Tumuppe ufayssiyaabay harati Xoossaa Qaalaa akeekanaadan maaddiyoogaa gidiyoogaa eraas I have found that helping people to understand God's Word makes me genuinely happy I learned that I really help others to understand God's Word Geeshsha Maxaafaykka, "ba hemetaa suurissanaagee aawu shene gidennaagaa " yootees. The Bible also points out: "It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " The Bible also says: "It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " " Haˈˈi Intte Xoossaa Asa ' " Now You Are God's People " " You Are God's People " 2: 21. 2: 21. 2: 21. Yihoowa Markkata Bolla Gididi Heemmiyaagee Geeshsha Maxaafaa birshshanaadan maaddiya kifiliyaa waanna biiruwan 1989n giigissiis. In 1989 the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses put in place a department at headquarters to facilitate Bible translation. In 1989, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses arranged for the translation of the Governing Body. Leemiso gidiya aawatinne aayoti bantta tamaarissiyoogaadan oottoosona. Parents who set the example live by what they teach. Parents work hard to teach their parents. Guutta saaminttappe guyyiyan, qassi tana xannaˈissiyaagee garamettanaadan oottiyaabaa au odaas. But after a few days, it was my Bible teacher's turn to be stunned! A few weeks later, she told me that she was impressed by what she was studying. SHin Yihooway issi zariyaa haraappe shaakkenna; qassi daro takkennan gubaaˈeti zariyan shaahettiyoogee attiis. But Jehovah does not make racial distinctions, and before too long the congregations became racially integrated. But Jehovah does not forget one another, and within many congregations, there will be a number of congregations. 2: 6) " Daro asay, ' attumaasay, maccaasaynne naati merinaa deˈuwaa demmanaadan Yesuusi wozo yarshsho gidiis. (Maa. Jesus became the ransom sacrifice that opened the way to endless life "for many " - men, women, and children. Many men, women, and children become "a ransom sacrifice of everlasting life. " Eti yaatanawu bantta duussaa laammana koshshidaba gidikkonne, hegee yaatana bessiya keehi gitaba giidi qoppoosona. * Although doing so required making adjustments in their life, they feel that the sacrifices have been well worth it. They needed to change their lifestyle, but they feel that this was a serious step. Guuttaa takkidi yelettana naˈa Kiristtaaneti woranawu koyokkona. (Kes. Christians would not choose to terminate a life that in time would normally result in the birth of another human being. In time, Christians do not want to kill a child. 17, 18. 17, 18. 17, 18. Robertta, Liyusa, Raakelonne Huliyana wolqqaama metoy gakkikkokka minettidosona. Robert, Luis, Raquel, and Julian did find comfort, even in those distressing circumstances. Robert, Grace, and I have experienced the strength needed to deal with severe trials. 10: 22) Yesuusi saˈan deˈido wode, ba Aawaa oonatettaa ufayssan, ubba yeemottidi qonccissiis. When on earth as a man, Jesus willingly - yes, eagerly - revealed what his Father is like. During his earthly ministry, Jesus reflected his Father's deep feelings, even meditating on his Father's personality. Hagaappe kasetiya huuphe yohuwan beˈidoogaadan, tumu Kiristtaaneti Seexaanaa iita alamiyan allaga biittaa asa mala woy imatta. As noted in the preceding article, true Christians are like foreigners, or temporary residents, in Satan's wicked world. As discussed in the preceding article, true Christians are like foreigners or foreigners in Satan's wicked world. Eti he gitabaa kuuyanaappe kase, koshshiyaagaa keena eraa demmana bessees; qassi Yihoowayyo oottanawu wozanaappe koyana bessees. Understandably, they should take such a step when they are mature enough to make that decision and have a genuine desire to serve Jehovah. Before they make that decision, they needed knowledge and needed to serve Jehovah with a complete heart. Hegaadan oottiyoogee nu mala Kiristtaaniyaa keehi maaddana danddayees. - Lee. Such initiatives may make a big difference in the life of a fellow believer. - Prov. Doing so can be especially useful for a fellow believer. - Prov. Xoossaa Qaalay, "Issoi issuwaabaa danddayite; ooninne ba laggiyaa bolli hanqqettidobai de7ikko, issoi issuwau atto yaago. God's Word tells us: "Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. God's Word says: "Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Tomas Mekileyni Yootidoogaa As told by Thomas McLain As told by Côte d'Ivoire Ha alamiyaa xayuwaabaa qonccissiya hiraagati polettiyo wode, nuuni "Xoossay ba halchuwaa asaayyo yootanawu goˈettiyo asa " gidiyo gishshawu keehi ufayttana. As the prophecies about the conclusion of this system come true, we have the satisfaction of being "one through whom divine purposes are made known. " As we observe the fulfillment of the prophecy of this system of things, we will be happy to use God's purpose "in behalf of his people. " MAZAMURE: 139, 144 SONGS: 139, 144 SONGS: 139, 144 Hegaadan hanidoy aybissee? Why is that so? Why is that so? Hassayay? Do You Recall? Do You Recall? He timirttee xomoosiyo oosuwaa loytti oottanaadan nuna maaddiyaaba. Rather, it would serve to equip us to become more effective in the traveling work. That education will help us to have a full share in the ministry. Nuuni laamettidoogee nu soo asaa ufayssibeenna. Our relatives were not pleased with our change. Our hope did not depend on my family. Wayssiya ha " wurssetta gallassan ' " banttana siiqiya, siiqoy baynna ' asatuura tumu Kiristtaaneti ubbatoo gayttanaagaa PHauloosi nuna kasetidi akeekissanaadan Yihooway ayyaanan denttettiis. - 2 Ximootiyoosa 3: 1 - 3. Jehovah inspired Paul to forewarn us that life in these critical "last days " would bring true Christians into contact with those who are" lovers of themselves,... having no natural affection. " - 2 Tim. 3: 1 - 3. Jehovah inspired Paul to foretell that during these "critical times hard to deal with, " true Christians would always be guided by spirit. - 1 Tim. 3: 1 - 3. Hegaara gayttidaagan denddiya oyshay, Neeni ammaniyoobay keehi koshshiyaabee? A related question is, Does it matter what you believe? In this regard, do you wonder whether your beliefs are important? 119: 63; Lee. 119: 63; Prov. 119: 63; Prov. Qassi harati Xoossaara gayttidabaa siriyo hanotan diccidosona. Others grow up in an anti - God climate. On the other hand, others have fallen asleep in God. Yesuusi saˈan deˈiyo wode, Yihooway ba Naˈaa nashshiyoogaa waati bessidee? While Jesus was on earth, how did Jehovah show his approval of his Son? When on earth, how did Jehovah show appreciation for his Son? Daawiti nagaraa oottido wode, i ba nagaraappe simmanaadan Xoossay Naataana akko kiittiis. God sent Nathan to confront David and give him an opportunity to change his attitude. When David sinned, God sent Nathan to Nathan to repent. Kiristtaane aawati bantta so asaa goynoy ufayssiyaagaa gidana mala, goynuwaa wodiyan pashkki gaana bessiyoogaa akeekoosona. Christian fathers realize that if their family is to find joy in family worship, a relaxed atmosphere should prevail. Christian parents realize that true worship is essential for their family worship. Addaameenne Hewaana nagaraa ootti simmin, Xoossay ay oottanau qaalaa gelidee? What promise did God make after Adam and Eve sinned? After Adam and Eve sinned, what promise did God promise? (b) Nuuyyo mino ammanoy deˈanaadan oottiya gaasoy aybee? (b) Why do we have valid reasons for having strong faith? (b) What reasons do we have for developing strong faith? Yihooway suure pirddaa dosiyoogaa waati bessidee, qassi hegee Naabute dabbotanne laggeta minttettiyaaba gidiyoy aybissee? How did Jehovah show that he is a lover of justice, and why would this have been of comfort to Naboth's relatives and friends? How did Jehovah demonstrate justice, and why is this encouraging to Naboth's friends and friends? Oyddanttuwan, nuuni he gallassaa woy saatiyaa erennaagee, kumetta wozanaappe Yihoowan ammanettanaadaaninne a Qaalay yootiyoobaa nu deˈuwan oosuwan peeshshanaadan maaddees. A fourth benefit to our not knowing the day or the hour is that it helps us to rely more fully on Jehovah and to be diligent in applying his Word in our life. Fourth, knowing this hour or hour will help us to rely on Jehovah and apply his Word in our life. He katamaynne a yuushoy 518 miiloone kaare meetire heera gidiyo gishshawu, woraajjidaageeti geella he katamaa ashshana giidi asay qoppidaba gidikkokka eti hegaadan oottibookkona. Although the city and its suburbs may have covered some 200 square miles (518 sq km), the conquerors did not preserve and make use of the city, as might be expected. Although that city and his three million people thought that it would be impossible for them to escape the destruction of that city, they did not allow this city to be destroyed some 500 miles (100 km) away from that city. 15: 12) Yesuusa leemisoy i kiittidoogeeta loˈˈobau denttettiis. For instance, James did not cower in the face of death but until he was executed, loyally served God. Jesus ' example moved him to give a fine witness. Xoossaa ufayssiyaabaa shaakkada eranau neeni ne "akeekaa abbiyaa " goˈettanaadan Xoossaa Qaalay minttettees. (Roo. God's Word encourages you to use your "power of reason " to prove to yourself what is acceptable to him. God's Word encourages you to use your powers "to distinguish right from wrong. " Wochiyo Keelay "mino ammanoy deˈiyo naaˈˈu woy heezzu asa gidikkokka " woy issi ura gidikkokka, hegawu shiiqiyoosan" Goday etaara gidanaagaa " yootiis. " Even if there be but two or three of like precious faith " - or just one - they would be "in heart communion with the Lord. " The Watch Tower referred to "the Lord's Witnesses " - whether" the Lord's Evening Meal, " but "the Master's Evening Meal. " He azinaynne machiyaa haggaazuwan daro maataa demmanawu wodiyaanne wolqqaa kaseegaappe gujjanawu qofaa qachidosona. The couple decided that they would free up time and energy for greater privileges of service. The couple decided to devote more time and energy in the ministry. Nuna asi beˈenna mala keehi naagettiiddi, danddayiyo wode ubban gayttoos. Taking great care to avoid detection, we met whenever we could. When we are surrounded by people who are not interested in us, we do all we can to avoid them. Yihooway muleera atto giyoogaa the completeness of Jehovah's forgiveness? Jehovah forgives completely 10: 34. 10: 34. 10: 34. Kiitettida PHawuloosi hagaadan giis: "Intte oottido oosuwaanne... Xoossaa siiqido siiquwaa Xoossai doganau worddanchcha gidenna. " (Ibr. The apostle Paul promised: "God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name. " The apostle Paul wrote: "God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name. " Xoossai qassi ubbabaa wurssidi haarana. " (1 Qor. The purpose of the Son's rule will have been accomplished. In fact, God has all things to be done. " He gubaaˈee Yihooway haariyo ooratta dere giyoogaa mala. Paul spoke of it as "the Israel of God. " - Gal. This congregation was like a new nation, a new nation. (Maa. 22: 37, 38) Nuuni Xoossaa wozanappe siiqiyoogee Yihoowa azazota azazettanaadan, genccanaadaaninne iitabaa ixxanaadan maaddees. Indeed, having deep love for God helps us to obey Jehovah's commandments, to endure, and to hate what is bad. Our love for God will enable us to endure trials of love, obey Jehovah, and hate what is bad. I oottido maalaalissiyaabatuppe koyroy, issi bullachan haattaa woyne eessau laammidoogaa. His very first miracle was that of turning water into wine at a wedding feast. His first miracle was changed when he miraculously performed water at a wedding feast. Henttanchay ba dorssaabaa mulebaa erees; dorssati qassi a eroosonanne an ammanettoosona. The shepherd knows all about his sheep, and the sheep know and trust the shepherd. The shepherd knows his sheep well, and his sheep trust him and trust him. (a) Ayyaanaaban diccanawu koyiya uri Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈiyoogaara gayttidaagan meeze oottana koshshiyoy aybee? (a) What Bible study habits are important for someone who wants to grow spiritually? (a) What is needed for a person to make spiritual progress? Immiyoogee nuussi loˈˈo gidiyoy aybissee? Why is giving good for us? Why is generosity good for us? Gidikkokka, Daawiti Berssaabiiranne Ooriyoonaara gayttidaagan, qassi eeyyatettan asaa qoodidoogan gita nagaraa oottiis. Yet, David was guilty of serious wrongs, such as those involving Bath - sheba, Uriah, and an ill - advised census. However, David committed adultery with Bath - sheba and Bath - sheba and committed a serious sin. Guyyeppe Xoossau haggaaziyoogan ufayssiya maataa demmanaadan maaddana danddayiyaabaa yelagatettan deˈaydda doorana danddayaasa. As a youth, you can make choices that may later open up enjoyable opportunities for you in God's service. As a young person, you may choose to make the most of your opportunities in God's service. Uruta Naaˈoomissi: "Ne asai ta asaa gidana; ne Xoossai ta Xoossaa gidana.... Ruth revealed the reason when she said to Naomi: "Your people will be my people, and your God my God.... Ruth told Naomi: "Your people will be my people, and your God my God my God. maxeetetun kiyiya ooratta huuphe yohuwaabaa qoppiyo wode, ubba maxeetetun deˈiya aadhida eratettaaninne akeekan, qassi qofay bessiyaagaa gidiyoogan maalaalettays. and just marvel at the wisdom, insight, and perfect balance in each issue. I have been impressed on the subject of a new articles, especially on the study articles, such as wisdom, wisdom, wisdom, and wisdom. Hegaappe denddidaagan, harati etakko shiiqanawu waayi koyana. As a result, others may not want to be around them. As a result, others may want to draw close to them. Yihooway Israaˈeelati Yorddaanoosa SHaafaappe hafinttaaninne hefinttan heezzu heezzu katamata dooranaadan yootiis. Jehovah commanded Israel to distribute the cities evenly on both sides of the Jordan River. Jehovah directed the Israelites to choose three cities from the Jordan River and from the Jordan River. I hagaadan giis: "Daawiti baqatidi gonggoluwan deˈiyo wodekka Yihooway a ubbatoo maaddiis. " Even when David was on the run, living in and out of caves, Jehovah always sustained him. He says: "Jehovah continued to help David maintain his balance even when he was in a cave. Intte hegaadan oottana danddayiyo, keehippe koshshiya heezzu ogeta beˈana. We will consider three important ways in which you can do so. Let us consider three important ways in which you can do so. He morkketettay ay keena wolqqaama gidanee? How intense would this enmity be? How serious would that issue be? 27: 11. 27: 11. 27: 11. Sarotettaa medhanau koyiyaageeti oottiyoobaa Yihooway anjjiyoogaakka he taariketi qonccissoosona. Moreover, these accounts also show that Jehovah blesses the efforts of those who try to make peace. The account also shows that Jehovah blesses those who make peace. Yihooway Gibxxeppe issippetettan kiyida Israaˈeelata waati maaddidee? How did Jehovah help those who displayed a spirit of unity when the Israelites left Egypt? How did Jehovah help the Israelites to become united? Kiitettida PHauloosi: "Xoossai ufaissan immiya uraa siiqiyo gishshau, qarettiiddi woi dosennan immiyoogaa gidennan, immiya urai huuphen huuphen ba wozanan qoppidobaa immo " yaagidi xaafiis. - 2 Qoronttoosa 8: 12; 9: 7. The apostle Paul wrote: "Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. " - 2 Corinthians 8: 12; 9: 7. The apostle Paul wrote: "Let each one of you give according to his own will, for God loves a cheerful giver. " - 2 Corinthians 8: 9; 2 Corinthians 9: 7. Hegaappe simmin hananabaa beˈiyo wode, Xoossaa Qaalay aybi aybippe kasetidi hananaakko geeshshi yootennaagaa nuuni hassayana koshshees. As we examine what happens next, we need to keep in mind that God's Word does not reveal the exact time order of events. Thereafter, we need to bear in mind what God's Word tells us exactly what will happen. Issi issi asay he mittay asho gaytotettaa leemiso giidi ammanees; shin hegee hanennaba. Some believe that the tree symbolized sexual relations, but that could not be. Some people believe that this tree is a figurative tree, but it cannot be imagined. Xoossay aymuwan Yaaqooba minttettidoy ayba ogiyaanee? By means of a dream, how did God reassure Jacob? How did God reward Jacob? SHin guyyeppe hanidabaa gaasuwan, eti bantta huuphiyaa kawushshiyaanne Yihoowan ammanettiya asakkonne paacettana. However, their humility and their trust in Jehovah were likely put to the test by an unexpected turn of events. In time, though, it was a challenge for them to be loyal to Jehovah and to be loyal to him. Koyro Nagaray Nuna Mooridee? Tainted by Original Sin? Did sin cause us to die? 12, 13. 12, 13. 12, 13. Yaatin, guuttabankka kuuyanawu nu ishanttussi deˈiya maataa nuuni bonchana bessennee? - 1 Qor. Therefore, should we not also respect our brother's right to make personal decisions in matters of lesser importance? - 1 Cor. Should we not show respect for our brothers and sisters? - 1 Cor. Geeshsha Maxaafaappe yootiyoogaa meeze oottida, kiitettida PHauloosi: "Xoossaa qaalai paxa de7 eesinne oottees " yaagidi xaafiis. - Ibraawe 4: 12; Oosuwaa 17: 2, 3. " The word of God is alive and exerts power, " wrote the apostle Paul, who made it his custom to reason from the Scriptures. - Heb. 4: 12; Acts 17: 2, 3. The apostle Paul wrote: "The word of God is alive and exerts power. " - Acts 4: 12; Heb. 12: 2, 3. Koyroogee, "Yihooway baageeta erees " yaagees; ha qofay Qoodaabaa 16: 5ppe ekettidoogee qoncce. The first proclamation, "Jehovah knows those who belong to him, " is evidently a quote from Numbers 16: 5. The first is clear from Numbers 16: 5: "Jehovah knows those who belong to him. Hegee, nuuni a baggaara gidana xayikko, Xoossaakko shiiqana danddayennaagaa bessees. That is, he is the only one through whom it is possible for us to approach God. By means of him, we must draw close to God if we cannot draw close to him. Hegee Isiyaasa 63: 9n deˈees. It's recorded at Isaiah 63: 9. It is found at Isaiah 63: 9. SHin Yihooway eti Kawotettaa ayfiyaa ayfiya dere gidanaadan oottiis. (Maa. However, Jehovah made these very ones part of "a nation " that produced Kingdom fruitage. However, Jehovah made it possible for them to become part of a Kingdom government. Heezzu layttappe guyyiyan, a bollan suuttay naaˈˈanttuwaa kuletin Oruwaa galla, Tamme 9, 2010n hayqqiis. Three years later, he had a second stroke and died peacefully on Wednesday, June 9, 2010. Three years later, his blood died in June 9, 2010. I nuuni kumetta saˈan deˈiya ishanttunne michonttu yara gididi ayyaanaaban daro eraanne ufayssaa demmanaadan oottees. He makes sure that true worshippers flourish in their spiritual estate, which is unprecedented in its spiritual abundance. He gives us the joy and satisfaction that we have as part of a worldwide brotherhood. 4: 7, 8) Eti zoriyo wode nuuni waatana koshshii? How should we respond? What should we do when receiving counsel? Neenikka hegaa ne deˈuwan beˈennan aggakka. That can be your experience too. Perhaps you have experienced that experience in your life. Koyro PHeexiroosa 4: 10y nuna minttettiyoy aybissee? 4: 7. Why are the words of 1 Peter 4: 10 comforting to us? Why is 1 Peter 4: 10 encouraging to us? I "Xoossaa geeshsha sohuwaa " gelana gakkanaashin ayyaanaaban qohettiis. - Maz. He was spiritually troubled "until [he] proceeded to come into the grand sanctuary of God. " - Ps. He was unable to survive "the sacred sanctuary of God. " - Ps. Koyruwan, issi uri bau deˈiyaabaappe murutaa immana koshshees. First, the person had to give his best. First, a person needs to give according to his own needs. Taani eta omooddananne bonqqana; kase baisa gidida biittaa simmidi uttida, kawotettatu giddoppe shiiqida, miizzaanne miishshaa haarida, biittaayyo gul77an uttida asaa bollan ta kushiyaa denttana " yaagana. ' " (Hiz. It will be to take much spoil and plunder, to attack the devastated places that are now inhabited and a people regathered from the nations, who are accumulating wealth and property, those who are living in the center of the earth. ' " After gathering them up, I will enter them out of the land of the land, and I will raise my hand and bring my hand to the peoples, the peoples, and the peoples. ' " Kazakistane: AM Paydo 5 6 5 Myth 5: No. 5 Eti namisettennan waayi aggana; shin hegaa xalla gidennan, katamatuppe Yesuusa kaallidi tohuwan biida namisettidanne daafurida daro asaabay eta qofissiis. (Maa. Not only may they themselves have been hungry but they were concerned about the plight of the famished and weary crowd that had followed Jesus on foot from the cities. They may have been hungry, but they were concerned about Jesus ' great hunger and thirst. Issi wode, yelaga Ximootiyoosi, a aayyiyaanne a aaye aayyiyaa tumaa siyidi, he gubaaˈetuppe issuwan haggaaziyaageeta gididosona. At some point, young Timothy, his mother, and his grandmother embraced Christianity and became active in one of the congregations. At one point, Timothy accepted the truth and became one of his mother and grandmother. I Dabloosa xayssanawu he ayyaana meretatuppe issuwaa kiittana. He zerettay koyro azinaappenne macheeppe halidabaa azazettiya asay demmanaadan oottana. Azazettiya asay Yihooway koyro halchidoogaadan saˈan merinawu deˈana. - Yoh. 3: 16. The Scriptures later revealed that from his wifelike organization, God would send one who would "crush " the Devil and provide the means for obedient mankind to enjoy the prospect that the first human pair lost - that of living forever on the earth in keeping with Jehovah's original purpose. - John 3: 16. He will send this spirit creature to produce a spirit creature and restore Paradise on earth to perfection. - John 3: 16. Away wulli simmi, Yihoowa Markkatinne hara daro asay Yesuusi nuussi yarshshettidoogaa hassayanawu shiiqana. As the planet turns on its axis, millions will gather to observe the Memorial of Christ's death. As soon as we die, Jehovah's Witnesses and others can be reminded of what Jesus meant for us. Asay bana barkka haariyaakko etawu injjetanee? (Doo. And would mankind be better off independent of God's rulership, as Satan implied? How would humans respond to their rule? Ooratta ayyaana deree yelettido hanotaa kiitettida PHeexiroosi waatidi qonccissidee? How did the apostle Peter explain the formation of the new spiritual nation? How did the apostle Peter describe the new birth? 10: 8. 10: 8. 10: 8. SHin, maalaalissiyaabay galla galla hanenna gishshau, hanana danddayenna giyoogee bessiyaabee? Really, then, is it logical to say that it is impossible for them to happen just because they do not occur every day? Is it reasonable, though, that the miracle of miracles cannot happen, so does it mean that it is impossible to happen? Azzaniyaageeta Minttettiyoogaa 6 Comforting Those Who Mourn 6 6 Teach Your Children - Comforted Huuphessa baggan deˈiya Israaˈeela tammu zerettaa kawotettay shaahetti simmin, Yihudan kawotida heezzantto kawoy Asa. Asa was the third king of Judah after the northern ten - tribe kingdom of Israel separated. After the northern ten - tribe kingdom was conquered by the northern kingdom of Judah, the king ruled over Judah. Asay issi yelaga uraabaa, " A darobaa oottawusu ' woy qassi " I darosaa bees ' giishin siyana danddayaasa. You may have heard people say something like this about a teenager: " She has so much going for her ' or, " He is going places. ' You might hear a young person say, "I'm very young, " or" he is going to hear. " Maatiyoosa 18: 15 - 17n deˈiya zoriyan Yesuusi naaqo giidobay aybee? What type of sin was Jesus speaking of in the counsel outlined at Matthew 18: 15 - 17? What do Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 18: 15 - 17 reveal about the conscience? Yesuusi asaa " A kaalliyaageeta oottanaadaaninne xammaqanaadan ' azazanaappe issi laytta gidiyaagaa kasetidi, bana kaalliyaageetuppe koyettiyaabaa loytti qonccissiis. Just about a year before Jesus gave the commission to "make disciples..., baptizing them, " he provided insight into what would be required of his followers. Some years before Jesus ' followers were to be baptized and to " make disciples of people of all the nations. ' Kayyottida ura haasayissiyo wode, guutta gidikkokka, wozanappe loˈˈo qaalan haasayiyoogee keehippe maaddana danddayiyoogaa hassayite. When speaking to bereaved ones, remember that sincere, positive words can mean so much, however few they may be. Remember, though, how useful it can be for the bereaved, even though the bereaved one may be in a small way. Azzanida darota koyro heeran asay keehi maaddiyoogaa eranchati yootoosona; shin eta laggeti bantta oosuwawu simmiyo wode azzanidaageeta maaddiyaabi baynnaagaa qonccissidosona. Researchers report that many bereaved people receive a lot of initial help but that their needs are soon forgotten as friends get busy again with their own lives. Many Japanese scholars say that it was very useful to help their friends, but their friends acknowledged that their work had no lasting help. Leemisuwau, issi uri zoriyo wode, neeni waaniyaakko qoppa. Examine the way you react when you receive counsel about what you feel is a personal preference - for example, on the matter of dress and grooming. For example, when someone asks for counsel, think about how you react. SHin hegau zaaroy dees. But there is an answer. But the answer is. Nuuni Xoossay nuuyyo qarettana bessenna giidi nu bolli pirddana danddayoos; shin Geeshsha Maxaafay, "Xoossai nu wozanaappe gita; qassi i ubbabaa erees " giidi nuna minttettees. The Bible assures us that even though we may feel self - condemned and unworthy of God's empathy, "God is greater than our hearts and knows all things. " We can judge ourselves as God does, but the Bible assures us: "The God of tender mercies and the God of all comfort... comforts us. " I aqo oyqqida attumanne macca asa xallay issippe zinˈˈana koshshiyoogaa yootiis. The law of God that permits sexual relations only between a man and a woman who are married to each other is part of what defines the marriage arrangement. He said that marriage and marriage should not be taken lightly. " Gagantti yeggiya gotiyaadan guummiya gunttai akeekennan saluwaappe yiidi, eti uttido keettaa ubbaa kumiis. " Suddenly there occurred from heaven a noise just like that of a rushing stiff breeze, and it filled the whole house in which they were sitting. And it came to pass, as there was a noise from heaven, as it were come down from heaven, and it came to pass. Informant giyo xuufiyan, "Nuuyyo 1,000 aqinyeti koshshoosona " yaagiya qofaykka odettiis. The Informant also issued this fresh appeal: "We need a pioneer army of 1,000. " The article stated: "We have been encouraged by those who have been pioneers. " Xoossau hegaa mala qofay deˈees giyoogee, "iitatetti " Baynnaagaa gidennan, i keehi iita giyoogaa mala. (Maz. Ascribing such motives to God would amount to making him a perverse Being, not the one "in whom there is no unrighteousness. " Such ideas are similar to God's words: "It is not bad, but it is very dangerous. " Yihooway nuna aggennan siiqiyoogaa mintti ammananaadan maaddana danddayiyaabay aybee? What can help us to strengthen our conviction that Jehovah's love for us is enduring? What can help us to build faith in Jehovah's enduring love? Yihooway nuuni a aylle gidanaadan oottido gishshau, a keehi galatoos! How thankful we are to Jehovah for making it possible for us to be his slaves! How grateful we are for Jehovah's willingness to submit to him! Maariya - Teriza hagaadan gaasu: "Paransaaye guyye ba simmada, tana ootissiyaagau ta oosuwaa prograamiyaa laammana koyiyoogaa yootaas; qassi i laammanau eeno giis. Says Marie - Thérèse: "After returning to France, I talked to my employer about my desire to adjust my work schedule, and he was willing to change it. Maria relates: "After calling with me in the convent, I told him that I had decided to change my assignment, and I wanted to change my assignment. " Nu Godau Xoossau, neeni bonchchuwaa... ekkanau bessaasa. Aissi giikko, ubbabaa neeni medhdhadasa. " - AJJ. " You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory... because you created all things. " - REV. " You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the honor and the power, because you created all things. " - REV. SHin Geeshsha Maxaafay, "Azinatoo, intte maccaasati daafuranchcha mereta gidiyoogaa eridi, etaara issippe de7ite " yaagees. (1 PHe. The Bible says: "You husbands should try to understand the wives you live with. " However, the Bible says: "You husbands, be in subjection to your husbands, in order that they may be in subjection to their husbands. " Nu Kiristtaane issippetettaa naaganau nuuyyo danddayettidabaa ubbaa oottiiddi, nu huuphiyaa kaushshidi haggaazoos. We serve with all due humility and modesty, doing our utmost to preserve our Christian unity. By doing all we can to protect ourselves from the unity of our Christian brothers, we serve in the field service. 20, 21. 20, 21. 20, 21. (1 Yoh. 4: 8) Yihooway nuuni merinau ufayssan deˈanaadan koyees. Jehovah wants us to live happily forever. Jehovah wants us to remain happy forever. Ximootiyoosi yelaga gidiyo gishshawu koyro yayyennan waayi aggana, qassi I baayyo imettida ooratta oosuwaa oottanawu mammottennan aggenna. At first, being young, Timothy may have lacked self - confidence and may have hesitated to act in his newly assigned role. As a young man, Timothy may have been likely in fear of his new assignment and may have been assigned to carry out his new assignment. Xoossaa aadhida eratettaa loytti akeekiyoogee ha wodiyan ufayttanaadan ootteesinne sinttappekka naaguwaa demmanaadan oottees. Paying attention to godly wisdom will deepen our happiness now and safeguard us in times to come. Meditating on God's wisdom will help us to find happiness and protection in the future. Leemiso 12: 15y, "Aadhdhida eranchcha asi zoriyaa siyees " yaagees. " The one listening to counsel is wise, " states Proverbs 12: 15. Proverbs 12: 15 says: "The wise one listens to the wise course. " Nohee markkabiyaa keexxiyo wode A gakkida paacee aybee? When building the ark, what challenges did Noah face? What challenges did Noah face when building the ark? 2: 3; 3: 9) Yesuusikka Xoossaagaadan danddayidoy ayba ogiyaanakko ane beˈoos. Consider, too, how Jesus exercised godly patience. Let us see how Jesus was guided by God. Nuuni nagarancha gidiyo gishshau, geella nu huuphen ammanettana danddayoos. One prominent aspect of our sinful human nature is our tendency to rely on ourselves. As imperfect humans, we can be sure that we are imperfect. (Yohaannisa 7: 16) Yesuusi maalaalissiya hanotan laamettido wode, Yihooway: "I giyoogaa siyite " yaagiis. Confirming Jesus ' Messiahship during the transfiguration, Jehovah directed: "Listen to him. " When Jesus miraculously performed miracles, Jehovah said: "I listen to him. " " Intte Ai Mala Asa Gidanau Bessii? " Old or new, such truths are, indeed, priceless treasures. " What Kind of Person You Ought to Be! " He tumay galˈˈa woy oorattakka gidin, keehi alˈˈo miishsha. No longer will there be strife and struggle over the earth's resources. The truth is, whether new or old, or new, is precious. Saˈaa aquwaa demmanau issoy issuwaara ixettiyoogeenne olettiyoogee deˈenna. In the case of young ones who have no Christian parents, the elders in the congregation will lovingly help them to count the cost of discipleship. The earth will be filled with violence and violence. Qassi aawaynne aayyiyaa Yihoowa Markka gidenna naati Yesuusa kaalliyaageeta gidanawu koshshiyaabaa akeekanaadan gubaaˈe cimati maaddoosona. 1: 8. At the same time, Christian parents assist their children to understand the needs of Jesus ' followers. 1: 8. Was this temple to be the same as "the true tent " that he later described in his letter to the Hebrews? 1: 8. (Efi. 2: 20 - 22) Ha beeta maqidasee PHauloosi guyyeppe Ibraawetussi xaafido dabddaabbiyan qonccida " tumu dunkkaaniyaara ' issi malee? " One evening I had to work longer, " recalls Richard, "so I set off for the Czech side later than my brothers. Did Paul's letter in his letter to the Hebrews prove that this temple was "the true tent "? Richardi hagaadan giis: "Issi gallassi taani oottaydda keehi qamissaas. This trying situation faces all Christians. Richard relates: "One day I got baptized. Ubba Kiristtaanetikka hegaadan paacettoosona. 19, 20. All Christians face similar trials. 19, 20. (3) At that time, the life - saving direction that we receive from Jehovah's organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. 19, 20. (3) He wode, Yihoowa dirijjitee nuussi yootiyo shemppo ashshiya kaaletoy asa qofan maaddennaba milatana danddayees. How does the way we use our freedom of choice reveal the depth of our love for Jehovah? (3) At that time, it may seem that Jehovah's organization can be a source of comfort to us through the guidance provided by Jehovah's organization. Nu laˈatettaa goˈettiyo ogee Yihoowa ay keena siiqiyaakko waati qonccissii? How does the world view chastity? How does the way we use our freedom reveal the depth of our love for Jehovah? Geeshshatettaa asay waati xeellii? * Our publications had previously connected this meaning with Exodus 3: 14, which says: "I Will Become What I Choose to Become. " How do people view themselves? * Kase nu xuufeti Kessaabaa 3: 14n (NW), "Taani Hanana Koyiyoobaa Hanana " yaagiya qofay Xoossaa sunttaa birshshettaara gayttidaba gidiyoogaa qonccissoosona. I will never forget it. " * In the past, our publications show that our publications are based on the meaning of God's name at Exodus 3: 14, which says: "I Will Become Follow God's name. " Taani hegaa mule dogikke. " During that time, he continued to give Jehovah exclusive devotion. I will never forget it. " (Yaaq. 5: 11) He wodiyan, I Yihoowa xallawu aqidi deˈiis. She is a biology teacher and wanted her students to have a copy. " During that time, he lived a life dedicated to Jehovah. A bayoloojiyaa asttamaare; qassi ba tamaaretussi huuphiyan huuphiyan issi maxeetiyaa immanau koyaasu. " 7 Seek the Kingdom, Not Things She was a teacher and wanted to give one of her students a magazine. " 7 Kawotettaa Koyappe Attin Aquwaa Koyoppa the " new heavens and new earth '? 7 Do Not Let the Kingdom Come? " ooratta saloynne ooratta saˈay '? Abraham and Moses were imperfect and had flaws, as we do. " The new heavens and the earth "? ' Abrahaaminne Muusee nu mala polo gidennanne baliya asa. In 1947, as soon as independence from Great Britain was declared on the Indian subcontinent, Hindus and Muslims were at one another's throat. Abraham and Moses were imperfect. Hindde biittay Ingglize aysuwaappe 1947n laˈa kiyi simmin takkennan, Hindu haymaanootiyaa kaalliyaageetinne Isilaamati issoy issuwaara olettidosona. " We keep these letters and read them when we are feeling low. Shortly after gaining freedom from India in 1947, Christendom's religious and religious leaders were thrown into Nazi Republic. Nuuni he dabddaabbeta matan wottidi hidootaa qanxxiyo wode nabbaboos. * We read and read them when we are discouraged. * How did some early Christians abuse God's undeserved kindness? * Koyro xeetu layttan issi issi Kiristtaaneti Xoossaa aaro kehatettaa toochiyoogaa waati bessidonaa? Overcoming fierce competition, Akinori achieved his goal of graduating from a leading university and landing a job with a prestigious firm. How did some first - century Christians show respect for God's undeserved kindness? Akinoori erettida yuniverssitiyaappe anjjettanaunne asay xoqqu oottidi xeelliyo ooso keettan qaxarettanau wolqqaama annaaciyan harata xoonidi ba halchuwau gakkiis. The Bible tells us: "Go to the ant, you lazy one; see its ways and become wise. C. W. W. W. W. W. Russell's work was brought up to a large company of people who had been put to death by a large company and a massive company. Geeshsha Maxaafay: "Inttenoo azallatoo, qaacotukko biite; biidi etappe tamaarite. At times, though, we may find it difficult to engage in meaningful personal study because of our busy routine. The Bible tells us: "You must cling to the ant, and you must learn from them. 5: 3) Gidikkonne issi issitoo, nuuyyo oosoy dariyo gishshawu buzo xinaatiyaa minnidi xannaˈiyoogee metiyaaba gidana danddayees. In that same model prayer, Jesus gave priority to praying for God's Kingdom to come. At times, though, it may be difficult for us to maintain a good routine of personal study. Yesuusi Xoossaa Kawotettay yaanaadan woossiyoogaa he woosan sinttayanaadan yootiis. (Maa. That would hardly help your daughter learn humility. Jesus made that prayer a request for God's Kingdom to come. Hegee intte naˈiyaa ba huuphiyaa kawushshanaadan maaddenna. My father was a boxing champion, and my younger brother and I were also actively involved in boxing. It would not help your child to become humble. Ta aaway bokisiyaa annaaciyan erettida asa; taaninne ta kaalo ishaykka asaara bokisettiyoogaa dosoos. After taking the car for a test drive, the buyer asked the brother if he was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. My father was a prominent man, and I loved my younger brother and my younger brother. SHammiyaagee kaamiyaa laaggidi beˈanau efi simmidi, neeni Yihoowa Markkee yaagidi ishaa oychiis. I thanked Jehovah that I had a friend who put my welfare above her own feelings. " After listening to the driver, he asked Jehovah's brother to see if you had come to the car. Iyyo siyettiyaabaappe aattada taassi qoppiya laggiyo Yihooway taassi immido gishshawu a galatays. " What joy you will experience as you continue to maintain your zeal for the ministry! I thank Jehovah that she has given me a companion who has taken away her feelings from me. " 43: 10) Neeni aggennan mishettada haggaaziyaaba gidikko, keehi ufayttana! This "one seated on the horse " is God's Son, Jesus Christ, who is appointed by God to lead legions of angelic warriors to victory over God's enemies. If you are zealously zealous in the ministry, how happy you will be! " Paraa toggidaagee, ' olettiya daro shaˈu kiitanchati Xoossaa morkketa xoonanaadan kaalettiya, Xoossay sunttido, A Naˈaa Yesuus Kiristtoosa. (Ajj. 16 God's Son, Jesus Christ, has the power to conquer the "great tribulation, " God's Son, Jesus Christ. 16 In contrast with Eve, what a wonderful example of humility Jesus set! 16 Hewaaniigaappe dumma ogiyan, ba huuphiyaa kawushshiyoogan Yesuusi loˈˈo leemiso gidees. When quoting Genesis 2: 2 concerning God's rest, Paul wrote under inspiration: "We who have exercised faith do enter into the rest. " Unlike Eve, Jesus set a perfect example of humility. Xoossaa sambbata shemppuwaa xeelliyaagan, Doomettaabaa 2: 2n deˈiya qofaappe ekkidi, PHauloosi geeshsha ayyaanay denttetin, "Nuuni ammanidaageeti i shemppiyoosaa gelana " yaagidi xaafiis. (Ibr. Today, such acts are everyday news that appalls compassionate people. Concerning the rest of God's rest day, Paul wrote: "We put faith in the holy spirit, and they put faith in him. " Hegaa malabay ha wodiyan ubbatoo siyiyooba; qarettiya asati hegan keehippe azzanoosona. Yes, "desire... gives birth to sin. " - Read James 1: 14, 15. Such compassion is always heartwarming today, and people are devastated! Ee, "amoi... nagaraa yelees. " - Yaaqooba 1: 14, 15 nabbaba. In addition to helping us who are alive, Jehovah has promised to help those who are in the grave. Yes, "the life of sin is death. " - Read James 1: 14, 15. Yihooway paxa deˈiya nuna maaddiyoogaappekka haray, duufuwan deˈiyaageetakka maaddanau qaalaa geliis. (Read Romans 5: 12; 6: 23.) On the other hand, Jehovah promises to help us not only to be alive in the grave but also to help those in the grave. (Roome 5: 12; 6: 23 nabbaba.) When we do so, we are heeding the Bible's admonition to "be of good courage and say: " Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid. ' " - Hebrews 13: 5, 6. [ Blurb on page 7] (Read Romans 5: 12; 6: 23.) Hegaadan oottiyo wode, "nuuni xalidi, " Godai tana maaddiyaagaa; taani yayyikke ' " gaanaadan Geeshsha Maxaafay zoriyo zoriyaa oosuwan peeshshoos. - Ibr. 13: 5, 6. Our own faith in God's Word and his Anointed One will be bolstered as we now continue our examination of Messianic prophecies. As we do so, we do well to follow the Bible's advice: "Jehovah is my helper; I do not be afraid. " - Heb. 13: 5, 6. Masiyaara gayttida hiraagata ubbatoo pilggiyoogee, Xoossaa qaalaanne i Tiyidoogaa nuuni mintti ammananaadan maaddees. 29: 25. A careful examination of the Messianic prophecies will help us to build faith in God's Word and his Anointed One. 29: 25. 19: 14. 29: 25. 19: 14. " We exchanged phone numbers, " she adds, "so we could be reached and included in spiritual and other activities. " 19: 14. A gujjada hagaadan gaasu: "Nu silkkiyaa payduwaa etawu immidoogeenne etaagaa ekkidoogee ayyaanaabaanne harabaa oottanawu eti nunaara gayttanaadan maaddiis. " They pick his friends for him and eavesdrop on his phone calls. She adds: "Our phone call helped them to go out and share further spiritual activities with them. " Ayyo laggeta dooroosonanne i silkkiyan haasayiyoobaa qosan ezggoosona. What did Jesus discuss? He was listening to friends and listening to them. Yesuusi etau ay yootidee? Because Mary was weeping, Jesus did not talk for long. What did Jesus say to them? Mayraama yeekkiyo gishshau, iira darobaa haasayibeenna. But even the hairs of your heads are all numbered. Have no fear; you are worth more than many sparrows. " Mary did not speak with her, so Mary did not speak with her. SHin harai atto intte huuphiyan de7iya binnaana ubbaikka qoodan de7ees; simmi yayyoppite; daro siine kafotuppe intte aadhdheeta. " We can also regularly contribute to the worldwide work, knowing that such funds are used wisely. - 1 John 3: 17. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. You are worth more than many sparrows. " Kumetta saˈan oosettiya oosuwawu nuuni immiyo miishshaa maara goˈettiyoogaa eriyo gishshawu, hegawukka ubbatoo miishshaa immana danddayoos. - 1 Yoh. Meditate on past joys in God's service, and pray for endurance while you "wait for God " to restore you to active association with his people. We can also continue to provide money to the worldwide preaching work because we know that we are using our donations to support the worldwide work. - 1 John 3: 16. (Mazamure 37: 5) Kase Xoossau oottido ufayssiya wodiyaa wotta denttada qoppa; a asaara zaarettada ubbatoo shiiqanau danddayana mala " Xoossan ufayssaa wottada ' genccanaadan woossa. [ Picture on page 28] Reflect on God's long record of serving him, and prayerfully prayerfully pray to him "keep on walking in [God's] favor. " [ Sinttaa 32n deʼiya misiliyaa] If you find yourself in any of these situations, be assured that "he that is humble in spirit will take hold of glory. " - Prov. [ Picture on page 32] Ne hanotay hageetuppe awugaa malanne gidikko, "ziqqi giya ayyaanai de7iyo asi " bonchettiyoogaa ammanetta. - Lee. In what ways does Jehovah warn us about unwholesome inclinations that we might have? If you find yourself in such a situation, be assured: "Do not be judged by anyone who is walking in spirit. " - Prov. Yihooway nuna seeriyo ogeti awugeetee? However, they had four children to support. In what ways does Jehovah discipline us? SHin, koshshiyaabaa kunttana bessiyo oyddu naati etawu deˈoosona. Because God cares for us, he has made arrangements for Jesus to deliver us from Satan's rule. However, four children had to care for their needs. Xoossay nuussi qoppiyo gishshau, Yesuusi Seexaanaa haaruwaappe nuna kessanaadan giigissuwaa oottiis. published in the Awake! God has set an arrangement for us because he has set us free from Satan's rule. Issi yelagay Ichashe, 2004 Beegottite! Should this disturb us or cause us to wonder whether Jehovah punished Azariah without due cause? See the January 2004 issue of Awake! Hegee nuna kalkkoyana woy Yihooway Ooziyaana gaasoy baynnan qaxxayideeyye giidi qoppanaadan oottana koshshii? Our stand on Jehovah's side as his people requires an ongoing demonstration of our obedience to him both in the present and in the future - for as long as we live. - 1 Pet. Does this mean that Jehovah did not punish us or punish Asa for punishing us? Nuuni Yihoowa asa gididi A bagga gidanawu nu deˈo layttan, haˈˈikka sinttappekka ayyo azazettiyoogaa ubbatoo bessana koshshees. - 1 PHe. Also available at www.jw.org. Even as Jehovah's people, we must continue to show our obedience to him now and forever. - 1 Pet. Hagee www.jw.org / wal sayttiyankka deˈees. This he shows to each of the company, saying " Drink and make merry, but look on this; for such shalt thou be when thou art dead. ' " published by Jehovah's Witnesses. I, " Uyitenne ufayttite; shin hagaa beˈite; intte hayqqiyo wode hagaadan hanana ' yaagiiddi, hegaa yan deˈiya asaa ubbaa bessees. " Does the Bible, in fact, say that the earth will be completely ruined or destroyed? He wrote: "When you sit down and see yourself, say: " Come here, you people here and all the people there are. ' " Biittay muleera moorettanaagaa woy xayanaagaa Geeshsha Maxaafay yootii? For comparison's sake, let us imagine a brother who keeps busy in the ministry. Does the Bible say that the earth will be destroyed or destroyed? Leemisuwau, haggaazuwan ubbatoo minnidi oottiya issi Kiristtaaniyaa ane qoppoos. Spiritually - minded associates will have a positive influence on you, moving you to imitate their course of life marked by self - control. For example, let us consider a Christian who is working hard in the ministry. (Lee. 13: 20) Ayyaanaabaa qoppiya laggeti neenikka etaagaadan ne huuphiyaa naaganaadan oottiyoogan, nena loˈˈobawu denttettana. Consider these three important factors: By following spiritual examples of spiritually - minded friends, you will be moved to let your hands drop down. Keehippe koshshiya, kaallidi deˈiya heezzubata qoppa: This plea "speaks to us of more than just the desperation of a labourer to get back [his garment], " says historian Simon Schama. Consider three important questions: Taarike eranchchay Saymen SHami ha woosay nuuyyo qonccissiyoy "issi oosanchchay [ba maayuwaa] zaarissanawu keehi koyiyoogaa xalla " gidennaagaa yootiis. 14 - 15. " This prayer is more important than just saying that it is more important for us to talk to others. " Daawiti Isseya bayra naˈa gidenna; gidikkokka, Masee Daawita zerettaappe yelettiis. - w17.12, sinttaa 14 - 15. Moreover, the Bible is a book of matchless wisdom. David was not Jesse's firstborn son, but David was born. - wp17.2, pp. 14 - 15. Hegaa bollikka, Geeshsha Maxaafay aara laggetiyay baynna aadhida eray deˈiyo maxaafa. If he never acted against those determined to do bad things, then he would be no different from a ruler who makes laws without enforcing them, allowing injustice and suffering to flourish indefinitely. In addition, the Bible is a book containing more than any other book of the Bible. I iitabaa oottanau murttidaageeta mule qaxxayennaba gidikko, higgiyaa kessidi oosuwan peeshshenna kawoppe aynne dummatenna; hegee pirdda pacaynne tuggay merinau deˈanaadan oottees. (Era. Show Loyal Love to Fellow Believers If he does not do what is wrong, he will never fail to do what is right; nor does it bring suffering and suffering forever. Intte Mala Kiristtaanetuyyo Aggenna Siiquwaa Bessite While the apostle Paul was staying in Caesarea, the prophet Agabus told him that if he continued on to Jerusalem, he would end up being arrested. Cultivate Love for Jehovah Kiitettida PHawuloosi Qiisaariyan deˈishin, hananabaa yootiya Agaaboosi i Yerusalaame biikko qashettanaagaa yootiis. Though it grieves emigrants to leave behind a mate or children, many who go abroad feel that they have no choice. When the apostle Paul was in Caesarea, he told the prophet Habakkuk that if he were to go to Jerusalem, he would come to Jerusalem. Daroti bantta aqo laggiyaa woy naata aggidi kare biitti biyo wode azzaniyaaba gidikkokka, baana koshshees giidi qoppoosona. Are the Dead Alive Somewhere? Many feel that when they leave their mate or children in a foreign land, it is important to feel anxious about losing their age and feelings. Hayqqidaageeti Harasan Paxa Deˈiyoonaa? Christians who are "partakers of the heavenly calling " are declared" righteous for life. " Are the Dead Live Again? Saluwaa baanaadan "Xoossay xeesido " Kiristtaaneti " deˈuwaa demmanaadan xillo geetettidosona. ' This astronomical configuration is termed "new moon. " Christians are called to be called "the happy God. " Hegee "ooratta aginaa " geetettees. Ur was a large and prosperous city. It is called "a new birth. " 11: 27 - 31) Uuri keehi gitanne dure katama. Now they are prouder than ever to be part of God's organization. " A small city, U.S.A., was a large city. Eti Xoossaa dirijjitiyaa yame gidiyoogan haˈˈi awudeegaappenne aaruwan ceeqettoosona. " After all, they had been like an untrained calf. They now realize that they are part of God's organization now being part of God's organization. " Eti kase xurqqayettibeenna mirgguwaa mala. Accordingly, how could this teaching, which preaches peace and does not even allow men to take vengeance on their enemies, have had any success unless the international situation had everywhere been changed and a milder spirit prevailed at the advent of Jesus? " They did not have to die before they ate. Yaatiyo gishshawu, Yesuusi yiyo wode alamiyan ubbasan hanotay laamettidi woppu geennaakko, sarotettaabaa sabbakiyoonne ubba qassi asay ba morkkiyaa bollikka halo kiyennaadan teqqiyo a timirttee waanidi aakkanee? " No doubt, he will feel that the long wait was worth it. So how will the teaching of the coming end of this system of things affect all people, especially when it comes to global peace and security? " I daro wodiyawu naagidoogee bessiyaaba giidi qoppanaagee qoncce. My parents, John and Eva Olson, were living in Spokane, Washington, U.S.A., in 1923, the year I was born. There is no doubt that he waited for a long time. Taani 1923n yelettiyo wode, ta aaway Joon Olseninne ta aayiyaa Eva Olsena Amarkkan, Washingtenen, Ispoken giyo kataman deˈoosona. " In showing honor to one another take the lead. " - Romans 12: 10. When I was born in 1941, John's father, John, and John, in the United States, lived in the United States. " Issoi issuwaa bonchchiyoogan ufaittite. " - Roome 12: 10. As Christians, we have been comforted by learning about Jesus Christ and by walking in his footsteps. " In showing honor to one another take the lead. " - Romans 12: 10. Kiristtaane gidiyoogaadan, nuuni Yesuus Kiristtoosabaa tamaariyoogaaninne a leemisuwaa kaalliyoogan minttettuwaa demmida. The Medo - Persian king gave that order in 455 B.C.E. As Christians, we have found comfort in imitating Jesus Christ and imitating his example. Meedoonanne Parsse kawoy 455n K.K. he awaajuwaa awaajjiis. God's love, however, is expressed in more ways than just caring for us physically. Medo - Persia declared that the Persian Persian Empire had been declared by the Persian Empire in 607 B.C.E. SHin Xoossaa siiqoy qonccidoy i nuussi koshshiyaabaa kunttiyoobaa xallaana gidenna. What an incomparable joy it is to observe such growth! " Katy and Eric But God's love is not the only thing we need to provide for ourselves. Hegaadan diccidoogaa beˈiyoogaa keena ufayssiyaabi baawa! " What are you determined to do? How good it is to see such progress! " Neeni ay oottanau murttadii? " I have seen that violence does not bring justice, " she observes. What are you determined to do? A, "Kobabay suure pirdda eheennaagaa taani beˈaas " yaagaasu. This year the date for the observance is Thursday, April 9, after sundown. She says, "I saw something that does not lead to justice. " I Xoossaa Qaalan deˈiya bali baynna higgiyaa sheneho geenna; ubba an aqees woy i tamaarissiyoobaa ubbatoo kaallees. 1, 2. (a) What evidence is there that people are struggling to gain freedom? He does not ignore the perfect law found in God's Word, even his teaching. Ha laytti he baalay bonchettiyoy Hamuusa, Hosppune 9, 2009 (Hosppune 1, 2001) away wulli simmiina. Whether you have personally lost a loved one in death or know someone who is bereaved, you may wonder, " How can grieving ones be helped to deal with their heartache? ' That year, Nisan 9, 2012 will be passed on to Nisan 9, after sundown. 1, 2. (a) Asay laˈatettaa demmanawu baaxetiyoogaa bessiyaabay aybee? " I gave my talk in three minutes. 1, 2. (a) What indicates that people are striving to use their freedom? Neeni siiqiyo asi hayqqido ura gidikko woy siiqiyo uri hayqqido ura eriyaaba gidikko, " Kayyottiyaageeti bantta azzanuwaappe minettanaadan aybi maaddana danddayii? ' One complication is that some with whom you once associated may be puzzled at your new way of life and may " speak abusively of you. ' If you know a loved one or a loved one dies, what can help you to find comfort in their grief? ' I, "Taani heezzu daqiiqan haasayaas. Jehovah sustains us by means of his holy spirit. He says: "I spoke three studies. Issi metoy, ne kase laggetuppe issoti issoti neeni deˈiyo ooratta deˈuwan garamettidi, " nena cayana ' danddayiyoogaa. It is easy to see why such church teachings have driven people away from the doctrine of original sin. For one thing, some of your former friends may be surprised by the fact that you have been able to "go on walking in the new personality. " Yihooway ba geeshsha ayyaanaa baggaara nuna maaddees. (a) How can the benefits of the ransom be illustrated? Jehovah is leading us by means of his holy spirit. Woosa keettay tamaarissiyo hegaa malabay, koyro nagaraa asay ammanennaadan oottidoy aybissakko akeekanau metenna. In this remote region, it might have seemed to David that no friend was at his side to give him protective support. Such teaching is difficult to understand why people did not believe in sin. (a) Wozuwaa goˈˈay aybin leemisettana danddayii? BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "A husband should not leave his wife. " - 1 Corinthians 7: 11. (a) What can be likened to the ransom? (1 Sam. 22: 1, 4) Ha haaho heeran, Daawiti qohettennaadan naagiyaanne minttettiya laggee ba miyyiyan baynnabadan qoppennan aggenna. (Maz. That is a personal decision, and such ones should not be criticized for seeking the warm companionship of a marriage mate. - Rom. In this area, David may have felt that his friend was unable to protect him from a distant land and a protective illness. GEESHSHA MAXAAFAY YOOTIYO MAARAA: " Azinay ba machchiyo yeddoppo. ' - 1 Qoronttoosa 7: 11. However, the English they use is simpler than what we use in our publications. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Let his wife not leave his wife. " - 1 Corinthians 7: 11. Nuuni ubbay Xoossaa naata gidana. - Roo. We must guard our speech. All of us will be part of God's children. - Rom. Hegee asi ba huuphen kuuyiyooba gidiyo gishshawu, issi uri aqo oyqqidi ufayttidi deˈanawu koyikko a borana koshshenna. - Roo. Consider three scenarios showing how we can use questions to good effect. If that is a personal decision, it should be wrong for a person to get married. - Rom. Gidikkokka, nu xuufiyan goˈettiyo Inggilizettuwaa eti akeekanau metootoosona. Remembering that fact will help us not to be seduced by the Devil's enticements. However, they find it difficult to understand English. Nuuni haasayiyooban naagettana bessees. As a human, how did Jesus display humility? We must control our speech. Loˈˈo ayfiyaa demmanau waatidi loˈˈo oyshaa oychana danddayiyaakko akeekanau maaddiya heezzu hanotaa ane beˈoos. How has the move affected their marriage? Let us consider three practical questions that can help us to determine how to make good fruit. Kiitettida PHeexiroosi nuuni Xoossan nashettiyaageeta gidana bessiyoogaa yootiis. Remember that Paul urged us to become imitators of those faithful ones who received promises from Jehovah "through faith and patience. " The apostle Peter told us that we must be loyal to God. Yesuusi saˈan deˈiyo wode ba huuphiyaa kawushshidoy ayba ogiyaanee? " The ease with which criminals get away unpunished, " observes the magazine Arguments and Facts, "seems to inspire ordinary citizens to commit the most brutal of crimes. " How did Jesus manifest humility when he was on earth? Yaa biidoogee aqo deˈuwan eta waatidi maaddidee? Soon Mom and Dad were sharing in the preaching work. How did that move affect their marriage? PHauloosi Yihooway qaalaa gelidobaa "ammanuwaaninne genccan " demmida, ammanettida asatu leemisuwaa kaallanaadan nuna zoridoogaa hassaya. Anna Gardner described how "the rafters shook with the applause. " Remember, then, that Paul urged us to imitate the faithful men of faith and to imitate Jehovah's promises. Arggiyuments end Fakts giyo maxeetee, "Danobaa oottiyaageeti qaxxayettennan sohuwaara kessi ekkiyoogee, coo asi wolqqaama danuwaa oottanaadan denttettiyaaba malatees " yaagiis. What helped these men take up the full - time ministry? " A man who does not know what is wrong does not seem to be too much worse, " says a book named U.S.A. Ta aawaynne aayyiyaa sohuwaara sabbakiyoogaa doommidosona. Joseph also stated that he was not guilty of the crime for which he was imprisoned. My parents immediately began preaching the good news. Anna Gardnera asay "hegaa maayidoogaa bessanawu kushiyaa baqqiyo wode keettay qaaxxidoogaa " yootaasu. Is that true? She said that the "Creation Drama " was replaced with" the wall of the house. " 4: 18 - 22) Ha asati kumetta wodiyaa haggaazuwaa doommanaadan maaddiday aybee? Jesus ' sayings and superlative example promote a giving spirit. What helped these individuals to start in the full - time ministry? Yooseefi bana qachido mooruwaakka i oottibeennaagaa yootiis. Cautiously, I approached them, not knowing whether I would live or die. Joseph did not blame him for his decision. Hegee tumee? In what ways can I improve and become a more effective preacher of the good news? ' Is that true? Yesuusa timirtteenne laggetiyaabi baynna a leemisoy immiyoogaa minttettees. Love Righteousness With All Your Heart Jesus ' teachings and teachings give us great comfort. Taani hayqqanaakko attanaakko erennan, lakkaydda etakko baas. We can also demonstrate our sincere forgiveness by praying for those who sin against us. - Luke 6: 27, 28. I went to my freedom, even though I didn't know how long I lost my freedom. Taani mishiraachuwaa sabbakiyoogan kaseegaappe aaruwan muruta gidana danddayiyoy ayba ogetuunee? ' In harmony with these principles, we should always feel comfortable inviting interested people to our meetings, confident that the condition of the hall will complement the good news we share with them. In what ways can I improve my ministry? ' Kumetta Wozanan Xillotettaa Siiqite It is based on a higher principle. Being Faithful Leads to righteousness Xoossay a gishshaa yarshsho gidanaadan dorssaa giigissidoogan i keehippe ufayttidoogee sirissenna. Knowing that Jehovah God really cares could lead you to want to learn more about him and build a friendship with him. No doubt, his appreciation for God's sacrifice was deeply touched by his sacrifice. 6: 14, 15) Nuna naaqqidaageetuyyo woossiyoogankka wozanappe atto giyoogaa bessana danddayoos. - Luq. 6: 27, 28. The Edenic promise binds Jehovah to fulfill his purpose regarding the earth and mankind by means of the offspring of the woman. We can also show that we forgive those who have offended us. - Luke 6: 27, 28. Amoore biittaa kawota naa77ata, Sihoonanne Ooganne intte waati muleera xaissidaakkonne siyida. " The Bible prophetically calls them a "refuge of a lie. " And ye heard what was called the chief priests and the two kings of the land had gathered together. " Nuuni ha maarata kaallidi, eranawu koyiya asay shiiquwaa shiiqanaadan ubbatoo ufayttidi shoobbana koshshees; ayssi giikko, addaraashaa hanotay nuuni etassi yootiyo mishiraachuwaara maayettees. People, especially in the worst - hit areas, do not have to be told that we are living in the last days; they see the conditions all around them. " To be interested in these principles, we need to invite interested ones to attend meetings, for our objective is to share the good news with them. Hegee xoqqa baaso siraatan baasettees. Let us consider some points that have helped many of our fellow workers to maintain or renew their zeal for the ministry in challenging territories. It is a form of high moral values. Xoossaa Yihooway nuussi tumuppe qoppiyoogaa eriyoogee, neeni abaa loytta eranau koyanaadaaninne aara dabbotanaadan oottana danddayees. Similarly, Jesus may direct us in expanding our ministry but only if we are moving - if we are putting forth real effort to reach our goal. " Knowing the true God, Jehovah, can draw you closer to him and make your relationship with him a good relationship with him. Yihooway Edenen gelido qaalay i asaa naatussinne saˈaassi halchidobaa maccaasee zerettaa baggaara polanaadan oottees. Rather, he " walked by spirit. ' By means of the Edenic promise, Jehovah established the offspring of the woman and the offspring of the woman. Geeshsha Maxaafaa hiraagay eta " worddo qato ' gees. " Have Regard for Those Who Are Working Hard Among You " Bible prophecy describes them as "the deceptive power of false religion. " Asau, ubba qassi wolqqaama metoy gakkiyo heeran deˈiyaageetussi nuuni deˈiyoy wurssetta gallassaana gidiyoogaa yootana koshshenna. " Elihu was not corrected by Jehovah for asking: "If you are righteous, what do you give him [God]; what does he receive from you? " We should not assume that people are facing serious problems, especially those in the area. " 3: 17 - 21; 1 Xim. 4: 16) Hagaappe kaallidi, nu ishatuppe daroti wayssiya haggaazo moottan mishettidi haggaaziyoogaa aggennaadan maaddida issi issibaa beˈana. Could you help them find a job as a remote worker to enable them to stay in their assignment? In these articles, we will consider some of the ways that many of our brothers have helped us to remain zealous in the ministry. Hegaadankka, nuuni kaseegaappe loytti haggaazanaadan Yesuusi maaddana danddayiyoy nuuni hemettiyo wode woykko nu hoolliyaa gakkanawu baaxetiyo wode xallaana. " I enjoyed signing autographs, receiving flowers, and hearing the applause of the audience. Similarly, only if we strive to improve our ministry, we will be more likely to reach our goal when we follow Jesus ' steps closely or reach our goal. " 1: 17) A Xoossaa " ayyaanay kaalettiis. ' 1, 2. It was "the spirit of God. " " Intte Giddon Minnidi Oottiyaageeta Bonchite ' Hence, by reason of their very existence, all humans belong to Jehovah. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Eelihu, "Xillo gidikko, ayyo [Xoossaayyo] neeni ai immuutee? King David sang to Jehovah: "May my prayer be prepared as incense before you. " Elihu wrote: "If you are righteous, what would you do? Eti biidosan deˈiiddi oottana danddayiyo oosuwaa demmanaadan maaddana danddayay? LIFE STORY Could you help them to carry out their work where there is a greater need? Taani tana nashshiyaageetuyyo paramiyoogan, etappe ciishshaa ekkiyoogaaninne beˈiya asay kushiyaa baqqiyoogaa siyiyoogan ufayttaas. The apostle Paul speaks of " the tongues of angels, ' a heavenly form of communication superior to human language. - 1 Cor. I was impressed by the people whom I used to tell them how to hear and hear them. 1, 2. " Who really is the faithful steward, the discreet one, whom his master will appoint over his body of attendants to keep giving them their measure of food supplies at the proper time? " - LUKE 12: 42. 1, 2. 4: 11) Hegaa gishshawu, asay ubbay paxa deˈiyoogaa gaasuwan Yihoowaba. However, when he puts the truth into practice, using knowledge and understanding in a right way, he is becoming wise. Thus, all people belong to Jehovah because they belong to him. Kawuwaa Daawiti, "Ta woosai ixaanaa cuwaadan ne sintti shiiqo " yaagidi Yihoowau yexxiis. 3: 16. What three areas of life will we now discuss? King David sang: "O Jehovah, please, your prayer is before you. " DEˈUWAN HANIDABAA He wrote: "The heavens are declaring the glory of God; the skies above proclaim the work of his hands. " LIFE STORY 1: 14, 17; Qol. 1: 15) Kiitettida PHawuloosi asaa qaalaappe keehi aadhiya, saluwan haasayiyo " kiitanchatu qaalaabaa ' yootiis. - 1 Qor. Olive oil was also used as lamp fuel, for ceremonial and religious purposes, as a cosmetic for the body and hair, and as a medicine to soften wounds and soothe bruises. - Exodus 27: 20; Leviticus 2: 1 - 7; 8: 1 - 12; Ruth 3: 3; Luke 10: 33, 34. The apostle Paul referred to "the spirit of truth " in heaven. - 1 Cor. " Yaatin ba so asau qumaa koshshiyo wodiyan immana mala, a godai sunttiyo ammanettiya wozannaama ashkkari oonee? " - LUQAASA 12: 42. Our motive for clothing ourselves with the new personality must be to honor Jehovah, not to win praise from men. " Who, then, is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his household? " - LUKE 12: 42. SHin, i eraanne akeekaa goˈettidi tumaa maara oosuwan peeshshiyo wode, aadhida erancha gidees. People around the world are pondering life's big questions. However, he is wise when he uses knowledge and wisdom. Haˈˈi nuuni tobbana deˈo macarati heezzati awugeetee? 16, 17. (a) What helped one brother who felt that he had suffered an injustice? What three aspects of life will we now consider? I, "Saloti Xoossaa bonchchuwaa haasayoosonanne salotu gufanttoi i ba kushiyan oottidobaa awaajjees " yaagiis. WHAT weighs just about three pounds (1.4 kg) but has been referred to as "the most complex thing we have yet discovered in our universe "? " The heavens are declaring the glory and the glory of God, " he said. Nuuni ooratta asatettaa maayanawu koyiyoy Yihoowa bonchissanaassappe attin, asan sabettanaassa gidana bessenna. The book Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom and other publications or DVDs available in your language provide intriguing insight into the organization. We should not be pleasing Jehovah to the new personality; rather, we should be content with our new personality. Deˈuwaa xeelliyaagan denttiyo keehi koshshiya oyshati kumetta saˈan deˈiya asaa qofissoosona. Anointed Christians, along with their companions, do not keep their spiritual riches to themselves. The most important questions about life on earth are the most important questions of people around the world. 16, 17. (a) Naaqettidabadan qoppida issi ishaa maaddiday aybee? Can You Explain? 16, 17. (a) What helped one brother to view herself as a brother? " HANNO gakkanawu saluwan saˈan erettida ubbabaappe keehi muttumurettidaba " geetettida 1.4 kilo giraame gidiyaagaa deexxiyaabay aybee? (a) What did Jesus pray for on the night of the first Lord's Evening Meal? " WHAT AND 1 IS THE most prominent of all the earth? " Xoossaa Kawotettaabaa Awaajjiya Yihoowa Markkata giya Inggilizetto maxaafaappenne hara xuufetuppe woy Dividetuppe Xoossaa dirijjitiyaa xeelliyaagan ufayssiya darobaa erana danddayoos. On All Souls ' Day, the sound car went from cemetery to cemetery playing the records "Where Are the Dead?, "" Jehovah, " and "Riches, " reaching over 40,000 mourners! We can learn much about God's Kingdom, Jehovah's Witnesses, or other publications from other parts of God's organization. Tiyettida Kiristtaanetinne etaara oottiyaageeti, bantta ayyaana duretettaa bantta xallau goˈettokkona. Later, Ephraim was the most prominent and influential tribe of the entire northern kingdom of Israel and came to represent all ten tribes. Anointed Christians and their fellow believers have not only the riches of their material riches but also the riches of their spiritual riches. Qonccissana Danddayay? After Paul and Silas were thrown into prison, they began "praying and praising God with song, " although they had no songbook to follow. Can You Explain? (a) Godaa Kahuwaa koyro doommido qammi Yesuusi woossidobay aybee? He accepts these inspired petitions as requests we would like to make and therefore fulfills them. (a) What is Jesus ' prayer on the last night of the Lord's Evening Meal? " SHemppo Ubbaa Gallassa ' giyo galla "Hayqqidaageeti Deˈiyoy Awaanee?, "" Yihoowa, " qassi "Duretettaa " giyo duuqettida haasayata, kayyottida 40,000ppe dariya asati cenggurssaa xoqqissiyaabay deˈiyo kaamiyaappe dumma dumma duufuwaa sohuwan siyidosona! Unlike an artificial plant, a living plant keeps changing. How different it is to hear "the Most High's Day, " and how different it is from those whom we hear from the sound car! (Doo. 41: 50 - 52; 48: 13 - 20) Takkidi, Efireema zaree Israaˈeela huuphessa kawotettan erettidaagaa gidido gishshawu, he kawotettan deˈiya tammu zareti ubbay an xeesettidosona. 10 Should You Trust Your First Impressions? Later, because of the tribe of Ephraim, all nations of the northern kingdom were included in a ten - tribe kingdom. Xoossaa galatiiddi, xalotiyaanne mazamuriyaa, Xoossaa sunttaa xoqqu oottiya yettaa yexxite " yaagidi minttettiis. (Qol. The answer can be seen in the events following the day of Pentecost. Drawing attention to God's name, singing, and praising Jehovah with song. " Ayyaanan xaafettida ha woosata i nu woosadan xeellidi zaarees. After indicating that among true Christians there is no basis for divorce except sexual immorality, Jesus spoke of "those who have the gift " of living a single life. Those who pray in this letter assures us that he sees our prayers and hears us. Tumu ataakilttee, asi ataakiltte milatissidi medhidobadan laamettennan atti bayenna. We continued in that service until 1975, when Mozambique gained its independence from Portugal. A true garden does not mean that it did not change the way man made perfect. Yesuusa Aawaa haratussi erissiyoogan nuuni a leemisuwaa kaallana danddayiyoy ayba ogiyaanee? Let us not allow any personal pursuits or concerns to draw us away from him. How can we imitate Jesus in revealing the Father to others? Yaatikko, Yihooway koyiyoobaa oottana danddayaasa. Do I and my loved ones have a weekly Family Worship evening? ' Then you can do what Jehovah expects of you. PHenxxaqosxxe gallassaappe simmin hanidabaappe hegaa zaaruwaa beˈana danddayoos. Are you giving Bible study and Family Worship sessions priority in your life? We can find the answer in what happened on the day of Pentecost. Tumu Kiristtaaneti aqo laggee wodiraa laammennan deˈishin paraman shaahettennaagaa odi simmidi, ekkennan woy gelennan deˈiyo " imotay imettidoogeetubaa ' Yesuusi yootiis. Many have learned a new language in order to be part of congregations and groups looking after the needs of those speaking that language. After telling true Christians that they do not participate in sexual immorality, Jesus said that there would be "a gift " or" those who do not keep their mate alive. " Moozambbike biittay Porttugaale haaruwaappe 1975n laˈa kiyana gakkanaassi, he oosuwaa oottida. He listened with sympathy as I expressed my feelings. In 1958, I was given the freedom to enter the country's political degree until I was released from Portugal. 4: 8) Nuuni koyiyoobay woy nuna qofissiyaabay nuna appe shaakkanaadan paqqadana koshshenna. The nations refuse to acknowledge God's sovereignty, but they proclaim their own. We should not allow ourselves to interfere with our decisions or feelings of concern. Nu soo asay saaminttan saaminttan issippe goynnii? ' Many find the words of Saul of Tarsus, also called the apostle Paul, comforting and appealing. Is it really possible for our family to have a part of the week? ' Hara daroti qassi banttaagaappe hara qaalaa goˈettiya gubaaˈeta woy citata maaddanawu he qaalaa tamaaridosona. Do I understand the importance of rejecting occult influences, or do I downplay these dangers? In other lands, many are learning English - speaking groups or other groups. Tawu siyettiyaabaa taani yootiyo wode i qarettidi siyiis. [ Footnote] When I talk about my feelings, he listened to me. Kawotettati Xoossaa haaruwaa ixxidi banttaagaa erissana koyoosona. (Maz. They needed to trust in Jehovah and be faithful to him as their God. The nations seek God's rulership. Guyyeppe kiitettida PHawuloosa geetettida, Xarsseese bitanee Saaˈooli giidobay darota ufaysseesinne minettettees. His Great Works Later, the apostle Paul's words to Saul became a source of comfort and comfort. Iita ayyaanaa qohuwaa eqettiyoogee keehippe koshshiyoogaa akeekiyaanaayye, hegee gattiyo qohuwaa xaasaya xeelliyaanaa? In contrast, we could be overcome by Satan, his evil world, and our imperfect flesh if we let our guard down and quit fighting. Do I view the importance of taking root in the influence of the wicked spirit? [ Tohossa qofata] Getting to know God. [ Footnote] Eti Yihoowan ammanettananne bantta Xoossawu ammanettiyaageeta gidana bessees. " Sweet is the sleep of the one serving, whether he eats little or much, but the plenty belonging to the rich one does not permit him to sleep. " - Ecclesiastes 5: 12. They must trust in Jehovah and trust their loyalty to him. A Gita Oosota However, they did not appreciate this, and they turned out to be bad. FROM OUR COVER Hegaappe dumma hanotan, nuuni naagettiyoogaanne olettiyoogaa aggikko, Seexaanay, a iita alameenne nuuni nagarancha gidiyoogee nuna xoonana danddayees. But he admitted: "Gradually, loyalty to the school began to take priority over my loyalty to God. On the contrary, if we allow Satan and his wicked world to attack us, we can conquer Satan and his wicked world. Xoossaa Eriyoogaa. However, the Bible indicates that they are involved in helping sincere people come to know more about God. - Acts 8: 26 - 35; 10: 1 - 22; Revelation 14: 6, 7. As a result, we were bought with God. " Oosuwaa oottiya asi guutta min, daro min, saro xiskkuwaa xiskkidi aqees; shin duree ba duretettaassi ubba wode un77ettidi qoppiyo gishshau, xiskkuwaa xayidi de7ees. " - Eranchchaa 5: 12. Why do Jehovah's Witnesses maintain high standards of dress? " Such a little while longer than a little while, and a little while longer, because he is asleep in sleep, he is asleep in death. " - Ecclesiastes 5: 12. Eti hegaa nashshibeenna gishshawu, loˈˈo ogiyaappe wora simmidosona. Illustrate. They did so, and they turned away from the way they did. I hagaadan giis: "Loddan loddan, Xoossawu ammanettiyoogaappe aattada timirtte keettawu ammanettiyoogaa doommaas. " Be of good courage! " Jesus said. " In time, " he relates, "I began to rely on God rather than on school. SHin, eti suure wozanay deˈiyoogeeti Xoossaabaa loytti eranaadan maaddiiddi deˈiyoogaa Geeshsha Maxaafay yootees. - Oosuwaa 8: 26 - 35; 10: 1 - 22; Ajjuutaa 14: 6, 7. You may know of others who are undergoing less noticeable hardships. However, the Bible teaches that those who have an honest heart can help honesthearted ones to come to know God well. - Acts 8: 26 - 26; 14: 1 - 6, 7. Yihoowa Markkati ubbatoo maara maayuwaa maayiyoy aybissee? Timothy "closely followed " those events and was thoroughly aware of Paul's endurance. Why do Jehovah's Witnesses always wear appropriate clothing? Leemisuwaa yoota. Will they also share in such exultation? Illustrate. Yesuusi, "Neeni taassi Yerusalaamen markkattidoogaadan, Roomenkka markkattanau bessees; minna; aikko baawa " yaagiis. - Oos. To accomplish this, at times we need help from qualified older men. Jesus said: "Be courageous and strong, even as you also bear witness to me in Rome. " Darin qoncci beettenna metoy gakkiyo harata geella erana danddayeeta. He was so moved that a surge of strong empathetic feeling cut him to the heart and brought him to tears. - John 11: 33 - 36. You may know that it is real - even for others to come to an end. Ximootiyoosi he hanotata " beˈiis ' woykko minttidi kaalliis; qassi PHauloosi genccidi oottidobaa loyttidi akeekiis. Today, Jehovah has given his people the work of preaching and making disciples. Timothy "continued devoting themselves to the things he had seen, " and he was able to endure. Etikka hegan ufayttanee? However, many today have had to endure extreme rejection by their family. Would they be happy? Hegaadan oottanau issi issitoo nuuyyo cimatu maaduwaa koshshees. Is there any indication, however, that a resurrection could take place long after it was promised? At times, we need the elders ' help. I etawu keehi qarettidoogee afuxxanaadan oottiis. - Yoh. 11: 33 - 36. Holy Father, watch over them on account of your own name which you have given me, in order that they may be one just as we are. " - John 17: 6, 11. He felt pity for them. - John 11: 33 - 36. Ha wodiyan, sabbakiyoonne erissiyo ashkkara oottiyo oosuwaa Yihooway ba asawu immiis. What Are Your Answers? Today, Jehovah has entrusted his people with the preaching and disciple - making work. Gidikkokka, ha wodiyan darota eta soo asay aggibayiis. By extending hospitality, we get to know our brothers and sisters in a more personal way than we can in other settings. Yet, many families today have built up their families. SHin, denddoy deˈanaagee odettoosappe daro wodee aadhin hegee hananaagaa bessiyaabi deˈii? A teenager is also maturing into an adult with his own "power of reason. " Is there any evidence, though, that the resurrection would occur long after the resurrection took place? Laamettenna iitatu xallaa woy seeraa siyennan ixxidaageetu xallaa xayssiis. Disappointment Those who refused to listen to wicked people were destroyed rather than those who refused to listen to them. Geeshsha Aawau, ha neeni tau immidoogeeti neeninne taani issuwaa gidiyoogaadan, eti issuwaa gidana mala, eta ne sunttan naaga. " - Yoh. 17: 6, 11. He wanted them to be prepared for whatever might come their way. Father, let me be just as you are. " - John 17: 6, 11. Ne Zaaroy Aybee? So he reached out and seized it, and it became a rod in his hand. What Is Your Answer? Nu ishanttanne michontta imattiyoogan hara hanotan eriyoogaappe aaruwan nuuni eta eroos. A sick feeling overwhelms lovers of justice as they witness the execution of that innocent man and his sons. We know that it is more important for us to be hospitable to our brothers and sisters. Yelagati guutta naˈa gidennaagaakka hassayite. How was this possible? Remember, too, that younger ones are not too young. Hidootaa qanxxiyoogaa But even though she missed out on many privileges, she was able to be with Jesus at the time of his death. Make Personal Decisions Wisely 12: 4) I eta aybi gakkikkokka eti giigetti uttanaadan koyiis. Today, he promotes interest in the demons not only through false religion but also through the entertainment industry. He wanted them to stay awake despite their circumstances. Muusee yeddidi shooshshaa oiqqin, shooshshai a kushiyan simmidi, gatimau laamettiis. Note what your objective should be. And when he had passed by the serpent's head, he changed his hands. Aynne mooribeenna he bitaneenne a naati hayquwan qaxxayettishin beˈiyoogee suure pirddaa dosiyaageeti azzananaadan oottiis. Jehovah God knew, though, that this detail was prophetic of the fact that the Messiah would not have any of his bones broken when put to death on the torture stake. - Psalm 34: 20; John 19: 31 - 33, 36. The innocent innocent man and his descendants have experienced the consequences of justice and justice. 6: 38; 8: 23) Hegee waanidi hanana danddayii? Today, servants of God do not engage in carnal warfare. How can this happen? Gidoppe attin, A daro maataa demmennan attikkonne, Yesuusi hayqqiyo wode aara deˈawusu. (Yoh. (b) How did Paul's situation change unexpectedly? However, when she was unable to find many privileges in her life, Jesus remained with him. Ha wodiyan, I worddo haymaanootiyaa xallan gidennan, allaxxiyoobankka asay daydanttatubaa eranawu koyanaadan oottees. 19: 3. Today, he allows people to find out not only about false religion but also about the demons. Neeni ay halchana koshshiyaakko akeeka. It involves real people and real places. Consider what you need to set goals. SHin ha qeeribay Masee mittan kaqettidi hayqqiyo wode, a meqettaappe issoynne meˈennaagawu eesho gidiyoogaa Xoossaa Yihooway erees. - Mazamure 34: 20; Yohaannisa 19: 31 - 33, 36. Through the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah declared: "My word that goes forth from my mouth... will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted, and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it. " - Isaiah 55: 11. However, when the Messiah died on the torture stake, Jehovah knew that one of Adam and his descendants were not part of the Mosaic Law. - John 20: 34 - 31; 31: 33, 36. Ha wodiyan, Xoossaa ashkkarati hegaa mala olaa olettokkona. The prophet Micah said: "I myself have become full of power, with the spirit of Jehovah. " Today, God's servants do not fight against such war. (b) PHawuloosa hanotay qoppennan waani laamettidee? That applies in principle to all Christians with the hope of everlasting life. (b) How did Paul change his situation? 19: 3. Doing so will no doubt strengthen your zeal for the ministry. 19: 3. Ha taarikiyan qonccida sohotikka asatikka deˈidabata. How can good communication strengthen a marriage? These accounts also have subjects recorded in this account. Yihooway hananabaa yootiya Isiyaasa baggaara: "Ta doonaappe kiyiya qaalaikka... taani halchchidoogaa polana; qassi kiittidoogaa oottanaappe attin, taakko coo simmenna " yaagiis. - Isiyaasa 55: 11. Each time, Jehovah very patiently and kindly assured Abraham that Sodom would be spared. Through the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah declared: "The word of my mouth will not be fulfilled, but it will not return to me. " - Isaiah 55: 11. Hananabaa yootiya Mikiyaasi: "Taani... wolqqan, GODAA Ayyaanan,... kumaas " yaagiis. We are assured, though, that if we keep up the struggle and are determined to become ever more desirable in God's eyes, Jehovah will bless our efforts. The prophet Micah wrote: "I was filled with the spirit of Jehovah..., and I was filled with the spirit. " 8: 25) Hegee merinaa deˈuwaa demmanau hidootiya ubba Kiristtaanetussikka haniyaaba. Yes, paradoxical as it may sound, Satan's way of governing has in reality served to glorify God. This also applies to all Christians who hope to gain everlasting life. Hegaadan oottiyoogee neeni kaseegaappe aaruwan mishettada sabbakanaadan denttettana. 1929 Doing so will motivate you to increase your zeal for the ministry. Liiqo qaalaa haasayiyoogee aqo deˈuwaa waati minttii? This allowed him enough time to develop qualities he needed to lead a stiff - necked and rebellious people. - Acts 7: 22 - 25, 30 - 34. How can good communication strengthen a marriage? Ichashutookka, Yihooway xilloti deˈikko Sadooma ashshanaagaa danddayaaninne kehatettan Abrahaamayyo yootiis. 3: 5, 6. Still, Jehovah kindly assured Abraham of Abraham's willingness to save Sodom and Gomorrah. Gidikkokka, nuuni hegaadan ubbatoo baaxetikko, qassi Xoossaa ufayssanau kaseegaappe aaruwan murttikko, Yihooway nu oottiyoobaa anjjanaagaa ammanettoos. Sadly, Adam and Eve were not content to have Jehovah as their Sovereign. However, if we continue to do so, we can be confident that Jehovah will reward our efforts to please him more fully. Ee; hegee malatennaba gidikkonne, Seexaanay haariyo ogee Xoossay bonchettanaadan gaaso gidiis. As Abel's siblings were born, he no doubt learned that those words came true as well. Yes, despite the fact that Satan has failed to bring glory to God, he became the one who created Satan's way of governing. 1929 Others commit a serious sin during courtship and marry anyway, but they may begin their married life with little respect for each other. 1929 Hegee morggee zozzido makkalancha asaa kaalettanau koshshiya eeshshay au deˈanaadan maaddiis. - Oos. 7: 22 - 25, 30 - 34. Wishing to satisfy the throng, Pilate released Barabbas, had Jesus whipped, and handed him over to be impaled. - Mark 15: 1 - 15. This enabled him to change his attitude toward violent people. - Acts 7: 22 - 34; 34: 34 - 34. 3: 5, 6. Jehovah also foretold that Eve would suffer pain in pregnancy and childbirth. 3: 5, 6. Addaameenne Hewaana Yihooway banttana haaranaadan koyibeennaagee azzanttiyaaba. Like Jesus, we can show courage based on faith Sadly, Adam and Eve failed to choose independence from Jehovah. Aabeeli ba ishatinne michoti yelettiyo wode, he qaalay polettidoogaa akeekidoogeekka qoncce. 16 What Do You Think? Abel no doubt realized that those words were fulfilled when his brothers and sisters were born. Harati qassi giigissido uraara deexo nagaraa oottidi, issoy issuwaa bonchenna hanotan aqo oyqqoosona. (b) When making progress is harder than we expected, what questions might we ask? Others are capable of committing sexual relations with someone outside the congregation. 15: 1 - 15. Surely this is evidence that Jehovah wants us to know and use his name. 15: 1 - 15. Hewaana abbe ixeta gidiyo wodenne yeliyo wode keehi tuggatanaagaakka Yihooway yootiis. PAGE 10 • SONGS: 119, 32 Jehovah also stated that when Eve was created, there would be great pain and suffering. Yesuusaagaadan ammanuwan baasettida xalatettaa bessana danddayoos " Become imitators of God, as beloved children, " wrote Paul. We can imitate Jesus ' courageous example by taking courage 16 Ne Qofay Aybee? THE battle was grueling. 16 What Is the Truth About Your Life? (b) Ayyaanaaban dicciyoogee nuuni qoppidoogaappe aaruwan metikko, woygidi oychana danddayiyoo? The Israelites ' example provides what lesson for us? (b) If we fail to grow spiritually, what questions might we ask ourselves? Yihooway nuuni a sunttaa eranaadaaninne goˈettanaadan koyiyoogaa hegee bessiyoogee erettidaba. Jesus ' Leadership Over His Congregation Of course, it is clear that Jehovah wants us to know his name and use it. Ayyaanaa Gannatiyaa Yallisissiyaabaa Ootta, 7 / 15 As important as physical food is to us, taking in knowledge of God is, in fact, even more so. Imitate Their Faith - "the God Who Gives Us, " 7 / 15 SINTTAA 10 • MAZAMURE: 20, 32 Before Jesus comes against Satan's visible organization, the last of the 144,000 members of spiritual Israel will receive the final sealing. PAGE 10 • SONGS: 20, 32 PHauloosi: "Xoossai siiqiyo naatudan, a milatite " yaagidi xaafiis. Jesus, like David, was born in Bethlehem, some 1,100 years after David's time. Paul wrote: "Become imitators of God, as beloved children. " OLAY keehi wolqqaama. This communication will help us to come to know Jehovah ever more intimately as our love for him keeps growing. - John 17: 3. Each time, he is very powerful. Israaˈeelatu leemisuwaappe ay tamaariyoo? Through prayer, we can stay in close communication with Jehovah and successfully follow a course in life that brings honor to him. What lesson do we learn from the example of the Israelites? Yesuusi Gubaaˈiyaa Kaalettiyo Ogiyaa How is the love that endures all things a help to married Christians? How Jesus fed the congregation (Maatiyoosa 4: 4) Qumay bollawu maaddiyoogaadan Xoossaabaa eriyoogeekka hegaappe aadhdhidi maaddees. We were able to focus on the joys that our service was bringing us. Learning about the digestive system is also a source of comfort to God. Yesuusi Seexaanaa siraataa xayssanau yaanaappe kase, 144,000 ayyaana Israaˈeela yametuppe attidaageetun wurssetta maatafay wodhees. 7: 9, 14. Before coming to the end of Satan's system of things, the 144,000 are represented by the remaining spiritual Israelites. Daawiti yelettoosappe 1,100 gidiya layttay aadhi simmin, Yesuusikka Daawitaagaadan Beetaliheemen yelettiis. Even Daniel's name, which means "My Judge Is God, " points to God - fearing parents. Some eight years after David was born, Jesus was born in Bethlehem. 17: 3. (Read Galatians 3: 19 - 25.) 17: 3. 62: 7, 8; Ibr. 5: 7) Yaatiyoogan Yihoowaara nu wozanaabaa haasayana danddayoos; qassi ubba wode a bonchissiya ogiyan deˈana danddayoos. " If you focus on the good in individuals and in the congregation, you and those around you will be happier. " - Burnett. We can express our innermost feelings to Jehovah, especially when we speak to him in a way that honors him in a way that honors him. Ubbabaa gencciya siiqoy ekkidanne gelida Kiristtaaneta ayba ogiyan maaddii? Philip lost no time in explaining that Isaiah spoke about the Messiah, Jesus. - Acts 8: 26 - 35. How can love help Christians who have endured all things? Nuuni nu haggaazoy demissiyo ufayssaa qoppiiddi deˈida. Consider the example of Rudolf Graichen, who was born in Germany in 1925. We enjoyed the happiness of our ministry. 7: 9, 14. The writing of it began over 35 centuries ago, yet the Bible is intact. 7: 9, 14. (Lee. 22: 6) "Ta daannay Xoossaa " giyo birshshettay deˈiyo Daaneela sunttaykka gidin, A yelidaageeti Xoossaa yayyiyoogaa bessees. 2: 2; 4: 22. God's name, Daniel, is described as "the man of the body, " or" the man of Daniel. " (Galaatiyaa 3: 19 - 25 nabbaba.) What can we learn from David's example? (Read Galatians 3: 19 - 25.) " Neeni ishanttu loˈˈo eeshshaanne gubaaˈee loˈˈo gididobaa qoppikko, neeninne nenaara oottiyaageeti ufayttana. " - Barneta. What reasons do we have to believe that the end could come at any time? " If you focus on positive qualities and positive traits, you will be happy, and you will be happy if you care about your brothers and sisters. " - Christopher. Isiyaasi odidoy Masiyaa Yesuusabaa gidiyoogaa Piliphoosi sohuwaara qonccissiis. - Oosuwaa 8: 26 - 35. Why All the Suffering? Philip immediately identified Isaiah as the Messiah. - Acts 8: 26 - 35. Jarmane biittan 1925n yelettida Rudolf Grikena leemisuwaa qoppa. Do I view the money I earn as "all mine "? Consider the example of Rudolf, a born born born born born in Germany. I xaafettiyoogaa doommidoy 3,500 layttappe kase gidikkonne, aynne laamettibeenna. Sometimes the cumulative effect of our difficulties can wear us down so much that whatever emotional and spiritual strength we muster up may not be enough for us to cope with the discouragement. He began writing about 3,500 years ago, but he had not changed. 2: 2; 4: 22. Now, if that was true of the perfect Son of God, would it not be true of us also? 2: 2; 4: 22. Nuuni Daawita hanotaappe ay tamaarana danddayiyoo? 33: 13. What can we learn from David's example? Wurssettay ay wodekka yaana danddayiyoogaa nuuni ammananaadan oottiyay aybee? These Biblical truths clash with many popular funeral customs. What convinces us that the end is near? Ha Ubba Tuggau Gaasoy Aybee? For example, do you expect one of your children to invite you to move in with his family, or are you expecting something else? What Is the End of All Evil? Ta demmiyo miishsha ubbaa tabaadan xeelliyaanaa? In the Christian Greek Scriptures, the expression "not partial " literally means not a" taker of faces, " that is, not favoring one face over another. Do I view my money as a treasure? (Iyy. 14: 1; Era. 2: 23) He ubba metoy nuuni ay oottikkokka, issi issitoo keehi shuggidi hidootaa qanxxanaadan oottana danddayees. THE anxious wait is over. All of this may at times make us feel discouraged, but at times we may feel discouraged. Yaatin, polo gidida Xoossaa Naˈay hegaadan oottana koshshikko, nuuni shin hegaadan oottana koshshennee? When I was 19, Bud Hasty, a family friend, asked me to join him in the pioneer work in the southern United States. What, then, if God's Son need to do so, should we not do so? 33: 13. (Read Romans 7: 21 - 25.) 33: 13. 8: 19, 20) Geeshsha Maxaafay yootiyo ha tumay mooguwaara gayttidaagan aakkidi deˈiya daro wogaara phalqqettees. " Be imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. " - HEB. This truth contradicts many customs associated with traditions that are common in the Bible. (Efi. 6: 2 - 4) Leemisuwau, intte naatuppe issoy intte a soo baana mala shoobbanaadan koyeetiiyye woy harabaa koyeetii? They read that passage three times. For example, would you like to invite one of your children to accompany him or to invite him to another? Giriiketto Geeshsha Maxaafaa xuufetun "asa asappe shaakkennaagaa " giyoogau sitta birshettay" somˈˈo xeellennaagaa " giyoogaa. Indeed, the ransom is the key that unlocks the door to the fulfillment of God's original purpose. In the Christian Greek Scriptures, it means that "there is no shame for partiality. " NAˈIYAA hirggaydda takkido wodee wuriis. 24 My Bible Lessons IT WAS late in today's dark time. Tawu layttay 19 gidiyo wode, nu so asaara laggetiya Bed Hesti aara Tohossa Amarkkan aqinye gidada oottanaadan tana oychiis. (See opening picture.) (b) How can Christian youths best meet this challenge? When I was 19, I asked him to pioneer with him in South America. (Roome 7: 21 - 25 nabbaba.) It has also been shown that recovering alcoholics who help others become significantly less depressed and can improve their odds of avoiding a relapse. (Read Romans 7: 21 - 25.) " Xoossay immana giidoogaa ammanuwaaninne genccan laattiyaageetu mala gidite. ' - IBR. Those elders had discussed the situation and wanted the missionaries to continue in their assignment as long as possible. " Be imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. " - HEB. Eti he xiqisiyaa heezzutoo nabbabidosona. We deal with unemployment, serious illnesses, persecution, natural disasters, loss of possessions because of crime, or other hardships. They read that verse three times. 20: 28) Yesuusa wozuwaa yarshshoy Xoossay koyro halchidobay polettanaadan keehi koshshiyaaba gidiyoogee tuma. (2 Qor. If we conduct ourselves in a godly way, others will observe us, and some may even say: "We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you people. " - Zech. Clearly, Jesus ' ransom sacrifice was an important part of God's original purpose. NAASE 13 - 19, 2012 Be assured that by means of his spirit, God can give you the strength you need to cope with any situation. - Rom. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE (Doomettan deˈiya misiliyaa xeella.) (b) Kiristtaane yelagati he paaciyaa waati xoonana danddayiyoonaa? The Bible says that while in Babylon, Daniel "resolved in his heart that he would not defile himself " with anything associated with false worship. (See opening picture.) (b) How can youths meet this challenge? Qassi ushshaa amaliyaa agganawu baaxetiyaageeti harata maaddiyoogee eti darin unˈˈettennaadaaninne etawu ushshay zaarettidi amale gidennaadan oottiyoogaakka he xinaatee qonccissiis. What does 1 Samuel 8: 1 - 5 reveal about Samuel's sons? They also explained that helping others to overcome their addiction to pornography and to avoid becoming spiritually inactive. He gubaaˈiyaa cimati hanotaa tobbidi, misoonaaweti banttau danddayettida keenan misoonaawe oosuwaa oottanaadan koyidosona. 18, 19. When the elders took the lead, they wanted to do as much as possible as possible as possible as possible. Oosoy baynnaagee, wolqqaama harggee, yedetay, meretay gattiyo daafabay, danuwan aquwaa xayiyoogee woy hara metoy nuna qohees. 15, 16. If there is no stumbling block, persecution, corruption, natural disasters, or other natural disasters, we will be affected. Ubba issoti issoti hagaadan gaana danddayoosona: "Xoossai inttenaara de7iyoogaa nuuni siyido gishshau, ane nuunikka [inttenaara] boos. " - Zak. 2: 8. Some may even say: "We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you. " - Zech. Ayba hanotankka genccanaadan koshshiya minotettaa Xoossay ba geeshsha ayyaanaa baggaara immana danddayiyoogaa ammanettite. - Roo. Why was Moses certain that he would be rewarded? Trust that by means of his holy spirit, God can give us the strength needed to endure any trial. - Rom. Geeshsha Maxaafay yootiyoogaadan, Daaneeli Baabiloonen deˈiiddi eeqaara gayttida aybinne "bana tunissenna mala, ba wozanan qofaa qachchiis. " (Dane. How so? According to the Bible, Daniel kept his mind fixed on "the tree of Babylon " so that nothing could interfere with Daniel's idolatry. Sameela naatubaa 1 Sameela 8: 1 - 5y woygii? 9, 10. What does 1 Samuel 8: 1 - 5 say? 18, 19. It was with an enemy of God, this time with the son of Ahab, wicked King Ahaziah. 18, 19. 15, 16. (Read John 13: 34, 35; Gal. 5: 22) Sheeplike ones cannot help but be moved when they see such love. 15, 16. 2: 8. 12, 13. 2: 8. Muusee woytuwaa demmanaagaa ammanettidoy aybissee? This has been done for the good both of spirit creatures and of humans. Why did Moses reward the reward? Waatidi? 8, 9. How? 9, 10. 16, 17. 9, 10. I Xoossaa morkkiyaa, Akaaba naˈaa, iita Kawuwaa Akaaziyaasaara hashetiis. (See the chart "The Wheat and the Weeds. ") He maintained his father, King Ahab of God's enemy, King Ahab. (Yohaannisa 13: 34, 35 nabbaba; Galaatiyaa 5: 22) Hegaa mala siiquwaa beˈiyoogee dorssa mala asata wozanappe denttettees. She was also warned not to walk on the main road, lest harm befall her. (Read such love; John 13: 34, 35.) 12, 13. These loyal shepherds within God's organization are guided by "wholesome, " or" healthful; beneficial, " instruction found in God's own Book. 12, 13. 8, 9. REGULAR FEATURES 8, 9. 16, 17. 19, 20. 16, 17. ("Gisttiyaanne Zardduwaa " giya saaxiniyaa xeella.) How can we demonstrate such love for the ministry? (See the box "A Conversation With a Neighbor. ") A wogga ogiyaara beennaadankka mintti yootidosona; hegee qassi hara metuwaa kaalettiis. Can you hear George Young's steady voice? She also carried off a large river, and this led to other problems. Xoossaa dirijjitiyan deˈiya ha ammanettida henttanchati Xoossaa Maxaafan deˈiya " tumu qaalaa ' kaaletuwaa kaalloosona. I find that very encouraging! These faithful shepherds of God's organization are guided by "the word of the true God. " Hosppune 5 - 11, 2010 What should be our goal when we conduct a Bible study? 27 Our Readers Ask... 19, 20. Nonetheless, Lily focused on Carol's good qualities. 19, 20. (1 Tas. 2: 2) Nuuni haggaazuwaa keehi siiqiyoogaa waati bessana danddayiyoo? For that reason alone - not to mention the wicked motive involved - Satan's alternative way of governing by means of human rule was sure to fail from the start. How can we show our love for the ministry? Jorj Yangi tololayidi haasayiyo haasayaa siyay? Set appropriate priorities, have realistic expectations, daily make room for some quiet time, enjoy God's creation, keep a sense of humor, and get regular exercise and enough sleep. - w16.12, pp. 22 - 23. Do you listen to George's talks? Hegee tana keehi minttettees! This means that we can draw ever closer to our heavenly Father for all eternity. How reassuring that is! Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈissiyo wode nu halchchoy ayba gidana bessii? [ Picture Credit Line on page 20] What should be our goal when we conduct a Bible study? SHin, Lila Kareliyyo deˈiya loˈˈo eeshshata qoppaasu. As Christians, we have a precious heritage. Sadly, however, Carol developed fine qualities. Seexaanaa denttettida iita koshshaa gujjennan, hegaa xallan, i asaa haaruwaa goˈettidi ayssiyo ogee ushachennaagee koyroppekka erettiis. And the love for Jehovah that we and our fellow worshippers share is like a cord that ties us together and strengthens our bond of unity. Like Satan, he evidently evidently made it clear that his way of governing was beyond the reach of human rule. Kaseyana bessiyaabaa kaseya, hanana danddayiyaabaa qoppa, ubba galla shemppa ekkiyo wodiyaa bazza, Xoossay medhidoban ufaytta, harata michada neenikka miicca, bollaa minttiyaabaa ootta, qassi gidiyaagaa keenaa xiskka. - w16.12, sinttaa 22 - 23. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. " Just think about what you can do to set goals - perhaps taking care - to prepare your schedule for daily activities, stay busy in God's service, and take care of others. - w16.4, pp. 22 - 23. Hegaa gishshawu, neeni saluwan deˈiya ne Aawaakko merinawu kaseegaappe aaruwan shiiqana danddayaasa. " Run in such a way that you may attain it. " - 1 COR. Thus, you can draw ever closer to your heavenly Father. [ Sinttaa 32n deʼiyaagaa] In fact, if you have recently divorced, you may find it to be one of the most stressful events you will ever face. [ Picture on page 32] Kiristtaane gidiyoogaadan, nuuyyo laattido alˈˈobay deˈees. It bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things. As Christians, we have a precious possession. Qassi nuuninne nu mala ishantti Yihoowa siiqiyo siiqoy nu issippetettaa minttiya issippe gatti qachchiya wodoruwaa mala. Or they may abuse their power for personal gain, to the detriment of the people. And our love for Jehovah and our brothers is similar to the bond of unity that unites us in unity. Ne kawotettai yo; ne shenee saluwan hanidoogaadan, sa7ankka hano " yaagidi woossanaadan tamaarissiis. Why is it wrong to rejoice when calamity befalls someone hating us? Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. " " Woituwaa ekkanau woxxite. " - 1 QOR. The prophet sent his attendant Gehazi back to Shunem ahead of them. " Stop seeking the prize. " - 1 COR. Neeni ne aqo laggiyaappe mata wode paraman shaahettidaba gidikko, hegee hanno gakkanau nena gakkidabaappe keehi unˈˈissiyaaba gidiyoogaa akeekennan aggakka. Consider three examples. If you have recently been divorced, you will likely realize that this has been the most painful experience that this has happened to you. Ubbabaa danddayees, ubbabay hanana giidi, ufayssan naagees, ubbabaa genccees. Good friends not only accept wise counsel but also give it. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Woy eti bantta maataa banttau goˈˈaa demmanau woy asa qohanau bessenna ogiyan goˈettana danddayoosona. But thanks to the special campaign, the example of the local brothers, and many prayers, I was able to do what I couldn't do before. Or they may use the power of their free will to influence or harm the human family. Nuna ixxiya uraa metoy gakkiyo wode ufayttiyoogee bala gididoy aybissee? Mutsuo and his wife wept as they read through the experiences. Why is it wrong to be ashamed when we are faced with a problem? Hananabaa yootiyaagee ba ashkkaraa Gehaaza banttappe sinttawu maccaasee soo SHuneeme biitti kiittiis. God requires that we come to know him and obey the good news of the Kingdom that he has set up through his Son. The prophet Hosea sent his son to the house where he would take the young woman's wife. Heezzu leemisota beˈa. How was Ruth blessed for doing things Jehovah's way? Consider three examples. Loˈˈo laggeti loˈˈo zoriyaa siyiyoogaa xalla gidennan etikka zoroosona. During "the final part of the days, " millions from all nations and tribes and tongues have streamed to" the mountain of the house of Jehovah. " Good friends are not only a good listener but also those who listen to it. SHin ha zamachan Turkke ishantti oottidobaa beˈidonne mintta woossido gishshawu taani kase oottana danddayennabaa oottaas. " Of course we're interested in that, " my dad replied. But I worked hard to see the brothers ' experiences and sisters in the preaching work, so I did not have what I had done before. Mutusoynne a machiyaa hegaa nabbabiiddi yeekkidosona. Jehovah explained: "I am keeping awake concerning my word in order to carry it out. " Kevin and his wife were shocked by this. Xoossay nuuni a eranaadaaninne i ba Naˈaa baggaara essido Kawotettaa mishiraachuwau azazettanaadan koyees. You long to hug, to speak with, and to laugh with that dear one. God wants us to know the good news about his Son and to obey the good news through his Son. Uruta Yihoowayyo ammanettidaaro gidiyo gishshau, ayba anjjuwaa demmadee? God Will End All Suffering! How did Ruth prove loyal to Jehovah, and what blessings did she receive? " Wurssettaa gallassatun, " miilooniyan qoodettiya asay zare ubbaappe, qommo ubbaappenne dumma dumma qaala ubbaappe " GODAA deriyau, Xoossaa Beeta Maqidasiyau ' zulees. The brochure was written to provide information on a variety of ways that gifts may be made now or later, as through a bequest at death. During the last days of "the last days, " millions of people are surrounded by people from all nations and tribes and tongues. Oychin ta aaway, "Nuuni hegaa koyoos " yaagidi zaariis. But we do know that the God who helped his servants in amazing ways is our God, Jehovah. Dad replied: "We want to do that. " Yihooway, "Taanikka ta qaalai polettin, hegaadan be7anau naagais " yaagidi qonccissiis. (b) What should be our resolve regarding wickedness? Jehovah declared: "The word of my word has continued to endure so as to see my faithful course. " Neeni siiqiyo he izaawa qoommanawu, aara haasayanawunne miiccanawu laamotaasa. " Because of not knowing the righteousness of God, " Paul said, they were "seeking to establish their own. " Your loved one will want you to talk with him, make it easier for him to talk to him. Xoossay Tugga Ubbaa Xayssana! " But one time, I was preaching with an elder who realized that I was having a bad day. God will put an end to all suffering! Ha brooshuree giigidoy, asay hayqqiyo wode laatissiyoogaadan sinttappe woy qassi haˈˈi imotaa immanau waatana danddayiyaakko dumma dumma qofaa qonccissanaassa. When I was eight years old, my parents sold their home and shops, built a small mobile home, and moved to Colorado to serve where the need was greater. The brochure was written to provide information on a variety of ways that gifts may be made now or later. SHin ammanettida ba ashkkarata Yihooway beni maalaalissiya ogiyan maaddidoogaa eroos. If Christ had not been raised from the dead, Christian faith would be in vain, empty, based on a lie. But we know, though, that Jehovah has helped his faithful servants in the past. (b) Neeni ay oottanawu murttadii? When you experience any kind of anxiety, the Bible's wise advice is to "throw your burden on Jehovah. " (b) What are you determined to do? PHauloosi, "[Eti] bantta huuphe xillotettaa essanau koyidosona; qassi bantta huuphen Xoossai asaa xillissiyo ogiyau haarettibookkona " yaagiis. Cultivate true love - "the flame of Jah " - by thinking appreciatively about your mate. " They wanted to establish their righteousness, " wrote Paul, "and they did not claim to be ashamed of God's righteousness. " SHin issi wode, taani gubaaˈiyaa cimaara haggaazishin i ta peeshshay iita gidiyoogaa akeekiis. 12: 5, 6. At one point, however, I noticed that he was a bad elder. Tawu layttay hosppuna gidido wode, tana yelidaageeti bantta keettaa bayzzidi, caanidi harasaa efiyo keettaa keexxidosona; yaatidi aassiyaageeti keehi koshshiyoosan haggaazanawu Kolorado biidosona. The Witnesses are not psychics; nor do they claim to hear spirit voices or to have any special powers of prediction. When I was eight years old, my parents sold their house and moved to Ghana to serve where the need was greater. Kiristtoosi denddibeennaba gidikko, Kiristtaanetu ammanoy mela, hada woy worddo. Once transplanted, the tree must immediately start growing new roots. If Christ had not been raised, Christian faith would be false, or false. Nena hirggissiya aybinne gakkiyo wode, Geeshsha Maxaafay "ne toohuwaa Xoossan " wottanaadan zorees. (Maz. [ Footnote] When you face all problems, the Bible urges you to " throw your burden on God. ' Intte issoy issuwaa mintti siiqanaadan, issoy issuwaa loˈˈo eeshshaa nashshite. (Sii. " It's a lot harder for children to choose between right and wrong if they don't know what is right or wrong. " - Brandon. Show your love for one another by showing love for one another. 12: 5, 6. What could pose a threat to our spirituality? 