>>eng<< Annuz yeţţawid ccan. Modesty is a virtue. Let's get your glory. >>eng<< Ili-kent d tuḥdiqin. Be courteous. I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I'm sick. >>eng<< אם החברה שלך בראש ובראשונה עושה עסקים עם ארה"ב, עליך ללמוד אנגלית עם דובר ילידי מארה"ב. If your company primarily does business with America, then you should be studying English with a native speaker from America. If your company is first and foremost doing business with the U.S., you have to learn English with a Ledi speaker from the United States. >>eng<< Ma tebɣamt ad teččemt aya, tzemremt. If you want to eat that, you may. If you will not eat this, you can't. >>eng<< ما هو أسمُ جدّكَ؟ What is your grandfather's name? What's your grandfather's name? >>eng<< قلت لك أن ذلك سيكون مملاً. I told you this was going to be boring. I told you that would be boring. >>eng<< انفتح الباب. The door flew open. Open the door. >>eng<< Sixef. Hurry up. Six. >>eng<< אתה באמת נראה נפלא. You really do look great. You really look wonderful. >>eng<< ما أغباني حين صدقته! How foolish I am to believe him! I don't like it when I believe it! >>eng<< Intlift. I'm lost. Intlift. >>eng<< D acu tessarmed ad iyi-d-tiniḍ? What do you want to say to me? What is it that you are about to say to me?" >>eng<< D aqdim. He is old. The old one. >>eng<< אינני מצנזרת את המאמרים שלכם. I'm not censoring their articles. I don't edit your articles. >>eng<< כמעט חצות. אני מוכנה למיטה. It's nearly midnight. I'm ready for bed. Almost midnight, I'm ready for bed. >>eng<< אני חושב שאנחנו יכולים לסייע זה לזה. I think we can help each other. I think we can help each other. >>eng<< Kennemti d tizermatin! You are a snake! Kent Tigerti! >>eng<< Inuḍeḥ Tom. Tom struggled. You put your trust in the name of Tom. >>eng<< אתם לא ממהרים, נכון? You're not in a hurry, are you? You're not in a hurry, are you? >>eng<< הרגל הוא טבע שני. Habit is second nature. The leg is a second nature. >>eng<< Ilaq-awen ad teččem tura. You should eat now. Let your food be eaten now. >>eng<< Jbed iman-ik! Stand aside. Get up! >>eng<< لم تكن تلك هي الحقيقة. That wasn't the truth. That wasn't the truth. >>eng<< Di tazwara baba ur yecliɛ ara. At the start my father didn't care. First, father is not a father. >>eng<< ייצור המוני מוריד את המחיר של מוצרים מסויימים. Mass production lowers the cost of certain goods. The mass production takes down the price of certain products. >>eng<< تبدو شاحباً للغاية. You look very pale. You look so cute. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad yili kra n yiwen d wi ara meslayeɣ. I want somebody to talk to. I will have something to say, and I will speak with.' >>eng<< את חושבת שאני צריכה אחד? Do you think I need one? You think I need one? >>eng<< Ilaq ad yexdem yiwen kra n tɣawsa. Somebody should do something. But let every man do according to his deeds. >>eng<< Kemmel abrid-ik. Keep walking. Continue your way. >>eng<< Rziɣ ɣer Boston ass-nni n warim. I went to Boston on Monday. And I came to Boston on the next day. >>eng<< הוא עשה אותה טעות פעמיים. He made the same mistake twice. He made her a mistake twice. >>eng<< Yeggumma ad iyi-d-yas naddam. I'm not sleepy anymore. The glory of me am come unto the glory of God. >>eng<< Ṛuḥet-d ar wexxam. Come home. Go therefore to the house. >>eng<< Kkremt ma ulac aɣilif. Stand up, please. Kremt does not worry. >>eng<< תום אהב את זה. Tom liked it. Tom loved it. >>eng<< אני לא יכול למצוא שום דבר לא נכון. I can't find a thing wrong. I can't find anything wrong. >>eng<< يا للروعة! How fascinating! Oh, my God! >>eng<< ذاك الفندق قريب جداً من البحيرة. That hotel was very near the lake. That hotel is very close to the lake. >>eng<< אתה מלהג. You're babbling. You're a cheerleader. >>eng<< אל תעשי שום דבר משוגע! Don't do anything crazy. Don't do anything crazy! >>eng<< למה זה אמור להיות נחוץ? Why should that be necessary? Why is that supposed to be necessary? >>eng<< Keṛheɣ ad xeṣṛeɣ. I hate losing. I find fault with the law. >>eng<< התכוונתי ללכת לשם. I had intended to go there. I was gonna go there. >>eng<< Teskiddib. She lies. It is a lie. >>eng<< Ayen akk yellan ibeddel. Everything changed. All things have been changed. >>eng<< سوف أعود بعد قليل. I will be back soon. I'll be right back. >>eng<< Anwa i yeheggan i usuter Who's ready to order? "Who has prepared a lamp?" >>eng<< آه، فهمت الأمر. Oh, I see. Uh, I got it. >>eng<< هذا أمر جديد بالنسبة لي. It's news to me. That's a new thing for me. >>eng<< אם לא יירד גשם, גם אני אלך. Unless it rains, I will go, too. If it doesn't rain, I'll go, too. >>eng<< እኔም ተማሪ ነኝ። I'm also a student. I am a student. >>eng<< תיצמד לימין. Keep to the right. Stand to the right. >>eng<< האם התספורת החדשה מוצאת חן בעינייך? Do you like my new haircut? Do you like the new drawing? >>eng<< טום הוא רודף שמלות. Tom is a womanizer. Tom's chasing dresses. >>eng<< ניחשתי נכונה. I guessed right. I thought it was right. >>eng<< "Yekker umulab i tlafsa." icuba "Yekker i teslent s wemger.", la d-yeqqaṛ yiwen umeddakel. "The lizard dares to face the hydra." is like "Someone is attacking an ash tree with a sickle," one of our friends tells us. "You say the same thing to a dog, 'It's like a dove, tastes the wind,' and it has to say, 'It's over.' >>eng<< تعجبني اللغة الأمازيغية. I like the Berber language. I like Amazigh. >>eng<< بإمكانِكَ تعلّم الأمازيغية. You can learn Berber. You can learn amazigh. >>eng<< هذا رقم سحري. It's a magic number. That's a magic number. >>eng<< حقّق سامي في ماضي ليلى. Sami investigated Layla's past. Sammy's done last night. >>eng<< لست هنا لأجرحك I'm not here to hurt you. I'm not here to hurt you. >>eng<< الباب دائما مفتوح. The door is always open. The door's always open. >>eng<< אל תאפשר לו לנגוע בזה. Don't let him touch it. Don't let him touch it. >>eng<< לקן יש יותר ספרים מאשר לך. Ken has more books than you. Ken has more books than you do. >>eng<< أطلق سامي النّار في رأس ليلى. Sami shot Layla in the head. Sammy shot the fire in the head of night. >>eng<< לכלב הקטן הייתה כרית משלו. The little dog had his own cushion. The little dog had his own pillow. >>eng<< אתה מוכן בבקשה להביט הצידה? Can you please look the other way? Would you please look aside? >>eng<< ألديك مفتاح هذا الباب؟ Do you have the key to this door? Do you have the key to this door? >>eng<< Lliɣ deg zwaǧ-nwen. I was at your wedding. I sitting in your dwellings. >>eng<< תום שמע זאבים מיללים. Tom heard wolves howling. Tom heard powerful wolves. >>eng<< אם אתה מחבב את דן, תרגם את המשפטים שלו. If you like Dan, translate his sentences. If you like Dan, translate his judgments. >>eng<< Yella ḥedd deg beṛṛa. Someone's outside. But there was still room outside. >>eng<< ومنذ ذلك الوقت عاشوا جميعا بسعادة. And they all lived happily ever after. Since then, all of us have lived happily. >>eng<< תום נראה חביב. Tom seems kind. Tom looks lovely. >>eng<< سيدني هي أكبر مدينة في استراليا. Sydney is the largest city in Australia. Sydney is the largest city in Australia. >>eng<< توم على ظهر السفينة. Tom is on the ship's deck. Tom's on the ship's back. >>eng<< Yuḥwaǧ Tom ḥedd ara t-iɛawnen. Tom needs somebody to help him. They are waiting for him, that they may seize him. >>eng<< Ur walaɣ d tiɣin n wawal kan i yi-d-tewwi. I don't know whether agreeing was the right thing for me to do. And I saw not the word which was given me to speak. >>eng<< تمّت ترقية سامي. Sami was promoted. Sammy was promoted. >>eng<< يعرف توم ماري ، أليس كذلك؟ Tom knows Mary, doesn't he? Tom Marie knows, right? >>eng<< La txeddem iḍ d wass. She is working night and day. Which covers the night and the day. >>eng<< الرجاء مساعدتي في ملء هذا النموذج. Please help me fill out this form. Please help me fill this model. >>eng<< Tom yesnemmer-iyi ɣef waraz. Tom thanked me for the gift. Or else let me take a sword. >>eng<< أنت تكذب، أليس كذلك؟ You're lying, aren't you? You're lying, aren't you? >>eng<< בואו נתחיל. Let's start! Let's get started. >>eng<< ليس فقط انت بل انا ايضا كنت المعني As a rule, I prefer people who deal with matters of this kind directly with those involved. It's not just you, it's me, it's me. >>eng<< ظننتك تملك معايير أسمى. I thought you had higher standards. I thought you had higher standards. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ idles-iw aqbayli. I like my Kabyle language. I love my mouth, and receive it. >>eng<< أخذ سامي سيّارة ليلى و تركها عالقة في المستشفى. Sami took Layla's car and left her stranded at the hospital. Sammy took a night car and left it stuck in the hospital. >>eng<< עובדה זו מוכיחה את חפותו. This fact proves his innocence. This fact proves his innocence. >>eng<< אני לא רוצה להתפטר מעבודתי הנוכחית. I don't want to resign my job at present. I don't want to quit my current job. >>eng<< Tom yerra-t-id d ṭṭlem ɣef Mary. Tom blamed it on Mary. Tomos he spoke to her about Mary. >>eng<< አትረብሽ። Do not disturb. And thou shalt not be troubled. >>eng<< قمت فقط بتنظيف جميع الطاولات I just cleaned all the tables. I just cleaned all the tables. >>eng<< הוא לומד ליד שולחן הכתיבה שלו. He is studying at his desk. He's studying at his writing table. >>eng<< היא מבשלת זוועה. She is an appalling cook. She cooks crazy. >>eng<< Imedlisen n tizmilin-agi mačči inu. These notebooks aren't mine. I learned from them, not as though I were doing. >>eng<< Nezga nettmeslay gar-aneɣ s tefransist. We often speak to each other in French. Net phone passwords in us saver. >>eng<< בין בנות דודי, אתה יודע, יש נערה עם שדיים עצומים. Among my cousins, you know, there's a girl with the most enormous breasts. Between my cousin's girls, you know, there's a girl with huge breasts. >>eng<< איזה סוג של תורם מוח הוא תום לדעתך? What kind of brain donor do you think Tom is? What kind of brain donor do you think is Tom? >>eng<< لدى بيل الكثير من الأصحاب. Bill has a lot of friends. Bill has a lot of friends. >>eng<< פסל החירות נמצא בניו יורק. The Statue of Liberty is found in New York. Freedom statue is in New York. >>eng<< המורים צריכים מידי פעם לתת לתלמידים לשחרר קצת קיטור. Teachers should occasionally let their students blow off some steam. Teachers need to let students free a little bit of a season. >>eng<< אתה מרוצה מזה? Are you satisfied with that? Are you happy with that? >>eng<< Ad wen-d-sekneɣ amek i yettwaxdem. I'm going to show you how it's done. I will show you the things which I have seen. >>eng<< بعض الناس يقرأون الصحيفة و يشاهدون التلفاز في وقت واحد. Some people read the newspaper and watch TV at the same time. Some people read the newspaper and watch TV at a time. >>eng<< التقيا في مطعم في الضّفّة اليسرى. They met in a restaurant on the Left Bank. Meeting in a restaurant at the left end. >>eng<< האם ישנם נהרות גדולים בגרמניה? Are there big rivers in Germany? Are there large rivers in Germany? >>eng<< Teɣṛiḍ kullec? Have you read the whole thing? Do you care? >>eng<< كان سامي يريد أن يحبّه النّاس من أجل ما يملكه و ليس من أجل شخصيّته. Sami wanted people to like him for what he had more than for what he was. Sammy wanted people to love him for what he owned and not for himself. >>eng<< Ur ɣ-d-tecliɛ ara? Who cares? Thou shalt not judge us? >>eng<< נצטרך להמתין ולראות. We'll have to wait and see. We'll have to wait and see. >>eng<< أشعر أني رشيق. I'm feeling fit. I feel like I'm a sarcasm. >>eng<< Acuɣeṛ i teqqimemt iman-nkent? Why are you alone? "Why were you now staying? >>eng<< Le teqqaṛemt? Are you studying? Don’t you say? >>eng<< תום בלחץ גדול. Tom is under a lot of pressure. Tom's in a lot of pressure. >>eng<< Tom yebda awal. Tom began talking. So they began to speak. >>eng<< Temεukker. She had nausea. Temşukker. >>eng<< Tufamt akk iman-nkent? Are you fully recovered? Have you come to know all or have been saved? >>eng<< אתה לא יכול להפריז בחשיבות בחירת החברים שלך. You can't be too careful in choosing your friends. You can't interfere with your choice of friends. >>eng<< אם הוריי יגלו שהיית כאן, הם מסוגלים לבצע מעשה של טירוף. If my parents discover that you came over, they are capable of doing something crazy. If my parents find out you were here, they can commit an act of madness. >>eng<< Aɛni tsebɣeḍ acebbub-ik? Did you dye your hair? Do you dress your own knuckle? >>eng<< תום חושש מהאפלה. Tom is scared of the dark. Tom's afraid of the darkness. >>eng<< La ttqejjiment fell-akent. They're mocking you. To be prepared by the acoustic. >>eng<< לעיתים נדירות אני חושבת כך. I scarcely think so. I often think so. >>eng<< Tesɛiḍ lweqt i wučči? Do you have time to eat? You have a little time? >>eng<< Aql-i ttenhaṛeɣ. I drive. I know how I am doing. >>eng<< وقال توم كان آسف جدا. Tom said he was so sorry. Tom said he was so sorry. >>eng<< Ziɣ kunwi! Wannag tɣiddem ad ssersen tagelzimt! Ur walaɣ! Such a fake! Do you think that they will lay down their guns? You must be kidding! I don't know, for I am afraid of you! >>eng<< תום אומר שהוא לא רוצה להתקוטט יותר בעניין זה. Tom says he doesn't want to argue about this anymore. Tom says he doesn't want to get caught up in this. >>eng<< بإمكان الحبّ أن يجعلك مريضا. Love can make you really sick. Love can make you sick. >>eng<< Testeqsaḍ-ten ma yella tehwa-yasent yiwet. Have you asked if they want one? And ask them, if they would question one of another. >>eng<< ቶም ሁልጊዜ ጧት ቡና ይጠጣል Tom always drinks coffee in the morning. Tom always drinks coffee in the morning >>eng<< لديهم بعجة في الباب الخلفي . They had a dent in the rear door. They have gums in the back door. >>eng<< ከልቢ እሙን እንስሳ እዩ። A dog is a loyal animal. The heart is a faithful animal. >>eng<< Tidet kan, ur bɣiɣ ad ẓreɣ wara. In fact, I don't want to know anything. Go to this place, and I don't want to see it behind me." >>eng<< סדר את המילים בסדר אלפביתי. Put the words in alphabetical order. Get the words straight on my e-mail. >>eng<< Ɛewnemt-iyi. Help me! You know me. >>eng<< האם תום שותף לכך? Is Tom in on this? Is Tom a partner? >>eng<< Ur bɣiɣ ara ad tfehmeḍ. I don't want you to understand. I don't want to understand. >>eng<< את בעצמך בחרת את השירים האלה? Did you choose those songs yourself? Did you yourself choose these songs? >>eng<< אני במצב הלם. I'm in a state of shock. I'm in shock. >>eng<< אפשר לדבר איתכם לרגע? Can I talk to you a minute? Can I talk to you for a second? >>eng<< Ulac tuttriwin? No questions? No tuttriwin? >>eng<< איך את יודעת לגבי תום? How do you know about Tom? How do you know about Tom? >>eng<< את האגדות האלה יש להנחיל לצאצאינו. These legends should be handed down to our offspring. These legends have to start with our descendants. >>eng<< זה מוצדק. This is justified. It's justified. >>eng<< اعترف سامي بذلك. Sami admitted that. Believe it, Sammy. >>eng<< אתה יודע מה, תום, צדקת. You know what, Tom, you're right. You know what, Tom, you were right. >>eng<< אל תחזור שוב על אותה טעות. Don't make the same mistake again. Don't repeat the same mistake again. >>eng<< لكۆمّونيزم ژامي ما يلحق او انا عايش. Communism will never be reached in my lifetime. You know what's happening or I'm living. >>eng<< Anwa aqcic? Which boy? Who is a boy? >>eng<< לא יהיה לי פנאי ביום שני, וגם לא בשלישי. I won't have time on Monday nor on Tuesday. I won't be jealous on Monday, neither on Tuesday. >>hau_Latn<< Our city is getting bigger and bigger. Birninmu sai kara haɓaka yakeyi. birninmu yana girma kuma yana girma sosai. >>eng<< זה מוקדם. It's early. It's early. >>eng<< Ur zmireɣ ara ad dduɣ ad εummeɣ yid-k azekka. I can't go swimming with you tomorrow. I can't follow you until tomorrow." >>eng<< Cukkeɣ Tom akked Mary xaqen. I suspect Tom and Mary are upset. And I persecuted Tom, all Mary, by her means. >>eng<< Yeɣli Tom. Tom fell. It's done tom. >>eng<< Nadi ɣef wayeḍ. Find somebody else. One man for another. >>eng<< Dayen ufiɣ-d amkan anda i nezmer ad nili iman-nneɣ. I finally found a place where we can be alone. And I was found where we were. >>eng<< Mary akked Tom fehhmen tafṛansist? Do both Tom and Mary understand French? Did Mary get an idea of a philosopher? >>eng<< سامي ينتظر في الصّف. Sami is waiting in line. Sammy's waiting in silence. >>eng<< לא חשוב מה אני אוהב ומה לא. What I like and what I don't is not important. It doesn't matter what I like and what I don't. >>eng<< أقام سامي صداقة مع العديد من الأطبّاء. Sami made friends with many physicians. Sammy made friends with a lot of doctors. >>eng<< Telha tudert. Life is sweet. Loss of life. >>eng<< אתה החיים שלי. You are my life. You're my life. >>eng<< בת דודי היא רק בת ארבע, אבל היא אוכלת לפחות כמוני. My cousin is four years old, but she eats as much as I do. My cousin's only four, but she eats at least as much as I do. >>eng<< Yessefqed-iten? Did he check them? Did you allow them to do so? >>eng<< שמור לי בבקשה על התור. Please keep my place in line. Please keep me on the line. >>eng<< Yeṛɣa-d Tom. Tom got burned. He's got Tom. >>eng<< Ḥebset-ten. Stop them. bibset-ten. >>eng<< لبس الرجل قناع نمر. The man wore a mask of a tiger. The man's wearing a scoundrel mask. >>eng<< 2005 הייתה שנה קשה לתעשיית המוזיקה, כי קיילי מינוג חטפה סרטן שד. 2005 was a bad year for music sector. Because Kylie Minogue caught breast cancer. 2005 was a difficult year for the music industry, because Kaley Minneg was kidnapped by demon cancer. >>eng<< ስራሕ እደሊ ኣሎኹ። I'm looking for work. I want to work. >>eng<< Ldimt tawwurt. Open the door. You've got the door. >>eng<< Acuɣer i teḥwaǧeḍ ajenwi? Why do you need a knife? Why do you need a sword? >>eng<< אספר לתום לאן הלכתי. I'll tell Tom where I went. I'll tell Tom where I went. >>eng<< Beṛkat askiddeb fell-i. Stop lying to me. You have affection for me. >>eng<< لم أحصل على خيار. I've got no choice. I didn't get a choice. >>eng<< לא הקשבת. You haven't been listening. You didn't listen. >>eng<< لقد توقّفت حياة سامي بعد وفاة ليلى. Sami's life since Layla's death has stopped. Sammy's life stopped after night's death. >>eng<< Yewweḍ-d wučči. Food arrived. Now he hadn't enough to eat. >>eng<< תום שכנע את מרי לעשות זאת. Tom persuaded Mary to do it. Tom convinced Mary to do this. >>eng<< Kważi għandi kull ma neħtieġ. I've got almost everything I need. I have almost everything we need. >>eng<< لوث ذلك الماء بالزيت. The water was fouled by oil. Put that water in oil. >>eng<< Tefkiḍ-as tarzeft i Tom ilmend n umulli-ines? Did you give Tom a present for his birthday? Do you give the tag which is to you, so that you won't fill it up? >>eng<< لم يكن فاضل يعرف أيّ شيء عن الإسلام. Fadil didn't know anything about Islam. He wasn't a fool who knew nothing about Islam. >>eng<< Ččiɣ tikawkawin. I ate some peanuts. (shrouding) you will be helped. >>eng<< La tegganemt? Are you sleeping? Do you think? >>eng<< Ur nessefsay ddel s wayeḍ. Two wrongs don't make a right. Quenched not for any man's sake. >>eng<< هل أنت قريبه؟ Are you related to him? Are you close? >>eng<< Semmumit tqaṛestin. Lemons are sour. When you put a stop to it. >>eng<< Nɣucc-iten i meṛṛa. We all hate them. And I listened to them all. >>eng<< لم أكن أقصد إحباطها. I did not mean to disappoint her. I didn't mean to disappoint her. >>eng<< Yella kra n yiwen i wumi tebɣiḍ ad teɣṛeḍ? Is there somebody you want to call? Now is there any one that wilt thou read it? >>eng<< Werjin ad k-ǧǧeɣ a Tom. I'll never leave you, Tom. And I will build thee a tower, and in Tom. >>eng<< إقرأها مرة أخرى من فضلك. Read it once more, please. Read it again, please. >>eng<< המחוז הזה בנוי בצורת אגן. This district forms a basin. This district is built in the form of a garden. >>eng<< يمكن استخدامه كسكين. It can be used as a knife. It could be used as a knife. >>eng<< אני לא יודע מה מרי מחפשת. I don't know what Mary is looking for. I don't know what Mary's looking for. >>eng<< דובי קואלה אפשר לראות רק באוסטרליה. Koalas can only be seen in Australia. Dobby Coula can only see Australia. >>eng<< בכך אין שום היגיון. That doesn't make sense at all. That makes no sense. >>eng<< אינך חייבת לעשות כל דבר שתום מורה לך. You don't have to do everything Tom tells you to do. You don't have to do anything that shuts you down. >>eng<< אני חולקת עלייך. I disagree with you. I'm sharing you. >>eng<< التلوث يضر كوكبنا. Pollution is damaging our earth. Pollution damages our planet. >>eng<< המנהיג הורה לחיילים לסגת. The leader ordered the troops to retreat. The leader ordered the soldiers to back off. >>eng<< טום פוטר. Tom lost his job. Tom Potter. >>eng<< شخص ما يأكل. Somebody is eating. Someone eats. >>eng<< بدأ سامي بنقاش الأمر مع ليلى. Sami started discussing that with Layla. Sammy started discussing it with Lily. >>eng<< Tetḥeqqem belli tram ad tṛuḥem mebla ma tennam-d ar tufat? Are you sure you want to leave without saying goodbye? Are you sure that you went out as soon as you couldn't tell him? >>eng<< متى بدأت When did you begin? When did you start? >>eng<< يوجد خدشة هنا، فهل تستطيع اعطائي حسم؟ There's a scratch here. Could you give me a discount? There's a trick here. Can you give me a poison? >>hau_Latn<< Did you think before you said that? Kayi tunani kafin ka faɗi haka? Shin, kuma daga wannan lãbãri kuke mãmãki? >>eng<< خلع سامي ملابسه. Sami took his clothes off. Take off Sammy's clothes. >>eng<< אתה צריך להודות שיש לך בעיה לפני שמישהו יוכל לעזור לך. You need to admit you have a problem before anybody can help you. You have to admit you have a problem before someone can help you. >>eng<< אני רוצה תוצאות. I want results. I want results. >>eng<< هل تأتي إلى هنا كل يوم؟ Do you come here every day? Are you coming here every day? >>eng<< יש במלון חנות צילום? Is there a photo shop in the hotel? Is there a photo store? >>eng<< Tayri-inek ur meqqer-t ara am tinna-inu. Your love is less strong than mine. Thy wife shall not be able to destroy thee, saying, Thou shalt not kill us. >>eng<< זה ספר עם סיפורי ילדים. This is a book of children's stories. It's a book with children's stories. >>eng<< سأبقى هنا لمدة ثلاثة أشهر I'll be staying here for three months. I'll stay here for three months. >>eng<< Kečč d imegzi s tidet! You are so smart! You have bounced! >>eng<< שינון צרופי לשון הוא צעד נוסף לקראת דיבור כמו יליד. Learning collocations is one step towards sounding like a native speaker. Letting a tongue is another step towards talking like a child. >>eng<< הוא עובד עצמאי. He's self-employed. He's working independently. >>eng<< طاولتك هنا. I have your table right here. Your table's here. >>eng<< Tella tin i d-isellen. Somebody's listening. It's the left. >>eng<< כמה המצב מסוכן? How dangerous is the situation? How dangerous? >>eng<< Ţxil-k. Please. ↑xil-k. >>eng<< Yettraḥ-d ɣaya-t wayen! It smells good! Woe to us! >>eng<< هل لديك موعد معه؟ Do you have an appointment with him? Do you have a date with him? >>eng<< أرفض أن أنادى بغير "صاحب السمو". I refuse to be called anything besides "Your Highness". I refuse to have Andy without His Highness. >>eng<< Siwlemt-aɣ-d. Call us. You will ask us one by one. >>eng<< الامتحان كان جد صعب بنسبتي لي. The assignment was too much for me. The examination was very difficult for me. >>eng<< מרי התרשמה ממראה עיניה. Mary was impressed with what she saw. Mary was impressed by her eyes. >>eng<< "רק שאלתי." "לא עניינך." "I was just asking a question." "Mind your own business." "I just asked." "No business." >>eng<< لم يرد سامي قضاء وقت في السّجن. Sami didn't want to spend time in jail. Sammy didn't want to spend time in prison. >>eng<< בנוסף למבחנים אנו צריכים להגיש עבודה. In addition to taking the tests, we have to hand in an essay. In addition to the tests, we need to serve a job. >>eng<< Imawlan n Tom d Mary d imdukkal. Tom's and Mary's parents are friends. I don't care about Tom and Mary and their friends. >>eng<< אפשר לסור לבית הכסא? Can I go to the bathroom? Can we go to the chair? >>eng<< التقيتُ بصديق لي في المطار. I met a friend of mine at the airport. I met a friend of mine at the airport. >>eng<< צריך לקחת בחשבון את הגרוע ביותר. We must assume the worst. We need to consider the worst. >>eng<< فسياقات الكلمات تظهر في الجمل. تعبر الجمل عن الشخصيات. يمكن أن تكون الجمل مضحكةً، أو ذكيةً، أو سخيفةً، أو عميقة، أو مؤثرة، أو مؤذية. Sentences bring context to the words. Sentences have personalities. They can be funny, smart, silly, insightful, touching, hurtful. The contexts of words appear in the sentence. The sentence reflects personalities. The sentence can be funny, smart, ridiculous, deep, impactive, or harmful. >>eng<< Yessibrek taxxamt. He darkens the room. Yessibrek taxed. >>eng<< Ɛerḍemt ad d-tawimt aqjun, amcic neɣ tayaziḍt. Try getting a dog, a cat or a chicken. You shall fulfill the reading, the exhortation, or the interpretation. >>eng<< هل تعلم من اشترى لوحتك؟ Do you know who bought your painting? Do you know who bought your own? >>eng<< Iɛǧeb-as i Tom imi i yella akked Mary. Tom liked being with Mary. It pleased me to see Mary also, who was with her. >>eng<< Nniɣ-as ad tɛeqleḍ Tom. I thought that you would recognize Tom. For I have said these things to you, so you will endure. >>eng<< לפי התחזית ירד שלג מחר. According to the weather forecast, it'll snow tomorrow. According to the forecast, it was snow tomorrow. >>eng<< Yefhem Tom. Tom sympathized. He understands Tom. >>eng<< لا أريد أن تحرق جثتي. I don't want to be cremated. I don't want to burn my body. >>eng<< Ur yessefk ara ad tṛuḥemt ad txedmemt. You shouldn't go to work. Don't give it to you that you go and do it. >>eng<< كان رجلاً سابقاً لعصره. He was far in advance of his days. He was a former man of his day. >>eng<< אני לא חושב שאני מסוגל להחזיק מעמד עוד זמן רב. I don't think I can hold on much longer. I don't think I can hold on for a long time. >>eng<< قَوّدْ! Fuck off! Help! >>eng<< Xemmeɣ ɣef aya akk wass. I've been thinking about it the entire day. I think of all this time. >>eng<< Ḍefṛem Tom! Follow Tom. 'Tom tom!' >>eng<< יש לו עתיד מזהיר. He has a bright future. He has a bright future. >>eng<< Sami yella yewḥel deg yiwet n temdint tamectuḥt. Sami was stranded in a small town. And, behold, there met him in a city which was shut up in Tyre: >>eng<< يبدأ الدوام الدراسي في الثامنة و النصف. School begins at 8:30 a.m. School starts at eight and a half. >>eng<< Yella win i wen-d-isawlen. Someone is calling you. But there are some other things which ye have seen. >>eng<< אני חושבת שעליך להיות תוקפני יותר. I think you need to be more aggressive. I think you should be more aggressive. >>eng<< Iluɛa-yas Tom i Mary. Tom called Mary. The saying is "Tom I am Mary." >>eng<< Yuzzel Tom ar beṛṛa i wakken ad iwali dacu i yeḍṛan. Tom ran outside to see what was happening. So he ran out, and took up the mat to see the fig tree. >>eng<< أعطِني إيّاه يا جمال. Give it to me, Jamal. Give it to me, beauty. >>eng<< Ssiru n tusut iyi-d-yesken Tom yedda akken ilaq. The cough syrup that Tom recommended worked well. Show me those things which happened to you.' >>eng<< سامي يدين لي مالا. Sami owes me money. Sammy owes me Mali. >>eng<< ممنوع التدخين. No smoking. No smoking. >>eng<< Tura i t-walaɣ deg isallen. I just saw it on the news. Now I have seen him in the same place. >>eng<< Tzemrem ad tesɛum ayen i tebɣam. You can have any you want. For you will have whatever you want. >>eng<< אני עובדת במשמרות כפולות. I'm working double shifts. I work on double shifts. >>eng<< Tḥettdeḍ? Are you envious? Do you want to kill? >>eng<< Slet-d meṛṛa! Listen, everybody! Come on! >>eng<< אתה אוהב לשיר? Do you like singing? Do you like singing? >>eng<< אני לא מבינה מה אתה אומר. I cannot understand what you say. I don't understand what you're saying. >>eng<< Tanemladt-nni n Lubnan akked yemdukal-is uran-d adlis. The Lebanese student and her friends wrote books. For this seal is fulfilled in the 17th century. >>eng<< تعرّف سامي على ذلك السّلاح. Sami recognized the gun. Sammy identified that weapon. >>eng<< תום לא שמע דבר. Tom heard nothing. Tom didn't hear anything. >>eng<< תום סובל מכאב גב כרוני. Tom suffers from chronic back pain. Tom's in pain with Ms. Corney. >>eng<< ما رانيش حايب ننسا ليزيدي ديالي، مام ادا شوييا فيهوم اكسترام. I don't want to lose my ideas, even though some of them are a bit extreme. Ranch H.N.A.L.L.D.D., M.A.C., Axtram. >>eng<< من يريد القيام بهذا؟ Who would like to do that? Who wants to do this? >>eng<< ראיתי את הכל. I saw everything. I saw everything. >>eng<< תום מנסה להדביק את מרי. Tom is trying to outdo Mary. Tom's trying to catch Mary. >>eng<< أصبح رئيسا للشركة في سن الثلاثين. He became the company president when he was thirty. He became head of the company when he was 30 years old. >>eng<< أنا نضج كفايةً لأتّخذ قراراتي الخاصّة. I'm old enough to make my own decisions. I'm old enough to make my own decisions. >>eng<< הרופא ידע איך להתמודד עם מקרה חירום כזה. The doctor knew how to cope with an emergency like this. The doctor knew how to deal with an emergency like this. >>eng<< Nezmer ad nemẓer ticki? Can we see each other this evening? And what can we tell you? >>eng<< Tebna-tt. She built it. Wet-t. >>eng<< Iḥemmel Jeddi taɣuṛi. My grandfather loved reading. I love perfectness. >>eng<< S ttawil kan. Take your time. S lengthened channel. >>eng<< השווה את התרגום שלך לשלו. Compare your translation with his. Compare your translation to his. >>eng<< Ečč takacit-a. Ad k-tεiwen ad tegneḍ. Take this pill. It'll help you sleep. Eat your own bread. You will go your way. >>eng<< כמה חבל שאינך יכול לרקוד! What a pity you can't dance! How bad you can't dance! >>eng<< نسي سامي موعده مع ليلى. Sami forgot the appointment with Layla. I forgot Sammy's date with Lily. >>eng<< את חייבת לענות על השאלה. You must answer the question. You have to answer the question. >>eng<< Tom yewwi-t nadam. Tom is asleep. Torch was the priest's offering. >>eng<< היא לא הצליחה מעולם להשתחרר מהכאבים אחרי התאונה. She was never completely free from pain after the accident. She's never been able to get rid of the pain after the accident. >>eng<< אבי מעשן לעתים רחוקות. My father seldom smokes. My father smokes very often. >>eng<< شكراً لقدومك لزيارتنا. Thanks for coming over tonight. Thanks for coming to visit. >>eng<< אני לא חושב שאתה משוגע. I don't think you're crazy. I don't think you're crazy. >>eng<< Teɣṛiḍ adlis-a? Have you read that book? Do you kill an animal? >>eng<< سنذهب إلى حفلة رقص غداً. We are going to a dance tomorrow. We're going to a dance party tomorrow. >>eng<< نحن لن نعمل معهم أبدا. We'll never work for them. We'll never work with them. >>eng<< Inimt-d tidet. Tell the truth. In mm-d was lost. >>eng<< أخبرني توم أن الوقت نَفَذَ منّا. Tom told me that we were out of time. Tom told me the time was running out of us. >>eng<< Suffeɣ-itent meṛṛa. Get everybody out. I have scattered them all, yes, and have covered them all. >>eng<< עשו משהו בבקשה. Please do something. Do something please. >>eng<< Sami yessufeɣ-d Tameẓyant-ines. Sami unholstered his pistol. Sam brought out his mother-in-law. >>eng<< لن أغادر محطّة الشّرطة هذه حتّى أرى سامي. I'm not leaving this police station until I see Sami. I'm not leaving this station until I see Sammy. >>eng<< הם חסרים לך מאד, נכון? You miss them a lot, don't you? They're very missing you, aren't they? >>eng<< كنت أشعر بالغثيان. I was feeling nauseous. I was feeling thirsty. >>eng<< مليون شخص استُشهدوا في الحرب. One million people lost their lives in the war. One million people have been cited in the war. >>eng<< أنا لا آكل. I am not eating. I don't eat. >>eng<< تصرف توم غير مقبول. Tom's behavior is unacceptable. Tom's conduct is unacceptable. >>eng<< اشترط فاضل أن تقدّم له دانية المال. Fadil demanded that Dania give him the money. A fraud requires you to provide him with a debt of money. >>eng<< אינני סולח לך. I don't forgive you. I don't forgive you. >>eng<< עבדתי. I worked. I worked. >>eng<< תום פוסח לעתים קרובות על ארוחות. Tom often skips meals. Tom often misses meals. >>eng<< מלחמות הגבול הבלתי פוסקות בין אנגליה לבין סקוטלנד באו לסיומם. The interminable border wars between England and Scotland came to a close. Undetectable border wars between England and Scotland came to their end. >>eng<< عادة ما يذكر مقولات لشيكسبير. He often quotes Shakespeare. It's usually the words of Schaeffer. >>eng<< أطعم قطتي كل صباح وكل مساء. I feed my cat every morning and every evening. I feed my cat every morning and every evening. >>eng<< ركب سامي الطّائرة. Sami boarded the plane. Sammy's bay. >>eng<< ilaq ad nɛiwed tikelt-nnayeḍ. We must try again. Let me eat and drink. >>eng<< إنشاء موقع إلكتروني بدون أي تكلفة؟ Create a Website for Free of Cost? Establishment of a cost-free website? >>eng<< الناس يحبون التحدث والتحدث والتحدث. People love to talk - talk - talk. People like to talk, talk and talk. >>eng<< لم يلبث و أن أصبح سامي زابونا مألوفا في محلّ ليلى. Sami soon became a regular at Layla's store. He didn't mess up and he became familiar with Sabona at night's place. >>eng<< תלך, או לא? Are you going or not? You go, or you don't? >>eng<< أوقف ذلك Stop that. Stop it. >>eng<< Ilaq ad nesmekti Tom. We need to remember Tom. You must remember Tom. >>eng<< يمكن للجميع أن يشارك. Everyone is free to contribute. Everyone can participate. >>eng<< Kečč d aderɣal? Are you blind? Are you blind? >>eng<< Seɛlem-iyi. Let me know. Greet me. >>eng<< היא עדיין לא התרגלה לטלפון נייד. She still hasn't gotten used to cell phones. She didn't get used to a cell phone yet. >>eng<< תעקבי אחריו. Follow him! Follow him. >>eng<< היא עזרה לו. She helped him. She helped him. >>eng<< זה היה לא נעים. That was unpleasant. It was unpleasant. >>eng<< אתה יכול להפסיק לעשות את זה? Can you stop doing that? Can you stop doing this? >>eng<< אז מה אתה זומם היום, תום? So what are you up to today, Tom? So what are you up today, Tom? >>eng<< إنها تحب البرتقال، أليس كذلك؟ She likes oranges, doesn't she? She likes the orange, doesn't she? >>eng<< משה ירד מההר כשהוא נושא את עשרת הדברות. Moses came down from the mountain bearing divine commandments. Moses went down from the river carrying the ten things. >>eng<< استمر المطر ثلاثة أيام. The rain lasted three days. The rain continued for three days. >>eng<< Acḥal n tmellalin i ttetteḍ di ddurt? How many eggs do you eat a week? How many prayers have you given to him in the womb? >>eng<< הוא נאה ביותר. He is tremendously handsome. He's the most beautiful. >>eng<< Mačči d nekk i yeskiddiben. D kečč. I didn't lie. You did. I am not one who speaks a lie. You lie. >>eng<< في نظر المزارع، الفواكه أهم من الأزهار. For the peasant, fruits are more important than flowers. In the eyes of farmers, fruit is more important than flowers. >>eng<< D tijapuniyin i tellamt? Are you Japanese? Do you think that you have been? >>eng<< نحن نفهم We understand. We understand. >>eng<< Tom yettamen Mary. Tom trusts Mary. Tom Yettamen Mary. >>eng<< انه يحب الشاي. He likes tea. He likes tea. >>eng<< كان فاضل يستهلك المخدّرات. Fadil used drugs. He was a drug abuser. >>eng<< صوبت مسدسي نحو الهدف. I aimed my gun at the target. I voted my gun towards the target. >>eng<< תן לי זמן לחשוב על זה. Give me time to think about it. Give me time to think about it. >>eng<< מתי הלכת לישון? When did you go to sleep? When did you go to sleep? >>eng<< הרדיו חזק מדי. תנמיך בבקשה. The radio is too loud. Please turn the volume down. The radio's too strong. >>eng<< Reglen yiberdan. Roads are blocked. Reglen Iberdan. >>eng<< سامي يحاول التّركيز على هذا الجزء من حياة روزفلت. Sami is trying to focus on that chapter of Roosevelt's life. Sammy's trying to focus on this part of Roosevelt's life. >>eng<< Tanemmirt, d aya kan i deg-s. Thanks, that's all. And this is Thummim, where I am. >>eng<< Tellam da weḥd-nwen? Were you here alone? You do not know who you are? >>eng<< Fehmeɣ ssebbat-nkent. I understand your reasons. I know Simone. >>eng<< Ayɣer armi d tura i d-tusam? Why have you come only now? What then have I done to this day? >>eng<< يوجد حمام سياحة وصالة بولينج. There's a swimming pool and a bowling alley. There's a parking room and a bowling call. >>eng<< وجدت مطعما مكسيكيا جيدا. I found a good Mexican restaurant. I found a good Mexican restaurant. >>eng<< היא ישיג אותנו תוך שעה. He'll catch up with us in an hour. She'll get us in an hour. >>eng<< ካብዚ ፌርማታ ናይ ከባቢ ሰዓት ርሕቀት ይቅመጥ። I live about an hour from the station. They can stay around the clock from the map. >>eng<< Aṛǧumt-t. Wait for him. Waitt-t. >>eng<< תום צפה בקרבת מקום. Tom watched from nearby. Tom's watching nearby. >>eng<< Tom ur ten-wala ara seg Tubeṛ. Tom hasn't been here since October. You didn't see them from Saba. >>eng<< لو كان ذلك الكلام صحيحًا، فسنقبل هذا الإستنتاج. If the statement is true, then we will have to accept the conclusion. If that's true, we'll accept this conclusion. >>eng<< كانت ليلى ضحية تلاعب لكنّها لم تتفطّن للأمر. Layla was being manipulated and she didn't realize it. Lily was a compulsive victim, but she didn't do it. >>eng<< اصبر فقد أوشكنا على الانتهاء. Hang on; we're almost there. Try. We're about to finish. >>eng<< ماذا تريد؟ أنا أريد حيوان. What do you want? I want an animal. What do you want? >>eng<< לא אספר לאף אחד. I won't tell anyone. I won't tell anyone. >>eng<< Teḥrec axiṛ-iw. She's smarter than me. It is even better for me to say this. >>eng<< חלמתי שכל שיני נשרו. I dreamed that all my teeth fell out. I dreamt that every tooth has been cut. >>eng<< Ur ilaq ara ad tagadeḍ akkenni. You need not have such fear. "'Don't go away, so that you won't leave.'" >>eng<< היינו שכנים. We were neighbors. We were neighbors. >>eng<< Ḥareɣ ad myaruɣ nekk yid-k. I look forward to corresponding with you. And I will burn thee with thee. >>eng<< على سامي تنظيف هذه الفوضى. Sami has to clean up this mess. Sammy cleans this mess. >>eng<< Ad akent-n-ɣṛeɣ ass Letnayen. I'll call on you on Monday. I beg you on a day when I will be with you. >>eng<< لأنني أحبك. Because I love you. Because I love you. >>eng<< Limmer d lebɣi ad illiɣ di Lustṛali ass n warim i d iteddun. I'm supposed to be in Australia next Monday. And I will be the chiefest to come in a corner, and to come. >>eng<< מה אוכלים הלוויתנים? What do whales eat? What do the satellites eat? >>eng<< هل بإمكانك أن تعدي سلطة لذيذة؟ Can you make a tasty salad? Can you prepare a delicious authority? >>eng<< תוכל אולי לדבר עם תום יותר מאוחר היום. You might be able to talk to Tom later today. Maybe you could talk to Tom later today. >>eng<< השמיים יתבהרו בקרוב. The sky will clear soon. The sky will be clear soon. >>eng<< أنت في أوروبا! You're in Europe! You're in Europe! >>eng<< ارتدى سامي الملابس التي عادة ما يرتديها للعمل. Sami wore his regular work clothes. Sammy wears the clothes he usually wears to work. >>eng<< Meslayeɣ tafṛansist. I spoke French. I have made it a practice to train a student. >>eng<< Sami atan deffir ur ibɛed ara fell-i. Sami wasn't far behind me. Behold, he is standing by me now, and doesn't wait for me. >>eng<< אני לא מרגיש מוכן לזה עדיין. I don't feel ready for that just yet. I don't feel ready for it yet. >>eng<< Temerɣra teḍra-d deg 20 Tubeṛ 2013. That ceremony was on October 20, 2013. You named him in the 20th century. >>eng<< شيء ليس منطقيا أبدا. Something doesn't make any sense. Something never makes sense. >>eng<< Sarameɣ teggerzeḍ. I hope you're doing well. When I am an exacting man, you'll reap that which you do. >>eng<< האם אתה יכול להאשים אותי? Can you blame me? Can you blame me? >>eng<< הציפורים התיישבו על הענפים. The birds settled on the branches. The birds sat on the branches. >>eng<< ليلى مسؤولة عن تصرّفاتها. Layla is responsible. Lilly's responsible for her insistence. >>eng<< خسر سامي. Sami lost. Sammy's lost. >>eng<< ذكر هاتوياما أنه يعيل عائلته بالمراهنة على سباق الخيل. Hatoyama says that he supports his family by gambling on horse racing. Hatoyama mentioned that he's spending his family on the race of horses. >>eng<< احتاجت ليلى للشّعور بأنّها محبوبة. Layla needed to feel loved. I needed Lily to find out that she's a lover. >>eng<< Bonġu! Good morning! Bongo! >>eng<< Zwir. You first. Zwir. >>eng<< מגיע לו עונש. He deserves punishment. He deserves punishment. >>eng<< אנו יכולים לעזוב? Can we leave? Can we leave? >>eng<< كان بريئاً من الجريمة. He was innocent of the crime. He was innocent of the crime. >>eng<< Igezzu tafṛansist. He understands French. There's a doctor's hand. >>eng<< Mlaleɣ-d Tom deg Boston. I met Tom in Boston. I heard him in Boston. >>eng<< הוא חישב את תוצאות פעולתו. He calculated the consequences of his action. He calculated the results of his operation. >>eng<< شربت القهوة. I drank the coffee. I drank coffee. >>eng<< هو أقرب. He's closer. It's closer. >>eng<< ما زلت صغيراً. You're still young. I'm still a little girl. >>eng<< הציפורים מצייצות בקול רם כשהן עפות במהירות. The birds chirp loudly while flying rapidly. The birds yell out loud as they fly fast. >>eng<< אתה הולך וקרב. You're getting close now. You go and fight. >>eng<< هو يصدق أى شئ أقوله. He believes whatever I say. He believes anything I say. >>eng<< Iceṭṭeḥ Tom. Tom danced. The lamp of Tom. >>eng<< Sɛiɣ yelli. I have a daughter. I had no power to do so. >>eng<< من الصعب أن تكون والداً. It's hard being a parent. It's hard to be a father. >>eng<< אנו עושים כמיטב יכולתנו. We're doing the very best we can. We do our best. >>eng<< Kra n umurḍus yellan, idellu fella-s yifis. Any carrion lying around is visited by the hyena. But some of those people fell asleep, suffering from him. >>eng<< أنا لا أستطيع أن أعيش بدونك. I can't live without you. I can't live without you. >>eng<< Ansuf yis-k. Welcome. And his father brought him unto thee. >>eng<< Sami yekker-d ad iẓẓal tafejrit. Sami woke up to pray fajr. And he arose, and prayed; and did faint. >>eng<< אין דבר חשוב יותר מחברים. There is nothing more important than friends. There's nothing more important than friends. >>eng<< أنا لا أنتقدك. I'm not criticizing you. I don't beat you. >>eng<< Ur tettuɣ ara aya akk. I won't forget this. Not that I have left none of these things. >>eng<< Tom yif Mary akken yekkat tajewwaqt. Tom plays the flute better than Mary. You know Mary as soon as she was. >>eng<< D tafṛansist tahin? Is that French? Do you know a philosopher? >>eng<< Trebḥemt? You won? You won't? >>eng<< עד שלא קראתי את הספר לא ידעתי על זה דבר. It was not until I read the book that I knew about it. Until I read the book, I didn't know anything about it. >>eng<< بدأت صحته تتدهور. His health has begun to decline now. His health is getting worse. >>eng<< إننا نواجه أزمة ضخمة. We are facing a violent crisis. We are facing a huge crisis. >>eng<< הוא לבש מעיל קטיפה מהודר בצבע שוקולד, בעל חפתים עם יהלומים, ושני כיסים שתמיד מלאים היו בעצמות, שהפילה בארוחת הערב פילגשו האוהבת. He wore a jaunty coat of chocolate-colored velvet, with diamond buttons, and with two huge pockets which were always filled with bones, dropped there at dinner by his loving mistress. He wore a fancy chocolate-shaped coat with diamonds, and two pockets that were always full of bones, which the night meal fell in love. >>eng<< אעזוב את בית הספר. I shall leave school. I'll leave school. >>eng<< את זוכרת אותי, נכון? You remember me, don't you? You remember me, don't you? >>eng<< שמעתי שאת מחפשת שמרטף. I heard you were looking for a babysitter. I heard you were looking for a babysitter. >>eng<< Tzemremt ad iyi-tɛawnemt i usuɣel n waya ɣer Tefṛansist? Can you help me translate that into French? That ye would not that I should be free from the law, and have no right to serve me? >>eng<< תום אחז בידיה של מרי ולפת אותם בחוזקה. Tom took Mary's hands and held them tightly. Tom took Mary's hand and wrapped them in strength. >>eng<< أكره رؤية صورتها. I dislike seeing her picture. I hate to see her picture. >>eng<< Ɛlay Tom. Tom is tall. Ion Tom. >>eng<< התכנית נדחתה בהיותה בלתי מעשית. The plan was rejected as being impractical. The plan was denied being impractical. >>eng<< Ur kem-ttuɣ ara akk. I never forgot you. I know not all. >>eng<< אני עושה את זה בשבילך. I'm doing this for you. I'm doing this for you. >>eng<< Tḥemmel taɣuṛi. She likes to read. I love you. >>eng<< Tuɣ-iyi deg idurar. I was in the mountains. And I will dwell in the mountains. >>eng<< ظنّ سامي أنّ هذا كان مفيدا له. Sami thought that that was beneficial for him. Sammy thought this was useful to him. >>eng<< Yeẓṛa Tom ɣef acu i tettxemmimeḍ. Tom knows what you're thinking. You know what the wall is about to throw at. >>eng<< Ldi tawwurt. Open the door. Open the door. >>eng<< Ččan ifelfel aqeṛḥan. They ate hot peppers. And the schechpan out of a hurry. >>eng<< למה להשתמש בזה? Why use it? Why use it? >>eng<< Tom yekres timiwin-is. Tom frowned. You'll catch it up. >>eng<< Tuɛeṛ tefṛansist i weḥfaḍ. French is very difficult to learn. For latched tried to kick against a goad. >>eng<< Medlet idlisen-nwen! Close your books! "Fall yourselves! >>eng<< إدا راحت علينا لماشينا، نروحو فلكار. If we should miss the train, we'll go by bus. Ida's been resting on us for the rest of us, Navajo Flocar. >>eng<< احتجز فاضل العاهرات في قبو منزله. Fadil padlocked the prostitutes in the basement of his house. He held the bitch's trick in his locker's house. >>eng<< Ḍelmeɣ-kem. I've wronged you. I love you. >>eng<< הן חיות בעיר הזאת. They live in this town. They're animals in this town. >>eng<< אני באמת צריכה לראות את תום. I really need to see Tom. I really need to see Tom. >>eng<< Aqjun-nteɣ d aberkan. Our dog is black. But I will build a tower, and the gates will be open. >>eng<< תום עישן בעבר, אבל עכשיו כבר לא. Tom used to smoke, but now he doesn't. Tom's been smoking before, but now not anymore. >>eng<< אני שומע שאתה מנגן על פסנתר. I hear that you play the piano. I hear you're playing a piano. >>eng<< Amek i tsawaleḍ i weqjun-ik? How do you call your dog? Or do you say the same thing to yourself? >>eng<< Kemmel axeddim. Continue working. Continue to work. >>eng<< Kenwi d imaɣaden. You're truthful. Kenwi d'ima. >>eng<< Ur tettemmatem ara daki. You're not going to die here. You don't know what that's like. >>eng<< אני סבור שהצדק עמו. I think he is right. I think justice is with him. >>eng<< לכפר היו יותר מאלף תושבים. The village had more than a thousand residents. The village had more than a thousand inhabitants. >>eng<< Yella win i wumi tebɣam ad teɣṛem? Is there somebody you want to call? And saith unto him, Do ye want to read this same thing? >>eng<< שניכם מטופשים עד גיחוך. You two are ridiculously silly. You're both stupid until you grow big. >>eng<< ما نوع السيارة التي يقودها؟ What kind of car does he drive? What kind of car is driving it? >>eng<< حاول بكل ما تستطيع، لكن لن تقدر على إجبار شخص على أن يعتقد شيئًا ما، ناهيك عن نفسك. Try as you might, but you cannot force a belief onto someone else, much less your own self. Try everything you can, but you won't be able to force someone to think something, let alone yourself. >>eng<< אני יודעת שאת חושבת שאין תקווה. I know you think there's no hope. I know you think there's no hope. >>eng<< Tetteccef akken iwata. She swims well. You imitate it as soon as you are. >>eng<< قتلت ليلى ابنها. Layla murdered her own child. She killed Lily her son. >>eng<< Tella kra n yiwet i tettṛajumt? Are you expecting someone? When do you write any part of the letter? >>eng<< Naħseb xtrajna kull m'għandna bżonn. I think we've bought almost everything we need. I think we have bought all we need. >>eng<< أحب الرقص. I love to dance. I like dancing. >>eng<< آسف لا يمكنني سماعك جيداً. I'm sorry, but I can't hear you well. I'm sorry I can't hear you well. >>eng<< دايمن يشكييو They always complain. Damien Chikio. >>eng<< Slem-d! Listen. Sm-d-d-d-d-d-d-e-e-e- >>eng<< תום סגר את הדלת ונעל אותה. Tom shut the door and locked it. Tom closed the door and locked it. >>eng<< Ẓeyyeṛ afus-iw. Shake my hand. He deceives my hand. >>eng<< لا يزال الجميع يبتسم. Everyone is still smiling. Everyone still smiles. >>eng<< אני מקווה שהוא יבוא. I expect him to come. I hope he'll come. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ aɛummu. I like swimming. I prayed, and I prayed. >>eng<< هادا لقط تاعي. That's my cat. Never listen. >>eng<< أنا توم هانتر. I'm Tom Hunter. I'm Tom Hunter. >>eng<< הוא ירה בי. He shot at me. He shot me. >>eng<< Numen-ikem. We trusted you. N-O-N-O-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N- >>eng<< Tella tin i iwalan kra? Did somebody say something? And he saw some of them? >>eng<< جاءت أسرة فاضل إلى المدينة. Fadil's family has come to town. A poor family came to town. >>eng<< מה זה אמור להביע? What is that supposed to mean? What's that supposed to mean? >>eng<< Kennemti d tiswidiyin? Are you Swedish? Do You Believe in Jehovah? >>eng<< أعدت العشاء بنفسها. She cooked the dinner herself. You prepared dinner for yourself. >>eng<< Ur ttaɛraḍeɣ ara ad ken-sḥebseɣ. I won't try and stop you. I will not destroy him, that I may destroy him. >>eng<< Aɣyul n baba u jeddi rniɣ rrekba ɣer deffier! The donkey is my father's and my grandfather's but they put me behind! I cry to my father, 'Whom I to my father, and you turn to a son?' >>eng<< אני רוצה להראות לך את הציורים שלי. I want to show you my drawings. I want to show you my paintings. >>eng<< سُأِل كل طالب سؤالاً واحداً. Every pupil was asked one question. Each student asked one question. >>eng<< Ɣur-wen axxam deg Ustṛalya? Do you own a house in Australia? Now have ye an house in town? >>eng<< Ayaziḍ, deg leɛnaya-k. Chicken, please. I beg you, be content with that which you are going to command. >>eng<< አስተማሪ የለሁም። I'm not a teacher. I am not a teacher. >>eng<< طلب سامي من ليلى أن تلتقي به شخصيّا. Sami asked Layla to meet him in person. Sammy asked Lily to meet him personally. >>eng<< يمكنك القول أن كلّ واحدة من هاتين الكرتين لها نفس وزن الأخرى. You could say that both of those balls are the same weight. You can say that each of these Crabs has the same weight as the other. >>eng<< איך אני יכול לדעת? How should I know? How can I know? >>eng<< המון דוברי אספרנטו חדשים משמחים אותי. The huge number of new Esperanto speakers makes me happy. A lot of new espentos make me happy. >>eng<< נושבת קצת רוח. It's slightly windy. You're a bit of a ghost. >>eng<< لا بد أنها ما زالت في العشرينات من عمرها. She must still be in her twenties. She must be in her 20s. >>eng<< لا تنسَ أن تضع طابعاً على رسالتك. Don't forget to put a stamp on your letter. Don't forget to put a character on your message. >>eng<< سرق فاضل سيّارة. Fadil stole a car. He stole a car failure. >>eng<< أخبرني أنه ذاهب إلى أمريكا. He told me he was going to America. He told me he was going to America. >>eng<< Tom yenna-d yezmer ad d-yuɣal deg 20 Tubeṛ. Tom said he'd be back on October 20th. For to have come by 20 plagues, you will be able to bear the fruit of your hands." >>eng<< עלינו לדבוק בעיקר. We've got to stick to the point. We need to stick mostly. >>eng<< טום הוא בחור סימפתי. Tom is a likeable person. Tom's a simplistic guy. >>eng<< אל תיבהל. Don't be scared. Don't be scared. >>eng<< איש לא יעשה את זה. No one will do this. No one's gonna do that. >>eng<< תום נכנס לבית שלי. Tom went in my house. Tom went into my house. >>eng<< אני לא רוצה אחות המתעלפת ממראה דם. I don’t want a nurse who swoons at the sight of blood. I don't want a bloodthirsty sister. >>eng<< Sellek-itt. Save her. Cell-it. >>eng<< תהיה יד ימיני. Be my right-hand man. Be a right hand. >>eng<< הבט בציפור המזמרת בעץ. Look at the bird singing in the tree. Look at the singer bird in the tree. >>eng<< הבאתי לתום כמה משקאות. I bought Tom some drinks. I brought some drinks to Tom. >>eng<< Ṛuḥeɣ ɣer tmeɣṛa n Halloween s llebsa n uvampir. I went to the Halloween party as a vampire. And they went into the house of the bridegroom, clothed with a spirit. >>eng<< خسروا الحرب. They lost the battle. They lost the war. >>eng<< Anṣuf yes-m. You are welcome. He's on his cheek. >>eng<< Aɣref aqbayli d agraw ineṣliyen n yimdanen imaziɣen n Teqbaylit deg ugafa n Zzayer. The Kabyle people are a Berber ethnic group indigenous in Kabylia in the north of Algeria. I cried out for the better part of the island, and behold, two o'clock in the morning. >>eng<< מה מוצאה של המילה הזאת? Where does this word come from? What do you find in that word? >>eng<< Yewwet-ikem wugur, kem yeţţeḥnunnuḍen ar wemḥeẓleḍ am wa, a taqcict! It's unforgivable to date such a broken man, darling! He will tell you, 'No, no, no, no, no, not so cold, no!' >>eng<< الطونوبيل تاعنا طاحت أون پان. Our car broke down. Tonopel picked us up. >>eng<< Ad kem-ẓṛeɣ azekka. See you tomorrow. I will eat you up tomorrow. >>eng<< אני שמחה שמישהו סיפר לי. I'm glad someone told me. I'm glad someone told me. >>eng<< كم الساعة؟ What time is it? How much time? >>eng<< ده عشان انتي بنت. That's because you're a girl. You're a girl. >>eng<< אל תזוז! Don't move. Don't move! >>eng<< Ɣṛemt-d aya! Read this. "Behold, you have to wait for it! >>eng<< هل يمكنني ان اتكلم معك للحظة؟ Can I talk to you a moment? Can I talk to you for a second? >>eng<< תום אוהב להקים מחנה על החוף. Tom likes camping on the beach. Tom likes to set up a camp on the beach. >>eng<< Yella Ṛebbi. God exists. For with God all things are possible. >>eng<< Ur d-qqaṛ acemma. Say nothing. I know nothing. >>eng<< Tella kra n yiwet i d-isawalen. Someone's calling. And there were some that knew him. >>eng<< قلت ذلك. I said that. I said so. >>eng<< Min tegged? What are you doing? Who's lying? >>eng<< Iɣɣaṛ-iyi-d ɛemmi yal tlata wussan. My uncle calls on me every three days. When I am old, I am ill every three days. >>eng<< את שותה? Do you drink? Are you drinking? >>eng<< أنتِ وصلتِ مبكراً جداً. You arrived too early. You've arrived so early. >>eng<< חלק לנו את הקלפים. Deal us the cards. Cut us the cards. >>eng<< טום ממש לא מרבה לדבר על הבעיות שלו. Tom doesn't really talk about his problems much. Tom really doesn't have much to talk about his problems. >>eng<< دعينا نستعد للذهاب. Let's get ready to go. Let's get ready to go. >>eng<< Tesɛamt kra n tiririt? Have you had an answer? Do you have a few names in them? >>eng<< Yuklal Tom ayenni. Tom deserves it. It's called Tomzani. >>eng<< Tzemremt ad tbeddlemt aya ma tebɣamt. You can change that if you want. You would not have to stand here. >>eng<< كنت محقا قطعا. You were absolutely right. You were absolutely right. >>eng<< طلب السفير البريطاني لقاء مباشرا مع الرئيس. The English ambassador demanded to meet with the President directly. The British Ambassador requested a direct meeting with the President. >>eng<< رأى إيفو حبة العنب تلك. Ivo saw the grape. Ivo saw that penguin. >>eng<< היא מחבבת אותו בדבקות. She loves him devotedly. She likes him in minutes. >>eng<< Anda-tt ɛemmti-m? Where's your aunt? And you remember me? >>eng<< אני צריכה לדעת מי יגיע. I need to know who'll be coming. I need to know who's coming. >>eng<< לא התכוונתי. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to. >>eng<< אני רואה את תום כמעט מדי יום ביומו. I see Tom almost every day. I see Tom almost every day of his day. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ tudert. I love life. I love life. >>eng<< كم عندك من الأصدقاء المُقَرّبين؟ How many close friends do you have? How many close friends do you have? >>eng<< Medden meṛṛa ttargun. Everyone dreams. He's been drowned by all. >>eng<< Ttḥessiseɣ aẓawan. I hear music. I hear all that I hear. >>eng<< Yella ḥedd i isekren times. Somebody set the fire. But they have a few times left over. >>eng<< אני לא יכולה תמיד ללכת על פי צו האופנה. I can't keep up with these changes in fashion. I can't always walk according to the fashion order. >>eng<< هي شديدة الخوف من الكلاب She is much afraid of dogs. She's so scared of dogs. >>eng<< Ur ḥṣiɣ ara yuḥwaǧ Tom ad t-nɛiwen. I don't think Tom needs our help. For I don't know if Tom will help him." >>eng<< Qqareɣ idlisen. I read books. I have observed Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz (the Holy Prophet, etc.). >>eng<< كاين غير شوية بيناتنا لي يقدرو يديرو هك. Only a few of us can do that. Kane's unscrupulous, we've been able to get my hands out there. >>eng<< Lebni yessefk ad yebdu deg Tubeṛ. Construction should start in October. It is granted to the blind man according to the law. >>eng<< كيف يمكنني أن أغيّر هذا؟ How can I change that? How can I change this? >>eng<< Yettmeslay Tom snat n tutlayin. Tom is bilingual. It's a two-language talk. >>eng<< עובדה מצערת היא, שבעוד אנשים גוועים ברכב בארצות מסוימות, ביפן משליכים לפח מזון רב בבתים ובמסעדות. It is a shameful fact that, while there are lands where people suffer from hunger, within Japan there are many households and restaurants where much food is thrown away. A sad fact is that while some people are in a car in some countries, in Japan they are driven to a large amount of food in homes and restaurants. >>eng<< Teɣṛamt adlis-a neɣ mazal? Have you read this book yet? Do you know anything, or do you still eat? >>eng<< זה עדיין סיכון גדול. It's still a big risk. It's still a big risk. >>eng<< نصب سامي و أصدقاؤه كمينا لعصابة فريد. Sami and his friends ambushed Farid's gang. Sammy and his friends set up a unique gang. >>eng<< אם יתגלעו בעיות, קיראי לי. If there are difficulties give me a call! If things go wrong, call me back. >>eng<< הם יצאו ישר אל היעד. They made straight for their destination. They went straight to the target. >>eng<< Ur teɛyiḍ ara? Are you not tired? And hast thou not known? >>eng<< من الأفضل أن تعيد كتابة هذه الجملة. You should rewrite this sentence. You better rewrite this word. >>eng<< חיפשתי באינטרנט ללמוד פורטוגזית. I have searched internet to learn Portuguese. I was looking for a Portuguese study online. >>eng<< תום היחידי שמבין אותי. Tom is the only one who understands me. Tom's the only one who understands me. >>eng<< Anza, d isuɣan i ysellen i win akken yeţnazaɛen deg iḍ, deg ixxamen anda mmezlen neɣ ţwanɣan yemdanen s leɣdeṛ. Anza is the moaning that some people hear at night, in houses where people have been slaughtered or have suffered a violent death. They killed also one with another, as he went in the night and in the houses, where they killed men. >>eng<< Yeddez-iyi tifdent-iw lḥiḍ-a. This wall crushed my toe. You make me a little child. >>eng<< حط الخاتم في صباع ماري. He put the ring on Mary's finger. The seal is in Mary's neck. >>eng<< Awi-d imedyaten. Give examples. Au-d-intentioned. >>eng<< Sseɣtiɣ tafyirt-nni. I corrected the sentence. I would have caused him to cease by the palm tree. >>eng<< أين أختك؟ Where's your sister? Where's your sister? >>eng<< Tɣileḍ ahat Tom ad yeǧǧ Mary ad texdem aya? Do you think that Tom will allow Mary to do that? Do you think Tom would have allowed Mary to do this? >>eng<< Ur cukkeɣ ara akk ad iyi-semmeḥ Tom mi xedmeɣ aya. I don't think Tom will ever forgive me for doing that. Nevertheless I suffered not all this, to the intent that I should do this. >>eng<< הוא היה מרוצה מהמכונית החדשה שלו. He was satisfied with his new car. He was happy with his new car. >>eng<< أنت تواعدين طالبًا من كيئو، ألست كذلك؟ You're going out with a Keio student, aren't you? You're dating a student from Kiao, aren't you? >>eng<< Wi d ifṛax. These are birds. And that it is the birds. >>eng<< ሴቷ ወጣት ነች። The woman is young. The woman is a young woman. >>eng<< Uzzlen. They run. Uzzan. >>eng<< מרי היא די שטחית. Mary is quite superficial. Mary's pretty surfaced. >>eng<< Bedd fell-am! Get up! Change it! >>eng<< قد لا نتحمل سعره. We may not be able to afford it. We may not bear his price. >>eng<< Yella kra n yiwen i yeẓṛan kra? Did somebody say something? Now is there any man who lacked all that thing? >>eng<< הוא גילה פתאום את האמת. He suddenly came out with the truth. He suddenly found out the truth. >>eng<< ארצות הברית הכריזה רשמית על מצב חירום. The United States officially declared a state of emergency. The United States officially declared an emergency. >>eng<< פגשתי בחור צעיר בשם תום. I met a young man whose name was Tom. I met a young man named Tom. >>eng<< تحمل الفئران الطاعون. Rats carry the plague. She's carrying the puppy rats. >>eng<< احتضنته و هو يبكي. She hugged him while he cried. He's been arrested, and he's crying. >>eng<< أوقِف الحافلة في الموقف تمامًا. Stop the bus exactly at the station. Hold the bus in full position. >>eng<< متشرف بمعرفتك. Pleased to meet you. Have your knowledge. >>eng<< ما اسمك؟ Do you have a name? What's your name? >>eng<< אני פה כי אני רוצה. I'm here because I want to be. I'm here because I want to. >>eng<< Xtiṛemt s ttawil. Choose carefully. You've been granted a long time. >>eng<< كيت ذكية أكثر من أي طالب آخر في فصلنا. Kate is smarter than any other student in our class. It's smarter than any other student in our class. >>eng<< سامي معجب بليلى حقّا. Sami really likes Layla. Sammy really liked me. >>eng<< كان سامي مصابا بالرّبو. Sami had asthma. Sammy was infected with tuberculosis. >>eng<< دعونا نستعد للذهاب. Let's get ready to go. Let's get ready to go. >>eng<< אתה בטוח שאין דרך? Are you sure there's no way? Are you sure there's no way? >>eng<< Tettnadi tsulta ɣef Tom. The police are searching for Tom. You'll get up on Tom. >>eng<< كان لاعبي كرة القدم متعبين لكنّهم سعداء. The football players were tired, but happy. My football players were tired but happy. >>eng<< Am kemm i ttwaliɣ. I am for your opinion. And as far as I know. >>eng<< هل هذا هو الحب؟ Is it love? Is that love? >>eng<< Anda-t mmi-s n mmi-k? Where's your grandson? And the son of your son? >>eng<< ألف سامي حياته المزدوجة إلى حدّ كبير. Sami has grown too comfortable with his double life. A. Sammy's very double life. >>eng<< Yewweḍ-d lawan ad nṛuḥ ar wexxam. It's already time to go home. And when we had come home, let us go. >>eng<< אני חייב להזהיר את טום לגבי מה שעלול לקרות. I have to warn Tom about what might happen. I have to warn Tom about what could happen. >>eng<< הם סקרניים. They're inquisitive. They're curious. >>eng<< בדרך כלל אני הולכת לבית הספר ברגל. I generally walk to school. I usually go to school on foot. >>eng<< سامي يصنع عطره بنفسه. Sami makes his own perfume. Sammy makes him hide himself. >>eng<< עכשיו אקח אותך ביד. Now I'll take you by the hand. Now I'll take you by the hand. >>eng<< شهدنا ثلاثة حروب. We've seen three wars. We saw three wars. >>eng<< انتظر حتى يتوقف المطر عن الهطول. Wait till the rain stops. Wait till the rain stops the distance. >>eng<< תום אינו מתרשם. Tom isn't impressed. Tom's not impressed. >>eng<< أراد سامي أن يبعد ليلى عن حياته. Sami wanted Layla out of his life. Sammy wanted to keep me away from his life. >>eng<< טום רשם את ההצעה של מרי ברשימת המשימות שלו. Tom put Mary's suggestion down on his to-do list. Tom wrote Mary's offer on his mission list. >>eng<< זאת בטוח השיטה הטובה ביותר. This is definitely the best method. It's sure the best method. >>eng<< عاد سامي إلى محلّه للبيتزا. Sami returned to his pizza joint. Sammy's back to his place of pizza. >>eng<< Kennemti d timusamin. You are jealous. Kenemti d timusamin. >>eng<< استمر المطر خمسة أيام. The rain lasted five days. The rain continued five days. >>eng<< Rran ddehn-nsen meṛṛa. Everyone noticed. And the people held their peace. >>eng<< Azul i yal yiwen. Welcome, everyone. So that each one of them should know each one of you. >>eng<< Tom yesteqsa Mary. Tom questioned Mary. Tom asked Mary. >>eng<< Aserdas yugi imenɣi! The soldier refused the fight. Soldiers do not fight! >>eng<< נערות יפות חולמות עליו. Beautiful girls dream of him. Beautiful girls dream about him. >>eng<< سامي يتخاصم معي دائما. Sami is always arguing with me. Sammy's always coming with me. >>eng<< لا تكن شرّيرا. Don't be evil! Don't be evil. >>eng<< "توم، ماذا تفعل؟" "ماذا يبدو أنني أفعل؟" "Tom, what are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing?" Tom, what are you doing? What do you think I do? >>eng<< אנשים החיים בעיר הגדולה נוטים שלא להתעמל. People living in a big city tend to lack exercise. People living in the big city tend not to get bored. >>eng<< חשבתי שזה היה טוב מאד. I thought it was very good. I thought it was very good. >>eng<< Tom yessenker ablug-is deg Tubeṛ. Tom started his blog in October. You know your father-in-law is in Tobach. >>eng<< Yiwen ur t-yettaf. No one's going to find him. No one opened the key. >>eng<< كنّا نتشاجر أنا و ليلى. Layla and me were arguing. We were fighting both night and night. >>eng<< Yella kra i kem-icewwlen? Is something troubling you? Now is there any thing that understandeth it? >>eng<< ربما، كنت لتفضل طبقًا فرنسيا. Perhaps you would have preferred a French dish. Maybe, you'd prefer French. >>eng<< D tabrat i tettaruḍ? Are you writing a letter? Did you write? >>eng<< יש חמש אצבעות ביד: האגודל, האצבע, האמה, הקמיצה והזרת. The hand has five fingers: the thumb, the index finger, the middle finger, the ring finger, and the pinky. There's five fingers in the hand: the thumb, the finger, the mother, the shirt and the alien. >>eng<< Tom yettidir di Lustṛali,yak akka? Tom lives in Australia, doesn't he? So why don't you go to Lustadari, which is? >>eng<< يوجد شيء واحد فقط ممكن نعمله الآن There's only one thing we can do now! There's only one thing we can do now. >>eng<< Tzemreḍ ad tebḍuḍ asandwič-iw ɣef sin? Can you cut my sandwich in half? For which of the two do you want to break one? >>eng<< أعط هذا الكتاب لتوم Give this book to Tom. Give this book to Tom. >>eng<< Tom ad d-yas yid-wen ma yekfa leqdic-ines. Tom will come with you if he finishes his work. For the same will come with you, if he doesn't finish his work. >>eng<< Ṛuḥet-d ar da. Come here. Go back to bed. >>eng<< نحن نتقابل مرة في الشهر We see each other once a month. We meet once a month. >>eng<< كان سامي ينتظرك. Sami was waiting for you. Sammy was waiting for you. >>eng<< كثير من الشباب يميلون إلى ارتكاب الأخطاء ذاتها. Many young men tend to commit the same errors. Many young people tend to make the same mistakes. >>eng<< היית נוכח במקום הפשע? Were you present at the crime scene? Were you present at the crime scene? >>eng<< אינני יודע מה גרם לי לחשוב עליך. I don't know what made me think of you. I don't know what made me think about you. >>eng<< Lemmer ad tt-teččemt, ad temmtemt. If you eat that, you'll die. If you have eaten, you will die. >>eng<< Cmumḥen. They smiled. Good-sucked. >>eng<< هل تقومون بإعادة التصنيع ؟ Do you recycle? Are you re-industrialization? >>eng<< Nebbeh ɣef Tom! Warn Tom. We're welcome to Tim! >>eng<< كانت دانية مسحورة. Dania was hooked. Danny was upset. >>eng<< Mi tfakkem kan učči sirdet tuɣmas-nwen. Brush your teeth clean after each meal. But when ye have so done, ye shall receive no more of meat. >>eng<< תום שוכב במיטה עם שפעת. Tom is lying in bed with a cold. Tom's lying in bed with flu. >>eng<< Amek akka ur teẓṛimt ara? How can you not know? How do you not understand? >>eng<< Laεnaya-k. Please. See you. >>eng<< ארבע כפול שתיים הם שמונה. Four multiplied by two is eight. Four times two are eight. >>eng<< לא היה לי איכפת. I didn't care. I didn't care. >>eng<< הפליטים במחנה הזה חיו מהיד לפה. The refugees in that camp have been living from hand to mouth for a month. The refugees in this camp lived by the hand here. >>eng<< راهي تسقسي كيفاش هادي تكون پۆسّيبل. She's asking how that's possible. Rahe is consistent with Kish Hwah. He's a P.S.B. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ aẓawan n rock. I like rock music. I can't shut it down. >>eng<< מדברים בקנדה אנגלית? Is English spoken in Canada? Speaking English in Canada? >>eng<< Amcic aberkan la yetett aɣerda amellal. A black cat is eating a white mouse. We have to start a free fire fight against the amplifier. >>eng<< La theddṛemt? Are you talking? Don't you receive it? >>eng<< إنّ سامي يفقد الكثير من الدّم. Sami is losing to much blood. Sammy loses a lot of bone. >>eng<< אתה כמעט לא מוכר לי. I hardly know you. You almost don't know me. >>eng<< أنا حرقت يدي أثناء صب الماء الساخن. I burnt my hand while pouring hot water. I burned my hand in the hot water. >>eng<< אני אוהב אתכם מאד מאד! I love you bunches. I love you guys very much! >>eng<< Ssarameɣ tekcem-it tegdi Tom. I hope Tom is scared. I remember you coming up. >>eng<< אתם התחלתם זאת. You started it. You started it. >>eng<< هو يعيش في كارديف. He lives in Cardiff. He lives in Cardiff. >>eng<< Tetteɣ. I eat. Complete. >>eng<< בוא נערוך רשימה של כל הסיבות לא לעשות את זה. Let's list all the reasons we shouldn't do that. Let's take a list of all the reasons not to do this. >>eng<< אנו מצפים להצלחה. We anticipate success. We expect success. >>eng<< تحافظ على غرفتها مرتبة دوماً. She always keeps her room clean. Keep her room at all times. >>eng<< أين هي لوري؟ Where is Laurie? Where is Lori? >>eng<< نمت البلدة و أصبحت مدينة. The town grew into a city. I grew up in town and became a city. >>eng<< أنت قديم. You're old. You're old. >>eng<< לא יתכן שזה היה כך. That cannot have been true. Couldn't have been that way. >>eng<< Ur ttɛaqabet ara Tom ɣef ayen. Don't punish Tom for that. Don't weep at all about what you say. >>eng<< תום ישב ליד מרי ופתח את אלבום התמונות. Tom sat beside Mary and opened the photo album. Tom sat next to Mary and opened the photo album. >>eng<< أنت منزعج. You're upset. You're upset. >>eng<< המכתבים שלנו הצטלבו. Your letter crossed mine. Our letters are downloaded. >>eng<< תום נתן לחתול קצת חלב. Tom gave some milk to the cat. Tom gave a little milk cat. >>eng<< Ad as-tefkeḍ dɣa ayagi i Tom? Are you really going to give this to Tom? And gave him these things? >>eng<< بالكاد لم يصدّقها أحد. Almost no one believed her. Nobody's barely trusted her. >>eng<< Acuɣeṛ i tettruyeḍ? Why are you crying? Why do you beat me? >>eng<< חשבתי שהיית חבר שלי. I thought you were my friend. I thought you were my friend. >>eng<< ארגוני רכיבה על אופניים שדלו לסלול כבישים חלקים לכל רחבי הארץ. Cycling groups lobbied for smooth roads to be laid down all over the country. Bicycling organizations that took a walk as parts of roads all over the country. >>eng<< Ṛaju kra! Hang on. Some of the Romans! >>eng<< המסעדה הזאת תמיד עמוסה. This restaurant is always crowded. This restaurant is always loaded. >>eng<< Ini-d "aah". Say 'ahhh'. In-d "ah". >>eng<< Tom yenna-d belli yebɣa ad yissin tafṛansist. Tom said he likes studying French. And this he said, that he would know it. >>eng<< היא בחרה את הבגד היקר ביותר. She picked the most expensive dress. She chose the most expensive clothes. >>eng<< Ur fhimeɣ ara d acu i d-yenna uselmad. I don't understand what the teacher said. I don't know what he said." >>eng<< הוא מוגבל שכלית. He is mentally handicapped. He's mentally limited. >>eng<< Sami yezger Maṣer s tkaṛust. Sami was traveling across Egypt in his car. Pharaoh brought Egypt into captivity. >>eng<< אני חושב שאת צודקת. I think that you're right. I think you're right. >>eng<< ماذا يحدث هنا؟ What's going on here? What's going on here? >>eng<< إنها تتحدث البولندية. She speaks Polish. She's speaking Polish. >>eng<< La ttesseɣ ayefki. I'm drinking milk. Even if I had made her drink (of water) to drink, >>eng<< سيأتي قريباً. He will come soon. He'll come soon. >>eng<< אסתדר. I'll manage. I'll do it. >>eng<< بيته قريب من النّهر. His house is near the river. His house is close to the river. >>eng<< Acu tennam deg ungal-is amaynut? How do you find his new novel? What does the ungainly say? >>eng<< أين المحطة؟ Where is the station? Where's the station? >>eng<< كانت للشرطة أسباب لتشتبه بسامي. Police had reasons to suspect Sami. The police had reasons to suspect Sammy. >>eng<< זה סופי שהוא יסע לאמריקה. It is definite that he will go to America. It's Sophie who's going to go to America. >>eng<< D acu-tt tutlayt-nni? What language was that? What languages are you talking about? >>eng<< Il-kesħa llum. It's cold today. The cold today. >>eng<< אח שלי מחזיק בידו מצלמה. My brother is holding a camera in his hand. My brother holds a camera in his hand. >>eng<< يا رجل, إذا لم يكن الأكبر, فبالتأكيد هو أخطر الحيوانات المفترسة. إنه يقتل من أجل المتعة. Man, if he is not the largest, is certainly the most dangerous of ferocious animals. He kills for pleasure. Hey, man, if he's not the oldest, he's definitely the most dangerous animals he's killing for fun. >>eng<< תתרכז בדברים בהם אתה טוב. Stick to what you're good at. Focus on what you're good at. >>eng<< كان سامي يعيش حياة محترمة. Sami had a respectable life. Sammy was living a decent life. >>eng<< Yella kra i tebɣamt? Did you want something? Do you have nothing to do with them? >>eng<< Tzemremt ad tseggmemt aya? Can you fix this? Do you want to get that? >>eng<< አንድ ቤት አላችሁ? Do you have a house? Do you have a house? >>eng<< Aql-i tesseɣ lkas n rosé. I'm drinking a glass of rosé. I worship him, because I beat him with the fleece. >>eng<< הבטחתי לקרוא את הדו"ח ביסודיות. I promised to read the report carefully. I promised to read the report fundamentally. >>eng<< נא למלא את טופס המועמדות. Please fill in this application form. Please fill out the candidate form. >>eng<< يوحي صوتك اليوم بأنّك متعب. You sound tired today. Your voice suggests you're tired today. >>eng<< ילדים שונאים מורים מעצבנים. Children hate annoying teachers. Kids hate annoying teachers. >>eng<< יופיה היה שלא מהעולם הזה. She was divinely beautiful. Good. It wasn't from this world. >>eng<< هل رأيت هذا يا جمال؟ Did you see that, Jamal? Did you see that, beautiful? >>eng<< هذا شيء لن أنساه. It's something I'll never forget. That's something I won't forget. >>eng<< استمرت الخطبة ثلاثين دقيقة. The speech lasted thirty minutes. The speech continued for 30 minutes. >>eng<< איפה היא הייתה באותו רגע? Where was she at that moment? Where was she at that moment? >>eng<< Ɛawen-iyi-d. Help me. Just as it is known to me. >>eng<< את קלקלת את בגדייך. You ruined your clothing. You broke your clothes. >>eng<< ስሜ ያማዳ ነው። My name is Yamada. My name is Hearing. >>eng<< הוא אפילו לא מכיר את יסודות החינוך. He doesn't even know the elements of an education. He doesn't even know the basics of education. >>eng<< التقطا ليلي و سامي صورة أخرى معا. Layla and Sami made a picture together. Take me and Sammy another picture together. >>eng<< ترجم سامي القرآن من العربيّة إلى الإنجليزيّة. Sami translated the Quran from Arabic into English. Sammy the Koran translated from Arabic into English. >>eng<< Tom yebda axeddim deg 20 Tubeṛ. Tom starts work October 20th. In the 20th trials, they began to be full. >>eng<< Tenwiḍ yeεni ad tqeεεed teswiεt? Do you think the situation will improve? Do you want to know? >>eng<< كانت لديّ علاقة صداقة جيّدة مع مدرّسي. I was good friends with my teacher. I had a good relationship with my teacher. >>eng<< Ass-a d 20 Tubeṛ. Today is October 20th. On the day following, 20th day. >>eng<< Tella tin i yeẓṛan kra. Somebody say something. And under a fig tree beak. >>eng<< هاذ الشاشيّة مخدومة في أستراليا. This hat was made in Australia. This girl's a drug dealer in Australia. >>eng<< D awezɣi ad tt-nexdem. We would never do it. And I will not do it again. >>eng<< كان سامي يتحكّم في حياة ليلى. Sami was dominating Layla's life. Sammy was in control of night's life. >>eng<< هذا كتاب صغير. This is a small book. That's a little book. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ-kent akken i tellamt. I love what you are. I have been with you also, showing all that you have. >>eng<< בוודאי אעשה זאת. I'll definitely do that. Of course I will. >>eng<< הגדה המערבית היא תחת כיבוש צבאי ישראלי. The West Bank is under Israeli military occupation. The West Coast is under Israeli military defeat. >>eng<< הייתי מצונן במשך שבוע ועדיין לא החלמתי. I've had a cold for one week, and I still haven't got better. I've been safe for a week and I haven't dreamed of it yet. >>eng<< הצלחה פירושה ללכת מכשלון אל כשלון בלי לאבד מן ההתלהבות. "Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." Success means going from failure to failure without losing the enthusiasm. >>eng<< لم يعد لدي إلا واحدة. I've only got one left. I have only one anymore. >>eng<< لديهم بنتان. They have two daughters. They have two girls. >>eng<< תגיד מה שתגיד, התשובה היא "לא". No matter what you say, the answer is "no." Say what you say, the answer is no. >>eng<< Tettazalem. You run. YeThus. >>eng<< לא תכננתי לעשות את זה, אבל עכשיו שאתה מציע, אולי אנסה. I wasn't planning on doing that, but now that you suggest it, I may give it a try. I wasn't planning on doing this, but now that you're offering, I might try. >>eng<< هيا بنا نذهب. Let's go. Let's go. >>eng<< מסוכן לבצע את התרגיל האקרובטי הזה בלי רשת בטיחות. It's dangerous to perform this acrobatic act without a safety net. It's dangerous to perform this European exercise without a safety net. >>eng<< נוכל להישאר כאן? Can we stay here? Can we stay here? >>eng<< אנו לא תמיד צודקים. We're not always right. We're not always right. >>eng<< ربّما سأصنع لنفسي زيّا كهذا لحفل هالووين القادم. Maybe I'll have a costume made like that for next Halloween. Maybe I'll make myself like this for the next Halloween party. >>eng<< النساء يتقدمون في السن أكثر من الرجال. Women age faster than men. Women are older than men. >>eng<< بدت ليلى رائعة. Layla looked perfect. I looked great. >>eng<< Mudd-iyi-d tin yemgaraden. Give me a different one. Many of me have been confused by the oppression. >>eng<< Ulac win ara ɣ-yamnen. No one will believe us. For there is no one who knows about us. >>eng<< أنا سببّت هذا. I caused this. I caused it. >>eng<< أُلغيت المباراة بسبب تغير الجو. Thanks to the bad weather, the game was canceled. The game was cancelled because of air change. >>eng<< תום חמוש? Is Tom armed? A armed Tom? >>eng<< אני רוצה לגלות מה זה באמת. I want to find out what it really is. I want to find out what it really is. >>eng<< ايميلي كتبت رسالة. Emily wrote a letter. Emily wrote a message. >>eng<< أريد أن أشرب فنجاناً من القهوة. I want to have a cup of coffee. I want to drink a cup of coffee. >>eng<< ذهب أبي إلى الصين. My father has gone to China. Dad went to China. >>eng<< Wehmeɣ imi kem-ẓṛiɣ. I'm surprised to see you. I know that thou art in pain: I see that thou art in pain. >>eng<< أنا لو كنت غنياً, كنت أود أن أعطيكَ مال. If I were rich, I'd give you money. I'm if I'm rich, I'd like to give you money. >>eng<< Neggzent. They jumped. Neggzent. >>eng<< Igerdan s imedyaten i lemmden. Children learn by example. Igerna swiped me right away. >>eng<< أنا معجب بك كثيرًا. I like you very much. I like you so much. >>eng<< ואיך מוצאת חן בעיניך העבודה הזאת? And how do you like this work? And how do you like this job? >>eng<< Ldit tawwurt. Open the door. Keep the door. >>eng<< أبدًا لا يفكّر توم بالآخرين. Tom never thinks about others. Tom never thinks of others. >>eng<< في فرنسا إما يقولون تليفون أو يقولون محمول ، لكن - الكلمة - الأخيرة غامضة ، لأن من الصعب عادة تحديد ما إذا كان المقصود تليفونا أو حاسبا أو جهازا محمولا آخر. In France they say either "(téléphone) mobile" or "portable", but the latter is ambiguous, because you often cannot tell whether it refers to a telephone, a computer, or another portable device. In France, they either say a telephone or say a mobile, but -- the last word -- is vague, because it is usually difficult to determine whether it is intended for levona, a accountant or another mobile device. >>eng<< נחזור אחרי הפרסומת הזאת. We'll be back after this commercial. We'll be back after this commercial. >>eng<< Tom yebɣa Mary. Tom wanted Mary. Todd Mary. >>eng<< תפסיקי להציק לי. Stop harassing me. Stop squeezing me. >>eng<< لا يمكنني فعل ذلك. I can't do it. I can't do that. >>eng<< אני לא חושבת שתום עזר למרי. I don't think Tom helped Mary. I don't think Tom helped Mary. >>eng<< השוק רווי לחלוטין. The market is completely saturated. The market is completely empty. >>eng<< إطعام شخص خلال شهر رمضان الكريم عمل ذو ثواب عظيم. Feeding someone during the holy month of Ramadan is very rewarding. Feeding a person during the month of Ramadan, a work of great quality. >>eng<< Acḥal tecbeḥ temdint-a! What a beautiful city! And how great a city was! >>eng<< לא עשיתי זאת בזמן. I didn't make it in time. I didn't do it in time. >>eng<< מה חדש? What's the news? What's new? >>eng<< أحب أن أشرب القهوة ساخنة I like hot coffee. I like to drink hot coffee. >>eng<< أتساءل إن كان يحبني. I wonder if he loves me. I wonder if he likes me. >>eng<< Ṭum ur yezmir ad immekti anda yeffer takarḍa. Tom couldn't remember where he hid the map. For you can't remember where you lie. >>eng<< Sami yuɣ-d snat n ticebubin di Amazon. Sami bought two wigs from Amazon. There was a two-edged man, and he was taken in Amazon. >>eng<< כל ערב אחרי הסיפור מרי בקשה שיר ערש ואמה, כמובן, לא יכלה לסרב לה. Every evening after bedtime stories Mary asked for a lullaby and Mama of course, could not deny her. Every night after the story, Mary asked for a song and her mother, of course, she couldn't say no to her. >>eng<< علمت أن شيئا طريفا قد يحدث. I knew something funny might happen. I knew something light could happen. >>eng<< Ilaq ad s-iɛawed Tom i walebɛaḍ. Tom has to tell somebody. And he shall say unto me again, Tom a man. >>eng<< הייתי רוצה ליידע אותך כמה אתה חשוב לי. I would like you to know how much you mean to me. I'd like to let you know how important you are to me. >>eng<< בעלי חיים רבים שחיו אלפי שנים אינם קיימים עוד. Many animals that lived thousands of years ago are now extinct. Many animals that have lived thousands of years are no longer present. >>eng<< היא כתבה לי מכתב ארוך. She wrote me a long letter. She wrote me a long letter. >>eng<< Ur d-yettban ara Tom itett aṭas. Tom doesn't seem to eat much. That will not be great in you. >>eng<< خطير جداً بالنسبة لكَ أن تكون هنا. It's too dangerous for you to stay here. Very dangerous for you to be here. >>eng<< אני אוהב ללכת לחוף. I love going to the beach. I like going to the beach. >>eng<< אילו סיפר לי את האמת, היתי סולח לו. If he told me the truth, I would have forgiven him. If he told me the truth, I'd forgive him. >>eng<< رجاء اهتم بأمورك. Kindly mind your own business. Please take care of your stuff. >>eng<< أريد أن أَدْرُسَ التركمانية. I want to study Turkmen. I want to learn the Turkish. >>eng<< Ur tteɛraḍeɣ ara ad d-iniɣ belli ur bɣiɣ ara ad ṛuḥeɣ ɣer Boston. I'm not going to pretend that I don't want to go to Boston. I don't know that I don't want to go to Boston. >>eng<< Lammer d nekki, ad ruḥeɣ axxam ad steɛfuɣ akken ilaq. If I were you, I would go home and take a good rest. I will go out, I will go into my house, that I may rest. >>eng<< רק אל תספר להם שאני שלחתי אותך. Just don't tell them I sent you. Just don't tell them I sent you. >>eng<< كان سامي يعلم أنّ الشّرطة كانت تبحث عنه. Sami knew the police were looking for him. Sammy knew the police were looking for him. >>eng<< Sameḥ-iyi! Forgive me. Saw me! >>eng<< لا أحد من زملائي يعيشون بالقرب من هنا. None of my classmates live near here. None of my colleagues live near here. >>eng<< הוא ליקק את האצבעות. He licked his fingers. He's locking his fingers. >>eng<< היום החלטנו שניסע להרים. We decided to go to the mountains today. Today we decided to go to the mountains. >>eng<< Sami yeţţu assemter-agi. Sami forgot this advice. Sai suka ce: "It's a good idea." >>eng<< Alimt d asawen. Get upstairs. I am no more at all. >>eng<< אני רוצה את מרי. I want Mary. I want Mary. >>eng<< لم يشكّك فاضل في شيء. Fadil didn't question anything. He didn't doubt anything. >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ i d-iṛuḥen ar wexxam-nneɣ. Somebody came to our house. And there came in a certain man, which came first to our house. >>eng<< Awer ifuṛ! Whatever happens! Of course not! >>eng<< Tacirḍart ţimeẓwit ger iselmaden ijapuniyen. Soccer is very popular among Japanese students. Acetre d'Ivoire's translation into an irradiational field. >>eng<< הסוס שלו קפץ מעל הגדר. His horse jumped over the fence. His horse jumped over the fence. >>eng<< Temmuteḍ. You're dead. You would die. >>eng<< קשה לי ללעוס. It is hard for me to chew. It's hard for me to chew. >>eng<< אני צריך לבדוק ולשנות את גישתי. I need to review and revise my approach. I need to check and change my attitude. >>eng<< הבה נדבר על זה. Let's speak about it. Let's talk about it. >>eng<< חשבתי שאיבדת את השעון. I thought you had lost your watch. I thought you lost your watch. >>eng<< Akka dɣa, ad nejbed amrar s udrar. That way we kill two birds with one stone. When we have done this, we will turn back with leaves. >>eng<< أحب سماع الموسيقى معك. I love playing music with you. I like to hear music with you. >>eng<< אני מתרגלת לעשות את זה. I'm getting used to doing this. I get used to doing this. >>eng<< אבי כנה. My father is frank. My father is honest. >>eng<< עכשיו אינך רשאי לעשות זאת. You must not do it now. Now you're not allowed to do this. >>eng<< אל תקח דוגמא מתום. Don't follow Tom's example. Don't take a masturbating example. >>eng<< Iɛjeb-awen umeddakel-iw? Do you like my friend? Hasn't my love been made known to you? >>eng<< ليس من الأدب أن تتكلم و فمك ممتلئ. It's not polite to speak with your mouth full. It's not hard to talk and your mouth is full. >>eng<< Acuɣeṛ i tessiridem ifassen-nwen? Why are you washing your hands? "Why do you wash your hands? >>eng<< זה קרה לעיתים קרובות בסתיו. This was happening often in the autumn. It often happened in the fall. >>eng<< أصبحت الحيوانات المفترسة محصورة في جيوب معزولة من الأرض. Big predators became confined to isolated pockets of land. The artisanal animals have become confined to isolated pockets of the earth. >>eng<< Rnu takukit nniḍen. Have another cookie. And the scoundrel was this. >>eng<< آسفين ع الإزعاج. Sorry to trouble you. I'm sorry to be upset. >>eng<< הדרישות שלו סבירות. His demands are reasonable. His demands are reasonable. >>eng<< لن يؤلم. It won't hurt. It won't hurt. >>eng<< עשיתי הרבה שגיאות מטופשות. I've made a lot of stupid mistakes. I made a lot of stupid mistakes. >>eng<< Awi Tom s axxam. Take Tom home. Look at your house. >>eng<< Suffeɣ-itent akk. Get everybody out. And scattered them all, every one of them. >>eng<< השוטרים עקבו אחרי כל רמז, אבל חזרו בידיים ריקות. The police followed up all their leads, but came up empty handed. The cops followed every clue, but they got back empty hands. >>eng<< אל תשתין על גדר חשמלית. Don't pee on an electric fence. Don't sleep on an electric fence. >>eng<< אני מסתייג מהרמז שלך. I resent your implication. I'm hiding from your clue. >>eng<< تحب ماري مشاهدة التلفاز. Mary likes watching TV. You like Mary watching TV. >>eng<< זה עוזר. It helps. It helps. >>eng<< אני קצר רוח לצאת מפה. I can't wait to get out of here. I'm short wind out of here. >>eng<< لسوء الحظ ، لقد كنت مشغولا بالأمس ولم استطع فعل ذلك. Unfortunately, I was busy yesterday and couldn't do that. Unfortunately, I was busy yesterday, and I couldn't. >>eng<< أنا فخورٌ بنفسي. I'm proud of myself. I'm proud of myself. >>eng<< أيمكنه توم حقا السباحة أسرع منك؟ Can Tom really swim faster than you? Can Tom really swim faster than you? >>eng<< إن الكلب أبيض. The dog is white. The dog is white. >>eng<< Sellket-iyi. Save me. Ask me. >>eng<< ተቈጥቼ ነበር። I was angry. I was angry. >>eng<< الكلمة الفرنسية "شا" تعني قطة. The French word 'chat' means 'cat'. The French word "sha" means a cat. >>eng<< תשיגו עבודה. Get a job. Get a job. >>eng<< איך אתם יכולים סתם לשבת שם? How can you just sit there? How can you just sit there? >>eng<< أريد الذهاب إلى أمريكا يوماً من الأيام. I want to go to America someday. I want to go to America someday. >>eng<< كان سامي شرطيّا حسن الأخلاق. Sami was a mild-mannered cop. Sammy was a good cop. >>eng<< Wejdeɣ Ready! _Colour: >>eng<< תוצאת המשחק תלויה בביצועים שלו. The game's outcome hangs on his performance. The result of the game depends on its performance. >>eng<< הוא ניסה לצבור ממון. He tried to accumulate wealth. He was trying to score a lot. >>eng<< لن يوظفكن أحد. Nobody's going to hire you. Nobody's gonna hire you. >>eng<< Tessneḍ tajuṛjit? Do you know Georgian? You know of a university? >>eng<< Cukkeɣ txedmeḍ aya mebla ma terriḍ ddehn-ik. I think you did that intentionally. Do I have to do with you again, or do you care to visit? >>eng<< Melmi ara ṛuḥeɣ ar Boston? When will I get to Boston? How long shall I go to Boston? >>eng<< Aru s tespenyulit. Write Spanish. Aru scompensated. >>eng<< D imarikaniyen i tellam. You are American. You're servants of God. >>eng<< كان سامي يريد أن يكون لديه منزله الخاص. Sami wanted to have his own house. Sammy wanted to have his own house. >>eng<< Tom ur yezmir ara ad isečč iman-is. Tom isn't able to feed himself. lest perhaps, while you are eating, you can't sleep. >>eng<< Adfel ikkat-d. Snow is falling. Dolph t-d-d-d. >>eng<< سأذهب بغض النظر عن مجيئه. Whether he comes or not, I'll go. I'll go regardless of where he comes from. >>eng<< תום הצביע על נעליו. Tom pointed down at his shoes. Tom pointed out his shoes. >>eng<< كان سامي راغبا في أن تبقى ليلى بعيدة عن فريد. Sami wanted Layla to stay away from Farid. Sammy wanted to stay for a night away from Fred. >>eng<< Is-sħana llum. It's hot today. The heat today. >>eng<< Ṭṭal daɣen! Look again. And so! >>eng<< אף לרגע אני לא חושב שאתה טועה. I do not for a moment think you are wrong. Even for a moment, I don't think you're wrong. >>eng<< هذه هديّة لفاضل لنرحّب به في أسرتنا. It's a gift for Fadil to welcome him into the family. This is a gift to the struggle to welcome him in our family. >>eng<< Qerrbeɣ. I got closer. I have done so. >>eng<< انا احب كلا منهما I like each of them. I love both of them. >>eng<< Ḥezneɣ imi ur zmireɣ ara ad lemdeɣ meṛṛa tutlayin n umaḍal. I am sad since I can not learn all world languages. I know that I can't speak with all languages.' >>eng<< تلك هي الخطوة الأولى. That is the first step. That's the first step. >>eng<< המשפט הזה חף מטעויות דקדוקיות. There are no grammatical mistakes in this sentence. This trial is free of Duke Mistakes. >>eng<< منعني أبواي من مقابلة توم مرة أخرى. My parents didn't allow me to see Tom again. My dad stopped me from seeing Tom again. >>eng<< Iyya ɣer texxamt-iw. Come into my room. Enter into my inner room. >>eng<< אני יכולה לעזור לך? May I help you? Can I help you? >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad tili tin ara yi-iɛawnen i wakken ad xedmeɣ aya. I need someone to help me do this. And I will desire to do this, and to do it. >>eng<< למי תיפול הזכות לספר להם? Who gets to tell them? Who's gonna lose the right to tell them? >>eng<< היא טובה עם חיות. She's good with animals. She's good with animals. >>eng<< הייתי אמור להתעלם מתום? Was I supposed to ignore Tom? Was I supposed to ignore a mystery? >>eng<< Ur ttagad. Aql-i da. Don't be afraid, I'm here. Do not leave. >>eng<< תום יסבול. Tom will suffer. Tom will suffer. >>eng<< מעטים הם האנשים היודעים כיצד להשתמש בכלי נשקו של האויב נגדו. Few people know how to use an enemy's weapon against him. Few are the people who know how to use enemy weapons against him. >>eng<< هو يحبّ الطّقوس. He loves rituals. He likes the ritual. >>eng<< هل أى ينظر أحد؟ Is anyone looking? Does anyone look? >>eng<< القرار قرارك. It's up to you to decide. Your decision. >>eng<< לשווא תדבר עם אדם מופרע כזה. You won't get anywhere by arguing with such a disturbed individual. In vain you'll talk to such a man. >>eng<< Tettεeyyiḍ. She screams. You made it. >>eng<< התפוזים האלה חמוצים מאד. These oranges are very sour. These oranges are very clumsy. >>eng<< מיקדתי את מבטי. I squinted. I've set Betty up. >>eng<< כל חטא מוביל למשנהו. One vice leads to another. Every sin leads to its own year. >>eng<< אדאג לך עד סוף ימיך. I'm not gonna take care of you for the last of your life. I'll take care of you until the end of your life. >>eng<< Feṛḥeɣ imi ken-ẓṛiɣ i tikkelt nniḍen. I am happy to see you again. I rejoice therefore that I am filled with joy again. >>eng<< لا يمكن ان اُرى معك . I can't be seen with you. I can't see you. >>eng<< תום שם את כל כספו בקופסה והחביא אותה מתחת למיטה שלו. Tom put all his money in a box and hid it under his bed. Tom put all his money in the box and hid it under his bed. >>eng<< Ur sliɣ i waccemma. I didn't hear a thing. I didn't hear any of it. >>eng<< Tamurt n Leqbayel tezga-d deg tefriqt n ugafa. Kabylia is located in North Africa. I tore a little child in the middle of a room. >>eng<< אני רוצה עכשיו לספר קצת על האיחוד האירופי. Now I want to talk a bit about the European Union. I want to tell you a little about the European Union now. >>eng<< تهدر سبنيوليّا؟ Do you speak Spanish? Are you snooping? >>eng<< المكان ليس بعيداً عن باريس. It is not far to Paris. It's not far from Paris. >>eng<< ليس مهماً. Never mind. It's not important. >>eng<< ملأ الزجاجة بالماء. He filled the bottle with water. Fill the bottle with water. >>eng<< Iḥemmel taɣuṛi. He loves reading. I love the saints. >>eng<< توم جاء الى هنا قبل الغروب Tom got here before sunrise. Tom came here before dawn. >>eng<< אני עדיין לא מרוצה. I'm still not satisfied. I'm still not happy. >>eng<< אני מקווה שכולם יגיעו במשך הזמן. I hope all of them will come in time. I hope everyone will be there over time. >>eng<< תום נראה ממש כמו אביו. Tom looks just like his dad. Tom looks just like his father. >>eng<< Lemdeɣ aya sɣur-k! I learned that from you! I take care of you. >>eng<< Yella ḥedd i d-ittlaɛin. Someone's calling. And there was a second watch of them, which of them should be fulfilled. >>eng<< Cucfen. They swam. Cucfen. >>eng<< Ǧǧemt-tt ad tṛuḥ. Let her go! But you went away. >>eng<< הייתי ממוטטת לחלוטין. I was completely devastated. I was completely disintegrated. >>eng<< אני אוהב את השם שלך. I love your name. I love your name. >>eng<< Ahat txedmemt aya yid-nneɣ. You should've done that with us. You have done this thing with us. >>eng<< Ur tessetḥim ara ɣef yiman-nwen? Are not you ashamed of yourself? You who don't judge your own selves? >>eng<< אני שומעת שאתה נוסע לארצות הברית. I hear that you are going to the United States. I hear you're going to the United States. >>eng<< في البداية كنت خائفاً First l was afraid. At first, I was scared. >>eng<< D baba-twen Tom. Tom is your father. Your father Tom. >>eng<< سامي يتكلّم العربيّة. Sami speaks Arabic. Sammy speaks Arabic. >>eng<< Tettmeslayeḍ akka am yemma-m. You speak like your mother. You say this to your mother. >>eng<< מתי תבואי הביתה? When will you come home? When are you coming home? >>eng<< Tom yefeɣ-d seg targit-ines. Tom snapped out of his reverie. You look at his arrows. >>eng<< Huwa antikostituzzjonali. It is unconstitutional. It is anti-stitutional. >>eng<< نحن آسفون جداً We're very sorry. We're so sorry. >>eng<< Iceyyeɛ-iyi-d Tom yiwen yizen d axaṭaṛ. I've got an important message for Tom. Behold, I bring you to me in the morning, that one of you may mourn that which is evil. >>eng<< Ԑeqleɣ taɣect-a. I know that voice. And I cried with a loud voice. >>eng<< זה נראה טרי. It looked fresh. It looks fresh. >>eng<< Meɛlic ad ɣ-teǧǧeḍ ad nṛuḥ tura? Will you permit us to leave now? But let us leave him alone. Let's leave him, if we don't leave him, now let us go. >>eng<< עץ צף על פני המים. Wood floats in water. A tree floating on the surface of the water. >>eng<< לא קר היום. It is not cold today. Not cold today. >>eng<< Sbeṛ kan a tamɣaṛt, ur ittɛeṭṭil ara ad d-yelḥeq Be patient lady, he will not be long to arrive. For the appointed time will come, and will not allow his spirit to come. >>eng<< الكثير من الناس يحلمون بعطلات خيالية . Many people dream about fantasy vacations. Many people dream of holiday celebrations. >>eng<< I kennemti? For you? Have you seen it? >>eng<< Sew dwa. Take medicine. Squirrel. >>eng<< תום חיבק את בנו. Tom embraced his son. Tom hugged his son. >>eng<< נהגתי לחלוף ליד ביתו של תום מדי יום ביומו. I used to walk past Tom's house almost every day. I used to go by Tom's house every day of his day. >>eng<< אבי הגדיר את עצמו כהונגרי נאמן. My father regarded himself as a loyal Hungarian. My father set himself up as loyal Hungarians. >>eng<< Ayya! Come on! Fãce dõmin abin da ke cikin sammai da abin da ke cikin ƙasa. >>eng<< תוכל להביא לתום חבילה בדרכך לדואר? Could you drop a package off at Tom's on your way to the post office? Can you get Tom a package on your way to the mail? >>eng<< هو صديقها He's her friend. He's her friend. >>eng<< زارت شركة سياحية مدينتنا . A company of tourists visited our town. A tourist company visited our town. >>eng<< Aɣet! Buy! Ha! >>eng<< نشأت ليلى في بلدة محافظة. Layla was raised in a conservative community. I grew up in the town of Provincial. >>eng<< Tella tin i ixebcen takeṛṛust-iw. Someone scratched my car. She has deceived me with my coat of mail. >>eng<< فُصل سامي عن وظيفته. Sami got fired. Sammy was paid for his job. >>eng<< Yettban-d Tom d ameẓẓyan. Tom looks young. In the middle of it is both the great and the small. >>eng<< סליחה, אני מאחר. Sorry, I'm late. Sorry, I'm late. >>eng<< Ar wanda i ten-tefkiḍ? Where did you give them? Where did you give them? >>eng<< أسرع و إلا فسيفوتك القطار. Hurry, or the train will leave you behind. Hurry up or you'll miss the train. >>eng<< Atan wemzuxxu! What swagger! Let's not boast! >>eng<< كان سامي يحبّ الأشياء الممتازة في الحياة. Sami enjoyed the fine things of life. Sammy loved the excellent things in life. >>eng<< آمل ألا تنشب الحرب. I hope war doesn't break out. I hope the war will not end. >>eng<< كم كلمة انجليزية تعرف؟ About how many English words do you know? How many English words do you know? >>eng<< Aql-i rfiɣ. I am beside myself. These things I discern. >>eng<< أنا لست نادماً على مجيئي هنا. I don't regret coming here. I don't sleep on coming here. >>eng<< זאת טעות כל כך חמורה. This is such a mistake. It's so serious. >>eng<< הגיע הזמן שתפסיקי לנדנד כל הזמן בעניין הקיפוח העדתי. It's time for you to stop going on and on about deprived communities. It's time for you to stop Nand all the time on the witness thing. >>eng<< Ma nifhimx. I do not understand. I don't understand. >>eng<< מה לא בסדר איתו? What's wrong with him? What's wrong with him? >>eng<< Ur ttizmireɣ ara ad t-xedmeɣ mebla aɛiwen-ik. I couldn't do this without your help. I can't do it by any means, because I help you. >>eng<< לעולם אל תכתוב את המילים "מרק לפת" ו"מרק כרוב" בגרמנית! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write the words "Marc Lap" and "Marc Krup" in German! >>eng<< ماذا يعني هذا بالعربية؟ What does that mean in Arabic? What does that mean in Arabic? >>eng<< ትናንትና መጣሁ። I came yesterday. And yesterday I came. >>eng<< إرجع! Get back, get back! Come back! >>eng<< Ttḥadar a Tom. Be careful, Tom. Feed a Tom. >>eng<< انا احب كلا منهما I like both of them. I love both of them. >>eng<< Ad ruḥeɣ ad εummeɣ yid-k. I'll go swimming with you. I will take hold of thee, and I will follow thee. >>eng<< Ulac win i d-yettḥessisen. Nobody listens. No one has listened to them. >>eng<< Tom yebɣa ad t-yerr akken kan mi ara tfakkeḍ yess. Tom wants this back as soon as you're finished with it. And what he will have he in him, that, when he riseth, he may give him rest. >>eng<< תום מסתתר בבנין נטוש ברחוב פרק. Tom is hiding in an abandoned building on Park Street. Tom's hiding in an abandoned building on a park street. >>eng<< תום נלחם באומץ. Tom fought bravely. Tom fights bravely. >>eng<< תום מדושן עונג. Tom is overjoyed. Tom's a pleasure. >>eng<< ציפור קטנה אמרה לי. A little bird told me. A little bird told me. >>eng<< أنتِ لديكِ أنف كبير. You have a big nose. You have a big nose. >>eng<< بقي الباب مغلقًا طوال اليوم. The door remained closed all day. The door's been locked all day. >>eng<< תפסיק להמציא תרוצים. Stop making excuses. Stop inventing want. >>eng<< Uɣalemt ar deffir. Step back. Come back. >>eng<< ماذا تعتقد أفضل طريقة لتشجيع توم علىَ دراسة المزيد؟ What do you think is the best way to encourage Tom to study more? What do you think is the best way to encourage Tom to study more? >>eng<< Tufiḍ-ten ukin. You found them awake. You put them to the test. >>eng<< Tom yella iẓeyyeṛ Mary. Tom was hard on Mary. So they shook Mary out. >>eng<< لن يستطيع المجيء لأنه مريض. Because he's sick, he can't come. He can't come because he's sick. >>eng<< إنّها قصة معقّدة. It's a complicated story. It's a complicated story. >>eng<< Iḥuss-as Tom d yir taswiɛt. Tom felt sick. In a very bad place I will bring them up. >>eng<< Azul a baba. Hi, Father. Apply a father. >>eng<< צילמתי את זה לפני שבוע. I took that photo a week ago. I took it a week ago. >>eng<< בכל שנה, הארגון מארגן מספר פגישות מתנדבים ההולכים מדלת אל דלת כדי למכור ספרים בשפה הפריזית. Every year, the organisation organises a number of meetings of volunteers who go door-to-door to sell Frisian books. Every year, the organization organizes a number of volunteer meetings that go from door to door to sell books in French. >>eng<< ما زال ذراعي يؤلمني. My arm still hurts. My arms still hurt me. >>eng<< كان فاضل أبا مهملا. Fadil was a neglectful father. He was a stupid father's fighter. >>eng<< Anwa amaru i tḥemmleḍ? Who's your favorite writer? Who will love me? >>eng<< لقد وجدت اجنحة الفندق واسع ، الأرائك مريحة ، الشطائر وفيرة. I found the suites capacious, the sofas commodious, the sandwiches copious. I found the hotel's wings are wide, you're comfortable, you're good, you're good. >>eng<< التقط كلب الشّرطة رائحة سامي. The police dog picked up Sami's scent. Smell the squirrel's smelling smear. >>eng<< Sarameɣ yiwen ur kem-id-yeẓṛi tusiḍ-d ar da. I hope no one saw you come in here. When I saw that you didn't come to me, no one would come to me. >>eng<< ينبغي على سامي أن يتولّى المسؤوليّة. Sami should assume responsibility. Sammy should take responsibility. >>eng<< "קְוָוה, קְוָוה" אמר הברווז. "Quack, quack," said the duck. "Cow, Coowa," said the duck. >>eng<< كان الماء باردا جدّا. The water was freezing. The water was very cold. >>eng<< هل سبق لك أن ذهبت إلى لندن؟ Have you been to London? Have you ever gone to London? >>eng<< S tideţ-ik? Seriously? Stide-ik? >>eng<< איך תום ידע כל כך הרבה מה קרה פה? How did Tom know so much about what went on here? How did Tom know so much about what happened here? >>eng<< Nerfed iḍellaɛen, nerra srid ɣer ssuq. We took baskets and went directly to the market. We left off, and put them on the way. >>eng<< نحن ذاهبون إلى المطبخ. We're going to the kitchen. We're going to the kitchen. >>eng<< הגשם מנע מהדליקה להתפשט. The rain kept the fire from spreading. The rain prevents the lightning from spreading. >>eng<< אינני מפקד עליכם. I'm not your commanding officer. I'm not your commander. >>eng<< أظن أننا ما زلنا في بولندا. I think we are still in Poland! I think we're still in Poland. >>eng<< Deg yiseggasen n 80, iḥewwasen seg tmurt n Polanda ttasen-d ɣef tmurt taqbaylit akken ad seggden ilef. During the 80s, tourists from Poland came to Kabylia to hunt wild boar. And in 80 years they departed from Joppa, and came out of the country into a desert country as they sailed. >>eng<< هل أنهت الفتياة الأكل؟ Have the girls finished eating? Did the girl finish eating? >>eng<< كان يتصرّف بغرابة. He acted strange. He was acting weird. >>eng<< لكل فرد الحق أن يلجأ إلى بلاد أخرى أو يحاول الاتجاء إليها هربا من الاضطهاد. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. Everyone has the right to resort to another country or to seek refuge in it from persecution. >>eng<< Atnan yid-i. They're with me. "Go with me." >>eng<< Anida i nella tura? Where are we now? What about us? >>eng<< Tom inna-d dakken ur yenwi ara ad iɣenni. Tom said that he isn't going to sing. That ye ought not to be deceived. >>eng<< Tesɛam kra n tiririt? Have you had an answer? And you have a few names? >>eng<< תום לא יכול היה לכבוש את חיוכו. Tom couldn't help but smile. Tom couldn't take his smile. >>eng<< אמרתי שנטפל בזה. I said we'd take care of it. I said we'd take care of it. >>eng<< نُقِل سامي إلى المستشفى في السّاعات الأولى ليوم السّادس من جوان، 2006. Sami was rushed to the hospital in the early hours of June 6th, 2006. Sammy was transferred to the hospital on the first Sunday of June 2006. >>eng<< Yuɛeṛ ad t-txdemeḍ i d-yenna Tom. Tom said doing that would be safe. And he sought how he had said unto thee, that thou mightest make him whole. >>eng<< اعترف سامي بكلّ شيء. Sami confessed everything. Admit Sammy everything. >>eng<< سيقضي سامي بقيّة حياته في السّجن. Sami will spend the remainder of his life in jail. Sammy's gonna spend the rest of his life in prison. >>eng<< Tom qrib yemmut. Tom almost died. Tom's near dead. >>eng<< Yeḥma lḥal ass-a. It is very hot today. It works a day. >>eng<< استرخى منّاد. Mennad relaxed. Relax. >>eng<< Aar a CNN. Turn on CNN. See a CNN. >>eng<< أنا سأدفع الحساب. I'll pay the bill. I'll pay the bill. >>eng<< Ur yekcim, ur yeffiɣ. He did not enter or exit. He does not sin, nor does he sin. >>eng<< اقتربت ليلى نحو سامي و قبّلته. Layla moved toward Sami and kissed him. I approached Sammy and kissed him. >>eng<< Lebni yebda deg Tubeṛ. Construction started in October. Then he began to spit in his face. >>eng<< אמי יכלה לדבר חמש שפות. My mother could speak five languages. My mother could speak five languages. >>eng<< هل عندك كمبيوترين؟ Do you have two computers? Do you have computers? >>eng<< لقد أنهيت العمل للتو. I just finished work. I just finished the job. >>eng<< Azuɣ add sheɣ. I want to eat. I will learn a little from him. >>eng<< הוספתי את שמו של תום לרשימה. I put Tom's name on the list. I added Tom's name to the list. >>eng<< Beṛka-kent aɣenni. Stop singing. And when they had laid their fire, they threw it into the fire. >>eng<< من فضلك أبقِ ذلك سراً. Please keep this secret. Please keep it secret. >>eng<< Ta d Nina, d yelli-s n mmi-twen. This is Nina, your granddaughter. It is the daughter of your son, in Nineveh. >>eng<< سامي على اليوتوب. Sami is on YouTube. Sammy's on YouTube. >>eng<< צלצלתי אליו הבוקר. I called him this morning. I called him this morning. >>eng<< أخبرني ألّا أقود بسرعة عالية. He told me not to drive too fast. Tell me I don't drive too fast. >>eng<< איפה היא עובדת כעת? Where is she working now? Where does she work now? >>eng<< רק רציתי לתת לך שיעור. I just wanted to teach you a lesson. I just wanted to give you a lesson. >>eng<< أصاب بالبرد دائمًا في الشتاء. I always catch a cold in the winter. I'm always cold in the winter. >>eng<< Mačči d nekk i yeskiddiben. D kenwi. I didn't lie. You did. I am not a liar. Have mercy on me, that I may win. >>eng<< הנח הצידה רעיון כה מטופש. Put away such a foolish idea. Let's put this stupid idea aside. >>eng<< Jbed! Fire! Jeds! >>eng<< Tḥemmleḍ ad turareḍ ddabex n uḍar? Do you like playing football? Do you love me? Or do you want to know what I am doing? >>eng<< היית החבר היחיד של תום. You were Tom's only friend. You were Tom's only friend. >>eng<< תוכלי להשגיח על הילדים שלי כשאצא לחופשה? Would you look after my children while I am away on vacation? Can you watch my kids when I leave? >>eng<< אציית. I will obey. Exit. >>eng<< Tḥeqqeqeɣ d akken ad t-nexdem. I'm certain that we'll do it. I do righteousness, even as I do it. >>eng<< תישאר, אם בא לך. Feel free to stay. Stay, if you like. >>eng<< Ttḥusuɣ-as d awḥid i lliɣ ussan-a. I feel very lonely these days. I follow him who is one, the same which I am. >>eng<< ትፈልግሃለች። She wants you. She will seek you. >>eng<< תום יכול לסייע למרי. Tom can help Mary out. Tom can help Mary. >>eng<< تبان لي حاجا انتيريسّانت. It seems interesting to me. You see me, I've got an intrigue. >>eng<< Tom inna-d werǧin isla i Mary tcennu. Tom says that he's never heard Mary sing. For you have not known Mary, that in us she has been made equal. >>eng<< Ur tesɛimt ara ul. You don't have a heart. You have not a heart. >>eng<< توقّف سامي عن البكاء. Sami stopped crying. Stop Sammy crying. >>eng<< האהבה היא עיוורת אבל הקנאה יכולה לראות אפילו דברים דמיוניים. Love is blind, but jealousy can see even nonexistent things. Love is blind, but jealousy can even see real things. >>eng<< Aya ad kem-isseǧhed akter. This will make you stronger. That you will take care of a adapter. >>eng<< Anwa akka d-isawalen, ttxil-k? Who is calling, please? "Who is the healer, and you are sought for him? >>eng<< Ur nheggi ara ad nessuter tura. We're not ready to order yet. Let us not now pray. >>eng<< עשיתי זאת שוב, נכון? I did it again, didn't I? I did it again, didn't I? >>eng<< Ur ttɛaqabemt ara Tom ɣef ayen. Don't punish Tom for that. You don't discern what to do. >>eng<< Mlaleɣ-d d Tom deg tuber. I met Tom this October. I learned that in the morning. >>eng<< אני לא רומז שעשית משהו. I'm not suggesting that you did anything. I'm not suggesting you did anything. >>eng<< Ur d-tettṛuḥuḍ ara ar da? Aren't you going to join me? Shouldn't they live long ago? >>eng<< תום מתנהג כשורה? Is Tom behaving himself? Tom's acting right? >>eng<< توم ينتظر. Tom is waiting. Tom's waiting. >>eng<< عليك الرحيل. You have to go. You have to leave. >>eng<< אני מצטער, יש לי התחייבות קודמת. I'm sorry I have a previous appointment. I'm sorry, I have a previous commitment. >>eng<< כל שעליך לעשות הוא לנצל את ההזדמנות הנדירה הזאת. All you have to do is take advantage of this rare opportunity. All you have to do is take advantage of this rare opportunity. >>eng<< Qqim anda i yedduri! Take cover! There you are! >>eng<< نحن نبيع عصير البرتقال. We sell orange juice. We're selling orange juice. >>eng<< هل تعرف الإجابة؟ You know the answer? Do you know the answer? >>eng<< היא סוף סוף הגיעה! She finally arrived! She's finally here! >>eng<< Ɛiwdet i tikkelt nniḍen. Start again. And declared unto them again the same time. >>eng<< قدماها طويلتان. She has long feet. Her feet are long. >>eng<< אמש היה קר באופן יוצא דופן. Last night was exceptionally cold. Last night was unusually cold. >>eng<< Qqimeɣ deg uxxam. I stayed at home. I stay in the house. >>eng<< עד כמה עמוק האגם? How deep is this lake? How deep is the lake? >>eng<< تشرّفت بلقائك. I'm pleased to meet you. I'm happy to meet you. >>eng<< Tif-iyi Mary. Mary is better at this than I am. Show me Mary. >>eng<< אסתדר. I'll manage it. I'll do it. >>eng<< צפיתי בטלוויזיה הבוקר. I watched TV this morning. I watched TV this morning. >>eng<< Nettmeslay tafṛansist. We speak French. Netdemy afrapist. >>eng<< בל חי לפנים בלונדון, נכון? Bell used to live in London, didn't he? Bell lives in London, right? >>eng<< لن يقوم توم بفعل ذلك أبدا. Tom will never do that. Tom's never gonna do that. >>eng<< قتل ذلك الرجل. He killed that man. Kill that man. >>eng<< جت فيك رصاصة؟ Were you shot? I got you a bullet? >>eng<< البرازيل تتالف من ستة و عشرين ولاية. Brazil is comprised of twenty-six states. Brazil has twenty-six states. >>eng<< لم تكن ليلى مغرمة به. Layla was not in love with him. Lily wasn't mad at him. >>eng<< Ur nezmir ad nqeṛṛeε aqjun ad yesseglef, wamma dɣa akerkas ad yeskerkes. You can not stop the dog from barking, let alone the liar from lying. And they shall not be able to quench one another, neither shall the winds blow. >>eng<< Ad t-neɛṛeḍ. Try some. You will answer him again. >>eng<< לטום כרתו את הטחול. Tom had a splenectomy. Tom knew the T-shirt. >>eng<< أنا معجب بشجاعتك. I admire your courage. I like your courage. >>eng<< استأجرت ليلى مدرّبا للكلاب. Layla hired a dog trainer. I hired a dog-trained night. >>eng<< مرحبا, ادخل Hi, come on in. Hey, come in. >>eng<< أهلاً بعودتك. لقد اشتقنا إليك! Welcome back. We missed you! Welcome back, we missed you! >>eng<< اتّصلت ليلى بصديقتها. Layla called her friend. She called me with her friend. >>eng<< היא נערה עובדת. She's a sex worker. She's a working girl. >>eng<< זה הבית שלי, לא שלך. This house is mine, not yours. This is my house, not yours. >>eng<< Ur ḥerreṣ ara Tom ad ixdem aya ma ur yebɣi ara. Don't force Tom to do that if he doesn't want to. If it isn't so, don't let it go. >>eng<< Tgerrzeḍ deg kullec. You're perfect at everything. Thou hast perfected all things. >>eng<< אני מכירה את תום. I know Tom. I know Tom. >>eng<< אי אפשר לראות את האטומים בעין בלתי מזוינת. Atoms can't be seen by the naked eye. You can't see the atoms in a fucking eye. >>eng<< אילו היה בדעתי לחדול לדבר עם כל האנשים שאני בזה להם, הייתי צריכה לגזור על עצמי נדר של שתיקה. If I wanted to stop speaking to all the people I despise, I would have to take a vow of silence. If I thought I'd stop talking to all the people I'd like to talk to, I'd have to cut myself off a vow of silence. >>eng<< Tewweḍ-d deffir n Tom. You're after Tom. And it's over Tom. >>eng<< Yella wass ideg teččam azeɣnennay? Have you ever eaten a bat? Have ye eaten that which ye have to eat? >>eng<< Yezgel Tom tamacint-nni taneggarut. Tom missed the last train. You'll get tom sure you're gonna get the hell out of here. >>eng<< Yettɣawal di tikli. He walks fast. You are long in the way. >>eng<< D lɛali-yakent alaɣmu-nni. Exercise is good for you. The good animal has no place for ɗaukaka men. >>eng<< أنا من أُستراليا. I'm from Australia. I'm from Australia. >>eng<< אני היחיד שמכיר אותם. I'm the only one who knows them. I'm the only one who knows them. >>eng<< كان عمر سامي خمسة عشر أو ستة عشر عاما. Sami was fifteen or sixteen. Sammy was fifteen or sixteen years old. >>eng<< እታ ቆልዓ ተሓጺባ። The little girl washed herself. The child was washed. >>eng<< אתה צריך להיות סופר. You should be a writer. You should be a writer. >>eng<< توم في الخارج يسقي الأزهار. Tom is outside watering the flowers. Tom's out playing flowers. >>eng<< רק תביט במראה. Just look in the mirror. Just look at the mirror. >>eng<< As-d azekka. Come tomorrow. It's tomorrow. >>eng<< אינני אוהבת מחלוקות. I don't like confrontation. I don't like disagreements. >>eng<< نعم, إنهُ غاضب. Yes, he is angry. Yeah, he's angry. >>eng<< בדיוק את זה אתם צריכים עכשיו. That's precisely what you need now. That's exactly what you need now. >>eng<< Amek teddunt timsal deg Ustṛalya? How are things in Australia? Which are going on in Somalia? >>eng<< الفلسطينيّون هم السّكاّن الأصليّون في فلسطين. The Palestinians are the indigenous people of Palestine. The Palestinians are the original owners of Palestine. >>eng<< Ma kienx tort tiegħi. It was not my fault. It wasn't my fault. >>eng<< I cebḥent tjeǧǧigin-nni! What lovely flowers! I really miss him! >>eng<< איזה אפשרויות אחרות יש לי? What other option do I have? What other options do I have? >>eng<< חיכיתי לה כל חיי. I've waited for her all my life. I've been waiting for her my whole life. >>eng<< Ur ttmeslayeɣ ara ɣef aya yid-s. I won't discuss this with her. I have not spoken of any of these things. >>eng<< Ẓṛiɣ Tom d abelbul. I know that Tom is chubby. I have been blubbered. >>eng<< הילדים משחקים בחוץ. The children are playing outside. The kids play outside. >>eng<< אני לא יודעת מה טום ראה. I don't know what Tom saw. I don't know what Tom saw. >>eng<< Yeẓweṛ. He's smart. And he sucked. >>eng<< هذه قصيدة رائعة. That's a great poem. That's a great story. >>eng<< غيّر فاضل تفاصيل حسابه المصرفي. Fadil changed his bank account details. Change the details of his bank account. >>eng<< אני מתכוונת לכך באופן חיובי. I mean that in a good way. I mean it positively. >>eng<< لا تقلق. Don't worry! Don't worry. >>eng<< לשמונה בחורים יש עיניים. Eight guys have eyes. Eight guys have eyes. >>eng<< מה נתן למיזם שלך השראה? What inspired your project? What gave your project inspiration? >>eng<< התעייפתי להיות גמלאי. I'm tired of being retired. I've been tired of being generous. >>eng<< Sarameɣ yiwen ur kent-id-iwala tusamt-d ar da. I hope that nobody saw you coming in here. When I saw no one see him, I said these things to him. >>eng<< D acu ara tesweḍ? What will you drink? What will you know? >>eng<< הוא השאיל לי שני ספרים. He lent me two books. He gave me two books. >>eng<< עבור שני בניינים ופנה שמאלה. Walk two blocks, and turn left. For two buildings and left. >>eng<< وقعت تفاحة عندما فتحت باب الثلاجة. When I opened the door of the refrigerator, an apple fell out. There was an opening when I opened the fridge door. >>eng<< أعطاني توم قلماً. Tom gave me a pen. Give me a little tom. >>eng<< החיים זה לא פייר. Life is unfair. Life is not fair. >>eng<< أنا أعتقد أني بطريق الخطأ أرسلت البريد الإلكتروني إلى توم. I think I mistakenly sent that email to Tom. I think I'm wrong. I sent e-mail to Tom. >>eng<< תום סבור שמרי שגתה שגיאה גסה. Tom thinks Mary made a big mistake. Tom thinks Mary was wrong. >>eng<< המצב הביטחוני הרעוע בסוריה משפיע גם על תורכיה. The unstable security situation in Syria also affects Turkey. The poor security situation in Syria also affects her lineage. >>eng<< טום לא יפסיק להילחם. Tom won't stop fighting. Tom won't stop fighting. >>eng<< Tom yusa-d ad yerzu ɣer Mary. Tom came to visit Mary. That he came to Mary. >>eng<< Tessen ad tehḍeṛ tajapunit. She can speak Japanese. You know what they worship. >>eng<< Cemtent mliḥ tira-nkent. Your writing is horrible. And they were soaked in the number. >>eng<< Kečč d apanda. You are a panda. You are an apnea. >>eng<< הכירי את עצמך. Know thyself. Know yourself. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad rzuɣ ɣer Boston di tefsut. I want to visit Boston in the spring. I would have to go to Boston at the south end. >>eng<< لا تخاطر. Don't take chances. Don't risk it. >>eng<< Aql-ik deffir n Tom. You're after Tom. Here's the end of Tom. >>eng<< Yumen Tom ayenni? Did Tom believe it? Yumen Tomni? >>eng<< טום התפרץ לשיחתנו. Tom broke into our conversation. Tom broke into our conversation. >>eng<< זה לא שווה את זה. It isn't worth it. It's not worth it. >>eng<< תום אושפז במוסד לחולי נפש. Tom was committed to an institution for the insane. Tom was taken to a mental hospital. >>eng<< Ad ɛeṛḍeɣ i tikkelt nniḍen. Let's try again. I appeal to them again, that I may receive them again. >>eng<< אל תחששי מהכלב שלי. הוא לא יפגע בך. Don't worry about my dog. He won't do you any harm. Don't be afraid of my dog. >>eng<< Tzemreḍ ad d-teẓṛeḍ? Can you see? What do you want to do? >>eng<< Sami yella yeffeɣ ɣer beṛṛa deg iḍ-nni. Sami was moving out that night. And Simon went out that night. >>eng<< השריון של הלוחמת השאיר מקומות רבים בגוף שלה חשופים. The female warrior's armor seemed to leave many parts of her body unprotected. The army guard left many places in her body exposed. >>eng<< هذا هو الوقت الذي يصل فيه عادة. This is the time he normally arrives. This is the time it usually reaches. >>eng<< Ur nwiɣ ara yuḥwaǧ Tom ar uɛiwen-nteɣ. I don't think Tom needs our help. I don't help Tom, for I help him. >>eng<< أرغم سامي ليلى على ممراسة الجنس الشّفوي معه. Sami had Layla perform oral sex on him. Force Sammy Lila to keep the oral sex with him. >>eng<< תום ומרי נתנו אחד לשני מתנות בבוקר חג המולד. Tom and Mary gave each other presents on Christmas morning. Tom and Mary gave each other gifts in the morning of Christmas. >>eng<< Ad ak-regmeɣ ad naseɣ zik. I promise you I'll come early. I am persuaded that I am going before to come. >>eng<< توم هو أبي Tom is my dad. Tom's my father. >>eng<< אף פעם לא ראיתי כלב גדול כל כך. I've never seen so big a dog. I've never seen such a big dog. >>eng<< הוא שאל אותי אם אני יודע את מספר הטלפון שלה. He asked me if I knew her telephone number. He asked me if I knew her phone number. >>eng<< לא עשיתי כל מה שהם אמרו לי לעשות. I didn't do everything they told me to do. I didn't do anything they told me to do. >>eng<< אפשר לקבל את שמך ואת מספר הטלפון? Could you give me your name and phone number? Can I have your name and the phone number? >>eng<< هل تعرف ما هي مهنة توم؟ Do you know what Tom does for a living? Do you know what Tom's career is? >>eng<< אני אסיר תודה על מה שהוא עשה. I'm grateful for what he did. I'm grateful for what he did. >>eng<< סבי נהרג במלחמת העולם השנייה. My grandfather was killed in World War II. My grandfather was killed in World War II. >>eng<< תום ישן בחדר הסמוך. Tom is sleeping in the next room. Tom's sleeping in the next room. >>eng<< היות שאני מכיר אותך, אני מוכן לכל. Knowing you, I'm ready for anything. Since I know you, I'm ready for everything. >>eng<< Ulac ayen yellan deg imkan-is. Nothing was out of place. There is nothing in him. >>eng<< البحر هائج. The sea is raging. The sea is framing. >>eng<< היה לי חלום נורא. I had a nightmare. I had a terrible dream. >>eng<< تسلم إيديك! Thank you! Give up your hand! >>eng<< من أجل ماذا أتيتَ إلى هنا؟ What did you come here for? For what did you come here? >>eng<< لا يُدعى سامي كثيرا للحفلات. Sami is not often invited to parties. Sammy's not called too much for the parties. >>eng<< توم يعيش هناك Tom lived there. Tom lives there. >>eng<< لا يمكن لتوم أن ينسى الماضي. Tom can't let go of the past. You can't just forget the past. >>eng<< חובתנו לציית לחוק. It is our duty to obey the law. Our obligation to obey the law. >>eng<< أحضرها لي. Bring it to me. Bring it to me. >>eng<< יש לך אפשרות למצוא את זה? Can you find it? Do you have a chance to find it? >>eng<< כן ניסית. You did try. Yeah, you tried. >>eng<< قال سامي هذا لإحدى الممرّضات. Sami told that to a nurse. Sammy said this to one of the rebels. >>eng<< نحن طلاب We are students. We're students. >>eng<< מתמטיקה היא המקצוע האהוב עליי. Mathematics is my favorite subject. Math is my favorite profession. >>eng<< لن أنس مدى مساعدتك لي. I'll never forget how helpful you've been. I won't forget how much you help me. >>eng<< نريد التّمسّك بنمط حياتنا القديم. We want to hold on to our ancient way of life. We want to catch up with our old lifestyle. >>eng<< אני שמח שאתה יכול לבוא. I'm glad that you can come. I'm glad you can come. >>eng<< Bdiɣ s tidett ur ḥemmleɣ ara Lustṛali. I'm really starting to hate Australia. I have come quickly to love the beloved. >>eng<< من ارتكب هذه الجريمة حتماً فقد عقله. Whoever committed this crime was surely out of his mind. Whoever committed this crime must have lost his mind. >>eng<< אני טוב מאד במה שאני עוסק. I'm very good at what I do. I'm very good at what I'm doing. >>eng<< Wa, kennemti. Hey, you. Wa,kentti. >>eng<< آمل ان لا تخبر توم بذلك I hope you don't tell Tom that. I hope you don't tell Tom that. >>eng<< Ttafgen yefṛax. Birds fly. Tafgen birds. >>eng<< Ilḥeq-d Tom. Tom arrived. I come to-d-Tom. >>eng<< Afenǧal n watay, ttxil-k. A cup of tea, please. For we look after thee, thou shalt seek thy name. >>eng<< אהבתי אותך. I loved you. I loved you. >>eng<< اصبعي تحول الى بني بعد ان غمرته في محلول برمنغانات البوتاسيوم الكثيف جزئياً. My finger turned brown after I dipped it in a slightly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. My finger has been turned into my son after he's grown up in a partially heavy potassium kernels. >>eng<< Wukud i teddamt? With whom did you go? What do you want to do with me? >>eng<< שבו קרוב לכאן. Sit near here. Sit close here. >>eng<< זאת מומיה! It's a mummy! It's mummy! >>eng<< אין כסף בתיק שלי. There is no money in my bag. There's no money in my bag. >>eng<< Sawleɣ i ubugaṭu-inu. I called my attorney. I listened to my teacher. >>eng<< Ilaq ad rzuɣ ɣef Tom. I have to visit Tom. I must go before Tom. >>eng<< היא נראית חסרת שמחה. She looks unhappy. She looks unhappy. >>eng<< Feṛḥeɣ yes-k. I'm very proud of you. I have great joy. >>eng<< תום חשב שהמקום בו הוא הסתיר את מטבעות הזהב הוא המקום המושלם. אבל הוא טעה. Tom thought where he put his gold coins was the perfect hiding place. However, he was wrong. Tom thought the place where he hid the gold coins was the perfect place, but he was wrong. >>eng<< Tom yesqerdec aya d Mary. Tom discussed that with Mary. Tom-jeaded-tained-a-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-ja. >>eng<< Ulac d acu ibeddlen. Nothing's been changed. There is no such standing here. >>eng<< אני קורא את המסמכים הישנים. I read the old documents. I read the old papers. