايت تلك الفتاة من قبل. I may have seen that girl somewhere. I've seen that girl before. تصبح على خير يا توم. Good night, Tom! Good night, Tom. سامي يكره تلك المدرّسة. Sami hates that teacher. Sammy hates that teacher. هذه هي تحيّة الإسلام. This is the Muslim greeting. This is the greeting of Islam. لا أريد أن أبدو سخيفا. I don't want to look silly. I don't want to look ridiculous. شعر سامي بالوحدة. Sami felt lonely. Sammy felt alone. إنه يكره نانسي. He hates Nancy. He hates Nancy. مر القطار السريعة بسرعة فائقة بالكاد رأيناه. The express train went by so fast we hardly saw it. The high-speed train went by so fast we barely saw it. لا يوجد أي سبب يدعو توم لكي لا يصدق ماري. Tom didn't have any reason not to believe Mary. There's no reason for Tom not to believe Mary. خنق سامي ليلى بواسطة وسادة. Sami smothered Layla with a pillow. Sammy strangled Lily with a pillow. لا أحب هذه المدينة على الإطلاق. I don't like this city at all. I don't like this city at all. لا أحب اللعب معه. نحن نفعل دائماً الأشياء ذاتها. I don't like playing with him. We always do the same things. I don't like playing with him. We always do the same things. قال زعيم الهنود حمر: "خذوا ما شئتم من الأرض. سيكون دائما ما يكفي من الأرض للبيض و الهنود الحمر." فرد الجنرال قائلا: "حقا؟ إذا نريد كل الأرض من المحيط المتجمد الشمالي إلى المحيط المتجمد الجنوبي." "Take all the land you want. There will always be enough land for both white and Native American people," said the Indian chief. "Really? So we want all the land from the Arctic Ocean to the Antarctic Ocean," said the general. The Indian leader said, "Take what you want from the land. There will always be enough land for whites and Indians." The general replied, "Really? So we want all the land from the Arctic Ocean to the Antarctic Ocean." أعتقد أن ما تقوله صحيح. I think you're right. I think what you're saying is true. طوم أطالي كريُّون. Tom gave me a pen. Creon Italian Tom. حَنْدِير لاتاي. I'll make the tea. Hendair Latay. شعر سامي أنّه عومل بإهانة. Sami felt disrespected. Sammy felt he was being treated with insult. هن يستمعن للمذياع. They are listening to the radio. They're listening to the radio. أميل إلى قبول العرض. I lean toward accepting the proposal. I tend to accept the offer. بعد عشر دقائق من الضربة القاضية، استعاد الملاكم وعيه. Ten minutes after the knockout, the boxer regained consciousness. Ten minutes after the knockout, the boxer regained consciousness. ألقي نظرة Take a look. Take a look. وين ساكن؟ Where are you living? Where's he staying? إنه يستعد للامتحان. He is preparing for the test. He's getting ready for the exam. إنه لا يسكن في حيي. He doesn't live in my neighborhood. He doesn't live in my neighborhood. اِصعدوا الباص واحداً تلو الآخر. Get on the bus one by one. Take the bus one by one. أن الوقت قد تأخرّ لمساعدة توم. It's too late to help Tom now. It's too late to help Tom. عاد سامي إلى العيادة. Sami went back to the clinic. Sam returned to the clinic. ملامح ماري أقرب للبيض علما أن عائلتها أفريقية. Mary facial traits are closer to white knowing her parents are African American. Mary's features are more similar to those of whites, though her family is African. اعتقلتها الشرطة. She was arrested by the police. She was arrested by the police. وضعت ليلى يدها على يد سامي. Layla put her hand on top of Sami's. Layla put her hand on Sammy's hand. النساء يتقدمون في السن أكثر من الرجال. Women age faster than men. Women are getting older than men. أنا متأكد أني أستطيع أن أفعل هذا بطريقة أو بأخري. I'm pretty sure I can do it one way or another. I'm sure I can do this one way or another. أغلق سامي بابه. Sami shut his door. Sammy closed his door. اليهود و المسلمين أقليات دينيّة في أوربا. Muslims and Jews are minorities in Europe. Jews and Muslims are religious minorities in Europe. يَڤْعَرْ! This is fucking awesome. He's naked! إنها ثاني أعلى المُعدَلات في العالم. It's the second-highest in the world. It's the second highest in the world. ظهر سامي فجأة. Sami suddenly turned up. Sam suddenly appeared. من هو صاحب القاموس الموضوع على الطاولة؟ Whose dictionary is it on the table? Who's got the dictionary on the table? اعتقدت انك لا تريد ان تأتي الى هنا . I thought you would never come here. I thought you didn't want to come here. كانت تغني أحسن منه. She sang better than he. She sang better than him. أفضّل اللحم على السمك. I'd prefer meat to fish. I prefer meat to fish. الكلام مع توم بلا فائدة. It's useless to talk to Tom. Talking to Tom is useless. كان سامي الأوّل في صفّه. Sami was the top of his class. Sammy was the first in his class. سامي يتسوّق. Sami is shopping. Sammy's shopping. فعلت هذا بنفسي. I did it myself. I did it myself. حلق الطائر بعيداً حتى غاب عن الأنظار. The bird flew away and was lost to sight. The bird flew away until it went out of sight. انني لن اقول لك لا مطلقا I never could say no to you. I wouldn't tell you not at all. اجتمع الناس في المتنزه. People gathered in the park. People gathered in the park. على رِسْلِك. Take it easy. On your send. أخذني سامي إلى مكان ما وحاول اغتصابي. Sami took me to a place and tried to rape me. Sammy took me somewhere and tried to rape me. أحببتُ دائمًا الشخصيّاتِ الغامِضَةَ أكثر. I always liked mysterious characters more. I've always loved more mysterious characters. تلك كانت نيتي. That was the intent. That was my intention. منّاد يقطن في منزل رائع. Sami lives in a wonderful house. Manade lives in a nice house. القط نائم على الكرسي. The cat is sleeping in a chair. The cat sleeps in the chair. اقتربوا أيها الأوغاد الجبناء. Come at me, you pussy motherfuckers! Come closer, you cowardly bastards. كان سامي محبّا لأولاده. Sami was just always loving to his kids. Sammy loved his children. الجميع مشوّش. Everybody is confused. Everyone's confused. لديكم الكثير من الأصدقاء. You have lots of friends. You have a lot of friends. سامي كان في الغرفة التالية. Sami was in the next room. Sammy was in the next room. ما هذه البقع على بشرتك؟ What are those spots on your skin? What are these spots on your skin? اخترتُ تدريس الأمازيغية. I chose to teach Berber. I chose to teach Tamazight. اللغة الأمازيغية موجودة على الفيسبوك. Facebook supports the Berber language. The Amazigh language is on Facebook. أراك في البيت See you at home. See you at home. اغتصب فاضل تلك المرأة. Fadil raped the woman. Fadel raped that woman. كان لاعبي كرة القدم متعبين لكنّهم سعداء. The football players were tired, but happy. Footballers were tired but happy. سامي يتذكّر اسم ليلى. Sami remembers Layla's name. Sammy remembers Lily's name. كان سامي ينتظر تسريح ليلى من المستشفى. Sami was waiting for Layla to be discharged from the hospital. Sammy was waiting for Layla to be discharged from the hospital. أعطاني توم قلماً. Tom gave me a pen. Tom gave me a pen. لا بدّ من أنّه مطعم غال جدّا! It must be a very expensive restaurant! Must be a very expensive restaurant! أعرف اسمك. I know your name. I know your name. لا أتذكر اين اوقفت السيارة I can't remember where I parked the car. I don't remember where I parked the car. دايمن يشكييو They always complain. Damon Schickio افتح متصفح الانترنت Open the internet browser Open Internet Browser ما ذاك المبنى الضخم؟ What is that huge building? What's that huge building? أتمنى أن أراك مرة أخرى. I hope to see you again. I hope to see you again. توم راهم يعاونوه صحابو. Tom's friends are helping him. Tom saw them helping him. شكر سامي ليلى على مساعدتها. Sami thanked Layla for helping him. Sammy thanked Lily for her help. نحن نعود إلى السفينة. We return to the ship. We're back on the ship. بدأ سامي يقضي وقتا أكثر مع ليلى. Sami began spending more time with Layla. Sammy started spending more time with Lily. كانت ليلى تتناول فطور الصّباح. Layla was having breakfast. Lily was having breakfast in the morning. هل خرّبت شيئًا؟ Did you break something? Did you ruin something? لا توجد وظيفة بدون فائدة. There's no job without benefit. No job is useless. لا يمكنه الركض بسرعة. He can't run very fast. He can't run fast. لم يكن ذلك قصدي. That wasn't my intention. That's not what I meant. أنا الأن في السيارة ذاهب إلى مطعم ياباني I'm going to a Japanese restaurant by car. I'm in the car. I'm going to a Japanese restaurant. ده الكتاب بتاع توني. This is Tony's book. This is Tony's book. اتصلت بنا المدرسة اليوم. The school called today. The school called us today. توم تْلاقى بماري في بوسطن و ولّاو صْحاب عْزاز. Tom met Mary in Boston and they became good friends. Tom meets Mary in Boston and Lau's a man of pride. كان فاضل يريد أن يعود إلى هناك كي يكسب المزيد من المال. Fadil wanted to get back there to make some more money. Fadel wanted to go back there to earn more money. هيا. دعنا نخرج من هنا. Come on. Let's get out of here. Let's get out of here. كان سامي يحبّ مساعدة أبي. Sami liked helping Dad. Sammy loved helping my dad. تاكشي يكتب مذكرة يومية باللغة الإنجليزية. Takeshi keeps a diary in English. Takeshi writes a daily diary in English. لا يمكنني تصديق ذلك! I don't believe it! I can't believe it! سام ، ماذا تفعل؟ Sam, what are you doing? Sam, what are you doing? هل تحتاجين إلى سيارة إسعاف؟ Do you need an ambulance? Do you need an ambulance? لم يُصب سامي بجروح في رجليه. Sami had no injuries to his legs. Sammy was not injured in his legs. لديهم بعجة في الباب الخلفي . They had a dent in the rear door. They have an omelette in the back door. لا تنس الاتّصال بنا. Don't forget to call us. Don't forget to contact us. توم يريد إقامة إجتماع. Tom wants to set up a meeting. Tom wants a meeting. كانت ليلى ترتدي فستانا أسودا. Layla wore a black dress. Lily was wearing a black dress. مرة تانية. Once again. One more time. طرد توم من عمله. Tom was fired. Tom was fired from his job. حتى الأطفال بإمكانهم قراءة هذا الكتاب. Even children can read this book. Even children can read this book. استمع إلى أمك Listen to your mother. Listen to your mother. كانت لسامي الكثير من الخصال الطّيّبة. Sami had a lot going for him. Sammy had a lot of good qualities. الطبيب غير موجود الآن للأسف. I'm afraid the doctor is out. Unfortunately, the doctor is not there now. ينتظر العنكبوت هناك الحشراتِ الصغيرة كالفراشات واليعاسيب حتى تقع في شباكه. There the spider waits for small insects like butterflies and dragonflies to be trapped. The spider waits there for small insects like butterflies and dragonflies to fall into its nets. عرض سامي بعض المال على ليلى. Sami offered Layla some money. Sammy offered Lily some money. لهذا الحاسوب مشغّل أقراص مرنة. This computer has a floppy disk drive. This computer has a floppy disk drive. شريت دلاّعة؟ Have you bought a watermelon? Brilliant buy? إن كنت مخطئا، فاعترف. إن كنت محقّا، فاصمت. If you're wrong, admit it. If you're right, be quiet. If I'm wrong, admit it, if I'm right, shut up. عُثِر على حذاء سامي في صندوق نفايات. Sami's shoes were found in a dumpster. Sammy's shoes were found in a dumpster. الحوت يعيشو ف البحر. Fish live in the sea. The whale lives in the sea. أودّ أن أنسى كلّ شيء. I'd like to forget the whole thing. I'd like to forget everything. أريدُك أن تجرّب ذلِكَ. I want you to try it. I want you to try it. كان هاتف ليلى في النّفايات. Layla's phone was in the garbage. Lily's phone was in the trash. خرجت ملمسيد عندها عامين. She left school two years ago. She's been out for two years. هل لديك موعد معه؟ Do you have an appointment with him? Do you have an appointment with him? أتوقع منك أن تساعدني. I expect your help. I expect you to help me. أنا ذهبت إلى مدرسة ثانوية تجارية. I went to a commercial high school. I went to a commercial high school. إتصل بي حين ترجع. Give me a telephone call when you get back. Call me when you get back. إفتح فمك! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! انتقل سامي للعيش في القاهرة. Sami relocated to Cairo. Sami moved to Cairo. أصبحت ليلى مشهورة في ثانويّة باكر. Layla became very popular at Bakir High School. Leyla became famous in Packer High. يعتقد سامي أنّ ليلى تخلّت عنه. Sami believes Layla abandoned him. Sammy thinks Laila abandoned him. هذا عظيم! That's great! That's great! رفضت المال. She refused to accept the money. I refused money. المشكلة هي أين يمكن أن يُشترى الكتاب. The question is where to buy the book. The problem is where to buy the book. كان عمري ثماني عشرة سنة حينها. I was eighteen then. I was eighteen years old at the time. لا يمكنني أن أنسى اليوم الذي قابلته فيه. I can't forget the day when I met him. I can't forget the day I met him. عشت! Hooray! I lived! هل تتذكر؟ Do you remember? Do you remember? لا تتجرّأ حتّى بالاتّصال بي. Don't you even dare call me. Don't even dare call me. طلب توم شيء للأكل Tom ordered something to eat. Tom ordered something to eat. استنى لحظة. Wait just a moment. Wait a minute. كتب سامي رقم هاتفه على قطهة من ورق و قدّمها لليلى. Sami wrote his phone number on a note and gave it to Layla. Sammy wrote his phone number on a piece of paper and gave it to Lily. لا أصدق أني جالس بجانب ماري. I can't believe I'm sitting next to Mary. I can't believe I'm sitting next to Mary. لو تزوّجت بأمّها لما دخلت مستشفى للأمراض العقليّة. If I was married to her mother, I'd go to a psychiatric hospital. If she married her mother, she wouldn't be in a mental hospital. ليس توم هو الشخص المناسب للوظيفة. Tom isn't the right man for the job. Tom is not the right person for the job. من توفي؟ Who died? Who died? إنهُ غاضب معكَ. He is angry with you. He's mad at you. من فضلك لا تشتّت ذهني عن العمل. Please don't take my mind off the work. Please don't distract me from work. هذا هو المكان الذي تعيش فيه. This is where she lives. That's where you live. أريد أن أكون رجل إطفاء. My dream is to become a firefighter. I want to be a firefighter. مع من أتكلم؟ Who am I talking with? Who am I talking to? كان سامي يستمع لمحطّة إذاعيّة إسلاميّة. Sami was listening to a Muslim radio station. Sami was listening to an Islamic radio station. ما كانش منها! It can't be! It wasn't her! السيارة التي أمامي لكرم. The car that's in front of me is Karam's. The car in front of me is generous. أعزف على البيانو بعد العشاء. I play the piano after supper. I play the piano after dinner. أعيش في كوبي. I live in Kobe. I live in Kobe. أين المصعد؟ Where is the elevator? Where's the elevator? هل تشرب القهوة عادةً؟ Do you drink coffee? Do you usually drink coffee? ما أغباني حين صدقته! How foolish I am to believe him! I didn't like it when I believed it! هل مذاق الشوربة جيد؟ Does the soup taste good? Does the soup taste good? أنا صادق. I'm an honest person. I'm honest. متى بدأت When did you begin? When did you start? الجميع يموت. Everyone dies. Everybody dies. طُلب من سامي أن يحذف الفيديو من قناته على اليوتوب. Sami was asked to take his YouTube video down. Sami was asked to delete the video from his YouTube channel. أنا ناديتك, إسمع صوتي. I cried out to you, hear my voice. I called you. Hear my voice. لا يستطيع أحد التفوق عليه. Nobody can surpass him. No one can outdo him. أريد الذهاب معك. I want to go with you. I want to go with you. لعبنا كرة القدم بالأمس. We played soccer yesterday. We played football yesterday. غير مسموح لك أن تحضر قطك إلى المدرسة. You can't bring your cat to school. You are not allowed to bring your cat to school. أنا فخورٌ بنفسي. I'm proud of myself. I'm proud of myself. كانت ليلى مدرّسة محبوبة في الرّوضة. Layla was a beloved kindergarten teacher. Leila was a beloved kindergarten teacher. انتقلن للعيش هنا. Move in here. They moved here. أعلم أنّني لن أنساك أبدا. I know that I'll never forget you. I know I'll never forget you. تمّت ترقية سامي. Sami was promoted. Sammy was promoted. من بعدك After you. After you. لا تنس أبدا إقفال الباب. Never forget to lock the door. Never forget to lock the door. هذه قصة حقيقية. This story is true. That's a true story. وافق يانّي. Yanni agreed. Jani agreed. تقتات تلك الحيوانات على العشب. These animals feed on grass. These animals live on grass. طلبت كتاباً من لندن. I ordered a book from London. I ordered a book from London. نريد قسمه. أيمكنك أن تحضره لنا في طبقين؟ We'd like to split it. Could you bring it to us on two plates? Can you bring it to us in two bowls? هل هي طبيبة؟ Is she a doctor? Is she a doctor? أعلم أنّك تريد أن تصبح طبيبا. I know that you want to become a doctor. I know you want to be a doctor. كان خائفا من الظلام. He was afraid of the dark. He was afraid of the dark. كان فاضل بحاجة ماسة للمال. Fadil needed money bad. Fadel was in desperate need of money. لقد كنت مسرورا جدا لكى أنام. I was too happy to sleep. I was so happy to sleep. سامي يهتم. Sami cares. Sammy cares. ليلى مسؤولة عن تصرّفاتها. Layla is responsible. Lily is responsible for her actions. تسبّب مرض سامي النّفسي في إيقاف مشواره في عرض الأزياء. Sami's mental illness cut his modeling career short. Sammy's mental illness caused him to stop modeling. بالغ سامي في ردّة فعله. Sami overreacted. Sammy overreacted. فقد الأمريكيون ثقتهم في تويوتا. Americans have lost their trust in Toyota. Americans have lost faith in Toyota. لقد نطق سامي بالشّهادة. Sami has taken his shahada. Sammy testified. تقع القرية في وادٍ يبلغ اتساعه حوالي نصف ميل. The village lay in a valley about half a mile in breadth. The village is located in a valley about half a mile wide. هل دخلت لحسابك؟ Did you log in? Did you log into your account? مرحباً ، أهل شيكاغو! Hello, Chicago! Hello, Chicagoans! سأساعدك إن أمكن. I'll help you if possible. I'll help you if I can. كيفَ كانت المدرسة اليوم؟ How was school today? How was school today? دعت ليلى سامي إلى منزلها. Layla invited Sami over. Leyla invited Sammy to her house. استمتعنا بالأمس. Yesterday we had fun. We had fun yesterday. دفع سامي ذلك المال كلّه. Sami paid all that money. Sammy paid all that money. استعار سامي ستّون دولارا. Sami borrowed sixty bucks. Sammy borrowed $60. أعدها! Give it back! Give it back! إن لم يعجبك فبإمكانك أن تتركه. If you don't like it then you can quit. If you don't like it, you can leave it. أُحضِر سامي إلى محطّة شرطة و استُجوِب. Sami was brought into the police station and questioned. Sammy was brought to a police station and interrogated. لم نكن سعداء We weren't happy. We weren't happy. كُنتُ مُنْزَعِجاً. I was upset. I was off. هل تقرأ العربيّة؟ Do you read Arabic? Do you read Arabic? لم يرد فاضل تناول دوائه. Fadil didn't want to take his medication. Fadel didn't want to take his medicine. يشكو طول الوقت. He's always complaining. Complaining all the time. لا أعرف كيف سأبدأ. I wouldn't know how to begin. I don't know how to start. هي تأخذ مسافات. She takes distances. She's taking distances. أحبك. I like you. Love you. عايز الشنطة دي. I want that bag. I want the bag. هل انتهيت من استعمال الهاتف؟ Are you through with the phone? Are you done with the phone? أنتِ كسرتِ قلبي. You broke my heart. You broke my heart. ليس لدي أشقاء. I have no siblings. I don't have siblings. من الافضل ان تقول الحقيقة It's best to tell the truth. You better tell the truth. ماذا كان سيحدث إذا لم يُلدغ بيتر باركر من قِبَل عنكبوت لكن من قبل قاقُم؟ What would have happened if Peter Parker hadn't been bitten by a spider but a stoat? What would have happened if Peter Parker hadn't been bitten by a spider, but by a spider? أسرع، و إلاّ برد الأكل. Hurry up! The food will get cold. Hurry up, or I'll get cold. كان عليك أن لا تسمح لتوم بالذهاب مع ماري إلى بوسطن. You never should've let Tom go to Boston with Mary. You shouldn't have let Tom go with Mary to Boston. كان سامي في الطّابق السّفلي و هو نائم نوما عميقا. Fadil was downstairs, sound asleep. Sammy was downstairs and he was sleeping deeply. كتب سامي عبارات على الجدران. Sami painted graffiti. Sammy wrote phrases on the walls. وأيضا السبب وراء خوض الحكومة الأمريكية إجراءات المقاضاة من أجل صون حق النساء والفتيات في ارتداء الحجاب ومعاقبة من يتجرأ على حرمانهن من ذلك الحق That is why the U.S. government has gone to court to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab, and to punish those who would deny it. It is also why the U.S. government is taking legal action to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab and punish those who dare to deny them that right. كانت أسئلتك مباشرة جداً. Your questions were too direct. Your questions were very direct. وقد صرحت بمدينة أنقرة بكل وضوح أن أمريكا ليست ولن تكون أبدا في حالة حرب مع الإسلام. وعلى أية حال سوف نتصدى لمتطرفي العنف الذين يشكلون تهديدا جسيما لأمننا In Ankara, I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam. We will, however, relentlessly confront violent extremists who pose a grave threat to our security. I have made it clear in Ankara that America is not and will never be at war with Islam. In any case, we will stand up to violent extremists who pose a grave threat to our security. غدوا ما نقراوش. We have no school tomorrow. They're not fucking around. أصِرَّ على الأفضل. Insist on the best. Insist on the best. توم بقي معه دولاراً واحداً. Tom is down to his last dollar. Tom has one dollar left. أنا وتوم نعيل بعضنا. Tom and I are dependent on each other. Tom and I support each other. هل تستطيع إثبات وجود رجال النظافة؟ Can you prove the existence of garbagemen? Can you prove the janitors were there? هل توم هناك أيضاً؟ Is Tom there, too? Is Tom there, too? لا يحب أحداً الحرب. No one loves war. No one likes war. سأخبرها بأنك سألت. I'll tell her you asked. I'll tell her you asked. لنذهب للقاء جيم. Let's go see Jim. Let's go meet Jim. يؤمن المسلمون أنّ يسوع واحد من رسل الله. Muslims believe that Jesus was one of God's messengers. Muslims believe that Jesus is one of God’s messengers. لا بدّ من أنّ سامي قتل نفسه. Sami must have committed suicide. Sammy must have killed himself. أُغْلِقَتْ نوافِذِي. My windows were closed. My windows are closed. من أين اشتريت مربّى التّين هذا؟ Where did you buy this fig jam? Where'd you get that fig jam? ما الذي جعلك تعتقد ذلك؟ What led you to believe so? What makes you think that? ظننت هذا معلوما. I thought this was common knowledge. I thought so. أقنعته إنه ينسى الموضوع ده. I persuaded him to give up the idea. I convinced him he'd forget about it. أنا لا أسخّن منزلكم. I'm not heating your house. I'm not heating up your house. لم يسبق لسامي و أن تحدّث مع مسلمة. Sami has never talked to a Muslim before. Sammy has never spoken to a Muslim. سيضطرّ لنسيانك. He'll have to forget about you. He'll have to forget you. رجاء اهتم بأمورك. Kindly mind your own business. Please mind your own business. أنت مضحك للغاية, جعلتني أضحك. You're so funny, you make me laugh. You're so funny, you made me laugh. كيف يلاحَظ الخطأ؟ How is the error observed? How do you notice the error? أخبرنا أكثر Tell us more. Tell us more أراد سامي أن يكون مع ليلى. Sami wanted Layla. Sammy wanted to be with Lily. هووا مليح. He's very sexy. Whoo! Mleeh. هل بإمكانك أن تعطيها هذا الكرسي؟ Can you give that chair to her? Can you give her that chair? الألمانية هي لغة جرمانية. German is a Germanic language. German is a Germanic language. فضّلت ليلى المخدّرات على ابنها سامي. Layla chose drugs over her son Sami. Leyla preferred drugs to her son Sammy. كان سامي هو من ارتكب الجريمة. Sami was the perpetrator. It was Sammy who committed the crime. كان عند سامي العديد من الأصدقاء المسلمين. Sami had many Muslim friends. Sammy had many Muslim friends. جعلناه يذهب. We made him go. We made him go. لقد أعجبتم سامي. Sami likes you. You liked Sammy. حل المشكلة بسهولة. He solved the problem with ease. Solve the problem easily. اعتقله الشرطي لقيادته تحت تأثير الكحول. The policeman arrested him for drunken driving. The policeman arrested him for driving under the influence of alcohol. بيحبها. He loves her. He loves her. هي غادرتنا. She has left us. She left us. عاد سامي إلى عاداته القديمة. Sami fell back into his old ways. Sam returned to his old habits. يلعب توم و أصدقاؤه البوكير كل مساء جمعة تقريبا. Tom and his friends play poker almost every Friday night. Tom and his friends play Albuquerque almost every Friday evening. كيف تجرأ على شتم أختي! How dare you insult my sister! How dare you insult my sister! هل ترغبين في الرقص معي؟ Would you like to dance with me? Would you like to dance with me? ما لونه؟ What color is it? What color is it? بإمكانك الاعتماد عليّ يا جيم. You can count on me, Jim. You can count on me, Jim. كانا فاضل و دانية يتخاصمان بصوت عال. Fadil and Dania were arguing loudly. They were Fadel and Dania fighting loudly. لا يزال سامي في عداد المفقودين. Sami is still missing. Sammy is still missing. كان مدرّس الفنون يكرهني. The art teacher hated me. The art teacher hated me. احتاج فاضل لممارسة العربيّة مع ناطقين أصليّين. Fadil needed to practise Arabic with native speakers. Fadel needed to practice Arabic with native speakers. هل تعرف ما هي عاصمة البلجيك؟ Do you know the capital of Belgium? Do you know what the Belgian capital is? لكل فرد الحق في التمتع بنظام اجتماعي دولي تتحقق بمقتضاه الحقوق والحريات المنصوص عليها في هذا الإعلان تحققا تاما. Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized. Everyone has the right to an international social order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in the present Declaration are fully realized. لا تنس أن تفكّر قبل بدأ الحديث. Don't forget to think before speaking. Don’t forget to think before you start talking. أنا ذاهب إلى ورشة التّصليح. I'm going to the repair shop. I'm going to the repair shop. أنا لا أريد أن أتحدث إلى توم الآن. I don't want to talk to Tom right now. I don't want to talk to Tom right now. كان سامي راغبا في إنجاب ولد كي يرث إسمه و ثروته. Sami wanted a son to inherit his name and fortune. Sammy wanted to have a son to inherit his name and fortune. عادة ما يستلقي على السرير للقراءة. He often lies on the bed and reads. They usually lie in bed reading. أتناول الغداء عند الظهيرة مع أصدقائي. I have lunch at noon with my friends. I have lunch at noon with my friends. هناك خصى في حذائي. I have a stone in my shoe. There's balls in my shoes. أراد سامي بعض المال. Sami wanted some money. Sammy wanted some money. هناكَ شرخٌ في الكوب لذلك فإن المحتويات تتسرب. There's a crack in the cup so the contents are leaking. There's a crack in the cup, so the contents are leaking. أكيد. Certainly. Sure. أنت تسأل كثيرا عن شؤون الغير. You are too inquisitive about other people's affairs. You ask too much about other people's affairs. ما كانت النتيجة النهائية؟ What was the final score? What was the end result? أَنُلْزِمُكُمُوهَا؟ Should we force it upon you? Shall we commit her? إنه راعي كأبيه. He is a shepherd, like his father. He's a shepherd like his father. أبي مهندس كهربائي. My father is an electric engineer. My father's an electrical engineer. كانت ليلى نائمة في غرفة نومها. Layla was asleep in her bedroom. Lily was sleeping in her bedroom. رأيته يجري I saw him running. I saw him run. كانت ليلى ترتدي حجابا. Layla wore a hijab. Lily was wearing a headscarf. أيمكنني ركوب هذا الحصان قليلاً؟ Can I ride this horse for a while? Can I ride this horse for a bit? أود أن تقابل والداي. I would like you to meet my parents. I'd like you to meet my parents. أنا أدرس الطّب. I study medicine. I'm studying medicine. لم لا تزُرنا؟ Why don't you come visit us? Why don't you come visit? أسعار البنزين تؤثر علينا جميعاً بطريقة أو بأخرى. Gasoline prices affect all of us one way or another. Gasoline prices affect us all in one way or another. سآخذ تلك أيضا. I'll take that one, too. I'll take those too. كان من الصعب اللحاق بتوم. It was hard to keep up with Tom. It was hard to catch up with Tom. العربيه ليس صعبه Arabic isn't hard. Arabic is not hard. توقفي عن غيظ أخيكِ! Stop teasing your brother! Stop teasing your brother! هل يمكنك مساعدتي في العثور على توم؟ Could you help me find Tom? Can you help me find Tom? الخطاب الذي ألقاه الرئيس أمس أسعد أنصاره. The speech made by the president yesterday delighted his supporters. Yesterday's speech by the President delighted his supporters. سافر توم كثيرا في العام الماضي Tom traveled a lot last year. Tom traveled a lot last year. لا تقلق بشأن الأشياء الغير مهمة. Don't worry about things that aren't important. Don’t worry about unimportant things. "من أين أنت؟" "أنا من الجزائر." "Where are you from?" "I come from Algeria." "Where are you from?" "I'm from Algeria." أمضينا وقتاً ممتعاً و نحن نلعب الشطرنج. We had a good time playing chess. We had a good time playing chess. توم هو الذي دفع ثمن التذاكر. Tom is the one who paid for the tickets. Tom's the one who paid for the tickets. حاول فاضل أن يخفي جثة دانية. Fadil tried to hide Dania's body. Fadel tried to hide Dania's body. هذا الماء لذيذ. This water is delicious. This water is delicious. كان سامي محبوبا جدّا في الحي. Sami was well liked in the community. Sammy was very popular in the neighborhood. أحب إضافة العسل لشاي الأخضر. I like adding some honey to green tea. I like to add honey to green tea. هل أحسنت التصرف اليوم؟ Did you behave today? Did you behave yourself today? فقد سامي أعصابه. Sami snapped. Sammy lost his temper. أين تقترح أن نذهب؟ Where would you suggest we go? Where do you suggest we go? لقد حذّرت الأولاد من اللعب على الطريق. She warned the children not to play on the street. I warned the kids not to play on the road. لديك مستقبل مشرق. You have a bright future. You have a bright future. هم لم يلتزموا باللوائح المدرسية They did not abide by the school regulations. They didn't comply with school regulations. الإسلام ليس دينا فقط، بل نمط حياة أيضا. Islam is not only a religion. It's a way of life. Islam is not only a religion, but also a way of life. لديك فقط 24 ساعة أخرى لتقرّر. You only have 24 hours left to decide. You only have another 24 hours to decide. كانا سامي و ليلى يتناقشان حول أمر يخصّ الدّين. Sami and Layla were debating something about religion. Sammy and Lily were discussing a debt issue. الساعة تلاتة كويس؟ Would three o'clock be all right? The clock's ticking? هل تعرفني؟ Do you know me? Do you know me? احترس: الأرض مبللة Caution: wet floor Watch out: the earth is wet امپۆسّيبل علييّا نفهّم لك. It's impossible for me to explain it to you. Amsible Alia we understand you. في أوروبا وأمريكا تُعتبر الكلاب من العائلة. In Europe and America they regard the dog as a member of the family. In Europe and America, dogs are considered family. لست سمينا! I am not fat! I'm not fat! وصلتَ في اللحظة التي غادرتُ فيها. You arrived at the moment I left. You arrived the moment I left. أنا من أمريكا. I'm from America. I'm from America. جُمِعت العيناتُ من مائتي مؤسسة طبية في جميع أنحاء العالم. The samples were collected from two hundred medical institutions all over the world. The samples were collected from 200 medical institutions around the world. كان الجميع بملابس أنيقة. Everybody was very well dressed. Everyone was in good clothes. الأولاد نائمون. The kids are asleep. The boys are asleep. ليس مهماً. Never mind. It's not important. هل هذا حلم؟ Is this a dream? Is this a dream? مانهدرش الرومية. I don't speak French. The turkey mandarsh. أحدهما ياباني و الآخر إيطالي. One is Japanese and the other is Italian. One is Japanese and the other is Italian. إنها تمطر مجدداً! It's raining again! It's raining again! ألديك أقلام كثيرة؟ Do you have a lot of pens? You got a lot of pens? ساعدته بالأمس. I helped him yesterday. I helped him yesterday. اسمحلي، تقدر تعاونني؟ Excuse me, but can you help me? Excuse me, you appreciate my cooperation? لا أحد يقطن هناك. Nobody lives there. No one lives there. أشعل الضوء من فضلك. Turn on the light, please. Light up, please. إنها لذيذة. It tastes really good. It's delicious. قدّموا لك وثيقة كان ينبغي أن يمضيها أبوك، أليس كذلك؟ They gave you a document your dad was supposed to sign, didn't they? They gave you a document that your father should have spent, didn't they? أعرف. I know. I know. كانت تريد ليلى أن تسرق مصرفا. Layla wanted to rob a bank. She wanted to rob a bank. إعتقدتُ أنّه شخصاً ذكياً جداً. I thought him very clever. I thought he was a very smart person. إذا قررت الإجابة عن الأسئلة الآن دون حضور محامي ، فيحق لك التوقف عن الإجابة في أي وقت. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop answering at any time. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop answering at any time. عدد من السياح اصيبوا في الحادثة . A number of tourists were injured in the accident. A number of tourists were injured in the incident. على رغم من أسلوبه حديثه الناضج، لكن في الحقيقة هو مجرد طفل بعمر ٩ سنوات. Despite his mature way of speaking, he is just a nine-year-old. Despite his mature style, he is actually just a nine-year-old. تستطيع المحاولة ثلاث مرات. You can have three tries. You can try three times. بيته قريب من النّهر. His house is near the river. His house is close to the river. كانت تمطر عند إقلاعنا، لكن، عندما وصلنا، كان الجو مشمسا. It was raining when we left, but by the time we arrived, it was sunny. It was raining when we took off, but, when we arrived, it was sunny. أُحضر سامي إلى العيادة. Sami was brought into the clinic. Sammy was brought to the clinic. ليس غبياً. He is not stupid. Not stupid. اختبأ الأرنب خلف الشجرة. The rabbit hid behind the tree. The rabbit hid behind the tree. أخذ سامي معه مفاتيحه و هاتفه النّقاّل. Sami took his keys and cell phone with him. Sammy took his keys and cell phone with him. كنت في الجبال. I was in the mountains. I was in the mountains. إذا حصلت على علامة جيدة في المدرسة, سأدعُك تذهب لبوستن الصّيف المقبل. If you get good grades at school, I'll let you go to Boston next summer. If you get a good grade in school, I'll let you go to Boston next summer. أريد أن أكتب كتاباً. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. لا يمكن أن تكون جاداً. You cannot be serious. You can't be serious. لديّ إحساس أني كنت هنا من قبل. I have a feeling that I have been here before. I have a feeling I've been here before. يبدو سامي مثلك. Sami looks like you. Sammy looks like you. كَلِمَةُ المُرُوْرِ هي "موريل". The password is "Muiriel". The word of the narrator is "Morrell". عقد حصّة. He held a session. Hold a stake. الحساب عليّ. I'll pay the bill. It's on me. في زلازل كتير في اليابان. Earthquakes frequently hit Japan. Many earthquakes in Japan. ما علاباليش ادا مازالها عندي. I don't know if I still have it. I still don't have it. أتستخدم أحدث الملحقات؟ Are you using the latest plugins? Are you using the latest accessories? أنا لا آكل. I am not eating. I don't eat. التقيا في مطعم في الضّفّة اليسرى. They met in a restaurant on the Left Bank. They met at a restaurant on the left side. بيتي تعزف البيانو. Betty can play the piano. Betty plays the piano. هل تساعدني في حل واجبي؟ Will you help me with my homework? Will you help me with my homework? طُعِّمتُ من الإنفلونزا. I was vaccinated against the flu. I was vaccinated by the flu. ساكنة فين؟ Where do you live? Static Finn? لجون إبنان. John has two sons. John has two sons. أتمنى لك يوماً لطيفاً. Have a nice day. Have a nice day. عاش فاضل حياة أحلامه لمدّة سبع سنوات. For seven years, Fadil lived his dream life. He lived the life of his dreams for seven years. إنه وقت العودة للعمل. It's time to get back to work. It's time to get back to work. هنأته على نجاحه. I congratulated him on his success. I congratulated him on his success. هل هو يتحدث الإنجليزية, الفرنسية أو الألمانية؟ Is he speaking English, French, or German? Does he speak English, French or German? أنتَ يمكنكَ دائماً القدوم هنا. You can always come here. You can always come here. سامي ابن خاله. Sami is his cousin. Sammy's cousin. هذا جميل ، و ذلك أيضاً جميل. This is beautiful, and that is also beautiful. That's beautiful. That's also beautiful. كان الكحول هو المخدّر المفضّل عند سامي. Alcohol was Sami's drug of choice. Alcohol was Sammy’s favorite drug. أظنّ أنّك مخطئ. I think you're mistaken. I think you're wrong. أسكن في أوساكا. I stay in Osaka. I live in Osaka. يعيش البدو في الصحراء. Bedouins live in the desert. The Bedouins live in the desert. ما اسمكِ؟ Do you have a name? What's your name? الكل يوافقك الرأي. Everybody agrees with you. Everyone agrees. أنا أُحب الحيوانات, على سبيل المثال, القِطط والكلاب. I like animals, for example, cats and dogs. I like animals, for example, cats and dogs. نادني هاري رجاء. Call me Harry, if you don't mind. Please call me Harry. فقد فاضل كلّ مدخراته. Fadil's life savings were gone. He lost all of his savings. اِرفع يدك اليسرى. Raise your left hand. Raise your left hand. تغرد الطيور في الصباح الباكر. Birds sing early in the morning. Birds sing early in the morning. صحَّحت روحي. I corrected myself. I corrected my soul. يودّ توم شراء منزلًا. Tom would like to buy a house. Tom wants to buy a house. حاول مرة تانية. Try it again. Try again. هل بإمكاني الدخول؟ May I come in? Can I come in? آسف لما حدث. I'm sorry for what happened. I'm sorry about what happened. سيتواصل التّحقيق لأشهر. The investigation will go on for months. The investigation will continue for months. وين راهي دّوش؟ Where are the showers? Wayne Rahi Dosh?