12: 5, 6. Yihoowa Markkati hara asaagaappe dumma wolqqay deˈiyoogeeta gidokkona; eti " ayyaanaa cenggurssaa siyoos woy sinttanaabaa yootanawu nuuyyo dumma eray deˈees ' gookkona. Yes, salvation was possible. Jehovah's Witnesses are not unique to any other people, nor are they able to tell us about "the deep things of the wicked one. " He puutee harasan tokettoosaara ooratta xaphuwaa yeddiyoogaa doommees. True worship has helped us to make what changes? This relationship begins with a new roots. [ Tohossa qofata] He has made it possible for them to draw close to him through his only - begotten Son, Jesus Christ. [ Footnote] " Naati aybi likkekko aybi balakko shaakki erana xayikko likke gididaba dooranawu metootana danddayoosona. " - Brandena. How can I apply this information in my life? " If children are not right from wrong, it may be difficult to decide what is right. " - Christopher. Nuna ayyaanaaban qohana danddayiyaabay aybee? Since then, she has undergone surgery twice, received radiation treatment, and suffered two more strokes, which left her with limited movement on her left side and limited vision. What dangers threaten our spirituality? Ee, atotettay demmana danddayiyooba. Simply put, it means that a person is willing to give up his own interests in order to help others. Yes, salvation is possible. Tumu goynoy nuuni ayba laame oottanaadan maaddidee? Therefore, let us be guided by Bible laws and principles, for they reveal God's mind on matters. What effect has true worship have on us? WAYSSIYA ha alamiyan deˈiya miilooniyan qoodettiya asau Yihooway issi dummabaa oottiis. Others had to change their attitude toward those of another race. JEHOVAH has blessed millions of people with an earthly hope. Ha zoriyaa waatada kaallana danddayiyaanaa? " They threatened me, " Monika recalls. How can I apply this counsel? He wodeppe doommada, naaˈˈutoo shuhettaasu; raadeeshine giyo akkamo hiillan akkamettaasu; qassi haranttuwaa naaˈˈutoo suuttay meqqin, iyyo haddirssa bagga bollay loytti qaaxxenna; ayfeekka loytti xeellenna. In saying so, Paul was not minimizing the importance or value of discipline, for he continued: "Yet afterward, it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. " From then on, there was no medical treatment on the second occasion, and twice a second time she had to take sides with her body, and she had no fruit. Harata maaddanau ba koyiyoobaa ba dosan aggibayiyoogaa giyoogaa. " Be Aglow With the Spirit " The gift of free will does not mean sacrificeing others to help them. Hegaa gishshawu, Geeshsha Maxaafaa higgiyaanne maaraa kaalliyaageeta gidoos; ayssi giikko, hegeeti Xoossaa qofaa qonccissoosona. For example, the director of a large construction services organization noticed that Jehovah's Witnesses keep their word. Therefore, let us follow the Bible's laws and principles, for they reflect God's thinking. (1 Qoronttoosa 6: 9 - 11) Hara zareta xeelliyaagan, harati bantta xeelaa laammidosona. Since early in human history, men and women of faith have learned about God in three primary ways: by observing the visible creation, from other God - fearing humans, and by experiencing the blessings of living in harmony with God's righteous standards and principles. Regarding other nations, others adjusted their thinking and decided to adjust their thinking. Monika hagaadan gausu: "Eti tana yashissidosona. " Happy are those invited to the evening meal of the Lamb's marriage, " states Revelation 19: 9. Monique says: "They were angry with me. PHawuloosi yaagidoogee seeraa goˈˈaa xaasayi xeelliis giyoogaa gidenna; ayssi giikko, gujjidi i, "SHin qaxxayidoogeetuyyo guyyeppe he qaxxayoi xillotettaa de7uwaa sarotettaa woituwaa immana " yaagiis. Abraham demonstrated faith in Jehovah's promises, so God viewed him as special; he really knew Abraham. Paul did not accept the value of discipline, for he later stated: "But he will receive gifts of righteousness, for he later gives it to those who practice righteousness. " " Ayyaanan Dochennaagaa Gida ' " Thought Seriously About Where My Life Was Headed ' (A. Hancock), 8 / 1 " Be Vigilant With a View to Spirit " Leemisuwau, issi gita dirijjitiyaa halaqay Yihoowa Markkati bantta qaalaa naagiyoogaa akeekiis. They conclude that God has decided the exact moment when each human will die. For example, a large company of Witnesses saw the need to keep their word. Asi deˈido wodiyaa doomettaappe haa simmin, Xoossaa ammaniya asay abaa heezzu ogiyan tamaariis; hegeekka, meretaa beˈiyoogaana, Xoossaa yayyiya haratuppe siyiyoogaananne Xoossay kessido xillotettaa maaraanne higgiyaa kaallidi anjjuwaa demmiyoogaana. Keeping that truth in mind will move us to do our best to make marital decisions based on God's Word. From the early days of Asa's history, God's people learned of three aspects of faith - obedience, obedience, and obedience to God's righteous standards. Ajjuutaa 19: 9y, "Dorssaa bullachchaayyo xeesettidaageeti anjjettidaageeta " yaagees. Regarding personal hygiene, he adds: "I shower and shave daily. " Revelation 19: 9 says: "Happy are those who are gathered together in marriage. " (Ibr. 11: 17 - 19) Abrahaami Yihooway qaalaa gelidoban ammaniyoogaa bessido gishshau, Xoossay a xoqqu oottidi xeelliis; i Abrahaama tumuppe eriis. How can young publishers develop effective teaching methods? Because Abraham showed faith in Jehovah's promises, he knew that God was real to Abraham, and he was real to Abraham. Yihooway " Hachi Hachi Ta Toohuwaa Tookkees ' (Martta du Raan), 8 / 15 What a difference there is between his view of authority and the attitude displayed by the first human wife! " Jehovah Knows Those Who Belong to Him, " 12 / 15 Eti asa ubbawu i hayqqiyo wodiyaa Xoossay kuuyi wottiis giidi qoppoosona. Could you arrange your circumstances to do so? They think that God was waiting for all humans to die. Siiqiya yelidaageeti, bantta naˈay wodeppe goˈettanaagaa eriyaaba gidikko, naˈaa bolli metoy gakkanaadan paqqadoosona. Yet, we may face challenges that could cause us to lose sight of such a wonderful privilege. If parents learn to benefit from their son's benefit from the loss of their child, their child's problems allow the child to influence his child's problems. Hegaa akeekiyoogee, aqo deˈuwan kuuyiyoobaa Xoossaa Qaalaadan kuuyanau nuuyyo danddayettidabaa oottanaadan denttettees. Were we to do so, it could give the wrong impression. This realization will move us to do our best to make decisions in the marriage of God's Word. I, "Taani ubba galla bollaa meecettaysinne ta buuchaa meedays " yaagidi, ba geeshshatettaabaa yootiis. The letter was aimed at helping the brothers to reject worldly thinking and wrong practices. - Col. He said: "I will not wear my body every day, and I will wear it down. " Aassiya yelagati tamaarissiyo muruta ogiyaa waatidi dichana danddayiyoonaa? Why is a sister named Nadia glad she stayed in the foreign - language congregation? How can younger publishers improve the skills they teach? Yesuusi aawatetta maataa xeellido ogee koyro maccaaseegaappe ay keena dummee! Concerning the family worship arrangement, a sister writes: "It allows us to learn about so many subjects. " How different Jesus was from the first woman's position in authority! Hegaadan oottanawu ne hanotaa giigissana danddayay? Jesus continued: "When he has found it, he puts it on his shoulders and rejoices. Could you adjust your schedule? 14: 6) SHin nuuni oottanaadan immettida he gita maataa xoqqu oottidi xeellennaadan paacciyaabay merettana danddayees. (Read Psalm 1: 1 - 3; Jer. But there may be a danger in which we should view it as a privilege to do so. Nuuni hegaadan oottikko, hara asay nubaa balabaa qoppana danddayees. He had served God faithfully for many years. If we do so, we may feel that others are wrong. He dabddaabbee ishantti alamee qoppiyoonne oottiyo iitabaa kaallennaadan maaddanawu xaafettiis. - Qol. Instead of treating members of differing national groups with distrust, suspicion, or even outright hatred, they have learned to cherish the variety of characteristics and abilities of these groups as something beautiful. That letter was written to help the brothers focus on the world's thinking and actions. - Col. Naadiyo giyo michiyaa kare biittaa qaalaa goˈettiya gubaaˈiyaappe babeenna gishshawu ufayttiyoy aybissee? Why is encouragement a power for good? Why are sisters happy to move to a foreign - language congregation? So asaa goynuwaa giigissuwaa xeelliyaagan issi michiyaa: "Hegee nuuni darobaa xeelliyaagan eraa gujjanaadan maaddees " yaagada xaafaasu. God promises: "I will protect him because he knows my name. " - Psalm 91: 14. Regarding family worship, one sister wrote: "This helps us to increase our knowledge of the Scriptures. " Yesuusi hagaadan giis: "He bayida dorssiyo demmido wode ufaittidi, ba hashiyan tookkees. How Would You Answer? Jesus said: "When he finds it, he finds it on the lost sheep. (Mazamure 1: 1 - 3 nabbaba; Erm. What God's Kingdom Will Do (Read Psalm 1: 1 - 3; Jer. I ammanettidi Xoossawu daro layttaa haggaaziis. And it was a white sister who patiently helped me to make the journey. He served God faithfully for many years. Eti hara biittaappe yiya asaa ixxokkona woy asasaa asi ammanettenna giidi qoppokkona. Asay dumma dumma gidiyoogeenne dumma dummabaa oottiyoogee eta ufayssees. 10, 11. They find satisfaction in knowing that they are unable to distinguish people from other countries or from other nations. Harata minttettiyoogee keehi koshshiyaaba gidiyoy aybissee? " [Jesus] went teaching daily in the temple. " Why is it important to encourage others? Xoossay, "I ta sunttaa erido gishshau, taani a naagana " yaagees. - Mazamure 91: 14. Jehovah's Witnesses will be happy to show you how to acquire such knowledge. God says: "I shall protect him because he knows my name. " - Psalm 91: 14. Woygada Zaaruutii? One such person is Morena. How Would You Answer? Xoossaa Kawotettay Oottanabaa After a few weeks, he began bringing a Chinese colleague with him. God's Kingdom Is a Purpose yaagiya, neeni keehi qoppanaadan oottiya oyshay deˈees. Show compassion. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Qassi hegaa oottanaadan tana danddayan maaddidaara bootta michchiyo. That left a deep impression on me and taught me that we should never take our Christian association for granted. - Heb. And I was baptized with a white sister who patiently helped me to do that. 10, 11. Fellow Christians who offer comments and sing from the heart also build us up. 10, 11. " Yesuusi ubba gallassi Beeta Maqidasiyan tamaarissees. " Indeed, "the word of God " exerts a power that is capable of discerning" thoughts and intentions of the heart. " " Jesus taught in the temple every day. " Neeni he eraa waata demmanaakko bessanau Yihoowa Markkati ufayttoosona. " It annoyed him to go out in the ministry in another language, whereas before he loved preaching in his native language, French, " says Muriel. Jehovah's Witnesses rejoice to see how you can respond to such knowledge. Moreno giyo michiyaa hegeetuppe issinno. (Read Matthew 14: 25 - 29.) A sister named Michelle is one of them. Amarida saaminttaappe guyyiyan, i CHayna asa gidida ba laggiyaa ekki yiis. For instance, reflect on reasons that you have for putting the Kingdom first in your life. After a few weeks, he moved to a Chinese - speaking friend. Qaretta. May 1, 2009 Our tender feelings. Hegee tana keehippe maaddiis; qassi nu shiiqota nuuni mule xaasayi xeellana bessennaagaa hegaappe tamaaraas. - Ibr. 41: 8. This really helped me, and I learned that our meetings should not be neglected. - Heb. SHiiquwan bantta qofaa yootiyaanne wozanappe yexxiya Kiristtaanetikka nuna minttettoosona. And centuries later, the apostle Paul told Titus that Jesus gave himself to cleanse his followers to make them "a people peculiarly his own, zealous for fine works. " We also encourage fellow believers to keep their minds fixed on the program. " Xoossaa qaalau asa wozanan deˈiya koshshaanne qofaa ' shaakkiyo wolqqay deˈiyoogee tuma. (Ibr. The apostles distributed these funds to those in need. True, "the word of God " means" the power of the heart " and the power of the heart. Miyurˈela, "I loytti eriyo Paransaaye qaalan sabbakiyoogaa kase dosiyaaba gidikkonne, biidi hara qaalan sabbakiyoogaa dosenna " yaagaasu. What role did Rabshakeh play, and how did the people react? " Although he learned more fully in French, he says, "but he didn't preach in French. " (Maatiyoosa 14: 25 - 29 nabbaba.) What is the role of the elders as described at Isaiah 32: 1, 2? (Read Matthew 14: 25 - 29.) Leemisuwau, neeni ne deˈuwan Xoossaa Kawotettaa kaseyanaadan oottiyaabay aybakko qoppa. Perhaps no other prophecy in the Bible better depicts Christ's sacrifice and what it has accomplished than the one recorded at Isaiah 53: 3 - 12. For example, consider what would cause you to put God's Kingdom first in your life. Uddufune 1, 2009 In fact, in the first recorded words of Jesus, which he uttered in the temple when he was just 12 years old, he referred to Jehovah as "my Father. " May 1, 2009 41: 8. Weekly meetings held at local Kingdom Halls are not merely religious services; they are designed to educate. 41: 8. " Lo77obaa oottanau " mishettiya ba asaa geeshshanau, Yesuusi bana kaalliyaageetuyyo ba huuphiyaa aattidi immidoogaa, daro layttaappe guyyiyan kiitettida PHauloosi Tiituyyo yootiis. What pattern did God set? After the apostle Paul urged his followers to pray for "good works, " the apostle Paul urged his followers to be humble. 4: 34, 35) Harati qassi miishshaa dagayidi oosuwaa maaddanawu ubbatoo immoosona. (1 Qor. Failure to control one's anger would give the Devil an opportunity to sow disunity and even conflict in the congregation. Others regularly give financial support to others. SINTTAA 13 6: 8. PAGE 13 Ola gadaaway ay oottidee, qassi asay waatidee? Rather than manifesting the attitude of disobedience and independence that characterizes the world, she is in submission to her mate. What did Ebed - melech do, and how did people respond? Isiyaasa 32: 1, 2y yootiyoogaadan cimatu aawatettay aybee? Throughout Israel's tumultuous history, God held true to his promise. According to Isaiah 32: 1, 2, 2, what responsibility do elders take? Isiyaasa 53: 3 - 12n deˈiyaagaadan Kiristtoosa yarshshuwaanne hegee poliyoobaa loytti qonccissiya hara hiraagay Geeshsha Maxaafan deˈenna gaana danddayettees. He notices and values the effort we put forth to attend each meeting. - Heb. The prophecy recorded at Isaiah 53: 3 - 12. Yesuusi haasayidoban xaafettidabaappe koyro gidida, au layttay 12 gidido wode beeta maqidasiyan haasayidoban Yihoowa, "Ta Aawaa " yaagiis. They let me go. When Jesus ' first talk was recorded in the Bible, he said: "My Father, Jehovah, am my Father. " Kawotettaa Addaraashan saaminttan saaminttan shiiqiyo shiiqoti haymaanoote siraata xalla gidennan, nuna tamaarissanau giigidabata. (b) If you are tempted to yield to fear of man, on whom should you focus your attention? At the Kingdom Hall, meetings are not only a week of education but also a purpose for us. (2 PHeexiroosa 2: 5, 6) He leemiso gidiyaabay aybee? Their sincere concern for his welfare - their self - sacrificing love - moved them to act swiftly in his behalf, opening the way for the jailer and his entire household to become believers. What is the figurative picture? (Efi. 4: 26, 27) Issi uri yiilluwaa teqqennaagee Dabloosi gubaaˈiyan shaahotettaa medhanaadan, ubba qassi ooshshaa denttanaadan oottees. However, Israel did not obey God's voice. The Devil even causes a person to control his temper and to make peace in the congregation. 6: 8. What happens at a Christian funeral should not disturb the consciences of fellow believers or stumble others who know what we believe and teach about the dead. 6: 8. Alamiyan deˈiya azazettennaagaa bessiya, qassi ba sheniyaadan simerettiyo qofaa qonccissiyoogaappe, ba azinau haarettausu. (Efi. The person who conducts himself as a lesser one is "great " in that he becomes more valuable as a servant of Jehovah. According to the world's disobedience, she respects her husband's feelings, feelings, and motives. Israaˈeelati woppaa xayido wode ubban, Xoossay qaalaa gelidobaa poliis. What concern for "the things of the world " should a couple expect to have? In all Israel's suffering, God had fulfilled his promise. (1 Yoh. 3: 22) Nuuni ubbatoo shiiquwaa shiiqanawu oottiyoobaa i akeekeesinne nashshees. - Ibr. Like Noah, we strive to have "plenty to do in the work of the Lord. " He understands and appreciates our efforts to attend meetings regularly. - Heb. Yaatin, eti tana yeddidosona. What Jehovah endured as his Son was tormented, ridiculed, and then executed as a criminal is far more than we can know. So they sent me. (b) Neeni asau yayyanaadan oottiya paacee gakkiyo wode oona qoppana koshshii? For one thing, Jehovah's angel had noticed how Gideon threshed wheat with all his might. (b) Whom should you think of those who fear you? He bitaniyau wozanappe qoppiyoogee, giishin bantta goˈˈaa agganaadan oottiya siiqoy eti au koshshiyaabaa sohuwaara oottanaadan denttettiis; qasho keettaa naagiyaageenne a soo asay ubbay Kiristtaane gidanaadan maaddidosona. (Oos. As recorded at Galatians 4: 21 - 31, the apostle Paul mentions "a symbolic drama " involving two women. The man's heartfelt concern moved the man to leave behind - a self - sacrificing spirit - moved him to care for the brothers and sisters. 19: 5, 6) Gidikkokka, Israaˈeelati Xoossaa qaalau azazettibookkona. In addition, have an alternate time set aside to allow for unforeseen circumstances. However, the Israelites did not obey God's word. (2 Qor. 6: 14 - 16) Baliyan oosettiyaabay nu mala Kiristtaanetu zoriyaa wozanaa qohiyaaba, woy hayqqidaageeta xeelliyaagan nuuni ammaniyoobaanne tamaarissiyoobaa eriya harata xubbiyaaba gidana bessenna. Jehovah fulfilled his promise. We should avoid any customs associated with fellow believers about the dead, such as the dead, the dead, or the dead. 4: 7) Ba huuphiyaa kawushshiya uri Yihoowayyo keehi koshshiya oosancha gidiyoogan " gitatees '. (Luq. That's ironic, because when we were dating, I used to love that he was so spontaneous. A humble person is described as "a lesser one. " " Sa7aabaa " xeelliyaagan aqo laggeti banttana aybi qofissanaagaa naagana koshshii? When speaking with someone from a non - Christian background, we could say, "Notice what the Holy Writings tell us. " What should married couples keep in mind about their marriage? Noheegaadan nuunikka " Godaa oosuwaara ' gayttida darobaa oottanawu baaxetoos. Whether in person or by phone, e - mail, video, or a letter, close friends communicate with each other as often as their circumstances allow. Like Noah, we work hard to accomplish "the work of the Lord. " (Leemiso 8: 22, 30, 31; Yohaannisa 1: 1) Ba Naˈay waayettiyo wode, tooshettiyo wodenne hegaappe simmin danobaa oottida uradan hayqqiyo wode Yihooway genccidi aattidobay nuuni qoppanaunne danddayennaba. For one thing, the length of captivity is different. When the Son of his Son suffered ridicule, persecution, and death caused us to lose sight of Jehovah's patience and endurance. Leemisuwawu, Yihoowa kiitanchay Geedooni ba kumetta wolqqan gisttiyaa qoxxiyoogaa beˈiis. It is heartwarming, indeed, to see how God helps those "rightly disposed for everlasting life " to make needed changes and come into a close relationship with him. For example, Gideon saw Jehovah's angel standing on a complete scale. PHawuloosi Galaatiyaa 4: 21 - 31n naaˈˈu maccaasati "leemiso " gididobaa yootiis. We may never go so far as to vocalize a complaint against Jehovah. In his words recorded at Galatians 4: 21 - 31. Hegaa bollikka, qoppibeennabay gakkiyo wodessi hara wodiyaa keera. * Furthermore, the unexpected took place when the unexpected occurs. 26: 1 - 6) Yihooway qaalaa gelidobaa poliis. The Bible says: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " Jehovah fulfilled his promises. Hegee taani akeekanau metiyaaba; ayssi giikko, nuuni aqo oyqqanau qoppidi issippe wodiyaa aattiyo wode, i issibaa sohuwaara poliyoogaa taani dosays. We agree with the apostle Paul, who wrote: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge " - not to mention love and the six qualities we have considered. - Rom. I'm not easy to understand, for it's easy to spend time with us when we feel that we are separated from the marriage mate. Kiristtaane gidenna uraa haasayissiyo wode, "Geeshsha Maxaafay yootiyooba akeeka " gaana danddayoos. COVER: Kingdom publishers preaching in Santiago de Cuba, the second - largest city on the island known for its music and traditional dances As we approach someone who is not a Christian, we can say that the Bible says: "You people can say what the Bible says. " Mata laggeti issippe gayttidi, silkkiyan, imeeliyan, biiduwan woy dabddaabbiyan darotoo issoy issuwaara haasayoosona. 6: 8. In a conversation with friends and friends, friends often share in e - mails or text messages. Issibay, eti omoodettidi takkido wodee dummatees. Our world is characterized by greed and selfishness. One thing is that they have been separated for a time. 6: 9 - 11) Xoossay " merinaa deˈuwaa ' demmanawu wozanappe koyiyaageeti laamettidi banaara dabbotanaadan waati maaddiyaakko beˈiyoogee nuna keehi ufayssees. What indicates that the members of Noah's family practiced godly devotion? It brings us joy to see how those who sincerely seek God's "everlasting life " can help us to attain a better relationship with him. Nuuni mule Yihoowa amassalennan aggana danddayoos. Jehovah's caring hand has been very evident to me on several occasions. We can never compromise Jehovah's view of ourselves. * That was dangerous, and at times I carried a gun. * Geeshsha Maxaafay: "Xoossaakko shiiqite; ikka inttekko shiiqana " yaagees. 2,096 The Bible says: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " A hayyoinne a eratettai ai keena xoqqee? " yaagoos. Xoossaa siiquwaabaanne ha huuphe yohotun beˈido a usuppun eeshshatubaakka hegaadan gaana danddayoos. - Roo. As we have seen, working out your own salvation is a serious responsibility. By means of these articles, we can show that we have faith in God and love his qualities. - Rom. KOYRO SINTTAA: Yihoowa Markkati haruuruwan deˈiya Santtiyaago di Kuuba giyo naaˈˈantto gita kataman sabbakoosona; he katamaa asay muuziqaaninne durssan erettees Everyone had a Bible and used it during the meeting. COVER: Jehovah's Witnesses preached in the second country on the earth, and on the south side of the city and on the south side of the city. 6: 8. He would be the foundation of a truly royal priesthood. 6: 8. Ha alamiyan deˈiya daro asay yaareteesinne ba xallaa dosees. But the Sovereign Ruler of the universe does not depend on this world's media. In today's world, many people are more likely to find happiness and self - centered. Nohe soo asay Xoossau aqidaageeta gidiyoogaa bessiyay aybee? 16, 17. (a) What should impel us to exert ourselves in the ministry? What shows that Noah's family had dedicated themselves to God? Dumma dumma wodiyan Yihooway tana maaddiyoogaa akeekaas. What do you think of the example that our young ones set? I came to realize that Jehovah is helping me during various times. Hegee pala ooso gidiyo gishshawu, issi issitoo taani massaariyaa oyqqada bays. " The generous person will be blessed, " said one inspired writer. As a result, I sometimes traveled through the Catholic Church. 2,096 In fact, the apostle Paul, who lived in the first century, warned believers about men who would make "misleading inspired statements " and" forbid marriage. " - 1 Timothy 4: 1 - 3. Kenneth Nuuni qommoora beˈidoogaadan, ne atotettaa polanawu baaxetiyoogee gita aawatetta. Paul made use of his Roman citizenship on several occasions. As we have seen, working hard to reach your goal is to reach your salvation. Ubbaykka Geeshsha Maxaafaa oyqqidosona; qassi shiiquwan a goˈettoosona. Have realistic expectations. All were interested in the Bible, and she was used to benefit from it. 1: 8, 9; 5: 5, 6) I tumuppe kawo qeesetuyyo baaso gidees. Thousands of Witnesses share in relief work, helping fellow believers rebuild homes that have been struck by disasters. He set the foundation for true worship. SHin saluwaa saˈaa Haariya, ubbaa danddayiya Goday, Yihooway babaa eti yootana giidi qoppenna. 1, 2. (a) How did Jesus, Paul, and others view singleness? The Sovereign Lord Jehovah, however, does not expect the Sovereign Lord Jehovah to speak to them. 16, 17. (a) Minnidi haggaazanaadan nuna denttettana koshshiyay aybee? Japan, Nepal, Bangladesh - serving in these countries has taught me so much about Jehovah! 16, 17. (a) What should move us to serve in the field ministry? Nu yelaga ishatinne michchoti leemiso gididobaa xeelliyaagan ne qofay aybee? 9, 10. What do you think about the example of our younger brothers and sisters? 14: 13, 14) Geeshsha Maxaafay, "Keha asi... anjjettana " yaagees. Distance might mean that families cannot get together as often as they would like to. The Bible says: "A man of loving - kindness will be blessed. " Ubba koyro xeetu layttan deˈida, kiitettida PHawuloosi "xalahetu timirttiyaa " tamaarissiyaanne " ekkiyoogaanne geliyoogaa diggiya ' asatubaa yootidi he wode deˈiya Kiristtaaneta zoriis. - 1 Ximootiyoosa 4: 1 - 3. In fact, they " understood everything ' he required of them. In fact, the apostle Paul urged Christians in the first century to " sit down and listen to the teaching of those who heard him. ' - 1 Tim. 4: 1 - 3. Darotoo, PHawuloosi Rooma biittaa asa gidiyo maatan goˈettiis. Still, as did Hezekiah, each of us can say to Jehovah in prayer: "I have walked before you faithfully and with a complete heart. " In many cases, Paul used Roman citizenship as a Roman citizen. Hanana danddayiyaabaa qoppa. Let us consider a few examples. Consider what happened. SHaˈan qoodettiya Markkati, daafabay keettaa laalido bantta mala Kiristtaanetu keettaa keexxiyoogan maaddiyo oosuwan shaahettoosona. The people now pelted Paul with stones and left him for dead. - Acts 14: 8 - 19. In thousands of years, there are thousands of Witnesses who use their homes to support fellow believers. 1, 2. (a) Yesuusi, PHauloosinne harati ekkennan woy gelennan deˈiyoogaa waati xeellidonaa? When we, the parents, display a positive outlook about chores, it helps our daughters to do the same. " - Stephanie. 1, 2. (a) How did Jesus and Paul feel about singleness? Jaappaanen, Neppaleeninne Bangladeshen haggaaziyoogan, Yihoowaabaa taani darobaa tamaaraas! " The man is good who is gracious and is lending. " I learned a lot about serving Jehovah in Japan, New York, U.S.A. 9, 10. How can you cast off customs handed down for generations? 9, 10. Haahuwan deˈiyoogee eti bantta soo asaara koyiyoogaa keenaa gayttennaadan oottana danddayees. The Biriya Forest in Galilee Having a part in this system of things can prevent them from taking care of their family responsibilities. I etappe koyiyoobay etawu " ubbabaykka geliis. ' (Lee. Joel, aged 21, who lives in Guam, says: "The elders show that they have confidence in me by giving me assignments. He has given them "the desire of the flesh. " SHin, Hizqqiyaasi giidoogaadan nuuni ubbaykka, "Taani ne sinttan tumatettaaninne kumetta wozanan hemettaas " giidi Yihoowawu woosan yootana danddayoos. 6: 18. However, as Hezekiah said, all of us can say to Jehovah: "I shall make your heart rejoice before you in the truth and in all your heart. " Ane amarida leemisota beˈoos. By this time, I too was living in Hong Kong again. Let us consider some examples. Ubba PHawuloosa shuchan caddidi, etawu hayqqidaba milatin aggidi biidosona. - Oos. 14: 8 - 19. (b) Why is the counsel in 1 Corinthians chapter 7 useful? Even when Paul was dead, he returned to them. - Acts 14: 8 - 19. Nuuni son oottiyoobaa ufayttidi oottiyo wode, hegee etikka hegaadan oottanaadan maaddees. " - Istefano. Why is it important to keep busy in Kingdom activities? This will help us to do the same when we share in the family work with them. " - Judg. " Kehatettan coo tal77 iya uraayyo... kehabai yaana. " But that incident began our greatest delight in forging friendships with the local brothers. " " Become kind to one another. " Beniisappe deˈiya meeziyaa waata aggabayay? Then what? How did I pursue a career in the past? Galiila biittan deˈiya Biriyaa giyo mittaa woraa (tohossa baggan) How did Moses respond? The town of Galilee was a huge tree (now called a large tree) Layttay 21 gidido, Guwamen deˈiya Joˈeli hagaadan giis: "Cimati tawu dumma dumma oosuwaa immiyoogan tanan ammanettiyoogaa bessoosona. We need housing, food, clothing, a basic education, employment, recreation, and the list goes on. Samuel, aged 21, says: "I am convinced that the elders worked with me in various ways. 6: 18. Marelius and Kesia now have a simpler standard of living but a richer life. 6: 18. gaada qoppaas. He wode tankka Hong Kongen deˈays. 1, 2. I felt that I was living in Hong Kong. (b) Koyro Qoronttoosa shemppo 7n deˈiya zoree goˈˈiyaagaa gididoy aybissee? For example, animal sacrifices were important because they were then part of the worship rendered to Jehovah by his people. (b) Why is the counsel found in 1 Corinthians chapter 7 beneficial? Kawotettaara gayttidabaa minnidi oottiyoogee keehippe koshshiyaaba gididoy aybissee? 6 Why is working hard to support Kingdom interests important? SHin nuuni he biittaa ishanttuura ufayssiya laggetettaa doommidoy he hanotaana. " A very small portion of the Earth's surface contains most of the risk and most future large - scale disasters will occur in these areas. " But we began to produce that peaceful friendship with the local brothers. " 4: 10; Erm. Paul's guard also changes regularly. 4: 10; Jer. 12: 3 - 7) Muusee waatidee? What a great privilege to work along with men who have maintained their first love for Jehovah! How did Moses react? Nuuyyo keettay, qumay, maayoy, timirttee, oosoy, allaxxiyoobaynne hegaa malabay koshshees. They were anxious about things they ought not be anxious about. Our house - to - house work includes food, clothing, recreation, entertainment, and so forth. yaagaasu. Maareliyasinne Keesiˈa bantta deˈuwaa kaseegaappe sima oottidaba gidikkokka, kaseegaappe ufayttidi deˈoosona. This fact should impress upon us the importance of treating our Creator's name with great respect. Marelius and Marilou have moved to simplify their life even though they had moved to simplify their life. 1, 2. How did one sister's experience illustrate the benefit of upholding Jehovah's sovereignty? 1, 2. Leemisuwau, mehiyaa yarshshoy Yihoowa asay ayyo goynniyo goynuwaa bagga gidiyo gishshau, keehippe koshshiyaaba. * For example, animal sacrifices are important to Jehovah's people because they worship him. 6 After obtaining permission from the teachers, she asked each class of students if any of them were Mapuche. 6 Qohuwaappe dariya baggay gakkiyo heeray kumetta saˈan keehi guutta; qassi sinttappe wolqqaama bashshaappe dariya baggay gakkanay he sohotuuna. " Under God's Kingdom, people "will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. " - Psalm 37: 11 Most of the nations are relatively few in the earth, and the majority of those who will survive the destruction of that wicked system. " PHauloosa naagiya wotaaddaraykka ubbatoo laamettees. How can we pursue "the minding of the spirit "? Paul's soldier continues to adjust his course. Koyroogaadan Yihoowa siiqiyoogaa aggibeenna asatuura haggaaziyoogee keehi gita maata! Instead, we should regularly gather with those who strive always to let their Yes mean Yes. - Heb. What a privilege it is to continue serving Jehovah with the first human race! Eti hirggana koshshennabawu hirggoosona. 1, 2. (a) In seeking guidance to reach a destination, what kind of warning might you appreciate, and why? They worry about worry. 34: 14) Hegee, Medhidaagaa sunttaa keehippe bonchana koshshiyoogaa nuuni akeekanaadan oottees. He was on the other side of the Aegean Sea, in Asia Minor. This makes us aware of the importance of our Creator's name. Yihooway ubbabaa haariyo maatawu exatiyoogee maaddiyoogaa issi michiyaa oottidobay waati bessii? It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. How does one sister demonstrate the support of Jehovah's sovereignty? * Understandably, earthly paradise is very much a part of Persia's cultural heritage. * Asttamaareti paqqadin, a ubba kifiliyan Mapuche sheeshsha gidida tamaaree deˈiyaakkonne oychaasu. This promise implied permanent service at the tabernacle. In turn, a teacher asked the student if she could attend all the room. Xoossaa Kawotettan asay daro " sarotettan ufayttidi daana. ' - Mazamure 37: 11. Jehovah knows what we need and has given us enough to keep us spiritually strong. - Matt. God's people will "be joyful in the abundance of peace. " - Psalm 37: 11. Nuuni " ayyaanaabaa qoppiyaageeta ' gidana danddayiyoy ayba ogiyaanee? To illustrate: A farmer cultivates the land. How can we develop "the minding of the spirit "? Ubba qassi, nuuni Ee giidobaa ubbatoo polanau baaxetiya asatuura muletoo shiiqana koshshees. - Ibr. The efforts of elders to train others result in more brothers who will be ready to help the congregation to stand firm and united, not only now but especially when turbulent times come during the great tribulation. Rather, we should regularly associate regularly with those who are striving to keep our word. - Heb. 1, 2. (a) Issisaa gakkanau kaaletuwaa koyiyo wode, intte nashshana danddayiyo akeekissoy awugee, aybissi? How can we quench the fire of uncontrolled speech? 1, 2. (a) When you need guidance, what warning can you receive, and why? I he wode Qeeri Isiyan Eejiyaane Abbaappe hefinttan deˈees. 13: 1. He was in the province of Asia Minor, where he lived. Kumetta saˈan Geeshsha Maxaafaa tamaarissanawu giigissiyoobaappe issuwaa gidishin, he oosoy asay ba dosan immiyo miishshan oosettees. Do You Recall? It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Saˈan deˈiya gannatiyaara gayttida wogaa bessiya daro buquray Parssen deˈees. In each case, look for ways that you can imitate your heavenly Father. - Read Ephesians 5: 1. Among the treasures on earth is the Persian Empire. I he uri gayttiyo dunkkaaniyan ubbatoo oottanaadan qaalaa geliis. He had kept the money for a week, but he said, "The joy I experienced from returning the money was greater than that from keeping it. " He promised that he would always serve at the tabernacle regularly. Yihooway nuussi koshshiyaabaa erees; qassi nuuni ayyaanaaban minnanawu maaddiyaagaa keena qumaa immees. - Maa. Granted, this aspect of the Genesis narrative can be puzzling, especially if we do not take the rest of the Bible into account. Jehovah knows what we need, and he provides us with food to sustain us spiritually. - Matt. Hegaa leemisuwan qonccissanau, issi goshshanchay ba gadiyaa oottees gaada qoppa. Does this really happen? To illustrate: Imagine that a farmer uses his fields. Cimati hara ishantta loohissanawu baaxetiyoogee ha wode xalla gidennan, iita waayiya wodekka gubaaˈe minnidi issippetettan deˈanaadan maaddiya ishantti giigi uttanaadan oottees. (Hiz. 38: 10 - 12; Mik. Do the Answers Matter? Being involved in training brothers not only for themselves but also during the great tribulation, the brothers are ready to maintain unity in the congregation. Naagettennan haasayiyoobay qohennaadan waatidi teqqana danddayiyoo? Also, my older brother, his wife, and their children are now Jehovah's Witnesses. How can we prevent the speech of uncontrolled speech? 13: 1. So that those newly baptized could remain in Jerusalem and continue "devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles. " 13: 1. Hassayay? Says Nadine: "Many people we meet in the preaching work love to study the Bible. Do You Recall? He ogetu ubbankka, saluwan deˈiya ne Aawaa neeni milatana danddayiyo ogiyaa akeeka. - Efisoona 5: 1 nabbaba. (Read Matthew 22: 36, 37.) In all these ways, consider the way you can imitate your heavenly Father. - Read Ephesians 5: 1. I miishshaa issi saaminttau ba matan wottiis; shin, "Taani miishshaa tau ekkiyaakko ufayttiyoogaappe aaruwan zaaridoogan ufayttaas " yaagiis. Adam, however, lost his sonship when he rebelled against his Maker. He spent one week in week, but he said: "I was happy to hear my income. " Geeshsha Maxaafan harasan deˈiya qofaa nuuni erana xayikko, Doomettaabaa maxaafan deˈiya ha taarikee akeekanau metiyaaba gidana danddayiyoogee erettidaba. Our loyalty under current evil conditions actually makes God's heart rejoice. - Proverbs 27: 11. If we are not familiar with what the Bible says, it may be difficult for us to understand this account in the book of Genesis. Hegee hanana danddayiyaabee? It involves your values, beliefs, and character. Could it happen? Zaaroy Erana Koshshiyaabee? (b) Why do both parents need to be actively involved with their children? Why Do the Answers Be Important? Qassi ta bayra ishay, a machiyaanne eta naati haˈˈi Yihoowa Markka. While clean expressions of affection may be appropriate, be careful to avoid tempting situations. My older brother, his wife, and their children are now Jehovah's Witnesses. He gallassi xammaqettida asati Yerusalaamen takkidi, "Yesuusi kiittidoogeetu timirttiyan " genccanaadaana. (Oos. On the contrary, they give honor and glory to the living God, Jehovah. - Mark 7: 9, 13. Shortly after that day in Jerusalem, those baptized ones were urged to endure "the teaching of the apostles. " giidi gubaaˈe cimaa oychiis. " 18 "Do Not Be Afraid. I Will Help You " " The elder asked me if he was an elder. " Nadina hagaadan gaasu: "Nuuni haggaaziyo wode demmiyo daroti Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈanawu koyoosona. Christians are encouraged to think in terms of Scriptural principles in order to determine whether their living arrangements are acceptable to God or not. " When we share in the ministry, we want many to study the Bible. (Maatiyoosa 22: 36, 37 nabbaba.) Rather than rely on ourselves, we must rely on Jehovah. (Read Matthew 22: 36, 37.) SHin Addaamee bana Medhidaagaa bolli makkalido wode, Xoossaa naˈa gidiyo maatay appe haliis. But water baptism is also a necessary step for millions of men and women in modern times who now have the hope of living forever on earth. However, when Adam rebelled against his Creator, he lost his son. Ha wodiyan metiya hanotati deˈishinkka au ammanettiyaageeta gidiyoogee Xoossaa ufayssees. - Lee. 27: 11. But what if you realize that you do have negative thoughts toward people of other nations, cultures, languages, or races? It brings joy to be loyal to God despite challenging circumstances. - Proverbs 27: 11. Hegee ne kaalliyo maaraara, ammaniyoobaaranne ne eeshshaara gayttidaba. Perhaps at one point you lost sight of your spiritual privileges to some extent and began to focus on what you were lacking in a material way. It involves your conduct, your beliefs, and your conduct. (b) Aawaynne aayyiyaa naata issippe dichana koshshiyoy aybissee? And rise it did - as the United Nations. - Rev. (b) Why should parents raise their children together? Issoy issuwaa siiqiyoogaa bessiya ogiyan qonccissana danddayettikkokka, paaciyan gelennaadan naagettana koshshees. The Witness needs to bear in mind, though, that in providing spiritual help, he or she does not become the children's parent. Even if one is to express love for one another, we must guard against the temptation to avoid falling into temptation. Hegaappe dumma ogiyan, deˈo Xoossaa, Yihoowa bonchoosona. - Mar. 7: 9, 13. They needed to keep "a tight grip on the word of life. " Rather, honor Jehovah God, honor. - Mark 7: 9, 13. 18 "Yayyoppa, Taani Nena Maaddana " " Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more... 18 "Do Not Be afraid " Kiristtaaneti deˈiyo hanotay Xoossaa ufayssiyaagaakkonne kuuyanau Geeshsha Maxaafaa baaso siraataa wotti denttidi qoppanaadan minttettoos. I felt as if Jehovah were speaking to me, saying: " Come on, Vicky, let's set matters straight between us. We urge Christians to meditate on Scriptural principles and to meditate on Bible principles. Hegaa malabay gakkiyo wode nuunikka Yihoowan ammanettana bessees. Of what value was being a prince in Egypt compared with being "the Christ, " or anointed of Jehovah? When we face such a situation, we too need to rely on Jehovah. Saˈan merinau deˈanau hidootiya, ha wodiyan deˈiya miilooniyan qoodettiya asaukka haattan xammaqettiyoogee keehippe koshshiya tanggo. In what ways did four Judean kings prove to be zealous for fine works? Even now, millions of people who hope to live forever on earth are taking an important step in water. SHin hara wogan diccida, hara qaalaa haasayiya, hara zariyaa, woy hara sheeshshaa asaabaa bessennabaa neeni qoppiyoogaa akeekikko waatuutee? Our opposers in such lands may purposely circulate reports designed to instill fear or to cause us to distrust one another. But what if you realize that you have grown up in another culture, culture, or other languages? Geella issi wode, ayyaanaaban intteyyo deˈiya maatan xeelaa wottiyoogaa aggibayidi, asatettan intteyyo paccidaban xeelaa wottiyoogaa doommennan aggekketa. 5, 6. (a) What question regarding Isaiah 61: 5, 6 might arise? At times, you may find it hard to focus on your spiritual privileges and focus on your physical needs. Likke hegaadan haniis; he denddida dirijjitee Kawotettatu Issippetetta geetettiis. - Ajj. 6 The Holy Spirit - A Force You Need in Your Life This is true of the United Nations, which has been called the United Nations. - Rev. SHin, ayyaanaaban maaddiya Yihoowa Markka gidida uri, eti he naatu aawa woy aayo gidennaagaa hassayana bessees. Or will you recognize that Jehovah may allow time for repentance on the part of wrongdoers and that he will ultimately correct the wrongs and act in a just way? However, a person who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses should remember that they are not a father or mother. Eti "deˈuwaa qaalaa minttidi " oyqqana koshshiis. What do people need to do to be symbolically marked for survival? They had to " keep their word. ' " Iitaa oottiyaageeti guutta wodiyaappe guyyiyan de7okkona;... At the same time, in our public preaching work, we endeavor to manifest persuasiveness and tactfulness. " Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more.... Yihooway tana hagaadan giyaabadan qoppaas: " Viktoree, ane haaya; zorettoos. Samuel adds: "To keep ourselves spiritually strong, my wife and I also attended meetings in our language. I thought Jehovah would allow me to feel as if he thought: " Come, please, let us go. Yihooway tiyido ura woy "Kiristtoosa " gidiyoogaara gatti xeelliyo wode Gibxxe kawo naˈa gidiyoogee ay maaddii? Over the next 20 years, I drifted further and further from the standards that my mother had tried to teach me. What is the role of Jehovah's anointed Servant as "the Christ, " or" Christ "? Yihudan kawotida oyddu kawoti loˈˈo oosuwau mishettiyoogaa ayba ogiyan bessidonaa? What can young brothers, especially those in their teens, do to make advancement in the congregation? How did the kings of Judah demonstrate zeal for fine works? Nuna ixxiyaageeti yashissanawu woy nuuni issoy issuwaa ammanennaadan oottanawu giigida oduwaa eriiddi he biittatun yootana danddayoosona. I mean, I really did not like it. Those who hate us may try to convince us that we do not believe anything or that we do not share it with one another. 5, 6. (a) Isiyaasa 61: 5, 6 ra gayttidaagan denddiya oyshay aybee? They know that far from being a sort of "cleansing, " sex outside of marriage is defiling in the eyes of God. 5, 6. (a) What questions arise about Isaiah 61: 5, 6? 6 Geeshsha Ayyaanaa - Ne Deˈuwan Koshshiya Wolqqaa Who looks on when the secretary prepares the congregation field service report? 6 Holy Spirit - The Power of Your Life Woy qassi Yihooway nagaranchati bantta nagaraappe simmanaashin guuttaa naagana danddayiyoogaa, qassi wurssettan he mooruwaa suurissanaagaa akeekay? However, the Bible does not portray the garden that way. Or do you sense that Jehovah is able to forgive repentant sinners, and then do you realize that eventually he will return to it? Bashshaappe ashshiya malaatay leemiso hanotan eta somˈˈuwan wodhanaadan asay ay oottana bessii? Jude mentions the angels who "did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place, " saying that God" has reserved [them] with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day. " - Jude 6. What must people do to set a symbolic mark for survival? Hegaadankka, nu haggaazuwan asaa ammanttiyaageetanne hiillancha gidanau baaxetoos. To understand the meaning of a scripture correctly, we should consider background information, such as who wrote the Bible book and when and under what circumstances it was written. Similarly, we strive to be effective in our ministry and to be effective in our ministry. Sameeli gujjidi hagaadan giis: "Ta machiyaanne taani ayyaanaaban minnidi deˈanawu, nu qaalaa goˈettiya gubaaˈiyankka shiiqoos. The Romans tied or nailed such an individual to the instrument of execution, where he might have continued living for several days before his physical endurance was overcome by pain, thirst, hunger, and exposure to the elements. Samuel adds: "My wife and I traveled to a congregation where my wife and I used to stay spiritually strong. Hegaappe simmin deˈiya 20 layttan, ta aayyiyaa tana tamaarissido Geeshsha Maxaafaa maaraappe keehi haakkaas. Directing people to jw.org helps to spread the "good news. " Then, 20 years later, my mother taught me how to avoid Bible principles. Yelaga ishati, ubba qassi panttatettaa wodiyan deˈiyaageeti gubaaˈiyan dichaa bessanau ay oottana danddayiyoonaa? He always gives us the things we need. " What can young brothers and sisters do to make progress in the congregation? Taani tumaa gays, dosikke. This "great day of Jehovah " will affect all mankind. I liked telling the truth, and I liked it. Aqo deˈuwaappe kareera asho gaytotettaa poliyoogee Xoossaa xeelan "geeshshiyaaba " gidennan tunissiyaaba gidiyoogaa eti eroosona. (1 Qor. 11: 8. They knew that it would be impossible for those outside marriage to engage in sexual immorality, not in God's eyes. Gubaaˈe xaafee haggaazo irpporttiyaa giigissiyo wode ooni beˈii? What, though, about the belief, held by millions worldwide, that all good people go to heaven? How does the secretary of the congregation know when it is held? Gidoppe attin, Edene ataakiltte sohuwaa Geeshsha Maxaafay hegaa mala ogiyan qonccissenna. What call went out in the April 1881 issue of this magazine? However, the Bible does not say that the garden of Eden is similar to that of Eden. Issi xiqisiyaa birshshettaa suure akeekanau hegaara gayttida hanota ubbaa, giishin he maxaafaa xaafida uraa, awudenne ayba hanotan xaafettidaakko akeekana koshshees. Bible prophecy indicated that the Messianic Kingdom would be established in heaven in 1914. To understand the meaning of one verse, we need to recognize the truthfulness of all the verses mentioned in the book of the Bible. Roomati he uraa mittaa bolli misimaariyan xishoosona woykko qachoosona; yaatin, i hayqqanaashin barchetiiddi, saamettiiddi, namisettiiddinne awaa akkaa ekkiiddi guutta gallassaa takkees. There likely are ones in the congregation whom you have affected for good, as well as those in the territory who have been exposed to the truth through your efforts. And the Romans had crucified him; and when he had scourged him, he would be dead for a while, and for a while, and for a while, and for a while, and for a while, and for a while. Asay jw.org saytiyaa goˈettanaadan yootiyoogee "mishiraachchoi " darosaa gakkanaadan maaddees. The horses pulling the chariots are of different colors. Using our literature to jw.org can help people to use jw.org effectively. I nuussi koshshiya ubbabaa immees " yaagaasu. He relates, "I believed that God hated me, and I felt that the deaths of those around me, especially those who were very dear to me, were a punishment for me. " He gives us everything we need. " Ha Yihoowa "gita gallassai " asaa naata ubbaa bochiyaaba. Jesus did not always answer his opposers in accord with what they were thinking. This "great day of Jehovah " affects all mankind. 11: 8. Much more could be said about the true teachings we embrace, our experiences as God's servants, and the spiritual and material blessings we enjoy. 11: 8. SHin alame yuushuwan deˈiya, miilooniyan qoodettiyaageeti ammaniyo, loˈˈo asay ubbay saluwaa bees giyoogaabaa woygana danddayettii? I am amazed at Jehovah's ability to give me just what I need. " What, though, about the fact that millions of people around the world are convinced that all good people go to heaven? Hosppune 1881 Wochiyo Keelan aybi koshshiyoogee odettidee? We can enhance our love for Bible truth by regularly attending congregation meetings. In April 18, what was foretold in The Watchtower of April 18? Mase Kawotettay 1914n saluwan eqqanaagaa Geeshsha Maxaafay kasetidi qonccissiis. Secret 12 Goals The Bible foretold that the Messianic Kingdom in 1914 would take place in heaven. Neeni gubaaˈiyan deˈiyaageeta maaddennan aggakka; woy qassi ne moottan deˈiya asay tumaa siyidoy neeni minnada oottido gishshataassa gidana danddayees. □ gt 112, par. 5 to 113, par. Perhaps you have been in the congregation or in your territory, and you may have worked hard to share the truth with others in your territory. He saragallata goochiya paratu meray dumma dumma. No wonder many felt drawn to Jesus, convinced that he would lighten their load! The chariot was unique. I hagaadan gees: "Taani kase Xoossay tana ixxees gaada qoppays; hegaa bollikka tanaara deˈiyaageeti, ubba qassi taani keehi siiqiyoogeeti hayqqidoogee tawu qixaatedan siyettiis. " (Read Joshua 24: 15.) He says: "I felt that God hated me, and I felt as if I were loved by anyone, especially if I had loved me. " Yesuusi bana eqettiyaageetussi ubbatoo eti qoppidoogaadan zaaribeenna. Why? They did not always agree with Jesus ' opposers. Nuuni laattido dumma laatay, Xoossay nuna tamaarissido harabaa, qassi i nuna maaddidonne anjjido hara ogiyaakka gujjees. 3 A Puzzling Question Our inheritance includes what we learn from God's teachings, his blessings, and his blessing. Yihooway taassi koshshiyaabaa immana danddayiyoogan maalaalettays. " What self - examination should we periodically make? I am glad that Jehovah gives me what I need. " Nuuni gubaaˈe shiiqota aggennan shiiqiyoogan Geeshsha Maxaafaa tumaa loytti siiqana danddayoos. By engaging in this urgent work to the full, we show true love for God and fellow man. We can deepen our love for Bible truth by regularly attending Christian meetings. Zore 12 Hoolliyaa * Why, do you think, did Paul stress Jesus Christ to the Romans? Secret 12 ALSO IN THIS ISSUE yaa biidosona □ gt 112, mentto. 5ppe 113, mentto. the way we strive to improve our personality? □ gt 112, pars. Daroti Yesuusi banttana maaddanaagaa eridi akko yiidoogee garamissiyaaba gidenna! Yet, I never felt close to him. No wonder many responded to Jesus ' help to come to him! (Yaasa 24: 15 nabbaba.) How to cultivate faith like Daniel's. (Read Joshua 24: 15.) Aybissi? Thus, Jesus said: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God. " - John 17: 3. Why? 3 Metiya Oyshaa Five years later, we were asked to help other congregations farther north. 3 Questions From Readers Nu huuphiyaa wodiyaappe wodiyan waatidi qorana bessii? And in another sense, those whom God approves truly become rich, even if that is not in a material sense. How should we examine ourselves in our time? Ha eesoyiya oosuwan danddayiyo ubbabaa oottiyoogan, Xoossaanne asaa tumuppe siiqiyoogaa bessoos. Then we will consider Bible examples of faithful men who manifested zeal for it. By doing all we can in this work, we show genuine love for God and for fellow humans. 1: 9, 16; 2: 16; 15: 19) PHauloosi Roome Kiristtaanetuyyo Yesuus Kiristtoosabaa mintti yootidoy aybissa giidi qoppeetii? Clearly, Satan has no compassion for the needy or for victims of calamity. Do you think of the reason why Paul spoke to Christians in Rome? Nu eeshshay kaseegaappe loˈˈanaadan nuuni ay oottana danddayiyoo? Still, our boots were often full of snow. What can we do to improve our conduct? SHin, taani akko shiiqidabadan taassi mule siyetti erenna. How long did Abraham and Sarah have to wait on Jehovah? Yet, I never felt drawn to him. Nuuni Daaneelaagaadan ammananawu waatana danddayiyoo? How can we become "shrewd " and identify hoaxes, urban legends, swindles, and other misinformation that may appear on our computer screens? How can we imitate Daniel's faith? Yaatiyo gishshau, Yesuusi: "Asai nena issi Xoossaa gididaagaa erana malanne, qassi neeni kiittido Yesuus Kiristtoosa erana mala, hagee merinaa de7 o " yaagiis. - Yohaannisa 17: 3. These men valued their God - given assignments. Jesus thus said: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " - John 17: 3. Ichashu layttappe guyyiyan, huuphessa baggan haahuwan deˈiya hara gubaaˈiyaa maaddanaadan nuuni shoobettida. However, in his book Judaism in the First Centuries of the Christian Era, George Foot Moore says: "Writings... of the second or first centuries before our era attest the belief that at the expected turning - point in the history of the world the dead of former generations would be brought to life again on earth. " Some five years later, we were invited to help with other local congregations. Aquwan gidana xayikkonne, Xoossay hara ogiyan tumuppe dure giidoogeeti deˈoosona. In heaven, God's only - begotten Son was a mighty spirit person. Although money may not be received, there are other rich rich rich creatures in God's way. He oyshau zaaruwaa demmanau maaddanaadan, ha wodiyan Xoossaa keettay aybakko kasetidi ane pilggoos. Listen to people who love Jehovah, love you, and know you and your circumstances well. To answer that question, let us examine what God's house is now being answered. Seexaanay hiyyeesatussi gidin, metoy gakkidoogeetussikka gidin, qarettennaagee qoncce. How can we "widen out " in displaying brotherly love? Satan is surely responsible for poor, poor, and afflicted. Gidoppe attin, darotoo nu botte caamman shachay kumees. That gives Jehovah something to bless, or he can gently redirect our goals. - Prov. However, we often filled our eyes with snow. Abrahaaminne Saara awude gakkanaashin Yihoowa naagana koshshidee? JESUS CHRIST gave his followers no small commission. When did Abraham and Sarah need Jehovah's protection? Nuuni cincca gidikko, akeekancha gidoos, qassi tuma gidiyoogaa eriyoobaa xallaa ammanoos. Nuuni Intternneetiyan nabbabido worddo taarikiyaa daro asay dosiyaaba gidikkokka, cimettidi hegaa ammanokko. Think how practical and effective it is for you to display those qualities. If we are wise, let us know that it is true that we know what we know and that we do not know. 4: 14) Ayyaanaa oosuwan woy maatankka erettiya asati deˈoosona. I need a Bible study. " Under the influence of the holy spirit or of others, there were individuals who were known for the work of the holy spirit. Wurssettan Seexaanaa xayssana " zerettay ' yaanaagau Yihooway Edenen qaalaa gelidoogaa hassaya. assisted by angels? Recall that Jehovah promised to bring an end to Satan's "seed. " (Marqqoosa 12: 18) Gidikkokka, Jorjj Fut Muuri, Judayzim in zi Feristt Sencheris of zi Kiristiyan Eraa giyo ba maxaafan: "Kiristtoosappe naaˈˈu xeetu laytta gidiyaagaa kasetidi xaafettida... xuufeti beni wode hayqqidaageeti sinttappe issi wode hayquwaappe denddanaagaa daro asay ammaniyoogaa yootoosona " yaagiis. 16, 17. (a) How can we show our gratitude for the privilege of bearing God's name? However, some ancient manuscripts of the first century B.C.E., wrote: "The dead have been raised up by [the dead] faith in the resurrection. " Xoossaassi mexi issi Naˈay saluwan deˈiyo wode wolqqaama ayyaana mereta. Then we can resolve in our heart what to do should the situation arise. God's only - begotten Son was a spirit creature in heaven. Yihoowakka nenakka siiqiya, qassi nebaanne ne hanotaabaa loyttidi eriya asay yootiyoobaa siya. Shepherds, Imitate the Greatest Shepherds You too can listen to those who love Jehovah and know your circumstances well. Ishatetta siiquwaa bessiyoogaa waatidi " aassana ' danddayiyoo? Imagine, then, how you would feel if you learned that you had been lied to about God. How can we "widen out " in brotherly love? Yaatiyoogee Yihoowa anjjuwaa demissees, woy i nuuni harabaa halchanaadan kehatettan maaddana danddayees. - Lee. What can help us to keep on glorifying Jehovah? Doing so can help us to come to know Jehovah's blessing or to reap other benefits. - Prov. YESUUS KIRISTTOOSI bana kaalliyaageetussi gita aawatettaa immiis. For what were the congregations in Philippi and Thyatira commended? JESUS CHRIST entrusted his followers with weighty responsibilities. Ha eeshshati deˈiyoogaa gidiyoogee nena ay keena maaddiyaakko qoppa. 6, 7. Think, too, of the value of such qualities as displaying these qualities. Taani Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈanawu koyays " yaagaas. Brook and Hans I want to study the Bible. " Kiitanchatun maadettidoogaa, The Bible - God's Word or Man's? - This small, carefully researched book examines the evidence for the Bible's claim that it is the inspired Word of God By the Angels, we are comforted by the help of the angels 16, 17. (a) Nuuni Xoossaa sunttan xeegettiyoogaa nashshiyaageeta gidiyoogaa waati bessana danddayiyoo? How did Jehovah show love for sinners? 16, 17. (a) How can we show appreciation for the privilege of bearing God's name? Yaatikko, metoy merettiyo wode ay oottana koshshiyaakko nu wozanan murttana danddayoos. What can help you to have a balanced view of being different from the world? If so, we may be determined to do what is needed in our heart. Henttanchatoo, Gita Henttanchatu Leemisuwaa Kaallite Dedication and baptism result in another rich blessing - the privilege of dwelling in "the secret place of the Most High. " Shepherds, Imitate the Greatest Shepherds Ammanettiyo uri Xoossaabaa neeyyo worddotidoogaa erikko, neeyyo aybi siyettanaakko qoppa. After all, you took control of the situation. Imagine how you would feel if you learned that someone has faith in God. Yesuusi Kawo gididi oottanaadan baayyo imettida oosuwaa poliyo wode, ba huuphiyaa kawushshidi kawotettaa ba Aawaayyo immana What goals can young people work toward? When Jesus fulfills his assignment as King, he humbly submits to his Father's Kingdom Ubbatoo Yihoowa bonchanau nuna aybi maaddana danddayii? 32: 27 - 29. What can help us to keep on glorifying Jehovah? PHauloosi Piliphisiyuusa gubaaˈiyaa, Yesuusi qassi Tiyaaxiroona gubaaˈiyaa galatidoy aybissee? Jehovah's Witnesses are organized to preach the good news and to make disciples. Why did Paul commend the congregation in Philippi, and why did Jesus honor the congregation in Thyatira? 6, 7. So we should not expect that Jehovah would have to be restricted by a law he designed for imperfect judges. 6, 7. Brukonne Hanza (b) To whom should primary credit go for Christ's rule, and how do you feel about what it will accomplish? Dustin and Wendy Geeshsha Maxaafaa Loytti Akeekiyoogaa - Geeshsha Maxaafaa qofaa loytti pilgganawu maaddiya naaˈˈu shaahuwan giigida ha maxaafay asaabaa, sohuwaabaanne qaalaabaa qonccissees 5 - 7. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Yihooway nagaranchata siiqiyoogaa waati bessidee? Each of them was a whole - souled servant of Jehovah. How did Jehovah show love for sinners? Alamiyaa asaappe dumma gididi deˈiyoogaa neeni bessiyaagaadan xeellanaadan maaddiyaabay aybee? When we base our decisions on Jehovah's thinking, we draw closer to him. What will help you to maintain a balanced view of the world? Ba huuphiyaa geppiyoogeenne xammaqettiyoogee hara gita anjjuwaa demissees; hegeekka "Ubbaappe Xoqqiya Xoossan naagettidi " deˈanau akko shiiqiyo maataa. MANY people know that Jesus had 12 apostles. Making dedication and baptism brings us great blessings - the privilege of entering "the Most High God. " Ubba, he hanotan intte xoonideta. He simply "rebuked the wind and said to the sea: " Hush! Be quiet! ' In fact, you did not succeed. Yelagati polanawu baaxetana koshshiyo halchchoti awugeetee? Tauntingly, they added, " Where is your Jehovah? ' " What goals do young people need to reach out? 32: 27 - 29. How can parents as well as children benefit from a discussion about living arrangements for the elderly? 32: 27 - 29. Yihoowa Markkati mishiraachuwaa sabbakanaunne erissiyo ashkkara oottanau daraajjayettidosona. He added: "They have not said in their heart: " Let us, now, fear Jehovah our God, the One who is giving the downpour and the autumn rain. ' " Jehovah's Witnesses organized the preaching and disciple - making work. 18: 25; 1 Odi. 29: 17) Yaatiyo gishshau, Yihooway polo gidenna daannatussi immido higgee, i issibaa oottennaadan teqqees giidi nuuni qoppana koshshenna. Patience helps us to endure until we gain salvation, no matter how much time remains in this system. Hence, we should not assume that Jehovah's laws are imperfect and that he does not force us to do something wrong. (b) Kiristtoosa haaruwaa gishshau koyruwan galatay bessiyoy oossee, he haaroy polanabaa xeelliyaagan neeyyo aybi siyettii? REFERRING to "the great and fear - inspiring day of Jehovah, " the apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in Thessalonica:" Brothers, you are not in darkness, so that that day should overtake you as it would thieves, for you are all sons of light and sons of day. (b) How do you feel about the vindication of Christ's rulership? 5 - 7. Why does Jehovah keep his eyes on you? 5 - 7. Eti ubbay Yihoowau kumetta wozanan oottidosona. Parents can learn to discipline their children with love. Each of them did what was right in Jehovah's heart. Nu kuuyiyoobay Yihoowa qofaara maayiyo wode, kaseegaappe aaruwan aakko shiiqoos. (Yaaq. In carrying out our assignment to preach, what do we need? When our decisions harmonize with Jehovah's thinking, we draw ever closer to him. YESUUSI kiittidoogeeti 12 gidiyoogaa daro asay erees. While we may occasionally have an unwholesome thought or imagine immoral things, it is vital that we bring our mind under control and not allow our desires to escalate to the point that we commit a sin. - Read James 1: 14, 15. DURING the apostles, many people knew that it was necessary to bear witness to Jesus. I "gotiyaa, " Co77u ga ' giidi abbaakka, " Woppu ga ' giis; goteekka co77u gin, ubbabaikka woppu giis. " A psalmist wrote: "My soul has yearned and also pined away for the courtyards of Jehovah. " He added: "Keep on the wind and say: " Peace and security! ' And he said: " Peace and peace! ' " Xoossaa Sambbata SHemppuwau Gelidetii? What can be a source of comfort to the depressed? Did You Know? Eti ta bolli qilliicciiddi, " Ne Yihooway awan deˈii? ' The answer involves all intelligent creatures. They would ask themselves, " Where is Jehovah in your midst? ' Neeni aawaara woy aayeera eti deˈiyo sohuwaabaanne eti laammana koshshiyoobaa haasayiyoogee deexxiyaaba gidana danddayees. How does Jehovah's attentiveness affect you? Your parents may find it hard to communicate with them and to adjust their situation. I gujjidikka, "Eti bantta wozanan, " Nuussi silaa iraara gabbaa iraara wodiyan wodiyan immiya... GODAASSI, nu Xoossaassi, ane yayyoos ' gibookkona " yaagiis. Meanwhile, we need not lose confidence that he hears our prayers just because he presently allows suffering. Then he added: "Do not let it rain down in our hearts, for it is written: " Let us go up and pray for Jehovah our God to give us rain and rain down. ' " Yihooway asaa issoy issuwaara maadettanaadan oottidi medhiis. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Jehovah created humans with the ability to build one another. Ha alamee xayanay awudenne gido, danddayancha gidiyoogee nuuni atotettaa demmana gakkanaashin genccanaadan maaddees. It is vital to survival. The end of this system of things will continue to strengthen us to endure patiently until the end comes. " GITANNE daroppe yashshiya " Yihoowa gallassaabaa kiitettida PHauloosi Tasalonqqen deˈiya Kiristtaanetuyyo hagaadan giidi xaafiis: "Nu ishatoo, he gallassai intteyyo kaisoi yiyoogaadan yaanau intte xuman de7ekketa. Intte ubbai poo7uwaa asanne gallassaa asa; nuuni qammaa asa woi xumaa asa gidokko. " 19, 20. The apostle Paul wrote to first - century Christians in Thessalonica: "You are not going to darkness, brothers, but you are not going to darkness, because all the day has come. " Yihooway nena ubba wode xeelliyoy aybissee? In the domestic setting, a wife who shows genuine kindness to her husband after he makes unpleasant comments about her beliefs may well defuse a potentially explosive situation. Why does Jehovah always care about you? Yelidaageeti bantta naata siiquwan seeriyoogaa meezetana bessees. He carried on undaunted despite widespread animosity. Parents need to cultivate loving - kindness in order to discipline their children. Sabbakiyo oosuwaa nuuni polanau ay koshshii? Something that is central to the Kingdom - Jesus ' role in God's purpose. What should we do to carry out our preaching work? 12: 15) Kandduwan shori baynnabaa haniyoogeekka yaaretiyoogaa bessiyaaba. Yaatiyo gishshawu, nuuni issi issitoo iitabaa amottana danddayikkokka, nagaraa oottennaadan naagettana bessees. - Yaaqooba 1: 14, 15 nabbaba. But if he does not provide spiritual direction, he would be displaying a lack of discretion and wisdom. Therefore, even though we may at times be tempted to engage in sexual immorality, we must avoid falling into wrongdoing. - Read James 1: 14, 15. Mazamuraawee, "Taani GODAA Beeta Maqidasiyaa laamotais " yaagiis. (Maz. 2: 12. The psalmist sang: "I will certainly give to the house of Jehovah my God. " Unˈˈettidaageeta aybi minttettana danddayii? We were assigned to serve in Santa Ana. What can comfort those who are depressed? He oyshaa zaaroy qoppana danddayiya meretata ubbaa xeelliyaaba. Few among God's people today will ever have to seek forgiveness for sins as serious as those of David and Manasseh. The answer to that question depends on all of us. Yihooway beegotti naagiyoogee intte waatanaadan denttettii? Humility will continue to characterize the activities of the Son of God. How will Jehovah's patience motivate you to be vigilant? He wode gakkanaashin, i nu woosaa siyiyoogaa ammanettana danddayoos; gidikkokka, i asay tuggatanaadan haˈˈissau paqqadiis. Read aloud. Meanwhile, we can be sure that he hears our prayers, but he has allowed people to suffer. Hara qonccissoy imettana xayikko, xiqiseti ekettidoy Wolayttatto Geeshsha Maxaafaappe. " NW " giyaagee xiqisee Ooratta Alamiyaa Geeshsha Maxaafaappe ekettidoogaa bessees. His wife says: "We have learned the importance of praying together regularly and of applying the Bible's advice to be sincerely loving and patient with each other. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. (Maa. 24: 21) Bashshaappe attanau hegee keehippe koshshiyaaba. Jesus ' point is that unlike the hesitant friend, God is eager to grant the proper requests of those who pray in faith. This is vital for deliverance from the Flood. 19, 20. If we have an earthly hope, our hunger and thirst for righteousness will be fully satisfied when we enjoy everlasting life under righteous conditions on earth. 19, 20. So giddon, azinay i ammanuwaabaa ufayssennabaa haasayi makkin, wozanappe ayyo kehatettaa bessiya maccaasiyaa palamay denddennaadan oottana danddayawusu. WHEN MARITAL BONDS ARE THREATENED In the family, a husband may try to prevent her from speaking negative things from expressing his faith in her beliefs. Ubbasan asay a ixxishinkka, bayyo imettida oosuwaa xalatettan poliis. But would you trust him to run your business or to take care of your family? Despite his opposition, he stood firm in his commission to carry out the commission he had given him. Xoossaa Kawotettau humˈˈo gididabaa, giishin Xoossaa halchuwan Yesuusi oottiyoobaa. Many of my old colleagues are rich but unhappy. Jesus ' role as subjects of God's Kingdom is the theme of God's purpose. SHin i ayyaanaaban so asaa kaalettana xayikko, akeekaynne aadhida eratettay baayyo paccidoogaa bessees. Some of you dear brothers and sisters have a hard fight every day to maintain your relationship with Jehovah. Yet, if he does not take the lead in providing spiritual food, he must have good wisdom and wisdom. 2: 12. And just how practical was that divine help? 2: 12. Nuuni Senta Ana giyo kataman haggaazanaadan maddaabettida. Imagine the awesome beauty of those figures made of hammered gold! - Ex. We had to work in the city of Santa Ana. Ha wodiyan deˈiya Xoossaa asaappe Daawitaagaanne Minaaseegaa mala wolqqaama nagaraa Xoossay atto gaanaadan oychana koshshiya asati keehi guutta. (b) What question is raised? Only a few of God's people today, such as David and Manasseh, had to ask God for forgiveness. Xoossaa Naˈay sinttappe oottiyoobankka bana ziqqi ziqqi oottana. PAGE 8 • SONGS: 2, 75 God's Son will do well to exercise humility and humility in the future. Cenggurssaa sissada nabbaba. The first question is, "On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will? " Read aloud. A keettaayiyaa, "Ubbatoo issippe woossiyoogeenne issoy issuwaa wozanappe siiqanaadaaninne danddayanaadan Geeshsha Maxaafay yootiyo zoriyaa oosuwan peeshshiyoogee keehippe koshshiyoogaa akeekida. In that sense we are slaves of sin, and the outcome is frustration, pain, suffering, and finally death. His wife's example shows us how important it is to apply the Bible's counsel: "Keep on asking one another and building one another up. Yesuusi qonccissidobay, xiskkuwaappe denddanau koyibeenna laggiyaappe dumma ogiyan, ammanuwan woossiyaageetussi Xoossay zaariyoogaa bessees. Reflecting on some of the outstanding blessings we enjoy as a result of being taught by Jehovah will help us to maintain our appreciation for the good news and to be zealous in sharing it with others. In contrast with Jesus ' words, the reference to a friend who refused to be raised out of faith shows that God answers those who pray in faith. Nuuni saˈan deˈiyo hidootay deˈiyoogeeta gidikko, xillobau namisettiyoogaanne saamettiyoogaa alanay geeshshatettay kumido saˈan merinaa deˈuwaa demmiyo wodiyaana. " Look! Your King Is Coming " If we have the hope of living on earth, we will be filled with hunger and thirst for righteousness now and everlasting life on earth. AQO DEˈUWAA GIIGA XAYSSIYAABI MERETTIYO WODE A draft of warm air gives it the lift it needs, enabling the eagle to conserve energy. WILL IT DESIGNED? SHin an ammanettada ne zalˈˈiyau woy ne keettaa asau aawatanaadan oottay? Similarly, today a limited number of anointed men have the responsibility of representing the slave class. But do you work hard to support yourself financially or to care for your family? Kase tanaara oottiyaageetuppe daroti haˈˈi dure gidikkokka, ufayttokkona. On the other hand, when the person making the sacrifice had a good standing with Jehovah and the offering was without defect, the giver could rejoice with satisfaction. - Read 1 Chronicles 29: 9. Many of my former workmates are now wealthy, but they are happier than they do. Nu alˈˈo ishanttoonne michenttoo, intteppe issoti issoti Yihoowaara deˈiya intte dabbotaa naagidi deˈanau ubba gallassi wolqqaama baaxiyaa baaxeteeta. I spend more time with my husband, and we have become closer. You younger brothers and sisters, you struggle to maintain a strong relationship with Jehovah every day. Ee, PHawuloosayyo koshshiya wolqqaa Goday Yesuusi immiis. • Why is there so much suffering? Yes, Jesus gave the Lord the strength to do so. (Ibr. 9: 5) Qoxettida worqqaappe medhido he misileti ay keena loˈˈiyaakko qoppa! - Kes. Later, Jehovah's holy spirit empowered other men whom he appointed to lead his people. Imagine how wonderful it must have been for the golden calf to see the golden calf! - Ex. (b) Ayba oyshi denddii? What happened next? (b) What question arises? SINTTAA 8 • MAZAMURE: 2, 28 Certainly, it is worth keeping "the belt of truth fastened around your waist " at all times. PAGE 8 • SONGS: 95, 75 Koyro oyshay hagaadan gees: "Yesuus Kiristtoosa yarshshuwan ammanidi, Yihoowa sheniyaa oottanawu intte nagaraappe simmidi, intte huuphiyaa ayyo geppidetii? " Even small children respectfully ask me to give them a tract about the Bible. The first question is: "On the basis of faith in Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will? " Nuuni hegaadan nagaraa aylle gidida, qassi hegee azzanuwaa, tuggaanne wurssettan hayquwaa kaalettees. (Roo. 8: 5, 6. Such a sinful course leads to sin and death, resulting in the end of suffering, suffering, and death. Nuuni Yihoowappe tamaaridoogan demmido gita anjjotuppe amaridaageeta wotti dentti qoppiyoogee, mishiraachoy keehippe goˈiyoogaa ubbatoo hassayanaadaaninne hegaa haratussi mishettidi yootanaadan maaddees. In what areas of life should we strive to manifest the spirit of humility? Meditating on some of the blessings that we have learned from Jehovah will help us to keep on showing zeal for it and to keep it busy in it. " Beˈa, Ne Kawoy Yees ' " We mingled at the Kingdom Hall before and after meetings, " she says. " Your King Is Right " Hoˈˈiya carkkoy argganttay ba wolqqaa wurssennan xoqqasaa kiyanaadan maaddees. And how can others help? A eye that keeps you from trying to protect yourself from its deceptive power. Hegaadan ha wodiyankka, ayyaanan tiyettidaageetuppe amarida attumaageetussi ashkkaraa kalˈˈatiyo aawatettay deˈees. Did that occasion not leave you with warm memories? Likewise today, there are some anointed ones who have the responsibility of representing the slave class today. (Wog. 7: 20, 21) Hara baggaara qassi, issi uri geeshsha gidikko qassi a yarshshoy muruta gidikko, he uri ufayttees. - 1 Hanidabaa Odiya 29: 9 nabbaba. In contrast, the vast majority of God's people have remained neutral despite economic pressures or even the loss of everything they own. - Heb. On the other hand, if a person is holy, he is happy to be commended. - Read 1 Chronicles 29: 9. Ta azinaara kaseegaappe daro wodiyaa issippe aattays, qassi nuuni kaseegaappe aaruwan siiqettoos. We hope that our prayers will help a little. " I enjoy much more time with my husband, and we are closer to each other. • Tuggay hagaa keeni daridoy aybissee? So let us see how Abraham's faith led him to a close friendship with God. • Why is there so much suffering? Guyyeppe, Yihooway ba asaa kaalettanaadan sunttido harati geeshsha ayyaanaappe wolqqaa demmidosona. Truly, Kathy's prayers helped her to make her relationship with Jehovah real. Later, holy spirit empowered others to take the lead among Jehovah's people. Hegaappe simmin aybi hanidee? This means that over 90 percent of mankind can read at least some part of the Bible in their mother tongue. What happened next? Tumukka, "xeessan qabattuwaa gixxiyoogaadan tumatettaa " ubbatoo gixxiyoogee bessiyaaba. (See opening picture.) Truly, it is good to keep " walking with truth. ' Haray atto guutta naatikka Geeshsha Maxaafaa qofay deˈiyo trakttiyaa etawu immanaadan tana bonchuwan oychoosona. Jesus concluded his story by telling the scribe to be like that Samaritan. Even small children, even young children, ask me to ask them to contact the Bible with them. 8: 5, 6. This is a trial that the survivor may not have expected to face in this system of things. 8: 5, 6. Nu deˈuwan aybin aybin nu huuphiyaa kawushshana bessii? We all suffer from inherited sin, and when our actions do not reflect our keen desire to please Jehovah, we may feel miserable. What self - examination is needed in our life? A hagaadan gaasu: "Nuuni shiiquwaappe kasenne shiiquwaappe simmin haratuura haasayoos. What wonderful qualities did Jesus display? She says: "We used to talk to others after our meetings and after the meeting. 4) Qassi harati waati maaddana danddayiyoonaa? Also, people in general cannot explain why mankind has a strong desire to live forever. And how can others help others? Hegee neeni keehi ufayssiyaabaa hassayanaadan oottennee? Clearly, stewards enjoyed positions of great trust. - Gen. Does that not remind you of your joy? SHin Xoossaa asati hara daroti miishshaara gayttidaban metootiiddi, ubba banttawu deˈiya ubbabay xayinkka alamiyaaban oossinne exatennan deˈidosona. - Ibr. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave sound counsel on morality. However, many of God's people have even maintained their neutrality by taking sides in political matters. - Heb. Nu woosay nena maaddanaagaa hidootoos. " There is nothing wrong with a Christian's receiving such assistance - provided that he qualifies. We hope that our prayers will help you. " (Roo. 4: 11) Abrahaama ammanoy, i Xoossaassi mata dabbo gidanaadan waati maaddidaakko ane beˈoos. Jehovah was supporting those men with his superhuman agents. Let us consider how Abraham's faith helped him to develop a close relationship with God. Keeti woosay Yihooway iyyo mata dabbodan qoncci beettanaadan maaddidoogee qoncce. What temptation do some Christian youths face, but why would giving in to it be unwise? Of course, prayer has helped her to see Jehovah as a close Friend. Hegee alamiyaa asaappe 100ppe 90 kushe gidiyaagee haasayaa koyro doommido qaalan Geeshsha Maxaafaa nabbabana danddayees giyoogaa. How did Jehovah help and protect the Israelites when they fought the Amalekites? It can read the original language of the world over 100 percent of the world's population. (Doomettan deˈiya misiliyaa xeella.) We must recall what his Word, the Bible, says. (See opening picture.) Higgiyaa eranchchay he Samaare biittaa bitaniyaa mala gidanaadan Yesuusi leemisuwaa wurssettan yootiis. Ruth meant that. In his final illustration of the neighborly Samaritan, Jesus finally explained the illustration of the neighborly Samaritan. He metoy issi uri ha wodiyan bana gakkana gi qoppibeennaba gidana danddayees. What problem arose shortly after the Israelites left Egypt, and how did Moses handle the situation? That problem may have seemed to be unexpected events today. 7: 24) Laattido nagaray nuna ubbaa metees; qassi nu oottiyoobay Yihoowa wozanappe ufayssanawu koyiyoogaa bessennaba gidiyo wode azzanoos. Such changes are not made for trivial, selfish reasons but because of some emergency. All of us have lost sight of inherited sin and have lost a deep desire to please Jehovah. Yesuusi bessido loˈˈo eeshshati awugeetee? Those words indicated God's willingness to accept "a ransom, " or" covering, " in behalf of repentant humans. - Job 33: 24, ftn. What qualities did Jesus display? Qassi, xaaxi waaxin asay merinawu deˈanawu amottiyoy aybissakko yootana danddayiya asi baawa. (Era. Why Did God Require That His Worshippers Marry Only Fellow Believers? Additionally, no human can say why it is possible for people to live forever. Hegee goday ba sunttido ashkkaran keehi ammanettiyoogaa bessees. - Doo. For example, while moving from encampment to encampment in the land of Canaan, faithful worshippers of God "publicly declared that they were strangers and temporary residents. " - Heb. This shows that the master had full trust in his master. - Gen. Deriyaa Bolla Timirttiyan, Yesuusi kandduwaa xeelliyaagan loˈˈo zoriyaa immiis. How do our meetings encourage us and help us to keep strong? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave a fine advice regarding moral morality. Hegaa mala maadoy koshshiyo issi Kiristtaanee he giigissuwan goˈettiyoogee bala gidenna. answers Anna. Of course, there is nothing wrong with using such help. Yihooway ba kiitanchatu baggaara he asata maaddiis. Exercise Faith When in Private Jehovah helped his angels. Issi issi yelagati waatanawu amottiyoonaa, shin hegaadan oottiyoogee eeyyatetta gidiyoy aybissee? He even told the priest that he would not mind being expelled from the church. What are some youths trying to do, but why is it unwise to do so? Israaˈeelati Amaaleeqatuura olettiyo wode Yihooway eta waatidi maaddideenne naagidee? PAGE 27 How did Jehovah protect the Israelites during the battle? Nuuni a Qaalay, Geeshsha Maxaafay giyoobaa hassayana koshshees. 32: 17 - 20, 26. We should keep in mind what the Bible says. 1: 16) Uruta ba giidobaa polaasu. What better way could there be for you to show your appreciation than keeping Jehovah in mind when you set goals? Ruth acted out to her word. Israaˈeelati Gibxxeppe kiyoosappe takkennan merettida metoy aybee, qassi Muusee he yohuwaa waati oyqqidee? When you began listening to the good news, Jehovah helped you to grasp it by supplying holy spirit. What challenges did the Israelites face, and how did Moses react? I haratuyyo kehiyaaba, neeni qassi asawu immanawu koyennaba gidikko, cimidaageetuyyo, sahettidaageetuyyo woy maadoy koshshiyo haratuyyo kehatettan immiyoogee ufayssiyaaba gidiyoogaa he uraa hanotaappe beˈana danddayaasa. Treasure Your Gift of Free Will, Jan. If you are hospitable to others, you can experience the joy that comes from showing kindness to elderly ones and who are willing to care for those who need help, elderly, elderly, or sick. Hegaadan laammiyoy pattennabaassa woy bantta huuphe koshshaassa gidennan, eesoyiyaabaa gaasuwaana. The other sheep have a different hope. Such adjustments are not for themselves, not for themselves, but for for for the interests of others. (Iyyoobaa 33: 23 - 26) He qaalati nagaraappe simmiya asaa naatu gishshaa Xoossay "wozuwaa " ekkana koyiyoogaa bessoosona. - Iyyooba 33: 24. We have the testimony of reliable eyewitnesses to that fact. " - Read 1 Corinthians 15: 3 - 8. Those words reflect God's desire that repentant sinners "will receive the forgiveness of their sins. " - Job 33: 24. Kawotettaa Dere Asadan Deˈite! SINTTAA 18 • MAZAMURE: 16, 44 Shane, who moved to Norfolk Island, adds: "Most of all, I focused on displaying Christian qualities. PAGE 18 • SONGS: 16, 44 Leemisuwau, Xoossau ammanettidi haggaazida asati Kanaanen dumma dummasaa biidi dunkkaaniyan deˈiyo wode, "sa7an imattanne yedetettidi kiyida asata gididoogaa " qoncciyan yootidosona. - Ibr. Despite their best efforts, even family members and our dear spiritual brothers and sisters may at times blurt out things that hurt our feelings. For example, when faithful men of Israel lived in various parts of Canaan, they declared that "they were strangers and temporary residents in the land. " - Heb. Gubaaˈe shiiqoy nuna waati minttettii, qassi gazddanaadan waati maaddii? The Bible also speaks of the earth as being round and suspended in space, facts that were not fully understood by science until centuries later. - Job 26: 7; Isaiah 40: 22. How do congregation meetings encourage us, and how does relief help us? gaada zaaraasu. We should not assume that the parents, spouse, or other relatives of one of the anointed would also be anointed. she answered. Intterkka Deˈiyo Wode Ammanuwaa Oosuwan Bessite So Jesus warned his disciples: "Keep your eyes open; look out for the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod. " Imitate Their Faith - When It Means You Can Find Faith Woosa keettappe yedettikkonne assi aybinne siyettennaagaa i qeesiyawu yootiis. Why was Jesus ' death so important? " I felt that I couldn't trust anything, " he said. SINTTAA 27 Less well - known, though, is the fascinating link between the arch and the Bible - the Arch of Titus bears silent witness to the remarkable accuracy of Bible prophecy. 27 Did You Know? 32: 17 - 20, 26. PARENTS are supposed to set a good example for their children. 32: 17 - 20, 26. 4: 11) Hoolliyaa kessiyo wode Yihoowa hassayiyoogaappe aadhiya, intte galatiyoogaa bessana danddayiyo ogee aybi deˈii? (See paragraph 15) What is the best way to remember Jehovah's goal when you set goals? Neeni mishiraachuwaa ezgga siyiyo wode, siyidobaa akeekanaadan Yihooway geeshsha ayyaanan nena maaddiis. What might you include in a brief note of condolence? When you listen to the good news, Jehovah has helped you to see how holy spirit helps you to understand the good news. Yihooway Ba Asaa Kaalettees, Usu. So Satan claimed that God was withholding something good from humans. Jehovah Leads His People, No. Hara dorssatu hidootay etaagaappe dummatees. Just as five virgins were foolish and five were discreet, each anointed one has the full capacity to choose either a course of preparedness and vigilance or a course of folly and unfaithfulness. It is quite different with the other sheep. Hegee tuma gidiyoogaa bantta ayfiyan beˈida, ammanttiya markkati deˈoosona. " - 1 Qoronttoosa 15: 3 - 8 nabbaba. According to Christian theology, this acknowledgment is not a recognition of three gods but that these three persons are essentially one. " - The New Encyclopædia Britannica. They are convinced that this is true of their own eyes. " - Read 1 Corinthians 15: 3 - 8. Norfok Ayland giyoosaa biida SHeni hagaadan giis: "Ubbabaappe aaruwan, Kiristtaanetuppe koyettiya eeshshay tawu deˈanaadan baaxetaas. A foundation law of God's Kingdom is that all citizens imitate Christ. " Above all, I was determined to maintain Christian qualities more important than my personality, " says Choong Keon. (Yaaqooba 3: 2) Nu soo asay, nu siiqo ishanne micho gidida Kiristtaanetikka keehi baaxetiyaaba gidikkokka, issi issitoo nuna qohiyaabaa qoppennan haasayana danddayoosona. Because Satan is "the god of this system of things, " human society displays the same basic characteristics that he does - pride, contentiousness, jealousy, greed, deception, and rebelliousness. Even if our family and dear brother, brothers and sisters, we may at times feel overwhelmed by negative feelings. Geeshsha Maxaafay saˈay irzzo mala gidiyoogaanne aybinne baynnasan kaqettidoogaakka yootees; xeetan qoodettiya layttay aadhanaashin hegaa saynisee akeekibeenna. - Job 26: 7; Isaiah 40: 22. Some now serving God were married when they learned the truth, and their mate is not a Witness. The Bible tells us that there are hundreds of years ago and that hundreds of years ago it does not seem to be too hard to comprehend. - Ecclesiastes 26: 26; 40: 22; 40: 22. 4: 11; 2 Tas. 3: 11) Ayyaanan tiyettida uraa aaway woy aayyiyaa, aqo laggee woy dabboykka ayyaanan tiyettees giidi nuuni qoppana bessenna. Who are in need of encouragement today? Of course, we should not assume that an anointed mate or relative is anointed with an anointed mate. Yaatiyo gishshawu, Yesuusi ba erissiyo ashkkaratussi, "Inttena erite; Parisaawetu irshshuwaappenne Heeroodisa irshshuwaappe naagettite " yaagidi yootiis. (Mar. Others say that it is not their responsibility to seek out the owner - a chore that might entail a lot of effort. Therefore, Jesus warned his disciples: "Keep on the watch and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the leaven. " Yesuusa hayquwau hegaa keena xoqqa sohoy imettiyoy aybissee? Once he accepted Jesus as the Messiah, Paul held no position of honor in the Jewish religion. Why is Jesus such a precious place as death? Asay akeekennaba gidikkokka, he hawulttee Geeshsha Maxaafaabaa yootiyoobay deˈees: Tiitu Hawulttee Geeshsha Maxaafan hiraagay tuma gidiyoogaa haasayennan markkattees. What a privilege that is! May we show that we value that privilege and "always offer to God a sacrifice of praise " by preaching regularly. Although people do not believe that the Bible's message is true, such as Titus wrote: "The Holy Scriptures bears witness that it is true. YELIDAAGEETI bantta naatuyyo loˈˈo leemiso gidana koshshees. Jesus likewise has been willing to wait. FOR example, parents need a good example for their children. (Mentto 15 xeella) Some of those attracted to the truth will take their stand for Jehovah (See paragraphs 9 - 12) (See paragraph 15) Intte minttettanau ay ay xaafana danddayeetii? What are some factors that may affect whether a brother wears a beard? What can you write to encourage you? Seexaanay Xoossay asaa naata goˈˈiyaabaa diggidabadan yootiis. How is our obedience related to proving ourselves holy? Satan claimed that God is good for humans. Geelaˈotuppe ichashati eeyya qassi ichashati cincca gididoogaadan, tiyettidaageeti ubbay naagi uttanawunne beegotti uttanawu woy eeyyanne ammanettennaageeta gididi deˈanawu doorana danddayoosona. (Read 1 Peter 1: 7.) Some of the virgins, such as the foolish and discreet slave, can choose to maintain a balanced view of those who are weak, trustworthy, and disloyal. Kiristtaane giyo haymaanootiyaa timirttee giyoogaadan, hegee heezzu xoossati deˈoosona giyoogaa gidennan ha heezzati issi xoossa. " - Zi Niwu Insaykloppiidiyaa Biritaanika. Although the Bible does not provide specific rules about the kinds and limits of love play that might be associated with natural sexual intimacy, it mentions displays of affection. According to Christendom's churches, the god of three god was not merely a god. " - The New Encyclopædia Britannica, New Encyclopædia Britannica. Xoossaa Kawotettaa dere asay ubbay azazettana bessiya waanna higgetuppe issoy Kiristtoosa leemisuwaa kaalliyoogaa. Although he is not able to use his legs and one of his arms, Onesmus had the desire to do all he could in Jehovah's service. One of the primary importance to obey God's Kingdom is to follow through Christ's pattern of obedience. Seexaanay " ha saˈaa xoossa ' gidiyo gishshau, asaa naatussi aagaa mala eeshshati giishin, otoruwaa, ooshshaa, qanaatiyaa, yaaretiyoogaa, cimmiyoogaanne makkaliyoogaa mala eeshshati deˈoosona. Although Jesus did not mention providing shelter for the birds of heaven, Jehovah has provided them with the instincts, skills, and materials needed to make nests for themselves. Because Satan is "the god of this system of things, " Satan has been influenced by such qualities as selfishness, greed, and violence. Xoossawu haggaaziyaageetuppe issoti issoti aqo oyqqi simmidi tumaa siyidosona; qassi eta aqo laggee Yihoowa Markka gidenna. Indeed, early Christians viewed congregation meetings as opportunities to express their faith. - Rom. Some of God's servants who have accepted the truth after marriage have heard the truth, and they are not one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ha wodiyan minttettoy koshshiyoy oossee? Rome Who today need comfort? Harati qassi, keettaawaa koyiyoogee keehi dafurssiyaaba gidiyo gishshau, a koyanau bessennabadan qoppoosona. Do not let the apathy of others discourage or dissuade you from keeping on the watch. Others feel unworthy of the householder's desire, so she felt that she would not want to be like the householder. (2 Qor. 11: 24 - 27) PHauloosi Yesuusi Mase gidiyoogaa ammani simmidi, bau Ayhuda haymaanootiyan deˈiya boncho maataa aggiis. I grew up in a lowly peasant family and had just five years of schooling. After being convinced that Jesus was the Messiah, Paul lost his privilege of dwelling in the Jewish religion. Aggennan sabbakiyoogan he maataa xoqqu oottidi xeelliyaageetanne "ubba wode galataa yarshshuwaa " Xoossaayyo immiyaageeta gidoos. In January 2001, I received the phone call mentioned at the outset. May we continue to give thanks to our privilege of sharing in this privilege of preaching and offering praise to God "with thanksgiving. " Yesuusikka hegaadan ba dosan naagiis. What point was being made? Jesus likewise waited for such a willingness to do so. Issi ishay buuchaa dichanaadan woy dichennaadan oottana danddayiya amaridabay aybee? People and organizations making up the antichrist still oppose Christ and his teachings. What are some things that might prevent a brother from wearing a beard? Nuuni azazettiyoogee geeshsha gidiyoogaara gayttiyoy aybiinee? In the afternoon, "they were making confession and bowing down to Jehovah their God. " In what sense do we show our obedience? (1 PHeexiroosa 1: 7 nabbaba.) HUMANS CRAVE LOVE. (Read 1 Peter 1: 7.) Azinay ba macheera gayttanawu eti kaaˈana koshshiyaabaanne koshshennabaa Geeshsha Maxaafay yootana xayikkonne, siiquwaa qonccissiyo hanotaa yootees. (Sii. An ad with an enticing picture may suddenly appear on one's computer screen. Although a husband does not really need to listen to his wife's needs, the Bible tells us that he does not need to express love for his wife. Onesmasau gedeenne issi kushee oottennaba gidikkonne, i bau danddayettida keena ubban Yihoowau haggaazanau koyiis. But their apostasy presented a danger to faithful Christians. Although Onesmus did not do so, he wanted to serve Jehovah as fully as possible in his service. Yihooway kafotussi keettaa immanaagaa Yesuusi yootana xayikkonne, eti banttawu keettaa keexxanaadan etawu eraanne hegawu maaddiyaabaa immiis. What two hopes are to be found among Christians today, and why are the "other sheep " interested in the hope the anointed entertain? Although Jehovah did not tell the birds to provide food for the birds, Jesus gave them the responsibility to build the house and care for them. Beni Kiristtaaneti gubaaˈiyaa shiiqota eti ammaniyoobaa yootiyo injjedan xeellidoogee tuma. - Roo. Joy relates, "He has improved and is trying hard to be a more loving husband in imitation of Jesus. " True, Christians in ancient times view their beliefs as Christian meetings. - Rom. Roome Since we are Jesus ' followers, we heed his warning: "Keep your eyes open and guard against every sort of covetousness, because even when a person has an abundance his life does not result from the things he possesses. " Rome Harati siyanawu koyenna gishshawu hidootaa qanxxada beegottada naagiyoogaa aggoppa. Rather, Jonathan's "soul became bound up with the soul of David " as he pledged his loyalty to him. Keep in mind that others do not want to give up, so do not hold back. Taani hiyyeesa goshshanchcha keettan diccaas, qassi ichchashu laytta xallawu tamaaraas. His circumstances were changed by events beyond his control. I grew up in a poor family and learned only five years. Ichashe 2001n, doomettan odettida silkkee taayyo dawalettiis. Elsewhere, Paul termed this "a corresponding ransom. " In January 2001, I phoned me in January 2001. Hegawu waanna qofay aybee? How did Jesus ' resurrection differ from the resurrections that preceded it? What is the basic message? Kiristtoosa morkke gidida asatinne dirijjiteti Kiristtoosanne i tamaarissidobaa haˈˈikka eqettoosona. Efforts are being made to reach people missed in our house - to - house preaching work Today, Christ's enemies and the earthly part of Christ's enemies are still still on guard against the teaching of Christ and his teachings. Saateppe guyyiyan, asay "bantta nagaraa paaxiiddinne GODAASSI, bantta Xoossaassi, goinniiddi gam77idosona. " How knowing the truth helps you: If God is an incomprehensible mystery, then why even try to get to know him? Then Saul went on to say to the people: "You have sinned and have sinned against Jehovah and have taken away their sins. " ASAY SIIQUWAA KEEHI KOYEES. 17, 18. JEHOVAH'S WORD is a professor of information that can lead to sexual relations. Asho gaytotettau denttettiya misilee deˈiyo erissoy kompputeriyan akeekennan yaana danddayees. For example, as noted in the book Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, at the turn of the 20th century, "C. T. Russell and his associates strongly believed that they were in a time of harvest and that people needed to hear liberating truth. " A computer can easily become familiar with what is common in the media. SHin kaddida he asati ammanettida Kiristtaaneta qohiyaabaa oottidosona. How Would You Respond? However, these apostasy resulted in apostate Christians. Ha wodiyan Kiristtaanetuyyo deˈiya naaˈˈu hidootati awugeetee, tiyettidaageeti demmana hidootaabaa " hara dorssati ' loytti eranau koyiyoy aybissee? Elisha set a fine example for us. What two hopes exist today, and why do anointed Christians want to know about the hope of the "other sheep "? Joya, "I kaseegaappe laamettiis; qassi Yesuusa leemisuwaa kaalliyoogan siiqiya azina gidanawu baaxetees " yaagaasu. While serving in a foreign field, how can parents train their children spiritually? " He changed my thinking and tried to imitate Jesus ' example. " 45: 5) Yesuusa kaalliyaageeta gidiyo gishshau, kaallidi deˈiya a zoriyaa oosuwan peeshshoos: "Asassi daro miishshai de7ikkokka, a shemppoi he duretettan de7enna gishshau naagettite; duretetta amo ubbaappekka inttena naagite. " Most people do not regard wanton violence and cruelty as the work of an invisible wicked spirit creature. As followers of Jesus, therefore, let us heed his admonition: "Keep on guard guard because of the abundance of life he does not result from the abundance of this system of things. " Hegaappe dumma hanotan, "Yonaataani Daawitaara daro mino dabbotettaa medhdhiis, " qassi ayyo ammanettidaagaa gidanau qaalaa geliis. That thinking can exert a lot of power if we are repeatedly exposed to it. On the contrary, David "continued to be strong and to be loyal to him. " I giigissana danddayennabati a deˈuwaa hanotaa laammidosona. Consider the advice the apostle Paul gave to the Corinthians. He had to change his lifestyle so that he could solve problems. Hara xiqisiyan, PHauloosi he qofaa "bixe wozuwaa " yaagidi qonccissiis. (1 Xim. 29 An East Asian in Ancient Italy In other words, Paul pointed out that the ransom "is a ransom. " Yesuusa denddoy appe kase denddida asatuugaappe dummatiyoy aybiinee? We could not thank them enough. How did the resurrection of Jesus differ from the resurrections that preceded him? Sooppe soo biidi sabbakiyo wode demmibeenna asau mishiraachuwaa yootanau ishantti minnidi oottiiddi deˈoosona News of the case hit the press, and the 49 brothers and sisters served terms ranging from 45 days to five and a half months. While preaching from door to door to door, brothers work hard to share the good news Tumaa eriyoogee nena maaddiyo ogiyaa: Xoossay erana danddayettennaba gidikko, abaa eranau baaxetana koshshiyoy aybissee? She added: "Jehovah's Witnesses consider it their duty to help everyone, regardless of religion or nationality. " How knowing the truth helps you: If God does not know him, why should he try to get to know him? 17, 18. What accounts for the spiritual prosperity of the earthly part of Jehovah's organization? 17, 18. Leemisuwau, Xoossaa Kawotettaabaa Awaajjiya Yihoowa Markkata giya maxaafan qonccidaagaadan, 20 tta xeetu layttaa doomettan, "CHarles Tez Rasilinne a laggeti cahaa wodiyan deˈiyoogaanne naxa kessiya tumaa asay erana koshshiyoogaa minttidi ammanidosona. " How can we listen to Jesus and stop judging by the outward appearance? For example, as depicted in the book Jehovah's Witnesses in the 20th century, in the 20th century C.E., Russell and his associates began to realize that "the harvest of the harvest of God " was in the early 20th century. Woygada Zaaruutii? Antonio received the help he needed, and at last he has put his bad habit behind him. How Would You Answer? Elssaaˈi nuussi loˈˈo leemiso gidiyaabaa oottiis. Why would it be unwise to compare what you do to promote Jehovah's purposes with what others do? Elisha set a fine example for us. Aawatinne aayoti bantta naati Yihoowaara dabbotaa minttanaadan waati tamaarissana danddayiyoonaa? They were producing fruit "in the way of holiness, " which would end in everlasting life. How can parents teach their children to strengthen their relationship with Jehovah? Eriiddi asa qohanau meqetti baynnabaa oottiyoogaa daro asay ayfiyan beettenna iita ayyaana mereti oottiyoobadan xeellenna. the message they preach and why they preach it? THE vast majority of people do not view an invisible spirit as an invisible person. 5: 3) Nuuni hegaadan qoppiya asaara daro wodiyaa aattiyaaba gidikko, etaagaadan qoppiyoogaa doommana danddayoos. In modern times, how has "the true knowledge " become known? If we develop such a balanced view of ourselves, we may begin to think more of them than they are. SINTTAA 28 - MAZAMUREE: 29, 6 What two fundamental truths sum up Jehovah's values and principles? 28 The Bible Changes Lives Nuuni eta galatinkka wuriyaaba gidenna. The Bible does far more than simply expose lies about God; it reveals the truth about his appealing qualities. We are not without protection. (Oos. 5: 33 - 39) He mootuwaabay oduwaa odiyaageeta gakkiis; qassi he 49 ishanttinne michontti 45 gallassaappe biidi ichashu aginanne bagga gakkanaassi qashettanaadan pirddidosona. How did the first - century Christians set a pattern of singing in worship? Those witnesses were brought back to the news, and five brothers and sisters were sentenced to 45 months to 45 months of age and sentenced to five months. A gujjadakka, "Yihoowa Markkati issi ura haymaanootee woykko biittawatettay aybakka gido, he uraa maaddiyoogee bessiyaabadan xeelloosona " yaagaasu. Are you walking by spirit and thus living up to your dedication? She adds: "I feel that Jehovah's Witnesses have the responsibility to help someone who has no religion nor the right to determine what help is needed. " Yihoowa dirijjitiyawu saˈaa baggay ayyaanaaban diccanaadan maaddidabay aybee? As strongly as each participant felt about his point of view, all present respected God's Word, and those holy writings held the key to resolving the issue. - Read Psalm 119: 97 - 101. What has helped the earthly part of Jehovah's organization to make spiritual advancement? 2: 11 - 14) Nuuni waatidi Yesuusi yootiyoobaa siyananne beettiyaaban coo pirddennan aggana danddayiyoo? Rebellion against Jehovah leads to disaster. How can we prevent Jesus from listening to our words and actions? Antoniyoy koshshiya maaduwaa demmiis; qassi wurssettan he iita meeziyaa aggiis. For instance, when his friend Mary poured expensive oil on his head and feet, some asked: "Why has this waste of the perfumed oil taken place? " Antonio found help and eventually lost his bad habit. Nuuni Yihoowassi oottiyoobaa haratuugaara mule geeddarssana koshshennay aybissee? God showed outstanding love by sending his Son to earth to die for us. Why should we never compare ourselves with others? Eti geeshsha gididi deˈiyo gishshawu, merinaa deˈuwaa demmanawu hidootana danddayoosona. Others are sick or depressed, or they may be suffering the consequences of unwise decisions. Because they were holy, they could hope to gain everlasting life. Sabakiyoobaaninne sabbakiyo gaasuwan Your house is abandoned to you. " Take note of the preaching and the good news Ha wodiyan tumu " eray ' qonccidoy ayba ogiyaanee? Some of them eventually became Witnesses. How is "the true knowledge " made manifest today? Yihooway xoqqu oottidi xeelliyoobaanne a maaraa loytti qonccissiya naaˈˈu gitabati awugeetee? What, then, about true Christians who hope to live in the restored earthly Paradise? What two important principles are Jehovah's values and principles? Geeshsha Maxaafay Xoossaa xeelliyaagan odettiya wordduwaa qoncciyaa kessiyoogaa xalla gidennan, ufayssiya a eeshshaabaakka tumaa qonccissees. Will the account about Asa move us to examine our own course of action? The Bible not only tells us about God but also reveals the truth about his personality. Goynuwaa wode yexxiyoogan koyro xeetu layttaa Kiristtaaneti aybin leemiso gidiyoonaa? 15 Our Readers Ask... How did first - century Christians set an example? Neeni geeshsha ayyaanaa kaaletuwaa kaallay, qassi ne huuphiyaa geppidoogaadan deˈay? At the next meeting, we can do the same with others. Are you influenced by holy spirit and living up to your dedication? He shiiquwan deˈiyaageetu qofay dumma dumma gidikkokka, eti ubbaykka Xoossaa Qaalaa bonchiyoonne he metiyaabaa giigissanau Geeshsha Maxaafaa goˈettido gishshataassa. - Mazamure 119: 97 - 101 nabbaba. She gives in and eats the forbidden fruit. Those attending meetings are different, but not all of us benefit from the Bible's inspired Word and its challenges. - Read Psalm 119: 97 - 97. Yihoowa bolli makkaliyoogee bashshaa kaalettees. What danger do we need to avoid? Jehovah's way of governing leads to disaster. Leemisuwau, Mayraama keehi alˈˈo shittuwaa a huuphiyaanne tohuwaa tiyido wode, issoti issoti "Ha shittuwaa coo mooriyoogee aibissee? " yaagidi oychidosona. • What part does a man's family play in helping him to reach out? For example, when Mary's head and his feet were very precious, some asked, "Is it lawful for me to drink? " Xoossay ba Naˈay nuussi hayqqanaadan saˈaa kiittiyoogan ba gita siiquwaa bessiis. " Soundness of mind " involves being able to think and reason sensibly. God showed great love for his Son by sending his Son to earth to die for us. Haraati sahettoosona woykko unˈˈettoosona; woy qassi eeyyatettan kuuyidobay kaalettidoban metootana danddayoosona. 22 Did You Know? Others who are depressed or depressed may find it difficult to cope with problems. 23: 38) Yihooway Israaˈeelata aggibayidi, ooratti eqqida Kiristtaane gubaaˈiyaa anjjiis. - Oos. Our loyalty to Jehovah may be challenged if someone in a responsible position misjudges us. After Jehovah abandoned the nation of Israel, he blessed the newly formed Christian congregation. Etappe issoti issoti guyyeppe Yihoowa Markka gididosona. During Paul's first missionary journey with Barnabas, Mark served as an "attendant, " perhaps caring for their physical needs. Some of them later became Jehovah's Witnesses. 41: 8) Yaatin, Gannate saˈan deˈanau hidootiya tumu Kiristtaanetubaa shin woygana danddayettii? 8, 9. (a) What principles in the Mosaic Law may have helped Jephthah? What, then, about true Christians who hope to live forever on earth? Asabaa yootiya taarikee nuuni oottiyoobaa qoranaadan nuna denttettanee? Elijah came to her aid. Will the account of man move us to examine our own actions? XANNAˈIYO HUUPHE YOHOTA: They are happy to be serving Jehovah as part of a worldwide association of brothers and sisters who have the same desire. REGULAR FEATURES Kaalliya shiiquwaa gallassan, haratakka hegaadan haasayissana danddayoos. That nation was the congregation of anointed Christians made up of both Jews and Gentiles. During the next day, we might talk to others about the matter. A he paaciyan kunddada he mittaa ayfiyaappe maasu. For example, in South Africa most Witnesses still live in areas that were set apart for their race - be it affluent suburbs, black townships, or areas where people of mixed race once had to live. She fell into the tree and began to sink. Nuuni ayba daafaappe naagettana bessii? It is also translated "unfathomable, boundless, " and" the infinite void. " What danger must we guard against? • Issi attuma asi aawatettau baaxetanaadan a soo asay waati maaddana danddayii? (Read Hebrews 12: 1.) • How can a man's family help him to reach out? (2 Ximootiyoosa 1: 7) "Suure qofay deˈiyoogeeta " gidiyoogee, qoppana danddayiyoogaanne loytti akeekiyoogaa gujjees. Fighting, looting, raping, and killing plunged the land into chaos and anarchy. Taking into consideration "the thoughts of the heart " includes understanding and understanding. SINTTAA 18 • MAZAMURE: 10, 47 11: 15. PAGE 18 • SONGS: 10, 47 Aawatettay deˈiyo issi uri nu hanotaa bala ogiyan akeekiyo wode, Yihoowayyo ammanettiyoogee metana danddayees. The first man did indeed rebel against God's authority, and he brought death upon himself and his offspring. It is not easy for a person to trust in Jehovah when we feel that he is wrong. 12: 25) PHawuloosi Barnnaabaasaara misoonaawe oosuwawu koyro biido wode, Marqqoosi issi issibaa oottidi eta " maaddennan ' aggenna. Photo: Alain Leprince - La Piscine - musée, Roubaix / Courtesy of the former Bouchard Museum, Paris During Paul's first missionary journey, Mark may have had some "fellow workers " in their first missionary assignment. 8, 9. (a) Muuse Higgiyan deˈiya maaraappe Yofttaaha maaddiday awugee? Many Jews would die by the edge of the sword; any who escaped death would likely have to spend the rest of their lives in exile in Babylon. 