נדיר שתום צוחק. Tom seldom laughs. There's very little silence laughing. إنها من فرنسا. She is from France. It's from France. لقد غيّر سامي حياتي. Sami changed my life. Sammy changed my life. سأقلك بعد العمل. I'll pick you up after work. I'll tell you after work. إن احتجت المال سأطلبه من والدي. If I need money, I'll ask my father. If you need the money, I'll ask my dad. እሞክራለሁ። I will try. I know this, I know it. Tom yebɣa ad ineɣ Mary. Tom wants to kill Mary. Therefore I desire to put Mary to death. הוא נתן תשר כאות הוקרת תודה. He gave a tip as a sign of gratitude. He gave a gift as a token of gratitude. ماذا كُنتِ ستقولينَ لو كنتِ في مكاني؟ What would you say if you were in my place? What would you say if you were in my place? רק תסתלק. Just go away. Just get out. Beṛka ambiwel! Be reasonable. Death of such a one! אני בטוחה שתסתדרי. I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm sure you'll do it. اليوم، غير مسموح له أن يأكل أي شيئا حلوا. Today, he is not allowed to eat anything sweet. Today, he is not allowed to eat anything sweet. Sɛut kra. Have some. Pray not for anything. هل هذا جديد؟ Is it new? Is this new? טום זכה רק לאחוז אחד מהקולות. Tom received only one per cent of the vote. Tom won only one percent of the votes. Tom ilul deg ɛecrin Tubeṛ. Tom was born on the twentieth of October. Six years ago, there were several immigrants in the town of Tuber. أفسد المطر نزهتنا. The rain spoiled our picnic. The rain is ruining our journey. من كم يوم تتالف السنة الكبيسة ؟ How many days comprise a leap year? How many days will the great year end? Yiwen ur d-icliɛ. Nobody cares. There was no one who could answer them. Teǧǧuǧug. She grew roses. Don't do. تركت ليلى الثّانويّة. Layla left high school. I left the second night. Ugadeɣ fell-am. I'm afraid for you. I am instructed by you. Ṛuḥ zik ar wexxam! Go home quickly. Go home first! מרי בחורה חכמה. Mary is a smart girl. Mary's a smart girl. היינו יכולים להסתייע. We could use some help. We could have assisted. للأمومة والطفولة الحق في مساعدة ورعاية خاصتين. وينعم كل الأطفال بنفس الحماية الاجتماعية سواء أكانت ولادتهم ناتجة عن رباط شرعي أم بطريقة غير شرعية. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection. Motherhood and childhood have the right to special assistance and care, and all children enjoy the same social protection, whether they are born as a result of a legitimate bond or in an illegal manner. Tekkat lehwa. It is raining. A taxi. أخذ الولد يبكي. The boy started crying. Take the boy crying. لا أعلم ماذا أقول. I just don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. להתראות בארוחת הצהריים. See you at lunch. See you at lunch. איפה אני מוצא את משחת השיניים? Where can I find toothpaste? Where do I find the toothbrush? מוטב שתאכל ארוחת בוקר. You had better have breakfast. You better eat breakfast. כתוצאה מתאונת הדרכים הנהג נפצע קשות ונוסע אחד קיפח את חייו. As a result of the car accident, the driver was severely injured, and the passanger died. As a result of the road accident, the driver was severely injured and one traveler enriched his life. يمكنني أن اسمعه. I can hear it. I can hear it. תום נראה די מוטרד. Tom looks somewhat annoyed. Tom seems pretty upset. توم كان فَاطن، بصح ما قْدرش يتحرّك. Tom was awake, but he couldn't move. Tom was a phantom, with what he's moving. أعطني الملح من فضلك. The salt, if you please. Give me the salt, please. היא הגיעה אל המטרה. She reached her goal. She got to the target. Ttxil-k ur tettu ara ayen i d-nenna. Please don't forget what we discussed. See that you don't understand the things which are spoken to us. הילד לא בוכה עוד. The child is not crying anymore. The kid doesn't cry anymore. ربما أنت تعلم أين هي كتبي. Maybe you know where my books are? Maybe you know where my books are. בוא נחכה ונראה מה תום עושה בפועל. Let's wait and see what Tom actually does. Let's wait and see what Tom's actually doing. إنتظر Wait! Wait. هي تريد تعلّم الأمازيغية. She wants to learn Berber. She wants to learn Amazigh. יש לה אישיות פתוחה מאד. She has a very open personality. She's got a very open personality. Ttxil-k, ur zeɛɛef ara. Please don't get angry. He is risen again, and doesn't find his heart. Eǧǧ-iyi-d taktubt-ik ma ulac aɣilif. Lend me your book, please. And shew me thy book, which hath nothing important. למי אתה חושב אותי? Who do you think I am? Who do you think I am? هل تريد فنجانا آخر من الشاي؟ Would you like another cup of tea? You want another fan of tea? Amek i tsawaleḍ i weqjun-ik? How do you call your dog? How could you have done this, 'Your eyes and your ears?'" Inħobbok. I love you. I love you. תרופה טובה היא מרה. Good medicine is bitter. Good medicine is Maria. يوجد في هذا المتجر حلوى أكثر من المتجر الآخر. This shop has more candy than that shop. There's more candy in this store than the other one. Akken llan, ur ssinen ara ad sneṭqen isem n Tom. Everybody pronounces Tom's name wrong. They didn't know that they would put out the name of Thomas. שנינו שונאים אותך. We both hate you. We both hate you. מה קרה עם היתר? What happened to the others? What happened with the rest? Yebna Tom axxam annect ilat. Tom has built a large house. He built a house like this one. Ḥebset ambiwel. Stop moving. No, I swear. Ẓriɣ belli d Tom d amejjay n tuɣmas. I know Tom is a dentist. I know that Tom is the beginning of the deeds. Rewlen meṛṛa. Everyone escaped. And they were all called upon. תום לא מוכן לדבר עם מרי. Tom wouldn't talk to Mary. Tom won't talk to Mary. Tom yewweḍ-d. Tom's arrived. Now the hour is at hand. אני רוצה לדעת מאיפה אתה יודע את זה. I want to know how you know that. I want to know where you know that. كان باب سامي مقفلا. Sami's door was locked. Sammy's door was locked. الناس يحتاجون الى الطعام. The people need food. People need food. الإنترنت مفيد جدا لمعرفة ظروف كل جزء من العالم. The Internet is very useful for knowing the circumstances of each part of the world. The Internet is very useful to know the circumstances of each part of the world. Ttenkkareɣ-d ɣef 7. I wake up at 7 o'clock. I have witnessed seven times. منّاد يقطن في منزل رائع. Sami lives in a wonderful house. He lives in a great house. نشعر بالحرارة We're hot. We feel hot. Acḥal iyi-txuṣṣemt! How I have missed you! It's possible that I'm being disobedient! כל כמה זמן את מתקלחת? How often do you take a shower? How long have you been showering? מהו הגיל האידיאלי של גבר? What's the ideal age for a man? What's a man's ideal age? סבי שותה קפה עם חבורת קשישים כל בוקר. My grandpa drinks coffee with a group of old guys every morning. My grandfather drinks coffee with a bunch of old people every morning. תוכלו לתת לי הנחה? Would you give me a discount? Can you give me a discount? كان مدرّسا بديلا. He was a substitute teacher. He was an alternative teacher. كنت أرغب في البقاء في السرير طوال اليوم. I wanted to stay in bed all day. I'd like to stay in bed all day. Ttxil-kent, xedmemt akken i d-nniɣ. Please do as I say. See that ye walk, keep as I have said. Tebɣam timellalin? Do you want eggs? Are you burning? הוא סבור שיש בינינו מרגל. He believes that there is a spy among us. He thinks we have a spy. Anta i iselken? Who survived? Where are the healers? It-tazza hija nadifa. The glass is clean. The cup is clean. اتضحك عليك. You've been deceived. Make fun of you. نحتاج فقط قليلا من الوقت. We just need a little time. We just need a little time. זה טבעי. This is natural. It's natural. ادي الكتاب للي عايزه. Give the book to the guy who wants it. It's the book for me. Sεiɣ snitra. I have a guitar. I got it. سمعت ليلى صوتا مألوفا. Layla heard a familiar voice. I heard a familiar voice. תמשיכי להאבק. Keep fighting. Keep fighting. הטייפון לפני שבוע היה קטלני מאד. The typhoon last week was extremely deadly. The phone a week ago was very deadly. Ttxil-k, ssired ifassen-ik uqbel ad teččeḍ. Please wash your hands before eating. "Lift up your hands before they eat." Yella win i yettnezzihen deg Tom. Someone is watching Tom. There is one going about in Tom. أصبحت ليلى حاملا في الثّانويّة. Layla got pregnant in high school. Lila's pregnant in the womb. أنا غير متفاجئ. I'm not surprised. I'm not surprised. هل دخلت لحسابك؟ Did you log in? Did you get into your account? רוץ הכי מהר שאתה יכול. Run as fast as you can. Run as fast as you can. Yella walebɛaḍ i yessawlen i yiɣallen n tɣellist. Somebody called the police. And, behold, there is one that calleth for the wedding. Tom temmaḥ-it Mary. Tom was kissed by Mary. Then she joined Mary. אנו עדיין בבית הספר. We are still in school. We're still at school. لكم سامي فريدا في قضيبه. Sami punched Farid in the dick. You've got Sammy Freda in his dick. Tom yeẓra Mary teṭṭafar-it. Tom knew Mary was following him. But Tom knows she's a virgin. הסרט הזה משעמם. This movie is boring. This movie is boring. لا أستطيع أن أقول نفس الشّيء عنك. I can't say the same about you. I can't say the same about you. אני חושב שהרבה אנשים עושים את זה. I think many people do that. I think a lot of people do it. حان وقت النهوض. It's time to get up. It's time to advance. عرض سامي على الشّرطة أن يخبرهم بكلّ ما يعلم. Sami offered to tell police everything that he knew. Sammy's offering the police to tell them everything he knows. أتعلم ماذا؟ انس الأمر! سأقوم به بنفسي. You know what? Forget it! I'll just do it myself. You know what, forget it, I'll do it myself. אנו מצפים להצלחה. We anticipate success. We look forward to success. אני לא רדום. I'm not sleepy. I'm not asleep. ماذا تتعلم؟ What do you learn? What do you learn? Yiwen ur yeḥsi. Nobody knows. No one is anxious. Ad teɣṛem adlis-a neɣ ala? Won't you read this book? Will you read in it, or not? הייתי פה זמן ממושך. I've been here a long time. I've been here a long time. Ṣbeṛ dqiqa kan. Hey, wait up! A fine cucumber on top of it. الباب دائما مفتوح. The door is always open. The door is always open. Yella walebɛaḍ i d-isqeṛben ar tewwurt. Somebody knocked on the door. And, behold, there was a man which had the key made ready. אם הוא יעבוד קשה, הוא יעבור את הבחינה. If he studied hard, he would pass the test. If he works hard, he'll pass the test. توجد جثّة في صندوق السيّارة. There's a body in the trunk of the car. There's a body in the car box. היה לי חזיון. I had a revelation. I had a vision. העסקים משתפרים. Business is improving. Business's getting better. يعطيك صسحّا كيما فهّمتلي وعلاش فينالمان نّاس تحسبني حمار. Thanks for having explained to me at last why people take me for an idiot. He gives you a bow so that you can understand me, and you think of me as an ass. أطلق سامي النّار على كلب متشرّد. Sami shot a stray dog. Sammy shot a homeless dog. אין דבר כזה ספר לימוד מקיף. There is no such a thing as a comprehensive textbook. There's no such thing as a comprehensive study book. علي أن أنهض على كل حال. I have to get up anyways. I have to get up anyway. אני לא מרוצה מזה. I'm not satisfied with that. I'm not pleased with that. אני לא יודעת מה טום ראה. I don't know what Tom saw. I don't know what Tom saw. Yace yana jin yunwa ne kuma yanason zuwa gida don cin abinci dare. He said that he was hungry, and that he wanted to go home to dinner. He was hungry and loved to go home for dinner. תפסיקי לשיר. Stop singing. Stop singing. זה מטופש. This is foolish. That's stupid. لقد واجهَت الكثير من الصعوبات. She has gone through many difficulties. I've had a lot of difficulties. اتّصل سامي بصديق كي يقلّه. Sami called a friend to pick him up. Sammy called a friend to let him down. הם ברכו אותי. They greeted me. They blessed me. سأعود للعمل كي أكسب قليلا من المال. I'm gonna go back to work and earn some money. I'm going back to work to make some money. كان سامي يرحّب بالزّوّار في الاستقبال. Sami greeted visitors at the reception. Sammy was welcoming visitors to the reception. הם סקרניים. They're inquisitive. They're curious. أتستطيع تحدث الفرنسية؟ Can you speak French? Can you speak French? إنها جميلة جداً. She is very pretty. It's so beautiful. הבנין - גובהו שבע קומות. The building is seven stories high. The building -- its height is seven floors. יש לו תסביך רדיפה. He has a persecution complex. He's got a follow-up complex. יש לנו עוגיות תות ושוקולד. We have strawberry and chocolate cookies. We have tea and chocolate cookies. Anwa i irebḥen? Who won? Who is weak? أنا جعان أوي. I am terribly hungry. I'm hungry. D acu-t warraz-iw? What's my prize? Therefore what was my mind about? לתום ראיה טובה. Tom has good eyesight. Tom's a good witness. Di leɛnaya-m seɣti-t. Please correct it. I pray that I may put him to death. כולנו נתגעגע אליך. We'll all miss you. We'll all miss you. Ḥemmleɣ-k aṭas. I love you bunches. I have loved you very much. مَن؟ Who is it? Who? מרי שיקרה לגבי הגיל שלה. Mary lied about her age. Mary lied about her age. הוא מאמן גדול. He's a great coach. He's a great coach. بيكاسو فنان مشهور. Picasso is a famous artist. Picasso is a famous artist. כלב נובח אינו נושך. A barking dog doesn't bite. A bell doesn't bite. תום היה האיש שסיפר לי מה קרה. Tom is the one who told me about what happened. Tom was the man who told me what happened. وصلنا إلى المستشفى بسلام. We safely arrived at the hospital. We got to the hospital in peace. إبحث و ستجد. Seek, and you will find. Search and you'll find. هل تحبني؟ Do you love me? Do you love me? أين هي لوري؟ Where is Laurie? Where's Lori? על איזה כוכב לכת אתה חי? What planet do you live on? What planet do you live on? אתם בטח משפחת ג'קסון. You must be the Jacksons. You guys must be the Jacksons. كان سامي بمثابة عمود لأهل الحي. Sami was a pillar of the community. Sammy was a pillar to the neighborhood. أراد سامي أن يبعد ليلى عن حياته. Sami wanted Layla out of his life. Sammy wanted to keep Lily away from his life. השתמש בבקשה בצלחת. Please use a plate. Please use a plate. ماري, هل سوف تجيبي على سؤالي؟ سأل أديل بينما كانت تحاول أن تسيطر على حماسها. "Mary, will you answer my question?" asked Adèle while trying to control her excitement. Mary, will you answer my question? תום שומר על הילדים שלי. Tom takes care of my children. Tom's watching my kids. אתה יודע רבות על האבקות סומו. You know quite a lot about Sumo. You know a lot about the dust somo. لم يصدّق سامي حظّه السّعيد. Sami couldn't believe his good luck. Sammy didn't believe his good luck. המסיבה היתה כשלון מוחלט. The party was a complete disaster. The party was a complete failure. كان سامي بحاجة لمقوّم أسنان. Sami needed braces for his teeth. Sammy needed a toothbrush. Nniɣ-asen d akken ur wen-d-qqaṛen ara. I told them not to tell you. But I have told them of my words, and they will not tell you. استمع إلى توم Listen to Tom. Listen to Tom. Anabaḍ yella yeẓẓel aḍar ɣef ugdud. The government oppressed the people. And they began to fast by the green grass; and they withered away on the dry ground. החתול קימר את גבו. The cat arched its back. The cat nailed his back. תום הגיע לכאן לפני הזריחה. Tom got here before sunrise. Tom came here before sunrise. Teẓṛamt anda i d-ilul? Do you know his birthplace? Which mountains were born, where were they born? Ini-yi-d tidet. Tell me the truth. Say thou. קנינו את הדירה לפני זמן לא רב. We didn't buy the apartment that long ago. We bought the apartment a short time ago. الأمر غريب. It's pretty weird. It's weird. תום נראה חולה. Tom looked sick. Tom seems sick. من الأفضل أن تلازم البيت لأنك لديك حمى. As you have a fever, you'd better stay home. You better walk home because you have a fever. كلاب توم هاجموا ماري. Tom's dog attacked Mary. Tom's dogs attacked Mary. أتحس بوجع في بطنك؟ Do you feel any pain in your stomach? Do you feel a pain in your stomach? متى تستيقظ؟ When do you get up? When do you wake up? Aɛni tsebɣeḍ acebbub-ik? Did you dye your hair? Have you built a tower for you? Kemm d aḥric seg uɣbel. You're part of the problem. Now you have to pay a price out of that breach. بدت ليلى نعسانة. Layla seemed sleepy. It seemed so good to me. Tcukkeḍ ilaq ad xedmeɣ aya neɣ ala? You think I need to do that, don't you? Do you want to do this or that? Amer temɣer tezmer, amer temẓi tessen. If old age could, if youth knew. You're ready. You're willing, you're willing to eat and drink. Yessefk ad tbeɛɛdeḍ fell-asen. You need to stay away from them. Send a witness to them, and you will find them. Kečč d aɣilif. You're a problem. You are an ass. هل شربت عصير البرتقال هذا؟ Did you drink this orange juice? Did you drink this orange juice? .Tom kan nsa lpaṛapelwi taɛ-u mala selleft-lu waḥed men ɛend-i Tom had forgotten his umbrella so I lent him one of mine. He had just received a letter from his mother, and I asked him for one of them. Taggara, adfel yekkat-d. Finally, it's snowing! Last, add-d. بإمكانك وضعها في أي مكان. You can put it anywhere. You can put it anywhere. الكرة الآن في ملعبك! Now the ball is in your court! The ball's in your field now! ده كتابك. It's your book. Here's your book. أنا متعب بسبب المرض والعمل. I am tired, from sickness and work. I'm tired of sickness and work. זה הבית בו נולדתי. This is the house where I was born. This is the house where I was born. هذا هو مدرّس العلوم. This is the science teacher. This is the science teacher. ماري بتتكلم ياباني بشويش. Mary spoke Japanese slowly. Mary's talking to Japanese Bishop. من الجيد معرفة ذلك That's good to know. It's good to know that. لبرّانييا احيروني. Foreign people intrigue me. Branny's got me. Aql-i deg ukala n usuqel. I am in the process of translating. But they are in the seat of an ass. על איזה כוכב את חיה? What planet do you live on? What planet are you on? Tella tin i yettfeṛṛiǧen deg Tom. Someone is watching Tom. Ye did notice that the vineyard was at Tom. زينب سمينة جداً. تاكل خمسة وجبات في اليوم. وزن زينب ١٠٠ كيل. Zainab is very fat. She eats five meals a day. Zainab's weight is 100 kg. Very fat zinc, eating five meals a day, weighing 100 pounds. אני גרה במרכז הארץ. I live in the center of the country. I live in the middle of the country. أتصل بها كل يوم. I call her up every day. Call her every day. האם אבא שלו רופא? Is his father a doctor? Is his father a doctor? أنا أعتقد أني بطريق الخطأ حذفت ذلك الملف. I think I mistakenly deleted that file. I think I'm wrong to delete that file. Yettazal. He ran. It's possible. أنا أعتقد أني بطريق الخطأ أرسلت البريد الإلكتروني إلى توم. I think I mistakenly sent that email to Tom. I think I accidentally sent the e-mail to Tom. להסיע אותך הביתה? Do you need a ride home? To drive you home? תום לקח את המפתח מהדלת. Tom removed the key from the door. Tom took the key from the door. Ur ttaggaden ara. They're fearless. Don't watch. استأنف قراءة الكتاب. He continued reading the book. Reread the book. كانت ليلى ترقص في نوادي التّعرّي و تربح المال. Layla stripped and made money. Lily was dancing in the club club and making money. اعترف بالهزيمة. He admitted defeat. Recognize defeat. كان هناك مدرّسون يصرخون. There were teachers yelling. There were teachers screaming. Yessers uḥeddad afḍis yerfed-it mmi-s The blacksmith put down his hammer and his son took it.. And his wife's mother begat him, and he died the son: كانت الفتاة خائفة من ظلها. The girl was afraid of her own shadow. The girl was scared of her shadow. תום הסתיר מידע חשוב מסוים. Tom withheld some important information. Tom hid some important information. Ḥbes amcetcew! Stop fighting! Thank you very much! يجب عليك البدأ قريبا. You must start soon. You should start soon. أرسل سامي رسالة لعضو في البرلمان يعلن فيها عن براءته. Sami sent an MP a letter declaring his innocence. Sammy sent a letter to a member of Parliament announcing his innocence. איש לא חשד בדבר. Nobody suspected anything. No one's suspected of anything. التدخين قد يكون قاتلاً. Smoking may be fatal. Smoking could be a killer. גטניו הסביר בריאיון עיתונאי שהגבלת הגישה לשירותי הדואר האלקטרוני לא הייתה קשורה לפרסום הווידאו הפוגעני. Gategno explained in a press interview that the restriction of access to the e-mail service had nothing to do with the release of the inflammatory video. Gitano explained a press press release that the restriction of access to e-mail services was not linked to the broadcast of the pornographic video. لم عصيت أمري؟ Why did you disobey my order? You didn't give up on me? אני יכולה לראות את המגדל מהמקום בו אני עומדת. I can see the tower from where I stand. I can see the tower from where I'm standing. Aselkim d amaynut. The computer is new. Aselkim is a Muslim. I yecbeḥ ilemẓi-nni! What a handsome young man! And he sought for the damsel. قيس قبل ما تغيص. The devil is in the details. It's bad before it's changed. זה כל מה שתום מדבר עליו. That's all Tom talks about. That's all Tom's talking about. إن القطار قد غادر. The last train has already gone. The train's gone. ספר זה עוסק באנתרופולוגיה. This book deals with anthropology. This book deals with anthropology. كان سامي يتمتّع حياته. Sami was enjoying his life. Sammy was enjoying his life. Yella ḥedd i yukren tiremt-iw. Somebody stole my lunch. For there was a certain Jews about which had been so long ago. قال له: "تفضّل بالجلوس إذا سمحت". "Sit down, please," he said. He said, "You'd rather sit down if you'd like to." قرر أن يبقي خطته سراً. He made up his mind to keep his plan secret. He decided to keep his plan confidential. שכחתי את הקוד הסודי. I forgot the PIN number. I forgot the secret code. الأمازيغية مفيدة. Berber is useful. Amazigation is useful. הוא עשה אותה טעות פעמיים. He made the same mistake twice. He made her a mistake twice. انهار منزل سامي. Sami's house collapsed. Break down Sammy's house. كان الكلب ميتاً. The dog was dead. The dog was dead. Ur tteṛḍalemt ara aṭas n yedrimen i Tom. Don't give Tom too much credit. Don't buy much in Thomas's house. كيف يبدو لك مستواي في الإنجليزيّة؟ What do they think about my English? How do you look at my level in English? Ilaq ad nexdem kra. We'll have to do something. All things ought to be done. את יכולה להגיד מה לא נכון? Can you tell what's wrong? Can you say what's wrong? D acu i d-yeqqaṛ? What does he say? What does he say? איפה ההורים שלי? Where are my parents? Where are my parents? אתה משפטן? Are you a lawyer? Are you a judge? عن ماذا سأكتب اليوم؟ What should I write about today? What am I gonna write today? Yufa-k-id tukiḍ. He found you awake. You have nothing to do with prayer. זה לא מוצא חן בעיני. I don't like this. I don't like that. Ilaq ad xedmeɣ kra. I have to do something. I must do anything. ወደ ትምሕርት ቤት ይሄዳል። He goes to school. He goes to the house of mercy. תום לא אוהב להכין שיעורי בית. Tom doesn't like doing homework. Tom doesn't like making homework. התייעץ עם הרופא. Consult your doctor. Talk to the doctor. זה היה בלתי אפשרי לשלוף את הפקק. It was impossible to pull out the cork. It was impossible to pull the block. Yella win i sen-iseččen ssem. Somebody poisoned them. And there is one that feedeth them, and feedeth them. בוא נלך לאכול חטיף נקניקיה או משהו כזה. Let's go grab a hot dog or something. Let's go eat a hot dog snack or something. Beṛka-kem ur yi-ttṛuẓu ara aqeṛṛuy-iw. Stop bothering me! Thou hast filled me not with indignation. התיישב. Be seated. Sit down. Sami yella yeffeɣ ɣer beṛṛa deg iḍ-nni. Sami was moving out that night. And Simon went out that very night. لا يشتري إلا ما ينفعه. He buys only what'll be useful for him. He only buys what's good for him. Qqleɣ-d bac ad heḍṛeɣ daɣen yid-k. I've come to talk with you again. I have risen up, and talked with thee. Yella walebɛaḍ i iwalan kra? Did somebody say something? Is there any one who saw him? Iqqes-iyi wezrem. I've been bitten by a snake. He stopped me. אני לא אוהבת להיות לבד בחוף. I don't like being alone on the beach. I don't like being alone on the beach. לא סיפרתי אפילו לאשתי. I haven't even told my wife. I didn't even tell my wife. לא כל הילדים אוהבים תפוחים. All children do not like apples. Not all kids like apples. יש לי הרבה דברים לעשות היום. I have a lot of things to do today. I have a lot to do today. Tzemreḍ ad tṛuḥeḍ. You can go. If you would come, you will go. أرني كيف تعمل. Show me how it works. Show me how it works. Yella win i wumi tebɣam ad teɣṛem? Is there somebody you want to call? Is there any then that ye would read? Iṛuḥ wallaɣ-iw. I fainted. He is gone away from me. האם השמוק הזה עובד עבור הממשלה? That sumbitch work for the gummint? Does that bastard work for the government? יש לך איזה שהם שיעורי בית? Do you have any homework to do? Do you have any homework? מרי יכולה לשחות. Mary can swim. Mary can swim. دفع توم ثمن التذاكر. Tom paid for the tickets. Tom paid the ticket price. Tamaziɣt d tawcult i yegebren ddeqs n tutlayin gar-asent: Tabqaylit, Tacawit, Tamẓabit, Tarifit, Tazennatit, Tatergit akked Tacelḥit. Berber as a family contains several languages ​​including: Kabyle, Shawi, Mozabit, Rifain, Zennati, Tergi and Chleuh. A course of wisdom, and a course of wisdom, among which men speak many languages. A course of conduct, peacocks, Takaoit, Tambabeth, Tarrifth, Tazenatith, Tatargit, and Tacelhaith. ובכן, שיקרתי. Well, I lied. Well, I lied. Sarameɣ ad k-ẓṛeɣ daɣen. I hope to see you again. I hope to see you again. لولا مساعدتك لفشل أبي. If it had not been for your help, my father would have failed. If it wasn't for your help to fail my father. Bedduɣ. I start. I began to smoke. הוא שינה כמה מילים. He changed a few words. He changed a few words. تسقط الحكومة! Down with the Government! The government is falling! Lliɣ deg Boston asmi i d-yeḍṛa wayen. I was in Boston when that happened. And I was in Boston, when thou heardest the saying. התחלתי ללכת כה וכה. I began pacing. I started walking so far. Ɣef leḥsab-iw tɣelṭem. In my opinion, you're wrong. I counted them therefore, that ye should be witnesses of me. Qqareɣ idlisen. I read books. I dilute. Ta d Nina, d yelli-s n mmi-k. This is Nina, your granddaughter. And Naina is the daughter of thy son. لم يكن ينبغي على سامي العودة. Sami never should have returned. Sammy shouldn't have come back. هناك حدود بين الولايات المتحدة و المكسيك. There is a border between the United States and Mexico. There are borders between the United States and Mexico. מדיניות הילודה החדשה שמה לה למטרה להגיע לגידול אפס באוכלוסיה. The new birth policy is aimed at achieving zero population growth. The new birth policy has been designed to reach zero population growth. סליחה, אוכל להשתמש בטלפון? Excuse me, but may I use the phone? Excuse me, can I use the phone? השכונה הייתה שקטה. The neighborhood was silent. The neighborhood was quiet. Ulamek ara nesεu lḥeqq nekk d Tom deg sin. Tom and I can't both be right. But to the one we are no more in the truth, but I am in the same place. لم يدعني سامي. Sami didn't invite me. Sammy didn't let me. Acimi ur ttetteḍ ara tura? Why don't you eat now? Don't you consider it now? השמנת יתר לא טובה לבריאות. Becoming too fat is not good for one's health. It's not good for your health. السفر للفضاء سيكون شائعا في المستقبل . Space travel will be commonplace some time in the future. Traveling to space will be common in the future. اختار هاوكنغ التركيز على الرياضيات والفيزياء، رافضا بهذا حث والده الطبيب إياه على دراسة الطب. Rejecting the urging of his physician father to study medicine, Hawking chose instead to concentrate on mathematics and physics. Haokang chose to focus on mathematics and physics, refusing to urge his father to study medicine. أين السفارة البريطانية؟ Where is the British embassy? Where's the British Embassy? Tom yella yerfa ɣef Mary. Tom was furious at Mary. But he was indignant about Mary. كان فاضل فردا محترما جدّا عند أهل الحي. Fadil was a highly regarded member of the community. He was a very respected member of the neighborhood. "وقل ربِّ زدني علمًا". But say, "O my Lord! advance me in knowledge." "And my Lord has added to my knowledge." כולם צפו בתום בזהירות. Everyone watched Tom carefully. Everyone watched them carefully. כולם נרגעו. Everyone quieted down. Everybody calm down. Tella tin i yettmuqqulen. Someone is watching. I had a lot of fun. נצטרך סיוע. We're going to need help. We'll need help. خذ راحتك. Make yourself at home. Take your rest. اتّصل بي مدرّسك. Your teacher called me. Call me your teacher. Ur tebɣiḍ ara ad irbeḥ Tom, neɣ ala? You don't want Tom to win, do you? Don't you want to gain Tom? Or don't you want to win for him, either? Tella tin i ɣ-d-itabaɛen. Somebody is following us. For there were present with us also, and they visited us. أحمل معي قنينة مياه معدنيّة دومًا. I always carry a bottle of mineral water with me. I've always had a glass of metal water with me. لديها ابن وابنة. She has a son and a daughter. She has a son and a daughter. אני רוצה להודות לכל הנוכחים. I want to thank everybody here. I want to thank all present. لم تزوّجتي منه؟ Why did you marry him? Why did you marry him? ذهب سامي لإحضار الدّواء بسرعة. Sami went to get the medicine quickly. Sammy went to get the medicine quick. לתום עדיין שיער רטוב. Tom still has wet hair. Tom's still wet hair. Yekka-d seg ubrid n uɣiwel. He came by the freeway. And it came to pass, that by the way of a camel. Aqjun yeshewhiw The dog is barking. Others tell me what to do. אל תחתום על החוזה בעפרון. Don't sign the contract with a pencil. Don't sign the contract with the pencil. Tulawin ḥemmlent ameslay. Women like to talk. They added, among other things, to the talk. את ממלמלת. You're babbling. You're complaining. איפה הטבעת שלי? Where is my ring? Where's my ring? Heddṛen akk taṛumit. Everybody spoke French. And all the birds came up. Yiwen ur d-yecliɛ. No one cared. And no man began to cry. Ssfeqdet zdat. Check around. So you stood before him. פירנצה זו העיר היפה ביותר באיטליה. Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy. Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy. تهدر سبنيوليّا؟ Do you speak Spanish? You're wasting Spaniolia? Anda-t uselkim-inu? Where's my computer? Where is selkim-me? بيته قريب من النّهر. His house is near the river. His house is near the river. לדעתי הוא לא מתאים לעבודה. In my opinion he is not fit for the work. I think he doesn't fit for work. اليابان قريبة من الصين. Japan is close to China. Japan is close to China. أخذ الولد يبكي. The boy began to cry. Take the boy crying. Sɛedel taxxamt-ik. Put your room in order. Taxable income. سجّل والدي فاضل ابنهما في مدرسة راقية في القاهرة. Fadil's parents enrolled him in a prestigious school in Cairo. My father enrolled their son in a high school in Cairo. אתה רוצה לעשות את זה או לא? Do you want to do this or not? Do you want to do this or not? Ur tettilliḍ ara qrib d tuzzya n Tom? Aren't you about the same age as Tom? Aren't you near the city of Thomas? Ur zmireɣ ara ad aruɣ aya akken iwata. I can't write that well. I can't write as much as I ought to write. كانت الثّامنة و النّصف و لم يكن هناك أثر لفاضل بعد. At 8:30, there was still no sign of Fadil. It was the eighth and the half, and there was no sign of the difference yet. أريد أن أقول لك شيئاً. I have something to tell you. I want to tell you something. Deg temdint ara zedɣeɣ. I will live in the city. I dwell in a city. Ur ttruẓuɣ kra. I am not breaking anything. I did not hear anything. أحلاماً سعيدة! Sweet dreams! Happy dreams! Illu naɣ agama. God or nature. the God of us, the One who is far away from you, قالت أنه ينبغي علي أن أعود للبيت مبكرا. She said that I should come home soon. She said I should be home early. היא לא יכולה עדיין לרכוב על אופניים. She can't ride a bicycle yet. She can't still ride a bike. لن يكون من السّهل نسيانك. It won't be easy to forget you. It won't be easy for you to forget. Ẓriɣ belli Tom mačči d Akanadi. I know Tom isn't a Canadian. I know that Tom is not an Akandi. نُقِل سامي بسرعة إلى المستشفى و تعافى بعد ستّة أيّام. Sami was rushed to the hospital and recovered within six days. Sammy was transferred quickly to the hospital and cured six days later. لن أدعها تذهب إلى هناك. I won't let her go there. I'm not gonna let her go there. Qqim da. Sit there. That’s right. لم أحصل على خيار. I've got no choice. I didn't get a choice. Ḥaca Tom i ilaqen ad iɛlem s wanect-a. Only Tom would've known that. Be careful that Tom may be taught by her. אני אוהבת את הצליל של השפה הזאת. I love how that language sounds. I love the sound of this language. Temmut. She is dead. Done. تتفحص البنت مؤخرة دراجتها الهوائية . The girl is checking out the rear of the bicycle. The girl looks in the back of her bike. السباحة ليلاً خطرة. Swimming at night is dangerous. The swim is a dangerous night. لمن هذه اللوحات؟ Whose paintings are these? Who are these paintings for? תום לא פגע במרי. Tom didn't hurt Mary. Tom didn't hurt Mary. תום היה סרבן. Tom was disobedient. Tom was a Serb. خنق سامي ليلى بواسطة وسادة. Sami smothered Layla with a pillow. Suffocate Sammy Lila by gentlemen. Acḥal? How many? What's wrong? من هو صاحب القاموس الموضوع على الطاولة؟ Whose dictionary is it on the table? Who's the music owner on the table? Ad zwirent tlawin. Ladies first. And you're going to cross-twin. Sliɣ i kra n ḥedd iheddeṛ. I heard somebody talking. I know what I speak. לפול יש שלושה בנים. הם דומים מאוד זה לזה. Paul has three sons. They look very much alike. Paul has three sons, they're very similar to each other. מה אני אמור לאכול? What should I eat? What am I supposed to eat? Cukkeɣ Tom d ucmit. I think Tom is ugly. I'm sorry about it. I'm sorry about it. I'm sorry about it. Ur d-iṛuḥ ara axaṭer d amuḍin i yella. He was absent because of illness. Don't be troubled, for he is sick. سينطلق القطار في غضون خمس دقائق. The train leaves in 5 minutes. The train will be launched in five minutes. Attan temzuxxut! What swagger! You're proud! أراد سامي أن يتعرّف بمسلمين. Sami wanted to meet Muslims. Sammy wanted to know Muslims. עצה מספר 1 לזכויות יוצרים: זכויות יוצרים מגינות על הדרך המסויימת שבה הכותב הביע את עצמו. הזכויות לא מגינות על רעיונות, שיטות או מידע עובדתי המובעים ביצירה. Copyright tip #1: Copyright protects the particular way authors have expressed themselves. It does not extend to any ideas, systems, or factual information conveyed in a work. Rights advice number one creates: rights create protection over the particular way in which the writer makes himself known. Rights do not protect ideas, methods, or working information of the authors involved in the creation. אני עדיין עומדת בלוח הזמנים. I'm still on the clock. I'm still on schedule. Ttxil-k err-d. Please reply. Txil-k err-d. win ruht ? Where have you been ? Who's Ruht? صَحِح الأخطاء, إذا كان هناك أي منها. Correct the errors, if there are any. Make mistakes, if there's any of them. أعتذر منك، لم أقصد إخافتك. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Yella walebɛaḍ g uxxam. Somebody was in the house. There's someone else to dry. Tzemreḍ ad tuɣaleḍ yal ass. You can always come back. Have a regular feast. Acemma ɣerqeɣ. I almost drowned. There I found. אז מה קורה לגיבור בסוף? So what happens to the protagonist at the end? So what happens to a hero at the end? אני חושב שהיא חולה. יש לה חום. I think she is sick. She has a temperature. I think she's sick. Tom ilaq ad iṛuḥ ar uɣerbaz. Tom has to go to school. For most certainly, he must needs go abroad to run a race. La yekkat wedfel. It snows. No lower. سامي يحبّ موسيقى الكاونتري. Sami loves country music. Sammy likes contre music. Snuffset! Breathe! Snuffset! Txedɛeḍ tamurt-ik. You betrayed your country. You have come out from your native country. ماذا يعني هذا بالعربية؟ What does that mean in Arabic? What does that mean in Arabic? אלמד אותך מעט קראטה. I'm going to teach you some karate. I'll teach you a little carata. ما تحڨرش لپوڥوار ديالي. Don't underestimate my power. What's open to Pouar Diali? תום קיבל יותר מתנות לחג המולד ממני. Tom got more Christmas presents than me. Tom got more Christmas presents than I did. Ur d-tettṛuḥuḍ ara ar da? Aren't you going to join me? Won't you watch? سأشتاق إليك. I'll miss you. I'll miss you. تعلمت تقنية جديدة. I learned a new technique. I learned a new technique. Tom yettwanɣa. Tom was executed. Tom seems to have done so. سيروق لك ذلك. You'll love this. It'll please you. هذه نكتة. This is a joke. That's a joke. תום מתוסכל. Tom is frustrated. Tom's frustrated. عَنْدِي أَصْدِقَاء كُثُرْ I have many friends. I have a lot to do. أنا عادة ما أذهب للمدرسة من الإثنين إلى الجمعة. I usually go to school from Monday to Friday. I usually go to school from Monday to Friday. Bɣiɣ ad ɛerḍeɣ. I'd like to try. I would like to see you again. توژور حبّيت كتر ليپارسۆناژ لّي عنهوم ميستار. I always liked mysterious characters more. Towor loved Carter Liparis ours to me in Mistar's day. תום לא ביקר אצל אף אחד. Tom didn't visit anybody. Tom didn't visit anyone. אני יודעת שעשית את כל העבודה. I know you did all the work. I know you did all the work. אמרתי לתום שלא לספר לכם. I told Tom not to tell you. I told Tom not to tell you. Shiɣ. I forgot. It's possible. الناس لا يمكن أن تعيش إلى الأبد. People can't live forever. People can't live forever. Ajenna yesraw macan awi idek tasiwant agella mammek iteççat tmetna The sky is clear, but take the umbrella with you, it might rain We've got to pull your hand out of your mother's hand for eight minutes. היא לא רצתה להעניש אלא את האחראים. She wished to punish only those responsible. She didn't want to be punished, but she was responsible. Walaɣ walebɛaḍ yefka-yas taqemmuct i Tom. I saw somebody kissing Tom. I thought, that someone would give him a gift, a gift, for Thomas's sake. يعجبه أن يغني في حوض الاستحمام. He likes to sing in the bathtub. He likes to sing in the bathroom. أتساءل أيّ طريق هو الأقصر. I wonder which way is the shortest. I wonder which way is the shortest. أ أنت جائع ؟ Are you hungry? Are you hungry? Tzemremt ad t-id-leḥqemt? Can you reach it? Will you marry? בוב יהיה בבית בשש. Bob will be home at six. Bob's gonna be home at six. יש לי חברה שעושה את זה. I have a friend who does that. I have a girlfriend who does it. Atan Tom deg yir liḥala. Tom is in critical condition. This is indeed an act of great sin! استأجر سامي غرفة في الفندق. Sami rented a hotel room. Sammy rented a room in the hotel. Twalamt asaru-nni amaynut? Have you seen the new film? Do you want the young man as a slave? אני מסכימה לחלוטין עם זה. I agree completely with that. I totally agree with that. הייתי האחרון שידע על זה. I was the last one to know about that. I was the last one to know about it. Ur d-yeḥḍiṛ ara Tom fell-awen. Tom didn't talk about you. Don't be loving, but loving. سامي يربح الكثير من المال. Sami makes good money. Sammy's making a lot of money. אינני מוסיף אותך לרשימת החברים שלי. I'm not adding you to my list of friends. I'm not adding you to my list of friends. הם הלכו להרים? Did they go to the mountains? Did they go upstairs? איפה היא עובדת כעת? Where is she working now? Where does she work now? سأنقذكم جميعكم. I'll save you all. I'll save you all. Ad refdeɣ lqecc-iw azekka. I'm going to take tomorrow off. I will most certainly take my strength against tomorrow.' תום החביא משהו מאחורי גבו. Tom was hiding something behind his back. Tom hid something behind his back. Ur zmireɣ ara kan ad gneɣ. I just can't sleep. I can't find a way to go to it. بإمكانه الانتظار حتى الغد. He can wait until tomorrow. He can wait until tomorrow. روى سامي قصّة حياته لليلى. Sami told Layla about his life. Roy Sammy's life story for the night. בחרתי מסלול שונה. I chose another path. I chose a different course. هل يجب ان تُكتْب هذه الرسالة بالإنجليزية Does this letter have to be written in English? Should you write this letter in English? אין לי שום אויב. I don't have any enemies. I have no enemy. الحب شيئ مهم. Love is an important thing. Love is something important. أنا فقط أمزح. I'm only joking. I'm just kidding. Tufiḍ-ten ukin. You found them awake. You have broken them up. הוא נולד באנגליה, אבל למד באמריקה. He was born in England, but was educated in America. He was born in England, but he learned in America. سامي و ليلى أبناء عم. Sami and Layla are cousins. Sammy and Lily's cousins. ندمت بحق على ما قلته لها البارحة. I really regret what I said to her yesterday. I really regretted what I said to her last night. Ẓureɣ-d ddeqs n tmura n Asya. I've been to many Asian countries. And bring I nigh throughout the regions of Asia. אילו הייתי יודע על כך, הייתי אומר לך. If I knew that, I'd tell you. If I knew about it, I'd tell you. كانت عند سامي عادة سيّئة. Sami had a bad habit. Sammy's got a bad time. أنت مُسامح. You are forgiven. You're forgiven. Aql-i da ɣef lǧal-nkent. I'm here because of you. For they have all eyes on him. أشعر بارتباكٍ في حضوره. I feel awkward in his presence. I feel confused in his presence. Ffɣeɣ seg Ustṛalya deg 20 Tubeṛ. I left Australia on October 20th. And I left in Austria, 20 gurus. Gziɣ! Got it! It's heavy! يبدو سامي مثلك. Sami looks like you. Sammy looks like you. מגיע להם כולם למות. They all deserve to die. They deserve to die. תום השתתק. Tom fell silent. Tom shut up. אני יודעת שזאת לא אשמתו של תום. I know it's not Tom's fault. I know it's not Tom's fault. توم كان غارَق فتخمامو. Tom was lost in his thoughts. Tom was gruffy and dressed. ثم وقعت أحداث 11 سبتمبر 2001 واستمر هؤلاء المتطرفون في مساعيهم الرامية إلى ارتكاب أعمال العنف ضد المدنيين الأمر الذي حدا بالبعض في بلدي إلى اعتبار الإسلام معاديا لا محالة ليس فقط لأمريكا وللبلدان الغربية وإنما أيضا لحقوق الإنسان The attacks of September 11th, 2001 and the continued efforts of these extremists to engage in violence against civilians has led some in my country to view Islam as inevitably hostile not only to America and Western countries, but also to human rights. Then the events of 11 September 2001 took place and those extremists continued their endeavours to commit acts of violence against civilians, which led some in my country to regard Islam as an inevitable enemy not only of America and Western countries but also of human rights. هل نحن بحاجة إلى لغة عالمية؟ Do we need a world language? Do we need a global language? כרישים אוכלים דגים. Sharks eat fish. sharks eat fish. Hḍeṛ. Talk. It's not possible. Di leɛnaya-m steqsi walebɛaḍ-nniḍen. Please ask someone else. I ask you about someone who is sick. אני לא אוהב לחיות בכפר. I don't like living in the country. I don't like to live in the village. תום נלחם בגבורה. Tom fought bravely. Tom fought heroically. هناك إحتمال أن تندلع الحرب. There's a possibility of war. There's a chance that the war will start. Tettɛummumt axiṛ-iw. You swim better than me. Fear me therefore, for I am ready to die. Ur d-iyi-tɛawneḍ ara. You do not help me. See that you don't honor me. بإمكان الحبّ أن يجعلك مريضا. Love can make you really sick. Love can make you sick. أتريد صورتي؟ You want my picture? You want my photo? אם אתה רעב, אתה יכול לאכול את הלחם. If you are hungry, you can eat the bread. If you're hungry, you can eat the bread. هذه الوردة هي أجمل الورود على الإطلاق. This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers. This rose is the most beautiful rose ever. אני מעדיפה להיפרד. I'd rather that we break up. I'd rather say goodbye. كم رائعة أنتِ! How nice of you! How wonderful you are! הוא גרוע בכימיה. He is poor at chemistry. He's bad at chemistry. أنتِ فقط تهربين من مشاكل الحياة. You're just running away from life's problems. You're just running away from life's problems. תעדכן את התוכנה שלי. Update my software. Keep my software up. האם שחקת כדור בסיס אתמול? Did you play baseball yesterday? Did you play a base ball yesterday? لا أستطيع مساعدتك. في الحقيقة، أنا مشغول جدا الآن. I can't help you. As a matter of fact, I'm very busy just now. I can't help you, actually, I'm very busy now. התקשנו להשיג אותך בטלפון. We have had difficulty reaching you by phone. We were having a hard time getting you on the phone. Yefka Tom tabyirt-is i Mary. Tom offered Mary his beer. Tom's tobacco-i Mary. Yella win i yettṛajun Tom. Someone is waiting for Tom. And he that is called Thomas is one. Sfeqdet tihin. Check that. I asked tea. הוא הוכיח עצמו כבעל אידאלי. He proved to be an ideal husband. He proved himself to be an ideal husband. Ur bɣiɣ ara ad zedɣeɣ yid-kent. I don't want to live with you. But I would not be absent with you. يبدو أننا نتخاصم كثيرا أنا و أنت. You and I seem to argue a lot. Looks like we're struggling a lot. Me and you. Tugadem? Are you afraid? Do you believe in God? אינני מוכן עדיין. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. اضطرّ سامي على قضاء اللّيلة في الأدغال. Sami had to spend the night in the jungle. Sammy had to spend the night in the bushes. منعني المدرّس من الخروج. The teacher was holding me. The teacher prevented me from leaving. بقى عازف بيانو. He became a pianist. Stay a pianist. Ḥebseɣ dexxan. I stopped smoking. I smoke. מדוע את אומרת שזה פועל? Why do you say it's a verb? Why do you say it works? إلى أين أنت ذاهب؟ Where are you going to? Where are you going? أيمكنك صرف خمسين؟ Do you have change for a fifty? Can you spend 50? D tafṛansist tahin? Is that French? What is that? אבא שלו היה שוטר. His father was a policeman. His father was a cop. Sami yebɣa ad iẓer Layla tettbeccic. Sami wanted to watch Layla peeing. Sam wants to see Laila literature. لعبنا كرة السلة بالأمس. We played basketball yesterday. We played basketball yesterday. Fell-i i la tettmesxiṛeḍ akka? Are you fucking kidding me? But where is your sting, then shall ye find me? لا تنسى القاعدة رقم 72. Don't forget rule no. 72. Don't forget rule 72. חוששני שיש חדשות נוראות. I'm afraid there's been some awful news. I'm afraid there's some terrible news. Dayen nekfa? Are we done? How much does it cost? أردتُ أن أتأكد أنك ستأتي إلى هنا. I needed to make sure you'd come here. I wanted to make sure you came here. Dɣa, Tom d asegbar iqefzen? Tom is a talented actor, isn't he? So, Tom, what are you doing? حسب اللي سمعتُه، هو راح أمريكا عشان يدرس أحياء. According to what I heard, he went over to America to study biology. As I've heard, it's the life of America that's studying life. אני מצטער שהלכתי לשם. I regret going there. I'm sorry I went there. ماذا تطبخين؟ What are you cooking? What are you cooking? هذا شيء اريد ان اعمله لوحدي. This is something I need to do alone. That's something I want to do alone. Yella kra n yiwen i yeẓṛan kra? Did somebody say something? For there was then some thing formed, that they should not be planted. הצורך שלך באינטימיות עשוי לגדול. Your need for intimacy may increase. Your need for intimacy may grow. Tettmeslay mraw n tutlayin. She speaks ten languages. I thought about how to speak languages. Zik i nṛuḥ. We left early. Go your way. Ẓriɣ acimi i yella Tom yettru. I know the reason why Tom was crying. For I know the throne of Tom. Tɣil tmeṭṭut-iw d amehbul i lliɣ. My wife thinks I'm crazy. And it came to pass, that, as it were a serpent, my wife: אני לא יכול להאמין שטום אמר כן. I can't believe Tom said yes. I can't believe Tom said yes. Ɣuccet adabu azzayri. Hate the Algerian authority. Be sure to help you. أريد تعلم الإنجليزية. I want to learn English. I want to learn English. Walit zdat-nwen. Look ahead. Therefore see now before your eyes. ليلى فتاة. Layla is a girl. Lily's a girl. הכימאי הצעיר החליט לפתוח בית מרקחת. The young chemist decided to open a pharmacy. The young chemical decided to open a pharmacy. Aql-ak deg Ustṛalya? Are you in Australia? Are you in Austria? Nesla i tewwurt mi teldi. We heard the door open. Call the door when it is open. הוא כמעט התפוצץ מכעס. He almost erupted in anger. He almost blew up in anger. ההודי הזה יספיק לחמישה. This turkey will serve five. This Indian will do five. גם אני הייתי רוצה לדעת. I would like to know as well. I'd like to know, too. תום שוכב במיטה עם שפעת. Tom is lying in bed with a cold. Tom's lying in bed with a flu. תום אתלטי. Tom is athletic. Tom's athletic. مينذاك اللعبة تْدوم نْهار كامَل. Sometimes the game lasted all day. From that game lasts a perfect day. אף פעם לא נסכים. We will never agree. We never agree. اينما تذهب ، سوف تجد سياح يابانيون . Wherever you go, you'll find Japanese tourists. Wherever you go, you'll find tourists in Japanese. Yemma-m ttett iẓẓan. Your mother eats shit. but your father planted a plant. كان سامي منزعجا. Sami was annoyed. Sammy was upset. אתה יוצא עוד מעט? Are you leaving soon? You going out a little bit? Akken ad tlemmedeḍ tameslayt, ilaq ad tissineḍ taseftit n yemyagen. Knowing how to conjugate verbs is imperative to learn a language. By speaking of other things, you must know them. You ought to know the sound of a serpent. Dacu ara yexdem Tom azekka? What'll Tom do tomorrow? What will Tom do tomorrow? أنت دائماً ما تشتكي. You are always complaining. You always complain. Ayen i kem-yesseḥzanen, yesseḥzan-iyi ula d nekk. What pains you, pains me too. And whatsoever hath offended me, that is he: and I am ashamed. Awal alaṭini "terfezia" n kra igersalen, yezmer yekka-d seg yisem amaziɣ "tirfas", asget n "tarfist". S tantala tazzayrit, qaṛen-as diɣen "terfas". The Latin name "terfezia" of certain mushrooms could come from "tirfas", plural of "tarfist". In the Algerian dialect, it is also called "terfas". And some time after that, he came out of the place, after his own proper name, to the which he resorted unto, whether it were a piece of ointment, or not; and after that, he was pressed with the axes, and held his feet. תום כבאי מתנדב. Tom is a volunteer fireman. Tom's a volunteer fireman. נחש. Make a guess. Guess. Kemmlem ajgugel. Keep climbing. Keep busy. Eεṛeḍ ad t-tesɣefleḍ. Try to keep him occupied. Loose him, and thou shalt take him away. שפת הנאווי טובה ללמידה? Is the Na'vi language good to learn? The Navi language is good to learn? ניסיתי לא לעשות את זה. I tried not to do that. I tried not to do that. اتلغى الإجتماع لأن ما فيش أمل إن الطرفين يوصلوا لإتفاق. The meeting was called off as there was no hope of agreement on either side. The meeting was cancelled because there was no hope that the parties would reach agreement. ניסיתי הכול, אבל נכשלתי פעם נוספת. I have tried everything but failed again. I tried everything, but I failed again. Yella win i as-yennan? Did anyone tell her? Is there anyone who said these things? אני חייב למצוא דרך להרוויח הרבה כסף. I have to find a way to make a lot of money. I gotta find a way to make a lot of money. "إسمك..." "فاضل صادق." "Your name is...?" "Fadil Sadiq." "Your name... is the most honest." أُسمَحُ أن أُملِكَ رأياً شخصيّاً؟ Can I have a private opinion? May I have a personal opinion? La kent-tettara tayri d tiderɣalin. Love is making you blind. Theft and thetresses are safe. أشعل الضوء من فضلك. Turn on the light, please. Light up, please. בואי נהיה בטוחים. Let's be sure. Let's be safe. התנור בביתי לא פעל כשורה היום. The oven in my house didn't run well today. The oven in my house didn't work properly today. أفرش أسناني مرتين في اليوم. I brush my teeth twice a day. Dance my teeth twice a day. لا أتحمل البرد. I can't stand the cold. I can't stand the cold. Seknemt-iyi-d kra n tɣawsa ur ssineɣ ara. Tell me something I don't know. Tell me some things which I don't know. Ṭum ur d-isuqqel ara agatu akken iwata Tom didn't translate to contract correctly. For most certainly, he didn't enter into the marketplace until the day in which I came out. لمّا متحبيش الناس، همّ كمان مش هيحبوكي. When you dislike others, you are disliked by them in turn. As long as you're in love with people, they're like you're in love with me. תום אוהב דגים. Tom likes fish. Tom likes fish. يريد لحما. He wants meat. He wants meat. מדוע אתה לא מצטרף אלינו? Why don't you join us? Why don't you join us? كان فاضل ينتظر ليلى كي تدخل. Fadil was waiting for Layla to come in. He was waiting for night to come in. توم ما ولّاش للبيرو تاعو مور الغْدا. Tom didn't go back to his office after lunch. Tom doesn't give Peru a call tomorrow. كان سامي يقطن في حيّ مليء بالحيويّة. Sami lived in a neighborhood with a lot of street life. Sammy lived in a neighborhood full of animals. אני לא יכול להרשות לעצמי רכב חדש. I can't afford a new car. I can't afford a new car. سامي ينتظر فقط. Sami is just waiting. Sammy's just waiting. أين هي نعالي؟ Where are my slippers? Where is she coming from? מה לעשות? אלו הם כוחות השוק. What can be done? These are market forces. These are the market forces. لم تستحق ليلى أن تموت. Layla didn't deserve to die. Lily didn't deserve to die. Nezweǧ deg 20 Tubeṛ 2013. We got married on October 20, 2013. We're married on 20 September 2013. Kemmlemt ttnaɣemt. Keep fighting. You've got to hit it. Ur ẓriɣ ara akk acu xeddmeɣ. I don't know at all what I'm doing. For I don't know what I am doing. Ttxil-wet, afet-t-id. Please find him. Tick-wet, afe-t-hand. تسلّق سامي شجرة عالية جدّا. Sami climbed a very high tree. Sammy climbs a very high tree. אני הבעלים של הבית הזה. I'm the owner of this house. I own this house. Ur m-xeddmeɣ ara ayen n diri. I'm not going to hurt you. I speak evil of evil. Ɣleq allen-im. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. תום הרגיש נפלא. Tom felt amazing. Tom felt great. Tom yettwaɣ seg yir učči. Tom is intoxicated. I will eat of that which is evil. אני מחבבת אותך יותר מאשר אי פעם. I love you more than ever. I like you more than ever. Ilaq-as useḥṛec akken ad d-yeffeɣ d aselmad! You have to encourage him to become a teacher! But it must be so, that the offence will go out. صدم الكلب شاحنة. A truck hit the dog. The dog hit a truck. אינני יכולה להסביר משהו שאינני מבינה. I can't explain what I don't understand. I can't explain something I don't understand. أحب تفكيك الاشياء لمعرفة كيفية عملها. I like to take things apart to see what makes them tick. I like to dismantle things to find out how it works. هل أنتَ تسعل دماء؟ هذا ليس جيداً. Are you coughing blood? That's not good. Are you bleeding? That's not good. Qewmemt waki. Fix this. I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I אני בן אנוש. I am human. I'm a human being. כולם במשרד התרשמו מהאופן בו תום טיפל בבעיה. Everyone in the office was impressed with the way Tom handled the problem. Everyone in the office was impressed by the way Tom handled the problem. Tom yella yettmeslay ɣef Mary. Tom was speaking to Mary. Then he spoke about Mary. Ulac askeɛrer. No kidding. No secret. La tettihiḍ fell-i? Are you fucking kidding me? If you blame me? جهاز تحكم التلفاز تحت الأريكة. The TV remote control is under the couch. TV control device under the couch. טום מקווה לרשת הרבה כסף כשאמו תלך לעולמה. Tom hopes to inherit a lot of money when his mother dies. Tom hopes to make a lot of money when his mother goes to the world. كان سامي يسرنم. Sami was sleepwalking. Sammy would have slept. نحن ترتدي الزي الرسمي في مدرستنا. We wear uniforms at our school. We're wearing uniforms at our school. التلفاز مفتوح. The TV's on. TV's open. ראיתי אותו שוב. I saw him again. I saw him again. أنا لدي جار إيطالي. I have an Italian neighbor. I have an Italian neighbour. رأيت أنا و جون أسداً البارحة. Joe and I saw a lion yesterday. I saw John and I last night. أعلن توم عن تقاعده. Tom announced he was retiring. Tom announced his retirement. البقرة تعطينا الحليب. A cow gives us milk. The cow gives us milk. Askasi ifukk. The debate is over. A bright lamp. لقد قاربت الساعة على الثالثة. It is almost three. I'm about 3:00. מה מוצאה של המילה הזאת? Where does this word come from? What's the origin of that word? Ǧǧiɣ-am-n kra n yiznan. I left you a couple messages. I have caused some of my fruit to fall in me. טרור אמיתי הוא להתעורר בוקר אחד ולגלות שהכיתה שלך בתיכון מנהלת את המדינה. True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country. True terrorism is to wake up one morning and find out that your high school is running the country. המנוע החדש צריך לעבור את כל המבחנים הדרושים. The new engine must undergo all the necessary tests. The new engine has to pass all necessary tests. הם נסעו להרים אבל מזג האוויר לא היה נאה. They went to the mountains, but the weather wasn't nice. They went to the mountains, but the weather wasn't nice. من المؤكد أنه ممكن. It's definitely possible. I'm sure it's possible. אין לי אף אויב. I don't have any enemies. I don't have any enemies. كان سامي يكره ليلى بشدّة. Sami hated Layla's guts. Sammy hated me so hard. السماء صافية. The skies are clear. The sky is clear. Yella kra n yiwen i iheddṛen. Someone's talking. And there were certain Jews, after that they had beaten him. חשבתי שאולי תרצה ארוחת צהרים מוקדמת. I thought you might feel like an early lunch. I thought you might want some early lunch. D ifṛax. These are birds. It is birds. זה יעלה 30 יורו. This will cost €30. It'll cost 30 euros. המחוז הזה בנוי בצורת אגן. This district forms a basin. This district is built in the form of a shield. أنتهى الأجتماع The meeting ended. The meeting is over. ስሜ ያማዳ ነው። My name is Yamada. My name is holy. عُمّد سامي. Sami got baptised. Come on, Sammy. D acu i la yeqqaṛ Tom? What is Tom reading? What was that which was said, "Tom?" תום היה להוט. Tom was eager. Tom was hot. תן את זה חזרה! Give it back! Give it back! Layla tecbeḥ aṭas. Layla looks so gorgeous. For everything there is an easy way. הנפילה שאוֹלה קלה היא. The descent to hell is easy. The fall is easy. Yufa-tent-id ukint. He found them awake. Ufa-tent-id ukint. املأ الإستمارة أدناه. Fill out the form below. Fill in the form below. "هل أنت أمريكي؟" "نعم، من تيكساس" "و أنا من أوهايو" "إسمي بول" "أنا تيد. سعدت بلقائك." "Are you American?" "Texas." "Ohio." "Paul." "Ted. Nice to meet you." Are you American? Yes, from Texas, and I'm from Ohio. Tom yettaru s leɛqel. Tom writes slowly. But they are dictated by wisdom. מי המציא את הדינמיט? Who invented dynamite? Who invented the dynamite? הנשיא בוש נשא נאום חשוב אתמול בטלוויזיה וברדיו. President Bush gave an important address on TV and the radio yesterday. President Bush gave an important speech yesterday on TV and on the radio. ستشعر بتحسن إذا تناولت هذه الحبوب. You'll feel better if you take these pills. You'll feel better if you eat these pills. لقد حذّرت الأولاد من اللعب على الطريق. She warned the children not to play on the street. I warned the boys to play on the road. Anda i tellam ṣṣbeḥ-a? Where were you this morning? Where have you been as young as he was? Ur bɣiɣ ara ad k-qerḥeɣ. Bɣiɣ ad k-ɛawneɣ. I don't want to hurt you. I want to help you. I don't want to kill you, but I want to be your ruler. Merra, ur ssinen ara ad sneṭqen isem n Tom. Everybody pronounces Tom's name wrong. They didn't know that the name of Tom would be removed. اعتُبر سامي في عداد المفقودين. Fadil was reported missing. Sammy was considered missing. Ad ruḥeɣ ad εummeɣ azekka. I'll go swimming tomorrow. And I wish to fast tomorrow. נתתי לתום לקנות את זה ממני. I let Tom buy it for me. I let Tom buy it from me. בירכתי אותו לרגל ההצלחה שלו. I congratulated him on his success. I blessed him for his success. Tom yegzem lexyuḍ yid-i. Tom broke up with me. But he cut off the cross from me. האם זה נכון שתום סבור שאני מאמין לזה? Is it true that Tom thinks I believe that? Is it true that Tom thinks I believe that? لم اكن اعرفها في ذلك الوقت. I didn't know her at that time. I didn't know her at the time. בוא נראה איך תום מגיב לזה. Let's see how Tom reacts to that. Let's see how Tom responds to this. אם אתה חושב שאתה קטן מדיי בשביל ליצור שינוי, נסה לישון עם יתוש. If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito. If you think you're too small to make a change, try sleeping with a deer. סדרו את מיטותיכם. Make your bed. Set your limits. شرحت له الامر. I explained it to him. I explained it to him. Kečč d anaẓuṛ? Are you artistic? Are you a tax collector? متى غادر فاضل الفندق؟ What time did Fadil leave the hotel? When did the hotel waitress leave? Ur ḥṣiɣ ara yuḥwaǧ Tom ad t-nɛiwen. I don't think Tom needs our help. I sure can't help him, for I can't help him. يا للإحراج! How embarrassing! What a shame! على قدر لحافك مد رجليك، رحم الله إمرءاً عرف قدر نفسه. Cut your coat according to your cloth. As far as you're concerned about your men, God's mercy is on a person who knows how much he is. תום יישר את מטפחתו. Tom unfolded his napkin. Tom will direct his care. לא היו מסילות רכבת. There were no railroads. There were no train tracks. ישנם בעלי חיים שיכולים לחוש בסערה קרבה. Some animals can sense the coming of a storm. There are animals that can feel a storm of sacrifice. سامي لا يصطحب أيّ شخص. Sami won't pick up just anybody. Sammy doesn't take anyone. لماذا أنت عابس جدا؟ Why are you so grouchy? Why are you so rough? Twalamt Tom neɣ mazal? Have you seen Tom yet? Are you Tom or more? يصعب علي أن أقرر أيها سأشتري. I'm finding it difficult deciding on which one to buy. It's hard for me to decide, I'll buy. אינני מסדרת את המיטות שלכם. I'm not making your beds. I'm not setting your beds. ليس هناك أي شك من أن الإسلام هو جزء لا يتجزأ من أمريكا. وأعتقد أن أمريكا تمثل التطلعات المشتركة بيننا جميعا بغض النظر عن العرق أو الديانة أو المكانة الاجتماعية: ألا وهي تطلعات العيش في ظل السلام والأمن والحصول على التعليم والعمل بكرامة والتعبير عن المحبة التي نكنها لعائلاتنا ومجتمعاتنا وكذلك لربنا. هذه هي قواسمنا المشتركة وهي تمثل أيضا آمال البشرية جمعاء So let there be no doubt: Islam is a part of America. And I believe that America holds within her the truth that regardless of race, religion, or station in life, all of us share common aspirations – to live in peace and security; to get an education and to work with dignity; to love our families, our communities, and our God. These things we share. This is the hope of all humanity. There is no doubt that Islam is an integral part of America. اذهب الى المسجد خمس مرات يوميا Go to the mosque five times a day. Go to the mosque five times a day. Tom Jackson d amaru i ḥemmleɣ aṭas. Tom Jackson is my favorite writer. Thomas Jackson, the young man I loved with much love. Ẓriɣ belli zemreɣ ad ttekleɣ fell-awen. I know that I can count on you. For I know that I shall abide upon you. מרי הלכה למלון בעקבות החבר שלה, משום שלא הכירה היטב את הסביבה. Mary followed her friend to the hotel because she didn't know the area well. Mary went to the hotel following her boyfriend, because she didn't know the environment well. Xi trid tagħmel illum? What do you want to do today? What do you want to do today? Ay abehlul! You are an idiot! Oh, my God! Sami akked Layla llan ttemsudanen. Sami and Layla were making out. Sami and Leila were encamped. لكل شخص حق التملك بمفرده أو بالاشتراك مع غيره. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. Everyone is entitled to own property on his own or in partnership with others. Tom akked Mary zgan ttnaɣen. Tom and Mary are constantly fighting. And Thomas and Mary saw them, and were sore amazed. מבקרים אינם רשאים להיות כאן. No visitors are permitted here. Visitors aren't allowed to be here. תזהר לא לנפול לשרוט את הברך. Take care not to fall down and skin your knee. Be careful not to fall for the knee. Tettmeslayeḍ akka am yemma-k. You speak like your mother. And thou shalt speak as thy mother. هذان العنصران مستقلان عن بعضهما. These two factors are independent of each other. These two elements are independent of each other. غرفتي ليست كبيرة جدا. My room isn't very big. My room isn't too big. Aql-iken-id. There you are. They have testified against you. Yelha. All right. Jilha. Ak-yishil u seqdec-is. It would be easy for you to do that. Ak-yishil and sqdec-is. Intlift. I'm lost. I lost. בורותו גורמת לבעיות שלה. His ignorance causes her problems. His wells cause her problems. Qṛib ad yas wass-n. Someday, soon. And the day is at hand. واصل سامي البحث. Sami kept looking. Go on, Sammy. Ceyyeɛ-iyi-d yiwen tura yakan. Send me somebody right away. Why did you send one by one, that it might be given to me now? Ɛiwed swadda. Start over. I am come (in the heavens) to help you. כבד את הוריך. You have to respect your elders. Respect your parents. Zedɣeɣ deg temdint. I'm living in the city. And lodged in a city. Ur ilaq ara ad tessetḥiḍ. You don't have to be shy. "Don't wash your children. تمّ التّبليغ على فقدان فاضل. Fadil was reported missing. There's been a loss reported. أعتقد أنك ذهبت بعيدا. I think you went too far. I think you went away. Yella win i tettṛajuḍ? Are you expecting somebody? Is there anyone whom you write? תום תחרותי מדי. Tom is too competitive. Tom's too competitive. كان بإمكان إسرائيل أن تغمر الأنفاق المحفورة بين غزّة و مصر بالمياه بدون أن تبيد تلك المنطقة الفلسطينيّة. Israel could have flooded the Gaza-Egypt tunnels without annihilating the Palestinian enclave. Israel could have flooded the tunnels between Gaza and Egypt without destroying that Palestinian area. Ɛumaṛ yesserwat kan. No one understands Omar's gibberish. Amor is spreading over it. אני לא כל כך מיואש עדיין. I'm not that desperate yet. I'm not so desperate yet. תום והאחרים מסכימים. Tom and the others agree. Tom and the others agree. هذه ليست صورة سامي. This isn't Sami's picture. That's not a Sammy picture. Yuɣal yettwassen mliḥ. He became famous. It's a good idea. أنا أحبه، لكنه مثلي الجنس I love him, but he's gay. I love him, but he's like me. Tcebḥemt. You are beautiful. You've got it. תוכלי לומר זאת שוב? Can you say that again? Can you say that again? Sken-iyi-d anda swaswa i yezdeɣ. Tell me exactly where he lives. Show me where my sheep dwell. بدأ المال يتدفّق. Money started pouring in. The money's running out. ייתכן שהצלחתי בבחינה אתמול אך התוצאות עוד לא פורסמו. I might've done well on yesterday's test, but I don't know the results yet. I might have been able to examine yesterday, but the results haven't been published yet. كان سامي يحبّ التّمثيل. Sami liked to perform. Sammy loved to represent. Serked iman-ik, ttxil-k. Quiet down, please. Take care of yourself, miss-k. على سامي أن يأكل. Sami needs to eat. Sammy has to eat. ما حدث لهم لا يزال لغزا. What happened to them is still a mystery. What happened to them is still a mystery. ሐኪም የለሁም። I'm not a doctor. I have no doctor. ما الذي قلبها عليك؟ What turned her against you? What did you give her to you? הפניצילין תרם רבות לרווחת האנושות. Penicillin has contributed much to the welfare of mankind. The penicillin has contributed a lot to mankind's well-being. القانون والسياسة هما شيئان مختلفان. Law and politics are two different things. Law and politics are two different things. Win i bɣan ad yinig ar yigemmaḍen, ad yesferḍes aqeṛṛuy-is u ad yesbur tabarda-s. Who wants to travel far has to move his tonsure by sparing his mount. If anyone desires to kill him, he will lower his head, and destroy his body. سأتكلم مع الأستاذ. I'll speak with the teacher. I'll talk to the professor. أيّهما تفضّل، أهذه أم تلك؟ Which one do you prefer, this one or that one? Whatever you prefer, is that or is it? Ur as-nsuter ara i Tom ad d-iɛawen. We didn't ask Tom to help. Don't be afraid for Tom, nor for him to come. אני אוהב תפוחים. I like apples. I like apples. Acḥal n yedlisen i tesɛam? How many books do you have? How many do you have? בו נמתח את הגפיים. Let's stretch our legs. We'll stretch the bodies. Baba d imsujji. My father is a doctor. My father is anointed. Sami ur yessin ara anta-tt massa yagi. Sami doesn't know who this lady is. But let no man know what might be done unto him. الجزائر بحاجة إلى الزراعة. Algeria needs agriculture. Algeria needs agriculture. Teɣṛiḍ wa yakan? Have you already read this? Did you try first? Ɛuddeɣ ad d-yas. I thought he would come. I wanted to come down immediately. ساعثر علي مكان خاص بي I'm going to find a place of my own. Find my place. המטוס נעלם כהרף עין. The plane disappeared in the twinkle of an eye. The plane's gone as far as the eye. Ḥemmleɣ kullec deg Tom. I love everything about Tom. I love all things in Thomas. Tessebṛuqleḍ-iyi! You make me feel dizzy! You have broken my heart. You have broken my heart. Tom ur yessin ara Mary. Tom didn't know Mary. But Tom didn't know Mary. شيء ليس منطقيا أبدا. Something doesn't make any sense. Something never makes sense. אנו רוצים את אותו הדבר. We want the same thing. We want the same thing. Urǧin yeḍra-yi waya yakan. That's never happened to me before. "I don't have my hand to do so." هذا عشوائي جداً. This is so random. That's very random. Tettεeyyiḍ. She screams. Make the decision. علِمتُ أنها كانت بلاستيكًا لكن طعمها كان كطعم الخشب. I knew it was plastic but it tasted like wood. I learned she was plastic, but her taste was like wood. הוא נאם נאום ובו תמך בהשקפות שלי. He made a speech that supported my opinions. He spoke and supported my views. هو يجري He runs. He's going on. Anfet-iyi! Let me be. Leave me alone! عندما يكثر الطّعام، تصبح الدّببة أقلّ عدائية. When food is abundant, bears become less aggressive. When food increases, the bear becomes less hostile. נתכעסתי. I got upset. I was upset. تفضل بالدخول Come inside. Come on in. حاول توم إخباري شيئًا، لكنّ ماري قاطعته قبل أن ينطق ببنت شفة. Tom tried to tell me something, but Mary interrupted before he could say anything. Tom tried to tell me something, but Mary cut it off before he said a daughter-in-law. הסכומים האלה תואמים את שלי. These totals check with mine. These amounts match mine. מרי מקנאה. Mary's jealous. Mary's jealous. سيعالج هذا الدواء صداعك. This medicine will take care of your headache. This medicine will treat your noise. Yennebra Tom d tmeṭṭut-is. Tom is divorced. Jennebra Tom and her wife. ربحت لاكورس. Did you win the race? I won Lacorus. الإسلام ليس دينا فقط، بل نمط حياة أيضا. Islam is not only a religion. It's a way of life. Islam is not only a religion, but also a way of life. את האחת. You are the one. You're the one. Ṛuḥeɣ-d seg Ustṛalya deg sin mraw Tubeṛ. I left Australia on October twentieth. I came down from Italy, having seen both of them, and behold, they were there. Ḥemmleɣ-ken i sin. I love you both. I love the twain. Iqṛeḥ-iyi dayi. It hurts here. He made known to me. התינוק בדיוק בעט. The baby just kicked. The baby just kicked. أنا مهندس حاسب آلي. I'm a computer scientist. I'm an automatic computer engineer. Ad tafeḍ yegzi Tom. Tom would have understood. You will lose your mind on Tom. من فضلك أحضر لي جريدة اليوم. Bring me today's paper, please. Please bring me a newspaper today. Huwa antikostituzzjonali. It is unconstitutional. It is an anti-constitutional. הוא לחץ את ידו של ראש העיר. He shook hands with the mayor. He pressed the mayor's hand. الأمر يعود إليك. It's up to you. It's back to you. אנחנו קוראים למורה שלנו "דורימון" בגלל שהוא שמן. We call our teacher "Doraemon" because he's fat. We call our teacher Dorimon because he's fat. הוא אוהב לטייל ברגל. He likes taking walks. He likes to walk. בידקי את זה. Examine this. Check it out. Aqṛab-a wi t-ilan? Whose is this bag? What kind of letter is this that has been given to him? נעזוב מיד. We leave immediately. We'll leave right away. Tqṛeḥ-iyi tuɣmest-iw ufella taqeṛnit tazelmaḍt. My upper left back tooth hurts. He hath made my bed to be white unto me, and upon my bed shall I be free. Twehmemt mi tt-twalamt? Were you surprised to see her? Have you agreed with the light? מדוע אתה עצוב כל כך? Why are you so sad? Why are you so sad? هل نسينا مالنا؟ Did we forget our money? Did we forget our money? سيدني هي أكبر مدينة في استراليا. Sydney is the largest city in Australia. Sydney's the biggest city in Australia. למה היא כל כך שותקת? Why is she so quiet? Why is she so quiet? חלמתי שכל שיני נשרו. I dreamed that all my teeth fell out. I dreamed all my teeth were broken. כל האנשים שווים בפני החוק. All men are equal according to the law. All people are equal to the law. אתה אדם חשוב מאוד עבורי. You're a very important person to me. You're a very important person to me. ليس لديّ إخوة. I don't have any brothers. I don't have a brother. אתה נהנה מתחום הייעוד שלך? Do you enjoy your vocational field? You enjoy your target area? ذهبت لوري للأكل في مطعمها المفضّل. Laurie went to her favourite restaurant to eat. Lori went to eat at her favorite restaurant. ביקשתי פיצוי. I asked for a refund. I asked for compensation. אני יכולה לעזור להם. I can help them. I can help them. לא ראוי לבקש תוספת. Asking for seconds would be unseemly. You don't deserve to ask for an extra. מצאתם משהו? Did you find anything? Did you find anything? Siwlemt-asen. Call them. So ye shall use it to them. Tom iεawed zzwaǧ seg imir-n. Tom has since remarried. But the hair is black from his mouth. Yeḥbes Tom taɣuṛi. Tom stopped reading. By the Abyssing Stake. D nekk kan i yeslemden i Tom amek ara iɣeṛ. I was the one who taught Tom how to read. I am he that taught me; and what shall I do? كنت مشغولاً الأسبوع الماضي. You were busy last week. I was busy last week. Ndemmeɣ i mi ur s-nniɣ ara tidet i Tom. I regret that I didn't tell Tom the truth. I repented that I said, I will not see Thomas. سامي متسلّط. Sami is bossy. Sammy's a stripper. אני נורא עייף. I'm awfully tired. I'm so tired. أعلم جيدا أن المكروه لا يأتي بمفده. I bear in mind that misfortunes never come singly. I know very well that the junk doesn't work. ספטמבר מתקרב. It will soon be September. September's coming. Sel-d, ur yezmir ara Tom ad iẓer dagi i telliḍ. Listen, Tom can't know you're here. Again, Tom can't see where you are. Ilaq ad yili win ara kem-id-iḥebsen. Somebody might stop you. But he that shall abide in me shall be faithful. Anda ara nečč? Where should we eat? Where to eat? אנשים שלא חכמים ממני, לא מעניינים אותי. People who are not smarter than I am don't interest me. People who aren't smarter than me, I don't care. أنا أعي مشكلتك. I'm aware of your problem. I'm aware of your problem. اطو الخريطة. Fold up the map. Climb the map. Atan Tom yenna-d yufa iman-is. Tom says that he's in good shape. And Thomas said, Behold, he found himself. فتح توم الباب وسأل فيما إذا كانت ماريا مشغولة. Tom opened the door and asked Mary if she was busy. Tom opened the door and asked if Maria was busy. الخامس من مايو هو يوم ميلادها. His birthday is May 5th. May 5th is her birthday. אבא בטוח מסוגל לבשל לפחות ביצה אחת! Daddy must be able to cook at least one egg! Dad's sure he can cook at least one egg! Ad awḍeɣ deg 20 Tubeṛ. I'll arrive on the 20th of October. I come in 20tubes. أيها الطبيب، عندي مشاكل في الذاكرة. Doctor, I have memory problems. Doctor, I have memory problems. בדיוק נזכרתי. I just remembered. I just remembered. האוניברסיטה קיבלה החלטה לבטל את הבחינה מהסוג הזה. The university decided to do away with this kind of examination. The university has made a decision to cancel the test of this kind. Ur izmir ara Tom ad isseww. Tom can't cook. Can't be eaten. הרימו ידיים! Raise your hands! Hands up! אני לא רומז שעשית משהו. I'm not suggesting that you did anything. I'm not suggesting you did something. ربطة عنقك تليق ببزتك. Your tie blends well with your suit. Your neck tie has your smiles. Ad necc. We eat. But I don’t think so. كانت ليلى في مشكلة. Layla was in trouble. Lily was in trouble. טום הרשה למרי ללכת לבדה. Tom allowed Mary to go by herself. Tom let Mary go alone. كان سامي يسكن في حيّ يعجّ بالحياة. Sami lived in a neighborhood with a lot of street life. Sammy was living in a living neighborhood. لما لم تأتِ إلى الغذاء؟ Why didn't you come for lunch? Why didn't you come to food? Walaɣ-k deg tirga-iw. I saw you in my dreams. Behold, I saw you on my own side. كانا سامي و ليلى يمضيان ما استطاعا من الوقت معا. Sami and Layla were spending as much time together as they could. Sammy and Lily were spending as much time together as they could. ماذا صنع توم؟ What did Tom make? What did Tom do? Kečč d amaru ameqqṛan. You're a great writer. You're a fairly young person. Wa d axemmem-iw mačči d ayla-m. This is my opinion, not yours. For I am not mine, but yours. Acuɣeṛ ur tettɣamam ara ? Amkan-nni d ilem. Why don't you sit down? The place is free. "Why don't you swear? It is your child." Ddmeɣ leqsed ad d-iniɣ tidet. I've decided to tell the truth. I stand fast, and say, 'It is done.' Ttxil-wet, ur zeɛɛfet ara. Please don't get angry. Hep, and don't faint. Mačči ddeqs aya segmi yeqleɛ usafag-nni. It haven't been very long since the airplan took off. And he was not so long ago when the Council was broken up. Menyif asnunnet asqummet. Doing your best is better than doing nothing at all. Meniif asunnet asquammet. كان سامي يسافر مع كلبه. Sami traveled with his dog. Sammy was traveling with his dog. Ṛuḥet-d ar wexxam. Come home. Go to the house, and come to the house.' מה הבעיה של תום בכלל? What's Tom's problem anyway? What's Tom's problem at all? מה סרט מרדף המכוניות האהוב עליך? What's your favorite movie with a car chase? What's your favorite car chase movie? Eεṛeḍemt ad t-tesɣeflemt. Try to keep him occupied. And ye shall mock him, and shall scourge him. و كيف حالك أنت؟ And you, how are you? And how are you? רציתי לתפוס את הציפור, אך התברר לי שזה קשה מדי. I wanted to catch the bird, but I found it too difficult. I wanted to catch the bird, but it turned out to me it's too hard. Kan akka yeḍṛa wayen i ɣef ur bnin ara. Suddenly, something unexpected happened. This is evident, which has not been revealed. בבקשה סור הצידה. Step aside, please. Please step aside. إنها تحب المثلجات . She likes ice cream. She likes ice cream. D kečč dɣa iwumi riɣ ad-s mmeslayeɣ. You're just the person I want to speak to. And I knew that I should speak of thee. חשבתי שהמכללה תהיה מקום מעניין. I thought college would be a more interesting place. I thought college would be an interesting place. Ldimt aqemmuc-nkent! Open your mouth! Ledmuk-nkent! תום עונה. Tom was tortured. Tom answers. עלינו להעביר את אמנויותינו לדורות הבאים. We must hand down our craft to posterity. We need to transfer our skills to future generations. هؤلاء الذين لا يردنا الذهاب، لا ضرورة لهم الذهاب. Those who do not wish to go need not go. Those who don't want us to go, they don't have to go. كيف تقول " شكراً لك " باليابانية؟ How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? How do you say "Thank you" in Japanese? فحص الطبيب المرضى. The doctor examined the patients. Check the patient. Qqim! Sit down! Oh, yeah! Taxxamt n Tom yal ass tceɛɛel. Tom's room is always neat. The tax of Thomas shall be cursed day by day. Sami yuzzel deg wesqif. Sami ran out to the hallway. And Sami ran, and ran into the porch. انتهى العالم البارحة بينما كنت نائما. The world has ended yesterday while I was sleeping. The world ended last night while I was sleeping. הייתי רוצה ללמוד את השפה הזאת, אבל אין לי צורך מעשי בה. I'd like to learn that language, but I have no practical reason to. I'd like to learn that language, but I don't have a practical need in it. הוא גר שם לבד. He lives there alone. He lives there alone. أنا لا أعرف متى سيكون لدي الوقت لأنهي قراءة بقية هذا الكتاب. I don't know when I'll have time to finish reading the rest of this book. I don't know when I'll have time because I read the rest of this book. Kečč d tisixit? Are you generous? Are you a six-year-old? Ɛni tfukkemt? Have you finished? Do you wonder? כולם מהרו החוצה. Everyone rushed outdoors. Everybody hurry out. Nniɣ-as yakan i Tom belli ilaq ad t-ixdem. I've already told Tom that he should do that. Yes, I have told you beforehand, that he must do it. لست معتادا أن أعامَلَ بهذه الطريقة. I'm not used to be treated like that. I'm not used to doing this. נא למלא את טופס המועמדות. Please fill in this application form. Please fill in the application form. هو شخص سيئ للغاية لدرجة أن الجميع يكرهونه. He is such a bad person that everybody dislikes him. He's so bad that everyone hates him. בואו נרקוד על עלות השחר! Let's dance till the break of dawn! Let's dance at dawn! החלוצים התגברו על אוסף מכשולים. The pioneers overcame a set of obstacles. The pioneers were overcrowded. סרבתי לגמרי. I refused absolutely. I totally refused. أراك في البيت See you at home. See you at home. Ṛeḍlemt-iyi takeṛṛust-nkent ttxilwemt. Please lend me your car. You give me a ride back to the ground, and I want to go back. Yemlal-d Tom aṭas n yinaẓuren-nniḍen mi akken yella di Boston. Tom met many other artists when he was in Boston. And it came to pass, that, as he was now in Boston, there were about to be many breasts broken. הקירות של החדר שלה היו מכוסים בכרוזים. The walls of her room were covered in posters. The walls of her room were covered in bags. ቁጥሩን ስጠኝ። Give me the number. Give me the number. أنا لا أنتقدك. I'm not criticizing you. I don't criticize you. النهر وأسع The river is wide. The river and the river. אחכה בחוץ. I'll wait outside. I'll wait outside. Kemm d tabudit? Are you a Buddhist? To what extent? I wumi i tefkiḍ adlis-nni? To whom did you give the book? But whom did you give the book? המחזה עובד מרומן. The play was adapted from a novel. The play works like a novel. أودّ أن أعرف بكم تمنها. I would like to know how much it costs. I'd like to know you trust her. Tetḥeqqem akka belli teẓṛam dacu i ilaqen ad yettwaxdem? Are you sure that you know what to do? Do you indeed believe that the word of God is come to pass? הציצי דרך החור והגידי לי מה את רואה. Look through that hole and tell me what you see. The boob through the hole and tell me what you see. Nebɣa idrimen-nneɣ. We want our money. We gave them our money. كان سامي معجبا بفنّ الخطّ العربي. Sami was attracted by Arabic calligraphy. Sammy was a fan of the art of the Arab line. أنت في أوروبا! You're in Europe! You're in Europe! تلقّى فاضل حكمين بالمؤبّد. Fadil got two life sentences. He's got two sentences forever. Cukkeɣ ad bɣuɣ ad xedmeɣ aya. I think I'd like to do that. I plan to do this. תום אוהב לסרוג. Tom likes to knit. Tom likes to cross. يتكلم جاك الإنجليزية. Jack speaks English. Jack speaks English. راح يجي غدوا؟ Will he come tomorrow? Rear Jaji tomorrow? بعض الأطفال يلعبون ألعاب الفيديو في جميع الأوقات. Some children play video games all the time. Some kids play video games all the time. Ilaq ad d-taseḍ yidi. You're to come with me. He must be tested by me. Cfiɣ belli xedmeɣ-t daɣen. I still remember doing that. And I knew that I did it again. في هذه الانتخابات أشياءٌ كثيرة حدثت لأول مرة وحكاياتٍ كثيرة ستُروى عبر الأجيال. أما الحكاية التي تدور في ذهني هذه الليلة، فإنها لامرأة أدلت بصوتها في أطلانطا. إنها تشبه الملايين غيرها الذين وقفوا في الصفوف طويلاً ليضعوا بطاقاتهم في صناديق الاقتراع. إلا أن هناك وجه خلاف وحيد بينها وبين الآخرين، هو أن آن نيكسون في عامها السادس بعد المائة. This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. But one that's on my mind tonight is about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election, except for one thing: Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old. Many things have happened in these elections for the first time and many stories that will be seen through generations. The story that goes through my mind tonight is that of a woman who voted in Atlanta. הוא נדחק קצת הצידה כדי לפנות מקום. He squashed up a bit to the side to leave a seat free. He's been pushed aside a little bit to clear a place. Muqel akka d wakka. D acu i tettwaliḍ? Look around you. What do you see? But what do you mean by that? لم تكن بنات زوجة سامي تحببنه. Sami's stepdaughters didn't like him. Sammy's wife's daughters didn't like him. עליך לצפות בקלטת הזאת. You have to see this tape. You have to watch this tape. توم لا يعرف بأني موجود. Tom doesn't even know I exist. Tom doesn't know I'm here. Ula d Tom ad yas ɣer tmeɣṛa. Jim is coming to the party, too. And now also he cometh unto the marriage. لمن هذين الحذائين؟ Whose shoes are these? What are those shoes for? لم يتزوّج سامي مجدّدا بعدها. Sami never remarried. Sammy never married again. תום מורה כה טוב. Tom is such a good teacher. Tom's such a good teacher. D timsetḥiyin i tellamt? Are you shy? Are you so jealous? شكرا مرة أخرى Thanks again. Thank you again. הוא היה ערום מעל למתניים. He was bare to the waist. He was naked over all the time. أنا سوف أحميك! I'll protect you! I'll protect you! أتى سامي إلى موقف الحافلة لاصطحاب ليلى. Sami came to the bus stop to pick Layla up. Sammy came to the bus station to take me to night. يبلغ عمق النهر نحو ستة أميال في بعض الأماكن والطريقة الوحيدة لعبوره هي الحبل والبكرة The river is six miles deep in some areas and the only way to cross it is using a pulley and a rope. The river's about six miles deep in some places, and the only way to go is the long line. הם מזוייפים. They're fake. They're fake. זה לא נשמע כמוה. It doesn't sound like her. That doesn't sound like her. كانت رسالة سامي مكتوبة يدويّا. Sami's letter was handwritten. Sammy's message was written by hand. تلاقيت بيهُم في زوج في بلاد القبايل و جوّزنا نْهار قوّة. I met both of them in Kabylie and we all had a great day. I met with a husband in the land of Hebron, and we had a strong day. Akli iḥemmel Ddayxa. Akli loves Ddaykha. Akli loves Ddaxa. كان سامي يريد العاهرات. Sami wanted prostitutes. Sammy wanted whores. Yyat ad nurar kra n wurar. Let's play something. They cast lots for themselves. זה גרם לי לחוסר נוחיות. It made me uncomfortable. It made me uncomfortable. Layla tella tettwaxḍab. Layla was engaged. I wish that you had spoken it one day (i.e. followed one day or another). Kieku kien għalina, konna ngħidu le. If it were up to us, we'd say no. If he had been for us, we would have said no. אני רוצה לדעת מי בא איתנו. I want to know who's coming with us. I want to know who's coming with us. אני לא יודע כמה זה בריא. I don't know how healthy it is. I don't know how healthy it is. טום היה המום. Tom was shocked. Tom was shocked. شربت ليلى كلّ الكحول. Layla drank all the alcohol. I drank to me all the alcohol. العمال في هذه المعامل يشكلون نسبة كبيرة من المهاجرين. Workers in these factories comprise a large percentage of immigrants. Workers in these plants make up a large proportion of migrants. תום בז למרי. Tom detests Mary. Tom's ashamed of Mary. Gezmeɣ akalas. I cut the tape. I hope to pay the penalty. توم بيسبح بسرعة أوي. Tom swims very fast. Tom's swimming fast. توم ماكانش باغي يروح للمسيد هاذ الصباح. Tom didn't want to go to school this morning. Tom MacKanch Baggie's a spirit to Mr. this morning. Tom yerḥa s tismin. Tom turned green with envy. But I am persuaded with jealousy. Nekk mačči d ameddakel-nwen. I'm no friend of yours. I am not your master. وينك؟ Where are you? Wink? توم يعيش مع عمه الآن. Tom is living with his uncle now. Tom lives with his uncle now. הוא אוהב לדוג. He is fond of fishing. He likes fishing. ስምህ ማን ነው? What is your name? What Is Your Name? תום הסיק שזה נגמר. Tom figured it was over. Tom concluded it's over. אמרתי זאת בבדיחותא. I meant that as a joke. I said it in jokes. היא שרה די טוב. She sang pretty well. She sings pretty good. Yiwen n ccṛab azeggaɣ, di leɛnaya-k. Red wine, please. I command you, I pray you, a new wine. Eǧǧ-aɣ ad nemlal tikkelt-nniḍen deg Tubeṛ. Let's meet again in October. And they left us that we should be healed, which had been sick of the palsy. ما عندي وقت. I don't have time. I don't have time. Teḥcam-iyi-tt. You befooled me. I was ashamed of him. كنت جائعاً. I was hungry. I was hungry. Ad s-tiniḍ gneɣ. It seems I was sleeping. You will say after that. ההצעה שלך השפיע מאד על ההחלטה הזאת. Your suggestion weighed heavily in this decision. Your offer has greatly affected that decision. لم يخطر هذا في بالي أبدا. I would never have guessed that. That never happened in Bali. أحس بأن لياقتي عالية. I'm feeling fit. I feel like I'm high. ከም ተራ ደራፊ ኣይኮነን። He is no ordinary singer. Do not be like an ordinary singer. Yestaɛṛef Tom. Tom confessed. It's a trial trial for Tim. לעולם אינך מוותר, נכון? You never give up, do you? You never give up, do you? أحتاج قطا واحدا فقط. I need only one cat. I just need one drop. זה היה מאוחר מדי. It was too late. It was too late. لم يتمكّن أحد من إلقاء القبض على ذلك الكلب. No one could catch the dog. No one was able to catch that dog. قدماها طويلتان. She has long feet. It's a long way forward. Yettṛuɣ s uɣiwel lkaɣeḍ. Paper burns quickly. I have been wounded with infirmity. اصطاد الولد الطائر بالشبكة. The boy captured the bird with a net. The bird boy caught the network. בעבר כיבדתי את תום. I used to respect Tom. I've respected Tom before. הם מסוכנים מאד. They're very dangerous. They're very dangerous. Bezzaf! That's too much. By all means! Tezmer taẓuṛi ad beddel amaḍal? Can art change the world? What kind of help can a man change? اريد التحدث معها على انفراد. I want to talk to her alone. I want to talk to her privately. "أنا أفهم الإيطالية بشكل رائع," لقد تباهت بينما تختار طبق من قائمة الطعام, ولكن عندما قُدم الطعام, كان كما لم تكن تتوقع. "I understand Italian perfectly," she boasted while choosing a dish from the menu, but when the food was served, it was not at all what she expected. "I understand Italian perfectly," I suspected when you chose a piece of the menu, but when the food was served, it was the same as you didn't expect. הבית ריק. The house is empty. The house is empty. معيش حاجه من دول I don't own one of those things. Living in need of States Isuter Tom tapizat muqqren. Tom ordered an extra large pizza. Isuter Tom Tapizat knob. Am akken Tom yeẓra d akken Mary texdem aya. It seems Tom knows that Mary did that. For Thomas knew him, that she had served with her already. אתה פוחד? Are you afraid? Are you scared? היה רק מקרה אחד של אבעבועות בבית הספר. There was only one case of chicken pox at the school. There was only one case of hats at school. את חושבת שתום חכם? Do you think Tom is wise? You think Tom's smart? حلمي أن أكون طبيباً. My aim is to be a doctor. My dream is to be a doctor. Tom yuɣ taqcict i t-yugaren. Tom married an older girl. But I strengthened him more. كان المدرّسون يكرهونها. Teachers hated her. The teachers hated her. أتريد شرب شيء ما؟ Would you like something to drink? You want something to drink? أستذهب إلى حفلة توم؟ Are you going to Tom's party? Are you going to Tom's party? תום התיישב ליד שולחן הכתיבה שלו. Tom sat down at his desk. Tom sat next to his writing table. אני יודעת שהיית עושה לי את אותו הדבר. I know you would do the same for me. I know you'd do the same to me. הזמנים קשים. Times were hard. Times are hard. استدارت بابتسامة. She turned around and smiled. I looked around with a smile. הגדה המערבית היא תחת כיבוש צבאי ישראלי. The West Bank is under Israeli military occupation. The western border is under Israeli military occupation. D acu i telsam? What did you wear? What are you murmuring about? הוא התקלח. He has taken a shower. He took a shower. לא אטריח אותך יותר. I won't bother you anymore. I'm not gonna smell you anymore. אתה רוצה לשחק גולף או לא? Do you want to play golf or not? Do you want to play golf or not? אינני יותר טובה מאמי בבישול. I'm no better at cooking than my mother. I'm not better than my mom in cooking. למה אתה מתווכח עם המנהל? Why are you arguing with the manager? Why are you arguing with the manager? אני היחיד שמכיר אותם. I'm the only one who knows them. I'm the only one who knows them. تقريباً. Almost. Almost. وجدت مطعما مكسيكيا جيدا. I found a good Mexican restaurant. I found a good Mexican restaurant. לחצתי בזהירות על דוושת הדלק. I stepped carefully on the accelerator. I pressed the fuel tank carefully. هل لي أن أساعدك؟ Can I help you? May I help you? دعينا نتقاسم النفقات. Let's share the expenses. Let's share expenditures. Jiena mill-Ingilterra. I'm from England. I am from England. Tmeqqṛemt. You are old. Impressed. Ur d-ttuɣalent ara. They are not coming back. Neither repent ye. إنها تمطر. It's raining. It's raining. Inimt-iyi-d daɣen anta ara ɣ-iɛiwnen. Tell me again who will be helping us. Tell me therefore, that I may declare him also. Ur yessin ara Tom ad yehder i lɣaci. Tom isn't good at talking to people. And ye know not that ye speak to the people. بكم القميص؟ How much is the shirt? How much shirt? سامي يحبّ هذا. Sami likes that. Sammy likes that. החווילה שלה ממוקמת על הגבעה. Her villa sits on the hill. Her velvet's on the hill. תום התחיל לחייך. Tom started smiling. Tom started smiling. كم شخص أخبرتَ؟ How many people did you tell? How many people did you tell? תום ידע שמרי רצתה שהוא יזמין אותה לצאת. Tom knew that Mary wanted him to ask her out. Tom knew that Mary wanted him to invite her out. كان سامي يعيش حياة رائعة. Sami had a wonderful life. Sammy was living a great life. הוא סיים את חייו בקפיצה מהגשר. He ended his life by jumping off the bridge. He finished his life by jumping off the bridge. Beṛkamt anneẓmi. Stop whimpering. Let's do it. Tella tin i yellan? Is anybody here? Did you see it? اركض بأقصى سرعة. Run as fast as possible. Run as fast as you can. אני חייבת את הצלחתי לחברי. I owe my success to my friend. I have to make it to my friend. השגחה הורית מומלצת. Parental discretion is advised. Parental supervision is recommended. Tessneḍ-iyi? - Uhu, ur cukkeɣ ara. Do you know me? - No, I don't. Do you know me? I am not ashamed. Yella walebɛaḍ i d-yusan? Did anybody come? Is any man come to him? זה עשוי להמצא מועיל ביום מן הימים. That could come in handy someday. It could be useful one day. Tḥeqqeqeɣ d akken baba-k yetzuxxu yes-k. I'm sure your father is proud of you. I judge, even as your father boasts of you. تظاهر بأنه طبيب. He pretended to be a doctor. Pretend he's a doctor. Tom yedda ɣer Boston ɣer taggara n Tubeṛ. Tom went to Boston at the end of October. Then departed ye to Boston, and went toward the end of the tabernacle. Iban ttetteḍ aṭas. You sure eat a lot. You've got plenty to do. ماذا تريد هى؟ What does she want? What do you want? תום נראה ישנוני. Tom looks sleepy. Tom seems asleep. אתם רשאים ללכת הביתה. You may go home. You may go home. اللغة الأمازيغية موجودة على الفيسبوك. Facebook supports the Berber language. The Amazigh language is on Facebook. Ad am-xedmeɣ akk ayen i zemreɣ. I will do all I can for you. I will do whatsoever I please. تبدو مريضاً. You look sick. You look sick. Tḥettdeḍ? Are you envious? Are you a student? אי אפשר שלא לקחת את תום בחשבון. Tom can't be counted out. You can't take Tom into account. בואו ננסה לשחות נגד הזרם. Let us try to swim against the current. Let's try and swim against the current. استمرّ سامي في إرسال المال لليلى. Sami kept sending Layla money. Sammy kept sending the money for the night. בואו רק נסתלק מפה. Let's just get out of here. Let's just get out of here. Ayen ur yi-tenniḍ ara belli attruḥeḍ ar Lustṛali. Why didn't you tell me you were going to Australia? But you didn't have to tell that you had hidden the things in Lystra. Temxellem? Are you mad? Do you remember? Tettwaɛeṛḍemt meṛṛa. You're all invited. It was all wrong in all. Sarameɣ yiwen ur kem-id-iwala tusiḍ-d ar daki. I hope that nobody saw you coming in here. And I saw thee, and saw no man: but come hither, and see. ناداني المدرّس بالأحمق. The teacher called me stupid. The teacher's a fool. איפה הייתם? Where were you? Where were you? التطورات الاخيرة في الدواء جديرة بالملاحظة Recent advances in medicine are remarkable. Recent developments in medicine are noteworthy Iqṛeḥ-iyi cwiṭ weɛrur-iw. I've got a bit of an ache in my back. He made my defense of himself and of my body. Yelsa-d Tom yiwet n tgelmust n Halloween. Tom is wearing a Halloween mask. Then came Thomas, a young woman, of the family. שיעורי הבית לקחו יותר זמן ממה שציפיתי. My homework took longer than I expected. Homework took longer than I expected. אני רוצה קצת עוגה. I want some cake. I want some cake. Ad ak-d-qeddmeɣ kra n yimeddukal i yeqqaren talmanit. I will introduce you to some friends who study German. I will come to you with a row of fruits, and I will serve you. אלה טובים. These are good. These are good. יש לנו דברים לעשות. We've got things to do. We have things to do. ستستيقظ أبكر. You are to get up earlier. You'll wake up earlier. אני לא יודעת לאן היא הלכה. I don't know where she went. I don't know where she went. Tebɣamt ad akent-t-id ɣṛeɣ? Would you like me to read it to you? But what do you want me to do? Ad ak-d-siwleɣ tameddit-a. I'll call you this evening. I will come to you quickly. See, my name has been completed.' Amek ara t-id-afeɣ? How will I find it? How could they be found? הרחוב מעוטר בדגלים. The street is decorated with banners. The street is narrow in flags. Ur zmireɣ ara ad tt-fruɣ d yiman-iw ma ad dduɣ neɣ ad qqimeɣ. I cannot decide whether to go or not. Yea, I will not be able to speak any more of myself; but I will dwell in him, and he shall abide in me. תום בחור מקסים ביותר. Tom is an extremely charming guy. Tom's the most lovely guy. הם צודקים. They're right. They're right. Tzemremt ad ɣṛemt aya? Can you read that? Do ye wish to have force upon him now? أتشاهد التلفاز؟ Do you watch television? You watch TV? אפשר להבין את הכעס שלו. His anger is understandable. You can understand his anger. אף פעם לא אהבתי את תום. I've never cared for Tom. I never loved Tom. אמרתי להם שאעזור לך. I told them that I'd help you. I told them I'd help you. عمي يدخن كثيرًا جدا، ولا غنى له عن التبغ. My uncle is a very heavy smoker; tobacco is indispensable to him. My uncle smokes too much, and he doesn't need tobacco. توقفت عن التدخين I quit smoking. I stopped smoking. הוא בעשירון העליון. He belongs to the upper class. He's at the top. ሴቷ ዳቦ እየበላች ነው። The woman is eating bread. The woman is eating bread. ذهب إلى الجهة الأخرى. He went over to the other side. He went to the other side. Tfehmemt d aci i la d-yeqqaṛ? Do you understand what he's saying? Do you understand what to say? انا املك تأشيرة سياحية . I have a tourist visa. I have a tourist visa. Tzemreḍ ad yi-d-tawiḍ ayen ara ččeɣ? Could you bring me something to eat? Wilt thou take me, and eat? Yeẓṛa Tom kra n tɣawsa. Tom saw somebody. and would have burned up many thousands of trees. היא ביקשה ממנו מעט כסף. She asked him for some money. She asked him for some money. זכור לי שהזכרתי זאת פעם או פעמים. I remember mentioning it once or twice. Remember, I mentioned it once or twice. Meli i d-tusiḍ anṣuf yes-m. Whenever you come, you are welcome. When ye came, see thy wrath withered. אני לא יכול לסבול ילדים רעשניים. I can't stand noisy children. I can't stand squeezing kids. שמלתה נקרעה. Her dress was torn. Her dress is torn. لما وصل إلى تجربة الرقم 966، كان ديما قد بدأ باليأس. By the time that he tried 966, Dima was beginning to give up hope. Because of the 966 experience, Dima had begun to be desperate. Tom yeffeɣ seg tmurt deg 20 Tubeṛ. Tom left the country on October 20th. And Thomas went out of the land at the time of 20 Tubbeth. Melmi ad taseḍ ad iyi-teẓṛeḍ? When do you come and see me? When will you hear me? הלוואי שלא היית מנסה לעזור. I wish you hadn't tried to help. I wish you weren't trying to help. Inuḍeḥ Tom. Tom struggled. Let Thomas go. Yella ḥedd i d-igren iman-is. Somebody intervened. And there was a record in his body. كم الساعة على أي حال؟ What time is it, anyway? How long is it anyway? אנא, אל תגיד שום דבר מביך. Please don't say anything embarrassing. Please, don't say anything embarrassing. هذا الماء لا يتجمّد أبدا. This water never freezes. This water never freezes. رائع! Awesome! Great! لقد انتهت حياتي. My life is over. My life is over. أتناول الغداء عند الظهيرة مع أصدقائي. I have lunch at noon with my friends. I have lunch in the afternoon with my friends. كان سامي يقضي المزيد من الوقت في منزل ليلى. Sami was spending more and more time at Layla's house. Sammy was spending more time at night's house. اقترب سامي أكثر. Sami got closer. Come closer to Sammy. הקונצרט הצליח. The concert was a success. The concert worked. Twalaḍ asaru neɣ ala? You saw that movie, didn't you? Do you want a car or not? Ɛiwdet i tikkelt nniḍen. Start again. "Send me a second time." فلنغلق التلفاز . Let's turn off the TV. Let’s close the TV. كانت تجمع ليلى و سامي صلة قرابة وطيدة. Layla and Sami were very close. Lila and Sammy had a very close connection. היא תמיד סובלת מכאב ראש. She is always troubled with a headache. She's always suffering from headache. ليس توم هو الشخص المناسب للوظيفة. Tom isn't the right man for the job. Tom's not the right person for the job. غزّة هي أكبر سجن في العالم. Gaza is the biggest prison on Earth. Gaza is the world's largest prison. لذا، فإننا نحب الجمل. لكننا نحب اللغات أكثر. So we love sentences. But, even more, we love languages. So we love the sentences, but we love the languages more. היא נשקה לי, לא לו. She kissed me, not him. She kissed me, not him. ماذا تُفضّل؟ What do you like? What do you prefer? אין בנות בכיתתנו. There are no girls in our class. No girls in our class. Sami yessaggditt daɣen. Sami bullied her again. and standing up again, he said, "What! Sriɣ ad xedmeɣ aya ass-a. I do need to do that today. I know that I will do this day. من الجميل محادثتك. It's good talking to you. It's nice to talk to you. עלי להחזיר את זה הלילה. I have to give it back tonight. I have to get it back tonight. האם נגעתי בעצב חשוף? Did I touch a nerve? Have I been touched by exposed nerves? Ur ttxemmimeɣ am kemm. I don't think like you. I don't know as well as I do. دعونا نحصل على سيارة أجرة. Let's get a cab. Let's get a cab. איפה אפשר לשכור תחפושת? Where can I rent a costume? Where can I rent a costume? אמרתי לכם מה אני חושבת. I've told you what I think. I told you what I was thinking. ليس هناك فرصة للفوز. There's no chance of winning. There's no chance of winning. סליחה, אני מאחר. Sorry, I'm late. Sorry, I'm late. המשיכי לדווש. Keep paddling. Keep working. מרי קראה לבנה הראשון טום. Mary named her first child Tom. Mary called the first son Tom. תום עשה זאת בקלות. Tom did it easily. Tom did it easy. طرد توم من عمله. Tom was fired. Get Tom out of his job. إن كنت في مشكل، فسأساعدك. I would help you if you were in trouble. If you're in trouble, I'll help you. Iṛeggem-iyi ad d-yaweḍ zik. He promised me to come early. He has spoken earlier of me. Tameṭṭut-nni teqqaṛ. The woman reads. The scribes wrote. أنا لا أستخدم الفيسبوك I don't use Facebook. I don't use Facebook. Tettbineḍ-d d amelḥan tameddit-a. You look lovely tonight. You wrote a letter to her mother-in-law. היא אוהבת לקרוא יותר מכל דבר אחר. She likes reading better than anything else. She likes to read more than anything else. הונאה אקדמית נפוצה יותר ממה שאתה חושב. Academic fraud is more common than you might think. academic fraud is more common than you think. Ssneɣ ad ɣṛeɣ taglizit. I can read English. I know that I will be a must. אני נהנה לשחק שחמט. I enjoy playing chess. I'm having fun playing chess. تكمن المشكلة في المحرك. The trouble lay in the engine. The problem lies in the engine. Muḥemmed d nnbi n tidet neɣ ala? Is Muhammad a true prophet or not? Do you thank him who spoke like a prophet, or a prophet? Yella wasmi i d-teẓẓgem tafunast? Have you ever milked a cow? "What then? When did you try to shut up?" أين الزعيم؟ Where's the boss? Where's the boss? לא שלחו לי היום אי-מייל. They didn't email me today. They didn't send me an e-mail today. أفضل الخروج على البقاء في البيت. I prefer going out to staying at home. Better get out of the house. יש לי רשות לבדוק את הציוד הזה. I've been given permission to inspect this equipment. I have permission to check this equipment. מתי הוא הגיס של ריטה. Matt is Rita's brother-in-law. When is Rita's brother-in-law. Ddmemt aya. Take that. I've got a verse. אני מקווה שכולם יגיעו במשך הזמן. I hope all of them will come in time. I hope they'll all come in over time. سأل الصائب: "أين أنت يا ديما؟!"، بينما جلب منشفةً ليمسح الفانتا المسكوب. "Just where are you, Dima?!" Al-Sayib asked, getting a towel to wipe the spilled Fanta. He asked the right, "Where are you, Dima?", while he brought a towel to wipe the blind vanta. هناك برتقالة على الطاولة. There's an orange on the table. There's an orange on the table. Netta mačči d aqcic. He is not a boy. You are not a child. كان سامي أحيانا يحمل مسدّسا. Sami sometimes carried a handgun. Sammy sometimes had a gun. את צריכה להפסיק לשחק. You should stop playing. You should stop playing. שילמתי לו ארבעה דולר. I paid him four dollars. I paid him four dollars. Xedmemt akken i kent-d-yenna. Do it like he tells you. Therefore do as he said. הטעם בדיוק טוב. It tastes just right. The taste is exactly good. لاحظ وجودَ ثقبٍ في سترته، لكنه حاول تجاهله. He noticed a hole in his jacket, but he tried to ignore it. He noticed a hole in his jacket, but he tried to ignore it. إنها مجرد نظرية. It's only a theory. It's just a theory. ها هي حقيبتك. Here is your bag. Here's your bag. هو يكره الحليب. He hates milk. He hates milk. يحترم عالمنا قانوناً ذهبياً واحداً: من يملك الذهب يضع القانون. The world follows one golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules. Our world respects one golden law: whoever owns gold sets the law. והוא יצא מזה ללא פגע? And he's gonna get away with it? And he got out of it unhurtly? כל אדם הוא מיוחד. Every person is special. Every man is special. Temmut She is dead. Finished Beɛɛdemt-iyi! Stay away! He said to me, "Get me!" Yesteɛfa Tom. Tom paused. Yes, Tom. تبدو وكأنك ستخرج إلى حفلة من نوع ما. You look like you're going out to a party. Looks like you're going out to some kind of party. بُنِيَ منزل توم في 2013. Tom's house was built in 2013. We built Tom's house in 2013. מר ווד אהב את לינדה בכל לבו. Mr. Wood loved Linda from the bottom of his heart. Mr. Wood loved Linda with all his heart. טובה היא בחינם. A favor costs nothing. Good is free. Taxxamt n Tom yal ass twenneɛ. Tom's room is always neat. Thomas's tax card is sold every day. התנהגותו הפתיעה אותי באמת. His behavior truly surprised me. His behavior really surprised me. Tom yessuter smeḥ stidet i Mary. Tom actually apologized to Mary. Tom asks for a favor from Mary. Tom d Mary nnan-iyid, ulayɣer ad tgem ayenni s yiman-nwen. Tom and Mary said they wished you wouldn't do that by yourself. But Mary said to me, "I want to do something for you." כמה זמן הליכה זה מכאן לתחנה? How long does it take to walk from here to the station? How long has it been from here to the station? Tuɣaleḍ d amexlul? Have you become insane? Are you a full grown-up? אני רוצה לקנות מחשב חדש. I want to buy a new computer. I want to buy a new computer. هل تسمع ما أقول ؟ Do you hear what I'm saying? Do you hear what I'm saying? هل تعرف كيف تلعب كرة القدم؟ Do you play soccer? Do you know how to play football? בבקשה תאמיני לי. Please believe me. Please believe me. أمضيت رسالة سامي الهاتفيّة بحرف الفاء. Sami's text message was signed with the letter F. Sammy's phone texted. Kra n yitran bdan ttbanen-d deg igenni deg iḍ. Some stars began to appear in the night sky. And there appeared some stars to him in heaven. אנו ניקח לתשומת ליבנו את הרגשות שלך. We'll take your feelings into account. We'll pay attention to your feelings. كان صبيّ سامي نائما. Sami's baby was sleeping. Sammy's kid was asleep. ידעת על זה משהו? Did you know anything about this? Did you know anything about that? היא בחרה כובע שיתאים לשמלה החדשה שלה. She selected a hat to match her new dress. She chose a hat to match her new dress. أتى المدرّس خلفنا. The teacher came behind us. The teacher came after us. توم حلّاب. Tom is womanizer. Tom's a doll. جون ليس أخي ، بل ابن عمي. John is not my brother, but my cousin. John's not my brother, he's my cousin. Mbiwel s ttawil. Move quietly. BILL S WITNESS. את מדמיינת דברים. You're imagining things. You imagine things. Tecfiḍ d acu akken i d-yenna Tom? Do you remember what Tom said? Do you remember what he said? Melmi ara teččemt? When are you going to eat? When will you eat? Merħba fil-Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija ħielsa li kulħadd jista' jimmodifika. Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia that everyone can modify. ليس بإمكانك أن تُعلّم كلباً عجوزاً حركات جديدة. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. You can't teach old dogs new movements. תום נפוח מחשיבות. Tom is pompous. Tom's growing in importance. תן לי קיסם שיניים. Give me a toothpick. Give me a toothbrush. Mačči kan d arraw-iw i yemmuten di ṭṭrad. It wasn't just my children who died in the war. For my children are not yet dead in the earth: Ad tiliḍ deg Boston deg Tubeṛ. Will you be in Boston in October? You would have been in Boston. Acuɣeṛ ulac win i yi-ittamnen? Why doesn't anyone believe me? Why does no one accuse me? سأل توم ماري إذا ما كانت خططت للسباحة أم لا. Tom asked Mary whether she planned to swim or not. Tom Marie asked if she planned to swim or not. كان ساني يتحرّك. Sami moved. Sanny was moving. Ɣur-kent axxam deg Ustṛalya? Do you have a house in Australia? Have you found a house in Australia? אני לא במיוחד אוהבת כלבים. I don't really like dogs all that much. I don't especially like dogs. Ugur-inek dakken tɣilleḍ ilaq ad tgeḍ kra n wayen ar ak-d-inin imawlan-ik. Your problem is that you think you have to do everything your parents tell you to do. Thou hast thought a matter to take away, and to say nothing of thy parents. תן לי הזדמנות! Give me a chance! Give me a chance! تعال إلى منزلي. Come home. Come to my house. رأيت النّافذة تنزل. I saw the window roll down. I saw the window come down. הציפורים התיישבו על הענפים. The birds settled on the branches. The birds sat on the branches. הוא היה מופרע. He was mentally troubled. He was disturbed. Telliḍ tettwarǧaḍ ad t-tgeḍ iḍelli. You were supposed to have done it yesterday. Let your will be done for you, that you may be healed also. Qqimet da taṛǧum arma yusa-d Tom. You just sit there and wait until Tom gets back. What she expected came to Tom. היא התאהבה בגבר מבוגר יותר. She fell in love with an older man. She fell in love with an older man. המבצעים כבר בתהליכים. Operations are already underway. Operations are already in operation. خذ وختك Take your time Take your sister. ובכן, יש לי הצעה. Well, I have a suggestion to make. Well, I have an offer. Tḥemmlem Spanya? Do you like Spain? Do you love Spain? איפה החוף? Where is the beach? Where's the beach? הוא קנה לי מילון חדש. He bought me a new dictionary. He bought me a new hotel. Iqelleb uselmad deg uqrab-iw. The teacher went through my purse. And he commanded, saying, Peace be unto my mouth. أُلقي القبض على مهرب المخدرات في المطار. The drug smuggler was arrested at the airport. The drug smuggler was arrested at the airport. תתיישבו בבקשה. Please be seated. Please sit down. هل حدث أي شيء؟ Has something happened? Did anything happen? אתה חייב לנהוג על פי הכללים. You must act in accordance with the rules. You must follow the rules. أسرع و إلا فاتك القطار. Hurry up, or you'll miss the train. Hurry up and you're missing the train. Tom d Mary ttbanen-d d irfiqen yemqaraben. Tom and Mary seem to be close friends. And Thomas and Mary were found naked. سرعان ما تعرّف سامي على أصدقاء جدد. Sami made friends immediately. As soon as Sammy gets to know new friends. Qquṛeɣ deg usemmiḍ. I'm freezing. I'll be late. واش تخّدمي؟ What's your occupation? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, who Cukkeɣ zemreɣ ad ttekleɣ fell-awen. I believe I can trust you. I can speak as to you. I will put my trust in you. Yebda issaɣ-iţ wedfel. It began to snow. There's no more going before me now. Yewḥel Sami. Sami is stranded. He loved Sami. استمرت الحرب قرابة السنتين. The war lasted for about two years. The war continued almost two years. فرضت ليلى الكثير من القيود الدّينيّة على أولادها. Layla placed many religious restrictions on her children. Lily imposed a lot of religious restrictions on her children. إنّ الأمور لا يمكن أن تزداد سوءا. Things can't be worse. Things can't get worse. Theblemt. You are crazy. I got it. هل سبق و ذهبت للسباحة عارياً. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? You've gone to the pool before. Azzel ɛjel, mulac ad ak-teǧǧ tmacint. Run faster, otherwise you will miss the train. I'm sorry I'm afraid of you. I'm afraid of you. Ɛeyyeḍ ugar. Louder. I would like to pay a bill. بلّغ سامي السّلطات بالاعتداء الجنسي. Sami reported the sexual assault. Sammy told the authorities of sexual assault. Ad iniɣ d akken tḥemmleḍ axeddim-ik. I believe you like your job. I say therefore, and do thy works, as thou wilt. Yella kra n ḥedd ara yi-iɛawnen? Won't somebody help me? Do I have any business to help? بالنّسبة لفاضل، لم تكن العربيّة شيئا جديدا فحسب، بل كانت أيضا صعبة للغاية. To Fadil, Arabic was not only new, but very complicated. As a matter of fact, the Arab was not only something new, but it was also very difficult. Ddem wa. Carry this. He didn't do anything wrong. هناك دوما بعض المهام المتعلقة بامور المنزل التي ينبغي القيام بها . There are always some chores to be done about the house. There are always some of the household tasks that need to be done. كان سامي يعيش سامي حياة بدون أخلاق. Sami led an immoral life. Sammy was living an unethical life. غرفة الاستعجالات في الطّرف الآخر من العيادة. The emergency room is at the other end of the clinic. The emergency room at the other end of the clinic. הגומי לעיסה עולה עשרה סנט. The gum's ten cents. The gum's going up to ten cents. יתכן שיש להם מה שאתה רוצה. They might have what you want. They may have what you want. كيف جرى الأمر؟ How did it go? How's it going? لا أحد يفهم ماذا يجري. Nobody understands what's going on. No one understands what's going on. أنا أقرأ كتابك I am reading your book. I read your book. Iguja Tom. Tom moved. Igua Tom. Tom ad d-yas yid-wen ma yekfa leqdic-ines. Tom will come with you if he finishes his work. And so will he come with you, if he take away his labour. يا له من سؤال. أكيد أنا أحبه. What a question! Of course I love him. What a question. נהנתי לעשות את זה. I had fun doing that. I enjoyed doing this. יש מספיק זמן לנשנוש. There's enough time for a quick snack. There's plenty of time for the human being. لا يزال الجميع يبتسم. Everyone is still smiling. Everyone's still smiling. إفحص كُل واحد. Check everyone. Check each one. יש לו לסת שבורה והוא איבד כמה שיניים. He got a broken jaw and lost some teeth. He's got a broken jaw and he's lost some teeth. מיזוג האוויר בספרייה חזק מדי. The air-conditioning in the library is too strong. The air conditioning in the library is too strong. אל תקל ראש ברצינות הבעיה. Don't underestimate the problem. Don't take your head seriously. Aqjun-a itett qrib kullec. This dog eats almost anything. Whichever is less than all other things. أعندك غرفة تخصك؟ Do you have a room of your own? Do you have your own room? הדימיון שלך עובד שעות נוספות. You have an overactive imagination. Your imagination works extra hours. אני חושב שבדיוק שמעתי מישהו. I think I just heard someone. I think I just heard someone. Yella walebɛaḍ i k-id-iṭṭalayen. Somebody's watching you. There is one who gave you food. دمّر سامي حياة ليلى. Sami destroyed Layla's life. Sammy destroyed Lila's life. لا تعطه شيئا من هذا الحساء. Don't give him any of that soup. Don't give him anything of that soup. أتى أخيرا. At last he came. He finally came. איך אתה יודע שתום מעודו לא היה בבוסטון? How did you know that Tom had never been to Boston? How do you know Tom wasn't in Boston? سأقوم بتحويل المبلغ. I will transfer the money. I'm gonna transfer the money. Kenwi d atmaten? Are you brothers? Where are they, my brothers? D ajapuni i telliḍ? Are you Japanese? Do you smoke? Mazal-iyi zewjeɣ akked Tom. I'm still married to Tom. I was still in Thomas's womb. Wa Ayako, ɛeggeḍ cwiṭ. Hey, Ayako, make your voice louder. And the Lord said, "Behold, an angel of God cometh before you, and you have watched over him. " Tlata n wussan-aya ma walaɣ Tom. I haven't seen Tom in three days. After three days I saw Tom. لقد تعطّل محرّكي. My engine is out. My engine's out. Fehmeɣ ssebbat-nkent. I understand your reasons. I understood many times. תום מספר לנו יותר על מה שקורה ממרי. Tom tells us more about what's going on than Mary does. Tom tells us more about what's happening to Mary. أنا أتعجب لماذا قال توم ذلك I wonder why Tom said that. I wonder why Tom said that. هيا بنا نذهب إلى مكتبي. Let's go to my office. Let's go to my office. جمال عند موعد مع عميد الجامعة. Jamal has an appointment with the college principal. Jamal's on a date with the director of the university. Tom igen kan cwiṭ n sswayeɛ. Tom only slept for a few hours. And the cock that is on the earth is full of vinegar. אתה מסודר. You're tidy. You're good. Ur irewwu ara tamuɣli deg-s. He never tires of watching him. Let him not look at him. لا تزال ليلى تعمل من أجل استرجاع صحّتها. Layla is still working to regain her health. Lily's still working to get her health back. תום יצא מוקדם. Tom left early. Tom left early. أين وُلد؟ Where was he born? Where was he born? المعذرة، هلّا أعدت ذلك؟ Pardon me, can you repeat that? Excuse me, will you prepare that? لن يسدّده سامي. Sami isn't going to pay it. He's not gonna pay Sammy. Lliɣ tturareɣ. I was playing. I will burn down. תום היה עקשן. Tom was obstinate. Tom was stubborn. هل كانت قصتها حقيقية؟ Was her story true? Was her story true? استمعت القطة لخطواتها. The cat listened to its steps. I listened to the cat for her step. אני רוצה ללמוד גרמנית בנוסף לאנגלית. I want to study German in addition to English. I want to learn German in addition to English. Wi iɛetben yettɣellit. No pain, no gain. And I'm gonna win. Akken myezdaɣen i myussanen. Birds of a feather flock together. As for the white horses, they are white. Axiṛ-awen ad tgezmem acekkuḥ-nwen. You had better have your hair cut. But let your grace be without hypocrisy. هل أحسنت التصرف اليوم؟ Did you behave today? Are you doing well today? אני צריכה להחנות את האוטו כאן. I have to park my car here. I need to park the car here. أنا بحاجة إلى الحب. I need love. I need love. לו יכולת להיות שם. I wish you could have been there. If you could have been there. תום שיחק כדורגל. Tom played football. Tom played football. Nella deg yiwet n tmacint nekk d Tom. Tom and I were on the same train. I came in one of them, and I was Tom. Acḥal n tmellalin i ttetteḍ di ddurt? How many eggs do you eat a week? How many do you see in the mountain? אני חי מיום ליום. I am living from day to day. I live from day to day. את בוודאי מתלוצצת. You have got to be kidding me. You must be kidding. הקרדינל ברגוליו נבחר לאפיפיור על ידי הקונקלווה. Cardinal Bergoglio was elected Pope by the Conclave. The cardinal Bargolio was elected Pope by the Conclave. Tom yemxel ɣef Mary. Tom has only got eyes for Mary. The hour came for Mary to be delivered from the hand of God. תגידי לתום שאנחנו בדרך. Tell Tom we're on our way. Tell Tom we're on our way. את יכולה לפתוח את זה? Can you open it? Can you open it? هل تعرف الولد في الصورة؟ Do you know the boy in the picture? Do you know the boy in the picture? Tislit-nni tella tecbeḥ. The bride looked very beautiful. And the young lady had a light. זה חלומו של תום לגור בהרים. It's Tom's dream to live in the mountains. It's Tom's dream of living in the mountains. أتعتقد ذلك؟ Do you think so? You think so? هي لم تكتشف الحقيقة أبدا. She never found out the truth. She never discovered the truth. Yella ḥedd i iɛeṛḍen ad yi-ineɣ. Somebody tried to kill me. And there was a certain thing formed, that they would kill me. איך השתנו החיים מאז שהיית ילד? How has life changed since you were a kid? How has life changed since you were a child? Nekk ur beddleɣ ara. D kunemti i ibeddlen. I haven't changed. You have. But I repent not: ye stand fast. D acu i d-as-tettakkemt i weqziḥ-nkent ad t-yečč ? What do you feed your dog? What was the gift given to her, that they should eat? Nekk d aqbayli. I'm Kabyle. I am receiving it. حين أسمع هذه الأغنية، فإنني أفكر بك، وأفتقدك. When I hear this song, I think of you, and miss you. When I hear this song, I think of you, and I miss you. Anda-ten yiqjan-ik? Where are your dogs? Where is your sting? Meli i d-tusiḍ anṣuf yes-k. Whenever you come, you are welcome. For whom you have come, you will both see it, and see it." היום היה מעורר. Today has been exhilarating. Today was exciting. תפנה את חפציך. Put away your things. Clear your things. אני יודע שאולי אתה חושב, שאני צעיר מדי. I know you might think I'm too young. I know maybe you think I'm too young. D tafṛansist i ad ttmeslayent? Are they speaking French? And the merchants shall speak? Teskerkis. She lies. Teskerakis. הוא שהה במלון. He stayed at a hotel. He stayed at the hotel. מה זה "Tatoeba"? האם זה איזשהו טרנד חדש? What is "Tatoeba"? Is it some kind of new trend? What's Tatoeba? Is it some kind of new tand? طلب سامي من ليلى أن تلتقي به شخصيّا. Sami asked Layla to meet him in person. Sammy asked Lily to meet him personally. البيت انهدم في هزة أرضية. The house collapsed in an earthquake. The house collapsed in an earthquake. غادر سامي فحسب. Sami just left. Just left Sammy. Anda ara tṛuḥem? Where will you go? Where are you going? ماذا حصل الأسبوع الماضي؟ What happened last week? What happened last week? لا تنس أن تبعث الرّسائل. Don't forget to mail the letters. Don't forget to send the message. لا أعرف إن كنا نحتاج ذلك. I don't know if we needed that. I don't know if we need that. Ad iliɣ deg Ustṛalya arma d 20 Tuber. I'll be in Australia until October 20th. I will be in Australia from 20tu. هي تلعب She works. She's playing. Ticki i k-iɣunza yiwen, ur t-ţqelliq ara. When someone ignores you, forget about him. And after that thou hast heard the testimony of none; neither hast thou hurt him. هو لم يكن مدرّسي. He was not my teacher. He wasn't my teacher. אינני יודע מה גרם לי לעשות את זה. I don't know what made me do that. I don't know what made me do that. Tella tin i yeṭṭfen amkan-iw. Someone took my place. There was again a place where I had received authority. أين تقترح أن نذهب؟ Where would you suggest we go? Where do you suggest we go? لم ذهبت إلى هناك بدوني؟ Why did you go there without me? Why did you go there without me? תום סרב לשאול לדרך. Tom refused to ask for directions. Tom refused to ask for a way out. أنا أعرف هؤلاء الفتيات I know those girls. I know these girls. Ṭṭef aqemmuc-ik! Oh, hush! Keep thine eye, and thy soul. Adfel, xas icbeḥ d asemmaḍ. Snow is pretty, but it's cold. Butline is better and worse than all others. היא מאד בודדה. She's very lonely. She's very lonely. Qeblent. They approve. I've accepted. كان سامي يتعرّف على أصدقاء جدد بسهولة. Sami made friends easily. Sammy was getting to know new friends very easily. אני מניח שאצטרך להיות זהיר יותר בעתיד. I suppose I'll have to be more careful in the future. I guess I'll have to be more careful in the future. הילדים החליפו מתנות במסיבת חג המולד. The children exchanged presents at the Christmas party. The kids changed presents at the Christmas party. יותר נשים מאשר גברים מעידים עדות שקר בבית המשפט. More women than men commit perjury. More women than men testify a lie in court. Immut? Is he dead? Is he dead? La ţcabint mliḥ ɣuṛ-i. They are very alike to me. For they are mine. Tzemrem ad teččem tura. You may eat now. You'll come now. يزور العديد من السياح مدينة كيوتو في الربيع . Many tourists visit Kyoto in the spring. Many tourists visit Kyoto City in spring. كانت مشغولة بإنهاء واجباتها. She was busy doing her homework. She was busy ending her duties. الفلسطينيّون هم السّكاّن الأصليّون في فلسطين. The Palestinians are the indigenous people of Palestine. The Palestinians are the original knives in Palestine. תום לא היה צריך לבוא אתי. Tom didn't have to go with me. Tom shouldn't have come with me. Teɣṛiḍ adlis-a? Have you read that book? Do you want to do your business? האם תעשו כתוביות באספרנטו? Do you do subtitles in Esperanto? Will you do addresses in Asperto? Ur d-iyi-ttaǧǧa ara weḥd-i. Don't leave me alone. I don't care for myself. האם זאת אחותכם? Is that your sister? Is that your sister? ذكر هاتوياما أنه يعيل عائلته بالمراهنة على سباق الخيل. Hatoyama says that he supports his family by gambling on horse racing. Hatwyama stated that he was dependent on his family for the race. Tella kra n tɣawsa i yemxalafen. Something's different. There were lots of trees of various kinds. מי שיחק? Who was playing? Who played? Anef-as ɣuṛ-k! Keep it. Let him return from you! هناك نافورة ماء للشرب قرب ملعب التنس. There's a drinking fountain by the tennis court. There's a water oven to drink near the tennis field. Tom yeẓra belli Mary teṭṭafar-it. Tom knew that Mary was following him. But you know that Mary perceives that she has a baby. لقد حدَقَت بعينين نصف مُغمضتين. She squinted. I've had a half-focused eye. החיים הם חידה, והאהבה היא התשובה. Life is a riddle and love is the answer. Life is a riddle, and love is the answer. הוא הודה שזה היה נכון. He admitted that it was true. He admitted it was true. Steqsimt Alex. Ask Alex. Shared Alex. Llan imdanen ara yessemḥasen? Are people listening? But there are some who will lead you astray. זה משתמש באנרגיה סולרית. It uses solar power. It uses solar energy. وين يهدرو الانجليزية؟ Where is English spoken? And where do they waste English? Txedmem tuccḍiwin. You made mistakes. It's over. Umsen iḍarren-iw. My feet are dirty. Take my bed, and go to my bed.' لا يهمني إذا هطل الثلج. I don't care if it snows. I don't care if the ice falls. Yella weqjun i aɣ-d-yeṭṭafaren. There's a dog following us. And they have set a space against us. תום חבט במרי. Tom slugged Mary. Tom hit Mary. Nessuter-d ssmaḥ. We apologize. We ask forgiveness. في موسم السياحة ، ترفع العديد من الفنادق اسعارها . In the tourist season, many hotels raise prices. During the tourist season, many hotels raise their prices. دعونا ننسى هذا. Let's forget about this. Let's forget this. השיער שלך נראה יפה. Your hair looks nice. Your hair looks beautiful. תום חבר במסדר אדוק. Tom belonged to a religious order. Tom's a good friend. يشاهد سامي فيديوهات على اليوتوب طوال الوقت. Sami watches YouTube videos all the time. Sammy's watching videos all the time. איננו יכולים לחיות ממאה חמישים אלף ין בחודש. We can't live on 150,000 yen a month. We can't live 50 grand a month. هي تتدرب على البيانو كل يوم . She practises the piano every day. She trains on the piano every day. عقدتُ العزم على أن أكون عالمًا. I am determined to be a scientist. I was determined to be a world. לינדה אוהבת שוקולד. Linda loves chocolate. Linda likes chocolate. Selleɣ i kra n yiwen yettmeslay. I hear somebody talking. I heard a few things that were spoken to me. اعترف سامي بذلك. Sami admitted that. Sammy admitted it. أنا من أمريكا. I'm from America. I'm from America. عاشا سامي و ليلى حياة مثاليّة. Sami and Layla had a picture-perfect life. Sammy and Lily have a perfect life. Ttqeṣṣiṛen meṛṛa. Everyone giggled. And all hands were broken. Massnsen yesdukkel imaziɣen deg tallit-is. Masinissa united all the Berbers during his reign. And their teeth shall be all broken, and their tails shall be loosed. יש הרבה אגמים בסביבת מגוריך. There are many lakes in the area where you live. There's a lot of lakes around your neighborhood. Teṭṭef-iyi lehwa. I was caught in the rain. They take hold of me. سامي يتسوّق. Sami is shopping. Sammy's shopping. עשה רק דבר אחד בו זמנית. Do one thing at a time. Do only one thing at a time. لدي بعض الأصدقاء في القاهرة. I've got some friends in Cairo. I have some friends in Cairo. אינני מכירה איש בשם תום. I don't know anyone named Tom. I don't know anyone named Tom. تلقّى سامي اتّصالا غريبا من شخص لم يتعرّف عليه. Sami got a strange call from someone whose voice he didn't recognize. Sammy received a weird call from someone who didn't know him. آبن من أنت؟ Whose son are you? Who are you? انكسرت ذراع سامي في ستّ أماكن مختلفة. Sami's right arm was busted in six places. Sammy's arm broke in six different places. אני לא רוצה לדבר אתך. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you. אני לא יכול להאמין שהרגע יריתי על עצמי. I can't believe I just shot myself. I can't believe I just shot myself. אתה לא מחריד אותי. You don't frighten me. You don't scare me. لا أحد يعرف إسمه. Nobody knows his name. No one knows his name. מרי נפצעה אתמול. Mary hurt herself yesterday. Mary was injured yesterday. قرّر سامي أن يؤجّل ذهابه إلى الجامعة. Sami made the decision to postpone college. Sammy decided to postpone going to college. Init-iyi-d melmi ara iyi-d-tessawlem. Tell me when you'll call me. Tell me, when shall ye call me? לא תכננתי לעשות את זה, אבל עכשיו שאתה מציע, אולי אנסה. I wasn't planning on doing that, but now that you suggest it, I may give it a try. I didn't plan on doing it, but now that you're suggesting, maybe I'll try. אתה מאד לא הוגן. You're being very unfair. You're very unfair. هل رددت على تلك الرسالة بعد؟ Have you answered that letter yet? You wanted that letter yet? הספינה בדרכה לפינלנד. The ship is on its way to Finland. The ship's on its way to Finland. أنا سعيد جداً. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. D taki i d leḥmala? Is this love? Where is love? أتى سامي لإقلال صديقته. Sami came to pick up his girlfriend. Sammy came to reduce his girlfriend. أحب الإنجليزية أكثر من الرياضيات. I like English better than Math. I love English more than math. أخبر زوجتك بي. Tell your wife about me. Tell your wife to me. זו לא תכנת קוד פתוח. It's not open source software. It's not an open code. Ahat ilaq ad s-nini i walebɛaḍ. Maybe we should tell somebody. I say so again, that no man may say so. אנחנו מתכננים לבוא לביקור אצל מר סמית' מחר. We plan to visit Mr. Smith tomorrow. We're planning on visiting Mr Smith tomorrow. תום קרא תגר על מרי. Tom challenged Mary. Tom read a challenge to Mary. אמרתי לו לבוא. I told him to come. I told him to come. يحبّ سامي الحيوانات الأليفة. Sami loves pets. Sammy likes pets. אני לא חושב שאת מבינה. I don't think you understand. I don't think you understand. Izmer ad ɣ-d-iẓeṛ walebɛaḍ. Someone might see us. No one can tell us anything. הוא ניגש לצד השני. He went over to the other side. He went to the other side. טום נשאב לתוך זה. Tom got sucked into it. Tom was thrown into it. חשבתי שהוא איש הגון. I took him to be an honest man. I thought he was a decent man. Sami ad bu qeṛṛu leɛmeṛ wallaɣ yiwen am netta. Sami is the only bully I have ever had in my life. And it came to pass, that, behold, there was never one star in heaven. هلا ساعدتني؟ سأكون مسرورا بذلك. "Will you help me?" "I'll be glad to." Will you help me? היא קמה מוקדם. She gets up early. She got up early. Ayɣer armi d tura i d-tusam? Why have you come only now? But I came to you now, and I know you. Awi-yi s axxam. Take me home. Bring me home. דברים לוקחים בדרך כלל יותר זמן ממה שציפית. Things usually take longer than you expect. Things usually take longer than you expected. תום ביקש ממרי לתת לו להעתיק את שיעורי הבית שלה. Tom asked Mary to let him copy her homework. Tom asked Mary to let him copy her homework. أراد سامي كلبا. Sami wanted a dog. Sammy wanted a dog. הם הופקרו על אי בודד. They were marooned on a desert isle. They were on a lonely island. היא לוקחת שיעורים פרטיים בפסנתר. She takes private piano lessons. She's taking private lessons at the piano. כל יום מרי לקחה סלים מלאים לחם לעניים וטפלה בחולים. Every day Mary took baskets full of bread to the poor and cared for the sick. Every day Mary took meals full of bread to the poor and treated the sick. أحضر سامي ليلى معه. Sami brought Layla with him. Bring Sammy Lily with him. Twalamt ṭṭabla-nkent? Do you see your table? Did you want a promotion? אתמול אפיתי מאפה עם פטריות. Yesterday I baked pastries with mushrooms. Yesterday I blew up with mushrooms. אני מעדיפה להתקלח בבוקר. I prefer to take a shower in the morning. I'd rather take a shower in the morning. אתה אוהב גולף? Do you like golf? You like golf? תגיד משהו. Say something. Say something. ከንደይ ትውደአ ስራሕካ? What time do you finish work? How dear are you to your work? Ur ẓriɣ ara ma ad amneɣ Tom neɣ xaṭi. I don't know whether I should believe Tom or not. For I don't know whether I will put my faith in Thomas or my brother. Yeṭṭef-iyi aṭas n sswayeɛ wanect-aki. It already has taken me hours. He took me by the space of many fruits. نريد التّمسّك بنمط حياتنا القديم. We want to hold on to our ancient way of life. We want to hold on to our old way of life. הוא אימץ את עיניו בקריאה רבה מדי. He strained his eyes by reading too much. He adopted his eyes too much reading. الأفضل أن تذهب بالحافلة. You'd better go by bus. You better go on the bus. Sami ad amdakkel n Farid. Sami is one of Farid's friends. Do the deeds of Paradise belong to you. ” أأنت من نظّم الحفلة؟ Are you the one who organized this party? Are you the one who arranged the party? لقد أوقفته، أليس كذلك؟ You stopped it, didn't you? I stopped him, didn't I? يا للروعة! How fascinating! Oh, great! أنا لا أتكلم اللغة اليابانية.‏‏ I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. D acu i tebɣam ad teg? What would you like her to do? What would you like to do? סליחה, אנחנו סגורים. Sorry, we are closed. Sorry, we're closed. Ma ur tebɣiḍ ara ad teɣṛeḍ, ḥbes. If you don't want to read, don't. And if thou wilt not read it, stand still. אנו צריכים לשוב פנימה. We need to go back in. We need to get back in. עובדה מצערת היא, שבעוד אנשים גוועים ברכב בארצות מסוימות, ביפן משליכים לפח מזון רב בבתים ובמסעדות. It is a shameful fact that, while there are lands where people suffer from hunger, within Japan there are many households and restaurants where much food is thrown away. A sad fact is that while people are hungry in a car in some countries, Japan throws lots of food into homes and restaurants. תום נענש בסטירה על כף ידו. Tom got off with a slap on the wrist. Tom's being punished in the style on his palm. ما هذا الخذش على وجهك؟ What's this scratch on your face? What's that scar on your face? מישהו דופק בדלת שלך. Somebody's knocking at your door. Someone knocks at your door. Tom yella yerfa mgal Mary. Tom was angry at Mary. There was a lot of music about Mary. מתוך איזה כוס מאלה שתית? Which one of these glasses did you drink out of? Out of which glass did you drink? D tijapuniyin i tellamt? Are you Japanese? Are you a pedagogy? Ilaq ad teččeḍ kra n lḥaǧa. You should eat something. You must eat all things. היא ארגנה שהוא יקבל בית חולים טוב. She made arrangements to get him into a good hospital. She arranged for him to get a good hospital. يرجى ملء نموذج طلب الوظيفة المرفق. Please complete the attached job application form. Please fill in the attached post application form. Tesɛam zzheṛ? Are you lucky? Do you have any fun? Di leɛnaya-m qwem taki. Please repair this. I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I Tofu yeţemṣada mliḥ akked sake. Tofu goes well with sake. Let all things be done decently and in order. אני חייב לו את הצלחתי. I owe my success to him. I owe him my success. Aqli ar Tom. I'm at Tom's. Lo! thou beholdest Tom. ביתנו הנוכחי קטן מדי, אז החלטנו לעבור. Our present house is too small, so we decided to move. Our current house is too small, so we decided to move. تقع المحطة غرب الفندق. The station is to the west of the hotel. The station is west of the hotel. Ilaq ad heḍṛeɣ i kra n yiwet. I have to talk to somebody. I must proclaim one measure of righteousness to another. لا ألومك على ضربه. I don't blame you for hitting him. I don't blame you for hitting him. אל תתקרב לכלב. Don't go near the dog. Don't come near the dog. حتى الآن، كل شيء كان ناجحا. So far everything has been successful. So far, everything's been successful. דיון פתוח עם אתאיסט התקיים באחרונה במסגד בקהיר. An open discussion with an atheist took place recently in a mosque in Kahir. An open debate with an atheist recently occurred at a mosque in Cairo. תום אפסן דברים בביתי. Tom stashed some stuff at my place. Tom missed things at my house. אינני מכיר אותה כלל. I didn't know her at all. I don't know her at all. הוא ברח כשראה את השוטר. He ran at the sight of the policeman. He ran off when he saw the cop. انتبه! هناك حفرة كبيرة هناك. Watch out! There's a big hole there. There's a big hole there. انا ذاهب الى المعمل I'm going to work. I'm going to the lab. واصلت رسائل التّعاطف في الوصول بأعداد كبيرة. Letters of sympathy kept flooding in. The messages of sympathy continued to reach large numbers. Ad ɛeṛḍeɣ i tikkelt nniḍen. Let's try again. Again, I will put you to the test.' מדוע את מדברת על כסף? Why are you talking about money? Why are you talking about money? הצל את תום. Save Tom. Save Tom. אל תפריע לי! Don't disturb me! Don't bother me! كان سامي أكبر أبناء رامي و ليلى صادق. Sami was the oldest of all the children born to Rami and Layla Sadiq. Sammy was the oldest son of Rammy and Lily was honest. Il-Milied it-tajjeb! Merry Christmas! The Good Christmas! شنو تبي؟ What do you want? Shenno Tebby? Anef-iyi tṛankil. Get away! It's a gift to me. המשטרה תמצא אותנו אם נישאר כאן. The police will find us if we stay here. The police will find us if we stay here. אתה בלש מעולה. You're an excellent detective. You're a great detective. אף פעם לא חשבתי שאמצא אתכם. I never thought I'd find you. I never thought I'd find you. יש חור במעילי. There's a hole in my coat. There's a hole in my coat. كادت ليلى أن تموت. Layla nearly died. Lily almost died. אנא אל תכנסו לשם. Please don't go in there. Please don't go in there. אני חייב לפגוש את תום. I must meet Tom. I have to meet Tom. Iḥemmel Tom taẓuṛi. Tom loves art. And He loves Al-Aqsa'ah (the severed portion of the Trumpet, etc.). אני לא יודע למה הוא יכול לחיות מעל למה שהאמצעים מאפשרים. I don't know why he can live above his means. I don't know why he can live above what the media allow. إنه شيخ غريب الأطوار My mission is of critical importance. It's a strange old man. Zzna yettuḥeṛṛem deg aṭas n ddyanat. Fornication is forbidden in many religions. And many, many cases, are in vain. אני אוהב האבקות מקצוענית. I like pro wrestling. I like professional powders. سامي في خطر دائم. Sami was in constant danger. Sammy's in constant danger. הכלב זלל במהירות את כל תכולת הכלי שלו. The dog quickly ate everything in its dish. The dog quickly underestimated its entire substance. מיקי קונרס עשה קציצות מיריבו בזירה. Mickey Conners made mincemeat of his opponent in the ring. Mikey Connes made fights on the scene. አንድ መጽሐፍ እጽፋለሁ። I'm writing a book. I write one book. אני אוהב לאכול סושי. I love to eat sushi. I like to eat sushi. אני יודעת שאתה מעריך את תום. I know you think highly of Tom. I know you appreciate Tom. Ur teqqaṛem ara adlis-a? Aren't you going to read this book? Don't you say, 'I saw him?' Farset tudert! Embrace life! Take life! Tuzen-iyi-d yiwen n wawal. She sent me a word. They spoke to me one word. Hemm gżejjer fil-baħar. There are islands in the sea. There are islands at sea. Ɛafek! Thanks! Ahab! هو طفل العائلة. He is the baby of the family. He's the family's child. Sami yerra-ken-id gar wallen-is. Sami is interested in you. And laid it in his eyes. D tidet. This is true. D tether. אנו רוצים לדבר איתך. We wish to speak to you. We want to talk to you. תתפלא מה אפשר ללמוד בשבוע ימים. You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week. You'll be surprised what you can learn in a week. Ad wen-d-sekneɣ amek i yettwaxdem. I'm going to show you how it's done. He will show you what it has done. كان توم هنا أيضاً. Tom was also there. Tom was here too. لن أذهب ما لم تخبريني أين أجد توم. I'm not leaving until you tell me where I can find Tom. I won't go unless you tell me where to find Tom. هي لا تحب الثعابين و الرياضيات. She does not like snakes and mathematics. She doesn't like sports and math. הגיע זמן ארוחת הצהרים. It's time for lunch. It's lunchtime. لما لا تنساها و لا تتركها و شأنها؟ Then just forget her. Leave her in peace. Why don't you forget her and leave her alone? لا تتركني وحدي! Don't leave me by myself! Don't leave me alone! נראה שאתה אוהב פירות. You seem to like fruit. Looks like you like fruit. نمنا طوال اليوم. We slept all day. We slept all day. Anwa lkaɣeḍ i tebɣiḍ? What papers do you take? Whom do you want to be baptized by me? יש חמש אצבעות ביד: האגודל, האצבע, האמה, הקמיצה והזרת. The hand has five fingers: the thumb, the index finger, the middle finger, the ring finger, and the pinky. There's five fingers in the hand: the thumb, the finger, the Emma, the shirt and the alien. ماركو يَقضي الكثير مِن الوقت في مُشاهدة التليفزيون. Markku spends a lot of time watching television. Marco spends a lot of time watching TV. بإمكانك أن تطلب منه المساعدة. You can ask him for help. You can ask him for help. Ilaq-am ad teččeḍ tura. You should eat now. You must be served now. היה לי יום קשה. I had a rough day. I had a tough day. Init i medden meṛṛa. Tell everybody. To all men. Tasqamt-a tedda deg-s tḥelwiḍt akked claḍa? Does that price include soup and salad? Did you deceive him, and put a curse on him? Ilaq ad tɛassemt tikli-nkent. You must look to your manners. But the work of his hands must be perfect. فقط لدي بعض الأسئلة. I just have a few questions. I just have some questions. Beṛka imeṭṭawen. Stop screaming. weeping. שתו הרבה חלב, כי זה בריא. Drink a lot of milk, because that is healthy. Drink a lot of milk, 'cause it's healthy. העניין יתבהר במשך הזמן. It will clear up by and by. It'll be clear over time. אנחנו קרובים לסיום. We're nearly finished. We're close. אתה אדיב. You're courteous. You're kind. תום האזין בשקט. Tom quietly listened. Tom listened quietly. שמעתי אותה משתנקת. I heard her gasp. I heard her clean up. Ɛreḍ! Try! Othn! Ur zmireɣ ara ad k-ḥuddeɣ. I can't protect you. I can't find you sleeping. לא עלה בידה לענות על השאלה. She couldn't answer the question. She didn't have to answer the question. גמרת להכין את שיעורי הבית כבר? Have you finished doing your homework yet? Did you finish preparing your homework yet? Yella win i wumi tebɣiḍ ad teɣṛeḍ? Is there somebody you want to call? Is there anyone whom you wish to read? תזרז את זה. Hurry it up. Hurry it up. תודה לך על מכתבך. Thank you for your letter. Thank you for your letter. استيقظ سامي بعد غيبوبة دامت ستّ أسابيع. Sami woke up after a six-week coma. Sammy woke up after a six-week coma. Friedrich Nietsche yella d afelsaf almani. Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher. Friedrich Nitzsche was a Roman philosopher. جريدة اليوم تحذّر من قدوم عاصفة. Today's paper says that a typhoon is coming. Today's newspaper warned of a storm coming. أنا حرقت يدي أثناء صب الماء الساخن. I burnt my hand while pouring hot water. I burned my hand in hot water. صلّى النّاس صلاة الغائب لسامي. A funeral prayer in absentia was held for Sami. People pray for Sammy's absence. Muqqlet-tt. Watch her. Set-tt. I tikkelt-nniḍen, d acu yellan ma ulac aɣilif? Can I have the menu again, please? For what was it then? For what was it thought for? הברכיים של תום התעקמו. Tom's knees buckled. Tom's knees got stuck. זה משחק הסיום. This is the last game. It's the finish game. Yella wayen ur gziɣ ara. There is something I don't understand. I have nothing to set before them. Nekṛeh-ik i meṛṛa. We all hate you. We have hated all of them. بإمكان سامي فعل أيّ شيء لحماية ليلى. Sami would do anything to protect Layla. Sammy can do anything to protect Lila. למה שמישהו היה חוטף אותו? Why would anyone kidnap him? Why would anyone have taken him? אלף ובית מטילים לסירוגן קוביה בת N פאות, אלף תמיד מטיל ראשון. מפסיד במשחק מי שלראשונה הטלתו אינה עדיפה על הטלת קודמו. מה ההסתברות שאלף ינצח? A and B alternately roll an N-sided die, A always first. A game is lost by the first roll failing to better the previous. What is the probability that A wins? A thousand-year-old Cocaoya serogan, a thousand-year-old, always first-time hits, loses the first-time game who's not better than the previous one. What's the probability that a thousand will win? הייתי נבוך. I was embarrassed. I was embarrassed. כולנו מיחלים לשלום עולמי לתמיד. We all wish for permanent world peace. We all long for world peace forever. إنتهت المسرحية. This play has ended. The play is over. أعتقد أنك تعمل خطأً كبير I think you're making a big mistake. I think you're making a big mistake. התכוונתי ללכת לשם. I had intended to go there. I was gonna go there. ربّما سأصنع لنفسي زيّا كهذا لحفل هالووين القادم. Maybe I'll have a costume made like that for next Halloween. Maybe I'll make for myself a dress like this for the next Halloween party. היא נראתה כמי שחלתה זמן רב. She looked like someone who had been sick for a long time. She looked like she had been sick for a long time. Eǧǧ-aɣ-t-id. Leave it up to us. Be of the same mind toward us. טוקיו היא מקום יקר מאוד לחיות בו. Tokyo is a very expensive place to live. Tokyo is a very expensive place to live. لا شيء من هذا حدث. None of that actually happened. None of this happened. תום היה כורה פחם. Tom was a coal miner. Tom was a coal miner. Ttxil-wet, xedmet akken i d-nniɣ. Please do as I say. Keep alive, and do as I have said. كانت أسئلتك مباشرة جداً. Your questions were too direct. Your questions were so direct. انت منين ف كندا؟ Where in Canada are you from? You're from Canada? Sawleɣ i ubugaṭu-inu. I called my attorney. And I prayed for my child. היא אוהבת לרוץ. She likes to run. She likes to run. מצאת את היריב המתאים. You've met your match. You found the right opponent. היונה סמל שלום מפורסם. The dove is a famous symbol for peace. It was a famous symbol of peace. Ddmemt ta. Take this. Her blood. אני מודה בכך, טעיתי. I admit it. I was wrong. I admit it, I was wrong. המיטה של תום ריקה. Tom's bed's empty. Tom's bed's empty. המחשב הזה עובד עם בטריות. This computer runs on batteries. This computer works with batteries. لديّ أخ واحد. I have one brother. I have one brother. لا يعيش في هذا المبنى أحد . No man lives in the building. No one lives in this building. انا لست عدوك. انا صديقك. I'm not your enemy. I'm your friend. I'm not your enemy. I'm your friend. D Tom i d-yennan Mary ur t-tḥemmel ara. Tom is the one who told me Mary didn't like him. This is how Thomas said, "Mary didn't love him." من الصعب أن نراك هنا. We hardly ever see you around here. It's hard to see you here. הוא פנה אל הקהל בקול רך. He addressed the audience in a soft tone. He turned to the crowd with a soft voice. تلك هي سيارته That is his car. That's his car. Ikemmel Tom taɣuṛi. Tom kept reading. and I too will complete the downfall. D acu i tlemdeḍ a Tom? What have you learned, Tom? What do you want to know about Thomas? הם מדהימים. They're cool. They're amazing. Wali, agrud-inna, tura hah ad yessimes iman-is. Wait and see; this child is about to get dirty. But I say, let my soul be at home, and let her be at home. في أي مجلدٍ حفظت الملف؟ In which folder did you save the file? In what folder did you keep the file? תן לי לדאוג לזה בשבילך. Let me take care of that for you. Let me take care of it for you. תום לא יודע זאת. Tom doesn't know that. Tom doesn't know that. יש בידינו הצהרה חתומה. We have a signed statement. We have a signed statement. התמונה בשחור/לבן. The picture is in black and white. The picture in black/white. ቋንቋ ሁሉ እወዳለሁ I like all languages. I Love Every Language זה לא מעניין אותי! It's none of my business! I don't care! Ɛiwed! Repeat! Ebed - melech! התעמתתי עם תום. I confronted Tom. I confronted Tom. Taqbaylit d tutlayt am tutlayin-nniḍen. Kabyle is a language like the other languages. And he was told, saying with tongues, as when he was possessed. اشترت رطليْ زبدة. She bought two pounds of butter. I bought my plate of butter. אשמח לראות זאת. I would like to see it. I'd love to see that. Nekk feṛheɣ. I am happy. I hate it. سرِقَ كتابُك؟! متى وأين؟ Your book was stolen?! Where and when? When and where did you steal your book? عمّد سامي أبناءه. Sami baptised his children. Sammy wanted his sons. הוא לא יודע הרבה על בעל החיים הזה. He knows little about that animal. He doesn't know much about this animal. Aql-aɣ di tefsut. It's spring. They are lying in wait for us. תום נתן לך סיבה? Did Tom give you a reason? Did Tom give you a reason? أأنت أكبر من توم؟ Are you older than Tom? Are you older than Tom? דן תושאל על ידי המשטרה אודות האירוע. Dan was questioned by the police about the incident. Dan will be questioned by the police about the event. תום קנה למרי צמד עגילים. Tom bought Mary a pair of earrings. Tom bought Mary a bracelet. Yenna-d Tom ad ikemmel isteqsiyen. Tom said he kept asking questions. He began to ask them rest. اتّصلت ليلى بالأمن. Layla called security. Lila called security. תום מתעייף בקלות. Tom gets tired easily. Tom's getting tired easily. אנחנו שמרנו לך מקום. We saved you a seat. We saved you a place. لَقَد وَصَلوا إلى هَدَفَهُم. They reached their goal. They've reached their destination. استمر المطر ثلاثة أيام. The rain lasted three days. The rain lasted three days. Ilha uɛummu i ṣṣeḥḥa-nwen. Swimming is good for your health. And be ye kind unto the Lord. ستعطيني بطانية إضافية. She'll give one more carpet to me. You'll give me an extra blanket. توم أدار ظهره لــنمط حياته القديمة وثم كرّسَ نفسه لأسرته. Tom turned his back on his old way of life and dedicated himself to his family. Tom ran his back to his old life and dedicated himself to his family. Ddmet ta. Take this. How did it come to be? ألعب معه. I play with him. I play with him. אנו מתקדמים לפי לוח הזמנים. We're proceeding on schedule. We're moving on by schedule. אולי יש לך חלק באשמה. Possibly you share some blame for this problem. Maybe you've got a part of the blame. הוא אמר שאין סיכוי למאבק. He said it was hopeless to continue the struggle. He said there's no way to fight. أحب سماع الموسيقى معك. I love playing music with you. I like listening to music with you. كان سامي مسيحيّا قبل أن يعتنق الإسلام. Before his conversion to Islam, Sami was Christian. Sammy was a Christian before he embraced Islam. يظهر أن الطقس يتحسن. It would seem that the weather is improving. It looks like the weather's getting better. السماء صافية. The sky is clear. The sky is clear. Tzemrem ad d-terrem idrimen-nwen ma tebɣam. If you want your money back, you can have it. And if ye will lay down your money. هل سَبَق أن ذهبتَِ إلى البندقية؟ Have you ever gone to Venice? Did you ever go to the gun? אנו מצפוניים. We're conscientious. We're north. تغرد الطيور في الصباح الباكر. Birds sing early in the morning. Birds fly early in the morning. Ddem aya. Take that. Don't forget this number. Anef i waman ad rsen. So, let sleeping dogs lie. They drew water, and drew water. תום ירה פעמיים. Tom shot twice. Tom shot twice. למרות שעייפתי, עשיתי כל מה שיכולתי. Although I was tired, I did what I was able to do. Although I was tired, I did everything I could. Ugadeɣ fell-ak. I'm afraid for you. I provide you with information. እኔ ከአውስትራልያ ነኝ። I'm from Australia. I am from Australia. Azul a sser! Hello, beautiful! What a relief! אמי עשתה ממני רופא. My mother made a doctor out of me. My mother made me a doctor. Nettṛaju inebgiwen i tmeddit-a. We're expecting company this evening. I write to you at that hour. Ɛni ɣelṭeɣ? Was I wrong? Am I weak? Yiwen ur yebɣi ad iddu yid-i ɣer Boston. Nobody wants to go to Boston with me. They didn't want anyone to come after me to Boston. תום נעדר רק יום. Tom has only been gone a day. Tom's only been missing a day. Ṛeqqɛem taxxamt-nwen. Put your room in order. Behold, your tax collectors have cast off. אני מודאגת מאד לגבי תום. I'm very worried about Tom. I'm very worried about Tom. تعرف ما أعنيه. You know what I mean. You know what I mean. לא יכולתי לשלוט בכעס שלי. I couldn't control my anger. I couldn't control my anger. هذه قصة حقيقية. This story is true. This is a real story. Sruḥeɣ tlata n yikilugramen. I've lost three kilograms. And I give three staffs. Tessnem ḥedd isem-is Mass Green? Do you know a certain Mr. Green? Are you deaf to his name Mass Green? Lemdeɣ aya sɣur-m! I learned that from you! I am in danger of you now! Ɛawnem-aɣ-d. Help us. They have helped us. אתם ואני נשרוד. You and I will survive. You and I will survive. עמדנו בכניסה כדי לקבל את פני אורחינו. We stood at the door to welcome our guests. We stood at the entrance to welcome our guests. Ur cukkeɣ ara d akken ttamnent-aɣ. I don't think they believe us. I am not ashamed of them, as they also fast in us. Yiwen ur ken-yekṛih. Nobody hates you. And no man hath spoken it unto him. האהבה היא עיוורת אבל הקנאה יכולה לראות אפילו דברים דמיוניים. Love is blind, but jealousy can see even nonexistent things. Love is blind, but jealousy can even see imagined things. Tom ur yeddi ara ɣer uɣerbaz-nni aniɣer tedda Mary. Tom didn't go to the same school as Mary did. But he went not up to the pool, and laid it on Mary's bed. התקשרתי אליו אתמול. I called him up yesterday. I called him yesterday. זו ההמצאה הטובה ביותר מאז הלחם הפרוס! לא ברור לי מה הייתה ההמצאה הטובה ביותר לפני הלחם הפרוס. This is the best thing since sliced bread! I don't know what the best thing was before sliced bread, however. I don't know what's the best invention before the spread bread. אני בן אדם, ואת כל בני האדם אני רואה כמשפחה אחת. I am a human being, and I regard all of humanity as one family. I'm a man, and all humans I see as one family. Sami yella yettidir aked xalti-s. Sami lived with his aunt. My father's heart goes out to him. Aznemt-iyi ar dina. Send me there. Be careful about my religion. הוא הציג אותי להוריו. He introduced me to his parents. He introduced me to his parents. אתה יכול לזרוק את הכדור? Can you pitch? Can you throw the ball? אני משוכנע שאני יכול לעשות את זה. I'm confident I can do it. I'm convinced I can do this. התביעות היו שגויות. The charges were false. The prosecutions were wrong. מערערים על פסק הדין. The judgment is being appealed. Arguing the verdict. قد أكون حاملا. I might be pregnant. I might be pregnant. يبلغ عدد سكان اليابان حوالي مئة و عشرون مليون نسمة. The population of Japan is about 120 million. The population of Japan is approximately one hundred and twenty million. إحدى أمنياتي هي أن أتعلم اللغة الآيسلندية. One of my dreams is to learn Icelandic. One of my wishes is to learn Icelandic. מצטערת, משהו השתבש. Sorry, something went wrong. Sorry, something went wrong. وأضاف ديما: "وأيضًا،" وأخذ حاسبته وقسم 0.99 على 3,000,000، وضربه بـ 100. "أنت تدركين أنك لن تخسري إلا 0.0033%، صحيح؟" "And besides," Dima made sure to add, taking out his calculator and dividing 0.99 by 3,000,000, before multiplying by 100. "You do realize that you would only lose 0.0033%, right?" "And also," Dima added, "he took his computer and section 0.99 over 3,000,000, and hit him with 100." "You realize you're only going to lose 0.0033%, right?" تحصّل سامي على ما استحقّه تماما. Sami got exactly what he deserved. Sammy gets exactly what I deserve. بدآ سامي و ليلى يكتبان رسائل لبعضهما الآخر. Sami and Layla started writing each other letters. Sammy and Lily were writing letters to each other. أنا دائما ما أنسى الأسماء. I am constantly forgetting names. I always forget the names. תום רוצה שתעזור לו עם שיעורי הבית. Tom wants you to help him do his homework. Tom wants you to help him with his homework. Saḥit i mi tzewwqeḍ axxam-iw. Thank you for decorating my house. You should do so when you want to go down to my house.' Mazal tudert zdat-kent. Life lies in front of you. Life is still standing before him. לו אפה של קלאופטרה היה קצר יותר, להיסטוריה היה מסלול שונה. If Cleopatra's nose had been shorter, the history of the world would be different. If claupatra's mouth was shorter, history would have been a different course. البيت من ثلاث طوابق. The house has three stories. The house is from three floors. لا تنظر إلي! Don't look at me. Don't look at me! قال أنه اشترى سيارة مستخدمة. He said that he had bought a used car. He said he bought a used car. ليس لديّ أب. I don't have a daddy. I don't have a father. هل تسكن هنا؟ Do you live here? Do you live here? Ḥemmleɣ adfel. I love snow. I love a sacrifice. Teṭṣemt cwiṭ? Did you get some sleep? Do you have a mind? كانت الكلمة التي ألقاها توم رائعة. Tom's speech was excellent. Tom's word was great. قام سامي بالحراسة. Sami kept guard. Sammy took care. אתה מוזר. You're weird. You're weird. את נראית חדל אישים. You seem incompetent. You look like you're missing men. Ma tebɣiḍ ad teččeḍ aya, tzemreḍ. If you want to eat that, you may. If you want to learn this yourself, you can. Akken yebɣu yeεyu, yerǧa-t uxeddim. Whether he is tired or not, the job is waiting for him. And as he sat still, she saw him turn aside. Tettarum tafṛansist? Do you write in French? Tetrarum tappraanist? Teḥrec axiṛ-iw. She's smarter than me. For I am free from love. Tom yenna-d belli yebɣa ad iḥbes ddexxan. Tom said that he would stop smoking. But he said this, "that he cared to stop the grass." Yella upianu deg texxamt. There is a piano in the room. There was a ruler watching over him. دعى سامي ليلى لتناول الشّاي. Sami invited Layla for tea. Sammy Leila was called to have tea. بدت ليلى رائعة. Layla looked perfect. Night looks great. Xelɛeɣ mliḥ mi ldiɣ tawwurt-nni! What a fright I got when I opened the door! I heard when I opened the door. הודות לך, יש לי בעיות עם לחץ הדם. Thanks to you, I have problems with my blood pressure. Thanks to you, I have problems with blood pressure. سيزور الرئيس الفرنسي اليابان الشهر المقبل. The French president is to visit Japan next month. The French President will visit Japan next month. אני אוהב את הקפה שלך. I like your coffee. I love your coffee. המדרגות הנעות הפסיקו לפתע לפעול. The escalator suddenly stopped. The moving stairs suddenly stopped working. بدأت ليلى ترتدي الحجاب في فترة شهر رمضان. Layla started wearing the hijab around Ramadan. Lily started wearing the veil in a month of Ramdan. Iruḥ Tom ɣer Boston iwakken ad inadi axeddim. Tom went to Boston to look for a job. Let Thomas go unto Boston, that I may seek labour. מי הסופר? Who's the author? Who's the writer? נתראה בעוד עשרים דקות. I'll see you in twenty. See you in 20 minutes. اختفى سامي من حياة ليلى. Sami disappeared from Layla's life. Sammy disappeared from Lily's life. سرق الولد فلوسا من محفطة والدتها. The boy stole money from his mother's handbag. The boy stole Flossa from her mother's crib. אין לתום כבר את המרץ להתחרות. Tom no longer has the energy to compete. Tom doesn't have the race to compete anymore. Sɛiɣ takti igerrzen. I've got a good idea. And I let down my field with a heavy load. يجب أن تفخر جدا بابنتك. You must be very proud of your daughter. You should be very proud of your daughter. Nekk mačči d akli-inek. I'm not your slave! I am not thy servant. أسكن في أوساكا. I stay in Osaka. I live in Osaka. Tella tin i izemren ad yi-d-tawi taɣenǧawt. Could somebody get me a spoon? Where she is, she hath been found by me. Sɛan aṭas n yedrimen. They have plenty of money. They were very rich. إنه يوافقني الرأي. He agrees with my opinion. He agrees. Igerdan s imedyaten i lemmden. Children learn by example. And they clothed themselves with sackcloth. توم يحب الخروج Tom loves going out. Tom likes to get out. זאת בטוח השיטה הטובה ביותר. This is definitely the best method. That's certainly the best method. Yella win ara d-iɛawnen? Can somebody help? Is there anyone who can join you? صداقتك تعني لي الكثير. Your friendship means a lot to me. Your friendship means a lot to me. זווית של 90 מעלות נקראת ישרה. An angle of 90 degrees is called a right angle. 90 degrees angle called straight. עשית טעות גדולה. You made a big mistake. You made a big mistake. עותק זה שונה מהמקור. That copy differs from the original. A copy is different from the source. Yessawel Tom i Mary akken ad as-imel lɣiḍ-is. Tom called on Mary to express his sympathy. And thou calledst Thomas, and Mary his sister, so that she knew how he was doing. זה לא מנומס להשמיע קולות כשאתה אוכל מרק. It's bad manners to make a noise when you eat soup. It's not polite to sound voices when you eat soup. Err akkin tiliɣri-inek thesseḍ-iyi-d. Put your phone away and listen to me. Send me away. Ḍfeṛ tirga-k. Follow your dreams. "Lift up your head." منعني أبواي من مقابلة توم مرة أخرى. My parents didn't allow me to see Tom again. My parents prevented me from seeing Tom again. אני שוקל ללכת להרים. I am thinking of going to the mountains. I'm considering going to the mountains. Atan Tom di berra, neɣ ala? Tom is outside, isn't he? This is Tom in the south, or is it not? תום נתן למרי להשתלט על השיחה. Tom let Mary do all the talking. Tom let Mary take over the conversation. ظنت أني طبيب. She thought that I was a doctor. I thought I was a doctor. Teqqar taglizit. She's studying English. Dyspnoea. זה התניע תגובת שרשרת. It started a chain reaction. It started a chain reaction. لسببٍ ما، المايكروفون لم يعمل سابقًا. For some reason the microphone didn't work earlier. For some reason, the microphones didn't work before. Tom d aqcic i yiḥercen aṭas. Tom is a gifted child. Now you are a very idle child. אני לא מבינה גרמנית. I don't understand German. I don't understand German. أُخرج! Get out! Get out! Yufeg-iyi uqeṛmud. I am beside myself! He has opened his mouth to me. Isenned mliḥ fell-as, dɣa teṛṛeẓ. He leaned on it so much that it broke. And he stood up upon it, and rent it. Ur ilaq ara ad yeddu Tom akked Mary ar Boston Tom isn't likely to go to Boston with Mary. Don't be content with Thomas and Mary to go to Boston Dayen, fukken-iyi. I'm at a loss for words. Wake me up. Anta ihi? Then who? Is that so? صعد قطه على طاولة المطبخ و وجد هناك بعض اللحم اللذيذ. His cat climbed up on the kitchen table and found some tasty meat. Get his cat on the kitchen table, and there's some delicious meat. هل تلك الحقيبة السوداء لك؟ Is that black briefcase yours? Is that your black bag? اسمي معروف لدى الجميع في مدرستي. My name is known to everybody in my school. My name is known to everyone in my school. תום חזר למשרד שלו. Tom returned to his office. Tom's back in his office. חייתי את רוב חיי בשפלה, היכן שגבעות ועצים הם מצרך נדיר. I've lived most of my life in the plains where trees and hills are scarce. I've lived most of my life in humiliation, where hills and trees are a rare asset. اعتبره صديقاً. I consider him a friend. Think of him as a friend. أضاف سامي بعض الفرولة للعصير. Sami added strawberries to the juice. Sammy added some juice to the juice. هل رخصتك معك؟ Do you have your driver's license? Did I license you with you? أسمعت الأخبار؟ Did you hear the news? Did you hear the news? مادرنا والو. We didn't do a thing. Maderna and Wow. תום סנילי. Tom is demented. Tom Sinley. Eǧǧ-iyi ad muqqleɣ ayen i turiḍ. Let me see what you've written. Let me alone what you will show me. ירד שלג באוסקה. It snowed in Osaka. It's snowing in Osaka. هل لي أن أُلقي نظرة على جواز سفرك؟ May I look at your passport? May I take a look at your passport? אני די מאושר. I'm kind of happy. I'm pretty happy. איך אני יכול לדעת? How should I know? How can I know? ليركب الجميع. All aboard! Everybody get in. Ḥedd ur aɣ-d-yettak tallelt. No one is going to help us. Watch for us, don't curse us. עליה להיות זהירה מאד כשהיא חוצה את הרחוב. She needs to be very careful when she crosses the street. She has to be very careful when she crosses the street. בקרוב נהיה יחד. We'll get together soon. We'll be together soon. Bɣiɣ akteṛ n yedrimen. I want more money. I need more money. Ulac win i m-izemren! You are unbeatable! No one is able! החדשות גרמו לה צער רב. The news upset her terribly. The news made her very sad. Ur ddiɣ ara ɣer Boston seg Tubeṛ. I haven't been to Boston since October. I will not come to Boston, though I will not. אתם אנאלפבתים. You're illiterate. You're animists. Cukkeɣ tella kra n yiwet deg texxamt-nni n zdat. I think there's somebody in the next room. I had some things to eat, which were not so much as one of those which had not been put to death. Teḥmam? Are you hot? Warm? מתי שינית כתובת? When did you change your address? When did you change an address? Tafelseft-nkent n tudert temxallaf akked tin-iw. Your philosophy of life is different than mine. Put on the breastplate of life, and it will stick with me. Nessaram ur tettεeṭṭileḍ ara ad d-tuɣaleḍ ar Boston. We hope you'll be back in Boston soon. Even so, you will not delay, lest at any time you return to Boston. האור משתנה מאדום לירוק. The light is changing from red to green. The light changes from green to green. המשפט נמשך עשרה ימים אחד אחרי השני. The trial lasted for ten consecutive days. The trial lasted 10 days after each other. لا تأكل. Do not eat. Don't eat. Cukkeɣ Tom yecmet. I think Tom is ugly. I'm sorry, Tom. Ḥbes ademmer. Stop pushing. I think not. Neḥcameɣ. I felt really embarrassed. I hate it. أين تعلمت الإنجليزية؟ Where did you learn English? Where did you learn English? Ɣef wacḥal ssaɛa ara teččemt? What time will you eat? How long will you eat? كان سامي عائدا إلى منزله على متن درّاجته. Sami was riding home. Sammy was coming home on his train. היום החלטנו שניסע להרים. We decided to go to the mountains today. Today we decided to go upstairs. אני שמח שאיש לא מת. I'm glad no one died. I'm glad no one's dead. הוא מתעייף בקלות. He gets tired easily. He's getting tired easily. Ẓṛemt kan takeṛṛust-iw tamaynut. Look at my new car. But ye have beaten my feet to the ground. ستُنشر روايتها الجديدة الشهر القادم. Her new novel will be out next month. Its new story will be published next month. أنا حتى لستُ متأكداً ما إذا كُنتُ أريد أن أرى هذا الفيلم. I'm not even sure I want to see that movie. I'm not even sure if I wanted to see this movie. אני שומע אתכם היטב. I hear you well. I hear you all right. Yella win i d-yusan? Did anybody come? Is he therefore that cometh? Tom yemmut deg 20 Tubeṛ 2013. Tom died October 20, 2013. Adam died on 20 September 2013. Nekk d Ineslem, maca ḥemmleɣ ccrab. I'm a Muslim, but I like wine. I am Esau. I love the tongue. D kečč i d Tom? Are you Tom? And said, Art thou Thomas? Tesɛamt zzheṛ mliḥ! How lucky you are! You've got well done! אז אני יכול לישון עדיין עוד חמש דקות. Then I can still have five more minutes of sleep. So I can sleep in five more minutes. איזה ילדים! אתה שולח אותם לקנות ממתקים, והם חוזרים עם כלב! What children! You send them to get candy and they return with a dog! You're sending them to buy candy, and they're coming back with a dog! Sami yella iqqaṛ izen i Layla. Sami was reading a message from himself to Layla. And he spake, saying, The Son of God. תום אהב את זה. Tom liked it. Tom loved it. الحمّام جاهز. The bath is ready. The bathroom's ready. התגעגעת אליי? Did you miss me? Did you miss me? إنها تفضل البقاء في المنزل على الخروج. She prefers staying home to going out. She'd rather stay home than get out. واحد زائد اثنان يساوي ثلاثة. One plus two equals three. One plus two equals three. Ḥemmleɣ urar-agi. I love this game. "I love my self-controlling spirit. תגידי, את בכלל מתגעגעת אליי? Tell me, do you miss me at all? Say, do you even miss me? Ustṛalya mačči d asuref. Australia is no exception. A law is not a law of the law. הוא פסיכי. He is a psychic. He's a psycho. תום לבש כפפות אגרוף. Tom put on a pair of boxing gloves. Tom wore punching gloves. هل ذاك المكان بعيد عن المصرف؟ Is this place far from the bank? Is that place far from the bank? הושארתי מאחור. I was left behind. I was left behind. Xiṛ lemmer i d-uɣeɣ ugar n tteffeḥ. I should've bought more apples. "I would have spoken enough for my mouth's desire, if I had taken it away from my mouth. Theggamt i waffug. Ready for take-off. I've been set up. Ur iɛawen ara baba-s. He didn't help his father. He can't help his father. صادفت توم في طريقي إلى المدرسة. I met Tom on my way to school. I hit Tom on my way to school. למה היינו רוצים לנסוע לבוסטון? Why would we want to go to Boston? Why would we want to go to Boston? لماذا لم تأتي لتزرني؟ Why didn't you come visit me? Why didn't you come to see me? תנעל שוב אי פעם את המגפיים האלה? Are you ever going to wear these boots again? Will you ever lock those boots again? Tuɣ-d taqerɛet n waman. She bought a bottle of water. And the flood came down into the midst of the sea. אני רוצה לקנות את הבית שטום מוכר. I'd like to buy the house that Tom is selling. I want to buy the house Tom sells. הייתי רוצה לשחק גולף. I would like to play golf. I'd like to play golf. תפסיק להתעמר בתום. Stop teasing Tom. Stop gambling at the end. لديهم بطانية واحدة فقط. They have only one blanket. They only have one blanket. Nekk d amdan. I'm a human. I am the man. اتصلت مينج بصديقها ليلة البارحة. Ming called her friend yesterday evening. Ming called her friend last night. לפני שתצא, תסגור את הדלתות. Before you go out, close the doors. Before you go out, close the doors. Yella walebɛaḍ i yettmuqqulen. Someone is watching. And there was one left, and he died. שקלתי את זה בכובד ראש. I have considered that very carefully. I took it seriously. هيَ تذهبُ إلى جامعة مولود معمّري بِتِيزي وزّو. She goes to Mouloud Mammeri University in Tizi Ouzou. She's going to the university of M.O. Betzie and Zo. هوَ فقد والدهُ في البحر. He lost his father at sea. He lost his father at sea. ציפור קטנה אמרה לי. A little bird told me. A little bird told me. Ttxemmimen yibekkan. Apes are intelligent. Put up a bonfire. اسمي وانج. My name is Wang. My name is Wang. أمي تكبر أبي عمراً. Mom is older than Dad. Mom's growing up. Aṛǧut deg beṛṛa. Wait outside. Wait outside. כעת הצג את עצמך תוך שימוש במשפטים אלה. Now introduce yourself using these sentences! Now show yourself using these sentences. كل شيئ سيتغير. Everything will change. Everything's gonna change. אוי, הם כל כך חמודים ביחד. Aww, they are so cute together. Oh, they're so cute together. את לא ממהרת, נכון? You're not in a hurry, are you? You're not in a hurry, are you? הפסק מיד! Stop that immediately. Stop it right now! מה קורה כשכוח בלתי ניתן לבלימה נתקל בעצם בלתי ניתן להזזה? What happens when an unstoppable force hits an unmovable object? What happens when an inexhaustible force is actually inexhaustible? Yenna-yi-d Tom d akken iḥemmel-iyi. Tom told me that he loves me. He told me, "Tom is the one whom you love me." אינני אוהבת את התנהגותה. I don't like her manner. I don't like her behavior. תום מתנהג כשורה? Is Tom behaving himself? Tom's acting right? סופסוף הגיע האביב למחוז זה ביפן. At last, spring has come to this part of Japan. Finally the spring came to this county in Japan. غادر سامي المسجد. Sami left the mosque. Sammy left the mosque. قدّم سامي شكوى ضدّ ليلى. Sami filed a report against Layla. Sammy filed a complaint against Lily. אחזור בהקדם. I will be back soon. I'll be right back. Yenna-d Tom belli yebɣa ad igen. Tom said he wanted to go to bed. And he said, That he would go away. Tzewṛem mliḥ! You are so smart! Let's go! بيحب يكتب مقالات على ويكيبيديا He loves writing articles for Wikipedia. Beaver writes articles on Wikipedia. זה חסר כל היגיון דפוק. It makes no fucking sense. It doesn't make any fucking sense. תום ניגש בזהירות. Tom approached cautiously. Tom, let's go carefully. عندك فقط خيارين. You only have two options. You just have two options. אנו חופשיים. We're free. We're free. Yella walebɛaḍ i yeṛẓan taḍebsit-aki. Somebody has broken this dish. And there was a man which had the straw broken away. פחד לא יתקיים בלי תקווה לא תקווה בלי פחד. Fear cannot be without hope nor hope without fear. Fear will not exist without hope without fear. Ixeddem aṭas n leɛtab. They work hard. Be zealous in much affliction. אני לא יכול לעשות את העבודה הזאת בלעדיך. I can't do this job without you. I can't do this job without you. بدأت النار فى المطبخ The fire started in the kitchen. I started to fire in the kitchen. Ad d-asaɣ ad akent-id-fkeɣ afus n tallelt. I'll come help you. And they shall deliver us, that they which had received the pen of the talents might be given them by the hand of the talents. Kuṛunavirus igellu-d s tusut tamadfart. The coronavirus causes persistent coughing. Kurunavirus has been shown to be tammatraft. Kemm d taḥessadt. You are envious. How calm I am. Ttxil-m ur ttmettat ara. Please don't die. Ye know it not. أنهى سامي عمله. Sami finished his work. Sammy's done his job. הם פטרו את הביקורת שלו בתור צביעות. They dismissed his criticism as hypocrisy. They fired his criticism as votes. Tom yella yebɣa ad yettu Mary. Tom wanted to forget Mary. And he would have killed Martha. Kečč d abehlul! You are an idiot! You're a hero! Qrib ɣerqeɣ. I almost drowned. I've got to do it. Ur mxallafeɣ ara. I'm not special. Could not close temporary folder: %s كانت ليلى مغطّاة بالدّم. Layla was covered in blood. My night was covered with blood. מה הסיבה? What's the reason? What's the reason? Ur ẓriɣ ara belli Tom yesɛa xiṛela n imdukal. I didn't know that Tom had so many friends. For I don't know that your house has an appointed space. Yella walebɛaḍ ara iɛawnen? Can somebody help? Is there anyone who can associate with God? התנהג כפי גילך. Act your age. Be as old as you are. Tom yettban-d yesker cwiṭ mi twaleɣ iḍelli. Tom seemed pretty drunk when I saw him yesterday. And it came to pass, that, when I saw the sea, there was a great calm. Acḥal n Yipawenden i d-ternamt? How many pounds have you gained? How many of them did Jepromon come to you? Tom yettwaṭṭef ɣer uxeddim deg Tubeṛ. Tom was hired in October. And he went before unto prison. Tzemreḍ ad iyi-d-tsiwleḍ tameddit-a ma tebɣiḍ. You can call me this afternoon if you want. Thou shalt lay hands on me, and take me, if thou wilt. Ayɣer ur iyi-d-qqaṛem ara d acu i yeḍran iḍ yezrin? Why don't you tell me what happened last night? But what did you mean by saying, 'What night is it that you spend the night?' שטח בבניה: יש להשתמש בקסדות מגן. Construction area: hard hats required. It's got to use protective helmets. يعلم الجميع أن اثنين زائد اثنين تساوي أربعة. Everybody knows that two and two make four. Everyone knows two plus two is equal to four. في أي وقت وصلت المنزل؟ At what time did you arrive at your home? Anytime I got home? זוכיתי. I was acquitted. I won. Yetḥeyyeṛ Tom. Tom was shocked. Thomas's heart is troubled. هاذان هما الزوجان الذان حدّثتك عنهما. This is the couple I told you about. These are the two spouses you talked about. توم بيمشي بشويش. Tom walks slowly. Tom Pymchi Pchoch. ليلة سعيدة! Goodnight! Good night! لا بدّ من أنّ سامي كان خائفا. Sami must have been scared. Sammy must have been scared. አትረብሽ! Do not disturb! Don’t worry! Yuzen-iyi-d yiwen n wawal. He sent me a word. And he spake a word unto me. Yessawel-d Mass Sato makken ulac-ik. A Mr Sato called in your absence. "You came to us, and our body is not in you. Ur lliɣ ara da i wakken ad kent-xedmeɣ ayen n diri. I'm not here to hurt you. For I would not pay again to do that which is evil. תקן את המשפטים הבאים. Correct the following sentences. Fix the following sentences. Uḥwaǧeɣ kra n yiwen ara yi-iɛawnen. I need someone to help me. I have need of all men to bind me together." Ɣezzif webrid. The road is long. On the way. תזכרי בבקשה לשלוח את המכתב בדרכך הביתה. Please remember to mail the letter on your way home. Please remember to send the letter home. Ini-d kra n wawal! Say something. I say a word. D awezɣi ad ttuɣ ass ideg d-mlaleɣ Tom. I'll never forget the day I met Tom. I was distressed because of the day of my birth, which was delivered to Thomas. Lemmer ur yečči ara Tom yakan, ahat ad yečč yid-k. If I hadn't already eaten, I would've eaten with you. If you don't eat immediately, you may eat with you. בוא ניגש לעניין. Let's get with it. Let's get to it. אם תום לא רוצה להכין את שיעורי הבית שלו עכשיו, הוא לא חייב. If Tom doesn't want to do his homework now, he doesn't have to. If Tom doesn't want to make his homework right now, he doesn't have to. תוכלי לוודא שההודעה הזאת אמנם הגיעה מתום? Can you verify that this message came from Tom? Can you make sure that this message comes from an orphan? Yenɛel Tom Mary. Tom insulted Mary. He cursed Tom Mary. Anamek ur t-yesεi wawal-ik. Your word doesn't mean anything. But do not thou understand thy word. وُلد سامي قبل ليلى. Sami was born before Layla. Sammy was born before night. ትፈልግሃለች። She wants you. And she will seek thee. Sami ur yurar-ara urar-agi. Sami didn't play this game. But it is not written that it was written: أغلقت ليلى الباب. Layla shut the door. Lila's locked the door. זאת הארונית של טום. This is Tom's locker. It's Tom's closet. هل أبوك طبيب؟ Is your father a doctor? Is your father a doctor? Wisen ma tḥemmleḍ-aɣ? But do you love us? Who are they, then, that they may love us? أحتاج التحدث معك عن أمر طارئ I need to talk to you about an urgent matter. I need to talk to you about an emergency. Teɣṛiḍ kullec? Have you read the whole thing? Do I do all things again?' لا يبدو هذا عادلا إطلاقا. That doesn't seem right at all. That doesn't seem fair at all. من أي سورة هذه الاَية؟ From which Surah is this Ayah from? What kind of company is this? أحب أكثر الأمريكيين روزفلت. Most Americans liked Roosevelt. I love the most American Roosevelt. Ayɣer armi d tura i d-tusiḍ? Why have you come only now? but have come to this day, or have you come? אני לא יכול להסתתר לנצח. I can't hide forever. I can't hide forever. أطلقت ليلى النّار على الكلب. Layla shot the dog. Night shot the dog. Tella tin i yukren ssaɛa-w. Someone stole my watch. There were two men lying in wait for him. عليك أن تدفع مقدماً. You must pay in advance. You have to pay in advance. أصلح الأغلاط ، إذا وُجدت. Correct the mistakes if found. Fix the error, if it is found. למרי יש הערכה עצמית נמוכה. Mary has low self-esteem. Mary has low self-esteem. Acuɣer i terziḍ ɣer Ustṛalya? Why are you visiting Australia? "Why did you go to the third place?" احضره في وقت قريب. Bring it over soon. Get it soon. אכלתי משהו משונה כשהייתי בסין. I ate something funny when I was in China. I ate something weird when I was in China. Yebɣa Tom ad d-yerbeḥ aṭas n yedrimen s uɣiwel. Tom wanted to make a lot of money quickly. And God determined to buy much, and to make a great sum of money. Texdem-iyi-d yemma taqendurt tamaynut. My mother made me a new dress. She hath made me to drink the wine of sackcloth. Uɣeɣ-tt-id. I bought it. I have appeared to him. אני קצר רוח לצאת מפה. I can't wait to get out of here. I'm short of wind to get out of here. Jmeɛ tazmert-ik. Save your strength. Know your own powers. هل أنتِ ابنة سامي؟ Are you Sami's daughter? Are you Sammy's daughter? אני אוהב אותם. I love them. I love them. رجال و نساء قاتلوا للدفاع عن وطنهم. Young men and women fought to defend their country. Men and women fought to defend their homeland. Tawacult n Tom tḥemmel Mary. Tom's family loved Mary. Her family of Tom loved Mary. הוא בדיוק עמד לצאת כשהיא טלפנה. We were just about to leave when she telephoned. He was just about to get out when she called. Ur tettemmateḍ ara daki. You're not going to die here. Don't be content with that. צריך יותר. More is needed. Need more. Zi manis kenniw? Where are you from? Are you a manis manis? تتويبا مفتوح المصدر. Tatoeba is open source. Open source match. Aṭas i nezmer ad t-nexdem i wakken ad nεiwen tiwaculin-ihin. There are lots of things we could do to help those families. For many have the right to do so, and not many do the same. وصلت هنا مساء الإثنين. I got here Monday night. I got here on Monday evening. ضمّت الولاياتُ المتحدةُ الأمريكيةُ تكساسَ عام 1845. The United States annexed Texas in 1845. The United States of America included Texas in 1845. زميل العمل ادعى أن الحافلة فاتته. The coworker claimed he had missed the bus. The workmate claimed the bus was missing. Kemmel lḥu. Keep walking. Keep going. للأرانب آذان طويلة. Rabbits have long ears. Rabbits have long ears. Yiwen ur yemmut. Nobody dies. No one dies. Tzemremt ad iyi-d-inimt d acu yexdem Tom? Can you tell me what Tom did? Do you want to tell me what Tom did? Sami d amdan. Sami is a human. See that person. לדודי ידע מרשים בצרפתית. My uncle has a good knowledge of French. My uncle knew an impressive French. لم يبقَ شيء في الثلاجة. Nothing remained in the refrigerator. There's nothing left in the refrigerator. Tom yenna-as-d d akken yura tamedyezt-nni sin n yiseggasen yezrin. Tom told her that he had written that poem two years before. And he said unto him, As it is written, Two hundred and two years have come. أنا هنا منذ الساعة الخامسة. I have been here since five o'clock. I've been here since 5:00. אני יודע להשתמש בכל סוגי הנשק. I know how to use every kind of weapons. I know how to use all kinds of weapons. אני אוהבת ללמד. I loved teaching. I like to teach. תיצמד לימין. Keep to the right. Stick to the right. أرني شيئاً أرخص لو سمحت. Show me a cheaper one, please. Show me something cheaper if you'll excuse me. D acu i d-rebḥeɣ? What's my prize? For what then hath he increased? לאן ללכת ומה לראות היו דאגותיי העיקריות. Where to go and what to see were my primary concerns. Where to go and what to see were my main concerns. Ṭum ur yesɛa ara udem ad yini ayen yettemmim s tidett. Tom didn't dare say what he really thought. For he can't pass away that which is common to man, that which is to be fulfilled. הוא חי בתפוח. It lives inside an apple. He lives in an apple. Ejja hawn! Come here! Come here! التدخين عادة سيئة. Smoking is a bad habit. Smoking's usually bad. טוב ליבה נגע ללבי. Her kindness touched me. Good heart touched my heart. كيف حالك الآن؟ How do you feel now? How are you now? استعمل فاضل رقما آخر لاتّصال بليلى. Fadil used another number to call Layla. Use another numeral number to call Billy. لا أعلم ما تخطط له، لكني سأمنعك بالقيام به. I don't know what you're planning to do, but I won't let you do it. I don't know what you're planning on, but I'm gonna stop you from doing it. את כבר עוזבת? Are you leaving already? Are you leaving yet? Bɣiɣ ad ẓṛeɣ anta ara yeddun yid-neɣ. I want to know who is coming with us. But I would rather have part with me. זה בלתי אפשרי יותר. That's not possible anymore. It's impossible anymore. من الأفضل ألا تكتب كلمات المرور كي لا يراها الغير. It's recommended that you don't write your passwords down where others might see them. You better not write traffic words so others don't see it. Ɛni temxellem? Are you crazy? Are you texting? كانا سامي و ليلى يتخاصمان. Sami and Layla were arguing. They were Sammy and Lily. أنا أُحب أن أُجرب لأفعل أشياء جديدة. I love trying to do new things. I like to try to do new things. אתה לא יכול לקרוא את הרומן הזה בלי להתייפח. You cannot read this novel without crying. You can't read this novel without giving up. Tom ad yečč ticki. Tom is going to eat later. Don't eat fish. إننا مسؤولون عن حمايتك من الآن فصاعداً. We are responsible for your protection from now on. We are responsible for your protection from now on. أنا من المملكة العربية السعودية. I'm from Saudi Arabia. I am from Saudi Arabia. לתינוק צומחות כעת שיניים. The baby is growing teeth now. The baby's growing teeth now. הוא מספר בדיחות גסות לילדים. He tells dirty jokes to children. He's telling bad jokes to the kids. Aql-i sseqdaceɣ wa s tidet. I actually use this. For I lay down all my eyes on him. היית צריכה לבוא קצת יותר מוקדם. You should've come a little earlier. You should have come a little earlier. Tifyar am "Inselmen ḥemmlen Ɛisa akked Musa,... neɣ meqlubi" iban d aɣebbaṛ s allen gar wanda tufeg tgerfa n wigi akked tin yersen udiɣ ad ternu tarusi, taɣaḍt-nni yeţţafgen ɣuṛ Uṛtuduxen d iwanǧelliten. Armi d asmi walaɣ a TRUMPiḍ-nsen iţjellib gar iqendyaṛ d yekrumbiḍen i gziɣ u nniɣ-as: daymi i yemsefhamen, af "iddra"-nneɣ, ilmend u sencel n tal taɣawsa. Tadeyyanit terna-d kan d afecka n USEKCEM i wid umi d-uɣal tasa i ugusim n uḥukku akked wid iran inumak n usqummec d tuţţliwin am tidak n Kamasutra. Anyway, expressions like "Muslims love Jesus and Moses ... and vice versa" are cryptic sweetened sibylline sentences addressed to Evangelical and or Orthodox ears who think no less or sometimes worse. It was only when I saw a famous TRUMPetist dancing with all the turbaned people in the Gulf that I understood and thought: they surely have things to share, our resources, for example. Religion is just used as a tool for INTROMISSION, more or less admitted, for those who exhibit recessive genes, or according to their predispositions ability to the kamasutra positions. That is as if they loved Jesus, and Moses, and the Father, and the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and the Word, and the Holy Ghost, as it were, and the Word of God, and the Holy Ghost, and the Scriptures, loved Jesus Christ, and the Fathers, and the Fathers, and the Word, which I preach unto them that dwell in them; and in them which are with them, I say unto you, This is my mouth, and my tongue, and my tongue, which is the power of my Father, which is within me. ואלה היו מילותיה האחרונות. And those were her last words. And these were her last words. בוא ננסה להיות הגיוניים לגבי זה. Let's try to be sensible about this. Let's try to be reasonable about it. Ddumt-d deffir-iw. Follow me! Follow after me. يبدو لي أن كلكم مخطئون. It appears to me that you are all mistaken. I think you're all wrong. لقد عدت إلى البيت I'm home. I'm home. Ad mmeslayeɣ ɣef isefra. I'll talk about poems. I will speak with ink. استأجرت ليلى مدرّبا للكلاب. Layla hired a dog trainer. Lila hired a dog coach. Aseqdec n Linux s tmeslayt i tqesdeḍ ad tissineḍ d abrid igerrzen i ulmad n wawalen imaynuten d usnerni n useqdec n yal ass. Using Linux in your target language is a great way to learn new vocabulary and gain practical experience. The hardships of Linux, which thou hast kept back by the fire, that thou mightest know the way of the burning words, which are the least of mighty men, and of mighty angels, which speak every day. הוא הציל אותי מסכנה. He saved me from danger. He saved me poor. באגם יש הרבה דגים. There are a lot of fish in the lake. The lake has a lot of fish. ليس متاحاً. He is not available. Not available. D acu i teqqaṛeḍ? What do you read? What do you say? كان لدى سامي مشكل مع المخدّرات و الكحول. Sami had a problem with both drugs and alcohol. Sammy had a problem with drugs and alcohol. أصيب بالإحباط مؤخرا. He is depressed lately. He's recently been frustrated. Yella walebɛaḍ? Is somebody there? Is anyone? שנינו צחקנו. We both laughed. We both laughed. Uraremt! Play! Uraret! أحب أن أقرأ الكتب. I love to read books. I like to read the books. ברור שהיא חולה. She is evidently sick. Of course she's sick. Bɣiɣ ad sswehmeɣ akk medden. I want to impress everyone. I desire to glorify all men. وزّع علينا ورق اللعب. Deal us the cards. He's handing us the game paper. شفت ده قبل كده. I've seen that. You gave his mouth before he did. ركبت القطار الخطأ. I got on the wrong train. I got the wrong train. سامي جرّاح تجميلي. Sami is a plastic surgeon. Sammy's a total surgeon. Beddel lqecc! Get changed. Change the way! أتعلم أين اختبأ توم؟ Do you know where Tom hid? You know where Tom was hiding? מה שלום אבא שלך? How is your dad? How's your dad? لنجرب شيئاً! Let's try something. Let's try something! Kif int? How are you? How are you? جميع طلبتها يحبون حقا مطالعة الكتب. All her students really love to read books. Everyone I asked for really likes the bookstore. Tɣuṛṛem tamurt-nwen. You betrayed your country. Fill up your country. Terramt-d yakan? Have you vomited yet? Come down now? يحتوي هذا النادي على خمسين عضوا. The club has more than fifty members. This club has 50 members. Ur sɛiḍ i qerrḥen am tidett. Nothing hurts like the truth. Thou art not beaten with a reed. كانت ليلى تعيش حياتها فقط. Layla was just living her life. Lily was only living her life. Yella win i d-iṛuḥen? Did anybody come? Is there anyone who comes? אני רוצה לשתות מים מינרליים. I like to drink natural mineral water. I want to drink mineral water. זה היית אתה שהלשנת למורה שהעתקתי בבחינה? Was it you who squealed to the teacher that I cheated? Was it you who spoke to the teacher I copied on the test? Nheṛ s leɛqel. Drive carefully. Perfunct in speech. أنا أدرس الطّب. I study medicine. I'm studying the best. בוא לא נעשה דבר שעלול להרגיז את תום. Let's not do anything that might upset Tom. Let's not do anything that might upset Tom. أعد الكتاب في أقرب فرصة ممكنة. Return this book as soon as you can. The book was prepared as soon as possible. Efk-d afus n tallalt akken ad txedmeɣ. Help me to do it. He hath taken away the hand of a talent, that I should make it. Yura tabrat i tin i iḥemmel. He wrote a letter to the one he loves. It is written, "I love it." Ḥemmleɣ-kent aṭas. I love you very much. I loved him very much. מרי יהירה לגבי יופיה. Mary is arrogant about her beauty. Mary will be proud of beauty. D acu i d-as-tettakkeḍ i weqjun-im ad t-yečč ? What do you feed your dog? What did you sacrifice your cattle to eat? نعم، الصّبيّ لك. Yes, the baby is yours. Yeah, your boy. מעולם לא ראיתי את תום יוצא מכליו לפני כן. I've never seen Tom lose his temper before. I've never seen Tom get out of his way before. אני בטוח שהוא יגיע למסיבה. I'm sure that he'll come to the party. I'm sure he'll be at the party. אתה יודע במקרה איפה היא גרה? Do you happen to know where she lives? Do you happen to know where she lives? אל תאכזב אותי כמו שעשית לפני כמה ימים. Don't let me down like you did the other day. Don't disappoint me like you did a few days ago. لا أتوقع منك شيئا. I don't expect anything from you. I don't expect anything from you. אתה מוכן לתת לי את מספר הטלפון שלך? Would you give me your work number, please? Will you give me your phone number? فاضل يقود درّاجته. Fadil is riding his bicycle. He's still driving his steps. خطير جداً بالنسبة لكَ أن تكون هنا. It's too dangerous for you to stay here. It's very dangerous for you to be here. Ttxil-k, εiwen-iyi ad ldiɣ tawwurt-a. Please help me open this door. Bring me up, and I will open to you the door.' Yella ḥedd i yettnezzihen. Someone is watching. There are lots of them. הצטרכתי לטפל בה. I had to deal with her. I had to take care of her. ومعاً تمثلان حسن الاتساق والانسجام ما بين التقاليد والتقدم. Together, you represent the harmony between tradition and progress. Together, they represent good coherence and harmony between traditions and progress. من عرفه، أحبه. Those who know him like him. Who knows him, I love him. Keṛheɣ ddabex n uḍaṛ. I hate soccer. I hated the wrong kind of animal that was in the heart. Qebleɣ. I approve. I got it. זה נראה הוגן. That seems fair. It looks fair. Tom yettban yugad. Tom looks scared. And it came to pass soon. Muqqel ar deffir-ik. Look behind you. Put your back down. תום מתחרט על מה שקרה? Does Tom regret what happened? Tom regret what happened? Uḥwaǧeɣ yiwen i wumi ara heḍṛeɣ. I need somebody to talk to. Be judged therefore by whom I release him." Tcebḥem. You are handsome. You're crying. אסוף את הצעצועים שלך. Gather your toys together. Pick up your toys. ليس لدي وقت لأنهي فروضي. I have no time to do my homework. I don't have time because I am. ما كانش منها! It can't be! It wasn't her! S upijama-s deg uxxam, di tnezzayt, yeqqim-as Brian i tɣuṛi. Brian, in his pajamas, is engaged in reading in the house in the morning. And his fame was in the street, and he was in the desert; and the same was in the desert, and the same was in the desert. Ɣṛemt-iyi-d ma yella kra n ubeddel. Call me if there's any change. I would have said that I would have some change. היא מחשבת באותה מהירות כמו כל תלמיד אחר. She calculates as quickly as any other student. She thinks the same speed as any other student. בוא נקווה שזה לא נכון. Let's hope that's true. Let's hope that's not true. Iban-iyi-d amzun akken Tom yerra-yi-d gar wallen-is. Tom seems interested in me. who showed me like that, when you saw me, you saw me. لا يعرف أحد عنوانه إلّا توم. No one knows his address but Tom. No one knows his address except Tom. אני מצטער, איני מוסמך למסור לך את המידע הזה. I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to give you that information. I'm sorry, I'm not authorized to deliver this information to you. توقفي عن ضرب أخيكِ. Stop hitting your brother. Stop hitting your brother. נשארתי מאחור. I remained behind. I stayed behind. Yella wayen i ixuṣṣen. Something's missing. There are things which have been lacking in them. תפסיק עם זה בבקשה. Stop it, please. Stop it, please. Acḥal deg laɛmeṛ-ik mi tṛuḥeḍ ad tzedɣeḍ deg Boston. How old were you when you moved to Boston? who were with you for a long time, when you were going to serve in Boston. בוא נקפוץ על ההזדמנות הזאת. Let's make a break for it. Let's jump this opportunity. Acimi i tebɣiḍ aɛewdiw? Why do you want a horse? What would you like to do? لازم تتكلم بالإنجليزي هنا. You have to speak English here. You need to speak English here. Tesɛiḍ aqziḥ? Have you got a dog? Do you serve a doctor? في النهاية ، دخل السجن. In the end, he landed in jail. Eventually, he went to prison. האריה הוא מלך הג'ונגל. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is the King of the jungle. نجاحنا ثمرة لمجهوداته. Our success was due to his efforts. Our success is a result of his efforts. Yeskerkes-d Tom. Tom lied. Jekerkes-d Tom. Ittmeslay semmus n tutlayin. He speaks five languages. I spoke in a language. Ɛni kenwi mačči n da? Aren't you from here? Am I not free? هذه حقيقة لا تتغير. This is an immutable truth. That's a fact that doesn't change. عمر ليلى الآن 13 سنة. Layla is now 13. Lila's now 13 years old. תני לתום את מבוקשו. Give Tom what he asks for. Give Tom what he wants. بدأت الشّرطة تحلّل مسرح الجريمة. Police set about processing the tragic murder scene. The police are beginning to analyse the crime scene. هل ستسافر إلى أمريكا الشهر القادم؟ Will you go to America next month? Are you going to America next month? Ẓṛiɣ yakan d acu d akkud… alamma steqsan-iyi-d. Time, I know what it is ... until asked. I have compassion on him, and on all these things, until they have asked me. Iyyawet. Come. It's done. Nniɣ-ak-d yakan belli mačči d nekk i ixedmen akka. I've already told you that I'm not the one who did that. But I have told thee that I have not done that thing. אני מוציא אתכם מפה. I'm taking you out of here. I'm getting you out of here. זה לא סיפור מאד שמח. That's not a very funny story. It's not a very happy story. العصافير تغرّد Birds sing. The birds are falling. كل شخص متهم بجريمة يعتبر بريئاً إلى أن تثبت إدانته قانوناً بمحاكمة علنية تؤمن له فيها الضمانات الضرورية للدفاع عنه. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. Every person accused of an offence is declared innocent until he or she is legally convicted by a public trial in which he or she has the necessary safeguards to defend him or her. سامي مدين جدّا. Sami is so thankful. Sammy's very indebted. Twejdem? Are you prepared? Are you? Tameṭṭut-is d tafṛansist. His wife is French. She is a result of vandalism. Ḥemmleɣ taɣuṛi. I enjoy reading. Verily, I do love the wrongs done to them. تشرب كايت الكثير من الحليب كل يوم. Kate drinks a lot of milk every day. Kate drinks a lot of milk every day. לכו לפגוש את תום. Go meet Tom. Go meet Tom. إذا أكلت كثيرًا فإنك تصير سمينًا. If you eat too much, you'll become fat. If you eat a lot, you get fat. הרומן הזה גם הוא תורגם לצרפתית. This novel has also been translated into French. This novel is also a French translation. Ur ẓṛiɣ ara acu i tḥemmlem. I don't know what you like. For I will not have affection for you. הם לא דברו צרפתית. They weren't speaking French. They didn't speak French. Yenna-d Tom belli ẓẓayet Mary. Tom said Mary will likely be too slow. He said to her that Mary was praying. لكل شخص نفس الحق الذي لغيره في تقلّد الوظائف العامة في البلاد. Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country. Everyone has the same right as others to take up public office in the country. Nella d arrac g tallit-nni. We were children at that time. Nella d. g. Nniɣ-ak ad yelḥu. I told you it would work. I tell thee, it is come to pass. Yella ḥedd ara ixelṣen. Somebody's going to pay. There is an open house. זה מטריד אותך? Are you annoyed by this? Does that bother you? يقارن الناس أحيانًا بين الموت والنوم. People sometimes compare death to sleep. People sometimes compare death with sleep. ممكن تتصاغ بطريقة تانية؟ Can it be phrased in another way? Is it possible to be formulated in a self-contained way? Atan Tom deg igenni wis sebɛa. Tom was in seventh heaven. This is the seventh heaven. بالصّح عجبكم؟ But do you like it? You really like it? בני אדם בלתי זהירים מרבים לטעות. People who are not careful make many mistakes. Unannounced humans most of the wrong. איפה הסרת מהם את העצמות? Where did you bone them? Where did you take the bones off of them? הוא הלך לעבודה אף על פי שהוא חולה. He went to work in spite of his illness. He went to work even though he was sick. حان وقت الإستيقاظ. Time to get up. It's time to wake up. Tzemremt ad iyi-tɛawnemt i usuɣel n waya ɣer Tefṛansist? Can you help me translate that into French? Can ye help me, because I am a messenger of Nazareth? היא דואגת בעניין הבטיחות שלו. She is worried about his safety. She's worried about his safety. Ssekyed-tent. Examine them. Seked-only. לראות את נאפולי ולמות. See Naples and then die. See Napole and die. אחרי שנה בלבד השתלים בחזה שלה התחילו לדלוף והיא הייתה חייבת להפטר מהם. After only a year her breast implants started to leak and she had to have them removed. Only a year later, the implants in her chest started leaking and she had to get rid of them. Tcukkeḍ ad nerbeḥ? Do you think we'll win? Are you beginning to search for a better purpose? לא ייתכן שאתה רציני. You cannot be serious. You can't be serious. אינני מפקד עליכם. I'm not your commanding officer. I'm not in charge of you. הוא מכיר אותנו טוב מאוד. He knows us very well. He knows us very well. يشعر جمال بتحسن طفيف. Jamal feels a little better. Nice feeling a little better. Tom yessenker ablug-is deg Tubeṛ. Tom started his blog in October. But Thomas knew his friend there. Yusa-d Mass Jones ad k-iẓeṛ. A Mr Jones has come to see you. He cometh, and catcheth thee alive. أعطيته كل ما كان عندي من المال. I gave him all the money I had. I gave him all I had of my money. رجاءً، اغسل يديك جيدًا قبل الأكل. Please wash your hands properly before eating. Please, wash your hands well before you eat. Ɣef wacḥal ssaɛa i tebɣiḍ ad teččeḍ? What time do you want to eat? How long do you want to eat? החתול פחס את אפו אל זגוגית החלון. The cat pressed its nose against the window. The cat hacked his nose into the window cage. יש לי עור יבש. I have dry skin. I have dry skin. توم ينزف. Tom is losing blood. Tom's bleeding. D acu yellan tuɣ deg texxamt-nni? What was in the room? What have I to do with that garment?' אנו מבינים מדוע. We understand why. We understand why. ليست طويلة. She is not tall. Not long. سوف أعود بعد قليل. I will be back soon. I'll be back in a little while. הזמרה של תום עשתה עלי רושם אמיתי. Tom's singing really impressed me. Tom's song made a real impression on me. لا يمكنني فعل ذلك. I can't do it. I can't do that. Sami yebɣa ad yexdem yiwet n tɣawsa. Sami wanted to do something. And he would have done another work. Tesɛamt kra n tiririt? Have you had an answer? Do you have any tapes? Tzemreḍ ad twaliḍ? Can you see? What will you think? Titeffaḥin d timeqqranin. Those apples are big. Developments are small. החלפתי בגדים. I got changed. I changed clothes. Amek? How? How? את הרסת את חיי. You ruined my life. You ruined my life. لازَم نْفَرّحْ بابا. I have to make my dad happy. We don't have to open a door. הפרק הזה סגור עכשיו לציבור. This park is now closed to the public. This chapter is now closed to the public. לא מעט אמריקנים אוהבים סושי. Quite a few Americans like sushi. Not a few Americans like sushi. إنه لمن دواعي شرفي أن أزور مدينة القاهرة الأزلية حيث تستضيفني فيها مؤسستان مرموقتان للغاية أحدهما الأزهر الذي بقي لأكثر من ألف سنة منارة العلوم الإسلامية بينما كانت جامعة القاهرة على مدى أكثر من قرن بمثابة منهل من مناهل التقدم في مصر. I am honored to be in the timeless city of Cairo, and to be hosted by two remarkable institutions. For over a thousand years, Al-Azhar has stood as a beacon of Islamic learning, and for over a century, Cairo University has been a source of Egypt's advancement. It is my honour to visit the city of Cairo, where two highly respected institutions host me, one of which has been the source of more than a thousand years of Islamic science, while the University of Cairo has been one of the first to make progress in Egypt for more than a century. הטכס התקיים בבית הקברות. The services took place at the cemetery. The pod is in the graveyard. דברי אליי. Talk to me. Talk to me. إذا أردت, يمكنني أن أُريك كيف تفعل ذلك. If you want, I can show you how to do that. If you want, I can show you how to do it. מי אמור להתחיל? Who should start? Who's supposed to start? Awi-d imedyaten. Give examples. Awe-d amended them. هل تعارض التدخين؟ Do you object to smoking? Do you resist smoking? Blulḥen ifassen-nwen seg idammen. There is blood on your hands. And loose your hands from blood. Yessewhem-iyi isali-nni. I was surprised at the news. And they understood that the lion had no power over me. La teskiddibeḍ. You're a lie. Do not lie. הוא מעולם לא היה קיים. He never existed. He never existed. Uɣal ar deffir! Back off. It's back! هذه السيارة له This car is his. This car is his. وفرنا مساعدات إنسانية للاجئين. We have supplied humanitarian aid to refugees. We have provided humanitarian assistance to refugees. Limer ḥṣiγ yes, ad awent-id-iniγ. If I had known it, I would have told you. When a race is ready, I will make it clear. سيدي، لقد تركت ولاّعتك على الطاولة. Sir, you have left your lighter on the table. Sir, I left you on the table. أُسّست امبراطوريّة الدّرّاني في أفغانستان من طرف أحمد شاه درّاني عام 1747. The Durrani Empire was established in Afghanistan by Ahmad Shah Durrani in 1747. The Duran Empire of Afghanistan was founded by Ahmed Shah Drani in 1747. Win yettnaɣen yezmer ad yexser, ma d win ur nettnaɣ atan yexser yakan. Who fights can lose. Who doesn't fight has already lost. Now he that givetht her power to destroy: and he that rejecteth her more than I will destroy. הוא רוחץ את האופניים כל שבוע. He washes the bike every week. He shakes the bike every week. תודה על שאישרת את החברות שלי בפייסבוק. Thanks for accepting my friend request on Facebook. Thanks for confirming my friends on Facebook. אני שם זין. I don't give a rat's ass. I'm fucking. ማይ ህይወት ኢዩ። Water is life. Water is life. A ƙaro kofi, don Allah. More coffee, please. Add a copy, please. متى كانت آخر مرة ركبت بها دراجة هوائية ؟ When was the last time you rode a bike? When was the last time I got a bike? Ur ilaq ara ad tessiwleḍ deg wakud-a n yid. You ought not to call at this time of night. Let your soul be not in vain in all things. בוא נלמד את המשפט הזה בעל פה. Let's learn this sentence by heart. Let's study this sentence here. Ḥedd ur as-tewqiɛ anwa i ken-ilan. Nobody cares who you are. They didn't consider who they were. Yessawel-d Tom. Tom called. Tom. Ur la ssirideɣ ara takeṛṛust-im. I don't wash your car. I will not rather do that for which you have been beaten. كم كتاباً لديه؟ How many books does he have? How many books does he have? سُرقت محفظتي بالأمس. My wallet was stolen yesterday. My wallet was stolen yesterday. אני שונא את ליל כל הקדושים. I hate Halloween. I hate Halloween. Twalaḍ weltma? Did you see my sister? Do you know a sister? أيمكنك أن تجاري سرعته في السباحة؟ Can you swim as fast as he can? Can you trade his speed in the pool? Tura mi qqleɣ d aselmad, ttxemmimeɣ akken-nniḍen. Now that I am a teacher, I think otherwise. And now when I was sick, I remember that I was sick of the palsy. תום חטטן. Tom is nosey. Tom's a snitcher. كانا سامي و ليلى أصدقاءا مقرّبين لزوج تعرّفوا عليه في الكنيسة. Sami and Layla were really good friends with a couple from the church. Sammy and Lily were close friends of a couple who met him at the church. Tom yettban-d d amdan-nniḍen akk, ma yettmeslay s tefṛansist. Tom seems to turn into a different person when he speaks French. And it came to pass, that he was sick: and he was speechless with a fever. Ḥemmleɣ crab. I like wine. I love honey. هل بإمكانك قيادة سيارة؟ Can you drive a car? Can you drive a car? תום מועד. Tom is falling. End of time. سامي أعلم بالأمر. Sami knows best. Sammy knows about it. Ilaq ad d-tnadiḍ awal-a. You should look up this word. Let your word be established. قلت أني كنت وحيدا، أليس كذلك؟ You said you were alone, did not you? You said I was alone, didn't you? كان بوب سعيداً للغاية. Bob was very happy. Bob was so happy. Nekk ur lliɣ d win yeţsṛundiyen s ukellex. I'm not the type that surrenders so easily. I am not a master of robbers. Ayɣer? Why? AGE? Aset-d zik. Come early. Now come to pass. صعدَ سامي على متن عربته و غادرَ. Sami got in his van and left. Sammy got on his boat and left. תפסיקו להתנהג כמו ילד מפונק! Stop acting like a spoiled kid. Stop acting like a spoiled kid! תום ציפה לכך. Tom anticipated that. Tom expected it. זה ענייני האישי. That is my own affair. It's personal. הפסיקי לדחוף. Stop pushing. Stop pushing. מה אמר הרופא? What'd the doctor say? What did the doctor say? אל תיתנו אמון בטום. You must not have confidence in Tom. Don't trust Tom. הוא מקלקל את בגדיו. He's destroying his clothes. He's spoiling his clothes. Yella win i icerrgen sin isebtaren seg udlis-a. Someone has torn two pages out of this book. And there are two that do blaspheme because of him. אל תדאגי אם אין באפשרותך. Don't worry if you can't. Don't worry if you can't. Ayɣer Tom ur iyi-d-yerri ara izen? Why hasn't Tom texted me back? Am I not in danger? NO, I am not in danger. סגרתי את המטריה שלי. I closed my umbrella. I closed my matrix. هوما ڨع كيف كيف⸮ Are they all the same? - How? - How? ነፍጡን ስጠኝ። Give me the gun. Give me his bow. واضح أنّه مذنب. Clearly, he's guilty. He's obviously guilty. אני מבקש קמומיל. I want a chamomile tea. I'm asking for Camille. רק תביט במראה. Just look in the mirror. Just look in the mirror. אני לא יודע לנהוג ברכב. I don't know how to drive. I can't drive the car. היא מבשלת זוועה. She is an appalling cook. She cooks awfully. بدأ سامي يتكلّم تماما مثل أبيه. Sami is starting to sound exactly like his father. Sammy started talking just like his father. פסגת ההר היתה מכוסה בשלג. The top of the mountain was covered with snow. The mountain top was covered in snow. إنتحرت. She took her own life. I've been set on fire. Tḥemmel-iken aṭas. She loves you very much. You love him very much. תום עדיין נשוי חוקית. Tom is still legally married. Tom's still legally married. هل هي سديقتي؟ Is she my friend? Is it my knife? Ḍṣan-d meṛṛa. Everybody laughed. They were all done. Anwa i yeheggan i usuter Who's ready to order? Which of the two men did prepare for the wedding? الغريق يتعلق بقشة. A drowning man will clutch at a straw. Green's about straw. تبدين حزينة. ما الأمر؟ You look sad. What's wrong? You look sad. Ur bɣiɣ ara ad mmeslayeɣ ɣef mmi. I don't want to talk about my child. But I would not speak for my son's sake. اعترف سامي بكلّ شيء. Sami confessed everything. Sammy admits everything. תום תלה שלוש זוגות מכנסי ג'ינס רטובים על חבל הייבוש. Tom hung the three pairs of wet jeans on the clothesline. Tom's got three pairs of jeans wet on the wet rope. لقد وصلت متأخرا قليلا. We've arrived a little late. I'm a little late. אני שמח מאוד. I'm very happy. I'm very happy. תום נחנק. Tom's suffocating. Tom's suffocated. هل أنت قريبه؟ Are you related to him? Are you close? أمازالوا غاضبين؟ Are they still angry? They're still mad? Kra n wass ad yerbeḥ kra n yiwen. One day, somebody will succeed. And each one was appointed to count a sum of money. تفضّل طلبك. Here's your order. Here's your request. Huwa l-arloġġ qiegħed fuq il-mejda? Is the watch on the table? Is the clock on the table? ما هو وقت الإفطار؟ What time is iftar? What's breakfast time? Yella walebɛaḍ i m-d-isawlen. Someone is calling you. And, behold, there was one called unto him. אני רוצה להיות יותר כמותם. I want to be more like them. I want to be more like them. حل المشكلة بسهولة. He solved the problem with ease. It's easy to solve the problem. أتذهب إلى المدرسة بالحافلة؟ Do you go to school by bus? You go to school on the bus? Heggi-d amawal yelhan ar tama-k. Keep a good dictionary at hand. You therefore do well to look for one another. אני מרגישה שאני מבזבזת את זמני. I feel like I'm wasting my time. I feel like I'm wasting my time. הוא ממש היה רוצה לדעת לדבר אנגלית. I wish I could speak English. He'd really like to know to speak English. Ur cukkeɣ ara deg aya. I don't doubt that. I am not bound at this time. Yebɣa Tom ad yazzel. Tom wants to run. And he said, Tom will run away. Yumen Tom ayenni? Did Tom believe it? Can you believe what I am? لم أكن واثقا مما يجري. I wasn't sure what was going on. I wasn't sure what was going on. اللغة الأمازيغية نافعة. The Berber language is useful. The Amazigh language is useful. Cukkeɣ yelha-yam ad teɣṛeḍ adlis-a. I think it's good for you to read this book. I want you to read that you will read first. ההר הזה גובהו כ-3000 מטר. That mountain is about three thousand meters high. This mountain is about 2,000 feet high. אתה יכול לראות אותן? Can you see them? Can you see them? Ačč aɣrum! Eat bread. Eat the balcony! Ẓriɣ belli aql-ik dagi, a Tom. I know that you're here, Tom. Because I know that you are here, Tom. Efk-itt i win i k-yehwan. Give it to whomever you like. Effk-i-i-i-i-i-i-n. וְנָתַתִּי אֶת-לִבִּי, לִדְרוֹשׁ וְלָתוּר בַּחָכְמָה, עַל כָּל-אֲשֶׁר נַעֲשָׂה, תַּחַת הַשָּׁמָיִם; הוּא עִנְיַן רָע, נָתַן אֱלֹקים לִבְנֵי הָאָדָם--לַעֲנוֹת בּוֹ. I applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom concerning all that is done under the sky. It is a heavy burden that God has given to the children of mankind to be afflicted with. And you have come to my heart, and to your father and to your mother, and to your mother and to your mother, and to your brothers who are in the land, and to your brothers who are in the midst of you, and to your brothers who are in the midst of you, and to your brothers who are in the midst of you, and to your brothers who are in the midst of you, and to your brothers who are in the heavens, and to you who are in the heavens, and to you who are in the heavens, and who are in the heavens, and who are in the earth, and who are in the heavens, and who are in the heavens, and who are in the heavens, and who are in the earth, and who are in the heavens, and who are in the heavens, and who are in the heavens, and who, and who are in the heavens, and who are in the earth, and who, and who are in the heavens, and who are in the heavens, and who are in the heavens, and who, and who, and who are in the heavens, and who, and who, and who are in the earth, and who, and who is God, who is God, who is God, who is God, who is God, of of of the heavens. הוא צרף את התווית לשקית. He attached a label to the bag. He added the label to the bag. Yenna-d Tom belli yebɣa ad t-ibeddel ar zdat. Tom says he hopes to change that soon. He told them that he was willing to change his mind beforehand. Sefqeḍ aya. Check this. See the second time. Idlisen-a, inek neɣ inu? Are these books yours or mine? Idlisen-a, who are you or me? התוכל לספר לי אודות צפרות? Would you please tell me the story about bird watching? Can you tell me about bees? Iḥulfa Sami amzun yessen Layla. Sami felt like he knew Layla. And Sami died, as though he knew Laila. مع الأسف إن ذلك صحيح. It is unfortunately true. Unfortunately, that's true. אני חייב לך בירה. I owe you a beer. I owe you a beer. אני בטוח שניתן לסדר את זה. I'm sure it could be arranged. I'm sure we can fix this. Ur tefṛiḥeḍ ara? Are you unhappy? Don't you see that? Da i tzedɣemt? Is this where you live? And the children which fell down? אחרי ארוחת הערב, אני מטייל על החוף. After dinner, I walk on the beach. After dinner, I'm traveling on the beach. كنت خائفاً من أن أضيع في الظلمة. I was afraid of getting lost in the dark. I was afraid to be lost in the dark. Sami i ṛuḥ ar timlilit n Ddabex uḍaṛ. Sami is going to the football game. "Get up, and go to the uttermost part of the sea." أنت مشتاق لها فحسب. You just missed her. You're just a derivative of her. هي بتحكي عربي شويه. She speaks a little Arabic. She's playing Arabic tea. בחורות פולניות לא רצו שג'סטין ביבר יבוא לפולין. Polish girls didn't want Justin Bieber to come to Poland. Polish girls didn't want Justin Beaver to come to Poland. היום ראיתי ירח מלא בשמים. Today I saw the full moon in the sky. Today I saw a full moon in the sky. טום נתקע בפקק תנועה. Tom got stuck in a traffic jam. Tom's stuck in traffic traffic. Ḥemmleɣ atmaten-iw d tiyestmatin-iw. I love my brothers and sisters. For I love my brethren and sisters. D acu nniḍen i tebɣiḍ ad t-id-taɣeḍ? What else do you need to buy? What else would you have done to him, that you would kill him?" רוחות רפאים קיימות. Ghosts exist. Ghosts exist. سأقوم بغسل الصحون بما أنك طبختَ. I'll do the dishes, since you've cooked. I'll wash the dishes since you cooked. Tudert-iw attan gar ifassen-nwen. My fate is in your hands. This is my judgment on you, that you may do it in your hands. Tḥemmleḍ taṭelyanit? Do you like Italian? Do you love little? Ad ḥebseɣ axeddim. I resign. I find work. تفضل بالجلوس. Please sit down. Have a seat. אבל למה? But why? But why? Isem-is Tom. Its name is Tom. Name of Tom. أنا لم أفهم. I do not understand. I didn't understand. كان رجلاً سابقاً لعصره. He was far in advance of his days. He was a man of his age. Tesɛa ccɣel seg iḍelli. She has been busy since yesterday. And she did work long ago. Yella win i iceɛlen times. Somebody set the fire. There is one who lights a fire." בשעה שחציתי את הכביש בדרכי לבית הספר קרתה תאונה. While crossing the street on my way to school, I met with an accident. While I was crossing the road on my way to school, there was an accident. Sami i caweṛ Layla. Sami asked Layla for advice. < For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David. > > Anwa i m-iɛeǧben deg-sen? Which one would you like? Which of them will please him? Ḥbes imeṭṭawen! Stop crying. Lament! تخاصما سامي و ليلى حول مسألة من سيتكفّل بأولادهما. Sami and Layla argued over the custody of their children. Sammy and Lily, especially on the question of who will care for their children. هل أُخذت هذه الصورة حديثاً؟ Is it a recent picture? Have you taken this picture recently? אעזוב את בית הספר. I shall leave school. I'll leave school. Imir-nni i d-ṭṭfeɣ tabrat-nkent. I just received your letter. At the same time, they threw out a net, and threw it away. Tewweḍ-d nnuba-k! Your hour has arrived! You have come! הם ישנו באותה המיטה. They slept in the same bed. They slept in the same bed. إنه موجود في البيت الآن. He's at home right now. He's at home now. אני הלכתי לבית הספר שלך. I went to your school. I went to your school. לא הייתי יכולה להיות מאושרת יותר בשבילכם. I couldn't be happier for you guys. I couldn't be happier for you. لطفا، كن أهدأ. Less noise, please. Nicely, be quiet. Ṛajumt daki yakan. Wait right here. The interpreter’s name has already been changed. ذهب فاضل إلى منزل دانية. Fadil went to Dania's home. He went to a dark house. התאריך והמען רשום, ככלל, בראש המכתב. The date and address is usually written at the head of letters. The date and the date are written, in general, at the top of the letter. أنا لست سعيداً. I'm not happy. I'm not happy. היא כתבה לי מכתב ארוך. She wrote me a long letter. She wrote me a long letter. Iḥemmel-ikem Tom s tidet. Tom does love you. I love Tom's. Tasiwant-nni i tufiḍ, n Tom? Was the umbrella you found Tom's? The baptism that came to you, Thomas? הם התפעלו מהנוף הנשקף מהגבעה. They admired the scenic view from the hill. They were active from the exploding view of the hill. من الممكن أن لا تأتي. Maybe she will not come. You might not come. אני חי בקובה. I live in Kobe. I live in Cuba. أسألها سؤالاً. I ask her a question. Ask her a question. أسعار البنزين تؤثر علينا جميعاً بطريقة أو بأخرى. Gasoline prices affect all of us one way or another. The prices of gasoline affect us all in one way or another. أخبارك ايه يا توم؟ How are you, Tom? What's your news, Tom? رقصتي المفضلة هي التانجو. My favorite dance is the tango. My favorite dance is tango. איך אני מגיע לשער 33? How do I get to Gate 33? How do I get to gate 33? Yeḥbes Tom deg yiwen n iger n usgunfu. Tom stopped at a rest area. And now he standeth and agree in a field of parting grain. אני חושב לחזור לדיאטה אחרי החגים. I think I have to go back on a diet after Christmas. I'm thinking about going back to the diet after the holidays. Drewceɣ fell-am. I am crazy about you. I ran away from you. Xdem sin iɛellimen. Form two lines. Do two ostelimin. זו כנראה חתונה. It appears to be a wedding. It's probably a wedding. Yella ḥedd deg beṛṛa. Someone's outside. There was a door outside. مجدداً. Once again. Again. Ṭṭfeɣ-d tawlaft-a deg Boston Deg 20 Tubeṛ. I took this picture in Boston on October 20th. I came to him in Boston, in 20 Tuber. Iṣṛayil qqaṛen-as "Yisṛayil" s tɛebrit. Israel is called "Yisrael" in Hebrew. And they made a sign of him, because they said, It is a spirit. אתה דומה לתום בהרבה מובנים. You're a lot like Tom. You look like an orphan in a lot of ways. היי, זה אני. Hey, it's me. Hey, it's me. شاهد سامي ليلى و هي تموت. Sami watched Layla die. See Sammy Lila and she's dying. ألا تستطيع مساعدتي بأي شيء؟ Can't you do anything to help me? Can't you help me with anything? إن كلامي كالمرآة فإذا قرأهُ حمارٌ فلا تتوقع أن يرى وجه ملاك . My words are like a mirror; if a jackass read them, then don't expect he'd see an angel's face. Indeed , my word is like a serpent . And if you read it , do not expect him to see an angel 's face . את בעצמך בחרת את השירים האלה? Did you choose those songs yourself? Did you choose those songs yourself? חשבתי שתום רווק. I thought that Tom was single. I thought Tom was single. Tefkiḍ-as tarzeft i Tom ilmend n umulli-ines? Did you give Tom a present for his birthday? Did you open the door for him, so that which is the head of his body? מה שהם אומרים זה נכון. What they say is true. What they say is true. תום נע בפסיעות מדודות. Tom shuffled out. Tom's moving out of the amphitheater. Iqeṣṣ ayi aɛeddis inu. I have a stomach ache. Even I will come to you. הוא ליקק את האצבעות. He licked his fingers. He licked his fingers. ذلك لأن الفقاعة تلاشت في الهواء. Many kinds of animals have vanished from the earth. That's because the hall was leaking in the air. لم أفهم هذا التفسير. The explanation was beyond my understanding. I didn't understand this explanation. Acuɣeṛ ur txeddmem ara kra? Why don't you do something? Why don't you do anything? ليس هناك ما هو أسوأ من الحرب. Nothing is worse than war. There's nothing worse than war. ستنطق المحكمة الدستورية بالقرار صبيحة هذا اليوم. The constitutional court will issue a decision by noon today. The Constitutional Court will make a decision this morning. Adfel yiččet Akkes. Snow falls every day. Black ate Acques. "هل يستطيع أحدٌ مساعدتي؟" "سأفعل". "Can somebody help me?" "I will." Can anyone help me? I'll do. טום אמר למרי שלא כדאי לה לצאת החוצה במזג אוויר כזה. Tom told Mary that she shouldn't go out in this kind of weather. Tom told Mary she shouldn't go out in that weather. Bɣiɣ kan ad ak-d-iniɣ belli ḥemmleɣ-k. I just wanted to tell you I love you. I want to tell you that I love you. Dɣaṛemt-d! Come closer. Old-d! Asekkud-is yuɣ ark anasfald. His gaze wandered through the auditorium. But I will see, and I will see, and I will speak of him." היא הרימה יד. She raised her hand. She raised her hand. يتكون المجلس من إثنا عشر عضواً. The committee consists of twelve members. The Council is composed of twelve members. אל תשכח להזמין את תום. Don't forget to invite Tom. Don't forget to invite Tom. Iɣɣaṛ Tom deg uɣerbaz n usaḍuf. Tom is going to law school. He is built on a hill in the innermost part of the earth. אוקיי, תקשיבו. OK, listen up. Okay, listen. תום לא ידע איזה אוטובוס לקחת. Tom didn't know which bus to take. Tom didn't know what bus to take. هذا القارب صالحاً للإبحار. This boat is seaworthy. This boat is good for the sea. D acu i tellam teqqaṛem-as? What were you telling him? What do you say about him? قطاع غزّة سجن ذو حراسة مشدّدة. The Gaza Strip is a maximum security prison. Gazan prison with a tight guard. يعيش أبويّ في القرية. My parents live in the country. My parents live in the village. Amek i ten-tebɣiḍ tmellalin-ik? How would you like your eggs? How then will he lay their hands on them, and restore them? אינני חושבת שאלך היום. I don't think I'll go today. I don't think I'm gonna go today. حان وقت النوم. It's bedtime. It's time to go to bed. شارفت الساعة على الثالثة. It's nearly three o'clock. It's three o'clock. איפה הסתפרת? Where did you get your hair cut? Where'd you get it? بدأ سامي يواعد ليلى. Sami started dating Layla. Sammy's dating Lily. ليس لدي أي شيء أفضل للقيام به. I have nothing better to do. I don't have anything better to do. תום הכה את מרי. Tom struck Mary. Tom hit Mary. تعرّف سامي بفتا مسلم في المدرسة. At school, Sami met a Muslim boy. Sammy knew a Muslim girl at school. Suffɣen-iyi-d seg uxeddim. I was fired. And they came out of the closet. Tom walan-t deg 20 Tubeṛ deg Boston. Tom was seen on October 20th in Boston. and behold, he was found at Boston, 20 Sabbaths. Sami yezen-d tugna i Layla. Sami sent a picture to Layla. Sam does the same thing to Leah. Ḥbes ma ulac aɣilif. Please stop. There will be no covering for it. መጥፎ ናቸው። They're bad. They are evil. Wah ar Ṛebbi yiwen ur k-id-iwala tusiḍ-d ar da. I hope no one saw you coming in here. For there was no one like him who didn't see you, nor see you. لم يفهمني. He didn't understand me. He didn't understand me. תום נזקק להכוונה. Tom needed guidance. Tom needed to mean it. צר לי על האיחור. Sorry for being late. I'm sorry I'm late. Yella ḥedd i d-iteddun. Somebody's coming. Now there is a proof of the things which are to come. تحتاج إلى أن تعود إلى المنزل. You need to come home. You need to go home. S Uber. On Uber. S Uber. תתרמו לטטואבה. Contribute to Tatoeba. Don't give to Tatova. أنا لست صديقته. I'm not his friend. I'm not his girlfriend. Ad iyi-txedmemt aya? Are you doing that for me? And will you serve me now? הראש כואב לי. My head aches. My head hurts. Dur fuq ix-xellug. Turn left. Turn left. Beɛɛdet fell-i. Let me be. Arise from me. كان فاضل طليقا فالعربيّة حتّى ظنّت ليلى أنّه عربي. Fadil was so fluent in Arabic that Layla thought he was Arab. It was a good one. The Arab so much so that Lily thought he was an Arab. هذه النظارات جميلات. These glasses are beautiful. These glasses are beautiful. ينبغي أن تكون مسؤولًا عن أفعالك. You should be responsible for your actions. You should be responsible for your actions. Ḥemmleɣ ad ččeɣ dagi. I like eating here. I love that I may dwell here. Ḍfeṛ amedya n weltma-m. Follow the example of your sister. you shall put away your sister's wife's wife. أنا مجرد موظف عادي. I'm just a plain old office worker. I'm just a regular employee. كان سامي لا يزال صديقا لليلى. Sami was still friends with Layla. Sammy was still a friend for the night. Nudaɣ-ken deg yal amkan. I've been looking all over for you. And I came unto them out of every place. لم أنتِ تبكين؟ Then why are you crying? Why are you crying? توم أيضا كان هنا. Tom also was here. Tom was here too. Nekk d yemma-s n Tom. I'm Tom's mother. I am the mother of Thomas. Ad ruḥeɣ ad εummeɣ yid-k. I'll go swimming with you. I wish to kiss you. Amen. Iceṭṭeḥ Tom akked Mary. Tom is dancing with Mary. She gave birth to Thomas and Mary. היחידי היודע מה לעשות הוא תום. The only one who knows what to do is Tom. The only one who knows what to do is Tom. كان سامي مذهولا. Sami was stunned. Sammy was amazing. شْحَال كايَنْ؟ How many are there? Cain's wish? Ur tt-wufqeɣ ara. I don't agree with her. I don't understand. Ssifess-it. Make it simple. Spice-it. המורה איתר תלמיד שהעתיק במבחן. The teacher found a pupil cheating in the examination. The teacher found an old student on the test. لن أنس ذلك اليوم أبدا. I won't forget that day. I'll never forget that day. Sami d Layla ttmesmuqalen. Sami and Layla were looking at each other. Sami and Leah speak. פגשתי בחור צעיר בשם תום. I met a young man whose name was Tom. I met a young man named Tom. דמעותיה העניקו לסיפור אמינות רבה יותר. Her tears gave more credence to the story. Her tears gave her a much more reliable story. لا أرى لذلك حاجة. I didn't see the need for it. I don't see a need for that. היא דחקה בו שיפרוש. She pressured him to quit. She insisted on him to retire. הם נותנים לך תעסוקה? Are they keeping you busy? They give you a job? شاهد سامي ليلى و هي تعاني. Sami watched Layla suffer. See Sammy Lila and she's suffering. لديه قطان: أحدهما أسود والآخر أبيض. He keeps two cats: one is black, and the other white. He's got two cats: one black and the other white. لم يرد توم الذهاب إلى هناك. Tom didn't want to go there. Tom didn't want to go there. Ayen iakk ixeddem umdan, ama d tasekla, d aẓawan, d asuneɣ, d tasegda neɣ d ayen nniḍen, iteffeɣ-d dima d tarademt n yiman-is. Every man's work, whether it be literature or music or a picture or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself. Whatsoever worketh in the womb, and that which is in the ear, and that which is in the ear, both that which is in the ear, and that which is in the mouth, that is, therein bringeth forth fruit. Yelsa-d Tom am teqcict i Halloween. Tom dressed like a girl for Halloween. Elsa tom to Halloween. مَن أكل الخبز؟ Who ate the bread? Who ate bread? תום יצא בראש. Tom came out ahead. Tom got in the head. توم أقترحَ هذا. Tom suggested it. Tom, I suggest this. أمي لا يمكنها المجيء. My mother can't come. Mom can't come. Tom yesfaq-itt. Tom exaggerated. Let her alone. Amek i tesɛeddayeḍ taggara n dduṛt-ik ar tura? How's your weekend going so far? How was it then, after the end of your days, you lived? لا يزال جروي الدّب هذيه يرضعان. These bear cubs are still nursing. It's still the bear's greasy. Tella kra n yiwet i d-isawlen tura. Somebody just called. Now there was a multitude of them called together. في العديد من المطاعم في تركيا، يقدّم الكباب كمقبّل رئيسي. In many restaurants in Turkey, kebab is the main entree. In many restaurants in Turkey, the cup is presented as a major receptionist. هي غادرتنا. She has left us. She left us. أنا عطشان. I got thirsty. I'm thirsty. أمي أكبر من أبي سناً. Mom is older than Dad. Mom's older than my dad. Temmut. It's dead. Done. לא ברור למה תום עשה את זה. It's unclear why Tom did that. It's not clear why Tom did it. תום הוכה נמרצות. Tom was beaten to a pulp. Tom was severely beaten. Tgerrzeḍ? Is everything OK with you? Do you rob? إنه فقير، لكنه بالرغم من ذلك سعيد. He is poor, but happy. He's poor, but he's happy though. Tebɣiḍ ad tneɣseḍ di lmizan? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to put us in balance? סמי רצה להתאבל בפרטיות. Sami wanted to grieve in private. Sammy wanted to mourn privately. لا أريد أن تنتهي علاقتنا. I don't want us to finish. I don't want our relationship to end. Bɣiɣ ad yili win ara yi-iɛawnen i wakken ad xedmeɣ aya. I need somebody to help me do this. I desire to receive from him that helpeth me now. Ɛewnem-iyi. Help me. Help me. מה את ממליצה לי? What are you suggesting to me? What do you recommend to me? اترك لي بعض المثلجات. Save me some ice cream. Leave me some ice cream. טיילתי. I took a walk. I was on my way. Yenna-d Tom yesɛa ass n usteɛfu. Tom said he had the day off. He began to rest, and said to them, "Behold, he has a day of rest." Mer ad tbeddel, ad kid-tṣiḥ lmuja id-iteddun. Turning the tide, you are on the incoming wave. For I want to change, that I also may do the things that are coming. Tzemreḍ ad d-terreḍ idrimen-ik ma tebɣiḍ. If you want your money back, you can have it. Wilt thou take away thy money, if thou wilt? ستحبه إلى الأبد. She'll love him forever. You'll love him forever. كان قطّ سامي يخذش ليلى. Sami's cat was clawing Layla. Sammy's never been taken for a night. ארוחת הצהריים מוכנה. Lunch is ready. Lunch's ready. Ur ttṛuḥuɣ ara. I'm not going. It's not far from me to walk. كان سامي قبيحا جدّا. Sami was so ugly. Sammy was so ugly. من يعلم ما قد يحصل مستقبلًا؟ Who knows what might happen in the future? Who knows what might happen in the future? إنها أثقل منه بكثير. She's much heavier than him. She's a lot heavier than him. Tom ulac-it deg Boston akka tura. Tom isn't in Boston at this time. But you have not yet received your place in Boston. Inim-t-id akken iqwem. Say it clearly. But speak of him as ye do. دعني أساعدك في عملك. Let me help you with your work. Let me help you with your work. لم يعد توم يغنّي الآن. Tom doesn't sing anymore. Tom's not singing anymore. Ḥemmleɣ timacinin. I like trains. Indeed, I have become loving to them. Tedderɣel. She went blind. I wish to help you. בת דודי היא רק בת ארבע, אבל היא אוכלת לפחות כמוני. My cousin is four years old, but she eats as much as I do. My cousin is only four, but she eats at least like me. יש שם אישה המחכה לראות אותך. There's a woman waiting to see you. There's a woman there waiting to see you. Tom yečča s uɣiwel. Tom ate quickly. Eat ye also of the simple, הייתי רוצה שאיש לא יראה אותנו. I wouldn't want anyone to see us. I'd like no one to see us. Yebɣa-yi Tom. Tom wants me. And he cried unto me, Tom. ሐኪም ነኝ። I'm a doctor. I am a doctor. وقعت في حب امرأة. I fell in love with a woman. I fell in love with a woman. Yeqqim deg uxxam. He stayed at home. And he sat down in a manger. Ur yugi, ur yebɣi. He neither refused nor accepted. He is rejected, yet doesn't desire. אינני עוקבת אחריך. I don't follow you. I'm not following you. הטמפרטורה רק עשר מעלות, והוא הולך בחוץ בחולצת טי. נעשה לי קר רק מלהסתכל עליו. It's just ten degrees, and he is walking around outside in a T-shirt. I get cold from just looking at him. The temperature is only 10 degrees, and it's going out in T-shirt. فضّلت ليلى المخدّرات على ابنها سامي. Layla chose drugs over her son Sami. She preferred drugs to her son Sammy. האם הם אוהבים תפוזים? Do they like oranges? Do they like oranges? בחרנו מלון בקרבת המוזיאונים. We've chosen a hotel near the museums. We chose a hotel near the museums. Ger-iyi-d iɣallen. Hug me. He showed me stones. قتلته بتي. Betty killed him. I killed him, Betty. Aṭṭanen imayasen laqen-asen idawiyen imayasen. Desperate diseases require desperate remedies. And the first took the children unto their own hands; and the first took the children unto their own possession. اتّصل سامي بثانويّة ليلى. Sami called Layla's high school. Sammy called Leila's high school. תום עצר לפתע. Tom suddenly stopped. Tom suddenly stopped. Ili-k d kečči. Be yourself. You have the same. Nurar ddama. We played chess. Drowsiness. הייתי רוצה לנסוע להוואי. I wish to go to Hawaii. I'd like to go to Hawaii. יש צורך שאענוד עניבה? Do I need a tie? Is there a need for me to wear a tie? Yewwet-d ugeffur deg iḍ. It may have rained during the night. And he arose, and sat up in the night. Tom yesṭuṭṭec ɣef tewwurt i tikkelt nniḍen. Tom glanced at the door again. But keep at the door again. 2005 הייתה שנה קשה לתעשיית המוזיקה, כי קיילי מינוג חטפה סרטן שד. 2005 was a bad year for music sector. Because Kylie Minogue caught breast cancer. It's been a difficult year for the music industry, because Kyle's been taken by a demon cancer. مدرستنا قريبة من المحطة. Our school is near the station. Our school is near the station. Xedmeɣ aṭas n leɣlaḍat deg tudert-iw. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life. I have done many things in my life. لا أحد كان قادرا على التّنبّؤ بذلك. No one could have predicted this. No one was able to predict that. Teḥmamt! You are hot! It's hot! אני צריך משהו נוסף. I needed something more. I need something else. לעולם אינני משאיר אותה לבד. I'd never leave her alone. I never leave her alone. وافقت على كتابة تلك الرسالة. I agreed to write that letter. I agreed to write that letter. هل لي أن أعزف البيانو؟ May I play the piano? May I play the piano? תצטרף לתחרות. Join the competition. Join the competition. תפוס תנומה. Take a nap. Get some sleep. Ečč cemma-cemma. Eat slowly. Ečč cema-cema. Ǧǧuǧgen yijeǧǧigen. Flowers bloom. And their hearts were hardened. הבעיות האלו נוצרו כתוצאה של חוסר תשומת הלב שלך. These problems have arisen as the result of your carelessness. These problems were created as a result of your lack of attention. Adfel d acebḥan. Snow is white. It's good. It's good. המגבת הזאת כל כך רכה ותפוחה. נעים! This towel is so soft and fluffy. It feels good! This towel is so soft and an apple. Wa ayako, rnu suɣ cwiṭ. Hey, Ayako, make your voice louder. For a little while, and they have fled away from him. መሄድ ይፈልጋል። He wants to go. He wants to go. אנו נותרנו מאחור. We were left behind. We're left behind. הוא לא הגיע עקב הסערה. On account of the storm, he didn't arrive. He didn't come because of the storm. Yiwen ur ittḥessis i yinaw. Nobody was listening to the speech. For there is no one who will listen to them. Ɛeṛḍet ugar. Try harder. "You shall have nothing to do with Eve." እኔ ተማሪ አይደለሁም። I'm not a student. I am not a student. תום טלפן בשעה שמרי נכנסה לחדר. Tom was talking on the phone when Mary walked into the room. Tom phoned when Mary got in the room. Yiwen ur yefhim lxaluṭa n Ɛumaṛ. No one understands Omar's gibberish. No man knoweth the deeds of the Lord. Γuṛwat ţxil-wen! Tura tiwwura ad medlent! Your attention, please! Now, the doors are closing. Be careful what you want! Now you'll be changed! הם שחקני כדור בסיס. They are baseball players. They're baseball players. Ṭṭal daɣen! Look again. A little while, and they will be free. Ad nuɣal d lǧiran nekk d Tom. Tom and I'll be neighbors soon. And I will be a stranger unto you. السكوت علامة عن الرضا. Silence gives consent. Scott's a sign of satisfaction. Err-as. Answer him. Err-as. بدأت ليلى تستهلك المخدّرات و الكحول بإفراط. Layla began abusing drugs and alcohol. I started taking drugs and alcohol too much. طلب توم من ماري القيادة. Tom asked Mary to drive. Tom asked Mary to lead. لا تقاتلني. Don't fight with me. Don't fight me. Ma ulac aɣilif ɛemmeṛ i yiman-ik claḍa. Please help yourself to the salad. For I think that you will not bless yourself. توصّل فاضل من إصابة رامي بطلقة في الظّهر. Fadil managed to shoot Rami once in the back. There's a trace of a bullet shot in the show. D aydi i telliḍ. You're a dog. You are. سامي لا يشعر أبدا بالارتياح. Sami never feels good. Sammy never feels satisfied. בשל סיבה כזו או אחרת, היא הנידה בראשה. For some reason or other she shook her head. For one reason or another, she's on her head. למה שמישהו היה חוטף אותם? Why would anybody kidnap them? Why would anyone have taken them? תום שונא חתולים. Tom hates cats. Tom hates cats. Cmumex ma ulac aɣilif! Say cheese. I wish I could never have done that! תום לא ייחלץ מזה. Tom isn't getting away with it. Tom won't get out of it. متأكد أن توم لن يفعل ذلك. I'm sure Tom would never do that. I'm sure Tom won't. הוא תפר לה מעיל חדש. He made her a new coat. He made her a new coat. تسبّب مرض سامي النّفسي في إيقاف مشواره في عرض الأزياء. Sami's mental illness cut his modeling career short. He caused Sammy's psychological illness to stop his clothes show. لم يعر أي اهتمام لتحذيري. He paid no attention to my warning. He didn't pay any attention to my warning. من هو أب سامي؟ Who is Sami's father? Who's Sammy's father? رفع قبّعته اِحتراماً. He raised his hat in respect. I raised his hat in a respectful manner. قرّر سامي أن ينهي حياته. Sami decided to end his life. Sammy decided to end his life. Aqjun-nneɣ d aberkan. Our dog is black. Our countries are foreign peoples. תום מאמן איום. Tom is a terrible coach. Tom's a threat trainer. انتقلي إلى هنا. Move in here. Get over here. מלחמה איננה אסון טבע בדומה לרעש אדמה או לצונאמי. היא מופיעה בלי שום אזהרה מוקדמת. War is not a natural disaster like an earthquake or a tsunami. It does not come without warning. War is not a natural disaster like Earth's noise or tsunami, it appears without any early warning. من هناك؟ Who's there? Who's there? Axxam-a d amectiṭuḥ. That house is very small. Save him who is the less than he is. כשקרתה רעידת האדמה הגדולה הייתי רק בן עשר. When the big earthquake happened, I was only ten. When the great earthquake hit, I was just ten years old. Yesteqsa Tom Mary. Tom questioned Mary. He asked Tom Mary. توم كان فدار ماري. Tom was at Mary's house. Tom was Mary's tent. هي أنفقت كل مالها على الملابس. She spends all of her money on clothes. She spent all her money on clothes. Tom yella yettnadi Mary. Tom went looking for Mary. There's a lot of fun between you and Mary. אינני חושב שהם גילו משהו על תום עדיין. I don't think they've found out about Tom yet. I don't think they've discovered anything about Tom yet. התפטרתי מהעבודה. I gave up my job. I quit my job. إذا خلعت حذاءك فضعهما في مكانهما من فضلك. If you are taking your shoes off, please put them in their place. If you take off your shoes, put them in their place, please. دفعني المدرّس بعيدا. The teacher pushed me away. The teacher pushed me away. הכביש צר מדי למעבר משאיות. This road is too narrow for trucks to pass. The road is too narrow to cross trucks. Yella walebɛaḍ i yettun tacacit-is. Somebody has left his hat. And, behold, there was a certain man which had the mark upon him. אל תשני דבר! Don't change a thing. Don't change anything! خطر له فكرة جيدة. A good idea crossed his mind. It's dangerous to have a good idea. متى سترجع؟ When will you be back? When are you coming back? الرجاء مساعدتي في ملء هذه الإستمارة. Please help me fill out this form. Please help me fill in this form. אני רוצה לדעת, מי היה אחראי. I want to know who was in charge. I want to know who was in charge. נוח לכם עם זה? Are you alright with this? Are you comfortable with that? Ɣef wacḥal ssaɛa ara teččem? What time will you eat? How long will you eat? It-toqba hija wiesgħa. The hole is wide. The hole is wide. Tom d netta i d aɣezfan akk deg tneɣrit-is. Tom is the tallest in his class. But are all his kindreds; for they are all his sisters. תום אמר שהוא לא יודע למה. Tom said he didn't know why. Tom said he didn't know why. Sami ur yeẓri d-acu ara yini i Layla. Sami didn't know what to say to Layla. For the sky doesn't know where it comes from. كانت ليلى تستحقّ أن تُكره. Layla deserved to be hated. Lily deserved to hate. Tecbeḥ tira-s. She writes beautifully. Know the number. እሷ እንድትረዳህ ትፈልጋለህ? Do you want her to help you? Would you like to have her help? استمع المدرّس لي. The teacher listened to me. Listen to me, teacher. لقد تسلقت جبل فوجي. I've climbed Mt. Fuji. I climbed Mount Fuji. Ttqadaṛ. Be respectful. Don't do that. תדליקו את הנרות. Light the candles. Turn on the candles. אנו עושים את זה הרבה, נכון? We do that a lot, don't we? We're doing this a lot, aren't we? Ad wen-d-mleɣ amek i yettwaxdem. I'm going to show you how it's done. Now I will tell you, what it will be done. Lmut ad kem-tawi! Die! Death a kem-tao! Zemreɣ? May I? But if I? الطائر غمس رأسه في الماء. The bird dipped its head into the water. The bird touched his head in the water. وزع علينا الورق. Deal us the cards. The paper was distributed to us. Iḥulfa Tom tarbaɛt-is ad terbeḥ timlilit. Tom feels that his team will win the game. And he saved his wife's money; but now she hath perfected her treasure. הנה, כאן שורש הבעיה. Now here's the problem. Here, this is the root of the problem. كيوتو تعتمد على السياحة . Kyoto depends on the tourist industry. Kyoto depends on tourism. תן לי קצת. Give me a little. Give me some. תום ומרי התרשמו. Tom and Mary were impressed. Tom and Mary were impressed. ابذل وسعك في كل شيء . Do your best in everything. Do your best in all things. ستضمن جُدُر النار أمان الإنترنت. A firewall will guarantee Internet security. Fires will ensure security of the Internet. מזג האוויר היה רע במיוחד אתמול. The weather was very bad yesterday. The weather was very bad yesterday. Kennemti d tukṛaniyin? Are you Ukrainian? Come up at a table, do you know what you want to do? Smecḥemt-as zzit i umcic-nni yeččan ḥellejɣaṛ, a tiḥdayin; ɣiwlemt! Give some oil to the cat who has swallowed poison, girls; quickly! Saying, His flesh is like unto ointment, when she hath eaten green grass, and is merry, and want to die. אני מחפש את תום. אתה לא יודע איפה הוא, נכון? I'm looking for Tom. You don't know where he is, do you? You don't know where he is, do you? Tom akken kan i d-yefka ayenni i nekk. Tom just gave that to me. For this cause also did I give them of mine own free will. חלמתי. I was dreaming. I dreamed. Sliɣ i yiwen yettṣeffiṛ. I heard someone whistle. I heard one looking white. הוא לא הגיע עקב הסערה. As a result of the storm, he didn't arrive. He didn't come because of the storm. אוכלוסיית שוודיה גְּדֵלָה. Sweden's population is growing. Swedish population. سامي يكره ذلك المدرّس. Sami hates that teacher. Sammy hates that teacher. و أخيراً ظهر. At last he appeared. And finally came out. في أي سن بدأت عندك الدورة الشهرية؟ At what age did you have your first period? Which age do you start with the monthly session? كم ثمنها؟ How much is it? How much is it worth? في الحقيقة لم آكل أي شيء منذ هذا الصباح. As a matter of fact, I have had nothing since this morning. Actually, I haven't eaten anything since this morning. אשתי מסתדרת טוב עם אמא שלי. My wife gets on well with my mother. My wife's doing well with my mom. روسيا يجب ان لا تغير نشيدها الوطني مراة عدة. Russia shouldn't change its national anthem so often. Russia must not change its national virtues. إقرأها مرة أخرى من فضلك. Read it once more, please. Read it again, please. Necc kanayi Tom. My name is Tom. Neccai Tom. אין לי זמן למשחקים. I have no time for games. I don't have time for games. Yella kra i yettaru Tom. Tom is writing something. There's something written about Thomas. Ar wanda i ten-tefkiḍ? Where did you give them? Whom did you give? קולו התעצם והלך עד שנצטרד. His voice kept getting louder until he got hoarse. His voice got in and out until we got involved. Leɛmeṛ yefka-yas Tom taqemmuct i walebɛaḍ. Tom had never kissed anyone before. and he gave it to him, and he gave it to everyone. בסופו של דבר היה לי רעיון גאוני. Finally I had an ingenious idea. Eventually, I had a genius idea. Iḥemmel ad yelḥu. He likes a walk. He loves that he should go. אלמלא נפטר בגיל צעיר, הוא היה הופך למדען דגול. If he had not died so young, he would have become a great scientist. If he had died at a young age, he would have become a great scientist. פתאום מכתבים התחילו להעלם מתיבת הדואר האלקטרוני שלי. Emails have started suddenly disappearing from my inbox. Suddenly, letters began to disappear from my e-mail. Tcebḥeḍ. You are handsome. You are entitled to do so. "نظّاراتي." "لا تقلق، سنجِدُها." "My glasses." "Take it easy, we'll find them." My glasses. Don't worry. We'll find them. שאנקה את החדר? Shall I clean the room? Should I clean the room? أتمنى أن تتقبلوا طلبي. I hope that you will accept my request. I hope you accept my request. Heḍṛemt. Talk. Comment on it. את מוכנה להסביר על מה את מדברת? Can you explain what you're talking about? Are you ready to explain what you're talking about? הייתי בת הזוג של תום. I was Tom's partner. I was Tom's date. الجو حار It's hot. It's hot. أنا بخير، شكرا. Fine, thanks. I'm fine, thanks. Ur zmireɣ ara ad waliɣ akken iwata. I can't see well. For I can't find what I desire. תנהגו בזהירות. Drive carefully. Be careful. كان فاضل شخصا محترما في البلدة. Fadil was well respected in the community. He was a respected man in town. Tom yerra iman-is ur yesla ara d acu i d-tenna Mary fell-as. Tom pretended he hadn't heard what Mary had said about him. But he answered, "You have not heard what Mary says to him." هي غبية, ولكن أمينة. She's stupid, but honest. She's stupid, but honest. מגיע לו עונש. He deserves punishment. He deserves a punishment. إنه يكره نانسي. He hates Nancy. He hates Nancy. D zzhu kan i tebɣa. She just wants to have fun. It's only the fun. המילה הצרפתית "oiseau", שמשמעותה "ציפור", היא המילה הקצרה ביותר המכילה חמש תנועות שונות. The French word 'oiseau', meaning 'bird', is the shortest one to contain five different vowels. The French word "oiseau", which means "bird", is the shortest word containing five different movements. لا بدّ أنّ هناك طريقة أفضل لفعل هذا. There must be a better way to do this. There must be a better way to do this. La skiddibent wallen-nwen. Your eyes are lying. Your eyes will be fixed on falsehood. ביתם עלה באש. Their house was burned down by fire. Their house was set on fire. כל השובתים יצאו מהבניין זועמים. All the strikers came out of the building in indignation. All the answers came out of the mad building. אבי מעשן לעתים רחוקות. My father seldom smokes. My dad often smokes. זה לא תמיד קיץ. It isn't always summer. It's not always summer. Ad sɛuɣ tlatin deg Tubeṛ. I'm going to be thirty in October. I can tell the centurion that I am in Taber. Amek i tettḥulfuḍ i yiman-im? How are you feeling? "How will you lay down your life for yourself?" Yeskiddib Tom. Tom lies. Jokidib Tom. Neccin nettett. We eat. Necchin Net. דברים שאתה יודע לא יכולים לפגוע בך. What you know cannot hurt you. Things you know can't hurt you. Ḥbes ur ttberriḥ ara! Stop yelling. Don't be hot. אני לא עושה זאת לבדי. I'm not doing it alone. I'm not doing this on my own. أقنع سامي ليلى كي تعيده إلى الحانة بسيّارتها. Sami talked Layla into driving him back to the bar. Get Sammy Lila to get him back to the bar with her car. תגבירי את קולך, בבקשה. Please speak more loudly. Raise your voice, please. أنا كبير بما يكفي لأشرب. I'm old enough to drink. I'm old enough to drink. Sebɛed zzit ɣef tmes. Keep oil away from the fire. And there came down oil upon the fire. Keṛheɣ-t armi d adif. I hate him with every fiber of my being. I persecuted him, and he died. Acuɣer i teḥwaǧeḍ tafḍist? Why did you need a hammer? Why do you need a judge? كان قاعد قدّام خوه. He was sitting beside his brother. It was his brother's front base. Ad ken-arguɣ. I'll dream about you. I will tread him down. إسرائيل بحاجة إلى الضّفّة الغربيّة. Israel needs the West Bank. Israel needs the west wing. Teɣṛam wa yakan? Have you already read this? Have you already been humiliated? Tṛuḥ ar Boston. She left for Boston. You have completed the journey to Boston. سنفسل. We'll fail. We're gonna lose. שלום! תודה שטסתם אתנו. מה שלומכם היום? Hi! Thanks for flying with us. How are you today? Thank you for flying with us. Ihi ayɣer i tellam da? So, why are you here? Why are you so angry? كلّ شيء أكبر في تيكساس بما فيه نظّارات ليلى. Everything is bigger in Texas, including Layla's glasses. Everything's bigger in Texas, including night glasses. מרי הוציאה את הביצים אחת אחרי השניה. Mary took out the eggs one by one. Mary took out the eggs after each other. Tom iḥemmel ad yili di Lustṛali. Tom enjoys being in Australia. But I would have you do well that he ought to be in Lystra. D tamara ad d-yali wass. Like it or not, it will be day. Now the day is coming. كتبت كتاباً عن الطيور. She wrote a book about birds. I wrote a book about birds. لم أقصد إيذاءك. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you. طلب سامي من الرّبّ أن يسامحه. Sami asked the Lord to forgive him. Sammy asked God to forgive him. هو مدرس في مدرستنا. He is a teacher at our school. He's a teacher at our school. Yemmut Kurt Cobain ass n 5 yeberir 1994 deg Seattle. Kurt Cobain died on 5 April 1994 in Seattle. He died at Kurt Cobain on 5 February 1994 in Seattle. תחתום על זה. Sign this. Sign it. سُجِنت ليلى لثلاث سنوات طِوال. Layla was jailed for three long years. I've been imprisoned for three years. הוא לא התנגד בכלל. He had no objection. He didn't mind at all. D baba-k Tom. Tom is your father. D father-k Tom. .انتبهوا يا ناس. هناك مجرمين يسعون لتفشي الفيروس التاجي ليجنوا أموالا هائلة من بيع أدويتهم Be careful, people. There are criminals who seek the outbreak of the coronavirus to make huge money from selling their medications. Look out, people. There are criminals who are trying to spread the crown virus to make huge money from selling their medicines. صفع سامي ليلى في الوجه. Sami slapped Layla's face. Sammy's in the face. رأى سامي مسلمين يصلّون. Sami saw Muslims praying. Sammy saw Muslims coming. Ma nifhimx. I don't understand. I don't understand. Ayen ittneḥsaben yeqbeḥ di kra n tutlayt, yezmer ur yettili ara akken deg tutlayt-iḍen. What is considered impolite in one language may not be considered impolite in another language. Now whatever things are known by the tongue, whatever things are appropriate, that can't be done. أيمكنك أن تغلّف هذا كالهدايا، من فضلك؟ Can you gift-wrap this, please? Can you wrap this up as gifts, please? Ur teɛyiḍ ara? Are you not tired? You don't know? נפתור את הבעיה ללא קושי. We shall solve the problem without any difficulties. We'll solve the problem without difficulty. Ǧaɛfeṛ yezzi aɛrur i uɣṛef-is. Jaffer betrays his people. He went in the way, and was filled with pride. Ffɣemt sya! Get your carcass out of here! Get out of here! Qleɛ iḍaṛṛen-im sya! Get your carcass out of here! Draw your feet after this! היה לכם סופשבוע נעים? Did you have a nice weekend? Have you had a nice weekend? أصبح سامي مذهولا و مشوّشا. Sami became lost and confused. Sammy's become amazing and confused. كنت أفكر في الحصول على كلب. I was thinking of getting a dog. I was thinking about getting a dog. מי יכול לסרב? Who could refuse? Who can say no? هل تعلم أن الرجال الذين يتناولون حبوب منع الحمل بانتظام لا يحمِلُون؟ Did you know that men who regularly take the birth control pill don't get pregnant? Do you know that men who eat contraceptive pills regularly don't carry? בכף הרגל אנחנו מוצאים קרסול וחמש בהונות עם ציפורניים. The foot contains an ankle and five toes with nails. In the foot, we find an ankle and five in the pockets with nails. أنا أستطيع أن أعيش بدون ماء. I can live without water. I can live without water. لماذا لم تسطيع أن تأتي بالأمس؟ Why couldn't you come yesterday? Why couldn't you come yesterday? علم سامي أنّه وقع في فخّ. Sami realized that he was trapped. Sammy knew he was in a trap. אני מכר של היו"ר של המועדון ההוא. I am acquainted with the chairman of that club. I'm a salesman of that club's president. على ماذا يحتوي؟ What does it contain? What does it contain? זו רוח הלחימה. That's the spirit. It's the fighting spirit. لن تحضر آن حفلتنا. Anne will not come to our party. You're not going to come to our party. Tesɛamt sin n wudemawen. You are two-faced. You have two chains. בשעה שסובבתי את גל הארכובה, קם הטרקטור הישן לתחיה. As I turned the handle of the crankshaft, the old tractor sputtered to life. As I turned the vehicle wave, the old tractor got up. היא צעקה והתעלפה. She screamed and fainted. She yelled and passed. בוא נטייל על החוף אחרי ארוחת הערב. Let's walk on the beach after dinner. Let's take a walk on the beach after dinner. כמה פעמים בשבוע אתה יוצא לקניות? How many times a week do you go shopping? How many times a week do you go shopping? Izmer ad d-ijreḥ kra n yiwen. Somebody could get hurt. And he could have received part. عاد من أمريكا. He came back from America. Back from America. Cmumxen-d meṛṛa. Everybody smiled. All the trees were finished. אני יכול לנוח. I can take a rest. I can rest. העוגיות הטובות ביותר שאכלתי מעודי הן העוגיות שאמך אפתה לי. The best cookies I've ever eaten are the ones that your mother baked for me. The best cookies I've ever eaten are the cookies your mother told me. D takeṛṛust-nteɣ. This is our car. I'm trembling. Ɛni theblem? Are you crazy? Am I the woman? הזכירו את השם שלך. Your name was mentioned. Name your name. Iḍ Amegaz Good Night Board of Action קיימת תנועה חזקה נגד שימוש בגרעין בגרמניה. There is a strong anti-nuclear movement in Germany. There's a strong anti-nuclear movement in Germany. Aṭas i k-tḥemmel. She loves you very much. Many have loved you. מה שלא תעשה, אל תבוא בתלונות לתום על זה. Whatever you do, don't complain to Tom about this. Whatever you do, don't come up with any complaints about it. מה היית עושה לו ראית רוח רפאים? What would you do if you saw a ghost? What would you do to him if you saw a ghost? דרך החלון אני רואה נהר. Through the window, I see a river. I see a river through the window. توم ليس مستعداً بعد. Tom isn't ready yet. Tom's not ready yet. את האגדות האלה יש להנחיל לצאצאינו. These legends should be handed down to our offspring. These legends have to be passed on to our offspring. אל תישן לך כל היום כמו אריה בגן החיות. מה דעתך שתלך ותסדר את החדר שלך? Don't just sleep all day like some lion from the zoo. How about you go and clean up your room? Don't sleep all day like a lion in the zoo. لا يسعني إلا الإنتظار. I can only wait. I can only wait. Amek i telliḍ? How are you doing? How are you? Minn fejn int? Where are you from? Where are you from? هل صحيح أنك لم تكن هنا البارحة؟ Is it true that you weren't here yesterday? Is it true you weren't here last night? Qebleɣ. I agreed. I got it. Ddu ar zdat. Go ahead. Go forward. Siwlet-as. Call him. He wrote it. לא עשינו שום דבר פסול. We've done nothing wrong. We didn't do anything wrong. هل تحب التفاح؟ Do you like apples? Do you like apples? היא נשתתקה לפתע. She fell silent suddenly. She was suddenly shut up. Ur t-ɣṛiɣ ara akken ilha. I read it incorrectly. Neither have I heard of him any more. הוא אפילו לא מכיר את יסודות החינוך. He doesn't even know the elements of an education. He doesn't even know the basics of education. Tḥebsem Tom? Did you stop Tom? Do you care about Tom? أيمكنك أن تقود سيارة؟ Can you drive a car? Can you drive a car? تسلم إيديك! Thank you! Hand over your hands! احجزن تلك الكلاب. Shut those dogs up. Keep those dogs. Sɛiɣ zzheṛ imi i kent-id-mlaleɣ da. How lucky to meet you here. I was troubled with bitterness, because I had torn him with I said this. أتحتاج إلى الكتاب؟ Do you need the book? Do you need the book? أحدهم يراقبك. Someone is watching you. Someone's watching you. Ili-kem d mm tebɣest. Have courage. You are my rock. היא לא אחותי, היא אשתי. She isn't my sister, she's my wife. She's not my sister. She's my wife. D acu i tḥemmlem ugar, aksum neɣ aslem? Which do you like better, meat or fish? What is it that ye love the nobles, or the meat, or the wine? Tufiḍ iman-im? Are you OK? Are you a self-employed person? اليوم بارد Today it is cold. Today's cold. Amulli n Tom deg ɛecrin Tubeṛ. Tom's birthday is October twentieth. The length of Tom's week is in Tuber. Ur zmireɣ ara ad tt-ẓṛeɣ. I can't see her. I can't find him. זה תלוי באופן בו את מתעסקת עם זה. It depends on how you deal with it. It depends on how you're messing with it. سامي لا يستحقّ ذلك. Sami doesn't deserve that. Sammy doesn't deserve it. Teɣṛam ta? Have you read this? Whichever is broken down? ترتاد أختي الجامعة. My sister goes to a university. My sister goes to college. هل تعلم لماذا؟ Do you know why? You know why? Yerfa Tom, neɣ ala? Tom is furious, isn't he? Jeffa Tom, or no? لا تتجرّأ حتّى بالاتّصال بي. Don't you even dare call me. Don't even dare call me. هل ستكون في البلاد وقت عيد الميلاد؟ Will you be home for Christmas? Will you be in the country at Christmas time? הם לא יכולים לבלום אותו. They cannot stop him. They can't beat him. שים את זה בשקית נייר חומה. Put it in a brown paper bag. Put it in a brown paper bag. אני אוהב לבוא ולצאת לפי ראות עיניי. I like coming and going as I please. I like to come and see my eyes. אתה יודע טוב מאוד איך זה קרה. You know very well how it happened. You know very well how that happened. כמעט אף אחד לא חושב שאנו אחיות. Almost no one thinks that we are sisters. Almost no one thinks we're sisters. كان يعمل ليلا، نهارا كي يصبح ثريا. He worked day and night so that he might become rich. He worked night, day to get rich. Iɣɣaṛ-iyi-d ɛemmi yal tlata wussan. My uncle calls on me every three days. Three days I was broken up. תום נכנס בעזרת המפתח שלו. Tom let himself in with his own key. Tom came in with his key. תביאי בחשבון גירושין. Consider divorce. Get a divorce. Yella kra n yiwen i yegnen da. Somebody is lying here. And there was also one united. بمن اتّصل فاضل؟ Who did Fadil contact? Who's calling a loser? هل ساعتك على التوقيت الصحيح؟ Is your watch correct? Is your watch on the right time? שום דבר לא חסר. Nothing is missing. Nothing's missing. תלוי בהקשר. It depends on the context. Depends on the context. Suffeɣ iɣersiwen seg leḥbus-nsen. Free the animals from their cages. But they put away the yeast from their prisons. אתה צריך להיות זהיר יותר. You should be more careful. You need to be more careful. Tecbeḥ. She is beautiful. -Teqrall. A win yeẓṛan acuɣeṛ i yegguma Tom axeddim-nni. I wonder why Tom turned down that job. Then he began to say, "Why didn't you swear by Thomas the tax collector?" הכל עבר. Everything is over. It's all over. أراد سامي أن تراسله ليلى عبر الهاتف. Sami wanted Layla to text him. Sammy wanted to send him over the phone at night. Shu Tom! Forget Tom. Shu Tom! كان المدرّس لطيفا جدّا. The teacher was so nice. The teacher was so nice. تنهد ديما وقال: "فهمت، آسف على اللخبطة إذن. استمتع بالفانتا. ويومًا سعيدًا". "I see," Dima sighed. "Sorry for the confusion, then. Enjoy your Fanta, and have a good day." "I get it, I'm sorry for the bat, so enjoy the vanta, and it's a happy day." אילו ידעתי מהי כתובתה, הייתי כותב לה. If I had known her address, I would have written to her. If I knew what her address was, I'd write it to her. Teččiḍ deg usečču ddurt iɛeddan? Did you eat at a restaurant last week? Have ye not eaten that which is before the feast? Ilaq ad twalimt asaru-ines. You have to see this film. You must see his bones. ما الذي في الملف؟ What's in the file? What's in the file? Ṭum ur ira ara ad tteg Mari waya iman-is. Tom didn't want Mary doing that by herself. But he will not put Mary to the test, for she is not yet cut off. קשה לרַצות אותו. He is hard to please. It's hard to please him. Tura Kan i d-ffɣeɣ seg ttberna deg Ukfadu. Now I just came out of a bar in Akfadu. Now I came out of Laodicea once again. من أخذ مفاتيحي؟ Who took my keys? Who took my keys? Ur k-neǧǧi ara. We haven't abandoned you. Don't forsake you. Aman, ttxil-m. Water, please. Amman, tsil-m. Sseɣtiɣ tafyirt-nni. I corrected the sentence. I then took the star out of the air. أود حجز موعد للمعالجة بالفلورايد لابني. I'd like to make an appointment for fluoride treatments for my son. I would like to reserve a date to treat my son's Florade. ذلك حذاءها. These shoes are hers. That's her shoes. הספר הזה קשה מדי בשבילי. This book is too difficult for me. This book is too hard for me. Akken qerriḥit i nefɛit. No pain, no gain! As destruction, so forth. Inna-d yiwen: "Mlaleɣ-d snat n tballagin sbecbucent. Ur gziɣ acemma." Someone said, "I met two lipstick bombshells whispering. I did not catch anything." And there was one saying, I have caught hold of two briers, and I have gained nothing. אני רוצה כוס קפה, ואני רוצה אותה עכשיו. I want a cup of coffee and I want it now. I want a cup of coffee, and I want it now. Amek i tesɛeddam akud-nwen deg Boston? How did you enjoy your time in Boston? How are you staying in Boston? شعر طوم صح قصير. Tom's hair is really short. Tom's hair is short. Yettaẓ Tom ar Mary cwiṭ cwiṭ. Tom gradually moved closer to Mary. And Thomas's teacher is very sick. אין שום מקום שבו תוכלי להסתתר. There's nowhere for you to hide. There's no place you can hide. אני חושבת שתום אטום. I think that Tom is stuck-up. I think Tom's sealed. הכל תחת שליטה. Everything is under control. It's under control. Dayen ur ken-ḥemmleɣ ara. I don't like you anymore. That which I don't love. كانت مليحة معايا. She was kind to me. It was salty. כשראיתי את דודי אתמול, הוא בישר לי שהוא חזר מלונדון שלושה ימים לפני כן. When I saw my uncle yesterday, he told me that he had returned from London three days before. When I saw my uncle yesterday, he announced to me that he had returned from London three days earlier. ذلك لأنك بنت. That's because you're a girl. That's because you're a girl. Ilaq ad heḍṛeɣ i walebɛaḍ. I have to talk to somebody. I must be debtor to all men. אני לא יודעת מה את תעשי. I don't know what you will do. I don't know what you're gonna do. יש לי די הרבה כובעים. I've got quite a lot of hats. I've got quite a lot of hats. תודה שהסכמת לראות אותי. Thank you for seeing me. Thank you for seeing me. שאלתי מאיזו ארץ הוא בא והוא ענה: "אני אזרח העולם." Asked from what country he came, he replied, "I am a citizen of the world." I asked which country he came from and he answered, "I am the citizen of the world." נמריא בתוך דקות ספורות. We will take off in a few minutes. We'll be up in a few minutes. השמש עלתה אל מעל לאופק. The sun rose above the horizon in the distance. The sun has risen above horizon. תום נתן לנוסע ללון את הלילה. Tom put the traveler up for the night. Tom gave us a ride to the night. הוא לא יכול היה לבוא אתנו כי הוא חלה. He couldn't come with us because he was sick. He couldn't come with us because he was sick. המרכול היה יחסית ריק בהשוואה לימים אחרים בשעה זו. The supermarket was relatively empty for that time of day. It was relatively empty in comparison with other days at this time. توم غاضب جدا مني الآن. Tom is now very angry with me. Tom's very mad at me now. Wissen anda llan. I wonder where they are. They're where they are. أمسكت فراشة جميلة. I caught a beautiful butterfly. I got a beautiful bed. Icɣeb-ikent kra? Is there something troubling you? I hope to see you again?' Ɣef acu i ad tettmeslayem ihi? What are you actually talking about? Then what then will you say about it? Ttzuxxuɣ dima yes-wen. I've always been proud of you. I have boast over you always. נראה שיש לך חוש לגידול צמחים. It looks like you've got a green thumb. You seem to have a sense of growing plants. Awal d awal-ik. You are right. Thy word is thine. Tessen yakan tiririt. She already knew the answer. Tessen had a broken heart. دي مشكلة كبيرة That's a serious problem. It's a big problem. La yeqqaṛ aɣmis. He reads the newspaper. (And it is said unto them): The condition of the Crusher, Mlaleɣ-d d Tom deg tuber. I met Tom this October. But I came to Tom in the winter. فتح لنا منّاد الباب و أدخلنا إلى منزله. Mennad answered the door and let us in the house. Open the doorway and get us into his house. Ad yekkat waḍu. It's windy. The wind is calm. D ayen ibanen, Tom iḥrec aṭas. Obviously, Tom is very intelligent. Of course, you know many things. انتظري لحظة، إلى أين تظنّين نفسكِ ذاهبةً؟ Hey, wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? Wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? תום לא נראה משוכנע. Tom doesn't look convinced. Tom doesn't seem convinced. أردتُ أن تذهب إلي غُرَفَكَ وتَقفِل الأبواب. I want you to go to your rooms and lock the doors. I wanted you to go to your bed and close the doors. Ad ruḥeɣ ɣer Boston deg Tuber. I'll be going to Boston in October. I will send him to Boston in Tuber. אודיע לה. I'll inform her. I'll let her know. אני שרה. I sing. I'm Sarah. ما اسمكِ؟ Do you have a name? What's your name? למכוניות כיבוי אש יש זכות קדימה על כלי רכב אחרים. Fire engines have priority over other vehicles. Firefighters have a right forward on other vehicles. Ina son inyi karatu kamin inyi barci. I like to read before I go to bed. I wanted to read before I could sleep. ده الكتاب بتاع توني. This is Tony's book. It's the book, Tony. יש להימנע מטיעונים: הם תמיד גסים ולעתים הם משכנעים. Arguments are to be avoided: they are always vulgar and often convincing. They're always rude and sometimes convincing. Tenneṛfaɛ. She disappeared. Murmurs. توم طالب. Tom is a student. Tom's a student. היית צריך לשמור על כך בסוד. You should have kept it secret. You should've kept it a secret. دخل سامي إلى المسجد. Sami entered the mosque. Sammy entered the mosque. لن يوظفكن أحد. Nobody's going to hire you. Nobody's gonna hire you. איש לא נראה אופטימי במיוחד. No one seemed particularly optimistic. No one looks particularly optimistic. Neɣṛa. We have read. I swear by the army. טום לא סבור שזו מקריות. Tom doesn't think this is a coincidence. Tom doesn't think it's a coincidence. אל תצעק. Don't shout. Don't yell. Tom ur d-yemli ara Mary. Tom didn't mention Mary. But he didn't come at all. صحّا علا لكسپليكاسيۆن ديالك. Thanks for your explanation. That's right for Kesplekassain Dialk. X’jismek? What is your name? What do you think? توقّفت ليلى عند محلّ بقالة بمحطّة وقود. Layla pulled at a gas station convencience store. Lila stopped at a checkpoint at a gas station. Ɣlin-d yefriwen. The leaves fell. I'm not allowed to sleep. Lemmer d-agi i tella Mary ad aɣ-tɛiwen. If Mary had been here, she'd have helped us. If this had been ours, we would have had no help. אני כל כך כועסת שאני רוצה לצעוק ולשבור את הכל! I'm so mad I want to scream and break everything! I'm so mad I want to yell and break everything! הרגשתי כל כך עייף שלא יכולתי להשאיר את העיניים שלי פתוחות. I felt so sleepy that I could hardly keep my eyes open. I felt so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open. אינני יודעת מי מושך בחוטים. I don't know who's behind it. I don't know who's drawn in wires. שבו קרוב לכאן. Sit near here. Have a seat near here. الأمواج عالية. The waves are high. The waves are high. היא לא עשתה דבר מלבד לילל כל היום. She's done nothing but cry all day. She's done nothing but night all day. אַבֶּל טַסמן היה האירופי הראשון שראה את טסמניה ב-1642. In 1642, Abel Tasman became the first European to see Tasmania. Abel Tesman was the first European to see Tasmania in 1642. Mazal-iyi ḥemmleɣ Tom. I still love Tom. I still love Tom. אני חושבת שאנו צריכים הפסקה. I think we need some time off. I think we need a break. سامي محظوظ. Sami is lucky. Sammy's lucky. תום עשה את מרי מאושרת. Tom made Mary happy. Tom made Mary happy. תום אחרון. Tom is last. Last Tom. من تكون أهم بكثير مما تملك What you are is more important than what you have. Who's far more important than what you've got. Tanemmirt i tikci-nkent. I thank you for your gift. I've completed my call-in. راني نتعلم التركمانية. I'm learning Turkmen. Rani learns Turkman. תום אמר שהוא חושב שהוא יכול לעבור את הבחינה. Tom said he thought that he could pass the test. Tom said he thinks he can pass the test. تَرجمْ هذا الكتابَ إلى الأنجليزيّة. Translate this book into English. You translate this book into English. כמעט חצות. אני מוכנה למיטה. It's nearly midnight. I'm ready for bed. I'm ready for bed. أنا لست مدرساً. I'm not a teacher. I'm not a teacher. Ṛuḥem beddlem lqecc-nwen. Go get changed. Go therefore and make peace. טום ואני דיסקסנו את הבעיה בינינו. Tom and I discussed the problem with each other. Tom and I have discovered the problem between us. Ẓṛiɣ nelli tlaq tebɣest i wannect-a. I know it takes courage to do that. And I sat down, and sat down in order of all these things. انا ذاهب الى هناك حتى ولو لم تذهب I'm going there even if you don't go. I'm going there, even if you don't. Ad iyi-d-yini ḥedd ayen i yeḍran da? Will someone tell me what has happened here? Will he tell me what I know? يمكنك زيارتي متى ما أحببت. You can come visit me whenever you like. You can visit me when I like it. בגלל זה הוא עשה את זה. That's why he did it. That's why he did it. هل تأخّرت كثيرا يا رفاق؟ Am I too late, guys? You got too late, guys? شعر فاضل أنّه استحقّ أن يقضي ذلك الحكم. Fadil felt that he deserved to serve that sentence. He felt that he deserved to pass that sentence. Tom yella yebɣa ad iwali Mary. Tom wanted to see Mary. But he would have seen Mary again. Luɣen waman-a. The water is not fit to drink. And they came to him. Amek i d-ufant ɣef Tom? How did they find out about Tom? How can they find fault at Thomas? Ulac win i yi-d-ifehhmen. Nobody understands me. No one understands me. Ula ara xedmeɣ s waya. That's of no use to me. It is already done, that I may also do the same thing. لازم نطلب السماح من توم. I need to apologize to Tom. We need to ask for Tom's permission. לו הייתי במקומך הייתי נוהג בדיוק כמוך. Were I in your place I would do the same thing. If I were you, I'd be just like you. عاد سامي. Sami returned. Sammy's back. Tennecṛaḥ aṭas tceqquft-nni. Ssarmeɣ ammer telliḍ din. The play was a lot of fun. I wish you could have been there. I have great respect for you, and I know you. I know that you are an Egyptian. Tella tin i wumi tebɣamt ad teɣṛemt? Is there somebody you want to call? What was the place where you wanted to read? Aqeddac-nneɣ ad yexsi ass n 20 Tubeṛ ɣef uṣeggem yettwaheggan. Our server will be offline on October 20th for scheduled maintenance. And we take the sabbath, and are set on the twentieth day: for they are ready ready. لا يجوز لك خرق القواعد. You are not allowed to violate the rules. You can't break the rules. תום ומרי מתרחקים והולכים אחד מהשניה. Tom and Mary are growing further and further apart. Tom and Mary are moving away from each other. אני אוכל בפי ומריח באפי. I eat with my mouth and smell with my nose. I eat in my mouth and smell in my nose. מה הייתי עושה בלעדיך? What would I do without you? What would I do without you? أريد أن أذهب إلى كيوتو. I want to go to Kyoto. I want to go to Kyoto. לא הייתי צריך לבטוח בך. I should not have trusted you. I shouldn't have trusted you. הוא נאה ביותר. He is tremendously handsome. He's very handsome. هاجم سامي ليلى. Sami assaulted Layla. Sammy attacked Lila. Ulac win i iɛelmen acuɣeṛ. Nobody knows why. For there is no man that hath a curse upon him. يستطيع طفلكم أن يسير. Your baby can walk. Your child can walk. Ṛuḥ-d ar wexxam. Come home. Go to your home. Acḥal i xaqeɣ fell-awen! How I have missed you! What much more shall I do unto you! Ttxil-m eǧǧ-iyi ad ffɣeɣ. Please let me out. He left me alone, that I might be filled. תעקבי אחריו. Follow him! Follow him. هذه جملة. This is a sentence. That's a sentence. سوف يكون عندهم أسئلة أكثر كثيرا عننا. They're going to have a lot more questions than we do. They'll have a lot more questions about us. اتركني وحيدا Leave me alone Leave me alone. Feṛḥeɣ yes-k. I'm very proud of you. I have joy over you. אני יודע זאת בעצמי. I know it myself. I know it myself. لا يمكنني. I can't. I can't. לשאלה זאת יש רק פרשנות אחת. There is only one interpretation possible for this sentence. That question has only one interpretation. شرب سامي ستة كؤوس من النّبيذ. Sami drank six glasses of wine. Drink Sammy six cups of wine. Mačči kan d Tom iyi-ɛawnen. Tom isn't the one who helped me. And I am not alone, neither am I helped. ما هي اللغة التي يتكلمونها في المكسيك؟ What is the language spoken in Mexico? What language do they speak in Mexico? تلك كانت نيتي. That was the intent. That was my intention. כמה אתה מחבב את טום? How much do you like Tom? How much do you like Tom? راهو كاين الجليد في الطريق. ما تخلّيهش يصوق. The road is frozen! Don't let him drive! Raho Kain is on the way. What he lets him down. D tamsaltut i lliɣ. I am a policeman. It's just that I was. ليس بإمكانك أن تبرهن هذا You can't prove that. You can't prove that. كولّ واحد عندو ديكاليتي او ديفابلاس. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. One cologne was an enemy of Décalie or Diffalas. אני חושב שהוא צודק. I think he's right. I think he's right. הבניין קרס ברעש האדמה. The building collapsed in the earthquake. The building collapsed at the sound of the ground. ساند سامي ليلى. Sami supported Layla. Sand Sammy Leila. لا تنس أبدا إقفال الباب. Never forget to lock the door. Don't forget to close the door. Akken i nṛuḥ ar uɣeṛbaz nekk d Tom. Tom and I went to school together. As we went on our way, so did you now fear Me, even I am the one who did not worship. اِندلعت الحرب أخيراً. The war finally broke out. The war finally broke out. העיר מורכבת משני חלקים. The city consists of two parts. The city is made up of two parts. אני בהחלט מתחרט על כך. I definitely regret that. I certainly regret it. وقال توم كان آسف جدا. Tom said he was so sorry. Tom said he was so sorry. Waqila yella kra i d-yessewjad Tom. I think Tom is up to something. It's a little while longer, and you can't believe what Thomas has said. Bɣiɣ ad tettekkim. I'd like you to participate. I need to tell you. لم تعجب تلك فكرة سامي. Sami didn't like the idea. That was Sammy's idea. דגים רבים נכחדו. A lot of fish perished. Many fish have been lost. אנחנו חושבים על הרבה מאוד פתרונות. We are thinking of a lot of solutions. We're thinking about a lot of solutions. זה היה יוצא מן הכלל. That was remarkable. It was extraordinary. إسبانيا دولة متقدمة. Spain is a developed country. Spain is an advanced State. מה שאני באמת רוצה, זה משהו חם לאכול. What I really want is something hot to eat. What I really want is something hot to eat. Anta tuɣmest i k-iqeṛḥen? Which tooth hurts? For where at have you been wounded? هل أنت تعلم ماذا تفعل؟ Do you know what you're doing? Do you know what you're doing? أيمكنك عمل قائمة بالمسائل التي ستناقش؟ Will you make a list of issues to discuss? Can you work on a list of the issues you're going to discuss? עקיצה של מי כואבת יותר: דבורה או צירעה? Whose sting is more painful: a bee's or a wasp's? Who's more painful: bees or bees? أريد أن تروي لي كلّ ما حدث. I want you to tell me everything that happened. I want you to show me everything that happened. ምን ማዘዝ ትፈልጋለህ? What would you like to order? What would you like to do? Theggaḍ? Are you ready? Are you ready? Anda-t mmi-s n mmi-k? Where's your grandson? And where is your son? تلقّى سامي حكمين بالسّجن المؤبّد. Sami got two life sentences. Sammy's been sentenced to eternal imprisonment. احجز تلك الكلاب. Shut those dogs up. Wrap those dogs. הוא עשה בושות למשפחה שלו. He has brought shame upon his family. He made a shame to his family. ذهب سامي للنّوم. Sami went to sleep. Sammy went to sleep. Tessefṛeḥ-iyi tebrat-ik. Your letter made me happy. Nevertheless, the Lord said to me, "I am glad that you wrote me." המשפט הזה חף מטעויות דקדוקיות. There are no grammatical mistakes in this sentence. This sentence is hidden by some dark mistakes. ראיתי את הסרט. I saw the movie. I saw the movie. D acu i tebɣamt ad t-xedmemt? What do you want to do? What would ye like to do, that ye should obey him? מי היה מעוניין לפגוע בך? Who'd want to hurt you? Who would have wanted to hurt you? היא אמרה, "כמה שהוא נראה בטוח!" She said, "How confident he looks!" She said, "How safe he looks!" شكراً لله. Thank God. Thank God. كان المدرّس يتجاهلني. The teacher was ignoring me. The teacher was ignoring me. Yefka-yaɣ-d akk ayen nebɣa. He provided us with everything we needed. Be it known to us of all things that we desire to live among you, אני שומעת אתכם היטב. I hear you very well. I hear you guys well. Ḥemmleɣ aḥewwes. I love trips. I love to love. لقد كنت صامتا لمدة طويلة I've been silent for a long time. I've been silent for a long time. על לא דבר. Don't mention it. You're welcome. Ḍeṛṛunt-d tuccḍiwin. Mistakes happen. But they were filled with stones. Ḥwaǧeɣ takeṛust n tifert. I need a rental car. I'm sure I'm doing well. اسمحي لي خلعتك. Sorry I startled you! Let me take you. الكوب مليء بالحليب. The glass is full of milk. The cup is full of milk. هل أنجزت فرضك؟ Have you done your homework? Have you completed your imposition? Anda i yezdeɣ Tom? Where does Tom live? Where does Tom live? Tom imeslay Tafṛansist. Tom spoke French. I speak a technology. Usiɣ-d weḥd-i. I came by myself. I came to myself alone. Albaɛḍ yeḍṣa-d. Somebody laughed. Now righteousness was standing. זה עושה לי כאב ראש! That gives me a headache! It makes me a headache! إنك تكبر المشكلة. You are exaggerating the problem. You're growing up. Ttwarseɣ ad xedmeɣ yid-wen. I've been assigned to work with you. I asked therefore to be with you. מאמציה העלו פרי. Her efforts bore fruit. Her efforts brought fruit. לאן מוליך השביל הזה? Where does this trail lead? Where's that path leading? היא מתה לרקוד. She's itching to dance. She's dead dancing. Tteɛṛaḍeɣ ad d-afeɣ aɣawas-nniḍen. I'm trying to think of another plan. And I feared that I should cast out my firstborn. מה חדש? What's the news? What's new? Aɛni triḍ ad teqqimeḍ weḥd-k ayen i k-d-yegran di tmeddurt? Do you want to spend the rest of your life alone? Do you want to remain in your own vineyard, as was yours?" Ḥesses i waya! Listen to this! What kind of man is he? God forbid. Tḥemmleḍ ddabex n uḍaṛ? Do you like football? You love the birds of the air. דבר בבהירות. Speak clearly. Speak clearly. Yif-it amer teqqimeḍ deg uxxam imi i yekkat ugeffur. Since it's raining, it would be better if you stayed at home. Find her by the well, and stay in the bed, because there is heat. أنا ذاهب إلى ورشة التّصليح. I'm going to the repair shop. I'm going to the repair workshop. هيا. دعنا نخرج من هنا. Come on. Let's get out of here. Let's get out of here. נפצעת, תום? Are you hurt, Tom? Are you hurt, Tom? יש לך אפשרות למצוא את זה? Can you find it? You got a chance to find it? Acḥal d asseggas i ilaq ad tessiweḍ-d akken ad tzewǧeḍ fiḥel ccweṛ-nsen? How old do you have to be to get married without your parents' permission? For how long shall it be then, that thou shalt offer them in sacrifice? Rnu takukit nniḍen. Have another cookie. And there will be the closing calamity (i.e. the Day of Resurrection). האיש הזה ידע יותר מדי. That man knew too much. This man knew too much. אני לא זוכר איך מצאנו את עצמנו בבוסטון. I don't remember how we ended up in Boston. I don't remember how we found ourselves in Boston. تهدّمت بناية في القاهرة. A building collapsed in Cairo. I destroyed a building in Cairo. Mecṭuḥt tebḥirt-iw. My garden is small. My self-control. נראה שהיא יודעת את אמנות כתיבת המכתבים. She seems to know the art of writing letters. She seems to know the art of writing letters. היא בת כארבעים. She is about forty. She's 40 years old. Teffrem? Are you hiding? Do you freeze? Aql-ik iman-ik. You're all alone. And lo! they are thine. עם 25 אותיות, המילה 'anticonstitutionnellement' - דהיינו, "בניגוד לחוקה" - היא הארוכה ביותר בשפה הצרפתית. Being 25 letters long, 'anticonstitutionnellement' is the longest word in French. With 25 letters, the word 'anticonstitutionnalization' is the longest in French. אתה באמת חושב שזה רע? Do you really think it's bad? You really think it's bad? Fernet! Choose! Fernet! Iban akk tɣelṭemt. Clearly you are mistaken. All things were done by him, and by him you were deceived. يجب أن لا تنام. You should not sleep. You shouldn't sleep. בישול גוזל זמן רב מדי. Cooking takes too much time. It's been cooking too long. יש לי התיק הזה בצבע אחר. I have this briefcase in a different color. I have this case in another color. תום אמר שמרי אם טובה. Tom said Mary is a good mom. Tom said Mary's a good mother. הוא עזב כבר. He had already gone. He's already gone. אנו צריכים להזהר. We've got to be careful. We need to be careful. היא העמידה פנים שלא שמעה אותי. She pretended not to hear me. She pretends she didn't hear me. Ar ticki a yemma. See you later, Mother. Welcome to my mother’s home. بدأ سامي عامه الجامعي في سبتمبر. Sami started college in September. Sammy started his university year in September. من الممكن أن لا تأتي. Maybe she won't come. You might not come. כמה כוסות יין אתה שותה כל יום? How many glasses of wine do you drink every day? How many cups of wine do you drink every day? Ur ttɛumu ara dagi. Don't swim here. Therefore don't be here. ‫هي لديها بيت صغير. She has a small house. She's got a little house. Terriḍ kullec daxel? Did you put everything in there? Put all things in? Temxallafem aṭas fell-aneɣ. You're very different from us. You've suffered much for us. Uriɣ-akent-d tamawt. I'll write you a note. Write-akt-d-gawt. Atas guwamy war m zriɣ. Long time, no see. Atas gwammy t i n i n i n t. Zemreɣ ad ak-ssutreɣ lemzeyya? Can I ask you a favor? Say thou, What mean I by any means to pray to thee? هذا واجبي. It's my job. That's my duty. הוא בגד במולדת שלו. He betrayed his country. He betrayed his homeland. حُكِمَ على فاضل بالإعدام لقتله لفتاة صغيرة. Fadil was sentenced to death for the killing of a young girl. He was sentenced to death for killing a little girl. كان فاضل في حفل. Fadil was at a party. He was a loser at a party. هل سمعت ذلك الصوت؟ Did you hear that sound? Did you hear that voice? היא אף פעם לא אמרה לאף אחד. She never told anyone. She never told anyone. لا، لا أعلم. هناك أشياء كثيرة. No. I don't know. It's a lot of things. No, I don't know. ثار الفلاحون على الحكومة. Farmers rebelled against the government. The peasants raised the Government. Sarameɣ yiwen ur ken-id-ittwali akka. I hope no one sees you like this. I know that no one has said such things. הצלחה פירושה ללכת מכשלון אל כשלון בלי לאבד מן ההתלהבות. "Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." Success means going to failure without losing your enthusiasm. Anwa i ak-d-innan belli ur zmireɣ ara ad εummeɣ? Who told you I couldn't swim? Who hath said to thee, that I can't stand? Sarameɣ Tom yeǧhed. I hope Tom is tough. I'll see what they'll do. ماذا أفعل الآن؟ What should I do? What am I doing now? شعرك جميل. Your hair's beautiful. Your hair is beautiful. Yeggumma ad iyi-d-yas naddam. I'm not sleepy anymore. And he cometh again, and cometh to me. אני חי במדינה שבה מחיר ליטר בנזין זול יותר מליטר מים. I live in a country where the cost of a liter of gasoline is cheaper than the cost of a liter of water. I live in a country where the price of a litre of gasoline is less than one millimeter of water. شعرت بأن جوالي يهتز في جيبي. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I felt that Julie was shaking in my pocket. هكذا دخل الجامعة. This was how he entered the university. That's how he entered college. החלטתי לספר לה שאני אוהב אותה. I decided to tell her that I love her. I decided to tell her I love her. אף אחד לא יכול לדעת הכול. No one can know everything. No one can know everything. يمكنها ان تعد من واحد إلى عشرة. She can count from one to ten. She can count from one to ten. בואו נודה על האמת, זה בלתי אפשרי. אף פעם לא נצליח. Let's face it, it's impossible. We're never gonna make it. Let's face the truth, it's impossible. את מה המציא בל? What was invented by Bell? What did Bell invent? هل يحب توشيو ساتشيكو؟ Does Toshio like Sachiko? Does Toshio Sachiko like it? Eǧǧ tom weḥd-s. Leave Tom alone. Leave you alone. لا تكون شريرا. Do not be evil. Don't be evil. אני שונא את המגפים החדשים האלה. I hate these new boots. I hate these new boots. אולי אני מצפה ליותר מדי מתום. Perhaps I expected too much from Tom. Maybe I'm expecting too much of an orphan. وداعا. Farewell! Bye. لكن هذه ليست الصورة الكاملة. تتويبا ليس مجرد قاموس جمل مفتوح، وتعاوني، ومتعدد اللغات فحسب. بل إنه جزء من نظام نريد بناءه. But that's not the whole picture. Tatoeba is not just an open, collaborative, multilingual dictionary of sentences. It's part of an ecosystem that we want to build. But this is not a complete picture. It is not just an open, collaborative, multilingual, but part of a system that we want to build. נהגתי לבוא לחוף הזה כשהייתי נער. I used to come to this beach when I was a boy. I used to come to this beach when I was a boy. Mlaleɣ-d yiwen n urgaz, baba-s yessen Tom. I met a man whose father knows Tom. And I heard a certain sorcerer speak unto me, and his father knew Thomas. היא מאוד יפה. She is very beautiful. She's very beautiful. ተማሪዎች ነን። We are students. We are his teachers. يمسك براين بِيَدَيْ كيت. Brian is holding Kate's hands. holding Brian in my hand, Kate. ربطته صداقة معها بينما كان في الولايات المتّحدة. He became friends with her while in the U.S. His friendship with her while he was in the U.S. States. תום שרבט משהו במחברת שלו. Tom scribbled something in his notebook. Tom Sherbett's something in his book. Yekres tawenza-s Tom. Tom frowned. Hekkers twu-s Tom. ייצור המוני מוריד את המחיר של מוצרים מסויימים. Mass production lowers the cost of certain goods. The mass production lowers the price of certain products. ሆቴል ትፈልጋለች። She's looking for a hotel. She seeks a hotel. מי שרוצה להלך בשביל התבונה אל לו לחשוש מהכשלון, לא משנה כמה הוא מתקדם, מטרתו נשארת רחוקה מהשגה. He who wants to travel the path of wisdom must not fear failure, for no matter how much progress he makes, his goal remains unattainably far off. Whoever wants to go for insight doesn't have to worry about failure, no matter how far he's going, his goal remains far from achieving. Attan tettmeslay. She is talking. Attan tetmesley. زاد القاز في السومة. Gas prices are up. The soup's increased. תום ומרי יושבים בחדר האורחים ומדברים. Tom and Mary are sitting in the living room talking. Tom and Mary are sitting in the guest room and talking. אבי רוחץ את המכונית מאז הבוקר. My father has been washing his car since this morning. My dad's been driving the car since this morning. بلغ جون أني اتصلت من فضلك. Please tell John that I called. John's here that I'm calling, please. הוא קרוב יותר. He's closer. He's closer. كان لدى ليلى إبن. Layla had a son. Lily had a son. Tella kra n yiwet i yeṭṭfen amkan-iw. Someone took my place. There was also one besides me that took hold of my place. תום בא פנימה. Tom came inside. Tom's coming in. دعني أفكر للحظة. Let me think for a minute. Let me think for a moment. Ḥemmleɣ axxam-nsent. I like their house. I love their houses. Ḥemmleɣ anebdu. I love summer. My love has perished. תום בדרך כלל עורם ערמה של כלים במשך שבוע תמים ורק אז הוא שוטף אותם. Tom usually lets dirty dishes pile up for a week, then he washes them. Tom usually makes a pile of dishes for a week and only then he washes them. سوف اذهب للتسوق بعد الغداء. I'm going to go shopping after lunch. I'll go shopping after lunch. משוך אותי פנימה. Pull me in. Pull me in. Iqejjem fell-i. He mocked me. Stay by me. እንግዳ ነኝ። I'm a foreigner. I am a stranger. አስተማሪ ነኝ። I'm a teacher. I am a teacher. أشعر بالبرد. I'm cold. I feel cold. كتبنا أنا وتوم عدة كتب معا. Tom and I have written several books together. Tom and I wrote several books together. Afemt-d amcic-nni. Find the cat. The other mother-in-law. أين رأيت نانسي؟ Where did you see Nancy? Where did you see Nancy? התפוזים האלה חמוצים מאד. These oranges are very sour. These oranges are very picky. Tebɣiḍ ad teččeḍ tura? Do you want to eat now? Do you want to go now? לטום יש פנס בעין. Tom has a black eye. Tom has a flashlight in his eye. תום עישן בעבר, אבל עכשיו כבר לא. Tom used to smoke, but now he doesn't. Tom's been smoking before, but now he's not. Yura asefru n tayri. He wrote a love poem. It is written, "A setter." Xaqeɣ fell-am aṭas. I missed you very much. I am very sure of you. Amek ihi, d acu twalaḍ? Well, have you decided? What then, do you see? كان فاضل يريد أن يستغلّ ليلى. Fadil looked to take advantage of Layla. He wanted to take advantage of Lila. Imensi! Dinner! Far from it! מה המהומה? What's the commotion? What's the riot? אני צריכה מחשב. I need a computer. I need a computer. הלוואי לו הייתי יותר כמותם. I wish I were more like them. I wish I'd been more like them. أنت موهوبٌ حقاً. You're really talented. You're really gifted. هنا أم تأخذها معك؟ Here or to go? Here, or are you taking her with you? היום הזה נראה כמו מבחן מאמץ. It's looking like a treadmill kind of day. This day looks like an effort test. دعى سامي ليلى للأكل في الخارج. Sami invited Layla out for food. Sammy Leila was called to eat out. עליך להחליף. You should change. You have to change. לתרופה לא היתה כל השפעה. The medicine had no effect. The medicine didn't have any effect. Tlaq-akent tameṭṭut igerrzen. You need a good woman. A woman named Marerzen died. على سامي دفع تكلفة العلاج من ماله الخاص. Sami has to pay for the treatment out of his pocket. Sammy has to pay for the treatment from his own money. תום כותב נאומים מקצועי. Tom is a speech writer. Tom writes professional speeches. Yiwen ur d-imeslay. No one spoke. And no man spake unto him. عائلتي مشتركة في جريدة. My family subscribes to a newspaper. My family's in a newspaper. لا يزال سامي يتذكّر ذلك. Sami still remembers. Sammy still remembers that. Yenna-d Tom yesɛa ass n usteɛfu. Tom said that he had the day off. He began to rest, and said to them, "Behold, he has a day of rest." لدى الفيل أنف طويل. An elephant has a long nose. The elephant has a long nose. رأيته يمزّق الرسالة. I saw him tear up the letter. I saw him rip apart the message. كان سامي يعيش في حيّ ذو معدّل جريمة عالٍ. Sami was living in a neighborhood where there was a lot of crime. Sammy was living in a high crime-moderate neighborhood. אני מדבר עלייך. I'm talking about you. I'm talking about you. יש הרבה טילטולים. There's a whole lot of shaking going on. There's a lot of rockets. לא היה להם מושג לְמה לצפות. They had no idea what to expect. They had no idea what to expect. Theggam? Are you ready? Are you prepared? Init-as azekka. Tell him tomorrow. This is tomorrow. سافر توم كثيرا في العام الماضي Tom traveled a lot last year. Tom traveled a lot last year. מה בדיוק אתה עושה? What do you do exactly? What exactly are you doing? לחוות בודדות היה חשמל. Few farms had electricity. Lonely experience had electricity. יש לנו עץ תפוזים. We have an orange tree. We have oranges. لم أكن على علم بمرضها. I didn't know she was ill. I wasn't aware of her illness. Muten meṛṛa. They're all dead. All died. Yessefqed-itent? Did he check them? But what did he say to them that they were very busy? يعجبني عرضك. I like your offer. I like your offer. Anwa lkaɣeḍ i tebɣamt? What papers do you take? What is the baptism that you are asking for? Ddin yettawi-d ṭrad. Religion causes war. They started to slow down. اختر الورود التي تحبها. Choose any flowers you like. Choose the roses you like. D acu i d-as-tettakkeḍ i weqziḥ-ik ad t-yečč ? What do you feed your dog? "What did you give him, and were eating? איך את יודעת לגבי תום? How do you know about Tom? How do you know about Tom? ברור שהיא דוברת אנגלית. It's obvious that she speaks English. Of course she speaks English. איך החזקת מעמד? How have you been coping? How did you hold up? טום ניסה לא לחשוב על מה שהוא עשה. Tom tried not to think about what he had done. Tom tried not to think about what he did. أودّ أن أمضي المزيد من الوقت مع خالتي. I would like to spend more time with my aunt. I'd like to spend more time with my aunt. ליטר חלב מכיל כשלושים גרם חלבון. A liter of milk contains about thirty grams of protein. A litre of milk contains about 30 grams of protein. "Ticṛaḍ s idammen" i as yeqqaṛ yinzi. "No pain, no gain," as they say. “You have shed blood, and have taught others to use deceit.” Ṛuḥeɣ ɣer tmeɣṛa n Halloween s llebsa n uvampir. I went to the Halloween party as a vampire. I came to the marriage of Shallum, who was clothed in linen. Yettban-d am akken Tom ur yelli ara deg lɣeṛḍ-is. It sounds like Tom was unconscious. He was made manifest, because he was in no way at all in his body. لم يستحقّ سامي أن يموت هكذا. Sami didn't deserve to die like that. Sammy didn't deserve to die like that. אבא שלי מגדל אורז. My father grows rice. My dad's a rice grower. Tesɛiḍ tuttriwin nniḍen? Have you any further questions? Do you know any other laws? Tom yenna-d belli yessefk ad nerǧu da. Tom said we should wait here. He said, "It will be well with them." מתי זה מתחיל? When does it begin? When does it start? Anwa i d-yennan akka? Who said that? Who then said he, חשבתי לקנות מצלמה חדשה. I was thinking about buying a new camera. I was thinking about buying a new camera. זאת אחת מדאגותיי. That's one of my concerns. It's one of my concerns. بدأ سامي يقوم بأعمل لمحاربة الاتّجار بالمخدّرات في حيّه. Sami started to take actions against drug trade in his neighborhood. Sammy started working to fight drug trafficking in his neighborhood. תהיה חסר רחמים. Be merciless. Be heartless. Xemmeɣ ɣef aya akk wass. I've been thinking about it the entire day. I stand here all day long. אני רוצה לעזור לך. I am willing to help you. I want to help you. משהו מוזר התרחש. Something bizarre happened. Something strange happened. Aseggas n wedfel, d aseggas n yirden. Snow year, corn year Now the year of the Passover is the year of the wheat. طلب السفير البريطاني لقاء مباشرا مع الرئيس. The English ambassador demanded to meet with the President directly. The British Ambassador requested a direct meeting with the President. Ilaq ad kem-id-iḥbes walebɛaḍ. Somebody has to stop you. You must be arrested by someone. Wi d ijdiden. These are new. And it's new. Ṛuḥ ad d-tgezmeḍ acekkuḥ-ik. Get a haircut. Go thy way, O thou shalt cut off thy pen. האם יש עוד משתתפים במכרז? Is anyone else bidding? Are there any more participants in the announcement? חזרתם. You're back. You're back. רצתי מהר ככל האפשר. I ran as fast as possible. I ran as fast as I could. سيتولّى فاضل صادق إدارة المخبر. Fadil Sadiq will be in charge with the laboratory. He'll take over the director's honesty. بمساعدتك أستطيع النجاح With your help, I could succeed. With your help, I can make it. אסיים לקרוא את הרומן הזה בקרוב. I'll finish reading this novel soon. I'll finish reading this novel soon. أعرف أنك تقول لا. I know you're going to say no. I know you say no. אן לא מצליחה למצוא עבודה. Ann can't find a job. Anne can't find a job. הוא נחפז לצאת מהמשרד. He rushed out of the office. He was quick to leave the office. أنا لست نادماً على مجيئي هنا. I don't regret coming here. I don't regret coming here. Isewham cwiya Tom. Tom is kind of weird. The same is true of us today. افتُتحت المستشفى الشهر الماضي. The hospital had a grand opening last month. I opened the hospital last month. Azekka ad ruḥeɣ ɣer Paris. I leave for Paris tomorrow. I will go to Paris on the next day." أحب الرقص. I love to dance. I like dancing. תום הגזים בהערכת עצמו. Tom was overconfident. End the gas in self-esteem. הר אוורסט הוא ההר הגבוה ביותר בעולם. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Wukud llan? Who are they with? Where are they? Tamrilt-agi tneqqes s kṛad tisdatin deg wass. This clock loses three minutes a day. But this is the Message, He that writeth the letter, and counteth it with an ink of the times. Ttxil-kent rremt-d. Please respond. Trash the kent runt-d. هيا. دعونا نخرج من هنا. Come on. Let's get out of here. Let's get out of here. תפסי אותו והביאי אותו לדרווין. Catch it and bring it to Darwin. Get him and get him to Darwin. لقد كنت صامتا لمدة طويلة I have been silent for a long time. I've been silent for a long time. كان من الممكن أن أرى كيلي، لو أنني وصلت مبكرا. Had I arrived earlier, I could have seen Kelly. I could've seen Kelly, if I had arrived early. איזה נס! What a miracle! What a miracle! הילדה קראה לעזרה. The girl cried out for help. The girl called for help. Kullec yella anda ilaq ad yili. Everything was where it was supposed to be. Where all things shall be done. كم شخصًا دعوت؟ How many people did you invite? How many people did you call? של מי הבירה הזאת? Whose beer is this? Whose beer is this? كان سامي يخطّط لإنهاء حياة ليلى. Sami was plotting to end Layla's life. Sammy was planning on ending Lily's life. Yuɣ tanumi yettenkar-d zik. He used to get up early. And I am afraid that it will not come to pass, because of thee. שנאתי לשקר. I hated lying. I hated lying. Ejja hawn! Come here. Come here! הגעתי לתחנה בשעה שש. I reached the station at six. I got to the station at 6:00. Ḍeṛṛunt-d. Things happen. They were broken. Walaɣ yiwen. I saw someone. I saw one. הוא נפסל מלהשתתף בתחרות. He was disqualified from the competition. He's been removed from participating in the competition. Ǧǧiɣ-akent-n kra n yiznan. I left you a couple messages. I have given thee rest from the storehouses. كان لدينا ثلاث طائرات. We had three airplanes. We had three planes. هو يدرس الفزياء. He is doing physics. He's studying physics. אתם מתוקים. You're sweet. You're sweet. תום המשיך להתמקד. Tom kept focused. Tom kept focused. Sirdemt! Wash up. Sit down! מה בקופסה? What's in the box? What's in the box? בוודאי! Sure! Of course! Ḥebsem ur ttargum ara. Stop dreaming. Be sober, and you won't be cold. أُنْشِئَتْ مدارس. Schools were built. Schools have been set up. لا يجب عليك أن تستمع إلی ما يقول. You don't have to listen to what he says. You don't have to listen to what he says. طلب فاضل من ليلى أن تصوّب المسدّس نحو رامي. Fadil told Layla to hold the gun on Rami. He asked Lila to correct the gun to Rami. ባለፈው ሳምንት ከአሜሪካ አንዳንድ ማስታወሻ ላኩለት። Last week, I mailed him some souvenirs from the U.S. Last week, they sent him some notes from America. لا تفتح الباب. Don't open the door. Don't open the door. Ur tḥeqqeɣ ara deg ayen i la ttwaliɣ. I'm not sure what I'm looking at. I don't practice what I desire. Teḥwaǧeḍ ad testeɛfuḍ. You need rest. You need to be free from anxiety. אני לא רוצה ללמוד הלילה. I don't want to study tonight. I don't want to learn tonight. انفقع بالوني! My balloon popped! Get down with me! Siwel-iyi-d ɣef uxeddim-ik. Tell me about your job. Make me to see thy face. Tom yetiliɣṛi-d akken ad d-yini ur d-yeţţas ara. Tom phoned to say he isn't coming. For I speak to him that none of those things which he saith shall come. Ṭum ibegs-d ad yuɣal ɣer Bustun akked Mari Tom decided to go back to Boston with Mary. For the son of man is come to Bozton and Mari, and shall come to his place. D kenwi i d tayri n tudert-iw. You're the love of my life. This is the crown of my life. מרי יכולה לבשל כל דבר בלי מתכון כתוב. Mary can cook anything without recipes. Mary can cook anything without a written recipe. Ssired d akli, qqim d akli. A slave remains a slave. It became a covenant, or a covenant. אני לא יכולה לטפל בכך כרגע. I can't deal with this right now. I can't handle it right now. אני שמרטפית של הבית. I'm housesitting. I'm a housekeeper. את עומדת לאבד את הכול. You'll lose everything. You're about to lose everything. ארבע כפול שתיים הם שמונה. Four multiplied by two is eight. Four times two are eight. أريد أن أشرب فنجاناً من القهوة. I want to have a cup of coffee. I want to have a cup of coffee. أفهم قصدك. I understand what you mean. I understand what you mean. D acu i tebɣamt ihi? What cheese do you want? What then? أليس أسوداً؟ Isn't it black? Isn't it black? מתנדבים מקבלים חולצת טי. Volunteers get a T-shirt. Volunteers get a T-shirt. אפשר לשבת לידך? Can I sit next to you? Can I sit next to you? לא עשיתי דבר. I wasn't doing anything. I didn't do anything. أريد تعلم الكراتيه. I want to learn karate. I want to know the cards. תום שם את כל כספו בקופסה והחביא אותה מתחת למיטה שלו. Tom put all his money in a box and hid it under his bed. Tom put all his money in the box and hid it under his bed. נותרו ימים ספורים עד חג המולד. Christmas is only a few days away. There's a few days left until Christmas. Ilaq ad sekkṛeɣ tawwurt-a. I have to lock this door. I must declare to you the door of your name." תום עושה עבודה טובה. Tom does good work. Tom's doing a good job. هذا المقام حلو، ولكني لا أريد ان أسكن في هنا. This is a nice place, but i don't want to live here. This place is sweet, but I don't want to live here. ما رانيش حايب ننسا ليزيدي ديالي، مام ادا شوييا فيهوم اكسترام. I don't want to lose my ideas, even though some of them are a bit extreme. M. Ranish Haib Nsa Lissedi Dialli, Mama Shuya Husum Exstram. مبيعات السيارات اليابانية في الخارج جيدة. Japanese cars sell well overseas. Japanese car sales out there are good. אני לא אשתתף במסיבה. I will not attend the party. I'm not going to be at the party. הוא עשה טעות ושתה רעל. He made a mistake and drank poison. He made a mistake and drank poison. كنت في الجبال. I was in the mountains. I was in the mountains. Melmi ara teččem imekli? When will you eat lunch? When will you eat an hour? אני לא רוצה להיכשל במבחנים שלי. I don't want to fail my exams. I don't want to fail my tests. Karl Marx yenna-d: Nnḥaf n ddin seg tama yekka-d seg nnḥaf ilaw, si tama-nniḍen seg umennuɣ mgal nnḥaf ilaw. Karl Marx said: Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Carl Marx said, "The earth which comes out of the cloud and out of the ground, from the place from which men cast a veil before the eyes." תום נראה מבולבל? Does Tom look confused? Tom seems confused? مانيش حايب نكون خرا، حايب نكون ستيل! I don't want to be lame; I want to be cool!! Manish is good. We're different. We're good! الجميع يموت. Everyone dies. Everyone dies. Xdem-it Do it! Version נהגתי לטייל לאורך הנהר לעתים קרובות. I used to often take walks along that river. I used to travel along the river often. كان سامي يلعن. Sami cursed. Sammy was cursed. رنّ جرس الهاتف و أنا آكل طعام الغداء. The phone rang when I was having lunch. We're on the phone and I'm eating lunch. لن يصل إلى الاجتماع في الوقت المحدد. He won't be in time for the meeting. It's not coming to the meeting in time. نظرت ليلى إلى الخلف عبر النّافذة. Layla looked back through the window. Lily looked back through the window. נשאר לנו סוכר? Do we have any sugar left? We got sugar left? Ad teɣṛemt ass-a? Do you have school today? Have you read today? האמת היא שאני לא אוהב אותך. The truth is I don't like you. Actually, I don't like you. תום מריח מוזר. Tom smells weird. Tom smells weird. תחסלו אותו לפני שהוא יברח. Finish him off before he gets away. Take him off before he escapes. Tuḍnem? Are you sick? Do you understand? Ur nwiɣ ara yuḥwaǧ Tom ar uɛiwen-nneɣ. I don't think Tom needs our help. I don't have the strength to help you. הם זרקו את הכובעים באוויר. They threw their hats up into the air. They threw the hats in the air. Reffu ɣef wid i d-tudreḍ, xeddmen i xwal-nsen. I was in a rage against those whom you quote and who work hard for their magnates. They have broken off that which you have broken up, and have done their works well. توم هو اللي ورالي كيفاش ندير. Tom is the one who showed me how to do it. Tom's the one who's the one who's Raly Kash running. אני בחצר האחורית. I'm in the backyard. I'm in the backyard. Nekk mačči d tayri-nkent. I'm not your love. I am not the foolish. إنها تعشق توم. She loves Tom. She's having fun with Tom. ماذا عنك؟ Fine. And you? What about you? Tɛegnem-as i Tom? Did you warn Tom? Do you understand why? طالت الخسائر التي خلفها الإعصار الكثير من المحافظات. The damage of the typhoon spread over several prefectures. The damage caused by the hurricane has been a lot of governorates. من المأكّد أنّه سينجح في الإمتحان. It is certain that he will pass the examination. I'm sure he'll do the test. Yella walebɛaḍ i yettalin tiseddaṛin. Somebody's coming up the stairs. And there was a certain man before the feast. תום קיווה שמרי תאהב את המתנה שהוא קנה לה. Tom hoped that Mary would like the gift he bought her. Tom hoped Mary would love the gift he bought her. נתתי את זה לאמא שלי. I gave it to my mommy. I gave it to my mom. אני מבולבלת. I'm stumped. I'm confused. Tettbinem-d mecɣulit. You seem busy. You're bound to a machine. מי פה? Who's here? Who's here? Ansi-ten warrac-ihin? Where are those boys from? Where are children? אינני יודעת מה לעשות לגבי תום. I don't know what to do about Tom. I don't know what to do about Tom. היא תעבה אותו. She despised him. She'll cover it. أنا غنيتُ أغنيةً. I sang a song. I sang a song. وجدت الشّرطة مسرحا لمجزرة فظيعة. Police encountered a scene of unspeakable carnage. The police found a scene for a terrible massacre. הוא היה מכוסה זיעה. He was covered with sweat. He was covered with sweat. Qqim di leɛnaya-m. Please stay. I beg you to stand by. Ilaq ad as-nini i Tom. We should inform Tom. But we must tell Tom. مرحبا, ادخل Hi, come on in. Hey, come in. Ass mi mectuḥ, aṭas n wakud i isεedda Tom yecɣel d yuraren s uselkim. Tom spent a lot of time playing games when he was a kid. And in the day when death cometh, many are baptized unto the grave; which are written in sackcloth and ashes. Ṭɣezzifemt aṭas! You are so tall! I have run a long way! יש לו משרתת. He has a maid. He's got a maid. Din ad d-yefk rray-is ama ɣef ugzul n ungal ama ɣef uskasi i d-yernan deffir. There he will give his opinion and the summary of the novel and the debate that follows. And it shall come to pass, that he shall bring either his garment, or a girdle, or a great linen cloth, or a mitre. لا تقلق بشأن ذلك! Don't worry about it! Don't worry about it! أين سنلتقي؟ Where will we meet? Where are we going to meet? سأنتظر في الدّاخل. I'll be waiting inside. I'll wait in the middle. قفزت ليلى عبر النّافذة كي تنجو بحياتها. To save herself, Layla jumped out the window. Lila jumped through the window to save her life. أيمكنني ركوب هذا الحصان قليلاً؟ Can I ride this horse for a while? Can I ride this horse a little bit? الرَجُل الشاب الأعمى تغلب على إعاقتهُ. The blind young man has overcome his handicap. The blind young man has overcome his disability. Slemt-d ɣer da! Listen here! Listen to it, and come here! سأذهبُ منفردًا I'll go on my own. I'll go alone. הוא ימות. He shall die. He'll die. لا، شكراً لك. لقد شبعت. No, thank you. I'm full. No, thank you. ما طولتش بزاف. She didn't last long. I don't think so. Melliḥet. She is beautiful. It's fine. אינני סולח לך. I don't forgive you. I don't forgive you. מבריק! Brilliant! Brilliant! سأقابلك في الخارج. I'll meet you outside. I'll meet you outside. הילד החלים מההצטננות. The child recovered from his cold. The kid's healed of the cold. أنا بحاجة إلى قَصِة شَعر. I need to have a haircut. I need a touch. هذا هُراء. This makes no sense. That's bullshit. אל תלך לשם עכשיו. Don't go there now. Don't go there now. אתם ערים? Are you up? You're awake? אני יודע דברים שאתם לא יודעים. I know things you don't know. I know things you don't know. Tom yettidir di Lustṛali,yak akka? Tom lives in Australia, doesn't he? But he stayed in Lystra, and said this, "What do you mean?" Meskint teqcict-a. Poor girl. Meskint-a. Ṣeṭṭleɣ I shaved. Even if I don't sleep, I don't sleep. لا أحب المغرورين. I don't like egotists. I don't like whores. Rfiɣ ɣef Tom. I got mad at Tom. I came out of Thomas. Tḥedqeḍ? Are you polite? Do you believe? הם יודעים מה קורה. They know what's going on. They know what's going on. افضل القطط أكثر من الكلاب. I prefer cats to dogs. The cats are better than the dogs. הושט להם יד, טוב? Give them a hand, will you? Give them a hand, okay? מכוניות אלו גדולות. These cars are big. These cars are big. אנחנו לא יכולים שלא לתהות לגבי מיומנותו בסקי. We cannot but wonder at his skill in skiing. We can't wonder about his ability to ski. איזו מחלה יש לי? What illness do I have? What disease do I have? كان ينظر إليها. He was looking at her. He was looking at her. كُن مُتسامحاً. Be tolerant. Be tolerant. Texsef Mary. Mary fainted. Lexef Mary. الحاجة أم الإختراع. Necessity is the mother of invention. Need or invention. הם שתו יין חצי ליטר לאיש. They each drank half a liter of wine. They're drinking half a litre of wine to a man. קחי כמה שתרצי. Take as many as you want. Take whatever you want. Seg ansi i akent-d-kkant akk tsura-nni? Where did you get all those keys? From whence came all these beasts? أبلغت ليلى عن الحريق. Layla reported the fire. Lily reported the fire. كان هناك مدرّسون بالقرب. Teachers were around. There were teachers nearby. سآخذ الصفراء. I'll take the yellow one. I'll take the yellow. לא היה שם אף חתול. There wasn't any cat there. There was no cat there. توم في البيت. Tom is in the house. Tom's at home. لم أقصد أن أفعل ذلك. I didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean to. أغلب من أتحدث إليهم على فيسبوك هم طلبة. Most of the people I chat with on Facebook are students. Most of those I talk to on Facebook are students. Acimi agdud yeţṛuhu ar ssinima? Why do people go to the movies? For what purpose will his people seek to be as many as he is? Wicqa ad ɣ-teǧǧeḍ ad nṛuḥ tura? Will you permit us to leave now? Leave us alone, that we may go now? Sel-d! Sel-d! Hear! Hear! Sel-d! Sel-d! نجلس و ننتظر. We sit and wait. We sit and wait. لو شئ مُمتع, أنا أود أن أفعلهُ, بالطبع. If something is fun, I like to do it, of course. If anything fun, I'd like to do it, of course. Ad ṛuḥeṛɣ ɣer Boston deg Tubeṛ. I'll go to Boston in October. I entered into Boston, and I went there. הוא גר בסביבה הזאת. He lives in this neighborhood. He lives in this area. Ur tesseɣ ara lqahwa. I don't drink coffee. I will not give her a drink. לקרוא לאמבולנס? Should I call an ambulance? Call an ambulance? Medden akk ttbeddilen. Everyone changes. And they all changed. Wwet Tom. Hit Tom. Wwet Tom. Ur k-yuɣ wayra? Are you OK? Did I not see you? تديپاندي علا لكۆنتكست. It depends on the context. Tdipandy's up for you. לאופרה הזאת שלוש מערכות. This opera has three acts. This opera has three systems. La teskerkisemt. You are lying. Do not scankmarked. Tom idawa aεawdiw-ines. Tom groomed his horse. Three sheep of the species of sheep. لن تصير وحيداً أبداً . You'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. Tess aṭas aman. Drink lots of water. Drink plenty of water. Tesderɣel-iken tayri. Love makes you blind. I have affection for you. دعى سامي ليلى للعشاء. Sami invited Layla to dinner. Sammy's for dinner. Tom yeǧǧa akeyyef. Tom quit smoking. Tom became the father of all those who believed in him. למה שבכלל יהיה לי אכפת? Why should I even care? Why would I even care? نحن نبيع عصير البرتقال. We sell orange juice. We're selling orange juice. خسر توم وظيفته. Tom lost his job. Tom lost his job. Els iceṭṭiḍen-ik! Get dressed. Listen to your voice! نعم, إنهُ غاضب. Yes, he is angry. Yeah, he's angry. Ddem ayen akk i yellan. Get everything. Observe all things that are done. Ilaq ad sɛelmeɣ walebɛaḍ. I had to tell somebody. I must curse. هناك سياج حول المنزل. There is a fence around the house. There's a fence around the house. הוא תפס את הכייס בצווארון. He seized the pickpocket by the collar. He caught his pocket in his neck. يوحي صوتك اليوم بأنّك متعب. You sound tired today. Your voice suggests today that you're tired. وُلدت في كيوتو سنة ١٩٨٠ للميلاد. I was born in Kyoto in 1980. Born in Kyoto in 1980. Ad d-n-ini kan tideţ, ur lliɣ d argaz d tmeṭṭut. To tell the truth, they are not husband and wife. For I will give a birth, and not a man and a woman. أستمع إلى المذياع كل ليلة. I listen to the radio every night. Listen to the radio every night. אם לא תלך, יהיה עליך להתנצל. If you don't go, you'll have to apologize. If you don't go, you'll have to apologize. הביקורת שלו גומזת. He is a harsh critic. His review's goose. אני אוהב חומות שיער. I like brunettes. I like hair walls. חיי היום יום הוחבאו מעיניים זרות. Home life was being screened from foreign eyes. Today's life has been hidden from foreign eyes. אשתי אמרה לי לזרוק את הכובע הישן הזה. My wife told me to throw this old hat away. My wife told me to throw that old hat. איבדתי את ילדיי בהמון האדם שהמתין לאונייה האחרונה בדרך אל החופש. I lost my children in the crowd that awaited the last ship for freedom. I lost my children in a lot of people waiting for the last ship on the way to freedom. Ur ttṛaju ara. Don't wait. and does not lie in it. היא נתנה בי מבט מלא משמעות. She gave me a meaningful look. She gave me a full, meaningful look. ضحك ديما قائلًا: "لا بأس بها، فأنا ما زلت أنمو. ستصبح مناسبة لي". "It's fine," Dima laughed. "I'm still growing, after all. I'll grow into it." Dima laughed, saying, "It's okay, I'm still going to sleep. It's gonna be right for me." Ass-agi dɣa, tuqqna d aqlalqal! The connexion is miserable today! That day shall it come to pass, and it is far off. لقد وصلت الحرب ضدّ المخدّرات إلى حيّنا. The war on drugs has reached our neighborhood. The war against drugs has come to our neighborhood. شجّع توم باش يدِيرها. Encourage Tom to do it. Encourage Tom Bash with her hand. Wah a Ṛebbi yiwen ur yi-d-ittwali akka. I hope no one sees me like this. But it is impossible for God to speak to me, for no one will speak to me like this. מוצאם משוודיה. They come from Sweden. They're from Sweden. Ad ţafeḍ yeɣli-yak ufafus-ik seg mi teţɣawaleḍ ad teffeɣeḍ atṛuli. You must have dropped your phone in your haste to catch the bus. You will tear off your face from your blood, and throw it out of the door, and throw it out of the door. A bu-snat, bru i yiwet. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. For five months, in the middle of it was cold. Melmi ara ad tt-nexdem? When are we going to do it? "When will we do so?" Yella win i d-yerran s wawal. Somebody answered. And there is one who answereth him by the tongue. هل سلّمك سامي رسالتي؟ Did Sami give you my message? Did Sammy give you my message? הם יירעבו. They'll starve. They'll starve. Tom mačči d inigi iṣeḥḥan. Tom wasn't a credible witness. But you are not a witness, nor a witness. תום הסתתר מאחורי הוילון. Tom was hiding behind the curtain. Tom was hiding behind the curtain. حوّل توم غرفة نومه إلى مكتب. Tom converted his bedroom into an office. Tom turned his bedroom into an office. ניסיתי להכין את שיעורי הבית, אבל לא ידעתי איך, אז נכנעתי. I tried to do my homework, but I didn't really know how to do it, so I gave up. I tried to make the homework, but I didn't know how, so I gave up. הטמפרטורה ירדה בעשר מעלות. The temperature went down ten degrees. The temperature fell ten degrees. Ur yelli welbaɛḍ zdaxel. Nobody's been inside. You have no clothing in yourself. נתת לתום את מה שביקש? Have you given Tom what he asked for? Did you give Tom what he asked for? Ad tafeḍ d ḥedd i t-yeǧǧan daki. Somebody must've left it there. You can find a sign that leaves him alone. Tzemrem ad tesxedmem asegzawal-iw. You can use my dictionary. You shall put away my veil. אל תהיי נאיבית! Don't be so naive. Don't be nauseous! זה אחד הדברים שאני אוהבת אצל תום. That's one of the things that I like about Tom. It's one of the things I love with Tom. תום אוהב כדורגל. Tom loves soccer. Tom likes football. قُد بحذر. Drive carefully. Careful. أحضر النُسخة الإحتياطية. Bring backup. Get the backup version. Ɣur-wet takeṛṛust! Be careful, there's a car! I'm free to die! Azem n taggar n ujerred ad yili ass n 20 Tuber. The registration deadline is October 20th. I will be kept in custody of the Lord's day of judgment, until it is accomplished.' הדיעה הרווחת שיינות גרמניים רבים מתוקים ואינן מתאימים לבישול. The impression that many German wines are sweet, and don't go well with food, is widespread. The belief that many German changes are sweet and inappropriate for cooking. Feṛḥeɣ-akent mi trebḥemt. I am pleased at your success. I rejoiced over you, that you were made rich. اعتقد سامي أنّ ليلى هي من هجمت عليه. Sami believed Layla attacked him. I think Sammy's the one who attacked him. D aberkan ucebbub n Tom. Tom's hair is black. D aberrkan uscebbels n Tom. תודה שאתה אתה. Thanks for being you. Thanks for being you. Yeldi Tom taqerɛet n lbirra. Tom opened a bottle of beer. It's Tom's throw at the well. אנא, תקן את זה. Please fix this. Please, fix it. הוא אוהב לנסוע לחו"ל. He likes to travel abroad. He likes to go abroad. תום היה מעוניין בהחלט, אבל הוא ניסה להסתיר את זה. Tom was definitely interested, but he tried not to show it. Tom was definitely interested, but he tried to hide it. كان سامي يعمل في شركة لبطاقات الاعتماد. Sami was working for a credit card company. Sammy was working at a credit card company. מה היתרון התחרותי של החברה? What is the company's competitive advantage? What's the competitive advantage of the company? קח את התרופות שלך. Take your medicine. Take your drugs. هل سبق لك أن ذهبت إلى الولايات المتحدة؟ Have you ever been to the United States? Have you ever gone to the United States? תום משבח אותך מאד. Tom speaks highly of you. Tom commends you very much. نسيتُ شراء الخبز. I forgot to buy bread. I forgot to buy bread. Ṭṭef axenfuc-im ! Shut up! A son of man! Yella ḥedd i sen-iseččen ssem. Somebody poisoned them. And there were trees over against them which had been set over them. Tom yeǧǧa Mary. Tom abandoned Mary. Tom became the father of Mary. راني نسالهالك. I have a bone to pick with you. Rani, we're sorry for you. מי החבר המעניין ביותר שלך? Who's your most interesting friend? Who's your most interesting friend? Nufa-d Mari. We found Mary. Nufa-d Mari. Twalam itri-nni? Do you see the star? Do you see the star? Yella aṭas n lɣaci i yettṛaǧun. A huge crowd of people waited. And there was a great multitude about him to stone him. עיזבו אותנו. Leave us alone. Leave us alone. לתום ולמרי שלוש בנות. Tom and Mary have three daughters. Tom and Mary three girls. Ilaq ad tedduḍ yid-i. You must come with me. You must go with me. Yella walebɛaḍ i d-isawlen tura. Somebody just called. There was now one called. طلباتك أوامر. Your wishes are my commands. Your orders are orders. Tom akked ikerrazen nniḍen deɛɛun ad teɣli lehwa. Tom and the other farmers prayed for rain. Let your prayers be made full. Nnan-iyi belli Tom mazal-it di Ustṛalya. I've been told that Tom is still in Australia. I said, "Tom is still in Austria." إن ذلك مهم بالنسبة لي. For me, it's important. That's important to me. لا شيء طبيعي أكثر من الوقوع في الحب. Falling in love is the most natural thing in the world. Nothing natural is more than falling in love. Tserkab iselkimen. She assembles computers. Tosserb Shirikimen. توم يعلم أنني في البيت Tom knows I'm home. Tom knows I'm home. זאת סירה. That is a boat. It's a boat. Twalaḍ tagellidt? Do you see a queen? Did you become a new person? Ɛni tfukkem? Have you finished? Do you wonder? As mi yella meẓiy ad amehtuf Sami. Sami was a complete nerd when he was younger. So it was, that when they had eaten, they were ashamed. يؤسفني أن أقول إنها الحقيقة. It is unfortunately true. I'm sorry to say it's the truth. נא לא לצלם כאן. Please do not take photos here. Please don't take a picture here. זה היה בשבילי הלם כביר. It was a great shock to me. It was a big shock for me. ينبغي على سامي أن يستمع لليلى. Sami should listen to Layla. Sammy should listen to me tonight. Tom yewweḍ-d zdat n Mary. Tom arrived ahead of Mary. Now the Lord was at hand before Mary. היא אף פעם עוד לא סיפרה לי. She never told me. She's never told me yet. لدي سيارة قديمة. I have an old car. I have an old car. عْلى حْساب الشوفة الحرب مازال ما خلاصتش. It seems that the war is not over yet. The war machine is still on. תום איש מכירות של מכוניות. Tom is a used car salesman. Tom's car salesman. فعلت هذا بنفسي. I did it myself. I did it myself. אהבתי כל רגע מזה. I loved every minute of it. I loved any moment of it. Tzemremt ttxil-kent ad taṛǧumt dqiqa? Could you please wait a minute? Are you sure you wait a minute? לא קנאתם. You were not jealous. You weren't jealous. Qewmem waki. Fix this. Have fun. هذا الطبق ممتاز. This dish is terrific. This class is excellent. هل مازلتَ مُستيقظاً؟ You're still awake? Are you still awake? אני מאמין בו. I believe in him. I believe in him. كانت زوجة سامي تضايقه دائما. Sami's wife was constantly taunting him. Sammy's wife was always bothering him. אני סתם מתעלם מתום. I just ignore Tom. I'm just ignoring an orphan. טום אוהב משקאות קרים כקרח. Tom loves ice-cold drinks. Tom likes cold drinks as ice. Nufa-t-id yedder. We found him alive. Nufa-t-id كانوا يتكلّمون بالألغاز. They were speaking in riddles. They were talking about the gas. سألتني عن عمري. She asked me how old I was. You asked me about my age. לא מטריד אותי להמתין זמן מה. I don't mind hanging around for a while. It doesn't bother me to wait a while. Ur nwiɣ ara yettwaḥsab. I don't think that counts. I desire not to think so. הסירי את כובעך כשאת נכנסת לכיתה. Take off your hat when you enter a classroom. Remove your hat when you're in class. Anida i nella tura? Where are we now? Where are we now? جِم مواطن كندي. Jim is Canadian. Jim is a Canadian citizen. Sawel-as di leɛnaya-m. Please call him. I beg you to do so. Twalaḍ ḥedd da? Do you see anyone here? Do you know a student? Metta taxs ? What does she want ? Meta taxs ? היא קנתה אתמול ירקות. She bought vegetables yesterday. She bought vegetables yesterday. كم يبعد المطار عن هنا؟ How far is it to the airport? How far is the airport from here? Tesfeqdeḍ-tt? Did you check her? Do you believe it? خذ ما تحتاج من الوقت. Take all the time you need. Take whatever time you need. אף פעם לא הייתי פוגע בהם. I would never hurt them. I'd never hurt them. Tom ad yini i Mary. Tom will tell Mary. For you will be on Mary's day. المسلمون يعبدون الله. Muslims worship God. Muslims worship God. توم مرهق بوضوح Tom is clearly worn out. Tom's obviously tired. תוכל להסיע אותנו לבריטיש מיוזיאום? Can you take us to the British Museum? Can you drive us to British Yasyum? "סיימת?" "להפך, אפילו לא התחלתי עדיין." "Have you finished?" "No, I haven't even started." "Are you done?" On the contrary, I haven't even started yet." Tom yettidir akked tmeṭṭut-is di Lustṛali. Tom lives with his wife in Australia. And Tom shall continue with his wife in Lystra. عندما دخلت الغرفة كان قد مضى على ابني ساعات يكتب. My son had been writing for several hours when I entered the room. When I entered the room, he had spent hours writing my son. Waqila ɛyiɣ kan. I think that I'm just exhausted. I'm looking for this. لا أستطيع عزفَ البيانو. I can't play piano. I can't play the piano. تعرّض سامي لطلقة من بندقيّة رشّ. Sami was blasted with a shotgun. Sammy was shot by a machine gun. Yella kra i yeffer Tom. Tom is hiding something. There was nothing wrong with Thomas. אתה אוהב גולף? Are you fond of golf? You like golf? Nwala asaru-nni akken. Together we saw this movie. And we took spoil, as we did unto the shepherds. זה נראה יחיד במינו. This seems unique. It looks unique to us. توم ليس بمغنٍّ جيّد. Tom isn't a good singer. Tom's not a good singer. Yezmer Tom ad icucef. Tom can swim. It can be done. Eεṛeḍ ad ţ-tessedhuḍ. Try to keep her occupied. Do not rebuke him, neither do you rob him. אתה יכול להתאפק עד העצירה הבאה למנוחה? Can you hold it in until the next rest stop? Can you hold back to the next stop for rest? Ayen i wumi semman tutlayt tamaziɣt yiwen ur yufi iman-is deg-s. What is called Berber language is a fiction, because berbers themselves are totally blurring. For to whatever thing was called in the mouth, no one was found in him. Tella kra n tɣawsa i s-d-isken Tom i Mary. Tom showed Mary something. And she had then gathered some stones, after that, which she had received of him. האם זה נהיה קל יותר אי פעם? Does it ever get easier? Is it ever easier? كل ما تفعله هو الشكوى. You are always complaining. All you do is complain. في الأعالي، يصعب على الناس التنفس. In high altitudes, people find it hard to breathe. Upstairs, it's hard for people to breathe. טום אף פעם לא שותה בירה כאשר מרי נמצאת בסביה. Tom never drinks beer when Mary is around. Tom never drinks beer when Mary's in Serbia. Ur sriɣ ara aɣaḍi-ik. I don't want your pity. I don't know your enemy. من الممكن أن أليس ستأتي. Alice may possibly come. It's possible, isn't it coming? مرحباً بيل ، كيف حالك؟ Hi, Bill. How are you? Hey, Bill. How are you? Tesɛa leɛqel mliḥ. She is very wise. She was sound in mind. Ur yessefk ara ad tṛuḥem ad txedmem. You shouldn't go to work. Don't refuse to go away to do what you want to do. Ḥbes ajbad. Stop shooting! C'mon. green. התקציב קוצץ עד עצם. The budget was cut to the bone. The budget's cut to bone. טום רוצה לכבוש את העולם. Tom wants to take over the world. Tom wants to conquer the world. תום די פופולרי, לא? Tom is fairly popular, isn't he? Tom's pretty popular, isn't he? لولا مساعدتها لم اكن علي قيد الحياه الان If it weren't for her help, I would not be alive now. If it wasn't for her help, I wouldn't be alive now. יש לך מפה? Do you have a map? You got a map? قبِلته الكلية كطالبٍ. The college accepted him as a student. He accepted it as a student. ጽቡቕ ጌረ ይዛረብ ኣሎኹ ዶ? Am I pronouncing this correctly? Do I speak well? מה דעתך על הנושא הזה? What are your thoughts on this? How about this? أعتقد أن ما تقوله صحيح. I think you're right. I think what you're saying is true. אינני מתכוון לתת לך לבלות את יום הולדתך לבדך. I'm not going to let you spend your birthday alone. I'm not gonna let you spend your birthday alone. נפגש איתכם למטה. We'll meet you downstairs. We'll meet you downstairs. لماذا صعدت إلى سقف بيتها؟ Why did you climb up on the roof of her house? Why did you go up to the roof of her house? כאשר חיכיתי שהגשם ייפסק, הוא, באדיבותו, הסיע אותי. While I was waiting for the rain to stop, he kindly gave me a lift. When I waited for the rain to stop, he, in his kindness, drove me. كادت شاحنةٌ تدهسُنِي. I was nearly run over by a truck. A truck almost hit me. אל תפחד. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Muqqel-d ɣuṛ-nneɣ! Watch us. Come near to us! اقترض أخي الأكبر مالاً من مرابي My older brother borrowed money from a loan shark. My older brother borrows money from my bankers. لم اكن وحيدة. I was not lonely. I wasn't alone. למה הוא כבר לא אוהב אותי? Why doesn't he care about me anymore? Why doesn't he love me anymore? לשיטה הזאת יתרונות וחסרונות. This method has its pros and cons. This method is beneficial and lacking. .Ṛa-ni feṛḥan b ḥyat-i I'm happy with my life. And this Rome hath lived in me. מה תום עשה לעזור למרי? What did Tom do to help Mary? What did Tom do to help Mary? אני חושבת שדעתו חשובה מאוד. I think his opinion is of great importance. I think his mind is very important. لُواكن يقرا مليح، يقدر ايجيب ليختيبار ديالو. If he studied hard, he would pass the test. But it's salt, it's worth answering to the Diallo test. זה היה חובה. It was mandatory. It was a duty. ذكّرتني القصة بأبي. The story reminded me of my father. The story reminded me of my father. Ihuh, d tidet? Oh, seriously? Yes, it is. مر القطار السريعة بسرعة فائقة بالكاد رأيناه. The express train went by so fast we hardly saw it. The train passed so fast that we barely saw it. Sellket-iyi! Save me! Save me! كانت تغني أحسن منه. She sang better than he. She was singing better than he was. كثيرا ما يكون التّواضع مربحا أكثر من الفخر. Humility often gains more than pride. It's often more profitable than pride. هذا لا يغير شيئاً. That doesn't change anything. That doesn't change anything. أين الصبيان؟ Where are the boys? Where are the boys? እቲ ወዲ ርኣዮ። Look at that boy! And he looked upon him, and said, Behold the Son of man! מדוע את ממהרת כל כך? Why are you in such a hurry? Why are you so fast? ماذا قالوا أيضا؟ What else did they say? What else did they say? ليس لدي أكثر من 1,000 ين . I have no more than 1,000 yen with me. I don't have more than 1,000 yen. كانت عند فاضل خطّة و تحلّى بصبر كبير من أجلها. Fadil had a plan and he was very patient. She had a plan and had great patience for her. ذهبَتْ إلى ألمانيا لتدرس الطب. She went to Germany to study medicine. You went to Germany to study medicine. Heḍṛet! Talk! Turn back! اتبع قلبك فحسب. Just follow your heart. Just follow your heart. من يريد القيام بهذا؟ Who would like to do that? Who wants to do this? Kkren. They stood. Kren. كانت عربة سامي متوقّفة في ممرّ المنزل. Sami's van was parked in the driveway. Sammy's car was parked in the house corridor. לא היו מסילות ברזל ביפן באותה תקופה. There were no railroads in Japan at that time. There were no iron tracks in Japan at the time. את יכולה לשמוע את הגלים על החוף? Can you hear the noise of the waves on the beach? Can you hear the waves on the beach? השוטר שרק במשרוקית למכונית שתעצור. The policeman blew his whistle for the car to stop. The cop who's only in a checkout for the car to stop. תום נראה המום במקצת. Tom looks a bit shaken. Tom seems a little shocked. Ur tetteɣ ara aṭas lfakya. I don't eat a lot of fruit. I can't bear much fruit. ارم العصى وشاهد الكلب يجلبها. Throw a stick and watch the dog fetch it. Drop the stick and watch the dog get it. D tidet Ɛisa mmis n Ṛebbi? Is it true that Jesus is the son of God? Jesus Christ the Son of God! D tidet ad yi-d-tceyyɛem taɛelǧett tajapunit? Will you really send me a Japanese doll? Do you want to test me with a spell?' لم يكن لدى سامي الكثير من الأصدقاء في الحيّ. Sami didn't have very many friends in the neighborhood. Sammy didn't have many friends in the neighborhood. תום הוסיף סוכר לקפה שלו. Tom added sugar to his coffee. Tom added sugar to his coffee. كان الفلم مثيراً للإهتمام كما توقعت. The movie was interesting, as I had expected. The movie was as interesting as I expected. سامي في السّجن الآن. Fadil is in jail now. Sammy's in jail now. دفع سامي الثّمن بحياته. Sami paid with his life. Sammy paid for his life. D tabrat i tettaruḍ? Are you writing a letter? And a tablet to which you want? Tɣezzifem fell-i. You are taller than I. You're on my way." יצאתי למסע והשארתי את הבית להשגחתה. I went on the trip, leaving the house in her care. I went on a trip and left the house to look after her. من فضلك لا تتحدث عني أثناء غيابي. Please don't talk about me when I'm gone. Please don't talk about me while I'm away. תשטפי ידיים. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. أهناك مشكلة في الأمر؟ Is there anything wrong about it? Is there a problem with it? האיש ההוא מסוכן. That man is dangerous. That man's dangerous. Aql-i ttraǧuɣ asiwel s tilifun. I'm waiting for a telephone call. For I have written a title to him, that he should be called the Son of man. أنا لا أفهم هذا. I don't understand this. I don't understand that. תום יודע שיש רק תגובה אפשרית אחת. Tom knows there's only one course of action possible. Tom knows there's only one possible response. Ur yeḥbis ara akk ameslay. He didn't stop talking. He can't be persuaded by all the words. אנו רצים ביחד. We jog together. We're running together. Txeddmeḍ aṭas. You work hard. You have exhausted a lot. كان سامي مضطربا. Sami was very troubled. Sammy was upset. طوم صغير بشويّة برك على ماري. Tom is only a little older than Mary. A little tom with a blessing on Mary. הייתי רוצה לקנות את המחשב הזה, אבל הוא עולה הון! I'd like to buy this computer, but it costs an arm and a leg! I'd like to buy this computer, but it's costing a fortune! אני רעב. ואת? I'm hungry. What about you? I'm hungry. Anda i tellamt? Where are you? Where have you been? أيمكنني الدفع عن طريق بطاقة الإئتمان؟ Can I pay by credit card? Can I pay through the credit card? Ḥemmleɣ ad ḥewseɣ. I like traveling. For I love to be gentle. תפסיקי לבזבז זמן. Quit screwing around. Stop wasting time. هل لك ان تذهب للسباحة عارياً. Would you ever go skinny dipping? Do you have to go to the pool naked? Anda-tt timceḍt-iw? Where is my comb? Where is my palm tree? מה פירוש גאדג'ט? What is a gadget? What does it mean to Gadget? كانت ردّة فعل سامي عنيفة. Sami reacted violently. Sammy's reaction was violent. Ɛeddimt ar wanda i yedduri! Take cover! I would have died! Anwa ihi? Then who? Who is he then? Yettfuḥu. This stinks. It's done. חברות כמוה כמו להשתין במכנסיים; כל אחד יכול לראות, אבל רק אתה יכול לחוש את החמימות האמיתית של זה. Friendship is just like peeing your pants; everyone can see it, but only you can feel its true warmth. Friendships like she pees in her pants; anyone can see, but only you can feel the true warmth of it. הלכנו בין עצים. We walked among the trees. We walked through the trees. איזה לחם אתם אוכלים? What sort of bread are you eating? What kind of bread are you eating? Tom iwala kullec. Tom saw everything. Will you then see all things? Ur bɣint ara ad asent-d-aɣeɣ d acu ara swent. They wouldn't let me buy them drinks. Yet I would not have to speak unto them what they ought to think. Tom yeẓdem ɣef Mary. Tom attacked Mary. You're looking for Mary. Ur zmireɣ ara ad kem-ḥuddeɣ. I can't protect you. I can't stand you. הוא החליט שלא להגיש תלונה. He decided not to press charges. He decided not to file a complaint. Sɛiɣ gma ad yemmezg yid-m deg leɛmeṛ. I have a brother who's the same age as you. And I desired to have sleep with you, when ye were old. Takeṛṛust n Sami ad tettwaseggem azekka. Sami's car will get fixed tomorrow. The sacrifice of Sami shall be killed to the morrow. دعينا نستعد للذهاب. Let's get ready to go. Let's get ready to go. Ɛni teɛyiḍ? Are you tired? Did you know? Ad kem-ẓṛeɣ azekka. See you tomorrow. I will tell you tomorrow. Ur ttḥerrikem ara! Freeze! Don't be afraid! העובדה שלא הגבתי הרגיזה אותו. The fact that I said nothing made him angry. The fact that I didn't pick him up made him nervous. Yella yettnadi imru-is. He was looking for his pen. There is an end to his life. היא הייתה לבד בחדר. She was left alone in the room. She was alone in the room. ذهبت ليلى إلى الجامعة. Layla went to college. I went to college tonight. Yebɣa kteṛ. He wants more. He has broken his heart. يسرّني أن أخبركم أنّ ليلى باكر ستصبح من اليوم فصاعدا مراقبة الممرّضات لهذه العيادة. I'm very pleased to announce that Layla Bakir will be this clinic's nursing supervisor from today on. I'm glad to tell you that Lily Bucker is going to be from day to day watching the rebels for this clinic. لا تنادي مثليي الجنس "شواذ" Don't ever call gays "fags". Don't call me gay. Qqimet yid-nneɣ. Stand by. Stay with us. מרי ילדה בן לו קראה תום. Mary gave birth to a boy she named Tom. Mary had a son whose name was Tom. Ɛasem daki yakan. Wait right here. Absalom already exists. Ɛni thelkem? Are you sick? Do I have a right to do so? אני מוכנה לצאת מפה. I'm ready to get out of here. I'm ready to get out of here. كان سامي ينتظر بالقرب من هناك. Fadil waited nearby. Sammy was waiting nearby. בתי המלון כאן נשמרים לא כרגיל נקיים. The hotels here are kept unusually clean. The hotels here are kept unusually clean. زار سامي المسجد النّبوي بالمدينة المنوّرة في المملكة العربيّة السّعوديّة. Sami visited the Prophet's mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia. Sammy visited the Prophetic Mosque in the light city of Saudi Arabia. לא ראית את החתול שלי? You haven't seen my cat? Haven't you seen my cat? Ad tafeḍ yeqbel Tom. Tom would have approved. You will lose Tom. Anda i d-zedmeɣ nekk i d-tesquccḍeḍ kečč. That's where I made lots of bundles you picked up only twigs. Where am I sending him, that I may testify to you?" Amen-iyi! Trust me. Believe me! تعافى سامي بشكل كامل. Sami made a full recovery. Sammy is fully cured. מצאתי משהו עוד יותר סקסי. I found something even sexier. I found something more sexy. أتود تناول الغذاء معي؟ Would you join me for lunch? You want to eat with me? מאחוריך! Look back! Behind you! ትፈልግሻለች። She wants you. And she will seek you. הדקדוק של אספרנטו פשוט מאוד. The grammar of Esperanto is very simple. Esperto's focus is very simple. לורי עדיין בבית הספר. Laurie's still at school. Lori's still at school. Iyyamt ɣer texxamt-iw. Come into my room. Go to my palace. Tḥemmel-ikem aṭas. She loves you very much. He has great affection for you. Tom yesseglem Mary. Tom described Mary. Tom and Mary. אפשר לעשות הזמנה בטלפון. Reservations can be made by phone. You can make an invitation on the phone. הבחירות האלה חשובות לעתיד המדינה הזאת. This election is important for the future of this country. These elections are important for the future of this country. ذهبت ليلى إلى الحمّام. Layla went to the bathroom. I went to the bathroom tonight. תום מעולם לא רכב על סוס. Tom has never ridden a horse. Tom never rode a horse. هو أطول مني He's taller than me. It's longer than me. Tom d Mary ţεumun kullas. Tom and Mary swim every day. Tom d Mary situation. قيادة السيارة أمر في غاية البساطة حقاً. Driving a car is really very simple. Driving the car is really simple. Isem-is baba-twen? What is your father's name? Your father-in-law's name? Atmaten d atmaten, aεebbuḍ yebḍa-ten. Brothers are brothers but greed separated them. Brothers, greet those who love you. አንተ አስተማሪ ነህ። You're a teacher. Thou art a teacher. لم كان يحدث ذلك؟ Why was that happening? Why would that happen? אני לא אוהב בנות שמעמידות פני קשות להשגה. I don't like girls who play hard to get. I don't like girls who put a hard face to get. حبّس! راك تحرج فيها! Stop it! You're making her feel uncomfortable! Don't worry about it! تأخر عن الموعد بسبب حادث سير. His delay of coming here on time is due to a traffic accident. It's late because of a car accident. אל תשכחי את הדרכון שלך. Don't forget your passport. Don't forget your passport. إنّ سامي يركض منذ ساعات و هو يبحث عن منزل ليلى. Sami has been running in the neighborhood for hours, trying to find Layla's house. Sammy's been running for hours looking for a night house. Agaraw i jɣaṛ azal n 30 di timiḍt n CO₂ i yettwaḍeggṛen deg tignewt. The ocean absorbs about 30 percent of the CO₂ that is released in the atmosphere. "You shall cast 30 pounds apiece about your feet, which shall be broken in a vessel's belly. رحب المعلمون بالولد الصغير. The teachers greeted the little boy. Teachers welcomed the little boy. Yella walebɛaḍ i d-iṛuḥen? Did anybody come? Is anyone going? أتذكر طفولتي بوضوح. I remember my childhood clearly. I clearly remember my childhood. Melmi i tebdamt txeddmemt aya? When did you start doing this? When did you change this? ما هو برنامجك التفزيوني المفضل ؟ What's your favorite television program? What's your favorite fantasy program? لغتنا جزء مهمّ من هويّتنا الثّقافيّة. Our language is an important part of our cultural identity. Our language is an important part of our identity. يُقال أن البندقيّة مدينة جميلة. They say that Venice is a beautiful city. The gun is said to be a beautiful city. Yelha mliḥ akya. That was amazing. Joshua is good. הוא שוכנע להיות יותר רגיש. He was persuaded to be more sensible. He's convinced to be more sensitive. בלי ספק אני לא מתחרט על כך. I definitely don't regret it. No doubt I don't regret it. Win iɣef tewwa timmist-iw, yesderɣel-iyi tiṭ-iw. The one for whom I gave myself so much harm, now he wants to make me blind. He who is wise in my flesh, when he has lifted up my eyes, התרגשתי עד כדי דמעות. I was excited to tears. I was so excited with tears. האם הן מטפלות בכלב? Do they take care of the dog? Are they taking care of the dog? Ur tettu ara ad s-tiniḍ i Tom ad yexdem aya ass-a. Don't forget to tell Tom to do that today. Don't try to ask him, 'Tom, which today will work.' לא ראיתי אותך נכנס. I didn't see you come in. I didn't see you coming in. هو يشرب النّبيذ الأحمر. He drinks red wine. He drinks red wine. Tom yeẓra yettkel fell-ak. Tom knows that he can trust you. Tom must be concerned about you. ما ذاك المبنى الضخم؟ What is that huge building? What's that big building? لا نار بدون دخان. There is no fire without smoke. No fire without smoke. جلس سامي مقابل ليلى Sami sat in front of Layla. Sit down, Sammy, against Lily. אתה היחידי היודע איך להגיע לבית של תום. You're the only one who knows how to get to Tom's house. You're the only one who knows how to get to Tom's house. לו כאבי לידה היו כל כך קשים כמו שמספרים הרי לכל אם היה רק ילד אחד! If labor pains would hurt so much as people say, everyone would only have one child! If birth pains were as hard as they tell me if there was only one child! Iceyyeɛ-awen-d Tom kra n tɣawsa. Tom sent you something. I have given you rest, but not for fear. זה היה לא נעים. That was unpleasant. It was unpleasant. كانت ليلى تعيش في القاهرة. Layla lived in Cairo. Lily was living in Cairo. Zweṛ. Be attentive. Let us see. Eǧǧ Tom ad iṛuḥ. Let Tom go. And leave him alone. هنالك ايضا سياح فرنسيون . There are also French tourists. There are also French tourists. Ad ruḥeɣ ad ččeɣ tura. I'm going to eat now. I want to eat now. Imerreg-itt Tom. Tom exaggerates. Imerreg-it Tom. من المهم أن تتذكر من هم أصدقاؤك. It is important to remember who your friends are. It's important to remember who your friends are. Ɣef leḥsab-ik, yezmer ad iyi-d-iẓer ḥedd? Do you think anyone can see me? Or else what telleth thy mind to me? اضطرّ سامي على حذف الفيديو من يوتوب. Sami had to take his YouTube video down. Sammy had to delete the video from Youtob. أقصى مدة انتظار يمكنني تحملها هي أربعة أيام. I can wait four days at the longest. The maximum waiting I can take is four days. Tom ur iɣucc ara Mary. Tom didn't hate Mary. But I will not come to Martha. אני בבית מדי ערב. I am at home every evening. I'm home every night. ወደ ትምህርት ቤት እየሄድክ ነው? Are you going to school? Are you going to school? هل أكلت القطة لسانك؟ The cat got your tongue? Did you eat the cat with your tongue? كان فاضل يراسل دانية. Fadil sent Dania letters. It was a dinosaur. Ur ugadeɣ ara lmut. I don't fear death. I do not die, תום אף פעם לא שאל. Tom never asked. Tom never asked. הייתי חייבת לשקר לו. I had to lie to him. I had to lie to him. Tzemreḍ ad tseggmeḍ aya? Can you fix this? Would you cut the word? לא יכול להיות שהוא עסוק. It can't be that he is busy. He can't be busy. תתפוס! Catch it! Get it! Imdanen ad ssemḥasen? Are people listening? Will men forgive them? Nekk mačči d akli-nkent. I'm not your slave! I am not a servant. Yeqqim Tom ar tama n yelli-s. Tom sat down next to his daughter. He stayed there with her daughter-in-law. L-unika kilwa li għandi qed taħdem aħjar minn meta kelli tnejn. The only kidney I have is functioning better than the two I had. The only meal I have is working better than when I had two. أين الفتيات؟ Where are the girls? Where are the girls? Nekni d tafat i tmuɣli. We are a light for the sight. For this is the light, and the light. أريد فقط أن تساعدني. I just wanted you to help me. I just want you to help me. Yuggad-it He is afraid of him. Feared him. لماذا لا تلبس فستاناً؟ Why don't you wear a dress? Why don't you wear a dress? كم كلمة انجليزية تعرف؟ About how many English words do you know? How much English do you know? ماذا حصل ؟ What happened? What happened? אנא תן לי כרית. Please get me a pillow. Please give me a pillow. אתה יודע את הסיבה? Do you know the reason? You know why? لا أفهم شيئا مما يجري هنا. I don't understand a thing here. I don't understand anything that's going on here. מכתב האהבה היה צריך כבר להגיע. The love letter ought to have reached her. The letter of love should've already arrived. Thegga i waffug. Ready for take-off. Planned. אנחנו שמחים. We are happy. We're happy. يهمّني أن نتبع القوانين. It's important to me that we follow the rules. I care to follow the rules. מתי בפעם האחרונה עזבת את העבודה מוקדם? When was the last time you left work early? When was the last time you left work early? יש לנו שתי אוזניים. We have two ears. We have two ears. Jmeɛ-iten kan lwaḥid. You have only to put them together. He gathered them together. Mmeslay s laɛqel. Speak quietly. I speak as a child. أشجار الخوخ تتطلب الكثير من أشعة الشمس. Peach trees require lots of sunshine. The bushes require a lot of sunlight. כואב לי בכל הגוף. I have aches and pains all over my body. I'm hurting the whole body. דברים שאינך יודע עלולים לפגוע בך. What you don't know can hurt you. Things you don't know could hurt you. كيف نِمتِ الليلة الماضية؟ How did you sleep last night? How did you sleep last night? هل يحب توم كرة السلة؟ Does Tom like basketball? Does Tom like basketball? كان سامي يقضي الوقت مع امرأة. Sami was spending time with a woman. Sammy was spending time with a woman. Teɣṛiḍ adlis-a yakan? Have you read this book already? Do you fall short of the law? Urgan. They dream. Urgan. Ḥebset-ten. Stop them. But watch them. תום מוכרח לברר את זה בעצמו. Tom has got to sort it out himself. Tom has to find out for himself. تأخرنا على المدرسة بسبب المطر الغزير. We were late for school because it rained heavily. We're late for school because of the rain. كان ذلك خيارك أنت. It was your own choice. That was your choice. هل أنا أول صديق لك ليس يابانيا؟ Am I your first friend who's not Japanese? Am I your first friend, not Japanese? אמרת שאת עסוקה. You said you were busy. You said you were busy. عيد فطر مبارك. Happy Ramadan Feast. Blessed Easter. ستصاب بالبرد هكذا. You will catch cold. You'll get cold like that. Keyyfent. They smoke. Knocket. Ḥesset i waya! Listen to this! May it never be! Ad akent-id-mleɣ amek i yettwaxdem. I'm going to show you how it's done. I will show you what you ought to do. سامي شخص غامض. Sami is mysterious. Sammy's a mystery. Yergagi Tom. Tom shuddered. Hieroglygic Tom. הוא סופסוף הרוויח כסף. He finally made money. He finally made money. Sres iman-ik. Stay calm. Be of the same mind yourself. ملأت كيسها بالتفاح. She filled her bag with apples. I filled her bag with apples. لا أحب اللعب معه. نحن نفعل دائماً الأشياء ذاتها. I don't like playing with him. We always do the same things. I don't like playing with him. Ini-as i Tom ḥemmleɣ-t. Tell Tom I love him. Say-as-Tom I love-t. سامي يهتم. Sami cares. Sammy cares. إنّي خائف جدّاً. I'm so afraid. I'm so scared. בדוק אתו. Check with him. Check it out. بدأ سامي يصوم. Sami started fasting. Sammy's starting to ssum. Nekk d baba-twen. I am your father. I am your Father. لوث ذلك الماء بالزيت. The water was fouled by oil. Contamination of that water with oil. Ad akent-iniɣ tidet. I'll tell you the truth. I will see it again. יעצו לך. You were advised. You'll be advised. متى استيقظت؟ When did you get up? When did you wake up? האם הותקפת אי פעם? Have you ever been mugged? Have you ever been attacked? אני נראית נורא היום. I look awful today. I look terrible today. Ɛni yella kra n yiwen i d-yuddren isem-iw? Did somebody mention my name? Is there any therefore that cometh to my name? Tom iḥulfa yeɛya. Tom felt tired. But he is bereft of all goodness. Sarameɣ ulac win i kem-id-iẓṛan. I hope no one saw you. I saw no one striking you by the roots. היא מאוהבת בילד הזה. She has a crush on this boy. She's in love with this kid. ההיסטוריה באמת חוזרת על עצמה? Does history really repeat itself? Does history really repeat itself? Il-qattus tiegħek huwa iswed. Your cat is black. Your cat is black. Teččamt akken iqwem? Are you eating right? You're doing the right thing? Tesɛamt imsizweɣ n yicenfiren deg tuɣmas-nkent. You have lipstick on your teeth. And ye have power over my fingerknifes which were in my finger: תרגיש חופשי להשתמש במילון שלי. Please feel free to use my dictionary. Feel free to use my dictionary. אני משער שלא תאהב את זה. I suspect that you won't like it. I guess you won't like it. Iṛuḥ ad ţ-izuṛ asmi tella tezdeɣ deg London. He went to see her while she was living in London. He went to live there while he lived in London. Tessneḍ tajuṛjit? Do you know Georgian? Do you know a tax collector? Sarameɣ yiwen ur kem-id-iwala. I hope no one saw you. I saw you, because I saw no one. Anwa i ak-iseḥfaḍen tafṛansist? Who teaches you French? Who put you to the test? זה לא ארך יותר משלוש דקות. It didn't last more than three minutes. It's not longer than three minutes. אין לנו שום דבר אחר פה. There's nothing else for us here. We have nothing else here. Win ur d-nenṭiq yeqbel. He who does not say a word consents. He who doesn't know let him go. טום אינו יכול לקנות מה שהוא רוצה לקנות מפני שאין לו די כסף. Tom can't buy what he wants to buy because he doesn't have enough money. Tom can't buy what he wants to buy because he doesn't have enough money. ההיסטוריה של כל מולדת מתחילה בלב איש או אישה. The history of every country begins in the heart of a man or a woman. The history of each birth begins in the heart of a man or a woman. أنا في دبي. I'm in Dubai. I'm in bear. האם היא יכלה לכתוב דוח? Was she able to write a report? Could she write a report? Yella wass ideg yemceččaw yiwen d uwaɣzen? Has anyone ever faced an ogre? "Is there a day when a lamp will be rolled in? Atnan ɣuṛ-i. They're with me. We came to him from me. لم تقبّل تلك البقرة السّمينة؟ Why are you kissing that fat cow? You didn't accept that fat cow? إرجع! Get back, get back! Come back! كم يوماً تحتاج عادةً للوصول إلى هناك؟ How many days does it usually take to get there? How many days do you usually need to get there? Sami leɛmeṛ id yemugger ugur am-agi. Sami never had this problem. Never again did he stumble at the same time. بينما كنت ذاهبا إلى العمل، التقيت بخالي. On my way to work, I ran into my uncle. While I was going to work, I met my uncle. היה קריר. It was chilly. It was cold. Dacu i iḍeṛṛun tura? What happens now? What is now gone? سنتجبين صبيّا. You're having a baby. You're gonna be a kid. כן, מאמינים לך! I don't believe you! Yeah, they believe you! أَسَّسَ اْلشَّرِيفُ النَّاظِمَ فِي اْلبَلْدَةِ. The sheriff established order in the town. I laid the foundation for the organization at home. ماتنسناش! Don't forget about us! Matsnash! ذهب سامي إلى مستشفى في نهارة المطاف. Sami ended up going to the hospital. Sammy went to a hospital at the end of the day. Tom ur iḥemmel ara akk učči aqeṛḥan. Tom doesn't like any kind of spicy food. But food and clothing don't like all people. لم يلبث و أن أصبح سامي زابونا مألوفا في محلّ ليلى. Sami soon became a regular at Layla's store. He didn't hang out and Sammy Zabona became familiar at the night shop. לקתרין היה מניע נסתר כשהיא דחקה באביה לקנות מכונית חדשה. היא קיוותה לנהוג בה בעצמה. Catherine had an ulterior motive when she urged her father to buy a new car. She hoped that she'd be able to drive it herself. Catherine had a hidden motive when she pushed her father to buy a new car, and she was hoping to drive it herself. Ilaq ad tlemdemt seg tuccḍiwin-nkent. You must learn from mistakes. Thou shalt learn that which is full. Ulac ccek. No doubt. No check. אני מוכנה ללכת בעקבותיך. I am ready to follow you. I'm ready to follow you. كان سامي يريد أن يحبّه النّاس من أجل ما يملكه و ليس من أجل شخصيّته. Sami wanted people to like him for what he had more than for what he was. Sammy wanted people to love him for what he had, not for his personality. جاء ليطلب مساعدتنا. He came to ask us for our help. Let me ask for our help. لحكايا تع لغول تخلع. The ghost story was terrifying. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Mačči d aɣbel akk! It's not a problem at all! Not all! צדקתי. I was right. I was right. فوّتت ليلى درس مدرسة الأحد. Sami missed Sunday school. I missed Sunday school. كان سامي خارج البلدة، في موعد مع الطّبيب. Sami was out of town at a doctor's appointment. Sammy was out of town, dating the doctor. Ur tettu ara alugen wis tlala. Don't forget rule number three. Let no one cast a crown on him. Tom ad ixuṣ. Tom will be missed. But I will. تشاجر مع المدرّس. He argued with the teacher. Arguing with the teacher. I tezmert-ik akked d wussan ara yelhun ugar! To your health and better days! For your power, and for your great day, will be destroyed. أنا لست أحمقا، أليس كذلك؟ I'm not stupid, am I? I'm not an idiot, am I? Tom serrḥen-as-d seg lḥebs di Tubeṛ. Tom was released from prison in October. But they brought him out of the prison, and brought him out of the prison. יש לנו בעיות גדולות יותר לטפל בהן. We have bigger problems to deal with. We have bigger problems taking care of them. לא נראה שתום חושב כך. Tom doesn't seem to think so. It doesn't seem Tom thinks so. مازالت الكنيسة قائمة. كل شيء آخر دُمر. The church is still standing. Everything else was destroyed. The church still exists. אני כנראה עיוור. I must be blind. I'm probably blind. הכוס מלאה עד גדותיה. The cup is filled to the brim. The glass's full to her skin. השעה כעת שלוש וחצי. It's three-thirty. It's 3:30 now. Zemreɣ ad d-fkeɣ asteqsi ur nemεin ara? Can I ask a dumb question? I was willing to give him a question, that you wouldn't doubt. עדיין יש לי כאב ראש. I still have a headache. I still have headaches. אני רוצה את מרי. I want Mary. I want Mary. יש לשנות את סדר המילים. The word order needs to be changed. There's gotta be a change of word. תום האדים קמעה. Tom flushed slightly. The end of the Adams is creaking. הוא משלם באמצעות כרטיס אשראי. He pays with a credit card. He's paying with a credit card. Ad d-iniɣ Tom yeḥdeq. I think that Tom is truly decent. I tell you that Thomas is asleep. Mecɣuleḍ tura akka? Are you busy now? What is your reason for this? ما الذي تفكر فيه؟ What are you thinking about? What are you thinking? Ẓẓulen meṛṛa. Everyone prayed. And they were all made to grow. Tɣil tmeṭṭut-iw nekk d amexlul. My wife thinks I'm crazy. And it shall come to pass, that I am free from mine own wife. ده أخويا الكبير. He's my older brother. He's my big brother. Tom yebḍa d Mary. Tom broke up with Mary. Tom and Mary. טום שונא אותי. Tom hates me. Tom hates me. اختارا فاضل أن ليلى أن يمضيا وقتهما معا كحبيبان. Fadil and Layla chose to spend their time together as boyfriend and girlfriend. A choice was that Lily should spend their time together as lovers. اسمح لي كي خلعتك. Sorry I startled you! Let me take you. Heḍṛemt s leɛqel. Talk slower. Judge with all wisdom. Ihi, amek i d ixf-is? Well, have you decided? How is it then that he is revealed? הם קיבלו החלטה משותפת בדבר הגירושין. They made a joint decision to divorce. They made a joint decision on divorce. من هؤلاء النَّاس؟ Who are these people? Who are these people? لا تتدخل فيما لا يعنيك! Don't interfere with matters that do not concern you! Don't interfere with what doesn't mean to you! הייתם צריכים לשמור את זה בסוד. You should have kept it secret. You should've kept it a secret. دايما نروح لّمسيد نمشي. I always walk to school. Daema's spirit to Mr. Nimshi. אני חושב איך פגעת בי. Think about how you did me wrong. I think how you hurt me. Ta i kečč. This is for you. What do you think? أين مكان عملك؟ Where do you work? Where's your place of work? Anwa ara yilin deg umkan n Tom ma yella ulac-it? Who will fill in for Tom when he is away? For who is there but one who will live in Thomas, if he isn't found?" אתה בדיוק האדם שאני רוצה לראות. You're just the man I want to see. You're just the person I want to see. Iččuṛ uqeṛṛuy-is d iɣeblan He has a lot of problems in mind. Eating his head off תום רץ במורד הרחוב. Tom ran down the street. Tom ran down the street. سمع سامي أربعة طلقات متفرّقة. Sami heard four distinct gunshots. Sammy heard four broken shots. لجأ سامي إلى الكحول و المخدّرات لإيقاف ذلك الألم. Sami turned to alcohol and narcotics to stop the pain. Sammy used alcohol and drugs to stop that pain. אתה הכי מבוגר. You're the oldest. You're the oldest. الجو حار جداً It is too hot. It's so hot. علّم سامي السّباحة لليلى. Sami taught Layla how to swim. He taught Sammy to swim for the night. لحظة من فضلك. Just a moment, please. Wait a minute, please. אנו משתמשים במחשבים כדי לפתור בעיות ולארגן מידע. We use computers to solve problems and to put information in order. We use computers to solve problems and organize information. Nekk ur lliɣ d win yeţserriḥen kan akka. I'm not the kind that gives up to easily. And I am not come to destroy this man's raiment. قفز سامي من نافذة الطّابق الثّاني. Sami jumped out of the second storey window. Sammy jumped out of the second window. בוא, שב קרוב אליי. Come and sit by me. Come on, sit close to me. بدأ سامي يحضر حلقة في الثّانويّة. Sami started attending a halaqa at high school. Sammy started bringing a ring in the subway. אני חושבת שלא עשית את זה. I think you didn't do it. I think you didn't. אתה מתון? Are you tolerant? You're a gift? היא אוהבת למשוך תשומת לב. She likes to attract attention. She likes to draw attention. الصديقُ وقتَ الضيقِ. In hard times, you find out who your friends are. The friend's a little time. يكسب قوته بالكتابة. He earns his bread as a writer. He gains his strength by writing. Yella kra n yiwen i yessawlen i yiɣallen n tɣellist. Somebody called the police. And, behold, there was a certain man which had the withered away. انسَ الأمر. Forget it. Forget it. בוא נקווה שזה לא יקרה שנית. Let's hope that doesn't happen again. Let's hope it doesn't happen again. Yenna-d Tom d akken Mary tettban-d texleɛ. Tom said Mary seemed scared. And he said thus unto Thomas, as it were a child. Tom ur yezmir ara ad ifru ugur s yiman-is. Tom couldn't handle the problem by himself. But and if it be so, he cannot bear fruit of himself. זה היה גדול. That was great. That was great. ما الذي تقوله؟ What're you saying? What are you saying? Awal sin teḍṛa-d tɣawsa i ɣef ur bnin ara. Suddenly, something unexpected happened. Now on the other hand, there was a torture tree that was lost, which they didn't know. أعطني انطباعك عن هذا الكتاب. Give me your impression of this book. Give me your impression of this book. Ta i kenwi. This is for you. It is covered. Tuɣal tedderɣel. She went blind. I'm free. Amek i yezmer Tom ur d-iyi-ttaḥmmal ara? How could Tom not like me? How can Thomas love me, seeing he doesn't love me? أعرف هذا الولد الذي لا تعرف عنه شيئا . I know that boy whom you don't know. I know this boy who doesn't know anything about him. Lucy tesεa aṭas n yemdukal am nekk. Like me, Lucy has many friends. Lucy, I can do many things that are hard for me. זה תירוץ שדוף. That's a lame excuse. It's a bear excuse. היא נפטרה אתמול אחר הצהרים. She passed away yesterday afternoon. She died yesterday afternoon. أنا أتسلى قليلا فقط. I'm just having some fun. I'm just having a little fun. היא מגזימה בדרישות שלה. She's going too far in her demands. She's exaggerating her demands. אני קם בדרך כלל לקראת השעה שמונה. I usually get up at 8. I'm usually getting up about 8:00. מחובתם של התלמידים לנקות את כיתותיהם. It is the students' duty to clean their classrooms. The students are obliged to clean up their classrooms. Anfemt-iyi! Away with you! It's me you don't! ما غرض زيارتك؟ What is the purpose of your visit? What's the purpose of your visit? נלכדת. היכנעי! You've been captured. Surrender! You're trapped. חברי כינה אותי פחדן. My friend called me a coward. My friend called me a coward. علم سامي أنّ ليلى قد ماتت. Sami realized Layla was dead. Sammy knew that Lily was dead. Twalam asaru neɣ ala? You saw that movie, didn't you? Are you a parent? Iqwem wass-aki. Today was fun. It's about a day. لدينا مدرّس رياضيّات سيّء. Our math teacher sucks. We have a bad math teacher. הרימו את היד השמאלית. Raise your left hand. Pick up your left hand. هل تتحدث التركية؟ Do you speak Turkish? Do you speak Turkish? הוא עבד כדיפלומט במשך שנים רבות. He worked as a diplomat for many years. He worked for a diplomat for many years. تسلق كارلوس الجبل. Carlos climbed the mountain. Carlos climbs the mountain. غرفته أكبر بمرتين من غرفتي. His room is twice as large as mine. His room is twice as big as my room. Ayen i d-tenniḍ iṣeḥḥa. What you say is true. What thou hast said is true. Ur d-yelli wayra. Nothing happened. Don't look. היית כל כך טובה אלי. You've been so good to us. You were so good to me. שמעתי לראשונה אתמול אודות התאונה. I heard about the accident for the first time yesterday. I first heard about the accident yesterday. Ihuh, ttuɣ tisura-inu. Oh, I forgot my keys. "Yes, my bones are broken. זה מרגיש נכון. It feels right. It feels right. רק תגידי לי שאת בסדר. Just tell me you're OK. Just tell me you're okay. في هذه البركة الكثير من سمك الشبوط. This pond has a lot of carp. In this pool a lot of fish. كيف يمكنني أن أغيّر هذا؟ How can I change that? How can I change that? Ur tettili ara tɣuri deg 20 Tubeṛ. There'll be no classes on October 20th. But do not refuse to be bound in 20 tombs. D acu i yebɣa ad d-yini akk waya? What does all this mean? What would he say, that all these things should be fulfilled? לו שינית את שערך, יכולת להראות צעיר בעשר שנים. If you changed your hair, you could look 10 years younger. If you changed your value, you could've seen a young man in ten years. תום התקרב קמעה. Tom moved a little closer. Tom came close to a tattoo. Yella win i k-id-ittwalin. Somebody's watching you. There is one who tells you. היא פחדה לחצות את הרחוב. She was afraid to cross the road. She was afraid to cross the street. Azalen, fessin am udfel deg yiṭij. Values melt like snow in the sun! In the morning, they are like shadow in the sun. אינני רוצה קידום. I don't want a promotion. I don't want promotion. אין דבר אותו אני שונא. I don't hate anything. There's nothing I hate. ענה לי. Answer me. Answer me. אני ממתינה לך מול הדלת. I'm waiting for you in front of the door. I'm waiting for you in front of the door. بخصوص هذه المسألة، أنا راض تماما. So far as this matter is concerned, I am completely satisfied. On this issue, I'm totally satisfied. Blulḥen ifassen-nwen seg idammen. Your hands are stained with blood. And loose your hands from blood. Mazal-ik ur teḥmileḍ ara Boston, neɣ ala? You still don't like Boston, do you? Haven't you made Boston well, or yet? Sarameɣ ad yi-d-tḥesseḍ. I hope you'll hear me out. I come quickly, and receive thy word: I will hear thee. نصحته ألا يضع الكثير من السكر. She advised him not to use too much sugar. I advised him not to put too much sugar. كان العديد من عمّال سامي مسلمون. Many of Sami's workers were Muslims. Many Sami workers were Muslims. Tzemreḍ ad tnehṛeḍ ma tebɣiḍ. You can drive if you want. Will you devour him? אנו מחויבים להשתפר. We're committed to doing better. We're committed to improving. Ԑeqleɣ taɣect-a. I know that voice. And I cried out with a loud voice. Zemreɣ ad ẓereɣ d acu yellan, ma ulac aɣilif? Can I see the menu, please? For I could see what is, and what is not; yea, and what is not? איזו אישיות מרשימה יש לו! What an impressive person he is! What an impressive personality he has! אינני בטוח. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. אני מחפש את המפתח הזה. I'm looking for this key. I'm looking for this key. اجلس على الطاولة. Sit at the table. Sit on the table. ذهب سامي لينام قرابة السّاعة العاشرة. Sami went to bed around ten o'clock. Sammy's gone to sleep about ten o'clock. لا تتدخل في ما لا يعنيك! Mind your own business! Don't interfere with what doesn't mean to you! היא לא פחות יפה מאמא שלה. She is no less beautiful than her mother. She's no less beautiful than her mother. המדינה החדשה יכולה היתה להיות, עקרונית, מדינה קטנטונת. This new state could in principle be any microscopic state. The new country could have been, randomly, small. זה כל כך נכון! That's so true! That's so true! את עלולה למצוא את עצמך בסכנה מוחשית. You could be in real danger. You might find yourself in real danger. האתר הזה יכול להזיק למחשבך. This website can harm your computer. This website could hurt your computer. Tom iffeɣ-it akk leɛqel. Tom was completely clueless. Behold, the multitude departed from him. D acu i txemmem yessefk ad t-xedmen? What do you think they should do? What do you think about that, what does he want to do? مقرف! Disgusting! Disgusting! השוטרים פלשו לתוך הבית. The house was raided by the police. The cops invaded the house. Ur tettɛeṭṭileḍ ara ad twaliḍ Tom. You'll be seeing Tom soon. And thou shalt in no wise lay hands on Thomas. הצלחתו תלויה במאמציו. His success is contingent upon his efforts. His success depends on his efforts. Yesseww-d Tom tibaṭaṭatin. Tom cooked the potatoes. Yesewd Tomነtatin. הממשלה משקיעה מעט בחינוך. The government invests little in education. The government invests a little in education. هل تعرفه؟ Do you know who he is? Do you know him? تلقّى سامي اتّصالا من ابنة فريد. Sami received a call from Farid's daughter. Sammy received a call from a unique daughter. سامي مدرّسنا في رقص الهيبهوب. Sami is our hiphop teacher. Sammy's our teacher at the Herob dance. برشفة واحدة . Bottoms up! In one face. Msebḍan Tom d Mary ddurt yezrin. Tom and Mary split up last week. Racing Tom and Mary scattered. لم يكن توم اكبرمن ماري بكثير Tom was not much older than Mary. Tom wasn't much older than Mary. Yefhem Tom. Tom understood. He understands Tom. עוד לא גמרתי איתך. I am not finished with you yet. I'm not done with you yet. جاك يجمع الطوابع. Jack collects stamps. Jack's picking up the prints. أصبحت الحيوانات المفترسة محصورة في جيوب معزولة من الأرض. Big predators became confined to isolated pockets of land. The hunted animals are trapped in isolated pockets from the ground. سامي بعيد عن الخطر. Sami is out of danger. Sammy's out of danger. Iffeɣ tuber. October is over. - Tuber. אהרוג את תום אם אצטרך. I'll kill Tom if I have to. I'll kill Tom if I have to. Fehmeɣ acimi i tt-ixdem Tom. I understand why Tom did that. I understand the works of Tom. האם את רוצה עוד מזה? Do you want more than that? Do you want any more of this? Yeεreq Sami deg teẓgi. Sami is lost in the jungle. And he began to pray to the heavens in the bush. Aɣet awal i yiselmaden-nwen. Obey your teachers. For your words know what you ought to say. Sarameɣ yiwen ur k-id-yeẓṛi tusiḍ-d ar da. I hope no one saw you come in here. I saw you, and saw no one. כמה חבל שאינך יכול לרקוד! What a pity you can't dance! How bad you can't dance! אילצתי את תום לקנות לי את זה. I got Tom to buy it for me. I had Tom buy me that. תום לא אוהב להפסיד. Tom doesn't like to lose. Tom doesn't like losing. Feṛḥeɣ imi iyi-tuṛǧam. I'm glad you waited for me. I was glad that I was left behind. اسمي ليس في القائمة. My name isn't on the list. My name's not on the list. لم تكن للشّرطة أيّة أدلّة أخرى ضدّ ليلى. The police had no other evidence against Layla. The police had no other evidence against Lila. "Tamurt Taqbaylit tessefta deg timagit-is, maca urǧin tella d lqelɛa i tineslemt", i d-yenna Mehenni. "Kabylia has invested in its identity, but has never been a stronghold of Islam," Mehenni said. "The lamp of the eye is in his garment. For she doesn't have a lamp, which you hear, says the Lord. Ħriġtu mill-forn kmieni wisq. You took it out of the oven too soon. Issuing from the oven too early. وقتاش رحتو؟ When did you go? Do you regret it? Sami yella yettnaɣ mgal uselmad n jimnastik. Sami was fighting the gym teacher. And I will set up the cross of judgment, which is to be set at the bottom of the judgment seat of David. أعطني الكتاب Give me the book. Give me the book. Sɛiɣ zzheṛ imi i k-id-mlaleɣ da. How lucky to meet you here. I was filled with wrath, because I told you that I had mercy on you. أنا شريكك. I'm your partner. I'm your partner. Azul ay amelḥan. Hello, Honey. Well, it's good to be good. نحتاجو كرّوسة. We need a car. We need a porcelain. سأُذيق ذلك الوغدَ من مرارةِ كأسِه. I'll give that bastard a taste of his own medicine. I'm gonna taste that bastard from having a cup. Leɛmeɛ i kent-ttuɣ. I never forgot you. And the knowledge spread abroad. أريد كتاباً لأقرأ I want a book to read. I want a book to read. החדר של תום ריק. Tom's room is empty. Tom's room's empty. איך היית יודע את זה? How would you know that? How would you know that? لقد كنتُ معلماً لعامين. I've been a teacher for two years. I was a teacher for two years. Susem! Shut up! Susem! كم طول ذلك؟ How long is this? How long is that? Teqqaṛ-as tixsi: ulamma kesseɣ, ţzillimeɣ. Even though I continue to graze, I take a look; said the sheep. She says this, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Tuḍnem akk. You're all insane. You all respect. أيمكنني استعارة مضربك للتنس اليوم؟ Can I borrow your tennis racket today? Can I borrow your bats today? Seg Tibet i d-tuɣaleḍ? Do you come back from Tibet? Where have you come from? هل تفهم ما أقوله لك؟ Are you getting me? Do you understand what I'm saying to you? אין לכם חזקה על טוב טעם. You don't have a monopoly on good taste. You don't have any good taste. זו המכונית שלי. This is my car. It's my car. ነጭ ድመት አለኝ። I have a white cat. I have a white cat. Ayɣer i tugadem? Why were you frightened? "To which then will you repent? دعى سامي عددا كبيرا من النّاس. Sami invited too many people. Sammy called a large number of people. אתם מכירים את המלון הזה? Do you know that hotel? Do you know this hotel? هل تَعَلَمَ اليابانية أيضاً؟ Did he learn Japanese as well? Did you learn Japanese, too? لم يكُن دوما هكذا. He wasn't always like that. It wasn't always like that. באילו נסיבות הופיעה השגיאה? When did the error occur? Under what circumstances did wrong appear? D acu i tenwiḍ g usarag-nni n uselway? What do you think about the president's speech? What hast thou bound up in the mouth of maidens? Tom d Mary ttemɛawanen. Tom and Mary helped each other. Tom and Mary love each other. Amen. המרמיטה היא אלמותית. The marmot is immortal. The marmalade is immortal. آكل تفاحة. I am eating an apple. Eat apples. Slan akk medden aya? Did everybody hear that? Is everyone at this point? Ssnet iman-nwen! Know thyself! Stand still, and watch. תודה בכל אופן. Thanks all the same. Thank you anyway. הוא אף פעם לא אומר תודה, למרות כל מה שעשיתי בשבילו. He never says thanks in spite of all that I've done for him. He never says thank you, despite everything I've done for him. המתנתי לך. I've been waiting for you. I've been waiting for you. سرق الرجل حقيبة يدي. The man robbed me of my purse. The guy stole my handbag. أحب توم تسريحة شعر ماري الجديدة. Tom liked Mary's new hairstyle. I like Tom tossing new Mary's hair off. إنت مين؟ Who are you? You're Min? Ɣṛem wayi tura. Read this now. But as I am, so I am. خَنَقَت قِطٌّ. She strangled a cat. I've ever suffocated. ذهبت أيضاً. I also went. I went too. Nessaram ur d-iḍeṛṛu ara i tikkelt-nniḍen. We hope it doesn't happen again. And he spake not of her that had been slain. سُرقت سيارتي ليلة أمس. I had my car stolen last night. My car was stolen last night. አስተማሪዎች ናችሁ። You are teachers. You are teachers. D Tom neɣ d walebɛaḍ nnayeḍ i d-yennan akka. Tom or somebody said that. Or else, whether you are a man, or a man for that which is spoken by him? اخبرنا عندما لم تفهم شيئا ما. Let us know if you don't understand something. Tell us when you didn't understand something. Werǧin iyi-d-isteqsa Tom. Tom never asked me. And leave me alone; Tom will ask me. Tella tin i yettɣennin. Somebody's singing. Now their hearts were opened. Ur tteg aɣilif. Yeshel. Don't worry. It's easy. And ye have no pleasure. yiwen, sin, tlata, ruḥet! One, two, three, go! One, two, three, live! لقد احتاج الأمر لحملة تلفزيونيّة وطنيّة من أجل تعقّب سامي و العثور عليه أخيرا. It took a national TV campaign to finally track Sami down. I needed a national television campaign to track Sammy and finally find him. لا تقلق أبدا. You never worry. Don't worry. لا يمكنك التحكم في حياتي. You can't run my life. You can't control my life. ليس هناك أي غيوم في السماء. There's not a cloud in the sky. There's no gum in the sky. היא אוהבת לשיר. She loves singing. She likes to sing. מי עזר לך? Who helped you? Who helped you? Ulac dacu ara ibeddlen. Nothing changes. No attempt is made to stand still. كان سامي يملك المال. Sami had money. Sammy had the money. لم يعد يثق به أحد بعد الآن. No one trusts him any more. No one's trusting him anymore. اليوم سأعد سلطة لنفسي و بنفسي. Today, I'll make some salad for myself on my own. Today I'm going to prepare myself and myself. Tacirḍart d urar amxalef. Soccer is an exciting game. We're free. We're free. يظن توم أن على ماري الاعتذار من جون. Tom thinks Mary should apologize to John. Tom thinks Mary should apologize to John. أحتاج إلى أن أصلح ساعتي. My clock needs to be fixed. I need to fix my watch. كان سامي يعيش حياة إجراميّة. Sami lived a life of crime. Sammy was living a criminal life. רגע אחד. אני מקווה שאתה לא מנסה לומר לי שאינך מתכוון להחזיר את הכסף. Now just a minute there. I hope you're not trying to tell me you're not going to pay the money back. I hope you're not trying to tell me you're not going to return the money. هذه ليست زوجتي. That's not my wife. This isn't my wife. الفرق بيني و بينها في الطول كبير. She's way taller than me. The difference between me and them is great. ענה לתום. Answer Tom. Answer the mother-in-law. טום שחקן מוכשר. Tom is a talented actor. Tom's a gifted player. טום עשה זאת חינם. Tom did it for free. Tom made it free. אתה כתב. You're a reporter. You wrote. Anta nniḍen? And who else? What else? יש עלויות חסויות? Are there any hidden fees? Any maintenance costs? מה התועלת בדיבור? What's the use of talking? What's the point of the talk? Ɣṛiɣ. I studied. I was in need of help. תום בגימלאות? Is Tom retired? Tom in the emesis? لقد تأخرت عن العمل. You were late for work. I'm late for work. זה מגוחך. This is crazy. This is ridiculous. وصلت للتوّ. I just arrived now. I just got here. Ḥemmlen warrac ad uraren tuqemca tuffra. Children like to play the hide-and-seek game. They love children to swear by their ears. حافظي على جسم نحيف. Stay thin. Keep a thin body. La kem-ttṛaǧun imeddukal-im. Your friends are waiting for you. There shall be no cords of thine hand. La tleḥḥuḍ s zzerb! You walk quickly! If thou run away, thou shalt also reap. כסופרת, היא לא מתאימה לאף אחת מהגישות המסורתיות. As a writer, she does not fit into any of the traditional categories. As a writer, she doesn't fit any of the traditional attitudes. לכמה מאיתנו יש עבודה לעשותה. Some of us have work to do. Some of us have work to do. מעולם לא שיקרתי לה. I've never lied to her. I never lied to her. Tzemreḍ ad iyi-tɛawneḍ, ttxil-k? Can you please help me? And wilt thou help me, and loose thee? هل تعتقد بان ماري تريد ان تفعل هذا بنفسها Do you think Mary really wanted to do that by herself? Do you think Mary wants to do this herself? أسرع، و إلاّ برد الأكل. Hurry up! The food will get cold. Faster, unless food's cold. זה בטוח היה מזעזע. It was a shock, to be sure. That must have been shocking. هي تحبّ أطفالها. She loves her children. She loves her children. Leεbeɣ-tt xeddmeɣ. I pretended to work. Let's do it. ከመይ ሓዲርኩም። Good morning! So I chose him. יש עליך עט? Do you have a pen on you? Do you have a pen on you? Teskiddibem. You lie. It's not. התרצה ביצה שלוקה לארוחת הבוקר? Do you want a boiled egg for breakfast? Would you like an egg for breakfast? هل يعجبك ذلك؟ Do you like it? Do you like that? Uɣeɣ awal. I obeyed. I observe. Amek i wen-qqaṛen? What do we call you? How do they tell you? Anta i yellan dihin? Who is there? Who is it? Tgħallimt kollox mingħandek. I learned everything from you. I learned everything from you. Ɣaya-t uqcic-agi. The boy is nice. See to it an end. Sɛeddeɣ ass rrif n lebḥeṛ. I spent the day on the beach. And I tarried one day by the sea side. הצבא האמריקני מדגיש את האחדות. The US Army is big on uniformity. The U.S. Army highlights unity. أملك قاموسا جيدا. I have a good dictionary. I've got a good goose. Laεnaya-k. Please. Länaya-k. يا لها من فتاة جميلة! What a cute little girl! What a beautiful girl! Ssarameɣ d targit. I sure hope this is a dream. I hope to be rich. את מביישת אותו. You're embarrassing him. You're embarrassing him. אינני חושב שמישהו אי פעם עשה את זה בעבר. I don't think anyone has ever done this before. I don't think anyone's ever done this before. לא אשוב הביתה. I won't come home. I'm not going home. Anwa i imeqqṛen seg atmaten-im? Which of your brothers is the oldest? Who made your brothers stand? Tom yesnemmer-iyi ɣef waraz. Tom thanked me for the gift. But I would have known it if I had been still in my body. هل لي أن آكل هذه الكعكة؟ May I eat this cake? May I eat this cake? Zedɣen deg rrif n temdint. They live in the suburbs. And they sat over against the city. عاصمة أسبانيا هي مدريد. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Spain's capital is Madrid. Tamezgida teṭṭafaṛ ɣer Teklizya Taprutistant Tazzayrit, tuddsa tasdarit i tmezgidayin tiprutistaniyin. The church is affiliated with the Protestant Church of Algeria, an umbrella organization for Protestant churches. A fighter takes Jesus Christ to the isle that goeth in the isle that goeth in, and lies in the rows that lie by nature. מפני שהייתה כה שמחה, היא לא ידעה מה לומר בהתחלה. Because she was so happy, she did not know what to say at the beginning. Because she was so happy, she didn't know what to say at first. متى قطعت اجازتك الصيفيه؟ When are you going on summer vacation? When did you break your summer vacation? הוא אמיץ וישר. He's brave and honest. He's brave and honest. Kečč d anelmad iẓewren. You're a very good student. You are a devoted disciple. Anwa ṣṣenf n wuraren i tḥemmleḍ? What kind of games do you like? Which places are there to serve? Atan wemzuxxu! What swagger! Behold, my glory is with me. إننا نستهلك الكثير من الماء يومياً. We use a lot of water every day. We have plenty of water every day. المحاولة لتعليم أحمق كمثل توفير علاجٍ طبي لرجل ميت. Trying to teach a fool is like providing medical treatment for a dead man. Trying to teach an idiot like medical treatment for a dead man. הסוללות מוסיפות למחיר. The batteries are extra. The batteries are assembled for the price. קחי את זה בקלות. Don't sweat it. Take it easy. אנו חייבים להתקיף. We must attack. We have to attack. Anta tarbaεt i tḥemmlem akk? Which is your favorite team? Is it your custom to love all? هو يرسل لنا أزهارا. He sends us flowers. He's sending us flowers. אני לא מצליח להבין את האובססיה שלו לכדורגל. I don't understand his obsession with soccer. I can't understand his obsessia to football. أعطتني آن هذه الهدية. Ann gave me this present. You gave me this gift. Mazal ur ẓṛin ara. They don't know yet. They didn't hunger any more. נראה שהוא לא יודע לשחות. He seems unable to swim. Looks like he can't swim. אינני מחתימה את הגלויות שלהם. I'm not stamping their postcards. I'm not signing their disclosures. Melmi i tebɣiḍ ad ak-d-siwleɣ? When do you want me to call you? When do you want me to come to you?' تلك كتبهم. Those books are theirs. That's their books. نحن لا نعرفه We do not know him. We don't know him. התינוק הזה לא עושה שום דבר מלבד לבכות. That baby does nothing but cry. This baby doesn't do anything but cry. لم يكن سامي يقول الحقيقة. Sami wasn't telling the truth. Sammy wasn't telling the truth. كان سامي يصيح. Sami was yelling. Sammy was screaming. הכול כמתוכנן. Everything is on schedule. It's all planned. Yella win i wen-d-isawlen. Someone is calling you. He therefore who calls you is he. Ssars maleta nnec dini. Put your suitcase over here. Sars malta nec world. אנו מנסים ללמוד פה. We're trying to study here. We're trying to learn here. תום עובד מהר. Tom is working fast. Tom works fast. לא לקשקש כאן. Don't scribble here. Don't squeal here. אני מעדיף ללכת מאשר לדווש. I'd rather walk than pedal. I'd rather go than do it. Ɣucceɣ ad xeṣṛeɣ. I hate losing. I am sure that I can make a defense. איפה הושלך תום לבית האסורים? Where was Tom imprisoned? Where was Tom thrown into the prison? لن أتركك تفلت بهذه السهولة. I won't let you slip away so easily. I'm not gonna let you pass so easily. أنا أستعد للأسوأ. I'm getting ready for the worst. I'm getting ready for the worst. لا تستسلم إن فشلت. Don't give up if you fail. Don't give up if you fail. Tom yenna i medden meṛṛa belli atan yelluẓ. Tom told everybody he was very hungry. For this cause all men will confess that he himself is a sinner. كان سامي آتيًا من ذاك المقهى. Sami was coming from that coffee shop. Sammy was coming from that restaurant. كان مدرّسي مفترسا جنسيّا. My teacher was a predator. My teacher was a sex inspector. ينبغي على سامي أن يتحدّث مع المدرّسة بعد الدّرس. Sami should see the teacher after class. Sammy should talk to the teacher after school. لست طالباً. I'm not a student. I'm not a student. הבט בציפור המזמרת בעץ. Look at the bird singing in the tree. Look at the singing bird in the tree. Sawlent. They called. Sullen. أقلّ سامي مسافر أوتوستوب. Sami picked up a hitchhiker. The least Sammy is an automatic passenger. Yuzzel. He ran. He ran. באתי להרוג אותך. I have come to kill you. I came to kill you. Assagi yeḥma lḥal Today is a hot day This is yet to come. أهلاً بعودتك. لقد اشتقنا إليك! Welcome back. We missed you. Welcome back, we missed you! את רוצה שנעזור לך? Do you want us to help you? You want us to help you? S tezmert-ik. Awesome! By thy power. אנו ממשיכים את השיחה. We're continuing the conversation. We're continuing the conversation. תום פתח את פיו במחאה. Tom opened his mouth to protest. Tom opened his mouth in a check. Tom d asusam. Tom is quiet. Tom and Assam. من تلك البنت؟ Who's that girl? Who's that girl? תום בלש טוב. Tom is a good detective. Tom's a good detective. إنقطع دان علاقاتٍ مع ابنته. Dan severed ties with his daughter, Linda. Dan had relations with his daughter. تحمل الفئران الطاعون. Rats carry the plague. You're carrying the cooks. "אינך יודעת לעשן?" "בוודאי שאני יודעת לעשן!" "You don't know how to smoke?" "Of course I know how to smoke!" "You can't smoke?" "Of course I can smoke!" Gziɣ. I understood. I was lacking in fear. Tom, d netta i d amnadi agejdan. Tom is the lead researcher. Tom, I am the net of the two countries. Tella Mary ack-iţ. Mary was gorgeous. You were Mary Ak-i Immediately. Lliɣ ur ttmeslayeɣ ara tafṛansist makken wwḍeɣ ɣer dinna. I couldn't speak French when I first got there. Neither will I light a lamp, and put it on a stand there. Ncedha-k i meṛṛa. We've all missed you. But we have told you all. حينما سقطت القنابل على قاعدتنا البحرية وهدد الطغاة العالم، كانت هي هناك لتكون شاهداً على صعود جيلٍ نحو العلا وعلى ديمقراطية أُنقذت. أجل نستطيع. When the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness, and a democracy was saved. Yes, we can. When the bombs fell on our maritime base and threatened to attack the world, she was there to be a witness on the rise of a generation and on a democracy saved. Tom yewweḍ-n ar din send Mary. Tom arrived there before Mary. Now Thomas is here, and her mother-in-law Mary. Iẓra Tom. Tom knows. The well of Tom. Nekk akked Tom d imeddukal kan. Tom and I are just friends. I am also with Thomas, the mediator only. قامت ليلى بحرق كلّ كتب آرت المتعلّقة بالأدب العنصري. Layla burned all of Aart's books about racist literature. Lily burned all the books of the art on racial literature. Ẓṛiɣ Tom d abelbul. I know that Tom is chubby. I was broken in pieces by Thomas and Abel. הצופרים הופעלו. The sirens went off. The nails were activated. رأيت ذلك بأم عيني. I saw it with my own eyes. I saw it with my mother's eyes. سأغادر المدرسة. I'm going to leave school. I'm leaving school. Tusmemt? Are you envious? Do you believe it? أنا حُرّ. I'm free. I'm free. Txedmem yewwas yid-s? Have you ever worked with her? Do ye work together with him? Tbezgeḍ. You're wet through. lt's complete. Ur nesɛi ara d acu ara nečč. We had nothing to eat. And we have no meat. صنعت لي أمي حقيبة. My mother made me a bag. Mom made me a bag. תום נכנס עם הילדים לפארק. Tom enters the park with the children. Tom went in with the kids at the park. Cebḥent tewlafin-a. These pictures are beautiful. Cebbit tolafin-a. أراد سامي أن يتزوّج من امرأة مسلمة. Sami wanted to marry a Muslim woman. Sammy wanted to marry a Muslim woman. المفتاح عند سامي. Sami has the key. The key to Sammy. Ur riɣ ara ad rjuɣ annect-a dɣa. I don't want to wait that long. For I would not do this thing again. ترك فاضل ليلى في العراء. Fadil left Layla in the wild. He left the nightclub in the open. لم تكن هناك قرابة بين سامي و ليلى. Sami and Layla weren't related. There wasn't a relative between Sammy and Lily. Anwa i yessutren tapizzat? Who ordered pizza? Who asked for a synonym? אני די מרוצה מתשובתו של תום. I'm quite satisfied with Tom's answer. I'm pretty pleased with Tom's answer. Ur ilaq ara ad teqqimem da. You must not stay here. Don't be anxious. أبحث عن عمل. I'm looking for work. I'm looking for a job. נא להודיע לי מה לעשות. Please advise me what to do. Please let me know what to do. أُجلت رحلتهم بسبب هطول المطر. Their trip was postponed because of the rain. Their flight was delayed because of the rain. Kečč d anelmad iḥercen. You're a very good student. You are a good disciple. Ayen i yesɛa Tom deg leɛmeṛ i tesɛa Mary. Tom is exactly the same age as Mary. Now that which was done was in Task, when she was come of age. تركت كلبي. I left my dog. I left my dog. Tella tin i yeṛẓan taqessult-aki. Somebody has broken this dish. You always have the green grass broken into pieces." בואי נאפה עוגת יום הולדת. Let's bake a birthday cake. Let's have a birthday cake. هناكَ شرخٌ في الكوب لذلك فإن المحتويات تتسرب. There's a crack in the cup so the contents are leaking. That's why the contents are leaking. הוא נרדם בקוראו ספר. He fell asleep while reading a book. He fell asleep in a book reading. המדען מחפש עצמות דינוזאורים בעמק. That scientist is looking for dinosaur bones in the valley. The scientist is looking for dinosaur bones in the valley. Riɣ ad ẓṛeɣ ma ad afeɣ anda yeffer Tom idrimen-nni yeţwakren. I want to see if I can find out where Tom hid the stolen money. "I would like to spend the money for the bank that is lent, and I would like to spend the money for the bank that is sold. Tom mazal-it deg Ustṛalya. Tom is still in Australia. And ye are yet in Austria. למרות שארצות הברית מדינה מפותחת, יש שם עדיין אנשים עניים מאוד. Even though the United States is a developed country, it still has some very poor people. Although the United States is developed, there are still very poor people there. Beṛka akeyyef. Stop smoking. Let me tell you, among other things, what the future will bring. Di leɛnaya-m susem. Please be quiet. I ask you to shut up. זה היה רעיון טפשי. It was a stupid idea. That was a stupid idea. Yella walebɛaḍ i d-iṛuḥen ar wexxam-nneɣ. Somebody came to our house. For there was a man going out of our house. تذهب زوجته معه أينما ذهب. His wife goes with him wherever he goes. His wife goes with him wherever he goes. כשהוא ישן, נכנס גנב. While he was sleeping, a robber broke in. When he was asleep, a thief came in. Iwɛed-as Tom ard d-yuɣal zik ar uxxam tameddit. Tom made a promise to come home early tonight. And he went unto Tom, and fell upon his bed early in the morning. פשוט תאיט. Just slow down. Just slow down. הוא התחיל לכתוב רומן. He has started to write a novel. He started writing an affair. هل أقلع مايك عن الشرب؟ Has Mike quit drinking? Did Mike quit drinking? هي لَمْ تذهبْ لأن صديقها لم يذهبْ She didn't go because her boyfriend didn't. She didn't go because her friend didn't go. טום שאל אם מישהו ראה את מרי. Tom asked if anyone had seen Mary. Tom asked if anyone saw Mary. أحب أن أكون معها. I like being with her. I like to be with her. وحشتني. I miss you. You scared me. Sami as mi yella meẓiy ad amehtuf. Sami was a complete nerd when he was younger. for it was very hungry. أنا صنعت قراري. I've made my decision. I made my decision. نحن نتقابل مرة في الشهر We see each other once a month. We'll meet once a month. توم و ماري شربا الشمبانيا Tom and Mary drank champagne. Tom and Mary's drinking champagne. تعجبني شجاعتك. I admire your courage. I like your courage. יורד גשם? Is it raining? It's raining? Ur tezmireḍ ara ad tkecmeḍ akken. You can't go in with this. You can't follow after that. אתה יכול לסמוך עליה. You can rely on her. You can trust her. אנא היה בשקט, למען השם, לאורך השיעור. Please be quiet for mercy's sake during the lesson. Please be quiet, for God's sake, along the course. La ttwaliɣ d akken aql-aɣ akk da. I see we're all here. But I would rather be thought, that we are all one. Susmet di leɛnaya-nwen! Quiet, please. Stand fast therefore, I beseech you, سامي يكتب كتابا حول كيفية ربح المال. Sami is writing a book about money-making. Sammy's writing a book about how to make money. Temxallafemt aṭas fell-aneɣ. You're very different from us. You've done much thing for us. Tom yif Mary deg ccna. Tom sings better than Mary does. Tom did Mary in the music. "أنا أتدوّر جوعا." "هناك بعض بقايا الأكر في الثلاجة." "I'm starving." "There are some leftovers in the fridge." I'm going hungry. There's some leftovers in the refrigerator. אני משוכנעת בכך לגמרי. I'm utterly convinced of it. I'm absolutely convinced of that. يا زّح! ولّاه انتيك! Damn! It's not bad! He's got you! אני מכוער. I'm ugly. I'm ugly. ኣብዚ ክትህልዉ ምደለኹ። Wish you were here. I would have you here. נזהרתי. I was careful. I was careful. Tom akked Mary zewǧen deg Tubeṛ. Tom and Mary got married in October. And Thomas and Mary abode at Tuber. זה ספר שלי. This is my book. It's my book. لدى سامي موعد مع الطّبيب اليوم. Sami has a doctor's appointment today. Sammy has a date with the doctor today. Ɛni tetḥeqqem belli tɛelmem dacu i ilaqen ad yemmag. Are you sure that you know what to do? I am sure that you have learned the matter that belongs to my mother." תום לא רוצה להחמיץ את טיסתו. Tom doesn't want to miss his flight. Tom doesn't want to miss his flight. את מוזרה. You're odd. You're weird. Ṛuḥ kan s ttawil. Haste makes waste. Go on up and down. ההחלטה לא היתה הפתעה. The decision wasn't a surprise. The decision wasn't a surprise. זה לא ארך יותר משלוש דקות. It did not last more than three minutes. It's not longer than three minutes. Qeblen. They approve. Precise. Tom yessuden Mary. Tom embraces Marie. Tom and Mary. Tgerrzeḍ deg kullec. You're perfect at everything. Bear in mind all things. Yella walebɛaḍ i d-iẓeḍmen ɣef Tom. Someone attacked Tom. For there was then a man lying in wait for Thomas. Kemmlet ddut. Keep going. Continue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tikkelt nniḍen ur qebbleɣ ara tuccḍiwin-ik. I'll never overlook your mistakes again. But the other is not against you: for I will not stone you. יש לך טיפה חום היום, נכון? You've got a bit of a fever today, don't you? You got some heat today, don't you? לאחר שאתמול הייתי עסוק כל היום, הבוקר אני עייף מאוד. Having been busy all day yesterday, I feel very tired this morning. After last night I was busy all day, this morning I'm very tired. من سيكون ضحيته التالية؟ Who would be its next victim? Who will be his next victim? እበላለሁ። I will eat. I will eat. إنه معتاد على السفر. He's accustomed to traveling. It's used to travel. Ewwet! Akken i d-tusa, tusa-d. So, let sleeping dogs lie. Be up! Behold, he came. נהגתי לחלוף ליד ביתו של תום מדי יום ביומו. I used to walk past Tom's house almost every day. I used to switch around Tom's house every day. אבא יצא לדוג. Father has gone fishing. Dad went fishing. הוא צריך היה להיות שחקן. He should have been an actor. He had to be an actor. Izmer d Sami i yenɣan Layla Sami could have murdered Layla. And Samaria the lattice is a place of torment. كان الاقتصاد الياباني واحدا من أسرع الإقتصادات نموا في عام 1980. Japan was one of the world's fastest growing economies in the 1980s. The Japanese economy was one of the fastest-growing economies in 1980. Tom yerra-d idammen. Tom vomited blood. It's blood. בירכתי אותו על הצלחתו. I congratulated him on his success. I blessed him for his success. لدي وظيفة جيدة الان. I have a good job now. I have a good job now. لم آكل طعاما صينيا قط. I have never eaten Chinese food. I never ate Chinese food. سامي يحبّ وادليه. Sami loves his parents. Sammy likes his buckets. Ttmeslayeɣ tagrigit taqbuṛt. I speak Ancient Greek. A third trade mark. Ulac ugur akk. It's not a problem anymore. No information is available for everyone. حقن سامي ليلى بجرعة عالية من الميثامفيتامين. Sami injected Layla with a pretty heavy dose of meth. Sammy Lily injected a high dose of methamphetamine. Aql-ikent weḥd-nkent? Are you alone? Are you one of them? אני צריך עוד זמן. I need more time. I need more time. አስተርጓሚ ነኝ። I'm a translator. I am an interpreter. Ur lliɣ ara da i wakken ad awen-xedmeɣ ayen n diri. I'm not here to hurt you. If I do nothing against you, I will do you no wrong. Amek akka ur teẓṛimt ara? How can you not know? How can you not perceive? خشيت أن أفقدك. I was afraid to lose you. I was afraid I'd lose you. هل كان توم بحاراً؟ Was Tom a sailor? Was Tom at sea? استعار سامي مئات الدّولارات من أمّه. Sami borrowed hundreds of dollars from his mother. Sammy borrowed hundreds of dollars from his mother. אנו הולכים למסעדה יפנית! We go to a Japanese restaurant! We're going to a Japanese restaurant! أردت أن أشتري لك بعض الملابس للشّتاء. I wanted to get you some clothes for the winter. I wanted to buy you some clothes for the winter. D ungif i telliḍ? Are you stupid? D ungif are you? نام سامي كالصّبيّ الصّغير. Sami slept like a baby. Sammy sleeps like a little boy. Tanemmirt ɣef leḥdaqa-inek. I thank you for your kindness. grade your psaltery. הם הדליקו זיקוקין. They set off fireworks. They lit fires. السكرتيرة متعبة من الطباعة. The secretary is tired of typing. The secretary's tired of printing. Feṛḥeɣ ula d nekk imi kem-ẓṛiɣ. I'm glad to see you, too. I also am glad, that thou hast received me: إلّي بّلاش كَتّر مِنّو.‏‏ If it's free, get as much as you can. Except Blash Mano. Tom ur yemmut ara εad. Tom hasn't died yet. For man died not for to die. أين مدخل المتحف؟ Where's the entrance to the museum? Where's the museum entrance? عندما سَمِعَ الأخبار, تحولَ شاحباً. When he heard the news, he turned pale. When he heard the news, you turned wild. هل اشتريت ذلك من السوق السوداء؟ Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy that from the black market? تأسست الشركة برأس مال يبلغ 100.000 دولار. The company was started with $100,000 in capital. The company was founded with a capital of $100,000. Qwem taxxamt-nni. Clean the room. Taxable income. תנסה את הרוטב הזה. Try this sauce. Try that sauce. Tom d uḥdiq. Tom is nice. Tom and Aaron. היא דחתה את הצעתי לעזור לה. She refused my offer to help her. She turned down my offer to help her. أراد سامي أن يجعل ليلى تحبّه. Sami wanted to make Layla love him. Sammy wanted to make Lily love him. Ḥbes taḍṣa. Stop laughing. Ha, Meem. בבת אחת, הפקיד איבד את שלוותו. Suddenly, the supervisor lost his composure. At once, the officer lost his peace. אני רוצה ללמוד רומנית. I want to learn Romanian. I want to learn Roman. אתם מגיעים הנה לעתים קרובות? Do you come here often? Are you coming here often? كاين غير شوية بيناتنا لي يقدرو يديرو هك. Only a few of us can do that. Kane's unscathed to me. They're estimated here. תום היה אולי מוטרד. Tom might have been annoyed. Tom might have been upset. Suffeɣ-itent akk. Get everybody out. And I opened my mouth, and found them all. Tḥemmel ad d-tṣeyyed iselman. She loves to fish. And ye love to catch a fish. Rziɣ ɣer Boston snat n tikkal. I've visited Boston two times. I went to Damascus twice. Aya nniɣ-asen-t-id akk yakan. I've already told everyone. But I have told them all things from now on. תום יכול לסייע למרי. Tom can help Mary out. Tom can help Mary. Sarameɣ d akken Tom iggad. I hope Tom is scared. I see my face, even as I see the rock. المكتبة في الطابق الرابع. The library is on the 4th floor. Library's on the fourth floor. M'iniex tabib. I'm not a doctor. You are not a doctor. دعونا نرى الفيلم. Let's watch a movie. Let's see the movie. La tettizwiɣeḍ. You are blushing. Not tetherized. תזהר שמא תכווה את עצמך. Be careful not to burn yourself. Be careful not to hope for yourself. אני אוהבת לזייף בקול רם. I like singing loud and out of tune. I like to fake it out loud. Ṭṭef-d Tom. Catch Tom. And he came to Tom. Teḍṣa-d Mary. Mary giggled. Seed Mary. Tucbiḥt n "Isabelle Adjani" d taqbaylit. The charming Isabelle Adjani is Kabyle. I'm looking for a "Sabelle Adian" in the form of a test. אני צריך להשיג כמה בולים. I need to get some stamps. I need to get some bells. جين جت من استراليا. Jane comes from Australia. Jane came from Australia. Yuɣal-d sser ɣer idurar n leqbayel. The Kabyle mountains have resumed their charm. And it came to pass, that he went down into a mountain of Babel. זה כאב? Did it hurt? Did it hurt? La iyi-d-zeɛfuyeḍ! You drive me nuts! And say, Thou art a fool unto me! הם יופתעו לשמוע את החדשות. They will be surprised to hear the news. They'll be surprised to hear the news. إنها من محبي القطط. She's a cat lover. She's a cat lover. هل تعتقد أننا سنجد بيتها؟ Do you think that we'll find her house? Do you think we'll find her? X'ħin hu? What's the time? When is it? رجلاً عاقلاً لن يفعل هذا. A sane man wouldn't do that. A disabled man won't do this. אתה באמת נראה נפלא. You really do look great. You really look great. لا يمكنني أن أنسى اليوم الذي قابلته فيه. I can't forget the day when I met him. I can't forget the day I met. Wi d ifṛax. These are birds. It is also a bird. سأكون في الحمام. I'm going to be in the bathroom. I'll be in the bathroom. Xḍu-yi! Away with you! Oppose me! وصلتَ في اللحظة التي غادرتُ فيها. You arrived at the moment I left. You arrived the moment I left. אסתדר. I'll manage it. I'll get it. אין שאלות מטופשות. There are no stupid questions. No stupid questions. ليلة سعيدة! Good night! Good night! أملك لوحة المفاتيح للأمازيغية على هاتفي. I have the keyboard of berber on my phone. I have an Amazigian keyboard on my phone. אני נהנית לקרוא רומנים. I enjoy reading novels. I enjoy reading novels. Imi telliḍ da tulseḍ-iyi-d aṭas. Your being here has helped me a lot. Ye have well received me. שום מעשה טוב לא עובר בלי עונש. No good deed goes unpunished. No good deeds go unpunished. איש לא קם. Nobody got up. No one's getting up. قُتلا في المعركة. They died in battle. He was killed in the battle. كانت تلك جريمة من أجل المال. This was a murder for money. That was a crime for money. כולם קמו לעזוב. They all got up to leave. They all got up to leave. إن لعب كرة المضرب ممتع. Playing tennis is a lot of fun. Playing the ball is fun. אני לא יכול להרשות לך. I can't let you. I can't let you. قام سامي بشيء. Sami did something. Sammy did something. פשוט תיסוג. Just back away. Just back off. חל שינוי בתוכנית. There's been change of plan. There's been a change in the plan. במקרה היום יום הולדתי. It so happens that today is my birthday. In case today, I was born. תום ממש מחונן. Tom is really gifted. Tom's really sophisticated. החלוצים האמריקניים הראשונים הגיעו במאה ה-17. The first American colonists arrived in the 17th century. The first American pioneers arrived in the 17th century. אני קורא רומן מאת סידני שלדון. I'm reading a novel by Sidney Sheldon. I'm reading an affair from Sydney Sheldon. יש לי הרבה דברים לעשות. I have many things to do. I have a lot to do. לא אוהבת חזיר. I don't like pork. I don't like a pig. انتظرت ليلى الشّرطة. Layla waited for the cops. I waited for police night. אני רוצה אותו. I want it. I want him. Ssarameɣ-as aseggwas n talwit akked tumert. I wish him a year of peace and happiness. And I trust that he shall receive the crown of peace, both ye. حجز مقعداً لي. He kept a seat for me. Take a seat for me. كان لديّ مدرّس مصاب بجنون الارتياب. I had a crazy paranoid teacher. I had an insane teacher. אני מבינה איך את מרגישה. I understand how you feel. I understand how you feel. هذا حقا ممتع This is really interesting. That's really fun. ירד שלג, אבל לא היה קר מדי בחוץ. It was snowing, but it wasn't very cold outside. It was snowing, but it wasn't too cold out there. ما فعلتيهِ أنتِ كان خاطئاً. What you did was wrong. What you did was wrong. Yella win i yemmuten. Somebody has died. There is one who died. Teɣṛam-t yakan? Have you already read this? Did you send him down already? أيمكنك أن تكرر ما قلته من فضلك؟ Could you repeat that, please? Can you repeat what you said, please? Anwa i d-yennan aya? Who said that? Who then said this? אור על-סגולי חודר עננים, כך שאת יכולה להישרף בשמש גם ביום מעונן. Ultraviolet light can also go through clouds, so you can get sunburns on an overcast day. A purple light generates clouds, so you can burn in the sun on a cloudy day. هل تحب ذلك أم لا؟ Do you like it or not? Do you like it or not? תום התקשר. Tom called. Tom called. הם מתקשרים באמצעות סימני ידים. They can communicate using hand signs. They're calling by handmarks. Yella win i as-yennan tidet i Tom. Someone told Tom the truth. But there was one among them that said, Let him go. אני מקווה שזה יכול לקרות עכשיו. I'm hopeful that can happen now. I hope this can happen now. אני לא חושבת שזה מגיע לי. I don't think I deserved that. I don't think I deserve it. Wehmeɣ imi k-ẓṛiɣ. I'm surprised to see you. I wonder that I have raised you up. ወደ ትምሕርት ቤት እሄዳለሁ። I will go to school. I will go to the house of mercy. أحببتُ دائمًا الشخصيّاتِ الغامِضَةَ أكثر. I always liked mysterious characters more. I've always loved the more mysterious personalities. ايه اللي كين قاعد بياكله؟ What is Ken eating? Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, who هل يمكنك أن تفسح لي الطريق من فضلك؟ Could you please move out of my way? Can you open the way for me, please? היי חסרת רחמים. Be ruthless. Hey, sorry. ساق سامي بسرعة إلى المستشفى. Sami quickly drove to the hospital. Sammy's leg fast to the hospital. كان سامي يعذّب القطط. Sami tortured cats. Sammy was tormenting cats. لا تكذب على نفسك. Don't lie to yourself. Don't lie to yourself. D taɣuṛi i ḥemmleɣ. I prefer reading. I am free from the things that I have loved. לא ידעתי שזה נגמר. I didn't know it was over. I didn't know it was over. زرت أمريكا. I have visited America. I visited America. אני מעריך את חביבותך. I appreciate your kindness. I appreciate your hobbies. Ugadeɣ ur nettaweḍ ara zik. I fear we are too late. For I have never been away from creation. Tuznem-iyi-d yiwen n wawal. You sent me a word. Give me a mouth. זה סרט פורנו. The movie is X-rated. It's a porn movie. שיחק לקאוג'י מזלו; תאונת הדרכים הותירה רק שריטה קלה על צד מכוניתו. Kouji was lucky; his traffic accident left only a minor scratch on the side of his car. He played kooji lucky; the car accident left only a small scratch on the side of his car. Yenɣa Tom kra n yiwet. Tom killed someone. And then they broke out one by one. غير مسموح لك أن تصعد إلى سيارته. You are not allowed to climb into his car. You're not allowed to get into his car. تعرضوا طريق السياح و طلبو منهم المال. They approached the tourists and asked them for money. They hit the tourist road and asked for money. لا يملك سامي الحقّ في فعل هذا. Sami doesn't have the right to do that. Sammy doesn't have the right to do this. اللغة الأمازيغية راه عَنْدْهَا أَكَادِيمِيّة ضُرْكْ فِي دْزايَرْ. The Berber language has an academy in Algeria now. The Amazigian language has a academic injury in Dzier. Tom d igellil. Tom is poor. Tom dm. أرادت ماري معرفة ما إن كان لِتوم حبيبة. Mary wanted to know if Tom had a girlfriend. Mary wanted to know if Tom was a girlfriend. لأجل الجحيم، ابق بعيدا عني! Stay the hell away from me! For hell's sake, stay away from me! استأجرت ليلى سيّارة رباعيّة الدّفع. Layla rented an SUV. I rented a fourth wheel. Beṛka-k aqelleq. Stop worrying. Let your will be done. הייתי סטודנט לאמנות בזמנו. I was an art major in college at that time. I was an artist back then. ربما علي أن أتصل بك لاحقا. I may have to call you later. Maybe I should call you later. هل نحن مستعدون للذهاب Are we good to go? Are we ready to go? جرّبها مرة بعد أخرى. He tried it over and over again. Try it again. Yelha ma tenniḍ-d tidet. It's best to tell the truth. Yelha did not tell her. בורא עולם הוא כל יכול. God is omnipotent. The Creator of the world is all there is. أتستخدم أحدث الملحقات؟ Are you using the latest plugins? You're using the latest attachments? Ala Tom ara d-yasen. Only Tom came. But ye shall not come upon them. Eεṛeḍemt ad tqerrεemt Tom ad yeg annect-a. Try to keep Tom from doing that. And thus ye will destroy all men; and if ye will all do so, lo, ye shall perish. Iḥemmel iman-is. He loves himself. He loves himself. היא הברישה שיער. She brushed her hair. She's the hair brusher. كان سامي يتحكّم في حياة ليلى. Sami was dominating Layla's life. Sammy was in control of Lily's life. لقد أتى بنفسه He came in person. He came by himself. يجب ان تلتزم الصمت You must keep quiet. You have to remain silent. Ansuf yes-m ar wexxam. Welcome home. And he will urge you to believe him until he come into the house. Tella tin i yi-iseččen ssem. Somebody poisoned me. You used to eat me syphilis. קברתי את כלבי בבית הקברות לחיות מחמד. I buried my dog at the pet cemetery. I buried my dogs in the graveyard alive. ماري لم تفعل ما طلبت منها ان تفعله. Mary didn't do what you asked her to do. Mary didn't do what she asked her to do. תום הפציר במרי להיות יותר זהירה. Tom urged Mary to be more careful. Tom told Mary to be more careful. המורה שלנו נותן לנו הרבה שיעורי בית. Our teacher gives us a lot of homework. Our teacher gives us a lot of homework. אני באמצע המשחק עם החתולה שלי. I'm playing with my cat. I'm in the middle of the game with my cat. سامي يذهب إلى الكنيسة. Sami goes to church. Sammy's going to church. זה גדול מדי. It's too large. It's too big. الابتسامة لا تفارق وجه توم. Tom always has a smile on his face. A smile doesn't make a difference to Tom's face. ينبغي أن تعمل بنصيحته. You may as well follow his advice. She should act on his advice. החתול שלי נתקע בראש העץ. My cat got stuck up a tree. My cat got stuck in the head of the tree. אני אוהב אוכל קוריאני. I love Korean food. I like Korean food. תום מטייל טיול ממושך על החוף כל יום אחרי הצהרים. Tom takes a long walk along the coast every afternoon. Tom travels a long walk on the beach every day after noon. ما معدل البريد الجوي؟ What's the airmail rate? What's the air mail rate? בטוח שלא אמליץ על תום לתפקיד. I would definitely not recommend Tom for the job. I'm sure I won't recommend an end to the job. سام ، ما الذي تفعله؟ Sam, what are you doing? Sam, what are you doing? صح طلب سّماح، بصّح مازالني زعفان. Even though he apologized, I'm still furious. That's right. It's true that I'm still being bullied. Tzemremt ad tbeddlemt aya ma tebɣamt. You can change that if you want. You'll be sure you don't want to stand right now. תום מדופרס. Tom is downhearted. Tom Dudepress. תום מנשק מעולה. Tom is an excellent kisser. Tom's a great weapon. אני מזמין את כל מי שרוצה להגיע. I invite whoever wants to come. I'm inviting everyone who wants to come. Uɣaleɣ-d seg Boston deg 20 Tubeṛ. I returned to Boston on October 20th. I came from Boston on 20 September. فتحت ليلى بابا. Layla opened a door. Lila's opened up. Yezmer ad d-yeḍru waya deg Ustṛalya? Can that happen in Australia? But who could order the things that were done, and the things that were done, in Achaia? كان سامي يضحك. Sami was laughing. Sammy was laughing. خذ وقتك ، لسنا مستعجلين. Take your time. There's no hurry. Take your time. We're not too fast. Acuɣer ulac win i d-yettarran s wawal? Why doesn't anybody answer? Why is there no one who spoke like that? يا ليتني عندي أصدقاء كثر. I wish I had more friends. Oh, I wish I had a lot of friends. مازالني نستنى باش نشوف توم. I'm still waiting to see Tom. I'm still getting a bash-choff-tom. תום היה נאמן לאמת. Tom was truthful. Tom was loyal to the truth. Kennemti d tungifin! You are an idiot! Kenneti d'Tgifin! החל ממחר כתובת המייל הזאת לא תהיה בתוקף. As of tomorrow, this e-mail address will be invalid. Starting tomorrow, this email address won't be effective. התקשרת? Did you call? Did you call? זה גדול מאוד. That's very big. It's very big. L-eżami huwa diffiċli. The exam is difficult. The examination is difficult. חברי הטוב ביותר דובר אירית. My best friend is an Irish speaker. My best friend speaks Irish. Tella tin i iwalan kra? Did somebody say something? Can you see anything? هل توم سعيد؟ Is Tom happy? Is Tom happy? N wi-tt-ilan? Whose is it? N wi-tt-lan? لأخفف من وزني، أسبح كل يوم لساعة في حوض السباحة. To lose weight I swim every day, one hour in the swimming pool. To ease my weight, swim for an hour every day in the pool. لقد عاد فاضل. Fadil is back. It's back. עקבתי אחרי תום. I followed Tom. I followed Tom. Sqenɛent meṛṛa. Everyone was satisfied. And every one of them went his way. Sami yeṭṭafaṛ-iyi di Snapchat. Sami has been following me on Snapchat. but found me in Snapchat. הוא צעק לעזרה בקול חזק. He cried out for help in a loud voice. He yelled for help out loud. Ḥemmel-iyi! Love me! Love me! יש כאן דפקט. There's a defect here. There's a impact here. Ẓriɣ dagi i telliḍ, a Tom. I know that you're here, Tom. I know you're here, a Tom. علينا أن نبدأَ من مكانٍ ما. We have to start somewhere. We have to start somewhere. سامي هو من تسبّب بحملي منه و الآن لا أريد أن أكون حاضنته البشريّة. Sami got me pregnant but I don't want to be his human incubator. Sammy is the one who caused me to carry him, and now I don't want to be his human incubator. Ceḍḥen i meṛṛa. Everybody danced. You are worthy of all. Ǧǧet-aɣ-t-id. Leave it up to us. Show us the way to which you want us." تحب الموسيقى أكثر من أي شيء آخر. She likes music better than anything else. She likes music more than anything else. אנשים זועקים נגד המס החדש. People are crying out against the new tax. People are crying against the new tax. ماذا ستأكلون على الغداء؟ What's everyone eating for lunch? What are you going to eat at lunch? Anda akka ara nṛuḥ? D acu twalaḍ? Where should we go? What do you suggest? saying, "Where are we going? What do you see?" Dɣaṛ-d! Come closer. Dust-d! احتال سامي علي ليلى كي تعيره 3000 دولارا. Sami conned Layla into loaning him 3000 dollars. Sammy's cheating on Lila to give him $3,000. ماري أرسلت لي رسالة قصيرة. Mary texted me. Mary sent me a short message. أين أقرب معرض فني؟ Where's the nearest art gallery? Where's the closest art exhibit? השוטר האשים את נהג המונית בתאונה. The policeman blamed the taxi driver for the accident. The cop blamed the cab driver in the accident. أعطيت بعض الكتب له. I gave some books to him. I gave him some books. كان الصبي يبحث عن المفتاح المفقود. The boy was searching for the lost key. The boy was looking for the missing key. תום הסתיר את הספר מאחורי הגב. Tom hid the book behind his back. Tom hid the book behind his back. عددهم كبير. Their number is great. They're big. حاول توم ألا ينظر إلى ماري. Tom tried not to look at Mary. Tom tried not to look at Mary. כמה מזל יש לך! How lucky you are! How lucky you are! עזוב אותי! Let me go! Let go of me! شمس ومطر, قوس قُزح. Sun and rain, rainbow. Sun and rain, rainbow. Beddleɣ. I changed. I've changed. אולי מוטב שנתחיל. We might as well get started. Maybe we should get started. אינך אשמה בתאונה. You are not to blame for the accident. You're not guilty of an accident. התחלנו שוב ללכת מיד לאחר החלמתה. We began to walk again as soon as she was recovered. We started walking again right after she recovered. אין כמו בבית. No place like home. There's nothing like home. היא עדיין לא התרגלה לטלפון נייד. She still hasn't gotten used to cell phones. She hasn't gotten used to a cell phone yet. ضاجعت مدرّستي. I slept with my teacher. I fucked my teacher. هرب سامي. Sami escaped. Sammy ran away. لم تعمل المكابح. The brake didn't work. The guns didn't work. אתה יודע איפה נמצא מגדל טוקיו? Do you know where Tokyo Tower is? Do you know where the Tokyo tower is? أنت تنام في حجرتي. You sleep in my room. You're sleeping in my room. كان فاضل شخصا محترما في الحي. Fadil was well respected in the community. He was a respected man in the neighborhood. يجب أن تجيد نحو الأمازيغية لتتكلم هذه اللغة. You have to know Berber grammar to speak this language. You must turn to Amazigh to speak this language. כששמש התרבות בשקיעה, אפילו גמדים מטילים צל ארוך. When the sun of culture is low, even dwarfs will cast long shadows. When the sun of culture comes down at sunset, even the humming makes a long shadow. ما اسم حصانك؟ What's your horse's name? What's your horse name? إجلسي يا كيت. Sit down, Kate. Sit down, Kate. اشتريت بعض البيض الطازج الذي أتى من المزرعة للتو. I bought some fresh eggs which had just come from the farm. I bought some fresh eggs that just came from the farm. فلنسألها عندما تعود إلى المنزل. Let's ask her when she gets back home. Let's ask her when she comes home. תום לא מרוצה מזה. Tom is not happy about it. Tom doesn't like it. كان فاضل يقطن بـشارع صادق. Fadil lived on Sadiq street. He lived in an honest street. תום צעיר מדי מכדי לקלף תפוח. Tom is too young to peel an apple. Tom's too young to peel an apple. Ula d kečč, ur tezmireḍ ara ad d-terreḍ. Even you couldn't answer. You can't answer the same thing. אתמול היה קר מאד אז חבשתי כובע. Yesterday was very cold so I wore a hat. Yesterday was very cold, so I wore a hat. Ina karatun lissafi fiye da yarda nike karatun turanci. I study math harder than I study English. I read mathematics more than I did. Ayɣer i yessefk ad xedmeɣ aya weḥd-i? Why do I have to do this alone? How can I do so for myself alone?' היא נשמעה כועסת. She sounded mad. She sounds angry. لدي الاس الديناري. I have the ace of diamonds. I have a dynamite. Sami yella yettaɛraḍ ad yelhu. Sami was trying to keep a positive vibe. He said to her, "Behold, your hands are bound." Ẓriɣ aql-ik dagi, a Tom. I know that you're here, Tom. I know you're here, Tom. تعرّفت على توم في الحفلة و أصبحا صديقَيْن. She made friends with Tom at the party. I knew Tom at the party and they became my friends. Ax! Take that! Ah! Ɛassemt iman-nkent. Control yourselves. I made myself known. Kečč d war ttṛebga s tidet. You're a very rude person. Thou art one that troubleth. הראי לי את הבובה שקנית אתמול. Show me the doll that you bought yesterday. Show me the doll you bought yesterday. Tettutlayeḍ tanglizit akken iwata. You speak good English. I will put you in charge of my duty. יש לך משהו להצהיר? Have you anything to declare? Do you have anything to declare? ביתו נראה מפסגת הגבעה. His house could be seen from the top of the hill. His house looks at the top of the hill. من ارتكب هذه الجريمة حتماً فقد عقله. Whoever committed this crime was surely out of his mind. Whoever committed this crime must have lost his mind. תודה על הגלויה היפה. Thanks for the pretty postcard. Thank you for the beautiful disclosure. علمت أنه سيقبل. I knew he would accept. I knew he would. גברת סאטו דרבנה את בנה ללמוד קשה. Mrs. Sato pushed her son to study hard. Mrs. Sato Drovin made her son hard to learn. A nnger-im a taɣeddiwt! Such a marmalade Woe unto thee, O ye that believe! for thou shalt be cut off. Yella walebɛaḍ i yeṛẓan taṣewwaṛt-iw. Someone broke my camera. But there is one who has devoured my heart. נגיע בערך שעה לפני תום. We'll arrive about one hour before Tom gets there. We'll be there about an hour before Tom. Er lkaɣeḍ deg tasaggazt. Put some paper in the copy machine. Stay in a safe place. Teɣṛamt ta? Have you read this? It is broken down? Tom yečča aqessul n spaghetti. Tom ate a huge bowl of spaghetti. Tom ate a cup of spaghetti. أنتهيت من فطورك؟ Have you finished breakfast yet? You finished your breakfast? ماكلاش لنجاصة واحدة برْك، كلا ثلاثة. He didn't just eat 1 pear, but 3. MacLash for one win, blessed, every three. עונש המוות בוטל בשנה שעברה. The death penalty was done away with last year. The death penalty was cancelled last year. Ur tett ara tinna. Don't eat that. Do not slow down. Ur ttruḥuɣ ara ad εummeɣ ass-a. I won't go swimming today. I am not determined to keep this day from fasting. كيف توم؟ How's Tom? How's Tom? كان سامي يدرس الإسلام سرّيّا. Sami was secretly studying Islam. Sammy was studying Islam in secret. عادت ليلى إلى القاهرة. Layla headed back to Cairo. Lily's back in Cairo. אתה חושב שכל עובדי הצבור מושחתים? Do you think all officials are corrupt? You think all public employees are corrupt? Sami yuɣ tanumi itett deg ussečči arurad. Sami used to eat a lot of fast food. Then I left them, and went their way into the country, and ate no meat with the goats. פסל החירות נמצא בניו יורק. The Statue of Liberty is found in New York. The freedom statue is in New York. كانت ليلى المتحجّبة الوحيدة في مدينتنا. Layla was the only hijabi in town. Lily was the only challenger in our town. مساء الخير Goodnight. Good evening. Ur s-ttak ara azal. Ignore him. But he said nothing to it, not so. תגיד לה שהיא צריכה להגיש את התפטרותה המיידית. Tell her she should submit her immediate resignation. Tell her she should serve her immediate resignation. Ttidireɣ deg Ustṛalya. I live in Australia. I am staying in Australia. ጀግና ነኝ። I'm a hero. I am mighty. אתם הולכים להתקלח עכשיו. You are going to go take a shower now. You're gonna take a shower now. חשוב לא לצאת ולהשאיר את הכביסה ביבשן. It's important never to go out while you have the clothes dryer on. It's important not to go out and leave the laundry in the mud. إنه لا يشرب الكحول على الإطلاق. He never drinks alcohol. He doesn't drink at all. Ttxil-k, siwel-as i Tom ad d-ikcem. Please tell Tom to come in. Check this for yourself, and let your will be done. أنا فلسطيني. I am Palestinian. I'm a Palestinian. יש לה מאהב לכל יום בשבוע. She's got lovers for every day of the week. She's got a lover every day of the week. אנו יודעים היטב מה הסיכויים שלנו. We know very well what our chances are. We know very well what our chances are. הכובע שלי מונח ישר? Is my hat on straight? My hat's straight? لدي شعور أنه محق. I have a feeling he is right. I have a feeling he's right. سامي ينتقل للعيش في مكان آخر. Sami is moving. Sammy's moving to another place. D acu i tetten imekrasen? What do carpenters eat? What did you say to them? አደገኛ ነኝ። I'm dangerous. I am dangerous. لديهم لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على حواسيبهم. They have the berber keyboard on their computers. They have an Amazigian keyboard on their computers. لقد ذهب أبي إلى الصين. My father has gone to China. My dad went to China. Sirdem udmawen-nwen! Wash your face. Let your knees be girded about. لم يكن سامي راغبا في مواجهة فريد وجها لوجه. Sami didn't want to have a face-to-face confrontation with Farid. Sammy didn't want to face a unique face. أنا أقرأ الآن I'm reading now. I'm reading now. זאת טעות כל כך חמורה. This is such a mistake. It's such a serious mistake. Nniɣ-as ad tɛeqleḍ Tom. I thought that you would recognize Tom. But I said unto you, That thou shalt know Tom. I kenwi i xedmeɣ aya. I made that for you. I am the one who works this time. אזל הבנזין במכוניתו של תום. Tom's car has run out of gas. Lose the gasoline in Tom's car. الجمل سفينة الصحراء The camel is the ship of the Sahara. The sand is the desert ship. أنا لا أريد أن يكون هناك أي سوء فهم. I don't want there to be any misunderstanding. I don't want there to be any misunderstanding. אתה עשית את עיצוב הפנים? Did you do the decorating? Did you do the facial design? השופט ביקש מן המושבעים לקבוע את גזר הדין. The judge asked the jury to reach a verdict. The judge asked the jury to determine the sentence. Tom yemmut deg Tubeṛ. Tom died in October. But he died in Tuber. פשוט התנצלי. Just apologize. Just apologize. Ddmet wa. Carry this. She felt sorry for him. كتب سامي رسالة للشّرطة. Sami wrote a letter to the police. Sammy wrote a letter to the police. لست المرأة التي يستحقّها سامي. I'm not the woman Sami deserves. I'm not the woman Sammy deserves. سُجِنَ رجل بتهمة العنصرية ، حيث تحدث بشكل معنف ضد المرأة مع سائح فرنسي . A man has been jailed for a racist, misogynist tirade against a French tourist. A man was imprisoned for racism, where he spoke violently against women with French tourists. كان سامي شخصا مثيرا للإعجاب. Sami was larger than life. Sammy was an impressive person. Kemmlemt tira. Keep writing. Complete the number. אין לי כרטיס. I don't have a ticket. I don't have a ticket. أذهب إلى المدرسة بالباص. I go to school by bus. Go to school with the bus. هنا أريد أن أعيش. That's where I wanna live. This is where I want to live. Iḥar Tom ad yuɣal ɣer uxxam-is di Boston. Tom was eager to get home to Boston. And Thomas shall return to his house in Boston. אל מי תום מדבר? Who's Tom talking to? Who's Tom talking to? كان سامي ينتظر ليلى. Sami waited for Layla. Sammy was waiting for night. Yiwen ur yeţkeyyif da. Nobody here smokes. And no one has done that. הדבר הגרוע ביותר באיסטנבול זו תנועת כלי הרכב. The worst of Istanbul is the traffic. The worst thing in Istanbul is the traffic of the vehicle. הזדעזעתי מהתנועה בבנגקוק, אבל תיירים סיפרו לי שבטאיפיי היה יותר גרוע. I was appalled by the traffic in Bangkok, but travellers told me Taipei was worse. I was shocked by the move in Bangkok, but tourists told me that Taipei was worse. תביא תבשיל לשתף אותו. Bring a dish to share. Get some cooking to share it. Iqqeṛs lqaεa n userwal-iw. The seat of my pants is torn. He stopped my speech that I might be delivered. אל תדאג. אני אטפל בזה. Don't worry. I'll take care of it. Don't worry, I'll take care of it. هرب سامي إلى مصر. Sami fled to Egypt. Sammy fled to Egypt. حنا صحاب قدم. We're old friends. We're a footman. אמי שכחה להוסיף מלח לסלט. My mother forgot to add salt to the salad. My mother forgot to add salt to the salad. Ifriwen beddun ɣellin-d deg Tubeṛ. Leaves begin to fall in October. The pioneers were beginning to stumble at Tuber. Kennemti d timusamin. You are jealous. Kenneti d’insominating. D acu i d-ugur ma ṛuḥeɣ s timmad-iw ar Boston? What's wrong with going to Boston by myself? What was the lot beyond, that I should go to Boston in my wisdom?' Tagi d tizizwit. This is a bee. It's a shock. سَقْسيتو إذا كمّل يصبغ البِيت. I asked him whether he had finished painting the room. Squisito if he completes the house. Tom d win ireffun. Tom is nervous. Tom d WinWiff. لما لم تأتي؟ Why didn't you come? Why didn't you come? שיעורי הבית שלכם לכל שיעור יהיו לחזור על השיעור של היום ולהתכונן לשיעור הבא. Your homework for each class will be to review the day's lesson and to prepare for the next one. Your homework every lesson will be back on today's class and prepare for next lesson. היא בישלה ארוחת ערב מיוחדת בשבילו. She cooked a special dinner for him. She cooked a special dinner for him. Ḥaca Tom i ilaqen ad iẓeṛ anect-a. Only Tom would've known that. But fear, lest by any means, as the offence shall be. הצגתי את עצמי בפגישה. I presented myself at the meeting. I introduced myself to a meeting. תום גר מרחק גדול מכאן. Tom lives a long way from here. Tom lives a great distance from here. הלכנו לשיט מפרשים. We went sailing. We went to a sailboat. כפתור החולצה שלך נפרם. Your shirt button is coming off. Your shirt button's broken. הופתעתי מהופעתו הפתאומית. I was surprised by his sudden appearance. I was surprised by his sudden appearance. ارتكبت خطأً. I made a mistake. I made a mistake. Yella win i d-iṛuḥen. Someone came. And there was yet one who went out. בוא נשמור על שקט. Let's keep quiet. Let's keep it quiet. אפשר לשאול אותך שאלה לא דיסקרטית? May I ask you an indiscreet question? Can I ask you a non-discretionary question? واصل سامي المشاهدة. Sami kept looking. Sammy kept watching. איפה בשר הבקר שלך? What's your beef? Where's your beef? החנות סגורה. The store's closed. The store is closed. يعمل جون بجدّ. John works hard. John works hard. אני לא רוצה שתיפגש עוד עם הבת שלי. I don't want you to see my daughter anymore. I don't want you to meet my daughter anymore. Tɣucc-it. She hated him. janitor. אם תהיה חריגה מהתקציב, נצטרך לדחוף עוד כמה דולרים. If the budget gets exceeded then we will need to kick in a couple of dollars. If you're out of the budget, we'll have to push a few more dollars. Awi ṭṭabla-agi. Take this table away. Be careful about these things. Ur zmireɣ ara ad xedmeɣ akken nniḍen. I couldn't do otherwise. I could no more do a thing. אתה לא צריך לשכנע אותי. You don't need to convince me. You don't have to convince me. هل تمانع في الوقوف جانبًا؟ Would you mind standing aside? Do you mind standing by? السيارات وصلت واحدة تلو الأُخرى. Cars arrived there one after another. Cars arrived one by the other. אולי תום לא יילך יותר לעולם. Tom may never walk again. Maybe Tom will never go anymore. הבנות משחקות כדורעף חופים. The girls are playing beach volleyball. The girls play beachball. لم يتّصل سامي أبدا. Sami never called. Sammy never called. Sɛiɣ yelli. I have a daughter. And I am sick of the palsy. إنها تحب البرتقال، أليس كذلك؟ She likes oranges, doesn't she? She likes orange, doesn't she? التغيير هو الشيء الوحيد الذي يظل ثابتاً. Change is the only constant. Change is the only thing that remains constant. אני מכיר המון נשים. I know a lot of women. I know a lot of women. Tessneḍ ad tessihleḍ? Do you know how to program? Do you know how to read? S tidett feṛḥeɣ aṭas mi d uɣaleɣ ar Lustṛali. I'm really happy to be back in Australia. I will be very happy when I return to Lystra. תום הלך בקומה העליונה. Tom walked upstairs. Tom went upstairs. Yenna-yi-d Tom belli yezmer lḥal ad iruḥ ɣer Boston. Tom told me he would go to Boston. He said to me, "I can go to Boston." من فضلك لا تشتّت ذهني عن العمل. Please don't take my mind off the work. Please don't let my mind get out of work. Amek i wen-d-iban waya? What does this look like to you? How does it appear to you? D acu i tzemrem ad txedmem nniḍen? What else can you do? What else can ye do? האם העבודה הזאת גדולה עליך? Is the job too much for you? Is this job bigger than you? لا أريد أن أبدو سخيفا. I don't want to look silly. I don't want to look ridiculous. Tuɣaleḍ d tamehbult? Have you become insane? Are you a young person? Ur d-ssutren ara tallalt i sin, am Tom am Mary. Neither Tom nor Mary has asked for help. And they did not ask for two talents, as Tom am Mary. أحب هيتومي. I love Hitomi. I love Hetomi. תום סמך על מרי. Tom trusted Mary. Tom trusted Mary. לפעמים כואבת לי הבטן. I sometimes have pain in my stomach. Sometimes it hurts my stomach. أحتاج طابعاً بريدياً. I need to get a stamp. I need a mail character. تكات ساعتي المنبهة عالية جداً. My alarm clock's ticking is too loud. My alarm clocks are very high. למה שלא פשוט נְפַרְמֵט את הדיסק הקשיח? היו לך המון בעיות אתו. Why don't we just reformat the hard disk? You've been having a lot of trouble with it. You had a lot of problems with him. Tzemrem ad tt-id-tafem? Can you find it? Will you agree? ”هذه صورة لابنتي ليلى.“ ”كم هي جميلة.“ ”كم كانت جميلة.“ ”آه، آسفة.“ "This is a picture of my daughter Layla." "She's beautiful." "She was." "Oh, I'm sorry." “This is a picture of my daughter Lila.” “How beautiful.” “How beautiful.” “Oh, sorry.” المدرّس الجيّد يفسّر الأمور. A good teacher explains things. Good teacher explains things. Acḥal n wakud? How long? How many goals? Kunemti meṛṛa d sut miḥyaf. You're all racists. All things are lawful for me, but all things are naked. שילמתי מאתיים דולר מסים. I paid $200 in taxes. I paid $200. הצירים הצביעו תשעים וחמש פעמים ללא הצלחה. The delegates voted ninety-five times without success. The builders voted ninety-five times without success. Tilawin ttefṛaqent kullec. Women share everything. And over everything covered and over again. לתום קול רך. Tom has a soft voice. To a soft voice. זה מוזר. This is weird. That's weird. عليك أن تأتي لزيارتي مرة أخرى. You must not come to meet me again. You have to come visit me again. Yella win i ak-d-isawlen. Someone is calling you. There was one who called you. لم تملك أي مال، لذا لم تستطع الذهاب معي. She didn't have any money, so she couldn't go with me. You didn't have any money, so you couldn't go with me. מה מחזיק אתכם ערים בלילה? What keeps you up at night? What keeps you up at night? מה עם הכובע? What's with the hat? What about the hat? פעם הייתי כמוה. I was like her once. I used to be like her. היא נחמדה כלפיי. She's nice to me. She's nice to me. تعلمت العزف على الغيتار عندما كان عمري عشر سنوات. I learned to play guitar when I was ten years old. I learned to play guitar when I was ten years old. Ahat la gganent. They're probably sleeping. Let it be false. Kker ma ulac aɣilif. Stand up, please. Where there is no bed, and there is no canopy. ضع المسدس على الطاولة. Put the gun on the table. Put the gun on the table. كان مدرّسنا في العلوم. He was our science teacher. He was our science teacher. ما رانيش حوتا تاع صّح، انا پلّوشا برك. I'm not a real fish, I'm just a mere plushy. I'm Pluša Park. سيذهب توم إلى مدرسة داخلية في العام القادم. Tom is going to boarding school next year. Tom's going to boarding school next year. لقد انتهت حياة سامي. Sami's life is over. Sammy's life is over. אין לנו מושג היכן הוא. We have no clue where he is. We have no idea where he is. نحن نعمل من أجل حقوق المرأة. We're working on women's rights. We're working for women's rights. כמה אנשים ישנים בחלוקים שלהם. Some people sleep in their bathrobes. Some people sleep in their pockets. Anti-kent? Who are you? Anti-kent? Ur as-tteg ara acaɣal. Don't tease him. But be not forsaken of him, even as he is. هل بإمكاني مرافقته؟ May I go with him? Can I accompany him? אין סיבה לבהלה. There's no reason for panic. There's no reason to be scared. هذه المسألة سهلة لدرجة أن أيّ طالب يمكنه حلّها. This is such an easy problem that any student can solve it. This is so easy that any student can solve it. Kenwi ay arrac yessefk ad tessetḥim s yiman-nwen. You boys ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Little children, let them wash themselves. أعطت ليلى لسامي رقم هاتفها. Layla gave Sami her phone number. Lila gave Sammy her phone number. כשהייתי ילד אמרו לי שחמאה מזיקה לבריאות. When I was a kid, I was told that butter is bad for one's health. When I was a kid, I was told that butter was harmful to health. מאיפה אפשר לבצע שיחת טלפון? Where can one make a phone call? Where can I make a phone call? לאלוהים פתרונים. Only God knows. To God of solutions. האם את חשה כשירה לגבי יכולתנו להציג את הטיעון שלנו באנגלית? Do you feel competent about us presenting our argument in English? Do you feel good about our ability to present our argument in English? עד כמה שאני יודע, אין להם ילדים. They have no children, for all I know. As far as I know, they don't have children. בוא נשאל את תום למה אחר. Let's ask Tom why he was late. Let's ask Tom why else. Amek i s-qqaṛen i baba-m? What's your dad's name? How do they call my father's? ג'ון הוציא מפתח מהכיס שלו. John took a key out of his pocket. John took a key out of his pocket. אני חושב שטום עני. I think Tom is poor. I think Tom's poor. בואו נלך כולנו הביתה. Let's all go home now. Let's all go home. איך הכרתם אותה? How did you meet her? How did you know her? הסרתי את כובעי ונכנסתי לכנסיה. I took off my hat and entered the church. I took off my hats and went to church. I sin imawlan-iw lulen di Boston. Both of my parents were born in Boston. My parents were born in Boston. ראיתי אותו שוטף את הרכב. I saw him wash the car. I saw him wash the car. מרי היא ילדה מרדנית. Mary is a rebellious girl. Mary is a rebellious girl. Yeẓḍem f Mary weqjun n Tom. Tom's dog attacked Mary. And ye sat down in Mary's porch. Akka! That's it. Yes, indeed! Akka i xedmeɣ-d tamussni yid-sent. This is how I got acquainted with them. For I did this with their eyes. Ilaq ad nḥader insayen yelhan. Good traditions should be preserved. and that which is good should be done away with. ماذا حدث لي يا رفاق؟ What happened to me, guys? What happened to me, guys? שמתם לב שהוא עזב את הבית? Did you notice that he left home? Did you notice he left the house? Iceyyeɛ-iyi-d Tom yiwen yizen d axaṭaṛ. I've got an important message for Tom. You gave me a boy, a male and a female. אחותה לא נוסעת לאמריקה. Her sister is not going to America. Her sister's not going to America. יש לי דברים לומר. I've got things to say. I have things to say. أعطني يدك يا جمال. Give me your hand, Jamal. Give me your hand, Jamal. كان فاضل لا يثق بالأدوية. Fadil was suspiscious of medication. He didn't trust meds. Amek i k-d-iban waya? What does this look like to you? How can one be found to you? מסעות תגלית הם הראשונים בהיסטוריה של מדע האוקיינוס. Voyages of exploration were the earliest in the history of studying the ocean. Undiscovered voyages are the first in the history of ocean science. Terram-d yakan? Have you vomited yet? Come down now? אני בטוח שתמצא מישהו די מהר. I'm sure you'll find someone pretty quickly. I'm sure you'll find someone pretty quick. قمت فقط بتنظيف جميع الطاولات I just cleaned all the tables. I just cleaned all the tables. שמענו קול נפץ רם. We heard a loud explosion. We heard a loud explosion. La teqqaṛem. You are reading. you do not. Deg Boston i tellam. You're in Boston. where you lived in Boston. اذهب أولا يا جمال. You go first, Jamal. Go first, Jamal. תום נפטר ביום שני אחה"צ. Tom died Monday afternoon. Tom died on Monday afternoon. Tom iɣil dakken yiwen n wass ad t-iḥader lḥerz-nni seg tgezzanin. Tom thought that the amulet would one day protect him from witches. They supposed that it would have been better for them to keep the fruit of the tree in one day. אני עשיתי את זה? Did I do that? Did I do it? Tom ad iḥemmel dima Mary. Tom will always love Mary. Tom will love dima Mary. אמא שלך בבית? Is your mother at home? Your mom's home? תדמית הגוף שלך עלולה לרדת. Your body image may decline. Your body image might fall. Zemreɣ ad yi-d-tawiḍ ad waliɣ umuɣ, ma ulac aɣilif? May I have the menu, please? I saw a voice in the vision, and behold, there are no bones in me. أنا أعرف ما الذى تحاول فعله. I know what you're trying to do. I know what you're trying to do. الامتحان كان جد صعب بنسبتي لي. The assignment was too much for me. The examination was very difficult for me. לפעמים אני משתמש במספריים בתור פותחן קופסאות. I sometimes use scissors as a can opener. Sometimes I use scissors to open boxes. זה ענייני. That's my affair. It's my business. "قسما!" "إني لا أصدّقك!" "I don't believe you!" "I swear!" I don't believe you! Ttɛasant meṛṛa. Everyone waited. They were all disobedient. Sarameɣ albaɛḍ ad yexdem ayen-nni tura. I wish that somebody would do that. I plan to do what he will. תום קיבל שלוש מתנות ליום ההולדת שלו. Tom got three presents for his birthday. Tom got three presents for his birthday. Aql-ikem din? Are you there? Is this in you? מצטער, אבל התשובה היא לא. I'm sorry, but the answer is no. Sorry, but the answer is no. לסוזי יש חיוך יפה. Susie has a nice smile. Susie's got a nice smile. Ad kent-arguɣ. I'll dream about you. I will press on. אתה יכול לחייג בשבילי? הטלפון גבוה מדי. Could you dial for me? The telephone is too high. Can you dial for me? התמרור בצומת לא העלה את מספר התאונות בעיר. The signal at the intersection didn't increase the number of the traffic accidents in the city. The turnout didn't raise the number of accidents in the city. Inɣa-yi usemmiḍ. I'm freezing. You called me. הערצת גיבורים זה עניין מסוכן. Hero worship is a dangerous thing. Protesting heros is a dangerous matter. وقف سامي خارج غرفة المستشفى. Sami stood outside the hospital room. Sammy's standing outside the hospital room. ونظرا إلى الاعتماد الدولي المتبادل فأي نظام عالمي يعلي شعبا أو مجموعة من البشر فوق غيرهم سوف يبوء بالفشل لا محالة. وبغض النظر عن أفكارنا حول أحداث الماضي فلا يجب أن نصبح أبدا سجناء لأحداث قد مضت Given our interdependence, any world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will inevitably fail. So whatever we think of the past, we must not be prisoners of it. And regardless of our ideas about past events, we must never become prisoners of events that have passed away. Ḥebset tiyyta! Stop fighting! Stop it! قدّم سامي بلاغا للشّرطة. Sami filed a police report. Sammy filed a report to the police. Bɣiɣ ad ččeɣ dagi tameddit-a. I want to eat here tonight. I want to work here again. Atan wamek i t-ixeddem Tom. That's the way Tom always does it. Now this is the way that ye put to death. Tedduɣ ad d-aɣeɣ kṛad yitikiyen. I'm going to buy three tickets. He came down to us, and threw stones at us. אני חייב להזהיר אותך פן תלך עם תום. I must strongly caution you against going with Tom. I have to warn you, Pan will go with Tom. هذه فكرة جيدة! That's a good idea! That's a good idea! لا تقلق Never mind. Don't worry. أعد الكتاب إلى مكانه الذي وجدته فيه. Put the book where you found it. Reread the book to where I found it. ዕባይ ከተማ ዶ ማሕረስ ይኽእል፧ Can city-boys plough? It can be farmed in a big city: Ṭṭfet-t-id! Seize him! Hold the hand! أعرف اسمك. I know your name. I know your name. Aṭas i yeqqaṛ Tom. Tom reads a lot. Many said to Tom. נשארתי רגוע. I stayed calm. I stayed calm. זה אחי. This is my brother. That's my brother. كان سامي يبدّل ملابسه كلّ يوم. Sami changed clothes on a daily basis. Sammy changed his clothes every day. Ad xedmeɣ aya, d ayen ibanen. Of course, I'll do that. This I will do, of which it is evident. Acḥal deg leɛmeṛ n jeddi-m? How old is your grandfather? When thy father was yet a time in the world? אולי תרצי קצת מזה. You might want some of this. You might want some of that. תום ומרי בילו יחד נהדר. Tom and Mary had a wonderful time together. Tom and Mary spent great time together. خطته خطرة! His plan is dangerous! His plan is dangerous! Ɛawnent-aɣ. They helped us. They aid us. كَم أتمنّى الذهاب إلى اليابان. I wish I could go to Japan. I'd like to go to Japan. عليّ الذهاب إلى النوم. I have to go to bed. I gotta go to sleep. אתה תסבך אותי בצרות! You're going to get me in trouble! You're gonna get me into trouble! Ilaq ad yili kra n ḥedd ara ɣ-d-iḥebsen. Somebody might stop us. Therefore I ought to be such as I ought to glory in. Ttxil-m ur s-qqaṛ ara. Please don't tell him. And he looked at it, and felt no harm. هذا الكتاب بيع جيدا في اليابان This book sold well in Japan. This book is a good sale in Japan. סרטי פורנו מוקרנים באולמות ישנים בחלק המפוקפק של העיר. Skinflicks usually play in old theaters in a sleazy part of town. Pornotic movies in old theaters in the dusty part of the city. Ɛewleɣ-d ad geɣ axiṛ akka. I've decided I'll do that instead. For I could wish that I myself should be more gentle. سامي على متن حافلة. Sami is on a bus. Sammy's on a bus. لقد صعد جبل فوجي. He went up Mt. Fuji. It's up Mount Fuji. כמה הרפתקני. How adventurous! How exciting. Agdud iḥemmel tilelli. The people love freedom. Agdd loves freedom. ממרחק נשמעו קולות, טריקת תריסים ונביחת כלבים. In the distance could be heard voices, the slamming of shutters, and the barking of dogs. From a distance there were voices, cockstrips and dogs. תנמנמו קצת על הספה. Take a little nap on the couch. Sleep a little bit on the couch. תום נוטה ללהג יותר מדי. Tom tends to talk too much. Tom's tending to charge too much. Fiḥel dexxan. No smoking. Incendiary. תום אינו אדם מסוג זה. Tom isn't that type of guy. Tom's not such a person. لا تقفل الخط من فضلك. Don't hang up yet, please. Don't close the line, please. Tom iṛuḥ ad yeqḍu d Mary. Tom went shopping with Mary. And he went his way, and received her home with Mary. הכלב הזה הומו. This dog is gay. This dog is gay. Deg yiwen n wass i d-nlul nekk d Tom. Tom and I were born on the same day. "I was born in Thomas on a day. תעריפי הביטול בעליה מהירה. Cancellation fees are rising fast. Her husband's quick cancels. Kečč d aɛiban? Are you handicapped? Are you a victim? أنا مدينٌ بنجاحي لهم لمساعدتهم لي. I owe my success to their help. I owe them my success to help me. Tcukkeḍ d akken Tom yenɣa iman-is? Do you think Tom killed himself? Art thou so foolish? Yeldi-d Tom tawwurt yenna-yas i Mary John ulac-it deg uxxam. Tom opened the door and told Mary John wasn't home. And when he had opened the door, he said unto Mary John, There is no man in heaven. אין לי זמן לעשות את זה. I don't have time to do it. I don't have time to do this. היא הייתה די טיפשה לצאת איתו. She was stupid enough to go out with him. She was pretty stupid going out with him. להעריץ אותם. They're adorable. Appreciate them. אל תזלזל באחרים. Don't look down on others. Don't underestimate the others. לא הייתי צריך לומר זאת. I should not have said that. I shouldn't have said that. يجب أن أذهب. I have to go. I gotta go. أنا لا أعرف أي شئ بعد. I don't know anything yet. I don't know anything yet. أدخل سامي ذراعه أكثر داخل ذلك ذلك الجحر. Sami pushed his arm further inside the hole. Sammy put his arm more inside that desert. ברוכים השבים. Welcome home. Welcome back. هل هذه الكتب لك؟ Are these books yours? Are these books for you? عاش سامي حياة برّاقة. Sami lived a glittering life. Sammy lived a good life. Tom tenɣa-t Mary. Tom was killed by Mary. Tom and Mary. לך לעבוד. Go to work. Go to work. Ur tettuṛebbam ara. You are impolite. Don't try. חיפשתי את תום ואת מרי במשך שעה ויותר. I looked for Tom and Mary for more than an hour. I've been looking for Tom and Mary for an hour and more. مانهدرش الرومية. I don't speak French. Roman Mandhurch. D tidet waya. This is the truth. D tether cella. בדיוק כאשר עמדתי ללכת לישון, הטלפון צלצל. I was about to go to bed when the phone rang. Just when I was going to sleep, the phone rang. Tɣezzifeḍ fell-i. You are taller than I. You have broken your hand over me. ولا يمكن لخطاب واحد أن يلغي سنوات من عدم الثقة كما لا يمكنني أن أقدم الإجابة على كافة المسائل المعقدة التي أدت بنا إلى هذه النقطة No single speech can eradicate years of mistrust, nor can I answer in the time that I have all the complex questions that brought us to this point. One speech can't remove years of uncertainty and I can't answer all the complex issues that led us to this point. عندما عبّرت جون ريفرز عن دعمها لإسرائيل، لم تُبدِ أيّ تعاطف حين سُئلت عن مدينيّي غزّة الذين كانوا يُقتلون بالمئات. When Joan Rivers expressed her support for Israel, she showed no sympathy when asked about Gaza's civilians who were killed by the hundreds. When John Rivers expressed her support for Israel, no sympathy was expressed when she was asked about Gazans who were killed hundreds. Netta d acennay. He is a singer. Nether and her husband. Beṛka ur tmesxiṛ ara fell-i. Quit making fun of me. And never shall the fire burn on me. قفز فاضل إلى العمل. Fadil jumped into action. Squeaky jump to work. أين مالكَ؟ Where's your money? Where's your money? اختر مضربك المفضل. Pick your favorite bat. Choose your favorite shot. אני עדיין סבור שתום ינצח. I still think that Tom will win. I still think Tom's gonna win. هذا ليس مهماً. This is not important. That's not important. Tesɛamt aqjun? Have you got a dog? Do you have sheep? Narasa kyamarata kwanan baya. I had lost a camera the previous day. Nassa has recently been a nice one. Uɣalemt s amkan-nkent. Return to your place. You sat down at the correct place. كان سامي يريد أن تبدو جريمة القتل تلك كحادث. For Sami, the murder had to look like an accident. Sammy wanted that murder to look like an accident. Teqqim-as kan akken i Tom di ccekk. Tom remained skeptical. And she did so only as she was in doubt. هل تمانع أن أدخن هنا؟ Do you prevent me from smoking here? Do you mind if I smoke here? תשלים את המשפט. Complete the sentence. You'll pay the sentence. תום נראה עגמומי. Tom looks downcast. Tom looks red. ממתי אכפת לך מה אני חושבת? Since when do you care about what I think? Since when do you care what I think? זה עשוי לקחת כמה חודשים. That could take a few months. It might take a few months. הייתי מודעת למצב. I was aware of the situation. I was aware of the situation. أردت شراء إحدى لوحات توم. I wanted to buy one of Tom's paintings. I wanted to buy one of Tom's paintings. توم ليس جيد للحديث مع الاطفال Tom isn't good at talking to children. Tom's not good to talk to the kids. אני תופס יוזמה ומטה את הרגע לטובתי. I seize the moment and turn it to my advantage. I'm taking an initiative and putting down the moment for my own good. Akkay d arway! Such a confusion! What sort of persons ought we to be! תום ומרי התחתנו באוקטובר על חוף ים טרופי. Tom and Mary were married in October on a tropical beach. Tom and Mary got married in October on a tropical beach. لا تقلق. أنا لن أقول للشرطة. Don't worry. I'm not going to tell the police. Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell the police. لقد فرضت إسرائيل عقوبات قاسية على غزّة. Israel slapped draconian sanctions on Gaza. Israel has imposed severe sanctions on Gaza. كان الفتيان يشربون. The guys were drinking. The boys were drinking. Ilaq ad tegreḍ annect-a g ddehn-ik. You must bear it in mind. For most certainly you ought to do so. מתי תבואי הביתה? When will you come home? When are you gonna come home? قبل مغادرة سامي للولايات المتّحدة، كان يعتقد أنّ جميع سكّان العالم مسيحيّون. Before he left the United States, Sami thought that everyone in the world was Christian. Before Sammy left the United States, he thought all parts of the world were Christians. ظننتك قلت أنك لا تحب توم. I thought you said you didn't like Tom. I thought you said you didn't like Tom. الجميع يحبها. She is loved by everyone. Everyone loves her. תודה שבאתם. Thanks for coming. Thank you for coming. استولى سامي على مال دانية. Fadil took Dania's money. Sammy's got some money. D acu i d-as-tettakkeḍ i weydi-m ad t-yečč ? What do you feed your dog? "What were you eating, that you didn't eat?" לא ידעתי מה לעשות עוד, אז עזבתי. I didn't know what else to do, so I just left. I didn't know what to do anymore, so I left. لن تنهي هذا المشروع. You won't finish this project. You're not gonna finish this project. נא לחייך. Please smile. Please smile. Iyya ɣer texxamt-iw. Come into my room. Send her away, and raise her up. Mort tixtri? Did you go shopping? Go to buy? זה אפילו לא עלה בדעתי. It didn't even cross my mind. It didn't even matter to me. Akkenni! That way! That's right! Iwacu ur d-trennuḍ ara ɣer ɣur-i? Why don't you join me? Why don't you see me, because you don't see me?' Ad ɛeṛḍeɣ ad m-n-fkeɣ afus n tallalt. I'll try to live up to your expectations. I will most certainly give him the hand of the talents. אני רואה את תום כמעט מדי יום ביומו. I see Tom almost every day. I see Tom almost every day of the day. انا بشغل معك. I work with you. I'm busy with you. תום נדרס. Tom got run over. Tom ransacked. لا أحد علم بذلك. No one knew it. No one knows that. בסדר. Alright. All right. الأرض كروية. The earth is round. The earth is soft. Mdel adlis-ik. Close your book. Change your mind. Iserreḥ Tom i yiqjan-ines. Tom unleashed his dogs. Let Tom go. Sslemden tafṛansist Tom akked Mary? Have Tom and Mary taught French? And what did Tom and Mary learn from that experience? ארוז את הביצים תריסרים תריסרים. Pack eggs in dozens. Pack the eggs and cranches. Tom yemmut deg 20 Tubeṛ 2013. Tom died on October 20, 2013. Adam died on 20 September 2013. Smuzguteɣ aẓawan. I hear music. "I will cut off the leaves of the grass. אה! תודה, יקירתי. Oh! Thank you, my dear. Thank you, dear. الجسر بني على يدي الرومان. The bridge was built by the Romans. The bridge was built by the Romans. كاد توم أن يُطرد من العمل. Tom almost got fired. Tom almost got fired from work. חלק הארי של הכסף כבר בוזבז. The greater part of the money was spent. The Harry part of the money's been wasted. Ḥemmleɣ aẓawan amaziɣ. I love Berber music. Lo! I, even I, am Forgiving, Merciful. سلّه عندما تراه. Cheer him up when you see him. Take it when you see it. تلقّى سامي حكما بالسّجن المؤبّد. Sami received a life sentence. Sammy was sentenced to eternal imprisonment. Tom yessefsex-it. Tom knocked him down. Tom will not look at it. אנו מחשיבים את תום לאדם ישר. We consider Tom honest. We consider Tom to be an honest man. אחר הצהריים טוב, גבירותי ורבותי. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Ihi d acu? Well, what? What then? التقطا ليلي و سامي صورة أخرى معا. Layla and Sami made a picture together. Take night and Sammy another picture together. Anwa i d aneggaru? Who's last? Who is the last? הוא תמיד חולם בהקיץ. He is always day-dreaming. He's always dreaming about the end. انه لمن المهم جداً الحصول على ما يكفي من الراحة. It's very important to get enough rest. It's very important to get enough rest. אני שונא וויכוחים. I hate arguments. I hate arguments. Ur zmireɣ ara dduɣ ad εummeɣ yid-wen ass-a. I can't go swimming with you today. I can't stay with you this day. لا يمكنني مساعدتك لأني مشغول. I can't help you because I'm busy. I can't help you because I'm busy. במילה הזאת לא משתמשים בדרך כלל. That word isn't in common use. That word doesn't usually be used. خط أمي جميل. My mother has good handwriting. My mother's line is beautiful. Mmeslay kan yid-sen. Just talk with them. And they talked with them. توم يحب شطائر الجبنة. Tom likes cheeseburgers. Tom likes cheese sandwiches. אמתין למטה. I'll be waiting downstairs. I'll wait down. לא בא לי להכין את שיעורי הבית במתמטיקה עכשיו. I don't feel like doing my math homework now. I don't want to make the homework in math right now. העץ מטיל צל לאורך הרחוב. The tree cast a shadow across the road. The tree is shadowing along the street. Ad nemẓer ɣef imensi. I'll see you at dinner. We will see about the meal. האם הבית שלך רחוק מהחֶברה שלך? Is your house far from your company? Is your house far from your company? Kkes ugur! No worries! Kkes! שבי בבקשה! Please take a seat. Please sit down! מה עשית עכשיו? What have you done now? What did you do now? الموسيقى لغة عالمية. Music is a universal language. Music is a global language. תום רצה לקנות זוג מגפיים חדשים. Tom wanted to buy a new pair of boots. Tom wanted to buy a pair of new boots. Xdem kan ayen i xedmeɣ! Do only what I did! See what I do. Ur ẓriɣ ara i wacu-t akk uhetwal-a. I don't know what the fuss is all about. I don't know what any of these things mean. אני לא רוצה לחלוק את החדר במלון עם מישהו זר. I don't want to share the hotel room with a stranger. I don't want to share the room in the hotel with anyone else. אתה מבין שלא נולדתי לדרוך בתלם - הכישור יוצא הדופן של טבעי דוחף אותי קדימה. You know I am not born to tread in the beaten track — the peculiar bent of my nature pushes me on. You realize that I haven't been born into a path in the throttle -- an extraordinary skill of nature that pushes me forward. Ulamek. Impossible. Not at all. הבניין קרס. The house collapsed. The building's broken. Aya yeḥwaǧ aseggem. It needs to be repaired. Yeah, he needed an assegam. يحلب سامي الأبقار مرّتين في اليوم. Sami milks the cows twice a day. He likes cows twice a day. Ɛas kra. Please wait. I am sorry. لم تأت قبل الثانية. She didn't come before two. You didn't show up before the second. Yenna-d Tom ur yessin ara ilugan. Tom said he didn't know the rules. But he said to Thomas, "They don't know the dog. האם אכן זה השתלם? Was that really worth it? Did it really pay? תפסיקי לשאול את הבגדים שלי בלי רשות. Stop borrowing my clothes without asking. Stop asking my clothes without permission. هل لي بكأس ماء؟ May I have a glass of water? Can I have a glass of water? لدينا مدرّس جديد. We got a new teacher. We have a new teacher. הם נראו בסדר. They seem fine. They looked fine. Qqimemt. Go sit down. You're right. אני רוצה שיעצרו את טום בגין רצח. I want Tom arrested for murder. I want Tom arrested for murder. Sneɣ imdanen-agi. I know those people. But I know of these things. Siwel-as i Tom. Contact Tom. Tel-as-Tom. Yenna-d Tom ilaq ad d-yeṛḍel idrimen. Tom says he has to borrow some money. Then said he unto them, That he should lend, and spend. טום ממש לא מרבה לדבר על הבעיות שלו. Tom doesn't really talk about his problems much. Tom really doesn't talk about his problems. ف لّوّل، راني رايح ندير شيما تع سّيت انترنات ژديد ديالي. First, I'm going to do an outline of my new website. So Lowell, Rannie Wraih runs a shima essitt Internet. אנחנו יכולים! We can! We can! حقّق سامي في ماضي ليلى. Sami investigated Layla's past. Sammy did last night. תום לא היה כל כך נמרץ. Tom wasn't very energetic. Tom wasn't so excited. הייתי חסר פרוטה. I was broke. I was missing a prote. עמד לו גביע תחרות כדורת על המדף מעל למכתבה של תום. There was a bowling trophy on the shelf above Tom's desk. He had a ball hat on the shelf above Tom's letter. Tabalizt-is ẓẓayet aṭas. Her suitcase is too heavy. And his fatness was heavy. נערות יפות חולמות עליו. Beautiful girls dream of him. Beautiful girls dream of him. Azul, nekk d Nancy. Hello, I am Nancy. culturally I am Naci. نانسي كان شكلها تعبانة خالص. Nancy looks so tired. Nancy was a perfect sign. بإمكانك المشاركة في الاجتماع بغض النظر عن سنك. You can take part in the meeting regardless of your age. You can participate in the meeting regardless of your age. ההגייה שלך נכונה, פחות או יותר. Your pronunciation is more or less correct. Your logic is right, pretty much. እርሱ ወዴት ነው፧ Where is he? Where is he? אנו רגישים. We're sensitive. We're sensitive. Tuɣalem-d deg Tibet? Do you come back from Tibet? came to Tibet? Dilmawen. They're empty. Diluene. لا أريد أن أعمل في ظل هذه الظروف. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work under these circumstances. כשרון הרקוד שלו הרשים את כולם. His talent for dancing impressed everyone. His dance talent impressed everyone. تفطّن سامي لهذا. Sami has realized that. Give Sammy a break for this. אתמול הוא כבר היסטוריה, מחר - תעלומה. אולם היום - מתנת הגורל; ומתנות נועדו לכך שישמחו בהן. Yesterday is already history, and tomorrow, a mystery. However, today is a present of fate, and presents are supposed to bring joy. Yesterday is history, tomorrow -- a mystery, but today -- a gift of destiny; and gifts are meant to make them happy. هل يجب ان اقول المناخ يتغير او الاحتباس الحراري؟ Should I say "Climate Change" or "Global Warming"? Should I say climate is changing or warming? Tettɛawad-d teqsiṭ-nni. History repeats itself. The dogs were shut up. הוא היה חולה אבל הלך לבית הספר. He was sick, but he went to school. He was sick, but he went to school. Teẓṛiḍ d acu i txeddmeḍ? Do you know what you're doing? What dost thou do? רק אל תספר להם שאני שלחתי אותך. Just don't tell them I sent you. Just don't tell them I sent you. احكي لي عن رحلة سفرك من فضلك. Please tell me about your trip. Tell me about your trip, please. أود أن أقدم على طلب. I would like to make a request. I would like to apply. كان الماء باردا جدّا. The water was freezing. The water was so cold. Adfel iɣelli-d. Snow is falling. It's darker than d-d. אתה ממש מרגיז. You're really annoying. You're really upset. השוטרים עקבו אחרי כל רמז, אבל חזרו בידיים ריקות. The police followed up all their leads, but came up empty handed. The cops followed every clue, but they came back empty hands. الاكتئاب الحقيقي يكون عندما تتوقف عن حب الاشياء التي تحبها Real depression is when you stop loving the things you love. True depression is when you stop loving the things you like. ألقى سامي بالمسدّس من النّافذة. Sami threw the gun out the window. Sammy threw a gun out of the window. את נראית יפה מאוד. You look very beautiful. You look very beautiful. Aql-i ttenhaṛeɣ. I drive. But I testify against him. كان سامي يحسب حبّات سبحته. Sami was fingering his prayer beads. Sammy was counting his swimming bonds. Ad iṛuḥ Tom ad yečč akka cwiya. Tom is going to eat soon. and go, eat and drink, naked, يمكنك أن تطلب منه أن يساعدك. You can ask him for help. You can ask him to help you. אני רוצה שתשבי פה ותהיי בשקט. I want you to sit here and be quiet. I want you to sit here and be quiet. מה קרה שם? What happened over there? What happened in there? Nuḥwaǧ walebɛaḍ. We need somebody. Let's do it. اختفت ليلى. Layla went missing. Lila's gone. Takeṛṛust n Sami ur tekkir ara. Sami's car is not starting. The throne of heaven will not be exalted. טום קנה שעון מזויף. Tom bought a counterfeit watch. Tom bought a fake watch. תום גנח בקול. Tom groaned loudly. Tom's sneezing out loud. אראה לכם את הסביבה. I'll show you around. I'll show you the environment. Yessaram Tom akked Mary yiwen ur ten-id-iẓṛi. Tom and Mary hoped that no one had seen them. And Martha, Thomas, and Mary, whom she had seen no man, could find out: Din i telliḍ? Are you there? Are you that? يودّ توم شراء منزلًا. Tom would like to buy a house. Tom wants to buy a house. Feṛḥeɣ imi ur ẓṛiɣ ara. I'm so glad I didn't know. I am glad that I was no more. سني يؤلمني. My tooth hurts. My age hurts. Ilaq ad mlilent wallen ticki ara nemṣafaḥ wa d wa. Our eyes should meet when we shake hands with each other. We must blind the eye of one eye, that is, the eye of another. האם משמעו של דבר שיש לנו בעיות? Does that mean we're in trouble? Does it mean we have problems? فُصل سامي عن وظيفته. Sami was fired. Sammy was dismissed from his job. سامي طويل، إذا يحتاج لسيّارة كبيرة. Sami is tall, so he needs a big car. Sammy's long, if he needs a big car. Il-fkieren m'għandhomx snien. Turtles don't have teeth. Turtles have no teeth. הטמפרטורה ירדה אמש עד מינוס עשר מעלות. The temperature went down to minus ten degrees centigrade last night. The temperature dropped last night to minus ten degrees. אני חושבת שהעניינים על מי מנוחות. I think things are going well. I think it's about who's resting. لا تنظر إليها! Don't look at her! Don't look at her! Nirringrazzjawkom ħafna! We thank you very much! Thank you so much! ኣብ ኣስመራ ተወለድኩ። I was born in Asmara. In the beginning I was born תן לה לישון. Let her sleep. Let her sleep. Zemreɣ ad nehṛeɣ. I can drive. I swear by God, I will deny him. Azul, amek i m-ssawalen? Hello, what is your name? Now how were they called? هل تعرف كيف تستخدم قاموسًا؟ Do you know how to use a dictionary? Do you know how to use a mouse? קח אותי אתך. Take me with you. Take me with you. העברית שבפיו משובחת משלה. His Hebrew was more advanced than hers. The Hebrew that he has is very good of her own. חובתנו לציית לחוק. It is our duty to obey the law. Our duty to obey the law. Ad ruḥeɣ ɣer Ustralya ddurt i d-iteddun. I'm going to Australia next week. And I will travel through Macedonia and beyond that which is to come. عفوًا. You're welcome. Excuse me. יש לי תחושה די טובה לגבי זה. I feel pretty good about it. I have a pretty good feeling about it. دَارْهَا مالْڤري وْعَدْ بلّي ما يْديرهاش. He did it even though he had promised not to do it. It's turned out with my money and promised me what he's running. Tom yessen Mary seg wasmi yella d agrud. Tom has known Mary since he was a child. And ye know Mary since I was yet a child. كان المدرّس يحبّني. The teacher liked me. The teacher loved me. Tom akked Mary zewǧen deg Tubeṛ 2013. Tom and Mary got married in October 2013. Thomas and Mary abode in Tuber 2013; Wa John. Hey, John. John. Tom yenna-d ur yettṛuḥu ara ɣer tmeɣṛa n Mary. Tom said he wasn't going to Mary's party. But he didn't enter into the marriage to Mary. להתווכח איתו זה וויכוח שוא. It is vain to argue with him. Arguing with him is a false argument. إنه قلق بسبب مرض والده. He is concerned about his father's illness. He's worried about his father's disease. Ibubb ini azeggaɣ. He put a case on his back. Do not pass it on to others. اوكي Okay. Okay. Muten i meṛṛa. Everybody's dead. And all appeared. لا يهتمّ سامي باليوتوب. Sami wasn't into YouTube. Sammy doesn't care about Kyoto. أين الملابس التي تحتاج إلى غسل؟ Where is the laundry? Where are the clothes you need to wash? انت حياتي. You are my life. You're my life. תום הקשיב רוב קשב. Tom listened intently. Tom listened most of it. לא להתקרב לזה! Don't go near that. Don't get any closer to it! Err iman-ik deg uxxam-ik. Make yourself at home. Send yourself out to your waist. فما يركز عليه هي الجمل، وليست الكلمات. It's all about sentences. Not words. What it focuses on is sentences, not words. לא ממש ראינו את התאונה. We didn't actually see the accident. We didn't really see the accident. Zziɣ ar tama tayeffust. I turned right. I am seated on the right hand. I cebḥent tjeǧǧigin-nni! What lovely flowers! I knew it was wrong. توم ما يَقْدرش يجاوب ضوك. Tom can't answer now. Tom can't answer your voice. אני לא יודע אם אני יכול לסבול את הרעש הזה עוד. I don't know if I can put up with this noise any longer. I don't know if I can bear that noise anymore. כבר אין לי טלפון נייד. I don't have a cellphone anymore. I don't have a cell phone anymore. רכשנו בית חדש תמורת שמונים אלף דולר. We purchased a new house for eighty thousand dollars. We bought a new house for $88,000. ليس ذلك من شأنك. It's none of your business. It's none of your business. עלינו להשתמש בכל האמצעים כדי לשכנע אותו. We have to use every means to persuade him. We need to use all the means to convince him. חמורים הם בהמות קשוחות. Donkeys are tough animals. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no אנו יכולים לשלם. We can pay. We can pay. Ufiɣ t. I found it. I think it is possible. Acḥal d abrid i yexdem ayen-nni yakan Tom. Tom has already done that many times. Often this has been done, that he might have done the things which were done by Thomas. Ur tt-tettuɣ ara akk. I won't forget this. I have not written it any thing. תום נהיה סקרן. Tom became curious. Tom's getting curious. لدي نصف ما لديه من كتب فقط. I have only half as many books as he. I've only got half of what he's got. Tom yuɣ-d aya i nekkni. Tom bought that for us. For now I am past my way. سعر الدخول عشرة دولارات للشخص الواحد. The admission is ten dollars a person. Ten dollars per person. كان ينبغي على سامي أن يتنظر. Sami should have waited. Sammy had to look. התעלמנו מתום. We ignored Tom. We ignored an orphan. لا يمكنك التدخل في حياتي. You can't run my life. You can't interfere with my life. Ilḥeq-d Tom. Tom arrived. I-d Tom. Sɛant ddeqs n yedrimen. They have enough money. They took advantage of the price. Giɣ azgen n uxeddim, u tura zemreɣ ad sgunfuɣ. I've done half the work, and now I can take a break. I speak boldly; yea, I am able also to quench him. Kksemt iqaciren-nkunt. Mennad has socks. I don't know. I don't know. Yusa Tom. Tom coughed. Josa Tom. התשתתף בפרויקט? Would you take part in the project? Did you participate in the project? احتجز فاضل العاهرات في قبو منزله. Fadil padlocked the prostitutes in the basement of his house. He held the hooker of the whores in the basement of his house. Ur zmireɣ ara ad ɛiwneɣ Tom ass-a. I can't help Tom today. I can't wait for Tom today. هل بإمكانك أن تصدق ما قاله؟ Can you believe what he said? Can you believe what he said? די קר היום שוב, אבל מחר צפויות הטמפרטורות לעלות. It is rather cold again today, but tomorrow we expect the temperature to rise. It's pretty cold today again, but tomorrow the temperatures are expected to rise. איפה נמצאת שגרירות שוודיה? Where is the Swedish embassy? Where's the Swedish embassy? Ad d-afeɣ amek. I'll find a way. And I will come again, and see. אנו זקוקים לאספקה. We need supplies. We need supplies. מעודי לא הייתי כל כך מאושרת. I've never been so happy. I've never been so happy. ابتعدت ليلى. Layla moved away. I'm out of my way. Atas guwamy war c zriɣ. Long time, no see. Atas gwamy ta'di. האם היית פעם באופרה? Have you ever been to an opera? Have you ever been to the opera? الصندوق فارغ تقريبا The box is almost empty. The box's almost empty. أعتقد أنكَ فكرتَ في ما كنتُ سأفكر فيه. I think you thought what I'm going to think. I think you thought about what I'd think. لا يمكنه الركض بسرعة. He can't run very fast. He can't run fast. هولندا بلد صغير. Holland is a small country. The Netherlands is a small country. ברוך בואך. You're welcome. Welcome. מעודי לא ידעתי שאתה אוהב אותי. I never knew you cared about me. I never knew you loved me. המילון הזה הועיל לי מאד. This dictionary has been of great use to me. This dictionary has been of great benefit to me. Cedhaɣ-k aṭas. I missed you very much. I have many things to say about you. שמו היה ג'פטו, אך ילדי השכונה קראו לו פולנדינה, בשל הפיאה שלבש תמיד על ראשו, בצבעו הצהוב של התירס. His name was Geppetto, but to the boys of the neighborhood he was Polendina, on account of the wig he always wore which was just the color of yellow corn. His name was Jepto, but the neighbors called him Polanda, because of the furry that always wears on his head, the yellow color of the corn. Am Tom am Mary, ur ssinen ara amek ara hedren Tafransist. Both Tom and Mary don't know how to speak French. But Thomas and Mary knew not how to preach the gospel. S tezmert-nwen! Cheers! By your power! Ansuf yis-m ar Kanada! Welcome to Canada! Welcome you to Canada! ما زالت قدماي تؤلمانني. My legs still hurt. My feet still hurt me. ليس عندي إلا نصف عدد كتبه. I have only half as many books as he. I have only half his books. אני לא צריכה טובות! I don't need favors. I don't need any favors! מה מנע ממנה להגיע אתמול? What prevented her from coming yesterday? What prevented her from reaching out yesterday? Ilaq ad tṛuḥeḍ. You've got to go. It must go away. Fket-iyi akud. Give me time. Be careful with me. Cennun. They sing. Cinnu. Tumer aṭas Naomi seg mi tewwi arraz. Naomi is very glad about having won first prize. How many a man of understanding did it lie upon her when she carried the load! Tom yuɣ tanumi yettru aṭas. Tom used to cry a lot. And I thank God much for it. Amen. لنأخذ استراحة قصيرة. Let's take a short break. Let's take a short break. لا أحد يتكلم معي. No one speaks with me. No one's talking to me. הוא התיישב לבדו. He was seated all alone. He settled alone. שכנעת אותי. You've convinced me. You convinced me. הציפורים מצייצות בקול רם כשהן עפות במהירות. The birds chirp loudly while flying rapidly. Birds shout out loud as they fly fast. אנו אוהבים את תום לפחות כמוך. We care for Tom as much as you do. We love Tom at least like you. Ur d-ttaǧǧa ara dduzan-ik dagi. Don't leave your stuff here. Don't let your mouth rest here. הציפורים בונות קנים מזרדים. Birds build nests of twigs. Birds build groceries. Kra qqaren-d d akken taserdast timḍebbert , Dihya, tella d tudayt tamaziɣt. Some claim the female Berber military leader, Dihya, was a Berber Jew. Some of the leaves were broken off, as someoted by the roots. Ah, it was already broken in pieces. את חושבת שתום נבון? Do you think Tom is wise? You think Tom's wise? بكيتُ طوال الليل. I cried all night long. I cried all night. تتكلم الأمازيغية مع أبنائها. She speaks Berber to her kids. The Amazigh speaks to her children. Azekka ad jerrdeɣ ar temsirin n tkurdit. Tomorrow I will apply for the Kurdish course. I will write thee until the next day, I will write it down. תום הציע שהפגישה תידחה עד יום שני. Tom suggested that the meeting be postponed until Monday. Tom suggested that the meeting be rejected by Monday. لا أعلم إذا كان توم جائعاً أم لا I don't know whether Tom is hungry or not. I don't know if Tom's hungry or not. Mary akked Tom fehhmen tafṛansist? Do both Tom and Mary understand French? Mary and Tom understood technology? Ilaq win ara t-ixedmen. Somebody had to do that. And whomsoever he shall do, he must do it. نادى سامي كلّ القسم بعبارة "أغبياء." Sami called the entire class "jerks." Sammy called the whole section with the words "stupids." نُقَدِّر مساعدتك. We appreciate your help. We appreciate your help. Yella walebɛaḍ i iceɛlen times. Somebody set the fire. And there was yet a certain man which had the fire kindled. תום אמר למרי שלא תבזבז את זמנה לנסות לשכנע את ג'ון לעזור. Tom told Mary not to waste her time trying to convince John to help. Tom told Mary not to waste her time trying to convince John to help. Giɣ-awen-d lqahwa. I made you coffee. I have made an end of you. Ansuf yis-k ar Kanada! Welcome to Canada! By no means! till Canada! X'nistgħu nixorbu? What can we drink? What can we drink? وجد سامي تلك الفتاة. Sami found the girl. Sammy found that girl. مؤكّدٌ أنه ساعدهم لمنفعة شخصية. It is certain that he helped them for the benefit of himself. He certainly helped them for personal benefit. Ḍefṛeɣ-tt. I followed him. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . اتّصل سامي بالشّرطة يوما بعد وفاة ليلى. Sami called the police one day after Layla's death. Sammy called the police one day after he died at night. Mi ara fakkeɣ učči, taɣawsa tamenzut i xeddmeɣ d asired n tuɣmas-iw. After eating, the first thing I do is brush my teeth. As I eat, I eat; and the body that I make of my finger shall I eat. הסל היה מלא וגדוש בתותי שדה עד גדותיו. The basket was filled to the brim with strawberries. The basket was full and covered with field furniture up to his skin. لا تقل ذلك. Don't say that. Don't say that. أنا مشغول اليوم. I'm not free today. I'm busy today. Tom akked Mary sεan issin yiwet n tikti. Tom and Mary both had the same idea. And Thomas and Mary knew one piece of bread. جيم في ورطة. Jim is in trouble. Jim's in trouble. תחתום שם. Sign your name there. Sign there. طلب توم شيء للأكل Tom ordered something to eat. Tom asked for something to eat. אפילו שעון מקולקל מראה את השעה הנכונה פעמיים ביום. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Even a broken clock shows the right time twice a day. Dur fuq il-lemin. Turn right. Turn right. אני מבקשת שתביא לי כוס קפה. I'd like you to get me a cup of coffee. I'm asking you to bring me a cup of coffee. Ttxil-wet ǧǧet-iyi ad xellṣeɣ. Please let me pay. Bring me up, and I will be found by you. قتل ذلك الرجل. He killed that man. Kill that guy. אם אינך יודע את פירוש המילה, עליך לחפש במילון. If you don't know the meaning of the word, you have to look it up in the dictionary. If you don't know the word, you have to look in the dictionary. Tuzzel Mary. Mary ran. She ran Mary. Tom yuɣal d amdakkel n Mary asmi yella yettidir deg Boston. Tom became friends with Mary when he was living in Boston. And Thomas returned to the mother of Mary while he dwelt at Boston. هذا القطار مكتظ، فلنركب التالي. This one's crowded, so let's take the next train. This train's overcrowded. Let's get the next one. Bded ! Get up. Beds! Ur qqaṛemt i yiwen. Don't tell anyone. Let no man judge him. هذا مدرّسي في الموسيقى. This is my music teacher. This is my music teacher. Tom isbadu akalas-a. Tom set this record. Tom is an alama-a. Acḥal i teččiḍ n uguglu? How much cheese did you eat? For how long have ye eaten and filled? את בטוחה שאת רוצה לדעת את האמת? Are you sure you really want to know the truth? Are you sure you want to know the truth? הגשם הקיש חזק על המשקוף. The rain was beating hard against the windowpane. The hard rain is strong on the mirror. Tlaq tin ara t-ixedmen. Somebody had to do that. Let her do what she has done. أخذت تبكي. You began to cry. I took a crying. Inɣa Tom aɣerda s tεekkazt-is. Tom killed the rat with his cane. But we were filled with dust and gravel. علمنا أن توم لن يتأخر. We knew Tom wouldn't be late. We knew Tom wouldn't be late. כמה תלמידים יש בבית הספר? How many students are there in the school? How many students are there at school? إلى أين أنتم ذاهبون؟ Where are you off to? Where are you going? Yekcem Sami deg tkeṛṛust n Layla. Sami got in Layla's car. And Samai went, which is by far the south side of the isle. لا يمكنني أن أخبرك كم أحبّك. I can't tell you how much I love you. I can't tell you how much I love you. היה עליך לחסוך משהו ליום סגריר. You should lay by something against a rainy day. You had to save something for a day. הזהר לא להחליק! Be careful not to slip! Be careful not to slip! אחי הוא סטודנט שנה ראשונה. My brother is a freshman. My brother's a first-year student. את זה אינני יכול לומר לך. I can't tell you that. I can't tell you that. Ḥemmleɣ ad innigeɣ. I love traveling. For I have compassion on him, that I might have compassion on him. הקשר הרומנטי הארוך ביותר שלי נמשך ארבעה חודשים. My longest romantic relationship lasted four months. My longest romantic relationship lasted four months. תפקידם היה לפברק הזמנות, כדי לסבך את החברה המתחרה. Their job is to make fake orders, in order to cause trouble for the rival company. Their job was to break orders to complicated the competitive company. D Tom i d amdakel-iw n tidett. Tom is my best friend. Therefore put on the outside of my garment, and see. רוב התאונות קורות במרחק של עד 18 ק"מ מהבית. Most accidents happen within 10 miles of your house. Most of the accidents happen as far as 18 miles from home. הטקסט הזה מיועד למתחילים. This text is aimed at beginners. This text is intended for the starters. שבוע מכיל שבעה ימים. A week has seven days. A week is seven days. אני משוכנע בתמימותה. I am convinced of her innocence. I'm convinced of her innocence. השעון הזה מיוצר בשווייצריה. The watch is manufactured in Switzerland. This clock is produced in Switzerland. Tεummeḍ iḍelli? Did you swim yesterday? Do you stay overnight? خالي يدخن كثيرًا جدا، ولا غنى له عن التبغ. My uncle is a very heavy smoker; tobacco is indispensable to him. My uncle smokes a lot too much, and it's indispensable for tobacco. Tzemreḍ ad mmeslayeḍ neɣ ala? You can talk, can't you? Will you speak, or not? لدي قلم. I have a pen. I have a pen. היא צבעה את הקיר בורוד. She painted the wall pink. She voted the brown wall. الْبَحْرُ أَخْضَرُ. The sea is green. The sea is getting smaller. הקבוצה הורכבה מארבעה גברים צעירים. The group was made up of four young men. The team was composed of four young men. Qqim ɣer ṭṭabla. Sit at the table. Stay on your way, praying all the way to the Lord. Tzewṛeḍ g tyita n ugiṭaṛ. You play the guitar very well. Thou hast pressed the way to the finish. אני בעל. I'm a married man. I'm a husband. ماذا كان سيحدث إذا لم يُلدغ بيتر باركر من قِبَل عنكبوت لكن من قبل قاقُم؟ What would have happened if Peter Parker hadn't been bitten by a spider but a stoat? What would have happened if Peter Parker wasn't born before he was born, but before his death? מר תומס יוכל לפתור את הבעיה. Mr. Thomas will be able to solve the problem. Mr. Thomas can solve the problem. Tom yuggad arwas. Tom is afraid of the pandemic. Tom is scared. Ahat ad ṛuḥeɣ ar Boston deg Tubeṛ. I'll probably go to Boston in October. I suppose I will go to Boston in Tuber. אתה באמת חושב להתפטר מהעבודה שלך? Are you seriously thinking about quitting your job? You really think about resigning from your job? شاهد جمال التلفاز إلى وقت متأخر من الليل. Jamal watched TV too late. Watch the beautiful TV till late at night. قبّلها. He kissed her. Give her a kiss. Bɣiɣ ad tili tin ara yi-iɛawnen i wakken ad xedmeɣ aya. I need someone to help me do this. I would to God ye would help me now. ظرف و طابع بريد من فضلك. An envelope and a stamp, please. Conditions and character of mail, please. Tom yerra-d s telqayt. Tom answered in detail. But he answered, 'Be quiet.' אני צריך תיבת עזרה ראשונה. I need a first aid kit. I need a first aid box. Ilaq ad tetteḍ tiremt n ssbeḥ mkul ass. You should eat breakfast every day. Thou must keep the sum of every day in full. Rran ddehn-nsen meṛṛa. Everyone noticed. And they did all receive him; and their minds were lifted up. האם תום שותף לכך? Is Tom in on this? Did Tom share that? Am kečč i ttwaliɣ. I am for your opinion. Yes, I will testify about you. אני לא רוצה להפרד ממך. I don't want to break up with you. I don't want to break up with you. תום אומר שזה מה שהוא צריך באמת. Tom says this is what he really needs. Tom says that's what he really needs. هىَ متزوجة من بحار. She married a sailor. She's married to a sea. لا تلمس الجرح. Don't touch the wound. Don't touch the wound. Ɣur-m axxam deg Ustṛalya? Do you own a house in Australia? Have you found a house in Australia? איך אני חוצה את הנהר? How do I get over the river? How do I cross the river? تشجع! You can do it. Encourage! Nuɣ-d taqerɛet n waman. We bought a bottle of water. And I gave up the flood of water. אני חסרת גג. I'm homeless. I'm out of the roof. הם העלו נקודה יפה. They made a good point. They got a good point. אשא את זה אל קברי. I'll carry that to my grave. I'll carry it to my grave. Yella win i yettɛassan Tom. Somebody is waiting for Tom. And there was one named Thomas. علاش تخدم هنا. Why do you work here? A bank is serving here. אנו צריכים לתת להם רגע פרטיות. We should let them have a moment alone. We need to give them a moment of privacy. زيّن سامي المنزل. Sami decorated the house. Wear Sammy home. هى ولدت في العام 1960. She was born in 1960. She was born in 1960. החיים מתוקים. Life is sweet. Life's sweet. انا بخلفه . I am at the rear of him. I'm behind him. אני מציע שתניח את הנשק. I suggest you put that weapon down. I suggest you put the weapon down. תום מרגיש באותה צורה? Does Tom feel the same way? Is Tom feeling the same way? טום ומרי אוחזים יד ביד. Tom and Mary are holding hands. Tom and Mary hold a hand in their hand. אנו עובדים קשה כדי לסיים את המיזם עד אוקטובר. We're working hard to get the project finished by October. We're working hard to finish the project by October. Ceyyeɛ-iyi-d ḥedd tura yakan. Send me somebody right away. Tell me now. Nekk yid-m nḥemmel uraren. You and I love games. I love the foolish. Yennum yettenkar-d zik. He used to get up early. And they began to be sore amazed. حدث ذلك في الأول من مايو. It happened on the first of May. That happened on the first of May. Tuɣ-iyi deg idurar. I was in the mountains. I was on the mountains. הם משוגעים כולם. They're all nuts. They're all crazy. האם גם סופרמן יכול לראות דרך בגדים? Can Superman also see through clothes? Can Superman also see through clothes? Akayad-nni hatan ad-s nizmir. The examination is at hand. And hitherto the young man was able to resist him. سأتأخر قليلا اليوم. I'll be a little late today. I'll be a little late today. אני יכול להשתמש בהמחאות נוסעים כדי לשלם את העמלה? Can I use my travelers' checks to pay the fee? Can I use passenger checks to pay the commission? היא חסרת סבלנות. She's impatient. She's impatient. Ɣuṛ-k. Take care. Unregarded. توم يشترى قِط. Peter is buying a tomcat. Tom buys a cat. תום קפץ בחזרה לתוך המשאית שלו. Tom jumped back into his truck. Tom jumped back into his truck. تمّ اعتقال ليلى في القاهرة بمصر. Layla was arrested in Cairo, Egypt. Lily was arrested in Cairo in Egypt. מה שהם אמרו לי איננו נכון. What they have told me is untrue. What they told me wasn't true. השומרים מצאו תער מאולתר בכיסו של האסיר. The guards found a hacksaw blade in the prisoner's pocket. The guards found a hidden tent in the prisoner's pocket. بنتي تحبّ الفاكية تاع الصيف: حبّ الملوك، الدلاّع، الخوخ. My daughter likes summer fruits, such as cherries, watermelons and peaches. My daughter likes the fruit of the summer: the love of kings, the flags, the furrows. اعتذر توم لماري عن تأخره. Tom apologized to Mary for being late. Tom's sorry for Mary's late. Ttqadaṛeɣ-kem. I respect you. I'm sorry. لقد قضيت أسبوعا مع أسرة فلسطينيّة من غزّة. I spent a week with a Palestinian family from Gaza. I spent a week with a Palestinian family from Gaza. Tom yexdem akken i d-tenna Mary Tom did as Mary suggested. You are doing exactly as Mary saw. Aɛeggun! Idiot! Far from it! האונייה יצאה מן הנמל ולא נראתה עוד מאז. The ship left the port, never to be seen again. The ship has left the port and hasn't been seen since. أنا حابَس ما علاباليش علاش. I'm stupid and I don't know why. I'm a prisoner. אני רוצה לשחק איתך טניס ביום כלשהו. I want to play tennis with you someday. I want to play tennis with you some day. Yella ḥedd dihin. There's somebody there. There's a lot to change. זה היה רק חלום. It was just a dream. It was just a dream. Axxir ad nruḥ. We'd better go. I'll give you a drink. אתה אנליטי? Are you analytical? Are you analytical? Werǧin yesεa Tom ugur netta d walbaεḍ. Tom has never had a problem with anybody. The leaves you have to attend to each other. Yesteqsa-d fell-akent. He asked after you. He asked-d for the agent. הארץ הזאת שייכת לתום. This land belongs to Tom. This country belongs to an orphan. הוא העמיד פנים כאילו הוא ישן. He pretended to be sleeping. He pretends like he's sleeping. شك المحامي في براءته. The lawyer doubted his innocence. The lawyer doubted his innocence. אל תבזבזי כסף על בגדים, ג'ולי. תחסכי כסף! Don't waste money on clothes, Julie. Save money! Don't spend money on clothes, Julie. ذلك فندقٌ. That is a hotel. That's a hotel. Ur tetteɣ ara lḥut ma ur yewwi ara. I don't eat raw fish. I will not be free if it isn't lawful for me. هي لا تحسن الإنجليزية مثلك. She doesn't speak English as fluently as you. She doesn't improve English like you. תום היה מצפוני. Tom was conscientious. Tom was north. Nuḥwaǧ kra n ḥedd. We need somebody. We've got some things to do. Sɛiɣ takti ɣaya-tt. I've got a good idea. I had a quarrel against him, and he took him. הם כולם מתעצבנים בקלות. They are all irritable. They all get upset easily. Anda i yelmed Tom tafransist? Where did Tom study French? Where did Tom get his training? لا ترمي الناس بالحجارة وبيتك من زجاج. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Don't people shoot stones and your house out of glass. هذه كلمة أمازيغية. This is a Berber word. That's a Masigian word. كان سامي مقيما في الحيّ الجامعي. Sami was staying in the dorm. Sammy was living in the university neighborhood. كان سامي منبهرا بالحكايات العربّية. Sami is fascinated with Arabic fairy tales. Sammy was glamorized with Arabic stories. يمكنك أن تأخذ أحد الكتابين. You may take either of the two books. You can take one of those books. היו לו שערות שיבה. He had gray hair. He had hair. أنت قديم. You're old. You're old. أود الاختلاء بتوم لبضع دقائق. I'd like to have a few minutes alone with Tom. I'd like to blow up Tom for a few minutes. האם זה בטוח לאכול את זה? Is it safe to eat this? Is it safe to eat it? متى سنقيم الحفلة؟ When shall we have the party? When are we going to have the party? Tom yettidir deg Ustṛalya. Tom lives in Australia. Tom lives in Australia. حاولت ليلى استعمال الدّين لحماية أولادها من شرور هذا العالم. Layla tried to use religion to protect her children from the evils of this world. Lily tried to use the debt to protect her children from the evils of this world. أنا هنا I am here. I'm here. نَعَم، هذا بَيتي. Yes, that's my house. Yeah, this is my house. Tzemremt ad tenɣemt albaɛḍ. You could kill someone. You can execute the cross at any time. Tuɣalemt d timexlal? Have you become insane? Are you tired? لا تقلق. أنا سأعتني بك. Don't worry. I'll take care of you. Don't worry, I'll take care of you. תום לא יכול לנצח והוא יודע זאת. Tom can't win and he knows it. Tom can't win and he knows it. Ur riɣ ara ad rjuɣ akk annect-a. I don't want to wait that long. For I don't know how to do these things. هذا كتابي. That's my book. That's my book. إن كلمة مركز المدينة تشير إلى الجزء التجاري من أي مدينة. The word downtown refers to the business quarter of any town. The word of the centre of the city refers to the commercial part of any city. Acu? What? What? كانت ليلى تستمتع بحياتها في القاهرة. Layla was enjoying her life in Cairo. Lily was enjoying her life in Cairo. Ulac deg-s! Whatever! It's in him! وضع سامي الكاميرا في جيبه. Sami put the camera in his pocket. Sammy put the camera in his pocket. غير مسموح لك أن تحضر قطك إلى المدرسة. You can't bring your cat to school. You're not allowed to bring your cat to school. Eǧǧ-iyi! Away with you! Let me go! La ttḥessiseɣ i uẓawan. I listen to music. When I pray, I hear my prayer. Ula d yiwen seg watmaten-iw ur izmir ad iεumm. Neither of my brothers can swim. And my brethren can't do any of these things. Ad nemmeslay ɣef wugur-a deg yixef wis tlata. We will deal with this problem in Chapter Three. We will speak of him on the third floor. Γutzif ukman. Containment is long. ✔utzif ukman. Ur nwiɣ ara yuḥwaǧ Tom ar uɛiwen-nteɣ. I don't think Tom needs our help. I don't know how to help him. Tenɣa Mary Abbott. Mary killed Abbott. Tenja Mary Abbott. D acu i tebɣiḍ? What do you want? What do you want? תן לי לבדר אותך. Let me entertain you. Let me entertain you. إنه كبير بما فيه الكفاية ليقود سيارة. He is old enough to drive. He's big enough to drive a car. Yella kra n yiwen i yewten Tom? Did somebody hit Tom? Is there anyone who struck Thomas? הזמנתי מקום. I have a reservation. I've ordered a place. הם חצו את הדלאוור הקפוא למחצה. They crossed the partly-frozen Delaware River. They crossed the frozen Delaware to half. أتى الولد راكضاً. The boy came running. The boy came riding. תום התקרב ובא. Tom came forward. Tom approached and came. אין לנו התנגדות שתצטרף אלינו במועדון שלנו. We have no objection to your joining us in our club. We have no objection to you joining us in our club. أتعرف كم الساعة؟ Do you know what the time is? Do you know how long? الجيش الإسرائيلي يطلق النّار على سيّارات الإسعاف الفلسطينيّة. The Israeli army shoots Palestinian ambulances. The Israeli army fires Palestinian ambulances. Ur ibni ara fell-as ad tt-iwali. He was surprised to see her. And he would not see him again. Ur tt-yeẓṛi ara Tom. Tom didn't see it. The job is not for the job. انت من فين ف كندا؟ Where in Canada are you from? You from Finn in Canada? ביצים צריכות להיות שלוקות לפחות חמש דקות. Eggs should be boiled for at least five minutes. Eggs should be in at least five minutes. لقد وجدت اجنحة الفندق واسع ، الأرائك مريحة ، الشطائر وفيرة. I found the suites capacious, the sofas commodious, the sandwiches copious. I have found the wings of the hotel wide, the eyelids are comfortable, the bushes are abundant. لا أعتقد أننا سنستطيع أن نحل هذه المشكلة بأنفسنا. I don't think that we will be able to solve this problem by ourselves. I don't think we can solve this problem ourselves. Tufiḍ-aɣ-d nuki. You found us awake. You have made room for us. אינני צעירה כתום. I'm not as young as Tom. I'm not an orange youth. Riɣ aṭas tutlayt Talmanit. I'm so in love with the German language. I heard many languages in Teman. D tabeṛṛanit i telliḍ? Are you a foreigner? Are you a foreigner? وضعت مضاد للتعرق على كل جسمي . اذ بدء العرق بالبخ من اعلى راسي ، انت تعرف السبب. I put roll-on antiperspirant all over my body. If sweat starts squirting out the top of my head, you know why. I've put an antiseptic on all my body. So, as the race starts to crack from the top of my head, you know why. قابلت بوب صباح اليوم. I saw Bob this morning. I met Bob this morning. לתום שלושה אחים. Tom has three brothers. Tom's three brothers. לא, זה עדיין לא מספק אותי. No, that still doesn't satisfy me. No, it still doesn't satisfy me. טום לא הזכיר בפניי את התאונה. Tom didn't mention the accident to me. Tom didn't mention the accident to me. نشأ سامي و هو يعتقد أنّ كلّ المسلمين إرهابيّين. Sami grew up thinking that all Muslims were terrorists. Sammy grew up and he thinks all Muslims are terrorists. أحضر أولادك معك. Bring your children along. Bring your kids with you. אל תשכחו להכין את שיעורי הבית שלכם. Don't forget to do your homework. Don't forget to make your homework. Acimi ur nezmir ara ad nečč dagi? Why can't we eat here? What can be done here for those who are weak? תום מצא את מרי בחדר המיון. Tom found Mary in the emergency room. Tom found Mary in the E.R. جميع اليابانيين تقريبا لديهم شعر داكن اللون. Nearly all Japanese have dark hair. Almost all Japanese have dark hair. תום נתן לנהג המונית תשר. Tom tipped the cab driver. Tom gave the cab driver a gift. لّي ادوتي علا روحو، هادا سيني لّوّل تع لانتيلّلژانس. To have doubts about oneself is the first sign of intelligence. I don't have anything to do with Rohoe, Hada Sini. Sɛut tabɣest! Be brave! weeping. אינני בטוח לגבי זה. I'm not sure about it. I'm not sure about that. اعترض ديما: "لكن هذا سخيف! الكوبيكات لم تعد تستخدم منذ عصور! و0.99 ليس رقمًا طبيعيا حتى!" "But that's ridiculous!" Dima protested. "Kopeks haven't been around in ages! And 0.99 isn't even a natural number!" Dima objected: "But this is ridiculous! Qqimen akk deg Boston ala Tom. Everyone stayed in Boston except Tom. And they dwelt all in Boston. עלינו לשוחח על זה. We should talk about this. We need to talk about it. זה מה שעומד עכשיו לקרות. That's what's going to happen right now. That's what's about to happen now. Tom yettxemmim. Tom is thinking. Tom's name. תפסיק, תום. Stop it, Tom. Stop it, Tom. Sami d Layla taggara fɣen akken ar tmeɣṛa. Sami and Layla ended up going to prom together. And they went out, and traded, as they did unto the wedding. Ɣṛet adlis-a. Read this book. Remember what you say. Igerrez. Correct. Igerrez. Tom yers ɣef ssebba. Tom looks about ready to explode. And he sat down in a row. أريد أن أشتري. I want to buy. I want to buy. Ad ruḥeɣ ddur i d-iteddun. I'm leaving next week. I will put my trust in the things that will come. Ur ssirideɣ ara takeṛṛust-im. I'm not washing your car. I will not rather do that for which you have been beaten. لا يحب توم هذا اللون. Tom does not like this color. Tom doesn't like this color. D azeggaɣ axiṛ. Red is better. It's better. Min baqa' ħaj? Who survived? Who survived? Ssfeqden-ten? Did they check them? Are you looking at them? D takanadit i telliḍ? Are you Canadian? Are you a businessman? ቡርጅ ኽሃሊፋ ኣብ ዓለም አቲ ዚለዓለ ህንጻ ኢዩ። Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Bourg Khallifa is the highest building in the world. أنا أسف جداً أنكَ لديكَ برد وأنكَ في السرير. أنا لعِبت مع ماري اليوم لبعض الوقت. آمل أنكَ غداً ستكون قادر على النهوض. أنا سعيد اليوم أن البرد الذي لدي تحسن. I am very sorry you have a cold and are in bed. I played with Mary today for a little while. I hope by tomorrow you will be able to be up. I am glad today that my cold is better. I'm so sorry you've got a cold and you're in bed. משה ירד מההר כשהוא נושא את עשרת הדברות. Moses came down from the mountain bearing divine commandments. Moses came down from the mountain when he carried ten pounds. A-t-an ad yeswiɣ tadamsa. He is going to destroy the economy. I-I will give tax to him. תום חשד שמרי מתלוצצת. Tom suspected Mary was kidding. Tom suspect Mary's kidding. لمسيد راو مغلوق علا جال التلج. The school is closed because of the snow. Mr. Rao's on top of the iceberg. Yuɣ-it-id. He bought it. The hand. Xdem ad tafeḍ. No pain, no gain. See if you can apply. הוא ניסה להבין מה שהתרחש. I was trying to make sense of what had happened. He tried to figure out what happened. Ilaq ad tetḥeqqeḍ d akken Tom ur ixeddem ara aya ass-a. You should make sure that Tom doesn't do that today. You must be righteous, as Tom has not done today. אני מצטער שהנחתי לך לחכות כל כך הרבה זמן. I'm sorry I have kept you waiting so long. I'm sorry I let you wait so long. وين نلقى التريكوات؟ Where would I find T-shirts? Where did we go? Bɣiɣ ad ḥewwseɣ yid-k. I want to travel with you. I want to watch with you. Yes, I will see you. As-d ar da! Come over. As-d see! Urar dihin. Play there. Urar dirin. Tḥeqqeɣ d akken Tom iḥemmel-iyi. I'm pretty sure Tom likes me. I am righteous, even as Thomas loveth me. האם זה המקום בו ארעה התאונה? Is this the place where the accident happened? Is this where the accident hit? Tura i d-uɣaleɣ seg lbusṭa. I just got back from the post office. But now I come from Cyprus. Ṭṭfen-t-id. They've caught him. And they laid hands on him, and took him. لا يبدو هذا صوت سامي. This doesn't sound like Sami. That doesn't sound like Sammy. Beṛka-k acetki. Stop complaining. Say "I don't care about you." אני הולך ברגל לבית הספר בכל יום. I walk to school every day. I walk to school every day. Ssarameɣ-ak ɛiṭa n tafat akked d ijeǧǧigen s ukemmic. I wish you lots of bright stars and all the flowers you desire. And I give thee between the two branches and the two branches. אני זר כאן. I am a stranger here. I'm a stranger here. Yella win i ak-d-isawlen? Did anyone call you? Is there anyone who called you? إنني قلق عليه. I worry about him. I'm worried about him. Tamart-agi, ur tesɛi ara nnif. Tzehher-d akken aɣ-d-tesmekti ddell, ticki yugar s uqenṭaṛ! The beard doesn't care about us. It abounds on purpose to remind us of our depression, when we have too much. But this woman remembereth not: for she is better than all men. האם החלטת איפה תאכל ארוחת צהרים? Did you decide where you're going to have lunch? Have you decided where to eat lunch? كانت ليلى ترقص و تربح المال. Layla danced and made money. Lily was dancing and making money. Ur teẓṛiḍ ara amek ar ad t-nṛeqqeɛ? Don't you know how to fix it? You don't try to cut him down, do you? אני מקווה שלא אאכזב איש. I hope I don't let anyone down. I hope I won't let anyone down. الطيور على أشكالها تقع. Birds of a feather flock together. Birds are on their forms. יש לי יותר מדי דברים! I have too much stuff! I have too many things! لم يكن سامي مسلما. Sami was not Muslim. Sammy wasn't a Muslim. Yekna Tom. Tom bowed. Did you know Tom? Tusa-d! She came! Tua-d! Tom ur ixemmem ara ɣef Mary. Tom didn't think about Mary. But you have no thought about Mary. كان سامي يلعب لعبة خطيرة للغاية. Sami was playing a very dangerous game. Sammy was playing a very serious game. זה היה אכזרי. That was harsh. That was cruel. ليس هناك حل. There isn't any solution. There's no solution. Kečč d apanda. You are a panda. You are an entrepreneur. Ǧǧet-iyi! Let me be. Why don't you listen to me? Tom ur yelli ara yettsudun Mary. Tom wasn't kissing Mary. But she is not free. Ur ttennidemt ara ɣef ṣṣuṛ. Don't lean against the wall. Think not of men. חשבתי אותו בטעות למר בראון. I mistook him for Mr. Brown. I thought it was an accident to Mr. Brown. يجب عليك الانضمام لي. You must join me. You have to join me. جعلت مدرّسي يتعثّر دون قصد. I accidentally tripped my teacher. I've made my teacher unintentional. כמעט כל הנוסעים ישנו בשעה שהתאונה ארעה. Almost all of the passenger in the bus were asleep when the accident happened. Almost all passengers sleep while the accident's bad. لديهم بنتان. They have two daughters. They have two daughters. מצטער שעיכבתי אותך כל כך הרבה זמן. I'm sorry I've kept you waiting so long. Sorry I've been holding you so long. في نهاية المطاف، وجد سامي نفسه في المستشفى. Sami ended up at the hospital. Eventually, Sammy found himself in the hospital. لقد تغيّرت الأمور نوعا ما. Things have changed a bit. It's kind of changed. Ad iyi-teǧǧem ad asreɣ, neɣ ad d-iniɣ tazemmurt! You should leave me cool; otherwise, I will say a possible blunder. If I stay there again, I will go away from here, or else I will go away from there. سامي و ليلى تشاجرا بشدّة. Sami and Layla had a huge argument. Sammy and Lily have a hard fight. Atan yebded Tom. Tom is standing up. And lo! this is that which (is) Tom. אני רעב. I'm starved. I'm hungry. تعلّمتُ العيش دونها. I learned to live without her. I learned to live without her. لقد وعدتني. You promised me. You promised me. هل تفهمني؟ Are you getting me? Do you understand me? Ɛqel-it tunfeḍ-as! Recognize him and let him do it! Persecute him, and count him. كان سامي يأخذ الكلاب لتمشيتها. Sami walked the dogs. Sammy was taking the dogs to walk. ?Tom ṛa-h ɣir yḍayyeɛ lweqt, lala Tom is just wasting time, isn't he? And if there be any time, then is there an appointed time, that there may be a season, and a time: זה הנהר השני באורכו ביפן. This is the second longest river in Japan. It's the other river in its length in Japan. صلّى سامي. Sami prayed. Sammy pray. لايستطيع توم أن يكف عن شرب الكحول Tom cannot stop drinking alcohol. Tom can't stop drinking. תוכלי לעזור לי להשגיח על הילדים? Can you help look after the kids? Can you help me look after the kids? Ḥrez-it deg wallaɣ-ik. Memorize this. Awake to thy floor. Yeẓra Tom iɛedda lḥal i usiwel, maca isawel-d. Tom knew it was too late to call, but he called anyway. Tom saw that he was already calling, and came again. איזה נער ביש-מזל אנוכי! What an unlucky boy I am! What a selfish lucky boy! אנו הולכים לביתי. We're going to my place. We're going to my house. יש לה שתי אחית. She has two sisters. She's got two sisters. אני אחזור לבית לפני רדת הלילה. I will return to the house before dark. I'll be home before you go down tonight. أنا سألت توم بعض الأسئلة. I asked Tom a few questions. I asked Tom some questions. תרשי לי לספר לך איך אני מרגישה. Let me tell you how I feel. Let me tell you how I feel. توجّه سامي إلى اليسار. Sami went left. Sammy turned left. Yeţţarra-ţ kan i icalan. He just goes and comes. And he did much more work, but the poor he did. Iɣɣaṛ-iyi-d xali yal tlata wussan. My uncle calls on me every three days. After three days I was made desolate. Tom ur yezmir ad d-yefk afus. Tom can't help. And he could not give up his hand. ביקשתי כמה פרטים נוספים. I asked for a few more details. I asked for some more details. Ad kent-ḍefṛeɣ. I'll follow you. I will awake. نادي فاضلا يا دانية. Dania, go call Fadil. Vanilla club, Dania. Aṛǧu-t. Wait for him. A wait-t. הסתובבנו ללא מטרה באזור הקניות. We wandered aimlessly around the shopping district. We went around the shopping area without a purpose. D uḥṛic. He's intelligent. D.D. Ṛuḥent. They're gone. They went. יש לנקוט באמצעי זהירות. Take precautions. We have to take precautions. יש לי עדיין השעון שתום נתן לי. I'll still have the watch Tom gave me. I still have the watch Tom gave me. Zgiɣ tedduɣ f uḍaṛ. I always walk. I want to go quickly. ذهب براين إلى المدرسة مع كيت. Brian went to school with Kate. Brian went to school with Kate. אני אוהבת ללכת. I like taking walks. I like to go. Yessuter Sami deg Layla ad as-d-teg yiwet n lemzeyya. Sami asked Layla to do him a favor. And he besought Sami in Leah to come unto him with a cry. Teṭṭenṭneḍ? Have you lost your reason? Do you steal? איך היה לך תום? How have you been, Tom? How did you have Tom? Win-iw yugar win-nkent. Mine's bigger than yours. He that is mine is my least brother: and he that is mine is greater than he. واحد اسمه هنري كال يريد يشوفك. Someone named Henry wanted to see you. One named Henry like he wants to show you. Ayen i d-qqaṛeɣ yesɛa anamek? Am I making any sense? What then have I to say, that is, mine? سيفوتك القطار. You will miss the train. You'll miss the train. Ḥemmlen idles-nsen aqbayli. They like their Kabyle language. for they set their minds on the path that is straight, لقد تغيّرت حياة سامي للأبد. Sami's life was changed for ever. Sammy's life has changed forever. אתה דובר ערבית? Do you speak Arabic? You speak Arabic? متأكد بأن توم يخطط لفعل ذلك. I'm sure Tom is planning to do that. I'm sure Tom's planning on doing this. Ɛeqlemt-d. Try to guess. I heard it. אתה חייב לעבוד קשה מאוד במשמרת. You must work very hard on duty. You have to work very hard on the watch. Ǧǧiɣ tisura-w zdaxel n tkeṛṛust! I left my keys in the car! I have broken my mouth in my belly. Meqqun-d yemɣan. Plants grow. It's possible to kill them. الجو دافئ بعض الشيء اليوم. It's fairly warm today. It's a little warm today. תום נאבק. Tom fought. Tom fought. أنقذ الشاب الفتاة من الغرق. The young man saved the girl from drowning. Save the young girl from drowning. Ilaq ad yexdem kra walebɛaḍ. Somebody should do something. Let every man do. Yenneṛfaɛ Tom. Tom vanished. He threw out Tom. S tezmert-nwen! Gesundheit! By your power! כמה זמן לוקח ללמוד לנגן בקסילופון? How long does it take to learn to play the xylophone? How long does it take to learn to play on a cell phone? ما هدف زيارتك؟ What's the purpose of your visit? What's the purpose of your visit? איפה את נמצאת? Where are you? Where are you? هذا هو الفتى الذي أفكر به. This is the boy I think about. That's the guy I'm thinking about. תום הכין אורז. Tom made rice. Tom made rice. سُرقت نقودي. I had my money stolen. My money was stolen. Suffɣet-ten meṛṛa. Get everybody out. And he made all stand forth. ההשקפה שלך יותר מדי אופטימית. Your view is too optimistic. Your attitude is too optimistic. كان سامي يعيش حياته. Sami was living his life. Sammy was living his life. Tom i d aneggaru i yeẓran Mary d tamuddurt. Tom was the last person to see Mary alive. Tom and I know Mary and Turned. אולי אני משוגעת, אבל אינני מטומטמת. I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid. Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm not stupid. לא קינאת. You were not jealous. You're not jealous. אהיה מוכנה עד יום שני. I'll be ready on Monday. I'll be ready by Monday. ايه المبنى اللي بسقف أخضر ده؟ What is that building with the green roof? What building with a green roof? הוא כל כך השתדל שהוא האדים לחלוטין. He was trying so hard that he turned red. He tried so hard that he was completely the Adams. Ur d-cliɛeɣ ara deg temsal n ddin. I'm not very religious. I will not come to destroy you. Yeffeɣ-iyi laɛqel. I panicked. And he went out, and knew me. אני לא יכול לנשום דרך האף. I can't breathe through my nose. I can't breathe through my nose. המורה אמר להם לא לשחות בנהר. The teacher told them not to swim in the river. The teacher told them not to swim in the river. إنه بريطاني. He is British. It's British. הרומן החדש שלהם יצא לאור בחודש הבא. Their new novel will come out next month. Their new novel was published next month. אנ לא רוצה שמישהו יראה את זה. I don't want anyone to see it. I don't want anyone to see this. טום עדיין לא החליט. Tom hasn't yet made up his mind. Tom hasn't decided yet. לא תהיה אלטרנטיבה. There won't be an alternative. There won't be an alternative. أنا سعيد بسماع صوتك. I am happy to hear your voice. I'm glad to hear your voice. Ur yumin ara Tom belli d tidet teqsiṭ-nni. Tom didn't think the story was true. And ye believe not that they be the twice. אני בטוחה שתום יאהב את זה. I'm sure Tom would love it. I'm sure Tom's gonna like it. ידעתי שתום לא מתכוון להזיק. I knew Tom meant no harm. I knew Tom didn't mean harm. Ḥebsent. They stopped. Ha-Mim. הבחנת במשהו יוצא דופן? Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary? Did you notice anything unusual? Yella win i yebɣan ad m-d-ihḍeṛ. Somebody wants to talk to you. And he had one, that would have delivered him up all. Yom yemmut deg 20 Tubeṛ deg Boston. Tom died on October 20th in Boston. And Thomas died in 20 Arabs of Boston. ما الذي يحدث؟ What's going on? What's going on? תום ואני בדיוק נפגשנו. Tom and I just met. Tom and I just met. بدأت أمها الصراخ. Her mother started shouting. Her mother started screaming. זה העיפרון שלך? Is this pencil yours? Is that your pencil? Ur cukkeɣ ara d Tom i tt-ixedmen. I don't think that Tom did this. I am not ashamed of you, though I did it. Iẓir agi yesmektay-id Ṭṭelyan. This landscape reminds me of Italy. This tree has now become green. هذه الفكرة ليست منطقية. This idea is not rational. This idea doesn't make sense. נשמח לסייע. We will be happy to help. We'd love to help. نحن نحتاج إلي المطر. We need rain. We need the rain. איפה נמצא אח שלי? Where's my brother? Where's my brother? الجو معتدل هنا. The climate here is mild. It's moderate here. الخشب يحترق. Wood burns. The wood is burning. Ayɣer tura? Why now? What if I am sorry? אין לזה מגרעות. It has no faults. It doesn't have any defects. Llant aṭas n tliwa di Rome. There are many fountains in Rome. There were many pounds in Rome. הוא ניסה ללכוד את הציפור אך נכשל. He tried to catch the bird, but couldn't. He tried to trap the bird but failed. نحن في حرب. We're at war. We're in a war. Els iselsa-k! Get dressed. Elssa-k! Tella tin i yellan dihin. There's somebody there. You were in the valley. מה יחשוב תום? What'll Tom think? What would Tom think? Di tagara, ruḥen inebgawen, dɣa teɣlid tsusmi deg uxxam. Finally, the guests left, and it was quiet in the apartment. And so it was, that, when they had gone away, they were broken up into the deep, and laid in a manger. Tusmemt. You're jealous. Tumminent. أنا أتصِل بها كُل مساء. I call her every evening. I call her every evening. מרי נזפה בג'ון שהשאיר את הילדים ללא השגחה. Mary gave John a hard time for not keeping an eye on the kids. Mary was taken off by John who left the kids without supervision. תום רשלני. Tom is negligent. Tom's naughty. Acḥal n tutlayin i theddeṛ tmeṭṭut-ik? How many languages does your wife speak? How many languages does your wife speak? إنها تأمل أن تصبح مصممة أزياء. She hopes to become a designer. She hopes she's made of clothes. דעתי כדעתך. I agree. I think of you. Ad ttraǧuɣ ad sɛuɣ llufan. I'm expecting. I wish to find a wife. كان فاضل حقّا يحبّ المال. Fadil did like money. He really liked money. مين جيّ معايه؟ Who's coming with me? Min G's a match? אני לא מבינה שום דבר בניהול עסק. I don't know a thing about running a business. I don't understand anything about running a business. זה מובן שאתה מרוגז. It is natural that you should get angry. Of course you're upset. אתה היחידי כאן ששותה קפה בלי סוכר. You're the only one here who drinks coffee without sugar. You're the only one here who drinks coffee without sugar. قد يبدو أحياناً شاباً غريباً. Sometimes he can be a strange guy. Sometimes it might look weird. רציתי לשבת ליד הדלת. I wanted to sit near the door. I wanted to sit by the door. Ur sɛiḍ i yerzagen am tidett. Nothing hurts like the truth. Thou understandingest not that any man should supplant his tongue. ما الذي حصل لأختك؟ What has become of your sister? What happened to your sister? أطلعَ سامي ليلى رسالة فطرت قلبه. Sami showed Layla a letter that broke his heart. Sammy Lily shared a message that broke his heart. Yella win i yettfeṛṛiǧen deg Tom. Someone is watching Tom. And there was there one that did marry in Thomas. لقد آذى سامي الجميع. Sami hurt everyone. Sammy hurt everyone. تعرّف منّاد على أصدقاء رائعين. Mennad made amazing friends. Get a call on great friends. تعجّل! Hurry! Hurry up! Acuɣeṛ i teqqimeḍ iman-im? Why are you alone? Why are you here? אני שמחה ממש שבאתי לכאן אתך. I'm really happy I came here with you. I'm so glad I came here with you. Ḥrec! Be attentive. Ha-Mim. הם ראו שיכור רובץ ברחוב. They saw a drunk lying in the street. They saw a drunk Robtz on the street. يشتبه الريفيون عادةً بالغرباء. Country people are traditionally suspicious of strangers. Rurals usually suspect strangers. نُقِلت ليلى إلى المستشفى. Layla was taken to the hospital. Night was transferred to the hospital. אינני אוהב אננס. יש לו ריח די חמוץ. I don't like pineapple. It smells pretty sour. I don't like pineapple. ربما ذهبت لفتره I may be gone for a while. Maybe I went for a while. سرق توم مالًا من أصدقائه. Tom stole money from his friends. Tom stole money from his friends. אני מבין בערך. I sort of understand. I kind of understand. מאז שהיא נפלה במטבח, היא לא לגמרי שם ברוחה. Ever since she fell in the kitchen, she hasn't been all there. Ever since she fell in the kitchen, she's not entirely there in a ghost. كان سامي من أسرة مسلمة ملتزمة. Sami was from a practising Muslim family. Sammy was a committed Muslim family. Imawlan-nwent ḥemmlen-iyi nezzeh. Your parents adore me. My friends love me. إسرائيل تعلم ما سفعله بالضّفّة الغربيّة لكن لا يبدو أنّها تعلم ما ستفعله بغزّة. Israel knows what to do with the West Bank but not really with Gaza. Israel knows what it's going to do on the west side, but it doesn't seem like it's what it's gonna do. Yumen Tom aya? Did Tom believe it? Yemen Tom verse by verse? לא היה עיכוב. There was no delay. There was no delay. عليك أن تبدأ حالاً. You should begin right away. You have to start right now. Win-iw yugar win-im. Mine's bigger than yours. He that is mine is my brother: and he that is mine is mine. צחקתי. I was laughing. I was kidding. Ajjut! Help! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa كم الوقت هناك؟ What is the time there? How long is it? نحن لا نستطيع الإنتظار للعشاء. We can't stay for dinner. We can't wait for dinner. كان واضحا أن توم رجل غني. Tom was obviously a rich man. It was clear Tom was a rich man. מתי אתה לומד? When do you study? When do you learn? أنا أصغر منك بثلاث سنين. I'm three years younger than you. I'm younger than you for three years. Ur bɣiɣ ara ad iliɣ cuddeɣ ɣer yiwet n tkebbanit kan. I don't want to be tied to one company. For I would not that I should be bound again with a yoke. تسارع السائق بسيارته. The driver accelerated his car. The driver speeds up his car. לך על זה. Knock yourself out. Go ahead. נא ללמוד כאן. Please study here. Please study here. Bɣan-kem temmuteḍ. They want you dead. Then came I to thee dead, and thou art dead. يستطيع طفلك أن يسير. Your baby can walk. Your child can walk. Ulac kra i yellan deg wadig-is. Nothing was out of place. Neither was there any thing set in his mouth. האם זה לא מוצא חן בעיניך? Don't you like that? Don't you like that? Feṛḥeɣ mliḥ ɣef tisin-nkent. I really appreciate your coming. I rejoice greatly over his fruit. זה קרה לא בדיוק כך. That's not exactly how it happened. It didn't exactly happen. Laɛimt-aɣ-d. Call us. And rest not only for us, but they also for us. D axeddim. It's work. D work. Bɣiɣ ccṛab azeggaɣ ma ulac aɣilif. Red wine, please. I will drink wine, and there will be no refuse. Aya iban d taẓuṛi. That's quite an art. What is seen in the clouds is seen. Ur d-yettban ara Tom yefṛeḥ. Tom doesn't look very happy. No other will be found in you, nor will you be glad. سامي يصنع عطره بنفسه. Sami makes his own perfume. Sammy makes it on his own. Acḥal i d abehlul! How stupid he is! How strange! Tettferriǧemt tiliẓri yal ass? Do you watch TV every day? Are you able to visit a small book every day? من الأرجح أن يكون سامي قد قضى نهاية الأسبوع مع صديقته. Sami probably spent the weekend with his new girlfriend. It's probably Sammy has spent the weekend with his girlfriend. בבקשה הודיעו לי אם תמצאו טעויות דפוס או מילים חסרות. Please let me know if you find any typos or missing words. Please let me know if you find a pattern error or missing words. הם פשוט מופיעים כשמתחשק להם. They just show up whenever they want to. They just show up when they feel like it. זה מובן. That's understandable. That's understandable. Uɣalem-d ar daki. Get back here. em-d see. Ur ttanef i yiwen ad yaẓ ar tmes. Don't let anyone come near the fire. And he could not grant any man to burn with fire. דירבנתי אותך. I motivated you. I fucked you up. החל מרגע זה אתרום אך ורק בטורקית. From this very moment on, I will only contribute in Turkish. From now on, I'll only contribute in Turkish. ضحك الجميع عليّ. I was laughed at by everyone. Everyone laughs at me. Mary tessen swaswa d acu i tebɣa. Mary knows exactly what she wants. When they had spoken, they filled up what she said. خطأ Wrong. Error لم يتبضّع المرأ هناك حتّى؟ Why shop there anyway? Why didn't a woman even fall there? הביטי בתמונה הזאת שנית. Look at this picture again. Look at this picture again. هل تهتم بالرياضة؟ Do you have any interest in sports? Do you care about sports? Win ur n-megger ur n-sserwat, ayen yufa yečča-t. Whoever does not handle a scythe or harvest eats what he finds. If a man doesn't sow, neither does he reap, and sees what he has eaten. Teɣṛam adlis-a neɣ mazal? Have you read this book yet? Do ye write, or yet? אני האדם היחידי שטום מכיר בעיר הזאת. I'm the only person Tom knows in this town. I'm the only person Tom knows in this town. הפרחים אדומים. The flowers are red. The flowers are red. أنا هنا كصديق. I'm here as a friend. I'm here as a friend. Aya ad kem-isseǧhed akter. This will make you stronger. I'm sorry to help you. Sarameɣ ulac win i kem-yeẓran mi txedmeḍ ayay. I hope no one saw you doing that. I pray, no one can see you when you do. Tom yules asbeddi n useɣẓan-nni i yekkes s tuccḍa. Tom reinstalled the software that had accidentally been deleted. But he shook the blade of an ass, and plucked it away from him. העברתי שעות בקריאת ספרים. I spent hours reading books. I spent hours reading books. Tom yeqqaṛ s leɛqel. Tom reads slowly. So you will speak with insight. Tuɣalemt d tiderwicin? Have you become insane? Are you sure you understand? הוא משלם בכרטיס אשראי. He pays with a credit card. He's paying on a credit card. בואו ניישב את הסוגייה בלי מגשר. Let's settle this issue without a mediator. Let's settle the secret without a bridge. إنّه قدرنا. It is our destiny. It's our destiny. فقدت العلكة طعمها. The gum has lost its taste. It's lost its taste. إنها لأخي. It's my brother's. It's for my brother. Igerrez! Terrific! Igerrez! بدا على نانسي التعب. Nancy looks tired. It seemed like getting tired. Tudert-iw attan gar ifassen-ik. My fate is in your hands. Mine hand is fallen into thine own hands. رجّعلي سْتِيلُويَا. Give me my pen back. My man will be you. אתם סבורים שתום ראה משהו? Do you think Tom saw anything? You think Tom saw something? Tɣinin n tmudrut d ayen yessefraḥen u d ayen yessagaden daɣen. Buying an apartment is both exciting and scary. For sacrifice is better than a sacrifice, that which bringeth forth fruit. Dindin iwala-yi. Suddenly he saw me. This he saw to me. Tuzzma am waḍu; ma twalaḍ-t, ad s-t-ḥulfuḍ. Blame is like the wind; if we see it, we feel it. It is like a wind. If you see him, he will lose his life." كان سامي مفتقدا للمال. Sami was short on money. Sammy was missing the money. Awimt-iyi s axxam. Take me home. Bring me home. העגלה הייתה בסככה. The cart was in the shed. The cart was in the bowl. حلمت بالمستقبل الخاص بهما وهم معاً She dreamed of their future together. I dreamed of their future together. היא מתפתלת מכאבים. She's in pain. She's in pain. יש לי בעיות אתם. I'm having problems with them. I have problems with you guys. توم يعتقد أن ماري لن تقول نعم. Tom thinks that Mary won't say yes. Tom thinks Mary won't say yes. Ɛli Ideflawen d acennay ameɣnas aqbayli. Ali Ideflawen is a Kabyle militant singer. Who said, Lord, and wrong have we known, that ye are come in the name of the Lord Jesus. Cukkeɣ ilaq ad d-iniɣ tanemmirt. I guess that I should say thanks. I must be careful to say good news. اصبعي تحول الى بني بعد ان غمرته في محلول برمنغانات البوتاسيوم الكثيف جزئياً. My finger turned brown after I dipped it in a slightly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. My finger turned into my son after it was crushed in a partially heavy brungant of potassium. אשאיל לך מטרייה אם אתה זקוק לה. If you need an umbrella I'll lend you one. I'll borrow you a matrix if you need it. אני אוהבת לראות אותך מבשלת. I love watching you cook. I like to see you cook. تمّ إغلاق العيادة. The clinic was closed down. The clinic is closed. תהיה דיפלומט טוב. You will be a good diplomat. Be a good diplomat. אולי אנו צריכים ללכת ולראות את תום. Maybe we should stop by and see Tom. Maybe we should go and see Tom. كعكتك شهية. Your cake is delicious. Your cake's delicious. Yella walebɛaḍ i icennun. Someone's singing. There was a man who used to play the harp. لم يكن سامي لينجو على أيّة حال. Sami wasn't going to survive anyways. Sammy Lingo wasn't anyway. בהחלט לא. קר מדי היום. Absolutely not. It's too cold today. It's too cold today. אינני רוצה להיות עם מישהו אחר. I don't want to be with anyone else. I don't want to be with anyone else. אני אוהב את זה מאוד. I like it very much. I like it very much. תום ביקש ממרי לשיר חזק יותר. Tom asked Mary to sing louder. Tom asked Mary to sing stronger. היי, מה שלומך? Hello, how are you doing? Hey, how are you? حصلت على هذه الدراجة مجاناً. I got this bicycle for free. I got this bike free of charge. هىَ وضعت المجلة علىَ المنضدة. She put the magazine on the table. She put the magazine on the table. كان والدا لنكولن فقيرين طول حياتهما . Lincoln's parents remained poor all their lives. Lincoln’s parents were poor for the rest of their life. יש לכם אוזניות? Do you have earphones? Do you have ears? בליל כל הקדושים היא התחפשה לשודד ים. She wore a pirate costume for Halloween. On Halloween she was looking for a pirate. תסתכלי עליי כשאני מדברת אלייך. Look at me when I talk to you! Look at me when I'm talking to you. أريدُك أن تجرّب ذلِكَ. I want you to try it. I want you to try that. אתה רוצה לצפות בסרט צרפתי, נכון? You want to watch a French film, right? You want to watch a French movie, don't you? توقع توم حدوث ذلك. Tom expected this to happen. Tom expected that to happen. Ṭum ur d-yenna ara amek yedma ad yawweḍ ɣer din. Tom didn't say how he planned to get there. But he didn't say all this about how he would have you to stumble. عايز الشنطة دي. I want that bag. I'm sorry for the D.D. channel. Sami d amdan amelhu nezzeh. Sami is a very friendly person. Be a good person. הוא רוקן את הקופסא מתכולתה. He emptied the box of its contents. He's emptying the box of contents. ההתנהגות שלה היא דאגתי העיקרית. Her behavior is my primary concern. Her behavior is my main concern. Tẓemrem ad t-awḍem ɣur-s? Can you reach it? Do you know that I have sent him to you? Iḥemmel ad iḥewwes Tom. Tom likes traveling. And he loved to keep his law. أود ان ادعوك إلى العشاء. I'd like to invite you to dinner. I'd like to invite you to dinner. לילה היתה קשורה לכסא ועברה עינויים. Layla was tied up to a chair and tortured. Night was tied to the chair and subjected to torture. הילדים משחקים בחוץ. The children are playing outside. The kids are playing outside. הזדקקתי לשבוע כדי להחלים מההצטננות שלי. It took me a week to get over my cold. I needed a week to heal from my cold. حسب ما أعرف، الرواية غير مترجمة إلى اليابانية. As far as I know, the novel is not translated into Japanese. As I know, the narrative is not translated into Japanese. Azul fell-akent i meṛṛa. Hi, everybody. All are subject to thee, as many as are necessary. بدأ سامي تحقيقه الخاص. Sami began his own investigation. Sammy started his own investigation. Selbent teḥdayin. Girls are crazy. Selbent had a good time. עשיתם מה שהייתם צריכים לעשות. You did what you had to. You did what you had to do. Cukkeɣ tɛerḍem ad ɣ-d-teɣṛem. I think you've been trying to contact us. I have put you under oath that I may put you to death. هادا وش راه مفهّم معا لخّر. That is somewhat explained at the end. He's got an understanding of it together for a good. אפשר להדליק כמה אורות? Can we turn on some lights? Can I turn on some lights? اِصعدوا الباص واحداً تلو الآخر. Get on the bus one by one. Get the bus up one by one. هىَ فقدت والدها فىِ البحر. She lost her father at sea. She lost her father at sea. תום היה צריך להציע את עזרתו למרי. Tom should've offered to help Mary. Tom had to offer his help to Mary. יש אדמה חקלאית פוריה בדרך כלל בדלתה של נהר. The basin of a river usually has rich farmland. There's a productive agricultural land usually at the gate of a river. הם כפי הנראה לא יעשו את מבוקשנו. They probably won't do what we ask. They're probably not gonna do what we want. كان أب سامي في انتظاره. Sami's dad is waiting for him. Sammy's dad was waiting for him. ذهبت ليلى للمدرسة كي تصبح ممرّضة ذات شهادة. Dania went to school to be a certified nurse. I went to school to get a certificate teacher. הם האמינו לתום. They believed Tom. They believed Tom. Tanemmirt ɣef tmesliwt-nkent. Thank you for listening. And ye filled him with fire: and he went into his house. Ṛuḥ s leɛqel. Go slow. Go on walking in wisdom. היה זה בתקופת הקרח שהחתולים בעלי ניבי החרב נכחדו. It was during the ice age that the saber-toothed tiger became extinct. It was during the ice that the sword-sworded cats disappeared. هذه الساعة مكسورة This watch is broken. This time is broken. מחיר הנפט ירד. The price of oil went down. The oil price's down. سوف ننطلق عندما يخفّ هطول المطر. We set out when the rain had eased. We're gonna get off when the rain comes down. תום כבר החליט לאן הוא רוצה ללכת. Tom already decided where he wants to go. Tom's already decided where he wants to go. אדם הגיע לראשונה לירח בשנת 1969. Men first visited the moon in 1969. Adam first came to the moon in 1969. היא חתכה את העוגה לשתיים. She cut the cake in two. She cut the cake into two. למה אתם בוכים? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Yuzzel Tom ar beṛṛa bac iẓeṛ dacu i yeḍṛan. Tom ran outside to see what was happening. He ran away until now, and after that, the wild beasts of the air do run. Ɛni teɣṛiḍ? Did you call? Did you read? Ad awent-tt-id-aɣeɣ. I'll buy you that. Behold, I have testified the same unto you. בבקשה תסתכל בניירות האלו ביסודיות. Please look at these papers carefully. Please take a look at these papers in particular. Medden akk semman-as Jeff. He is named Jeff by everyone. And all they resorted unto Jeph. أبدا. Never. Never. يصبح جبل فوجي مغطًى بالثلج في الشتاء. Mt. Fuji is covered with snow in winter. Mount Fuji becomes covered with ice in the winter. Kennemti d tiɛibanin? Are you handicapped? Are you weak? Deher onest. He appeared honest. It seemed honest. Ili-kent d tid yelhan ar medden. Be tolerant. The garment is good for men. אין שם שום דבר. There's nothing over there. There's nothing there. מעולם לא חשבתי שזה ייגרר לכך. I never thought it would come to this. I never thought it would. הברזל הוא המתכת שהכי הרבה משתמשים בה. Iron is the most widely used metal. The iron is the metal most used. كان سامي يبدو كطبيب أو محام. Sami looked like an attorney or a doctor. Sammy looked like a doctor or a lawyer. Mecɣulemt tura akka? Are you busy now? And what do I mean now? אתחיל. I'll start. I'll start. מעבדי מזון שימושיים לחיתוך ירקות. Food processors are convenient for slicing vegetables. Useful food labs to cut vegetables. Aar a CNN. Turn on CNN. Aar a CNN. למי נתת את זה? Who did you give it to? Who did you give that to? אני אוכלת וקוראת בעת ובעונה אחת. I eat and read at the same time. I eat and read at once. אנשים צריכים להיות יותר נלהבים כשהם מציגים את עבודתם. People need to be more lively when presenting their work. People need to be more enthusiastic when they present their work. אני מוסיף משפטים. I add sentences. I'm adding sentences. ما زالت الحياة أمامك. Life lies in front of you. Life is still in front of you. טְרֶנְד, ולא אחר, הוא ידידו של הסוחר. The trend is your friend. Terrand, and not anyone else, is the merchant's friend. ניסיתי לשכנע אותה אבל נכשלתי. I tried unsuccessfully to persuade her. I tried to convince her, but I failed. Kker fell-ak! Wake up! Get out of the way! طبقة من الجليد غًطى الشارع. A fresh layer of snow covered the street. A layer of ice covered the street. אני מוסיף את המשפט הזה עכשיו. I'm adding this sentence now. I'm adding this sentence now. Dewweṛ! Turn around. It's up! ከመይ ሓዲርክን። Good morning! How much less so! Mazal-ikem ur teḥmileḍ ara Boston, yak? You still don't like Boston, do you? Haven't you yet made enough for Boston, eh? Melmi ara d-taseḍ? When will you come? When will I come into effect? Yules-d Tom aṭas n tikkal i wawal. Tom repeated the word several times. There came a number of times over which they did speak. لا تقلق. أنا سأبقى معك.. Don't worry. I'll stay with you. Don't worry, I'll stay with you. Els akebbuḍ-ik. D asemmiḍ deg beṛṛa. Put your coat on. It's cold outside. Put on your cloak. Peace be with you outside. توقف عن محاولة إبهاجي. Stop trying to cheer me up. Stop trying to force me. Nadi-d ḥedd-nniḍen. Find somebody else. And fear the plague came upon them. תום מדושן עונג. Tom is overjoyed. Tom's tired of having a good time. Tilifuni-yas di leɛnaya-k. Please telephone him. I pray thee that he may die. אני לא אוהב קפה. I dislike coffee. I don't like coffee. انتحرت المغنية الشهيرة. The popular singer committed suicide. The famous song suicide. Ḥbes din. Stop there. Obsess it. Gguǧeɣ ɣer Boston deg 20 Tubeṛ. I moved to Boston on October 20th. And I left at Boston, 20tubes. توم و ماري يلعبان البوكير. Tom and Mary are playing poker. Tom and Mary are playing bucker. Ur tezmireḍ ad sbeggneḍ acemma. You can't demonstrate anything. You can't make a changes. Heḍṛeɣ akked Tom. I've got to speak to Tom. I was with Tom. سامي سيتطيع ربط حذائه. Sami can tie his shoes. Sammy can tie his shoes. لا تغيّر نفسك بسبب الآخر. كن نفسك و ستعجب الشّخص الحسن على ما أنت عليه. Don't change because of someone. Be yourself and the right one will like you as you are. Don't change yourself because of the other, be yourself and you'll like the good man for what you are. באיזו קבוצה כלול החבר שלך? Which group is your friend in? What group is your friend included? נוכל פשוט להטיל עץ או פלי? Can't we just flip a coin? Can we just drop a tree or a Fly? أنتِ يمكنكِ دائماً النوم على أريكتي. You can always sleep on my couch. You can always sleep on my couch. אני לא יכול להסתיר את רגשותיי כלפיך. I can't hide my feelings for you. I can't hide my feelings for you. אם אשכח, תזכיר לי בבקשה. If I forget, please remind me. If I forget, please remind me. Nirringrazzjawk ħafna! We thank you very much! Thank you so much! Tzeɛfemt? Are you angry? Are you so sorry? البديل ممكن. An alternative is possible. The alternative is possible. أهذا ابنك يا بِتِي؟ Is this your son, Betty? Is that your son, my daughter? Tesliḍ d acu i d-qqaṛent? Did you hear what they were saying? Do you hear what they say? غابت لأنها مريضة. She is absent because of sickness. I forgot because she's sick. אנו הגיוניים. We're rational. We make sense. אני קורא את התווית. I read the label. I read the label. המהנדס הראה איך להפעיל את המערכת המתוחכמת. The engineer demonstrated how to operate the sophisticated system. The engineer showed how to run the sophisticated system. Ih. Yes. Yes. Yiwen ur yi-d-yuzen tabrat. Nobody sent me a letter. There is no one who puts a yoke on me. מה המחיר? What is the price? What's the price? لا شكر على واجب. Don't mention it. No thanks for duty. ሩሲያው ትልቅ ነው። Russia is big. The Russians are great. Le, grazzi. No, thank you. No, thanks. لا تنس الاتّصال بنا. Don't forget to call us. Don't forget to call us. ما هو أسمُ جدّكَ؟ What is your grandfather's name? What's your grandfather's name? Nekk d bu-tideţ. I'm truthful. I am sick. I am sick. خرج سامي. Sami went outside. Sammy's out. Weqɛeɣ deg uxeddim-iw. I'm stuck in my job. And I said, I have kept my senses. תום נראה טוב. Tom looked good. Tom looks good. حاول أن يكلمنا بالفرنسية. He tried to talk to us in French. Try to talk to us in French. Kemmlem awali! Keep looking. Complete your words! הם התקדמו? Have they made progress? Are they moving forward? Yal ass yetturar Tom apianu. Tom plays the piano every day. Yal Axis managing Tom apianu. Tesɛamt aṭas n tmeddukal. You have many friends. And ye had much trouble in those days. الأطفالُ مفعمونَ بالطاقة. Children are full of energy. The kids are powered. بدأت صحته تتدهور. His health has begun to decline now. His health has begun to deteriorate. انتبه Watch out! Look out. لا أوافقك الرأي. I don't agree with you. I don't agree with you. טום ביקר במכון עיסוי. Tom went to the massage parlor. Tom visited a taxing institution. Bezzaf i tḥettbeḍ iman-ik! You are so pretentious! How much more so will you be cut off from yourself! لا يمكنني شرحهُ أكثر. I can't explain it either. I can't explain it anymore. لقد خشيَ أن يقضي عيد الميلاد في المستشفى. He dreaded having to spend Christmas in the hospital. He was afraid that Christmas would be spent in the hospital. יש לי אוגר חדש שקראתי לו דן. I have a new hamster and I've named him Dan. I've got a new printer that I called him Dan. תום אף פעם לא היה מאפשר זאת. Tom would never allow it. Tom would never have allowed it. כישרון מוזיקלי פורח, בדרך כלל, בגיל מוקדם. Musical talent usually blooms at an early age. Musical talent normally flourishes at an early age. אני עסוקה מדי מכדי להכין ארוחת צהריים. תוכלי להכין אותה? I'm too busy to make lunch. Could you make it? I'm too busy making lunch. תוכל לבחור איזה ספר שרק תרצה. You may choose whichever book you like. You can choose which book you just want. אינני בטוחה מה תום מתכוון. I'm not sure what Tom means. I'm not sure what Tom means. الدعم من مُتحدث اللُغة الأصلي سيكون موضع تقدير. Support from a native speaker would be appreciated. Support from the original language speaker will be appreciated. התגעגעתי אליך היום. I missed you today. I missed you today. D tibeṛṛaniyin i tellamt? Are you a foreigner? Are you strangers? رأيتك تطبخين. I saw you cooking. I saw you cook. Ttxil-kent s leɛqel. Slowly, please. Be careful. הגעתי לשם במהירות האפשרית. I just got there as fast as I could. I got there as soon as possible. لقد انذهل السائحون بالمشهد الرائع . The tourists were fascinated with the exquisite scenery. The tourists were amazed at the amazing sight. ماذا ستفعل بهذا المال؟ What are you going to do with this money? What are you gonna do with that money? ينبغي أن تنسي سامي. You should forget Sami. You should forget Sammy. אנחנו נדאג לכך בעצמנו. We'll take care of this ourselves. We'll take care of it ourselves. Yettban-d yeḥzen Tom. Tom looks sad. And it came to pass, that he appeared unto Tom. טום יודע בדיוק איך אתה מרגיש. Tom knows just how you feel. Tom knows exactly how you feel. أحضر لي مفتاح الغرفة. Bring me the room key. Bring me the key to the room. הבתים האלה הם של הדוד שלי. Those houses are my uncle's. These houses are my uncle's. كانت ليلى تريد جلب الانتباه. Layla wanted to attract attention. Lily wanted to get attention. בלילה שעבר חלמתי עליך. I had a dream about you last night. Last night I dreamed of you. هل سافرت لوحدك مرة؟ Have you ever traveled alone? Have you traveled alone once? شهد حصول الجريمة. He witnessed the murder. Witnessed the crime. אמרת לתום שמרי עשתה את זה? Did you tell Tom that Mary did this? Did you tell Tom Marie did that? يجب أن تساعدها و بسرعة! You have to help her, but quickly. You've got to help her and fast! במידה שמשהו משתבש, שמור לי בבקשה על הילדים. In case something goes wrong, please take care of my children. As far as something goes wrong, please keep me on the kids. לא נראה שאשתי אוהבת אפילו לא את ילדיה שלה. My wife doesn't seem to like even her own children. It doesn't seem that my wife likes not even her children. אנחנו מכירים? Are we acquaintances? Do we know each other? انتظر سامي حتّى عادت ليلى. Sami waited until Layla got back. Wait for Sammy to come back to Lily. Neggzeɣ. I jumped. I am angry. Dacu-t? What are these? Dacu-t? אתם אל תכנסו לפה! Don't come in here. You guys don't get in here! لست بارعا في الكذب. I'm not good at lying. I'm not great at lying. قتل سامي ليلى ثمّ قتل نفسه. Sami killed Layla then he took his life. Sammy killed Lily and then killed himself. תום הניח את ידו על המיקרופון. Tom put his hand over the microphone. Tom put his hand on the microphone. Azuɣ aman iḥman. I want hot water. A spring of boiling water. فرِد بلوغس هو أكبر مصحح في تتويبا. Fred Bloggs is the biggest corrector on Tatoeba. The Red Cross is the biggest correct in Toba. Di leɛnaya-m ṛeqqeɛ-it. Please fix it. I pray you to put him down. אני מופתע שתום לא הודה למרי על המתנה. I'm surprised Tom didn't thank Mary for the gift. I'm surprised Tom didn't thank Mary for the gift. Ittazzal. He runs. It has done so. قال سامي أنه حتى لو كان في السجن، فإنه سيُرسل أحدا ليقتلها. Sami told that even from jail he would send somebody to kill her. Sammy said that even if he was in prison, he'd be sent to kill her. Tom yesṭuqut awal. Tom is stingy. Let your words always be firm. Bana bukatar komai. I don't need anything. We do not need to go back. Iban akk! Certainly! Not at all! أريد أن أَدْرُسَ التركمانية. I want to study Turkmen. I want to study the Turks. الصورة دي بتفكّرني بأيام طفولتي. The photo takes me back to my childhood days. Picture D thinking of me the days of my childhood. Shu-t. Forget it! Shu-t. תום צריך להקשיב יותר בכיתה. Tom needs to pay more attention in class. Tom needs to listen more in class. ألست عطشاناً؟ Aren't you thirsty? Aren't you thirsty? أنا أحب الفواكه المعلبة I like canned fruits. I like the apples. Ur sɛiɣ ara tifrat. I don't have a solution. I have no breakfast. ألديك مفتاح هذا الباب؟ Do you have the key to this door? Do you have the key to this door? سأعيش في المدينة. I'll live in the city. I'll live in town. هل تحبان بعضكما كثيرًا؟ Do you love each other very much? Do you like each other a lot? هزّ سامي تلك الشّجرة. Sami shook the tree. Sammy shook that tree. أعلم بأنك خائف I know you're afraid. I know you're scared. عندما كان شاباً، كان عاملاً مثابراً. When he was young, he was a hard worker. When he was young, he was an experienced worker. החדר שלך מלוכלך. Your room is dirty. Your room is dirty. لم يكن سامي يكره المسلمين. Sami didn't hate Muslims. Sammy didn't hate Muslims. Awal am "tawacult" ɣuṛ-s 3 n tunṭiqin. The word "family" has 3 syllables. And the word, like a "silver," went out to him from the top of his staff. תום עצר את נשימתו. Tom held his breath. Tom stopped his breath. إنّ الحياة لا تبدأ و تنتهي بسامي. Life doesn't begin and end with Sami. Life doesn't begin and end on my own. Yenna-d Tom belli mazal-itt Mary tettɛic di Boston. Tom says Mary has always lived in Boston. He said, "Tom, that she was still living in Boston. لم يستطع سامي تحمّل ذلك الضّجيج. Sami couldn't stand that noise. Sammy couldn't hold that noise. ניתוחים שלאחר המוות יבוצעו. Autopsies will be performed. Post-mortem surgery. לך הביתה, עכשיו. Go home now. Go home, now. لم يكره الفرنسيّين لهذه الدّرجة؟ Why does he hate the French so much? Why didn't the French hate this chicken? בי.בי.סי. הוא הערוץ המועדף שלי. The BBC is my favourite channel. BBC is my favorite channel. אינני מפשיטה אותך. I'm not undressing you. I'm not exploding you. Yettban-d Tom d ameẓẓyan. Tom looks young. And Thomas came in a little way. Inelmaden meṛṛa yellan di tneɣṛit stehzan ɣef ttesḍila tajdidt n Tom. Everyone in the class made fun of Tom's new haircut. All the disciples were mocking at the birth of Thomas's cross. הרדיו שידר את החדשות בפרוטרוט. The radio broadcast the news in detail. Radio broadcasts the news in the protocol. أحضر لي شيئاً لآكله. Bring me something to eat. Get me something to eat. عادة ما يصلّي سامي صلاة العشاء قبيل ذهابه إلى النّوم. Sami usually performs the isha prayer just before going to bed. Sammy usually comes to dinner before going to sleep. Ḍebbeṛ. You decide. - We'll do it. - We'll do it. طلبت من توم ألّا يلاحقنا أكثر. I asked Tom to stop following us. I asked Tom not to follow us any more. Tubeṛ yella yewɛeṛ. October was worse. Now he was hungry. كان مكيّف الهواء يشتغل. The air conditioner was on. The air conditioner was working. Ad iliɣ deg Ustṛalya arma d 20 Tubeṛ. I'll be in Australia till October 20th. I am in Australia, about 20 I am in the middle of the week. אם הייתה פורצת מלחמה גרעינית, המין האנושי היה בא אל קיצו. If a nuclear war were to break out, mankind would perish. If there were a nuclear outbreak, the human race would come to an end. נדהמתי אתמול מהחדשות. I was shocked by yesterday's news. I was amazed yesterday about the news. Ḥsiɣ d asiwel n Tom. I know it's Tom's call. I arrived by the name of Thomas. Ilaq kan ad teqqimem daki. You should just stay here. You must be careful. אני בטוחה שהכוונות שלך טהורות. I'm sure your intentions are pure. I'm sure your intentions are pure. Wexxṛet fell-i. Let me be. Exposed from me. אני מגזים לפעמים. I sometimes exaggerate. I'm exaggerating sometimes. Sami yettmeslay s yifassen-is. Sami is talking with his hands. And Sami spake of his pent-up. Snat n tebyirin, ma ulac aɣilif. Two beers, please. The sound of a trumpet, and the diminution of a harp, is nothing. Na san za ki ce a'a. I know you're going to say no. I know you’ll say no. يقسم نهرٌ المدينةَ إلى جزء شرقي و آخر غربي. A river separates the city into east and west. The river divides the city into the east and the west. أريد أن أزور كوريا. I want to visit Korea. I want to visit Korea. Ssfeqdet i tikkelt nniḍen. Check again. Ask once more. أحتاج إلى إسعافات أولية. I need first aid. I need first aid. כשקרב זמן הפסח, ישו עלה לירושלים. When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. As the Passover time drew near, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Melmi i d-yusa Tom? When did Tom come? What happened to Tom? שתוק, חמור גרם! Shut up, dumbass! Shut up, asshole! شعرت ليلى و كأنّها أوقعت في فخّ. Layla felt completely trapped. Lila felt like she fell into a trap. הבה נתפשר. Let's compromise. Let's compromise. גם תום וגם מרי אומללים. Tom and Mary are both unhappy. Tom and Mary are miserable, too. يمكنني أن أقشر تفاحة. I can peel an apple. I can suck an apple. ضرب سامي ليلى على رأسها. Sami struck Layla on the head. She hit Sammy Lee on her head. نحن في المنزل الآن. We're home now. We're home now. Tura i d-ffɣeɣ seg uɣerbaz. I just got out of school. But now I have come out of the wrong place. لم يدرسوا قط في المدرسة. They never studied in school. They never studied at school. דונלד טראמפ סובל מדמנציה. Donald Trump suffers from dementia. Donald Trump suffers from dementia. Ddreɣleɣ seg tiṭ tayeffust. I am blind in the right eye. I came down from the right eye. הוא עמד ליד השער עם היד בכיס. He was standing by the gate with his hand in his pocket. He stood by the gate with his hand in his pocket. ראית כמה הם עסוקים, הלא כן? You saw how busy they are, didn't you? You've seen how busy they are, haven't you? سأذهب إلى منطقة القبائل، الجزائر، لتعلم الأمازيغية. I am going to Kabylie, Algeria, to learn Berber. I'm going to the tribal area, Algeria, to learn Amazigh. דברים נשברים. Things break. Things are broken. ابتزّ سامي ليلى. Sami blackmailed Layla. Snake Sammy Lila. המזוודות שלי לא הגיעו. מה קרה? My luggage didn't arrive. What happened? My suitcases didn't arrive. Ass-a ad d-iwwet wedfel. It'll snow today. On that day there will be a blackout. Mmektimt-d! Remember! remembert-d! אתה לא אוהב אותי? Don't you like me? You don't love me? كانت ليلى نائمة في غرفة نومها. Layla was asleep in her bedroom. Lila was sleeping in her bedroom. כשביטאו את זה כל כך בפשטות לא היו לי מילים לענות. When it was put that clearly, I was at a loss for a response. When they looked at it so easily, I didn't have words to answer. بجد مبتعرفش تسبح؟ Can you really not swim? You really know how to swim? توجّه سامي مباشرة إلى المنزل. Sami went straight home. Sammy's headed directly to the house. עשוי לעזור להביט על הבעיה מזווית שונה. It may help to look at the problem from another angle. Could help look at the problem from a different angle. בוא נביא משהו קר לשתות. Let's get something cold to drink. Let's get something cold to drink. لن يناسبني هذا الفستان. This dress is not going to fit me. This dress won't match me. אשאר עוד יום או יומיים. I'm going to stay for another day or two. I'll stay a day or two. סוכן נוסע מסוים ניצל את תמימותה של ישישה פתיה והסתלק עם סכום נכבד מממונה. A certain door-to-door salesman made a fool of a trusting old lady and went off with a lot of her money. A traveling agent took advantage of the innocence of six tempted and departed with a high amount of authority. لم يخبرني فاضل بشيء. Fadil told me nothing. He didn't tell me anything. Sarameɣ yiwen ur k-id-iwala txeddmeḍ-t. I hope nobody saw you doing that. I saw you, and saw you. You see no one, but he does you. Yella walebɛaḍ i yukren ṭṭezḍam-iw. Someone stole my wallet. But there is one who rose up against me. עולמנו הוא ספר, שאנשים שאינם נוסעים קוראים בו רק את הדף הראשון. Our world is a book, and people who don't travel are reading only from the first page. Our world is a book where people who don't travel only read the first page. وما زاد الأمور سوءًا، أن زوجها توفي. To make matters worse, her husband died. And the worse it is, her husband is dead. سأنتظر في الخارج. I'll wait outside. I'll wait outside. شكرا جزيلا. Thanks a bunch. Thank you very much. Tuḥwaǧeḍ yiwet akka am nekk. You need somebody like me. You have the same identity as I. أراد سامي أن يكون مع ليلى. Sami wanted Layla. Sammy wanted to be with Lily. אני חושדת שתום לא מכין את שיעורי הבית שלו בעצמו. I suspect that Tom doesn't do his homework by himself. I suspect Tom doesn't make his own homework. Ččan yakan warrac? Have the children eaten yet? Do they eat children? Sellkemt-t. Save him. Selkemt-t. لا تضف جملا من مصادر محفوظة الحقوق. Don't add sentences from copyrighted sources. Do not add any of the reserved sources of rights. יש לי רימון. I have a grenade. I have a grenade. تخلّت ليلى عن سامي. Layla left Sami. Lily gave up Sammy. أريد أن أعرف رأيك. I want your opinion. I want to know your opinion. أراد سامي بعض الماء. Sami wanted some water. Sammy wanted some water. كنت أتساءل متى ستعود؟ I was wondering when you'd be back. I was wondering when you'd be back? Rnu-yi-d leqdic skud akka ḥmiɣ. Add me more of work as long as I'm enthusiastic. "I have many things to tell you, so work with me. كيفَ سأسدد ديونى الآن؟ How will I pay my debts now? How am I going to pay my debts now? الطلبة في استراحة الآن. The students are having a recess now. Students are on vacation now. D iɛeggunen i tellam? Are you stupid? Where are you from? صعيبا تهضر مليح رومييا ف 2 ولّا 3 سنين. It's quite difficult to master French in 2 or 3 years. It's hard to break the Roman salt at 2 and 3 years old. זה נראה כמו ביצה. It looks like an egg. It looks like an egg. Ttbeddilen medden. People change. It's changed. Tella kra n yiwet i tettṛajuḍ? Are you expecting someone? When there was a letter from him, did you write? Ayɣer i tebɣiḍ akk annect-a? Why do you want all that? Why do you desire these things? מעולם לא הסתרתי ממך דבר. I never concealed anything from you. I've never hidden anything from you. Ilaq i txedmeḍ aya berra. You should do that outside. You have to do that. Il-kesħa llum. It's cold today. The cold today. אני מתערב איתך שזה בכלל לא קיים. I'm betting it doesn't even exist. I bet it doesn't even exist. את מה פותח המפתח הזה? What does this key unlock? What's that key open? תישאר אתנו. Stay with us. Stay with us. Ṣaḥit i mi yi-d-teɣṛiḍ. Thanks for calling. For as soon as I was comforted, so also was I. Uli Rohde, tameṭṭut tucbiḥt talmanit, tecna tizlit n tayri s teqbaylit deg tmurt n Yiqbayliyen. Uli Rohde, a beautiful German woman, was singing a Kabyle love song in Kabylia. The daughter of Rohde, one of the daughters of Talmaneth, one that met him in the land of the Jebusites. זה כל מה שאנחנו יודעים. That's all we know. That's all we know. Ɛni teɣṛamt? Did you call? Did you read? Ittwaheyya yimensi. Dinner is ready to eat. Higher education. Wi kent-iɛeṛḍen ɣer tmeɣṛa? Who invited you to the party? To whom did they go out to the marriage feast? Ur tessinemt ara ad temmeslayemt tafṛansist neɣ ala? You can't speak French, can you? Don't you know how to speak of a letter, or a revelation? אין כסף בתיק שלי. There is no money in my bag. There's no money in my bag. למה לתום להרשים את מרי? Why would Tom want to impress Mary? Why would Tom impress Mary? אני לא מרגיש מוכן לזה עדיין. I don't feel ready for that just yet. I don't feel ready for it yet. Yessefk ad tbeɛɛdemt fell-asen. You need to stay away from them. If you release them, you will lead them astray. في صحتك. Cheers! You're welcome. Tom d Mary ṛuḥen ɣer ɣur-s. Tom and Mary headed to her place. And Thomas and Mary went unto us. لا أعرف هذا الحي جيدا. I don't know this neighborhood too well. I don't know this neighborhood well. هل أستطيع أن أرى جواز سفرك؟ Can I see your passport? Can I see your passport? Ilaq ad d-imeslay yiwen. Somebody has to talk. Let one speak. Ur ttaǧǧaɣ ara aya ad yeḍṛu. I'm not going to let this happen. Don't allow him to go astray now. أعتمد عليك. I'm counting on you. I count on you. Fil-bidu Alla ħalaq is-sema u l-art. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. God created heaven and earth at the beginning. שמי ג'יסונג. My name is Jisung. My name is Gisong. המאמן אמר לשחקנים לא לאכול יותר מדי לפני המשחק. The coach told the players not to eat too much before the game. Coach said the players didn't eat too much before the game. اليوم الإثنين. It's Monday. Today's Monday. شفت هادا؟ Did you see that? Nice lips? أفكّرت في الأمر؟ Did you think about it? You thought about it? Ur ẓriɣ ara ma sɛiɣ akud. I don't know if I have the time. I don't know if I do. עדיף שתיקח אתך מטרייה. You'd better take an umbrella with you. You better take a matrix with you. لا أدري إن كانت ستأتي. I don't know whether she will come. I don't know if she's coming. القلعة القديمة مقصد سياحي مشهور . The old castle is a popular tourist attraction. The old castle is a well - known tourist destination. לא הלכתי ברגל שנה תמימה. I didn't walk for a year. I didn't walk for an innocent year. Teṣṣeḍṣayeḍ. You are hilarious. Stand up. אתה צריך לעבוד ביום ראשון? Must you work on Sunday? Do you have to work on Sunday? Yif-itt ma ur txedmeḍ ara aya skud yella Toma da. You'd better not do that while Tom is here. Find out if you haven't done this time while Thomas was still doing it. התלמידים היו ברובם מהחוף המערבי. The students were for the most part from the West Coast. The students were mostly off the west coast. הם הפקירו את הגבעה לכוחות האויב. They abandoned the hill to enemy forces. They searched the hill for enemy forces. בוא הנה כלבלב. Come here doggie. Come here, bitch. إعرف نفسك! Know thyself! Know yourself! Gezmet! Cut! Gezmet! كان سامي تائها و مشوّشا. Sami was lost and confused. Sammy Thea was confused. من سيغني الليلة؟ Who will sing tonight? Who's gonna sing tonight? בחנות זו מוכרים בשר. In this shop we sell meat. This store sells meat. ሦስት ልጆች አሉኝ። I have three children. I have three sons. הרבה היה תלוי בתוצאה. Much was riding on the outcome. Much was up to the result. هي لا تكرهكَ يا توم. She doesn't hate you, Tom. She doesn't hate you, Tom. Yesnehma Tom. Tom whispered. Yannhama Tom. Lliɣ heggaɣ-asen. I was ready for them. And I prepared them, and set them in order. Melmi i tebɣiḍ ad teččeḍ? When would you like to eat? When do you want to eat? لم ألعب الجولف بتاتا. I never played golf. I didn't play golf at all. אני לא יכול באמת לסמוך על טושיבה. I can't really trust Toshiba. I can't really trust Toshiba. أهو أمريكي؟ Is he American? Is he American? Tom d amuḥṛic. Tom is mischievous. Tom and I. Xaqeɣ nezzeh ɣef Paris. I miss Paris so much. I am sure of you are a judge of Paris. Cukkeɣ yella kra n yiwen di texxamt-nni n zdat. I think there's somebody in the next room. And I wrote unto them all, rising up one by one, above the other. באוניברסיטה שלי יש פנימיה. My university has a dorm. My university has internality. المعلّم تاعنا ولد حرام. Our boss is such a bitch. The teacher's an undressed child. Meɛlic ad ɣ-teǧǧeḍ ad nṛuḥ tura? Will you permit us to leave now? But leave us alone, that we may go to this day? זה כל מה שאני רוצה לעשות. That's all I want to do. That's all I want to do. זאת איננה טעות. It's not an error. It's not a mistake. أُبقيَ فاضل في المستشفى لأشهر. They kept Fadil in the hospital for months. I've been kept in the hospital for months. הוא מסורבל בתנועות ידיו. He is clumsy with his hands. He's slammed in his hands. Tesɛamt weltma-tkent tamecṭuḥt? Have you got a little sister? Did you have a baby sister? ”أين الطفل؟“ ”الطفل نائم.“ "Where's the baby?" "Asleep." “Where is the child?” “The child is asleep.” Tzemremt ad testenyimt da? Could you sign this? Do you want to prove it? תומס רק ניסה לעזור. Tom was just trying to help. Thomas was just trying to help. Beddlemt iceṭṭiḍen-nkent! Change your clothes. I changed en-nect! בוא נחליט לחלק בינינו את הרווחים. Let's agree to share in the profits. Let's decide to share our profits. تفقّد سامي رسائل ليلى الإلكترونية. Sami checked Layla's e-mails. Sammy checked night's e-mails. Tzemrem ad tesɛum ayen i tebɣam. You can have any you want. You can have whatever you desire. Teẓgiḍ teqqareḍ-d aya. You always say that. You stand here. D tiɛeggunin i tellamt? Are you stupid? Are you ultimatum? תום שתוי עד היסוד. Tom is sloshed. Tom's drunk to the foundation. يدير فنان عالمي. Yidir is a universal artist. He's running a global artist. كان ذلك القط حقا أزرق اللون. That cat really was blue. That cat was really blue. אני יודע שאת לא אוהבת אותי. I know you don't like me. I know you don't like me. הוא התחתן עם בתו של החוואי. He married a farmer's daughter. He married a farmer's daughter. את רוצה ביס? Do you want a bite? You want a bite? Nutni d iqbayliyen. They are Kabyle. They are runners. תום לקח על עצמו אחריות נוספת. Tom has taken on additional responsibilities. Tom took on another responsibility. سألتُه عن الحادث. I asked him about the accident. I asked him about the accident. لا شيئَ مثالي. Nothing's perfect. Nothing perfect. الساعة بطلت تشتغل. The clock has stopped. The hour's running out. لا تقلق إذا لم تستطع. Don't worry if you can't. Don't worry if you can't. Yezga itett Tom. Tom is always eating. Yezga et Tom. Jien immur fuq vjaġġ. I'm going on a trip. I'm on a trip. أصبح سامي متطرّفا خطيرا. Sami became a dangerous fanatic. Sammy's got a serious exaggeration. הכית אותה זה עתה? Did you just hit her? Did you just hit her? La t-tettɛawanemt? Are you helping him? What kind of cooperation are you seeking? דיג הטונה בירידה. The tuna catch is declining. The tuna fish's down. אני לבד. I'm alone. I'm alone. كلامه واعماله متاناقضان. His words and deeds do not match. His words and actions are contradictory. אל תזוז, תרים ידיים! Stand still, put your hands up! Don't move, get your hands up! Nezweǧ nekk akked Tom. Tom and I are married. I have a wife, and I have a son with Tom. سامي فعل هذا. Sami did this. Sammy did this. البيتزا باردة. The pizza is cold. The pizza's cold. Acku kem d taqcict. That's because you're a girl. Acquire a kem d'Ivoire. אני חושב שהוא ידע את זה. I think he knew that. I think he knew that. أنتَ إما معنا, أو ضدنا. You are either with us or against us. You're either with us, or against us. Ur bɣiɣ ara ad kent-qerḥeɣ. Bɣiɣ ad kent-ɛawneɣ. I don't want to hurt you. I want to help you. I desire to see you, that I may know you. I want to be a partner to you." أطفئ توم الأنوار. Tom turned the lights off. Turn off the lights. Tom yerfa. Tom got nervous. It's done. Ur tetteɣ ara lfakya. I don't eat fruit. I can't bear any fruit. لغتك الإنجليزية تتحسن. Your English is improving. Your English language is improving. Tettasmeḍ. You are jealous. Tetaskin. حلمها هو أن تصبح ممرضة. Her dream is to become a nurse. Her dream is to become a nurse. Tom yettban-d d wayeḍ-nniḍen akk, ma yettmeslay s tefṛansist. Tom seems to turn into a different person when he speaks French. And it came to pass, that he appeared unto her, and was sick of the palsy; and he cried out a great fever. זה לא משנה אם תנצח או תפסיד. It doesn't matter whether you win or not. It doesn't matter if you win or lose. لو كنت أخبرتَك الحقيقة, كنتَ ستُفاجأ. If I were to tell you the truth, you would be surprised. If I told you the truth, you'd be surprised. אני יוצא לטוקיו מחר. I am leaving for Tokyo tomorrow. I'm going to Tokyo tomorrow. نقل سامي ليلى بسرعة إلى المستشفى. Fadil rushed Layla to the hospital. Sending Sammy Lily quickly to the hospital. Yusa-d Mass Sakaki ad kent-iẓeṛ. A Mr Sakaki has come to see you. "He came therefore, and it was wintering. איפה עצרת אותם? Where did you book them? Where did you stop them? مبارك! Congratulations! Congratulations! Tom yeṭṭef amḍiq n Mary. Tom took Mary's place. And he held his peace, and did as Mary was. أكل توم شطيرة ماري. Tom ate Mary's sandwich. Tom was eating Mary's sandwich. אני לוקח את בני לגן החיות אחרי הצהרים. I'm taking my son to the zoo this afternoon. I'm taking my son to the zoo this afternoon. Tom yedda ɣef uḍaṛ. Tom walked. Walk on the way. מה בעצם קרה לה? Whatever happened to her? What actually happened to her? אני חושב שמוטב שאעזור לך. I think I'd better help you. I think I should help you. צחוק הוא התרופה הטובה ביותר. Laughter is the best medicine. Laughter is the best medicine. Ad iyi-tɛemdeḍ ad nseɣ yid-k iḍ-a? Do you allow me to stay over this night? Wouldst thou kill me, that I might be with thee this night? לבני ימלאו היום ארבע שנים. Today my son turns four years old. My sons will be completed today for four years. Fkemt-iyi-d akk idrimen-nni. Give me all this money. Show me all the money. أصيب فاضل بصدمة عندما علم بوجود ضحيتان أخرتين. Fadil was shocked when he learned there were two more victims. He was shocked when he learned there were two other victims. בדרך כלל אני משחק טניס. I usually play tennis. I usually play tennis. هل عندك خطط لليوم؟ Do you have any plans for today? Do you have any plans for the day? لم يعلم سامي ماذا كان يعمل. Sami didn't know what he was doing. Sammy didn't know what he was doing. Yuɣal yefqeɛ Tom. Tom became nervous. And he left half and half of all. מה קורה לנו לאחר המוות? What happens when we die? What happens to us after death? אנו יכולים כל בוקר לשמוע את שעון הכנסיה. We can hear the church bell every morning. We can hear the church clock every morning. D acu ara tesweḍ? What will you drink? What is that to you what is mortal? لم يفهم سامي. Sami didn't understand. Sammy didn't understand. أريد أن أكون طبيباً في المستقبل. I want to be a physician in the future. I want to be a doctor in the future. אני אמיתית. I'm truthful. I'm real. אין שני לה בבישול סיני. She is second to none when it comes to cooking Chinese food. She doesn't have a second in Chinese cooking. اِجلس من فضلك. Sit down, please. Please sit down. من الواضح انه خرب . It's obviously ruined. Clearly, it's a ruin. היום אני גולש באינטרנט. Today I'm online. Today I'm on the Internet. La netteɛṛaḍ ad kent-nɛiwen. We're trying to help you. I thank thee, I pray thee, that thou wouldest receive us. Ad txedmeḍ deg iḍ-a? Are you working tonight? And will thou do any work at all in the night? אני צריך לבדוק ולשנות את גישתי. I need to review and revise my approach. I need to check and change my attitude. Ẓṛiɣ tesɛiḍ lḥeq. I know you're right. I have broken your throat. אתה מתנשא. You're patronizing. You're getting married. Tettmettat deg lxelɛa. She is scared to death. Test your size. המפתח לא נכנס למנעול. This key doesn't fit in the lock. The key doesn't enter the lock. كان لدى ليلى أربعة أطفال من أربعة رجال مختلفين. Layla had four children with four different men. Lily had four kids from four different men. Tessefqed-it? Did she check him? Do you sleep? Uɣeɣ-t-id. I bought it. I have appeared to him. תום אכל את כל התפוח בפחות משלוש דקות. Tom ate the whole apple in less than three minutes. Tom ate the whole apple in less than three minutes. Cukkeɣ mačči d tidett. I think that's not true. I say this because I am not a sinner. Tetḥeqqem belli tram ad tṛuḥem mebla ma tennam-d ar tufat? Are you sure you want to leave without saying goodbye? Do you think that you want to go away without talking about a matter? ها هي تذكرتي للرجوع. Here's my return ticket. Here's my ticket to come back. אני לא בטוחה שזה באמת מה שאתה רוצה. I'm not so sure that that's really what you want. I'm not sure that's what you really want. سجّل سامي نفسه. Sami recorded himself. Sammy's own record. Tamurt n Yiqbayliyen d tigzirt n yimedyazen, inaẓuren, akked yimyurga. Kabylia is an island for poets, artists, dreamers. The olive tree, and the olive tree, and the olive tree, and the olive tree: Tfudem? Are you thirsty? Do You Die? בוא נטפל בשאלה השניה קודם. Let's tackle the second question first. Let's take care of the second question first. Lemmdeɣ talatinit axaṭer d tutlayt i ḥemmleɣ akk. I study Latin because it’s my favourite language. I have dedicated thirty years to him, for he is my language, for I have loved all things. תום לא קנה דבר ממה שביקשתי אותו. Tom didn't buy everything we asked him to buy. Tom didn't buy anything I asked for. شنو تبي الحين؟ What do you want now? Shenno Tebby at the time? בסדר, בוא נעבור את זה. All right, let's get this over with. All right, let's get through this. מכונת הכביסה הוא המצאה נפלאה. The washing machine is a wonderful invention. The laundry machine is a wonderful invention. תבדקי את זה. Check this. Check it out. بزاف! That's a lot! Bazaf! أنت صديق توم، أليس ذلك صحيحاً؟ You're Tom's friend, aren't you? You're Tom's friend, right? תום צעק. Tom shouted. Tom yelled. אף הר ברחבי תבל לא גבוה יותר מהאוורסט. No other mountain in the world is as tall as Mt. Everest. No mountain across is higher than Everest. Tessneḍ awal uffir n Tom? Do you know Tom's password? Know ye the sound of Thomas? מעולם לא ראיתי פרה אמיתית. I've never seen a real cow. I've never seen a real cow. אני לא רגיל לנאום בפני קהל. I am not accustomed to making speeches in public. I'm not used to public speaking. תום התגורר ב-2013 בבוסטון. Tom was living in Boston in 2013. Tom lived in 2013 in Boston. Ɛiwdemt asiwel. Call back. I am sure that I would write to you. Ur ttnalet ara. Don't touch. Don't be touched. מה אתה חושב שאתה עושה? What do you think you're doing? What do you think you're doing? برأيِكَ هل باستطاعتي تحمّل كل ذلك الإغراء؟ Do you think I can handle all that glamour? In your opinion, can I bear all that temptation? מתי הוא ישוחרר? When will he be freed? When will he be released? Tẓemreḍ ad t-awḍeḍ ɣur-s? Can you reach it? Or do you have enough to catch him? X'inhi din? What's this? What is it? لقد حذرتك ماري. Mary warned you. Mary warned you. التقيت بماري البارحة. I met Mary yesterday. I met Mary last night. حاولنا إقناعه بالعدول عن رأيه لكننا فشلنا. We tried to get him to change his mind, but couldn't. We tried to convince him of his opinion, but we failed. بين الإخوة كثير من التوتر. There's a lot of tension among the siblings. Among the brothers is a lot of tension. Acemma ur ibeddel. Nothing's been changed. And there was no change. תום לבש חליפת שרד. Tom was wearing a tuxedo. Tom wore a survival suit. חלמתי עלייך. I dreamt about you. I dreamed of you. הייתי מודעת לסכנה. I was aware of the danger. I was aware of the danger. Millie għandha ktieb. Millie has a book. Millie has a book. Melmi i d-tuɣaleḍ seg Lalman? When did you come back from Germany? When did you come from Lalman? תום לומד מתמטיקה. Tom studies mathematics. Tom's a math student. Sɛumt wayeḍ. Have another. There will be another train. Aṭas i d-iẓeddem Tom fell-am? Does Tom pick on you a lot? You have many witnesses come to Thomas, because you don't worship me." אתם רשאים להשתמש בספר בתנאי שתשמרו על נקיונו. You can use the book as long as you keep it clean. You may use a book on the condition that you keep it clean. Ur yexdim ara Tom ayen yebɣa ad t-ixdem. Tom didn't do what he wanted to do. And he will not do whatsoever he would. הייתה לו שנאה תהומית למורו. He had an intense hatred of his teacher. He had a real hatred for Moro. أين كنت ذاهب؟ Where were you going? Where were you going? Yella walebɛaḍ ara ɣ-d-iẓṛen. Somebody will see us. But there is one among them, which will put us to the test. أغضبت هذه الأخبارُ الصائبَ كثيرًا حتى أنه سكب الفانتا التي في يده ثانيةً. This news made Al-Sayib so furious that he once more spilled his Fanta. I got so upset with these good news that it's the phantom that's in his hand again. נא לא להפריע לנו. We're not to be disturbed. Please don't bother us. אתה עייף, האין זאת? You are tired, aren't you? You're tired, aren't you? أحببت طوني. I liked Tony. I loved Tony. تعهّد سامي أن لا يتّصل أبدا بعائلته. Sami vowed to never contact his family again. Sammy promises never to call his family. Eǧǧ-iyi ad muqqleɣ acu turiḍ. Let me see what you've written. Let me alone what you will reveal. התעצבנתי כי היא ישנה עדיין. I was annoyed that she was still asleep. I was upset that she was still sleeping. הוא העמיד פני ישן. He pretended to be asleep. He's been putting an old face. הייתי רוצה ללכת לסקי אתה. I'd like to go skiing with her. I'd like to go to ski you. غطست في المسبح. She dived into the swimming pool. I was covered in the pool. Azekka ad iṛuḥ Tom ɣer Nîmes. Tom is going to Nîmes tomorrow. On the next day, he will go out to Bethlehem. الطريق طويل. The road is long. The way is long. האם אתה יכול לראות את האדם הבלתי נראה? Can you see the invisible man? Can you see the invisible person? תום ישב ליד מרי ופתח את אלבום התמונות. Tom sat beside Mary and opened the photo album. Tom sat next to Mary and opened the photo album. صلّى سامي صلاة الظّهر مع فاضل. Sami performed the noon prayer with Fadil. Sammy prayed with a loser. Ilaq ad lemdeɣ amek ara ḥuddeɣ yiman-iw. I need to learn to defend myself. I must declare what I will do with myself. Hemm studenti fil-bibljoteka. There are students in the library. There are students in the Bibliotics. كان سامي يركن سيّارته بجانب منزل باية. Mennad was pulling up to Baya's house. Sammy had his car parked next to Bay's house. إنك محق تماماً. You are absolutely right. You're absolutely right. זה גם בשבילי. That one's for me, too. It's for me, too. Uletma-k d tameɛduzt ugar meṛṛa n yinelmaden-nniḍen. Your sister is lazier than all the other students. And all the disciples laid their hands on thee, and taught them. אני אוהבת סוסים. I like horses. I love horses. תחמיצו את הכל. You'll miss everything. Miss everything. Teẓram belli Tom iḥemmel lbirra. You know that Tom likes beer. You know Tom loves beekeepers. أستخدمه. I use it. Use it. أنا أيضاً. Me too. Me too. Mačči d wid i yessenɣalen i d-yețțagmen. Those who waste water are not those who bring it back. For it isn't he who knows what to lay on." הארץ איננה כוכב כי אם כוכב לכת. The earth is not a star, but a planet. The earth is not a planet that if a planet goes. Beṭleɣ aɣerbaz. I cut classes. Then I blew away the dust with a blast. אני אוהב כשקר. I like the cold. I love lying. מה טעם הגלידה האהוב עליך? What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? What's the point of your favorite ice cream? זה פשוט נראה מטופש. It just seems stupid. It just looks stupid. Ilaq ad tesɛuḍ dima asegzawal gar ifassen-im. Always have your dictionary near at hand. "You must have a balance with your hands." شعر ماريا طويل. Maria has long hair. Mary's hair's long. עבור שני בניינים ופנה שמאלה. Walk two blocks, and turn left. For two buildings and turn left. Izmer Tom ad isgunfu ayen i as-yehwan. Tom can rest as long as he wants. For even Thomas can do away with all that he hath, and with all that he hath. Iwacu ur tettarraḍ ara ddhen-ik ɣer wayen i d-yeqqaṛ uselmad? Why weren't you paying attention to what the teacher was saying? Why don't you wait for yourself, and hold your peace, to what you say? טבע האדם מפחיד אותי. Human's nature scares me. Man's nature scares me. Sew! Drink! Sow! ربح سامي بعض المال. Sami made some money. Sammy won some money. "وقل ربِّ زدني علمًا". And say, "My Lord, increase me in knowledge." "And my Lord has added to my knowledge." Nezmer ad nexdem ɣef aya tura yakan. We can work on that right now. I can do a thing now. اتّصل سامي بالشّرطة. Sami phoned the police. Sammy called the police. אל תבואו. Don't come. Don't come. Gezzmeɣ acebbub-iw yal ayyur. I get a haircut every month. I hate all kinds of things. Nemlal uqbel? Have we ever met before? Nellal first? זו היתה השגיאה הגדולה של חיי. It was the biggest mistake of my life. That was the biggest mistake of my life. La yeţmal-as i baba-s tazeqqa-ines. He's showing his father his apartment. If he would exact it, he would give it to his father. إنّهما معي. They're with me. They're with me. هذا اللون لا يناسبني. That color doesn't look good on me. This color doesn't match me. יש לו שמיעה חדה. He has sharp hearing. He's got a sharp hearing. بيونسي و جاي زي سمّيا لابنتهما بلو أيفي. Beyoncé and Jay-Z called their daughter Blue Ivy. Bionce and JZ are toxic for their daughter Blue Avi. Axeddim-nkent yeṭṭef s yiwen n lxiḍ kan. Your job hangs by a thread. And he laid a yoke upon him, and took him a knife. Tom yebda yeţţaẓay. Tom has been putting on weight. Then he began to pray and to pray. המדריך שלנו הוא תום. Our guide was Tom. Our guide is Tom. קיבלת את המכתב? Did you receive the letter? Did you get the letter? لم نصدق ذلك We didn't believe it. We didn't believe it. ينتظر العنكبوت هناك الحشراتِ الصغيرة كالفراشات واليعاسيب حتى تقع في شباكه. There the spider waits for small insects like butterflies and dragonflies to be trapped. The spiders wait there for small insects like beds and misery to fall into a net. أنت لست صديقنا. You are not our friend. You're not our friend. Ttxil-wet ur ttmettatet ara. Please don't die. Search for him, don't mind. תום הוא היחידי היודע בוודאות. Tom is the only one who knows for sure. Tom's the only one who knows for sure. هل تريد الذهاب إلى السينما؟ Do you want to go to the movies? Do you want to go to the movie? Jack i d isem-iw. My name is Jack. Jack, my name. La ţṛajunt-aɣ lexbarat yelhan deg uxxam. Good news was in store for us at home. And when they were well received of us, they were given unto us a good report. הם לא יכלו להפסיק לחייך. They couldn't stop smiling. They couldn't stop smiling. Amuli ameggaz! Happy anniversary! Amuli amegaz! Aẓemt-d! Come closer. They're free. Bɣant ad lemdent taglizit. They want to learn English. I want to learn English. את מביישת אותה. You're embarrassing her. You're embarrassing her. ג'ים עזב את פאריז אתמול. Jim left Paris yesterday. Jim left Paris yesterday. Ɛyiɣ seg ucetki-nkent. I'm tired of your complaints. I was filled with that disease. ليست لديّ أوشام. I don't have tattoos. I don't have Osham. הם לא ראו עניין רב באיגודים מקצועיים. They saw little need for labor unions. They haven't seen much interest in professional associations. אני לא מלשין. I'm not a tattletale. I'm not a dentist. עשה לי טובה. Will you do me a favor? Do me a favor. Ur txeddmeḍ ara tuccḍiwin. You won't make mistakes. Thou shalt not thinesse. למה תום מתכוון? What does Tom mean? What does Tom mean? אני שמח שעזבתי את בוסטון. I'm glad I left Boston. I'm glad I left Boston. Kenwi d isixiyen? Are you generous? Was there a Greek or a Greek? אני רוצה לאכול מנגו. I want to eat a mango. I want to eat mango. קבעתי פגישה עם מאיוקו. I made an appointment with Mayuko. I made a meeting with Mayoko. Wukud i tṛuḥem? With whom did you go? Where did you go? זה נורמלי. That's normal. It's normal. Ad d-afeɣ abrid. I'll find a way. I will find a way. تناول سامي بعض الأقراص. Sami took some pills. Sammy took some pills. أين الآخرين؟ Where are the others? Where are the others? ماذا ستفعل الليلة؟ What are you going to do tonight? What are you gonna do tonight? زين. Good. Zin. Ulac d acu yellan da. No things here. There is no such thing as what? إنك تشتكي دائماً. You are always complaining. You're always complaining. أنت تقف في طريقي. You are in my way. You're standing on my way. Sami ineggez di tkaṛust n Layla. Sami hopped in Layla's car. And sit down in the judgment seat of Leah. فتحت ليلى صنبور الماء. Layla turned the water on. The night of the water was opened. هل تذكرين ذلك الزمن عندما كنا أطفالاًً، وسافرنا على متن قطار؟ Do you remember the time when we were children, and travelled on a train? Do you remember that time when we were kids, and we traveled on a train? و أخيراً أتى الجمعة. Finally, it's Friday. And finally came Friday. Tom ur d-yettuɣal ara uqbel Tubeṛ. Tom isn't going to be back until October. But he was not tried before the grave. Ad xedmen ayen i asen-d-nniɣ. They'll do what I tell them to do. And they will do as I said unto them. كانت لدى سامي قناة على اليوتوب. Sami had a YouTube channel. Sammy had a channel on the Utope. أنا مدرّسكم البديل. I am your substitute teacher. I'm your alternative teacher. יש לו ארבעה מכשירים סלולריים. He has four mobile phones. He's got four cell phones. אנחנו טסים לגרמניה ביום ראשון. We are flying to Germany on Sunday. We're flying to Germany on Sunday. "Yekker umulab i tlafsa." icuba "Yekker i teslent s wemger.", la d-yeqqaṛ yiwen umeddakel. "The lizard dares to face the hydra." is like "Someone is attacking an ash tree with a sickle," one of our friends tells us. And he arose, and rebuked himself. And it was said, Up with a reed. And he was called straight. Ddegs n tsiɣtin iy iṛeqqen. Several candles were burning. And the bones of them that were hot were broken. Yettmeslay mliḥ taglizit. He speaks English well. You're doing well in English. عادة ما يصلّي سامي في الجماعة. Sami usually performs prayers in congregation. Sammy usually comes in the group. Titkellem bit-Taljan? Do you speak Italian? Do you speak Italian? דמעות הציפו לי את העיניים מקצוץ הבצל. Tears came into my eyes when I was chopping onions. The tears came out of my eyes. Anṣuf yes-k ɣer Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba! He poured out his hands on you into the womb. አባትሽ ረጅም ነው። Your father is tall. Your father is long. אני יכולה להשתמש במילון שלך לרגע? Can I use your dictionary for a minute? Can I use your dictionary for a second? העסק החדש כרסם בממונו. The new business was eating away his fortune. The new business was destroyed in his money. Tiririt n Tom tessewhem Mary. Tom's answer surprised Mary. Tom's sister gave it to Mary. השיטה רקובה. The system is rotten. It's a wet method. كان لدى سامي الكثير من المشاكل العقليّة و العاطفيّة و كان يعالجها بتناول الكحول. Sami had lots of mental and emotional problems and he treated them with alcohol. Sammy had a lot of mental and emotional problems and was treating her with alcohol. לשניכם צריך להיות הרבה במשותף. You two should have a lot in common. You two should have a lot in common. تبدو سعيداً هذا اليوم. You look happy today. You look happy today. הוא אוהב את המטבח האיטלקי. He likes the Italian cuisine. He likes the Italian kitchen. Ad qimeɣ tura deg Lustṛali. I'm staying in Australia now. I hope to see you now in Lystra. אתה יוצא עם מישהי? Are you dating anybody? Are you dating someone? لقد هدأ المنزل. The house went quiet. He calmed down the house. אני מטגנת דג. I am frying fish. I'm fishing. זה לא יפריע לנו אם תצלם מבחוץ. It doesn't matter to us if you take a photo from the outside. It won't bother us if you take a picture from the outside. لم لا تأكل خضاراً؟ Why don't you eat vegetables? Why don't you eat vegetables? מה לעזאזל את עושה פה? What the hell are you doing here? What the hell are you doing here? سألعب كرة المضرب غداً. I am going to play tennis tomorrow. I'll play ball tomorrow. أسوأ طريقةٍ للإضرار بقضيةٍ ما هي بالدفاع عنها باستخدام حجج خاطئة عمدًا. The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments. The worst way to harm a case is to defend it by deliberately using false arguments. هل تحب كرة المضرب؟ Do you like tennis? Do you like batball? Tebna-t Mary. Mary built it. Tebna-t Mary. Iban ad yeqbel Tom. I'm sure Tom would agree. I would like to see Tom. كان توم يشتغل في شركة نفطية. Tom worked for an oil company. Tom was working at an oil company. Yella win i tettṛajumt? Are you expecting somebody? Can any man be broken at all? Lemdeɣ tanehhaṛt. I've been learning to drive. I'm a mother-in-law. יש לך אנסטינקטים טובים. You have good instincts. You have good instincts. זה קשה. That's hard. It's hard. רהיטי הסלון היו בסגנון מודרני. The living room furniture was modern in style. The living room records were modern. كان سامي يتابع ليلى على الإنستغرام و كانت تتابعه هي أيضا. Sami followed Layla on Instagram and she followed him back. Sammy was following Lily on the intestine, and she was following him too. اِنهالت بالبكاء. She began crying. I cried. אלוהים, אני כל כך שמן. Oh my God, I look so fat. Oh, my God, I'm so fat. הם יפים. They're beautiful. They're beautiful. אנו משלמים. We're paying. We're paying. Tiɣimit deg tẓegwa yesnernay seg unagraw nneɣ anaffal. Exposure to forests boosts our immune system. We worked much more abundantly on our scales than we did. ידעתי שנהיה ידידים. I knew we would be friends. I knew we'd be friends. من فضلك فكر في الأمر. Please think about it. Please think about it. מעז יצא מתוק. Every cloud has a silver lining. A goat came out sweet. הוא מורגל בטיפוס הרים. He's used to mountain climbing. He's used to the mountain type. Azul a Mass! Hello sir! A Mass! تزوّج سامي من امرأة مسلمة. Sami married a Muslim woman. He married Sammy from a Muslim woman. תום נינוח. Tom is relaxed. Tom's resting. אפשר שניה אחת איתך? Could I have a second with you? Can I have a second with you? لطيف منك أن تهديني هدية. It is so nice of you to give me a present. Nice of you to give me a gift. Grazzi ħafna! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! اجتمع الناس في المتنزه. People gathered in the park. I've met people at the park. Ḥmed yerka deg tismin. Ahmed is a jealous person. Be quick to envy. כבר אינני זקוק לכך. I don't need this anymore. I don't need it anymore. من غير المفاجئ أنّ النّظام السّعوديّ المضطهِد صديق للنّظام الإسرائيلي العنصري ذو النّزعة العسكريّة. It comes as no surprise that the oppressive regime of Saudi Arabia is friends with the militaristic and racist regime of Israel. It is not surprising that the persecuted Saudi regime is a friend of the armed Israeli racist regime. חנות הצינורות נמצאת מעבר לכביש. The pipe store is across the street. The pipe store is across the road. תום בקושי שומע בלי מכשיר השמיעה שלו. Tom can hardly hear without his hearing aid. Tom barely hears without his hearing device. Anda tella Wagadugu ? Where is Ouagadougou located? Where is the Shepherd? Atan dilem. It's blank. This is the murder. אחרי שאני עושה סקי, אני מגלה שיש לי תיאבון בריא. After skiing, I find that I have a voracious appetite. After I do ski, I find out I have a healthy appetite. حتى الأطفال بإمكانهم قراءة هذا الكتاب. Even children can read this book. Even children can read this book. לא אספר לאף אחד. I won't tell anyone. I won't tell anyone. ከልቢ እሙን እንስሳ እዩ። A dog is a faithful animal. The dog is a faithful animal. למה לך לעשות את זה? Why would you need to do that? Why would you do that? זה נראה לא מיושב. It looks uninhabited. It looks unsatisfied. יש לנו שלושה כלבים, אחד לבן ושניים שחורים. We have three dogs, one white and two black. We have three dogs, one white and two black. Yella win i d-iteddun deffir-nneɣ. Somebody is following us. And, behold, he is coming after us. היא מאושרת. She is happy. She's happy. Ldi imi-m! Open your mouth! Come on! توم ينتظر. Tom is waiting. Tom's waiting. أعاد سامي النّظر في الأمر. Fadil had second thoughts. Sammy took a look at it. رجاء اهتم بأمورك. Kindly mind your own business. Please take care of your affairs. אני יודע שאת מעריכה את תום. I know you think highly of Tom. I know you appreciate Tom. تَبِعْتُها إلى الغرفَة. I followed her into the room. I sold her to the room. أريد أن أنام الآن. I want to sleep now. I want to sleep now. השבוע הוא היה עסוק כל הזמן. This week it was busy the whole time. This week he was busy all the time. היא ילדה נפלאה. She's a wonderful girl. She's a wonderful girl. Tzemreḍ ad txedmeḍ ugar n waya? Can you do as much? Wilt thou make a bag? المجتمع لا يبالي مطلقاً. Society could not care less. Society doesn't care at all. ציירים כפיקאסו נדירים. Such painters as Picasso are rare. Fantastic paintings are rare. Jbed! Fire! It's been! منذ ان استلمت النساء المزيد من المسؤوليات في العمل و في المجتمع ، يقال ان عدد النساء الذين يعانون من الاجهاد من تربية الاطفال و العمل اخذ بالتصاعد . Since women are taking on more responsibilities at work and in the community, it is said that the number of women with stress from both child-rearing and work is increasing. Since women received more responsibilities in the workplace and in society, it has been said that the number of women who suffer from stress in child rearing and employment has increased. היא מוזיקאית בדם. She is a natural musician. She's a janitor. كانا سامي و ليلى يتخاصمان كثيرا. Sami and Layla argued a lot. Sammy and Lily were very specific. זה שם. It is there. It's there. Ur bɣiɣ ara ad ččeɣ da. I don't want to eat here. I don't want to eat. Ṭɣezzifem aṭas! You are so tall! I wish you were there! You are far from where I am! זה מתחיל להיות הגיוני. It's all beginning to make sense. It's starting to make sense. Tella tin i kem-yettṛajun. Somebody's waiting for you. You were receivers of the letters. Yella win i tettṛajuḍ? Are you expecting someone? Is there anyone whom you write? פעם הערצתיו, אך לא עוד. I used to look up to him, but not anymore. I once admired him, but not anymore. אתה מסוגל לטפל בזה? Can you handle it? Can you handle this? كانت لفاضل ذريعة قويّة. Fadil had an ironclad alibi. She had a strong excuse. אנו צייתנים. We're obedient. We're obedient. Tegzamt? Understand? Tegzamt? Ur tesrusuyem ara ula d yiwen uḍad af tedrimt n Tom. You're not laying one finger on Tom's money. And as for thy body, even so shall ye not put it upon an ass's mouth. אני סמוך ובטוח שדברים ישתנו לטובה. I am convinced that things will change for the better. I'm sure things will change for the better. Sami yessuter di Layla ad stexḍu i Salima. Sami asked Layla to leave Salima alone. And the Lord said, And Saul pray thee that he may be desired by them. And he departed, saying, Peace be unto thee. جرّ فاضل المزبلة إلى خارج البيت. Fadil dragged the garbage can out of the house. Snake the muffins out of the house. תום ישלים. Tom will accept. Tom's done. أين المصعد؟ Where is the elevator? Where's the elevator? באטמוספירה של שבתאי מנשבות רוחות שיכולות להגיע למהירות של יותר מ-1,800 קמ"ש. Saturn's atmosphere has winds which can blow at over 1800 kilometers per hour. At the atmosphere of ghost ventilators that can reach speeds of more than 1,800 miles per hour. امپۆسّيبل علييّا نفهّم لك. It's impossible for me to explain it to you. Mpp Sybil must understand you. Amen Tom. Trust Tom. Amen. كان يمكن أن تكون حالته أكثر سوءً. His condition could have been worse. He could've been worse. Richard Dawkins d arnaflas mucaεen. Richard Dawkins is a famous atheist. Richard Dawkins and Arnaflas mukaeen. עלינו על הרכבת המהירה ביותר בעולם משדה התעופה אל מרכז העיר. We took the fastest train in the world from the airport to the city center. We need the fastest train in the world from the airport to the middle of town. אתה רץ מהר מאד. You run very fast. You're running very fast. אני אוהב את ניחוח החביתיות בבוקר. I love the smell of pancakes in the morning. I like the bean smell in the morning. אתה תבריא בעוד כמה ימים. You'll get better in a few days. You'll get better in a few days. אשמח מאד לקנות את הגיטרה ההיא. I would love to be able to buy that guitar. I'd love to buy that guitar. Bɣiɣ ad ṛuḥeɣ ad ẓṛeɣ asaru. I want to go to see a movie. I want to go also and preach the Good News. הוא עשה אימונים קשים מאד. He trained very hard. He made training very difficult. מידורי אכלה הכי הרבה תפוזים. Midori ate the most oranges. Meadows ate the most oranges. yecqa-k ayen ttxemmimen medden fell aneɣ? Do you care what other people think about us? Say thou unto us, What thinkest thou of us? البارحة كان عيد ميلادي. Yesterday was my birthday. Yesterday was my birthday. קניתי אותה בשבוע שעבר. I had bought it the week before. I bought it last week. توم إبتسم. Tom smiled. Tom smiles. سامي و ليلى حقّا يقضيان الكثير من الوقت معا. Sami and Layla do spend a lot of time together. Sammy and Lily really spend a lot of time together. قرأت إيميلي هذا الكتاب. Emily read this book. Emily read this book. Sarameɣ yiwen ur k-id-iwala tusiḍ-d ar da. I hope no one saw you coming in here. I saw you, when I saw you, and saw no one. הייתי רוצה להפקיד בחשבוני קצת כסף. I'd like to put some money into my account. I'd like to handle some money. Mačči d leɛjeb Tom? Isn't Tom marvelous? Don't you break Tom? פטפט עם החברים שלך. Chat with your friends. A chat with your friends. אה, תודה, יקירי. Ah, thank you, my dear. Oh, thank you, darling. كيف وجدت هذه الكتب النادرة؟ How did you come by these rare books? How did you find these rare books? Ur t-tettuɣ ara akk. I won't forget this. I have not written it all. בערך מחצית מהירקות והפירות של ארה"ב מוצאם מקליפורניה. Roughly half of America's fruits and vegetables come from California. About half of the U.S. vegetables and fruits are found in California. Tom yezmer ad iɣawel deg tazzla am Mary. Tom can run as fast as Mary. And ye can do as Mary did. أهذا كتابك؟ Is this book yours? Is that your book? הילד האבוד זוהה על פי בגדיו. The lost child was identified by his clothes. The lost child is identified by his clothes. שכנעתי את בני לבשל ארוחת ערב. I got my son to cook supper. I convinced my son to cook dinner. كنت محقا قطعا. You were absolutely right. You were absolutely right. Ixelles Tom. Tom paid. Ixelles Tom. أنا فخورٌ بنفسي. I'm proud of myself. I'm proud of myself. אתם יפים מאד. You're very beautiful. You're very beautiful. شكرا يا رفاق. Thank you, guys. Thanks, guys. لم أعلم بهذا الأمر. I didn't know that. I didn't know about that. Yiwen ur k-id-isteqsa. Nobody asked you. And no man asked him. Seɛlem-iyi. Let me know. Help me. אתה טס, או נוסע ברכבת? Are you going by air or by train? Are you flying, or are you on the train? جاء الطالب من لندن. The student came back from London. The student came from London. מרי איבדה את תיקה. Mary lost her handbag. Mary lost her bag. كانت زوج سامي ألطفَ النساء على الإطلاق. Sami's wife was the nicest lady ever. Sammy's husband was the nicest woman ever. بدا سامي لطيفا. Sami seemed cool. Sammy seemed nice. هل أنهت الفتياة الأكل؟ Have the girls finished eating? Have you finished eating? Txuṣṣeḍ-as i Tom. Tom misses you. You stop him, Tom. Teṭṭef afus-iw. She took my hand. And taketh away my hand. D tidet d akken Tom ad iṛuḥ ar Boston? Is it true that Tom is going to Boston? Is it so, that Thomas goes to Boston? אני מצטערת שלא האמנתי לך. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. הוא אוהב רכבות. He loves trains. He likes trains. Uḥwaǧeɣ ad lemdeɣ amek ara d-ḥamiɣ ɣef yiman-iw. I need to learn how to defend myself. For I could wish that I myself were separated from him. لدى توم درجات جيدة Tom has a good head for numbers. Tom's got good grades. Acḥal i xaqeɣ fell-akent! How I have missed you! How much more shall I trust thee? Tanemladt-nni n Lubnan akked yemdukal-is uran-d adlis. The Lebanese student and her friends wrote books. Which stood and prevailed against the plain, and his branches went out of it. Beṛkat imeṭṭawen. Stop screaming. weeping. نادرا ما يضحك بل لا يضحك أبدا. He seldom, if ever, laughs. He rarely laughs, never laughs. عندي مشكلة I have a problem. I have a problem. Tanemmirt ɣef usiwel-ik. Thank you for your call. Endeavor by thy prayer. توم لْقاوَه ميّت في الپارطمة تاعو. Tom was found dead in his apartment. Tom died in the park. תשיגו עבודה. Get a job. Get a job. و أخيراً حقق هدفه. At last he achieved his goal. He finally achieved his goal. دعني أفعلها Let me do it. Let me do it. كانت ليلى تعيش شمال القاهرة. Layla lived north of Cairo. Lily lived north of Cairo. دعونا نستعد للذهاب. Let's get ready to go. Let's get ready to go. حتّا واحد ماجا. Nobody came. Even one, Maga. كان سامي ينتظر في فندق مجاور. Sami waited at a nearby hotel. Sammy was waiting at a hotel next door. أنت حتى لا تحدق فيَّ. You don't even look at me. You don't even shoot me. Bɣiɣ ad yili win ara yi-iɛawnen iwakken ad xedmeɣ annect-a. I need someone to help me do this. I would that I might do this thing. צילמתי את זה לפני שבוע. I took that photo a week ago. I took a picture of it a week ago. هل أنت غاضب؟ Are you mad? Are you angry? החברה ביטלה את הפרויקט הזה. The company canceled the project. The company canceled this project. Ma yeḥma weɣṛum ad as-nexdem zzit n uzemmur. When Kabyle bread is hot, olive oil is added. And if he will eat bread, then will he eat the oil of oil. Feṛḥeɣ imi k-ẓṛiɣ i tikkelt nniḍen. I am happy to see you again. I rejoiced that I had denied thee again. לא ראיתי דבר. I saw nothing. I haven't seen anything. يجب أن تُنَمِّيَ شجاعتك. You must build up your courage. You must develop your courage. انا اكره القراد . I hate ticks! I hate monkeys. לא ידעתי מה לעשות אחר כך. I didn't know what to do after that. I didn't know what to do later. سأنادي سامي. I'll call Sami. I'll call Sammy. אני לא יכול לרוץ מהר כמוהו. I can't run as fast as he can. I can't run as fast as he is. לא ידעתי שהוא מת. I didn't know he was dead. I didn't know he was dead. Tura kan i k-n-uzneɣ imayl. I just emailed you. Now I watch over you. أتمنى أن يكون لديك وقت أكثر لي. I wish you had more time for me. I hope you have more time for me. נראה שהוא טועה. It appears that he is mistaken. Looks like he's wrong. תסתום את הפה הגדול שלך. Shut your big mouth. Shut your big mouth. حنا حباب قدم. We're old friends. Here's a raccoon. ماذا تحب أن تأكل؟ What do you like to eat? What do you like to eat? האחד דובר אנגלית, השני יפנית. One speaks English, and the other speaks Japanese. One speaks English, the other is Japanese. Lemmer ad t-teččeḍ, ad temmteḍ. If you eat that, you'll die. If thou wilt eat it, thou shalt die. ألا تتذكره؟ Don't you remember him? Don't you remember him? Tḥemmleḍ tamwansa n Tom? Do you enjoy Tom's company? Do You Love the Love of Tom? Ur ḥemmleɣ ara ad ɣelḍeɣ. I don't like to make mistakes. I would not, I would not, that I should be beloved. Ur cfiɣ ara ɣef lḥaǧa am tagi. I remember no such thing. I don't store a thing as though it were nothing. את לא מחרידה אותי. You don't frighten me. You don't scare me. Qqlem-d ar daki. Get back here. Say-d see. Bɣiɣ ad ṭṭfeɣ afus-ik. I want to hold your hand. I want to lift up your hand." سوف أحطم وجه طوم. I'm gonna fuck Tom up. I'm gonna break a Tom's face. Heyyi iman-ik! Get ready. Be of the same mind yourself! Ad tafeḍ d kra n yiwet i t-yeǧǧan daki. Somebody must've left it there. And thou shalt see a little while while, and then thou shalt see no man leave him. يحبّ فاضل الأكل في مطاعم تيكساس تشيكن. Fadil loves Texas Chicken. He likes the food scrap at the Texas Chekkin restaurant. لقد ضاجعت مدرّستي. I slept with my teacher. I fucked my teacher. Ur tqelliq ara, ḥaca tifrat ara d-ibanen i wugur-inek. Don't worry, your problem will be solved. Don't be anxious, but seek out your own way, that you may be found indeed. Aṭas i tettṛaǧuḍ seg-s. You are expecting too much of her. And there was much writing in it. أين كنت يا جمال؟ Where have you been, Jamal? Where have you been, Jamal? אני לא יכול להאשים את תום בדבר שקרה באשמתה של מרי. I can't blame Tom for something that was Mary's fault. I can't blame Tom for something that happened to Mary. Ur ẓṛiɣ ara belli tellam tesɛam amcic. I didn't know you had a cat. For I don't think that you are wise. אל תטרחו. Don't bother. Don't bother. בנוסף, יש לי ראיון עם פרופסור. In addition, I have to interview a professor. Plus, I have an interview with a professor. הדלת נפתחה שנית. The door opened again. The door opened again. هذه ليست ساعة عملي. It's not my working hour. This isn't my watch. عندي ابنا خالة. I have two cousins. I have an empty son. Tella tin i yukren tiremt-iw. Somebody stole my lunch. Ye were set over, and have received of my own accord that was mine. أتوقعت أن يقول الحقيقة؟ Did you really expect him to tell you the truth? Did you expect him to tell the truth? ليس شيئًا يمكن لأيّ شخص فعله. It's not something anyone can do. It's not something anyone can do. הוא לא יוצא לחופשות. He doesn't take vacations. He's not on vacation. Tom yessuffuɣ tidi. Tom is sweating. I'm burning my bones. תום התמכר למשככי כאבים לאחר התאונה שלו. Tom got addicted to painkillers after his accident. Tom became addicted to the painkillers after his accident. أنا متأكّد أنّ الجميع ينتظر. I bet everyone is waiting. I'm sure everyone's waiting. Ssexlaɛent tira-nkent. Your writing is horrible. And they took the sum of them, and the number of them was numbered. Anwa ṣṣenf n teqcicin i tḥemmleḍ? What kind of girls do you like? For which of those things which ye love? פושעים רבים בארה"ב מכורים לסמים. Many criminals in America are addicted to drugs. Many drug addicts in the United States. ليست معك حيوانات أو نباتات، صحيح؟ You don't have any plants or animals, right? You don't have animals or plants, do you? תגיד לי מה אני צריך לעשות. Tell me what I should do. Tell me what I need to do. توم و أصدقاؤه يلعبون البوكير. Tom and his friends are playing poker. Tom and his friends are playing bucker. זה היה הלך החשיבה הראשוני שלי. That was my first way of thinking. It was my first thought. Nekk d tameddakelt n gma-s. I'm friends with her brother. But I am in his brother's cross. Fakk-iken asuter n ssmaḥ. Stop apologizing. You have a kiss. احتاج سامي لبعض المال. Sami needed some money. I need some money from Sammy. אני חושבת שעדיין כדאי לנסות. I think it's still worth a try. I think we should still try. Tom yettmuqul Mary. Tom watches Mary. Tom went to Mary. انضمّت ليلى إلى مخيّم للنّازيّين الجدد. Layla joined a neo-Nazi camp. Lila joined the new Nazi camp. Tom yella yebɣa ad yaɣ Mary. Tom wanted to marry Mary. But he was willing to depart unto Mary. אתה יכול לשאול את הספר הזה בתנאי שתשמור עליו נקי. You may borrow this book as long as you keep it clean. You can ask this book on condition that you keep it clean. نمى حزن سامي كي يصبح اكتئابا. Sami's sadness deepened into a depression. I grew Sammy's grief to become depressed. Kwarai kuwa zaka iya daukarsa idan kanaso. Of course you can take it if you want. The earth, however, is capable of being filled with sprouts if you can. Ttxil-wet ɛiwnet-iyi deg ccɣel-iw. Please give me a hand with my job. Ye have taken heed of them; ye help me in my work. Ulac win i yettḥessisen. Nobody listens. No one listens to them. מה נתן למיזם שלך השראה? What inspired your project? What gave your project inspiration? Tella tin i yewten Tom? Did somebody hit Tom? Did you beat Thomas? אם אפשר אשתה תה. I'll drink tea, if I can. If I can have tea. عشر سّنين راهي وقت بزّاف لواحد يسّنّاها. Ten years is a long time to wait. Ten years old, it's time to fake one of them. سقطت منّي مفاتيحي. I dropped my keys. My keys fell off me. Theblem? Are you nuts? Do you understand? זה לא היה אמור לקרות. This should've never happened. That wasn't supposed to happen. Aqjun-iw ɣur-s taseṭṭa ɣezzifet. My dog has a very long tail. The shoots of a sycomore tree. של מי המכונית הזאת? Whose car is this? Whose car is this? Ma yella yehwa-yak γur-k kra. You can have some if you want. And if thou fall away, thou shalt have no part. אתם סנילים. You're demented. You're Sinills. Ur la d-ttakeɣ ara sebbat. I'm not making excuses. I will not be ashamed. Ṣṣubem! Get down. Hooray! הוא עשה את זה לשם ההנאה. He did it for fun. He did it for fun. كلّ المدرّسين كانوا هنا. All the teachers were here. All the teachers were here. אינני יודע כיצד לתרגם נכונה משפט זה. I don't know how to translate that sentence correctly. I don't know how to translate this sentence correctly. Ad d-asaɣ ad ken-ɛiwneɣ. I'll come help you. And they will come together, and I will help them. זה מדויק. It's accurate. That's accurate. إنها تتكلم الإنجليزية بطلاقة شديدة. She speaks English very fluently. She speaks English very fluently. نعم، على الأرجح أنها سوف تأتي إلى المنزل. Yes, she'll probably come home. Yeah, she'll probably come home. Nezweǧ nekk akked Tom tura. Tom and I are married now. I have a wife with Tom now. Taẓuri temmut. Art is dead. The wretch is dead. እሱ ዛፍ ስር ተኝቷል። He was sleeping under the tree. He lay down under a tree. בסופו של דבר גם הוא נרתע מול מצוקה גדולה. In the end, he also faltered in the face of great adversity. In the end, he got into big trouble too. Aql-i ţekseɣ iceṭṭiḍen-iw. I'm undressing. For I lay down my hands on my knees. Anwa amaru i tḥemmleḍ? Who's your favorite writer? "Which commandment is this: which commandment is for me? Bɣiɣ ad sbeddeɣ tawacult. I want to start a family. I want to build a tower. Nheṛ s leɛqel. Drive slowly. Perfunct in speech. Ḥebset almad! Stop studying! Al-Aqsa'ah! Acḥal i d lɛali-t! How lovely! How well he was! מסיבת יום הולדתה תערך בערב הבא. Her birthday party will be given next evening. Her birthday party will be next night. Ilaq ad temmeslayem akked Tom. You should be talking to Tom. You must speak with Tom. آمل أن لا تنس القيام بذلك. I hope you don't forget to do that. I hope you don't forget to do that. Ilaq ad tḍefṛem ilugan. You must keep to the rules. You must be sober. Walaɣ yiwet tefka-yas taqemmuct i Tom. I saw somebody kissing Tom. And I saw one of them lying in wait for Thomas. הוא בילה את הלילה בשינון החומר לקראת הבחינה. He spent all night cramming for the test. He spent the night sleeping the material for observation. قدّ ما تاكُل المشماش نتاع كوتشا، قدّ ما تبغي تزيد تاكُل. The more you eat Kuqa's apricots, the more of them you'll want to eat. What's eating? What's going on? What's going on? What's going on? אדאג לך עד סוף ימיך. I'm not gonna take care of you for the last of your life. I'll take care of you by the end of your day. עליך לעיין במילון. You should consult the dictionary. You have to look at the dictionary. لم يكن سامي شرطيّا صادقا. Sami was a crooked cop. Sammy wasn't an honest cop. אני מכיר את תום זה עידן ועידנים. I've known Tom forever. I know Tom. It's an age and ages. Asmi ad tesɛuḍ akud ɣeṛ adlis-a. When you have time, read this. For you must have heard for the first time what you must have done. Yebda-t-id lxuf. He began to feel afraid. Then there was fear. Kkes afus-ik fell-i. Get your hand off me. Put forth thine hand against me. تعرّض سامي لسوء المعاملة. Sami was mistreated. Sammy was ill-treated. تولّى فاضل القيام بذلك العمل. That job was handled by Fadil. Take care of that job. Teɣṛam adlis-a yakan? Have you read this book already? Have you come to the letter already? תום נאבק. Tom is fighting. Tom fought. יש כאן טעם בדבריך. You have a point there. There's a taste in your speech here. Ur t-tett ara. Don't eat that. Do not tap it. Ttqejjiment yal ass ɣef tiyaḍ. They always mock others. As yet they will wait for them every day. Ewwet kan s uẓeṛweḍ. Let it as good as it gets. Be ye quick also to be very bold. A tiɛeggunin! You are an idiot! By all means! Cukkeɣ d akken Tom iwjed. I suspect Tom is ready. I am paralyzed, as in Thomas. توم متديّن. Tom is religious. Tom's a solid. נתחיל בכך מיד. We'll get right on it. Let's get this started right away. תום שיטתי. Tom is methodical. Tom's tricky. אי אפשר לרצות ילדים מפונקים. There is no satisfying spoiled children. You can't want spoiled kids. Ayweqt i ṛuḥen? When did they go? When did I go away? הָיֹה הָיָה פעם באנגליה מלך רע. Once upon a time, there was a bad king in England. He was once a bad king in England. Sami saggadayent. Sami is getting bullied. Find the cross-countryn. كانت ليلى تفقد الدّم بسرعة. Layla was losing blood fast. Lily was checking the blood fast. حُكِم على ليلى ثلاث مرّات بالمؤبّد. Layla was handed three life sentences. I've been sentenced three nights forever. هل ستذهب إلى الحفلة الليلة؟ Will you go to the party tonight? Are you going to the party tonight? השפה הרשמית של אנגולה היא הפורטוגזית. Angola's official language is Portuguese. Angola's official language is Portuguese. המידע שסיפקת לי בעל תועלת מועטה. The information you gave me is of little use. The information you provided to me was of little benefit. تعال عند العاشرة تماماً. Come at ten o'clock sharp. Come right here at 10:00. Lliɣ deg ubrid anebdu yezrin. I was on the road last summer. And I'm in the way. Ulac win i d-yennan akka. No one is saying that. For no one said these things. سمعتها تتكلم الإنجليزية بطلاقة. I heard her speak English fluently. I heard her speaking English out loud. Turar Mary. Marie played. Europe Mary. Ur d-cliɛeɣ ara kan. I just didn't care. I am not raised by myself. Twalaḍ Tom neɣ mazal? Have you seen Tom yet? Do you see Thomas, or even? D awezɣi ad akent-samḥeɣ. I will never forgive you. I wish to pardon. יתכן שזה נכון. It may be true. That might be true. هل تحتاجين إلى سيارة إسعاف؟ Do you need an ambulance? Do you need an ambulance? أستمطر اليوم؟ Will it rain today? I'm off today? בואו נאלתר. Let's improvise. Let's find out. Anwa ur neqbil ara? Who disagreed? Who shall not reject us? زرنا طوكيو مرات عديدة. We have been to Tokyo many times. We visited Tokyo many times. אני מקווה שנפגש שנית בעתיד. I hope we'll see each other again sometime. I hope we meet again in the future. أحدهم سرق حقيبتي. Somebody has stolen my suitcase. Someone stole my bag. War liman d agaman. D asegmi i ittarran imdanen ttamnen. Atheism is natural. It's education which makes people believers. Of faith and truth: from that time that which is seen of men is made manifest. Yella walebɛaḍ i yegnen daki. Somebody is lying here. There's another one. عرض سامي على فريد 400 دولار ليساعده على التّنظيف. Sami offered Farid 400 dollars to help clean up. Sammy offered 400 bucks to help him clean up. هل أنت مبسوط هنا؟ Are you happy here? Are you kidding here? أنا أضيع وقتي. I'm wasting my time. I'm wasting my time. ضحّى سامي بليلى كي ينجو بنفسه. Sami threw Layla under the bus to save himself. He sacrificed Sammy Billy to save himself. أبي في المطبخ لأنه يطبخ. Dad is in the kitchen because he's cooking. Dad's in the kitchen because he's cooking. אינני יכול ממש להתלונן. I can't really complain. I can't really complain. انتقلوا للعيش هنا. Move in here. Move to live here. זה יתגלה אם יהיה צורך. That's on a need-to-know basis. It'll be found if necessary. لا أريد أن أخبرهم عن سبب تأخّري. I don't want to tell them why I'm late. I don't want to tell them why I'm late. Wa d argaz n Mary. This is Mary's husband. And he was the man of Mary. Yeṭṭeṣ. He dozed off. There's a noise. טום, אני עומד לבקש ממך להקריא לי את המכתב. Tom, I'm going to ask that you read me the letter. Tom, I'm about to ask you to read me the letter. لهذا تركت وظيفتي. This is why I quit the job. That's why I left my job. הוא לא שווה כלום. He is worthless. He's not worth anything. חזרתי, תום. Tom, I'm back. I'm back, Tom. Tesɛiḍ kra n yisteqsiyen-nniḍen ara d-tefkeḍ? Do you have any further questions to ask? Did you receive anything that they asked you? لقد تغيّرت الأمور كثيرا هنا. Things have changed a lot down here. Things have changed a lot here. يبدو توم في حيرة. Tom looks baffled. Looks like Tom's in a deep. הייתי באמת באמת מאוכזב. I was really, really disappointed. I was really disappointed. قام العبيد بمعظم الأعمال. Slaves did most of the work. The slaves did most of the work. היא שאלה אותו איך מדליקים את המכונה. She asked him how to turn on the machine. She asked him how to light the machine. أكره الكلاب. I just hate dogs. I hate dogs. هذه السكين أفادتني كثيرًا. This knife was very useful to me. That knife told me a lot. Theddṛemt s lemɣawla. You speak tremendously fast. You were commanded to do so quickly. أنا آكل تفاحةً. I'm eating an apple. I'm eating apple. قاتلوا من أجل وطنهم . They fought for their homeland. They fought for their homeland. Ayɣer ur tebɣiḍ ara ad tṛuḥeḍ ɣer wexxam n Tom? Why don't you go to Tom's house? Saying, I pray thee, wilt not thou that I go into the house of Thomas? Tḥeznem? Are you sad? Are you sad? السيد إسبرانتو بخير, اليسَ كذلك؟ Mr. Esperanto is well, isn't he? Mr. Esperanto is fine, isn't he? Tɛeǧeb-iyi aṭas. I like it very much. Serve me with a lot of fun. האם אפילו פגשת אותו אי פעם? Have you ever even met him? Have you even met him? La yettqeṣṣiṛ Tom? Is Tom joking? What's going to do? أريد أن أتعلّم الأمازيغية و العربية. I want to learn Berber and Arabic. I want to learn Amazigian and Arabic. لقد لاحظ سامي ذلك. Sami noticed. Sammy noticed that. Ttmuqqul acu i ttetteḍ. Watch what you eat. But that you may know what you are about to say. שינוי אווירה היה ממש עוזר לי! I could really use a change in scenery! A change of weather would really help me! זוהי מילה שהייתי מעוניין למצוא לה תחליף. It's a word I'd like to find a substitute for. It's a word I'd like to find her a replacement. חשבתי שזה ספר טוב, אבל ג'ים חשב אחרת. I thought it was a good book, but Jim thought otherwise. I thought it was a good book, but Jim thought otherwise. صراع العروش هو مسلسلي المفضّل. Game of Thrones is my favorite series. The civil conflict is my favorite. תום יכול לספר לנו על זה? Can Tom tell us about it? Can Tom tell us about it? Ttakeɣ-ak aṭas n yedrimen yal aggur. I give you plenty of money each month. I give you much money in every month. מצא חן בעיניך הסרט? Did you enjoy the film? Did you like the movie? يريد فنجانا واحدا من الشاي فقط. He wants only one cup of tea. He only wants us to have one tea. مفيش أي مشاكل. There are no problems. Fashion any problems. ليماژيناسيۆن تافّيكتي ڨع ليزاسپي ف حياتنا. Imagination affects every aspect of our lives. Lima and I don't know how we're doing in our lives. בוא לביתי. Come to my house. Come to my house. כמה אנו צריכים לשלם? How much do we have to pay? How much do we have to pay? Ugadeɣ ad d-tewwet lehwa tameddit-a. I'm afraid it'll rain tonight. I announced a commandment to take care of it. D lmuḥal! Never! It's gone! سأعد لك بعض القهوة. I'll fix you some coffee. I'll make you some coffee. كان سامي مشتّت الانتباه. Sami was distracted. Sammy was distracted. Nedmeɣ mi ssudneɣ Tom. I regret kissing Tom. I prayed when I called Tom. הייתי רוצה לדבר אנגלית שוטפת. I would like to speak English fluently. I'd like to speak pure English. אני לא יכולה ללכת מהר יותר. I can't go any faster. I can't go any faster. אני מתכוונת לכך באופן חיובי. I mean that in a good way. I mean it positively. תפסיקו את החקלאות המבוססת רק על תירס ותתחילו מחדש לגדל יבולים מסוגים שונים כדי להלחם בנזקים לנוף ולאדמה. Stop maize monoculture, and reestablish multiple cropping, to combat the loss of landscape and soil diversity. Stop farming based only on corn and start growing crops of different types to fight damage to the landscape and the soil. Ẓṛiɣ ad d-tafem ttawil s ara t-txedmem. I'm sure you'll find a way to do it. I have therefore a lamp to take to you, and to devour it. لِمَ لَمْ يعد يرسل لي رسائلا؟ Why doesn't he send me letters anymore? Why doesn't he send me any more messages? Tom yella yettidir deg Ustṛalya. Tom lived in Australia. Then he lived in Australia. أحب ممارسة الألعاب الرياضية. I like playing sports. I like sports. אני חייבת את הצלחתי לעזרה שקיבלתי ממנו. I owe my success to his help. I have to get the help I got from him. Teggurreɛ-d Mary. Mary burped. Full age of Mary. Tebɣiḍ crab amellal neɣ azeggaɣ? Would you like white wine or red? Do you feel bad or bad? הם נראים נחמדים. They look pretty. They look nice. Tom ad yili dagi ddurt-agi i d-iteddun. Tom is going to be here next week. Therefore let these things be as in the days that are to come. أحضر فاضل بعض الملابس لدانية. Fadil brought some clothes for Dania. Get some clothes for Dani. Ur nseqdac ara ddreɛ alama ilaq. We don't use force unless necessary. But take no care of such things. La ttqeṣṣiṛent. They're joking. Arguing. Tom yella yebɣa tallalt sɣur-neɣ. Tom wanted our help. But I don't want you to do what I want to do. הלכתי עם אחותי לגן החיות. I went to the zoo with my sister. I went with my sister to the zoo. Ssinef! Give up! Synagogue! Tesseḍṣayem? Are you funny? Can you hold back? Azul i tikkelt nniḍen! Hello again! Again this time. אני יודע שהיית מודאג לגבי תום. I know you've been worried about Tom. I know you were worried about Tom. Ur yessefk ara ad ssudneɣ Tom. I shouldn't have kissed Tom. Don't let me make a distinction between you and Tom. Fek-iyi-d kilu n ṭumaṭic, ţxil-k. Give me a kilo of tomatoes, please. Show me a pound of medicine, and treat you well.' Ur nezmir ara ad nessuqel awal-a? Couldn't we have translated this word? Can't understand the saying? Ulac anda i ẓṛiɣ Tom. I didn't see Tom anywhere. There is no place where Tom is planted. לא היה בדעתי לעשות זאת. I didn't mean to do that. I didn't think I'd do it. את באה לכאן לעתים קרובות? Do you come here often? Do you come here often? אני יכול לסמוך עליך שתגיע מחר בזמן? Can I rely on you to be here on time tomorrow? Can I trust you to be here tomorrow in time? D uffir. It's secret. D buffer. Jmeɛ tazmert-im. Save your strength. Acquiring am-power. D tucbiḥt armi d ulamek! She is really very beautiful! You had compassion on me, so far! אני אוהב לקרוא. I like to read. I like to read. Yerbeḥ, ssuden-iyi. All right, give me a kiss. They have done well, they have been called by me. Yella win i d-ittmuqqulen deg-k. Someone is watching you. There is one who has power over you. Sisilya d tagzirt. Sicily is an island. Silia and Gazirt. Kennemti d tibehlulin. You are foolish. Kenneti d'Ithlulin. D awezɣi! Unbelievable! I wish I could! اتّصل سامي بالشّرطة. Sami called the police. Sammy called the police. בדיוק את זה אתם צריכים עכשיו. That's precisely what you need now. That's exactly what you need right now. Xdem cemma-cemma. Work slowly. Cema-cema work. Atan awal. That's the word. These are your words. Lliɣ ttmenniɣ ad yi-d-sekneḍ amek ara xedmeɣ aya. I was hoping you'd show me how to do that. And I knew, that thou tell me what I will do now. Kennemti d tibehlulin! You are an idiot! Kenneti d'It's beautiful! لقد رأيت سامي في المزرعة. I saw Sami on the farm. I saw Sammy on the farm. הם היו לגמרי מופתעים. They were completely surprised. They were totally surprised. Acuɣeṛ i teqqimemt iman-nkent? Why are you alone? Why are you so angry? נולדתי ב1988. I was born in 1988. I was born in 1988. Sutreɣ-as ad yeddu yid-i, dɣa yeqbel. I asked him to come with me and he agreed. And again I sent him to keep with me: and he gave me leave. Jiena mill-Ingilterra. I come from England. I am from England. Nettat d tameṭṭut,mačči d taqcict. She is a woman, not a girl. She is a wife, and not a virgin. قاتل سامي من أجل النّجاة بحياته. Sami fought for his life. Sammy's killer for survival. توم مستعد لمساعدتك. Tom is willing to stand by you. Tom's ready to help you. אחזור בשעה שש וחצי. I'll return at half past six. I'll be back at 6:30. Ilaq ad d-afeɣ amek ara fɣeɣ sya. I have to find a way out of here. But I must go further. Rewlemt! Escape! Warmly! جت فيك رصاصة؟ Were you shot? You got a bullet? אני לא מנסה לסגת מההסכם. I'm not trying to back out of that agreement. I'm not trying to back off the deal. رتبت غرفتها بسرعة. She cleaned her room in a hurry. She arranged her room fast. אני לא מבין אותך. I don't understand you. I don't understand you. سامي غبيّ تماما. Sami is a complete idiot. Sammy's totally stupid. אנו לא תמיד צודקים. We're not always right. We're not always right. بيكاسو رسام مشهور. Picasso is a famous artist. Picasso is famous. יש לו עתיד מזהיר. He has a bright future. He's got a bright future. لا أسامحكِ مطلقا. I do not forgive you at all. I never forgive you. אני יודע רק את זה. I know only this. I only know that. ביקשתי מהגנן לשתול כמה עצים. I had the gardener plant some trees. I asked the gardener to plant some trees. لم يسبق لي أن تسلقت جبل فوجي. I've never climbed Mt. Fuji. I've never climbed Mount Fuji. אני לא יודע מה שמך האמיתי. I don't know your real name. I don't know your real name. Tella tin i yettnezzihen deg Tom. Someone is watching Tom. You were scattered around in Tom. لم قلت ذلك؟ Why did you say that? Why did you say that? תום אושפז במוסד לחולי נפש. Tom was committed to an institution for the insane. Tom was admitted to a mental institution. ወደ ትምሕርት ቤት እሄዳለሁ። I go to school. I will go to the house of mercy. בכל כוורת יכולה להיות רק מלכה אחת. In each beehive there can only be one queen. Every sink can only be one queen. הוא דאג לעסקים אחרי שאביו נפטר. He took care of the business after his father's death. He took care of business after his father died. אני מבין את רגשותייך. I understand your feelings. I understand your feelings. אני מניח שאתה כועס. I assume you're angry. I guess you're angry. Yella win i icennun. Somebody's singing. There is one who tastes. Ttuɣ akk ayen icudden ɣur-kent. We forgot all about you. I swear by all those things which were bound together, which indeed were bound together. yerra ɣer tama nniḍen. He went over to the other side. And again he went away to the other side. היא הרגישה רע. She was not feeling well. She felt bad. לצערי, עליי לאכזב אותך. Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you. Unfortunately, I have to let you down. Kečč d imegzi s tidet! You are so smart! You're a thief! ذهب إبن سامي إلى الجامعة. Sami's son went to college. Sammy's son went to college. אתה צריך לבקר. You should come over. You should visit. Gennzen meṛṛa. Everybody jumped. All Nineveh. ما قلته صحيح. What you say is true. What I said was true. Ssars maleta nnem dini. Put your suitcase over here. I can't believe it. يمكن استخدامه كسكين. It can be used as a knife. It can be used as a knife. أأشتري لك شرابا آخر؟ Can I buy you another drink? I buy you another drink? أمسكه! Get him! Get him! Bɣiɣ ad tsekkṛem tawwurt mi ara teffɣem. I wish you would shut the door when you go out. I want to shut up the door when you go in. Aṭas n ccɣel i yi-d-yerna Tom. Tom causes me a lot of extra work. There is more work done for me than that of Tom. بالنسبة لي إن ذلك شيء مهم. For me, it's important. To me, that's something important. لا أحد كان يعلم ماذا يقول. Nobody knew what to say. No one knew what he was saying. Awi-aɣ-d sin n yisandwicen n tmellalin, sin n yifenǧalen n lqehwa, kraḍ n yimuren n tteffeḥ, ma ulac aɣilif. Bring us two egg sandwiches, two cups of coffee and two pieces of apple pie, please. We have two branches of fine linen, and two olive branches, and some of the fine linen, and none of the fine linen. כבר חצות הלילה. It's already midnight. It's midnight. היא מהירוקים. She is an environmentalist. She's from the greens. Feṛḥen meṛṛa imi i yettwaṭṭef Tom. Everybody is glad Tom got caught. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for he hath received the gift. Tqelliqeɣ fell-as. I worry about him. I need it. אנו רוצים להריץ כמה נסיונות. We want to run a few tests. We want to run a few tests. אני לומדת. I'm studying. I'm studying. אני גר בביאליסטוק. I live in Białystok. I live in Biblistock. תום הימר על הסוס הלא נכון. Tom bet on the wrong horse. Tom bet on the wrong horse. አንተ ትልቅ ነህ። You are big. Thou art great. חיי החולה הזה בסכנה. This patient's life is in danger. This patient's life is in danger. זה כל מה שעשינו. That's all we did. That's all we did. Teẓṛa Mary belli nettamen-itt. Mary knows that we believe her. Mary wrote, "We know that she was raised from the dead." هذا السياسي ضليع في الحالات الداخلية و الخارجية . That politician is well versed in internal and external conditions. This policy is involved in both internal and external situations. אני לא מרגיש טוב היום. I'm not feeling well today. I don't feel good today. זה היה לפני שנתיים. That was two years ago. That was two years ago. هل تبحث عن شيء معين Are you looking for something specific? Are you looking for something? Ṭṭef iman-ik a Tom. Aql-ik twennεeḍ. Hang in there, Tom. You're doing fine. Be of good cheer: for thy seed is great. Terriḍ-d yakan? Have you vomited yet? Art thou come up now? مع السلامة! Good-bye! Bye! Isellek-iyi Bob. Bob helped me. And he saved me from Bob. תוכלי להמליץ על מסעדה זולה? Could you recommend an inexpensive restaurant? Can you recommend a cheap restaurant? بيتي قريب من المحطة. My house is near the station. My house is near the station. מרי לבשה גרביים בגובה הברך. Mary wore knee-high socks. Mary wore socks at the knee height. גרטה גארבו היתה שחקנית שוודית. Greta Garbo was a Swedish actress. Greta Garbo was a Swedish actress. Yiwen ur d-yerri. No one answered. And no man answering him. هل تعرف أخاهم؟ Do you know their brother? Do you know their brother? ספרי פנטזיה רבים מתארים עולמות בעלי שני ירחים. Many fantasy novels depict worlds with two moons. Many fantasy books describe two-month worlds. לא תדעו אפילו שאני נמצא שם. You won't even know I'm there. You won't even know I'm in there. Yenna-d Tom d akken Mary tettban-d tugad. Tom said Mary seemed scared. He said to Thomas, "Behold, he was doing well. ولي العهد هو من يرث العرش. The crown prince is the one who is to succeed to the throne. The heir of the Covenant is the heir of the throne. الله أعلم. Allah knows. God knows. Yesmar-aɣ- d Tom llatay. Tom poured us some tea. And they gave us leave alive; and they went with them, that they might eat. البنت لا قالت شيء. The girl didn't say anything The girl didn't say anything. Tfukkemt ccɣel-nkent? Have you got through with your work? Do you complete the work? D baba-s n Tom, wihin? Is that Tom's father? Is she the father of Tom? Tesɛiḍ zzheṛ. You're lucky. You've committed adultery. Ur tezhim ara? Are you unhappy? Do you not understand? מי מונה? Who got nominated? Who's Mona? كان سامي ينتظر استدعاءه. Sami waited to be called. Sammy was waiting to call him. מרי בלונדית. Mary is blonde. Mary blonde. Ǧellben meṛṛa. Everybody jumped. They all loved one another. בהנחה שהיא חוזרת, מה היית אומר לה? Suppose she comes back. What would you say to her? Assuming she's coming back, what would you tell her? Dadɣa mazal Tom yebɣa ad iffeɣ yid-k. By the way, Tom still wants to go out with you. He is yet trying to go out of the way with you. لفها ، اخذها بين ذراعيه ، حنى ضهرها ، و اعطاها قبلة هوليوودية كبيرة. He spun her around, took her in his arms, dipped her back, and gave her a big Hollywood kiss. Take it between his arms, snug her arms, and give her a big Hollywood kiss. Tgerrez tiririt-iw? Is my answer correct? Do you think that I've got enough money? Ur tezmireḍ ara ad tesweḍ dagi. You can't drink here. You can't make yourself here. Qqim cwit akked-i. Stay with me for a moment. He sat down with me and with me. هي ولدت محظوظة. She was born lucky. She was born lucky. Ur tesɛim ara d acu ara txedmem? Don't you have something to do? What is it therefore? and ye are not wont to do it? Ssarameɣ ad sɛuɣ tabɣest akken ad d-sekneɣ iḥulfan-iw. I wish I had the courage to show my feelings. And I trust I shall burn also, when I shall see my pen. Ur bɣiɣ ara ad d-kkreɣ! I don't want to get up! But I would not arise. هيا بنا نذهب. Let's go. Let's go. קניתי פרחים כי אני הולך לבקר את הסבתא שלי אחרי הצהריים. I bought flowers because I am going to visit my grandmother this afternoon. I bought flowers because I'm going to visit my grandmother this afternoon. هذه المشكلة مزعجة حقًّا. This problem is really annoying. This problem is really disturbing. מה גרם לך לכעוס? What caused you to be angry? What made you angry? הוא סרב להצעה שלנו לארגן מסיבת עיתונאים. He refused our offer to arrange a press conference. He refused our offer to organize a press conference. Beṛka-ken amennuɣ. Stop arguing. There is no room for strife. Sarameɣ yiwen ur k-id-iwala tusiḍ-d ar da. I hope that nobody saw you coming in here. I saw you, when I saw you, and saw no one. Lammer d nekki, ad ruḥeɣ axxam ad sgunfuɣ akken ilaq. If I were you, I would go home and take a good rest. I know both how to destroy the house, and how to destroy it. Sarmeɣ-as iḍ yelhan. I wished him a good night. Now on a good night, it was good for him. D tiɛibanin i tellamt? Are you handicapped? Are you weak? Weɛṛeɣ aṭas. I'm very choosy. I'm very grateful. Tama tugem tayeḍ, akken nnan imezwura. One nail drives out another, as say the elders. so you shall not go beyond it, as they of old did. אני לא רוצה לעזוב את המקום הזה לעולם. I never want to leave here. I never want to leave this place. Ẓṛiɣ walebɛaḍ yemsalam d Tom. I saw somebody kissing Tom. And he was accused of sedition, and of Thomas. תירגע! Calm down. Calm down! Qqimeɣ deg uxxam. I stayed at home. I'm sitting in a safe place. تمكّن سامي أن يبقى يقظا. Sami managed to keep his wits about him. Sammy could stay awake. عمري ما نشرب لاتاي. I never drink tea. I've been drinking Latay. Amek ar ad tḥemmeled taqcict ideg ur-d iban wara? How to love a girl from whom we can not see anything? How can the eye love the eye that is seen no more? הכובע שלך איפה שהוא בסביבה. Your hat is somewhere around here. Your hat's somewhere around. Acuɣeṛ ur teɣṛiḍ ara i walebɛaḍ? Why didn't you call somebody? Why do you not read to anyone? מה אומַר? What can I say? What's Omer? Tzemreḍ ad teɣṛeḍ da. You can study here. Would you please read it? Ma naqbel ma' kważi xejn milli għadu kif qal Tom. I disagree with almost everything Tom just said. I do not agree with almost anything as far as Tom has just said. הרבה מילים אנגליות נגזרו מלטינית. A lot of English words are derived from Latin. A lot of English words have been derived from Latin. פשוט לא ציפינו לראות טינופת כזאת בערוץ הקניות המשפחתי. We simply didn't expect to see such filth on the family shopping site. We just didn't expect to see such a twist on the family shopping channel. حاولت أمّ سامي أن تقتله. Sami's mother tried to kill him. Sammy's mother tried to kill him. הרחוב החדש בתהליך בנייה. The new street is being built. The new street in the construction process. أيمكنني استعارة هذا الكتاب؟ May I borrow this book? Can I borrow this book? הבטחתי לקרוא את הדו"ח ביסודיות. I promised to read the report carefully. I promised to read the report in detail. Ɣef acḥal ara ad tṛuḥem? When will you leave? But how much more will you go? Ɛijel a Tom. Hurry up, Tom. Joel a.m. ولكن المرح ليس كافياً. But fun is not enough. But fun isn't enough. Acimi i yeḥwaǧ Tom ajenwi? Why does Tom need a knife? Do you feel the need for a sword? إنه وقت العودة للعمل. It's time to get back to work. It's time to get back to work. لم يسبق لسامي و أن قابل مسلما في حياته. Sami had never met a Muslim in his life. Sammy never met a Muslim in his life. Init-as. Tell her. Inte-as. استمرت الخطبة ثلاثين دقيقة. The speech lasted thirty minutes. The conversation lasted 30 minutes. לקרוא לאמבולנס? Should you call an ambulance? Call an ambulance? נתגלה מקרה כולרה נוסף בשכונה. There has been another case of cholera in the neighborhood. We'll find another colla case in the neighborhood. כמעט סיימתי מה שאני צריך לעשות. I've almost finished what I have to do. I'm almost done what I have to do. המטוס טס מעל להר. The plane flew over the mountain. The plane flew over the mountain. Isekcem takeṛṛust-is ar ugaṛaj d timendeffirt. He backed his car into the garage. And he went in, and girded himself with the web of his garment over against the wall. שמור לרגע על תום, בסדר? Watch Tom for a moment, will you? Keep Tom for a second, okay? Ṛeqqeɛ waki. Fix this. There's a lot of noise. אני מתקשר הרבה לתום. I call Tom a lot. I'm calling Tom a lot. תום מבזבז את כספו. Tom wastes his money. Tom's wasting his money. הגג התמוטט תחת כובד השלג. The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow. The roof collapsed under the snow. ماذا تفعلن؟ What are you doing? What are you doing? أنا عارف الولد ده اللي انتي مش عارفاه. I know that boy whom you don't know. I know the boy that you don't like. Mazal yesɛa Sami tiwlafin-nni n Layla. Sami still has those pictures of Layla. And, behold, he was yet in Samaria, without a stone. عقدتُ العزم على أن أكون عالمًا في العلوم الطبيعية. I am determined to be a scientist. I was determined to be a world in natural sciences. Dayen kan ur zmireɣ ara. I can't take it any more. And by no means was it possible for them. Znuzuyeɣ iselkimen. I sell computers. I can hear men. لم تكن تلك هي الحقيقة. That wasn't the truth. That wasn't the truth. هل يوجد أي شئ مُهِم؟ Is there anything important? Is there anything important? Tom yugi ad d-yebder wid ittekkan. Tom refused to name those involved. But repentance, like those who are disobedient, will be done away with. היינו בלתי מנוצחים. We were undefeated. We were unconquerable. أنا أبحث فقط, شكراً لكِ. I'm just looking, thank you. I'm just looking. Thank you. لا يبدو أنه يفهم ما تقوله له. He does not seem to be able to catch on to what she is saying. He doesn't seem to understand what you're saying to him. תום היה ללא חת. Tom was fearless. Tom was unswerving. היא הניחה את העיתון על השולחן. She put the newspaper on the table. She put the paper on the table. אני רק רוצה לדבר עם תום כמה רגעים. I only wish to talk to Tom for a few minutes. I just want to talk to Tom for a few moments. كنا جميعًا نشك فيه. We are all suspicious about him. We all doubted him. سأحاول ما استطعتُ ألّا أُقاطِع مذاكرتك. I'll do my best not to disturb your studying. I'll try what I couldn't get off your memory. Tebɣiḍ ad tettmeslay tmeṭṭut-ik s tutlayt taspiṛanṭut? Do you want your wife to speak Esperanto? "Do you want to speak your wife in tax collectors' languages? اخبرتك ان لم اريد ان افعل هذا. I told you I didn't want to do this. I told you if I didn't want to do this. Melmi i tunageḍ ar Boston? When did you go to Boston? When did you remember to Boston? Acimi i tṛuḥeḍ ɣer din? What did you go there for? Why did you go here? איננו יכולים לקחת את הסיכון. We can't risk it. We can't take the risk. תתרגל לזה מהר. You'll get used to it rapidly. Get used to it fast. هذه هي المسألة. The question is this. That's the matter. هل استمتعت بمشاهدة الفلم؟ Did you enjoy the movies? Did you enjoy watching the movie? يا راجل أنا لسة شايفها ع الأخبار، انت هتشككني ف نفسي؟ Man, I just saw it on the news! Damn, you're making me doubt my own eyes! Hey, man, I'm not talking about the news. You're questioning me myself? أنت طويل و لكنه أطول. You are tall, but he is still taller. You're long, but longer. כבר התחלתי לעשות את זה. I've already started doing that. I've already started doing this. Isem-is umeddakel-im? What's your friend's name? Name and range? אף פעם לא הייתי שם, אבל אני חושבת שזה מעבר לרמזור הזה. I've never been there, but I think it's past that traffic light. I've never been there, but I think it's beyond this area. Ṛaju kra! Hang on. How Would You Answer? הפגישה התפזרה בתשע. The meeting broke up at nine o'clock. The meeting was distributed at nine. Yella kra i ixuṣṣen. Something's missing. There were some who were sick. Ɣeṛ-d adlis-a s lqedd n taɣect-ik. Read the book aloud. Yes, honor your voice. لوني المفضّل هو الأحمر. My favorite color is red. Lonnie's favorite is red. Ur zmireɣ-ara ad assaɣ ar Ustṛalya aggur-agi. I can't come to Australia this month. I am not able to stand before Austria this day. اعتنِ بنفسك. Take care of yourself. Take care. מחד גיסא הוא אדיב לכולם ומאידך גיסא הוא לא יפגין לעולם קירבה רבה. On the one hand he is kind to everyone, but on the other hand he never behaves with too much familiarity. He's kind to everyone, and he'll never show that very close. מסוכן לקפוץ למים רדודים. It's dangerous to dive in shallow water. It's dangerous to jump into shallow water. Izmer ad yexdem akka Tom, neɣ xaṭi? Tom is likely to do that, isn't he? Can this do to Thomas, or to Noise? إنك في خطر! It's dangerous! You're in danger! תום עלה במשקל. Tom gained weight. Tom's been weighting. אל תזוז! Don't move. Don't move! Tella tin i m-d-isawlen? Did someone contact you? Where did I get the blacks? Sami yuli-d waya γef wul-is. Sami finds this very annoying. Sami was raised up. She fell upon her heart. احتفظ بهذه المعلومة لنفسك. Keep this information under your hat. Keep this information for yourself. ارفع القلم من على الأرض. Pick up the pencil from the floor. Remove the pen from the ground. تناول سامي سمّا. Sami took poison. Eat Sammy toxic. את שתיינית קפה או תה? Are you a coffee or a tea drinker? Are you drinking coffee or tea? ما الذي تراهُ فيها؟ What do you see in her? What do you see? هل تعرفون الفرق بين الجراثيم و الفيروسات؟ Do you all understand the difference between germs and viruses? Do you know the difference between germs and viruses? شعر هذا الشاب أزرق. This young man has blue hair. This guy's blue hair. Bɣiɣ ad tili tin ara yi-iɛawnen i wakken ad xedmeɣ annect-a. I need somebody to help me do this. I would that I would do this thing. هل سينجو سامي؟ Will Sami survive? Will Sammy survive? איך העבודה שלך? How's your job? How's your job? حان الوقت لفعل شيئاً ما. It's time to do something. It's time to do something. أخذ سامي ليلى من المطار. Sami picked Layla up from the airport. Sammy took Lily from the airport. ذلك الولد يركض. That boy is running. That boy's running. Yella ḥedd i yenɣan Tom. Somebody killed Tom. And there were voices in Tom's house. Tom ixeddem kullec weḥd-s. Tom does everything by himself. Let all things be done by himself. Ad tecnum? Are you going to sing? Are you a technum? Yella yiwen deg-neɣ yezmer ad yemmeslay taspanyulit? Can any of us speak Spanish? Do I have any man's tongue, and yet speak? Ula d kemm aql-ikem deg uxxam? You're home too? What, then, do you think we are in the fish? سامي مقتنع أنّ الجميع يكرهه. Sami is convinced that everybody hates him. Sammy's convinced everyone hates him. Fuq dak biss taħseb int. That's all you think about. Only on what you think. תום בא לכאן לבד. Tom came here alone. Tom comes here alone. هم أعطوها لي They gave it to me. They gave it to me. Sɛan ddeqs n yedrimen. They have enough money. And they held the price of silver. انتحر سامي. Sami ended his own life. Sammy committed suicide. Ḍefṛemt amedya n weltma-tkent. Follow the example of your sister. Ye have taken away the key of my sister's house. Ittmeslay ukkuz n tutlayin. He speaks four languages. I spoke in one of the languages. Amek i tettilimt? How are you? How were you put out? הכובע הזה מאוסטרליה. This hat is from Australia. This hat is from Australia. אני פגשתי אותו במספר הזדמנויות. I've met him on several occasions. I met him on a number of occasions. Ttxil-m, semlil-iyi akked kra n teqcict icebḥen. Please introduce me to a cute girl. You have opened your mouth, and filled me with precious things. אשלם לך בשמחה, בכל זמן. I'll gladly pay you anytime. I'll gladly pay you anytime. الآن، لن يأخذني أحد على محمل الجدّ. No one is gonna take me seriously now. Now, no one's gonna take me seriously. Izmer ad ak-d-isel kra n yiwen. Somebody might've overheard you. And again, when he could have received it, he could have received it from him. היא דקיקה. She's skinny. She's thin. La tettmettatem? Are you dying? Do you think so? Ɛeggḍent. They screamed. I don't know. اسم ابنهما هو جون. Their son's name is John. Their son's name is John. Tajjeb, grazzi! I'm fine, thank you. Good, thanks! وصلتني رسالتك بالأمس. I received your letter yesterday. I got your message yesterday. Tlaq-ak tameṭṭut lɛali. You need a good woman. A good wife greets you. ذلك ليس بإمكاني. I can't. That's not what I can't do. תרחץ את הכלב בבקשה. Please give the dog a bath. Please wash the dog. Anda-t mmi-s n yelli-m? Where's your grandson? And where is your daughter's son? ينبغي ألّا نجعل تحيزاتنا تأثر في قراراتنا. We should not be influenced in our decisions by our prejudices. We should not allow our prejudices to be influenced by our decisions. كانت للشرطة أسباب لتشتبه بسامي. Police had reasons to suspect Sami. The police had reasons to suspect Sammy. أكل سامي قرابة اثني عشر بيضة. Sami ate a dozen eggs. Sammy ate about twelve eggs. ماذا هناك في حقيبتك؟ What do you have in your bag? What's in your bag? ما أطول عودك! How tall you are! How long you been back! تلك المرأة العجوز تعيش لوحدها. That old woman lives by herself. That old woman lives alone. אני זקוקה שתסיעי אותי. I need you to pick me up. I need you to drive me. ጽቡቕ ዘረባ ዓጽሚ ኣጋንንቲ ይሰብር። Good speech will break the bones of a ghost. Good speech breaks the bones of demons. إنشاء موقع إلكتروني بدون أي تكلفة؟ Create a Website for Free of Cost? Set up an electronic site at no cost? Ttxil-m mdel tawwurt-nni s tsarut. Please close that door with a key. Dial-m switch the door with a lock. كيف حال الجميع؟ How is everyone? How's everybody doing? كيف نِمتَ الليلة الماضية؟ How did you sleep last night? How did you sleep last night? למדתי קשה מאד. I studied very hard. I've learned very hard. هل بإمكاني أن آخذ تذكرتي في المطار؟ Can I pick my ticket up at the airport? Can I take my ticket at the airport? يوجد خدشة هنا، فهل تستطيع اعطائي حسم؟ There's a scratch here. Could you give me a discount? There's a bug in here. Can you give me a solution? האם אתה יכול לספק לי כל מה שאני זקוק לו? Can you supply me with everything I need? Can you provide me with everything I need? Ddmemt ta. Carry this. Her blood. עלינו להזדרז. We must hurry. We need to hurry. فحص سامي جرح ليلى. Sami examined Layla's injury. Check Sammy's a wound to Lily. Ur zmireɣ ara ad tt-waliɣ. I can't see her. I can't find him. يميل الأشخاص الأنانيّين إلى اتّخاذ آراء ثابة حتّى و إن لم تكن صحيحة. Self-centered people tend to have fixated views even if they're not valid. The selfish people tend to take firm opinions even if they're not right. אנו לבד. We're alone. We're alone. Iɛǧeb-as i Tom imi i yella akked Mary. Tom liked being with Mary. He made mention of him, because he was with Mary. Sin-a yergazen llan d icriken. The two men were business partners. Two men, a male and a female, were male. אתם נראים עצבניים. You look nervous. You look nervous. אני משתמש בגוגל כמעט כל יום. I use Google almost every day. I use Google almost every day. Init-iyi-d d acu i ilaq ad xedmeɣ imir-nni. Tell me what I should've done. Tell me what I must do for the night. أقلعت عن التدخين منذ ستة أشهر. I gave up smoking six months ago. I quit smoking six months ago. أين الشاي بالحليب؟ Where is the tea with milk? Where's the milk tea? את השאר תשאיר לעצמך. Keep the rest for yourself. You leave the rest to yourself. זוהי מילה שברצון הייתי מחליף. It's a word I'd like to find a replacement for. It's a word I'd like to change. Tzemrem ttxil-wet ad taṛǧum dqiqa? Could you please wait a minute? Do you want to wait a minute? استأذنَتني كي تستعمل الهاتف. She wanted my permission to use the telephone. You asked me to use the phone. מה הגרוע ביותר שעלול לקרות? What's the worse that could happen? What's the worst that could happen? הוא אמור להיות עשיר. He is said to be rich. He's supposed to be rich. Iyyawet ɣer da. Come here. A voice will cry out for help. Ad tt-tesɛumt takeṛṛust-iw. You shall have my car. And thou shalt have my knees full. Susem! Oh, hush! Susem! Tzemreḍ ad tt-id-tafeḍ? Can you find it? Do you know any thing? רוצים את תום ליד השולחן שלנו. We want Tom at our table. We want Tom by our table. كانت عند سامي كلاب حراسة. Sami had guard dogs. Sammy had guard dogs. אני לא תינוקת. I'm not a baby. I'm not a baby. الإنترنت مصدرُ معلوماتٍ لا يقدر بثمن. The Internet is an invaluable source of information. The Internet is a valuable source of information. תום אמר שרציתם מים. Tom said you wanted water. Tom said you wanted water. حتّى المدرّسة كانت تبكي. Even the teacher was crying. Even the teacher was crying. המטרה שלי היא להיות רופא. My aim is to be a doctor. My goal is to be a doctor. השעון תקתק. The clock ticked. The clock's shut down. Tom yettḥeqqiṛ Mary. Tom despised Mary. So does Mary. הזהרתי את תום לשמור מרחק ממרי. I warned Tom to stay away from Mary. I warned Tom to stay away from Mary. شحال راك باغي تخلص؟ How much do you want be paid? Don't you think you're gonna get rid of it? Tebbehbam? Have you lost your reason? Tebubham? האם זה מה שרוצה הממשלה? Is that what the government wants? Is that what the government wants? ביום שישי אני עוזרת לאמא להכין חלות לשבת. On Friday I help Mother make Challa for Sabbath. On Friday, I'm helping Mom make diseases to sit down. אני לא רוצה אחות המתעלפת ממראה דם. I don’t want a nurse who swoons at the sight of blood. I don't want a sister passing out of a blood mirror. זה רחוק מכאן? Is it far from here? Is it far from here? זה נדיב מאד מצדך. That's generous of you. It's very generous of you. אני בתחנת משאיות. I'm at a truck stop. I'm at the truck station. لقد طلب مني مال. He asked me for money. He asked me for money. Tzemreḍ ad tebḍuḍ asandwič-iw ɣef sin? Can you cut my sandwich in half? Wilt thou take up my meat at the table? Tessefqed-iten? Did she check them? Do you hold their peace? הוא לא התקדם יפה באנגלית. He didn't make much progress in English. He didn't make good progress in English. استعمل سامي مفتاحه. Sami used his key. Use Sammy's key. لماذا أنت منزعج كثيرا؟ Why are you so annoyed? Why are you so upset? תום אמר שלא משלמים לו מספיק. Tom said he wasn't being paid enough. Tom said he wasn't paid enough. Tom d tadɣaɣaţ. Tom is mischievous. For you are already cut off. Ɛeṛḍent-iyi deg zwaǧ-nsent. They invited me to the wedding. And they drew me out of their houses. המעטתי בערכך, תום. I underestimated you, Tom. I underestimated you, Tom. אני נתקלתי בו פעם. I met him once. I met him once. נהנית במסיבה אתמול? Did you enjoy the party yesterday? Did you have a party yesterday? העוני, יותר מכל דבר אחר בעולם, מוציא מבני אדם את הצדדים השליליים ביותר שבהם ומסתיר את אלה הטובים ביותר. Poverty does more to bring out the worst in people and conceal the best than anything else in the world. Poverty, more than anything else in the world, takes people out of the most negative sides of it and conceals the best of them. Sami mazal yesɛa tagiṭart-s. Sami still has his guitar. He yet had, and was past, because the time had not yet come. Ilaq ad nsiwel i temsulta. We must call the police. I must be called a sacrifice. Tefudem. You are thirsty. Tefudem. Acḥal n Yipawenden i d-terniḍ? How many pounds have you gained? How were you told by Epaenes? ما الخطب؟ What is the problem? What's wrong? كانا ليلى و سامي يريدان قضاء يوم مثالي. Layla and Sami wanted to spend a perfect day. They were at night and Sammy wanted to have a perfect day. למה אתה כועס עליי? Why are you angry with me? Why are you mad at me? Igerrez kullec di tama-nwen. You're all right. Finally, let all things be done in your power. Acuɣeṛ yiwen ur d-ittarra s wawal? Why doesn't anybody answer? And why spake there no man a word unto him? Il-ktieb huwa fuq il-mejda. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. Tikkewal tiɣawsiwin ur teddunt ara akken i sen tḥesbem. Sometimes things don't work out the way you expect them to. And the dogs flee away, and walk not after your own selves. מאיפה בא הכסף הזה? Where is this money coming from? Where did that money come from? كان يوغرطة ملكا أمازيغيا. Jugurtha was an amazigh king. He was King of Amzigya. Nekk d tacinwat. I'm Chinese. I am the wretched one. אתה אל תכנע! Don't give up now. You don't give up! את מי תום נשך? Who did Tom bite? Who's Tom biting? Ɛawnem-iyi ad ffɣeɣ. Help me out. Help me out of weakness. היה לי מאמן טוב. I had a good coach. I had a good coach. Ahat yella kra i yeẓṛa Tom. Maybe Tom knows something. I thought that everyone would hear anything like it. אנשים מסויימים אוהבים ספורט ואחרים לא. Some people like sports, and others don't. Some people like sports and others don't. إننا نأخذك إلى مصر. We're taking you to Egypt. We're taking you to Egypt. מה אוכלים הלוויתנים? What do whales eat? What do the whales eat? لقد خسروا الكثير. They have lost a lot. They lost a lot. أُمي تريد أن تذهب هناك, ولكن أبي يريد أن يشاهد التليفزيون. Mom wants to go there, but Dad wants to watch TV at home. My mom wants to go there, but my dad wants to watch the TV. هل غسلت يديك؟ Have you washed your hands yet? Did you wash your hands? إخترقت الرصاصة جسده. The bullet went through his body. The bullet hacked his body. أين يُمكِنُ لنظّاراتي أن تكون؟ Where could my glasses be? Where can my glasses be? Ḥbes-ten! Stop them! Watch them! ג'אק עסוק בבישול בשבילנו. Jack is busy cooking for us. Jack's busy cooking for us. Tḥemmleḍ taẓuṛi? Are you interested in art? Do you love to be weary? Aql-i ttaṭṭafeɣ-d tugniwin i tqenṭert. I'm taking pictures of the bridge. "Behold, a beam is in the midst of them. ንሳ እንግሊዝ ብትኽክል ትዛረብ She speaks English fluently. She speaks English correctly יש פרס על ראשי בעוון רצח שלא ביצעתי. There's a price on my head for a murder I didn't do. There's a reward on my head for a murder I didn't commit. אני נורא עייף, אבל אני לא מצליח להביא את עצמי ללכת לישון. I'm very tired, but I can't seem to bring myself to go to sleep. I'm so tired, but I can't get myself to go to bed. Fakk-ik imeṭṭawen! Stop crying. But your tears! Tom d Mary msudanen yakan. Tom and Mary have already kissed. Thomas and Mary were drowned. D taqbaylit i d tafat-ik. Kabyle is your light. Let your light shine. هن يستمعن للمذياع. They are listening to the radio. They're listening to the radio. המורה שלנו ביקרה בגרמניה? Has our teacher been to Germany? Our teacher visited Germany? سقطت الكثير من الأشجار. Many trees fell down. A lot of trees fell. Nfukk-it. We made it. Impact. أخي الأكبر طويل القامة حقاً، يبلغ حوالي 1.8 متر. My elder brother is really tall, about 1.8m. My older brother is really tall, about 1.8 m. أنا بالفعل متأخر. I am already late. I'm already late. ניצלתי הודות לכך. It saved me. I was saved thanks to that. أنا من أُستراليا. I'm from Australia. I'm from Australia. אני תמים דעים עם ההערכה שלך. I agree with your assessment. I'm innocent with your appreciation. אלה מחשבים מסוגים שונים. These are different types of computers. These are different types of computers. אתה מהתומכים או מהמתנגדים להפלות? Do you support or oppose abortion? Are you from the supporters or the opponents of the fall? ما سبب كلّ هذا الضّجيج؟ What's all the noise about? Why is all this noise? זהו אמצע הלילה. It's the dead of the night. It's the middle of the night. ليس ثمّة هواء في هذه الغرفة. There's no air in this room. There's no air in this room. هل بإمكانك أن تعدي سلطة لذيذة؟ Can you make a tasty salad? Can you afford a tasteful power? أنا مسرور للغاية لسماع ذلك. I'm really glad to hear that. I'm so glad to hear that. רעדתי. I was shivering. I was shaking. دخلت ليلى فخّا بدون أن تعلم. Layla unknowingly wandered into a trap. Lila got into a trap without knowing. ערכנו תחקיר לגבי עברו. We made inquiries into his past. We've been investigating his past. عقد حصّة. He held a session. A quota contract. Ufgen lekwaɣeḍ-nni. The papers got blown away. Upgen baptized him. أرغب ببطاريات لهذا الجهاز. I would like batteries for this device. I want batteries for this device. את משעשעת. You're fun. You're funny. لا تؤخر إلى الغد ما يمكن أن تؤخر إلى بعد غد. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. Don't delay tomorrow what you can delay tomorrow. כולם בוכים. Everyone cries. Everybody's crying. אני אוהב ללכת לחוף. I love going to the beach. I like going to the beach. كانا سامي و ليلى يخطّطان لقضاء عطلة نهاية الأسبوع معا. Sami and Layla were planning to spend the holiday weekend together. Sammy and Lily were planning to spend the weekend together. Ẓriɣ belli Tom yecɣel aṭas. I know that Tom is very busy. And I know that Tom is very sorrowful. היית שלי. You were mine. You were mine. ما يحتاجه حقاً هو وظيفة جيدة. What he needs most is a good job. What he really needs is a good job. זאת נשארת בעיה גדולה. That remains a major problem. It's a big problem. לא עשיתי זאת לבד. I didn't do this alone. I didn't do it alone. الكثير يأخذ الأمور على محمل الجد و أدب البعض يفسح المجال للبعض الآخر لإساءة التصرف. People take things too personally and the good behaviour of some rewards the bad behaviour of others. A lot takes things very seriously, and the morality of some allows some to abuse others. אני יודע שזה לא תקין. I know it's wrong. I know it's not right. האם התספורת החדשה מוצאת חן בעינייך? Do you like my new haircut? Do you like the new hair? הוא מקדים אותנו במתמטיקה. He is ahead of us in mathematics. He's prepping us in math. טום היה מוחרם. Tom was ostracized. Tom was drugged. נו, הייתה שטות לומר את זה. Well, that was a stupid thing to say. Well, there was a fool to say that. אהבתנו לנצח תלהט. Our love will burn forever. We loved it forever. إن هناك للقاعدة من ينتسبون لها في عدة بلدان وممن يسعون إلى توسعة نطاق أنشطتهم. وما أقوله ليس بآراء قابلة للنقاش وإنما هي حقائق يجب معالجتها They have affiliates in many countries and are trying to expand their reach. These are not opinions to be debated; these are facts to be dealt with. Al-Qa'idah has members in several countries who are seeking to expand their activities. What I say is not a controversial opinion, but a fact that must be addressed. أشعر بالبرد. I am cold. I feel cold. إنه كتاب جيد It's a good book. It's a good book. D tameṛkantit Mary neɣ ala? Mary is rich, isn't she? Was Mary rich or not? הצלת אותנו. You saved us. You saved us. Ḥedd. No body. Ha-Mim. Izmer ad yi-d-iḥbes yiwen. Somebody might stop me. And he could have shut up one prisoner. אנחנו חייבים לתדלק את הרכב. We must fuel the machine. We have to fuel the car. Acḥal teḥwaǧeḍ seg-sent? How many of those do we need? How much do you need? אתה עייף, לא כן? You are tired, aren't you? You're tired, aren't you? كان سامي يعيش حياة غريبة. Sami led a crazy life. Sammy was living a weird life. Tom yuɣ tqcict meqqren fell-as. Tom married an older girl. But I am come to reproach and comfort him. Ur zmireɣ ara ad ččeɣ akk ayagi weḥd-i. I can't eat all that by myself. I can't eat any of these things alone. ما رأيها في سيارتي؟ What does she think about my car? What do I think in my car? ما الذي جعلك تأتي إلى هنا؟ What made you come here? What made you come here? אנשים רבים שעד כה בזבזו כספים ובילו בנעימים צריכים עכשיו להזהר יותר בממונם. A lot of people who have up until now been spending money having a good time now need to be more careful with their money. Many people who have so far spent money and enjoyed themselves now need to be more careful about what they are doing. سامي يكبر. Sami is getting old. Sammy's growing up. קולו של תום התחיל להצטרד. Tom's voice began to crack. Tom's voice started joining. אני לא כבד בהרבה ממך. I'm not much heavier than you. I'm not too heavy of you. Syin yenna Rebbi : a tafat, ili ; dɣa tella-d tafat. And God said: Let there be light. And there was light. He said to him, "Light, light! For there was the light in him." בתאטרון היה קהל גדול. There was a large audience in the theater. The theater was a big crowd. Wagi mačči ddeqs. This is not quite enough. And this is not a vain thing. Ččemt. Eat up. Ččemt. Refden iḍellaɛen, rran srid ɣer ssuq. They took baskets and went straight to the market. When they had broken it up, they threw it on the market. إنها لذيذة. It tastes really good. It's delicious. לא יכולתי לסבול לראות אותך עוזבת. I couldn't stand to see you leave. I couldn't stand to see you leaving. יש בעירנו מספר מקלטים אטומיים. There are a few nuclear bomb shelters in the city. There are several atomic shelters in our town. Uɣeɣ-d tayuga n tmengucin. I bought a pair of earrings. I came down with a reed. Beṛkam ur yi-d-ttnalem ara. Stop touching me. But I was not deceived by it, nor touched by it. اعتقله الشرطي لقيادته تحت تأثير الكحول. The policeman arrested him for drunken driving. He was arrested by the police for leading him under the influence of alcohol. أريد أن أعرف المزيد عن توم. I want to learn more about Tom. I want to know more about Tom. Zan koyama Hausa kai kuma kakoyaman Koriyanci. I will teach you Hausa and you will teach me Korean. I would learn to be irritable and to learn Korean. לאליס יש רגליים מהממות. Alice has stunning legs. Alice's got amazing feet. היא כבר הייתה חולה במשך שבוע, כשקראו לרופא. She had been ill for a week when the doctor was sent for. She's been sick for a week when she called a doctor. تبدو في الستينات من عمرها على الأقل. She looks at least sixty. You look at at least 60 years of age. Yella walebɛaḍ i wen-d-iluɛan? Did someone contact you? Is there anyone who harms you? Aql-iyi ḥulfaɣ i yiman-iw gedha. I'm feeling fine now. Behold, I lay hold of myself. תום נתן לי השראה. Tom inspired me. Tom inspired me. היה לנו כיף להחליק על גלגיליות. We had a lot of fun skating. We had a good time to slide on the wheels. ما هو برنامجك التلفزيوني المفضل؟ What is your favorite TV program? What's your favorite TV program? أنا العب مع أصحابي. I'm playing with my friends. I'm playing with my friends. أتى إلى أمريكا عبر كندا. He came to America via Canada. He came to America through Canada. אנה פרנק לא היתה אזרחית. Anne Frank wasn't a citizen. Anna Frank wasn't a citizen. תום נמצא איפשהו בבנין. Tom is somewhere in this building. Tom's somewhere in the building. عليك أن تعمل بجدّ. You should work hard. You have to work very hard. لم يكن ذاك مدرّسي. This wasn't my teacher. That wasn't my teacher. תני לי לראות. Let me see. Let me see. يسافر أبي إلى الخارج أحياناً. My father sometimes goes abroad. My dad travels out sometimes. Ḥemmleɣ ccetwa. I like winter. I love it. Tom yettsuɣu. Tom is crying. It's complete. من الأفضل أن تغلق الباب. You'd better shut the door. You better close the door. מה את רוצה? What do you want? What do you want? הדלק אזל כשהיינו בדרכנו לשם. We ran out of gas on our way there. The fuel ran out when we were on our way there. Bɣiɣ ad tmedlem tawwurt mi ara teffɣem. I wish you would shut the door when you go out. I want to open the door when you go in. كان فاضل يريد أن يعود إلى هناك كي يكسب المزيد من المال. Fadil wanted to get back there to make some more money. He wanted to get back there to earn more money. يجب أن يحضر الاجتماع أحدنا، إما أنا أو أنت. Either you or I must attend the meeting. One of us should come to the meeting, either you or me. ذلك فندقٌ. That's a hotel. That's a hotel. هوما كُبار. They are big. Huma's older. بإمكان فاضل أن يفقد كلّ شيء. Fadil may lose everything. He could lose everything. هذه شجرة. That's a tree. This is a tree. בימי הביניים, חלב היה עדיין פופולרי כתרופה. In the Middle Ages, milk was still popular as a medicine. In the Middle Ages, milk was still popular as a cure. سيخبر سامي ليلى. Sami will tell Layla. He'll tell Sammy Lily. إلى ماذا تنظر؟ What're you looking at? What are you looking at? האם הוא נגע בך? Did he touch you? Did he touch you? Melmi i tṛuḥeḍ tikkelt tamezwarut ɣer Ustṛalya? When did you first come to Australia? When was the first time that you went to Achaia? Tellam tettẓallam. You were praying. You've been really young. حاول سامي شرح الأمر للجميع. Sami tried to explain that to everyone. Sammy tried to explain it to everyone. Ur umineɣ ara belli Tom yessuden-iyi. I can't believe Tom kissed me. I don't believe that Tom beats me. ከልቢ እሙን እንስሳ እዩ። A dog is a loyal animal. The dog is a faithful animal. Qqimet dagi. Stay here. Sit here. Nessen akk ad nemmeslay tafransist. We all know how to speak French. We all speak syllables. אני יודע שזה דורש עיכול רב. I know it's a lot to digest. I know it takes a lot of cough. נפצעתי. I got injured. I'm hurt. سأذهب إلى لندن في الصيف. I'm going to London this summer. I'll go to London in the summer. יש לו טבע נוח. He has a mild nature. He has a comfortable nature. אינני שואלת לדעתן. I'm not asking for their opinion. I don't ask for it. لا بأس أن تذهب. It's okay to go. It's okay to go. התרשמתי מהאדיבות של תום. I was impressed by Tom's courtesy. I was impressed by Tom's kindness. Tzemreḍ ad tuɣaleḍ d amaru. You should be a writer. Art thou prepared to be a thief? انتحرت ليلى. Layla committed suicide. I committed suicide. Nniɣ-akent d ayenni ara yeḍṛun. I told you this is what would happen. I have said these things to you, but you can't bear them." እናትሽን ትወጃታለሽ፧ Do you love your mother? You love your mother: Ayweq i tenwam ad tṛuḥem? When are you planning to leave? Or do you want to go away? הוא הציץ בעיתון לפני שהלך לישון. He took a look at the newspaper before going to bed. He showed up in the paper before he went to bed. אני בוודאי נראית נורא ואיום. I must look a sight. I must look terrible. هل نسيت تحيّتي؟ Did you forget to greet me? Did you forget to smile? ليست كل الأيام يوم الأحد. Not every day is Sunday. Not all days on Sunday. أشعر أني رشيق. I'm feeling fit. I feel good. Twalamt acmumeḥ-nni? Do you see the smile? Are you wrong in the least? Yettbin am akken Tom ur as-tewqiɛ ara seg Mary. Tom seemed to be ignoring Mary. He was baptized, as though he had not gone away from Mary. Beṛka-kem asuter n ssmaḥ. Stop apologizing. Peace be to you all. Peace be to you. Amen. Ur zmireɣ ara ad kent-ḥuddeɣ. I can't protect you. I can't find anything to eat. Tḥemmel-it. She admired him. Love-it. على المرء أن يفعل كلّ ما بوسعه. One must do one's best. One has to do everything one can. تعطلت الساعة. The watch broke down. The hour's up. لا أعتقد أنها ستمطر غدا. I don't think that it will rain tomorrow. I don't think it'll rain tomorrow. Ixeddem Tom di Ustralya? Does Tom work in Australia? Do Tom di Australia? האם המחשב החדש שלך עובד היטב? Is your new computer working well? Is your new computer working well? إنك تذكر عيوبي دائماً! You're always criticizing me! You always remember my fault! אני לא יכולה להתאפק מלהיכנס לשם. I can't wait to get in there. I can't stop getting in there. Muqlemt kan takeṛṛust-iw tamaynut. Look at my new car. My neck is white and my teeth are white. D timelḥanin. They are pretty. You're worried. איזה מחיר תבקש תמורת הכיסא? What will you take for this chair? What price would you have for the chair? הוא צועד תמיד עם ידיים בכיסים וראש בעננים. He always walks around with his hands in his pockets and his head in the clouds. He's always walking with hands in the pockets and head in the clouds. متوحش! Wild! Fantastic! Kečč d aɣbel. You're a problem. You are the chaff. لا يستحقّ سامي دموعكِ. Sami doesn't deserve your tears. Sammy doesn't deserve your tears. Cukkeɣ ur iṣeḥḥi ara. I think that's not true. I am weak, and I am not weak. أنا ما شربت الحليب. I didn't drink the milk. I didn't drink milk. חלב הוא מזין. Milk is nutritious. Milk is feeding. הבית שלך פנטסטי. Your house is fantastic. Your house is fantastic. אולי תרצה קצת מזה. You might want some of this. You might want some of that. لقد حضر الاجتماع كممثل للشركة. He attended the meeting as the company representative. He attended the meeting as a representative of the company. Ncedha-kent akkit. We've all missed you. Put a yoke over your waist. Ix-xarabank huwa bil-mod. The bus is slow. The bus is slow. فاضل مصري. Fadil is Egyptian. He's an Egyptian. איזה סוג של תורם מוח הוא תום לדעתך? What kind of brain donor do you think Tom is? What kind of brain donor do you think he's an orphan? הוא חייב להיות בחוץ. He must be out. He's got to be outside. תספר לי איך ההרגשה להיות מאוהב. Tell me what it feels like to be in love. Tell me how it feels to be in love. يلّا بسرعه! Hurry up. Don't be quick! Imekrazen teẓẓun ifsan deg tefsut. Farmers sow seeds in the spring. They are full of fun already. أنا أعد, لن أفعلها مجدداً. I promise I'll never do it again. I promise, I won't do it again. Teɣṛiḍ wa? Have you read this? What would you do? أرسلوك إلى هنا لتتجسس علينا! You were sent here to spy on us! They sent you here to spy on us! אני לא אוהב איך שהוא נראה. I don't like his looks. I don't like what he looks like. أنت أدنى مني منزلة. You are inferior to me. You're less than I am. أُنظر إلى هذا. Look at this. Look at this. Tom ɣuṛ-s aṭas n tektiwin yelhan. Tom has many good ideas. There are, it does, however, many good linens. Ḍefṛem Tom! Follow Tom. - Hey, Tom! علمت أن شيئا طريفا قد يحدث. I knew something funny might happen. I knew something strange could happen. אינני מרביצה להם. I don't beat them. I don't hit them. Yenna-yi-d Tom belli iḥemmel-ik aṭas. Tom told me he likes you a lot. And he said unto me, Thomas, because he loved thee much. אני ממתינה לתשובתך. I'm waiting for your answer. I'm waiting for your answer. את זה אני לא מבין. I don't get this. That I don't understand. אור אדום זרח באפילה. A red light was glowing in the dark. A bright red light in the dark. Ur yettizmir ara ad ɣ-iɛiwen Tom. Tom won't be able to help us. You can't help us at least. وصل توم إلى المحطة متأخرا و لذا فاته القطار. Tom got to the station too late, so he missed the train. Tom got to the station late, so he lost the train. أستطيع تقشير تفاحة. I can peel an apple. I can suck an apple. Yerbeḥ Tom arraz Nobel n tfizikt. Tom won a Nobel Prize in physics. Tom's profit is, to be rewarded, not to look after. אני חושב שזאת טעות גדולה. I think this is a big mistake. I think it's a big mistake. אנו מצייתים לחוקים. We obeyed the rules. We obey the rules. Melmi ara yenger Kuṛunavirus? When will the coronavirus disappear? When does Korunavirus die? אכלתי פרה שלמה. I have eaten a whole cow. I ate a whole cow. טום כל כך טוב בזה. Tom is so good at this. Tom's so good at this. ليه توم قلقان جدا؟ Why does Tom worry so much? Lee Tom's so worried? Tettmeslayemt talatinit? Do you speak Latin? Tatteseymite? שנו בבקשה את המשפט. Please change the sentence. Please change the case. כייסים כמעט תמיד עובדים בקבוצות. Pickpockets almost always work in groups. The pockets are almost always working in teams. Urar s tkarḍiwin yessedhaw. It is fun to play cards. Do not wash your dogs. Ur tesɛiḍ ara zzheṛ? Are you unlucky? You don't have anyone to chastise you, do you? لو أخبرني بالحقيقة لكنت سامحته. If he had told me the truth, I would have forgiven him. If he told me the truth, I'd forgive him. كان سامي حاضرا عندما انتحرت والدته. Sami was there when his mother committed suicide. Sammy was there when his mother committed suicide. פגשתי את תום בינואר. I met Tom this January. I met Tom in January. قال فاضل لدانية أنّه يحبّها قبل أن يقفل الخطّ. Fadil told Dania he loved her before he hung up. He says he likes her before he closes the line. הניצולים נמצאו על אי, גוססים מרעב. The survivors were found on an island, dying of starvation. The survivors were found on an island, starving dying. Kecmemt-d. Step inside. Kecmemt-d. אשתי ביקשה ממני להיפטר מהכובע הישן הזה. My wife asked me to throw this old hat away. My wife asked me to get rid of this old hat. انخفضت الأسعار في سوق الأسهم اليوم. The stock market has dropped today. Prices have fallen in the stock market today. Mmeslay! Speak out! Messley! יש עדיין אנשים שהם אנאלפבתים. There are still people who are illiterate. There are still people who are animists. תום חרד. Tom's anxious. Tom's nervous. كانت ليلى تستحقّ أن تكون سعيدة. Layla deserved to be happy. Lily deserved to be happy. Yewwet-ikem wugur, kem yeţţeḥnunnuḍen ar wemḥeẓleḍ am wa, a taqcict! It's unforgivable to date such a broken man, darling! He shooteth at thee because of the heat, and taketh away the dust from thee, even the dew of thy head. Ttḥibbiɣ-k s tidet. I do like you. Whom I have bound with the sword, that thou shouldest kill him. شرحت المعلمة الدرس الجديد بإسهاب للطلاب. The teacher explained the new lesson at length to the students. The teacher explained the new lesson to students. يأكلون بالشوكة و السكين. They eat with a knife and fork. They eat chocolate and knife. ما الذي جاء بك إلى هنا باكراً هكذا؟ What made you come here so early? What came to you here early this morning? שם הסופר מוכר לנו. The author's name is familiar to us. The author's name is sold to us. Tom yebda yeggaz Mary. Tom began threatening Mary. Mary began to be sick. בואו נשמור את זה בינינו. Let's keep this between us. Let's keep this between us. أقدر أشتري البيت ده على كام؟ How much could I buy this house for? Can I buy the house on Cam? كانت تلك التفاحة حقا لذيذة. That apple was really tasty. That apple was really delicious. שפטתי אותך באופן שגוי. I have misjudged you. I misjudged you. Cukkeɣ Tom d Amasiḥi. I think that Tom is a Christian. My covenant is with Tom and I will repay him. درس سامي في الثّانويّة. Sami studied at high school. Sammy's underage. Tella tin i ak-d-isawlen. Someone is calling you. I used to give you the blacks. Ḍefṛemt takeṛṛust-a. Follow that car. Ye have fallen down your hands to the ground. هم لم يلتزموا باللوائح المدرسية They did not abide by the school regulations. They didn't comply with school rules. Tom yenna-d belli yebɣa ad iselmed tafṛansist. Tom said he liked teaching French. But he said, "His desire is to learn learning." תתעורר, אתה חצי ישן. Wake up. You're half asleep. Wake up, you're half asleep. إنه يزعجني حقا. It's really bothering me. It really bothers me. ارتفع عدد السياح بشكل كبير في السنوات الاخيرة . The number of tourists has increased greatly in recent years. The number of tourists has increased dramatically in recent years. كان فاضل يحصل على نتائج جيّدة في العربيّة. Fadil did extraordinarily good in Arabic. He was having good results in the Arab. نكون ماشي فرحان، بصّح ما نقتلش روحي. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. We're being happy, you know, what we're killing my soul. كيف حال أخيك؟ How's your brother? How's your brother? أنا لا أرغب في التّفكير في الزّواج الآن. I don't feel like thinking about marriage right now. I don't want to think about marriage right now. Ur ḥwaǧeɣ ara aɣaḍi-ik. I don't want your pity. Don't seek your enemy. Ur ɛeddan ara fell-as aṭas n wussan seg mi yemmut. He died recently. But he shall not many days after his death. Yella ḥedd i d-ittlaɛin. Someone's calling. There was a day when they were filled. אני לא מסכים. I don't agree. I don't agree. هل انت مشغول غداً صباحاً ؟ Are you busy tomorrow morning? Are you busy tomorrow morning? Ih ttxil-k. Yes, please. It's short-k. אני יודעת. I know. I know. وَشْ مْ الصَّفْحَة؟ What page? What's the picture? Anta i d-yennan aya? Who said that? What was this about? أكيليز بطل أسطوري عند الإغريق. Achilles was an ancient Greek hero. Achilles is a mythical hero at the Greens. Anta i ak-d-yennan ur yerbiḥ ara Tom? Who told you that Tom didn't win? This is what he said to you, not because Thomas didn't want to. مانهدرش الفرنسية. I don't speak French. French Mandarish. هل يعيش بالقرب من هنا؟ Does he live near here? Does he live near here? كان يحتوي حاسوب سامي على الكثير من الصّور الإيباحيّة للأطفال. Sami's computer contained a lot of child pornography. Sammy had a lot of child pornography. אתה חייב לציית. You must comply. You must obey. استمرّ سامي في التّحديق. Sami still stared. Sammy kept shaking. האוכל היה כה טעים שאכלתי יותר מדי. The food was so good that I ate too much. The food was so delicious that I ate too much. تستحق ذلك. You deserve it. You deserve it. כל אחד אוהב מוזיקה. Everybody loves music. Everyone likes music. إننا جائعون. We are hungry. We're hungry. هل يعضّ هذا الكلب؟ Does this dog bite? Does that dog bite? أتكلم الأوزبكية. I speak Uzbek. I speak Uzbek. למה אני חייב לדבר עם תום? Why do I have to talk to Tom? Why do I have to talk to Tom? كان يعيش هنا. He used to live here. He lived here. أعرف أستاذا للإنجليزية جاء من كندا. I know an English teacher who comes from Canada. I know an English teacher from Canada. אנו רוצים להיות סבירים. We want to be reasonable. We want to be reasonable. La kem-tettara tayri d taderɣalt. Love is making you blind. Don't forget to love and to hate money. Tom yezmer yerbeḥ. Tom may have won. So be effective. نادراً ما تبتسم نانسي. Nancy seldom smiles. Nancy rarely smiles. האם זה לא שטוח? Isn't it flat? Isn't that flat? Lliɣ deg tmudrut-iw. I was in my apartment. And I was in my body within me. تحافظ على غرفتها مرتبة دوماً. She always keeps her room clean. Keep her room in line. השומרים חייבים לשמור היטב על התכשיטים. The guards must keep watch over the jewels. The guards must take good care of the jewelry. Theblem ma tkemmlem axeddim deg umkan am wagi. You are crazy if you continue to work in that place. You know that you don't work in such a place. Nmeslay ɣef Ustṛalya. We talked about Australia. We spoke of showryl. قامت الشرطة باعتقالها. She was arrested by the police. The police arrested her. אתה הולך להתקלח עכשיו. You are going to go take a shower now. You're gonna take a shower now. Kra n wass ad yerbeḥ walebɛaḍ. One day, somebody will succeed. And each one shall receive his own reward. Anwa i d-bab n wedlis-a? Whose book is this? "Which of you, by being anxious, can tip a stone?" Beṛka-k ur ttcetkay ara! Stop complaining. Let her alone, that thou mayest not be mocked. الأطفال يحبون الاستماع إلى القصص الخيالية. The children love listening to fairy tales. Children like to listen to fiction stories. תום מת שלושה ימים לאחר מכן. Tom died three days later. Tom died three days later. المؤمن لا يُلدغ مرتين من جحر واحد. A fox is not caught twice in the same snare. The believer is not born twice from one desert. חליתי. I got sick. I got sick. הונג מיונג בו שחקן דגול. Hong Myong Bo is a great player. Hong Maing is a great player. חשבתי שיהיה נחמד לגור בבוסטון שנה או שנתיים. I thought it would be fun to live in Boston for a year or two. I thought it'd be nice to live in Boston for a year or two. أكل سامي حوالي اثنى عشر بيضة. Sami ate a dozen eggs. Sammy ate about twelve eggs. אבטל. I'll cancel. I'll cancel. מתי תום צלצל? When did Tom call? When did Tom call? Yessuden-iyi seg temgeṛṭ. He kissed my neck. They came down to me from the cross. זה נראה טרי. It looked fresh. It looks fresh. Ad ak-xedmeɣ akk ayen i zemreɣ. I will do all I can for you. I will do all things for you. Tom ilul deg Ustṛalya. Tom was born in Australia. Tom was born in Australia. Ordnalu jmur id-dar. He ordered him to go home. Order him to go home. لم يستطع توم أن يمنع دموعه. Tom couldn't hold back his tears. Tom couldn't hold back his tears. Tebɣiḍ ad tesweḍ kra? Would you like something to drink? Will you drink, or will you drink? لم تركتني؟ Why did you abandon me? Why did you leave me? برشاقة القطّ، قفز نحو الرّف لكنّه أخفق و سقط إلى الأرض. With cat-like grace he leapt toward the ledge, missed it and fell to the ground below. At the cat's throat, he jumped to the edge, but he failed and fell to the ground. Yella kra i s-d-isken Tom i Mary. Tom showed Mary something. And there was a certain thing done unto Thomas, and unto Mary. Uznen-iyi-d yiwen n wawal. They sent me a word. They spoke to me one word. טום כרגע מובטל. Tom isn't currently working anywhere. Tom's now unemployed. دعنا نخرج من هنا قبل أن يرانا توم. Let's get out of here before Tom sees us. Let's get out of here before he sees Tom. فَتَحَتْ الفَتَاةُ عَيْنَيْهَا وَرَأَتْ الدُّبَّ وَهَرَبَتْ إِلَى النَّافِذةِ. The girl opened her eyes, saw the bear, and fled to the window. The girl opened her eyes, saw the bear, and ran into the window. توم يريد إقامة إجتماع. Tom wants to set up a meeting. Tom wants a meeting. أريد تعلم الإيندونيسية. I want to learn Indonesian. I want to learn Indonesian. يبدو واضحاً . It seems obvious. It's clear. صفعت ليلى وجه سامي بقوّة. Layla gave Sami a good slap on the face. Lily hit Sammy's face with strength. Ass igerrzen! Have a nice day! Absorbent! Suref-iyi, seg wansi-k? Please, where are you from? He said to me, 'Who do you think I am?' אל תעמיד אותי בפני פיתוי. Do not tempt me. Don't expose me to temptation. Tesɛiḍ lḥeq. You are right. You have pleaded and said this. يجب أن يبقى سامي مع ليلى. Sami should stay with Layla. Sammy should stay with Lily. Adfel iɣumm irkelli tamdint. Snow completely covered the town. Lower the edge of the city. Tom irezzu akka tura Ustṛalya. Tom is visiting Australia. Now I put my trust in Austria. لا تركض، بل امش على مهلك. Don't run, walk slowly. Don't run. Go ahead. הדלת הייתה נעולה מבחוץ. The door was locked from the outside. The door was locked from the outside. נהיגה מהירה מדי מסוכנת. Driving too fast is dangerous. Fast driving too dangerous. Ttu. Forget it. Dust. اعتقد انه كان من الخطأ أنك لم تأخذ بنصيحتي. I think it was a mistake that you didn't take my advice. I think it was wrong you didn't take my advice. שני הכלבים ישנים. Both dogs are asleep. Two old dogs. سامي يأكل هناك. Sami eats there. Sammy's eating there. אפשר להעיף מביט סביב? Can I take a look around? Can I take a look around? قد بحذر. Drive safely. He's careful. أنتَ كيف تعرف هذا؟ How do you know that? How do you know that? Yennum baba yettinig. My father is used to travelling. For there will be a new covenant between my father and me. תום בא לכאן אתמול. Tom came here yesterday. Tom came here yesterday. Ɛiwdemt! Repeat! Sadder than that! هذه النافذة ضد الرصاص. These windows are bulletproof. This window against bullets. מחר אלמד בספרייה. Tomorrow, I'm going to study at the library. Tomorrow I'll study the library. اُنقل الطاولة إلى الخارج إذا سمحت. Carry the table out, please. Move the table out if you can. אל תתני להם לנצח. Don't let them win. Don't let them win. Tamurt taqbaylit tezga tettidir deg timanit ula deg tallit n umnekcam aṭurki deg Tefriqt n Ugafa. Kabylia has always been autonomous even during the Turkish colonization of North Africa. You can run a race in the middle of my life. You can also run a car in the streets of Ugafa. Ad tent-id-afen. They will find them. Add-id-afen. Kecmemt deg texxamt-iw. Come into my room. Take rest in my clothing. نشأ سامي في مجتمع مسلم. Sami grew up in a Muslim community. Sammy was born in a Muslim society. קומיקאי קנדי טוען שהטבעות המפורסמות של שבתאי עשויות כולן ממזוודות שהלכו לאיבוד בטיסה. A Canadian comedian claims that the famous rings of Saturn are made up entirely of lost aeroplane luggage. A Canadian comedian claims that the famous rings of satraps are all made out of suitcases lost on the flight. את חושבת שזה יתאים לכאן? Do you think it will fit here? Do you think it'll fit in here? ذهب سامي إلى تلك النّافذة. Sami went up to the window. Sammy went to that window. Ilaq ad ɣṛeɣ adlis-nni. I should read the book. I must acknowledge that the letter must be fulfilled. ليس لدي أشقاء. I have no siblings. I don't have brothers. הוא חסם את הדרך בפניי. He blocked my way. He blocked the way in front of me. Tzemṛemt ad tɛassemt Tom? Can you keep an eye on Tom? Are you able to agree, Tom? בכיתי הרבה לאחרונה. I've been crying a lot lately. I've been crying a lot lately. Bɣiɣ ad iserreḥ yiles-iw deg tefṛansist. I want to be able to speak French fluently. And I will let my tongue go in a chariot. הוא נפגע. He was hurt. He's hurt. أفكر فيك. I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking about you. هل نسيت الإمضاء مجدّدا؟ Did you forget to sign your name again? Did you forget to shine again? Shum Tom! Forget Tom. Shum Tom! قال توم أنه يحتاج إلى أن يتصل بالشرطة. Tom said that he needs to call the police. Tom said he needed to call the police. Twalaḍ acmumeḥ-nni? Do you see the smile? Do you know the missing element? La teskiddibemt? Are you lying? Why not? טעמתי את היין. I tasted the wine. I tasted the wine. לך לישון מוקדם היום. Go to sleep early today. Go to bed early today. אני חמוש ומסוכן. I'm armed and dangerous. I'm armed and dangerous. Ldit tawwurt. Open the door. Led the door. Ɛuẓgen? Are they hard of hearing? Arabic? مكعب سكر واحد من فضلك. One lump of sugar, please. One sugar cube, please. Hatan anda tɣelḍeḍ. That's where you're mistaken. This is the place where they shall dwell. אמרתי לכם שזה לא יעלה כל כך הרבה. I told you it wouldn't cost all that much. I told you it wouldn't cost that much. Ur zmireɣ ara ad εummeɣ s tɣawla am kečč. I can't swim as fast as you. I can't make a stumbling block, even as you are. التقيتُ بصديق لي في المطار. I met a friend of mine at the airport. I met a friend of mine at the airport. Acḥal i tcebḥeḍ. You are so beautiful. How well you are doing! Ṭabla-agi tettwaṭṭef. This table is reserved. This is a good idea. قدّم سامي لليلى بطاقة زيارة لمحلّ للأسلحة و مجال للرّمي. Sami gave Layla the business card of a local gun store and shooting range. Sammy gave me a card to visit an arms store and an area to shoot. Nehḍeṛ nekk akked Tom ɣef waṭas n temsal yemxalafen. Tom and I talked about various things. I have hated and I hated many things. האם תכבסו את חולצתי? Will you wash my shirt? Will you wash my shirt? זו רק תחרות של מדידת פינים. It's just a penis-measuring contest. It's just a penis-measuring contest. Ɛyiɣ seg ucetki-inek. I'm tired of your complaints. I will send him out of thy bowels. מה את אוהבת לעשות כשאת פנויה? What do you like to do in your free time? What do you like to do when you're free? Cukkeɣ txedmeḍ-t mebla lebɣi-k. I think you did that intentionally. I will put my trust in you, and not in your own will. بيع المنزل بثمن رخيص. The house went cheap. Sold the house is cheap. D ass-a i d ass n tlelli. Today is the day of freedom. And it shall be that day when he is called. Kenwi d imaɣaden. You're truthful. Keni and Maggots. שם הספר צריך להכתב באותיות נטויות. The title of the book should be italicized. The book's name has to be written in enthralled letters. Mi ara yetqelleq Tom itett. Tom eats when he's stressed. See how Tom gets it. החולה גבר בסופו של דבר על המחלה. The patient finally conquered his illness. The patient's a man eventually on the disease. Ini-d wi kem-ilan! Identify yourself. Say i kem-ilan! אני יכול לאכול כאן את ארוחת הצהריים שלי? Can I eat my lunch here? Can I have my lunch here? هل لديك حذاءً بحجم قدمي؟ Do you have these shoes in my size? Do you have shoes in the size of my foot? كان لون شعر ليلى قاتما. Layla had dark hair. It was a night hair color. Tom dima yettmeslay Tafṛansist yid-i. Tom always speaks French with me. But the Lord said, "I'm afraid of you all the time, that you will talk about me." תדגים לי. Give me an example. Mark me. عليك أن تلبس معطفا. You should wear a coat. You have to wear a coat. אני חושב שאוהב אותך לעד. I think I'll always love you. I think I love you forever. זה שייך לי. That is mine. It belongs to me. אינני אוהבת גולף כל כך. I don't like golf that much. I don't like golf so much. D lmuḥal. No way. It's gone. Zemreɣ ad ṛuḥeɣ axxam tura? Can I go home now? Am I supposed to go to the dwelling now? Tom iɛeyyeḍ ɣef Mary. Tom yelled at Mary. You are up against Mary. كان سامي مستاءا جدّا من ذلك. Sami was really unhappy about it. Sammy was so upset about that. Tafaska ad tebdu deg Tubeṛ. The festival starts October 20th. And the guests sat down in the pool. Tettaruḍ tabrat? Are you writing a letter? Do you have a needle? Nniɣ-d tidett. I'm telling the truth. I said the t-tit. זה בוודאי העניק תחושה טובה. It definitely felt good. That must have made a good feeling. كنت هنا من قبل. I've been here before. You've been here before. החברים שלי עודדו אותי ללמוד גרמנית. My friends encouraged me to learn German. My friends encouraged me to learn German. לכולכם התנהגות דומה. You all display similar behavior. You all have similar behavior. Ɣlayet. It costs too much. I did. إن لم يكن معطلا، فلا داعي لأن تصلحه. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If he's not missing, there's no need to fix it. אזהר יותר בפעם הבאה. I'll be more careful next time. I'll be more careful next time. هل توم قبّلَ مريم؟ Did Tom kiss Mary? Did Tom kiss Mary? אהלן. Hello. Hello. "קְוָוה, קְוָוה" אמר הברווז. "Quack, quack," said the duck. "Cow, Cow," said the duck. Ṣekkeṛ allen-ik. Close your eyes. "Lift up your eyes. Yewεaṛ wefran ger tirect d ukerfa. It is difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. And it spread abroad a regarding the space of one dollar to another. תום הסתלק במרוצה. Tom took off running. Tom left happy. Tom yura-yi-d seg Ustṛalya. Tom wrote me from Australia. It is written in Austria. הקטור היה רברבן וישיר באופן לא רגיל היום. על פי רוב הוא שקט כמו פגר. Hector's uncommonly brash and outspoken today. He's usually deathly quiet. Hector was unusually wild and direct today, according to most he's quiet as a deer. لَيسَ العِلْمُ خَيالاً. Science is not fantasy. Not science. Ha-t-an ṭṭfeɣ-kid. I've finally caught you. I could wish I had done better. Tfukkemt? Are you finished? Did you wonder? Tella tin i yettwanɣan. Somebody was murdered. Now they were very busy. Amek i telliḍ a Tom? How are you, Tom? How are you a Tom? עליך לשאול את תום לגבי זה. You should ask Tom about that. You have to ask Tom about it. طوم راو واقف فلكوانا تع اشّومبرا. Tom is standing in the corner of the room. Tom Rao, stand up. Let's go. Sami yebda ad itett. Sami started eating. And he started to see again. لقد كنت معك في كل خطوة على الطريق. I was with you every step of the way. I've been with you every step of the way. Degmi ẓẓay s waṭas, ur zmireɣ ad-t rfed-aɣ. It's so heavy that I can't lift it. They couldn't find him in many places for them, and they couldn't find us. מה יכול להיות קל יותר? What could be easier? What could be easier? אני עומד להתחיל. I'm going to start. I'm about to start. احب أن اكون لوحدي I love being alone. I like to be alone. תום עצבני. Tom is jittery. Tom's nervous. Ttmeslayeɣ kra tafṛansist. I speak a little French. You've got to persist. קן הוא שחיין טוב. Ken is a good swimmer. Ken's a good player. أنا اعتدت أن أفكر أنه من واجبي أن أساعد توم. I used to think it was my responsibility to help Tom. I used to think it was my duty to help Tom. Netqelleq fell-am. We were worried about you. It's up to am. يُقال أنها وُلدت في ألمانيا. They say that she was born in Germany. She is said to have been born in Germany. Bɣiɣ ad tuɣalemt ass-a. I want you back today. I want to get back today. טום פוטר. Tom lost his job. Tom's fired. יש מגזינים באנגלית בספרייה הזאת? Are there any English magazines in this library? Are there magazines in English in this library? Tezemreḍ ad iyi-d telliḍ tappurt? Can you open the door for me? Art thou come to a test for me? هتمي شكلها فرحانه أوي. Hitomi looked very happy. I care about how she likes him. החמצתי את התחרות. I missed the competition. I missed the competition. بكم أستطيع أن أشتري هذا البيت؟ How much could I buy this house for? How much can I buy this house? תום עדיין ממתין לכם. Tom is still waiting for you. Tom's still waiting for you. أتسمع صوت الأمواج على الشاطئ؟ Can you hear the noise of the waves on the beach? You hear the sound of the waves on the beach? הסתכל על זה. Look at this. Look at this. ما الذي تعنيه كلمة "get" في هذه الجملة؟ What does the word "get" mean in this sentence? What do you mean, "get" in this sentence? אל תסתכל בקנקן, אלא במה שבתוכו. Look not at the package but what's in it. Don't look at the tin, but what's in it. הוא ניסה לשים קץ לחייו. He tried to commit a suicide. He tried to put an end to his life. قال سامي أنّه لديه من سيوصله بسيّارته. Sami said he had a ride. Sammy said he'd get his car. Surfet-iyi. Anda i llant tmellalin? Excuse me. Where are the eggs? You said this, 'Have mercy on me.' Where were you born? Anda i tettiliḍ? Where are you staying? Where have you been raised? תום דיבר בלחש רם. Tom spoke in a loud whisper. Tom spoke out loud. אני אבין זאת בתור כן. I'll take that as a yes. I'll figure it out as a yes. Tella kra n tɣawsa i tufamt? Have you found something? Have you any work at any time in the matter? سامي راغب في أن تبقى ليلي. Sami wants Layla to stay. Sammy wanted to stay overnight. أنت أحْسَنُ منّي. You are better than me. You're better than me. Twalaḍ Tom di Ustralya? Did you see Tom in Australia? Did you visit Tom in Western Asia? Tom akked Mary tuɣ qimen deffir. Tom and Mary sat way in the back. Tom and Mary wrote behind. غضب توم جدا. Tom got very mad. Tom's very angry. אספסוף התאסף במהירות. A mob quickly formed. A mob gathered fast. Takeṛṛust n Sami ur tfakk ara da. Sami's car is not over here. The abomination of Sami didn't escape. טום הכניס לו אגרוף בפרצוף. Tom punched him in the face. Tom punched him in the face. Waqila, d tideț i d-yenna uẓawan Jean-Louis Aubert: "Ma tesɛiḍ zzhu deg wul-ik, ad yishil ad d-tcleqfeḍ tumert." Dɣa, win yezhan, ayen yebɣun yeḍṛu, ad t-tafeḍ ur yezwi ara maḍi; ad as-d-yegri ciṭ n ṛṛmaq. D wagi iwumi qqaṛen angeẓwer. The artist Jean-Louis Aubert is apparently right to say: "If you have joy in yourself, you could more easily catch happiness." Thus, in all circumstances, the blessed will never be completely cut down; he will always keep some verve. This could be called resilience. Verily, verily, the word of the Lord Jesus Christ was true, which he said, If thou hadst any pleasure in thine heart, thou couldst have known what was under the sun, that thou shouldest be broken. So that which is called the barren, thou shouldest have known no more at all. لم يرد سامي قضاء وقت في السّجن. Sami didn't want to spend time in jail. Sammy didn't want to spend time in jail. لم يكن عند سامي أيّ شخص يطلب منه المساعدة. Sami had no one to turn to. Sammy had no one to help him. חשבתי שהקונצרט שלך הצליח אתמול. I thought your concert went well yesterday. I thought your concert was successful yesterday. אני הייתי מי שהציע זאת. I was the one who suggested it. I was the one who suggested it. Teẓṛa tideţ. She knows the truth. And the Shocker. אינני שומע אותך היטב. I can't hear you very well. I can't hear you well. Suref-iyi, wi ik-ilan ? Please, where are you from? Siref-me, who are you? "למה אתה לא מגיע?" "כי אני לא רוצה." "Why aren't you coming?" "Because I don't want to." "Why don't you come?" "Because I don't want to." Tom yuɣ-d taɣawsa ɣer Mary. Tom bought something for Mary. But I looked at Mary. أريد تعلم الفارسية. I want to learn Persian. I want to learn the Persian. البركة عميقة جدًّا. The pond is very deep. The blessing is very deep. Tom yif Mary akken yekkat tajewwaqt. Tom plays the flute better than Mary. Tom did Mary as she came in time. Tḥemmlem tasekla? Do you like literature? Would you like to have a seat? זאת סיבה טובה כמו כל אחת אחרת. That's as good a reason as any. That's a good reason like anyone else. Teḥbes lehḍuṛ. She stopped talking. You have made a stop. Yella walebɛaḍ i d-ijerḥen? Is anyone hurt? Is there anyone who binds? המחירים נפלו מטה. Prices have gone down. Prices fell down. توم قرصاتو عقرب. Tom was stung by a scorpion. Tom Creato Absorb. ሴቷ ወጣት ነች። The woman is young. The woman is young. Ikemmel Tom taɣuṛi. Tom continued reading. and I too will complete the downfall. Ilaq ad tarumt ungal. You should write a novel. You must be calm. "המכוניות האלה שלך?" "כן." "Are these cars yours?" "Yes they are." "These cars of yours"? "Yes." كُتبت الرّسالة. The letter was written. The text has been written. سمعت ذلك منك. I heard it from you. I heard that from you. Ilaq ad yili walebɛaḍ ara ɣ-d-iḥebsen. Somebody might stop us. Therefore I must be subject to him who loves us. אני צריכה לסיים את העבודה עד ארבע. I have to finish the work by four o'clock. I have to finish the job by four. أفضّل الموت على ذلك. I'd rather die than do that. I'd rather die than that. Ḍfeṛ itri-nni. Follow that star. He opened his mouth and saw the star. טום צריך זוג משקפיים חדש. Tom needs a new pair of glasses. Tom needs a new pair of glasses. Ur ten-tṛewwuḍ ara. They're cool. "Don't harm them. Iɛedda lḥal. Too late. It's a fixed time. ذهب سامي للتّسوّق. Sami went shopping. Sammy went shopping. أنا خائف جداً من الذهاب إلى هناك بنفسي. I'm too scared to go there by myself. I'm so afraid to go there myself. Ur iserreḥ ara Tom deg tefṛansist am kenwi. Tom doesn't speak French as fluently as you do. Let him not leave you in the trial place, as of a furnace. אתה שותה דיאט? Do you drink diet soda? Are you drinking a diet? הוא רוצה את זה. He wants one. He wants it. Cennun yefṛax. Birds sing. They boast to birds. لقد تعرّفنا على مدرّسنا. We met our teacher. We identified our teacher. Idlisen-a mačči n Tom. These books aren't Tom's. but they were not of Thomas. Gziɣ. Understood. I was lacking in fear. قدّم سامي ليلى مفاتيح الباب الأساسي للنّادي. Sami gave Layla the keys to the main door of the club. Sammy put out key keys to the club's main door. הפנס נתלה מענף העץ. The lamp was suspended from the branch of a tree. The lamp was hung from the tree's branch. هل تتكلم العربية؟ Do you speak Arabic? Do you speak Arabic? لقد رفضَت اقتراحي. She rejected my proposal. She rejected my suggestion. كسرت لوري الزجاج. Laurie broke the glass. I broke Lori the glass. אינני מלטפת את כלבן. I'm not petting their dog. I'm not washing a dog. היו ארבעים נוכחים. There were forty people present. There were 40 present. راه يهدَر مْعاهم بالأمازيغية. He's talking to them in Berber. Ra is ruining them with Amazigan. أريد الذهاب للنوم I want to go to sleep. I want to go to sleep. Tom yella yusem ɣef Mary. Tom was jealous of Mary. But Jesus was asleep on Mary's bed. אל תאמר דברים כאלה. Don't say things like that. Don't say things like that. كانت ليلى تعمل كمتعرّية. Layla worked as a stripper. Lily was working as an exhilarator. عليك الانتباه إلى إشارة المرور. We must pay attention to the traffic light. You need to pay attention to the traffic signal. يعمل جاهداً ليعيل أسرته الكبيرة. He works hard to support his large family. He's working hard to support his big family. حكم الملك البلد. The king governed the country. King rule of the country. هو قادر على نسيان وعده. He's apt to forget his promise. He's able to forget his promise. לפני שאתה יודע מה קורה אתך, אתה כבר בעיתונים. Next thing you know, you'll be in the papers. Before you know what's going on with you, you're already in the papers. Ḥwaǧeɣ ad d-aɣeɣ kra akken ad ččeɣ. I need to buy something to eat. I wish that I could receive anything from you. הגבעה היתה מכוסה כולה בשלג. The hill was all covered with snow. The hill was covered in the snow. D aya kan? Will that be all? Is that it? Tebɣam ad as-tinim? Do you want to tell her? Do you want to say this to him? המזל לא משחק לי. Luck is not on my side. Lucky's not playing me. דבר לא קרה חוץ מזה שקיבלתי קמצוץ מידע. Nothing happened except that I obtained a tiny bit of information. Nothing happened except that I got a little bit of information. إنه يعرفنا جيداً. He knows us very well. He knows us very well. אולי זה לא בטבע שלך, אבל לפחות תשתדל להיות אדיב קצת. It may not be natural for you, but at least try to be a little more gracious. Maybe it's not in your nature, but at least try to be kind a little bit. Ur ttruẓuɣ acemma. I am not breaking anything. I did not hear anything. Yella kra i yeḍṛan. Something happened. And there were certain Jews, because they were not so much as about to fall in. לא רציתי לערב אותם. I didn't want to involve them. I didn't want to involve them. המשך ואמור זאת. Go on and say it. Go ahead and say it. אני מתערבת שאין לטום שום תוכניות. I bet Tom doesn't have any plans. I bet Tom has no plans. Cukkeɣ yella walebɛaḍ i yellan di texxamt-nni n zdat. I think there's somebody in the next room. And I accused him that was set before him. אני יודע שאת בהלם. I know you're shocked. I know you're in shock. أعترف بأنني كنت مهملاً. I admit that I was careless. I admit I've been neglected. توم جاء الى هنا قبل الغروب Tom got here before sunrise. Tom came here before noon. איפה משחת השיניים? Where is the toothpaste? Where's the toothbrush? יש אנשים האוהבים אותו, ואחרים - לא. Some people like him and other people don't. Some people love him, and others -- no. Uḥwaǧeɣ-k da. I need you here. U-k da. מרי חשדנית כלפי זרים. Mary is wary of strangers. Mary's suspicious of strangers. أغلقَ الباب. He closed the door. Close the door. كان سامي مخمورا. Sami was drunk. Sammy was drunk. Tura imi giɣ azgen n uxeddim, tlaq-iyi tesgunfuţ. I've done half the work, and now I can take a break. And now for the pain of your life have ye sent me away. من سيريد أن يستأجر توم؟ Who'd want to hire Tom? Who would want to hire Tom? הכלב ההוא אהוב על כל המשפחה. That dog is loved by the whole family. That dog likes the whole family. سلمت يداك! Thank you! You've given your hands up! למכונית הזאת מספיק כוח כדי לטפס על ההר בקלות. This car has enough power to go up the mountain easily. This car has enough power to climb the mountain easily. הוספתי את שמו של תום לרשימה. I put Tom's name on the list. I added Tom's name to the list. يستحق توم ترقيةً. Tom deserves a promotion. Tom deserves promotion. Ur nezmir ara ad nehḍeṛ fell-as taṣebḥit? Can't we talk about it in the morning? Saying, We will not be able to speak of her in a manner that pertaineth to her. Ur iserreḥ ara Tom deg tefṛansist am kemm. Tom doesn't speak French as fluently as you do. He will not leave you in the test. Tura ula d nekk iɛǧeb-iyi. Now, I also enjoy it. Now, therefore, I also am standing with you. طولُك مثل طولي. You are as tall as I am. Your height is like a parasite. תום לקח את הכל. Tom took everything. Tom took everything. Yeḥka-yi-d yiwet n teqsiṭ ur tettamneḍ maḍi. He told me an unbelievable story. He came to me a little while, and you never saw me. יש לו דיעה קדומה נגד יהודים. He has a prejudice against Jews. He has a preconception against the Jews. הלווייתן הכחול הוא היונק הימי הגדול ביותר, והיונק הגדול ביותר בכלל. The blue whale is the largest marine mammal, and the largest mammal on earth. The blue whale is the largest, and the biggest. Di leɛnaya-m kcem-d! Please get in. I-m-kcem-d! Ttuɣ uṭṭun-inem. I forgot your number. I have relatively little children. ما لي أخ. I don't have a brother. I don't have a brother. Ḥemmleɣ ad waliɣ isura western. I love to watch westerns. I love to marry an outsider. Tom yeskeddib. Tom is lying. Toms lie. A wi iẓṛan acuɣeṛ i yugi Tom axeddim-nni. I wonder why Tom turned down that job. Then I began to tell you, why not the tax collector had left him. מרי היא די שטחית. Mary is quite superficial. Mary's pretty underground. Tanemmirt ɣef usebɣes-nwen. Thanks for your encouragement. Fill up your mind on it. זה הזמן ללכת למיטה. It's time to go to bed. It's time to go to bed. מוֹדֶה אֲנִי לְפָנֶֽיךָ, מֶֽלֶךְ חַי וְקַיָּים, שֶׁהֶֽחֱזַֽרְתָּ בִּי נִשְׁמָתִי בְּחֶמְלָה. רַבָּה אֱמֽוּנָתֶֽךָ. I thank You, living and enduring King, Who has returned my spirit to me with compassion. Great is Your trust. Thanks to your face, to your king alive and well, to my mother-in-law and my mother-in-law. طموحها هو أن تصبح سفيرة. Her ambition is to become an ambassador. Her ambition is to become an ambassador. من أين اشتريت تلك القبّعة؟ Where did you buy that hat? Where did you buy that hat? יש לי את מטלות הבית שלי. I have my own chores to do. I've got my housework. Ha-t-an ad iyi-ineɣ. He's going to kill me. And if it be mine, I shall receive it. يربي توم الخيول العربية. Tom raises Arabian horses. Tom raised the Arab horses. המשכורת תועלה מאפריל. The salary will be raised from April. The salary will be paid from April. Wexxer i tlufa yecban tiki. Stay away from trouble like these. Herser I lost like tai. مدّ يده إلى التفاحة. He reached for the apple. Put his hand to the apple. هل تبيع المياه المعدنية؟ Do you sell mineral water? Do you sell mineral water? Tom yekkes-as waḍu-nni i it-yewwten. Tom is over his cold. But the wind blew him away. Ttxil-m, xdem-iyi-d tamussni akked kra n teqcict icebḥen. Please introduce me to a cute girl. You put them to silence, and he gave me a great gift. كان هناك حب و احترام. There was love and respect. There was love and respect. Tom ur yessuden ara Mary. Tom didn't kiss Mary. But he wasn't hungry. Tom d lmektub-iw. Tom is my destiny. Tom and lm among my books. Awi-d ukkan ma terriḍ-iyi-d s wawal zik. I would appreciate a reply as soon as possible. I would have said this if I had spoken to you before. אני רוצה גלידה. I want ice cream. I want ice cream. Ulac win yemmuten. Nobody dies. No one is dead. Ur ẓṛiɣ ara tidet. I do not know the truth. For I will not see you, and I will not see you. Ur d-nnint kra. They didn't say anything. When I saw nothing, I could not speak to them. אנו עולים להרים, אז למה שלא תבואו אתנו? We're going up into the mountains, so why don't you come with us? So why don't you come with us? Yenna-yi-d Tom yeẓṛa kra n yiwen i s-yefkan taqemmuct i Mary. Tom told me he saw somebody kissing Mary. And he spake unto me, That to whomsoever he had given me the gift, he gave me a penny. هل أستطيع الحصول على كأس من النبيذ الأبيض؟ Could I have a glass of white wine? Can I get a cup of white wine? أعجبتني رائحته. I liked the way it smelled. I liked his smell. Tefkiḍ-as asefk i Tom ilmend n umulli-s? Did you give Tom a present for his birthday? Have you given him the authority over his daughter-in-law? כשהטלפון צלצל, הוא רץ לענות. When the phone rang, he ran to answer it. When the phone called, he ran to answer. إستعد Prepare yourself. Get ready. דבר באיטיות ובבהירות. Speak slowly and clearly. Speak slowly and clearly. إنه راعي كأبيه. He is a shepherd, like his father. He's a shepherd like a father. قام المتظاهرون بضرب العديد من رجال الشرطة حتى الموت. The rioters beat many policemen to death. The demonstrators beat a lot of cops to death. Tom yettban yugad nezzeh. Tom looks terrified. And it became very evident. מי שיפרו את החוקים ייענשו. Those who violate the rules will be punished. Whoever broke the rules will be punished. D imarikaniyen i tellam? Are you American? Are you Marks? إنها ليس ما تعتقد. It's not what you think! It's not what you think. Ẓriɣ d akken aya d tirza ɣezzifen. I know that it's been a long trip. I know, and I know, even as the passing away once. هل خلق الله العالم في يوم وحيد؟ Did God really create the earth in a single day? Did God create the world on a single day? Ur zmireɣ ara ad qqimeɣ. I can't stay. I can't stay. Tqelqeḍ? Are you worried? Do you understand? יש להם שני בנים ובת אחת. They have two sons and one daughter. They have two sons and one daughter. Aniɣer ad t-awin? Where are they taking him? And where is he, that they should take him? أين أخوك؟ Where is your brother? Where's your brother? هذا المكتب يأخذ مساحة كبيرة. This desk takes up too much room. This office takes a lot of space. אתה הססני. You're indecisive. You're the Sini. كم كلّفت التذاكر؟ How much did the tickets cost? How much did the tickets cost? كانت ليلى تفضّل قضاء وقتها خارج المنزل. Layla preferred to spend her time out of the house. Lily would have preferred to spend her time out of the house. أغلقَ الباب. He shut the door. Close the door. D iɛibanen i tellam? Are you handicapped? Are you then clear? Nekk d arnaflas. I'm an atheist. I am the Arpachs. S tezmert-im. Bon appetit. By your power. الناس يعيشون في جميع أنحاء العالم. People are living in all parts of the world. People live all over the world. ما اخبرت توم حتى الآن. I haven't told Tom yet. I haven't told Tom so far. هل تذكرني؟ Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Wexxeṛ fell-i. Let me be. He was expelled from me. I tura anda-t Ṛebbi-k? Where's your God now? Nor yet where is he? תום נמצא בקרבת מקום. Tom is nearby. Tom's near. Sawel-as s tilifun di leɛnaya-k. Please telephone him. They will ask him, "I beg you." דן השאיר ראיות רבות בזירת הפשע. Dan left a lot of evidence at the crime scene. Dan left a lot of evidence at the crime scene. חשבתי שהכל נגמר. I thought it was all over. I thought everything was over. תום עוזר בזמן האחרון בסופי שבוע כשאני בעבודה. Tom has been helping out on weekdays while I'm at work. Tom's been helping lately on weekends when I'm at work. Ad sɛuɣ tlatin n yiseggasen deg Tubeṛ. I'll be thirty years old in October. I can also lie in silence for a hundred years. ልጆች የሕይወታችን አበባዎች ናቸው። Children are the flowers of our lives. Children are the flowers of our life. لم يكن سامي يعلم ما معنى عبارة مغيّر للهواية الجنسيّة إلى أن اغتيل رجل مغيّر لهويّته الجنسيّة في حيّه. Sami didn't know what the word transgender meant until a transgender man was killed in his neighborhood. Sammy didn't know what it meant to change sexual identity until I killed a man who changed his sexual identity in his neighborhood. תום עשוי להיות ברירה טובה. Tom would be a good choice. Tom could be a good choice. זה לוקח זמן רב. It doesn't take very long. It takes a long time. كان سامي يتلفّظ أنفاسه. Sami was gasping for life. Sammy was ruining his breath. حان وقت ذهابي. It's time for me to go. It's time to go. תוכלי בבקשה לתאר למושבעים מה קרה? Could you describe to the jury what happened? Can you please describe what happened to the jury? أراد توم استدعاء الشرطة، ولكن ماري لم تسمح له. Tom wanted to call the police, but Mary wouldn't let him. Tom wanted to call the police, but Mary didn't let him. תום נראה קצת מאוכזב מהחדשות. Tom seems a little disappointed by the news. Tom seems a little disappointed about the news. Ḍsiɣ-d. I laughed. I came out of my sight. هل يوجد أين يمكننا التحدث على انفراد حول هذا؟ Is there somewhere that we can talk privately about this? Is there a place where we can talk about this? Tuzzel tɛebbuḍt-nwen? Do you have diarrhea? Are you running and not doing this? Ruḥ anida ur k-yessin yiwen. Go where nobody knows you. I need that no one should know you. Kemm d tungift! You are an idiot! How he cried out! עכשיו באמת יש להם בעיה. They really have got a problem now. Now they really have a problem. هذا جدي للغاية. That's very serious. That's very serious. אינני בטוחה שאני מרגישה אותו הדבר. I'm not sure I feel the same. I'm not sure I feel the same way. אינני מצנזר את המאמרים שלכם. I don't censor their articles. I'm not tapping your articles. אתם מוכנים להרגע? Would you all relax? Are you ready to relax? ستبحر السفينة إلى هونولولو غداً. The ship sails for Honolulu tomorrow. The ship will sail to Honolulu tomorrow. אטיל עליו לתקן את השעון. I'll have him fix the clock. I'll slow him down to fix the clock. هو لا يدخن. He does not smoke. He doesn't smoke. לא ייתכן שזאת היתה העבודה של תום. Tom could've had this job. It can't have been Tom's job. ترى الفتاة الفتى. The girl sees the boy. You see the girl. Sarameɣ yiwen ur kent-id-yeẓṛi tusamt-d ar da. I hope no one saw you come in here. And I saw no man, but I saw him: and he saw no man, neither saw him. Yuker-iyi-t walebɛaḍ. Somebody stole it from me. And there appeared unto me no man. Millie taqra l-ktieb tagħha. Millie is reading her book. Millie reads her book. لا عليك! Never mind! It's okay! אם תום הולך, אני לא. If Tom goes, I won't. If Tom's going, I'm not. Ṛuḥen send iḍelli. They left there the day before yesterday. And they went back home by night. Ttwaliɣ adlis. I see a book. It is written, "I will be made clean." كان مدرّسنا البديل شابّا. Our substitute teacher was young. Our alternative teacher was a young man. אני חושב שהיא צעירה מדי. I think she's too young. I think she's too young. הבליסטרה העיפה את האבן מעל לחומות הטירה. The catapult hurled the boulder over the castle walls. The Bilistra took the stone over the walls of the castle. אני אסע, יקרה מה שיקרה. I'll go no matter what. I'll go. Whatever happens. ماذا شويت؟ What did you grill? What's wrong? תום אוהב קפה בלי סוכר. Tom likes coffee without sugar. Tom likes coffee without sugar. Aql-i ttwaṭṭfeɣ mliḥ. I'm fairly busy. Behold, they look out well. הם כולם ישבו. They all sat. They're all sitting. كان من المفترض أن نكون حذرين أكثر. We should have been more careful. We were supposed to be more careful. לתום שיער חום ארוך. Tom has long brown hair. Tom long brown hair. هذا مهم جداً. This is very important. That's very important. هذه المشاكل تجعلني أفكّر في مغادرة المنزل. These problems make me wanna leave home. These problems make me think about leaving the house. لنسمع تفسير توم بدايةً. Let's hear Tom's explanation first. Let's hear Tom's explanation first. D ass n 20 di tubeṛ. It's October 20th. It was on the 20th day of the week. قام المدرّس بمناداة الحاضرين. The teacher took attendance. The teacher called in. צמצמנו את העלות למינימום. We have to reduce the cost to a minimum. We've reduced the cost to a minimum. Tesɛiḍ yiwet n tektubt d tadalt. You have a green book. You've got a book ready for writing. הוא חישב את תוצאות פעולתו. He calculated the consequences of his action. He considered the results of his action. Rziɣ ɣer Boston ass-nni n warim. I went to Boston on Monday. I came to Boston on that day. لقد كنت مسرورا جدا لكى أنام. I was too happy to sleep. I was so happy to sleep. أين هي؟ Where is she? Where is she? Wissen ayɣeṛ yeqqaṛ wanzi: "ayaziḍ abeṛṛani, neqqben-t medden d tirni."? Why does a proverb say: "A foreign cock is pecked by everyone"? And they said, "Are you a stranger? Did we kill men when they were old?" ژامي ما عندك لوقت ل حوايج امپۆرتانت! You never have time for important things! My mother, how much time do you have for the Mp heretat! אני חשבתי שתאבד (תלך לאיבוד). I thought you'd get lost. I thought you'd lose. وإلى كل هؤلاء الذين يشاهدوننا هذه الليلة فيما وراء حدودنا، من البرلمانات وقصور الحكم، إلى هؤلاء الذين يتجمعون حول أجهزة الراديو في أركانٍ منسيةٍ في عالمنا، أقول: حكاياتنا تختلف في تفردها، إلا أن المصير الذي يجمعنا واحدٌ، وأن فجر قيادةٍ أمريكيةٍ جديدة قد أطل علينا. And all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand. To all those who see us this night beyond our borders, from Parliaments and inadequacies, to those who gather around the radios on the secular pillars of our world, I say: our stories differ in their uniqueness, but the self-determination that brings us together and that the emergence of a new United States leadership has left us out. كانت هذه آخر صورة التقطها سامي. That was the last picture Sami took. This was the last picture taken by Sammy. אני איטר יד ימין. I'm left-handed. I'm a right-hand etter. ככלל, אני קמה בשש בבוקר. I make it a rule to get up at six in the morning. In general, I get up at 6:00 a.m. משתמשים במלח להמסת קרח. Salt is used to thaw ice. Using salt to melt ice. Qqimet yid-i. Stay with me. Stay with me. Da i telliḍ? Are you there? If you were me? אִם-אֶשְׁכָּחֵךְ יְרוּשָׁלִָם תִּשְׁכַּח יְמִינִי. תִּדְבַּק-לְשׁוֹנִי לְחִכִּי אִם-לֹא אֶזְכְּרֵכִי: אִם-לֹא אַעֲלֶה אֶת-יְרוּשָׁלִַם עַל רֹאשׁ שִׂמְחָתִי. If I forget thee, o Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I remember thee not; if I set not Jerusalem above my chiefest joy. Your brother-in-law will allow you to sit at my right hand, and you shall care for my right hand, and I shall not be anxious: but I shall not be exalted to the right hand and to the left. הם המשיכו לאכול כאילו לא קרה שום דבר. They continued eating as if nothing had happened. They kept eating like nothing happened. אני לא אוהב ערים גדולות. I don't like big cities. I don't like big cities. טום לא יכול להרשות זאת לעצמו. Tom can't afford it. Tom can't afford it. Ɣef leḥsab-nkent, yezmer ad iyi-d-iẓer yiwen? Do you think anyone can see me? Or else what of the number, must a man see me? Sbeɛdemt zzit ɣef tmes. Keep oil away from the fire. And cut off the oil, and put it on the fire. غادر فاضل المنزل. Fadil left the house. Get out of the house. اتريد لعب الغولف أم لا؟ Do you want to play golf or not? You want to play golf or not? אנו יכולים להמשיך. We could continue. We can go on. לונדון היא אחת מהערים הגדולות בעולם. London is among the world's largest cities. London is one of the largest cities in the world. אני תוהה מה תום הביא לי. I wonder what Tom bought me. I wonder what Tom brought me. היא טובה עם חיות. She's good with animals. She's good with animals. אני זקוק לקצת פנאי בשביל עצמי. I need some time for myself. I need a little free for myself. نحن نرحب بك في نادينا. We welcome you to our club. We welcome you to our club. و أنت أيضا You too. You, too. طلب مني توم مسامحته. Tom asked me to forgive him. Tom asked me to forgive him. Medden akk heddṛen. Everyone gossips. They all talked. بدأت ليلى تواعد سامي. Layla started dating Sami. I started dating Sammy. Tom d amaru igerrzen. Tom is a good writer. Tom is a farmer. Xdem-it tura. Do it now. It's working. أعاد توم المال لماري. Tom paid Mary back. Tom returned the money to Marie. היא פרצה בבכי. She burst into tears. She broke into tears. לעולם לא אשכח מה קרה פה היום. I'll never forget what happened here today. I'll never forget what happened here today. אני כבר לא קורא ספרים מצויירים. I don't read comic books anymore. I don't read a book anymore. Sliɣ i walebɛaḍ yettɛeyyiḍ. I heard someone scream. I experience temptation from someone. هلّا أخفضت صوت التلفاز؟ Could you lower the volume of the television? Can you lower the sound of the TV? Tesderwcem-iyi! You make me feel dizzy! You've got me! אל תיגע במכונת הכתיבה שלי. Keep your hands off my typewriter. Don't touch my writing machine. איך מוציאים את כל האנשים האלה מהבית שלי? How do I get all those people out of my house? How do you get all these people out of my house? بدأ سامي الأكل. Sami started eating. Sammy started eating. تعافى سامي كليّة. Sami made a full recovery. Sammy's totally cured. حتّا واحد ما يفهمني. Nobody understands me. Even one understands what I understand. כולם יודעים שהירח עשוי מגבינה. Everybody knows the moon is made of cheese. Everyone knows the moon is made of cheese. זה רעל. That stuff is poison. It's poison. Qqim da taṛǧuḍ arma yusa-d Tom. You just sit there and wait until Tom gets back. If thou hadst expected favour, thou hadst expected it, and hadst looked for it, that Thomas should have come. Tɣuṛṛemt tamurt-nkent. You betrayed your country. Ye shall know that ye have dedicated the land. Werɛad fukkeɣ leɣrama-inu. I haven't finished paying off my loan. I am still untying my bed. Beṛka-kent aɣenni. Stop singing. Now the legs were opened. אני רוצה לנסות מחדש. I want to try again. I want to try again. لم سنرغب بعمل ذلك؟ Why would we want to do that? Why would we want to do that? Iɛawed Tom axeddim. Tom changed jobs. I'm Tom at work. Ilaq ad tesgunfumt. You need to relax. It must be spoken of as having men's fault. هذه الجملة ليس لها أي معنى. This sentence doesn't make sense. This sentence has no meaning. Anda i ten-tessewwemt? Where did you cook them? Where then have ye quieted them? Qqleɣ-d bac ad heḍṛeɣ daɣen yid-m. I've come to talk with you again. I have gone my way to speak to you. Sarameɣ kan yiwen ur k-id-iwala tusiḍ ar da. I hope no one saw you coming in here. I wanted no one to see you, except for you to see. המהנדסים שרטטו תכניות למעגן חדש. The engineers drew up plans for a new dock. Engineers filmed plans for a new host. Yettbin-d iwenneɛ. That sounds fair. And he kneeled down, and went away. אלה המפרים את הכללים ייענשו. Those who violate the rules will be punished. Those who violate the rules will be punished. عملهم هو تجميل الفنانين. Their job is to do make-up for performing artists. Their work is the beauty of artists. አንቺ ማን ነሽ? Who are you? Who are you? D tuttra igerrzen. Good question. D juttra pherzen. ماري اقنعت توم بالذهاب معها الي بوسطن Mary convinced Tom to go to Boston with her. Mary convinced Tom to go to Boston with her. Teslam-as, neɣ ala? You heard her, didn't you? Did you hear him, or not? توم عندو ماشينة تاع لا كريم. Tom has an ice cream machine. Tom's an enemy. Isefk ad s-tinniḍ tidet i Tom. Maybe you should've told Tom the truth. Therefore receive him, that the same might be fulfilled in Thomas. M'iniex minn hawn. I'm not from here. Not from here. يحب أبي البيتزا كثيراً. My father likes pizza very much. My dad loves pizza a lot. وكأن أعواما مضت منذ صباح الأحد. It seems like years since Sunday morning. It's like I've been clouding since Sunday morning. ḥwaǧeɣ-k azekka dagi. I need you here tomorrow. - You're here tomorrow. أتود أن أساعدك؟ Do you want me to give you a hand? Would you like me to help you? اعتقد بأنه يمكننا مساعدة بعضنا البعض. I think we can help each other. I think we can help each other. Fakk-ik acetki! Stop complaining. Of course you are! Imi i d-kkereɣ ad ṛuḥeɣ ar uɣerbaz, aggur mazal-t iban deg igenni. When I got up to go to school, the moon was still visible in the sky. So when I remembered to go into the desert, behold, the moon was still in heaven. وساهم الاستعمار خلال العصر الحديث في تغذية التوتر بسبب حرمان العديد من المسلمين من الحقوق والفرص كما ساهم في ذلك الحرب الباردة التي عوملت فيها كثير من البلدان ذات الأغلبية المسلمة بلا حق كأنها مجرد دول وكيلة لا يجب مراعاة تطلعاتها الخاصة. More recently, tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations. In modern times, colonization has contributed to the fuelling of tension due to the denial of rights and opportunities by many Muslims, as has been the case in that cold war in which many countries of the vast majority have been unjustly treated as mere States whose particular aspirations must not be taken into account. Ẓriɣ belli Tom d bu imelyaren. I know that Tom is a billionaire. I know that Tom is one of the best teachers. مطعمنا أفضل من ذاك المطعم. Our restaurant is better than that restaurant. Our restaurant's better than that one. Kkes aɣbel, terreḍ aɣilif! Don't worry but think about it! It's broken down, it's broken down. You're thrown back! هوايتي الجديدة هي المساهمة في موقع تتويبا. My most recent hobby is contributing to Tatoeba. My new wish is to contribute to the Tobitiba site. במזג האוויר הקר הזה, אדם טוב לא יוציא את כלבו החוצה. In this cold weather, a good master won't let his dog out. In this cold weather, a good man won't take his dog out. האם הכרת אותו מקרוב? Did you know him well? Did you really know him? אינני אוהב את התנהגותה. I don't like her manner. I don't like her behavior. يجب عليك ممارسة الرياضة. You should exercise. You have to exercise. عاد توم إلى المنزل بعد منتصف الليل. Tom came home after midnight. Tom came home after midnight. Qqimemt cwiṭ yid-i. Stay with me for a moment. Stay with me. Uṛǧant. They waited. I don't know. ربّما كان مريضا. Maybe he was sick. Maybe he was sick. היא העמידה פני חולה. She feigned an illness. She's standing face-to-face with a patient. אין לו אומץ לומר שום דבר. He doesn't have the strength to say anything. He doesn't have the courage to say anything. אני אוהב מחנאות. I like camping. I like camping. Ɛni yella kra i ibeddlen? Has anything changed? For I was about to stand up. Izmer Tom ad yerǧu. Tom can wait. He could wish, and he could do the thing. لم أكن أريد أن أحرجك. I didn't want to embarrass you. I didn't want to shame you. Ɛasset iman-nwen. Be vigilant. Be sober. אני לגמרי מסכים עם כולכם. I fully agree with all of you. I totally agree with all of you. היא הביטה בו בזעם. She looked at him angrily. She looked at him in anger. Kważi għandi kull ma neħtieġ. I've got almost everything I need. I have almost everything I need. Ḥebset amcetcew! Stop fighting! Thank you very much! Ssawalen-as akk Jeff. He is named Jeff by everyone. And they called upon him all Jaff. استمر المطر بالهطول طوال اليوم. The rain continued all day. The rain kept rising all day. Ur zmireɣ ara ad t-kkseɣ akin. I cannot get rid of it. I can't put him away. Ustṛalya d tamurt yessewhamen. Australia is an amazing country. It is a nation that lies under the control of the citizens. Dadɣa dima yebɣa Tom ad iffeɣ yid-kent. By the way, Tom still wants to go out with you. And he would have sent for the devil. And he sought to kill him. Ticki uɣaleɣ-d seg tmesgida anida ttẓalleɣ, ḥemmleɣ ad sweɣ yiwen n lkas n ccṛab uqbel ad ṭseɣ. When I return from the mosque where I pray, I like to drink a cup of wine before going to bed. I came from the fire, and I prayed, but I wanted to drink of a cup of wine before I was clothed." מה שלומך, טום? How are you, Tom? How are you, Tom? לא יכולתי להבחין בצבע של החולצה שלו כי היה חשוך מדי בחוץ. I couldn't tell what color his shirt was because it was too dark outside. I couldn't notice the color of his shirt because it was too dark outside. המסעדה הזאת תמיד עמוסה. This restaurant is always crowded. This restaurant is always busy. ቤቶቹ እዚህ ናቸው። The houses are here. The houses are here. Kenwi d igliziyen? Are you English? Who are the Greeks? سأذهب إلى فرنسا لأدرس الرسم. I'll go to France to study painting. I'm going to France to study the painting. Aql-ik deffir n Tom. You're after Tom. Behold, you are after Thomas. לא ידעתי שאתה ותום קרובים. I didn't know you and Tom were related. I didn't know you and Tom were close. איפה המכונית? Where's the car? Where's the car? לא ידעתי שהאף שלי שבור. I didn't know my nose was broken. I didn't know my nose was broken. وُلِدَ سامي من علاقة غير شرعيّة. Sami's birth resulted from an extramarital affair. Sammy was born out of an illegal relationship. עוניו קטע את המשך לימודיו. Poverty prevented him from continuing his studies. His misery has broken down his course. Ad k-d-ssiwleɣ akken kan ara awḍeɣ ɣer Chicago. I'll call you as soon as I get to Chicago. I will call you immediately, so that I may come into Chicago." הרכבת מגיעה עוד רגע. The train is arriving soon. The train's coming in in a minute. כבר קראתי את הרומן הזה. I've already read that novel. I already read this novel. عادة ما كنا نذهب معا لصيد السمك. I often went fishing with him. We usually went fishing together. אין שום דבר שאנו יכולים לעשות כדי לבלום אותה. There's nothing that we can do to stop her. There's nothing we can do to screw her up. بيت السيد جونسون بالقرب من بيتي. Mr Johnson's house is next to my house. Mr. Johnson's house near my house. פחמן חד-חמצני הוא חומר רעיל הנוצר ע"י בעירה חלקית של תרכובות פחמן. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous substance formed by the incomplete combustion of carbon compounds. Biocarbon is a toxic substance produced by a partial city of carbon compounds. إنهُ في مشكلة. He's in trouble. He's in trouble. يعرف توم ماري ، أليس كذلك؟ Tom knows Mary, doesn't he? Tom knows Mary, doesn't he? Tom yella yettemlal d Mary. Tom used to date Mary. Tom is finished with Mary. המתימטיקה היא היצירה היפה ורבת העוצמה ביותר של נפש האדם. Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit. Mathematical is the most beautiful and powerful creation of the human soul. היא עשתה את זה למען עצמה, לא למענך. She did so for her own sake, not for your sake. She did it for herself, not for you. بدأ يهتمّ فاضل باللّغة العربيّة. Fadil started to become interested in the Arabic language. He began to care for the Arabic language. أرفض أن أنادى بغير "صاحب السمو". I refuse to be called anything besides "Your Highness". I refuse to go to a club other than Your Highness. תום טיפל היטב במרי. Tom took very good care of Mary. Tom took good care of Mary. Laɛmeṛ i txedmeḍ yid-sent? Have you ever worked with them? And did ye make them also to walk in the way of men? لدي جلد دهني. I have greasy skin. I've got my skin. Ahat awaɣzen-agi d ameddakel-ik? Is this freak your friend? Or do you want to hear from me what this means for you?' Ṛuḥem s leɛqel. Go slow. So you went with one mind (to see what was wrong). رأيت شخصا يقبّل توم. I saw somebody kiss Tom. I saw someone kissing Tom. ألّفت أغنية عما حدث هنا السنة الماضية. I wrote a song about what happened here last year. I sang a song about what happened here last year. Sarameɣ yiwen ur kem-in-iḍfiṛ. I hope no one followed you. I saw no one saying a word to him. Ilaq ad yeqqim Tom, ur yesɛi ara lxetyaṛ-nniḍen. Tom has no choice but to stay. Thomas must have one, and not the linen cloths. האם אתה יכול להאשים אותי? Can you blame me? Can you blame me? تدفأت علي النار . She warmed herself by the fire. I've been set on fire. صحيح! Right! Right! من الصعب إقناع جوناثن. It's hard to persuade Jonathan. It's hard to convince Jonathan. "אני אוהבת אותך מאד," היא הודתה. "I care very deeply for you," she confessed. "I love you very much," she confessed. تقدر تديرها. You can do it. You can run it. Ahat yella kra i yessen Tom. Maybe Tom knows something. For I suppose I would have known you through Thomas. أنت منزعج. You're upset. You're upset. لا اتكلم عربي. I don't speak Arabic. I don't speak Arabic. أحبت شابا أصغر منها سنا. She fell in love with a younger man. I loved a younger boy than she was. Ddmemt wigi. Take these. I think so. אני עומד ללמוד. I am going to study. I'm about to learn. لم لم تنتقل بعد؟ Why aren't you moving yet? Why haven't you moved yet? אני מתגלח. I'm shaving. I'm shaving. לא ראינו דבר. We saw nothing. We didn't see anything. أدعمه. I'm behind him. I support him. לאחותי יש עבודה. My sister has a job. My sister has a job. Yella win i d-isawalen. Someone's calling. And there was one called. Nella neqqaṛ. We were reading. We can speak. أُدعى جاك. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. كانت ليلى شرطيّة ذات خبرة. Layla was a veteran cop. Lila was an experienced cop. Ur teẓriḍ ara ad tizmireḍ ad tefruḍ ugur-a iman-im? Don't you think you'll be able to solve the problem by yourself? Or don't you know that you can decide for yourself? הוא לקח כמה גרמים של זהב והניח אותו על המאזניים. He took several grams of gold and placed it on the scale. He took some grams of gold and put it on his scales. أسرع و ستلحق بالقطار. Hurry, and you will catch the train. Faster and you'll catch the train. דיג, ציד, מסעות טיולים וסקי הם פופולרים. Fishing, hunting, hiking and skiing are popular. Fish, hunting, trip trips and ski are popular. Ur ḥṣiɣ ara ḥemleɣ-k (kem, ken, kent). I don't think I like it. I don't care that I love you. إنّها مفاجأة. It's a surprise. It's a surprise. Ad mmteɣ fell-ak. I'm dying for you. I swear by you. Zhant. They are very cheerful. Zhant. Imawlan-ik mazal dderen? Are your parents still alive? What, are you still alive? الكثير من الناس يحلمون بعطلات خيالية . Many people dream about fantasy vacations. Many people dream of fantasy. כמעט 80% של הארץ היא הרים. Nearly 80 percent of the land is mountains. Almost 80% of the land is mountains. لا أستطيع تذكر اسمه الآن. I can't think of his name just now. I can't remember his name now. Ewwet-iyi-d. Beats me. Leave me alone. אחרי סקי, אני חש תיאבון בריא. After skiing, I find that I have a voracious appetite. After Sky, I feel a healthy appetite. ما رأيها في ما توصل إليه المؤتمر من نتائج؟ What does she think about the conference results? How do she feel about the results of the Conference? أوميد بهائي. Omid is Bahá'í. Oh, my God. Wa, kennemti. Hey, you. Who, I guess. اصابه توم ليست خطيره Tom's injury isn't serious. Tom got it. Tom's not dangerous. أزعجني بكاء الطفل. I was bothered by the baby's crying. I'm worried about the baby crying. אורח החיים שלהם שונה משלנו. Their lifestyle is different from ours. Their lifestyle is different from ours. טום מוכן לקבל אותי עכשיו? Does Tom want to see me now? Is Tom ready to get me now? عكس المدرّس عيناه. The teacher squinted his eyes. The teacher reverses his eyes. Ǧǧemt iɣersiwen ad ffɣen seg leḥbus-nsen. Let the animals out of their cages. Stand fast in the sepulchre, and let them go out of their prison. אני חייב לרוץ. להת'! I should go now. Bye! I gotta run. Tufiḍ tibṛatin-inem? Did you find your letters? Do you write letters? سأقتل هذه العادة أو أموت محاولا. I will kill this habit or die trying. I'm gonna kill this habit or die trying. שום סטודנט אינו רשאי להכנס לחדר. No student is allowed to enter the room. No student is allowed into the room. لا بدّ من أنّ سامي سمع شيئا. Sami must have heard something. Sammy must've heard something. Tetḥeqqemt belli tramt ad tṛuḥemt mebla ma tennamt-d ar tufat? Are you sure you want to leave without saying goodbye? Do you think that you want to go away without saying anything as long as you've spoken? Ẓriɣ menhu-t. I know who he is. âTMa me âTMa âTMa âTMa âTMa âTMa â אני רוצה שבני יהיה מהנדס מכונות. I want my son to become a mechanical engineer. I want my son to be a machine engineer. تخرّج فاضل من الثّانوية في القاهرة. Fadil graduated from high school in Cairo. Get out of subterraneanism in Cairo. ولما كنت صبيا قضيت عدة سنوات في إندونيسيا واستمعت إلى الآذان ساعات الفجر والمغرب As a boy, I spent several years in Indonesia and heard the call of the azaan at the break of dawn and the fall of dusk. And since I was a kid, I spent several years in Indonesia and listened to the morning hours and Morocco. הוא היה מרוצה מהמכונית החדשה שלו. He was satisfied with his new car. He was happy with his new car. Yefṛeḥ Ken. Ken is happy. Ken is happy. השוק רווי לחלוטין. The market is completely saturated. The market is totally ravitous. Acuɣer i tṛuḥeḍ ɣer din? What did you go there for? Why did you go there? Nekk d Tom mačči aṭas aya segmi nemyussan. Tom and I haven't known each other long. I was not a long time ago, I and Tom. היא עסוקה בהכנה למבחן. She is busy preparing for an examination. She's busy preparing for the test. Kker ! Stand up. - No, I don't! תום רחץ את ידיו ואת פניו. Tom washed his hands and face. Tom washed his hands and his face. Deg uxxam i tellamt? Are you home? When you were at work? ليلى مدرّسة في روضة. Layla is a kindergarten teacher. Lila's a teacher in Rhoda. متى تلعب التنس؟ When do you play tennis? When do you play tennis? אחרי הסערה הים נרגע. After the storm, the ocean was calm. After the storm, it calmed down. توم تعجبه السمراوات. Tom likes brunettes. Tom likes the spiders. Tella tin i yellan deg uxxam. Somebody was in the house. You have now been in the innermost parts of the earth. Akka a mmi, ayen-nniḍen d ayen yuran. This is my son, everything else is destiny. Even so, my son, was that which was written concerning him. שם אהובתי לורי. My girlfriend is named Laurie. That's my favorite name, Lori. Eččet iẓẓan - D imelyunen n yizan i ten-itetten. Eat shit — millions of flies cannot be wrong. Eat therefore the green grass, and ye shall give them fruit. لقد أحببني المدرّس. The teacher liked me. The teacher loved me. Tom yesqerdec aya d Mary. Tom discussed that with Mary. Thomas destroyed this time with Mary. Ur sεiɣ ula yiwen ubrid-nniḍen. I don't have any other choice. I had no one's way to heal him. תום ומרי שרו את השיר שזה עתה כתבו. Tom and Mary sang the song they had just written. Tom and Mary sang the song that they just wrote. Ḥemmleɣ ad waliɣ isura western. I like to watch westerns. I love to marry an outsider. קח את הדברים שלך. Grab your stuff. Take your stuff. Ili-kent d tibɣasin. Be brave. I-kent d-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t- لستُ مشغولًا مثل يوشيو. I am not as busy as Yoshio. I'm not as busy as Yoshio. עכשיו יש לי שתי ארוסות. Now I have two fiancées. Now I have two fiancées. انسَ الأمر. Forget it! Forget it. La teskerkisem. You're a lie. You need to check the name. התכנית היתה מלאכת מחשבת של הונאה. The plan was a masterpiece of fraud. The plan was a work of calculation of fraud. اعطيني فرصة! Give me a chance! Give me a chance! Ilaq ad yili walebɛaḍ ara kem-id-iḥebsen. Somebody might stop you. So shall a man be bound unto thee. קניתי עט אך איבדתי אותו. I bought a pen, but I lost it. I bought a pen, but I lost it. البيت كان محترقاً تماماً من جراء النار. The house was completely burnt down by a fire. The house was completely burned by fire. Ttxil-k bɣiɣ adlis-a. I want that book, please. What's the matter with you? I want to see you. اشترى سامي كلبا آخر لليلى. Sami bought Layla another dog. Sammy bought another dog for the night. Ibedd da acḥal. He stood there for a while. He has many things to say. كان سامي يغادر المدرسة. Sami was leaving school. Sammy was leaving school. לא אכפת לי מי עושה את זה. I don't care who does that. I don't care who's doing this. X'inhi din? What is that? What is it? توم هو أبي Tom is my dad. Tom, he's my dad. دعى سامي للرّبّ كي يسامحه. Sami asked the Lord to forgive him. He called Sammy to the Lord to forgive him. הרכב הזה הוא שלה. That car is hers. This car is hers. המדינאי סולק ממשרתו. The politician was removed from office. The statesman is dismissed from his service. תוכל להזמין את מי שאתה רוצה. You may invite whoever you like. You can invite whoever you want. אתה רוצה שאבוא איתך? Do you want me to go with you? You want me to come with you? אנו לא מרוצים. We're not satisfied. We're not happy. Ḥbes ambiwel! Stop moving! Innocent prison! أريد أن أتعلم السباحة. I want to learn to swim. I want to learn swimming. ربّما ستتعلّم درسا من ذلك. Maybe you'll learn a lesson from this. Maybe you'll learn a lesson from that. أنتَ لا يمكنك تحدث الإنجليزية, هل يمكنك؟ You can't speak English, can you? You can't speak English, can you? מסרי את שלושת גליונות הנייר יחד. Hand in the three sheets of paper together. Give the three sheets of paper together. لفّ سامي حبلا حول عنق ليلى و خنقها حتّى الموت. Sami put a cord around Layla's neck and strangled her to death. Sammy was pregnant about the neck of the night and suffocated it until death. Ayɣer i la tettrumt? Why are you crying? Why are you judged? אף פעם לא דגתי עם תום. I've never been fishing with Tom. I've never fished with Tom. תום מציע את ביתו למכירה. Tom is putting his house up for sale. Tom offers his house for sale. كان ذلك صعب التصديق. That was hard to believe. That was hard to believe. حتّى سامي كان مستاءا. Sami was upset, too. Even Sammy was upset. למכונית זו מנוע ענק. This car has a huge engine. To the car it's a huge engine. התחלתי לקלל. I started swearing. I started to curse. لا تخف من أي شيء Fear nothing. Don't be afraid of anything. Yella d acu i zemreɣ ad t-xedmeɣ i wakken ad tent-ɛiwneɣ? Can I do anything to help them? But what can I do, that am, after what I am weak? אנו לא יכולים לחשוף מידע מסווג. We can't reveal classified information. We can't reveal classified information. לא הייתי מסוגל לגמור את שיעורי הבית בלי עזרת תום. I couldn't have finished my homework without Tom's help. I couldn't finish my homework without the help of Tom. Ɣuṛ-wat ad aɣ-teţţum! Don't forget us! Don't deprive us! Tom yemmurt deg 20 Tubeṛ 2013. Tom passed away on October 20th, 2013. However, your situation will turn out to be worse than that of 20 September 2013. Yella wass ideg turareḍ icahen akked Tom? Have you ever played chess with Tom? Is there a day when you make a feast and a day besides? هل يغذى الرجل القط؟ Does the man feed the cat? Does the cat feed the man? أنصحك بعدم مصاحبة توم. I advise you not to keep company with Tom. I advise you not to have Tom. حنا ماشي كامَل مَن بوسطن. Not all of us are from Boston. Here's a perfect thing from Boston. Beṛka aɛeyyeḍ! Stop yelling! We can't help it! הוא סוכן FBI. He is an FBI agent. He's an FBI agent. לתום לא היה משנה מי עוזר לו, כל עוד היה מישהו כזה. Tom didn't care who helped him, as long as somebody did. Tom wouldn't mind who helped him, as long as there was someone like that. תעזור לי. Help me. Help me. شرب سامي من ذاك الكأس. Sami drank out of that glass. Drink Sammy out of that cup. זה נמוך מאד. It's very low. It's very low. היא טבעית מאוד בהלכותיה. She is extremely natural in her manner. She's very natural in her reign. Tɣelṭeḍ. You are wrong. You are the one who has gone astray. אל תנסה אפילו להכחיש את זה. Don't even try to deny it. Don't even try to deny it. "Werɛad ur d-yeţţaweḍ nnger.", i d-inna Titus Livus. "The end of the world is not for tomorrow", said Livy. "It's not yet far off that destruction has come to us." الطبيب غير موجود الآن للأسف. I'm afraid the doctor is out. The doctor doesn't exist now unfortunately. Ur tezmiremt ara ad tnehṛemt. You can't drive. You can't make fun of him. كانت ليلى تقدّم دروسا في مدرسة الأحد. Layla taught Sunday school classes. Lily was doing Sunday school. سألتني كم عمري. She asked me how old I was. You asked me how old I am. علينا توضيح السبب فحسب. We just have to explain why. We just need to explain why. Yexsef Tom. Tom fainted. Hexef Tom. Iban-iyi-d Tom amzun yerra tamawt ɣer ɣur-i. Tom seems interested in me. He showed me Thomas set over me. بعد أن صفعت ليلى، انتابني شعور فظيع. After I slapped Layla, I felt terrible. After I hit Lily, I felt terrible. לא יכולתי לעצור. I couldn't stop. I couldn't stop. Teččefčfem ma tkemmlem axeddim deg umkan am wagi. You are crazy if you continue to work in that place. Don't work in such a place, that you don't work. עלינו להפיק את הטוב ביותר מהמשאבים הטבעיים המוגבלים שלנו. We should make the best of the limited natural resources we have. We need to produce the best of our limited natural resources. אני מקווה שיהיה שקט. I hope it will be quiet. I hope it's quiet. إنه ليس هنا ، أليس كذلك؟ He isn't here, is he? He's not here, is he? Sɛu tabɣest! Be brave! mourn, and weep! Aha-san inni y-id. I have a sinus infection. I said it. راني قادَر نخمَّم و نحلَم بلونجلي. I am able to think and dream in English. Rani can dream and dream Blungelli. מקינטוש הוא אחד מסוגי מערכות ההפעלה למחשבים. Macintosh is a type of computer operating system. McKintush is one of the types of computer operating systems. توم ليس في البيت Tom is not home. Tom's not home. Ili-k d win yelhan! Be cool. I tell you, it is good. Ad tellaẓem. You will be hungry. You will eat. תום גנב את ארוחת הצהרים של מרי. Tom stole Mary's lunch. Tom stole Mary's lunch. D acu-tt tfelseft-im? What is your philosophy? What was your reason for the saying, 'You will be condemned?' לפני שהגעתי לגיל שתיית האלכוהול, לא סבלתי מסיבות משפחתיות. Before you reached drinking age, you couldn't stand family parties. Before I reached my drinking age, I didn't suffer for family reasons. انا واحد من طلابك I'm one of your students. I'm one of your students. البارَح كانْ نْهارْ شْبَابْ. It was a beautiful day yesterday. Yesterday was the day of the boys. سامي يكره السّيجارة. Sami hates cigarettes. Sammy hates the cigarette. ניסיון נושא פרי. Experience pays off. Experience is a fruit topic. Tom d aḥeddad n wawal. Tom certainly is an eloquent speaker. But ye are the children of exhortation. Beṛka imeṭṭawen! Stop crying. weeping. Tom d mmi-s n yiwen n uselmad yettwassnen deg Boston. Tom is the son of a famous professor in Boston. And Thomas was the son of one mother in Boston. יש לי שלושה אחים. אחד חי ביפן, והאחרים בחו"ל. I have three brothers. One lives in Japan and the other two live abroad. I have three brothers, one living in Japan, and the others abroad. Annaɣ ! Help! I wish I had done it! Ttḥufuɣ ɣef yiwen. I'm looking for somebody. I had a quarrel on one. استعمل فاضل بطاقة اعتماد ليلى. Fadil used Layla's credit card. Use the credit card for Lily. Rremt-d ma yili wamek. Answer as soon as possible! Back up then, that's how it is. Yella ḥedd i ɣ-d-iṭṭalayen. Somebody is watching us. And they have charge of their hand. האם אני הולך מהר מדי? Am I going too fast? Am I going too fast? היא גרה בחניון קרוואנים She lives in a trailer park. She lives in a trailer parking lot. הם יהיו בסדר. They're going to be OK. They'll be fine. ما زلتُ في الجامعة. I'm still at the university. I'm still at college. لماذا بحق السماء قام بهذا؟ Why on earth did he do that? Why the hell did he do this? واجه سامي ليلى بشأن الحمل. Sami confronted Layla about the pregnancy. Sammy Lily was confronted with pregnancy. הוא נתן לי כסף אבל החזרתי אותו מיד. He gave me money, but I gave it back to him immediately. He gave me money, but I got him back right away. ماذا لو فشِل؟ What if he fails? What if he screws up? D aya kan i tura. That's all she wrote. This is now available to you. האף שלך מדמם. Your nose is bleeding. Your nose is bleeding. היית צריך להזהר יותר בבריאותך. You should have been more careful of your health. You should have been more careful about your health. Ma tebɣiḍ kan amkan yelhan, ulac am tnekra zik. All that you have to do to get a good seat is to leave early. If you desire that which is good, no one takes it away from you. Ɣur-neɣ arma d Tubeṛ akken ad nexdem aya. We have until October to get this done. Yes, I write to you, and I trust in the faith, that we will do it. אלה לא מילים. These aren't words. Those aren't words. תום אומר לי שאתה חכם. Tom tells me you're smart. Tom tells me you're smart. استعمل فاضل ماله لمغازلة ليلى. Fadil used his money to romance Layla. Use the money scrap for Lily's. Ur d-yuɣ, ur yessniz. He did not buy or sell. I have neither power nor spirit. הבוס שלי התפוטר. My boss was forced to resign. My boss got fired. لست مختبئا. I'm not hiding. I'm not hiding. Melmi ara ad tṛuḥem? When will you leave? When will you go out? לא רציתי לבלות עוד זמן לבד. I didn't want to spend any more time alone. I didn't want to spend any more time alone. Txelɛem? Are you scared? Do you drink? נהגתי לחלום עליך. I used to dream about you. I used to dream about you. "Kayak" هي مثال على القَلْبِ المُستوي. "Kayak" is an example of a palindrome. "Kayak" is an example of the level heart. אתה רוצה סוכר בקפה? Do you want sugar in your coffee? You want sugar in coffee? أشم رائحة شيء يحترق يا أمي. I smell something burning, Mother. I smell something burning, Mom. تلك حقيبة جين. This is Jane's bag. That's Jane's bag. אני לא יודע מה מרי מחפשת. I don't know what Mary is looking for. I don't know what Mary's looking for. كانت المرحلة التالية هي الدخول إلى مدرسة للفنون. The next stage was to enter a good arts school. The next stage was to enter an art school. انغمست ليلى في الدّين. Layla immersed herself in religion. Lila's in debt. Ini-t-id abrid-nnayeḍ. Say that again. Tell him your way. أريد أن أقود. I want to drive. I want to drive. Wi k-iɛeṛḍen ɣer tmeɣṛa? Who invited you to the party? Who led you away to the marriage feast? ከተደቅሰኒ ትደልዪ ኢኺ ምሽ`ዶ? You like putting me to sleep don't you? Would you like to sleep with me? ده تقليد. That's an imitation. Dem tradition. إنك تعطي المسألة أكثر من حقها. You are exaggerating the problem. You give the matter more than her right. אינני שונה מכם. I'm no different than you. I'm not different from you. Agaṭu-nwen d aẓidan. Your cake is delicious. Fathers are young. כמה טוב היא מבשלת! How well she cooks! How good she's cooking! הבנת את זה. You got it. You got it. Teṭṭenṭnem ma tkemmlem axeddim deg umkan am wagi. You are crazy if you continue to work in that place. It's a gift you don't work in such a place. Ṛeqqeɛ taxxamt-im! Put your room in order. You're taxing! ذهب الأستاذ إتو إلى الولايات المتحدة ليدرس اللسانيات. Professor Ito went to the United States for the purpose of studying linguistics. Professor Etu went to the United States to study languages. كانت ليلى تعمل في ناد للتّعرّي. Layla worked at a strip joint. Lily was working at an interview club. סלחנו לתום. We forgave Tom. We've forgiven Tom. Tṛuḥeḍ ɣer Boston yakan? Have you been to Boston before? Wilt thou come to Boston already? האם קראת את המאמר הזה? Have you read this article? Have you read this article? פה יש תמיד מה לעשות. There's always something to do here. There's always something to do here. Cukkeɣ Tom yefud. I think Tom must be thirsty. I'm sick. I'm dying. في ولاية كاليفورنيا، عليك دراسة تربية الأطفال الصّغار كي تعمل في روضة. In California, you have to study early childhood education to work at a daycare. In California, you have to study the upbringing of young children to work in a clinic. أعرفه. I know him. I know him. אמי שמה מצעים נקיים על מיטתי. My mother put clean linen on my bed. My mom's got clean clothes on my bed. Izmer lḥal tejreḥ-d kra n yiwet nnayeḍ. Somebody else might get hurt. For there would be a better burden than this, and it would have been better. Ẓeṛ kan takeṛṛust-iw tamaynut. Look at my new car. Therefore my flesh is evil, and my bones are evil. Ḥedd ur yelli zdaxel. Nobody's been inside. Hep, and it is not in him. חזרו. Come back. Come back. بتتكلمي انجليزي؟ Do you speak English? Speaking English? Ɛeddi-d ayweq i m-iɛǧeb. Come anytime. For there was a hole in my door. أظنه جيدًا أن الكتب ما تزال موجودة، لكنها تجعلني نعسانًا. I think it is good that books still exist, but they do make me sleepy. I think it's good that the books are still there, but they make me sick. أذكر أني أغلقت الباب. I remember locking the door. I remember closing the door. היא חובשת כובע מדהים. She's wearing a cool hat. She's wearing an amazing hat. אני מודה בטעות. I admit my mistake. I admit to it by mistake. ما ثمن هذه القبّعة؟ What is the price of this cap? What's the price for this hat? علينا أن نخلي العيادة. We have to evacuate the clinic. We need to get rid of the clinic. Sarameɣ yiwen ur kent-id-iwala tusamt-d ar da. I hope no one saw you coming in here. And I saw no man after this manner: for they had seen him, and had seen him any thing. Fil-bidu Alla ħalaq is-sema u l-art. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. God created heaven and earth at the beginning. Ḥereɣ melmi ara ad iliɣ deg tameɣṛa-nwen n Halloween. I'm looking forward to your Halloween party. And I trust that I shall abide still in you, when I am tabernacle. كان مدرّسا لطيفا. He was a cool teacher. He was a nice teacher. אחזור בשעה שש וחצי. I will be back at half past six. I'll be back at 6:30. Tura kan i nekfa učči. We've just finished eating. Now is the kingdom of heaven. But I will eat of the flesh. תום עובד פה. Tom works here. Tom's working here. شكرا جزيلا على دعوتك لي. Thank you so much for inviting me. Thank you very much for inviting me. אני מיומן בשתי ידי באותה מידה. I'm ambidextrous. I'm as skilled as both hands. איך את יודעת את כל זה? How do you know all that? How do you know all this? גם תום וגם מרי עברו את השלושים. Both Tom and Mary are over thirty. Tom and Mary both went through the 30s. أنا نضج كفايةً لأتّخذ قراراتي الخاصّة. I'm old enough to make my own decisions. I'm old enough to make my own decisions. אני יכולה לנוח. I can rest. I can rest. כל שעליך לעשות הוא לנצל את ההזדמנות הנדירה הזאת. All you have to do is take advantage of this rare opportunity. All you have to do is take advantage of this rare opportunity. Metta a-xsen ? What do they want ? When is a X-ray ? Ma mmekteɣ-d akken iwata, amulli n Tom d 20 Tubeṛ. If I remember correctly, Tom's birthday is October 20th. For if I finish my course fully, then after that I am come, I shall receive the measure of measure of mine. תום ישן בחדר הסמוך. Tom is sleeping in the next room. Tom's asleep in the next room. في الثانية والعشرين من عمري . وقعت في حب رئيسي At the age of 22, I fell in love with my boss. At the age of twenty-two, I fell in love with my head. إنه سهل جدا. It's as easy as pie. It's very easy. لم تبكي؟ Then why are you crying? Why didn't you cry? Ur tecfiḍ ara dacu yexdem Tom i Mary? Don't you remember what Tom did to Mary? Don't you consider what Thomas did to Mary? רוב המתכנתים שונאים את שלב הדיבוג. הרבה יותר מהנה ליצור באגים מאשר לתקן אותם. Most developers hate debugging; it's more fun to create bugs than to correct them. Most programmers hate the detonator, much more fun to make bugs than to fix them. איזו מהמכוניות היא של אביך? Which car's your dad's? Which car is your father's? איש לא חשד בתום. No one suspected Tom. No one suspected an end. טום לא יודע מה ההבדל בין אסטרונומיה לאסטרולוגיה. Tom doesn't know the difference between astronomy and astrology. Tom doesn't know what's the difference between Astronomy and Astrology. كان سامي يدرّس العربيّة في مدرسة مسيحيّة. Sami taught Arabic at a Christian school. Sammy was teaching Arabic in a Christian school. هل لي بركوب الدرّاجة؟ May I ride a bicycle? Can I get a ride? Baba-s werǧin yeffiɣ ar tmura-nniḍen. His father has never been abroad. And his father was healed in their region. אתם נראים יפיפיים הלילה. You look beautiful tonight. You look beautiful tonight. ليست هذه شمعة بيضاء. This candle is not white. It's not a white candle. وضع سامي كلّ هذا خلفه. Sami put all that behind him. Put Sammy all this behind him. אני מבשל כמעט כל יום. I cook almost every day. I cook almost every day. هذه التفاحة حمراء جداً. This apple is very red. This apple is very red. هل تؤمن بالمسيحية؟ Do you believe in Christianity? Do you believe in Christ? Nadi ɣef wayeḍ. Find somebody else. "Go ye therefore, and preach again; Ur nezmir ara ad nkemmel ma ulac Tom. We can't continue without Tom. And we will not continue, neither will we be hot. אני יודע מה לעשות. I'll know what to do. I know what to do. Ur d-yuɣal ara Tom. Tom didn't come back. Not Tom. نسي سامي نظّاراته في غرفة الفندق. Sami left his glasses in the hotel room. Sammy forgot his glasses in the hotel room. Tom ur yecfi ara ɣef Mary. Tom doesn't remember Mary. But he was not ashamed of Mary. لقد بقى سامي حيّا بالكميّة الضّئيلة من الطّعام و الماء الّتي قدّمها إيّاه مختطفيه. Sami survived on what little food and water his abductors gave him. Sammy's been alive with the small amount of food and water that his kidnappers gave him. يستطيع طفلنا أن يسير. Our baby can walk. Our child can walk. لا تأتي هنا أبداً مرة أخرى! Don't you ever come here again! Never come here again! Awḍet ugar. Aim higher. Go home. Ttxil-k err-d. Please respond. Txil-k err-d. Yiwen ur k-yegzi. Nobody gets you. There is no one who ridicules you. לוח השנה היוליאני היה בתוקף ברוסיה. The Julian calendar was in force in Russia. The Yolian calendar was under attack in Russia. مكانك في هذه العيادة. Your place is in this clinic. Your place is in this clinic. Acḥal d wid ikeččmen sbiṭar akken ad dawin u ad d-ffɣen syin d lǧettat kan! There are so many who go to the hospital for treatment and come out of it a dead body! For many will come out of the water, and out of the cloud, and out of the mouth, and out of the mouth, and out of the mouth, and out of the mouth, and out of the mouth, and out of the mouth: تتحدث مثل أمك. You speak like your mother. You talk like your mother. Ur sɛiɣ ara idrimen deg leǧwab-iw. I don't have any money in my pockets. I have no money in my account. Argaz-nni yeţţuɣeddeṛen s teqseḥ yemmut mi yewweḍ ar sbiṭar. The severely injured man was dead on arrival at the hospital. And it came to pass, that, as soon as he was dead, he withered and died. كان سامي يرسل المال لأهله. Sami sent money home. Sammy was sending the money to his parents. هل أنت قادم على السادسة أم على السّابعة؟ Are you coming at six or at seven? Are you coming on six or seven? היא שלקה את הביצים. She boiled the eggs. She's got the balls. הוא ניסה להרשים אותה. He tried to impress her. He tried to impress her. Selleɣ i ḥedd yettmeslay. I hear somebody talking. I was able to speak. עזבתי סביבות 14:30. I left around 2:30. I left 1430 environments. Tom yebda axeddim dagi deg 20 Tubeṛ. Tom started working here on October 20th. But you began to work here at 20 o'clock. أنهيت قراءة الكتاب للتو. I just finished reading the book. I just finished reading the book. טום יפגע בך. Tom is going to hurt you. Tom's gonna hurt you. שרדת את כל מה שאירע לך עד כה. You have survived everything that has happened to you so far. You've survived everything that's happened to you so far. האם תוכל לתת לי קצת מים בבקשה? Can I please have some water? Can you give me some water, please? לא אמרת להם מה כתבת במאמר ההוא. You didn't tell them what you wrote in that article. You didn't tell them what you wrote in that article. هو أكل التفاحة. He ate the apple. He ate the apple. عليك عدم الخوف. You need not have such fear. You don't have to be afraid. בני אדם הם בעלי החיים היחידים שמסמיקים. או שצריכים להסמיק. Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to. Humans are the only animals that are reptiles, or that need to be done. על טום עבר שבוע קשה. Tom has had a bad week. It's been a hard week on Tom. בחגים הלאומיים אנחנו מניפים את הדגלים. We put up the flags on national holidays. On national holidays, we're waving the flags. من الممكن أن تثلج غداً. Perhaps it will snow tomorrow. You could snow tomorrow. تمّ احتجاز ليلى من أجل تلقّيها للعلاج. Layla was locked up for treatment. Lila's been detained for treatment. قال سامي شيئا. Sami said something. Sammy said something. Australi d yiwen ger tmura kan i yeẓriɣ ilindi Australia is just one of the countries I visited last year. Australia and one place after another, I only know the dwellings. هذا القرار نهائي. This decision is final. This decision is final. Ini-d amek zemreɣ ad k-id-fkeɣ tallalt. Tell me how can I help you. I have power to give you a gift. הייתי אומר כן. I would have said yes. I'd say yes. לא ידעתי מה להגיד לו. I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't know what to tell him. Bninet. Delicious. Building. נהגתי לעבוד משרה שלמה במסעדה. I used to work full time in a restaurant. I used to work full-time at the restaurant. Tom yemmeslay-aɣ-d aṭas fell-ak. Tom has told us so much about you. For he had many words against us. Ddeqs n tikkal i k-yettaqraḥ uqerru? How often do you have headaches? Have you ever committed murder? תום היחידי שמבין את זה. Tom is the only one who understands this. Tom's the only one who understands that. Skaddbeɣ mi d-nniɣ ur ḥmileɣ ara Tom. I lied when I said I didn't like Tom. "I said, 'I didn't remember Tom.' הוא נפצע ברגלו השמאלית בתאונה. He was injured in his left leg in the accident. He was injured on his left leg in an accident. لا تنس مطرّيتك. Don't forget your umbrella. Don't forget your rain. eng I stayed there for three days. I stayed there for three days. eng I stood up for it. سامي يحبّكنّ. Sami likes you. Sammy loves you. ממתי אכפת לך מה קורה? Since when do you care about what happens? Since when do you care what's going on? آمل أن تمطر غداً. I hope that it rains tomorrow. I hope you rain tomorrow. טום לא השאיר מקום למקריות. Tom left nothing to chance. Tom didn't leave a place to happen. Ittu Tom amulli-inu. Tom forgot my birthday. Tom amuli-unu. Tessnemt Mary uqbel ad tekcem deg terbeɛt? Did you know Mary before she joined the team? Did you know, before he came into the world? Sawel-as di leɛnaya-k. Please call him. I pray thee that thou wouldest. Tom yetaxeṛ-d seg imir-n. Tom has since retired. Now the mouth came out of his mouth. يجب أن تهدف التربية إلى إنماء شخصية الإنسان وإلى تعزيز احترام الإنسان والحريات الأساسية وتنمية التفاهم والتسامح والصداقة بين جميع الشعوب والجماعات العنصرية أو الدينية، وإلى زيادة مجهود الأمم المتحدة لحفظ السلام. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. Education must aim to develop human personality, promote respect for human beings and fundamental freedoms, develop understanding, tolerance and friendship among all peoples and racial or religious groups, and increase United Nations peacekeeping efforts. הקרבתי הרבה כדי להגיע לכאן. I've made a lot of sacrifices to get here. I sacrificed a lot to get here. نحن ضد الحرب. We are against war. We're against the war. Sarameɣ yiwen ur ken-id-iwala txeddmem-t. I hope no one saw you doing that. I saw no one watching you, and do it. אפשר להצטרף אליך לשולחן? May I share this table with you? Can I join you at the table? אבא שלי קם מוקדם. My father gets up early. My dad got up early. توم صديقي. Tom is my friend. Tom's my friend. בוודאי שמתישהו אסע לצרפת, רק שאינני יודע מתי. Of course I will go to France sometime, it's just that I don't know when. Of course I'm going to France, only I don't know when. يعاني من البرد He is suffering from a cold. It's cold. Ilaq-awen ad teččem tura. You should eat now. You must marry now. توم يحادث ماري على الهاتف. Tom is on the phone with Mary. Tom's talking to Mary on the phone. בואו נלך עם זה עד הסוף. Let's go the whole hog. Let's go with it to the end. D acu i tebɣam ihi? What cheese do you want? What then? أمّ سامي مسيحيّة جيّدة. Sami's mom is a good Christian. Sammy's mother is a good Christian. لا خابَ من استشارَ. Four eyes see more than two. No question of consulting. سامي يقرأ كتبا طبّية. Sami reads medical books. Sammy's reading medical books. אין למה לחכות. There's no point in waiting. There's nothing to wait for. أمطرت مطراً خفيفاً البارحة. There was a light rain yesterday. It rained light last night. טום הוא אדם ממוצע. Tom is average. Tom's an average man. תום נפצע בטיפוס הרים. Tom injured himself mountain climbing. Tom was injured in a mountain type. Is-Sena t-Tajba! Happy New Year! The Good Year! Ur yeɣɣar ara aẓawan. He's not studying music. "I will not be hungry. هل أنت المساعد الجديد؟ Are you the new assistant? Are you the new assistant? התכנית שלך נשמעת נהדר. Your plan sounds great. Your plan sounds great. Ur tezmireḍ ara ad tkecmeḍ s wayen. You can't go in with this. Thou canst not walk in all things. הדגדגן הוא האיבר הרגיש ביותר אצל האישה. The clitoris is the most sensitive organ of a woman. The dragon is the most sensitive part of the woman's body. هو تركَ توم يذهب. He let Tom go. He let Tom go. محاولته باءت بالفشل. His attempt ended in failure. His attempt failed. Ulac aɣbel! No worries! Nowhere! Ur ilaq ara ad teqqimeḍ da. You must not stay here. But don't stay with you. אם תעשה זאת, תהיה ללעג ולקלס. If you do that, you're going to subject yourself to ridicule. If you do, you'll have to mock and knock. سُرق مدّس سامي منه. Sami's gun was stolen from him. Sammy's been stolen from him. לתום טעם יקר. Tom has expensive tastes. Tom's a precious taste. هذه الجملة تصف بالتحديد مشاعر الكاتب. This sentence states exactly how the writer feels. This sentence specifically describes the author's feelings. من ينام هنا؟ Who's sleeping here? Who sleeps here? راني فرحان كي درت هاذ الشي على جالي. I'm happy that you did that for me. Rannie Farhan, that's what you've been doing on Gali. أيٌّ قلمك؟ Which is your pen? What's your heart? هذا يجعله جدير بالاهتمام . It makes it worthwhile. That makes him interesting. איפה יש יציאת חירום? Where is the emergency exit? Where's an emergency exit? Ili-kent d tuḥdiqin. Be courteous. I was naked. اشتريتُ سيارةً جديدةً. I bought a new car. I bought a new car. لم يصدقني أحد في البداية No one believed me at first. Nobody believed me at first. هيئتُ النظام بحيث لا يستطيع إلا الجذر الوصول إلى الشاشة الإدارية. I made it so only root could access the administrative screen. I raised the system so that the root could only reach the administrative screen. Yebda Tom imeṭṭawen. Tom started crying. There's Tom weeping. تغيّرت حياتي بشكل هام. My life has changed quite a lot. I've changed my life significantly. Uɣaleɣ-d seg Boston deg 20 Tubeṛ. I returned from Boston on October 20th. I came from Boston on 20 September. ألقوا أسلحتكم! Drop your weapons! Drop your weapons! لقد اختفى فاضل. Fadil is missing. He's gone. זה לחלוטין לא הגיוני. It's completely irrational. It doesn't make any sense. من الأفضل أن أسئلها. I had better ask her. I'd better ask her. Yekkes Tom tadimt s lemḥadra. Tom lifted the lid carefully. Tom was removed for a long time. مع انني كنت جالساً تحت الشمس، ولكن كنت أشعر بالبرد. Even though I was sitting in the sun, I still felt chilly. Although I was sitting under the sun, but I was feeling cold. እንታይ ትኽእል ዶ? What are you looking for? What Can You Do? היא היתה אדם זהב. She was a real gem of a person. She was a man of gold. قام بالعمل كما طُلب. He accomplished the work as planned. He did as requested. תום ציחקק בקול רם. Tom giggled loudly. Tom's squeezing out loud. Tom yexdeɛ Mary. Tom fooled Mary. Let's get out of the way. Tettarumt s tefṛansist? Do you write in French? Tetrarumt s tvraransist? Ttḥeṛkileɣ ad ffɣeɣ i mi d-iṣuni tilifun. I was about to go out when the phone rang. I was filled with anger, and with anger came; and when they were eaten, I was filled with anger. הגם שהוא היה חלש כשהיה תינוק, עכשיו הוא חזק מאוד. Whereas he was weak as a baby, he is now very strong. Even if he was weak when he was a baby, now he's very strong. Tom yeǧǧa-ten. Tom abandoned them. Thomas became the father of them. Tella tin i yemmuten. Somebody has died. You were about to die. היא בישלה לו ארוחות. She cooked him meals. She cooked him meals. Teččiḍ akken iqwem? Are you eating right? And when ye did eat, are ye sure? Ssarameɣ ur d-uriɣ ara timmuṛṣaḍ. I hope I did not write nonsense. Now the things which I write, I don't write with ink. לא היה יותר מאשר אבק של שלג. There was no more than a dusting of snow. There was nothing more than snow dust. היום יום ראשון. Today is Sunday. Today's Sunday. رجاء، ارفع صوتك. Speak louder, please. Please raise your voice. Wwin abrid-nsen ar yeɣrem They made their way toward the town. They have cast out their ways to spread abroad in the country. Suref-iyi... Sorry... Siref-me... אל תרשה לאיש להיכנס או להתקרב לחדר הזה. Don't let anyone enter or approach this room. Don't let anyone in or near this room. يركض توم بسرعة كبيرة. Tom runs very fast. Tom's running so fast. Sami yella ittmeslay d yemma-s. Sami was speaking to his mother. And Simeon spake unto his mother and his mother. אני צריך להיות בבוסטון ביום שני. I have to be in Boston by Monday. I should be in Boston on Monday. איזה קול עושות ג'ירפות? What noise do giraffes make? What voice do we have to make? البحيرة بعيدة جداً عن هنا. The lake is a long way from here. The lake is too far away from here. Anida ara tiliḍ deg 20 Tubeṛ? Where will you be on October 20th? Where would you be in 20tubes? هل يجب أن يكون الزواج المثلي قانونيا؟ Should gay marriage be legal? Should Gay Marriage Be Legal? غسل توم وجهه وكلتا يديه. Tom washed his face and hands. Tom washed his face and both his hands. لا أدعي فهم النساء. I don't pretend to understand women. I don't claim to understand women. יש אפשרות שלא נצטרך לסגור את המפעל. There is a possibility that we won't have to shut down the factory. There's a possibility we don't have to close the plant. لم أنت بمفردك؟ Why are you alone? Why are you alone? הייתי כותב מכתב ארוך יותר לו רק היה לי יותר פנאי. I would have written a longer letter if I'd had more time. I'd write a longer letter if only I had more convenient. נולדתי בישראל בשנת 2002. I was born in Israel in 2002. I was born in Israel in 2002. Rriɣ Tom ar uxxam-is deg Boston. I sent Tom home to Boston. I saw Tom sitting in Boston. Kemm d tahungarit? Are you Hungarian? How many times? ג'ון שלח לי מכתב כתוב בגרמנית. John sent me a letter written in German. John sent me a letter in German. מצאתי את הספר מעניין. I found the book interesting. I found the book interesting. התפוח הזה רקוב. This apple is bad. This apple is rotten. لم أعرف كيف أجيب على سؤاله. I didn't know how to answer his question. I didn't know how to answer his question. המשבר עדיין לא חלף. We're not out of the woods yet. The crisis hasn't passed yet. תיזהר! הסכין חד מאוד. Careful! The knife is very sharp. The knife is very sharp. הצטרכתי מנוחה. I needed rest. I needed rest. كان لدى سامي مشكل إدمان على الكحول. Sami had a problem with alcohol. Sammy had a problem with alcohol addiction. היא שיחקה כדורסל. She played basketball. She played basketball. Kenwi d ikanadiyen? Are you Canadian? Who are they? חלזונות זזים לאט. Snails move slowly. Squads move slowly. Sfuḥemt aya. Smell this. Soft verse. אמא מבקרת אצל רופא השיניים כל יום לסירוגין לתקן את השיניים שלה. My mother visits the dentist's every other day to get her teeth fixed. Mom visits the dentist every day to get her teeth fixed. حاول توم أن يقتلني. Tom tried to kill me. Tom tried to kill me. תום לא ידע שמרי אוהבת אותו. Tom didn't know that Mary loved him. Tom didn't know Mary loved him. משנה רק הפרויקט שלך. Only your project matters. It only matters your project. Tom yella deg Boston seg Tubeṛ yezrin. Tom has been in Boston since last October. And Thomas was in Boston, which was of the closet. תום יצר קשר עם מרי. Tom became involved with Mary. Tom contacted Mary. أنا أيضاً لا يعجبني ذلك. I don't like it, either. I don't like that either. Ssarameɣ tekcem-it tegdi Tom. I hope Tom is scared. I hope to raise Tom up. Mazal lxir ɣer sdat. The future will only be good. They're full of fun. אם אין לך נטיה למוזיקה מודרנית לא תהני מהקונצרט הזה. If you have no liking for modern music, you will not enjoy this concert. If you don't have a tendency to modern music, you won't enjoy this concert. Kifkif i nettxemmim nekk d Tom. Tom and I think alike. How many times do you call me and Tom? איפה הם עכשיו? Where are they now? Where are they now? זה קרה פה. It happened here. It happened here. Ur tettu ara idrimen-ik. Don't forget your money. Don't pay back your money. Ḥusseɣ-as feṛḥeɣ. I feel happy. I am greatly pleased with him. המקום הזה דוחה לחלוטין. This place is downright creepy. This place is totally disgusting. دونالد ترامب كذاب مرضي. Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Donald Trump is a sick liar. سامي بحاجة لليلى. Sami needs Layla. Sammy needs a night. كان سامي يرتدي نظّارات. Sami wore glasses. Sammy was wearing glasses. اشتريته بالأمس. I bought this yesterday. I bought it yesterday. Ini-yi-d daɣen anwa ara ɣ-iɛiwnen. Tell me again who will be helping us. And therefore say they to me, Who will help us? הדלות זרה לטבע. Poverty is alien to her nature. The deltas are foreign to nature. Ilaq ad yili walebɛaḍ ara ixedmen kra. Somebody had to do something. For every man must work. יש במלון חנות צילום? Is there a photo shop in the hotel? Is there a photo store at the hotel? دع كاميرتي و شأنها. Leave my camera alone. Let my camera go. Ḥemmleɣ učči akuri. I love Korean food. I have been loving to you and to give you food to eat. ماذا حدث لحاسوبي؟ What happened to my computer? What happened to my computer? Amek ara seɣtiɣ tuccḍiwin n tira s teqbaylit di LibreOffice? How can correct mistakes of writing in kabylian in LibreOffice? How shall I untie the books of the books, and write them at the library? Tom iḥemmel s tidet Mary. Tom really loves Mary. Tom likes tott Mary. الألمانية هي لغة جرمانية. German is a Germanic language. German is a German language. ليلى تحبّ القيل و القال. Layla loves gossiping. Lily likes the word and the word. אכלנו יחד ארוחת צהרים. We were eating lunch together. We had lunch together. Yella win i yebɣan ad k-isaged. Somebody wanted to scare you. And he that would have delivered thee up is he. Hatnan Tom d Mary xeddmen aya iman-nsen. Tom and Mary are doing that by themselves. And if Thomas and Mary have done this thing, they have already done it. تاكشي يكتب مذكرة يومية باللغة الإنجليزية. Takeshi keeps a diary in English. Takshi writes a daily memorandum in English. אני יודע שתום רוצה לעשות רושם טוב. I know Tom wants to make a good impression. I know Tom wants to make a good impression. طبعاً! Of course. Of course! مدح سامي ليلى واصفا إيّاه بحبّ حياته. Sami praised Layla as being the love of his life. He praised Sammy Lila and told him that he loved his life. Yiwen ur ittḥessis. Nobody listens. There is no one who hears it. Ɛni tetḥeqqem akka belli da i yella Tom? Are you sure that Tom is here? Do you really believe that he was in Thomas? כל אדם הוא גופה בפוטנציאל. Every man is potentially a corpse. Every man is a body in potential. كان لدى ليلى مرض نفسي غير مشخّص. Layla had an undiagnosed mental illness. Lily had an unbridled mental illness. לא אכפת לי אם תום מאשר או לא. I don't care if Tom approves or not. I don't care if Tom doesn't or doesn't. Ad tizmireḍ ad yid-tɛawneḍ tikkelt-nniḍen? Could I have a second helping? Canst thou help him the same time? لا يُدعى سامي كثيرا للحفلات. Sami is not often invited to parties. Sammy's not much for the parties. دعنا ننقسم. Let's split. Let's split up. كاين بزّاف كلامي ما نفهمهومش. There are many words that I don't understand. Kane, I'm just saying what we understand. Mennad ur yesεi ara idrimen i ureṭṭal. Mennad doesn't have money for rent. He can't spend the money for the money, he doesn't have. Bɣiɣ ad tsekkṛemt tawwurt mi ara teffɣemt. I wish you would shut the door when you go out. I will keep the door when you enter into it. أنا سعيد بحياتي. I'm happy with my life. I'm happy with my life. לא הרגשתי טוב, אבל הלכתי לעבודה. I didn't feel well, but I went to work. I didn't feel good, but I went to work. אני כל כך מרוצה שתום הסתלק. I'm so glad that Tom is gone. I'm so happy that Tom left. האם כיבית את התנור? Did you turn the stove off? Did you turn the oven off? חברי הסנאט גיבשו החלטה. Senators drafted a resolution. Members of the Senate made a decision. Zemreɣ ad d-iniɣ kra n tɣawsa. May I say something? I say therefore, "I am sick." لا تتكلم بصوت عالٍ هنا. Don't talk in a loud voice here. Don't speak loud in here. Acḥal i ak-d-sqament teḥlawatin-nni akk i teččiḍ ddurt iɛeddan. How much did all the candy you ate last week cost? For he had denied thee many things of all those which were already past, and thou didst eat these things. أخبرتنا بأن الطريق مغلق. She told us the road was closed. I told us the road was closed. אני אוהב כדור בסיס. I love baseball. I like baseball. Ṛuḥ maqel-d ma tella kra n yiwet i izemren ad d-tɛawen. Go find somebody who can help. Go thy way; for if there be any among you that can come, let him come again. עזרו לנו. Help us. Help us. Tcennu Julia. Julia sings. You forget Julia. ماراكش سورپري، باينا بلّي كونت علابالك. Seeing that you're not surprised, I think you must have known. Marrakesh Surprie, Bina and Bili were your flags. Tettfuḥu-d yir rriḥa. It smells bad. "You're doing well. האגס הזה ירוק. This pear is green. This ax is green. Ulac akk kra n tsebbiwt s ara nenneḥcam. We have nothing to be ashamed of. There is no man that shall be ashamed. التمس الحذر وأنت تعبر الطريق. Be careful when you cross a road. Look out for caution and you're crossing the road. قامت ليلى بتبليغ زائف. Layla made a false report. Lily's been reporting a lie. תום בהה בהם. Tom glared at them. Tom looked at them. لم يكن هناك أيّ أثر للحياة. There was no sign of life. There was no sign of life. Ɛni thebleḍ? Are you crazy? Are you wrong? איך עברה הבחינה? How did the exam go? How'd it go? Acu yeḍran imir? What happens next? What has happened? לעולם אל תהסס לומר את האמת. Never hesitate to tell the truth. Never hesitate to tell the truth. أنا ذاهب إلى الحديقة I go to the park. I'm going to the park. גשי חזרה לכיסא שלך. Go back to your seat. Go back to your chair. كان ينبغي على سامي أن يتّصل بليلى. Sami should have called Layla. Sammy should have called Billy. لا أوافقك الرأي. I disagree with you. I don't agree with you. الكل يريد أن يجلس بجانبها. Everybody wants to sit beside her. Everyone wants to sit next to her. ציפורים מנקרות בחצר. Birds are pecking at the grounds. Birds called in the yard. لدى ذلك الفريق لاعبون أقوياء البنية. That team has strong players. That team has strong building players. זה שקר. That's a lie. It's a lie. Tzemremt ad tḥebsemt aɛeyyeḍ? Can you stop yelling? Would you rather be honored? إنه مشغول بفعل شيء ما. He is busy doing something. He's busy with something. بكيت لأن الجميع غيري بكى. I just cried because all the others did. I cried because everyone else was crying. תום היה מעוצבן. Tom was irritated. Tom was pissed. لن تتغيّر أبدا يا سامي. You'll never change, Sami. You'll never change, Sammy. Anwa i d-iheḍṛen? Who talked? Who took him away? הבית שלה בעבר השני של הגשר. Her house is on the other side of the bridge. Her house in the other past of the bridge. يقلقني سامي. Sami worries me. Sammy's worried about me. في أي وقت أكلت؟ What time did you eat? What time did you eat? הפופולריות של אתרי אינטרנט תלויה בתכנים שלהם. The popularity of a web site depends on its content. The popularity of Internet sites depends on their programs. אין שום נאום היכול למחוק שנים של חשדנות, וגם לא אוכל בזמן הנתון לענות על כל השאלות המסובכות שהביאו אותנו עד הלום. No single speech can eradicate years of mistrust, nor can I answer in the time that I have all the complex questions that brought us to this point. There is no speech that can eliminate years of suspicion, nor can I be able to answer all the complex questions that have brought us to this day. מה הלבוש האהוב עליך? What's your favorite outfit? What's your favorite suit? أهان سامي ليلى بقصّ شعرها. Sami humiliated Layla by cutting her hair. Sammy Lily's got her hair cut. أخبر توم بأني مشغول. Tell Tom that I'm busy. Tell Tom I'm busy. أنا الآن في الثلاثين من عمري. I'm thirty now. I'm 30 now. אין פה כלום. There's nothing up here. There's nothing here. אני מביעה הזדהות. I sympathize. I'm an I.D. أنا أري الفتاة. I see the girl. I see the girl. האבולוציה היא מתקן גרוטאות, לא מהנדס. Evolution is a tinkerer and not an engineer. Evolution is a junk equipment, not an engineer. Tezhiḍ. You are happy. You're welcome. هذه أختي الصغرى. This is my younger sister. This is my little sister. ኣሜባ ፕሮተዝዋ አዩ። An amoeba is a protozoan. Ameba Proteza saw it. هذه الرسالة موجهة إليك. This letter is addressed to you. This letter is addressed to you. كان فاضل بحاجة ماسة للمال. Fadil needed money bad. He needed a lot of money. Tom yessawel-iyi-d. Tom called me. But Thomas called me. Atenin akk di beṛṛa. Everyone's out. Let all things be done without. קריר לי מאד. I feel very chilly. I'm so cold. ההסבר שלך מניח את הדעת. Your explanation is satisfactory. Your explanation assumes it. Usan-d seg yiwet n temdint. They come from the same town. And there came out a certain city out of a great city. Yella win i d-yusan. Someone came. He is the one who came. הוא ככל הנראה לא יאשר את הצעתך. He probably won't approve your proposal. He's probably not gonna approve your offer. המתנתי לה במשך שעה. I waited for her for one hour. I've been waiting for her for an hour. إنه لا يخاف من الموت. He isn't afraid of death. He's not afraid of death. היא לא גבוהה. She is not tall. She's not high. Yella win i d-iseqṛben ar tewwurt. Somebody knocked on the door. And, behold, there was a man which had the key before him. שמו של תום ישאר ברשימת המועמדים. Tom's name will stay on the ballot. Tom's name will remain on the candidate list. ראיתי עצם בלתי מזוהה. I have seen a UFO. I saw an unidentified bone. לעולם אל תפתח את דלת המכונית בתנועה. Never open the door of a car that is in motion. Never open the car door in traffic. את עלולה לפגוש בתום אם תלכי לספריה. You might meet Tom if you go to the library. You might meet an orphan if you go to the library. الواضح، هو من يقع عليه اللوم. Obviously, he is to blame. Clearly, it's the blame. Awim-d ṭṭezḍam-nwen. Bring your wallet. But be sure to stick to your mind. טום זחל למיטה ממש לפני חצות. Tom crawled into bed just before midnight. Tom crawled into bed right before midnight. Cukkeɣ d akken Tom iḥemmel-iyi s tidet. I think Tom really likes me. I am weak, even as Thomas loveth me. הכורח קורא לי. Duty is calling me. The Forcer calls me. Acḥal d amiɣis, Tom! How clever Tom is! How it is like a lion, and it has gone away! העוגה בתנור עכשיו ותהיה מוכנה עוד עשר דקות. The cake is in the oven now and it should be ready to come out in about ten minutes. The cake's in the oven now and you'll be ready in ten minutes. الناس يحبون التحدث والتحدث والتحدث. People love to talk - talk - talk. People like to talk, talk, talk. ניתן לסמוך עלינו. We're trustworthy. We can be trusted. تعيش جدتي وحدها. My grandmother lives by herself. My grandmother lives alone. Yenwa Tom ulac win i t-id-iwalan. Tom thought that no one saw him. Tom saw him, and went away, and saw him no one. איך אוכל להשיב לך טובה? How can I ever repay you? How can I get you a favor? הם מכבדים אותו. They respect him. They respect him. אני מתמַכּר. I'm addicted. I'm getting bored. תום הצטרך להתפרפר מהשיעור כדי לפגוש אותנו. Tom had to cut the class in order to meet us. Tom had to skip the class to meet us. نزل سامي. Sami went down. Sammy's gone. Ur ttaggad ara ma tecḍeḍ. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Don't be afraid if you wake up. הוא כועס עליך. He is angry with you. He's mad at you. Kečč am winna yebnan axxam s yimegguren akked iqeccaḍen. You are like the one who builds a house with waste boards As for you, the man who built the house with cords and mattocks. Ɣawleɣ. I fasted. I did. Aql-iyi deg uxxam. I am at home. And I am in a secure place. ذهب سامي إلى القسم. Sami went to class. Sammy went to the section. Tettaru akken iqwem. She writes beautifully. It's as warm as it is. D abninan. This tastes good. This is friends. עיתונים אחדים עיוותו את החדשות. Some newspapers distorted the news. Some newspapers distorted the news. Qqim deg beṛṛa. Keep out. Stand outside. Ḍṣiɣ-d. I smiled. I am in danger of it. Ǧaɛfeṛ itcemmit imawlan-is. Jaffer betrays his people. Procrastination brings honor to his parents. הפתעת אותי. You surprised me. You surprised me. D tibbuɣyelt daya kan. This is just stupid. It's written over. أعرف. I know. I know. سمح ليا Excuse me. Leave me alone. ها هو كلبك. Your dog is here. There's your dog. Tettamnemt s ttewḥeyyat? Do you believe in ghosts? Are you sorry? اليوم هو الجمعة. This day is Friday. Today is Friday. Aserdas yugi imenɣi! The soldier refused the fight. Aserdas will not fight! بدأ سامي يفقد وعيه. Sami started losing consciousness. Sammy's starting to lose his senses. אני כל כך שמחה שהם כאן. I'm so glad they're here. I'm so glad they're here. "וידויים" מאת אאוגוסטינוס מספר לנו היסטוריה חסרת זמן של מחקר תבוני המסתיים באדיקות. "Confessions" by St. Augustine tells us the timeless story of an intellectual quest that ends in orthodoxy. "Violences" by Augustinus tells us a timeless history of careful study of mass intelligence. בפעם הקודמת היתה זו לידה טבעית. Last time it was a natural childbirth. Last time it was a natural birth. זה היה הלילה של חיי. It was the best night of my life. It was the night of my life. Tubeṛ mazal-as tlata n wagguren seg tura. October is still three months from now. He was already three months old. أنا لو كنت غنياً, كنت أود أن أعطيكِ مال. If I were rich, I'd give you money. If I were rich, I'd like to give you money. Nesɛa yiwen? Do we have one? Do we have one? Ur zwiṛeɣ ara g uɛummu. I can't swim well. I am not ashamed that I shall not be bound. التقطلي صورة أخرى. Take another picture of me. Take another picture. Mmlet-as-t i Tom. Show it to Tom. Full-as-t Tom. אנא היה עדין. Please be gentle. Please be gentle. Akken yebɣu yili, azeɣnennay-agi i d-yewwin ahat avirus CoVid19, imi ur nebni fell-as, yesɛedda fell-aɣ azaylal. Anyway, the bat that is believed to be the source of the CoVid19 virus will have flabbergasted us, since no one expected it. We wanted to have them destroyed through the Cvid19 virus, because we didn't build a tower for it. كيما تولّي تشبه ل تّصويرا ديالك ف لپاسۆپر، تمّاك تقدر تڥواياژي. When you're beginning to look like the photo in your passport, you should go on a holiday. In order to resemble the image of Dialk in Laspar, you'd appreciate it. نحن نحتفل الليلة. Tonight we celebrate. We're celebrating tonight. Ur issin ara ilugan i d-yenna Tom. Tom said he didn't know the rules. For he didn't know the meaning of the words which Thomas spoke. אשתי אוהבת רומנים רומנטיים. My wife loves romantic novels. My wife likes romantic novels. Nezga nettmeslay gar-aneɣ s tefransist. We often speak to each other in French. We speak to each other in French. فتحت ليلى عينيها. Layla opened her eyes. She opened her eyes. זה לא מצחיק! That's not funny! That's not funny! Azul! Amek i telliḍ? Hi! How are you? What are you doing? Ḥbes ur tqelliq ara. Stop worrying. Be careful. اشتغل في فرنسا طوال حياته. He has worked in France his whole life. I've been working in France for the rest of his life. لن أنساه أبدا. I'll never ever forget him. I'll never forget him. هل مذاق الشوربة جيد؟ Does the soup taste good? Is the soup taste good? Ur yesɛi ara azal. It's not important. It will by no means profit. Fakk-ikent imeṭṭawen! Stop crying. But you did weep! Sarameɣ yiwen ur kent-id-iwala txeddmet-t. I hope nobody saw you doing that. And I saw no man do them any more: but when they saw him, they saw him no more. Anfemt-as ad t-yexdem. Let him do it. And he believed, and would do it. תום הורעל. Tom was poisoned. Tom's been poisoned. سيقام العرس في الربيع القادم. The wedding will take place next spring. The throne will be held next spring. هذا القاموس لا ينفع لشيء. This dictionary isn't useful at all. This mug doesn't work for anything. תום מעדיף קפה בלי סוכר. Tom prefers drinking coffee without sugar. Tom prefers coffee without sugar. Ur d-iqqim uṣeḍṣu, ma huddent tuɣmas. A toothless mouth can't help but smile. He saith, Thou shalt not hurt: but, behold, I have torn his finger. איך פועלים מגנטים? How do magnets work? How do magnetics work? كان عند سامي العديد من الأصدقاء المسلمين. Sami had many Muslim friends. Sammy had many Muslim friends. قد بدأت لتوّي بتعلّم الكوريّة. I have just started to study Korean. I just started to learn Korean. תום לא כתב למרי אף פעם תשובה למכתבה. Tom never wrote Mary back. Tom never wrote Mary an answer to the letter. Tom yezmer ad yili deg Lustṛali seg Tuber. Tom could be in Australia by October. You will therefore stay in Luxembourg. אני חולה ים. I'm seasick. I'm sick at sea. הם מגיעים לכאן בקרוב מהונג קונג. They are arriving here soon from Hong Kong. They're coming here soon from Hong Kong. Mačči akken i yella Tom. Tom is kind of weird. It is not the food of Tom. אחיו היה נהג משאית במשך שלושים שנה. His brother had been a truck driver for thirty years. His brother's been a truck driver for 30 years. انت تعلم اني احبك, اليس كذلك. You know that I'm in love with you, don't you? You know I love you, don't you? Ẓṛiɣ walebɛaḍ yemsalam d Tom. I saw somebody kiss Tom. And he was accused of sedition, and of Thomas. السيارة آتيه من ناحية اليمين. The car comes from the right. The car came right. תום מתרגז בקלות רבה. Tom gets upset very easily. Tom gets so upset. תודה ששמתם לב. Thanks for noticing. Thank you for paying attention. ምን እየፍለግህ ነው? What are you looking for? What are you looking for? Tuɣalem d imexlal? Have you become insane? Are you slammed? خبر عاجل: الناس قبل بضع مئات من السنين لم يتكلموا كما نتكلم الآن. Newsflash: People a couple of hundred years ago didn't speak the same as we do. News of urgency: A few hundred years ago, people did not speak as we do now. תגיע מהר ככל האפשר. Come as fast as you can. You'll be here as soon as you can. הם חופרים בור. They're digging a hole. They dig a hole. אופנועים זולים מאד. Motorcycles are very cheap. Bicycles are very cheap. Nteẓẓu ifsan. We're planting seeds. It grows fresh and fresh green, Ḥader! Be careful. Beware! אני זקוקה לעצה. I need some advice. I need advice. Ur ẓriɣ ara anda yettɣimi Tom. I don't know where Tom is staying. I don't know where Tom lives. הם פקפקו במפקדם. They had some doubts about their commander. They questioned early. אני מכיר את השכונה הזאת. I am familiar with this neighborhood. I know this neighborhood. الجميع يحبونها. Everybody loves her. Everyone likes it. בערך 20% מהמים בערים דרושים להשקיית הדשא. An estimated 20% of the water used by homeowners in cities is used for their grass. About 20% of the water in cities is needed for the drying. Laa. No. No. تسمّى ألمانيا «Deutschland» بالألمانيّة. Germany is called "Deutschland" in German. The German name deutschland is German. لا تنس معاينة الدّواليب. Don't forget to check the tires. Don't forget to look at the dolls. لديك الكثير من الكتب. You have many books. You have a lot of books. Tebɣiḍ ad tεerḍeḍ-t? Do you want to try it? Do you want to know? עברו עליהם זמנים קשים. They had a rough time of it. They've been through tough times. Tεummem iḍelli? Did you swim yesterday? Do you care about me? سامي يتّصل بالشّرطة. Sami is calling the cops. Sammy's calling the police. Yeṛɣa wayen. It burned. He did that. Tom, Mary akked John llan akk da. Tom, Mary and John were all there. Thomas; Mary; and John; and they all. Ḥemmleɣ ad ruḥeɣ ɣer tmeɣriwin n ccna. I like going to concerts. "I love the rams. I sing to the saints." Ɛiwnemt-iyi. Save me. Help me. אתה מאשים את תום? Are you accusing Tom? You blame Tom? إنك حنون. You are so kind. You're kind. אני יודע שאתה יכול להצליח. I know you can make it. I know you can make it. Di leɛnaya-nwen kecmem-d. Please get in. Therefore I beg you to do this. את כל כך פרנואיד! You're so paranoid. You're so paranoid! Yemmut. It's dead. They're done. هل صعد كل الركاب؟ Are all the passengers aboard? Do all the passengers go up? זה רציני? Is it bad? Is that serious? המורים צריכים מידי פעם לתת לתלמידים לשחרר קצת קיטור. Teachers should occasionally let their students blow off some steam. The teachers should from time to time let the students free a little steam. Yella win i d-yeɣṛan tura. Somebody just called. This is he now whom I have killed. هذا ابنها يا سامي. This is her son, Sami. This is her son, Sammy. גרום לכך לקרות. Make it happen. Make it happen. חזרת. You came back. You're back. Meqqṛeɣ aṭas i waya. I'm too old for this. I am afraid of you. غني لنا أغنية أخرى. Sing us another song! We have another song. Yella kra i m-d-yuzen Tom. Tom sent you something. And there was a certain then; after that Thomas was put to death. كنت في القطار لمدة 12 ساعة. I was in the train for twelve hours. I've been on the train for 12 hours. אני עסוק מאד בהכנות למסיבה. I'm very busy getting ready for the party. I'm very busy preparing for the party. Ttmeslayen medden tafransist da. People speak French here. People in the world are talking about sex. سامي و ليلى ذاهبان إلى الشّاطئ. Sami and Layla are going to the beach. Sammy and Lily are going to the beach. هو يعارض هذا المشروع. He opposes this project. He's against this project. כל מה שנותר לנו לעשות הוא לקוות שהעניינים ישתפרו. All we can do is hope things get better. All we have to do is hope things get better. Siwel-iyi-d mi ara d-terseḍ. Call me when you land. Call me when you come. אני יודע את הכל על החומר הזה. I know all about this stuff. I know everything about this stuff. سأذهب وألقي نظرة أخرى. I'll go and have another look. I'll go and take another look. Rnum-d ɣuṛ-nneɣ! Join us. Come down from us! Ad d-tṛuḥ? Will she come? Art thou filled? لم يتوقّع توم أيّة مساعدة من ماري. Tom didn't expect any help from Mary. Tom didn't expect any help from Mary. Ɣef acu ţemčaqlalen Tom akked Mary? What are Tom and Mary arguing about? Then what happened to Tom and Mary? Kkremt ma ulac aɣilif. Stand up, please. There is no resurrection of the dead. Rima d tanelmadt. Rima is a student. Shoot a disciple. Ur fhimeɣ kra. I don't understand anything. I understand nothing. Axiṛ-ak ad tgezmeḍ acekkuḥ-ik. You had better have your hair cut. for I tell you that you will cut off your pen.' كانت ليلى تكره سامي. Layla hated Sami. Lily hated Sammy. זה יהיה מושלם. That'd be perfect. It'll be perfect. Yebɣa ad tt-yexdem i d-yenna Tom. Tom said he considered doing that. And he called for a sign unto him, so did he. أتذكر أسمه، كلما استمعت إلى هذه الأغنية. Every time I hear this song, I think of his name. I remember his name, every time I heard this song. Tecfam d acu i d-yenna Tom? Do you remember what Tom said? But what was that which was spoken by Thomas? Yebɣa ad iruḥ tura. He wants to leave now. I'd like to see you now. אני לא יכולה לסבול ילדים שמרעישים. I can't stand noisy children. I can't stand kids who're nervous. سمع سامي طلقة. Sami heard a shot. Sammy heard a shot. Tesɛam ayen yeḥeman i tissit? Do you have anything hot to drink? Do you have anything to drink? לא חיבבתי את תום. I didn't like Tom. I didn't like Tom. אין לי חשק לנקות חרא של כלבים. I don't wanna clean up dog shit. I don't want to clean up dog shit. ماذا تريد أن تأكل؟ What would you like to eat? What do you want to eat? תום לא מבקר כאן כל כך בתכיפות כמו בעבר. Tom doesn't come here as often as he used to. Tom doesn't visit here so bravely as before. Win akken i ǧeɛleɣ d ameddakel-iw ixdeɛ-iyi. The man who I thought was my friend deceived me. He that is cursed by me is against me. لقد أحدثت وفاة سامي هلاعا وسط أهل الحي. Sami's death put the community into a panic. Sammy's death has occurred in the middle of the neighbourhood. شو كلمه؟ What is a word? Shaw's talking? بالكاد لم يصدّقها أحد. Almost no one believed her. Nobody barely believed her. הוא נראה מרוצה מההסבר שלי. He looked satisfied with my explanation. He looks pleased with my explanation. Ala, tenemmirt. Ṛwiɣ. No, thank you. I'm full. Not only do I eat, but I also drink of Rome. D tisselbi! Crazy! D crosses! אני עייף מהתלונות שלה. I'm tired of her complaints. I'm tired of her complaints. لعبت التنس. I played tennis. I played tennis. طلب توم من ماري إيقاف السيارة. Tom asked Mary to stop the car. Tom asked Mary to stop the car. سامي مشترك في قناة اليوتوب هذه. Sami is subscribed to this YouTube channel. Sammy's co-operating in this Litup channel. אני יודעת שתום היה אוהב את זה. I know Tom would've liked that. I know Tom would love it. لماذا لا تردن أن تخبرننا بالحقيقة؟ Why don't you want to tell us the truth? Why don't you want to tell us the truth? Iṛuḥ ad ţ-iẓer asmi tella tezdeɣ deg London. He went to see her while she was living in London. He went to see her, and lived in London. כתובת האימייל שלי השתנתה. My e-mail address has been changed. My email address has changed. Meṛṛa-nkent kunemti d sut miḥyaf. You're all racists. Faith, therefore, is the resurrection of the dead. Na gode! Thanks! Thank you! كان فاضل يبحث عن الحبّ و الرّفقة. Fadil was seeking love and companionship. He was looking for love and affection. Ḥbes da. Stop here. Ha, Meem. يؤمن المسلمون أنّ يسوع واحد من رسل الله. Muslims believe that Jesus was one of God's messengers. Muslims believe that Jesus is one of God's messengers. תפתור את זה אחת ולתמיד. Get it settled once and for all. You'll figure it out once and for all. הכלב נראה חולה. The dog seems sick. The dog looks sick. הכנסת אורחים: לגרום לאורחים שלך להרגיש בבית, אפילו שאתה רוצה שהם יהיו בדיוק שם. To welcome guests is to make them feel at home, even though that's exactly where you wish they were. Make your guests feel at home, even if you want them to be right there. رأيت توم في المكتبة I saw Tom at the library. I saw Tom in the library. האם דבריי נהירים? Am I making sense? Do my words flow? לפחות תשתדל להיזהר. At least try and be careful. At least try to be careful. נשים לא אהבו אותו. Women didn't care for him. Women didn't like him. ילדים צריכים סביבה ביתית מאושרת. Children need a happy home environment. Kids need a happy home environment. Ur cexxeṛ ara mara tmeccḥeḍ asekkif. Don't slurp when you eat soup. "Don't cast away the foolish woman. היא יצאה מהמקלחת כשרק מגבת לגופה. She came out of the shower with only a towel on. She came out of the shower when she was just a body towel. ما هي أكثر جملة تفضل؟ What is your favorite sentence? What's the best sentence? Mlaleɣ-d argaz i yessnen Tom. I met a man who knows Tom. I heard the man whom he knew. أُحضِرَ فاضل إلى العدالة. Fadil was brought to justice. A candidate has been brought to justice. הם נפלו. They fell. They fell. אתם יכולים לדבר קצת יותר חזק? אני לא שומע אתכם כל כך טוב. Could you please talk a bit louder? I can't hear very well. Can you guys talk a little harder? هل عندك كمبيوترين؟ Do you have two computers? Do you have a computer? אני רק רוצה את זה. I just want it. I just want it. הבן אדם הזה התבייש בכך שנולד עני.. The man was ashamed of being born poor. This man was ashamed of being born poor. אני רוצה עדכונים. I want updates. I want updates. את יודעת שאני לא רוקד. You know I don't dance. You know I'm not dancing. يحب الآنسةَ سميث جميعُ طلابها. Miss Smith is liked by all students. Miss Smith loves all her students. Ɣeṛ-aɣ-d. Call us. Pay attention to us. أتى منّاد إلى منزلي. Mennad came to my house. He called my house. Yettheyyi Tom iman-is i tmeɣra. Tom is getting ready for a party. His therefore is a test. But he will judge his own race. Lharaǧ-agi yesɛuẓug imeẓaɣ This noise is deafening. For it's hard work. Ahat umbeɛd. Maybe later. I was very far away. Alu. Zemreɣ ahat ad mmeslayeɣ i Mass Jackson? Hello. Could I speak to Mr. Jackson? Alo. Shall I speak unto Mess Jackson? Nekk mačči d tameddakelt-ik. I'm no friend of yours. I am not from you. Cukkeɣ txedmeḍ-t mebla ma tfaqeḍ. I think you did that intentionally. If thou feed them, thou shalt make them a pool. אינני מסוגל להאמין שעשית את זה. I can't believe you did that. I can't believe you did it. أنا أشرب الماء. I drink the water. I'm drinking water. أبق الأطفال بعيدا عن الأدوية. Keep children away from medicine. Keep the kids away from the drugs. هذه هي النافذة التي كسرها. This is the window he broke. This is the window you broke. זה מגוחך. That's ridiculous! This is ridiculous. Fket-iyi-d adlis-nni. Pass me the book. Show me the book. D acu ara txedmeḍ ma yewwet-d ugeffur? What are you going to do if it rains? What will you do, if the lamp comes down? את בטוחה שאת לא רוצה לבוא אתנו? Are you sure you don't want to go with us? Are you sure you don't want to come with us? Seg tura ad nemmeslay kan s tefṛansist. From now on, let's only speak French. From now on, I will speak in part of a letter. La yeţţefrari wass. Day is breaking. The day is timed. Ini-yi-d kullec seg tazwara meṛṛa. Tell me everything from the very beginning. Tell me from the beginning all things. Ur cukkeɣ ara telliḍ deg Ustṛalya. I didn't think you were in Australia. I am not bound by you in Austria. Xtiṛemt s ttawil. Choose carefully. I wanted a light. לשיטה הזאת יתרונות וחסרונות. This method has its pluses and minuses. This method is beneficial and lacking. ذهب بلال إلى المدرسة. Bilal went to school. He went to school. فقط انتظر هنا. Just wait right here. Just wait here. אני קונה לאחותי כובע חדש. I'm buying my sister a new hat. I'm buying my sister a new hat. איש לא יעשה את זה. No one will do this. No one's gonna do that. تخاصما سامي و ليلى في المحلّ أمام الجميع. Sami and Layla argued in the store in front of everybody. Sammy and Lily are in front of everyone. הם חסרים לך מאד, נכון? You miss them a lot, don't you? They're very short of you, aren't they? Tom yessaram ad k-iwali deg Tubeṛ. Tom hopes to see you in October. But the things which thou shalt meet at Taber. תום שותה כשלושה ליטרים מים ביום. Tom drinks about three liters of water a day. Tom drinks about three liters of water a day. Yeqsed Mary akked Tom ad d-aɣen axxam. Tom and Mary are thinking about buying a house. And he cut off Mary and Thomas, and bought the house. תום פוסח לעתים קרובות על ארוחות. Tom often skips meals. Tom often breaks off meals. Xedmeɣ-am-d lqahwa. I made you coffee. I've seen plenty of it. Teswamt afenǧal n lqahwa. You drank a cup of coffee. And they put away the branches of magic. בנאגויה לקחתי את ההגה לידים. I took over the wheel at Nagoya. In Nagoya, I took the wheel next to them. תום עבד קשה מאד היום. Tom worked very hard today. Tom worked very hard today. نقدر نستعمل لقلم ديالك. May I use your pencil? We're supposed to use the book of yours. אני כל כך רוצה לקחת אותך איתי בשבת לים. I so want to take you with me to the sea on Saturday. I so want to take you with me on Saturday at sea. Tom igezzu tafṛansist. Tom understands French. Tom is a silversmith. Dacu i yettwakren? What was stolen? (Laughter) Do you want to work? إبحث عن لوحة تحمل رقم واحد مكتوباً بخط كبير. Look for a sign with a big "one" on it. Look for a plate with a single number in a big line. היא נכשלה בנסיונה לחצות את התעלה. She failed in her attempt to swim the Channel. She failed in trying to cross the tunnel. Ḥebsemt din. Stop there. I don't think so. من أين حصل على هذه الكنزة؟ Where did he get that sweater? Where did he get this treasure? Kenwi d ibeṛṛaniyen? Are you a foreigner? What? Were they strangers? זה עבודת בית. It's homemade. It's a housework. נהנתי מזה מאד. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I enjoyed it very much. זה עשוי חלקית מעץ. It is made partly of wood. It's made part of a tree. اشترط فاضل أن تقدّم له دانية المال. Fadil demanded that Dania give him the money. I'm gonna need you to give him a loan. Yiwet n tikkelt kan i teţɛedday af uccen. It won't happen again. For once it was now past, and it was past. אהיה בבית לבד כל הלילה. I'll be home alone all night. I'll be home alone all night. Teẓṛiḍ kra ɣef twacult-ik? You know a few things about your family? What did you lay up for your body, that you laid up something for yourself? יום ההולדת שלי קרב. My birthday is coming near. My birthday is a fight. حياته مليئة بالمشاكل. His life is full of trouble. His life is full of problems. הוא לעולם לא פותח את הפה מבלי להתלונן על משהו. He never opens his mouth without complaining about something. He'll never open his mouth without complaining about anything. يعتقد سامي أنّ ليلى تخلّت عنه. Sami believes Layla abandoned him. Sammy thinks Lila gave up on him. Eǧǧ Tom. Leave Tom. Don't leave Tom. גיליתם את הסוף. You gave away the ending. You found out the end. Yif-it ur theddṛeḍ ara akked Tom. You'd better not argue with Tom. but take hold of him, and don't deny him, and Tom. בסופו של דבר הכל נגמר בכי טוב. Everything came out okay in the end. Eventually, it all ended with a good cry. Tom yusa-d d Mary. Tom came with Mary. But Tom came to Mary. הרהיטים במשרדו מודרניים מאד. The furniture in his office is very modern. The furniture in his office are very modern. אחות רחמניה לבושה לבן. A nurse wears white. A compassionate sister dressed in white. أعيش بالقرب من هنا. I live near here. I live near here. Akken tebɣiḍ tɣawleḍ deg tenhaṛt, ur n-tettawḍeḍ ara deg wakud. No matter how fast you drive, you won't get there on time. Therefore thou wilt have power to scourge men; for thou wilt have no part with them. את מאמינה בהורוסקופ? Do you believe in horoscopes? Do you believe in horoscope? הוא שר שיר. He sang a song. He sang a song. أحضر لي فنجاناً من القهوة؟ Bring me a cup of coffee, will you? Get me some coffee? Ziɣ kunwi! Wannag tɣiddem ad ssersen tagelzimt! Ur walaɣ! Such a fake! Do you think that they will lay down their guns? You must be kidding! I say unto you, I know you, that ye are ready to reign, and I saw not. جعلناه يذهب. We made him go. We made him go. Ǧǧet isebbaḍen-nwen berra uqbel ad d-tkecmem. Take your shoes off before you enter. But watch and pray, lest perhaps you come into the presence of the Lord. Nekk mačči d taqeddact-im. I'm not your slave! I am not thine, but thine. أنا لا أريد أن أتحدث عن طفلي. I don't want to talk about my child. I don't want to talk about my baby. הנברשת הירוקה משרה קרינה חמה בחדר. The green lampshade casts a warm glow in the room. The green stripper serves as a hot radiation in the room. Kenwi d irusiyen? Are you Russian? Who were these, and what, then, did they know? הבנתי מאוחר מדי מכדי לשנות את המצב. I came to the realization too late to make a difference. I realized it was too late to change the situation. מאורע יוצא דופן קרה. Something remarkable happened. An extraordinary event happened. הוא הגבוה ביותר בין השלושה. He is the tallest of the three. He's the highest among the three. טום קפץ לביתה של מרי כל יום לארוחת הצהריים. Tom dropped by Mary's home every day for lunch. Tom jumped into Mary's house every day for lunch. Umneɣ-k. I believed you. I believe you. Ldi tawwurt. Open the door. Put the door. Yewwi-d ad nexdem kra. We'll have to do something. And so we came to do many things. رأى سامي ليلى في العيادة. Sami saw Layla at the clinic. Sammy saw Lily in the clinic. أعلى، لو سمحت، لا أستطيع أن أسمع جيدا. Louder please, I cannot hear well. Upstairs, if you'll excuse me, I can't hear well. Uriɣ-tid yakan s teqbaylit deg Tatoeba; aṭas-aya maḍi. I already wrote it in Kabyle on Tatoeba; it's even been long time ago. And again he wrote unto thee, I do write no more at all in Thyatira: but many never do I. رايحا تسقاملك € 30. This will cost €30. The spirit is consistent with your €30. Ula d yiwen seg yidlisen-a ur yenfiɛ. None of those books are useful. They weren't of any value any more. D aqcic yeṭṭafaren iwellihen n yimawlan-is d yiselmaden-is. He is a child who follows the advice of his parents and teachers. A certain child with his or her child child child is barren, and is out of his womb. ما أن سمعت الجرس حتى ردت على الهاتف. As soon as she heard the bell ring, she answered the telephone. As soon as I heard the bell till I answered the phone. סיימתי את העבודה בעצמי. I finished the work by myself. I'm done the job myself. Tom ittessew snat n tikal ugar n Mary. Tom drinks twice as much as Mary. Put on two of Mary's staff. M'iniex tabiba. I'm not a doctor. You are not a doctor. هو ولد ذكي جدا. He is a very smart boy. He's a very smart boy. كان كثيرا ما يتّبع النصائح الخاطئة. He often accepted bad advice. He often followed the wrong advice. תסיר את הז'קט. Remove that jacket. Take the jacket off. הניסוי נכשל. The experiment failed. The experiment failed. أصبح سامي مسيحيّا. Sami became Christian. Sammy's become a Christian. Ad d-naf Tom. We'll find Tom. Ad-naf Tom. אתה רוצה לנסות עוד פעם? Do you want to give it another try? You want to try again? כשהגעתי לפסגה, הייתי תשוש לגמרי. When I reached the summit, I was thoroughly worn out. When I got to the top, I was completely exhausted. هل ذكر أحد إسمي؟ Did somebody mention my name? Did anyone mention my name? Ttut-t. Forget him. Tutu-t. Ula yiwen seg yiwellihen n Tom ma yenfeɛ aṭas. None of Tom's advice was very useful. And of the company of them that were with him, as much as one of the rulers, were many. שלוש כפול ארבע שווה שתים עשרה. Three times four is twelve. Three times four is equal to twelve. "إنها معجزة! إنها تحركت!" " أنا أعتقد أنها الريح." "It's a miracle! It moved!" "I think it's the wind." "It's a miracle! It's moving!" "I think it's the wind." אני מעדיף תפוזים על תפוחים. I like oranges better than apples. I prefer apples over apples. Theblemt. You are mad. I got it. Ur d-qqimen ara yedrimen deg texṛiṭ-iw. There was no money left in my wallet. For there is no money in my money. Yuɣez aẓekka-s ufus-is. He dug his own grave. Put his hand under him. Yezmer lḥal ijreḥ-d ḥedd-nnayeḍ. Somebody else might get hurt. Well, then I had to tell you that you did well. Afrux ara ikeblen, ur yezmir ad yafeg. A sticky bird cannot fly. "Don't eat and drink, neither can he drink." זה מוזר. That's freaky. That's weird. كان المدرّس يسخر من جسمي فعليّا. The teacher literally body-shamed me. The teacher was actually making fun of my body. היא הלכה למיסה כל יום. She went to mass every day. She went to Mass every day. האוטובוס הידרדר מהצוק, וכל עשרת הנוסעים שהיו בו נספו. The bus fell off the cliff, killing all 10 aboard. The bus got worse than the boat, and all the ten passengers that'd come to an end. Tom yers. Tom is patient. Tom's right. هنأته على نجاحه. I congratulated him on his success. I congratulate him on his success. Ur ttaɛraḍeɣ ara ad kem-sḥebseɣ. I won't try and stop you. I don't want to marry you. אני חושב שזה מה שזה. I think that's what it is. I think that's what it is. מיקדתי את מבטי. I squinted. I've focused my eyes. مرحباً, توم. صباح الخير. Hello, Tom. Good morning. Hey, Tom. D acu-tt tnekwa n baba-m? What is your father's name? What is your father's cup? אני מקווה שאוכל לעשות את זה. I hope I'll be able to do that. I hope I can do it. לתום לכל הדעות יש בטחון עצמי מספיק כדי לשמש כמנהיג שלנו. Tom definitely has the confidence to be our leader. Tom has enough self-esteem to serve as our leader. عندي فكرة. I have an idea. I have an idea. Zhiɣ aṭas. I'm so happy. I've been a lot more numerous. Ur telluẓemt ara? Aren't you hungry? You don't fast, do you? شكراً لقدومك لزيارتنا. Thanks for coming over tonight. Thank you for coming to visit us. لو سمحت، هل تعلم ما هي توقعات الطقس ليوم غد؟ Excuse me, do you know what is the weather forecast for tomorrow? If you'll excuse me, do you know what the weather is for tomorrow? هل تعرف الإجابة؟ You know the answer? Do you know the answer? היא התחילה לשיר. She began to sing. She started singing. המהירות המקסימלית של הרכב הייתה חמישה קילומטר לשעה. The maximum speed reached by the vehicle was 5 kilometers per hour. The maximum speed of the car was five miles per hour. سرق فاضل سيّارة. Fadil stole a car. He stole a car scrap. كنت عاطفية جدّا. I was very emotional. I was so emotional. ذهبت إلى المستشفى لزيارته. I went to the hospital to visit him. I went to the hospital to visit him. Ḍṣan meṛṛa. Everybody laughs. All things are done away with. Ur bɣiɣ ara ad n-ṛuḥeɣ iman-iw. I won't have to go there alone. That I should not rather glory in myself. אנחנו צריכים לצאת מכאן. We need to get out of here. We need to get out of here. קח ביס. Take a bite. Take a bite. Ilaq-iyi ad kem-kellexeɣ! I had to do it you fool! I must persuade thee. أنت كثير الكلام. You talk too much. You're a lot of talk. הסירה התקרבה לתעלת למנש. The boat was approaching the English Channel. The boat came close to the launderer. הנה כתובת האימייל שלי. Here's my email address. Here's my email address. לכפר היו יותר מאלף תושבים. The village had more than a thousand residents. The village had more than a thousand inhabitants. هذه الكتب لي. These books belong to me. These books are for me. Shu-t. Forget it. Shu-t. יש כאן המון בדידות. It gets awfully lonely here. There's a lot of loneliness here. Axxam-nni yettwamlek. The house is haunted. Osteoarthritis. אל תלכו כל כך מהר! אני לא יכולה לעמוד בקצב. Don't walk so fast! I can't keep up with you. Don't go that fast, I can't stand it. Sami yella yesikid Tiliɣṛi-ines. Sami was looking at the phone. The Lord said to him, "The sky is white, and the sky is red." أوفى سامي بوعده. Sami kept his word. Sammy's promise. أتساءل أين وضعت نظاراتي. I wonder where I put my glasses. I wonder where I put my glasses. Ur ɣlay ara wučči deg usečču-ihin. It doesn't cost much to eat at that restaurant. Don't eat until you have eaten and eaten. طُلب من سامي أن يحذف الفيديو من قناته على اليوتوب. Sami was asked to take his YouTube video down. Sammy was asked to delete the video from his channels on the Outlook. Wah a Ṛebbi yiwen ur k-id-yeẓṛi. I hope no one saw you. "It is an altar of God, that no one will give it to you. לא אגיד את זה פעמיים. I won't say that twice! I won't say it twice. הוא חושב שמשחקי חברה יצאו מהאופנה. He thinks that playing board games is old-fashioned now. He thinks social games are out of fashion. Aselmad-nneɣ yekreh ad t-steqsin yinelmaden-is mi ara yili yeqqar-d. Our teacher hates his students to ask questions while he is giving a lecture. For our message must needs be asked of his disciples when it is convenient for them. ሴቷ ቆንጆ ናት። The woman is beautiful. His wife is a beautiful one. Ttxil-kent, rremt-d s tefṛansist. Please answer in French. You looked up, you put it on a screen. אתם יכולים לעזור. You can help. You can help. אני לא יודעת מה את תעשי. I don't know what you are going to do. I don't know what you're gonna do. היא המשיכה לישון עוד. She slept even longer. She kept sleeping. تدور الأرض. The earth rotates. Earth's going around. הזריקה תעזור להרדים את הכאב. This shot will help numb the pain. The shot will help relieve the pain. Bɣiɣ ad tt-sfeṛḥeɣ. I want to make her happy. I would have him triumphed. אני כבר לא עייף. I am no longer tired. I'm not tired anymore. لدي ثلاثة كلاب. I have three dogs. I have three dogs. הוא לא נאה ולא מכוער. He is neither handsome nor ugly. He's not handsome and not ugly. Taliṭunit d tutlayt i icebḥen, i d-yessuffuɣen aẓawan s wudem agaman. Latvian is a beautiful language that naturally gives off music. The sea was bright, and the tongue was bright; and they cast out the bright grass, and threw it into the air. Madrid hija l-belt kapitali ta' Spanja. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Madrid is Spain’s capital. Sami yuɣal ɣer uxeddim. Sami is going back to work. And it came to pass, that he went back into the wilderness. Tessefṛeḥ-it. She made him happy. There's joy. تبدأ مناوبة سامي الساعة السادسة صباحاً. Sami's shift starts at six in the morning. Sammy's shift starts at 6:00 a.m. לא הכרתי אותה ממש. I never really knew her. I didn't really know her. Sarameɣ ulac win i k-yeẓran mi txedmeḍ ayay. I hope nobody saw you doing that. And I pray that no man see thee when thou doest. مرحباً بك في المنزل. Welcome home. Welcome home. أذلك كتابك الجديد؟ Is that your new book? Is that your new book? ما نعرفوش جيرانّا. We don't know our neighbors. We don't know our neighbors. Telha cceṛba-nni? Does the soup taste good? Is that so? מה התוצאה? What's the score? What's the result? איש אחד יותר או פחות לא יוצר הבדל רב. One person more or less doesn't make much difference. No one else makes a big difference. Yenna-d Tom belli ad d-yas azekka. Tom said that he'll come tomorrow. He said to himself, "He will come to the next day." Yexdem Tom azal n tlata n ssmanat deg yiwet kan n tmeddit. Tom did three weeks' worth of work in just one afternoon. And he served about the space of three hundred threescore and one. הייתי אידיוטית שעשיתי טעות כזאת. I was stupid to make a mistake like that. I was an idiot who made such a mistake. لم يكن بوسع الأطبّاء فعل أيّ شيء لليلى. There really wasn't anything that doctors could do to Layla. The doctors couldn't do anything for tonight. يئس المدرّسون من سامي. Teachers gave up on Sami. Bad teachers from Sammy. من أين تشتري الكتب؟ Where does she buy books? Where do you buy books? قامت أمي بقياس حرارة جسدي. My mother took my temperature. My mother measured my body temperature. צרפתית מלמד מר ווייט, לא גברת גרין. French is taught by Mr White, not by Miss Green. French teaches Mr. White, not Mrs. Green. אני חושבת שהכל בסדר. I think it's going well. I think everything's okay. אני תמיד רוחצת את הפנים במים וסבון. I always wash my face with soap and water. I always turn my face in water and soap. אבא שלי הוא כמו חבר בשבילי. My father is like a friend to me. My dad's like a friend to me. Bururu d agḍiḍ n yiḍ. The owl is a nocturnal animal. But sleep in the middle of the night, and at midnight. Anef i yeqjan ad rekden. Let sleeping dogs lie. A third party will be free of charge. Ur zmireɣ ara ad aṛǧuɣ. I can't wait. I can't wait. هذا مشروع حكومي. This is a government project. This is a government project. ساعدني أبي في حل واجبي. My father helped me with my homework. Dad helped me solve my duty. תום חבט בפרצופו של ג'ון ואחר כך עזב את החדר. Tom punched John in the face then left the room. Tom hit John's face and then left the room. הוא יצא אחריי. He left after me. He came out after me. تعجّ الحديقة بالأطفال. The park is filled with children. The garden admires the children's garden. بإمكانكِ أن تختارين أيّ طريق تريدينه. You can take whichever way you like. You can choose any way you want. Igerrez Well done! Igerrez המדינה אליה אני מקווה לעבור ולהתיישב בה היא תורכיה. The country that I hope to move to and settle down in is Turkey. The country to which I hope to move and settle in is Turkey. سمعت ليلى سامي و سليمة يتخاصمان. Layla heard Sami and Salima arguing. I've heard Lily Sammy, and she's a good man. كِلاً من هما في الغرفة. Both of them are in the room. Both are in the room. Ẓṛiɣ ad d-tafem ttawil s ara txedmem aya. I'm sure you'll find a way to do it. I must needs be raised again, and you will do this." قررت أن أعمل لحساب شركة في أمريكا. I've made up my mind to work for a company in the States. I decided to work for a company in America. D tagi i d tideţ. That's the truth. And they departed into a deep pit. Asarag-agi yelha. This conference is good. This application is good. هذه القلعة جميلة. This castle is beautiful. This castle is beautiful. אני מתעצבן כשנותנים לי לחכות. I get annoyed when I am kept waiting. I'm upset when you let me wait. Tellam da weḥd-nwen? Were you here alone? Are you alone? كان سامي يبيع الألماس. Sami sold diamonds. Sammy was selling diamonds. Ddem kullec. Get everything. Do all things. هناك مستشفى بالقرب من هنا. There is a hospital nearby. There's a hospital near here. Ad ṛuḥeɣ tura ma ulac ugur. If you don't mind, I'll leave now. There is no way I am going now. אני צריך סרט הדבקה. I need the tape. I need a tape. זה אתר נופש מבוקש. It's a popular vacation spot. It's a wanted Web site. Ddunit-a d asif imeṭṭawen. This world is a valley of tears. And the earth was filled with tears. היופי היה מעל כל תיאור. The beauty is beyond description. The beauty was above every description. آمل ان لا تخبر توم بذلك I hope you don't tell Tom that. I hope you don't tell Tom that. אולי הוא לא הכיר את הנוסחה. He may not have known the formula. Maybe he didn't know the formula. كل ما عليك فعله هو الضغط على الزر. All you have to do is press the button. All you have to do is press the button. עבודתי היא עיצוב נעלים. My job is designing shoes. My job is to design shoes. Tuɣalemt-d. You returned. Emet-d. Ur bɣiɣ ara ad tuɣalemt ar Boston. I don't want you to go back to Boston. And I would not be to return to Boston. הוא הראה לי את תמונתה. He showed me her picture. He showed me her picture. הפתגם הזה הפך פתאום לפופולרי. This saying suddenly became popular. That proverb suddenly became popular. תמתין שם. Hold on there. Wait there. دعاني المدرّس بالسّمين. The teacher called me "fat." The teacher called me fat. ماذا تعتقدون؟ What do you think? What do you think? دخلت ماري. Mary came in. Mary came in. ذلك قطي. That's my cat. That's my cat. عليك أن تعتذر لها منه. You are to apologize to her for it. You have to apologize to her. Sami atan irebbeḥ. Sami is winning. And build ye here a tower. Tom yuɣaled ɣer tebḥirt u yessaked sya u sya. Tom came back to the garden and looked around. Then he went back to the herd of herbs, beyond it. Zemreɣ ad m-slemdeɣ amek ara teɣṛeḍ. I can teach you how to read. For I desire to have you know how to read. يمكننا أن نوصله الليلة. We can deliver it this evening. We can get him tonight. Awi-d ciṭ n uyefki daɣen. Give me some milk, too. And also the meat. ጌጋ ኣንፈት ትኸይድ ኣሎኻ። You're going the wrong direction. You are on a wrong path. Ur walaɣ ara Tom seg tmeɣṛa-nni n Halloween. I haven't seen Tom since Halloween. I saw no one like you, out of the marriage of Halloween. שמרתי על טום. I was watching Tom. I've been watching Tom. Ad zewǧeɣ deg Tubeṛ. I'll be getting married in October. I will marry in Taber. إبنك بطل. Your son is a hero. Your son is a hero. Yella d acu ur teḥmileḍ ara ad t-teččeḍ? Is there anything you don't like to eat? But what could have happened to you that you didn't know what to eat?" يبدأ الدوام الدراسي في الثامنة و النصف. School begins at eight-thirty. Study periods begin at 8:30 a.m. Ttxil-k ur d-iyi-ttaǧǧa ara. Please don't leave me. I have nothing to do with you. הם לא יימלטו מעומסי התנועה. They can't avoid the traffic. They're not gonna get out of traffic. لأني أريد أن أصير معلمة لغة إنجليزية. The reason is that I want to be an English teacher. Because I want to become an English-language teacher. האם אדוני דובר תורכית? Does the gentleman speak Turkish? Is Mr. Turky Speaker? אתם אל תתרגשו יותר מדי! Don't get too emotional. Don't get too excited! החודש הקודם היה גשום מאוד. The preceding month was very rainy. Last month was very rainy. Kemmel ajgugel. Keep climbing. Continue to suffocate. זה יום כל כך יפה. It's such a beautiful day. It's such a beautiful day. Nefεent aṭas tɣawsiwin-agi. These objects are very useful. We're bound to many these things. هو يفضل الريف على البلدة. He prefers the country to the town. He prefers the countryside over town. Yessawel-d Mass West mi akken ulac-iken. A Mr West called in your absence. And thou calledst, because he found none. אין לי סמכות לתת לך אור ירוק. I don't have the authority to give you the green light. I don't have the authority to give you green light. תום חיכה בקוצר נשימה. Tom waited breathlessly. Tom was waiting for a short breath. الغريق يتعلق بقشة. A drowning man will catch at a straw. Green's about straw. בימי סטאלין, האסירים במחנות העבודה היו לעבדים בשירות המדינה. During the Stalinist era, prisoners at concentration camps became slaves in service of the state. In Stalin's day, the prisoners in the labor camps were slaves in the state service. እናትህን ትወዳታለህ፧ Do you love your mother? You love your mother: كان تقبّل وفاة ليلى صعبا على سامي Sami struggled to accept Layla's death. It was a hard night's death for Sammy. هل ترى ما أعني؟ Do you see what I mean? Do you see what I mean? ספרו לנו כל מה שאתם יודעים על העניין הזה. Tell us everything you know about that matter. Tell us everything you know about this. Ur yenfiɛ i walu usegzawal-ayi. This dictionary isn't useful at all. And my work is good for them. אני די בטוח שתום לא גמר את שיעורי הבית שלו עדיין. I'm pretty sure that Tom hasn't finished his homework yet. I'm pretty sure Tom hasn't finished his homework yet. תום ערער על התחרות. Tom pleaded no contest. Tom challenged the competition. سمّينا إبننا على إسم جدي. We named my son after my grandfather. We named our son by the name of my grandfather. هل عدت مسبقا؟ Are you back already? You're back before? ديانا أختك غير الشقيقة كذلك. Diane is your half sister, too. Diana, your sister's not your sister, either. אין להתבלבל בין סרקזם וציניות. Sarcasm should not be confused with cynicism. There's no confusion between sarcotics and cynics. Ur d-iyi-tɛawnem ara. You do not help me. Don't help me. גדלתי סמוך לנהר. I grew up near a river. I grew up near the river. لا أعتقد أننا سنستطيع أن نحل هذه المشكلة بأنفسنا. I don't think that we'll be able to solve this problem by ourselves. I don't think we can solve this problem ourselves. Ttumt-t. Forget her. Ttum-t. Nettemsefham nekk d Tom. Tom and I understand each other. I agree, I am Tom. אם הוריי יגלו שהיית כאן, הם מסוגלים לבצע מעשה של טירוף. If my parents discover that you came over, they are capable of doing something crazy. If my parents find out you were here, they're able to do something of madness. متى أقفلت هذه الباب آخر مرة؟ When was the last time you locked this door? When did you last close this door? Tanemmirt! Thanks! It’s over! اللجنة تشمل عشر اعضاء. The committee comprises ten members. The Committee includes ten members. X'inhi din? What is this? What is it? השמועה ההיא נפוצה במהירות. That rumor spread quickly. That word is spreading fast. אתה מרוצה מזה? Are you satisfied with that? Are you happy with that? Yella ḥedd i s-yeɣṛan i Tom. Someone called Tom. There was a witness given to him by Thomas. هي التي اعتنت بجرحه She is the one who took care of his wound. She's the one who took care of his wound. בשלי בשבילי. Cook for me. It's mine for me. رائحة كلب سامي كريهة. Sami's dog stinks. It smells like a sammy dog. Kemm d tacinwat? Are you Chinese? How devastating? הם לא ימצאו את זה. They won't find it. They won't find it. إن أحببت، فسأعلمك كيف تلعب الشطرنج. If you like, I will teach you to play chess. If I love you, I'll teach you how to play the chess. אנו מחמירים. We're strict. We're getting worse. لا أريد أن أراه. I don't wanna see him. I don't want to see him. תישן עמוק. Sleep tight. Sleep deep. אני רוצה לעשות רושם חיובי. I want to make a good impression. I want to make a positive impression. זה היה לפני שנה. It was last year. It was a year ago. Ḥsiɣ tlaq tebɣest akken ad yemmag waya. I know it takes courage to do that. I understand that, as my mother does, I am doing well. الحاسوب آلة معقدة. A computer is a complex machine. Computer's a complicated machine. ابنتي تدرُس في تلك المدرسة. My daughter studies in that school. My daughter's studying in that school. Kkes afus-im fell-i. Get your hand off me. Reach out your hand against me. كان سامي كامنا في انتظار ليلى. Sami lied in wait for Layla. Sammy Camna was waiting for night. لبس الرجل قناع نمر. The man wore a mask of a tiger. The guy wears a tiger mask. Usiɣ-d iḍelli. I came yesterday. I was sent forth to be free. אני לא מכיר אותך. I don't know you. I don't know you. Ddayxa tḥemmel Akli. Ddaykha loves Akli. Dama loves Akli. على الأصدقاء مساعدة بعضهم البعض. Friends should help one another. Friends have to help each other. Yettban Tom amzun yebɣa ad yeddu yid-m. Tom is very likely to want to go with you. And it came to pass, that, as Thomas was wont to go with thee, he lodged. מעטים שורדים את המחלה הזו. Not many survive this disease. Few survive this disease. A tamehtuft! You are an idiot! What a surprise! لو لم يشأ توم أن يكون هنا، لما أتى. If Tom didn't want to be here, he would not have come. If Tom didn't want to be here, he wouldn't come. Lsemt lqecc-nkent! Get dressed. Lesmet l-nakent! Yella walebɛaḍ i inudan taxxamt-iw. Somebody has ransacked my room. But there is one who is greater than my tax collector. Yekcem Tom ar tkuzint. Tom entered the kitchen. He came in to Tom. עבודתו הקשה של תום השתלמה. Tom's hard work has paid off. Tom's hard work paid off. Tjerḥemt? Are you wounded? Do you feel that way? كان سامي يربح المال. Sami was making money. Sammy was making money. היא חייכה בשמחה. She smiled happily. She was excited. سأبقى هناك حتى الساعة السادسة. I'll stay there till six o'clock. I'll stay there until 6:00. Sliɣ-as mi yeshetrif, awal ur yeddi d gma-s. I heard him rambling, the words entirely disconnected. But I heard him speaking boldly, and the word was not in vain. كان سامي يسبح في المال. Sami was rolling in money. Sammy was swimming in the money. Isɣanen igenwanen d asxurreḍ ameqqran i talsa. Monotheistic religions are a big lie for humanity. They cast off the heavens, and the great whore, the ruler of the earth. Yella walebɛaḍ i yellan yakan daki. Someone was here. There is one who is missing. זאת נערה שאני מכיר היטב. This is a girl I know well. It's a girl I know very well. Kker syin a yijiṛmeḍ, iwumi aqmimmeḍ, imi k-ifut weckenṭeḍ? Get out, shabby! Why be so envious, you who are so old? He said to me, "Get up, for I have hired you because you were cut off from the root. Serreḥ-iyi! Let me go! Tell me! Eǧǧ-itent. Leave them. Let them go. Let them go. عليك أن تتحدث معهم. You have to go talk to them. You need to talk to them. מה אתם מציעים? What are you suggesting? What are you suggesting? Anda i iṛuḥ? Where did he go? Where went he? ברור שיש לתום מה להסתיר. Tom clearly has something to hide. Obviously, Tom has nothing to hide. יהיה לי קשה להעיר אותך. It'll be hard for me to wake you up. It's gonna be hard for me to wake you up. Ddret! Live! Edrett! הכיתה שלנו כוללת שלושים תלמידים. Our class is made up of 30 students. Our class includes 30 students. לגמרי נגמלתי ממך. I'm totally over you. I totally got rid of you. لكن لا أريد But I don't want to. But I don't want to. Kule ya fito diga karkashin kujera. A cat came out from under the desk. Kool came from the bottom of the chair. Sami yella yettru ɣef idra n temdakkelt-is. Sami was crying about his ex-girlfriend. And he began to write upon the fig tree of his vineyard. Faṛsem ussan-nwen n usteɛfu. Enjoy your holidays. Put on the rest of your days. לעצלנים אין סיכוי להצליח. Lazy people have no chance of success. The lazy don't have a chance to make it. היא עומדת בתוקף על כך שבנה חף מפשע. She insists on her son being innocent. She's standing up against an innocent son. كان كلب سامي ينبح. Sami's dog barked. Sammy's dog was shooting. Anwa i iselken? Who survived? Who is he who makes them hear? העבודה הסתיימה איך שהוא. The work got finished somehow. The job's over the way it is. لعبنا كرة القدم بالأمس. We played soccer yesterday. We played football yesterday. Ldi allen-im! Get real. Eyes-im! הוא חייב לי. He owes me one. He owes me. עדיף שתיסוג לאחור. You'd better stand back. It's better if you're back-up. זה די זעיר. It's kind of small. It's pretty small. Tom yenna i Mary ar timlilit. Tom waved goodbye to Mary. But Thomas said to Mary until she was born. كانا سامي و ليلى أصدقاءا لسليمة. Sami and Layla were friends with Salima. Sammy and Lily were peaceful friends. إنها الملكة. It's the queen. It's the queen. هو طبيب. He's a doctor. He's a doctor. אתם בוחרים את הנציג שלכם בהצבעה. You elect your representative by voting. You pick your representative in a vote. هذا القاموس أفضل من ذاك. This dictionary is better than that one. This is better than that. Anda i tettilim? Where are you staying? Where are you going? רק שתדע, אני סוכן FBI. Just so you know, I'm an FBI agent. Just so you know, I'm an FBI agent. Ḥesses, ttxil-m. Listen, please. Check it out, quit it. أي لون تحب أكثر؟ الأزرق أم الأحمر؟ Which color do you like more, blue or red? Which color do you like more, blue or red? الملل شائع . Boredom is commonplace. Fascination is common. Mazal ɛad ur ččiɣ ara imensi yakan. I still haven't eaten dinner yet. Even as yet I had not eaten any supper. Nekk d tacinwatt. I am Chinese. I am the wretched one. لا يمكنني تصديق ذلك! I don't believe it! I can't believe it! אני בטוח שהוא יאשר. I'm sure he would approve. I'm sure he will. הם נראו כולם המומים במידת מה. They all looked somewhat stunned. They looked all kind of shocked. "WHO" هو اختصار لمنظمة الصحة العالمية . WHO is the abbreviation for World Health Organization. WHO is a summary of the World Health Organization. هل أنت متزوجة؟ Are you married? Are you married? Iḥemmel taɣuṛi. He loves reading. And the lover of envy. Kont ili nafha għaxar snin meta żżewwiġtha. I had known her for ten years when I married her. I had known her for ten years when I married her. מה בכלל יכול לקרות? What could possibly happen? What can happen at all? كان سامي يلوّح لليلي بينما كانت راحلة بسيّارتها. Sami waved to Layla as she was driving away. Sammy was swimming for Lily while she was late in her car. Melmi i d-yuɣal Tom si Boston? When did Tom return from Boston? When did Tom return from Boston? استمع! Listen! Listen! אסתר היא מורה לעברית. Esther is a Hebrew teacher. Esther is a Hebrew teacher. انتقل سامي للعيش في القاهرة. Sami relocated to Cairo. Sammy moved to Cairo. Ta d tarzeft-ik. This gift is for you. T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t- Acḥal aya seg asmi i teqqaṛeḍ? How long have you studied? How long ago have you said? Ad nazen walebɛaḍ. We'll send somebody. It’s hard to imagine. עשיתי זאת שוב, נכון? I did it again, didn't I? I did it again, didn't I? לגרמנים אין חוש הומור? אני לא חושב שזה מצחיק! Germans have no sense of humour? I don't find that funny! I don't think it's funny! תום מפחד. Tom's afraid. Tom's scared. إنهم يدعونك توم. They call you Tom. They call you Tom. Dacu i ttedduḍ ad txedmeḍ? What are you going to do? where would you go, and do it? Sputnik tettwaceyyeɣ deg 4 Tubeṛ 1957. Sputnik was launched on October 4, 1957. I wrote you a letter on 4 March 1957. למה שמישהו לא יאהב אותי? Why would anyone not like me? Why wouldn't anyone love me? מעולם לא הייתי טוב מאד במתמטיקה. I never was very good at math. I've never been very good at math. Iḥemmel Tom ad isew ccrab. Tom likes to drink wine. I love Tom to be cool. توقّف سامي عن البكاء. Sami stopped crying. Sammy stopped crying. لا يوافق والديَّ على خياري المهني. My parents don't approve of my career choice. My parents don't agree with my professional choice. Tixeṛ-ikem ur ttɛeyyiḍ ara. Stop shouting. Well, you know, you're not a tester. Beṛka-k aɣenni. Stop singing. I fell asleep. לפי התחזית ירד שלג מחר. According to the weather forecast, it'll snow tomorrow. According to the forecast, it's snowed tomorrow. טום התפרץ לשיחתנו. Tom broke into our conversation. Tom burst into our conversation. Argaz-iw d argaz yelhan. My husband is a good man. My husband is good. Tom ur yettidir-ara deg Lustṛali. Tom doesn't live in Australia. But he doesn't look at it in Lystra. Yella kra n yiwen i yettalin tiseddaṛin. Somebody's coming up the stairs. And there was yet a certain man, which had the gift. זה לא דם. זה רק צבע אדום. This isn't blood. It's just red paint. It's not blood. يمكن للجميع أن يشارك. Everyone is free to contribute. Everyone can share. كان سامي يحبّ الأشياء الممتازة في الحياة. Sami enjoyed the fine things of life. Sammy loved the best things in life. Ur d-yeḍṛi wacemma. Nothing is happening. I have nothing to do with you. לפתע חלה תמורה בתוכנית. There was a sudden change of plan. Suddenly, she got sick in return for the show. أحدهم على الهاتف يريدك. You're wanted on the phone. Someone on the phone wants you. هذه فرصة أكبر من أن تفوّت. This is too good a chance to miss. That's a bigger chance than you'd miss. ما قاله حينها صدمني. What he said then shocked me. What he said then shocked me. הם נפלו למטה על המדרגות. They fell down the stairs. They fell down the stairs. תניח את הספר על האחרים. Put the book on top of the others. Put the book on the others. האם עשרת אלפים ין יספיקו? Is ten thousand yen enough? Will tens of thousands of yen be enough? Ass-a d ɛecrin Tubeṛ. Today is the twentieth of October. So that day is the hired lamb of Tuber. תום לבש חליפת צלילה. Tom was wearing scuba gear. Tom wore a sound suit. هل هي طبيبة؟ Is she a doctor? Is she a doctor? Ilaq-iyi ad ččeɣ tura. I have to eat now. I must now eat. Meslayeɣ tafṛansist. I spoke French. I hear students. إنتظر دقيقة, توم! Wait a minute, Tom! Wait a minute, Tom! هذه تبدو كاليونانية لي، لكن و بالنسبة للناطقين بلغة الإسبرانتو، فهذه تبدو كلغة الفولابوك. It's all Greek to me, but to the Esperantist it's Volapük. It looks like Greek to me, but for Esperanto-speaking people, it looks like Volabok. D asegbar iceṭṛen, Tom: neɣ aha°? Tom is a talented actor, isn't he? The stones were broken off, and the dust was broken off. اوكون غير قبلْت نعاون توم ب هادي لحاجا. I should have agreed to help Tom with that. O'Con didn't accept Tom's help on my own. هو يقرأ كتاباً. He reads a book. He's reading a book. תום חושב על זה. Tom is now thinking about it. Tom's thinking about it. قررت أن أترك المدرسة. I decided to leave the school. I decided to leave school. ስራ እየፈለግሁኝ ነው። I'm looking for work. I'm looking for a job. Ḥbes ur yi-ttṛuẓu ara aqeṛṛuy-iw. Stop bothering me! And fear hath not filled my head. נא לצאת מיד. Please leave right away. Please come out immediately. אני מעדיפה את השמלה הזאת על פני זו. I prefer that dress to this one. I prefer this dress over this one. نحن لن نعمل معهم أبدا. We'll never work for them. We'll never work with them. קינאתי. I was jealous. I was jealous. היא בהריון עם תאומים. She's pregnant with twins. She's pregnant with twins. זה פעל? Did that work? Did it work? חלב אפשר להפוך לחמאה, לגבינה ולהרבה דברים אחרים. Milk can be made into butter, cheese, and many other things. Milk can become butter, about it and a lot of other things. أين يمكننى تبادل النقود؟ Where can I exchange money? Where can I exchange money? La ssizdigen taftist. They're cleaning the beach. No siszdigen tifest. على أي سرير تريد أن تنام؟ On which bed would you like to sleep? What bed do you want to sleep on? Tella tin i iwalan kra? Did someone say something? Can you see anything? It-tfal qed jieħdu zokkor ħafna aktar mil-limitu, jiġifieri dak ta’ 30 gramma ta’ zokkor. Children are consuming sugar in amounts well above the limit, which is fixed at 30 grams. Children are taking much more sugar than the limit, i.e. 30 grams of sugar. Yekfa deg-i wawal. I'm at a loss for words. He spoke to me in my native language. ستصل السفينة الفضائية إلى القمر قريباً. The space ship will get to the moon soon. The spaceship will soon reach the moon. תום בודד. Tom is lonely. Tom's alone. Kra ur yettbeddil. Nothing changes. Something's not changing. Ḥebset din. Stop there. Stop it. היא באמבטיה. She's in the bath. She's in the bathroom. D takeṛṛust igerrzen! Nice car! Now the harvest is ripe. صرخت على المدرّسة. She yelled at the teacher. I yelled at the teacher. أنا أريد أن أذهب إلي الجنة, ولكن لا أريد أن أموت للوصول إلى هناك! I want to go to heaven, but I don't want to die to get there! I want to go to heaven, but I don't want to die to get there! איפה אתה גר? Where do you live? Where do you live? תגידו לתום להכניס את הכלב. Tell Tom to let the dog in. Tell Tom to put the dog in. Yessen amek ara yurar s umeslay. He knows how to play with words. How it is written, "He who speaks!" תנתקו את התקע. Disconnect the plug. Cut it off. Tzemreḍ ad tifeḍ s waṭas Tom akken yettεummu. You can swim much better than Tom can. You will appoint many, even those who are full grown. سامي يستمع لليلى. Sami listens to Layla. Sammy's listening to me tonight. Qqimemt deg beṛṛa. Keep out. Sit outside. אם אינך יכול להביס אותם, הצטרף אליהם. If you can't beat them, join them. If you can't defeat them, join them. את כבר מבוהלת? Are you frightened yet? Are you scared yet? بإمكانك الاعتماد عليّ يا جيم. You can count on me, Jim. You can count on me, Jim. أخذ سامي سيّارة ليلى و تركها عالقة في المستشفى. Sami took Layla's car and left her stranded at the hospital. Sammy took a night car and left her stuck in the hospital. Yessen Tom ad yessuden akken iwata. Tom is a great kisser. Jesse-tem will kill me, as I also do. תום שחקן טוב בעמדת בסיס ראשון. Tom is a great first baseman. Tom's a good player at first base. Ilaq ad tili tin ara ixedmen kra. Somebody should do something. You must do something whatever you want to do. Ur lliɣ ara din seg Tubeṛ. I haven't been there since October. I am not of him who was baptized. לפעמים כלב יכול להיות חיה מסוכנת. Sometimes a dog can be a dangerous animal. Sometimes a dog can be a dangerous animal. נדהמתי שהיא עשתה את הזה. I was astonished that she had done it. I was surprised she did this. ربما توم يحبك. Maybe Tom likes you. Maybe Tom likes you. S tidet kan, ur egiɣ ara ayen i d-yenna Tom ad tegeɣ. I didn't actually do what Tom said I did. For, lo, not according to what Thomas shall say, I will destroy it. Yiwen ur issel i yinaw. Nobody was listening to the speech. There is no man that doeth any thing. شكراً جزيلاً لك يا دكتور. Thank you very much, doctor. Thank you very much, Doctor. זוהי דמגוגיה ותו לא. This is pure demagogy. It's a demography, and then it doesn't. תום כשורה. Tom is OK. Tom's fine. Tom akked Mary la ţezmumugen. Tom and Mary are smiling. Tom and Mary leremugen. הם חברי כיתתי. They are my classmates. They're classmates. Ttuɣ akk ayen icudden ɣur-k. We forgot all about you. I swear by all that was bound together. אתה עלול שלא לאהוב את הספר הזה. You may not like this book. You might not like this book. יש סמטה מאחורי הבית שלי. There's an alley behind my house. There's an alley behind my house. ትናንትና መጣሁ። I came yesterday. I came yesterday. الإسلام خطر. Islam is dangerous. Islam is dangerous. היא כמו מלאך. She's an angel. She's like an angel. Beṛka-kent amennuɣ. Stop arguing. Let no man strive together for himself. Tom ikellex Mary. Tom cheated Mary. Tom did not eat Mary. لا أحد يريد أن يلعب مع تانغو باستثناء صبي صغير. No one wanted to play with Tango except the little boy. No one wants to play with Tango except a little boy. באחד הימים בחודש הבא אני מתכנן לנסוע לקיוטו. Some day next month I plan to go to Kyoto. One day next month, I'm planning on going to Kyoto. هذا كتاب للقراءة. This is a book to read. This is a reading book. Ad yettmal Tom. Tom rocks. Ad complete Tom. فُصل سامي عن وظيفته. Sami got fired. Sammy was dismissed from his job. Acḥal ssaɛa i tella i mi d-tewwḍem ar da? What time was it when you got here? For how long, when ye came, shall ye see it? Ɣas ma fkiɣ-d asteqsi ur yesɛi ara lmeɛna? Can I ask a stupid question? And if I would inquire in vain, what shall it mean? הוא יכול לנגן בפסנתר, בחליל, בגיטרה וכן הלאה. He can play the piano, the flute, the guitar, and so on. He can play piano, space, guitar, and so on. D timdanin i tellamt? Are you human? Are you here because of the day? זהו אדם עשיר, אך משעמם. He is a rich but dull man. It's a rich man, but boring. هي تحتاج للمزيد من النوم. She needs to sleep more. She needs more sleep. הנמיכי את קולך. Lower your voice. Lower your voice. بقي سامي صامتا. Sami stayed silent. Sammy's still silent. ניסיתי להיות בשקט. I tried to be quiet. I tried to be quiet. هذه خريطة كبيرة لألمانيا. Here's a big map of Germany. This is a big map for Germany. בקשי את עצתה. Ask for her advice. Ask for her advice. اصبر، ها أنا قادم! Hold on, I'm coming! Wait, here I come! الأب عائد إلى البيت غداَ. Father is coming home tomorrow. Father's coming home tomorrow. Yewwi Tom tisura n tkeṛṛust n Mary axaṭer tella teskeṛ. Tom took Mary's car keys away because she was drunk. "You know the fig tree of Mary, for it was dry. هو يعلم العربيه He is teaching Arabic. He knows Arabic. Ilaq ad yili walebɛaḍ ara iṛuḥen d amenzu. Somebody has to go first. A thorn must be in the air. Tettbinemt-d tuḍnemt. You look sick. You're writing down your works. רוב האנשים בכפר התנגדו לתכנית. Most people in the village objected to the plan. Most people in the village opposed the plan. لم لا؟ Why not? Why not? הוא סבר שדבר זה דומה לכלוב ציפורים. He thought that it was like a bird cage. He thought this thing was like a bird cage. فَهمتُ ذلك. I got it. I figured that out. אני יכולה להגיע לבית הספר בעשר דקות הליכה. I can walk to school in 10 minutes. I can get to school in ten minutes. טום לא הצליח לאתר את נהר הדנובה על המפה. Tom couldn't locate the Danube on the map. Tom couldn't track the Dunova River on the map. אחי לא יכול היה לפתור את הבעיה המסובכת. My brother could not solve the complicated problem. My brother couldn't solve the complicated problem. كان سامي يعتقد أنّ مجيدا كان تهديدا خطيرا لحياته. Sami thought that Majid was a dangerous threat to him. Sammy thought it was a serious threat to his life. الأمازيغ فخورون بلغتهم. Berbers are proud of their language. Amazig is proud of their language. תמסור את שיעורי הבית שלך. Turn in your homework. Hand over your homework. Ččiɣ tikawkawin. I ate some peanuts. I will bring you back to life again. Aql-aɣ deg ass n lexmis. Today is Thursday. And we are in his rest day. כן. היא קיבלה הדרכה מהרופא הקודם שלה והועברה לבית חולים אחר. Yes. She got an introduction from her previous doctor and transferred to another hospital. She received guidance from her former doctor and was transferred to another hospital. سمعت ليلى صوتا مألوفا. Layla heard a familiar sound. I heard a familiar voice. Acḥal i t-tettamneḍ-t? How much do you believe him? How many times have ye believed him? התפוז לא היה מתוק ולא חמוץ. The orange didn't taste either sweet or sour. The orange wasn't sweet or ham. הנהר שזורם בלונדון נקרא תיימס. The river which flows through London is called the Thames. The river flowing in London is called Times. Ur d-qqaṛ acemma. Say nothing. And I said nothing unto them. باراك الله عليك. May the blessings of God rest upon you. God bless you. Itess aṭas n uyefki yal ass. He drinks a lot of milk every day. How much more then doth he supply every day? תום סוף סוף כאן. Tom is finally here. Tom's finally here. ذلك خارق للعادة. That's extraordinary. That's unusual. تحدثت معها لساعة. I talked with her for an hour. I talked to her for an hour. הזמן מתבזבז. Time is wasting. Time's wasted. Ayɣer i yugaden akk annect-a? Why are they so afraid? Why then hath this man done all these things? Yella win i yebɣan ad ihḍeṛ yid-k. Somebody wants to talk to you. And he was the same, which, when they desired to follow thee, followed thee. La tettqeṣṣiṛeḍ? Are you kidding? Would you do a certain thing? بُني هذا الجسر منذ عامين. This bridge was built two years ago. I built this bridge two years ago. Beṛka-kem aɛeyyeḍ. Stop shouting. But I will be free from charge. יתכן שאלו היו הם? Could it have been them? Could it have been them? הענבים האלה בשלים. These grapes are ripe. These grapes are perfect. D tidet yenna-d Tom belli yenwa ad yeqqim deg Ustṛalya? Did Tom say he'd stay in Australia? Thomas said to himself, "What do you think there will be in Julia?" נושבת קצת רוח. It's slightly windy. It's a little bit of a wind. ينبغي أن تلغى منهجيا المشاريع الضارة بالبيئة. Environmentally damaging projects should be abandoned systematically. The methodology of projects that are harmful to the environment should be eliminated. בני אדם לא היו מגיעים לאן שהגיעו ללא האגודלים. Humans wouldn't have gotten where they are without opposable thumbs. Humans wouldn't come where they came from without the thumbs. استيقظ سامي. Sami woke up. Sammy, wake up. كان سامي شخصيّة مؤثّرة في الجالية العربيّة بتورونتو. Sami was a powerful figure within the Toronto Arab community. Sammy was an influential person in the Toronto Arab Community. תום לא היה היחידי שקם כה מוקדם הבוקר. Tom wasn't the only one who got up early this morning. Tom wasn't the only one who got up so early this morning. كان عمر الفقيد ثمانين سنة. The deceased was eighty years old. He was 80 years old. الخير ينتصر دائما. Good always wins. Good always wins. حاول بكل ما تستطيع، لكن لن تقدر على إجبار شخص على أن يعتقد شيئًا ما، ناهيك عن نفسك. Try as you might, but you cannot force a belief onto someone else, much less your own self. Try everything you can, but you can't force someone to think of anything, let alone yourself. احضرتُ لها مثلَّجات لكي لا تحزن I got her an ice cream so that she wouldn't get depressed. I brought her grades so she wouldn't be sad. אמא שכחה להוסיף מלח לסלט. My mother forgot to add salt to the salad. Mom forgot to add salt to the salad. אתה נשמע ילדותי. You sound childish. You sound young. بإمكان سامي إصلاح هذه النّافذة. Sami can fix this window. Sammy can fix this window. حان الوقت لأن تشتري سيارة جديدة. It's time for you to buy a new car. It's time to buy a new car. لا أريد أن أراه بعد الآن. I don't want to see him at all. I don't want to see him anymore. Yesbeɛbuẓ kan Ɛumaṛ. No one understands Omar's gibberish. Now Jeroboam was dead in the wilderness of Sodom. הוא כרסתן. He has a potbelly. He's a cancer. ארגוני זכויות האדם קבלו בקול שוב ושוב על העדר חופש אזרחי במדינה בשליטת תום. Human rights organisations complained loudly and repeatedly about the lack of civil liberties in the country under Tom's rule. Human rights organizations have repeatedly been granted civil freedom in the country under the control of Tom. אלו המיועדים להיפגש יעשו זאת למרות המרחק. אלו שאינם מיועדים לכך לא יפגשו, אפילו אם הם נמצאים אחד מול השני. Those fated to meet will do so regardless of distance. Those not fated will not, even if they are across from one another. Those who aren't meant to meet, even if they're in front of each other. إنه جو رائع ، أليس كذلك؟ Great weather, isn't it? It's great, isn't it? את שקרנית. You are a liar. You're a liar. Tom yusa-d iman-is, mebla Mary. Tom came alone, without Mary. Tom came too far, again Mary. Fejn hu t-tojlit? Where is the toilet? Where is the toilet? العباقرة من الناس كالشهبُ التي قُدِّر لها أن تحترق لتضيء زمنها. Men of genius are meteors destined to burn in order to illuminate their century. The slave of people like the gold she's supposed to burn for the light of her time. ישנן ראיות המצביעות על כך שתום היה אחראי למותה של מרי. There seems to be evidence suggesting Tom was responsible for Mary's death. There's evidence indicating that Tom was responsible for Mary's death. Ass-a d ɛecrin deg Tubeṛ. Today's the twentieth of October. And that day shall they make tabernacles in Tabernacles. Rrbaḥa n waraz-nni tessefreḥ Tom. Winning a trophy made Tom happy. He left the linen cloth, and wrapped Thomas in a clean linen cloth. لقد أنهيت العمل للتو. I just finished work. I just finished work. אני יודע לשיר היטב. I can sing well. I know how to sing well. Ṭṭfet-t-id! Grab him! Hold the hand! אני יודע ממה להתעלם. I know what to ignore. I know what to ignore. Tɣaḍeḍ-tent? Did they feel bad for you? So do they continue? صرفا فاضل و ليلى المال معا. Fadil and Layla spent the money together. It's just a waste of money and a night of money together. كتبت رسالة لأمي. I wrote a letter to my mother. I wrote a letter to my mother. وقع فاضل في حبّ امرأة مصريّة. Fadil fell for an Egyptian woman. He fell into love with an Egyptian woman. אולי אתה צריך לעשות את זה. Maybe you should do that. Maybe you should do it. Ɛiwed-as tikkelt-nniḍen. Do it again! And he spake unto him of that hour. Thelkeḍ? Are you ill? What would you have done? Bɣiɣ ad ẓṛeɣ mmi. I'd like to see my son. I would hate my son. Tturareɣ apyanu. I play the piano. Implanted apyan. اختبأ سامي خلف شجرة صنوبر. Sami hid behind a pine tree. Sammy hid behind a sanover tree. אף פעם לא ראיתי כלב גדול כל כך. I've never seen so big a dog. I've never seen a dog that big. Bɣiɣ ad sεeddiɣ lweqt d Tom. I want to spend time with Tom. I desire to spend time with Thomas. Tella seg zik tettwali-t yecbeḥ. She had always found him handsome. He was already well versed. Eεṛeḍemt ad t-tessedhumt. Try to keep him occupied. You will sit down with them. מפלגתם זכתה בבחירות במירב הקולות. Their party won the most votes in the election. Their party won the election at most votes. فكر فيما قلته لك. Think about what I said to you. Think about what I told you. هل بإمكاني الدخول؟ May I come in? Can I come in? נגעת - נסעת. Once you begin, you must continue. You touched-- you drove. בוא נראה טלוויזיה. Let's watch TV. Let's see a TV. Tom ur imliḥ ara dɣa am gma-s. Tom isn't as good-looking as his brother. And he was not rich, but was as his brother. أريد أن أقضي وقتًا أكثر معك وحدنا. I want to spend more time alone with you. I want to spend more time alone with you. אתה עצמך בחרת את השירים האלה? Did you choose those songs yourself? You chose those songs yourself? سامي موجود هنا من أجل حاسوب. Sami is here for a computer. Sammy's here for a computer. אני רוצה שתום ידע שאני לא מעוניין להתקוטט אתו. I want Tom to know I've got no beef with him. I want Tom to know I don't want to fight him. Asuref kan. Just apologize. Please read on. תום נעץ את מבטו בתמונה של מרי. Tom stared at Mary's photo. Tom took a look at Mary's picture. سأقوم بذلك شرط أن تساندني. I will do it on condition that you support me. I'll do it on a condition that you support me. Tebɣiḍ ad ternuḍ ad teqqimeḍ ugar? Do you want to stay any longer? Are you willing to allow me to go and sit in the feast?' הנתיך נשרף. The fuse is blown. You're burned. Ad uɣaleɣ ar Boston deg 20 Tubeṛ. I'm coming back to Boston in October. I went to Boston on 20 Web. بنى فاضل علاقة حبّه مع دانية على الأكاذيب. Fadil's love for Dania was built on lies. He built a love relationship with Dana on the lies. היא נעמדה והביטה לעבר הים. She stood looking out toward the sea. She stood up and looked at the sea. أنا مترجم I'm a translator. I'm an interpreter. دعونا نبدأ على الفور. Let's get started right away. Let's start right away. سأل توم عن هذا. Tom asked for that. Tom asked about this. למי תיפול הזכות לספר להם? Who gets to tell them? Who would have the right to tell them? זאת ההחלטה שלי. That's my decision to make. That's my decision. Isem n Tunes yusa-d seg uẓaṛ "ens". The toponym Tunis comes from the root "ens", a night camp for troops. His name came from the close of the disciples, "Ense." Txelɛeḍ? Are you sisters? Did you drink? תום חשב שמרי הסתירה ממנו משהו. Tom thought that Mary was hiding something from him. Tom thought Mary was hiding something from him. הוא רופא טוב. He is a good doctor. He's a good doctor. أتى سامي إلى العيادة ليقابل ليلى. Sami came to the clinic to see Layla. Sammy came to the clinic to meet Lily. נפגשנו שנית לגמרי באקראי. We met each other again completely by accident. We met a whole second at random. أمريكا، لقد قطعنا شوطاً طويلاً. ورأينا الكثير. إلا أنه لا زال هناك الكثير ليُنجز. لذا، فلنسأل أنفسنا هذا المساء: إذا ما عاش أطفالنا حتى القرن القادم؛ وإذا ما كانت بنتاي على قدر من الحظ لتعيشا طويلاً مثل آن نيكسون كوبر، فما هو التغيير الذي ستشهدانه؟ وما هو التقدم الذي سنكون قد أحرزناه؟ America, we have come so far. We have seen so much. But there is so much more to do. So tonight, let us ask ourselves, if our children should live to see the next century, if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as Ann Nixon Cooper, what change will they see? What progress will we have made? America, we've come a long way. We've seen a lot. But there's still so much to do. So let's ask ourselves this evening: if our children live until the next century; if my daughter is lucky to live a long time like Anne Nixon Cooper, what change will you see? What progress will we have? Ur d-tettṛuḥumt ara ɣuṛ-i? Aren't you going to join me? They didn't work for me, but for my sake, that they might work for me. Yenna-yi-d Tom belli Mary ur tfud ara. Tom told me Mary wasn't thirsty. He said to me, "She isn't asleep." كان سامي عامل سيّارة إسعاف. Sami was an ambulance attendant. Sammy was an ambulance worker. Atan wamek ara ɛeqlen medden belli kenwi d inelmaden-iw: ma temyeḥmalem gar-awen. This is how people will know you are my disciples: if you love each other. By this shall men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love among yourselves. זה רק ניחוש. It's only a guess. It's just a guess. תן לי משהו נגד הכאבים. Please give me something to kill the pain. Give me something against the pain. לאחר ארוחת הבוקר יצאנו לטייל בחוץ. After breakfast, we went out for a walk. After breakfast, we went out for a walk. Ahat yella kra i iwala Tom. Maybe Tom saw something. He thought that he had seen seven of you. أنتَ إما معنا, أو ضدنا. You are either with us, or against us. You're either with us, or against us. كان سامي مدرّسا بوذيّا. Sami was a Buddhist teacher. Sammy was a Buddhist teacher. Ur xdimeɣ ara ayen-nni seg Tubeṛ. I haven't done that since October. I didn't do the things that were spoken from the tomb. بغيت نريّح قدّام التاقة. I want to sit near the window. I should've gone ahead. Sami yella yettmeslay aṭas. Sami was talking a lot. And he continued to speak much. היא העריצה אותו. She admired him. She adored him. Bɣiɣ ḥedd-nnayeḍ. I want somebody else. I want you to believe that you will live again. Steqsi! Ask! Ask! لا ُثعطني أي فكرة. Don't give me any ideas. Don't give me any idea. الثقة بالنفس مفتاح النجاح. Self confidence is the key to success. Confidence in oneself is the key to success. لم نختبئ؟ Why are we hiding? We didn't hide? אתה לא עוזב, נכון? You're not leaving, are you? You're not leaving, are you? Yefka-yaɣ-d akk ayen neḥwaǧ. He provided us with everything we needed. Provide us with all the things we need. عليك بمساعدته، و بسرعة. You have to help him, and quickly! You have to help him, and quickly. היא ביקשה עזרה, אבל אף אחד לא בא. She asked for help, but no one came. She asked for help, but no one came. הוא אחז בידה. He grabbed her hand. He held her hand. Ur tessexdam ara Mari lemleḥ mi ara tsewway. Mary doesn't use salt in her cooking. And don't be drunken with better clothing, when you are dressed. نحن ندرس العربي You teach Arabic. We're studying Arabic. קרא לי טארו, בבקשה. Please call me Taro. Call me Taro, please. Ǧǧiɣ Tom ad iyi-ssuden. I allowed Tom to kiss me. For sure I was with them. Acimi ur tt-id-tewwiḍ ara s axxam? Why didn't you bring it home? Why didn't you take him into the house?' הוא אמר: "אני מקנדה". "I'm from Canada", he said. He said, "I'm from Canada." لم نره في أي مكان. We didn't see him anywhere. We haven't seen him anywhere. Amessikel iwala yiwet n tafat ɣer lebεid, dɣa yefreḥ. The traveler saw a light from afar and rejoiced. He saw a light going into the sky; and he was healed. إنها لا تعرف شيئاً عن عائلتك. She knows nothing about your family. She doesn't know anything about your family. לקחו לתום כסף במרמה. Tom got ripped off. They took money to Tom in fraud. لا تخيب ظني بك! Don't disappoint me. Don't be disappointed. إحذر! Look out! Be careful! איזה אפשרויות אחרות יש לי? What other option do I have? What other options do I have? תום ישן כמו תינוק. Tom slept like a baby. Tom's asleep like a baby. יש לי הרגשה שהיא תבוא היום. I have a feeling that she'll come today. I have a feeling she's coming today. I snat-nteɣ nella neɛya. Both of us were tired. For we both have compassion on him. رأى إيفو حبة العنب تلك. Ivo saw the grape. Evo saw that grapes. أفضل ركوب الدراجة. I prefer biking. Best bike ride. הם אמרו לי, שז'ואו נסע לחיות בארגנטינה. They told me João went to live in Argentina. They told me, Joe went to live in Argentina. Sew teččeḍ. Eat and drink up. It's worth it. Ittabn-iyi-d tetqelliqeḍ aṭas. I find you very boring. Say to me, 'You will be very heavy for me.' Sliɣ d akken Tom yessuden Mary. I heard that Tom kissed Mary. And I was as Thomas did toward Mary. אני חושב שאתה צריך לשתות קצת קפה. I think you should drink some coffee. I think you should have some coffee. היא מדברת אנגלית טוב מאוד. She speaks English very well. She speaks very good English. هل افتقدتني؟ Did you miss me? Did you miss me? توم وميري كانا صديقان مقربان. Tom and Mary were close friends. Tom and Mary were close friends. Ur stufaɣ ara tura acku ttaruɣ adlis. I'm now busy writing a book. I don't yet find your books written. Neţţa d yiwen ger imussanen imeqṛanen yark di Japan. He is one of the greatest scientists in Japan. We were bound with rods about your child's head in Japan. Iwumi-ak takeṛṛust ma ur tnehher-ḍ ara? What's the good of having a car if you don't drive? Therefore he will reprove you, if you don't know him. Ulac učči s tɣimit. No pain, no gain. For he will not eat of that which is left over him, neither will he eat of that which is left over him. Ḥareɣ melmi ad waliɣ llebsa-nkent n Halloween. I can't wait to see your Halloween costume. I remember how long I was dressed for the garment of Halloween. استيقظت في الصباح الباكر She woke up in the early morning. I woke up early in the morning. Ur swiɣ ara lqahwa. I didn't drink coffee. I will not be absent. أنا لو كنت غنية, كنت أود أن أعطيك المال. If I were rich, I'd give you money. If I were rich, I'd like to give you the money. בחרנו מלון קרוב למוזיאונים. We've chosen a hotel near the museums. We chose a hotel near the museums. لا يزال سامي في عداد المفقودين. Sami is still missing. Sammy is still missing. היא איבדה ספר. She lost a book. She lost a book. كان سامي سعيدا بخروج ليلى من حياته. Sami was glad Layla was out of his life. Sammy was happy to get out of his life tonight. טום הולך הביתה. Tom is going home. Tom's going home. Jien ma rridx immur l-iskola. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Ttɛasan akk. Everybody waited. They were all disobedient. Ansuf yis-k. Welcome. Be careful! لم يخبر سامي ليلى عن سليمة. Sami didn't tell Layla about Salima. Sammy Lily didn't tell him right. Ṛuḥ kan s leɛqel. Haste makes waste. Go on acting in a right way. Yella win yella tura neɣ yella yakan daki. Somebody is or was here. Yea, and if so be that yet were dead, surely there shall be no harm done unto him. صفع سامي ليلى مجدّدا. Sami slapped Layla again. Sammy got up again. توم غاضب على مارى. Tom is angry at Mary. Tom's mad at Mary. הילדים מאזינים לתקליט. The children listen to a record. The kids are listening to the record. لست قبطان الفريق الجديد. I am not the captain of the new team. I'm not the new team captain. שלום, טום. בוקר טוב! Hello, Tom. Good morning. Hello, Tom. תגידי לתום. Tell Tom. Tell Tom. توم هو الذي دفع ثمن التذاكر. Tom is the one who paid for the tickets. Tom's the one who paid for the tickets. أنا صيني I'm Chinese. I'm Chinese. האם כבר שלחת לו כרטיס ברכה לחג המולד? Have you sent him a Christmas card yet? Have you already sent him a Christmas card? هل تقوم بذلك عن قصد؟ Are you doing that on purpose? Are you doing that on purpose? Yettban-d Tom yefṛeḥ aṭas. Tom looks very happy. Tom's face appeared, and he was very glad. חשבתי שאתה עובד. I thought you were at work. I thought you were working. Amek tella teswiɛt di Boston? What was the situation in Boston? How long is Boston? لم يفتح سامي الباب. Sami didn't open the door. Sammy didn't open the door. كنت أضاجع مدرّستي. I slept with my teacher. I was fucking my teacher. لم يكن ينبغي أن يحدث هذا. This should not have occurred. This shouldn't have happened. Acḥal n tikkal i truḥeḍ ad tɛummeḍ anebdu iɛeddan? How often did you go swimming last summer? How many times wilt thou desire to have done the same? Izmer ad yi-d-iḥbes kra n yiwen. Somebody might stop me. And yet a little while was I able to hold them. ההיסטוריה היא המורה של החיים. History is the teacher of life. History is the teacher of life. Tom yesqewqiw. Tom is stuttering. There's lots of fun. وعدني جيم أنه لن يعود. Jim promised me not to come again. Jim promised he wouldn't come back. سيحصل سامي على فرصته للانتقام. Sami will have his revenge. Sammy's gonna have a chance to get revenge. سامي هو مدير العيادة. The clinic director is Sami. Sammy is the director of the clinic. האם בעיר שלך גרים הרבה אנשים? Do a lot of people live in your town? Do you live a lot of people in your town? إنه عبقري. He is a genius. He's a genius. משהו בכל אופן לא כשר. There's definitely something wrong. Something's not good anyway. באיזו שעה מגישים את ארוחת הערב? What time is dinner served? What time are they serving dinner? אני עושה לך טובה. I'm doing you a favor. I'm doing you a favor. Xeṛṣum tanemmirt. Thanks anyway. Let's work work. Tewweḍ-d nnuba-nteɣ! Our time has come! Now, behold, I fled away, and was lost. Yefka-yas Tom afenǧal n lqahwa i Mary. Tom handed a cup of coffee to Mary. And she came with Thomas, the wife of Mary in her greeting. Kennemti d tiqṛuṛin. You are children. I know you're a teacher. Ihi, iḥun Rebbi timellalin-nni tizegzawin swayes i t-tṛejmem ur zeggaɣit ara! Tili ad iɣidd d ifeddix! "Well, thank goodness, the fresh eggs with which you bombed him are not red! Otherwise, he would have thought you injured him!" But now he that hath the sheaf, and her hand, and she shall not be afraid: she shall be broken with the sword. Mamec tejjid, Tom? How are you, Tom? Mamec do, Tom? أرسلت الشّرطة كلبا إلى داخل ذلك المكان. Police sent a dog in. The police sent a dog inside that place. החיים יכולים להיות קשים. Life can be hard. Life can be hard. אין מוצא. There's no way out. There's no way. אני שותה יין. I drink wine. I'm drinking wine. Aw. Hi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . كانت الرّسالة مُمضاة من طرف دان. The letter was signed by Dan. The messenger was fighting by Dan. Ṛuḥeɣ. I left. I went my way. עדיין אתה לא משוכנע? Are you still not convinced? You're not convinced yet? הוא רגיל לשאול הרבה שאלות. He tends to ask a lot of questions. He's used to asking a lot of questions. Ugadeɣ nesɛa ugur. I'm afraid we have a problem. I gave birth to a baby. Qqimet ɣer ṭṭabla. Sit at the table. Stay on your journey for a long time. הידיעות על מיזוג שתי החברות הגיעו אתמול. The news of the merger of the two companies broke yesterday. The information about the merger of the two companies came yesterday. החבר הכי טוב שלי הוא וולשי. My best friend is Welsh. My best friend is Walsey. كان لدينا مدرّس عنصري. We had a racist teacher. We had a racist teacher. الآن، بإمكان الشركة أن تبرر هذه المصاريف. Now the company can justify such expenditure. Now, the company can justify these expenses. Telluẓemt? Hungry? Do you remember? هم مثليون. They're homosexual. They're gays. נחזור אחרי הפרסומת הזאת. We'll be back after this commercial. We'll be back after this commercial. Anwa lbeṛǧ i yellan ɛlay akk di Boston? What's the tallest building in Boston? Which of the scribes was it, as regards all in Boston? Kker fall-ak! Stand up. Get out of your way! Keṛheɣ axeddim. I hate working. I hate hypocrisy. آسف لإني أزعجتك. Sorry to trouble you. I'm sorry to bother you. את מרוצה? Are you content? Are you happy? Ur ssirideɣ ara takeṛṛust-nkent. I'm not washing your car. I don't order a yoke to break with." إمكانك الذهاب إذا أردت. You can go if you want. You can go if you want. איש לא זקוק לי. Nobody needs me. No one needs me. אני מקווה שהוא יבוא. I expect him to come. I hope he comes. Ẓṛiɣ d akken la tettarumt adlis. I know you're writing a book. I have sinned greatly, even as you also did in my book. التفاح فاكهة لذيذة. An apple is a tasty fruit. The apple's delicious fruit. הקשבת? Were you listening? Did you listen? את באמת סבורה שאני מפחדת מחושך? Do you really think I'm afraid of the dark? Do you really think I'm afraid of the dark? כולם יודעים שאני שונאת אתכם. Everybody knows I hate you. Everyone knows I hate you. يخلق الرّب الجمال من الرّماد. God creates beauty from ashes. Beautiful Lord creates the ash. استيقظت في الخامسة هذا الصباح. I woke up at five this morning. I woke up at 5:00 this morning. كان فاضل يقطن في الحيّ الذي تقطن فيه ليلى. Fadil lived in the same neighborhood as Layla. He was living in the neighborhood where you lived at night. Ttmenniɣ ad tettili dima akka. I wish it were always like this. But I say that this will kill me. Tanemmirt ɣef tmesliwt-ik. Thank you for listening. "Fill yourself with fire." هادي لقطّا ديالي. That's my cat. Hold on to a dially cat. Deg iḍ, yella yekkat-d udfel d asemmaḍ. During the night the wind blew cold. Now in the night there was a closet that lay by the door, and it was dead. Ixdem-aɣ Tom axeddim igerrzen. Tom has done a great job for us. Send us away so that we may work the harvest. أبكاني المدرّس. The teacher made me cry. I'm a teacher. Tebɣam ad teččem? Do you want food? Do you want to eat? عند سامي ستّ كلاب الآن. Sami has six dogs now. Sammy's six dogs now. כשהגעתי הביתה מצאתי את מכתבך מחכה לי. When I got home, I found your letter waiting for me. When I got home, I found your letter waiting for me. أُخذ سامي إلى العيادة البلديّة. Sami was taken to the municipal clinic. Sammy was taken to the municipal clinic. Ḥbes ur ttmuqqul ara! Stop staring. It's not possible. It's not possible. חשתי פגוע. I felt hurt. I felt hurt. الزجاجة ملئى بالماء. The bottle is filled with water. The bottle is full of water. هل بإمكاني استعارة هذا القرص؟ May I borrow this CD? Can I borrow this disk? אתה באמת חושב כך, לא? You really think so, don't you? You really think so, don't you? הוא יהיה פה בקרוב. He will be here soon. He'll be here soon. היית צריך לשמוע לעצתי. You should take my advice. You should have heard my advice. Iɛeǧeb-iyi aṭas. I like it very much. I've had a lot of fun. היא שוכבת על הרצפה. She's lying on the floor. She's lying on the floor. תום סיפר לך את החדשות הטובות? Did Tom tell you the good news? Tom told you the good news? إنها مشهورة في اليابان وأمريكا أيضًا. She is well known both in Japan and in America. It's famous in Japan and America, too. Ḥemmleɣ amek i yi-tessudunemt. I love the way you kiss me. For I have loved your name. Tzemremt ad tbeddlemt aya ma yehwa-yakent. You can change that if you want. You'll make sure that you stop right now. Tom yerza ar Ustṛalya anebdu yezrin. Tom visited Australia last summer. And you're leaving the city of Australia. The former things have passed away. The former things have passed away. كوكب الأرض جميل. Earth is a beautiful planet. Earth's beautiful. Ass lɛali! Good day! Good asset! كان فاضل تحت تأثير المخدّرات و بدون مساعدة. Fadil was drugged and helpless. He was under the influence of drugs and without help. Aql-i deg Tel Aviv. I'm in Tel Aviv. They are at Tel Aviv. Ziɣ kunwi! Wannag tɣiddem ad ssersen tagelzimt! Ur walaɣ! It's no joke! Do you think that they will lay down their guns? You should forget about it! I say unto you, I know you, that ye are ready to reign, and I saw not. Telliḍ da weḥd-m? Were you here alone? Are you the only person? תבשלי את האורז. Cook the rice. Wipe the rice. המדד עלה למאה ועשרים נקודות וחצי, עלייה של ארבעה אחוזים לעומת החודש הקודם. The index advanced to 120.5, up 4% from the preceding month. The limit went to twenty-two points, four percent higher than the previous month. אחותה נראית צעירה. Her sister looks young. Her sister looks young. אדם זה לווֶה כסף ממלווים רבים. That man borrows money from many lenders. This person receives money from many of their companions. יצאנו בעקבות הפושע. We followed the tracks of the criminal. We went after the criminal. תום היה מטושטש לגמרי לאחר שהוא התעורר מהניתוח. Tom was away with the fairies for a while when he woke up after his surgery. Tom was totally lost after he woke up from the surgery. Yezga Tom yettxemmim ɣef Mary. Tom thought about Mary a lot. He's going to tell you about Mary. הכירי את עצמך. Know thyself. Know yourself. לא אכפת לי איך אתה מרגיש. I don't care how you feel. I don't care how you feel. بدأت ليلى تقيم علاقات جنسيّة. Layla started having sexual encounters. Lily started having sexual relations. አስተማሪ የለሁም። I'm not a teacher. I have no teacher. من رسم هذه اللوحة؟ Who painted this painting? Who drew this painting? فاز سامي. Sami won. Sammy won. אנו חופשיים סופסוף. We are finally free. We're finally free. תום לא יודע בכלל לשחות. מצד שני הוא שחקן כדור בסיס טוב. Tom can't swim at all. On the other hand, he is a good baseball player. Tom can't even swim. من هنا، سيدي. This way, Sir. This way, sir. Tom d awṛaɣ mliḥ. Tom is very pale. And they were much better than men. Tesɛam aydi? Have you got a dog? Do you have a baby? ظلت ماري عزباء طوال الفترة التي عاشتها في اليابان. Mary remained single all her life in Japan. Mary remained single throughout her life in Japan. Ula d kečč. You too. So you are also. Ssizdgemt taxxamt-nkent. Clean up your room. Sizdgemt taxt-negnet. Tebɣiḍ ad as-tiniḍ? Do you want to tell her? Do you say so? أحبّ ذلك المغنّي حقّا. I really dig that singer. I really like that singer. Metta taxsed ? What do you want ? When did it take place? Tuccḍa! It is a mistake! Tea! وضع سامي جثة ليلى في قعر القارب Sami placed Layla's body on the bottom of the boat. Sammy put a body in the boat's body. S tezmert-nkent. Bon appetit. By chance. Gnent. They're asleep. Gnut. חייתי כאן במשך שלושים שנה. I have lived here for thirty years. I've lived here for 30 years. هل أثلجت البارحة؟ Did it snow yesterday? Did you snow last night? Mennaɣ-as iḍ yelhan. I wished him a good night. But I have made good mention of him, a good night. כשצלצל הפעמון, הקהל התיישב במקומו. When the bell rang, the audience took their seats. When the bell rang, the crowd settled in his place. ነታ ዓራት ተደቂሱላ ነይሩ። Someone has slept in this bed. And he lay upon the bed. Izmer ad ak-d-tsel kra n yiwet. Somebody might've overheard you. He could have given you one kiss. Sami yella yeqqaṛ xirella. Sami read a lot. It's a smooth thing. لم يكن سامي يعمل آنذاك. Sami didn't have a job at that time. Sammy wasn't working at the time. אני לא יכולה להבדיל ביניהם. I can't tell them apart. I can't make a difference between them. Daymen tɣelṭeḍ. You always make a mistake. Don't be fooled. Teɣṛamt adlis n Taheṛ Ǧaɛut "Anebdu aneggaru n leɛqel"? Did you read Tahar Djaout's book "The Last Summer of Reason"? I write the book of Zion with the words of "The End of Wisdom." אחזיר לך מיד לאחר שאקבל את המשכורת. I'll pay you back once I receive my salary. I'll get you back right after I get the salary. جعلت المدرّس يتعثّر بدون قصد. I accidentally tripped the teacher. I made the teacher grow out of purpose. إنه من الرائع رؤيتك It's great to see you. It's great to see you. هي تحب المطر. She likes the rain. She likes rain. רק תכנס פנימה. Just get inside. Just go inside. اتصلت به بالأمس. I called him up yesterday. I called him yesterday. لكۆمّونيكاسيۆن ديالهوم راهي پلوس كۆمپلكس علا واش حساباتلنا. Their communication may be much more complex than we thought. You've got Monikaseyen Diallhom Rahi Plos as Mpelks A. and our accounts. أشكرك لأنك وضّحت لي ذلك. Thanks for your explanation. Thank you for explaining that to me. הוא ביקש ממני עזרה. He asked me for help. He asked me for help. אל תירה! Don't shoot! Don't shoot! أكلنا شحنة كاملة من التفاح. We ate a whole load of apples. We ate a whole shipment of apples. كان سامي يفكّر في حياته. Sami thought about his life. Sammy was thinking about his life. إنها بنفس طولك. She is as tall as you. It's the same length. קשה לי להתקיים מההכנסה הזעומה שלי. It's hard for me to live on my small income. It's hard for me to keep up with my smug income. Teččefčfeḍ? Have you lost your reason? Will you eat? מסוכן ללמוד. It's dangerous to study. It's dangerous to learn. Acu tennam deg ungal-is amaynut? How do you find his new novel? What did you say in his speech, saying, 'What did you mean by the Son of Man?' ساعدوني. لا أعرف السّباحة. Help me. I can't swim. I don't know the swim. אל תנסי לעבוד עלינו. Don't try to trick us. Don't try to work on us. يحب أهل أوروبا شرب الخمر. Europeans like to drink wine. Europeans like to drink wine. הוא התחתן כשהיה בגרמניה? Did he get married when he was in Germany? He married when he was in Germany? Beddlemt iceṭṭiḍen! Get changed. I've changed! በውነት ያስፈራል። It's truly frightening. He is fearful of truth. קניתי חמאה, גבינה ביצים ומה שרק תרצה. I bought butter, cheese, eggs and what not. I bought butter, egg cheese and what you just want. Ttṛajun akk. Everybody waited. And all the armies together. Fell-i i la tettqessiṛeḍ akka? Are you fucking kidding me? But if you ask such a question, what about me?" עלינו לדבוק בעיקר. We've got to stick to the point. We need to stick mostly. אינני יודעת אם כספי יספיק. I don't know if my money is enough. I don't know if my money will be enough. Amnet-iyi! Believe me! Believe me! תום יתגעגע אליך. Tom will miss you. Tom's gonna miss you. Sruḥeɣ imru-inu. I had lost my pen. I know my face. ירד גשם בשקט. It was raining quietly. It's raining. Tom ur yezmir ara ad yečč i yiman-is. Tom isn't able to feed himself. But and if he can't eat for himself, he can't eat for himself." תחתום מעל השורה הזאת. Sign above this line. Sign this line. S anda ara truḥem ass-a? Where are you going today? Where will we dance today? عليّ الذّهاب يا سامي. I've got to go, Sami. I gotta go, Sammy. עלי לעזוב מחר בבוקר. I must leave tomorrow morning. I have to leave tomorrow morning. Ad txedmemt deg iḍ-a? Are you working tonight? and did you do it in the night? لقد سأمت من الحياة إلى أبعد الحدود. I am really tired of living. I've been dying from life to the farthest. עשיתי תחרות איתו. I had a race with him. I did a competition with him. Acu ara d-iniɣ! What a thing to say! What I say. كتب سامي رسالة طويلة لليلى. Sami wrote a long letter to Layla. Sammy wrote a long letter for the night. قال زعيم الهنود حمر: "خذوا ما شئتم من الأرض. سيكون دائما ما يكفي من الأرض للبيض و الهنود الحمر." فرد الجنرال قائلا: "حقا؟ إذا نريد كل الأرض من المحيط المتجمد الشمالي إلى المحيط المتجمد الجنوبي." "Take all the land you want. There will always be enough land for both white and Native American people," said the Indian chief. "Really? So we want all the land from the Arctic Ocean to the Antarctic Ocean," said the general. The Indian leader said, "Take whatever you want out of the land. It will always be enough ground for whites and reds." Tameɣra n Tom tella-d deg 20 Tubeṛ. The party was held on October 20th. And the sheep of Thomas were in the 20th month. أكيد أنّي أحبّها. Of course I love her. I'm sure I love her. Iyaw ad nruḥet sakin ad nninit i wiyaḍ. Let's go and tell the others. They may lead us away. We will say to others. Yella win i yeṭṭalayen Tom. Someone is watching Tom. There is one who was left, who saw Thomas. Ad ak-d-siwleɣ azekka deg yiḍ. I'll give you a call tomorrow night. And I will come to thee tomorrow, and to see thee in the night. هذا لا يخصني. This has nothing to do with me. This doesn't belong to me. ספק אם הוא הכין את שיעורי הבית שלו בעצמו. It is doubtful whether he did his homework by himself. I doubt he made his own homework. המשא ומתן החל. The negotiations have begun. Negotiation has begun. הוא זרק אבן על הכלב. He threw a stone at the dog. He threw a stone at the dog. Tekreh-it. She hated him. Tekreh-it. أزاحت غطاء الصندوق. She took off the lid of the box. I took off the cover of the box. Staxxṛen-kent-id. You are fired. They threw him out. "Ikad-iyi gziɣ kullec," i s-inna Tom, "d acu ur tḥeqqaɣ ara dɣa maḍi." "I think I understood everything," Tom said, "but I'm not absolutely sure." He told me that I must do all things, and Thomas said to him, 'What will we never do?' אני קורא את המסמכים הישנים. I read the old documents. I read the old documents. وصل الشرطة إلى مكان الحادثة. The police got to the scene of the accident. The police arrived at the scene of the incident. متى ستبدأ المباراة؟ What time will the game start? When are you gonna start the game? لمۆدپاس هووا "مويرال". The password is "Muiriel". Dupas Hua Moiral. תום מציית לפקודות. Tom follows orders. Tom is obeying orders. Uḥwaǧeɣ kra n yiwen i wumi ara heḍṛeɣ. I need somebody to talk to. Show me therefore, that I may cut off every one whom I have rejected: Itess Tom tabyirt. Tom is having a beer. It's Tom’s tobacco. هي لا تعتبر اللحم لذيذا. She doesn't find meat tasty. She doesn't think the meat is delicious. אני עייף. I'm tired. I'm tired. מדוע אתה מנקה את המשרד? Why are you cleaning the office? Why are you cleaning up the office? מר ווייט צלצל לשוליה שלו ואמר: Mr White called his assistant over and said the following: Mr. Wyatt called his companions and said: Sarameɣ tlemdeḍ-d kra seg tuccḍiwin-ik. I hope you've learned something from your mistake. I beg you to take away some of your belongings. Tzemremt ad tseggmemt wa? Can you fix this? Do you trust in him? Tom yenna-d belli yebɣa ad yissin tafṛansist. Tom said he likes studying French. But he said to himself, "That they may know a lot of wine." הנה זה כאן. Here it is. There it is. חיפשתי באינטרנט ללמוד פורטוגזית. I have searched internet to learn Portuguese. I was looking online for a Portuguese lesson. אושיט לה את ידי. I'll give her a hand. I'll extend my hand to her. בימי ראשון לעתים רחוקות הוא נשאר בבית. He rarely stays home on Sunday. On Sundays, he's often staying home. אני חייב להרוס אותך. I must destroy you. I have to destroy you. אף פעם לא אמרתי שאני מאמין לכם. I never said I believed you. I never said I believed you guys. בשפת אספרנטו אין יוצאים מן הכלל. Esperanto has no exceptions. In the Esperto language, there are no exceptions. Sami yesteqsa Layla ma ɣuṛ-s amdakkel. Sami asked Layla if she had a boyfriend. He asked if he would return. Yeɣli-d wedfel d ilmesyar. Snow fell in large flakes. It's down and down. Iḥuss yufa iman-is Tom. Tom felt great. He found himself in Tom. Tom yeẓṛa Mary deg tmeɣṛa n Halloween. Tom saw Mary at the Halloween party. And when they were come into the feast, there was a great feast. ካብ ዘይትፈልጦ መልኣኽ ትፍልጦ ሸይጣን። Better the devil you know than the angel you don't. Thou sellest it unto him from the angel which thou knowest not. Ur terriḍ ara akk lbal-ik. You're not even paying attention. Cast not away thy loins. Sami i wala Layla tefeɣ-d seg Walmart. Sami saw Layla leave Walmart. And Levi, that was the least of all the children, which came out of the plain. Heḍṛemt kan yid-sen. Just talk with them. But the governor didn't agree with them. תניח את הנשק שלך! Put down your weapons! Put your weapon down! Yesteɛfa Tom. Tom recovered. Yes, Tom. Aya ur d-iḍeṛṛu. That won't happen. Let no man speak in vain. תום נראה מבסוט. Tom seems pleased. Tom looks like a scoundrel. הם לא תמיד מצייתים להוריהם. They don't always obey their parents. They don't always obey their parents. الحاجات دي بتاعتك؟ Are these your things? The need to take care of you? هذه الوردة جميلة. This rose is beautiful. This rose is beautiful. لا تنسه أبدا. Don't ever forget it. Don't forget it. היא בצרות גדולות. She's in big trouble. She's in big trouble. את חושבת שתום אינו אדיב? Do you think Tom is unkind? Do you think Tom's not kind? Zṛiɣ belli Tom d aberrani. I know Tom is a foreigner. I said, "Tom is wrong." אני לא מטיל בזה שום ספק. I don't doubt that one bit. I don't doubt it. أنا لا أسكن في هذه المدينة. I don't live in this city. I don't live in this city. Bɣan ad lemden taglizit. They want to learn English. I would like to learn a language. אתה רזה. You're thin. You're thin. תחזיק אותה בשבילי. Hold her for me. Hold her for me. أنتِ أُمّي. You are my mother. You're my mother. ما طول الجسر؟ How long is the bridge? How long is the bridge? תום אוהב לדבר על גולף. Tom likes to talk about golf. Tom likes to talk about golf. سامي يدين لي مالا. Sami owes me money. Sammy owes me money. Bɣiɣ ad iliɣ itri n usaru. I want to be a film star. I desire to be a soldier. תום שמע זאבים מיללים. Tom heard wolves howling. Tom heard werewolfs talking. לא ציפיתי לזה. I didn't anticipate this. I didn't expect it. لقد أكلنا هناك ثلاث مرات. We have eaten there three times. We ate there three times. يمكنك الذهاب إلى أين تشاء. You may go anywhere. You can go wherever you want. תום הקפיד לחבוש כובע כדי להסתיר את הקרחת. Tom kept his hat on to hide his baldness. It's fine to wear a hat to hide the ice. طعام سامي المفضّل هو الباستا. Sami's favorite food is pasta. Sammy's favorite food is pasta. نريد السلام في العالم. We want peace in the world. We want world peace. השכן שלו ידאג לילדים בהעדרה. His neighbor will care for the children while she is away. His neighbor will take care of the children in the absence. Yesɛa Tom aṭas n tektiwin i yelhan. Tom has many good ideas. And she had then many good vials. היא הייתה בזירת הפשע. She was at the scene of the crime. She was at the crime scene. أين مدخل المتحف؟ Where is the entrance to the museum? Where's the museum entrance? Ur ttetteḍ ara s tɣawla, yak? You don't eat very fast, do you? You don't have to be free, will you? أُحضِر سامي إلى محطّة شرطة و استُجوِب. Sami was brought into the police station and questioned. Sammy was brought to a police station and questioned. זה היה קשה? Would that have been hard? Was that hard? نظرت حولي. I looked around me. Look around. רתחתי מכעס. I was furious. I got angry. עלינו לשים קץ להרגל הישן בהקדם האפשרי. We must put an end to a bad habit as soon as possible. We need to put an end to the old habit as soon as possible. توم مميز جدا. Tom is very special. Tom's very special. Bɣiɣ ad ẓṛeɣ akk ayen i txedmemt. I want to know about everything you've done. I desire to know what you have done. Ɛni teččiḍ? Have you eaten? So why don't you eat? لتوم ندب على وجهه. Tom has a scar on his face. Tom's on his face. هل نظاراتك طبية؟ Are your glasses prescription? Are your glasses medical? Bdu aɣenni. Start singing. And sea-water springs. Tom yebges. Tom decided. Toms. תום ליגלג על הרעיון. Tom laughed at the idea. Tom's making fun of the idea. Zzuɣret icifaḍ ar ad tafem arkasen. Put on slippers while waiting for shoes. They have broken the cloths to the ankle, and the beams to the ground. D ameslay kan. Pure talk. Talk about it. כתוב את התשובה שלך בשדה הכחול הבא. Write your answer into the following blue field. Write your answer on the next blue field. القنبلة النووية هي سلاح فظيع. An A-bomb is a terrible weapon. The nuclear bomb is a terrible weapon. אלו המפרים את החוקים ייענשו. Those who violate the rules will be punished. Those who violate the rules will be punished. هل لديكما أيّة دروس هذه الظّهيرة؟ Do you have any classes this afternoon? Do you have any lessons this afternoon? Teẓriḍ Tom yesra ad yexdem aya, neɣ xaṭi? You know Tom needs to do that, don't you? Canst thou see that Thomas hath done this, or a thief? قرّر فاضل أن يتعلّم العربيّة. Fadil decided that he wanted to learn Arabic. He decided to learn Arabic. بدأ سامي يواعد الفتيات. Sami began dating. Sammy's dating girls. كم الساعة؟ What time is it? How long? היא לא יכולה לשכנע אותו לקנות לה מכונית חדשה. She cannot persuade him to buy her a new car. She can't convince him to buy her a new car. كانت الوليمة من أطيب ما ذقت. That feast was one of the best I ever had. It was the best thing I've ever tasted. Teswiḍ afenǧal n lqahwa. You drank a cup of coffee. Thou shalt shut the bands of thy peace. Nuɣal ɣer Ustṛalya deg 20 Tuber. We return to Australia on October 20th. We went to Australia on 20 October. תום היה מלצר בזמן זה. Tom was a waiter at that time. Tom was a waiter at this time. أرسلت العيادة فاتورة أخرى. The clinic sent another bill. The clinic sent another bill. "מה זה?" "זה אפרסק." "What's that?" "This is a peach." "What's this?" "It's a peach." سأشرح هذا لاحقا. I'll explain this later. I'll explain it later. يا أحمق! You idiot! You idiot! Wukud i teddamt? With whom did you go? What did you do? Ttxil-m ini-yid isem-im n ṣṣeḥ. Please tell me your real name. Is put out by your true name. Mazal ur tegziḍ ara. You still don't understand. Do not loiter. كان سامي يحبّ ألعاب الطّاولة. Sami liked board games. Sammy loved table games. הוא רץ מאה מטר באחת עשרה שניות בדיוק. He ran 100 meters in 11 seconds flat. He's running 100 feet in just one second. أذهب إلي العمل في الساعة السابعة. I go to work at seven o'clock. Go to work at 7:00. אתה רוצה לתבוע? Do you want to press charges? You want to sue? لا أحب مدرستي. I don't like my school. I don't like my school. يصنع العسل من قبل النحل. Honey is made by honey bees. Makes honey by the bees. سُمّيت السّفينة "النّجم الفضّي". The boat was called "The Silver Star." The ship was named Astrologer. רק תסתלק. Just get out. Just get out. Ad k-temmel weltma-k tameqqṛant. Your big sis will show you. Will you complete your sister-in-law. Tom yeffeɣ-d seg lḥebs deg 20 Tubeṛ. Tom got out of prison on October 20th. But he went out of the prison, and came out of 20 tombs. לא ידעתי איך לעשות את זה עד שמלאו לי שלושים. I didn't know how to do that until I was thirty years old. I didn't know how to do it until I was 30. טיול רגלי באלפים אומר לעלות על הר אחד ולרדת מאחר. Hiking in the Alps means up one mountain and down another. A trip of thousands says get up on one mountain and get down late. كل الاطفال صادقون. All the boys are honest. All children are honest. אפילו גליונות דקים של אמריציום 241 יכולים ליצור תגובת שרשרת. Even thin sheets of Americium-241 can sustain a chain reaction. Even scans of U.S. 241 can create a chain reaction. Yettxemmim am ugrud. His way of thinking is very childish. Youtexname as a gurud. Amek ihi? And so? How so? لمَ لا نأكل طعام الغداء معاً؟ Why don't we have lunch together? Why don't we eat lunch together? Tzemremt ad teǧǧemt tawwurt teldi? Would you mind leaving the door open? Can you set aside the door? Ḥebsemt ajbad. Stop shooting! A good idea. اعتُبر سامي في عداد المفقودين. Sami was reported missing. Sammy was considered missing. Tom yenna-d belli izmer yettru. Tom said he was unlikely to cry. The Lord said, "that he can make them grow." הם היו מזועזעים מאד. They were very shocked. They were very shocked. לבן אדם אסור להפר את הבטחתו. One must not break his promise. Man cannot break his promise. Birninmu sai kara haɓaka yakeyi. Our city is getting bigger and bigger. Our city is very prosperous. שום אשמה לא דבקה בו בנוגע לתאונה. No blame attaches to him for the accident. No blame has been attached to him about the accident. نحن نحتفل بحمل ليلى. We're celebrating Layla's pregnancy. We're celebrating night's load. טום הפר את הכללים. Tom broke the rules. Tom broke the rules. לפתע תום זעק בכאב. Suddenly, Tom cried out in pain. Suddenly, Tom cried in pain. לפתע נזכרתי שאני לא יכול להרשות לעצמי לקנות כל כך הרבה ספרים. All of a sudden, I remembered that I couldn't pay for so many books. Suddenly I remembered I couldn't afford to buy so many books. لدى الأطباء مشكلة صعبة. Doctors have a difficult problem. Doctors have a difficult problem. لقد غيرَ داروين الطريقة التي نري بها العالم. Darwin changed the way we see the world. Darwin changed the way we show the world. سأكلّمه بموضوع الموسيقى الصّاخبة. I'll talk to him about the loud music. I'll talk to him about the loud music. أخذ سامي ليلى إلى العيادة. Sami took Layla down to the clinic. Sammy took Lily to the clinic. Ddremt! Live! Drutt! سامي طبيب. Sami is a doctor. Sammy's a doctor. هذا الكتاب صعب الفهم This book is difficult to understand. This book is hard to understand. أتسلق الجبال. I climb mountains. I climb the mountains. هل تضمّنت كل ما أردت آن تقوله في النصّ؟ Did you include everything you wanted to say in the text? Did you include everything Anne wanted to say in the text? تشرفت جدا بمعرفتك. I'm very happy to make your acquaintance. It's so nice to know you. خرج سامي من الباب. Sami stepped out the door. Sammy came out of the door. אין אפשרות שתום אי פעם ינשא למרי. There's no way Tom would ever marry Mary. No possibility Tom would ever marry Mary. تفضل بالدخول. Come in. Come on in. ירד גשם מאז יום ראשון. It has been raining since Sunday. It's raining since Sunday. אני עשיר. I am rich. I'm rich. بدأت أحب الصورة أكثر من أي وقت مضى. I've come to like the picture more than ever. I started to like the picture more than ever. במה זה יועיל? What good will that do? What's the point? למוזיקאי יש חברים רבים. The musician has many friends. A musician has many friends. هذا القاموس لا ينفع لشيء. This dictionary is not useful at all. This mug doesn't work for anything. حمايتك هي مسؤوليتنا من الآن فصاعداً. We are responsible for your protection from now on. Your protection is our responsibility from now on. ብሓባር ገለ ነገር ክትገብሩ ትኽእሉ እንተኾንኩም ሕተቲ። Ask if you are able to do something together. Ask if you are able to do anything together with him. ذوق زوجتي في الفساتين يختلف عن ذوقي. My wife's taste in dress is contrary to my own. My wife's tastes different from my taste. Inimt-yi-d kra fell-as. Tell me something about him. Report some of it to me. كان ذلك آخر يوم رأيت فيه ليلى. It was the last day that I saw Layla. That was the last day I saw Lily. Tom ack-it. Tom is awesome. Tom Ak-it. الكتاب عن ملك فقد تاجه. This book is about a king who loses his crown. The book about a king lost his crown. أنا مدرس. I am a teacher. I'm a teacher. ليست صغيرة ،أليس كذلك ؟ She's not young, is she? She's not small, is she? Ur iyi-d-yenni ara Tom d akken yezweǧ. Tom didn't tell me he was married. And yet she was not with me: but she was with her mind. كل ما كان يحتاجه توم حقاً كان شيئاً ما ليأكله. All Tom really wanted was something to eat. All Tom really needed was something to eat. הנה הרכבת מגיעה. Here comes the train. Here comes the train. .Lazem neṭlub ssmaḥ men Tom I need to apologize to Tom. I want to ask the forgiveness of Tom. הוא צריך להתבייש בבורותו. He ought to be ashamed of his ignorance. He should be ashamed of his graveyard. Tgħallimt kollox mingħandha. I learned everything from her. I learned everything from her. אתה יכול לעשות את העבודה או לא? Can you do the job or not? Can you do the job or not? تعرّضت دانية للاغتصاب و التعذيب. Dania was raped and tortured. She was raped and tortured. Ilaq ad as-t-isken Tom i walebɛaḍ. Tom has to tell somebody. He must be handed over to someone else's eye. Ass d amimun. Have a nice day. Ace d-ammon. איזה צבע יד לטבעת הקיצונית ימנית בדגל האולימפיאדה? What color is the far right ring on the Olympic flag? What hand color for the right extreme ring in the Olympic flag? Tom d amasiḥi. Tom is a Christian. Tom is but a truth. Ɣaya-kent! You are formidable! I want to see you! Kayi tunani kafin ka faɗi haka? Did you think before you said that? Do you think so? אֶת לֶחֶם חֻקֵּנוּ תֵּן לָנוּ הַיּוֹם, וּסְלַח לָנוּ עַל חֲטָאֵינוּ כְּפִי שֶׁסּוֹלְחִים גַּם אֲנַחְנוּ לַחוֹטְאִים לָנוּ. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Let us not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let our petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard our hearts and our mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. ” Tibḥirt-iw d tamecṭuḥt. My garden is small. My spirit is small. هل أنت جاهز للذهاب للبيت الآن؟ Are you ready to go home now? Are you ready to go home now? أخذت تبكي. I began to cry. I took a crying. Anef-iyi ad waliɣ ayen i turiḍ. Let me see what you've written. It is expedient for me to declare what thou hast spoken. لكلّ عالِم هفوة. Even Homer sometimes nods. Every world has a mouth. הבט לכאן. Look here. Look here. هل أستطيع أن آخذ هذهِ معي؟ Can I take this with me? Can I take these with me? אני כאן לכן כדי לגלות. That's what I'm here to find out. I'm here to find out. מדוע אתה מתפטר? Why are you resigning? Why are you resigning? أنا أطهو, ولكن بدون الكثير من المتعة. I cook, but without much pleasure. I'm cooking, but not a lot of fun. ما زلت نعسان ، صحيح؟ Still sleepy, right? You're still sleeping, aren't you? انهم لن يدعوني ارى توم. They won't let me see Tom. They're not gonna let me see Tom. נתקעתי. I got stuck. I'm stuck. تساءل النّاس لما كان فاضل يتكلّم بالعربيّة. People wondered why Fadil spoke in Arabic. People wondered why he didn't speak Arabic. רגליי בסדר. My legs are fine. My legs are fine. طلب منّي المساعدة. He requested my assistance. Asked me to help. הוא קצב. He's a butcher. He's a rhythm. Kemmlemt mbiwlemt. Keep moving. I broke up. אלו חדשות יוצאות מן הכלל. This is stunning news. That's extraordinary news. لم أقصد فعل ذلك. I didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean to. كان فاضل منهكا. Fadil was all in. He was out of you. هناك اثنا عشر شهرًا في السنة. One year has twelve months. There's 12 months a year. האם בילית איתה את הלילה? Did you spend the night with her? Did you spend the night with her? קדושת המקום הזה חוללה. The sanctity of this place has been fouled. The sanctity of this place is a mystery. Mazal-it Tom da? Is Tom still here? Are you still Tom da? Bɣiɣ ad qqimeɣ deg tlemmast. I want to sit in the middle. And I will that I be in the midst. Meḥsub ur yezmir ara ad yerwel Tom. Tom almost wasn't able to escape. If he were not able to run away, lo, he cannot bear to Tom. أسرع سامي كي يقلّ ليلى من المدرسة. Sami rushed to pick up Layla from school. Faster Sammy to drop my night off school. Nniɣ-d ayen i ffreɣ g ul-iw. I confessed. But that which I have kept back of my soul, I have told it. هو متأخّر. He's late. He's late. Err-iyi-d s wawal. Answer me. Explain my speech. Ur d-keččmemt ara ɣer texxamt-iw mebla asṭebṭeb. Don't come in my room without knocking. and don't come within my inner garment. הקיפוד הוא חיה קטנה. The hedgehog is a small animal. The kipwood is a little animal. إن لم يعجبك فبإمكانك أن تتركه. If you don't like it then you can quit. If you don't like it, you can leave it. למה את לא מנגנת לי משהו? Why don't you play something for me? Why don't you play me something? لا أحد يعلم عن مكانه. No one knows where he is. No one knows where he is. Ini-asen. Tell them. I told them. Sεiɣ aṭas n učči. We have a lot of food. I was fasting much. אני לא יכול לקבל תירוץ כזה. I cannot accept an excuse like that. I can't get an excuse like that. אל תלך לשום מקום, ברור? Don't go anywhere, OK? Don't go anywhere, all right? Yenna-as yizem: hatan diɣ ɛeqlen-aɣ yizan nuḍen! The lion said "The flies know that I'm in trouble!" He said to himself, "If I only knew that we are dying, I will also be healed!" D aya ay teḥwaǧeḍ. That's what you need. In this case you will need to. حاول سامي أن يصف ما حدث. Sami tried to describe what happened. Sammy tried to describe what happened. Ayaw ad nelḥu ticki yewwi ugeffur. Let's go for a walk after it stops raining. For they went apace to take the net. أيمكنك إثبات ذلك؟ Can you prove it? Can you prove that? אמא שלי כועסת. My mother is angry. My mom's angry. Ur ţamen ara dakken menwala ad isteɛṛef s waya. Don't believe that anybody will be thankful for it. And they believed not that they should be weary. رؤية الدم جعلها تنفعل. The sight of blood made her excited. The blood vision made her act. Ad tesɛuḍ lweqt i wučči uqbel anejmaɛ? Will you have time to eat before the meeting? Have you the right time to eat and to drink before the assembly? أحضر منّاد باية و أمّهة إلى منزله. Mennad brought Baya and her mom to his house. Bring a house and a mother to his house. سامي مدير العيادة. Sami is the director of the clinic. Sammy is the director of the clinic. תום אינו הברנש היחידי פה. Tom isn't the only guy here. Tom's not the only man here. لا أزال أشعر بشور مروّع. I still feel terrible. I still feel terrible news. אני שמח שאתה יכול לבוא. I'm glad that you can come. I'm glad you can come. La ţ-xemmimeɣ fell-as iḍ d wass. I think of her day and night. But I would lie at home there day and night about him. عندي منزل. I have a house. I have a house. قدّم سامي المزيد من الدّواء لليلى. Sami gave Layla more medicine. Sammy offered more medicine for the night. أريد الذهاب إلى اليابان. I would like to go to Japan. I want to go to Japan. تعجبني اللغة اليابانية كثيرا. I like the Japanese language very much. I like Japanese very much. هل فهموا؟ Did they understand? Do they understand? كلبي يأكل العنب. My dog eats grapes. My dog eats grapes. במעגל היחידה נקודות רציונליות הן צפופות. Rational points are dense on the unit circle. In the single circle, Rexal points are surrounded. كل التلاميذ تقريبا كانوا في القسم. Almost all of the pupils were in the classroom. Almost all the students were in the department. Nheṛ s ttawil. Drive slowly. It has been spoken to him for a long time. הוא רוצה להיפטר מספריו. He wants to dispose of his books. He wants to get rid of his numbers. ريّح ما تشوف فييّا شغول انسان "نۆرمال". Stop seeing me as a "normal" person! I don't know what's going on. Rebḥeɣ-d wa. I've earned this. I know. Akka,yessefk ad kfuɣ leqdic-agi i uzekka. In any case, I must finish this work by tomorrow. For that which is done by nature, so will I do. יש לתום נסיון כלשהו? Does Tom have any experience? Is there any experience for Tom? תזוז הלאה, תום. Move it along, Tom. Move on, Tom. مئة هو رقمي المفضل. One hundred is my favorite number. A hundred is my favorite number. אהיה במכונית. I'll be in the car. I'll be in the car. אווה נבונה ממני. Eva is cleverer than me. Eva is wise of me. غيّر سامي حياة ليلى للأبد. Sami changed Layla's life for ever. Sammy changed night's life forever. ذهبت إلى المقهى بالأمس. I went to the coffee shop yesterday. I went to the cafe yesterday. هذه أعمق نقطة في البحيرة. This is the lake's deepest point. This is the deepest point in the lake. מצטער, אני אף פעם לא מתנצל. ‎I am sorry, but I never apologize. Sorry, I never apologize. מחר עשוי לרדת גשם. It might rain tomorrow. Tomorrow might rain. Win yeqqes uzrem, yeţţagwad aseɣwen. Whoever has been bitten by a snake fears the slightest stick. He who oppresses the fatherless, let him do what he wants. Acuɣeṛ i tessiridem ifassen-nwen? Why are you washing your hands? Why have you put forth your hands? هذا هو الوقت الذي يصل فيه عادة. This is the time he normally arrives. This is when it's usually time. لا أملك إلا نصف ما عنده من كتب. I have only half as many books as he. I only have half the books. תום קורא ספר היסטוריה. Tom is reading a history book. Tom's reading a history book. صعدت إلى غرفة نومها في الطابق العلوي. She went upstairs to her bedroom. She went to her bedroom upstairs. Bɣiɣ ad txedmem yid-sent. I want you to work with them. And I would to do so with them. تكتب لي مرةً كل شهر. She writes to me once a month. Write me once a month. מצטער, לא יכולתי לכתוב קודם לכן, מכיוון שהייתי חולה. I'm sorry, I couldn't write earlier because I was ill. Sorry, I couldn't write earlier, because I was sick. קשה לילד מתבגר לא לזוז במשך שעה תמימה. It is impossible for a growing child to keep still for an hour. It's hard for a teenager to keep moving for an innocent hour. Ih ttxil-wet. Yes, please. He misses-wet. אני יודע הרבה על תום. I know a lot about Tom. I know a lot about Tom. אקר הוא יחידת מידה; אקרה, בירת גאנה, ואקרה, מדינה בברזיל. An acre is a unit of measurement; Accra, the capital of Ghana, and Acre, a Brazilian state. Ecker is a unit of size; I'll happen, the capital of Ghana, and I'll happen, a country in Brazil. איך תום שכנע את מרי להיות שמרטף לילדים שלו? How did Tom talk Mary into babysitting his children? How did Tom convince Mary to be caring for his kids? אתה טועה בגדול. You're making a big mistake. You're a big mistake. Tom yettɛeyyiḍ. Tom is yelling. You're pedagogy. הרומן הזה משעמם. This novel is boring. This novel is boring. ما علاباليش ڨع وش لازم ندير دوركا. I don't know what to do anymore. What do we need to do? Teččiḍ tibidas-ik? Did you eat your spinach? And did not thou wash thy clothes? أحس الطفل بالأمان بين ذراعي أمه. That child felt secure in his mother's arms. The child feels safe between his mother's arms. Yettagad lmut. He is scared of death. It's gone. הוא היה מאד עני. He was very poor. He was very poor. בואו נלך לעשות חיים. Let's go do something fun. Let's go have fun. Yella kra n yiwen i iɛeṛḍen ad k-ineɣ. Somebody tried to kill you. And, behold, there was one among them that would kill thee. Qṛib. Almost. Nest. Ilaq-akent ad tsutremt ssmaḥ. You should apologize. But you must be merciful. האם אתה חושב שטום בעל כישרונות? Do you think Tom is talented? Do you think Tom's a gifted Tom? خذ كل الوقت الذي تحتاجه . Take all the time you need. Take all the time you need. אני לא נכנסת לפרטים. I'm not going into details. I'm not entering the details. Ur cukkeɣ ara akk ad iyi-semmeḥ Tom mi xedmeɣ aya. I don't think Tom will ever forgive me for doing that. For I am not ashamed to receive it at this time, but it is done unto you. Tesselmad taglizit. She gives instruction in English. Tiglishic teaching. הצבא ביצע חדירות למדינה השכנה. The army made inroads into the neighboring country. The army carried out incursions to the neighboring country. A tibehlulin! You are an idiot! What an awe - inspiring thought! Anwa i la tettṛaǧumt? Whom do you expect? Who is to be questioned? Ur din takti. No idea. Go ahead and tell it. D acu i txedmem ass-a? What have you done today? What have you done today? אני צריך להסתפר. I need to get a haircut. I have to count. بقي سامي قلقا بشأن قتله لأخيه. Sami remained tormented by the killing of his brother. Sammy was still worried about killing his brother. Anta i d tideţ? What is the truth? Where does it come from? Ttuɣ isem-is. I've forgotten her name. I called his name by name. عادةً ما ألعب التنس. I usually play tennis. I usually play tennis. Yuzzel lḥal. Time flew. There was a new covenant. Ttqeṣṣiṛen akk. Everyone giggled. And all came together. Luleɣ-d deg sbiṭaṛ-a. I was born in this hospital. And I came out of vessels in a row. Nekk mačči d ameddakel-im. I'm no friend of yours. I am not of you. Ɛelmeɣ s wannect-nni. I knew it. I could not say for sure what it would be like to say. أرسل سامي رسالة هاتفيّة أخرى لليلى. Sami texted Layla again. Send Sammy another phone message for the night. መኪናቸው ጥሩ አይደለም። Their car is not good. Their car is not good. سامي في المطبخ. Sami is in the kitchen. Sammy's in the kitchen. רופא השיניים לא רוצה שתאכל ממתקים. The dentist doesn't want you to eat sweets. The dentist doesn't want you to eat candy. Aɣawas-a yettwaqbel deg Tubeṛ yezrin. This plan was approved last October. And his body was cast into the pool. مساعدتك ضرورية لنجاحنا. Your help is necessary to our success. Your help is essential to our success. وقتاش شْرى توم هاذْ التريكو؟ When did Tom buy that shirt? Tom's got this trico? Yella ur yeshil ara ad tefeṛṛḥeḍ agaraj. Cleaning the garage wasn't much fun. For it has no power to rejoice over anything. Anda telliḍ, d axeṣṣaṛ! Tiyita-agi ad as-necfu! Ma nedder-as! Wherever we are, it's a disaster! We will never forget this calamity! If we survive! Where are you now, and to no man? It is done. If we speak the wrong way, let it be done. Tfehmem neɣ xaṭi? You see? Do you understand? יש לי חמרמורת. I have a hangover. I've got a sucker. תום מטיב לדבר צרפתית יותר מכולנו. Tom is better at French than the rest of us. Tom is more French-speaking than we all are. הדבר מבשר רעות. This is inauspicious. That's bad news. هذا عظيم! That's great! That's great! זה טיפשי לחשוש מפני מה שאת/ה לא יכול/ה למנוע. It is foolish to fear what you cannot avoid. It's stupid to worry about what you can't prevent. Awḍet nnig. Aim higher. I know you want to teach me to love one another. Teẓṛam anda i d-ilul? Do you know his birthplace? Which mountains were born, where were they born? Ṛuḥem-d ɣuṛ-nneɣ! Join us. Come unto us! لا أحب هذه المدينة على الإطلاق. I don't like this city at all. I don't like this city at all. لا ينبغي أن ننسى ذلك أبدا. We should never forget it. We should never forget that. יש משהו שאני רוצה. There's something I want. There's something I want. Wali s liqṛib! Watch closely. See you now! Ilaq ad yili walebɛaḍ ara k-id-iḥebsen. Somebody might stop you. Let your will be done, as in heaven, so in earth. תוכל לבוא לכאן לדקה? Can you come here for a minute? Can you come here for a minute? كم تستغرق من الوقت؟ How long does it take? How long does it take? Sami ur yedda ara ad yeḥbes. Sami wasn't going to stop. Let no man put a stop to it. عار عليك! Shame on you! Shame on you! ألم يأتِ بوب إلى هنا؟ Bob came here, didn't he? Didn't Bob come here? דברי! Speak! Speak! Lemmdeɣ amezruy n tẓuṛi. I study art history. I have eaten, I have fed, I have burned, I have made theatherds. Ad awiɣ tidak ɣlayen maḍi. I'll take the more expensive ones. I will take that forever. لا يحتاج توم إلى دراسة الفرنسية، فهو يستطيع تحدثها جيدا. Tom doesn't have to study French. He can already speak it quite well. Tom doesn't need to study French. He can talk it well. Anṣuf yes-wen! You are welcome! Draw nigh to you. התשלח את המכתב הזה בדואר אוויר? Will you mail this letter by airmail? Send this letter in the air mail? Tella kra n yiwet i d-yeɣṛan tura. Somebody just called. Now I was about to die. أطفئ توم المصابيح. Tom turned the lights off. Turn off the lights. Ur sɛiɣ ṣṣber. I have no patience. I don't have sugar. متى تدرس؟ When do you study? When are you studying? اللغة الإنجليزية هي لغة العالم. English is the world's language. English is the world language. من يا ترى سيكشف أسرار المحيط؟ Who shall ever unravel the mysteries of the sea? Who do you see will reveal ocean secrets? Ibeddi n Tom ɣer teɣdemt ad yili deg 20 Tubeṛ. Tom's hearing is set for October 20th. Go ye therefore unto Tima, which is about to be set at 20 pounds. Azul a baba. Hi, Father. In my father’s house. תום מעיר הערות שנונות לעתים קרובות. Tom frequently makes witty remarks. Tom from town notes often. عليك أن تذهب. You must go. You have to go. Anwa i yefkan afus n tallalt? Who contributed? Who has given the gifts? Twalam iman-nwen deg lemri. You saw yourselves in the mirror. Be careful in your teaching. הורדתי את תום ליד הבית של החבר שלו. I dropped Tom off at his friend's house. I took Tom down by his boyfriend's house. לך לכיוון שלי. Walk towards me. Go to my direction. Ur telluẓem ara? Aren't you hungry? You're not hungry, are you? תום מעולם לא הצליח לשמור על סוד מפני מרי. Tom never could hide a secret from Mary. Tom was never able to keep a secret from Mary. بقيَ واحد وذهب الآخر. One stayed and the other went away. One left and the other went. Amek ara ẓṛen? How would they find out? How are they doing? Qceɛ! Get lost. C'mon! הוא גילה פתאום את האמת. He suddenly came out with the truth. He suddenly discovered the truth. Mačči d kemm kan i wumi i ikellex Tom. You aren't the only one Tom has cheated. Not only is it named, "Tom" only. אני מפסיקה. I'm quitting. I'm stopping. ألم ننس شيئاً؟ Aren't we forgetting something? Didn't we forget something? Feṛḥeɣ mliḥ ɣef tisin-inem. I really appreciate your coming. I am glad for your goodness. D taɛeggunt i telliḍ? Are you stupid? Are you weak? הוא מכפר על חטא. He is doing penance. He's making atonement for sin. תום שונא ללכת לבית הספר. Tom dislikes going to school. Tom hates going to school. أهلاً بعودتك. لقد اشتقنا إليك! Welcome back. We missed you! Welcome back, we missed you! نعرف حقوقنا. We know our rights. We know our rights. ሕንኡ ዘይፈድስ ወዲ ኣድጊ። He who doesn't avenge is a son of a donkey. An ass's son who doesn't pay attention. أقول كل شيئ بالأمازيغية. I say everything in Berber. I say everything in amazigation. ألقِ نظرةً على هذه الخريطة. Take a look at this map. Take a look at this map. ذهب سامي بالسّيّارة إلى منزل ليلى. Sami drove to Layla's home. Sammy went on a trip to Lila's house. תום צלצל 100. Tom called 911. Tom called 100. אני בן שמונה עשרה. I'm 18 years old. I'm eighteen years old. התנצלת בפניהם? Did you apologize to them? Did you apologize to them? وضح لي ما تريدني أن أفعل. Tell me what you want me to do. Explain to me what you want me to do. تذهب مايوكو إلى المدرسة على الدراجة. Mayuko goes to school by bicycle. Mayoco's going to school on the bike. תקשיב לי טוב, טוב? Listen to me very carefully, OK? Listen to me, okay? Ad tṛuḥeḍ ɣer Boston azekka? Are you going to Boston tomorrow? Go to Boston tomorrow? لم يكن سامي راغبا في أن يكون الطّرف الخاسر في الطّلاق. Sami didn't want to be the loser in the divorce. Sammy didn't want to be the losers. Uḥwaǧeɣ kan ad yi-tɛawen kra n yiwet. I just wanted somebody to help me. And I have yet to help him. تحب البرتقال. She likes oranges. She likes oranges. Werrim-iyi-d kra n tɣawsa ur ssineɣ ara. Tell me something I don't know. He told me a few things, I don't know them. תום בעל עוצמה. Tom is powerful. Tom's powerful. سأحاول أن لا أغيب لمدة طويلة. I'll try not to be away too long. I'll try not to be gone for a long time. נבחן את זה אחר כך. We'll look at it later. We'll test it later. La yi-teskerkisem? Are you lying to me? Make a name? טום סבור שהעשיר ראוי להיות עשיר, והעני ראוי להיות עני. Tom believes that the rich deserve to be rich and that the poor deserve to be poor. Tom thinks the rich man deserves to be rich, and the poor deserve to be poor. אני חושב שנבלה יפה מאד. I think we're going to have a very nice time. I think we'll spend a lot of time. Tom ḥwin-t-id seg uxeddim deg Tubeṛ. Tom was fired in October. But the Jews delivered him up from the bottom of the prison. أريد تعلم الأيرلندية. I want to learn Irish. I want to learn Irish. Tafelseft-nkent n tudert temxallaf akked tin-iw. Your philosophy of life varies from mine. Put on the breastplate of life, and it will stick with me. Ad nessirem kan igmaḍ yelhan. Let's hope for good results. And do that which is good in all things. Ečč takacit-a. Ad k-tεiwen ad tegneḍ. Take this pill. It'll help you sleep. Eat, perish; and I will give thee rest. Slment ɣef Sofiya. They greeted Sophia. I don't think so. ما أطولك! How tall you are! How long have you been? יש לי מאות תיקיות של מוזיקה על המחשב שלי. I've got hundreds of music folders on my PC. I've got hundreds of music files on my computer. النشالون يستهدفون السياح . Pickpockets target tourists. They target tourists. ألبس فستاناً زهري. I wear a floral dress. Wear a flower dress. טום תמיד מפסיד. Tom always loses. Tom always loses. מתי היא תצטרך לנסוע לחו"ל? When will she have to go abroad? When is she going to have to go abroad? لدي الكثير من الواجبات هذا اليوم. Today, I have a lot of homework. I have a lot of duties today. بإمكاني أن آخذك إلى هناك كي تراه. I can take you there to see it. I can take you there to see him. Steqseɣ Mass Smith. I asked Mr Smith. I ask Mass Smith. תום גרם למרי לבכות. Tom made Mary cry. Tom made Mary cry. Ur yefhim ara Tom mliḥ. Tom misunderstood. For he doesn't understand Tom well. Ulac kra n yiwen i iṛuḥen ar dina. Nobody went there. So there was no one who came to him in there. אני חושב שתום מרוצה. I think Tom is satisfied. I think Tom's happy. رانِي نحلَم تكون عَندي شركة تاعي. I dream of having my own company. Rani's dreaming to have a Tai company. תום כיסה את אפו ואת פיו עם הממחטה. Tom covered his nose and mouth with his handkerchief. Tom covered his nose and his mouth with the needle. הוא נבחר לראש העיר. He was elected mayor of the city. He was elected mayor. ظننت أنك قلت بأنك لن تأتي. I thought you said you weren't coming. I thought you said you weren't coming. ليس ذلك من شأنك. That's none of your business. It's none of your business. Tom yella yekreh Mary. Tom hated Mary. So she gave birth to a child. الحائط مطلي بالأخضر. This wall is painted green. The wall's on green. תום שבר לי את האף. Tom broke my nose. Tom broke my nose. سأكون معك حالًا. I'll be right with you. I'll be right with you. Ɣucceɣ ad xedmeɣ. I hate working. But I desire to do what I have. Imawlan n Tom d Mary d imdukkal. Tom's and Mary's parents are friends. The daughters of Thomas and Mary were friends. פוטרתי אתמול. I got laid off yesterday. I was fired yesterday. תום הפחיד אותי. Tom frightened me. Tom scared me. התקשר אלי מיד במקרה של תאונה. Wire me at once, in case there should be an accident. Call me immediately in case of an accident. Tirga tucbiḥin! Sweet dreams! What a privilege! הוא שאל אותי אם אני יודע את מספר הטלפון שלה. He asked me if I knew her telephone number. He asked me if I knew her phone number. מתי אני יכולה להתקשר אליך? When can I call you? When can I call you? Anta ittmeslayen tafṛansist? Who speaks French? Are you a computer speaker? Tgerrez. Correct. Tgerrez. أجب على السؤال. Answer the question. Answer the question. سأعمل ما بوسعي لأجل توم. I'll do anything I can for Tom. I'll do what I can for Tom. Tella tin i yukren lmakla-w. Somebody stole my lunch. And there were set a enough time for them to eat. Ur walan acemma. They didn't see anything. I saw nothing. أظنّ أنّك مخطئ. I think you're mistaken. I think you're wrong. Ttxil-k, seqdec tadebsit! Please use a plate. Tsil-k, tabled slide! هي طالبة She's a student. She's a student. تعبتُ من هذه اللغات الجرمانية. I'm tired of this Germanic language. I'm tired of these criminal languages. فقدت زوجتي في حادث سير. I lost my wife in a traffic accident. I lost my wife in a car accident. Di leɛnaya-k qqim di rrif. Please step aside. I beg you to stand still. أحدهما ياباني و الآخر إيطالي. One is Japanese and the other is Italian. One is Japanese and the other is Italian. מי לדעתך כתבה את הרומן? Who do you think the author of this novel is? Who do you think wrote the novel? Lqaṛes d asemmam. Lemons are sour. And the sepulchres and the bodies of those that were dead. Tzemrem ad teɣṛem adlis-a. You may read this book. They'll read it. מלא את החסר. Fill in the blanks. Fill in the missing. היה לי חלום נורא. I had a nightmare. I had a terrible dream. Aya giɣ-t. This I have done. He was found by me. من فضلك أرني إياها مرة أخرى. Please show it to me again. Please show it to me again. هاداك الراجل حبسوه على جال القتيلة. The man was imprisoned for murder. The man's been locked up in the killer's house. יצאנו מסכנה. We're out of danger. We're out of danger. Iṛuḥ ar ttberna ad d-isew kra n tebyirin. He went to a bar to drinks some beers. He went away, and began to cast stones at the mouth. صفق الجمهور للممثلة. The audience applauded the actress. The public made a deal for the representative. זאת הייתה אשמתה של החתולה. It was the cat's fault. It was the cat's fault. זאת שכונה אלימה. This is a violent neighborhood. It's a violent neighborhood. שאף אחד לא יתקרב לאש. Don't let anyone come near the fire. No one's gonna get close to the fire. كان ذلك آخر استعراض حبّ قام به سامي تجاه ليلى. That was Sami's final act of love for Layla. That was the last review of Sammy's love for Lily. كرم مدرس جديد. Karam is a new teacher. A new teacher's honor. בואו למשרד שלי. Come to my office. Come to my office. Izmer lḥal ad d-tas. She might come. And it came to pass, that, when he was come to the finish, then there was no more light. נדרש שתמלא את זה בעצמך. You have to fill it yourself. It requires you to fill it yourself. הוא לא עיוור מלידה. He isn’t blind from birth. He's not blind from birth. Acuɣar i tebɣiḍ ad iyi-tɛiwneḍ? Why would you want to help me? But what would you have done to test me? Yerbeḥ. All right. Good work. Asyax n yeẓṛa igzem abrid. Fallen rocks blocked the way. Asia has broken the way. ליוויתי אותה בטיול הרגלי. I accompanied her on a walk. I accompanied her on the foot trip. Kasan abinda yakamata kayi? Do you know what you need to do? Are you in a position to do what is right? טום הוא נהג אוטובוס. Tom is a bus driver. Tom's a bus driver. אני בטוח בהצלחתך. I'm sure of your success. I'm sure you did. Ejja miegħi! Come with me! Come with me! התמחתי בהיסטוריה אירופית באוניברסיטה. I majored in European history at university. I've been trained in European history at the university. אני כל כך שמח שמצאתם אותנו. I'm so happy you found us. I'm so glad you found us. Tekker-d. She stood up. Get up-d. وضع توم السلاح على الأرض. Tom laid the gun down on the floor. Put Tom's gun on the ground. الحساب عليّ. It's on me. The account's on me. מה זה יכול לעשות? What can it do? What can it do? اعتبر فاضل اللّغة العربيّة جدّ معقّدة للتّعلّم. Fadil found Arabic very complicated to learn. The Arabic language is considered very complex to teach. إيدير هو المغني الأمازيغي المفضل لدي. Idir is my favorite Berber singer. Eder is my favorite Amazigi singer. אני נשארת בקשר עם תום. I keep in touch with Tom. I'm staying in touch with Tom. כדי לחסל את קיומו של צבא צפון וירג'יניה, שרידן החליט לקחת שלל את כל היבול של עמק שננדואה. To deny sustenance to the Army of Northern Virginia, Sheridan determined to take the entire harvest of the Shenandoah Valley. To eliminate the existence of the Northern Virginia Army, Sheridan decided to take stock of the entire Sandoa Valley. Yella ḥedd ara iṛuḥen ad ixelleṣ. Somebody's going to pay. And there was a certain way to go. Ḥemmleɣ ad inigeɣ. I like traveling. "I love thirst, I love thirst. تعرّف سامي على أبي. Sami recognized my dad. I know Sammy about my dad. שיניתי את זה. I changed that. I changed it. بعد أن أنهيت عملي، خرجت لأتنزه. Having finished the work, I went out for a walk. After I finished my job, I went out to park. הם התעלפו. They passed out. They passed out. הגעתי לפסגת ההר בחמש שעות בדיוק. I reached the summit of the mountain in exactly five hours. I got to the top of the mountain in exactly five hours. שמרו על עמדותיכם. Hold your position. Keep your stand. D acu i teqqaṛem? What do you read? What do you say? فتحت ليلى حنفيّة الماء. Layla turned the water on. You opened up the water squirt. Sami yennuɣ aṭas. Sami fought a lot. And there was a lot of strife among them. كان سامي يتعاطى الماريخوانا. Sami did marijuana. Sammy used marijuana. المعذرة، لا أريد التحدث عن الموضوع. I'm sorry, but I don't want to talk about it. Excuse me, I don't want to talk about it. אני חלוק בדעתי. My mind is torn and undecided. I'm sharing my mind. מעולם לא היה לי כרטיס אשראי. I have never had a credit card. I never had a credit card. Yella ḥedd i yeṛẓan taqessult-aki. Somebody has broken this dish. There are lots of dry nuts. راو يبرا بلعقل ملمرض ديالو. He is slowly recovering from his illness. Rao Yebra's mind's sick Diallo. הוא יאבד זמן. He'll lose time. He'll lose time. هذا البيت ليس لي. This house is not mine. This house isn't mine. من الصّعب عليّ كطبيب أن أقول هذا عن طبيب آخر، لكن هذه هي الحقيقة. It's hard for me as a doctor to say that about another doctor, but this is the truth. It's hard for me as a doctor to say this about another doctor, but that's the truth. لم يقتلني أحد بعد. Nobody's killed me yet. Nobody's killed me yet. כאשר האחיות חזרו, אִמן הייתה עדיין ערה. When the sisters came back, their mother was still awake. When the sisters returned, Aman was still awake. Bibbet ta. Carry this. I tried it. לא היה אכפת לה לשטוף את הכלים. She didn't mind doing the dishes. She didn't care to wash the dishes. Yettru. He cried. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. Sami iḥemmel Layla s tidet. Sami really loves Layla. Sam loves 6:00 p.m. لا أستطيع القيام بكل شيء بنفسي. I can't do everything on my own. I can't do anything myself. كيف تعلمون ذلك يا رفاق؟ How do you guys know? How do you guys know that? Anta? Which one? Is it yours? Fakkemt almad. Finish studying. Kraft al-Amad. Sɛan lḥeqq wid i as-i qqaṛen, teţţak teɛwint i tala. People are right in saying that we really lend only to the rich! And they that said unto him, Be of good courage, and have compassion upon the sick. لا أحد من زملائي يعيشون بالقرب من هنا. None of my classmates live near here. None of my colleagues live near here. Ay aḥbib... Oh boy... My yoke is kindly and my load is light. ” እታ ቆልዓ ባዕላ ተሓጺባ። The little girl washed herself. The child is washed in herself. צריך לחדד את העפרונות שלך. Your pencils need sharpening. We need to shake your pencils. ها هي دراجتي. Here is my bicycle. Here's my bike. הוא איבד את מראה הציפור הזאת. He lost sight of that bird. He lost the sight of this bird. אני תמיד קם בשש. I always get up at six. I always get up at six. מי לדעתך יקח את הגביע השנה? Who do you think will win this year's Super Bowl? Who do you think will take the cup this year? Ur t-ssineɣ ara. I don't know him. I don't know him. أخطر سامي الشّرطة. Sami alerted police. Most serious is Sammy the police. Iqummec Tom. Tom kneeled. Iquemec Tom. תניח את זה חזרה על השולחן. Put that back on the table. Put it back on the table. وصلوا منفصلا. They arrived separately. They got apart. لقد اتّخذ سامي قرارا و لا أحد يستطيع أن يجبره على التّنازل. Sami made a decision and no one can get him to waiver. Sammy made a decision and no one could force him to give up. אבא שלי היה אומר שהכסף הוא לא הכול. My father used to say that money is not everything. My dad would say the money isn't everything. Tlaq-akent tameṭṭut yelhan. You need a good woman. A good woman greets you. منينك؟ Where are you from? Who are you? Sexsit tiliẓṛi. Turn the TV off. It's green. אנו זקוקים לחיזוקים רבים של הצוות. We need many additions to our staff. We need a lot of team reinforcements. הנחש הוא שפיתה את חווה. It's the serpent who tempted Eve. The snake has seduced the farm. كان سامي يريد أن يقيم علاقة صداقة مع ليلى. Sami wanted to be friends with Layla. Sammy wanted to have a friendship with Lily. أنا عضو في نادي السباحة. I'm a member of the swimming club. I'm a member of the swimming club. ارتدى سامي بدلة للشّرطة. Sami wore his police uniform. Sammy put on a police suit. قُتلن في المعركة. They died in battle. We were killed in the battle. תנו לי את השורה התחתונה. Give me the bottom line. Give me the bottom line. إنها صفقة جيدة. It's a good deal. It's a good deal. كان سامي يعلم من هجم عليه. Sami knew who attacked him. Sammy knew who attacked him. كان النصف الأخير من المسرحية مملاً قليلاً. The latter half of the drama was a little dull. The last half of the play was a little boring. Nuḥwaǧ kra n yiwen. We need somebody. We had one hand, and we had one partner. Akka i yelha. That's better. That which was well done. تكلم بصوت اعلى لفائدة الذين في المؤخرة . Speak louder for the benefit of those in the rear. Speak up for those on the back. La t-xeddmeɣ acku bɣiɣ. I do it because I want to. I wish that I did work. מרי דומה לאמה במראה החיצוני אבל לא באישיות. Mary resembles her mother in looks, but not in personality. Mary is like her mother in the outward appearance, but not in person. رأيتك راكباً سيارتك الجديدة. I saw you driving your new car. I saw you riding your new car. הייתי רוצה להשאר קצת יותר. I'd like to stay a little bit longer. I'd like to stay a little longer. كان فاضل مصري الأصل و كان يعمل بجدّ. Fadil came from Egypt and he worked hard. He was an original Egyptian, and he was working very hard. نظر سامي إلى الأسفل. Sami looked down. Look down Sammy. Ilaq ad theḍṛem akked Tom. You should be talking to Tom. And ye shall be broken in pieces with Thomas. لازم تركب الباص ده عشان توصل المتحف. You have to get on that bus to go to the museum. You need to ride the bus to the museum. أنا لا أمتلك شئ من تلك الأشياء. I don't own one of those things. I don't have anything of that. وصل القطار. The train has arrived. The train arrived. אל לכם לשתות את המים האלה. You shouldn't drink this water. You don't have to drink those water. חובותיו הסתכמו באלף דולר. His debts amounted to a thousand dollars. His debts are like a thousand dollars. זה נראה כמו גשם. It looks like rain. It looks like rain. Ad tixṛeɣ i umḍiq-a fiḥel ma sseɣliɣ kra. I'll leave this place trying not to knock anything down. I will declare the least of all my goods, if I fall short of the loss of all. دلّ سامي ليلى على مضارب الغولف المناسبة لكلّ وظيفة. Sami showed Layla the right clubs to use. Sammy Leila showed appropriate golf fights for each job. Iḍerru-d waya tikkwal. That sometimes happens. Unloose and try again. كل كلمة في هذا القاموس مهمة. Every word in this dictionary is important. Every word in this museum is important. قال الصائب: "نوبز، إن قتلت أنت يا ديما 25 شخصًا فلا بد أنهم كانوا نوبز". "Noobs," Al-Sayib stated. "If 25 people got killed by you, Dima, then they must have been noobs." The right one said, "Nobs, if you killed Dima 25 people, they must have been gone." Tesɛiḍ tiqcicin? Do you have any daughters? Do you make a distinction? هيّا يا جيم. Come on, Jim. Come on, Jim. Ilaq ad nesmekti Tom. We need to remember Tom. We should remember Tom. Qatt ma għoġobni l-bioloġija. I never liked biology. I never liked biology. משכתי בכתפיי. I shrugged. I pulled my shoulder. יש לי את המפתחות של תום. I have Tom's keys. I got Tom's keys. Agu iluɣen ineqq imɣan. Smog causes plants to die. But they will be broken off and thrown into pieces." היא מאחרת לעיתים קרובות. She often comes late. She's often late. Medden akk ur sen-gin ara ccan. Everyone ignored them. For they all glory not for themselves. استمرّ سامي في عيش حياته. Sami went on with his life. Sammy kept living. Dacu-tt? What's the fuss all about? Dacu-tt? Amek tufamt ungal-is amaynut? How do you find his new novel? How does his entry into his father's house fare? عليك ألا تذهب. You shouldn't go. You don't have to go. سمع المدرّس ذلك بالصّدفة. The teacher overheard it. The teacher heard it all by surprise. ذهبت ليلى إلى الكنيسة كي تصلّي من أجل سامي. Layla went to the church to pray for Sami. Lila went to church to pray for Sammy. احتاج سامي ذلك المال. Sami needed the money. Sammy needs that money. אני עדיין מברר את זה לעצמי. I'm still figuring stuff out. I'm still making it clear to myself. هل تحب الموسيقى الأمازيغية؟ Do you like Berber music? Do you like amazigan music? Tuɛeṛ tefṛansist i weḥfaḍ. French is very difficult to learn. You have broken the throat to the throat. ما هي هوايتك؟ What's your hobby? What's your identity? Ayɣer ur s-tessawalemt ara i Tom i wakken ad t-id-smektimt? Why don't you call Tom and remind him? But how is it that you have not heard? Will you remember this, يجب عليك أن تعوض عن الوقت الضائع. You must make up for lost time. You have to make up for the lost time. דמיין לעצמך שאתה מתחיל לשהק ולא יכול להפסיק. Imagine if you started hiccoughing and you couldn't stop. Imagine you're starting to relax and can't stop. هناك العديد من الجامعات في كيوتو. There are numerous universities in Kyoto. There are many universities in Kyoto. الحب و السلام. Love and Peace. Love and peace. Ad truḥeḍ ad tεummeḍ? Are you going to go swimming? Do you know any thing? Yuli Tom ɣef ugmar-is. Tom mounted his horse. And Thomas bare him father in charge of his mother's brethren. أخبروني عنه. They told me about it. Tell me about him. هو يأمل أن يجعلها تفعل ما يريده. He hopes to entice her into doing what he wants. He hopes to make her do what he wants. أنت ملاك! You're an angel! You're an angel! Limmer d lebɣi deg Lustṛali a y-illiɣ. I'm supposed to be in Australia. Now it is the will of me that I should be born again in Lystra. תום לא שמע דבר. Tom heard nothing. Tom didn't hear anything. زُرِعَت الأشجار بجانب الطريق. Trees are planted along the street. Trees were planted by the road. كان شوب، ففتحت الشباك It was warm, so I opened the window. It was Shupp. I opened the net. Ur ţfeẓẓ ara ɣef sin yimayagen. Do not run two hares at the same time. Neither shall they grow two branches. לא שכבתי איתו לאחרונה. I haven't slept with him recently. I haven't slept with him lately. تكاليف الخدمات المالية آخذة في الارتفاع في كل بلد. Costs of financial services are rising in every country. Financial services costs are rising in each country. يعطيك الصّحة. Thank you! Give you the light. תחזור לעצמך! Snap out of it! Come back to yourself! אי אפשר גם לאכול את העוגה וגם להשאיר אותה שלמה. You can't have it both ways. You can't eat the cake either and leave it whole. תוסיפו סוכר לתה. Add sugar to the tea. Add sugar to tea. لازم نعمل دا بنفسنا We have to do this by ourselves. We need to work on our own. אני לא יודעת מה לומר. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. אני לא חושב שזה רעיון טוב. I don't think that's a good idea. I don't think that's a good idea. Tessezzimt-iyi allaɣ-iw! You make me feel dizzy! You have filled me with your desire. אני צופה בטלוויזיה בערבים. I watch television in the evening. I'm watching night TV. إنَّها تَعتَقِدُ أنَّهَا أعْلَمْ. She thinks she knows best. She thinks she knows. המלך פקד לשחרר את השבוי. The king ordered that the prisoner should be set free. The king ordered the prisoner to be released. ومما زاد الطين بلةً، أن زوجها توفي. To make matters worse, her husband died. And from the point of view, her husband died. מותר לי לבכות? Can I cry? Can I cry? Ma ur tebɣiḍ ara ad t-txedmeḍ, fiḥel! If you don't want to do it, don't! If thou wilt not kill him, thou shalt love him. لست هنا لأجرحك I'm not here to hurt you. I'm not here to hurt you. זה חשוב לקרוא ספרים. It's important to read books. It's important to read books. Yeǧhed am uɛewdiw. He is strong as a horse. He looks like a lion. لم يصدّق توم أيا من كلام ماري. Tom didn't believe anything Mary said. Tom didn't believe any of Mary's words. אני אוהב את הסטייק מדיום. I like my steak cooked medium well. I like medic gum. لدى الطبيب سميث الكثير من المرضى. Dr. Smith has a lot of patients. Dr. Smith has a lot of patients. מחלה מנעה ממני לצאת לטיול. Illness prevented me from taking a trip. A disease prevented me from taking a trip. מי יאמין לך? Who's going to believe you? Who's gonna believe you? החברה התחרבנה לחלוטין כשהשרפה השמידה את כל תקליטורי המחשב. The company faced a major interruption in business when a fire destroyed their archive of computer hard drives and optical discs. The company totally freaked out when the fire destroyed all the computer records. هو لا يريد الدراسة اليوم. He doesn't want to study today. He doesn't want to study today. לא, אינני מתחרט על דבר. No, I don't regret anything. No, I don't regret anything. Ldi allen-ik! Get real. Keep your eyes open! אתם רוצים לטעום? Would you care for a taste? You want to taste? Tella tin i yettun ssiwan-is. Somebody left his umbrella behind. He looked at himself, and looked at his face. Tom yesra win ara t-id-imuqqlen. Tom craves attention. But it is easier for him who sees the less than he is. אמא שלך תחזור על זה כמה פעמים שאת רוצה. Your mother will repeat it to you as many times as necessary. Your mom's gonna repeat it as many times as you want. Kenwi d aḥric seg ugur. You're part of the problem. They were free from charge. אני מצטער, לא התכוונתי להפחיד אותך. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Yekkat Tom ad yeǧǧ allen-is ldint. Tom struggled to keep his eyes open. Tom would leave his eyes open. توم وماري متشابهان كثيراً. Tom and Mary are a lot alike. Tom and Mary are very similar. لأنك قلت ذلك. Since you say so. Because you said that. יש לך חמש דקות לפתור את הסוגיה הזאת. I give you five minutes to resolve this issue. You have five minutes to solve this issue. غادر فاضل المستشفى. Fadil left the hospital. He left the hospital. הרחובות מוצפים. The streets are flooded. The streets are flooded. كان خطأ حاسوبيّ. It was a computer error. It was a computer error. Sami yella meẓiy. Sami was very immature. firm, fast. Waqil, teččiḍ tarast! I think you're angry! A little while, you eat and drink! כל התלמידים הלכו לבתיהם. All the students have gone home. All the students went home. Tom yella ixeddem akked Mary. Tom was working with Mary. And Shem dwelt with Mary. من فضلك إقلب الصفحة. Please turn the page. Please turn the page. Ɛni d tajapunit tina? Is she Japanese? Do I have a cup of tea? Wissen ma teεǧbeḍ-iyi aṭas neɣ ma ḥemmeleɣ-kem kan daya. I either like you a lot or I just simply love you. Whether I love you, whether I love you or not, it is for my sake. כל הכלבים היו בחיים. All of the dogs were alive. All the dogs were alive. אתה עדיין ירוק. You're still green. You're still green. Deg uxxam i tellamt. You are home. And ye were in a row whereon ye were. Dewwṛeɣ ar tama tayeffust. I turned right. I'm on the right. Tom ur yessehbes ara Mary. Tom didn't stop Mary. But he doesn't marvel at Mary. Tom yenser ar Ustṛalya. Tom escaped to Australia. Tom Jenser to Australia. Ssawleɣ. I called out. I was reluctant. Ur d-tuɣ ara aɣṛum. She didn't buy bread. I didn't eat bread. موقعا الشبكتين الاجتماعيتين الشهيرتين فيسبوك وتويتر يخضعان لدستور الولايات المتحدة، وقوانين ولاية كاليفورنيا. The well-known social networking sites Facebook and Twitter operate under the United States Constitution and California state law. The famous Facebook and Twitter social networks are subject to the United States Constitution and the laws of the state of California. Ur ḥulfaɣ ara akk d akken lluẓeɣ. I don't feel hungry at all. I don't care about all of them, even as I am hungry. Uḥwaǧeɣ-kem ad txedmeḍ yiwet n tɣawsa. I need you to do something. And I came to make a certain thing. D acu i d-as-tettakkeḍ i weqjun-ik ad t-yečč ? What do you feed your dog? What did you give to your eyes, that they might eat? Eḍs‑itt-id ma ulac aɣilif! Please smile. And as it was written in an empty way, 'There is no salvation in me.' Yella walebɛaḍ i yebɣan ad yehḍeṛ yid-k. Somebody wants to talk to you. And, behold, there was a man which would have killed you. Ḥemmlen-ken akk. Everyone loves you. And they loved them all. הכלב היה במצב גסיסה. The dog was dying. The dog was in a rough state. Yegra Tom uzzal yeḥman deg waman isemmaḍen. Tom plunged the hot metal into cold water. And it came to pass, that he went down early in the morning, and was full of cold water. إنه لا يُحبنا لذلك لا يُريد أن يأكلَ معنا It's because he doesn't like us that he doesn't want to eat with us. He doesn't like us, so he doesn't want to eat with us.