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ ad gneɣ. I like sleeping. I love it. >>eng<< Tom yella tessemter-it-id Mary. Tom was recommended by Mary. So she opened her mouth, and gave it to Mary. >>eng<< זה המטוס הראשון שנוחת בנמל התעופה החדש. This is the first airplane to land at the new airport. This is the first plane landed at the new airport. >>eng<< Tom yenxez. Tom crashed. Tom Yenzez. >>eng<< Yekkat Tom snitra. Tom plays the guitar. Kat Tom Games. >>eng<< Teččefčfem ma tkemmlem axeddim deg umkan am wagi. You are crazy if you continue to work in that place. You don't measure your life in a field like this. >>eng<< תום יישר את מטפחתו. Tom unfolded his napkin. Tom will make his worship right. >>eng<< Iwacu ur yi-d-tettḥissisemt ara? Why weren't you listening to me? Why don't you lay down your name for me?' >>eng<< אנו עולים להרים, אז למה שלא תבואו אתנו? We're going up into the mountains, so why don't you come with us? We're going up to the mountains, so why don't you come with us? >>eng<< אינני יודעת מתי עלי לבוא. I don't know when I should come. I don't know when to come. >>eng<< توم ليس في البيت Tom is not home. Tom's not home. >>eng<< לא קיבלתי היום אי-מייל מהחברה שלי. I didn't get an email from my company today. I didn't get an e-mail from my girlfriend today. >>eng<< הייתי נטול הכרה. I was unconscious. I was unconscious. >>eng<< انتظرت قرابة النصف ساعة. I have been waiting for almost half an hour. I waited about half an hour. >>eng<< يسكن فاضل و ليلى تماما بجوار فندق رامي. Fadil and Layla are living right next door to Rami's hotel. He's all around the Ramy Hotel. >>eng<< יש בקתה מעבר לגשר. There is a cottage beyond the bridge. There's a cabin across the bridge. >>eng<< בוא נשיג לך איזה כסא. Let's get you to a chair. Let's get you some chair. >>eng<< ما هدف زيارتك؟ What's the purpose of your visit? What's the purpose of your visit? >>eng<< اللغة الأمازيغية راه عَنْدْهَا أَكَادِيمِيّة ضُرْكْ فِي دْزايَرْ. The Berber language has an academy in Algeria now. The Amazigh Rah language has an added meaning for you in Dezare. >>eng<< لم يرد منّاد الابتعاد كثيرا عن منزله. Mennad didn't want to get too far from his house. He didn't get far away from his house. >>eng<< Ur tsetḥiḍ ara? Have you no shame? You have nothing to do with her?" >>eng<< Teẓramt, tzemremt akk ad iyi-d-tessawalemt Tom. By the way, you can all call me Tom. You know, that you can ask of me, for you can do it for me. >>eng<< אין הגבלת מהירות בכביש המהיר בגרמניה. There's no speed limit on the Autobahn in Germany. There's no speed limit on the highway in Germany. >>eng<< אתה צמא? Are you thirsty? Are you thirsty? >>eng<< أكنت في المدرسة في ذلك الوقت؟ Were you at school at that time? Were you at school at that time? >>eng<< תחזיק אותה בשבילי. Hold her for me. Hold her for me. >>eng<< رأيتُ واحدة مرة. I saw one once. I saw one once. >>eng<< يبدو قوياً. He looks strong. Sounds strong. >>eng<< Teɣṛamt aya? Have you read this? Have you seen anything of this? >>eng<< Anwa i yuran tafyirt a? Who wrote this sentence? Who is written in my language, and you don't know? >>eng<< אם תום לא רוצה להכין את שיעורי הבית שלו עכשיו, הוא לא חייב. If Tom doesn't want to do his homework now, he doesn't have to. If Tom doesn't want to prepare his homework now, he doesn't have to. >>eng<< Bdu tira! Start writing. Motherfucker! >>eng<< Agatu ad yemmet deg 20 Tubeṛ. Their contract expired on October 20th. The dead person must be killed for 20 weeks. >>eng<< بالطبع، يجب ان اخبرها. Of course, I have to tell her. Of course, I have to tell her. >>eng<< بدآ سامي و ليلى يكتبان رسائل لبعضهما الآخر. Sami and Layla started writing each other letters. Sammy and Lily were writing letters to each other. >>eng<< هذا ليس عدلاً. That isn't fair. That's not fair. >>eng<< فكر في ذلك. Think about it. Think about it. >>eng<< سأعود قريباً. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. >>eng<< لو سمحت خلي الموضوع ده سر. Please keep it secret. If my cell permits it, it's a secret. >>eng<< Ilaq ad teɣṛeḍ aya. You should read this. You must read about this. >>eng<< كان مدرّسا لطيفا. He was a cool teacher. He was a nice teacher. >>eng<< נא לחייך. Please smile. Please smile. >>eng<< لا أعتقد أنه قادم. I don't think he'll come. I don't think he's coming. >>eng<< Tzemreḍ ad d-tkecmeḍ. You may enter. That thou mightest enter into him again. >>eng<< Tuɣalem-d. You returned. you have-d-d-d-d-d-e. >>eng<< ממש הרגע חשבתי עליך. I was just now thinking about you. I was just thinking about you. >>eng<< Kkes afus-im fell-i. Get your hand off me. Keep your hand from me. >>eng<< Ḥbes ambiwel! Stop moving! I'm sorry! >>eng<< يتكون المجلس من إثنا عشر عضواً. The committee consists of twelve members. The Council shall consist of twelve members. >>eng<< تزوّجت أمّ سامي مرّة أخرى. Sami's mother remarried. Sammy's married again. >>eng<< تسلّق سامي شجرة عالية جدّا. Sami climbed a very high tree. Sammy climbs a very high tree. >>eng<< Cmumḥent. They smiled. They're all right. >>eng<< Di leɛnaya-k kker. Stand up, please. We beg you to check your text. >>eng<< איש לא ידע כמה תום מסוכן. Nobody knew how dangerous Tom was. No one knew how dangerous Tom was. >>eng<< היא טבעית מאוד בהלכותיה. She is extremely natural in her manner. She's very natural in her enthronement. >>eng<< تصبح على خير يا توم. Good night, Tom! Good night, Tom. >>eng<< كانت لدى سامي حياة خفيّة. Sami had a secret life. Sammy had a secret life. >>eng<< כן, פגשתי אותה אתמול בספריה. Yes, I met her in the library yesterday. Yeah, I met her last night at the library. >>eng<< Ibeddel Darwin amek i nettwali amaḍal. Darwin changed the way we see the world. I change Darwin's vision or appearance. >>eng<< إنه من فرنسا. He is French. It's from France. >>eng<< من فضلك إقلب الصفحة. Please turn the page. Please turn the page down. >>eng<< Ur ẓriɣ ara akk acu xeddmeɣ. I don't know at all what I'm doing. For I don't know what I am doing. >>eng<< Feṛḥeɣ ula d nekk imi kem-ẓṛiɣ. I'm glad to see you, too. I rejoice also that I have sinned. >>eng<< Zid! Go ahead. Zid! >>eng<< Amek i tsessem lqahwa-nwen? How do you take your coffee? And ye say, What manner of persons are these that ye have? >>eng<< אני מעדיפה את השמלה הזאת על פני זו. I prefer that dress to this one. I prefer this dress over this. >>eng<< Beṛka-k aqelleq. Stop worrying. Blinking your hand. >>eng<< إبحث عن لوحة تحمل رقم واحد مكتوباً بخط كبير. Look for a sign with a big "one" on it. Find a one-line picture with a big line. >>eng<< Twalam d acu i bɣiɣ ad t-id-iniɣ? You see what I mean? You see what I want to say? >>eng<< Ayɣer ur iyi-d-qqaṛem ara d acu i yeḍran iḍ yezrin? Why don't you tell me what happened last night? Don't you tell me, 'What are you sleeping at night?' >>eng<< لا تمزح رجاءً! No jokes please! Don't be kidding, please! >>eng<< Azekka ad ruḥeɣ ɣer Paris. I leave for Paris tomorrow. To morrow I will go into Africa. >>eng<< كبير على جاين بعامين. He is older than Jane by two years. Big on Jane in two years. >>eng<< لا يوجد أي سبب يدعو توم لئلا يصدق ماري. Tom didn't have any reason not to believe Mary. There's no reason Tom didn't believe Mary. >>eng<< أرسل سامي رسالة أخرى لليلى. Sami sent Layla another letter. Sammy sent another message to the night. >>eng<< טום רוצה לכבוש את העולם. Tom wants to take over the world. Tom wants to conquer the world. >>eng<< אתה ואני בערך באותה הרמה. You and I are fairly evenly matched. You and I are about the same level. >>eng<< اللحم غال جدا اليوم. Meat is very expensive nowadays. The meat is very common today. >>eng<< אני לא חושב שרבים יכולים לומר שהם מרוצים מהמשכורת שלהם. I don't think many people can say they are satisfied with their salary. I don't think many can say they're enjoying their salary. >>eng<< אני אוהבת לראות אותך מבשלת. I love watching you cook. I like to see you cook. >>eng<< نقدر نستعمل لقلم ديالك. May I use your pencil? We can use your dill. >>eng<< היא דקיקה. She's skinny. She's thin. >>eng<< ماذا أكلت؟ What have you eaten? What did you eat? >>eng<< أنت طباخ جيد You are a good cook. You're a good cook. >>eng<< הלכנו לנהר. We walked to the river. We went to the river. >>eng<< أمسكت فراشة جميلة. I caught a beautiful butterfly. I got a beautiful butterfly. >>eng<< بالصّح الكون ما يخلاصش. But the universe is infinite. Clearly, the universe is dead. >>eng<< זה חמישים ין. It's 50 yen. It's 50 yens. >>eng<< صفع سامي ليلى في الوجه. Sami slapped Layla's face. Sammy's in the face. >>eng<< Acḥal aya seg asmi i teqqaṛeḍ? How long have you studied? How many times do you say so? >>eng<< Tlaq-ak tameṭṭut yelhan. You need a good woman. You meet a good woman. >>eng<< אני תוהה אם תום קלט את הרמז. I wonder if Tom got the hint. I wonder if Tom got the clue. >>eng<< למה יש משאיות מכבי אש מול הבניין שלנו? Why are there fire trucks in front of our building? Why are there trucks in front of our building? >>eng<< Ad ak-d-siwleɣ ass-a. I'll give you a ring on today. And I will pray thee this day. >>eng<< Sin n wussan i tella tehlek yemma. My mother has been sick for two days. The mother has two days to speak. >>eng<< Ejja hawn! Come here! Come here! >>eng<< אני יודע שזה לא תקין. I know it's wrong. I know it's not right. >>eng<< אתה יודע לבשל סרטן? Do you know how to cook a crab? You know how to cook cancer? >>eng<< Ḍfeṛ abrid n weltma-k. Follow the example of your sister. And they knew the way of thy sister. >>eng<< Aẓ-d! Come closer. Worm! >>eng<< وحشتني. I miss you. And hunted me. >>eng<< ما رانيش راح نسقسيق حاجا وحدوخرا ليوم. I won't ask you anything else today. Ranish's gone, he's gone, he's gone, he's gone for a day. >>eng<< Teskerkes. She lied. Teskerkes. >>eng<< בוא ננסה לעשות את זה יחד. Let's try doing this together. Let's try to do it together. >>eng<< لا داعي للقلق. There is nothing to worry about. There's no need to worry. >>eng<< Ilaq ad xedmeɣ aya tura. I should do that now. I must do this now. >>eng<< Surfet-iyi. Anda i llant tmellalin? Excuse me. Where are the eggs? He asked me, "Do you know what you are looking for?" >>eng<< אני צריך שתלך לדואר ושתשלח את המכתב הזה. I need you to go to the post office and mail this letter. I need you to go to the mail and send this letter. >>eng<< רימו אותך. You've been deceived. Get you up. >>eng<< Siwleɣ i taɣellist. I called security. I suppose so. >>eng<< لا أعرف إن كانت لا تزال معي. I don't know if I still have it. I don't know if she's still with me. >>eng<< Iḥemmel Tom ccna. Tom loves singing. I love Tom ccna. >>eng<< احتاج سامي ذلك المال. Sami needed the money. I need Sammy that money. >>eng<< Am kennemti i ttwaliɣ. I am for your opinion. You might have seen me. >>eng<< الكتاب هِنا The book is here. The book is here. >>eng<< Kunemti meṛṛa d sut miḥyaf. You're all racists. All of you are being raised from the dead. >>eng<< الصخور الواقعة تشكل خطرا على المتسلقين. Falling rocks present a danger to climbers. The rocks in place pose a threat to the snipers. >>eng<< Yeqqereṣ uḍellaɛ-ik ay ameddakel. You are as nutty as a fruitcake dude! You can't run aground. >>eng<< Yella win i ikecmen ar texxamt. Someone entered the room. But there is one who enters in by the door into the inner room. >>eng<< Ur d-tettbanem ara mecɣulit. You don't look that busy. That you will not be revealed. >>eng<< كوكب الأرض جميل. Earth is a beautiful planet. Earth's beautiful. >>eng<< لقد زرت الجزائر. I visited Algeria. I visited Algeria. >>eng<< מה זאת אומרת? What does that mean? What do you mean? >>eng<< عادةً ما ألعب التنس. I usually play tennis. Usually, I play masturbation. >>eng<< Anwa i d-yennan akka? Who said that? Who said this to him? >>eng<< دعنا نأخذ قسطاً من الراحة. Let's get some sleep. Let's take some rest. >>eng<< תהיה אדיב לאחרים. Be kind to others. Be kind to others. >>eng<< הכלב ההוא אהוב על כל המשפחה. That dog is loved by the whole family. That dog loves the whole family. >>eng<< سأذهب إلی الشاطئ. I will go to the beach. I'll go to the beach. >>eng<< Yella win i ɣ-d-ittwalin. Somebody is watching us. So then there is one who has power over us. >>eng<< אני מעריך את הערותיך. I appreciate your comments. I appreciate your comments. >>eng<< لم يكن سامي راغبا في أن يكون الطّرف الخاسر في الطّلاق. Sami didn't want to be the loser in the divorce. Sammy didn't want the loser to be in shape. >>eng<< איזה לחם אתם אוכלים? What sort of bread are you eating? What bread are you eating? >>eng<< Suref-iyi... Sorry... Read me... >>eng<< Kcem zik ar wexxam! Go home quickly. You're early in the house! >>eng<< Hemm gżejjer fil-baħar. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. >>eng<< كان سامي يعيش حياة جميلة. Sami was living a nice life. Sammy was living a beautiful life. >>eng<< طلبت مني السيدة سميث الذهاب إلى المدينة. Mrs. Smith asked me to go to the city. Mrs. Smith asked me to go to town. >>eng<< لن أسبح بهذه البحيرة I wouldn't swim in this lake. I'm not gonna swim in this lake. >>eng<< שמור על המאמר. Keep the paper. Watch the article. >>eng<< לא נראה שיש לך בעיה כלשהי לתקשר בצרפתית. You don't seem to have any problem communicating in French. You don't seem to have any problem calling in French. >>eng<< كلّ شيء أكبر في تيكساس بما فيه نظّارات ليلى. Everything is bigger in Texas, including Layla's glasses. Everything's bigger in Teksus, including night glasses. >>eng<< אני סבורה שלא הייתם צריכים לעשות את זה. I think you shouldn't have done that. I think you shouldn't have done it. >>eng<< יש לה לחמניה. She has a roll. She's got a barbecue. >>eng<< מספר תאונות הדרכים בעליה. There has been an increase in the number of traffic accidents. Number of road accidents. >>eng<< אזל הבנזין במכוניתו של תום. Tom's car has run out of gas. It's Tom's fucking car. >>eng<< Anwa i d aneggaru? Who's last? Who is the last? >>eng<< Iɛeǧeb-as lḥal Ken. Ken is happy. Now the father of Ken was dead. >>eng<< Seg Tibet i d-tuɣaleḍ? Do you come back from Tibet? If you've got me together, you've got him? >>eng<< Ad tezzenzeḍ axxam-im i Tom? Are you going to sell Tom your house? Will you sell your house to Tom? >>eng<< תגידי לתום שאנחנו בדרך. Tell Tom we're on our way. Tell Tom we're on our way. >>eng<< لسامي و ليلى ستّ أطفال. Sami and Layla have six children. Sammy and Lily are six children. >>eng<< Sεiɣ aṭas n učči. We have a lot of food. And had nothing to eat. >>eng<< אני רוצה לשחק איתך טניס ביום כלשהו. I want to play tennis with you someday. I want to play tennis with you someday. >>eng<< תום ירה בעצמו ברגל. Tom shot himself in the leg. Tom shot himself in the leg. >>eng<< Ṛḍel-iyi takeṛṛust-im ttxilem. Please lend me your car. The letter was with me. It was written that you would test me. >>eng<< Boqq. Beats me. Potatoes. >>eng<< اللغة الإنجليزية ليست سهلة و لكنها مثيرة للإهتمام. English is not easy, but it is interesting. English is not easy, but interesting. >>eng<< هذه المرة، هدفي هو باريس. This time my goal is Paris. This time, my goal is Paris. >>eng<< Acimi ur nezmir ara ad nurar tennis ass-a? Why can't we play tennis today? Why should he not remember this day? >>eng<< אין שום דבר שאני יכול לעשות כאן יותר. There's nothing more I can do here. There's nothing I can do here anymore. >>eng<< تمّ احتجاز ليلى من أجل تلقّيها للعلاج. Layla was locked up for treatment. Lily was detained for treatment. >>eng<< La teskerkisem. You're a lie. Don't give you a name. >>eng<< Yella kra n yiwen i yukren tabalizt-iw. Somebody has stolen my suitcase. But there was a certain man named Nabal. >>eng<< لم يكن سامي يستحمّ أبدا. Sami never showered. Sammy was never taking a shower. >>eng<< الأمواج عالية. The waves are high. The waves are high. >>eng<< Ters-d tsusmi deg teẓgi. Silence reigned in the forest. And when he was dry, he dried up. >>eng<< הם מתייסרים ביגון. They're blue. They're masturbating a big deal. >>eng<< את יכולה לשמוע את הגלים על החוף? Can you hear the noise of the waves on the beach? Can you hear the waves on the beach? >>eng<< כולם אוהבים אותך. Everyone loves you. Everybody loves you. >>eng<< תום חרוץ. Tom is industrious. Tom's an arrow. >>eng<< واصلت الشّرطة تفتيش عربة فاضل. The police continued searching Fadil's van. The police continued to inspect a powered vehicle. >>eng<< أتفق معك. I agree with you. I agree with you. >>eng<< Leɛmeṛ yefka-yas Tom taqemmuct i walebɛaḍ. Tom had never kissed anyone before. And he gave them the tabernacle, and gave it unto any man: >>eng<< S-bbehdlent ɣef waya. We ridiculed him because of that thing. And they looked around at her. >>eng<< التلفاز مفتوح. The TV's on. TV's open. >>eng<< מי הילדה הזאת? Who's that girl? Who's that girl? >>eng<< Ur ẓṛiɣ ara anwa i t-yenɣan. I don't know who killed him. And they could not find him who had killed him. >>eng<< Aṛwaḥ di leɛnaya-k. Please come. I beg you. >>eng<< من فضلك ناولني الزبدة. Pass me the butter, please. Please give me butter. >>eng<< Ddem aya! Take that! Do it! >>eng<< קניתי כובע חדש בחנות. I got a new hat at the shop. I bought a new hat at the store. >>eng<< ممتاز! Excellent! Excellent! >>eng<< Lliɣ deg ubrid anebdu yezrin. I was on the road last summer. I'll be in the way--and you won't hurt me. >>eng<< La tettmesxiṛeḍ? Are you joking? Don't you get it? >>eng<< אין לי שום דבר אחר לאכול. I've got nothing else to eat. I have nothing else to eat. >>eng<< מרי באמת מתה, או שזאת שמועה? Did Mary really die? Or is that a rumor? Mary is really dead, or is that a rumor? >>eng<< אני חושד שהם מדללים את הבירה במסבאה ההיא. I suspect they water down the beer in that pub. I suspect they're hanging out that beer in that grandfather. >>eng<< ليس من السهل العيش مع توم. Living with Tom isn't easy. It's not easy to live with Tom. >>eng<< نحتاج إلى سيارة. We need a car. We need a car. >>eng<< أنت تسأل كثيرا عن شؤون الغير. You are too inquisitive about other people's affairs. You're asking a lot about other people's business. >>eng<< D tamerkantit i telliḍ? Are you wealthy? Are you commercial? >>eng<< سامي يحبّك. Sami likes you. Sammy loves you. >>eng<< יש קצת סוכר בשק. There is some sugar in the bag. There's some sugar in the bag. >>eng<< הנשיא בוש נשא נאום חשוב אתמול בטלוויזיה וברדיו. President Bush gave an important address on TV and the radio yesterday. President Bush delivered an important speech on TV and radio yesterday. >>eng<< Wi kent-iɛeṛḍen ɣer tmeɣṛa? Who invited you to the party? So who is this man invited to the marriage feast? >>eng<< בואי נאפה עוגת יום הולדת. Let's bake a birthday cake. Let's take a birthday cake. >>eng<< عودوا إلى أماكنكم. Go back to your seats. Go back to your places. >>eng<< אני מאמין בשיטה הזו של הוראה. I believe in this method of teaching. I believe in this method of instruction. >>eng<< توم مات. Tom's died. Tom's dead. >>eng<< سامحني من فضلك. Please forgive me. Forgive me, please. >>eng<< مدرّسنا للرّساضيّات سيّء. Our math teacher sucks. Our teacher for bad nightmares. >>eng<< أمريكا، لقد قطعنا شوطاً طويلاً. ورأينا الكثير. إلا أنه لا زال هناك الكثير ليُنجز. لذا، فلنسأل أنفسنا هذا المساء: إذا ما عاش أطفالنا حتى القرن القادم؛ وإذا ما كانت بنتاي على قدر من الحظ لتعيشا طويلاً مثل آن نيكسون كوبر، فما هو التغيير الذي ستشهدانه؟ وما هو التقدم الذي سنكون قد أحرزناه؟ America, we have come so far. We have seen so much. But there is so much more to do. So tonight, let us ask ourselves, if our children should live to see the next century, if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as Ann Nixon Cooper, what change will they see? What progress will we have made? So let's ask ourselves this evening: if our children have lived to the next century; if Bentai is lucky to live a long time like Anne Nixon Cooper, what's the change we're going to experience? >>eng<< קיוויתי שלמדת משהו. I was hoping you learned something. I was hoping you learned something. >>eng<< D acu i twalaḍ ixuṣṣ? What do you think is missing? What did you see in the weakness? >>eng<< أركض كل يوم. I run every day. Run every day. >>eng<< Tom yuɣ-d tazeǧǧigt i Mary. Tom bought Mary a flower. Tom-d went to Mary. >>eng<< Iḍ ameggaz a yemma. Goodnight, Mother. Think of the mother. >>eng<< אף פעם לא הייתי שם, אבל אני חושבת שזה מעבר לרמזור הזה. I've never been there, but I think it's past that traffic light. I've never been there, but I think it's beyond that area. >>eng<< Tzemremt ad tesɛumt ayen i kent-yehwan. You can have any you want. You will have whatever you have appointed for them. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad ḥewwseɣ yid-m. I want to travel with you. I desire to live with you soon. >>eng<< هاجم توم ماري بسكّين. Tom attacked Mary with a knife. Tom Mary's attacking a knife. >>eng<< האם קראת את המאמר הזה? Have you read this article? Have you read this article? >>eng<< Tom ibeddel. Tom's changed. Tom changes. >>eng<< Bibbemt ta. Carry this. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >>eng<< ينبغي أن تعمل بنصيحته. You may as well follow his advice. You should do his advice. >>eng<< يحبان بعضهما. They love each other. They love each other. >>eng<< مش دي سودا؟ Isn't it black? De Soda? >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ-kem aṭas. I love you very much. I know that many things are done away with. >>eng<< Iyya ad tceḍḥeḍ! Come dance! That thou mightest heal him! >>eng<< שים את זה בשקית נייר חומה. Put it in a brown paper bag. Put it in a wall paper bag. >>eng<< هل هما صديقان أم حبيبان؟ Are they friends or are they dating? Are they friends or friends? >>eng<< كبرتُ في منطقة القبائل، الجزائر، ناطقا باللغة الأمازيغية. I grew up in Kabylie, Algeria, speaking the Berber language. I grew up in the tribal region, Algeria, speaking Amazigh. >>eng<< As-d ar da! Come over. What is it? >>eng<< בשלי בשבילי. Cook for me. On mine for me. >>eng<< קניתי פרחים כי אני הולך לבקר את הסבתא שלי אחרי הצהריים. I bought flowers because I am going to visit my grandmother this afternoon. I bought flowers because I'm going to visit my grandmother after lunch. >>eng<< كانَ سامي يستدرِج العاهرات إلى عربته ثمّ يغتصِبُهُنَّ. Sami lured prostitutes into his van then raped them. Sammy used to turn the bitches into his car and then shoot them. >>eng<< איך קוראים לאמא שלך? What's your mother's name? What's your mom's name? >>eng<< האם הוא הגיע באוטובוס או ברכבת? Did he come by bus or by train? Did he come on the bus or on the train? >>eng<< قد يبدو أحياناً شاباً غريباً. Sometimes he can be a strange guy. Sometimes it may seem weird. >>eng<< طعمه كالبراز. It tastes like shit. Eat it like a pear. >>eng<< هو مقرف. He's disgusting. It's disgusting. >>eng<< הרדיו שידר את החדשות בפרוטרוט. The radio broadcast the news in detail. The radio broadcast the news in the protocol. >>eng<< חבר המושבעים עוד לא הגיע לפסק דין. The jury hasn't reached a verdict yet. The jury hasn't reached a verdict yet. >>eng<< Tirga tucbiḥin! Sweet dreams! Tempt me! >>eng<< Hḍeṛ i kra n ḥedd. Talk to somebody. They kept asking him, "Have something to do with them." >>eng<< Tella kra n yiwet i akent-id-isawlen. Someone is calling you. And there were also some of them called. >>eng<< أريد أن أتعلم السباحة. I want to learn to swim. I want to learn to swim. >>eng<< عائلتي مشتركة في جريدة. My family subscribes to a newspaper. My family is involved in a newspaper. >>eng<< لا أريد أن أعمل في ظل هذه الظروف. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work under these circumstances. >>eng<< كانت ليلى تفضّل قضاء وقتها خارج المنزل. Layla preferred to spend her time out of the house. Lily would rather spend her time out of the house. >>eng<< Ini-yi-d anda swaswa i yezdeɣ. Tell me exactly where he lives. He came to me where he lived. >>eng<< D mmi-s n Japu netta? Is he Japanese? Son of Japu neta? >>eng<< Ḥader iman-im! Watch yourselves. Of course not! >>eng<< ربّما ستتعلّم درسا من ذلك. Maybe you'll learn a lesson from this. Maybe you'll learn a lesson from that. >>eng<< بروح المدرسة الساعة سابعة. I go to school at seven. In the spirit of the school at 7:00. >>eng<< Tom ur yeǧǧi ara Mary. Tom didn't leave Mary. You didn't leave Mary. >>eng<< Ur ẓṛiɣ ara tidet. I do not know the truth. I don't know. >>eng<< هل تعتقد أنه قام بالعمل وحده؟ Do you think he did the job on his own? Do you think he did work alone? >>eng<< قفز سامي من نافذة الطّابق الثّاني. Sami jumped out of the second storey window. Sammy jumped from the second floor window. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad ffɣeɣ yid-k. I'd love to go out with you. I desire to go with you, and to do you." >>eng<< אני קונה לאחותי כובע חדש. I'm buying my sister a new hat. I'm buying my sister a new hat. >>eng<< Ẓṛiɣ belli tlaq tebɣest bac ad txedmeḍ annect-aki. I know it takes courage to do that. I knew that I was about to do this very thing. >>eng<< Yuɣ tanumi yettenkar-d zik. He used to get up early. You've always lived long enough. >>eng<< הוא עבד כדיפלומט במשך שנים רבות. He worked as a diplomat for many years. He's been working for a diplomat for many years. >>eng<< Kifkif-iten di leɛmeṛ. They are the same age. The country you have used to affect your country of residence. >>eng<< نعم، على الأرجح أنها سوف تأتي إلى المنزل. Yes, she'll probably come home. Yeah, she'll probably come home. >>eng<< انتقل سامي للعيش في ولاية آخرى. Sami moved states. Sammy moved to live in another state. >>eng<< سمعت أن جِم رفض الاقتراح. I've heard Jim rejected the proposal. I heard the body refused the proposal. >>eng<< ليركب الجميع. All aboard! Everyone's on board. >>eng<< הציפורים בכלוב הן כנריות. The birds in the cage are canaries. The birds in a cage are rabbits. >>eng<< أعطني يدك يا جمال. Give me your hand, Jamal. Give me your hand, beauty. >>eng<< קשה לך לנשום דרך האף? Are you having any difficulty breathing through your nose? Is it hard for you to breathe through your nose? >>eng<< Kker fall-ak! Stand up! Arise to you! >>eng<< Tqellqem. You're worried. Done. >>eng<< Ṭum yettas-d ɣer Bustun yal taggara n dduṛt i wakken ad iẓer Mary. Tom comes to Boston every week to see Mary. And when he had ended all the things that were come to pass, he went down to see Mary. >>eng<< هذا ليس وقت الإحتفال. This is not a time for celebration. That's not the time to celebrate. >>eng<< Beṛka-k acetki. Stop complaining. And thy lord's soul was wont to kiss thee. >>eng<< המחשבים החדשים האלה יכולים לטחון נתונים יותר מהר מאי פעם. These new computers can crunch data faster than ever. These new computers can test data faster than ever. >>eng<< בילדותי היה לי כלב שאהב לאכול אבטיח, מנדרינות ושסק. In my childhood I had a dog that loved to eat watermelon, mandarins and loquats. When I was growing up, I had a dog I loved to eat. >>eng<< اليوم سأعد سلطة لنفسي و بنفسي. Today, I'll make some salad for myself on my own. Today I'll prepare an authority for myself and myself. >>eng<< מתי בפעם האחרונה עזבת את העבודה מוקדם? When was the last time you left work early? When was the last time you left your job early? >>eng<< Qɛed waki. Fix this. You're over. >>eng<< Sami yella d yir yir amdan. Sami was a very bad person. Heaven is a sinful man. >>hau_Latn<< Thank you for telling me what you hate. Now it has become easier to fight you. Nagode daka gayaman abinda bakaso. Yanzu zai zaman man dasauki inyaqeka. Na gode maka ka gaya mini abin da ka ƙi, amma yanzu yana da sauƙi ka yi yaƙi. >>eng<< Acḥal Ikanadiyen i ixeddmen dayi? How many Canadians work here? How many Canadians do I do? >>eng<< הוא סוכן FBI. He is an FBI agent. He's an FBI agent. >>eng<< הם מפחדים להיות לבד. They are afraid of being alone. They're afraid to be alone. >>eng<< D taqbaylit i d tafat-ik. Kabyle is your light. Hear me, that thy light may shine. >>eng<< Ttḥufuɣ ɣef yiwen. I'm looking for somebody. And I caught one of them. >>eng<< Temɛen teqcict agi. This girl is well educated. Turn away this girl! >>eng<< Tom iwala kullec. Tom saw everything. And he saw all things. >>eng<< תום הוא זה שצייר את התמונה הזאת. Tom is the one who drew this picture. Tom is the one who drew this picture. >>eng<< דיברנו אתמול. We spoke yesterday. We talked yesterday. >>eng<< سألته إن كان سعيدا. She asked him if he was happy. I asked him if he was happy. >>eng<< Zemreɣ ad ẓereɣ d acu yellan, ma ulac aɣilif? Can I see the menu, please? Yes, I can see what is it, if I have no hope. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ ad ččeɣ di berra. I enjoy eating out. I have loved to eat in grass. >>eng<< Ad uɣaleɣ ar Boston deg 20 Tubeṛ. I'm coming back to Boston in October. I will return to Boston in 20 Tub. >>eng<< لقد أضفت جملة أخرى و أضفت لها علامة "قديم". ما الذي تريده بعد ذلك، أن أعطيك دمي؟ I've added an alternative sentence and I've tagged it as 'old fashioned'. What more do you want, blood? I've added another word, and I've added a "fix." What else do you want me to give you my blood? >>eng<< דיון פתוח עם אתאיסט התקיים באחרונה במסגד בקהיר. An open discussion with an atheist took place recently in a mosque in Kahir. An open debate with an atheist who has recently been in the mosque in Cairo. >>eng<< D lawan ad nruḥ. It is about time we were leaving. And they shall go. >>eng<< كتب توم قصة عن ذلك. Tom wrote a story about that. Tom wrote a story about it. >>eng<< أين أنت؟ Where are you? Where are you? >>eng<< Kemm n Kyoto? Are you from Kyoto? How long? >>eng<< את מוכנה לקרוא את החיבור שלי ולתקן את השגיאות, אם ישנן? Will you read my essay and correct the mistakes, if any? Will you read my connection and fix the errors, if there is any? >>eng<< האיסור על אלכוהול נאסר בזאת באופן רשמי. Prohibition is hereby officially prohibited. The ban on alcohol was officially declared. >>eng<< אני מפציר בכם לעשות זאת בתשומת לב. I beg you to do it carefully. I urge you to do this with attention. >>eng<< لم يكن اسمها في القائمة. Her name wasn't on the list. It wasn't her name on the list. >>eng<< كان سامي يريد أن تتزوّج به ليلى. Sami wanted Layla to marry him. Sammy wanted to marry him tonight. >>eng<< جعلت أخي يصلح دراجتي. I had my brother repair my bicycle. I made my brother fix my bike. >>eng<< هل نظاراتك طبية؟ Are your glasses prescription? Are your glasses medical? >>eng<< פחד הוא גורם מניע. Fear is a great motivator. Fear is a motive. >>eng<< Kunemti d tawaɣit deg tkuzint. You're a disaster in the kitchen. But woe to you that are in the doubt! >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad ẓreɣ d acu i tḥemmleḍ ad t-teččeḍ. I want to know what you'd like to eat. I would that ye might know what thou lovest me to eat. >>eng<< Ssars maleta nnec dini. Put your suitcase over here. Sasss malita nic international. >>eng<< בנוסף לערפל הסמיך היה גם גל ענק. In addition to a thick fog, there was a heavy swell. In addition to the thick fog, there was a huge wave. >>eng<< הם מבינים אותנו. They understand us. They understand us. >>eng<< من فضلك أغلق الباب. Please close the door. Please close the door. >>eng<< إلين في المستشفى. Elaine is in hospital. Ellen's in the hospital. >>eng<< Amek i as-sawalen i lfakya-agi? What's this fruit called? What kind of fruit does he ask? >>eng<< הם ניסו להרוג אותך. They were trying to kill you. They tried to kill you. >>eng<< הפסק להטריד אותי! Stop bothering me! Stop bothering me! >>eng<< عندما هب الريح، انطفأت الشمعة. The moment the wind blew in, the candle went out. When the wind ran off, the candle went off. >>eng<< הסתכל על זה. Look at this. Look at this. >>eng<< أتحدث الإنجليزية يومياً. I speak English daily. I speak English every day. >>eng<< بيونسي و جاي زي سمّيا لابنتهما بلو أيفي. Beyoncé and Jay-Z called their daughter Blue Ivy. Poncy and Jay Z are named for their daughter, Blue Ivy. >>eng<< Igudar tetten imurḍusen. Vultures eat carrion. They've put them down. >>eng<< Yiwen ur yembawel. No one moved. There is no dispute among you. >>eng<< تزوّج سامي مرّة أخرى. Sami remarried. Marry Sammy again. >>eng<< Tom iḥemmel ṣyada. Tom loves fishing. You love games. >>eng<< Tom mačči d mmi-tneɣ. Tom isn't our son. You are not our son. >>eng<< لقد تم سرقتها. It's been stolen. She's been stolen. >>eng<< Sami yesɛa akken setta iseggasen. Sami was about six. Sam had a number of years. >>eng<< I sin imawlan-iw lulen di Boston. Both of my parents were born in Boston. I and my parents were born in Boston. >>eng<< أتحبني؟ Do you love me? Do you love me? >>eng<< توم بيسبح بسرعة أوي. Tom swims very fast. Tom bassed in quick oy. >>eng<< למה את קוראת את הרומן הזה? Why are you reading this novel? Why are you reading this novel? >>eng<< הבט להלן למידע נוסף. See below for more information. Look at Helen for more information. >>eng<< أنا أُحب أن أُجرب لأفعل أشياء جديدة. I love trying to do new things. I like to try to do new things. >>eng<< حضر توم للمدرسة بالسيارة Tom comes to school by car. Tom came to school in the car. >>eng<< شعبية مواقع الإنترنت تعتمد على محتوياتها. The popularity of a web site depends on its content. The popularity of the Internet is based on its contents. >>eng<< Ur ttqejjim ara fell-i. Don't mock me. Ye shall not see me yet. >>eng<< Ulac akk dinna abeddel i d-yellan? Hasn't there been any change? And there is no man that can change this thing? >>eng<< Neɣṛa tagnizit. We studied English. Even though We have made a fast of your life, >>eng<< أنا عارف الولد ده اللي انتي مش عارفاه. I know that boy whom you don't know. I know the boy, so you're familiar with him. >>eng<< ماري أرسلت لي رسالة قصيرة. Mary texted me. Mary sent me a short message. >>eng<< نظر توم لنفسه في مرآة الرؤية الخلفية. Tom looked at himself in the rear-view mirror. Tom looked at himself in the back view mirror. >>eng<< "هي، هل تحاول مخادعتي؟" "لا، أنا أحاول أن أذهب في نزهة. أنا لا أعرف من أنت حتّى." "Hey, are you trying to trick me?" "No, I'm trying to go for a walk. I don't even know who you are." "She, are you trying to deceive me?" "No, I'm trying to go out. I don't even know who you are." >>eng<< أحضره إلي. Bring him to me. Bring it to me. >>eng<< Merħba! Welcome. Welcome! >>eng<< מנקודת השקפה זו, ההיסטוריה יכולה להיות מחולקת לשתי תקופות עיקריות. From this standpoint history can be divided into two main epochs. From this point of view, history can be divided into two major periods. >>eng<< لدي أسبوع لأنهي واجبي. I have a week to do my homework. I have a week for me and my duty. >>eng<< كان سامي يمضي لياليه في الأريكة. Sami has been spending his nights on the couch. Sammy was going all night in the couch. >>eng<< انتحرت عن عمر ينازه الثلاثين عاماً. She killed herself at the age of thirty. I've been in danger of being 30 years old. >>eng<< אנשים רבים צדים. Many people hunt. Many people hunt. >>eng<< תום עצום. Tom is huge. Great Tom. >>eng<< رأيت ذلك بأم عيني. I saw it with my own eyes. I saw it in my eyes. >>eng<< Tislit-nni tella tecbeḥ. The bride looked very beautiful. And the little girl was there. >>eng<< حتى الأطفال بإمكانهم قراءة هذا الكتاب. Even children can read this book. Even the kids can read this book. >>eng<< راني انتيك. I feel great. Ranny, you. >>eng<< הלוואי שהיה לי האומץ לעשות את זה. I wish I had the courage to do that. I wish I had the courage to do it. >>eng<< יש עוד בעיות הדורשות טיפול? Are there any other problems that need to be taken care of? Any more treatment issues? >>eng<< Ayen i d-qqaṛeɣ yesɛa anamek? Am I making any sense? What do I say then? You have a name? >>eng<< Twalamt weltma? Did you see my sister? Have you seen a sister? >>eng<< Ddmemt tigi. Take these. ddmt tji. >>eng<< השופטים גיבשו החלטה. The judges made a decision. The judges have made a decision. >>eng<< Lharaǧ-agi yesɛuẓug imeẓaɣ This noise is deafening. This is guide: %s >>eng<< עוד פעם הוא סיפר על תום דברים רעים? Has he been saying bad things about Tom again? He told Tom about bad things again? >>eng<< אל תאמין לכל מה שכתוב בעיתונים. Don't go by what the newspapers say. Don't believe everything in the papers. >>eng<< כסופרת, היא לא מתאימה לאף אחת מהגישות המסורתיות. As a writer, she does not fit into any of the traditional categories. As a writer, she doesn't fit any of the traditional approaches. >>hau_Latn<< It wasn't my fault. Ba laifina ba ne. Ban zama laifi a kaina ba." >>eng<< Qqim di leɛnaya-m. Please stay. I beg you, stay here. >>eng<< ما اسم صديقك؟ What's your friend's name? What's your friend's name? >>eng<< اجلس معي. Sit down with me. Sit with me. >>eng<< كانت ليلى تعيش في القاهرة. Layla lived in Cairo. She was Lila living in Cairo. >>eng<< طالت الخسائر التي خلفها الإعصار الكثير من المحافظات. The damage of the typhoon spread over several prefectures. The losses of the hurricane have reduced a lot of governorates. >>eng<< Yif-it ad as-iniɣ. I'd better tell her. He looks at me. >>eng<< אתה מבין שלא נולדתי לדרוך בתלם - הכישור יוצא הדופן של טבעי דוחף אותי קדימה. You know I am not born to tread in the beaten track — the peculiar bent of my nature pushes me on. You realize I wasn't born to bow to the perfect -- the extraordinary skill of nature is pushing me forward. >>eng<< هذا أغبى ما قُلتُه على الإطلاق. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. That's the worst I've ever said. >>eng<< Tella tin i ak-d-isawlen? Did someone contact you? Do you know what you're talking about? >>eng<< Layla tesla i lharaǧ di beṛṛa. Layla heard a noise outside. Listen to the evil spirits out of the outside. >>hau_Latn<< Where is there a restaurant? Ina ne wajen da ake sayarda abinci? A ina ne za a sami hutu? >>eng<< Sneɣ min des'gin. I knew what they did to him. I know from des'gin. >>eng<< הם כולם מתעצבנים בקלות. They are all irritable. They're all getting upset easily. >>eng<< Ur ẓriɣ ara i wacu-t akk uhetwal-a. I don't know what the fuss is all about. I don't know what their height is. >>eng<< את יכולה לבחור בין מרק לסלט. You have the choice of soup or salad. You can choose between soup and salad. >>eng<< Aru-tt s tefransist. Write it in French. Aru-t saver. >>eng<< توم لم يلمس أي شيء. Tom didn't touch anything. Tom didn't touch anything. >>eng<< Kečč d aḥric seg ugur. You're part of the problem. You are of the highest part. >>eng<< Ala, ur ssineɣ ara gma-k. No, I do not know your brother. But no, I know not your brother. >>eng<< من الممكن أن لا تأتي. It's possible that she won't come. You can't come. >>eng<< Ɣef wacḥal ssaɛa i tebɣiḍ ad teččeḍ? What time do you want to eat? So how many hours do you want to eat? >>eng<< Tameṭṭut-nni teqqaṛ. The woman reads. The woman began to tell him. >>eng<< Ṛeqqeɛ waki. Fix this. The truth is gone. >>eng<< بالله عليك! Come on! Oh, come on! >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad yili kra n yiwen d wi ara heḍṛeɣ. I wanted somebody to talk to. I will be angry, and will find some. >>eng<< Igenni deg iḍ zeddig nezzeh. The sky in the night is a very clean thing. He was clean in the night. >>eng<< እኔ ተማሪ አይደለሁም። I'm not a student. I am not a student. >>eng<< אתה נראה טוב בבגדים האלה. You look good in those clothes. You look good in those clothes. >>eng<< ما كانش منها! It can't be! What's wrong with it! >>eng<< D acu i xeddmen imdanen-a? What are those people doing? For what do they do? >>eng<< Ha-t-an ṭṭfeɣ-kid. I've finally caught you. Behold, I have taken that one by one, and I have taken it. >>eng<< لم تكن معركةً واحدةً، بل أكثر. It was not one battle, but many. It wasn't one fight, it's more. >>eng<< Yella kra i twalam? Did you see something? Have ye any thing to do with you? >>eng<< محمّد جلّاوِي هو رئيس الأكاديميّة الجزائريّة للّغة الأمازيغيّة. Mohamed Djellaoui is the head of the Algerian Academy of the Berber Language. Mr. Galaoi is the head of Algerian academics of Amazigh. >>eng<< سامي يكره ذلك المدرّس. Sami hates that teacher. Sammy hates that teacher. >>eng<< D acu n ṣṣenf n lqut i ttetteḍ? What kind of food do you eat? What kind of food have you received? >>eng<< لا تأكل. Do not eat. Don't eat. >>eng<< أقفلت ليلى الباب. Layla locked the door. I locked the door. >>eng<< حاجا ماشي مليحا؟ Is it bad? Hada Mashi Melissa? >>eng<< Fkemt-t i win i kent-yehwan. Give it to whomever you like. Check that he who tells them to do so. >>eng<< Ur ssawal ara i yimsulta. Don't call the cops. Don't sit in wait for it. >>eng<< Ur iyi-txuṣ ara akk Boston. I don't miss Boston at all. I don't know Boston. >>eng<< אני יודע מה עובר על תום ומרי. I know what Tom and Mary are going through. I know what Tom and Mary are going through. >>eng<< אני אוהב לקרוא ספרים על מדע בדיוני. I love reading science fiction novels. I like to read books about science in a debate. >>eng<< Ass lɛali! Good day! Good Friday! >>eng<< היא תמיד מתגאה ברקע האקדמי שלה. She always prides herself on her academic background. She's always proud of her academic background. >>eng<< Ttḥadareɣ-tt. I'm taking care of it. I took him by care of him. >>eng<< Ħriġtux mill-forn kmieni wisq? Did you take it out of the oven too soon? Did you get out of the furnace too early? >>eng<< سآخذ الصفراء. I'll take the yellow one. I'll take the yellow. >>eng<< תום צריך להזהר במזונו. Tom has to be careful about what he eats. Tom needs to be careful about his food. >>eng<< זה נראה די מגוחך. That seemed a little ridiculous. It looks pretty ridiculous. >>eng<< Neɣṛa. We have read. Iowah. >>eng<< Ta i kenwi. This is for you. It's a great deal. >>eng<< رفض توم التحدث عن ذلك Tom refused to talk about it. Tom refused to talk about it. >>eng<< ቦስቶን ውስጥ ለመጉብኘት ብዙ ቦታዎች አሉ። There are a lot of places to visit in Boston. There are many places to visit in Boston. >>eng<< אני נפגש עם תום למטה עוד כמה דקות. I'm meeting Tom downstairs in a few minutes. I'll meet Tom down in a few minutes. >>eng<< أشعر بالجوع. I feel hungry. I feel hungry. >>eng<< אני בטוחה שתסתדרי. I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm sure you'll do it. >>eng<< سُجِنت ليلى لثلاث سنوات طِوال. Layla was jailed for three long years. I've been incarcerated for three years. >>eng<< קראי שוב את ההודעה. Read the message once more. Read the message again. >>eng<< Mazal-ik deg uɣerbaz? Are you still in school? Are you sure that I am hilarious? >>eng<< אני אוהב לשבח את מרי. I like to praise Mary. I like to praise Mary. >>eng<< أنا لا أريد أن أتحدث عن طفلي. I don't want to talk about my child. I don't want to talk about my baby. >>eng<< כבר קראתי את הרומן הזה. I've already read that novel. I've already read this novel. >>eng<< בני נסע ללונדון, למקום שבו נולדתי. My son went to London, where I was born. My sons went to London, where I was born. >>eng<< Tilawin ttefṛaqent kullec. Women share everything. They trained him in all things. >>eng<< רוב התלמידים לא אוהבים שיעורי בית. Most students don't like homework. Most students don't like homework. >>eng<< Tḥemmel-ikem aṭas. She loves you very much. You have loved many things. >>eng<< אני לא יודע לשחק ברידג'. I don't know how to play bridge. I can't play Bridge. >>eng<< את לא צריכה לצאת מיד. You don't need to leave immediately. You don't have to go out right away. >>eng<< Tom ur yerri ara ṭlem ɣef Mary. Tom didn't blame Mary. And ye shall not raise up against Mary. >>eng<< Awi-d ciṭ n uyefki daɣen. Give me some milk, too. A little while again he gave it to her. >>eng<< תום לבש אפוד מגן, לשם ביטחון. Tom put on a bullet-proof vest, just to be safe. Tom wore a shield band for safety. >>eng<< صديقي لا يلعب التنس. My friend doesn't play tennis. My friend's not playing insanity. >>eng<< Yessareḍ Tom Takeṛṛust-is ṣṣbeḥ-a. Tom washed the car this morning. You call it Tom's chariot early in the morning. >>eng<< إنهم يدعونك توم. They call you Tom. They call you Tom. >>eng<< Kenwi deg sin yid-wen, yessefk ad tṛuḥem. You two may leave. Go to them both, and give them to you, that they may go your way. >>eng<< ጽቡቕ ዘረባ ዓጽሚ ኣጋንንቲ ይሰብር። Good speech will break the bones of a ghost. Good words break the bones of demons. >>eng<< אתה חי כאן? Do you live here? You live here? >>eng<< أصبحنا أصدقاء على الفور. We immediately became friends. We've become friends right away. >>eng<< Ɣucceɣ ddabex n uḍaṛ. I hate soccer. I speak with the pen too, that the pen may be having a defect from the pen. >>eng<< أيهما كتابك؟ Which is your book? What's your book? >>eng<< .Lazem neṭlub ssmaḥ men Tom I need to apologize to Tom. If we have to counter that, we have to put it in the way. >>eng<< Dacu i d amaynut? What's new? Dacu what was an impostor? >>eng<< أيجب علي أن أقوم بذلك مرة أخرى؟ Do I have to do it over again? Should I do it again? >>eng<< תום קיבל יותר מתנות לחג המולד ממני. Tom got more Christmas presents than me. Tom got more Christmas gifts from me. >>eng<< الرياضة مفيدة للصحة. Sport is good for your health. Sports is good for health. >>eng<< Tuɣaleḍ d amehbul? Have you become insane? You have become a fool? You have become a fool. >>eng<< אני אוהבת את הסגנון שאתם מדברים. I love the way you talk. I like the style you're talking about. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ tafat n teqbucin. I like candlelight. I bless the light of the cup. >>eng<< Ilaq i txedmeḍ aya berra. You should do that outside. Thou must do this thing quickly. >>eng<< عقد حصّة. He held a session. A quota contract. >>eng<< خرجت ملمسيد عندها عامين. She left school two years ago. Melssad's gone out there for two years. >>eng<< أمّي، أنا في المنزل. Mom, I'm home. Mom, I'm home. >>eng<< אז מה קורה לגיבור בסוף? So what happens to the protagonist at the end? So what happens to the hero at the end? >>eng<< Inħobbok ħafna. I love you very much. I love you very much. >>eng<< هي مدرّسة لطيفة. She's a sweet teacher. She's a nice teacher. >>eng<< בוא נשמור על שקט. Let's keep quiet. Let's keep quiet. >>eng<< راني نسالهالك. I have a bone to pick with you. Ranny, we're going to kill you. >>eng<< توم لم يرد أن يرقص مع ماري Tom didn't want to dance with Mary. Tom didn't want to dance with Mary. >>eng<< עבודה טובה! Good job! Good job! >>eng<< יש איסור מוחלט לשחורים לבקר בבתי חולים, בספריות, בתיאטראות, בבתי קולנוע, בבתי מלון ובמסעדות, המיועדים ללבנים. It is strictly prohibited for Negroes to visit those hospitals, libraries, theatres, cinemas, hotels, and restaurants, which are destined for the Whites. There's a complete ban on black people visiting hospitals, libraries, theaters, movies, hotels and restaurants, for boys. >>eng<< Nniɣ-as ad tɛeqleḍ Tom. I thought you would recognize Tom. For I have said these things to you, so you will endure. >>eng<< לא, אני לא מכיר אותו. כמובן, אני יודע מי הוא אבל אני לא מכיר אותו אישית. No, I don't know him. Of course, I know who he is, but I'm not personally acquainted with him. No, I don't know him, of course, I know who he is, but I don't know him personally. >>eng<< هل تلك الحقيبة السوداء لك؟ Is that black briefcase yours? Is that black bag for you? >>eng<< התקלחת? Did you take a shower? Did you shower? >>eng<< Wa d akli-inek, neɣ? That's your slave, right? Is it your handmaid, or your servant? >>eng<< שם הסופר מוכר לנו. The author's name is familiar to us. The name of the writer is known to us. >>eng<< הוריי תמכו בנישואיי למרי. My parents approved of my marrying Mary. My parents supported my marriage to Mary. >>eng<< Ajjut! Help! Avey! >>eng<< هو يدرس الفزياء. He is doing physics. He's studying fashion. >>eng<< הכובע ההוא נראה די מטופש. That hat looks kind of stupid. That hat looks pretty stupid. >>eng<< Yezmer lḥal ijreḥ-d kra n yiwen nnayeḍ. Somebody else might get hurt. And if any man have assaulted us with any of them, >>eng<< Yettfuḥu Tom am weqjun. Tom smells like a dog. It's gonna take a half-year-old tom as a family. >>eng<< Iḥemmel Tom taɣuṛ. Tom enjoys reading. I love Tomas. >>eng<< Sliɣ d acu yeḍran. I heard what happened. I am nothing more than a living thing. Amen. >>eng<< הוא הלך הביתה ברגל. He went home on foot. He went home on foot. >>eng<< دّنيا تخلاص باش نقدر نفهّم حاجا. It would take forever for me to explain everything. No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no. >>eng<< ሴት ነኝ። I'm a woman. I am a woman. >>eng<< أنت موهوبٌ حقاً. You are really talented. You're really talented. >>eng<< Sɛeddi-yi-d tisent, neɣ ih? Pass me the salt, will you? After that, did you hear me, or did you hear me? >>eng<< سعر الدخول عشرة دولارات للشخص الواحد. The admission is ten dollars a person. 10 per person. >>eng<< פתח את לוח הבקרה. Open the panel. Open the control board. >>eng<< פסגת ההר היתה מכוסה בשלג. The top of the mountain was covered with snow. The mountain top was covered with snow. >>eng<< Ceqqṛen meṛṛa. Everyone cheered. And all things were fulfilled. >>eng<< Yettheyyi Tom iman-is i tmeɣra. Tom is getting ready for a party. If I love you, I know you. >>eng<< ربّما تريد التّحدّث على انفراد. Maybe you want to talk in private. Maybe you want to talk alone. >>eng<< אני רוצה שתשבי פה ותהיי בשקט. I want you to sit here and be quiet. I want you to sit here and be quiet. >>eng<< هل تبحث عن شيء معين Are you looking for something specific? Are you looking for something specific? >>eng<< Ukyis yessen ad yeddu. The wise man masters his steps well. Andys knows where you will be doing it. >>eng<< יש מעט תקווה. There is little hope. There's a little hope. >>eng<< עלינו לעשות מה שנכון. We have to do what's right. We have to do what's right. >>eng<< وإلى كل هؤلاء الذين يشاهدوننا هذه الليلة فيما وراء حدودنا، من البرلمانات وقصور الحكم، إلى هؤلاء الذين يتجمعون حول أجهزة الراديو في أركانٍ منسيةٍ في عالمنا، أقول: حكاياتنا تختلف في تفردها، إلا أن المصير الذي يجمعنا واحدٌ، وأن فجر قيادةٍ أمريكيةٍ جديدة قد أطل علينا. And all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand. To all those who observe us this night behind our borders, from parliaments and inefficiencies, to those who gather around radios in a complex building in our world, I say: our stories differ in their individuality, but the fate that brings us together is one, and the dawn of a new American leadership has lost us. >>eng<< لن أنس المرّة الأولى التي خرجنا فيها. I'll never forget our first date. I won't forget the first time we came out. >>eng<< Učči-nneɣ yerɣel akk. All our food is rotten. Not only do we eat but also all eat. >>eng<< خدعها. He fooled her. She's tricked. >>eng<< أنا أري الفتاة. I see the girl. I see the girl. >>eng<< זה אתר נופש מבוקש. It's a popular vacation spot. It's a wanted spirit site. >>eng<< لم يكن ينبغي أن يحدث هذا. This should not have occurred. That shouldn't have happened. >>eng<< אני בטוח שהיא הייתה מסכימה. I'm sure she would approve. I'm sure she would have agreed. >>eng<< Ilaq ad tɛassem tikli-nwen. You must look to your manners. that your hearts may speak according to the flesh. >>eng<< Am Tom, am Mary, ur bɣin ad gen aya. Neither Tom nor Mary wants to do that. "Tom, as Mary, I will never grow up like this." >>eng<< Ur ttaɛraḍeɣ ara ad kem-sḥebseɣ. I won't try and stop you. I will not stir you up, that I may corrupt you. >>eng<< Tcukkeḍ ad nerbeḥ? Do you think we'll win? Do you want to improve? >>eng<< היא עשירה. She's rich. She's rich. >>eng<< لقد سُرّح سامي من المستشفى. They released Sami from the hospital. Sammy was released from the hospital. >>eng<< Tḥeznem? Are you sad? You're upset? >>eng<< Ṛuḥ ad tmellḥeḍ! Fuck off! Go your way, kill him! >>eng<< باراك الله عليك. May the blessings of God rest upon you. God bless you. >>eng<< D taki i d leḥmala? Is this love? What do you mean by your love? >>eng<< عدنا إلى بوستن في العشرين من أكتوبر. We returned to Boston on October 20th. We returned to Boston on 20 October. >>eng<< Wa d axemmem-iw mačči d win-nwen. This is my opinion, not yours. And I think not, but yours. >>eng<< Tom ulac-it deg Boston akka tura. Tom isn't in Boston at this time. Tomot is not in Boston so far. >>eng<< במילה הזאת לא משתמשים בדרך כלל. That word isn't in common use. This word doesn't usually use. >>eng<< טום נשאב לתוך זה. Tom got sucked into it. Tom's gonna suck into it. >>eng<< Tella tin i yemmuten? Did someone die? Or do you say that I am dead? >>eng<< Azul a tamelḥant. Hello honey. Use a tanhalant. >>eng<< ماذا تعتقدون؟ What do you think? What do you think? >>eng<< תום לבש כפפות אגרוף. Tom put on a pair of boxing gloves. Tom's wearing boxing gloves. >>eng<< Yiwen ur d-ittḥessis. Nobody listens. And no man heard it. >>eng<< אנו עושים מדיטציה. We're meditating. We're making meditation. >>eng<< ماذا إن علم سامي بذلك؟ What if Sami knows about that? What if Sami knows that? >>eng<< אני אוכל בפי ומריח באפי. I eat with my mouth and smell with my nose. I eat in my mouth and smell in my nose. >>eng<< لن يستطيع أن يدرس من شدة التعب. He is too tired to study. He won't be able to learn from the fatigue. >>eng<< Ad necnut meṛṛa. Sing along. And we hate all of them. >>eng<< אין צורך באיומים. There's no need for threats. There's no need for threats. >>eng<< Tḥemmlem tasekla? Do you like literature? Do you love it? >>eng<< Tfehmeḍ? Understand? Do you understand? >>eng<< Iwacu teqqimem weḥd-wen? Why are you alone? Why did you sit down by yourself? >>hau_Latn<< He dressed up as a woman. Ya yi shige tamkar ta mace. Ya yi ado kamar mata. >>eng<< يجب عليك ممارسة الرياضة. You should exercise. You have to exercise. >>eng<< أتيت إلى اليابان السنة الماضية. I came to Japan last year. I came to Japan last year. >>eng<< אינני שונה מכם. I'm no different than you. I'm not different from you. >>eng<< Aya d taẓuṛi? Is this art? Which is it, and what will be its fulfillment? >>eng<< توفّي صديقي الأسبوع الماضي. My friend died last week. My friend died last week. >>eng<< Ur ẓriɣ ara anda yettɣimi Tom. I don't know where Tom is staying. I don't know where I am. >>eng<< سأساعدك إن أمكن. I'll help you if possible. I'll help you if I can. >>eng<< Ahat yella kra i yessen Tom. Maybe Tom knows something. But if anything is known to Tom, >>eng<< Yella yeqqim la yeqqar deg udlis. He was sitting and reading a book. There was therefore a rent in the case of (man that did not sit at home) in the same hour. >>eng<< ቤት አለህ? Do you have a house? Do you have a home? >>eng<< دمّر سامي حياة ليلى. Sami destroyed Layla's life. Sammy destroyed night's life. >>eng<< Tom ur yettidir-ara deg Lustṛali. Tom doesn't live in Australia. In the evening, you will not find a car in the city of Laustal. >>eng<< Tella tin yukren tabalizt-iw. Somebody has stolen my suitcase. It's just that it's my problem. >>eng<< החלף את החלק הישן בחדש. Exchange the old part for a new one. Replace the old part with the new one. >>eng<< Azekka ad uraren ddabax n uḍar. They'll be playing soccer tomorrow. Let the next day be filled with heat, and let us lie in wait. >>eng<< Tom yeḥwaǧ-iyi. Tom needs me. You didn't need me. >>eng<< أدرك سامي أنّ المسلمين يمارسون أشياءاً مذكورة في الكتاب المقدّس لا يمارسها المسيحيّون و اليهود أنفسهم. Sami realized that Muslims are practising things that are mentioned in the Bible that Christians and Jews themselves aren't practising. I realize that Muslims practice things mentioned in the Holy Book that are not practiced by Christians and Jews themselves. >>eng<< אני אוהב אותם. I love them. I love them. >>eng<< הוא מעוניין בי או משהו כזה? Is he interested in me or something? Is he interested in me or something? >>eng<< תום מסוקרן? Is Tom intrigued? Tom's curious? >>eng<< Ur k-ttaǧǧaɣ ara ad txellṣeḍ. I won't let you pay. You therefore have left it, and not to pay it to him." >>eng<< Cennun meṛṛa. Everybody sang. We built all of it. >>eng<< عايز اشوفك قبلمّا تمشي. I want to see you before you go. Your best friend's walking. >>eng<< Anda-tt timceḍt-iw? Where is my comb? And thou shalt speak to me? >>eng<< Ur yessaweḍ ara Tom ad yekcem ar tesdawit n Harvard. Tom isn't likely to get into Harvard. Not that thou shouldest enter into the closet of Harvard. >>eng<< הכל תלוי בתום. That's entirely up to Tom. It all depends on the signature. >>eng<< عادة ما أتمشى كل صباح. I usually go for a walk every morning. I usually walk every morning. >>eng<< إنها لا تحب السوشي. She doesn't like sushi. She doesn't like sushi. >>eng<< አልፈልገውም። I don't want it. I didn't want him. >>eng<< Ḥuddemt-iyi! Protect me! Lord, forgive me! >>eng<< لا تنمْ والأنوار مضاءة. Don't sleep with the light left on. Don't sleep and lights shine. >>eng<< Tqṛeḥ-iyi tuɣmest-iw ufella taqeṛnit tazelmaḍt. My upper left back tooth hurts. And the fig tree gave me face to face. >>eng<< كلب سامي لديه براغيث. Sami's dog has fleas. Sammy dog has Bragith. >>eng<< אני צריכה מחשב. I need a computer. I need a computer. >>eng<< بالرّغم من مشاركة جميع سكّان المدينة في البحث، لا أحد وجد الطّفل الصّغير فاضل. Even with the whole town searching, no one found little Fadil. Far from being involved with all the city's legs in the search, no one found the little child wrong. >>eng<< لا يمكنني التركيز عندما تكون هنا. I can't concentrate while you're here. I can't focus when you're here. >>eng<< Tom yuɣal d awraɣ. Tom was livid. So that your father's hair has grown very old. >>eng<< הכלבים שייכים לה. The dogs belong to her. The dogs belong to her. >>eng<< Ur tesεi ara imdukkal. She doesn't have any friends. Don't know friends. >>eng<< لا تقلق. أنا لدي تأمين. Don't worry. I have insurance. Don't worry, I have insurance. >>eng<< מהמרחק הזה כבר אי אפשר להבחין בה. She's no longer distinguishable there in the distance. This distance can't be seen anymore. >>eng<< حاولت ليلى استعمال الدّين لحماية أولادها من شرور هذا العالم. Layla tried to use religion to protect her children from the evils of this world. I tried to use debt to protect her children from the evil of this world. >>eng<< אני לא רוצה שום כריכים. I do not want any sandwiches. I don't want any chips. >>eng<< هل بوب على حق؟ Is Bob right? Is Bob right? >>eng<< أرهب سامي ليلى مجبرا إيّاها أن تكون معه. Sami terrorized Layla into being with him. I hate Sammy Lee. She's forced to be with him. >>eng<< תום ומרי שרו את השיר שזה עתה כתבו. Tom and Mary sang the song they had just written. Tom and Mary sang the song that it just wrote. >>eng<< הנה, כאן שורש הבעיה. Now here's the problem. Here, this is the root of the problem. >>eng<< אז אני יכול לישון עדיין עוד חמש דקות. Then I can still have five more minutes of sleep. So I can sleep in five minutes. >>eng<< Ilaq ad yili walebɛaḍ ara ixedmen kra. Somebody had to do something. He shall be one who hath done all things, and he shall be one. >>eng<< هل أنت جديد هنا؟ Are you new here? Are you new here? >>eng<< Ihuzz Tom tuyat-is. Tom shrugged. He's called Tom tuyat-is. >>eng<< تعال إلى منزلي. Come home. Come to my house. >>eng<< התביעות היו שגויות. The charges were false. The prosecutions were wrong. >>eng<< Tameṭṭut-iw teǧǧa-yi deg Tubeṛ. My wife left me in October. My wife left me in Tabor. >>eng<< عندما ذهبت صاحبة المحل لتجلب البذلة لديما لاحظت لطخات من الدم على سترته، ولم تجد إلا أن تحدق وهي مصدومة. As she fetched Dima the suit, the shopkeeper noticed smears of blood on his shirt, and couldn't help but stare in shock. When the owner of the shop went to get the lid for them, they noticed a piece of blood on his jacket, and they only found it cracking and she was shocked. >>eng<< Tom yeqḍa-d. Tom did the shopping. Take that cup in your hand. >>eng<< طلبت ليلى الطّلاق عام 2000. Layla filed for divorce in 2000. She asked me to go back in 2000. >>eng<< כמה זמן יש לנו להשלים את המיזם הזה? How long do we have to finish this project? How long do we have to complete this project? >>eng<< Qqim ɣer ṭṭabla. Sit at the table. Sit down. >>eng<< ولكن المرح ليس كافياً. But fun is not enough. But the fun isn't enough. >>eng<< سامي من مصر. Sami is from Egypt. Sammy from Egypt. >>eng<< كل ما تفعله هو الشكوى. You are always complaining. All you're doing is the complaint. >>eng<< Kifkif am tikkelt iɛeddan. It's the same as before. As you have seen before. >>eng<< כלב נובח אינו נושך. A barking dog doesn't bite. A broken dog doesn't bite. >>eng<< كان أحدهم ينتظر فاضل. There was someone waiting for Fadil. Someone was waiting for a fool. >>eng<< Rebbi d. God is. Repurchase. >>eng<< يطير الطير. The bird flies. It's flying. >>eng<< Ad truḥeḍ ar Copacabana assa? Will you go to Copacabana today? Do you go to Copaabba this day? >>eng<< אני צמאה. I'm thirty. I'm thirsty. >>eng<< Ttxil-m! Ttxil-m! Please! Please! T-m!T-m! >>eng<< Wexxeṛ fell-i! Away with you! Get him out of me! >>eng<< Anta tarbaεt i tḥemmlem akk? Which is your favorite team? Do you win all of your love? >>eng<< תום דיבר עם מרי עלי. Tom has been talking to Mary about me. Tom talked to Mary Ali. >>eng<< لقد صعد جبل فوجي. He went up Mt. Fuji. It's Mount Foggy. >>eng<< لقد دعوتك إلی هنا لأسألك سؤالا I called you in here to ask you a question. I invited you here to ask you a question. >>eng<< إنها أكبر مني بسنتين. She is two years older than you. She's older than me for two years. >>eng<< גברים טובים בזה יותר מנשים. Men are better at this than women. Men are better at this than women. >>eng<< יש דבר כלשהו שאת רוצה? Is there anything you want? Is there anything you want? >>eng<< ماعنديش إخوات صبيان. I don't have any brothers. Mandych are boys' sisters. >>eng<< Tekra-d Mary taqendurt n tmeɣra. Mary rented a wedding dress. And Mary wrapped in a sardius. >>eng<< هل هو غال جدا؟ Is that too expensive? Is he so big? >>eng<< האם את מבינה ספרות רומיות? Do you understand Roman numerals? Do you understand Roman literature? >>eng<< Tezmer taẓuṛi ad beddel amaḍal? Can art change the world? Or what will an answer to a problem be changed? >>eng<< Awal alaṭini "terfezia" n kra igersalen, yezmer yekka-d seg yisem amaziɣ "tirfas", asget n "tarfist". S tantala tazzayrit, qaṛen-as diɣen "terfas". The Latin name "terfezia" of certain mushrooms could come from "tirfas", plural of "tarfist". In the Algerian dialect, it is also called "terfas". And when we had taken a wife, they gave way to him, from the name of the chief captain, and the name of the chief captain, and the name of the Lord Jesus. >>eng<< Albaɛḍ yusa-d. Someone coughed. Now thy servant was come. >>eng<< Yezga Tom yettaǧǧa-yas idlisen i Mary. Tom often borrows books from Mary. And the elder women ravished Mary. >>eng<< Siwel-iyi-d! Call me. Simon me! >>eng<< Tisqamin ad alint deffir 20 Tubeṛ. Prices will increase after October 20th. You would trust that you wouldn't put 20 feet behind you. >>eng<< Uṛǧan. They waited. ask yourself, "Do you have any money to pay for it?" >>eng<< هل يحب توشيو ساتشيكو؟ Does Toshio like Sachiko? Does Tochoo Sachiko like? >>eng<< ماذا صنع توم؟ What did Tom make? What did Tom do? >>eng<< היא העמידה פני חולה. She feigned an illness. She made a sick face. >>eng<< אני חייב לספר לו את זה. I have to tell him about it. I have to tell him that. >>eng<< אפשר להגיע לשם בהליכה? Is it possible to get there on foot? Can I get there for a walk? >>eng<< بإمكاني البقاء في غرفة الضيوف. I can stay in the guest room. I can stay in the guest room. >>eng<< ذلك حذاءها. These shoes are hers. That's her shoes. >>eng<< בוב צופה בחרקים בהנאה. Bob derives pleasure from observing insects. Bob looks forward to being happy. >>eng<< أريد تعلم الفرنسية حقا. I really want to learn French. I really want to learn French. >>eng<< זה לא סיפור מאד שמח. That's not a very funny story. It's not a very happy story. >>eng<< בואי נתפצל לקבוצות. Let's split up into groups. Let's split to groups. >>eng<< Jiena mill-Ingilterra. I'm from England. I am from England. >>eng<< Ɣleq allen-ik. Close your eyes. Lift up your eyes. >>eng<< خذ الحكمة من أفواه المجانين. Even idiots can give good advice. Take the wisdom out of his fucking mouth. >>eng<< Blulḥen ifassen-nwen seg idammen. There is blood on your hands. And with the blood of your hands they shed blood upon you. >>eng<< תשאל את אלכס. Ask Alex. Ask Alex. >>eng<< כולם מחפשים אותך למטה. Everyone's asking for you downstairs. Everybody's looking for you down there. >>eng<< Fehmeɣ ssebbat-nwen. I understand your reasons. I know your acts. >>eng<< Iɛǧeb-ak lḥal i mi tḥewseḍ ar Boston? Did you enjoy your trip to Boston? Do you appreciate your visit to Boston? >>eng<< הוא בעשירון העליון. He belongs to the upper class. He's on top. >>eng<< מהו הגיל האידיאלי של גבר? What's the ideal age for a man? What's a man's ideal age? >>eng<< لم تكن بنات زوجة سامي تحببنه. Sami's stepdaughters didn't like him. She wasn't the daughters of Sammy's wife you loved. >>eng<< תיכנסי בבקשה פנימה. Please step inside. Please come in. >>eng<< Tebɣam ad as-tinim? Do you want to tell her? Will you say so? >>eng<< ראיתי את טום מפלרטט עם אשתי. I saw Tom flirt with my wife. I saw Tom flirt with my wife. >>eng<< אינני מכין את המזוודות שלך. I don't pack your suitcases. I'm not making your bags. >>eng<< ظننت توم ميّتا. I thought Tom was dead. I thought Tom was dead. >>eng<< Ṛuḥen send iḍelli. They left there the day before yesterday. So they went off, and made haste. >>eng<< Teẓgiḍ teqqareḍ-d aya. You always say that. That thou shouldest know this. >>eng<< ובכן, בואו נדון ברצינות. Well, let's talk turkey. Well, let's seriously discuss it. >>eng<< הוא הרים את ידיו. He raised his hands. He raised his hands. >>eng<< كان فاضل خائفا بالتأكيد. Fadil was definitely afraid. He was a scared fight, of course. >>eng<< Sawel-as s tilifun di leɛnaya-k. Please telephone him. So then we would have to pray you. >>eng<< אני זקוקה שתסיעי אותי. I need you to pick me up. I need you to drive me. >>eng<< Kemmel asmeḥses! Keep listening. (Laughter) indeed! >>eng<< D ijapuniyen i tellam? Are you Japanese? Do you want to steal? >>eng<< זה זעזע אותי. It shocked me. I was shocked. >>eng<< Ilaq ad d-afeɣ amek ara fɣeɣ sya. I have to find a way out of here. I will see how it will be better for me to enter into it." >>eng<< זאת לא תמונה מחמיאה. It's not a pretty picture. It's not a flattery picture. >>eng<< Ɛeggnen-as i Tom acḥal n tikkal. Tom has already been warned many times. And they delivered him to you often. >>eng<< الأطفال يموتون. Children are dying. The kids are dying. >>eng<< תום כתב רומן. Tom has written a novel. Tom wrote an affair. >>eng<< ما الذي تنوي فعله؟ What do you intend to do? What are you gonna do? >>eng<< תום לא היה יכול להגיד יותר. Tom could say no more. Tom couldn't say anymore. >>eng<< Ur yelhi ara wass n letnayen. Monday's not good. It is not the day of confusion. >>eng<< Keṛheɣ ddabex n uḍaṛ. I hate soccer. I have cast ashes on ashes.' >>eng<< Ttxil-k ini azul i yimawlan-ik. Please remember me to your parents. Do not touch it. >>eng<< Tettbaneḍ-d amzun d ahendi i telliḍ. It looks like you are from India. You have been shown to be a vine. >>eng<< בוב גבה 3 דולרים לשעה עבור כיסוח דשא. Bob charged 3 dollars an hour for mowing lawns. Bob brought three dollars for an hour for grass dealership. >>eng<< لدي نصف ما لديه من كتب فقط. I have only half as many books as he. I only have half of his books. >>eng<< هو الآن في المستشفى. He is in the hospital at present. He's at the hospital now. >>eng<< أخبرها ما أخبركَ به. Tell her what he told you. Tell her what he told you. >>eng<< Yella ḥedd i yettnezzihen. Someone is watching. I have a few things to do. >>eng<< אני מודאגת מאד לגבי תום. I'm very worried about Tom. I'm very worried about Tom. >>eng<< היום לא אקבל אי-מייל מאיש. I won't get an email from anyone today. Today I won't get an e-mail from a man. >>eng<< Nniɣ-as yakan i Tom ur bɣiɣ ara ad xedmeɣ aya. I've already told Tom I don't want to do that. For I had already told you that I would not do this thing. >>eng<< لقد ابتزّها بمبلغ كبير من المال. He extorted a large amount of money from her. He's overloaded it with a lot of money. >>eng<< אין לו אומץ לומר שום דבר. He doesn't have the strength to say anything. He has no courage to say anything. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ kan ad zewǧeɣ. I just wanted to get married. I will drink, and I will drink. >>eng<< كان سامي يريد المال فقط. Sami just wanted money. Sammy just wanted the money. >>eng<< تزوّج سامي من فتاة مسلمة. Sami married a Muslim girl. Semi's married to a Muslim girl. >>eng<< אל תדבר מהר כל כך, בבקשה. Please don't speak so fast. Don't talk so fast, please. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad dduɣ yid-kent. I should like to go with you. I will follow you carefully. >>eng<< Rwel skud teğğuğegeḍ. Leave while you are resplendent. until you know how to use it. >>eng<< Ass-a urgaɣ amzun mmuteɣ. Today I dreamed I was dead. In that day I was gone out, and I died. >>eng<< הילד השליך על הכלב אבנים. The boy threw stones at the dog. The kid threw stones on the dog. >>eng<< أنت لم تُرِِد أن تدرس أبداً على أي حال. You have never wanted to study anyway. You never wanted to study anyway. >>eng<< Ihi? So? So? >>eng<< عايز الشنطة دي. I want that bag. Oh, my God, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. >>eng<< Serreḥ i waman ad lḥun. Let it flow. And the sea came to destroy them. >>eng<< Awimt-d lemɛawna. Bring help. Right-of-occupancy housing. >>eng<< Teggummamt ad txellṣemt. You refused to pay. Tegmut will pay. >>eng<< Wi t-ilan weqṛab-a? Whose is this bag? And that's a shame. >>eng<< تشجع! You can do it. Encouragement! >>eng<< Lkaɣeḍ yettṛuɣ s sshala. Paper burns easily. You killed a light. >>eng<< גיטרה חשמלית נשמעת שונה מאשר גיטרה אקוסטית. An electric guitar doesn't sound the same as an acoustic one. An electric guitar sounds different than an acoustic guitar. >>eng<< وينك؟ Where are you? Wink? >>eng<< הארי אחר לכיתה אתמול בגלל התאונה שלו. Harry was late for class yesterday because of his accident. Harry's another class yesterday because of his accident. >>eng<< Tettwaliḍ ad idireɣ? Do you think I'll survive? Where will I get my permission? >>eng<< እኔ ትልቅ ነኝ። I'm big. I am the elder. >>eng<< אור אדום זרח באפילה. A red light was glowing in the dark. Red light shines in the darkness. >>eng<< תום נרדם במשך הצגת מצפה הכוכבים. Tom fell asleep during the show at the planetarium. Tom fell asleep during the show of the stars. >>eng<< دعونا ننسى هذا. Let's forget about this. Let's forget this. >>eng<< Tom akked Mary llan qimen deffir. Tom and Mary sat way in the back. Som and Mary were standing behind. >>eng<< Ad tafeḍ walebɛaḍ. You'll find somebody. Thou wilt know every one of them. >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ i yettalin tiseddaṛin. Somebody's coming up the stairs. There is one who is crushed in spirit. >>eng<< לא מעט אנשים הם בעלי שתי מכוניות. Quite a few people have two cars. Not a few people are two cars. >>eng<< سنأكل كثيرًا الليلة، آمل أنك لست على حمية. We're going to eat a lot tonight so I hope you're not on a diet. We'll eat a lot tonight. I hope you're not safe. >>eng<< شروق الشمس جميل هذا الصباح. The sunrise is beautiful this morning. The sun's hot this morning. >>eng<< Tom isseqsa Mary ma tarzu ad tsu ca n řḥajet. Tom asked Mary whether she fancied a drink. Mary is not worthy to miss her. >>eng<< لا تثق بأحد عدى نفسك. Don't trust anybody but yourself. Don't trust anyone on your own. >>eng<< מרי דומה לאמה במראה החיצוני אבל לא באישיות. Mary resembles her mother in looks, but not in personality. Mary looks like Emma on the outside, but not on the personality. >>eng<< Fehment meṛṛa? Does everybody understand? Do you understand all? >>eng<< בחורף אני אוהבת להישאר בבית, ליד האש, ולהאזין לרוח הנושבת. In winter, I like staying at home, around the fire, listening to the wind blowing. I like to stay at home, by the fire, and listen to the landing wind. >>eng<< منّاد لا ينشط في مجال الإنتاج التّلفزيوني. Mennad is not in the business of producing television. A non-active producer in the field of telecommunications production. >>eng<< זו חובתי לעזור לך. It's my duty to help you. It's my duty to help you. >>eng<< Tteddumt ad truḥemt? Are you going? You want to kill him? >>eng<< أنا لا أعمل لأي أحد. I don't work for nobody. I don't work for anyone. >>eng<< S tidet ḥemmleɣ ad urareɣ lgulf. I really enjoy playing golf. See, I love you, that I don't eat meat. >>eng<< انتحرت ليلى. Layla committed suicide. I shot Lee. >>eng<< Staxxṛen-k-id. You are fired. Remove yourself from your hand. >>eng<< עכשיו תנסה שוב. Now try again. Now try again. >>eng<< זה לא אמור לקחת יותר משלושים דקות. This shouldn't take more than 30 minutes. It's not supposed to take more than 30 minutes. >>eng<< وضع فاضل جثة دانية في مزبلة. Fadil stuffed Dania's body into a trash can. Put Dani's body in confusion. >>eng<< Qquṛeɣ deg usemmiḍ. I'm freezing. You are still called by me.' >>eng<< سجّل والدي فاضل ابنهما في مدرسة راقية في القاهرة. Fadil's parents enrolled him in a prestigious school in Cairo. My father fought their son in a high school in Cairo. >>eng<< يُعتقد أن بيكاسو رسم هذه الصورة. The picture is presumed to have been painted by Picasso. Picasso thinks he's drawing this picture. >>eng<< לא יכולתי לשמוע את תום. I couldn't hear Tom. I couldn't hear Tom. >>eng<< אני יודעת שאתה חושב שאני אידיוטית. I know you think I'm stupid. I know you think I'm an idiot. >>eng<< מטבעו הוא אדם שקט. He is by nature a very quiet person. His nature is a quiet man. >>eng<< هل بإمكانك تفسير ما تريده؟ Can you explain what do you want actually? Can you explain what you want? >>eng<< תום נהיה סקרן. Tom became curious. Tom's getting curious. >>eng<< טום שמח לעבוד בגן. Tom was happy working in the garden. Tom's happy to work in the garden. >>eng<< הלכנו בין עצים. We walked among the trees. We went between trees. >>eng<< תום צלצל 100. Tom called 911. Tom called 100. >>eng<< אין לי עדיין חוזה. I don't have a contract yet. I don't have a contract yet. >>eng<< Kemmlem aɣenni! Keep singing. What a result! >>eng<< ديانا أختك غير الشقيقة كذلك. Diane is your half sister, too. Dana's your sister-in-law, too. >>eng<< لدي قلم. I have a pen. I have a pen. >>eng<< Atan yenna-d Tom belli yufa iman-is. Tom says that he's in good shape. And he said, Let him be. And when he saw him, he found him. >>eng<< Yufa Sami Layla deg Facebook. Sami found Layla on Facebook. Aufa Sam Lala is in Facebook. >>eng<< La t-teqqaṛ. She is reading it. By the hands of one, >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad sbeddeɣ tawacult. I want to start a family. I will make a family. >>eng<< السلامُ عليكُم. Peace be with you. Peace on you. >>eng<< Ccbaḥa tettfat. Beauty fades. I've got it. >>eng<< لا تخبره أبداً "لا أستطيع الاجابة" Never tell him 'I can't answer'. Don't ever tell him I can't answer. >>eng<< Tom ur d-yecliɛ ara seg tin i t-id-yettmuqqulen. Tom didn't care who was watching. That ye shall not escape, nor come out of the mouth, when they know it. >>eng<< سُميّتُ على خالي. I was named after my uncle. I've been named innocent. >>eng<< אנו צריכים רק להרגע. We just needed to relax. We just need to calm down. >>eng<< זו רק תחרות של מדידת פינים. It's just a penis-measuring contest. It's just a fairy tale. >>eng<< להעתיק זה לא לגנוב. Copying is not theft. For the copy, it's not stealing. >>eng<< האדם הוא בעל החיים היחיד המסוגל לצחוק. Man is the only animal that can laugh. The man is the only animal to laugh. >>hau_Latn<< If you bite me, then I'll bite you, too. Idan kacijeni kaima zan cijeka. Idan kun yi ni, to, lalle nĩ, inã cika muku ma'auni. >>eng<< هكذا لقد نجح. Thus he succeeded. That's how it worked. >>eng<< Yettban-d yeḥzen Tom. Tom looks sad. That's great. >>eng<< הרומן הזה גם הוא תורגם לצרפתית. This novel has also been translated into French. This novel is also French. >>eng<< أأشتري لك شرابا آخر؟ Can I buy you another drink? Can I buy you another drink? >>eng<< اذهب إلى النوم Go to bed. Go to sleep. >>eng<< Ceggɛeɣ-tt s axxam. I sent her home. I have come down from house to house. >>eng<< Tesɛiḍ tawla. You've got a fever. You did as much as you did. >>eng<< Melmi ara d-taseḍ ɣer Zzayer ? When will you come to Algeria? And when wilt thou sit by and stealer? >>eng<< حصلت على هذه الدراجة مجاناً. I got this bicycle for free. I got this bike free. >>eng<< لم يكن يعد توم يطيقه أكثر من ذلك. Tom couldn't stand it any longer. Tom didn't wear it anymore. >>eng<< תום חבר במסדר אדוק. Tom belonged to a religious order. Tom's a friend of the Duke Order. >>eng<< Win yugin azɣan ur yettnerni ara. Those who reject criticism will not develop. If anyone doesn't kill him, he won't destroy him. >>eng<< Kemmlem tira. Keep writing. Fill in your number. >>eng<< Ahat awaɣzen-agi d ameddakel-ik? Is this freak your friend? What, then, will your soul be saved?' >>eng<< מה שם ההר הגבוה בגרמניה? What's the name of the highest mountain in Germany? What's the high mountain name in Germany? >>eng<< Ilaq ad iniɣ tidet i Tom azekka. I have to tell Tom the truth tomorrow. I must say, Come to the next day. >>eng<< أملك سيارةً. I have a car. I have a car. >>eng<< Acḥal n Yipawenden i d-ternamt? How many pounds have you gained? How many of you do the things which are spoken by him? >>eng<< ארנולד שוורצנגר הוא יליד אוסטריה. Arnold Schwarzenegger was born in Austria. Arnold Schwartzner is a child of Austria. >>eng<< قامت أمي بقياس حرارة جسدي. My mother took my temperature. My mother measured my body temperature. >>eng<< Acḥal tasaɛeţ tura di Boston? What time is it now in Boston? How many nights do you now live in Boston? >>eng<< أجبر سامي ليلى على الذّهاب معه. Sami forced Layla to go with him. Sammy Lila was forced to go with him. >>eng<< זה נראה מוכר. This looks familiar. It looks familiar. >>eng<< הוא מחפש תפקיד טוב. He's looking for a suitable job. He's looking for a good job. >>eng<< Kemm d tukṛanit? Are you Ukrainian? How much do you pray? >>eng<< Anda d-tezga tɣilust? Where is the cafeteria? And what do you think? >>eng<< Sel-d mliḥ i wayen i la d-qqaṛeɣ. Listen well to what I say. Therefore hear those things which I say. >>eng<< Ṣebbeṛ-itt. Comfort her. Thank you. >>eng<< شرب سامي من ذاك الكأس. Sami drank out of that glass. Semi's drinking from that cup. >>eng<< נעזוב מיד. We leave immediately. We'll leave right away. >>eng<< תן לה לישון. Let her sleep. Let her sleep. >>eng<< ماذا كان سيحدث إذا لم يُلدغ بيتر باركر من قِبَل عنكبوت لكن من قبل قاقُم؟ What would have happened if Peter Parker hadn't been bitten by a spider but a stoat? What would have happened if Peter Parker wasn't born by a pebbles, but before you did? >>eng<< أمّا الروح فنشيطٌ، وأما الجسد فضعيف. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. The soul is active, and the body is weak. >>eng<< Imissek tieqaf tpejjep. You should stop smoking. You should stop smoking. >>eng<< מרי נערה נאה. Mary is a pretty girl. Mary's a nice girl. >>eng<< تستخدم سيارتي الكثير من الوقود. My car burns a lot of gas. My car uses a lot of fuel. >>eng<< Yufeg-iyi uqeṛmud. I am beside myself! He cried out to me, "I am terrified." >>eng<< תום קנה למרי צמד עגילים. Tom bought Mary a pair of earrings. Tom bought Mary grapes. >>eng<< Atan deg beṛṛa Tom. Tom is out. Behold, I'm outside to Tom. >>eng<< תנו לי את השורה התחתונה. Give me the bottom line. Give me the bottom line. >>eng<< يعجبني عرضك. I like your offer. I like your offer. >>eng<< Txelɛeḍ? Are you scared? You turn away from him, and from him? >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad ṛuḥeɣ ad ẓṛeɣ asaru. I want to go to see a movie. I would go and read the letter. >>eng<< Cukkeɣ Tom yesɛa tabɣest. I think Tom is courageous. I have filled my mouth with sorrow. >>eng<< ليست لديّ شهية. I have no appetite. I don't have a spell. >>eng<< Uṛǧant. They waited. Pursue them. >>eng<< היא מהירוקים. She is an environmentalist. She's from the green. >>eng<< את לא ממהרת, נכון? You're not in a hurry, are you? You're not in a hurry, are you? >>eng<< דן גייס קבוצת תלמידים שתעזור לו בחנות הספרים. Dan recruited a group of students to help him at the bookstore. Dan recruits a group of students to help him at the bookstore. >>eng<< ጥሩ ተማሪ ነች። She is a good student. She is a good student. >>eng<< תוך זמן קצר החל לרדת גשם שוטף. It soon began to rain very hard. In a short time, it started to rain a shower. >>eng<< אני מציע שתשלח לו מכתב תודה. I suggest that you should write him a thank-you letter. I suggest you send him a letter of thanks. >>eng<< הוא היה מודע לכאב חד. He was aware of a sharp pain. He was aware of the sharp pain. >>eng<< נראה שתום בסכנה. Tom seems to be dangerous. Looks like you're in danger. >>eng<< הוא הניח את ידו על כתפה בעדינות. He put a hand gently on her shoulder. He put his hand on his shoulder gently. >>eng<< הוא נעמד והושיט את ידו לכובעו על השולחן. He stood up and reached for his hat on the table. He stood up and laid his hand on his hat on the table. >>eng<< רק רציתי להעיף סביב מבט. I just wanted to take a look around. I just wanted to take a look around. >>eng<< Tɣelṭeḍ. You are wrong. Thou shalt not be deceived. >>eng<< אבל המשכנו בלעדיו. But we carried on without him. But we kept without him. >>eng<< על מה בכלל את מדברת? What are you even talking about? What are you talking about at all? >>eng<< אתם אל תתרגשו יותר מדי! Don't get too emotional. Don't get too excited! >>eng<< كان سامي يقطن في حيّ مليء بالحيويّة. Sami lived in a neighborhood with a lot of street life. Sammy lived in a life full of vitality. >>eng<< אל לו לעיוור לשחק קלפים. A blind man shouldn't play cards. Don't blind him to play cards. >>eng<< תום דמם את המנוע אבל השאיר את האורות הקדמיים דלוקים. Tom killed the engine, but left the headlights on. Tom took off the engine, but left the front lights empty. >>eng<< Sami yella i qeṭṭud s tculliḍt-is. Sami was shopping with one of those bags. When therefore you have brought him out, wear a little baby, and take it to him. >>eng<< D aqjun amecṭuḥ. It is a small dog. D reading small. >>eng<< שיעורי הבית לקחו יותר זמן ממה שציפיתי. My homework took longer than I expected. The homework took longer than I expected. >>eng<< Tom inna-d werǧin isla i Mary tcennu. Tom says he's never heard Mary sing. For you have not known Mary, that in us she has been made equal. >>eng<< أرسلنا لهم نسخة. We sent them a copy. We sent them a copy. >>eng<< Iḥemmel ad yerkeb timacinin. He loves trains. And he loved to kill us. >>eng<< Ayɣer i telliḍ telsiḍ tajakiḍt? Why were you wearing a jacket? You dare not wonder? >>eng<< Melmi ara ad tṛuḥem? When will you leave? When will you go away? >>eng<< اضطرّ سامي على حذف الفيديو من يوتوب. Sami had to take his YouTube video down. Sammy had to delete the video from YouTube. >>eng<< Tom d Mary msudanen yakan. Tom and Mary have already kissed. So you and Mary are already together. >>eng<< אני חושב שהוא יבוא. I think he'll come. I think he'll come. >>eng<< Ɣur-k yiwet n tektubt d tadalt. You have a green book. Even in one place after the reading, you will be kept under oath. >>eng<< Askasi ifukk. The debate is over. Pulse askasis. >>eng<< وكأنني كنت أحدث الحائط It's like I was talking to a wall. It's like I was the latest wall. >>eng<< في النهاية ، دخل السجن. In the end, he landed in jail. In the end, he went into prison. >>eng<< هذا المقام حلو، ولكني لا أريد ان أسكن في هنا. This is a nice place, but i don't want to live here. This place is sweet, but I don't want to live here. >>eng<< Ihuh, ttuɣ tisura-inu. Oh, I forgot my keys. I see my appearance. >>eng<< هي تحتاج للمزيد من النوم. She needs to sleep more. She needs more sleep. >>eng<< לא כל הילדים אוהבים תפוחים. All children do not like apples. Not all the kids like apples. >>eng<< أنهى سامي تلك العلاقة غير الشّرعيّة. Sami ended the affair. I'm done with that unscrupulous relationship. >>eng<< רציתי לשבת ליד הדלת. I wanted to sit near the door. I wanted to sit by the door. >>eng<< إحذر! Look out! Watch out! >>eng<< Anda-ten yiqjan-nwen? Where are your dogs? And the rest of you do not know what is in you? >>eng<< אשאר עוד יום או יומיים. I'm going to stay for another day or two. I'll stay another day or two. >>eng<< D tazla mgal akud. It's a race against time. D acoustic mg. >>eng<< Gma-s n Tom, d abugaṭu. Tom's brother is a lawyer. mid-tom, abigata. >>eng<< كانت ليلى مغطّاة بالدّم. Layla was covered in blood. Lily was covered with the blood. >>eng<< אני תמיד מקשיבה לשיר הזה. I always listen to this song. I'm always listening to this song. >>eng<< ابن عمي من مصر. هو مصري. My cousin is from Egypt. He is Egyptian. My cousin from Egypt is Egyptian. >>eng<< أنتَ ربحتها. You've earned it. You won it. >>eng<< كان المدرّس يحبّني. The teacher liked me. The teacher loved me. >>eng<< استمع سامي للتّسجيل و سمع صوت رجل في الخلفيّة. Sami listened to the recording and heard a man's voice in the background. Listen, Sammy, listen to the recording and hear a man's voice in the back. >>eng<< لم أرغب بأن أبدوا غبيا. I didn't want to look stupid. I didn't want to look stupid. >>eng<< صلّى النّاس صلاة الغائب لسامي. A funeral prayer in absentia was held for Sami. People pray for the absence of Sammy. >>eng<< لقد لبست ليلى الحجاب طوال حياتها. Layla wore hijab all her life. I've been wearing all night for the rest of her life. >>eng<< أريد تعلم الكراتيه. I want to learn karate. I want to know the karate. >>eng<< كان في المدرسة. It was at school. He was in school. >>eng<< לא אראה אותו לעולם. I'll never see him again. I'll never see him. >>eng<< תום יכול לנגן את "עמק הנהר האדום" במפוחית. Tom can play "Red River Valley" on the harmonica. Tom can play the Red River Valley in the apple. >>eng<< Ldi allen-im! Get real. Keep your eyes open! >>eng<< Steqsi ɣer tama-m. Ask around. They asked him about you. >>eng<< لقد قلت لهم أن يبقوا في غرفتهم. I told them to stay in their room. I told them to stay in their rooms. >>eng<< لم تفعل ذلك؟ Why is she doing this? Why would you do that? >>eng<< אבא יצא לדוג. Father has gone fishing. Dad went fishing. >>eng<< אני מוציא אתכם מפה. I'm taking you out of here. I'm getting you out of here. >>eng<< لمن هذين الحذائين؟ Whose shoes are these? Who are these shoes? >>eng<< كلبي ينبح. My dog is barking. My dog's breathing. >>eng<< لنشاهد الرائي. Let's watch TV. Let's watch the mirror. >>eng<< كل الناس سيموتون حتماً. All men must die. All people are definitely going to die. >>eng<< Ma ulac ddeqs inelmaden i d-yusan ɣer tesdawit, atan tabdelt ad tessefsex tamsirt. If the university doesn't have enough students, the administration will cancel the class. But the disciples didn't come into the corner, but that they might throw a mat at him. >>eng<< תום אומר לי שאתה חכם. Tom tells me you're smart. Tom tells me you're smart. >>eng<< Awal, wa iḥuza-t, wa d acelqef. A word can touch or be just seized on the fly. No, no, not in a way, but in a way. >>eng<< كان بيل في اليابان. Bill was in Japan. Bill was in Japan. >>eng<< الجزائر بحاجة إلى الزراعة. Algeria needs agriculture. Algeria needs agriculture. >>eng<< Tal tafyirt acḥal tesɛa n tunṭiqin. Each sentence has its syllables. And how many are the fruits of her fornications? >>eng<< מה שאני רוצה עכשיו זו גלידה. What I want now is ice cream. What I want now is ice cream. >>eng<< טום לא הצליח לאתר את נהר הדנובה על המפה. Tom couldn't locate the Danube on the map. Tom couldn't locate the Danova River on the map. >>eng<< توم وميري كانا صديقان مقربان. Tom and Mary were close friends. Tom and Mary were close friends. >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ i m-d-iluɛan? Did someone contact you? Is any man stoned? >>eng<< הוא עשה בוחטה. He made a bunch of money. He made a decision. >>eng<< החומר הזה מוליך חשמל היטב. This matter conducts electricity well. This stuff is very electrical. >>eng<< ماذا إذا كنت على حق؟ What if I'm right? What if you're right? >>eng<< אלפי סליחות. I'm terribly sorry. Thousands of pardons. >>eng<< كان سامي مسلما عاديّا. Sami was an ordinary Muslim. It was a normal Muslim. >>eng<< הייתי עייף מאוד. I was very tired. I was very tired. >>eng<< لا أستطيع أن أتذكر ما أكلتهُ بالأمس. I can't remember what I had to eat yesterday. I can't remember what I ate yesterday. >>eng<< Anida ara tiliḍ deg 20 Tubeṛ? Where will you be on October 20th? If indeed, you would have been led into Saba's, where would you have been? >>eng<< ג'ים הרים את ידו. Jim raised his hand. Jim raised his hand. >>eng<< اليوم هو عيد الإستقلال. Today is Independence Day. Today's the anniversary of independence. >>eng<< أحضر لي فنجاناً من القهوة؟ Bring me a cup of coffee, will you? Bring me a cup of coffee? >>eng<< هل هذا جديد؟ Is it new? Is that new? >>eng<< לאחר שאתמול הייתי עסוק כל היום, הבוקר אני עייף מאוד. Having been busy all day yesterday, I feel very tired this morning. After I've been busy all day yesterday, I'm very tired this morning. >>eng<< Tella kra n taluft? Something wrong? A certain number of them? >>eng<< Yelha wass-a. This is a good day. It's awful. (Laughter) >>eng<< D wis kraḍ deg Tubeṛ. It's the third of October. And the second part was beaten with rods. >>eng<< בעתיד תזהר יותר עם הכסף שלך. In the future, be more careful with your money. In the future, be more careful with your money. >>eng<< לא ידעתי שהרגל שלי שבורה. I didn't know my leg was broken. I didn't know my leg was broken. >>eng<< איפה החוף? Where is the beach? Where's the beach? >>eng<< היא התחנכה בארה"ב. She was educated in the United States. She's built in the United States. >>eng<< Xdem am netta. Do like him. Net work. >>eng<< תפוֹס! Catch it! Get out of here! >>eng<< أريد أن أشاركك هذا. I want to share this with you. I want to share this. >>eng<< אני חושב שאתה צריך לשתות קצת קפה. I think you should drink some coffee. I think you should have some coffee. >>eng<< הוא אוהב לדוג. He is fond of fishing. He likes to fish. >>eng<< ما رأيك بمعطفي الجديد؟ What do you think of my new coat? What do you think of my new fan? >>eng<< Sgunfum kra. Get some rest. Snupf some. >>eng<< Cukkeɣ belli Tom akked Mary εyan. I suspect that Tom and Mary are tired. I realized that Thomas and Mary hadn't been here. >>eng<< هل تتحدث المقدونية؟ Do you speak Macedonian? Are you talking dominance? >>eng<< Teɛǧeb-iyi Ustṛalya. I like Australia. If you would love me, you would love me here. >>eng<< Ur tt-tettuɣ ara akk. I won't forget this. I don't get all of them. >>eng<< לשיטה הזאת יתרונות וחסרונות. This method has its pros and cons. This method is useful and shortsighted. >>eng<< הוא נראה מרוצה מההסבר שלי. He looked satisfied with my explanation. He looks happy with my explanation. >>eng<< Ur ttmuddu ara i Tom ayen i yebɣa. Don't give Tom what he wants. For you don't find what you wanted. >>eng<< Uzzlent. They run. Exhausted. >>eng<< הים סוער. The sea is rough. The sea is storming. >>eng<< La ttwaliɣ d akken aql-aɣ akk da. I see we're all here. I perceive that we are all full of age. >>eng<< תום עדיין נמצא בבית הספר. Tom is still at school. Tom's still in school. >>eng<< Tom yif Mary deg ccna. Tom sings better than Mary does. Tomif Mary's in ccna. >>eng<< מדוע לא צלצלת לי אמש? Why didn't you call me yesterday evening? Why didn't you call me last night? >>eng<< أقوم ببعض التمارين الخفيفة كل صباح. I take light exercise every morning. I'm doing some light practice every morning. >>eng<< Yella kra n yiwen nnayeḍ daki? Is there somebody else here? Do you have any thing to do with that? >>eng<< ذهب إلى الدكان. He went to the store. He went to the shop. >>eng<< Beṛka anneẓmi. Stop whimpering. And the white wine is dried up. >>eng<< הטייפון לפני שבוע היה קטלני מאד. The typhoon last week was extremely deadly. The phone a week ago was very lethal. >>eng<< Ulac win yemmuten. Nobody dies. There is no one who is dead, >>eng<< لديه سيارته الخاصة. He has his own car. He has his own car. >>eng<< أُريد الإنتقام. I want vengeance. I want revenge. >>eng<< Ta d Nina, d yelli-s n mmi-k. This is Nina, your granddaughter. And the daughter of your son, Nineveh, which was the daughter of thy son. >>eng<< Yiwen ur yi-d-yenni ad yismiḍ lḥal akk annect-a. Nobody told me it was going to get this cold. And no man was able to resist me in all these things. >>eng<< Deg tazwara, ur yezmir ara ad immeslay maṭi taglizit. At first, he could not speak English at all. At the beginning, he can't speak if you don't English. >>eng<< אתה יודע מתי סוגרים את הסופר? Do you know what time that supermarket closes? Do you know when you're closing up the writer? >>eng<< מג מלאת התרגשות. Meg is filled with excitement. Meg's full of excitement. >>eng<< Yusa-d! He has come! He came! >>eng<< እንታይ ትኽእል ዶ? What are you looking for? What can you do? >>eng<< אל תזרוק את כתב העת הזה. Don't throw away this magazine. Don't throw away this journal. >>eng<< אתה חייב לשכתב את המשפט הזה. You should rewrite this sentence. You have to write this trial. >>eng<< هذا قلم. This is a pen. That's a pen. >>eng<< حصل الطلاب على منحة دراسية قيمتها 15,000 يورو لرحلة العودة ومصاريفهم اليومية. The students receive a 15,000 euro scholarship for their return trip and daily expenses. Students received a EUR 15,000 scholarship for their daily return trip and expenses. >>eng<< הסירה התהפכה. The boat capsized. The boat's over. >>eng<< Els iceṭṭiḍen-im! Get dressed. Don't tricken-im! >>eng<< كان سامي يحفر حفرا في البستان. Sami was digging holes in his backyard. Sammy was digging a hole in the building. >>eng<< איש אינו מסוגל לרוץ מהר כמו תום. No one is able to run as fast as Tom. No one can run as fast as Tom. >>eng<< بدا على نانسي التعب. Nancy looks tired. Looks like Nasty's tired. >>eng<< Yella walbaɛḍ i itetten. Somebody is eating. But all these things have already taken hold of them. >>eng<< זה נשמע טעים. It sounds delicious. That sounds delicious. >>eng<< نسي سامي تلك الكلمة. Sami forgot the word. Sammy forgot that word. >>eng<< Ejja 'l hawn Come here. Come here >>eng<< הכרנו אחד את השני במסיבה. We met each other at a party. We met each other at the party. >>eng<< Yufa-tent-id ukint. He found them awake. Yufa-ten-id ukint. >>eng<< Tom yessefsex-it. Tom knocked him down. Tom-hefsex-it. >>eng<< Tebɣa ad truḥ tura. She wants to leave now. You have to go now. >>eng<< איך תום שכנע את מרי להיות שמרטף לילדים שלו? How did Tom talk Mary into babysitting his children? How did Tom convince Mary to be a babysitter for his kids? >>eng<< تم القبض على توم. Tom was taken prisoner. Tom was arrested. >>eng<< Tella kra n yiwet i d-iɣaṛen. Someone's calling. But there was a certain group of men, which had no root in them. >>eng<< הוא צריך מונית. He needs a taxi. He needs a cab. >>eng<< הם נסעו להרים אבל מזג האוויר לא היה נאה. They went to the mountains, but the weather wasn't nice. They went to the mountains but weather wasn't good. >>eng<< Ttuɣ uṭṭun-inem. I forgot your number. Ignore you. >>eng<< יש לתום נסיון כלשהו? Does Tom have any experience? Do you have any experience to sign? >>eng<< לא קנאתם. You were not jealous. You weren't jealous. >>eng<< ما تحڨرش لپوڥوار ديالي. Don't underestimate my power. The Pau-Ou-Diali is not a fissurer. >>eng<< Acuɣer i yebɣa Tom ad yeḥbes? Why does Tom want to quit? Why do you want to stand by? >>eng<< Sami i ṛuḥ ar timlilit n Ddabex uḍaṛ. Sami is going to the football game. "Say to me, you go to a measure of a donkey's feet." >>eng<< ישנת? Have you been sleeping? Were you asleep? >>eng<< Ini-iyi-d melmi ara iyi-d-tessawleḍ. Tell me when you'll call me. When he asks me, show me how you can hear me. >>eng<< من فضلك تعال بأسرع ما يمكن. Please come as soon as possible. Please come as soon as you can. >>eng<< מי שולח היום מכתבים בדואר? היום יש לנו דואר אלקטרוני. Who sends letters by mail? These days we have e-mail. Today, we have e-mails. >>eng<< I tezmert-ik akked d wussan ara yelhun ugar! To your health and better days! Your power will be more than all days. >>eng<< ليس بإمكاني تحمل هذا الضجيج. I can't stand the noise. I can't carry this noise. >>eng<< האשמה מוטלת על הטבח. The blame rests with the cook. The blame is on the cook. >>eng<< עותק זה שונה מהמקור. That copy differs from the original. This copy is different from the source. >>eng<< הקשבת? Were you listening? Did you listen? >>eng<< תום יודע כנראה את האמת. Tom seems to know the truth. Tom probably knows the truth. >>eng<< كان لدينا الكثير من المغامرات في رحلتنا . We had lots of adventures on our trip. We had a lot of adventures on our trip. >>eng<< הציורים שלו נראים לי מוזרים. His paintings seem strange to me. His paintings seem strange to me. >>eng<< תמשיכי להאבק. Keep fighting. Keep fighting. >>eng<< הייתי מאוכזב מִבְּנִי. I was disappointed in my son. I was disappointed. >>eng<< תום היה חולה. Tom was sick. Tom was sick. >>eng<< D asegbar iqefzen, Tom: neɣ aha°? Tom is a talented actor, isn't he? Do you thirst for money? Do you fall into a pit? >>eng<< Yella win i yettṛajun Tom. Someone is waiting for Tom. There is one tithing Tom. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad iliɣ itri n usaru. I want to be a film star. And I would that I should go with paper and ink. >>eng<< يحبّ سامي الحيوانات الأليفة. Sami loves pets. Sammy likes pets. >>eng<< لا يمكنك التدخل في حياتي. You can't run my life. You can't interfere with my life. >>eng<< אני הולכת לפדר את אפי. I'm just going to go powder my nose. I'm gonna set up Effy. >>eng<< Ur zmireɣ-ara ad assaɣ ar Ustṛalya aggur-agi. I can't come to Australia this month. But when I have nothing to do with this day, I can't begin to be here in the city. >>eng<< الّان هوا پۆات. Allen is a poet. Now it's patts. >>eng<< هل يعتنون بالكلب؟ Do they take care of the dog? Does he take care of the dog? >>eng<< Ɛas daki yakan. Wait right here. And that's what it is. >>eng<< تسارع السائق بسيارته. The driver accelerated his car. The driver's speeding up his car. >>eng<< Ih? Yes? Yes? >>eng<< אכן. It's true. Yes, it is. >>eng<< אפשר להבין את הכעס שלו. His anger is understandable. You can understand his anger. >>eng<< Tom yella teɛǧeb-it Mary. Tom admired Mary. Tom she would be pleased to see Mary. >>eng<< Zgiɣ ḥemmleɣ aɛummu. I used to like swimming. I love that which I love; that I may love that which I love. >>eng<< Iḥeqqa, ula d netta iḥemmel-itt. In fact, he even loved her. True, also literally likes t. >>eng<< אופנועים זולים מאד. Motorcycles are very cheap. Motors are very cheap. >>eng<< זה היה כמעט קל מדי. It was almost too easy. It was almost too easy. >>eng<< היא קפצה מן הפח אל הפחת. She jumped out of the frying pan into the fire. She jumped from the hole to the drop. >>eng<< טיול רגלי באלפים אומר לעלות על הר אחד ולרדת מאחר. Hiking in the Alps means up one mountain and down another. A walk trip in thousands says get on one mountain and fall late. >>eng<< Azgen n uxeddim-nkent ifukk. The job is half done. Azgen n'xedim-nkent flashed. >>eng<< Ulac i qerrḥen am tidett. Nothing hurts like the truth. There is no destruction like that of a serpent. >>eng<< הוא הביט בי וחייך. He looked at me and smiled. He looked at me and your life. >>eng<< سوف أسأله I'll ask him. I'll ask him. >>eng<< ولكن أنا لا أريد الهروب, أنا أريد أن أرى إيطاليا. But I don't want to escape, I want to see Italy. But I don't want to escape, I want to see Italy. >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ i yettɣennin. Somebody's singing. And there is one which bloweth a spell. >>eng<< הכל הצביעו בעד. איש לא הצביע נגד. Everyone voted yes. No one objected. All voted for, no one voted against. >>eng<< ألبس فستاناً زهري. I wear a floral dress. I'm wearing a flower dress. >>eng<< كرة القدم هي لعبتي المفضلة. Football is my favorite game. Football is my favorite game. >>eng<< Ɣef leḥsab-ik, yezmer ad iyi-d-iẓer ḥedd? Do you think anyone can see me? In your strength, I will be able to see what your account is. >>eng<< في النهاية أُلقي القبض على المتمرد و تم سجنه. The rebel was ultimately captured and confined to jail. Eventually, the rebel was arrested and imprisoned. >>eng<< Baba-s n yemma d jeddi seg yemma. My mother's father is my maternal grandfather. The father of the father of the mother, and the father of the mother, >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ-ken akken i tellam. I love what you are. I love you, even as I am known. >>eng<< لا تستطيع السباحة هنا. You cannot swim here. You can't swim here. >>eng<< רוב התאונות קורות במרחק של עד 18 ק"מ מהבית. Most accidents happen within 10 miles of your house. Most of the accidents happen up to 20 miles from home. >>eng<< تعلمت الأبجدية الأمازيغية. I learned the Berber alphabet. The Abbey of Amazigh. >>eng<< אני עוד כאן. I'm still here. I'm still here. >>eng<< Lemmer ad tt-teččeḍ, ad temmteḍ. If you eat that, you'll die. If thou wilt eat, thou shalt die. >>eng<< הוא סטודנט באוניברסיטה. He's a university student. He's a university student. >>eng<< העט הזה הוא הטוב ביותר. This is the best pen. This pen is the best. >>eng<< תום אמר את זה? Did Tom say that? Tom said that? >>eng<< D acu daɣen? Then what? Then what does that mean? >>eng<< Zzna yettuḥeṛṛem deg aṭas n ddyanat. Fornication is forbidden in many religions. There are, it may be, so many kinds of persons. >>eng<< Ad truḥeḍ ad tɛummeḍ tameddit-a? Are you going to go swimming this afternoon? And wilt thou go and lie in wait at my bed? >>eng<< ألم تعد تحبّني؟ Aren't you in love with me anymore? Don't you love me anymore? >>eng<< Anwa lkaɣeḍ i tebɣiḍ? What papers do you take? Which one do you want? >>eng<< D timsetḥiyin i tellamt? Are you shy? Don't you remember me?' >>eng<< Minn fejn int? Where are you from? Where are you from? >>eng<< هو أترعَ الكأس. He filled the cup to the brim. He's feeding the cup. >>eng<< הוא עשה המון כסף. He made a lot of money. He made a lot of money. >>eng<< لديه قطان: أحدهما أسود والآخر أبيض. He keeps two cats: one is black, and the other white. He has two cats: one black and the other white. >>eng<< Ayagi u iteddu ara. This won't work. This is what will happen. >>eng<< רעב? Hungry? Hunger? >>eng<< قرّر سامي أن يرفع الفيديو على اليوتوب. Sami decided to upload the video on YouTube. Sammy decided to pick up the video on YouTube. >>eng<< أنا لا أفهم هذا. I don't understand this. I don't understand that. >>eng<< לא סיפרתי לו שום דבר. I told him nothing. I didn't tell him anything. >>eng<< מישהו דופק בדלת שלך. Somebody's knocking at your door. Someone knocks at your door. >>eng<< Wicqa ma fkiɣ asteqsi ur yemɛin ara? Can I ask a dumb question? And if I have any thing to ask him, why do I have no right to ask him that is of necessity? >>eng<< أحدهم على الهاتف يريدك. You're wanted on the phone. Someone on the phone wants you. >>eng<< המכונית ביצעה פנייה חדה. The car made an abrupt turn. The car made a sharp turn. >>eng<< Regmeɣ Tom. I insulted Tom. I love Tom. >>eng<< זה בטוח היה מזעזע. It was a shock, to be sure. That must have been shocking. >>eng<< ההרשמה בחינם אבל חובה. Registration is free but required. It's free, but it's mandatory. >>eng<< كانت ليلى تتكلّم العربيّة لكنّها كانت أمريكيّة. Layla spoke Arabic but was American. She was talking Arabic, but she was American. >>eng<< قام المتظاهرون بضرب العديد من رجال الشرطة حتى الموت. The rioters beat many policemen to death. The protesters beat a lot of policemen to death. >>eng<< הן צהובות. They are yellow. They're yellow. >>eng<< תום עבד כמרפה גופני. Tom worked as a physical therapist. Tom worked as a physical blanket. >>eng<< אני לא כבד בהרבה ממך. I'm not much heavier than you. I'm not heavy much of you. >>eng<< لترتاح في تسوقك الأسبوعي، يجب أن تملك سيارةً. For comfortable weekly shopping you have to have a car. To relax your weekly shopping, you have to have a car. >>eng<< لا أستطيع عزفَ البيانو. I can't play piano. I can't play the piano. >>eng<< كانت أمّ سامي أعزّ صديقة لتلك الامرأة. Sami's mom was best friends with that woman. Sammy's mother was the best friend of that thing. >>eng<< الإسلام ليس دينا فقط، بل نمط حياة أيضا. Islam is not only a religion. It's a way of life. Islam is not only a religion, but also a pattern of life. >>eng<< سامي و ليلى يعيشان في عالمين مختلفين. Sami and Layla live in separate worlds. Sammy and Lily live in two different worlds. >>eng<< كانت عند سامي عادة سيّئة. Sami had a bad habit. She was usually at Sammy's bad. >>eng<< يعطيك صّحّا بزّاف بزّاف! Thank you very much! He's giving you a smoldering smack! >>eng<< خسرنا تلك المباراة. We lost the game. We lost that game. >>eng<< Ilmeẓiyen n tallit-a ẓewṛen mliḥ. Young people of nowdays are smart. The feed is very important. >>eng<< הוא גר בבית רחב ידיים. He lives in a large house. He lives in a wide house. >>eng<< Beṛka-ken amennuɣ. Stop arguing. And there was a great stir between them. >>eng<< כך שמעתי. Thus I have heard. That's how I heard. >>eng<< Iḥemmel Tom ad yehḍeṛ ɣef tẓuṛi. Tom loves talking about art. And thou shalt love the Lord Jesus Christ. >>eng<< חברות כמוה כמו להשתין במכנסיים; כל אחד יכול לראות, אבל רק אתה יכול לחוש את החמימות האמיתית של זה. Friendship is just like peeing your pants; everyone can see it, but only you can feel its true warmth. Friends like her pee in your pants; anyone can see, but only you can feel the real heat of it. >>eng<< את השאר תשאיר לעצמך. Keep the rest for yourself. The rest of you leave yourself. >>eng<< Ur tettxemmimemt ara ula fell-as? Don't you even think about it? Don't you even think of him? >>eng<< Yesteqsa-d fell-akent. He asked after you. You asked for it. >>eng<< يميل الأشخاص الأنانيّين إلى اتّخاذ آراء ثابة حتّى و إن لم تكن صحيحة. Self-centered people tend to have fixated views even if they're not valid. Anonymous people tend to take firm even if they're not true. >>eng<< אני טובה בשמירת סודות. I'm good at keeping secrets. I'm good at keeping secrets. >>eng<< لايبدو أن توم يتجاوب مع العلاج Tom doesn't seem to be responding to the treatment. Tom doesn't seem to be responding to treatment. >>eng<< Tella tin i yellan? Is anybody here? Who are you? >>eng<< عليك أن ترتاح بعد التمرين. You should rest after exercise. You have to rest after training. >>eng<< قال الصايب: "نعم، هذا أنا، لكن هناك على الأقل واحد منا في كل بلد. و جميعنا نحب الفانتا، و نحب أن نضع المبتدئين عند حدّهم." "Yes, that's me," said Al-Sayib. "But there's at least one of us in every country. And we all like Fanta, as well as putting noobs in their place." He said, "Yes, that's me, but there's at least one of us in every country. >>eng<< هل اشتقت لي؟ Did you miss me? Did you miss me? >>eng<< Tom mačči d apokimon. Tom is not a Pokémon. You're not apokimon. >>eng<< זה נפלא! That's great! That's wonderful! >>eng<< احكي لي عن رحلة سفرك من فضلك. Please tell me about your trip. Tell me about your trip, please. >>eng<< Tessezzim-iyi allaɣ-iw! You make me feel dizzy! He shows me all that you do! >>eng<< الله أكبر! Allah is great! God's greater! >>eng<< እንታይ ክትእዝዝ ትደሊ? What would you like to order? What do you want to order? >>eng<< Tfeṛḥemt s wayenni? Are you content? He said to them, "You give thanks. Do you have thanks?" >>eng<< מעודי לא יריתי ברובה. I've never even shot a gun. My people didn't shoot at me. >>eng<< לאחר כמה דקות הופיעה משטרה על סף ביתי. Minutes later, police arrived at my door. In a few minutes, the police showed up on my house. >>eng<< מיהם המוזיקאים המפורסמים בארצך? Who are the famous musicians in your country? Who are the famous musicians in your country? >>eng<< لم يكن هذا مهذبا. That wasn't nice. That wasn't hot. >>eng<< אין שם שום דבר. There's nothing over there. There's nothing there. >>eng<< Iyya-d ad neɛreḍ kra. Let's try something. If you would cut down some of them for you. >>eng<< יש ברשותך את דרכונך? Do you have your passport? Do you have your way? >>eng<< Yessefqed-it? Did he check him? Did you spend your time with him? >>eng<< فتح لنا منّاد الباب و أدخلنا إلى منزله. Mennad answered the door and let us in the house. Open the doorkeeper and get us into his house. >>eng<< عدد من السياح اصيبوا في الحادثة . A number of tourists were injured in the accident. A number of tourists were injured in the accident. >>eng<< دخلت ليلى فخّا بدون أن تعلم. Layla unknowingly wandered into a trap. I went into the night, and I didn't know. >>eng<< كانت عند ليلى مشاكل ماليّة. Layla had money problems. She had financial problems. >>eng<< Theblem? Are you nuts? Theblem? >>eng<< הייתי חייבת לשקר לו. I had to lie to him. I had to lie to him. >>eng<< זה בחינם. This is free. It's free. >>eng<< אתה לא צריך לשכנע אותי. You don't need to convince me. You don't have to convince me. >>eng<< תמתין דקה. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. >>eng<< فهمت ليلى أنّ صديقها كان في خطر محتمل. Layla understood that her boyfriend was potentially dangerous. Lilly realized that her friend was in potential danger. >>eng<< تشاجر مع المدرّس. He argued with the teacher. Struggling with the teacher. >>eng<< أظنّ أنّه لدى سامي وقت لقائه في ال I think that Sami has got time to spend in jail. I think it's time for Sammy to meet him. >>hau_Latn<< This is also a good movie. Wannan fim din yanada kyau. Wannan fina - finai ne mai kyau. >>eng<< أقنعته أنه كان مخطئا. I convinced him that he was wrong. I convinced him he was wrong. >>eng<< بماذا توصي؟ What do you recommend? What's up? >>eng<< المدرسة أبعد من المحطة. The school is farther than the station. The school is far from the station. >>eng<< Ttxil-k awi-yi-d afenǧal n lbira. Please bring a glass of beer. You're looking for a pure-blown river. >>eng<< ركضت ماري. Mary ran. Mary ran. >>eng<< תום ניהל אורח חיים פרוע. Tom has an extravagant lifestyle. Tom's been living a wild life. >>eng<< البنات اعترضوا على خطتنا. The girls objected to our plan. The girls objected to our plan. >>eng<< אל תזוזו מהמקום הזה, הבנתם? Don't go anywhere, OK? Don't move away from this place, you understand? >>eng<< Ɣef acḥal n ssaɛa ara ad tasem s axxam? What time did you come home? How long will you go to the house? >>eng<< Sami i Lejla se nikad nisu poljubili Sami and Layla never kissed. Sami i Lila will nicad poliobis >>eng<< لم لا تزُرنا؟ Why don't you come visit us? Why don't you visit us? >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ ccetwa. I like winter. I loved the winter. >>eng<< واصل سامي صداقته مع ليلى. Sami continued to be friends with Layla. Sammy kept his friendship with Lily. >>eng<< عليك أن تتحدث معهم. You have to go talk to them. You have to talk to them. >>eng<< Yelha usewwi. Cooking is interesting. It's awful. (Laughter) >>eng<< شعر سامي بالوحدة. Sami felt lonely. Sammy hair in the unit. >>eng<< Aɛummu deg iḍ d amihaw. Swimming at night is dangerous. Pray in the night and in the evening. >>eng<< מערערים על פסק הדין. The judgment is being appealed. Struggles on the verdict. >>eng<< תרופה טובה היא מרה. Good medicine is bitter. Good medicine is bitter. >>eng<< אני כבר לא מורה. I'm no longer a teacher. I'm no longer a teacher. >>eng<< Tom yettmuqul Mary. Tom watches Mary. Tom's coming up with Mary. >>eng<< Ufan-d ttbut ɣef Tom deg 20 Tubeṛ 2013. Tom was convicted on October 20, 2013. They put him on Tom on 20th. >>eng<< Sarameɣ yiwen ur k-id-iwala txeddmeḍ-t. I hope no one saw you doing that. When I see a man again, who doesn't see you, take up your mat. >>eng<< תום לא מבין את הסיבה. Tom doesn't understand why. Tom doesn't understand why. >>eng<< תקן את השגיאות, אם יש כאלה. Correct the errors, if there are any. Adjust the errors, if there's any of them. >>eng<< יש עכביש בתוך האוהל. There's a spider inside the tent. There's a spider inside the tent. >>eng<< Fkiɣ-as yečča waydi. I've already fed the dog. And I eat of him; and they eat. >>eng<< Ma yella yehwa-yak, γuṛ-k kra. If you're happy to, have some. And if they do any thing against thee, they have nothing to do with thee. >>eng<< ها هي تذكرتي للرجوع. Here's my return ticket. Here's my ticket to return. >>eng<< أشاهد التلفاز. I am watching television. I watch TV. >>eng<< תוכל לבוא לכאן לדקה? Can you come here for a minute? Can you come here for a minute? >>eng<< Yessuter Sami deg Layla ad as-d-teg yiwet n lemzeyya. Sami asked Layla to do him a favor. He begged Sam in Lala that he would trap us with one finger. >>eng<< كان لدى سامي كلب. Sami had a dog. Sammy had a dog. >>eng<< תום חשב שמרי הסתירה ממנו משהו. Tom thought that Mary was hiding something from him. Tom thought Mary was hiding something from him. >>eng<< הוא היה אחראי לתחזוקה במפעל השוקולד. He was in charge of maintenance at the chocolate factory. He was in charge of maintenance at the chocolate factory. >>eng<< كان الدّم المرشوش في كلّ مكان من الغرفة. There was blood spatter everywhere in the room. The showers were everywhere in the room. >>eng<< أنت صديقي. You are my friend. You're my friend. >>eng<< הפוליטיקאי חלקלק כצלופח! The politician is as slippery as an eel! Politician broke up as a sniper! >>eng<< الملك يجب أن يتنازل عن العرش. The king must abdicate. The King must renounce the throne. >>eng<< تعلمتُ الأمازيغية في البيت. I learned Berber at home. I learned amazigh in the house. >>eng<< Fiḥel dexxan! No Smoking! How ironic! >>eng<< Yella ḥedd i iɛeṛḍen ad ineɣ Tom. Somebody tried to kill Tom. But I have a few things to say, that, if any man have compassion on him, he should be full. >>eng<< אני יודע זאת בעצמי. I know it myself. I know it myself. >>eng<< Ilaq ad as-t-isken Tom i walebɛaḍ. Tom has to tell somebody. You must show him Tom anyone." >>eng<< هدّد سامي ليلى بالقتل. Sami threatened Layla's life. Sammy threatened to kill me. >>eng<< Yexsef Tom. Tom fainted. Yexsef Tom. >>eng<< الجو حار جداً It's too hot. It's so hot. >>eng<< Ayɣer ur s-tessawaleḍ ara i Tom i wakken ad t-id-smektiḍ? Why don't you call Tom and remind him? Then will you not ask him, how will you remember him? >>eng<< הוא הואשם בקשירת קשר. He was charged with conspiracy. He's in charge of a contact request. >>eng<< كان الحفل جيّدا للغاية. The party was so good. The party was very good. >>eng<< Massnsen yesdukkel imaziɣen deg tallit-is. Masinissa united all the Berbers during his reign. And their minds were heavygun with his kisses. >>eng<< הכל תלוי בהחלטה שלך. Everything depends upon your decision. It all depends on your decision. >>eng<< Tom werǧin yettu. Tom never forgot. Tom did not know it. >>eng<< Sexsi tiliẓṛi. Turn the TV off. Seats would have gone through. >>eng<< إذا سجلت في الفيس بوك، فسترسل معلوماتك لوكالات الاستخبارات. If you sign up to Facebook, your information will be sent to intelligence agencies. If you register in Facebook, you'll send your information to the intelligence agencies. >>eng<< ألم يخطر لك أن تغلق النوافذ؟ Didn't it occur to you to shut the windows? Didn't he let you close the windows? >>eng<< בחצות אצא לתוככי מצרים וכל הבן הבכור במצרים מות יומת. About midnight will I go out into the midst of Egypt, and all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die. At midnight I will go out into Egypt and all the firstborn son in Egypt will die. >>eng<< Ur nesεi ara adlis. We do not have a book. Don't give thanks. >>eng<< הוא פצע את הכתף. He was wounded in the shoulder. He hit the shoulder. >>eng<< אשתי אוהבת רומנים רומנטיים. My wife loves romantic novels. My wife likes romantic novels. >>eng<< كان سامي أشرس مفترسي الشّوارع. Sami was the ultimate street predator. Sammy Axes was the street inspectors. >>eng<< תום הקשיב רוב קשב. Tom listened intently. Tom, listen to most of the bells. >>eng<< Tesɛiḍ imdukkal ur ntett ara ṛṛuz? Do you have any friends who don't eat rice? You have become friends with them that don't rest.' >>eng<< متى سترجع إلى المنزل؟ When will you come home? When are you coming home? >>eng<< نحن ذاهبان إلى المطبخ. We're going to the kitchen. We're going to the kitchen. >>eng<< Uḥwaǧeɣ ḥedd ara yi-iɛawnen. I need someone to help me. And I have a few things to do. >>eng<< מרי נפצעה אתמול. Mary hurt herself yesterday. Mary was hurt yesterday. >>eng<< האופניים הסגולים זולים מהצהובים. The purple bicycle costs less than the yellow. The purple bike is cheap from the yellow. >>eng<< D weltma-s n Tom, tihin? Is that Tom's sister? Tom's sister, where are you? >>eng<< זה קשה. That's hard. It's hard. >>eng<< قاتل سامي من أجل النّجاة بحياته. Sami fought for his life. Sammy's killer for survival. >>eng<< إنها مشهورة في اليابان وأمريكا أيضًا. She is well known both in Japan and in America. It's famous in Japan and America, too. >>eng<< Ur riɣ ara ad ɣṛeɣ deg yiḍ-a. I don't want to study tonight. I don't know that I am here night. >>eng<< Tella tin i k-id-iṭṭalayen. Somebody's watching you. She says to you, "It's the baby. >>eng<< איבדתי את תחושת הזמן. I lost track of the time. I lost the sense of time. >>eng<< كان سامي يعتبر حياته ممتعة. Sami thought life was good. Sammy considered his life to be fun. >>eng<< התחביב שלי הוא קריאה. My hobby is reading. My hobby is reading. >>eng<< Tlaq tin ara t-ixedmen. Somebody had to do that. Let go of him who did me. >>eng<< הצבא האמריקני מדגיש את האחדות. The US Army is big on uniformity. The American Army highlights the unity. >>eng<< فكّر جّيدا يا سامي. Think hard, Sami. Think good, Sammy. >>eng<< Yella ḥedd i yettṛajun Tom. Somebody is waiting for Tom. But there is a barrier to Tim. >>eng<< Yumen Tom aya? Did Tom believe it? Yumen Tomta? >>eng<< תשתמש במקומי. Use my place. Use my place. >>eng<< מי הדמות האהובה עליך מהסרטים המצויירים? Who's your favorite cartoon character? Who's your favorite character from the missing movies? >>eng<< تحوّل جسم سامي بواسطة عمليّات جراحيّة لتعديل جنسه. Sami had his body transformed with gender reassignment surgery. Change Sammy's body by surgical processes to modify his sex. >>eng<< לחוקים צריך לציית. Rules are to be observed. The rules have to be obeyed. >>eng<< תחנת הכוח יצאה מכלל שימוש בגלל הטכנולוגיה המיושנת שלה. The power plant was mothballed because of its outdated technology. The power station is out of use because of its advanced technology. >>eng<< זה ממש קל. This is real easy. It's really easy. >>eng<< אני יודע שזה לא מספיק טוב. I know it's not good enough. I know it's not good enough. >>eng<< Eǧǧ-iten ak-ɛawnen. Let them help you. They have fulfilled the same unto them. >>eng<< ذهبت أيضاً. I also went. She's gone too. >>eng<< أنت حساس جدا للضجيج. You are too sensitive to noise. You're very sensitive to noise. >>eng<< כשהגענו לנמל הרוח נחלשה. When we arrived at the port, the wind subsided. When we got to the windport, it's weak. >>eng<< صادفت توم في طريقي إلى المدرسة. I met Tom on my way to school. I got Tom on my way to school. >>eng<< חסר לך יותר מדי מידע. You don't have enough information. You lack too much information. >>eng<< היא בישלה לנו ארוחה נפלאה. She cooked us a wonderful meal. She cooked us a wonderful meal. >>eng<< Bezzaf i tḥettbeḍ iman-ik! You are so pretentious! Thou hast anointed thyself with the power of thine own self. >>eng<< Ḥebsent. They stopped. eebsent. >>eng<< החמצתי הזדמנות פז. I missed a golden opportunity. I missed a chance. >>eng<< الموسيقى لغة عالمية. Music is a universal language. Music is a universal language. >>eng<< Kemmel ddu. Keep going. Continue to do this. >>eng<< כשקרתה רעידת האדמה הגדולה הייתי רק בן עשר. When the big earthquake happened, I was only ten. When the Great Earthquake hit, I was only ten years old. >>eng<< אני שולט על הענין. I've got it under control. I'm in control of the matter. >>eng<< بدأت الشّرطة تحلّل مسرح الجريمة. Police set about processing the tragic murder scene. The police are starting to analyze the crime scene. >>eng<< אף פעם אין לי זמן לעבור על הניירת. I never have time to get through all the paperwork. I never have time to go over the paperwork. >>eng<< سأل ديما: "ماذا تقصد؟"، لكنه تجشأ، لأنه لو بقي صامتًا لكانت هذه الجملة بسيطةً جدا. "What do you mean?" Dima asked, but burped, for if he remained silent, this sentence would be too simple. Dama asked, "What do you mean?" But he screams, because if he remained silent, that word would be very simple. >>eng<< אינני יודע אם אתה אומר אמת או לא. I don't know whether you are telling the truth or not. I don't know if you're telling the truth or not. >>eng<< أنت تستحقّ هذا المديح. You deserve those compliments. You deserve this compliment. >>eng<< لم تكره الكنديّين إلى هذه الدّرجة؟ Why do you hate Canadians so much? Why did the Canadians hate this doctor? >>eng<< Akka dduṛt, ad awḍen sin wagguren segmi la ţaruɣ tinnegnit; ulamma d aqlaqal, taqbaylit yeţṛajuţ aṭas n leqdic. Iwumi-aɣ, ihi, s wigi i ţ-yeţemrasen? In a week, it will be two months since I write in the lying position; even if it is binding, the Kabyle language still needs to be worked on. What else would its speakers be for, then? And in the second watch of the night they awaked together; and in the fourth watch of the night they ceased to be idle, and to put them to work. >>eng<< Tettnadimt učči? Do you want food? Do you eat three days? >>eng<< זה נונסנס. That's nonsense. It's a miracle. >>eng<< أنا أغنّي بالأمازيغيّة. I am singing in Berber. I'm singing amazement. >>eng<< سامي يحبّ مادّة التّصوير. Sami loves photography class. Sammy likes the film. >>eng<< נדהמתי כששמעתי את ההסבר של טום למעשהו. I was shocked when I heard Tom's explanation for his action. I was amazed when I actually heard Tom's explanation. >>eng<< Anda-tt jida-k? Where's your grandmother? And where's your way? >>eng<< إبن زنا! Bastard! Zana's son! >>eng<< سامي يربح الكثير من المال. Sami makes good money. Sammy wins a lot of money. >>eng<< Azul fell-awen akk! Hello all! But all these things will be added to you. >>eng<< העולם מלא רכלנים ושקרנים. The world is full of gossipers and liars. The world is full of gullibles and lies. >>eng<< أعلم أن هناك أناساً من يمكنهم رؤيته. I know there are people who can see it. I know there's a woman who can see him. >>eng<< Asafag-a yezmer ad yafeg s 800 miles deg usrag. This plane can fly at 800 miles an hour. For example, it is possible to find out what is on the market. >>eng<< טום זה עתה חזר מהעבודה. Tom just got back from work. Tom just got back from work. >>eng<< هل سبق وكنت هناك من قبل ؟ Were you there before? Have you ever been there before? >>eng<< Lleɣ neɣ qim, ad k-sleɣlɣen alamma yelleɣṭuṭi wallaɣ-ik, ma ur yelleɣẓam ara wemgṛeḍ-ik. Whether you lick them or not, they will soften you by shriveling your brain, even by breaking your neck. I lo, and lo, I pray thee, till I cast out thy bed, but thy hurt not, and forbid not thy hurt. >>eng<< מתי הרכבת הבאה לככר סלואן? When is the next train to Sloane Square? When's the next train to Sloane's rent? >>eng<< هجر سامي ليلى. Sami gave Layla a silent treatment. Sammy's gone for a night. >>eng<< Ttetteḍ aɣrum yal ass? Do you eat bread every day? Do you have all of us every day? >>eng<< Ilaq-iyi ad ččeɣ tura. I have to eat now. I have to eat now, that I may eat. >>eng<< كان سامي يقصرني في الطول. Sami was shorter than me. Sammy was limiting me to the length. >>eng<< من المحتمل أن تكون ليلى قد ماتت الآن. Layla is probably dead now. It's probably Lily's dead now. >>eng<< אני כותבת עכשיו מכתב למורה הסיני שלי. I'm now writing a letter to my Chinese teacher. I'm writing a letter to my Chinese teacher now. >>eng<< Beṛka-k aḥerrek! Be reasonable. (Laughter) >>eng<< Kenwi d iɛeggunen. You are stupid. Kenwi cucumbers. >>eng<< Ordna li jinġiebu d-dokumenti kollha. He ordered all the documents to be presented. Order to bring all documents. >>eng<< תום שואל אותי שאלות לעתים תכופות. Tom often asks me questions. Tom's asking me questions sometimes. >>eng<< أُحضِرَ سامي مجدّدا إلى العدالة. Sami was brought back to justice. I bring Sammy back to justice. >>eng<< Tebɣamt timellalin? Do you want eggs? You're dreaming? >>eng<< ماعليك إلا أن تضغط على الزر. You have only to push the button. You just have to press the button. >>eng<< מגרד לי ביד. My hand itches. I'm bleeding in my hand. >>eng<< سامي بحاجة لشيء ما. Sami needs something. Sammy needs something. >>eng<< بخصوص هذه المسألة، أنا راض تماما. So far as this matter is concerned, I am completely satisfied. On this issue, I'm perfectly satisfied. >>eng<< נעלתי את עצמי בחוץ. I locked myself out. I locked myself out. >>eng<< אנו אמורים לאהוב אחד את השני. We ought to love one another. We're supposed to love each other. >>eng<< Amek i ten-id-tesseḍṣeḍ? How did you make them laugh? You who judge them, do you give them glory? >>eng<< Ur cukkeɣ ara Tom ad yebɣu ad yeg akka am nekkni. Tom isn't likely to want to do that with us. And this I would, not that I should do it, as I am. >>eng<< ትግሪኛ ክምሃር እድሊ እሎኹ። I want to learn Tigrinya. I desire to learn Greek. >>eng<< Sawel ar wexxam! Call home! seven o'clock in the house! >>eng<< Ur yelli ara rebbi. God doesn't exist. For I'm not a nurse. >>eng<< לעתים קרובות טום מדבר בשנתו. Tom frequently talks in his sleep. Tom often speaks in his own language. >>eng<< הגיוס לצבא הווה גורל מוזר לנער שמעודו לא החזיק רובה בידיו. Enlisting in the special forces is a strange fate for a boy who has never had a gun in his hands. The prisoner to the army gave a strange fate to a boy who didn't have a gun in his hand. >>eng<< אני חושב שהייתה לנו שנה טובה. I think we had a good year. I think we had a good year. >>eng<< פגשתי את תום בינואר. I met Tom this January. I met Tom in January. >>eng<< אבקש ממך לעבור על המסמכים האלה בזריזות. I'd like you to quickly browse through these documents. I'll ask you to move these papers quickly. >>eng<< ציפורים על פי רוב עפות בלהקה. Birds often fly together. Birds according to most flying in a band. >>eng<< אני תמיד רוחצת את הפנים במים וסבון. I always wash my face with soap and water. I always wash my face in water and soap. >>eng<< حتّى المدرّسة كانت تبكي. Even the teacher was crying. Even the teacher was crying. >>eng<< Izmer ad ken-ineɣ ssem. Poison can kill you. And the fig tree shall shew it, and the ashes shall hew it out. >>eng<< Tom ur d-yettuɣal ara uqbel Tubeṛ. Tom isn't going to be back until October. Don't wake up before you fall. >>eng<< תהיה חסר רחמים. Be merciless. You'll be pathetic. >>eng<< أين الكتاب؟ Where is the book? Where's the book? >>eng<< פרושו של דבר שמים קולחים על גבי שטח הפנים של הטיח ובקלות יחדרו בסדקים. That means that water flows over the plaster and enters cracks easily. The appearance of the sky's sound on the surface of the rock and on the easy side of the cracks. >>eng<< Tom yebɣa ad yezweǧ d Mary. Tom wanted to marry Mary. And that he would serve Mary. >>eng<< كمان مرة. Once again. Like once. >>eng<< تريد كأساً آخر من الشاي؟ أعددت لك كأساً منذ لحظات قليلة! You want another cup of tea? I've just made you one! You want another cup of tea? >>eng<< لديك بعض الكتب. You have some books. You have some books. >>eng<< אנא התקשרי אלינו כשתראי את החתול שבתמונה הזאת. Please call us when you see the cat in this picture. Please call us when you see the cat in this picture. >>eng<< לפתע תום זעק בכאב. Suddenly, Tom cried out in pain. Suddenly Tom cried in pain. >>eng<< Laɛimt-aɣ-d. Call us. And we have been delivered unto him, and have been declared worthy of him. >>eng<< אתם רוצים לטעום? Would you care for a taste? You want to taste? >>eng<< הציפורים בונות קנים מזרדים. Birds build nests of twigs. The birds are building streams. >>eng<< מי הסופר? Who's the author? Who's the writer? >>eng<< ذهب سامي إلى الحمّام ليفرش أسنانه. Sami went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Sammy went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. >>eng<< Ilha uɛummu i ṣṣeḥḥa-inek. Swimming is good for your health. For true are your words. >>eng<< Nekk d baba-twen. I am your father. I am your Father. >>eng<< انتقل الى الجزء الخلفي من الباص رجاءً . Please move to the rear of the bus. Go to the back of the ball, please. >>eng<< Ikkmandah imur id-dar. He ordered him to go home. Command him to go home. >>eng<< אם אשכח, תזכיר לי בבקשה. If I forget, please remind me. If I forget, please remind me. >>eng<< كانت ليلى تحبّ الحياة الرّيفيّة. Layla loved the country life. Lily loved life. >>eng<< אני לא יכול לחיות בלעדייך. I can't live without you. I can't live without you. >>eng<< הרחוב מעוטר בדגלים. The street is decorated with banners. The street is full of flags. >>eng<< هل بإمكان غزّة أن تنجو من هجوم واسع آخر؟ Can Gaza survive another massive attack? Can you be proud to survive another massive attack? >>eng<< כל השובתים יצאו מהבניין זועמים. All the strikers came out of the building in indignation. All the brides came out of the building. >>eng<< الجو دافئ بعض الشيء اليوم. It's fairly warm today. It's a little hot today. >>eng<< אני מנסה לסייע לך עכשיו. I'm trying to help now. I'm trying to help you now. >>eng<< בערך 20% מהמים בערים דרושים להשקיית הדשא. An estimated 20% of the water used by homeowners in cities is used for their grass. About 20% of the water in the cities is needed for the lawn. >>eng<< סגרתי את הדלת בשקט, כדי לא להעיר את התינוק. I closed the door quietly so I wouldn't wake the baby up. I shut the door quietly so I wouldn't wake up the baby. >>eng<< كان سامي مفزوعا. Sami was terrified. Sammy was distraught. >>eng<< Iqjan seεεun bab-itsen, ma d imcac seεεun iqeddacen. Dogs have masters, cats have servants. Ask your employer if they can, but if they do, they will do so. >>eng<< Ɣelḍeɣ deg waya? Am I wrong about that? When do I fall into temptation? >>eng<< عن من تتحدث؟ Who are you talking about? Who are you talking about? >>eng<< كادت أن تبكي. She was on the verge of crying. I almost cried. >>eng<< תום שנא את זה. Tom hated it. Tom hated it. >>eng<< لا أحد يعيش هنا بعد الآن. No one lives here anymore. No one lives here anymore. >>eng<< בוא נחכה ונראה אם תום באמת זקוק לעזרתנו. Let's wait and see if Tom really needs our help. Let's wait and see if Tom really needs our help. >>eng<< Nadi-d ḥedd-nniḍen. Find somebody else. They came and told him the same thing. >>eng<< אמרתי לך שאעזור לך. I told you that I'd help you. I told you I'd help you. >>eng<< أظن أنه ذهب إلى كيوتو. He may have left for Kyoto. I think he went to Kyoto. >>eng<< Ṭṣeɣ, i kennemti? I slept, and you? Have I done some wrong, and have you seen it? >>eng<< انتظر لحظة، إلى أين تظنّ نفسكَ ذاهبًا؟ Hey, wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? Wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? >>eng<< אני לא יכולה לעצור. הבלמים... I can't stop. The brakes... I can't stop. >>eng<< قريب ماكاين حتى كتاب. There are almost no books. Close to Macain until a book. >>eng<< أشكرك لشرحك لي ذلك. Thanks for your explanation. Thank you for explaining that to me. >>eng<< למה לא מחר? Why not tomorrow? Why not tomorrow? >>eng<< هل مازلتَ مُستيقظاً؟ You're still awake? Are you still awake? >>eng<< هكذا دخل الجامعة. This was how he entered the university. That's how the university came in. >>eng<< كيف يلاحَظ الخطأ؟ How is the error observed? How's the wrong tracker? >>eng<< شارفت الساعة على الثالثة. It's nearly three o'clock. Charlotte's at 3 p.m. >>eng<< Xeddmeɣ aya yal ass. I always do that. I have to work every day. >>eng<< لم تزوّجتي منه؟ Why did you marry him? You didn't get married to him? >>eng<< העתיד היה טוב יותר פעם. The future was better before. The future was better once. >>eng<< تاع منُّه هاذا؟ Whose is this? You hear who this is? >>eng<< השעה כמעט שלוש. It'll soon be three o'clock. It's almost three. >>eng<< Kif int? How are you? How are you? >>eng<< אל תדאג. לא אזיק לה. Don't worry. I won't hurt her. Don't worry. >>eng<< היא אוהבת שמלות תכולות. She likes blue dresses. She likes candy dresses. >>eng<< أنا أركض. I run. I'm running. >>eng<< תום נאבק. Tom is fighting. Tom was fighting. >>eng<< Tom yella yebɣa ad iyemmesten Mary. Tom wanted to protect Mary. For he had desired to call them Mary. >>eng<< Yebra-yas Tom i Mary. Tom divorced Mary. He named him Tom Mary. >>eng<< נא לא לדבר ללא רשות. Please refrain from speaking without permission. Please don't talk without permission. >>eng<< תום העמיד פנים שלא אכפת לו. Tom pretended that he didn't care. Tom pretended he didn't care. >>eng<< הוא ניסה להרשים אותה. He tried to impress her. He tried to impress her. >>eng<< لدي صديق يعيش في سابورو. I have a friend who lives in Sapporo. I have a friend who lives in Saporo. >>eng<< وقتاش شْرى توم هاذْ التريكو؟ When did Tom buy that shirt? Tom's time is this Trekro? >>eng<< אינני חושבת שאני יכולה להרשות לעצמי לרכוש רכב כעת. I don't think I can afford to buy a car now. I don't think I can afford to buy a car now. >>eng<< Yuɣ uletma-s netta. He was married to her sister. Net uletma-s. >>eng<< כולם נרגעו. Everyone quieted down. Everybody calm down. >>eng<< "למה אתה לא מגיע?" "כי אני לא רוצה." "Why aren't you coming?" "Because I don't want to." "Why don't you come?" "Because I don't want to." >>eng<< لكل إنسان حق التمتع بكافة الحقوق والحريات الواردة في هذا الإعلان، دون أي تمييز، كالتمييز بسبب العنصر أو اللون أو الجنس أو اللغة أو الدين أو الرأي السياسي أو أي رأي آخر، أو الأصل الوطني أو الاجتماعي أو الثروة أو الميلاد أو أي وضع آخر، دون أية تفرقة بين الرجال والنساء. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Everyone has the right to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, national or social origin, wealth, birth or any other status, without any distinction between men and women. >>eng<< אני בדרך לבקר חבר שבבית החולים. I'm on my way to visit a friend who's in the hospital. I'm on my way to visit a friend at the hospital. >>eng<< Yella kra i teffreḍ. You're hiding something. There is no doubt that you will not be able to hide it. >>eng<< ألا تبعد يدك عني؟ Will you take your hand off me? Don't your hand get away from me? >>eng<< غادرت ليلى سامي. Layla left Sami. I left Lila Sammy. >>eng<< כמה מנגואים תרצי? How many mangos will you want? How much do you want? >>eng<< ذوق زوجتي في الفساتين يختلف عن ذوقي. My wife's taste in dress is contrary to my own. My wife's taste in the dresses is different from my taste. >>eng<< מה אנו אמורים לעשות? What are we supposed to do? What are we supposed to do? >>eng<< Tella kra n tɣawsa i yesserfan Tom. Something made Tom angry. And of them it was called Tom, a band of men. >>eng<< Ɛni iman-ik i telliḍ? Are you single? Why are you so ignorant? >>eng<< اين كلبك؟ Where is your dog? Where's your dog? >>eng<< Sami yella ccenu. Sami was singing in the church. Sailinge. >>eng<< תראה לי דוגמה אחרת. Show me another example. Show me another example. >>eng<< أين هم؟ Where are they? Where are they? >>eng<< بعد ظُهر هذا اليوم سيكون لدينا مقابلة. This afternoon we will have an interview. After this day's celebration, we'll have an interview. >>eng<< יש משהו שאני רוצה. There's something I want. There's something I want. >>eng<< الوردة دي حلوة. This rose is beautiful. The rose de liquidate. >>eng<< متى اشترى توم هذا القميص؟ When did Tom buy that shirt? When did Tom buy this shirt? >>eng<< צחוק הוא התרופה הטובה ביותר. Laughter is the best medicine. Laughing is the best cure. >>eng<< אין בנות בכיתתנו. There are no girls in our class. There are no girls in our class. >>eng<< أريد أن أصبح طبيبة أو ممرضة أو مدرسة. I want to be a doctor or a nurse or a teacher. I want to be a doctor, nurse or school. >>eng<< היא נשתתקה לפתע. She fell silent suddenly. She'll be all of a sudden. >>eng<< תעריפי הביטול בעליה מהירה. Cancellation fees are rising fast. Dumps have a rapid effect. >>eng<< תום מעוניין רק בנערות נאות מראה. Tom is only interested in good-looking girls. Tom's only interested in fair-looking girls. >>eng<< Tessneḍ abrid. You know the way. You know the way. >>eng<< תזדהי. Identify yourself. Fuck you. >>eng<< אני לא יכולה לתקשר עם תום כפי שהייתי רגילה. I can't communicate with Tom like I used to. I can't communicate with Tom as I was used to. >>eng<< Usiɣ-n ad ken-waliɣ. I came to see you. And they shall see him, and shall see him. >>eng<< Yerfa Tom, neɣ ala? Tom is furious, isn't he? Yeerfa Tom, or no? >>eng<< رصدت الشّرطة سيّارة فاضل بالقرب من الحدود. Police spotted Fadil's car near the border. I've been watching a poor car near the border. >>eng<< أصبح سامي أبا جديدا. Sami became a new dad. Sammy's become a new father. >>eng<< Tɣezzaḍ-as! Well done! And how you are doing! >>eng<< תרצה לנסוע לארה"ב? Would you like to travel to the United States? Would you like to go to the United States? >>eng<< Arwaḥ ! Come on! What a shame! >>eng<< كان هناك مدرّسون بالقرب. Teachers were around. There were teachers nearby. >>eng<< Ɛiwdemt asiwel. Call back. I have finished my course as a child. >>hau_Latn<< Where is the American embassy? Ina ne ofishin jakadan Amirka? A ina ne ’ yan wasa na Amirka suke? >>eng<< בערך מחצית מהירקות והפירות של ארה"ב מוצאם מקליפורניה. Roughly half of America's fruits and vegetables come from California. About half of U.S.'s vegetables and fruits are found in California. >>eng<< Ḥwaǧeɣ ad d-aɣeɣ kra akken ad ččeɣ. I need to buy something to eat. And I will eat nothing that I have eaten. >>eng<< אני מתנצל מקרב לב. I truly apologize. I apologize from close to heart. >>eng<< את כבר מבוהלת? Are you frightened yet? Are you scared yet? >>eng<< سامي حقّا بحاجة إلى الرّاحة. Sami really needs to rest. Sammy really needs rest. >>eng<< ألعب معه. I play with him. I play with him. >>eng<< אתה לא אוהב אותי? Don't you like me? You don't like me? >>eng<< קח את זה החוצה. Take it outside. Take it out. >>eng<< Sneɣ anagar tafṛansist akked teglizit. I know only French and English. I know that I'm a doctor of all English studies. >>eng<< אני מחבבת אותך יותר מאשר אי פעם. I love you more than ever. I like you more than ever. >>eng<< Ṣṣubem! Get down. Okay! >>eng<< سأحاول وضع أفكاري في كتاب. I'll try to shape my ideas into a book. I'll try to put my thoughts in a book. >>eng<< תום הוא היחידי היודע בוודאות. Tom is the only one who knows for sure. Tom's the only one who knew for sure. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad yili win i wumi ara heḍṛeɣ. I want somebody to talk to. I will that he also that I shall remember him. >>eng<< הוא הודה בגלוי בליקוייו. He openly confessed his faults. He admitted openly to Blaquio. >>eng<< לא יכולתי להפטר מהשיר בראש שלי. I couldn't get that song out of my mind. I couldn't get rid of the song in my head. >>eng<< أعلم أن خبزها سيكون لذيذا. I know that her bread will be tasty. I know her bread would be delicious. >>eng<< D acu i ţ-yuɣen? What does she have? What is it therefore? >>eng<< Ayefki-nni d asemmam. The milk tastes sour. And he gave those things unto her, and so it was. >>eng<< Ur teẓriḍ ara ad tizmireḍ ad tefruḍ ugur-a iman-im? Don't you think you'll be able to solve the problem by yourself? Or don't you know how you will prepare your life? Don't you know how it is? >>eng<< Iqṛeḥ-iyi dayi. It hurts here. Watch me. >>eng<< Ulac kra n yiwen i iṛuḥen ar dina. Nobody went there. There was no one who testified to him. >>eng<< Theddṛemt. You speak. "You took heed for yourselves. >>eng<< Mazal teḥma. It's still warm. Not well-intentioned. >>eng<< Tom ur yessin ara ad yesseqdec aselkim. Tom doesn't know how to use the computer. You don't know. For you don't know what you're talking about. >>eng<< تحدّث فاضل و دانية عن الطقس. Fadil and Dania talked about the weather. Blame and Daniel talk about the weather. >>eng<< Tom ilaq ad iṛuḥ ar uɣerbaz. Tom has to go to school. Let there be first a date, that shall it spring up. >>eng<< أهذا هو الطريق إلى المحطة؟ Is this the way to the station? Is that the way to the station? >>eng<< Gzem! Cut! Get it! >>eng<< אין ספק לגבי היושרה שלו. There are no doubts regarding his integrity. No doubt about his integrity. >>eng<< هذا مدرّسنا في الفن. This is our art teacher. This is our art teacher. >>eng<< תום חשב שמרי צריכה לגשת לבית של יוחנן ולעזור לו. Tom thought Mary should go over to John's house and help him. Tom thought Mary had to go to John's house and help him. >>eng<< תבדוק את זה, בבקשה, ותודיע לי מה דעתך על זה. Please check it out and let me know what you think about it. Check it out, please, and let me know how you think about it. >>eng<< זאת נשארת בעיה גדולה. That remains a major problem. It's still a big problem. >>eng<< ما راناش في السينيما. We are not at the cinema. What Ransh is in the synonym. >>eng<< الفضاء مليئ بالغموض. Space is full of mystery. Space is full of mystery. >>eng<< كان فاضل يقطن في حيّ سكني بالقرب من القاهرة. Fadil lived in a housing development near Cairo. He lived in my neighborhood near Cairo. >>eng<< הנה החבר שלך. There's your friend. Here's your friend. >>eng<< מתי שינית כתובת? When did you change your address? When did you change an address? >>eng<< هل صحيح أنك لم تكن هنا البارحة؟ Is it true that you weren't here yesterday? Isn't it true that you weren't here last night? >>eng<< חשבתי שתום ראה אותי. I thought Tom had seen me. I thought Tom saw me. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad siwleɣ i ubugaṭu-inu. I want to call my lawyer. I will call my baby baby.' >>eng<< حمداً لله. Thank God. Thank God. >>eng<< Aqjun-nni la yettmettat. The dog is dying. The answer is no. >>eng<< מה הצליל הזה? What's that sound? What's that sound? >>eng<< أنقذ الشاب الفتاة من الغرق. The young man saved the girl from drowning. Save the girl from burning. >>eng<< تحوّلت الدّقائق إلى ساعات. Minutes turned into hours. The roofs were turned into hours. >>eng<< Mi ara fakkeɣ učči, taɣawsa tamenzut i xeddmeɣ d asired n tuɣmas-iw. After eating, the first thing I do is brush my teeth. When I eat, I tear down the dust that is in me, and keep it in my flesh. >>eng<< إنتظرتك. I waited for you. I waited for you. >>eng<< Beṛka ambiwel! Be reasonable. Imitation! >>eng<< أجريتْ لي مقابلة عمل. I was interviewed for a job. I had a job interview. >>eng<< كان سامي يلوّح لليلي بينما كانت راحلة بسيّارتها. Sami waved to Layla as she was driving away. Sammy was resting for the night while she was away with her car. >>eng<< הקופסא שהיא מצאה היתה ריקה. The box she found was empty. The box she found was empty. >>eng<< אני לא מטיל בזה שום ספק. I don't doubt that one bit. I don't doubt it. >>eng<< D imerkantiyen i tellam? Are you wealthy? Do you know what you are doing? >>eng<< לו כאבי לידה היו כל כך קשים כמו שמספרים הרי לכל אם היה רק ילד אחד! If labor pains would hurt so much as people say, everyone would only have one child! If he had pain of birth, it was as hard as the numbers of all if he was just one boy! >>eng<< מדיניות הילודה החדשה שמה לה למטרה להגיע לגידול אפס באוכלוסיה. The new birth policy is aimed at achieving zero population growth. The new birth policy aimed at raising zero in the population. >>eng<< את רואה דמיון? Do you see a resemblance? Do you see an imagination? >>eng<< אני נוטה להסכים איתך. I tend to agree with you. I tend to agree with you. >>eng<< אבא שלי היה אומר שהכסף הוא לא הכול. My father used to say that money is not everything. My dad would say the money isn't all. >>eng<< זרם הגולף הוא נהר עצום של מים חמים הזורם בתוככי האוקיינוס האטלנטי. The Gulf Stream is a great river of warm water flowing within the Atlantic Ocean. The golf river is a huge river of hot water flowing into the oceans of the Atlantic. >>eng<< טום רצה לדעת מה שם המשפחה של מרי. Tom wanted to know what Mary's last name was. Tom wanted to know Mary's last name. >>eng<< دعني و شأني! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! >>eng<< اسم ابنهما هو جون. Their son's name is John. Their son's name is John. >>eng<< أسرع سامي كي يقلّ ليلى من المدرسة. Sami rushed to pick up Layla from school. Hurry up Sammy to drop me out of school. >>eng<< Ayɣer i iyi-d-teqqareḍ awalen-a ur nesεi anamek? Why are you telling me this nonsense. Do you answer me, as you speak, and don't hear your name?' >>eng<< ما يحتاجه حقاً هو وظيفة جيدة. What he needs most is a good job. What you really need is a good job. >>eng<< Yella kra n yiwen i yettṛajun Tom. Somebody is waiting for Tom. There was a notable dispute between one of the Jews and the Greeks. >>eng<< لديك أخ؟ Do you have a brother? You have a brother? >>eng<< הוא עני מרוד. He's dirt-poor. He's poor. >>eng<< אני יודע שאתה עורך בטאון מדעי פופולרי. I know that you're the editor of a popular scientific magazine. I know you're a popular science editor. >>eng<< אכלנו יחד ארוחת צהרים. We were eating lunch together. We ate lunch together. >>eng<< حنا حباب قدم. We're old friends. It's a front fire. >>eng<< طوم راو واقف فلكوانا تع اشّومبرا. Tom is standing in the corner of the room. Tom Rau stood up, and we were in the dark. >>eng<< Tom iḥewwes d Mary. Tom walked out with Mary. You'll be fine with Mary. >>eng<< Sami yebɣa ad yeqqim deg uxxam. Sami wants to stay home. And Samson would have him sit in the house. >>eng<< Nezmer! We can! Of course not! >>eng<< Ɛeddimt ar tili! Take cover! How hard you would have been! >>eng<< هذا حقا مثير This is really interesting. That's really exciting. >>eng<< אני מניחה שזה לא יטריד אתכם, שאני לוקחת אחד מהם. I assume it won't bother you if I take one of them. I guess it won't bother you, I'm taking one of them. >>eng<< مانهدرش الرومية. I don't speak French. Roman Maghresh. >>eng<< יש לו תמונה של פיקאסו. He has a Picasso. He's got a picture of Picasso. >>eng<< לא קינאת. You were not jealous. Not jealous. >>eng<< איזה נער ביש-מזל אנוכי! What an unlucky boy I am! What a selfish lucky boy! >>eng<< תום כבר שכנע אותי לא לעזוב. Tom has already convinced me not to leave. Tom already convinced me not to leave. >>eng<< לך על זה. Knock yourself out. Go for it. >>eng<< Ttxil-wet, afet-t-id. Please find him. Thieves, stop-t-id. >>eng<< Ur riɣ ara ad rjuɣ annect-a dɣa. I don't want to wait that long. I know not such a thing as these. >>eng<< Tesderɣel-iken tayri. Love makes you blind. You'll get it, you'll get it. >>eng<< اعتقد سامي أنّ ليلى هي من هجمت عليه. Sami believed Layla attacked him. I think Sammy's the one who attacked him. >>eng<< آمل ألّا يكون توم في إثرنا. I hope Tom isn't looking for us. I hope Tom won't be behind us. >>eng<< اشترى سامي كلبا آخر لليلى. Sami bought Layla another dog. Sammy bought another dog for me. >>eng<< ترتاد أختي الجامعة. My sister goes to a university. My sister's wearing the university. >>eng<< אנו נוטים לשגות. We tend to make mistakes. We tend to get. >>eng<< יהיה לי קשה להעיר אותך. It'll be hard for me to wake you up. It'll be hard for me to wake you up. >>eng<< هل بإمكانك مساعدتي في المطبخ؟ Could you give me a hand in the kitchen, please? Can you help me out in the kitchen? >>eng<< لنخرج لتناول مشروب. I suggest we go out for a drink. Let's go out for a drink. >>eng<< Ilaq ddeqs n wakud. One needs a lot of time. There must be a silence. >>eng<< סבי שותה קפה עם חבורת קשישים כל בוקר. My grandpa drinks coffee with a group of old guys every morning. My grandfather drinks coffee with a bunch of old ones every morning. >>eng<< אני רוצה שתתחנן לרחמים. I want you to beg for mercy. I want you to beg for mercy. >>eng<< ידעתי שנהיה ידידים. I knew we would be friends. I knew we'd be friends. >>eng<< ليلى سمينة و قبيحة. Layla is fat and ugly. Lila's fat and ugly. >>eng<< هذه المسألة سهلة لدرجة أن أيّ طالب يمكنه حلّها. This is such an easy problem that any student can solve it. This issue is so easy that any student can solve it. >>eng<< هل أُخذت هذه الصورة حديثاً؟ Is this a recent photo? Have you recently taken this picture? >>eng<< قتل امرء واحد جريمة لا تغتفر و إبادة شعب كامل مسألة فيها نظر, One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic. The murder of one woman is a crime that is unforgivable, and the destruction of a whole people is a matter of consideration, >>eng<< Ttxil-kent ur ttmettatemt ara. Please don't die. You're not able to sleep in. >>eng<< አስተርጓሚ ነኝ። I'm a translator. I am an interpreter. >>eng<< سأساعدك في تنظيفه. I'll help you clean it up. I'll help you clean it up. >>eng<< אני יכול לראות אותך לשניה? Can I see you for a second? Can I see you for a second? >>eng<< Ddem ta. Carry this. Destination. >>eng<< كنّا صديقات. We were friends. We were friends. >>eng<< הוא נתן תשר כאות הוקרת תודה. He gave a tip as a sign of gratitude. He gave a gift as a thank you. >>eng<< תתלבש מהר, אתה תפספס את ההסעה! Hurry up and get dressed. You're going to miss your ride. Get dressed fast, you get the ride! >>eng<< كان سامي ينتظر بالقرب من هناك. Fadil waited nearby. Sammy was waiting near there. >>eng<< סליחה, אתה יכול להגיד לי מה הדרך לתחנת האוטובוס? Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the bus stop? Excuse me, can you tell me what's the way to the bus station? >>eng<< תום נתן לחתול קצת חלב. Tom gave the cat some milk. Tom gave a little milk cat. >>eng<< התחלתי להיות חסר סבלנות. I became impatient. I started being impatient. >>eng<< ማንኪያውን ስጠኝ። Give me the spoon. Give me the bag of money. >>eng<< ניסיתי לצור איתך מגע. I've tried to contact you. I tried to touch you. >>eng<< عليك أن تبقي غرفتك نظيفة. You must keep your room clean. You have to keep your room clean. >>eng<< Kennemti d aḥric seg uɣbel. You're part of the problem. You have to beat a wild ox in the city. >>eng<< Imerreg-itt Tom. Tom exaggerates. Imerger-it-Tom. >>eng<< Msebḍan Tom d Mary ddurt yezrin. Tom and Mary split up last week. You know that tom and Mary Drudge are very young. >>eng<< אנו חופשיים. We're free. We're free. >>eng<< Ar tufat, a Sayoko. Goodbye, Sayoko. Ar Taft, a Lordoko. >>eng<< מותר להם לעבור. They may pass. They're allowed to move. >>eng<< Nehḍeṛ nekk akked Tom ɣef waṭas n temsal yemxalafen. Tom and I talked about various things. I am filled with all the saints who are at once, but don't have many things. >>eng<< משוך אותי פנימה. Pull me in. Pull me in. >>eng<< זה רציני? Is this serious? Is that serious? >>eng<< Anwa ihi? Then who? Who then? >>eng<< تحب البرتقال. She likes oranges. She likes the orange. >>eng<< أشكرك لأنك وضّحت لي ذلك. Thanks for your explanation. Thank you for explaining that to me. >>eng<< פאסטה עשירה בפחמימות. Pasta is high in carbohydrates. Pasta's rich in coal. >>eng<< ماذا حصل ؟ What happened? What happened? >>eng<< لقد أعجبتما سامي. Sami likes you. You liked Sammy. >>eng<< Yuɛer ad tessfeṛḥeḍ Tom. Tom is hard to please. And he would have cast out Tom. >>eng<< הוא נחפז לצאת מהמשרד. He rushed out of the office. He was forced out of the office. >>eng<< אני יודעת איך זה בטח נשמע. I know how it must sound. I know how that must sound. >>eng<< Tom yettaḍsa. Tom is laughing. All right, you'll catch it. >>eng<< יש לנו עוד אחד כזה? Do we have another one like this? Do we have another one like that? >>eng<< Wwtemt Tom. Hit Tom. Wutt Tom. >>eng<< كانت ليلى في مشكلة. Layla was in trouble. Lily was in trouble. >>eng<< Tṛuḥ ad tɛumm deg wasif. We went for a swim in the river. And he was slain in the river, and was come to him. >>eng<< הוא מקלקל את בגדיו. He's destroying his clothes. He's breaking his clothes. >>eng<< אתה עייף, האין זאת? You are tired, aren't you? You're tired, aren't you? >>eng<< Sami yella iqqaṛ izen i Layla. Sami was reading a message from himself to Layla. And Sam spake to the rock of Laish. >>eng<< ما مهنتك؟ What's your occupation? What's your job? >>eng<< בחירה זה עניין של טעם. Choice is a matter of taste. It's a point of taste. >>eng<< Tzemreḍ ad yi-d-tawiḍ ayen ara ččeɣ? Could you bring me something to eat? Do you want to eat that which you have eaten? >>eng<< אמא אומרת שאני מדברת חלש מדי. Mum says that I speak too quietly. Mom says I'm talking too weak. >>eng<< שאלתי את תום אם מרי בסדר. I asked Tom if Mary was OK. I asked Tom if Mary was okay. >>eng<< אני אבשל. I'll cook. I'll cook. >>eng<< كان سامي مضطربا. Sami was very troubled. Sammy was troubled. >>eng<< بجد مبتعرفش تسبح؟ Can you really not swim? Very well-known, you're swimming? >>eng<< גרטה גארבו היתה שחקנית שוודית. Greta Garbo was a Swedish actress. Greta Garbo was a Swedish player. >>eng<< رأيته يمزّق الرسالة. I saw him tear up the letter. I saw him breaking the message. >>eng<< قال توم بأنه لم يكن مسموحا له فعل ذلك. Tom said he wasn't allowed to do that. Tom said he wasn't allowed to do that. >>eng<< Mbiwlet sya! Get moving! By no means! >>eng<< תום בא מאחורי וכרך את זרועותיו מסביב למותניי. Tom came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. Tom came behind and lifted his arms around my teeth. >>eng<< Is-surmast saqsieni : "Meta se jiġi?" The headmaster asked me: "When is he coming?" The surmast asked me: "When will it come?" >>eng<< Tom d acennay ifazen ɣef Mary. Tom is a better singer than Mary is. And so it was, that they came to be very fine in Mary's eyes. >>eng<< Ur ilaq ara ad tessetḥiḍ. You don't have to be shy. Thou shalt not lust. >>eng<< Farset tudert! Embrace life! Farset life! >>eng<< ما الذي يعجبك بشأنها؟ What do you like about her? What do you like about her? >>eng<< תום עדיין ממתין לכם. Tom is still waiting for you. Tom's still waiting for you. >>eng<< Cukkeɣ txedmeḍ-t mebla lebɣi-k. I think you did that intentionally. I have finished the course from your will. >>eng<< Seg ass-nni, ur gganeɣ ara akk. Since that day, I do not sleep anymore. And we were all afraid of him that day. >>eng<< هو طفل العائلة. He is the baby of the family. He's the family kid. >>eng<< מי לא משתמש בשפתון? Who isn't wearing lipstick? Who doesn't use language? >>eng<< הדקדוק של אספרנטו פשוט מאוד. The grammar of Esperanto is very simple. Aspernetto's devotion is very simple. >>eng<< Tella tin i tebɣiḍ ad twaliḍ? Is there somebody you want to see? Do you want to know? >>eng<< أفكّرت في الأمر؟ Did you think about it? Did you think about it? >>eng<< لا أفهم شيئا مما يجري هنا. I don't understand a thing here. I don't understand anything that's going on here. >>eng<< عليك أن تعمل بجدّ. You should work hard. You have to work really hard. >>eng<< أشتريتها اليوم أم البارحة؟ Did you buy it today or yesterday? Did you buy it today or yesterday? >>eng<< Medlet adlis-nwen. Close your book. "Let your waist be turned aside. >>eng<< מעולם לא הסתרתי ממך דבר. I never concealed anything from you. I've never hidden anything from you. >>eng<< لبست ليلى ملابسا مثيرة. Layla dressed sexy. I've been wearing sexy clothes. >>eng<< Ih, sin. Yes, two. Ih, two. >>eng<< تزوّجت أمّي مرّة أخرى. My mom remarried. I married my mother again. >>eng<< תפקידם היה לפברק הזמנות, כדי לסבך את החברה המתחרה. Their job is to make fake orders, in order to cause trouble for the rival company. Their job was to break orders to the competing company. >>eng<< זה לא יקרה. That won't happen. It won't happen. >>eng<< Jebdemt. Pull. You're dead. >>eng<< يكنني أن آخذه إلى الحديقة. I can take him to the park. I'd have taken him to the park. >>eng<< אני מסתייג מהרמז שלכם. I resent your implication. I'm hiding from your clues. >>eng<< שפכתי קפה על מפת השולחן. I spilled coffee on your tablecloth. I poured coffee on the table map. >>eng<< הוא בטח אוהב אותך. He must love you. He must love you. >>eng<< זרועותיי נרדמו. My arms went numb. My arms have fallen asleep. >>eng<< Ssuɣlet aḍṛis-a. Translate this text. Let him do the same thing. >>eng<< Naf. I know. A soul. >>eng<< Tom yuwi-d gma-s. Tom brought his brother. Remember his brother. >>eng<< من ينام هنا؟ Who's sleeping here? Who's sleeping here? >>eng<< Ttumt-t. Forget her. Thumb-t. >>eng<< דבר לא נעשה. Nothing was done. Nothing's done. >>eng<< كان المدرّس يتصرّف بغرابة. The teacher was acting weird. The teacher was acting weird. >>eng<< Yya ad nawi ayen ara nečč deg webrid s axxam. Let's get something to eat on the way home. And withal we will eat in the way into the house. >>eng<< لا يمكن أن تكون جاداً. You cannot be serious. You can't be serious. >>eng<< טום בוגד באשתו. Tom is cheating on his wife. Tom betrays his wife. >>eng<< أهذا أول امتحان لك؟ Is this your first examination? Is that the first test for you? >>eng<< Qmec ṭeṭṭu, ldi qemu ! Close your eyes, open your mouth. You put down, you stop! >>eng<< Ṭṭef wa. Hold this. One minute. >>eng<< إنه لا يعرف كيف يقود سيارة. He does not know how to drive a car. He doesn't know how to drive a car. >>eng<< Anda-k? Where are you? And-k? >>eng<< קשה לרַצות אותו. He is hard to please. It's hard to please him. >>eng<< תום אוהב כתיבה. Tom likes writing. Tom likes writing. >>eng<< אני אומר עליך מילה טובה. I'll put in a word for you. I'm saying a good word about you. >>eng<< Yeẓṛa Tom d akken Mary tṛuḥ ɣer Boston. Tom knows that Mary went to Boston. It happened, that Mary went out to Boston. >>eng<< Ur ibni ara fell-as ad tt-iwali. He was surprised to see her. And think not that they shall see him. >>eng<< Ad d-yaweḍ wass-ik. Your time will come. For your day will come. >>eng<< إذا أكلت كثيرًا فإنك تصير سمينًا. If you eat too much, you'll become fat. If you eat too much, you're fat. >>eng<< أسعدتني رسالتك. Your letter made me happy. Enjoy your message. >>eng<< Sired tuɣmas-ik uqbel ad teṭṣeḍ! Wash your teeth before sleeping! Bring forth thy light before the even. >>eng<< את מדמיינת דברים. You're imagining things. You imagine things. >>eng<< لطفا، كن أهدأ. Less noise, please. Nice, calm down. >>eng<< אני צריכה לדעת שאכפת למישהו. I need to know that somebody cares. I need to know that someone cares. >>eng<< תום הבטיח לעשות כל מה שביכולתו כדי להבטיח שדבר כזה לא יקרה שוב. Tom promised to do everything within his power to ensure that this kind of thing wouldn't happen again. Tom promised to do everything he could to ensure that something like this would never happen again. >>eng<< እማራለሁ። I will learn. I will receive mercy. >>eng<< Tom, Mary, John akked Alice lulen deg 20 Tubeṛ 2013. Tom, Mary, John and Alice were all born on October 20, 2013. Tom, Mary, John, and Alice, were born in the 13th century. >>eng<< كلّ المدرّسين كانوا هنا. All the teachers were here. All the teachers were here. >>eng<< אני כל כך רוצה לקחת אותך איתי בשבת לים. I so want to take you with me to the sea on Saturday. I want to take you with me on Saturday to the sea. >>eng<< Ɛerqen-iyi lehduṛ. I'm at a loss for words. Teach their words. >>eng<< למי נתת את זה? Who did you give it to? Who gave it to you? >>eng<< זהו הבית של אבא שלי. This is my father's house. This is my dad's house. >>eng<< אנו אמורים להיות פה בטוחים. We should be safe here. We're supposed to be safe here. >>eng<< Ttetteḍ aḥelluf? Do you eat pork? Do you want a healer? >>eng<< Adfel d acebḥan, ambuxxen d iberkanen. Snow is white, but soot is black. Son of a bitch, son of a white lamb, of an ass. >>eng<< אתם ישנים? Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? >>eng<< אני יודע איפה למצוא אתכם. I know where to find you. I know where to find you. >>eng<< הקירות של החדר שלה היו מכוסים בכרוזים. The walls of her room were covered in posters. Her room walls were covered with bags. >>eng<< كرسيّك مثل كرسيي تمامًا. Your chair is identical to mine. Your chair's just like a chair. >>eng<< لا تعجبني هذه الملاحظات. I don't like these remarks. I don't like these remarks. >>eng<< אני רוצה אותו. I want him. I want him. >>eng<< D acu i teqqaṛeḍ? What do you read? What do you say? >>eng<< לא עשיתי דבר. I wasn't doing anything. I didn't do anything. >>eng<< ربات البيت في أيامنا هذه لا يعرفن إلا الشكوى من ارتفاع الأسعار. Today's housewives do nothing but complain of high prices. The ladies of the house in these days only know about the high prices. >>eng<< חלק הארי של הכסף כבר בוזבז. The greater part of the money was spent. Some Harry's money's already wasted. >>eng<< תום היה זקן. Tom was old. Tom was old. >>eng<< Tom ad iḥemmel dima Mary. Tom will always love Mary. Tom loves Dima Mary. >>eng<< Imdanen d imnecṛaḥen deg Ustṛalya. People are friendly in Australia. These are very great men. >>eng<< Ttxil-kent ur tettumt ara ayen i d-nenna. Please don't forget what we discussed. You look at the treasures, and don't marvel at the things which we have spoken. >>eng<< אני מבקש בכל לשון של בקשה. I'm begging you. I'm asking for every tongue of request. >>eng<< و لكن لماذا؟ But why? But why? >>eng<< شرب سامي ستة كؤوس من النّبيذ. Sami drank six glasses of wine. Semi's been drinking six wines. >>eng<< تناول سامي بعض الأقراص. Sami took some pills. Sammy had some tapes. >>eng<< מרי יכולה לבשל כל דבר בלי מתכון כתוב. Mary can cook anything without recipes. Mary can cook anything without a written program. >>eng<< Ayɣer i tugademt? Why were you frightened? You ask, 'What' are you doing?' >>eng<< תשאיר את הדלת סגורה. Keep the door closed. Leave the door closed. >>eng<< Sarameɣ ulac win i k-yeẓran mi txedmeḍ ayay. I hope nobody saw you doing that. I know that no one has seen you doing what you do. >>eng<< Ṛuḥ-d ar wexxam. Come home. Go home. >>eng<< Lmut ad kem-tawi! Die! Death will be for you! >>eng<< هل هذا واضح؟ Am I clear? Is that clear? >>eng<< אחד החסרונות לגור בעיר התחתית הוא הרעש הבלתי פוסק כל היום, כל השבוע. One of the downsides of living downtown is the noise you hear all day long every day of the week. One of the missing persons living in the subtown is the undetectable noise all day, all week. >>eng<< Sarameɣ ad k-ẓṛeɣ daɣen. I hope to see you again. When I think that I will pray again, I will do it again. >>eng<< أتمشّى كل يوم. I walk every day. I walk every day. >>eng<< Tekkat lehwa. It is raining. Behold, there is a station! >>eng<< Ur tufiḍ dacu ugadeɣ. I have nothing to fear. I know no longer, because I don't care for him. >>eng<< Yyat ad nurar kra n wurar. Let's play something. And they would have to do a little bit of it. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad zewǧeɣ yid-s, acu kan mazal ur tt-ffriɣ ara d rray-iw. I want to marry her, but I can not decide. I desire to think more of him; for I don't know what to say. >>eng<< لست إلا زبون. I'm only a customer. You're only a client. >>eng<< هل تشرب القهوة عادةً؟ Do you drink coffee? Do you normally drink coffee? >>eng<< لم يسمع فاضل من ليلى. Sami didn't hear from Layla. He didn't hear a fool from Lila. >>eng<< פעילות מאומצת גורמת להזעה. Vigorous exercise makes you sweat. Occupational activity makes a shock. >>eng<< הם לא מאמינים לך. They don't trust you. They don't believe you. >>eng<< מאין אתה? Where are you from? Where are you from? >>eng<< Anwa ahil i tettwaliḍ? What program are you watching? Which one will you know? >>eng<< יש לנו דברים לעשות. We've got things to do. We have things to do. >>eng<< Ur tesɛiḍ ara zzheṛ? Are you unlucky? You have no idea what to do? >>eng<< האמנה אושררה. The treaty was approved. The widow has been blessed. >>eng<< الغه العربيه صعبه Arabic is difficult! The Arab song is hard. >>eng<< أكيليز بطل أسطوري عند الإغريق. Achilles was an ancient Greek hero. Achilles is a legendary hero at the dawn. >>eng<< እኔ ተማሪ ነኝ። አንተስ? I am a student, and you? I am a student. I said to him, "Are you?" >>eng<< הערים צפופות מאד בימינו. Towns are very crowded today. Cities are very crowded today. >>eng<< הסירי את כובעך כשאת נכנסת לכיתה. Take off your hat when you enter a classroom. Drop your hat when you get into class. >>eng<< Ur iṛuḥ ḥedd ar dina. Nobody went there. And he did so, and held his peace. >>eng<< ما رأيك في عطلة في الكاريبي؟ How about a Caribbean holiday? What do you think on a Caribbean holiday? >>eng<< תבקשי מטום להמתין עד שאגיע. Ask Tom to wait till I come. Ask Mimmy to wait until I get here. >>eng<< فحص الطّبيب عيني سامي. The doctor checked Sami's eyes. Sammy's eye test. >>eng<< כל בני האדם נולדו בני חורין ושווים בערכם ובזכויותיהם. כולם חוננו בתבונה ובמצפון, לפיכך חובה עליהם לנהוג איש ברעהו ברוח של אחווה. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All human beings are born blind and living in their ranks and in their rights; they are all wise and intellectual, so that they are obliged to conduct a man in his cause through the spirit of brotherly affection. >>eng<< קשה להגיד להם לא. It's hard to say no to them. It's hard to tell them no. >>eng<< Kečč d aɣbel. You're a problem. Thou art indeed the Inheritor. >>eng<< היא עשתה מתיחת פנים. She had a facelift. She did a face-to-face joke. >>eng<< نُقِلت ليلى إلى المستشفى. Layla was taken to the hospital. Lila was taken to the hospital. >>eng<< من فضلك أرني إياها مرة أخرى. Please show it to me again. Please show me it again. >>eng<< أحتاج إلى أن أركز. I need to concentrate. I need to focus. >>eng<< Ddmemt ta. Take this. Date of birth. >>eng<< Tagnawt ixesren ur telli d aεewwiq. Bad weather is no obstacle. But go ye quickly, that there be no stupor, no stupor. >>eng<< הגומי לעיסה עולה עשרה סנט. The gum's ten cents. It's up to ten cents. >>eng<< Anda i tzedɣemt tura? Where do you live now? Which of these things have ye now taken up? >>eng<< Yefka-yaɣ-d akk ayen neḥwaǧ. He provided us with everything we needed. And he gave us all things that we needed. >>eng<< Amek i yezmer Tom ur d-iyi-ttaḥmmal ara? How could Tom not like me? How can you, then, not bear me? >>eng<< ضربته قلم. She slapped his face. I hit him with a pen. >>eng<< يعيش في شقة. He lives in a flat. He lives in a apartment. >>eng<< Gennzen meṛṛa. Everybody jumped. All genders. >>eng<< החתול פחס את אפו אל זגוגית החלון. The cat pressed its nose against the window. The cat pulled his mouth into the window angle. >>eng<< كان سامي يريد أن تهتمّ به الفتيات. Sami wanted girls to pay attention to him. Sammy wanted to take care of the girls. >>eng<< הרעיון שלה טוב יותר משלך. Her idea is better than yours. Her idea is better than yours. >>eng<< תום שתה כוס וודקה. Tom drank the glass of vodka. Tom had a vodka glass. >>eng<< Acḥal i teččiḍ n uguglu? How much cheese did you eat? How much did you eat? >>eng<< תום מונה סעיפים באצבעותיו. Tom ticks off points on his fingers. Tom Mona stretched his fingers. >>eng<< La teqqaṛem. You are reading. and you say, >>eng<< سيعالج هذا الدواء صداعك. This medicine will take care of your headache. This medicine will cure your shock. >>eng<< כולם טבעו. They all drowned. Everyone drowned. >>eng<< مالارازمان راهي صح. It is unfortunately true. Malarzaman Rahi is right. >>eng<< Ṛuḥemt s leɛqel. Go slow. Go quickly and come to him. >>eng<< Yewεaṛ ad ţwaliḍ tagujilt teţru. It's hard to see an orphend crying. I'll go get a little something going. >>eng<< لا أريد أن أتحدث بشأن هذا الآن. I don't want to talk about this right now. I don't want to talk about this right now. >>eng<< أعتقد أنه من المهم قول الحقيقة. I think it's important to tell the truth. I think it's important to tell the truth. >>eng<< Ur zmireɣ ara ad mmektiɣ. I can't remember. Neither can I remember, nor remember. >>eng<< أسرع و ستلحق بالقطار. Hurry, and you will catch the train. Hurry up and hit the train. >>eng<< חריקת הדלת מעצבנת אותי. The squeaking of the door gets on my nerves. The door scanning makes me mad. >>eng<< جريس كان شكلها معصبة. Grace looked angry. Grace was in her shape. >>eng<< הנהר שזורם בלונדון נקרא תיימס. The river which flows through London is called the Thames. The river in London is called Thems. >>eng<< لم لا؟ Why not? Why not? >>eng<< Isewweq wallaɣ-nwen. You fainted. But put ye on the same mind, as on one of us. >>eng<< אל תשאיר אותי בהמתנה. Don't keep me waiting. Don't leave me waiting. >>eng<< أعطني كل التفاصيل. Give me all the details. Give me all the details. >>eng<< Yemma-tkent ttett iẓẓan. Your mother eats shit. And they caught it. >>eng<< Ṭum ur ira ara ad tteg Mari waya iman-is. Tom didn't want Mary doing that by herself. For a very little while, and you will not need to come first. >>eng<< أعلن توم عن تقاعده. Tom announced he was retiring. Tom announced his retirement. >>eng<< أصيب سامي بجرح خطير واحد فقط. Sami had only one serious injury. Sammy's only got one serious wound. >>eng<< كان صبوراً جداً. He was very patient. It was very brave. >>eng<< الورقة مكتوبة بالأمازيغية. The paper is written in Berber. The paper is written in Amazigh. >>eng<< איך אני מגיע לשער 33? How do I get to Gate 33? How do I get to the 33rd gate? >>eng<< كان سامي يخطّط لحياة أخرى. Sami was planning a new life. Sammy was planning another life. >>eng<< היא אוהבת לנסות דברים חדשים. She loves trying new things. She likes to try new things. >>eng<< הוא בדיוק עמד לצאת כשהיא טלפנה. We were just about to leave when she telephoned. He was just going out when she called. >>eng<< Werǧin tessuden Mary argaz-is gar lɣaci. Mary doesn't ever kiss her husband in public. They impressed Mary, who was a man among the people. >>eng<< أمي لا يمكنها المجيء. My mother can't come. Mom can't come. >>eng<< Tom d argaz n Mary. Tom is Mary's husband. Tom is the man of Mary. >>eng<< قد يكون مرضها السرطان. His illness may be cancer. Her cancer may be. >>eng<< Tom akked Mary kifkif-iten deg leɛmeṛ. Tom is exactly the same age as Mary. Now you are with Mary, just as you were. >>eng<< ניצלתי הודות לכך. It saved me. I used to thank you for that. >>eng<< Arum-as i Tom! Write Tom. Arum-assi Tom! >>eng<< كان سامي يتعرّض للمضايقة. Sami was being bullied. Sammy was being harassed. >>eng<< דבר בבהירות. Speak clearly. Speak clearly. >>eng<< أحب تفكيك الاشياء لمعرفة كيفية عملها. I like to take things apart to see what makes them tick. I like to disintegrate things to find out how they work. >>eng<< Tesfeεfεeḍ-iyi! You make me feel dizzy! You would be able to save me from me! >>eng<< אני סוּפֶּר שמנה. I'm extremely fat. I'm a fat suffocator. >>eng<< الدولة لجأت إلى الأمم المتحدة لطلب المساعدة. The country appealed to the United Nations for help. The State has sought assistance from the United Nations. >>eng<< Tesfeqdem-ten? Did you check them? You stand-up? >>eng<< כל האנשים שהיו כאן הלכו. All the people who were here have left. All the people who were here went. >>eng<< Rnu ḥerrek! Move over. (Laughter) >>eng<< Ṛuḥem-d ɣuṛ-nneɣ! Join us. Go with us! >>eng<< בוא נוציא מזה את הטוב ביותר. Let's make the most of it. Let's get the best out of it. >>eng<< הם התקדמו? Have they made progress? Did they move on? >>eng<< Tettɛummumt axiṛ-iw. You swim better than me. Therefore it is not expedient for me to say this. >>eng<< תום ביקש ממרי לתת לו להעתיק את שיעורי הבית שלה. Tom asked Mary to let him copy her homework. Tom asked Mary to let him copy her homework. >>eng<< لبرّانييا احيروني. Foreign people intrigue me. For Brian and me. >>eng<< סדרו את מיטותיכם. Make your bed. Set up your manners. >>eng<< لا تتكلم باليابانية. Don't speak in Japanese. Don't speak Japanese. >>eng<< אין לכם חזקה על טוב טעם. You don't have a monopoly on good taste. You don't have the strength to taste good. >>eng<< أذكر أني قابلت ذلك الرجل من قبل. I remember meeting that man before. I remember I've met that guy before. >>eng<< זה לא מעניין אותי! It's none of my business! I don't care! >>eng<< אינני מפשיטה אותך. I'm not undressing you. I'm not fucking you. >>eng<< הפרה היא חיה קדושה בהודו. In India, the cow is a sacred animal. The cow is a holy animal in India. >>eng<< Temxallafeḍ aṭas fell-aneɣ. You're very different from us. Thou hast fulfilled the word of many of us. >>eng<< תום שם את הקערה במיקרוגל ולחץ על כפתור ההפעלה. Tom put the bowl into the microwave and pushed the button to start it cooking. Tom put the bowl in the microwave and pushed the launch button. >>eng<< הוא אוהב לנסוע לחו"ל. He likes to travel abroad. He likes to go abroad. >>eng<< ציפיתי לך. I have been expecting you. I was expecting you. >>eng<< كم ثقيل أنت. How heavy you are! How heavy you are. >>eng<< تعلمت الكثير منك. I learned a lot from you. I learned a lot from you. >>eng<< Ilaq ad teɣṛemt aya. You should read this. You must read about this. >>eng<< חייתי כאן במשך שלושים שנה. I have lived here for thirty years. I lived here for 30 years. >>eng<< תום המשיך להתמקד. Tom kept focused. Tom kept focused. >>eng<< השומרים מצאו תער מאולתר בכיסו של האסיר. The guards found a hacksaw blade in the prisoner's pocket. The guards found an outfit in the prisoner's pocket. >>eng<< ما إن انتهى اجتماعهم، شرعوا في العمل. As soon as their meeting was over, they set to work. Once their meeting was over, they started working. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad txedmem yid-sen. I want you to work with them. I desire to do so with them. >>eng<< Ayla-w yugar ayla-nkent. Mine's bigger than yours. All those things are more than theirs and theirs. >>eng<< אתם ואני נשרוד. You and I will survive. You and I will survive. >>eng<< Ad ṭṣeɣ. I will sleep. I will follow him. >>eng<< Azzlet kteṛ! Run fast! Give me a shit! >>eng<< Ur ẓṛiɣ ara anect-a. I don't know that. I didn't see whether he would die. >>eng<< מי מטרתך? What's your goal? Who's your goal? >>eng<< ما هو السبب الرئيسي للذهاب إلى المدرسة؟ What is the principle reason for going to school? What's the main reason for going to school? >>eng<< Islek umcic-nni. The cat is safe. You have a umci-ni. >>eng<< העסק החדש כרסם בממונו. The new business was eating away his fortune. The new business is magic in its place. >>eng<< Ffɣemt sya! Get your carcass out of here! Of course not! >>eng<< وكما قال أبراهام لينكولن لأمة كانت أكثر انقساماً مما نحن عليه الآن. نحن لسنا بأعداءٍ، بل أصدقاء. ورغم أن الانفعالات مزّقت أواصر المودة بيننا، إلا أنه لا بد من أن لا نسمح لها بقطع أوصالها As Lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, we are not enemies but friends. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. As Abraham Lincoln said to a nation that was more divided than we are now, we are not enemies, but friends. >>eng<< אני חושבת שאנו צריכים הפסקה. I think we need some time off. I think we need a break. >>eng<< את המחבט קנה מייק אתמול. It was yesterday that Mike bought this racket. The bat bought Mike yesterday. >>eng<< Ɛiwed swadda. Start over. You have to do it as soon as you can. >>eng<< Mačči d imeddukal n Tom kenwi? Aren't you friends with Tom? Don't you land the soils of Tom Yewwi? >>eng<< Di leɛnaya-k ur yi-ttaǧǧa ara da akked Tom. Please don't leave me here with Tom. I beg you, I will not kill all of you. >>eng<< توقعت أنك ستنبهر. I figured you'd be impressed. I thought you'd be proud. >>eng<< ההשקפה שלך יותר מדי אופטימית. Your view is too optimistic. Your view is too optimistic. >>eng<< הרחובות היו מכוסים בשלג. The streets were covered with snow. The streets were covered in snow. >>eng<< Imir-nni i d-ṭṭfeɣ tabrat-ik. I just received your letter. And when they straightway took him away, they lifted up thy bed. >>eng<< ילד שהוריו מתים נקרא יתום. A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan. A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan. >>eng<< Ddeqs n yiqbayliyen guǧǧen si Zzayer ɣef sebba n ṭrad aɣarim azzayri akked useḥres ɣef yidles i yexddem unabaḍ azzayri amḥeṛsan. Many of the Kabyle have emigrated from Algeria, influenced by factors such as the Algerian Civil War and cultural repression by the repressive Algerian government. And they put on the breastplates of Zhenna the Tsorans, and upon every side of the war. >>eng<< האם לאכול פחות בשר זה רעיון טוב? Is eating less meat a good idea? Is eating less meat a good idea? >>eng<< شاهدنا فلماً مضحكاً يوم الأحد الماضي. We saw a funny movie last Sunday. We saw a funny movie last Sunday. >>eng<< ወደ ትምህርት ቤት መሄድ አልፈልግም። I don't want to go to school. And I would not go to school. >>eng<< איזו מהמכוניות היא של אביך? Which car's your dad's? Which car is your father's? >>eng<< Ulac-it dinna. He is not there. And there was no place found. >>eng<< Ur yesɛi ara azal. It's not important. and of no account. >>eng<< קפוץ. Jump. Jump. >>eng<< אתה אוהב גולף? Are you fond of golf? Do you like golf? >>eng<< שמור על לשונך. Watch your language. Watch your tongue. >>eng<< Wah a Ṛebbi yiwen ur k-id-yeẓṛi tṛuḥeḍ-d ar da. I hope no one saw you come in here. And, behold, there is no work of thy sight, no, not only for thee: >>eng<< הנברשת הירוקה משרה קרינה חמה בחדר. The green lampshade casts a warm glow in the room. The green break is hot radiation in the room. >>eng<< מה הבנין הענק הזה? What is that huge building? What is this huge building? >>eng<< תום ידאג לך. Tom is going to take care of you. Tom will take care of you. >>eng<< העגלה הייתה בסככה. The cart was in the shed. The wagon was in line. >>eng<< Aql-iken weḥd-nwen? Are you alone? You are alone? >>eng<< አሰልቺ ነኝ። I am boring. I am a charmer. >>eng<< ועכשיו מה? And now, what? And now what? >>eng<< בלי לראותו תחילה, לא אוכל לזהות אותו. Not having seen him before, I'll not be able to recognize him. Without first seeing him, I can't identify him. >>eng<< Drusn uyefki i yellan deg uqbuc. There is little milk in the jar. She give him who is at home a denarius. >>eng<< راني رايح نشري بارابلي جديد. I am buying a new umbrella. Ranny's a new publisher, Barbley. >>eng<< السيد إسبرانتو بخير, اليسَ كذلك؟ Mr. Esperanto is well, isn't he? Mr. Esperanto's fine, isn't he? >>eng<< مطار كندي من فضلك. Kennedy Airport, please. Canadian airport, please. >>eng<< היא מתייפחת ללא הרף. She won't stop sobbing. She's an unscrupulous morgue. >>eng<< היא נעמדה והביטה לעבר הים. She stood looking out toward the sea. She's gone and looked at the sea. >>eng<< אף פעם לא הייתי פוגע בהם. I would never hurt them. I'd never hurt them. >>eng<< Izmer Tom ad isgunfu ayen i as-yehwan. Tom can rest as long as he wants. The field of Tom shall know what they did to them. >>eng<< הוא כבר אכל? Did he already eat? Has he eaten yet? >>eng<< באתי לכאן כדי לדבר איתך. I came here to talk to you. I came here to talk to you. >>eng<< سامي و ليلى حقّا يقضيان الكثير من الوقت معا. Sami and Layla do spend a lot of time together. Sammy and Lily really spend a lot of time together. >>eng<< لا يوجد إقبال كافٍ على هذه البضاعة. There is not enough demand for this product. There's no enough kissing on these goods. >>eng<< إنها باردة كالثلج. It's as cold as ice. It's cold like snow. >>eng<< Tagi d tikti n Tom. This is Tom's idea. d d t t am. >>eng<< لن تنجح. You won't have your way. You won't succeed. >>eng<< Uɣeɣ-d tayuga n tmengucin. I bought a pair of earrings. I brought a stop to hell. >>eng<< Ur zmireɣ ara ad xedmeɣ anect-nni tura axaṭer aql-iyi sekṛeɣ. I can't do that now. I'm too drunk. I can't do it now, for I am disannulled." >>eng<< בוא נראה מה אנחנו יכולים למצוא. Let's see what we can find. Let's see what we can find. >>eng<< Ansuf yis-k ar Kanada! Welcome to Canada! And his face was as an ass. >>eng<< זאת אפליה! This is discrimination! It's an apocalypse! >>eng<< كان سامي قرّة عين أمّه. Sami was the apple of his mother's eye. Sammy was his mother's eye village. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad ẓṛeɣ anwa i d-yeɣṛan. I want to know who called. I would that he were ready to hear him who would think of me. >>eng<< Tom yemmut deg Tubeṛ. Tom died in October. Tom's death died. >>eng<< Twalaḍ acmumeḥ-nni? Do you see the smile? You saw him in you? >>eng<< Anta i d-iheḍṛen? Who spoke? You know what? >>eng<< Ugadeɣ ad d-tewwet lehwa tameddit-a. I'm afraid it'll rain tonight. I take hold of him, and he is at evening. >>eng<< Kemm d aḥric seg uɣbel. You're part of the problem. Be ye baptized with the salt of your flesh. >>eng<< أنا مطلقة. I am divorced. I'm absolutely. >>eng<< أنا فخور بك. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you. >>eng<< Tesɛam aydi? Have you got a dog? You know what? >>eng<< ما هي طبيعة عملك في المكتب؟ What do you actually do in the office? What's the nature of your work at the office? >>eng<< היא צעירה ממנו. She's younger than him. She's younger than him. >>eng<< win ruht ? Where have you been ? Who gives glory to him ? >>eng<< هل تحبان بعضكما كثيرًا؟ Do you love each other very much? Do you love each other so much? >>eng<< Ur yelli kra i tzemrem ad txedmem i wakken ad tɛiwnem. There was nothing you could've done to help. There is nothing you can't do if you want to do it. >>eng<< Ffɣeɣ seg Ustṛalya deg 20 Tubeṛ. I left Australia on October 20th. I received from Mount Sinai, a letter from God. >>eng<< Nwala-ten. We've seen them. We saw them. >>eng<< لقد فقد الأمل بشكل تام. He lost all hope. He completely lost hope. >>eng<< أَحَبُّ نظريّة علمية إليّ هي أن حلقات زحل مكونة بالكامل من الأمتعة المفقودة. The scientific theory I like the best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost luggage. I like a scientific theory to me. It's that crosses are made up of the missing comfort. >>eng<< Si melmi. Since when? - When did you take care of it? >>eng<< ليست هذه شمعة بيضاء. This candle is not white. This isn't a white candle. >>eng<< אין שני לה בבישול סיני. She is second to none when it comes to cooking Chinese food. She doesn't have two in Chinese cooking. >>eng<< Iɣaḍ-it lḥal imi ur t-εriḍen ara. He was disappointed at not being invited. He was angry, and didn't throw him away. >>eng<< Ulac win yeẓran ayen ara yilin azekka. No one knows what the future holds. For no one knows what is coming on the next day." >>eng<< הם נשארו באופן הזה למשך זמן מה. They stayed like that for a while. They stayed this way for a while. >>eng<< אתה יכול לחזור בשבוע הבא? Can you come back next week? Can you come back next week? >>eng<< Tzemremt ad iyi-tɛawnemt? Can you please help me? Ye will not that bear me? >>eng<< تعرضوا طريق السياح و طلبو منهم المال. They approached the tourists and asked them for money. They were on the road and asked for money. >>eng<< אף אחד לא יידע. No one will know. No one will know. >>eng<< אנא סילחי לי. Please forgive me! Please forgive me. >>eng<< הייתי חסר פרוטה. I was broke. I was unchallenged. >>eng<< הוא יכול לנגן בפסנתר, בחליל, בגיטרה וכן הלאה. He can play the piano, the flute, the guitar, and so on. He can play the piano, the dream, the guitar, and so on. >>eng<< إنه شيخ غريب الأطوار My mission is of critical importance. It's strange Sheikh. >>eng<< למה שיקרת? Why did you lie? Why did you lie? >>eng<< אלו חדשות יוצאות מן הכלל. This is stunning news. That's extraordinary news. >>eng<< תום כמעט כבר לא עובד. Tom hardly ever works anymore. Tom almost doesn't work anymore. >>eng<< אינני יודע אם יש לי מספיק כסף. I don't know if my money is enough. I don't know if I have enough money. >>eng<< D ccṛab waki? Is this wine? Is there one wine? >>eng<< זה מתמיה. This is puzzling. It's masturbation. >>eng<< אני חשה שאני מבינה לרגשותייך. I feel like I understand your feelings. I feel like I understand your feelings. >>eng<< אנו בסדר. We're fine. We're fine. >>eng<< سامي موجود هنا من أجل حاسوب. Sami is here for a computer. Sammy's here for a computer. >>eng<< تلاقيت بيهُم في زوج في بلاد القبايل و جوّزنا نْهار قوّة. I met both of them in Kabylie and we all had a great day. I met with them in a husband in the land of the Chapel, and Jozna ran a hard day. >>eng<< Tettbineḍ-d n Luṛup kečči. You look European. You should worship the Lord with your own pen.' >>eng<< Ur iɣil ara Tom ad xedmeɣ aya. Tom didn't think I could do that. Don't think that I will do this thing. >>eng<< Tella tin i m-d-iluɛan? Did someone contact you? Are you part-in-the-flying? >>eng<< Mmektit-d ilindi. Remember last year. Remember-d-indicate. >>eng<< راح هاداك الضباب. The fog has lifted. Get out of your throat. >>eng<< Titkellem bl-Ingliż? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? >>eng<< אבא שלי שקט. My father is quiet. My dad's quiet. >>eng<< Tessnemt Mary uqbel ad tekcem deg terbeɛt? Did you know Mary before she joined the team? What do you know, that Mary, when she was a dying man, was engaged? >>eng<< Maɛlic ad m-d-fkeɣ asteqsi ɣas ur yesɛi ara lmeɛna? Can I ask a dumb question? But when I see him, I will ask him, and he will not be able to ask my question. >>eng<< אני הולך להחזיר את הכל למקומו. I'm going to put everything back where it belongs. I'm gonna get it all back to his place. >>eng<< Yella kra i twalaḍ? Did you see something? Have you seen anything? >>eng<< אתה צריך להשיג לעצמך אחד. You should get one. You need to get yourself one. >>eng<< شكراً جزيلاً! Thanks a lot! Thank you so much! >>eng<< لقد تم تعليق أهمية كبيرة على إمكانية انتخاب شخص من أصل أمريكي إفريقي يدعى باراك حسين أوباما إلى منصب الرئيس. ولكن قصتي الشخصية ليست فريدة إلى هذا الحد Much has been made of the fact that an African-American with the name Barack Hussein Obama could be elected President. But my personal story is not so unique. A great deal of importance has been commented on the possibility of electing an African-American person named Barak Hussain Obama to the office of President, but my personal story is not unique to this extent. >>eng<< האם יש קשר בין עישון לסרטן הריאות? Is there a link between smoking and lung cancer? Is there any connection between smoking for lung cancer? >>eng<< لا أحد أعرفهُ يحب توم بعد الآن. No one I know likes Tom anymore. Nobody I know likes Tom anymore. >>eng<< אני חש דבר מה. I feel something. I feel something. >>eng<< נשמע כאילו אתה מסתדר. It sounds like you're doing OK. Sounds like you're getting along. >>eng<< חושבים שהאוצר מוחבא איפה שהוא בהר. The treasure is believed to lie hidden somewhere in the mountain. They think the treasure's hidden somewhere in the mountain. >>eng<< Jeddi ur yeẓṛi ara akk d acu i d tamaziɣt. My grandfather has no idea what the Berber language means. He will not allow all the things that are mine, nor yet that which is mine. >>eng<< ሁለት ድመቶች አሉኝ። I have two cats. I have two murders. >>eng<< كان هناك قلعة على هذا التل. There used to be a small castle on this hill. There was a castle on this hill. >>eng<< الصحة هي أغلى شيء نملكه. Health is the most precious thing we have. Health is the greatest thing we have. >>eng<< Fakk-ik asuter n ssmaḥ. Stop apologizing. If you get an engine, you'll pay for it. >>eng<< ביקרתי את תום בבוסטון. I visited Tom in Boston. I visited Tom in Boston. >>eng<< Qewwdemt sya! Get your carcass out of here! You have done so! >>eng<< העיתוי קריטי. The timing is critical. The timing is critical. >>eng<< لم يشعر سامي قطّ بأنّه مسيحي. Sami never felt Christian. Sammy never felt like a Christian. >>eng<< اسمي جاك. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. >>eng<< Ur yefhim ara Tom mliḥ. Tom misunderstood. Don't you know that. >>eng<< היא תמיד מתנהגת באדיבות כלפי כולם. She always acts politely toward everybody. She's always being kind to everyone. >>eng<< תום התיישב ליד שולחן הכתיבה שלו. Tom sat down at his desk. Tom sat by his writing table. >>eng<< Tella taxxamt d tilemt deg uxxam. There is an empty room in the house. She taxed dlemt in the house. >>eng<< הוא רצה לקנות את הספר. He wanted to buy the book. He wanted to buy the book. >>eng<< זו לא הייתה סערה שגרתית. That was no ordinary storm. It wasn't a routine storm. >>eng<< תגישו לי הצעה. Quote me an example. Give me an offer. >>eng<< أين الكتب؟ Where is the book? Where are the books? >>eng<< זה הזמן לשחק את הג'וקר. It's time to play the joker. It's time to play the Walker. >>eng<< אתם לומדים כימיה? Do you study chemistry? You're studying chemistry? >>eng<< ليلى مدرّسة في روضة. Layla is a kindergarten teacher. Lily's a teacher in a Russian. >>eng<< Jip-iw d aɣezfan. My skirt is too long. [They said to me,] Put them on my cloak. >>eng<< אני יכול לשים אותך במעצר אם צריך. I can arrest you if I have to. I can put you in custody if you need to. >>eng<< אל תגיד לי מה לעשות! Don't tell me what to do. Don't tell me what to do! >>eng<< אני נהנית לקרוא רומנים. I enjoy reading novels. I'm having fun reading novels. >>eng<< بقِيَ محافظاً على قِيَمِه و مبادئه. He remains loyal to his principles. He keeps his life and principles. >>eng<< אבא של תום היה שיכור מרושע. Tom's father was a mean drunk. Tom's father was a mean drunk. >>eng<< אינני חושבת שאיש מכם מודע לחשיבות של זה. I don't think any of you realize the importance of this. I don't think any of you are aware of this. >>eng<< علينا التسوق. We have to do the shopping. We have to shopping. >>eng<< سأبقى هنا هذا الشهر كله. I will stay here all this month. I'll stay here this whole month. >>eng<< وزع علينا الورق. Deal us the cards. We've got the paper. >>eng<< أحبك. I like you. I love you. >>eng<< Ilaq walebɛaḍ ara iḥebsen Tom. Somebody has to stop Tom. "Whoever keeps Tom, let him stay in it." >>eng<< Beɛɛdet fell-i. Let me be. This has been done for me. >>eng<< למה אין איש עונה? Why does nobody answer? Why don't there's no answering man? >>eng<< Bḍu iwakken ad tizmireḍ ad tḥekmeḍ. Divide and conquer. Let him do this: that thou mayest be able to judge him. >>eng<< הוא שמר על החלון סגור. He kept the window closed. He kept the window closed. >>eng<< תום נותן לי הרבה עצות. Tom gives me lots of advice. Tom gives me a lot of advice. >>eng<< مع من تريد أن تتحدث؟ Who do you want to talk to? Who do you want to talk to? >>eng<< لتوم ندب على وجهه. Tom has a scar on his face. To sleep on his face. >>eng<< هل أنت مدخنة؟ Are you a smoker? Are you a smoker? >>eng<< كم من مرة ذهبت؟ How many times have you gone? How many times have you gone? >>eng<< كان النّاس يريدون الحياة السّعيدة. People wanted the good life. People wanted a happy life. >>eng<< እኔ ከክዮቶ ነኝ። I'm from Kyoto. I am from Kyoto. >>eng<< طلب الشرطى اعادة اصطفاف سيارتى The policeman told me to repark my car, and I did. The policeman asked to get my car back. >>eng<< אינני מכירה איש בשם תום. I don't know anyone named Tom. I don't know a man named Tom. >>eng<< أنا لم أفهم. I do not understand. I don't understand. >>eng<< השאר בכוננות. Stay alert. The rest are on the watch. >>eng<< أشجار الخوخ تتطلب الكثير من أشعة الشمس. Peach trees require lots of sunshine. Cruise trees require a lot of sunlight. >>eng<< رايحا تسقاملك € 30. This will cost €30. You're in line with $30. >>eng<< אגיד לכם מה אעשה. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. >>eng<< تُسقِط هذه الأشجار أوراقها في فصل الشّتاء. These trees shed their leaves during the winter. These trees cut down their leaves in the winter. >>eng<< עכשיו באמת יש להם בעיה. They really have got a problem now. Now they really have a problem. >>eng<< Tom yennermes Mary. Tom contacted Mary. Tom Yennermes Mary. >>eng<< Kullec yella anda ilaq ad yili. Everything was where it was supposed to be. wherever it may be. >>eng<< ليس عندي إلا نصف عدد كتبه. I have only half as many books as he. I have only half of his books. >>eng<< لا أريد أن أعمل. I don't want to work. I don't want to work. >>eng<< تسبّبت الغارات الإسرائيليّة بجعل 19000 منزل غير قابل للسّكن في قطاع غزّة. 19,000 homes in Gaza were rendered uninhabitable by Israeli attacks. Israeli raids led to 19,000 homeless homes in a chaotic sector. >>eng<< Ncedha-k i meṛṛa. We've all missed you. I can't tell you all. >>eng<< Izmer ad ɣ-d-iwali kra n yiwen. Someone might see us. Then every one of us shall see us. >>eng<< Tasaɛett-aya seg mi yettqeṣṣir Tom deg tilifun. Tom has been talking on the phone for an hour. As soon as it was sprung up, they looked on each other. >>eng<< يبدو توم بحال جيدة. Tom seems OK now. Tom looks good. >>eng<< Izmer ad m-d-isel kra n yiwen. Somebody might've overheard you. And they shall flee, and shall receive every one of them. >>eng<< הספנים הבחינו ביבשה. The sailors saw land. We saw the edges in the land. >>eng<< Ma ulac aɣilif ɛemmeṛ i yiman-ik claḍa. Please help yourself to the salad. For there is no hope that he must be taken away by your own cross. >>eng<< كان سامي يتمتّع حياته. Sami was enjoying his life. Sammy enjoyed his life. >>eng<< أريد أن أتزوج فتاة مثلها. I want to marry a girl like her. I want to marry a girl like her. >>eng<< Tesliḍ i tezlit-is tamaynut? Did you listen to her new song? Are you killed with a masturbation? >>eng<< سامي يحبّ التّحلية. Sami likes dessert. Sammy likes to cook. >>eng<< لمن هذا الرّقم؟ Whose number is this? Who's that? >>eng<< מדוע לא הקשבת? Why weren't you listening? Why didn't you listen? >>eng<< טום לא יכול להרשות זאת לעצמו. Tom can't afford it. Tom can't afford it. >>eng<< دخلت ليلى في اكتئاب عميق بسبب فقدانها لصديقتها المقرّبة، سليمة. Layla slipped into a deep depression over the loss of her best friend, Salima. She went into deep depression because she lost her close friend, safe. >>eng<< ۆه، كاين پاپييّۆن شباب! Oh, there's a butterfly! Hey, Kane Papien, young men! >>eng<< Iεǧeb-iyi wagi. Ad t-awiɣ. I like this. I'll take it. Say to me, 'Do this, and I will take it away from you.'" >>eng<< كان الكحول هو المخدّر المفضّل عند سامي. Alcohol was Sami's drug of choice. Alcohol was my favorite drug at Sammy. >>eng<< Tecfamt i wayen i d-yenna Tom? Do you remember what Tom said? Remember what he said to you? >>eng<< كان سامي يعلم أنّ ليلى كانت تبحث عنه. Sami knew Layla was looking for him. Sammy knew Lila was looking for him. >>eng<< בוא נראה אם נוכל בפעם הבאה להטיב לעשות. Let's see if we can do better next time. Let's see if we can do next time. >>eng<< Sarameɣ yiwen ur kem-id-iwala. I hope no one saw you. When I saw no one, I supposed that he didn't see her, >>eng<< נגזר על הנאשם גזר דין מוות. The accused was sentenced to death. We'll break up the defendant's death sentence. >>eng<< תפסיק, תום. Stop it, Tom. Stop it, Tom. >>eng<< Ayɣer i la teqqaṛeḍ wa? Why are you reading this? What do you say? >>eng<< Ḥebsemt tikerkas. Stop lying. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >>eng<< אנו יכולים לשלם. We can pay. We can pay. >>eng<< علي أن أكتب رسالة. هل لديك ورق؟ I have to write a letter. Do you have some paper? I have to write a message. Do you have a paper? >>eng<< אני יודע שאהבת מאד את תום. I know that you cared deeply for Tom. I know you loved Tom very much. >>eng<< Ader! Get down. Ader! >>eng<< تأخرنا على المدرسة بسبب المطر الغزير. We were late for school because it rained heavily. We're late for school because of the cold rain. >>eng<< Mary ɣares aṭṭas n tecyarin. Mary has a lot of bags. Now we have much patience with Mary. >>eng<< Yiwen ur d-yerri. No one answered. And no man answered him any more. >>eng<< هل أنتي ماري؟ Are you Mary? Are you Mary? >>eng<< إستخدم رأسك! Use your head! Use your head! >>eng<< התחביב שלי הוא קריאת רומנים. My hobby is reading novels. My hobby is reading novels. >>eng<< Iḥemmel Tom idlisen. Tom loves books. I love Tom ilisen. >>eng<< למה אתה כועס עליי? Why are you angry with me? Why are you mad at me? >>eng<< שכחתי לגמרי על מה זה. I've completely forgotten what it's about. I totally forgot what it is. >>eng<< شكلك جميل وأنت تلبس الأزرق. You are very attractive in blue. You look beautiful and you're wearing blue. >>eng<< לא הלכתי ברגל שנה תמימה. I didn't walk for a year. I haven't walked innocently for a year. >>eng<< لماذا أنت غير محبوب هنا؟ Why aren't you liked here? Why are you not liked here? >>eng<< Aru-t-id s tefransist. Write it in French. Aru-id-d-in-surancer. >>eng<< لا يمكننا فعل أي شيء حيال ذلك. We can do nothing about it. We can't do anything about it. >>eng<< אם אתה לא רוצה להסתבך אל תגיד כלום לתום ומרי. If you don't want to get into a mess, don't say anything bad about Tom and Mary. If you don't want to get into trouble, don't say anything to Tom and Mary. >>eng<< Ssfeqdet i tikkelt nniḍen. Check again. And when they had fulfilled it again, they begged him. >>eng<< Nekk mačči d aqeddac-nwen. I'm not your slave! I am not your servant. >>eng<< هل هذه صورة حديثة؟ Is it a recent picture? Is this a modern picture? >>eng<< يكرهني مدرّسي. My teacher hates me. I hate my teacher. >>eng<< שמעת כבר שהוא סוף סוף חזר הביתה? Have you already heard that he has finally returned home? Have you heard he's finally back home? >>eng<< טום קנה מצלמת מִרְשֶׁתֶת. Tom bought a webcam. Tom bought a rich camera. >>eng<< תום יחלים. Tom will recover. Tom's gonna get sick. >>eng<< אני אוהב לעזור לידידים שלי. I like to help my friends. I love helping my friends. >>eng<< نحن نحتاج إلي المطر. We need rain. We need the rain. >>eng<< تعرف كيفاش تصوق طونوبيل؟ Do you know how to drive a car? You know, Quash's poking tonobele? >>eng<< Itri-nni twalamt-t? Do you see the star? - What happened to you? >>eng<< هل تحدثني؟ Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me? >>eng<< דברי! Speak! Speak! >>eng<< Atas guwamy war c zriɣ. Long time, no see. Here's a lot of information. >>eng<< Laɛmeṛ cukkeɣ ad rebḥeɣ. I never thought I'd win. I am become a liar, that I may gain the more. >>eng<< Anda i tzedɣeḍ tura akka? Where do you live now? And what hast thou to do now? >>eng<< Sami saggadayent. Sami is getting bullied. Have a good time. >>eng<< Teɣṛam ta? Did you read this? Illustrations? >>eng<< افعله يا فاضل. Do it, Fadil. Do it, fool. >>eng<< Medlemt allen-nkent. Close your eyes. I gave them eyes to see. >>eng<< لدينا مدرّس رياضيّات سيّء. Our math teacher sucks. We have a bad math teacher. >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ i iwalan kra? Did somebody say something? And there is one who seeth any man? >>eng<< Yemma-twen ttett iẓẓan. Your mother eats shit. Your mother's feet are heavy enough. >>eng<< أنا حزين. I'm sad. I'm sad. >>eng<< אני בדרך כלל די מאורגן. I'm usually quite organized. I'm usually quite organized. >>eng<< كم طول ذلك؟ How long is this? How long is that? >>eng<< Qqim kra. Stay a while. Seize >>eng<< وجب على السياح مغادرة البلدة قبل حلول الفجر . The tourists had to leave the town before dawn. The tourists had to leave the city before the dawn. >>eng<< היא שרופה על עוגת שוקולד. She is partial to chocolate cake. She's burning on chocolate cake. >>eng<< תום הוא משפחתי היחידה. Tom is the only family he's got. Tom is my only family. >>eng<< ما يأتي سهلا يذهب سهلا. Easy come, easy go. What comes easily goes easy. >>eng<< ምንም ሰው አየ He saw nobody. No One Sees >>eng<< Ncukk-it d akeddab. We suspected him of lying. Nicchi-it-daddab. >>eng<< הוא אימץ את עיניו בקריאה רבה מדי. He strained his eyes by reading too much. He adopted his eyes too much to read. >>eng<< אראה לך. I'll show you. I'll show you. >>eng<< תום יהיה ככל הנראה הראשון שיופיע. Tom will most likely be the first one to show up. Tom'll probably be the first to show up. >>eng<< Tura mi qqleɣ d aselmad, ttxemmimeɣ akken-nniḍen. Now that I am a teacher, I think otherwise. Now when I was sick, as soon as I was born, I cried out that I might strike those things which were diseased. >>eng<< לא לכן תום התפטר. That's not why Tom resigned. That's not why Tom quit. >>eng<< Ur ḥwaǧeɣ ara aɣaḍi-ik. I don't want your pity. I have not need for thy soul to be whole. >>eng<< Ala nekk ur nhedder tafransist deg ugraw-a. I am the only one in the group who can not speak French. I have confidence in the living God, that I can't make room for him. >>eng<< תום נפטר ביום שני אחה"צ. Tom died Monday afternoon. Tom died on Monday afternoon. >>eng<< ومعاً تمثلان حسن الاتساق والانسجام ما بين التقاليد والتقدم. Together, you represent the harmony between tradition and progress. While they are well consistent and consistent with tradition and progress. >>eng<< كنت أرغب في البقاء في السرير طوال اليوم. I wanted to stay in bed all day. I'd like to stay in bed all day. >>eng<< Sami d Layla llan ţnaɣen kullas. Sami and Layla argued every day. Sam and Laseen are all russians. >>eng<< אל תלעג לי! Don't make fun of me! Don't make fun of me! >>eng<< Ilaq ad txedmeḍ leqdic-a. You have to make this work. You must complete your job. >>eng<< غادر سامي مع شخص يعمل في العيادة. Sami left with somebody from the clinic. Sammy left with someone working at the clinic. >>eng<< יש המון שאני לא יכול לעשות עד מחר. There is a lot I can't do until tomorrow. There's a lot I can't do by tomorrow. >>eng<< رجاء اترك رسالة على المجيب الآلي. Please leave a message on my answering machine. Please leave a message on the automatic answer. >>eng<< ננסה לא לעמוד בדרכך. We'll try not to get in your way. We'll try not to stand in your way. >>eng<< D aqbayli. He is Kabyle. Answer me. >>eng<< لم تكن تعلم أين كانت. She didn't know where she was. You didn't know where she was. >>eng<< Qimeɣ. I stayed. I take it easy. >>eng<< كان سامي يسافر مع كلبه. Sami traveled with his dog. Sammy was traveling with his dog. >>eng<< אתה רוצה לשחק גולף או לא? Do you want to play golf or not? You want to play golf or not? >>eng<< غادرالقطار قبل أن يصلوا إلى المحطة. The train left before they got to the station. He left the train before they got to the station. >>eng<< הוא היה מופרע. He was mentally troubled. He was upset. >>eng<< אשאיל לך מטרייה אם אתה זקוק לה. If you need an umbrella I'll lend you one. I'll ask you if you need it. >>eng<< يجب أن نبقى منتبهين. We need to stay focused. We have to stay alert. >>eng<< Tom akked Mary qqimen lwaḥid ɣef ukanapi. Tom and Mary sat on the couch together. And all Mary sat down on the solitudes. >>eng<< Yerẓa Sami axxam n Layla. Sami ransacked Layla's house. And it came to pass, that he called the house of Lalai. >>eng<< Ayɣer i tebɣamt iyennaten-agi yakk? Why do you want all this stuff? He said to them, "You don't want me to say this to you." >>eng<< מאורע יוצא דופן קרה. Something remarkable happened. An extraordinary event has happened. >>eng<< נתתי לו צרור מפתחות. I gave him a set of keys. I gave him a key shot. >>eng<< سامي يحبّ هذا المسلسل. Sami likes this series. Sammy loves this show. >>eng<< אלו המפרים את החוקים ייענשו. Those who violate the rules will be punished. Those breaking the rules will be punished. >>eng<< ماذا تُفضّل؟ What do you like? What do you prefer? >>eng<< تعلمت تقنية جديدة. I learned a new technique. I've learned a new technique. >>eng<< Seg tnezzayt ur yeḥbis wedfel tiyita. Snow has been falling steadily since this morning. So, after that I was full of infirmity, I fell on my mother's neck, and gave up the ghost. >>eng<< سامي ابن خاله. Sami is his cousin. Sammy's a innocent son. >>eng<< ينبغي على سامي أن يستمع لليلى. Sami should listen to Layla. Sammy should listen to me. >>eng<< لا أحد علم بذلك. No one knew it. Nobody knows that. >>eng<< Mačči d ayen issefraḥen akk. It doesn't look good at all. Not all made perfect. >>eng<< Ur zmireɣ ara ad aṛǧuɣ. I can't wait. I have nothing to look for. >>eng<< Fakk-ikent imenɣi. Stop arguing. This is the war problem. >>eng<< Suffeɣ iɣersiwen seg leḥbus-nsen. Free the animals from their cages. Casting you out of their bonds. >>eng<< هم يخططون أن يستقروا في نيوزلندا. They are planning to settle in New Zealand. They're planning to settle in New Zealand. >>eng<< رفضت الضحية إقامة دعوى قضائية. The victim declined to press charges. The victim refused to prosecute. >>eng<< איזו דלעת גדולה! What a big pumpkin! What a big condensation! >>eng<< دعى سامي ليلى للعشاء. Sami invited Layla to dinner. His name's Sammy Lila for dinner. >>eng<< روى فاضل للشرطة ما حدث. Fadil told police what happened. Roy fought the police for what happened. >>eng<< אל תקחי דוגמא מתום. Don't follow Tom's example. Don't take a masturbating example. >>eng<< Yella ḥedd i yettwanɣan. Somebody was murdered. There's a certain thing that they have already killed. >>eng<< كان سامي يعمل في شركة لبطاقات الاعتماد. Sami was working for a credit card company. Sammy was working at a credit card company. >>eng<< Issen mraw n tutlayin. He knows ten languages. Let me see some language. >>eng<< אף פעם לא דגתי עם תום. I've never been fishing with Tom. I never fished with Tom. >>eng<< הוא זרק אבן על הכלב. He threw a stone at the dog. He threw a stone on the dog. >>eng<< Tom yeẓṛa Mary deg tmeɣṛa n Halloween. Tom saw Mary at the Halloween party. And Mary Magdalene was at the marriage feast. >>eng<< אם תאבד בקהל - אחפש אותך. If you got lost in a crowd, I'd search for you. If you lose the audience, I'll look for you. >>eng<< Ahat ar ticki. Maybe later. Ahat a ticki. >>eng<< Ini-yi-d kullec seg tazwara meṛṛa. Tell me everything from the very beginning. All things that were spoken unto me are from the beginning. >>eng<< Mary d tameṭṭut iḥercen. Mary is a smart lady. And Mary the wife of chasteneth. >>eng<< היא תעבה אותו. She despised him. She'll turn it off. >>eng<< סגור את החלון. Shut the window. Close the window. >>eng<< הייתי רוצה לדעת איפה קנית את זה. I'd like to know where you bought that. I'd like to know where you bought it. >>eng<< Tṛuḥemt ɣer Boston yakan? Have you been to Boston before? You thank Boston already? >>eng<< Aqli weḥleɣ dagi,deg Lustṛali. I'm stuck here in Australia. Behold, I am here, a city of Lustali. >>eng<< Teɣṛiḍ aya? Did you read this? You have done this? >>eng<< لا يمكننا تجاهل هذه المشكلة. This problem can't be ignored. We can't ignore this problem. >>eng<< תהיה דיפלומט טוב. You will be a good diplomat. Be a good diplomat. >>eng<< טום סיפר לי הרבה עליך. Tom has told me a lot about you. Tom told me a lot about you. >>eng<< אני רוצה שהכל יהיה כפי שהיה לפנים. I want everything back to the way it was. I want everything to be the same as it was before them. >>eng<< La skiddibent wallen-nwen. Your eyes are lying. whose eyes are covered. >>eng<< باركت له على نجاحه. I congratulated him on his success. You blessed him for his success. >>eng<< Ɛiwen-iyi-d ad qefleɣ taqenduṛt-iw. Help me zip up my dress. And I will give you my coat, that I may heal my coat. >>eng<< תום התחבא מאחורי עץ. Tom was hiding behind a tree. Tom hid behind a tree. >>eng<< טום, מרי וג'ון במטבח. Tom, Mary and John are in the kitchen. Tom, Mary and John in the kitchen. >>eng<< سأحضّر بعض القهوة. I will make some coffee. I'll pick up some coffee. >>eng<< Sami ad as-tiniḍ iwala alaxeṛt. Sami looked like he had just seen a ghost. For in that he said to the heavens, 'He has seen the fig tree.' >>eng<< תום ניסה לשלוט ברגשותיו. Tom tried to stay composed. Tom tried to control his feelings. >>eng<< את רוצה שנעזור לך? Do you want us to help you? You want us to help you? >>eng<< טום ניצל ללא פגע. Tom survived unharmed. Tom was used without harm. >>eng<< אנשים כל כך תחרותיים בימינו. People are so competitive nowadays. People are so competitive today. >>eng<< دعونا نقلب العملة. Let's flip a coin. Let's transfer the currency. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ timucuha n taḍsa. I love jokes. I can put on a caption. >>eng<< ברור שהיא חולה. It's obvious that she's sick. Of course she's sick. >>eng<< Anida-t yimru? Where is the pen? What are you doing? >>eng<< حلمي أن أكون طبيباً. My aim is to be a doctor. My dream is to be a doctor. >>eng<< טום כרגע מובטל. Tom isn't currently working anywhere. Tom's lost right now. >>eng<< Kennemti d aḥric seg unezgum. You're part of the problem. You have to do as much as you like. >>eng<< هذا اللون لا يناسبني. That color doesn't look good on me. This color doesn't suit me. >>eng<< האומצה הזאת מאוד עסיסית. This steak is very juicy. This practice is very juicy. >>eng<< קיראי את המאמר בעמוד השני! Read the article on page two. Read the article on the other page! >>eng<< Ṭṭfet-t-id! Seize him! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey >>eng<< Acku kem d taqcict. That's because you're a girl. Check your time. >>eng<< أطلق سامي النّار على كلب متشرّد. Sami shot a stray dog. Sammy shot a vagabond dog. >>eng<< ألا تزال تلك العيادة موجودة؟ Does that clinic still exist? Are those clinics still there? >>eng<< لِنُفَكّر بأسوأ ما يمكن أن يكون قد حصل. Let's consider the worst that could happen. We're gonna figure out the worst that could have happened. >>eng<< أحضر لي الجريدة من فضلك. Bring me the newspaper, please. Bring me the paper, please. >>eng<< ראיתי אותו שוטף את הרכב. I saw him wash the car. I saw him wash the car. >>eng<< הוא ניסה ללכוד את הציפור אך נכשל. He tried to catch the bird, but couldn't. He tried to catch the bird but failed. >>eng<< לאחותי יש עבודה. My sister has a job. My sister has a job. >>eng<< عليكِ أن تسامحيني. You have to forgive me. You have to forgive me. >>eng<< أنت متقلب المزاج. You're moody. You're in the mood. >>eng<< Ad tṛuḥeḍ ad yi-teǧǧeḍ? Are you going to leave me? And thou shalt go and kill me? >>eng<< גילו נפט מתחת לים הצפוני. Oil has been discovered under the North Sea. He discovered oil under the North Sea. >>eng<< Tasusmi n yiḍ teslufu-aɣ. The silence of the night comforts us. But the night is far spent for us. >>eng<< لماذا لم تأتي لتزرني؟ Why didn't you come visit me? Why didn't you come to visit me? >>eng<< أعدّ سامي قهوى. Sami made coffee. Make Sammy a pigeon. >>eng<< לא ידעתי מה לעשות אחר כך. I didn't know what to do after that. I didn't know what to do later. >>eng<< Tubeṛ yella yewɛeṛ. October was worse. For it seems good to get along. >>eng<< هناك ما يقارب الثّلاثة آلاف مسجد في إسطنبول. There are around three thousand mosques in Istanbul. There's about a third of thousands of mosques in Istanbul. >>eng<< Tzemremt ad tenɣemt albaɛḍ. You could kill someone. You will not even take away that which you have taken away from him." >>eng<< זו המכונית שלי. This is my car. That's my car. >>eng<< זיהו את תום רץ ברחוב פרק, כאשר מכונית שחורה עוקבת אחריו. Tom was spotted running east on Park Street, followed by a dark sedan. Ignore Tom running down the street, when a black car follows him. >>eng<< Il-qtates jaqbdu l-ġrieden. Cats catch mice. The cats catch mice. >>eng<< השופט הורה למושבעים לא לדון בתיק. The judge told the jury not to discuss the case. The judge ordered the jury not to discuss the case. >>eng<< توم شكرني على الهدية. Tom thanked me for the gift. Tom, thank you for the gift. >>eng<< علينا حماية سمعة هذه العيادة. We have the reputation of this clinic to protect. We have to protect the reputation of these clinics. >>eng<< ניסיתי לא להסתכל. I was trying not to look. I tried not to look. >>eng<< سأقوله مرّة واحدة فقط، إذن تسمع بعناية I will say this only once, so listen carefully. I'll just tell him once, so you hear carefully. >>eng<< S tezmert-nwen! Cheers! In your power! >>eng<< אבא שלי קם מוקדם. My father gets up early. My dad got up early. >>eng<< اشتريت بعض البيض الطازج الذي أتى من المزرعة للتو. I bought some fresh eggs which had just come from the farm. I just bought some fresh eggs from the farm. >>eng<< نحن في المنزل We're at home. We're home. >>eng<< אני מוכרח לדעת. I must know. I have to know. >>eng<< לא ממש ראינו את התאונה. We didn't actually see the accident. We didn't really see the accident. >>eng<< أهو أمريكي؟ Is he American? Is it American? >>eng<< يجب أن تتم هذا التقرير قبل يوم الأثنين. You must have the report done by Monday. This report must be made before Monday. >>eng<< Cukkeɣ yella kra n yiwen di texxamt-nni n zdat. I think there's somebody in the next room. And I brought in a certain man by the door before the bar. >>eng<< היי, מה שלומך? Hello, how are you doing? Hey, how are you? >>eng<< Ɣiwel! Quick! Far from it! >>eng<< Acuɣeṛ i tettruḍ? Why are you crying? Why do you wonder? >>eng<< הראש כואב לי. My head aches. My head hurts. >>eng<< كان على سامي أن يأخذ قسطا من الرّاحة. Sami had to rest. Sammy had to take some rest. >>eng<< מעודי לא נהניתי לטוס. I've never enjoyed flying. My people didn't enjoy flying. >>eng<< هذا اجتماع مهم. This is a very important meeting. This is an important meeting. >>eng<< Yella wasmi i d-teẓẓgem tafunast? Have you ever milked a cow? Now is this that ye did hunger, and thirst? >>eng<< Ečč cemma-cemma. Eat slowly. And they'll eat that which is over and over again. >>eng<< لا أستطيع أن أفعل ذلك. I can't do it. I can't do that. >>eng<< לעולם אינני מתכנן דבר. I never plan anything. I never plan anything. >>eng<< הסרט הזה מלהיב. That movie is exciting. This movie is exciting. >>eng<< תום גאה בצוות שלו. Tom is proud of his team. Tom's proud of his team. >>eng<< Atan dina Tom. Tom's in there. Atan dina Tom. >>eng<< أنا سألت توم بعض الأسئلة. I asked Tom a few questions. I asked Tom some questions. >>eng<< טום לא ידע שמרי החליטה להתפטר. Tom didn't know that Mary had decided to quit her job. Tom didn't know Mary decided to quit. >>eng<< Fiḥel ma nniɣ-d kra. It is not worth saying something. I really think that if I tell anything. >>eng<< ذاقت ليلى دم سامي. Layla tasted Sami's blood. I've had Sammy's blood. >>eng<< سامي كان في الغرفة التالية. Sami was in the next room. Sammy was in the next room. >>eng<< علي الذهاب الآن. I have to go now. I have to go now. >>eng<< الشركات المتعددة الجنسيات تفوق الشركات العاملة التقليدية في دولة واحدة فقط. Multinational corporations outperform traditional corporations operating in just one country. multinational companies surpass traditional companies operating in only one State. >>eng<< Ẓṛant tideţ. They know the truth. sorrrant tyide. >>eng<< كان سامي محبوبا جدّا عند أهل البلدة. Sami was well liked in the community. Sammy was very fond of the town's people. >>eng<< Ur d-iquḍeɛ Tom ula kra. Tom missed the whole thing. Don't taste from any of these things. >>eng<< הרכבת האחרונה כבר נסעה. The last train has already gone. The last train's already gone. >>eng<< Tom yetiliɣṛi-d akken ad d-yini ur d-yeţţas ara. Tom phoned to say he isn't coming. Then I would have come to him again, that he should say nothing unto me. >>eng<< Ẓriɣ ad d-truḥeḍ ɣer Boston di Tuber. I know you came to Boston in October. For I know that you will go to Boston in Tiberias. >>eng<< Ur zmireɣ ara ad ččeɣ aksum. I can't eat meat. I can't eat flesh. >>eng<< زيارة جميع المعالم السياحية حقاً ترهقني كثيراً . Visiting all the tourist sights really wore me out. Visiting all the tourist destinations really makes me very tired. >>eng<< سامي يكبر. Sami is getting old. Sammy's growing up. >>eng<< Yenna-d Tom belli mmi-s d aqcic lεali. Tom said his son was a good kid. And he said unto you, That the son is a proper child. >>eng<< تقدري تحكِّيلي دهري. Can you rub my back? Be careful with me. >>eng<< אני רוצה ללכת הביתה עכשיו. I would like to go home now. I want to go home now. >>eng<< توم أقترحَ هذا. Tom suggested it. Tom, I suggest this. >>eng<< لازم نخفّو رواحتينا. We must move quickly. We need to cover our heads. >>eng<< לעצלנים אין סיכוי להצליח. Lazy people have no chance of success. The dolls don't have a chance to succeed. >>eng<< Yella kra i teffremt. You're hiding something. There is no one who can hide it. >>eng<< كان فاضل زوج ليلى الرّابع. Fadil was Layla's husband number four. He was a fourth night husband's fighter. >>eng<< Dacu-tt? What's the fuss all about? Dacu-tt? >>eng<< של מי הבירה הזאת? Whose beer is this? Whose beer is that? >>eng<< תחזיק מעמד שם, תום. Hang in there, Tom. Hold on there, Tom. >>eng<< אינני אוהבת את התנהגותה. I don't like her manner. I don't like her behavior. >>eng<< السفر يوسع آفاق تفكير المرء. Travel broadens one's horizons. Travel expands one's thinking prospects. >>eng<< لا يمكنني الانتظار للوصول الى المنزل والنوم في سريري. I can hardly wait to get home and sleep in my own bed. I can't wait to get home and sleep in my bed. >>eng<< حاول توم إخباري شيئًا، لكنّ ماري قاطعته قبل أن ينطق ببنت شفة. Tom tried to tell me something, but Mary interrupted before he could say anything. Tom tried to tell me something, but Mary crossed it before he said she was a girl. >>eng<< טום הזעיף פניו. Tom frowned. Tom called his face. >>eng<< لم يكن فاضل غاضبا من دنية بسبب ما قامت به. Fadil wasn't upset with Dania for what she did. He wasn't angry with a debt because of what she did. >>eng<< אני לא זוכר. I don't remember. I don't remember. >>eng<< Tɣuṛṛem tamurt-nwen. You betrayed your country. But take ye heed unto yourselves, to keep speaking the word of God. >>eng<< متى أتيت إلى اليابان؟ When did you come to Japan? When did you come to Japan? >>eng<< טום תמיד מפסיד. Tom always loses. Tom always loses. >>eng<< Ɣef wacḥal ssaɛa ara teččem? What time will you eat? So how many hours do you eat? >>eng<< يخضع الفرد في ممارسته حقوقه وحرياته لتلك القيود التي يقررها القانون فقط، لضمان الاعتراف بحقوق الغير وحرياته واحترامهـا ولتحقيق المقتضيات العادلة للنضام العام والمصلحة العامة والأخلاق في مجتمع ديمقراطي. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. In exercising its rights and freedoms, the individual is subject only to those limitations established by law, in order to ensure that the rights and freedoms of others are recognized and respected and to achieve the just requirements of public darkness, public interest and morals in a democratic society. >>eng<< Teḥcam-iyi-tt. You befooled me. That I stood up again with me. >>eng<< אני יודעת שאת לועגת לי מאחורי הגב. I know you make fun of me behind my back. I know you're kidding me behind my back. >>eng<< אל תכבה את המחשב. Don't turn off your computer. Don't turn the computer off. >>eng<< אני בכלל לא מרוצה מההכנסה הנוכחית שלי. I am by no means satisfied with my present income. I'm not even happy with my current income. >>eng<< Bdu aɣenni. Start singing. And when they got a fire, they threw it up. >>eng<< אנו חייבים תמיד להיות מוכנים. We have to always be ready. We must always be ready. >>eng<< D acu i txedmeḍ ass-a? What have you done today? What have you done today? >>eng<< Tella tin i d-ittlaɛin. Someone's calling. She says it's the tale. >>eng<< הוא עשה את העבודה בעצמו. He did the work on his own. He did the job himself. >>eng<< أصلح الأغلاط ، إذا وُجدت. Correct the mistakes if found. I fix the errors, if I find them. >>eng<< إنه لا يُحبنا لذلك لا يُريد أن يأكلَ معنا It's because he doesn't like us that he doesn't want to eat with us. He doesn't like us, so he doesn't want to eat with us. >>eng<< Tom yella deg Boston deg 20 Tubeṛ. Tom was in Boston on October 20th. Tomos was in Boston on 20th. >>eng<< فتح سامي الباب. Sami opened the door. Open the door, Sammy. >>eng<< יש לי שגרון. I have arthritis. I got a throat. >>eng<< Wa Ayako, rnu-yas cwiṭ i taɣect-ik. Hey, Ayako, make your voice louder. Let your ear be troubled, and your tongue will hear your voice. >>eng<< Tom yelḥa ar Mary. Tom walked over to Mary. It's very good to see Mary. >>eng<< האוטובוס הידרדר מהצוק, וכל עשרת הנוסעים שהיו בו נספו. The bus fell off the cliff, killing all 10 aboard. The bus was speeding up from the cliff, and all the 10 passengers we've been on. >>eng<< Tom d asegbar iqefzen, neɣ amek? Tom is a talented actor, isn't he? Do you sleep in the darkness, or do you know? >>eng<< כשראה את אמו, הילד שאבד פרץ בבכי. Seeing his mother, the lost child burst into tears. When he saw his mother, the kid who was lost in tears. >>eng<< جعلناه يذهب. We made him go. We made him go. >>eng<< انتبه! هناك حفرة كبيرة هناك. Watch out! There's a big hole there. There's a big hole there. >>eng<< لم يسبق لأبي أن سافر إلى الخارج. My father has never been abroad. Dad never traveled outside. >>eng<< Tom yemmut deg Boston deg 20 Tubeṛ 2013 Tom died in Boston on October 20, 2013. Tom died in Boston, 20 September 2013 >>eng<< Ɣucceɣ Tom. I hate Tom. I made a covenant with you (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)). >>eng<< Ur d-tettbanemt ara mecɣulit. You don't look that busy. That you will not be revealed. >>eng<< יש לו שלושה בנים. He has three sons. He's got three boys. >>eng<< سمع سامي انفجارا رهيبا. Sami heard an awful blast. Sammy heard a terrible explosion. >>eng<< אל תתן להסיח את דעתך! Don't get distracted! Don't let it distract you! >>eng<< Tom, d netta i d amnadi agejdan. Tom is the lead researcher. Tom, net d’amadan. >>eng<< הסתכלתי. I looked. I looked. >>eng<< בכלל לא אכפת לי בעניין זה. I don't care about it at all. I don't care about that at all. >>eng<< הנחש הוא שפיתה את חווה. It's the serpent who tempted Eve. The snake was cleaning up the farm. >>eng<< أعطيت بعض الكتب له. I gave some books to him. I gave him some books. >>eng<< مش فاهم انت قاعد تقول إيه. I don't understand what you're saying. You're a wall that says it. >>eng<< تبدو وكأنك ستخرج إلى حفلة من نوع ما. You look like you're going out to a party. Looks like you're going out to some sort of party. >>eng<< هل تضمّنت كل ما أردت آن تقوله في النصّ؟ Did you include everything you wanted to say in the text? Did you put everything you wanted to say in the text? >>hau_Latn<< I know you're going to say no. Na san za ku ce a'a. "Lalle nĩ, nã sani a lõkacin da kuke yin magana." >>eng<< מי לדעתך כתבה את הרומן? Who do you think the author of this novel is? Who do you think wrote the novel? >>eng<< إنهُ يستطيع أن يفعل هذا أفضل مني. He can do it better than me. He can do this better than me. >>eng<< لاتستطيع أن تتذكر. لايمكنها أن تتذكر. She can't remember. You can't remember, she can't remember. >>eng<< بإمكان سامي أن يتناول كعكة كوكيز أخرى. Sami can have another cookie. Sammy can eat another cox. >>eng<< תום התמכר למשככי כאבים לאחר התאונה שלו. Tom got addicted to painkillers after his accident. Tom was sold to sufferers after his accident. >>eng<< Ur yeẓri ara Tom belli lluẓeɣ. Tom doesn't know I'm hungry. He doesn't know that I was hungry. >>eng<< Teddrewceḍ, akken i ilaq ad geɣ ! You fool, I had to do it! But thou hast cast down, that I may lose it. >>eng<< אני מעריך את העובדה שאת חושבת עלי באופן זה. I really appreciate that you think of me that way. I appreciate the fact that you think of me this way. >>eng<< Ass n letnayen yettas-d mbeɛd ass n lḥedd. Monday comes after Sunday. And it came to pass, that on the day after a day we arrived. >>eng<< ירד גשם כל כך חזק שהחלטנו לבקר אותו במועד אחר. It rained so hard that we decided to visit him on another day. It was raining so hard that we decided to visit him for another time. >>eng<< ذلك سبب انفعاله. That is why he got angry. That's why it works. >>eng<< נפסיק כאן להיום. We'll stop here for today. We'll stop here for today. >>eng<< הבחירות האלה חשובות לעתיד המדינה הזאת. This election is important for the future of this country. These choices are important for the future of this country. >>eng<< هي لم تأتِ لأن صديقها لم يأتِ She didn't go because her boyfriend didn't. She didn't come because her friend didn't come. >>eng<< Nniɣ-ak d ayenni ara yeḍṛun. I told you this is what would happen. I say these things to you, what you speak. >>eng<< كيف حالك الآن؟ How do you feel now? How are you now? >>eng<< הוא מברך את כולם לשלום בקול רם. He greets everyone loudly. He congratulates everyone in peace with a loud voice. >>eng<< Isselqeḍ Tom itbiren. Tom fed the pigeons. You modulated tom tones. >>eng<< تحطّمت الطّائرة على المنزل. The plane crashed into the house. The circuit broke down on the house. >>eng<< תום מתלונן לעתים רחוקות. Tom rarely complains. Tom complains very often. >>eng<< كان بإمكان سامي أن يثور غضبا. Sami would have gone ballistic. Sammy could have been angry. >>eng<< תום הסיק שזה נגמר. Tom figured it was over. Tom Sik it's over. >>eng<< ילד זקוק לאהבה. A child needs love. A kid needs love. >>eng<< تقاعدت السنة الماضية. I retired last year. I retired last year. >>eng<< אנחנו לא יכולים שלא לתהות לגבי מיומנותו בסקי. We cannot but wonder at his skill in skiing. We can't help but wonder about his skills in ski. >>eng<< Qqleɣ-d bac ad heḍṛeɣ daɣen yid-k. I've come to talk with you again. And I beheld him again, and found him with thee. >>eng<< Tom yewwet afus. Tom clapped. Tom by hand. >>eng<< אני שומעת אותך, אולם אני לא יכולה לראות אותך. I can hear you, but I can't see you. I hear you, but I can't see you. >>eng<< سمّم سامي كلبه. Sami poisoned his dog. Named Sammy his dog. >>eng<< تعرّف سامي بفريد في السّجن. Sami met Farid in jail. Sammy's identified with Fred in the prison. >>eng<< Yella win i yellan? Is someone there? But who is this?" >>eng<< Sizdeg iceṭṭiḍen-ik. Keep your clothes clean. In that case you clean your cloak. >>eng<< Tom iɣeṛṛeq. Tom is drowning! Yelled then. >>eng<< Melmi ara ad tt-nexdem? When are we going to do it? When will it be done? >>eng<< قاتلوا من أجل وطنهم . They fought for their homeland. They fought for their homeland. >>eng<< عليك أن تتّصل بسامي. You should phone Sami. You have to call Sammy. >>eng<< היא הייתה במצב רוח רע. She was in a bad temper. She was in a bad mood. >>eng<< Tom ur yezmir ara ad imudd afus i Mary. Tom can't help Mary. lest you should fall into the hand of Mary. >>eng<< תום נראה עייף. Tom looked tired. Tom looks tired. >>eng<< Fkiɣ lweɛd i yiman-iw urgin ad uɣaleɣ ɣer dinna. I vowed I'd never go back there. Therefore I sought again to see myself, and I went there. >>eng<< אני מטיל ספק אם תום הוא זה ששבר את החלון. I doubt seriously that it was Tom who broke the window. I doubt Tom's the one who broke the window. >>eng<< أنت لطيفٌ للغاية معي. You are much too kind to me. You're so nice to me. >>eng<< كتب سامي رسالة للشّرطة. Sami wrote a letter to the police. Sammy wrote a message for the police. >>eng<< أحب الموسيقى التي يشغلانها توم وماري. I like the kind of music that Tom and Mary play. I like the music they're playing with Tom and Mary. >>eng<< יש כאן דפקט. There's a defect here. There's a defact here. >>eng<< תפסיק לנעוץ בי מבטים. Stop staring at me. Stop consulting me. >>eng<< קשה לאמר איזו מכונית יותר יפה. It is hard to say which car is nicer. It's hard to say what a nicer car is. >>eng<< אתם מקוממים. You're outrageous. You're in place. >>eng<< I ulɣem i yeshel ad iεeddi deg tiṭ n tissegnit wala i umeṛkanti akken ad yekcem tagelda n Rebbi. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. >>eng<< Ad nemmeslay i Tom deg 20 Tubeṛ. We'll talk to Tom on October 20th. We will speak what to you on the 20th day. >>eng<< Tom yettɛummu. Tom is swimming. Somtemma. >>eng<< أنا لا أعرف أي شئ بعد. I don't know anything yet. I don't know anything yet. >>eng<< توم غاضب جدا مني الآن. Tom is now very angry with me. Tom's so angry with me now. >>eng<< هل بإمكانك إعادة ما قلت؟ Come again? Can you bring back what I said? >>eng<< אני חושבת שלא היית צריך לעשות את זה. I think you shouldn't have done that. I think you shouldn't have done that. >>eng<< Acḥal i yelqay? How deep? How bad is he? >>eng<< Ssaεa d uzgen nekk ttrajuɣ. I've been waiting for an hour and a half. I will fly away by the sword. >>eng<< أصيب سامي بالذّعر. Sami panicked. Sammy was terrified. >>eng<< Yesɛa kan yiwen n uwellaq. He has only one testicle. And the only one, I know, was there. >>eng<< وصلتَ في اللحظة التي غادرتُ فيها. You arrived at the moment I left. You arrived at the moment I left. >>eng<< Yebɣa zzhir d uwanes,Tom yerra ɣer tzeqqa n uqṛaṣ u yesseɣli-d kra n yibṛiken. Desiring noise and company, Tom went along to the shooting gallery and knocked down a few ducks. And he gat him to the south, and went down into the street, and destroyed some of the swine. >>eng<< هذا غير متوقع إلى حد ما That is rather unexpected. That's kind of unexpected. >>eng<< עשית טעות גדולה. You made a big mistake. You made a big mistake. >>eng<< أيمكنني ركوب هذا الحصان قليلاً؟ Can I ride this horse for a while? Can I get this horse a little bit? >>eng<< توم يحب القراءة Tom loves reading. Tom likes to read. >>eng<< هل هذا كتابك؟ Is this your book? Is that your book? >>eng<< عمري ما نشرب لاتاي. I never drink tea. My age is what's going on with Latay. >>eng<< Melmi ara teččem imekli? When will you eat lunch? What will you eat? >>eng<< Nedmeɣ mi ssudneɣ Tom. I regret kissing Tom. I know what I'm afraid of. >>eng<< Ad ken-arguɣ. I'll dream about you. I will see my child. >>eng<< אדוני הנכבד, נא למלא את הטופס. Sir, please fill out this form. Mr. Honor, please fill out the form. >>eng<< לגמרי נגמלתי ממך. I'm totally over you. I totally got off of you. >>eng<< Tettwaliḍ-iyi cebḥeɣ? Do you think I'm pretty? Do you know me as a fool? Or do you despise me? >>eng<< Ini-d wi kem-ilan! Identify yourself. It's all right! >>eng<< توم يعمل في بوسطن. Tom works in Boston. Tom's working in Boston. >>eng<< יש משהו עליו אנו חייבים לשוחח. There's something we need to talk about. There's something we have to talk about. >>eng<< Anta i iselken? Who survived? Do you choose me? >>eng<< D aya i nesɛa. This is all we have. And here we have one thing to do. >>eng<< Ur yezmir ara Tom ad yaṛǧu da weḥd-s. Tom can't stay here by himself. Toom can't wait for one thing. >>eng<< ذهبت مع أختي إلى القلعة. My sister and I went to the castle. I went with my sister to the castle. >>eng<< Axeddim-nkent yeṭṭef s yiwen n lxiḍ kan. Your job hangs by a thread. And when he had bound your loins, he took away one of them, that did the same. >>eng<< طلبت منه أن يوصلني إلى المنزل. I asked him to drive me home. I asked him to get me home. >>eng<< לתום קול רך. Tom has a soft voice. To a soft sound. >>eng<< הם ישנים כעת כנראה. They're probably sleeping. They're probably sleeping now. >>eng<< لا تقلق بشأن الأشياء الغير مهمة. Don't worry about things that aren't important. Don't worry about things that aren't important. >>eng<< לא הייתי מסוגל לעשות את זה. I wasn't able to do that. I couldn't do that. >>eng<< La tettihiḍ fell-i? Are you fucking kidding me? Did you tempt me? >>eng<< Aṭas i yettxemmim Tom ɣef Mary. Tom thought about Mary a lot. Many of you will live by Tom on Mary. >>eng<< Sami d Layla llan uggaden. Sami and Layla were scared. (It was) the heaven, and it was a morning, for they were fearful, >>eng<< كان المدرّس يسخر من جسمي حرفيّا. The teacher literally body-shamed me. The teacher was making fun of my physiological body. >>eng<< هيَ لا تزال تحبّك. She still loves you. She still loves you. >>eng<< هل لي أن أستعير مظلتك؟ Can I borrow your umbrella? May I borrow your shadow? >>eng<< إنهُ يحارب طواحين الهواء. He fights windmills. He's fighting the airships. >>eng<< Di Boston i iɛac Tom akked Mary seg wasmi zewǧen. Tom and Mary have lived in Boston since they got married. Now Stephen was born with all Mary, who had married a wife. >>eng<< قالت أنه ينبغي علي أن أعود للبيت مبكرا. She said that I should come home soon. She said I should go home early. >>eng<< Immut? Is he dead? Dead? >>eng<< استأجرت ليلى سيّارة رباعيّة الدّفع. Layla rented an SUV. I rented a quarter-year-old car. >>eng<< Tom yenna-id ad qqimeɣ anda lliɣ. Tom told me to stay where I was. Again, a little while, and I will stay where I am. >>eng<< הרכבת מגיעה עוד רגע. The train is arriving soon. The train's coming in a minute. >>eng<< لم يذهب فاضل بعيدا. Fadil didn't get far. He didn't go too far. >>eng<< אינך נראה טוב מדי. You don't look too good. You don't look too good. >>eng<< תום כבאי מתנדב. Tom is a volunteer fireman. A volunteer firefighter Tom. >>eng<< השיחה התחילה בהתלוצצות ידידותית אך הסתיימה בפצע וחבורה. The conversation started with friendly banter but ended in bruises. The conversation started with friendly jokes but ended with wound and bunch. >>eng<< مش فاهم انت عايز تقول إيه. I don't understand what you're saying. You're the one who says it. >>eng<< זו שאלה אידיוטית. That's a stupid question! It's an idiot. >>eng<< מרי הוציאה את הביצים אחת אחרי השניה. Mary took out the eggs one by one. Mary pulled the balls out one after the other. >>eng<< Sami yessaggditt daɣen. Sami bullied her again. And again he planted, and put it on the ground. >>eng<< Tella tin ara ixelṣen. Somebody's going to pay. Don't be deceived. >>eng<< كان توم آخر طفل يذهب إلى منزله. Tom was the last kid to go home. Tom was the last kid to go to his house. >>eng<< اعمل انك لن تفعل هذا I know that you didn't do that. I work you're not gonna do this. >>eng<< בעבר כיבדתי את תום. I used to respect Tom. In the past, I honored Tom. >>eng<< أوميد بهائي. Omid is Bahá'í. O'Mid Bhai. >>eng<< كان فاضل يسكن هنا. Fadil lived here. It was a struggle to live here. >>eng<< Zik i nṛuḥ. We left early. Let's go. >>eng<< لا أعلم ماذا أقول. I just don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. >>eng<< عُمّد سامي. Sami got baptised. Acquired Sammy. >>eng<< هل سمعت ذلك الصوت؟ Did you hear that sound? Did you hear that voice? >>eng<< היא תכופות הייתה יושבת שם להאכיל את העופות. She will often sit there feeding birds. She would sit there to feed the birds. >>eng<< أتساءل أيّ طريق هو الأقصر. I wonder which way is the shortest. I wonder what way it's the shortest. >>eng<< Tiqcicin-a ḥemmlent-k i snat. Those girls are both in love with you. For I love you two. >>eng<< הבניין קרס ברעש האדמה. The building collapsed in the earthquake. The building was cracked in the earth's noise. >>eng<< طبخت ليلى العشاء لفاضل. Layla cooked Fadil dinner. You did dinner night to fight. >>eng<< תום כותב נאומים מקצועי. Tom is a speech writer. Tom writes professional talks. >>eng<< انا بخير ماذا عنك انت ؟ I'm fine. How about you? I'm fine. What about you? >>eng<< باختصار شديد، هي ربحت و أنا خسرت. To cut a long story short - she won and I lost. In short, she won and I lost. >>eng<< انتظري لحظة، إلى أين تظنّين نفسكِ ذاهبةً؟ Hey, wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? Wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? >>eng<< Ceḍḥen meṛṛa. Everybody danced. And thou art noble, of all things. >>eng<< אנחנו נעשה את זה. We'll do it. We'll do it. >>eng<< Ad iliɣ uɣaleɣ-d azekka. I will have returned tomorrow. And I will be again tomorrow. >>eng<< حتى الآن، كل شيء كان ناجحا. So far everything has been successful. So far, everything was successful. >>eng<< Iger takeṛṛust-is ar ugaṛaj d timendeffirt. He backed his car into the garage. And when a light came, his face was red; and I beat him in swambleed. >>eng<< Tom ur yessehbes ara Mary. Tom didn't stop Mary. Do not marvel at Mary. >>eng<< عادت ليلى إلى القاهرة. Layla headed back to Cairo. Lily's back to Cairo. >>eng<< رقصنا على أنغام الموسيقى. We danced to the music. We danced on music. >>eng<< كان سامي يعذّب القطط. Sami tortured cats. Sammy was tormenting cats. >>eng<< האם הפצעים האלה יירפאו? Will these wounds heal? Will these wounds be healed? >>eng<< יש לי עור יבש. I have dry skin. I have dry skin. >>eng<< אני חייב למחות. I must protest. I've got to bounce. >>eng<< Yenna-d Tom d akken yebɣa ad yeg aya, maca ur t-iga ara. Tom said he wanted to do that, but he didn't. He said to you, "If you want to, you can't find him." >>eng<< Anta i yejlan? Who vanished? Are you young? >>eng<< לא עשיתי זאת לבד. I didn't do this alone. I didn't do it alone. >>eng<< Ur ḥmileɣ ara ad εummeɣ deg wasif-agi. I don't like swimming in this river. And I know not that I am not afraid of this river. >>eng<< Uḥwaǧeɣ yiwen i wumi ara heḍṛeɣ. I need somebody to talk to. I have need of one, whom I have taken hold of. >>eng<< אתאכסן כאן יומיים. I'll be staying here for two days. I'll stay here two days. >>eng<< بابايا بيحب البيتزا. My father loves pizza. Papa Babies love pizza. >>eng<< הילדים הללו משתמשים בשפה גסה. Those children use bad words. These kids use a gravitational language. >>eng<< כשהיא נשארה לבד פרצה הילדה הקטנה בבכי. Left alone, the little girl began to cry. When she's left alone, the little girl broke up crying. >>eng<< איפה הכסף שלך? Where's your money? Where's your money? >>eng<< תום מהמר. Tom is a gambler. Tom's a bet. >>eng<< תן לו ללכת לחופשי. I let it go. Let him go free. >>eng<< ستحضر الإجتماع بدلا مني. She will attend the meeting instead of me. You'll get the meeting instead of me. >>eng<< אני שוכב על הדשא. I lie on the grass. I'm sleeping on the grass. >>eng<< لا تتكلم بصوت عالٍ هنا. Don't talk in a loud voice here. Don't speak loudly here. >>eng<< Teggurreɛ-d Mary. Mary belched. Now you put forth Mary. >>eng<< لقد نطق سامي بالشّهادة. Sami has taken his shahada. Sammy's been speaking harshly. >>eng<< לא נראה שאשתי אוהבת אפילו לא את ילדיה שלה. My wife doesn't seem to like even her own children. I don't think my wife likes not even her children. >>eng<< הרגל של טום מחלימה. Tom's leg is healing. Tom's leg is healing. >>eng<< أنا آتٍ I'm coming. I'm coming. >>eng<< אני גר בצפון המדינה. I live upstate. I live in the north of the country. >>eng<< انسَ الأمر. Forget it. Forget it. >>eng<< אין בזה שום הגיון מזוין. It makes no fucking sense. That doesn't make any fucking sense. >>eng<< Tzemrem ad tbeddlem aya ma yehwa-yawen. You can change that if you want. You will have to stand here this time, because it will not be well with you. >>eng<< أين ستكون يوم الإثنين؟ Where will you be on Monday? Where will you be Monday? >>eng<< Tom yuḍen. Tom is sick. And he was sick. >>eng<< ايبان راو واعي بواش راني نحّس. He seems to be aware of my feelings. Ivan Rao and Bosh Ranny's unconscious. >>eng<< سامي و ليلى أبناء عم. Sami and Layla are cousins. Sammy and Lily are cousins. >>eng<< أمضى سامي اللّيلة في العيادة. Sami spent the night at the clinic. I spent the night at the clinic. >>eng<< Ur tettu ara alugen wis tlala. Don't forget rule number three. Don't put it on a ruse. >>eng<< يجب عليكَ أن لا تحكم علىَ شخص من مظهرهُ. You shouldn't judge a person by his appearance. You don't have to judge anyone of his appearance. >>eng<< Tom iḥemmel ad yili di Lustṛali. Tom enjoys being in Australia. You will be beloved to come to Turku. >>eng<< الأرض كروية. The earth is round. The earth is cold. >>eng<< עשה לי טובה. Will you do me a favor? Do me a favor. >>eng<< אני לא אוהב קפה. I dislike coffee. I don't like coffee. >>eng<< בוא לפחות בשש. Come at least at six. Come at least in six. >>eng<< أميل إلى قبول العرض. I lean toward accepting the proposal. I'm inclined to accept the offer. >>eng<< D tazla mgal lweqt. It's a race against time. It's a good time. >>eng<< Muten They were dead. More than 10 % of the total production capacity of the product >>eng<< ما أهمّيته حتّى؟ Why is this even a thing? What's even important to him? >>eng<< לראות אותה ולהתאהב. To see her is to love her. See her and fall in love. >>eng<< ينبغي على سامي أن يتحدّث مع المدرّسة بعد الدّرس. Sami should see the teacher after class. Sammy should talk to the teacher after the course. >>eng<< F annect-a swaswa i ttnadiɣ. This is exactly what I've been looking for. When I heard this, I learned about it. >>eng<< Ur uɣeɣ ara tanumi ttawḍeɣ ɣer Boston deg Tubeṛ. I don't often get to Boston in October. I neither received it from Boston by race. >>eng<< Ffeɣ sya! Get your carcass out of here! From now on! >>eng<< רצון האל... God willing... God's will... >>eng<< Sres iman-ik. Calm down. Address yourself. >>eng<< Ulac win i m-izemren! You are unbeatable! No one can answer that! >>eng<< يستطيع كل طفل فعل ذلك. Any child can do that. Every child can do that. >>eng<< אזהר יותר בפעם הבאה. I'll be more careful next time. I'll be more careful next time. >>eng<< Cukkeɣ yečča lekwaɣeḍ-is. I think he's gone nuts. "As a wild animal I have eaten up. >>eng<< Kemm d tungift! You are an idiot! Oh, my God! >>eng<< فقد رباطة جأشه عند رؤيته لبيته و هو يحترق. He lost his reason when he saw his house burn down. When he saw it at his house, he burned it. >>eng<< أنا كبير بما يكفي لأقود. I'm old enough to drive. I'm big enough to drive. >>eng<< ልምምድ ንሰብ ውሕሉል ይገብሮ። Practice makes perfect. Practice makes a man wise. >>eng<< Timlilit azekka deg temkarḍit. See you tomorrow at the library. But hop on the next day, it's a dark game. >>eng<< תפסיק לבכות בלי סיבה. Stop crying for no reason. Stop crying for no reason. >>eng<< إنها إجابة قدمتها صفوفٌ امتدت حول المدارس والكنائس في أعدادٍ لم يسبق لهذه الأمة أن شهدت مثلها؛ إجابة قدمها أناسٌ وقفوا منتظرين لمدة ثلاث أو أربع ساعات، كثيرون منهم شاركوا في التصويت للمرة الأولى في حياتهم، إيماناً منهم بأن هذه المرة لا بد أن تكون مختلفة عن غيرها، وان أصواتهم من الممكن أن تحقق ذلك الفارق. It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches, in numbers this nation has never seen. By people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference. It is an answer given by a group of schools and churches in unprecedented numbers; a response by people waiting for three or four hours, many of whom participated in the vote for the first time in their lives, believing that this time it must be different from others, and that their voices can achieve that difference. >>eng<< أتمنى أن تتقبلوا طلبي. I hope that you will accept my request. I hope you will accept my request. >>eng<< למרות שתום זה עתה חגג את יום הולדתו הארבעים, אני לא חושב שנס עדין לחו. Even though Tom just had his fortieth birthday, I don't think he's over the hill yet. Although this sun has just celebrated his 40th birthday, I don't think he's a little miracle. >>eng<< Tessebṛuqlemt-iyi! You make me feel dizzy! You smiled at me! >>eng<< לקתרין היה מניע נסתר כשהיא דחקה באביה לקנות מכונית חדשה. היא קיוותה לנהוג בה בעצמה. Catherine had an ulterior motive when she urged her father to buy a new car. She hoped that she'd be able to drive it herself. Catherine had a hiding motive when she urged her father to buy a new car, she was hoping to drive it herself. >>eng<< آمل أن تأتي عطلة الصيف بسرعة. I wish summer break would hurry up and get here. I hope the summer break comes quickly. >>eng<< كان سامي منبهرا بالحكايات العربّية. Sami is fascinated with Arabic fairy tales. Sammy was impressed by the Arab Scenarios. >>eng<< كنت أتطلع لهذا طوال الأسبوع. I've been looking forward to this all week. I've been looking forward to it all week. >>eng<< הוא יצא החוצה. He has gone out. He's out. >>eng<< تعلم لغة أجنبية صعب. It's difficult to learn a foreign language. You know a hard foreign language. >>eng<< Ɣiwel! Hurry! Far from it! >>eng<< من يطرق الباب؟ Who is knocking on the door? Who's going to the door? >>eng<< تحدثت ماري باليابانية ببطئ. Mary spoke Japanese slowly. Mary spoke to Japanese slowly. >>eng<< Ɛasem daki yakan. Wait right here. You're the same thing. >>eng<< הגג התמוטט תחת כובד השלג. The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow. The roof crashed under the snow. >>eng<< Yebda Sami yettfaq i wannect-a. Sami began to realize that. And no Sam thought, and all these things did he do. >>eng<< Iḍelli, yeṭṭes zik. Yesterday, I slept early. When he was a thief, he lay down first. >>eng<< Tcebḥemt. You are beautiful. People's hounds. >>eng<< Tezhamt mi tṛuḥemt ɣer Puṛtugal? Have you been happy in Portugal? What, when you went out into Pamphylia, did you go out? >>eng<< הוא מקדים אותנו במתמטיקה. He is ahead of us in mathematics. He's ahead of us in math. >>eng<< ها هو العنوان. Here's the address. Here's the address. >>eng<< Nekk d amcic, maca mazal ur sɛiɣ isem. I am a cat. I don't have a name yet. I am a man, and yet I have no name yet. >>eng<< שילמתי לו ארבעה דולר. I paid him four dollars. I paid him four bucks. >>eng<< גזר דין מוות זה, שאמרו לנו שנגזר על אדם הראשון, פרושו או מוות טבעי, דהיינו הפסקת החיים, או מה שמתמחי המיתולוגיה מכנים קללת גהינום. This sentence of death, which, they tell us, was thus passed upon Adam, must either have meant dying naturally, that is, ceasing to live, or have meant what these mythologists call damnation. This death sentence, which tells us that we've been robbed of the first person, a paraphrase, or a natural death, we're at the end of life, or what the mathematicians call hell a curse. >>eng<< ادا تقرا ليپارۆل، ما عدهومش ڥريمان معنا. If you look at the lyrics, they don't really mean much. Ida read Liperrüll, what was more important to us. >>eng<< האם תסעי לארה"ב בשנה הבאה? Will you go to America next year? Will you go to the United States next year? >>eng<< אני רוצה לצאת לקניות. I want to go shopping. I want to go shopping. >>eng<< Yella ḥedd i ɣ-d-iṭṭafaṛen. Somebody is following us. And they put on a watch, and held fast. >>eng<< أغلق سامي بابه. Sami shut his door. Shut up Sammy's door. >>eng<< Teẓrimt ur zmireɣ ara. You know I can't. You know, that I couldn't see. >>eng<< זאת ההחלטה שלי. That's my decision to make. That's my decision. >>eng<< אינני יודעת מה לעשות לגבי תום. I don't know what to do about Tom. I don't know what to do about Tom. >>eng<< D tamaynut i telliḍ? Are you new? Are you desperate? >>eng<< אני חושב שטום עני. I think Tom is poor. I think Tom's poor. >>eng<< תמיד רציתי לכתוב ספר ילדים. I've always wanted to write a children's book. I've always wanted to write a book for children. >>eng<< ماشي طبيب مليح. He is no good as a doctor. She's a pregnant doctor. >>eng<< היא כתבה ספר על עופות. She wrote a book about birds. She wrote a book on birds. >>eng<< أحدهما ياباني و الآخر إيطالي. One is Japanese and the other is Italian. One is Japanese and the other is Italy. >>eng<< Qewmemt waki. Fix this. I slept alone. >>eng<< ذهبت ليلى إلى الخارج. Layla went outside. I went out. >>eng<< זה היה התור שלה סוף סוף. It was her turn at last. It was her turn finally. >>eng<< Tella tin i wumi tebɣamt ad teɣṛemt? Is there somebody you want to call? Do you want to read? >>eng<< Sellkemt-t. Save him. Selmket-t. >>eng<< הוא יהיה פה בקרוב. He will be here soon. He'll be here soon. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ ad lemdeɣ tutlayin. I like studying languages. I pray, and I speak with tongues. >>eng<< راني باغي نشري موطو جْديد. I want to buy a new motorcycle. Ranny Baggy has published a big mutto. >>eng<< מה תום ניסה להסתיר? What's Tom trying to hide? What did Tom try to hide? >>eng<< אם תעשה זאת, תהיה ללעג ולקלס. If you do that, you're going to subject yourself to ridicule. If you do, you'll be kidding and Kels. >>eng<< Tamedyezt ihi d ddwa. Poetry is a therapy. But that's what you need to do. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ aṭas n yedrimen. I want more money. I desire a lot of money. >>eng<< كان سامي مهتمّا بشأنه. Sami was minding his own business. Sammy was interested in it. >>eng<< أنا ذهبت إلى مدرستك. I went to your school. I went to your school. >>eng<< הספוטניק שוגר לחלל בארבעה באוקטובר 1957. Sputnik was launched on October 4, 1957. The Spokesman runs into space in October 1957. >>eng<< Ttut taglizit. Forget English. You know how to apply it. >>eng<< قال سامي أنّه لم يكن يعيش هناك أحد. Sami said that no one lived there. Sammy said he didn't live there. >>eng<< הוא חזר הביתה בלי להודיע לנו. He returned home without telling us. He came home without telling us. >>eng<< كان ذلك صعب التصديق. That was hard to believe. That was hard to believe. >>eng<< אל תעזוב אותי. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. >>eng<< سوف يُفتَن اصحاب الذوق الصعب الارضاء بمثل هذه الابيات الشعرية . Fastidious tastes will be most charmed with such verses as these. Those who find it difficult to satisfy such a feeling will be tempted to do so. >>eng<< נשלח לתום גלויה. We'll send Tom a card. We'll be sent to Tom Galloya. >>eng<< אתה צריך להתעורר, תום. Tom, you've got to wake up. You should wake up, Tom. >>eng<< Ssiked wa, ma ulac aɣilif. Please look at this. Smells one by one, there is no hope. >>eng<< تلقّى سامي حكمين بالسّجن المؤبّد. Sami got two life sentences. Sammy received two sentences in the squirrel. >>eng<< את חופשיה ללכת. You're free to go. You're free to go. >>eng<< أنا غير متفاجئ. I'm not surprised. I'm not surprised. >>eng<< הם פטרו את הביקורת שלו בתור צביעות. They dismissed his criticism as hypocrisy. They fired his review as a vote. >>eng<< أنا أصطحبك إلى المنزل. I'm driving you home myself. I'm taking you home. >>eng<< ما عندي فكة I don't have change. I don't have a vase. >>eng<< אני לא מעורב בתאונה. This accident has nothing to do with me. I'm not involved in an accident. >>eng<< D kemm kan i d asirem-iw. You alone are my hope. And that I have only hope. >>eng<< تلك كتبنا. Those are our books. That's our book. >>eng<< ما سبب غضبهم؟ Why are they angry? Why are they angry? >>eng<< אני מכיר המון נשים. I know a lot of women. I know a lot of women. >>eng<< תפסיק להתעמר בתום. Stop teasing Tom. Stop faking up. >>eng<< אני הולך להודיע למשרד הדואר על שינוי בכתובתי. I am going to inform the post office of the change of my address. I'm gonna let the mail office know about a change in my address. >>eng<< האוכל היה כה טעים שאכלתי יותר מדי. The food was so good that I ate too much. The food was so delicious that I ate too much. >>eng<< Aru tafyirt ɣef tfelwit. Write a sentence on the board. And the Arewah is about my struggle. >>eng<< טום הוא אדם ממוצע. Tom is average. Tom's an average person. >>eng<< في أي سن بدأت عندك الدورة الشهرية؟ At what age did you have your first period? At what age did you start your monthly session? >>eng<< מחד גיסא הוא אדיב לכולם ומאידך גיסא הוא לא יפגין לעולם קירבה רבה. On the one hand he is kind to everyone, but on the other hand he never behaves with too much familiarity. He's kind to everyone, and he won't be very close to you. >>eng<< Kra n wass ad yerbeḥ walebɛaḍ. One day, somebody will succeed. Every day shalt thou meet a man. >>eng<< Jmeɛ tazmert-im. Save your strength. I love you. >>eng<< هل بدأت تشعر بالخوف؟ Are you scared already? Are you starting to feel scared? >>eng<< תום ומרי מדברים עם ילדיהם רק צרפתית. Tom and Mary speak only French with their children. Tom and Mary are talking to their children only in French. >>eng<< אתה פוחד? Are you afraid? Are you scared? >>eng<< Il-kelma biex tidħol hija twila. The password is long. The word to enter is long. >>eng<< Nfares. We enjoyed ourselves. Nefares. >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ i k-id-iṭṭalayen. Somebody's watching you. There is one who calls you a female. >>eng<< من الأرجح أن ينسوا وعودهم. They're likely to forget their promises. They're probably going to forget their promises. >>eng<< Tom yessefqaɛ tikwal. Tom can be insufferable at times. Let your love be short-lived. >>eng<< يبدو أننا نتخاصم كثيرا أنا و أنت. You and I seem to argue a lot. Looks like we're making a lot of jokes, you and me. >>eng<< بعد عشر دقائق من الضربة القاضية، استعاد الملاكم وعيه. Ten minutes after the knockout, the boxer regained consciousness. Ten minutes after the judge's beating, the waitress came back with his eyes. >>eng<< قاربت على السادسة. It's almost six. I've been close to 6th. >>eng<< מילון זה זהה לשלי. This is the same dictionary as I have. It's the same as mine. >>eng<< מי יכול לסרב? Who could refuse? Who can refuse? >>eng<< هم من السويد They come from Sweden. They're from Sweden. >>eng<< Texdem-iyi-d yemma taqendurt tamaynut. My mother made me a new dress. She did it to me, and my mother laid a towel on me. >>eng<< דבריו ומעשיו לא תואמים. His words don't match his actions. His words and deeds are not compatible. >>eng<< הבטחתי לתום לחכות. I promised Tom I'd wait. I promised Tom to wait. >>eng<< היא הייתה אדיבה דיה כדי לאסוף אותי מהבית. She was kind enough to come pick me up at my house. She was kind enough to pick me up from the house. >>eng<< بيعرف يتكلم ياباني كويس. He speaks Japanese well. Pyram is speaking Japanese Couis. >>eng<< صوّتُّ لصالح كين. I voted for Ken. I voted in favour of Ken. >>eng<< هل تعرف كم عمر السيدة نكانو؟ Do you know how old Miss Nakano is? Do you know how old Mrs. Nacano is? >>eng<< و أخيراً ظهر. At last he appeared. And finally back. >>eng<< כל הילדים אוהבים לרוץ ולקפוץ. All children love to run and skip. All the kids love running and jumping. >>eng<< Ad yili ifut dayen. It will be too late. and you will be shining, >>eng<< Yiwen ur yefhim lxaluṭa n Ɛumaṛ. No one understands Omar's gibberish. There is no one who knows concerning them. >>eng<< Ma tebɣam ad teččem aya, tzemrem. If you want to eat that, you may. If you want to eat this, you can't make it." >>eng<< אני יכול לראות שאתה פצוע. I can see you're hurt. I can see you're hurt. >>eng<< ينبغي أن تنسي سامي. You should forget Sami. You should forget Sammy. >>eng<< אף פעם לא נסכים. We will never agree. We never agree. >>eng<< Tekkateḍ ssnitra akken iqwem. You play the guitar very well. You have already laid hold of that which you have left. >>eng<< בחדר שלי יש רדיו. There's a radio in my room. My room has a radio. >>eng<< תום הסתתר מאחורי הוילון. Tom was hiding behind the curtain. Tom was hiding behind the balloon. >>eng<< Dɣa, ffɣent tirga mxalfa. And then, dreams became nightmares. And they went out quickly, and measured the space of their journey. >>eng<< Ittɛedday wakud. Time flies. It's over. >>eng<< Tom yella ur yezmir ara ad isefrek ugur. Tom wasn't able to handle the problem. For perhaps he couldn't speak up. >>eng<< Eεṛeḍ ad t-tesɣefleḍ. Try to keep him occupied. And thou shalt deny thy name. >>eng<< Ẓriɣ belli Tom mačči d Akanadi. I know Tom isn't a Canadian. For I know that Tom is not Addah. >>eng<< Eǧǧ-iyi ad ak-d-sekneɣ yiwen n tɣawsa. Let me show you something else. I will show you a dream about which one of these things I will show you.' >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ i k-id-iṭṭalayen. Someone is watching you. There is one who calls you a female. >>eng<< Ur yugar ara aṭas Tom Mary di leɛmer. Tom isn’t much older than Mary is. For much of that which is come to Mary in the summer. >>eng<< ماذا سنفعل ؟ What are we gonna do??? What are we gonna do? >>eng<< Acḥal n tektubin i teqqaṛeḍ g ccheṛ? How many books do you read a month? How many books do you read? >>eng<< ما نقدرش نعيش بلا لاتالا. I can't live without a TV. What we appreciate is that we live without nothing. >>eng<< Zemreɣ ad gennzeɣ. I can jump. I will keep them from stumbling. >>eng<< وقعت شوكة من على الطاولة. A fork fell off the table. Shocked at the table. >>eng<< Il-kont ġie iktar minn $25. The bill came to over $25. The account was over $25. >>eng<< טום שחקן מוכשר. Tom is a talented actor. Tom's a talented player. >>eng<< איזו מחלה יש לי? What illness do I have? What kind of disease do I have? >>eng<< Tzemremt ad iyi-d-inimt d acu yexdem Tom? Can you tell me what Tom did? Yea, and what do ye will do for me? >>eng<< لا ينس الله شيئا، و لو كان عملا صالحا صغيرا. God never forgets even a small kindness. God doesn't forget anything, and if he's a little good job. >>eng<< Iban akk! Certainly! Yes! >>eng<< D acu n wannar ideg txeddmeḍ? What line of work are you in? What do you mean by what kind of money? >>eng<< الجميع مرتبك. Everybody is confused. Everyone's in trouble. >>eng<< Yewwi Tom tisura n tkeṛṛust n Mary axaṭer tella teskeṛ. Tom took Mary's car keys away because she was drunk. And Thomas gave his glory unto Mary's anger: for she was filled. >>eng<< מעולם לא ראיתי את תום יוצא מכליו לפני כן. I've never seen Tom lose his temper before. I've never seen Tom get out of him before. >>eng<< Sseqdaceɣ Firefox. I use Firefox. I have put down a fire. >>eng<< תום הביא לי קפה. Tom brought me coffee. Tom brought me some coffee. >>eng<< Nezweǧ d ilemẓiyen nekk akked Tom. Tom and I are newlyweds. The young men are all with me in Tom. >>eng<< Kemm d aḥric seg uɣilif. You're part of the problem. much more will be done away with. >>eng<< Ulac win i d-yennan akka. No one is saying that. And no man hath said this unto him. >>eng<< Tom ad nebbeh Mary. Tom will alert Mary. Tom will father Mary. >>eng<< Ur lliɣ d tameṭṭut. I am not a woman. I was not a woman. >>eng<< אל תעשה שום דבר פזיז כמו להחליט ללכת עם תום. Don't do anything foolhardy like deciding to go with Tom. Don't do anything rash like deciding to go with Tom. >>eng<< גנבו חלק מהכסף שלי. Some of my money has been stolen. They stole some of my money. >>eng<< فكّرت الشّرطة في جميع الاحتمالات. Police thought of all possibilities. I've been thinking about what's going on in all the possibilities. >>eng<< Yules-d Tom aṭas iberdan i wawal. Tom repeated the word several times. And he has sent forth many things unto you, as it was often by word of God. >>eng<< هيَ تذهبُ إلى جامعة مولود معمّري بِتِيزي وزّو. She goes to Mouloud Mammeri University in Tizi Ouzou. She's going to a teacher's college in Tezzie and Zoo. >>eng<< Int miżżewweġ? Are you married? Are you married? >>eng<< Tom yella yerfa ɣef Mary. Tom was furious at Mary. And she stood over Mary. >>eng<< La kkaten iceṛcuṛen! It's raining cats and dogs! Persecuted! >>eng<< لا تغيّر نفسك بسبب الآخر. كن نفسك و ستعجب الشّخص الحسن على ما أنت عليه. Don't change because of someone. Be yourself and the right one will like you as you are. Don't change yourself for the other. >>eng<< هل لي أن أقاطع؟ May I interrupt? May I interrupt? >>eng<< أنت غبي. You're a fucking idiot! You're stupid. >>eng<< لن يناسبني هذا الفستان. This dress is not going to fit me. I'm not going to fit this dress. >>eng<< מאז מותו של בעלה, כריסטינה סבלה מאוד. Since her husband died, Cristina has suffered a lot. Since her husband's death, Christina has suffered a lot. >>eng<< מה שמך האמיתי? What's your real name? What's your real name? >>eng<< אף אחד לא יודע מה כל כך הפריע לו. Nobody knows what it is that has been bothering him so much. No one knows what bothered him so much. >>eng<< Sami ad bu qeṛṛu leɛmeṛ wallaɣ yiwen am netta. Sami is the only bully I have ever had in my life. Let no one think of himself as he would have been a hairy one. >>eng<< لم يكن سامي مسلما. Sami was not Muslim. Sammy wasn't a Muslim. >>eng<< הסתכלי לאן קופץ החתול. See which way the cat jumps. Look where the cat jumps. >>eng<< בליל כל הקדושים היא התחפשה לשודד ים. She wore a pirate costume for Halloween. On the night of all the holy ones, she was looking for a sea robbery. >>eng<< Da ara kem-naṛǧu. We'll wait for you there. Let your judgment be known. >>eng<< Ur xdimeɣ walu. I did nothing. I have not done it for a single soul. >>eng<< Tom yebda yeggaz Mary. Tom began threatening Mary. In order that he might speak to Mary. >>eng<< תום התגורר ב-2013 בבוסטון. Tom was living in Boston in 2013. Tom lived in Boston in 2013. >>eng<< ሰው ነኝ። I'm a man. I am man. >>eng<< كان يوغرطة ملكا أمازيغيا. Jugurtha was an amazigh king. He was the queen of Amaziya. >>eng<< كنت هنا البارحة. I came here yesterday. I was here last night. >>eng<< Inna-d yiwen: "Mlaleɣ-d snat n tballagin sbecbucent. Ur gziɣ acemma." Someone said, "I met two lipstick bombshells whispering. I did not catch anything." And I said unto one, I heard a two pence. And I was nothing. >>eng<< Yella ḥedd i iɛeṛḍen ad yi-ineɣ. Somebody tried to kill me. But whenever it has come to me, it has come to me. >>eng<< Temmutemt. You are dead. Ended. >>eng<< سامي ينتظر منذ أيّام. Sami has been waiting for days. Sammy's been waiting for days. >>eng<< Yessefk ad tbeɛɛdeḍ fell-asen. You need to stay away from them. And thou shalt have all power to spare them. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ ad inigeɣ. I like traveling. I will drink, and I will drink. >>eng<< אני עוזב את העיר. I'm leaving the city. I'm leaving town. >>eng<< תום זקן, לא? Tom is old, isn't he? Old Tom, isn't he? >>eng<< Ur d-tettṛuḥuḍ ara ɣuṛ-i? Aren't you going to join me? Didn't he come to me? >>eng<< מי שיגיע ראשון יזכה במקומות הטובים ביותר. Whoever comes first will get the best seats. Whoever gets first wins the best places. >>eng<< Ur ẓṛiɣ ara belli tellam tesɛam amcic. I didn't know you had a cat. You didn't know that you were in bondage to me. >>eng<< טום הוא הכי טוב במה שהוא עושה. Tom is the best at what he does. Tom's the best thing he does. >>eng<< أحبك. I love you. I love you. >>eng<< لقد ضاجعت مدرّستي. I slept with my teacher. I've been bitten by my teacher. >>eng<< מספר האנשים הסובלים מאיידס עלה. The number of people suffering from AIDS has increased. A number of people from AIDS have gone up. >>eng<< איך אנו יכולים למצוא את תום? How can we find Tom? How can we find Tom? >>eng<< מרי אחותי למחצה. Mary is my half-sister. My half sister Mary. >>eng<< אבא שלי מקריח. My father is getting bald. My dad smells. >>eng<< Kenwi ay arrac yessefk ad tessetḥim s yiman-nwen. You boys ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You children, give yourselves to little children. >>eng<< Tettagademt isura n tugdi? Are you afraid of horror movies? You're so afraid? >>eng<< Terja-t ad d-yas s axxam. She waited for him to come home. And appeared again to him in the house. >>eng<< עלייך לצפות בקלטת הזאת. You have to see this tape. You have to watch this tape. >>eng<< هذه هي تحيّة الإسلام. This is the Muslim greeting. That's the salute of Islam. >>eng<< Tlemdem asewwi neɣ kra nniḍen? Have you learned cooking or anything? Do you receive it, or do some else? >>eng<< תום כשורה. Tom is OK. Tom's good. >>eng<< אני צריכה למכור את זה? Should I sell these? Should I sell it? >>eng<< אני לא מרגיש נכון שאני לא מספר לה. I don't feel right about not telling her. I don't feel right I'm not telling her. >>eng<< Iqqes-iyi wezrem. I've been bitten by a snake. I think too much of you. >>eng<< Ɛiwed-as tikkelt-nniḍen. Do it again! And they did so again. >>eng<< החלומות שלך התגשמו. Your dreams have come true. Your dreams have come true. >>eng<< Aset-d ad iyi-teẓṛem. Come and see me. If you will ask questions, you will be ready for me. >>eng<< Ttxil-m ur ttmettat ara. Please don't die. Tenith year has not been seen. >>eng<< أتى سامي لإقلال صديقته. Sami came to pick up his girlfriend. Sammy came to reduce his girlfriend. >>eng<< תום נענש. Tom was punished. Tom's being punished. >>eng<< سيدي، لقد تركت ولاّعتك على الطاولة. Sir, you have left your lighter on the table. Sir, I left you on the table. >>eng<< Tom ɣur-s sebbat-is i t-yeǧǧan ad yelmed Tafṛansist. Tom has his own reasons for learning French. And that he might give us of his own, that he might teach Theophilus. >>eng<< Abbuh! Help! Abbuh! >>eng<< أمضت ليلى يوما كاملا بدون تناول دواء حيويّ. Layla went a full day without vital medication. It's been a whole night without a vital medicine. >>eng<< Sami yennak ɣef laǧal-is i yemmut vava-s Sami said it was his fault that his father was dead. And Sam said unto thee, Thy brother is killed, and thy wife is dead. >>eng<< בוא נחליט לחלק בינינו את הרווחים. Let's agree to share in the profits. Let's decide to share our profits. >>eng<< אני צריכה לקום בשש. I have to be up at six. I need to get up in six. >>eng<< תן לי כוס חלב בבקשה. Please give me a cup of milk. Give me a glass of milk, please. >>eng<< الحوت يعيشو ف البحر. Fish live in the sea. Death lives in the sea. >>eng<< אני יכול לסמוך עליך שתגיע מחר בזמן? Can I rely on you to be here on time tomorrow? Can I trust you that you'll be here tomorrow in time? >>eng<< אל תיתנו אמון בטום. You must not have confidence in Tom. Don't give trust in Tom. >>eng<< Yella win i yesɛan uguren. Somebody's in trouble. There is one who has all that he has to do. >>eng<< קשה לרַצות את טום. Tom is hard to please. It's hard to please Tom. >>eng<< זה משחק הסיום. This is the last game. It's the finish game. >>eng<< Acuɣeṛ i treggmem? Why are you cursing? Why do you trouble me? >>eng<< Yella win i sen-iseččen ssem. Somebody poisoned them. So that they have to eat is the one who makes a supper for them. >>eng<< عاد سامي إلى مصر. Sami returned to Egypt. Sammy returned to Egypt. >>eng<< أخذ الولد يبكي. The boy began to cry. He took the boy crying. >>eng<< هوَ فقد والدهُ في البحر. He lost his father at sea. He lost his father at sea. >>eng<< Yella ḥedd i s-iseččen ssem. Somebody poisoned him. And they have a so, wherein they sit down, that they may sleep. >>eng<< Init-as. Tell him. In-as. >>eng<< سامي يستمع للموسيقى المسيحيّة. Sami listens to Christian music. Sammy is listening to Christian music. >>eng<< واصل سامي الرّكض. Sami kept running. Keep sneezing Sammy. >>eng<< هناك الكثير من الغزلان في نارا. There are a lot of deer in Nara. There's a lot of squirrel in a fire. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad yili win ara yi-iɛawnen i wakken ad t-xedmeɣ. I need somebody to help me do this. I will that he that shall abide in me, as he hath done. >>eng<< على سامي أن يبحث هناك. Sami should look there. Sammy's got to look there. >>eng<< لا أحد يتكلم معي. No one speaks with me. No one's talking to me. >>eng<< איפה המכונית? Where's the car? Where's the car? >>eng<< أشعر بالدوار كلما وقفت. I feel dizzy every time I stand up. I feel like talking whenever I stop. >>eng<< أتى السيد سميث. Mr. Smith came. Mr. Smith came. >>eng<< أخبر سامي الشّرطة أين كانت تسكن ليلى بالضّبط. Sami told police where Layla exactly lived. Tell Sammy the police where she lived. >>eng<< كان سامي يريد أن تختفي ليلى من حياته. Sami wanted Layla to disappear from his life. Sammy wanted to disappear all night from his life. >>eng<< لا تتدخل في ما لا يعنيك! Mind your own business! Don't interfere with what doesn't mean to you! >>eng<< זה לא יהיה קל. That won't be easy. It won't be easy. >>eng<< Ihi d acu i tebɣiḍ? But what do you want? What then do you want? >>eng<< הם קיבלו החלטה משותפת בדבר הגירושין. They made a joint decision to divorce. They made a joint decision on divorce. >>eng<< أنا مدين لك كثيرًا لكل ما فعلته لأجلي. I am greatly indebted to you for all you have done for me. I owe you so much for everything you've done for me. >>eng<< Akken kan riɣ ad imɣuṛeɣ, yezwar-iyi mmi-s n mmi. I was going to get bigger when my grandson got ahead of me. When I know that I am determined, I will go before him the son of my son. >>eng<< Dindin! Immediately! This is it! >>eng<< זה טיפשי לחשוש מפני מה שאת/ה לא יכול/ה למנוע. It is foolish to fear what you cannot avoid. It's stupid to be afraid of what you can't prevent. >>eng<< ونظرا إلى الاعتماد الدولي المتبادل فأي نظام عالمي يعلي شعبا أو مجموعة من البشر فوق غيرهم سوف يبوء بالفشل لا محالة. وبغض النظر عن أفكارنا حول أحداث الماضي فلا يجب أن نصبح أبدا سجناء لأحداث قد مضت Given our interdependence, any world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will inevitably fail. So whatever we think of the past, we must not be prisoners of it. In view of the mutual international recognition, any world system that requires a people or a group of human beings above others will resort to irreparable failure and, apart from our thoughts about past events, we must never become prisoners of events that have passed away. >>eng<< لا أعرف إذا كان صادقاً أم لا. I don't know whether he was honest or not. I don't know if he's honest or not. >>eng<< هي لا تعرفني حتى. She doesn't even know me. She doesn't even know me. >>eng<< תום גס ומגונה. Tom is obscene. Tom's rude and kind. >>eng<< أجبر سامي ليلى أن تأكل طعاما فيه قياء. Sami forced Layla to eat food with vomit in it. Sammy Lila was forced to eat food with poor people. >>eng<< הלכתי לאיבוד ביער. I lost my way in the forest. I was lost in the woods. >>eng<< לקולנוע הזה יש שתי קומות. This movie theater has two floors. This movie has two floors. >>eng<< נשארתי מאחור. I remained behind. I stayed behind. >>eng<< እኔ ከቶክዮ ነኝ። I'm from Tokyo. I am he indeed. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad tili tin ara yi-iɛawnen i wakken ad xedmeɣ annect-a. I need somebody to help me do this. I will that they may do to me: I will do that. >>eng<< تحسن الوضع. It's gotten better. The situation improves. >>eng<< הבנטו היא ארוחה קטנה שעשויה מאורז ואצות ים מבושלים, הנמכרת בקופסאות עץ זולות. A bento is a small meal made of boiled rice and seaweed, that is sold in cheap wooden boxes. Bentto is a small meal made of rice and bays, sold in cheap wood boxes. >>eng<< قرأت إيميلي هذا الكتاب. Emily read this book. I read this book by Emily. >>eng<< Acuɣeṛ ur tettɣamam ara ? Amkan-nni d ilem. Why don't you sit down? The place is free. Why do you not lay down your life? For they testify to the living God. >>eng<< אישית אני אוהב את האביב, אף פעם לא אהבתי את הקיץ. As for myself, I like spring very much. I never liked summer. I love the spring personally. I've never loved summer. >>eng<< אתה לא יכול להפריז בחשיבות בחירת החברים. You cannot be too careful in choosing friends. You can't exaggerate your choice of friends. >>eng<< Mačči ddeqs aya segmi yeqleɛ usafag-nni. It haven't been very long since the airplan took off. He didn't miss that yet, when he had taken away the linen cloth. >>eng<< في الوقت ده مسمعناش غير كلام عن حرامية وجرايم قتل والناس اللي ماتت من الجوع. During that time, we only heard about thieves, about murders, about men who had died of hunger. At the time, he didn't talk about the infamous and criminal killings and the people who died from hunger. >>eng<< Millie la ttett aɣṛum. Millie is eating bread. 1 ml of bread. >>eng<< תום שונא חתולים. Tom hates cats. Tom hates cats. >>eng<< אולם ההרצאות של הסטודנטים הוא לתועלת הסטודנטים. The student hall is for benefit of the students. The student lectures, however, are for the benefit of students. >>eng<< مات الشاه! Checkmate! She's dead! >>eng<< Yessefṛaḥ-ikem wayenni? Does that make you happy? Your mother-in-law did the same thing? >>eng<< את עומדת לאבד את הכול. You'll lose everything. You're about to lose everything. >>eng<< Ṭṭfeɣ-d tlata n yiselman ṣṣbeḥ-agi. I caught three fish this morning. And I stood upon the third hour at the third hour. >>eng<< תשתו משהו? Would you like to drink anything? Drink something? >>eng<< وفرنا مساعدات إنسانية للاجئين. We have supplied humanitarian aid to refugees. We have provided humanitarian assistance to refugees. >>eng<< Anwa i imeqqṛen seg atmaten-im? Which of your brothers is the oldest? Who did evil of you, brethren? (that is, to speak evil of you.) >>eng<< Di taddukli i tella tazmert. In unity there is strength. The servant has the power to do so. >>eng<< في نهاية المطاف، وجد سامي نفسه في المستشفى. Sami ended up at the hospital. Eventually, Sammy found himself in the hospital. >>eng<< האם מישהו מכם קרא את הספר הזה? Have any of you read that book? Did any of you read this book? >>eng<< Ilaq ad tegreḍ annect-a g ddehn-ik. You must bear it in mind. But that thou shalt answer this thing unto thy mind. >>eng<< Nekk d arnaflas. I'm an atheist. I'm arnaflas. >>eng<< Yal yiwen anida i d-tusa Ustṛalya. Everybody knows where Australia is. And every man by his own mouth opened his mouth. >>eng<< Shu Tom! Forget Tom. Shu Tom! >>eng<< Nniɣ-as i Tom acimi ur lliɣ ara dinna. I told Tom why I wasn't there. For I heard that I was not there. >>eng<< ستُحضَرُ ليلى إلى العدالة. Layla will be brought to justice. She'll get me to justice. >>eng<< Tom ur d-yerfid ara aqerruy-is. Tom did not raise his head. Let him not prevail, that his destruction shall be done. >>eng<< الحاسوب موضوع على يسار السيدات. The computer is placed to the left of the women. The computer is on the women's left. >>eng<< كَم مالاً حَصَلتَ عَلى لِلماسِ؟ How much money did you get for the diamond? How much money did you get for Thomas? >>eng<< Akka i t-ixeddem Tom. That's the way Tom always does it. That's how Tom does. >>eng<< Yella kra i yeffer Tom. Tom is hiding something. There was a group of things hidden from Tom. >>eng<< Ugadeɣ lemmer ad d-tewwet lehwa deg iḍ-a. I'm afraid it'll rain tonight. I have him, that, if he would take him by night, he would take him by night. >>eng<< La ţcabint mliḥ ɣuṛ-i. They are very alike to me. And the same night he sought me out. >>eng<< Ɛeggḍet! Yell! (Ana ce musu) "A’a! >>eng<< أنا أفقد سمعي. My hearing is going. I'm losing my hearing. >>eng<< Tom ixeddem di tnedlist. Tom works in a bookshop. You're doing it incessantly. >>eng<< Eǧǧ-iyi! Let me be. Show me what kind of person he is! >>eng<< Ttxil-k, ini-yas i Tom ad d-ikcem. Please tell Tom to come in. Get up, and tell him, 'You will rise up and salute him.' >>eng<< መጽሃፉ ቀይ ነው። His book is red. The plague is red. >>eng<< הוא הציל אותי מסכנה. He saved me from danger. He saved me from a danger. >>eng<< لا أستطيع أن أقول نفس الشّيء عنك. I can't say the same about you. I can't say the same thing about you. >>eng<< Tzemremt ad t-id-leḥqemt? Can you reach it? Do you want to kill him? >>eng<< D Darwin i yuran ɣef tneṣlit n tilmas. It was Darwin who wrote "On the Origin of Species". And paradise was written upon them. >>eng<< Nekk d ameddakel aqbuṛ n baba-s n Tom. I'm an old friend of Tom's father. I am the land of the school of his father, the daughter of Tom. >>eng<< Tebɣamt ad akent-t-id ɣṛeɣ? Would you like me to read it to you? Do you seek that which is appropriate to us? >>eng<< تعجبني اللغة اليابانية كثيرا. I like the Japanese language very much. I like the Japanese language a lot. >>eng<< خرج الوضع عن سيطرتي. The situation is beyond my grasp. I'm out of control. >>eng<< תום ניזוק במוחו. Tom is brain damaged. Tom was damaged in his brain. >>eng<< לו שינית את שערך, יכולת להראות צעיר בעשר שנים. If you changed your hair, you could look 10 years younger. If you've changed your value, you could've seen a young man in ten years. >>eng<< كانت الكلمة التي ألقاها توم رائعة. Tom's speech was excellent. The word Tom made was great. >>eng<< זה משפט. This is a sentence. It's a trial. >>eng<< תנחומינו! Our condolences! Imprisoned! >>eng<< חמתו בוערת בו. He is burning with anger. His fires are burning on him. >>eng<< לא הייתי עושה זאת אפילו לו שלמת לי. I wouldn't do that even if you paid me. I wouldn't even do that if you were perfect to me. >>eng<< Yenna-yi-d Sami belli tellamt deg tenwalt. Sami told me you were in the kitchen. He said to me, "You have been busy." >>eng<< תום נגע במרפקי. Tom touched my elbow. Tom touched Murphy. >>eng<< ቤቶቹ እዚህ ናቸው። The houses are here. The houses are here. >>eng<< Anwa i yessutren tapizzat? Who ordered pizza? Who are you asking for? >>eng<< Asarag ad yemmag di Boston. The conference will take place in Boston. Consider the mother of Boston. >>eng<< Wa d axemmem-iw mačči d ayla-nwen. This is my opinion, not yours. And my mind is not mine, but yours. >>eng<< Ɛni ɣelṭeɣ? Am I wrong? Why not? >>eng<< أتريد الخروج لاحتساء شيء؟ Do you want to go out for a drink? You want to go out to have something? >>eng<< Yecmumeḥ-d. He smiled. It's over. >>eng<< الكثير من الفلسطينيين ممنوعين من العيش مع أزواجهم في إسرائيل لكن، و بطبيعة الحال، يواصل البعض في الادّعاء أن إسرائيل ليس دولة تمارس سياسة الأبارتايد. Many Palestinians are banned from living with their spouses in Israel, but of course, some continue to claim that Israel is not an apartheid state. Many Palestinians are prohibited from living with their husbands in Israel, but, of course, some continue to claim that Israel is not a State that exercises the Bartad policy. >>eng<< אמרתי זאת בבדיחותא. I meant that as a joke. I said that in the joke. >>eng<< Iḥemmel Amayas ad yečč abelluḍ. Amayas likes to eat acorns. Who loveth an ass, that he may eat. >>eng<< תוכלי לוודא שההודעה הזאת אמנם הגיעה מתום? Can you verify that this message came from Tom? Can you make sure this message has come from a dead end? >>eng<< Nheṛ s leɛqel. Drive carefully. In all wisdom and prudence, I am persuaded. >>eng<< Yiwet n tekti i yesɛa Tom akked Mary. Both Tom and Mary had the same idea. And one of them which had one of thy wise men, Jesus, was nigh unto Mary. >>eng<< إنني قلق عليه. I worry about him. I'm worried about him. >>eng<< אזרחים מתווכחים על ביטוח בריאות בעיריה. Citizens are debating about health care at City Hall. Citizens argue about health insurance in town. >>eng<< תום לא יתן לי לסייע לו. Tom won't let me help him. Tom won't let me help him. >>eng<< אני מודה בכך, טעיתי. I admit it. I was wrong. I admit it, I was wrong. >>eng<< תום לא אוהב מתמטיקה. Tom doesn't like mathematics. Tom doesn't like math. >>eng<< Melmi ara teččemt? When are you going to eat? How will you eat? >>eng<< לא שיקרתי אלא אתה. I didn't lie. You did. I didn't lie but you. >>eng<< تقول أنها تحب الأزهار. She says that she likes flowers. She says she likes flowers. >>eng<< هذا حقا ممتع This is really interesting. That's really fun. >>eng<< توم يحب الخروج Tom loves going out. Tom likes to go out. >>eng<< Ɣur-m axxam deg Ustṛalya? Do you own a house in Australia? Are you home in East? >>eng<< تعلم في مدرسة عمومية. He was educated at a public school. You know, in a public school. >>eng<< Sersemt-tt deg lqaɛa. Put it on the floor. And he sat down on the earth. >>eng<< אתה רוצה ללכת? Do you want to go? You want to go? >>eng<< עלצו, פן תמותו בלי עונג. Rejoice, lest pleasureless ye die. You'll be dead without pleasure. >>eng<< Tceḍḥeḍ. You danced. You have fulfilled your promise. >>eng<< Aha-san inni y-id. I have a sinus infection. Then he said to them, "You see that I have spoken to you." >>eng<< אתה בכלל לא דומה לתום. You're not anything like Tom. You don't even look like Tom. >>eng<< كانت ليلى مشجّعة مثيرة في الجامعة. Layla was a sexy college cheerleader. Lily was an exciting cheerleader at the university. >>eng<< זו מידה יותר מדי גדולה. It's too large. It's too big. >>eng<< ירד גשם בשקט. It was raining quietly. It rained down quietly. >>eng<< لا تعرف شيء عن الجنس. She knows nothing about the birds and the bees. You don't know anything about sex. >>eng<< את שתיינית קפה או תה? Are you a coffee or a tea drinker? Are you drinking coffee or tea? >>eng<< הוא נתן לי כסף אבל החזרתי אותו מיד. He gave me money, but I gave it back to him immediately. He gave me money, but I brought him back right away. >>eng<< Ssfeqden-ten? Did they check them? Smoothen-ten? >>eng<< لدي بعض الأصدقاء في القاهرة. I've got some friends in Cairo. I have some friends in Cairo. >>eng<< Tenna-yas tmeṭṭut: "Serreḥ-iyi, a tiẓgi, ǧǧiɣ-am aḥayek". A women said: " let me go jungle and I'll leave you my cover". She said to him, "Sir, spare me, and I will let you go." >>eng<< הוא נפגע. He was hurt. He's hurt. >>eng<< מה הפחיד אותך? What scared you? What scared you? >>eng<< توم أدار ظهره لــنمط حياته القديمة وثم كرّسَ نفسه لأسرته. Tom turned his back on his old way of life and dedicated himself to his family. Tom ran his back to his old lifestyle and then dedicated himself to his family. >>eng<< Yella ḥedd i yukren tabalizt-iw. Somebody has stolen my suitcase. And there was a good thing with me. >>eng<< הוא ככל הנראה לא יאשר את הצעתך. He probably won't approve your proposal. He probably won't approve of your offer. >>eng<< Anda-t mmi-s n yelli-m? Where's your grandson? And where is your daughter? >>eng<< كتابك على المكتب. Your book is on the desk. Your book on the office. >>eng<< האם זה שחקן? Is this an actor? Is that a player? >>eng<< איבדתי את ילדיי בהמון האדם שהמתין לאונייה האחרונה בדרך אל החופש. I lost my children in the crowd that awaited the last ship for freedom. I lost my children in the crowd of people waiting for the last Greece on the way to freedom. >>eng<< Tom d Mary tura ad uɣalen. Tom and Mary are coming right back. Tom and Mary will be gathered together now." >>eng<< ما الذي تعنيه كلمة "get" في هذه الجملة؟ What does the word "get" mean in this sentence? What does the word "get" mean in this word? >>eng<< أريد أن أشتري هدية لك. I want to buy a gift for you. I want to buy you a present. >>eng<< Lidia, tezemreḍ ad tessewweḍ kra n tgella i Magdalena, Ania, Piotr akked Lech? Lidia, can you cook some food to Magdalena, Ania, Piotr and Lech? Perhaps, you have come to give thanks, and have given thanks to hear, and to Anna, and to Piotr, and to Lech? >>eng<< أعاد سامي بناء حياته و أصبح طبيبا بارزا. Sami rebuilt his life and became a prominent doctor. Sammy built his life and became a good doctor. >>eng<< تعلمت العزف على الغيتار عندما كان عمري عشر سنوات. I learned to play guitar when I was ten years old. I learned play on the guitar when I was ten years old. >>eng<< שתי השריטות הללו בולטות, אז אני רוצה לתקן אותן. These two scratches stand out so I'd like them repaired. These two bitches are sharp, so I want to fix them. >>eng<< لقد لاحظ سامي ذلك. Sami noticed. Sammy noticed that. >>eng<< Urǧin yeḍra-yi waya yakan. That's never happened to me before. And they understood me not. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ tafukt. I love the sun. I loved it. >>eng<< זאת הפעם הראשונה שחיכיתי בגשם. This is the first time I've ever waited in the rain. It's the first time I've been waiting in the rain. >>eng<< نحن ترتدي الزي الرسمي في مدرستنا. We wear uniforms at our school. We're wearing uniforms at our school. >>eng<< إنتظر دقيقة, توم! Wait a minute, Tom! Wait a minute, Tom! >>eng<< Tebda tcennu. She started to sing. You've got it. >>eng<< המטוס נעלם כהרף עין. The plane disappeared in the twinkle of an eye. The plane's gone out of sight. >>eng<< Yuḥwaǧ Tom kra n tnac n tmellalin. Tom needs a dozen eggs. And the number of the cities were about twelve. >>eng<< בחורות פולניות לא רצו שג'סטין ביבר יבוא לפולין. Polish girls didn't want Justin Bieber to come to Poland. Polish girls didn't want Justin Beaver to come to Poland. >>eng<< Skaddbeɣ mi d-nniɣ ur ḥmileɣ ara Tom. I lied when I said I didn't like Tom. But I think that when I said this, I don't know how you are. >>eng<< خطته خطرة! His plan is dangerous! His plan is dangerous! >>eng<< לא אכפת לי איך אתה מרגיש. I don't care how you feel. I don't care how you feel. >>eng<< הוא פנה אל הקהל בקול רך. He addressed the audience in a soft tone. He turned to the crowd out loud. >>eng<< אף פעם לא הרבצתי לתום. I've never beaten Tom. I've never hit Tom. >>eng<< Yellla ḥedd i kem-id-iwalan. Somebody saw you. And they, that had been made whole, did see me. >>eng<< זה טבעי לגמרי. It's completely natural. It's totally natural. >>eng<< سريعا ما أصبح سامي زابونا مألوفا في محلّ ليلى. Sami soon became a regular at Layla's store. Soon Sammy has become familiar with Sabona's place of night. >>eng<< Mazal-ik ttesseḍ lqahwa? Do you still drink coffee? Do you still sleep? >>eng<< Agdud iḥemmel tilelli. The people love freedom. Agad likes freedom. >>eng<< كان قطّ سامي يخذش ليلى. Sami's cat was clawing Layla. Sammy never took me away. >>eng<< Qarɛemt iman-nkent. Be watchful. You can't read, knowing by your own selves. >>eng<< אני אוהבת את הגשם כשאני לומדת בחדרי. I love the rain while I'm studying in my room. I love the rain when I learn in my room. >>eng<< Blulḥen ifassen-nwen seg idammen. Your hands are stained with blood. And with the blood of your hands they shed blood upon you. >>eng<< Aya nniɣ-asen-t-id akk yakan. I've already told everyone. All these things have I spoken. >>eng<< تحصّل سامي على ما استحقّه تماما. Sami got exactly what he deserved. Sammy gets what I totally deserve. >>eng<< Yenna-as wedɣaɣ i ukerra: ad fsiɣ. Yerra-as-d: "i nek d acu ara ad iniɣ?" "I am about to melt," said the stone to the root ball. She replied, "What about me?" He denied it as a stone, and said, "What can I say?" He answered, "To what shall I tell?" >>eng<< הוא עמד מאחורי הכיסא. He stood behind the chair. He stood behind the chair. >>eng<< שאף אחד לא יתקרב לאש. Don't let anyone come near the fire. Nobody's gonna get near the fire. >>eng<< אנו נסייע. We'll help. We'll go. >>eng<< אני מצפה לכך בכליון עיניים. I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it in the eye. >>eng<< חתום מעל שורה זו. Sign above this line. Sign over this line. >>eng<< Yerra Tom Mary ad tgen. Tom put Mary to bed. And he said to Tom Mary, >>eng<< أنظر إلى ذلك المبنى الأحمر. Look at that red building. Look at that red building. >>eng<< Tom iḥemmel tafṛansist mi yella di tsenawit. Tom loved French in high school. You like a doctor while he was in a year ago. >>eng<< Rremt-t-id! Give it back! Remt-t-id! >>eng<< Yelha. All right. It's awful. (Laughter) >>eng<< لنتصافح. Let's shake hands. Let's smile. >>eng<< Yella win i iwalan kra? Did somebody say something? And he that saw any thing is he that saw him: >>eng<< האם זה לא מוצא חן בעיניך? Don't you like that? Don't you like it? >>eng<< بدا سامي عاديّا جدّا. Fadil appeared completely normal. It seemed so normal. >>eng<< Tella tin i ɣ-d-itabaɛen. Somebody is following us. They began to mock us, and to mock us. >>eng<< Sukk-d aεṛaḍ-nniḍen. Make another choice. And they smote him, and beat him. >>eng<< איך אני מגיעה לתחנת האוטובוס? How do I get to the bus station? How do I get to the bus station? >>eng<< وقف سامي أمام النّافذة. Sami stood in front of the window. Summy's standing in front of the window. >>eng<< אני מצטערת, אבל יש לי כבר תכניות. I'm sorry, but I already have plans. I'm sorry, but I already have plans. >>eng<< Tom yenna i medden meṛṛa belli atan yelluẓ. Tom told everybody he was very hungry. You will be healed, so that all men may hear." >>eng<< אני רוצה שתקשיב לי היטב. I want you to listen to me very carefully. I want you to listen to me. >>eng<< הוא עשה טעות ושתה רעל. He made a mistake and drank poison. He made a mistake and drank poison. >>eng<< أدخل سامي ذراعه أكثر داخل ذلك ذلك الجحر. Sami pushed his arm further inside the hole. Get Sammy into his arm more inside that rock. >>eng<< היא הבטיחה לפגוש אותו אמש. She promised to meet him last night. She promised to meet him last night. >>eng<< Ddem kullec. Get everything. Do all things. >>eng<< תום מוכרח לברר את זה בעצמו. Tom has got to sort it out himself. Tom has to find out for himself. >>eng<< Send iḍelli i d-newweḍ ɣer Osaka. The day before yesterday we arrived at Osaka. All that was come to Jesus, I sent him away. >>eng<< ברכות לרגל הצלחתך! I congratulate you on your success. Congratulations to your success! >>eng<< Ad tesɛuḍ lweqt i wučči uqbel anejmaɛ? Will you have time to eat before the meeting? You have a few days before the assembly? >>eng<< Tella tin i ɛelmen. Somebody knows that. Tell me what to do. >>eng<< Il-kont, jekk jogħġbok. The bill, please. The account, please. >>eng<< Tleḥḥu tudert. Life goes on. You're on your way to life. >>eng<< هل تريدني أن اتحدث إليهم؟ Do you want me to talk to them? You want me to talk to them? >>eng<< وجدت الشّرطة مسرحا لمجزرة فظيعة. Police encountered a scene of unspeakable carnage. I found a scene for a terrible massacre. >>eng<< قال الصائب: "أعلم،" بينما جلب لنفسه علبةً جديدةً من الفانتا. "هذا أمر جدي. إذن، لم اتصلت؟" "I know," said Al-Sayib, getting a new bottle of Fanta. "This is serious business. So why'd you call?" He said, "I know," while he brought himself a new bag of funna. "That's a serious order, so, why didn't you call?" >>eng<< Yella wutul d amaggad, kemmlen-as iḍebbalen. The rabbit was a coward and they made it worse for him with drums. But the night was far spent, that they might spend the night. >>eng<< Teɣṛiḍ-t yakan? Have you already read this? You put him down? >>eng<< Tusmemt? Are you envious? Have you? >>eng<< Fil-ktieb hemm għaxart eżerċizzji. There are ten exercises in the book. There are ten exercises in the book. >>eng<< أعتقد أن ما تقوله صحيح. I think you're right. I think what you're saying is true. >>eng<< מה שאני רוצה יותר מכל, הוא שתהיה מאושר. What I want, more than anything else, is for you to be happy. What I want is to be happy. >>eng<< ”أين الطفل؟“ ”الطفل نائم.“ "Where's the baby?" "Asleep." “Where is the child?” “The child is asleep.” >>eng<< היא לא אחותי, היא אשתי. She isn't my sister, she's my wife. She's not my sister. She's my wife. >>eng<< اشتغل في فرنسا طوال حياته. He has worked in France his whole life. He worked in France all his life. >>eng<< Tḥemmel-iken aṭas. She loves you very much. He loves many of them. >>eng<< אח שלי קנה לעצמו גיטרה חשמלית. My brother bought an electric guitar. My brother bought himself an electric guitar. >>eng<< Aregnet yerza taserdunt. Hybridization concerns the mule. Agrenet yerza has trained. >>eng<< جئت سيراً على الأقدام. I came on foot. I've got a toothbrush on my feet. >>eng<< تبدو صحيحة بالنسبة لي. It seems right to me. You look right to me. >>eng<< Nekk d tameddakelt-ik. I'm your girlfriend. I am the range of your words. >>eng<< הוא צדק בפעם הראשונה. He was right the first time. He was right for the first time. >>eng<< Zmreɣ ad kent-ssutreɣ anwa i kent-ilan? May I ask who you are? And I have nothing to ask thee: who is this to do? >>eng<< Kullec ɣur-s talast. There is a limit to everything. All of uss-talasts. >>eng<< Mazal-iten ṭṭafaren-aɣ-d. They're still following us. They were still waiting for us. >>eng<< هذا تخصصه. That's his specialty. That's his speciality. >>eng<< ከልቢ እሙን እንስሳ እዩ። A dog is a faithful animal. The heart is a faithful animal. >>eng<< Zemreɣ? May I? Can I? >>eng<< هل أنت في علاقة؟ Are you in a relationship? Are you in a relationship? >>eng<< חמש מאות דולר הם סכום קטן עבורו. Five hundred dollars is a small sum for him. Five hundred dollars are a small sum for him. >>eng<< كان سامي شخصا مثيرا للإعجاب. Sami was larger than life. Sammy was an impressive person. >>eng<< اجتمع الناس في المتنزه. People gathered in the park. People met in the park. >>eng<< اسأل ترانغ إن كان سيخرج هذا المساء. Ask Trang if he's going out this evening. Ask Triang if he's going out this evening. >>eng<< הגיע זמני לעזוב. It's time for me to leave. It's time for me to leave. >>eng<< Ur ilaq ara ad tagadem akkenni. You need not have such fear. "'Don't go away. >>eng<< Yenna-d Tom belli yebɣa ad yettwamḍel deg Ustralya. Tom said he wanted to be buried in Australia. And he said, That he would have to spend the night in Italy. >>eng<< תוכלי לעמוד בתאריך היעד? Can you make the deadline? Can you stand on the target date? >>eng<< Teɛyamt? Are you tired? You know what? >>eng<< תודה על שאישרת את החברות שלי בפייסבוק. Thanks for accepting my friend request on Facebook. Thank you for serving my friends on Facebook. >>eng<< זה לא כל כך הזוי כפי שאתה חושב. This isn't as crazy as you think. It's not as cheap as you think. >>eng<< Ilaq ad teččem kra n tɣawsa. You should eat something. Let him eat of the tree, and eat of the tree.' >>eng<< Tom yenna-d ur yettṛuḥu ara ɣer tmeɣṛa n Mary. Tom said he wasn't going to Mary's party. He said to them, "Don't give him into the marriage feast, but Mary." >>eng<< Tom yettidir deg Ustṛalya. Tom lives in Australia. You can carry it through the city in each village. >>eng<< אני מבין בערך. I sort of understand. I understand about that. >>eng<< هههه، وَشْنُو؟ Lol, what? Huh, Shannu? >>eng<< תום נחנק. Tom's suffocating. Tom's been suffocating. >>eng<< אגייס קרנות מימון. I raise funds. Acquisition of funding. >>eng<< اعتبر فاضل اللّغة العربيّة جدّ معقّدة للتّعلّم. Fadil found Arabic very complicated to learn. The problem of the Arabic language is very complex to learn. >>eng<< عاد سامي للعيش هنا. Sami moved back. Sammy's back to live here. >>eng<< אני יודע רק את זה. I know only this. I only know that. >>eng<< את מי תום נשך? Who did Tom bite? Who will you bite? >>eng<< عليك أن تصغي لما يقوله توم. You should listen to what Tom says. You have to listen to what Tom says. >>eng<< Amek i tesɛeddaḍ akud-ik deg Boston? How did you enjoy your time in Boston? What do you think of as a thief in Boston? >>eng<< היופי הוא בעיני המתבונן. Beauty is altogether in the eye of the beholder. The beauty is in the eye of the observing. >>eng<< أنا جوعان. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. >>eng<< זו ביצה של תרנגולת. This is an egg. It's a chicken egg. >>eng<< Sami akked Layla llan d-imidawen. Sami and Layla were co-workers. And it came to pass, that, behold, every one of you was sent unto you. >>eng<< דן נראה לאחרונה בחיים בבוקרו של אותו היום בו הוא נמצא מת. Dan was last seen alive in the dawn of the same day he found dead. Dan last appeared alive in the morning of the same day he was found dead. >>eng<< أنا خلفه مباشرة . I'm right behind him. I'm right behind him. >>eng<< يا غبي! You idiot! Idiot! >>eng<< Tettwaliḍ d akken ilaq ad xedmeɣ aya? Do you think I could do that? Do you have to do this? >>eng<< איך עברה הבחינה? How did the exam go? How'd the test go? >>eng<< הוא יצא מהחדר. He went out of the room. He's out of the room. >>eng<< منّاد صغير. Mennad is little. A little friend. >>eng<< متوحش! Wild! Bastard! >>eng<< Yella win i yellan daki? Is somebody here? But who is this? >>eng<< Ndemmeɣ i mi ur s-nniɣ ara tidet i Tom. I regret that I didn't tell Tom the truth. I sinned, and I didn't speak when I came to Tom. >>eng<< هل رددت على تلك الرسالة بعد؟ Have you answered that letter yet? Have you responded to that message yet? >>eng<< ישנתי אתמול במשך כל היום, משום שזה היה יום ראשון. I slept all day yesterday, because it was Sunday. I slept last night because it was Sunday. >>eng<< هذه معضلة. It is a difficult problem. That's a problem. >>eng<< בוא נדבר על משהו מעניין יותר. Let's talk about something more interesting. Let's talk about something more interesting. >>eng<< من فضلك، ساعدني على اختيار قبعة تتناسب مع فستاني الجديد. Please help me pick out a hat which matches my new dress. Please help me choose a hat commensurate with my new dress. >>eng<< Ira Tom tafransist. Tom likes French. Ia Tom savingsist. >>eng<< איך נפגשת עם תום לראשונה? How did you and Tom first meet? How did you first meet Tom? >>eng<< هىَ لابد أن تجد عملاً. She must find work. She must find work. >>eng<< ولا يمكن لخطاب واحد أن يلغي سنوات من عدم الثقة كما لا يمكنني أن أقدم الإجابة على كافة المسائل المعقدة التي أدت بنا إلى هذه النقطة No single speech can eradicate years of mistrust, nor can I answer in the time that I have all the complex questions that brought us to this point. One speech cannot remove years of uncertainty and I can't answer all the complex issues that have led us to this point. >>eng<< يصبح الجو أدفأ يوماً بعد يوم. It is getting warmer day by day. It's getting warmer one day after another. >>eng<< איזה רעיון יש לכם? What's your idea? What idea do you have? >>eng<< הוא בן אדם אדיב. He's a kind person. He's a kind man. >>eng<< כשתום אמר למרי להרגיש בבית, הוא קיווה בסתר לבו שהיא תלך לשטוף את הכלים במטבח. When Tom told Mary to feel right at home, he was secretly hoping that she'd go and wash up the dishes in the kitchen. When Tom told Mary to feel at home, he hoped secretly that she would go wash the dishes in the kitchen. >>eng<< Ad nuɣal d lǧiran nekk d Tom. Tom and I'll be neighbors soon. I will come quickly, and will come again. >>eng<< עשינו תגלית מדהימה. We've made a shocking discovery. We did an amazing discovery. >>eng<< Beṛka ur ttcetkay ara! Stop complaining. Oh, my God! Oh, my God, you have not condemned me! >>eng<< אתה חייב לנהוג על פי הכללים. You must act in accordance with the rules. You have to act according to the rules. >>eng<< Yebɣa Tom ad yazzel. Tom wants to run. He's gonna fight me. >>eng<< Yella win i ixebcen takeṛṛust-iw. Someone scratched my car. And he that blindeth his wife blasphemeth me. >>eng<< איזה ציפור זו? What's that bird? What bird is this? >>eng<< היא נתנה לנו מתנה. She gave us a present. She gave us a gift. >>eng<< Yehlek Tom. Tom got sick. Yehk Tom. >>eng<< لم يسبق لسامي و أن قابل مسلما في حياته. Sami had never met a Muslim in his life. Sammy never met a Muslim in his life. >>eng<< טום הרשה למרי ללכת לבדה. Tom allowed Mary to go by herself. Tom let Mary go alone. >>eng<< كانت الإشارة حمراء. The signal was red. The signal was red. >>eng<< La ttwaliɣ amek i la teqqaṛeḍ. I see how you are studying. I can tell how you say it. >>eng<< Tess ddwa-agi yal rebεa n tsaεtin. Take this medicine every four hours. There's a show of it every six-year-old. >>eng<< Ittazzal. He runs. It is recommended. >>eng<< אני אסע, יקרה מה שיקרה. I'll go no matter what. I'll go, whatever happens. >>eng<< הונאה אקדמית נפוצה יותר ממה שאתה חושב. Academic fraud is more common than you might think. An academic fraud is more common than you think. >>eng<< הם נטשו את ילדיהם ביער. They abandoned their children in the forest. They abandoned their children in the woods. >>eng<< صنعت لي أختي دميةً جميلة. My sister made me a beautiful doll. My sister made me a pretty doll. >>eng<< אני מעריצה אצלה את הנאמנות. I appreciate her loyalty. I admire her loyalty. >>eng<< היא הרגע התקשרה. She telephoned just now. She just called. >>eng<< קיימת תנועה חזקה נגד שימוש בגרעין בגרמניה. There is a strong anti-nuclear movement in Germany. There is a strong movement against the use of graphite in Germany. >>eng<< אני לא יכול לעשות את העבודה הזאת בלעדיך. I can't do this job without you. I can't do this job without you. >>eng<< Ala, ur ssineɣ ara gma-m. No, I do not know your brother. But no, I know not your brother. >>eng<< Ur teẓriḍ ara d acu i d tayri n tidet. You have no idea what true love is. You don't know what you are talking about. >>eng<< هذه التفاحة شديدة الحمرة. This apple is very red. This apple is very red. >>eng<< ידידות אמיתית לא תסולא בפז. True friendship is priceless. Real friends will never fail. >>eng<< أغلقَ الباب. He shut the door. Close the door. >>eng<< أنا في إضراب من 8 إلى 12 ديسمبر. I'm striking from December 8th through the 12th. I'm on a hit from 8 to 12 December. >>eng<< Taẓuṛi iḍul webrid-is, tudert gezzilt. Art is long, life is short. Make him walk in his ways, and walk in his paths. >>eng<< רהיטי הסלון היו בסגנון מודרני. The living room furniture was modern in style. The living cells were in modern style. >>eng<< أنا ذاهب لأدرس I'm going to study. I'm going to study. >>eng<< הדגדגן הוא האיבר הרגיש ביותר אצל האישה. The clitoris is the most sensitive organ of a woman. The iddegan is the most sensitive organ of the woman. >>eng<< ነቲ ድስታት ምሕጻብ ናይ ሜሪ ተራ አዩ። It's Mary's turn to wash the dishes. They saw Mary's turn to bathe. >>eng<< בסופו של דבר הכל נגמר בכי טוב. Everything came out okay in the end. At the end of everything, it's all over the best crying. >>eng<< פתח בבקשה את הקופסה הזאת. Please open this box. Please open this box. >>eng<< Umneɣ akk d acu i ɣ-d-nnant. I believed everything they told us. And we know all that we have said. >>eng<< Meḥsub ur yezmir ara ad yerwel Tom. Tom almost wasn't able to escape. Lest haply he should flee unto Tom. >>eng<< كيما تولّي تشبه ل تّصويرا ديالك ف لپاسۆپر، تمّاك تقدر تڥواياژي. When you're beginning to look like the photo in your passport, you should go on a holiday. As you take a picture of your D.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P., you know. >>eng<< הוא לקח אותי לבית הספר במכונית. He brought me to school in a car. He took me to school in the car. >>eng<< אנו הולכים לביתי. We're going to my place. We're going to my house. >>eng<< كان سامي غاضبا. Sami was furious. Sammy was angry. >>eng<< لم أرى مثل هذا البطيخ الكبير من قبل. I never seen such a big watermelon before. I've never seen such a big ice cream before. >>eng<< Tugarem Tom. You're older than Tom. Pregnant tom. >>eng<< طول محنا عايشين لازم نشتغل. As long as we live, we have to work. The length of the camping camp needs to be filled. >>eng<< كن حذرا. Be careful. Be careful. >>eng<< קבל את תנחומיי. You have my sympathy. Get my compliments. >>eng<< هو مابيتكلمش ياباني في البيت. He doesn't speak Japanese at home. He's a Japanese speaker at home. >>eng<< אני רוצה לצאת לגמלאות פה. I want to retire here. I want to get out of here. >>eng<< אני לא צריכה טובות! I don't need favors. I don't need any favors! >>eng<< אני יודע שתום רוצה לעשות רושם טוב. I know Tom wants to make a good impression. I know Tom wants to make a good impression. >>eng<< Agrud-nni yuḍnen s ccyaḍa tuɣ ţɛassan-t mliḥ yemsujjiyen. The very sick baby was under careful observation by the doctors. For I know that in the morning, there was a confusion among the criminals. >>eng<< أين بيتها؟ Where is her house? Where's her house? >>eng<< Ma yeḥma weɣṛum ad as-nexdem zzit n uzemmur. When Kabyle bread is hot, olive oil is added. It was not necessary to make the oil of the olive at all. >>eng<< תום מרגיש באותה צורה? Does Tom feel the same way? Tom feels the same way? >>eng<< Teskiddibeḍ. You lie. You lie. >>eng<< שמור על עצמך. Watch your back. Take care. >>eng<< Neṭṭef-d tlata ikeεben. We caught three foxes. I have to take three nights. >>eng<< ماذا تفعل يا أبي؟ What are you doing, Dad? What are you doing, Dad? >>eng<< תתכונן לנסיעה מיד. Get ready for the trip at once. Get ready for a ride right away. >>eng<< هل توم قبّلَ مريم؟ Did Tom kiss Mary? Did Tom kiss Mary? >>eng<< خشيت ليلى على حياة سامي. Layla was afraid for Sami's life. I was afraid night for Sammy's life. >>eng<< "إسمك..." "فاضل صادق." "Your name is...?" "Fadil Sadiq." "Your name" is "a true difference." >>eng<< "Tatoeba" معناها "على سبيل المثال" باللغة اليابانية. "Tatoeba" means "for example" in Japanese. Tatopa is referred to as "for example" in Japanese. >>eng<< Tom ɣuṛ-s aṭas n tektiwin yelhan. Tom has many good ideas. Then you will receive many good things from them. >>eng<< بدأ لتوّه. He started just now. He just started. >>eng<< קח כמה אפרסקים שתרצה. Take as many peaches as you like. Take some puppies you want. >>eng<< לא הרגשתי טוב, אבל הלכתי לעבודה. I didn't feel well, but I went to work. I didn't feel well, but I went to work. >>eng<< Ad ṛuḥeɣ tura ma ulac ugur. If you don't mind, I'll leave now. I don't have to go now. >>eng<< לא ציפיתי מתום לעזרה. I didn't expect help from Tom. I didn't expect any help. >>eng<< בוא נראה טלוויזיה. Let's watch TV. Let's see TV. >>eng<< أذاهب أنت معنا؟ Will you be going with us? Are you going with us? >>eng<< Jien ma rridx immur l-iskola. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. >>eng<< תגובתה לא השביעה רצון. Her response was unsatisfactory. Her reaction did not satisfy her desire. >>eng<< أختي تشبه جدتي. My sister resembles my grandmother. My sister looks like my grandmother. >>eng<< هل يجب أن يكون الزواج المثلي قانونيا؟ Should gay marriage be legal? Should gay marriage be legal? >>eng<< سألت توم ماري في ما إذا كان يمكنه استعارة كتاب دراستها الانجليزي. Tom asked Mary if he could borrow her English textbook. I asked Tom Marie if he could borrow her English study book. >>eng<< كما يجب أن يتم بذل جهود مستديمة للاستماع إلى بعضنا البعض وللتعلم من بعضنا البعض والاحترام المتبادل والبحث عن أرضية مشتركة There must be a sustained effort to listen to each other; to learn from each other; to respect one another; and to seek common ground. There must also be sustained efforts to listen to each other, to learn from each other, to respect each other and to seek common ground >>eng<< فنجانا قهوة بالحليب من فضلك. Two coffees with milk, please. We played coffee in milk, please. >>eng<< تبدين حزينة. ما الأمر؟ You look sad. What's wrong? You look sad. >>eng<< הבט עליו ועשה כמוהו. Watch him and do likewise. Look at him and do the same. >>eng<< מה שהוא אמר אתמול אינו תואם את מה שהוא אמר בשבוע שעבר. What he said yesterday is not consistent with what he had said last week. What he said yesterday doesn't match what he said last week. >>eng<< تقريباً. Almost. Almost. >>eng<< هوما كُبار. They are big. They're grown. >>eng<< ضرب فاضل دانية مرّة أخرى. Fadil beat Dania again. Hit Daniely again. >>eng<< Teɣṛa-yas. She called him. I am sending him back. >>eng<< Tom mazal-it deg Ustṛalya. Tom is still in Australia. But here you are still in Mushtain. >>eng<< لا تتدخل في ما لا يعنيك. Mind your own business! Don't interfere with what doesn't mean to you. >>eng<< הקטור היה רברבן וישיר באופן לא רגיל היום. על פי רוב הוא שקט כמו פגר. Hector's uncommonly brash and outspoken today. He's usually deathly quiet. Hector was a barbecue and normally singer today, according to most of it as quiet as a framer. >>eng<< מחלה מנעה ממני לצאת לטיול. Illness prevented me from taking a trip. A disease prevents me from going on a trip. >>eng<< איך אוכל אי פעם לסלוח לתום? How can I ever forget Tom? How can I ever forgive Tom? >>eng<< يبدو توم في حيرة. Tom looks baffled. It looks like Tom's in a hurry. >>eng<< ما الذي يراهُ فيها؟ What does he see in her? What does he see? >>eng<< Kečč d aselbuɛ? Are you bald? Are you a burden? >>eng<< Sefqeḍ wihin. Check that. And you have left it for us. >>eng<< سامي لا يستحقّ هذا. Sami doesn't deserve this. Sammy doesn't deserve this. >>eng<< תן לי תפוח. Give me an apple. Give me an apple. >>eng<< דברים משתנים. Things change. Things change. >>eng<< Tella tuḍen. She was sick. And stupor-sucked-up. >>eng<< Ɛumaṛ yeskurruy kan. No one understands Omar's gibberish. Ignore this. >>eng<< שניהם טובים. They're both good. They're both good. >>eng<< Cedhaɣ-k aṭas. I missed you very much. I have great compassion on you. >>eng<< Yezmer ad yemmeslay. He can speak. It is he who can speak. >>eng<< הם נראים נחמדים. They look pretty. They look nice. >>eng<< Heddṛen akk tafṛansist. Everybody spoke French. saying, "Guard all of you. >>eng<< لا أريد البكاء أمام توم. I didn't want to cry in front of Tom. I don't want to cry in front of Tom. >>eng<< שמחת להיווכח שהמשפט הזה נמחק, נכון? You were pleased to see that sentence deleted, weren't you? You're glad to prove that this trial has been deleted, aren't you? >>eng<< בואי נהיה בטוחים. Let's be sure. Let's be sure. >>eng<< Anef-iyi ad ffɣeɣ! Let me out! I wish that you would pull me out! >>eng<< Ur ken-ttaǧǧaɣ ara ad tṛuḥem. I wouldn't allow you to go. But don't let him go. >>eng<< אני לא רוצה שתצעק. I don't want you to scream. I don't want you to yell. >>eng<< Tgerrez tiririt-iw? Is my answer correct? Tigers do you carry me off? >>eng<< Nemlal-d deg usarug. We wound up at the cinema. There's been a double-size in the city. >>eng<< أريد تعلم الإنجليزية. I want to learn English. I want to learn English. >>eng<< זהו המקדש הגדול ביותר שראיתי אי פעם. This is the largest temple that I've ever seen. This is the greatest temple I've ever seen. >>eng<< Ẓriɣ ur zmireɣ ara ad rebḥeɣ. I knew I wouldn't win. For I know that I can't improve. >>eng<< البيت الشعري القادم مؤثر اكثر . The next verse is even more touching. The next hairy house is more affecting. >>eng<< אני כבר לא קורא ספרים מצויירים. I don't read comic books anymore. I don't read great books anymore. >>eng<< כמה זני ציפור בחצר שלכם? How many kinds of birds are in your backyard? How many birds in your yard? >>eng<< תום לא ידע איזה אוטובוס לקחת. Tom didn't know which bus to take. Tom didn't know which bus to take. >>eng<< הגעתי לתחנה בשעה שש. I reached the station at six. I got to the station at 6:00. >>eng<< תום מעודו לא עשה דבר עבור איש, חוץ מאשר הוא עצמו. Tom never did anything for anybody, except for himself. Tom didn't do anything for anyone other than himself. >>eng<< هرب سامي إلى مصر. Sami fled to Egypt. Sammy fled to Egypt. >>eng<< אנא אל תכנסו לשם. Please don't go in there. Please don't go in there. >>eng<< كدبت علييّا من قبل، وعلاش نامنك دوركا؟ You've lied to me before. Why should I trust you now? You've lied to me before, and I've told you that you're Dorka? >>eng<< Nexdem-it. We made it. And he did. >>eng<< Qqimet. Go sit down. Seats. >>eng<< Terramt-d yakan? Have you vomited yet? -What's up? >>eng<< Ddmemt wigi. Take these. You like these. >>eng<< ألا تمانع أن أفتح النافذة؟ Do you mind if I open the window? Don't you mind opening the window? >>eng<< Yeẓṛa Tom ɣef acu i tettxemmimem. Tom knows what you're thinking. You know what you test. >>eng<< ذقت المرارات كلها فلم أجد أمر من الحاجة إلى الناس. I suffered through all sours but didn't find bitter than needing people. It's all gone. I don't find any need for people. >>eng<< Ur ilaq ara ad teqqimeḍ da. You must not stay here. Don't lie down. >>eng<< لقد أعجبتم سامي. Sami likes you. You liked Sammy. >>eng<< החמצתי את הסרט. את ראית אותו? I missed the movie. Did you see it? I missed the movie. >>eng<< מחשיך כעת בחוץ. It is getting dark outside. Sleeping out now. >>eng<< Ad ak-d-sekneɣ amek i yettwaxdem. I'm going to show you how it's done. And I will shew thee a shewer of the things which thou hast seen. >>eng<< Eεṛeḍemt ad t-tessedhumt. Try to keep him occupied. You refused to sit down. >>eng<< Heddṛen akk medden. Everyone gossips. Be obedient to all men. >>eng<< إني أتمشى معها. I'm walking with her. I'm walking with her. >>eng<< הוא עמד ליד השער עם היד בכיס. He was standing by the gate with his hand in his pocket. He stood by the gate with the hand in his pocket. >>eng<< Ak-yishil u seqdec-is. It would be easy for you to do that. Ak-yishil and sqdec-is. >>eng<< Ɣef acu i testaxṛemt Tom? Why did you fire Tom? Therefore why do you suffer Tongue? >>eng<< הטמפרטורה ירדה בעשר מעלות. The temperature went down ten degrees. The temperature's down at ten degrees. >>eng<< استرجعت ليلى صحّتها. Layla regained her health. She came back to her health. >>eng<< أيمكنني استعارة مضربك للتنس اليوم؟ Can I borrow your tennis racket today? Can I borrow your punch today? >>eng<< Uḥwaǧeɣ kra n ḥedd ara yi-iɛawnen. I need somebody to help me. And I have a little need of them, that they should help me. >>eng<< هنأته على نجاحه. I congratulated him on his success. I congratulated him on his success. >>eng<< מי גילה את האי? By whom was the island discovered? Who found out the island? >>eng<< אני לובש חולצת טי כתומה. I'm wearing an orange T-shirt. I'm wearing a orange T-shirt. >>eng<< اتّصل سامي. Sami called. Call Sammy. >>eng<< جاك ليس موجوداً. Jack isn't here. Jack's not there. >>eng<< أنا ممتن لك لاستضافتك إياي في الحفلة. I am grateful to you for inviting me to the party. I'm grateful to you for hosting me at the party. >>eng<< يبدو إسم سامي مؤلوفا بالنّسبة لي. Sami's name sounds familiar to me. It looks like Sammy Talva's name is on my count. >>eng<< Nwiɣ d kra n yiwet i yemmuten. I thought somebody died. But I am persuaded that I am dead." >>eng<< أنا أكبر منك قامة بقليل. I'm a little taller than you. I'm a little bigger than you. >>eng<< אני לא יכול לשתות קפה. I can't drink coffee. I can't drink coffee. >>eng<< Zemreɣ ad d-fkeɣ asteqsi ur nemεin? Can I ask a stupid question? I will not be able to ask any more questions from you? >>eng<< أريد أن أقود. I want to drive. I want to drive. >>eng<< Adlis-a mačči n Tom. This book doesn't belong to Tom. This is not far from Timothy. >>eng<< בכל זאת חבל שאינך קורא מכתבים. Anyway, it's a shame that you do not read letters. It's a shame, though, that you don't read letters. >>eng<< Luleɣ-d deg sbiṭaṛ-a. I was born in this hospital. And I was sick of the palsy. >>eng<< הם ידעו ימים טובים יותר. They had seen better days. They knew better days. >>eng<< تظاهر بأنه محامٍ. He pretended that he was a lawyer. Pretend he's a lawyer. >>eng<< אני לא אוהב ערים גדולות. I don't like big cities. I don't like big cities. >>eng<< D iseɛdiyen wid i iḥemmlen tjeǧǧigin. Happy are those who love flowers. Blessed are they that love them that forsake them. >>eng<< D tijdidin kunemti? Are you new? Do you know? >>eng<< תוכל להסביר לי את הכלל? Will you explain the rule to me? Can you explain the rule to me? >>eng<< אנו יכולים כל בוקר לשמוע את שעון הכנסיה. We can hear the church bell every morning. We can hear the church watch every morning. >>eng<< Ddu d uḍaṛ-ik. Hurry up. "Your foot is against your feet." >>eng<< مات كلب سامي. Sami's dog died. Sammy dog's dead. >>eng<< Ḥarbem ɣef yiman-nwen. Defend yourselves. You will be able to judge your own self. >>eng<< Kennemti d tiselmadin. You are teachers. Kenemti d selmaddin. >>eng<< דן השאיר ראיות רבות בזירת הפשע. Dan left a lot of evidence at the crime scene. Dan left a lot of evidence at the crime scene. >>eng<< טום שונא אותי. Tom hates me. Tom hates me. >>eng<< זה אינו דבר שקר. That's no lie. It's not a lie. >>eng<< נשארתי בבית כל היום וקראתי ספרים. I stayed home all day long reading novels. I stayed home all day and read books. >>eng<< Ad iliɣ deg Ustṛalya arma d 20 Tuber. I'll be in Australia until October 20th. And I lived in Italy as an army, and 20 Tabernacle. >>eng<< אני מדבר עלייך. I'm talking about you. I'm talking about you. >>eng<< Tucbiḥt n "Isabelle Adjani" d taqbaylit. The charming Isabelle Adjani is Kabyle. When I heard of it, I became the father of a certain young man. >>eng<< הוא משלם באמצעות כרטיס אשראי. He pays with a credit card. He pays through a credit card. >>eng<< كان سامي يذهب إلى المسجد كلّ يوم. Sami went to the mosque every day. Sammy was going to the mosque every day. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad yili ḥedd d wi ara heḍṛeɣ. I want someone to talk to. I will that he find fault. >>eng<< اِندلعت الحرب أخيراً. The war finally broke out. The war finally broke out. >>eng<< Tennecṛaḥ aṭas tceqquft-nni. Ssarmeɣ ammer telliḍ din. The play was a lot of fun. I wish you could've been there. Many times you struck him. I beg you this. >>eng<< נראה שהוא לא יודע לשחות. He seems unable to swim. Looks like he can't swim. >>eng<< إنك محترف وأنا مبتدئ. You are a professional, but I am an amateur. You're a professional and I'm a graduate. >>eng<< كان فاضل يعبث مع ليلى بالهاتف. Fadil flirted with Layla on the phone. He was messing with me on the phone. >>eng<< Ur cukkeɣ ara ad tewwet lehwa azekka. I don't think that it will rain tomorrow. I will not cut him off for the morrow. >>eng<< አንተ አስተማሪ ነህ። You're a teacher. You are a teacher. >>eng<< Lliɣ ur zmireɣ ara ad mmeslayeɣ tafṛansist makken wwḍeɣ ɣer dinna. I wasn't able to speak French when I first got there. But I, that I should be impossible to speak of, if I had been there. >>eng<< מוטב שתחזרי לפה. You'd better get back here. You better get back here. >>eng<< איפה לעזאזל היית? Where the hell were you? Where the hell have you been? >>eng<< בכיתי הרבה לאחרונה. I've been crying a lot lately. I've been crying a lot lately. >>eng<< كانا سامي و ليلى أصدقاءا لسليمة. Sami and Layla were friends with Salima. They were Sami and Lila's friends. >>eng<< انها ابنتي. She's my daughter. She's my daughter. >>eng<< Qewwed! Get lost. Kneeling! >>eng<< እንኳን ለአለም አቀፍ የሴቶች ቀን አደረሰን Happy International Women's Day! Even for Women’s International Day >>eng<< Ḥebsemt-ten. Stop them. Pebsem-ten. >>eng<< أخي مدرس. My brother is a teacher. My brother's a teacher. >>eng<< אנו לא צריכים לגווע ברעב. We don't have to starve. We don't have to starve. >>eng<< לך אחורנית. Back off. Go back. >>eng<< إنه يمارس رياضة النزحلق في هوكايدو كل شتاء . He skis in Hokkaido every winter. He's at Hokkaido's ravine every drink. >>eng<< אני לא מכיר אף אחד מאלה. I don't know either of them. I don't know any of these. >>eng<< אל תלך בלי כובע. Don't go without a hat. Don't go without a hat. >>eng<< את לא רוצה לדעת! You don't want to know it! You don't want to know! >>eng<< Ilaq ad kem-id-iḥbes walebɛaḍ. Somebody has to stop you. That a person may be able to open his mouth. >>eng<< Ma nifhimx. I don't understand. I don't understand. >>eng<< أنا لا أعرف اسمه I don't know his name. I don't know his name. >>eng<< بالنسبة لي إن ذلك شيء مهم. For me, it's important. For me, that's important. >>eng<< أتمنى أن يكون لديك وقت أكثر لي. I wish you had more time for me. I hope you have more time for me. >>eng<< استعمل فاضل ثلاث كتب مختلفة لتعلّم العربيّة. Sami used three different textbooks to learn Arabic. Use three different books to teach Arabic. >>eng<< Leɛmeṛ yeḥfiḍ Tom amek ara iɣeṛ neɣ amek ara yaru. Tom never learned how to read or write. In the beginning of creation you were created. How then is it that you see or that they are little? >>eng<< وجد سامي تلك الفتاة. Sami found the girl. Sammy found that girl. >>eng<< Nekk ur lliɣ d win yeţserriḥen kan akka. I'm not the kind that gives up to easily. I was not so ashamed of him that was scattered abroad. >>eng<< Tḥemmlemt iqjan? Do you like dogs? Do you love me? >>eng<< هي تحب المطر. She likes the rain. She likes the rain. >>eng<< سأعمل ما بوسعي لأجل توم. I'll do anything I can for Tom. I'll do what I can for Tom. >>eng<< Ad yeǧǧ Tom Mary ad texdem ayenni. Tom will let Mary do that. And let Tom Mary alone do what she did. >>eng<< טוקיו היא מקום יקר מאוד לחיות בו. Tokyo is a very expensive place to live. Tokyo is a very expensive place to live. >>eng<< לתום יש מחר בית ספר. Tom has school tomorrow. Tom has school tomorrow. >>eng<< יש לי די הרבה כובעים. I've got quite a lot of hats. I've got quite a lot of hats. >>eng<< אם לא תזדרז לעולם לא תגיע לכפר. If you don't hurry up, you'll never get to the village. If you don't hurry, you'll never get to the village. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad iyi-d-inimt tidet. I need you to tell me the truth. I will ask you a question. >>eng<< Yella win ara yi-d-iɛawnen? Somebody help me. But I will say, "Do I have anything to do with you?" >>eng<< תום נתקף געגועים הביתה. Tom was homesick. Tom's been attacked touching home. >>eng<< צעדתי שלושת רבעי מייל. I walked three-fourths of a mile. I've gone three rounds a mile. >>eng<< Sṛuḥent. They lost. Please. >>eng<< בביגמיה זו אישה אחת יותר מדי. במונוגמיה כנ"ל. Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same. In Bigamia, this is one woman too much. >>eng<< Tom yewceq Mary. Tom adores Mary. You're gonna love Mary. >>eng<< هي تشرب الجعة عديمة الكحول كل يوم لأن الجعة هي مشروبها المفضل إلا نها لا تريد تناول الكحول كل يوم. She drinks non-alcoholic beer almost every day because beer is her favorite drink, but she doesn't want to drink alcohol every day. She drinks an alcoholic puppy every day because it's her favorite drink but she doesn't want to eat alcohol every day. >>eng<< Yewjed yimensi. Dinner is ready to eat. It's more immensisome. >>eng<< למרי בעיות משלה. Mary has her problems. Mary's got her own problems. >>eng<< אתה יודע מה תום הסתיר? Do you know why Tom was hiding? Do you know what Tom hid? >>eng<< לתום הייתה עבודה טובה. Tom had a good job. Tom was a good job. >>eng<< الوقت ينفذ. Time is running out. Time is running out. >>eng<< אני נמצא על שפת הים. I'm at the beach. I'm on the beach. >>eng<< Ayɣer i d-tusamt ɣur-i? Why did you come to me? What are you doing? A shambles? >>eng<< جميع اليابانيين تقريبا لديهم شعر داكن اللون. Nearly all Japanese have dark hair. Almost all Japanese have color-shaped hair. >>eng<< Ur yezmir ara ad d-iruḥ Tom ass-a. Tom can't come today. He couldn't go down to Tom today. >>eng<< أرسل سامي رسالة لعضو في البرلمان يعلن فيها عن براءته. Sami sent an MP a letter declaring his innocence. Sammy sent a letter to a member of Parliament declaring his innocence. >>eng<< אתה רומז שתום ממש שונא את מרי? Are you suggesting that Tom doesn't really hate Mary? Are you suggesting that Tom really hates Mary? >>eng<< أوفى سامي بوعده. Sami kept his word. Sammy fulfilled his promise. >>eng<< بيرو هي ثالث دول أمريكا الجنوبية مساحةً بعد البرازيل والأرجنتين. Peru is the third largest country in South America after Brazil and Argentina. Peru is the third South American country after Brazil and Argentina. >>eng<< Ad necc asuci. Let's eat sushi. Adnuc asuci. >>eng<< تأقلما مع التغيير بسرعة. They adapted themselves to the change quickly. Slowly slow down with change. >>eng<< Ḍefṛet amedya n weltma-twen. Follow the example of your sister. Call the sisters of your sister. >>eng<< Win qsen warẓaẓen, yerra urfan af yebẓiẓen. Those who are stung by wasps take their revenge on grasshoppers. He who is deaf, and who can't speak, has no tongue. >>eng<< באילו נסיבות הופיעה השגיאה? When did the error occur? Under what circumstances did the error turn out to be? >>eng<< עלול לרדת גשם הלילה. It may rain tonight. It could rain tonight. >>eng<< הצפרדע התנפחה והתנפחה, עד שלבסוף התפוצצה. The frog inflated himself more and more, until finally he burst. The frog's down and down, until the end of the explosion. >>eng<< האם נחשים מדאיגים אותך? Do snakes bother you? Do snakes worry you? >>eng<< אתה תסבך אותי בצרות! You're going to get me in trouble! You're gonna get me in trouble! >>eng<< תהיה ממונה על הנערות העובדות במפעל הזה. You'll be in charge of the girls working in this factory. You'll be in charge of the fact girls at this factory. >>eng<< هل حقا أنت أميرة ؟ Are you really a princess? Are you really a princess? >>eng<< Ttenkkareɣ-d ɣef 7. I wake up at 7 o'clock. And I beat my bed against them. >>eng<< Kemm d tahungarit? Are you Hungarian? How long do you know? >>eng<< Meṛṛa iɣeṛsiwen myeɣdalen, maca kra n yiɣeṛsiwen myeɛdalen ugar n wiyaḍ. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. I have provided a price for you, but not a price for you, that I should be made worse than for you. >>eng<< נהגתי ללכת לכנסייה בימי ראשון. I used to go to church on Sundays. I used to go to church on Sundays. >>eng<< תפסתי מראה של מצעד בדרכי הביתה. I caught sight of a parade on my way home. I got a look of a walk on my way home. >>eng<< תום הגזים בהערכת עצמו. Tom was overconfident. The gas end in self-esteem. >>eng<< אתם הולכים להתקלח עכשיו. You are going to go take a shower now. You're gonna shower now. >>eng<< أخبرني الحقيقة. Tell me the truth. Tell me the truth. >>eng<< זה מה שגרם לו להתרגז. That's why he got angry. That's what made him angry. >>eng<< من فضلك هدئ من السرعة عندما يكون أمامك تقاطع طرق. Please slow down when getting close to the intersection. Please calm down when you have a road crossing. >>eng<< Tom yettidir akked twacult-is di Lustṛali. Tom lives with his family in Australia. Tomother all his family members in the Lutheran community. >>eng<< ماذا تتعلم؟ What do you learn? What do you learn? >>eng<< תום יצא מן המשאית. Tom got out of the truck. Tom's out of the truck. >>eng<< תום נער רגיל. Tom is a normal teenager. Tom's a regular boy. >>eng<< Anta i yemmuten? Who died? Who then is he that is dead? >>eng<< תום לא קנה דבר ממה שביקשתי אותו. Tom didn't buy everything we asked him to buy. Tom didn't buy anything I asked for. >>eng<< هل بإمكانك قيادة سيارة؟ Can you drive a car? Can you drive a car? >>eng<< سيكون فعل ذلك خطرًا. Doing that would be dangerous. That would be dangerous. >>eng<< זה מסובך יותר ממה שחשבתי בהתחלה. It's more complicated than I originally thought. It's more complicated than I thought at first. >>eng<< יש לי ספקות. I have doubts. I have doubts. >>eng<< قابلته في عدة مناسبات. I met him on several occasions. I met him on several occasions. >>eng<< أريد أن أكتب كتاباً. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. >>eng<< אין לנו שום דבר אחר פה. There's nothing else for us here. We have nothing else here. >>eng<< أنا لست طبيباً. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. >>eng<< لن يصغي إليك أحدا حتى تقول شيئا خاطئاً. Nobody listens until you say something wrong. Nobody's gonna listen to you until you say something wrong. >>eng<< A bu-snat, bru i yiwet. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. A little boy followed him, and he ran aground. >>eng<< كان منزل منّاد مكتضّا بالنّاس. Mennad's house was packed. It was a man-made house. >>eng<< لم يقتلني أحد بعد. Nobody's killed me yet. No one killed me yet. >>eng<< Tom yemmut deg 20 Tubeṛ 2013. Tom died October 20, 2013. Tom died in 20 Tubt 2013. >>eng<< أضمن لك أنّ هذه المعلومات صحيحة. I guarantee that this information is correct. I assure you this information is true. >>eng<< أي نشاط تحتاج لتحقيقه ستحتاج إلى وقت أكثر مما تملكه. Any activity you need to accomplish will take more time than you have. Any activity you need to achieve will need more time than you have. >>eng<< هل أنا صديقتك؟ Am I your friend? Am I your friend? >>eng<< Iban akk tesṛuḥem-tent. You must have lost them. And ye shall be filled. >>eng<< وقعت في حب امرأة. I fell in love with a woman. I fell in love with a woman. >>eng<< يا لها من زوبعة عاصفة! What a strong wind! What a storm bomb! >>eng<< إنها تعيش في نيويورك. She lives in New York. She lives in New York. >>eng<< Qubbaɣ aṭas. I'm so fat. There was not a lot left behind. >>eng<< בוא תטעם! Come taste! Come taste it! >>eng<< Ḥmed d bu tismin. Ahmed is a jealous person. I will hate the word of envy, and hate the word of envy. >>eng<< لن يصل إلى الاجتماع في الوقت المحدد. He won't be in time for the meeting. It will not arrive at the meeting on time. >>eng<< إن لعب كرة المضرب ممتع. Playing tennis is a lot of fun. The ball game is fun. >>eng<< أنا فقط ذهبت لفحص شيئا ما. I just went to check something. I just went to check something. >>eng<< הילדה הפנתה את גבה לגבר. The girl turned her back to the man. The girl turned her back on a man. >>eng<< Tettqerribeḍ. You were approaching. You put them to shame. >>eng<< D acu i telliḍ txeddmeḍ mi am-d-sawleɣ ṣṣbeḥ-a? What were you doing when I called this morning? What do you do when I am fasting to him at dawn? >>eng<< Acemma ur yezmir ad yettwaxdem? Can't anything be done? And then he couldn't stand? >>eng<< טום הנמיך את הלהבה. Tom turned down the flame. Tom lowers the flame. >>eng<< الصديقُ وقتَ الضيقِ. In hard times, you find out who your friends are. The friend's a tough time. >>eng<< Takti-s tugar tin-im. His idea is superior to yours. Tachts are above your feet. >>eng<< مع الأسف إن ذلك صحيح. It is unfortunately true. Unfortunately, that's true. >>eng<< من الصعب أن نراك هنا. We hardly ever see you around here. It's hard to see you here. >>eng<< لم يكن سامي يكره المسلمين. Sami didn't hate Muslims. Sammy didn't hate Muslims. >>eng<< أنت جيم، أليس كذلك؟ You're Jim, right? You're Jim, aren't you? >>eng<< Gzant. They understood. Gzant. >>eng<< Ssnen-tt akk medden. Everybody knows that. They've all laid hold on him. >>eng<< لا اعرف كيف أستخدم الشوكة جيداً. I can't use a fork well. I don't know how to use the souvenir well. >>eng<< אני לא יודעת ולא רוצה לדעת. I don't know and don't want to know. I don't know and I don't want to know. >>eng<< יש לו זקן. He has a beard. He's got an old man. >>eng<< اشتريت كتاباً عن الحيوانات. I bought a book about animals. I bought a book on animals. >>eng<< لم أشترِ كلّ ما طلبه منّي سامي. I didn't buy everything Sami asked me to buy. I didn't buy everything that Sammy asked me to do. >>eng<< القائمة لانهائيّة. The list is endless. The list is final. >>eng<< Ṛuḥ tcucfeḍ s waman isemmaḍen. Go and take a cold shower. And went, and caught him in the water, and let him go. >>eng<< يمنع استخدام هذه المعلومات لأغراض تجارية. It's forbidden to use this information commercially. It is prohibited to use such information for commercial purposes. >>eng<< Dayen kan ur zmireɣ ara. I can't take it any more. And when they saw it, they could not find it. >>eng<< يجب أن تجيد نحو الأمازيغية لتتكلم هذه اللغة. You have to know Berber grammar to speak this language. You must benefit from Amazigh to speak this language. >>eng<< المشكلة هي أين يمكن أن يُشترى الكتاب. The question is where to buy the book. The problem is where the book can be bought. >>eng<< أنا مدرس أيضاً. I am a teacher, too. I'm a teacher too. >>eng<< צריך יותר. More is needed. We need more. >>eng<< לא נשאר בארנק שלי כסף. There was no money left in my wallet. There's no money left in my wallet. >>eng<< תום אמר שמרי אם טובה. Tom said Mary is a good mom. Tom said, "Be careful if you're good." >>eng<< ما عملتش حاجة غلط. I haven't done anything wrong. What work needs to be done is a mistake. >>eng<< لنتحرّك. Let's move! Let's move. >>eng<< هل يمكنك مساعدتي في العثور على توم؟ Could you help me find Tom? Can you help me find Tom? >>eng<< מעודי לא התקפתי אף אחד. I've never attacked anyone. My people didn't attack anyone. >>eng<< כמה פעמים בשבוע אתה יוצא לקניות? How many times a week do you go shopping? How many times a week are you shopping? >>eng<< أود رؤيتك مجددا I'd like to see you again. I'd like to see you again. >>eng<< لازَم عْلينا نْروحو في اللخَر تاع الشْهَرْ. We have to leave at the end of the month. We have not yet seen their spirit in the moon to gather the flowers. >>eng<< Akka i xedmeɣ-d tamussni yid-sent. This is how I got acquainted with them. This I also did, working with them. >>eng<< عاد سامي للعيش هنا. Sami moved back in. Sammy's back to live here. >>eng<< بدأت ليلى تستهلك المخدّرات و الكحول بإفراط. Layla began abusing drugs and alcohol. Lilly started to consume drugs and alcohol too much. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ kan ad ak-d-iniɣ belli ḥemmleɣ-k. I just wanted to tell you I love you. I desire to tell you that I love you. >>eng<< لم يكن سامي راغبا في مواجهة فريد وجها لوجه. Sami didn't want to have a face-to-face confrontation with Farid. Sammy was not willing to face a unique face. >>eng<< نحن نحتفل الليلة. Tonight we celebrate. We're celebrating tonight. >>eng<< عد إلى العمل. Get back to work. Get back to work. >>eng<< La theddṛem. You are talking. "You shall not accept it when it comes to you. >>eng<< لقد تحدّثت مع مدرّسيك. I've spoken to your teachers. I talked to your teacher. >>eng<< אתה לא יכול לראות מי זה? Can't you see who it is? Can't you see who it is? >>eng<< Amek tella teswiɛt di Boston? What was the situation in Boston? What was the sender by Boston? >>eng<< Gezzuɣ tafṛansist. I understand French. Icea dophraser. >>eng<< لم تعد هذه الكلمة مستعملةً. This word has gone out of use. This word is no longer used. >>eng<< أتكلم الأوزبكية. I speak Uzbek. I speak Uzbek. >>eng<< אני מאחורי המטבח. I'm behind the kitchen. I'm behind the kitchen. >>eng<< אני מבין למה. I understand why. I understand why. >>eng<< اهلا وسهلا Welcome. Hey, easy. >>eng<< תתקן בבקשה את הברזל. Please fix the iron. Please fix the iron. >>eng<< لقد قام بقتل ذاك الرجل. He killed that man. He killed that man. >>eng<< D tidet dɣa, ad teččeḍ akk annect-a? Are you really going to eat all that? And be sober, and come to eat all these things. >>eng<< אני לא יכולה להבדיל ביניהם. I can't tell them apart. I can't tell each other. >>eng<< אני חסרת גג. I'm homeless. I'm missing roof. >>eng<< Ddukel. Team up. Dadkel. >>eng<< תום אומר שלום. Tom says hello. Tom says hello. >>eng<< راقب الجزء الخلفي . ساراقب انا الجزء الامامي. Watch the rear. I'll watch the front. Watch the back. I'm the front. >>eng<< Aṭufan-nni yuḍnen s ccyaḍa tuɣ ţɛassan-t mliḥ yemsujjiyen. The very sick baby was under careful observation by the doctors. For I know that in me, that is, in the very least of those who wait for me, I am a baby. >>eng<< صلصة غواكامولي هي صلصة مصنوعة من الأفوكادو. Guacamole is a dip made from avocados. The gookamuli salch is an avocado sac. >>eng<< Eǧǧ-aɣ ad nemlal tikkelt-nniḍen deg Tubeṛ. Let's meet again in October. Let us serve them first in the morning, and in the evening. >>eng<< איך אנו יכולים להרשות לעצמנו את כל זה? How can we afford all of this? How can we afford all this? >>eng<< لدي أربعة أضعاف ما عندك من الأقراص المدمجة. I have four times more CDs than you do. I have four times as many CDs as you have. >>eng<< Walaɣ d akken ad yefru wugur. I think that'll settle it. And I beheld that he would suffer no more; >>eng<< Acḥal i d lɛali-t! How lovely! How good you are! >>eng<< Teḥmam? Are you hot? Do you? >>eng<< Beṛka-kem aqelleq. Stop worrying. The fruit of your Destiny." >>eng<< הם חופרים בור. They're digging a hole. They dig a hole. >>eng<< תום ביקש ממרי שתעזור לו בשיעורי הבית. Tom asked Mary to help him do his homework. Tom asked Mary to help him with his homework. >>eng<< Anda-tt tsarut-ik? Where is your key? And-and-t-t-t-stroke? >>eng<< האדם הוא החיה היחידה העושה שימוש באש. Humans are the only living creatures that make use of fire. The man is the only animal that uses fire. >>eng<< Laṣel-iw seg Ustṛalya. I'm originally from Australia. My sheep are by sea. >>eng<< Ayɣer? Why? Free What do I need? >>eng<< إنك تقول كلاما فارغا يا صديقي. You speak nonsense, my friend. You're just saying it's empty, my friend. >>eng<< Izmer ad d-tṛuḥ. She might come. Then he will return. >>eng<< Steqsi kan! Well, ask! Ask this! >>eng<< Ansuf yis-m ar Kanada! Welcome to Canada! If you don't give him sight, he's coming to Canada. >>eng<< Tom yefka afenǧal n lqahwa i Mary. Tom gave a cup of coffee to Mary. And he gave unto them an holy tabernacle, which is Mary's. >>eng<< سيقام العرس في الربيع القادم. The wedding will take place next spring. The wedding will be held next spring. >>eng<< ዋላ ሓደ ናብቲ ዝበረኸ ክፋል ናይቲ ጎቦ ኣይበጸሐን። No one has been able to reach the top of the mountain. No one came to the higher parts of the mountain. >>eng<< أحبّ هذا السّؤال. I love that question. I love that question. >>eng<< לחוות בודדות היה חשמל. Few farms had electricity. Single experience was power. >>eng<< لم يكن سامي يحبّني. Sami didn't like me. Sammy didn't love me. >>eng<< יש לכם מושג על מה אני מדבר? Have you got any idea what I'm talking about? Do you have any idea what I'm talking about? >>eng<< Lqaṛes d asemmam. Lemons are sour. And there's what it's got to be. >>eng<< حَنْدِير لاتاي. I'll make the tea. Dr. Latay. >>eng<< Amulli n Tom deg ɛecrin Tubeṛ. Tom's birthday is October twentieth. For I bear the word of God in my mother's mother's womb. >>eng<< את צריכה לקרוא בין השורות. You must read between the lines. You need to read between the lines. >>eng<< لا أحتاج إلى مساعدتك. I don't need your help. I don't need your help. >>eng<< D ass n 20 di tubeṛ. It's October 20th. From that day forth 20 times. >>eng<< Mačči kan d arraw-iw i yemmuten di ṭṭrad. It wasn't just my children who died in the war. They are not mine only to die and to die. >>eng<< Ḥebsemt tiyyta! Stop fighting! Oh, my God! >>eng<< תום נעץ את מבטו בתמונה של מרי. Tom stared at Mary's photo. Tom hit his mouth in Mary's picture. >>eng<< تبدو أوروبا الآن مثل الجنة. Europe looks like a paradise now. Europe now looks like heaven. >>eng<< لا أحد يفهم ماذا يجري. Nobody understands what's going on. No one understands what's going on. >>eng<< Ilul-d Tom deg iseggasen n 90. Tom was born in the nineties. Tom's daughter was in 90 years. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ uraren. I love games. I don't know. >>eng<< أصابه الصلع في شبابه. He started going bald quite young. He hit him in his youth. >>eng<< אתן אוהבות את טום? Do you love Tom? Do you love Tom? >>eng<< لقد كنت صامتا لمدة طويلة I've been silent for a long time. I've been quiet for a long time. >>eng<< תום בוודאי השתוקק לדעת. Tom was obviously dying to know. Tom must have been eager to know. >>eng<< Tella tin i yebɣan ad k-tsaged. Somebody wanted to scare you. She wants to kill you. >>eng<< هل يوجد متجر هناك؟ Is there a shop there? Is there a store there? >>eng<< أتعلم ماذا؟ انس الأمر! سأقوم به بنفسي. You know what? Forget it! I'll just do it myself. You know what, forget it, I'll do it myself. >>eng<< Kemmlem ajgugel. Keep climbing. Be patient. >>eng<< כולם אוהבים בובות. Everyone loves puppets. Everybody likes dolls. >>eng<< Yelli-twen d taderɣalt? Is your daughter blind? Do you have any familiarity? >>eng<< نييّا حاجا شابا. Innocence is a beautiful thing. Nina Gada's young. >>eng<< አሜሪካዊ ነኝ። I am an American. I am an American. >>eng<< Anwa i la tettṛaǧumt? Whom do you expect? Who is bound by a spell? >>eng<< Twehmemt mi tt-twalamt? Were you surprised to see her? Do you believe what you saw? >>eng<< إذا خلعت حذاءك فضعهما في مكانهما من فضلك. If you are taking your shoes off, please put them in their place. If you take off your shoes, put them in their place, please. >>eng<< Tom yesteqsa-yi-d ɣef Mary. Tom asked me about Mary. You asked me about Mary. >>eng<< אני מקווה שמהר מאוד אידע יותר ממספר משפטים בהולנדית. I hope that very soon I will know more than just a few sentences in Dutch. I hope there's a lot more to know than a number of Dutch courts. >>eng<< أريد أن أذهب إلى أمريكا في يوم من الأيام. I want to go to America someday. I want to go to America one day. >>eng<< S tidet Ṛebbi yessawal Inselmen ad nɣen wid ur nelli ara d Inselmen? Does God really command Muslims to kill non-Muslims? And when he shall lie with God, he shall kill them that are uncircumcised: >>eng<< Tcebḥeḍ. You are handsome. You did sick. >>eng<< לפני רכישת מוצרים בחנות המקוונת הזאת, אנא עיינו להלן בעקרונות המדיניות של החנות. Before beginning to shop at this online store please familiarize yourself with these store policies. Before you buy products at this spot store, please try to ignore the policy principles of the store. >>eng<< كان والدا لنكولن فقيرين طول حياتهما . Lincoln's parents remained poor all their lives. He was a father of two grown - ups throughout his life. >>eng<< هذا جيّد، لكنّك نسيت شيئا. That's fine, but you're forgetting something. That's good, but you forgot something. >>eng<< أنا هنا كصديق. I'm here as a friend. I'm here as a friend. >>eng<< من ذلك الشخص؟ Who is this person? Who's that guy? >>eng<< አስተማሪ ነኝ። I'm a teacher. I am a teacher. >>eng<< تَرجمْ هذا الكتابَ إلى الأنجليزيّة. Translate this book into English. You translate this book into English. >>eng<< הוא צריך להתבייש בבורותו. He ought to be ashamed of his ignorance. He needs to be ashamed of his pit. >>eng<< لا تقاتلني. Don't fight with me. Don't fight me. >>eng<< לך ותגיד לו בעצמך. Go tell him yourself. Go and tell him yourself. >>eng<< אל תלך לשם עכשיו. Don't go there now. Don't go there now. >>eng<< Yella win yesteqsan Tom ɣef wacu i t-yexdem? Did anybody ask Tom why he did it? One of him, who asked what she was doing, asked him what she had done. >>eng<< هو قرأ ترجمة القرآن بالعبرية فى أقل من إسبوع. He read the translation of the Quran in Hebrew in less than a week. He read the Koran in Hebrew for less than a week. >>eng<< أعلمُ بأني لم أعد جميلة كما كنت، إلا أنه لم يخطر ببالي مطلقًا بأنك قد تخدعني. I know I'm not pretty anymore, but I have never thought that you would cheat on me. I know I'm not as beautiful as you were, but he never told me that you might deceive me. >>eng<< Acḥal n uguglu i teččiḍ? How much cheese did you eat? How much did you eat? >>eng<< Ur ssineɣ ara ad ɣṛeɣ. I can't read. I don't know whether we are. >>eng<< إن الجميع يحترمك. You're respected by everybody. Everyone respects you. >>eng<< את מי אימן דיאגו מרדונה? Who did Diego Maradona train? Who trained Diego Madrona? >>eng<< Di leɛnaya-m ṛeqqeɛ-it. Please fix it. I beg you to prove me. >>eng<< ثمّة أمور لا يمكن التعبير عنها بالكلمات. There are some things that cannot be expressed in words. There are things that can't be expressed with words. >>eng<< אני עומדת על כך. I insist on that. I'm on it. >>eng<< Awim-d ṭṭezḍam-nwen. Bring your wallet. But there are “stimulations. ” >>eng<< איך אתה הלילה, תום? How are you tonight, Tom? How are you tonight, Tom? >>eng<< בגלל מה את ערה מאוחר כל כך? What keeps you up so late? Why are you so late? >>eng<< היה לתום קשה לבקש ממרי הלוואה. It was hard for Tom to ask Mary for a loan. Tom had a hard time asking Mary for a loan. >>eng<< Ilaq ad yili win ara t-ixedmen. Somebody had to do it. He shall be the one who made me. >>eng<< זה שם. It is there. It's there. >>eng<< Wi ken-iɛeṛḍen ɣer tmeɣṛa? Who invited you to the party? And where did he come from to the marriage feast? >>eng<< הספר יצא לאור לאחר מותו של המחבר. The book was published posthumously. The book was published after the author's death. >>eng<< לעולם אזהר פן אאחר. I'll be careful never to be late again. I'll never be late. >>eng<< אני לא עושה זאת לבדי. I'm not doing it alone. I'm not doing this alone. >>eng<< שינוי אווירה היה ממש עוזר לי! I could really use a change in scenery! A change of air would have been really helpful to me! >>eng<< Yeɣleq Tom tawwurt s wurrif. Tom slammed the door angrily. Behold, the gate is open because of wrath. >>eng<< בואי נכתוב ספר. Let's write a book. Let's write a book. >>eng<< קשה לי לקום מוקדם בבקרים קרים. I find it hard to get up early on cold mornings. It's hard for me to get up early in cold morning. >>eng<< הייתם בבית אתמול? Were you at home yesterday? Were you at home yesterday? >>eng<< אני לומד רוסית. I'm learning Russian. I'm learning Russian. >>eng<< Sutreɣ-d lqahwa kan, axaṭer ur lluẓeɣ ara. I just ordered a coffee, because I was not hungry. I will clothe myself with salt, because I don't have light." >>eng<< Mary tkellex i Tom. Mary tricked Tom. Mary went to Tom. >>eng<< כולם מהרו החוצה. Everyone rushed outdoors. Everybody hurry out. >>eng<< An nezweǧ deg Tubeṛ. We'll be getting married in October. We are bound by Tabbas. >>eng<< Kemmlet ḍṣet. Keep smiling. Continue and do it. >>eng<< Di leɛnaya-nwen kecmem-d. Please get in. I beg you. >>eng<< חיי החולה הזה בסכנה. This patient's life is in danger. This sick life is in danger. >>eng<< סע בזהירות. Drive carefully. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. >>eng<< גברת סאטו דרבנה את בנה ללמוד קשה. Mrs. Sato pushed her son to study hard. Mrs. Sato Dervina has her son to study hard. >>eng<< لا يستطيع أحد أن ينكر هذا. No one could deny this. No one can deny that. >>eng<< منّاد يعلم. Mennad knows. A teacher knows. >>eng<< سمعت ذلك منك. I heard it from you. I heard it from you. >>eng<< كانت الشّرطة تعتقد أن ليلى كانت متورّطة في الجريمة بشكل ما. The police believed that Layla was somehow involved in the murder. The policeman thought Lilly was involved in some kind of crime. >>eng<< Ɣeṛ-iyi-d! Call me. Show me nothing! >>eng<< Awḍet nnig. Aim higher. Appointed. >>eng<< יש לך כמה מטבעות של רבע דולר? Do you have any quarters? Do you have some quarter-dollar coins? >>eng<< Ustṛalya mačči d asuref. Australia is no exception. But education is not magic. >>eng<< Tṛuḥemt ɣer Kyoto yakan? Have you ever visited Kyoto before? You love them already? >>eng<< من فضلك أقفل الباب بهدوء. Please close the door quietly. Please close the door quietly. >>eng<< Nuḥwaǧ kra n ḥedd. We need somebody. One thing I have kept from them. >>eng<< يجب عليك أن تعوض عن الوقت الضائع. You must make up for lost time. You've got to mess up the lost time. >>eng<< Laɛmeṛ i txedmem yid-sen? Have you ever worked with them? You have done it to them all? >>eng<< Ulac. Nothing. Not at all. >>eng<< Qqimemt. Go sit down. Placed. >>eng<< Ɣleq allen-im. Close your eyes. dried up your eyes. >>eng<< או, תראה לי בבקשה! Oh! Show me, please. Oh, please show me! >>eng<< في العديد من المطاعم في تركيا، يقدّم الكباب كمقبّل رئيسي. In many restaurants in Turkey, kebab is the main entree. In many restaurants in Turkey, the gates are presented as main kisses. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ tafyirt-a. I love this sentence. I thank my God. >>eng<< لقد وجّه الكساد الكبير ضربة قويّة لعائلة سامي. The Great Depression hit Sami's family hard. The big mess came up with a strong blow to Sammy's family. >>eng<< Sami ur d yeṭṭif ara izen-nni aneggaru. Sami never received that last message. When that which is sown is not disannuled, but rather that which is last. >>eng<< Tom yenna-as-d d akken yura tamedyezt-nni sin n yiseggasen ɣer deffir. Tom told her that he had written that poem two years before. And again he said unto him, As it is written, Two years are they that have been done for him. >>eng<< Ttamneɣ-k. I believe you. You believe-k. >>eng<< Tom yesqewqiw. Tom is stuttering. My talk. >>eng<< נפגש איתכם למטה. We'll meet you downstairs. I'll meet you down there. >>eng<< Giɣ aya. I did do that. I have come to know this. >>eng<< نقل سامي أسرته إلى حيّ جديد و منزل أوسع. Sami moved his family to a new neighborhood and a larger home. Sammy moved his family to a new neighborhood and a wider home. >>eng<< Azul ay amelḥan. Hello honey. Azola, archaic. >>eng<< הייתי יכולה לעזור לך בזה. I could help you with it. I could've helped you with that. >>eng<< ثار الفلاحون على الحكومة. Farmers rebelled against the government. The gunmen raised the government. >>eng<< Ibedd da acḥal. He stood there for a while. I'm beginning to speak with a lot of age. >>eng<< התשתתף בפרויקט? Would you take part in the project? Have you participated in the project? >>eng<< תום צריך לקנות לעצמו קצת זמן. Tom needs to buy himself some time. Tom needs to buy himself some time. >>eng<< הצומת הזאת מסוכנת. This intersection is dangerous. This sight is dangerous. >>eng<< من المهم أن تتذكر من هم أصدقاؤك. It is important to remember who your friends are. It's important to remember who your friends are. >>eng<< Qqimemt akked-i. Stay with me. Done at me. >>eng<< Yettban-d d akken usiɣ-d zik mliḥ. It looks like I got here too early. And it is come to pass, that even as I was before, so I am. >>eng<< Nečč lluzeɣ I am hungry. Nčč alfal >>eng<< רק תתחיל לדבר. Just start talking. Just start talking. >>eng<< من أي سورة هذه الاَية؟ From which Surah is this Ayah from? Who's this secret? >>eng<< תוכל להראות לי את הדרך לספריה? Can you tell me the way to the library? Can you show me the way to the library? >>eng<< إفعل شيئاً, رجاءً. Please do something. Do something, please. >>eng<< זה מעורר הערצה. It's admirable. It's exciting. >>eng<< הם נראו בסדר. They seem fine. They looked fine. >>eng<< Uletma d taqcict icebḥen aṭas. My sister is a very beautiful girl. The Finnish language is very good. >>eng<< لا تدري ماذا تفعل، أليس كذلك؟ You don't know what you are doing, do you? You don't know what to do, do you? >>eng<< ביל אינו גבוה כמוך. Bill is not tall like you. Bill's not as tall as you. >>eng<< Ɛeffeṭ! Go away! Awake! >>eng<< אני רוצה עוד קצת. I want some more. I want some more. >>eng<< כותנה סופגת מים. Cotton absorbs water. A glass of water. >>eng<< ביצים צריכות להיות שלוקות לפחות חמש דקות. Eggs should be boiled for at least five minutes. Eggs need to be silenced at least five minutes. >>eng<< הוא אסף פיסות מידע. He collected bits of information. He collected pieces of information. >>eng<< الأفضل أن تذهب بالحافلة. You'd better go by bus. You better go on the bus. >>eng<< لا يسعني إلا الإنتظار. I can only wait. I can only wait. >>eng<< لديك فقط 24 ساعة أخرى لتقرّر. You only have 24 hours left to decide. You only have 24 more hours to decide. >>eng<< وجد سامي موضوعا رائعا للكتابة عنه. Sami found a wonderful topic to write about. Sammy found a great subject to write about. >>eng<< لم يدعني سامي. Sami didn't invite me. He didn't let me. >>eng<< הגם שהוא היה חלש כשהיה תינוק, עכשיו הוא חזק מאוד. Whereas he was weak as a baby, he is now very strong. Well, he was weak when he was a baby, now he's very strong. >>eng<< أمر رائع أن تكون لديك أسرة. It's great to have a family. It's great to have a family. >>eng<< إذهبي إلىَ غرقتِك! Go to your room! Go to your room! >>eng<< هل سيتمكن من القدوم غداً؟ Will he be able to come tomorrow? Will he be able to come tomorrow? >>eng<< דבר באיטיות ובבהירות. Speak slowly and clearly. Talk slowly and clearly. >>eng<< كان سامي يحبّ الأحذية. Sami liked shoes. Sammy loved shoes. >>eng<< תום זועם. Tom's angry. Tom's angry. >>eng<< لا تعبث بإنفك! Don't pick your nose! Don't mess with your nose! >>eng<< Ur zmireɣ ara ad t-xedmeɣ mebla ma iɛawen-iyi kra n yiwen. I can't do it without somebody's help. For I can't do it by any means, if it be possible for me to do anything. >>eng<< לא היה שם אף חתול. There wasn't any cat there. There was no cat there. >>eng<< سامي يعمل في العيادة. Sami is working at the clinic. Sammy's working at the clinic. >>eng<< Wah a Ṛebbi yiwen ur k-id-yeẓṛi. I hope no one saw you. And, behold, no man shall cry for thee. >>eng<< תעביר להילוך נמוך ותטפס על הגבעה. Put the car in low to climb the hill. Take a low walk and climb on the hill. >>eng<< Ttxil-m ini azul i yimawlan-im. Please remember me to your parents. You don't know what you're doing. >>eng<< وقفوا كل الطلاب عندما عزف دان النشيد الوطني. All the students stood up when Dan played the national anthem. All the students stopped when Dan played the national anthem. >>eng<< انظر إلى الصورة. Look at the picture. Look at the picture. >>eng<< أخبر منّاد ليلى أنّه كان يقطن في منزل. Mennad told Layla he lived in a house. Tell me last night he was living in a house. >>eng<< هل أنجزت جميع فروضك؟ Have you done all your homework? You done all your job? >>eng<< את אוהבת אותו? Do you love him? Do you love him? >>eng<< Tfudem? Are you thirsty? Did you work? >>eng<< טעויות עושים כל הזמן. Mistakes are made all the time. Make mistakes all the time. >>eng<< Ur d-nniɣ ara belli Tom ur iḥric ara. I didn't say Tom wasn't smart. I don't say that you don't know. >>eng<< Ṛuḥem s leɛqel. Go slow. Go quickly and come to him. >>eng<< Yerbeḥ, ssuden-iyi. All right, give me a kiss. He called me out, and made me know. >>eng<< התינשא לי? Will you marry me? Will you marry me? >>eng<< Tuɣeḍ-tent deg allaɣ-ik? Do you have a mental problem? You have killed us all? You have killed us.' >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ i yellan yakan daki. Someone was here. And there is one that hath seen me. >>eng<< Ulac fell-as ma sgunfaɣ kra? Is it OK if I take a break? Have I not kept any thing from him? >>eng<< Taɛebrit tatrart teshel ɣef tɛebrit taqbuṛt. Modern Hebrew is easier than Ancient Hebrew. You will be Instructed by various places of worship. >>eng<< Teţmeslay tajapunit. She can speak Japanese. Temeslay's a unit. >>eng<< Yefqeɛ Tom mi akken yella yettɛemmiṛ lekwaɣeḍ. Tom got flustered when filling out the paperwork. For when the sun is up, it is black. >>eng<< Nekk d Tom nella d imdukkal n tidet. Tom and I used to be real good friends. I am tom both of you, and of men. >>eng<< Sarameɣ yiwen ur kent-id-iwala txeddmet-t. I hope nobody saw you doing that. And when I saw no man, I said unto him, See thee what thou doest. >>eng<< תום גנח בקול. Tom groaned loudly. Tom yelled out. >>eng<< Mer ad tbeddel, ad kid-tṣiḥ lmuja id-iteddun. Turning the tide, you are on the incoming wave. And when he shall change, he shall have to come first. >>eng<< ኣብዚ ክትህልዉ ምደለኹ። Wish you were here. I wish that you were here. >>eng<< כולנו שמענו את הרכילות. We've all heard the rumors. We all heard the gossip. >>eng<< Ad ṛuḥeɣ tura ma meɛlic. If you don't mind, I'll leave now. I go away now, not a knowledgeable one. >>eng<< كان سامي نائما في حفرة حفرها في الرّمل. Sami was sleeping in a hole that he dug in the sand. Sammy was asleep in a hole in the sand. >>eng<< Awi-tt-id ɣer wexxam. Bring her home. And he carried him out into the house. >>eng<< ما مدي ارتفاعها ؟ How high is it? How high is it? >>eng<< חשבתי שאולי אף אחד אחר לא יסכים אתי. I thought perhaps no one else would agree with me. I thought maybe no one else would agree with me. >>eng<< Cukkeɣ ur iṣeḥḥi ara. I think that's not true. I find no way to be true. >>eng<< كان خطأ حاسوبيّ. It was a computer error. It was a computer error. >>eng<< האם היית מנויה על עיתונים כלשהם? Did you subscribe to any newspapers or journals? Have you been given any papers? >>eng<< مثل أيّة طالبة ثانويّة، كانت ليلى فتاة مجنونة على الفتيان. Like any high school student, Layla was boy-crazy. Like any secondary student, Lily had a crazy girl on the boys. >>eng<< Anwa i d amurar n ddabex uḍar i yezwaren deg umaḍal? Who is the best football player in the world? "Which portion of the two, if only they were living in the way? >>eng<< זהו צייר. That's a painter. It's a painting. >>eng<< Ur lliɣ ara din seg Tubeṛ. I haven't been there since October. I was not of Titus. >>eng<< כולנו נמות במוקדם או במאוחר. We all shall die sooner or later. We'll all die sooner or later. >>eng<< ليس في قاموسي كلمة مستحيل. I don't know what the word 'impossible' means. Not in my hands is an impossible word. >>eng<< Tettbanem am akken tḥemmleḍ-aya. You seemed to like that. That ye may be filled with love, as ye walk in love. >>eng<< Nekk ur beddleɣ ara. D kunemti i ibeddlen. I haven't changed. You have. And I will not repent, but ye shall know that I am standing. >>eng<< D uḥṛic. He's intelligent. D wise. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad ddumt d Tom. I want you to go with Tom. I will swear by your name, and in your law. >>eng<< אבא ואמא הלכו למסיבה. Mom and Dad went to a party. Dad and Mom went to the party. >>eng<< אתה מתכוון להשאר במיטה כל היום? Are you going to stay in bed all day? You gonna stay in bed all day? >>eng<< Yyamt ad neṭṭes fell-as. Let's sleep on it. And ye would bear him down. >>eng<< أمازالوا غاضبين؟ Are they still angry? Are they still upset? >>eng<< Sami iḥulfa taɣawsa tḥuza-id ar tayett-is. Sami felt something hit his shoulder. And he did so by means of a great deal, except it were done for him. >>eng<< توم ليس جيد للحديث مع الاطفال Tom isn't good at talking to children. Tom's not good to talk to the kids. >>eng<< A wi iẓṛan acuɣeṛ. I wonder why. A door is opened for the eyes of others. >>eng<< La tetteddumt s zzerb. You walk quickly! No tectedumt srb. >>eng<< זה ילדותי. That's childish. It's my childhood. >>eng<< أفضّل اللحم على السمك. I'd prefer meat to fish. I prefer meat on fish. >>eng<< Acḥal iyi-txuṣṣemt! How I have missed you! And how wonderfully I see him! >>eng<< رأيتك تطبخ. I saw you cooking. I saw you cook. >>eng<< تعرّف سامي بامرأة مسلمة على الانترنت. Sami met a Muslim woman online. Sammy identified a Muslim woman on the Internet. >>eng<< كان فاضل خطيرا جدّا بالنّسبة للنّاس. Fadil was very dangerous to other people. It was a very serious struggle for people. >>eng<< احب الوان هذا اللوحة، ولکن بالنسبة لي هي صغیرة جدا I like the colors on this painting, but it's far too small for me. I like this painting, and for me, it's very loud. >>eng<< עליה להיות זהירה מאד כשהיא חוצה את הרחוב. She needs to be very careful when she crosses the street. She has to be very careful when she crosses the street. >>eng<< D acu-t uselkim? What is a computer? What about you? >>eng<< هل لديك أي فكرة عن من يستطيع فعل مِثل هذا الشيء؟ Do you have any idea who would do this kind of thing? Do you have any idea who could do the same thing? >>eng<< منّاد لا يزال في منزل صديقته. Mennad is still at his girlfriend's house. He's still in his girlfriend's house. >>eng<< بدأوا واحداً تلو الآخر. They started one after another. They started one after the other. >>eng<< كان سامي يسكن في نفس الشّارع الذي كانت تسكن فيه ليلى. Sami lived on the same street as Layla. Sammy was living in the same bar where she lived for the night. >>eng<< דן הצטרך לשפוך דלי מים קרים על ראשו. Dan had to pour a bucket of cold water over his head. Dan had to pour cold water on his head. >>eng<< אתה תפשל. You're going to screw this up. You're gonna mess up. >>eng<< תום צפר בצופר. Tom beeped the horn. Tom's a celebrity. >>eng<< أعرف اسمه I know his name. I know his name. >>eng<< מידע נוסף באתרנו. More information is available on our website. More information on our website. >>eng<< Ilaq ad d-taseḍ yidi. You're to come with me. Let him go down again with me. >>eng<< ما خطبك الليلة يا توم ؟ Tom, what's wrong with you tonight? What's wrong with you tonight, Tom? >>eng<< Yella win i yettnezzihen deg Tom. Someone is watching Tom. There is one who wanders around Tom. >>eng<< Theblemt ma tkemmlemt axeddim deg umkan am wagi. You are crazy if you continue to work in that place. You don't take your leave in such a place. >>eng<< Ilaq ad as-t-yini Tom i kra n yiwen. Tom has to tell somebody. They shall say therefore to thee, That thou shalt be free from any man. >>eng<< Tameṭṭut-nni ukkud telliḍ tettmeslayeḍ d uletma. The woman to whom you were talking is my sister. The woman and the priest spoke up for use. >>eng<< "هل اشترت ساعةً؟" "أجل". "Did she buy a watch?" "Yes, she did." "Did you buy an hour?" "Yes." >>eng<< سامي يتّصل بالشّرطة. Sami is calling the cops. Sammy's connected to the police. >>eng<< لا عليك! Never mind! It's okay! >>eng<< תום די עקשן. Tom is quite obstinate. Tom's pretty stubborn. >>eng<< أود أن أتعلم العربية. I would like to study Arabic. I'd like to learn Arabic. >>eng<< ليست لديّ أوشام. I don't have tattoos. I don't have candles. >>eng<< Tom ad yaweḍ tlatin n yiseggasen deg Tubeṛ. Tom will be thirty in October. And the year is thirty years old. >>eng<< Ɣef aya Tom ur yexdim ara ayenni. That's why Tom didn't do that. For from that time you did it not. >>eng<< תום חבש את כובעו ויצא החוצה. Tom put his hat on and went outside. Tom's wearing his hat and going out. >>eng<< كان هناك مدرّسون يصرخون. There were teachers yelling. There were teachers screaming. >>eng<< لا أحب هذه المدينة على الإطلاق. I don't like this city at all. I don't like this city at all. >>eng<< حضرت الشرطة خلال دقائق Police were on the scene within minutes. I got the police in minutes. >>eng<< كم هديةً تتوقع أنها استلمت في الإجازة الماضية؟ How many gifts do you think she received last holiday season? How many gifts do you expect to receive on last vacation? >>eng<< اكتشف سامي قناة ليلى على اليوتوب. Sami found Layla's YouTube channel. Sammy found a lily channel on the YouTube. >>eng<< አንተ ትልቅ ነህ። You are big. You are great. >>eng<< D lɛali-yak-t ulaɣmu-nni. Exercise is good for you. You do well that you also testify. >>eng<< אני בודדה. I'm lonely. I'm lonely. >>eng<< את אוהבת לשחות. You love swimming. You like swimming. >>eng<< איני רואה דבר. I can't see anything. I don't see anything. >>eng<< يبدو أن الحافلة تأخرت عن الوصول. Apparently, the bus is late. It looks like the bus is too late to reach. >>eng<< هل قمت بعملك؟ Did you do your tasks? Did you do your job? >>eng<< Selleɣ i kra n ḥedd iheddeṛ. I hear somebody talking. And I heard any thing that they should speak. >>eng<< Akken ur tεeṭṭleḍ ara deg tuɣalin, ara yefreḥ baba-k. The sooner you return, the happier your father will be. Therefore don't grow weary, neither let your Father forgive your father. >>eng<< انفجر سامي غضبا. Sami exploded. Sammy explosion is angry. >>eng<< Azul! Mamec tejjid? Hi! How are you? Azul! Mamec getting ready? >>eng<< Ttxil-m, ur reffu ara fell-i. Please don't be angry at me. You say no, you don't know me. >>eng<< הצלחת החליקה מידה והתרסקה על הרצפה. The plate slipped from her hand and crashed to the floor. You've been able to scale up and crash on the floor. >>eng<< نطقا سامي و ليلى بالشّهادة معا. Sami and Layla took their shahada together. Say "Sammy and Lily" together. >>hau_Latn<< Where is the toilet? Ina ne wajen kashi? Ina tafiye - tafiyen? >>eng<< Ɛelmen akk medden. Everyone knows. All souls of mankind. >>eng<< ألست عطشاناً؟ Aren't you thirsty? Aren't you drunk? >>eng<< ትማሊ ፈረስ ዓዲገ Yesterday I bought a horse Toilet horse buys >>eng<< היו לנו נפגעים מעטים. We've had a few casualties. We had a few injuries. >>hau_Latn<< I had lost a camera the previous day. Narasa kyamarata kwanan baya. A rana ta farko, na yi hasarar katako. >>eng<< لا أريد أن أبدو غبيّا. I don't want to look silly. I don't want to look stupid. >>eng<< Mazal tudert zdat-m. Life lies in front of you. Living before you. >>eng<< Kellxen. They cheat. Kellken. >>eng<< كان عمر الفقيد ثمانين سنة. The deceased was eighty years old. He was 80 years old. >>eng<< هناك قطط في المريخ أيضًا. There are cats on Mars, too. There's cats in Mars too. >>eng<< Acuɣer iskiddiben lɣaci? Why do people lie? Why do people talk about it? >>eng<< Yettaẓ Tom ar Mary cwiṭ cwiṭ. Tom gradually moved closer to Mary. It's a very good idea. >>eng<< האם אפילו פגשת אותו אי פעם? Have you ever even met him? Have you even met him before? >>eng<< Kuṛunavirus igellu-d s tusut tamadfart. The coronavirus causes persistent coughing. And the gudans saw him, and showed them face to face. >>eng<< استيقظت في الخامسة هذا الصباح. I woke up at five this morning. I woke up five this morning. >>eng<< الجميع يموت. Everyone dies. Everybody dies. >>eng<< تعجّ الحديقة بالأطفال. The park is filled with children. The garden cheers up the children. >>eng<< אתה לא "עובד" עלי. You don't fool me. You're not a "worker" on me. >>eng<< אתה חייב לעצור אותו. You must stop him. You have to stop him. >>eng<< هذا العلم جميل جدا. This flag is very pretty. That flag is so beautiful. >>eng<< תגיד לתום שאני יוצאת לנסיעה. Tell Tom I'm going out for a drive. Tell Tom I'm going for a ride. >>eng<< Yekkes Tom tadimt s lemḥadra. Tom lifted the lid carefully. He's appointed Tom a saint. >>eng<< اسمي معروف لدى الجميع في مدرستي. My name is known to everybody in my school. My name is known to everyone at my school. >>eng<< حضر اللقاء عدد من أصحاب الإختصاص. A number of experts attended the meeting. There were a number of specialists. >>eng<< זה ענייני. That's my affair. It's my business. >>eng<< Akken ad tlemmedeḍ tameslayt, ilaq ad tissineḍ taseftit n yemyagen. Knowing how to conjugate verbs is imperative to learn a language. For when thou shalt learn a word, let it rather be furbished. >>eng<< Tebɣam ad teččem? Do you want food? You're going to eat? >>eng<< ما قاله حينها صدمني. What he said then shocked me. What he said when he told me. >>eng<< سامي بحاجة إلى الرّاحة. Sami needs to rest. Sammy needs rest. >>eng<< Yella win i icennun. Somebody's singing. And of him that groweth up is he who gathereth. >>eng<< Ifukk wawal. Subject closed. If you have a word, use it. >>eng<< הרפוי לא הצליח. The therapy was unsuccessful. The cure didn't work. >>eng<< יש לכם רכב, נכון? You have a car, don't you? You got a car, right? >>eng<< באמת אהבתי אותך. I really loved you. I really loved you. >>eng<< לתום לא היה הרבה כסף. Tom didn't have much money. Tom didn't have much money. >>eng<< كُشِفت حديثًا حقائق جديدة فيما يتعلق بالصين القديمة. New facts about ancient China have recently come to light. New facts regarding old China have recently been discovered. >>eng<< ذهبنا إلى هوكايدو الصيف الماضي. Last summer we went to Hokkaido. We went to Hucaido last summer. >>eng<< שתיתי כוסית עם תום באותו יום. I had a drink with Tom the other day. I had a drink with Tom that day. >>eng<< Ačča! Achoo! Avocado! >>eng<< רק תסתלק. Just get out. Just get out. >>eng<< הוא איבד את בנו האהוב ביותר. He lost his most beloved son. He lost his favorite son. >>eng<< Ufiɣ c. I found you. I know. >>eng<< אני צריכה לתת ללבי להחליט. I need to follow my heart. I need to let my heart decide. >>eng<< בואי נגיע לפשרה. Let's compromise. Let's get to the settlement. >>eng<< هل أنت جاهز للذهاب للبيت الآن؟ Are you ready to go home now? Are you ready to go home now? >>eng<< Tom akked Mary ttemceččawen dayem. Tom and Mary are constantly fighting. And ye are together with Mary for ever. >>eng<< لدى الأطباء مشكلة صعبة. Doctors have a difficult problem. Doctors have a difficult problem. >>eng<< Tom yesteqsay deg yiman-is acuɣer Mary ur tgi aya tikelt-nniḍen. Tom wondered why Mary didn't do that again. And he asked herself, that it was Mary which had eaten so much. >>eng<< Yella win i yellan zdaxel-nni. There's somebody in there. But one who is in the inner room is the one. >>eng<< תום לא היה צריך לקבל מסטודנטים שום מתנות. Tom shouldn't have accepted gifts from his students. Tom shouldn't have received any gifts from students. >>eng<< فقدت ثقتي فيه. I lost my trust in him. I lost my trust in him. >>eng<< Yiwen ur iṛuḥ ar dina. Nobody went there. And no man went away from us. >>eng<< ما هي اللغة التي يتكلمونها في المكسيك؟ What is the language spoken in Mexico? What language do they speak in Mexico? >>eng<< יוקוהמה היא אחת הערים הגדולות ביפן. Yokohama is one of the largest cities in Japan. Yokama is one of Japan's largest cities. >>eng<< هناك نافذة على يسارك. There is a window on your left. There's a window on your left. >>eng<< Yufa iman-is. He feels good. Of course he does. >>eng<< خلاص على كده. This is the end. Take a look at him. >>eng<< Ulac win i yeẓṛan. No one knows. And no man hath lighted it. >>eng<< أطلقت ليلى النّار على الكلب. Layla shot the dog. She shot me at the dog. >>eng<< D acu-tt tfelseft-ik? What is your philosophy? What do you take off of yourself? >>eng<< Sell-iyi-d! Listen! Let me judge you! >>eng<< Siwel-iyi-n azekka. Give me a call tomorrow. 'I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I >>eng<< Texlamt. You are ruined. Texlamt. >>eng<< יש לכם אוזניות? Do you have earphones? Do you have ears? >>eng<< ምን ማዘዝ ትፈልጋለህ? What would you like to order? What Command Do You Want? >>eng<< אמרתי לו לבוא. I told him to come. I told him to come. >>eng<< תום השאיר את המפתח שלו על המכתבה כהרגלו. Tom left his key on the desk, as he usually does. Tom left his key on the letter as his habit. >>eng<< للأرانب آذان طويلة. Rabbits have long ears. The rabbits have long ears. >>eng<< هذه ستكون مهمة خطيرة جداً. This will be a very dangerous mission. This would be a very serious task. >>eng<< אל תשליך לפח דבר רק משום שהוא שבור. Don't throw it away just because it's broken. Don't throw anything away just because it's broken. >>eng<< Aql-i bdiɣ tudert tajdidt. I'm starting a new life. I am beginning to live anew. >>eng<< أُطلِق سراح فاضل شريطة أن لا يتّصل أبدا بعائلة زوجته. Fadil was released on the condition he never contacts his wife's family. He was released, provided he never contacted his wife's family. >>eng<< תום האזין בשקט. Tom quietly listened. Tom the dick's quiet. >>eng<< Ur ttṛuḥumt ara! Don't leave! (Allah Ya ce) "Say on Al-Abuda's Day! >>eng<< اتّصل بطبيب في الحال! Call a doctor immediately. Call a doctor now! >>eng<< היא חייכה בשמחה. She smiled happily. She smiled happily. >>eng<< Tessebṛuqleḍ-iyi! You make me feel dizzy! You have affection for me! >>eng<< Ur yessefk ara fell-am ad temselḥuḍ d umeɣbun am wa, a taɛzzult! It's unforgivable to date such a broken man, darling! Don't give them just as much as the heat and the cold, but how bitter is it! >>eng<< חתולים הם חיות הפכפכות. Cats are fickle creatures. Cats are revolutionary animals. >>eng<< אני יודע מה לעשות. I'll know what to do. I know what to do. >>eng<< سامي فعل هذا. Sami did this. Sammy did this. >>eng<< Isem-is umeddakel-ik? What is your friend's name? Is his name and range? >>eng<< الطائرة المقاتلة ألقت قنبلة. That fighter plane dropped a bomb. The fighter plane dropped a bomb. >>eng<< אנו מאמינים באל. We believe in God. We believe in God. >>eng<< Tzemrem ad tseggmem aya? Can you fix this? Do you want to get this? >>eng<< أنا متعب. I'm tired. I'm tired. >>eng<< ተማሪ አይደለሁም። I'm not a student. I am not a student. >>eng<< لقد تم قصف المنطقة المحيطة هنا. The area around here was bombed. The area around here has been bombed. >>eng<< Kra n yiẓmi, ma ulac aɣilif. Some juice, please. All things that are hungry are without, and there is no rest. >>eng<< Ttṛajunt meṛṛa. Everyone waited. The whole letter was written on all of them. >>eng<< אני אוהבת טניס יותר מכל סוגי הספורט. I like tennis the best of all sports. I like Tennesses more than any kind of sport. >>eng<< Ilaq ad heḍṛeɣ d walebɛaḍ. I have to talk to somebody. I must in any way find out that he is a man. >>eng<< هلا ساعدتني؟ سأكون مسرورا بذلك. "Will you help me?" "I'll be glad to." Would you help me? >>eng<< أنا أنتظر ردك. I'm waiting for your reply. I'm waiting for your answer. >>eng<< Ulac askeɛrer. No kidding. No request can be found. >>eng<< תפוחי אדמה מאוד זולים. Potatoes are very cheap. Very cheap potatoes. >>eng<< Tjerḥemt? Are you wounded? You're gonna give it up? >>eng<< אני מספיק מבוגרת. I'm old enough. I'm old enough. >>eng<< ذاك الشخص يظن أن قطي يعيش على الشجرة. That person thinks that my cat lives on the tree. That guy thinks my cat lives on the tree. >>eng<< מרי רוצה להחזיר ממותות לחיים. Mary wants to bring mammoths back to life. Mary wants to bring death back to life. >>eng<< אני מדבר עליך. I'm talking about you. I'm talking about you. >>eng<< פחד לא יתקיים בלי תקווה לא תקווה בלי פחד. Fear cannot be without hope nor hope without fear. Fear will not exist without hope without fear. >>eng<< Aql-ikent deg wexxam? Are you home? Where are you in the house? >>eng<< תום פענח את התעלומה. Tom solved the mystery. Tom's gonna figure out the mystery. >>eng<< كان ساني يتحرّك. Sami moved. Sanny was moving. >>eng<< Awimt-iyi s axxam. Take me home. Say to me in the house. >>eng<< اليابان قريبة من الصين. Japan is close to China. Japan is close to China. >>eng<< תום פתח את החלון במשיכה. Tom slid the window open. Tom opened the window in the draw. >>eng<< ספרות מלמדת אותנו על אנושיות. Literature teaches us about humanity. Books teach us human beings. >>eng<< הבנות האלה, אני מכיר חלק מהן. I know some of these girls. These girls, I know some of them. >>eng<< توم أقترحَ ذَلك. Tom suggested it. Tom, I suggest that. >>eng<< הוא לומד אנגלית. He's studying English. He's learning English. >>eng<< أنا أعرف أني في مشكلة الآن. I know I'm in trouble now. I know I'm in trouble now. >>eng<< הוא יכול לדבר צרפתית ואנגלית. He can speak French and English. He can speak French and English. >>eng<< בואו ניישב את הסוגייה בלי מגשר. Let's settle this issue without a mediator. Let's just sit down without a bridge. >>eng<< كانت لسامي الكثير من الخصال الطّيّبة. Sami had a lot going for him. It's been a lot of good stuff for me. >>eng<< لم لن تأتِ معنا؟ Why aren't you coming with us? Why won't you come with us? >>eng<< אני מודע לסיכונים. I'm well aware of the risks. I'm aware of the risks. >>eng<< הקרבן נדקר שוב ושוב על ידי הרוצח. The victim was stabbed repeatedly by the killer. The victim was stabbed again and again by the killer. >>eng<< Tom ġieli kien jiżbalja attapposta waqt il-lezzjonijiet sabiex l-għalliema tagħti kasu. Tom would often make mistakes purposely just so the teacher would notice him. Tom had sometimes misappropriated during the lessons so the teachers took it. >>eng<< Ẓriɣ acimi i yella Tom yettru. I know the reason why Tom was crying. For I know what to say. >>eng<< أنا سعيدٌ بمعرفتك. I'm very happy to know you. I'm glad to know you. >>eng<< تتألف هذه النظرية من ثلاثة أجزاء. This theory consists of three parts. This theory consists of three parts. >>eng<< Tɣab. She disappeared. Worms. >>eng<< Zemreɣ ad ssutreɣ fell-ak ad dduṭ d yidi. I could order you to go with me. I will that I also pray to thee that thou mayest be with me. >>eng<< بدأنا نفهم أكثر. We began to understand more. We started to understand more. >>eng<< صعدَ سامي على متن عربته و غادرَ. Sami got in his van and left. Sammy got up on his car and left. >>eng<< قد أكون حاملا. I might be pregnant. I might be pregnant. >>eng<< Tom yules asbeddi n useɣẓan-nni i yekkes s tuccḍa. Tom reinstalled the software that had accidentally been deleted. lest coming suddenly he might devour you. >>eng<< ما أسهل أن يكتسب المرء عادات سيئة! How easily one acquires bad habits! It's not easy for someone to get bad habits! >>eng<< مع خروج زوجته من الصّورة، أصبح سامي حرّا لاستكشاف علاقته مع ليلى بشكل أعمق. With his wife out of the picture, Sami had the freedom to explore his relationship with Layla even further. As his wife left the castle, Sammy became free to explore his relationship with Lily in a deeper way. >>eng<< Ur ḥemmleɣ ara ad urareɣ baseball. I don't like playing baseball. I don't love you. I don't love you. >>eng<< תום מתחרט על מה שקרה? Does Tom regret what happened? Tom regret what happened? >>eng<< بقي سامي حيّا لبضع ساعات قبل أن يموت أخيرا في المستشفى. Sami lingered for a few hours before eventually dying at the hospital. Sammy stayed alive for a few hours before he finally died in the hospital. >>eng<< אתה באמת חושב על טובתו של תום? Are you really thinking about what's best for Tom? You really think about Tom's goodness? >>eng<< Naf li huwa mużiċist famuż. I know that he is a famous musician. I know he is a famous musician. >>eng<< Tesfeqdeḍ-tt? Did you check her? You destroy and kill him? >>eng<< بإمكاني أن آخذك إلى هناك كي تراه. I can take you there to see it. I can take you there to see him. >>eng<< قال أنه اشترى سيارة مستخدمة. He said that he had bought a used car. He said he bought a used car. >>eng<< אתם יכולים לדבר קצת יותר חזק? אני לא שומע אתכם כל כך טוב. Could you please talk a bit louder? I can't hear very well. Can you talk a little harder? >>eng<< Thelkem. You are ill. The scheme. >>eng<< האזור ההוא די עשיר במשאבי טבע. That area is relatively rich in natural resources. That area is pretty rich in natural resources. >>eng<< المعذرة؟ Pardon me? Excuse me? >>eng<< שתיהן מוצאות חן בעיניי. I like both. I like both of them. >>eng<< תנעל שוב אי פעם את המגפיים האלה? Are you ever going to wear these boots again? You ever wear those boots again? >>eng<< أتذكر الحادثة بكل وضوح وكأنها حدثت البارحة فقط. I remember the event as clearly as if it had happened just yesterday. I remember the incident as clearly as it just happened last night. >>eng<< لِمَ أُتْعِبُ نفسي. Why do I even care? I didn't like myself. >>eng<< אתה רוצה סוכר בקפה? Do you want sugar in your coffee? You want coffee sugar? >>eng<< תרגע, טוב? Relax, will you? Calm down, okay? >>eng<< אל תאכזב אותי כמו שעשית לפני כמה ימים. Don't let me down like you did the other day. Don't let me down like you did a few days ago. >>eng<< הם ראו שיכור רובץ ברחוב. They saw a drunk lying in the street. They saw a drunk gun on the street. >>eng<< Tesɛamt weltma-tkent tamecṭuḥt? Have you got a little sister? You have a little sister? >>eng<< نعم، ذلك صحيح. Yes. That's right. Yeah, that's right. >>eng<< لا أصدق أني جالس بجانب ماري. I can't believe I'm sitting next to Mary. I can't believe I'm sitting next to Mary. >>eng<< اعترض ديما: "لكن هذا سخيف! الكوبيكات لم تعد تستخدم منذ عصور! و0.99 ليس رقمًا طبيعيا حتى!" "But that's ridiculous!" Dima protested. "Kopeks haven't been around in ages! And 0.99 isn't even a natural number!" Dama objected, "But that's ridiculous! >>eng<< تركت ليلى الثّانويّة. Layla left high school. I left the second night. >>eng<< Llan kra n zmamat s ufella n tabla. There are some notebooks on the table. But there are some of them that pass by. >>eng<< أحببت هذا الفيلم. I liked this film. I loved this movie. >>eng<< איני מבין את הטיעון שלך. I don't see your point. I don't understand your argument. >>eng<< كان يعرف سامي كيف يخاطب النّساء الشّابّات. Sami knew how to talk to young women. Sammy knew how to talk to young women. >>eng<< ከምኡ ሓደ ዓይነት ክወስድ እየ። I'll have the same. I will take such a thing as I am. >>eng<< لدي جلد دهني. I have greasy skin. I have a thin skin. >>eng<< Ẓṛiɣ kullec. I know everything. I am sure of all things. >>eng<< Tessefqed-iten? Did she check them? He asked them to do so. >>eng<< אתה יכול לשאול את הספר הזה בתנאי שתשמור עליו נקי. You may borrow this book as long as you keep it clean. You can ask this book on condition you keep it clean. >>eng<< תישארי, אם את רוצה. Feel free to stay. Stay, if you want. >>eng<< היו לי לי יותר מחמישה דולרים. I had no more than five dollars. I had more than five dollars. >>eng<< ما إنطباعك عن أمريكا؟ What's your impression of the United States? What do you think of America? >>eng<< اومبعد، رحت، وشنو مرڨت بلّي نسيت ساكادۆ ديالي ف دارهوم. After that, I left, but then I realized that I forgot my backpack at their house. After all, I ran away, and Chenno became my daughter, and I forgot about Dili V Darmom. >>eng<< Eyya-w ad naεṛeḍ kra. Let's try something. Come, let's do something. >>eng<< من من المفروض استقبال فلسطينيّي الضّفّة الغربيّة و غزّة إن تمّ طردهم؟ Who is supposed to receive the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza if they were expelled? Who's supposed to receive the West P.O. if they are expelled? >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad idireɣ deg tmurt tafṛansawalt. I'd like to live in a French-speaking country. I will stay in my right country of study. >>eng<< אהיה אסיר תודה אם תוכל לעשות למעני את זה. I'll be grateful to you if you can do that for me. I'll be grateful if you can do this to me. >>eng<< إلى أين أنتم ذاهبون؟ Where are you off to? Where are you going? >>eng<< Amkan-agi yeččur d aweṭṭuf. This place is crawling with ants. This is now the sign of a lamp, and of a storm. >>eng<< אני חייב להגיד לך משהו עכשיו. I must say something to you now. I have to tell you something now. >>eng<< كم الوقت هناك؟ What is the time there? How long is it there? >>eng<< ተለፎናት ተዘይህሉ አይምጠዓመን ኔሩ። If there were no telephones, it would be inconvenient. They were not hungry, they were without clothing. >>eng<< Tilifuni-yas di leɛnaya-k. Please telephone him. I beg you. >>eng<< Tella tin i k-id-ittmuqqulen. Someone is watching you. She told you to pick up. >>eng<< Mačči ala Tom i igan aya. Tom wasn't the one who did this. I am not yet delivered to you.' >>eng<< תום ניסה להתניע את המנוע. Tom tried to start the engine. Tom tried to drive the engine. >>eng<< מסוכן ללמוד. It's dangerous to study. It's dangerous to learn. >>eng<< Zemreɣ ad d-iniɣ kra n tɣawsa. May I say something? I would therefore that I might have sorrow from them. >>eng<< אני גווע ברעב. I'm starving. I'm hungry. >>eng<< הייתי חבר בארגון הזה במשך חמש שנים. הו לא, חכה. שש. I've been a member of this organization for five years. Oh wait, no. Six. I've been a member of this organization for five years. >>eng<< Tura mi meqreɣ, ttxemmimeɣ ɣef ayen nniḍen. Now that I'm a grownup, I think otherwise. And now I stand and am persuaded that other thing I do. >>eng<< אם יתנו לו אפשרות נוספת, הוא יעשה כמיטב יכולתו. Given another chance, he'd do his best. If he gives him another option, he will do his best. >>eng<< أقنعته إنه ينسى الموضوع ده. I persuaded him to give up the idea. I convinced him he forgot about it. >>eng<< Nekk d tamcict. I'm a cat. I'm a stamp. >>eng<< Ttazneɣ imay i Tom akka tura. I'm emailing Tom now. You know what I am now. >>eng<< سيضطرّ لنسيانك. He'll have to forget about you. He'll have to get you. >>eng<< אתה משעשע כל דבר. You make everything fun. You're funny about everything. >>eng<< D acu i telliḍ txeddmeḍ ass-a? What were you doing today? What do you do this day? >>eng<< حتّى سامي كان مستاءا. Sami was upset, too. Even Sammy was angry. >>eng<< מה תרצה לאכול? What would you like to eat? What would you like to eat? >>eng<< בחגים הלאומיים אנחנו מניפים את הדגלים. We put up the flags on national holidays. At national holidays, we're pushing the flags. >>eng<< Yiwen ur d-yenṭiq. No one spoke. And there is no one that disputeth. >>eng<< I wacu i ikukra Tom? Why did Tom hesitate? Why do you sell Tom? >>eng<< S talwit i d-yekcem ddin-agi-nwen? Has your god come in peace? And have peace, when we have come into you, and have entered into you? >>eng<< الطائر غمس رأسه في الماء. The bird dipped its head into the water. The bird covered his head in the water. >>eng<< ጽቡቕ ጌረ ይዛረብ ኣሎኹ ዶ? Am I pronouncing this correctly? Am I talking good - bye? >>eng<< Awi-tt-id s axxam. Bring her home. Take him away from the house. >>eng<< לא נתתי לו לחכות. I didn't keep him waiting. I didn't let him wait. >>eng<< אני מושח קרם נגד דלקת על ברכי הימנית. I'm pouring some anti-inflammatory cream on my right knee. I'm battling cream on my right knees. >>eng<< Tzemreḍ ad testeɛfuḍ. You can take a break. Then you will come to rest. >>eng<< הם לעולם לא יסכימו. זה מוגזם. They will never accept. It's too far. They'll never agree. >>eng<< Yuɣal-d ɣef setta. He came back at six. So Jesus went away, and sat down. >>eng<< زرت طوني البارحة. I visited Tony yesterday. I visited Tony last night. >>eng<< Tom yenna-d werǧin yečča učči n Tayland. Tom says he's never eaten Thai food. So he said to them, "Don't eat Thai." >>eng<< كان سامي معرّضا لحكم بالسّجن مدى الحياة. Sami faced life in prison. Sammy was known for prison for life. >>eng<< فقد ملايين الأشخاص حياتهم أثناء الحرب. Millions of people lost their lives during the war. Millions of people lost their lives during the war. >>eng<< لا أعتقد أنها ستمطر غدا. I don't think that it will rain tomorrow. I don't think it'll rain tomorrow. >>eng<< Uḥwaǧeɣ-ken ad txedmem yiwet n tɣawsa. I need you to do something. And have need of him, that, at the least ye should do it. >>eng<< Ugiɣ ad imɣuṛeɣ. I don't want to grow up. I'll finish. >>eng<< حاول سامي شرح الأمر للجميع. Sami tried to explain that to everyone. Sammy tried to explain it to everyone. >>eng<< לקח לי שלוש שעות להשלים את שיעורי הבית שלי. It took me three hours to do my homework. It took me three hours to complete my homework. >>eng<< إنه سهل جدا. It's as easy as pie. It's very easy. >>eng<< מרי חשדנית כלפי זרים. Mary is wary of strangers. A suspicious Mary for strangers. >>eng<< Ulac aqeṣṣeṛ. No kidding. No request has been made. >>eng<< כשהייתי ילד אמרו לי שחמאה מזיקה לבריאות. When I was a kid, I was told that butter is bad for one's health. When I was a kid, I was told that butter was harmful to health. >>eng<< היא השתרעה על הדשא. She laid herself on the grass. She was feeding on the grass. >>eng<< Ɛawed. Again. Iad. >>eng<< Sɛut tabɣest! Be brave! Have fun! >>eng<< Kenwi d imehtufen. You are an idiot! Kenwi dhutifen. >>eng<< Init-iyi-d daɣen anwa ara ɣ-iɛiwnen. Tell me again who will be helping us. And answer me, who shall help us? >>eng<< أنا لا أغني. I do not sing. I don't sing. >>eng<< Tom yeɛreḍ ad d-isellek Mary. Tom tried to save Mary. And wilt thou deliver me unto Mary. >>eng<< أعلنت ليلى أنّها ضابطة شرطة. Layla announced that she was a police officer. She announced to me that she was a police officer. >>eng<< من لا يَهمّه المال؟ Who doesn't care about money? Who doesn't care about money? >>eng<< لدينا لوحات المفاتيح الأمازيغية على هواتفنا. We have the berber keyboards on our phones. We have amazigh key plates on our phone. >>eng<< Ur la iheddeṛ ara Tom. Tom doesn't talk. Do not speak Tom. >>eng<< Tom d aqcic i yiḥercen aṭas. Tom is a gifted child. You have become the father of a great child. >>eng<< הבליסטרה העיפה את האבן מעל לחומות הטירה. The catapult hurled the boulder over the castle walls. Blaistera threw the stone over the walls of the castle. >>eng<< ذهبت الأم إلى المدينة لجلب بعض الخبز. Mother went to town to get some bread. Mom went to town to get some bread. >>eng<< وجد سامي نفسه في سرير مستشفى. Sami found himself in a hospital bed. Sammy found himself in a hospital bed. >>eng<< ماذا قال سامي بالضّبط؟ What did Sami tell you exactly? What did Sammy say in control? >>eng<< يجب ألا تتحدث بصوت عالٍ. You must not speak loudly. You don't have to talk loudly. >>eng<< Aql-aɣ sufella n ilimci. We're on the balcony. And we are full of childishness, clothed with child: >>eng<< Ayɣer i tebɣamt akk annect-a? Why do you want all that? Then will ye not all these things which will be done unto you? >>eng<< תום נראה מבסוט. Tom seems pleased. Tom looks upset. >>eng<< Ḥedd ur yeẓri ayen ara yilin azekka. No one knows what the future holds. For you don't know what your life will be tomorrow. >>eng<< הציצי דרך החור והגידי לי מה את רואה. Look through that hole and tell me what you see. Select through the hole and tell me what you see. >>eng<< أنا مشغولة الأن. I am busy now. I'm busy now. >>eng<< "שכחתי," היא אמרה. "I forgot," she said. "I forgot," she said. >>eng<< كانت ليلى ترتدي حجابا. Layla wore a hijab. Lily was wearing a girlfriend. >>eng<< Tom iṛuḥ ad imudd afus i Mary. Tom went to help Mary. To go his way, he would betray Mary's hand. >>eng<< Is-sena t-tajba! Happy New Year! Good year! >>eng<< ترك سامي المكواة تشتغل في غرفة نومه. Sami left the iron on in his bedroom. Let Sammy the mutant work in his bedroom. >>eng<< لم أفهم هذا التفسير. The explanation was beyond my understanding. I didn't understand this explanation. >>eng<< لا، أنا لست بمتزوج. No, I am not married. No, I'm not married. >>eng<< لا تفتح الباب. Don't open the door. Don't open the door. >>eng<< Tusmeḍ? Are you envious? Do you know? >>eng<< Tanemmirt ɣef leḥdaqa-nkent. I thank you for your kindness. Now do ye these things. >>eng<< Kkset ifassen-nwen seg uvilu-inu! Keep your hands off my bike! "Free your hands from my complaint!" >>eng<< نظف زجاج النافذة بقطعة قماش مبلولة. Clean the window with a damp cloth. Clean the glass of the window with a scaffolded shirt. >>eng<< Muqqlet-tt. Watch her. Cut-t. >>eng<< לא עשינו שום דבר פסול. We've done nothing wrong. We didn't do anything wrong. >>eng<< Yella ḥedd ara iṛuḥen ad ixelleṣ. Somebody's going to pay. He went away, and received it, that they should pay. >>eng<< جمع منّاد تلك الوسادات و أخذها إلى غرفته. Mennad grabbed the pillows and took them to his room. Pick up those invitations and take them to his room. >>eng<< אני הבעלים של הבית הזה. I'm the owner of this house. I own this house. >>eng<< تكلم! Speak up! Talk! >>eng<< המתן עד רדת החשיכה. Wait until dark. Wait till the dark. >>eng<< اسحب! Pull! Pull! >>eng<< הושט להם יד, טוב? Give them a hand, will you? Give them a hand, okay? >>eng<< لن يستمرّ سامي في تمويل علاج ليلى. Sami will no longer pay for Layla's treatment. Sammy won't continue to fund night's treatment. >>eng<< Qqim zdeffir. Stay back. Semi-manufactured. >>eng<< سامي ذاهب إلى الجامعة هذا العام. Sami is going to college this year. Sammy's going to college this year. >>eng<< اقل من 40% من الطلبة فقط يذهبون الى الجامعة. Not more than 40 percent of students go on university. Less than 40% of students go to college. >>eng<< Yella kra i d-yettfuḥun. It smells bad. And there were some that had known him. >>eng<< Tella tin i walaɣ. I saw somebody. Tell me, she has looked at me. >>eng<< כולם במשרד התרשמו מהאופן בו תום טיפל בבעיה. Everyone in the office was impressed with the way Tom handled the problem. Everyone in the office was impressed by the way Tom took care of the problem. >>eng<< האם כוונתך אליי? Do you refer to me? Do you mean me? >>eng<< سنة جديدة سعيدة! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! >>eng<< اصطدم سامي بشجرة لأنّه لم يكن قادرا على رؤية شيء. Sami ran into a tree because he couldn't see a thing. Sammy hit a tree because he couldn't see anything. >>eng<< איפה אני מכינה את שיעורי הבית שלי? Where do I do my homework? Where am I making my homework? >>eng<< كلما وجدت شيئًا يعجبني، وجدته غاليا جدا. Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive. Whenever I find something I like, I find it very often. >>eng<< Twalaḍ asaru-nni amaynut? Have you seen the new movie? And saw the star as it were? >>eng<< הנערה נרתעה בפחד. The girl shrank back in fear. The girl was scared. >>eng<< Wa i kemm. This is for you. I'm both. >>eng<< Tom iḥemmel ad yemmeslay ɣef lgulf. Tom likes to talk about golf. That ye may love him, whom he hath used to spread abroad. >>eng<< Jiena miżżewweġa. I'm married. I'm married. >>eng<< טפלתי בזה. I took care of it. I took care of it. >>eng<< أنقذ فاضل حياته. Fadil saved his life. Save the struggle of his life. >>eng<< بإمكاني أن أسبح. I can swim. I can swim. >>eng<< Telḥeq-d tefsut. Spring is here. She's come-dift. >>eng<< منذ ١٩٩۰م و حتّى الآن ، استلم الجائزة إحدى عشرة طالبةً. Since 1990, eleven female students received the award. Since 1999 and so far, 11 students have received the prize. >>eng<< D acu-t warraz-iw? What's my prize? What did you know about me? >>eng<< Awit-d učči. Bring food. Bring him and eat. >>eng<< ظرف و طابع بريد من فضلك. An envelope and a stamp, please. The background and character of the mail, please. >>eng<< אנו נעמוד. We'll stand. We'll stand. >>eng<< D timdanin i tellamt? Are you human? You know that, what happened to you? >>eng<< Acḥal i d abehlul! How stupid he is! How magnifies he is! >>eng<< כמה זמן יש לנו עדיין? How much longer do we have? How long do we have yet? >>eng<< אף אחד לא מסכן את החיים שלו. Nobody's life was in danger. No one's risking his life. >>eng<< تتراوح درجة الحرارة في الصيف من ثلاثين إلى أربعين درجة. In the summer, the temperature ranges from thirty to forty degrees Celsius. The temperature in the summer ranges from 30 to 40 degrees. >>eng<< اخبرنا عندما لم تفهم شيئا ما. Let us know if you don't understand something. Tell us when you don't understand anything. >>eng<< لست المرأة التي يستحقّها سامي. I'm not the woman Sami deserves. I'm not the woman Sammy deserves. >>eng<< أعد الكتاب إلى مكانه. Put the book back where it was. Take the book back to its place. >>eng<< כתוב את התשובה שלך בשדה הכחול הבא. Write your answer into the following blue field. Write your answer on the next blue field. >>eng<< מה שאני באמת רוצה, זה משהו חם לאכול. What I really want is something hot to eat. What I really want, it's something hot to eat. >>eng<< أنا لا أريد أن تتأخر على الصف. I wouldn't want you to be late for class. I don't want you to be late for class. >>eng<< لا تلجأ إلى العنف. Don't resort to violence. Don't resort to violence. >>eng<< أخبرت توم أن السبب الذي لم أكن أريد القيام به هو أنني لم أعتقد أنها كانت فكرة جيدة I told Tom the reason I didn't want to do it was that I didn't think it was a good idea. I told Tom that the reason I didn't want to do it was that I didn't think it was a good idea. >>eng<< Yella kra n yiwen i yukren iṣuṛdiyen-iw. Someone stole my money. But I have a certain man's way of burial. >>eng<< أصلحت الدراجة البارحة. I fixed the bike yesterday. I got the bike last night. >>eng<< Ḥwaǧeɣ tibratin-a. I need those letters. I have compassion on her. >>eng<< تسبّب الكساد الكبير في زيادة حادّة في معدّل الجريمة. The Great Depression triggered a great surge in crime. The big corruption leads to a sharp increase in the rate of crime. >>eng<< אני יכול להתייחס לכך. I can relate to that. I can refer to that. >>eng<< אני רוצה לקנות מחשב חדש. I want to buy a new computer. I want to buy a new computer. >>eng<< Yella kra n yiwen i yeṛẓan taqessult-aki. Somebody has broken this dish. But there was a certain man among them which had the dropsy. >>eng<< البُعد يُنسي. Out of sight, out of mind. The distance is forgotten. >>eng<< אתה יכול להתאפק עד העצירה הבאה למנוחה? Can you hold it in until the next rest stop? Can you wait until the next stop for rest? >>eng<< كان فاضل طليقا فالعربيّة حتّى ظنّت ليلى أنّه عربي. Fadil was so fluent in Arabic that Layla thought he was Arab. It was a long struggle for the Arabs until I thought it was Arab. >>eng<< أنا حقّا بحاجة لأطلب منك معروفا. I really need to ask you a favor. I really need to ask you a favor. >>eng<< تزوج جورج من أختي. George married my sister. I married George from my sister. >>eng<< Deg uxxam-nneɣ, taεadit tenna-d yal yiwen ad yessired ijeqḍuṛen-is. In our house, it is the custom for everyone to wash their own dishes. In our house, the prostitute said to each man, "Let him deny himself." >>eng<< ניתן לסמוך עלינו. We're trustworthy. We can be trusted. >>eng<< הבנים נרגשים. The boys are excited. The boys are excited. >>eng<< تهانينا على وجهك. Congratulations on your face. Congratulations on your face. >>eng<< זה אחי. This is my brother. It's my brother. >>eng<< סוף סוף אני לא חייב לאיש. I am finally quits with the man. Finally, I don't owe anyone. >>eng<< خطأ Wrong. Error >>eng<< Ini-asen. Tell them. And they wrote it unto them. >>eng<< Beṛka aɛeyyeḍ! Stop yelling! You push me! >>eng<< אל תהיי נאיבית! Don't be so naive. Don't be violent! >>eng<< Aql-i s tadist. I'm expecting. There's a tastist. >>eng<< أعدت لنا وجبة رائعة. She cooked us a wonderful meal. You've prepared a great meal for us. >>eng<< Ẓureɣ-d ddeqs n tmura n Asya. I've been to many Asian countries. And I persecuted the coasts of Asia. >>eng<< Acḥal n tteffaḥin i teččiḍ ass-a? How many apples did you eat today? How long have ye suffered so much as to eat this day? >>eng<< אל תשים שום דבר בתיק. Don't put anything in the bag. Don't put anything in the bag. >>eng<< Tḥemmleḍ iḍan? Do you like dogs? You loved the night? >>eng<< אני יכול להגיד לך איפה למצוא את תום. I can tell you where to find Tom. I can tell you where to find Tom. >>eng<< Ahat yif-it ma tedda yid-nneɣ. Maybe you'd better come with us. Saying, Let me not go with us. >>eng<< Teffrem? Are you hiding? Taffrem? >>eng<< توم يْبَانْ وَاعَرْ. Tom looks strong. Tom's building and knowing. >>eng<< Ḥbes-itt. Stop her. igbes-it. >>eng<< אחרי הסערה השתרר שקט. After the storm, it was calm. After the storm, keep quiet. >>eng<< טום לא יודע מה ההבדל בין אסטרונומיה לאסטרולוגיה. Tom doesn't know the difference between astronomy and astrology. Tom doesn't know the difference between astronomy and astrophy. >>eng<< Ḥereɣ melmi ara ad iliɣ deg tameɣṛa-nwen n Halloween. I'm looking forward to your Halloween party. And how long shall I be with you at the feast? >>eng<< وَشْ مْ الصَّفْحَة؟ What page? And what's the matter? >>eng<< Da i tellam? Are you there? What about you? >>eng<< Ur yi-d-ḥebbes ara mi ara d-heddṛeɣ. Don't interrupt me while I'm speaking. I find me not in the law of men, when I know nothing. >>eng<< ليس هذا ما أردت إخبارك عنه. That's not what I wanted to tell you. That's not what I wanted to tell you about. >>eng<< إنها لا تأكل إلا الخضار. She eats nothing but vegetables. She doesn't eat except insects. >>eng<< شعر ماريا طويل. Maria has long hair. Maria's hair is long. >>eng<< Axiṛ-ak ad tgezmeḍ acebbub-ik. You had better have your hair cut. For it is better for you to dress yourself properly. >>eng<< لقيتني وين حتّا واحد ما حوّس. You found me where no one else was looking. You just gave me one thing to change. >>eng<< Eǧǧ tom weḥd-s. Leave Tom alone. Let each man be free. >>eng<< አንቺ ተማሪ ነሽ። You are a student. You are a student. >>eng<< איזו שמלה מכוערת! What an ugly dress! What an ugly dress! >>eng<< Neḥwaǧ takerrust. We need a car. We need a takerrust. >>eng<< Yewwi-yi aṭas n sswayeɛ wanect-aki. It already has taken me hours. And brought me many good things: and when he had healed me, he wrote them: >>eng<< כבר חצות הלילה. It's already midnight. It's midnight. >>eng<< Yemmut. It's dead. Yem dead. >>eng<< אינני רוצה קידום. I don't want a promotion. I don't want promotion. >>eng<< אני לא מאמין ששכחתי. I can't believe I forgot. I can't believe I forgot. >>eng<< הרכבנו את הכל יחד. We put everything together. We drove everything together. >>eng<< Cukkeɣ yedderwec. I think he's gone nuts. And indeed, I am in a state of distress. >>eng<< تحرك عقرب الثواني الخاص بالساعة . The clock ticked. Move the clock’s icy crater. >>eng<< Sɣuṛ anwa i d-yusa tikti-a? Whose idea was it? And to what was the witness of the beast? and to whom was the beast ready? >>eng<< Tella tin i yeṭṭfen amkan-iw. Someone took my place. And thou hast where I am. >>eng<< هذا كتاب للقراءة. This is a book to read. It's a reading book. >>eng<< תום היה מזועזע ממה שמרי עשתה. Tom was appalled by what Mary did. Tom was shocked by what Mary did. >>eng<< Kečč tḥemmleḍ ccḍeḥ. You love dancing. You have loved the most. >>eng<< Anda i tettɛic setti-k? Where does your grandmother live? And what do you have to live in? >>eng<< Tzemrem ad tseggmem wa? Can you fix this? Do you know what to do? >>eng<< ستبدأ المسرحية الساعة الثانية مساءً. The play begins at 2 p.m. The play will start at 2:00 p.m. >>eng<< Yeṭṭeṣ. He dozed off. There's a difference. >>eng<< תום הנהן בהבנה. Tom nodded understandingly. Tom's having a good time. >>eng<< אם אני יכול לקבל ספר בספרייה, זה חוסך לי את הצורך לקנות אותו בחנות ספרים. If I can get a book from the library, it saves me the need to buy it in the bookshop. If I can get a book in the library, it saves me the need to buy it at the library store. >>eng<< Ini-yi-d tidet. Tell me the truth. I-I-d-i-i-d-i-i-i-i-i-d-i-i-i-i-i >>eng<< Yal yiwen yeẓra d akken d takeṛṛust n Tom. Everyone knows that's Tom's car. And every man that knoweth him is like unto Tom's chariot. >>eng<< بإمكانك استخدامها في أي وقت. You can use it anytime. You can use it at any time. >>eng<< אני חייב לגמור את שיעורי הבית שלי לפני האוכל. I must finish my homework before dinner. I have to finish my homework before the food. >>eng<< D tidet yenna-d Tom belli yenwa ad yeqqim deg Ustṛalya? Did Tom say that he'd stay in Australia? And they began to say, Who is he, even in Moses, that he would sit down? >>eng<< הם רצים ללא נעליים. They're running without shoes. They run without shoes. >>eng<< Tzemreḍ ttxil-m ad aɣ-teǧǧeḍ ddqiqa kan weḥd-nteɣ? Would you please leave us alone for a minute? Do you commit adultery, and don't steal by yourself, but rather by yourself? >>eng<< نكون ماشي فرحان، بصّح ما نقتلش روحي. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. We're mashi Farhan, clear of what we're killing my soul. >>eng<< יש לי רעיה וילדים. I've got a wife and children. I have a wife and children. >>eng<< Llan waman i sin wussan. There was enough water for two days. And they were there two days. >>eng<< Anda ara nečč? Where should we eat? And shall we eat? >>eng<< Tebna-tt Mary. Mary built it. Pen-t Mary. >>eng<< أنا لست مدرساً. I'm not a teacher. I'm not a teacher. >>eng<< אני בטוחה שתבלו היטב. I'm sure you'll have a good time. I'm sure you'll be better off. >>eng<< צעקות המשרתים העירו את כולם. The servants' screams awakened everyone. The servants yelled at them all. >>eng<< دعونا نتكلم عن شخص ٱخر . أ Let's talk about somebody else. Let's talk about someone else. >>eng<< Ur teẓṛiḍ ara d wanwa ara d-nemlil. One never knows whom one might run into. Thou shalt not commit adultery, lest thou shouldest commit adultery. >>eng<< כל שיעורי הבית שלי גמורים. All my homework is done. All my homework are done. >>eng<< דומה שהוא מעולם עוד לא נפגש עם אביו. It seems like he had never met his father before. Looks like he's never met his father yet. >>eng<< האם השמוק הזה עובד עבור הממשלה? That sumbitch work for the gummint? Does this asshole work for the government? >>eng<< אני יודעת שעשית את כל העבודה. I know you did all the work. I know you did all the work. >>eng<< من في البيت؟ Who is in the house? Who's at home? >>eng<< دخل سامي تدريجيّا حياة ليلى. Sami drifted into Layla's life. Sammy gradually entered the life of night. >>eng<< המתן בכניסה לבניין הזה. Wait at the entrance to this building. Wait in this building. >>eng<< Ttalin yibekkan ar ṭṭjuṛ. Monkeys climb trees. Two feet (deprecated) above the counter. >>eng<< Ad naǧew sbeṛ s tuɣac n zik. We'll comfort ourselves with the songs of yesteryears. And of the same time did they beat us with many stripes. >>eng<< تفضل بالجلوس. Please sit down. Please sit down. >>eng<< שב בשקט בבקשה. Please sit still. Sit still, please. >>eng<< הוא כולו עצבים. He is all nerves. He's all nervous. >>eng<< عاشا سامي و ليلى حياة مثاليّة. Sami and Layla had a picture-perfect life. Sammy and Lila lived a perfect life. >>eng<< ሕንኡ ዘይፈድስ ወዲ ኣድጊ። He who doesn't avenge is a son of a donkey. An ass's son, who doesn't corrupt himself. >>eng<< Millie għandha ktieb. Millie has a book. Millie has a book. >>eng<< أنتم طلبة جدد. You are new students. You're a new student. >>eng<< Ɛawnent-aɣ. They helped us. They are about to do so. >>eng<< أريد أن أزور كوريا. I want to visit Korea. I want to visit Korea. >>eng<< رأيتك تطبخين. I saw you cooking. I saw you cook. >>eng<< يلعب توم وماري كرة المضرب. Tom and Mary are playing tennis. Tom and Mary play hitball. >>eng<< Ttxil-k ini-yi-d kan d acu i la iḍeṛṛun. Please just tell me what's going on. Let me see you, that you have left me alone.' >>eng<< Tesɛiḍ cwiṭ n wakud? Have you got any free time? Yea, and ye put a piece of money therein? >>eng<< تقدر تهدر عشرا لوغات. She is able to speak ten languages. You're estimated to be ten lavats. >>eng<< Riɣ ad iliɣ d afellaḥ. I wanted to be a farmer. I seek first the husbandman's property. >>eng<< תוכל להסביר לי את הקטע האחרון ביתר דיוק? Could you explain the last section more precisely? Can you explain the last thing to me exactly? >>eng<< Zemreɣ ad ččeɣ melmi i yi-ihwa. I can eat whenever I want to. I can eat whenever I want. >>eng<< Anda-t mmi-k? Where's your son? And your son? >>eng<< Izmer ad ten-naḥwaǧ. We may need them. And the plant shall leave them alone. >>eng<< תגידי לתום שאת אוהבת אותו לפני שיהיה מאוחר מדי. Tell Tom that you love him before it's too late. Tell Tom you love him before it's too late. >>eng<< أعرفُ كَم يعني لكِ. I know how much he means to you. I know what it means to you. >>eng<< Sami ur yurar-ara urar-agi. Sami didn't play this game. But Sam, when he doesn't pen, is not written. >>eng<< השוטר האשים את נהג המונית בתאונה. The policeman blamed the taxi driver for the accident. The cop accused the cab driver of an accident. >>eng<< Sami iqqim deg kursi alemmas. Sami sat in the middle seat. Same stayed on a saddler's seat. >>eng<< תום יצא בראש. Tom came out ahead. Tom came out in the head. >>eng<< كان يمكن أن تكون حالته أكثر سوءً. His condition could have been worse. He could've been worse. >>eng<< היה קר מאוד. It was really cold. It was very cold. >>eng<< أنا طالب. I'm a student. I'm a student. >>eng<< תום איבד את מאור עיניו. Tom lost his eyesight. Tom lost his eyelight. >>eng<< Ilaq win ara t-ixedmen. Somebody has to do it. Let him therefore who has done to him do so. >>eng<< مضى شهران منذ وصولي إلى طوكيو. It has been two months since my arrival in Tokyo. It's been two months since I arrived in Tokyo. >>eng<< הוזמנתי על ידי חבר ותיק. I was invited by an old friend. I was invited by an old friend. >>eng<< Tella tin i wumi tebɣiḍ ad teɣṛeḍ? Is there somebody you want to call? Do you want to read? >>eng<< על הקיר תלוי שעון. There is a clock on the wall. On the wall is a watch. >>eng<< Xeẓẓeṛ ar deffir! Look back! What an end! >>eng<< المحطة ليست بعيدة عن هنا. The station is not far from here. The station's not far from here. >>eng<< Yessuter Tom i Mary ad s-d-tesken tawlaft i d-teṭṭef. Tom asked Mary to show him the pictures she'd taken. He asked Tom Mary to take the spaghetti. >>eng<< Tzemreḍ ad d-terreḍ idrimen-ik ma tebɣiḍ. If you want your money back, you can have it. You will give him your money, if you want to. >>eng<< אתה רואה טלוויזיה? Do you watch TV? You see TV? >>eng<< لقد تغيّرت الأوقات كثيرا. Times have changed a lot. I've changed a lot of times. >>eng<< תרצה להכין לי קפה? Would you like me to make coffee? Would you like to make me some coffee? >>eng<< بإمكانك وضعها في أي مكان. You can put it anywhere. You can put it anywhere. >>eng<< זה היה חם. That was hot. It was hot. >>eng<< זאת משימה עצומה. It's a massive undertaking. It's a huge mission. >>eng<< ראיתי אותה מטיילת בחצות בפארק. I saw her taking a walk in the park at midnight. I saw her traveling at midnight in the park. >>eng<< انسَ أمر العشاء. You could forget about dinner. Forget about dinner. >>eng<< Ɣṛem wayi tura. Read this now. Be careful about these things. >>eng<< yecqa-k ayen ttxemmimen medden fell aneɣ? Do you care what other people think about us? Does he know what you think of us men? >>eng<< תוכלי לעזור לי להשגיח על הילדים? Can you help look after the kids? Can you help me look after the kids? >>eng<< سامي و ليلى يسكنان بجوار فندق فريد. Sami and Layla are living right next door to Farid's hotel. Sammy and Lilly live next to a unique hotel. >>eng<< Tom imeslay Tafṛansist. Tom spoke French. You're like Tafififsist. >>eng<< Sami yessuter di Layla ad stexḍu i Salima. Sami asked Layla to leave Salima alone. Now Sam asked that he might finish Salim. >>eng<< شكلنا وقعنا ففخ. It looks like we fell into a trap. We formed a trap. >>eng<< הוא ביקר אצלי מידי פעם. He occasionally visited me. He visited me from time to time. >>eng<< أين ساعتي؟ Where's my watch? Where's my watch? >>eng<< أرسل سامي رسالة هاتفيّة أخرى لليلى. Sami texted Layla again. Sammy sent another phone message to me. >>eng<< هي تسبح مثل السمكة She swims like a fish. She's swimming like a fish. >>eng<< كان فاضل يعلم أنّ الشّرطة ستكون في الطّريق إلى هناك. Fadil knew that the police were going to be on the way. He was a fool who knew that the police would be on the way out there. >>eng<< أين هما؟ Where are those two? Where are they? >>eng<< זה היה באוקספורד שתום למד היסטוריה. It was at Oxford University that Tom studied history. It was at Oxford that Tom learned history. >>eng<< لن أكون سعيدًا، لكن لن أقتل نفسي. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. I won't be happy, but I won't kill myself. >>eng<< ماكنش عارف كده. He didn't know that. McKensh is very familiar. >>eng<< خالي يدخن كثيرًا جدا، ولا غنى له عن التبغ. My uncle is a very heavy smoker; tobacco is indispensable to him. My brother smokes too much, and he doesn't need to smoke. >>eng<< Tom ad iqeṭṭu. Tom is buying. You can still carry a baby. >>eng<< ما رأيك بالذهاب لمشاهدة فلم؟ How about going to a movie? What do you think of going to watch a movie? >>eng<< תום חלה. Tom got sick. Tom's dreaming. >>eng<< البطاقة التي سحبتها حمراء، أليس كذلك؟ The card you drew was a red, wasn't it? The card you pulled red, right? >>eng<< Anta i iṛuḥen yid-wen? Who went with you? Who are you going with me? >>eng<< Tugimt ad txellṣemt. You refused to pay. You will pay the fee. >>eng<< Anta-kem? Who are you? Are you-chem? >>eng<< אני מסכים לגמרי! I agree completely. I totally agree! >>eng<< هل تعرفني؟ - لا أعرفك. Do you know me? - No, I don't. Do you know me? >>eng<< ردّ سامي إطلاق النّار. Sami returned fire. Sammy's answer to fire. >>eng<< Ula d yiwen seg yidlisen-a ur yenfiɛ. None of those books are useful. And every one of them is profitable. >>eng<< Myezwaǧen. They got married. They are workaholics. >>eng<< Ur εawdeɣ ara ad t-ẓreɣ akk. I saw him no more. For this cause I don't desire to see you, that I may see you." >>eng<< Kemmlemt ccna! Keep singing. How right we are! >>eng<< انت تعمل بمشقة كبيرة . استرح لبعض الوقت . You're working too hard. Take it easy for a while. You're doing a great deal of trouble. >>eng<< מה שהם אומרים זה נכון. What they say is true. What they say is true. >>eng<< على المرء أن يفعل كلّ ما بوسعه. One must do one's best. One has to do everything he can. >>eng<< استيقظ سامي بعد غيبوبة دامت ستّ أسابيع. Sami woke up after a six-week coma. Sammy woke up after a period of six weeks. >>eng<< Ur tesεiḍ ara tikti. You have no idea. You don't know how to write. >>eng<< لا يملك سامي الحقّ في فعل هذا. Sami doesn't have the right to do that. Sammy doesn't have the right to do this. >>eng<< Lemdeɣ aya sɣur-wen! I learned that from you! But I am doing this to you for your sakes. >>eng<< Ԑiwen-iyi ad sizedgeɣ agaraǧ. Help me clean out the garage. I will refresh you the poor. >>eng<< Tom yuɣ tqcict meqqren fell-as. Tom married an older girl. You've got to kill him. >>eng<< تمثال حي يسترح على دكة و تمثالان لحرية الكلام مع السياح . A living statue rests on a bench and two statues of liberty talk with tourists. A live example of healing and two examples of freedom of speech with tourists. >>eng<< Ugur-inek dakken tɣilleḍ ilaq ad tgeḍ kra n wayen ar ak-d-inin imawlan-ik. Your problem is that you think you have to do everything your parents tell you to do. For this cause shalt thou be root in mind, that thou shalt bring in some thing whatsoever thy parents shall say unto thee. >>eng<< Kečč d ameḥbus-nneɣ. You're our prisoner. You are our prisoner. >>eng<< منّاد يتفهّم الوضع. Mennad understands. He can understand the situation. >>eng<< Aqjun-iw ɣur-s taseṭṭa ɣezzifet. My dog has a very long tail. Let me judge him, that the sword may be turned about. >>eng<< من فضلك ساعدني. Please help me. Please help me. >>eng<< الخِطة الجديدة كانت ناجِحة جداً. The new plan has been very successful. The new plan was very successful. >>eng<< ماذا حصل الأسبوع الماضي؟ What happened last week? What happened last week? >>eng<< Tom ixuṣ deg twezza n tudert di tmetti. Tom lacks social skills. You have lack of patience in life. >>eng<< Ddu d uḍaṛ-im! Pace yourself. "For you are your feet." >>eng<< Tom ad ixuṣ. Tom will be missed. You will meet him if you don't care. >>eng<< Yella kra n ḥedd ara yi-iɛawnen? Won't somebody help me? Have they any thing to do with me? >>eng<< اخترتُ تدريس الأمازيغية. I chose to teach Berber. I chose amazigh teaching. >>eng<< Tom d bu-yiles. Tom certainly is an eloquent speaker. Tom d bu-yles. >>eng<< בוא נשב מסביב לתנור ונפטפט. Let's sit around the stove and have a chat. Let's sit around the nappet oven. >>eng<< הבעיה היא שהוא חסר פרוטה. The problem is that he is penniless. The problem is he's undetectable. >>eng<< כנראה שהקרב בין מיקרוסופט לאפל לא ייגמר לעולם. It seems that the battle between Microsoft and Apple will never end. Probably the battle between Microsoft and Dark will never end. >>eng<< أنا لا أريد أن يكون هناك أي سوء فهم. I don't want there to be any misunderstanding. I don't want any misunderstanding. >>eng<< وُلد في هذه الغرفة بالتحديد. He was born in this very room. It was specifically born in this room. >>eng<< בינה מלאכותית תוכל להחליף אנשים? Will artificial intelligence be able to replace people? An artificial structure. Can you replace people? >>eng<< זה היית אתה שהלשנת למורה שהעתקתי בבחינה? Was it you who squealed to the teacher that I cheated? Was it you who lied to a teacher that I had taken a test? >>eng<< سامي هو أملنا الوحيد. Sami is our only hope. Sammy is our only hope. >>eng<< Nella la tent-nettṛaǧu. We were waiting for them. But I put bits on. >>eng<< سأزورك بنفسي. I'll personally visit you. I'll visit you myself. >>eng<< מה עושה טום במרתף? What's Tom doing in the basement? What's Tom doing in the basement? >>eng<< أريد أن أكون رجل إطفاء. My dream is to become a firefighter. I want to be a fireman. >>eng<< Iban shan ur ɣ-d-ɣṛin ara. We're positive that they forgot to call us. And five found us not. >>eng<< Ilaq ad teqqleḍ ar wexxam. You must come home. You must take care of your own home. >>eng<< Yekka-d seg ubrid n uɣiwel. He came by the freeway. And I appeared to them again by the way side. >>eng<< בזבזנו את המימון שלנו. We exhausted our funds. We wasted our funding. >>eng<< Aql ik deg berra. You're out of here. Most certainly it is spread abroad. >>eng<< תום בדרך כלל עורם ערמה של כלים במשך שבוע תמים ורק אז הוא שוטף אותם. Tom usually lets dirty dishes pile up for a week, then he washes them. Tom's usually a pile of tools for a whole week and only then he washes them. >>eng<< أظن أنه يمكنني الركض بمثل سرعة توم. I think I can run as fast as Tom. I think I can run as fast as Tom. >>eng<< عليك النوم. You should sleep. You should sleep. >>eng<< זה יכול להגיע לכל מקום. It could go either way. It can get anywhere. >>eng<< אתן נראות חמודות בוורוד. You look pretty in pink. You look cute in the pink. >>eng<< אנא עצור שם. Please stop there. Please stop there. >>eng<< Ma tebɣiḍ ad tṛuḥeḍ, ṛuḥ tura! If you want to leave, then leave now! And thou wilt go thy way; behold, now go thy way. >>eng<< Ur tettut ara idrimen-nwen. Don't forget your money. Don't give money. >>eng<< انسى ما قلته بالأمس. Forget what I said yesterday. Forget what you said yesterday. >>eng<< Ḥebseɣ dexxan. I stopped smoking. I have humbled myself. >>eng<< إعتقدتُ أنّه شخصاً ذكياً جداً. I thought him very clever. I thought he was a very smart guy. >>eng<< قدّ ما تاكُل المشماش نتاع كوتشا، قدّ ما تبغي تزيد تاكُل. The more you eat Kuqa's apricots, the more of them you'll want to eat. That's what Kosha's got to do, that's what you need to do. >>eng<< Tom d aqcic uḥṛic. Tom is a gifted child. Tom is a wise child. >>eng<< דבר לא קרה חוץ מזה שקיבלתי קמצוץ מידע. Nothing happened except that I obtained a tiny bit of information. Nothing happened except that I got a pinch of information. >>eng<< שלום. אפשר לדבר עם מר ג'ונסון? Hello. May I speak to Mr Johnson, please? Can I talk to Mr. Johnson? >>eng<< Ttwaliɣ agdud ibedden ur nekni. Who doesn't curve the spine he claims his existence. I die a people, and I know not. >>eng<< لا توجد وظيفة بدون فائدة. There's no job without benefit. There's no job that's useless. >>eng<< Nḥemmel ad nelmed aẓawan. We love studying music. And we love to teach. >>eng<< هوما ڨع كيف كيف⸮ Are they all the same? How do you do? >>eng<< لم يفعل فاضل شيئا. Fadil did nothing. He didn't do anything. >>eng<< Yeɣmeq mliḥ wasif. The river is very deep. And the river was well filled. >>eng<< Ad d-uɣaleɣ cwit akka. I will be back soon. I will come again and take care of him. >>eng<< كان الطقس باردًا هنا طوال شهر آذار- مارس. It was cold here through March. The weather was cold here all March. >>eng<< برأيِكَ هل باستطاعتي تحمّل كل ذلك الإغراء؟ Do you think I can handle all that glamour? In your opinion, can I bear all that temptation? >>eng<< يا أحمق! You idiot! You idiot! >>eng<< Tzemreḍ ad yid-tesɛeddiḍ tisent, ma ulac aɣilif? Can you pass me the salt, please? For do you desire to be led along by the prisoners, or do you have no hope? >>eng<< Mary tḥemmel ad d-taɣ lqec. Mary loves shopping for clothes. And Mary would love me much. >>eng<< Iceffu Tom. Tom remembers. Iceffu Tom. >>eng<< سأعد لك بعض القهوة. I'll fix you some coffee. I'll make you some coffee. >>eng<< זאת לא יכולה להיות אמת. That cannot be true. It can't be true. >>eng<< ذهب سامي إلى القسم. Sami went to class. Sammy went to the section. >>eng<< הצל את תום. Save Tom. Save Tom. >>eng<< سيأخذ دقيقة من وقتك فقط. It'll only take a minute of your time. He'll just take a minute of your time. >>eng<< هذا كل ما أعرفه. I know only this. That's all I know. >>eng<< Tzemreḍ ttxil-k ad taṛǧuḍ dqiqa? Could you please wait a minute? Do you want to wait for flour? >>eng<< كان فاضل يعبر الطّريق. Fadil was crossing the street. It was a trick that passed through the path. >>eng<< ابتلع سامي قارورة كاملة من الأقراص. Sami swallowed a whole bottle of pills. Skip a full-blown sammy from the fingernails. >>eng<< חירות היא מה שאת עושה עם מה שעשו לך. Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you. Freedom is what you do with what they do to you. >>eng<< מי בנה את זה? Who built it? Who built it? >>eng<< אני לא מסתדר בלי סוכר בקפה. I cannot do without sugar in my coffee. I don't get along without sugar in coffee. >>eng<< Il-Milied it-tajjeb! Merry Christmas! The good Christmas! >>eng<< Ad gneɣ. I will sleep. And I will. >>eng<< הוא היה איש זקן נמוך קומה בעל משקפיים עבות. He was a little old man with thick glasses. He was a low-end old man with thick glasses. >>eng<< شمس ومطر, قوس قُزح. Sun and rain, rainbow. Sun and rain, a boulder. >>eng<< Wagi d Tom? Is that Tom? This is Tom? >>eng<< Tilelli n tuzzuft. Freedom of sexuality. I want to talk to you about it. >>eng<< أرني كيف تعمل. Show me how it works. Show me how it works. >>eng<< كان سامي يحبّ كلبه حقّا. Sami absolutely loved his dog. Sammy really loved his dog. >>eng<< أنا أتتطلع لرؤية توم. I'm looking forward to seeing Tom. I'm looking forward to seeing Tom. >>eng<< إنها تبحث عن مفاتيح سيارتها. She is looking for her car keys. She's looking for her car keys. >>eng<< אינני יודע כיצד לתרגם נכונה משפט זה. I don't know how to translate that sentence correctly. I don't know how to translate this right sentence. >>eng<< כמעט 80% של הארץ היא הרים. Nearly 80 percent of the land is mountains. Almost 80% of the country is raised. >>eng<< סנדרה אוכלת לארוחת בוקר פרוסת לחם וכוס קפה. For breakfast, Sandra has a slice of bread and a cup of coffee. Sandra eats breakfast bread and a cup of coffee. >>eng<< Ad d-tasem ɣer Montreal tagara n dduṛt-a? You're coming to Montreal this weekend? and when they had come back to Montreal, which is the country of the Gadarenes? >>eng<< לא יכולתי לעשות זאת בלעדיך. תודה לך. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you. I couldn't do it without you. >>eng<< למה שלא נברח פשוט? Why don't we just elope? Why don't we just run away? >>eng<< لم أقصد فعل ذلك. I didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean to. >>eng<< אל תדאגי אם אין באפשרותך. Don't worry if you can't. Don't worry if you can't. >>eng<< وين ساكن؟ Where are you living? Where are you staying? >>eng<< لِمَ لَمْ يعد يرسل لي رسائلا؟ Why doesn't he send me letters anymore? Why didn't he send me a message? >>eng<< اتّصل سامي بالشّرطة. Sami called the police. Call Sammy at the police station. >>eng<< S tezmert-ik. Awesome! In your power. >>eng<< دعنا ننقسم. Let's split. Let's split. >>eng<< Ɣur-went axxam deg Ustṛalya? Do you have a house in Australia? But you have a house in Egypt? >>eng<< قدّموا لك وثيقة كان ينبغي أن يمضيها أبوك، أليس كذلك؟ They gave you a document your dad was supposed to sign, didn't they? They gave you a document that your father should have passed, didn't he? >>eng<< אני גרה במרכז הארץ. I live in the center of the country. I live in the middle of the earth. >>eng<< سأكون هنا طوال اليوم I'll be here all day. I'll be here all day. >>eng<< Gezmemt! Cut! Jimemt! >>eng<< Ur tḥemmleḍ ara aqjun n Tom, neɣ ala? You don't like Tom's dog, do you? Don't you love reading Tom, or no? >>eng<< Qqimemt zdaxel. Stay inside. Placed inside. >>eng<< זה לא מתמקד רק בלימוד לשון, היסטוריה או גאוגרפיה. This does not mean only the study of language, history or geography. It's not just focusing on language, history or geography. >>eng<< Yettrejdil Tom. Tom's limping. Jhetardil Tom. >>eng<< Sami yella yettidir aked xalti-s. Sami lived with his aunt. As soon as you get an eye for him, you've got it. >>eng<< Ur yeẓri ara akk Tom anida-tt Mary. Tom has no idea where Mary is. For he doesn't know all of that, because on Mary's side. >>eng<< أنا ذهبت إلى مدرسة ثانوية تجارية. I went to a commercial high school. I went to a commercial secondary school. >>eng<< Ẓriɣ menhu-t. I know who he is. I know he's right. >>eng<< لا أحد جائع. Nobody is hungry. No one's hungry. >>eng<< Ix-xarabank huwa bil-mod. The bus is slow. The bus is slow. >>eng<< نجى سامي من الحادث. Sami survived the accident. Survive Sammy from the accident. >>eng<< אני לא יכולה לתת לך את זה. I can't give it to you. I can't give you this. >>eng<< انا بشغل معك. I work with you. I'm busy with you. >>eng<< Tom yemmut deg 20 Tubeṛ 2013. Tom passed away October 20, 2013. Tom died in 20 Tubt 2013. >>eng<< Lliɣ deg zwaǧ-ik. I was at your wedding. I am your God, I am he. >>eng<< Feṛḥet! Be happy! Happy! >>eng<< אני קורא את התווית. I read the label. I'm reading the label. >>eng<< هي تريد تعلّم الأمازيغية. She wants to learn Berber. She wants to learn amazigh. >>eng<< تجاهل سامي الإنذار. Sami ignored the warning. Ignore Sammy the alarm. >>eng<< أنا حقاً لستُ جائعة. I'm really not hungry. I'm really not hungry. >>eng<< اتبعني! Follow me! Follow me! >>eng<< מרי גננת. Mary is a kindergarten teacher. Mary's a stealthy. >>eng<< Kemm d talmanit? Are you German? How much? >>eng<< היא לא יכולה לשכנע אותו לקנות לה מכונית חדשה. She cannot persuade him to buy her a new car. She can't convince him to buy her a new car. >>eng<< Ččiɣ imensi-w. I ate my dinner. And there he was prepared. >>eng<< אני יודע בדיוק איך אתה מרגיש. I know just how you feel. I know exactly how you feel. >>eng<< Tom yettwanɣa. Tom was executed. Tomos are fun. >>eng<< Ad tesɛuḍ weltma-k tamecṭuḥt. You're gonna have a little sister. And thou shalt have thy sister a little. >>eng<< كنت في لندن الشهر الماضي. I was in London last month. I was in London last month. >>eng<< משתמשים במלח להמסת קרח. Salt is used to thaw ice. Using salt for ice. >>eng<< אינני אוהב מתמטיקה. I don't like math. I don't like math. >>eng<< D tidet ad yi-d-tceyyɛem taɛelǧett tajapunit? Will you really send me a Japanese doll? Are you going to ask a friend of yours? >>eng<< החיים הם חידה, והאהבה היא התשובה. Life is a riddle and love is the answer. Life is love, and love is the answer. >>eng<< لقد آذى سامي الجميع. Sami hurt everyone. Sammy hurt everyone. >>eng<< היי חברים, אני טום, ואני כאן עם מרי. Hello guys, I'm Tom and I'm here with Mary. Hey, guys, I'm Tom, and I'm here with Mary. >>eng<< أي كتاب أحسن؟ Which book is better? Which book's better? >>eng<< تلك المرأة العجوز تعيش لوحدها. That old woman lives by herself. That old woman lives alone. >>eng<< את מדברת גרמנית? Do you speak German? Are you speaking German? >>eng<< אין שאלות מטופשות. There are no stupid questions. No stupid questions. >>eng<< Medlet tawwurt. Shut the door. It's too late. >>eng<< ربما يكون ذلك صحيحا. Perhaps that's true. Maybe that's true. >>eng<< תום החזיק כלב שוטה במעבדה שלו. Tom kept a rabid dog at his laboratory. Tom had a stupid dog in his lab. >>eng<< סופה מתמשמשת ובאה. A storm is imminent. A storm is going on and coming. >>eng<< יתכן שאתה סובל מזעזוע מוח. You may have a concussion. You may have a concussion. >>eng<< توم لْقاوَه ميّت في الپارطمة تاعو. Tom was found dead in his apartment. Tom died in the parasite. >>eng<< אם אתה עייף, לך לישון! If you're tired, go to sleep! If you're tired, go to sleep! >>eng<< אנו רוצים שתכייפו. We want you to have fun. We want you to have it. >>eng<< Azul i yal yiwen. Hi everyone. So that each one of them should know each one of you. >>eng<< Tuɣalemt-d deg Tibet? Do you come back from Tibet? You have entered into Tibet? >>eng<< למלון אווירה ביתית. That hotel has a homey atmosphere. Home air hotel. >>eng<< Tom aked Mary zewǧen deg Tubeṛ. Tom and Mary were married in October. Tomdded Mary married in Tob. >>eng<< Amek i tettilim? How are you? How do you explain? >>eng<< הכלב הזה הומו. This dog is gay. That dog's gay. >>eng<< Yella win i akent-id-isawlen. Someone is calling you. There was also one who had spoken to him, who had spoken to him. >>eng<< كان سامي سعيدا بخروج ليلى من حياته. Sami was glad Layla was out of his life. Sammy was happy to get out of Lilly's life. >>eng<< ንቡዙሕ መዋአል እቲ እንዳ ዓሳ ጥርሑ ተሪፉን ዓሳ ተነፊግዎን። The fishery remained empty and devoid of fish for many centuries. And when they had made a great feast, they cast lots, and caught him, and laid him in the net, >>eng<< كانت رسالة سامي مكتوبة يدويّا. Sami's letter was handwritten. Sammy was a handwritten message. >>eng<< Ur yeẓri ara Sami d acu i iḍerrun dihin. Sami didn't know what was happening there. He doesn't know which of them is sleeping. >>eng<< אם תעיד נגדו, נוכל לשימו מאחורי הסורגים לתמיד. If you testify against him, we can put him behind bars for good. If you testify against him, we can put it behind bars forever. >>eng<< لست قبطان الفريق الجديد. I am not the captain of the new team. I'm not the new team captain. >>eng<< אני מייצגת את הארגון הזה. I'm the spokesperson for this organization. I represent this organization. >>eng<< Ur ssirideɣ ara takeṛṛust-nkent. I'm not washing your car. Neither do I cool my head, lest I beat it with fire. >>eng<< أنا متعب بسبب المرض والعمل. I am tired, from sickness and work. I'm tired of illness and work. >>eng<< Iqerreb Tom. Tom approached. Irresponse Tom. >>eng<< أراد سامي أن يحيي علاقته مع ليلى. Sami wanted to rekindle his relationship with Layla. Sammy wanted to live up to his relationship with Lily. >>eng<< من هؤلاء النَّاس؟ Who are these people? Who are these people? >>hau_Latn<< If you have finished, return it to me. Idan ka gama, ka mayar mini. Kuma idan kun ƙãre haka to ku mayar da shi zuwa gare ni." >>eng<< Yiwen ur d-yeḍṣi. Nobody laughed. There is no one who spoke against me. >>eng<< Wicqa ad ɣ-teǧǧeḍ ad nṛuḥ tura? Will you permit us to leave now? If so, let us go and leave him alone. >>eng<< Tesliḍ d acu i d-qqaṛent? Did you hear what they were saying? "Do you hear what these are saying?" >>eng<< هل سمح لك عمك أن تقود سيارته؟ Did your uncle let you drive his car? Did your uncle let you drive his car? >>eng<< היא טרקה את הדלת. She slammed the door. She kicked the door. >>eng<< كانَ سامي يُشاهِدُ التِّلفاز. Sami was watching TV. Sammy was making fun of the TV. >>eng<< אני עומד להתחיל. I'm going to start. I'm about to start. >>eng<< Ur iḥemmel ara Tom ad yarju alamma ufan-tid akken ad yeg taɣawsa. Tom doesn't like to wait until the last minute to do something. Not long till thou shalt seek him for a little while, and not for a little while, till thou shalt see him. >>eng<< منزلك رائع. Your house is fantastic. Your house is great. >>eng<< الفيلم ده للأطفال. That film is for children. The movie has kids. >>eng<< Tessnem ḥedd isem-is Mass Green? Do you know a certain Mr. Green? You know what a name's name is Mas Green? >>eng<< Aɣet awal i yiselmaden-nwen. Obey your teachers. "Hear ye the word of your fathers, as in you also do. >>eng<< Siwel-asen. Call them. And he was numbered with them. >>eng<< Ilaq ad yili walebɛaḍ ara k-id-iḥebsen. Somebody has to stop you. One man shall keep thee, and he shall take thee away. >>eng<< إنها مجرد نظرية. It's only a theory. It's just a theory. >>eng<< Ṣṣbeḥ-a i yessared Tom takeṛṛust-is. Tom washed the car this morning. Thank you, Tom, for he has filled his chariot. >>eng<< هوايتي هي صنع مجسمات للطائرات. My hobby is making model planes. Hawtie is the make-up of jets. >>eng<< היות שלא הייתה מונית, הצטרכתי ללכת הביתה ברגל. Since there was no taxi, I had to walk home. Since there wasn't a cab, I had to go home on foot. >>eng<< Nnumeɣ azɣal. I'm used to the heat. I fast twice a week. >>eng<< אני בדיוק הולך הביתה. I'm going home now. I'm just going home. >>eng<< Semḥes, ttxil-k. Listen, please. Sm, stmack. >>eng<< אני בקושי רואה את זה. I can barely see it. I barely see it. >>eng<< Tikelt-a mačči kifkif. This time it's different. Do not eat. >>eng<< ገደልኩው። I killed him. I killed him. >>eng<< Ṛuḥ kan s ttawil. Haste makes waste. Go have a long time. >>eng<< Zgiɣ ttzuxxuɣ yes-wen. I've always been proud of you. I rejoice therefore that I have confidence in you. >>eng<< La teskerkisemt? Are you lying? Do you steal your name? >>eng<< أنا أحبه. I love it. I love him. >>eng<< אינני מרביצה להם. I don't beat them. I don't beat them. >>eng<< ضاع حذاء سامي. Sami's shoes were missing. Sammy shoes. >>eng<< אני שונאת את העניבה שעליך. I dislike the tie you have on. I hate your tie. >>eng<< Sami ur iḥemmel ara ma teg Layla akka. Sami hates when Layla does this. Sam doesn't love if he walks like that. >>eng<< ابق مكانك. Stay where you are. Stay where you are. >>eng<< Yuɣ-d taqerɛet n waman. He bought a bottle of water. Now Jesus was eating with the water. >>eng<< لقد احتاج الأمر لحملة تلفزيونيّة وطنيّة من أجل تعقّب سامي و العثور عليه أخيرا. It took a national TV campaign to finally track Sami down. He needed a national television campaign to track Sammy and finally find him. >>eng<< Tom ur yezmir ara ad isell i Mary. Tom couldn't hear Mary. For you can't seek Mary." >>eng<< تحتاج إلى أن تعود إلى المنزل. You need to come home. You need to go home. >>eng<< קיויתי שאפגוש אותך. I've been hoping to meet you. I was hoping I'd meet you. >>eng<< أحب أكثر الأمريكيين روزفلت. Most Americans liked Roosevelt. I love the most American Roosevelt. >>eng<< Gziɣ! Got it! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! >>eng<< איש לא זקוק לי. Nobody needs me. No one needs me. >>eng<< בלי ספק היו אלה זכרונות מחיים קודמים. Those were without a doubt memories from my past life. No doubt these were past life memories. >>eng<< تبدو أحمقاً. You look stupid. You look stupid. >>eng<< Yella ixeddem. He was working. Let him do that. >>eng<< انني لن اقول لك لا مطلقا I never could say no to you. I'm not gonna tell you at all. >>eng<< Irḍel Tom i Mary 300 idullaṛen. Tom lent Mary 300 dollars. Behold, the stone of Tom Mary 300 was rolled away. >>eng<< "!صرخت قائلة "النجدة! ساعدوني. "Help, help," she cried. He shouted, "Help me! >>eng<< وقع الحادث قبل ساعتين. The accident happened two hours ago. The incident took place two hours ago. >>eng<< זו בוודאי עוגת יום הולדת! It must be a birthday cake! That must be birthday cake! >>eng<< ساد الصمت في الغابة. Silence reigned in the forest. There's silence in the forest. >>eng<< אני לא חושב שתום מתכנן לסייע לנו. I don't think Tom is planning to help us. I don't think Tom's planning on helping us. >>eng<< קניתי חולצת T חדשה אתמול. I bought a new t-shirt yesterday. I bought a new T shirt yesterday. >>eng<< تلك كانت نيتي. That was the intent. That was Nate. >>eng<< אחי צופה בטלוויזיה. My brother is watching TV. My brother's watching TV. >>eng<< Tenneḥcameḍ? Are you upset? Are you ashamed? >>eng<< لقد أثمر عمل ليلى الجاد. Layla's hard work paid off. He's done good night's work. >>eng<< Sami yeɣṛa izen n Layla. Sami read a message from Layla. I bit the sea. >>eng<< מיקי קונרס עשה קציצות מיריבו בזירה. Mickey Conners made mincemeat of his opponent in the ring. Mikey Connors made some shots at the scene. >>eng<< יש לי שלושה אחים. אחד חי ביפן, והאחרים בחו"ל. I have three brothers. One lives in Japan and the other two live abroad. I have three brothers, one lives in Japan, and the other is abroad. >>eng<< הוא השתדל. He tried. He tried. >>eng<< لم يكن عند سامي أيّ شخص يطلب منه المساعدة. Sami had no one to turn to. Sammy didn't have anyone to help him. >>eng<< ما الذي يحدث؟ What's going on? What's going on? >>eng<< كانت زوج سامي ألطفَ النساء على الإطلاق. Sami's wife was the nicest lady ever. Sammy's husband was the best woman ever. >>eng<< فضّلت ليلى المخدّرات على ابنها سامي. Layla chose drugs over her son Sami. Lila preferred drugs to her son Sammy. >>eng<< Ffɣet! Get out! I got it! >>eng<< الدّار تاع توم تبنات في 2013. Tom's house was built in 2013. Dr. Tom was born in 2013. >>eng<< Ad t tecceɣ. I'll eat it. And I made him stumble. >>eng<< אזהר במיוחד. I'll be extra careful. I'll be particularly careful. >>eng<< השבח לאל. Thank God. Praise God. >>eng<< אתה בלש מעולה. You're an excellent detective. You're a great detective. >>eng<< Tḍelmem. You are guilty. You know. >>eng<< אנו רותחים מזעם. We're outraged. We're getting angry. >>eng<< أبي مهندس مدني. My father is a civil engineer. Dad's a civilian engineer. >>eng<< قرر أن يبقي خطته سراً. He made up his mind to keep his plan secret. He decided to keep his plan secret. >>eng<< היה כה חם שהתחשק לה גלידה. It was so hot that she felt like eating ice cream. She was so hot that she needed ice cream. >>eng<< תום צריך קסדה. Tom needs a helmet. Tom needs a helmet. >>eng<< إنها مسالة حياة أو موت. It's a matter of life and death. It's a matter of life or death. >>eng<< בטי רצחה אותו. Betty murdered him. Betty killed him. >>eng<< حلمت بكابوس ليلة البارحة. I had a bad dream last night. I dreamed of a nightmare last night. >>eng<< لا يوجد طرق مختصرة إلى القمة. تلك الطرق تؤدي إلى الهاوية. There are no shortcuts to the top, only to the bottom. There are no brief ways to go to the top, those ways lead to the angle. >>eng<< אין לי ידידים שיעזרו לי. I have no friends to help me. I don't have any friends to help me. >>eng<< እሞክራለሁ። I will try. I will try. >>eng<< הודיתי לתום על עצתו. I thanked Tom for his advice. I thanked him for his advice. >>eng<< Wi t-ilan wagi? Whose is this? And this is what? >>eng<< יצאנו מסכנה. We're out of danger. We're out of trouble. >>eng<< خرج سامي. Sami went outside. Get out, Sammy. >>eng<< טעיתי לאורך כל הדרך. I had it all wrong. I was wrong all the way. >>eng<< הגשר הזה ארוך פי שלוש מההוא. This bridge is three times longer than that one. This bridge is three times longer than that. >>eng<< الوقت شيء ثمين، لهذا علينا أن نستغله بأفضل طريقة. Time is a precious thing, so we should make the best use of it. Time is valuable. That's why we have to use it in the best way. >>eng<< D acu i twalaḍ? What're you thinking? What did you see? >>eng<< אינני יכולה להאמין שאני מנשקת אותך. I can't believe I'm kissing you. I can't believe I'm kissing you. >>eng<< Er lkaɣeḍ deg tasaggazt. Put some paper in the copy machine. Find out what is the place to which you will live. >>eng<< Fren s ttawil. Choose carefully. Fren prolonged. >>eng<< Ad d-yuɣal? Is it black? Have you come back? >>eng<< وقتاش رحتو؟ When did you go? Time left? >>eng<< يعمل جون بجدّ. John works hard. John's working very hard. >>eng<< Kemm d taqjunt. You're a dog. How much to read. >>eng<< Tettmeslayemt s zzerb. You speak tremendously fast. Ttemswamt srb. >>eng<< أنت ولد مُطيع. You are a good boy. You're a nice boy. >>eng<< לפתע, הבנתי שאני חייבת ללמוד פולנית. All of a sudden, I realized I must learn Polish. Suddenly, I realized I had to learn a Polish. >>eng<< Tetteɣ aɣṛum. I'm eating bread. I brought you bread, >>eng<< זהו תצלום של משפחתי. This is a picture of my family. This is a picture of my family. >>eng<< זה הזמן ללכת למיטה. It's time to go to bed. It's time to go to bed. >>eng<< Ɣef acḥal ara ad tṛuḥemt? When are you off? But how much will you go out? >>eng<< לא רציתי לערב אותם. I didn't want to involve them. I didn't want to get them involved. >>eng<< هي لا تعلم أين تبحث عنه. She doesn't know where to look for him. She doesn't know where you're looking for him. >>eng<< אני לא יכול לקבל תירוץ כזה. I cannot accept an excuse like that. I can't get an excuse like that. >>eng<< Iṛuḥ-as kullec i Tom. Tom missed the whole thing. All these things went to Tom. >>eng<< Anef-as ad t-yexdem. Let him do it. She has done it yourself. >>eng<< Tom yenna-d d akken ad yeǧǧ tawwurt teldi. Tom said that he'll leave the door open. So the door was opened, so that it wouldn't be opened. >>eng<< מדד המניות ירד 200 נקודות אתמול. The stock price index was off 200 points yesterday. The stock measure dropped 200 points yesterday. >>eng<< افرش أسنانك كلّ يوم. Brush your teeth every day. I'll tear your teeth every day. >>eng<< תום יושב על שמיכת פיקניק. Tom is sitting on a picnic blanket. Tom's sitting on a plastic blanket. >>eng<< האם מישהו דיבר אליך? Has anybody spoken to you? Did anyone talk to you? >>eng<< هو يحبها He loves her. He loves her. >>eng<< מכוניות אלו גדולות. These cars are big. These cars are big. >>eng<< אנחנו מעריכים את העזרה שלך. We appreciate your help. We appreciate your help. >>eng<< Tom akked Mary zgan ttnaɣen. Tom and Mary are constantly fighting. And Tom were all seized with Mary. >>eng<< Ad idirent i lebda. They will live forever. You'll live no. >>eng<< זה לא נשמע כמוה. It doesn't sound like her. That doesn't sound like her. >>eng<< انتظر سامي بالجوار. Fadil waited nearby. Wait, Sammy's in the neighborhood. >>eng<< كانت ليلى تريد جلب الانتباه. Layla wanted to attract attention. Lily wanted to draw attention. >>eng<< Ayɣer armi d tura i d-tusiḍ? Why have you come only now? Where then are you going? >>eng<< הסמוראי כרת את ראשו של היריב באִבְחָה חדה. The samurai decapitated his opponent in one fell swoop. The Sami has cut off the enemy's head in a fierce battle. >>eng<< מראָה מחזירה אור. A mirror reflects light. Mara's bringing light. >>eng<< Nexdem-it yiwet n tikkelt kan. We only did it once. And having done so once, he did it. >>eng<< Qewmem waki. Fix this. Stand still. >>eng<< ישנתי עד מאוחר. I slept late. I slept late. >>eng<< Asarag-agi yelha. This conference is good. This is good. >>eng<< Sami yebɣa ad yečč iẓan. Sami wanted to eat shit. And the Lord willeth to eat and drink. >>eng<< את כבר עוזבת? Are you leaving already? Are you leaving yet? >>eng<< Keṛhen meṛṛa Tom. Everybody hates Tom. They're all over Tom. >>eng<< ژامي ما عندك لوقت ل حوايج امپۆرتانت! You never have time for important things! I don't know. >>eng<< Qqimet yid-i. Stay with me. Sit down with me. >>eng<< האם כולם מוכנים? Are all of them ready? Are they all ready? >>eng<< Mazal-iken ur tḥemmlem ara Tom, neɣ uhu? You still don't like Tom, do you? Don't you know that you're in love? >>eng<< Tayri d taderɣalt. Love is blind. It's a good thing to do. >>eng<< Anwa i yenneṛfaɛen? Who vanished? Who did this, and were given to him who had overcome him? >>eng<< مساعدتك ضرورية لنجاحنا. Your help is necessary to our success. Your help is essential for our success. >>eng<< نمى حزن سامي كي يصبح اكتئابا. Sami's sadness deepened into a depression. I'm developing Sammy's sorrow to become depression. >>eng<< كلامه وافعاله لا يتفقان معا. His words and actions do not go together well. His words and actions don't agree with each other. >>eng<< Meli i d-tusamt anṣuf yes-kent. Whenever you come, you are welcome. When he came down from the mountain, he saved him. >>eng<< Ur yuḥtam ara maḍi i wemihi i t-id iqublen. Little did he realize the danger he was facing. And it shall be no more good for me to touch him. >>eng<< استحممن من فضلكن. Please take a bath. Take it easy, please. >>eng<< من؟ Who? Who? >>eng<< Ilaq ad as-nini i Tom. We should inform Tom. For most certainly, this must be the saying of Tom. >>eng<< بقي سامي شخصا بارزا في حيّه. Sami maintained a visible profile in his neighborhood. Sammy kept a celebrity in his life. >>eng<< Ɣef leḥsab-ik, ad iyi-yessuref Tom? Do you think Tom will forgive me? When your number is left to me, I am persuaded by you Tom? >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ-k aṭas. I love you very much. I thank thee greatly. >>eng<< Ldit idlisen-nwen! Open your books! Tongues were delivered! >>eng<< كان أمرا رائعا اللّقاء معك وجها لوجه! It was awesome to meet you in real life! It was great meeting you face-to-face! >>eng<< شرحت المعلمة الدرس الجديد بإسهاب للطلاب. The teacher explained the new lesson at length to the students. Teacher explained the new lesson to students. >>eng<< جين جت من استراليا. Jane comes from Australia. Janet's from Australia. >>eng<< Iɛjeb as? Like it? So what does it begin? >>eng<< تمكّن سامي أن يبقى يقظا. Sami managed to keep his wits about him. Sammy can stay awake. >>eng<< Teɣṛam wa? Have you read this? Do you have the same authority? >>eng<< ظننتك ستحبه. I thought you'd like it. I thought you'd love him. >>eng<< عندك فقط خيارين. You only have two options. You only have two options. >>eng<< אין לנו מושג. We have no idea. We have no idea. >>eng<< הלכתי לישון מאוחר מאוד. I went to bed very late. I went to bed very late. >>eng<< אשקר אם אגיד שהופתעתי שזה קרה. I'd be lying to say I was surprised it happened. I'll lie if I say I'm surprised it happened. >>eng<< Yufeg yitbir, deg tqejjirt-is qqnen-as yiwen n izen. The pigeon flew away with a message attached to his paw. And great was his strength, insomuch that they counted him among the fish. >>eng<< انتقل سامي للعيش في القاهرة. Sami relocated to Cairo. Sammy moved to live in Cairo. >>eng<< حاولت أمّ سامي أن تقتله. Sami's mother tried to kill him. Sammy's mother tried to kill him. >>eng<< Ahat txedmemt aya yid-nteɣ. You should've done that with us. If you have done this thing, you will also carry it off. >>eng<< אני מחפש את המפתח הזה. I'm looking for this key. I'm looking for this key. >>eng<< بعد أن صفعت ليلى، شعرت بالذّنب. After I slapped Layla, I felt terrible. After I hit me, I felt guilty. >>eng<< إنها جميلة يا رجل! Dude, she's hot! She's beautiful, man! >>eng<< אני לא תינוקת. I'm not a baby. I'm not a baby. >>eng<< معظم الناس يظنون أني مجنون. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. >>eng<< إن ما قاله لا يجدي نفعاً . What he said counts for nothing. What he said is of no use. >>eng<< אשמח לסייע לו. I'll be glad to help him. I'd love to help him. >>eng<< Akka? Right? Is that so? >>eng<< طوم أطالي كريُّون. Tom gave me a pen. Tom Atalia Kryon. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ timillwin. I like turtle-doves. I know what to do. >>eng<< תום נלחם בגבורה. Tom fought bravely. Tom's fighting for power. >>eng<< זה יועיל. This'll help. It's useful. >>eng<< Ur ẓriɣ ara ma ad amneɣ Tom neɣ xaṭi. I don't know whether I should believe Tom or not. I don't know, whether I will, whether I will, or whether I will. >>eng<< תום הסתתר מאחורי וילון המקלחת. Tom hid behind the shower curtain. Tom was hiding behind the shower hotel. >>eng<< טום סבור שהעשיר ראוי להיות עשיר, והעני ראוי להיות עני. Tom believes that the rich deserve to be rich and that the poor deserve to be poor. Tom thinks the rich deserve to be rich, and the poor deserve poor. >>eng<< אולי תום לא היה רעב. Maybe Tom wasn't hungry. Tom might not have been hungry. >>eng<< لازم نعمل دا بنفسنا We have to do this by ourselves. We need to work on our own. >>eng<< كان سامي يحلق لحيته. Sami was shaving. Sammy was battling his soul. >>eng<< Uɣeɣ awal. I obeyed. I have learned (to speak the truth) >>eng<< Necc kanayi Tom. My name is Tom. Nectayi Tom. >>eng<< היא דחתה את הצעתי לעזור לה. She refused my offer to help her. She rejected my offer to help her. >>eng<< ממתי אכפת לך מה אני חושבת? Since when do you care about what I think? Since when do you care what I think? >>eng<< עיר הבירה של אלבניה נקראת טיראנה. The capital city of Albania is called Tirana. The capital of Albania is called Tirana. >>eng<< Tella tin i kem-id-iwalan. Somebody saw you. She was ridiculing me when she saw me. >>eng<< Siwlet-iyi-n azekka. Give me a call tomorrow. May it come to me tomorrow. >>eng<< היא נגעה בכתף שלי. She touched my shoulder. She touched my shoulder. >>eng<< תום השתתק. Tom fell silent. Tom shut up. >>eng<< תוכנית הוועידה עשירה באופן יוצא מן הכלל. על פי רוב מושמעות ארבע או חמש הרצאות בו זמנית. The program for the convention is extraordinarily rich. There are generally four or five lectures taking place at the same time. The conference plan is exceptionally rich, according to a majority of four or five editions at the time. >>eng<< Tom qrib yejreḥ Mary. Tom almost bumped into Mary. You're close to Mary. >>eng<< آخِرُ شخصٍ أخبرتُه فكرتي ظنّنِيْ مجنونًا. The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts. Someone else told him my idea I thought I was crazy. >>eng<< Siwlet i temsulta. Call the cops. You have fulfilled it. >>eng<< من تلك المرأة التي ترتدي فستاناً وردياً؟ Who is the woman dressed in pink? Who's that woman wearing a dress and a beard? >>eng<< האל ישמור! God forbid! Oh, my God! >>eng<< Tḥemmleḍ tamwansa n Tom? Do you enjoy Tom's company? You know what? >>eng<< هل وقع توم في ورطة؟ Did Tom get into trouble? Did Tom fall into trouble? >>eng<< Yella ḥedd i yeṛẓan taqessult-aki. Somebody has broken this dish. And there was a certain fever; but there was a certain spread of it upon thee. >>eng<< يريد سامي أن يمضي بعض الوقت لوحده. Sami wants to spend some time alone. Sammy wants to spend some time alone. >>eng<< אני בטוחה שיקבלו אתכם בסבר פנים יפות. I'm sure you'll be welcome. I'm sure you guys will have a nice explanation. >>eng<< טום לא ניגן על פסנתר במשך שנים. Tom hasn't played the piano in years. Tom hasn't played piano for years. >>eng<< Beṛka taɣuṛi! Stop reading. Haught! >>eng<< Ǧelleb-it! Skip it. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey >>eng<< يبدو واضحاً . It seems obvious. It looks clear. >>eng<< La tetteɣ aguglu. I'm eating cheese. I will make a hole in the throat. >>eng<< Tom akked Mary tteɛṛaḍen ad xedmen kra maca ur ẓṛiɣ ara d acu-t. Tom and Mary are trying to do something, but I'm not sure what. And when they had all spit, they did nothing against it, neither did they know what it was. >>eng<< سامي يحبّ المأكولات البحريّة. Sami likes seafood. Sammy loves seafood. >>eng<< Tom yergem Mary. Tom insulted Mary. You're talkin' about Mary. >>eng<< Ddmemt wa. Take this. Dmmt One. >>eng<< كان سامي يرتدي بلوزا أزرقا. Sami was wearing a blue sweatshirt. Sammy was wearing blue pizza. >>eng<< Tẓemrem ad t-awḍem ɣur-s? Can you reach it? Do you want to hear him who is blind? >>eng<< הפרק הזה סגור עכשיו לציבור. This park is now closed to the public. This chapter is now closed to the public. >>eng<< Tubeṛ mazal-as tlata n wagguren seg tura. October is still three months from now. And he was three months from now. >>eng<< אני מצטער שהלכתי לשם. I regret going there. I'm sorry I went there. >>eng<< ידעתי שאפשר לתת בכם אמון. I knew I could trust you. I knew we could trust you. >>eng<< לא ראיתי את פול זה זמן רב. פעם אחרונה שראיתי אותו היתה לפני ארבעה חודשים. I haven't seen Paul for a long time. The last time I saw him was four months ago. I haven't seen Paul for a long time, last time I saw him four months ago. >>eng<< متى تخرّجت من الكليّة؟ When did you graduate from college? When did you leave college? >>eng<< لم يرني أحد. Nobody saw me. No one saw me. >>eng<< Uḥwaǧeɣ-k ad txedmeḍ yiwet n tɣawsa. I need you to do something. And I have need of thee to do once. >>eng<< لكل شخص حق التملك بمفرده أو بالاشتراك مع غيره. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. Everyone has the right to own possession on his own or in association with others. >>eng<< Igerrez! Perfect! Igerrez! >>eng<< היא מסרה לו מפתח. She handed him the key. She gave him a key. >>eng<< D acu i tebɣiḍ ihi? What cheese do you want? What then do you want? >>eng<< Yella kra n yiwen i itetten. Someone's eating. There was a certain blind man among them. >>eng<< Kcem! Enter! Keem! >>eng<< Iswa Tom. Tom drank. Sweet Tom. >>eng<< አደገኛ ነኝ። I'm dangerous. I am so dangerous. >>eng<< السوشي جيد، لكن الأطباق التايلاندية أفضل. Sushi is good, but Thai dishes are better. Sushi's good, but Thai cookies are better. >>eng<< وقع فاضل بشكل عميق في حبّ فتاة مسلمة من مصر. Fadil fell deeply in love with a Muslim woman from Egypt. A deep struggle took place in the love of a Muslim girl from Egypt. >>eng<< Ad truḥeḍ ad tεummeḍ? Are you going to go swimming? And thou shalt perish, and thou shalt bury? >>eng<< هذه الشركة لا تولي أهمية لسلامة عمالها. This company is indifferent to the safety of its workers. This company does not attach importance to the safety of its employees. >>eng<< Ḥbes ur ttberriḥ ara! Stop yelling. Oh, my God, don't curse me! >>eng<< Inimt-as azekka. Tell him tomorrow. Inmm-day. >>eng<< זוהי אינפורמציה שימושית! That's useful information! This is useful information! >>eng<< لستُ سوى فتاة عاديّة. I'm just a normal girl. I'm just a normal girl. >>eng<< Waqil ad yi-d-ttɛassan. I think I'm being watched. And will not that I should follow him. >>eng<< Ad ṛṛay-iw i yiseddan. I acted in accordance with my own conviction. This my judgment is with him. >>eng<< את צריכה לנסות לא לשכוח מה השעה. You have to try not to forget what time it is. You should try not to forget what time it is. >>eng<< Tenna-yi-d Mary d akken tesɛa zzheṛ. Mary told me that she was lucky. And she ministered to me, and did so. >>eng<< لا تطلب مني مالا. Don't ask me for money. Don't ask me for money. >>eng<< תום שיתף פעולה במידה רבה. Tom was very cooperative. Tom's working on a lot of cooperation. >>eng<< אינני יכולה להסתיר עובדה זאת ממך. I can't hide the fact from you. I can't hide it from you. >>eng<< اتصلت بنا المدرسة اليوم. The school called today. I called us today. >>eng<< העברתי שעות בקריאת ספרים. I spent hours reading books. I spent hours reading books. >>eng<< أراد سامي أن يتعرّف بمسلمين. Sami wanted to meet Muslims. Sammy wanted to get to know Muslims. >>eng<< הילדים החליפו מתנות במסיבת חג המולד. The children exchanged presents at the Christmas party. The kids changed gifts at the Christmas party. >>eng<< اختفت عدسات سامي. Sami's contacts were missing. Sammy's outfits. >>eng<< Ttxil-wet, ur tettut ad taznem tabṛat-nni. Please remember to mail the letter. Yea, and thou shalt not sleep, neither shalt thou bear the cross. >>eng<< تخلّى سامي عن ليلى بسبب إدمانها على الكحول. Sami left Layla because of her alcoholism. Leave Sammy all night because of her alcohol addiction. >>eng<< هل ترى الراكون؟ Do you see the raccoon? Do you see the raccoons? >>eng<< Tessnemt tameṭṭut-iw? Do you know my wife? You know my wife? >>eng<< כשאנשים קטנים מתחילים להטיל צל גדול, זה אומר שהשמש שוקעת. When small men begin to cast big shadows, it means that the sun is about to set. When little people begin to throw a big shadow, that means the sun sinks. >>eng<< טום לא סבור שזו מקריות. Tom doesn't think this is a coincidence. Tom doesn't think it's a coincidence. >>eng<< היי מרוצה. Be content. Hey, happy. >>eng<< אנחנו נשואים כבר שלוש שנים. We've been married for three years now. We've been married for three years. >>eng<< השוטר שרק במשרוקית למכונית שתעצור. The policeman blew his whistle for the car to stop. The cop that's just in the car to stop. >>eng<< حاولنا إقناعه بالعدول عن رأيه لكننا فشلنا. We tried to get him to change his mind, but couldn't. We tried to convince him of his opinion, but we failed. >>eng<< Txeddmem? Are you employed? You know what? >>eng<< يا لها من فتاة جميلة! What a cute little girl! What a beautiful girl! >>eng<< אויב הגיע לארץ שלנו. The enemy has come to our country. An enemy came to our country. >>eng<< آمل أن تتحقّق كلّ أحلامك. I hope that all your dreams come true. I hope you'll check all your dreams. >>eng<< עבר עלי בוקר נחמד מאד. I had a very nice morning. It's been a very nice morning. >>eng<< Kennemti d tiselbuɛin? Are you bald? Do Kentigni d'Abdullah? >>eng<< Ur la ttazzaleɣ ara. I'm not running. I wasn't filled. >>eng<< Yenna-as weqjun i yiɣes i as-icetkan ayɣeṛ ur yeεyi ara seg uɣẓaẓ deg-s: amek ihi, kečč teqquṛeḍ, nekk stufaɣ. To a bone that complained that a dog kept nibbling him, he said: Sorry, you are so hard and I do not have anything else to do. He said to him, 'The fig tree is sufficient for me, and I didn't find out the fig tree,' and he said to it, 'So you withered away, I will withered away.' >>eng<< Ttesseḍ ama. You drink water. You know, or you know? >>eng<< Shumt Tom! Forget Tom. Shumt Tom! >>eng<< שכחת לסרק את השיער, טום. You forgot to comb your hair, Tom. You forgot to scan your hair, Tom. >>eng<< Ur cexxeṛ ara mara tmeccḥeḍ asekkif. Don't slurp when you eat soup. Don't quench the mat. >>eng<< Seg wid ixeddmen da, ḥaca Tom akked Mary i n Kanada. Tom and Mary are the only Canadians who work here. Of them that do fornication, and of them which are mentioned by us, are Mary the father of Canada. >>eng<< هل سنلحق بالقطار؟ Will we be in time for the train? Are we gonna get the train? >>eng<< אני אעשה כעצתך. I will act on your advice. I'll do your advice. >>eng<< حرثت الحقل. I plowed the field. I killed the field. >>eng<< Ṛuḥem beddlem lqecc-nwen. Go get changed. Go ye therefore, and repent, and be cast out. >>eng<< أتقبلون الدفع ببطاقة الإئتمان؟ Do you accept Visa card? Do you accept the credit card? >>eng<< كان سامي يستمع للموسيقى المسيحيّة. Sami listened to Christian music. Sammy was listening to Christian music. >>eng<< أنا سائح. I'm a tourist. I'm a driver. >>eng<< פשוט צלצל אליו. Just call him. Just called him. >>eng<< سأنزل في المحطة القادمة. I'll get off at the next station. I'm going down at the next station. >>eng<< من فضلك خذني إلى المستشفى. Please take me to the hospital. Please take me to the hospital. >>eng<< תום הציע למרי לא לעשות את זה. Tom advised Mary not to do it. Tom offered Mary not to do this. >>eng<< Ahat ţuɣ tisura-inu. It is possible that I forgot my keys. I think that I am going through my race with you. >>eng<< אנו צודקים. We're correct. We're right. >>eng<< أنا قط، وليس عندي اسم بعد. I am a cat. I don't have a name yet. I've never, and I haven't got a name yet. >>eng<< ”هذه صورة لابنتي ليلى.“ ”كم هي جميلة.“ ”كم كانت جميلة.“ ”آه، آسفة.“ "This is a picture of my daughter Layla." "She's beautiful." "She was." "Oh, I'm sorry." “This is a picture of my daughter Lila.” “How beautiful she was.” “Oh, I'm sorry.” >>eng<< אין לי כרטיס. I don't have a ticket. I don't have a ticket. >>eng<< Ttmuqqul acu i ttetteḍ. Watch what you eat. Cease what you have laid down. >>eng<< Iḥemmel Tom ad isew ccrab. Tom likes to drink wine. I love tom go round. >>eng<< אנו צריכים להפגש איתכם. We need to meet with you. We need to meet you guys. >>eng<< Ldimt idlisen-nkent! Open your books! I'm lylsen-nkent! >>eng<< تصدر المجلة كل إسبوع. The magazine comes out every week. The magazine is published every week. >>eng<< Llan akk ttwalin Tom yemxel. They all thought that Tom was crazy. There are, it may be, some, some to show up. >>eng<< كان بوسع ليلى أن تقتل سامي. Layla could have killed Sami. She could've killed Sammy. >>eng<< Tuḍnem akk. You're all insane. You are filled with both yours and yours. >>eng<< Acḥal n Yipawenden i d-terniḍ? How many pounds have you gained? How often do you hear him who spoke to you? >>eng<< עשה מה שאמא אומרת לך. Do what your mom is telling you. Do what Mom tells you. >>eng<< Ur tefṛiḥem ara imi d imerkantiyen? Aren't you glad you're rich? And ye do not weep, because ye are fools? >>eng<< يَڤْعَرْ! That's fucking cool. You know! >>eng<< החברה החליטה להעסיק שתי מזכירות חדשות. The company has decided to employ two new secretaries. The company decided to hire two new secretaries. >>eng<< بقيت حتى وصل توم. I remained until Tom arrived. I stayed until Tom arrived. >>eng<< كان سامي يرقص بشكل جميل. Sami danced beautiful. Sammy was dancing nicely. >>eng<< هل أقلع مايك عن الشرب؟ Has Mike quit drinking? Can Mike get away from drinking? >>eng<< أضاعَ سامي نظّاراتِهِ في المسبح. Sami lost his glasses in the pool. Put his glasses in the pool. >>eng<< למרי יש הערכה עצמית נמוכה. Mary has low self-esteem. Mary has low self-esteem. >>eng<< שמי ריקרדו. I am Ricardo. My name is Richardo. >>eng<< سأشتري ذلك. I'll buy this. I'll buy it. >>eng<< אתה בטוח בכך? Are you sure about this? Are you sure about that? >>eng<< فركت ليلى يد سامي. Layla rubbed Sami's hand. You left night's hand. >>eng<< אתה עומד לשלם עבור זה? Are you gonna pay for it? Are you gonna pay for this? >>eng<< Nniɣ-asen d akken ur m-d-qqaṛen ara. I told them not to tell you. I said to them, that they didn't say it to them. >>eng<< S anda ara truḥem ass-a? Where are you going today? Where will you run today? >>eng<< זה היה מרושע. That was mean. That was bad. >>eng<< أنا لست متأكداً إن كان هذا صحيحاً. I'm not sure if this is correct. I'm not sure if that's true. >>eng<< Iɣmez-d Tom. Tom winked. I'm about to put you on board. >>eng<< الوردة دي جميلة. This rose is beautiful. The rose's beautiful. >>eng<< عرض سامي على فريد 400 دولار ليساعده على التّنظيف. Sami offered Farid 400 dollars to help clean up. Sammy offered $400 to help him clean up. >>eng<< لدى أمي ثلاثة كلاب. My mum has three dogs. My mom's got three dogs. >>eng<< נתיך נשרף. A fuse has blown. Yours is burned. >>eng<< Tettwaliḍ-iyi-d cebḥeɣ? Do you find me pretty? Do you think that I am blind? >>eng<< قال: ثق بي. "Trust me," he said. He said, "Trust me. >>eng<< אחי הצעיר צופה בטלוויזיה. My younger brother watches TV. My young brother's watching TV. >>eng<< لم يسمح لي أن أقود سيارته إطلاقاً. He wouldn't allow me to drive his car. I was never allowed to drive his car. >>eng<< ينبغي على سامي أن يتحدّث مع المدرّس بعد الدّرس. Sami should see the teacher after class. Sammy should talk to the teacher after the course. >>eng<< Tzemreḍ ad ɣṛeḍ aya? Can you read that? Do you want to take this away? >>eng<< D ayen i iyi-d-yenna Tom ddurt iεeddan. That's what Tom told me last week. And these words spake he unto me: and they went their way. >>eng<< Uɣaleɣ-d seg Boston deg 20 Tubeṛ. I returned to Boston on October 20th. And I came down from Boston on 20 sabbaths. >>eng<< אני לא צריך אותך. I don't need you. I don't need you. >>eng<< Tettraǧu Mary. Mary is expecting. Tetracheu Mary. >>eng<< Ayɣer tura? Why now? However, what can I do now? >>eng<< עם האזניות האלו אני לא שומע כלום. With these headphones, I can't hear anything. With those ears, I can't hear anything. >>eng<< لدي منها رسالة لك. I have a message for you from her. I have a message for you. >>eng<< יש לזה תועלת? Is it any good? Does that have any benefit? >>eng<< כמה זמן אתה עוסק בזה? How long have you been at this? How long have you been doing this? >>eng<< عليك أن تتأسف. You should apologize. You have to be sorry. >>hau_Latn<< A cat came out from under the desk. Kule ya fito diga karkashin kujera. Wani dutse ya fito ne daga ƙarƙashin hamada. >>eng<< תום פחס את אפו אל החלון. Tom pressed his nose against the glass. Tom pulled his nose into the window. >>eng<< Ɣuṛ-i yiwet n tɣawsa ad ak-tt-id-fkeɣ. I have something to give you. Even as I desire one of them, I will give you one, that I may give it to you. >>eng<< هذا شيء عادي بالنّسبة لي. This is normal to me. That's a normal thing for me. >>eng<< كانت تكره مدرّسها في الرّياضيّات. She hated her math teacher. She hated her run-up teacher. >>eng<< האם תעשו כתוביות באספרנטו? Do you do subtitles in Esperanto? Are you going to write in Aspernetto? >>eng<< Iwala-tt Tom, daɣen. Tom has seen it, too. I saw Tom, and I saw him again. >>eng<< أنا رأيت كلباً. I saw a dog. I saw a dog. >>eng<< הפסיקי לדחוף. Stop pushing. Stop pushing. >>eng<< היית צריך לבוא מעט מוקדם יותר. You should have come a little earlier. You should have come soon. >>eng<< هذا كل ما احتاجه. These are all the things that I need. That's all I need. >>eng<< يمكنك المجيء والعيش معي. You could come and live with me. You can come and live with me. >>eng<< Ur la nettqeggil ara. We’re not going to take a nap. Do not look at neteggil. >>eng<< Ɛeyḍent. They yelled. And they did as they were. >>eng<< هذه القلعة جميلة. That castle is beautiful. This candy is beautiful. >>eng<< אני קוראת את המשפט הזה. I am reading this sentence. I'm reading this trial. >>eng<< أأنت من نظّم الحفلة؟ Are you the one who organized this party? Are you the one who organized the party? >>eng<< بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. In the name of the Merciful God. >>eng<< لا يدان أي شخص من جراء أداة عمل أو الامتناع عن أداة عمل إلا إذا كان ذلك يعتبر جرماً وفقاً للقانون الوطني أو الدولي وقت الارتكاب، كذلك لا توقع عليه عقوبة أشد من تلك التي كان يجوز توقيعها وقت ارتكاب الجريمة. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed. No person shall be convicted as a result of an instrument of work or refraining from an instrument of action unless it is considered a criminal offence in accordance with national or international law at the time of the commission, nor shall he be punished more severely than those that may have been signed at the time of the commission of the offence. >>eng<< ارتكبت خطأً فادحاً. I made a nightmarish mistake. I made a serious mistake. >>eng<< לא הייתי יכולה להיות מאושרת יותר בשבילכם. I couldn't be happier for you guys. I couldn't be happier for you. >>eng<< آبن من توم؟ Whose son is Tom? Who's Tom? >>eng<< Acḥal n tikkal? How many times? How often? >>eng<< Aql-i bdiɣ tudert tamaynut. I'm starting a new life. I am starting my life on the left. >>eng<< אני רוצה לדעת מיד כשמשהו יקרה. I want to know as soon as anything happens. I want to know right away when something happens. >>eng<< כולם יודעים שאני שונאת אתכם. Everybody knows I hate you. Everyone knows I hate you. >>eng<< ليس هناك أي غيوم في السماء. There's not a cloud in the sky. There's no gas in the sky. >>eng<< يعتقد أنه أرقى مستوى منا. He thinks he's too good for us. He thinks it's the highest level of us. >>eng<< أين الخطأ؟ Where is the mistake? Where's the wrong? >>eng<< اتفقنا على توزيع مهام تنظيف البيت فيما بيننا. We agreed to share the housework. We agreed on the distribution of house cleaning functions among us. >>eng<< Siwlemt-asen. Call them. You will do so to them. >>eng<< العربية المستعملة دي للبيع. This used car is for sale. Arab used for sale. >>eng<< בחרנו מלון בקרבת המוזיאונים. We've chosen a hotel near the museums. We chose a hotel near the museums. >>eng<< يدرّب الفريق مدرّب جيّد. A good coach trains this team. The team trains a good trainer. >>eng<< תתפוס! Catch it! Get it! >>eng<< Tḥemmleḍ ddabex n uḍaṛ? Do you like football? Do you love the name of the Lord? >>eng<< אני לא יודע למה הוא יכול לחיות מעל למה שהאמצעים מאפשרים. I don't know why he can live above his means. I don't know why he can live above what the averages allow. >>eng<< Ur yelli ula d yiwen da. No one's in there. And there was no man left in them. >>eng<< הוא נולד באנגליה, אבל למד באמריקה. He was born in England, but was educated in America. He was born in England, but he studied in America. >>eng<< אני תוהה איך זה נראה. I wonder what it looks like. I wonder what it looks like. >>eng<< إنّ مكانك في هذه العيادة. Your place is in this clinic. Your place is at this clinic. >>eng<< אני יוצאת מחר לטורקיה. I'm off to Turkey tomorrow. I'm going to Turkey tomorrow. >>eng<< Yella kra n yiwen i yi-d-itabaɛen. Somebody's following me. There was a none that kept me from that very thing. >>eng<< Qqimet tṛankil! Keep quiet! She sat down empty! >>eng<< Ur bɣiɣ ara atteqimeḍ dagi ad iyi tettwaliḍ nḥafeɣ. I don't want you to stay here and watch me suffer. For I don't desire to see you here, or that I may see you." >>eng<< אמילי אוהבת לבצע קאברים של שירים. Emily loves doing covers of songs. Emily likes to play some songs. >>eng<< فقد سامي كلب ليلى. Sami lost Layla's dog. He's gone for a night dog. >>eng<< לא לקשקש כאן. Don't scribble here. Don't yell here. >>eng<< لا شكّ أن عمره يتجاوز الستين. He must be over sixty. No doubt he's over 60 years old. >>eng<< اعتقلت الشّرطة سامي. Police arrested Sami. I was arrested by the police. >>eng<< תפסיק להכות בדלת! Stop beating on the door! Stop hitting the door! >>eng<< قامت بالإنتحار. She took her own life. She committed suicide. >>eng<< كنت عاطفية جدّا. I was very emotional. I was very emotional. >>eng<< אתה יכול לעשות מה שתחפוץ, כמובן. You can do whatever you want to do, of course. You can do whatever you want, of course. >>eng<< متى قطعت اجازتك الصيفيه؟ When are you going on summer vacation? When did you break your summer vacation? >>eng<< هنا أريد أن أعيش. That's where I wanna live. Here I want to live. >>eng<< שנינו שונאים אותך. We both hate you. We both hate you. >>eng<< אני אעשה זאת. I'll do it. I'll do it. >>eng<< اليوم، حياة سامي أفضل بكثير. Today, Layla's life is much better. Today, Sammy's life is much better. >>eng<< سَوفَ أتصل بها مرة أُخرى غداَ. I will call her once again tomorrow. I'll call her again tomorrow. >>eng<< תום סיפר לי שהוא רוצה לנסוע לבוסטון. Tom told me he wants to go to Boston. Tom told me he wanted to go to Boston. >>eng<< لا يفكّر توم بالآخرين. Tom doesn't think about others. Tom doesn't think of others. >>eng<< Yiwen ur d-imeslay. No one spoke. No one spoke. >>eng<< קיבלת את המכתב? Did you receive the letter? Did you get the letter? >>eng<< Anda i d-zedmeɣ nekk i d-tesquccḍeḍ kečč. Where I took faggots, you could only take twigs. I am Alpha and Omega, the glory of you. Amen. >>eng<< שברתי את האף שלוש פעמים. My nose has been broken three times. I broke my nose three times. >>eng<< תום התחיל לצחוק. Tom began laughing. Tom started laughing. >>eng<< היא קמה מוקדם. She gets up early. She got up early. >>eng<< שערה רטוב מהזיעה. Her hair is wet with sweat. Wet hair from the sweat. >>eng<< اعتذر توم لماري عن تأخره. Tom apologized to Mary for being late. Tom's apologizing for Mary's lateness. >>eng<< כל אדם הוא גופה בפוטנציאל. Every man is potentially a corpse. Every person is a body of potential. >>eng<< Ttu Tom. Ignore Tom. Tto Tom. >>eng<< سامي راغب في أن تبقى ليلي. Sami wants Layla to stay. Sammy wants to stay for me. >>eng<< Yebɣa Tom ad d-irzu ɣur-k. Tom wants to visit you. And it shall come to pass, that unto thee thou shalt make thy journey. >>eng<< Tettent iyennaten-a. They eat these things. And it came to pass. >>eng<< لنذهب للقاء جيم. Let's go see Jim. Let's go meet Jim. >>eng<< كان كثيرا ما يتّبع النصائح الخاطئة. He often accepted bad advice. He was often following the wrong advice. >>eng<< وصل سامي إلى المنزل. Sami arrived home. Sammy's home. >>eng<< Ur zṛiɣ ara anta i tebɣamt ad teẓṛemt. I don't know whom you want to see. You wouldn't have to pray for me. >>eng<< دلّ سامي ليلى على مضارب الغولف المناسبة لكلّ وظيفة. Sami showed Layla the right clubs to use. Say Sammy Lee's on the right golf contests for each job. >>eng<< הם היו שלכם. They were yours. They were yours. >>eng<< بدأت أمها الصراخ. Her mother started shouting. Her mother started screaming. >>eng<< Tuget n yisura n Hollywood sεan taggara yezhan. Most Hollywood movies have happy endings. So that's by the end, Holly's worth more. >>eng<< אני אוהבת את אופן החשיבה שלכם. I like the way you think. I love your way of thinking. >>eng<< זה לא תמיד קיץ. It isn't always summer. It's not always summer. >>eng<< אני לא עשיתי כלום! I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything! >>eng<< אל תשכח להזמין את תום. Don't forget to invite Tom. Don't forget to order Tom. >>eng<< Ur ḥemmleɣ ara Tom. I don't love Tom. Don't love Tom. >>eng<< אנו ממשיכים את השיחה. We're continuing the conversation. We keep the conversation going. >>eng<< Tessnemt ad temmeslayemt tandunisit? Can you speak Indonesian? Do you know what you're talking about? >>eng<< הבן שלי הוא כאב הראש הכי גדול שלי. My son is my biggest headache. My son is my greatest headache. >>eng<< اشتريت كمبيوتر جديد الشهر الفائت. I bought a new computer last month. I bought a new computer last month. >>eng<< لقد خشيَ أن يقضي عيد الميلاد في المستشفى. He dreaded having to spend Christmas in the hospital. He was afraid to spend Christmas in the hospital. >>eng<< אלמלא נפטר בגיל צעיר, הוא היה הופך למדען דגול. If he had not died so young, he would have become a great scientist. Unless he died at a young age, he would become a great scientist. >>eng<< هُم يذهبُونَ إلى جامعة تِيزي وزّو. They go to Tizi Ouzou University. They're going to Tazei and Zoo University. >>eng<< توم مزْهور كي عَندو طَفلة كيما ماري. Tom is lucky to have a daughter like Mary. Tom's a celebrity to stand at Kim Marie's table. >>eng<< אם יום אחד תווכח שאתה לא טוב לשום דבר, מה תעשה? If one day you realised that you are good for nothing, what will you do? If one day you prove you're not good for anything, what are you gonna do? >>eng<< הם נתקעו. They got stuck. They're stuck. >>eng<< Anwa i d-yeṛḍen? Who farted? And what did they do to him? >>eng<< אני יודע שאת רוצה ללכת לישון. I know you want to go to sleep. I know you want to go to bed. >>eng<< Aql-ikent-id. There you are. You're welcome. >>eng<< Temliḍ-asen-d tamacahut. You told them a story. You know them. >>eng<< זה פועל. This works. It's working. >>eng<< አንቺ ማን ነሽ? Who are you? Who are you? >>eng<< אני מבקש כוס מים מוגזים. A glass of sparkling water, please. I'm asking for a glass of water. >>eng<< היא לובשת בגדי מעצבים. She wears designer clothes. She's wearing nerves. >>eng<< Ma ulac aɣilif, ger asurif ɣer zdat. Please take a step forward. And have no sorrow: for from above shall rise again. >>eng<< Ttuɣ akk ayen icudden ɣur-k. We forgot all about you. All things that thou hast bound thee have bound thee together. >>eng<< هي، أنت! Hey, you! Hey, you! >>eng<< הוא צרף את התווית לשקית. He attached a label to the bag. He put the label on the bag. >>eng<< Ssizdeg taxxamt-ik. Clean up your room. Keep your tax-free. >>eng<< Eččemt iẓẓan - D imelyunen n yizan i ten-itetten. Eat shit — millions of flies cannot be wrong. And they shall eat the fat of herbs, and bind them in the fire. >>eng<< שיחק לקאוג'י מזלו; תאונת הדרכים הותירה רק שריטה קלה על צד מכוניתו. Kouji was lucky; his traffic accident left only a minor scratch on the side of his car. The car accident left only an easy shot on the side of his car. >>eng<< غسل توم وجهه وكلتا يديه. Tom washed his face and hands. Tom wash his face and both hands. >>eng<< هل أنا أول صديق لك ليس يابانيا؟ Am I your first friend who's not Japanese? Am I your first friend, not Japan? >>eng<< הייתי חסר הגנה. I was defenseless. I was defenseless. >>eng<< أنا من المملكة العربية السعودية. I'm from Saudi Arabia. I'm from Saudi Arabia. >>eng<< يمكن أن يكون فاضل قد مات. Fadil might be dead. It could be a mistake that's dead. >>eng<< האקסיומה של קול: סך האינטליגנציה על כדור הארץ הוא קבוע; האוכלוסיה גדלה. Cole's Axiom: The sum of the intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing. Acquisition of voice: just intelligence on Earth is permanent; the population is growing. >>eng<< בקרוב נהיה יחד. We'll get together soon. We'll soon be together. >>eng<< ماذا يسمى هذا الطائر؟ What's that bird called? What's called this bird? >>eng<< كانت عربة سامي متوقّفة في ممرّ المنزل. Sami's van was parked in the driveway. Sammy's car was expected in the street of the house. >>eng<< ገንዘቡን አገኘሁ። I found the money. I got the money. >>eng<< Yesmejger Tom. Tom grimaced. Yewmeger Tom. >>eng<< הלילה הוא בוודאי יתקשר אליי. Surely he'll phone me tonight. Tonight he'll probably call me. >>eng<< Tom ad inermes Mary. Tom will contact Mary. You will inert Mary. >>eng<< سامي لا يحمل سلاحه النّاري معه. Sami doesn't have his gun on him. Sammy doesn't have his firearm with him. >>eng<< قال سامي أنّه كان يخشى على حياته. Sami claimed he feared for his life. Sammy said he was afraid of his life. >>eng<< متى يصل هذا القطار إلى يوكوهاما؟ What time does this train reach Yokohama? When does this train reach Yokohama? >>eng<< Ddem ta. Take this. Destination. >>eng<< Yezga itett Tom. Tom is always eating. Yezga set Tom. >>eng<< Ma nixrobx alcohol. I don't drink alcohol. We do not drink alcohol. >>eng<< איפה תום למד לעשות את זה? Where did Tom learn how to do that? Where did Tom learn to do this? >>eng<< התעלמתי מזה. I ignored it. I ignored it. >>eng<< הוא אוהב להעמיד פני קשוח. He likes to play rough. He likes to pretend tough. >>eng<< أتعتقد ذلك؟ Do you think so? You think so? >>eng<< Illu naɣ agama. God or nature. We are not here. >>eng<< עלינו להעביר את אמנויותינו לדורות הבאים. We must hand down our craft to posterity. We have to transfer our art to future generations. >>eng<< יש לי כמה הקלטות של הסמפוניה החמישית של בטהובן. I have several recordings of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. I've got some records of Beethoven's fifth symphony. >>eng<< זה המדריך שלקח אותנו לסיבוב בטירה. This is the guide who took us around the castle. That's the guide that took us to a round in the castle. >>eng<< أعرف. I know. I know. >>eng<< انا مندهش , توم I'm impressed, Tom. I'm surprised, Tom. >>eng<< איזה אוסף! What a collection! What a collection! >>eng<< הוא חוקר ימים. He's an oceanographer. He's investigating days. >>eng<< Jien miżżewweġ. I'm married. I am married. >>eng<< كم حقيبة ستأخذون في رحلتكم؟ How many suitcases are you taking on your trip? How many bags are you taking on your trip? >>eng<< Ugadeɣ ur nettaweḍ ara zik. I fear we are too late. For I appear no longer to be like this. >>eng<< D aqcic yeṭṭafaren iwellihen n yimawlan-is d yiselmaden-is. He is a child who follows the advice of his parents and teachers. And as the child cried out, he lifted up his eyes, and cast them into his mouth. >>eng<< Cukkeɣ yella win i yellan di texxamt-nni n zdat. I think there's somebody in the next room. If I deny him who is in the inner room, >>eng<< הכל עבר. Everything is over. It's all over. >>eng<< טובה היא בחינם. A favor costs nothing. Good is free. >>eng<< إنه يتكلم الإنجليزية بلكنة ألمانية. He speaks English with a German accent. He speaks English in German. >>eng<< Yefṛeḥ Ken. Ken is happy. It is happy to see Ken. >>eng<< ماريا تمشي بُبطء. Maria walks slowly. Maria's walking slow. >>eng<< השומר אחי אנוכי? Am I my brother's keeper? My self-sufficiency guard? >>eng<< Iḥemmel ad iḥewwes Tom. Tom likes traveling. He will love Tom. >>eng<< Ur lliɣ ara da i wakken ad awen-xedmeɣ ayen n diri. I'm not here to hurt you. I will not as much as I shall do unto you for that which is evil. >>eng<< Mazal-iyi ḥemmleɣ Tom. I still love Tom. Even though I love Tom. >>eng<< اختر الورود التي تحبها. Choose any flowers you like. Choose the roses you love. >>eng<< זאת אחת מדאגותיי. That's one of my concerns. It's one of my concerns. >>eng<< أين تقترح أن نذهب؟ Where would you suggest we go? Where do you suggest we go? >>eng<< מי המציא את הדינמיט? Who invented dynamite? Who invented the dynamite? >>eng<< אין כמו בבית. No place like home. There's no way home. >>eng<< من كم يوم تتالف السنة الكبيسة ؟ How many days comprise a leap year? How many days do you have? >>eng<< המאמר שלך מוצא חן בעיניי. I like your article. I like your article. >>eng<< Ggummaɣ ad mmektiɣ isem-im. I can't remember your name. Be ye sure to remember your name. >>eng<< הסתתרנו במערה יחד. We hid in the cave together. We hid in the cave together. >>eng<< תום לבש את מקטורנו. Tom put on his jacket. Tom put on his poster. >>eng<< Ad tt-tesɛumt takeṛṛust-iw. You shall have my car. And thou shalt bear my yoke upon them. >>eng<< إنه ليس مدخنا. He isn't a smoker. It's not smoke. >>eng<< יתכן שזה נכון. It may be true. That might be true. >>eng<< תום קרא תגר על מרי. Tom challenged Mary. Tom called a challenge on Mary. >>eng<< את יכולה לנהל ספרים? Can you do bookkeeping? Can you run books? >>eng<< הוא דאג לעסקים אחרי שאביו נפטר. He took care of the business after his father's death. He took care of business after his father died. >>eng<< Ad d-ziɣ ticeki. I will be back soon. I will become thick. >>eng<< Igerrez. Good. Igerrez. >>eng<< העניין יתבהר במשך הזמן. It will clear up by and by. It'll be clear over time. >>eng<< ניסיתי לכתוב אליו. I tried to write him. I tried to write to him. >>eng<< تظاهر سامي بالموت. Sami played dead. Sammy pretended to be dead. >>eng<< אני מבין את רגשותייך. I understand your feelings. I understand your feelings. >>eng<< Ččet akk ayen i tebɣam. Eat everything you wish. You shall eat whatever you desire. >>eng<< فعلته بسرعة. I did it quickly. I did it fast. >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ i wen-d-isawlen? Did someone contact you? Now there is any man who will ask you questions? >>eng<< D kečč i d Julius? Are you Julius? Are you Julius? >>eng<< אתם נראים יפיפיים הלילה. You look beautiful tonight. You look beautiful tonight. >>eng<< Sutreɣ i Tom ad yesbuḥru taxxamt. I asked Tom to air out the room. I lie in wait for the tax money. >>eng<< Ttidireɣ deg Ustṛalya. I live in Australia. You did so in my city. >>eng<< مش فاهمك. I do not understand you. Ignore you. >>eng<< אני נשאר בבית בימי ראשון. I stay at home on Sundays. I'm staying home on Sundays. >>eng<< אני לומדת. I'm studying. I'm studying. >>eng<< عليك أن تأخذ هذا. You have to take this. You have to take this. >>eng<< أتى سامي إلى العيادة ليقابل ليلى. Sami came to the clinic to see Layla. Sammy came to the clinic to meet me. >>eng<< Snat n tebyirin, ttxil-k. Two beers, please. In fact, you've got to follow you. >>eng<< Ttxil-k ur tettu ara ayen i d-nenna. Please don't forget what we discussed. You will not steal from those things which they have known. >>eng<< Iɛedda lḥal. Too late. There is still a work. >>eng<< תאוורר את הפוטון בבקשה. Please air the futon. Warden the puton, please. >>eng<< הפעם אני אשלם. This time I'll pay. This time I'll pay. >>eng<< אני מניח שהייתי צריכה לעשות יותר. I guess I should've done more. I guess I should have done more. >>eng<< Ɛqel iman-ik! Know thyself! Be of the same mind! >>eng<< هل تعلم كم عدد السياح الذين ياتون الى بوسطن كل يوم ؟ Do you know how many tourists come to Boston every day? Do you know how many tourists go to Boston every day? >>eng<< Ḍeṛṛunt-d tuccḍiwin. Mistakes happen. They were beaten with many stripes. >>eng<< Yuwi-d Tom gma-s. Tom brought his brother. And his brother To brother is mine. >>eng<< Tom d aṭuṛhelliw. Tom is rude. You'll be blushing. >>eng<< בואו נרקוד על עלות השחר! Let's dance till the break of dawn! Let's dance at dawn! >>eng<< ניסיתי להיות בשקט. I tried to be quiet. I tried to be quiet. >>eng<< Sami yella iḥemmel ad yeg aya. Sami liked doing this. If Sami wants to, he will do so. >>eng<< החברה התחרבנה לחלוטין כשהשרפה השמידה את כל תקליטורי המחשב. The company faced a major interruption in business when a fire destroyed their archive of computer hard drives and optical discs. The company was totally mad when the fire set up all the computer records. >>eng<< תוסיפו סוכר לתה. Add sugar to the tea. Get some tea sugar together. >>eng<< يا لها من زهرة مسكينة. What a poor flower! What a poor flower. >>eng<< תום מת מפגיעות פנימיות. Tom died of internal injuries. Tom died of internal injuries. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad tili yiwet d wi ara heḍṛeɣ. I wanted somebody to talk to. I will, and he will know, whether I will. >>eng<< Ass-a tzemreḍ ad teččeḍ annect i ak-ihwan. Today you can eat as much as you want. In that day thou shalt eat such things as they ought to eat. >>eng<< Meṛṛa ad sellen? Was everyone listening? Do they hear? >>eng<< Meskint teqcict-a. Poor girl. Meskit girl-a. >>eng<< את לומדת כימיה? Are you studying chemistry? You're studying chemistry? >>eng<< הוא עובד קשה מאד. He works very hard. He's working very hard. >>eng<< سأمهلك حتّى الغدّ. I'm giving you time until tomorrow. I'll give you until tomorrow. >>eng<< سوف يصل الى باريس غداً. He will arrive in Paris tomorrow. He'll get to Paris tomorrow. >>eng<< Baba-s n Tom yeǧǧa tawacult-is. Tom's father walked out on his family. Tom became the father of his father, and became the father of his family. >>eng<< اتضحك عليك. You've been deceived. You're laughin'. >>eng<< הוא פיטר את המזכירה שלו. He let his secretary go. He fired his secretary. >>eng<< אני אמיתית. I'm truthful. I'm real. >>eng<< אתם הולכים לדוג באגמים? Do you go fishing on the lakes? You're going fishing in the lakes? >>eng<< את לא זוכרת מי נתן לך את זה? Don't you remember who gave you that? Don't you remember who gave you this? >>eng<< את מוכנה להסביר על מה את מדברת? Can you explain what you're talking about? Will you explain what you're talking about? >>eng<< عمل سامي في مطعم أبيه و هو يقشّر البطاطا لساعات طويلة. Sami worked at his father's restaurant, peeling potatoes for hours on end. Sammy's working at his father's restaurant, and he's been checking the potatoes for hours. >>eng<< זאת המכונית שלי. This is my car. That's my car. >>eng<< توم كان عندو ڤاع واش يحتاج فالكابة تاعو. Tom had everything he needed in his suitcase. Tom was an enemy of Wash. He needed the captain to call. >>eng<< علّم يامي ليلى السّباحة. Sami taught Layla how to swim. Amy taught the swimming night. >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ i ɣ-d-iṭṭalayen. Somebody is watching us. There is one who takes the lead among us. >>eng<< תום היה האסיסטנט של מרי. Tom was Mary's assistant. Tom was Mary's Assistant. >>eng<< כדאי שתסתלק מפה. You'd better get out here. You better get out of here. >>eng<< Tom yettḥebbiṛ. Tom cares. So you'll prophesy. >>eng<< Acḥal n yedlisen i tesɛamt? How many books do you have? How many of them do ye have? >>eng<< הרגשתי מאושש. I felt reassured. I felt guilty. >>eng<< انتهى الأمر بفيديو عراك سامي بنشره على اليوتوب. Sami's fight eventually landed on YouTube. It's over on Alake Sammy's video by publishing it on YouTube. >>eng<< أنا خباز I'm a baker. I'm a cook. >>eng<< D acu n waddal i tesmenyifiyeḍ ad t-tferrǧeḍ? What's your favorite spectator sport? What is the way that you will know that you will not escape? >>eng<< تعالَ مُجدداً. Come again. Come again. >>eng<< לטום לא היו ילדים. Tom didn't have any children. Tom didn't have kids. >>eng<< كان سامي يختلس النّظر عبر النّوافذ. Sami was peeping in the windows. Sammy was failing to look through the windows. >>eng<< את יוצאת עוד מעט? Are you leaving soon? Are you going out in a little while? >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad txedmeḍ yid-sent. I want you to work with them. I would have to do this thing unto them. >>eng<< لقد نفذ ما لدينا من الغاز . We have run out of gas. We've run out of gas. >>eng<< كوت قمصانه. She ironed his shirts. You've got his shirts. >>eng<< תום ומרי לא מדברים אחד עם השניה. Tom and Mary don't speak to each other. Tom and Mary don't talk to each other. >>eng<< תום היה עקשן. Tom was obstinate. Tom was stubborn. >>eng<< Ssarameɣ ad t-xedmeɣ daɣen. I'd love to do it again. When I see that I do, I will do it again. >>eng<< איפה אני? Where am I? Where am I? >>eng<< הוא נרדם ליד ההגה וקרתה לו תאונה. He fell asleep at the wheel and had an accident. He fell asleep near the wheel and hit him in an accident. >>eng<< את לא יכולה סתם להיות מאושרת ולהצטרף למסיבה? Can't you just be happy and enjoy the party? Can't you just be happy and join the party? >>eng<< توم أغلق الصنبور Tom turned the faucet off. Tom shut down the factory. >>eng<< Wa, kenwi! Hey, you. Wa, there you go! >>eng<< Zik i yettruḥu s aɣerbaz. He leaves early for school. That the fire which bindeth the ascent. >>eng<< سُرقت مني ساعتي البارحة. I had my watch stolen yesterday. I was stolen from me last night. >>eng<< Ad aqmamas. It's so sweet. You speak. >>eng<< Nemlal-d yiwen umaru. We met a writer. A man was born to us. >>eng<< Sami yelsa isebbaḍen iw Sami was wearing my shoes. Babies dressed for me >>eng<< הם המשיכו לאכול כאילו לא קרה שום דבר. They continued eating as if nothing had happened. They kept eating like nothing happened. >>eng<< זו צריכה להיות טעות. This must be a mistake. It should be a mistake. >>eng<< Tabalizt-is ẓẓayet aṭas. Her suitcase is too heavy. And his lights made many hunger. >>eng<< I imeqranen kan. Adults only. I'm missing. >>eng<< هذا عشوائي جداً. This is so random. That's so random. >>eng<< Teɣṛiḍ wa yakan? Have you already read this? Have you fulfilled anything? >>eng<< הוא תפס את הכייס בצווארון. He seized the pickpocket by the collar. He's got the pocket in his neck. >>eng<< Aql-ik deg uxxam. You are home. Behold, you are staying in your house. >>eng<< סוג המידע שאנו צריכים לא תמיד זמין. The sort of information we need is not always available. The kind of information we need is not always available. >>eng<< Aya ad yili d afelleq. This is going to be fabulous. So then it will be good to be gentle. >>eng<< هل الهنود هم من اخترع السيجار؟ Did the Indians invent cigars? Are the Indians the one who invented the cigar? >>eng<< لكن نفس المبدأ يجب أن ينطبق على صورة أمريكا لدى الآخرين ومثلما لا تنطبق على المسلمين الصورة النمطية البدائية فإن الصورة النمطية البدائية للإمبراطورية التي لا تهتم إلا بمصالح نفسها لا تنطبق على أمريكا. But that same principle must apply to Muslim perceptions of America. Just as Muslims do not fit a crude stereotype, America is not the crude stereotype of a self-interested empire. However, the same principle must apply to the image of America among others and, as for Muslims, the initial pattern ofism of the empire, which is concerned only with the same interests, does not apply to America. >>eng<< واصل سامي الكلام. Sami kept talking. Sammy kept talking. >>eng<< הם משכילים יותר, בריאים יותר ואמידים יותר לעומת דור ההורים שלהם כשהיו בגילם. They are better educated, healthier and wealthier than their parents' generation was at their age. They are more healthier and more sicker than their parents when they were their age. >>eng<< Sami yezga yid-s. Sami is still with her. Now Samson and all those who were with him were with him. >>eng<< Tɛeǧeb-iyi aṭas. I like it very much. For which cause also I have been much hated by many. >>eng<< ماذا تطبخ؟ What are you cooking? What are you cooking? >>eng<< תום סיפר לך את החדשות הטובות? Did Tom tell you the good news? Tom told you the good news? >>eng<< Adfel yezwar-d ageffur. Snow overtook the rain. Aduld walk-a rain. >>eng<< Tuɣalem d iderwicen? Have you become insane? have you laid down your hand? >>eng<< فقد سامي أعصابه. Sami snapped. He lost his nerves. >>eng<< احتفظ بالصّورة. Keep the picture. Keep the squirrel. >>eng<< Ẓṛiɣ d akken la tettarumt adlis. I know you're writing a book. to lie in wait for the wall.' >>eng<< Qqimet dagi. Stay here. They stayed here. >>eng<< سأكون معك حالًا. I'll be right with you. I'll be with you right now. >>eng<< Uḥwaǧeɣ kra n ḥedd ara yi-iɛawnen. I need someone to help me. And I have a little need of them, that they should help me. >>eng<< أراد توم استدعاء الشرطة، ولكن ماري لم تسمح له. Tom wanted to call the police, but Mary wouldn't let him. Tom wanted to call the police, but Mary didn't let him. >>eng<< سامي موظف استقبال. Sami is a receptionist. Sammy's a receptionist. >>eng<< Ad dduɣ yid-k. I will come with you. I will follow you into it. >>eng<< توم خائف جداً. Tom was very scared. Tom's so scared. >>eng<< טום גר בגאנגנם. Tom lives in Gangnam. Tom lives in Ghana. >>eng<< אני טובה מאד במה שאני עוסקת. I'm very good at what I do. I'm very good at what I'm doing. >>eng<< הילד הזה צובע פרחים. The child painted flowers. That kid's making flowers. >>eng<< המכונית הזאת מתפעלת היטב. This car handles well. This car's moving well. >>eng<< Tumer aṭas Naomi seg mi tewwi arraz. Naomi is very glad about having won first prize. And many of them did wear out by night: and he was chief among all the people. >>eng<< كان سامي يُعتبر مدرّسا رائعا. Sami was considered a great teacher. Sammy was a great teacher. >>eng<< טום, תזיז את התחת העצל שלך! Get off your lazy ass, Tom! Tom, move your mean ass! >>eng<< شكون هو الحيوان اللّي تحبّو بزاف؟ What is your favorite animal? It's the animal you love with? >>eng<< لمات كيما لامور - ادي سامپل، بصّح تتكۆمپليكا. Math is like love - a simple idea, but it can get complicated. When Kim Lammer-Dad Sample, Tik Pulplica, came up. >>eng<< Tesḍelmemt Tom? Do you blame Tom? You reserve Tom? >>eng<< D acu ara txedmem deg Halloween? What are you doing for Halloween? What will you do where you live? >>eng<< Ur zmireɣ ara ad xedmeɣ ayen i bɣiɣ. I can do what I want. Neither can I do any thing as I would. >>eng<< תום אף פעם לא שאל. Tom never asked. Tom never asked. >>eng<< فاز سامي. Sami won. Faz Sammy. >>eng<< תום מייצר חלקי חילוף במפעל מכוניות. Tom is making spare parts in a car factory. Tom's making spare parts in a car factory. >>eng<< תום ערער על התחרות. Tom pleaded no contest. Tom's upset about the competition. >>eng<< لم هذا مهمّ حتّى؟ Why is this even a thing? Why's this even important? >>eng<< נניח שהיא חוזרת. מה היית אומר לה? Suppose she comes back. What would you say to her? What would you tell her? >>eng<< سامي قام بهذا. Sami did this. Sammy did this. >>eng<< نحتاج إلى مساعدتك. We require your help. We need your help. >>eng<< אין לנו מושג היכן הוא. We have no clue where he is. We have no idea where he is. >>eng<< זכית? You won? You won? >>eng<< Tom yella akked Mary. Tom was with Mary. Tom is all over Mary. >>eng<< ترك فاضل المدرسة. Fadil dropped out of school. Leave the school fight. >>eng<< ستعود ليلى حالا. Layla will be right back. She'll be back for me right now. >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ i yukren idrimen-iw. Someone stole my money. And there is one man that hath taken my money. >>eng<< היא מבשלת עבורו. She cooks for him. She cooks for him. >>eng<< היא הניחה את העיתון על השולחן. She put the newspaper on the table. She put the paper on the table. >>eng<< Akka! That's it. Yes! >>eng<< המתנתי כמעט חצי שעה. I have been waiting for almost half an hour. I've been waiting almost half an hour. >>eng<< הקשר הרומנטי הארוך ביותר שלי נמשך ארבעה חודשים. My longest romantic relationship lasted four months. My longest romantic relationship lasted four months. >>eng<< Ad necc. We eat. Ad necc. >>eng<< اشترت رطليْ زبدة. She bought two pounds of butter. You bought me a butter. >>eng<< تكدب عليك كل وقت. She lies to you all the time. It's hard on you all the time. >>eng<< עצרו אותי. I got arrested. Stop me. >>eng<< بإمكانكِ أن تختارين أيّ طريق تريدينه. You can take whichever way you like. You can choose any way you want. >>eng<< Yenna-d Tom ad ɣ-iɛawen akken ad t-nexdem. Tom said that he'd like to help us do that. And he said unto us, Give us the work to do. >>eng<< أتذهب إلى المدرسة بالحافلة؟ Do you go to school by bus? You go to school on the bus? >>eng<< הסרט פופולרי בקרב הנוער. The movie is popular among the youngsters. The movie is popular among the youth. >>eng<< Tḥemmel-it. She admired him. Love-t. >>eng<< תום אינו הגיוני. Tom is illogical. Tom doesn't make any sense. >>eng<< أنا ملحد. I'm atheist. I'm small. >>eng<< בוא נשמע את התירוץ שלך. Let's hear your excuse. Let's hear your excuse. >>eng<< Feṛḥeɣ imi iyi-tuṛǧam. I'm glad you waited for me. I was glad with great joy. >>eng<< Tom yenɣa Mary. Tom killed Mary. Tom're Mary. >>eng<< أنا نباتي. I am vegetarian. I'm my plant. >>eng<< Xeṛṣum tanemmirt. Thanks anyway. We are doing that in which you know very well. >>eng<< توم يحب شطائر الجبنة. Tom likes cheeseburgers. Tom likes cheese sharks. >>eng<< Ur ḥemmleɣ ara Tom d aya. I just don't love Tom. I don't love to you here. >>eng<< Uɣen-d taqerɛet n waman. They bought a bottle of water. And they came over unto the lake of water. >>eng<< بنتي تحبّ الفاكية تاع الصيف: حبّ الملوك، الدلاّع، الخوخ. My daughter likes summer fruits, such as cherries, watermelons and peaches. My daughter likes to eat the summer: the love of the kings, the priests, the brothers. >>eng<< Ur mxallafeɣ ara. I'm not special. Do not dry up. >>eng<< Yemma temmut. My mother is dead. And she died. >>eng<< لم أرى قط زرافة حتى اليوم الذي زرت فيه حديقة الحيوانات. I had never seen a giraffe till I visited the zoo. I've never seen a farm until the day I visited the zoo. >>eng<< תומס רק ניסה לעזור. Tom was just trying to help. Thomas was just trying to help. >>eng<< كونوا متسامحين. Be tolerant. Be tolerant. >>eng<< وصفت أمّ فاضل ابنها أنّه فتى جيّد. Fadil's mother characterized him as a good boy. She described her son's struggle mother as a good boy. >>eng<< Tzemremt ad tuɣalemt yal ass. You can always come back. You will all return every day. >>eng<< אינני מצנזר את המאמרים שלכם. I don't censor their articles. I don't share your articles. >>eng<< Sellkemt-aɣ. Save us. And pray ye for us. >>eng<< אני לא יודע לנהוג באוטובוס. I cannot drive a bus. I can't drive the bus. >>eng<< أصِرَّ على الأفضل. Insist on the best. Make the best of it. >>eng<< האם אתה מתכוון לחטוב את כל העצים כאן? Are you going to cut down all the trees here? Are you gonna pack all the trees here? >>eng<< أريدُك أن تجرّب ذلِكَ. I want you to try it. I want you to try that. >>eng<< سامي لا يشعر أبدا بالارتياح. Sami never feels good. Sammy never feels satisfied. >>eng<< ليس علينا فعل ذلك يوميا. We don't need to do this every day. We don't have to do this every day. >>eng<< Ur zmireɣ ara ad xedmeɣ akken nniḍen. I couldn't do otherwise. Neither can I do any other thing. >>eng<< לפעמים אני משתמש במספריים בתור פותחן קופסאות. I sometimes use scissors as a can opener. Sometimes I use the numbers as opening boxes. >>eng<< Anda i tellam ṣṣbeḥ-a? Where were you this morning? And ye were so early in the morning? >>eng<< كل ما عليك هو إمضاء إسمك هنا. All you have to do is sign your name here. All you have to do is light your name here. >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ i tebɣiḍ ad twaliḍ? Is there somebody you want to see? Is there anyone who you want to know? >>eng<< D lewhayem. It's unbelievable. They haven't. >>eng<< أنت صديق توم، أليس ذلك صحيحاً؟ You're Tom's friend, aren't you? You're a friend of Tom, aren't you? >>eng<< Tom d aṛṭayan. Tom is short. So you're full. >>eng<< Ur ssirideɣ ara takeṛṛust-ik. I'm not washing your car. Neither shall I die with thy head for thy flesh's sake. >>hau_Latn<< Of course you can take it if you want. Kwarai kuwa zaka iya daukarsa idan kanaso. Hakika, za ka iya ɗaukansa idan kana so. >>eng<< Nniɣ-d ayen i ffreɣ g ul-iw. I confessed. I have taken away that which I took out of my heart. >>eng<< قُتِلَ سامي من طرف صديق فريد المقرّب، رامي. Sami was murdered by Farid's best friend, Rami. Sammy was killed by a best friend, Ramy. >>eng<< Yewḥel Sami. Sami is stranded. Yell Sam. >>eng<< غرق سامي في مسبح. Sami drowned in a swimming pool. Sammy burn in a pool. >>eng<< מתי אני יכולה להתקשר אליך? When can I call you? When can I call you? >>eng<< אני אוהבת את תום מאד מאד. I care about Tom very much. I love Tom very much. >>eng<< Nessen akk ad nemmeslay tafransist. We all know how to speak French. We know that we speak in hope. >>eng<< لا تستخف بمقدرتي. Don't underestimate me. Don't hide my ability. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad tɛeṛḍemt aya. I want you to try this. I will that you trouble me. >>eng<< תום עזר לכולם. Tom helped everybody. Tom helped everyone. >>eng<< Beṛka-k asuter n ssmaḥ. Stop apologizing. And the sound of a fire arose upon thee. >>eng<< وسادة منّاد مبلّلة جدّا. Mennad's pillow is soaking wet. Oh, my God. >>eng<< لماذا لا تأكل الخضروات؟ Why don't you eat vegetables? Why don't you eat vegetables? >>eng<< أنا متأكد من أنها ستعود قريباً. I'm sure that she will come back soon. I'm sure she'll be back soon. >>eng<< عولِج سامي حتّى شفي. Sami was nursed back to health. I'll take Sammy to my mouth. >>eng<< لا تفقد الثّقة في نفسك أبدا. بإمكانك ان تقوم بأيّ شيء تريده. Never lose faith in yourself. You can do everything you want to do. You can do anything you want. >>eng<< יש לנו יבול טוב של עגבניות השנה. We have a good crop of tomatoes this year. We have a good crop of tomatoes this year. >>eng<< Anwa i ak-d-innan belli ur zmireɣ ara ad εummeɣ? Who told you I couldn't swim? "Who are you to say, that I couldn't remember?" >>eng<< עכשיו זה הגיוני. It makes sense now. Now it makes sense. >>eng<< אני יכול לעשות משהו בשבילו, אתה לא. I can do something for him, but you can't. I can do something for him, you can't. >>eng<< Ɣef acu i ad tettmeslayem ihi? What are you actually talking about? What then are you doing that speaks? >>eng<< توم مكنش عارف يبوس ماري ولا لاء علشان كدا مبسش Tom wasn't sure if he should kiss Mary or not, so he didn't. Tom McKench, M.E., Mary and L.A. >>eng<< Urar dihin. Play there. And by oath of them. >>eng<< Tesɛiḍ aqziḥ? Have you got a dog? Do you need a certificate? >>eng<< הוא קנה לי מילון חדש. He bought me a new dictionary. He bought me a new hotel. >>eng<< D acu-tt tnekwa n baba-m? What is your father's name? What do you mean by your father? >>eng<< הוא אוהב לטייל ברגל. He likes taking walks. He likes to walk. >>eng<< הוא שונה ממה שאני דימיתי. He's different from how I imagined him. He's different from what I've imagined. >>eng<< אני שמח שאיש לא מת. I'm glad no one died. I'm glad no one's dead. >>eng<< ?Teɛṛef asmawat-hum Do you know their names? Use utilise >>eng<< الجو حار It's hot. It's hot. >>eng<< Tessardem tuɣmas nwen? Have you brushed your teeth? Do you bury your mothers? >>eng<< Ur tetteɣ ara aṭas lfakya. I don't eat a lot of fruit. I will not bear much fruit. >>eng<< כרישים אוכלים דגים. Sharks eat fish. Sharks eat fish. >>eng<< Ur bɣin ara ad asen-d-aɣeɣ d acu ara swen. They wouldn't let me buy them drinks. And bring them not into our company, but that we may know what they will do unto you. >>eng<< Ttumt-iyi. Forget me. Thank me. >>eng<< الحب أن تراها حتى في أحلامك. Love is seeing her even in your dreams. Love to see it even in your dreams. >>eng<< Yella win i isekren times. Somebody set the fire. There is one who calls for the number of times. >>eng<< Acuɣer i tebɣamt tiɣawsiwin-agi yakk? Why do you want all this stuff? Why do you want to be told about these things? >>eng<< هل تعرفه؟ Do you know who he is? Do you know him? >>eng<< הם מפיצים דוגמיות חינם. They're giving away samples free. They're spreading free samples. >>eng<< Afrux ara ikeblen, ur yezmir ad yafeg. A sticky bird cannot fly. For the stone shall turn away, and shall not find it. >>eng<< Kemmel tazzla! Keep running. How Undeserved! >>eng<< Yiwen ur d-yenni akka. No one is saying that. And there was no man like unto him. >>eng<< أعاد توم المال لماري. Tom paid Mary back. Come back to Mary's money. >>eng<< אתמול הייתי בבית הספר. I was present at school yesterday. I was in school yesterday. >>eng<< Ur bɣiɣ ara ad tuɣalemt ar Boston. I don't want you to go back to Boston. I don't desire that you would be like Boston. >>eng<< Tzemṛemt ad tɛassemt Tom? Can you keep an eye on Tom? Do you have to carry it to Tom? >>eng<< מבחינת המשכורת העבודה הזאת נהדרת. In terms of salary, that job is fantastic. As far as this salary is concerned, this job is great. >>eng<< كان يريد فاضل أن يحرق جثّة ليلى. Fadil wanted to incinerate Layla's body. He wanted a fool to burn me's body. >>eng<< إنها دائماً تشتري ثياباً ثمينة. She always buys expensive clothes. She's always buying expensive tea. >>eng<< استمع سامي للرّسالة الصّوتيّة. Sami listened to the voice mail. Listen, Sammy. >>eng<< תלך למסיבה במקומי? Will you go to the party instead of me? Are you going to a party in my place? >>eng<< لنجلس أين يوجد ظل. Let's sit where there is some shade. Let's sit where we're staying. >>eng<< Ɛni tsawleḍ? Did you call? What did you ask? >>eng<< Tom ur iwala ara Mary seg Tubeṛ. Tom hasn't seen Mary since October. Don't see Mary coming from within. >>eng<< עשית המון שגיאות. You have made many mistakes. You made a lot of mistakes. >>eng<< D timaynutin kunemti? Are you new? Do you know how to dress? >>eng<< אולי שגיתי. Perhaps I was wrong. Maybe I was wrong. >>eng<< הוא לא התרחץ במשך שבוע. He didn't wash himself for a week. He didn't have a bath for a week. >>eng<< Tefkiḍ-as asefk i Tom ilmend n umulli-s? Did you give Tom a present for his birthday? You gave me a denarius, and I gave it to you?' >>eng<< Tḥedqeḍ? Are you polite? You know how? >>eng<< הוא תמיד יוצא לעבודה בשעה 08:00. He always leaves for work at 8:00 a.m. He always goes to work at 8:00. >>eng<< הוא יצא אחריי. He left after me. He's gone after me. >>eng<< אני רוצה להודות לכולם על תמיכתם. I want to thank everyone for their support. I want to thank everyone for their support. >>eng<< אני לא יכולה לחיות בלי טלוויזיה. I can't live without a TV. I can't live without TV. >>eng<< כמה שנים אתה לומד אנגלית? How long have you been studying English? How many years have you learned English? >>eng<< נחש. Make a guess. Guess. >>eng<< Tɛawen-it. She helped him. It's helpful. >>eng<< Tamsulta tettwali belli Tom yettwet s lmus uqbel ad yegzem umgerḍ-is. The police think Tom was stabbed before his throat was slit. You can also imagine that Tom gets thirsty before he cuts off the cliff. >>eng<< Acemma ur yelli din. There's nothing there. It's not right. >>eng<< אני עובדת אתו. I work with him. I work with him. >>eng<< Aql-aɣ nsel i uẓawan aselti. We're listening to Celtic music. And we hear the voice of the chief priests. >>eng<< Ur ttmeslayemt ara akked Tom. Don't talk to Tom. Don't speak all of Tom. >>eng<< سامي هو مدير العيادة. The clinic director is Sami. Sammy's the director of the clinic. >>eng<< Gezmeɣ-t ɣef sin immuren. I've cut it into two pieces. I know how many things I watch. >>eng<< זה אחד הדברים שאני אוהבת אצל תום. That's one of the things that I like about Tom. It's one of the things I love at Tom's. >>eng<< البيت انهدم في هزة أرضية. The house collapsed in an earthquake. The house was destroyed in a land grant. >>eng<< እኔ ፓሊስ ነኝ። I'm a policeman. I am a police officer. >>eng<< لكن لا أريد But I don't want to. But I don't want to. >>eng<< هل هذا أمر؟ Is that an order? Is that an order? >>eng<< أثارت غضبي بكلامها. Her words made me mad. She raised my anger with her words. >>eng<< فجّر توم البالونة. Tom blew up the balloon. Tom ran the balloon. >>eng<< Ilaq ad tili tin ara ixedmen kra. Somebody should do something. For indeed he must be done, and all things must be done. >>eng<< وصلتني رسالتك بالأمس. I received your letter yesterday. I got your message yesterday. >>eng<< لا يستحقّ سامي أن يرى نور النّهار مجدّدا. Sami doesn't deserve to see the light of day again. Sammy doesn't deserve to see the light of the day again. >>eng<< Yettaf-it-id uyaziḍ yettadanen, yuki. He got up before the rooster crowing. Hetif-thoughts-thoughts, he's up. >>eng<< هل سبق لك و أن كنت شاهدا في محاكمة؟ Have you ever served as a witness in a court case? Have you ever been a witness to a trial? >>eng<< הם הופקרו על אי בודד. They were marooned on a desert isle. They've been exposed to a lonely island. >>eng<< Tzemreḍ ad iyi-d-tsiwleḍ iḍ-agi. You can call me tonight. That at this time thou mayest lay down my life for me. >>eng<< أيمكنك أن تحزر ما لديّ؟ Can you guess what I have? Can you guess what I have? >>eng<< Weddareɣ webrid di New York. In New York I lost my way. By way of help in New York. >>eng<< Kenwi d isixiyen? Are you generous? Do you know what they are? >>eng<< באביב הקרוב הוא יוצא לפנסיה. He retires next spring. In the next spring, he's out on a pension. >>eng<< البقرة تعطينا الحليب. A cow gives us milk. The cow gives us milk. >>eng<< ምንኛ ቋንቋ ይናገራል? What language is he speaking? What language does he speak? >>eng<< Tḥeqqeɣ belli ɣelṭen. I'm sure they're wrong. I think I'm not wrong. >>eng<< אקנה סרט הקלטה. I'll buy a tape. I'll buy a tape. >>eng<< Teqqar taglizit. She's studying English. Kneeling glyzit. >>eng<< היא מחכה לך בבית. She's waiting for you at home. She's waiting for you home. >>eng<< Tom yugad ɣef warac. Tom is worried about the boys. He went up after me. >>eng<< كان سامي يتحدّث. Sami was talking. Sammy was talking. >>eng<< Igen Tom. Tom slept. Igen Tom. >>eng<< كان سامي يروي قصصا عن حياته في قناته على اليوتوب. Sami told stories about his life on his YouTube channel. Sammy was telling stories about his life on the Eutope channel. >>eng<< מזג האוויר היה נהדר. The weather was gorgeous. The weather was great. >>eng<< לאחר העדרות של עשרה חודשים הוא שב הביתה. After an absence of ten months, he returned home. After the ten-month shift, he came home. >>eng<< חזרו. Come back. Come back. >>eng<< עלינו לנתח באופן מיידי. We have to operate immediately. We have to analyze immediately. >>eng<< Ɛni theblem? Are you crazy? Why not? >>eng<< Ih ttxil-k. Yes, please. I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I >>eng<< אל תתייחס בשיטחיות כזאת לנושאים רצינים כאלה. Don't treat such serious subjects so superficially. Don't treat such techniques with such serious issues. >>eng<< זה לא ארך יותר משלוש דקות. It did not last more than three minutes. It's not longer than three minutes. >>eng<< היא מתפתלת מכאבים. She's in pain. She's a painkiller. >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ i d-isqeṛben ar tewwurt. Somebody knocked on the door. But there is one who is called in front of the door. >>eng<< Ad awent-tt-id-aɣeɣ. I'll buy you that. "You have also given it to me. >>eng<< كان مايك الشّخص الوحيد الذي نجى من سقوط الطّائرة. Mike was the only person who survived the plane crash. Mike was the only guy who survived the fall of the show. >>eng<< Suffɣet iɣersiwen seg leḥbus-nsen. Free the animals from their cages. Casting you out of their bonds. >>eng<< היא אף פעם עוד לא סיפרה לי. She never told me. She never told me yet. >>eng<< Susem! Oh, hush! Susam! >>eng<< לא סיפרתי אפילו לאשתי. I haven't even told my wife. I didn't even tell my wife. >>eng<< ما هو عملك؟ What do you do? What's your job? >>eng<< أيّهما تفضّل، أهذه أم تلك؟ Which one do you prefer, this one or that one? Which one, this or that? >>eng<< לא אכפת לי מה חושבים אנשים על הבגדים שלי. I don't care what people think about the way I dress. I don't care what people think about my clothes. >>eng<< Fehmeɣ acimi i tt-ixdem Tom. I understand why Tom did that. I don't know why you have done it to Tom. >>eng<< מה יחשוב תום? What'll Tom think? What would Tom think? >>eng<< Twalaḍ weltma? Did you see my sister? Have you seen your sister? >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ ad ṭṭṣeɣ. I like sleeping. I love him, but I love him. >>eng<< فَهمتُ ذلك. I got it. I thought it was. >>eng<< אילו ידעתי מהי כתובתה, הייתי כותב לה. If I had known her address, I would have written to her. If I knew her address, I'd write her. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ ad ruḥeɣ ɣer tmeɣriwin n ccna. I like going to concerts. I will get into the pit of destruction." >>eng<< זה כל מה שתום מדבר עליו. That's all Tom talks about. That's all you're talking about. >>eng<< Tom yuḍen aṭṭan n uduqqes. Tom has OCD. Now they have a little sleep, and they need it. >>eng<< جاء ليطلب مساعدتنا. He came to ask us for our help. He came to ask for our help. >>eng<< إسحاق يهوديّ و لديه العديد كثير من الأصدقاء المسلمين. هل في الأمر إشكال؟ Yitzhak is Jewish and he has many Muslim friends. Is that wrong? He's got a lot of Muslim friends. >>eng<< مثير للإهتمام. Interesting. Interesting. >>eng<< יש לי הרבה דברים לעשות היום. I have a lot of things to do today. I have a lot to do today. >>eng<< Nṛuḥ ass n 20 di tubeṛ. We left on October 20th. And there was a day set. >>eng<< אין לי בקרה על מה שאתה עושה. I have no control over what you do. I don't have a look at what you're doing. >>eng<< Ur bɣiɣ ara ad ččeɣ tisigar. I don't want to eat leftovers. I don't desire to eat at once. >>eng<< Zi manis kenniw? Where are you from? Ziis kinniw? >>eng<< "لقد جئت لزيارة جمال." "تفضّل بالدخول." "I've come to see Jamal." "Come in." I've come to a beautiful visit. You'd rather come in. >>eng<< Tom ur yezmir ara ad igen war tafat. Tom can't sleep without a light. lest perhaps the sun rise on it, and it can't shine. >>eng<< سأدفع بالشيك. I'll pay by cheque. I'll pay the check. >>eng<< Iḥemmel Tom ad isel i Mary tcennu. Tom likes listening to Mary sing. And he loved Tom, that he should be the mother of Mary. >>eng<< اشترى لها فستاناً. He bought a dress for her. I bought her a dress. >>eng<< Kenwi d iswidiyen? Are you Swedish? Ken is Swedish? >>eng<< أنا حتى لستُ متأكداً ما إذا كُنتُ أريد أن أرى هذا الفيلم. I'm not even sure I want to see that movie. I'm not even sure if I wanted to see this movie. >>eng<< Tesderɣel-ikem tayri. Love makes you blind. You're getting it, you're getting it. >>eng<< דמעותיה העניקו לסיפור אמינות רבה יותר. Her tears gave more credence to the story. Her tears gave a much more reliable account. >>eng<< Millie taqra l-ktieb tagħha. Millie is reading her book. Millie read her book. >>eng<< Mačči d kemm kan i wumi i ikellex Tom. You aren't the only one Tom has cheated. Not only so, but who was also possessed by Thummim. >>eng<< Tessen amek ara tidir. She knows how to live. That which you know does not discern. >>eng<< Yella kra n yiwen i yi-d-iṭṭfen deg iɣil-iw. Somebody caught me by the arm. One thing I have taken hold of him, that took hold of me. >>eng<< Txedɛeḍ tamurt-ik. You betrayed your country. Honour thy country. >>eng<< Wwtemt! Wwtemt! Kick! Kick! And you shut up! >>eng<< בואו נתחיל, בכל מקרה. Let's get started anyway. Let's start, anyway. >>eng<< Ɛijel a Tom. Hurry up, Tom. Eliel a Tom. >>eng<< Tessen mliḥ ad tecnu. She can sing very well. They know that they worship. >>eng<< ربما علينا جلب توم معنا. Maybe we should take Tom with us. Maybe we should bring Tom with us. >>eng<< أرسل سامي لليلى صورة له و صدره عار. Sami sent Layla a picture of him shirtless. Sammy sent a picture of him and his face was shamed. >>eng<< הייתי עסוק מאד בכתיבת הסיפור הקצר. I was very busy writing a short story. I was very busy writing the short story. >>eng<< Eǧǧ-iyi ad muqqleɣ ayen i turiḍ. Let me see what you've written. Let me know what thou wilt shew me. >>eng<< בקושי הכרתי אותו. I hardly knew him. I barely knew him. >>eng<< אני יכולה לארגן את זה בעצמי. I can manage that on my own. I can set it up myself. >>eng<< Kenwi d ungifen! You are an idiot! Kenwi da ungifen! >>eng<< Iwacu ur telliḍ ara tettarraḍ ddhen-ik? Why weren't you paying attention? Wherefore then art thou not deceived? >>eng<< دعني أفكر للحظة. Let me think for a minute. Let me think for a moment. >>eng<< Yella kra n yiwen i yeṭṭalayen Tom. Someone is watching Tom. Now there was a certain man, which had a pound broken at the foot of Tom. >>eng<< היום אני נשארת בבית. Today I'm staying at home. I'm staying home today. >>eng<< توم يعيش مع عمه الآن. Tom is living with his uncle now. Tom lives with his uncle now. >>eng<< اتّصلت ليلى بالأمن. Layla called security. I called me in security. >>eng<< Inɣa-yi usemmiḍ. I'm freezing. And thou art called. >>eng<< Ar ticki a yemma. See you later, Mother. Talk to my mother. >>eng<< ከመይ ሓዲርኩም። Good morning! And how have I left it? >>eng<< רוב המפתחים שונאים את שלב ניפוי השגיאות; זה יותר כיף ליצור באגים מאשר לתקנם. Most developers hate debugging; it's more fun to create bugs than to correct them. Most keys hate the level of error; it's more fun to create fish than to fix them. >>eng<< Laɛi-yaɣ-d. Call us. About whom, therefore, was he determined to come close to us. >>eng<< Tom d igellil. Tom is poor. Tom poor. >>eng<< كاد سامي أن يفقد وعيه. Sami almost fainted. Sammy almost lost his eye. >>eng<< تضرب الزلازل اليابان بكثرة. Earthquakes frequently hit Japan. Smile hits Japan a lot. >>eng<< Tezham. You are happy. Tezham. >>eng<< Wissen ayɣeṛ yeqqaṛ wanzi: "ayaziḍ abeṛṛani, neqqben-t medden d tirni."? Why does a proverb say: "A foreign cock is pecked by everyone"? And they began to say good, If thou be a stranger, bury men, or countest them? >>eng<< لربما تمتعض من وجهة نظري، إلا أنّ لي الحقّ في قول ما أشاء. You may not like my views, but I have the right to say what I think. Maybe he enjoyed my point of view, but I have the right to say what I want. >>eng<< תום הקיש על מתג האור. Tom clicked the light switch on. Tom's hard on the light badge. >>eng<< تناول سامي كمّيّة من الأقراص. Sami swallowed a bunch of pills. Sammy ate a couple of tapes. >>eng<< تعجبني خطتك. I like your plan. I like your plan. >>eng<< Nekk d tacinwat. I'm Chinese. I'm a fool. >>eng<< اعتقد أنك تعرف لماذا استدعيتك . I think you know why I summoned you. I think you know why I called you. >>eng<< תום היה צריך להציע את עזרתו למרי. Tom should've offered to help Mary. Tom had to offer his help to Mary. >>eng<< השיניים הקבועות של בתי מתחילות לצוץ. My daughter is cutting her permanent teeth. My daughter's regular teeth are starting to suck. >>eng<< D amɣaṛ. He is old. as an old man." >>eng<< هل تذكر السيد سايتو؟ Do you remember Mr Saito? Do you remember Mr. Sato? >>eng<< Acḥal n yedlisen i teɣṛiḍ? How many books have you read? How many times did you read? >>eng<< لم نكن سعداء We weren't happy. We weren't happy. >>eng<< בוא נלך לאכול חטיף נקניקיה או משהו כזה. Let's go grab a hot dog or something. Let's go get a hot dog or something. >>eng<< انخفض من فضلك. Please get down. Please come down. >>eng<< أعرف أباك. I know your father. I know your father. >>eng<< Sfuḥeɣ-d kra n tɣawsa teṛɣa-d. I smell something burning. And some of them did I spit into his ears: and they killed him. >>eng<< Sin wussan segmi tekkat. It's raining since two days. After these days you will receive an education in Finland. >>eng<< עדיין לא בשלה בי ההחלטה. I still haven't decided yet. I still haven't made a decision. >>eng<< Tessufeɣ-as-d lkarṭa ar ccṛeɛ. She sued him. When he had brought him out, he spoke to the council. >>eng<< تبدأ الأوبرا في الساعة السابعة. The opera starts at seven. The opera starts at 7:00. >>eng<< מה התחביב שלך? What's your hobby? What's your hobby? >>eng<< تأقلمت ليلى مع حياتها الجديدة في زنزانة سجن مصري. Layla settled in to her new life in an Egyptian prison cell. She spent night with her new life in a Egyptian prison cell. >>eng<< אינני אוהב לרוץ. I don't like running. I don't like running. >>eng<< Mačči akken i yella Tom. Tom is kind of strange. Not as much as Tom. >>eng<< Yal yiwen i yiman-is. Everyone for himself. For every one of them is his own. >>eng<< תום משאיר כלים מלוכלכים בכיור לעתים קרובות. Tom often leaves dirty dishes in the sink. Tom often leaves dirty tools in the sink. >>eng<< את צריכה להפסיק לשחק. You should stop playing. You need to stop playing. >>eng<< Ṛuḥem axiṛ. You'd better go. But go your way. >>eng<< Txellṣeḍ yakan. You already paid. You have already paid the same in full. >>eng<< اركض بأقصى سرعة. Run as fast as possible. Run as fast as possible. >>eng<< הוא איבד את קור רוחו. He lost his temper. He lost his spirit. >>eng<< መኪናቸው ጥሩ አይደለም። Their car is not good. Their car is not good. >>eng<< עשינו פיקניק בחצר האחורית. We had a picnic in the backyard. We did a pecan in the backyard. >>eng<< لن أنس ذلك الحفل ما دمت حيّا. I shan't forget that feast as long as I live. I'm not gonna forget that party as long as I'm alive. >>eng<< من المستحيل تعلم الإنجليزية في شهر. It's impossible to learn English in a month. It's impossible to learn English in a month. >>eng<< יש משהו שאתה יכול לעשות עכשיו? Is there anything you can do now? Is there anything you can do now? >>eng<< هل أستطيع الحصول على كأس من النبيذ الأبيض؟ Could I have a glass of white wine? Can I get a cup of white wine? >>eng<< אפשר לבקש כוס מים? May I have a glass of water, please? Can I have a glass of water? >>eng<< מי שבר את האגרטל? Who broke the vase? Who broke the fraternal? >>eng<< عملهم هو تجميل الفنانين. Their job is to do make-up for performing artists. Their work is the beauty of artists. >>eng<< Am kečč i ttwaliɣ. I am for your opinion. You know me. >>eng<< Amack-itent. They're cool. Or do they think so? >>eng<< Tom seg Ustṛalya? Is Tom from Australia? Where do you go from? >>eng<< מרי יכולה לשחות. Mary can swim. Mary can swim. >>eng<< Ilaq ad yeqqim Tom, ur yesɛi ara lxetyaṛ-nniḍen. Tom has no choice but to stay. And tom he ought to sit, and not to touch the cock which was laid. >>eng<< Ziɣ kunwi! Wannag tɣiddem ad ssersen tagelzimt! Ur walaɣ! It's no joke! Do you think that they will lay down their guns? You should forget about it! I don't know, for I am afraid of you! >>eng<< אור על-סגולי חודר עננים, כך שאת יכולה להישרף בשמש גם ביום מעונן. Ultraviolet light can also go through clouds, so you can get sunburns on an overcast day. Light on clouds of clouds, so you can burn in the sun, too, on a rainy day. >>eng<< איפה הבנות? Where are the girls? Where are the girls? >>eng<< Ceyyɛemt-iyi-d tabrat. Let me hear from you. Wherefore lift me up quickly. >>eng<< ساعدني بوب. Bob helped me. Help me. Bob. >>eng<< Tom yuɣaled ɣer tebḥirt u yessaked sya u sya. Tom came back to the garden and looked around. So your foot will be far removed, and your foot will be broken. >>eng<< ما ذهبت إلى المدرسة. I didn't go to school. I didn't go to school. >>eng<< يؤمن المسلمون أنّه هناك ربّ واحد فقط. Muslims believe there is only one God. Muslims believe there's only one Lord. >>eng<< الأمر عينه حصل لتوم. The exact same thing happened to Tom. The eye's got Tom. >>eng<< אני בן אנוש. I am human. I'm a human being. >>eng<< אני קוראת את פרק ג' בספר. I'm reading chapter three of the book. I read chapter J in the book. >>eng<< נהניתם מההופעה? Did you like the show? Did you enjoy the show? >>eng<< Tom yell yebɣa ad Tom wanted to comfort Mary. And that's what you're going to do. >>eng<< كان سامي يعيش حياة قاسية. Sami has a difficult life. Sammy was living a hard life. >>eng<< Tteɛṛaḍeɣ ad d-afeɣ aɣawas-nniḍen. I'm trying to think of another plan. I testified about him, that he would strike him. >>eng<< Tesɛiḍ kra uɣbel? Do you have any pain? You killed a certain wall? >>eng<< כולם יודעים שהירח עשוי מגבינה. Everybody knows the moon is made of cheese. Everyone knows the moon is made of cheese. >>eng<< Tasqamt-a tedda deg-s tḥelwiḍt akked claḍa? Does that price include soup and salad? What, do you hold on to a walk in the temple, and on all things? >>eng<< Ayyuz i cekk! Congratulations to you! (Laughter) >>eng<< أنت تواعد طالبةً من كيئو، ألست كذلك؟ You're going out with a Keio student, aren't you? You're dating a student from Kiao, aren't you? >>eng<< Tmeqqṛemt. You are old. You were granted. >>eng<< سأنادي سامي. I'll call Sami. I'll call Sammy. >>eng<< D acu-tt tfelseft-nwen? What is your philosophy? Which is it, then, that ye inherit it, which ye have taken away from you? >>eng<< Kra n yitran bdan ttbanen-d deg igenni deg iḍ. Some stars began to appear in the night sky. And there began to be some of the stars in heaven at night: >>eng<< Tom yerra-d ṭṭlem meṛṛa ɣef Mary. Tom blamed everything on Mary. Then sat thou all over Mary. >>eng<< הם משחקים כדורסל. They play basketball. They're playing basketball. >>eng<< D acu i d assaɣir? What is carnelian? What then will we say to this man? >>eng<< أخبرني كيف أحل هذه المسألة. Tell me how to solve the problem. Tell me how to resolve this matter. >>eng<< لست جاهزاً بعد. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. >>eng<< سيستوجب عليها أن تنتظره. She'll have to wait for him. She'll have to wait for him. >>eng<< Yella Tom yettmeslay fell-ak kra yekka wass. Tom has been talking about you all day. You have to talk of him some day. >>eng<< Tṛuḥeḍ ɣer Kyoto yakan? Have you ever visited Kyoto before? You know what I have already done to you? >>eng<< העיתון פרסם פרודיה משעשעת על נאומו של הנשיא. The newspaper published a hilarious parody of the president's speech. The paper is playing on the President's mother. >>eng<< لا أحد يعرف توم مثلي. Nobody knows Tom like I know Tom. Nobody knows Tom like me. >>eng<< خذ ما تحتاج من الوقت. Take all the time you need. Take what time you need. >>eng<< يوصلني جمال كل يوم بسيارته. Jamal gives me a ride every day. I get a beauty every day in his car. >>eng<< Sliɣ i yiwen yettṣeffiṛ. I heard someone whistle. And I was a child of many stripes. >>eng<< تتكلم ماريكو الإنجليزية جيداً. Mariko speaks English excellently. Marco speaks English well. >>eng<< אינני יודעת איך עשיתי את זה. I don't know how I did that. I don't know how I did it. >>eng<< אתה צודק לגבי כל יום פרט לאחד. That's true for every day except one. You're right about every day specifically for one. >>eng<< הציפורים שרות. Birds sing. The birds were singing. >>eng<< كيف جرى الأمر؟ How did it go? How'd it go? >>eng<< كان سامي يأخذ دروسا. Sami was taking classes. Sammy was taking lessons. >>eng<< תום לא אכל חמוצים בשמיר. Tom didn't eat dill pickles. Tom didn't eat soups in a pot. >>eng<< دعنا نتقاسم النفقات. Let's share the expenses. Let's share the expenses. >>eng<< האינסטינקט שלי היה נכון. My instinct was right. My instinct was true. >>eng<< החלפתי בגדים. I got changed. I changed my clothes. >>eng<< Teqqimeḍ deg uxxam. You stayed at home. You stayed in the house. >>eng<< إنها ليس ما تعتقد. It's not what you think! It's not what you think. >>eng<< آمل أن أراك مجدداً. I hope to see you again. I hope I'll see you again. >>eng<< عملهن هو تجميل الفنانين. Their job is to do make-up for performing artists. Their work is the beauty of artists. >>eng<< דמיין לעצמך שאתה מתחיל לשהק ולא יכול להפסיק. Imagine if you started hiccoughing and you couldn't stop. Imagine you're starting to sink and can't stop. >>eng<< Keṛheɣ Halloween. I hate Halloween. I have put my trust into a place of concealment. >>eng<< אני קרובה לגשר. I am close to the bridge. I'm close to the bridge. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ ad waliɣ isura western. I like to watch westerns. I will stand far away from you. >>eng<< قتلت بيتي أمك. Betty killed your mother. You killed your mother's house. >>eng<< نصحني الطبيب بأن أترك الشراب المُسْكِر، ما أصابني بالتوتر وقلة الصبر. My doctor told me to lay off the liquor so I have this uneasy impatient feeling. The doctor told me to leave the cold drink, what hit me with tension and impatience. >>eng<< الجيش الإسرائيلي يطلق النّار على سيّارات الإسعاف الفلسطينيّة. The Israeli army shoots Palestinian ambulances. The Israeli army fires Palestinian ambulances. >>eng<< أتستطيع تحدث الفرنسية؟ Can you speak French? Can you speak French? >>eng<< ביליתי כל היום על החוף. I spent the entire day on the beach. I spent all day on the beach. >>eng<< כאשר חיכיתי שהגשם ייפסק, הוא, באדיבותו, הסיע אותי. While I was waiting for the rain to stop, he kindly gave me a lift. When I waited for the rain to cease, he, in his kindness, drove me. >>eng<< הם גילו אותך? Have they spotted you? Did they find you? >>eng<< لقد أنهت قراءة الرسالة. She finished reading the letter. You're done reading the message. >>eng<< אני לא משוכנע שזה מוצדק. I'm not convinced that's justified. I'm not convinced it's justified. >>eng<< سام ، ما الذي تفعله؟ Sam, what are you doing? Sam, what are you doing? >>eng<< Ur yexdim ara Tom ayen yebɣa ad t-ixdem. Tom didn't do what he wanted to do. And he will not do unto thee what thou wilt. >>eng<< Yella win i d-isawalen. Someone's calling. There is one who teaches. >>eng<< አላውቅም። I don't know. I don't know. >>eng<< متى تلعب التنس؟ When do you play tennis? When are you playing masturbation? >>eng<< Ur d-keččmemt ara ɣer texxamt-iw mebla asṭebṭeb. Don't come in my room without knocking. Don't enter into my inner room shut up. >>eng<< Rrbaḥa n waraz-nni tessefreḥ Tom. Winning a trophy made Tom happy. Now we put the glory in the boat. >>eng<< Sali taɣect-ik ma ulac aɣilif. Speak louder, please. Sound your voice, don't let your heart be troubled. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ tusnakt. I like maths. I love you. >>eng<< قد بدأت لتوّي بتعلّم الكوريّة. I have just started to study Korean. I just started learning Korean. >>eng<< Għandu fortuna taż-żobb! He is shit out of luck. He's got a sobbing supply! >>eng<< الأحد ليس يوم عمل بالنسبة لي. Sunday is not a workday for me. Sunday's not a day of work for me. >>eng<< אתה יכול לעמוד? Can you stand? Can you stand? >>eng<< قَرَّرَتِ التوقفَ عن التدخين. She decided to stop smoking. You decided to quit smoking. >>eng<< كان سامي يتعاطى الماريخوانا. Sami did marijuana. Sammy was using our marionettes. >>eng<< أُبقيَ فاضل في المستشفى لأشهر. They kept Fadil in the hospital for months. Keeps a fight in the hospital for months. >>eng<< هو سيكون دائماً معكِ. He will always be with you. He'll always be with you. >>eng<< Lemmer tḥesseḍ-iyi-d, tili ur d-yeḍṛi ara waya. If you had only listened to me, none of this would have happened. If you had listened to me, you wouldn't have eaten it up. >>eng<< سيزور الرئيس الفرنسي اليابان الشهر المقبل. The French president is to visit Japan next month. The French President will visit Japan next month. >>eng<< الإنجليزية لغة مستعملة في أمريكا. English is spoken in America. English is used in America. >>eng<< هناك سيالة بين التفاحة و الكتاب. There is a pen between the apple and the book. There's a window between the apple and the book. >>eng<< הדעה שלך אופטימיסטית מדי. Your view is too optimistic. Your opinion is too optimistic. >>eng<< Sarameɣ d akken Tom iggad. I hope Tom is scared. I give my attention, as to the blind. >>eng<< היא הייתה נחמדה אל כולם. She was nice to everyone. She was nice to everyone. >>eng<< تمّ طرد سامي من العيادة. Sami was kicked out of the clinic. Sammy was expelled from the clinic. >>eng<< أُعجب سامي بهذا المكان. Sami liked it here. I like Sammy in this place. >>eng<< كان الاقتصاد الياباني واحدا من أسرع الإقتصادات نموا في عام 1980. Japan was one of the world's fastest growing economies in the 1980s. The Japanese economy was one of the fastest growing economies in 1980. >>eng<< Tom d anuriksik. Tom is anorexic. Tom d anuriksk. >>eng<< سأذهب إلى طوكيو غدا. I will go to Tokyo tomorrow. I'll go to Tokyo tomorrow. >>eng<< אמרתי לכם שתאהבו את תום. I told you you'd like Tom. I told you you'd like Tom. >>eng<< مر القطار السريعة بسرعة فائقة بالكاد رأيناه. The express train went by so fast we hardly saw it. The speed train is very fast. We hardly saw it. >>eng<< ذهب سامي وليلى للتخييم. Sami and Layla went camping. Sammy and Lily went to camp. >>eng<< Sew teččeḍ. Eat and drink up. Then eat and eat. >>eng<< ما لي أخ. I don't have a brother. I don't have a brother. >>eng<< אני הולכת לטייל, משום שמזג האוויר היום מעולה. I'm going out for a walk because the weather today is marvelous. I'm going for a walk because today's weather is great. >>eng<< הניסוי נכשל. The experiment failed. The experiment failed. >>eng<< سامي محظوظ بكونه مسلما اليوم. Sami is blessed to be a Muslim today. Sammy's lucky to be a Muslim today. >>eng<< מרי לבשה גרביים בגובה הברך. Mary wore knee-high socks. Mary wore socks at the knee height. >>eng<< רעדתי. I was shivering. I was shocked. >>eng<< كانت طائرتنا تحلق فوق السحب. Our plane was flying above the clouds. Our plane was flying over the draw. >>eng<< يمكنك استعارة الكتاب بشرط أن تحافظ عليه. You may borrow this book as long as you keep it clean. You can borrow the book provided you keep it. >>eng<< החלום שלו התממש. His dream has realized. His dream came true. >>eng<< حينما سقطت القنابل على قاعدتنا البحرية وهدد الطغاة العالم، كانت هي هناك لتكون شاهداً على صعود جيلٍ نحو العلا وعلى ديمقراطية أُنقذت. أجل نستطيع. When the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness, and a democracy was saved. Yes, we can. When the bombs fell on our naval base and threatened the world's target, it was there to be a witness on the rise of a generation to the bar and on a democracy that was saved. >>eng<< ذهبا ليلى و سامي إلى المسجد معا. Layla and Sami went to the mosque together. Lila and Sammy went to the mosque together. >>eng<< אני מצפה בקוצר רוח לפגישה אתך. I'm looking forward to seeing you. I'm looking forward to a meeting with you. >>eng<< היקום תעלומה. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is a mystery. >>eng<< الميزانية قليلة جدا. The budget is extremely small. The budget is very small. >>eng<< מסתבר שזאת האמת לאמיתה. It happens to be the truth. Apparently, that's the truth. >>eng<< آمل أن أخاك قد تحسن. I hope your brother is better. I hope your brother has improved. >>eng<< تظاهر بأنه طبيب. He pretended to be a doctor. Pretends to be a doctor. >>eng<< تركوا المشكلة بدون حل. They left the problem unsolved. Leave the problem unsolved. >>eng<< Tom yettban-d d wayeḍ-nniḍen akk, ma yettmeslay s tefṛansist. Tom seems to turn into a different person when he speaks French. and in him you will face all of them, and he will speak and mock you. >>eng<< لا يجوز لك خرق القواعد. You are not allowed to violate the rules. You can't break the rules. >>eng<< لا تقلق. ألم أقل أن كل شئ سيجري على ما يرام. Don't worry. Didn't I say that everything would go well? Don't worry, I didn't say everything was gonna be okay. >>eng<< ماذا تعمل؟ What's your job? What are you doing? >>eng<< Yugi Tom ad yečč imekli. Tom refused to eat lunch. For a little while, you will not be able to eat any food. >>eng<< استنى شويه. Wait a moment. Take a squirrel. >>eng<< תום אמר שהוא לא יודע למה. Tom said he didn't know why. Tom said he didn't know why. >>eng<< זה גרם לי לחוסר נוחיות. It made me uncomfortable. It made me uncomfortable. >>eng<< Ṛuḥ maqel-d ma tella kra n yiwet i izemren ad d-tɛawen. Go find somebody who can help. But if a man sees anything, he can help him." >>eng<< תום יתגעגע אליך. Tom will miss you. Tom will miss you. >>eng<< طلب منّي المساعدة. He requested my assistance. Ask me for help. >>eng<< Ur tettu ara idrimen-ik. Don't forget your money. And take not thy money into thine hand. >>eng<< عندي تمنيا خاوة. I have eight brothers. I have a brother-in-law. >>eng<< הנערה הסתכלה איך אמא שלה מבשלת. The kid watched her mother cook. The girl looked at her mother cooking. >>eng<< اختر مضربك المفضل. Pick your favorite bat. Choose your favorite hit. >>eng<< لن يسيء لكم أحد. Nobody is going to hurt you. No one's gonna be wrong for you. >>eng<< راني مسقسي روحي شحال رايحا طّوّل. I wonder how long it's going to take. My soul, my soul, is moving. >>eng<< دفع توم ثمن التذاكر. Tom paid for the tickets. Tom paid for the tickets. >>eng<< كان ذلك الضّجيج قويّا جدّا. The noise was quite loud. That noise was very strong. >>eng<< Tesɛiḍ avilu? Have you got a bike? Do you have a personal need? >>eng<< انتبه، ذاك الرجل معه مسدس. Watch out, the man has a gun. Watch out, that guy's got a gun. >>eng<< Acḥal n yedlisen i teɣṛam? How many books did you read? How many of them did you read? >>eng<< توم لا يعرف بأني موجود. Tom doesn't even know I exist. Tom doesn't know I'm here. >>eng<< Sami yessufeɣ-d azger seg ucelliḍ-ines. Sami pulled the bull out of his bag. And Sam came out of the midst of him, and brought forth an ox out of his hand. >>eng<< אתה לא תוחקרת היום, נכון? You were not interrogated today, were you? You're not being questioned today, are you? >>eng<< قرأت رسالته عدة مرات. She read his letter again and again. I read his letter several times. >>eng<< כמה זמן הם חיו באנגליה? How long did they live in England? How long have they lived in England? >>eng<< Teɛjeb ac? Like it? And how do you make? >>eng<< عمل سامي في وزارة الصّحّة. Sami worked for the ministry of health. Sammy's work at the Ministry of Clearing. >>eng<< زار سامي العديد من الدّول الإسلاميّة. Sami visited many Muslim countries. Sammy visited a lot of Islamic dolls. >>eng<< שאנקה את החדר? Shall I clean the room? Shall I clean the room? >>eng<< في ولاية كاليفورنيا، عليك دراسة تربية الأطفال الصّغار كي تعمل في روضة. In California, you have to study early childhood education to work at a daycare. In California, you have to study the upbringing of young children to work in Roda. >>eng<< אני יודעת שאתה חושב שאין תקווה. I know you think there's no hope. I know you think there's no hope. >>eng<< اعتادت ليلى على الأكل هنا كلّ نهاية أسبوع. Layla ate here regularly on weekends. I used to eat here every weekend. >>eng<< أنا أيضاً لا يعجبني ذلك. I don't like it, either. I don't like it either. >>eng<< Awimt-asent-d ad ččent. Bring them something to eat. Therefore send them away, that they may eat. >>eng<< بنته متحمسة للذهاب معه إلى أي مكان. His daughter is eager to go with him anywhere. His daughter is eager to go anywhere with him. >>eng<< אני אוהבת את הצבע הכחול. I like blue. I like the blue color. >>eng<< תנשום עמוק. Take a deep breath. Breathe deep. >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ i yukren lmakla-w. Somebody stole my lunch. No one has eaten my food. >>eng<< أود الاختلاء بتوم لبضع دقائق. I'd like to have a few minutes alone with Tom. I'd like to take Tom for a few minutes. >>eng<< Ad d-afeɣ abrid. I'll find a way. I will see again the way." >>eng<< Yesteqsa Tom Mary. Tom questioned Mary. You ask Tom Mary. >>eng<< بإمكانك المشاركة في الاجتماع بغض النظر عن سنك. You can take part in the meeting regardless of your age. You can participate in the meeting regardless of your age. >>eng<< L-eżami huwa faċli. The exam is easy. The examination is easy. >>eng<< A tungifin! You are an idiot! A tungifin! >>eng<< النساء داعِمات جدًّا. The women are very supportive. Women are very supportive. >>eng<< אגיד לכם מתי להפסיק. I'll tell you when to stop. I'll tell you when to stop. >>eng<< כל מה שאתה צריך לעשות זה לשמור על עצמך. All you have to do is to take care of yourself. All you have to do is take care of yourself. >>eng<< Ur tesseɣ ara lqahwa. I don't drink coffee. I have not cast a snare upon a woman. >>eng<< אחרי שכולם עזבו, הוא נשאר, בלי חברים. After everyone left, he remained, friendless. After everyone left, he stayed, no friends. >>eng<< تلقّت ليلى المساعدة. Layla received help. I got help for me. >>eng<< استنى لحظة. Wait just a moment. Just a minute. >>eng<< هل تحب التفاح؟ Do you like apples? Do you like apples? >>eng<< זה אדום? Is it red? Is that red? >>eng<< לדעתי הוא לא מתאים לעבודה. In my opinion he is not fit for the work. I think he doesn't fit work. >>eng<< عليك أن تعيرني بعض ملابسك. You'll have to lend me some of your clothes. You have to wear some of your clothes. >>eng<< Izen-a iceyyeɛ-it Tom That message was sent by Tom. Timer >>eng<< Ǧaɛfeṛ yezzi aɛrur i uɣṛef-is. Jaffer betrays his people. But the anger that arose by him was hardened, and his wrath was contrary to him. >>eng<< أنا لا أعرف متى سيكون لدي الوقت لأنهي قراءة بقية هذا الكتاب. I don't know when I'll have time to finish reading the rest of this book. I don't know when I'll have time for reading the rest of this book. >>eng<< בכמה בתי ספר שונים ביקרת? How many different schools have you attended? How many different schools have you visited? >>eng<< Anṣuf yes-kent! You are welcome! He saved him! >>eng<< D imdanen i tellam? Are you human? And ye were men? >>eng<< حكم الملك البلد. The king governed the country. The King's rule of the country. >>eng<< كعكتك شهية. Your cake is delicious. Your cake's a bitch. >>eng<< Tuɣaleḍ d aderwic? Have you become insane? have you come to play a prostitute? >>eng<< Swingimeɣ lemmer ar ad uɣaleɣ treffeheɣ. I wonder what it would be like to be rich. And think that if I would, I would take it away from myself. >>eng<< Fil-bidu Alla ħalaq is-sema u l-art. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. In the beginning God created heaven and earth. >>eng<< מדוע הכלב שלך ללא זמם? Why doesn't your dog wear a muzzle? Why is your dog free? >>eng<< Ur ḥerreṣ ara iman-ik s učči ma ur ak-yehwi ara. Don't force yourself to eat if you don't want to. Therefore don't let your heart be troubled, neither do you understand. >>eng<< עמדתי להתקשר אליו, אבל שכחתי. I was about to call him, but then I forgot. I was about to call him, but I forgot. >>eng<< אני מניחה שזהו זה. I suppose that's it. I guess that's it. >>eng<< Di leɛnaya-nwen ɛawnem-iyi. Help me, please. But I beg you to watch me. >>eng<< فلنحاول! Let's have a try. Let's try! >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad ɛerḍeɣ. I'd like to try. I desire to find out. >>eng<< הם משוגעים כולם. They're all nuts. They're all crazy. >>eng<< Merḥen deg uɣeṛabu. They traveled by boat. Wait for the why. >>eng<< يزور العديد من السياح مدينة كيوتو في الربيع . Many tourists visit Kyoto in the spring. Many tourists visit the city of Kyoto in the spring. >>eng<< إنه يخافُ من خيالهِ. He is afraid of his own shadow. He's scared of his fears. >>eng<< Shu-t. Forget him. Shu-t. >>eng<< תום המליץ עלי. Tom recommended me. Tom recommended me. >>eng<< أنا أعرف أنكِ ما زلتِ تحبيني. I know that you still love me. I know you still love me. >>eng<< מתי תפסיקי לעשן? When are you going to quit smoking? When do you stop smoking? >>eng<< Ssawleɣ i uɛiwen. I called for help. I called for my help. >>eng<< Ilaq ad t-teẓṛemt aya. You absolutely have to watch it. You shall say this thing to you. >>eng<< הוא רופא טוב. He is a good doctor. He's a good doctor. >>eng<< دعونا نبدأ على الفور. Let's get started right away. Let's start immediately. >>eng<< אין לו את היכולות. He is incompetent. He has no abilities. >>eng<< فعل فاضل ذلك بطريقة فطريّا. Fadil instinctively did it. He did this in a great way. >>eng<< شاهد سامي ليلى و هي تتألّم. Sami watched Layla suffer. Sammy Lee's watching and she's making up. >>eng<< Atenin akk di beṛṛa. Everyone's out. Both of them are outside. >>eng<< لن يروق لك ما سأقول. You're not going to like what I'm going to say. I'm not gonna like you what I'm gonna say. >>eng<< אגנס הביטה בסירות החומות. Agnès looked at the brown boats. Agnes looked at the walls. >>eng<< كان سامي أحيانا يحمل مسدّسا. Sami sometimes carried a handgun. It was Sammy sometimes carrying a gun. >>eng<< طوم و ماري راهوم يلّعبو في البوكير. Tom and Mary are playing poker. Tom and Mary Ramom are hiding in the poker. >>eng<< أحببني المدرّس. The teacher liked me. I like the teacher. >>eng<< Ssarameɣ ur yi-d-iqqaṛ ara Tom ad xedmeɣ akka. I was hoping Tom wouldn't tell me to do that. But I see that I didn't say to me how I would do it." >>eng<< لقد درّب سامي خيول ليلى القزمة. Sami trained Layla's poneys. Sammy trained night's horses in the package. >>eng<< لا يمكنني إعطائك جواباً نهائياً اليوم. I cannot give you a definite answer today. I can't give you a final answer today. >>eng<< Acimi i turiḍ adlis-a? Why did you write this book? Why do you show a child to me?' >>eng<< Trebḥeḍ. You won. You have indeed won! >>eng<< ריסנתי את עצמי. I braced myself. I colded myself. >>eng<< Ɛiwed-as tikkelt-nnayeḍ. Do it again! And this is what thou hast done again. >>eng<< אל תספר שקרים. היה כנה. Don't tell a lie. Be honest. Don't tell lies. >>eng<< يتوجب علي الذهاب الآن. I must go now. I have to go now. >>eng<< זה פשוט נראה מטופש. It just seems stupid. It just looks stupid. >>eng<< אתם אמינים. You're believable. You believe it. >>eng<< הצלחתו תלויה במאמציו. His success is contingent upon his efforts. His success depends on his efforts. >>eng<< متىَ أتيتِ؟ When did you come? When did you come? >>eng<< Ili-k d uṛẓin! Be kind. You will be free from the oppression! >>eng<< اما كل شيء او لا شيء All or nothing. Anything or nothing. >>eng<< Ḥeffḍeɣ tutlayt n Kurya. I study Korean. I will speak all the languages of Korea. >>eng<< لابد أنه كان مؤلماً للغاية It must've been extremely painful. It must have been so painful. >>eng<< يبدو لي أن كلكم مخطئون. It appears to me that you are all mistaken. I think you're all wrong. >>eng<< בוב תמיד היה בעימות עם המשטרה. Bob was always in a tight spot with the police. Bob always had a fight with the police. >>eng<< את יכולה לנבא לי את העתיד? Can you tell me my future? Can you tell me the future? >>eng<< הערכת את המצב בשלמות. You've assessed the situation perfectly. You've fully assessed the situation. >>eng<< استمرّ سامي في عيش حياته. Sami went on with his life. Keep Sammy alive. >>eng<< זה יהיה מושלם. That'd be perfect. It'll be perfect. >>eng<< היא לא יכולה עדיין לרכוב על אופניים. She can't ride a bicycle yet. She can't ride a bike yet. >>eng<< Azekka ara uɣalen warrac ar uɣerbaz. School begins tomorrow. And on the morrow they shall be children, small and great. >>eng<< Sḥassfeɣ imi ur ttɣimiɣ ara kter di Boston. I regret not staying in Boston longer. I think it right, as far as I am doing, that I should walk right now. >>eng<< إفحص كُل واحد. Check everyone. Check every one. >>eng<< Ur ṭṭeggiṛ-t ara izra deg amdun. Don't throw stones into the swimming pool. Murmuring is not muzzled. >>eng<< אמא שלך בבית? Is your mother at home? Is your mom home? >>eng<< Ssarameɣ tegzam. I hope you understand. I know what they're doing. >>eng<< לא אכפת לי מה אתה רוצה. I don't care what you want. I don't care what you want. >>eng<< Sɛant aṭas n yedrimen. They have plenty of money. And they had a great deal of silver. >>eng<< טום פחד שמכוניתו תתקלקל. Tom was afraid his car would break down. Tom was afraid his car would break down. >>eng<< ללמוד איך מתקשרים ביעילות שווה את הזמן. Studying how to communicate effectively is time well spent. Learn how to communicate effectively is worth the time. >>eng<< هذا الأمر لن يُقبل أبدا من طرف موظفي المكتب. The people in the office will never agree. This will never be accepted by the staff of the Office. >>eng<< Bdu tura! Start now. Start now! >>eng<< Ger-d yal yiwen ad yekki. Get everybody involved. Then each one of them will stumble. >>eng<< אני חושבת שהוא אכל משהו כמו עשר צדפות. I think he ate about 10 oysters. I think he ate something like ten beads. >>eng<< كان زوجي الأخير غبيًا بالفعل. My last husband was really stupid. My last husband was already stupid. >>eng<< Beṛka-kem abessel. Stop gawking. The fruit is done away with. >>eng<< الآن، لن يأخذني أحد على محمل الجدّ. No one is gonna take me seriously now. Now, no one will take me seriously. >>eng<< Ttxil-m s ttawil. Slowly, please. Wet the staircase. >>eng<< זאת דרך מהירה יותר. That's a faster way. It's a quicker way. >>eng<< جعلته يدهن البيت. I made him paint the house. Their hands made him home. >>eng<< ذلك خارق للعادة. That's extraordinary. That's normal. >>eng<< קחי כמה אפרסקים שתרצי. Take as many peaches as you like. Take some puppies you want. >>eng<< זה עומד לקרות בקרוב. It's going to happen soon. It's about to happen soon. >>eng<< ألست قلقا من إحتمال أن يُجرح توم؟ Aren't you worried that Tom might get injured? Aren't you worried about the possibility of Tom being injured? >>eng<< אני מרגיש משונה. I feel strange. I feel weird. >>eng<< من هذه الفتاة؟ Who is this girl? Who's this girl? >>eng<< كولّ ما نلقا حاجا تعجبني، تكون غاليا بزّاف. Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive. All we need is something I like. >>eng<< אני ממליץ על ספר זה אפילו יותר מהראשון. I would recommend this book even more than the first. I recommend this book even more than the first one. >>eng<< את יכולה עדיין לשמוע אותי? Can you still hear me? Can you still hear me? >>eng<< היא מצטלמת לא טוב. She takes a bad picture. She's taking a bad picture. >>eng<< نظرت ليلى إلى الخلف عبر النّافذة. Layla looked back through the window. Looked me back through the window. >>eng<< Yenna-d Tom yessefk ad nesbeṛ. Tom said we should be patient. And he will give them a drink, and will give them to drink. >>eng<< أين أقرب محطة قطار؟ Where is the closest train station? Where's the nearest train station? >>eng<< أخبرك الحقيقة. I am telling you the truth. Tell you the truth. >>eng<< Yella win yella tura neɣ yella yakan daki. Somebody is or was here. And there is one who hath now also seen him. >>eng<< و أخيراً حقق هدفه. At last he achieved his goal. And finally, he achieved his goal. >>eng<< سامي في المطبخ. Sami is in the kitchen. Sammy's in the kitchen. >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ i d-iṛuḥen? Did anybody come? Hath any man come unto thee? >>eng<< לתום לא אכפת מכאן או מכאן. Tom doesn't care one way or the other. Tom doesn't care about this or this. >>eng<< תום נתקף סערת חושים. Tom was in a temper. Tom was attacked by a sensory storm. >>eng<< وعدني جيم أنه لن يعود. Jim promised me not to come again. Jim promised he'd never come back. >>eng<< דברים נשברים. Things break. Things break. >>eng<< נדיר שתום צוחק. Tom seldom laughs. It's rare to have a laugh. >>eng<< I wacu ur yessuter ara Tom i wayeḍ ad yeg aya? Why didn't Tom ask someone else to do that? Why do you not ask him, that he should be here again? >>eng<< وما زاد الأمور سوءًا، أن زوجها توفي. To make matters worse, her husband died. It was worse, her husband died. >>eng<< توم هو الذي دفع ثمن التذاكر. Tom is the one who paid for the tickets. Tom was paying for the tickets. >>eng<< אני אוהבת סקי. I like skiing. I like ski. >>eng<< والد بوب يعمل في مصنع سيارات. Bob's father works in a car factory. Bob's father works in a car factory. >>eng<< אנו צריכים לגלות מה זומם תום. We need to find out what Tom is up to. We need to find out what's up to Tom. >>eng<< لا أستطيع القيام بكل شيء بنفسي. I can't do everything on my own. I can't do everything myself. >>eng<< أنا أعرف أين يعمل توم. I know where Tom works. I know where Tom works. >>eng<< يجب عليك أن تُخطط للقدوم معنا المرة المقبلة التي نذهب فيها للتخييم. You should plan to come with us the next time we go camping. You have to plan to come with us the next time we go to camp. >>eng<< Tom werǧin i as-yenna i Mary hatan isḥassef. Tom has never told Mary he was sorry. And Jesus knew it not because of the word that he had said unto Mary. >>eng<< הכובע הזה שלך. This hat is yours. This hat is yours. >>eng<< كانت ليلى غاضبة و محبطة. Layla was angry and depressed. Lila was angry and frustrated. >>eng<< أحبك وأريد الزواج معك. I'm in love with you and I want to marry you. I love you and I want to marry you. >>eng<< תני לי עכשיו את מבוקשי. Now give me what I want. Give me now my wish. >>eng<< Tujjaqed diq tnarit ibubben. The loaded desk groaned again. Sweeping thinly snout. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ tutlayt takatalant. I like the Catalan language. I would love to speak the language of a translator. >>eng<< عاد توم إلى المنزل بعد منتصف الليل. Tom came home after midnight. Tom came home in the middle of the night. >>eng<< فاضل ليس بالدّاخل. Fadil isn't in. It's not a struggle. >>eng<< Wicqa ma fkiɣ asteqsi ur yemɛin ara? Can I ask a stupid question? And if I have any thing to ask him, why do I have no right to ask him that is of necessity? >>eng<< אל תסתכל בקנקן, אלא במה שבתוכו. Look not at the package but what's in it. Don't look at the bank, but at what's in it. >>eng<< Iɣucc adabu azzayri. He hates the Algerian authority. As a child I need to. >>eng<< Tlata n wussan-aya ma walaɣ Tom. I haven't seen Tom in three days. I wish that you had seen Tom three days. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad sseḥmuɣ. I want to warm myself. I will that. >>eng<< הכלב זלל במהירות את כל תכולת הכלי שלו. The dog quickly ate everything in its dish. The dog quickly dropped all of his tools. >>eng<< غضب توم جدا. Tom got very mad. Very hot anger. >>eng<< كان سامي في الجامعة. Sami was in college. He was Sami at the university. >>eng<< فقط أحتاج لقاء الوقت معك. I just need to spend time with you. I just need time to meet you. >>eng<< לקחו אותם בשבי. They were taken prisoner. They took them in captivity. >>eng<< أتى سامي إلى العيادة للقاء ليلى. Sami came to the clinic to see Layla. Sammy came to the clinic to meet me tonight. >>eng<< لن أستسلم لأني لدي شيء يستحق أن أكافح من أجله. I won't give up because I have something worth fighting for. I won't give up because I have something to fight for. >>eng<< أعجبني هذا السّؤال. I love that question. I like that question. >>eng<< Ilaq ad sekkṛeɣ tawwurt-a. I have to lock this door. He must open the door immediately. >>eng<< لا أحب مدرستي. I don't like my school. I don't like my school. >>eng<< Γuṛwat ţxil-wen! Tura tiwwura ad medlent! Your attention, please! Now, the doors are closing. Oh, don't marvel! Now shut up, that you're ready to die! >>eng<< لفتت ليلى انتباه سامي. Layla caught Sami's eye. She drew Sammy's attention. >>eng<< Xiṛ lemmer i d-uɣeɣ ugar n tteffeḥ. I should've bought more apples. If I were determined to, it would be better for me than that I should boast. >>eng<< تخرجت في الإقتصاد. I major in economics. I got out of the economy. >>eng<< Yebda issaɣ-iţ wedfel. It began to snow. No, I-I-I-I-I-I-I-be. >>eng<< היינו חסרי סבלנות. We were impatient. We were impatient. >>eng<< זה נראה טוב. It looked good. It looks good. >>eng<< Terfed aḍellaɛ, terra srid ɣer ssuq. She took a basket and went straight to the market. And when they had launched, they let them go into the marketplace. >>eng<< أنا أدرس اللغة الكورية. I study Korean. I study Korean. >>eng<< מעולם לא שיחקתי גולף, אבל אני חושב שאנסה. I've never played golf, but I think I'll give it a shot. I've never played golf, but I think I'll try. >>eng<< החתול נראה מאושר ביותר. The cat seems extremely happy. The cat looks very happy. >>eng<< Tom yewhem imi Mary ur tgi ara aya. Tom was surprised that Mary didn't do that. He marveled that Mary had not come to him. >>eng<< Iḍeyyeε lḥerma-s. He lost his honor. And I tell you what that's all about. >>eng<< ما زلت أتمنى أن تفعل ذلك. I still wish that you'd do that. I still hope you do. >>eng<< Acuɣeṛ ur teɣṛiḍ ara i walebɛaḍ? Why didn't you call somebody? Why did you not read to me a man? >>eng<< Yebɣa ad yessuter kra i Mary. He wants to ask Mary for something. He began to ask something from Mary. >>eng<< Nheṛ cemma-cemma. Drive slowly. And they're here. >>eng<< Anda i tlemdemt taṭelyanit? Where did you learn Italian? And what did you learn tadalayanite? >>eng<< انتظر توم ماري وقتا طويلا، لكنها لم تأتِ. Tom waited a long time for Mary, but she never showed up. Wait a long time for Tom Marie, but she didn't come. >>eng<< كنت بصدد إخبار سامي. I was going to tell Sami. I was about to tell Sammy. >>eng<< בואו נלך לעשות חיים. Let's go do something fun. Let's go make a living. >>eng<< هذا الشرح يتخطى طاقتي الاستعابية. The explanation was beyond my understanding. This explanation goes beyond my recovery capacity. >>eng<< Teččam imensi neɣ ala? Haven't you had your dinner? Do you have dinner or no? >>eng<< מוצאם משוודיה. They come from Sweden. They find uniforms. >>eng<< أَنجِبَ سامي من علاقة غير شرعيّة. Sami's birth resulted from an extramarital affair. I picked up Sammy from an illegal relationship. >>eng<< לעת עתה כוונתי להתאכסן במלון. For the time being, I intend to stay at a hotel. For now I intend to stay in the hotel. >>eng<< הוא העמיד פנים כאילו הוא ישן. He pretended to be sleeping. He pretended to be asleep. >>eng<< أنا قد تعلمت أن أكتب بالأبجدية. I have already learned to write the Abjad. I've learned to write seriously. >>eng<< Sami yella yeqqaṛ aṭas. Sami read a lot. As soon as they have preached the good news, they are ready. >>eng<< حبّس! راك تحرج فيها! Stop it! You're making her feel uncomfortable! See you scream at her! >>eng<< הוא צחצח את נעליו. He shined his shoes. He shaved his shoes. >>eng<< ما زلت لست متأكداً من الذهاب. I'm still hesitating whether to go there or not. I'm still not sure about going. >>eng<< Idlisen-a, inek neɣ inu? Are these books yours or mine? Is it yours or yours? >>eng<< אל תנסה לשטות בי. Don't try to fool me. Don't try to fool me. >>eng<< هل تعلم ماذا فعل؟ Do you know what he has done? You know what he did? >>eng<< هل يداك نظيفتان؟ Are your hands clean? Are your hands clean? >>eng<< Ilaq ad yili walebɛaḍ ara iṛuḥen d amenzu. Somebody has to go first. He must be born first. >>eng<< "Kayak" هي مثال على القَلْبِ المُستوي. "Kayak" is an example of a palindrome. "Kyak" is an example of the staircase finger. >>eng<< תנעלי בבקשה את הדלת לפני שתצאי. Please lock the door before you go out. Please lock the door before you go out. >>eng<< Tom yefka-yi-d kra n yidlisen. Tom gave me some books. So he gave some of them to me, and some of them also. >>eng<< كان سامي يستعير المال دائما. Sami was always borrowing money. Sammy was always selling money. >>eng<< הסערה שככה. The storm has died down. The storm is like that. >>eng<< أخذني سامي إلى مكان ما وحاول اغتصابي. Sami took me to a place and tried to rape me. He took me somewhere and tried to rape me. >>eng<< פחמן חד-חמצני הוא חומר רעיל הנוצר ע"י בעירה חלקית של תרכובות פחמן. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous substance formed by the incomplete combustion of carbon compounds. Dioxide carbon is a toxic substance produced by a partial combustion of carbon compounds. >>eng<< توم وحيد لأهله. Tom is an only child. Tom's alone to his parents. >>eng<< قال زعيم الهنود حمر: "خذوا ما شئتم من الأرض. سيكون دائما ما يكفي من الأرض للبيض و الهنود الحمر." فرد الجنرال قائلا: "حقا؟ إذا نريد كل الأرض من المحيط المتجمد الشمالي إلى المحيط المتجمد الجنوبي." "Take all the land you want. There will always be enough land for both white and Native American people," said the Indian chief. "Really? So we want all the land from the Arctic Ocean to the Antarctic Ocean," said the general. The leader of the Indians said, "Take what you want from the land. It will always be enough land for the white and red Indians." The general said, "No. >>eng<< Ini-as azekka. Tell him tomorrow. In-to-day. >>eng<< תום ישב בחיק אמו. Tom was sitting on his mother's lap. Tom sat in his mother's silence. >>eng<< لقد هوجموا. They were attacked. They were attacked. >>eng<< אני לא רוצה להפרד ממך. I don't want to break up with you. I don't want to break up with you. >>eng<< תום אף פעם לא היה מאפשר זאת. Tom would never allow it. Tom would never have allowed it. >>eng<< Ilaq ad yili kra n ḥedd ara ɣ-d-iḥebsen. Somebody might stop us. Let any man so keep us. >>eng<< Tameṭṭut-iw ɣur-s aṭas uxeddim My wife has too much work. My wife, who is very easy to bear, >>eng<< سُرقت للتو. I was just mugged. Just stolen. >>eng<< كان سامي يعيش حياته. Sami was living his life. Sammy was living his life. >>eng<< D takeṛṛust-nteɣ. This is our car. And when he had denied it, he anointed him. >>eng<< اليابان قريبة إلى الصين. Japan is close to China. Japan is close to China. >>eng<< מה יכול להיות קל יותר? What could be easier? What could be easier? >>eng<< יש להם אמונות משותפות. They share their same beliefs. They have common beliefs. >>eng<< سكّان غزّة و الضّفّة الغربيّة لا يمثّلون إلاّ نصف الشّعب الفلسطيني. The people of Gaza and the West Bank are only half of the Palestinian people. They're only half of the Palestinian people. >>eng<< صرفا فاضل و ليلى المال معا. Fadil and Layla spent the money together. Get out of here, and I'll have the money together. >>eng<< أعدت الكتاب إلى المكتبة. I returned the book to the library. The book was prepared for the library. >>eng<< השוטרים פלשו לתוך הבית. The house was raided by the police. The cops have thrown into the house. >>eng<< تخلّت ليلى عن سامي. Layla left Sami. I gave up all night on Sammy. >>eng<< Qṛib. Almost. is near. >>eng<< Els. Get dressed. Els. >>eng<< Tzemrem ad t-id-tafem? Can you find it? Can you take your breath? >>eng<< ليس باليد حيلة. There's nothing I can do. It's not a trick. >>eng<< כתבתי לה מכתב בחודש שעבר, אבל עוד לא קיבלתי תשובה. I wrote a letter to her last month, but I haven't received a reply yet. I wrote her a letter last month, but I haven't received an answer yet. >>eng<< שיעורי הבית שלכם לכל שיעור יהיו לחזור על השיעור של היום ולהתכונן לשיעור הבא. Your homework for each class will be to review the day's lesson and to prepare for the next one. Your homework for each lesson will be back on today's class and prepare for the next lesson. >>eng<< Sirdet ifassen-nwen. Rinse your hands. And bind your hands upon you. >>eng<< Tom yeεreḍ ad yezger iɣẓer s uεummu. Tom attempted to swim across the river. And thou shalt lie down in a fig tree, and shalt lie down with me in the morning. >>eng<< أعدك أنّني لن أخذلك. I promise I won't let you down. I promise I won't take you. >>eng<< יש לה שתי אחית. She has two sisters. She's got two sisters. >>eng<< Yewweḍ-d lawan-ik! Your time has arrived! And it came to pass. >>eng<< من سيريد أن يستأجر توم؟ Who'd want to hire Tom? Who's gonna want to hire Tom? >>eng<< برشفة واحدة . Bottoms up! One bath. >>eng<< את נראית מעוניינת. You seemed interested. You look interested. >>eng<< לשוטרים בתפקיד אסור לשתות אלכוהול. Policemen aren't permitted to drink on duty. The cops on duty are not allowed to drink alcohol. >>eng<< Ansa i ak-d-tekka ccama-a n uḥenk-ik? How did you get that scar on your cheek? Where does your authority come from? >>eng<< Feṛḥeɣ mliḥ ɣef tisin-nwen. I really appreciate your coming. I rejoice therefore that I am glad for your sakes. >>eng<< הבנין - גובהו שבע קומות. The building is seven stories high. The building -- it's seven floors high. >>eng<< אינני חושב שהנסיעה ברכבת בטוחה כפי שהייתה בעבר. I don't think traveling by train is as safe as it used to be. I don't think the train trip is as safe as it was before. >>eng<< لجأ سامي إلى الكحول و المخدّرات لإيقاف ذلك الألم. Sami turned to alcohol and narcotics to stop the pain. Sammy used alcohol and drugs to stop that pain. >>eng<< ירד שלג, אבל לא היה קר מדי בחוץ. It was snowing, but it wasn't very cold outside. It was snow, but it wasn't too cold outside. >>eng<< Iɣer as i ultma-s. He called his sister. I am as a governor by myself. >>eng<< תום עלול לדבר. Tom might talk. Tom might talk. >>eng<< إنها لا تعرف شيئاً عن عائلتك. She knows nothing about your family. She doesn't know anything about your family. >>eng<< מכשולים רבים עומדים בפניו. He faces many obstacles. Many obstacles face him. >>eng<< Mazal-it Tom da? Is Tom still here? Do you think Tom would? >>eng<< Cukkeɣ yella ḥedd deg texxamt-nni n zdat. I think there's somebody in the next room. And if I stand still in the hall, before the hall, >>eng<< هذا هو مدرّس العلوم. This is the science teacher. This is the science teacher. >>eng<< Waqila Tom yeẓra-t. Tom may have seen it. It's up to you to know him. >>eng<< זה עלול לקרות. It could happen. It could happen. >>eng<< אני צריכה יותר מרחב. I need more space. I need more space. >>eng<< أنت لا تعلم بالقصة كاملة. You don't know the whole story. You don't know the whole story. >>eng<< Ur ttaggaden ara. They're fearless. Don't you know. >>eng<< هل وجدت كثيرا من الجزائريين في ألمانيا؟ Did you find a lot of Algerians in Germany? Did you find a lot of Algerians in Germany? >>eng<< سامي حقّا أحمق. Sami really is an idiot. Sammy's really stupid. >>eng<< כולם הכירו את השיר. Everyone knew the song. Everybody knew the song. >>eng<< Tḥemmlemt idles-nkent aqbayli. You like your Kabyle language. You know, you're welcome to me. >>eng<< Tella tin i izemren ad yi-d-tini acuɣeṛ i yefqeɛ Tom? Could someone tell me why Tom is angry? Or why should I be able to help you? Or why is it lawful for me to speak to you? >>eng<< أنتِ يمكنكِ دائماً النوم على أريكتي. You can always sleep on my couch. You can always sleep on my couch. >>eng<< אינני שומע אותך היטב. I can't hear you very well. I don't hear you very well. >>eng<< Ḥemmel-iyi! Love me! What ails me! >>eng<< Tzemreḍ ad tesxedmeḍ asegzawal-a. You can use this dictionary. You will beat the hectic fig tree. >>eng<< أنا أُحب كُلاً من القطط والكلاب. I love both cats and dogs. I love both cats and dogs. >>eng<< הוא ממש מכעיס אותי. He really makes me angry. He's really mad at me. >>eng<< Yekres tawenza-s Tom. Tom frowned. Yaks tag-s-Tom. >>eng<< תום סנילי. Tom is demented. Tom Sinley. >>eng<< Ṭillet kan takeṛṛust-iw tamaynut. Look at my new car. And this is my yoke upon my head. >>eng<< Tnehreḍ yakan avilu ɣer uxeddim? Do you ever ride your bicycle to work? Do you know how you get up? >>eng<< אינני יכולה לתת לתום לדעת זאת. I can't let Tom know. I can't let Tom know that. >>eng<< דיג, ציד, מסעות טיולים וסקי הם פופולרים. Fishing, hunting, hiking and skiing are popular. fishing, hunting, travel and ski are popular. >>eng<< أنت آخر شخص في العالم سيسرني رؤيته مستنسخاً؛ إنك ممل بما فيه الكفاية من دون نسخة. You're the last person in the world I would like to see cloned; you're boring enough on your own. You're the last person in the world to be pleased to see him reproduced; you're sufficiently boring without a copy. >>eng<< كان لديّ مدرّس عنصري. I had a racist teacher. I had a racist teacher. >>eng<< ليلى تذكر سامي. Layla remembers Sami. Lilly remember Sammy. >>eng<< לצוף זה קל. Floating is easy. The view is easy. >>eng<< הם זרקו את הכובעים באוויר. They threw their hats up into the air. They threw the hats in the air. >>eng<< أعطني كتابك. Give me your book. Give me your book. >>eng<< יש לך חמש דקות לפתור את הסוגיה הזאת. I give you five minutes to resolve this issue. You have five minutes to solve this issue. >>eng<< Ilaq ad nsiwel i temsulta. We must call the police. Let us pray the same night. >>eng<< Ceyyeɛ-iyi ar dina. Send me there. Then follow me. >>eng<< Ewwet kan s uẓeṛweḍ. Let it as good as it gets. Take hold of him, and taste him. >>eng<< هل بإمكاني استعارة هذا القرص؟ May I borrow this CD? Can I borrow this disk? >>eng<< ما عندي وقت. I don't have time. I don't have time. >>eng<< Teẓṛiḍ d acu i txedmeḍ? Have you any idea what you've done? What did you do? >>eng<< איזה זעזוע! What a shock! What a shock! >>eng<< Ur yi-teɛni ara teqsiṭ-a. I am not concerned with this. You aren't Deceived against me. >>eng<< ذهبت إلى المستشفى لزيارته. I went to the hospital to visit him. I went to the hospital to visit him. >>eng<< سُرق مدّس سامي منه. Sami's gun was stolen from him. Sammy's stolen from him. >>eng<< Tom d amaru. Tom is a writer. Tom dot. >>eng<< Inimt-yi-d kra fell-as. Tell me something about him. They said to me about him. >>eng<< مكعب سكر واحد من فضلك. One lump of sugar, please. One sugar, please. >>eng<< Aman, ttxil-k. Water, please. Aman, search-k. >>eng<< אני לא עשיתי שום דבר בלתי חוקי. I did nothing unlawful. I didn't do anything illegal. >>eng<< سأنتقل للعيش معك. I'll move in. I'll move in to live with you. >>eng<< נאפולי היא עיר ציורית. Naples is a picturesque city. Napole is a painting city. >>eng<< טעויות איות ממש מעצבנות אותי. Spelling mistakes really annoy me. I'm really upset about my mistakes. >>eng<< من سرق التفاحة؟ Who stole the apple? Who stole the apple? >>eng<< سامي شديد الخجل. Sami is extremely shy. Sammy's very shy. >>eng<< كان سامي يعيش في حيّ ذو معدّل جريمة عالٍ. Sami was living in a neighborhood where there was a lot of crime. Sammy was living in a life with a high crime rate. >>eng<< في هذا العالم يعاني بعضُ الناسِ الجوعَ. Some people in the world suffer from hunger. In this world some people suffer hunger. >>eng<< שילמתי עבור הרכש במזומן. I paid for my purchases in cash. I paid for the sale of cash. >>eng<< Tufamt iman-nkent? Are you OK? Have you come to see? >>eng<< אל תתרגש, אני רופא. Don't worry. I'm a doctor. Don't get excited, I'm a doctor. >>eng<< يناير هو أول شهر في السنة. January is the first month of the year. Jan is the first month of the year. >>eng<< איפה נמצאת שגרירות נורווגיה? Where is the Norwegian embassy? Where are you in Norway's Embassy? >>eng<< قام سامي بشيء. Sami did something. Sammy did something. >>eng<< Tesɛiḍ zzheṛ? Are you lucky? Do you have a passion? >>eng<< תום בהה בהם. Tom glared at them. Tom's in them. >>eng<< لن تنهي هذا المشروع. You won't finish this project. This project will not end. >>eng<< هل تعرفني؟ Do you know me? Do you know me? >>eng<< قلت أني كنت وحيدا، أليس كذلك؟ You said you were alone, did not you? You said I was alone, didn't you? >>eng<< أنا صنعت قراري. I've made my decision. I made my decision. >>eng<< אל תתבייש ברגשותיך. Don't be ashamed of your feelings. Don't be ashamed of your feelings. >>eng<< Aduktuṛ-iw d afeḥcuc mliḥ. My doctor is very kind. I will remember the good and the bad. >>eng<< أملك كلباً وقطة. I have a cat and a dog. I have a cat. >>hau_Latn<< I study math harder than I study English. Ina karatun lissafi fiye da yarda nike karatun turanci. Na yi nazari da mace mai wuya fiye da yin nazarin Turanci. >>eng<< يمكن ايجاد السياح اليابانيين في كل مكان . Japanese tourists can be found everywhere. Japanese tourists can be found everywhere. >>eng<< Ttxil-k ɣeṛ-it-id i tikkelt nniḍen. Read it again, please. And it came to pass again, that he sought again the more. >>eng<< راشيل كوري أمريكيّة قُتلت في غزّة. Rachel Corrie was an American who was killed in Gaza. Rachel Cory was killed in a storm. >>eng<< Ad iniɣ Mary u texdim-ara weḥdes. I think Mary has never done that by herself. I tell Mary what she would do alone. >>eng<< Ur yeqqim akken yella zik. He is not what he was. Who had not been sitting before. >>eng<< كان مدرّسا بديلا. He was a substitute teacher. He was an alternative teacher. >>eng<< זה לא יוצא דופן שאנשים מוסרים נתונים מזוייפים כשהם נרשמים לאתרי אינטרנט. It's not uncommon for people to give fake personal information when registering to use websites. It's not unusual for people to deliver fake data when they register Internet sites. >>eng<< Ɛni tḥemmleḍ ad txeṣṛeḍ? Do you enjoy losing? Do you not love to be distraught? >>eng<< سألتني عن عمري. She asked me how old I was. You asked me about my age. >>eng<< Yella win i tettṛajuḍ? Are you expecting somebody? But there is one who wrote a letter to you, ‘Do you write it? ’ >>eng<< ሴቶች ዓለምን ይለውጣሉ። Women change the world. Women change the world. >>eng<< أيمكنني أخذ صورة؟ May I take a photo? Can I take a picture? >>eng<< Ttxil-wet rret-d. Please respond. 12 rt-d. >>eng<< أسرع و إلا فاتك القطار. Hurry up, or you'll miss the train. Hurry up and leave the train. >>eng<< לא ראוי לבקש תוספת. Asking for seconds would be unseemly. It's not worth asking for an addition. >>eng<< תום כיסה את אפו ואת פיו עם הממחטה. Tom covered his nose and mouth with his handkerchief. Tom covered his mouth and mouth with the needle. >>eng<< Ḍefṛet tirga-nwen. Follow your dreams. But use your fill-ups. >>eng<< Ur d-keččem ara ɣer texxamt-iw mebla asṭebṭeb. Don't come in my room without knocking. Ye shall not enter into my closet, while I am shut up. >>eng<< יש שם חנות? Is there a shop there? Is there a store there? >>eng<< ماذا تعني؟ What do you mean? What do you mean? >>eng<< Rnu axemmem. Think again. Let us think. >>eng<< لم أنتِ تبكين؟ Then why are you crying? Why are you crying? >>eng<< למה יש לצבים שריון? Why do turtles have shells? Why do the birds have a toothbrush? >>eng<< Ɛeṛḍeɣ-ten-id ɣer tmeɣṛa. I invited them to the party. and I threw them into the marriage feast. >>eng<< את מתחסדת. You are a prude. You're out of the way. >>eng<< توم سوف يحب هذا المكان. Tom is going to love it here. Tom's gonna love this place. >>eng<< המשטרה תבחן את סיבת השריפה. The police will look into the cause of the fire. The police will test the cause of the fire. >>eng<< إزيك يا عم؟ What's up, dawg? Zeke, Uncle? >>eng<< הקרבתי הרבה כדי להגיע לכאן. I've made a lot of sacrifices to get here. I sacrificed a lot to get here. >>eng<< Tameṭṭut-is d tafṛansist. His wife is French. The woman is a taffarist. >>eng<< Tura i d-uɣaleɣ seg uɣerbaz. It's now that I'm coming back from school. But now I come from Arabia. >>eng<< תום לא פגע במרי. Tom didn't hurt Mary. Tom didn't hurt Mary. >>eng<< היא צעקה והתעלפה. She screamed and fainted. She cried and passed. >>eng<< Tameɣra n Tom tella-d deg 20 Tubeṛ. The party was held on October 20th. And the sick man was there, which had the 20 p.m. >>eng<< Tom d argaz yesɛan sser. Tom is a hunk. For you who have a faithful man in all things. >>eng<< Ɣlayit tkeṛyas. Cars are expensive. Did not send him away. >>eng<< Netta d aqbayli. He is Kabyle. Netta d'Applicly. >>eng<< Teɣṛamt aya? Did you read this? Have you seen anything of this? >>eng<< היא שוכבת על הרצפה. She's lying on the floor. She's lying on the floor. >>eng<< Anda i tellamt ṣṣbeḥ-a? Where were you this morning? And ye were so early in the morning? >>eng<< Ɣṛemt-iyi-d ma yella kra n ubeddel. Call me if there's any change. Therefore you wait for me, if it is yet for me to change. >>eng<< Ddut sya! Get your carcass out of here! Come on! >>eng<< من يعلم ما قد يحصل مستقبلًا؟ Who knows what might happen in the future? Who knows what's going on in the future? >>eng<< أنا مشتاق إليك جداً. I miss you very much. I miss you so much. >>eng<< لم يتّصل سامي أبدا. Sami never called. Sammy never called. >>eng<< Kečč d John. You are John. You are John. >>eng<< Ttxil-k, xdem-iyi-d tamussni akked kra n teqcict icebḥen. Please introduce me to a cute girl. Bring me therefore a prisoner, that is, of good cheer, all of you. >>eng<< ساعثر علي مكان خاص بي I'm going to find a place of my own. Find a place for me. >>eng<< תום מאורס. Tom's engaged. Tom's engaged. >>eng<< Nekk mačči d tameddakelt-ik. I'm no friend of yours. I am not of your mouth, but of your blood. >>eng<< Meɛna d acu-t? But what is it? But what do you say? >>eng<< أنهى سامي عمله. Sami finished his work. Sammy's done. >>eng<< Tom yeǧǧa akeyyef. Tom quit smoking. Tom became the father of alf. >>eng<< אנחנו קרובים לסיום. We're nearly finished. We're close to the end. >>eng<< أنا سعيدٌ جداً في جورجيا. I am very happy in Georgia. I'm so happy in Georgia. >>eng<< Yessefk ad tḥadreḍ iman-ik mara tzegreḍ aɣlad. You should be careful in crossing the street. You will send him, because he cares for you, that you may dash him to the ground. >>eng<< اذهب الى المسجد خمس مرات يوميا Go to the mosque five times a day. Go to the mosque five times a day. >>eng<< אני אוהב את הפשטות של השמלה שלה. I like the simplicity of her dress. I like the simplicity of her dress. >>eng<< תום עשה כמיטב יכולתו להסתיר את אכזבתו. Tom did his best to hide his disappointment. Tom did his best to hide his disappointment. >>eng<< واصل سامي المشاهدة. Sami kept looking. Sammy kept watching. >>eng<< אני לא עוקרת את שיניהם. I'm not pulling out their teeth. I'm not cutting their teeth. >>eng<< זה אמין? Is it credible? Is that reliable? >>eng<< متى أكلت؟ What time did you eat? When did you eat? >>eng<< كان مدرّسيّ يحبّونني دائما. My teachers always liked me. He was a teacher who always loved me. >>eng<< Simmal yeţkad-d dakken ur nezdi ara yiwet n umaḍal. It appears more and more that we do not share the same planet. "But when the times were fulfilled, they gathered themselves together, and didn't want to come again." >>eng<< Ustṛalya d tamurt yessewhamen. Australia is an amazing country. From the land of Egypt it was a sign. >>eng<< זו רק הצטננות. It's just a cold. It's just tasty. >>eng<< Ticki uɣaleɣ-d seg tmesgida anida ttẓalleɣ, ḥemmleɣ ad sweɣ yiwen n lkas n ccṛab uqbel ad ṭseɣ. When I return from the mosque where I pray, I like to drink a cup of wine before going to bed. And I will go out a little from the fire, and will drink a little wine of it; and I will drink a little wine of it. >>eng<< إنّ سامي باقٍ هنا و لا يبالي بجماعة من الجبناء تحت راية مشاغب حيّ مثلك. Sami is here to stay and he doesn't give a damn about a bunch of cowards led by a neighborhood bully like you. Sammy's here and he doesn't care about a group of cowards under a life-stricken gadget like you. >>eng<< لابد أن اشتري واحدة. I must buy one. I have to buy one. >>eng<< Yella win i d-iteddun deffir-nneɣ. Somebody is following us. There is therefore that which we have to come. >>eng<< سحب سامي ليلى على الطّريق. Sami dragged Layla onto the road. Sammi night's back on the road. >>eng<< שקלתי את זה בכובד ראש. I have considered that very carefully. I took it very seriously. >>eng<< Ur ttagademt ara ad tɣelḍemt. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Don't sleep. >>eng<< زرنا طوكيو مرات عديدة. We have been to Tokyo many times. We visited Tokyo many times. >>eng<< Kif inti? How are you? How are you? >>eng<< Kemmlem amuqqel! Keep looking. How timely! >>eng<< Tṛuḥemt yewwas ɣer New York? Have you ever been in New York? You ran in, and you entered into New York. >>eng<< Iɣab Tom. Tom disappeared. I think of you as if you would like more than I would like to do so. >>eng<< מתי היה המשפט של תום? When was Tom's trial? When was Tom's trial? >>eng<< Dacu ur kent-neǧǧa ara ad tgemt aya? What's preventing you from doing that? When a dog didn't let him go before this, >>eng<< هل أستطيع أن آخذ هذهِ معي؟ Can I take this with me? Can I take this with me? >>eng<< أهناك مقاس أكبر؟ Do you have a larger size? Is there a bigger measure? >>eng<< Ma teḥwaǧeḍ lemεawna, siwel-iyi-n. If you need my help, call me. Do you need me, again, and again call me?" >>eng<< Ur ttɛeṭṭil ara ɣef uɣeṛbaz. Don't be late for school. And the Jews were sore about that time. >>eng<< זו ציטטה מתוך ספר. It's a quote from a book. It's a quote from a book. >>eng<< أخبرت والديّ بنواياي. I made known my intentions to my parents. I told my parents about my intentions. >>eng<< لا أعتقد أننا سنستطيع أن نحل هذه المشكلة بأنفسنا. I don't think that we will be able to solve this problem by ourselves. I don't think we can solve this problem ourselves. >>eng<< ህዉኽ ዝብኢ ቀርኒ ይነክስ። A hasty hyena bites the horn. A fast-sighted horn bites. >>eng<< Zemreɣ ad kem-nɣeɣ. I can kill you. For I can do nothing for Christ's sake, but for Christ's sake. >>eng<< אני מבקש קמומיל. I want a chamomile tea. I'm asking for camomile. >>eng<< בכל מקום שהוא עצר, הוא התקבל בסבר פנים יפות. Everywhere he stopped, the people welcomed him warmly. Wherever he's arrested, he's received a beautiful explanation. >>eng<< מעז יצא מתוק. Every cloud has a silver lining. It came out sweet. >>eng<< אינני מגרש דיבוק לאיש. I don't exorcise anyone. I'm not a Duke field for man. >>eng<< עלינו על הרכבת המהירה ביותר בעולם משדה התעופה אל מרכז העיר. We took the fastest train in the world from the airport to the city center. We need the world's fastest train from the airport to the center of town. >>eng<< Γutzif ukman. Containment is long. ✔utzif ukman. >>eng<< Tessnemt ad tecfemt? Can you swim? Do you know what you mean? >>eng<< D acu-t wuṭṭun n texxamt-ik? What's your room number? What fellowship do you have with your inner room? >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad iyi-tessurfem ɣef ayen akk i d-nniɣ. I want to apologize for everything I said. I would that ye should understand every thing that I said. >>eng<< سافر توم كثيرا في العام الماضي Tom traveled a lot last year. Tom traveled a lot last year. >>eng<< עומדת בפני תום דילמה. Tom faces a dilemma. You're in front of Tom Dilma. >>eng<< هي لا تستحقّه. She doesn't deserve him. She doesn't deserve it. >>eng<< Cmumxen-d meṛṛa. Everybody smiled. And all the people were together. >>eng<< כל אחד ניגש לעמדה שלו. Everybody took his position. Everyone came to his position. >>eng<< هل أنت المساعد الجديد؟ Are you the new assistant? Are you the new assistant? >>eng<< זאת הארונית של טום. This is Tom's locker. It's Tom's locker. >>eng<< انتظرني في مكتبي. Wait for me in my office. Wait for me in my office. >>eng<< Tom yestewtew kra i Mary. Tom whispered something to Mary. "Tomutate some of Mary." >>eng<< ليلى بعيدة عن الخطر. Layla is out of danger. Lily's out of danger. >>eng<< הנה, קח את מעילי. Here, take my coat. Here, take my burden. >>eng<< إنهُ في مشكلة. He's in trouble. He's in trouble. >>eng<< Tettferriǧemt tiliẓri yal ass? Do you watch TV every day? Did you get any further practice every day? >>eng<< אני מוקף אוהבי שפות! I'm surrounded by linguaphiles! I'm surrounded by language lovers! >>eng<< Tom d aherdun. Tom is impolite. You can't take a moment. >>eng<< Iḥemmel iman-is. He loves himself. Love himself. >>eng<< Ur tqelliq ara, ḥaca tifrat ara d-ibanen i wugur-inek. Don't worry, your problem will be solved. And despise not her, lest by any means the eye of thee should be found naked. >>eng<< זה מובן. That's understandable. That's understandable. >>eng<< استمع إلى أمك Listen to your mother. Listen to your mom. >>eng<< اشتمّ كلب سامي شيئا. Sami's dog smelt something. Sammy's got something. >>eng<< עכשיו הסיפור נגמר. Now the story is over. Now the story's over. >>eng<< עומדים לגרור את המכונית שלך. Your car is about to be towed. You're about to drag your car. >>eng<< Yenna-d Tom belli yebɣa ad igen. Tom said he wanted to go to bed. He said to them, "He doesn't need anything more than that." >>eng<< את שמה סוכר בתה? Do you put sugar in your tea? You put sugar on her daughter? >>eng<< תום לא היה כל כך נמרץ. Tom wasn't very energetic. Tom wasn't so excited. >>eng<< היא לא בת גילה של מרי. She's not as old as Mary. She's not Mary's daughter. >>eng<< Ɛni kennemti mačči n da? Aren't you from here? What don't you know? >>eng<< توم و أصدقاؤه يلعبون البوكير. Tom and his friends are playing poker. Tom and his friends play poker. >>eng<< هو يرسل لنا أزهارا. He sends us flowers. He sends us flowers. >>eng<< كان سامي يلعب لعبة خطيرة للغاية. Sami was playing a very dangerous game. Sammy was playing a very serious game. >>eng<< אני מרגיש לא נוח בכיסא הזה. I feel uncomfortable in this chair. I feel uncomfortable in this chair. >>eng<< D acu i tzemreḍ ad ɣ-d-tefkeḍ a Tom? What can you give us, Tom? What can you give us, O Tom? >>eng<< Teẓṛiḍ kra ɣef twacult-ik? You know a few things about your family? Are you ill-treated with some of your own family? >>eng<< أنا أتتطلع لقضاء وقت مع عائلتي. I'm looking forward to spending time with my family. I'm looking forward to spending time with my family. >>eng<< אסתר היא לסבית יהודיה. Esther is a Jewish lesbian. Esther is a Jew. >>eng<< لا تأتي هنا أبداً مرة أخرى! Don't you ever come here again! Don't ever come here again! >>eng<< Yebda Tom imeṭṭawen. Tom started crying. You'll never weep. >>eng<< إن جمال هنا. Jamal is here. It's beautiful here. >>eng<< אתה צודק. אסע במונית. You're right. I'll go by taxi. You're right, I'll drive a cab. >>eng<< Yella ḥedd deg uxxam? Anybody home? Is there a place for him in the house? >>eng<< אני מתאמן יום כן יום לא. I work out every other day. I'm training a day. Yeah, no. >>eng<< החוד של המפתח נשבר. The tip of the key broke. The key's unloaded. >>eng<< אני שותף לדעותיו הפולטיות. I share his political perspective. I share his political opinions. >>eng<< Sɛeddeɣ ass rrif n lebḥeṛ. I spent the day on the beach. And I abode there one day by the sea. >>eng<< זה היה רק חלום. It was just a dream. It was just a dream. >>eng<< Teḥbes-it. She stopped it. Stand up. >>eng<< חכה עוד קצת. Wait a bit longer. Wait a little longer. >>eng<< Ḥwaǧeɣ kra n tafat. I need some light. I give all light to the poor. >>eng<< איך אוכלים את זה? How does one eat this? How do we eat it? >>eng<< ما كُنتش فالخدم اليُوم. I wasn't at work today. I didn't think of the day-to-day service. >>eng<< את יכולה להסתדר, נכון? You can manage, can't you? You can do it, right? >>eng<< ما حدث لهم لا يزال لغزا. What happened to them is still a mystery. What happened to them is still a mystery. >>eng<< לא יכולתי להבין דבר ממה שהוא אמר. I could not understand anything he said. I couldn't understand anything he said. >>eng<< Ass-nni d awezzeɛ. That was fabulous. Then that day will come to an end. >>eng<< את עדיין בסכנה ללקות במחלות מין. You are still at risk for sexually transmitted diseases. You're still in danger of having sex diseases. >>eng<< كل ما عليك فعله هو الضغط على الزر. All you have to do is press the button. All you have to do is press the button. >>eng<< Ḥemmlen-k meṛṛa. Everyone loves you. You'll all be with him. >>eng<< Deg uxxam i tellamt? Are you home? And ye were in the house? >>eng<< La teskerkisemt. You are lying. That's mistkörk name. >>eng<< על לא דבר. Don't mention it. You're welcome. >>eng<< Dayen ur zmireɣ ara ad uɣaleɣ ad sleɣ i waya. I can't listen to this anymore. The things which I can't see, but the things which I'm about to throw into destruction." >>eng<< ידעתי את זה כבר זמן רב. I've known this for a long time. I've known that for a long time. >>eng<< אנו מקצצים. We're downsizing. We're sucking. >>eng<< לא נוכל לשרוד בלי עזרתכם. We won't be able to survive without your help. We can't survive without your help. >>eng<< Ulac akk kra n tsebbiwt s ara nenneḥcam. We have nothing to be ashamed of. For there is no covering, that we should not be ashamed. >>eng<< תום תמיד מפשל. Tom always makes a mess of things. Tom's always messing up. >>eng<< אתה צריך ללכת. You must go. You should go. >>eng<< אינני מכיר אותה כלל. I didn't know her at all. I don't know her at all. >>eng<< D ayen yuɛṛen. It's dangerous! About whom all the things are thus fulfilled. >>eng<< لقد وصل سامي للتّو. Sami has just arrived. Sammy's here. >>eng<< טום היה מוחרם. Tom was ostracized. Tom was brainwashed. >>eng<< Taxxamt n Tom yal ass twenneɛ. Tom's room is always neat. The tabernacle of Tom are your hearts every day. >>eng<< كانت ليلى شرطيّة ذات خبرة. Layla was a veteran cop. Lila was a experienced cop. >>eng<< ההר הזה גובהו כ-3000 מטר. That mountain is about three thousand meters high. This mountain is about 300 feet high. >>eng<< הם היו מזועזעים מאד. They were very shocked. They were very shocking. >>eng<< Yesbeɛbuẓ kan Ɛumaṛ. No one understands Omar's gibberish. The brother of Ibrome is one who has been a member of the council, >>eng<< Ur bɣiɣ ara ad tuɣalem ar Boston. I don't want you to go back to Boston. I don't desire you to be here. >>eng<< ترك فاضل ليلى في العراء. Fadil left Layla in the wild. Leave a night fight in the eye. >>eng<< תום יודע שמרי מסתירה משהו. Tom knows Mary is hiding something. Tom knows Mary's hiding something. >>eng<< לא יכול להיות שהוא עסוק. It can't be that he is busy. He can't be busy. >>eng<< קולו של תום התחיל להצטרד. Tom's voice began to crack. Tom's voice started to bother. >>eng<< D acu i tetten imekrasen? What do carpenters eat? And what troubled they them? >>eng<< מה אני אמור לאכול? What should I eat? What am I supposed to eat? >>eng<< היא חסרת כל חוש יופי. She has no sense of beauty. She lacks every good sense. >>eng<< דבר מה נורא עלול להתרחש. Something terrible is about to happen. Something terrible could happen. >>eng<< تدعى المعجزات معجزات لأنها لا تحصل! Miracles are called miracles because they don't happen! The miracles are called miracles because they don't get! >>eng<< Ur kent-wufqeɣ ara di temsalt-a. I can't agree with you on this matter. And I will answer no more if I ask him any question about this. >>eng<< צר לי, אך אינני יכול לענות מיד. I'm sorry, but I can't answer right away. I'm sorry, but I can't answer right away. >>eng<< Yekfa deg-s yiseɣ. He lost his honor. I take him by the hand. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ-k mliḥ. I love you bunches. I know you very well. >>eng<< Ttbeddilen medden. People change. You look like people. >>eng<< Kemmlemt amuqqel! Keep looking. How fast you are! >>eng<< Tεummem iḍelli? Did you swim yesterday? Do you sleep night? >>eng<< Anda ara nruḥ? Where do we go? And what shall I go? >>eng<< كان سامي بالجوار، ينتظر ليلى بصبر كي تنهي الحديث مع صديقاتها. Sami was close-by, waiting patiently for Layla to finish talking with her girlfriends. Sammy was in the neighborhood, waiting for Lily to be patient to finish talking to her friends. >>eng<< Tugademt. You are afraid. Version. >>eng<< בואו למצוא אותי במסבאה של המלון. Meet me at the hotel bar. Let's find me at the hotel's lane. >>eng<< Terwim-iyi allaɣ-iw! You make me feel dizzy! Don't kill me, all of you! >>eng<< אכלתי את הנזיד שבישלנו לפני כמה ימים. I've been eating the stew that we made a few days ago. I ate the zebra we cooked a few days ago. >>eng<< Yufa-k-id tukiḍ. He found you awake. And he filled thy prayer. >>eng<< לאן נעלם כל הלחם? Where did all the bread go? Where'd all the bread go? >>eng<< خرج سامي من الباب. Sami went out the door. Sammy came out of the door. >>eng<< هوايتي جمع اللعب القديمة. My hobby is collecting old toys. It's my old-fashioned game. >>eng<< Teqqaṛ-as tixsi: ulamma kesseɣ, ţzillimeɣ. Even though I continue to graze, I take a look; said the sheep. And God will wipe away the tears from the eyes of the wicked: then I will clothe myself with the oppression of the wicked. >>eng<< פרטים נוספים מוצגים להלן. Further details are presented below. Other details represent Helen. >>eng<< Tzemremt ad tḥebsemt aɛeyyeḍ? Can you stop yelling? Do you want to take a slave? >>eng<< ماذا فعلت في الإجازة الماضية؟ What did you do last vacation? What did you do on the last vacation? >>eng<< אשמח לעזור לך בכל זמן שהוא. I will be glad to help you anytime. I'd love to help you as long as he is. >>eng<< هم الذين يطلق عليهم ضحايا الحرب. They are the so-called victims of war. They're the victims of war. >>eng<< תום דרש שנחזיר לו את התשלום הבסיסי. Tom demanded that we give him back his down payment. Tom demanded that we pay him back the basic payment. >>eng<< بدأ سامي عامه الجامعي في سبتمبر. Sami started college in September. Sammy began his university year in September. >>eng<< إحدى أمنياتي هي أن أتعلم اللغة الآيسلندية. One of my dreams is to learn Icelandic. One of my wishes is to learn the Icelandic language. >>eng<< هل تظن حقا أن توم لن يأتي؟ Do you really think that Tom won't come? Do you really think Tom's not coming? >>eng<< האיומים שלך לא מפחידים אותי כהוא זה. I am not in the least afraid of his threats. Your threats don't scare me like that. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ kullec deg Tom. I love everything about Tom. I love all things in Tom. >>eng<< מחובתם של התלמידים לנקות את כיתותיהם. It is the students' duty to clean their classrooms. The students ’ obligation to clean up their classrooms. >>eng<< كي نكبر، حايب نولّي صلطان. When I grow up, I want to be a king. To grow up, the H.E.N.I.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.D. >>eng<< Tuḍnem? Are you sick? You don't have? >>eng<< يربي توم الخيول العربية. Tom raises Arabian horses. Tom the Arab horses. >>eng<< أين أبي؟ Where's my father? Where's Dad? >>eng<< أجابت ليلى برسالة من عندها. Layla responded with a letter of her own. She answered me a letter from her. >>eng<< הם מתאימים אחד לשני בדיוק. They're perfect for each other. They fit each other exactly. >>eng<< הובר הורה לחיילים האמריקניים לסגת מניקרגואה. Hoover withdrew American forces from Nicaragua. Hoover ordered American soldiers to withdraw from Nicaragua. >>eng<< Yemmut Kurt Cobain ass n 5 yeberir 1994 deg Seattle. Kurt Cobain died on 5 April 1994 in Seattle. Member of Kurt Cuba on 5 January 1994 in Seattle. >>eng<< הוא לא רץ מספיק מהר כדי להספיק לרכבת. He didn't run fast enough to catch the train. He's not running fast enough to make a train. >>eng<< يقع مطعمنا بالقرب من محطة الحافلات الجنوبية. Our restaurant is near the southern bus station. Our restaurant is located near the south bus station. >>eng<< אבי הפסיק לעשן. My father stopped smoking. My father stopped smoking. >>eng<< هو يقرأ كتاباً. He reads a book. He's reading a book. >>eng<< יש לגרור לשחרור הנעילה. Slide to unlock. It's got to drag off the lock-up. >>eng<< הניחי לזה כאן. Leave it there. Leave it here. >>eng<< Gezmeɣ akalas. I cut the tape. I love a barrier. >>eng<< سأتكلم مع الأستاذ. I'll speak with the teacher. I'll talk to the professor. >>eng<< تخاصما سامي و ليلى حول مسألة من سيتكفّل بأولادهما. Sami and Layla argued over the custody of their children. Count Sammy and Lily about who's gonna take care of their children. >>eng<< إن غادرنا الآن فسنصل على الوقت. If we leave now, we should make it. If we leave now, we'll be on time. >>eng<< D acu i d-as-tettakkeḍ i weqjun-im ad t-yečč ? What do you feed your dog? What is it that you, so, won't even dare to eat?" >>eng<< Ass-a d ɛecrin deg Tubeṛ. Today's the twentieth of October. In the day when they rest long, that is, in the night; >>eng<< לא אכפת לי מהסיכון. I don't care about the risk. I don't care about the risk. >>eng<< ظل يركض. He ran on and on. He's still running. >>eng<< Nuḥwaǧ walebɛaḍ. We need somebody. A person is violent. >>eng<< من الأفضل لك أن تسرع. You'd better hurry up. You better hurry. >>eng<< دفع سامي الثّمن بحياته. Sami paid with his life. Sammy paid the most for his life. >>eng<< זה לח. That is wet. It's humid. >>eng<< היא נעדרה מבית הספר לחמישה ימים. She has been absent from school for five days. She's gone from school for five days. >>eng<< אני עייף. I'm tired. I'm tired. >>eng<< אני אוכלת וקוראת בעת ובעונה אחת. I eat and read at the same time. I eat and read at one time. >>eng<< לעולם אל תכתוב את המילים "בורשט" ו"שצ'י" בגרמנית! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write the words "Brusht" and "Chi" in German! >>eng<< ضربت ليلى سامي. Layla hit Sami. I hit Lee Sammy. >>eng<< Twalam iman-nwen deg lemri. You saw yourselves in the mirror. Ye have seen your conversation in truth: >>eng<< عليك أن تأتي معي. You have to come with me. You have to come with me. >>eng<< لا يبدون كأمريكيين. They don't seem to be Americans. They don't look like Americans. >>eng<< أعلم أنّك لا تستحقّ ذلك. I know you don't deserve that. I know you don't deserve it. >>eng<< Ẓṛiɣ ad d-tafem ttawil s ara t-txedmem. I'm sure you'll find a way to do it. and will inquire of him, and you will do it by what means you will do it. >>eng<< Ur d-ttaǧǧa ara dduzan-ik dagi. Don't leave your stuff here. Don't let your heart be troubled here. >>eng<< هل تَمْزَح؟ Are you kidding? Are you kidding? >>eng<< תוכלי להמליץ על מסעדה זולה? Could you recommend an inexpensive restaurant? Can you recommend a cheap restaurant? >>eng<< كان سامي يقضي الوقت مع امرأة. Sami was spending time with a woman. Sammy was spending time with a woman. >>eng<< זה גדול מדי. It's too big. It's too big. >>eng<< كانت ملابسنا دائما نظيفة. Our clothes were always clean. Our clothes were always clean. >>eng<< מה תרצי לקינוח? What would you like for dessert? What would you like to rest? >>eng<< אנו עובדים קשה כדי לסיים את המיזם עד אוקטובר. We're working hard to get the project finished by October. We work hard to finish the project until October. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad tekkreḍ. I want you to stand up. I will pray for you. >>eng<< Ur meqqret ara aṭas texxamt n Tom. Tom's room isn't very big. But there are not many of the gates in Tom. >>eng<< هذه التفاحة طعمها حامض. This apple tastes sour. It's a clumsy apple. >>eng<< تعال معنا. Come with us. Come with us. >>eng<< اخرج من غرفتي Get out of my room! Get out of my room. >>eng<< Ad tezzenzem axxam-nwen i Tom? Are you going to sell Tom your house? and did he sell your house to whom you sold it? >>eng<< Yekfa unebdu. Summer is over. Yekfa unbbed. >>eng<< אני רוצה להודות לכולם. I want to thank everyone. I want to thank everyone. >>eng<< كان سامي يعيش حياة سعيدة في القاهرة. Sami had a happy life in Cairo. Sammy was living a happy life in Cairo. >>eng<< أنا بدينة جداً. I'm so fat. I'm so religious. >>eng<< Kemmlemt ḍṣemt. Keep smiling. Even in these things you will be filled. >>eng<< إلى أين أنت ذاهبٌ يا أبي؟ Where are you going, Dad? Where are you going, Dad? >>eng<< بات الأمر واضحا الآن. Well, it's obvious now. It's clear now. >>eng<< Tella tin i tettṛajuḍ? Are you expecting somebody? Do you write? >>eng<< למכוניות כיבוי אש יש זכות קדימה על כלי רכב אחרים. Fire engines have priority over other vehicles. The cars have a right forward on other vehicles. >>eng<< كان توم منهكا. Tom was worn out. Tom was away. >>eng<< تسلّقت ليلى السّلّم. Layla climbed the ladder. I've been hanging up for the night. >>eng<< Tikwal, s usembiwel n uqeṛṛuy kan ad tesnεeteḍ dakken telliḍ tesmeḥsiseḍ akken ilaq. Sometimes a nod is enough to show someone that you're listening attentively. Yes, and you will know the cross of the head, that you don't know what you are going to know. >>eng<< يصعب علي أن أعبر عن ما أريد بكلمات. I find it difficult to express my meaning in words. It's hard to say what I want to say. >>eng<< لا تعتقد بأنك ستتخلص مني بهذه السهولة. Don't think you're gonna get rid of me that easily. You don't think you're gonna get rid of me that easily. >>eng<< يوما الإثنين والثلاثاء القادمين عطلة. Next Monday and Tuesday are holidays. The next Monday and Tuesday is a holiday. >>eng<< Ass mi mectuḥ, aṭas n wakud i isεedda Tom yecɣel d yuraren s uselkim. Tom spent a lot of time playing games when he was a kid. Now in the day of the trial, many of them were blushed with rods. >>eng<< Ur sɛiɣ ara igerdan. I don't have kids. And I have not that field. >>eng<< سلّمت على التلميذ الأسبق. I shook hands with the former student. I've admitted to the former student. >>eng<< אני בשום אופן לא עושה את זה. There's no way I'm going to do that. I don't do that in any way. >>eng<< אין שום דבר חשוב יותר מאשר ידידות. There is nothing more important than friendship. There's nothing more important than friendship. >>eng<< השמים היום כחולים וללא עננים. The sky today is blue, without a cloud. The sky today is blue and not cloudy. >>eng<< Ur ttettu ara tiliɣri-m. Don't forget your phone. I'd never been through the men's houses. >>eng<< Ufiɣ takaskiṭ-ik. I found your cap. I like your blobs. >>eng<< אין לתום כבר את המרץ להתחרות. Tom no longer has the energy to compete. You don't have to finish the race anymore. >>eng<< يبدو وكأنّها ستمطر. It seems that it will rain. Looks like it'll rain. >>eng<< ما هدفك الحقيقي؟ What's your real purpose? What's your real goal? >>eng<< Tama tugem tayeḍ, akken nnan imezwura. One nail drives out another, as say the elders. You know no one, just as the first told you. >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ dihin. There's somebody there. And lo! it is He Who hath set in order one for you. >>eng<< أنت ستساعدني! You will help me! You're gonna help me! >>eng<< אין כבר חלב. There's no milk left. No milk anymore. >>eng<< Cukkeɣ sɣelḍen-k. I think you were wrong. I spat on you, and beat you. >>eng<< Smenyafeɣ ad xedmeɣ deg iḍ. I much prefer working at night. I pray that I may do this by night. >>eng<< Fsi-yas. Loosen it. Leave him alone. >>eng<< Yella kra n yiwen i yessawlen i yiɣallen n tɣellist. Somebody called the police. Now a certain man at the same time begged me that I might forgive him. >>eng<< Ur ttaǧǧa yiwen ad idɣaṛ ar tmes. Don't let anyone come near the fire. Let no one burn in the fire. >>eng<< Kemm d tabudit? Are you a Buddhist? How much did you study? >>eng<< Yessen ad yecnu. He sings well. They will do so. >>eng<< Sɛiɣ ssebbat-inu. I have my own reasons. I had my yoke upon them, >>eng<< Mary teţmal tamdint tamzikit i xalt-is akked xal-is. Mary shows the old burgh to her aunt and uncle. Mary shut up the city and convinced me that she was doing the same thing. >>eng<< ابن خالي بارع في الخدع السحرية. My cousin is good at doing magic tricks. My son-in-law is in the magic trick. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ-ken aṭas. I love you bunches. I thank you very much. >>eng<< Ad tewwet lehwa deg iḍ-a. It will rain tonight. And he shall say to him, See thee in the night. >>eng<< הם אוהבים את השיר הזה. They love this song. They love this song. >>eng<< يمكننا أن نوصله الليلة. We can deliver it this evening. We can get it tonight. >>eng<< استمر المطر بالهطول طوال اليوم. The rain continued all day. The rain continued all day long. >>eng<< אני רוצה להיות ההוא, שעושה אותך מאושרת. I want to be the one who makes you happy. I want to be the one who makes you happy. >>eng<< נראה שהיום הוא מאוד עסוק. It seems that he is very busy today. Looks like today is very busy. >>eng<< مرحباً بيل ، كيف حالك؟ Hi, Bill. How are you? Hey, Bill, how are you? >>eng<< התנהגותו הפתיעה אותי באמת. His behavior truly surprised me. His behavior really surprised me. >>eng<< D ta i d-tamacahut. That's the story. D delivered the tamacahut. >>eng<< Sami yeswa Red Bull. Sami drank Red Bull. Sami Yawa Red Bull. >>eng<< יש לו זכרון טבעי טוב. He has a naturally good memory. He has a good natural memory. >>eng<< סרטי פורנו מוקרנים באולמות ישנים בחלק המפוקפק של העיר. Skinflicks usually play in old theaters in a sleazy part of town. Porno movies are screened at old windows in the busy part of the city. >>eng<< Aṛǧu kan ad t-xellṣeɣ. Wait. I will pay for this. I will receive that only, and I will give it to him." >>eng<< هل أنتَ جمال صادق؟ أنا من محبّيكَ. Are you Jamal Sadiq? I'm a big fan! Are you a true beauty? I like you. >>eng<< لماذا لا تأتي كي تعمل في هذه العيادة؟ Why don't you come to work for this clinic? Why don't you come to work at these clinics? >>eng<< תום ניסה להרשים את הבנות. Tom tried to impress the girls. Tom tried to impress the girls. >>eng<< Tom ur yeffiɣ ara seg Ustṛalya. Tom hasn't left Australia. They are not afraid to speak evil of you. >>eng<< Nelmed tafṛansist. We learned French. We've been taught by teachers. >>eng<< It-toqba hija dejqa. The hole is narrow. The hole is narrow. >>eng<< Ur ṭṭiseɣ ara armi yenqer yiṭij. I did not sleep until sunrise. I did not try to destroy the sun. >>eng<< هو يعمل في مصنع. He works in a factory. He works in a factory. >>eng<< אני חושבת שאנו צריכים ללכת איתך. I think we should go with you. I think we should go with you. >>eng<< מצאתי את הסרט מעניין. I found the film interesting. I found the movie interesting. >>eng<< Ilaq ad heḍṛeɣ i kra n yiwet. I have to talk to somebody. I must be revealed to some person." >>eng<< سيكون من السهل إيجاد شخص يقوم بذلك من أجلك. It'll be easy to find someone to do that for you. It would be easy to find someone who does it for you. >>eng<< Ar tikkelt-nniḍen a Tom. Goodbye, Tom. And it came to pass, that on the day, they came to Tom. >>eng<< הוא גר עם שותף לחדר. He shares a room. He lives with a roommate. >>eng<< هل تريد الذهاب إلى السينما؟ Do you want to go to the movies? You want to go to the cinema? >>eng<< Usiɣ-d weḥd-i. I came by myself. And I testify again unto myself. >>eng<< ربحنا المباراة. We won the match. We won the game. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad ẓṛeɣ anta ara yeddun yid-neɣ. I want to know who is coming with us. I will, if indeed I ask, be with him." >>eng<< أنت ملاك! You're an angel! You're an angel! >>eng<< Qqimen meṛṛa. Everybody stayed. Lived in all. >>eng<< Ta d tarzeft i kenwi. This gift is for you. It's a large tag. >>eng<< אני בטוח שהוא יאשר. I'm sure he would approve. I'm sure he will. >>eng<< זה היה קשה? Would that have been hard? Was it hard? >>eng<< Yella kra n yiwen i kem-yettṛajun. Somebody's waiting for you. But there was a notable scourge among them. >>eng<< أنا أتعجب لماذا قال توم ذلك I wonder why Tom said that. I like why Tom said that. >>eng<< בואי לא נעשה את זה יותר. Let's not do that anymore. Let's not do this anymore. >>eng<< أنا بطل. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. >>eng<< זה נראה קשה. It seems hard. It looks hard. >>eng<< אני מהנדס. I'm an engineer. I'm an engineer. >>eng<< Iɣɣaṛ-iyi-d xali yal tlata wussan. My uncle calls on me every three days. He rose up against me every three days. >>eng<< أجبرت على الإعتراف. She was forced to confess. I was forced to confess. >>eng<< Tebɣam kra? Is there something that you want? You make some of it? >>eng<< טום קפץ לביתה של מרי כל יום לארוחת הצהריים. Tom dropped by Mary's home every day for lunch. Tom jumped into Mary's house every day for lunch. >>eng<< Lexdeɛ n Sami yeqqim deg wallaɣ n Layla. Sami's infidelity was all in Layla's head. And the fish sat in Lasea. >>eng<< Tzemreḍ ad theggiḍ iman-ik i tirza n yiḍ s lkaṛ? Can you arrange for a night tour bus? Do you want to come at night during the night? >>eng<< اقتربوا أيها الأوغاد الجبناء. Come at me, you pussy motherfuckers! Come close, you stupid bastards. >>eng<< אנו צריכים לעשות את זה שוב. We have to do it again. We need to do it again. >>eng<< אחולים על הקידום שלך. Congratulations on your promotion. I'll take care of your promotion. >>eng<< תום נראה המום במקצת. Tom looks a bit shaken. Tom seems a little shocked. >>eng<< תני לה לישון. Let her sleep. Let her sleep. >>eng<< Muqqel-d akken iqwem. Ad ak-d-sekneɣ amek ara txedmeḍ. Look carefully. I'm going to show you how it's done. Yes, you can do it. I will show you what you must do." >>eng<< Tesɛiḍ kra n yisteqsiyen-nniḍen ara d-tefkeḍ? Do you have any further questions to ask? And have ye power to give them that question, and have power to give it? >>eng<< Adfel yeččur tamurt d tissiwin. Snow lay all over the ground. As for the land, when it is in ruins, >>eng<< كان سامي بحاجة لسيّارة إسعاف. Sami needed an ambulance. Sammy needed an ambulance. >>eng<< يعمل جاهداً ليعيل أسرته الكبيرة. He works hard to support his large family. He's working hard to support his big family. >>eng<< سامي ينتظر فقط. Sami is just waiting. Sammy's just waiting. >>eng<< بحث سامي عنه في غوغل. Sami googled it. I've been looking for him in Google. >>eng<< أمي لا تتحدث الإنجليزية بشكل جيد جداً. My mom doesn't speak English very well. Mom doesn't speak English very well. >>eng<< אינני בטוח. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. >>eng<< Ḥemmlen warrac ad uraren tuqemca tuffra. Children like to play the hide-and-seek game. Who shall lay wait for the children, that they shall not swim in secret. >>eng<< הילדים מאזינים לתקליט. The children listen to a record. The kids are listening to the recording. >>eng<< ماذا ينتظر فاضل؟ What is Fadil waiting for? What are you waiting for? >>eng<< Seqɛed iman-ik. Straighten up. Keep your senses, be watchful. >>eng<< انهض! Get up! Get up! >>eng<< Tom yeǧǧa Mary. Tom abandoned Mary. Tom became Mary. >>eng<< Afemt-d amcic-nni. Find the cat. Mother-in-law. >>eng<< شيء مذهل ! ، سائح امريكي كان يقول : كل كلمة "حصان" تلفض باللغة الهنغارية مثل لفضة كلمة "منخفض" بالانكليزية . It's amazing! – an American tourist was saying: In Hungary, every "horse" is "low"! Amazingly, American goods were saying that every word "immunity" is in Hungarian like the word "low" in English. >>eng<< אם תום ישמע אותך מדבר כך, הוא יתאכזב. If Tom heard you talk that way, he'd be disappointed. If Tom hears you talk like that, he'll be disappointed. >>eng<< יש בקושי כמה פרחים בגינה שלנו. There are scarcely any flowers in our garden. There's barely some flowers in our garden. >>eng<< אשמח לספר לו. I'd be happy to tell him. I'd love to tell him. >>eng<< يلعب التلفاز دوراً هاماً في الحياة اليومية. TV plays an important part in everyday life. TV plays an important role in everyday life. >>eng<< أدعمه. I'm behind him. I support him. >>eng<< עלי לעזוב מחר בבוקר. I must leave tomorrow morning. I have to leave tomorrow morning. >>eng<< Teɣṛamt wa? Have you read this? Do you have only one letter? >>eng<< أصبحت مشهورة. She became famous. You've become famous. >>eng<< أعطني انطباعك عن هذا الكتاب. Give me your impression of this book. Give me your impression of this book. >>eng<< أخفى توم الكتاب تحت الوسادة. Tom hid the book under his pillow. Tom's hiding the book under the pillow. >>eng<< היא שיחקה כדורסל. She played basketball. She played basketball. >>eng<< זה ענייני האישי. That is my own affair. It's my personal business. >>eng<< Awi-d Tom. Get Tom. Awi-d-Tom. >>eng<< אוקיי, תקשיבו. OK, listen up. Okay, listen up. >>eng<< Laɛi-yi-d! Call me. Woe to me! >>eng<< Tzemremt ad tɛumemt? Are you able of swimming? You have to pray? >>eng<< Rima d tanelmadt. Rima is a student. Rema d of disciple. >>eng<< لكل إنسان الحق، على قدم المساواة التامة مع الآخرين، في أن تنظر قضيته أمام محكمة مستقلة نزيهة نظراً عادلاً علنياً للفصل في حقوقه والتزاماته وأية تهمة جنائية توجه إليه. Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. Everyone has the right, on an equal footing with others, to consider his case before an independent and fair court because of a fair public determination of his or her rights, obligations and any criminal charge against him. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad tɛeṛḍem aya. I want you to try this. I will that you trouble me. >>eng<< Ilaq ad teččemt. You must eat. You must eat. >>eng<< הם צעקו הכי חזק שאפשר. They shouted as loudly as they could. They yelled as hard as possible. >>eng<< Učči yid-k d afelleq. Eating with you is a pleasure. But eat thou not with thyself, neither with thy mouth. >>eng<< Tom yenna-d werǧin yeẓẓa akbal. Tom says he's never grown corn. And the fig tree was not bitter. >>eng<< يُقال أن التدخين سيئ للصحة. It is said that smoking is bad for your health. Smoking is said to be bad for health. >>eng<< Dacu i ttedduḍ ad txedmeḍ? What are you going to do? When did you complete it, and do it? >>eng<< מצטער, מוחמד! שכחתי את שמך! I'm sorry Mohammed, I forgot your name! I forgot your name! >>eng<< شهد حصول الجريمة. He witnessed the murder. There's been a crime. >>eng<< היא עויינת כלפי. She is hostile to me. She's hostile to me. >>eng<< Lluẓeɣ mliḥ. I'm starving! That's good, I'm hungry. >>eng<< أتى المدرّس خلفنا. The teacher came behind us. The teacher came behind us. >>eng<< אפשרי שבכלל יש לי סיכוי עם תום? Is it possible I actually have a chance with Tom? Is it possible that I even have a chance with Tom? >>eng<< Teswamt afenǧal n lqahwa. You drank a cup of coffee. You put it on a stand. >>eng<< היא לא עשתה דבר מלבד לילל כל היום. She's done nothing but cry all day. She didn't do anything but hang out all day. >>eng<< بإمكان سامي أن يأكل هذا. Sami can eat this. Sammy can eat this. >>eng<< יש לך עכשיו כאבים? Are you in pain now? Do you have any pain now? >>eng<< لمّا متحبش الناس، همّ كمان مش هيحبوك. When you dislike others, you are disliked by them in turn. Why don't people fall in love with you, they're like yours. >>eng<< איפה נאכל? Where will we eat? Where are we going to eat? >>eng<< Acu n tiẓri i tesεiḍ ɣef ayen yeḍran ? What's your theory on what happened? What do you sow as you reap? >>eng<< Iqwem wass-aki. Today was fun. Stop by day. >>eng<< Isem-is Tom. Its name is Tom. Name-is-Tom. >>eng<< لا يشرب أغلب الناس ما يكفيهم من المياه. Most people don't drink enough water. Most people don't drink enough water. >>eng<< Tecfam? Do you remember? Do you? >>eng<< Limmer d lebɣi deg Lustṛali a y-illiɣ. I'm supposed to be in Australia. And the sound of a chameleon will I die. >>eng<< את דפוקה. You're hammered. You're fucked up. >>eng<< Tom yella yusem ɣef Mary. Tom was jealous of Mary. He was over Mary. >>eng<< עליך להרים את קולך. You've got to speak up. You have to raise your voice. >>eng<< Yyaɣ ad nurar kra n wurar. Let's play something. And they made us a few changes. >>eng<< Ur lliɣ ara deg Boston seg Tubeṛ. I haven't been in Boston since October. I was not in Boston from Tabbons. >>eng<< لا تتحدى من ليس لديه ما يخسره. Don't challenge someone who has nothing to lose. Don't challenge who doesn't have what he loses. >>eng<< זה יותר פשוט ממה שזה זה נראה. It's easier than it looks. It's simpler than it looks. >>eng<< Tettasmeḍ. You are jealous. Tetected. >>eng<< Skużani, se jkolli mmur. Sorry, I've got to go. Scouts, I'll have to go. >>eng<< לתרופה זו אין תופעות לוואי מזיקות. This medicine has no harmful side effects. This medicine has no harmful side effects. >>eng<< אל תוסיפו משפטים ממקורות שיש עליהם זכויות יוצרים. Don't add sentences from copyrighted sources. Don't bring together judgments from sources that have rights to make. >>eng<< אני אוהב גבינה. I like cheese. I like cheese. >>eng<< בוא החוצה. Come out here. Come out. >>eng<< Nura-yasen. We've written to them. Of the signs he spoke to them. >>eng<< اسمع Listen up. Listen. >>eng<< הסכומים האלה תואמים את שלי. These totals check with mine. These amounts match mine. >>eng<< תניח את זה על שולחני עד מחר. Have it on my desk by tomorrow. Put it on my desk by tomorrow. >>eng<< إن النساء يغيرن العالم. Women change the world. Women are changing the world. >>eng<< Melmi i yella waffug i d-iteddun ar Boston? When is the next flight to Boston? When will the coming of Boston take place? >>eng<< هذا القرار نهائي. This decision is final. This decision is final. >>eng<< على رِسْلِك. Take it easy. On your knees. >>eng<< Ad ɛeṛḍeɣ ad wen-n-fkeɣ afus n tallalt. I'll try to live up to your expectations. And I give unto you a gift; but the gift I give unto you. >>eng<< פרושו של דבר שהתפיסה שלנו של מצב כלשהו תלויה רק חלקית באותות חושיים הנקלטים באותו רגע. This means that our perception of any situation depends only partly on sensory signals being received at that time. The statement of something that our perception of a situation depends only partially on the same senses as those recorded at the same time. >>eng<< אתמול היה קר מאד אז חבשתי כובע. Yesterday was very cold so I wore a hat. Last night was very cold, so I wore a hat. >>eng<< ما دْخَلْتْشْ الفْرَاشْ حتى فات نُصّ اللِيل. I didn't get to bed until after midnight. Why don't you go to bed until we're out tonight. >>eng<< واقيلا عندي تاۆري عليها. I think I have a theory about that. I have been told to do so. >>eng<< העוזרת מרותקת למיטתה. The maid is confined to her bed. The assistant goes to her bed. >>eng<< טום ביקר במכון עיסוי. Tom went to the massage parlor. Tom visited the hospital. >>eng<< מדי כמה זמן אתה עושה מקלחת? How often do you shower? How long have you been doing showering? >>eng<< Xdem ayen tzemreḍ. Do your best! Do whatever you can. >>eng<< Tom ur yeẓri ara belli d Mary i tt-ixedmen. Tom is unaware that Mary did that. Even so ye know not that it was Mary which he did unto me. >>eng<< الآنسة ماري اُسرت بواسطة تنين قوي يدعي توم. Princess Mary was captured by the powerful dragon named Tom. Miss Mary was broken by a strong Tin calling Tom. >>eng<< كان سامي يعيش حياة ساحرة. Sami was living a charmed life. Sammy was living a witch's life. >>eng<< Tamaziɣt d tawcult i yegebren ddeqs n tutlayin gar-asent: Tabqaylit, Tacawit, Tamẓabit, Tarifit, Tazennatit, Tatergit akked Tacelḥit. Berber as a family contains several languages ​​including: Kabyle, Shawi, Mozabit, Rifain, Zennati, Tergi and Chleuh. I have become a father in all the languages of the young men. They have been ƙawaed with Tabes, Tacquath, Tamrabit, Tappes, Tannett, Tatargit, and Tacjith. >>eng<< Tettbineḍ-d melliḥeḍ. You look beautiful. Thou hast rebuked him, that thou shouldest forgive him. >>eng<< أنا إنسان صادق. I am an honest person. I'm a honest person. >>eng<< הלכתם לאיזשהו קונצרט בגרמניה? Did you go to a concert in Germany? Did you go to any concert in Germany? >>eng<< سنتبعك فحسب. We'll just follow you. We'll just follow you. >>eng<< أغلب الطلبة يهتمون بالمالية أكثر مما يهتمون بالصناعة. More students are interested in finance than in industry. Most students are more interested in finance than in industry. >>eng<< Yella win i yebɣan ad ihḍeṛ yid-k. Somebody wants to talk to you. And lo, there is one who would speak unto thee, and speak unto thee. >>eng<< Teččiḍ kra iḍ yezrin? Did you eat something last night? Do you eat a whole night? >>eng<< D ijdiden? Are they new? New? >>eng<< עצה מספר 4 לזכויות יוצרים: הדרך הבטוחה ביותר היא תמיד לקבל רשות מבעלי הזכויות. ציון המקור של חומר מוגן אינו מהווה תחליף לקבלת הרשות. Copyright tip #4: The safest course is always to get permission from the copyright owner. Acknowledging the source of the copyrighted material does not substitute for obtaining permission. Recommendation 4 to create rights: The safest way is always to get permission from the right-holders. The original level of protected material is not a substitute for permission. >>eng<< היום היה מעורר. Today has been exhilarating. Today was exciting. >>eng<< קשה לי להתקיים מההכנסה הזעומה שלי. It's hard for me to live on my small income. It's hard for me to have my bad income. >>eng<< ስሜ ጀክ ነው። My name is Jack. My name is Jake. >>eng<< מה מסתתר שם? What's hidden in there? What's hidden in there? >>eng<< Ad awiɣ lantrit deg Tubeṛ. I'm retiring in October. I asked you to go with me, and you will live in Tobruit. >>eng<< Tettfuḥu-d yir rriḥa. It smells bad. You put away the evil spirit. >>eng<< اعترف بالهزيمة. He admitted defeat. Admit defeat. >>eng<< Ur ittɛawad ara akk Tom ad yi-yamen. Tom will never believe me again. Don't be ashamed of me all to believe. >>eng<< كانت لدى سامي درّاجة ناريّة. Sami had a motorcycle. Sammy had a firearm. >>eng<< احتاج توم الطعام . Tom needed food. I need Tom to eat. >>eng<< هل صعد كل الركاب؟ Are all the passengers aboard? Did all the passengers come up? >>eng<< Anida telliḍ deg 20 Tubeṛ ɣef 2:30 n tmeddit? Where were you on October 20th at 2:30 in the afternoon? If you are 20 years old, about 2:30 a.m.? >>eng<< אווה נבונה ממני. Eva is cleverer than me. Ava's wise from me. >>eng<< إنه يوظف خادمة. He employs a maid. He's employing a servant. >>eng<< عندها نفس عدد الكتب مثل الذي عندي. She has as many books as I. It has the same number of books as I have. >>eng<< תום לכל הדעות האיש המתאים לתפקיד. Tom is definitely the right person for the job. Tom's all the opinions of the right man for the job. >>eng<< Tella kra n yiwet i yemmuten? Has someone died? But there were some who were dead? >>eng<< أرني ما في جيبك. Show me what's in your pocket. Show me what's in your pocket. >>eng<< كان القيام بذلك شيئا سخيفا على ما أعتقد. I think it was a stupid thing to do. It was a ridiculous thing to do, I think. >>eng<< כששמש התרבות בשקיעה, אפילו גמדים מטילים צל ארוך. When the sun of culture is low, even dwarfs will cast long shadows. When the culture is in the sunset, even mammals take long shades. >>eng<< الأمر ممكن بالتأكيد إن أردت. It is certainly possible if you want it. It's certainly possible if you want. >>eng<< Wa mačči d iles-iw ayemmat. It's not my native language. And it was not mine. >>eng<< لم يستطع سامي تحمّل ذلك الضّجيج. Sami couldn't stand that noise. Sammy couldn't carry that noise. >>eng<< Rwel! Escape! First! >>eng<< شكرا جزيلا. Thanks a bunch. Thank you very much. >>eng<< من فضلك, صحِح لي, عندما أُخطيء. Please correct me when I make a mistake. Please, correct me, when I'm wrong. >>eng<< תום בא פנימה. Tom came inside. Tom's coming in. >>eng<< إن جودة الموسيقى تزداد سوءا كلّ عام. Music is getting worse every year. The quality of music is getting worse every year. >>eng<< השמיים בהירים כמעט בכל יום. The sky is clear almost every day. The sky is bright almost every day. >>eng<< ممكن تتصاغ بطريقة تانية؟ Can it be phrased in another way? Is it possible to sound in a tan? >>eng<< אנחנו לא יכולים לדעת איזה מהם יותר טוב. We cannot tell which is better. We can't know which one is better. >>eng<< אני לא ראוי לזה. I don't deserve it. I don't deserve it. >>eng<< Ɣawleɣ. I fasted. I swear by God. >>eng<< شرب سامي. Sami drank. Sammy drink. >>eng<< אני אוהב לרקוד. I love to dance. I like dancing. >>eng<< תזכרי בבקשה לשלוח את המכתב בדרכך הביתה. Please remember to mail the letter on your way home. Please remember to send the letter on your way home. >>eng<< Cukkeɣ tɛerḍem ad ɣ-d-teɣṛem. I think you've been trying to contact us. Yea, I bear you patiently, even as we also have suffered. >>eng<< תום עצר את נשימתו. Tom held his breath. Tom stopped his breath. >>eng<< معذرة، كيف تعرف إسمي؟ Excuse me. How do you know my name? Excuse me. How do you know my name? >>eng<< Refdeɣ-ţ tujjaq, serseɣ-ţ tujjaq; amek ad as-geɣ a Rebbi? Whether I lift it or pose it, it does not stop squeaking; what to do with it, my god? I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: how shall I suffer as a thief? >>eng<< מה התועלת שתצמח לך מזה? What's in it for you? What do you have to do with that? >>eng<< استمع إلى توم Listen to Tom. Listen to Tom. >>eng<< למה אתה מבקר באוסטרליה? Why are you visiting Australia? Why are you visiting Australia? >>eng<< מה אגיד לתום על המטרה של זה? What should I tell Tom it's for? What am I gonna tell you about this target? >>eng<< אני חושבת שיש לתום שלוש ברירות. I think Tom has three options. I think there's to Tom three choices. >>eng<< Tella tin i kem-yettṛajun. Somebody's waiting for you. It's a big-time piece of concrete. >>eng<< אף אחד לא יודע מה גורלו מכתיב לו. Nobody knows what his destiny has in store for him. No one knows what his fate is writing to him. >>eng<< איך מגיעים לתחנה? How do I get to the bus station? How do you get to the station? >>eng<< Fukken-iyi lehduṛ. I'm at a loss for words. I need him to speak with me. >>eng<< Yal yiwen yessaram d akken kra n dir ur d-iḍerru. Everyone is hoping nothing bad will happen. Every man therefore that hath sent me is as it were of necessity. >>eng<< היא עסוקה בהכנה למבחן. She is busy preparing for an examination. She's busy preparing for the test. >>eng<< Ad nales ad nemlal deg tubeṛ. We'll meet again in October. And we will break through faith. >>eng<< Tasiwant-nni i tufiḍ, n Tom? Was the umbrella you found Tom's? the star which you were learning from in Tom? >>eng<< Tufiḍ iman-im? Are you OK? They asked him, "Do you think this way? >>eng<< אני יודע לקלף תפוח. I can peel an apple. I can put an apple on. >>eng<< Yella ḥedd i ikecmen ar texxamt. Someone entered the room. "Someone has entered into the inner room." >>eng<< Eǧǧet aya ɣur-wen. Keep that. Let this be done for you. >>eng<< انبطح من فضلك. Please get down. Please slow down. >>eng<< لقد أعجبتنّ سامي. Sami likes you. You liked Sammy. >>eng<< استولى سامي على مال دانية. Fadil took Dania's money. Sammy's taking care of Dani's money. >>eng<< يوجد كتاب عن الرقص على المنضدة . There's a book about dancing on the desk. There's a book about dancing on the table. >>eng<< Fejn toqgħod? Where do you live? Where do you live? >>eng<< خرج سامي من الباب. Sami stepped out the door. Sammy came out of the door. >>eng<< אכול כל מה שתרצה. Eat anything you like. Eat whatever you want. >>eng<< Aql-i ttaṭṭafeɣ-d tugniwin i tqenṭert. I'm taking pictures of the bridge. Behold, there are face to face horsemen, which came to him as long as he was. >>eng<< D acu-tt tfelseft-im? What is your philosophy? What do you give up? >>eng<< תום נשאר מבולבל. Tom remained puzzled. Tom stays confused. >>eng<< אינני יודע מה גרם לי לעשות את זה. I don't know what made me do that. I don't know what made me do that. >>eng<< Usindd. They have come. Usidd. >>eng<< Ifak. Done. Lightning. >>eng<< ليس لديّ عذر. I don't have an excuse. I don't have an excuse. >>eng<< אם את זקוקה למטרייה, אשאיל לך אחת. If you need an umbrella I'll lend you one. If you need methia, I'll ask you one. >>eng<< Acu d-tenna yemma-k? What did your mom say? What is your mother-in-law? >>eng<< D acu i teqqaṛemt? What're you reading? What do you say? >>eng<< أنا لا أضع اللوم عليك. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. >>eng<< Ur zmireɣ ara ad εummeɣ s tɣawla am kečč. I can't swim as fast as you. I can't count what you are willing to do. >>eng<< אני חשה מכובדת. I feel honored. I feel respected. >>eng<< Tom yessuffuɣ tidi. Tom is sweating. I'm wading the road. >>eng<< אני מגיע כדי להרוג אותך. I have come to kill you. I'm coming to kill you. >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ i yettṛaju Tom. Tom is waiting for somebody. There is one plague of Tom. >>eng<< Win i d-yennan tideţ, ad yeqqen aɣyul. Whoever speaks the truth will have to tie the donkey. And he that had said these things unto him, bow down his head. >>eng<< Nekni d tafat i tmuɣli. We are a light for the sight. And I am the light. >>eng<< תום דיבר בלחש רם. Tom spoke in a loud whisper. Tom spoke loudly. >>eng<< اندفع توم زيادة. Tom got a little carried away. Pay Tom an increase. >>eng<< المسلمون يؤمنون بعيسى و محمّد. Muslims believe in Jesus and Muhammad. Muslims believe hard and hard. >>eng<< Ttwaliɣ tetqelliqeḍ aṭas. I find you very boring. You can't make many noises. >>eng<< Feṛḥeɣ-ak mi trebḥeḍ. I am pleased at your success. I have rejoiced with you when you came into victory. >>eng<< אם את רואה טעות, תקני אותה בבקשה. If you see a mistake, then please correct it. If you see a mistake, buy it, please. >>eng<< Init-iyi-d daɣen anta ara ɣ-iɛiwnen. Tell me again who will be helping us. Tell me, that I also may be helped. >>eng<< תום נראה טוב. Tom looks nice. Tom looks good. >>eng<< سامي يحبّ الموسيقى الصّوتيّة. Sami loves acoustic music. Sammy loves rock music. >>eng<< Tugna-a d kečč i tt-yessunɣen? Is this a picture that you yourself drew? And said unto him, Art thou he that killest thee? >>eng<< Ur xdimeɣ acemma. I did nothing. I have done nothing. >>eng<< ذلك رائع حقاً! That's really great! That's really great! >>eng<< אני חושבת שתום אטום. I think that Tom is stuck-up. I think Tom's dead. >>eng<< D Tom i ak-n-isawalen. This is Tom calling. Dm i tom-n-n-hm. >>eng<< טום לא ילך לישון אם לא תקרא לו סיפור. Tom won't go to sleep unless you read him a story. Tom won't go to sleep if you don't call him a story. >>eng<< לא הייתי מסוגל לגמור את שיעורי הבית בלי עזרת תום. I couldn't have finished my homework without Tom's help. I couldn't finish my homework without Tom's help. >>eng<< זה די הוגן. That's fair enough. That's pretty fair. >>eng<< سأتأخر قليلا اليوم. I'll be a little late today. I'll be a little late today. >>eng<< תום היה סרבן. Tom was disobedient. Tom was a victim. >>eng<< כולם מביעים עניין. Everyone's interested. Everyone's making an interest. >>eng<< السباحة ليلاً خطرة. Swimming at night is dangerous. The swimming night is dangerous. >>eng<< Tom akked nekk nemsebḍa. Tom and I are separated. May I always be with you all. Amen. >>eng<< כשראיתי את דודי אתמול, הוא בישר לי שהוא חזר מלונדון שלושה ימים לפני כן. When I saw my uncle yesterday, he told me that he had returned from London three days before. When I saw my uncle yesterday, he confirmed to me that he came back from London three days ago. >>eng<< عليك أن تكون صبوراً. You have to be patient. You have to be courageous. >>eng<< השיטה רקובה. The system is rotten. The system's dancing. >>eng<< אבקש את סליחתך, אבל האם תסכימי לחזור על מה שאמרת? I beg your pardon, but would you repeat what you said? I'll ask your forgiveness, but would you agree to repeat what you said? >>eng<< لنسرع. Let's hurry up. Let's hurry. >>eng<< هل تفهمني؟ Are you getting me? Do you understand me? >>eng<< اكتشفت للتو أن زوجتي قد خانتني. I just found out that my wife cheated on me. I just found out my wife betrayed me. >>eng<< Yezmer Tom ad yexdem ayen i s-iɛeǧben. Tom gets to do whatever he wants to do. And this he can do, because it is well pleasing in his eyes. >>eng<< كان سامي يضحك. Sami was laughing. Sammy was laughing. >>eng<< Anta i yellan dihin? Who is there? And where are ye? >>eng<< תום לא התכוון לפגוע ברגשותיה של מרי. Tom didn't intend to hurt Mary's feelings. Tom didn't mean to hurt Mary's feelings. >>eng<< Kksemt iqaciren-nkunt. Mennad has socks. Burdens. >>eng<< אתה רוצה לשמוע עוד? Do you want to hear more? You want to hear more? >>eng<< Iḥar Tom ad yuɣal ɣer uxxam-is di Boston. Tom was eager to get home to Boston. And Tom shall he return to his house in Boston. >>eng<< Ad awen-d-siwleɣ uqbel ad ruḥeɣ. I’ll call you before I leave. I have told you before I go. >>eng<< אני לא מאמינה שתצליחי לנצח אותי, אבל אני לא מכחישה שתעשי מצידך מאמץ נועז. I don't believe you'll defeat me, but I don't deny you'll make a brave attempt. I can't believe you can beat me, but I don't deny you to make a bold effort by you. >>eng<< הבית הזה רשום על שמי. This house is registered in my name. This house is written on my name. >>eng<< Ili-kent d tid yelhan ar medden. Be tolerant. Show me how good it is for men to speak. >>eng<< Rebḥeɣ-d wa. I've earned this. I brought only one thing to my house. >>eng<< אני שונאת ספורט. I hate sports. I hate sports. >>eng<< ألحقت ملاحظة بالمستند باستخدام ملقط ورق. A note was attached to the document with a paper clip. Note to the document using a paper bag. >>eng<< هذا لا يغير شيئاً. That doesn't change anything. This doesn't change anything. >>eng<< لم يقدر سامي على تحمّل ذلك الضّجيج. Sami couldn't stand that noise. Sammy couldn't bear that noise. >>eng<< אנו שמים אותך במעצר. We're placing you under arrest. We're putting you in custody. >>eng<< כאשר הטלפון צלצל, בדיוק עמדתי לצאת. When the telephone rang, I was just going out. When the phone called, I was just about to get out. >>hau_Latn<< Tom's room was very small. Dakin tom dan karami ne. Ɗan’uwa Tom bai da yawa. >>eng<< הגשר רוחבו שלושים מטר. The bridge is thirty meters in width. The bridge is 30 feet away. >>eng<< و أنت أيضا You too. You too. >>eng<< لا أسامحكِ مطلقا. I do not forgive you at all. I never forgive you. >>eng<< Ilaq ad nṛuḥ. We must go. And let us go. >>eng<< متأكد من نجاحه. I'm sure of his success. I'm sure he's successful. >>eng<< הוא נותן כל יום תפוח עץ למורה. He gives an apple to the teacher every day. He gives a tree apple to a teacher every day. >>eng<< العالم قرية صغيرة. The world is a small village. The world is a small village. >>eng<< הייתי זה עתה בתחנת סאפורו כדי ללוות את אמי לדרכה. I have just been to Sapporo Station to see my mother off. I was just at the Saforo station to visit my mother for her guidance. >>eng<< חשבתי שאולי תרצה ארוחת צהרים מוקדמת. I thought you might feel like an early lunch. I thought you might want some early lunch. >>eng<< لا أريد العمل. I don't want to work. I don't want to work. >>eng<< לאיזה כיוון אתם הולכים? Which way are you going? Which way are you going? >>eng<< عندما كان شاباً، كان عاملاً مثابراً. When he was young, he was a hard worker. When he was a young man, he was a regular worker. >>eng<< שלוש כפול ארבע שווה שתים עשרה. Three times four is twelve. Three times four equals twelve. >>eng<< Tom yenna-d d akken werǧin yelmed tafransist. Tom says that he's never studied French. And they said, As they did not teach in vain. >>eng<< את חושבת שתום נבון? Do you think Tom is wise? Do you think Tom's wise? >>eng<< Baba-tkent yesɛa lḥeṭṭa. Your father is a good-looking man. The father of the rock has overcome him. >>eng<< Kečč tugareḍ Tom. You're older than Tom. You are more than Tom. >>eng<< יש לי עוד הרבה מה ללמוד. I've got a lot more to learn. I have a lot more to learn. >>eng<< לדעתי עליך לספר להוריך שאנו נשואים. I think you should tell your parents that we're married. I think you should tell your parents that we're married. >>eng<< Yezmer Tom ad iccef. Tom can swim. And it can work. >>eng<< תום הרגיש נפלא. Tom felt amazing. Tom felt wonderful. >>eng<< هي لا تكرهكَ يا توم. She doesn't hate you, Tom. She doesn't hate you, Tom. >>eng<< Ur k-yuɣ wayra? Are you OK? Don't you look like that? >>eng<< מעולם לא ראיתי פרה אמיתית. I've never seen a real cow. I've never seen a real cow. >>eng<< Fares. Enjoy. Fares. >>eng<< Aqṛab-a wi t-ilan? Whose is this bag? As soon as it is come to him, what shall be done unto him? >>eng<< Mbiwel sya! Get your carcass out of here! From now on! >>eng<< Ilaq ad testeɛfum mliḥ. You should have absolute rest. Let the sepulchre be filled. >>eng<< تفضّل خذ واحدة. Please take one. Here's one. >>eng<< היא מסתכלת איך הילדים האחרים משחקים, אך לעולם אינה מצטרפת. She watches the other kids playing, but she never joins in. She's looking at how the other kids play, but she never joins. >>eng<< אתם נראים עייפים מאוד. You look very tired. You guys look very tired. >>eng<< אני לא יכול להגיד לך איזה כבוד גדול זה עבורי. I can't tell you what an honor this is. I can't tell you what great respect it is for me. >>eng<< مرحباً! شكراً على الطيران معنا. كيف حالكم اليوم؟ Hi! Thanks for flying with us. How are you today? Hey, thanks for flying with us. >>eng<< Tcucuf akken iwata. She swims well. I love you. >>eng<< لقد بُنيت أهرام المايا ومعابدها الضخمة على نحو رائع باستخدام الأدوات الحجرية Mayan pyramids and large temples were built elegantly using stone tools. The mammals and its huge objects have been built in a great way, using stone tools. >>eng<< Kra ur yeqwim deg ayen i xedmeɣ. Nothing I do is appreciated. And they had none that did me: >>eng<< ها هي حقيبتك. Here is your bag. Here's your bag. >>eng<< הסרתי את כובעי ונכנסתי לכנסיה. I took off my hat and entered the church. I took away the hats and went into the church. >>eng<< Tom yella yebɣa yebɣa ad isuden Mary. Tom wanted to kiss Mary. And the same night he would have to be taken care of Mary. >>eng<< أحس بالخطر فهرب. Sensing danger, he ran away. I feel dangerous, running away. >>eng<< תישאר בדיוק פה. Stay right here. Stay right here. >>eng<< לא אכפת לי מי עושה את זה. I don't care who does that. I don't care who does this. >>eng<< Ur fhimeɣ iqiḥ. I don't understand anything. I don't know what I am looking for. >>eng<< إنه ليس ما تعتقد! It's not what you think! It's not what you think! >>eng<< أتحتاج إلى الكتاب؟ Do you need the book? You need the book? >>eng<< אני אוהבת אותם, את כולם. I like all of them. I love them, everyone. >>eng<< هل تحتاجين إلى سيارة إسعاف؟ Do you need an ambulance? Do you need an ambulance? >>eng<< سامي بالأسفل. Sami is downstairs. Sammy's down. >>eng<< Tagi, d tameṭṭut n Tom. This is Tom's wife. This is Tom's wife. >>eng<< Sswis d tamurt n rrayat n tmacint. Switzerland is the country of the railways. Now there is a country of promise. >>eng<< Tom yenɛel Mary. Tom offended Mary. Tom's Mary. >>eng<< كان سامي مشتّت الانتباه. Sami was distracted. Sammy was distracted. >>eng<< אני לא רדום. I'm not sleepy. I'm not dancing. >>eng<< זה היה מאמץ התנדבותי. It was a volunteer effort. It was my volunteer effort. >>eng<< הוא עשיר אבל הוא לא מאושר. He's rich, but he's not happy. He's rich, but he's not happy. >>eng<< وافق منّاد. Mennad agreed. I've agreed to a friend. >>eng<< كان سامي يقوم بعمل خطير. Sami was doing a dangerous job. Sammy was doing a serious job. >>eng<< אני לא יכולה להתאפק מלהיכנס לשם. I can't wait to get in there. I can't wait to get in there. >>eng<< I tura anda-t Ṛebbi-nwen? Where's your God now? Where is your God now? >>eng<< Uraremt! Play! Uremite! >>eng<< תום הלך לפתוח את הדלת אבל גילה שהיא כבר פתוחה. Tom went to unlock the door, but found that it was already unlocked. Tom went to open the door but found out she was already open. >>eng<< أنتَ لابد أن تجد عملاً. You must find work. You must find work. >>eng<< لماذا السماء زرقاء؟ Why is the sky blue? Why the blue sky? >>eng<< هل شربت عصير البرتقال هذا؟ Did you drink this orange juice? Did you drink this orange juice? >>eng<< אני די מאושר. I'm kind of happy. I'm pretty happy. >>eng<< Yella wasmi i terniḍ amagrad ɣer Wikipedia? Have you ever added an article to Wikipedia? "Do you have anything to do with you, or do you want to go to Quebec?" >>eng<< أنا وجدت ذلك أيضا. I also found this. I found it, too. >>eng<< أقلّ سامي مسافر أوتوستوب. Sami picked up a hitchhiker. No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. >>eng<< אני אוהבת את התמונה הזאת. I love that picture. I like this picture. >>eng<< Yettban Tom ur iṣebbeṛ ara. Tom looks impatient. For to this end you will be rejected, not found. >>eng<< هل عندك الفاتورة؟ Do you have a receipt? Do you have the bill? >>eng<< אבי רוחץ את המכונית מאז הבוקר. My father has been washing his car since this morning. My father's been running the car since this morning. >>eng<< توم لم يأخذها معه. Tom didn't take it with him. Tom didn't take it with him. >>eng<< Kennemti d timeḥbas-nneɣ. You're our prisoner. You went in with our prisoners. >>eng<< הוא היה לנטל על הוריו. He was a burden to his parents. He was hanging on his parents. >>eng<< ذهبت ليلى و ابنتها إلى التّبضّع. Layla took her daughter shopping. Lila and her daughter went to babysitting. >>eng<< Ad iniɣ d akken tḥemmleḍ axeddim-ik. I believe you like your job. I say therefore, as you walk, remain in your love. >>eng<< Triḍ ad tessemḥilqeḍ i yedrimen n Tom. You wanted to get your hands on Tom's money. You have to pay taxes to the money of Tom. >>eng<< Baba d imsujji. My father is a doctor. Father is manifest. >>eng<< Ɛni teččam? Have you eaten? Why should I eat? >>eng<< كنت في الجبال. I was in the mountains. I was in the mountains. >>eng<< בעצם, הוא אף פעם לא ביקר בניו יורק. In fact, he has never been to New York. Actually, he never visited New York. >>eng<< אני משחקת עכשיו כדור עף. I am playing volleyball now. I'm playing a flying ball now. >>eng<< ماذا قالوا أيضا؟ What else did they say? What else did they say? >>eng<< ما تسقسيهومش وين راهوم رايحين. Don't ask them where they are going. What's consistent with Seymash Winn Ramum two. >>eng<< Tella tin i yettun ssiwan-is. Somebody left his umbrella behind. It's a satoon-is-is-is-my-is-is-is-is-is-is-is-is-is-is-is-is-is-is-is- >>eng<< ما رانيش ناوي ندير هاد الشّي. I don't intend to do that. What Ranish Nawe is running dark. >>eng<< אתה רואה, אמרתי לך שאתה מסוגל. See, I told you I could do it. You see, I told you you were capable of it. >>eng<< Wa i kennemti. This is for you. I've seen you. >>eng<< سأطلق عليه النار. I'm gonna shoot him. I'll shoot him. >>eng<< Ad gent ayen i asent-nniɣ. They'll do what I tell them to do. These things have I spoken. >>eng<< כך לא מטפלים בגברת. That's no way to treat a lady. That's not how they treat a lady. >>eng<< إنتظر Wait! Wait. >>eng<< Segzi iman-im. Explain yourself. Steps from here. >>eng<< אנו לא עושים דבר שלא תהיה מוכן להסכים לו. We're not doing anything you wouldn't approve of. We're not doing anything you won't be willing to agree with. >>eng<< משהו קרה, לא? Something's happened, hasn't it? Something happened, didn't it? >>eng<< هذا مفتاحك. This is your key. That's your key. >>eng<< أعيش في كوبي. I live in Kobe. I live in Coby. >>eng<< La yi-teskerkisem? Are you lying to me? No-tesker name? >>eng<< Tanemmirt ɣef leḥdaqa-inek. I thank you for your kindness. Keep this in your sight. >>eng<< Yessers uḥeddad afḍis yerfed-it mmi-s The blacksmith put down his hammer and his son took it.. Now the dragon was saddled with a tongue, and set him on the son of God. >>eng<< Aɣrum yeqqur amen semḍen. Bread is dry, water is cold. I will not be a member of yours even so. >>eng<< لسوء الحظّ، كلّف ذلك سامي حياته. Unfortunately, that cost Sami his life. Unfortunately, that cost my life. >>eng<< ساند سامي ليلى. Sami supported Layla. Sand Sammy Lila. >>eng<< هرب الرجل عقب رؤية الشرطي. Seeing the policeman, the man ran away. The man escaped after seeing the cop. >>eng<< את כמעט מוכנה? Are you almost ready? Are you almost ready? >>eng<< Tom d azuran. Tom is fat. Tom duzran. >>eng<< ני חושב שזו הדרך הטובה ביותר. I think it's the best way. I think that's the best way. >>eng<< Beṛkat anneẓmi. Stop whimpering. Do not sow. >>eng<< Kra n tekriḍt yellan tekka-d seg ddin. All violence comes from religion. And some scripture is given by me at the same time. >>eng<< آمُل أنكَ لست غاضباً. I hope that you are not angry. I hope you're not mad. >>eng<< המורה שלנו נותן לנו הרבה שיעורי בית. Our teacher gives us a lot of homework. Our teacher gives us a lot of homework. >>eng<< אני יודע שהסיכויים שתרצי לצאת אתי אי פעם לא ממש גבוהים, אבל בכל זאת אני צריך לבקש לפחות פעם אחת. I know that it is highly unlikely that you'd ever want to go out with me, but I still need to ask at least once. I know the odds you'll ever want to go out with me aren't really high, but still I have to ask for at least one time. >>eng<< מרי בלונדית. Mary is blonde. Mary Blonde. >>eng<< Sami ad yettru am llufan. Sami is crying like a baby. You can take Sami as a baby. >>eng<< אינני סותרת את דברכם. I'm not contradicting you. I'm not hiding your words. >>eng<< שיניתי את זה. I changed that. I changed it. >>eng<< תגיד לי שזה לא נכון. Tell me it isn't true. Tell me it's not true. >>eng<< תום ישן כמו תינוק. Tom slept like a baby. Tom's sleeping like a baby. >>eng<< شفتو كي كنت فلامبطون؟ Did you see him while you were at Lambton? Did you know that you were falcon? >>eng<< ذلك الرجل لديه فم كريه. That man has a foul mouth. That guy's got a cold mouth. >>eng<< لا تنس مطرّيتك. Don't forget your umbrella. Don't forget your rain. >>eng<< Ssarameɣ ur kem-nqelleq ara. I hope we're not bothering you. But I trust I shall not lift you up. >>eng<< היה כיף לחגוג יחד. It was fun to celebrate together. It was fun to celebrate together. >>eng<< הוא צילם תמונה משפחתית. He took a photograph of the family. He took a family picture. >>eng<< كان سامي يعيش حياة رائعة. Sami had a wonderful life. Sammy was living a wonderful life. >>eng<< لم تكن قارورة الأقراص تلك كافية لقتل سامي. The small bottle of pills wasn't enough to kill Sami. That carnival wasn't enough to kill Sammy. >>eng<< אני אוהב את העבודה שלך. I like your work. I like your job. >>eng<< שמעתי כמה תלמידים מתלוננים על שיעורי הבית. I heard some students complain about the homework. I heard some students complain about the homework. >>eng<< እኔ ከአሜሪካ ነኝ። I'm from America. I am an American. >>eng<< תרשום את שמך כאן. Write down your name here. Write your name here. >>eng<< השכירה גנבה כסף מהקופה. The employee stole money from the cash register. The rent stole money from the box. >>eng<< הוא התיישב על הספסל. He seated himself on the bench. He sat on the bench. >>eng<< مازالني نستنى باش نشوف توم. I'm still waiting to see Tom. I still miss Bash Schnoff Tom. >>eng<< ستمطر الليلة. It will rain tonight. You'll rain tonight. >>eng<< Tom txuṣṣ-as Mary. Tom misses Mary. Tomass-as-Mary. >>eng<< הכל עומד על הראש. Everything is upside down. It's all on your head. >>eng<< عليك أن تفي بوعدك. You must keep your promise. You have to fulfill your promise. >>eng<< Qqimen akk deg Boston ala Tom. Everyone stayed in Boston except Tom. Lived in Boston ala Tom. >>eng<< תום בילה את הלילה על הספה. Tom spent the night on the couch. Tom spent the night on the couch. >>eng<< بكيتُ طوال الليل. I cried all night long. I cried all night. >>eng<< سامي مسيحي. Sami is a Christian. Sammy's a Christian. >>eng<< את נראית מודאגת. You seem worried. You look worried. >>eng<< Yiwen ur d-yecliɛ. No one cared. There is no one who hates him. >>eng<< أنا حابَس ما علاباليش علاش. I'm stupid and I don't know why. I'm in love with what I'm talking about. >>eng<< Tom d uḥdiq. Tom is nice. You're angry. >>eng<< لا أعلم ما حدث في العيادة. I don't know what happened at the clinic. I don't know what happened at the clinic. >>eng<< انتظر سامي لستّة أسابيع. Sami waited for six weeks. Just wait for Sammy for six weeks. >>eng<< Ejja hawn! Come here. Come here! >>eng<< אתה צריך להרשם עד יום שני. You need to register by Monday. You have to sign by Monday. >>eng<< لقد خدعهُ. He swindled him. He tricked him. >>eng<< נראה שהיא יודעת את אמנות כתיבת המכתבים. She seems to know the art of writing letters. Looks like she knows the art of writing the letters. >>eng<< תום רעד. Tom shivered. Tom's thundering. >>eng<< دهسته سيارة. He was run over by a car. He was hit by a car. >>eng<< לאחר ארוחת הבוקר יצאנו לטייל בחוץ. After breakfast, we went out for a walk. After breakfast, we went out for a walk. >>eng<< אני רוצה גיטרה כמו שיש ליוחנן. I want the same guitar as John has. I want a guitar like John's. >>eng<< Tom yettsuɣu. Tom is crying. You'll catch it. >>eng<< האם עשרת אלפים ין יספיקו? Is ten thousand yen enough? Will ten thousand do it? >>eng<< הדיאודורנט הזה משאיר כתמים לבנים על החולצה. This deodorant leaves white stains on the shirt. This diodorant leaves white marks on the shirt. >>eng<< ما هو السبب الحقيقي لعدم رغبتك بعمل هذا؟ What's the real reason you don't want to do this? What's the real reason you didn't want to do this? >>eng<< אל תצעק. Don't shout. Don't yell. >>eng<< יש גם מים באשלנד. There's water in Ashland, too. There's some water in the alherand, too. >>eng<< D tafṛansist tadin? Is that French? Do you think so? >>eng<< Iqbayliyen ttqadaṛen iɣerfan meṛṛa. Kabylians respect all people. All deceit and lustfulness are swallowed up by those who deny the truth. >>eng<< אני בתל אביב. I'm in Tel Aviv. I'm a spring rock. >>eng<< לו יכולת להיות שם. I wish you could have been there. If you could be there. >>eng<< יש לי מחשב נייד מדגם אסוס. I have an Asus laptop. I've got an Aces cell computer. >>eng<< אני הייתי הראשון. I was first. I was the first. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad mmteɣ. I want to die. I will die. >>eng<< سامي جرّاح تجميلي. Sami is a plastic surgeon. Sammy's a frozen wound. >>eng<< لقد ناموا حقا على الأرض. They really slept on the floor. They've really fallen on the ground. >>eng<< אתה כתב. You're a reporter. You wrote. >>eng<< كان سامي نفسه أبا. Sami was a dad himself. Sammy himself was a father. >>eng<< D tikaṭuliyin i tellamt? Are you Catholic? Do you know me? >>eng<< Asmi ad tesɛuḍ akud ɣeṛ adlis-a. When you have time, read this. For when thou shalt have the root, thou shalt lie in wait for it. >>eng<< תום צובע. Tom's painting. Tom's in order. >>eng<< Naħseb għandi biżżejjed flus biex nixtri l-kompjuter li rrid. I think I have almost enough money to buy the computer I want. I think I have enough money to buy the computer I want. >>eng<< Selleɣ i kra n tɣawsa. I hear something. I heard some of it. >>eng<< אין לי אפשרות לתת לך היום תשובה מוחלטת. I cannot give you a definite answer today. I can't give you a complete answer today. >>eng<< Ẓriɣ belli Tom d aselmad. I know Tom is a teacher. I know that you are a child. >>eng<< قام المدرّس بمناداة الحاضرين. The teacher took attendance. The teacher made the call for the present. >>hau_Latn<< Our city is getting bigger and bigger. Garinmu sai kara haɓaka yakeyi. birninmu yana girma kuma yana girma sosai. >>eng<< Wissen ma iḥemmel-iyi. I wonder if he loves me. Wissen doesn't love me. >>eng<< M'iniex tabib. I'm not a doctor. You are not a doctor. >>eng<< La t-tettɛawaneḍ? Are you helping him? Do you commit adultery? >>eng<< هل عليك أن تعمل يوم الأحد؟ Must you work on Sunday? Do you have to work Sunday? >>eng<< בפעם הקודמת היתה זו לידה טבעית. Last time it was a natural childbirth. Last time it was a natural birth. >>eng<< ابتل توم بشدة. Tom got soaking wet. Smile tom so hard. >>eng<< أنا لا أريد أن أتحدث إلى توم الآن. I don't want to talk to Tom right now. I don't want to talk to Tom right now. >>eng<< البحر هائج. The sea is rough. The sea is framing. >>eng<< Anda-tt setti-m? Where's your grandmother? And a-t-t-t-sets-m? >>eng<< Rremt-d i yisteqsiyen-iw. Answer my questions. Behold, I will ask you any more questions. >>eng<< לא עשיתי את זה אתה. I didn't do that with her. I didn't do it you. >>eng<< Uɣaleɣ-d i wakken ad meslayeɣ yid-k tikkelt-nniḍen. I've come to talk with you again. I returned to speak to you again, as soon as I was doing. >>eng<< أمي تكبر أبي عمراً. Mom is older than Dad. Mom's growing up. >>eng<< Ḥebset ademmer. Stop pushing. And if it were so, >>eng<< Tom yerza ar Mary. Tom visited Mary. Tom thyrza Mary. >>eng<< כשצריך ליצור משהו, יש לי שתי ידיים שמאליות. When it comes to making things, I'm all thumbs. When you need to create something, I have two left hands. >>eng<< Ini-d amek zemreɣ ad k-id-fkeɣ tallalt. Tell me how can I help you. I will most gladly give you the gift. >>eng<< הייתי רוצה לגלות ממי תום קיבל את זה. I'd like to find out who Tom got that from. I'd like to find out who Tom got it. >>eng<< Tufiḍ tibṛatin-inek? Did you find your letters? Do you know your own letter? >>eng<< توم هو اللي ورالي كيفاش ندير. Tom is the one who showed me how to do it. Tom's the night and Riley Kaish's running. >>eng<< החברים שלי עודדו אותי ללמוד גרמנית. My friends encouraged me to learn German. My friends encouraged me to study German. >>eng<< سوف أجعله يسمع. I'll get him to listen. I'll make him hear. >>eng<< لدي أخ I have a brother. I have a brother. >>eng<< Ay ungif! You are an idiot! Aungif! >>eng<< Tewweḍ-d nnuba-k! Your hour has arrived! The girl came up with you! >>eng<< حان وقت طعام الغداء. It's lunch time. It's lunchtime. >>eng<< בשום פנים ואופן לא קל לרצות את כולם. It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone. Of course, it's not easy to want everyone. >>eng<< Acḥal i k-cedhaɣ! How I have missed you! And how much do I care! >>eng<< מרי נהדרת. היא בישלה לי ארוחה נהדרת ואפילו שטפה בעצמה את הכלים. Mary is really great. She cooked a wonderful meal for me and even washed the dishes herself. She cooked me a great meal and even washed the dishes herself. >>eng<< הכובע שלי מונח ישר? Is my hat on straight? My hat is straight? >>eng<< يجب أن يحضر الاجتماع أحدنا، إما أنا أو أنت. Either you or I must attend the meeting. One of us must attend the meeting, either me or you. >>eng<< המגדל שכן ממקום בולט על הרכס. The tower occupied a prominent spot on the ridge. The tower that does stand out on the floor. >>eng<< אתם קשוחים. You're harsh. You're tough. >>eng<< האם יש לנו אפשרות להגיד "לא" לארצות הברית? Can we say "No" to America? Do we have a chance to say no to the United States? >>eng<< اقطع الشجرة الميتة دي، وإلا هتقع على بيتك. Cut down that dead tree, or it will fall down on your house. Cut the dead tree de, otherwise it's on your house. >>eng<< Tfeṛḥemt mi telliḍ deg Puṛtugal? Have you been happy in Portugal? Do you smile when you are in Pump Gala? >>eng<< كل شيئ سيتغير. Everything will change. Everything will change. >>eng<< Ihi ayɣer i tellamt da? So, why are you here? So then, what kind of an age do you have? >>eng<< איזה סוג של מידע אתה מקבל ממרשתת? What sort of information do you get on the Internet? What kind of information do you get from a network? >>eng<< من الممكن أن تثلج غداً. Perhaps it will snow tomorrow. You can snow tomorrow. >>eng<< הדם שלי לא אדום יותר משלך. My blood is no redder than yours. My blood isn't reder than yours. >>eng<< دخل سامي إلى المسجد. Sami entered the mosque. Sammy went into the mosque. >>eng<< Ayen iakk ixeddem umdan, ama d tasekla, d aẓawan, d asuneɣ, d tasegda neɣ d ayen nniḍen, iteffeɣ-d dima d tarademt n yiman-is. Every man's work, whether it be literature or music or a picture or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself. Whatsoever is sold in the body, that doeth it, or that doth it, or that doth any other thing, or that cometh out of the body itself. >>eng<< Ssknet-iyi-d lekwaɣeḍ-nwen! Show me your papers! Show me your defenses!' >>eng<< אני רוצה להרים כוסית לכבוד חברנו היקר, מיכאל. I would like to have a toast for our dear friend, Michael. I want to raise a glass for our dear friend Michael. >>eng<< D azɣal ass-agi. Today it is hot. But now I pray to this day. >>eng<< سمع سامي صريرا. Sami heard a screech. Heard Sammy Zarera. >>eng<< תום הוא לא זה שעזב את המסיבה מוקדם. Tom isn't the only one who left the party early. Tom's not the one who left the party early. >>eng<< يعقد الآن المعرض الفني في كيوتو. The art exhibition is now being held in Kyoto. The substantive exhibit is now being held in Kyoto. >>eng<< תום צריך להקשיב יותר בכיתה. Tom needs to pay more attention in class. Tom needs to listen more to the class. >>eng<< يود فاضل أن يراك. Fadil would like to see you. He wants to see you. >>eng<< Ur tezmireḍ ara ad tkeyyfeḍ deg texxamt-a. You may not smoke in this room. You can't make a distinction in the inner rooms. >>eng<< تعطلت الساعة. The watch broke down. The clock's off. >>eng<< لم تبكي؟ Then why are you crying? Why didn't you cry? >>eng<< Tom ittak azal i tidet. Tom values the truth. Tom you are worth talking. >>eng<< Tom yesguḥu. Tom is coughing. It's a sign. >>eng<< طلب توم من ماري القيادة. Tom asked Mary to drive. Tom's request from Mary's leadership. >>eng<< הילד החלים מההצטננות. The child recovered from his cold. The kid's starting to sneeze. >>eng<< Yelha mliḥ akya. That was amazing. And that's good to see you. >>eng<< Tessnemt ḥedd isem-is Mass Green? Do you know a certain Mr. Green? You know what a name's name is Mas Green? >>eng<< كان سامي يشغل منصبا جيّدا في العيادة. Sami had a good position at the clinic. Sammy was in a good position at the clinic. >>eng<< كان كل الموز الذي أتيت به إلي البارحة فاسدًا. The bananas you brought to me last night were all bad. All the banana you brought to me last night was a mess. >>eng<< سأساعدك في توفير بعض الوقت. I'm going to help you save some time. I'll help you make some time. >>eng<< Ɛawen-iyi-d. Help me! Just as it is known to me. >>eng<< Tumneḍ dɣa timucuha-nni? Do you really believe those stories? Do you remember the palm tree, and the spat on it? >>eng<< أنا جعان أوي. I am terribly hungry. I'm Jagan Oe. >>eng<< מה זה "Tatoeba"? האם זה איזשהו טרנד חדש? What is "Tatoeba"? Is it some kind of new trend? What's "Tapa"? Is that some new Trend? >>eng<< Yella kra n yiwen i yi-t-yukren. Somebody stole it from me. And there was a certain man seen of me. >>eng<< اعتقلتها الشرطة. She was arrested by the police. The police arrested her. >>eng<< מים הם חשובים. Water is important. Water is important. >>eng<< Feṛḥent meṛṛa. Everybody was really happy. And they were all glad. >>eng<< תהיה אדיב אבל תקיף. Be polite, but firm. Be kind, but correct. >>eng<< Yeṛǧa Tom nnuba-s. Tom waited his turn. And he spake to him, that he should be numbered with us. >>eng<< Tameṭṭut-iw tɣil hebleɣ. My wife thinks I'm crazy. My wife seems to me like this. >>eng<< Yenna-d Tom yebɣa ad t-id-iwet kra ubeḥri. Tom said he needs to get some air. And he said unto Tom, Make ready wherewith he might make ready. >>eng<< Ṭṭfet-t-id! Grab him! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, >>eng<< Iḥemmel ad yelḥu. He likes taking walks. And he that loveth him shall walk after him. >>eng<< Tewweḍ-d nnuba-nteɣ! Our time has come! You have come to me! >>eng<< Tfehmemt? Understand? Do you understand? >>eng<< מוטב שתתיעץ עם המורה שלך. You had better consult with your teacher. You better consult your teacher. >>eng<< Ɣiwlem! Look alive. Far from it! >>eng<< يستمع إلى محطة مذياع موجة قصيرة. He listens to a short wave radio station. He's listening to a short mood radio station. >>eng<< תום הוא הזמר הטוב ביותר במועדון הזה. Tom is by far the best singer performing at this club. Tom is the best singer in this club. >>eng<< Tamurt taqbaylit tezga tettidir deg timanit ula deg tallit n umnekcam aṭurki deg Tefriqt n Ugafa. Kabylia has always been autonomous even during the Turkish colonization of North Africa. Indeed, I want to give it to people who are taking a stand on the road. It's just as if you were going to give it to people. >>eng<< لا أعلم متى سأعود بالتحديد. I don't know exactly when I will be back. I don't know when I'll be right back. >>eng<< Tifawin! Good morning! It’s up to you! >>eng<< Tom yella yettidir akked ɛami-s di Lustṛali mi yella d anelmad deg tesdawit. Tom lived with his uncle in Australia while going to college. If a star comes up against him, he will carry his cross all over him, while he is a disciple on the corner. >>eng<< אני לא יכול להאמין שהרגע יריתי על עצמי. I can't believe I just shot myself. I can't believe I just shot myself. >>eng<< שבוע מכיל שבעה ימים. A week has seven days. A week contains seven days. >>eng<< ኣሜባ ፕሮተዝዋ አዩ። An amoeba is a protozoan. Amomba has seen a projection. >>eng<< Werjin εriḍeɣ ad geɣ aya i tikelt nniḍen. I never tried to do that again. I will eat nothing else's food and drink. >>eng<< המלון ממוקם עמוק בהרים. The hotel is located deep in the mountains. The hotel is deep in the mountains. >>eng<< בחרנו מלון קרוב למוזיאונים. We've chosen a hotel near the museums. We chose a hotel close to the museums. >>eng<< كان كلب سامي ينبح. Sami's dog barked. Sammy's dog was swimming. >>eng<< למה הוא לא יושב איתי יותר? Why isn't he sitting with me anymore? Why doesn't he sit with me anymore? >>eng<< كانت لدى سامي صداقة مع أصدقاء ليلى. Sami was friends with Layla's friends. Sammy had a friendship with Lilly's friends. >>eng<< כמה תלמידים יש בבית הספר? How many students are there in the school? How many students are at school? >>eng<< أنا لست سعيداً. I'm not happy. I'm not happy. >>eng<< רצתי מהר ככל האפשר. I ran as fast as possible. I ran as fast as possible. >>eng<< Ur ɛad. Not yet. Not yet. >>eng<< Anda i zemreɣ ad ɣreɣ Tafransist? Where can I study French? Or can I have any thing to do with saving him? >>eng<< אבא שלי תמיד קורא עתון לפני ארוחת הבוקר. My father always reads the newspaper before breakfast. My dad always reads a watch before breakfast. >>eng<< אני יודע משהו שאת לא יודעת. I know something you don't know. I know something you don't know. >>eng<< הוא לא יוצא לחופשות. He doesn't take vacations. He's not going on vacation. >>eng<< X'ħin hu? What time is it? What time is he? >>eng<< توم يشترى قِط. Peter is buying a tomcat. Tom's buying a dog. >>eng<< טום מקריח. Tom has a bald spot. Tom smells. >>eng<< ابتسمت نانسي بسعادة. Nancy smiled happily. Nancy was happy. >>eng<< هذه الطاولة مصنوعة من الخشب. This table is wooden. This table is made of wood. >>eng<< Yesɛa Tom aṭas n tektiwin i yelhan. Tom has many good ideas. And I have many good things to do. >>eng<< يوم الأحد هو أول يوم في الأسبوع. Sunday is the first day of the week. Sunday is the first day of the week. >>eng<< لا أتحمل البرد. I can't stand the cold. I don't have the cold. >>eng<< תשארי בשקט מוחלט. Stay absolutely still. Stay perfectly quiet. >>eng<< Yella win i icerrgen sin isebtaren seg udlis-a. Someone has torn two pages out of this book. There is one who flees from his birth. >>eng<< Amek ihi? And so? How so? >>eng<< أجاب سامي على السّؤال. Sami answered the question. Sammy answered the question. >>eng<< הכל נראה טוב. Everything looked nice. Everything looks good. >>eng<< Tuḍnemt? Are you sick? You do not know? >>eng<< كان سامي يحاول أن يقوم بشيء متميّز لليلى. Sami was trying to do something special for Layla. Sammy was trying to do something special for me. >>eng<< أحتاج إلى أن أصلح ساعتي. My clock needs to be fixed. I need to fix my watch. >>eng<< قام سامي بالحراسة. Sami kept guard. Sammy did the watch. >>eng<< أنا لا أفهم هذه الكلمة. I don't understand this word. I don't understand this word. >>eng<< Azul, nekk d Nancy. Hello, I am Nancy. And I will eat, and I will be Nanny. >>eng<< Faqen akk medden. Everyone noticed. and all human beings, >>eng<< אנו לא מעוניינים באנשים כמוך. We don't want people like you. We're not interested in people like you. >>eng<< מארי האכילה את הדגים. Marie fed the fish. Marie fed the fish. >>eng<< فضل يبص عليّه. He fixed his eyes on me. He's looking at me. >>eng<< تعيش جدتي وحدها. My grandmother lives by herself. My grandmother lives alone. >>eng<< זה כולו בעבר כעת. That's all in the past now. It's all in the past. >>eng<< בלתי אפשרי לספק אותו. He's impossible to satisfy. It's impossible to provide it. >>eng<< شكرا على القهوة يا عزيزتي. Thanks for the coffee, sweetheart. Thanks for the coffee, honey. >>eng<< הימנע מהנושא הדתי בשעת שיחה איתו. Keep off the religious issue when talking with him. Avoid the subject of religion during a conversation with him. >>eng<< Iteţţ-iyi ufus-iw. My hand itches. The salutation of me with my own hand. >>eng<< Walaɣ d akken ugur ad yefru. I think that'll settle it. I saw how hard I would suffer the loss of such a thing. >>eng<< أخرج الطاولة من فضلك. Carry the table out, please. Get the table out, please. >>eng<< Efk-iyi-t-id. Give it to me. You will pull me out of the way. >>eng<< إنه موجود في البيت الآن. He's at home right now. He's at home now. >>eng<< أعلم أنّني لن أنساك أبدا. I know that I'll never forget you. I know I'll never forget you. >>eng<< Inħobbok. I love you. I love you. >>eng<< Nettemsefham nekk d Tom. Tom and I understand each other. I myself am Tom. >>eng<< ذهبَتْ إلى ألمانيا لتدرس الطب. She went to Germany to study medicine. I went to Germany to study medicine. >>eng<< זכרון תאונת הדרכים עדיין טרי בזכרונו. The traffic accident is fresh in his memory. The memory of the road accident is still fresh in our memory. >>eng<< Nesɛa arma d Tubeṛ akken ad nfak ahil-nneɣ. We have until October to complete our plan. But we have a commandment, that, when we have put it away, we serve it. >>eng<< בימי ראשון לעתים רחוקות הוא נשאר בבית. He rarely stays home on Sunday. On Sundays, he often stayed home. >>eng<< איזה ילדים! אתה שולח אותם לקנות ממתקים, והם חוזרים עם כלב! What children! You send them to get candy and they return with a dog! You're sending them to buy candy, and they're coming back with a dog! >>eng<< אני חושש שאני צריך עכשיו ללכת. I am afraid I must be going now. I'm afraid I should go now. >>eng<< בדיוק סיימנו ארוחת ערב. We just finished dinner. We're just done dinner. >>eng<< Ad qimeɣ tura deg Lustṛali. I'm staying in Australia now. I will stay in Laustal now. >>eng<< نفضّل فندق قْريب للمطار. I'd prefer a hotel close to the airport. We prefer a hotel near the airport. >>eng<< أليست اللغة الإنجليزية صعبة؟ English is difficult, isn't it? Isn't the English language difficult? >>eng<< كان توم يشتغل في شركة نفطية. Tom worked for an oil company. Tom was working on an oil company. >>eng<< Yella win i itetten. Someone's eating. There is one who has seized them. >>eng<< מדוע אני עייף כל כך? Why am I so tired? Why am I so tired? >>eng<< Tella kra n yiwet i yettfeṛṛiǧen deg Tom. Someone is watching Tom. And there was a good company of them which saw it in Tom. >>eng<< Iḥemmel Tom ad iɣeṛ. Tom likes to read. And I loved Toom to be sought. >>eng<< הוא התחיל לכתוב רומן. He has started to write a novel. He started writing an affair. >>eng<< לו הייתי במקומך הייתי נוהג בדיוק כמוך. Were I in your place I would do the same thing. If I were you, I'd be driving just like you. >>eng<< نسيتُ شراء السكّر. I forgot to buy sugar. I forgot to buy the car. >>eng<< אל תודֶה לי, תודֶה לטום! Don't thank me, thank Tom! Don't thank me, Tom! >>eng<< הנה פה כריך. There's a sandwich here. Here's a sandwich. >>eng<< La teskiddibem. You are lying. No lie. >>eng<< לפחות תשתדל להיזהר. At least try and be careful. At least try to be careful. >>eng<< Dder! Live! Deder! >>eng<< אני עשיתי את זה? Did I do that? Did I do it? >>eng<< אנחנו אוהבים משחקים. We like games. We like games. >>eng<< Tom yečča kra. Tom ate something. that you may eat, >>eng<< Ur xdimeɣ ara ayen-nni seg Tubeṛ. I haven't done that since October. I have not done what is holy. >>eng<< הסוס רחוק מהבית. The horse is far from the house. The horse is far from home. >>eng<< גם הוא סופר. He's a writer, too. He's a writer, too. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad ẓṛeɣ. I am curious. I will beg. >>eng<< Teččamt tibidas-nkent? Did you eat your spinach? Do you eat tabid-nkent? >>eng<< Ffeɣ ! Go away! Come on! >>eng<< هي تحبّ أطفالها. She loves her children. She loves her children. >>eng<< אין לנו יותר מידע. We have no more information. We don't have any more information. >>eng<< רופא השיניים לא רוצה שתאכל ממתקים. The dentist doesn't want you to eat sweets. The dentist doesn't want you to eat candy. >>eng<< توم آت لأجلك/لك Tom is coming for you. Tom came for you. >>eng<< Maɛlic ad ččeɣ tačinat-agi? Can I eat that orange? Will you eat this bread? >>eng<< Acimi i tṛuḥeḍ ɣer din? What did you go there for? Why do you go here? >>eng<< كنت أعلم أنه أنت. I knew it was you. I knew it was you. >>eng<< Yettak-d uzrem taqemmuct! The snake doesn't kiss! Yakatak-dahmemmmett! >>eng<< أنا أشرب الماء. I drink the water. I drink water. >>eng<< لا يمكنك التحكم في حياتي. You can't run my life. You can't control my life. >>eng<< حل الربيع. Spring arrived. Spring solution. >>eng<< የእናት ቋንቋዬ ከእናቴ የተቀበልኩት በጣም ደጉ በረከት ነው። My native language is the most beautiful gift from my mother. My mother tongue is a very good blessing to me from my mother. >>eng<< Ddu iman-ik. Behave yourself. Let your things be done. >>eng<< מה בכלל יכול לקרות? What could possibly happen? What could happen anyway? >>eng<< האם בילית איתה את הלילה? Did you spend the night with her? Did you spend the night with her? >>eng<< רציתי שתום יעזור לי. I wanted Tom to help me. I wanted Tom to help me. >>eng<< توفيت أمي عندما كنت طفلة. My mother died when I was a child. My mother died when I was a child. >>eng<< Twalam asaru neɣ ala? You saw that movie, didn't you? See you astrum or not? >>eng<< קנו בבקשה כמה תפוחים. Please buy a few apples. Please buy some apples. >>eng<< Fiḥel dexxan. No smoking. Dignified fish. >>eng<< אני מקווה שלא אצטער על כך. I hope I don't regret this. I hope I won't regret it. >>eng<< افتقدناك كثيرا! We miss you so much. We miss you so much! >>eng<< نُقَدِّر مساعدتك. We appreciate your help. Determine your help. >>eng<< בישול גוזל זמן רב מדי. Cooking takes too much time. Long-term cooking. >>eng<< מה עשית עכשיו? What have you done now? What did you do now? >>eng<< מאיפה אפשר לבצע שיחת טלפון? Where can one make a phone call? Where can we make a phone call? >>eng<< Ur d-yelli wayra. Nothing happened. Not well. >>eng<< אני שונא את המגפים החדשים האלה. I hate these new boots. I hate these new boots. >>eng<< هؤلاء الذين لا يردنا الذهاب، لا ضرورة لهم الذهاب. Those who do not wish to go need not go. Those who don't want us to go, they don't have to go. >>eng<< ספרי פנטזיה רבים מתארים עולמות בעלי שני ירחים. Many fantasy novels depict worlds with two moons. Many fantastic books describe two-pronged worlds. >>eng<< Ur yelli d acu ar ak-d-yawi wesqizzeb. Flattery won't get you anything. It is not lawful for me to do what your hand does, as it were." >>eng<< استمع! Listen! Listen! >>eng<< הוא נענש על פשעיו. He was punished for his crimes. He was punished for his crimes. >>eng<< Yiwen deg imawlan-iw ur yezmir ad imeslay tafṛansist. Neither of my parents can speak French. "No one, my parents, can't speak evil of you. >>eng<< תודה ששמתם לב. Thanks for noticing. Thank you for paying attention. >>eng<< هل طلبت الكتاب؟ Did you order the book? Did you ask for the book? >>eng<< כינור, פסנתר ונבל הם כלי נגינה. The violin, the piano, and the harp are musical instruments. The oven, the piano and the balloons are a musical tool. >>eng<< מרי ילדה בן לו קראה תום. Mary gave birth to a boy she named Tom. Mary, a daughter of Lou, called Tom. >>eng<< La nreggel. We're escaping. Of course not. >>eng<< אל תמהר. Take your time. Don't hurry. >>eng<< גיששתי אל הפנס. I groped for a flashlight. I've been on the line. >>eng<< Ssawalen-as akk Jeff. He is named Jeff by everyone. Squirrel-as-stump. >>eng<< D acu i d-ugur ma ṛuḥeɣ s timmad-iw ar Boston? What's wrong with going to Boston by myself? What did I go to my wife in Boston? >>eng<< ماركو يَقضي الكثير مِن الوقت في مُشاهدة التليفزيون. Markku spends a lot of time watching television. Marco spends a lot of time watching TV. >>eng<< מישהו צעק. Someone screamed. Someone yelled. >>eng<< قتل سامي عاهرة. Sami murdered a prostitute. Sammy killed a whore. >>eng<< יופי! Fine! Good! >>eng<< אין לי כוונה להתפטר. I have no intention of resigning. I don't mean to quit. >>eng<< Igerrez Well done! Igerrez >>eng<< Yella wasmi i ternamt amagrad ɣer Wikipedia? Have you ever added an article to Wikipedia? Are you sick or in Pisidia? >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ-ken i sin. I love you both. I thank him that I will show you two. >>eng<< תראי מה מצאתי בחוף. Look what I found on the beach. Look what I found on the beach. >>eng<< سامي يملك سيّارة. Sami has a ride. Sammy has a car. >>eng<< את זקוקה לחופש. You need a holiday. You need freedom. >>eng<< Tettwalimt belli ilaq ad xedmeɣ aya? Do you think I should do this? You see that I must do this? >>eng<< هذا الكتاب بيع جيدا في اليابان This book sold well in Japan. This book is a good sale in Japan. >>eng<< היא בהריון עם תאומים. She's pregnant with twins. She's pregnant with twins. >>eng<< كم تبعد الحديقة عن منزلك؟ How far is it from your house to the park? How far from your house is the garden? >>eng<< Yella wass ideg turareḍ ccix-immut akked Tom? Have you ever played chess with Tom? Do you want to die a day? Or do you want to die with a man? >>eng<< جاك بيعرف يكّلم فرنساوي. Jack can speak French. Jack Bieger's talking French. >>eng<< Ad nelḥu wa deffir wa, wa zdat wa, ad nawi izerfan-nneɣ. We'll walk one behind the other, one next to the other, so we'll have our rights. And we must walk one by one, after another, after ours; and let us reap. >>eng<< Yecmumeḥ-d Mike. Mike smiled. He's a great deal of fun. >>eng<< Staxxṛen-ken-id. You are fired. And they rebuked him, and rebuked him. >>eng<< لا يعرف أحد عنوانه إلّا توم. No one knows his address but Tom. Nobody knows his address unless Tom. >>eng<< כובעי פרח ברוח. I had my hat blown off by the wind. A flower hat in the wind. >>eng<< ስሜ ቁዘይ አይደለም። My name is not Kuzey. My name is not mine. >>eng<< Tqerreḥ-iyi tmeggert-iw. My neck hurts. You know that I have persecuted you. >>eng<< Tebɣiḍ učči? Do you want food? Do you eat? >>eng<< אני לא ממש אוהב דברים מסוג זה. I don't really care for that sort of thing. I don't really like this kind of thing. >>eng<< كانت وظيفة النساء الرئيسية حتى زمن قريب هي أن يتزوجن ويلدن الأطفال. Until recently, the main function of women was to marry and give birth to children. The main function of women until recently was to marry Wilden children. >>eng<< Aṭas! Very! So many! >>eng<< Tom ɣur-s arma d 20 Tubeṛ akken ad ifak aneqqis. Tom has until October 20th to finish the report. Let us therefore take a sword, and 20 next to him, that they may be taken away from him. >>eng<< Beṛka-kem ur ttnaɣ ara. Stop arguing. I will in no way cast you out. >>eng<< رأيت توم هنا سابقا. I've seen Tom here before. I've seen Tom here before. >>eng<< Uɣaleɣ-d seg Boston deg 20 Tubeṛ. I returned from Boston on October 20th. And I came down from Boston on 20 sabbaths. >>eng<< צא מהמכונית שלי. Get out of my car. Get out of my car. >>eng<< عمرها يناهز الأربعين. She is about forty. She's almost 40 years old. >>eng<< كيف يمكنني أن أساعدك؟ How can I help you? How can I help you? >>eng<< Amek i m-qqaṛen? What do we call you? Why do they say that? >>eng<< Yenɣa Tom kra n yiwet. Tom killed someone. So about a half past one of them were gathered together. >>eng<< יש ספר על השולחן. There is a book on the table. There's a book on the table. >>eng<< זה היה מקום מדהים. It was an amazing place. That was an amazing place. >>eng<< שנה את הנושא. Change the subject. Change the subject. >>eng<< كان مطعم سامي رائعا. Sami's restaurant was very nice. It was a great Samy's restaurant. >>eng<< Theblem? Are you mad? Theblem? >>eng<< هل أنتِ تخونيني؟ Are you cheating on me? Are you betraying me? >>eng<< הם נתקלים במים שוצפים על נהר מדרגה חמש. They're experiencing white water rafting on a class five river. They're encountering the water on the river level five. >>eng<< תום מפסיד בקרב. Tom is losing the fight. Tom's losing a fight. >>eng<< Saħħa. Goodbye! Health. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad txedmemt yid-sent. I want you to work with them. I desire to do so with them. >>eng<< הוא חושש לבריאותה. He is anxious about her health. He's afraid of her health. >>eng<< מתי אפשר לדבר אתך? At what time can I speak with you? When can I talk to you? >>eng<< تحب الموسيقى أكثر من أي شيء آخر. She likes music better than anything else. You like music more than anything else. >>eng<< Lḥumt! Walk! (Laughter) >>eng<< אינני אוהב מוסיקת רוק. I don't like rock music. I don't like rock music. >>eng<< הייתי רוצה לפגוש את אחותך. I'd like to see your sister. I'd like to meet your sister. >>eng<< Ceyyeɛ-iyi-d ḥedd tura yakan. Send me somebody right away. A little while now, I know that I am going to tell you about this. >>eng<< Tɣaḍeḍ-tent? Did they feel bad for you? And you're entitled to them? >>eng<< אתה בן דודי? Are you my cousin? Are you my cousin? >>eng<< זה עשוי חלקית מעץ. It is made partly of wood. It's made part of a tree. >>eng<< Sami i caweṛ Layla. Sami asked Layla for advice. "Now that I'm not ready to go about in the night." >>eng<< كان من المحتمل أن يمضي سامي بقيّة حياته خلف القضبان. Sami was set to spend the rest of his life behind bars. Sammy was probably going through the rest of his life behind the bars. >>eng<< התפוקה במפעל הזה עלתה בעשרים אחוז. Production at this factory has increased by 20%. The production in this factory rose by 20 percent. >>eng<< אתה לוקח סיכון גדול על עצמך. You're taking a big risk. You're taking a big risk on yourself. >>eng<< אני חושב שאתה לוקח את זה קצת יותר מדי קשה. I think you're taking this a little too hard. I think you're taking it a little too hard. >>eng<< Yezmer Tom ad iɛumm. Tom can swim. And it can come to pass. >>eng<< إن فكرته تتجاوز قدرتي على الفهم. His idea is beyond the reach of my understanding. His idea goes beyond my ability to understand. >>eng<< אנו חברים? Are we friends? Are we friends? >>eng<< كانت ليلى بالكاد تستطيع أن تتنفّس. Layla could barely breathe. Lily could hardly breathe. >>eng<< מי שיפרו את החוקים ייענשו. Those who violate the rules will be punished. Those who break the rules will be punished. >>eng<< أنا أُحب الحيوانات, على سبيل المثال, القِطط والكلاب. I like animals, for example, cats and dogs. I love animals, for example, cats and dogs. >>eng<< اسمي أحمد. My name is Ahmad. My name is Ahmed. >>eng<< Sarameɣ ulac win i kem-yeẓran mi txedmeḍ ayay. I hope no one saw you doing that. But I beheld that no man worketh that which we have seen to do. >>eng<< انا احبك I love you. I love you. >>eng<< אנחנו לעתים קרובות שומעים אותך שרה. We often hear you sing. We often hear you, Sarah. >>eng<< Tom yejreḥ Mary. Tom bumped into Mary. You're so dear to Mary. >>eng<< Imi i d-kkereɣ ad ṛuḥeɣ ar uɣerbaz, aggur mazal-t iban deg igenni. When I got up to go to school, the moon was still visible in the sky. When I have sent to him, I will go away quickly, and will still be in heaven. >>eng<< תראי מה קרה. Look what happened. Look what happened. >>eng<< אני לא יודע כמה זה בריא. I don't know how healthy it is. I don't know how healthy it is. >>eng<< תום היה אולי מוטרד. Tom might have been annoyed. Tom might have been upset. >>eng<< Aṛǧut deg beṛṛa. Wait outside. Hang on without it. >>eng<< אני גר בביאליסטוק. I live in Białystok. I live in Bilstok. >>eng<< لهذا تركت وظيفتي. This is why I quit the job. That's why I left my job. >>eng<< שמענו יריות. We heard shots. We heard gunshots. >>eng<< Ttut-t. Forget her. Tutt-t. >>eng<< Yenna-yi-d Tom belli yurǧa tlatin n ddqayeq. Tom told me he waited for thirty minutes. And he said unto me, That in Tom they had taken thirty pounds. >>eng<< תתנהג. Behave yourselves. Act. >>eng<< Ayɣer ur d-qqaṛen kra? Why don't they say something? So do you not say that there is no one who wants to say? >>eng<< Acuɣeṛ ulac win i yi-ittamnen? Why doesn't anyone believe me? Why do you think that none of those things which happened to me? >>eng<< אני ממש רוצה להשתפר. I really want to do better. I really want to get better. >>eng<< ההצעה שלך השפיע מאד על ההחלטה הזאת. Your suggestion weighed heavily in this decision. Your offer really affected that decision. >>eng<< سأطلق سراحك. I'm going to release you. I'll let you go. >>eng<< תום ואני בדיוק נפגשנו. Tom and I just met. Tom and I just met. >>eng<< Imensi! Dinner! Amen! >>eng<< מה פסול בכך שאני אשלם את החשבון? What's wrong with me paying the bill? What's wrong with paying the bill? >>eng<< ليس هناك طريقة أخرى. No other way. There's no other way. >>eng<< ذهب إبني إلى لندن، أين ولدت. My son went to London, where I was born. My son went to London, where I was born. >>eng<< אני מרגישה מרועננת להפליא. I am feeling wonderfully refreshed. I feel terrible. >>eng<< Acḥal d amiɣis, Tom! How clever Tom is! How I am! >>eng<< זו גניבה. It's a steal. It's stealing. >>eng<< Lufan ad teẓreḍ acḥal i kem-kerheɣ! If you knew how much I hate you! And how bitter is it unto thee, and how great is it! >>eng<< אתה יכול לבדוק? Can you find out? Can you check? >>eng<< Tom ur yettemsefham ara d Mary. Tom disagrees with Mary. "You shall not agree against Mary." >>eng<< Mačči d ayen iweɛren ara tgeḍ. It won't be a difficult thing to do. You will not eat that which you do. >>eng<< توم هو أستاذ ماري. Tom is Mary's professor. Tom's Professor Mary. >>eng<< أيمكنني الدفع عن طريق بطاقة الإئتمان؟ Can I pay by credit card? Can I pay the credit card? >>eng<< ידעתי שתפשל בעניין. I knew you'd blow it. I knew you'd mess it up. >>eng<< אפשר רגע מזמנך? May I have a moment of your time? Can I have a moment for you? >>eng<< هىَ ليست أختي. She's not my sister. She's not my sister. >>eng<< Tom yuɣ-d aya i nekkni. Tom bought that for us. You have to do so again, as I am. >>eng<< אתם לא מוסרים. You're unethical. You're not. >>eng<< كان سامي يحمل مخدّرات معه. Sami had drugs on him. Sammy was carrying drugs with him. >>eng<< זה אדם עשיר, אבל משעמם. He is a rich but dull man. It's a rich man, but boring. >>eng<< هو أنقذ الطفل مجازفاً بحياته. He saved the child at the risk of his own life. He saved the child at risk of his life. >>eng<< تقدر تسنّا شويّا. Can you wait a bit? You're estimating a squirrel. >>eng<< את מנומסת. You're polite. You're polite. >>eng<< أنا أطهو, ولكن بدون الكثير من المتعة. I cook, but without much pleasure. I'm hot, but without a lot of fun. >>eng<< תום חושד. Tom's suspicious. Tom suspect. >>eng<< Ǧǧemt-iyi! Away with you! Wake up! >>eng<< قرّر سامي القيام بذلك عملا بنصيحة أحد المدرّسين. Sami, on the advice of a teacher, decided to do that. Sammy decided to do this in accordance with the advice of one of the instructors. >>eng<< Yeǧhed am uɛewdiw. He is strong as a horse. He's been a horse. >>eng<< תן לי לדאוג לזה בשבילך. Let me take care of that for you. Let me take care of this for you. >>eng<< لم يقتل العمل الشاق أحدًا. لكن لم المخاطرة؟! Hard work never killed anyone. But why take the risk?! No one killed hard work, but why the risk? >>eng<< البركة عميقة جدًّا. The pond is very deep. The pool is very deep. >>eng<< يوجد في مصر أفضل طعام و أفضل موسيقى في العالم العربي. Egypt has the best food and the best music in the Arab world. There is better food and music in Egypt in the Arab world. >>eng<< ברור שתום שיקר. Tom was obviously lying. Of course you'll be lying. >>eng<< תום מעולם לא הצליח לשמור על סוד מפני מרי. Tom never could hide a secret from Mary. Tom never managed to keep a secret from Mary. >>eng<< אני לא אוהב בנות שמעמידות פני קשות להשגה. I don't like girls who play hard to get. I don't like girls standing up hard to get. >>eng<< كان يحمل علبة كبيرة بين ذراعيه He had a big box in his arms. He was carrying a big pack between his arms. >>eng<< Iḥemmel Tom aḥewwes. Tom likes traveling. I love Tom Aveves. >>eng<< אני נחלש והולך! I am getting weak! I'm weak and gone! >>eng<< תום נראה מיואש. Tom looks desperate. Tom looks desperate. >>eng<< החולה גבר בסופו של דבר על המחלה. The patient finally conquered his illness. The patient's finally a man on the disease. >>eng<< Tcukkem belli Tom iḥemmel-iyi? Do you think Tom likes me? Do you think that Tom loves me? >>eng<< هنالك العديد من السياح الاجانب في أساكوسا . There are many foreign tourists in Asakusa. There are many foreign tourists in Ascosa. >>eng<< Tzemrem ad d-terrem idrimen-nwen ma tebɣam. If you want your money back, you can have it. You don't want to secure your money. >>eng<< Ḥbes ur ttmuqqul ara! Stop staring. You can't damn it! >>eng<< עד כמה שאני יודע, היא לא קשורה לשערורייה הזו. As far as I know, she has nothing to do with that scandal. As far as I know, she has nothing to do with this hair. >>eng<< ما عنديش الفلوس I don't have any money. What the hell are you talking about? >>eng<< לפעמים מאוחר מדי להתנצל. Sometimes it's too late to apologize. Sometimes it's too late to apologize. >>eng<< Sexdem kra tazmert-ik. Try hard. He has filled you with all your power. >>eng<< أخبرني بذلك يا جمال. Tell me about it, Jamal. Tell me that, beautiful. >>eng<< טום רוצה נואשות להאמין שמה שמרי אמרה אמיתי. Tom wants desperately to believe that what Mary said is true. Tom wants to be desperate to believe that what Mary said is true. >>eng<< كان خائفا من الظلام. He was afraid of the dark. He was afraid of dark. >>eng<< من الجدير بالاهتمام تعلم الاسبانية . It is worthwhile learning Spanish. It is worth learning Spanish. >>eng<< תום היה לא חברותי. Tom was unsociable. Tom was not friendly. >>eng<< יש למישהו מהקהל אילו שהן שאלות? Does anyone in the audience have any questions? Does anyone have any questions from the audience? >>eng<< תשתחרר בבקשה. Please relax. Please let go. >>eng<< Ad tizmireḍ ad iyi-d-tesɛeddiḍ spaghetti? Could you pass the spaghetti? Can you make me a free masturbation? >>eng<< הכורח קורא לי. Duty is calling me. The ice calls me. >>eng<< כמה נאה! How lovely! How handsome! >>eng<< אנשים מסויימים אוהבים ספורט ואחרים לא. Some people like sports, and others don't. Some people like sports and others don't. >>eng<< نحن لا نعرفه We do not know him. We don't know him. >>eng<< D taɛibant i telliḍ? Are you handicapped? Are you confused? >>eng<< אני לא מתרגמת בחינם. I don't translate for free. I don't translate for free. >>eng<< אנא, בוא למשרדנו מתי שתרצה. Please come to our office any time. Please, come to our office whenever you want. >>eng<< تمّ التّبليغ على فقدان فاضل. Fadil was reported missing. A failure report was made. >>eng<< Ṭṭafareɣ arrijim. I'm on a diet. I apply for vocational training. >>eng<< בוא נשאל את תום למה אחר. Let's ask Tom why he was late. Let's ask Tom why else. >>eng<< אני חושש שתום לא נמצא. I'm afraid Tom isn't here. I'm afraid Tom isn't there. >>eng<< لستن أهلا للثقة. You are not trustworthy. I'm not sure. >>eng<< תום התנהג באופן מוזר. Tom behaved strangely. Tom was acting weird. >>eng<< Rfiɣ ɣef Tom. I got mad at Tom. I know about Tom. >>eng<< למה שמישהו היה חוטף אותם? Why would anybody kidnap them? Why would someone kidnap them? >>eng<< Cfiɣ. I remember. I know. >>eng<< תום חי חיים פשוטים. Tom lived a simple life. Tom lives a simple life. >>eng<< תום לא ראוי לאמון. Tom isn't dependable. Tom's not worthy of trust. >>eng<< Sisilya d tagzirt. Sicily is an island. Six years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, the President of the Security Council shall appoint the President of the Security Council. >>eng<< זה כל מה שאני רוצה לעשות. That's all I want to do. That's all I want to do. >>eng<< لا يستحقّ سامي دموعكِ. Sami doesn't deserve your tears. Sammy doesn't deserve your tears. >>eng<< Gziɣ. Understood. I'm up. >>eng<< فقط اذهب و خذ قسطا من الرّاحة. Just go and get some rest. Just go and take some rest. >>eng<< Acḥal ara teqqimeḍ deg Boston? How much time will you be in Boston? How many shall thou sit in Boston? >>eng<< Yella ḥedd ara ɣ-d-iẓṛen. Somebody will see us. They said therefore to us, "Let's hear a word like this." >>eng<< הוא תמיד שומר על קור רוח. He is always cool. He's always watching the wind. >>eng<< D baba-k Tom. Tom is your father. Your father-in-law Tom. >>eng<< إنها تتحدث ثلاث لغات. She speaks three languages. She speaks three languages. >>eng<< Yaya ur tessin ara tamaziɣt. My grandmother doesn't know the Berber language. Ye shall not know my right hand. >>eng<< اسمي ليس في القائمة. My name isn't on the list. My name is not on the list. >>eng<< تركتُ كتابك في السيارة. I left your book in the car. I left your book in the car. >>eng<< בי.בי.סי. הוא הערוץ המועדף שלי. The BBC is my favourite channel. BBC is my favorite channel. >>eng<< Ttxil-wet, ur zeɛɛfet ara. Please don't get angry. She was raised up, and didn't resist him. >>eng<< من الممكن أن لا تأتي. Maybe she won't come. You can't come. >>eng<< أنا طالب I'm a student. I'm a student. >>eng<< הקבוצה התרשמה. The group was impressed. The team was registered. >>eng<< Mḥemmed Isyaxem d anaẓur aqbayli mucaεen. M'hamed Issiakhem is a famous Kabyle artist. Do you know what I want to do here? It's a good idea. >>eng<< Yebɣa-yi Tom. Tom wants me. He's-I'll-I'm Tom. >>eng<< وساهم الاستعمار خلال العصر الحديث في تغذية التوتر بسبب حرمان العديد من المسلمين من الحقوق والفرص كما ساهم في ذلك الحرب الباردة التي عوملت فيها كثير من البلدان ذات الأغلبية المسلمة بلا حق كأنها مجرد دول وكيلة لا يجب مراعاة تطلعاتها الخاصة. More recently, tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations. In modern times, colonialism has contributed to the fuelling of tension due to the deprivation of rights and opportunities by many Muslims, as has contributed to the cold war in which many countries with a non-rightly Muslim majority are as if they were just Under-Secretary States whose own aspirations should not be taken into account. >>eng<< لا تزال ليلى تعمل من أجل استرجاع صحّتها. Layla is still working to regain her health. Lily's still working to restore her health. >>eng<< عْلَى وَاشْ؟ About what? What's wrong? >>eng<< עליך להיות מוכן. You need to be prepared. You have to be ready. >>eng<< تعال الى هنا من فضلك. Please come here. Come here, please. >>eng<< ንሳ እንግሊዝ ብትኽክል ትዛረብ She speaks English fluently. She Speaks Right From England >>eng<< Tom yenna-d ulac win yellan dinna. Tom said there was no one in there. And the disciples said unto him, There is none there. >>eng<< Yeldi Tom taqerɛet n lbirra. Tom opened a bottle of beer. Yelled tom ofIbernagoes. >>eng<< Tella tin i yukren lmakla-w. Somebody stole my lunch. She says, "It's my food." >>eng<< תום היה אתמול מחוץ לעיר. Tom was out of town yesterday. Tom was out of town yesterday. >>eng<< رحب المعلمون بالولد الصغير. The teachers greeted the little boy. Teachers welcome the little boy. >>eng<< ما قلته أغضبنا. What you said made us angry. What you said angered us. >>eng<< أراد سامي أن يتزوّج من امرأة مسلمة. Sami wanted to marry a Muslim woman. Sammy wanted to marry a Muslim woman. >>eng<< תודה רבה שהזמנת אותי. Thank you very much for inviting me. Thank you so much for inviting me. >>eng<< ضع المسدس على الطاولة. Put the gun on the table. Put the gun on the table. >>eng<< Acuɣer i teḥwaǧeḍ tafḍist? Why did you need a hammer? Why do you need a witness? >>eng<< תום היה מעוניין בהחלט, אבל הוא ניסה להסתיר את זה. Tom was definitely interested, but he tried not to show it. Tom was absolutely interested, but he tried to hide it. >>eng<< كسر وزير خارجية أمريكا جون كيري ساقه اليمنى أثناء ركوب الدراجة يوم الجمعة في فرنسا. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry broke his right thigh bone in a bicycling accident Sunday in France. Minister for Foreign Affairs of America John Kerry broke his right leg while riding on the bike on Friday in France. >>eng<< Ad teqleɛ tmacint. The train is about to leave. You will take it out. >>eng<< Tella kra n tɣawsa i tufamt? Have you found something? And some of them were stoned, as they were? >>eng<< תום קילף את החסיל. Tom shelled the shrimp. Tom Kelf's missing. >>eng<< زيّن سامي المنزل. Sami decorated the house. Sammy's home. >>eng<< איך הם הגיעו לכאן? How did they get here? How did they get here? >>eng<< من الجميل محادثتك. It's good talking to you. It's nice talking to you. >>eng<< Ţxil-k m'ur tṛuḥeḍ ad teɣreḍ acu i d yeqqaṛ umexluq-agi! Go and read, please, what this firebrand is writing to me! But what is your opinion, that you will tell it? Or what is this, that you think?" >>eng<< תן לי לשמוע אותך אומר זאת. Let me hear you say it. Let me hear you say that. >>eng<< Feṛḥeɣ mliḥ ɣef tisin-inem. I really appreciate your coming. I will rejoice over your throne. >>eng<< תום חבש כובע? Was Tom wearing a hat? Tom wearing a hat? >>eng<< אני חייב לצמצם את ההוצאות שלי החודש. I have to reduce my expenses this month. I have to cut my expenses this month. >>eng<< لم يسمع سامي من ليلى لأشهر. Sami didn't hear anything from Layla for months. Sammy didn't hear from night for months. >>eng<< الأمازيغ فخورون بلغتهم. Berbers are proud of their language. Amazig is proud of their own language. >>eng<< Aṭas n yexxamen ideg tekker tmes. A lot of houses were on fire. And many houses were shaken with fire. >>eng<< اتركني و شأني. Go away. Leave me alone. >>eng<< Yella ḥedd i tebɣiḍ ad twaliḍ? Is there somebody you want to see? Is there anything wrong with you, that you want to die? >>eng<< Yenna-as Tom i Mary dakken yeffud. Tom told Mary that he was thirsty. And he spake to Mary, as he was mad. >>eng<< נפצעת, תום? Are you hurt, Tom? Are you hurt, Tom? >>eng<< تهدّمت بناية في القاهرة. A building collapsed in Cairo. You hit a building in Cairo. >>eng<< איזה באסה. It's such a pain in the ass. What a mess. >>eng<< את העבר אפשר רק להכיר, לא לשנות. את העתיד אפשר רק לשנות, לא להכיר. The past can only be known, not changed. The future can only be changed, not known. The past can only be known, not changed, the future can be changed, not known. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad ččeɣ tanalt-iw akk d Tom. I wanted to eat lunch with Tom. I will eat my meat, and in Tom. >>eng<< Tom yekreh Mary. Tom hated Mary. Tom Yekreh Mary. >>eng<< Tzemreḍ ad tesxedmeḍ aselkim-iw ma teɣiḍ. You can use my computer if you want. You would have eaten my lamp, and killed it. >>eng<< ذهب سامي لإحضار الدّواء بسرعة. Sami went to get the medicine quickly. Sammy went to get the medicine quickly. >>eng<< و كيف لي أن أعرف؟ How should I know? And how do I know? >>eng<< Tom d amasiḥi. Tom is a Christian. You know what to say. >>eng<< كانت ليلى معلّمة في مدرسة الأحد. Layla was a Sunday school teacher. She was a teacher at Sunday school. >>eng<< Tzemrem ad tɛumem? Are you able of swimming? You know what to pray? >>eng<< רוב האנשים בכפר התנגדו לתכנית. Most people in the village objected to the plan. Most people in the village objected to the plan. >>eng<< الفرق بيني و بينها في الطول كبير. She's way taller than me. The difference between me and them is very long. >>eng<< أعدك بذلك I give you my word. I promise. >>eng<< Aṛǧut-t. Wait for him. Wait. >>eng<< Teḥbes tkeṛṛust. The car stopped. And when he was faced, headed. >>eng<< את בטוחה שאת לא רוצה לבוא אתנו? Are you sure you don't want to go with us? Are you sure you don't want to come with us? >>eng<< לתום היה סופשבוע מצויין. Tom had a great weekend. Tom was a great weekend. >>eng<< هل يمكنك القدوم؟ Can you come? Can you come? >>eng<< Int miġnuna? Are you crazy? Are you born? >>hau_Latn<< I like to eat Korean food. Ina son inci abincin koriya. Ina son cin abinci a Koriya. >>eng<< תום הגיע לכאן לפני הזריחה. Tom got here before sunrise. Tom came here before sunrise. >>eng<< Imceḍ Tom acebbub-is. Tom combed his hair. Keep your eyes on the task. >>eng<< Tom yerra-d ṭlem ɣef Mary. Tom blamed Mary. And he commanded him to be fulfilled for Mary. >>eng<< אני רוצה אותו. I want it. I want him. >>eng<< ركضت لمسافة ميل. I ran for a mile. I ran for a mile. >>eng<< הוא רוצה אוטו אדום. He wants a red car. He wants a red car. >>eng<< טום מופרע נפשית. Tom is mentally disturbed. Tom's insanity. >>eng<< توم لا يحب سلوك ميري. Tom doesn't like Mary's attitude. Tom doesn't like Mary's behavior. >>eng<< הצוות שלנו זקוק לעזרתכם. Our team needs your help. Our team needs your help. >>eng<< Ulac maεduṛ deg usfitreḥ. The denigration is inexcusable. There is no room for discussion. >>eng<< Agrawliw yettḥarab ɣef uxxam-is ayen yebɣun yeḍra! A warrior defends his house at all cost! Ah, ah, ah! for his mother's sake is what would be like! >>eng<< Yefka Tom tabyirt-is i Mary. Tom offered Mary his beer. said Tom Tabyrethi Mary. >>eng<< بدأت ليلى تقيم علاقات جنسيّة. Layla started having sexual encounters. Lilly started having sex. >>eng<< Ḥedd ur aɣ-d-yettak tallelt. No one is going to help us. for we didn't care for the birds. >>eng<< אני מתחרטת באמת על מה שעשיתי. I really regret what I did. I really regret what I did. >>eng<< היא אוהבת קפה. She loves coffee. She likes coffee. >>eng<< اجلس على الطاولة. Sit at the table. Sit on the table. >>eng<< טום אוהב משקאות קרים כקרח. Tom loves ice-cold drinks. Tom likes cold drinks as ice. >>eng<< המילה הצרפתית "oiseau", שמשמעותה "ציפור", היא המילה הקצרה ביותר המכילה חמש תנועות שונות. The French word 'oiseau', meaning 'bird', is the shortest one to contain five different vowels. The French word oiseau, meaning "bird," is the shortest word containing five different movements. >>eng<< תום נעדר רק יום. Tom has only been gone a day. Tom's only missing a day. >>eng<< D leḥyuḍ i yellan ṭṭfen-d merra taẓayt n ssqef. The walls supported the entire weight of the roof. And the worshippers were about to take hold of the heat of summer. >>eng<< מה מספר החדר שלי? What is my room number? What's my room number? >>eng<< תום עשה זאת בקלות. Tom did it easily. Tom made it easy. >>eng<< أجاب سامي. Sami responded. Sammy's answer. >>eng<< Tebɣamt ad ldiɣ aya tura? Do you want me to open this now? Are you going to kill me now? >>eng<< D aya kan? Will that be all? Has this been? >>eng<< نشأ سامي في مدينة جامعيّة نابضة بالحيويّة. Sami grew up in a vibrant college town. Sammy grew up in a city with a biased university. >>eng<< نُقِل سامي بسرعة إلى المستشفى و تعافى بعد ستّة أيّام. Sami was rushed to the hospital and recovered within six days. Sammy was quickly taken to the hospital and recovered six days later. >>eng<< אני יודעת שאתה מעריך את תום. I know you think highly of Tom. I know you appreciate Tom. >>eng<< Yeqqim Sami deg ticcert Sami sat in a corner. And Sam was sitting in a row >>eng<< גש חזרה למושב שלך. Go back to your seat. Go back to your seat. >>eng<< חשבתי שהמכללה תהיה מקום מעניין. I thought college would be a more interesting place. I thought college would be an interesting place. >>eng<< Ur tebɣiḍ ara ad irbeḥ Tom, neɣ ala? You don't want Tom to win, do you? Don't you want to go to a road, or even a road? >>eng<< בידקי את זה. Examine this. Check it out. >>eng<< תום צעק על מרי. Tom screamed at Mary. Tom yelled at Mary. >>eng<< אתם מכירים את המלון הזה? Do you know that hotel? Do you know this hotel? >>eng<< Nuɣ-d aya seg Ustṛalya. We bought this in Australia. From that time I came on. >>eng<< تحبني كل عائلتي. I am loved by all my family. You love me all my family. >>eng<< Temmutem? Are you dead? Do you end up? >>eng<< אני מבינה איך את מרגישה. I understand how you feel. I understand how you feel. >>eng<< D tajdidt kemmi? Are you new? How many did you renew? >>eng<< Anta i la tettṛaǧuḍ? Whom do you expect? Are you killed? >>eng<< אנו צריכים להיות טובים יותר מזה. We need to do better than this. We should be better than that. >>eng<< המסיבה היתה כשלון מוחלט. The party was a complete disaster. The party was a total failure. >>eng<< כל אחד יכול לעשות את זה. Anybody can do this. Anyone can do that. >>eng<< لو سمحت، اقلِ البيض قليلا كي لا يصير البياض قاسيا. Please boil the eggs just a little so that even the whites are not quite hard. If you'll excuse it, put the eggs down a little bit so that they don't become severe. >>eng<< ذلك كتاب طوني. This is Tony's book. That's a Tony book. >>eng<< هو معتاد على قراءة الجريدة أثناء الوجبات. He has the habit of reading the newspaper during meals. He's used to reading the paper during meals. >>eng<< كانا سامي و ليلى أصدقاءا مقرّبين لزوج تعرّفوا عليه في الكنيسة. Sami and Layla were really good friends with a couple from the church. They were Sami and Lila close friends of a woman who had known him in the church. >>eng<< وصف المقال الإخباري المتهَم أنه مذنب بالرغم من إثبات براءته. The news article painted the defendant as a guilty man, even though he had been proven innocent. The interested news article described that he was guilty despite proof of his innocence. >>eng<< מה התועלת בדיבור? What's the use of talking? What's the benefit of talking? >>eng<< אבי יבשל לי מחר בבוקר ארוחה טעימה. My father will cook me a delicious meal tomorrow morning. My father's gonna cook me tomorrow morning for a delicious meal. >>eng<< Texsef Mary. Mary fainted. Texef Mary. >>eng<< Sliɣ i medden ttmeslayen tafṛansist di lkaṛ. I heard some people speaking French on the bus. I hear anyone who speaks a Maynite. >>eng<< השתמש בבקשה בצלחת. Please use a plate. Please use the plate. >>eng<< كنا نسبح كثيرا في هذا النهر. We used to swim in this river a lot. We were very busy in this river. >>eng<< הייתי אידיוטית שעשיתי טעות כזאת. I was stupid to make a mistake like that. I was such an idiot. >>eng<< Izmer yella kra i iwala Tom. Maybe Tom saw something. And, behold, there were some which saw him. >>eng<< בשלושים למאי יוודעו תוצאות הבחירות. On May 30, we will know the results of the election. In 30 May, they will know the results of the election. >>eng<< פתאום מכתבים התחילו להעלם מתיבת הדואר האלקטרוני שלי. Emails have started suddenly disappearing from my inbox. Suddenly, letters started to disappear from my e-mail. >>eng<< אסור לך לקרוא מכתבים פרטיים של מאן דהוא ללא רשות. You shouldn't read people's private letters without permission. You can't read Man Dhaw's private letters without permission. >>eng<< ኩሉ ይሓልፍ፡ ፍቕሪ ይተርፍ። Everything passes. Love remains. All things will pass away, but love remains forever. >>eng<< رنّ الهاتف لكن لم يجب أحد. The phone rang, but nobody answered it. The phone rang, but no one had to. >>eng<< أكيد لديك كثير من الأسئلة. You certainly have a lot of questions. Of course you have a lot of questions. >>eng<< لا خابَ من استشارَ. Four eyes see more than two. No fear of consulting. >>eng<< אחוז בי חזק יותר. Hold me tighter. I'm stronger. >>eng<< ניסיתי לשכנע אותה אך לשווא. I tried in vain to convince her. I tried to convince her, but in vain. >>eng<< Ṛuḥet sya! Away with you! Go on! >>eng<< Da ara kent-naṛǧu. We'll wait for you there. Wait no longer for them. >>eng<< إنها كبيرة جداً. It's very big. It's too big. >>eng<< את עדיין זקוקה לעזרתי? Do you still need my help? Do you still need my help? >>eng<< Keṛheɣ-t ula d netta. I hate him, too. I have also cast a net at the same time. >>eng<< בדוק אתו. Check with him. Check with him. >>eng<< השרת נפל. The server was down. The server's down. >>eng<< Tetteɣ tesseɣ. I eat and drink. I made a pit for them. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ-kem akken i telliḍ. I love what you are. I love you, as you are. >>eng<< فاضيل يتحدث العربيه Fadil speaks Arabic. A booklet speaking Arabic. >>eng<< Iyyawet ad necḍeḥ. Let's go dancing. And I will overcome him. >>eng<< يحتوي هذا النادي على خمسين عضوا. The club has more than fifty members. This club has 50 members. >>eng<< Yella wass ideg yemceččaw yiwen d uwaɣzen? Has anyone ever faced an ogre? Was there anyone killed a day? >>eng<< Tom ur yegi ara aya seg Tubeṛ. Tom hasn't done that since October. Ye shall not know how of this time. >>eng<< Ilaq-ak ad tsutreḍ ssmaḥ. You should apologize. For this is the message that thou shalt lay upon thee. >>eng<< האווירון נחת בחווה של אבי. The plane landed on my dad's farm. The air landed at my father's farm. >>eng<< אתה מקבל את ההסבר הזה? Do you buy that explanation? You get that explanation? >>eng<< Ur tettili ara tɣuri deg 20 Tubeṛ. There'll be no classes on October 20th. Don't fall in 20 Tabets. >>eng<< Yeḥma ciṭuḥ lḥal ass‑a. It's fairly warm today. You need to wait a little longer than that day. >>eng<< הקיפוד הוא חיה קטנה. The hedgehog is a small animal. Cupwood is a little animal. >>eng<< كان سامي يربح المال. Sami was making money. Sammy was winning the money. >>eng<< אינכם אחראים. You're irresponsible. You're not responsible. >>eng<< אלכס על פי רוב הוא סתם ציפור רגילה. Alex is for the most part just an ordinary bird. Alex, according to most, is just a normal bird. >>eng<< أتمنى لك يوماً طيباً. Have a nice day. I wish you a good day. >>eng<< Anabaḍ yella yeẓẓel aḍar ɣef ugdud. The government oppressed the people. When the fig tree is withered away, it is very big. >>eng<< Yeskadeb-d Tom. Tom lied. Yekadeb-d-Tom. >>eng<< אני כבר לא טירון. I'm no longer a rookie. I'm not a rookie anymore. >>eng<< الجزائر أولا Algeria first! Algeria First >>eng<< هل انت طالب مستجد؟ You're a new student? Are you a new student? >>eng<< אתה יודע רבות על האבקות סומו. You know quite a lot about Sumo. You know a lot about the powders. >>eng<< נגור פה כבר עשר שנים בסוף החודש הזה. We will have lived here for ten years at the end of this month. We've been living here for ten years at the end of this month. >>eng<< كنت تتحدث في نومك البارحة. You were talking in your sleep last night. You were talking in your bedroom last night. >>eng<< תעשה לי מחיר. Would you give me a discount? Make me a price. >>eng<< Tom yemmut deg 20 Tubeṛ 2013. Tom passed away on October 20, 2013. Tom died in 20 Tubt 2013. >>eng<< Ur ẓriɣ ara ayɣer ara yeg Tom aya. I don't know why Tom would've done that. I didn't know that it was going to happen. >>eng<< לינדה אוהבת שוקולד. Linda loves chocolate. Linda likes chocolate. >>eng<< هذا القاموس أفضل من ذاك. This dictionary is better than that one. It's better than that. >>eng<< الناس لا يمكن أن تعيش إلى الأبد. People can't live forever. People can't live forever. >>eng<< Yella win i yettganin Tom. Someone is waiting for Tom. One man has Tom. >>eng<< Aṭas aya seg asmi ur keyyfeɣ ara. I haven't smoked for ages. Often this time I have been in need of nothing more. >>eng<< هو يتكلّم البرتغاليّة. He speaks Portuguese. He speaks Portuguese. >>eng<< استدارت بابتسامة. She turned around and smiled. I was treated with a smile. >>eng<< Yella win i yeṭṭalayen. Someone is watching. But he who destroys is one who is destroyed. >>eng<< متى رأيت الفلم؟ When did you see the film? When did you see the movie? >>eng<< אינני רואה מדוע אלה חדשות. I don't see why this is news. I don't see why these are news. >>eng<< Melmi i yettwaru umagrad-a? When was this article written? When does the teacher come to me? >>eng<< Lliɣ bɣiɣ ad zewǧeɣ akked Tom. I wanted to marry Tom. I desire to marry a wife, and to live together. >>eng<< Ttxil-kent, rremt-d s tefṛansist. Please answer in French. Ten-strint, ret the staircaser. >>eng<< Beṛkam ur yi-d-ttnalem ara. Stop touching me. Ye have not taught me, but ye have not taught me. >>eng<< הציפורים חגות. The birds are flying around. The birds are holiday. >>eng<< במילה אחת, הוא חנפן. In a word, he is a flatterer. In one word, he's a fan. >>eng<< קברתי את כלבי בבית הקברות לחיות מחמד. I buried my dog at the pet cemetery. I buried my dog in the graveyard to live a pet. >>eng<< كان سامي يشاهد. Sami watched. Sammy was watching. >>eng<< היא הרימה יד. She raised her hand. She raised her hand. >>eng<< Twalamt ṭṭabla-nkent? Do you see your table? You see the sword window? >>eng<< هل سبق أن ذهبت إلى أمريكا؟ Have you ever been to America? Have you ever gone to America? >>eng<< תום בטוח יעזור לנו. Tom will definitely help us. Tom is sure to help us. >>eng<< הפעמון מצלצל בדלת. The doorbell is ringing. The bell is ringing at the door. >>eng<< تركت كلبي. I left my dog. I left my dog. >>eng<< Uwiɣ-ak-d kra n wučči. I brought you some food. I have kept some food from you.' >>eng<< ماذا شويت؟ What did you grill? What's Shawt? >>eng<< Teẓṛamt melmi ara yebdu usaru "Ṭṭṛad n yetran"? Do you know when the movie "Star Wars" begins? And how do you know when he will begin to say, "Sleep on?" >>eng<< יש להם שני בנים ובת אחת. They have two sons and one daughter. They have two sons and one daughter. >>eng<< أخرج دفترًا. He took a notebook out. Get out a book. >>eng<< Yiwen ur yebɣi ad imahel. Nobody wants to work. And no man will seek it, but rather let him do it. >>eng<< بيكاسو فنان مشهور. Picasso is a famous artist. Picaso's a famous artist. >>eng<< أريد أن أستأجر حافلة. I want to charter a bus. I want to rent a bus. >>eng<< القطط حيوانات في غاية النظافة. Cats are very clean animals. Cats are extremely clean. >>eng<< הדברים לא מתקדמים כמתוכנן. Things didn't go as planned. Things aren't going on as planned. >>eng<< תשאיר את המנוע מופעל. Leave the engine running. Leave the engine activated. >>eng<< תום לא מוכן לדבר עם מרי. Tom wouldn't talk to Mary. Tom won't talk to Mary. >>eng<< رجّ قبل الفتح رجاءً. Please shake before opening. Please, before you open. >>eng<< Weɛṛeɣ aṭas. I'm very choosy. I find myself often. >>eng<< איש לא מהלך בלוס אנג'לס. Nobody walks in LA. No one's moving in Los Angeles. >>eng<< Qqimet akked-i. Stay with me. Done at me. >>eng<< Tom ad yečč ticki. Tom is going to eat later. lest you eat any fat. >>eng<< أطلق فاضل عيارين. Fadil fired a couple of rounds. Launch a two-degree fight. >>eng<< Merħba fil-Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija ħielsa li kulħadd jista' jimmodifika. Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia that all can modify. >>eng<< על איזה כוכב את חיה? What planet do you live on? What star are you living on? >>eng<< هلّا اقترحت مكانا جيدا لأكل الطعام الكوري؟ Can you recommend a good place to eat Korean food? Would you suggest a good place to eat Korean food? >>eng<< لماذا يسمى الخريف "fall" في أمريكا؟ Why is autumn called "fall" in America? Why is the fall called "fll" in America? >>eng<< שלושה דברים בחיים לעולם לא חוזרים: חץ שנורה, מילה שנאמרה, והזדמנות שהוחמצה. There are three things that won't come back in life: the shot arrow, the pronounced word, and the missed chance. Three things never come back: a shot shot, a word said, and the chance of the acid. >>eng<< של מי המכונית הזאת? Whose car is this? Whose car is this? >>eng<< Yekna Tom. Tom bowed. Yekna Tom. >>eng<< غزّة هي أكبر سجن في العالم. Gaza is the biggest prison on Earth. It's the greatest prison in the world. >>eng<< أيمكنك تولّي أمره؟ Can you deal with it? Can you take care of it? >>eng<< إنك تكبر المشكلة. You are exaggerating the problem. You're growing up. >>eng<< אל תשכחו את כלל מס' 72. Don't forget rule number seventy-two. Don't forget rule 72. >>eng<< הוא הניח את המפתח על השולחן, כרגיל. He put the key on the desk as usual. He put the key on the table, as usual. >>eng<< يتحدث بسرعة كبيرة. He talks too fast. Speaks big fast. >>eng<< הם הפסיקו לצחוק. They stopped laughing. They stopped laughing. >>eng<< Cukkeɣ d amkan icebḥen. I think that it's a beautiful place. There is distress in a very large place. >>eng<< אני רוצה לוודא באיזו שעה אני אמור לצאת. I want to make sure what time I'm supposed to leave. I want to make sure what time I'm supposed to go out. >>eng<< اليوم لا اشعر أنني بحالة جيدة Today I'm not feeling well. Today, I don't feel like I'm in a good situation. >>eng<< ما زالت الحياة أمامك. Life lies in front of you. Life's still in front of you. >>eng<< D agrud deg allaɣ-is. His way of thinking is very childish. They will come to us quickly. >>eng<< Tella daki kra n yiwet i izemren ad yi-tɛawen? Can somebody give me a hand here? What can any man do to me? >>eng<< Nekk mačči d taqeddact-im. I'm not your slave! I am not of your servant. >>eng<< יש לי רק שתי ידיים. I only have two hands. I only have two hands. >>eng<< أصبح مدرّس رياضيّات. He became a math teacher. He became a mathematician. >>eng<< لدينا الكثير من العمل للقيام به قبل الذهاب للمنزل We have a lot of work to do before we can go home. We have a lot to do before we go home. >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ ara iɛawnen? Can somebody help? Who can have any thing to do with thee? >>eng<< Ṭillemt kan takeṛṛust-iw tamaynut. Look at my new car. My yoke is fulfilled in my chariot. >>eng<< Medden akk heddṛen. Everyone gossips. All the people heard him speak. >>eng<< حاولت ألا تنظر إليه. She tried not to look at him. I tried not to look at him. >>eng<< Ur ttḥerrikem ara! Freeze! Think not! >>eng<< Tom imuqel-d Mary. Tom glanced at Mary. Tom imull-d Mary. >>eng<< כולנו נכנסנו למכונית. We all got in the car. We all got in the car. >>eng<< Tom walan-t deg 20 Tubeṛ deg Boston. Tom was seen on October 20th in Boston. And when they saw him, they bowed down to the 20 water that was in Bozton. >>eng<< Ur ttnal ara. Hands off. Don't pass it on. >>eng<< Tom ḥwin-t-id seg uxeddim deg Tubeṛ. Tom was fired on October 20th. Then they sat down from the midst of you. >>eng<< היית צריך להיות זהיר יותר עם בריאותך. You should have been more careful with your health. You should have been more careful with your health. >>eng<< هذا هو السي دي الذي كنت أبحث عنه. This is just the CD that I was looking for. That's the C.D. I was looking for. >>eng<< رأى سامي ما كانت ليلى تريده أن يراه. Sami saw what Layla wanted him to see. Sammy saw what Lily wanted to see. >>eng<< يريد توم الذهاب إلى أستراليا. Tom wants to go to Australia. Tom wants to go to Australia. >>eng<< הבתים האלה הם של הדוד שלי. Those houses are my uncle's. These houses are my uncle's. >>eng<< על מצלתיים יותר קשה לנגן משניתן לחשוב. The cymbals are harder to play than one might think. It's a lot harder to play than to think. >>eng<< كنت أبحث عن عصير الليمون طيلة اليوم. I have been looking for lemon juice all day long. I've been looking for hemorrhage all day. >>eng<< اشتغلت ليلى في نادٍ للتّعرّي آملة أن تربح المال بسرعة. Layla worked at a strip club, hoping to earn a quick buck. I've been working night at a advertising club. I hope you'll win the money quickly. >>eng<< Tom akken kan i d-yefka ayenni i nekk. Tom just gave that to me. That he hath given unto me, and it is he that hath given me to do it. >>eng<< ليلى تحبّ التّجميل. Layla likes makeup. Lilly likes beauty. >>eng<< من يعزف على البيانو؟ Who's the man playing the piano? Who's playing the piano? >>eng<< Ur walaɣ acu ar ak-d-iniɣ. I just don't know what to say. And I saw not what I said unto thee. >>eng<< ما فعلته أنا كان خاطئاً. What I did was wrong. What I did was wrong. >>eng<< Tgħallimt kollox mingħandek. I learned everything from you. I learned everything from you. >>eng<< مقرف! Disgusting! Disgusting! >>eng<< התעלמנו מתום. We ignored Tom. We've ignored tyranny. >>eng<< Zhiɣ aṭas. I'm so happy. I sing a lot of them. >>eng<< الأطفالُ مفعمونَ بالطاقة. Children are full of energy. The kids are power-driven. >>eng<< נסיעה לירח כבר איננה חלום. A trip to the Moon is no longer a dream. Traveling to the moon is no longer a dream. >>eng<< אני קמה מוקדם בבוקר. I get up early in the morning. I'm up early in the morning. >>eng<< هذه القلعة جميلة. This castle is beautiful. This candy is beautiful. >>eng<< אני מקווה שאני לא מפריע. I hope I'm not being a bother. I hope I'm not interrupting. >>eng<< ادخل, الباب مفتوح. Come in. The door is open. Come in, the door's open. >>eng<< أعجبتني الغرفة المطلة على الوادي. I liked the room overlooking the valley. I like the sewer room on the valley. >>eng<< Muḥal ad t-ḥemmleɣ akken i k-ḥemmleɣ. You will never love me as I love you. Nevertheless I love him, as I have loved thee. >>eng<< Teččiḍ imekli? Did you eat lunch? Don't you commit adultery? >>eng<< Aql-i dɣa tura wejdeɣ ad xelleṣeɣ. I am quite ready for payment. And now I am ready to pay. >>eng<< נסעתי את כל הדרך מבוסטון רק כדי לתת לתום מתנת יום הולדת. I drove all the way to Boston just to give Tom a birthday gift. I drove all the way from Boston just to give Tom a birthday present. >>eng<< هم أعطوها لي They gave it to me. They gave it to me. >>eng<< שום דבר לא ממש יוצא דופן. Nothing really stands out. Nothing really extraordinary. >>eng<< الباب مغلق. The door is locked. The door's closed. >>eng<< Ulac d acu ara d-iniɣ. There's not much to say. They have nothing to say. >>eng<< لن أدير ظهري لِتوم. I'm not going to turn my back on Tom. I'm not running my back for Tom. >>eng<< ידעתי שאני הולך לנצח. I knew I was going to win. I knew I was gonna win. >>eng<< מכל הארצות שבהם ביקרתי הכי אהבתי את אוסטרליה. Of all the countries I've visited, I liked Australia the best. Of all the countries I visited most, I loved Australia. >>eng<< آمل أن سيساعدني. I hope that he will help me. I hope he will help me. >>eng<< חשדנו שהוא שיקר. We suspect him of telling a lie. We suspected he was lying. >>eng<< נשק אותי, תום. Kiss me, Tom. Kiss me, Tom. >>eng<< Yufeg lweqt. Time flew. We can do so in a short time. >>eng<< Tidet tettɛeggin. Truth prevails. You put them up. >>eng<< لو كنتُ مكانك, كنتُ سأفعل نفس الشئ؟ If I were you, I would also do the same. If I were you, would I do the same? >>eng<< האויב שלי חלש. The enemy is weak. My enemy is weak. >>eng<< على سامي أن يعتاد على الأمر. Sami will have to get used to it. Sammy's got to get used to it. >>eng<< طلبت كتاباً من لندن. I ordered a book from London. I asked for a book from London. >>eng<< هذا شيء اريد ان اعمله لوحدي. This is something I need to do alone. That's something I want to do alone. >>eng<< Ilaq ad testeqsiḍ wayeḍ. You should ask somebody else. And thou shalt ask another. >>eng<< سامي مسؤول على العيادة كلّها. Sami is responsible for the whole clinic. Sammy's in charge of the whole clinic. >>eng<< قدّم لي المدرّس احتجازا. The teacher gave me a detention. The teacher put me in custody. >>eng<< פדיל ולילה פתחו דף חדש. Fadil and Layla were celebrating a fresh start. Padale and Laila opened a new page. >>eng<< لا بدّ من أنّه مطعم غال جدّا! It must be a very expensive restaurant! He's got to be a hell of a Gale restaurant! >>eng<< בשוק בו קניתי את הירקות אפשר לקנות גם פרחים. At the market where I bought the vegetables, you can also buy flowers. In the market where I bought the vegetables I could buy flowers too. >>eng<< Iyyamt ad tceḍḥemt! Come dance! What a blessing you will all be filled! >>eng<< كان ذاك أرنوبًا شريرًا. That was an evil bunny. That rabbit was bad. >>eng<< Ur tecfiḍ ara dacu yexdem Tom i Mary? Don't you remember what Tom did to Mary? Don't you think that he did the same thing to Mary? >>eng<< La ttlusuɣ iceṭṭiḍen-iw. I am getting dressed. And I was taken out of my garments. >>eng<< Tesker Fatima. Fatima is drunk. Tesker Fatima. >>eng<< الحاسوب آلة معقدة. A computer is a complex machine. Computer's a complicated machine. >>eng<< אני לומד באסקית. I am learning Basque. I'm a scotch student. >>eng<< Kecmemt! Go inside. Kimemt! >>eng<< תום חזר על מה שהוא אמר זה עתה. Tom repeated what he had just said. Tom's back on what he said is now. >>eng<< לפול יש שלושה בנים. הם דומים מאוד זה לזה. Paul has three sons. They look very much alike. Paul has three boys, they're very similar to each other. >>eng<< D ilem ucabcaq. The jar is empty. D-day ucacaq. >>eng<< Yenwa Tom ulac win i t-id-iwalan. Tom thought that no one saw him. And they looked upon him, and saw him no man. >>eng<< טום קנה שעון מזויף. Tom bought a counterfeit watch. Tom bought a fake watch. >>eng<< لم يطع فاضل أباه و لم يحترمه. Fadil disobeyed and disrespected his father. His father failed and failed to respect him. >>eng<< D nekk ara ixelṣen. I'm buying. I will bear with mine own self, and I will bear with mine own self. >>eng<< Tom yewwi-t nadam. Tom's asleep. Torch was the priest's offering. >>eng<< Tesɛamt aṭas n imeddukal. You have many friends. And I have much fruit. >>eng<< أنا في المطار الآن. I'm at the airport now. I'm at the airport now. >>eng<< 20 Tubeṛ 2013 d Arim. October 20, 2014 was a Monday. 20th Triumph 2013 and Arim. >>eng<< התעמתתי עם תום. I confronted Tom. I confronted Tom. >>eng<< סופסוף האבן היקרה הייתה בידיו. At last, the gem was in his hands. Finally, the precious stone was in his hands. >>eng<< إلى اللقاء See you again. Bye. >>eng<< לתום ראיה טובה. Tom has good eyesight. To Tom's good evidence. >>eng<< Ad uɣaleɣ ɣer Ustṛalya deg Tubeṛ. I'm going back to Australia in October. I will return to Damascus. >>eng<< لديك الكثير من الكتب. You have many books. You have a lot of books. >>eng<< ተማሪ ነኝ። I'm a student. I am a student. >>eng<< أفضل دفاع هو الهجوم. Attack is the best defense. The best defense is the attack. >>eng<< طريقة لبس السياح تخالف اداب المجتمع المحلية . The way tourists dress offends the local standard of propriety. A way to dress is by contrast with the community’s manner of dress. >>eng<< تقتني كيت كلباً. Kate keeps a dog. Get me a dog. >>eng<< أريد أن أكون هنا I want to be here. I want to be here. >>eng<< أود العمل في بوستن. I'd like to work in Boston. I'd like to work in Boston. >>eng<< هاجم سامي ليلى. Sami assaulted Layla. Sammy Lee attacked. >>eng<< Deg lɣeṛḍ-im! Slowly! Why do you dig? >>eng<< D acu i telsiḍ? What did you wear? What did you take? >>eng<< Bɣiɣ attqimeḍ di Lustṛali a win yufan alarmi d nuwel. I want you to stay in Australia at least until Christmas. I will prefer you to find a lawyer living in Turku and looking for a call. >>eng<< אתה יודע לנגן טוב? Can you play well? Can you play good? >>eng<< لقد فقدت كل إحترامي لك. I have lost all respect for you. I've lost all my respect for you. >>eng<< לפחות תגידי לתום איך את מרגישה. At least tell Tom how you feel. At least tell Tom how you feel. >>eng<< הוא שכר מזכירה חדשה. He hired a new secretary. He hired a new secretary. >>eng<< هذا لصديق لي. It's for a friend of mine. This is for a friend of mine. >>eng<< Ma nitkellimx bl-Ispanjol? I don't speak Spanish. Did I not speak Spanish? >>eng<< Ur tezmireḍ ara ad ɣ-tḥebseḍ. You can't stop us. You can't build us up. >>eng<< Yewweḍ-d wass-ik! Your time has arrived! Your day has come! >>eng<< תום הודה שהוא גנב את הכסף. Tom admitted that he had stolen the money. Tom confessed he stole the money. >>eng<< Nekk mačči d akli-nkent. I'm not your slave! I am not a slave. >>eng<< הנושא הזה עולה לעיתים קרובות. That topic comes up often. This subject often comes up. >>eng<< ידעת על זה משהו? Did you know anything about this? Did you know anything about that? >>eng<< هذه ليست صورة سامي. This isn't Sami's picture. This isn't Sammy's picture. >>eng<< Tzewǧeḍ? Are you married? Do you want to? >>eng<< هىَ أتت إلى هُنا مرةً أخرى. She came here once again. She came here again. >>eng<< זה רץ רק על חלונות. It only works on Windows. It's just running on windows. >>eng<< هل ساعتك على التوقيت الصحيح؟ Is your watch correct? Did you watch the right time? >>eng<< Illul-d d amerkanṭi. He was born rich. The European Parliament is a member of the Council of the European Union. >>eng<< أود أن تقابل والداي. I would like you to meet my parents. I'd like to meet my parents. >>eng<< لديك مستقبل مشرق. You have a bright future. You have a bright future. >>eng<< أحب الشوكولاتة. I like chocolate. I love chocolate. >>eng<< بدأ سامي يفكّر بأنّ منزله كان مُراقَبا. Sami started to believe that his house was being watched. Sammy started thinking that his house was being watched. >>eng<< كان سامي يرمّم منزله. Sami was renovating his home. Sammy was building his house. >>eng<< זה לא נשמע כאילו אתה רוצה בעזרתי. It doesn't really sound like you want my help. It doesn't sound like you want my help. >>eng<< "Dɣa tumenem-t?" "Qaḥqa!" "Do you believe him?" "Not really!" "Jurry?" said he, "What's wrong?" >>eng<< ما هي السعادة؟ What is happiness? What's joy? >>eng<< היה לי מאמן טוב. I had a good coach. I had a good coach. >>eng<< أفرش أسناني مرتين في اليوم. I brush my teeth twice a day. Birds of my ass twice a day. >>eng<< אתה חושב שבלתי אפשרי לגמור את זה עד חמש? Do you think it's impossible to finish this by five o'clock? You think it's impossible to end it by five? >>eng<< חשבתי שאוכל להשתלט על זה בעצמי, אבל טעיתי. I thought I could handle it myself, but I couldn't. I thought I could take it myself, but I was wrong. >>eng<< لَن تَجدَكَ الشُرطةُ هُناك The police will never find you there. You won't find the tape there. >>eng<< منزله مملوء بالذباب. His house is full of flies. His house is full of worms. >>eng<< أنا الآن في الثلاثين من عمري. I'm thirty now. I am now 30 years old. >>eng<< Sami yeɛya deg Layla. Sami got tired of Layla. And Sam is in Lailah. >>eng<< Ttxemmimen yibekkan. Apes are intelligent. You believe in a building. >>eng<< Ur d-nnin acemma. They didn't say anything. There's nothing wrong with me. >>eng<< Aṭas i tεummeḍ? Did you swim much? Many do you sleep? >>eng<< אני בבית מדי ערב. I am at home every evening. I'm home every night. >>eng<< תום היה עושה הרבה דברים מסוג זה. Tom has been doing a lot of stuff. Tom would do a lot of this kind of thing. >>eng<< لماذا تعتقدان أنّ كلّ المسلمين إرهابيّين؟ Why do you believe that all Muslims are terrorists? Why do you think all Muslims are terrorists? >>eng<< Melmi ara ad t-nexdem? When are we going to do it? When will it be done? >>eng<< لست مشغولاً، صحيح؟ You aren't busy, are you? You're not busy, are you? >>eng<< Ad ken-mlileɣ d akessar. I'll meet you downstairs. I will see him as a liar. >>eng<< Selbent teḥdayin. Girls are crazy. Selbent's way of life. >>eng<< إن كنت في مشكل، فسأساعدك. I would help you if you were in trouble. If you're in trouble, I'll help you. >>eng<< بيتك يحتاج لإصلاح. Your house needs repairing. Your house needs repair. >>eng<< كان إهمالا منها أن تنسى. It was careless of her to forget it. It was a neglect to forget. >>eng<< Il-ġurnata t-tajba. Have a nice day. Good day. >>eng<< Qlil wass ideg cennuɣ. I seldom sing. It is a time of strife. >>eng<< אין למה לחכות. There's no point in waiting. There's no reason to wait. >>eng<< תום ומרי ישבו על החוף ודברו אחד אל השניה. Tom and Mary sat on the beach and talked to each other. Tom and Mary sat on the beach and talked to each other. >>eng<< בגיל 60 הוא פרש לגמלאות. At the age of sixty, he retired. At 60 years of age, he's retired. >>eng<< הם נמצאים פה להגן עליך. They're here to protect you. They're here to protect you. >>eng<< Ajerred ad yebdu deg 20 Tubeṛ. Registration began October 20th. And the wall shall fall on 20ints. >>eng<< Tom yettu uṭṭun n tilifun n Mary. Tom forgot Mary's phone number. Here's the staff of Mary. >>eng<< D acu i la txeddmeḍ? What are you doing? What does it take to do? >>eng<< Tettnezzihemt tiliẓri yal ass? Do you watch TV every day? == sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man >>eng<< رأى سامي مسلمين يصلّون. Sami saw Muslims praying. Sammy saw Muslims praying. >>eng<< Ur iserreḥ ara Tom deg tefṛansist am kemm. Tom doesn't speak French as fluently as you do. He doesn't leave the Tomphist as long as he is. >>eng<< ارجعها عندما تنتهى. Return it when you are done. Bring her back when she's done. >>eng<< אלף ובית מטילים לסירוגן קוביה בת N פאות, אלף תמיד מטיל ראשון. מפסיד במשחק מי שלראשונה הטלתו אינה עדיפה על הטלת קודמו. מה ההסתברות שאלף ינצח? A and B alternately roll an N-sided die, A always first. A game is lost by the first roll failing to better the previous. What is the probability that A wins? A thousand and a home travels to Serogen Kobaya, N Paat, a thousand always wins first, loses in the game who's the first to call is no better than a previous hit. What's the fact that alf wins? >>eng<< D imeyyaten n lɣaci i itetten dagi yal ass. Hundreds of people eat here every day. And they commanded a multitude to keep them here every day. >>eng<< La tettɛekkimt fell-i? Are you fucking kidding me? Do you have affection for me? >>eng<< מי היה מעוניין לפגוע בך? Who'd want to hurt you? Who would want to hurt you? >>eng<< תום תמיד כה אדיב. Tom is always very polite. Tom's always so kind. >>eng<< D acu yeḍran d Tom? What's become of Tom? What is this that you say, you know? >>eng<< حقن سامي ليلى بجرعة عالية من الميثامفيتامين. Sami injected Layla with a pretty heavy dose of meth. Sammy's shot at a high dose of methamphetamine. >>eng<< أذهب أحياناً ، وأحياناً أُخْرى لا أذهب. Sometimes I go and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I go, sometimes I don't go. >>eng<< הייתה לו דעה קדומה נגד נשים מאחורי ההגה. He had a prejudice against women drivers. He had a bad mind against women behind the wheel. >>eng<< أصبحت ليلى حاملا في الثّانويّة. Layla got pregnant in high school. Lily became pregnant in the second. >>eng<< אינני יותר טובה מאמי בבישול. I'm no better at cooking than my mother. I'm no better than my mother's cooking. >>eng<< יתכן שאלו היו הם? Could it have been them? Could it have been them? >>eng<< ومن منطلق تجربتي الشخصية استمد اعتقادي بأن الشراكة بين أمريكا والإسلام يجب أن تستند إلى حقيقة الإسلام وليس إلى ما هو غير إسلامي وأرى في ذلك جزءا من مسؤوليتي كرئيس للولايات المتحدة حتى أتصدى للصور النمطية السلبية عن الإسلام أينما ظهرت That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn't. And I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear. From my personal experience, I have come to believe that the partnership between America and Islam must be based on the truth of Islam, not on what is non-Islamic, and I see in this part of my responsibility as President of the United States to address negative stereotypes about Islam wherever it appears. >>eng<< كانت ليلى ممرّضة معتمدة تعمل في مركز معروف لمعالجة السّرطان. Layla was a registered nurse working for a renowned cancer center. Lila was an approved corridor working at a known drug treatment centre. >>eng<< Il-ktieb huwa fuq il-mejda. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. >>eng<< Acku atan da. Because he is there. Read more: Housing. >>eng<< אני עדיין גאה ששרתתי עם תום. I'm still proud to have served with Tom. I'm still proud of serving Tom. >>eng<< سامي يشرب. Sami drinks. Sammy's drinking. >>eng<< Yella ur ixeddem kra Tom. Tom wasn't doing anything. No one will do that in Toom. >>eng<< سامي شخص غامض. Sami is mysterious. Sammy's a mysterious person. >>eng<< מה הגובה שלך? How tall are you? What's your height? >>eng<< Nniɣ-as i Tom ɣef wacu i kecmeɣ ɣer sbiṭar. I told Tom why I'd been in the hospital. And I spake to them for the cause that I went into hell. >>eng<< Twalam weltma? Did you see my sister? Have you seen a sister? >>eng<< كان سامي يحبّ قتل النّاس. Sami liked killing people. Sammy loved to kill people. >>eng<< אין לי זמן להכין את שיעורי הבית. I have no time to do my homework. I don't have time to prepare my homework. >>eng<< טיפשים ממהרים לדרוך במקם בו מלאכים מפחדים. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Fools in a hurry to step in where angels are scared. >>eng<< Titkellem bit-Taljan? Do you speak Italian? Do you speak Italian? >>eng<< חנות הצינורות נמצאת מעבר לכביש. The pipe store is across the street. The pipe store is across the road. >>eng<< Nuɣal ɣer Boston deg 20 Tuber. We returned to Boston on October 20th. I beg you,bosston, on 20 September. >>eng<< פגם בתכנון גרם לקריסת המחשב שלי. A design flaw made my computer crash. A flaw in planning caused my computer crash. >>eng<< كانت عند فاضل خطّة و تحلّى بصبر كبير من أجلها. Fadil had a plan and he was very patient. She was trying a plan and had great patience for her. >>eng<< השפה הבולגרית דומה מאוד לרוסית. Bulgarian is very similar to Russian. The Bulgarian language is very similar to Russian. >>eng<< لا تخيب ظني بك! Don't disappoint me. Don't worry, I think you are! >>eng<< אני לא חושבת שאני יכולה להשאר. I don't think I can stay. I don't think I can stay. >>eng<< I wacu iyi-yuḥwaǧ Tom? Why does Tom need my help? Why is it that you didn't release me to Tom? >>eng<< אתה חושב שאני שמנה, נכון? You think I'm fat, don't you? You think I'm fat, right? >>eng<< سأبقى هناك حتى الساعة السادسة. I'll stay there till six o'clock. I'll stay there until 6:00. >>eng<< יש לי גשר בשיניים. I have braces. I have a bridge in my teeth. >>eng<< Anwa i yeẓṛan? Who knows? "Who has killed you?" >>eng<< كنت أبلغ الثلاثين عاما فقط آنذاك. I was only thirteen years old at that time. I only told you 30 years back then. >>eng<< كان سامي يحبّ ألعاب الطّاولة. Sami liked board games. Sammy loved the table games. >>eng<< ንሳ እንግሊዘኛ ብዘይ ሰጋእ መጋእ ትዛረብ። She speaks English fluently. Let her speak freely. Let her be free. >>eng<< Tom yebɣa Mary. Tom wants Mary. Todd Mary. >>eng<< قفز فاضل إلى العمل. Fadil jumped into action. Jump into work. >>eng<< لست مرتاحا لهذا. I don't feel good about it. I'm not comfortable with this. >>eng<< Tella tin i yettnezzihen deg Tom. Someone is watching Tom. I'll talk about it in Tom. >>eng<< אל תהיה כל כך חצוף! Don't be disrespectful. Don't be so rude! >>eng<< Bdu daki! Start here. Start that! >>eng<< Yergagi Tom. Tom shuddered. George Tom. >>eng<< Ur ttḥerrik ara. Sit tight. You will not understand. >>eng<< إنه يركلني! He's kicking me! He's kicking me! >>eng<< תום נעים. Tom is personable. Tom's nice. >>eng<< תום לא התכוון להזיק לאיש. Tom didn't intend to harm anybody. Tom didn't mean to hurt anyone. >>eng<< Teɣṛiḍ ta? Have you read this? What do you need to do? >>eng<< Tzemrem ttxil-wet ad taṛǧum dqiqa? Could you please wait a minute? Do you want to wait for flour? >>eng<< הוא שחקן זהיר. He is a careful player. He's a careful player. >>eng<< تحدّث عن مرضها. He talked about her illness. Talk about her illness. >>eng<< D acu i d-inna? What did he say? And what shall we say? >>eng<< رفضت عرضه. She turned down his proposal. I refused his offer. >>eng<< D awezɣi ad ttuɣ ass ideg d-mlaleɣ Tom. I'll never forget the day I met Tom. I will lie down at evening, and in the morning.' >>eng<< عوقب على كذبه. Because he lied, he was punished. Shut him up. >>eng<< Awimt-tt-id s axxam. Bring her home. You have brought him into the house. >>eng<< תום בערך בגילה של מרי. Tom is roughly the same age as Mary. Tom's about at Mary's age. >>eng<< עברו עליהם זמנים קשים. They had a rough time of it. They've had hard times. >>eng<< Ḍelmeɣ-k. I've wronged you. I love you. >>eng<< יש לי חבר שאבא שלו הוא פסנתרן מפורסם. I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist. I have a friend whose father is a famous piano. >>eng<< لم أكن على علم بمرضها. I didn't know that she was ill. I didn't know her illness. >>eng<< لا أصدق! I can't believe it! I can't believe it! >>eng<< למה את מפחדת ממני? Why are you scared of me? Why are you afraid of me? >>eng<< لربما تساقط الثلج غداً. Perhaps it will snow tomorrow. Maybe it's snowing tomorrow. >>eng<< حتّا واحد ما يفهمني. Nobody understands me. Just one that understands me. >>eng<< هم سعداء They are happy. They're happy. >>eng<< أنت لست صديقنا. You are not our friend. You're not our friend. >>eng<< Aṭas i yeqqaṛ Tom. Tom reads a lot. And many that would say unto you, Tom. >>eng<< لم يسبق لها أن زارت هوكايدو. She has never been to Hokkaido. She had never visited Hawkado. >>eng<< الكره لا يظهر بكل بساطة من فراغ. إنه بالعادة يبدأ من الحسد أو الخوف. Hatred doesn't just appear out of thin air, it usually starts from envy or fear. The hate doesn't appear simply from a vacuum. It usually starts out of rage or fear. >>eng<< هذا القطار مكتظ، فلنركب التالي. This one's crowded, so let's take the next train. This train's over, let's ride next. >>eng<< אני אוהבת לערוך קניות בקניון הזה. I like to shop at that mall. I like shopping in this mall. >>eng<< جلس سامي مجدّدا. Sami sat back down. Sammy's sitting again. >>eng<< أيمكنك أن تقود سيارة؟ Can you drive a car? Can you drive a car? >>eng<< Yeskerkes-d Tom. Tom lied. Yekerkes-d Tom. >>eng<< תרגילי מדיטציה מסייעים לי להתנתק לפרק זמן מסוים ממתחי העולם הגשמי, ולהתחבר לשלווה של העולם הרוחני. Meditation exercises help me detach for a certain period of time from the material world and connect to the calm of the spiritual world. Meditation exercises help me to cut off a certain amount of time from the physical world and connect to the peace of the spiritual world. >>eng<< قال لي ألا أقود بسرعة. He told me not to drive too fast. He told me not to drive fast. >>eng<< Tesderwcem-iyi! You make me feel dizzy! You take me away! >>eng<< הזדקקתי לשבוע כדי להחלים מההצטננות שלי. It took me a week to get over my cold. I needed a week to recover from my cold. >>eng<< Abrid-a. This way. Abdi-a. >>eng<< אולי תרצי קצת מזה. You might want some of this. Maybe you'd like some of this. >>eng<< עצור אותם. Stop them. Stop them. >>eng<< אני מתגלח. I'm shaving. I'm shaven. >>eng<< היא נשמעה מאוכזבת. She sounded disappointed. She sounded disappointed. >>eng<< توجّه سامي نحو الباب و قرع مرّتين. Sami went to the door and knocked twice. Sammy's heading to the door and kick twice. >>eng<< كرهته. She hated him. I hated him. >>eng<< ما علاباليش واش نقول. I just don't know what to say. I don't say so. >>eng<< אתה צריך למצוא לעצמך עבודה אמיתית. You need to get a real job. You need to find yourself a real job. >>eng<< אנו מתגעגעים לתום. We miss Tom. We miss Tom. >>eng<< هن يصدقنه. They believe it. They believe him. >>eng<< من الممكن أن أليس ستأتي. Alice may possibly come. It's possible, isn't it? >>eng<< كان سامي يتلفّظ أنفاسه. Sami was gasping for life. Sammy was messing up his breath. >>eng<< لم يشعل النار مع أن الجو كان بارداً. Though it was cold, he didn't light the fire. He didn't fire while the air was cold. >>eng<< Aql-aɣ sufella n imicli. We're on the balcony. So we were made sorry. >>eng<< علي شحن هاتفي الجوال. I have to charge my mobile phone. I have to load my phone. >>eng<< Tom yeɛreḍ ad iwwet Mary s lmus. Tom tried to stab Mary. Thou shalt lie in wait for Mary in the lance. >>eng<< כתבי את שמך כאן. Write down your name here. Write your name here. >>eng<< هذا الفلم يستحق المشاهدة لمرة ثانية. This movie is worth seeing again. This movie deserves to be seen again. >>eng<< Iqeṛṛeḥ-iyi lḥal imi txeṣṛem. I'm sorry that you lost. He has testified about me, because you have betrayed me. >>eng<< בנוסף לאנגלית, היא מדברת צרפתית שוטפת. In addition to English, she speaks French fluently. In addition to English, she speaks French as a washer. >>eng<< אני כאן בגללך. I'm here because of you. I'm here because of you. >>eng<< Anwa i ak-d-yennan belli ad yili da Tom? Who told you Tom would be here? "Who then said to you that he would be like Tom?" >>eng<< הוא הוכיח עצמו כבעל אידאלי. He proved to be an ideal husband. He proved himself to be an ideal owner. >>eng<< לתום לכל הדעות יש בטחון עצמי מספיק כדי לשמש כמנהיג שלנו. Tom definitely has the confidence to be our leader. Tom has self-esteem enough to serve as our leader. >>eng<< זה חסר תכלית. This is pointless. It's pointless. >>eng<< ירד אתמול גשם. It rained yesterday. It rained yesterday. >>eng<< אני בחצר האחורית. I'm in the backyard. I'm in the backyard. >>eng<< היא יצאנית. She's a hooker. She's dating. >>eng<< أنا لا أعرف لماذا I don't know why. I don't know why. >>eng<< Yella ḥedd i ɣ-d-iṭṭalayen. Somebody's watching us. But we have a hope. >>eng<< أنا أتتطلع لحفلة عيد القديسيين خاصتك. I'm looking forward to your Halloween party. I'm looking forward to your Sunday party. >>eng<< كان الجميع يحبّ سامي. Everybody loved Sami. Everyone loved Sammy. >>eng<< Adlis-a ẓẓay. This book is heavy. and they were hungry and hungry. >>eng<< אני מאד לא בטוח בעצמי. I'm very insecure. I'm not very sure myself. >>eng<< Ur swiɣ ara aman. I did not drink water. I do not drink water >>eng<< Aggur ifeǧǧeǧ yakan. The moon is already shining. The light has already shone. >>eng<< Tḥemmlem ibeɛɛucen? Do you like insects? Do you love the dead? >>eng<< هو الوحيد لي نبغيه. He's the only one I love. He's the only one I need. >>eng<< نعرف حقوقنا. We know our rights. We know our rights. >>eng<< إفتح فمك! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! >>eng<< Ixelles Tom. Tom paid. Ixles Tom. >>eng<< لن ننساهم أبدا. We'll never ever forget them. We will never contribute. >>eng<< Acimi i yeḥwaǧ Tom ajenwi? Why does Tom need a knife? Why do you need Tohi? >>eng<< Deg telqey, medden akk d imeṛkantiyen yerna cebḥen, maca ur neẓri amek ara t-id-nini. Deep down, everyone is rich and beautiful, but we don't know how to express it! All things that are rich, and great, we know not how we shall say. >>eng<< لم كلّ هذا؟ Why all this? Why all this? >>eng<< Acḥal n wussan i teqqimeḍ di Boston? How many days did you stay in Boston? How long didst thou stay in Boston? >>eng<< لأجلِ صداقتنا For our friendship! For our friendship. >>eng<< איש לא מכריח אותך. Nobody's forcing you. No one's making you. >>eng<< Tom yella yeqqim ar tama n Mary. Tom was sitting beside Mary. Tom sat down at the table with Mary. >>eng<< Yesnehma Tom. Tom whispered. Yenehma Tom. >>eng<< תום מעודו לא היה מרשה את זה. Tom would never allow it. Tom wouldn't have allowed it. >>eng<< Ur nestufa ara akka tura. We're a little busy right now. we don't know now." >>eng<< هو اليوم يشعر أنه أفضل بكثير. He feels a lot better today. He feels much better today. >>eng<< البعض يحب أن يكافئ نفسه، وأن لا ينتظر هدية من أحد. Some people like rewarding themselves, not expecting reward from others. Some like to equal themselves, not to wait for a gift from anyone. >>eng<< نانسي مبتلعبش تنس. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Nancy's playing Tennessee. >>eng<< Tella kra n yiwet i yettfeṛṛiǧen. Someone is watching. And there was a good way out of them; and a certain woman, a company of them which ministered unto her. >>eng<< האם תוכל לתת לי קצת מים בבקשה? Can I please have some water? Can you give me some water, please? >>eng<< אני הולך מכאן. I'm leaving. I'm going out of here. >>eng<< Ilaq ad tesɛum dima asegzawal gar ifassen-nwen. Always have your dictionary near at hand. "You shall have oppression among your hands. >>eng<< رزقوا بولد وحيد. They had only one child. Feed a single boy. >>eng<< העברית שבפיו משובחת משלה. His Hebrew was more advanced than hers. The transliteration in its own language. >>eng<< הוא לא התנגד כלל. He had no objection. He didn't object at all. >>eng<< בוא נתרגל. Let's practice. Let's get used. >>eng<< Twehmem mi tt-teẓṛam? Were you surprised to see her? Do you know when you kill? >>eng<< Twalaḍ iman-im deg lemri. You saw yourself in the mirror. You have come to know what you have seen. >>eng<< היא חריפת שכל. She is sharp. She's burning up. >>eng<< הוא חסם את הדרך בפניי. He blocked my way. He's blocking the way in front of me. >>eng<< Aya giɣ-t. This I have done. This is what you (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) are about to see. >>eng<< لقد توقف المطر, لذا يمكننا البدء. The rain has let up, so we can begin. The rain stopped, so we can start. >>eng<< ልጁ ይህች ቆንጆ ልጃገረድን ይወዳል። The boy loves this beautiful girl. This beautiful daughter loves a beautiful daughter. >>eng<< كان سامي يشرب. Sami drank. Sammy was drinking. >>eng<< Ad nemmeslay ɣef wugur-a deg yixef wis tlata. We will deal with this problem in Chapter Three. We will speak of him in the third watch of the feast. >>eng<< أغلقَ الباب. He closed the door. Close the door. >>eng<< זה היינו הך עבורי. It's the same to me. It was for me. >>eng<< Ayɣer ur iyi-d-qqaṛeḍ ara d acu i yeḍran iḍ yezrin? Why don't you tell me what happened last night? Don't you tell me, 'What are you sleeping at night?' >>eng<< Izmer ad ak-d-isel ḥedd. Somebody might've overheard you. And he moved away his ear from thee that thou shouldest hear him. >>eng<< هذا كل ما عندي. خذه. This is all I have. Take it. That's all I have. >>eng<< كان يعمل ليلا، نهارا كي يصبح ثريا. He worked day and night so that he might become rich. He was working night, a day to become rich. >>eng<< אני חושדת שתום לא מכין את שיעורי הבית שלו בעצמו. I suspect that Tom doesn't do his homework by himself. I suspect Tom's not preparing his own homework. >>eng<< אני מרגיש חולשה. I feel weak. I feel weak. >>eng<< תום עדיין די מבוסם. Tom is still pretty groggy. Tom's still quite grounded. >>eng<< Ɣef leḥsab-nkent, yezmer ad iyi-d-iẓer yiwen? Do you think anyone can see me? And when he had looked according to the number, he was able to see me one? >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ tafṛansist. I love French. I love training. >>eng<< توجّه سامي إلى اليسار. Sami went left. Take Sammy to the left. >>eng<< Yella kra n yiwen i wen-d-isawlen. Someone is calling you. But there are some other things which ye have seen. >>eng<< لماذا كذبت علي؟ Why did you lie to me? Why did you lie to me? >>eng<< هذا هو المفتاح الذي يفتح الباب. This is the key that opens that door. This is the key that opens the door. >>eng<< "أين أكلت الغذاء؟" "أكلت في مطعم." "Where did you eat lunch?" "I ate at a restaurant." "Where did you eat?" "I ate in a restaurant." >>eng<< Tettaruḍ tafṛansist? Do you write in French? Are you a philosopher? >>eng<< Kkes aɣbel, terreḍ aɣilif! Watch while grazing! You whitewashed ground, you whitewashed wall! >>eng<< اصابه توم ليست خطيره Tom's injury isn't serious. Tom's got it. It's not dangerous. >>eng<< היא גאה בכישרון הקולינרי שלה. She prides herself on her skill in cooking. She's proud of her collierary talent. >>eng<< Akkay d arway! What confusion! So here's what happens! >>eng<< Bninet. Delicious. Binnet. >>eng<< תום לקח על עצמו אחריות נוספת. Tom has taken on additional responsibilities. Tom took another responsibility for himself. >>eng<< הוא נבון, אבל אני בכל זאת לא אוהב אותו. He's intelligent, but I still don't like him. He's wise, but I still don't like him. >>eng<< Acḥal i d-yegran isandwičen? How many sandwiches are left? How many sparrows do they eat? >>eng<< Teddreḍ? Are you alive? Do you know? >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ad ččeɣ dagi tameddit-a. I want to eat here tonight. I would like to eat here at evening-a-day. >>eng<< כמה כוסות יין אתה שותה כל יום? How many glasses of wine do you drink every day? How many glass of wine do you drink every day? >>eng<< لا يجب علي أن آتي هنا. I shouldn't have come here. I don't have to come here. >>eng<< إنهُ طويل القامة مِثل والدهُ. He's as tall as his father. It's long like his father. >>eng<< Fehmen. They understood. Understood. >>eng<< היא אוהבת לקרוא יותר מכל דבר אחר. She likes reading better than anything else. She likes to read more than anything else. >>eng<< Ṭṭef aqemmuc-im! Oh, hush! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! >>eng<< המנוע התחיל לרתוח. The engine's starting to overheat. The engine started to crack. >>eng<< لو كنت أخبرتَك الحقيقة, كنتَ ستُفاجأ. If I were to tell you the truth, you would be surprised. If I told you the truth, you'd be surprised. >>eng<< Ɣiwel. Look alive. I have to say so. >>eng<< غيّرت الفتاة شكلها. This girl changed her look. The girl changed her shape. >>eng<< אמא שלי כועסת. My mother is angry. My mom's mad. >>eng<< Ini-as ḥemmleɣ-k. Tell him I love you. I-I love-k. >>eng<< אמור את שמך למורה. Tell the teacher your name. Tell your name to a teacher. >>eng<< انتظر سامي ستّة أشهر أخرى. Sami waited six more months. Wait for Sammy another six months. >>eng<< כרגע פוטרתי. I just got fired. I just got fired. >>eng<< Muqqel-itt. Watch her. Smuggling. >>eng<< Ihi d acu? Well, what? What then? >>eng<< المشكلة أنهم لا يملكون مالا. The trouble is that they have no money. The problem is they don't have money. >>eng<< Nekk mačči d yemma-s n Tom. I'm not Tom's mother. I am not the mother of Tom. >>eng<< أنت حقا ممل. You're really annoying. You're really boring. >>eng<< איחרת למסיבה. You're late to the party. You're late for a party. >>eng<< وصلت البارحة. I arrived here last night. I'm here last night. >>eng<< La ttqejjimen fell-am. They're mocking you. You've got it done. >>eng<< Qceɛ! Get lost. W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W >>eng<< كان لدى سامي مشكل إدمان على الكحول. Sami had a problem with alcohol. Sammy had an alcohol addiction problem. >>eng<< ماذا تخبز؟ What are you baking? What are you saving? >>eng<< Tesɛamt zzheṛ mliḥ! How lucky you are! And she got it! >>eng<< Adu i d-tenna Oprah? What did Oprah say? Do you have an Oprah? >>eng<< Ad ak-d-sekneɣ amek ara d-teṭṭfeḍ aslem. I'll show you how to catch a fish. I will show you the way in which you should walk. >>eng<< אי אפשר גם לאכול את העוגה וגם להשאיר אותה שלמה. You can't have it both ways. You can't either eat the cake or leave it whole. >>eng<< تلك هي سيارته That is his car. That's his car. >>eng<< Tura i ḥwaǧeɣ aɛiwen. I need help now. Now I need a helper. >>eng<< Tselbem? Have you lost your reason? Have you been killed? >>eng<< הייתי מורה במשך חמש עשרה שנה. I have been a teacher for 15 years. I've been a teacher for fifteen years. >>eng<< Akken i as-d-yules wemdakel nniḍen, asuqel mačči d tuṭṭfa n wemkan n tutlayt s tiyaḍ. D arfad ara ţ-yerfed ar unnar agraɣlan n tmusni ad as-yernu ccan, ad taweḍ ad ternu. Awi yufan ad neldi allen-nneɣ: yella umgared aqeṛḍal gar tutlayt yeţwasuqlen akked uzuzer agujil i ynekṛen tutlayt, xas fell-as i d-yewwi. As another of our friends has said, translation is not about replacing one language with others. Translation will, on the contrary, help the language to enter the scientific field so that it can be promoted again and again. We should open our eyes: there is a huge difference between a translated language, which can be adopted, and an orphaned language whose mere diffusion would constrain it, even if that were not the original intention. As we have other words, and don't speak in another place as the rest of men, we don't need to build a tower, and we don't know where we are coming from. For we see our eyes, except he walkes into the houses of the unlearned, and doesn't deny the truth. >>eng<< Tom yuɣal ur ileḥḥu ara s waṭas. Tom doesn't often walk anymore. The branch has gone up, and doesn't walk yet with many. >>eng<< אני זקוקה לעזרה ממישהו. I need help from someone. I need help from someone. >>eng<< هذا الكتاب صعب الفهم This book is difficult to understand. This book is hard to understand. >>hau_Latn<< I know you're going to say no. Na san za ka ce a'a. "Lalle nĩ, nã sani a lõkacin da kuke yin magana." >>eng<< תום הוא די טוב. Tom is rather good. Tom's pretty good. >>eng<< לקחתי את הילדים לבית הספר. I took the children to school. I took the kids to school. >>eng<< سأل توم ماري إذا ما كانت خططت للسباحة أم لا. Tom asked Mary whether she planned to swim or not. Tom Marie asked if she planned to swim or not. >>eng<< אינני אוהב את התנהגותה. I don't like her manner. I don't like her behavior. >>eng<< Eyya-w tura ad nečč. Let's eat now. Let's eat now. >>eng<< Teṛẓiḍ-t. You smashed it. And thou art killed. >>eng<< لما لم تقل لها؟ Why didn't you tell her? Why didn't you tell her? >>eng<< اتّصلي بي حالما تجدين توم. Call me as soon as you find Tom. Call me as soon as you find Tom. >>eng<< لنغني هذه الأغنية بالإنجليزية. Let's sing the song in English. Let me sing this song in English. >>eng<< Aseqdec n Linux s tmeslayt i tqesdeḍ ad tissineḍ d abrid igerrzen i ulmad n wawalen imaynuten d usnerni n useqdec n yal ass. Using Linux in your target language is a great way to learn new vocabulary and gain practical experience. And the weight of a lamp shalt thou lay up, and the ways of an assarion, and the ways of an assarion, and the ways of many as touching the earth every day. >>eng<< انتظر سامي هناك. Sami waited there. Wait, Sammy's there. >>eng<< Yella kra i t-yuɣen Tom. Tom is kind of weird. But a little Tom was there. >>eng<< Xeddmeɣ deg uɣerbaz. I work at school. I think myself wise. >>eng<< لا أحد فسّر ما كان يقوم به فاضل هناك. No one explained what Fadil was doing there. No one explained what he was doing wrong there. >>eng<< أسمعت الأخبار؟ Did you hear the news? Did you hear the news? >>eng<< תום העמיד פנים בשובבות שהוא מכה באגרופו את הלסת של מרי. Tom playfully pretended to punch Mary in the jaw. Tom pretended to be beating Mary's jaw. >>eng<< Mmugreɣ-d kra n wuguren akken ad d-afeɣ aṭaksi. I had a little difficulty in getting a taxi. I am going away with a little kneading file, as soon as I drink it, >>eng<< Tom yerza ar Ustṛalya anebdu yezrin. Tom visited Australia last summer. You can use it as a passerby. >>eng<< Atta-ya tefsut. Winter is approaching. Atta-edited. >>eng<< Seg melmi i yesselmad Tom tafṛansist? How long has Tom been teaching French? How does Tomphist teach me? >>eng<< لقد ذهب أبي إلى الصين. My father has gone to China. My father went to China. >>eng<< اختارا فاضل أن ليلى أن يمضيا وقتهما معا كحبيبان. Fadil and Layla chose to spend their time together as boyfriend and girlfriend. I made a mistake that Lily would spend their time together as a lover. >>eng<< Teẓṛam anda i d-ilul? Do you know his birthplace? And when it was born, where was the place? >>eng<< אני מזועזע בדיוק כמוך. I'm as shocked as you are. I'm as shocking as you are. >>eng<< מיהרתי החוצה לראות מה מתרחש. I rushed out to see what was going on. I hurried out to see what's going on. >>eng<< Aru-tt-id s tefransist. Write it in French. Aru-t-id-d-in-surancer. >>eng<< D acu i d iswi-inek? What is your objective? What is your opinion? >>eng<< בגרמנית שמות העצם נכתבים תמיד באות גדולה. In German, nouns are always capitalised. In German, bone names are always written in big letters. >>eng<< I sin, Tom akked Mary yessefk ad xedmen aya ass-a. Tom and Mary both have to do that today. And it shall come to pass, that, as many as have sinned against Mary, even so they do this day. >>eng<< عليك أن تدرس جاهداً. You must study hard. You have to study hard. >>eng<< أذهب إلى المدرسة. I go to school. Go to school. >>eng<< كان سامي صديقا لأصدقاء ليلى. Sami was friends with Layla's friends. Sammy was a friend of Lilly's friends. >>eng<< أخي الأكبر طويل القامة حقاً، يبلغ حوالي 1.8 متر. My elder brother is really tall, about 1.8m. My older brother's really tall, about 1.8 meters. >>eng<< תום השתדל. Tom tried. Tom tried. >>eng<< هذا هو أفضل كتاب قرأته في حياتي. It's the best book that I've ever read. That's the best book I've ever read. >>eng<< Tewweḍ-d nnuba-nneɣ! Our time has come! Come on, let us go! >>eng<< אני תפוס בזה הרגע. I'm occupied at the moment. I'll be caught right now. >>eng<< Ta d tijɣelt. This is a spoon. It's workaholic. >>eng<< Iḥemmel-ikem Tom. Tom loved you. I love Tom's dog. >>eng<< أنا بحاجة إلى الحب. I need love. I need love. >>eng<< היא היתה מדוכאת בגלל כל הבעיות שלה. She was depressed by all her problems. She was depressed because of all her problems. >>eng<< Sissen-d iman-ik! Identify yourself. Let your hands be on high! >>eng<< لم يكن سامي يعلم ما معنى عبارة مغيّر للهواية الجنسيّة إلى أن اغتيل رجل مغيّر لهويّته الجنسيّة في حيّه. Sami didn't know what the word transgender meant until a transgender man was killed in his neighborhood. Sammy didn't know what it meant to be sexualized until he killed a changed man with his sexual identity in his life. >>eng<< Ttuɣ ur seččeɣ ara aqjun-iw. I forgot to feed my dog. I made no eat of my cost. >>eng<< عليّ أن أختار بين الذهاب معه أو البقاء هنا وحدي. I had to choose going with him or staying here alone. I have to choose between going with him or staying here alone. >>eng<< الأهم فالمهم. First things first. Most important. >>eng<< תום נראה אשם. Tom looked guilty. Tom looks guilty. >>eng<< Nniɣ-ak ad yelḥu. I told you it would work. I told you that he will walk. >>eng<< אני לא יכולה עוד לסבול זאת. I can't stand this any longer. I can't stand it anymore. >>eng<< Ilaq ad yili walebɛaḍ ara ɣ-d-iḥebsen. Somebody might stop us. If any man have a quarrel, let him keep it. >>eng<< متى غادر فاضل الفندق؟ What time did Fadil leave the hotel? When did the hotel champion leave? >>eng<< هي ف الحمام. She's in the restroom. She's the bathroom. >>eng<< אתה חושב שכל עובדי הצבור מושחתים? Do you think all officials are corrupt? Do you think all crewmen are corrupt? >>eng<< Ur d-rennumt ula d awal. Don't say another word. But they didn't understand my words. >>eng<< המדען חקר את שרידי הדינוזאורים בעמק. The scientist searched for the bones of the dinosaurs in the valley. The scientist researched the dinosaur remains in the valley. >>eng<< Tom akked Mary la ţezmumugen. Tom and Mary are smiling. Tom with Mary laezmugen. >>eng<< ምስ ቆልዓ ኣይትምከር፡ ምስ ከልቢ ኣይትተሓባእ። Do not confide in a child; do not hide yourself with a dog. Don't consult with a dog when it grows up. Don't hide yourself with a dog. >>eng<< Ayhuhh! "Ḥella beḍn-k", ihi! Win yeččan, yečča; win ur nečči, taṛbut tekkes! Gee! "Yours", then! So much the better for those who have eaten, the others just have to wait for a possible next service! Nay, I say unto thee, Alas for thee! He that eateth and eateth; and he that eateth not, take him away. >>eng<< לך לפגוש את תום. Go meet Tom. Go meet Tom. >>eng<< היא לא יפיפיה גדולה. She is no beauty. She's not a big beauty. >>eng<< צרפתית מלמד מר ווייט, לא גברת גרין. French is taught by Mr White, not by Miss Green. French teaches Mr. White, not Mrs. Green. >>eng<< Tella tin i d-ittnezzihen deg-k. Someone is watching you. She says to me, "It's my way in you." >>eng<< توم ينزف. Tom is losing blood. Tom's bleeding. >>eng<< متأكد بأن توم يخطط لفعل ذلك. I'm sure Tom is planning to do that. I'm sure Tom's planning to do it. >>eng<< זה הר מפורסם. That's a famous mountain. It's a famous mountain. >>eng<< قد بحذر. Drive safely. He might be careful. >>eng<< תום הודה בתבוסה. Tom admitted defeat. Tom confessed to defeat. >>eng<< نصحق نسقسيق كستيۆن جايحا. I need to ask you a silly question. We'll be right. >>eng<< اتركني وحيدا Leave me alone Leave me alone. >>eng<< Tom yettenhaṛ. Tom drives. Tomoseph. >>eng<< Yella wass ideg turareḍ akked Tom urar n mmet-a-ccix? Have you ever played chess with Tom? "Do you have a day to lie down? Don't you know how it is? >>eng<< أتى ليطلب منا المساعدة. He came to ask us for our help. He came to ask us for help. >>eng<< أين الزعيم؟ Where's the boss? Where's the boss? >>eng<< מי החבר המעניין ביותר שלך? Who's your most interesting friend? Who's your most interesting friend? >>eng<< لن يُلقى القبض عليّ. I won't get caught. I won't be arrested. >>eng<< Ma ur tebɣiḍ ara ad t-txedmeḍ, fiḥel! If you don't want to do it, don't! But if you don't want to do what you are doing, by what means you will do." >>eng<< الأمر عينه حصل لصديق لي بعد أسبوع! The exact same thing happened to my friend a week later! He got a friend of mine in a week! >>eng<< אני יודע שאת משוגעת. I know you're mad. I know you're crazy. >>eng<< אני מחפשת תשובות. I'm seeking answers. I'm looking for answers. >>eng<< حاول مرة تانية. Try it again. Try again. >>eng<< בקשי את הלבנה ואקרע אותה מן הרקיע. Ask for the moon and I shall wrest it from the heavens. Ask for the white and cut it off from the ground. >>eng<< Deg uxxam itellam? Are you home? In the toilet room? >>eng<< Beṛka ur tmesxiṛ ara fell-i. Quit making fun of me. And the fire that burneth with fire. >>eng<< Teɣṛam kullec? Did you read everything? Do you make all things perfect? >>eng<< Aru-t s tefransist. Write it in French. Aru-t saver. >>eng<< Kker ! Stand up. Get up! >>eng<< תום לבש חליפת שרד. Tom was wearing a tuxedo. Tom was wearing a survive suit. >>eng<< أعتذر لعدم الرد عليك أبكر. I'm sorry I didn't reply to you sooner. I'm sorry you didn't respond earlier. >>eng<< لن نشتري سراويل الجين هذه. هذا تبذير فادح للمال. We're not buying those jeans. It's throwing good money after bad! We're not buying these gene secretions. >>eng<< هل ستبيعه بيتك؟ Will you sell your house to him? Are you gonna sell it to your house? >>eng<< هناك نافورة ماء للشرب قرب ملعب التنس. There's a drinking fountain by the tennis court. There's a water fountain to drink near the Tunis. >>eng<< أنت كثير الكلام. You talk too much. You're a lot of talking. >>eng<< ربطة عنقك تليق ببزتك. Your tie blends well with your suit. There's a tie in your neck. >>eng<< מה המחיר? What is the price? What's the price? >>eng<< كان جالسا، يحتسي النبيذ. He was sitting drinking wine. He was sitting there, drinking wine. >>eng<< Axir lemmer suffɣen Tom deg Tubeṛ yezrin. Tom should've been fired last October. Let them always be in the same place. >>eng<< أفهم كل شيء I understand everything. I understand everything. >>eng<< تزحلقت العربة المسرعة و اصطدمت مقدمة العربة ب مؤخرة الشاحنة بشكل مفاجئ جداً . The speeding vehicle skidded and crashed head-on into the rear-end of a truck before the driver could say Jack Robinson. The speeding vehicle crashed and the front of the vehicle crashed down on the back of the truck in a very sudden manner. >>eng<< טום מזג קצת יין לתוך הכוס. Tom poured some wine into a glass. Tom pours some wine into the glass. >>eng<< Walaɣ yiwen yessuden Tom. I saw somebody kissing Tom. And I saw one called Tom. >>eng<< Ilaq ad tuɣaleḍ ar wexxam. You must come home. You must be home. >>eng<< הם הלכו להרים? Did they go to the mountains? They went to the mountains? >>eng<< نزڨيلهوم غدوا كي نولّي. I'll call them tomorrow when I come back. They went to Nellie's. >>eng<< הוא סרב להצעה שלנו לארגן מסיבת עיתונאים. He refused our offer to arrange a press conference. He refused our offer to organize a press conference. >>eng<< Titeffaḥin d timeqqranin. Those apples are big. There's a great tribulation. >>eng<< זו רוח הלחימה. That's the spirit. It's the war spirit. >>eng<< أرادا ليلى و سامي أن يمضيا بقيّة حياتهما سويّا. Layla and Sami wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. They wanted Lee and Sammy to spend the rest of their life together. >>eng<< לפתע חלה תמורה בתוכנית. There was a sudden change of plan. All of a sudden, it's in exchange for the show. >>eng<< سُررت بلقائك. It's great to meet you. Nice to meet you. >>eng<< זאת איננה טעות. It's not an error. It's not a mistake. >>eng<< תחתום על זה בבקשה. Please sign these. Please sign it. >>eng<< بكي سامي عندما سمع ليلى تنطق بالشّهادة. Sami cried when he heard Layla take the shahada. Becky, Sammy, when he heard Lilly speak up. >>eng<< Xedmeɣ-am-d lqahwa. I made you coffee. I do openly. >>eng<< مرحباً بك في المنزل. Welcome home. Welcome home. >>eng<< Nniɣ-as yakkan i Tom belli ulac da Mary. I have already told Tom that Mary isn't here. I also thought out that it is not Mary. >>eng<< Yefka Sami imru i Layla. Sami gave Layla a pen. he ordered Sami to go to Lyla. >>eng<< אני חושבת שאשאר בבית היום. I think I'll stay in today. I think I'll stay home today. >>eng<< أطفئ هذه الموسيقى فورا. Turn this music off immediately. Turn this music off right away. >>eng<< هادا هووا لخطّ ديالي! That's MY line! All right, go to the Dally Line! >>eng<< كان سامي يتحرّك. Sami was moving. Sammy was moving. >>eng<< התחלתי לרוץ. I began running. I started running. >>eng<< Acḥal n skeṛ i ttetteḍ yal ass? How much sugar do you eat every day? How many times do you reject him every day? >>eng<< אני מסכים בכל לב. I agree completely. I agree with the heart. >>eng<< Zemreɣ ad sweɣ ciṭ n wugar n lqehwa? Could I have some more coffee? I can drink a little bit of a drink? >>eng<< עמדנו בכניסה כדי לקבל את פני אורחינו. We stood at the door to welcome our guests. We stood in the entrance to get our guest face. >>eng<< אין להתבלבל בין סרקזם וציניות. Sarcasm should not be confused with cynicism. There's no confusion between sarcasm and cysts. >>eng<< Lsemt lqecc-nkent! Get dressed. I didn't drive-nkent! >>eng<< أصغى Hark! Listen. >>eng<< התואיל לשלוח עבורי את המכתב הזה? Would you mind mailing this letter for me? Would you like to send this letter to me? >>eng<< Qesriyi-d san yiwet n Chopin. Play Chopin for me. A little man stood up in the village of Chopin. >>hau_Latn<< We didn't come. Bamu zo ba. "Ba mu zo ba." >>eng<< من الأفضل لك التوقف عن التدخين. You had better stop smoking. You better quit smoking. >>eng<< وجد دراجتي الضائعة. He found my bike. I found my lost bike. >>eng<< אני מוטרד מהתנהגותו של טום. I'm worried about Tom's behavior. I'm upset about Tom's behavior. >>eng<< המהירות מהשטן. Haste makes waste. The speed from the devil. >>eng<< היא לא רצתה שהוא יעזוב את החדר. She didn't want him to leave the room. She didn't want him to leave the room. >>eng<< لما لم تأتي؟ Why didn't you come? Why didn't you come? >>eng<< هل بإمكاني مرافقته؟ May I go with him? Can I accompany him? >>eng<< Ṣebṛemt! Be patient! Thank you! >>eng<< אתה לא מפסיק להרשים אותי. You never cease to impress me. You don't stop impressing me. >>eng<< מה אתה מעדיף, ריצה קלה או אופניים? Which do you like better, cycling or jogging? What do you prefer, easy running, bike? >>eng<< Ilaq ad tḍefṛem ilugan. You must keep to the rules. And you must follow a blind man. >>eng<< תיזהר לא להתחלק! Be careful not to slip. Be careful not to split! >>eng<< הקרדינל ברגוליו נבחר לאפיפיור על ידי הקונקלווה. Cardinal Bergoglio was elected Pope by the Conclave. The Grande Bargloo was chosen to the Pope by the Conquilava. >>eng<< Wa, kečč! Hey, you. Yes, you are! >>eng<< תום היה ללא חת. Tom was fearless. Tom was dead. >>eng<< יפריע לך אם אדליק את הרדיו? Will it bother you if I turn on the radio? Would you mind if I turn the radio on? >>eng<< Anda-t Ṛebbi-k tura? Where's your God now? And where is thy God now? >>eng<< Ɣuccen akk Tom. Everybody hates Tom. All around Tom. >>eng<< Qelbemt tawṛiqt. Turn the page. Ye wait a while. >>eng<< Theblem? Are you crazy? Theblem? >>eng<< Tebɣiḍ ad ternuḍ ad teqqimeḍ ugar? Do you want to stay any longer? Wilt thou kill thyself, and sit down above it? >>eng<< Tebɛeɣ-tt. I followed him. I persecuted him. >>eng<< המוסיקה שלו כובשת את כל המדינה. His music is sweeping the whole country. His music is wearing the whole country. >>eng<< العباقرة من الناس كالشهبُ التي قُدِّر لها أن تحترق لتضيء زمنها. Men of genius are meteors destined to burn in order to illuminate their century. The abscess of people like those who were supposed to burn to diminish their time. >>eng<< أنا جائع. I'm hungry! I'm hungry. >>eng<< Ur ẓṛiɣ ara belli tesɛiḍ gma-m. I didn't know you had a brother. You didn't know that you had your brother. >>eng<< אני אוהב מחנאות. I like camping. I like camping. >>eng<< تابع العمل بعد استراحة قصيرة. He continued his work after a short break. Keep working after a brief break. >>eng<< טרור אמיתי הוא להתעורר בוקר אחד ולגלות שהכיתה שלך בתיכון מנהלת את המדינה. True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country. A real terror is to wake up one morning and find out your high school runs the country. >>eng<< الكل يريد أن يجلس بجانبها. Everybody wants to sit beside her. Everybody wants to sit next to her. >>eng<< Ɣur-neɣ arma d Tubeṛ akken ad nexdem aya. We have until October to get this done. If I then be tempted to do this, I will do it. >>eng<< Ad tafeḍ d kra n yiwet i t-yeǧǧan daki. Somebody must've left it there. And knew that he had left all that he left. >>eng<< الأمازيغية هي لغتنا. Berber is our language. Amazigh is our language. >>eng<< يَڤْعَرْ! This is fucking awesome. You know! >>eng<< يستطيع طفلنا أن يسير. Our baby can walk. Our child can walk. >>eng<< Cummeɣ-ţ akka ar ad teffeɣ. I expected it a bit. I remember this, that so it is. >>eng<< Meḥḥneɣ Tom. I made Tom suffer. Tom is proved. >>eng<< Sel-d, ur yezmir ara Tom ad iẓer dagi i telliḍ. Listen, Tom can't know you're here. for suddenly, when you have brought him here, you can't see him." >>eng<< העניים לא מתעשרים כאשר העשירים מתרוששים. The poor don't get richer when the rich get poorer. The poor don't get rich when the rich break up. >>eng<< يحب أهل أوروبا شرب الخمر. Europeans like to drink wine. He likes the people of Europe drinking wine. >>eng<< Yenna-as wedɣaɣ i ukerra: ad fsiɣ. Yerra-as-d: "i nek d acu ara ad iniɣ?" "I fear the rain," said the stone. "What would I say, me!" replied the clod of earth. He denied it as a stone, and said, "What can I say?" He answered, "To what shall I tell?" >>eng<< הפגישה היתה ארוכה היום. The meeting was long today. The meeting was long today. >>eng<< ما نقدرش نعيش حيات كيما هادي. I can't live that kind of life. What we appreciate is the life of Kim Hady. >>eng<< Anda-tt xalti-k? Where's your aunt? And what's your-k? >>eng<< على العموم ، التاريخ يكرّر نفسه. Generally speaking, history repeats itself. Overall, history repeats itself. >>eng<< Yeččur umaḍal d iderwicen. The world is full of fools. Eating food is not for the goads. >>eng<< מתי הוא ישוחרר? When will he be freed? When will he be released? >>eng<< بقي عندي بعض الوقت. I have some time left. I've got some time. >>eng<< دع الأمر لي. Leave it to me. Let it go. >>eng<< Ddret! Live! You're done! >>eng<< Tella tin i d-iluɛan tura. Somebody just called. It's mine now. >>eng<< עבודתי היא עיצוב נעלים. My job is designing shoes. My job is the design of shoes. >>eng<< לעולם אל תהסס לומר את האמת. Never hesitate to tell the truth. Never hesitate to tell the truth. >>eng<< لهذا أنا خرجت That's why I quit. That's why I'm out. >>eng<< הוא עשה זאת להנאתו. He did it for fun. He did it for his pleasure. >>eng<< יתכן שאתם סובלים מזעזוע מוח. You may have a concussion. You may have a concussion. >>eng<< תום אמר למרי שלדעתו זה לא רעיון טוב לצאת לריצה קלה לבד בפרק. Tom told Mary that he didn't think it was a good idea for her to go jogging in the park by herself. Tom told Mary that his opinion wasn't a good idea to go to an easy run alone in the chapter. >>eng<< Tusmemt? Are you jealous? Have you? >>eng<< אבא שלו היה שוטר. His father was a policeman. His father was a cop. >>eng<< תפוס תנומה. Take a nap. Get a nap. >>eng<< أنا أعرف هؤلاء الفتيات I know those girls. I know these girls. >>eng<< أُدخل سامي إلى العيادة. Sami was brought into the clinic. Get Sammy into the clinic. >>eng<< هل يمكنني أن أسأل, إلى أين أنتَ ذاهب؟ May I ask where are you going? Can I ask, where are you going? >>eng<< إسحاق يهودي، لكن لغته الأولى هي العربيّة. الإنجليزيّة هي لغته الثّانية. الفرنسيّة هي لغته الثّالثة، أمّا العبريّة فهي لغته الرّابعة. Yitzhak is Jewish, but his first language is Arabic. English is his second language. French is his third, and Hebrew is his fourth. The English is his second language. French is his third language, the Hebrew mother is his fourth language. >>eng<< أنا ما شربت الحليب. I didn't drink the milk. I didn't drink milk. >>eng<< كانت حياة سامي معرّضة للخطر. Sami's life was in danger. Sammy's life was at stake. >>eng<< Zemreɣ ad yi-d-tawiḍ ad waliɣ umuɣ, ma ulac aɣilif? May I have the menu, please? For I was determined to wait for you, or have you ceased to be in need? >>eng<< מה שוקל פחות - קילוגרם זהב או קילוגרם כסף? Which weighs less, a kilogram of gold or a kilogram of silver? What's less important than gold or silver kilograms? >>eng<< Yiwen ur kem-yekṛih. Nobody hates you. No one spoke to him any more. >>eng<< هل يوجد أي شئ مُهِم؟ Is there anything important? Is there anything important? >>eng<< قال سامي أنّه لا يحبّ المسلمين. Sami said that he didn't like Muslims. Sammy said he didn't like Muslims. >>eng<< Yessefṛaḥ-ik wayenni? Does that make you happy? Your mother-in-law? >>eng<< גמור את שיעורי הבית כמה שיותר מוקדם. Get your homework done as soon as you can. Complete your homework as soon as possible. >>eng<< D asdegdeg. Marvellous. Added. >>eng<< Ṭṭfem iman-nwen. Stay cool. Be afflicted, and you won't bear your own selves. >>eng<< إذاً سأسأله عن ذلك غداً. I will ask him about it tomorrow, then. So I'll ask him about it tomorrow. >>eng<< תום גווע ברעב. Tom is starving to death. Tom's hungry. >>eng<< لم يسيء إليك أحد. Nobody hurt me. No one was wrong with you. >>eng<< سامي منخرط في مجتمع الميم. Sami is in the LGBT community. Sammy's involved in the orphan society. >>eng<< אני לא יודעת מה תעשי. I don't know what you are going to do. I don't know what you're gonna do. >>eng<< Ashetref, d alejlej n win yuḍen-n neɣ yuɣ-it kra, i d-yeqqar neţţa yuki. The ramblings are incoherent words from someone who is sick or depressed, that he mumbles while awake. At once, I was sick, or in the middle of a feast, or in the middle of a feast, or in the feast with him that was sick. >>eng<< Aya ad k-isseǧhed akter. This will make you stronger. He will strengthen you to a doctor. >>eng<< Yekker-d. He stood up. And he rose up. >>eng<< אתה לא נראה משוכנע. You don't seem convinced. You don't look convinced. >>eng<< A taqewwadt! You shithead! Humbly! >>eng<< אני לא במיוחד אוהבת כלבים. I don't really like dogs all that much. I don't especially like dogs. >>eng<< انتهت رحلة سامي هنا. Sami's journey ends here. Sammy's over here. >>eng<< Awimt-tt-id ɣer wexxam. Bring her home. And he carried him out into the house. >>eng<< ضحّى فاضل بسرّية هويته. Fadil sacrificed his anonymity. He tried to hide his identity. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ-ken s tidet. I do like you. I know by name. >>eng<< דבורים מספקים לנו דבש. Bees provide honey for us. The bees provide us with honey. >>eng<< Sami atan irebbeḥ. Sami is winning. Behold, there is a good place for you. >>eng<< אני רוצה להישאר פה. I want to stay here. I want to stay here. >>eng<< ውሃን አልጠጣሁም። I didn't drink the water. I have not drunk water. >>eng<< הוא שוכנע להיות יותר רגיש. He was persuaded to be more sensible. He's convinced to be more sensitive. >>eng<< الشفرة الكاملة أكبر من أن توضع في مقالة، بإمكانكم تنزيلها مع ملف Makefile للينكس من هنا. The full code is far too large to fit in an article; you can download it along with a Makefile for Linux from here. The full key is more than to be placed in an article, you can download it with the Makefile Linx file from here. >>eng<< אתה ממהר מדי. You're going too fast. You're too fast. >>eng<< הבעיה היא שתום לא מסתדר עם מרי. The problem is that Tom doesn't get along with Mary. The problem is shut up doesn't work out with Mary. >>eng<< Ṛaju daki yakan. Wait right here. The Rudians did that. >>eng<< זה מפתיע אותי. That surprises me. It surprises me. >>eng<< Tom yella iḥemmel-iyi. Tom loved me. If you would love me, you would love me. >>eng<< Tom mačči d amaru igerrzen. Tom isn't a good writer. You're not hilarious. >>eng<< ما زالت الحشرة حية. The bug is still alive. The bug's still alive. >>eng<< בתו של תום נמצאת אצלו. Tom has his daughter with him. Tom's daughter is with him. >>eng<< أمن الناصرة يمكن أن يكون شيء صالح؟ Nazareth! Can anything good come from there? The security of the defense could be a good thing? >>eng<< זה הבית בו נולדתי. This is the house where I was born. This is the house I was born. >>eng<< אינני רוקד בשבילכם. I'm not dancing for you. I'm not dancing for you. >>eng<< هل تذكرني؟ Do you remember me? Do you remember me? >>eng<< הטרוריסטים הביאו עמם חבל כדי לקשור את בני הערובה. The terrorists brought rope with them so that they could tie up all the hostages. The terrorists brought with them a rope to tie the hostages. >>eng<< Tess aṭas aman. Drink lots of water. Excavation of water >>eng<< Ass-agi lliɣ azekka wissen. Today I am here, tomorrow maybe not. This day was I on the fourth day. >>eng<< Ṭṭef-it! Grab this. His mother-in-law! >>eng<< מה שחשוב הוא לא איזה אוניברסיטה גמרת אלא מה שלמדת שם. What's important isn't which university you've graduated from, but what you learned while you were there. What matters is not some university you've finished, but what you've learned there. >>eng<< תום הסתיר מידע חשוב מסוים. Tom withheld some important information. Tom hid some important information. >>eng<< Ur d-cliɛɣ ara akk. I don't give a shit. I know not all of them. >>eng<< מה היתרון התחרותי של החברה? What is the company's competitive advantage? What's the company's competitive advantage? >>eng<< האם אנחנו יכולים להישאר כאן? Can we stay here? Can we stay here? >>eng<< זה די זעיר. It's kind of small. It's pretty young. >>eng<< ماذا تعلّمتنّ؟ What have you learned? What do you learn? >>eng<< Tzemremt ad d-terremt idrimen-nkent ma tebɣamt. If you want your money back, you can have it. You do not want to take back the money that was lost. >>eng<< ذهب سامي للتّسوّق. Sami went shopping. Sammy went to market. >>eng<< כואב לי בכל הגוף. I have aches and pains all over my body. It hurts me all over the body. >>eng<< لكۆمّونيكاسيۆن ديالهوم راهي پلوس كۆمپلكس علا واش حساباتلنا. Their communication may be much more complex than we thought. You've got the D.A.R.R.R.P.P.P.S. and our accounts. >>eng<< كان سامي شخصيّة مؤثّرة في الجالية العربيّة بتورونتو. Sami was a powerful figure within the Toronto Arab community. Sammy was a personal influence on the Arab community in Toronto. >>eng<< הוא חי בתפוח. It lives inside an apple. He lived in the apple. >>eng<< هل هي سديقتي؟ Is she my friend? Is she my moron? >>eng<< تفضّل البيت بيتك. Please help yourself. Here's your house. >>eng<< نانسي كان شكلها تعبانة خالص. Nancy looks so tired. Nancy was the form of an innocent miracle. >>eng<< הוא עשה אימונים קשים מאד. He trained very hard. He's done very hard training. >>eng<< Zgiɣ ttidireɣ di Lustṛali. I'm still living in Australia. You have eaten my food in a village. >>eng<< Ilaq ad nesbedd isuḍaf mgal meḥyaf yellan deg imukan uxeddim, neɣ deg tzedduɣt, leqraya d teɣdemt tanafgart. D aya i d-teṭṭalab tmendawt d wuktuyen-nneɣ. We need to uphold laws against discrimination — in hiring, and in housing, and in education, and in the criminal justice system. That is what our Constitution and our highest ideals require. Let us consider how to build a tower, whereunto he is found: and let us lie in wait for the corn which is in the stocks; and let us eat and drink. >>eng<< Ḍefṛemt amedya n weltma-tkent. Follow the example of your sister. I put my trust in the name of my sister. >>eng<< אני יודע שזה דורש עיכול רב. I know it's a lot to digest. I know it takes a lot of restraint. >>eng<< ניו יורק זו עיר גדולה. New York is a big city. New York is a big city. >>eng<< לטענתו, קיים קשר הדוק בין סדר הלֵידה לבין האישיות. His claim is that there is a close relation between birth order and personality. The claim is that there is a close link between the teaching order and the personality. >>eng<< גנבו לי את הארנק באוטובוס. I had my purse stolen in the bus. They stole my wallet on the bus. >>eng<< לצערי, עליי לאכזב אותך. Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you. Unfortunately, I have to let you down. >>eng<< איך הכרתן? How did you come to know each other? How did you know? >>eng<< אין לי עוד שאלות. I have no further questions. I don't have any more questions. >>eng<< האם תרצה ללמוד לדבר אנגלית כדובר ילידי בשבועיים? Would you like to learn to speak English like a native speaker in two weeks? Would you like to learn to speak English as Lydian in two weeks? >>eng<< ولد مثل توم لا يستحق بنت مثل ماري. A boy like Tom doesn't deserve a girl like Mary. A boy like Tom doesn't deserve a girl like Mary. >>eng<< Tzemremt ad iyi-tɛawnemt, ma ulac uɣilif? Can you please help me? Do you have to kill me, and don't you think? >>eng<< تتواصل الحرب. The war goes on. The war continues. >>eng<< أرسل سامي هدية لليلى. Sami sent Layla a gift. Sammy sent a gift to the night. >>eng<< توقفي عن غيظ أخيكِ! Stop teasing your brother! Stop messing with your brother! >>eng<< Ikcem-d Sami ɣer wexxam ɣef usteɛfu n imekli. Sami came home for lunch break. Send him away, that he may go into his lodging place. >>eng<< זו קלטת בטא-מאקס. This is a Betamax cassette. It's a Ta-Max tape. >>eng<< مشكور! Thanks! Thanks! >>eng<< תום לקח את מרי לתחנה. Tom drove Mary to the station. Tom took Mary to the station. >>eng<< Gma abesṭuḥ teṛebba-t setti. My youngest brother was brought up by our grandmother. You have brought the baby into a basket. >>eng<< Xezzṛemt kan takeṛṛust-iw tamaynut. Look at my new car. Take ye heed unto yourselves, that it is my Father which is in the church. >>eng<< היא הגישה בקשה לויזה. She applied for a visa. She made a request for a visa. >>eng<< كلهم مدرّسون جيدون. All of them are good teachers. They're all good teachers. >>eng<< ليس عندي حساب في هذه المنتديات. I do not have an account in these forums. I don't have an account in these forums. >>eng<< תפסיקי לשיר. Stop singing. Stop singing. >>eng<< سأُذيق ذلك الوغدَ من مرارةِ كأسِه. I'll give that bastard a taste of his own medicine. I'll get that son of a bitch out of his cup. >>eng<< תניח את הנשק שלך! Put down your weapons! Put your weapon down! >>eng<< ما نقدرش نخايل حياتي بلا بيك. I can't imagine my life without you. What we appreciate about my life without Beck. >>eng<< استقلت. I resigned. I quit. >>eng<< Di leɛnaya-m steqsi walebɛaḍ-nniḍen. Please ask someone else. And I will ask you no question about him, who sent him away. >>eng<< لديهم بطانية واحدة فقط. They have only one blanket. They only have one blanket. >>eng<< La d-qqaṛen d adfel. Snow is expected. And it is said, Son, child. >>eng<< איך אני צריך להיכנס לשם? How am I to get in? How do I have to go in there? >>eng<< كيف تشعر الآن؟ How do you feel now? How do you feel now? >>eng<< يصعب علي أن أقرر أيها سأشتري. I'm finding it difficult deciding on which one to buy. It's hard to decide, I'll buy. >>eng<< سأذهب وألقي نظرة أخرى. I'll go and have another look. I'll go and take another look. >>eng<< Bɣant ad lemdent taglizit. They want to learn English. They want to make sure that you know how to apply. >>eng<< Aṭas i neṭṭeṣ. We overslept. And there are many things that are shaken. >>eng<< Tɣezzifem fell-as. You are taller than she. You turned around on him. >>eng<< Ɛni d ijdiden? Are they new? Why are you new? >>eng<< המחירים נפלו מטה. Prices have gone down. The prices fell down. >>eng<< أنا سأنزل في المحطّة القادمة. I get off at the next station. I'll go down at the next station. >>eng<< תום נדרס. Tom got run over. Tom Anders. >>eng<< لقد وصلت الحرب ضدّ المخدّرات إلى حيّنا. The war on drugs has reached our neighborhood. The war against drugs has reached our lives. >>eng<< מה הייתי עושה בלעדיך? What would I do without you? What would I do without you? >>eng<< السلام عليكم Salaam alaikum. Peace on you. >>eng<< הכלב שלך נשך אותך אי פעם? Has your dog ever bitten you? Did your dog ever bite you? >>eng<< הכול בסדר? Is everything okay? Is everything okay? >>eng<< תום מעורר גועל. Tom is obnoxious. Tom's horrifying. >>eng<< Afenǧal n watay, ma ulac aɣilif. A cup of tea, please. We are lost of works. There is no rest. >>eng<< בצוואה הוא ציווה את כל הנכסים שלו לרעייתו. He left all his property to his wife in his will. By his will, he ordered all his assets to his research. >>eng<< توم يشتغل في شركة نفطية. Tom works for an oil company. Tom's in an oil company. >>eng<< Teskiddibem. You lie. You have lied. >>eng<< Ayɣer ur s-tessawalemt ara i Tom i wakken ad t-id-smektimt? Why don't you call Tom and remind him? So don't you remember, neither do you remember? >>eng<< جلست لوري على الكرسي. Laurie sat on the chair. I sat on the chair. >>eng<< תום לא יודע זאת. Tom doesn't know that. Tom doesn't know that. >>eng<< Ini-as i Tom ḥemmleɣ-t. Tell Tom I love him. I-I-I-I-I-I love-t. >>eng<< سأعود للعمل كي أكسب قليلا من المال. I'm gonna go back to work and earn some money. I'll go back to work to earn some money. >>eng<< Tom yexdem taxeṣṣaṛt. Tom goofed. I'm doing it in vain. >>eng<< اكثر من تسعين بالمئة من الناس الذين يتبعون حمية غذائية و ينخفض وزنهم الى ما دون وزن جسمهم الطبيعي سوف يكسبون وزنهم من جديد في نهاية المطاف. More than 90% of people who go on a diet and dip below their body's natural weight will eventually gain that weight back. More than 90 percent of people who follow food protection and reduce their weight to below the weight of their natural body will eventually gain their weight again. >>eng<< אינני עוקבת אחריך. I don't follow you. I'm not following you. >>eng<< פרסום המאמר תואם לחפוף ליום הולדתו של הפרופסור. Publication of the article was timed to coincide with the professor's birthday. The article’s publication corresponds to the cover for the day of the professor’s birth. >>eng<< את הרסת את חיי. You ruined my life. You ruined my life. >>eng<< Ssarameɣ tegziḍ. I hope you understand. I know how full I am. >>eng<< Ih, awalen-nni i sin sεan yiwen n unamek. Yes, both words have the same meaning. And I, even I, heard the two words which were spoken unto him by one name. >>eng<< Tom yeṭṭef amḍiq n Mary. Tom took Mary's place. And he took that that which was Mary's. >>eng<< אתה חייב להפסיק להתנהג בצורה מטופשת. You must put an end to your foolish behavior. You have to stop acting stupidly. >>eng<< כשירדתי מהרכבת פגשתי חבר. When I got off the train, I saw a friend of mine. When I got off the train, I met a friend. >>eng<< במה שגה תום? What did Tom do wrong? What happened to Tom? >>eng<< Ɣer uɣerbaz. At school. Attempted, you would do it. >>eng<< Bɣan ad uɣalen d imerkantiyen. They want to become rich. They desire to be drunken. >>eng<< Sexdem wa! Use this. (Laughter) >>eng<< Qqimet da taṛǧum arma yusa-d Tom. You just sit there and wait until Tom gets back. It is already time for a widow to come to Tom. >>eng<< D acu i la txeddmem? What are you doing? What are you doing? >>eng<< أحب أن آكل البطيخ. I like to eat watermelon. I like to eat the ice cream. >>eng<< قَوَّد مَنَّا! Go the fuck away! Help us! >>eng<< בואו נְתרגל. Let's practice. Let's get used. >>eng<< أنتَ إما معنا, أو ضدنا. You are either with us, or against us. You're either with us or against us. >>eng<< אני כל כך מרוצה שתום הסתלק. I'm so glad that Tom is gone. I'm so glad Tom's gone. >>eng<< Sutreɣ-as ad yeddu yid-i, dɣa yeqbel. I asked him to come with me and he agreed. So I laid him down with him, and he let him go. >>eng<< Tom yettwaker. Tom was abducted. Tom suretwker. >>eng<< זה מיוחד מאד. It's very special. It's very special. >>eng<< Ur nettmeslay ara tafṛansist. We don't speak French. Please don't speak a translator. >>eng<< Sliɣ i walebɛaḍ yettberriḥ. I heard someone shouting. I heard a loud voice. >>eng<< D acu i tebɣam? What do you want? And what will ye for me? >>eng<< Ttxil-k ur d-iyi-ttaǧǧa ara. Please don't leave me. You seek me, and don't despise me. >>eng<< أدار فاضل مقبض الباب بهدوء و دخل إلى المنزل. Fadil quietly turned the doorknob and entered the house. He ran the doorbell quietly and entered the house. >>eng<< Ur zmireɣ ara i usemmiḍ. I cannot stand the cold. Neither did I make any mention of any of them. >>eng<< תהיתי מה שלומו של תום. I wondered how Tom was. I was wondering how Tom felt. >>eng<< ولدت ليلى إبنها السّادس. Layla gave birth to baby number six. She gave birth to night's son-in-law. >>eng<< أهدتني آن هذه الهدية. I was given this present by Ann. You promised me this gift. >>eng<< אמרתי לכם שזה לא יעלה כל כך הרבה. I told you it wouldn't cost all that much. I told you it wouldn't cost so much. >>eng<< Yenna-d Tom ad ikemmel isteqsiyen. Tom said he kept asking questions. He said to Tom, "Let him be asked." >>eng<< התעצבנתי כי היא ישנה עדיין. I was annoyed that she was still asleep. I was upset because she's still sleeping. >>eng<< لم أندم أبدا على أي شيء فعلته. I never regretted anything I did. I never regret anything I've done. >>eng<< היתה לי ילדות מאושרת. I had a happy childhood. I had happy childhood. >>eng<< אני מחפש את תום. אתה לא יודע איפה הוא, נכון? I'm looking for Tom. You don't know where he is, do you? You don't know where he is, do you? >>eng<< اترك ليلى و تعال لتعيش معي. Leave Layla and come to live with me. Leave Lily and come live with me. >>eng<< لا تتجرّأ حتّى بالاتّصال بي. Don't you even dare call me. Don't even dare contact me. >>eng<< Sɛiɣ zzheṛ imi i k-id-mlaleɣ da. How lucky to meet you here. I had compassion on thee, because I had healed thee. >>eng<< מגיע לתום יותר מזה. Tom deserved more than that. More to Tom than that. >>eng<< Ṛuḥet azekka. Leave tomorrow. Go tomorrow. >>eng<< أنا طويلة جدا. I'm pretty tall. I'm so long. >>eng<< وصلت إلى طوكيو البارحة. I arrived in Tokyo yesterday. I arrived in Tokyo last night. >>eng<< Ha-t-an ad iyi-ineɣ. He's going to kill me. If I will, I will come again to him." >>eng<< أكون أو لا أكون؟ To be or not to be? Am I or not? >>eng<< اربط يديه خلفه. Tie his hands behind him. Put his hands behind him. >>eng<< Ayweq i tenwam ad tṛuḥem? When are you planning to leave? But what did you go out to see? >>eng<< Neẓra belli teskaddbeḍ i Tom. We know you lied to Tom. We know that you beat me in a cellar. >>eng<< لا أغسل شعري بالصابون في الصباح. I don't shampoo my hair in the morning. I don't wash my soap hair in the morning. >>eng<< كانت ليلى تسرق البنوك. Layla was robbing banks. Lily was stealing the banks. >>eng<< Ahat ma tedda yid-nneɣ axiṛ. Maybe you'd better come with us. But not with us. >>eng<< እኔ ከኮሎምቢያ ነኝ። I'm from Colombia. I am of Colombia. >>eng<< Dɣaṛ-d! Come closer. An old man! >>eng<< ستمطر. It is going to rain. You'll rain. >>eng<< האם ארנולד שוורצנגר עדיין יודע גרמנית? Does Arnold Schwarzenegger still know German? Does Arnold Warzner still know German? >>eng<< נוכל לסמוך על טום? Can we trust Tom? Can we trust Tom? >>eng<< Anwa i iɛummen? Who swam? Who do you believe? >>eng<< إنها كلمة أود أن أجد لها بديلًا. It's a word I'd like to find a substitute for. It's a word I'd like to find a substitute for. >>eng<< احاول أنا بإراحة الناس دائما بالكلمات التي ارغب أن اُقال I always find myself comforting people with the words I want to hear. I'm always trying to rest people with the words I want to say. >>eng<< بدأ سامي يقوم بأعمل لمحاربة الاتّجار بالمخدّرات في حيّه. Sami started to take actions against drug trade in his neighborhood. Sammy started working to fight drugs in his neighborhood. >>eng<< أنت حتى لا تحدق فيَّ. You don't even look at me. You don't even wake me up. >>eng<< ما الأمر معك؟ What's wrong with you? What's up with you? >>eng<< Ayɣer i testaxṛeḍ Tom? Why did you fire Tom? Do you not test Tom? >>eng<< Ur d-yuɣal ara Tom. Tom didn't come back. For Tom is not returned. >>eng<< מבקרים אינם רשאים להיות כאן. No visitors are permitted here. Visitors are not allowed to be here. >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ i yettwanɣan. Somebody was murdered. One man has killed him, whom they have killed. >>eng<< كان فاضل يريد أن تتزوّج به ليلى. Fadil wanted Layla to marry him. He wanted to be married to me. >>eng<< Ini-d kra n wawal! Say something. There are a few words! >>eng<< إنها زوجتي. She's my wife. She's my wife. >>eng<< هل تتحدث الإسبانية؟ Do you speak Spanish? Are you speaking Spanish? >>eng<< Twalaḍ asaru neɣ ala? You saw that movie, didn't you? You see a writer or a boy? >>eng<< הקווים הכחולים על המפה מסמלים נהרות. The blue lines on the map represent rivers. The blue lines on the map represent rivers. >>eng<< عاش سامي حياة برّاقة. Sami lived a glittering life. Sammy lived a clean life. >>eng<< Muqqel ar deffir-ik. Look behind you. Arise after you. >>eng<< Theggam? Are you ready? Yours? >>eng<< תום לא נראה כעוס. Tom doesn't look angry. Tom doesn't look angry. >>eng<< היא שיפצה את הבית. She renovated a house. She broke the house. >>eng<< D tucbiḥt armi d ulamek! She is really very beautiful! (Laughter) >>eng<< אל תרשה לאיש להיכנס או להתקרב לחדר הזה. Don't let anyone enter or approach this room. Don't let anyone in or get close to this room. >>eng<< מותר להניח אותה כאן? May I put it here? May I put her here? >>eng<< ما الذي جعلك تأتي إلى هنا؟ What made you come here? What made you come here? >>eng<< אני שמחה מאד שעשיתי את זה. I'm very glad that I did it. I'm so glad I did it. >>eng<< Anda i tettuḍ ssiwan-im? Where did you miss your umbrella? And what hast thou to do with thy breasts? and what comfort have thou taken from them? >>eng<< الإسلام خطر. Islam is dangerous. Islam is dangerous. >>eng<< Acuɣeṛ i s ulac win i d-ittarran awal. Why doesn't anybody answer? for no one would say anything against the word. >>eng<< خذ مفاتيح سيّارته. Take his car keys. Take his car keys. >>eng<< سامي مترجم. Sami is a translator. Sammy's a translator. >>eng<< גרמת לנו קצת לדאוג. You had us a little worried. You made us worry a little. >>eng<< درك راني عايش مع خالي. Now I live with my uncle. Dr. Ranny lived with my brother. >>eng<< עם מי דיברת? Who were you speaking with? Who were you talking to? >>eng<< Isewweq wallaɣ-nkent. You fainted. Now they were very smart-wheated. >>eng<< Ur zmireɣ ara ad k-ḥuddeɣ. I can't protect you. For I can't walk while I am cast out. >>eng<< هو ذهب للنوم في تمام الساعة السادسة ومازال نائماً. He went to sleep at six o'clock and he is still sleeping. He went to sleep at 6 p.m. and he's still asleep. >>eng<< Agama ixleq-d tutlayin ur yezmir umdan ad tent-yelmed meṛṛa. Nature has created so many languages ​​that no human could possibly learn them all. Ajam made the language which can't be destroyed, for all have been taught by them. >>eng<< תום מנשק מעולה. Tom is an excellent kisser. Tom's a great weapon. >>eng<< يمكن أن أحاوله مرة أخرى. I may give it another try. I can try it again. >>eng<< اليوم هو الجمعة. This day is Friday. Today is Friday. >>eng<< Ttxil-k, ḥbes tissit tura. Please stop drinking now. Ten-k, just sit down now. >>eng<< הוא ביקש שנעזור לו. He asked us to help him. He asked us to help him. >>eng<< شيء جميل كهذا أبدا لن يفقد قيمته. A beautiful object like that never loses its value. Something like this is never gonna lose its value. >>eng<< Keṛheɣ amennuɣ. I hate fighting. Indeed, I have raised up strife [with you]. >>eng<< אומרים שהוא חרוץ מאוד. They say that he's very diligent. They say he's a very tough man. >>eng<< أنا صادق. I'm an honest person. I'm honest. >>eng<< אז את לא שמחה לראות אותי? Well, aren't you glad to see me? So you're not happy to see me? >>eng<< Yiwen ur igin. Nobody slept. No one is afraid of him. >>eng<< Ur fqiɛeɣ ara fell-awen. Iɣaḍ-iyi kan lḥal. I'm not mad at you. I'm just disappointed. I don't bother you. You seek me alone. >>eng<< היא נתנה שם לכל פרח בגינה. She named all the flowers in the garden. She gave every flower there in the garden. >>eng<< Tɣucc adabu azzayri. She hates the Algerian authority. I get it, a kid. >>eng<< هناك إحتمال أن تندلع الحرب. There's a possibility of war. There's a risk of war. >>eng<< ሰውዬው አባቱን መጥራት ፈለገ። The man wanted to call his father. The man sought to call his father. >>eng<< Tegdel. It's forbidden. Cancel. >>eng<< תני לנו דקה, טוב? Give us a minute, will you? Give us a minute, okay? >>eng<< شك المحامي في براءته. The lawyer doubted his innocence. The lawyer's doubt about his innocence. >>eng<< אין לי חשק לנקות חרא של כלבים. I don't wanna clean up dog shit. I don't want to clean up dog shit. >>eng<< لم يصب أحد بأذى. Nobody was injured. No one hurt. >>eng<< Ur ẓriɣ ara belli yemmut Tom. I didn't know Tom had died. I didn't know that Tom was dead. >>eng<< أمي لديها رخصة قيادة و لكنها لا تقود سيارة. My mother has a driver's license, but she doesn't drive. Mom has a driver's license, but she's not driving a car. >>eng<< أنا فخورة جدا بوالدي. I'm very proud of my father. I'm so proud of my dad. >>eng<< Lammer d nekki, ad ruḥeɣ axxam ad sgunfuɣ akken ilaq. If I were you, I would go home and take a good rest. I will go out, and I will build my house, that I may build it up." >>eng<< Is-surmast saqsieni: "Il-gimgħa d-diehla se tkun vaganza?" The headmaster asked me: "Is next week a holiday?" The surmast ask: "The moon will be a holiday?" >>eng<< المدرّس قادم. The teacher is coming in. Teacher's coming. >>eng<< Ur ttḥerrikemt ara! Freeze! Don't you know what to do! >>eng<< אנו חייבים ללכת הלאה. We have to move on. We have to go. >>eng<< أوافقه الرأي. I agree with his opinion. I agree. >>eng<< هذه هي الساعة التي اشتريتها امس . This is the watch I bought yesterday. This is the hour I bought it yesterday. >>eng<< توم كان باغي يشري حاجة خاصة لماري لعيد ميلادها. Tom wanted to buy Mary something special for her birthday. Tom was making a special need for Mary for her birthday. >>eng<< Yenna-d Tom d akken Mary ur texliɛ ara aṭas. Tom said that Mary wasn't very surprised. And he said to Mary, as long as he was not many. >>eng<< Tom inna-yi-d yeǧǧa tisura-ines deg uxxam. Tom said that he left his keys at home. Tom became the father of me, and he became the father of me in the house. >>eng<< הם כולם ישבו. They all sat. They're all sitting down. >>eng<< בדיוק עברתי דירה. I just moved. I just moved in. >>eng<< أعتقد أنك ذهبت بعيدا. I think you went too far. I think you went away. >>eng<< Ttemɛawanen Tom akked Mary. Tom and Mary helped each other. You're together with Mary. >>eng<< אתה לא יכול לקרוא את הרומן הזה בלי להתייפח. You cannot read this novel without crying. You can't read this novel without making fun of it. >>eng<< ኣብ ጥቓ ትኪ ዘሎ ዓይኒ ኣይተብኪ። Next to smoke, don't make someone cry. Don't let the eye of the eye drop down, which is by the smoke. >>eng<< رفضت دعوته. She turned down his invitation. I refused to invite him. >>eng<< من الذى ترجم القرآن إلى العبرية؟ Who translated the Quran in Hebrew? Who translated the Koran into Hebrew? >>eng<< מי שרוצה להלך בשביל התבונה אל לו לחשוש מהכשלון, לא משנה כמה הוא מתקדם, מטרתו נשארת רחוקה מהשגה. He who wants to travel the path of wisdom must not fear failure, for no matter how much progress he makes, his goal remains unattainably far off. Whoever wants to go for the insight should not be afraid of the talent, no matter how advanced it is, his goal is to stay far away from the acquisition. >>eng<< הזמנתי פעמיים תה ושלוש קפה. I've ordered two teas and three coffees. I ordered twice tea and three coffee. >>eng<< لا شكر على واجب. Don't mention it. No thanks for a duty. >>eng<< Yella win i yellan? Is anybody here? But who is this?" >>eng<< Yella kra n yiwen i d-iluɛan tura. Somebody just called. But there was a coveting of it now. >>eng<< واصل سامي المحاولة. Sami kept trying. Sammy kept trying. >>eng<< الشتاء الماضي، ذهبت إلى كندا لتزلج. Last winter, I went to Canada to ski. Last winter, I went to Canada to ski. >>eng<< Ttwaliɣ ddunit akken nniḍen tura. I see life differently now. I guess there is another world now. >>eng<< Tom inna-d dakken ur yenwi ara ad yermes. Tom knows that he isn't going to win. That ye may not be able to speak. >>eng<< رايحا تدّيلي بزّاف وقت باش نفهّملك بلّي ما راهيش رايحا تمشي. It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work. There's nothing wrong with you. You've got nothing to do with you. You've got nothing to do with you. >>eng<< אל תצייץ מילה לאף אחד. Don't breathe a word of it to anyone. Don't give a word to anyone. >>eng<< سلّم على الدّراري تاوعك. Give my love to your kids. Trust me to join you. >>eng<< سامح الجميع لكن لا تنس شيئا. Forgive everyone, forget nothing. Forgive everyone, but don't forget anything. >>eng<< هل قالت شيئا؟ Did she say something? Did she say anything? >>eng<< لا أريد قراءة أي شيء. I don't want to read anything. I don't want to read anything. >>eng<< בכל כוורת יכולה להיות רק מלכה אחת. In each beehive there can only be one queen. Every bull can only be one queen. >>eng<< Ulac-it din. He is not there. No. This is not the case. >>eng<< Tella kra n yiwet i yukren iṣuṛdiyen-iw. Someone stole my money. And there was a few faces of mine own, and of the cattle. >>eng<< אמרתי להם שאעזור לך. I told them that I'd help you. I told them I'd help you. >>eng<< אתה יודע מה, לפחות תחשוב על זה. You know what? You should at least think about it. You know what, at least think about it. >>eng<< Ilaq ad yexdem kra walebɛaḍ. Somebody has to do something. He must do this to everyone, and he must do it. >>eng<< היא מוכנה להאבק על אמונותיה. She is willing to stand up for her beliefs. She's ready to fight for her beliefs. >>eng<< Ṭum ur yesɛa ara udem ad yini ayen yettemmim s tidett. Tom didn't dare say what he really thought. For most certainly, he has no right to say what you want him to say." >>eng<< "Ticṛaḍ s idammen" i as yeqqaṛ yinzi. "No pain, no gain," as they say. "You have killed the blood of bulls," as they say. >>eng<< ماذا حدث بالأمس؟ What happened last night? What happened yesterday? >>eng<< طموحها هو أن تصبح سفيرة. Her ambition is to become an ambassador. Her ambition is to become a ambassador. >>eng<< Neggzet ɣer din. Jump across. Test in this. >>eng<< זה הכובע שלך, נכון? This is your hat, isn't it? It's your hat, isn't it? >>eng<< حفظ الطلبة هذه القصيدة. The students learned this poem by heart. The student keeps this balance. >>eng<< האם יש לכם את הנעליים האלו במידה שלי? Do you have these shoes in my size? Do you have those shoes my size? >>eng<< השגחה הורית מומלצת. Parental discretion is advised. Oral supervision recommended. >>eng<< زاد القاز في السومة. Gas prices are up. The horse's on the pod. >>eng<< תום הרים את ידו. Tom raised his hand. Tom raised his hand. >>eng<< هل تفهم؟ Do you understand? Do you understand? >>eng<< እኔም አስተማሪ ነኝ። I'm also a teacher. And I am a teacher. >>eng<< טום שוכב במיטה עם חום. Tom is in bed with a fever. Tom's lying in bed with a fever. >>eng<< تكاليف الخدمات المالية آخذة في الارتفاع في كل بلد. Costs of financial services are rising in every country. Financial services costs are rising in each country. >>eng<< ኣበይ'የ ዝፈልጠካ? Where do I know you from? Where Do You Know? >>eng<< אני חייב להרוס אותך. I must destroy you. I have to destroy you. >>eng<< המסעדה הזאת ידועה בבישול המעולה שלה. This restaurant is famous for its excellent cuisine. This restaurant is known for its excellent cooking. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ aḥewwes. I like traveling. I love love. >>eng<< הטעם בדיוק טוב. It tastes just right. The taste's just good. >>eng<< لا تنس أن تأخذ أغراضك معك. Don't forget to take your things with you. Don't forget to take your stuff with you. >>eng<< كان سامي صديق ليلى. Sami was Layla's boyfriend. Sammy was a friend of Lily. >>eng<< תפסיק להכאיב לי. Stop hurting me. Stop hurting me. >>eng<< Ur qqaṛ i yiwen. Don't tell anyone. I have anointed no man as king. >>eng<< סידרנו אותך. We tricked you. We set you up. >>eng<< Azmumeg. Smile. Azmug. >>eng<< الثمن مرتفع. The price is high. The price is high. >>eng<< Nniɣ-d tidett. I'm telling the truth. I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I- >>eng<< Ur tẓriḍ kra seg waya? Didn't you know any of this? And do ye not understand some of that? >>eng<< אינני חושב שהם גילו משהו על תום עדיין. I don't think they've found out about Tom yet. I don't think they found out anything about Tom yet. >>eng<< Nekni d imaɣaden. We're truthful. You know what? >>eng<< זה ענק. This is great. It's huge. >>eng<< Yella ḥedd i yenɣan Tom. Somebody killed Tom. They killed Tom. >>eng<< אם סיימת לקרוא את הספר, תחזירי אותו לספרייה. If you have finished reading the book, return it to the library. If you're done reading the book, you'll bring it back to the library. >>eng<< هل سمعت عن نتيجة المباراة؟ Have you heard about the result of the game? Did you hear about the result of the game? >>eng<< أحس الطفل بالأمان بين ذراعي أمه. That child felt secure in his mother's arms. The child felt safe between his mother's arms. >>eng<< Win isebṛen leεmeṛ yendim. Good things come to those who wait. He who preaches the word isኝing it. >>eng<< غني لنا أغنية أخرى. Sing us another song! Sing us another song. >>eng<< Ur yuḥwaǧ ara Tom ad iṛuḥ ar uɣerbaz ass-a. Tom need not go to school today. He will not go up and down again to this day. >>eng<< Tiririt n Tom tessewhem Mary. Tom's answer surprised Mary. The Thumbians did understand Mary. >>eng<< Tella kra n lḥaǧa i yeḍṛan? Did something happen? Do you find any thing in me? >>eng<< Ssekydemt-tent. Examine them. skidet-tent. >>eng<< הוא מנצל היטב את הפסיונים שהוא צד. לכל חלק של העוף יש לו ייעוד. He makes good use of the pheasants he hunts. He has a purpose for every part of the bird. He's making good use of the pizzas he's side by side, every part of the chicken has an exception. >>eng<< نحن سعداء We're happy. We're happy. >>eng<< Ulac ara yeqqimen i lebda. Lqahwa tettismid. Dexxan yettṣeffu. Akud yettɛeddi akked imdanen ttbeddilen. Nothing lasts forever. The coffee gets cold. The smoke clears. The time passes and the people change. And there was no man sitting, no, not a word of her: she was put in silence. She was made clean even by all men. >>eng<< لا يريد جمال أن يعلم هذا. Jamal doesn't want to know about it. He doesn't want beauty to know that. >>eng<< זה מגוחך. That's ridiculous! That's ridiculous. >>eng<< האם אי פעם שמעת אותו שר? Have you ever heard him sing? Have you ever heard him sing? >>eng<< תום רוקן את כוסו. Tom emptied his glass. Tom locks his cup. >>eng<< توم و ماري يقولون بانهم لم يفعلوا ذلك ابدا. Tom and Mary say they never did that. Tom and Mary say they never did it. >>eng<< כל אחד אוהב מוזיקה. Everybody loves music. Everyone likes music. >>eng<< ينبغي أن نواجه هذة المشكلة. We should face up to this issue. We should face this problem. >>eng<< הנוסעים ממתינים. The passengers are waiting. The passengers are waiting. >>eng<< Tzemreḍ daɣen ad tmeslayeḍ Tafranṣist? Can you also speak French? And wilt thou cast out the fire, and will burn it? >>eng<< Uccen d bu txidas. The jackal is full of mischief. And eat d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d >>eng<< Iraɛ Tom. Tom got lost. Timer. >>eng<< من توفي؟ Who died? Who died? >>eng<< הוא הולך לספריה לקרוא ספרים. He goes to the library to read books. He's going to the library to read books. >>eng<< Yella win i yeṛẓan taḍebsit-aki. Somebody has broken this dish. There is one who swims even to the sick. >>eng<< חליפתי אפורה. My suit is gray. A gray suit. >>eng<< תום יודע לשחות. Tom can swim. Tom can swim. >>eng<< תום שמע קריאה לעזרה. Tom heard a cry for help. Tom heard a call for help. >>eng<< عطيت لو للكلب ياكل ولاّ مازال؟ Have you fed the dog yet? I gave it to the dog, dog, yet? >>eng<< לתום רק עין טובה אחת. Tom only has one good eye. Just touch one good eye. >>eng<< كيف تهجئ "جميل"؟ How do you spell "pretty"? How are you doing beautiful? >>eng<< Cukkeɣ Tom ur yettmeslay ara yal ass Tafṛansist. I think Tom doesn't speak French very often. I have kept the faith, and I will not speak the word any more at all. >>eng<< Ldi allen-im. Open your eyes. "Lift your eyes." >>eng<< Tom ihegga ad d-yuɣal deg 20 Tubeṛ. Tom plans to be back on October 20th. For a door shall be set against 20 Tabernades. >>eng<< أشاهد التلفاز في بعض الأحيان. I sometimes watch TV. I watch TV sometimes. >>eng<< אין איפה להתחבא. There's nowhere to hide. There's nowhere to hide. >>eng<< היה אדיב כלפי אלה שסביבך. Be kind to those around you. It was kind to those around you. >>eng<< Tom yeqsed yakan ad iffeɣ zik. Tom has already decided to leave early. In the case of him, he has gone out. >>eng<< על ילדים לציית להוריהם. Children are to obey their parents. Children should obey their parents. >>eng<< למה תום מפחד לדבר עם מרי? Why is Tom scared to talk to Mary? Why is Tom afraid to talk to Mary? >>eng<< Init-as azekka. Tell him tomorrow. In-to-day. >>eng<< كان سامي يحبّ الحياة المريحة. Sami liked the good life. Sammy loved the comfort of life. >>eng<< لم يكُن فاضل في المنزل. Fadil wasn't inside the house. He wasn't a fight at home. >>eng<< مرأتي رح ع السوق My wife is going to the market. My wives are the best of the market. >>eng<< Tetḥeqqeqemt d akken amdan-nni i twalamt d Tom? Are you sure the person you saw was Tom? And said unto him, Art thou in another man, which ye saw also in him? >>eng<< הדבר האחד שתמיד רציתי לעשות היה לכתוב ספר לילדים. One thing I've always wanted to do is write a children's book. The one thing I've always wanted to do was write a book to the kids. >>eng<< Nɣucc-itt i sin yid-nneɣ. We both hate her. Now we have put on the two. >>eng<< היא לא קוראת לעולם. She never reads. She never reads. >>eng<< كيف عرفت مكان تواجدي؟ How did she know where to find me? How did you know where I was? >>eng<< سامي يحبّكنّ. Sami likes you. Sammy loves you. >>eng<< نحن ندرس العربي You teach Arabic. We're studying Arabic. >>eng<< Ɛeddi ɣer zdat ! Go ahead. I say, go on, and on, get up! >>eng<< הופתעתי לראות אריה. I was surprised to see a lion. I was surprised to see a lion. >>eng<< البحيرة بعيدة جداً عن هنا. The lake is a long way from here. The lake is too far from here. >>eng<< Kemm d tamehtuft! You are an idiot! How you do understand! >>eng<< Tom yessuden Mary. Tom kissed Mary. Tom his mother-in-law Mary. >>eng<< نصحته ألا يضع الكثير من السكر. She advised him not to use too much sugar. His advice is not to put too much sugar. >>eng<< ماذا تريد بعد ذلك؟ What do you want then? What do you want after that? >>eng<< בואו רק נסתלק מפה. Let's just get out of here. Let's just get out of here. >>eng<< יש גם שיעורים פרטיים. Private lessons are also available. There's also private classes. >>eng<< מי חיבר את השירים הללו? By whom were these poems written? Who put these songs together? >>eng<< Tom yesṭeɛref yella yeḥqer Mary. Tom admitted he despised Mary. The fever came up on Mary. >>eng<< Ur tetteɣ ara aṭas n lfakya. I don't eat a lot of fruit. I will not bear much fruit. >>eng<< Itettuy Tom ssiwan-ines. Tom forgot his umbrella. Itetuy Tom symsawan-ese. >>eng<< זה בגלל שלא אכפת להם. That's because they don't care. It's because they don't care. >>eng<< واش بغيتيني نجي لليابان باش نشوفك؟ Do you want me to come to Japan to see you? Washington, D.C., Japan Bash Nashshawk? >>eng<< הבעיות האלו נוצרו כתוצאה של חוסר תשומת הלב שלך. These problems have arisen as the result of your carelessness. These problems were created as a result of your lack of attention. >>eng<< أتريد صورتي؟ You want my picture? You want my picture? >>eng<< Tɛegneḍ-as i Tom? Did you warn Tom? Do you know what you are about to do? >>eng<< יש לו שמיעה חדה. He has sharp hearing. He's got a sharp hearing. >>eng<< אף אחד לא יכול לדעת הכול. No one can know everything. No one can know everything. >>eng<< תום נהיה קצת טרחן. Tom was getting a little fussy. Tom's getting a little nervous. >>eng<< יש כתם שומן. There's a grease spot. There's a fat stain. >>eng<< Sɛiɣ gma ad yemmezg yid-m deg leɛmeṛ. I have a brother who's the same age as you. And I had a brother to slay him. >>eng<< عليك أن تلبس معطفا. You should wear a coat. You have to wear a coat. >>eng<< אם דבר מסוים הוא רעיון טוב או לא, זה לא עניין של דעה. Whether something is a good idea or not is a matter of opinion. If something is a good idea or not, it's not a matter of opinion. >>eng<< Jim icuba-d baba-s. Jim resembles his father. It's like his father-in-law. >>eng<< الجيش الإسرائيلي يطلق النّار و يقتل فلسطينيّين عزّل. The Israeli army shoots and kills unarmed Palestinian people. The Israeli army fires a fire and kills single Palestinians. >>eng<< אני נשוי באושר. I'm very happily married. I'm happily married. >>eng<< قميصك ملبوس بالمقلوب. Your shirt is inside out. Your shirt's locked in the hearts. >>eng<< אין לי מילים. Words fail me. I don't have words. >>eng<< قريباً سيأتي اليوم الذي يستطيع فيه البشر السفر إلى كوكب المريخ. The day will soon come when man can travel to Mars. Soon will come the day when humans can travel to the Mars planet. >>eng<< أنا لدي جار إيطالي. I have an Italian neighbor. I have an Italian neighbor. >>eng<< אנו די טובים בזה. We're pretty good at this. We're pretty good at it. >>eng<< Tom yenna i Mary ar timlilit. Tom waved goodbye to Mary. Tom said to Mary, "I am going away." >>eng<< Ad am-t-id-aɣeɣ. I'll buy you that. And they will be like unto me, and have to be known of me. >>eng<< أظن أننا تحادثنا عبر الهاتف. I believe we spoke on the phone. I think we hit the phone. >>eng<< خبّأ سامي سيّارته بين مجموعة من الأشجار. Sami hid his car in a grove of trees. Sammy hid his car between a bunch of trees. >>eng<< תום הפסיק לאכול. Tom stopped eating. Tom stopped eating. >>eng<< الكتاب عن ملك فقد تاجه. This book is about a king who loses his crown. The book about a king lost his crown. >>eng<< Ur yenwa ara akk Tom ad yeg aya. Tom has no plans to do that. Don't all that Tom has to do this. >>eng<< قابلته يوما. One day I met him. I met him one day. >>eng<< لم أكن أريد أن أحدث أية ضجة. I didn't want to make any noise. I didn't want to make any noise. >>eng<< Iḥemmel Tom axeddim-is. Tom loves his work. I loved Tom xedim-his. >>eng<< הישאר בתור. Stay in line. Stay in line. >>eng<< הוא הרג אותו. He killed him. He killed him. >>eng<< אני לומד שפות אחדות. I am studying several languages. I'm learning one language. >>eng<< دومًا جائع. He's always hungry. Always hungry. >>eng<< פסולת מהתעשיה לפעמים מזהמת את הנהרות שלנו. Factory waste sometimes pollutes our rivers. You failed to do it sometimes tarnishing our rivers. >>eng<< كان يجب أن تكون في الحفلة الليلة الماضية. كان هناك الكثير من المتعة. You should have been at the party last night. It was a lot of fun. You had to be at the party last night, there was a lot of fun. >>eng<< Ayɣeṛ i teṭṭalayeḍ Tom? Why are you looking at Tom? Why do you sleep so much as you can? >>eng<< كان سامي بحاجة إلى المال. Sami needed money. Sammy needed money. >>eng<< كلّ ما فعلتُ كان لِتوم. Everything I did, I did for Tom. All I did was come. >>eng<< אל לכם לשתות את המים האלה. You shouldn't drink this water. Don't you drink that water. >>eng<< Axeddim-is yif axeddim-iw. Her work is better than mine. You'll do my best work. >>eng<< Mazal sɛan aɣṛum. Tebɣiḍ kra? They still have bread. Do you want some? Don't you have bread? Don't you take bread? >>eng<< נאלצנו להיכנע לדרישתם. We had to yield to their request. We had to submit to their will. >>eng<< የምትሄደው በተሳሳተ አቅጣጫ ነው። You're going the wrong direction. You are going in a wrong direction. >>eng<< لست طالباً. I'm not a student. I'm not a student. >>eng<< Anfet-iyi. Let go of me. Leave me alone. >>eng<< כשרון הרקוד שלו הרשים את כולם. His talent for dancing impressed everyone. His dancing talent impresses them all. >>eng<< غيرت نمط حياتي اليومي. I've changed my daily routine. I've changed the pattern of my daily life. >>eng<< سيقتلني توم إن عرف أنّي قلتُ لكَ هذا. If Tom finds out I told you this, he'll kill me. Tom's gonna kill me if he knows I told you this. >>eng<< املأ هذه الاستمارة من فضلك. Fill out this form, please. Fill this form, please. >>eng<< Tom yella yekreh Mary. Tom hated Mary. Tomsha is a friend of Mary. >>eng<< تلقّى فاضل عددا من الرّسائل من ليلى. Fadil received a number of letters from Layla. He's been fooled by a number of people from Lila. >>eng<< אחת התעלומות הגדולות של החיים היא איך חתול מחליט מה הצעד הבא שלו. One of the great mysteries of life is how a cat decides what to do next. One of the greatest neglects of life is how a cat decides what his next move is. >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ i yeccḍen. Somebody's made a mistake. For there is one who has laid hands on him. >>eng<< Taliṭunit d tutlayt i icebḥen, i d-yessuffuɣen aẓawan s wudem agaman. Latvian is a beautiful language that naturally gives off music. The nations and the language of beautiful languages came together as well. They beat one another, and let them spit on his face. >>eng<< מרי מקנאה. Mary's jealous. Mary's jealous. >>eng<< يضهرلي بلي راك تعرف ديجا كلش. It seems like you know everything already. Blake, you know Deja Klash. >>eng<< Ceyyɛem-iyi ar dina. Send me there. I beg you to follow me. >>eng<< בוא נראה מה יקרה. Let's see what happens. Let's see what happens. >>eng<< كان فاضل يريد المزيد من المال. Fadil wanted more money. He wanted more money. >>eng<< كان فاضل الوحيد الذي كان يعلم ما حدث لليلى. Fadil was the only one that knew what happened to Layla. He was the only one who knew what happened to me. >>eng<< זה כל כך טוב. It feels so good. That's so good. >>eng<< טבעי הדבר שהיא תתרגז עליך. It is quite natural for her to be angry with you. It's natural that she'll be over you. >>eng<< Tom d aɛeẓẓug. Tom's deaf. You will be hungry. >>eng<< Tom yessawel i Mary. Tom called Mary. Tom called me Mary. >>eng<< هل تريدني حقاً أن أخبر توم بشأنك أنتَ و ماري؟ Do you really want me to tell Tom about you and Mary? You really want me to tell Tom about you and Mary? >>eng<< אינני בטוחה מה תום מתכוון. I'm not sure what Tom means. I'm not sure what Tom means. >>eng<< Ur yeḥbis ara akk ameslay. He didn't stop talking. And he spake all these things. >>eng<< בזמנם של הסובייטים, כל ממשלה הייתה עושה תעמולה. In Soviet times, each government made propaganda. At the time of the Soviets, the whole government would have done propaganda. >>eng<< הוא מחזיק את הג'וקר. He has the Joker. He's holding the Walker. >>eng<< Ur teẓriḍ ara belli Tom d Mary mazal qedcen akka? Didn't you know Tom and Mary were still doing that? Don't you know that Tob and Mary still serve? >>eng<< قدّم سامي شكوى ضدّ ليلى. Sami filed a report against Layla. Sammy filed a complaint against Lily. >>eng<< قلقلنا من أجلك كثيرا. We're very worried about you. We're worried about you so much. >>eng<< كم ولداً موجود في هذا الصف؟ How many boys are there in this class? How many kids are in this class? >>eng<< D acu i d-rebḥeɣ? What's my prize? What am I exceeding? >>eng<< הם חצו את הדלאוור הקפוא למחצה. They crossed the partly-frozen Delaware River. They crossed the frozen Delaver halfway. >>eng<< سامي يتسوّق. Sami is shopping. Sammy's shopping. >>eng<< أنت مشتر جيد. You are a good customer. You're a good buyer. >>eng<< אני יכול ללכת הביתה? May I go home? Can I go home? >>eng<< Ahamt ad nurar urar-a. Let's play this game. In the morning, I will give him a fire. >>eng<< يعتمد ذلك على السياق. It depends on the context. This depends on the context. >>eng<< Ad iḥareb fell-aɣ Tom. Tom will save us. And forgive us unto Tom. >>eng<< تعال لتأخذنا. Come get us. Come get us. >>eng<< حافظي على جسم نحيف. Stay thin. Keep a weak body. >>eng<< מזלו של תום בסופו של דבר התהפך. Tom's luck eventually changed. Tom's luck eventually turned over. >>eng<< Nruḥ nɛumm deg wasif iḍelli. We went swimming in the river yesterday. And sweared by the river all around. >>eng<< Tella kra n yiwet i yettnezzihen. Someone is watching. There were some walking around him, some walking around him. >>eng<< تبيّن في النهاية أنّني كنت على حق. It turned out that I was right. It finally turns out I was right. >>eng<< Tegnemt cwiṭ? Did you get some sleep? You know how? >>eng<< אני אוהב את זה מאוד. I like it very much. I like it very much. >>eng<< توقّف سامي. Sami stopped. Stop Sammy. >>eng<< هل تحتاج للمفاتيح؟ You need the keys? Do you need keys? >>eng<< תני לתום את מבוקשו. Give Tom what he asks for. Let him seal his wishes. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ timacinin. I like trains. I love you so much that you remember me. >>eng<< Tugadeḍ? Are you afraid? Have you come to visit? >>eng<< Yal ass yetturar Tom apianu. Tom plays the piano every day. Every turnaround Tom apiano. >>eng<< Ssneqsemt tazzla. Slow down. Suspension. >>eng<< לפני שתצא, תסגור את הדלתות. Before you go out, close the doors. Before you go out, close the doors. >>eng<< Ttwaliɣ deg-k temmuteḍ si ɛeggu, ay ageswaḥ. You look dead, bud. I was with you in sleep, and you died. >>eng<< أين مدخل المتحف؟ Where is the entrance to the museum? Where's the entrance to the museum? >>eng<< בלעדיך אני לא כלום. Without you, I'm nothing. Without you, I'm nothing. >>eng<< Yella win i d-yusan? Did anybody come? Saying, Who is this that came unto thee? >>eng<< ד"ר קלארק, אפשר לבקש ממך טובה? Dr. Clark, may I ask a favor of you? Dr. Clark, can I ask you a favor? >>eng<< D yir tudert! D yir ddunit! What a bad life! What a hard reality! A criminal offence! >>eng<< Qqimemt akken ur ttḥerrikemt ara. Stay still. Behold, you stand firm, so that you won't perish. >>eng<< Ssuden-itt. Kiss her. Suden-it. >>eng<< גרמניה הייתה פעם בת ברית של איטליה. Germany was once allied with Italy. Germany was once a daughter of an alliance in Italy. >>eng<< بيته صغيرٌ، وكذلك قديمٌ His house is small and moreover it's old. His house's small, too old. >>eng<< هل بإمكانك أن تصدق ما قاله؟ Can you believe what he said? Can you believe what he said? >>eng<< Ɛeṛḍen-iyi deg zwaǧ-nsen. They invited me to the wedding. They have killed me in their belly. >>eng<< Tom ur d-yecliɛ ara seg tid i t-id-yettmuqqulen. Tom didn't care who was watching. You don't know when they come together. >>eng<< تدور الأرض. The earth rotates. The orbit of the earth. >>eng<< Tettutlayeḍ tanglizit akken iwata. You speak good English. Thou anointedst the cockatrice, as it were a camel. >>eng<< استدعيت اللجنة فوراً . The committee was summoned at once. The Committee immediately called. >>eng<< מובן שאני יכולה לנהוג היטב ברכב. Of course I can drive a car very well. Of course I can drive well in the car. >>eng<< إنك لست جباناً. You are not a coward. You're not a hero. >>eng<< القنبلة النووية هي سلاح فظيع. An A-bomb is a terrible weapon. The nuclear bomb is a terrible weapon. >>eng<< D ass n 20 di tubeṛ. It's the 20th of October. From that day forth 20 times. >>eng<< אני הולך לרופא. I'm going to the doctor. I'm going to a doctor. >>eng<< تتحدث ماريكو الإنجليزية بمهارة. Mariko speaks English well. Marco speaks English with skill. >>eng<< זה בהחלט שווה בדיקה. It's definitely worth checking out. It's definitely worth a test. >>eng<< هذا ما قاله توم لي. That was what Tom told me. That's what Tom said to me. >>eng<< أحب ممارسة الألعاب الرياضية. I like playing sports. I like the exercise of sports. >>eng<< تقع القرية في وادٍ يبلغ اتساعه حوالي نصف ميل. The village lay in a valley about half a mile in breadth. The village is in a bar of about half a mile. >>eng<< הוא הראה לי את תמונתה. He showed me her picture. He showed me her picture. >>eng<< מצבו קריטי. His condition is critical. His condition is critical. >>eng<< كانت ليلى تحبّ نمط الحياة الرّيفية. Layla loved the country lifestyle. Lily loved the life pattern. >>eng<< תום הערים את הארגזים אחד על השני והשעין אותם מול הקיר. Tom stacked the boxes up against the wall. Tom picked up the boxes on each other and put them in front of the wall. >>eng<< أنا أستعد للأسوأ. I'm getting ready for the worst. I'm getting ready for the worst. >>eng<< Ttwarseɣ ad xedmeɣ yid-wen. I've been assigned to work with you. I think it right, as long as I am doing it with you, I will do it again. >>eng<< אני יכול לדבר איתך פה בחוץ? Can I talk to you out here? Can I talk to you out here? >>eng<< אני מקווה שזה יכול לקרות עכשיו. I'm hopeful that can happen now. I hope this can happen now. >>eng<< يعاني من البرد He is suffering from a cold. He's cold. >>eng<< D asegbar iẓewṛen, Tom: neɣ aha°? Tom is a talented actor, isn't he? Which is greater, tomos, or toss? >>eng<< בוא נמשיך בתנועה. Let's just keep moving. Let's keep moving. >>eng<< Tzemremt ad tṛuḥemt ar wexxam tura. You can go home now. You have well have to go to the house until now. >>eng<< עכשיו תורי. It's now my turn. Now my turn. >>eng<< وجد سامي نفسه محاطا بالمسلمين. Sami found himself surrounded by Muslims. Sammy himself found him surrounded by Muslims. >>eng<< Ttxil-kent inimt-yi-d kan d acu i la iḍeṛṛun. Please just tell me what's going on. You saw him, and you told me, for he was sick. >>eng<< آمل أن يستطيع أن يأتي! أود أن أراه. I hope he'll be able to come! I'd like to see him. I hope he can come! >>eng<< كان سامي يحب الحياة. Sami loved life. Sammy loved life. >>eng<< Sami yuli-d waya γef wul-is. Sami finds this very annoying. Sam responded to his heart. >>eng<< בואו נחצה כאן. Let's cross here. Let's get over here. >>eng<< Ẓṛiɣ ad d-tafem ttawil s ara txedmem aya. I'm sure you'll find a way to do it. and will serve you as soon as you have done this thing. >>eng<< Uḥwaǧeɣ-k da. I need you here. And need-kd. >>eng<< מילותיו פגעו בה. His words hurt her feelings. His words hurt her. >>eng<< لم يشعر سامي بالرّاحة. Sami felt bad. Sammy didn't feel comfortable. >>eng<< اني مديون له. I owe him a debt. I owe him. >>eng<< أعلم أنّك تحبّين القهوة. I know you like coffee. I know you like coffee. >>eng<< Adfel yiččet Akkes. Snow falls every day. Acquis. >>eng<< La tettmettatem? Are you dying? Have you not completed it? >>eng<< Kra n tmucuha n Hans Christian Andersen ttwasuqlent ɣer teqbaylit. Some stories of Hans Christian Andersen are translated into Kabyle. There are some of the Hanns Christian Andersenchs being led by the strake. >>eng<< Ur yeɣɣar ara aẓawan. He's not studying music. I will not foolish. >>eng<< هل سيارتك بالقرب من بيتك؟ Is your car next to her house? Is your car near your house? >>eng<< Yeffeɣ-d seg wasif. He went out of the river. And he went out of the river, and was come out of the river. >>eng<< D acu i bɣant sɣur-sent? What do they want from them? And what do they desire to do unto him? >>eng<< سيفوتك القطار. You will miss the train. You'll miss the train. >>eng<< Maca teţmeslay s trusit u tra ad ţ-ţwaseɣti ar teqbaylit. Macha speaks Russian and would like someone to translate her into Kabyle. Maca tetömslay s trestite and trat a ING-ng have come to a dead end. >>eng<< זה נפוץ מאד. It's very common. It's very common. >>eng<< Ruḥen ɣer Boston deg 20 Tubeṛ. Tom went to Boston on October 20th. They killed Bozton on 20 thongs. >>eng<< يمكنك أن تأخذ أحد الكتابين. You may take either of the two books. You can take one of the books. >>eng<< Anda i ten-teǧǧam? Where did you abandon them? And what do you leave? >>eng<< להתראות בארוחת הצהריים. See you at lunch. See you at lunch. >>eng<< Ur ttmuddu ara i Tom ayen i d-isuter. Don't give Tom what he's asking for. You will not bind up what is appointed by you. >>eng<< لم يسبق لسامي و أن رأى طبيبا في حياته. Sami never saw a doctor. Sam has never seen a doctor in his life. >>eng<< הנערות הללו לבושות בגדים חושפניים. These girls are wearing skimpy clothes. These girls are wearing strippers. >>eng<< كان في مكتب سامي أريكة. Sami had a couch in his office. He was at Sammy Erica's office. >>eng<< لا أدري إن كانت ستأتي. I don't know whether she will come. I don't know if she'll come. >>eng<< أردت الحذاء الأحمر. I wanted red shoes. I wanted the red shoes. >>eng<< ماذا قال؟ What did he say? What did he say? >>eng<< נהיגה בגילופין היא בעיה רצינית. Drunk driving is a serious problem. It's a serious problem. >>eng<< היא התאהבה בגבר מבוגר יותר. She fell in love with an older man. She fell in love with an older man. >>eng<< יותר ממאה מדינות אשררו את האמנה. More than one hundred nations have approved the treaty. More than a hundred countries have destroyed the widow. >>eng<< נקלעתי לגשם ונרטבתי עד העצמות. I was caught in a shower and was drenched to the skin. I crashed into the rain and wet up to the bones. >>eng<< إننا نشجع مساهمتكم. We encourage your participation. We encourage your contribution. >>eng<< Ta d tarzeft i kennemti. This gift is for you. You have a hard drive. >>eng<< كان فاضل شخصا محترما في البلدة. Fadil was well respected in the community. He was a respected fighter in town. >>eng<< Acuɣeṛ yiwen ur yi-d-ittḥessis? Why doesn't anyone listen to me? Why did no one listen to me? >>eng<< אני תוהה מה גרם לזה לקרות. I wonder what caused this to happen. I wonder what caused this to happen. >>eng<< ذهب سامي ليحضر حصّة لتعلّم الطّبخ المصري. Sami went to a Egyptian cooking class. Sammy went to get a share to teach Egyptian vegetarians. >>eng<< Ur swiɣ ara lqahwa. I didn't drink coffee. I know not by name. >>eng<< و كيف لك أن تعرف؟ How do you know? And how do you know? >>eng<< אני נוסע לבית הספר באוטובוס. I go to school on a bus. I'm going to school on the bus. >>eng<< בואו כולנו נוריד את המסיכות ונהיה גלויים האחד עם השני. Let us all take off our masks and be frank one to another. Let's all take the masks off, and we'll be the ones with each other. >>eng<< Atan ad tesɛuḍ weltma-k tamecṭuḥt. You're going to have a little sister. And, behold, thy sister hath a little child. >>eng<< هم مثليون. They're homosexual. They're gay. >>eng<< أنا أذهبُ إلى جامعة تيزي وزّو. I go to Tizi Ouzou University. I'm going to Tezzie and Zoo University. >>eng<< היית טוב מאד אלי. You've been really good to me. You were very good to me. >>eng<< أقام سامي علاقة غير شرعيّة مع امرأة متزوِّجة. Sami was having an affair with a married woman. Sammy had an illegal relationship with a married woman. >>eng<< كان سامي يتعاطى المخدّرات. Sami took drugs. Sammy was using drugs. >>eng<< Triɣ-k I love you. I know you. >>eng<< سيُطلَق سراحك. You will be released. Your release will be taken away. >>eng<< תום מת מחנק. Tom died of asphyxiation. Tom's dead. >>eng<< Mhux problema. No problem! Not a problem. >>eng<< Ddmemt aya. Take that. You've been here. >>eng<< אני אוהב לאכול סושי. I love to eat sushi. I like eating sushi. >>eng<< מה את רוצה לראות בבוסטון? What do you want to see in Boston? What do you want to see in Boston? >>eng<< Kemmlemt ttnaɣemt. Keep fighting. So you took up that which you ate. >>eng<< Ɛeqlet-d. Try to guess. I got it. >>eng<< أستطيع عزف مقطوعات لشوبان. I play Chopin. I can play shampoos. >>eng<< תום כמעט אף פעם לא שואל שאלות. Tom almost never asks questions. Tom almost never asks questions. >>eng<< הילד דג דג גדול. The boy caught a large fish. The kid fished a big fish. >>eng<< ענה על השאלה פעם נוספת, בבקשה. Answer this question again, please. Answer the question again, please. >>eng<< Ur t-ɛqileɣ ara. I don't recognize it. I don't know. >>eng<< מתוך איזה כוס מאלה שתית? Which one of these glasses did you drink out of? Out of what glass of these did you drink? >>eng<< כתוב משפט הכולל שלושה פעלים. Write a sentence containing three verbs. It's a total sentence of three activists. >>eng<< Yeffeɣ si texxamt. He left the room. He went out of the closet. >>eng<< זהו זה. That settles that. That's it. >>eng<< أَنُلْزِمُكُمُوهَا؟ Should we force it upon you? Are we gonna get him? >>eng<< كيف يبدو لك مستواي في الإنجليزيّة؟ What do they think about my English? How do you feel in English? >>eng<< سمعت ليلى صوتا مألوفا. Layla heard a familiar sound. I heard me a familiar voice. >>eng<< תני לי לומר לך מדוע טום לא מוצא חן בעיניי. Let me tell you why I don't like Tom. Let me tell you why I don't like Tom. >>eng<< נפצעתי. I got injured. I was hurt. >>eng<< תום מתכוון לעלות עליך. Tom is out to get you. Tom's gonna get on you. >>eng<< הוא יותר טוב ממני בכל תחום. He outdoes me in every subject. He's better than me in every area. >>eng<< פעמיים בשבוע בא הגנן לכסח את הדשא, לכן לא יכולתי אף פעם לשכב בעשב הגבוה. Twice a week, the gardener would come to mow the lawn, so I could never lie down in the tall grass. Two times a week, the garden came to harvest the grass, so I could never sleep on the high grass. >>eng<< אם אפשר אשתה תה. I'll drink tea, if I can. If I can drink tea. >>eng<< Ḍefṛet-t kan. You only have to follow him. L-f-t-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n- >>eng<< Tixeṛ-ikem ur ttɛeyyiḍ ara. Stop shouting. Thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not. >>eng<< Tɛedlem di leɛmeṛ kečč d Tom. Tom is exactly the same age as you. You have lived in Tom. >>eng<< أحلاماً سعيدة! Sweet dreams! Happy dreams! >>eng<< Win yettnadin ad yaf. He who seeks will find. He who sent us will find it. >>eng<< זה נשמע עצום. That sounds awesome. That sounds huge. >>eng<< אל תאחרי. Don't be late. Don't be late. >>eng<< لقد عقّدت عائلة سامي حياته. Sami's family made his life complicated. I've made a family of Sammy's life. >>eng<< Nnan-iyi belli Tom mazal-it di Ustṛalya. I've been told that Tom is still in Australia. I know that I have been here in Sweden for a long time. >>eng<< אני חייב לרוץ. להת'! I should go now. Bye! I gotta run. >>eng<< Rebḥen. They succeeded. Weighing. >>eng<< Tfeṛḥem. You are happy. Thank you. >>eng<< איך שכנעת את תום לעשות את זה? How did you convince Tom to do that? How did you convince Tom to do that? >>eng<< Ur tebɣimt ara ad teẓṛemt Tom? Don't you want to see Tom? Don't you have to go and sit down in Tom? >>eng<< Amek ihi, d acu twalaḍ? Well, have you decided? What then did you see? >>eng<< Ur d-yeqqar ara Tom tidet yal ass. Tom doesn't always tell the truth. See that you don't hang up in tops every day. >>eng<< האם נגעתי בעצב חשוף? Did I touch a nerve? Did I touch an exposed nerve? >>eng<< אנו נותרנו מאחור. We were left behind. We left behind. >>eng<< אתם מעוררים כבוד. You're honorable. You're in awe. >>eng<< على الدوام قدم توم أفضل ما يستطيع لمساعدة ماري. Tom always did his best to help Mary. Tom always offered him the best he could help Mary. >>eng<< היום יום ההולדת שלך, נכון, יורי? It's your birthday, isn't it, Yuri? Today's your birthday, isn't it, Yuri? >>eng<< Tzemreḍ ad yi-d-tawiḍ kra ad t-ččeɣ? Could you bring me something to eat? Would you have killed me, and would have eaten it again?' >>eng<< Teɛreḍ ad iyi tesmil tanaḍt-inu. She tried to influence my decision. And thou shalt know me, and know me. >>eng<< انا راهب . I am a monk. I'm a runner. >>eng<< Ɛawnemt-aɣ-d. Help us. We are sure that you will wait for us. >>eng<< אתה באמת חושב להתפטר מהעבודה שלך? Are you seriously thinking about quitting your job? You really think you're getting rid of your job? >>eng<< تَقَدَم. Come forward. You've done it. >>eng<< Tella tin i yettwaqeṛḥen? Did somebody get hurt? What do you have to do with that? >>eng<< הטמפרטורה ירדה אמש עד מינוס עשר מעלות. The temperature went down to minus ten degrees centigrade last night. The temperature went down last night until minus ten degrees. >>eng<< Ayɣer ur s-tessawalem ara i Tom i wakken ad t-id-smektim? Why don't you call Tom and remind him? Then don't you remember, neither do you remember? >>eng<< تلك الموسيقى تذكرني دائماً بك. That music always reminded me of you. That music always reminds me of you. >>eng<< انضمّ شركاء سامي في الجريمة إليه في السّجن. Sami's accomplices also joined him in prison. Sammy's partners joined him in prison. >>eng<< Beṛkat ameslay. Stop gossiping. She spoke to him. >>eng<< لقد اختفى فاضل. Fadil is missing. He's gone wrong. >>eng<< أرسل فاضل رسائلا لليلى. Sami sent Layla letters. I'm sending a trick to the night. >>eng<< Tḥeqqqeɣ belli ad as-izmireɣ. I'm sure that I'll be able to do that. I think that I will be able to do so. >>eng<< Yella kra n yiwen i wumi tebɣiḍ ad tlaɛiḍ? Is there somebody you want to call? Now is there any one that wilt seek thee? >>eng<< تفاجأت زوجتي. My wife looked surprised. My wife was surprised. >>eng<< Ncedha-kent akkit. We've all missed you. I've got it all. >>eng<< Ad ruḥeɣ ad εummeɣ azekka. I'll go swimming tomorrow. I will go to the next day. >>eng<< Tom igezzu tafṛansist. Tom understands French. You're a silversmith. >>eng<< וודא שתשמור את הקבלה. Make sure you save the receipt. Make sure you keep the receipt. >>eng<< שמעתי לראשונה אתמול אודות התאונה. I heard about the accident for the first time yesterday. I first heard about the accident yesterday. >>eng<< بدأ سامي يمضي المزيد من الوقت مع ليلى. Sami began spending more time with Layla. Sammy started spending more time with Lily. >>eng<< יש לי דברים לומר. I've got things to say. I have things to say. >>eng<< אני מודאגת בגלל כולכם. I'm worried about all of you. I'm worried about you all. >>eng<< أنا مجرد موظف عادي. I'm just a plain old office worker. I'm just a regular officer. >>eng<< תביא את המפתחות שלך. Get your keys. Get your keys. >>eng<< Ttɛasan akk. Everybody waited. And all things were fulfilled. >>eng<< שעון היד שלי ממהר קצת. My wristwatch is running a bit too fast. My hand watch is a little fast. >>eng<< لا تبذر مالك في شراء أشياء لست بحاجة إليها. Don't waste your money by buying things you don't need. Don't worry about your money buying things you don't need. >>eng<< ليلة سعيدة! Good night! Good night! >>eng<< Ddwa-agi ad k-issganay. This medicine will make you sleepy. This is what we have seen in you." >>eng<< Muten meṛṛa. They're all dead. And they were all in all. >>eng<< Tom d bu tṣegnint. Tom is bald. You're drooling. >>eng<< نحن رجال. We are men. We're men. >>eng<< Sɛiɣ zzheṛ imi i kent-id-mlaleɣ da. How lucky to meet you here. And I had compassion on them, lest I should have spoken to them. >>hau_Latn<< I study French. I also study German. Ina karatun faransanci. Ina kuma karatun jamananci. Na yi nazarin Faransanci kuma na yi nazarin Jamus. >>eng<< לורי עדיין בבית הספר. Laurie's still at school. Laurie's still in school. >>eng<< בעצם, הרעיון הזה בכלל לא רע. This idea is actually pretty good. Actually, that idea is not bad at all. >>eng<< هل عدت مسبقا؟ Are you back already? Have you come back before? >>eng<< אסע לטוקיו ברכבת. I'll go to Tokyo by train. I'll go to Tokyo on the train. >>eng<< Tom yettban yugad. Tom looks scared. That's great. >>eng<< שערה מטבעו מתולתל. Her hair is naturally curly. The hair of his coin is from a worm. >>eng<< חברי המועדון התכנסו בחדר הישיבות. The club members assembled in the meeting room. The members of the club gathered in the conference room. >>eng<< אנו חייבים לבדוק. We must check. We have to check. >>eng<< אופנות משתנות במהרה. Fashions change quickly. Motors change quickly. >>eng<< لماذا قرّرت أن تتعلّم العربيّة؟ Why did you decide to learn Arabic? Why did you decide to learn Arabic? >>eng<< نحن نرحب بك في نادينا. We welcome you to our club. We welcome you at our club. >>eng<< Lliɣ yakan ttxemmimeɣ fell-awen. I was just thinking about you. But I love you. >>eng<< אני מהמר שאין לטום שום תוכניות. I bet Tom doesn't have any plans. I bet Tom doesn't have any plans. >>eng<< Ɛeqel-d i tikkelt nniḍen. Guess again. And when I had declared again to them, I fell down again. >>eng<< كان هناك حب و احترام. There was love and respect. There was love and respect. >>eng<< Ntett aksum. We eat the meat. Net acsum. >>eng<< אני לא מכיר אותך. I don't know you. I don't know you. >>eng<< توم يعرف. Tom knows. Tom knows. >>eng<< Adfel d amellal, ambuxxen d iberkanen. Snow is white, soot is black. Adel d amelal, ambxxeen d ibercanen. >>eng<< הטמפרטורה רק עשר מעלות, והוא הולך בחוץ בחולצת טי. נעשה לי קר רק מלהסתכל עליו. It's just ten degrees, and he is walking around outside in a T-shirt. I get cold from just looking at him. The temperature's only ten degrees, and it's going out in T-shirt. >>eng<< ربّما علينا الذّهاب إلى ورشة الإصلاحة. Maybe we should go to the repair shop. Maybe we should go to the reform workshop. >>eng<< لماريكان پلاصا شابّا باش تعيش، ادا راك هنا باش تدير دراهم. America is a lovely place to be, if you are here to earn money. The Marshall Islands is a young man living in Bash, but I've seen you here, bash running their knowledge. >>eng<< راني قريب نهبل. I'm about to lose my mind. Ranny's close to Nabble. >>eng<< Teɣṛiḍ wa? Have you read this? Do you need anything? >>eng<< من فضلك البس حذاءك. Please put on your shoes. Please wear your shoes. >>eng<< لنأخذ استراحة قصيرة. Let's take a short break. Let's take a little break. >>eng<< תום צחצח את שיניו. Tom brushed his teeth. Tom shaved his teeth. >>eng<< هل تكتب الشعر؟ Do you write poetry? Do you write your hair? >>eng<< Neẓṛa d akken mačči d kečč i yenɣan Tom. We know you didn't kill Tom. You know, they didn't kill you. They killed you. >>eng<< Wa d adlis-im? Is that your book? She's a bias-im? >>eng<< Tzemreḍ ad iyi-d-tsiwleḍ tameddit-a ma tebɣiḍ. You can call me this afternoon if you want. You will ask me at evening, if you want.' >>eng<< A tiɛeggunin! You are an idiot! Don't you know what to do! >>eng<< את לא יכולה לעשות כלום. There's nothing you can do. You can't do anything. >>eng<< דיברתי מוקדם מדי. I spoke prematurely. I spoke too soon. >>eng<< راك هايل. You look stunning! See you, Hale. >>eng<< كان سامي يشتم. Sami was cursing. It was Sammy Shammish. >>eng<< Beṛkat! Stop that! What a shame! >>eng<< Nekk d Ineslem, maca ḥemmleɣ ccrab. I'm a Muslim, but I like wine. I am in English, but I don't want to go away. >>eng<< Txelɛeḍ? Are you sisters? You turn away from him, and from him? >>eng<< אני קרובה שלכם. I'm related to you. I'm close to you. >>eng<< Kra ur t-yeswi wawal-ik. Your word doesn't mean anything. Let thy speech be taken away from thee. >>eng<< Kenwi d imegziyen s tidet! You are so smart! Kenwi d'Agziers swat! >>eng<< גברת טנקה! את גרה עם שותפים לדירה גברים! אנא הימנעי מלהסתובב בלי מכנסיים! Miss Tanaka! You are living with gentlemen house mates! Please refrain from being pantless! Mrs. Tanca, you live with men's apartment partners, please avoid hanging out without pants! >>eng<< הוא אוהב את הגיטרה הזאת. He likes that guitar. He likes that guitar. >>eng<< أراد سامي أن يسمع صوت ليلى. Sami wanted to hear Layla's voice. Sammy wanted to hear night's voice. >>eng<< אני גר בעיר קטנה. I'm living in a small town. I live in a small town. >>eng<< أريد أن أنتظر حتى أتزوج. I want to wait until I'm married. I want to wait till I get married. >>eng<< Tom yugad ɣef tdamsa. Tom is worried about the economy. He said, "Let's go. Let's go. >>eng<< תום הוסיף סוכר לקפה שלו. Tom added sugar to his coffee. Tom added sugar to his coffee. >>eng<< إنّي خائف جدّاً. I'm so afraid. I'm really scared. >>eng<< כולם קמו לעזוב. They all got up to leave. Everybody got up to leave. >>eng<< أنا أرى وأسمع. I see and hear. I see and hear. >>eng<< תום התחיל לחייך. Tom started smiling. Tom started to smile. >>eng<< تفطّن سامي لهذا. Sami has realized that. Smooth up for this. >>eng<< בוא ניגש לעניין. Let's get with it. Let's get to it. >>eng<< Tzemremt ad tasemt? Can you come? Are you sure you did? >>eng<< سأشرح هذا لاحقا. I'll explain this later. I'll explain it later. >>eng<< שינז'י אכלה תשעה אגוזי קוקוס. Shinji ate nine coconuts. Shenji ate nine aguzi cocos. >>eng<< الحرّيّة لكردستان! Free Kurdistan! Kurdistan's freedom! >>eng<< אני לא מבינה גרמנית. I don't understand German. I don't understand German. >>eng<< أصلح سامي نافذة مكسّرة في الحمّام. Sami repaired a broken window in the bathroom. I fix Sammy a broken window in the bathroom. >>eng<< תום בדיוק נפטר. Tom just died. Tom just died. >>eng<< Yella kra i kent-icewwlen? Is something troubling you? Does any of these things apply to him? >>eng<< Tom yennuɣ s wawal d Mary. Tom argued with Mary. Ye do strive against not the word of Mary. >>eng<< La ttqejjiment fell-ak. They're mocking you. To be completed by you. >>eng<< התגעגעת אליי? Did you miss me? Did you miss me? >>eng<< מחיר הנפט ירד. The price of oil went down. The oil price's down. >>eng<< Tom yeẓẓel ɣef ṭṭabla. Tom is lying on the table. So you smile on the stairs. >>eng<< אני רוצה להיות יותר כמותם. I want to be more like them. I want to be more like them. >>eng<< كان فاضل حقّا يحبّ المال. Fadil did like money. He was a fighter who loved money. >>eng<< Tubeṛ d aggur yeččuren d axeddim. October was a busy month. The birds of the sea are like wild falcon, and the locusts are in it. >>eng<< לקחתי יום חופש. I took a day off. I took a day off. >>eng<< لقد أتى بنفسه He came in person. He came himself. >>eng<< هذا جميل ، و ذلك أيضاً جميل. This is beautiful, and that is also beautiful. That's beautiful, and that's nice, too. >>eng<< Qqimem di leɛnaya-nwen. Please stay. But I beg you, stay here. >>eng<< אני מקווה שכולם יהיו בסדר. I hope everyone will be OK. I hope everyone's gonna be fine. >>eng<< أنتِ لا يمكنكِ تحدث الإنجليزية, هل يمكنكِ؟ You can't speak English, can you? You can't speak English, can you? >>eng<< Tom iɛedda-d zdat Mary. Tom walked past Mary. He passed by Mary. >>eng<< אמא שכחה להוסיף מלח לסלט. My mother forgot to add salt to the salad. Mom forgot to add salt to the salad. >>eng<< תום שונא אותך. Tom hates you. Tom hates you. >>eng<< على أي حال، هذا الأمر لا يعنيك. In any case, it's no business of yours. Anyway, that doesn't mean you. >>eng<< ጋዜጠኛ ነኝ። I'm a journalist. I am a journalist. >>eng<< האונייה יצאה מן הנמל ולא נראתה עוד מאז. The ship left the port, never to be seen again. The ship came out of the port and hasn't been seen since. >>eng<< هل لديك أدنی فكرة عن سبب كره "توم" لي ؟ Do you have any idea why Tom doesn't like me? Do you have any idea why Tom hated me? >>eng<< Ad nemẓer ɣef imensi. I'll see you at dinner. And we will make known to you. And let us make ready. >>eng<< Ǧehden ifassen n Tom. Tom has strong hands. == sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man >>eng<< חייבים להשאר בכוננות. We've got to stay alert. We have to stay alert. >>eng<< إدا كانت النّار، عيّطو لـ119. In case of fire, call 119. Ida was a fire, set up for 119. >>eng<< אני חושב שאתה סתם חביב. I think you're just being nice. I think you're just a lover. >>eng<< كل آت قريب The whole future is just around the corner. It's all near. >>eng<< Teččiḍ imensi neɣ ala? Haven't you had your dinner? Do you eat, or do you eat? >>eng<< אין לנו כסף נוסף. We have no extra money. We don't have any more money. >>eng<< Ur yugad ara Tom ad isuter aɛiwen. Tom wasn't afraid to ask for help. He will not pray for Tom, for he will help you. >>eng<< מי עזר לך? Who helped you? Who helped you? >>eng<< ليس لدينا حق بالقيام بهذا. We don't have the right to do this. We don't have the right to do this. >>eng<< التمس الحذر وأنت تعبر الطريق. Be careful when you cross a road. Look out carefully and you cross the road. >>eng<< ادخل إلى المنزل. Come into the house. Get in the house. >>eng<< תום נראה קצת מאוכזב מהחדשות. Tom seems a little disappointed by the news. Tom seems a little disappointed by the news. >>eng<< كان شوب، ففتحت الشباك It was warm, so I opened the window. He was a chip. I opened the nets. >>eng<< It-tifel huwa rqiq. The boy is thin. The child is thin. >>eng<< אתמול פגשתי את אביך. I met your father yesterday. I met your father yesterday. >>eng<< מאז לא שמעתי ממנה עוד. I haven't heard from her since then. I haven't heard from her since. >>eng<< أتسلق الجبال. I climb mountains. I climb the mountains. >>eng<< Tella tin i izemren ad yi-d-tini acuɣeṛ i yefqeɛ Tom? Could somebody tell me why Tom is angry? Or why should I be able to help you? Or why is it lawful for me to speak to you? >>eng<< הוא ניסה לשים קץ לחייו. He tried to commit a suicide. He tried to put an end to his life. >>eng<< Ixeyyeb-iyi aṭas Tom. I'm very disappointed in Tom. Keep me from many tom. >>eng<< فعلت هذا بنفسي. I did it myself. I did it myself. >>eng<< אתה דומה לתום בהרבה מובנים. You're a lot like Tom. You look like Tom in a lot of ways. >>eng<< Ur yeẓṛi ara Tom amek ara t-id-isefhem swaswa. Tom doesn't know exactly how to explain it. He don't know how you will understand how you will interpret it. >>eng<< השאר בבית. Stay at home. Stay home. >>eng<< Sarameɣ d akken Tom yeǧhed. I hope Tom is tough. I am responsible for the mother of a child. >>eng<< Menyif asnunnet asqummet. Doing your best is better than doing nothing at all. Meneyif aunnet askimmet. >>eng<< أَلكِتَابُ بُرْهَانٌ أَنَّ اْلإنْسَانَ قَادِرُونَ عَلَى اْلسِّحْرِ. A book is proof that humans are capable of working magic. I’m saying that I’m not going to be afraid. >>eng<< أخبر سامي أباه. Sami told his dad. Tell Sammy his father. >>eng<< Iqeṣṣ ayi aɛeddis. I have a stomach ache. I think it's the same way. >>eng<< Takti-ya tettfeǧǧiǧ! What a brilliant idea! You got rid of me! >>eng<< Ssarameɣ-ak ɛiṭa n tafat akked d ijeǧǧigen s ukemmic. I wish you lots of bright stars and all the flowers you desire. I know you how you ought to bear the light, and how much you allow it. >>hau_Latn<< Let there be peace in the world. Bari salama ta kasance a duniya. Ku kasance da salama a cikin duniya. >>eng<< Txuṣṣemt-iyi aṭas. I missed you very much. For the love of many was great. >>eng<< Tella tin i yettfeṛṛiǧen deg Tom. Someone is watching Tom. My daughter wants to see me in Tom. >>eng<< תסיר את הז'קט. Remove that jacket. Remove the jacket. >>eng<< Il-lejl it-tajjeb! Goodnight! Good night! >>eng<< حسن السؤال نصف العلم. A good question is half of knowledge. Well, the question's half the science. >>eng<< Amek armi newweḍ ɣer tegnit-a? How did we get into this situation? How did we come to be in the womb? >>eng<< Yeẓra Tom ugar. Tom knows more. He's seen Tom more than you. >>eng<< תום אינו אדם מסוג זה. Tom isn't that type of guy. Tom's not that kind of person. >>eng<< Terriḍ kullec daxel? Did you put everything in there? Have you finished all things in there? >>eng<< أنت تقوم بعمل جيد. You are doing very well. You're doing a good job. >>eng<< אני מציע שתניח את הנשק. I suggest you put that weapon down. I suggest you put the weapon down. >>eng<< Yella ḥedd i iẓeḍmen ɣef Tom. Somebody attacked Tom. One thing, I say, you know. >>eng<< لا تقولي شيئًا قبل التفكير فيه. Don't say anything without thinking. Don't say anything before you think of it. >>eng<< هذا سؤال مهم جداً. This question is one of great importance. This is a very important question. >>eng<< شفت هادا؟ Did you see that? A quiet lips? >>eng<< תום שב. Tom's returned. Tom, sit down. >>eng<< אהיה במכונית. I'll be in the car. I'll be in the car. >>eng<< تعال معي. Come with me. Come with me. >>eng<< Tessen ad tmeslay tajapunit. She can speak Japanese. They know no one's eating except that which builds up. >>eng<< La tettargumt. You are dreaming. No tempergirt. >>eng<< Nessaram teɣzi n tudert i wid yessidiren tutlayt taqbaylit. We wish long life to those who bring the Kabyle language to life. We give the crown of life to those who read it in life. >>eng<< התבוננתי בה מזווית העין. I observed her from the corner of my eye. I looked at her for eye contact. >>eng<< לבסוף הוא ויתר. At last he yielded. Finally he gave up. >>eng<< أمتزوج أنت أم عزب؟ Are you married or single? Are you married or single? >>eng<< תום השאיר תשר נדיב על השולחן. Tom left a large tip on the table. Tom left a generous line on the table. >>eng<< Tzemreḍ ad s-tefkeḍ waki i Tom? Could you give this to Tom? Do you give him who is in Tom, which of you will not give him?" >>eng<< كان سامي مهتمّا بشأنه فحسب. Sami was just minding his business. Sammy was just interested in him. >>eng<< נלכדתם. היכנעו! You've been captured. Surrender! You're trapped, surrender! >>eng<< לא ראית ציפורים כלשהן? Didn't you see any birds? Didn't you see any birds? >>eng<< كان الدّكتور صادق بطلا في البلدة. Dr. Sadiq was a superstar in the community. Dr. Honest was a hero in town. >>eng<< من فضلك اكتب ما سأقوله. Please write down what I am going to say. Please write what I'm gonna say. >>eng<< Tesɛam ayen yeḥeman i tissit? Do you have anything hot to drink? Do you have any honor to sit down? >>eng<< Yuzzel lḥal. Time flew. And they went their way. >>eng<< תצביעי לנו! Vote for us! You vote for us! >>eng<< لم يجد توم مفتاحه في أي مكان. Tom couldn't find his key anywhere. Tom didn't find his key anywhere. >>eng<< לא ייתכן שג'יין אמרה דבר כזה. Jane cannot have said such a thing. Jane may not have said such a thing. >>eng<< እኔ ሐኪም ነኝ። I'm a doctor. I am a doctor. >>eng<< Tzemrem ad tt-id-tafem? Can you find it? You can take your breath? >>eng<< Ddegs n tsiɣtin iy iṛeqqen. Several candles were burning. And supposing him to appear. And when they had eaten him, they were scorched. >>eng<< יש לו יותר ספרים מאשר לכל היתר ביחד. He's got more books than all the others put together. He's got more books than anyone else together. >>eng<< זה שטיח יפה מאד. It's a beautiful rug. It's a very beautiful carpet. >>eng<< لا أريد أن تنتهي علاقتنا. I don't want us to finish. I don't want our relationship to end. >>eng<< אנחנו שמרנו לך מקום. We saved you a seat. We kept you a place. >>eng<< Anda-tt ɛemmti-k? Where's your aunt? And you remember-k? >>eng<< ذهبت إلى العنوان الخطأ. I went to the wrong address. I went to the wrong address. >>eng<< אני חושב שאתה טועה. I think you are mistaken. I think you're wrong. >>eng<< Ur bɣiɣ ara ad kent-qerḥeɣ. Bɣiɣ ad kent-ɛawneɣ. I don't want to hurt you. I want to help you. I don't desire to destroy you. I desire to help you." >>eng<< Xedmemt ayen ilhan i wid i kent-ikeṛhen. Do good to those who hate you. You do to those who hate me, as you also do. >>eng<< הדעה שלך לא מעניינת אותי. I'm not interested in your opinion. Your opinion doesn't matter to me. >>eng<< Ad teɣṛemt ass-a? Do you have school today? Have you read today? >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ ara ɣ-d-imagren? Is someone meeting us? There is any man who can guide us? >>eng<< Nexdem aya ass n 20 Ṭuber. We did that on October 20th. And he did this on a 20-year-old day. >>eng<< Kcem! Go inside. Keem! >>eng<< איך החלפת את הבגדים שלך כה מהר? How did you change your clothes so quickly? How did you change your clothes so fast? >>eng<< باع توم منزله. Tom sold his house. He sold Tom's house. >>eng<< لا يمكن لمخلوق أياً كان أن يعيش في الفضاء. No creature whatsoever can live in space. No creature can live in space. >>eng<< Ad zewǧeɣ deg Tubeṛ. I'll be getting married in October. And I will build Taints. >>eng<< Aɛeggun! Idiot! (Laughter) >>eng<< Ṣebbṛemt-tt. Comfort her. Thank you. >>eng<< Sarameɣ ulac win i k-id-iẓṛan akka. I hope no one sees you like this. I pray you, that no one says of you, but the one who has spoken it. >>eng<< Akka a mmi, ayen-nniḍen d ayen yuran. This is my son, everything else is destiny. Son, as it is written, >>eng<< D laεǧeb! Unbelievable! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha- >>eng<< Anta i iṛuḥen yid-kent? Who went with you? Then came the man with him? >>eng<< מי ידאג לתינוק? Who will take care of the baby? Who's gonna take care of the baby? >>eng<< הבחנת במשהו יוצא דופן? Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary? Did you notice something unusual? >>eng<< جواز السفر، لو سمحت. Passport, please. A passport, please. >>eng<< אם תרטיב את הרגלים תצטנן. If your feet get wet, you'll catch a cold. If you wet your legs, you'll sneeze. >>eng<< אני אחכה. I'll be waiting. I'll wait. >>eng<< השעון הזה מיוצר בשווייצריה. The watch is manufactured in Switzerland. This watch is produced in Switzerland. >>eng<< قرأت عينة وجيزة من كتابه. I dipped into his book. I read a little sample of his book. >>eng<< بدى الأمر جنونيّا. It sounded crazy. It seemed crazy. >>eng<< Teɣṛam adlis-a yakan? Have you read this book already? And do you put his trust in him? >>eng<< أخبر توم ماري بأن علاقتهما انتهت. Tom told Mary that their relationship was over. Tell Tom Marie that their relationship is over. >>eng<< איננו רוצים תאונה נוספת. We don't want any more accidents. We don't want another accident. >>eng<< Fell-i i la tettmesxiṛeḍ akka? Are you fucking kidding me? saying, "What do you have to do with me?" >>eng<< تعبت ليلى من الانتظار. Layla got tired of waiting. I've been tired of waiting for me. >>eng<< Aznemt tabṛat-a s usafag. Send this letter by air. You know how to walk. >>eng<< استعار سامي أقلام ليلى. Sami borrowed Layla's pencils. Sammy amam Lila's loan. >>eng<< انهم نصارى. They are Christians. They're telling me. >>eng<< من تحسب نفسك؟ Who do you think you are? Who counts yourself? >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ aẓawan amaziɣ. I love Berber music. I love to use a prayer or service. >>eng<< اِجلس من فضلك. Sit down, please. Have a seat, please. >>eng<< Txeddmeḍ aṭas. You work hard. The wall was cut down. >>eng<< לפעמים, הסימפטום הראשון של מחלת לב וכלי דם הוא מוות. Sometimes the first symptom of cardiovascular disease is death. Sometimes, the first symptoms of heart disease and blood vessels are death. >>eng<< D tidet waya. This is the truth. Differing in a way. >>eng<< Tom iqqim ittru. Tom is still crying. Tom's staying a tit. >>eng<< תום זקוק לעזרה בהתקנת אנטנת הטלוויזיה על הגג. Tom needs help putting a TV antenna on his roof. Tom needs help setting up the TV on the roof. >>eng<< יצאתי למסע והשארתי את הבית להשגחתה. I went on the trip, leaving the house in her care. I went on my journey and left the house to look after her. >>eng<< שיתפנו פעולה. We've been cooperative. We've been working together. >>eng<< Ilaq ad teṭseḍ. You should sleep. You must bury him. >>eng<< "إنّ جمال ليس قدّيسا." "بالرّغم من ذلك، أنا أثق به." "Jamal is not a saint." "Yet I trust him." "It's a beauty that's not a saint." "I trust it." >>eng<< لا أتوقع منك شيئا. I don't expect anything from you. I don't expect anything from you. >>eng<< لم أقول شيئا؟ Why would I say anything? I didn't say anything? >>eng<< لقد كنتُ معلماً لعامين. I've been a teacher for two years. I was a teacher for two years. >>eng<< عليك أن تزور طبيباً. You must see a doctor. You have to visit a doctor. >>eng<< Anwa lbeṛǧ i yellan ɛlay akk di Boston? What's the tallest building in Boston? Who then is this that cometh to me for all Boston? >>eng<< لا تتحرك. Don't move. Don't move. >>eng<< Nezweǧ nekk akked Tom tura. Tom and I are married now. I have finished all tom. >>eng<< Tuddsa tamadlant n tdawsa tesseɣra-d d akken Kuṛunavirus d arwas. The World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a pandemic. She turned her back on the earth, and threw a calf like a sardius. >>eng<< אני בטוח שתמצא מישהו די מהר. I'm sure you'll find someone pretty quickly. I'm sure you'll find someone pretty fast. >>eng<< منين انت؟ Where are you from? Who are you? >>eng<< أشكرك على مساعدتك مقدمًا. Thank you in advance for your help. Thank you for your help in advance. >>eng<< Ẓriɣ ur triḍ ara ad temmeslayeḍ af ayen yeḍran. I know you don't want to talk about what happened. For I know that thou shalt not speak at all. >>eng<< לתום שיער חום ארוך. Tom has long brown hair. For long brown hair. >>eng<< הוא מורגל בטיפוס הרים. He's used to mountain climbing. He's used to the mountain type. >>eng<< هذا لن ينتهي أبدا. This is never going to end. This will never end. >>eng<< Feṛḥen akken ma llan. They're all happy. They all rejoiced. >>eng<< ספריו של הסטודנט הזה חדשים. This student's books are new. This student's books are new. >>eng<< تكتب لي مرةً كل شهر. She writes to me once a month. You write me once a month. >>eng<< ወጣት አይደለም። He is not young. Not young. >>eng<< قال سامي أنّه لديه من سيوصله بسيّارته. Sami said he had a ride. Sammy said he had him in his car. >>eng<< ከተደቅሰኒ ትደልዪ ኢኺ ምሽ`ዶ? You like putting me to sleep don't you? Would you like to lie down? >>eng<< הוא שוקל להיות מלח. He's considering becoming a sailor. He's considering being salty. >>eng<< Qqim ṭṛankil! Stand still! I am stopped! >>eng<< Tom ur iḥemmel ara akk učči aqeṛḥan. Tom doesn't like any kind of spicy food. For you don't love all that he doesn't eat. >>eng<< האיש הגבוה יצא מהבית. The tall man came out of the house. The tall man came out of the house. >>eng<< يقول توم بأنه استمتع بالحفلة الموسيقية. Tom says that he enjoyed the concert. Tom says he enjoys music. >>eng<< Ur ttaǧǧaɣ ara aya ad yeḍṛu. I'm not going to let this happen. And let us not leave it, lest it come to pass. >>eng<< אתה עלול שלא לאהוב את הספר הזה. You may not like this book. You might not like this book. >>eng<< نجاحُهُ كلّفه كثيرًا. He paid too high a price for success. His success taught him a lot. >>eng<< Ass-a daɣen ad iεeṭṭel Tom. Tom is also going to be late today. For the same day will they also delay in Tom. >>eng<< אתה נמרץ. You're energetic. You're excited. >>eng<< תום הצליח לחצות את הנהר בשחיה. Tom was able to swim across the river. Tom managed to cross the river in a swim. >>eng<< בכף הרגל אנחנו מוצאים קרסול וחמש בהונות עם ציפורניים. The foot contains an ankle and five toes with nails. We find a crescal and five toes with fingernails. >>eng<< طروطار درك، ما نقدرو نديرو والو. It's too late to do anything about that now. Tortoire is aware of what we're able to do with Ndero and Walu. >>eng<< בקיצור בבקשה. Be brief, please. In short, please. >>eng<< إنه فنّان مشهور. He is a famous artist. It's famous artists. >>eng<< هاذان هما الزوجان الذان حدّثتك عنهما. This is the couple I told you about. These are the two spouses you talked about. >>eng<< Sliɣ-d i kra n lḥaǧa. I heard something. Then I heard a certain thing. >>eng<< Awi-t-id yid-k. Bring him back with you. Take him along with you. >>eng<< Amek tgam? How are you? Why do you say that? >>eng<< إخترقت الرصاصة جسده. The bullet went through his body. The bullet broke his body. >>eng<< لا يوجد أي شيء مدعاة للفخر. There is nothing to be proud of. There's nothing to be proud of. >>eng<< תלונות הן נדירות. Complaints are rare. Complaints are rare. >>eng<< فجأة بدأ المطر بالهطول. Suddenly rain began to fall. Suddenly the rain started in the distance. >>eng<< Ḥemmleɣ timeɣṛiwin. I love parties. I love stripes. >>eng<< هل أخبرت سارة؟ Did you tell Sarah? Did you tell Sarah? >>eng<< Walit zdat-nwen. Look ahead. Behold, he is before you. >>eng<< غادرت المكتب منذ فترة. She has already left the office. I've been leaving the office for a while. >>eng<< שכנעת אותי. You've convinced me. You convinced me. >>eng<< ولكنني سأكون دائماً أميناً معكم حول التحديات التي سنواجهها. وسأصغي إليكم، خاصة حينما نختلف. وفوق كل ذلك، سأطلب منكم المشاركة في الجهود الرامية لإعادة بناء هذه الأمة على نفس النحو الذي اِنتُهِجَ منذ مئتين وواحد وعشرين عاماً؛ حجراً بحجر، وطوبةً طوبة، ويداً أخشنها العمل فوق يد. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. And above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation, the only way it's been done in America for 221 years; block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we will face, and I will listen to you, especially when we are different. >>eng<< La iyi-d-zeɛfuyeḍ! You drive me nuts! If you forgive me, you will forgive me! >>eng<< Tom yella yeskaddeb i Mary. Tom has been lying to Mary. Tom, he smiled to Mary. >>eng<< Asmi Tom akked nekk nṛuḥ ar Boston, nerza ɣef Mary. When Tom and I were in Boston, we visited Mary. And it came to pass, that, when we were with them, we departed to Boston, which were about Mary. >>eng<< Yefka-yi-d Tom tasarut-is. Tom gave his key to me. he-I-d-Tom tar-is. >>eng<< יש לי יותר מדי דברים! I have too much stuff! I've got too many things! >>eng<< זה עשוי להועיל בעתיד. It might prove useful. It might be useful in the future. >>eng<< እናትሽን ትወጃታለሽ፧ Do you love your mother? You will call your mother >>eng<< Werǧin iyi-d-isteqsa Tom. Tom never asked me. You will not ask me to Tom. >>eng<< אף פעם לא אמרתי שאני מאמין לכם. I never said I believed you. I never said I believe you. >>eng<< شعرت بأن جوالي يهتز في جيبي. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I felt like Julie was freaking out in my pocket. >>eng<< إننا نأكل التفاح. We're eating apples. We eat apples. >>eng<< Tom yeffeɣ-d seg lḥebs deg 20 Tubeṛ. Tom got out of prison on October 20th. Ton is he gone out of the prison, 20 pieces of the prison. >>eng<< Ɛeyyeḍ ugar. Louder. Do not rob him of anything. >>eng<< Yettwaḥeqqeṛ Tom. Tom was humiliated. You'll pick up Tom. >>eng<< يجب عليك البدأ قريبا. You must start soon. You have to start soon. >>eng<< ירדנו במורד הנהר עם בוצית. We went down a river by canoe. We went down the river with a boob. >>eng<< Ddwa-agi ad k-issgen. This medicine will make you sleepy. But these things will happen to you. >>eng<< Anda i tellamt? Where are you? What about you? >>eng<< الكتاب أحمر. The book is red. The book is red. >>eng<< Yeţţarra-ţ kan i icalan. He just goes and comes. And it's good to get the sense of it. >>eng<< أهناك مشكلة في الأمر؟ Is there anything wrong about it? Is there a problem? >>eng<< Il-qattus tiegħek huwa iswed. Your cat is black. Your cat is black. >>eng<< إن كنت مخطئا، فاعترف. إن كنت محقّا، فاصمت. If you're wrong, admit it. If you're right, be quiet. If you're wrong, admit it. If you're right, you're quiet. >>eng<< أين تذهب للعمل؟ Where do you work? Where are you going to work? >>eng<< אל תזלזל באחרים. Don't look down on others. Don't fool the others. >>eng<< لا أحد يقطن هناك. Nobody lives there. Nobody lives there. >>eng<< אין יקר כחינם. Nothing is as beloved as what one does in vain. There's no value in life. >>eng<< اشترى سامي كلبا لليلى. Sami bought Layla a dog. Sammy buys a dog for the night. >>eng<< Yiwen ur ifehhem. Nobody understands. No one understood it. >>eng<< Bonġu. Good morning. Bongo. >>eng<< كان سامي يلعن. Sami cursed. Sammy was faking. >>eng<< أنظر بنفسك. See for yourself. Look at you. >>eng<< אתה מזויין? Are you armed? Are you fucking? >>eng<< انقطعت أخبار ليلى عن سامي. Sami didn't hear from Layla. I cut the night news about Sammy. >>eng<< יש לך מה לומר? Do you have anything to say? Do you have anything to say? >>eng<< זאת עבודה הדורשת רמה גבוהה של ריכוז. This is the kind of work that requires a high level of concentration. It's a work that requires a high level of concentration. >>eng<< Ur sɛiḍ i qerrḥen am tidett. Nothing hurts like the truth. Insomuch that thou wast not made without reproach, as the serpent did. >>eng<< כוסות וכלים נשברו. Glasses and dishes were broken. Cups and tools were broken. >>eng<< أحبّ سامي هذا المكان. Sami liked it here. I love Sammy this place. >>eng<< الحساب عليّ. I'll pay the bill. My account. >>eng<< אני מצטער, איני מוסמך למסור לך את המידע הזה. I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to give you that information. I'm sorry, I'm not authorized to give you this information. >>eng<< Iḥulfa Tom tarbaɛt-is ad terbeḥ timlilit. Tom feels that his team will win the game. The palm tree is full of herbs, and shrubs it up. >>eng<< كان فاضل بحاجة ماسة للمال. Fadil needed money bad. He was a man of great need for money. >>eng<< לתום צלקת על הבטן. Tom has a scar on his stomach. Sign a scar on the stomach. >>eng<< سأترك الكتب هنا. I am leaving the books here. I'll leave the books here. >>eng<< Ǧǧiɣ-akent-n kra n yiznan. I left you a couple messages. And I found in thee none of those things which they have spoken of. >>eng<< La txeddmemt? Are you working? You do it? >>eng<< نتا حابس يا الزح؟ Are you fucking stupid? Nata's wearing, mate? >>eng<< إنتحرت. She committed suicide. I've been shot. >>eng<< كم ثمنها؟ How much is it? How much? >>eng<< האם הדוור כבר הגיע? Has the mailman already come? Is the mail here yet? >>eng<< لا ينكسر البلاستيك بسهولة. Plastic does not break easily. The plastic doesn't break easily. >>eng<< Sami yerra-ken-id gar wallen-is. Sami is interested in you. And He showed him his eyes, >>eng<< תום שטף את הצלחות והניחן בשוטף הכלים. Tom rinsed off the plates and put them into the dishwasher. Tom washed the plates and shampoos in the panties. >>eng<< Ur ilaq ara ad teqqimem da. You must not stay here. And it shall not be long. >>eng<< الجدة ذهبت الي السوق لشراء طعام للأسرة. Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family. Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family. >>eng<< הוא בילה את הלילה בשינון החומר לקראת הבחינה. He spent all night cramming for the test. He spent the night using the material for the exam. >>eng<< يمكنني أن اسمعه. I can hear it. I can hear it. >>eng<< Yusa-d Mass Sakaki ad kent-iẓeṛ. A Mr Sakaki has come to see you. He came to Massaki, and would have received him back. >>eng<< لا، لا أعلم. هناك أشياء كثيرة. No. I don't know. It's a lot of things. No, I don't know. >>eng<< الأسبوع الواحد فيه سبعة أيام. There are seven days in a week. One week has seven days. >>eng<< كيف تجرؤ؟ How dare you? How dare you? >>eng<< التقى سامي بليلى عام ١٩٩٦. Sami met Layla in 1996. Meeting with Sammy Bly in 1996. >>eng<< ركض سامي للنّجاة بحياته. Sami ran for his life. Sammy ran to save his life. >>eng<< המנגינה הזאת מוכרת לרבים מן היפנים. This melody is familiar to many Japanese. This game is known to many from the Japanese. >>eng<< السفر سهل هذه الأيام. Travelling is easy these days. Travel is easy these days. >>eng<< La yettqeṣṣiṛ Tom? Is Tom joking? Great. What's up? >>eng<< אני נתקלתי בו פעם. I met him once. I ran into him once. >>eng<< Tom ad yeḍfeṛ Mary. Tom will follow Mary. You will bury Mary. >>eng<< البيت صغير. The house is small. The house is small. >>eng<< ראיתי היום סנאי לבקן. I saw an albino squirrel today. I saw a squirrel today. >>eng<< אני מורה עכשיו. I'm a teacher now. I'm a teacher now. >>eng<< איך הם יגלו? How are they going to find out? How will they find out? >>eng<< אני לא כל כך מיואש עדיין. I'm not that desperate yet. I'm not so desperate yet. >>eng<< لم اكن وحيدة. I was not lonely. I wasn't alone. >>eng<< Ad twejḍeḍ ticki? Will you be ready soon? Are you alerted? >>eng<< המחאה חייבת להימשך. Protests must continue. The check must continue. >>eng<< Steqsi yiwen seg warrac ara twaliḍ d amezwaru. Ask whichever of the boys you see first. Ask one of the children to know the first. >>eng<< ההיסטוריה של כל מולדת מתחילה בלב איש או אישה. The history of every country begins in the heart of a man or a woman. The history of every homeland begins with the heart of a man or woman. >>eng<< Tuɣ, awtul-a d amcaṭni. That was an evil bunny. I can't, I can't, I can, I can't sleep. >>eng<< إنه يعمل في المصرف. He works at a bank. He works at the bank. >>eng<< אני סתם מתעלם מתום. I just ignore Tom. I'm just ignoring a mystery. >>eng<< תום הבטיח להשתפר. Tom has promised to make amends. Tom promised to get better. >>eng<< رهن فاضل الحليّ. Fadil pawned the jewellery. Reinforce the solution. >>eng<< تعجبني شجاعتك. I admire your courage. I like your courage. >>eng<< انا فقط لا اعلم ماذا اقول I just don't know what to say. I just don't know what to say. >>eng<< Il-fniek jħobbu jieklu l-karrotti. Rabbits like to eat carrots. The rabbits like to eat the carrots. >>eng<< Tom yessuden Mary. Tom embraces Marie. Tom his mother-in-law Mary. >>eng<< الحروب لا تبدأ هكذا كما يبدأ الشتاء، بل الناس هم من يبدأون الحروب. Wars don't simply start like winter starts, but rather it is people that start a war. War doesn't start like the winter begins, but people start the war. >>eng<< ضحّى سامي بليلى كي ينجو بنفسه. Sami threw Layla under the bus to save himself. Take Sammy Bly to survive himself. >>eng<< Aznemt-iyi ar dina. Send me there. You remember me, that I was also a Christian. >>eng<< كان فاضل على علاقة مع ليلى. Fadil was having an affair with Layla. He was trying to have a relationship with Lily. >>eng<< Nekk mačči d taqeddact-nkent! I'm not your slave! I'm not a maid! >>eng<< Tifiţ tameţţant taḥcamaţ. Death is preferable to shame. Tappy tmmeşant tahcacamο. >>eng<< Ttqejjiment yal ass ɣef tiyaḍ. They always mock others. They sat down each day concerning the others. >>eng<< אתה רוצה לתבוע? Do you want to press charges? You want to sue? >>eng<< Mxelleɣ fell-am. I am crazy about you. I ask him, 'Do you think that I have to die?' >>eng<< لم أقل كلمتي الأخيرة! I didn't say my last word! I didn't say my last word! >>eng<< Tesɛamt ṛṛuz? Do you have rice? You know what? >>eng<< انضمّت ليلى إلى مخيّم للنّازيّين الجدد. Layla joined a neo-Nazi camp. She joined me in a camp for the new Nazis. >>eng<< لم يتخاصما سامي و ليلى أمام أطفالهما. Sami and Layla didn't argue in front of the kids. They didn't choose Sammy and Lila in front of their children. >>eng<< כל הבקתות נשארות הרוסות. All the cabins remain shuttered. All the cabins remain ruined. >>eng<< הם נכנסו לגור כאן רק שלשום. They moved in just the other day. They only moved in here for nothing. >>eng<< توم يشرب كثيرا. Tom drinks a lot. Tom drinks a lot. >>eng<< Yella ḥedd i iɣelṭen. Somebody made a mistake. There is no such thing as they desire. >>eng<< לטום ואישתו שלושה ילדים. Tom and his wife have three children. Tom and his wife are three children. >>eng<< הוא צריך מגבת. He needs a towel. He needs a towel. >>eng<< Meslay s ttawil. Speak more slowly. Meslay prolonged. >>eng<< الطريق طويل. The road is long. A long way. >>eng<< התנאים וההגבלות ניתנים לשינוי בכל עת. The terms and conditions are subject to change at any time. Conditions and limitations can change at any time. >>eng<< הצורך שלך באינטימיות עשוי לגדול. Your need for intimacy may increase. Your need for intimacy may grow. >>eng<< يحترم عالمنا قانوناً ذهبياً واحداً: من يملك الذهب يضع القانون. The world follows one golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules. Our world respects one gold law: one who owns gold makes the law. >>eng<< Mmeslayet kan yid-sent. Just talk with them. He spoke to them immediately. >>eng<< لا يعرف توم كيف يستريح ويستمتع بحياته. Tom doesn't know how to relax and just enjoy life. Tom doesn't know how to relax and enjoy life. >>eng<< הסכמתי איתה. I agreed with her. I agreed with her. >>eng<< זה מה שאני הייתי אומר. This is what I would have said. That's what I'd say. >>eng<< أين تعمل؟ Where does she work? Where do you work? >>eng<< أخبرني Tell me. Tell me. >>eng<< שטיח ירוק לא ילך עם וילון כחול. A green carpet will not go with this blue curtain. Green carpet won't go with a blue whale. >>eng<< בני אדם לא היו מגיעים לאן שהגיעו ללא האגודלים. Humans wouldn't have gotten where they are without opposable thumbs. Humans wouldn't have come anywhere without thumbs. >>eng<< Ttu. Forget it. Ttu. >>eng<< أصبح سامي أشهر مدرّس في ثانويّتنا. Sami became the most popular teacher at our high school. He's been a high school-teacher for eight months. >>eng<< אני לא רוצה ללמוד הלילה. I don't want to study tonight. I don't want to learn tonight. >>eng<< הייתי סטודנט לאמנות בזמנו. I was an art major in college at that time. I was a art student at the time. >>eng<< Ur tettumt ara idrimen-nkent. Don't forget your money. Don't take the money secret. >>eng<< يشبه جاك أباه. Jack resembles his father. Looks like Jack's father. >>eng<< Ḥareɣ melmi ad waliɣ llebsa-nwen n Halloween. I can't wait to see your Halloween costume. But I beseech you, as long as I am ready to be clothed with your holy apparel. >>eng<< Bɣiɣ ccṛab azeggaɣ di leɛnaya-k. Red wine, please. I have red wine, please. >>eng<< على أي سرير تريد أن تنام؟ On which bed would you like to sleep? What bed do you want to sleep on? >>eng<< Ǧǧuǧgen yijeǧǧigen. Flowers bloom. They're workaholics. >>eng<< Seg Tibet i d-tuɣalem? Do you come back from Tibet? You came to me and killed me? >>eng<< آكل كتاباً. I eat a book. Eat a book. >>eng<< Is-Sena t-Tajba! Happy New Year! Good Year! >>eng<< את לא מחרידה אותי. You don't frighten me. You're not freaking me out. >>eng<< כולם ראו את זה. Everyone saw it. Everybody saw it. >>eng<< Txelɛem? Are you scared? How is it that you are filled? >>eng<< Yella walebɛaḍ i yukren iṣuṛdiyen-iw. Someone stole my money. There is a certain man that hath ought against me. >>eng<< אולי טום דובר אמת. Maybe Tom is telling the truth. Maybe Tom's telling the truth. >>eng<< Aql-i ad ṛuḥeɣ ɣer Usṭṛalya. I'm going to Australia. And I go into Arabia. >>eng<< ובכן, קנית את זה לו? So, did you buy it for him? Well, you bought it to him? >>eng<< לתום אישיות מתמכרת. Tom has an addictive personality. To make a personal sale. >>eng<< Zemreɣ ad ṛuḥeɣ ar wexxam tura? Can I go home now? Can I go home now? >>eng<< Ur ttuḥtameɣ ara armi i d-jban fell-i! Suddenly, they appeared to me. I don't know how much I am ready to be delivered up from me." >>eng<< Lemmer d-agi i tella Mary ad aɣ-tɛiwen. If Mary had been here, she'd have helped us. If this would have been Mary, who would have helped us." >>eng<< Izmer ad d-tas. She might come. zimer dots. >>eng<< Tenɣa Mary Abbott. Mary killed Abbott. 12th Mary Abbott. >>eng<< אשתך עדיין בארה"ב? Is your wife still in America? Is your wife still in the United States? >>eng<< מזלג נפל מהשולחן! A fork fell off of the table. Medal fell off the table! >>eng<< سامي يحبّ الشّوكولاتة. Sami enjoys chocolate. Sammy loves chocolate. >>eng<< حاولت قتل نفسي مرّتين. I tried to kill myself twice. I tried to kill myself twice. >>eng<< Ur ẓṛiɣ acemma ɣef lbaṭaṭa. I don't know anything about potatoes. I've got none of those things. >>eng<< أشتم رائحة حريق يا أمي. I smell something burning, Mother. I smell a fire, Mom. >>eng<< الجزائر تزعم إيران. Algeria supports Iran. Algeria claims Iran. >>eng<< أطفئ توم المصابيح. Tom turned the lights off. Turn off the lights. >>eng<< Tugareḍ Tom. You're older than Tom. More than Tom. >>eng<< התינוקת בכתה עד שנרדמה. The baby cried herself to sleep. The baby cried until we fell asleep. >>eng<< وضع سامي الكاميرا في جيبه. Sami put the camera in his pocket. Sammy put the camera in his pocket. >>eng<< قال له: "تفضّل بالجلوس إذا سمحت". "Sit down, please," he said. He said, "Please sit down, please." >>eng<< הייתם צריכים לשמור את זה בסוד. You should have kept it secret. You should have kept it secret. >>eng<< يُقال أن البندقيّة مدينة جميلة. They say that Venice is a beautiful city. It's said the gunman's a beautiful city. >>eng<< M'iniex tabiba. I'm not a doctor. You are not a doctor. >>eng<< כן? מה את מחפשת? Yes? What were you looking for? What are you looking for? >>eng<< هذا الكلب يركض بسرعة. This dog runs fast. That dog runs fast. >>eng<< اطو الخريطة. Fold up the map. Take the map. >>eng<< Ḍṣan meṛṛa. Everybody laughs. And all the people were gathered together. >>eng<< Dadɣa mazal Tom yebɣa ad iffeɣ yid-k. By the way, Tom still wants to go out with you. And the men were yet ready to go with thee. >>eng<< Sarameɣ yiwen ur k-id-iẓṛi. I hope no one saw you. I watched you as a man doesn't receive anything. >>eng<< Yecṭeṛ. He's smart. It's over. >>eng<< יש לנו פה צוות טוב. We've got a good team here. We have a good team here. >>eng<< Yeẓẓul Tom. Tom prayed. It's hungry tom. >>eng<< אני אוהבת מאוד סרטי קולנוע. I like movies a lot. I love movies very much. >>eng<< توم ليس مستعداً بعد. Tom isn't ready yet. Tom's not ready yet. >>eng<< فتحت ليلى صنبور الماء. Layla turned the water on. I opened night the waterpot. >>eng<< Lliɣ deg Boston deg Tubeṛ. I was in Boston in October. I stayed in Boston in Tabene. >>eng<< אינני יכול פשוט להעיף את תום החוצה. I can't just kick Tom out. I can't just pull Tom out. >>eng<< Beṛka aberreḥ! Stop yelling! Let's get the money! >>eng<< זה היה הדבר הכי כואב בחיי. It was the most painful thing in my life. It was the most painful thing in my life. >>eng<< Neẓṛa d akken mačči d kemm i yenɣan Tom. We know you didn't kill Tom. As many as they killed Tomat as they killed. >>eng<< Iban akk tɣelṭem. Clearly you are mistaken. You are all mistaken. >>eng<< غادر سامي النّادي في سيّارة. Sami left the club in his car. Sammy left the club in a car. >>eng<< أحسنوا معاملة الرجال، يأتِكم الخام في سلام. Treat the men well and the ore will come. You better treat men, you're in peace. >>eng<< Tom yella yettaḍsa ɣef Mary. Tom was laughing at Mary. For she is sitting over Mary. >>eng<< لم نتوقّف عند قبلة فقط؟ Why stop at a kiss? Why didn't we just stop at a kiss? >>eng<< Tettmeslayem am iṭalyaniyen? Do you speak like the Italians? Don't you speak as a militia? >>eng<< האורות נכבו לפתע ונשתרר חושך. The lights suddenly went out and it become dark. The lights were suddenly out of the dark. >>eng<< Ilaq ad mlilent wallen ticki ara nemṣafaḥ wa d wa. Our eyes should meet when we shake hands with each other. Let the eyes of one man faint. >>eng<< كان سامي يتخيّل عن ليلى. Sami fantasized on Layla. Sammy was thinking about Lily. >>eng<< עוד אל תפתחי את המתנה. Don't open the present yet. Don't open the gift anymore. >>eng<< Yuẓẓaf Tom. Tom cheered. It's all over. >>eng<< توم هو اللي قالي وقتاش الاجتماع. Tom is the one who told me when the meeting would be. Tom's the lei said the meeting time. >>eng<< הם חושבים שהוא לא מתאים למשימה הזאת. They think he's not right for the assignment. They think he doesn't fit this mission. >>eng<< היא בצרות גדולות. She's in big trouble. She's in big trouble. >>eng<< انقطعت أخبار ليلى عن سامي. Sami didn't hear back from Layla. I cut the night news about Sammy. >>eng<< Ad asen-iniɣ ɣef ayenni. I'll talk to them about it. And I will tell of these things. >>eng<< Azul. Good afternoon. Azul. >>eng<< شرب سامي قارورة كاملة من الأقراص. Sami swallowed a whole bottle of pills. Sammy's drinking a full-blown carrot. >>eng<< האריה הוא מלך הג'ונגל. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. >>eng<< אני לא אוהב תפוחי עץ. I don't like apples. I don't like tree apples. >>eng<< אני לא יכולה לטפל בכך כרגע. I can't deal with this right now. I can't handle it right now. >>eng<< Takeṛṛust n Sami ur tekkir ara. Sami's car is not starting. For a trumpet wouldn't sound. >>eng<< ما هي فرقَتُكَ الموسيقيّة المفضّلة؟ What is your favorite music group? What's your favorite music team? >>eng<< Tom yesha. Tom forgot. Tomsha. >>eng<< أظن أن توم لطيف. I think Tom is kind. I think Tom's nice. >>eng<< Eččet iẓẓan - D imelyunen n yizan i ten-itetten. Eat shit — millions of flies cannot be wrong. And they did eat the fat -- and in no wise feed them. >>eng<< أنا أضحك فقط. I am only joking. I'm just laughing. >>eng<< הרגשתי די רע. I felt pretty bad. I felt pretty bad. >>eng<< דאגי בבקשה לכך שהעופות בכלוב יקבלו מים ואוכל מדי יום. Please see that the birds in the cage get water and food every day. Take care that birds in a cage get water and eat every day. >>eng<< זה חשוב לקרוא ספרים. It's important to read books. It's important to read books. >>eng<< אחרי הסערה הים נרגע. After the storm, the ocean was calm. After the storm calmed down. >>eng<< תפסיקו להתערב. Stop meddling. Stop getting involved. >>eng<< شعر سامي بالسّلام. Sami felt peace. Sammy hair in peace. >>eng<< תודה עבור כל מה שעשיתם. Thank you for everything you've done. Thank you for everything you've done. >>eng<< أذهب الى مركز الشرطة. I'm going to the police station. Go to the police station. >>eng<< لوكان غير جِيت مسرّح في ڤاع اللغات. If only I was fluent in all the languages. If you hadn't been interested in language reading. >>eng<< Tom iɣil dakken yiwen n wass ad t-iḥader lḥerz-nni seg tgezzanin. Tom thought that the amulet would one day protect him from witches. knowing that the day was coming on which one of them would walk. >>eng<< سمعت ليلى صوتا مألوفا. Layla heard a familiar voice. I heard me a familiar voice. >>eng<< سوف يكون عندهم أسئلة أكثر كثيرا عننا. They're going to have a lot more questions than we do. They'll have more questions than we do. >>eng<< Acimi i yebɣa Tom ad t-ɛiwneɣ? Why does Tom want my help? Why do you want to know me? >>eng<< أعطني بطاقة اعتمادك من فضلك. Please give me your credit card. Give me your card, please. >>eng<< Tzemremt ad teǧǧemt tawwurt teldi? Would you mind leaving the door open? You can't shut it up. >>eng<< Mary tecbeḥ aṭas, maca ur teḥric ara aṭas. Mary is very beautiful, but she's not very smart. Mary was exceedingly poor, but she didn't have much sleep. >>eng<< תום נמלט. Tom's escaped. Tom escaped. >>eng<< לך הביתה, עכשיו. Go home now. Go home, now. >>eng<< הם נראים עצובים. They look sad. They look sad. >>eng<< سأقتل هذه العادة أو أموت محاولا. I will kill this habit or die trying. I'll kill this habit or try. >>eng<< מה לעשות? אלו הם כוחות השוק. What can be done? These are market forces. These are market forces. >>eng<< هذه أعمق نقطة في البحيرة. This is the lake's deepest point. This is the deepest point in the lake. >>eng<< Rran Mass White d anemhal. They appointed Mr. White as manager. Rran Mass White d’amhal. >>eng<< مدرّس الرّياضة يناديني بالسّمين. The gym teacher calls me "fat." The trainer's calling me right. >>eng<< Tom d win isebbṛen. Tom is patient. Tom d wins. >>eng<< קן הוא בערך באותו הגובה כמו ביל. Ken is about as tall as Bill. Ken is about the same height as Bill. >>eng<< كان سامي ينبّه ببوق سيّارته. Sami was honking. Sammy was looking at his car. >>eng<< אני לובש תחתונים. I wear boxers. I'm wearing underwear. >>eng<< Yuɣal Tom ur isudun ara akk tameṭṭut-is. Tom never kisses his wife anymore. And he entered not into her, neither was he with her wife. >>eng<< הוא בחור טוב. He's a good lad. He's a good guy. >>eng<< העובדה היא שהם אפילו לא קראו את המכתב. The fact is that she didn't even read the letter. The fact is they didn't even read the letter. >>eng<< هي تركتني أذهب. She let me go. She let me go. >>eng<< Ur tḥemmleḍ ara aqjun n Tom, anaɣ? You don't like Tom's dog, do you? Don't you love reading Tom, us? >>eng<< Ɛni tfeqɛeḍ? Are you angry? Why not? >>eng<< Yečča Tom. Tom ate. They've got tom. >>eng<< لم اشتريت هذه السيارة؟ Why did you buy this car? Why did you buy this car? >>eng<< Yella waḍu. There is wind. Nay, but there is a wind. >>eng<< Ččiɣ-t. I ate him. charadadad. >>eng<< עם הקלינגון הם גזע של לוחמי חלל בתכנית טלוויזיה פופולרית. The Klingons are a warrior spacefaring race in a popular show. With the Klingon they're a race of space fighters on a popular TV show. >>eng<< موقعا الشبكتين الاجتماعيتين الشهيرتين فيسبوك وتويتر يخضعان لدستور الولايات المتحدة، وقوانين ولاية كاليفورنيا. The well-known social networking sites Facebook and Twitter operate under the United States Constitution and California state law. The sites of the famous Facebook and Twitter social networks are subject to the Constitution of the United States and the laws of the state of California. >>eng<< מרי כל כך יפה! Mary is so pretty. Mary is so beautiful! >>eng<< לא היו מסילות ברזל ביפן באותה תקופה. There were no railroads in Japan at that time. There were no iron tracks in Japan at the same time. >>eng<< التدخين عادة سيئة. Smoking is a bad habit. Smoking usually is bad. >>eng<< إنّ سامي يركض منذ ساعات و هو يبحث عن منزل ليلى. Sami has been running in the neighborhood for hours, trying to find Layla's house. Sammy's running hours ago and he's looking for a night's house. >>eng<< خسر وظيفته لذاك السبب. For that reason, he lost his job. He lost his job, so that's why. >>eng<< هل أكلت القطة لسانك؟ The cat got your tongue? Did you eat the cat in your tongue? >>eng<< هذا سؤال أساسي. This is a fundamental question. That's a fundamental question. >>eng<< أنا أستخدم تويتر. I'm using Twitter. I'm using Twitter. >>eng<< في أي عام ولدت؟ What year were you born? In what year have I been born? >>eng<< لا أعرف ما مصدرها. I didn't know where it came from. I don't know what its source is. >>eng<< Ur tt-wufqeɣ ara. I don't agree with her. "I don't know him. >>eng<< كان في المنزل صمت رهيب. The house was dead silent. He was in the house a terrible silence. >>eng<< عانى سامي من صداع نصفي. Sami had a migraine headache. Sammy suffered from a headache. >>eng<< אל תלכו כל כך מהר! אני לא יכולה לעמוד בקצב. Don't walk so fast! I can't keep up with you. Don't go so fast! >>eng<< تسليم البضاعة يتم بعد شهر من تسجيل الطلب. Delivery of goods is done after a month of placing the order. The delivery of the goods shall take place after one month of registration of the request. >>eng<< سرقْتُ حقيبتك لأنني نفذتُ من النقود I stole your bag because I ran out of money. I stole your bag because I ran out of money. >>eng<< إلى أين أنت ذاهب؟ Where are you going? Where are you going? >>eng<< نظّف غرفتك. You must clean your room. Clean your room. >>eng<< انت تعيش في عالم الخيال . You live in a fantasy world. You live in a dream world. >>eng<< المعرفة هي نصف المعركة. Knowing is half the battle. Knowledge is half the battle. >>eng<< Iban akk ad aṛǧuɣ. Of course I'll wait. And I will look for every time that I shall wait. >>eng<< תום לא יפריע לך. Tom won't interfere with you. Tom won't bother you. >>eng<< מוטב שזה לא יהיה הם. That better not be them. It better not be them. >>eng<< Akken ad tlemmedeḍ tameslayt, ilaq ad tissineḍ taseftit n yemyagen. To learn a language, it is imperative to know the conjugation of verbs. For when thou shalt learn a word, let it rather be furbished. >>eng<< Sami yella dinna. Sami was there. And there he was there. >>eng<< Ayɣer ur tebɣiḍ ara ad tṛuḥeḍ ɣer wexxam n Tom? Why don't you go to Tom's house? You don't want to go to the house of Tom? You don't want to go to the house of Jesus.' >>eng<< Sɛan aman. They have water. There is water in their hands, >>eng<< أنا مسرور للغاية لسماع ذلك. I'm really glad to hear that. I'm so glad to hear that. >>eng<< هل بإمكانك إخبار توم أنني مررت من هنا؟ Could you tell Tom that I stopped by? Can you tell Tom I've been through here? >>eng<< ממתי אכפת לך מה קורה? Since when do you care about what happens? Since when do you care what's going on? >>eng<< لم تر طبيباً؟ Why not see the doctor? Why did you see a doctor? >>eng<< عليك أن تجيب على السؤال. You must answer the question. You have to answer the question. >>eng<< Ur bɣiɣ ara ad ḥkuɣ i Tom ayen yeḍran. I don't want to tell Tom about what happened. I don't desire that I should be ignorant of the things that are hidden. >>eng<< לאן מוליך השביל הזה? Where does this trail lead? Where's this path going? >>eng<< Isenned mliḥ fell-as, dɣa teṛṛeẓ. He leaned on it so much that it broke. And they laid hold on him, and he was glad. >>eng<< طلبت منه المساعدة. She asked him for help. I asked him to help. >>eng<< את באמת סבורה שאני מפחדת מחושך? Do you really think I'm afraid of the dark? Do you really think I'm afraid of the dark? >>eng<< Tom yettṛaju yiwet. Tom is waiting for somebody. A letter is given. >>eng<< انقطع اتصالي بالإنترنت. My internet connection was cut off. Get off the Internet.