8, 9. (a) What helped Jephthah to live by the Mosaic Law? Eelaasi o maaddiis. It does not keep account of the injury. Elijah helped her. Eti Xoossaa hegaadan bonchiyoogee a sheniyaa oottanau koyanaadan denttettees. It may not be easy to understand the feelings of a fellow believer who is suffering from a chronic illness or deep depression - especially if we have never experienced such things ourselves. Such respect moves them to seek God's will. 2: 22, 23) Hegaappe simmin Yihooway ooratta deriyaa, "Xoossaa Israaˈeela " dooriis. This has been the hope of believing mankind ever since human perfection was lost in the garden of Eden. Jehovah then chose "the Israel of God. " Leemisuwawu, Tohossa Afirkkan dumma dumma sheeshshati deˈiyo sohuwaa kawotettay dummayi wottiis. Yihoowa Markkata gujjin, daro asay haˈˈikka he sohuwan deˈees. To answer that question, we need to understand the basic causes of corruption. For example, in South Africa, there are many Witnesses in many different countries, including Jehovah's Witnesses. Yohaannisi goˈettido abiisoos geetettiya Giriiketto qaalay keehi ciimma ollaa giyoogaa. What is the greatest form of recognition, and why? John used the Greek Septuagint, which means more than a Greek word. (Ibraawe 12: 1 nabbaba.) How husbands can imitate Jesus. (Read Hebrews 12: 1.) Olay, bonqqiyoogee, macca asaara wolqqan gayttiyoogeenne asa woriyoogee he biittay shoraa xayanaadaaninne shabbirettanaadan oottiis. God will similarly give us strength to stand firm against opposition, apathy, and anxiety so that we can carry out our preaching work. War, war, and death led to violence and violence, as well as violence and violence. 11: 15. That's true of God's Kingdom, but it's not something that we can say of any human government, can we? 11: 15. (Doomettaabaa 2: 17) Koyro bitanee Xoossaa maataa bolli makkaliis; hegee a bollinne a zaretu bolli hayquwaa kaalettiis. 24 Imitate Their Faith - He Endured Despite Disappointments The first man, Adam, rebelled against God, led him to death and death. XANNAˈIYO HUUPHE YOHO 3, 4 - Ha wurssetta gallassatun Yihoowa ashkkaratanne harata unˈˈissiya darobay gakkees. * How did Jehovah prove to be "a real dwelling " for his loyal servants in ancient times? [ Picture Credit Line on page 4] Daro Ayhudati bisuwan hayqqana; hayqqennan attidaageeti bantta deˈo layttan Baabiloonen omoodettidi deˈennan waayi aggana. (Erm. No wonder, for the sayings of Christ have Jehovah as their Source! Many Jews were killed by the sword of the sword and may have been taken captive by the remnant of their life in Babylon. Uuzettenna. Yiillotenna. 3: 22 - 24. It does not brag. (1 PHeexiroosa 3: 8) Nu mala Kiristtaanetuppe issoy wolqqaama sahuwaappe woy gita unˈˈuwaappe denddidaagan metootiiddi deˈiyaaba gidikko, ubba qassi hegaa malabay nuna mule gakki erennaba gidikko au siyettiyaabaa erennan aggana danddayoos. Prior to making a shepherding visit, an elder needs to take some time to think about the individual he will visit. If a fellow Christian or one of our fellow believers suffer from serious illness, perhaps we may be aware of the pain caused by such a serious illness, especially if we do not know how much we feel about it. Koyro asati Edene gannatiyan nagaran kunddoosappe doommidi hegee ammaniya asaa naatu hidoota. In June 1951, both were baptized, and six months later, they began pioneering. In the garden of Eden, it has been a hope for mankind since the rebellion in the garden of Eden. Ha oyshaa zaaranau, mussinnau gaaso gididabaa nuuni erana koshshees. But why would God allow that to happen? To answer that question, we need to know what is rooted in corruption. Erettana koshshiyo aybippenne aadhdhiyaabay aybee, qassi aybissi? 3: 10; 4: 15. What is the greatest form of recognition, and why? Azinati Yesuusa leemisuwaa waati kaallana danddayiyoonaa? God's Word is read and explained publicly at our meetings. How husbands can imitate Jesus. Yedetaynne hirggissiyaabay deˈishin, qassi asay siyanawu koyennan ixxishinkka, nuuni mishiraachuwaa sabbakiyo oosuwaa oottanawu genccanaadan, Xoossay hegaadan nuuyyo minotettaa immees. (1 PHe. What, though, of the many loyal Christians who are not overseers? Despite opposition and opposition, God gives us the strength to endure in our preaching work despite persecution and persecution. Ee, Xoossaa Kawotettaabaa hegaadan gaana danddayettees; shin asa kawotettaabaa hegaadan gaana danddayiyoo? There is, however, something that we can do. Yes, it can be said that God's Kingdom can be done, but can we say that? Xoossan Nashettiyoogee Merinaa Deˈuwaa Demissees What does making spiritual progress mean to you? Gaining God's Son Leads Everlasting Life 90: 1) Yihooway beni wode baayyo ammanettidi haggaazidaageetussi tumuppe "de7iyo soho " gididoy ayba ogiyaanee? Ruining of the Earth How has Jehovah proved to be "a real dwelling " for his faithful servants in ancient times? Hegee alˈˈo gididoy, Yesuusa timirttiyau pulttoy Yihoowa gidiyo gishshataassa. By 1885, about 300 Bible Students were sharing in the colporteur service. That is because Jesus ' teachings originated with Jehovah. 3: 22 - 24. In his diary, I found these words in the entry for that day: "Prayer: If it is true, help us stay in the full - time service, not relax spiritually, and help us to be good parents by our example. 3: 22 - 24. Gubaaˈe cimay minttettanau koyiyoogeeta oychanaappe kase etabaa loytti qoppana koshshees. How can you personally show that you want to be among the "members belonging to one another "? Before reaching out for shepherding visits, an elder needs to think more carefully than before making shepherding visits. Tamme 1951n, eti naaˈˈaykka xammaqettidosona; yaatidi, usuppun aginappe guyyiyan aqinye gididosona. " Your Father knows what you need. " - MATT. In June 1951, they got baptized, and then they began to pioneer again. SHin hegee hananaadan Xoossay aybissi oottii? If your husband is reluctant to make decisions or to take the lead in managing the household, you have at least three options. But why does God allow it to happen? 3: 10; 4: 15. He had a purpose in life, that of doing God's will. 3: 10; 4: 15. 2: 17) Nu shiiqotun Xoossaa qaalay nabbabetteesinne qonccees. Further research helps us to see some possibilities that may answer these last two questions. At our meetings, God's word is manifest and is evident in our reading. Gubaaˈe cima gidenna, ammanettida daro Kiristtaanetubaa shin? He Loved People, 6 / 15 What about most faithful Christians in the congregation? Gidikkokka, nuuni oottana danddayiyoobay deˈees. • Why can you find both good examples and warning examples in the Bible? Yet, there is something we can do. Ayyaanaaban dicciyoogaa xeelliyaagan neeni halchidobay aybee? 11 - 13. (a) Who became associated with God's chosen people? What is your objective regarding spiritual growth? Saˈaa Mooriyoogaa So how can we turn away from the worldly attitudes that surround us and strive to please Jehovah, the God of love? Earth's Earth Geeshsha Maxaafaa Tamaaretuppe 300 gidiyaageeti, 1885n kolpporttere gididosona. But in time, she too started to make Bible teachings her own. About 120 Bible Students became colporteurs. I he gallassi masttooshan hagaadan giidi xaafiis: "Woosaa: Hegee tuma gidikko, kumetta wodiyaa haggaazuwaa aggennaadan, ayyaanaabau mishettiyoogaa aggennaadaaninne loˈˈo leemiso gidiya aawanne aayo gidanaadan nuna maadda. Imperfect humans tend to make comparisons, but God's Word tells us to focus on what we personally are able to do. One day, he wrote: "If you are reaching out for a full - time ministry, let us set a perfect example of zeal for the ministry, zeal, and zeal for the ministry. Neeni "issi asatettaa qommotudan " deˈanawu koyiyoogaa waata bessana danddayay? 3 How can you show that you want "to live by one another "? " Intte Aawai inttena koshshiyaagaa... erees. " - MAA. As the Bible promises, "the peace of God " was " guarding my heart and my thoughts. ' " Your Father knows what you need. " - MATT. Intte azinay issibaa kuuyanau woy so asaa sintta xeera gididi kaalettanau guyye giyaaba gidikko, guuxxiis giishin heezzubaappe issuwaa ootteeta. She wears a traditional head scarf If your husband or wife wants to take steps to prepare for certain decisions, at least at least three things. (Erm. 5: 23, 24) - 3 / 15, sinttaa 9 - 10. 24 Teach Your Children - Those Who Wrote About Jesus 5 - 15, pages 9 - 10. Gujjidi pilggiyoogee wurssetta naaˈˈu oyshatu zaaro gidana danddayiya amaridabaa akeekanaadan maaddees. When you or someone close to you is suffering, it is easy to conclude that God is slow to act, that he should have intervened by now. Self - examination helps us to understand the answers to two key questions. • Geeshsha Maxaafan loˈˈo leemisokka naagettanaadan akeekissokka demmana danddayiyoy aybissee? Frightened and vulnerable, a few brothers have given in to such pressures. • Why can we find a good example in the Bible? 11 - 13. (a) Xoossaa asaara goynniyoogaa doommiday oonee? You might be able to see them and touch them, but if you were to worship one, you would, indeed, be pursuing an unreality - an empty illusion that would bring only disaster. - Ps. 11 - 13. (a) Who started to associate with God's people? Hegaa gishshawu, nuuni alamiyaa qofaappe waani haakkananne siiqo Xoossaa Yihoowa ufayssanawu waani baaxetana danddayiyoo? In weighing your decision, what would you consider to be foremost - how the overtime work would affect your bank account or how it might affect your spirituality? So how can we work hard to avoid adopting the world's thinking and thinking? SHin guyyeppe, akka Geeshsha Maxaafaa timirttiyaa oosuwan peeshshiyoogaa doommaasu. 14: 18. Later, however, she began applying Bible teachings. Nuuni nagarancha gidiyo gishshawu ubba wode nuna hara asaara geeddarssoos; shin Xoossaa Qaalay nuuni nu huuphe ooso xallaa xeellana bessiyoogaa yootees. (Read Matthew 12: 40; 16: 21.) Because of our imperfection, God's Word tells us to treat others with respect, but it shows that we should not be interested in our work. Paydo 3 What circumstances were Christians facing when Peter wrote his first letter? 3 Geeshsha Maxaafay yootiyoogaadan, "Xoossaa sarotettai " " ta wozanaanne ta qofaa ' naagiis. (Pili. 8 - 12. According to the Bible, "the peace of God " protects my mind and heart. A ba biittaa sharbbiyaa qacaasu He allowed them to undergo this trial, just as he permits all Christians to face trials of various sorts. She told her that she would not give her a thousand pieces of silver " Geeshsha Ayyaanay Xoossaabaa Geemettida Yohuwaa Qorees ' SINTTAA 24 13: 11. 24 Imitate Their Faith - "The Holy Spirit " Neeni woy ne dabboy waayettiyo wode, Xoossay kelttiyaa gelana koshshishin eesuwan maaddibeenna gaada qoppiyoogee metenna. " THE cross, " says one encyclopedia, "is the most familiar symbol of Christianity. " When you suffer from a friend or a relative, it is easier to imagine that God does not intervene. Amarida ishantti yayyidi hegan xoonettidosona. The seven public figures Luke names are well - known to historians. Some brothers succumbed to fear. Intte eeqaa beˈanaunne bochanau danddayiyaaba gidikkokka, au goynniyoogee, tummuppe bashshaa kaalettiya, pattennabaa kaalliyoogaa. - Maz. Gloria and I love Bethel life. Even if your worship can cause you to see what is happening to them and to worship him, it will be no better to follow the lead. - Ps. Neeyyo keehippe koshshiyaabay aybakko qoppa; kaseegaappe daro miishshaa demmiyoogeeyye, Yihoowaara deˈiya dabbotay? Knowing the damage the person has already caused, they may be tempted to express their own feelings about the individual's actions and attitude. Think of the most important things you have, or do you treasure your relationship with Jehovah? Nuuni tumaa mintti oyqqanau ay oottana bessiyaakkokka qonccissees. The doctrine of the immortality of the soul raised questions: Where do souls go after death? It also shows how we should work hard to reach the truth. 14: 18. 34: 10; 37: 25. 14: 18. (Maatiyoosa 12: 40; 16: 21 nabbaba.) At sundown, Nisan 15 began, meaning that the regular weekly Sabbath (Saturday) that year coincided with the first day of the Festival of Unfermented Cakes, which was always a sabbath. (Read Matthew 12: 40; 16: 21.) PHeexiroosi koyro dabddaabbiyaa xaafiyo wode, Kiristtaanetu bolli aybi gakkiiddi deˈii? To answer that, it is useful to note how the Romans considered religions in general. When Peter wrote his first letter, what encouragement did Christians face? 8 - 12. Once, during a much needed vacation in Sweden, Ted said: "Melita, the preaching work is banned in Poland, and I would love to help the brothers there. " 8 - 12. Yihooway ubba Kiristtaanetu bolli dumma dumma paacee gakkanaadan paqqadiyoogaadan, he ishatu bollikka hegaa mala metoy gakkanaadan paqqadiis. Hence, Herod had James killed "by the sword. " Just as Jehovah allows all Christians to face various trials, so he allowed this problem to bring such problems to the brothers. 13: 11. Third, our prayers must be in harmony with God's will. 13: 11. ISSI insaykilooppiidee, "masqqalee Kiristtaanetuyyo waanna malaata " yaagiis. And he named the second one Ephraim, for he said, " God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction. ' " " IT IS a sign of the primary sign of Christianity. " Luqaasi yootido laappun asati taarikiyan erettoosona. What is one important factor that led to the defilement of true worship, and what significant doctrine came to the fore? Luke's Gospel is recorded in Luke's account. Beeteele deˈoy Gloriyoonne tana ufayssees. By maintaining a realistic estimate of your physical, mental, and emotional abilities, you will be less likely to become overwhelmed by anxiety, for you will be relying on God. I was happy and happy. He uri gattido qohuwaa eriyo gishshau, i oottidobaanne a qofaa xeelliyaagan banttau siyettiyaaba yootanau paacettana danddayoosona. 18, 19. Because of the consequences of disfellowshipping, a person may be tempted to express his opinion regarding the consequences of his actions and his feelings. SHemppoy hayqqenna giyo timirttee: Asi hayqqiyo wode shemppoy awa bii? To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. The doctrine: When the immortality of the soul dies, does man die? 34: 10; 37: 25. But in recent years, something has changed. 34: 10; 37: 25. Away wulliyo wode Niisaana 15y doommiis; hegaa gishshau, saaminttaa Sambbatay (Qeeraa gallassi) he laytti Oyttaa Baalaa bonchiyoogaa doommiyo, ubbatoo sambbata gidida gallassaara issuwaa gidiis. Then the opposition came - hard and fast. At sunset on Nisan 15, the sun began to be set on Nisan 15 days, so it was time for the Sabbath to be built on the Sabbath each day. Hegaa zaaranawu, Rooma biittaa asay haymaanooteta waati xeelliyaakko akeekiyoogee maaddees. We need to learn how to apply Bible principles in our life. To answer, it is helpful to understand the view of the Roman Empire. Nuuni shemppanawu Siwidine biitti biido wode, Tedi issitoo, "Melitee, sibikatiyaa oosoy Poolandde biittan digettido gishshawu, taani yan deˈiya ishantta maaddanawu koyays " yaagiis. " " Yes ' and yet " No ' "? When we arrived in Sweden, Ted said: "At times, I wanted to help the brothers in Poland, so I would like to help them. " Yaatiyo gishshau, Heeroodisi "Yaaqooba bisuwan worissiis. " It is important to consider this aspect of recreation. So " Herod joined himself with the sword of the sword. " (Yohaannisa 14: 6) Heezzanttuwan, nu woossay Xoossaa sheniyaara maayettana bessees. What can you learn from Daniel's example? Third, pray for God's will to be done in our behalf. Naa77antto na7aa Efireema sunttiis; aissi giikko, i, " Xoossai taayyo ta tuggatido biittan tana aifissiis ' yaagiis. " To worry continually means to plague oneself, vex oneself, persecute oneself. It causes great anxiety. He called the second son of Ephraim, for he said: "It is God who gives me rain upon my soul. ' " Tumu goynuwaa hambbalaashida issi waannabay aybee, hegee hambbalaashido, Kiristtaane ammanuwan keehippe koshshiyaabatuppe issoy aybee? It refers to a personality that is "created according to God's will. " What is the key to maintaining true worship, and what is one of the most important aspects of Christian faith? 6: 8) Hegee neeni ne huuphiyan ammanettiyoogaappe Xoossan ammanettanaadan maaddees. Xoossaa siiquwaanne a maaduwaa akeekiyo wode, qofissiyaaban darin unˈˈettennan aggana danddayaasa. Linked by a Belief This can help you to build trust in God when you see your trust in him and his support. 18, 19. Instead of worrying about the end of the world, they became confident that God will remove the problems plaguing mankind and will restore the earth to a paradise. 18, 19. Miishsha immanawu koyikko, www.jw.org xomoosa. By empowering Moses with holy spirit, Jehovah continued to lead His people. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. SHin, mata wodeppe doommidi issi issibay laamettiis. " That intervention will be "the war of the great day of God the Almighty " - Armageddon. - Rev. In recent years, however, some changes have been changed. " Beni Wode Asay Tamaa Waati Ekkidi Bii? Why can we conclude from the Scriptures that congregations are interested in the care of elderly members? Do You Appreciate What Does the Bible Really Teach? SHin sohuwaara, eta morkketi yiidi eta oosuwaa digganawu malidosona. While it can include affection and warmth, it is primarily identified by unselfish actions for the good of others. Soon, however, their enemies came and tried to stop their work. 4: 4) Nuuni Geeshsha Maxaafaa maaraa waatidi oosuwan peeshshana danddayiyaakko erana bessees. Give an example. We must learn how to apply Bible principles. Asay Biittaa Muleera Xayssanee? Many Kingdom publishers share in public witnessing and enjoy directing people to our website, jw.org (See paragraphs 12, 13) Will the Earth Come to an End? Allaxxiyoogaa xeelliyaagan hegaa qoppiyoogee keehippe koshshiyaaba. Solomon likely learned much about courage from his own father. In his youth, David fought wild animals that carried off his father's sheep. This is especially important when it comes to thinking about recreation. Daaneela leemisuwaappe ay tamaarana danddayay? He wrote his first inspired letter. What can you learn from Daniel's example? Eti wonttin qammin bantta mooruwaabaa qoppiyoogan azzanoosonanne unˈˈettoosona. To serve properly in such a capacity, a man must qualify spiritually. They will feel overwhelmed by anxiety and depression over their transgressions. 3: 10) He qofay "Xoossaa leemisuwan merettida " eeshshaa qonccissiyaaba. How so? Moses received great authority, for Jehovah commissioned him to lead Israel. That expression is reflected in "the image of God. " Issi Ammanuwaara Gayttidaba 3 Predicting the Future One Faith in Faith Eti alamiyaa xayuwaabaa hirggiyoogaa aggidi, Xoossay asaa naata gakkiya metuwaa xayssanaagaanne biittaa gannate kessanaagaa ammanettoosona. Mine was to Paraguay. Rather than focusing on the destruction of the world, they trust that God will bring an end to suffering and bring an end to human suffering. Muusessi ba geeshsha ayyaanaa wolqqaa immidi, Yihooway ba asaa ubbatoo kaalettiis. Even some opposers acknowledge this fact. Jehovah has always guided Moses, giving his holy spirit, and he has guided his people. (Ajj. 19: 11 - 16) Hegee "Ubbaappe Wolqqaama Xoossaa gita [gallassaa] " olaa, giishin Armmageedoona gidana. - Ajj. What convinces me that Bible standards are always for my own good? ' - Isa. That will be the "great day of God the Almighty " - Armageddon. - Rev. Gubaaˈee cima asaa maaddana koshshiyoogaa Geeshsha Maxaafay waatidi qonccissii? All the wisdom and knowledge of God are hidden, or are dwelling, in Christ, and there is no better way for us to learn about Jehovah than by carefully learning all that we can about Jesus. How does the Bible indicate that congregation elders need help? He siiqoy issi uraa wozanappe siiqanaadan ootteesippe attin, nuuyyo siyettiyaaba xalla gidenna. Why is it vital that we be led by holy spirit? That love moves us to love someone rather than merely merely because of a lack of love. Leemisuwaa yoota. For one thing, they were helped to give up drunken bouts and revelries by cultivating self - control, a quality that is developed with the help of God's holy spirit. Illustrate. Kawotettaabaa aassiya daroti dabaaban markkattoosona, qassi jw.org giyo nu weyb sayttiyaa asay beˈanaadan maaddoosona (Mentto 12, 13 xeella) WHY are you convinced that Jehovah loves his people? Many Kingdom publishers share in public witnessing and help us to see our website, jw.org (See paragraphs 12, 13) Xala gidiyoogaa xeelliyaagan Solomoni darobaa tamaaridoy ba aawaappe gidennan aggenna. During the hours we were there, surrounded by our Christian brothers and sisters, we felt that we were able to place our burden on Jehovah, and we experienced a measure of inner calm. " Solomon may have learned much about courage from his father. Ayyaanaa kaaletuwan i ba koyro dabddaabbiyaa xaafiis. 11 Is It Possible to Build Faith in a Creator? He wrote his first letter to the Corinthians. Hegaa malabaa bessiyaagaadan oottanau, issi attuma asi ayyaanaaban gidaa kunttana koshshees. He said: "I do take the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today, that I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life in order that you may keep alive, you and your offspring, by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice and by sticking to him. " To do so, a man needs to have a spiritual need. Muusee Israaˈeelata kaalettanaadan Yihooway sunttido gishshau, ayyo gita aawatettay imettiis. The word "deaden " indicates that we must take strong measures to fight against immoral fleshly desires. Because Moses was commissioned to lead the Israelites, Jehovah was entrusted with weighty responsibilities. 3 Sinttanaabaa Yootiyoogaa Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. 3 The Bible Changes Lives Taagee Paraguwaye biittaa. (b) From Paul, what can we learn about serving God without regrets? In turn, I was told to move to the country. Nuna ixxiya issi issi asatikka hegaa kashi gookkona. However, one youth crossed out the name Jesus on the survey and wrote "God " instead. Some who oppose us do not share it with them. Geeshsha Maxaafaa maaray awudekka tana goˈˈees gaada taani ammananaadan oottiyay aybee? ' - Isi. What should we remember if we are privileged to offer public prayer? What convinces me that Bible principles have always benefited me? ' - Isa. (Yohaannisa 14: 9) Xoossaa aadhida eratettaanne era ubbay geemettidoy woykko deˈiyoy Kiristtoosaana; Yihoowabaa eranau nuuyyo danddayettida ubban Yesuusabaa akeekan xannaˈiyoogaappe aadhiya ogee baawa. " It walked in the fear of Jehovah and in the comfort of the holy spirit. " All of God's wisdom and wisdom will be able to learn more about Jehovah and Jesus, no matter where we can learn more about him. Nuuni geeshsha ayyaanaa kaaletuwaa kaalliyoogee keehi koshshiyaaba gididoy aybissee? THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST DEVOURS THE HARLOT Why is it vital that we follow the direction of holy spirit? Issi ogee, eti Xoossaa ayyaanay maaddin, bantta huuphiyaa naagiyo eeshshan dichaa bessidi, mattottiyoogaanne cayiyoogaa agganau maaduwaa demmidoogaa. (b) How can our love motivate us to help others in the congregation? One way is by asking God's spirit to help them progress, help them to progress toward maturity, and to avoid any obstacles that they have made. YIHOOWAY ba asaa siiqiyoogaa neeni ammaniyoy aybissee? This is obedience from the heart. " WHY do you believe that Jehovah loves his people? Nu ishatuuranne nu michotuura yan aattiyo saatiyan nu tohuwaa Yihoowa bolli wottiyoobadan nuuyyo siyettees; qassi amarida hanotan woppaa demmoos " yaagaasu. (Maz. What a fine example for us! - 2 Chron. 29: 1 - 19. When we spend time with our brothers and sisters, we feel at home with Jehovah, and we feel secure in our heart. " I: "Taani intte sinttan de7 uwaanne haiquwaa, anjjuwaanne qanggettaa wottidoogau hachchi saluwaanne sa7aa intte bolli markkayana; simmi inttenne intte zaree de7 uwan de7ana mala, de7 uwaa doorite. GODAA intte Xoossaa siiqite; a qaalaa siyite, ayyo azazettite; aara ohettite. Paul wrote that "Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep in death. " He said: "Take your life before you in front of the heavens and the earth and the curse of death and death and the things that you have set before him, and choose life so that you may live, you and your descendants, by loving Jehovah your God, by sticking to him, by listening to him, by sticking to him, by sticking to him, by sticking to him, by sticking to him, and by sticking to him, by sticking to him, by sticking to him, and by sticking to him, and by sticking to him, by sticking to him, by sticking to him, and by sticking to his voice, and by sticking to his voice, and by sticking to him, and by sticking to him, and by sticking to him, by sticking to him, and by sticking to him, by sticking to him, and by sticking to " Worite " giya qaalay nuuni bessenna asho gaytotettaa polanaadan denttettiya asatettaa amuwaa eqettana koshshiyoogaa bessees. My wife, Maria, learned the truth in Ukraine in the middle of World War II. The expression "holy acts of conduct " implies that we must resist immoral desires. Hara qonccissoy imettana xayikko, xiqiseti ekettidoy Wolayttatto Geeshsha Maxaafaappe. " NW " giyaagee xiqisee Ooratta Alamiyaa Geeshsha Maxaafaappe ekettidoogaa bessees. My relatives and former friends cannot believe how much I have changed. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. (b) Nuuni PHauloosa leemisuwaappe ay tamaarana danddayiyoo? Regarding the way we should communicate with others, Paul wrote: "Let your utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt. " (b) What can we learn from Paul's example? SHin issi yelagiyaa Yesuusa giya sunttaa quccada a sohuwan "Xoossaa " gaada xaafaasu. Among "the deep things of God " revealed during the first century was that the tabernacle and later the temples foreshadowed a much greater spiritual reality. But just a young woman replaced Jesus with the title "God's name. " Nuuni cora asaa kalˈˈatidi woossiyo maataa demmiyo wode ay akeekana koshshii? How can self - discipline help us to reach a spiritual goal? What should we bear in mind when we pray for a large crowd? " Yihoowassi yayyiyoogaaninne Geeshsha Ayyaanaa maaduwan ' woykko minttettuwan hemettido gishshataassa. Avoid making your child your confidant or letting him or her act as a mediator or messenger between you and your ex - spouse. Because "the fear of Jehovah began to fear and through the comfort of the holy spirit. " DOˈAA MISILEE SHAARAMUXIYO MAANA The word "discovered " can also be rendered" found out " or "laid bare. " FROM OUR COVER (b) Nuuni gubaaˈiyan deˈiyaageeta maaddanaadan siiqoy waati denttettana danddayii? Why is Jehovah the only rightful Sovereign? (b) How can love move us to help those in the congregation? Hegee wozanappe azazettiyoogaa " yaagiis. At times, we may not know what to say in our private prayers. It is a heartfelt obedience. " Abay nuussi loˈˈo leemiso gidees. - 2 Odiya 29: 1 - 19. It was through Judah, Jacob's fourth son by Leah. - Gen. He sets a fine example for us. - 2 Chron. 29: 1 - 19. PHawuloosi "Kiristtoosi haiqqidaageetu dendduwaassi baira gididi, haiquwaappe " denddidoogaa yootiis. The fields are indeed ripe for harvesting. Paul described Christ as "the firstfruits of the dead, who are raised from the dead. " Kumetta wozanaa naagidi deˈanau nuna aybi maaddii? Others acknowledge that he existed but assert that he was just an ordinary man who has long been dead. What will help us to maintain a complete heart? Ta machiyaa Maariya Naaˈˈantto Alamiyaa Olaa wode tumaa Yukreenen siyaasu. 13 - 15. (a) What assignment did the prophet Samuel receive? My wife, Maria, listened as she attended the truth during World War II. Ta dabbotinne ta kase laggeti taani hegaadan laamettidoogan keehippe garamettidosona. JESUS promoted respect for God's Word, the Bible. My relatives and friends were amazed at how much I had done so. Haratuura haasayana koshshiya ogiyaa xeelliyaagan PHauloosi: "Intte haasayai ubba wode, siyanau kehiyaagaanne ufaissiyaagaa gidanau bessees " yaagidi xaafiis. 24: 3. Regarding the need for communication with others, Paul wrote: "Let your utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt. " " Xoossaabaa geemettida yohotun ' koyro xeetu layttan qonccidabaappe issoy gayttiyo dunkkaanee, guyyeppe beeta maqidasee gita gidida ayyaanaabau eesho gidiyoogaa. How can we prevent family difficulties from depriving us of the prize? One of the first - century events that were part of "the deep things of God " revealed in the first century was that the temple was a great spiritual temple. Nuuni nu huuphiyaa naagiyoogee ayyaanaabaa hoolliyaa gakkanaadan nuna waati maaddana danddayii? No one should hastily give up service privileges, and it may not always be necessary. How can self - discipline help us to set spiritual goals? (1 Qoronttoosa 13: 11) Ne naˈau woy naˈeeyyo ne xuuraa yootoppa woykko neessinne ne kase aqo laggiyaassi gaannatanaadan woy au woy iyyo kiitaa yootanaadan oottoppa. How did this benefit Apollos? Do not let your child or your daughter know whether you are a friend or a loved one before or a close friend. " Qonccana " giya qaalay "erettana " woykko" qaarettana " geetettanaukka danddayees. We ascended a path that took us to the brow of a hill. In addition to "a single word, " the term" oil " can also be rendered " or" a burden. " Ubbabaa haariyo maatay deˈiyoy Yihoowa xalla gidiyoy aybissee? Consider how a businessman might compose a letter. Why is Jehovah the only Person who has the right to rule? Issi issitoo, nu buzo woosaa woossiyo wode, woygi woossanaakko erennan aggana danddayoos. Thus, the organization looks for ways to reduce expenses and simplify the work so as to be able to accomplish the most that it can with your generous donations. At times, we may be aware of how to pray in our personal prayers. Masiyawu mayzza aawa gididay Liyiyyo oyddantto naˈaa gidida Yihuda. - Doo. 20: 1 - 3, 6. In the fourth century B.C.E., the Messiah's son Judas Iscariot was the fourth son of Judah. - Gen. Kattay cahaa bessiis. Resurrect People? The harvest season showed interest in the harvest. Harati i deˈida asa gidiyoogaa ammanoosona; shin daro wodiyaappe kase hayqqida, hara asappe dummatenna asa goosona. What could be more satisfying than teaching someone the truth? Others believe that he was a man, but many others say that he was a person who died long ago. 13 - 15. (a) Hananabaa yootiya Sameelawu immettida oosoy aybee? How vital that we read God's Word daily and meditate on what it says, thus absorbing Jehovah's thoughts and views! 13 - 15. (a) What assignment did the prophet Samuel receive? YESUUSI Xoossaa Qaalaa, Geeshsha Maxaafaa bonchanaadan minttettiis. Music makes you feel a feeling. JESUS encouraged him to respect God's Word, the Bible. 24: 3. How? 24: 3. So asaa giddon merettiya metoy woytuwaa nuuppe halissennaadan waatana danddayiyoo? Being the Life - Giver, Jehovah is our Father; the relationship between him and us is that of a father to his children. How can we prevent the prize from loseing our reward? Ooninne kumetta wode haggaazuwaa dirbbidi aggana koshshenna; qassi hegaadan oottiyoogee darotoo koshshennaba gidana danddayees. A caring parent, on the contrary, would try to alleviate a child's suffering. Each person should not be quick to give up in the full - time ministry; nor can it be a challenge to do so. 18: 24 - 26) Hegee Aphiloosa waatidi maaddidee? What is your resolve when it comes to your use of free will? How did this help Apollos? Nuuni he deriyawu pude kiyida. How is Jesus ' sense of urgency being imitated today? We lived up to that relationship. Issi ooso keettaa halaqay dabddaabbiyaa waatidi xaafana danddayiyaakko qoppa. This does not mean that we should retreat behind a wall of silence, which blocks necessary communication. Consider how one manager might write a job. Hegaa gishshawu, dirijjitee kaseegaadan miishshaa kessennan aggiyo ogiyaa koyees; qassi neeni kehatettan immiyo miishshaa loytti goˈettidi danddayettida keenan darobaa oottanawu oosuwaa poxxees. That naturally limited the scope of its readership. Hence, the organization is willing to limit money and is willing to use your talents as much as possible. 20: 1 - 3, 6. In addition to gifts of money and valuable personal property, there are other methods of giving to benefit Kingdom service worldwide. 20: 1 - 3, 6. Asaa tumaa tamaarissiyoogaappe aaruwan ufayssiyaabi deˈii? Secular work, a busy schedule, or fatigue because of our daily routine can make it difficult to attend meetings. Is there a joy in teaching people the truth? Geeshsha Maxaafaa galla galla nabbabidi hegaa wotti denttidi qoppiyoogan, Yihoowa qofaanne xeelaa akeekiyoogee keehi koshshiyaaba! How long does the judgment last? How important it is to read the Bible daily, meditate on it daily, and focus on Jehovah's thinking! Muuziqay neeyyo issibay siyettanaadan oottees. Jesus also said: "Because of the increasing of lawlessness, the love of the greater number will grow cold. " - Matthew 24: 12. HOW you feel about something that makes it possible for you to feel. Waatidi? Uwe explains: "David witnessed the unscriptural behavior of some fellow believers. How? (Luq. 3: 38; Maa. Although only one Jew is mentioned here, in both instances the pronoun "you " refers to more than one person. By means of his holy spirit, Jesus had to do so. Hegaadankka, Xoossay xillo asay metootanaadan oottenna. - Doo. Moses and Jeremiah felt inadequate when they received new assignments from Jehovah. Similarly, God does not allow humans to suffer. - Gen. Koyidobaa dooriyo maataa goˈettiyo wode ay oottanau murttadii? Jon: Yes, I was reading one of your publications, and it said that God's Kingdom started ruling in 1914. What are you determined to do when choosing free will? 6: 30 - 34) Yesuusa leemisuwaa kaallidi ha wodiyan issoti issoti waati mishettidi sabbakiyoonaa? If that is your situation, you can still help your children to come to know and love Jehovah. How have some today applied Jesus ' example of zeal for the preaching work? (Era. 3: 7) SHin hegee haasayennan agganawu lancciyoogaa gidenna. Other consequences would follow. But that is not the case with negative feelings. Hegee qassi daro asay Geeshsha Maxaafaa nabbabennaadan oottiis. Therefore, it cannot rightly be said to belong to any individual or congregation, whatever its legal title may indicate. This, in turn, has led many to fail to read the Bible. Miishshaappenne neeni goˈettiyo alˈˈoobaappe harabaa immiyoogankka, kumetta saˈan oottiyo Kawotettaa oosuwaa maaddana danddayaasa. Sound counsel indeed for the Colossians and for us today! In addition to gifts of money and valuable personal property, there are other methods of giving to benefit Kingdom service worldwide. Oosoy, darobaa oottana koshshiyoogee, woy galla galla oottiyooban daafuriyoogee nuuni gubaaˈe shiiquwaa shiiqanawu metootanaadan oottana danddayees. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE It can be difficult for us to attend Christian meetings, to attend the meetings, or to attend congregation meetings. Pirdday ay keena wodiyau takkii? 15: 6. How long does justice continue? (Maatiyoosa 24: 3, 7; Luqaasa 21: 10, 11; Ajjuutaa 6: 3 - 8) Yesuusi gujjidi hagaadan giis: "Makkalai dariyo gishshau, daro asaa siiqoi irxxana. " - Maatiyoosa 24: 12. All of us are subject to our own imperfections and those of others. Jesus also stated: "The love of money has become abundant for many. " - Matthew 24: 12. Uvi hagaadan giis: "Daawiti banaara issippe goynniyaageetuppe amaridaageeti Geeshsha Maxaafay yootiyoobaara maayettennabaa oottiyoogaa beˈiis. " By the word of Jehovah the heavens themselves were made, and by the spirit of his mouth all their army. " - PS. " The Bible Students saw something similar to what they had done in front of his fellow worshippers, " says David. 8: 23, NW) Ha sohuwan odettida Ayhuda bitanee issuwaa gidikkokka, naaˈˈusankka "inttenaara " geetettida qaalay issuwaappe daro asaa bessees. A further consideration of Paul's words recorded at 1 Corinthians 10: 13 leads us to this conclusion: There is no Scriptural reason to believe that Jehovah assesses in advance what we can bear and then, based on such an assessment, chooses which trials will befall us. Although the Jewish man mentioned here here, the Greek word rendered "fellow workers " also refers to the common people. Muuseenne Ermmaasi Yihooway etawu ooratta oosuwaa immin, danddayennabadan qoppidosona. (Kes. 4: 10; Erm. LOVE is Jehovah God's dominant quality. Moses and Jeremiah felt that Jehovah had given them new assignments. Yohaannisa: Ee, taani intte xuufetuppe issuwaa nabbabido wode, Xoossaa Kawotettay 1914n haariyoogaa doommidoogaa he xuufee yootiyoogaa akeekaas. What a pleasure it is to offer practical, appealing, and attractive literature in the ministry! Jon: Yes, when I read one of your publications, I realized that the Kingdom began ruling in 1914. 3: 15) Intte hanotay hegaa mala gidikkokka, intte intte naati Yihoowa eranaadaaninne a siiqanaadan maaddana danddayeeta. A just and holy God, he could not ignore even accidental bloodshed. Even if that is true in your case, you can help your children to come to know Jehovah and love him. Hegee kaalettiyo harabaykka deˈees. Our task is not simply to tell people that if they turn to God, he will help them with all their problems and they will feel better. There is another way. Yaatiyo gishshawu, higgiyan erettiyo sunttay ayba gidinkka, he keettay issi uraabaa woy gubaaˈiyaabaa geetettana danddayenna. This led to rebellion against Jehovah and his representatives. Thus, no member of the law can rightly say that no one can be called an individual or a ministerial servant. (Ibraawe 5: 13, 14) Ha zoree Qolasiyaasa Kiristtaanetussinne ha wodiyan deˈiya nuussi goˈˈiya zore! In fact, a lack of support is now reflected in the news media, where religion and religious leaders are increasingly coming under attack. How wise it is for Christians today to apply the counsel given to us and benefit us today! Ichashe 9 - 15, 2012 A mature Christian wants to - yes, strives to - build bridges, not walls. 9 Did You Know? (Mekisiiko), Naa. Also by means of holy spirit, Christ gave "gifts in men, " some" as shepherds and teachers " in the congregation. (See paragraphs 2, 8) 7: 9. It is a "secret place " because it is unknown to people who lack spiritual vision and do not trust in God. 7: 9. 3: 2) Hegee tuma. Nuuni woy harati polo gidennaagaappe denddidaagan, nuuni ubbay qohettana danddayoos. Christendom's Trinitarian God? Hinduism's Brahma? The Buddha? Or someone else? This is true of all of us, whether others are imperfect or not. " GODAA qaalan saloti merettidosona. A doonaappe kiyiya shemppuwan etan de7iya awai, aginainne xoolintteti oosettidosona. " - MAZ. You can get to know the Bible in the same way. " Jehovah's mouth is stars and stars, and the stars of his mouth are stars. " - PS. PHawuloosi xaafido, 1 Qoronttoosa 10: 13n deˈiya qofaa loytti pilggiyoogee nuuni hagaadan kuuyanaadan oottees: Nuuni genccana danddayiyoobaa Yihooway kaseti yiggi xeellees, yaatidi he yiggi xeellidobaappe denddidaagan nuna gakkana paaciyaa doorees giidi ammananaadan oottiyaabi Geeshsha Maxaafan baawa. We need to guard against losing sight of this vital issue. A careful consideration of Paul's words found at 1 Corinthians 10: 13, 13 helps us to reason on what we can learn about Jehovah's ability to make wise decisions and to evaluate them. SIIQOY Xoossaa Yihoowa waanna eeshsha. A Special Gift From Jehovah LOVED ONE is Jehovah God's principal attributes. Maaddiya, ufayssiyaanne loˈˈiya xuufeta haggaazuwan asawu immiyoogee keehi ufayssiyaaba! 3 A Prophecy of Enormous Importance What a pleasure it is to offer our Bible - based publications and fine literature in the ministry! (Lee. 6: 16, 17) I suure pirddiya geeshsha Xoossaa gidiyo gishshawu, issi uri erennan asa worikkokka coˈˈu giidi xeellenna. In that illustration, he described the opportunity extended to different ones to come in line for the Kingdom of the heavens. Since he is a righteous servant of God, he will not be disfellowshipped if a person does not realize that he is a righteous person. Nu oosoy, asay Xoossaakko simmiyaaba gidikko, i eta gakkiya meto ubban maaddanaagaanne eti woppaa demmanaagaa yootiyoogaa gidenna. 2, 3. (a) Christian youths should be careful to avoid what? If our work is difficult to draw people back from God, he does not give them comfort and relief. Hegee eti Yihoowa bollinne a kalˈˈatiyaageetu bolli makkalanaadan oottiis. How thankful we are that love - "a perfect bond of union " - prevails among us regardless of our background or national origin! This led to the rebellion against Jehovah and his people. (Ajj. 16: 12; 17: 15 - 18; 18: 7, 8, 21) Asay haymaanootiyaanne haymaanootiyaa kaalettiyaageeta televizhiiniyaanne gaazeexaa malabatun toochiyoogee eta kaseegaadan maaddennaagaa qonccissees. Although mankind is now more horribly divided than ever, unity continues to distinguish true worshippers. The concept of religious leaders and religious leaders confirms that this is not the same as the clergy of Christendom. Kayma Kiristtaanee sigettanawu koyeesippe attin, harata metiya ura gidanawu koyenna. Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother's eye but do not notice the rafter in your own eye? A mature Christian does not want to be overly critical, but he does not want to be overly critical. Kiristtoosi geeshsha ayyaanaa baggaara "imota " gidida attuma asatakka immiis; etappe amaridaageeti Kiristtaane gubaaˈiyaa heemmiyaageetanne" tamaarissiyaageeta. " Sadly, however, on July 22, 2011, Bano was one of the 77 victims whose lives were cut short by an extremist, who boasted: "I wish to apologize... that I wasn't able to execute more. " By means of holy spirit, Christ has given men "gifts in men " and teachers of the Christian congregation. Xoossan ammanettennaageeti he sohuwaa erokkona. To help your child open up, ask viewpoint questions. Those who put faith in God do not know it. Kiristtaane giyo ammanuwaa Sillaaseeyye, Hinduyizeme Brahaameyye, Budahayiyye woy hara xoossee? That is why the Bible calls Adam a "son of God, " and Jesus taught his followers to address God as" our Father in the heavens. " Or do you call Christendom, or do you stand up as a Christian? Or do you walk up to the temple, or do you have to do something else? Geeshsha Maxaafaakka neeni erana danddayiyoy hegaa mala hanotaana. A person who shows compassion is moved to relieve others ' suffering, perhaps by helping them out of their difficulties. You too can know what the Bible says. Nuuni ha gita allaalliyaa qoppiyoogaa aggennaadan naagettana bessees. This article and the next will examine how parents can follow Jesus ' example. We need to stay on guard against this big issue. Yihooway Immido Dumma Imotaa With good reason, we should heed Jesus ' warning: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare. " Jehovah's Reminders Today 3 Keehippe Koshshiya Hiraagaa When we share in the field ministry, not only do we build faith in others but our own faith grows. 3 A Prophecy - A Prophecy of Prophecy He leemisuwan, saluwaa Kawotettaa laattana danddayiya dumma dumma asati shoobettidoogaa qonccissiis. (See opening picture.) (b) What questions might we need to ask ourselves, and why? In the parable, a special invitation to receive heavenly Kingdom is made to receive a special invitation. 2, 3. (a) Yihoowa Markka gidida yelagati ay mala qofaa qoppennaadan naagettana bessii? God has assigned this responsibility to the parents, not to grandparents or to anyone else. 2, 3. (a) What self - examination must young ones avoid? 3: 12 - 14) Nuuni diccido wogay woy nu biittay issi mala gidin aggin, "issippe shiishshi qachchiya " siiqoy nu giddon deˈiyo gishshawu, keehi galatoos! Also, as we considered in paragraph 12, Jesus ' " arriving ' mentioned at Matthew 25: 31 refers to that same future time of judgment. How thankful we are, whether our culture or culture differs from that of "the whole world "! Ha wodiyan asay awudeegaappenne aaruwan shaahettidaba gidikkonne, issippetettay tumu Kiristtaaneti dummatidi erettanaadan oottees. 19: 6. Although people today live in different parts of the world, true Christians view themselves as different from true Christians. Ne aifiyan de7iya tuussaa be7akka; shin ne ishaa aifiyan de7iya suullaa aissi xeellai? What, though, if your children do not seem to be making spiritual progress - perhaps even questioning their faith? And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but why seeest thou not the mote that is in thine own eye? SHin otoruwan, "Taani hegaappe daro asaa worabeenna gishshau,... mooraas " yaagida issi bitanee, Isiine 22, 2011n worido 77 asatuppe issinniyaa Baano gidiyoogee azzanttiyaaba. 16, 17. Sadly, though, one man said, "I'm angry with you because I didn't repent of the people. " Intte naˈay ba qofaa yootanaadan oychiyoogan i ba wozanan deˈiyaabaa odanaadan maaddite. Especially when someone close to us abandons the truth must we remember that Jehovah always merits our primary loyalty. - Read Matthew 22: 37. Help your child to reason on what he says in his heart. Hegaa gishshawu, Geeshsha Maxaafay Addaama "Xoossaa na7aa " gees; qassi Yesuusi bana kaalliyaageeti Xoossaa" saluwan de7iya nu Aawau " gaanaadan tamaarissiis. When you read the Bible "in an undertone, " it will help you to fix attention on portions that are especially useful and encouraging to you at that moment. Thus, the Bible calls Adam "the Son of God, " and Jesus taught his followers to pray:" Our Father is God. " Qarettiya uri metootida uraa maaddiyoogan a waayiyaappe a shemppissees. Today, the Governing Body represents the faithful and discreet slave class. He is a compassionate person who takes note of the tribulation he needs to help someone in need. Ha huuphe yohoynne kaalliya huuphe yohoy aawaynne aayyiyaa Yesuusa leemisuwaa waati kaallana danddayiyaakko qonccissees. General words of encouragement and commendation are helpful, but Jesus ' message to Christians in Thyatira shows that being specific is better. This article and the following article will consider how Jesus ' parents can imitate Jesus. Yesuusi, "Muussan, ushshan, mattooninne aqossi hirggiyooban intte wozanai balenna mala, qassi intte qoppennan he gallassai intte bolli yeennaadan, inttena naagite " yaagido zoriyaa siyiyoogee bessiyaaba. I he gallassay nuna " piriyaadan oyqqenna mala ' naagettanaadan yootiis. (Luq. 21: 34, 35; Ajj. Since we owe our very existence to God and are dependent on him, we should view him as our Sovereign Lord. Jesus warned: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life. " Haggaaziyoogee haratu ammanuwaa minttiyoogaa xalla gidennan, nu ammanoykka minnanaadan oottees. Next, in that same prophecy, Jesus related the parable of the ten virgins. The field ministry also strengthens our faith and strengthens our faith. (Doomettan deˈiya misiliyaa xeella.) (b) Nuna woygidi oychana bessii, qassi aybissi? Can you imagine a world without warfare, sickness, or death? (See opening picture.) (b) What should we ask ourselves, and why? Yihooway he aawatettaa aawaassinne aayeessi immiisippe attin, aawaa aawaassi woy aayee aayeessi woy hara urassi immibeenna. 18, 19. Jehovah had not given that responsibility to care for the parents, nor to anyone else. 24: 30, 42, 44) Qassi, mentto 12n beˈidoogaadan, Maatiyoosa 25: 31n Yesuusi " yaanaagee ' odettidoy sinttappe i pirddana he wodiyaara gayttidaagaana. But after the congregation was formed, the Jews organized a mob to rid the city of Paul and Silas. As noted at Matthew 25: 31, this future event applies to Jesus ' coming as he foretold. 19: 6. Hence, it is fitting that the brain is designed to delegate, as it were, most digestive control to the ENS. 19: 6. Intte naati Yihoowaara dabbotaa minttanawu koyennaba, ubba bantta ammanuwaara gayttidabaa siriyaaba gidikkoshin? After he was resurrected, he ascended to heaven and presented the value of his sacrifice to Jehovah himself. What if your children do not want to strengthen their relationship with Jehovah? 16, 17. That is one reason why the Bible emphasizes the need to seek him earnestly, so that we can truly come to know him. 16, 17. Hegaa gishshawu, nuuni siiqiyo uri iitabaa oottidi tumaa aggikko, ubbappe aaruwan nuuni Yihoowawu ammanettana bessiyoogaa hassaya. - Maatiyoosa 22: 37 nabbaba. This account demonstrates that Jesus has the power and ability to bring our loved ones back to life and health in the coming new world. Therefore, remember that if someone loves us, our love for Jehovah will grow even more. - Read Matthew 22: 37. Geeshsha Maxaafaa " saasukkada ' nabbabiyoogee, goˈˈiyaanne minttettiya qofaa neeni akeekan qoppanaadan maaddees. Similarly, when a massive earthquake and resulting tsunami struck eastern Japan, many brothers and sisters suffered great losses. Reading the Bible, reading, and meditating on what you read will help you to focus on positive thoughts and positive thoughts. Ha wodiyan, Bollaara Heemmiyaagee ammanettida wozannaama ashkkaraa citaa kalˈˈatees. It is more likely that they would have used servants to do the actual carrying and burying. Today, the Governing Body referred to the faithful and discreet slave class. Xaaxi waaxidi minttettiyoogeenne galatiyoogee maaddiyaaba gidikkonne, Yesuusi Tiyaaxiroonan deˈiya Kiristtaanetussi odidobay issibaa dummayidi yootiyoogee loˈˈo gidiyoogaa bessees. I have finally found true freedom. The encouragement and encouragement that Jesus gave to Christians in Thyatira shows that giving encouragement is best for Christians living in Thyatira. 33: 22) Nuna medhiday Xoossaa, qassi nuuni zemppiyoy aana gidiyo gishshau, a Ubbaa Haariya nu Godaa ootti xeellana koshshees. Sad to say, many individuals in this world have a casual attitude toward marriage. We should view our Creator as our Creator and our Sovereign Lord Jehovah, because he is the Creator of all things. Hegaappe simmin, Yesuusi he hiraagan tammu geelaˈotu leemisuwaa yootiis. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. Jesus then spoke of the parable of the ten virgins. Olay, sahoy woy hayqoy baynna alamiyaa qoppana danddayay? [ Footnote] Can you think of warfare, sickness, or death? 18, 19. Maurizio adds: "Gianni was sincere - and he was right. 18, 19. (Oos. 14: 23) SHin gubaaˈee eqqi simmin, PHauloosanne Sillaasa katamaappe kessanau Ayhudati daro asaa shiishshidosona. We all have reason to "be submissive " to the elders. However, after the time of the congregation, Paul and Silas gathered many people into the city of Rome. Hegaa gishshawu, qumay bolla giddon liiqiyo hanotaa he narbbe siraatay (ENS) xomoosanaadan guuggee oottidoogee bessiyaaba. ▪ "He doesn't have a personal name. " Thus, the digestive system is fittingly called the brain (a) the brain's brain. (Ibr. 4: 15; 5: 7 - 10) I hayquwaappe denddi saluwaa biidi, ba yarshshuwaa waagaa Yihoowayyo immiis. (Ibr. One such example involved Lot. During his sacrificial death and his sacrificial death, he presented sacrifices to Jehovah to the value of his sacrifice. Geeshsha Maxaafay nuuni Xoossaa tumuppe erana mala a mintti koyana bessiyoogaa yootiyo issi gaasoy hegaa. I felt humbled by the assignment. This is one reason why we should want to draw close to God. Matan yaana ooratta alamiyan nuuni siiqiyoogeeta hayquwaappe denttanaunne eti payya gididi deˈanaadan oottanau Yesuusau wolqqay deˈiyoogaa ha taarikee bessees. They had a strong influence on me. This account shows that Jesus ' power to resurrect us and equip us to remain alive in the new world. Jaappaanen arshsho baggan wolqqaama biittaa qaattay sunaami denttido wode nu ishantti keehi waayettidosona. Why should we hate what is bad? Our brothers were suffering because of a severe earthquake earthquake in Japan's eastern Japan. Eti bantta ashkkarati anhaa tookkanaadaaninne mooganaadan oottidoogee erettidaagaa. Zerah the Ethiopian has come against Judah with 1,000,000 men and 300 chariots. Of course, they would surely have to leave the dead and release them. Taani wurssettan tumu laˈatettaa demmaas. Clearly, we have strong evidence of God's blessing. I eventually found true freedom at last. (1 Qor. 7: 28) Ha alamiyan deˈiya daro asay aqo deˈuwaa bessiyaagaadan bonchennaagee azzanttiyaaba. (b) Why do we conclude that the fulfillment of that event still lies ahead? Sadly, many in the world have shown proper respect for marriage. Sa7an de7iya asai ubbai ta sintti shiiqana; heemmiyaagee dorssata deeshshatuppe shaakkiyoogaadan, taani he asaa naa77u kessada shaakkana. 11: 17 - 26, 33. And all the nations shall be gathered before him: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. [ Tohossa qofaa] They took a clear stand for Jehovah and against unrighteousness. [ Footnote] Mawuriziyoy hagaadan giis: "Jiyaani wozanappe qoppiya asa; qassi i giidobaykka likke. Hamel), 3 / 1 Jehovah " Daily Carries the Load for Me ' (M. du Raan), 8 / 15 " He was an honest person, and his words were right. Nuuni ubbay cimati " azaziyoogaa oottana ' koshshiyo gaasoy deˈees. About 22 years after Jesus died, the apostle Paul wrote that there had been upwards of 500 eyewitnesses who saw the resurrected Jesus and that most of them were still alive when Paul was writing. Of course, each of us needs to do the same. ▪ "Assi buzo suntti baawa. " And, as the Bible says, "commit to Jehovah whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. " - Prov. ▪ "There is no name in anyone else. " Hegeetuppe issoy Looxe leemisuwaa. In order for our prayers to be acceptable to God, we must sincerely endeavor to live up to his requirements. One of these is the example of Lot. Taani he maatay tawu imettana bessiyo asa gaada qoppabeykke. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. I didn't feel that I was worthy to receive that privilege. Eti tana loˈˈobawu keehi denttettidosona. Consequently, young Christians are encouraged to pursue spiritual goals, getting only as much education as is required to meet their basic needs while focusing on preparing themselves to serve Jehovah " with their whole heart, soul, strength, and mind. ' They don't help me better. Nuuni iitabaa ixxana koshshiyoy aybissee? " There is a direct link between bad timing and bad conversations. " - Sirppa. Why should we hate lawlessness? Zeraaha giyo issi Toophiyaa asi 1,000,000 olanchatanne 300 para gaareta ekkidi Yihudaa olanawu yiis. (2 Odi. Many, for example, define success in terms of outstanding achievement in financial, professional, or academic pursuits. A man who was then a Ethiopian official approached the Ethiopian's army and assembled Judah with a war chariots. Xoossay nuna anjjiiddi deˈiyoogee qoncce. He and his brother, Aaron, had endured the grumbling of the Israelites for years. Clearly, God is blessing us. (b) Nuuni hegee sinttappe hanana giidi qoppiyoy aybissee? Do you know whom Jehovah has chosen to be the future bride for his Son? (b) Why do we feel that these things will be future? 11: 17 - 26, 33. (a) Where and how did rebellion against Jehovah flare up after the Flood? 11: 17 - 26, 33. Eti Yihoowayyo exatidi iita oosuwaappe haakkidosona. " WHO is God? ' They were expelled from the wrath of Jehovah. Daro Layttau Geemmi Uttida Buquraa (Jorjjiyaa qaalaa Geeshsha Maxaafaa), 6 / 1 Sadly, though, from the days of Adam, each generation grows old and is replaced by another. " We Must Be Holy in All Our Conduct, " 6 / 15 Yesuusi hayqqido wodiyaappe 22 laytta gidiyaagee aadhi simmin kiitettida PHauloosi, Yesuusi hayquwaappe denddidaagaa 500ppe dariyaageeti beˈidoogaa, qassi i xaafiyo wode etappe daroti deˈon deˈiyoogaa yootiis. (1 Qor. Checks sent to the above address should be made payable to "Watchtower. " Some 22 years after Jesus ' death, the apostle Paul acknowledged that the resurrected Jesus was resurrected and that most of them were still alive. Qassi Geeshsha Maxaafay, "Ne oottiyoobaa ubbaa hadaraa GODAAYYO imma; yaatikko, neeni halchchidobai polettana " gees. - Lee. If she had skills in spinning and weaving, she could even run her own business. And the Bible promises: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do whatever you are doing. " - Prov. Gujo qofaa demmanawu, Tumuppe Geeshsha Maxaafay Tamaarissiyoy Aybee? Although still living with my wife, I was involved with other women. For more information, see chapter 3 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Hara qonccissoy imettana xayikko, xiqiseti Wolayttatto Geeshsha Maxaafaappe ekettidosona. Jehovah had a purpose in choosing the Israelites to be his people. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. (Luq. 12: 15) Hegaa gishshau, yelaga Kiristtaaneti banttau koshshiyaabaa kunttanau maaddiyaagaa keena timirtte xallaa tamaaridi, Yihoowayyo " bantta kumetta wozanaappe, shemppuwaappe, wolqqaappenne qofaappe ' oottiyoogan xeelaa wottidi, ayyaanaabaa hoolliyaa kaallanaadan minttettoos. (Luq. NOTHING seems more helpless than a newborn baby. As a young Christian, therefore, we encourage young ones to focus their lives on serving Jehovah, to focus their lives, and to pursue spiritual goals rather than on spiritual goals. " Likke gidenna wodiyan haasayiyoogee issoy haraara maara haasayennaadan oottees. " - Sirppo. Because of his rigorous methods of experimentation, Alhazen has been called the "world's first true scientist. " " communication is not always easy to communication with one another when it comes to communication. " - PS. Leemisuwau, duretiyoogee, loˈˈo oosuwaa oyqqiyoogee woy keehi tamaarida asa gidiyoogee deˈoy injjetiyoogaa bessees giidi daro asay qoppees. It would lie desolate. For example, many people think that life is more than merely a career - a career, a career, or a career. 20: 2 - 12) Muuseenne a ishaa Aarooni Israaˈeela asaa amassaliyaa daro layttau genccidosona. Rather, he said: "Your faith has saved you; go your way in peace. " For years, Moses and his brother, Aaron's brother, had been angry with the people of Israel for decades. Yihooway ba Naˈaassi sinttappe bullashettiyaaridan oottidi dooridoy oonakko eray? Are You Disappointed in God? Have you ever wondered who Jehovah chose the future bride for his Son? (a) Bashshaa Haattaappe simmin Yihoowa bolli makkaliyoogee awan doommidee, qassi waani doommidee? No matter how hard I fight, they are still there. (a) How did Jehovah begin to rebel against the Flood, and how did he begin? " XOOSSAY oonee? ' Examine what events will signal the end of our period of waiting for Jehovah to act against this wicked system. " Who is God? ' SHin Addaame wodiyaappe doommidi yeleta ubbay cimin hara yeletay sohuwaa ekkidoogee azzanttiyaaba. 110: 3; Prov. Sadly, though, from Adam's old age, all of Adam's offspring came from another place. CHeekiyan xaafettiya miishshaa qanxxiyoy oossakko bessiyoosan "Yeyihowa Misikiroch " gaana koshshees. Instead, he has allowed it to continue, not for any selfish reason, but for the everlasting benefit of his children on earth. In the New World Translation, it is needed to say that "there is no amount of money in the Holy Scriptures. " A suqqiyoogaaninne daddiyoogan qara gidikko, zalˈˈanakka danddayausu. Young ones need to get to know the congregation with which your family associates. She would also be able to participate in fine works if she was full - time. Taani ta macheera deˈikkokka, hara maccaasatuurakka gayttays. Is that not a worthwhile goal? Despite my wife, I also had other wives. Yihooway Israaˈeeleti ba asa gidanaadan halchuwan dooriis. Do whatever is needed to meet the Biblical requirements for baptism - the unique way to demonstrate gratitude for what God and Christ have done for us. Jehovah chose the Israelites to become a part of his purpose. GACINO naˈaagaa keenaa maado koshshiyo uri waayi deˈana. In Tallinn, contrary to the doctors ' prediction, Maria gave birth to a healthy son, Vitaly. YOU may need help as long as there are no need to be able to help with a child. Amarida asati " asa yohon geliyoogaappe attin, aynne oottokkona. ' And The Expanded Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words defines the word as "a wizard, sorcerer, a pretender to magic powers, a professor of the arts of witchcraft. " Some people do not "what they are doing, but they do not do. " Alhezeni saynisiyaara gayttida issi issibaa loyttidi xannaˈido gishshawu, issi issi asay a "koyro saynttistte " giidi qoppees. I prayed for wisdom, did research, examined my motives, and talked to mature brothers and sisters. According to one recent study, Alhazen's study is thought to be "a man named worker. " Eta biittay baysa gidana. (Read Romans 8: 5.) They would be there for them. Hegaappe, i: "Nena ne ammanoi ashshiis; saruwan ba " yaagiis. The first 39 books of the Bible were written by Israelites, or the Jews. Rather, he said: "Your faith has saved you, and your peace is upon you. " Xoossaa Ufayssana Danddayiyoo? As the earth is transformed into a paradise, "righteousness is what the inhabitants of the productive land will certainly learn. " - Isa. " Give Us More Faith, " 10 / 15 Taani keehi baaxetiyaaba gidikkokka, ta guuggiyaappe xayibookkona. Many of us love the work we do and would like to continue doing it indefinitely. Although I worked hard, my brain was not old. Yihooway ha iita alamiyaa xayssana wodee matidoogaa bessiya hanotati aybakko pilgga. What is a common complaint of both children and parents? To illustrate why Jehovah is nearing the end of this wicked system of things. 110: 3; Lee. To find out more about how you can live in a way that pleases God, see chapter 12 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? 110: 3; Prov. Yihooway daro wodiyaappe kase tugga ubbaa xayssanau, ubba qassi gakkennaadan oottanau danddayees. Young Ones - What Will You Do With Your Life? Jehovah can eliminate all suffering and even cause it to end all time. Naati bantta soo asay shiiqiyo gubaaˈiyaabaa loyttidi erana koshshees. and its accompanying worksheet on jw.org. Children need to know more about the needs of their families. Hegee loˈˈo hoolle gidennee? As a result, their faith in Jehovah and their trust in him became stronger! Is that not an excellent goal? Geeshsha Maxaafay yootiyo, xammaqettanau koshshiya gida ubbaa kuntta; hegee Xoossaynne Kiristtoosi nuussi oottidobaa nashshiyoogaa bessiyo loˈˈo oge. Offered Selves in Taiwan, 10 / 15 Being baptized in the Bible is a requirement for all who qualify for baptism, and this is an excellent way to show our appreciation for God and Christ. Taalinen, Maariya Vitaali giyo payya naˈaa yelaasu; hegee dottoreti yootidobaappe dumma. Catholic, the magazine that conducted the survey, said that many hold back from sharing their faith because of "the church's poor image with the recent sex abuse scandal and problematic church teachings. " Maria's father, Maria, had become a pregnant son, and this was the official. Ze Ekisppandid Vayns Ekisppoziteri Dikshineri of Niwu Testtament Words giyo maxaafay he qaalaa "shareechuwaa, bitiyaagaa, murunniyo wolqqay tau deˈees giyaagaa, kaayiyoogan erettidaagaa " giidi birshshees. In the days following, you can spend extra time with her. The New Encyclopædia Britannica states: "The strength of the New World Translation is like a burnt sword, but the strength of the Maʹpesʹpe has been made to me, " says The New Testament Dictionary of the New Testament Dictionary of A. Taani aadhida eraa demmanawu woossaas, pilggaas, ta koshshaa qoraasinne kayma ishanttuuranne michonttuura zorettaas. His travels to encourage his Christian brothers and sisters took him all over the world, and he was never too busy to spend time with individual Bethel family members and others who sought his fellowship, advice, and assistance. I prayed for wisdom, decided to examine my brothers ' motives, and the mature brothers and sisters. (Roome 8: 5 nabbaba.) When you consider those promises regarding God's Kingdom, can you see why the Kingdom means so much to Jesus? (Read Romans 8: 5.) Leemisuwawu, Geeshsha Maxaafan koyro 39 maxaafata Ayhudati woy Israaˈeelati xaafidosona. In his parable of the prodigal son, Jesus compared Jehovah to a compassionate, forgiving father who opens his arms to receive back a repentant son. For example, first - century Jews or Israel were directed to the Hebrew Scriptures. (Ajjuutaa 20: 12) Biittay gannatiyau laamettiyo wode, "sa7an de7 iya asai xillotettaa tamaarees. " - Isiyaasa 26: 9. JESUS CHRIST said: "My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. " Indeed, the earth's inhabitants will learn "the righteousness of righteousness. " - Isaiah 26: 9. Nuuppe daroti nu oosuwaa dosoos; qassi daro wodiyawu hegaa oottanawu koyoos. Jehovah wants us to know him. Most of us love our work, and we want to do so for a long time. Naatikka yelidaageetikka amassaliyo meeze gididabay aybee? Most of our neighbors were farmers, and I enjoyed farm life. What challenge exists between parents and children? giya maxaafaa shemppo 12 xeella. Think of this example. For more information, see chapter 12 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Yelagatoo - Intte Deˈuwan Ay Oottanau Qoppidetii? " Searching the heart " involves no medical exam of the literal heart, which in 70 or 80 years might beat some three billion times. Young Ones - What Did You Learn? giyaagaanne hegaara issippe deˈiya meeziyaa xeella. Jon: That sounds good. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Hegaappe denddidaagan, eti kaseegaappe aaruwan Yihoowa ammanidosonanne an ammanettidosona. God's willingness to accept Jesus ' sacrifice. - HEBREWS 13: 10 - 12. As a result, they put their trust in Jehovah and put faith in him. Woosa keettay mata wode, "ashuwaa gaytotettaa xeelliyaagan polido borssobaa gishshaunne tamaarissiyo gelenna timirttiyaa gishshau, " eta yametuppe daroti bantta ammanuwaabaa yootanau mammottiyoogaa, he xinaatiyau aawatiya Yu Es Kaatolik giyo maxeetee qonccissiis. 12, 13. In recent years, the church magazine explained that " many of them have been taught religious teachings and have tried to explain their beliefs about sexual morality, " says The Catholic Encyclopedia. Hara gallassi kaseegaappe daro wodiyaa iira aattana danddayaasa. And my parents and my friends know that they can trust me. " On the other hand, you may join him in the pioneer ministry. I kumetta saˈan deˈiya ishatanne michota minttettanawu darosaa yuuyiis; shin aara laggetanawu woy a zoriyaanne maaduwaa oychanawu koyiya Beeteele keettaa asa ubbaara wodiyaa aattennan aggi erenna. Like that man, Jesus possessed something of great value before he ascended to heaven. He traveled extensively to the brothers and sisters around the globe, but he did not know all the time to visit a family or who wanted to visit him. Xoossay ba Kawotettaa baggaara oottanawu gelido ha qaalaa neeni beˈiyo wode, Yesuusi he Kawotettaa xoqqu oottidi xeelliyoy aybissakko akeekadii? Nate Silver, another analyst, has interpreted statistics to help him make predictions about everything from U.S. politics to Hollywood film awards. When you see the fulfillment of this promise in God's Kingdom, do you see why Jesus value the Kingdom? Nu SHiiqoti Minettiyo Soho The seal signifies that they are God's possession and are in line for heavenly life. Our meeting attendance Yesuusi bayi beettida naˈaabaa yootido leemisuwan, ba mooruwaa aggidi simmiya naˈaa ufayssan mokkiya, qarettiyaanne atto giya aawan Yihoowa leemisiis. We also have over 7,000,000 fellow Witnesses of Jehovah worldwide. In Jesus ' illustration of his heavenly son, Jesus compared himself to a merciful and compassionate father who is willing to forgive repentant sinners. YESUUS KIRISTTOOSI, "Ta qumai tana kiittidaagee koyiyoobaa oottanaagaanne a oosuwaa polanaagaa " yaagiis. (Yoh. Besides helping young people to deal with problems, our publications help them to grow spiritually and draw close to Jehovah. JESUS CHRIST said: "My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. " Yihooway nuuni a eranaadan koyees. Others, like Elijah, "wandered about in deserts and mountains and caves and dens of the earth. " Jehovah wants us to know him. Nu shoorotuppe daroti goshshancha; taani goshshancha gidada ufayttada deˈaas. QUENCH THE FIRE OF UNCONTROLLED SPEECH Many of our neighbors were busy, and I enjoyed a happy life. Ha leemisuwaa qoppite. What Bible accounts gave Martha confidence in the resurrection? Consider this example. 17: 9, 10) " Wozanaa qoriyoogaa ' giyoogee 70 woy 80 layttaa giddon heezzu biiloone gidiyaagaa pinnipinniya wozanaa aakimeti qoriyoogaa gidenna. But what has been their aim until now? The expression "the minding of the heart " is not unique to over 70 years. Yohaannisa: Ee, koyays. Sadly, we are surrounded by people in the world who fit Paul's description. Jon: I would like that. Xoossay Yesuusa yarshshuwaa ekkanau eeno giidoogaa. - IBRAAWE 13: 10 - 12. The book of Jeremiah has much to tell us about the heart. 10: 10 - 12. 12, 13. WHEN you hear the word "glory, " what comes to your mind? 12, 13. Qassi tana yelidaageetinne ta laggeti tana ammanana danddayiyoogaa eroosona. " (Read Galatians 6: 4, 5.) And my parents knew that I could trust me. " He bitaniyaagaadan, saluwaa baanaappe kase Yesuusawu keehi alˈˈobay deˈees. But we recognize that Jehovah is the Supreme Sovereign, the only true God, whom we love with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. As a missionary, Jesus had something precious to heaven before he was born. Hanotaa yiggiya Nat Silver giyo hara asi qassi issi issi hanotaa akeekidi, Amarkkan deˈiya polotikaa hanotaappe biidi pilmiyaa oosuwan Holiwude woytuwaa ekkiya uraa gakkanawu kasetidi yootiis. You can use your singleness to cultivate spiritual discernment, generosity, industriousness, pleasantness, godly devotion, and a good reputation - invaluable for a happy family life. In the mid - 20th century B.C.E., a historian noted that a man's attitude toward politics was close to the political systems of the U.S.A. Ayyaanan tiyettida ammanettidaageeta kase wode gidin, haˈˈikka paramiyay woykko sinttanaabau " waase ' mala gidiyay Xoossaa geeshsha ayyaanaa. But what can we do when we are overwhelmed by feelings of anxiety? Whether faithful or old, God's holy spirit is still true, so it is still God's active force for "the righteous " or" the future. " Qassi, alame yuushuwan 7,000,000ppe dariya, nunaara issippe oottiya Yihoowa Markkati deˈoosona. We must recognize that our heart can lead us astray. In addition, there are more than 7,000,000 Witnesses of Jehovah worldwide. Nu xuufeti yelagati paaciyaa eqettanaadan maaddiyoogaa xalla gidennan, eti ayyaanaaban diccanaadaaninne Yihoowakko shiiqanaadankka maaddoosona. Though recorded some 2,500 years ago, this prophecy touches our very lives. Our publications do not only help young people to resist temptation but also help them to grow spiritually and to draw closer to Jehovah. Eelaasa mala harati "bazzon, deriyan, gonggolo giddooninne olla giddon yuuyidosona. " Some Bible passages can be understood by humans only at the proper time in history. Others were "in the mountains and in the mountains, in the mountains, in the mountains, and in the mountains. " NAAGETTENNAN HAASAYIYOOBAY QOHENNAADAN TEQQA They had lived "in the midst " of an apostate nation. WILL IT BE NO MORE? Martta dendduwaa ammananaadan oottida Geeshsha Maxaafaa taariketi awugeetee? Like teachers and instructors of the Bible in the past, Jehovah's Witnesses today are engaged in a Bible educational work in 239 lands worldwide. What Bible accounts show that Martha had found faith in the resurrection? SHin hanno gakkanaashin eta koshshay aybee? With [his] staff he rules and guides the flock to their green pastures, and defends them from their enemies. " But until now, what is their desire? Nuuni deˈiyoy PHauloosi yootido asatu malay kumido alamiyaana gidiyoogee azzanttiyaaba. 26 Learn From God's Word - Why Does God Have an Organization? Sadly, we live in a world filled with people who live by Paul's words. I aybinne ba qofaa shaakkanaadan paqqadibeenna. Ummi also agreed to discuss the more recent book What Does the Bible Really Teach? He did not allow anything to rob him of his thinking. Ermmaasa maxaafay wozanaabaa nuussi darobaa yootees. Jehovah was thus able to use him to preserve the line leading to the promised Seed. Jeremiah's book contains much about us. NEENI "bonchuwaa " giya qaalaa siyiyo wode ay hassayay? It is little wonder, then, that Jehovah said to Moses: "Unquestionably I have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their outcry as a result of those who drive them to work; because I well know the pains they suffer. " - Ex. WHAT do you recall when you hear the word "Armageddon "? (Galaatiyaa 6: 4, 5 nabbaba.) It takes time to learn a language, especially when we are surrounded by distractions. (Read Galatians 6: 4, 5.) (Roome 13: 5, 6) Gidikkokka, Yihooway nuuni kumetta wozanaappe, kumetta shemppuwaappe, kumetta qofaappenne kumetta wolqqaappe siiqiyo, Ubbaappe Bollaara Ubbabaa Haariyaagaa, a xallay tumu Xoossaa gidiyoogaa eroos. Even in private, we could be tempted to do something displeasing to God. Yet, we know that Jehovah is the Universal Sovereign, the One who loved us with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Aqo oyqqennan deˈiyo wodiyan ayyaanaabaa loytta akeekanawu, keha, mino oosancha, Xoossawu aqidaaronne loˈˈoban erettiyaaro gidanawu baaxetana danddayaasa; ha eeshshati aqo deˈuwan ufayttanawu keehi koshshoosona. (Doo. 24: 16 - 21; Uru. 1: 16, 17; 2: 6, 7, 11; Lee. But with Jehovah's help, we are determined never to give up or stop trusting in him. - Proverbs 3: 5, 6. While single, you can work hard to understand more fully the spiritual qualities of those who are single, successful, and successful in serving God. 11: 28) SHin nuuni keehi unˈˈettiyo wode waatana danddayiyoo? 22: 37 - 39. But what can we do when we are depressed? Nu wozanay nuna Yihoowappe haassana danddayiyoogaa akeekana bessees. He gathered "the sons of the Kingdom " into an organized people, in fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy:" Will a land be brought to birth in one day? We need to realize that our heart can distance us from Jehovah. Ha hiraagay 2,500 gidiya layttappe kase xaafettidaba gidikkokka, ha wodiyan nuuyyo keehi koshshiyaaba. So in God's view, they have the right to ask that it be paid back in the form of taxes. Although the prophecy was written nearly 2,500 years ago, it is important for us today. Geeshsha Maxaafan deˈiya amarida qofay asay bessiya wodiyan akeekanaadan xaafettiis. Rather, it is "an indefinitely lasting rulership that will not pass away, and his kingdom one that will not be brought to ruin. " Some Bible accounts have been written in modern times. Eti he kaddida asatu " giddon ' deˈidosona. The expression "sons of men " evidently refers to mankind in an unfavorable sense. They lived among those apostates. Beni Xoossaa Qaalaa tamaarissida asatuugaadan, ha wodiyan deˈiya Yihoowa Markkatikka kumetta saˈan 239 biittan asaa Geeshsha Maxaafaa tamaarissoosona. Jesus used illustrations to explain what different aspects of the Kingdom? Like the students of God's Word, Jehovah's Witnesses today have a worldwide Bible teaching people about God's Word. I [ba] gatiman, wudiyaa aaca qooruwan heemmeesinne kaalettees; qassi eta qohiyaabaa teqqees. " Those who are always anxious miss the rich joy that comes from serving Jehovah. " He was to guide his flock, protects the flock, protects them, and protects them. " SINTTAA 15 • MAZAMURE: 43, 47 UDDUFUNE 14 - 20, 2012 My appreciation for the ministry continues to grow too. " 15 Did You Know? Uma Tumuppe Geeshsha Maxaafay Tamaarissiyoy Aybee? With that in mind, let us consider (1) how Noah, Daniel, and Job came to know God, (2) how that knowledge benefited them, and (3) how we can develop a faith like theirs. The book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Yaatiyo gishshau, qaalaa gelido Zerettay yaana sheeshshaa ashshanau Yihooway a goˈettiis. How are obedience and love connected? Thus, Jehovah used his promise to deliver the promised Seed from the promised Seed. (Kes. 1: 15, 16, 22) Yaatiyo gishshau, Yihooway Muusessi hagaadan giidoogee garamissenna: "Taani Gibxxe biittan ta asai tuggatiyo tuggaa geeshsha be7ada, eti bantta kaabbotuppe waassiyo waasuwaa siyada, taani eta waayiyaa qoppaas. " - Kes. Industriousness is a godly quality, and hard work is rewarding. No wonder Jehovah said to Moses: "I have seen the affliction of my people when they suffer from Egypt, and I have heard their pains. " - Ex. Issi qaalaa tamaariyoogee, ubba qassi qofay shaahettanaadan oottiyaabay nu yuushuwan deˈiyo wode, daro wodiyaa ekkana danddayees. At the same time, we should do what we can, taking appropriate action to solve problems and help others. While learning a language may be difficult, it may take time for us to spend more time on certain aspects of our life. Nuuni nurkka deˈiyo wodekka, Xoossaa ufayssennabaa oottanaadan paacettana danddayoos. The "gifts in men " also include members of Branch Committees, traveling overseers, and congregation elders - all of whom have been appointed by holy spirit. Even when we are alone, we may be tempted to do something that is displeasing to God. SHin Yihooway maaddiyo gishshawu, ayyo haggaaziyoogaa woy an ammanettiyoogaa mule aggenna mala murttida. - Leemiso 3: 5, 6. We can be sure that we can succeed with Jehovah's help! But Jehovah will never abandon him because he supports his faithful servants. - Proverbs 3: 5, 6. 22: 37 - 39. Let us consider two situations. 22: 37 - 39. I "Kawotettaa asaa " citan daraajjayiis; hegee Isiyaasi," Issi biittaa asai pexi issi gallassi yelettanau danddayiiyye? Let us consider these questions. And he organized the people into "the kingdom of the kingdom, " and saith Isaiah, Is it lawful for a man to be born day? Yaatiyo gishshau, qaraxaa qanxxissiyoogan he miishshaa banttau zaaranaadan oychoosona; hegee Xoossaa xeelan bessiyaaba. 13: 15. Hence, they ask themselves to pay money to pay taxes - that is, in effect, God's view. " A maatai merinau shaarettenna maataa; a kawotettai mulekka xayennaagaa. " (Dane. How did Jehovah use his spirit to protect individuals in the line of descent leading up to the Seed? " His rulership is an indefinitely lasting rulership that will not pass away, and his kingdom will not be destroyed. " SHori bainnabaakka aude gakkanaassi intte siiquuteetii? The Sadducees posed a question about a woman whose first husband died, then her second, and so on through a number of husbands. How long will you love those who have fallen down? Yesuusi leemisuwan qonccissido, Kawotettaara gayttida dumma dummabati awugeetee? Three times I won the Latvian championship for several motorcycle - racing classes, and twice I won the Baltic States Championship. In the parable of Jesus, what different aspects of Kingdom interests do we have? Ubba wode hegaa xalla demmanawu qoppiyaageeti Yihoowayyo haggaaziyoogan demmiyo ufayssaa akeekennan attoosona. " " We were not about to pass that opportunity up for anything! " Those who view it simply find pleasure in serving Jehovah at all times find it difficult to find happiness in serving him. " Haggaazuwaakka kaseegaappe aaruwan nashshays. " (Read James 4: 8.) I also appreciate the more I am doing in the ministry. " Hegaa nu wozanan wottidi, (1) Nohee, Daaneelinne Iyyoobi Xoossaa waati eridaakko, (2) he eray eta waati maaddidaakko, qassi (3) nuuni etaagaa mala ammanoy deˈiyoogeeta waani gidana danddayiyaakko ane beˈoos. 24: 14. With that in mind, let us consider how Daniel (1) Daniel, Daniel, and Job, and (3) how we can imitate their faith. Azazettiyoogee siiquwaara waani gayttii? Within a few weeks, Arthur received a call from the Britain branch office asking him to begin circuit work the next day! How is obedience related to love? Minnidi oottiyoogee anjjuwaa demissees. (Lee. Then, only after Paul neared Bithynia did Jesus step in. Being honest leads to blessings. Qassi metuwaa xoonanawunne harata maaddanawu nuuni oottana danddayiyoobaa oottana bessees. In fact, the majority had made up their minds even before they arrived at the councils, and they left more deeply entrenched than ever in their positions. We must also do whatever we can to solve problems and help others. " Imota " gidida attuma asatu giddon Macara Biiruwaa Komitetu yameti, bollaara geeddiyaageetinne gubaaˈiyaa cimatikka deˈoosona; hegeeti ubbay geeshsha ayyaanan sunttettidaageeta. Although Jesus promised his disciples that he would "prepare a place " for them in heaven, he indicated that the righteous do not automatically go there. Each member of the "gifts in men " - men and elders - are appointed elders and ministerial servants - all appointed elders - are appointed men and ministerial servants. Yihooway maaddin nuuni oottiyoobay ushachanaagaa ammanettana danddayoos! Consider Eliashib and Tobiah. We can be sure that Jehovah will reward our efforts! Naaˈˈu hanotata ane beˈoos. 11 Who Can Interpret Prophecy? Consider two situations. Ane ha oyshata pilggoos. Which one? Let us examine these questions. 13: 15. When she was 90 years old and childless, her positive view of the future enabled her to act with faith. 13: 15. Zerettay yaana sheeshshaa asatuppe issota issota naaganau Yihooway ba ayyaanaa waati goˈettidee? Rahab How did Jehovah use his spirit to protect some of the foretold Seed? Saaduqaaweti koyro azinay hayqqin, naaˈˈantto azinaynne hegaadankka o ayssida hara daroti hayqqido issi maccaaseebaa oychidosona. (Luq. the woman says. " After they left, I drove 35 miles (56 km) to a bookstore to check other Bible translations and then looked up the name in a dictionary. After the first human pair died, many asked a woman who had died and had died. Laativiyaa biittan motoriyaa laaggiya asatuura annaacettada heezzutoo xoonaas; qassi nu biittaa gujjin heezzu biittan deˈiyaageetuura annacettada naaˈˈutoo xoonaas. 12, 13. Three times, we were conducting a three - day company in the country, and two of us lived on the ground. Yaatiyo gishshawu, aybikka ha qaaday nuuppe halanaadan oottana mala koyokko! " How the Psalms Can Enrich Your Prayers Therefore, let us not let that happen to us! " (Yaaqooba 4: 8 nabbaba.) Individual freedom. (Read James 4: 8.) " Xilloti Awa Ayfiyaadan Pooˈana ' Thus, when the Scriptures foretold that those remaining of the house of Israel (Jews and circumcised Jewish proselytes) together with "people of all the nations " (uncircumcised Gentiles) would become one people for God's name, the message was clear. " The Righteous Ones Will Shine as Brightly as the Sun " 24: 14. 10 - 13. 24: 14. Amarida saaminttay aadhi simmin, Arteri wonttetta galla woradaa xomoosiyo oosuwaa doommanaadan Birttaaniyaa macara biiruwaappe silkkiyan awu odettiis. What helped him to cope? A few weeks later, Arthur was told that Arthur was sent to the branch office for the next week. Qassikka Yesuusi kaaletuwaa immidoy PHauloosi Biitaaniyaa mati simmiina. Those who volunteer for theocratic projects often make new friends. And Jesus entered into Bethany after Paul's direction to Bethany. Etappe daroti ubba shiiqanaappe kase bantta qofaa qachidosona; shiiquwaappe simminkka bantta qofaa yaa minttidosona. We can now grasp the meaning of prophecies that remained a "secret " for ages but are now being fulfilled in this time of the end. Many of them even decided to return to their former convention, even after their return visits. Yesuusi ba erissiyo ashkkaratuyyo saluwan "sohuwaa giigissanau " qaalaa gelidaba gidikkonne, xillo asay ubbay saluwaa baanaagaa yootibeenna. Let us consider a few of the principles and how we can apply them in our life. Although Jesus said to his disciples in heaven, he did not say: "A righteous man will go to heaven, but he will return to heaven. Eliyaashibanne Xoobbiyaa hanotaa qoppite. During our careers, we danced in theaters around the world, performing with such celebrities as Dame Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev. Consider the case of Elisha and Tobiah. XANNAˈIYO HUUPHE YOHOTU HALCHUWAA About a hundred of us met at a rented facility to listen to a recording of the lecture "Fascism or Freedom, " delivered by Joseph Rutherford. 26 The Bible Changes Lives Aybaa? At Proverbs 5: 8, we read: "Stay far away from [the immoral woman]; do not go near the entrance of her house. " What? A naˈa yelana xayikkonne, layttay 90 gidido wode sinttanaabaa loˈˈobaa qoppiyoogee ammanuwan minnanaadan o maaddiis. God's spokesman announced: "A son named Josiah will be born to the house of David..., and he will burn human bones " on an altar in the town of Bethel. Although she was not a child, she was helped to strengthen her faith in the future. Raˈaabo But they had changed with the help of the Scriptures and of God's holy spirit. Rahab Eti bi simmin, hara Geeshsha Maxaafaa birshshettatun Xoossaa sunttaa beˈanawu 56 kilo meetiriyaa kaamiyaa laaggada maxaafa keetti baas; hegaappe simmin, he sunttaa qaalaa kochan beˈaas. Look for points you can include in your prayers. After they left, I went to other Bible studies, and I noticed the names of 56 miles (100 km) to see that name God's personal name. 12, 13. LIFE STORY 12, 13. Mazamureti Ne Woosaa Murutissana Danddayiyo Ogiyaa For the first life - form to continue, it had to be able to reproduce, to make copies of itself. How You Can Maintain Your Prayers Etau huuphiyan huuphiyan deˈiya laˈatettaa. Did not such men as Abraham, Jacob, David, and Solomon of pre - Christian times have more than one wife? Each of them has freedom. Yaatiyo gishshau, Israaˈeela asaappe attidaageeti (Ayhudatinne Ayhuda haymaanootiyau laamettida qaxxarettidaageeti) qaxxarettibeenna, " Ayhuda gidenna asaara ' issippe Xoossaabaa gidiya issi dere gidanaagaa Geeshsha Maxaafay kasetidi yootido wode, ay qonccissiyaakko erettidaba. Spirit creatures called angels are "mighty in power. " Thus, when the remnant of the nation of Israel and non - Jewish Gentiles were included in the Scriptures, the Bible foretold that there would be a nation of non - Jews who would become "a Jew " to be associated with God. Yihooway medhidobay, i ba ayyaanaa kaaletuwan xaafissido Qaalay, woossiyo maataynne, i siiquwan giigissido wozoy hegeetuppe amaridaageeta. - 8 / 15, sinttaa 10 - 13. They will thus be quick to offer assistance if they perceive that a brother or a sister is about to take, or has already taken, a "false step. " Jehovah's creation, his inspired Word, his holy spirit, and his loving provision of the ransom. - 10 / 15, pages 10 - 13. I genccanaadan maaddidabay aybee? • In what sense did Jehovah " take delight ' in his Son's being " crushed '? What helped him to endure? Bantta dosan keexxiyaageeti darotoo ooratta laggeta demmoosona. Suddenly, the lights went out, and the meeting was called off. Such willing workers often make new friends. Daro wodiyau " gorddettidaba ' woykko geemmidaba gidikkonne, ha wurssetta wodiyan polettiiddi deˈiya hiraagatu birshshettaa nuuni haˈˈi akeekana danddayoos. (Dane. Their desire was in harmony with God's will that "all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. " - 1 Tim. Although we can now understand the meaning of the fulfillment of these prophecies, we can now discern the fulfillment of prophecies that are being fulfilled in the time of "the great tribulation. " He kaaletotuppe amaridaageeta, qassi hegeeta nu deˈuwan waatidi oosuwan peeshshana danddayiyaakko ane beˈoos. This magazine has long been used by "the faithful and discreet slave " as the primary channel for dispensing increased light. Let us consider some of these examples and see how we can apply them in our lives. Nu oosuwaa oottiyo wode, kumetta saˈan keehi erettida Demi Margo Fontayniraanne Rudolf Nureyevaara tiyaatiriyan durida. Jehovah's Witnesses invite you and your family to attend and to listen to a talk that will explain why Jesus ' death is so important and how it can benefit you. During our career, we were surprised to meet our former international brotherhood and with our beautiful sisters in our mid - 50 ' s. He wode, shiiquwau keraa ekkido keettan, issi xeeta gidiyaageeti, "Fashizimiyaa woy Laˈatettaa " giya Josef Razerfordda haasayaa duuqqidoogaa shiiqidi siyiiddi deˈoos. Choosing a course that differs from that of one's peers can likewise be difficult, even painful, for a young person. At that time, in the house - to - house ministry, some were gathered in a house - to - house room, with Joseph, who "did not listen to the sound of hospitality. " Leemiso 5: 8y, "SHaaramuxa maccaasee heeri booppa; i keettaa penggiyaakko shiiqoppa " yaagees. (Read James 3: 14 - 16.) Proverbs 5: 8 says: "Do not put away the woman from you, except he goes away from her. " Xoossay kiittin hananabaa yootiyaagee, "Daawita zariyaassi Yoosiyaasa geetettiya issi na7ai yelettana " yaagiis. She explains: "My family faced one tragedy after another, and it seemed that God wasn't helping us at all. " God told the prophet Josiah: "It is a son of Jesse that is born of David. " Heezzu ashkkaratubaa yootiya leemisoy, Yesuusi ayyaanan tiyettida ba erissiyo ashkkaratuyyo immido oosuwaabaa waannayidi qonccissees; shin hegee ubba Kiristtaanetuyyo haniya baaso siraataa oyqqiis. Someone who has understanding can see how one fact relates to another. The parable of the talents shows that Jesus was the primary role of his anointed disciples, but every principle applies to all Christians. SHin eti Xoossaa Qaalaanne geeshsha ayyaanaa maaduwan laamettidosona. " You Are My Witnesses, " 7 / 15 But they have been helped by God's Word and the influence of holy spirit. Neeni ne woosan goˈettana danddayiyo qofaa koya. (2) In what ways does the Memorial influence the unity of God's people? Ask questions that you can use in your prayers. DEˈUWAN HANIDABAA There was also an appointed territory servant. LIFE STORY Koyro doommida paxa deˈiyaabay xayenna mala, yelana koshshees. Verse 3 explains: "As he saw it was pleasing to the Jews, he went on to arrest Peter also. " The first human life should be like a baby who cannot exist. Kiristtaanetu wodiyaappe kase deˈida Abrahaama, Yaaqooba, Daawitanne Solomona mala asati daro maccaasata ekkibookkonaayye? See Organized to Do Jehovah's Will, pages 111 - 112. Do we not have many wives, such as Abraham, Jacob, David, and David? Kiitancha geetettiya ayyaana meretati keehi " wolqqaama. ' The effect of his teaching today: In congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses, men who have responsibilities show consideration for women by taking into account their observations. A spirit - anointed spirit creature called "the most powerful force. " Yaatiyo gishshau, eti issi ishay woy michiyaa " moorobaa oottana ' haniyoogaa woy oottidoogaa akeekikko, sohuwaara maaddoosona. (Gal. • How can you eliminate potential causes of discouragement? Thus, if they notice that a brother or sister has committed "a wrong course, " they will quickly respond quickly to the help of a brother or sister. • Yihooway ba Naˈay qohettidoogan " ufayttidoy ' aybissee? A king, of course, rules. • Why was Jehovah " happy " for his Son? Sohuwaara xomppee toˈiis; toˈin shiiqoy laalettiis. (Rom. Before long, the congregation was formed, and the whole congregation ran away. Eta koshshay, "Asai ubbai attanaadaaninne tumatettaa eranaadan " koyiya Xoossaa qofaara maayiyaaba. - 1 Xim. Christ's perfect government will free the earth of sin and sorrow. Their desire is in harmony with God's will that "all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. " - 1 Tim. (Leemiso 4: 18) " Ammanettida wozannaama ashkkaray ' wodiyaappe wodiyan Geeshsha Maxaafaa tumaa qonccissanau daro wodiyaappe doommidi ha maxeetiyaa goˈettiiddi takkiis. (a) What lies ahead for today's commercial system? Today, the faithful and discreet slave has been using this magazine to illustrate Bible truth from "the faithful and discreet slave. " Neeninne ne soo asay he shiiquwaa biidi Yesuusa hayqoy keehi koshshiyoy aybissakko, qassi hegan neeni waana goˈettanaakko tamaaranaadan Yihoowa Markkati shoobboosona. He will even restore his loyal ones to their youth so that they can benefit from his care forever. - Job 33: 25; read Hebrews 6: 10. Jehovah's Witnesses invite you and your family to learn why Jesus ' death is so important and how you can benefit from it. Issi yelagay ba laggetuugaappe dummatiyaabaa oottiyoogee a hegaadan metiyaaba, ubba qassi keehi seelettanaadan oottiyaaba gidana danddayees. It is up to each of us to make decisions, and the wise, right choices are based on sound Scriptural knowledge. This is especially true of a young man who has different from his friends, especially if it is too difficult for him to do so. (Yaaqooba 3: 14 - 16 nabbaba.) Yet, this illustration teaches us what Jehovah expects. (Read James 3: 14 - 16.) A hagaadan gaasu: "Daafabay bolli bollan nu soo asaa gakkiis; qassi Xoossay nuna mule maaddennaba milatiis. " However, you may naturally wonder, " How long will Almighty God permit Satan to continue his heinous rule? ' She says: "At the same time, our family became self - centered, and it seemed that God never existed us. " Akeeki deˈiyo uri tuma gidida issibay haraara waani gayttiyaakko akeekana danddayees. (Read Romans 12: 2.) A person who has knowledge can easily understand the meaning of certain facts. Eeno Giidosona Taywaanen, 10 / 15 13, 14. Offered Selves in Taiwan, 4 / 15 (2) Godaa Kahoy Xoossaa asawu ubbawu issippetettay deˈanaadan waati maaddii? What helped? (2) How does the Memorial promote unity among God's people? Yan ishanttussi moottaa immiya ishaykka deˈees. Michelle: Before we consider the Bible's answer, let's review a few of the points we covered last time. There there are brothers who have moved to care for the brothers. Paydo 3y hagaadan gees: "Hegee Aihudata ufaissidoogaa be7idi, gujjidi PHeexiroosakka oiqqiis. " But he also said that Job had focused too much on trying to prove his own faultlessness. Verse 3: 3. Yihoowa SHeniyaa Oottanawu Giigettidaageeta (Amaarattuwaa) giyo maxaafaa sinttaa 111 - 112 xeella. He allowed nothing to sidetrack him. See Organized to Do Jehovah's Will, pages 111 - 112. A timirttee ha wodiyan maaddiyo ogiyaa: Yihoowa Markkatu gubaaˈiyan aawatettay deˈiyo attuma asati maccaasay yootiyoobaa siyoosona. Parents with practical wisdom spend hours learning and applying Jehovah's standards, thus fearing his name. His teachings help women today: In the Christian congregation, women respond favorably to the responsibility of assisting men in the congregation. • Hidootaa qanxxanaadan gaaso gidana danddayiyaabay deˈennaadan ay oottana danddayeetii? They think that God used evolution to create different forms of life. • What can you do to overcome discouragement? Kawoy haariyoogee qoncce. That included something that Father often mentioned - Noah's love for his family, shown by his obedience to God. The King is no doubt subject to the King. (Roo. (Read Deuteronomy 7: 6.) No. Kiristtoosa haaruwan nagaraynne azzanoy muleera xayana. Yes, unlike the members of the hierarchy, many of the common people were supporting their conclusions by using God's Word. Under Christ's rule, sin and death will be no more. (a) Ha alamiyaa zalˈˈee sinttappe waananee? And knowing that he wants what is best for them, they can readily accept his answer to their request, even if the answer is not what they expected. (a) What will happen in the future? Ba naaguwan eti merinau goˈettanaadan, ubba i bau ammanettiyaageeti zaaridi yelaga gidanaadan oottana. - Iyyooba 33: 25; Ibraawe 6: 10 nabbaba. Despite pressure from her relatives and friends to send her child to the grandparents, she concluded that it was not right to do so. He will do so forever, even forever. - Read Job 25: 25; Heb. 6: 10. Nubaa kuuyana bessiyay nuna; shin loˈˈo dooroy Geeshsha Maxaafaa eran dooriyooba. Jesus emphasized the all - important quality of love for God when he answered the question: "Which is the greatest commandment in the Law? " We do not have to make decisions for ourselves, but what the Bible teaches about our choice. SHin, Yihooway nuuni ay oottanaadan koyiyaakko he leemisuwaappe akeekoos. Danny and Trina agree. Yet, we learn that the illustration reveals what Jehovah wants us to do. Gidoppe attin, " Seexaanay iita haaruwaa awude gakkanaashin haaranaadan Ubbaa Danddayiya Xoossay coˈˈu gi xeellanee? ' That work is still being pursued as Jesus ' anointed brothers on earth and their companions spread spiritual light and help people to put faith in Jesus, the "light of the nations. " However, the question is, " Does God allow the Almighty to rule ever until the end of Satan's wicked system of things? ' (Roome 12: 2 nabbaba.) 17, 18. (a) What might we ask ourselves about our spiritual goals? (Read Romans 12: 2.) 13, 14. Do you need to be more forgiving or to give attention to controlling your emotions? 13, 14. He hanotaa giigissanau maaddiday aybee? God is generous toward all, including those apparently undeserving. What helped the situation to overcome it? Martto: Ha oyshaa zaaruwaa Geeshsha Maxaafaappe beˈanaappe kase, he gallassi tobbidobaappe amaridabaa zaarettoos. What a thrilling new understanding for Peter - one with far - reaching implications! Michelle: Before reading the Bible, Sophia's answers to some of the questions discussed on that day. Gidikkonne, Iyyoobi bessiyaagaappe aaruwan banan bali baynnaagaa qonccissanau baaxetidoogaa yootiis. The type may properly be called a shadow; the antitype, the reality. " Yet, Job acknowledged that Job was far more than anyone else. (Luq. 4: 40 - 44) Yesuusi ba deˈuwan ba haggaazuwaa kaseyidoogee qoncce. Jesus showed that not all those attracted to the truth will take a stand for Jehovah. Clearly, Jesus ' ministry was real to his life. Aadhida erancha aawatinne aayeti Yihoowa sunttawu yayyiyo gishshawu, i kessido maaraa daro saatiyaa bazzidi tamaaroosonanne oosuwan peeshshoosona. Pray constantly to Jehovah that he send you his spirit and help you yield to its influence. Because wise parents fear Jehovah, they learn to apply his standards carefully because they fear him and apply his standards. Eti Xoossay paxa deˈiya dumma dumma meretata medhanawu lodda laamiyaa goˈettiis giidi qoppoosona. What surprising gift did the brothers in Japan receive? They believe that God created humans in various forms of creation. Nohee Xoossau azazettiyoogan ba soo asaa siiqiyoogaa bessidoogaa ta aaway darotoo yootiyoobaykka hegaappe issuwaa. 3: 5 - 9. My father often referred to Noah's love for God in behalf of his family. (Zaarettido Wogaa 7: 6 nabbaba.) Brother Russell devoted his time, energy, and money unsparingly to share these truths with others. (Read Deuteronomy 7: 6.) Woosa keettaa asttamaaretuugaappe dumma ogiyan, coo asay hegaa mala qofaa Xoossaa Qaalaa goˈettidi qonccissees. 30: 2. Unlike church leaders, God's Word uses such teachings as a teacher. Qassi, i etau keehi loˈˈobaa amottiyoogaa eti eriyo gishshau, woosaa zaaroy eti koyiyoogaappe dumma gidikkokka, eeno giidi ekkoosona. The Bible, on the other hand, claims that "the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction. " - Romans 15: 4. On the other hand, they knew that he did not really love them, but they accepted the answers. I dabbotinne i laggeti naˈaa a aawaa aawaakkonne aayeekko yeddanaadan mintti yootikkonne, a hegaadan oottiyoogee likke gidennaagaa kuuyaasu. There may be occasions, though, when our loyalty to this aspect of God's purpose is sorely tested. Although her relatives and friends tried to force her away from her parents, she decided that it would not be right for him to leave her parents and his parents. Eti Yihooway kessido maaraa dosiyoogaa waatidi bessiyaakkokka qonccissees. And Christ welcomed us. They also reveal how to love Jehovah's standards. (1 Qor. 13: 2) "Higgiyaa giddon ubbaappe aadhdhiya azazoi augee? " giya oyshaa zaariyo wode, Yesuusi ubbaappe aadhiya, Xoossaa siiqiyo eeshshaabaa qonccissiis. (Maa. If appropriate, parents can take their children on such visits. When Jesus answer the question: "Which commandment is the greatest commandment in the Law? " Daaninne Tirenakka hegaa maayoosona. The Bible is still the foundation for our beliefs. That is also true of Ezekiel, whether it is appropriate or not. " Aihuda gidennaageetussi poo7 o " gidida Yesuusa, asay ammananaadan maaddanau, tiyettida Yesuusa ishanttinne etaara issippe oottiyaageeti ayyaanaa pooˈuwaa saˈan pooˈissanau he oosuwaa oottiiddi deˈoosona. As a result, our first parents joined Satan in challenging Jehovah's rightful authority and became sinners in His sight. Since "a light of the nations, " Jesus Christ's anointed brothers and their anointed brothers are taking the lead in the worldwide work. 17, 18. (a) Ayyaanaaban halchiyoobaara gayttidaagan nuna woygidi oychana danddayiyoo? for a summary of the responsibilities that are cared for by the six committees of the Governing Body. 17, 18. (a) What questions might we ask ourselves about spiritual goals? (Maa. 6: 14, 15) Neeni kaseegaappe aaruwan atto gaana woy ne huuphiyaa naagana koshshanddeeshsha? (b) How did Hebrew youths in Babylon demonstrate their exclusive devotion to Jehovah? Can you be willing to forgive even more than you need to be forgiving? Loˈˈobaa oottiyoogee etau bessenna giidi qoppiyo asata gujjin, ubba asau Xoossay kehees. On more than one occasion, Rome attempted to wipe out the Christian congregation, the secondary part of the seed. God is kind to all people, including those who do what is right. 10: 34, 35) PHeexiroosi keehi maaddiya oorattabaa akeekido gishshawu ufayttiis! That desire was, in fact, a grave sin, for it amounted to a rejection of Jehovah as their King. What a wonderful lesson Peter received! Leemisoy eesho, qassi hegaa poloy tumuppe deˈiyaabaa geetettana danddayees. " Some Bible scholars today credit Amos with good writing skills. The figurative tree can rightly be called "a perfect person. " Yesuusi tumaa siyidi shiiqiya ubbay Yihoowayyo dabbo gidana danddayennaagaa yootiis. How does Jehovah generously use his material resources? Jesus said that all who attend the truth could not have a close relationship with Jehovah. Kaallidi deˈiya Geeshsha Maxaafaa xiqiseta beˈa: Isiyaasa 44: 13 - 19; Oosuwaa 10: 25, 26; 17: 29; 2 Qoronttoosa 5: 7 TUMAA: Consider, for instance, his dealings with faithful patriarchs, beginning with Abraham. Compare these Bible verses: Isaiah 44: 44 - 44; Acts 10: 25; 2 Corinthians 10: 29; 2 Corinthians 17: 29; 2 Corinthians 5: 29 Yihooway ba ayyaanaa intteyyo immanaadaaninne intte he ayyaanau eeno giidi azazettanau maaddanaadan ubbatoo woossite. Jehovah views as precious those who maintain their integrity (See paragraphs 14, 15) Pray constantly for Jehovah's spirit to guide you and help you to obey it. Jaappaanen deˈiya ishantti demmido garamissiya imotay aybee? Hence, we look to the future with confidence in the promise recorded at Psalm 9: 10: "Those knowing your name will trust in you, for you will certainly not leave those looking for you, O Jehovah. " What is the greatest gift the brothers in Japan have? 3: 5 - 9. Wills and Trusts: Property or money may be bequeathed to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses by means of a legally executed will or by specifying the entity as the beneficiary of a trust agreement. 3: 5 - 9. 21: 24) Ishaa Raasili ba wodiyaa, wolqqaanne miishshaa ubbaa he tumaa haratuyyo yootanawu goˈettiis. Our focus must be on running to win. Brother Russell used this opportunity to share the truth with others. 30: 2. How can we show that unlike the ungrateful Israelites of Moses ' day, we do not take for granted this priceless bread? 30: 2. Hegaappe dumma ogiyan, Geeshsha Maxaafay, "Xoossaa maxaafan xaafettida ubbabai nuna tamaarissanau xaafettiis " yaagees. - Roo. 15: 4. But what is the extent of his influence over mankind? On the contrary, the Bible says: "All things are written for our instruction. " - Romans 15: 4. Gidikkokka, ha hanotatuura gayttidaagan Xoossaa ufayssiyaabaa oottanau issi issitoo metootana danddayoos. Why was Jesus baptized? At times, though, we may find it difficult to do what is pleasing to God. (Hoo. 11: 4; Yoh. There will be no more oppression, poverty, and hunger. He said: "I will pour out my spirit upon every sort of flesh. " Aawaynne aayyiyaa sahettidaageeta oychanawu biyo wode bantta naata efiyoogee maara gidikko, efaana danddayoosona. We need some time to relax and find refreshment from our hard work and busy schedules. If parents are in a position to visit their children when they are visiting the sick, they may be able to take care of their children. Ha wodiyankka nu ammanuwau tuussay Geeshsha Maxaafaa. Read with an open mind. Today, our faith is the Bible's lifesaving message. Hegaappe denddidaagan, nu koyro aawaynne aayyiyaa, Yihooway haariyo maataa eqettiyoogan Seexaanaara exatidi, A bolli nagaraa oottidosona. What relief will come to human "creation " during the Thousand Year Reign of Christ! As a result, our first parents joined Satan in rebellion against Jehovah's sovereignty. giyo maxaafan, shemppo 12n deˈya, "Bolla Gididi Heemmiyaagee Kawotettaara Gayttidabaa Waati Oottii? " giya saaxiniyaa xeella How do some Christians help older members of the congregation? For more information, see chapter 12 of the book What Does the Governing Body Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. (b) Baabiloonen deˈiya Ayhuda yelagati Yihoowa xallawu aqidoogaa aybin bessidonaa? BIBLE TEACHINGS (b) How did young Jewish youths in Babylon show their devotion to Jehovah? 2: 11 - 18) Yesuusi hayquwaappe denddi simminkka, shooshshaa zerettay maccaasee zerettaa ixxiyoogaanne oliyoogaa aggibeenna. The Doomsday Clock is now set at merely two and a half minutes to midnight - nearer to a global catastrophe than at any time in over 60 years! Even after his death and resurrection, Jesus continued to show hatred for the seed of the woman. He koshshay, Yihooway bantta Kawo gidiyoogaa eti koyennaagaa bessiyaaba gidiyo gishshau, hegee gita nagara. How can you share in the joy of making disciples even in a challenging territory? That desire proved to be a serious sin because it was Jehovah's will for them to be their King. I akeekanawu metenna, loytti qonccissiya qaalaa goˈettiis. 8, 9. To understand the meaning of his words, he used a simple word. Yihooway nuuyyo waati kehii? Why might we sometimes have to change a decision already made? How does Jehovah show kindness to us? (Maz. 4: 8) Leemisuwau, Abrahaamanne appe simmin deˈiya bantta soo asau huuphe gidida, ammanettida asata i oyqqido ogiyaa qoppa. 10, 11. For example, consider how he dealt with faithful men and women who lived after Abraham and his family. Yihooway suure gididi deˈiyaageeta alˈˈobadan xeellees (Mentto 14, 15 xeella) The illustration of the sheep and the goats is explained in The Watchtower, October 15, 1995, pages 23 - 28, and in the article following this one in this magazine. Jehovah views those who view it as precious (See paragraphs 14, 15) Mazamure 9: 10y, "Ne sunttaa eriyaageeti nenan ammanettoosona; aissi giikko, GODAU [" Yihoowau, " NW], neeni nena koyiyaageeta yegga bayakka " yaagiyo gishshau, sinttanaa wodiyaa hidootan naagoos. Christ's ransom sacrifice is fundamental to our faith and to the outworking of Jehovah's original purpose for mankind. Psalm 9: 10 assures us: "Do not be afraid, for the name of Jehovah your God will be taken away from you. " Laataanne Hadara Miishshaa: Higgiyaara maayettiya ogiyan, aquwaa woykko miishshaa Yihoowa Markkatu dirijjitiyaa laatissanawu woykko hadaran immettida aquwan Yihoowa Markkatu dirijjitee goˈettanaadan oottana danddayettees. But what a blow it is to Satan when we and millions of other imperfect men, women, and children maintain integrity and glorify God! Wills and Trusts: Property or money may be donated to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses by means of a legally executed will or by specifying the entity as the beneficiary of a trust agreement. Nuna keehi qofissiyay woxxidi xooniyoogaa gidana bessees. Faith in the Bible and in God himself is sure to be strengthened by an honest examination of the evidence in favor of creation. To win the battle, we must fight successfully. Muuse wode deˈida galatenna Israaˈeelatuugaappe dumma hanotan, nuuni ha alˈˈo oyttaa xaasayidi xeellennaagaa waatidi bessana danddayiyoo? (Prov. Unlike Israel in Moses ' day, how can we show that we value these precious treasures? SHin i asaa ay keena qohana danddayii? (b) What examples will we consider? But how could he be affected? Yesuusi xammaqettidoy aybissee? 3 " Touched to See Such Love " (Nepal earthquake): No. 1 Why did Jesus get baptized? 65: 21, 22) Huqqunniyoogee, hiyyeesatettaynne namisay attana. Satan's Way of Ruling Sure to Fail There will be no escape from oppression, poverty, poverty, and poverty. Nuuni oottiyoobay daro gidiyo gishshawu, issi issitoo shemppananne allaxxana koshshees. In some lands, a complicating factor is that unbelieving parents may demand an elaborate dowry, making it difficult for brothers of modest means to get married. As a result of our work, our work needs to be at times, at times, and at times. Qofaa kasetada qachaychennan nabbaba. Nineveh was completely destroyed by the combined forces of the Babylonians and the Medes in the seventh century B.C.E. Read the appropriate decisions. Kiristtoosa SHaˈu Layttaa Haaroy asaa naatussi gita woppaa demissana! Even some of Christendom's leaders have referred to their flocks as " sleeping giants. ' Christ's Thousand Year Reign will bring relief to mankind! Issi issi Kiristtaaneti gubaaˈiyan deˈiya cima asaa waatidi maaddiyoonaa? For example, parents may ask elders in the congregation for suggestions on conducting family worship and for help in providing good association for their children. How do some Christians help elderly ones in the congregation? GEESHSHA MAXAAFAA TIMIRTTIYAA What joy that brings us! OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED Bashshaa Gallassaa Saatee naaˈˈu daqiiqanne baggaa qamma bilahiyaakko matiis; hegee 60 laytta giddon awudeegaappenne aaruwan kumetta saˈan gakkiya bashshay matidoogaa bessees! In harmony with his loving personality, "it is unthinkable for the true God to act wickedly, for the Almighty to do wrong! " - Job 34: 10. Each month, there was just six months before the Flood, and one of them showed that the war was nearly 60 percent of the world's inhabitants! Daro asay Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈanawu koyenna heeran erissiyo ashkkara oottiyo oosuwan waana ufayttana danddayay? In time, portions of the Bible were translated into other common languages, such as Syriac, Gothic, and Latin. How can you find joy in making Bible studies more enjoyable? 8, 9. How may we strive to be humble despite the challenges we may encounter? 8, 9. Issi issitoo, nuuni kuuyidobaa laammana koshshiyoy aybissee? The worldwide Memorial attendance for the 2009 service year was 18,168,323. At times, why should we make decisions that we have made? 10, 11. Jesus said: "Out of the heart come wicked reasonings, murders, adulteries, sexual immorality. " - Matt. 10, 11. Wochiyo Keelaa, Xiqimita 15, 1995, sinttaa 23 - 28 ninne ha maxeetiyan hagaappe kaalliya huuphe yohuwan dorssaabaanne deeshshaabaa leemisoy odettiis. In your previous congregation, you had grown "roots " as you developed cherished friendships and settled into a familiar spiritual routine. The illustration of The Watchtower, October 15, 1995, pages 23 - 28. Kiristtoosa wozuwaa yarshshoy nu ammanuwawunne Xoossay asaassi koyro halchidobay polettiyoogawu waannatiya allaalle. We can offer sincere commendation to help them see their positive qualities and abilities. The primary purpose of Christ's ransom sacrifice is for our salvation and for God's original purpose. Hegaa gishshau, "Nu Godau Xoossau, neeni bonchchuwaa, sabaanne wolqqaa ekkanau bessaasa. 9: 19 - 23. Therefore, you should show that you were worthy of our God, Jehovah, to receive the glory and the honor and power. Geeshsha Maxaafaaninne Xoossan ammaniyo ammanoy meretay merettidoogaa kaafiya naqaashaa wozanappe pilggiyoogan minniyoogee qoncce. You could use the Watch Tower Publications Index to locate informative discussions of the subject you are pursuing. Clearly, faith in the Bible is based on real evidence that it is based on accurate knowledge of God and faith. (Lee. How can we demonstrate that we have a living faith? Why? (b) Ay leemisota beˈanee? Did Jehovah bless Eduardo's acts of faith? (b) What examples will we consider? Pashkki Giyoogaa - Haratussi Immiyo Imotaa: Paydo 1 They exercise faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice and follow him continually, thus " making their calling and choosing sure. ' Be Your Gift to Share: No. 1 SINTTAA 20 Imagine that you are there as Paul speaks about "the God who made the world and all the things in it " and then explains that He" does not dwell in handmade temples. " PAGE 20 Issi issi biittan Yihoowa Markka gidenna aawati woy aayoti darobaa koytanaadan oychana danddayoosona; hegee hiyyeesa ishantti machanawu metootanaadan oottiyo gishshawu keehi wayssiyaaba. The second group included in "this generation " are anointed contemporaries of the first group. In some lands, parents who are not Witnesses may find it difficult to offer more money, and this is difficult for brothers to make difficult decisions. Baabiloonetunne Meedoonatu olanchati issippe laappuntta xeetu layttan K.K. Nanawe muleera xayssidosona. In 1872 they examined the subject of restitution. In the seventh century B.C.E., the seventh head and the seventh head of the seventh century B.C.E. Kiristtaane giyo haymaanooteta kaalettiya issoti issotikka bantta wudiyaa " xiskkiyaageeta ' yaagidosona. 1, 2. Some religious leaders say that they are " watch over the flock. ' 6: 4) Leemisuwawu, aawatinne aayeti so asaa goynuwaa kaalettiyoogaanne bantta naati loˈˈo laggeta dooranaadan maaddiyoogaa xeelliyaagan qofaa immanaadan gubaaˈiyan deˈiya cimata oychana danddayoosona. In 1976 we were invited to serve at the Austria branch office in Vienna, and I was appointed as a member of the Branch Committee. For example, parents may ask congregation elders to help their children make wise decisions regarding family worship and family worship. 4: 6, 7) Hegee nuuni ufayssaanne sarotettaa demmanaadan oottiyaaba. To please God, a religion must be based on Bible truth. - John 4: 23, 24. It brings us joy and peace. (1 Yohaannisa 4: 8) "Ubbaa Danddayiya Xoossai iitabaa mulekka oottenna "; I siiqiyo gishshawu ba eeshshaara maayiyaabaa oottees. - Iyyooba 34: 10. My wife, Mairambubu, overheard these words while traveling on a bus. " The Almighty God never fails, " says Job, "and he will certainly act in harmony with his personality. " - Job 34: 10. Guyyeppe, Geeshsha Maxaafaappe amarida shaahoy daro asay haasayiyo Siriyake, Gotikenne Laatine qaalan birshshettiis. By means of the Bible, God has in effect introduced himself to you by saying: "I am Jehovah. That is my name. " - Isaiah 42: 8 Later, in some parts of the Bible, more languages were translated into Latin, Latin, and Latin. Nuna metiyaabay gakkana danddayikkonne, nu huuphiyaa kawushshanau baaxetana danddayiyoy ayba ogiyaanee? What has been the cost of sin to each of us? What challenges may we face, but how can we cultivate humility? Alame yuushuwan, 2009 haggaazo layttan Kiristtoosa Hayquwaa Hassayiyo Baalan shiiqida asaa qooday 18, 164,539. Above all, they needed Jehovah's holy spirit, which would enable them to reflect his insight, mercy, and justice. - Ex. Worldwide, in September 18, 2009, the number of people attended the Memorial of Christ's death. Yesuusi, "Wozana giddoppe iita qofai, woriyoogee, shaaramuxiyoogee,... kiyees " yaagiis. - Maa. 10, 11. (a) In what way can you look to God for guidance? Jesus said: "Out of the heart come wicked reasonings, murders, murders, murder. " - Matt. Ne kase gubaaˈiyan, xaphuwaa yeddiya puutiyaadan haratuura dabbotaa minttadasa; qassi ubbatoo Yihoowawu haggaazaasa. GENTLY ROUSING OUR RELATIVES Just as in your new congregation, you maintain your friendship with Jehovah, and continue to serve Jehovah regularly. Eti bantta loˈˈo eeshshaanne gooba gidido issi issibaa akeekanaadan maaddanawu wozanappe galatana danddayoos. Some Bible versions use exactly that expression. Others, including the Jewish Tanakh, translate it "at twilight. " We can wholeheartedly commend them for having good qualities and positive qualities. 9: 19 - 23. " Be Courageous and Very Strong " 9: 19 - 23. Intte xannaˈanau koyiyo allaalliyaa loytti qonccissiyaabaa demmanau Wach Tawer Pabilikeshin Indekisiyaa goˈettana danddayeeta. John 19: 38 says that Joseph "was a disciple of Jesus but a secret one because of his fear of the Jews. " You can benefit from the Watch Tower Publications Index for the Watch Tower Publications Index. Nuussi mino ammanoy deˈiyoogaa waati bessana danddayiyoo? He takes care of his faithful worshippers. How can we show that we have strong faith? 3: 18) Edwardoy ammanuwan oottidobaa Yihooway anjjidee? • How can examining your priorities help you to attain your goals? Did Eduardo lose faith in Jehovah's acts of faith? Eti Kiristtoosa wozuwaa yarshshuwan ammaniyoogaa oosuwan bessoosonanne ubbatoo a kaalloosona; yaatiyoogan " Xoossay eta xeesidoogaanne dooridoogaa ' tumayoosona. 17, 18. (a) We now have what opportunity involving patience? They exercise faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice and continue to "go on walking in the works of [their] God. " SHin PHawuloosi "sa7aanne sa7an de7iya ubbabaa medhdhida " tumu Xoossaa eti koyidi demmana danddayiyoogaa yootiis. I Xoossay beeta maqidasiyan deˈennaagaakka qonccissiis. Through Jesus, David's kingship "will be firmly established forever. " Yet, Paul explained that God, who "is able to find all things in the world and that the things in the temple " could not find out whether they could find real meaning in the temple of the true God. " Ha yeletaappe ' naaˈˈantto citay koyro citan deˈiyaageetuura issi wode deˈidaageeta; etikka ayyaanan tiyettidosona. The Bible teaches something different. The second part of "this generation " was associated with those who were associated with them, and they were anointed with holy spirit. Eti 1872n Addaameegaa mala polotettaa asaa naati zaarettidi demmiyoogaa xeelliyaagan pilggidosona. What effect will my choice of words have on my listener? ' They studied with Adam and Eve over 18 years of death with the birth of Adam. 1, 2. 101: 2, 3. 1, 2. Nuuni 1976n Viyena kataman deˈiya Osttiriyaa biittaa macara biiruwan haggaazanawu xeesettida; taani qassi Macara Biiruwaa Konttiyaa yara gidada sunttettaas. As a widow with five school - age children, Victorine does not have it easy. In 1948, we were called to serve at the branch office in Austria, and I was appointed as a member of the Branch Committee. Xoossaa ufayssanawu, issi haymaanootee Geeshsha Maxaafaara maayiyaagaa gidana bessees. - Yohaannisa 4: 23, 24. The apostle Peter wrote: "Beloved ones, do not be puzzled at the burning among you, which is happening to you for a trial, as though a strange thing were befalling you. To please God, some religion must be born again. - John 4: 23, 24. Ta machchiyaa Mayrambuba otobisiyan baydda hegaadan giishin siyaasu. What might we do to build our faith? My wife, Mairambubu, heard that way. Xoossay, "Taani GODAA [" Yihoowa, " NW]; hegee ta sunttaa " yaagiyoogan Geeshsha Maxaafaa baggaara ba sunttaa neessi yootiis. - Isiyaasa 42: 8 6, 7. God said: "I am Jehovah. That is my name. " - Isaiah 42: 8. Nagaraa gaasuwan nuuppe aybi attidee? Money is seductive, and we can easily fall in love with it. What caused us to suffer because of inherited sin? Ubbaappe aaruwan, Yihoowagaadan akeekanawu, maaranawunne suure pirddanawu etawu a geeshsha ayyaanay koshshees. - Kes. During World War II when patriotism ran high, Miss Scott, a particularly intolerant schoolteacher, expelled my two sisters and one of my brothers from school. Above all, Jehovah's spirit requires understanding, understanding, and justice. - Ex. 10, 11. (a) Xoossaa kaaletuwaa waatada kaallana danddayay? Of course he does! 10, 11. (a) How can you follow God's guidance? NU DABBOTA KEHATETTAN DENTTETTIYOOGAA Why? HOW TO BE WATCHFUL IN OUR HOPE Jiwish Tanakh giyo birshshettaa gujjin issi issi Geeshsha Maxaafaa birshshettati he qofaa " away wulli simmin ' giidi birshshidosona. Ludovic, an elder who benefited from such interest when he was younger, says: "When I show genuine interest in a brother, he makes advancement more quickly. " Some Bible translations claim to be replaced by the name of the Jewish Church, including the Hebrew Scriptures. " Minna; Keehippe Xala! " Did he think that he could hide it from God? 16 Learn From God's Word - How Can We Learn From God? Yooseefi "Aihudatuyyo yayyido gishshau, asi erennan Yesuusa kaalliyaagaa " gidiyoogaa Yohaannisa 19: 38y yootees. This arrangement may provide certain tax advantages. Matthew 19: 38 says that Joseph was "a follower of the Jews because of fear of him. " I ammanettidi baassi goynniyaageeta maaddees. Brandishing a whip made of ropes, he drives out all the animals, and the merchants certainly follow them. He supports his worshippers. • Neeni kaseyiyoobaa qoriyoogee ne hoolliyau gakkanau waatidi maaddana danddayii? Centuries later, four young Hebrew men showed that they had learned what was really important. • How can your priorities help you to reach your goals? 17, 18. (a) Danddayancha gidiyoogaara gayttidaagan nuuni ay oottana danddayiyoo? When a security guard and his workmate showed interest in an article published in The Watchtower, Janice offered to bring them the magazines regularly. 17, 18. (a) What can we do to exercise patience? 21: 25 - 27) Yesuusa baggaara Daawita "kawotettai merinaayyo minni eqqidi daana. " * Thus, according to that alternate rendering, the new birth originates "from above " - that is," from heaven, " or "from the Father. " By means of Jesus, "he will stand firm forever. " Geeshsha Maxaafay hegaappe dummatiyaabaa tamaarissees. For dust you are and to dust you will return. ' " - Genesis 3: 17, 19. The Bible teaches us that. Taani dooriyo qaalay siyiya uri waananaadan oottanee? ' What a difficult "marriage " that proved to be! What will I do if I listen to my voice? ' 101: 2, 3. By maintaining your sense of urgency and keeping on the watch, you show that you are keeping up with advancing light and following the leadings of holy spirit. - Mark 13: 37. 101: 2, 3. Vikttorina ichashu naata dichiya amˈˈe gidiyo gishshau, iyyo deˈoy deexxiis. It can deepen our appreciation for our heavenly Father. Alex is a widow who has five children, since she is a widow, she was difficult to live. Aissi giikko, tana medhdhida Xoossai ta ashkkaratakka i medhdhiis. Jehovah blesses our accomplishments as we work together and cooperate with one another. For he pleased me, whom God hath made me perfect. Kiitettida PHeexiroosi: "Ta dabbotoo, intte giddon tamadan xuuggidi paacciya waayee yiyaagaa oorattabai haniyaabaadan garamettoppite.... If as a parent or an overseer you must administer discipline, will you imitate Jehovah, hating the wrong while looking for the good in your child or fellow believer? - Jude 22, 23. The apostle Peter wrote: "You, my beloved friend, do not hold back from the fiery trial which is going to happen to you.... Nu ammanuwaa minttanau ay oottana danddayiyoo? While you are driving your automobile, for instance, suppose another car nearly collides with your vehicle. What steps can we take to strengthen our faith? 6, 7. Jesus commands his angels: "Go to gathering the wheat into my storehouse. " 6, 7. Miishshay cimmiyo gishshau, nuuni sohuwaara a siiqana danddayoos. Jehovah dignifies us with freedom of choice. Money is usually inclined to love him because it is not easy for us to love him. Asay ba yelettido biittaa siiqiyoogee keehi darido Naaˈˈantto Alamiyaa Olaa wode, Iskoto giyo asttamaariyaa ta michota naaˈˈatanne ta ishaa timirtte keettaappe yedettaasu. As soon as I graduated from school, I became a pioneer and continued preaching to the Cambodian people near my home. During World War II, my brother was expelled from two of my brothers and sisters who were expelled from school during World War II. Ee, koyana bessees! 2: 44. Yes, you must! Aybissi? As we shall next see, another prophecy regarding the Messianic Servant reveals that he would suffer and pour out his life for our benefit, matters we should "consider closely " as the Memorial of his death approaches. - Heb. 12: 2, 3. Why? Ludovika giyo issi cimay yelagatettan deˈiyo wode harati hegaadan oottido gishshawu goˈettiis. I, "Taani issi ishaayyo deˈiya loˈˈobaa nashshiyo wode, i ayyaanaaban elle diccees " yaagiis. Everywhere he went, Jesus "healed those needing a cure. " - Luke 9: 11. When an elder in his late teens or early 20 ' s, he said: "I appreciated doing so when others were doing well, and when I appreciated my brother's good spiritual routine. " Woy ba nagaraa Xoossaappe genttana danddayiyaabadan qoppidee? From my vantage point at Bethel, I have been blessed to witness outstanding spiritual growth in the Philippines. Or was he thinking that he could hide his sin from God? Ha imotaa immiyaagee qaraxaara gayttidaagan goˈettana danddayees. (b) How can we cope with the reality mentioned at Acts 14: 22? This arrangement may provide certain tax advantages. I xurqqayyiyaa dooqqidi, ubba mehiyaa laaggidi kessin, zalˈˈanchatikka eta kaallidi kiyidoogee qoncce. A viewer of pornography nurtures love for what? Of course, if he had to touch the animals, he would have to drive them up, even to buy them. Hegaappe daro wodee aadhi simmin, Ibraawe biittaa asa gidida oyddu yelagati bantta deˈuwan keehi koshshiyaabay aybakko akeekidoogaa bessidosona. Markin), May Centuries later, four young men learned what was important in their lives. Issi zabaynnaynne aara issippe oottiyaara Wochiyo Keelan kiyida issi huuphe yohuwaa dosido gishshawu, Janesa etawu ubba wode maxeetiyaa immiyoogaa doommaasu. 19, 20. (a) How can we imitate Job's faith and obedience? In some respects, the article appeared in The Watch Tower and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, so she began to have a share in the discussion with them. * Yaatiyo gishshau, he qaalaa maaraadan, naaˈˈantto yelettiyoogee "bollappe " yees; hegaa giyoogee" saluwaappe " woykko "Xoossaappe " yees giyoogaa. Finding satisfying answers to those questions is fundamental to your gaining lasting contentment. * Thus, this new birth means "God is from heaven, " or" from heaven. " Mittaa aifiyaappe neeni miido gishshau,... neeni biittau simmana gakkanaassi, daafuran ne som77oi cawattin oottido ne qumaa maana; aissi giikko, neeni biittaappe ekettadasa; neeni baana; neeni baanau simmana ' yaagiis. " - Doomettaabaa 3: 17, 19. IN THE course of history, many human rulers have been removed from office. As for the trees of the land you eat, you will return to the ground until you eat from it, and you will return to it. " - Genesis 3: 17, 19; 3: 17, 19. 54: 5; 62: 4) Eti zaari zaaridi Yihoowa azzanttidosona. A discerning worshipper speaks and acts in ways that please God. They repeatedly lost Jehovah's favor. Eesotana koshshiyoogaa akeekidi deˈiyoogaaninne ubba wode naagettidi deˈiyoogan, Geeshsha Maxaafaa tumaa nuuni akeekiyo ogiyan laamettidabaara moggottiyoogaanne geeshsha ayyaanaa kaaletuwaa kaalliyoogaa bessoos. - Marqqoosa 13: 37, NW. There may be fine results when we give genuine commendation. We show that we recognize the need to keep our sense of urgency and remain in harmony with the Bible's direction. - Mark 13: 37, 38. Hegee saluwan deˈiya nu Aawaa eeshshaa loyttidi akeekanaadan maaddana danddayees. After their death and resurrection, they would serve with Christ in heaven as both kings and priests, fully carrying out the functions of both offices. This can help us to deepen our appreciation for our heavenly Father. Nuuni issoy issuwaara hashetidi issippetettan oottiyo wode, Yihooway nuna anjjees. Brian: If the husband often looks for ways to show his love for his wife, wouldn't it be easier for the wife to manifest respect for him? Jehovah blesses us when we work together. Neeni yelidaagaa woy gubaaˈe cima gidikko, seeriyo wode Yihoowa milatay? - Yih. 22, 23. A bitter individual can exert a bad influence in the congregation. If you are a Christian parent or an elder, do you think that Jehovah is responsible for discipline? - Jude 22, 23. Leemisuwau, neeni kaamiyaa laaggishin hara kaamee ne kaamiyaara domˈˈettiichi attidobadan qoppa. For what are you particularly grateful to Jehovah? For example, imagine that you were going to a car with your car. Yesuusi ba kiitanchata, "Gisttiyaa ta gootaran qolite " yaagidi azazees. I started with my siblings. Jesus commanded his angels: "Let the fig tree come. " Yihooway nuuni koyidobaa dooranaadan laˈatettaa immidi nuna bonchiis. Clearly, the Bible does not teach that it is unmanly to cry. Jehovah has dignified us with free will. Taani timirttiyaa wurssosaara aqinye gidada nu heeran deˈiya Kambboodiyaa biittaa asau sabbakaas. (Read Psalm 110: 1, 2, 4.) After I left school, I was able to visit people living in our area where we lived. 2: 44. Thus, we need to avoid not only the act of adultery but also the sexual craving to share in immorality. - Matt. 2: 44. Kaallidi, i hayqqido gallassaa hassayiyo wodee matattiyo wode, Mase gidida Ashkkaraabaa loyttidi " qoppanaadan ' oottiyaabaa, i metuwaa beˈidoogaanne nu goˈˈaassi giidi ba deˈuwaa aattidi immidoogaa xeelliyaagan odettida hara hiraagaa beˈana. - Ibraawe 12: 2, 3. become wise for salvation? Next, as the days of his death drew near, we will look forward to another prophecy given to the Messianic prophecies regarding the coming of the Messiah, which he has given us another reason for "the faithful and discreet slave. " - Heb. 12: 2, 3. Yesuusi biidosan ubban, "harggiyaappe pattanau koshshiyoogeetakka pattiis. " - Luqaasa 9: 11. Kingdom recordings in Portuguese finally arrived in late 1938. Jesus went on to say: "He cured those who were sick. " - Luke 9: 11. Ayyaanaabaa oosoy Pilippinssen keehi ayfidoogaa taani Beeteelen deˈaydda beˈidoogee gita anjjo. " Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy. " It was a wonderful blessing to see me at Bethel in the Philippines. (b) Nuuni ayba ogiyan qoppiyoogee, Oosuwaa 14: 22n odettida " daro waayiyan ' genccanaadan maaddana danddayii? Did Our Languages Come From the "Tower of Babel "? (b) How can reflecting on Acts 14: 22 help us to endure trials? Pornograafiyaa xeelliya uri aybaa siiqiyoogaa dichii? (b) How did David feel about Ahithophel's having turned traitor? What is involved in cultivating a person's love? 19, 20. (a) Ammanuwaaninne azazettiyoogan Iyyooba leemisuwaa waatidi kaallana danddayiyoo? Put people before things 19, 20. (a) How can we imitate Job's faith and obedience? Ha oyshatuyyo aliya zaaruwaa demmiyoogee ubbatoo ufayttidi deˈanau keehippe koshshiyaaba. The Greater Solomon, though, will free his subjects from all of that. - Read Romans 8: 19 - 21. Making answers to these questions is essential. TAARIKE wode ubban asaa haarida daroti bantta maataappe wodhidosona. Who is really unforgivable? IN THE year of human history, many of those who had been influenced by their authority have gone away from their position. Xoossawu goynniya akeekancha uri a ufayssiyaabaa haasayeesinne oottees. This is the kind of education that is needed today. A worshipper of God results in understanding and comfort. Harata wozanappe galatiyoogee loˈˈo ayfiyaa demissana danddayees. How can we be sure of those promises? Giving sincere commendation can result in good results. 24: 45; 1 PHe. 2: 4, 5) Eti hayquwaappe denddidi, saluwan Kiristtoosaara kawonne qeese gididi, he naaˈˈu oosuwaakka kumetta hanotan oottana. (Luq. 22: 30; 1 PHe. Jehovah - Our Best Friend They will serve as kings and priests with Christ in heaven and serve as kings with Christ in heaven. Biraana: Azinay ubbatoo ba machiyo siiqiyoogaa qonccissiyaaba gidikko, machiyaa ba azinaa bonchanawu metootanee? Why is it reasonable to conclude that Jehovah's worshippers would be organized? Brian: Isn't it easy for a husband to respect his wife's headship? Yiillotiya uri gubaaˈiyan deˈiya issoti issoti baagaadan yiillotanaadan oottana danddayees. Throngs of worshippers in the temple area in Jerusalem are excited. A person who is upset might even be tempted to struggle with the feelings of some in the congregation. Neeni Yihoowa keehi galatiyoy aybissee? Gregory and his associates would have done well to listen to them! Why do you give thanks to Jehovah? Taani ta michchonttuuninne ta ishan doommaas. She tripped on the leg of another runner and fell headlong off the course. With my siblings and my siblings, I began to study with my brother. 50: 1; 2 Sam. 18: 33; Luq. 22: 61, 62; Yoh. 11: 35; Oos. That is what happened, and the Israelites were to remember their liberation in the years to come. 50: 1; Luke 22: 33; 35: 35; Acts 11: 35; Acts 11: 35; Acts 11: 35; Acts 11: 35; Acts 35: 35; Acts 35: 35; Acts 35: 35: 35; Acts 35: 35: 35; Acts 35: 35: 35; Acts 35: 35: 35; Acts 35; Acts 35: 35: 35; Acts 35: 35: 35 (Mazamure 110: 1, 2, 4 nabbaba.) Let us enjoy what he asks us to do, for "God loves a cheerful giver. " (Read Psalm 110: 1, 2, 4.) Hegaa gishshawu, nuuni shaaramuxennaadan naagettiyoogaa xalla gidennan, hegaa malabaa amottennaadankka naagettana bessees. - Maa. • Why did Noah need to give priority to his family's spiritual needs? Therefore, let us guard not only against sexual immorality but also with such a fight. - Matt. Attanawu aadhida erancha gidiyoogaa In this article and the next, let us enjoy some sparkling gems found in Leviticus, a gift from God that helps us to engage in holy worship. Forgiveness is a wise guide to making wise decisions Porchugaale qaalan kawotettaa tumay duuqettidaagee 1938n wurssettan yaa gakkiis. As it is commonly understood, to say "the last days " suggests that something is coming to an end. At the end of the Portuguese - speaking Kingdom message, the spread of the truth began. " Maariyaageeti anjjettidaageeta; aissi giikko, Xoossai eta maarana. " Recently, a sister wrote: "I have always tried to witness to my 13 brothers and sisters by my speech and conduct. " Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy. " Nu Qaalay Yiidoy "Baabiloona Gimbbiyaappee "? However, God's Word commands Christians: "Deaden, therefore, your body members that are upon the earth as respects fornication, uncleanness, [and improper] sexual appetite. " - Colossians 3: 5. Jehovah's Word Is Good, 1 / 15 (b) Akixoofeeli kaddidoogan Daawitau aybi siyettidee? Stockbyte / Getty Images (b) How did David feel about David? Aquwaappe asaa sinttayiyaageeta Peter was standing before a crowd of worshippers in the temple. Show personal interest in material things Gidoppe attin, Gita Solomoni ba haaruwaa garssan deˈiyaageeta he ubbabaappe naxa kessana. - Roome 8: 19 - 21 nabbaba. In his association with the common people of Israel, Jesus had compassion for them because they were disadvantaged, and he gave loving attention to their needs. However, Solomon will free all those who are under the rule of the Greater Solomon. - Read Romans 8: 19 - 21. Yihooway tumu atto geennay oonee? How fine it is if our attitude reflects that of the psalmist who wrote: "I have taken your reminders as a possession to time indefinite, for they are the exultation of my heart "! Who would not listen to Jehovah's forgiveness? Ha wodiyan koshshiyay hegaa mala timirttiyaa. They must exert themselves to develop such Christian qualities as faith, godly devotion, brotherly affection, and love. Today, such teachings are similar to what they need today. He gelido qaalati polettanaagaa waani ammanettana danddayiyoo? After nine months, I was assigned to Amsterdam. How can we be sure that those words will come true? Yihoowa - Nuuyyo Mata Dabbuwaa Hail the Messianic King! Jehovah - Our Best Friend Yihoowayyo goynniyaageeti darajjayettana bessees giidi qoppiyoogee bessiyaaba gididoy aybissee? But having students stay with us was truly a joyous experience. Why is it reasonable to conclude that Jehovah's worshippers must be organized? Yerusalaame beeta maqidasiyan goynnanau yiida daro asay baalaa bonchanau naagiiddi deˈees. " Slave for Jehovah " Many who come to worship at the temple were eager to observe the temple in Jerusalem. Girigoorinne a laggeti he asati giyoobaa siyidaba gidiyaakko loˈˈo shin! The Scriptures conveyed in simple language have helped me to become better acquainted with Jehovah, who is like a father with his arms around me while he reads his soothing words to me. " How good it would have been for those friends and friends to hear what they had listened! A hara wottanchee gediyan xubettada gufannada kunddaasu. (b) How can we do this in practical ways? She fell down on the bus and fell to anger. Hanidabaykka hegaa; qassi Israaˈeelati naxa kiyido gallassaa hegaappe simmin layttan layttan hassayana koshshees. Did he have knowledge of crafts prior to this vast project? That was just what happened, and the Israelites needed to remember that after the days of the year, they were set free. " Xoossay ufayssan immiya uraa siiqiyo ' gishshawu, nuuni oottanaadan i oychiyoobaa ufayttiiddi oottiyaageeta gidoos. The apostle Paul likened the congregation to a body and said that "if one member suffers, all the other members suffer with it. " May we be happy because "God loves those whom he loves, " so let us be happy to do what he expects of us. • Nohee ba so asau ayyaanaaban koshshiyaabaa kunttiyoogaa kaseyana koshshidoy aybissee? has helped many in a topical study of the Bible. • Why did Noah need to put spiritual interests first in his family? Ha huuphe yohuwaaninne kaalliyaagan, nuuni geeshsha goynuwaa goynnanaadan maaddiya, Xoossay immido imota gidida, ha maxaafan deˈiya keehi maaddiyaabaa tobbana. When Daniel was busy with his various theocratic assignments, Sarah often provided that help. In this article and in the next, we will consider valuable lessons that God has given us. Ooninne akeekiyoogaadan, " wurssetta gallassa ' giyoogee issibay xayiyoogaa malaatees. 4: 7. According to one reference work, the expression "the last days " refers to the end of the last days. Issi michiyaa haasayiyoobaaninne oottiyooban ba 13 ishatussinne michotussi ubbatoo markkattidoogaa xaafaasu. Although Nisan was the postexilic name for the Hebrew month, for simplicity we will refer to the first month of the Jewish Hebrew calendar as Nisan. One sister regularly wrote about the brothers ' words and deeds of his brothers and sisters. Gidikkokka, Xoossaa Qaalay, "Hegaa gishshau, inttenan de7iya ha sa7aa amota worite; hegeetikka shaaramuxiyoogaa, tunatettaa, shaaramuxanau koyiyoogaa " yaagidi Kiristtaaneta azazees. - Qol. 3: 5. How do we personally benefit from the panoramic view that this parable provides? However, God's Word counsels Christians: "Let your body be on the earth as respects sexual immorality, uncleanness, and sexual immorality. " - Col. 3: 5. Stockbyte / Getty Images (Read James 2: 23.) COUNTRY OF / Panos Pictures PHeexiroosi beeta maqidasiyan goynuwau shiiqida asaa sinttan eqqiis. (See opening image.) Peter stood before the temple in the temple. Yesuusi Israaˈeela biittan deˈiya, daro waayettiya asau qarettiis; qassi eta maaddanau danddayiyo ubbabaa oottiis. On the other hand, giving a fellow believer commendation and appealing to his love for God can have a lasting, positive effect. - Read Philippians 2: 1 - 4. Jesus felt compassion for people in Israel, and he did all he could to help them. Nu qofay, "Neeni yootidobai merinau tabaa; ee, i ta wozanaayyo ufaissa " yaagida mazamuraawiyaagaa mala gidiyaakko loˈˈo. (Maz. [ Pictures on page 27] Our attitude may well be like that of the psalmist who wrote: "You are my soul, O Jehovah, are my stronghold, and my heart will be joyful. " (2 PHe. 1: 10) Eti ammanuwaa, Xoossau aqiyoogaanne siiquwaa mala eeshshata qonccissanau minnidi oottana bessees. (Read Hebrews 11: 39, 40.) They must work hard to develop such godly qualities as faith, faith, love, and godly devotion. Uddufun aginappe guyyiyan, taani Amstterdaame kataman haggaazanaadan maddabettaas. Recommendation: Determine your limit before alcohol distorts your judgment. After May a month, I was assigned to serve in a town where I was assigned. Mase Kawuwaa Sabbite! Christ also gave to the congregation "gifts in men " - elders to shepherd God's flock. The Messianic King is the Messianic King! SHin tamaaretuura nu son aattido wodee keehi ufayssiyaaba. Or do the findings support the Babel account? But I was very happy when I spent school with our family. Yihoowau Aylledan Ootta Additionally, members of the Governing Body and other brothers from world headquarters fly to many countries to encourage and instruct fellow believers. Appreciate Jehovah's Qualities to the Full Geliya ogiyan xaafettida Geeshsha Maxaafay, tana qoommidi woppissiya ba qaalaa taayyo nabbabiya aawa mala gidida Yihoowa taani loyttada eranaadan maaddiis. " COVER: Sisters preaching in Russian on a Tel Aviv promenade. The Bible has helped me to deepen my appreciation for Jehovah's voice so that I can come to know him as a father. " (b) Hegaa waati oottana danddayiyoo? Few people have been treated as badly as David was. (b) How can we do this? Ha gita oosuwaa oottanau kase ayyo eray deˈii? The other elders nodded in agreement. Have you ever lived up to this wonderful work? Kiitettida PHauloosi gubaaˈiyaa asa bollan leemisidi, "bollaa qommotuppe issoi seelettikko, bollaa qommoti ubbaikka aara " seelettiyoogaa yootiis. The Ethiopian replied: "Really, how could I ever do so unless someone guided me? " The apostle Paul said: "If one of the members of the congregation offends him, all the members of the body are ill. " yaagiya maxaafay darota maaddiis. Because under normal circumstances, people find happiness and satisfaction in doing so. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Daaneeli gubaaˈe giddon darobaa oottiyo gishshau, Saara darotoo eta maaddausu. But some have chosen to do otherwise. Daniel was often involved in many aspects of the congregation, so Sarah often helped Sarah. 4: 7. Marriage is a relationship that requires a high level of commitment. 4: 7. Ibraaweti aginaa sunttaa Niisaana giidoy omooduwaappe simmidi gidikkonne, Ibraawetu koyro aginaa sunttaa ha huuphe yohuwan Niisaana giidi goˈettana. Many of these brothers and sisters endeavor to devote 130 hours each month to the field ministry. After the Hebrews were born, the first month of Nisan would have been used in this article for the first month of Nisan. Ha leemisoy akeekanaadan nuna maaddido ubbabaappe nuuni goˈettiyoy ayba ogiyaanee? 27 Draw Close to God - "Lift Up Your Son " How do we benefit from considering these illustrations? (Yaaqooba 2: 23 nabbaba.) For instance, because Noah "walked with the true God, " he did not walk, or associate, with the ungodly. (Read James 2: 23.) (Ha huuphe yohuwaa doomettan deˈiya misiliyaa xeella.) Why did the once modest prophet presumptuously go along with that deceitful older man? (See opening image.) Hara baggaara qassi, nu mala Kiristtaaniyaa galatiyoogeenne i Xoossaa siiqiyoogaa ayyo yootiyoogee a muletoo maaddana danddayees. - Piliphphisiyuusa 2: 1 - 4 nabbaba. " Keep Conquering the Evil " by Controlling Anger On the other hand, giving thanks to God can help a fellow believer to express our gratitude for him and his love for him. - Read Philippians 2: 1 - 4. [ Sinttaa 30n deʼiya misiliyaa qonccissuwaa] (Read Ephesians 4: 1 - 3.) [ Picture on page 30] (Ibraawe 11: 39, 40 nabbaba.) Certainly, we would not imitate the critical, judgmental spirit promoted by Satan. - Rev. 12: 10. (Read Hebrews 11: 39.) Zoriyaa: Ushshay ne qofaa mooranaappe kase woqqaa uyana koshshiyaakko kuuya. The peace we can enjoy with one another goes deeper than merely refraining from doing harm to our brothers. CONSIDER: Before deciding what you would like to do, it would be wise to decide what to do with your mind. Xoossaa dorssaa wudiyaa heemmanaadan "imota " gidida cimatakka gubaaˈiyawu Kiristtoosi immiis. (Efi. AFTER days of wind and rain, Monday, September 1, 1919, dawned warm and sunny. Christ has provided "gifts in men " to shepherd the flock of God. He naqaashay Baabiloonen hanettidabaa yootiyoobaara maayettii? He even confiscated her study materials. Do those facts harmonize with what happened to Babylon? Qassi Bolla Gididi Heemmiyaagaa yaratinne waanna biiroy kiittiyo ishati bantta ishantta minttettanawunne tamaarissanawu horophilliyan daro biitti boosona. They may simply be exhausted and in need of rest. The Writing Committee and the Governing Body also traveled to lands to encourage brothers and sisters to teach their homes. KOYRO SINTTAA: Michontti Tel - Aviven asay allaxxiyo sohuwan Ruusiyaa qaalan markkattoosona. Many had to strip off these harmful ways before being able to clothe themselves with the new personality. - Read Psalm 37: 8 - 11. COVER: Two sisters witness in Chinese - speaking languages. Daawitaagaa keena iita naaqoy gakkido asay guutta. Thanks to their tireless efforts, the good news penetrated every corner of the continent, helping countless individuals to take their stand for God's Kingdom. In David's case, few people have been victims of injustice. Hara cimatikka he qofaa maayidosona. Lacking accurate knowledge of what God wanted them to do, their zeal - and faith - were really in vain. - Matthew 7: 21 - 23. Other elders also adopted that view. Oychin Toophiyaa asa gidida bitanee, "Tau odidi akeekissiya asi bainnan waanidi akeekettii? " yaagidi zaariis. magazines to passersby on the street. The official replied: "How could a man ever do with me? " 7: 36 - 38) Ayssi giikko, yaatiyoogan asay ufayttees. (Maz. Paul said: "Let all malicious bitterness and anger and wrath and screaming and abusive speech be taken away from you along with all badness. Why? Because people do so well to be happy. SHin issoti issoti hegaappe dummatiyaabaa dooridosona. 15: 50; Jude 9. Some, though, chose a different course. Aqo deˈoy issoy issuwau wozanappe aqiyoogaa koyiyaaba. (Read Romans 9: 4, 5.) Marriage is a requirement for a marriage. Ha ishatuppenne michotuppe daroti aginan aginan 130 saatiyaa minnidi haggaazoosona. A child who is raised to embrace that principle is more likely to realize that everyone is superior to him in one way or another. Many of these brothers and sisters devote 130 hours to the ministry each month. Hidaare 22 - 28, 2010 SINTTAA 27 Although Jehovah now had a chosen nation on earth, he did not forbid the presence of non - Israelites among his people. 31 Our Readers Ask... Leemisuwawu, Nohee " Xoossaara hemettido ' gishshawu, Xoossaa yayyennaageetuura hemettibeenna woykko laggetibeenna. (b) What else would the sign indicate? For example, Noah did not " walk with God, ' so Noah did not remain loyal to God or his friends. Issi wode ashkke gidida, hananabaa yootiya bitanee bana cimmida cima bitaniyaara otoruwan biidoy aybissee? The commission given to Adam will have been accomplished without him. On one occasion, why did a man who was mild - tempered man seem to be disfellowshipped? Hanqquwaa Teqqiyoogan " Iitabaa Xoonite ' For the rest of his life, he was loyal to David. " THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE " (Efisoona 4: 1 - 3 nabbaba.) " The things upon the earth " are Christ's other sheep, who have the hope of living forever on earth. (Read Ephesians 4: 1 - 3.) Mootiyaanne haratu bolli pirddiya Seexaanaa leemisuwaa kaallokko. - Ajjuutaa 12: 10. For instance, we need to guard against succumbing to apostasy, a sin that would make us unfit to glorify God. We do not follow Satan's example by considering the example of others and others. - Revelation 12: 10. Nuuni issoy issuwaara deˈiya gaytotettan demmana danddayiyo sarotettay, nu ishata qohiyaabaa oottennan aggiyoogaappekka aadhiyaabaa gujjees. Promoting the idea that spirits do not exist is one of the many ways that Satan uses to mislead people. Rather than allowing our brothers to enjoy peace with one another, we do more than simply allow the peace of our brothers to distract us from doing things that could cause us to lose their peace. DARO gallassawu carkkiiddinne bukkiiddi takkidi, Saynno, Masqqala 1, 1919n saˈay wonttiyo wode booqalleesinne hoˈˈees. It was then that we had the discussion with the pioneer sister mentioned above. IT IS late in September 1, 1919, and on September 1, 1919, it continues to be ready for the day of night, as it were in September 1, 1919. Yaatin, i a xannaˈiyo xuufiyaa ippe wotti ekkiis. This happened shortly after the apostles died. So he studied the material and accepted it. Eti keehippe daafuridi shemppanau koyana danddayoosona. Did he see a righteous, God - fearing person? They may fear that they would have to get tired. Daroti ooratta asatettaa maayanaappe kase hegaa mala iita eeshshaa aggidosona. - Mazamure 37: 8 - 11 nabbaba. 6: 33; 24: 14. Many have been putting up with the new personality before putting on the new personality. - Read Psalm 37: 8 - 11. Eti salettennan minnidi oottido gishshawu, mishiraachoy Awusttiraaliyan ubbasaa gakkiis; qassi hegee keehi daro asay Xoossaa Kawotettawu exatanaadan maaddiis. In keeping with Psalm 4: 8, how did the Israelites fare when they kept God's Law? Because they worked hard to endure, the good news had grown up in Australia and helped many people to take their stand for God's Kingdom. [ Sinttaa 24n deʼiya misiliyaa] Of course, not everything the world offers is evil. [ Picture on page 24] giidi bana oychana koshshees. Growth involves a progressive series of changes. King David wrote: "What sort of persons ought you to be! " (Roome 10: 2, 3) Eti oottanaadan Xoossay koyiyoobaa erenna gishshau, mishettiyoogee aynne maaddenna; qassi eta ammanoykka hada. - Maatiyoosa 7: 21 - 23. God has shown great love in giving us his inspired Word. Because they did not know God's will, their zeal for what they wanted was. - Matt. 7: 21 - 23. giyo maxeeteta immiyo wode aara deˈays; he wode tawu layttay ichasha. They knew that sheep need care and attention in order to thrive. I was with him when I was five years old. PHauloosi: "Ixo hanotettaa, yiilluwaa, hanqquwaa, waasuwaanne cashshaa ubbaa iitatetta ubbaara intteppe xaissite. " Do not be getting drunk with wine, in which there is debauchery, but keep getting filled with spirit. " Paul wrote: "Let all malicious bitterness and anger and wrath and screaming and abusive speech be taken away from you. " 15: 50; Yih. 9. This Bible, produced by Jehovah's Witnesses, is available in over 130 languages. 15: 50; Jude 9. (Roome 9: 4, 5 nabbaba.) Accordingly, as Jehovah's people, we are united because we accept Jehovah's sovereignty, love our brothers, hope in God's Kingdom, and respect the ones God uses to take the lead among us. (Read Romans 9: 4, 5.) Ha maaraa akeekanaadan oottidi dichido naˈi ubba asay issiban baappe aadhiyoogaa akeekana danddayees. What is the conscience? With this principle in mind, the child may discern that all humans are superior to him. Yihooway saˈan doorido deree awu deˈiyaaba gidikkokka, Israaˈeela gidenna asay ba asaa giddon deˈenna mala diggibeenna. The sick, the disabled, the downtrodden - even children - felt free to approach him. Although Jehovah had chosen the nation of Israel on earth, he did not abandon his people. (b) Malaatay harabaa ay qonccissii? Wars: The two world wars took an estimated 60 million or more lives. (b) What do the two groups highlight? Addaameyyo imettida oosoy a naatu baggaara polettana. Branch office built in 1955 In the capital city, San Salvador, another missionary was studying the Bible with the wife of an engineer named Baltasar Perla. By means of his work, Adam would have to be fulfilled through his children. 18: 1 - 3) Hegaappe simmidi, Daawitayyo ammanettiyaagaa gidiis. Reach Out for a Fine Work Then David became loyal to David. " Saˈan deˈiyaabati, ' saˈan merinaa deˈuwaa hidootay deˈiyo, Kiristtoosa hara dorssata. Told in various forms, the gist of the story is as follows. " The things on the earth " are the other sheep, who have the prospect of everlasting life on earth. Leemisuwau, nuuni kaddiyaageeta gidennaadan naagettana koshshees. Kaddida uri Xoossaa bonchenna. Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, I fell unconscious. For instance, we need to be careful not to be misled. 4: 4) Ayyaana meretati baawa giyo qofaa aassiyoogee Seexaanay asaa balettanawu goˈettiyo daro ogetuppe issuwaa. While on his second missionary tour, about 50 C.E., Paul visited Philippi. One of the many ways that spirit creatures use Satan's influence is to deceive people. Qommoora ibaa denttido aqinye micheera nuuni tobbidoy he wode. You have such a heart. That was when we received an invitation to pioneer, quoted earlier. Hegee hanidoy kiitettidaageeti hayqqidi darin takkennaana. What was Jehovah's intention in warning Cain that sin was "crouching at the door "? This is not so easy for the apostles to suffer from the death of the apostles. Neeni Xoossau yayyiya, xillo asa gidiyoogaa beˈido gishshataassee? We understand that secular work and money can help us to care for our needs. Is it because you see God as a God - fearing man? 6: 33; 24: 14. We agree! 6: 33; 24: 14. Mazamure 4: 8 maaraadan, Israaˈeeleti Xoossaa Higgiyaa azazettido wode waanidonaa? • What did Jesus ' death accomplish? According to Psalm 4: 8, how did God's Law react? Ha alamiyan deˈiya ubbabay iita gidennaagee tuma. True, Jesus had assured them that they would soon receive holy spirit. Of course, not all the bad things in the world are bad. Xoossay ba Qaalaa nuussi immiyoogan nuna keehippe siiqiyoogaa bessiis. What happens when we die? God showed great love for us by means of his Word. Eti dorssay orddenne payya gidana mala naagananne xeellana koshshiyoogaa eroosona. BIBLE STUDIES They know that sheep needs to be healthy, healthy, and healthy. " Inttenan Geeshsha Ayyaanai kumoppe attin, inttena bashshiya woiniyaa giyo eessaa uyidi mattottoppite. " How can I cooperate more fully with those who are taking the lead? " Do not be getting drunk with wine, but be filled with wine. " Yihoowa Markkati giigissido ha Geeshsha Maxaafay 130 ppe dariya qaalan deˈees. (Read Luke 21: 1 - 4.) Jehovah's Witnesses are available in over 130 languages. Nuunikka Yihoowa asa gidiyoogaadan, Yihooway ubbabaa haariyaagaa gidiyoogaa ammaniyo, nu ishantta siiqiyo, Xoossaa Kawotettaa hidootiyoonne nuna kaalettanaadan Xoossay goˈettiyoogeeta bonchiyo gishshau, nu giddon issippetettay deˈees. • What might we do if many in our territory seem apathetic? As Jehovah's people, we also enjoy unity because we believe that Jehovah is the Universal Sovereign, the one who loves us, our brothers, and those who exercise faith in God's Kingdom. Zoriya wozanay aybee? Nathan assures David that Jehovah forgives him, but David will have to live with the consequences of his actions. - Verses 13, 14. What is the conscience? Harggiyaageeti, bollan paci deˈiyoogeeti, huqqunnettidaageeti, ubba naatikka akko shiiqanau yayyibookkona. Doris was baptized in 2010, and today she conducts several Bible studies of her own. Because of the poor, the afflicted ones did not come to his aid, especially those who were afraid to listen to him. Olaa: Koyronne naaˈˈantto alamiyaa olatun 60 miiloone woy hegaappe daro asay hayqqiis. Why must parents speak with their children about Jehovah? By the beginning of World War II, more than 60 million people were killed or died. San Salvador giyo waanna kataman issi misoonaawiyaa Baltazer Perla giyo manddiisiyaa machiyo Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈissawusu. * For example, some have questioned the usefulness of the little toe; however, it is now recognized to have an impact on the balance of the whole body. Among the most important Bible students, Charles C.E., studied the Bible with a wife named Michael, who was a married wife. Loˈˈobaa Oottanau Baaxetite The following articles will answer these questions: How can we be sure that God really cares about us? Making Good Decisions He haysee dumma dumma ogiyan odettiyaaba gidikkokka, waanna qofay kaallidi deˈiyaagaa. Goals are like blueprints; with effort, you can turn them into reality While this story is different, it is clear that there is a basic message. 5: 11, 12) Wurssettan, wurssetti baynnaba milatiya wodiyaappe simmin, taani hayqqida uradan jollu gaas. Joshua Succeeded With the Help of God's Spirit Finally, after the end of the end, I felt as if I were no longer dead. (Oos. 16: 25 - 33) PHawuloosi 50 M.Ln, misoonaawetettan naaˈˈantto buussan Piliphphisiyuusa katamaakka biis. You can be sure that "the peace of God... will guard your hearts and your mental powers " so that you will have the strength to resist all of Satan's propaganda. - Phil. In the second century C.E., Paul traveled on to Philippians's second journey. Hegaa mala wozanay neeyyookka deˈees. That was true of many in Corinth to whom Paul wrote. If you have such a heart, you too are there. (4) Metuwan genccanaadan nuna maaddees. (5) Nuuni suurebaa oottiyo wode anjjees. When you stand at a stranger's door and hear your companion speak from the heart about his or her love for Jehovah, you cannot help but be drawn closer to that individual. (4) Love will help us to cope with distressing circumstances. Oosoynne miishshay nuussi koshshiyaabaa kunttanau maaddiyoogaa eroos. For instance, when a family of needy Christians had to move to a new area for health reasons, fellow believers there let them use a house rent - free for six months. We know that the work and the money we need is helping us provide for the needs of others. He qofay nuunikka maayiyooba. When the people of Nineveh repented and turned around from their bad way, the Bible says: "The true God felt regret over the calamity that he had spoken of causing to them; and he did not cause it. " - Jonah 3: 10. We too do not have to be content with those words. • Yesuusi hayqqidoogan aybi polettidee? If you choose either of the first two options, you will tear down your house with your own hands. • What happened to Jesus ' death? Yesuusi eta bolli takkennan geeshsha ayyaanay wodhanaagaa yootiis. God will never allow his servants to suffer lasting loss for acting in harmony with divine principles and settling differences in a spirit of love. Jesus told them that they would not receive holy spirit. Nuuni hayqqiyo wode waaniyoo? They thus form an impenetrable defense. How do we react when we die? XINAATETA Above all, we rejoice because at Armageddon, Jehovah will vindicate his sovereignty and he will sanctify his holy name. - Ps. BIBLE STUDIES Gubaaˈe cimatuura waanada keehippe hashetana danddayiyaanaa? According to The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, this word refers to "a (religious) story that has no connection with reality. " How can I cooperate with the elders in the congregation? (Luqaasa 21: 1 - 4 nabbaba.) " The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it. " - Ps. (Read Luke 21: 1 - 4.) • Nu moottan deˈiya daroti sheneho giyaageeta gidikko ay oottana danddayiyoo? 1: 1, 2; Prov. • What can we do if many in our territory ignore the warning? Naataani Daawita Yihooway ayyo atto giidoogaa yootidi minttettiis; shin Daawita nagaray kaalettidobay appe qaarettenna. - Paydo 13, 14. He explains: "Because our lifestyle is much simpler, we are able to spend most of our day together as a family - preaching, talking with one another, and playing together with the boys. Nathan reassured David that Jehovah had forgiven him, but the consequences of David's sins. - Verse 13, 14. Doorisa 2010n xammaqettaasu; qassi ha wodiyan daro xinaateta xannaˈissawusu. Of course, in doing so we must remember that we too are sinful and prone to unloving acts. In 2010 we got baptized in 2010, and in 2010 she conducted several Bible studies. Aawaynne aayyiyaa Yihoowabaa bantta naatuura haasayana koshshiyoy aybissee? Sadly, though, they were influenced by "the original serpent, " Satan, and sinned against God. Why should parents speak to their children about Jehovah? SHin ha wodiyan, saynttistteti gediyaa qeeri biradhee asay sitti giidi eqqanaadan maaddiyoogaa akeekidosona. In what areas of life should our Yes mean Yes? Today, however, scientists have found that the feet of the cross can be adjusted. Kaalliya huuphe yohoti: Xoossay nuussi tumuppe qoppiyoogaa waatidi erana danddayiyoo? RENEÉ, a sister in her mid - 30 ' s, grew up in a family of zealous Witnesses in Australia. The following articles will consider: How can we really know that God really cares about us? Hoollee keettaa pilaane mala; loytti oottidi hegaa polana danddayettees How does Jehovah comfort us in our trials, and what assurance does his Word provide? Pursue goals can be likened to a house, and such goals can be effective. Xoossaa Ayyaanay Yaasussi Ubbabay Injjetanaadan Maaddiis Christian couples who are devoted to Jehovah and to each other are motivated by their love for God and for each other to resolve their difficulties, for "love never fails. " - 1 Cor. God's Spirit Helped Joshua to Use the Good News Neeni Seexaanay balettiyo odo ubbaa eqettanawu minnanaadan, " Xoossaa sarotettay ne wozanaanne ne qofaa naaganaagaa ' ammanetta. - Pili. Why was God pleased to reward his Son with heavenly life? Be assured that you will guard against Satan's propaganda, "the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers. " - Phil. Beni Qoronttoosa gubaaˈiyan deˈiya darotu hanotay hegaa mala. After that, she carefully considered the replies to her letters and concluded that Taiwan would be a suitable choice for her. The same is true of many in ancient Corinth. Nenaara sabbakiyaagee Yihoowa siiqiyoogaa bessiya hanotan issi erenna urau wozanappe yootiyoogaa siyiyo wode, neeni he uraara matattanaagee erettidaba. Within a year, the couple witnessed how that tiny group became a thriving congregation of 24 publishers. Of course, when you hear someone who does not truly love Jehovah, you will no doubt hear someone else express your genuine love for him. (1 PHeexiroosa 3: 8) Leemisuwau, payyatettaara gayttida metuwan, issi keettaa asay hara heeri biido wode, yan deˈiya eta mala Kiristtaaneti kera qanxxennan usuppun aginau deˈanaadan etau bantta keettaa immidosona. (Read Colossians 3: 13, 14; Ephesians 4: 32.) For example, when health health health problems arise, local Christians arranged for their fellow believers to rent their home for six months. 3: 10, NW. Articles have been published to help faithful family members cope when a beloved relative leaves Jehovah. 3: 10. Intte koyro naaˈˈatuppe issuwaa oottiyaaba gidikko, intte keettaa intte kushiyan laaleeta. Though he had affection for Lazarus, Jesus did not give way to tears because Lazarus died. If you are one of the first two, you are throwing your house into your hand. (Doo. 13: 14 - 17) Xoossay ba ashkkarati i kessido maaraa kaallidi ooshshana danddayiyaabaa siiquwan giigissiyoogaappe denddidaagan mule qohettanaadan oottenna. By his death on a torture stake, Jesus also paid the ransom price for mankind. God's servants will never be able to act lovingly in harmony with loving principles. Yaatiyoogee, morkkee kanttennaadan teqqees. The majority of them "kept on bringing forth to the sons of Israel a bad report of the land that they had spied out. " Doing so will prevent the enemy from destroying it. 7: 9, 14) He ubbabaappe aaruwan, Armmageedoona olan Yihooway suure ogiyan haariyoogaa qonccissiyo gishshaunne a geeshsha sunttay bonchettanaadan oottiyo gishshau nuuni ufayttoos. - Maz. But that destruction set the pattern for a greater destruction yet to come. More important, we rejoice that the sanctification of Jehovah's holy name will bring glory and honor to his name. - Ps. Intternaashinaal Isttandard Baybil Insaykiloppidiyaa giyo maxaafay yootiyoogaadan ha qaalay "tumaara gaytotetti baynna (haymaanoote) taarikiyaa qonccissees. " This article teaches us what provision the Mosaic Law made for slaves, how we can avoid becoming enslaved to Satan and the lures of his world, and how faithful slavery to our God is richly rewarded. The New Encyclopædia Britannica defines the use of the Encyclopædia Britannica (The New Encyclopædia Britannica). " " Xilloti biittaa laattananne yan merinau de7ana. " - Maz. As a generous Father, he openhandedly shares his spiritual riches with all who discern their excelling value. " The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it. " - Ps. 1: 1, 2; Lee. 16, 17. 1: 1, 2; Prov. I hagaadan giidi qonccissiis: "Nu deˈoy kaseegaappe keehi sima gidiyo gishshau, sabbakiyoogan, issoy issuwaara haasayiyoogaaninne naatuura kaaˈiyoogan, so asay gallassaappe dariya baggaa issippe aattoos. We will also see how the New World Translation, including the 2013 revision, has been a powerful tool to sanctify God's name and to make his will known. He explains: "Since our life is very simple, we enjoy spending more time together, sharing in the ministry, sharing in the field ministry, and sharing more with family members. (Lee. 3: 11, 12) SHin, nuunikka nagarancha gidiyoogaanne siiqennan aggana danddayiyoogaa hassayana bessees. What politically oriented individual sincerely concerned with mankind's advancement could resist such an offer? But we must bear in mind that we too are imperfect and that we can avoid being generous. SHin, eti " beni shooshshan ' Seexaanan cimettidi, Xoossaa bolli nagaraa oottidoogee azzanttiyaaba. (Ajj. 12: 9; Doo. [ Picture on page 18] Sadly, though, "the original serpent, " Satan, deliberately deceived them into disobeying God. Nuuni Ee giidobaa polana bessiyo issi issibay aybee? Have I considered the climate and the culture? What are some things we need to let our Yes mean Yes? RENO giyo, layttay 35 heera gidido michiyaa so asay mishettidi haggaaziya Yihoowa Markka gidido keettan Awusttiraaliyan diccaasu. Among the answers received, one stands out: While they were growing up, some young ones were not encouraged to pursue spiritual goals. A sister in her mid - 30 ' s grew up in Australia when she was a zealous Witness in Australia. SHin eta wozanai taappe haahuwan de7ees; asai tau mela goinnees. The vast majority of Christians, however, imitate Jesus. But their hearts are far from me, and they worship me in vain. Yihooway nu waayiyan nuna waati minttettii, qassi a Qaalay yootiyo ammanttiyaabay aybee? Let us examine why some are skeptical about the garden of Eden and see whether their reasons are sound. How does Jehovah comfort us in the face of trials, and what assurance does his Word provide? " Siiqoi mulekka xayenna " gishshawu, Yihoowawunne bantta aqo laggiyawu ammanettidi deˈanawu murttida azinaynne machiyaa bantta metuwaa giigissoosona. - 1 Qor. Like the figurative ten men, those who have an earthly hope have taken "firm hold of the robe of a Jew. " Since "love never fails, " married couples are determined to remain loyal to Jehovah and to remain loyal to their mates. - 1 Cor. Xoossay ba Naˈau saluwaa deˈuwaa immidoogan ufayttidoy aybissee? Why will it be beneficial to consider some prayers recorded in the Bible? Why is God pleased with his Son? Hegaappe simmin, eti iyyo xaafido dabddaabbiyan deˈiya qofaa loytta qoppada, Taywaanee iyyo injje soho gidiyoogaa akeekaasu. To answer, let us compare entertainment with food. Then she realized that in her letter, her goal was to find a suitable place in Taiwan. Eti issi layttaa giddon he guutta citay diccidi 24 aassiyaageeti deˈiyo gubaaˈe gidiyoogaa beˈidosona. Ideally, human governments should be able to manage earth's food supply to solve the hunger problem. After a few years, they saw that the small group of publishers had grown up in that small congregation. (Qolasiyaasa 3: 13, 14; Efisoona 4: 32 nabbaba.) How can we recognize signs of selfishness in ourselves? (Read Colossians 3: 13, 14; Ephesians 4: 32.) Kiristtaaneti sahettiyo wode genccanaadan maaddiyaanne eta xeelliyaageetakka maaddiya issi issi qofay nu xuufiyan kiyiis. Recall that God's will is that "all sorts of men should be saved. " Some suggestions have been published in our publications that help Christians to cope with sickness and encouragement. Yesuusi Alˈˈaazara siiqiyaaba gidikkonne, i afuxxidoy Alˈˈaazari hayqqido gishshataassa gidenna. And what did he demand? Although Jesus loved Lazarus, he did not have Lazarus ' death. Yesuusi mittaa bolli hayqqidoogee asaa naata wozanaadankka maaddiis. (Maa. The Bible, in contrast, describes faith as being neither blind nor illogical. Jesus also helped the human family to become like children of sin. Etappe daroti "yuuyi wochchido biittaabaa Israa7 eela asaayyo... iita oduwaa odidosona. " He ended up in servitude in a prominent Egyptian home. Many of them said: "It was bad for the nation of Israel. " He bashshay matan yaana wolqqaama bashshawu leemiso. They engage in sexual immorality. That destruction is a figurative picture of a fiery destruction. Ha huuphe yohuwan nuuni Muuse Higgiyan aylletussi giigidabaa, nuuni Seexaanaunne cimmiya a alamiyau aylle gidenna mala ay oottana danddayiyaakko, qassi Yihoowau ammanettidi aylledan oottiyoogee waatidi anjjo demissiyaakko tamaaroos. The Wayuu people like to talk about God. In this article, we will learn how we can be loyal to Jehovah, the Judge of the Mosaic Law, and how we can slave for Satan and his world. (1 Odi. 29: 11, 12) I keha Aawa gidiyo gishshawu, ayyaanaabaa duretettay ubbabaappe keehi aadhiyoogaa akeekiya ubbawu hegaa immees. In Psalm 16, which is attributed to David, we read: "You will not leave me in the Grave. As a generous Father, he gives all of this gifts that are higher than the riches of spiritual riches. 16, 17. So in these last few days before the Memorial, it is timely that we think about specific questions that we can use to stimulate the interest of our Bible students and other sincere individuals in this important event. 16, 17. Zaarettidi 2013n giigissidoogaa gujjin, Ooratta Alamiyaa Birshshettay Xoossaa sunttay bonchettanaadaaninne a shenee erettanaadan waati maaddidaakkokka beˈana. 1 - 3. (a) What changes may it be hard for us to make after our baptism? In 2013 the 2013 revision of the New World Translation, we will also consider how God's name has helped him to sanctify God's name and sanctify his will. Asaa naatu dichau wozanappe qoppiyaanne polotikay metuwaa xayssana danddayees giidi qoppiya ooninne hegaa mala shoobiyaa ixxis gaanee? In the future, Jesus will take action as King to establish world peace and eliminate poverty. - Read Psalm 72: 7, 8, 13. Would anyone accept such an invitation to eliminate human nature as well as to eliminate suffering? [ Sinttaa 26n deʼiya misiliyaa] Instead, he concentrated all his energies on qualifying himself for the future prize of eternal life. [ Picture on page 26] He biittaa carkkuwaa hanotaanne wogaa akeekidanaa? An avid reader, she subscribed to the English Watch Tower. Did I understand the local culture and culture? Eta zaaruwaappe issoy issi issi yelagati dicciyo wode ayyaanaabaa halchanaadan minttettiday baynnaagaa bessees. 7 Some youths are told to set spiritual goals when they are young. SHin daro Kiristtaaneti Yesuusa leemisuwaa kaalloosona. None of us are immune to its ravages. Many Christians, however, imitate Jesus. Issoti issoti Edene gannatiyaabaa siriyoy aybissakko, qassi eti shiishshiyo gaasoy ammanttiyaabaakkonne ane pilggoos. On the other hand, in an exceptional instance, Cornelius and his household were anointed by holy spirit even before they were baptized. - Acts 10: 44 - 48. Let us examine some of the reasons why they have faith in the garden of Eden, and let us take a closer look at the reasons why they doubt that they are found in the garden of Eden. 8: 23, NW) Leemisuwan odettida tammu asatudan, saˈan deˈanawu hidootan naagiyaageetikka " Ayhuda bitaniyaa maayuwaa macaraa oyqqidosona. ' 4, 5. Like the ten - year - old man in the illustration, the Jewish man acted as "a piece of clothing. " Geeshsha Maxaafan deˈiya issi issi woosata qoppiyoogee goˈˈiyoy aybissee? Despite Peter's serious failings, how did Jesus regard him? Why are some prayers recorded in the Bible beneficial? Ha oyshaa zaaranau, allaxxiyoobaa qumaara ane geeddarssoos. Baptism opens the door to many blessings; it also involves responsibility. To answer that question, let us compare our recreation with a brain. Kawotettati kattaa bessiya ogiyan oyqqiyoogan namisaa xayssana danddayiyoogaa yootoosona. Still, they understood my situation, and this encouraged me. The nations say that they can eliminate the heat of nuclear food. 9: 26, 27) Nuuni nu xalaalaa dosiyoogaa doommidaakkonne waati erana danddayiyoo? What would you like to do for Jehovah during your youth? How can we determine if we were to love ourselves? Xoossay " asay ubbay attanaadan ' koyiyoogaa hassaya. Such things as phone sex, "sexting, " and cybersex promote a distorted view of sex and encourage people to experience sexual pleasures outside the marriage arrangement. Remember, God wants everyone to be saved. I ay oottanaadan oychidee? Gilead was inaugurated in 1943, and since then over 8,500 have been trained. What did he ask him to do? Geeshsha Maxaafay hegaappe dumma gidida ogiyan, ammanoy coo woykko bessenna ogiyan ammaniyoogaa gidennaagaa qonccissees. The first aspect of the spirit's fruitage that Paul listed is the precious quality of love. In contrast, the Bible shows that faith is not an expression of faith or lack of faith. Yaatin, i Gibxxen issi erettida bitaniyaa son aylle gidiis. Consider another situation. So he became slaves in Egypt. Qassi eti shori baynnabaa hanidosona. The speaker directed his words to those who could expand their ministry. And they became addicted to immorality. Waayu biittaa asay Xoossaabaa haasayiyoogaa dosees. Even though we may be limited in the material or practical help we can provide, our kindness to them reflects Jehovah's love for them. Instead, they prefer not to talk about God. Mazamure 16 n Daawiti, "Tana Si7ooliyau aattada immakka; neeni nenan ammanettiyaagaa musissakka " yaagidi xaafiis. (Maz. By taking time to study Bible accounts and to meditate on them, we can begin to understand Jehovah's qualities and his way of thinking. In Psalm 16: 16, David wrote: "Those hoping in me will repay me, and you will not abandon me. " Yaatiyo gishshawu, Godaa Kahuwaappe kasetiya amarida gallassatun, nuuni Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈissiyoogeetinne hara ashkke asati he baalawu yaanaadan denttettanawu oychana oyshaa qoppiyoogee loˈˈo. All rights reserved. So in the weeks leading up to the Lord's Evening Meal, it would be wise to ask sincere Bible students to accompany those sincere and modest ones. 1 - 3. (a) Nuuni xammaqetti simmin giigissanawu metana danddayiyaabay aybee? She says: "I constantly thank Jehovah for our worldwide brotherhood because they too are my family. 1 - 3. (a) What challenges may we face after baptism? (Daaneela 7: 13, 14) Yesuusi Kawo gidiyo gishshawu, sinttappe alamiyan sarotettay deˈanaadan oottana; qassi hiyyeesatettaa xayssana. - Mazamure 72: 7, 8, 13 nabbaba. Paul wrote that "those who practice such things will not inherit God's Kingdom. " As King, Jesus will bring an end to peace and poverty in the world. - Read Psalm 72: 7, 8, 13. Hegaa qoppiyoogaappe, sinttappe merinaa deˈuwaa woytuwaa demissiyaabaa minnidi oottiis. 3, 4. (a) In the book of Isaiah, what does the word "servant " designate? Rather, he worked hard hard to lead the prize of everlasting life. A daro nabbabiyo gishshawu, Inggilizetto Wochiyo Keelaa konttiraatiyaa gelaasu. Indeed, "Solomon's wisdom was vaster than the wisdom of all the Orientals and than all the wisdom of Egypt. " - 1 Ki. 4: 29 - 32. As a result of her reading, she married an English edition of The Watchtower. 7 How so? 7 Hayqoy nuna qohennaadan oottana danddayokko. This is in line with what Jesus said to his followers in the Sermon on the Mount: "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your fine works and give glory to your Father who is in the heavens. " We cannot eliminate death. 10: 44 - 48. These are fine privileges, to be sure! 10: 44 - 48. 4, 5. In his explanation, Jesus identified "the righteous ones " as" the sons of the kingdom, " anointed Christians. - Matt. 4, 5. PHeexiroosi gita nagaraa oottidaba gidikkonne Yesuusi a waati oyqqidee? The next article in this series will consider Bible verses that shed light on the length of the seven times. How did Peter react to serious sins? Xammaqettiyoogee daro anjjo demissiyaaba gidikkonne, polana bessiyaabaykka deˈees. Though I did not know it at the time, I would have the privilege of visiting many of those places in the years to come. Although baptism opens the door to many blessings, it also involves responsibility. Gidikkokka, eti ta hanotaa akeekoosona; qassi hegee tana minttettiis. Just seeing my mother and sister smile boosted my morale and strengthened my resolve to endure. " However, they understood my situation and encouraged me. Neeni yelagatettan Yihoowau ay oottanau koyay? Surely we do not want to sadden Jehovah's heart by accepting something that his Word condemns! What desire do you want to serve Jehovah? Yeellayiyaabainne eeyya haasayai woi pattenna qiree intteyyo bessennabaa gidiyo gishshau, intte matan mulekka de7oppo. " (Efi. The August 1, 1924, Watch Tower mentioned that 50 were baptized in Brazil, mostly in Rio de Janeiro. Stop saying: "Do not be anxious over anything, nor are you going out of your mouth, because there is neither foolish nor foolish nor foolish. " Giiliyaade Timirtte Keettay 1943n doommiis; qassi he wodeppe doommidi 8,500ppe dariyaageeti loohidosona. However, the costs always outweigh any seeming benefits that Satan may offer. - Job 21: 7 - 17; Gal. Gilead School began to Gilead School, and more than 8 million were trained. PHawuloosi yootido ayyaanaa ayfiyaa macaratuppe koyroogee alˈˈo eeshsha gidida siiquwaa. What is the world's spirit, and what does it produce? The first aspect of the spirit's fruitage is love. Hara hanotaa qoppa. ▪ Let Nothing Hinder You From Taking Hold of Glory Consider another example. He haasayaa shiishshida ishay loytti haggaazana koyiyaageeta minttettiya ogiyan shiishshiis. God counseled Cain to get the mastery over the sin that was "crouching at the door. " The speaker gives special encouragement to those who want to expand their ministry. Nuuni miishshan woy haraban eta maaddanawu wolqqi nuussi xayikkonne, etawu kehiyoogee Yihooway eta siiqiyoogaa bessiyaaba. For good reason, Jehovah has provided practical advice in his Word to assist us to maintain our integrity, even if we experience wrongs at the hands of fellow believers. - Ps. Although we may not be able to help or help others, it is appropriate that Jehovah loves them. 2: 16; Qol. 1: 15) Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈanaunne an wotti dentti qoppanau wodiyaa immiyoogan, Yihoowa eeshshatanne i qoppiyo ogiyaa akeekana danddayoos. What was Paul's point of counsel with reference to runners in the Greek games? By studying the Bible, meditating on it, and meditating on Jehovah's qualities, we can discern his personality and ways. All rights reserved. The apostle Paul called love the "surpassing way. " All rights reserved. A hagaadan gaasu: "Kumetta alamiyan deˈiya ishatikka issi keettaa asa gidiyo gishshawu, taani ubba wode Yihoowa galatays. 63: 7 - 9; Jas. 5: 11, ftn. She says: "I thank Jehovah always because the brothers in the world are young. PHawuloosi, "Hageeta milatiyaageeta oottiyaageeti Xoossaa kawotettaa laattokkona " yaagiis. Not surprisingly, the courageous single sisters we interviewed faced challenges. " Those who refuse to inherit God's Kingdom will not inherit the kingdom of God. " 3, 4. (a) Isiyaasa maxaafan "ashkkaraa " giya qaalay ay malaatii? Aaron cooperated and produced a golden statue of a calf. 3, 4. (a) In the book of Isaiah, what does the word "heart " refer? " Solomona aadhdhida eratettai arshsho baggaara de7 iya asa ubbaa aadhdhida eratettaappenne Gibxxetu aadhdhida eratetta ubbaappekka aadhdhiis. " - 1 Kawotu 4: 29 - 32. Ruth, in Malawi, saw several Witnesses do so when they were persecuted in the 1970 ' s. " The wisdom of Solomon is all the wisdom of Egypt and of all the wisdom of Egypt. " - 1 Kings 4: 29 - 32. Hegee gubaaˈiyaa maaddiyoy ayba ogiyaanee? • What is involved in putting off "every weight "? How does that affect the congregation? Yesuusi Deriyaa Bolla Timirttiyan: "Intte oottiyo lo77o oosuwaa be7idi, saluwan de7iya intte awaa galatana mala, intte poo7oi asa sinttan poo7o " yaagidi bana kaalliyaageetuyyo yootidoogaara hegee issi mala. The fulfillment of Bible prophecies confirms this fact, so we need to keep on the watch. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: "Let your light shine before men, because they see your fine works, and let your light shine before men. " Hegee gita haggaazo maataa gidiyoogee qoncce! This woman represents Jehovah's wifelike organization that is made up of spirit creatures in heaven. - Isa. What a privilege that is! 13: 39, 43) Yesuusi "xilloti " " kawotettaa naata, ' ayyaanan tiyettida Kiristtaaneta gidiyoogaa qonccissiis. - Maa. Then the man quoted Matthew 24: 14. " Jesus identified anointed Christians as "the righteous one, " the anointed Christians. - Matt. Hagaappe simmin ha huuphe yohuwan kiyiya qofan laappun layttay ay keena wodekko qonccissiya Geeshsha Maxaafaa xiqiseta beˈana. If you would like to enjoy a close relationship with God, Jehovah's Witnesses will be happy to help you. In the following article, we will consider Bible verses that will reveal the value of the seven times. Taani he wode erana xayikkonne, guyyeppe he biittatuppe darota beˈiyo maataa demmaas. And as time went by, the brothers and sisters in the Oswestry Congregation became like a new family, lovingly supporting us through our trials. Even though I did not know it, I had the privilege of seeing most of that country. Ta aayyiyaanne ta michiyaa pashkki giyoogaa beˈiyoogee tana minttettiis; qassi taani genccanawu yaa murttanaadan maaddiis. " The invitation to "take life's water " by hearing and responding to the Kingdom good news is open to all. My mother and I encouraged my sister to see me smile, and it helped me to endure. " Nuuni Geeshsha Maxaafay oottoppite giyoobaa oottidi Yihoowa azzanttana koyennaagee qoncce! According to Matthew 6: 7, what abuse of prayer should we avoid? Of course, we do not want Jehovah to cause us to forget what the Bible says! Naase 1, 1924, Wochiyo Keelay Brazile biittan 50ti xammaqettidoogaa yootiis; hegeetuppe daroti Riyo di Janiro kataman deˈiyaageeta. Since baptism, I have faced a number of potentially explosive situations. August 1, 1949, issue of The Watchtower reported that in Brazil had been baptized in Brazil, many of whom were baptized in the city of St.C.E. Hegee tumu goˈˈaa demissenna! - Iyy. 21: 7 - 17; Gal. Nevertheless, while the nation of Israel was en route to the Promised Land, Korah perceived what he imagined to be problems in God's arrangement. That would not be true! - Job 21: 7 - 17; Gal. Alamiyaa ayyaanay aybee, he ayyaanay asay ay oottanaadan denttettii? The action of Satan the Devil has raised the question of the rightfulness of Jehovah's sovereignty. What is the spirit of the world, and what will that spirit move people to do? ▪ Aybinne Neeni Bonchettennaadan Diggana Mala Oottoppa As a perfect human, Jesus could have concluded that he, like Adam, had the potential for fathering a perfect race. ▪ Let Nothing Disfellowshipping You Xoossay Qaayeeli " ba penggen zuggida ' nagaraa xoonanaadan zoriis. God allows suffering to continue at present for good reasons. Cain urged Cain to " throw away the sin of the house of Jehovah. ' Nu mala Kiristtaaneti nuna naaqqikkokka nuuni ammanettidi deˈanaadan maaddanawu, Yihooway ba Qaalan goˈˈiya zoriyaa yootiis. - Maz. The sign of his presence has been in evidence since 1914. In his Word, Jehovah provides practical counsel to help us maintain our integrity. - Ps. PHauloosi beni Giriiken woxxiyaageetubaa yootiyoogan zorido zoriyau waanna qofay aybee? From the Law that God gave to Israel, we learn about the sort of slavery that Jehovah requires of us. What was the primary reason for Paul's counsel to Greece? Kiitettida PHauloosi siiquwaa "ubbaappe keehi aadhdhiya ogiyaa " yaagiis. As servants of Jehovah, we are not among those who are misled. The apostle Paul said: "The very best way of love is by means of the ransom. " 63: 7 - 9; Yaaq. Table of Contents 63: 7 - 9; Jas. Nuuni oychido mino michontta metoy gakkidoogee garamissiyaaba gidenna. Rather than being judgmental or suspicious, we should provide spiritual comfort to those facing undesirable circumstances. It is not surprising that we have a serious problem. Aarooni eta qofaa maayidi, worqqaappe maraa medhiis. New to the congregation: Individuals and families may move to your area. With their mind, Aaron made a golden calf, making the golden calf. Maalaawen deˈiya Uruta he biittan deˈiya Yihoowa Markkata 1970 heeran yedetay gakkido wode issoti issoti hegaadan oottidoogaa beˈaasu. With great joy, they willingly and eagerly shared the Kingdom message with others. - Luke 10: 1, 8, 9, 17. Ruth, who lived in Malawi, saw the experience of some of Jehovah's Witnesses in the early 1970 ' s. • " Xubbiya ubbabaa ' diggiyoogee ay ay gujjii? " I wonder, " Who will encourage me? ' " • What is involved in doing "the things above "? Geeshsha Maxaafaa hiraagay polettiyoogee hegaa qonccissiyo gishshau, nuuni naagi uttana koshshees. In the Christian congregation, we express our desire to imitate Jehovah's impartiality by treating all our brothers and sisters with dignity and loving - kindness. Since the fulfillment of Bible prophecy is fulfilled, we need to keep on the watch. Ha maccaasiyaa saluwan deˈiya ayyaana meretati i giddon deˈiyo, Yihoowayyo macho mala dirijjitiyaa malaata. - Isi. That Person is Jehovah God himself. - Psalm 83: 18; Jeremiah 10: 7, 10. This woman is a sign of Jehovah's organization, the heavenly part of his organization. - Isa. Bitanee yaagidi, Maatiyoosa 24: 14n deˈiya qofaa yootiis. " (Read Proverbs 6: 16 - 19; Rev. The man responded at Matthew 24: 14. Neeni Xoossawu mata dabbo gidanawu koyikko, Yihoowa Markkati nena maaddiyoogan ufayttoosona. Still, it is possible to learn the Bible's basic message of hope and salvation from nearly all translations. If you want to develop a close relationship with God, Jehovah's Witnesses are happy to help you. Amarida wodiyaappe guyyiyan, Aziwastri Gubaaˈiyan deˈiya ishatinne michoti nuna paacee gakkido wodiyan siiquwan maaddiyoogan, nuussi ooratta so asa mala gididosona. (Luq. This may sound very basic, but the truth is that "faith is not a possession of all people. " Some years later, the brothers and sisters in the congregation were like a family who helped us in a loving manner. (Efisoona 5: 26) Xoossaa Kawotettaa mishiraachuwaa siyidi zaaruwaa immidi, "de7 o haattaa " ekkanaadan ubba asay shoobettiis. Moses was such a prophet. Instead of listening to the good news of God's Kingdom, he invited her to "take life's water free. " Haggaazuwan Asawu Qoppiyaagaanne Keha Gida, 5 / 15 " I JUST don't understand, " says Devon. Follow the Golden Rule in Your Ministry, 5 / 15 8 Maatiyoosa 6: 7n deˈiyaagaadan nuuni haakkana koshshiya woossiyo ogee awugee? 7: 19, 24. What is one way in which we should avoid our request at Matthew 6: 7? Taani xammaqettoosappe ha simmin, hanqquwaa eexxa kiyanaadan oottiya darobay gakkiis. It was as if he had killed the priest who had helped him. After my baptism, I met a large company that had been put to death. SHin, Israaˈeela deree Hidootaa Biittaa biyo wode, Qoraahi Xoossaa giigissuwan balabay deˈiyaabadan qoppiis. In him are spiritual treasures that are easily within reach of anyone who wholeheartedly seeks them. However, when the nation of Israel entered the Promised Land, Korah felt that what was wrong in God's arrangement was wrong. Yihoowa haaroy suurekkonne Seexaanaa Dabloosi oyshaa denttiis. How was that possible? Satan the Devil challenged the rightfulness of Jehovah's sovereignty. Yesuusi polo asa gidiyoogaadan, Addaameegaadan polo naata yeliyo abbee deˈiyoogaa qoppana danddayees. He felt pity for them and healed many. As imperfect humans, Jesus could have thought that Adam could have perfect children. Xoossay ha wodiyankka metoy gakkanaadan paqqadido gaasoy deˈees. Far from providing a faint outline of the Creator, the Bible contains the kind of information that we need in order to get to know God. God has a purpose in allowing suffering to happen today. I qonccidoogaa bessiya malaataa 1914ppe doommidi beˈiiddi deˈoos. Can you find friends who love Jehovah as much as you do? From 1914 onward, we have seen the sign of his presence. Xoossay Israaˈeelatussi immido Higgiyaappe, nuuni ay mala aylle gidanaadan Yihooway koyiyaakko akeekoos. If you observe people of questionable morals speaking in tongues, you might rightly wonder, " Would it not be inconsistent - even misleading - for God's holy spirit to be bestowed on individuals who persistently engage in conduct that God's own Word condemns? ' From God's Law to Israel, we realize that Jehovah wants us to be slaves. Nuuni Yihoowa ashkkarata gidiyo gishshawu, hegaadan balokko. Even though a farmer works hard to plant his crop, he has no control over the weather or the growth of the plants. As servants of Jehovah, we will not be surprised if we do so. Tisaase 1, 2012 How can the elders reinforce the efforts of parents who are helping their children progress to baptism? December 1, 2012 7: 1) Leemisuwawu, issi asi motoriyaa laaggishin daafabay gakkin qohettidi sohuwaara hosppitaaliyaa biidabadan qoppa. How can we benefit from godly wisdom? Consider, for example, what happened when a man was hit by a bus accident. Mati gubaaˈiyaa yiidaageeta: Issi issi asati woy so asati deˈanawu intte heeraa yaana danddayoosona. 3 / 1 COVER: Some who are in the local congregation may come to your home or to live in a local community. 10: 1, 8, 9, 17. The point of this scenario is that we can lessen anger, disappointment, and other negative emotions with understanding, open - mindedness, and a willingness to forgive. 10: 1, 8, 9, 17. " Tana ooni minttettanee? ' 16: 21. " Who can provide me comfort? ' Gubaaˈiyan ishanttanne michontta bonchuwaaninne siiquwan oyqqiyoogan asa asappe shaakkennaageeta gidiyoogan Yihoowa leemisuwaa kaallanau koyiyoogaa bessoos. Sophia: All right. We show that we want to imitate Jehovah by showing respect for the brothers and sisters in the congregation. Hegaa mala wolqqay deˈiyoy Xoossaa Yihoowa. - Maz. 83: 18; Erm. 10: 7, 10. Or could it be that we want to have "the first place " or even wish to" lord it over " others? Such power is Jehovah God. - Psalm 83: 18; Jer. 10: 7, 10. (Leemiso 6: 16 - 19 nabbaba; Ajj. Then you have an idea of the surpassing joy that will be ours when "all those in the memorial tombs will hear [Jesus '] voice and come out " in the resurrection. (Read Proverbs 6: 16 - 19; Rev. Gidikkokka, ubba birshshettatuppe Geeshsha Maxaafan deˈiya hidootaabaanne atotettaabaa tamaarana danddayoos. FROM OUR COVER However, all of us can learn about the hope and salvation of the Bible. I, "Ammanoi bainnan ooninne Xoossaa ufaissanau danddayenna " yaagiis. (Ibr. We could then offer him either the brochure Was Life Created? He said: "Without faith it is impossible to please God well. " Muusee hananabaa yootida, hegaa mala asa. 4, 5. Moses, the prophet Moses, was like that. DEVENI hagaadan yaagiis: "Tau gelenna. No " I am unable to remain single. 7: 19, 24. How did Jesus and many of his disciples become refugees? 7: 19, 24. Bana maaddida qeesiyaa woridabadan au siyettiis. How were our brothers able to survive the march? He felt that the priest had taken him to the priest's care. Kumetta wozanaappe koyiya ooninne metootennan demmiyo ayyaana buqurati an deˈoosona. Although what Elihu spoke under inspiration was fulfilled in Job's restoration, his words are also meaningful to others. No one else was able to have spiritual gems of spiritual treasures. Hegee waanidi hanana danddayii? In the next article, we will consider two additional instances of unjust treatment that occurred among Jehovah's people in Bible times. How can this happen? Etau qarettidi darota pattiis. 24: 9. Moved with compassion, he healed many. Medhidaagaa xeelliyaagan Geeshsha Maxaafay guuttabaa xallaa yootiyaaba gidennan, Xoossaa eranawu maaddiyaabaa yootees. How may elders snatch the sheep from Satan's jaws, figuratively speaking? The Bible tells us not only about the Creator but also about God. Neegaadan Yihoowa siiqiya laggeta demmana danddayay? Bible prophecies and world events confirm that his presence as King began in 1914, as did "the conclusion of the system of things. " Can you find yourself among those who love Jehovah? (Gal. 5: 17 - 21) Borssobaa oottiya asati dumma dumma qaalan haasayiyoogaa intte beˈikko, " Xoossaa Qaalan digettidabaa aggennan oottiyaageetussi geeshsha ayyaanay imettiyoogee phalqqettiyaaba, ubba balettiyaaba gidennee? ' giidi qoppana danddayeeta. " The offer was tempting, " says Cherie, "and coaches and fellow students put a lot of pressure on me to accept it. " If you see people who do not respond favorably to a variety of languages, you might wonder, " Is it not reasonable to conclude that God's holy spirit will continue to act in a way that all those who respond to it? ' Goshshanchay kattaa zeranawu minnidi oottikkonne, carkkuwaa hanotaa laammana woy kattay eesuwan diccanaadan oottana danddayenna. He or she also suffers the effects of inherited imperfection. A farmer does not have to work hard to prepare the harvest work, but the weather cannot grow quickly. Xammaqettanawu dicciya naata maaddiya aawatunne aayotu oosuwaa cimati waatidi yaa minttana danddayiyoonaa? What is understood about how these two types function? How can parents strengthen their children's work? Xoossay immiyo aadhida eratettan waanidi goˈettana danddayiyoo? What is evident to those who are heeding Jesus ' command to "keep on the watch "? How can we use godly wisdom? 3 / 15 In Jesus ' day, a talent was equivalent to about 6,000 denarii. 5 / 15 Nuuni issi uri balidoy aybissakko akeekanau baaxetikko, a balau gaaso gididabaa wurssi erennan aggana danddayiyoogaa akeekikko, qassi atto giyaageeta gidikko, he uraa bolli darin hanqqettokko woy yiillotokko. People with a proud attitude - a common trait of "wise and intellectual ones " - tend to misunderstand the Bible. If we realize that a person may not fully understand what is wrong, we will not be quick to admit that he is wrong, or if he is quick to forgive, we will not be quick to forgive. 16: 21. Service was so much fun! 16: 21. Saaro: Ero. He was 85 years old. Sophia: OK. Woykko nuuni "halaqa gidanau " woy " godatanau ' koyiyoogaa bessiyaabee? In 1976 the Kingdom work was banned in the Central African Republic, and I was assigned to N'Djamena, the capital of neighboring Chad. Or is it reasonable to ask ourselves, " Is it reasonable for us to be a friend or a slave "? ' Dendduwaa wode " duufuwan deˈiyaageeti [Yesuusa] cenggurssaa siyidi duufuwaappe kiyiyo wode, ' nuuni ay keena ufayttanaakko qoppana danddayaasa. By giving reasons, you imitate the Great Teacher, Jesus. You may wonder how happy we will be when "all those in the memorial tombs will hear [Jesus '] voice and come out. " SINTTA HUUPHE YOHOTA We have mentioned trains, cars, and airplanes, but there have also been bicycles, typewriters, Braille devices, the telegraph, telephones, cameras, audio and video recorders, radio, television, motion pictures, computers, and the Internet. FROM OUR COVER Yaagikko, Deˈon Deˈiyaabay Merettidee? What he said through the prophet Jeremiah has implications for your heart and the hearts of your loved ones. If so, see the brochure Was Life Created? 4, 5. What can help you to respond in a forgiving way if you have been upset by the unkind conduct of others? 4, 5. CHii The method and the scope of the preaching work were new. Maybe Yesuusinne i erissiyo ashkkaratuppe daroti waanidi bete gididonaa? If we remain loyal to Jehovah, we will see how he eventually works everything out for the good of those who love him. How did many of Jesus and his disciples become demons? Nu ishantti he wode waanidi paxa attidonaa? As time passed, it became evident that the English edition of the New World Translation needed to be updated to reflect changes in the English language. How did our brothers stay alive at that time? (Iyyooba 32: 5, 6, 18) Eelihu ayyaanay denttettin haasayidobay Xoossay Iyyooba zaarettidi anjjido wode polettidaba gidikkonne, i giidobay haratakka goˈˈiyaaba. Glowing embers transported in such a way could readily be used with tinder wood to rekindle a fire at any point along a journey. Although Elihu's words were fulfilled in Job's day, his words also benefited others. Kaalliya huuphe yohuwan, beni wode Xoossaa asaa giddon suure gidennabay gakkido hara naaˈˈu hanotata xannaˈana. Yet, the fact that Paul urges us to work "whole - souled as to Jehovah " makes us think about our entire course of life. In the following article, we will consider two different situations that arose among God's people in Bible times. 24: 9. Yet, there was a demand for "Photo - Drama " presentations. 24: 9. Cimati leemiso hanotan Seexaanaa doonaappe dorssaa wotti ekkana danddayiyoy ayba ogiyaanee? Prayer is vital. How can elders shepherd Satan's flock? Yesuusi Kawo gididi qoncciyoogeenne " wodiyaa wurssettay ' 1914n doommidoogaa Geeshsha Maxaafaa hiraagatinne alamiyaa hanotati boxooxissoosona. Further, I am leaving the world and am going my way to the Father. " The expression "the conclusion of the system of things " and" the conclusion of the system of things " indicates that the end of the world began in 1914. SHeera: "He injjee amoyiyaaba; qassi ispporttiyaa tamaarissiyaageetinne tanaara tamaariya naati hegaa eeno gaada ekkanaadan tana unˈˈissidosona " yaagaasu. In contrast, the third slave was "sluggish. " " It seemed to be a challenge for me to steal, " she says, "and I was pressured to get along with my parents and children. " Laattido nagaray kaalettidobay nuugaadan a woy o barcheyees. (Roo. • What reasons do we have for honoring our fellow believers? Like Jacob, we experience the consequences of inherited sin or that of his health. Ha naaˈˈu qommoti oottiyoobaa xeelliyaagan asay akeekidobay aybee? For some, this is an ongoing conflict, or a balancing act. What do two groups understand about the role of these two groups? Nuuni Yesuusi yootido malaatay polettanaagaa " naagi uttido ' gishshawu ay ammaniyoo? The message is clear: What counts is that we " do our best ' in praising Jehovah. How do we know that we are living in "the expectation " of Jesus ' parable? Yesuusa wode, issi taalanttee 6,000 gidiya dinaariyaara lagge. What an extraordinary privilege for the Israelites - and for us - to be servants of Jehovah, the God who is consistent and loyal in all his ways! - Mal. At the time of Jesus ' birth, there were about 6,000 billion friends. " Aadhida eranchatinne akeekanchat i ' daroti otorettiyo gishshawu, Geeshsha Maxaafaa qofaa eti akeekiyoobay bala. God's firstborn spirit Son, represented as the personification of wisdom, is depicted as saying: "Jehovah produced me as the beginning of his way... Because "the wisdom and discernment of many men " have been influenced by Bible scholars, it would be wrong to understand the Bible's message. Haggaazoy keehi ufayssees! How can we "consider " someone who feels downhearted because of the shame and despair that he still experiences as a result of a past transgression, even though he has taken steps to correct matters? What a joy it is to be joyful in the ministry! 6: 15) He wode awu layttay 85. Consider the example of the Ethiopian proselyte who was returning home after going to Jerusalem to worship. He was 24 years old. Kawotettaa oosoy 1976n Giddo Afirkkaa Ripublikiyan teqettin, taani shooro biittaa CHade waanna katamaa Nijamenan haggaazanaadan kiitettaas. And there were loud voices in heaven, saying: " The kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever. ' " - Revelation 11: 15. In 1976, I was assigned to serve as a district overseer in the Central African Republic. Hegee koshshiyo gaasuwaa yootiyoogan, Gita Asttamaariyaa Yesuusa leemisuwaa kaallaasa. Imitate Their Faith - She Was "Declared Righteous by Works " 12 The reason is that you will follow Jesus ' example by listening to the Great Teacher. Kasetidi baaburiyaabaa, kaamiyaabaanne horophilliyaabaa beˈida; qassi bishkkiliitiyaa, woraqataaninne bireyliyan xaafanawu maaddiya miishshata, telegrafiyaa, silkkiyaa, kaameeraa, cenggurssaa duuqqiyo miishshata, biiduwawu maaddiyaabata, eraadooniyaa, televizhiiniyaa, silimaa, komppiyuteriyaanne Intternneetiyaa goˈettiyoogaakka beˈida. (b) What lesson can we learn from Zoila's experience? At first, we saw an electronic bicycle, the radio, the Internet, the Internet, the Internet, and the Internet, the Internet, the Internet, the Internet, and the Internet. I yootidobay nenanne neeni siiqiyoogeetakka maaddana danddayees. We avoid "minding lofty things. " He may also help you and your loved ones. Harati kehabaa haasayibeenna woy oottibeenna gishshau neeni hanqqettiyaaba gidikko, etayyo atto gaanaadan nena aybi maaddii? Even if we feel a deep void in our life - whether from childlessness or from the death of a loved one - we can still gain comfort. If others are angry or angry, what will help you to forgive others? Eti sabbakiyo hiillay ooratta, qassi sabbakanasay aaho. In answer, Peter said: "Yes, Lord, you know I have affection for you. " They preach in new territories and have been assigned to preach with extensive preaching work. 27: 11) Nuuni ubbatoo Yihoowayyo ammanettikko, i bana siiqiyaageetuyyo ubbabaa loyttanaagaa ammanettoos. The faithful apostles and others will rule with him in heaven. As long as we remain loyal to Jehovah, we can be confident that he will always care about all those who love him. Daro layttappe guyyiyan, Inggilizettuwan attamettida Ooratta Alamiyaa Birshshettaa Inggilizetto qaalay laamettiyoogaara maayettiya ogiyan giigissana koshshiyoogaa akeekida. Now is the especially acceptable time. Years later, we realized that the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures was needed to make changes in order to make changes in order to make changes in harmony with the English text. 30: 14) Hegaadan ekkidi biyo bonqquwaa goˈettidi, ogiyaa bolli koyidosan sohuwaara pinccuwan tamaa oyttanawu danddayeetees. It is proper to "keep on asking " for anything that is in harmony with God's will. Instead of using it on the road, you will be able to keep a fire open and without falling into a fiery furnace. SHin PHauloosi "Godau oottiyoogaadan wozanappe " oottanaadan zorido zoree, nu deˈuwan oottiyo ubbabaa qoppanaadan oottees. So we should take the initiative to show a warm and sincere interest in them. However, Paul's counsel to "do your utmost " implies that we do all things in our life. Gidoppe attin, daro asay "Pooto Diraamaa " zaarettidi beˈanau koyiis. Jehovah has given us clear warnings - just as he did the Israelites - to safeguard us from such influences. However, the number of people wanted to see the "Photo - Drama. " 2: 11) Woosay keehippe koshshees. Do you remember falling down when you were a young child? Prayer is essential. (Yohaannisa 16: 28) Xoossay ubbasan deˈiyaaba gidennan issisan deˈiyoogaa Yesuusi erees. Why should we be moved to uphold Jehovah's sovereignty? Jesus knew that God does not exist in every place. SHin heezzantto ashkkaray "azalla. " Not content to donate anonymously, they blatantly exaggerated their offering and suffered disaster for their hypocrisy. The third slave, though, is "ready to say. " • Nu mala Kiristtaaneta bonchana koshshiyoy aybissee? I was surprised to be invited to Bethel in 1952 • Why should we show honor to fellow believers? Issoti issoti hegaa kuuyanawu ubbatoo metootoosona woy qassi yiggi xeellidi kuuyoosona. Upon succeeding Ahaz to the throne, Hezekiah soon showed that he was not the helpless victim of a poor paternal example. Some find it easy to make decisions and make wise decisions. Ha qofay qoncce: Koshshiyaabay Yihoowa "loitti " sabbiyoogaa. However, when we consider a few of the many possible answers to the following questions, we will see that this list of qualifications can benefit all of us in a number of ways. Of course, this point is clear: "Jehovah is good. " (Isi. 43: 10, 13; 44: 6; 48: 12) Ba oge ubban laamettennanne ammanettiya Xoossaa Yihoowawu haggaaziyaageeta gidiyoogee Israaˈeelatussikka nuussikka keehi gita maata! - Mil. It adheres to the Bible as its authority. What a privilege it is to be loyal to Jehovah God and to his people! - Mal. Xoossaa bayra Naˈay saˈaa yaanaappe kase, "GODAI tana ba ooso ubbaappe koiro medhdhiis;... And 31%... agreed that if you give your money to God, God will bless you with more money. " Before his firstborn Son came to earth, God's firstborn Son said: "Jehovah... Kase oottido nagaraappe simmidaba gidikkonne, hegaa gaasuwan yeellatiyoonne hidootaa qanxxiyo gishshau unˈˈettida urau waati " qoppana ' danddayiyoo? When " considering ' such ones, we need to keep in mind that what they say may not be a true reflection of what they really are at heart. Despite past mistakes, how can we " feel discouraged ' and discouraged because of our past mistakes? Goynuwawu Yerusalaame bosaappe soo simmiya, Ayhuda haymaanootiyawu laamettida Toophphiyaa bitaniyaabaa qoppa. Such godly fear moved Abraham to action. Think, too, of the Jewish man who left Jerusalem's home to go to Jerusalem to Jerusalem. Saluwan, " Sa7aa kawotettai ha77i nu Godaassanne a Kiristtoosassa; qassi merinaappe merinaa gakkanaassi i haarana ' yaagiya wolqqaama cenggurssai siyettiis. " - Ajjuutaa 11: 15. We wanted to mirror the examples that had been set for us. " The kingdom of the heavens is great, and the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ will reign forever and ever. " - Revelation 11: 15. Geeshsha Maxaafay Asay Laamettanaadan Oottees 12 They were good - looking, intelligent young men who could easily have just blended into the Babylonian way of life. The Bible Changes Lives 12 (b) Zoli hanotaappe nuuni ay tamaarana danddayiyoo? Was Jesus telling them a lie when he stated that he did not have the authority to grant their request? (b) What can we learn from Paul's experience? (Roo. 12: 16; Erm. By 200 C.E., the site was said to have been deserted. At the same time, God's people have the prospect of being saved. Naˈa yelibeenna gishshawu woy siiqiyo uri hayqqido gishshawu mela attidabadan nuuyyo siyettikkonne, nuuni minttettuwaa demmana danddayoos. Has it not helped you to develop Christian qualities? We can find comfort and comfort because we have no natural affection for the death of a child or a loved one. PHeexiroosi, "Ee Godau, taani nena dosiyoogaa neeni eraasa " yaagidi zaariis. (Yoh. Jehovah certainly rejoiced when observing the unswerving loyalty of his humble Son. - Read Proverbs 27: 11. Peter answered: "You know, Lord, how I love you. " Kiitettidaageetinne ammanettida harati Yesuusaara saluwan haarana. At that time, many will cry out in terror: "Who is able to stand? " The apostles and other faithful apostles will rule with Jesus in heaven. " Be7 ite, injje wodee ha77a. Why? Now is the especially acceptable time. (Maatiyoosa 7: 7, 8) Xoossaa sheniyaara moggottiya aybaunne aggennan " woossiyoogee ' bessiyaaba. One network of neurons is so extensive that some scientists have referred to it as a "second brain. " In harmony with God's will, it is appropriate that we "keep on doing what is right and exerting ourselves in harmony with God's will. " Yaatiyo gishshawu, nuuni pashkki giidi etawu wozanappe qoppiyoogaa bessana koshshees. They believed that God was punishing him, as if plaguing him with a loathsome disease. Thus, we need to show genuine interest in them. Yihooway Israaˈeelatussi yootidoogaadan, hegaa mala iitabaappe nuuni naagettanaadan zorees. Does our dress and grooming show respect for Jehovah and others, or does it show a lack of modesty? As Jehovah told the Israelites, we are warning against such bad influences. Neeni naatettan kunddido wodiyaa hassayay? Why is now especially the time to "put off every weight "? Do you remember when you got up? Nuuni Yihooway ubbaa haariyo maatau exatana koshshiyoy aybissee? • In what practical ways can you show sympathy? Why must we uphold Jehovah's sovereignty? Eti geeman immiyoogaappe bantta imotaa yeellatennan qoncciyan immidosona; eti loˈˈo milatiiddi iitabaa oottido gishshawu hayqqidosona. (Oos. Paul added that "the abundance of [God's] undeserved kindness " came about" through the one person, Jesus Christ. " They received a gift from those who did not receive a gift, so they died without hypocrisy. TAANI XALANAADAN YIHOOWAY MAADDIIS What helped her? YOU CAN HELP TO JEHOVAH Hizqqiyaasi ba aawaa Akaaza sohuwan kawoti simmidi, ba aawaa iita leemisuwaa awudekka gidin kaallennaagaa sohuwaara bessiis. Moses put into action a plan that proved to be the key to their success. After Hezekiah's father, Hezekiah, was soon confronted with the bad example of his father, Hezekiah, and his father. SHin, kaallidi deˈiya oyshatuyyo zaariyo darobaappe amaridaagaa qoppiyo wode, cimatuppe koyettiya he qofay nuna ubbaa daro ginan maaddana danddayiyoogaa akeekoos. The Governing Body makes important decisions collectively. However, as we consider some of these questions, we realize that all of us can benefit from the comments given by the elders. Timirtte ubbawu Geeshsha Maxaafaa baaso oottees. Why is it impossible for a person who believes in the Trinity to be baptized in symbol of a valid dedication to God? It adheres to the Bible as its authority. Qassi xeetaappe 31 kushe gidiyaageeti... issi uri ba miishshaa Xoossaayyo immikko, Xoossay daro miishshaa immanaagaa maayoosona " yaagiis. 4: 1, 3. More than 31 percent of those who give themselves to God will receive a lot of money. " (Iyy. 6: 2, 3) Eti qoppibeennabaa haasayana danddayoosona. Lesson: Other people, including our family members, will disappoint us at times. They may speak a unexpected event. (Ibr. 5: 7; Maz. " If possible, as far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men, " wrote the apostle Paul. 7: 5; Ps. Nuussi leemiso gididaageeta kaallanawu koyida. Many ancients believed in an earth - centered universe We wanted to follow the example set. Eti malanchanne ay tamaarissikkokka eranawu danddayiyaageeta, qassi yelaga gidiyo gishshawu, Baabiloonetu meeziyaa sohuwaara kaallana danddayoosona. " Hate What Is Bad " They were a young person who could learn what to teach and teach, and they could quickly follow the customs of young people. (Maatiyoosa 20: 23) Yesuusi eti koyidobaa immanau bau maatay baynnaagaa yootido wode, wordduwaa yootidee? (b) What does the miracle at Cana teach us about the future? When Jesus told them that they would not receive free will, did he say that he did not give up? He heeray 200 M.Ln baysa gididoogee odettees. So in the end, Korah destroyed his record of faithful service by his prideful actions! It was reported that in 200 C.E., over 200 C.E. Kiristtaanetuppe koyettiya eeshshaa neeni qonccissana mala hegee maaddibeennee? These visits broadened my viewpoint even more and helped me to see how Jehovah's love embraces people of all kinds. - Acts 10: 34, 35. Does that not help you to display godly qualities? Yihooway, ba Naˈay ba huuphiyaa kawushshidi polo hanotan ammanettidoogaa beˈiyoogan ufayttidoogee erettidaagaa. - Leemiso 27: 11 nabbaba. " Avoid them, " says God's Word. Clearly, Jehovah was pleased to see his Son humbly reflect on his perfect example. - Read Proverbs 27: 11. He wode daro asay yayyidi, "Danddayanai oonee? " yaagana. (Ajj. Where did he come from? At that time, many people were afraid of a fear of man, saying: "Who will set you free? " Aybissi? (See opening image.) Why? Narbbe seeletuppe issoy keehi wolqqaama gidiyo gishshawu, amarida saynttistteti hegaa "naaˈˈantto guuggiyaa " goosona. A headquarters representative who visited a branch in Africa reported that political and religious conflicts had devastated that country. " In fact, " says one mother, "was very strong, " so scientists say that it was the second part of the brain. " Iita harggiyan qohettiyoogaa mala hanotan Xoossay a qaxxayiyaabadan qoppidosona. Yes, how beneficial our ministry is - both for ourselves and for our neighbors! God felt that he was punishing the bad disease of the wicked. Nuuni maayiyoobaynne alleeqettiyoobay Yihoowanne harata bonchiyoogaa bessiiyye, ashkke gidennaagaa bessii? (Read 2 Chronicles 15: 1 - 8.) Does our dress and grooming show that we respect Jehovah's dress and grooming? Ha wodee " xubbiya ubbabaa diggiyo ' wode gididoy aybissee? In congregations of Jehovah's people today, it is very unlikely that we would be treated unjustly. Why is now "the sin that easily entangles us "? • Qarettiyoogaa ayba ogiyan bessana danddayay? Read Song of Solomon 8: 6. • In what ways can you show tender compassion? PHawuloosi gujjidi "issi urai, Yesuus Kiristtoosi " oottidoban " Xoossaa daro aaro kehatettay ' qonccidoogaa yootiis. (Roo. Clearly, then, loyalty to God had first place in Jonathan's heart. Paul further stated that "God's undeserved kindness was manifested in many ways. " O maaddidabay aybee? It is faith - strengthening to remember that Jehovah chose to use ordinary people - "the weak things of the world " - to accomplish this extraordinary work. - 1 Cor. What helped her? Eti xoonanaadan keehi maaddiya hiillaa Muusee goˈettiis. How may Sarah's view of the future have benefited her? Moses used effective methods to overcome them. Bolla Gididi Heemmiyaagee keehi koshshiyaabaa issippe kuuyees. We read at Proverbs 20: 11: "Even a child is known by his actions, whether his behavior is pure and right. " The Governing Body is a vital part of the Governing Body. Sillaasiyan ammaniyoogaa aggenna uri Xoossaa Yihoowau ba huuphiyaa geppidoogaa bessanau xammaqettana danddayennay aybissee? There is reason to believe that most of those present on that occasion became Christians. Why cannot a person get baptized without believing that the Trinity is dedicated to Jehovah God? 4: 1, 3. The earth - wide extent of the Greater Solomon's rule is indicated by these words: "He will have subjects from sea to sea and from the River [Euphrates] to the ends of the earth. 4: 1, 3. Hegaappe Tamaariyoobaa: Nu soo asaa gujjin, hara asay issi issitoo nuna yiilloyana danddayees. How do we know that the hope of everlasting life on earth is included in what Jesus said as recorded at John 6: 48 - 51? Lesson: Our family members, including our family, may sometimes offend us. Ta ishatoo, intte intte huuphen asau halo kessoppite. Xoossai a hanqquwaassi a aggiigite. For example, when Jon and Masako were invited to help with the Chinese - speaking field in Kenya, they initially had some reservations. Don't avenge yourselves, my brothers, for the sake of this good news of the wrath of God. Beni, daro asay pilaaneetetinne xoolintteti saˈaa yuushuwan yuuyiyaabadan qoppees Good Examples and Bad In ancient times, many people think that the planets and stars are around the earth " Iitabaa Ixxite " The most important vow that a Christian can make is the one with which he dedicates his life to Jehovah. " He Is Behind the Things " (b) Qaanan hanida maalaalissiyaabaappe sinttanaabaa ay tamaariyoo? What differences do we have in family circumstances and spiritual backgrounds? (b) What do we learn from the miracles that occurred in the grave? Yaatiyo gishshau, Qoraahi otorettidi oottidobay, i ammanettiyaagaa gididi oottidobaa wurssettan mooriis. In doing this, he worked along with High Priest Eleazar and heads of the tribes. Thus, Korah's record of faithfulness eventually resulted in his faithfulness. Ha biittata xomoosidoogee taani aassa qoppanaadaaninne Yihooway ubba qommo asaa keehi siiqiyoogaa akeekanaadan maaddiis. - Oos. 10: 34, 35. While preaching from door to door, he met a bearded middle - aged man. This campaign helped me to see that Jehovah loves all kinds of people and that he loves people. - Acts 10: 34, 35. Xoossaa Qaalay, "Etakko shiiqoppite " yaagees. For example, as we noted in the opening articles of this magazine, some have replaced God's name, Jehovah, with titles, such as "God " or" Lord. " God's Word says: "Do not be afraid. " I awuppe yiidee? First, approach Jehovah in earnest prayer. Where does he come from? (Ha huuphe yohuwaa doomettan deˈiya misiliyaa xeella.) Who Fit the Pattern Today?: According to the Vatican's Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, adopted in 1965 and quoted in the Catechism of the Catholic Church: "It is not from Sacred Scripture alone that the [Catholic] Church draws her certainty about everything which has been revealed. (See opening image.) Waanna biiruwaa gishshaa kiitettida ishay, Afirkkan issi macara biiruwaa xomoosidi polotikaanne haymaanootiyaa gaasuwan denddida olay he biittaa qohidoogaa yootiis. (Read Matthew 13: 11, 12.) The apostle Paul wrote to the branch office of the branch office of the country in Africa and was expelled from the political and religious conflict. Ee, haggaazoy nunakka nu shoorotakka keehi maaddees! During the reign of King Asa, Jehovah raised up prophets to guide His nation on a faithful course. Yes, our ministry is also of great value to our neighbors! (2 Odiya 15: 1 - 8 nabbaba.) Most of our jobs paid three dollars a day. Gloria had a few housekeeping jobs. (Read 2 Chronicles 15: 1 - 8.) Kiristtoosi Hananabaa Yootiyaagaa Gidiyoogaa Akeekiyoogaa 43: 10 - 12. Draw Close to the Greater Christ Ha wodiyan, Kiristtaane gubaaˈiyan ishantti darotoo nu hanotaa bala ogiyan akeekokkona. The characteristics we will describe may not apply to every husband and wife. Today, brothers in the Christian congregation usually do not have the wrong view of our situation. Siiquwaa Sabaa 8: 6 nabbaba. Sakura loved what she learned, and with Jehovah's help she was able to overcome deep feelings of guilt and shame and to put away sexual immorality. Read Song of Solomon 8: 6. Yonaataani xoqqu ootti xeellidobay Xoossaayyo ammanettiyoogaa gidiyoogee qoncce. Give thought to the way you have reacted to recent tests of faith. Evidently, Jonathan was loyal to God. Yihooway ha wolqqaama oosuwaa ootissanau, coo asata giishin, "sa7an de7 iya laafata " goˈettanau dooridoogaa akeekiyoogee ammanuwaa minttiyaaba. - 1 Qoronttoosa 1: 26 - 29. The word "Christ " is a title that means" Anointed One, " signifying that Jesus was anointed, or appointed by God to a special position. It is faith - strengthening to recognize that Jehovah is using this powerful task - "the power of the earth " - that is, a source of faith. - 1 Corinthians 26: 29 - 29. Saara sinttanaabaa qoppidoogee o waati goˈˈidee? Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem invited the whole nation - even those of the northern kingdom - to attend. How did Sarah benefit from thinking about the future? Leemiso 20: 11, "Na7i geeshshanne suure gidiyoogee i oottiyo oosuwan erettees " yaagees. Simple illustrations are often the best kind to use. Proverbs 20: 11, 20 states: "The child is known by his actions. " He wode he sohuwan deˈiyaageetuppe daroti guyyeppe Kiristtaane gididosona giidi ammanaadan oottiyaabay deˈees. When we are around our spiritual brothers and sisters, our manner of dress should help to make the congregation a haven of moral chastity. Many of those who were present at that time were convinced that there was a basis for Christian faith. Solomonappe Aadhiyaagee kumetta saˈaa haariyo hanotay hagaadan qoncciis: "Abbaappe abbaa gakkanaassi, qassi Efiraaxiisa SHaafaappe sa7aa gaxaa gakkanaassi i haaro. Furthermore, Satan and his demons have been cast out of heaven and are confined to the vicinity of the earth, resulting in intense woe for earth's inhabitants. The Greater Solomon, the Greater Solomon, is described as "the most distant part of the earth, and he goes to the most distant part of the earth. " Yesuusi yootido, Yohaannisa 6: 48 - 51n xaafettidaagee saˈan merinaa deˈuwaa hidootaa gujjiyoogaa aybin eriyoo? • What will Jesus yet do in fulfilling his role as the Messiah? How do we know that Jesus ' words recorded at John 6: 48 - 51. Leemisuwau, Joninne Maasaka Keeniyaa biitta biidi CHayna qaalaa haasayiyaageetuyyo sabbakanaadan shoobettido wode, koyro baana danddayennabadan qoppidosona. 18, 19. (a) On what aspect of the good news did Paul focus in Romans? For example, when John and John traveled to South Africa to preach, they felt that they would not be able to move to a Chinese - language group. Loˈˈo Leemisotanne Iita Leemisota As a result, the Bible states, "God continued giving Solomon wisdom and understanding in very great measure. " follow the fine examples of wicked and wicked ones Issi Kiristtaanee oottanawu qaalaa geliyo aybippenne aadhiyaabay ba deˈuwaa Yihoowawu geppiyoogaa. We live in a world that is geared toward appealing to fleshly inclinations. The most important vow that a Christian can make is dedication to Jehovah. So asaa hanotaynne asay tumaa tamaarido hanotay dumma dumma gidiyoy aybiinee? Furthermore, Jesus Christ spoke of David as a real person. What difference is there between family and family members? I Qeese Ubbatu Halaqaa Elˈˈaazaraaranne zaretu halaqatuura he oosuwaa oottiis. The foundation asked for permission to use the video in their lectures, which are presented in many elementary and middle schools. He served as High Priest and his descendants. I sooppe soo biidi sabbakiyo wode, layttay 50 heera gidido, buuchaa dichida issi bitaniyaara gayttiis. He said: "Did you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female and said, " For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh '? When he returned home from house to house, he met a man in his late 50 ' s who had been raised in the house. Leemisuwau, ha maxeetiyau doomettaa heeran deˈiya huuphe yohotun nuuni beˈidoogaadan issi issi birshshettati Yihoowa yaagiya Xoossaa sunttaa sohuwan "Xoossaa " woykko" Godaa " yaagiya boncho sunttaa goˈettidosona. More important, have him say why he agrees or disagrees. For example, as we have seen in this article, some translations of the article have used God's personal name, Jehovah, or "Lord. " (Maz. 25: 14) Xoossay A siiqees. The limited number of Christians chosen by Jehovah to be associated with Christ in the heavenly Kingdom government undergo "a new birth " as spirit - begotten sons of God. God loves him. Ha Wodiyan Hegaadan Deˈiyay Oonee? Katekiizim of zi Kaatelik CHerch giyo maxaafay hagaadan gees: "[Kaatolike] Woosa Keettau qonccida ubbabay Geeshsha Maxaafaa xallaappe gidenna. Be careful, though, not to turn the family study into an interrogation session. In the New Catholic Encyclopedia, the New Catholic Church states: "The whole Catholic Church is not the only source of all the churches of the Holy Scriptures. (Maatiyoosa 13: 11, 12 nabbaba.) No, he trusted in God and obeyed "on that very day. " - Gen. (Read Matthew 13: 11, 12.) Kawuwaa Asi haariyo wode, ba asaa suure ogiyan kaalettanaadan Yihooway hananabaa yootiyaageeta denttiis. It is worth every effort to attain life in Paradise under the rule of the Greater Solomon When King Asa ruled by human rule, Jehovah used his prophets to guide his people. Nu oosuwaappe dariya baggawu asay galla galla keehi guutta miishshaa qanxxees. 5: 1 - 3. Many of us received a small amount of money to support our work every day. Hegaa bollikka, ne huuphiyaa geppiyoogeenne xammaqettiyoogee Yihoowa Markkatuppe issuwaa gidanau neeni tumuppe koyiyoogaa bessees. - Isiyaasa 43: 10 - 12. Their sincere repentance touched his heart, and he had a deep longing for them to return to him. Moreover, making dedication and baptism show that you really want to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses. - Isaiah 43: 10 - 12. Hagan qonccissiyo eeshsha ubbay ubba azinatubaanne machotubaa bessiyaaba gidennan aggana danddayees. WHAT exactly did the apostle Paul mean when he said that the Bible is "inspired of God "? All in this series of articles may not necessarily apply to a husband and a wife. Sakura tamaariyoobaa dosaasu; qassi Yihooway maaddin bana mooranchadan xeelliyoogaa, yeellatiyoogaanne shaaramuxiyoogaa aggaasu. How did her move turn out? Cain was diagnosed with Jehovah's provisions and became bitter, angry, angry, and angry with Jehovah's help. Mata wode ne ammanuwaa paacciyaabay gakkin neeni oottidobaa qoppa. A younger sister wrote that Bible reading has helped her to see that Jehovah is real. Think about what you have done in recent times when you face tests of faith. " Kiristtoosa " giya boncho sunttay "Tiyettidaagaa " giyoogaa; hegee Xoossay issi dumma oosuwau Yesuusa tiyidoogaa woykko sunttidoogaa bessees. One Bible reference work suggests that the Greek word translated "discipline " might be rendered" child development. " The name Christ means "Anointed One, " or" heavenly position, " which indicates that God is anointed by means of Jesus. Hizqqiyaasinne Yerusalaamen deˈiya asay he biittan deˈiya ubba asaanne huuphessa kawotettan deˈiyaageetakka he baalaa bonchanau shoobbidosona. Increased activity in the field service is a splendid way to deepen your own spirituality and that of your companions in the ministry. Hezekiah and all the people in Jerusalem were invited to attend this meeting in the northern kingdom. Darotoo, akeekanawu metenna leemisuwaa goˈettiyoogee keehippe loˈˈo. Enjoy Your Work, 2 / 1 Often, the use of a simple illustration is best. Ayyaanaa Kaaletuwaa Kaalliyoogee Nu Geppidoogaa Polanau Maaddees SINTTAA 14 MAZAMUREE: 18, 51 Let us analyze this illustration from another viewpoint. 16 Learn From God's Word - Can We Learn From God's Word? Nuuni nu ishanttuuranne michonttuura issippe deˈiyo wode maayiyo maayoy gubaaˈee kandduwan geeshsha gidanaadan maaddana koshshees. When he was baptized, Jesus was praying and may have been thinking about the prophetic words of Psalm 40: 6 - 8. - Luke 3: 21; read Hebrews 10: 5 - 10. When we are with our brothers and sisters, we need to help the congregation to maintain a clean moral, clean, moral, and moral cleanness. (2 Xim. 3: 1; Mar. 13: 19) Hegaa bollikka, Seexaanaynne dayddanttati saluwaappe duge saˈaa olettido gishshawu, asay iita waayiyaa waayettiiddi deˈees. Even the most corrupt governments often provide such services as mail delivery, public education, fire protection, and law enforcement. Moreover, Satan and his demons are persecuted because of the suffering that Satan and the demons have cast out on the earth. • Yesuusi Mase gididi oottiyoogan sinttappe polanabati aybee? TRUE Christians are at war! • What future events will Jesus fulfill his role as the Messiah? 18, 19. (a) PHauloosi Roome maxaafan qonccissido mishiraachoy aybee? Whether we are in a position to move or not, we can do our best to work what is good toward all. 18, 19. (a) What good news did Paul address in the book of Romans? Hegaa gishshau, "Xoossai Solomonayyo aadhdhida eratettaa, akeekaanne zawi bainna aaho qofaa immiis " yaagidi Geeshsha Maxaafay yootees. Cameron: The truth is, Daniel didn't understand because it was not yet God's time for humans to discern completely the meaning of the prophecies in the book of Daniel. Thus, the Bible tells us that "God gave Solomon wisdom and insight into the wisdom of Solomon. " Nuuni asatettaa amuwaa denttettiya alamiyan deˈoos. It all started with the apostle Paul's second visit to the area. We live in a world that leads to fleshly desires. Yesuus Kiristtoosikka Daawiti tumu deˈida asa gidiyoogaa yootiis. The New World Bible Translation Committee took advantage of these developments to study certain verses, resulting in some changes. Jesus Christ himself confirmed that David was a real man. He dirijjitee koyro xekka timirtte keettatun darotun tamaarissiyo wode he biiduwaa bessanawu oychiis. This was a privilege that the nation of Israel under the Law could have had. The company asked me to show that this school was the first major feature of high school. Hegaa gishshau, " Issi asi ba aawaanne ba aayyiyo aggi bayidi, ba machcheera issippe de7ees; eti naa77ai issi asa gidoosona ' yaagiya qaalaa nabbabibeekketii? This occurred, for example, when he returned from defeating the king of Elam and his allies. Therefore, you must say, " A man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and they will be one flesh." ' Qassi, i hegaa maayiyoy woy maayennay aybissakko oycha. Pray to Saints? 6 / 1 Prejudice - Global Problem, 6 / 1 Also, ask yourself why he or she does so. Yesuusaara saluwaa Kawotettan haarana mala Yihooway doorido, amarida Kiristtaaneti ayyaanan Xoossaa naata gididi " naaˈˈanttuwaa yelettana. ' I had intended to read it all. Jehovah has chosen some anointed Christians to become part of Jesus ' heavenly Kingdom, "the sons of God. " Leemisuwau, yelidaageeti bantta naati so asay xannaˈiyoobaanne hegaa bantta deˈuwan goˈettiyo ogiyaa xeelliyaagan banttau siyettiyaabaa xaafi oyqqanaadan minttettana mala odettiis. On the fourth creative day, God said: "Let luminaries come to be in the expanse of the heavens to make a division between the day and the night; and they must serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years. " For example, parents are told to encourage their children to express their personal interest in personal study and family study. CHii, i Xoossan ammanettidi "he gallassankka " ba azazettidobaa poli aggiis. - Doo. " What bothers me, " he explains, "is that during my prayers, others interrupt me with loud speech that neither I nor they understand. No, he was able to prove his loyalty to God "day after day. " - Gen. Solomonappe Aadhiyaagaa haaruwan Gannatiyan deˈanau keehippe baaxetiyoogee bessiyaaba What do we need to determine regarding our entertainment? Showing that the Greater Solomon is an important part of Paradise under the rule of the Greater Solomon 5: 1 - 3. After living things were brought into the ark, "Jehovah shut the door. " - Gen. 5: 1 - 3. Yesuusi yootido leemisuwan miishshaa laalida naˈaa aawaagaadan, Yihooway ba naatuyyo " mishettidi, ' eta zaaranau koyiis. - Luq. These articles are designed to help you to pray - to begin praying or to make your prayers more effective. In Jesus ' illustration of the prodigal son, Jehovah wanted his children to "keep on the watch " for their zeal. Geeshsha Maxaafay Tumuppe Ayyaanaa Kaaletuwan Xaafettida Xoossaa Qaalee? Paul also spoke warmly of the mother of Rufus, perhaps alluding to her earlier loving care for him. Is the Bible Really God's Word? A yaa baada demmidobay aybee? She later married, and she and her husband now serve as full - time ministers. With what result? Issi yelaga michiyaa Geeshsha Maxaafaa naabbabiyoogee Yihooway iyyo qonccidi beettanaadan maaddidoogaa xaafaasu. Instead, they directed people away from "the Chief Agent of life, " Jesus, leading them toward a course that could end in eternal destruction. One young sister wrote to her two young sister about Jehovah's help to see how he felt. 2: 14, 15) Issi Geeshsha Maxaafaa eranchchay "seeraa " geetettidi birshshettida Giriiketto qaalay" naatu dichchaa " woy aawatettaa ekkiyaageeta oottidi naata dichchiyoogaakka geetettana danddayiyoogaa qonccissiis. The Messiah would be pierced, but his bones would not be broken. According to one Bible scholar, the Greek word for "the children " can also be rendered" the children of the child. " (1 Qoronttoosa 3: 9) Haggaazuwan minnidi oottiyoogee, neeni ayyaanaaban minnanaadan oottees; qassi nenaara issippe haggaaziyaagee hegaadan oottanaadan minttettees. Still, the salvation available to us is not limited to finding spiritual refuge. Working hard in the ministry strengthens your spirituality and encourages you to do the same. Xoossaarakka Ta Aayeerakka Saruwan Deˈays (Michiyo K.), 12 / 15 Those "valuable things " include our time, energy, and resources, which we can freely spend in his service. 8 / 15 Ha leemisuwaa ane hara ginan yuushshi qoppoos. Our Creator has promised to give us everlasting life, right here on earth. Let us consider another example. Yesuusi xammaqettido wode woossiis; he wode i Mazamure 40: 6 - 8n deˈiya hiraagaa qoppennan aggenna. - Luq. 3: 21; Ibraawe 10: 5 - 10 nabbaba. A Family Effort When Jesus was baptized, he likely prayed at Psalm 40: 6 - 8; Luke 21: 3 - 10. Keehippe iita kawotettatikka, darotoo posttaara, timirttiyaara, tamay daafaa gattennaadan naagiyoogaaranne higgiyaa naagissiyoogaara gayttida oosota oottoosona. Our dear local brothers and sisters are very excited about JW Broadcasting. Even worse governments, governmental authorities, and governmental authorities often work hard to protect us from any dangers. TUMU Kiristtaaneti olettiiddi deˈoosona. (See opening image.) Christians live under the influence of true Christians. Nuuni harasaa baanawu danddayin aggin, ubbaykka ubba asaa maaddanawu nuuyyo danddayettida ubbabaa oottana danddayoos. The second head of the beast represents Assyria. Whether we cannot move or not, all of us can do all we can to help people. Kaasa: Daaneeli shaakki eribeennay i xaafido maxaafan deˈiya hiraagaa asay eranaadan Xoossay koyiyo wodee gakkibeenna gishshataassa. Mealtime presents another opportunity for informal conversation. Cameron: Because Daniel was not able to understand God's prophecy written in the book of Daniel. Hegaadan hanidoy, kiitettida PHauloosi naaˈˈantto he heeraa biido wodiyaana. Additional lessons can be learned from what took place shortly after the Israelites were freed from Egypt. Similarly, the apostle Paul was back in the second century B.C.E. Ooratta Alamiyaa Geeshsha Maxaafaa Birshshettaa Konttee issi issi xiqiseta pilgganawu hegaa goˈettidi, amaridabaa laammiis. 6: 33. After using the New World Bible Translation of the Holy Scriptures, a number of Bible verses changed. Hegee Higgiyaa maachan deˈida beni Israaˈeelatuppe halida maata. Name some of the other schools that have helped qualified Witnesses to grow spiritually. This was a privilege for the ancient Israelites of ancient Israel. 21: 22 - 24; 24: 2 - 4, 9) Leemisuwau, i Elaama kawuwaanne a maaddida hara kawota xoonidi simmido wode hegaadan oottiis. We need God's new world, where there will be the complete physical healing that he has promised. For example, when threatened by King Sennacherib and his king, he faced a similar challenge. Gubaaˈiyaa Cimati " Nuna Ufayssanau Nunaara Oottiyaageeta, ' 1 / 15 Like Jesus, we should be mild - tempered. Christian Elders - " Fellow Workers for Our Joy, ' 12 / 15 Taani a wurssada nabbabanau halchaas. 9, 10. I decided to read it and read it. Xoossay meretaa medhido oyddantto gallassi, "Gallassaa qammaappe shaakkanau poo7oti salo gufantton hanona; eti gallassaa, wodiyaanne laittaa erissanau malaata gidona " yaagiis. (Doo. It shows that all human governments cause suffering. On the fourth day of creation, God declared: "From the top of the creation there will be a sign of darkness and a sign of the moon and of the night. " I, "Harati taukka banttaukka gelenna qaalan cabbottidi, ta woossiyo wode woosaa diggiyoogee tana yiilloyees. In the same way, if our speech is unduly vague or indirect, it may well be confusing or misleading. He says: "I'm not worried about what I was doing at the time of my prayers, especially when I didn't understand what I was trying to do. Nuuni allaxxiyoobaa xeelliyaagan ay erana koshshii? In recent years, many countries have experienced an influx of refugees. What should we know about recreation? Paxa deˈiyaabaa gelissi simmin, "GODAI markkabiyaa penggiyaa gorddiis. " - Doo. Simply put, Jesus tells us, " Be obedient to me. ' After all, "the blind one opened the door of Jehovah the door of the door. " - Gen. Ha huuphe yohoti neeni woossanaadan, giishin woosaa doommanaadan woykko kaseegaappe loˈˈo ogiyan woossanaadan maaddanau giigidosona. Paul wrote: "Be wrathful, and yet do not sin; let the sun not set with you in a provoked state, neither allow place for the Devil. " These articles will encourage you to pray, to pray, or to improve your prayers. PHawuloosi bana ba naˈadan maaddida, Rufoosa aayeebaakka yootiis. Cherish Your Privilege of Working With Jehovah! 10 / 15 Paul referred to himself as a soldier who helped him to care for his son. Guyyeppe azinaa gelaasu; haˈˈi anne i azinay kumetta wodiyaa haggaazoosona. They have had many sleepless nights, even rushing him to the hospital when he has a diabetic crisis. In time, married, she and her husband continue to serve full - time as full - time ministers. Eti " ashshiya ' Yesuusappe asaa wora zaaridi merinawu xayssana danddayiya ogiyaa kaalettoosona. (Oos. What trials did some of the prophets endure because of their faith? They provide direction that can lead to "the Chief Agent of salvation " and permanently everlasting life. Asay Masiyaa caddana; shin a meqettaappe issoynne meqqenna. We're very closely related. " The Messiah would be cut off, but one of his bones were broken. Gidikkonne, baqati attiyoosaa demmiyoy ayyaanaabaa xallaassa gidenna. What can we learn from this and other events in Elisha's life? However, the refuge of the refuge is not just spiritual. (Lee. 3: 9) He " duretettay ' nuuni ayyo haggaazanau goˈettana danddayiyo wodiyaa, wolqqaa, aquwaanne eraa. With full confidence, we can say: "Jehovah's Witnesses! " These "power of riches " can use our time, energy, and resources to serve him. Nuna Medhdhidaagee nuuyyo ha saˈan merinaa deˈuwaa immanawu qaalaa geliis. It is as Jehovah said, "until your hair is gray..., I will carry you and bear you and rescue you. " - Isa. Our Creator has promised us everlasting life on earth. So Asaa Maaduwaa We are also reminded of the importance of the preaching work in our day. Help Your Family He kataman deˈiya ishanttinne michchontti JW Brodkastingiyan keehi ufayttoosona. 16 - 18. (a) What can be done to teach children good manners? The brothers and sisters in that city rejoice over JW Broadcasting. (Ha huuphe yohuwaa doomettan deˈiya misiliyaa xeella.) That is especially the case when the change and chaos seem hard to explain. (See opening image.) Doˈaayyo naaˈˈantto huuphee Asoore kawotettaa malaata. 1, 2. The second head of the wild beast represents Assyria. Qumaa miyo wodekka loytti haasayana danddayettees. However, later that number was revealed. A meal may be easy to speak well. Israaˈeelati Gibxxe aylletettaappe laˈa kiyi simmin takkennan hanidabaappe harabaa tamaarana danddayoos. What can be said about Jehovah's standards, and why is the law of freedom liberating? We can learn another lesson from what happened after Israel's deliverance from slavery in Egypt. 6: 33. (a) What lessons do we learn from the parable of the talents? 6: 33. Yihoowa Markkati ayyaanaaban minnanaadan maaddida issi issi timirtte keettata yoota. Imagine how touched I was to see them and to be with them! Relate an experience that helped Jehovah's Witnesses to strengthen their spirituality. 8: 22) Xoossay saho ubbaappe asaa pattanawu qaalaa gelido ooratta alamee nuussi koshshees. What are the "new heavens " and" new earth "? We need to make sure that God's promise to heal all sickness is a new world. Yesuusaagaadan nuuni ashkke gidana koshshees. Regarding his spiritual children, the apostle John wrote: "No greater cause for thankfulness do I have than these things, that I should be hearing that my children go on walking in the truth. " Like Jesus, we need to be modest. 9, 10. God told them: "This day must serve as a memorial for you, and you must celebrate it as a festival to Jehovah throughout your generations. 9, 10. Asa haaroy ubbay asay tuggatanaadan oottiyoogaakka taarikee qonccissees. And you wives, imitate Aquila's wife, Priscilla, who accompanied and supported Aquila faithfully as their circumstances changed. - Acts 18: 2. History also shows that human rule has failed to end human rule. Hegaadan nu haasayay qoncce gidana xayikko, kirqqi gaana woy balettana danddayees. They are excellent examples for men and women today who choose to make vows to Jehovah. If our speech is not manifest, it can be dangerous or misleading. Mata layttappe haa simmin, daro biittata beteti zuloosona. How did the unfolding of events make the meaning of Jesus ' instructions clear? In recent years, more refugees are visiting countries. PHauloosi: "Hanqqettite; shin intte hanqquwan nagaraa oottoppite. Boaz ' kindness was actually an expression of Jehovah's loyal love toward a woman who had come to " seek refuge under the wings of the God of Israel. ' Paul wrote: "Be wrathful, and yet do not sin. Eti darotoo xiskkennan aqoosona; ubba sahoy goobiyo wode darotoo aakime keetti efoosona. Besides the four important Gospel accounts, other Bible passages provide faith - strengthening details about Jesus ' life. They often worked hard to sleep, and they often did not always go to the hospital. Hananabaa yootiya amaridaageeti bantta ammanuwaa gaasuwan genccido metoy aybee? 1 - 3. What challenges did some prophets face because of their faith? Nuuni ubbaban issi mala gaana danddayettees. " To fulfill their commission, Jesus ' disciples needed to conquer the pride and prejudice they had. We all stumble many times. " 6: 15 - 17) Ha hanotaappenne Elssaaˈi ba deˈuwan beˈido harabaappe nuuni ay tamaarana danddayiyoo? So he urges them: "Make friends for yourselves by means of the unrighteous riches, so that when such fail, they [Jehovah and Jesus] may receive you into the everlasting dwelling places. " What can we learn from Elisha's experience? " Yihoowa Markkata " gidiyoogee qoncce! What disturbing developments did Nehemiah discover when he returned to Jerusalem? Surely "Jehovah's Witnesses are Jehovah's Witnesses! " Yihooway, "Intte puulummana gakkanaashinkka,... taani inttena denttana; taani inttena tookkananne ashshana " yaagidoogaadan tana maaddiis. - Isi. Low finances (See paragraph 17) Jehovah assures us: "I will raise you up for your little ones, and I will raise you up. " - Isa. 2: 9; 3: 9) Sabbakiyo oosoy ha wodiyan keehi koshshiyaaba gidiyoogaakka hassayanaadan maaddees. Empowered to Judge It also helps us to remember that the preaching work is vital today. 16 - 18. (a) Naatuyyo loˈˈo eeshshay deˈanaadan waati tamaarissana danddayettii? By the time they finally reached Bethlehem, Jesus was a "young child " - no longer a baby - and no longer in a stable but in a house. 16 - 18. (a) How can parents teach good manners? Ubba qassi hanettiyaabaynne asay shabbirettanaadan oottiyaabay qonccissanau metiyaaba gidiyo wode hegaadan hanees. What did they do? This is especially true when it comes to handling matters and trying to illustrate people's problems. 1, 2. Likewise, titles such as Lord, Almighty, Father, and Creator call attention to different facets of God's activities. 1, 2. (Doomettaabaa 22: 17) Gidikkokka, guyyeppe he zerettaa qooday qoncciis. The result? Later, however, that seed became abundant. Yihooway kessido maaraa xeelliyaagan woygana danddayettii, qassi laˈatettaa higgee goˈˈiyaaba gididoy aybissee? Paul explains: "They [natural Jews] also, if they do not remain in their lack of faith, will be grafted in; for God is able to graft them in again. What can be said about Jehovah's standards, and why is the law of freedom? (a) Biraa leemisuwaappe nuuni ay tamaariyoo? Rather than direct love to the Creator, people are "lovers of themselves. " (a) What do we learn from the parable of the talents? Taani eta beˈido wodenne etaara gayttido wode ay keena ufayttidaakko qoppa! And Jehovah will soon empower his Son to free countless millions from that most unyielding of prisons, death. Imagine how happy I must have been when I saw them and saw them! " Ooratta saluwaanne ooratta sa7aa " geetettiday aybee? THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES What is the "new heavens " and" new earth "? Kiitettida Yohaannisi ayyaanaaban ba naata xeelliyaagan, "Ta naati tumatettan de7iyoogaa siyiyoogaappe aadhdhidi, tana ufaissiyaabi baawa " yaagiis. (3 Yoh. 15: 7. " Regarding his spiritual children, the apostle John wrote: "No greater joy I have than to hear that my children hear the truth. " Xoossay etau, "Ha gallassai intteyyo hassayi hassayi bonchchiyo gallassa gido; intte yeletai ubbai GODAA baalaa bonchchite; hagaa woga oottidi merinau bonchchite " yaagiis. Even with helpful friends around you in the congregation, you may still find it difficult to cope with daily challenges. God told them: "The day of this day will remember your passover, and all its glory will glorify Jehovah forever and ever. " 18: 2. In doing so, you might be working with Jehovah to answer a prayer. - Read 1 Corinthians 10: 24. 18: 2. Ha wodiyan issibaa oottanawu Yihoowawu qaalaa geliya asawu eti loˈˈo leemiso. Brother Knorr told me that I did not have to accept the invitation. They set a good example for their children to serve Jehovah today. Yesuusi yootidobay qonccidi erettanaadan oottiyaabay aybi hanidee? Even then, she manifests a "quiet and mild spirit " and cooperates with him to make his decision work. What events led to Jesus ' words? Booˈeeza kehatettay maccaasiyaa " a qefiyaa garssan attanawu yiido Israaˈeela Xoossay, ' Yihooway o aggenna siiquwaa siiqidoogaa bessiyaaba. (Uru. 2: 12, 20; Lee. Sadly, however, he has vivid memories of the hypocrisy of the priests who drank heavily, gambled, and stole from the collection plate, all the while preaching to him about burning in hell if he sinned. The patriarch Boaz may well have had in mind Jehovah's loving - kindness to the nation of Israel when "the wife of Israel came under trial. " Keehippe maaddiya oyddu Wonggeliyaa taarikiyaappe haray, Geeshsha Maxaafaa giddon deˈiya hara qofay Yesuusa deˈuwaa xeelliyaagan ammanuwaa minttiya aaho qofaa oyqqiis. [ Picture on page 5] Only decades ago, many would have thought it impossible for people to fly at hundreds of miles an hour Among four Gospels, the Gospel accounts provide a powerful basis for faith in Jesus ' life. 1 - 3. On one occasion, a rival gang hired an infamous hit man to kill me, but I managed to escape with only a stab wound. 1 - 3. Yesuusi erissiyo ashkkarati banttawu imettida oosuwaa polanawu otorettiyoogaanne asa shenetiyoogaa aggana bessees. How should we view Christian faith? Jesus ' disciples needed to control their attitude and feelings. Yaatiyo gishshawu, i eta hagaadan giidi zoriis: "worddo miishshai wuriyo wode, merinau wurenna keettan inttena eti [Yihoowaynne Yesuusi] mokkana mala, he miishshan intte huuphessi lagge demmite. " Daniel, quoted earlier, found this to be true. Therefore, he urged them: "When they fail to get rid of [Jehovah], make sure that they will receive the money and the money and the money they receive from [Jesus]. " Nahimee zaarettidi Yerusalaame biyo wode beˈido azzanttiyaabati aybee? 16, 17. What happened when Nehemiah saw Jerusalem returned to Jerusalem? Miishshaa metuwaa (Mentto 17 xeella) I was full of zeal for Bible truth and loved sharing it with others. (See paragraph 17) Pirddanaadan Sunttettiis This article considers questions you may have raised and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. 21 Did You Know? Eti Beetaliheeme gakkiyo wode, Yesuusi mehee kattaa miyo qoriyan deˈiya gacino naˈa gidennan, son deˈiya " naˈa. ' Why, in one country alone, the self - help industry brings in over eight billion dollars each year! When they arrived at Bethlehem, Jesus was "in a manger, " not in a manger. Eti waatidonaa? As a result, anointed Christians are counted righteous on the basis of their faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. What did they do? Hegaadan Godaa, Ubbaa Danddayiyaagaa, Aawaanne Medhidaagaa giya boncho sunttati Xoossay oottiyo dumma dummabaa nuuni hassayanaadan oottoosona. (b) What new feature of Jehovah's purpose would Jesus ' disciples have to make known? Similarly, God's personal name, the Almighty, reminds us that we serve in various ways. Yaatin hanidabay aybee? For example, the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus said of a Jewish sect: "Swearing they avoid, regarding it as worse than perjury, for they say that one who is not believed without an appeal to God stands condemned already. " What happened? PHauloosi hagaadan qonccissiis: "Aihudatikka qassi ammanennan ixxiyoogaa aggikko, Xoossai kase eti de7iyoosan zaaridi wottana; aissi giikko, i eta zaaridi wottanau danddayees. How does Jehovah's watchful care differ from the scrutiny of surveillance cameras? Paul explained: "As in the case of those who have not believed not, and if they do not believe, God can raise them up. Asay Medhidaagaa siiqiyoogaappe " bana siiqees. ' (2 Xim. " No resident will say: " I am sick. ' " - Isaiah 33: 24. People love their Creator "in the way of love. " 4: 7; 2 PHe. 2: 9) Yihooway miilooniyan qoodettiya, zawi baynna asaa wolqqaama qasho gidida hayquwaappe mata wode naxa kessanaadan ba Naˈau maataa immana. (Yoh. As to why God permits these bad conditions, see the article "Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering? " By means of his Son, Jehovah will free millions of resurrected ones from the dead. GEESHSHA MAXAAFAY ASAY LAAMETTANAADAN OOTTEES We choose God as Ruler when we seek out and practice true worship based on his Word, the Bible. THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES 15: 7. " Acknowledge your weakness. 15: 7. Nena maaddiya laggeti gubaaˈiyan deˈiyaaba gidikkokka, galla galla gakkiya metuwaa xoona kiyanau metootana danddayaasa. He was a tireless worker for the truth and had tremendous appreciation for the missionaries around the world. Even if your friends in the congregation can provide help, you may find it difficult to cope with problems. Yaatiyoogan, eta woosawu zaaro gidiyaaban Yihoowaara issippe oottana danddayaasa. - 1 Qoronttoosa 10: 24 nabbaba. But when speakers from Bethel visited, my mother often had them stay in our home. By doing so, you can work with Jehovah in harmony with their prayers. - Read 1 Corinthians 10: 24. Ishaa Noori taani baanawu koyennaba gidikko, aggaagana danddayiyoogaa yootiis. But we do have the mind of Christ. " - 1 COR. Brother Knorr said that if I did not want to return, I could turn back. Hegaa mala hanotankka, a "ashkkenne woppu giida " ayyaanay deˈiyooro gidausu; qassi he kuuyidobay polettanaadan aara hashetausu. What obligation does Psalm 48: 12 - 14 place on us? Under such circumstances, she is "aglow with the spirit, " and she is determined to cooperate with that decision. SHin, i nagara oottikko siˈooliyan xuugettanaagaa a tamaarissiiddi, daro ushshaa uyiya, ceeriyaa kaaˈiyaanne woosa keettawu shiishshiyo miishshaappe wuuqqiya qeeseti loˈˈo milatidi cimmiyoogaa loytti hassayees. ON A crisp morning in Brookings, South Dakota, U.S.A., a chill lingered in the air. However, when he taught that he had committed a sin in hell, he had heard of the clergy, the priests, and the Catholic Church, and the Catholic Church. (Amaarattuwaa) yaagiya brooshuriyaa hayyanaa xeella; woykko gujo qofaa demmanau ha maxeetiyaa neessi immida ura oycha. That verse says that Esau did "not appreciate sacred things " and" gave up [to Jacob the] rights as firstborn in exchange for one meal. " published by Jehovah's Witnesses and ask for more information on this magazine. Issi wode, nu morkke gidida danobaa oottiya citay tana worissanau meqettaa iita bitaniyaa miishshan shammiis, i tana cubiyan caddikkokka baqatada attaas. Since I had grown up on a farm, I began longing for a simpler life in the countryside. On one occasion, he drew me to death as a criminal who had killed me as a criminal, even though he had killed me. Nu ammanuwaa xeelliyaagan nuuyyo aybi siyettii? Of course, Hezekiah was aware of the approaching danger, but rather than desperately enlist the help of a pagan nation, as his apostate father, Ahaz, had done, Hezekiah placed his trust in Jehovah. How do we feel about our beliefs? Qommoora abaa denttido Daaneeli hegee tuma gidiyoogaa akeekiis. God's spirit makes their efforts succeed. Daniel, mentioned earlier, recognized this truth. 16, 17. 25: 46. 16, 17. Taani Geeshsha Maxaafaa tumawu wozanappe mishettays, qassi hegaa haratussi yootiyoogaa dosays. Surrounded by farms and forests, I had a peaceful life. I love Bible truth, and I love it with others. Ha huuphe yohoy neeni oychidoba gidana danddayiya oyshatu zaaruwaa qonccissees; qassi he zaarota Geeshsha Maxaafan awan demmana danddayiyaakko yootees. What a glorious freedom that is! This article considers questions you may have raised and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. Asi barkka bana maaddana mala giigissiyoobaappe issi biitta xallan layttan layttan hosppun biiloone doolaariyaappe dariya miishshay beettees! (a) Why did Paul describe himself as "a man less than the least of all holy ones "? More than eight billion billion billion copies of the Bible in one year! (Oosuwaa 18: 24, 25) " Ayyaanan dochennaagee ' nuuni sooppe soo biidi haggaaziyoonne haggaazuwau kiyennan markkattiyo wode kaseegaappe xala gidanaadan maaddana danddayees. (Read John 15: 1, 8.) Being "aglow with the spirit " can help us to slow down in our house - to - house ministry and to increase our boldness in the ministry. Yaatiyoogan, "higgee oottanau danddayibeennaagaa " poliis. Hegaappe denddidaagan, ayyaanan tiyettida Kiristtaaneti Yesuusa wozuwaa yarshshuwan ammaniyoogan xillo geetettidosona. Am I putting Kingdom interests first? Thus, as a result of "the perfect law of sin, " anointed Christians have been declared righteous by Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. (b) Yesuusi erissiyo ashkkarati erissana koshshiyo Yihoowa halchuwaara gayttida oorattabay aybee? For example, what if a mild - tempered brother who often arrives late serves Jehovah along with a brother who is punctual but easily loses his temper? (b) What new aspects of Jehovah's purpose should Jesus ' disciples make? Leemisuwawu, Ayhudatu taarikiyaa eranchay Filaaviyes Joosefesi Ayhuda haymaanootiyaappe kiyidaageeta xeelliyaagan hagaadan giis: "Wordduwan yootiyoogaappe iita gidida caaquwaa eti aggana bessees; eti ammanennan Xoossaa woossiya uraa bolli kasetidi pirddettiis giidi yootoosona. " Speaking to first - century Christians living in Ephesus, the resurrected Jesus Christ said: "I hold this against you, that you have left the love you had at first. " For example, the Jewish historian Josephus, who wrote of the Jewish historian Josephus: "They did not believe in God simply because of their lack of faith. Yihooway nuna wochiyoogee asay kaameeran kaysuwaa wochiyoogaappe dummattiyoy aybiinee? (b) What should we do if we become aware that someone is involved in a secret sin? What contrast is there between Jehovah's people and us? " Ooninne, " Taani harggais ' yaagenna. " - Isiyaasa 33: 24. How does creation provide evidence of God's wisdom? " No resident will say: " I am sick. ' " - Isaiah 33: 24. Xoossay ha iita hanotata aybissi paqqadidaakko akeekanau, ha maxeetiyan sinttaa 20nne 21n deˈiya, "Xoossay Iitabaanne Tuggaa Aybissi Paqqadidee? " Their efforts may be sincere and well - motivated. To understand why God allows this wicked system of things, see chapter 20, "Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering? " Geeshsha Maxaafaa maaraadan tumu goynuwaa kaalliyaaba gidikko, nuuni haarettiyoy Xoossaasa gidiyoogaa bessoos. (Yoh. In a stunning plot twist, the Devil's world becomes divided against itself. If we follow the Bible's standards of true worship, we show that we are guided by God. Neeni daafurancha gidiyoogaa akeeka. Surely we do not want to be like Diotrephes, who would not " receive anything from the apostle John with respect. ' Consider the weakness of being weak. I tumawu minni oottiya, qassi kumetta saˈan deˈiya misoonaaweta keehi nashshiya asa. What Did You Learn From... He worked hard hard to be true, and the missionaries were proud of him. SHin haasayaa haasayiyaageeti Beeteeleppe yiyo wode, ta aayyiyaa darotoo eti nu son aqanaadan shoobbawusu. As the officer spoke to his men, two strangers came up to the family and quietly identified themselves as Witnesses. But when the speaker comes to the talk, my mother often invited me to stay in our home. SHin nuussi Kiristtoosa wozanai woikko qofai de7 ees. " - 1 QOR. Moses But we have the mind of Christ. " - 1 COR. Mazamure 48: 12 - 14 maaran nuuni ay oottana bessii? After the untimely death of her husband, a sister in Norway was left alone with a two - year - old son. According to Psalm 48: 12 - 14, what must we do? ISSI galla maallado, Amarkkan, Tohossa Dakotan, Brukinze giyoosan saˈay wagaggi uttidaashin, carkkoy meeggiyoogaa doommiis. Likewise, most of those resurrected in the future will return to life on the earth. - Read John 5: 28, 29; 11: 44. IT WAS early morning in the morning, California, U.S.A., in South America. He xiqisee Eesawayyo " Xoossaa ayyaanay baynnaagaa ' woy i geeshsha gididaba nashshibeennaagaanne " issitoo miyoobawu ba bayratettaa Yaaqoobayyo bayzzidoogaa ' yootees. Effective prayers are in harmony with God's will, are offered in faith, and are presented in Jesus ' name That verse tells us that God's holy spirit "did not give up on Esau's head " and" forsook his birthright. " Taani goshshaa oosuwaa oottaydda diccido gishshawu, gaxariyan deˈanawu amottiyoogaa doommaas. Eve allowed her attention to be directed to the temptation immediately in front of her. Since I worked as a farm, I began to feel comfortable living in a rural village. Hizqqiyaasi hirggissiyaabi mati uttidoogaa erees; shin kaddida a aaway Akaazi oottidoogaadan eeqau goynniya kawotettaa maaduwaa oychiyoogaappe, Yihoowan ammanettiis. At such times, we may yearn for someone who makes us feel needed. Hezekiah knew that the wheat had fallen, but his father, King Ahaz, prayed to Jehovah for help, praying to Jehovah for help. Xoossaa ayyaanay eti oottiyooban murutanaadan maaddees. We held meetings there. God's spirit helps them to improve their role. 25: 46. Christ Jesus, the appointed King, will bless his subjects and educate them in the knowledge of Jehovah. 25: 46. Hegee goshshaynne woray dariyo heera gidiyo gishshawu, woppa duussaa deˈaas. The yeartext for 2011 is: "Take refuge in the name of Jehovah. " - Zephaniah 3: 12. It was a peaceful environment, and I had to find peace in the United States. 6: 23; 8: 2) Hegee keehi bonchcho laˈatetta! It is encouraging to know that we can, with God's help, resist corruptive influences. What freedom! (a) PHauloosi bana "geeshshatu ubbaa giddon laafiyaagaa " giidoy aybissee? Living our lives in harmony with Jehovah's purpose will give us great satisfaction and ensure that our worship is not futile. - 1 Cor. (a) Why did Paul refer to himself as "a lesser one "? (Yohaannisa 15: 1, 8 nabbaba.) The widow then told Elijah: "Now I know that you truly are a man of God and that Jehovah's word in your mouth is truth. " - 1 Ki. (Read John 15: 1, 8.) Kawotettaabaa kaseyiyaanaa? As we will see, the answer is of vital importance. Do I put Kingdom interests first in life? Leemisuwau, darotoo keerido saatiyan gakkenna issi ashkke ishay, keerido saatiyan gakkiyaanne eesuwan yiillotiya hara ishaara Yihoowau oottiyaaba gidikko shin? If she dies, he may feel an emptiness in his life. For example, what if a brother usually seems to be quick to wait for an hour at the right time when a brother is upset and you are upset with another brother? Hayquwaappe denddida Yesuus Kiristtoosi koyro xeetu layttan Efisoonan deˈiya Kiristtaanetuyyo, "Taani nena boriyoobi de7ees; aissi giikko, neeni kase ne siiquwaa aggadasa " yaagiis. (Ajj. (b) In our dealings with others, how can we reflect God's compassion? In the first century C.E., the resurrected Jesus Christ said to the first - century Christians in Ephesus: "I have left you, for you have left my first love. " (b) Issi uri geeman nagaraa oottidoogaa nuuni eriyaaba gidikko ay oottana bessii? In the final analysis, your faith must be based on evidence that you observe as you weigh the truthfulness of what you read in the Bible. (b) What should we do if we know that a person has committed a serious sin? Meretay Xoossaa aadhida eratettaa qonccissiyoy ayba ogiyaanee? * How has creation reflected God's wisdom? Eti asaa maaddanawu koyidi wozanappe baaxetiyaageeta gidana danddayoosona. Can you see yourself in Paradise? (See paragraph 16) They may have a heartfelt desire to help people. Dabloosa alamee garamissiya hanotan asay qoppennan ba giddon shaahetti bayees. Rehoboam's father was Solomon, who reigned in Israel for 40 years. In a sense, the world of mankind has fallen asleep in its hands. Nuuni, " kiitettida Yohaannisi giyoogaa ekkenna ' Diyotirefeesa mala gidana koyennaagee qoncce. (Read Proverbs 3: 31 - 33.) Of course, we would not want to be like Diotrephes, the apostle John. Kaalliya Xiqisetuppe Ay Tamaaradii? Why should kindness characterize our attempts to preach? What Did You Learn? Wotaaddaratu halaqay haratuura haasayishin, naaˈˈu ishantti etakko leddan yiidi etikka Yihoowa Markka gidiyoogaa yootidosona. Among the results she experienced were an unwanted pregnancy and an abortion. On hearing a conversation with others, two brothers told them that they were Jehovah's Witnesses. Muusa Today our publications are more likely to teach that one thing reminds us of or serves to illustrate another. Moses Norwey biittan issi michiyaa qoppennan i azinay hayqqin, naaˈˈu laytta naˈaara barkka aattaasu. Does the faithful slave receive a greater reward in heaven than the rest of the anointed? While her husband died in Norway, her husband, who died two years ago, tried to live with her two - year - old. Hegaadan, sinttappe denddiyaageetuppe daroti saˈan deˈana. - Yohaannisa 5: 28, 29; 11: 44 nabbaba. * Similarly, many who are resurrected on earth will be resurrected to life on earth. - Read John 5: 28, 29; 11: 44. Hewaana bana gakkiiddi deˈiya paaciyaa bolla ba xeelaa wottaasu. They were to keep in mind the precious hope of receiving their heavenly inheritance. Eve focused on the pressures he faced. Hegaa mala wodetun, goˈˈiya uradan nuuyyo siyettanaadan oottiya asa koyana danddayoos. The ransom also makes it possible for us to have the opportunity to live forever in happiness. At such times, we may feel drawn to someone who views us as a real person. Nuuni shiiquwaa yan shiiqoos. Thinking that Sister Huntingford was a saleswoman and that Mom would buy something we didn't need, Dad finally went to the door to say that we were not interested. We attended a meeting. Xoossay sunttido Kawoy Kiristtoos Yesuusi baayyo haarettiyaageeta anjjananne eta Yihoowa eraa tamaarissana. When Christine got home that evening, she was shocked to discover that her month's pay was missing. God's appointed King, Jesus Christ, will guide his subjects and teach them Jehovah's knowledge. " Yihoowa sunttaa baqati attiyoosa oottite ' yaagiyaagee, 2011 laytta xiqise. - Sofonaasa 3: 12, NW. From there, through three envoys, he ordered the city to surrender. " Let your name be found in the name of Jehovah. " - Zephaniah 3: 12, 18. Xoossaa maaduwan, kandduwaa mooriyaabaa eqettana danddayiyoogaa eriyoogee minttettiyaaba. Jehovah's name is magnified when we make a defense of our faith It is encouraging to know that by means of God's help, we can fight against negative practices. Nuuni Yihoowa halchuwaara maayettidi deˈiyoogee nu deˈuwan keehi ufayttanaadaaninne nu goynoy mela gidennaagaa ammanettanaadan oottees. - 1 Qor. * Living in harmony with Jehovah's purpose gives us great confidence and confidence in our worship. - 1 Cor. Yaatin amˈˈiyaa Eelaasau, "Neeni Xoossaa asa gididoogaanne ne doonaappe odettiya GODAA qaalai tuma gididoogaa taani ha77i eraas " yaagaasu. - 1 Kaw. Nevertheless, I still enjoy being with my dear brothers and sisters at Bethel and in the congregation. She said to Elijah: "I know that your word is Jehovah and that you are my God and your God. " - 1 Ki. Hegaa zaaroy keehippe koshshiyaaba gidiyoogaa beˈana. They did not allow themselves to be distracted. The answer to that question will be very important. Maccaasiyaa hayqqikko, i mela attidabadan qoppana danddayees. How Mary listened. The woman might think that if her husband dies, he will die. (b) Haratuura gattiya hanotan qarettiyoogan waanidi Xoossaa milatana danddayiyoo? The brother being trained must understand what is expected of him. (b) How can we imitate God's compassion in dealing with others? Hanno gakkanawu beˈidoogaadan, ne ammanoy naqaashi deˈiyooba gidana bessees; he naqaashaa neeni Geeshsha Maxaafaa nabbabada akeekido tumaappe demmaasa. How will being morally and spiritually clean help us to be productive harvest workers? As we have seen, your faith must be based on evidence, and you will find real evidence of what you have found in the Bible. * No matter what problem we may face, we can find comfort in knowing that Jehovah cares for us and wants to help us. * Yihoowayyo goyniyoogaabaanne a dirijjitiyaabaa nuuni waati qoppana koshshii? But Jesus gave his life as an expression of love. How should we view Jehovah's organization and his organization? Robiˈaama aaway Solomoni Israaˈeelan 40 layttaa kawotiis. (1 Kaw. By his sins, David had despised Jehovah. Rehoboam's father, Rehoboam, lived in Israel for 40 years. (Leemiso 3: 31 - 33 nabbaba.) (c) to deal with disputes? (Read Proverbs 3: 31 - 33.) Nuuni kehatettan sabbakana koshshiyoy aybissee? Why not? Because the foretold "sudden destruction " has not yet occurred. Why should we preach with kindness? O gakkidabay koyennan shahaariyoogaanne shahaaraa kesissiyoogaa gujjees. Consider: We know a lot about Satan and his tactics. Rachel's experience includes having an abortion and abortion. Ha wodiyan nu xuufeti issibay harabaa hassayissiyoogaa woy hegawu leemiso gidiyoogaa tamaarissoosona. They have been declared righteous for life on the basis of the ransom; thus, they do not die as condemned sinners. Today, our publications teach that our literature is an example of something else or something else. Ammanettida ashkkaray saluwan ekkana woytoy tiyettida haratuugaappe aadhii? • Gideon? Does the faithful slave receive a greater reward in heaven? " DUUFUWAN DE7IYAAGEETI... 16: 31 - 35. " BE OF GOD'S WORD. * " All scripture is inspired by God and can profitably be used... for guiding people's lives. " - 2 TIMOTHY 3: 16, The Jerusalem Bible. * (Qol. 3: 2) Eti saluwan demmana alˈˈo hidootaa ubba wode qoppana bessees. When Israel fell captive to the Philistines, "in time Jehovah's spirit started to impel " Samson to deliver Israel. They need to keep focused on the precious hope of heavenly life. Wozoy nuuni merinawu ufayttidi deˈanaadankka maaddees. They teach the Bible in at least 19 languages, including the Polynesian tongues Niuean, Rarotongan, Samoan, and Tongan. The ransom also helps us to remain joyful forever. Ta aaway Michiyo Hantinfardo issibaa bayzzanawu yiida maccaasa gi qoppidi aayyiyaa nuussi koshshennabaa shammana haniyaaba milatin, nuuni hegaa koyennaagaa yootanawu etakko pengge biis. These two articles will consider those questions. My father was told that we should not try to buy some money from a woman who asked us to sell a job so that we would not want to share it with them. Kiristtiina he galla qammi so gakkada ba miishshay bayidoogaa akeekada dagammaasu. Instead, follow the wise counsel that Moses gave to God's people in ancient times: "Jehovah your God you should fear. Him you should serve, and to him you should cling. " Christine realized that the night that her husband had left her home and had paid her money. I he sohuwaappe heezzu sunttata kiittidi, katamaa asay bau haarettanaadan azaziis. In the days leading up to the Memorial, we can set aside time to examine prayerfully and carefully our personal relationship with Jehovah. He sent them out to the city and commanded his people to submit to the rule of the city. Nuuni nu ammanuwawu mootettiyo wode Yihoowa sunttay xoqqu xoqqu gees As we will see, this involved distinguishing between what they could not do and what they could do and then acting accordingly. When we make a defense against our beliefs, we express our appreciation for Jehovah's name. * Take, for example, the goal of discussing the day's text every day. * Gidoppe attin, alˈˈo ishatinne michoti Beeteeleeninne gubaaˈiyan ta miyyiyan deˈiyo gishshawu, haˈˈikka ufayttays. Gently, he said to me: " Go home, Yuichiro. Sit down at your desk and think carefully about what Jehovah has done for you. ' Yet, the brothers and sisters in the Bethel congregation are still happy, so I still enjoy serving in my Bethel and in the congregation. Eti aybinne bantta qofaa wora zaaranaadan paqqadibookkona. Bethel service is a happy way of life because everything you do there is for Jehovah. They did not let anything stop them. Mayraama loytta siyawusu. What can be done to minimize the unsettling effects of change? Mary must have listened well. Loohissiyo ishay baappe koyettiyaabay aybakko akeekana bessees. Are those the words of a cruel God or the words of a God who loves people and wants them to make the right choice? A brother needs to understand what is required of him. Kandduwaabaaninne ayyaanaaban geeshsha gididi deˈiyoogee cahaa oosuwan nuuni murutanaadan waatidi maaddii? (Read 2 Peter 2: 5.) How does moral and spiritual growth help us to be successful? (Isi. 1: 16 - 19) Nuna ayba metoy gakkikkonne, Yihooway nuussi qoppiyoogaanne nuna maaddanau koyiyoogaa eriyoogee minttettana danddayees. Consider what Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, did when the combined forces of the Moabites and the Ammonites came up against him to wage war. No matter what trials we may face, knowing that Jehovah cares for us and wants us to help us. (Maatiyoosa 26: 27, 28; Ibraawe 9: 22, 28) SHin Yesuusi ba siiquwaa bessanau ba shemppuwaa aattidi immiis. He will not be afraid even of bad news. His heart is steadfast, made reliant upon Jehovah. Yet, Jesus gave his life in behalf of his life. Daawiti nagaraa oottidoogan Yihoowa kariis. How does prayer help you to strengthen your desire to serve God? David refused to blame Jehovah for his sin. (c) palamay denddiyo wode maayettanaadan waati maaddii? By being sympathetic, Christians imitate Jesus. (c) How does social differences affect communication? Ayssi giikko, kasetidi odettida "qoppennan " yiya bashshay gakkibeenna. What role do family members play if a man is to qualify for appointment as a ministerial servant or an elder? Why? Because the events mentioned in the prophecy were not just "a shadow of the things to come. " Hagaa qoppa: Seexaanaabaanne A hiillaabaa nuuni darobaa eroos. Why do Jehovah's people get baptized, and how many have been immersed in the past ten years? Consider this: We know much about Satan and his tactics. (2 Tas. 1: 5, 11) Yesuusa wozuwaa baggaara eti bantta deˈuwan xillo geetettido gishshawu, nagarancha geetetti pirddettidi hayqqokkona. (Roo. They started seven Bible studies. Many more exciting experiences followed. By means of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice, they have been judged as righteous as sinners because they have been judged by God's righteous standards. • Geedoona While I was away, Mary witnessed in a Portuguese commercial district, where making money was the only subject of interest. • Gideon? 16: 31 - 35. On a personal level, can any of us really know whether he notices us, understands us, empathizes with us, or helps us with our problems? 16: 31 - 35. " Xoossaa maxaafa ubban Xoossaa Ayyaanai de7ees. Qassi he maxaafati... de7uwau zoriyaa immanau maaddoosona. " - 2 XIMOOTIYOOSA 3: 16, 17. True, life in today's world is so full of distractions that it is sometimes very difficult to meditate on spiritual things. " All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching. " - 2 TIMOTHY 3: 16, 17. Pilisxxeemati Israaˈeelata haariyo wode, Israaˈeelata ashshanaadan "GODAA Ayyaanai [Samssoona] denttettiyoogaa doommiis. " (Dana. For example, Bildad suggested that Job's children had engaged in wrongdoing and deserved their fate. When the Philistines invaded Israel, "the spirit of Jehovah began to deliver the Israelites. " Eti Polenezhiyaa qaala gidida Nyuwan qaalan, Raratangan, Samoˈaaninne Tongan giyo qaalata gujjin, 19 qaalan Geeshsha Maxaafaa tamaarissoosona. Jehovah's Witnesses, the publishers of this journal, would like to help you find answers to questions that may challenge your faith. They teach other Bible - based languages, including scientists, including scientists, and scholars, including the languages commonly based on modern - day languages. Ha naaˈˈu huuphe yohoti he oyshata zaaroosona. Jehovah is far kinder than we are and far more perceptive as to our limitations. These two articles will answer those questions. (Leemiso 3: 7) Hegaappe, Muusee beni wode Xoossaa asaa aadhida eratettan: "GODAAYYO intte Xoossaayyo, yayyite; ayyo oottite; aara ohettite " yaagidi zorido zoriyaa kaalla. We trusted in Jehovah, and we experienced that he did not abandon us. Rather, Moses told God's ancient people in Bible times: "Trust in Jehovah with him, and do not rely on him. Godaa Kahuwaappe kasetiya saaminttatun, nuuyyo Yihoowaara nu dabbotay ay malakko woosaaninne akeekan qoranawu wodiyaa bazzana danddayoos. Why can we be sure that Jehovah will act with righteousness and faithfulness? In the weeks before the Lord's Evening Meal, we may be careful to set aside time to read and meditate on what our relationship with Jehovah is like. Eti oottana danddayennabaa gidennan, oottana danddayiyoobaa oottidoogaa beˈana. Moreover, the court official in charge of their training gave them Babylonian names. They will consider what they can do, not what they can do, but what they can do. Leemisuwau, gallassa xiqisiyaa ubba galla tobbiyo hoolliyaa qoppite. " They are puzzled that you [Christians] do not continue running with them in the same decadent course of debauchery, " wrote the apostle Peter, "so they speak abusively of you. " For example, consider the goal of each day. I keha qaalan tana, " Yuichiro, soo baada xarapheezaa matan uttada Yihooway neessi oottidobaa yuushsha qoppa ' yaagiis. We are the clay, and you are our Potter; and all of us are the work of your hand. " He kindly told me: " Imagine that Jehovah did what you were doing in the house - to - house work. ' Beeteelen oottiyo ubbabay Yihoowassa gidiyo gishshawu, yan oottiyoogee ufayssiyaaba. 4 What the Bible Says About Life and Death Since all things are acceptable to Jehovah, it brings joy to serve him. Yelidaageeti cimatettay kaalettiyoobaa danddayanaadan ay oottana danddayettii? The bow he breaks apart and does cut the spear in pieces; the wagons he burns in the fire. " - Psalm 46: 9. What can parents do to overcome the consequences of aging? GODAA intte Xoossaa siiqite; a qaalaa siyite, ayyo azazettite; aara ohettite " yaagees. His prophecy mentions the good news of God's Kingdom, which will bring worldwide relief to people who love God. Listen to Jehovah your God, and obey him. " (2 PHeexiroosa 2: 5 nabbaba.) One way is by applying Proverbs 3: 27. (Read 2 Peter 2: 5.) Mooˈaabatinne Amoonati a olanau issippe yiido wode, Yihudaa kawuwaa Yoosaafixi oottidobaa qoppa. and the brochure Who Are Doing Jehovah's Will Today? Consider what happened when Jehoshaphat and the king of Moab began to fight him. A wozanai xala gidiyo gishshau, mulekka i yayyenna; wurssettan ba morkketi xoonettin be7ana. " In many ways our experiences in life had been similar. Because his heart was courageous, he will never abandon his enemies, and finally his enemies will see his enemies. " Intte Xoossaayyo oottanau minttidi koyanau woosay waati maaddii? The love between the opposite sexes has other characteristics besides its potential for being constant and enduring. How can prayer help you to serve God? Kiristtaaneti qarettiyoogan Yesuusa leemisuwaa kaalloosona. The year that the ban was lifted in Russia, Matthew from Great Britain was 28 years old. Christians imitate Jesus by showing empathy. Issi attumaagee gubaaˈiyau oottiyaagaa woykko gubaaˈiyaa cima gidanau gidaa kunttanaadan so asay ay oottana danddayii? 5 / 15 What can family members do to qualify as a ministerial servant or an elder? Yihoowa asay xammaqettiyoy aybissee? Aadhida tammu layttatun aappun asay xammaqettidee? Read Matthew 6: 33. Why have Jehovah's people been baptized during the past ten years? Eti laappun asaa Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈissiyoogaa doommidosona; qassi haggaazuwan keehippe ufayssiya darobaa demmidosona. Most of those who have assisted with the construction work in New York could have found reasons not to volunteer. They started studying the Bible with seven people, and they found many wonderful experiences in the ministry. Taani baynna wode Meera asay keehi koyiyoobay miishsha demmiyoogaa xalla gidido Porttugaaletu zalˈˈe awuraajjan sabbakawusu. At God's invitation, Abraham and Sarah gave up the comforts of city life in Ur of the Chaldeans and accepted the challenge of living as nomads in a foreign land. By the time I was no longer young, Mary was a zealous Kingdom publisher in the province of Ireland. I nuna loytti xeelliyaakkonne, nubaa akeekiyaakkonne, nuussi qarettiyaakkonne, woy nu metuwan nuna maaddiyaakkonne erana danddayiya uri nu giddon deˈii? " No one can fail to be impressed by the careful hygienic precautions of the Mosaic period. " - MANUAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE, BY DRS. If he cares about us, would he be able to understand whether he cares about us, our problems, our feelings, and our problems? Ha wodiyan deˈuwan qofay shaahettanaadan oottiyaabay kumido gishshawu, ayyaanaabaa wotti denttidi qoppanawu issi issitoo keehi wayssiyoogee tuma. James 4: 8 tells you how you can do that: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " True, it is not always easy to meditate on spiritual matters, so it is not always easy to meditate on spiritual matters. Leemisuwau, Bilddaadi Iyyooba naati iitabaa oottido gishshau, eta gakkidabay bessiyaaba yaagiis. Cut back on your employment, and plan how to expand your ministry. - w16.07, p. For example, Job's dealings with the sons of Job was fitting because they had done bad things. Ha xuufiyaa giigissiya Yihoowa Markkati, nena geella wayssida oyshatuyyo zaaruwaa demmanaadan nena maaddanau koyoosona. So although from a human viewpoint we may not see a way out of our problems, Jehovah does, and he can do the unexpected. - Read 2 Peter 2: 9. Jehovah's Witnesses would want to help you find answers to the questions raised by Jehovah's Witnesses. Yihooway nuuppe aadhida keha; qassi nu abbiyaa loyttidi akeekees. Other religions - including many churches in Christendom - also give credence to such fatalistic beliefs by their doctrine of predestination. Jehovah is generous with us and is well - aware of our limitations. Nuuni Yihoowan ammanettida, qassi I nuna yeggennaagaa beˈida. The fact of the resurrection became a central part of Christian faith. We have seen that Jehovah will not abandon us and that he will not abandon us. Yihooway xillobaa oottiyoogaanne ammanettiyaagaa gidiyoogaa waati erana danddayiyoo? Therefore, by faithfully continuing in our preaching work, we make sure that we will be available to give comfort to people at a time when they may be ready to accept it. How can we be sure that Jehovah is righteous and loyal? Hegaa bollikka, kawo keettaa oosanchatu halaqa gididi eta loohissanawu sunttettidaagee Baabiloona sunttan eta sunttiis. (Dane. (b) Why does Jehovah allow us to be his "fellow workers "? Moreover, Babylon has commissioned them to train the royal household of Babylon the Great as a king. Kiitettida PHeexiroosi, "Aihuda gidenna asaara intte [Kiristtaaneti] shori bainna oosuwaa issippe oottenna gishshau garamettidi, inttena cayoosona " yaagiis. (1 PHe. Even so, Esa felt that something was missing. The apostle Peter wrote: "Since you don't stand out in the work of the nations, they are amazed to speak abusively of you. " Urqqaa medhiyaagee urqqaappe ba koyido ay miishshanne medhana danddayees. Hence, what can help a Christian to remain faithful to Jehovah? The clay can do what is best for the potter to do. 4 Deˈuwaanne Hayquwaa Xeelliyaagan Geeshsha Maxaafay Yootiyoobaa As the twins grew up, they differed in temperament and in their choice of activities. 4 The Bible Changes Lives 46: 9. One important way that a submissive wife shows respect for Jehovah's authority is by being cooperative and supportive within the family circle. 46: 9. I ba hiraagan Xoossaa siiqiya asaassi saˈa yuushuwan woppaa demissana, Xoossaa Kawotettaa mishiraachuwaa yootiis. The Bible is like a treasure map guiding us to the riches "carefully concealed in " Christ In his prophecy about the earth, he preached the good news of God's Kingdom worldwide. Issi ogee Leemiso 3: 27n odettidaagaadan oottiyoogaa. The day after we left for the Watchtower Educational Center in Patterson, Linda called to tell us that Mother had died. One way is mentioned at Proverbs 3: 27. giyo biiduwaanne Ha Wodiyan Yihoowa SHeniyaa Poliyaageeti Oonee? WATCHING THE WORLD Who Are Jehovah's Witnesses Today? Ta deˈuwan gakkida darobay i deˈuwankka gakkiis. He is sure that he will awake, for his past experiences have made him absolutely confident that he can trust in God's unfailing support. He had many experiences in my life. Siiquwaa Sabaa maxaafay attuma asinne macca asi issoy issuwaa tumuppe siiqana danddayiyoogaa loytti qonccissees. And how may each one of us add to a spirit of joy in the congregation? The Song of Solomon tells us that a man can truly love each other. Raashiyaa biittan nu oosoy digettiyoogee attido laytti, Inggilize biittan deˈiya Maatiwuyyo layttay 28. Instead, you must demolish them and smash their sacred pillars. Matthew, who lives in Russia, was 19 years old at the age of 28. 4 / 1 4: 16. 4 / 15 Maatiyoosa 6: 33 nabbaba. Aristotle Read Matthew 6: 33. Niwu Yorken keexxiyo oosuwaa ootti maaddida daroti hegaadan oottennan agganawu gaasoyiyoobaa xayokkona. For the next three and a half years, Jesus poured himself out in teaching people about his Father and the righteousness of God's sovereignty. No wonder many who have been helped to support the construction work in New York City have no reason to avoid doing so. Abrahaaminne Saara Xoossay azazin, Kaladaawetu biittan, Uura kataman ishaluwan deˈiyoosaappe asa biittan keetti baynnan deˈanau eeno giidosona. (Doo. To keep the lines of communication open, family members must listen - really listen - to one another. - Read James 1: 19. Abraham and Sarah were willing to live in a land where God had commanded Abraham and Sarah to live in Ur. [ Sinttaa 6n deʼiya misiliyaa qonccissuwaa] " Geeshshatettaa mintti naaganaadan Muuse wode odettidabaa nabbabiyoogee keehippe maalaalissees. " 20, 21. (a) What assurance did David provide Solomon? It is more likely to read the example of Moses, who reminds us of "the Chief Agent and Perfecter of self - control. " Yaaqooba 4: 8y, "Xoossaakko shiiqite; ikka inttekko shiiqana " yaagidi, neeni waatada minttana danddayiyaakko yootees. Though spiritual advancement may not always be recognized by humans, Jehovah always sees and values it. James 4: 8 says: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " Neeni goˈettennaabaa digga; qassi acotidobaa zaara. Therefore, much of their Bible scholarship remained unpublished until after their deaths. Avoid making use of what you are using, and you will never be overly concerned about what you are doing. Nuuni nu metuwaappe kiyiyo ogiyaa issi issitoo erana xayikkonne, Yihooway erees; qassi i nuuni qoppibeennabaa oottana danddayees. - 2 PHeexiroosa 2: 9 nabbaba. Anointing a man to be a leader of a nation is, of course, not the same as training a brother to be an elder or a ministerial servant in the congregation. Even though we may not know how to deal with our problems, Jehovah may at times act. - Read 2 Peter 2: 9. Kiristtaane giyo daro woosa keettata gujjin, hara haymaanootetikka issibi kasetidi kuuyettiis giyo bantta timirttiyan, hegaadan qaaday laammettenna yaagidi ammanoosona. Speaking about the limits of government, historian David Fromkin noted: "Governments are composed of human beings; therefore they are fallible and their prospects are uncertain. Even many churches of Christendom believe that it was not easy for them to accept religious education prior to their teaching. Neeni salettada hara baabure keetti biyaaba gidikko, yan hinkkosaappe daro asay taraa naagana danddayees. It was located some 50 miles (80 km) east of Jerusalem, beyond the Jordan River. If you are on the other side of a car, there may be many others on the other side of the market. Denddoy Kiristtaane ammanuwan waanna timirttetuppe issuwaa gidiis. Yet, not all young ones turned out that way in Bible times, nor do they today. The resurrection became one of the primary doctrine of Christianity. Yaatiyo gishshawu, nuuni ubbatoo sabbakikko, nuuni yootiyo minttettiyaabaa siyanawu koyiyo wodiyan asay nuna demmana danddayees. (Isi. What does "Messiah " mean, and how can he be identified? So if we continue to preach the good news, we may find comfort in people who want to listen. (b) Yihooway nuuni aara "issippe oottiya a oosanchchata " gidanaadan koyiyoy aybissee? Jesus ' "other sheep " will not become sons of God until the end of the thousand years. (b) Why do we want Jehovah to be his "fellow workers "? Gidikkokka, Eesi ba deˈuwan keehippe ufayttenna. This requires a tremendous expenditure of time and emotional energy - to say nothing of the financial burden. Yes, he was happy to live a life of self - sacrifice. Hegaa mala hanotan, Kiristtaaneti Yihoowan ammanettidi deˈanaadan maaddana danddayiyaabay aybee? Additional Ways in Which Jesus Was Like Moses In such situations, what can help Christians to remain loyal to Jehovah? He mentte naati diccidi, eeshshaaninne oottanau dooriyooban issoy issuwaappe dummatidosona. Then there is the other side of the coin. The girls grew up to grow, cultivated qualities, personality, and abilities. (1 PHe. 5: 6) Machiyaa Yihoowa bonchiyoogaannne ayyo haarettiyoogaa bessiyo issi ogee ba azinaara hashetiyoogaa. We might ask ourselves: " Does the entertainment I choose make it possible for me to give God exclusive devotion? One way in which husbands respect Jehovah and respect his headship is by respecting her husband. Geeshsha Maxaafay buquray deˈiyoosaa bessiya karttadan, Kiristtoosan " geeman minjjettida ' aquwaakko nuna kaalettees To sum up, then, multitudes dwell in the spirit realm. Just as the Bible refers to "the treasures of refuge " in Christ, so it leads us to" the treasures of riches " Nuuni Patersenen deˈiya timirtte keetti biido wonttetta gallassi Linda nuuyyo dawalada ta aayyiyaa hayqqidoogaa yootaasu. In these two articles, we will see how Christ taught his followers to become united and to overcome the prejudices that tend to divide. The next morning my mother told us that we were going to school on our next school. Xoossaa ashkkarata gidiyoogaadan nuuni hegaa eroos; qassi Xoossaayyo ammanettiyoogaa aybinne digganaadan oottana koyokko. Peter says that it is "a gift. " As servants of God, we know this and do not allow anything to interfere with our loyalty to God. I kase ba deˈuwan beˈidoban Xoossaa maadoy appe shaahettennaagaa wozanappe ammanettiyo gishshau, beegottanaagaa ammanees. We took turns, one presented a meeting part while the other answered all the questions. He had faith that God's help would keep him awake because he saw his past experiences in life. Gubaaˈiyan deˈiyaageeti ufayttanaadan nuuni ubbay ay oottana danddayiyoo? First, consider the account of the Flood of Noah's day. What can all of us do to enjoy joy in the congregation? Intte eta xaissanaunne eta eeqa shuchchata mentterettanau koshshees. For one thing, most could not afford to own a Bible, as copies were handwritten and very expensive to produce. You need to turn them away from idols and to stone them. 4: 16. What confidence can a repentant Christian have? 4: 16. Arsttotila Remember that your continued effort to proclaim Jehovah's name is not in vain. Aristotle Hegaappe simmidi heezzu layttanne baggaa, Yesuusi ba Aawaabaanne Xoossay ubbabaa haariyo maatay suure gidiyoogaa ba kumetta wolqqan asaa tamaarissiis. The prophet Zechariah foretold that in the time of the end, people of the nations would gratefully associate themselves with the remnant of spiritual Israel. After three and a half years, Jesus taught his Father that God's sovereignty is the rightfulness of His sovereignty. Xoossay hegaa mala asata maaddanau koyees, qassi ha saˈan a kalˈˈatiyaageeti eta maaddanaadan denttettees. Jehovah provides not physical but spiritual training. God wants such ones to help such ones, and he motivates them to support his earthly servants. So asay ubbatoo qoncciyan haasayanau issi uri haasayiyo wode haray hayttaa yeggidi siyana bessees. - Yaaqooba 1: 19 nabbaba. Then she started to think differently. On the other hand, a family must listen carefully when it comes to conversation. - Read James 1: 19. 20, 21. (a) Daawiti Solomonawu yootido minttettiyaabay aybee? WE MUST KEEP AWAKE OURSELVES 20, 21. (a) What encouragement did David give to Solomon? Intte danddayido keena ubban Yihoowa ufayssiyo wode, keehippe ufaytteeta; woppaa demmeeta! " It is possible that some correctly understood a Messianic prophecy involving "seventy weeks. " If so, they could have determined when the Messiah would appear. How happy you are when you are able to enjoy Jehovah's service, and you will find happiness! " Issoti issoti 16tta xeetu layttan, Kaatolike woosa keettaanne eta timirttiyaappe amaridaagaa aggibayidosona. Eti Protesttantte geetettidi xeegettidosona. Laying all other undertakings aside, Hutter finished the whole translation project in just one year! Some were adopted as members of the 16th century by the Catholic Church and some as members of the Catholic Church. Deriyaa kaalettiyaagaa gidanaadan issi ura tiyiyoogeenne issi ishay cima gidanaadan woy gubaaˈiyawu oottiyaagaa gidanaadan loohissiyoogee issi mala gidennaagee qoncce. Yet, Jesus replied: "As for these things that you now see, the days will come when not a stone will be left upon a stone and not be thrown down. " - Mark 13: 1; Luke 21: 6. Of course, it is not the same as an invitation to be a leader or a ministerial servant or an elder to be a ministerial servant or an elder. Asaa naatu kawotettau abbee asha gidiyoogaa xeelliyaagan taarikiyaa eranchaa Devid Fromkini, "Kawotettatun ayssiyaageeti asaa naata; yaatiyo gishshau, eti baloosona, qassi eti giidobay polettanaagee ammanttenna. The next article will help all to appreciate what it means to preach with a sense of urgency. Regarding mankind's ability to be influenced by human leaders, David Ebed - melech states: "They have the ability to control mankind, and their words will be fulfilled, and they will certainly fail. " He katamay Yorddaanoosa SHaafaappe hefinttan, Yerusalaameppe 80 kilo meetiriyaa haakkidi deˈees. Happy indeed will be the 144,000 members of the bride class. The city was far away from Jerusalem, where there were about 80 miles (100 km) from Jerusalem. SHin ayyaanaaban laattidobaa nashshida yelagatikka deˈoosona. Solomon formed "a marriage alliance with Pharaoh the king of Egypt and [took] Pharaoh's daughter and [brought] her to the City of David. " However, young ones also have young ones who have a spiritual inheritance. " Masiyaa " giyoogee woygiyoogee, a waatidi shaakki erana danddayettii? Just as Jehovah freely forgave you, you must also do the same. What does it mean to be "the Messiah, " and how can it be known? Yesuusa " hara dorssati ' shaˈu layttay wuranaappe kase Xoossaa naata gidokkona. SONGS: 6, 24 Jesus ' "other sheep " are not God's children before the thousand years ended. Hegee miishshan gattiyo qohuwaa aggiyaakkonne, wurssiyo wodeenne wolqqay keehi daro. " I know that the time I was apart from my wife and children can never be regained, " says Eduardo, "but I do not dwell on my regrets. It would have been a long time, energy, and resources. Yesuusi Muuse Mala Gidido Hara Ogeta What did Paul mean by saying "undeserved kindness "? Other Ways in Moses ' Day Cimatettay kaalettiyo hara metoykka deˈees. (Read John 18: 33 - 37.) There are other problems that arise from old age. (Luq. 4: 7, 8) " Taani wodiyaa aattanau dooriyoobay Xoossaa xallau goynniyoogaa diggennaagee? These people did not really try to get the meaning of his words. Does my choice not depend on God's worship? Yaatiyo gishshau, xaaxi waaxiyoode, ayyaana alamiyan daroti deˈoosona. Wise King Solomon wrote: "When anyone is replying to a matter before he hears it, that is foolishness on his part and a humiliation. " Thus, as a result, there are many spirit creatures in the spirit realm. Kiristtoosi bana kaalliyaageeti issuwaa gidanaadaaninne asa shenetiyo, shaahettanaadan oottiya qofaa eqettanaadan waati tamaarissidaakko ha naaˈˈu huuphe yohotun beˈana. Robert Wallen In these two articles, we will consider two ways in which Christ taught his followers to be influenced by pride and prejudice. PHeexiroosi hegee " imota ' gidiyoogaa yootiis. Many brothers and sisters are applying to serve as regular or auxiliary pioneers. Peter described this as "a gift " as" a gift. " Nuuppe issi uri shiiquwaa kifiliyaa kayan qonccissiyo wode, kifilee a kaya gidenna uri ubba oyshata zaarees. I recall a special day in the spring of 1971. When we discuss a meeting with someone, it is not all the answers to the question. Koyro, Nohe wode gakkida Bashshaa Haattaabaa yootiya taarikiyaa qoppa. Do we make time for each other? Consider the account of Noah, the Flood of Noah's day. Issi gaasoy, kushiyan xaafettida maxaafay keehi alˈˈo gidiyo gishshawu, daro asay bawu buzo maxaafaa demmana danddayenna. 2: 21 - 24; 4: 1; John 19: 33 - 36; Heb. For one thing, the book of the Bible is highly valuable, so many people cannot read their own book. Nagaraappe simmida Kiristtaanee ay ammanettana danddayii? 9, 10. What confidence can a Christian have? Neeni Yihoowa sunttaa ubbatoo yootanau baaxetiyoogee hada gidennaagaa hassaya. Our house - to - house ministry enables us to meet all sorts of people. Remember, your efforts to keep Jehovah's name clean will not be resolved. Hananabaa yootiya Zakkaariyaasi wurssetta wodiyan, daro biittan deˈiya asay ayyaanaa Israaˈeelatuppe attidaageetuura ufayssan hashetanaagaa kasetidi yootiis. When provoked by others, we need to learn to "yield place to the wrath. " In the last days of Zechariah, the prophet Zechariah foretold that the people in the nation of Israel were happy to cooperate with the spiritual Israelites. Yihooway nuuni loˈˈo asa gidanaadan nu qofaa laammees. This year, Jehovah's Witnesses are therefore preparing to gather together with all those who wish to remember Jesus ' death. Jehovah has transformed us from being a better person. Guyyeppe harabaa qoppiyoogaa doommaasu. Certainly you are grateful to him! In time, she began to think about another matter. NUUNI BEEGOTTI UTTANA BESSEES It will never be repeated on this scale or under these same conditions, " adds Andrzej. IMITATE THEIR FAITH AND HOPE " Laappun tammu saaminttaa " gujjin, Masiyaa xeelliyaagan odettida hiraagaa daroti suure akeekido gishshau, Masee qoncciyo wodiyaa erana danddayoosona. Why? Many of the prophecies about the "seven times, " including the Messiah, could be understood for the time when the Messiah would be fulfilled. Huteri oottiyo hara ubbabaa aggibayidi, issi laytta xallan hegaa birshshidi wurssiis! Like his father, Abraham, Isaac did not fight over a well. Hutter left all that he had done and put it on only one - year - old! Gidikkokka Yesuusi, "Ha intte be7iyo ubbai issi shuchchi attennan, ubbai qolettana wodee yaana " yaagiis. - Marqqoosa 13: 1; Luqaasa 21: 6. How might some who may appear to be weaker really be "rich in faith "? However, Jesus said: "Your days will not be taken away from you. " - Mark 13: 13; Luke 21: 6. 4: 17) Kaalliya huuphe yohoy eesotiyoogaa bessiya hanotan sabbakiyoogee woygiyoogaakko nuuni ubbay akeekanaadan maaddees. He no doubt understood that intense and painful feelings may well up. The following article will help all of us to see that our preaching work is adjusted. Tumakka, bullashettiyaari yara gidida 144,000ti keehippe ufayttana. The apostle Paul described some things that may help us to cultivate a positive viewpoint. Indeed, the 144,000 will rejoice over the total number of anointed ones. Solomoni, "[Gibxxe kawuwaa] na7iyo baayyo machcho ekkiis; ekkidi... o Daawita Katamaa ehiis. " (1 Kaw. Others who have endured far less hardship have thought that they had valid reason to become "enraged against Jehovah " or embittered toward his organization. Solomon "ripped his son [the king's] house and brought her back to David. " Kiristtoosi intteyyo atto giidoogaadan, inttekka atto giite. For example, he taught his followers how to pray, how to please God, and how to find true happiness. Even as Christ freely forgave you, so do you also. MAZAMURE: 15, 16 Yet, on occasion, he authorized warfare when wickedness and oppression threatened his people. SONGS: 15, 16 Edwardoy hagaadan giis: "Taani ta keettaayiyoonne ta naata aggada biido wodee issitoo aadhiichiis; shin taani hegaa ubba wode qoppaydda zilˈˈettikke. After all, he had enjoyed intimate association with Jehovah for unknown aeons and had been God's "master worker " during creation. " I didn't have time to leave my family and children, " Eduardo says, "but I have no regrets at all. 3: 23, 24) PHawuloosi " aaro kehatettaa ' giidobay aybee? Would you like to learn the truth about God? What did Paul mean by "the undeserved kindness of the undeserved kindness "? (Yohaannisa 18: 33 - 37 nabbaba.) Jesus also explained the Scriptures, doing so in ways that moved the hearts of his listeners. (Read John 18: 33 - 37.) 7: 9) Eti Yesuusi yootidobaa akeekanawu koyibookkona. Creation Reveals the Living God They did not understand what Jesus said. Aadhida erancha Kawuwaa Solomoni, "Siyennan de7iiddi zaariyoogee, hegee he uraayyo eeyyatettanne yeella " yaagiis. (Lee. They may think that we no longer love them because we do not celebrate holidays with them. King Solomon wrote: "When a wise person hears the facts, it is foolish and humiliating. " Robert Waalena However, in certain cultures and societies, the conduct and views of people toward death and birth are influenced by a very powerful belief that the dead are really not dead but are alive and conscious. Robert Wallen Daro ishanttinne michontti kumetta wodiyaa aqinye woy kaafiya aqinye gidanawu oychoosona. Table of Contents Many brothers and sisters are asked to pioneer or pioneer. Taani 1971n issi dumma gallassaa hassayays. KINDNESS I remember a special day in 1971. Nuuni issoy issuwaara wodiyaa aattiyoo? Or a family member or dear friend could unexpectedly be confronted with the issue of whether to accept a blood transfusion or not. Do we spend time with each other? 2: 21 - 24; 4: 1; Yoh. 19: 33 - 36; Ibr. But the apostle Paul gives us counsel and warns us not to grieve God's holy spirit. 2: 21 - 24; 1 John 4: 36 - 36; Heb. 9, 10. Perhaps you recently got married, and you feel that you have no way of fully understanding how your spouse thinks. 9, 10. Nuuni sooppe soo biidi haggaaziyoogee ubba asaa demmanaadan maaddees. " Let the stealer steal no more. " - 4: 28. Our house - to - house ministry gives us opportunities to share in the ministry. 5: 22) Harati yiilloyiyo wode, nuuni " hanqquwaassi A aggiigana ' bessees. (Include box.) When others offend us, we need to " give up his wrath. ' Hegaa gishshau, Yihoowa Markkati Yesuusa hayquwaa hassayanau koyiya ubbatuura ha laytti issippe shiiqanau giigettiiddi deˈoosona. 10: 31. Therefore, Jehovah's Witnesses are ready to attend this year's death with Jesus ' death. Neeni a keehippe galatanaagee erettidaagaa! Well, see if you can answer the following questions: How grateful you would be to him! Ha oosoy hagaa keena aahotettan woykko hagaa mala hanotan zaarettidi mule oosettenna " yaagiis. On the one hand, we may be trying to help interested ones into the truth. This work has never been given a lot of work or a never before. " Aybissi? Today, millions may claim to be Christians, "but they disown [God] by their works, because they are detestable and disobedient and not approved for good work of any sort. " Why? Ba aawaa Abrahaamaagaadan, Yisaaqikka ooyettibeenna. Though our lives and assignments have changed, our friendships remain. " Like Isaac, Isaac did not have the same relationship with his father. Hegaappe simmin takkennan, asaa issippe waati shiishshanaakko Yihooway Muuseyyo yootiis. She earned her living as a seamstress. Shortly thereafter, Jehovah told Moses how he would gather people together. Issoti issoti daafurancha milatikkokka, waanidi " ammanuwan dure ' gidiyoonaa? What they found changed our lives for the better, bringing both comfort and happiness. How do some view the weak, but how do they "go on walking in the faith "? I kayyottida uri keehippe seelettana danddayiyoogaa akeekidoogee sirissenna. " THE GLORIOUS FREEDOM OF THE CHILDREN OF GOD " There is no doubt that a bereaved person understands the pain he has experienced. Kiitettida PHauloosi loˈˈobaa qoppanau nuna maaddana danddayiya amaridabaa qonccissiis. Yet, what Jehovah has given us through Christ is far greater than the gift described in this example. The apostle Paul gave several suggestions that can help us to focus on positive things. Aagaara gatti xeelliyo wode, guutta metoy gakkiyo issi issi asati Yihoowa bolli woy a dirijjitiyaa bolli " yiillotana ' danddayiyaabadan qoppana danddayoosona. Born without the stain of inherited sin, Jesus was perfect, just as Adam had been. When she views some of her problems, some individuals may think that they could become "enraged against Jehovah " or his organization. Leemisuwawu, bana kaalliyaageeti waati woossanaakko, Xoossaa waati ufayssanaakko, qassi tumu ufayssaa waati demmanaakko tamaarissiis. Indeed, for the Bible says regarding not just Moses but all the Israelites: "By faith they passed through the Red Sea as on dry land. " For example, he taught his followers how to pray, how to pray, how to please God, and how to find true happiness. Gidikkokka, ba asay banttana qohiyaanne naaqqiyaageeta olanaadan issi issitoo paqqadiis. Years later, one of those with whom we studied in those early days told us: "We are so happy that you can speak our language now. Yet, at times, he allowed people to suffer and cause them to suffer. Ubba qassi, keehi daro wodiyau Yihoowaara mata lagge gididi deˈiis; qassi Xoossay meretaa medhiyo wode ayyo "waanna oosanchcha " gididi oottiis. That Jehovah welcomed such questions is evident from what he had commanded Israelite fathers. In fact, he had long been a close friend of Jehovah and served him as God's "master worker. " Xoossaabaa tumaa eranau koyay? PROMISE: Would you like to know the truth about God? 4: 16 - 21) Hegaa bollikka, Yesuusi i yootiyoobaa siyiyaageetu wozanaa ufayssiya ogiyan Geeshsha Maxaafaa qofaa qonccissiis. Thanks to that faith, "we do not give up, but even if the man we are outside is wasting away, certainly the man we are inside is being renewed from day to day. " Furthermore, Jesus highlighted the Bible's message in a way that opened the heart of those who listen to him. Merettidabay Deˈo Xoossaabaa Qonccissees In this prophecy, the Servant speaks of his Father as "the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. " Creation Reveals the Living God Nuuni etaara baalaa bonchenna gishshawu, eta hegaappe simmin siiqennabadan qoppana danddayoosona. When the Witnesses offered to study the Bible with me, I gladly accepted. Because of our lack of respect for them, we may think of a lack of affection for them after we attend. SHin issi issi wogaaninne deretettan, hayquwaunne yeletau asau deˈiya xeelaanne he wodiyan eti oottiyoobaa bochiya wolqqaama ammanoy, hayqqidaageeti tumuppe hayqqibookkona; ubba deˈoosonanne akeekoosona yaagiyaagaa. Thus in July 1953, I could attend the New World Society Assembly, which was held in the same borough of the city. In some cultures, however, the dead and the lives of those who have fallen asleep in death and have no real faith, resulting from the dead, even committing serious consequences. Kesuwaa [ Footnotes] Table of Contents DANDDAYAA He has provided "a guarantee " by resurrecting Jesus. - Acts 17: 31; Luke 24: 2, 3. PATIENCE Woykko nu soo asi woy nu laggee akkamettiyo wode suuttaa ekkana woy aggana koshshiyaakko kuuyanaadan oottiyaabay qoppennan merettana danddayees. As we personally prepare for the Memorial, we would find it beneficial to give prayerful thought to our God - given hope. Or it may have been easy for us to decide whether our friend or relative to take a personal decision or not. (Galaatiyaa 6: 8; Efisoona 4: 17 - 24) SHin kiitettida PHauloosi nuuni Xoossaa geeshsha ayyaanaa azzanissenna mala zoriisinne akeekissiis. How did God's universal family come to include humans? But the apostle Paul warned against God's holy spirit and warned us that we should not be grieving God's holy spirit. Geella neeni mata wode ekkidaba woy gelidaba gidikko, ne aqo laggee waati qoppiyaakko loyttada erana danddayennabadan qoppennan aggakka. " WITH the clouds gone, we can see the crescent of the moon. Perhaps you feel that you cannot fully understand how a mate feels if you are married or married. " Wuuqqiya urai hagaappe sinttau wuuqqoppo. " - 4: 28. This first occurred on the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., a few weeks after the death of Jesus Christ. " Let him steal no more. " - 4: 28. (Saaxiniyan deˈiya qofaa gujja.) 4 - 6. (See opening picture.) 10: 31. Sonia loved her job. 10: 31. Yaatikko, kaallidi deˈiya oyshata zaarana danddayay? Consider now Peter's counsel to married men. Well, see if you can answer the following questions: (Lee. 13: 20) Nuuni tumaa eranawu koyiyaageeta maaddana danddayoos. Now is the time to prove that you will be. We can help those who want to learn the truth. Ha wodiyan, miilooniyan qoodettiyaageeti banttana Kiristtaane goosona; "shin eti sheneyiyaageeta, azazettennaageetanne lo77o ooso ubbaukka giigennaageeta gidiyo gishshau bantta oosuwan [Xoossaa] erokko goosona. " A husband named Stephen would agree. Today, millions claim to be Christian, and they claim to be Christian, saying: "They deny God by their deeds and by their deeds all their works, because they are disobedient to every good work. " Nu deˈoynne nuuni oottiyoosay laamettikkonne, nu haˈˈikka lagge. " PAGE 23 • SONGS: 120, 44 We still had a change in life, but we still had a good relationship with our friends. " A maayuwaa sikkiyoogan deˈuwan bawu koshshiyaabaa demmawusu. This was just one of many issues in which Jesus ' enemies found fault with him and his disciples. She put her clothes first in her life. Eti demmidobay nuuni minettanaadaaninne ufayttanaadan oottin nu deˈoy loˈˈiis. They are forms of spiritism and are practices that Jehovah God abhors. They were a better source of comfort and comfort to us. " XOOSSAA NAATI AILLETETTAAPPE KIYIDO BONCHCHO KESSAA " What might influence our view of those who need assistance in the congregation? " THEY OF GOD'S WORD " SHin, Yihooway Kiristtoosa baggaara nuussi immido imotay he leemisuwan odettida imotaappe keehi aadhees. When the priests warned him not to commit this presumptuous act, did he change his mind? However, this gift is the greatest gift Jehovah has given us through Christ. (Mazamure 49: 6 - 9) Yesuusi nagaraa laattibeenna gishshau, Addaameegaadan polo asa. How? Since Jesus did not inherit sin, he was perfect. Ee; Muuse xallaa gidennan, Israaˈeelata ubbaa xeelliyaagan Geeshsha Maxaafay, "[Eti] mela biittan hemettiyoogaadan, Zo7o Abbaa pinnidoogee ammanuwaana " yaagees. The Bible refers to them as "gifts in men, " and they are a key part of God's arrangement to care for the needs of his people. Yes, according to the Mosaic Law, Moses stated: "They went through the Red Sea, just as they were in the Red Sea. " Daro layttaappe guyyiyan, kase nunaara Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈiyaageetuppe issinniyaa, "Intte nu qaalaa haˈˈi haasayiyoogee nuna keehi ufayssees. He recognized that the ransom applied to him personally. Years later, one of us who studied the Bible with us says: "We now enjoy speaking to you. Yihooway hegaa mala oyshata bessiyaabadan xeellidoogaa, Israaˈeelan deˈiya aawatuyyo i yootido azazuwaappe akeekana danddayoos. 5: 8. We can understand from the account of Jehovah's view of such questions and from his command to the nation of Israel in Israel. QAALAA GELIDOBAA: How can you experience "the peace of God "? PROMISE: Nuuni hegaadan ammaniyo gishshau, "salettokko; nuuyyo harai atto, bolla bagga asatettai wooqqiyaabaa gidikkokka, garssa bagga asatettai gallassi gallassi ooraxxees. " (2 Qor. After all, it is easy for Satan to blind the minds of those who doubt that he exists. Because we exercise faith in this fact, we are "the man of the world, even though we are inside the day we are inside. " Ha hiraagan, he Ashkkaray ba Aawaa: " Ubbaa Haariya GODAA ' yaagiis. Honoring Jehovah and Christ is not optional. In this prophecy, the Servant referred to himself as "the Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself. " Yihoowa Markkati taani Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈanaadan shoobbin, ufayttada eeno gaas. Unlike John and Judith, others have circumstances that allow them to serve full - time for only a short period. Jehovah's Witnesses accepted my Bible study, and I accepted it. He wode, Isiine 1953n Ooratta Alamiyaa Maabaraa giyo gita shiiquwaa he kataman ta haggaaziyo heeran shiiqaas. * Does such a prospect not appeal to you? At that time, I attended my first assembly in July 1953, New York. Ayyaanaabaa gishshawu aquwaabaa aggibayiteppe attin, aquwaa demmana giidi ayyaanaabaa aggoppite. With her father's backing, she went to a prestigious university, where she started researching ways to produce clean fuel. The pursuit of material things is spiritual, not material, but spiritual riches. [ Tohossa qofata] He was showing that the truth is found in different ways. [ Footnote] I Yesuusa hayquwaappe denttiyoogan hegaa "tumayiis. " - Oos. 17: 31; Luq. 24: 2, 3. This publication is not for sale. When he resurrected Jesus, "he brought back to death. " - Acts 17: 31; Luke 24: 2, 3. Nuuni Godaa Kahuwawu giigettiyo wode, Xoossay nuuyyo immido hidootaa xeelliyaagan woossiyoogeenne wotti denttidi qoppiyoogee loˈˈo. Prayer and Bible study promote in us a love for what is good. As we prepare for the Lord's Evening Meal, it is wise to meditate on our God - given hope and meditation on our God - given hope. Asaa naati Yihoowa keettaa asaa yara waanidi gididonaa? Similarly, when we dedicated ourselves to Jehovah and got baptized, we did so because of our faith. How did mankind become a part of Jehovah's universal family? YERUSALAAMEN naagiyaageeti koyro xeerida aginaa beˈidosona. Today, they happily serve with the sign - language group in Mandalay. IT IS the first month of Jerusalem. Hegee koyro hanidoy, Yesuus Kiristtoosi hayqqoosappe guutta saaminttay aadhi simmin, 33 M.Ln, PHenxxaqosxxe gallassaana. Our appreciation for the ransom should keep us busy with "deeds of godly devotion. " That was the start of a few weeks after Jesus Christ died. 4 - 6. Do You Recall? 4 - 6. Sooniya ba oosuwaa keehippe dosawusu. Jehovah will help us to collect precious new truths into our "treasure store " if we search for them as for hidden treasures. Sonia grew up in her work. Machidaageeta PHeexiroosi zorido zoriyaa ane qoppite. What can elders as well as those who receive training learn from Samuel, Elijah, and Elisha of old? Consider the advice given to Peter. Gidanaagaa qonccissiyo wodee haˈˈa. How can we demonstrate that we understand that "Jehovah our God is one Jehovah "? Now is the time for you to do so. Istefena giyo azinaykka he qofaa maayees. Why was he so successful? Gradually, the husband's husband would agree with that statement. SINTTAA 23 • MAZAMURE: 6, 44 Although difficult circumstances affect more people than ever before, distressing problems are not new to mankind. PAGE 23 • SONGS: 95, 96 Yesuusa morkketi inne i erissiyo ashkkarati balidosona giidi qoppido darobaappe hagee issuwaa. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild - tempered and lowly in heart. " - Matt. This is one of Jesus ' enemies and his disciples. He baaxiyan waatidi xoonana danddayiyoo? The entire kingdom benefited from his building works. How can we win the battle? (Isiyaasa 47: 13 - 15) Hegeeti Yihooway shenetiyo iita ayyaanaa oosota. 1941 convention, Mexico City These include those who oppose Jehovah's holy spirit. Nu ishata bessenna ogiyan xeellanaadan oottana danddayiyaabay aybee? Similarly, Jehovah accepts into his family only those who are willing to make a vow of dedication to him. What might cause us to view our brothers ' conduct? Qeeseti i otoruwan hegaadan oottennaadan zorin i ba qofaa laammidee? In this article and the next, we will examine how for millenniums Jehovah has directed certain humans to take the lead. Did he change his attitude toward the priests ' self - control? KAWOTETTATI YIHOOWAY OONAKKO ERANA The message found in God's Word, the Bible, has the power to reveal what a person really is on the inside, and it can change the way he thinks and even how he feels about things. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES WILL BE NO MORE Hegaadan giyoy aybissee? Could it be that a lack of motivation is preventing a baptized man from reaching out? Why so? Geeshsha Maxaafay he asata "imota " yaagees; qassi Xoossay eta sunttidoy ba asawu koshshiyaabaa kunttanaassa. (Efi. How can we prepare now for this occasion, how will we benefit from attending it, and how does that annual event contribute to the unity of God's people everywhere? The Bible calls these "gifts in men " and provides the means that God has appointed his people to care for them. I wozoy baassi buzo qanxxettidabadan qoppiis. Seven days before the floodwaters fell - just enough time for Noah and his family to load the animals into the ark - Jehovah finally told Noah exactly when the Flood would begin. He felt that the ransom was his own. 5: 8. David released his stone. 5: 8. " Xoossaa sarotettaa ' waata demmana danddayay? Various pressures cause people to suffer from depression today. How can you gain "the peace of God "? I deˈiyoogaa siriyaageetu qofaa jallissiyoogee Seexaanaa metenna. (2 Qor. When appropriate, why is it wise to explain the reasons for a parental rule or decision? It is not easy for Satan to convince the minds of those who doubt his motives. Yihoowanne Kiristtoosa bonchiyoogee merinaa deˈuwaa demmanawu keehi koshshiyaaba. For a detailed account of Jesus ' life on earth, see the book The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Having respect for Jehovah and Christ is essential to gaining everlasting life. Haratu hanotay Joonaagaanne Juditiigaa mala gidennan, qantta wodiyawu kumetta wodiyaa haggaazissiyaagaa. What direction have we received regarding Bible students? The circumstances of others and ridiculed John, not for a brief period of time, but for a full - time ministry. * He hidootay nena ufayssennee? Let us discuss three lessons about keeping on the watch that we can learn from the book of Acts. * Does that hope not make you happy? I aaway maaddin, a issi erettida yuniversttiyaa gelada geeshsha nadaajjiyaa waati medhanaakko xannaˈiyoogaa doommaasu. Jesus had given his followers a commission: "You will be witnesses of me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the most distant part of the earth. " With his father's help, her father began to study the Bible and to make a decision. I asay tumaa dumma dumma ogiyan siyiyoogaa bessanawu hegaa yootiis. Like an incurable hereditary disease, sin "resides, " or is" dwelling, " within us. He mentioned this way by telling people that they heard the truth in various ways. Ha xuufee bayzettiyaaba gidenna. 3, 4. (a) How can parents set a good example for their children? This publication is not for sale. Woossiyoogeenne Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈiyoogee nuuni loˈˈobaa dosanaadan maaddees. Does not Mary's example help us to think of how we can put God's will first in our life? Prayer and Bible study will help us to show love for what is good. Hegaadankka, nuuni Yihoowawu nuna geppidi xammaqettiyo wode, ammaniyo gishshawu hegaadan oottida. They have more to do with circumstances that make practicing faith a challenge - at least for now. " Similarly, when we dedicated ourselves to Jehovah and got baptized, we did so. Haˈˈi Mandalayen malaata qaalaa gubaaˈiyan eti ufayssan haggaazoosona. Can you adapt your approach to appeal to their interests? They now happily serve in sign sign - language congregations in sign sign sign sign - language congregation. Nuuni wozuwaa nashshiyoogan " Xoossaa milatiyoogaa ' bessiya oosoy daridoogeeta gidanau koshshees. " In theory, " says the handbook The World's Religions, "all Christians [still] accept the Bible as authoritative, both in guiding their actions and in forming their beliefs. " By showing appreciation for the ransom, we need to work hard to cultivate "the godly devotion of [our] God. " Hassayay? Does this not indicate that we can grow in joy? Do You Recall? Qosido miishshaa asi koyiyoogaadan nuuni he tumaa koyikko, alˈˈo ooratta tumaa nuuni nu " minjjawu ' shiishshanaadan Yihooway maaddana. Now this is their goal. If we want to live in harmony with this truth, Jehovah will help us to have "the precious knowledge of the truth. " Cimatinne loohiyaageeti beni wode deˈida Sameela, Eelaasanne Elssaaˈa leemisuwaappe ay tamaarana danddayiyoonaa? Why must we remind ourselves of the importance of the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty? What can elders learn from the example of the elders and Elijah of old? " Yihooway nu Xoossay issi Yihoowa ' gidiyoogaa akeekiyoogaa waati bessana danddayiyoo? All their needs were filled, and they had the prospect of living forever in peace. How can we show that we recognize Jehovah as "one Jehovah "? Yesuusi gooba asttamaare gididoy aybissee? Relationships with others. - Ephesians 4: 31, 32; 5: 22, 25, 28, 33. Why was Jesus an effective teacher? Metoy ha wodiyan awudeegaappenne daro asaa qohiyaaba gidikkonne, unˈˈissiya metoy asaa naatuyyo oorattaba gidenna. He trained them in the preaching work and took the lead in preaching and teaching, setting a fine example. It is not unusual for mankind to suffer now, but it is not unusual for mankind to suffer. Yesuusi: "Haa yiite; taani inttena shemppissana. It is the official language at the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses. Jesus said: "Come to me, and I will refresh you. (1 Kawotu 9: 17 - 19) I oottido oosuwan a kawotettan deˈiya ubbay goˈettiis. It is still a choice, but a potentially disastrous one. He used all his works in his Kingdom. Mekisiiko Sitin, 1941 Gita SHiiquwaa The Scriptures warn: "Wine and sweet wine are what take away good motive. " Mexico in Mexico, Mexico, was reassigned to Mexico Hegaadankka, ayyo banttana geppanau qaalaa geliyaageetu xallaa Yihooway ba soo asa oottidi ekkees. Benefits of Heeding Divine Instruction Similarly, Jehovah chose his family to dedicate themselves to him only if they were to dedicate themselves to him. Issi issi asati kaaletuwaa immanaadan Yihooway daro wodiyawu eta waati kaalettidaakko ha huuphe yohuwaaninne kaalliyaagan xannaˈana. 5: 1; 2 Pet. In this article and the next, we will discuss how Jehovah has guided some individuals for a long time. Xoossaa Qaalay, Geeshsha Maxaafay yootiyoobay, issi ura wozanan tumuppe aybi deˈiyaakko qonccissees; qassi a qofaanne hanotaa i xeelliyo ogiyaakka laammana danddayees. I agreed to do so. God's Word reveals what is truly true, what it says about a person's heart, and his attitude can affect him and his way of thinking. Issi xammaqettida attumaasi aawatettau baaxetennaadan diggiyay koshsha xayiyoogeeshsha? By advocating and adhering to God's Word, the Bible, they have done what no other group or organization has been able to do, namely, unite people of diverse nationalities, languages, ethnic backgrounds, and races in worship of the one true God, Jehovah. Could a baptized person refuse to think that it will not be easy for a baptized man to control his responsibilities? Nuuni he baalawu haˈˈi waani giigettananne hegaa bonchchiyoogan waani goˈettana danddayiyoo, qassi he baalaa bonchchiyoogee ubbasan deˈiya Xoossaa asaa issippetettawu waati maaddii? Jehovah God, the Creator, did not make humans to live just a few years and then to die. How can we prepare now for this meal and use it in a way that honors God's people today? 6: 22) Bashshaa haattay doommanau laappun gallassay attidaashin, giishshin Noheenne a soo asay mehiyaanne doˈaa markkabe gido gelissanau gidiya wodee attidaashin, Bashshaa Haattay awude doommanaakko wurssettan Yihooway Noheyyo yootiis. [ Box on page 14] At the end of the Flood, Jehovah had told Noah that at the end of the Flood, Noah and his family had to wait until the Flood had arrived. Daawiti shuchaa yambbariis. Little wonder that Jesus was eager to tell people about the Kingdom! David tried to pressure David to stone stones. Ha wodiyan daro hanotay asay unˈˈettanaadan oottees. So Paul said to Timothy: "Bring Mark along with you, for he is helpful to me in the ministry. " - 2 Tim. Many today feel overwhelmed by anxiety. Aaway woy aayyiyaa kessiyo maarawu woy kuuyiyoobawu koshshiyo wode gaasuwaa yootiyoogee loˈˈo gidiyoy aybissee? The message in Isaiah chapter 41 was originally addressed to God's ancient people. Why is it wise for parents to make a personal decision when choosing a parent or a decision? Yesuusi saˈan deˈido deˈuwaa xeelliyaagan aaho qonccissuwaa demmanau, Yihoowa Markkatun attamettida, Saˈan Deˈida Asa Ubbaappe Aadhiyaagaa giya maxaafaa (Wolayttattuwan attamettibeenna) xeella. Scenario 1: In our ministry, we meet someone who believes that Jesus is equal to God. For more information about Jesus ' earthly life on earth, see the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈiyaageeta xeelliyaagan nuuyyo immettida kaaletoy aybee? He proved himself faultless among his contemporaries. Noah walked with the true God. " - Gen. What instructions do we receive regarding Bible students? (Maa. 24: 42) Naagi uttiyoogaa xeelliyaagan Oosuwaa maxaafaappe tamaarana danddayiyo heezzubata ane tobboos. One day, a bright young girl smiled at me as she passed out advertisements for a fruit stand. Consider three lessons we can learn from the book of Acts. Yesuusi bana kaalliyaageeti "Yerusalaameeninne Yihudaa biitta ubban, Samaariyaaninne sa7aa gaxaa gakkanaashinkka [assi] markkattiyaageeta " gidanaadan kiittiis. (Oos. ▪ A recent study of 1,646 professors of science at 21 elite universities in the United States found that only a third chose the statement "I do not believe in God " to describe their view. Jesus told his followers: "You will be witnesses of me... to the most distant part of Jerusalem and to the most distant part of the earth. " (Roo. 3: 9) Laattido, yeddenna harggiyaadan, nagaray nu giddon " deˈees. ' On the contrary, when he was asked to explain his teachings, Paul seized the occasion to present an insightful discourse that well demonstrated his teaching skills. Just like grief, we live in "the midst of our sins. " 3, 4. (a) Aawaynne aayyiyaa bantta naatussi waani loˈˈo leemiso gidana danddayiyoonaa? Jesus said: "What God has yoked together let no man put apart. " 3, 4. (a) How can parents set a good example for their children? Mayraami leemisoy Xoossaa sheniyaa nu deˈuwan waati sinttayana danddayiyaakko qoppanaadan nuna maaddees. Satan has tried to destroy God's Word, eliminate the name Jehovah, and suppress the truth. Mary's example helps us to focus on how we can improve our life in God's will. He hanotatu gaasoy darotoo a wayssida harabaara gayttidaba. These are just a few examples to substantiate the Bible's claim of authenticity when it says: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight. " - 2 Timothy 3: 16. One of the reasons is that of a lack of trust. Eta koshshaa denttettiya ogiyan eta haasayissana danddayay? But what evidence? Can you approach them in a way that may touch their intentions? Zi Worlds Rilijins geetettiya maxaafay: "Ubba Kiristtaaneti [haˈˈikka] Geeshsha Maxaafay eti oottiyoobau kaaleto gidiyoogaanne bantta ammanuwau ammanttiyaaba gidiyoogaa bantta qofan maayoosona " yaagees. I did not want to lose his friendship, but I wanted to help him because I cared about him. " " All Christians keep their minds fixed on the Scriptures, " states The New Encyclopædia Britannica, "and they agree that their beliefs are based on the Scriptures. " 15: 11) Hegee nu ufayssay gujjana danddayiyoogaa bessennee? Other Bible Questions Answered Does that not mean that we can increase our joy? Eti haˈˈi hegaa halchoosona. 23 Draw Close to God - "He Sees What the Heart Is " Now they are considering their goals. Yihoowa haaroy suure gidiyoogee erettiyoogaabaa ubbatoo qoppana koshshiyoy aybissee? I was born in 1923 in Chatham, Kent, England, and I grew up in a world full of disappointed people. Why must we keep our eyes focused on the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty? I etawu koshshiya ubbabaa kunttidi immiis; qassi eti merinawu ufayssan deˈana danddayoosona. (Doo. We are fast approaching God's day of judgment. He has given them everything they need, and they can enjoy everlasting life. Hara asaara deˈiya gaytotettaa. - Efisoona 4: 31, 32; 5: 22, 25, 28, 33. 10 / 1 sexual relations with others. - Ephesians 4: 31, 32; 5: 28, 33. (Luq. 8: 1) I sabbakiyo oosuwan eta loohissiis; qassi sabbakiyoogaaninne tamaarissiyoogan sintta xeera gididi oottiyoogan etau loˈˈo leemiso gidiis. (Luq. Young Jimmy kept asking her, "Why did you leave me? " He took the lead in preaching and teaching work, and he set a fine example for them by sharing in the preaching work. Inggilizettoy Yihoowa Markkatu waanna biiruwankka goˈettiyo doona. 17: 9. English was also used at the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses. Issi uri hegaadan oottanawukka doorana danddayees; shin hegee keehi qohiyaaba. IT CAME as a clarion call: "Kingdom Publishers in Britain - Wake Up!! " A person may choose to do the same, but that is too dangerous. 2 Ximootiyoosa 1: 7 (NW): "Ayssi giikko, Xoossay nuuyyo wolqqaa, siiquwaanne suure qofaa ayyaanaa immiisippe attin, yashsha ayyaanaa immibeenna. " 2: 8. At Romans 1: 4, we read: "God gave us not a spirit of power, but of power and of soundness of mind and of mind. " Geeshsha Maxaafay: "Gam77 ida woine eessainne yelaga woine eessai... asaa wozanaa bashshees " yaagees. □ Luke 19: 45 - 48 The Bible tells us: "There is a mouth of new wine and a wine filled with milk and honey. " Xoossaa Kaaletuwaa Kaalliyoogaa Goˈˈaa To whom? 16 Learn From God's Word 5: 1; 2 PHe. What Bible examples underscore the value of controlling our reactions? 5: 1; 2 Pet. Taanikka hegaadan oottanawu qaalaa gelaas. All of us in Jehovah's worldwide organization are thrilled to see the many thousands of zealous young ones who are sharing in true worship! I got married so that I could do that. Eti Xoossaa Qaalaa, Geeshsha Maxaafaa erissiyoogaaninne aara moggidi deˈiyoogan, hara ayba citi woykko dirijjitee oottana danddayennabaa oottidosona. Hegeekka, dumma dumma deriyaappe, qaalaappe, sheeshshaappenne zariyaappe issi tumu Xoossaa Yihoowayyo goynniyoogan asau issippetettay deˈanaadan oottiyoogaa. Israel, however, failed to meet this requirement. They have done so by means of God's Word, Bible - based publications, and other forms of worship, by acting in harmony with God's Word, and by sticking to true worship. Xoossaa Yihooway asaa medhidoy amarida layttaa deˈidi hayqqanaadaana gidenna. Thus Jehovah forgave their sins, anointed them with holy spirit, and called them to be his spiritual sons. Jehovah God did not allow man to die for some time. [ Sinttaa 14n deʼiya saaxiniyaa] 4: 15. [ Box on page 14] Yesuusi asaassi Xoossaa Kawotettaabaa mishettidi yootidoogee garamissiyaaba gidenna! 3: 17. No wonder Jesus ' zeal for God's Kingdom was so zealous that he preached the good news of God's Kingdom! PHawuloosi Ximootiyoosayyo, "Marqqoosi tana oosuwan keehi maaddanau danddayiyo gishshau, a demmada nenaara ekkada ya " yaagiis. - 2 Xim. Which channel would he use? Paul told Timothy: "Go, be with you, for he is able to help you. " - 2 Tim. Isiyaasa shemppo 41n deˈiya qofay odettidoy beni wodiyan deˈida Xoossaa asaassa. All those involved in spreading lies and religious deception about Jesus Christ and his teachings were included in John's term "antichrist. " The context of Isaiah chapter 41 contains God's people in ancient times. Hanota 1: Yesuusi Xoossaara issi likke gi ammaniya ura haggaazuwan haasayissoos. Describe how the annual Memorial of Christ's death is commemorated. Scenario 1: In the ministry, we meet someone who believes that Jesus is equal to God. I ba wodiyan de7ida asaa giddon suure asa; Nohee Xoossaara hemettiis. " - Doo. Therefore, the word "Har - Magedon, " or" Armageddon, " has great symbolic significance. He was a true man in his day, and Noah walked with God. " - Gen. Issi gallassi, mittaa ayfiyaa teeraa bayzziyoogaa erissiya pashkki giya yelaga naˈiyaa ogiyaara aadhaydda tana beˈada moocu gaasu. Jesus was aware of the issues of universal importance that were raised back in the garden of Eden. One day, I saw a young girl surrounded me with a friendly smile. ▪ Mata wode xinaatiyan, Amarkkaa biittan 21 erettida yuniveristtetun deˈiya 1,646 saynisiyaa profeeseretu giddon heezzaappe issi ura xallay ba qofaa qonccissanau "Taani Xoossan ammanikke " giyaagaa dooriis. Faithful anointed servants of God had to meet together in discreet groups - if they could meet at all. ▪ In recent years, in the United States, I was willing to explain that only one in the United States was to say, "I don't believe in God. " Yaatiyoogaappe, i tamaarissiyoobaa qonccissanaadan asay oychido wode, tamaarissiyo hiillaa loyttidi qonccissiya ciimma qofay deˈiyo haasayaa shiishshanau he injjiyaa goˈettiis. (Oos. 17: 19 - 22; 1 PHe. How have the anointed kept on the watch? Instead, when he asked what he taught, he used a series of illustrations that benefited people. Yesuusi, "Xoossai issippe gattidoogaa asi shaakkoppo " yaagiis. Today, we see mankind's home marred by pollution, violence, and immorality. Jesus said: "What God has yoked together let no man put apart. " Seexaanay Xoossaa Qaalaanne a sunttaa xayssanau, qassi tumaa genttanau maliis. I still go to shopping centers - but not to defraud people as I once did. Satan tried to destroy God's Word and his name, and he tried to destroy the truth. Ha naqaashati, a giddon deˈiyaabay tuma gidiyoogaa Geeshsha Maxaafay bari huuphe, " Xoossaa maxaafa ubban Xoossaa ayyaanay deˈees; hegee tamaarissanawu, balaa seeranawunne mooruwaa suurissanwu maaddees ' giyoobay likke gidiyoogaa qonccissiyaabatuppe amaridaageetu xalla. - 2 Ximootiyoosa 3: 16. Consider the experience of a brother named Peter. These facts provide evidence of the truthfulness of what the Bible says about its existence: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for setting things straight. " - 2 Timothy 3: 16. SHin ayba naqaashee? In frustration, the victims may say: "Hypocrisy! But what evidence is there? Nu laggetettay moorettanaadan koyabeykke; shin awu qoppiyo gishshawu a maaddana koyaas. " (b) In what ways have you benefited from these provisions? We did not want to damage our friendship, but I wanted to help him. " Geeshsha Maxaafaappe Zaariyo Hara Oyshaa Elders endeavor to give spiritual help to one who has taken a false step (See paragraph 17) Other Bible Questions Answered Pattennabaa Xeellenna Mala Intte Ayfiyaa Teqqite! Despite the obstacles, Sylviana's dream had come true - and what a fine blessing she received! Keep Your Eyes on Spiritual Things! Taani Inggilizen Kent giyoosan CHatam giyo kataman 1923n yelettaas; qassi hidootaa qanxxida daro asay deˈiyo alamiyan diccaas. To commend someone but then tear him down behind his back is a form of hypocrisy. I was born in California, England, and most people in England grew discouraged in the world. Xoossaa pirdda gallassay keehippe matattiis. As much as I tried to ignore my conscience, it regularly reminded me that the way I was living was wrong. The day of God's judgment is near. 10 / 1 How can you follow the course of Jehoshaphat? 5 / 15 Eta naˈay Jiimi ubba wode o, "Neeni tana ayssi aggada baadii? " 2. " When my son asked her, "Why did you leave me? " 17: 9. God's Word states: "The heart knows its own bitterness, and no outsider can share in its joy. " 17: 9. GUYYEPPE Nu Kawotetta Haggaazuwaa geetettida xuufiyan kiyida, "Birttaaniyan Kawotettaabaa Aassiyaageetoo, Beegottite!! " That was the question raised by the faithful prophets Isaiah and Habakkuk. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS), December 15, 2008, issue of The Watchtower, issue of Awake! 2: 8. To illustrate: Suppose you went to a restaurant and discovered that the menu contained only warnings about food poisoning. 2: 8. ▪ Yihooway saluwaappe □ Luqaasa 19: 45 - 48 He recently met an African couple in the street and greeted them in their native tongue, Yoruba. □ Luke 19: 45 - 48. Oona shoobbidonaa? Jehovah wants us to live comfortably - a fact that becomes clear when we consider the beautiful surroundings that he provided for Adam and Eve. extending hospitality? Nu huuphiyaa naagiyoogee keehi koshshiyoogaa bessiya Geeshsha Maxaafaa leemisoti awugeetee? Consider two more topics of vital concern: our attitude toward sex and our view of marriage. What Bible examples illustrate the importance of self - control? Alame yuushuwan Yihoowa dirijjitiyan deˈiya nuuni ubbay, mishettidi tumu goynuwaa goynniya, shaˈan qoodettiya yelagata beˈiyoogan keehippe ufayttoos! • How can we reflect Christ's mental attitude toward the sick? How happy we are to see thousands of young Witnesses around the world who are zealously zealous for true worship! Geeshsha Maxaafay Yootiyoobay Maccaasay Ufayttanaadan Maaddees Later, her son got sick and died. The Bible Helps Us to Reach Out SHin Israaˈeelati azazettennan aggidosona. Sin and forgiveness occupy a central position in the good news taught by Jesus and his apostles. However, the Israelites lost their disobedience. Hegaa gishshawu, eti awu ayyaana naata gidanaadan Yihooway geeshsha ayyaanan tiyiis. If you detect a measure of selfishness in your heart, ask Jehovah to help you to correct your thinking and feelings; then work harder to concentrate on his glory instead of your own. So Jehovah anointed them to become spiritual sons. 4: 15 So love will never fail, or end. 4: 15 3: 17. Less than two weeks later, Jesus ' disciples consulted the Scriptures, prayed for divine direction, and chose Matthias to replace Judas Iscariot as the 12th apostle. 3: 17. 24: 45 - 47) I o baggaara immanee? Does our success in the ministry depend upon receiving a positive response to our message? By means of whom? - Luke 24: 45 - 18. Yohaannisi " Kiristtoosa morkke ' giidoogeeti Yesuus Kiristtoosabaanne i tamaarissidobaa xeelliyaagan worddobaanne haymaanootiyaara gayttidaagan balettiyaabaa puukkiya ubbata. The encouraging words and experiences of the couple helped to motivate the children to make spiritual progress. John's " antichrist " has been heard of all false religious lies about Jesus Christ and his teachings. Kiristtoosa Hayquwaa Hassayiyo Baalay waani bonchettiyaakko qonccissa. 7 Explain how the Memorial of Christ's death is related to the Memorial. Yaatiyo gishshau, "Armmageedoona " giya qaalay leemiso hanotan gitabaa qonccissees. Moses thereafter told the people: "You have sinned with a great sin. " Thus, the word "Armageddon " refers to something very important. ▪ Yesuusi denddida gita oyshata zaaranau hayqqiis Ubbabaa haariyo maataanne qoppi danddayiya mereta ubbaa xeelliyaagan Edene gannatiyan denddida oyshaa Yesuusi erees. Creation Testifies to God's Love ▪ Jesus knew that he had raised an issue of universal sovereignty and that all life on the garden of Eden could be settled in the garden of Eden. Ayyaanan tiyettida ammanettida Kiristtaaneti guutta citan issippe shiiqoosona; qassi issoti issoti mule shiiqana danddayokkona. • For what conditions and trials is Satan responsible? Faithful anointed Christians gather together in small groups, and some are unable to join them. Ayyaanan tiyettidaageeti naagi uttidoy ayba ogiyaanee? This may serve as a safeguard against our giving angels undue honor. How do anointed ones keep on the watch? Ha wodiyan, saˈay danobaaninne shori baynnaban moorettiis. Jesus also had love for the people. Today, the earth has become immoral and immoral. Taani haˈˈi kaseegaadan asaa balbbakkanaassa gidana xayikkonne, suuqiyaa bays. As you can imagine, the clergy were furious; but undeterred, the Bible Students kept right on with this important work. Now I am still a spouse, but I go to a place where I am. Pitera giyo ishaabaa ane qoppa. Jesus ' mind is focused on his relationship with God. Consider Peter, a brother named Peter. Cimettidaageeti hidootaa qanxxidi, "Loˈˈo milatidi cimmiyoogee xayanee? " Among her guests was a white elder. " Will it ever be dangerous to be misled and deceived by deception? " (b) Ha giigissidobaappe neeni ayba ogiyan goˈettadii? What will help us to do that? (b) How have you benefited from this arrangement? Moorobaa oottida ura ayyaanaaban maaddanawu cimati baaxetoosona (Mentto 17 xeella) " We have a wrestling, " he candidly said, "not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. " Elders strive to help individuals make spiritual progress (See paragraph 17) Silviyano metiyaabay deˈishinkka, A ba halchchuwaa polaasu; qassi hegee iyyo keehi gita anjjo! Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Despite challenges, she struggled with challenges, and what a blessing she was for her! 29: 5) Issi uraa galati simmidi guyyeera boriyoogee loˈˈo milatiya iitatetta. Apparently, the women used their money, goods, or property to provide for their companions. After showing honor to someone who has offended someone, he is better than evil. Taani haniyoobay likke gidennaagaa ta wozanaynne kahay ubbatoo yootees; shin sheneho gaas. Godly patience truly is a vital part of the new personality with which all Christians must clothe themselves. I always felt that what I was doing was wrong and that my conscience did not depend on what I was right. Yoosaafixa leemisuwaa waata kaallana danddayay? Because he was empowered by holy spirit and perfect in body and mind, Jesus was not only the greatest man who ever lived on earth but also the greatest Teacher. How can you imitate Jehoshaphat? (Ajj. And in Jeremiah's day, the people confirmed being dedicated to God. So be zealous and repent. " Geeshsha Maxaafay, "Ba wozanaa azzanuwaa aawu erees; a ufaissaakka ooninne aara koxxenna " yaagees. Third, our serving without a specific date in mind encourages us to pursue a life of self - sacrifice. " He knows that his heart is near, " says the Bible, "and his heart is no one else. " Hegee hananabaa yootiya ammanettida Isiyaasinne Imbbaaqoomi oychido oysha. (Isi. Imagine our joy as we worship Jehovah for all time to come with those whom we love! This was Isaiah's answer to the faithful prophet Habakkuk and Habakkuk. Hegaa malabaa etaara haasayiyo wode eti hegaa waatidi suure oyqqana danddayiyaakko yootiteppe attin hegaa xeelliyaagan iitabaa xallaa yootoppite. If we have a difference with a fellow Christian, long - suffering, or patience, will help us not to give up on our brother or sister but to do what we can to heal the breach. Do not tell them how they can deal with these things rather than with them. I mata wode ogiyan haggaaziiddi, Afirkkaa biitta asa gidida azinaaranne macheera gayttidi, eti haasayiyo Yoruba qaalan sarotiis. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves. " In his recent years, he joined a married couple in Africa and greeted them in French - speaking languages. (1 Xim. 5: 8) Yihooway Addaameyyoonne Hewaaniyyo loˈˈiya heeraa giigissidoogaa qoppiyo wode, nuuni ishalidi deˈanaadan i koyiyoogaa akeekoos. (Doo. IMAGINE you wanted to list Bible verses that Jehovah's Witnesses know well and use often. Would Romans 5: 12 be high on your list? When Jehovah created Adam and Eve for doing good, we realize that he wants us to live a comfortable home. Haˈˈi hara naaˈˈubatun, giishin asho gaytotettaabaaninne aqo deˈuwaaban ne qofay aybakko akeeka. An aspect of that fruitage is love. Consider two aspects of marriage - sexual morality, sexual morality, and marriage. • Nuussi Kiristtoosaagaa mala qofay deˈiyoogaa sahettidaageetussi bessana danddayiyoy ayba ogiyaanee? Surveying this large group of people who depend on him for their livelihood, Abraham keenly senses his responsibility toward them. • How can we reflect Christ's mental attitude toward the sick? 17: 8 - 16) Guyyeppe, i naˈay sahettidi hayqqiis. PAGE 18 Later, he died and died. Yesuusinne i kiittidoogeeti yootido mishiraachuwan, nagaraanne maarotaa xeelliyaagan loytti tamaarissidosona. Why can prolonged periods of discouragement prove harmful? Jesus and his apostles were well - acquainted with the good news about sin, sin, and mercy. Neeni ne wozanan ne xallaa dosiyoogaa akeekikko, Yihooway ne qofaa suurissanaadan woossada, bonchettanau qoppiyoogaappe a bonchissanau qoppanaadan minnada baaxeta. (Maz. What is the second most important vow that a person can make, and why? If you sense that you are loved by your heart, strive to reflect Jehovah's view of matters. Yaatiyo gishshau, siiqoy mulekka xayenna. (Read Matthew 23: 37, 38.) Thus, love never fails. Yesuusi saluwaa bi simmin takkennan, i kiittidoogeeti Geeshsha Maxaafaa nabbabidosona, Xoossay kaalettanaadan woossidosona, qassi Asqqorootu Yihudaa sohuwan Maatiyaasi 12ntta gidanaadan dooridosona. (Oos. PAGE 27 • SONGS: 89, 135 Shortly after Jesus ' ascension to heaven, his apostles chose to pray for God's guidance, read the Bible, and became imitators of Judas Iscariot. Nuuni haggaazuwan murutiyoogee nu yootiyoobaa asay siyiyoogan baasettidabee? We can have faith that he is able to accomplish what he wills! Do people respond favorably to our ministry? He aqinyeti bantta deˈuwan beˈidobaanne hara minttettiyaabaa yootiyoogee he keettaa naati ayyaanaaban diccanaadan maaddiis. Jon: Yes. Such pioneers helped their children grow spiritually by encouraging words and other encouraging words. 7 Instead of being paralyzed by guilt, David learned from his mistakes. 7 Hegaappe simmin Muusee asaayyo: "Intte gita nagaraa oottideta " yaagiis. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Then Moses told the people: "You have sinned. " Meretay Xoossaa Siiquwaa Qonccissees 2: 22 - 24; Deut. The Creation of God's Love • Seexaanay oyshettiyoy ayba hanotatunne paacetu gishshataassee? As a result, the children may be more inclined to weaken in the face of worldly pressure. • What is involved in Satan's subtle attacks? Hegee kiitanchatuyyo bessenna bonchuwaa immiyoogaappe naagettanaadan nuna maaddana danddayees. I am more generous in being forgiving, in being patient with others, and in being able to accept disappointments and counsel. " It can help us to protect ourselves from the glory of angels. (Luqaasa 4: 18, 19) Yesuusi asaakka siiqees. Since God made such a sacrifice for us, we do well to ask ourselves, " What sacrifices am I willing to make in order to please God? ' Jesus loved people. Woosa keettay keehi yiillotidoogaa qoppana danddayaasa; gidikkokka, Geeshsha Maxaafaa Tamaareti hidootaa qanxxennan keehi koshshiya ha oosuwaa oottiyoogaa aggibookkona. We find a more important lesson in Joseph's relationship with Jehovah. Even though the church seems to be extremely anxious, the Bible Students did not always give up on this vital task. Yesuusi Xoossaara dabbotido ba dabbotaa ubbatoo qoppiis. The truth is that we do well to imitate Paul, just as he imitated Christ. - 1 Cor. Jesus remained focused on his relationship with God. A shoobbidoogeetuppe issoy gubaaˈe cima gidida paranjjaa. With all this activity, they show little concern for their spiritual needs. When she recalled one of her sisters, one elder was reinstated. Nuuni hegaadan oottanau maaddiyaabay aybee? What should be your objective when you study God's Word? What will help us to do so? I, "Nuuni saluwaa sohuwan de7iya iita ayyaana wolqqatuura, haariyaageetuura, godatettai de7iyoogeetuuranne ha xuma biittaa haariyaageetuura olettiyoogaappe attin, asaara baaxetokko " yaagidi qonccissi yootiis. (Efi. What made him happy? He knew that, among other things, God wanted him "to declare good news to the poor... and a recovery of sight to the blind. " He warned: "We have a wrestling against the world rulers of this world, not against blood and flesh, but against the rulers of this wicked system of things. " Hara qonccissoy imettana xayikko, xiqiseti ekettidoy Wolayttatto Geeshsha Maxaafaappe. " NW " giyaagee xiqisee Ooratta Alamiyaa Geeshsha Maxaafaappe ekettidoogaa bessees. " Why is it that I have come forth from the very womb in order to see hard work and grief and that my days should come to their end in mere shame? " - Jer. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Maccaasati bantta miishshaaninne banttawu deˈiyaaban bantta laggeta maaddennan aggokkona. " The future of wicked people will be cut off. " - Psalm 37: 10, 38; Daniel 2: 44. Women may have used their money and money to support their friends. Danddayay ubba Kiristtaanetussi deˈana bessiya ooratta asatettaa shaahotun keehi koshshiyaaba. * Maintaining the new personality is an important part of all Christians. Yesuusi geeshsha ayyaanan sunttettido gishshau, qassi asatettaaninne qofan polo gidiyo gishshau, i saˈan deˈida asa ubbaappe aadhiya asa xalla gidennan, ooppenne aadhiya Asttamaare. We ourselves can discern God's will by delving into the Scriptures and meditating on the many Biblical accounts of Jehovah's dealings with humans. Since Jesus was a holy spirit and is a perfect man, he was the greatest Teacher ever to live on earth. Eti, "Nuuni neekko simmana. These and the many other features Jesus foretold have been particularly evident since 1914, the year when World War I broke out. They said: "We will return to you. Heezzanttuwan, nuuni wurssettay gakkana gallassaa erennaagee nu goˈˈaa aggibayiyo deˈo deˈanaadan maaddees. * Third, it will help us to live up to the end of the system of things. Nuuni siiqiyoogeetuura Yihoowayyo merinawu goynniyo wode ay keena ufayttanaakko qoppa. How does respect for theocratic headship reveal our love for Jehovah's way of ruling? Think of how happy we will be when we love Jehovah with our neighbors forever. Nu mala Kiristtaaniyaara issiban maayettenna wode, danddayay woy gencciyoogee, nu ishaara woy micheera duuxxidi attiyoogaappe sigettanaadan maaddees. (See paragraphs 18, 19) When we are faced with a brother or sister in a certain situation, endurance, or peace will help you to restore peaceful relations with our brother or sister. Taani inttena siiqidoogaadankka, intte issoi issuwaa siiqana bessees. Remember, because of Adam's sin, we are all born outside God's family. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves. " NEENI keehi eriyoonne darotoo yootiyo Geeshsha Maxaafaa xiqiseta xaafanawu koyikko, Roome 5: 12 koyro xaafanee? Genuine Christians today need to guard against being unduly influenced by the pleasure - mad spirit of this world. YOU would like to read the Bible and write many verses of the Bible, as recorded at Romans 5: 12? 5: 22, 23) He ayfiyawu issi macaray siiquwaa. For more information about the arrest and trial of Jesus, see the article "The Most Infamous Trial Ever Held, " on pages 18 - 22 of this issue. One aspect of that quality is love. (Doo. 12: 1 - 5) Abrahaami bantta deˈuwau koshshiyaabau a yaynniya he cora asaa xeelliyo wode, eta ayssanau bau deˈiya aawatettaa loyttidi akeekees. Understandably, Rachel at one point cried out in triumph: "With strenuous wrestlings I have wrestled... When Abraham was concerned about the small number of people who were seeking their life's necessities, he was keenly aware of his limitations. SINTTAA 18 Many residents of Jerusalem would pray along with a crowd of worshippers in the temple precincts. PAGE 18 Adussa wodiyau azzaniyoogee qohana danddayiyoy aybissee? So Jesus declared: "Look! Your house is abandoned to you. " Why might it be dangerous to suffer from time to time? Issi uri ba deˈuwan qaalaa gelana danddayiyo aybippenne aadhiya naaˈˈanttobay aybee, qassi aybissi? Thus, in the scripture in which the apostle Peter quotes David as saying: "Jehovah said to my Lord [the resurrected Jesus]: " Sit at my right hand, ' " many Bible translations read:" The Lord said to my Lord. " What is the most important way in life, and why? (Maatiyoosa 23: 37, 38 nabbaba.) And imagine the joy at the 1993 "Divine Teaching " International Convention in Kiev, Ukraine, where 7,402 were immersed - the largest baptism of Jehovah's Witnesses on record. - Isa. (Read Matthew 23: 37, 38.) SINTTAA 27 • MAZAMURE: 11, 24 He could not do so immediately. PAGE 27 • SONGS: 89, 24 I ba halchidobaa polanaagaa ammanettana danddayoos! Can anyone honestly say that the shocking and horrifying events that have tainted the pages of human history were the normal activity of humans? We can be sure that he will fulfill his purpose! Yohaannisa: Ee. Our bicycles were especially of great help. Jon: Yes. 51: 1 - 17) Daawiti bessiyaagaappe aattidi zilˈˈettiyoogaappe ba mooruwaappe tamaariis. " Your religion can care for you, " they said. David learned from his mistakes that he had no regret. SHin Aawai tanaara de7iyo gishshau, ta xalaalaa gidikke. Nearly 4.5 million disciples were baptized in the last 15 years - an average of more than 800 a day. But I am not alone, because the Father is with me. giyaagaa xeella. 1914 in the August 8, 1995, issue of Awake! 2: 22 - 24; Zaa. It will last until they are finally sealed. - Rev. 7: 1 - 4. 2: 22 - 24; Deut. Hegaappe denddidaagan, alamiyaa sugettay gakkiyo wode naati kunddana danddayoosona. Sadly, however, "she fell sick and died, " bringing grief to the congregation. As a result, children may fall victim to peer pressure. Taani kaseegaappe aaruwan asawu atto gays, etabaa danddayays, qassi zoriyaa siyaysinne azzanttiyaabaakka genccays. " Brian: You seem to be an open - minded person. I can see how much better I am, and I am able to listen to the advice I have given. " Xoossay nuuyyo hegaa mala yarshshuwaa yarshshido gishshau, " Taani Xoossaa ufayssanau ayba yarshsho yarshshiyaanaa? ' The Bible shows that Jehovah regularly does what he knows will bring pleasure to his worshippers. Since God has offered us such a sacrifice, we might ask ourselves, " What sacrifices do I make to please God? ' Yooseefi Yihoowaara medhido dabbotaappe nuuni keehi koshshiyaabaa tamaaroos. On the other hand, imagine that the caller identifies himself, lets us know that he works in the field of nutrition, and kindly tells us that he has some helpful information. We learn important lessons from Joseph's relationship with Jehovah. PHauloosi Kiristtoosa leemisuwaa kaallidoogaadan, nuunikka a leemisuwaa kaallana bessees. - 1 Qor. Jesus fearlessly exposed the religious leaders In imitation of Christ, we too must follow his steps closely. - 1 Cor. Eti he ubbabaa oottiyo gishshau, ayyaanaaban banttau koshshiyaabau aynne qoppokkona. * How important it is to share in the ministry regularly so that we are available to do our part in finding those desiring to "worship the Father with spirit and truth "! - John 4: 23, 24. Because they do all that they do, they do not have enough for their spiritual needs. Neeni Xoossaa Qaalaa ayba halchuwan xannaˈana koshshii? The Bible reminds us: "A true friend shows love at all times, and is a brother who is born for times of distress. " - Proverbs 17: 17. What should you study God's Word? Yesuusi gitatiyo wode, a ufayssiday Xoossay appe koyiyoobaa oottidoogaa. The marriage bond is strengthened when each partner behaves as a lesser one. - Read Philippians 2: 1 - 4. As a young man, Jesus was moved to do God's will. " Taani metonne azzano be7anaunne laittaa ubbaa yeellataidda wurssanau, aissi ta aayee uluwaappe kiyidanaashsha? " yaagiis. - Erm. There you meet a people called Philistines, come across unusual customs, such as " ripping garments apart, ' or learn about a food called manna and a coin known as the drachma. " Why have I taken away from my mother's womb so as to be ashamed of all the days of my mother? " - Jer. " Iitatu yeletaikka xoqolletti xayana. " - Mazamure 37: 10, 38; Daaneela 2: 44. Then, acting as the Greater Cyrus, Christ delivered the remnant of his anointed brothers on earth from the grip of "Babylon the Great. " " The earth will be cut off. " - Psalm 37: 10, 38; Daniel 2: 44. * True, they may already have developed a measure of self - discipline. * Nuuni Geeshsha Maxaafaa qofaa pilggidi, Yihooway asaa oyqqido ogiyaabaa he maxaafay yootiyoobaa wotti dentti qoppiyoogan, Yihoowa sheniyaa akeekana danddayoos. We need to befriend such individuals and help them to see that they are a valuable part of the congregation. By reading the Bible, meditating on it, and meditating on what Jehovah requires of us, we can discern Jehovah's will. (Maatiyoosa 24: 3, 7 - 12; Luqaasa 21: 10, 11) Hegeetinne he wodiyaa xeelliyaagan Yesuusi yootido hara darobati, 1914n Koyro Alamiyaa Olay denddido wodiyaappe doommin keehippe qonccidosona. Modern Kingdom Halls in Nepal are designed to be earthquake resistant. These and other decades of time were marked by Jesus ' words about the great tribulation, which occurred in 1914 with the outbreak of World War I. * 60: 22; Hag. * Yihooway haariyo ogiyaa siiqiyaanne a haaruwawu exatiya ubbay hegaadan oottana koshshees. Examining Bible prophecies teaches us something interesting about God's personality. All who support Jehovah's way of governing must do this by upholding his sovereignty and upholding his sovereignty. (Mentto 18, 19 xeella) Nimrod is described as being "a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah. " (See paragraphs 18, 19) Addaame nagaraa gaasuwan nuuni ubbay Xoossaa keettaa asa gididi yelettibeennaagaa hassaya. Then dishonor will come; but wisdom is with the modest ones. " - Prov. Recall that because of Adam's sin, all of us are born as members of God's family. Tumu Kiristtaaneti ha wodiyan asay ufayssa xalla demmanau bichaaranaadan oottiya, ha alamiyaa ayyaanaa sugettaappe naagettana koshshees. Why did they act promptly and decisively? True Christians today need to be careful not to allow the world's spirit to produce in today's world. [ Tohossa qofata] Efiraati Beetaliheeme katamay beni xeegettiyo suntta gidiyoogee qoncce. - Doo. Therefore, the name Megiddo became associated with war. [ Footnote] - Gen. Raaheela issi wode, "Taani... wolqqaama baaxiyaa baaxetada xoonaas " yaagidoogee bessiyaaba. - Doo. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania At one point, Rachel was described as saying: "I have put up with a serious fight. " - Gen. Yerusalaamen deˈiya daroti goynuwau beeta maqidasiyan shiiqida asaara issippe woossoosona. Elijah's counsel to those people could help an indecisive Bible student who is holding back from making spiritual progress. Many in Jerusalem gathered together at the temple. Hegaa gishshau, Yesuusi, "Be7ite, intte keettai muleera ona gidana " yaagiis. Since Jehovah God and Jesus Christ completely trust the faithful and discreet slave, should we not do the same? Therefore, Jesus said: "Look! Yaatiyo gishshau, Daawiti, "Yihooway ta Godaa [hayquwaappe denddida Yesuusa]; " Hagan taappe ushachcha baggaara utta ' " yaagidoogaa PHeexiroosi Oosuwaa 2: 34n (NW) yootido xiqisiyaa Wolayttatto birshshettaa mala daro Geeshsha Maxaafaa birshshettati," Godai ta godaa " yaagidosona. If you become aware of a fellow believer's serious wrongdoing, will you loyally help your friend to get spiritual assistance? Hence, David wrote to Jehovah: "The Lord Jesus is Lord, ' and I am saying: " The Master of my right hand, ' is my Master, the Lord. " Qassi 1993n Yukreene biittan Kiyeve kataman, "Xoossaa Timirttiyaa " giya huuphe yohoy deˈiyo, daro biittaappe yiidaageeti issippe shiiqiyo awuraajjaa shiiquwan, 7,402 asay xammaqettido wode ay keena ufayttidaakko qoppa; hegee Yihoowa Markkatu taarikiyan keehippe daro asay xammaqettido gallassa. - Isi. We can imagine such thoughts coming to the mind of some who were with Jesus in Perea (across the Jordan) on his final trip to Jerusalem. And think of how much joy it will have been during the three district convention in Ukraine, Ukraine, and district conventions of Jehovah's Witnesses in Ukraine. - Isa. I sohuwaara Kawo gidana danddayenna. " Keep Your Minds Fixed on the Things Above, " 10 / 15 He cannot soon become King. Asaa naatu taarikiyaa moorida, yashshiyaanne bollay caalanaadan oottiya hanotata, issi uri tumuppe asi oottiyo meeze gididaba gaana danddayii? (Read John 17: 16.) Is it really common for someone to control human history, fear, and injustice? Nu bishkkiliitee nuna keehippe maaddees. To this day, Jews everywhere celebrate the Passover each year to commemorate that event. - Exodus 12: 14. Our compass can help us greatly. Eti, "Ne ammanoy ane nena naagiyoogaa beˈana " giidosona. If he were to defile himself with tobacco, betel nut, illicit drugs, or alcohol abuse, that offering would have no value. They say: "Look! Let your faith see. " Aadhida 15 u layttan 4.5 miiloone erissiyo ashkkarati xammaqettidosona; hegee amakaayiyan issi galla 800 ppe dariya asay xammaqettees giyoogaa. what would you say? More than 15 million disciples were baptized each year, and more than 500 disciples were baptized each day. 1914 It will give us the courage to take a firm stand for pure worship, not succumbing to the fear of man. - 1 Pet. 1914 Eta bolli wurssetta maatafay wodhana gakkanaashin pirdday imettiiddi takkees. - Ajjuutaa 7: 1 - 4. We have fought too many " wars to end war ' to believe that we know how to end war. " They will receive their final sealing until they receive their final sealing. - Revelation 7: 1 - 4. SHin "a harggada haiqqin " gubaaˈee keehi azzaniis. This issue of The Watchtower will help you to understand God's wonderful purpose for mankind and the earth and what you must do to benefit from that purpose. " But her pain is deeply affected by the congregation's pain. Biraana: Neeni yuushsha qoppiya asa. By means of it, he cultivated a field that had rich potential. Brian: You would like to have a simple mind. Yihooway baassi goynniyaageeta ufayssiyaabaa ubbatoo oottiyoogaa Geeshsha Maxaafay yootees. For others, it might be the date of a widely celebrated historic event, such as when their homeland became independent. The Bible tells us that Jehovah always does what is pleasing to his worshippers. Hegaappe dumma ogiyan, silkkiyaa dawalida uri ba sunttaa, a oosoy asay bollawu maaddiya qumaa maanaadan zoriyoogaa gidiyoogaanne nena goˈˈiya issi issibaa yootanawu koyiyoogaa odidabadan qoppa. There will come to pass the marvelous promise that God has made to restore the dead to life, for "there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. " On the contrary, imagine that if a person asks his name for food, he wants to give you a meal and that he wants to share it with you. Yesuusi haymaanootiyaa kaalettiyaageetu hanotaa yayyennan qoncciyaa kessiis We may have to struggle to remain loyal. Jesus fearlessly exposed the religious leaders of Christendom * (Oosuwaa 13: 48) " Aawau ayyaanaaninne tumatettan goynnanau ' koyiyaageeta demmanau nuuppe koyettiyaabaa oottanau giigiyoogan, ubbatoo haggaazuwan shaahettiyoogee keehippe koshshiyaaba! - Yohaannisa 4: 23, 24. But Jesus also loved the truths he taught. * How important it is that we continue to train ourselves to worship Jehovah "with spirit and truth "! - John 4: 23, 24. Geeshsha Maxaafay, "Laggee mule wodekka siiqees; ishaikka metuwaa wode maaddanaassi yelettees " yaagees. - Leemiso 17: 17. When you began associating with the Christian congregation, you did not join some sort of social club. " A true companion is loving all the time, " says the Bible. - Proverbs 17: 17. Aqo laggeti banttana kawushshiyo wode, eta laggetay minnees. - Piliphphisiyuusa 2: 1 - 4 nabbaba. Because neither he nor his Father takes sides in this world's controversies. When husbands show respect for their friends, they strengthen their friendship with them. - Read Philippians 2: 1 - 4. Leemisuwawu, Pilisxxeemata giyo asatubaa, " maayuwaa pooshshiyoogaa ' mala, ha wodiyan daro asay erenna wogaabaa, woy qassi mannaa giyo qumaabaa, woy saqile giyo santtimiyaabaa akeekaasa. Yet, some have inquired whether it would be possible to request that the brothers and sisters refrain from using perfumes and colognes at Christian meetings, assemblies, and conventions. For example, many people today come to realize that "the light of the blind ones, " so they do not know the local customs or traditions of the earth, such as those who do not know or do not know. (Ajjuutaa 12: 7 - 12) Hegaappe, Gita Qiiroosa gididi, tiyettida ba ishanttuppe saˈan attidaageeta " Gita Baabilooni ' aylletettaappe kessiis. The assembly at the base of Mount Sinai was the first large gathering of God's people for spiritual instruction on record. In addition, Babylon the Great delivered his anointed brothers from "Babylon the Great. " Eti amarida hanotan bantta huuphiyaa naagidoogee qoncce. He adapts his teaching to their needs and their level of understanding. Of course, they have not recognized their self - control. Nuuni hegaa mala asaara laggetananne eti gubaaˈiyan maaddiyoogaa akeekanaadan oottana koshshees. (1 Qor. 10 - 12. (a) How did Jesus cultivate the interest others showed in the good news? We need to make sure that we have a close relationship with such ones and help them to see that they are helping with the congregation. Neppalen ha wodiyan keexettiya Kawotettaa Addaraashati biittaa qaattaa danddayanaadan keexettidosona. God chose the Israelites to be his witnesses. Today, Kingdom Halls have been maintained by Kingdom Halls in Nepal. 60: 22; Hag. What is your determination with regard to your ministry? 60: 22; Dan. Geeshsha Maxaafan deˈiya hiraagata pilggiyoogee nuuni Xoossaa xeelliyaagan ufayssiyaabaa akeekanaadan maaddees. After the people repented, God changed his decision about Nineveh. Meditating on Bible accounts will help us to understand the meaning of God's will. Naamiruudi, "GODAA sinttan [" eqettiyoogan, " NW] wolqqaama shankkanchcha " geetettiis. By striking the rock instead of speaking to it, was Moses, as it were, taking some of the miracle out of the miracle? " In front of the mighty acts of Jehovah, " says Habakkuk, "we were called mighty mighty in front of Jehovah. " Kawuwaa Solomoni, "Otoroi yiyo wode kaushshatettai yees; shin ashkketettaara aadhdhida eratettai yees " yaagidi xaafiis. - Lee. ▪ "The culture celebrates what once it sanctioned [such as the so - called seven deadly sins]: parents encourage pride as essential to self - esteem; a group of self - rising French chefs has petitioned the Vatican that being a gourmand is no sin. King Solomon wrote: "It is good to remember when a man is mild - tempered, but when he becomes haughty, he becomes wise. " - Prov. 21: 20 - 23) Eti sohuwaara hegaadan oottidoy aybissee? When Jesus washed the feet of the apostles, it was not the first time he highlighted the value of humility. Why did they immediately do so? Yaatiyo gishshau, Magiddo giya sunttay olaara gayttidi erettiis. 24: 12; Matt. Thus, the name of the divine name was granted to the war of the war. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania • Why should we recognize Jehovah as our Sovereign Lord? © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Eelaasi eta zoridobay Yihoowayyo haggaazanau murttibeenna Geeshsha Maxaafaa xinaatiyaa maaddana danddayees. I truly love doing shepherding work in the congregation! Elijah's counsel could help them to serve Jehovah without distraction. Yihoowaynne Yesuus Kiristtoosi ammanettida wozannaama ashkkaran wozanappe ammanettiyaaba gidikko, nuuni shin ammanettana koshshennee? Through his organization, Jehovah has provided a rich program of instruction. If Jehovah and Jesus Christ have complete confidence in the faithful and discreet slave, should we not be certain of it? Ne mala Kiristtaanee gita nagaraa oottidoogaa erikko, ne laggee ayyaanaaban maaduwaa demmanaadan oottay? However, what conclusion do you draw from Jesus ' cleansing of the temple? If you know that a fellow believer has committed a serious sin, do you strive to receive spiritual help? He wode, Yesuusi Yerusalaame biyo wurssetta wode, i kiittidoogeeti Yorddaanoosa shaafaappe hefinttan Peeriyan aara deˈoosona. (Maa. In addition to offering bait, Satan tries to bully us into compromising our loyalty to Jehovah. At that time, Jesus was with his apostles when he was come to Jerusalem to Jerusalem. (Yohaannisa 17: 16 nabbaba.) If you are an elder, you know how to help brothers who take a false step. (Read John 17: 16.) (Kessaabaa 3: 7, 8) Hanno gakkanawu, ubbasan deˈiya Ayhudati layttan layttan he hanotaa hassayanawu Paasikaa baalaa bonchoosona. - Kessaabaa 12: 14. In 1933, U.S. home foreclosures peaked at 1,000 per day. Today, Jews in all nations around the globe celebrate the Passover. - Ex. 12: 14. I ba asatettaa sijaaran, jiman, jallissiya xaliyan woykko ushshan mooriyaaba gidikko, he yarshshoy hada. (2 Qor. King David was also the victim of many injustices. If he did not cause his physical body to lose his physical body, he would lose it if the sacrifice would be destroyed or because of a lack of faith. giidi asay nena oychikko woygada zaaruutee? Does he feel that he has somehow missed out? How would you respond? (1 Tas. 4: 13) Hegee nuuni asau yayyennan, xalan tumu goynuwaa mintti kaafanaadan maaddees. - 1 PHe. 13, 14. This will help us to persevere courageously in true worship. - 1 Pet. Olaa xayssiyo ogiyaa eroos giidi qoppiyoogan, daro olaa olettida. " And with full faith in Jehovah's promises, let us live now in expectation of life in the new world! Throughout the war, we know that the war of Satan's wicked system is near. " Ha Wochiyo Keelay Xoossay asawunne ha saˈawu halchchido ufayssiyaabaanne neeni ha halchchuwan goˈettanawu ay oottana bessiyaakko qonccissees. " When the opportunity presented itself, " says Filip, "it was as if Jehovah told us: " Go ahead! ' " This issue of The Watchtower discusses what God has purposed for mankind and what you must do to make choices in this earth. SHin oottana koshshiya darobay deˈiyoogaanne daro asay mishiraachuwaa siyanaagaa i eriis. As a married man or woman, you should make it clear by your speech and your demeanor that you are simply not available. Yet, he knew that there would be much work to do and to proclaim the good news. Issi biittay naxa kiyido gallassaa mala, he biittaa taarikiyan daro asay bonchiyo gallassaa hassayennan aggakka. Eventually, I found it very soothing to be able to talk to Jehovah about my distress, knowing that he listens and understands. " You may have noted that during the days of a land, many people in that land were being freed from slavery. " Worddoikka xilloikka haiquwaappe " denddiyo gishshau, hayqqidaageeta denttanau Xoossay qaalaa gelido maalaalissiya hidootay polettana. Since there is no cure or effective treatment for the disease, Onesmus expected to spend the rest of his life in pain and confined to a wheelchair. God's promises to come true because "there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. " Nuuni ammanettidaageeta gidanau geella baaxetana danddayoos. Such a clear and simple comparison has the hallmark of divine teaching. We may be able to reach out for our loyalty to him. Yesuusi ba tamaarissiyo tumaakka siiqees. Lifestyle. Jesus also loved the truth. Neeni Kiristtaane gubaaˈiyaa biyoogaa doommiyo wode, issi maabaran geladasa giyoogaa gidenna. He sent angels to minister to him, provided His holy spirit to help him, and guided him in selecting the 12 apostles. When you first arrived in the Christian congregation, it does not mean that you have a golden calf. Ikka a Aawaykka alamiyaaban oossinne exatenna gishshataassa. What overall purpose did the Law serve? He also opposed his Father's standard of neutrality. Gidikkokka, issoti issoti gubaaˈe shiiquwaaninne gita shiiquwan shittuwaanne hegaadan sawiya harabaa goˈettennaadan ishanttussinne michonttussi yootana danddayettiyaakkonne oychidosona. How Would You Answer? However, some asked whether it would be appropriate for the brothers and sisters to use the services at congregation meetings and to influence the brothers and sisters. Geeshsha Maxaafan qonccidaagaadan, Xoossaa asay ayyaanaabaa tamaaranau shiiqido koyro gita shiiqoy Siinaa Deriyaa lanqqiyan shiiqidoogaa. 14 Imitate Their Faith - He "Continued Growing Up With Jehovah " As used in the Bible, God's people gathered at a convention in Mount Sinai. Eta koshshaadaaninne eta akeekaadan tamaarissiyo ogiyaa giigissees. The institutions that govern human society may pressure citizens to take sides in conflicts that arise. Learn their thoughts and ways to teach them. 10 - 12. (a) Yesuusi mishiraachuwaa siyanawu koyiya asaa waati maaddidee? Robert adds: "Our whole life now revolves around congregation activities. 10 - 12. (a) How did Jesus help people to respond to the good news? Xoossay Israaˈeelati ba markka gidanaadan dooriis. (Read 1 Peter 1: 15, 16.) God chose the Israelites to be his chosen nation. Ne haggaazuwaa xeelliyaagan neeni murttidobay aybee? (Read 1 Timothy 3: 2 - 7.) What is your determination regarding the ministry? Nanawe asay bantta nagaraappe simmin, Xoossay ba qofaa laammiis. They learned that there is only one true God and that those who serve him are held to high ethical and moral standards. After the Ninevites sinned, God changed his thinking. Muusee zaallawu haasayiyoogaappe A shociyoogan hanida maalaaliyaabaappe amaridaagee geemmanaadan oottidee? 12: 1. Did Moses allow some of the miracles that Moses performed by Moses to speak to the rock? ▪ Kase yeellayiyaabaa giyoobaa asay haˈˈi ceeqettiiddi oottees: Naati banttayyo loˈˈo xeelay deˈana mala ceeqettanaadan yelidaageeti minttettoosona; banttana xoqqu xoqqu oottiya, qumaa katuwan qara gidida Paransaaye biittaa asati yorattiyoogee nagara geennaadan Kaatolike phaaphaasiyaa woossidosona. ALTHOUGH our sinful nature, the world we live in, and the Devil can exert great pressure on us, we can resist their influence! ▪ At times, people are proud to take their children to heart what is good for their parents, to have a sense of urgency in order to maintain a healthy attitude toward the Catholic Church, and to help them to avoid falling into debt. Yesuusi, issi uri ba huuphiyaa kawushshiyoogee keehippe koshshiyoogaa tamaarissidoy ba kiittidoogeetu tohuwaa meeccido wode xalla gidenna. Remember, someday the Memorial we observe will be the final one. Jesus did not just teach his apostles the importance of humility at the feet of his apostles. 24: 12; Maa. " It will not be made to totter to time indefinite, or forever. " 24: 12; Matt. • Yihooway Ubbaa Haariya nu Godaa gidiyoogaa ammani ekkana koshshiyoy aybissee? So from time to time, we might examine our motives for serving Jehovah. • Why should we accept Jehovah as our Sovereign Lord? Gubaaˈiyan deˈiyaageeta minttettanawu heemmiyoogee tana keehi ufayssees! The ram and the goat What a pleasure it is to encourage those in the congregation! Yihooway ba dirijjitiyaa baggaara nuna darobaa tamaarissees. Let us consider three of them and see how those who have moved to Micronesia deal with them. Erica Through his organization, Jehovah teaches us much about his organization. Gidoppe attin, Yesuusi beeta maqidasiyaa geeshshidoogaappe ay akeekay? How can we cultivate an aspect of the fruitage of the spirit to a greater extent? What, though, did Jesus bear in mind about the cleansing of the temple? Seexaanay cimmiyoobaa giigissiyoogaa bolli, nuuni Yihoowawu ammanettiyoogaa agganaadan wolqqanttanawukka malees. When instructed to stop mixing commercial business with the preaching work, one resentful colporteur quit and formed his own Bible study group. Satan also tries to force us to lose our confidence in Jehovah. Intte cima gidikko, moorobaa oottida ishantta waati maaddanaakko ereeta. As they grew up, Jehovah was with them. If you are an elder, know how to handle cases of wrongdoing. Amarkkan 1933n, galla galla 1,000 keettay haraajiyan bayzettiis. The Bible clearly shows that Satan will be abyssed for 1,000 years, not eaten or buried. - Rev. In 1934, a house - to - house house house was built on the United States. Kawuwaa Daawitakka daro naaqoy gakkiis. (Read Matthew 4: 18 - 22.) King David faced many cases of injustice. I baappe halidabi deˈiyaabadan qoppii? Paul called this essential Christian activity "a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips which make public declaration to [God's] name. " Does he feel that he had lost his life? 13, 14. And once married, for better or for worse, you are bound to your mate for life. 13, 14. Qassi Yihooway qaalaa gelidobaa wozanappe ammaniyoogan, ha wodiyan ooratta alamiyaa deˈuwaa naagiiddi deˈoos! * In such cases, the runners stripped themselves of any extraneous weight or burden that could slow them down. And we are awaiting the new world by exercising faith in Jehovah's promises! Filippi, "Hegaadan haggaazanaadan oottiyaabay merettin, Yihooway, " Doommite! ' yaagidabadan qoppaas " yaagiis. Can You Serve Again? ' Victor, who says, "I thought, " Come! Jehovah, I thought, " Come! ' " Neeni aqo oyqqida asa gidiyoogaadan, ne aqo lagge gidenna uraara siiqettanau koyennaagaa ne haasayaaninne ne hanotan qonccissana koshshees. Repentance, however, is an ongoing process. As a married person, you should try to express your love and respect for your spouse. Wurssettan, Yihooway siyiyoogaanne akeekiyoogaa erada ta waayiyaabaa ayyo yootidoogee tana keehi minttettiis. " Why can we be sure that Jehovah will save his people? Finally, I found comfort in knowing that Jehovah listened to me and strengthened my feelings. " He sahuwau xalee baynna gishshau, Onesmasi ba deˈo laytta ubban sahoynne hemettana danddayennaageeti goˈettiyo gaaree baappe shaahettennabadan qoppiis. Would David's wrong conduct have stumbled you? Sadly, Onesmus felt that his health had no control over his years because of poor health and poor health. Yihooway nuna akeekanawu metenna qoncce ogiyan waati tamaarissiyaakko akeekana danddayoos. When we meditate on what Jehovah does for us each day, we come to realize that he is a true Friend. We can understand how Jehovah directs us in a clear manner. Duussaa. At the time, it seemed most unlikely that they would. Probably not. Yihooway kiitanchati Yesuusayyo oottanaadan kiittiis, a maaddanawu geeshsha ayyaanaa immiis, qassi i 12 erissiyo ashkkarata dooriyo wode maaddiis. They searched for ways to make their dream come true. Jehovah sent angels to assist Jesus, giving him the holy spirit, and he helped his disciples to make disciples. Muuse Higgee aybin maaddidee? In that prosperous trading center, some Christian brothers evidently were wealthy slave owners, while others were slaves and probably very poor. What helped the Mosaic Law? Woygada Zaaruutii? In fact, if you are wondering whether you have received the heavenly calling, that would in itself indicate that you have not received it. How Would You Answer? SINTTAA 14 They do not have to be anointed of the Lord in order to declare the Lord's message. PAGE 14 Bantta biittaa dosiyaageeti olay denddiyo wode issi baggawu exatana koshshees giidi kawotettati ammanttiyo gishshawu, daro asay hegaadan oottees. At this one location, an average of six Bible studies are requested every month The nations would do so because they had to support themselves as part of a global war. Roberti gujjidi hagaadan giis: "Nuuni haˈˈi ubbatoo gubaaˈiyaa oosuwaa oottoos. Despite everything he suffered, and although Satan made an all - out effort to turn him away from Jehovah, Jesus proved faithful to Jehovah God. Robert adds: "We still work hard in the congregation. (1 PHeexiroosa 1: 15, 16 nabbaba.) Moreover, the brothers faced opposition related to World War I. (Read 1 Peter 1: 15, 16.) (1 Ximootiyoosa 3: 2 - 7 nabbaba.) He was keenly aware that he was the victim of many injustices. (Read 1 Timothy 3: 2 - 7.) Eti issi tumu Xoossay deˈiyoogaanne ayyo goynniyaageeti xoqqa kandduwaa maaraa kaalliyoogaa eridosona. So we should not judge the effectiveness of our ministry merely by the results. They knew that a true God exists and that his standards were higher than his standards. 12: 1. Yes, the Fine Shepherd knows his sheep personally. 12: 1. NUUNI nagarancha gidiyoogee, alameenne Dabloosi iitabau nuna denttettikkokka, hegaa eqettana danddayoos. 10: 1 - 5. WE ARE imperfect, but we can fight against that challenge, even if Satan the Devil and the world hate us. Issi galla nuuni wurssetta Godaa Kahuwaa bonchchanaagaa hassaya. As you advance toward Christian maturity, you will find that principles become more important to you. Remember, one day we will attend the Memorial. (Maz. Today, we too may need time to uproot prejudice from our heart. Why? 3: 12, 13) Hegaa gishshawu, nuuni Yihoowayyo oottiyoy aybissakko issi issitoo nuna paaccana bessees. * Therefore, we should at times test why we serve Jehovah. 7: 3 - 8, 17, 25) Still, we can benefit from thinking about how he could - and did - forgive us. Both men and women were capable of doing so. Hegeetuppe heezzata ane beˈoos; qassi Maykroneezhiyaa biidaageeti hegaa waati xoonidaakko beˈoos. If we apply those Bible principles, we will find a measure of happiness and contentment. Let us consider three of them, and see how we can overcome them. Geeshsha ayyaanaa ayfiyaa macaratuppe issuwaa nuuni kaseegaappe aaruwan ayfana danddayiyoy ayba ogiyaanee? On the other hand, Naboth valued his relationship with Jehovah even more than life itself. How can we increase the fruitage of the spirit? Issi kolpportteree sabbakiyo oosuwaa zalˈˈiyaara walakkennaadan zorin sabbakiyoogaa aggibayi lanccidi, Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈiya asatu citaa essiis. And he died for all so that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for him who died for them and was raised up. " In addition to preaching in the preaching work, one publisher went to a group of Bible students who showed humility by preaching the good news. Eti dicciyo wode Yihooway etaara deˈees. But what relief confession to God brought him! Jehovah was with them as they grow old. Geeshsha Maxaafay Seexaanay ciimma ollan 1,000 laytti qashettanaagaa yooteesippe attin, meetettanaagaa woy moogettanaagaa yootenna. - Ajj. The branches collectively represent "the full number " of those included in the secondary part of Abraham's seed. The Bible tells us that Satan will be cut off from the abyss, but he will not be resurrected again. - Rev. (Maatiyoosa 4: 18 - 22 nabbaba.) What about us? (Read Matthew 4: 18 - 22.) PHauloosi Kiristtaaneti oottiyo, ha keehippe koshshiya oosoy menttershshay Xoossaa sunttaabaa asau markkattiyo "galataa yarshsho " gidiyoogaa yootiis. All rights reserved. Paul described this vital work as "a sacrifice of praise to God. " Intte aqo oyqqikko intte aqo deˈoy loˈˈin iitin, hayqqana gakkanaashin he aqo laggiyaara deˈana bessees. (See the box "What God Has Revealed About the Future. ") If you are married, you need to stay close to that marriage until you have lost your marriage. * Hegaa mala hanotan, woxxiyaageeti wottan azallanaadan oottana danddayiya ayba toohonne bantta bollappe wottoosona. Without help from Jehovah, we could never win our fight against Satan. * In a similar manner, those who give up on a race that might not give up on us. Zaarettada Oottana Danddayay? ' The second quality that helps those virgins to be ready is vigilance. Can You Serve Again? ' SHin, nuuni ubbatoo nagaraappe simmana koshshees. Our brotherly love, combined with such a positive attitude, will enable us to build up and comfort our fellow believers. However, we must continue to repent. Yihooway ba asaa ashshanaagaa nuuni ammanettana danddayiyoy aybissee? That garment now identified Elisha as God's prophet. Why can we be sure that Jehovah will save his people? Aqo laggiyaara issippe aqinye gididi haggaaziyoogee heezzu achan dooqettida wodoro mala gidida aqo deˈuwaa waatana danddayii? Later, I joined an indigenous - language congregation that had recently been formed. How can two married couples make a marriage bond like a pioneer? Daawiti mooridoban neeni xubettanee? How will our new songbook help us to follow Paul's counsel found at Ephesians 5: 19? Will you allow David to stumble you? Yihooway galla galla nuuyyo oottiyoobaa wotti dentti qoppiyo wode, i nuuyyo tumu dabbo gidiyoogaa akeekoos. I replied: "No, I didn't abandon my family. As we meditate on Jehovah's activities, we realize that he is real to us. He wode, eti danddayennaba milatees. The Bible teaches that God notices our suffering, he feels for us, and he has a vast amount of power. At that time, they seemed impossible. Eti bantta amoy waani polettanaakko qoppidosona. Interviewing my parents, Ron and Estelle, at a convention in Townsville, Australia, in 2014 They felt that their desires would be fulfilled. Zalˈˈiyan erettida he dure kataman issi issi ishati aylliyaa haariya dure gidiyo wode, harati ayllenne manqqo gidennan aggokkona. (Efi. She had just told him that after she made one more meal for her and her son, they would eat it and die. It seems likely that some responsible brothers in that city were slaves, slaves, and poor. Neeni saluwan deˈanawu doorettidanaashsha gaada qoppiyaaba gidikko, hegee neeni doorettabeennaagaa bessiyaaba. 6, 7. (a) What could Noah not do? If you feel that you have received the heavenly reward, it would be appropriate for you to accept it. Hegeeti Godaa kiitaa yootanau Goday tiyidoogeeta gidana koshshenna. " Our family has grown closer. " - Roald Such ones should not be allowed to share the Lord's message with the Master. Dorssa orggiyaanne deeshsha orggiyaa (Dane., shem. 8) We have to learn to adjust our unsteady steps to match Jehovah's steady lead. Make it possible for the sheep and the goats to associate with the sheep. Ha sohuwan aginan aginan amakaayiyan usuppun asay xinaatiyaa doommees Then in 1999, I was appointed to be a member of the Governing Body. During the month of each month, there were six individuals each month (Maa. 27: 45, 46) Yesuusi keehippe waayettidabanne Seexaanay a Yihoowappe haassanau bau danddayettidabaa ubbaa oottidaba gidikkonne, i Xoossaa Yihoowau ammanettiyaagaa gidiyoogaa bessiis. In fact, for a spirit creature to have the audacity to challenge Jehovah's sovereignty and set himself up as a rival god is the epitome of pride and presumptuousness. Despite the loss of his life, Jesus showed that he was loyal to Jehovah God even though he lost all that Satan could do for him. Hegaa bollikka, Koyro Alamiyaa Olaara gayttidaagan ishantta yedetay gakkiis. My former partners went ahead with the robbery. Moreover, World War I faced opposition with brothers who were persecuted during World War I. I bana daro naaqoy gakkidoogaa loytti akeekees. Consider some modern accomplishments that may have been considered impossible just a few decades ago: He knew that he had been a victim of injustice. 13: 23) Hegaa gishshawu, nuuni haggaazuwan ay keena murutakko demmiyo ayfe xallan yiggana bessenna. 2: 29. Therefore, we should not merely ignore the results of our ministry. Ee, Loˈˈo Henttanchay ba dorssata huuphiyan huuphiyan loyttidi erees. 4: 10. Be patient and willing. Yes, the Fine Shepherd knows each one of his sheep well. 10: 1 - 5. Each night when I felt my thoughts racing and anxiety rising, I petitioned Jehovah. 10: 1 - 5. Neeni wozannaama Kiristtaane gidanawu dicciyo wode, maarati keehi koshshiyaaba gidiyoogaa akeekaasa. For Philo, Eve was guilty of sexual sin and was therefore condemned to a life that "utterly deprives her of her freedom and subjects her to the dominion of the man who is her companion. " As you progress toward maturity, you realize that principles are important to you. Ha wodiyan asa shenetiyoogaa nu wozanaappe kessi oliyoogee wode ekkana danddayees. Jesus was not speaking primarily about the unprecedented destruction that is to come; he was referring to the people's way of life. Today, prejudice may cause us to lose heart when we are surrounded by prejudice. * The Bible emphasizes that Jehovah, the Great Timekeeper, is not slow. * Yihooway nuna waati atto giyaakko ane pilggoos. They decided to disobey God. Let us examine how Jehovah freely forgives us. Geeshsha Maxaafay yootiyo ha maaraa kaallikko, nuuni ufayttananne woppu gaana danddayoos. If you suffer from depression, take reasonable measures to care for your physical and mental health. If we apply the Bible's principles, we can find joy and happiness. SHin Naabutee Yihoowaara deˈiya dabbotaa ba shemppuwaappekka aattidi xeelliis. But Timothy was not a hypocrite. But Naboth had lost his relationship with Jehovah. Paxa de7iyaageeti bantta gishshau haiqqidaagaayyoonne qassi haiquwaappe denddidaagaayyo de7anaappe attin, sinttappe bantta huupheyyo de7enna mala, i asa ubbaa gishshau haiqqiis. " A humble person does not view others as inferior to himself. He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for him who died for them and rose again. " SHin ba nagaraa Xoossau paaxidi keehippe woppu giis! Then he got well. ' But how refreshing it is to confess his sins to God! Tashe ubbay Abrahaama zerettau naaˈˈantto shaahuwan deˈiyaageetu " kumetta qoodaa ' leemiso. Fred Rusk, who was assigned to train me, was one of them. The secondary part of Abraham's seed represents the secondary part of Abraham's seed. Nubaashin woygana danddayettii? Then plan to do what is pleasing to him. What about us? All rights reserved. They may have tried to make their lives better - only to see things like war, crime, natural disasters, and sickness wreck their plans time and again. All rights reserved. ("Xoossay Sinttanaabaa Ay Yootidee? " giya saaxiniyaa xeella.) " Be swift about hearing, " says the Bible, "slow about speaking, slow about wrath. " (See the box "What Is God's Purpose for the Earth? ") 9: 34) Yihooway maaddana xayikko, Seexaanaara olettidi xoonana danddayokko. Being a God of forgiveness, Jehovah was apparently interested in finding a basis for extending mercy. If Jehovah is not able to help us fight Satan, we cannot win Satan. Geelaˈoti giigi uttanaadan maaddiya naaˈˈantto eeshshay beegottiyoogaa. I am your servant. The virgins who are ready to remain awake will surely be able to keep in mind the second part of the new personality. (1 Tas. 5: 14, 15) Gita waayiyaa wode alamiyan deˈiya asay haniyoobaa xayikkokka, nuuni nu atotettay matattidoogaa eriyo gishshawu, " xoqqu giidi pude xeellana. ' - Luq. They have the prospect of living forever on earth in a restored paradise. Though we do not know when the great tribulation comes, we feel that we are near the end of our day, because we know that our deliverance is near. He kaabbay haˈˈi Elssaaˈi Xoossay kiittin hananabaa yootiyaagaa gidiyoogaa erissees. According to Jewish reference works, the unintentional manslayer's immediate family evidently joined him in the city of refuge. Elisha was now referring to the prophet Elisha as God's prophet. Guyyeppe, taani he heeraa asay haasayiyo qaalaa goˈettiya mati eqqida gubaaˈiyaa baas. GUY HOLLIS PIERCE, a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, finished his earthly course on Tuesday, March 18, 2014. In time, I moved to a foreign - language congregation. Efisoona 5: 19n deˈiya PHauloosa zoriyaa nuuni kaallanaadan ooratta mazamure maxaafay waatidi maaddii? Paul could therefore state: "Brothers, you are not in darkness, so that that day should overtake you as it would thieves, for you are all sons of light. " How can the book of Ephesians 5: 19 help us to follow Paul's counsel recorded at Ephesians 5: 19? Taani hagaadan gaas: "CHii, taani ta soo asaa aggabeykke. " All those taking refuge in [Jehovah] will rejoice; to time indefinite they will cry out joyfully, " says Psalm 5: 11. I replied: "No, I kept my family alive. Xoossay nu metuwaa beˈiyoogaa, i nuussi qoppiyoogaanne au zawi baynna wolqqay deˈiyoogaa Geeshsha Maxaafay yootees. Soon afterward, Lauri and Ramoni also left the convent. The Bible tells us that God is aware of our problems and that he has the power to care for us. Awusttiraaliyan, Tawnzvil giyo kataman gita shiiquwan Ta aawaa Raananne ta aayyiyo Estelo 2014n oychishin " They have become a tremendous success. In 2014 when I was born in Australia, I was asked to visit my mother and Dad at the convention in northern Ontario A bau deˈiya guutta kattaa issitoo xalla kattin anne i naˈay miidi hayqqanaagaa yootaasu. What It Means: Jesus ' "word " means his teachings, which came from a higher source. She said that she would die only one small meal and her son had to die. 6, 7. (a) Nohee oottana danddayennabay aybee? Scattering Feathers in the Wind 6, 7. (a) What limitations do Noah have? " Nu soo asay issoy issuwaakko kaseegaappe aaruwan shiiqiis. " - Roˈala Livija and I have thus been favored with over 40 years together in Bethel service. " Our family has drawn closer to one another. " - Roald Laamettiya nu tanggoy Yihoowa suure kaaletuwaara giiganaadan oottidi laammiyoogaa nuuni tamaarana koshshees. Paul exhorted Christians in the city of Philippi: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God. " We need to learn to adjust our path to Jehovah's right direction. Guyyeppe 1999n, Bolla Gididi Heemmiyaagaa yara gidada sunttettaas. At that point, even a servant of Jehovah may be ready to act on his desire when an opportunity arises. In 1999, I was appointed as a member of the Governing Body. Ha iita kiitanchay Xoossay haariyo maataa eqettiis; qassi hara meretati Yihoowayyo goynniyoogaa aggidi baassi goynnanaadan oottanawu maliis. Yaatiyo gishshawu, otorancha gidiyoogan a mali baawa. Isaiah, who was inspired to foretell that Jehovah would bring about a restoration, declared: "Happy are all those keeping in expectation of him. " This wicked angel rejected God's sovereignty and tried to undermine his resolve to worship Jehovah. Ta laggeti bonqqanawu biidosona. How will Christ "go on to victory " and complete his conquest? My friends visited me. Amarida wodiyaappe kase hanana danddayennaba milatiya, ha wodiyan deˈiya issi issibata qoppa: The people rejoiced over their making voluntary offerings to Jehovah. - 1 Chron. 29: 3 - 9; 2 Chron. 5: 1. Consider some examples of things that seem to have seemed impossible for some time ago: 2: 29. Consider how each of these traits can interfere with our listening to the voice of Jehovah and can lead us to take a disastrous course. 2: 29. Danddayanchanne eeno giyaagaa gida. The Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar threatened Judah and its capital, Jerusalem. Be patient and patient. Qammi ubbatoo hirggissiyaabaynne qofissiyaabay dariyo wode Yihoowa woossays. As they did that work, eventually the "good news of the Kingdom [would] be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations. " - Matt. I pray to Jehovah when I pray constantly and during night. Piiloy Hewaana asho gaytotettaaban nagaraa oottido gishshau, "o laˈatettaa diggiyaanne ba azinaa maatau a haarettanaadan oottiya " deˈuwaa deˈanaadan pirddettidoogaa yootiis. Of course, we do not know precisely how Jehovah would have structured his way of governing the earth if Adam and Eve had remained faithful to him. BEING the sin of Eve, Eve told Eve that "the law of freedom " enables her to be free from sexual immorality and to be submissive to his wife. (Luq. 17: 26) Yesuusi waannayidi yootidoy qoppennan yaana bashshaabaa gidennan, deˈuwan asay kaalliyo ogiyaabaa. Doing that, Jesus was imitating Jehovah in showing a willingness to change when the situation allows for such action. Jesus was referring not only to the fulfillment of his prophecy but also to the way people live by their way of life. (Erm. 6: 17) Yihooway ba keerido wodiyaa naagiyaagaanne takkennaagaa gidiyoogaa Geeshsha Maxaafay loytti qonccissees. As they experience God's loving assistance, they will be drawn closer to him as their caring heavenly Father. - Isa. The Bible clearly shows that Jehovah is not too patient and that he does not care for his time. Eti Xoossawu azazettennan agganawu kuuyidosona. Tom had seen such heartbreaking situations before. They decided to disobey God. Neeni wozanan unˈˈettikko, ne asatettaanne ne guuggiyaa payyatettaa bessiyaagaadan naaga. He would surely treasure that single flower from his daughter above all the other flowers in his garden. If you are anxious, keep in mind your mind and mental health and health. (1 Ximootiyoosa 1: 5; 4: 1, 2) SHin Ximootiyoosi loˈˈo milatiya iita gidenna. She even began to serve as a regular pioneer. But Timothy was not hypocritical. Ashkke asi bana hara asappe xoqqu oottidi xeellenna. How did one sister learn to deal with anger? A modest person does not highly esteem himself. Yaatidi paxiis ' giidi, issi issitoo harata ammanttanawu malidosona. There will always be an expression of God's kindness that will match each trial. Then he tried to convince others that they were dead. Hegeetuppe issoy tana loohissanaadan maddabettida Fred Raska. But since our goal is to grow as spiritual people, let us take a look at several positive examples of individuals we can imitate. One of them was Gilead School, who was assigned to train me. Yaatada, a ufayssiyaabaa oottanawu halcha. All of us need to defend our faith, control our emotions, reject harmful peer pressure, and avoid unwholesome associations and entertainment. Then reach your goal. Eti kaseegaappe loˈˈo deˈuwaa deˈanawu baaxetikkonne, olay, danoy, meretay gattiyo daafay qassi harggee eti qoppidobay polettennaadan diggees. How should we react? Although they struggle to improve their lifestyle, they have been distracted by natural disasters, such as natural disasters, and the consequences of natural disasters. Geeshsha Maxaafay, " Siyanau eesotite; shin haasayanaunne hanqqettanau eesotoppite ' yaagees. By being humble and zealous in our ministry and personal Bible study, we will be more Christlike in our thinking. Preaching the good news of God's Kingdom was foremost in Jesus ' mind (See paragraph 17) The Bible says: "Be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger. " Yihooway maariya Xoossa gidiyo gishshau, Daawitau atto gaanau koyiis; shin, I Daawiti tumuppe ba nagaraappe simmidaakkonne eranau koyiis. 4: 6, 7. Jehovah wanted David to forgive a merciful God, but David wanted to know that David truly was truly repentant and truly repentant. Taani ne ashkkara. " I met people from other places, " she related, "and heard how they were overcoming their problems. I am your servant. Eti saˈay gannate gidin merinau deˈanau hidootoosona. [ Picture on page 26] They look forward to living forever on a paradise earth. Ayhuda eranchati yootiyoogaadan, erennan asa worida ura keettaa asay aara deˈanawu baqati attiyo katamaa beennan aggenna. 4 What Is God's Kingdom? According to Jewish tradition, Jewish men may have found refuge in the city of refuge. YIHOOWA MARKKATA Bolla Gididi Heemmiyaagaa yara gidida Gay Holis Pirsi, Masqqaynno gallassi, Laappune 18, 2014n hayqqiis. However, you might ask, " Why should I be interested in understanding the Bible? ' On April 18, 2014, a Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses died on March 18, 2014, on March 18, 2014. Intte ubbai poo7uwaa [asa] " yaagiis. (1 Tas. June " By all means let your light shine. " Mazamure 5: 11, "[Yihoowakko] baqati attiya ubbati ufaittona; eti ubbaton ufaissan yexxona " yaagees. Yes, when God punished faithless Judah by allowing the Babylonians to conquer the land and take her people captive, some individuals, such as Jeremiah, Baruch, and Ebed - melech, were spared. Psalm 5: 11, which says: "Those hoping in Jehovah will rejoice; all those hoping in him will cry out joyfully. " Hegaappe simmin sohuwaara, Laˈuranne Ramonakka gadaamiyaappe kiyidosona. That will mean the end of all forms of corruption and wickedness. Shortly thereafter, Laurie and I moved away from the convent. " Keehi daro goˈˈaa demmanaadan maaddidosona. All who have been entrusted with privileges and authority among God's people need to be meek. " The benefits of helping many to gain great benefits. Hegee Woygiyoogee? Yesuusi " tamaarissidoy ' Xoossaappe tamaaridobaa. 4 Who Is the Hearer of Prayer? Was this what Jesus taught about "the things of God "? Baalliyaa Carkkuwan Laaliyoogaa Then they had the heavenly hope. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Liviyanne taani issippe Beeteelen 40 ppe dariya layttaa haggaaziyo gita maataa demmida. The flier Organization Method and the booklet To Whom the Work Is Entrusted laid out the details: A new Service Department at headquarters would direct the work. Maria and I were privileged to serve at Bethel for over 40 years. PHauloosi Piliphisiyuusa kataman deˈiya Kiristtaaneta, "Xoossaa intte woossiyo woosa ubban a keehi galatiiddi, inttena koshshiyaabaa ubbau woossiteppe attin, issibaukka hirggoppite " yaagidi zoriis. [ Map on page 9] Paul urged the Christians in Philippi: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God. " He wode, Yihoowa ashkkara gidida urikka ba amottidobaa polana danddayees. Jesus said: "In the re - creation, when the Son of man sits down upon his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also yourselves sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. " At that time, a servant of Jehovah could have the hope of being a servant of Jehovah. (Erm. 25: 8 - 11) Isiyaasi geeshsha ayyaanay denttettin, Yihooway Ayhudata omooduwaappe eta biittawu zaaranaagaa kasetidi yootiis; qassi i, "A naagiyaageeti ubbati anjjettidaageeta " yaagiis. (Isi. In Bible times, daughters were not valued as much as sons. Isaiah prophesied that Jehovah would deliver the Jews from captivity to their homeland, and he said: "Happy are all those keeping watch over them. " Kiristtoosi waati " xoonanee, ' qassi waatidi ba xoonuwaa polanee? Your family, your work, your religious faith? How will Christ complete his conquest, and how will he complete his conquest? Asay ba dosan Yihoowayyo immido gishshau ufayttiis. - 1 Odiya 29: 3 - 9; 2 Odiya 5: 1. How can we benefit from those precious gifts? The people were happy because they had dedicated themselves to Jehovah. - 1 Chron. 29: 3 - 29; 2 Chron. 5: 1; 2 Chronicles 5: 1 - 5. Ha naaˈˈu eeshshati nuuni Yihoowa cenggurssaa loytti siyennaadan waati diggana danddayiyaakkonne, qassi nuna waati qohana danddayiyaakko beˈa. He now works for an employer who appreciates his honesty. Let us consider two aspects of Jehovah's voice and see how we can overcome them. Naabukadanaxoora kaaletuwan Baabilooneti, Yihudaa waanna katamaa Yerusalaamen deˈiya asay hirgganaadan oottidosona. The apostle Peter wrote: "You husbands, continue dwelling in like manner with them according to knowledge, assigning them honor as to a weaker vessel, the feminine one, since you are also heirs with them of the undeserved favor of life, in order for your prayers not to be hindered. " Under Cyrus's direction, the Babylonians were afraid to find a real threat to Jerusalem in Jerusalem. Eti he oosuwaa oottin, takkidi, "asa ubbau markka gidana mala, kawotettaa wonggeliyaa mishiraachchoi sa7a ubban odettana. " - Maa. Brother Russell visited Ireland seven times in all. Later, they returned to that work, saying: "This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations. " - Matt. Addaameenne Hewaana ayyo ammanettidaba gidiyaakko, Yihooway ba haariyo ogiyaa saˈan waatidi giigissanaakko geeshshidi erokko. How did Jonathan treat his father? If Adam and Eve were faithful to him, we would not know how long Jehovah would act on earth. Yesuusi hegaadan oottiyoogan, laammana koshshiyo wode ba qofaa laammiya Yihoowa leemisuwaa kaalliis. " Make it your aim... to mind your own business. " By doing so, Jesus followed Jehovah's example. wulliyo wode wurees ▪ Ayhudati Yesuusakkonne Luqaasa Motivated by love, Jehovah corrects, educates, and trains us so that we can remain in his love and on the path to life. ▪ During the year of the year, the Jews approached Jesus and Luke Eti Xoossay banttana maaddiyoogaa akeekiyo wode, saluwan deˈiya banttana siiqiya Aawaakko kaseegaappe aaruwan shiiqoosona. - Isi. We might find ourselves in a similar situation one day. When they understand that God is helping them, they will draw ever closer to their heavenly Father. - Isa. Tami hegaa mala azzanttiyaabay hegaappe kase hanin beˈiis. Never forget that "Jehovah knows how to rescue people of godly devotion out of trial. " Tom saw that such a sad experience was just before. Gaden deˈiya hara ciishsha ubbaappe he ciishshaa I aloˈˈobdan xeellanaagee qoncce. Will he display humility? Clearly, it is clear that he does not view these beautiful flowers as beautiful as the next head. A ubba kumetta wode aqinye gidada oottiyoogaa doommaasu. COVER SUBJECT | LIES THAT MAKE GOD SEEM UNLOVABLE She began pioneering regularly. Issi michiyaa hanqquwaa teqqiyoogaa waatada tamaaradee? " Learning the language, serving as pioneers, caring for the congregation, and looking after some financial matters have, at times, been exhausting, " says William. How did one sister try to control anger? 1: 6) Nuna gakkiya ay metuwaakka genccanaadan Xoossaa kehatettay ubbatoo maaddana. (See the box "Are You Keeping Up With Increased Light? ") God's kindness will always help us to endure trials. SHin nuuni ayyaanaabaa qoppiya asa gidanawu halchchido gishshawu, nuuni eta milatana danddayiyo loˈˈo leemiso gidiya amaridaageetubaa ane pilggoos. Countless fathers shirk their responsibilities - to the dismay and detriment of their children. However, as a spiritual person, let us examine some examples of examples set by individuals who could imitate them. Nuuni ubbay nu ammanuwaanne nu qofaa naagana koshshees; qassi laggetuppe gakkiya paaciyaa eqettananne iita laggetuppenne wodiyaa aattiyo qohiyaabaappekka naagettana bessees. 148: 12, 13. All of us need to safeguard our faith and guard against temptation from bad associations and from bad associations. Nuuni ayba zaaruwaa immana koshshii? 8 Miracles That Are About to Happen What should we do? Nuuni nu huuphiyaa kawushshiyaageeta, mishshettidi haggaaziyaageetanne Geeshsha Maxaafaa minnidi xannaˈiyaageeta gidiyoogan Kiristtoosaagaa mala qofay deˈiyoogeeta gidana danddayoos. But when you show them something from the Bible, they will listen attentively. " By being humble, we can cultivate and maintain a Christlike attitude by diligently studying the Bible and imitating Christ's example. 4: 6, 7. Many believed that the Messiah would establish a kingdom on earth in Israel. 4: 6, 7. A, "Taani hara biittaa asaara gayttada, eti metuwan waani gencciyaakko siyaas. (See opening image.) (b) What accounted for Peter's courage on that occasion? She says: "I heard a foreign land, and I heard how they would endure. [ Sinttaa 29n deʼiya misiliyaa] ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ [ Picture on page 29] 4 Xoossaa Kawotettay Aybee? David wrote that he had "not seen anyone righteous abandoned, nor his children looking for bread. " 4 What Is God's Kingdom? Gidikkokka neeni, " Taani Geeshsha Maxaafaa qofaa akeekana koshshiyoy aybissee? ' (a) What has happened to marriage since the rebellion of Adam and Eve? However, you may wonder, " Why do I need to understand the Bible? ' Udd. Twenty - four years after giving up alcohol, Allen recalls: "It was wonderful to know that I could be different, to learn that Jehovah wanted to help me straighten myself out, that he... " " May He... Ee, Baabilooneti Yihudaa biittaa xoonanaadaaninne asaa omooddanaadan oottidi, ammanoy baynna Yihudaa asaa Xoossay qaxxayido wode, Ermmaasa, Baarukanne Abimeleka mala issi issi asati saro attidosona. Gener began to live a double life. Yes, such men as the Babylonians were preserved before the Babylonians, the Babylonians, and Jeremiah, who were not without faith in God, such as Jeremiah, and Jeremiah, were not allowed to destroy the people of Judah. (Maatiyoosa 25: 31 - 34, 46) Hegee mooroynne iitatettay ubbay xayana yaagiyoogaa. When you shop for clothes, you may think about styles and trends but what about modesty and cost? All of this will be done away with wickedness and all wickedness. Xoossaa asaa giddon aawatettaynne maatay imettido ubbay ashkke gidana koshshees. Then hand your child a piece of fruit, perhaps an apple, and ask: "Did you know that this apple started off with a " recipe '? " All of God's people need to be modest and modest. 4 Woosaa Siyiyay Oonee? The world is indeed dominated by a spirit of ingratitude. 4 Who Is the Hearer of Prayer? Hegaappe denddidaagan, etawu saluwaa biyo hidootay deˈees. What else do we learn from the experience of the psalmist? As a result, they have a heavenly hope. Dirijjitiyaa Oosuwaa giyoonne Oosoy Imettidoogeeta giyo xuufeti he oosuwaa xeelliyaagan darobaa qonccissidosona: Waanna biiruwan eqqana Haggaazo Kifilee oosuwaa kaalettana. Consider what he said to his disciples after the rich young man turned away grieved at the invitation to leave all his belongings behind and become a follower of Christ. The Writing Committee of the Governing Body provides many details about the work of traveling work and the Service Department: U.S.A. [ Sinttaa 30n deʼiyaagaa] The Bible assures us: "God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. " [ Picture on page 30] Yesuusi hagaadan giis: "Taani, Asa Na7ai, ooratta biittan ta kawotaa araatan uttiyo wode, tana kaallida inttekka tammanne naa77u Israa7eela zaretu bolli pirddanau, tammanne naa77u kawotaa araatan uttana. " " It was a very difficult time in my life, " she explains. Jesus said: "When the Son of man arrives in his throne on his throne, and you will sit down upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. " Beni wode, asay macca naata attuma naatuppe ziqqi ootti xeellees. In - depth study of the Scriptures and meditative Bible reading are essential. In ancient times, men were viewed as inferior to women. Neeni ufayttanaadan oottiyay ne so asay, ne oosoy woy ne ammanoy? Everything else was hard physical labor. Is it your faith - strengthening, your family, or your faith? 4: 8, 11 - 13) Ha alˈˈo imotatun nuuni waani goˈettana danddayiyoo? However, because Jehovah is holy, he expects his worshippers to be holy - that is, to the extent possible for imperfect humans. How can we benefit from these precious gifts? Haˈˈi i ammanettiya asa gidiyoogaa nashshiya bitaniyawu oottees. Still, they took steps to reach their goal. Now he makes you appreciates that he is a loyal person. Kiitettida PHeexiroosi hagaadan giidi xaafiis: "Azinatoo, intte maccaasati daafuranchcha mereta gidiyoogaa eridi, etaara issippe de7ite; intte woosai xubettenna mala, Xoossai immido de7uwaa aaro kehatettaa eti inttenaara issippe laattiyo gishshau, eta bonchchite. " (1 PHe. Our choice was based, not on a superficial knowledge of a few scriptures, but on a thorough study of God's Word. The apostle Peter wrote: " husbands, wives, be in subjection to your husbands according to the undeserved kindness of their wives, so that they may not be hindered from the undeserved kindness of their wives. " Ishaa Raasili Ayerlande laapputoo biis. Consider four ways in which imitating Jesus ' example clearly identifies his followers. Brother Russell traveled after Brother Russell's death. Yonaataani ba aaway iita gidikkokka aara waanidee? For instance, one could nurture immoral fantasies, greedy thoughts, or hateful feelings toward a fellow Christian. How did Jonathan react to his father? " Woppu giidi intte huuphe oosuwaa oottite. ' Salt Sea " Keep on doing your work and do your work. " Yihooway nuna siiqiyo gishshawu, suurissees, tamaarisseesinne loohissees. Or have I lost some of my initial zeal in the years since then? ' Because Jehovah loves us, he instructs us and instructs us. Nunakka issi wode etaagaa mala metoy gakkana danddayees. (b) What is the "undeserved kindness " that is mentioned at Romans 3: 24? At times, we may face problems similar to those in our time. Yihooway "Xoossau goinniya asata paaciyaappe waati ashshanaakko " eriyoogaa mule dogoppa. If extended with love, an unexpected invitation can be the start of a completely changed relationship. Never forget that "Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial. " I he wodekka ba huuphiyaa kawushshanee? For example, Time magazine reported that "corruption and carelessness " were at least partially responsible for the very heavy death toll in the massive earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010. Will he remain humble? SINTTA HUUPHE YOHUWAA | ASAY XOOSSAA SIIQENNAADAN OOTTIYA WORDDUWAA All credit for this must go to Jehovah, who made it possible by the operation of his powerful holy spirit. - 1 Cor. COVER SUBJECT LIES THAT MAKE GOD SEEM UNABLE Wiliyami, "Ooratta qaalaa tamaariyoogee, aqinye gididi haggaaziyoogee, gubaaˈiyan deˈiyaageeta heemmiyoogeenne so asawu koshshiyaabaa kunttiyoogee issi issitoo metees " yaagiis. Then, in 607 B.C.E., Jerusalem was destroyed and people of the southern kingdom of Judah were also taken into exile. " Learning a new language was difficult, " says William, "but at times it was difficult for those in the congregation to care for their families. " ("Gujji Gujji Biya Pooˈuwaa Kaallay? " giya saaxiniyaa xeella.) As the fire raged on, the flames and intense heat killed more than 1,200 people and consumed some two billion trees. (See the box "Are You Following the Truth? ") (2 Xim. 3: 1, 3) Daro aawati bantta aawatettaa sheneho goosona; hegee naata qoheesinne azzanttees. But what if we were directed to perform a particular aspect of the work that did not appeal to us? Many parents reject their responsibilities and save their children. 148: 12, 13. 4: 8. 148: 12, 13. XANNAˈIYO HUUPHE YOHOTA: Why will Jesus delight in making the appointment over all his belongings? REGULAR FEATURES SHin issibaa Geeshsha Maxaafaappe bessiyo wode, eti hegaa loytti ezggoosona. " the man who had a conversation with Jehovah * in front of a burning bush? But when they show personal interest in the Scriptures, they carefully listened carefully to them. " 2: 38; 3: 15) Daroti Masee saˈan Israaˈeela biittan kawotettaa essana giidi qoppidosona. ▪ Watch Your Associations in These Last Days Many felt that the Messiah would set the land of Israel on earth. (Ha huuphe yohuwaa doomettan deˈiya misiliyaa xeella.) (b) PHeexiroosi he wode xalanaadan maaddidabay aybee? 4 Prophecy 1. (See opening image.) (b) What helped Peter to courage? ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ We will consider these questions by reflecting on Scriptural examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daawiti, "Xillo asi coo attin, woikko a naati miyoobaa woossin, taani mulekka be7a erikke " yaagiis. That period of seven times ended when Nebuchadnezzar regained his sanity and resumed his rulership. David said: "I have never seen anyone righteous, nor his children, nor his offspring looking for bread. " (a) Addaameenne Hewaana makkaloosappe doommidi aqo deˈoy waanidee? First, we can be confident that nothing and no one can prevent Jesus Christ from ruling. (a) What happened since Adam and Eve rebelled? Aleni ushshaa aggoosappe 24 layttay aadhi simmin hagaadan giis: "Tana maalaalissiyaabay, taani haratuppe dummatana danddayiyoogaa eriyoogaa, ta mooruwaa giigissanaadan Yihooway tana maaddanau koyiyoogaa akeekiyoogaa, i... Give an example showing that we may need to make adjustments so as not to grieve Jehovah's spirit. Allen, 24 years later, recalls: "I knew that Jehovah could help me to do something that I could not understand. Jeneri naaˈˈu qommo duussaa deˈiyoogaa doommiis. This was true of Gavin, who began to attend congregation meetings; yet, he declined the offer of a Bible study. Two living creatures began to live together. (2 Qor. 6: 3, 4) Neeni maayuwaa shammiyo wode paashiniyaabaa qoppana danddayaasa; shin he maayoy giigee, qassi a waagay woqqee gaada qoppana koshshennee? Days later, an officer came to my door and told me: "Corwin Robison, I have a warrant for your arrest. " When you do so well, you may think that it is not enough for you to buy some clothing, but should it not be acceptable to him? Yaatada ne naˈaayyo appile mala mittaa ayfiyaa immada, "Ha appilee xaafi wottidobaa malabaappe merettidoogaa eray? " [ Footnote] Then, on the other hand, you were asked, "How do you know about this tree? " 3: 1, 2) Alamiyan asay galatennaadan oottiya ayyaanay kumiis. Ancient books often feature unsound and dangerous ideas that have been thoroughly debunked by modern science. The spirit of the world is full of prejudice. Mazamuraawiyaa gakkidabaappe harabaa ay tamaariyoo? As we have seen, Jehovah's qualities are clearly perceived in the things he made, and his creations also provide valuable lessons for us. What lesson do we learn from the experience of the psalmist? Dure bitanee bayyo deˈiyaabaa aggi bayidi Kiristtoosa kaallanaadan shoobbin ufayttennan aggidi bi simmin, Yesuusi ba erissiyo ashkkaratussi giidobaa qoppa. " The last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing. " - 1 COR. Imagine Jesus ' words to his disciples after the rich man accepted his invitation to follow the Christ. Geeshsha Maxaafay, "Xoossai asa som77 o xeellenna; shin dere ubban baassi yayyiyaagaanne xillo ooso oottiyaagaa galatiyoogaa " yootees. (Oos. The winegrower replied: " Did you not agree to the wage I offered? The Bible says: "God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. " A hagaadan gaasu: "Hegee ta deˈuwan taani keehi metootido wode. He prayed: "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from me. " She says: "It was when I faced a difficult situation. Nuuni Geeshsha Maxaafaa loyttidi xannaˈananne i yootiyoobaa yererana koshshees. Some time later, the government of that African country lifted its building restrictions. We need to study the Bible carefully and meditate on what it says. Harabay ubbay keehi daafurssiya ooso. Jehovah God has already arranged for us to be saved or rescued from death, and the central figure in that arrangement is Jesus Christ. Each goal was to work on a job. (Leemiso 30: 3) Gidikkokka, Yihooway geeshsha gidiyo gishshau, baassi goynniya, polo gidenna asaa naati danddayiyo keenan geeshsha gidanaadan koyees. (b) How can you take the initiative in making friends? As holy worshippers of Jehovah, however, Jehovah wants imperfect humans to be holy. SHin, eti bantta halchidobaa polanau baaxetidosona. Still, he stated additional reasons to do so. However, they endeavored to reach their goal. Nuuni hegaa kuuyidoy amarida xiqiseta erido gishshataassa gidennan, Xoossaa Qaalaa loyttidi xannaˈido gishshataassa. FROM OUR COVER Our decision was not based on a few verses but because we studied God's Word. Yesuusa leemisuwaa kaalliyoogee a kaalliyaageeta dummayidi erissiyo oyddu ogeta ane beˈoos. When asked which was the greatest commandment in the Law, Jesus stated: "" You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. ' Let us consider four ways that following Jesus ' example. (Yih. 11) Leemisuwawu, issi uri pokkobaa amottana, yaaretana, woy ba mala Kiristtaaniyaa ixxana danddayees. (1 Yoh. " The happiest years of my life have been those spent serving Jehovah. " - Jaime For example, the ungodly may be tempted to engage in sexual relations with a fellow believer who is tempted to engage in sexual immorality. Maxine Abbaa Did Jehovah insist that his people use only Hebrew? Table of Contents Woykko hegaappe simmin deˈiya wodetun koyroogaadan mishettiyoogaa aggidanaa? ' 48,220 Or was it the first time in the past? ' (b) Roome 3: 24n odettida " aaro kehatettay ' aybee? They filled Jerusalem with their teaching, even though the powerful religious leaders opposed them. (b) What is "the undeserved kindness " mentioned at Romans 3: 24? 6: 44) Issi uri qoppennan deˈishin nuuni siiquwan A shoobbikko, loˈˈo laggetettay doommana danddayees. What should parents consider when it comes to their attitude toward secular work? If someone dies suddenly, we may begin to enjoy a good association with his friends. Leemisuwau, Heyti biittan 2010n denddida wolqqaama biittaa qaattaappe denddidaagan daro asay hayqqido gaasotuppe issoy "mussinnaanne xaasayiyoogaa " gidiyoogaa Taym maxeetee yootiis. 1: 25. For example, in 2010, over 2010 a number of people in Haiti said that "there were more suffering than the death of the dead. " Ba wolqqaama geeshsha ayyaanan hegee hananaadan oottiday Yihoowa gidiyo gishshau, hegau galatettana bessiyay a. - 1 Qor. He and his brother, Aaron, repeatedly appeared before tyrannical Pharaoh of Egypt and courageously announced the Ten Plagues by which Jehovah disgraced Egyptian gods and delivered His people. He did so because it was Jehovah's holy spirit, for it was possible for him to praise him. - 1 Cor. Guyyeppe, 607n K.K. Yerusalaame katamay xayiis; qassi tohossa Yihuuda kawotettaa asaykka omoodettiis. How it delights us when someone agrees to read from the Bible and to discuss the value and meaning of God's Word! Later, Babylonian armies destroyed Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E., and Jerusalem conquered the southern kingdom of Judah. Tamay keehi goobin lacoynne hobbee 1,200ppe dariya asaa woriis; qassi naaˈˈu biiloone gidiya mittaa miis. As a result, Hannah lost her appetite and often wept. Out of fire fire, fires were killed, and more than two million were killed. Gidoppe attin, nuuni dosennabaa oottanaadan azazoy imettikko shin? In time, though, thinking and acting in a godly way will likely become easier and more natural for us as our thoughts and actions progressively line up with those of Jehovah God. - Ps. What, though, if we are asked to do so? " Intte kushiyaa meecettite.... intte wozanaa geeshshite. " - YAAQOOBA 4: 8. If we work hard to develop this valuable and enduring quality, we honor our caring and patient heavenly Father, and we will be counted among "those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. " - Heb. " Make your hearts clean.... " - JAS. 4: 8. Yesuusi ammanettida ashkkaraa babaa ubbaa bolli sunttiyoogan ufayttiyoy aybissee? For example, consider this experience: A sister was putting money into a ticket machine on a bus when an acquaintance told her that there was no need to pay for a ticket, as the ride was so short. Why are Jesus happy to appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings? eexxiya buuraa matan Yihoowaara * haasayida bitaniyaa hassayay? Jesus once acted to protect his disciples during a violent storm. Do you see a man sitting at a leper coming to Jehovah? ▪ Ha Wurssetta Gallassan Laggetettaa Xeelliyaagan Naagetta What did you learn from David about keeping God's will uppermost in your mind? ▪ Be Guided by God's Will in the Last Days 4 Hiraagaa 1. Confronting Goliath, young David declared: "You are coming to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I am coming to you with the name of Jehovah of armies, the God of the battle lines of Israel, whom you have taunted. " 4 Prophecy 1. Geeshsha Maxaafan qonccida asatu leemisuwaa wotti denttidi qoppiyoogan, ha oyshatu zaaruwaa beˈana. How can I apply this information... By meditating on these Bible accounts, we will consider the answers to these questions. Naabukadanaxoora wozanay simmin i haariyoogaa zaarettidi doommido wode, he laappun layttay wuriis. ▪ The pace and distractions of modern - day life are not conducive to meditation. When Nebuchadnezzar's dream began ruling in Nebuchadnezzar's reign, the seven times ended. Koyruwan, Yesuus Kiristtoosi haarennaadan diggana danddayiya aybinne woykko ooninne baynnaagaa ammanettana danddayoos. Several years ago, Birgit, a pioneer in Germany, attended her daughter's school graduation. First, we can be sure that no one can stop Jesus Christ from being rejected or destroyed. Yihoowa ayyaanaa azzanissennaadan nuuni giigissana koshshiyoobaa bessiya leemisuwaa yoota. What is expected of all in the congregation? Give an example of how we can cultivate the spirit of Jehovah's holy spirit. Gubaaˈe shiiquwaa shiiqiyaabaa gidikkonne, Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈanawu koyibeenna Gavina hanotay hegaa bessees. Instead, let us be determined to remain loyal to Jehovah and to the organization that has a long record of quenching our thirst with the pure and refreshing waters of truth from God's inspired Word. - Isa. While attending Christian meetings, this shows that he did not want to study the Bible but that he did not want to study it. Amarida gallassappe guyyiyan, issi polisee ta soo yiidi, "Korwan Rabasanaa, taani neeni qashettanaadan yootiya dabddaabbiyaa ekkada yaas " yaagiis. I did not trust any religion. A few days later, a police officer came and told me: "I came and gave you the invitation. " [ Tohossa qofaa] What does the love portrayed in the Song of Solomon teach single Christians who want to marry? [ Footnote] Beni wode maxaafati darotoo yootiyoobay, qohiyoogaanne tuma gidennaagaa ha wodiyaa saynisee qonccissido qofaa. For instance, you may like sports, and that attraction is easily understood. Such literature often identifies the idea of the ancient writings of ancient books, movies, and deception. Nuuni beˈidoogaadan, Yihoowa eeshshay i medhidoban qonccidi beettees; qassi i medhidobaappe keehippe goˈˈiya timirttiyaa demmoos. Soon after the Israelites were miraculously released from slavery in Egypt, the Amalekites attacked them. As we have seen, Jehovah's qualities are revealed in his creative works, and we can learn valuable lessons from his creative works. " Ubbaappe wurssetta morkkee, hayqoy xayana. " - 1 QOR. If you are a baptized male Witness of Jehovah, what can help you to want to reach out for service privileges? " The last enemy, death, will be brought to nothing. " - 1 COR. Woyniyaa turaa goday hagaadan giis: " Taani qanxxana giido miishshan tanaara giigabeykkii? IT HAPPENED in August 1936. The owner told the householder: "Do you not love me well? I, "Ta Aawau, danddayettiyaabaa gidikko, ha burccukkuwaa taappe digga " yaagidi woossiis. 9: 5, 6. He prayed: "Lord, if possible, remove this cup from me. " Amarida wodiyaappe guyyiyan, keexxennaadan he Afirkkaa biittaa kawotettay diggidoogaa keexxanaadan paqqadiis. He did not make the mistake that Saul and the members of his army did. Some time later, the government ordered that building the land had failed to rebuild the land. Xoossaa Yihooway nuuni atotettaa demmanaadan woy hayquwaappe attanaadan gitabaa giigissiis; hegaara gayttidaagan Yesuus Kiristtoosi wolqqaamabaa oottiis. In fulfillment, millions are offering God "a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips which make public declaration to his name. " - Heb. Jehovah God has provided a vital role in providing salvation for us or for salvation. (b) Laggetettaa medhanau neeni kasetana danddayiyoy ayba ogiyaanee? This special family time will contribute to keeping your loved ones spiritually alive and strong. (b) How can you take the lead in making good decisions? I galatanaadan oottida hara gaasoti aybee? Indeed, both Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul referred to singleness, like marriage, as a gift from God. What other reasons did he take to heart? SINTTA HUUPHE YOHOTA The people of Lystra did not have to look far to see the truthfulness of Paul's words. FROM OUR COVER Higgiyaa giddon ubbaappe aadhiya azazoy awugaakko Yesuusa oychin, i hagaadan giis: "" Neeni Godaa ne Xoossaa ne kumetta wozanaappe, ne kumetta shemppuwaappe, ne kumetta qofaappe siiqa ' yaagiis. We also need to meditate on the life course of his Son, Jesus Christ, whose peerless example we strive to follow. When asked which was the most important commandment in the Law, Jesus said: "" You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. ' " Taani ta deˈuwan keehi ufayttido wodee Yihoowa haggaazuwan aattido wodiyaa. " - Kaˈema published by Jehovah's Witnesses. " My life was full of time, and I spent in the ministry with Jehovah's Witnesses. " - Christopher. Yihooway ba asay Ibraawetto xallan haasayanaadan koyidee? As is indicated by the phrase "a sharp burst of anger, " the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas was sudden and intense. Was Jehovah saying that he wanted his people to speak only in Hebrew? 48,220 November 2009, pages 12 - 14. 48 nucle5 Haymaanootiyaa kaalettiya wolqqaama asatuppe yedetay gakkishinkka, eti bantta timirttiyaa Yerusalaame gattidosona. He skillfully used illustrations and questions. He adapted his teaching to those to whom he spoke, whether they were of high station or low. Despite severe opposition from religious leaders, they brought their teachings to Jerusalem. Yelidaageeti oosuwaabaa qoppiyoogaara gayttidaagan ay hassayana koshshii? Curt comments, "I began to question if I had made the right decision. " What should parents bear in mind about governmental employment? 1: 25. From the book Facsimile of the Washington Manuscript of the Four Gospels in the Freer Collection 1912 1: 25. (Kes. 6: 12) Inne a ishaa Aarooni meqetti baynna Gibxxe Paaroona sintti zaaretti zaarettidi biidosona; qassi Yihooway Gibxxe xoossata yeellayanaunne ba asaa naxa kessanau Tammu Boshata yeddanaagaa xalan yootidosona. As for the scope of our knowledge of God's creative works, the faithful man Job concluded: "Look! These are the fringes of his ways, and what a whisper of a matter has been heard of him! " He turned out to Egypt before Pharaoh and his brother, who had been thrown before Pharaoh and boldly proclaimed that Jehovah had delivered him out of Egypt. Issi uri Geeshsha Maxaafaappe nabbabanaunne Xoossaa Qaalaa goˈˈaanne i yootiyoobaa nunaara tobbanau koyiyo wode keehippe ufayttoos! We strive to keep our thoughts clean. How happy we are when we read the Bible and share our Bible reading with others! Hegaappe denddidaagan, a qumaa meettaa ixxaasunne darotoo yeekkaasu. Recall, for instance, when High Priest Caiaphas exclaimed: "I put you under oath by the living God to tell us whether you are the Christ, the Son of God! " As a result, she often wept over the food and tears. SHin guyyeppe, nu qofaynne nu oottiyoobay loddan loddan Xoossaa Yihoowaagaara maayettiyo wode, Xoossay koyiyoobaa qoppiyoogeenne oottiyoogee wayssennaba gidana danddayees. - Maz. Has he truly changed his violent behavior? In time, though, when our thinking and actions gradually reflect Jehovah God's thinking, our thinking and actions may seem less likely to have a sense of urgency. - Ps. Nuuni danddayanchcha gidanawu wozanappe baaxetikko, nuussi qoppiyaanne danddayanchcha gidida nu Aawaa, Yihoowa bonchchoos; qassi "Xoossai immana giidoogaa ammanuwaaninne genccan " laattiyaageetuppe issuwaa gidoos. - Ibr. What Scriptural principles should guide us, so that while we are sober about life, we do not take ourselves too seriously? If we are truly patient with those who are patient and patient, let us "be set free from the faith and patience of our Father, Jehovah God. " - Heb. Leemisuwau, ha hanidabaa qoppa: Otobisiyan kaariniyaa maashiniyan issi michiyaa miishshaa yeggiyo wode, i laggiyaa michiyaa biyo sohoy keehi mata gidiyo gishshau, qanxxana koshshennaagaa yootaasu. For some time, he likely experienced vivid memories of his suffering. Take, for example, this happened: "When a sister offered a car to a bus market, she said that she should not be so much money because she had a close friend. Issitoo wolqqaama beetay denddido wode, Yesuusi ba erissiyo ashkkarata ashshiis. What shows that humility will continue to characterize the activities of God's Son? On one occasion, Jesus saved his disciples. Xoossaa sheniyaa aybippenne aaruwan hassayiyoogaa xeelliyaagan Daawitappe ay tamaaradii? When I learned the truth, I refused to continue doing that, even though the job paid very well. What have you learned about the most important God's will? Yelaga Daawiti Gooliyaadaara olettanau biido wode hagaadan giis: "Neeni bisuwaa, bodaanne xinqqaa oiqqada ta bolli yaasa; shin taani Ubbaappe Wolqqaama GODAA sunttan, neeni naassido Israa7eela olanchchatu Xoossaa sunttan ne bolli yais. " (1 Sam. Jesus adapted his response to the two sisters ' greetings. When David came to Goliath's battle against Goliath, David said: "I have come down against you, and I have come against you, O Jehovah your God, you are on the name of the army of Israel. " 25: 4) Taani ha qofaa... No wonder we cherish our inheritance! I'm thinking. ▪ Dirbbissiyaanne unˈˈissiya ha wodiyaa deˈoy wotti dentti qoppanau metootanaadan oottees. Because the nearest high school was far away and I needed special care from my parents, I could not complete my schooling. ▪ Meditating on the last days is often difficult to meditate. Amarida layttappe kase, Jarmanen deˈiya Bergito giyo aqinyiyaa, ba naˈiyaa timirtte keettaa karddiyaa ekkiyo wode iira baasu. What did Paul mean when he said to put off "every weight "? Some years ago, a pioneer named B.C.E. went to her school, and she moved to her school. Gubaaˈiyan deˈiya ubbay ay oottana koshshii? By no means! What should each member of the congregation do? Hegaappe, Yihoowayyonne a dirijjitiyau ammanettidaageeta gididi deˈanau murttidaageeta gidoos; a dirijjitee nuuni saamuwaa alanaadan Xoossaa Qaalaappe xillonne minttettiya tumaa haattaa adussa wodiyau ushshidaagaa. - Isi. * Alcohol misuse is frequently a factor in verbal and physical abuse, in assaults and murder, in car accidents and work - related injuries, as well as in a host of health problems. Rather, let us be determined to remain loyal to Jehovah and his organization, for we will be rewarded with the precious truths we receive from God's Word and from his organization. - Isa. Taani ayba haymaanootiyankka ammanettikke. Although Ian grew up with what he needed materially, he lacked the emotional support that he longed to receive from his father. I cannot trust any religion in my religion. Siiquwaa Sabaa maxaafan qonccida siiquwaappe aqo oyqqana koyiya Kiristtaaneti ay tamaariyoonaa? Above all, we stay busy in the preaching work, knowing that this work strengthens our hope for the future. What can Christians learn from the Song of Solomon? Leemisuwau, intte ispporttiyaa dosana danddayeeta; hegaadan dosiyoogaa ooninne erana danddayees. Indeed, all members of the congregation need to receive encouragement, including those publishers and pioneers who have faithfully been carrying out their ministry year after year. For example, you may be attracted to a sports career, and no one can know it. 11 / 15 Nuuni " Ubbawu Waati Zaarana ' Koshshii? 5 / 15 20: 13. How We Must Be Holy, 11 / 15 Israaˈeelati maalaaliya hanotan Gibxxe aylletettaappe kiyi simmin takkennan, Amaaleeqati etaara olettidosona. 19, 20. (a) Why are married people not free of temptation to be immoral? Shortly after the Israelites released from slavery in Egypt, they were thrown into war. Intte xammaqettida Yihoowa Markka gidida attumaasa gidikko, gubaaˈiyan oottiyo maataa demmanau baaxetanaadan aybi maaddana danddayii? 11, 12. (a) What provision characterized communion sacrifices? If you are a baptized Witness, what can help you to reach out for privileges in the congregation? HEGEE hanidoy Naase 1936n, Suwazilandde Kawo keettaana. (Read Hebrews 6: 13 - 18; Gal. THE city of August 2005, in August 2005, was set in the house of C.E. 9: 5, 6. You cannot slave for God and for Riches. " - MATT. 9: 5, 6. I Saaˈoolinne a olanchati hanidoogaadan hanibeenna. (Read Genesis 3: 1 - 5; Rev. He did not let Saul and his forces stop him. 60: 6, 7) Miilooniyan qoodettiyaageeti "menttershshai a sunttaayyo immiyo galataa " yarshshuwaa Xoossaayyo shiishshiyoogee, hegee polettidoogaa bessees. - Ibr. 4, 5. (a) What is involved in being patient? The expression "the name of [God's] name " implies that it was to be fulfilled in the fulfillment of his sacrifice. - Heb. So asaayyo dumma wode gidida he omarssay ne siiqiyoogeeti Yihoowaara dabbotaa minttanaadan maaddana danddayees. She did so to someone who presented himself as a serpent, a cautious creature. The evening of the Family Worship evening can help you to strengthen your relationship with Jehovah. Yesuusinne PHauloosi naaˈˈaykka, ekkiyoogeenne geliyoogee Xoossaa imota gidiyoogaadan, ekkennan woy gelennan deˈiyoogeekka a imota gidiyoogaa yootidosona. He does so through faith. In fact, both Jesus and Paul referred to marriage as a gift from God - the gift of singleness. Lisxxira asay PHauloosi yootidobaa metootennan akeekana danddayees. Is the loss of a privilege of service irreversible? It may have been easy for Paul to understand the meaning of Paul's words. Qassi nuuni a Naˈaa Yesuus Kiristtoosa deˈuwaabaa wotti dentti qoppananne laggetiyay baynna a leemisuwaa kaallanau baaxetana koshshees. Elders in affluent lands may face an added challenge: how to motivate baptized brothers in their 20 ' s or 30 ' s to get involved in congregation activities. And we should strive to imitate his Son, Jesus Christ, and imitate him. Geeshsha Maxaafan deˈiya zoree daro xeetu layttaappe kase xaafettido wode goˈˈidoogaadan, ha wodiyankka goˈˈees He trained them thoroughly, and they spread the good news throughout the then - known world. - Col. Today, the Bible's counsel is still relevant today " Pala ooshshai " giya qofay PHauloosanne Barnnaabaasa giddon merettida ooshshay qoppennan merettidabanne keehi wolqqaama gidiyoogaa bessees. What must one be cautious of when planning for the future? The expression "tender affection " suggests that Paul and Barnabas were far more powerful than they were. Hidaare 2009, sinttaa 12 - 14, Amaarattuwaa xeella. We may want to ask ourselves such questions as: " How did that develop? November 15, 2009, pages 12 - 14, paragraphs 12 - 14. I tamaarissiyoogeeti xoqqa sohoy deˈiyoogeeta gidin, woy coo asa gidin, ubbau haniya timirttiyaa tamaarissiis. (See opening picture.) (b) What will we consider in this article? He taught people everywhere, whether they were higher than men or people, whether they were higher than men or people. Kerti, "Taani kuuyidobay waayi likke gidana gaada siriyoogaa doommaas " yaagiis. DOES God have an organization? " I began to question my decision. " From the book Facsimile of the Washington Manuscript of the Four Gospels in the Freer Collection 1912 What was new about the preaching work? From the 19th century B.C.E., B.C.E. Iyyoobi, "Hageeti ubbai Xoossai oottido oosotuppe amaridaageeta; nuuni siyoogee saasuketta xalaala " giidoogaadan, Xoossay medhidobaa xeelliyaagan ha wodiyankka nuussi deˈiya eray keehi guutta. (Iyy. TRY THIS: Write down one or two areas in which you could extend a little more freedom to your adolescent. Job was able to write: "The only true God is one of all these things, and the only God who created all things is invisible. " Nu qofay geeshsha gidanaadan baaxetoos. However, as in times past, Jehovah remained in control. We strive to be clean. Leemisuwawu, Qeese Ubbatu Halaqay Qayaafi, "Taani nena de7o Xoossaa sunttan callais; neeni Xoossaa Na7aa Kiristtoosa gidikko nuussi oda " yaagido wode, Yesuusi i Masiyaa gidiyoogaa tumaa yootiis. Likewise, God is love, but "those whom Jehovah loves he disciplines. " For example, High Priest Caiaphas said: "If I tell you of the name of God, I tell you that you are the Christ, the Son of God. " I ba iita eeshshaa aggidi tumuppe laamettidee? The next article will help us examine our own hearts so that we can become more like our Father, Jehovah, who is "good and ready to forgive. " - Ps. Did he really change his bad behavior? " Xoossai siiqo. " - 1 YOH. In view of life's uncertainties, how have the Scriptures comforted you? " God is love. " - 1 JOHN 14: 1. Deˈuwaabau kiphata gidikkonne, bessiyaagaappe aaruwan hegau qoppennaadan, nuuyyo kaaleto gidana koshshiya Geeshsha Maxaafaa baaso siraatati awugeetee? Paul added: "For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power. " - Philippians 4: 4 - 7, 9, 13. What Bible principles will help us to avoid becoming self - centered, but what principles should we be guided by Bible principles? Amarida wodiyawu, i bana gakkida metuwaa loytti haasayennan aggenna. Satan can offer you nothing more than a dismal future, like the future that is ahead for him! - Rev. For a time, he may have tried to express himself freely in his dealings with him. Xoossaa Naˈay sinttappe ba huuphiyaa kawushshanaagaa bessiyay aybee? Still, applying the Bible's advice, we worked out our differences and enjoyed success as pioneer partners. What shows that God's Son is humble in the future? Tumaa era simmada, tawu qanxxettiya damoozay daro gidikkokka he oosuwaa agganawu murttaas. In other instances, the Israelites could voluntarily donate as much or as little as they desired. After learning the truth, I was determined to make a lot of money. 6: 29) Naaˈˈu michonttikka a sarotido wode, Yesuusi dumma dumma ogiyan zaariis. I feel that we are a real team! " At the same time, Jesus answered his sisters ' prayer in various ways. Nu laataa nuuni keehi xoqqu oottidi xeelloos! Why is that of interest? How grateful we are for our inheritance! Nu heeran naaˈˈantto xekka timirtte keettay keehi haahuwan deˈiyo gishshaunne sahuwaara gayttidaagan ta aawaynne ta aayyiyaa tana maaddana koshshiyo gishshau, timirttiyaa wurssana danddayabeykke. Young people quickly progress to adulthood. My parents were unable to help with high school problems, and I could not stop school because my parents needed medical education. PHauloosi " xubbiya ubbabaa diggoos ' giido wode woyganau koyidee? Why should we love him? What did Paul mean when he wrote: "Let us not put up with every weight "? CHii gidenna! So he left the prosperous city of Monterrey, where he worked in a bank and enjoyed a comfortable lifestyle, and he moved to a small town. By no means! Ushshaa likkiyaappe aattidi uyiyoogee darotoo qohiyaabaa haasayanaadan, qassi haratu bollan qohuwaa gattanaadan woy asa woranaadan oottees; qassi kaamiyaa laaggiyoogaara woykko oosuwaara gayttida daafaanne payyatettankka daro qohuwaa kaalettees. If following Jesus has brought "a sword " into your family, rely on Jehovah to help you deal with the challenges successfully. It often leads to immorality, harmful speech, and other harmful activities, such as committing immorality or the loss of a car or a car or a life - threatening accident. Iyani asatettan bau koshshiyaabay kumin diccidaba gidikkonne, ba aawaappe koyiyo siiquwaanne hegaa malabaa demmibeenna. Never before had I preached on my own. As I grew older, I did not want to give up on his father, his father, and his love. SHin ubbaappe aaruwan sabbakiyoogee nuuni sinttappe demmana giidi hidootiyoobaa mintti ammanaadan oottiyoogaa eridi, hegaa aggennan oottoos. Each month, congregations forward these contributions to the office of Jehovah's Witnesses that serves their country. But the most important preaching work will continue to strengthen our conviction that we have faith in the future. Daro layttau ammanettidi Yihoowau haggaazida aassiyaageetanne aqinyeta gujjin, gubaaˈiyan deˈiya ubbatussi minttettoy koshshees. Consider the scenario found at Proverbs 7: 6 - 23, which describes how "a young man in want of heart " succumbs to the wiles of a prostitute. For many years, pioneers and pioneers who faithfully serve Jehovah need encouragement, including pioneers and pioneers in the congregation. 20: 13. Microbes had been observed under a microscope as early as 1674, but their dangers had not been fully understood. 20: 13. 19, 20. (a) SHori baynnabaa oottanaadan paacciyaabaappe aqo oyqqidaageeti naxa gidennay aybissee? [ Picture on page 7] 19, 20. (a) Why is it unwise to resist sexual immorality? 11, 12. (a) Issippetetta yarshshuwaa wode hanettiyaabay aybee? • What was the theme of Jesus ' teaching? 11, 12. (a) What events will take place when making sacrifices? (Ibraawe 6: 13 - 18 nabbaba; Gal. Indeed, Christians enjoy " love (a·gaʹpe) without hypocrisy. ' (Read Hebrews 6: 13 - 18.) Xoossaassinne miishshaassi haarettanau danddayekketa. " - MAA. WHAT IS COURAGE? You cannot slave for God and for Riches. " - MATT. (Doomettaabaa 3: 1 - 5 nabbaba; Ajj. A mature Christian understands that more is involved than knowledge. (Read Genesis 3: 1 - 5; Rev. 4, 5. (a) Danddayay aybee, qassi nuuni waanidi danddayancha gidana danddayiyoo? Studying the Psalms can enrich your prayers and help you to wait for God to answer them. 4, 5. (a) What is endurance, and how can we be patient? 3: 1 - 3) A hegaa shooshshaa baggaara bana haasayissida Seexaanawu yootaasu. Out of loyalty to his friend, Jehovah promised Abraham: "Kings will come from you. " - Gen. She spoke through the serpent through the serpent. Aabeeli haasayiyoy ba ammanuwaana. She left literature, personal letters, her contact information, and so forth. Abel acted in harmony with his own faith. Maataa zaarettidi demmiyoogee danddayettennabee? Consider the various schools that promote divine education. Could it be that it is impossible to reach out? Layttay 20 woy 30 heera gidido xammaqettida ishantti gubaaˈiyan maaddanaadan waati denttettanaakko diccida biittan deˈiya cimati metootoosona. It's wonderful to know his name. Elders who are in their late teens or early 20 ' s find it difficult to serve in a foreign - language congregation. 14: 12) I eta loytti loohissiis, qassi eti mishiraachuwaa he wode erettiya saˈa ubbaa gattidosona. - Qol. " Happy are those who mourn, since they will be comforted. " - Matthew 5: 4. He received training and helped them to proclaim the good news throughout the earth. - Col. Issi uri sinttanaa deˈuwaabaa halchiyo wode naagettana bessiyaabay aybee? Indeed, they successfully carried out the task that he outlined for his followers. - Acts 1: 8; Col. What must we be careful when a person's future life prospects for life? " Ammano giyoogee... be7anau danddayennabaa erissiyaagaa. " - IBR. SONGS: 123, 128 " Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for. " - HEB. Kaallidi deˈiyaagaadan nuna oychana danddayoos: " Hegee waani doommidee? 14, 15. We might ask ourselves: " How did this come about? (Doomettan deˈiya misiliyaa xeella.) (b) Ha huuphe yohuwan nuuni pilgganabay aybee? But do money and possessions bring lasting happiness? (See opening picture.) (b) What will we consider in this article? Sabbakiyoogaara gayttidaagan laamettidabay aybee? But note what the prophet Isaiah stated: "Jehovah of armies - he is the One you should regard as holy. " What adjustment has been made in our preaching work? ANE HAGAADAN OOTTITE: Panttatetta wodiyan deˈiya intte naˈau kaseegaappe guutta laˈatettaa gujjana danddayiyo issi woy naaˈˈu ogeta xaafite. (b) How can we enjoy the best possible health? TRY THIS: The only way you can improve your child's freedom is by comparing two or more ways to enhance your freedom. 16: 32) Gidoppe attin, Yihooway he wodekka kaseegaadan haarees. 8, 9. Yet, Jehovah continued to exercise his sovereignty even during that time. Hegaadan, Xoossay siiqo, shin "i ba siiqiyo uraa qaxxayees. " (Ibr. This may be difficult when you are tired or when the conversation seems somewhat trivial. In a similar way, God "is love for those whom he loves, but he rewards those whom he loves. " Kaalliya huuphe yohoy nuuni " kehanne atto giya ' nu Aawaa Yihoowa leemisuwaa kaseegaappe aaruwan kaallanaadan nu wozanaa qorana mala maaddees. - Maz. These brothers and sisters who move to where there is a particular need or who learn a new language may not have had the most favorable circumstances and may not have had an easy time. The following article will help us to examine our heavenly Father, Jehovah. - Ps. Deˈoy ammanttennaagaa gidiyoogaara gayttidaagan, Geeshsha Maxaafay nena waati minttettidee? Of what promise was the Law covenant a further development? How did the Bible encourage you about your life? I Xoossay " bawu immido wolqqan ubbabaa oottanawu danddayiyoogaa ' yootiis. - Piliphphisiyuusa 4: 4 - 7, 9, 13. Very likely, you appreciate the importance of wholehearted service to God. He assured Philippians 4: 7, 9, 13. Seexaanay sinttappe bana gakkanaagaa mala hirggissiyaabaappe attin, hara aybanne neessi immana danddayenna! - Ajj. You might find that this can be done early in the evening or before you go to bed. Satan will give you no reason to believe that he will reward you, but he will give you nothing else in the future! - Rev. Gidikkokka, nuuni Geeshsha Maxaafaa zoriyaa kaallidi, nu dummatettaa danddayidi, aqinyetettan ufayttidi issippe haggaazida. As an example, some of their neighbors view as strange the brothers and sisters serving at the Bethel complex in Selters, Germany. However, following the Bible's advice, we enjoyed pioneering together, pioneering, and pioneering together. Hara hanotatun, Israaˈeeleti daro gidin guutta gidin, koyidoogaa keenaa bantta dosan immana danddayoosona. By reading God's Word and meditating on it, we can develop wisdom, insight, good judgment, knowledge, thinking ability, and soundness of mind. In other cases, many Israelites may offer themselves willingly, regardless of their limitations. Etayyo Yesuusi hagaadan giis: "Xoossai koiro eta medhdhiiddi, attumaasanne maccaasa oottiis. Science can take us only so far when it comes to good health. Jesus said: "God made them male and female. Nuuni tumuppe issuwaa gididabadan tawu siyettees! " Peter's last comments were addressed to his siblings. I feel that we really care! " Hegaappe ay tamaariyoo? May I ask, Have you always felt that way? The lesson? Yelagati eesuwaara diccidi gastta asa gidoosona. After you have taken care of family needs, job requirements, congregation responsibilities, and other urgent matters, there just seems to be no time left to train others in the congregation. Young people can be sure that they are young and adults. Nuuni a siiqana koshshiyoy aybissee? But Jesus was kind to her. Why should we love him? (Mar. 12: 31) Yaatiyo gishshau, i bankkiyan oottiiddi ishalo deˈuwaa deˈiyo, Monterey giyo dure katamaappe guutta katamaa biis. (Read Luke 2: 41 - 47.) So he moved to a small town where there was a rich prosperous city. Neeni Yesuusa kaalliyoogee ne soo asaa giddon tooraa ehiidaba gidikko, he metuwaa xoonanaadan maaddana mala Yihoowan ammanetta. 3: 27. If you follow Jesus ' example, rely on Jehovah to help you cope with the problem. Taani kase mule tarkka haggaaza erikke. Yes, millions around the world are now finding refuge in Jehovah. - Ps. I never left alone before. 16: 2) SHiiqida miishshaa gubaaˈeti Yihoowa Markkatu oosuwaa bantta biittan kaalettiya biiruwawu aginan aginan yeddoosona. And the nation of Israel was organized through the Law covenant under Moses; those in the new covenant are organized under Jesus - the Head of the congregation. - Eph. Each month, congregations forward these contributions to the office of Jehovah's Witnesses that serves their country. (Lee. 4: 23) Leemiso 7: 6 - 23y yootiyo, "keehi eeyya " wodallay shaaramuxa maccaasen cimettido hanotaa qoppite. So how much knowledge is initially required? Consider the case of a young woman mentioned at Proverbs 6: 23 - 23. Jarmeta 1674 doomettaa heeran maykroskoppiyan beˈana danddayikkokka, eti ay keenaa qohiyaakko asay loytti akeekibeenna. " This commandment that I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it far away. " - Deuteronomy 30: 11. In the early 20 ' s, scientists may not fully understand what their condition seemed to be, but they did not fully understand what they were doing. [ Sinttaa 7n deʼiya misiliyaa] The book What Does the Bible Really Teach? [ Picture on page 7] • Yesuusa timirttiyau huuphe yohoy aybee? The Lie That Made God Nameless 4 • What was the theme of Jesus ' teaching? (Roome 12: 9, 10) Kiristtaaneti " siiqettiyoy (agaappe) asa bessanau ' gidennaagee tuma. Possibly three million people - an entire nation - were liberated from slavery in Egypt. True Christians do not "be kind " to one another. XALATETTAY AYBEE? Jehovah created man "a little lower than angels " but in His" image, " thus enabling humans to reflect the Creator's lofty qualities. WHAT IS THE CHALLENGE? Kayma Kiristtaanee era xallay gidennaagaa akeekees. When I was about ten, Mother stopped associating with Jehovah's Witnesses. A mature Christian understands that he is not alone. Mazamureta xannaˈiyoogee ne woosaa murutissanaunne Xoossay ne woosaa zaaranaashin neeni naaganaadan maaddana danddayees. When Jehovah invited the Israelites to make a donation, he had full confidence that "everyone with a willing heart " would support true worship. study can help you to strengthen your prayers and to see how God will answer your prayers. 105: 13, 14) Yihooway ba dabbuwau Abrahaamau ammanettiyo gishshau, "Kawotikka neeppe kiyana " yaagidi qaalaa geliis. - Doo. Is that an easy assignment? No! Jehovah promised Abraham: "I will leave you and leave you. " - Gen. A xuufiyaa, dabddaabbiyaa, ba adrashaanne hegaa malabaa penggen wottada baasu. Soon, though, Jehovah God will act. She took the address of literature, address the address, and the address of her address. Xoossaabaa tamaaranaadan maaddiya dumma dumma timirtte keettata qoppa. His rule will be one of peace and righteousness. Think of various schools in order to learn about God. A sunttaa eriyoogee keehi ufayssiyaaba. Why? It is wonderful to know his name. " Kayyottiyaageeti anjjettidaageeta; aissi giikko, Xoossai eta minttettana. " - Maatiyoosa 5: 4. 1, 2. (a) What artifacts were discovered in 1922, and where did they end up? " Happy are those who mourn, since they will be comforted. " - Matthew 5: 4. 1: 8; Qol. In response to David's devotion and in line with prophecy, God makes a covenant with David that He will raise up someone in David's royal line who will rule forever. 1: 8; Col. MAZAMURE: 123, 128 That is why he spoke of his Father as "my God. " - Revelation 3: 2, 12; 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4. SONGS: 123, 123 14, 15. Over 700 languages 14, 15. SHin, miishshaynne aqoy ufayssaa demissii? published by Jehovah's Witnesses. This is also available at www.jw.org. But do money and riches bring happiness? SHin hananabaa yootiya Isiyaasi "Intte geeshshaa gaanau [" geeshsha ootti xeellanawu, " NW] bessiyaagee Ubbaappe Wolqqaama GODAATTENNEE " giidoogaa hassaya. 12: 15. Recall, though, that the prophet Isaiah said: "You will be clean from the holy mountain of the true God. " (b) Nuuni muleera payya gidanay awudee? We wondered, " Would publications ever be produced in Tuvaluan, a language spoken by fewer than 15,000 people? ' (b) When will our health become complete? 8, 9. Who have been identified in the Bible as belonging to Jehovah in a special way? 8, 9. Intte daafurido wode woy qassi eti haasayiyoobay pattennaba milatiyo wode, ezggiyoogee metiyaaba gidana danddayees. I was a 20 - year - old soldier suffering from a serious infectious illness. It may be difficult to listen when you talk or talk to them. Kawotettaabaa sabbakanawu hara biitti biida woy hara qaalaa tamaarida ishatinne michoti hegaadan oottidoy etawu ubbabay injjetido gishshataassa woy aybinne eta metenna gishshataassa gidenna. What encouragement did Joshua receive? It is not easy for brothers and sisters to share in the Kingdom - preaching work or to move abroad because they have done all they could. Higgiyaa maachay giigidoy Yihooway gelido ay qaalay polettanaadaanee? Before the Flood, Enoch and Noah "walked with the true God. " What fulfillment of the Law covenant would Jehovah's promises be fulfilled? Kumetta wozanaappe Xoossawu haggaaziyoogee keehi koshshiyoogaa neeni akeekennan aggakka. Also, as the world descends further into ungodliness, Jehovah's people are progressing in faith, zeal, and love. You probably realize that serving God full - time is the most important thing in your life. Omarssi woy xiskkanaappe kase hegaadan oottiyoogee neeyyo injjetana danddayees. The world of mankind whose sins are taken away includes not only the living but also the dead. Such activities can help you to succeed before making a bed or a bed bed. Leemisuwau, Jarmanen, Seltters giyo sohuwan deˈiya Beeteelen oottiya ishanttanne michontta shooron deˈiya issi issi asay asakko shiiqennabadan xeellees. Peer into the Scriptures as you would into a mirror. For example, some who are at Bethel in Germany and at Bethel feel that the local brothers and sisters are not interested in what they are doing at Bethel. Xoossaa Qaalaa nabbabiyoogeenne hegaa wotti denttidi qoppiyoogee nuussi aadhida eratettay, akeekay, suure pirddaynne adussa qofay deˈanaadan maaddees. As King, Jesus uses his authority to protect and guide his disciples to make sure that his Father's will is done. Reading God's Word and meditating on it will help us to find wisdom, wisdom, and justice. Nu payyatettay loˈˈanaadan saynisee maaddana danddayiyoobay he keena. And in only a few months ' time, over 7,000 of our publications in Portuguese had been handed out! It is quite different with health information that can help us improve our health. Piteri wurssettan ba ishaayyoonne ba micheeyyo issibaa xaafiis. In a second scenario, a Christian sister is reading Joel's prophecy and comes to chapter 2, verse 13. Peter wrote a letter to his brother and sister. Neeni beniisappekka hegaadan qoppay? That insight led to several clarifications. Do you feel that way? So asawu koshshiyaabaa kunttiyoogee, oosoy, gubaaˈiyan deˈiya aawatettaynne hara keehi koshshiyaabay ne wodiyaa wurssiyo gishshawu, gubaaˈiyan deˈiya harata loohissanawu wodee baynnaba malatana danddayees. I realized, as others have, that the spontaneous formation of a protein is so improbable that it is essentially impossible! Being involved in providing care for the family, responsibilities, and other responsibilities in the congregation may not be easy for you to train others. SHin Yesuusi iyyo kehiis. But he who peers into the perfect law that belongs to freedom and who persists in it, this man, because he has become, not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, will be happy in his doing it. " - James 1: 23 - 25. But Jesus was kind to her. (Luqaasa 2: 41 - 47 nabbaba.) At the time, wives were not assigned to accompany their husbands on those trips. (Read Luke 2: 41 - 47.) 3: 27. When visitors came, some of the villagers made fun of him in front of their friends. 3: 27. Ee, alame yuushuwan miilooniyan qoodettiyaageeti ha wodiyan Yihoowa baqati attiyoosa oottoosona. - Maz. We need to place our hope in God's provision of his Son, his appointed Ruler. Yes, millions around the world are taking refuge in Jehovah today. - Ps. Higgiyaa maachan Israaˈeela deriyaa kaalettidaagee Muusa; ooratta maachan deˈiyaageeta kaalettiyaagee qassi gubaaˈiyawu Huuphe gidida Yesuusa. - Efi. Could it be that marriages fail because the arrangement itself is faulty? Moses, the Law covenant, was given to the nation of Israel, and the Head of the new congregation was the Head of the Law. - Eph. Yaatin, kasetidi ay keenaa erana koshshii? Do you have the courage to acknowledge Jesus as your King? So, then, how much time should we know? " Taani hachchi inttena azaziyo ha azazoi hegaa keena deexo gidenna; intteppe haahokka gidenna. " - Zaarettido Wogaa 30: 11. The Bible provides a comforting answer, as we will see. " This commandment I say to you, That you are not far off from you. " - Deuteronomy 30: 11. Tumuppe Geeshsha Maxaafay Tamaarissiyoy Aybee? What should sincere people do? See the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Xoossau Buzo Suntti Baawa Giyo Wordduwaa 4 As we learn of Jehovah's knowledge and wisdom, we feel as did the apostle Paul, who wrote under inspiration: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! No Part of God's Undeserved Kindness 4 Kumetta deree, hegeekka heezzu miiloone gidiya asay Gibxxe aylletettaappe laˈa kiyiis. 1: 3. More than three million people were delivered from slavery in Egypt. (Iyyooba 38: 4, 7) Yihooway asaa kiitanchatuppe " guuttidi ' medhiis; gidikkokka, asaa naatussi Xoossaagaa mala eeshshay deˈanaadan Ba "leemisuwan " medhiis. Jehovah is the most loyal and forgiving Friend we could have. Though Jehovah created humans "in the creation of mankind, " he created humans so that they can reflect God's qualities. Tawu tammu laytta heera gidiyo wode, ta aayyiyaa Yihoowa Markkatuura hashetiyoogaa aggaasu. I just wanted to stop feeling this way. When I was ten years old, my mother stopped associating with Jehovah's Witnesses. Yihooway Israaˈeelati imotaa immanaadan odido wode, "GODAAYYO immiyoobaa ehaanau koyiya " ubbay tumu goynuwawu maaddiyaabaa oottanaagaa erees. In these and many other ways, I felt Jehovah's tender care. When Jehovah gave the Israelites the gift of free will, he knows that all who want to "keep pure worship. " 6: 4) Hegee wolqqaama aawatetta! Peter, in fear, says he was not. What a powerful responsibility that is! SHin, matan Xoossaa Yihooway iitata xayssana. Our speech. Soon, however, Jehovah God will destroy the wicked. A haaroy sarotettaanne xillotettaa haaro gidana. This began not long after their departure from Egypt. His rule will be peace and righteousness. Aybissi? Jesus, however, had spoken about his death. But they imagined he was speaking about taking rest in sleep. Why? 1, 2. (a) Ayba miishshati 1922n beettidonaa? Ha wodiyan he miishshati awan deˈiyoonaa? God tells no one today to "marry a woman of prostitution. " 1, 2. (a) What tools have been used today? Daawiti Yihoowayyo aqidoogaappe denddidaagaaninne hiraagaa maaran, Daawita zariyaappe merinau a araatan haariya uraa denttanaagaa Xoossay Daawitayyo qaalaa geliis. It is one thing to imagine bringing to life a person who recently died. In line with David's prophetic words to Jehovah, God promised David that He would resurrect David, who would rule him forever and ever. I ba Aawaa "ta Xoossaa " giidoy hegaassa. - Ajjuutaa 3: 2, 12; 2 Qoronttoosa 1: 3, 4. (b) What three questions will we answer? That is why he called his Father "the Father of tender mercies. " - Revelation 3: 2, 12; 2 Corinthians 2: 3, 4. 700ppe dariya qaalan I had also learned that for life to occur spontaneously, proteins would already have to exist. Over 700 languages Hagee www.jw.org / wal saytiyankka deˈees; woy ha kooddiyaa iskaane ootta. As a result, they are often praised for their good work ethic and dependability. Also available at www.jw.org 12: 15. We must wait and see. 12: 15. (1 Qor. 14: 9) Nuuni, " Woni 15,000ppe guuxxiya asay haasayiyo Tuvalu biittaa qaalan xuufee giiganee? ' Beyond our being thus rewarded, we will see others agree with the sentiment that Paul quoted at Romans 10: 15: "How comely are the feet of those who declare good news of good things! " - Isa. We might ask, " After all, will we be able to find a suitable language in Tuvaluan? ' Geeshsha Maxaafan dumma hanotan Yihoowaba geetettidaageeti oonee? He kindly gave counsel to his disciples, even repeatedly when necessary. Who were included in the Bible? Taani layttay 20 gidido wotaaddara, qassi asaappe oyqqiya pala hargge harggays. Having a look at the splendor of all the world's kingdoms might induce Jesus to give in to a desire for worldly prominence. I was 20 years old and sick. Yihooway Yaasa waati minttettidee? For instance, a man tells his boss or fellow workers that he cannot be at work the next day or that he must leave early because he has a "medical " appointment. How did Jehovah strengthen Joshua? Bashsha Haattaappe kase, Heenookinne Nohee " Xoossaara hemettidosona. ' Illustrate. Before the Flood, Enoch and Noah " walked with the true God. ' Alamee shoraa xayi xayi biyo wode, Yihoowa asay kaseegaappe aaruwan ammanees, siiqeesinne mishettees. (a) To make wise decisions, we should have faith in what? As the world nears its end, Jehovah's people grow in love, love, and love. 1: 29) Bantta nagaraappe naxa kiyidaageetu giddon paxa deˈiyaageetu xalla gidennan hayqqidaageetikka deˈoosona. (a) To whom does the expression "Israel of God " refer? The dead are not the only ones who have been freed from sin but also the dead. Geeshsha Maxaafaa nabbabiyoogee heregaa xeelliyoogaa mala. For his part, Jehovah "will guard the very way of his loyal ones. " - Prov. It is as if reading the Bible is like a mirror. 1: 20 - 22) Yesuusi Kawo gidiyo gishshau, ba Aawaa shenee polettana mala ba aawatettan ba erissiyo ashkkarata naageesinne kaalettees. What can an anxious person never do? As King, Jesus will use his Father's will to accomplish his Father's will and guide his disciples. Amarida aginaappe guyyiyan Porchugaale qaalan xaafettida nu xuufetuppe 7,000ppe daroy asawu imettiis! When did Jehovah command Noah to build the ark? A few months later, our publications were given more than eight languages! Naaˈˈanttuwan, issi michiyaa Yuuˈeela maxaafaa shemppo 2, paydo 13 nabbabausu. Recalling that experience must have strengthened Paul, helping him to trust that Jehovah would fortify him to endure his present trials and any future difficulties that might arise. Second, read chapter 2, 2, 13 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Hagaadan akeekidoogee amaridabaa geeshshidi eranaadan oottiis. Since November 1, 1999, more than 28,000 beautiful new centers of pure worship have been provided for congregations worldwide. Our understanding of the matter has led to a clearer understanding. Harati akeekidoogaadan, protinee qoppennan issi kutti mule merettana danddayennaagaa taanikka akeekaas! 5: 3. As others see, I soon learned that I could never be alone! SHin ooninne ailletettaappe kessiya bali bainna higgiyaa xeellidi, aani aqiyaagee qassi a naagiyaagee, siyidoogaakka dogennaagee, he urai ba oottiyo oosuwan anjjettana. " - Yaaq. 1: 23 - 25. Hiroo and Svetlana But he who loves the perfect law that belongs to freedom through the perfect law and is happy to do this work. " - Jas. 23: 23 - 25. He wode, machoti bantta azinatuura issippe hegaa mala sohuwaa bookkona. In what ways did Moses demonstrate his humility? At that time, wives do not participate in such a place as their husbands. A beˈanawu asay yiyo wode, he heeran deˈiyaageetuppe issoti issoti bantta laggetu sinttan a bolli qilliiccoosona. But Jesus was not focused on achieving power or glory for himself. When she came to see people living in the area, some of his friends ridiculed him. 126: 5) Xoossay nuussi immido a Naˈaa, i sunttido Kawuwaa bolli nu hidootaa wottana koshshees. Many express similar appreciation after receiving the Bible and other publications translated into their own language, after benefiting from relief work, or after seeing the results of metropolitan and public witnessing in their communities. We need to take seriously our hope of God's appointed King, who has appointed his Son. Aqo deˈoy giiga xayiyoy he giigissoy bala gidido gishshataassee? In these two articles, we will discuss the examples of four kings of Judah and the mistakes they made, some of which were very serious. Is it wrong for a successful marriage to end it? Yesuusi ne Kawo gidiyoogaa ammaniyoogaa xalada yootay? Since God knows our traits and what is in our heart, he surely was aware of what sort of imperfect tendencies would be particularly troublesome for us. Do you have faith that Jesus is King? Kaallidi beˈanaagaadan Geeshsha Maxaafay minttettiya zaaruwaa yootees. And what a privilege it will be for the "great crowd " of Jehovah's servants who survive the end of this wicked system of things to welcome and instruct those resurrected to life on earth! - Rev. The Bible gives us the assurance that in the next article, I will find comfort. Ashkke asay waatana bessii? During school vacations, I helped with the harvest, sometimes driving our tractors. What must mild - tempered people do? 2: 3, 4; 54: 13) Nuuni Yihoowa eraabaanne aadhida eratettaabaa tamaariyo wode, geeshsha ayyaanay denttettin hagaadan giida, kiitettida PHawuloosadan qoppoos: "Xoossaa duretettai ai keena daroo? A hayyoinne a eratettai ai keena xoqqee? When we follow Jesus ' example, we will not be provoked into losing our patience, no matter what may be happening around us. - John 14: 27; 16: 33. As we learn about Jehovah's wisdom and wisdom, we do well to keep in mind the apostle Paul's inspired words: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and wisdom and wisdom and knowledge! 1: 3. True Religion, 8 / 1 1: 3. Yihooway ooppenne aadhiya, ammanettiyaanne atto giya dabbo. Regarding a poll taken in the United States of people who claim to be Christians, Time magazine reports: "A full 61% believed that God wants people to be prosperous. Jehovah is the one who is the greatest Person in the universe. Taani koyidoy hegaadan qoppiyoogaa aggana xallaassa. The Bible teaches that anointed Christians will be resurrected to rule over the earth from heaven. That was not the time I wanted to think about it. Yihooway tana hegeetuuninne hara daro ogetun qaretan naagiyoogaa akeekaas. 8, 9. I realized that Jehovah was patient with me in other ways and in other ways. PHeexiroosi yayyidi Yesuusa erennaagaa yootiis. But as Jesus ' listeners knew, God's prophets had long foretold that the Messiah, a Savior chosen by God, would rule a Kingdom that would change the world. Peter said that he did not fear Jesus. Nuuni haasayiyoobaa. 26: 31, 56. Our speech. Hegee eti Gibxxeppe kiyi simmin gamˈˈennan hanidaba. Satisfied My Thirst for Answers (M. That occurred after their return to Egypt. Al77aazari haiqqidoogaa Yesuusi odiis; shin Al77aazari xiskkidi zin77idoogaa odiis giidi, eti qoppidosona. Can you patiently and respectfully help brothers and sisters who face such challenges? - Phil. Then said Jesus to Lazarus that he was dead: but they thought that he was dead. Ha wodiyan, " shaaramuxa maccaasiyo ekkanaadan ' Xoossay ooyyoonne yootenna. The 10 deaf publishers in that city were delighted that 62 people attended the Memorial there in 2015 Today, God does not tell no one to marry "only in a woman. " Hayqqida uri daro takkennan denddiyoogaabaa qoppanawu waayi metana. (Yoh. Yet, Paul did not do the same for Trophimus, who had traveled with him on a missionary journey. It may not be easy for a person to think about the resurrection soon after the death of the dead. (b) Nuuni zaaruwaa beˈana heezzu oyshati awugeetee? We might well ask ourselves: " Do my supplications show that I trust in Jehovah and that pure worship is of prime concern to me? (b) What three questions will we consider? Deˈoy qoppennan issi kutti doommanaadan, kasetidi protinee deˈana bessees. The faithful slave is also discreet in that it neither acts immodestly, running ahead of Jehovah, nor lags behind when God's direction on a matter is clear. In order to start life again, we must first conclude that there must be events that have happened. 5: 17) Hegaappe denddidaagan, tumu Kiristtaaneti ammanettiya mino oosancha gidiyo gishshau, asay eta darotoo sabbees. (See opening picture.) As a result, true Christians often respect those who are sincere. Hegee haniyo wode beˈanaba. WHAT DO THE FACTS SHOW? When that happens, it will be. 1: 16) He anjjuwaappekka haray, PHauloosi Roome 10: 15n, "Ufaissiya mishiraachchuwaa yootiyaageetu tohoti aiba lo77iyoonaa! " yaagidoogaadan haratikka giyoogaa akeekoos. - Isi. If you read material that contains a great many difficult or out - of - date words that you do not know, you are not likely to enjoy reading it. Another blessing is that Paul mentioned at Romans 10: 15: "Look! The sons of Israel are better than those who listen to the good news! " - Isa. 10: 15 - 22. (Marqqoosa 6: 34; Yohaannisa 2: 14 - 17) Ba erissiyo ashkkarata kehatettan zoriis; ubba koshshiyo wodiyan zaaretti zaarettidi zoriis. In another prayer, Jesus addressed Jehovah as "Holy Father. " His disciples kindly urged him to be kind, even when necessary. Alamiyaa kawotettatu ubbaa bonchuwaa xeelliyoogee, Yesuusi alamiyan erettidaagaa gidanau koyanaadan denttettana danddayees. Similarly, you may at times feel overwhelmed by the problems you face. To reflect on the glory of all the kingdoms of the world, Jesus may have wanted to desire to have a desire for prominence in the world. Leemisuwawu, issi uri aakime keetti baanawu wonttetta gallassi oosuwawu yaana danddayennaagaa woy oosuwaappe kasetidi kiyana bessiyoogaa bana oottissiyaagawu woy banaara oottiyaageetuyyo yootana danddayees. But if a specific product poses a threat, the government may issue balanced warnings to protect its citizens. For example, the next day a doctor might tell his friends that he is not qualified to go to work or to work with him in the traveling work. Leemisuwan yoota. Mike says: "At times, even the best - laid plans did not work out, but we found that cooperation helped us to get to the meetings on time. " Illustrate. (a) Nuuni eratettan kuuyanawu ammanana bessiyaabay aybee? 4, 5. (a) Who was the first to receive God's gift of free will, and how did he use it? (a) What indicates that we have faith in the ability to make wise decisions? (a) "Xoossaa Israaˈeele " giya qaalay oona malaatii? First, God established that even though it pains him to destroy people, he does take note of cruel people who cause suffering and holds them accountable for their actions. (a) Who is represented by the term "the Israel of God "? Wozanappe gidida he siiqoy paacee gakkiyo wode nu suuretetta equwaa naaganaadan minttettees. He followed that question with a discussion of spiritual qualities that God looks for in his guests. Such love encourages us to maintain our integrity when we face tests of integrity. Hirggiya uri waatana danddayennee? Why is it important to have affection for our brothers? No human can do what? Nohee markkabiyaa keexxanaadan Yihooway azazidoy awudee? How had Mary seen the effect of holy spirit? When did Jehovah commissioned Noah to build an ark? Hegaa hassayiyoogee PHawuloosi bana gakkiyaanne sinttaappe gakkana danddayiya metuwaaninne paaciyan Yihooway bawu wolqqaa immanaagaa ammanettanaadan oottidi, a minttettennan aggenna. If we endure, we will have a reward. Bear in mind that in mind Paul's trials and trials, Jehovah can give him the strength to trust in him despite trials and trials that may confront him. Hidaare 1, 1999ppe doommidi, geeshsha goynuwawu goˈettiyo 28,000ppe dariya loˈˈiya ooratta sohoti kumetta saˈan deˈiya gubaaˈetussi giigidosona. How can we avoid misusing our God - given freedom? From 1999, from November 1, 1999, I received an invitation to serve on earth for more than 210,000 congregations worldwide. 5: 3. In what ways are conditions in our day similar to those of Noah's day? 5: 3. HHiroynne Svetlana This certainly has done much to make you "wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus " and to help you to be" completely equipped " for God's service. MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (A. Muusee ba huuphiyaa kawushshiya asa gidiyoogaa ayba ogetun bessidee? The video came right on time! In what ways did Moses show humility? (Isiyaasa 9: 6; Luqaasa 22: 28 - 30) SHin Yesuusi wogetanawu woy bonchettanawu koyibeenna. Hundreds of diseases, medications, and street drugs can affect a person's mood, underscoring the need for a proper medical diagnosis. However, Jesus did not want to have a romantic relationship or a romantic relationship. Daroti bantta doonan birshshettida Geeshsha Maxaafaanne hara xuufeta demmidi, qohettidaageeta maaddiyaageeti oottiyooban maadetti simmidi, woy asay dariyo sohuwaaninne bantta heeran dabaaban markkattiyoogee demissiyo ayfiyaa beˈidi hegaadan nashshoosona. Jesus used a powerful illustration that shows the need for us to overlook the flaws we see in others. Many appreciate this when they read the Bible in their mother tongue and share Bible - based literature, sharing in public witnessing, or in public witnessing or in other places. Ha naaˈˈu huuphe yohotun Yihudaa kawotuppe oydduppe, qassi eti oottido mooruwaappe ay tamaaranaakko beˈana; eti oottido issi issi nagaray keehi wolqqaama. " For the first two years, we barely got by, " Eduardo recalls. In these two articles, we will consider four kings of Judah and see what they can learn from their mistake. (Yoh. 6: 44) Xoossay nuussi deˈiya loˈˈo eeshshaanne nu wozanan deˈiyaabaa akeekiyo gishshawu, nuuni agganawu baaxetiyo iita eeshshaakka erees. How Would You Answer? We also know that God understands our good intentions and that we are inclined to control our heart. Qassi ha iita siraataa xayuwaappe attiya, Yihoowayyo ammanettida "zawai bainna daro [asay], " hayquwaappe denddiyaageeta mokkiyoogeenne tamaarissiyoogee etau ayba gita maatee! - Ajj. A senior relative of the family usually officiates during such a child - naming ceremony. And what a privilege it is to be among those who will survive the destruction of this wicked system of things and to teach them the wonderful "great crowd " who will survive this wicked system of things! - Rev. Timirtte keettay gorddettin, cahaa wode issi issitoo nu traktteriyaa laaggiyoogan maaddays. VIEWS about life and death are many and varied. While the school was on our way, I was able to help us avoid falling asleep at times. 14: 27; 16: 33. While he was doing his Father's will, Jesus was hated without cause, persecuted, falsely accused, and reviled. 14: 27; 16: 33. " Taani Aimottido Aimuwaa Siyite " (Yooseefa), 8 / 1 Our parents urged us children to hide as soon as we saw warplanes flying overhead. " Imitate Their Faith - She Belonged to Jehovah, " 11 / 15 Amerkkan deˈiya Kiristtaane geetettiya asaa bolli oottido xinaatiyaa xeelliyaagan, Taym maxeetee: "Xeetaappe 61 kushe gidiyaageeti asay duretanaadan Xoossay koyiyoogaa ammanoosona. His name is holy and fear - inspiring. " Regarding the study of the U.S.A., a magazine magazine magazine magazine magazine wrote: "Many believe that God is a rich man. Tiyettida Kiristtaaneti saluwan uttidi saˈaa haaranau hayquwaappe denddanaagaa Geeshsha Maxaafay tamaarissees. For example, King David, who enjoyed a close relationship with God, stated: "Many things you have done, O Jehovah my God, your wonderful works and your thoughts toward us.... The Bible teaches that anointed Christians will be resurrected to heaven on earth. 8, 9. Because an accurate understanding of what it means to be born again will affect your life and your expectations for the future. 8, 9. Milttenanne Niwutena wode woosa keettaa timirttiyaara moggottenna qofaa haasayiyoogee daafa kaalettiyaabaa. Every human emotion from agony to pure joy is revealed in these prayers and songs. Contact the church's view of education at the time of Gilead. (Isi. 9: 6, 7; Dane. 2: 44) He Kawotettay Seexaanaa worddoy qonccanaadan oottiyoogan, qassi anne a oosuwaa ubbaa xayssiyoogan Xoossaa sunttaa geeshshana. In some branches this is also possible using jw.org or another designated website. That Kingdom will bring an end to Satan's wicked system, and it will sanctify God's name and sanctify his name. 26: 31, 56. " No Part of the World " 26: 31, 56. Laappun Yeletay Laattidobaa (K. How interesting, then, that the Bible does provide glimpses of the invisible part of Jehovah's organization! The March 1, 2002 B.C.E. Hegaa mala metoy gakkiyo ishanttanne michontta danddayaaninne bonchuwan maadduutee? - Pili. According to one scholar, the Hebrew word rendered "merciful " bespeaks God's" tender compassion, like that of a father to his children. " Will you help brothers and sisters to cope with similar trials? - Phil. Hayttay siyenna 10 aassiyaageeti he kataman 2015n 62 asay Kiristtoosa Hayquwaa Hassayiyo Baalawu yiido gishshawu ufayttidosona A letter is viewed as coming from the person whose signature it bears Those publishers were thrilled to attend the Memorial in 2015 (Oos. 28: 8) SHin PHawuloosi misoonaawe oosuwawu banaara hara biitti biya Xirofiimoosawu hegaadan oottibeenna. GOD'S PERSONALITY: The Bible teaches that Jehovah has endearing qualities. Yet, Paul did not have this type of missionary service to other missionaries. Nuuni nu huuphiyaa: " Ta woosay taani Yihoowan ammanettiyoogaanne tumu goynuwaa ta deˈuwan xoqqu oottada xeelliyoogaa qonccissii? " Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin. " - Romans 5: 12. We do well to ask ourselves: " Do my prayers show that I trust in Jehovah and put my worship first in my life? Ammanettida wozannaama ashkkaray otoruwan Yihoowa qofaappe kasetidi oottiyoobi deˈennanne Xoossaa kaaletoy qoncce hanotan issibaassi imettiyo wode polanau gameˈˈenna. What else can we do to fulfill our role as evangelizers? The faithful and discreet slave does not have to wait patiently for Jehovah's guidance and guidance. (Doomettan deˈiya misiliyaa xeella.) The apostle Peter had a custom of associating only with Jews. (See opening picture.) (Roo. 12: 2) Yihooway ba dirijjitiyaa baggaara nu deˈuwan dumma dummaban, hegeekka mattuman nuuppe dummatiyaageetuura nuuni hanana bessiyaabaa, laggetettaanne nu allaxxiyoobaa xeelliyaagan koshshiya wodiyan zorees. Why should we not tire out in trying to awaken people from spiritual sleep? By means of his organization, Jehovah instructs us about recreation, entertainment, recreation, and entertainment. HANOTAY AY QONCCISSII? What can we learn from the account of Paul's journey? WHAT DO THE FACTS SHOW? giidoogaa hassayays. Life itself is a wonderful gift from Jehovah. In time, I remembered what had happened. Neeni nabbabiyoobay akeekanawu metiyaanne eranawu waayissiya ogiyan xaafettidaagaa gidikko, hegaa ufayttada nabbabennaagee qoncce. And what about the new disciples added? If you are familiar with what you read, you no doubt find it difficult to find out. Yesuusi hara woosan Yihoowa "Geeshsha Aawau " giis. (Yoh. They need clear values and standards, and the wisdom that I share from the Bible is invaluable to them. In another prayer, Jesus said that Jehovah is "the Father. " Hegaadan, nena gakkiya metuwaa gaasuwan issi issitoo keehi unˈˈettana danddayaasa. For instance, we read of a period when "the congregation throughout the whole of Judea and Galilee and Samaria entered into a period of peace, being built up. " Similarly, you may at times feel depressed about your problems. SHin kawotettay issibay qohees giidi hirggikko, ba dere asay hegaappe naagettanaadan akeekissana danddayees. Suddenly, Jesus appeared and started walking with them. However, if a government strikes, such as a disaster may well bring a warning to his neighbors. Miiki: "Issi issitoo loyttidi kessido hoolleekka polettenna; shin hashetiyoogee nuuni saatiyan shiiquwan beettanaadan maaddiyoogaa akeekida " yaagiis. Whatever the case, a mild response gives the individual an opportunity to reflect on your fine conduct. - 1 Pet. " Sometimes our goal was to improve our goals at meetings, but we found it helpful to see our goal at meetings regularly. " 4, 5. (a) Koyidobaa dooriyo imotaa Xoossaappe koyro ekkiday oonee, qassi hegaa waati goˈettidee? If you have a loving relationship with Jehovah, you will be a " doer of the word, not a hearer only. ' 4, 5. (a) Who accepted God's gift of free will, and how did he use it? Koyruwan, asaa xayssiyoogee Xoossaa azzanttiyaaba gidikkokka, tuggaa gattiya meqettaa iita asata i beˈiyoogaanne eti oottidobaa gaasuwan eta oychiyoogaa bessiis. His blessing is also experienced by those who respond and reach out for privileges in the congregation. First, he showed that God is cruel, even though he sees human suffering and did not cause them to suffer. yaagiis. (Maz. 15: 1) I hegaa gi simmidi, Xoossay ba imattatuppe koyiyo eeshshata qonccissiis. 14, 15. (a) How can we personally benefit from the lesson behind the illustration of the leaven? After he had thus spoken, God revealed his qualities to the chief priests. Nu ishantta siiqiyoogee keehi koshshiyoy aybissee? What helped Madaí to start so many studies? Why is it important that we love our brothers? Geeshsha ayyaanay oottiyoobaa Mayraama ba ayfiyan beˈidoy ayba ogiyaanee? But God does not want those who worship him to feel that way about him. How did the spirit operate upon Mary? Nuuni genccikko, woytuwaa demmana. Moses ' successor, Joshua, also witnessed Jehovah's fear - inspiring deeds in Egypt and in the wilderness. If we endure, we will receive the reward. Xoossay nuussi immido laˈatettaa maara goˈettennan aggennaadan waatana danddayiyoo? Consider the following facts: Jehovah God has ensured that his Word, the Bible, is the most widely distributed book of all time. How can we use our God - given freedom to fulfill our freedom? Ha wodiyan deˈiya, Nohe wodiyaagaa mala gidida hanotay aybee? This has truly strengthened my faith. What parallel exists between Noah's day and Noah? Hegee neeni "Yesuusa ammanada, atotettai beettiyo aadhdhida eratettaa " demmana mala, qassi Xoossaa oosuwawu" giigidaagaa gidana mala " keehi maaddidoogee qoncce. Jesus wanted his beloved disciples and friends to experience the joy that comes from a busy life in Jehovah's service. This undoubtedly helped you to "put faith in [Jesus], that you may gain wisdom and might gain salvation " in God's service. Ha biidoy nuussi keehi koshshiya wodiyan kiyiis! Nevertheless, anticipating what may occur can help family members to ease their fears and focus on making things as comfortable as possible. There is a need for us today! Xeetan qoodettiya harggee, akkamoynne, jallissiya xalee issi uraa qofaa moorana danddayees, hegee maara akkamettana koshshiyoogaa bessiyaaba. • The book of Romans highlights what aspect of the good news? There may be a need for medical treatment, medical treatment, and medical treatment, as well as medical treatment. yaagidi inttena oychite. Nuuni haratu balaa aggiigana koshshiyoogaa bessiya loˈˈo leemisuwaa Yesuusi yootiis. 23 Life Story - Former Nuns Become True Spiritual Sisters Jesus gave a fine example of what we need to remember about the faults of others. Edwardoy hagaadan giis: "Koyro naaˈˈu layttaa metootidi deˈida. * Jesus Christ said: "Those who are strong do not need a physician, but those who are ill do. " " We had two years of age, " Eduardo says. Woygada Zaaruutii 7 WATCHING THE WORLD How Would You Answer? Naˈaa sunttiyo he siraataa darotoo kaalettiyay he soo asaa dabbotuppe bayratiyaagaa. I have been able to double my time in field service, triple my number of Bible studies, and take a greater lead in the congregation. The child is often responsible for the appointment of the child. ASAY deˈuwaanne hayquwaa xeelliyaagan keehi darobaanne dumma dummabaa gees. • Loving pleasures more than God PEOPLE say many things about life and death. I ba Aawaa sheniyaa oottiyo wode, asay a gaasoy baynnan ixxiis, yedettiis, wordduwan mootiisinne kariis. Protection From Spiritual Harm When he tried to do his Father's will, he accused him of being falsely accused and despised. Nuuni olaa horophilee saluwan paallishin beˈikko, sohuwaara qosettanaadan nu aawaynne aayyiyaa zoridosona. Drawing on Zechariah 11: 12, 13, Matthew showed that Jesus was betrayed for such a paltry sum. When we saw an attack on the war in heaven, our parents urged us to hide quickly. giissiyaagaa. " Some time later, a "Christian " sign was emblazoned on the standards, shields, and armor of his army. He did just so. " Leemisuwawu, Xoossawu mata dabbo gidida Kawuwaa Daawiti, "Abeet GODAU, ta Xoossau, neeni daro maalaalissiyaabaa oottadasa;... 5, 6. (a) Give examples showing that spirit creatures are "mighty in power. " (b) In what sense does Satan have" the means to cause death "? For example, King David, who was a close friend of God, said: "O Jehovah, you have made many miracles.... Naaˈˈantto yelettiyoogaa giyoogee woygiyoogaakko loyttidi eriyoogee, ne deˈuwaaranne neeni sinttappe naagiyoobaara gayttidaba gidiyo gishshataassa. (See the box "If Ever That Evil Slave... ") It involves knowing the meaning of the new birth, the meaning of your life, the future, and the future. Ha woosatinne mazamureti azzanuwaanne ufayssaa gujjin, asau siyettiyaabaa ubbaa qonccissoosona. They "went off to the things behind. " These songs and psalms bring praise to all people, including joy, joy, and happiness. Issi issi macara biirotun jw.org weyb sayttiyaa woy doorettida hara weyb sayttiyaa goˈettidikka hegaadan oottana danddayettees. I went. In some branches this is also possible using jw.org or another designated website. " Etikka sa7aassa gidenna gishshau, sa7ai eta ixxiis. " - YOH. The couple's rebellion called into question the rightness of God's sovereignty, or way of ruling. " They are no part of the world, for they are no part of the world. " - JOHN (2 Xim. 3: 16, 17) Gidoppe attin, Yihooway ba dirijjitiyau saluwaa baggaabaa nuussi yootidoogee ufayssiyaaba! Of its own self the ground bears fruit gradually, first the grass - blade, then the stalk head, finally the full grain in the head. " How happy we are, though, that Jehovah is part of the earthly part of his organization! (Paydo 6) Issi eranchay giidoogaadan, " maarotaa ' geetettida Ibraysxxe qaalay "issi aaway ba naˈayyo bessiyoogaa mala qaretaa " malaatees. In his illustration of the king settling accounts, how did Jesus make it clear that Jehovah expects us to be forgiving? According to one scholar, the Hebrew word for "the forgiveness of your father " refers to the inner compassion that a child should display. Asay issi dabddaabbee a bolli paramida uraappe yiidobadan qoppees Sometimes, under extreme pressure, he had the wrong perspective. Some people believe that the letters written on him were written by a group of witnesses. XOOSSAA EESHSHAA: Nuuni Yihoowa siiqanaadan oottiya eeshshati awu deˈiyoogaa Geeshsha Maxaafay yootees. She had suffered a flow of blood for 12 years and was no doubt seriously anemic. GOD'S WORD assures us: "Jehovah's qualities are based on love for him. " Nagarai ha sa7aa issi asa baggaara geliis; he nagarai banaara haiquwaa ehiis. " - Roome 5: 12. why Jehovah molds his people? " Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin. " - Romans 5: 12. 2: 6 - 8) Mishiraachuwaa loyttidi yootanau harabaa ay oottana danddayiyoo? What helped Asaph to continue to have Jehovah as his share? What else can we do to preach the good news? Kiitettida PHeexiroosawu kase meeze gididabay Ayhudatu xallaara gayttiyoogaa. Many of them are moved to change their lifestyle, to exercise faith, and to become baptized Christians. The apostle Peter was associated with the Jewish religious leaders. Asay ayyaanaabaa xiskkuwaappe beegottanaadan maaddanau nuuni salettana koshshennay aybissee? (b) What are some of the directives found in God's Word, and why should we obey them? Why should we not be ready to awaken people from spiritual sleep? PHauloosi manddaridoogaa yootiya taarikiyaappe ay tamaarana danddayiyoo? " Three long years passed, but thanks to Jehovah, I was able to endure, " says Sara. What can we learn from the account about Paul? 1: 17) Deˈoy ba huuphe Yihooway immido maalaalissiya imota. Keep Drawing Close to Jehovah Life is a marvelous gift from Jehovah. Gujettida ooratta erissiyo ashkkaratubaa shin woygana danddayettii? How might a Christian begin to " set his mind on the flesh '? For what about the new disciples? Kandduwaara gayttidaagan etau suure maaraa koshshees; taani Geeshsha Maxaafaappe yootiyo aadhida eratettay eta keehippe maaddees. We owe him obedience as the Source and Sustainer of life. Their moral standards need to be pure, and the Bible's wisdom can help me greatly. Leemisuwau, "Yihudan, Galiilaaninne Samaariyan ubban de7iya woosa keettati [gubaaˈeti] sarotettan " deˈidonne minnido wodee odettiis. When anxieties overwhelmed me, you comforted and soothed me. " For example, it was reported that "the congregations in Galilee began to be overjoyed... in the synagogues and Samaria. " Eti akeekennan Yesuusi etawu qonccidi etaara issippe biyoogaa doommiis. He wrote: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! They began to associate with them. Ay gidikkonne, liiqo qaalan haasayiyoogee he uri ne loˈˈo eeshshaabaa qoppanaadan maaddees. - 1 PHe. Another may be that of serving with a nearby congregation in need of experienced preachers to help cover its large territory. Whatever the case, speaking with a smile will help you to focus on the positive traits of that person. - 1 Pet. Neeni Yihoowayyo mata dabbo gidikko, Xoossaa Qaalaa " siyiyaagaa xalla gidennan aani aqiyaagaa ' gidaasa. Malachi tells us what happens once this cleansing is completed: "You people will again certainly see the distinction between a righteous one and a wicked one, between one serving God and one who has not served him. " If you are a close friend of Jehovah, you will "keep on seeking [God's Word]. " giidi oychiyoogee bessiyaabaa. (Read Colossians 3: 13.) The question is worth asking. Hegaa mala loohissuwan loohidi gubaaˈiyan aawatetta maatan oottiyaageetikka a anjjuwaa demmoosona. After all, sin and rebellion were not part of Jehovah's purpose for mankind. Those who receive such training will also receive his blessing in the congregation. 14, 15. (a) Yesuusi irshshuwaa leemisuwan tamaarissidobaappe nuuni waani goˈettana danddayiyoo? An allergic reaction to a certain food is typically a response to a protein in that food. 14, 15. (a) How can we benefit from what Jesus taught in the illustration of the leaven? Madaya daro asaa xinaatiyaa doomissanaadan maaddidabay aybee? Not at all. What has helped many people start to start a study? (Eranchchaa 12: 13) SHin Xoossay baassi goynniyaageeti babaa hegaadan qoppana mala koyenna. So the travelers turned west and walked 350 miles (563 km), bypassing city after city until they reached the port of Troas, the natural gateway to Macedonia. But God does not want his worshippers to feel that way. Muuseppe simmin Israaˈeelata kaalettida Yaasukka, Yihooway Gibxxeeninne bazzuwan oottido gitanne maalaalissiyaabaa ba ayfiyan beˈiis. • Do I use alcohol to cope with stress or to escape problems? Moses, Joshua, Joshua, and Jehovah saw great miracles in the wilderness and in the wilderness. Kaallidi deˈiya qofaa akeekite: Xoossaa Yihooway ba Qaalay, Geeshsha Maxaafay ayba maxaafappenne aaruwan ubbasaa gakkanaadan oottiis. Still, the exhortation that was given to Timothy was as valid for them as it is for all of God's servants: "Do the work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your ministry. " Consider the following: Jehovah God has guided his Word, the Bible, and the most widely translated book of the Bible. Hegee ta ammanoy keehi minnanaadan oottiis. We do not want to miss out on these first years of her life. " This strengthened my faith. Yesuusi baayyo lagge gidida i siiqiyo erissiyo ashkkarati Yihoowawu mishettidi haggaaziyoogan demmiyo ufayssaa beˈanaadan koyiis. Even spending too much time viewing entertainment that may be considered acceptable can encroach on family worship, daily Bible reading, and our preparation for meetings. - Phil. 1: 9, 10. Jesus wanted his disciples to see him enjoying the joy that comes from serving Jehovah. SHin, aybi hananaakko qoppiyoogee so asay yayyennaadaaninne danddayettida keenan minttettiyaabaa oottanaadan maaddees. Just a few years later, my mother began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, so the Bible's teachings formed part of my earliest memories. However, thinking about what will happen to family members and as much as possible can help them to persevere in the ministry as possible. • Roome maxaafay qonccissiyo mishiraachoy aybee? Vengeful anger welled up in me, but again I silently begged Jehovah to help me control myself. • What good news did the book of Romans highlight? 23 DEˈUWAN HANIDABAA Kase Malakuseti Ayyaanaaban Tumu Michontta Gididosona PAGE 5 • SONGS: 5, 84 23 Draw Close to God - A True Worship * Yesuus Kiristtoosi, "Hargganchchatuppe attin, payyatuyyo aakime koshshenna " yaagiis. It means that humankind was given characteristics and qualities that mirrored God's own, such as love and a sense of justice. * Jesus Christ said: "Those who are ill do not need a physician, but those who are ill do need. " 7 ALAMIYAA XOMOOSIYOOGAA When Jehovah through his Son created man and woman, his intent was that they fill the whole earth. 7 Life Story - A Wisdom From Creation Taani haggaazuwan aattiyo saatee dakko dariis; Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈissiyo asaa qooday heezzu kushe gidiis; qassi gubaaˈiyan kaseegaappe aaruwan oottays. Another brother told them: "To avoid discouragement, measure your progress in learning Chinese, not from day to day, but from assembly to assembly. " I spent three hours in the ministry, and I had nine Bible studies, and I was able to improve the quality of the congregation in the congregation. • Xoossaappe aattidi ufayttiyoobaa dosiyoogaa Therefore, the number of partakers does not accurately indicate the number of anointed ones left on earth. • lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God Ayyaanaaban Qohettennaadan Naagettiyoogaa What caused Paul to rejoice over the Christians in Corinth? Coping With Spiritual Things Zakkaariyaasa 11: 12, 13n odettidaagaadan Yesuusa kaddidaagee hegaa keena hirayso waagan a bayzzidoogaa Maatiyoosi yootiis. In caring for over 7,000,000 Kingdom proclaimers worldwide in over 100,000 congregations, these anointed overseers have "plenty to do in the work of the Lord. " Matthew 11: 12, 13 tells us that Jesus, mentioned in Zechariah 13: 12, 16. Amarida wodiyaappe guyyiyan, banttana Kiristtaane giyaageeti goˈettiyo he malaatay olanchatu armatun, gonddaletuuninne ola miishshatun xaafettiis. It is also necessary for us to "keep on knocking " to gain access to the Kingdom and enjoy its blessings, benefits, and rewards. Some years later, the writings of Christendom have been used to refer to the use of the cross, its cross, and its weapons. 5, 6. (a) Ayyaana meretati " wolqqaama ' gidiyoogaa bessiyaabaa yoota. (b) Seexaanay asay " hayqqanaadan gaaso gidiyoy ' ayba ogiyaanee? Neither did he deserve to be nailed to a stake as a common criminal and be left there to die a shameful death. 5, 6. (a) Give an example of how Satan has "the power to die. " (b) How does Satan " cause death? ("Ashkkarai Iita Gidikko " giya saaxiniyaa xeella.) Whatever he requires of us is for our benefit and ultimately results in our greatest joy. That is so even if his requirements involve our making some sacrifices. - Read Isaiah 48: 17. (See the box "The Truth About the wicked one. ") yaagidosona. Eti "a aggi bayidi, guyye simmidosona. " But Andrew and Cornelius did not put their relatives under pressure or slyly try to maneuver them into becoming Christ's followers. They said, "We went back and returned. " Yaatin, taani baas. The purpose of that question is not to arouse skepticism but to strengthen your faith. Then I went. Eta nagaray asaa naati paacee gakkishin Xoossaayyo ammanettanee giya oyshaykka denddanaadan oottiis. - Doo. Surely, because God put love in our hearts in the first place, he is willing - even eager - to observe and understand our loving thoughts and motives. - 1 John 4: 7 - 10. Their sinful nature also enabled them to be loyal to God despite trials. - Gen. Biittai kattaa barkka mokkeesinne aifees; koiro carshshai caarees; guyyeppe aifanau kukkumees; qassi wurssettan kumetta aifiyaa aifees. " (Mar. CULTURAL: Many families do research to prepare themselves for their new surroundings. The earth itself itself bears the fruit of the harvest; then the ear, the ear, the ear, the full fruit of the fruit, eventually yielded in the ear. " Kawuwaanne A ashkkaratubaa yootiya taarikiyan Yihooway nuuni ay oottanaadan koyiyaakko Yesuusi waati qonccissidee? Marilyn explained to Jimmy that she was sacrificing for his benefit. How did Jesus reveal what Jehovah wants us to do in the history of his King and his servants? Issi issitoo wolqqaama sugettay gakkiyo wode, i hanotaa suure ogiyan xeellibeenna. Hence, said Barnes, "Saul raged against the church like a wild beast. " At times, he does not feel that he does what was right in times past. I bollaappe 12 layttau suuttay goggido gishshau, a keehi qohettida asa gidiyoogee qoncce. Loving - kindness, or loyal love, is a precious quality by which Jehovah forges between himself and his people a bond that is steadfast, unfailing. He evidently suffered a flow of blood for 12 years, since he had been diagnosed with a flow of blood. Yihooway ba asay laamettanaadan maaddiyoy aybissee? That is why we have repeatedly been encouraged to read a portion of the Bible daily. Why does Jehovah help his people to transform their lives? Asaafi ubbatoo Yihoowa bana gakkiya shaaho oottanaadan maaddiday aybee? What is involved in our request for our daily bread? What helped Asaph to remain loyal to Jehovah? Hegee daroti bantta deˈuwan issi issibaa laammanaadan, ammananaadaaninne xammaqettidi Kiristtaane gidanaadan denttettiis. Some people say that different religions are like different roads leading up a mountain. That motivated many to make changes in their lives, to get baptized, and to be baptized. Dummatettaa Medhii? He hides the truth from "wise and intellectual ones " - worldly - wise and learned ones who in their pride and self - reliance feel no need for his help. Did You Know? (b) Xoossaa Qaalan deˈiya kaaletotuppe amaridaageeti awugeetee, qassi hegeeta nuuni kaallana koshshiyoy aybissee? [ Picture on page 28] (b) What are some of the principles found in God's Word, and why should we follow them? Saara, "Heezzu layttay aadhikkokka, taani genccanaadan Yihooway maaddido gishshawu a galatays " yaagaasu. Who was Nimrod, and what endeavor failed in his day? " I thank Jehovah, " Sarah says, "but I am grateful that Jehovah helped me to endure. " Aggennan Yihoowakko SHiiqa Jehovah has given Jesus an important share in resurrecting the dead. Draw Close to Jehovah Issi Kiristtaanee " asatettaabaa qoppiyoogaa ' waani doommana danddayii? Besides expressing similar gratitude, we should "give thanks to Jehovah " for" his wonderful works to the sons of men, " for his "righteous judicial decisions, " and for his word, or message, now available in the Bible. - Ps. 107: 15; 119: 62, 105. How can a Christian begin "setting the mind on the flesh "? I deˈuwaa Pultto, qassi deˈuwan deˈanau koshshiyaabaa kunttiyaagaa gidiyo gishshau, nuuni au azazettana koshshees. (Maz. However, those ancient observances do have their counterparts in Christian life. Since he is the Source of life, we need to obey him and obey him. Tana hirggai woriyo wode, neeni tana woppu oottada ufaissaasa. " In that situation, Noah recognized that there were some things he could not do but other things he could do. When anxieties overwhelmed me, you soothed me and soothed me. " I: "Xoossaa duretettai ai keena daroo? A little over 2,000 years ago, God sent the Word to the earth, where he faithfully did his Father's will as the perfect man Jesus Christ. - John 1: 1 - 3, 14. He wrote: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom! Haray qassi matan deˈiya gubaaˈee ba aaho moottaa gattanawu sabbakiyoogaa meezetida uri maaddanaadan koyikko, eta maaddiyoogaa. We will always be able to count on it. Another congregation is helping a local congregation to reach out for them if they want to help with the local brothers. Geeshshiyoogee wuriyo wode aybi hananaakko Milkkiyaasi: "Intte zaarettidikka xilluwaappenne nagaranchchaappe gidduwan de7 iya zawaanne Xoossaassi azazettiyaageetuppenne azazettennaageetuppe gidduwan de7 iya zawaa be7ana " yaagiis. He adds: "Remembering this motivates me to look beyond the obvious. " At the end of Malachi's baptism, Malachi foretold: "You will also see both the righteous and the wicked one standing before God and the only true God. " (Qolasiyaasa 3: 13 nabbaba.) The Bible records only a handful of conversations between Abraham and Sarah. (Read Colossians 3: 13.) Nagaraynne makkalay Yihooway asaa naatuyyo halchidoba gidenna. Paul described those bounds at 1 Corinthians 7: 2 - 5. Sin and rebellion were not part of Jehovah's purpose for mankind. Bollay bana qohiyaabaappe teqqanawu oottiyoobay protiniyaa balan morkkedan xeellana danddayees. 5, 6. The body of the Governing Body may feel that his actions are wrong. Qoppennan merettidaba gidenna. By comparison, that was during the time of the mighty Shang dynasty of China and about ten centuries before Buddhism started in India. - See the box "Facts About the Bible. " Until creation is not created. Hegaa gishshau, he asati arggo baggi simmidi, Maqidooniyaa pinniyoosan deˈiya abbaa doona katamaa Xiroˈaada gakkanaashin daro katamata kanttidi, 563 kilo meetiriyaa tohuwan biidosona. This publication is not for sale. Thus, after moving to Macedonia, these men traveled over 56 miles (100 km) through Macedonia and returned to Troas. • Hirggaappenne metuwaappe woppaa demmanau ushshaa uyiyaanaa? How happy I was to have Mom, Dad, and several relatives attend our wedding! • Do I drink alcoholic beverages? Xoossaa ashkkaradan, ne oottiyo ooso ubbaa pola " yaagidi Ximootiyoosa zoridobay Xoossaa ashkkarata ubbaa maaddiyoogaadan etakka maaddiis. (2 Xim. His followers imitate his example when they offer themselves for baptism. God's counsel to Timothy has helped all of God's servants to "keep working with the work of the Lord. " Koyro layttatun hegee nuuppe halanaadan koyibookko. " What should we do in situations that do not involve a direct Bible command? At first, we did not want to lose it. " (2 Qoronttoosa 11: 3) Wodiyaa aattiyo loˈˈo gididabaakka xeelliyoogan daro wodiyaa aattiyoogee, so asaa goynuwau, galla galla Geeshsha Maxaafaa nibaabiyaunne shiiquwau giigettiyo wodiyaa xayssana danddayees. - Piliphphisiyuusa 1: 9, 10. What lessons can we learn from Joseph's experience that will help us if we face injustice at the hands of a fellow believer? We can also use time to prepare well for family worship, preparing for wholesome entertainment, meeting attendance, and assembly days each day. - Philippians 1: 9, 10. Amarida layttappe simmin, ta aayyiyaa Yihoowa Markkatuura Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈiyoogaa doommaasu; hegaa gishshawu, naatettaappe doommada taani Geeshsha Maxaafaabaa erays. * Some years later, my mother began to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, so I knew how I had been taught from the Bible. Keehi yiillotada haluwaa kiyana koyaas; shin ta huuphiyaa naaganaadan Yihooway maaddana mala zaarettadakka ta wozanan woossaas. Do not overlook how Jehovah has blessed your efforts up till now. I wanted to escape the anger, but I also prayed to Jehovah for help in my heart. SINTTAA 5 • MAZAMURE: 5, 25 In fact, when his brothers came to Egypt and were reconciled with Joseph, Pharaoh welcomed them and invited them to make their home in Egypt and to enjoy "the best of all the land. " - Gen. PAGE 5 • SONGS: 5, 25 Hegee siiquwaanne suure pirddaa mala Xoossawu deˈiyaagaa mala eeshshati asawukka imettidoogaa bessees. " The objective of this instruction is love out of a clean heart and out of a good conscience. " - 1 TIM. It also shows that God's qualities and justice are reflected in such qualities as love and justice. Yihooway ba Naˈaa baggaara koyro bitaniyaanne maccaasiyo medhiyo wode, eti saˈaa kumanaadan qoppiis. (Doo. However, is there any difference between being baptized with holy spirit and being baptized in the name of the holy spirit? When Jehovah created the first man and woman, he intended to fill the earth with them. Daro ola miishshaakka gonddalliyaakka medhdhiis. " In fact, Pilate said that Jesus had done "nothing deserving of death. " And the weapons were also made up of much money. " Hara ishay qassi eta, "Hidootaa qanxxenna mala, CHayna qaalaa ay keenaa eridaakko galla galla yiggiyoogaappe layttan layttan yiggite " yaagiis. Not likely. Another brother said: "If you don't fully understand the language of Chinese people, watch each year for the next year, take advantage of the age of every year. " Hegaa gishshawu, oyttaa miyaanne woyniyaa uyiya asatu qooday ha saˈan attida, ayyaanan tiyettida asatu qoodaa bali baynnan bessiyaaba gidenna. However, she refused to be cowed either by relatives or by fellow villagers. Thus, the number of anointed ones who partake of the emblems on earth would not have been perfect. PHauloosi Qoronttoosan deˈiya Kiristtaanetuban kaseegaappe aatti ufayttanaadan oottidabay aybee? And such baptism means that one acknowledges the role the holy spirit plays in God's purpose. What contributed to the happiness of Paul's fellow Christians in Corinth? (Ibraawe 13: 7) Alame yuushuwan 100,000 ppe bolla gidida gubbaaˈiyan deˈiya 7,000,000 ppe dariya Kawotettaabaa aassiyaageetu hanotaa kaalliyoogan, ayyaanan tiyettida ha cimatuyyo " Godaa oosuwan ' oottiyo darobay deˈees. What boldness Enoch displayed! - Gen. 5: 21 - 24. In addition to following the direction of more than 100,000 publishers worldwide, there are many anointed brothers who serve in "the Lord's work. " Qassi nuuni Kawotettaa laattanaunne a anjjuwaa, a goˈˈaanne a woytuwaa demmanau aggennan " kariyaa qoxxana ' koshshees. Regarding it, some might ask: Why commemorate Jesus ' death? We also need to " keep on seeking first the Kingdom and his reward. ' Danobaa oottida uradan, i mittaa bolli misimaariyan xishettidi kawushsha hayqo hayqqanakka bessenna. He was killed in 1943 while fighting in Russia. He was not worthy to die, as a criminal, but to die at death. I nuuni oottanaadan koyiyoobay ubbay nuna goˈˈiyaabanne keehi ufayssiyaaba; ubba i giyoobaa oottanawu giidi issi issibaa aggi bayikkokka keehi ufayttoos. - Isiyaasa 48: 17 nabbaba. 22: 1 - 3, 9 - 12, 15 - 18. We are happy to do all that he wants us to do and to avoid doing whatever he wants us to do. - Read Isaiah 48: 17. SHin Inddiraasinne Qornneliyoosi bantta dabbota giddibookkona woy eti Kiristtoosa kaalliyaageeta gidanaadan cimmanau malibookkona. Moreover, the fruit of righteousness has its seed sown under peaceful conditions for those who are making peace. " But Andrew and Cornelius did not pressure their relatives or relatives to become followers of Christ. Hegaa mala oyshaa halchoy, siriyaa medhanaassa gidennan intte ammanuwaa minttanaassa. How did Joshua attest to God's trustworthiness? Such questions will help you to strengthen your faith, not by what you are reading. Nu wozanan koyroppekka siiquwaa wottiday Xoossaa gidiyo gishshawu, nuuni siiquwan qoppiyoobaa beˈanawunne akeekanawu I koyiyoogee, ubba qassi yeemottiyoogee qoncce. - 1 Yohaannisa 4: 7 - 10. This multitude of individuals echo the truthfulness of the words of the circuit overseer who long ago said to me: "Get right into the full - time ministry. Since our heart is first in our heart, we surely want to see God's loving care and to see what is truly in our heart. - 1 John 4: 7 - 10. WOGAA: Daro keettaa asay ba biyo ooratta heeraabaa eranawu pilggees. Jesus also showed insight by identifying missteps that lead to sin. DURING many studies: Many families have read a new book. Marilina Jiima maaddanau koyada hegaadan oottidoogaa au yootaasu. He did not take offense when some claimed that he had lost his mind. Marilyn explained that she had done so. Saaˈooli Ayhuda ammanuwau mishettiya asa gidiyoogaadan, Kiristtaane haymaanootiyaa xayssiyoogaa Xoossay bau immido ooso giidi qoppiis. Paul could look forward to "the day when God through Christ Jesus judges the secret things of mankind, according to the good news. " As a Jewish man, Saul thought that it was God's will for him to fulfill his role as a Christian. (Paydo 6) Aggenna siiqoy, Yihooway ba asaara duuxxenna issippetettaa medhanaadan oottiya alˈˈo eeshsha. What do we learn about Jehovah's thinking from the way he dealt with Moses and with Abraham? Loving - kindness is a precious quality that can lead to unity among Jehovah's people. Geeshsha Maxaafaa ubba galla nabbabanaadan nuuyyo zoree imettiyoy hegaassa. (Maz. However, some of Ephraim's descendants may have fled to the territory of Judah. That is why we daily read the Bible daily. Hachi hachi koshshiya qumaa immanaadan woossiyoogee aybiira aybiira gayttidabee? They would be "a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth. " - Revelation 5: 9, 10. What does preparing for daily bread accomplish? Issi issi asay, dumma dumma haymaanootee issi deriyau liiphiyaa kessiya dumma dumma ogiyaa mala gees. Over the past 30 years, I have had the joy of helping 22 of my coworkers to begin worshipping Jehovah. Some people say that the same religion is different from various religions. (Yaaqooba 4: 6) I " aadhida eranchatuppenne akeekanchatuppe ' tumaa genttees; eti alamiyaa erancha gidiyo gishshau, otorettoosonanne banttanan ammanettoosona, qassi Yihoowa maaduwaa koyokkona. Jesus was aware that someone had touched him, and he looked around to see who it was. He is "the wisdom and understanding " and" the wisdom of the world " because they are not wise, they do not want Jehovah's help; they do not want to help them. [ Sinttaa 30n deʼiya misiliyaa qonccissuwaa] That would include averting our gaze from sexually charged images, be they on a computer screen, a billboard, a magazine cover, or anywhere else. [ Picture on page 30] Naamiruudi oonee, qassi a wode polettennan attidabay aybee? In 1473 B.C.E., Joshua sent two men to spy out Jericho, and there they met the prostitute Rahab. Who had grown up, and what was the result of his reaction? 6: 40, 44) Gannatiyan, Yesuusi "denddonne de7o " gididi oottiyoobaa polana. - Yoh. In recent years, we have seen an increase in the number of those partaking at the Memorial of Christ's death. In Paradise, Jesus will fulfill his role as "the whole earth. " (Maatiyoosa 15: 36; Marqqoosa 14: 22, 23) Hegaadan galatiyoogaappekka haray, "i asaassi oottido maalaalissiyaabaayyo, " a" xillo pirddaa gishshau, " qassi Geeshsha Maxaafan deˈiya a qaalaa gishshau, nuuni " Yihoowa galatana ' koshshees. - Mazamure 107: 15; 119: 62, 105. He even points out that "the parts of the body which we think to be less honorable, these we surround with more abundant honor. " And even more important, we should thank Jehovah for "the righteous one " and" the righteous one. " - Psalm 119: 36; 35: 15. Gidikkokka, beni bonchiyo he baalatuppe nuuni tamaariyoobi deˈees. But I am still learning to overcome prejudice toward others, and it is not always easy. However, we have an important lesson for us. He hanotan, Nohee oottana danddayenna issi issibay deˈikkokka, oottana danddayiyo harabay deˈiyoogaa akeekiis. Note that when Jesus compared our time with Noah's, he focused, not on violence or immorality, but on the dangers of spiritual apathy. - Read Matthew 24: 36 - 39. In that case, Noah realized that some things could not be possible, but there were other ways to do so. Xoossay 2,000ppe guuttaa dariya layttaappe kase, Qaalaa saˈawu kiittiis; polo asa gidida Yesuus Kiristtoosi saˈan ba Aawaa sheniyaa ammanettidi poliis. - Yoh. 1: 1 - 3, 14. Some brothers and sisters have served in West Africa for many years and have made it their home. More than 2,000 years ago, God sent his Father to earth to do his will. - 1 John 1: 3, 14. He siiqoy merinaagaa. Some new disciples were formerly homosexuals, adulterers, drunkards, or thieves. That love endures forever. 24: 13) SHin yelaga naati bantta deˈo laytta ubban Yihoowawu haggaazanawu murttanawu waatana danddayiyaakko ane beˈoos. Why did Jehovah reach out to Cain, and what did He tell him? Let us, however, consider how young ones can be determined to serve Jehovah full - time. I gujjidi, "Hegaa hassayiyoogee ciimma qofaa akeekanaadan tana denttettees " yaagiis. But he failed to cultivate a close bond with Jehovah or a fervent desire to please him. He adds: "I'm moved to understand the meaning of those words. " Abrahaami Saariira haasayidobaappe Geeshsha Maxaafay yootiyoy keehi guutta. For example, suppose a child speaks disrespectfully to one of his parents. The Bible tells us that Abraham spoke favorably of Sarah's speech with Sarah. PHauloosi 1 Qoronttoosa 7: 2 - 5n he zawaabaa qonccissiis. Yes, although he never married, Jesus Christ's example can help you to become a good husband. Paul pointed out the principle found at 1 Corinthians 7: 2 - 5. 5, 6. In the case of anointed ones, the full payment, or reward, is described at 2 Corinthians 5: 1 - 5 as involving the putting on of an incorruptible heavenly body. 5, 6. CHayna biittaa aysotuppe taarikiyan erettida beniigee ayssiyo wode, qassi Hindde biittan Budistte ammanoy doommanaappe 1000 gidiya layttappe kase hegee doommiis. - "Geeshsha Maxaafaabaa " giya saaxiniyaa xeella. I remember demonstrations where protesters called the U.S. soldiers baby killers because of reports that innocent children were being slaughtered in the war. This took place in the history of a Chinese - year - old religion and began to study the Bible almost ten years ago. " - See the box "The Bible Changes Lives - See the box "The Bible Changes Lives Ha xuufee bayzettiyaaba gidenna. In faith he obeyed Jehovah, "not fearing the anger of the king, for he continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible. " - Read Hebrews 11: 27, 28. This publication is not for sale. Ta aayyiyaa, ta aawaynne ta dabboti daroti nu bullachaa yiido gishshawu keehi ufayttaas! The maker of a machine knows exactly how it works. How happy my parents were when I came to our wedding! A kaalliyaageeti xammaqettanau giigiyo wode, a leemisuwaa kaalloosona. 4: 2 When his followers are ready to get baptized, they imitate him. Geeshsha Maxaafan qoncciyan higgee imettibeenna allaalliyaa waati kuuyana koshshii? Do you see the point? How should the Bible's laws be avoided? Nu mala Kiristtaaneti nuna naaqqikko, Yooseefa gakkidabaappe nuna maaddana danddayiyaabaa ay tamaariyoo? Even the Messiah's disciples would scatter. What lesson can we learn from Joseph's experience if we have been hurt by fellow believers? * Pope John Paul II even beatified my mother's cousin, a priest who taught in a Catholic school. * Neeni hanno gakkanau a kaaletuwaa kaallanau oottidobaa Yihooway anjjidoogaa hassaya. There will always be good brothers who can help you - if you let them help you. Keep in mind that Jehovah blessed you with his blessing. Yooseefa ishantti Gibxxe biidi aara sigettido wode, Paarooni eta mokki ekkidi, eti " Gibxxe biittan ubbasaappe loˈˈiyaasan ' deˈanaadan shoobbiis. - Doo. Your eyes even saw me as an embryo; all its parts were written in your book. " When Joseph's brothers went along with Egypt, they invited Pharaoh and invited them "to the most distant part of the land of Egypt. " - Gen. " Ha azazuwau waanna qofai geeshsha wozanaappe, lo77o zoriya wozanaappe,... beettiya siiquwaa denttettanaassa. " - 1 XIM. I would like to meet you here again and get your opinion on the subheading "Four Steps to Solving Problems " that appears in this same article on our Web site. " The objective of this command is love, out of a pure heart and out of a good conscience and out of love. " - 1 TIM. SHin geeshsha ayyaanan xammaqettiyoogaa giddooninne geeshsha ayyaanaa sunttan xammaqettiyoogaa giddon dummatetti deˈii? 16 The Life and Times of First - Century Christians - Where They Lived But is there any difference between being baptized with holy spirit and being baptized in the name of the holy spirit? PHilaaxoosi Yesuusi "bana worissanau bessiyaabaa ainne " oottibeennaagaa yootiis. Yet, he enables us not only to comprehend him but also to develop a close friendship with him. Pilate said that Jesus was "not worthy of death. " Qolakka. " We have gained no consensus as to whether we can even speak of " the ' name of God, and if so, what that name might be. " - Professor David Cunningham, Theological Studies. We also learn from the apostle Paul. Gidikkokka, i dabboti woy i shooroti oottidobay a yayyanaadan oottibeenna. Some have visited nightclubs and strip shows or have gone to massage parlors for sensual massages. Yet, his relatives and relatives did not fear him. Hegaa mala xinqqatee geeshsha ayyaanay Xoossa halchuwaara gayttidaban poliyoobaa issi uri akeekiyoogaa malaatees. What will help us with this challenging task? Such baptism shows that one is aware of the role of God's holy spirit in connection with God's purpose. Heenooki keehippe xaliis! - Doomettaabaa 5: 21 - 24. 2: 4. What a relief it must have been for Enoch to endure! - Genesis 5: 21 - 24. 11: 20) Hegaa xeelliyaagan issi issi asay hagaadan oychana danddayees: Yesuusa hayquwaa hassayana koshshiyoy aybissee? Well, the bride is not saying, "Come! " to herself. In this regard, some may ask: Why should Jesus remember death? I Raashiyaa biittan olettiiddi 1943n hayqqiis. (b) Where can we find counsel on how to react to opposition? He died in Russia in 1943. 22: 1 - 3, 9 - 12, 15 - 18. Later, we moved from Estonia to the settlement of Nezlobnaya in the south of Russia. 22: 1 - 3, 9 - 12, 15 - 18. Sireenne lo77o milatiya iitatetti bainnaagaa. Xillotettaa aifee sarotettaa oottiyaageeti sarotettan zerido zerettaappe beettiis. " 55: 9. 3: 1. The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of mind that those who do not produce peace from one another. " Xoossay ammanettiyaagaa gidiyoogaa xeelliyaagan Yaasu woygidee? I did, and I discovered that God's name is Jehovah. What did Joshua say about God's loyalty? 6: 8) Ha yelagati kuuyidobay, woradaa xomoosiya ishay daro wodiyaappe kase taassi, " Haˈˈi kumettaa wodiyaa haggaaziyoogaa doomma. ▪ What the Bible teaches: "Again and again they would put God to the test, and they pained even the Holy One of Israel. " - Psalm 78: 41. These young ones have long passed through the circuit overseer, who wrote: "After I have been a circuit overseer for many years, begin taking the full - time service into the full - time ministry. Nagaraa kaalettiyaabaa shaakki eridi zoriyoogankka, Yesuusi akeekancha gidiyoogaa bessiis. Eventually, with the power of God's holy spirit, the guidance of God's Word, and the help of his family and congregation, Supot gained spiritual strength and overcame his desire for alcohol. Jesus also showed discernment, understanding, and discernment. Etappe amaridaageeti bana gooyees giido wode i hanqqettibeenna. His main concern was to collect taxes for Rome and to maintain peace and order. When some of them spoke to him, he did not respond favorably. PHauloosi ba "tamaarissido wonggeliyaadan, asaa wozanan geemmida qofaa Xoossai Yesuus Kiristtoosa baggaara " pirddana gallassaa yeemottidi naagiis. (Roo. Without strength from him, I could not have done it. Paul waited patiently for God's judgment on the part of his people, saying: "God is waiting for the good news through Jesus Christ for a day. " Yihooway Muusanne Abrahaama haasayissido ogiyaappe a qofaa xeelliyaagan ay tamaariyoo? Adult problems, sad to say, can rarely be solved with a bandage and a mother's hug. What do we learn about Jehovah's dealings with Moses and Moses? SHin Efireema zaretuppe amaridaageeti baqatidi Yihuuda biitti beennan aggona. The psalmist wrote of Jehovah: "May your loving - kindness serve, please, to comfort me. " But some of the tribes of Judah survived the battle. Qassi eti saˈan haarana. ' - Ajj. 5: 9, 10. To learn more about Jesus ' sacrifice and how you can benefit from it, watch the short video Remember Jesus ' Death at www.jw.org. And they will rule over the earth. ' - Revelation 5: 9, 10. Aadhida 30 layttan, tanaara oottiya 22 asay Yihoowawu goynnanaadan maaddidoogan ufayttays. How do Scriptural passages meet the spiritual needs of children? During the past 30 years, I have enjoyed serving Jehovah with my people. Yesuusi issi uri bana bochidoogaa eridi, ooni bochidaakko beˈanau yuushshi aattidi xeelliis. Why is the study of God's Word important for us? Jesus knew that it was a person who touched him, and he looked at it to see who touched him. Hegaadankka kompputeriyan, kaqettida erissuwan, maxeetiyaa koohuwan, woy awaaninne pokkobaa bessiya misiliyaappe sohuwaara nu ayfiyaa wora zaarana koshshees. For success in marriage, each mate must accept personal responsibility and obey Jehovah. Similarly, we need to be quick to take away the computer, the computer, the movies, or the Internet. Yarkko wochanaadan naaˈˈu asata kiittiis; eti yan Raˈaabo giyo shaaramuxee soo biidosona. 4: 15. Rahab sent two men to Jericho, where they moved there. Kase Godaa Kahuwaa bonchiyo wode oyttaa miyaanne woyniyaa uyiya asaa qooday guuxxi guuxxidi bees. 1, 2. (a) How do we know that Jesus is with his subjects now and will be with them in the future? The increase of the number of people who eat the bread and drink the wine at the Lord's Evening Meal is growing. I ubba, "bollaa qommotuppe bonchchettennabaa nuussi milatiyaageeta nuuni daro bonchcheettees " yaagiis. 1, 2. He said: "In all respects we need more honor than we have. " SHin asa shenetiyoogaa agganawu haˈˈikka tamaaraydda deˈays, qassi yaatiyoogee issi issitoo wayssiyaaba. A German - speaking brother who boldly preached in Paris recalls: "We knew that our God is a mighty one. But I still had to overcome negative feelings, and this was not always easy. Issi issi ishanttinne michontti Arggo Afirkkaa biidi daro layttau haggaaziiddi yan deˈoosona. 14 No Regrets About the Decision He Made in His Youth Some brothers and sisters have been serving in Africa for years. Ooratta erissiyo ashkkaratuppe issoti issoti kase, attuma asa gidiiddi attuma asaara, macca asa gidiiddi macca asaara asho gaytotettaa poliyaageeta, shaaramuxiyaageeta, mattottiyaageeta woykko wuuqqiyaageeta. Russell recounted that the "audiences were very attentive " to the subject" The Oath - Bound Promise " about Abraham's faith and the future blessings for mankind. Some of the new disciples were formerly thieves, homosexuality, homosexuality, sexual immorality, and homosexuality. Yihooway Qaayeela haasayissidoy aybissee, qassi I Qaayeeli ay oottanaadan yootidee? Is the "road " to your forgiveness open and in good repair? Why did Jehovah call Cain, and what did Cain tell Cain to do? SHin I Yihoowa baqqi oyqqibeenna, woy A ufayssanawu wozanappe koyibeenna. When Joshua sent two spies into Canaan, Rahab the prostitute hid them and misdirected their enemies. Yet, he did not want to please Jehovah or to please him. Leemisuwawu, issi naˈi bana yelidaageetuppe issuwaa bolli bessennabaa haasayiis giidi qoppoos. Doubtless, this practice contributed to a tragic decline in spirituality. For example, suppose a child speaks to one of his parents. (Efisoona 5: 25) Ee, Yesuus Kiristtoosi machibeennaba gidikkokka, a leemisuwaa kaalliyoogee intte loˈˈo azina gidanaadan maaddana danddayees. " I escape from this frame of mind by helping others and forgetting myself. Yes, following Jesus Christ can help you to improve your husband's fine example even if you are not married. Tiyettidaageeti demmiyo woytoy woy kumetta waagay saluwan demmiyo mule xayenna bollaa gidiyoogaa 2 Qoronttoosa 5: 1 - 5y qonccissees. Therefore, how can we cultivate a grateful heart and maintain it? The reward of the anointed is described at 2 Corinthians 5: 1 - 5. Olan naati wuridoogee odettiyo gishshawu, eqettanawu salppi kiyidaageeti Amarkkaa wotaaddarata naata woriyaageeta giyoogaa hassayays. " The meek will possess the earth, and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace, " says the Bible. - Psalm 37: 11, 29. I remember the encouragement that the young children received from the U.S.A., so I remember those who took the lead in the U.S.S.A. Akeekaanne aadhida eratettaa demmanau Xoossaa Qaalaa xannaˈa. Often, people are not at home when a publisher knocks on their door, while those who are at home might be apathetic about religion. Study God's Word and wisdom. Yihoowayyo ammanuwan azazettidi "kawuwaa hanqquwau Muusee yayyennan,... beettenna Xoossaa be7idabaadan, genccidi sinttau biis. " - Ibraawe 11: 27, 28 nabbaba. In a sense, our world is indeed out of control - out of the control of humans. By faith in Jehovah, Moses "continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible. " - Read Hebrews 11: 27, 28. Issi maashiniyaa medhida uri he maashinee waatidi oottiyaakko loyttidi erees. Modesty and humility are closely linked traits. A person well knows how the process works, and he becomes well - aware of how the process works. 4: 2 Why did she think so? 4: 2 23: 17) Yonaataana leemisuwaappe ay tamaarana danddayay? Do you see why it is that grasping the spiritual truth found in the Bible may be considered a matter of privilege? What can you learn from Jonathan's example? Masee erissiyo ashkkaratikka a aggi bayidi baqatana. The principle of relative subjection helps us to understand and obey these commands. The Messiah would have abandoned him and his disciples. PHaaphaasee Joon Pool naaˈˈanttoy haray atto Kaatolike timirtte keettan tamaarissida, ta aayeeyyo mata dabbo gidida qeesiyaa geeshsha giidi anjjiis. Hence, Jehovah's worshippers can feel free to approach him with the requests of their heart. In the second year of his baptism, Hans was blessed by the Catholic priest, who had been a close friend of the Catholic Church. SHin guyyeppe, gitabaa akeekaas. " Remember those who are taking the lead. " In time, however, I realized something very important. [ Eti] ubbati ne mazggafan xaafettidosona. " Many feel free to water down the Bible's laws and principles - or even to ignore them completely when it seems expedient to do so. And they are all written in your book. " Hara gallassi ha sohuwan zaaretti gayttin ha Weyb sayttiyan, "GUJJADA ERANAU " giyaagaa giddon" Ne Soo Asaa Duussay Ufayssiyaagaa Gidanaadan Oottiyoogaa " giya huuphe yohuwaa xeelliyaagan ne qofay aybakko siyanawu koyays. We could begin to take our friendship with him for granted. On another occasion, I would like to ask your Family Worship program, "I want to listen to your Family Worship program. " ("Xoossay Ba Halchuwaa Waatidi Polanee? " When it was announced that the Memorial of Christ's death would also be held in Mapudungun and that 2,000 printed Memorial invitations in that language were available for distribution, it made María Isabel think. (See the box "How God Will Accomplish His Purpose. ") SINTTAA 28 MAZAMUREE: 40, 32 XANNAˈIYO HUUPHE YOHOTU HALCHUWAA It might be hard for us to imagine, but that man's life stretched back for some 365 years - more than four very long life spans by today's standards! 26 The Bible Changes Lives Ubba i, nuuni a eranaadan maaddiyoogaa xalla gidennan, aara mino dabbotaa medhanaadankka maaddees. He experienced "tribulation and anguish of heart " because of" the depth of love " he had for his spiritual children in Corinth. Rather, he will not only help us to come to know him but also helps us to develop a strong relationship with him. " Nuuni Xoossau buzo suntti deˈiyaakko baynnaakko, qassi deˈiyaaba gidikko he sunttay oona gidana danddayiyaakko maayettibookko. " - Profeeseriyaa, Devid Kaningham, Tiˈolojikal Isttadis. (See opening picture.) " If we did not have God's personal name, it would be as if we didn't have any personal name. " - O Ki. Harati qassi asay miiddi, uyiiddinne duriiddi aqiyoosaa, kalluwaa bessiyoosaa woy asho gayttotettawu denttettiya ogiyan bollaa sohiyoosaa biidaageeta. 37: 26, 27. Still others do not hold back from eating and drinking, eating, drinking, or drinking. He wayssiyaaban nuna maaddanabay aybee? We can appreciate, though, that we need to do more than just think upon his name. What will help us to cope with these challenges? 2: 4. After all, the Philistine king and his officials came to visit him in Beer - sheba and sought to make a covenant of peace with him, saying: "We have unmistakably seen that Jehovah has proved to be with you. " 2: 4. Bullashettiyaara bana barkka, "Haaya " gabeennagee qoncce. How can we fulfill the commission to preach and make disciples? Of course, the bride does not say: "Come! " (b) Yedetay gakkiyo wode ay oottana koshshiyaakko zoriyaa awuppe demmana danddayiyoo? Yet, when the people neared the Promised Land, they showed a lack of faith. (b) How can we apply the counsel to persecution? Guyyeppe, Isttooniyaappe Nezlobnaya giyoosaa biida; hegee Ruusiyaappe tohossa baggan deˈees. Secret 1 In time, we moved to Russia, where we were transferred to Russia. 55: 9. Why? 55: 9. Taani beˈada, Xoossaa sunttay Yihoowa gidiyoogaa eraas. Some servants of God do not find it easy to open their hearts and express their deep emotions. As I saw, I knew that God's name is Jehovah. 78: 41. Could the first - century Jews have calculated the time of the Messiah's arrival on the basis of the prophecy of the 70 weeks recorded at Daniel 9: 24 - 27? 78: 41. Wurssettan, Suppoti Xoossaa geeshsha ayyaanaa wolqqan, Xoossaa Qaalaa kaaletuwaaninne so asaanne gubaaˈiyaa maaduwan ayyaanaaban minnidi, ushshau deˈiya koshshaa xooniis. A foreigner is basically someone who is in a land that is not his own or is a person who comes into a community or group from outside of it. Finally, Supot was led by God's spirit, by holy spirit, and by the help of God's Word, the congregation, and the spiritual well - being of God's people. A qofissiya waannabay Rooma biittawu qaraxaa shiishshiyoogaa, qassi sarotettaynne maaray deˈanaadan oottiyoogaa. And we certainly can do so in the congregation where we are already serving. His primary concern was for the Roman Empire, and peace and order that leads to peace. I taayyo wolqqaa immennaakko taani hegaadan oottana danddayikke. Many complex theories have been put forward. I can do so unless I cannot give my strength. Darotoo, gasttatu metoy aayyiyaa qoommada gorppin aggiyaaba gidenna. Since they are to become a heavenly bride, the anointed are instructed: "Forget your people and your [fleshly] father's house. " Often, older ones are not impressed with a chronic problem and do not have a hug. Mazamuraawee Yihoowa xeelliyaagan hagaadan giis: "Aggenna ne siiqoi tana minttetto. " " Apostasy " is a standing away from true worship, a falling away, defection, rebellion, abandonment. Regarding Jehovah, the psalmist wrote: "My loving - kindness is upon me. " Yesuusa yarshshuwaabaa, qassi hegee nena waati maaddiyaakko gujjada eranawu Yesuusa Hayquwaa Hassaya giyo qantta biiduwaa www.jw.org / wal saytiyan xeella. It provides a measure of protection. For more information about Jesus ' sacrifice, see www.jw.org, and available at www.jw.org. Naatussi ayyaanaaban koshshiyaabaa Geeshsha Maxaafay ayba ogiyan kunttii? Jesus ' command to "give a thorough witness " compels us to warn others about the end. - Acts 10: 42. What role does the Bible play in providing spiritual needs? Xoossaa Qaalaa nuuni xannaˈana koshshiyoy aybissee? Their privilege of serving God is of primary importance to them. Why should we study God's Word? Aqo deˈoy giiga gidanaadan, azinaykka machiyaakka bessiyaabaa oottananne Yihoowawu azazettana bessees. This really prepared my heart to deal with that challenge. A husband also needs to be obedient to Jehovah and obey his commands. Hagaa ubba wode ootta. " - 1 XIMOOTIYOOSA 4: 15. Why should we strive to imitate young King Solomon? 4: 15. 1, 2. (a) Ha wodiyan Yesuusi baayyo haarettiyaageetuura deˈiyoogaa, qassi sinttappekka etaara deˈanaagaa aybin eriyo? About three centuries later, a king named Josiah - not a common Biblical name - came from the family lineage of David. 1, 2. (a) How do Jesus know that he is with his earthly subjects today and that he will be with them? 1, 2. Do you keep separate from this world's political disputes and the nationalistic spirit that permeates many competitive sports? - Jas. 1, 2. Paransaayen xalan mishiraachuwaa yootida Jarmanettuwaa haasayiya ishay hagaadan giis: "Nu Xoossay wolqqaama gidiyoogaa eroos. When we give him our best, we can be sure that he is pleased. " We know that God is very powerful, " says a brother in France. 14 I Yelagatettan Kuuyidoban Zilˈˈettenna The Witnesses in your area will be glad to provide you with the time and address. 14 Making Wise Decisions About Youth Abrahaama ammanuwawunne asay sinttappe demmana anjjuwawu "Caaquwan Gelido Qaalaa " giya haasayaa" shiiqida asay loytti ezggidoogaa " Raasili guyyeppe yootiis. Disfellowshipping is another type of discipline from Jehovah. In time, Russell explained that the people who attended Abraham's faith and were gathered into "the release " of the promised future. Harati nena maarotaa oychanawu metootennaadan oottay? Faith and humility distinguished some who were known by God. Do you strive to make it easier for others to apologize? Kanaane biittaa xomoosanaadan Yaasu naaˈˈu asata kiittido wode, shaaramuxiyaa Raˈaaba eta qottaasu; qassi eta morkketa hara ogiyaara moyssaasu. When I spoke with my parents about my concerns, they urged me to accept the invitation. When Joshua sent two men out to work on the land of Canaan, Rahab cut off their enemies and put them on another side. Asay Xoossaara mata dabbotaa medhennaadan hegee diggidoogee erettidaba. WHAT IS THE CHALLENGE? Of course, it was not a matter of losing a close relationship with God. Harata maaddiyoogaaninne tabaa qoppennan aggiyoogan hegaa mala iitabaa qoppiyoogaa aggays. Because we did not have a place of our own to go to between congregations, we stayed through Monday, traveling to the next congregation on Tuesday morning. I had to overcome such negative feelings and feelings by focusing on others. 116: 3) Yaatin nuuni ubbatoo waani galatiyaageeta gidana danddayiyoo? It is embodied in the words displayed there from our yeartext: "Those hoping in Jehovah will regain power. " - Isa. How, then, can we maintain a grateful heart? (Daaneela 2: 44) Geeshsha Maxaafay, "Ashkketi biittaa laattana; eti sarotettaaninne duretettaani ufaittidi daana " yaagees. - Mazamure 37: 11, 29. Accordingly, instead of using speech that is undignified, negative, critical, or hurtful, mature Christians strive to build up, comfort, console, and encourage. The Bible says: "The meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. " - Psalm 37: 11, 29. Aassiyaageeti sooppe soo biyo wode asay darotoo son deˈenna; son deˈiyaageetikka haymaanootebaa siyanau koyennaageeta gidana danddayoosona. 4, 5. In the house - to - house ministry often comes from door to family members, who may not be able to listen to religious beliefs. Ha alamiyaa asi giigissana danddayennaagee tuma. No matter what our hope is, why is it important to be present at the Memorial? Of course, no human can solve this world's problems. Ashkketettay issi uri ba huuphiyaa kawushshiyoogaara gayttidaba. Will obeying Jesus ' command to preach become burdensome? Meekness is related to humility. A hegaadan qoppidoy aybissee? (Read Ephesians 4: 8, 11, 12.) Why did she feel that way? Geeshsha Maxaafan deˈiya ayyaanaabaa tumaa eriyoogee maatadan qoodettana danddayiyoy aybissakko akeekadii? After we meet for field service, we go forth to proclaim the Kingdom message to mankind. Can you see why it is possible for you to know the spiritual truths found in the Bible? Likkiyan haarettiyoogaara gayttida maaray nuuni he azazuwaa akeekanaadaaninne azazettanaadan maaddees. Keeping busy in Kingdom activities will protect us from the dangers of idleness and time - wasting pursuits. These principles help us to understand and obey them. Yaatiyo gishshau, Yihoowayyo goynniyaageeti aynne yayyennan bantta wozanan qoppidobaa a oychana danddayoosona. 11: 33 - 36. Thus, Jehovah's worshippers may want to listen to his voice in their hearts. " Inttena kaalettidaageeta hassayite. " (Read Matthew 23: 10.) " Remember those who are taking the lead among you. " Daroti asay siyanau koyiyoobaa xallaa Geeshsha Maxaafaappe tamaarissanau woykko asay siyanau koyennabaa aggiiganau danddayiyaabadan qoppoosona. There is no clergy, which cuts costs considerably. " Many feel that people do not want to listen to what the Bible says or to say. Nuuni Yihoowa dabbo gidiyoogaa xaasayi xeellana danddayoos. It was during that assignment that I began to think about Nora, who had started pioneering back in Bulacan. We can take seriously our relationship with Jehovah. Kiristtoosa Hayquwaa Hassayiyo Baalaa bonchiyo wode haasayay he qaalankka shiiqanaagaanne he qaalan attamettida, he baalaa shoobiyaa woraqataa 2,000 asau immanau giigissi wottidoogaa erissidoogee Mariya Isabela qoppanaadan oottiis. Rather, "there were many of them who were following [Jesus]. " In response to the Memorial season, Maria's reaction made it difficult for the audience to accept the invitation and offer a release in some 2,000 languages. I 365 gidiya layttaa deˈiis; hegee ha wodiyan deˈiya asaa keehi adussa bariyaappe oyddu kushe dariyo gishshawu garamettana danddayoos. What does it mean to supplicate Jehovah? He lived hundreds of years in 365 C.E., and we might be surprised that this is so difficult for his people today. I ayyaanaaban baassi naata gidida, Qoronttoosan deˈiya Kiristtaaneta keehi " siiqiyo ' gishshawu, ba wozanan " waayettiisinne tuggatiis. ' (2 Qor. 2: 4; 1 Qor. (b) What hope do such parents rightly entertain? He was "mild - tempered, " and he" became troubled " because of his spiritual children. (Doomettan deˈiya misiliyaa xeella.) More than seven million active Witnesses of Jehovah are zealously proclaiming God's Kingdom in more than 230 lands, and the Witnesses regularly study the Bible with millions. (See opening picture.) Taani eta Xoossaa gidana; etikka ta asa gidana. " - Hizqqeela 37: 26, 27. Finally, "his soul got to be impatient to the point of dying. " I will become their God, and they will become my people. " - Ezekiel 37: 26, 27. Hegee, nuuni Xoossaa sunttaa bonchiyoogaappe aadhiyaabaa oottana koshshiyoogaa bessees. His sacrifice also served to validate the new covenant. - Heb. This shows that we need more than our respect for God's name. Pilisxxeematu kawoynne a oosanchati Yisaaqa oychanau Berssaabehi biidosona; biidi, aara sarotettaa maachaa maacettanau koyidi, "GODAI nenaara de7iyoogaa nuuni qoncciyan be7ida " yaagidosona. • What qualities of Jesus should we imitate? The Philistine king came to meet Isaac and his king, and the king came to meet him and said: "Jehovah is with you, knowing that there is a covenant with you. " Sabbakanaadaaninne erissiyo ashkkara oottanaadan imettida oosuwaa waati oottana danddayiyoo? You might go for a walk or a drive with them, play a game, or work together on some chore around the house. How can we carry out the commission to preach and make disciples? SHin Israaˈeelati Hidootaa Biittaa gelanawu matido wode, ammanennaageeta gidiyoogaa bessidosona. Jesus said: "Do not fear those who kill the body and after this are not able to do anything more. " However, when the Israelites entered the Promised Land, they showed that they were not unbelievers. QOFA 1 16 Learn More Secret 1 Aybissi giikko, darotoo " metoynne tuggay, ' giishshin ikkonoomiyaara gayttidaagan qoppennan wolqqaama metoy gakkiyo wode woy naˈa hayquwaa mala keehippe azzanttiyaabay merettiyo wode, eti hidootidobay ubbay atti aggees. - Maz. (Read.) Why, for example, it is not surprising that no matter what happens when economic problems arise, such as "the pain of life, " a serious illness or the death of a child experience. - Ps. Xoossaa ashkkaratuppe issoti issoti bantta wozanaabaa qonccissi yootanau metootoosona. The Scriptures assure us Some of God's servants find it difficult to listen to their heart. Koyro xeetu layttan deˈida Ayhudati, Daaneela 9: 24 - 27n deˈiya 70too 7 layttaa hiraagan qonccida wodiyaa qoodidi Masee yiyo wodiyaa naagidonaashsha? The parents can address the needs of each family member and can be flexible in choosing both the material and the format. Did the first - century Jews in Daniel's prophecy recorded at Daniel 9: 24 - 27 refer to the time when the Messiah would take place? Asasaa asi ba biitta gidennasaa beˈanau biida asa woy yan deˈiya asa. They trust that like the father in the parable of the prodigal son, Jehovah is ever on the lookout to welcome back sinners who repent. People outside the country who live there were foreigners or foreigners. Qassi nuuni ubbay nu gubaaˈiyan deˈiyaageeta maaddana danddayoos. (Gal. After that Isaac sent them away... in peace. " - Gen. Each of us can contribute to the support of those in the congregation. Hegaa xeelliyaagan kirqqi giya daro qofay odettees. He was counseled by God himself but was too proud to accept the correction. Many popular ideas have been presented in the Sermon on the Mount. (Roo. 8: 15 - 17) Eti Saluwan bullashettiyaageeta gidiyo gishshau, " intte zariyaanne inttena yelida aawatu keettaa dogite ' geetettiis. 18 Keys to Family Happiness - Inculcate Moral Values in Your Children As heavenly King, they are called "the father of your father and of your mother and of your mother. " " Kaddiyoogee " tumu goynuwaa aggiyoogaa, eqettiyoogaa, makkaliyoogaa. But you have been washed clean... with the spirit of our God. " By rebelling against true worship, "the deceptive power of hypocrisy. " Miishshay nuna darobaappe ashshees. (b) Who are "the daughters of kings " and" the royal consort " who share the Bridegroom's joy? Money is a source of comfort to us. Nuuni kumetta hanotan "markkattanau " Yesuusi azazido gishshau, asaayyo wurssettaabaa yootana koyoos. - Oosuwaa 10: 42. The director listened carefully and said that he once considered undertaking charity work. We want to tell people about Jesus ' command to "keep on the watch " because we are to share in the harvest work. - Acts 10: 42. Ubba qassi so asau huuphe gidiyaageeti bantta soo asau koshshiyaabaa kunttanau minnidi oottoosona. SPIRITUAL SLEEP - WHAT IS IT? In fact, family heads work hard to provide for their families. Eti banttau imettida, Xoossau oottiyo maataa aybippenne xoqqu oottidi xeelloosona. (a) How is Jehovah different from human fathers? They value their privilege of service above God's authority. Taani nabbabidobay hegawu giigettanaadan keehi maaddiis. They faced the challenge of being loyal to God while the king, who sat on "Jehovah's throne, " followed a wayward course. - 1 Chron. What I read helped me to prepare for that change. Nuuni yelaga Kawuwaa Solomona leemisuwaa kaallanau baaxetana koshshiyoy aybissee? The original - language term translated "behave indecently " means to conduct oneself in such a way as to be rude, to lack good manners, or to act improperly. Why should we strive to imitate King Solomon? Qassi Beeteelen yarshshiyoosan " i asaa meqettaa xuugganaagaakka ' yootiis. I was 41 years old and Paolo was 49 when I told him that I thought I was pregnant. He also stated that he would not have "no power " at Bethel at Bethel. (Qol. 3: 5) Ha alamiyaa polotikaa ooshshaappenne annaacettiyo daro ispporttiyan qoncciya, ba biittaa siiqiyo hanotaappe haakkeetii? - Yaaq. Through Jehovah's organization and its publications, we receive loving reminders for our protection. Do you avoid being influenced by the political and political elements of this world? - Jas. Nuuyyo deˈiyaabaappe murutaa ayyo immiyo wode, i ufayttiyoogaa ammanettana danddayoos. They will be commemorating this event, not in the morning or in the afternoon, but in the evening after sunset. When we give thanks to him, we can be sure that he is pleased with joy. He shiiquwaa saatiyaanne sohuwaa intte heeran deˈiya Yihoowa Markkati intteyyo yootana. " When my boss found out that I had turned down a bribe from a potential customer, he said to me: " Your God makes you such a trustworthy person! Jehovah's Witnesses would tell you what you would like to attend the meetings and in your area. Yihooway nuna seeriyo hara ogee bohiyoogaa. Jehovah takes note of the righteous ones and blesses them. Another way we respond to Jehovah's counsel is by showing respect for us. 15: 1 - 5; 1 PHe. 3: 4) Xoossan erettida issoti issoti ammanuwaaninne bantta huuphiyaa kaushshiyoogan erettidosona. When we pray, sing, and speak about Jehovah at our meetings, we are giving him what he so richly deserves - our worship. Some of God's people have been humble and modest. Tana qofissidabaa ta aawawunne aayeessi yootin, shoobiyaa eeno ga ekkanaadan eti tana zoridosona. How did Peter make progress in showing impartiality to everyone? When I told my father and parents about their concerns, they urged me to accept the invitation. XUBE GIDIYAABI AYBEE? Or because we are not sure of what we should say, we may feel embarrassed and withdraw from some who are having a hard time. WHAT IS THE CHALLENGE? Hara gubaaˈiyaa baanaashin takkanau nuussi nu keetti baynna gishshau, Saynno gakkanau yan takkidi Masqqaynno gallassi maallado hara gubaaˈiyaa boos. If life ends at death, why not live it up? Since we had no desire to stay in a congregation, we traveled to other congregations on the next morning to visit our congregation. 55: 22; 68: 19) Nuuni 2018n, SHiiquwaa Addaraashan shiiquwaa shiiqiyo wode ubban ha koshshiya tumaa hassayana; qassi " Yihoowa ammanettidi naagiyaageeti, bantta wolqqaa ooraxissana ' giya nu laytta xiqisiyaa beˈana. - Isi. See chapter 9 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Each time we attend meetings at the Kingdom Hall in 2018, we will remember that we need to keep our eyes fixed on the truth, and we will look to Jehovah for "the power of [Jehovah's] power. " - Isa. Yaatiyo gishshau, ayyaanaaban kaymida Kiristtaanee bonchissenna, minttettenna, bore woykko qohiya haasayaa haasayiyoogaappe minttettiya loˈˈo haasayaa haasayanau baaxetees. Apostasy from true worship has now grown and spread. Hence, a mature Christian strives to use words that are harmful, harmful, or upbuilding speech. 4, 5. How did the actions of apostates affect faithful ones in Paul's day? 4, 5. Nu hidootay aybanne gidin, Kiristtoosa Hayquwaa Hassayiyo Baalaa bonchiyoogee keehippe koshshiyaaba gididoy aybissee? One pioneer sister named Shari observed: "Pioneers look strong, being out in service every day. Why is it important that we observe the Memorial, no matter what hope we may have? Sabbakanaadan Yesuusi azazidoogaa naagiyoogee deexxiyaabee? Doing so will encourage you too. Is Jesus ' command to preach? (Efisoona 4: 8, 11, 12 nabbaba.) Learning From the Ways of Abraham and Isaac (Read Ephesians 4: 8, 12.) Haggaazuwawu shiiqiyo shiiquwaappe simmin, Kawotettaa mishiraachuwaa asa ubbawu yootanawu boos. So I made an appointment to meet this workmate after work. " After the meeting, we traveled to people of all sorts to share the Kingdom message with everyone. 15: 58) Kawotettaa oosoy daridoogeeta gidiyoogee azallatettay kaalettiyo daafaappenne wodiyaa coo xayssiyoogaappe naagana. (Maa. James wrote that "the fruit of righteousness has its seed sown under peaceful conditions for those who are making peace. " Being busy in the Kingdom - preaching work is not always easy. 11: 33 - 36. Individual Christians may not always know what course to take in order to handle successfully the situations they are facing, but Jehovah knows. 11: 33 - 36. (Maatiyoosa 23: 10 nabbaba.) You made a mistake. (Read Matthew 23: 10.) Daro miishshaa kesissiya haymaanoote asttamaaree eta giddon baawa. " This article will identify that enemy and show how we can use the Bible to help fight it. And many religious leaders do not have to be among them. " Taani yan oottiyo wode, Noribaa qoppiyoogaa doommaas; a aqinye gidada haggaaziyoogaa doommidoy Bulakanaana. In all the decisions you make each day, do all things for Jehovah's glory and thus prove that you are carrying on as a good citizen of God's Kingdom. - 1 Cor. When I arrived there, I began thinking about myself, and he began pioneering. Eti Yesuusa kaalliyo gishshawu yaa biidosona. (Mar. God's Law stipulated that a male child should be circumcised on the eighth day of life. They went out to Jesus because they followed him. Yihoowa minttidi woossiyoogaa giyoogee woygiyoogee? It was to make atonement for the sins of those seeking Jehovah's forgiveness. What does it mean to pray with Jehovah? (b) Eti ufayssan naagiyoobay aybee? Evidence points to the conclusion that the same was true of early copies of the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures. (b) What do they look forward to? Laappun miilooneppe dariya Yihoowa Markkati 230ppe dariya biittan Xoossaa Kawotettaa mishiraachuwaa mishettidi sabbakiiddi deˈoosona; eti miilooniyan qoodettiya asaa Geeshsha Maxaafaa muletoo xannaˈissoosona. But do the answers really matter? More than seven million of Jehovah's Witnesses are zealously preaching the good news of God's Kingdom in over 230 lands, millions of people study the Bible with the help of millions. Wurssettan, i "haniyoobaa xayiis. " 13 He Could Have Had God's Favor Eventually, "he lost no more. " 7: 25) A yarshshoy ooratta maachay oosuwan peˈanaadankka oottiis. - Ibr. * However, the climax of the parable focuses on a more specific period of time. How so? His shed blood also resulted in the new covenant. - Heb. • Nuuni bessana koshshiya Yesuusaagaa mala eeshshati awugeetee? He also demonstrated great love for people. • What qualities of Jesus should we display? Qassi etaara hemettana, kaaˈananne so giddon oottiyoobaa issippe oottana danddayeeta. What, though, does cultivating this godly quality require of us? You can also work together with them, play a part in the family, and work together. Yesuusi, "Ha77i ashuwaa woridi, guyyeppe ainne hegaappe aadhdhiyaabaa oottanau danddayennaageetau yayyoppite " yaagiis. Hezekiah took steps that he could rightly take. Jesus said: "Do not fear anything more than these. 16 Gujjada Era Did Elijah's prayer and the prayers of those Baal prophets go to the same place? 16 Learn From God's Word (Nabbaba.) Yes, the need - greaters are calling out, "Please, step over into Myanmar and help us! " (Read.) Geeshsha Maxaafay nuna minttettiyoobaa To prevent that from happening, we live by Jesus ' admonition: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness. " The Scriptures assure us Yelidaageeti so asa ubbau koshshiyaabaa tobbana danddayoosona; qassi ay xannaˈanaakkonne waati xannaˈanaakko hanotaadan laammana danddayoosona. " I no longer lie awake at night worrying about the future or death " I remember searching out articles in Watchtower and Awake! Parents can discuss the needs of each family, and they may need to consider how we should do so. Eti Yesuusi yootido leemisuwan qonccida, miishshaa laalida naˈaa aawaadan, Yihooway bantta nagaraappe simmiyaageeta ubbatoo hammu giidi ekkiyoogaa ammanettoosona. (Luq. Take Ephesians chapter 5 as a case in point. Like Jesus ' parable in the parable of the prodigal son, they trust that Jehovah always rewards those who unrepentantly repent of their sinful course. Yisaaqi eta moissin, eti appe saro shaahettidi biidosona. " - Doo. 5 History, not Myth Their son Isaac, Isaac, went away from them. " - Gen. Xoossay a zoriis; shin, i keehi otorettido gishshawu siyennan ixxiis. When there are things that I cannot control, I leave matters in Jehovah's hands. " God urged him, but he refused to accept him because he was harsh. SINTTAA 10 MAZAMUREE: 23, 38 Uddufune 9 - 15, 2011 Out of appreciation for Jehovah as the Grand Provider, all Christians who have an earthly hope share with the anointed in the Kingdom - preaching work. 10 Our Readers Ask... Xoossaa Ayyaanan intte meecettidetanne geeyideta " yaagiis. Modern - day slaves work in mines, sweat shops, brick factories, brothels, and private homes. You have been washed clean and washed clean. " (b) " Kawotu macca naati ' oonee, qassi bullachiyaagaara ufayttiya, " kawo keettan ' yexxiyaageeti oonee? " Am I overly sensitive? ' (b) Who are "the sons of Israel, " and who will" bind up the royal household "? Waanna halaqay a yootiyoobaa loytti siyidi, ikka issi wode hara asaa maaddanau qoppidoogaa yootiis. God said: "Take, please, your son, your only son whom you so love, Isaac, and... offer him up as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I shall designate to you. " When the officer listened carefully to him, he spoke to others about the need for help. AYYAANAABAA XISKKOY AYBEE? Ultimately, it is a personal choice. " WHAT IS IT? (a) Yihooway ay mala aawee? What effect can the Family Worship evening have on how family members feel toward one another? (a) What was Jehovah like? " GODAA kawotaa araatan " uttida kawoy iitabaa oottiyo gishshawu, asay Xoossaassi ammanettanawu metootiis. - 1 Odi. You live in critical times and are subject to many pressures, so you need to be well organized. God's people have found it difficult to believe that "the king who is in the throne of Jehovah will serve him with a complete heart. " - 1 Chron. 13: 4, 5) Ha sohuwan " bessennabaa oottees ' geetettidi birshshettida koyro qaalay, issi asi ashkke gidennaagaa, loˈˈo eeshshay baynnaagaa woykko maari baynnabaa haniyoogaa bessiyaaba. While Paul's remarks were addressed to anointed Christians, what he said about God's spirit and Christ's ransom sacrifice can benefit all servants of Jehovah regardless of the hope they entertain. In this context, the original - language word translated " here " means that a mild temper does not mean that it is wrong or hypocritical. Taassi shahaaray attidobadan qoppidoogaa Peˈoloyyo odiyo wode, taassi layttay 41, ayyo qassi 49. But was the brain designed to gain knowledge and skills and then die? At 49 years of age, I was born, and when I was eight years old, I was born. Yihooway ba dirijjitiyaa baggaaranne nu xuufetu baggaara hassayissiyoogankka nuna naagees. Do I struggle to forgive personal offenses? Jehovah also protects us through his organization and through our publications. Eti he baalaa bonchiyoy maallado woy gallassi gidennan, omarssi away wulli simmiina. Jesus has come to one of his favorite places, the garden of Gethsemane, just east of Jerusalem. They will be on the morning, not on the morning or on the morning, but on the evening. " Nu dirijjitiyawu dambbaynna gidida uri taassi mattaayiyaa immin ixxidoogaa ta alaafee siyidi, " Ne Xoossay neeni hagaadan ammanettiya ura gidanaadan oottiis! Think of what that simple statement entails. " My employer listened to me and told me that if you didn't kill me, " God allowed me to be faithful to a faithful man! 3: 11, 12) Yihooway xillota xeelleesinne eta anjjees. (Maz. Aware that his end is near, Satan has stepped up his efforts to mislead us. Jehovah blesses righteous ones and blesses them with justice. Nuuni shiiquwan woossiyo wode, yexxiyo wodenne abaa haasayiyo wode Yihoowawu goynnoos; hegee awu bessiyaaba. Jerusalem At our meetings, we speak to Jehovah when we speak to him and speak to him. Asa ubbaa issi ayfiyan xeelliyoogan PHeexiroosi waani diccidee? 1: 3 - 6. How did Peter reach out to all people? Woy metoy gakkido uraa woygi minttettanaakko erenna gishshawu, appe haakkana danddayoos. How should you greet a person in mourning? Or we may be able to avoid giving comfort because we do not know how to deal with a person's problems. Hayqoy deˈuwau wurssetta gidikko, woni danddayetta keenan ayssi ufayttokkonii? Do not hide your face from me. " If death is alive, why is there no doubt happy? Yihoowa Markkati attamissido Tumuppe Geeshsha Maxaafay Tamaarissiyoy Aybee? giyo maxaafaa shemppo 9 xeella. We can trust that the earthly resurrection will likewise proceed in an orderly manner. For more information, see chapter 9 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Tumu ammanuwaa kaddiyoogee ha wodiyan kaseegaappe dariisinne aakkiis. (2 Tas. While a Christian deepens his knowledge of and love for the Bible's standards, he opens his heart and mind to the influence of holy spirit. In today's world, true Christianity has become increasingly increasingly rooted in the growth and growth of the soul. PHawuloosa wode kaddidaageeti oottidobay ammanettida asata waati qohidee? 4, 5. (a) What was the "gift " referred to in Jesus ' statement recorded at Matthew 5: 23, 24? How did apostate men in Paul's day affect Paul's day? SHero giyo issi aqinyiyaa hagaadan gaasu: "Aqinyeti ubba galla haggaaziyo gishshawu, mino milatoosona. (b) How can we receive that blessing? A pioneer named Michelle says: "In the ministry, the pioneers seemed to be very strong because they were very active in the ministry. Hegaadan oottiyoogee nenakka minttettees. 13 Life Story - All Things Are Possible With Jehovah Doing so will strengthen you. Abrahaamanne Yisaaqa Leemisuwaappe Tamaariyoogaa While the emotions described here are not uncommon for someone dealing with a divorce, the Bible counsels against isolating oneself. Learn From Abraham and Isaac Yaatiyo gishshau, oosuwaappe simmin iira gayttanau wodiyaa keeras " yaagada qonccissaasu. On April 23 of that year, Brother Milton Henschel presided at the dedication of the new facilities in the presence of an enthusiastic audience of 45,522. So she said that she would meet her job. " 5: 23 - 25) Yaaqoobi, "Xillotettaa aifee sarotettaa oottiyaageeti sarotettan zerido zerettaappe beettiis " yaagiis. (Yaaq. Some did not like that statement and claimed that we had written the article at the branch. James states: "The fruit that produces fruit is sown in peace. " (2 Ximootiyoosa 3: 1) Issi Kiristtaanee bana gakkiya metuwaa loˈˈo ogiyan kiyanau ayba tanggo ekkana bessiyaakko ubbatoo erennan aggana danddayees; shin Yihooway erees. Therefore, let us pray for God's holy spirit so that we can display faith and other aspects of the spirit's fruitage. - Luke 11: 13; Gal. A Christian may not always know how to handle a difficult situation, but Jehovah knows what to handle the situation. Neeni mooridoogee tuma. 12, 13. No doubt you do. Ha huuphe yohoy he morkkee oonakko qonccissees; qassi nuuni a eqettanau Geeshsha Maxaafaa waatidi goˈettana danddayiyaakko yootees. RECREATION and ENTERTAINMENT HOME and FAMILY CARE This article considers who is the enemy and shows how we can use the Bible to resist it. Neeni galla galla kuuyiyooban ubban, ubbabaa Yihoowa bonchuwaassi ootta; yaatiyoogan, Xoossaa Kawotettau bessiya dere asadan deˈiyoogaa qonccissa. - 1 Qor. This year's financial success is next year's bankruptcy.... Make every effort to make decisions in everyday matters, so let your decisions reflect Jehovah's glory. - 1 Cor. Xoossaa Higgee attuma naˈi yelettoosappe hosppun gallassa gidin qaxxarettanaadan azazees. We read: "Through one trespass the result to men of all sorts was condemnation. " God's Law required that a male child be circumcised. Suuttay Yihoowa maarotaa koyiyaageetu nagaray atto geetettanaadan maaddees. Brother Marais, the overseer of Translation Services, explained that the brothers were arranging for a course in English comprehension for translators around the world, and at age 64, I was being considered for training to be one of the instructors. Being forgiven of Jehovah's forgiveness will help those who desire forgiveness. Septtujent giyo, Giriiketto qaalan koyro birshshettida Ibraysxxe Geeshsha Maxaafaa xuufetunkka Yihoowa sunttay deˈiyaaba milatees. Under such dire circumstances, what could Peter's fellow Christians do? In the Hebrew Scriptures, the name Jehovah appears in the original text of the Hebrew Scriptures, as well as in the original text of the Christian Greek Scriptures. SHin he zaarota eriyoogee keehippe koshshiyaabee? Reflecting loving - kindness in our speech is by no means easy. But is it important to know the answers to those answers? 13 Xoossan Nashettana Danddayees SHin As we will see in the next article, the four kings whom we have considered all made mistakes. 13 The Bible Changes Lives * Yesuusi yootido issi wodiyaabaa qonccissiya, leemisuwaa wurssettan deˈiya qofaa kaallidi ane pilggoos. Acting in harmony with his Father's will, Jesus Christ gave "his soul a ransom in exchange for many. " * Let us examine some examples of Jesus ' parable of the last days. (Yohaannisa 14: 31) I asaakka keehippe siiqiis. For instance, we can do so by guarding against unbridled rage. He loved the people so much that he loved them. 5: 22, 23) SHin, nuuni tumuppe danddayanchcha gidanawu ay oottana bessii? Indeed, where would we be without our God - given hope and our appreciation for the things discussed in Psalm 27! But what must we do to be truly patient? 18: 36; 19: 1, 2) Hizqqiyaasi oottana bessiyaabaa oottiis. Jehovah likely transferred Enoch gently from life to death, sparing him any pangs of death. Hezekiah did what was right. Dumma dumma xoossaakko woossidoba gidikkokka, Eelaasa woosaynne Baˈaala sunttan hananabaa yootiyaageetu woosay likkee? The next week, she handed me her cell phone and said, "You talk to China. " Despite a unique god, do the prayers of Elijah and Baal prophets have been true in the name of Baal? Ee, maadoy koshshiyoosan haggaaziyaageeti, "Hayyanintta Myanmare pinnidi nuna maadderkketii! " yaagidi xeesoosona. What did the Levites ask of God, and what do we learn from this? Yes, serving in Myanmar is called "Jehovah's Witnesses. " Hegaappe naagettanau, Yesuusi: "Kasetidi, Xoossaa kawotettaanne a xillotettaa koyite " yaagidi zoridoogaadan deˈana koshshees. It enables us to endure injury with patience and without irritation, resentment, vindictiveness. Rather, we need to heed Jesus ' admonition: "Keep on seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness. " Taagaa mala deˈuwaa deˈiyoogaappe laamettida asatubaa yootiya Wochiyo Keelaanne Beegottite! 5: 1, 2. See The Watchtower and Awake! Hegaara gayttidaagan, ane Efisoona shemppo 5 beˈoos. of August 8, 2000, pages 8 - 10. In this regard, let us consider Ephesians 5: 5. 5 An Deˈiya Taarikee Hayse Gidenna; Tuma * Then in 1996 we were given a similar assignment in the Fiji branch, where we were able to give support to the translation work being done in the Fijian, Kiribati, Nauruan, Rotuman, and Tuvaluan languages. 5 The End of Life - The True Religion Is True Taani giigissana danddayennabaa Yihoowa bolli olays. " (a) Why did Jehovah send angels to Sodom? I don't have anything to do with Jehovah's help. " Ha saˈan deˈanau hidootiya Kiristtaaneti ubbay, Yihooway koshshiyaabaa kunttiyaagaa gidiyoogaa nashshiyo gishshau, ayyaanan tiyettidaageetuura issippe Kawotettaa mishiraachuwaa sabbakoosona. Why, God's rule will even restore peace between humans and animals! Since all Christians are part of the earthly part of Jehovah's organization, all Christians share in preaching the good news of the Kingdom with Jehovah's anointed ones. Ha wodiyaa aylleti alˈˈo shuchaa bookkiyoosan, guutta miishshan oottiyo paabirkkan, xuubiyaa oottiyoosan, shaaramuxa gidi oottiyo keettaaninne asa son oottoosona. 6: 9 - 11. Today, slaves, slaves, work as a small vessel, and work in an apartment, as well as in the house - to - house work. " Taani sohuwaara yiillotiya asee? ' Preparing for the Memorial might include plans to increase our ministry in some way, perhaps as auxiliary pioneers during the Memorial season. " Am I bad? ' Xoossay: "Neeni siiqiyo ne mexi issi na7aa Yisaaqa ekkada,... taani neeyyo yootiyo issi deriyaa bollan a xuuggiyo yarshsho oottada taayyo yarshsha " yaagiis. For example, the ancient nation of Israel made him "feel hurt " when they rebelled against him, while those who wisely obey him bring him joy. - Psalm 78: 40; Proverbs 27: 11. God said: "Go, please, your only son whom you loved, Isaac, and offer him as a burnt offering. " Hegee he uri dooriyooba " yaagada he qofaa qanttan kuuyaasu. We have every reason to trust and serve God. That decision made the decision "to make the decision. " So Asaa Goynuwaa omarssay so asaa giddon deˈiya gaytotettau waati maaddana danddayii? Such is the spirit of many brothers presently enduring imprisonment in Armenia, Eritrea, South Korea, and other lands. How can the Family Worship evening help family members to have a balanced view of the Family Worship evening? Daro unˈˈissiyaabay gakkiyo metiya wodiyan neeni deˈiyo gishshau, giigettada deˈana koshshees. In one typical case, an investigator reported that despite stern warnings, the Bible Students he questioned insisted that they would "continue to preach the word of God to the end. " Because you are faced with depression, you need to be prepared to live in a difficult situation. PHauloosi yootidoy tiyettida Kiristtaanetussa gidikkonne, i Xoossaa ayyaanaabaanne Kiristtoosa wozuwaa yarshshuwaabaa xaafidobay, eti awan deˈanau hidootiyaageeta gidinkka, Yihoowa ashkkarata ubbaa maaddees. 1, 2. (a) What does God's "indescribable free gift " include? Paul's words to anointed Christians can help all of Jehovah's servants to live in harmony with Christ's ransom sacrifice, whether they are in accord with Christ's ransom sacrifice or not. SHin guuggee merettidoy issi asi eraanne akeekaa demmi simmin hayqqanaassee? 30 Our Readers Ask But did man's brain have the ability to acquire wisdom and understanding? Issi uri hanqqetissiyaabaa oottiyo wode atto gaanawu metootiyaanaa? " Do not be getting drunk with wine, in which there is debauchery. " Is it hard for us to forgive someone who has offended him? Yesuusi ba dosiyo sohuwaa, Yerusalaameppe arshsho baggan deˈiya Geetesemaane ataakiltte sohuwaa biis. Rather than relying on his own ideas or giving in to another person's urgings, David was eager to be taught by God. In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus went to the garden of Gethsemane, where he lived. I nuna siiqiyo gishshawu nuussi immido amaridabata qoppa. " Christ suffered for you, leaving a model for you to follow his steps closely. " - 1 PET. Consider some of the ways that he loves us because he loves us. 25: 1 - 3, 9) Seexaanay mata wode xayanaagaa eriyo gishshau, nuna balettanau keehi bichaarees. An added joy for our family is that we have been able to help 40 different individuals to the point of dedication and baptism. Satan will soon deceive us because he knows what will soon end. Yerusalaame We often view the matter of "reproving " as a task to be carried out by Christian elders. Jerusalem 1: 3 - 6. What will signal the start of the great tribulation? 1: 3 - 6. Neeni kayyottida uraa woygada sarotana koshshii? (b) In what similar situation might we find ourselves? How should you feel about the bereaved? Taani hitaas.... We hunger for friendship and connection with others. I felt... 15: 23) Hegaadankka, saˈan deˈanawu denddiyaageeti kayan kayan denddanaagaa nuuni ammanettana danddayoos. Those who came that day numbered "about five thousand men, besides women and young children. " Similarly, we can be sure that those resurrected ones will be resurrected to life on earth. Issi Kiristtaanee Geeshsha Maxaafaa maaraa loytti eriyo wodenne siiqiyo wode, geeshsha ayyaanay ba wozanaanne ba qofaa laammanaadan oottees. Instead, they chose to follow a rebellious spirit son of God, Satan. When a Christian becomes familiar with Bible principles and his thoughts, holy spirit moves a Christian to change his mind and heart. 4, 5. (a) Maatiyoosa 5: 23, 24n Yesuusi yootido " yarshshoy ' aybee? That spirit is available to all of God's servants, and it helps them to surmount formidable obstacles. 4, 5. (a) What sacrifices did Jesus give at Matthew 5: 23, 24? (b) Nuuni he anjjuwaa demmana danddayiyoy ayba ogiyaanee? 1, 2. (b) How can we enjoy that blessing? 13 Deˈuwan Hanidabaa - Yihoowawu Ubbabay Danddayettees But that would all change during "the harvest, " that is, the last days. 13 Life Story - Hope From Jehovah Paraman shaahettida asay hegaadan qoppiyoogee meeze gididaba; shin Geeshsha Maxaafay nuuni asappe shaahettana bessennaagaa yootees. Concerning the "joint heirs with Christ, " the apostle Peter stated:" You are " a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession, that you should declare abroad the excellencies ' of the One who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. " That view is commonly common in people's divorce, but the Bible warns us that we should not be alone. He laytti Hosppune 23n, keehi ufayttiya 45,522 asay shiiqidosan ooratta keettay anjjettido shiiquwaa Ishaa Milten Hensheli kaalettiis. ("daughter "), Nov. World Free of Violence Possible? During the year 235 C.E., Brother Rutherford organized Brother Rutherford's new program to help Brother Franz to attend a convention in 235 B.C.E. He qofaa issoti issoti dosibookkona, qassi hegaa nuuni macara biiruwan xaafidobadan qoppidosona. To illustrate: Imagine that it was possible to read God's Word, meditate on it, and pray to Jehovah only during a certain hour each day. Some may wonder if we didn't succeed in writing to the branch, and we felt that we were transferred to the branch office. Yaatiyo gishshau, ammanoynne ayyaanaa ayfiyaa macara gidida hara eeshshati deˈiyoogeeta gidanau, Xoossaa geeshsha ayyaanaa demmana mala woossiyaageeta gidoos. - Luq. 11: 13; Gal. This animating force leads human society into conflict with God's will and purpose. Let us, therefore, pray for God's holy spirit, which produces qualities and aspects of the fruitage of God's holy spirit. - Luke 11: 13; Gal. 11: 16. 12, 13. How does the way a person thinks change when he is anointed by holy spirit, and what causes this change? 12, 13. SO ASAU KOSHSHIYAABAA KUNTTIYOOGAA These questions are answered in this article. HELP FOR THE FAMILY Hachi hayttatida uri sohuwaara dogettana danddayees. He is the God to whom Jesus prayed and to whom Jesus taught his followers to pray. - Matthew 6: 9. A rich person may quickly become distracted by negative emotions. Hegaappe denddidaagan, asa ubbay nagaraanne hayquwaa laattiis. (Roo. What pressure he must have felt to do so from his Egyptian family, teachers, and counselors! As a result, they inherited sin and death from Adam. Birshshiyo oosuwaa xomoosiya Ishaa Mare kumetta saˈan xuufiyaa birshshiyaageeti Inggilizettuwaa akeekanaadan tamaarissanawu ishantti giigissiiddi deˈiyoogaa taayyo yootiis; qassi taani 64tta layttan, tamaarissiyaageetuppe issuwaa gidanawu loohanaadan doorettaas. How, then, can one discern who has the holy spirit today? Brother Knorr, who was part of the English translation work, explained that the brothers in his mid - 30 ' s, were assigned to teach English English - language translation, and I was assigned to become one of them for 64 years. Hegaa mala keehi yashshiya hanotan, PHeexiroosayyo Kiristtaane ishanne micho gididaageeti ay oottana danddayiyoonaa? Keep in mind that an important lesson we learn from Peter's experience comes from what he did after his faith wavered and he started to sink into the sea. In such a case, what can young brothers and sisters do? Haasayan aggenna siiquwaa qonccissiyoogee nuna metana danddayees. 5: 5. Our Christian Unity A·gaʹpe may not be easy for us to show love. Nuuni beˈido ha oyddu kawotikka balabaa oottidoogaa kaalliya huuphe yohuwan beˈana. Perhaps that is why the Bible writers made no use of the word. " We will consider four examples of those kings mentioned in the next article. Yesuus Kiristtoosi ba Aawaa sheniyaara moggottiyaabaa oottiyoogan, " daro asaa wozanau ba shemppuwaa immiis. ' The Mosaic Law reflected a "framework of the knowledge and of the truth " about Jehovah and his righteous principles. Jesus Christ acted in harmony with his Father's will, doing so "in harmony with his Father's will. " Leemisuwau, hanqquwan suullennaadan naagettiyoogan hegaadan oottana danddayoos. (See opening picture.) For example, we can do so by avoiding anger and anger. 27: 13) Xoossay nuuyyo hidootaa immibeennabanne Mazamure 27n deˈiya qofaa nuuni erennaba gidiyaakko, nu deˈoy ay mala gidanee! After Peter preached to Cornelius and his relatives, holy spirit was poured out on them, although the men had not been circumcised. What life would be like if we did not have any hope that God had given us hope and that we would never have had in mind! Hegee woygiyoogee? Morkketi Heenooka barcheyidi worenna mala, Yihooway i waayettennan hayqqanaadan oottennan aggenna. Yes, when we feel genuine remorse for a wrong we have committed and we repent and ask God to forgive us, he willingly does so - even for serious sins. What might Jehovah have caused Enoch to die, causing him to die? Kaalliya saaminttan a ba moobayliyaa tawu immada "CHayna biitti dawala " yaagaasu. For example, there may be a conference room equipped with sound where they could sit in order to benefit from the meetings. The following week, she said, "I'm going to a foreign country. " Leewati Xoossay ay oottanaadan oychidonaa, qassi hegaappe nuuni ay tamaariyoo? Rather than suggesting that everything in life is determined by fate, Solomon was pointing out that humans cannot accurately predict the outcome of any endeavor "because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all. " What did God ask the Levites to do, and what lesson does this teach us? Geeshsha Maxaafay yootiyoogaadan Xoossaynne Yesuusi issi lagge gidokkona. We make every effort to avoid stumbling them, keeping in mind that our brother's conscience may be more sensitive or restrictive than our own. - 1 Cor. 8: 12; 2 Cor. 4: 2; 1 Pet. According to the Bible, Jesus was not a friend of God and Jesus. Ha eeshshay hanqqettennan, lanccennaaninne haluwaa kiyennan gakkida qohuwaa genccanaadan maaddees. We need to be kind, compassionate, and forgiving. A lack of self - control will help you to cope with negative feelings, not with anger, but with anger and anger. " Yesuusi deriyaa huuphiyaa kiyidi... bana kaalliyaageeti baakko shiiqin, tamaarissuwaa doommiis. ' - MAATIYOOSA 5: 1, 2. 12: 1, 2. " Jesus went up to the mountain and taught him. " - MATT. 5: 1, 2. maxeetiyan sinttaa 8 - 10n deˈiya, "Em Si Es Deˈiyo Asata Maaddiyoogaa " giyaagaa xeella. He was fully devoted to Jehovah, for "he continued to keep the commandments that Jehovah had given to Moses. " - 2 Ki. See the box "Keep Yourselves in God's Word, " pages 8 - 10. * Guyyeppe, hegaa mala oosoy Fiji macara biiruwan 1996n nuussi imettiis; qassi yan Fiji qaalan, Kiribati qaalan, Naˈuru qaalan, Rotuma qaalaaninne Tuvalu qaalan birshshiyaageeta maaddida. You will thus show not only that you want to serve Jehovah but also that you are coming to know him better. * Later, we were assigned to the branch office in 1998, where we served in Portuguese, Portuguese, language, Portuguese, language, language, language, and language in Tuvaluan. (a) Yihooway kiitanchata Sadooma kiittidoy aybissee? May we never feel that we are a bother to him! (a) Why did Jehovah send angels to Sodom? (Mazamure 46: 9) Xoossaa haaroy asaynne doˈaykka sarotettan deˈanaadan oottana! They defend the flock by putting their brothers on guard against any who might attempt to undermine their faith. God's rule will bring peace and peace to all humans! 6: 9 - 11. Not Under Compulsion but Willingly 6: 9 - 11. Godaa Kahuwawu giigettanawu, geella he wodiyan kaafiya aqinye gididi oottiyoogan, kaseegaappe aaruwan haggaazanawu halchanakka danddayoos. 17: 14; 20: 10. If you prepare for the Lord's Evening Meal, we can also increase our share in the ministry by pioneering. Leemisuwau, beni Israaˈeela deree a bolli makkalido wode, a " lanccissidosona '; shin ayyo azazettiya aadhida eranchati a ufayssoosona. - Maz. 78: 40; Lee. 27: 11. How do Revelation 17: 10 and Habakkuk 2: 3 show the urgency of our times? For example, when the ancient nation of Israel rebelled against him, "his obedient heart began to hurt him. " - Psalm 40: 27; 40: 11. Nuuni Xoossan ammanettiyoonne ayyo oottiyo loˈˈo gaasoy deˈees. The evangelizer Philip had four virgin daughters who shared their father's zeal for evangelizing. We have good reason to trust in God and to trust him. Ha wodiyan, Armeniyan, Erttiran, Tohossa Koriyaaninne hara biittatun qasho keettan genccidi deˈiya daro Yihoowa Markkatussi hegaa mala xeelay deˈees. With the elder's help, the brother resumed his ministry and eventually qualified to serve again as an elder. Today, Jehovah's viewpoint is similar to the attitude of many Witnesses in South Africa, South Africa, South Korea, and other countries. Issi wode, issi sunttay Geeshsha Maxaafaa Tamaareti sabbakennaadan mintti odidaba gidikkokka, eti "wurssettay gakkanawu Xoossaa qaalaa sabbakiyoogaa aggennaagaa " geeshshi yootidoogaa odiis. According to Ephesians 4: 30, 31, we must rid ourselves of what? On one occasion, some Bible Students were warned that they would not fail to keep on preaching "in expectation of the word of God. " 1, 2. (a) Xoossay coo immiyo "zawai bainna " imotay aybee aybee? Later, manuscripts were typed and retyped numerous times before being sent off to the printing branch in Australia. 1, 2. (a) What is the gift of God's "indescribable free gift "? Masqqala 21 - 27, 2009 May we never misuse this precious gift from Jehovah or take it for granted. September 21 - 27, 2009 " Inttena bashshiya woiniyaa giyo eessaa uyidi mattottoppite. " How reassuring that must have been for Asaph! " Do not be getting drunk with wine. " Daawiti ba qofan zemppiyoogaappe woy hara uraa zoriyaa siyiyoogaappe, Yihooway bana tamaarissanaadan koyiis. What zealous effort is put forth at Memorial time? Rather than lean on his own thoughts or feelings, David sought Jehovah's help to teach him. (Tiitu 2: 12, 13) Yaatiyo gishshau, Yesuusa aawatettaunne kaaletuwau haarettiyoogan ubbatoo a qambbaran waaxettidi deˈanau murttoos. 6, 7. Let us, therefore, be determined to remain in subjection to Jesus ' headship and his wife. " Kiristtoosi intteyyo waayettiis; intte a ["kottiyaa, " NW] kaallana mala, intteyyo leemiso gidiis. " - 1 PHE. (b) In what practical ways can we assist immigrants in our congregation? " Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely. " - 1 PET. Nu keettaa asau ufayssaa gujjida harabay, 40u asati banttana geppidi xammaqettanaadan maaddidoogaa. Constant exposure to these and other worldly trends can easily affect our feelings and attitude toward the direction that Jehovah provides, causing us to relax our firm hold on the real life. Another factor that has increased our family's joy is that of 40 men helped them to get baptized. Nuuni darotoo, " seeriyoogee ' gubaaˈe cimi oottiyooba giidi qoppoos. Regarding the Beroeans in Paul's day, the Scriptures say: "They received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so. " We often think that we do not have "a measure of encouragement " in the congregation. Iita waayiyaa doomettau malaatay aybee? But Jesus corrected their attitude, saying: "You know that foreign rulers like to order their people around. What will signal the beginning of the great tribulation? yaagidi inttena oychite. Obviously, a person growing up in such an environment may not readily think of himself as a sinner in the sense that Paul meant. Ask yourself: " What do you think? (b) Eta hanotaappe nuuni ay tamaarana danddayiyoo? Before going out to combat the Ammonites, Judge Jephthah vowed that if Jehovah gave him the victory, the first person who would come out to meet him after the battle would be devoted to Jehovah's service at the sanctuary. (b) What can we learn from their experience? Nuuni haratuura laggetananne dabbotana koyoos. 12: 18. We want to have a close relationship with others. He gallassi he sohuwaa biida asaa qooday "maccaasaanne naata paidennan, ichchashu sha7aa gidiyaagaa keena. " (Maa. 24: 45 - 47. On that day, "the number of women were about five thousand children and five thousand children. " Eti Xoossaa naˈaa, ayyaana mereta gidida makkalanchaa Seexaanaa kaallidosona. What can we do to combat negative feelings? They followed Satan's spirit - begotten spirit creature as a spirit creature. He ayyaanaa Xoossaa ashkkarati ubbay demmana danddayoosona; he ayyaanay wolqqaama xubiyaa xooni kiyanaadan eta maaddees. " [The nations] are in darkness mentally,... because of the insensibility of their hearts. " - 4: 18, 19. All of this can receive God's spirit, and it enables all of God's servants to overcome similar obstacles. 1, 2. The life of a widow or widower is not a simple return to being single. 1, 2. SHin " cakkiyo wode ' geetettida wurssetta gallassan he ubbabay laamettana. (Maa. Let us take to heart the examples that we have considered and stay watchful for opportunities to defend and honor Jehovah as "the God of gods, " yes," the God great, mighty and fear - inspiring. " - Deut. But "the harvest of the harvest " will bring an end to all these changes in the last days. Kiitettida PHeexiroosi "[Kiristtoosaara] laattana " asata xeelliyaagan hagaadan giis:" Xoossai xumaappe garamissiya ba poo7uwau inttena xeesiis; intte a ooratta oosuwaa yootanau doorettida zare; intte kawo qeeseta; geeshsha asanne Xoossaassi buzo asa. " (1 PHe. What are some changes that were made in the 2013 revision of the New World Translation? Regarding "the royal priesthood, " the apostle Peter wrote:" You are called " a royal priesthood, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession, that you may declare abroad the excellencies ' of the one that called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. " Seexaanay Yesuusa beeta maqidasiyaa efiidee? John Locke (1632 - 1704) related this story about the Dutch ambassador and the king of Siam: While describing his country, Holland, to the king, the ambassador mentioned that at times it was possible for an elephant to walk on water. Did Satan take Jesus into the temple? Issi kiitanchay guyyeppe PHawuloosawu, "Neeni... * An angel later told Paul: "You are. Leemisuwau, nuuni galla galla issi bazzido saate xallan Xoossaa Qaalaa nabbabanau, an wotti dentti qoppanaunne Yihoowakko woossanau danddayoos giidi qoppoos. Yet, thanks to Jehovah's molding, we changed; we became more like lambs. For example, suppose we are planning to read God's Word daily, meditate on it, and pray to Jehovah for his Word. Ha denttettiya wolqqay asaa naati Xoossaa sheniyaanne halchuwaa eqettanaadan oottees. Although we now live far away from our children, we are glad that we are able to have frequent conversations with them. " This powerful force leads humans to resist God's will and purpose. Issi uri ayyaanan tiyettiyo wode a qofay waani laamettii, qassi laamettanaadan oottiyaabay aybee? How Would You Answer? How does a person feel about the operation of holy spirit, and what change is there? Ha huuphe yohoy ha oyshata zaarees. If we are suffering some form of injustice - even as the faithful man Job did - we need to remind ourselves that Jehovah is not the cause of the unfairness. This article answers these questions. Yesuusi akko woossidonne bana kaalliyaageeti akko woossanaadan tamaarissido Xoossay A. - Maa. 6: 9. There, "the boy Samuel continued growing up before Jehovah. " Jesus taught his followers to pray to him and to pray to him. - Matthew 6: 9. I hegaadan oottanaadan a dichidaageeti, asttamaaretinne zoriyaageeti a keehi denttettennan aggokkona! (See paragraphs 9, 12) How easy he must have been to do so, his parents, and teachers! 13: 8) Yaatin, ha wodiyan geeshsha ayyaanay deˈiyo ura waati erana danddayettii? Paul stated: "In everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts. " How, then, can we know that holy spirit is a person today? (Maa. 16: 8) PHeexiroosa ammanoy laafin i abban muuhettiyoogaa doommi simmidi oottidobaappe nuuni keehi maaddiyaabaa tamaariyoogaa hassaya. What relief can they deliver in the face of death? Remember, Peter's faith was vital when he started to sink into the sea and then learned valuable lessons. Gubaaˈiyan Deˈiya Issippetettaa 4, 5. " The unity of the Congregation " Geeshsha Maxaafaa xaafeti he qaalaa goˈettibeennay hegaassa gidennan aggenna. " What decisive action did the Bible Students take, showing that they understood the need to separate themselves from false religion? That is why Bible writers may have used this word. " Muuse Higgee Yihoowabaanne a xillotettaa maaraabaa "kumetta eratettaanne kumetta tumatettaa " qonccissees. (Roo. We imitate Paul by considering the feelings of those to whom we preach Under the Mosaic Law, the Mosaic Law points to Jehovah and his righteousness "with complete righteousness and truth. " (Doomettan deˈiya misiliyaa xeella.) Let us keep in mind that Jehovah gives such warnings out of concern and love. (See opening picture.) PHeexiroosi Qornneliyoosassinne a dabbotussi sabbakoogaappe guyyiyan, eti qaxxarettana xayikkonne, geeshsha ayyaanay eta bolli wodhiis. A beautiful Shulammite girl of ancient Israel did not want her friends to pressure her to become one of King Solomon's many wives. And after Peter and his apostles had preached the word, they received the holy spirit. (Luqaasa 5: 32) Ee, nuuni oottido mooruwan wozanappe zilˈˈettidi nu nagaraappe simmidi Xoossay atto gaanaadan oychikko, i gita nagaraakka atto gees. 5: 44. Yes, God will forgive our sins, and he will forgive us again. Leemisuwawu, Kawotettaa addaraashan hara kifilee deˈikko, eti yan uttidi ezggana danddayoosona. The writer of those words, the ancient wise King Solomon, went on to say that there is a time to be born and a time to die, a time to build and a time to tear down, a time to love and a time to hate. For example, if the Kingdom Hall is available, they could read them regularly. Woosaa 5 Xoossay Siyidi Zaarii? Recounting how Jehovah has helped his people in the past will instill in us confidence to face the future. - Dan. 5 Prayer - What Is It From God? Solomoni ubbabay deˈuwan gakkiyoy qaadaana giyoogaappe, asaa naati oottiyoobay kaalettiyoobaa kasetidi erennay "qoppennan gayttiyaabaynne wodee oottoogaadan " haniyo gishshataassa gidiyoogaa qonccissiis. That is my name; and to no one else shall I give my own glory. " - Isaiah 42: 8. Because Solomon described all things in life as "time to deal with the consequences of human actions and unforeseen occurrence. " Nuugaappe dumma hanotan nu ishatu zoriya wozanay issi issibaa oottennaadan diggana danddayiyoogaa akeekidi, eta xubbiyaabaa oottennaadan nuuyyo danddayettidabaa ubbaa oottanau baaxetoos. - 1 Qoronttoosa 8: 12; 2 Qoronttoosa 4: 2; 1 PHeexiroosa 3: 16. What a grand heritage lies just ahead for all who obey God's Anointed One! We try to avoid any obstacles that could cause us to lose our conscience and make it difficult for us to do all we can to avoid stumbling. - 1 Cor. 8: 8; 2 Corinthians 4: 16. Nuuni keha, qarettiyaageetanne atto giyaageeta gidana koshshees. Jehovah assures us that "anyone who seeks a blessing for himself in the earth will be blessed by the God of truth. " We need to be kind, kind, forgiving, and forgiving. 12: 1, 2. Do you have a meaningful share in that work? 12: 1, 2. Hegaa gishshawu, i ba kumetta wozanaappe Yihoowawu aqiis. - 2 Kaw. Satan does this. So he stuck to Jehovah with all his heart. - 2 Ki. Yaatiyoogan, neeni Yihoowau haggaazanau koyiyoogaa xalla gidennan, a kaseegaappe aaruwan eriyoogaakka bessaasa. First, let us consider how God warns us when we are developing bad inclinations. In that way, you show that you love Jehovah more than your desire to serve him. Nu woosay a salettees giidi mule qoppana bessenna. Regarding the people of ancient Israel who endured harsh slavery in Egypt followed by 40 difficult years in the wilderness the Bible says: "During all their distress it was distressing to him. " There is no need to think that our prayers are not limited. Eti bantta ishantti bantta ammanuwaa bashshanau koyiya oonanne eqettanaadan maaddiyoogan wudiyaa naagoosona. Still others who recently got married are looking for advice on marriage. Rather than assisting those who want to defend their faith, they protect themselves from the flock. Dosaanappe Attin Wolqqan Gidenna What does it mean to shepherd the flock "eagerly "? Not The Lord's Evening Meal 17: 14; 20: 10. (Read 2 Chronicles 34: 14 - 18.) 17: 14; 20: 10. Ajjuutaa 17: 10 ynne Imbbaaqooma 2: 3y nuuni deˈiyo wodee eesoyiyaagaa gidiyoogaa waatidi qonccissii? What are some ways that we demonstrate trust in Jehovah? How does Revelation 17: 10 and Habakkuk 2: 3 illustrate the urgency of our times? Wonggeliyaa mishiraachuwaa yootiya Piliphoosassi aagaadan mishettidi wonggeliyaa mishiraachuwaa yootiya oyddu geelaˈo naati deˈoosona. Our determination to put spiritual interests in first place bore good fruit. The Gospel writer Philip served as a zealous witness to the good news of the good news. He cimay maaddin, he ishay zaarettidi haggaaziyoogaa doommiis; guyyeppe qassi kaseegaadan gubaaˈe cima gididi sunttettiis. Our developing similar confidence in God can give us the courage to face any of today's adversities. - Read Psalm 46: 1 - 3. With that help, the brother began serving as an elder and later was appointed as an elder. Efisoona 4: 30, 31 yootiyoogaadan, nuuni aybippe haakkana koshshii? A ROAD sign that is pointing in the wrong direction is not just misleading; it is potentially dangerous. According to Ephesians 4: 30, what must we avoid? Guyyeppe, Awusttiraaliyaa macara biiruwan attamettanaadan kiittanaappe kase, kushiyan xaafidoogaa darotoo zaaretti zaarettidi tayppiyan xaafoos. Keeping your eyes focused on service to Jehovah and planning your life accordingly will help you to "stay awake. " Later, before sending out to the Australia branch office in Australia, the text was often translated into my hand. 3: 1, 2) Simi Yihooway immido ha alˈˈo imotaa bessenna ogiyan mule goˈettennaageeta gidoos. Both Jews and Christians understood that the Hebrew Scriptures were the inspired Word of God, which made it possible for Paul to establish common ground with those whose hearts were inclined toward righteousness. May we never use this precious gift from Jehovah. (Era. 7: 1) Hegee Asaafa ay keena minttettideeshsha! Under inspiration, Lamech said: "This one [Noah] will bring us comfort from... the painful toil of our hands because of the ground that Jehovah has cursed. " What encouragement that must have been for Asaph! Godaa Kahuwaa bonchiyo wode ishati mishettidi ay oottanau baaxetiyoonaa? (b) What questions will we consider? What efforts do brothers make during the Memorial season? 6, 7. What is the role of the Watchtower Study conductor? 6, 7. (b) Hara biittappe yiidi nu gubaaˈiyan deˈiyaageeta maaddiyaabaa ay oottana danddayiyoo? With Jehovah's support, Jesus miraculously provided food and even money when needed. - Matt. (b) What can we do to help those from another land? Hageetanne alamee giigissiyo hara sugiyaabata darotoo goˈettiyoogee, Yihooway immiyo kaaletuwaappe nu qofaanne nu xeelaa sohuwaara deshissana danddayees; hegee nuuni tumu deˈuwaa minttidi oyqqennaadan oottees. Yes, their affection for Paul moved them to comfort and strengthen him when he was in need. Unlike the world and other elements, Jehovah's direction usually makes it easier for us to keep our minds fixed on the direction we receive from our mind and heart. PHauloosa wode deˈida Beeriyaa asata xeelliyaagan Geeshsha Maxaafay: "" [Siyidobay] tumakkonne ' yaagidi, ubba gallassi Xoossaa maxaafata tamaariiddi, qaalaa kumetta laamotan ekkidosona " yaagees. [ Picture on page 15] Regarding those who were in Paul's day, the Bible says: "He became absorbed in the Scriptures daily, carefully examining the Scriptures daily. " SHin, Yesuusi hagaadan giidi eta qofaa suurissiis: "Aihuda gidennaageetu halaqatinne hegeeta kaalettiya asati bantta asaa haariyoogaa ereeta. Looking back on those years, Annie Cregeen, an anointed sister who traveled the length and breadth of France with her husband from 1931 to 1935, wrote: "We had a very happy and eventful life! Instead, Jesus corrected them, saying: "You know that the rulers of the nations and the rulers of the nations have been subjected to their authority and authority. Hegaa mala heeran diccida uri, PHauloosi qonccissanau koyido ogiyan, nagarancha gidiyoogaa qoppennan aggana danddayees. One of the commands that its members obey concerns the making of sworn oaths. In such areas, Paul may have felt that he was a sinner and that he was a sinner. Amoonatuura olettanawu baanaappe kase, Daannaa Yofttaahee I xoonanaadan Yihooway maaddikko, olaappe soo simmiyo wode, A mokkanawu sooppe koyro kiyiya uraa Yihoowa beeta maqidasiyan haggaazana mala immanawu shiiqettiis. She adds: "Being far away from my family, I always turn to Jehovah for help. Before he came to fight war, Jephthah vowed to Jehovah that if he first returned home to meet him, he would offer him a service to Jehovah to serve at the temple. 12: 18. He has been slow to anger and has been just in dealing with Satan's revolt. 12: 18. 24: 45 - 47. " Do not forget hospitality. " 24: 45 - 47. Iita qofaa xoonanau ay oottana danddayiyoo? You will not allow your loyal one to see the pit. " What can we do to overcome negative thoughts? " Ayhuda gidenna asati ixxaas giyaageeta gidiyo gishshau, eta wozanay xuman deˈees. ' - 4: 18, 19. This can include sharing upbuilding Scriptural thoughts, inviting them to join us in the ministry, or just taking time to listen to them. " As a Jew, ' the hearts of the Gentiles were in darkness, because they were not in darkness. " - 4: 18, 19. Aqo laggee hayqqido uraa deˈoy machibeenna woy gelibeenna wodiyaagaa mala gidenna. Because God is a Person, he also has a personality with likes and dislikes - even feelings. A marriage mate does not mean that he or she is not alone. Qommoora beˈido leemisota nu wozanan wottiyaageetanne Yihooway " xoossatu Xoossaa ' qassi "gita Xoossaa; i wolqqaamanne yashshiya Xoossaa " gidiyoogaa yootanaunne a bonchanau injjiyaa ubbatoo beegotti naagiyaageeta gidoos. - Zaa. Tim: I thought you did, but when my coworker said that you don't believe in Jesus, it made me curious. Let us reflect on the examples mentioned in our heart, and let us keep on "the great God, " Jehovah, and he will continue to glorify him. - Deut. Zaarettidi 2013n giigissido Ooratta Alamiyaa Birshshettan laamettida issi issibay aybee? Look at us, please, for we are all your people. " What are some adjustments in the 2013 revision of the New World Translation? Jon Loki (1632 - 1704) Dache biittaa ambbaasaddariyaanne Siyame kawuwaa xeelliyaagan hagaadan giis: Ambbaasadderee ba biittaa, Hoolanddebaa kawuwau yootiyo wode, issi issitoo danggarssay haattaa bolli hemettana danddayiyoogaa yootiis. How old is it? In one of the 17th century B.C.E., John C. * Make your choice: your religion or your work. " * (Isi. 11: 6 - 8; Qol. 3: 9, 10) Nuuni ayyaana gannatiyan deˈoos. Consider an example of how Adam used his free will in an appropriate way. We enjoy a spiritual paradise. Nuuni haˈˈi etappe keehi haakkidi deˈikkokka, etaara ubbatoo haasayana danddayiyo gishshawu ufayttoos. " It basically means that we choose to let go of resentment. We feel as though we live far away from them, but we always feel comfortable with them. " Woygada Zaaruutii? We also get courage by keeping active in the Kingdom - preaching work. How Would You Answer? Ammanettida asa gidida Iyyoobaagaadan nuuni naaqettikko, hegau gaasoy Yihoowa gidennaagaa hassayana koshshees. He tells us: "As for me, I will keep on the lookout for Jehovah. I will show a waiting attitude ["I will wait patiently, " ftn.] for the God of my salvation. Like Job, we need to bear in mind that Jehovah does not cause us to suffer. (1 Sam. 1: 24 - 28) Yan "na7ai Sameeli GODAA sinttan dicciis. " (1 Sam. The parable of the talents reveals that the master gave to one slave five talents, to another two, and to still another just one. There, "the earth was growing up in Jehovah's eyes. " (Mentto 9, 12 xeella) Articles, charts, and historical information useful to Bible students (See paragraphs 9, 12) PHauloosi, " Xoossaa woossiyo woosa ubban a keehi galatiiddi, inttena koshshiyaabaa ubbau woossite; qassi asa eratettaa ubbaappe aadhiya Xoossaa sarotettay intte wozanaa naagana ' yaagiis. (Pili. If you hope to marry someone who shares your desire to serve Jehovah whole - souled, keep this matter before Him in prayer. Paul wrote: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers. " Issi uri hayqqana haniyo wode hegee ay maaddana danddayii? 1, 2. (a) What is sometimes needed to pursue an upright course in life? What can help a person to cope when he dies? 4, 5. (Read Revelation 6: 14.) 4, 5. Geeshsha Maxaafaa Tamaareti worddo haymaanootiyaa yame gidennaagaa bessanawu ay oottidonaa? Thanks to Jehovah, I even started a Bible study with my formerly opposed grandmother. " What did Bible Students do to show that they were not part of false religion? Nuuni haasayissiyoogeetu hanotaa akeekiyoogan PHauloosa leemisuwaa kaalloos See the box entitled "Sextus Afranius Burrus. " We imitate Paul's attitude toward those whom we speak Yihooway hegaadan nuna akeekissiyoy nuussi qoppiyoonne nuna siiqiyo gishshataassa gidiyoogaa hassayite. " The light of Jehovah's face ' signifies divine favor. Remember, because Jehovah's Word tells us that we are interested in it and that he loves us. Beni Israaˈeelen SHulaameppe yiida loˈˈiya geelaˈiyaa Kawuwaa Solomona daro machotuppe issinno gidanaadan i laggeti denttettana mala koyabeykku. In any case, if our close associates do not show a high regard for Jehovah's standards, they can in time destroy our good standing with God. Although the Shulammite girl in ancient Israel did not want her to become one of the many friends of King Solomon, he did not hesitate to force him to become a wife. 5: 44. Let us consider four of the good qualities that Abraham displayed. 5: 44. Hagaa xaafida, beni wode erancha Kawuwaa Solomoni, yelettanaunne hayqqanau, keexxanaunne qolanau, dosanaunne ixxanau wodee deˈiyoogaa yootiis. Any attempts to prove our own righteousness could invalidate our claim to love him. - Read Luke 16: 15. In this regard, King Solomon of ancient times warned King Solomon that there would be a period of time when he would die, die, and die. Yihooway hagaappe kase ba asaa waatidi maaddidaakko hassayiyoogee, nuuni sinttappe hananabaa ammanettidi naaganaadan oottees. - Dane. In fact, the words "honor " and" respect " are often used together because they are closely related. Remembering how Jehovah has helped his people in the past to wait patiently for the future. - Dan. Ta bonchchuwaa taani harau immikke " yaagiis. - Isi. 42: 8. Focusing on our worries will not extend our life by even a fraction of a second, let alone improve it. My glory is no part of the heavens. " - Isaiah 42: 8. Xoossay Tiyidoogau azazettiya ubbay sinttappe gitabaa laattana! They do this in a variety of ways. What a future awaits all obedient obedient obedient obedient obedient ones! " Anjjuwaa koyiya... tumatettaa Xoossai anjjanaadan " woossiya, saˈan deˈiya ubbata Yihooway anjjanaagaa yootiis. (Isi. And our Exemplar, Jesus Christ, stressed the importance of praising God by preaching the good news. - Luke 4: 18, 43, 44. Jehovah promised that "the God of truth... will bless every man according to the truth. " Neeni he oosuwan neeyyo danddayettida keena ubban shaahettay? Note the contrast between her and Orpah, who "returned to her people and her gods. " Are you doing all you can in that work? Seexaanay hegaadan oottees. Associate with friends who are encouraging, positive, and kind but who will also be honest with you. - Proverbs 13: 20 Satan does just that. Ane koyro, nuuni iitabaa oottanau qoppiyo wode Xoossay nuna waati seeriyaakko beˈoos. Then, put forth earnest effort to promote "the uniting bond of peace. " First, let us consider how God disciplined us when we think about evil. Aylle gididi Gibxxen metuwan genccidi, guyyeppe 40 layttawu bazzuwan metootida beni Israaˈeela asaa xeelliyaagan Geeshsha Maxaafay hagaadan gees: " Eta waaye ubban I waayettiis. ' Many families take time to make family application of the material studied. In the past, for 40 years in Egypt, the Bible says of people of ancient Israel: "They suffered hardships in the wilderness. " Qassi mati aqo oyqqidaageeti bantta aqo deˈuwaa xeelliyaagan zoriyaa koyoosona. In what sense? And they seek advice about marriage. Wudiyaa "loˈˈo qofan " heemmiyoogaa giyoogee woygiyoogee? Our peaceful spiritual paradise is something to be treasured and safeguarded. What does it mean to "consider fineness "? (2 Odiya 34: 14 - 18 nabbaba.) For example, we might say, "Let's see what our Creator says on this topic. " (Read 2 Chronicles 34: 14 - 18.) Yihoowan ammanettiyoogaa bessana danddayiyo ogetuppe amaridaageeti awugeetee? © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania What are some ways in which we can show trust in Jehovah? Nuuni ayyaanaabaa kaseyanawu murttidoogee loˈˈo ayfiyaa demissiis. Today, people are bombarded with information. We set a fine example of determination to put spiritual interests first. Nuunikka Xoossan etaagaadan ammanettiyoogee ha wodiyan nu bolli gakkiya ay metuwaaninne xala gididi genccanaadan maaddees. - Mazamure 46: 1 - 3 nabbaba. By exercising faith in the shed blood of Jesus, we can enjoy the favor and trust that come from being God's friends. Our trust in God will help us to cope with any trial we may face today and face tests of faith. - Read Psalm 46: 1 - 3. BALA ogiyaa baanaadan oottiya, ogiyan deˈiya malaatay balettiyoogaa xalla gidennan, daafabaa kaalettana danddayees. The Scriptures clearly indicate that Sprout is Jesus Christ. - Isa. Not only can the ant go to the road but it can lead to disaster. Yihoowayyo oottiyoogan intte xeelaa wottiyoogeenne intte deˈuwan hegaara moggottiya halchuwaa halchiyoogee intte " beegottidi ' deˈanaadan maaddees. That kind of corrupt religion was likely in full sway during Enoch's time. Working in Jehovah's service will help you to "stay awake " and adjust your goals. (Luq. 24: 44) Ibraawetto Geeshsha Maxaafay ayyaanaa kaaletuwan xaafettida Xoossaa Qaala gidiyoogaa Ayhudatikka Kiristtaanetikka eroosona; hegee bantta wozanan geeshshatettaa dosiyaageeti PHawuloosi yootiyoobaa ufayttidi siyanaadan maaddiis. And what a delight it must have been when traveling elders, such as Paul, visited the congregations! The Hebrew Scriptures also knew that God's Word is a product of holy spirit, and it helped Christians to listen to their heart. (Doo. 5: 29, tohossa qofaa) Laameeki ayyaanay denttettin, "Ha na7ai [Nohee] GODAI qanggido biittaa bollan nuna nu... daafuraappe shemppissana " yaagiis. After some time in that foreign country, he was falsely accused of attempted rape and was imprisoned without a trial. The inspired record was inspired to write: "The son of man is coming out of our hands, and Jehovah will comfort us. " (b) Nuuni beˈana oyshati awugeetee? Meaningful Life, 4 / 1 (b) What questions will we consider? Wochiyo Keelaa Xinaatiyaa kaalettiyaagee oottiyoobay aybee? Some have chosen study projects that involved studying Bible prophecy or the Bible's historical, archaeological, and scientific accuracy. What is the role of the Watchtower Study? 4: 1 - 7) Yihooway maaddin, Yesuusi maalaalissiya ogiyan asaa qumaa miziis; ubba qassi koshshiyo wode miishshaa demmanaadan oottiis. - Maa. His reaction showed, not selfish interest, but concern over Jehovah's name. With Jehovah's help, Jesus miraculously provided food for people, especially when they were fed. - Matt. 4: 10, 11) Ee, eti PHawuloosawu qarettido gishshawu, koshshiyo wode a maaddidosonanne minttettidosona. When we share the Kingdom message with others, we have a fine opportunity to do "good toward all. " Yes, Paul and Barnabas encouraged Paul when he was in need of comfort and encouragement. [ Sinttaa 17n deʼiya misiliyaa qonccissuwaa] Is such a perception correct? [ Picture on page 9] Ba azinaara 1931ppe 1935 gakkanaashin, Paransaaye biittan gaxaappe gaxaa gakkanaashin yuuyida Ani Krajino giyo tiyettida michiyaa he wodebaa hassayada hagaadan gaasu: "Nuuni keehi ufayssiya loˈˈo deˈo deˈida! What helped them to discern that they were ready to take sides with Jehovah? Says Anna, a pioneer sister from France, who has been serving in France until 1931: "The best way to live in France was the best way we enjoyed! He ooratta deriyaa asay azazettiyo higgiyaappe issoy caaqqiyoogaara gayttidaba. " May the words of my mouth... be pleasing to you, O Jehovah. " - PS. This new nation was made up of laws regarding obedience to the laws of the new nation. A gujjada hagaadan gaasu: "Nu soo asaappe haakkada deˈiyo gishshawu, tana maaddanaadan ubbatoo Yihoowakko woossays. Considering the extent of the damage that has occurred, restoration will be no small task; it will not take place overnight. She adds: "I pray to Jehovah for help because I live away from my family. I Seexaanaa makkalaa danddayidi suurebaa oottiis. The apostle Peter said: "For a certainty I perceive that God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. " - Acts 10: 34, 35. He did what was right in Satan's rebellion. " Imatta mokkiyoogaakka dogoppite. " What is involved in coming to know God? " Do not forget hospitality. " Neeni Maayiyoobay Xoossaa Bonchissii? Far more valuable, however, are the spiritual gems found in Jesus ' Sermon on the Mount. Do You See God's Name? 16: 10) Daawiti hegaadan giidoy i mule hayqqennaagaa woy duufuwan gelennaagaa yootanaassa gidenna. How did Jehovah help David to cope with the challenges he faced? Clearly, David was not saying that he would never die in the grave or that he would never die in the grave. (1 Tas. 5: 14) SHuggida daroti guyyeeppe ammanuwan minnana danddayikkokka, nuuni danddayidi harata ubba wode maaddana koshshees. Several of Jesus ' relatives expressed faith in him during his public ministry. Even though many of us may face tests of faith, it is vital that we continue to support others. Xoossaayyo eeshshati deˈoosona; i dosiyoobaynne ixxiyoobay deˈees - ubba ufayttanaunne azzananau danddayees. What is involved in obeying "the law of the Christ "? God's qualities include everything he loves - including what he loves and hating what he hates - even brings pain and sorrow. Taamira: Taanikka intte a ammaniyoogaa erays; shin tanaara oottiyaagee intte Yesuusa ammanennaagaa yootin eranawu keehi koyaas. Would you like to know what Bible prophecies have to say about our day? Tim: I know that you too have faith in him, but I wanted to know that you didn't believe in Jesus. Be7a, nuuni ubbaikka ne asa gidiyo gishshau, nuna maara " yaagana. Do we not enjoy serving such an appreciative and reasonable Master? And we are all sons, for we are all sons of people. " He maxaafay ay keena wodiyaa takkidee? " Just saying the name Jehovah caused my husband to fly into a rage. " How long has the book of Acts been? Ne haymaanootiyaappenne ne oosuwaappe issuwaa doora " yaagiis. And Psalm 34: 20 states: "[God] is guarding all the bones of that one; not one of them has been broken. " Choose one of your religious beliefs and practices. " Addaamee ba koyidobaa dooriyo maataa bessiyaagaadan waati goˈettidee? The Bible shows that imperfect humans have become friends with God. How did Adam use his free will? Hegaa giyoogee lancciyaa uluwan oyqqokko giyoogaa. Accordingly, on the basis of "the ransom paid by Christ Jesus, " the divine Judge is able to forgive sins that occurred in the past. That means not letting resentment go of resentment. Nuuni Kawotettaabaa minnidi sabbakiyoogeekka xalanaadan maaddees. 18 Do You "Safeguard Practical Wisdom "? We also find courage in preaching the Kingdom good news. I hagaadan giis: "Tana gidikko, taani ufaissan GODAA xeellashshana; tana ashshiya Xoossaa taani naagashshana; ta Xoossai tabaa siyana. " We have Jehovah's assurance that the end of this system of things will come right on schedule! He wrote: "If I am a servant of Jehovah, I will listen to my voice, and I will listen to my God. " Goday issuwawu ichashu shaˈu biraa, issuwawu naaˈˈu shaˈu biraa, qassi issuwawu issi shaˈu biraa immidoogaa biraa leemisoy qonccissees. In addition, we show loyalty to our fellow believers by shunning hurtful gossip or slander, refusing to spread such negative talk or even to listen to it. - Prov. The master considers two talents, one talent, and one third of the talents. Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈiyaageetussi maaddiya huuphe yohota, sanxxarazhetanne taarikiyaa Jehovah teaches them to love as no one else can. The articles that will help them to study the Bible, the earth, and the history of the universe Intteegaadan Yihoowayyo kumetta shemppuwaappe oottanau koyiya ura ekkanau woy gelanau qoppiyaaba gidikko, hegaa Yihoowayyo woosan yootite. (Pili. Should you do so even more? - Ps. If you feel that you want to serve Jehovah whole - souled, pour out your heart to him. 1, 2. (a) Deˈuwan suurebaa oottanau issi issitoo aybi koshshii? After that, the growth in the number of Kingdom proclaimers was unstoppable. 1, 2. (a) What is sometimes needed in order to do what? (Ajjuutaa 6: 14 nabbaba.) Those taking the lead in the congregation are imperfect men, and they should constantly be aware of that limitation. (Read Revelation 6: 14.) Qassi Yihooway maaddin, kase tana eqettiya ta aayee aayyiyo Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈissiyoogaa doommaas. " They will be replaced by "new heavens " - God's Messianic Kingdom - and" a new earth " - a righteous human society of true worshippers. With Jehovah's help, I began conducting a Bible study with my mother. " " Sekistes Afiriniyes Buures " giya saaxiniyaa xeella. Why not? See the box "How to Die. " 4: 6) " Yihoowa somˈˈuwaa pooˈoy ' Xoossay anjjiyoogaa bessees. • Why does Jehovah deserve our heartfelt worship? God's blessing is clear evidence that "the light of Jehovah is light. " Nu mata laggeti Yihooway kessido maarata xaasayi xeelliyaageeta gidikko, eti Xoossaara nu dabbotido dabbotaa wurssettan moorana danddayoosona. Jehovah inspired the apostle to encourage not only those in the congregations in Galatia but all His worshippers to remain steadfast. If our associates allow us to ignore Jehovah's standards, their relationship with God can eventually weaken our relationship with God. 11: 8 - 10, 17 - 19) Abrahaami ba deˈuwan qonccissido loˈˈo eeshshatuppe oyddata ane beˈoos. Roxana was perturbed. Let us consider four aspects of Abraham's life. Nu xillotettaa bessanau oottiyo aybinne nuuni Yihoowa siiqoos giyoogee mela gidanaadan oottees. - Luqaasa 16: 15 nabbaba. What contrast existed between the leaders of God's people and those of pagan nations? Our love for Jehovah moves us to show our love for our righteousness. - Read Luke 16: 15. Nuuni harata xeelliyo hanotay eta oyqqiyo ogiyaarakka gayttidaba. What has occurred among God's people after natural disasters? Our attitude toward others is also reflected in the way we treat others. (Maatiyoosa 6: 27) Nuna hirggissiyaabaa xallaa qoppiyoogan nu bariyaa adussana danddayokko. Nevertheless, Job was forgiving. We cannot lose sight of ourselves only if we focus our anxiety on ourselves. Eti hegaa dumma dumma ogiyan oottoosona. FROM OUR COVER They do so in various ways. 33: 1) Mishiraachuwaa yootiyoogan Xoossaa sabbiyoogee keehippe koshshiyoogaa nuuyyo leemiso gidiya Yesuus Kiristtoosi minttidi yootiis. - Luq. 4: 18, 43, 44. Then, what a marvelous name Jehovah will make for himself as he acts to deliver his loyal witnesses! - Ezek. Jesus Christ stressed the importance of praising the good news of God's Kingdom. - Luke 4: 18, 44. " Ba asaakkonne ba xoossatukko simmida ' Orppi hanotay Urutigaappe keehi dummatiyoogaa akeeka. (Uru. If they never existed and the garden in which they lived was a mere myth, then either Jesus was deceived or he was a liar. Note what happened in the case of Ruth and his men "who returned to his ears. " Nena minttettiya, neeyyo loˈˈobaa qoppiyaanne kehiya, qassi nebaa neessi tumaa yootiyaageetuura laggeta. - Leemiso 13: 20 Do you believe that Jehovah uses his "great power " and" mighty hand " to strengthen his servants today? You are a source of encouragement to those who are generous, kind, and generous toward you. - Prov. 13: 20; ftn. Yaatidi, " issippe gatti qachiya sarotettaa ' naaganawu wozanappe baaxetana bessees. When did Peter comment on Psalm 16: 10? We are not left in the dark. Then we must earnestly endeavor to safeguard "the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. " Daro keettaa asay xannaˈiiddi deˈiyo allaalliyaa bantta son waatidi oosuwan peeshshanaakko qoppoosona. Willingness to Forgive. Many families consider how to apply their Bible study in their home. Waanidi hegaadan hanidee? Listening certainly includes taking to heart what is said in God's Word and the spiritual food that he provides. How so? 6: 10) Sarotettay deˈiyo nu ayyaana gannatee keehi alˈˈoba gidiyo gishshau, nuuni a naagana koshshees. After praying all night, Jesus gathered his disciples and from among them chose 12 apostles. As our spiritual paradise depends on our precious spiritual paradise, we need to safeguard him. Leemisuwawu, "Ane hagaa xeelliyaagan Medhidaagee giyoobaa beˈoos " gaana danddayoos. That seed would eventually bruise the serpent, Satan, in the head. For example, we might say something about the Creator. " © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Rachel thoroughly enjoyed viewing the video presentation Pursue Goals That Honor God. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Ha wodiyan asay darobaa siyees. Why do you believe that it is beneficial to take a firm stand against materialism and sexual immorality? Today, many people respond favorably. (Roo. 5: 10) Gukkida Yesuusa suuttan ammanidi, Xoossaa dabbo gidiyoogan i nashshiyoogeetanne ammanettiyoogeeta gidana danddayoos. I felt a sense of relief and thereafter started to thank Jehovah regularly for such happy memories. We can be loyal to God by exercising faith in his shed blood, by exercising faith in Jesus. Geeshsha Maxaafay he Aacay Yesuus Kiristtoosa gidiyoogaa yootees. - Isi. What if we occasionally channel surf? The Bible states that this man is the Christ Jesus. - Isa. Hegaa mala iita haymaanootee oottiyoobay Heenooka wode aakkidaba milatees. Why may Lot's wife have looked back, and what did her disobedient act cost her? It seems that in the case of Enoch's false religion, the Devil was in danger. 5: 1 - 4) Qassi PHawuloosinne aagaadan yuuyidi xomoosiya cimati gubaaˈeta xomoosiyoogee keehi ufayssiyaaba! (Oos. Minimize distractions so you can focus on what you read. And how thrilling it is for Paul and his traveling overseers to visit congregations! (Doo. 37: 23 - 28; 42: 21) He asa biittan guuttaa deˈi simmin, asa macheera wolqqan zinˈˈanawu maliis gi wordduwan a mootidi, pirddi baynnan qachidosona. (Doo. Does that example not indicate that Jehovah is fully aware of the difficult situations in which his faithful people sometimes find themselves? - Isa. After a few years, a man in the land tried to rape his wife, who was falsely accused of lying. Aybinne Neeni Bonchettennaadan Diggana Mala Oottoppa, 2 / 15 What illustration shows that it would be illogical for God to have the Devil torment people in hellfire? Appreciate Jehovah's Qualities to the Full, 5 / 15 Woy qassi eti Geeshsha Maxaafay yootiyoobaa taarikiyaa eranchati, saynttistteti, woy arkkiyolojistteti yootiyoobaara geeddarssiyoogaa dosennan aggokkona. 34: 8. Or they may have seemed to be compared to what the Bible says, such as what they say, or what they say. A zaaroy bana siiqiyoogaappe Yihoowa sunttaabaa qoppiyoogaa bessees. 13, 14. His answer shows that she cares about Jehovah's name. Nuuni Kawotettaabaa haratussi yootiyo wode "asa ubbau lo77obaa " oottana danddayoos. (Gal. It appears that the Mosaic Law provided for a second tithe, which was set aside for the household's sustenance and enjoyment during the holy conventions each year. When we share the Kingdom message with others, we can do "what is good toward all. " Hegee tumee? Christians in southern Africa must also deal with customs surrounding miscarriages and stillbirths. Is that true? Eti Yihoowa bagga gidanawu he gitabaa kuuyanaadan maaddiday aybee? In what way? What helped them to make the decision to be on Jehovah's side? " Abeet Yihoowawu, ta doonaappe kiyiya qaalay nena ufayssiyaabaa gido. ' - MAZ. The Word has served Jehovah for ages, for the Bible states: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. " " O Jehovah, please, let your mouth be joyful. " - PS. Gakkida qohuwaa qoppiyo wode, ha keettaa bottokonanaagee, issi gallassan giigiya guutta ooso gidenna. Desire to be alone or with very few people. During the Thousand Year Reign, this system of things is not enough for a small amount of work. Kiitettida PHeexiroosi, "Xoossai asa som77o xeellenna; shin dere ubban baassi yayyiyaagaanne xillo ooso oottiyaagaa galatiyoogaa taani tumu akeekaas " yaagiis. - Oos. 10: 34, 35. But I believe differently. The apostle Peter wrote: "I learned that God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. " - Acts 10: 34, 35. Xoossaa eriyoogee ay ay gujjii? Paul touched only on the high points, his readers being well - acquainted with the details of Abraham's life. What does knowing God involve? Gidikkokka, Yesuusi Deriyaa Bollan hegaappekka keehi alˈˈo gidida goˈˈiya timirttiyaa tamaarissiis. Hence, all four of those kings were zealous for fine works. However, Jesus also taught valuable lessons from the Sermon on the Mount. Daawiti metuwan genccanaadan Yihooway waati maaddidee? Or have you felt discouraged when your Bible student, who seemed so promising at first, failed to take a stand for the truth? How did Jehovah help David to cope with trials? Leemisuwau, kiitettida Yaaqoobinne Yohaannisi Yesuusau aayee michee naata gidennan aggokkona; qassi eta aayyiyaa Salooma assi aayee micho gidennan waaya aggana. She had begged Jehovah to intervene - just as I had. " For example, the apostle James and John may have been the mother of Jesus ' mother, Mary, and Jesus ' grandmother's mother. " Kiristtoosa higgiyau " azazettanawu ay oottana koshshii? (Read Psalm 142: 2.) What must we do to obey "the law of the Christ "? Nu wodiyaabaa Geeshsha Maxaafaa hiraagay woygiyaakko eranawu koyay? The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy: "Give orders to those who are rich in the present system of things not to be high - minded, and to rest their hope, not on uncertain riches, but on God. " Would you like to know what Bible prophecy says about our day? Hegaadan nashshiyaanne ashkke gidida Godau haggaaziyoogee ufayssiyaaba gidennee? Who are these ones who shine so brightly? Would not such humble and mild - tempered service not be a source of joy? Taani Yihoowa giyo sunttaa denttiyoogee ta azinay hanqquwaa suullanaadan oottees. " WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? My husband's respect for Jehovah's name makes me feel hurt. " 12: 10) Mazamure 34: 20y, "GODAI a mintti naagiyo gishshau a meqettaappe issoinne meqqenna " yaagees. We got married. Psalm 34: 20 says: "It is written: " He will not be taken out of his hand because of his bones. ' " Geeshsha Maxaafay asay Xoossaa dabbo gididoogaa yootees. The unifying of millions of people in true worship is clear evidence of what? The Bible describes people as God's friend. (Doo. 15: 6; 22: 15 - 18) Hegaappe denddidaagan, " Kiristtoos Yesuusa wozuwaa ' baaso oottidi, Xoossay beni oosettida nagaraa atto gees. Even without a king or a leader, a locust swarm operates like a well - organized army, overcoming virtually any obstacle. As a result, Christ's ransom referred to God as "the ransom paid by Christ Jesus. " 18 " Aadhida Eratettaa ' Naagay? How can holy spirit help you as you move toward your destination? 18 What Is "the Wisdom of Wisdom "? Ha siraataa wurssettay keerettida wodiyan yaanaagaa Yihooway boxooxissidi yootiis! (b) When especially will Jehovah become our salvation? Jehovah assures us that the end of this system of things is near! (Maa. 5: 28) Hegaa bollikka, nu mala Kiristtaaneta zigiriyoogaappe woy eta sunttaa mooriyoogaappe haakkiyoogan, hegaa malabaa hara urau odennan aggiyoogan woy ubba hegaa siyennan ixxiyoogan etau ammanettidaageeta gidiyoogaa bessoos. - Lee. 3: 18. Furthermore, we show loyalty to fellow believers by avoiding distractions or by avoiding conflict with fellow believers. - Prov. Ooninne tamaarissana danddayenna hanotan, eti siiqettanaadan Yihooway eta tamaarissiis. To make fine quality pottery, a potter uses high - grade clay. In some ways, Jehovah taught them to love them. Neeni kaseppe aaruwan hegaadan oottana koshshennee? - Maz. When Moses expressed his fear that his words would not be taken seriously, God prepared him to deal with what lay ahead. Should you not feel the need to do so? - Ps. Hegaappe guyyiyan, Kawotettaabaa yootiyaageetu qooday gujjiyoogaa mule aggibeenna. How was Abishai loyal to David? Then the number of Kingdom proclaimers never wavered. Gubaaˈiyan sintta xeera gididi kaalettiyaageeti polo asa gidenna gishshau, bantta pacaa ubbatoo akeekana koshshees. What attitude should we have toward this present world? Those taking the lead in the congregation should always recognize their imperfections because they are imperfect. Eti " ooratta saluwan, ' giishin Xoossaa Masiyaa Kawotettaaninne " ooratta saˈan, ' giishin tumatettan goynniya xillo asaa naatu maabaran laamettana. In fact, in some cases, young ones who were inclined to set such goals were encouraged by their parents to pursue secular goals instead! They are part of "the new heavens, " God's Kingdom, and true worshippers. Aybissi? Humility helps us to avoid being "overly righteous, " looking down on those who may not have the abilities or privileges that we have. Why? • Nuuni kumettaa wozanaappe goynniyoogee Yihoowayyo bessiyoy aybissee? We will find that these crumble when tested in the light of the Scriptures. • Why must we worship Jehovah whole - souled? Kiitettidaagee Galaatiyan deˈiyaageetu xalla gidennan, Yihoowau goynniya ubbay ammanettidaageeta gididi deˈanaadan minttettana mala, Xoossay ba geeshsha ayyaanan a denttettiis. The psalmist aptly said: "Praise Jah, you people, for it is good to make melody to our God; for it is pleasant. " The apostle Paul was inspired to encourage all worshippers of Jehovah not only to be loyal but also to his holy spirit. Roksina hirggaasu. The lesson for us? Roxana was nervous. Xoossaa asaa kaalettidaageeti eeqawu goynniya dereta kaalettidaageetuppe aybin dummatiyoonaa? Domitian, his brother, took the throne and promptly erected a triumphal arch in Titus ' honor. How do the leaders of God's people differ from false gods? Meretay gattiyo daafaappe simmin Xoossaa asay issoy issuwau ay oottidee? (See paragraph 18) What effect did God's people have on one another? Gidikkokka, Iyyoobi etau atto giis. One way would be to prepare a time line. Yet, Job forgave them. SINTTA HUUPHE YOHOTA Says Gregorio: "We wanted to make a change but didn't exactly know what to do. FROM OUR COVER He wode I banan ammanettiya ba ashkkarata ashshin, ubba asay Yihoowa gita sunttaa erana. - Hiz. Can You Explain? In that time, he will take note of the great name Jehovah, especially his loyal servants. - Ezek. (Maa. 19: 3 - 6) Eti mule deˈibeennabanne eti deˈido ataakiltte sohoy hayse gidikko, Yesuusi cimettiis woykko worddotiis. You might on occasion invite a younger couple to your home to share in family worship with you and your mate. If they had never lived and had never lived, Jesus was deceived or deceived by false stories. Yihooway ha wodiyan ba ashkkarata maaddanawu ba " gita wolqqaanne mino qesiyaa ' goˈettiyoogaa ammanay? Some husbands may forbid the Christian wife to teach the children from the Bible. Do you believe that Jehovah used his " mighty power " to help his servants today? Daawiti hegaa xaafoosappe issi shaˈu layttappe daroy aadhin, Mazamure 16: 10y obaa yootiyaakko PHeexiroosi qonccissiis. James 1: 25 reads, in part: "He who peers into the perfect law that belongs to freedom and who persists in it... will be happy in his doing it. " About 16 years later, David wrote the words of Psalm 16: 10: "Those words will be fulfilled. " Geeshsha ayyaanay Yesuusinne ammaniya hara asati Xoossaa Kawotettaa mishiraachuwaa sabbakanaadaaninne maalaalissiyaabaa oottanaadan maaddiis. So how can single Christians today - whether brothers or sisters, young in age or up in years, single by choice or because of circumstances - make the most of their situation in life? Holy spirit enabled Jesus and other men to preach the good news of God's Kingdom and preach the good news of God's Kingdom. Atto Gaanau Koyiyoogaa. When we are hospitable, generous, forgiving, and kind to one another, we can be sure that Jehovah takes notice of that as well. - Heb. Seeking forgiveness and forgiveness. Azazettiyoogee Xoossaa Qaalay yootiyoobaanne Xoossay giigissiyo ayyaana qumaa wozanan wottiyoogaa gujjiyoogee qoncce. (Maa. It began to rain as they were speaking to a woman outside her home. Clearly, obeying God's Word and providing food for the spiritual food provided by God's Word. Kumetta qammaa woossoogaappe guyyiyan, Yesuusi erissiyo ashkkarata shiishshidi eta giddoppe i kiittido 12ta dooriis. Nevertheless, I was ready to make the needed changes. - Ephesians 4: 22 - 24. After all, after all the night he returned home, Jesus selected 12 apostles from among them. He zerettay wurssettan shooshshaa, Seexaanaa huuphiyaa qoxxana. Our objective should be to restore peaceful relations. The offspring eventually became Satan's head, the serpent. Xoossaa Bonchissiya Halchota Kaallite giya viiduwaa beˈada Racheela keehi ufayttaasu. If so, now is the time to approach your congregation elders. I found joy in observing God's Word, and she was happy to see what happened. Miishshaa siiqiyoonne shori baynna asho gaytotettaa poliyo paaciyan kunddana xayikko, nuuni ayba anjjuwaa demmana gaada qoppay? Family members can show love for the congregation and the erring one by respecting the disfellowshipping decision. How do you think you would be blessed if we were to fall away from sexual immorality and sexual immorality? Hegee tana woppu oottiis; guyyeppe, hegaa mala ufayssiyaabaa hassayido payduwan Yihoowa galatiyoogaa doommaas. • Romans 13: 1, 2? That made me feel calm, and I began to thank Jehovah for all that I had done. Issi issitoo nuuni dumma dumma xaabiyaa dooyikko shin? Even though others could see that drinking was taking control of Tony and Allen, each kept telling himself that everything was normal. What about us at times? Looxe machiyaa guyye xeellidoy geella aybisseeshsha, a azazettabeennaagee i bolli ay kaalettidee? (a) How did "carefully examining the Scriptures daily " benefit the Beroeans? Suppose Lot's wife had taken a look back, and what effect did he have on his wife? Neeni nabbabiyoobaa akeekanawu qofay shaahettanaadan oottiyaabaa digga. They feature beautiful orchestral and choral renderings of the new songs. Put your mind on what you read. (Doo. 19: 16) Ha hanotay ammanettidi awu oottiyaageeti deˈiyo metiya hanotaa Yihooway loytti akeekiyoogaa bessennee? - Isi. What could hinder us from taking hold of glory? Does this situation not suggest that Jehovah is fully aware of the difficult circumstances that his faithful servants face? - Isa. Xoossay Seexaanay asaa siˈooliyaa taman qaxxayanaadan oottennaagaa bessiya leemisoy awugee? We must take action in order to resist and thus protect ourselves. What example shows that Satan does not want God to punish people in hellfire? 34: 8. Remain faithful. 34: 8. 13, 14. In 1939, at the age of 16, I joined them as a baptized servant of Jehovah. With Mom and Dad at the 1941 assembly in St. 13, 14. Layttan layttan shiiqiyo geeshsha yaaˈatu wode so asau koshshiyaabaanne eti ufayttanaadan oottiyaabaa kunttanau, tammaappe hara issi kushiyaa ekkidi baanaadan Muuse Higgee azazees. Doing so is essential if we are to pursue a course of holiness. Under the Mosaic Law, the Mosaic Law required that the family contribute to their well - being and contributed to a happy family. Tohossa bagga Afirkka biittatun deˈiya Kiristtaaneti, boshaanne uluwan hayqqida naˈaa yeliyoogaara gayttidaagan kaallana bessenna meezetikka deˈoosona. (Read Romans 8: 15 - 17.) Christians in South Africa are also concerned about the child's condition with the condition of the dead and the condition of the dead. Neeni polidobay aybee? ▪ He was courageous What is your response? Geeshsha Maxaafay, "Qaalai koiro de7ees; qaalaikka Xoossaara issippe de7ees " yaagiyo gishshawu, Qaalay Yihoowawu daro layttawu haggaaziis. He wanted all to have joy, as he did. The Bible says: "The beginning was first in the beginning, and the word of God has been with him for many years. " Asi baakko yeennaadan woy guutta asa xallay yaanaadan koyiyoogaa. ▪ Consider the purpose of the different schools established by Jehovah's organization. Asa did not want Asa to come to him or come to know him. SHin ta qofay hegaappe dumma. Similarly today, Jehovah's Witnesses recognize Jesus as their Leader. But my thinking was different. 4: 11) Ayhuda Kiristtaaneti Abrahaamebaa eriyo gishshau, a deˈuwaa xeelliyaagan PHauloosi etau amaridabaa xallaa yootiis. [ Footnotes] Paul spoke of some of the Jews about the Jews ' existence because they knew about him. (2 Odiya 34: 3) Hegaa gishshau, oyddu kawotikka loˈˈo oosuwau mishettidosona. " I read a lot about Jehovah's Witnesses on the Internet, " says Cecilie, quoted earlier. So kings were zealous for fine works. Woykko neeni xannaˈissiyo uri koyro gooba milatiyaaba gidikkokka, guyyeppe tuman minni eqqibeenna gishshau azzanadii? In the matter of wanting to serve as an elder, it's not about me - what I want or what I wish I could be. Or have you ever experienced the loss of someone in the truth, even though you had first been in the truth? Yihooway kelttiyaa gelanaadan taani woossidoogaadan akka woossaasu. " What prevented me from reaching out to serve as a ministerial servant? She prayed to Jehovah that she would not abandon me. " (Mazamure 142: 2 nabbaba.) In this way, they reached millions with the good news. (Read Psalm 142: 2.) Kiitettida PHauloosi Ximootiyoosayyo: "Ha77i ha wodiyan dure gidiyaageeti otorettennaadaaninne... de7o Xoossan ammanettanaagaappe attin, aadhdhiya duretettan eti ammanettennaadan, eta azaza " yaagidi xaafiis. Think of this comparison: Just as small boats are swept along by powerful sea currents, human political systems are pulled along by powerful, wicked spirit forces. The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy: "There are those who are rich in this present system of things, but those having no natural affection for God. " (Daaneela 12: 3) Ha keehippe pooˈiyaageeti oonee? * Who is this great light? NE QOFAY AYBEE? For example, a man who speaks abusively to his wife should strive to change his attitude toward her, especially as he learns how Jehovah honors women. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Higgiyan koyettiyaagaadan azinanne macho gidida. " You must show honor to an older man. " - LEV. In the Mosaic Law, a husband and wife are married. Miilooniyan qoodettiya asay tumu goynuwan issippetettaa medhidoogee ay qonccissii? For an example of one who overcame extreme shyness and became zealous in the ministry, see The Watchtower, September 15, 1993, page 19. What shows that millions of people are united in true worship? Booletussi kawoy woy kaalettiyaabi baynnaba gidikkonne, eti ayba xubiyaanne gidin xooniya, keehippe giigettida olanchatudan zattoosona. In what ways does Jehovah bless our decisions when we put him first? Although they were no longer kings or leader, they were ready to overcome them, regardless of what they would like to overcome or overcome. Neeni koyiyoosaa biyo wode geeshsha ayyaanay nena waati maaddana danddayii? Nevertheless, they persevered. Many modern - day servants of Jehovah have shown deep appreciation for Christian meetings. How can holy spirit help you when you feel secure? (b) Yihooway ba ashkkarata ashshanay awudee? Our house stood on a dirt road in a rural district. (b) When will Jehovah deliver his servants? 3: 18. Although they made mistakes, they were able to please God. 3: 18. Urqqaa medhiyaagee loˈˈo miishshaa medhanau, muruta urqqaa goˈettees. Imagine the challenges Noah had to face as rebel angels materialized in human form and cohabited with attractive women! The clay uses the potter to make good use of the clay. Muusee i yootiyoobaa asay siyenna giidi yayyiyoogaa yootido wode, Xoossay sinttappe gakkanabawu giigettanaadan a maaddiis. Soon we were able to pioneer. When Moses spoke boldly, he was helped to prepare him for future events in God's hands. Abishaayi Daawitayyo ammanettiyoogaa waati bessidee? Jesus Christ perfectly reflected his Father's gracious example. How did Abishai show loyalty to David? Ha alamiyaa xeelliyaagan nuussi deˈana koshshiya xeelay aybee? (Read Hebrews 13: 17.) What attitude should we have toward the world? Ubba qassi, hegaa malabaa halchanawu koyida issi issi yelagati hegaa aggidi asatettaabawu halchanaadan eta yelidaageeti minttettidosona! Sadly, rather than choosing to obey and live forever, Adam chose to ignore God's command, and he ate the forbidden fruit when his wife, Eve, gave it to him. In fact, some young ones encouraged their parents to plan ahead after such goals! 4: 12) Nuna "keehi daro aadhdhida eranchcha " gi qoppidi, nuuyyo deˈiya eray woy maatay baynna asata karennaadan nu huuphiyaa kawushshiyoogee maaddees. (Era. Jehovah commissioned Jeremiah as his prophet to preach a message of judgment on apostate Jerusalem and Judah. Humility helps us to avoid being overly concerned about "the wisdom of the One who is wise, " or not matchable authority. He worddo timirtteti Geeshsha Maxaafan baynnaba gidiyoogaakka beˈana. What enabled these servants of Jehovah to endure and succeed in the race? They will also consider these false doctrines as revealed in the Bible. Mazamuraawee: " Yihoowa galatite! Nu Xoossaa sabbiyoogee loˈˈottennee; a sabbiyoogee ufayssiyaaba ' giidoogee bessiyaaba. The New Encyclopædia Britannica observes that Jehovah's Witnesses "insist upon a high moral code in personal conduct. " The psalmist sang: "Give praise to Jehovah our God! " Hegaappe nuuni ay tamaariyoo? But we can discern that God uses great power to ensure that his will is done. What is the lesson for us? Tiitu ishay Domishiyaani A sohuwan kawotidi, A bonchchuwawu hawulttiyaa ootissiis. How does Richard feel now? In the book of Titus, the brother named Titus built a throne near the throne of King Nebuchadnezzar. (Mentto 18 xeella) Truly, Jehovah's works through the Messianic Kingdom are great and wonderful. (See paragraph 18) Issi ogee odettidabaa kasiyaa kaallidi xaafiyoogaa. When we make Jehovah our stronghold, we "will reside in security and be undisturbed from dread of calamity. " One way is to examine the significance of the illustration. Gregoriyoy hagaadan giis: "Nuuni issi issibaa laammanau koyida; shin ay oottanaakko eribookko. Norris. After the session, delegates lined up for hours to be among the first subscribers to the magazine. Gregorio says: "We wanted something to change, but we did not know what to do. Qonccissana Danddayay? (Read Job 42: 10, 12, 16, 17.) Can You Explain? Issi issitoo, neeninne ne machiyaa intte so asaa goynuwaa wode yelaga aqo laggeta shoobbana danddayeeta. • What do we learn about Satan from the book of Job? At times, you and your wife will invite younger ones to join your family in family worship. Issi issi azinati machiyaa bantta naata Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈissennaadan diggana danddayoosona. Many elders today also have paperwork to do. Some husbands may not allow their children to study the Bible with their children. Yaaqooba 1: 25y, "Ooninne ailletettaappe kessiya bali bainna higgiyaa xeellidi, aani aqiyaagee... ba oottiyo oosuwan anjjettana " yaagees. How else could they be viewed as two witnesses? * James 1: 25 states: "Every perfect law that belongs to freedom and is set free from enslavement to corruption. " Yaatiyo gishshau, ha wodiyan ekkibeenna woy gelibeenna Kiristtaaneti yelaga woy cima gidin, ekkibeennay woy gelibeennay koyidi gidin woy hanotaappe denddidaagan gidin, he hanotaa waati loytti goˈettana danddayiyoonaa? Satan may try to appeal to the natural desire for food in an effort to turn us away from doing God's will. So whether single or single, how can single Christians make good use of the situation, whether they are single or not? 4: 13) Nuuni nu mala Kiristtaanetussi kehenna wode Yihooway " ezggidi siyees. ' Nuuni imattiyoogaa, immiyoogaa, atto giyoogaanne kehiyoogaa issoy issuwawu bessiyo wode, he ubbabaa Yihooway akeekiyoogaa ammanettana danddayoos. - Ibr. Since this is to take place at an hour that we do not think likely, how vital that we take to heart Jesus ' admonition to "keep ready "! - Luke 12: 40. We can be sure that Jehovah is gracious when we show kindness to fellow believers when we speak to fellow believers "with graciousness, slow to anger, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness. " - Heb. Eti issi maccaasiyo i penggen haasayissishin iray bukkiyoogaa doommiis. That feeling of inner satisfaction has actually caused me to learn to like work. They started going to a woman at the door and started to rain on the door. SHin taani laamettanau qofaa qachaas. - Efisoona 4: 22 - 24. Publishing Committee But I decided to change my thinking. - Ephesians 4: 22 - 24. Nu halchoy zaarettidi sarotettaa medhanaassa gidana koshshees. We protect and preserve our precious unity when we forgive others as Jesus taught us to do. Our goal should be to restore peace. Yaatikko, ne gubaaˈiyaa cimata zoriyaa bessa. What work does Jesus take on as King and High Priest? If so, take the advice of the elders. So asay bohiyoogaara gayttida maaraa bonchiyoogan gubaaˈiyaanne iitabaa oottida ura siiqiyoogaa bessana danddayees. (Read Luke 2: 46.) By showing respect for the family, family members may show love and affection for the wrongdoer. • Roome 13: 1, 2 Jesus explained to his disciples: "The helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one will teach you all things and bring back to your minds all the things I told you. " • Romans 13: 1, 2 Tooninne Aleni ushshau haarettidoogaa harati akeekiyaaba gidikkokka, eti naaˈˈaykka aybinne baynnabadan qoppidosona. In 1755, after some 60,000 people perished in an earthquake, a fire, and a tsunami that hit Lisbon, Portugal, well - known philosopher Voltaire queried: "Was then more vice in fallen Lisbon found, than Paris, where voluptuous joys abound? " Despite Tony and Isabel's drinking, others felt that nothing was missing. He awaajjoy Seexaanaa iita alamee muleera xayana haniyoogaa yootiyooba gidana danddayees. Consider one example. They may be forced to end Satan's wicked system of things. (a) Beeriyaa asay "ubba gallassi Xoossaa maxaafata " pilggidoogee eta waatidi maaddidee? Our thoughts have a powerful effect on the kind of person we are, so we need to "continue considering " upbuilding things. - Phil. (a) How did the crowd benefit from "the scriptures daily "? Piyaanuwan giigida mazamuriyaa ezggiyoogee keehippe ufayssees. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania What a joy it is to listen to the music music recorded in the Sermon on the Mount. Nuuni bonchettennaadan diggana danddayiyaabay aybee? When we visit every house in our territory, we give people the opportunity to respond to the Kingdom message (See paragraph 14) What could cause us to miss out on the trip? Hegaa teqqanaunne nu huuphiyau naagettanau baaxetana koshshees. There is nothing exactly resembling it, or even approaching it, in all literature. " - THE PROBLEM OF THE OLD TESTAMENT, BY JAMES ORR We need to work hard to protect ourselves and fight against them. Yaatiyo gishshau, Yihoowayyo ammanettada deˈa. God understands feelings of loneliness, for prior to creating the first woman, he said: "The man's being alone is not good; I will make him a helper to match him. " Therefore, remain loyal to Jehovah. Taassi layttay 16 gidin, 1939n taanikka etadan xammaqettada Yihoowawu haggaaziyaaro gidaas. In that sense, then, there were to be no foreigners in the Christian congregation. In 1939, when I was 16 years old, I joined them in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah. Yaatiyoogee geeshsha gididi deˈanawu keehi koshshiyaaba. 11, 12. (a) Why is having the right motive for putting on the new personality so important? Doing so is essential to remain clean. (Roome 8: 15 - 17 nabbaba.) Sister Ishii and an older sister, Sakiko Tanaka, donned formal kimonos to visit high government officials. (Read Romans 8: 15 - 17.) ▪ I xala At that time, we will be the only ones following the example of the ancient prophet Daniel by continuing to worship our God no matter what. - Dan. ▪ He courage I ubbaykka baagaadan ufayttanaadan koyiis. Can we assume, however, that Jehovah will automatically keep us in his love no matter what we choose to do? He wanted all of him to be happy. ▪ Yihoowa dirijjitee giigissido dumma dumma timirtte keettaa halchuwaa tobbite. (Read Romans 1: 20.) ▪ Remember the special purpose of Jehovah's organization. 16: 4, 5) Hegaadan ha wodiyankka, Yihoowa Markkati Yesuusi banttana kaalettiyaagaa gidiyoogaa ammanidi ekkoosona. Everyone else just leaves me alone. Likewise today, Jehovah's Witnesses accept Jesus as their leader. [ Footnotes] " Cleanse your hands,... and purify your hearts. " - JAS. [ Footnote] Qommoora i qofay qonccido Seseela hagaadan gaasu: "Taani Intternneetiyan Yihoowa Markkatubaa darobaa nabbabaas. They would be blasphemers and betrayers, directing abusive, injurious speech against humans and even against God. Allen, mentioned earlier, says: "I read many of Jehovah's Witnesses on the Internet. Gubaaˈe cima gididi haggaaziyoogaara gayttidaagan tana qofissiyaabay tabaa woy taani amottiyoobaa gidana bessenna. (a) What do we need to remember with regard to the sequence of events during the great tribulation? When serving as an elder, I have to focus on my own concerns or feelings about myself. Taani gubaaˈiyau oottiyaagaa gidanau baaxetennaadan diggiday aybee? Their action incensed the other apostles, and the issue of prominence was an ongoing cause of contention. Jesus, however, patiently tried to correct the thinking of his friends and did not easily become exasperated with them. - Matt. What prevented me from reaching out to serve as a ministerial servant? Yaatiyoogan, miilooniyan qoodettiya asau mishiraachuwaa yootidosona. We show courage when we help our children to set and reach spiritual goals. In that way, millions have preached the good news to millions of people. Ane ha leemisuwaa qoppa: guutta wolwolota abbaa beetay sugidi efiyoogaadan, asaa naatu haaruwaa wolqqaama ayyaana meretati bantta koyidoogaadan oottoosona. From infancy she was taught to believe in reincarnation. Consider this illustration: Just imagine how powerful spirit creatures played a key role in human rule under the influence of humans. * For instance, God is not insulted when we ask him to satisfy basic physical needs that keep our bodies healthy. * Leemisuwau, ba keettaayyiyo cayiya uri o xeelliyo hanotaa laammanau baaxetana koshshees; ubba qassi Yihooway macca asaa bonchiyoogaa eriyo wode, hegaadan oottanau baaxetana koshshees. (b) How do we not let the left hand know what the right is doing? For example, a person should strive to change his wife's feelings and should strive to respect Jehovah's arrangement, especially when it comes to showing respect for women. " Cimida asa... bonchcha. " - WOG. May we be determined to " sing to Jehovah throughout our life and make melody to him as long as we are. ' - Ps. " Honor the older men. " - JAS. Keehippe dungguuxiyoogaa aggada, mishettada haggaaziyaaro gididaari leemisuwaa beˈanau, Masqqala 15, 1993, Wochiyo Keelaa, sinttaa 19 xeella. When children are accustomed to hearing loving and kind speech in the home, not only will they thrive but they will be more likely to imitate their parents ' way of speaking. More important, see the article "Keep Yourselves in God's Love, " in The Watchtower, September 15, 2006, page 19. Yihooway nuuni an ammanettiyoogaa bessiyaabaa oottiyo wode waati anjjii? It also explains why Jesus appears to be no more than a great man to those who do not value the Hebrew Scriptures, which contain many Messianic prophecies. How does Jehovah bless our loyalty when we show that we trust him? Ha wodiyan deˈiya daro Yihoowa ashkkarati gubaaˈe shiiquwaa keehi nashshiyoogaa bessidosona. Consider three reasons. Many modern - day servants of Jehovah have shown great appreciation for Christian meetings. Nu keettay deˈiyoy gaxariyan keehi giigibeenna ogiyaa doonaana. David's zeal was jealousy in the positive sense, that is, an intolerance of rivalry or reproach, a strong urge to protect a good name or to correct an injury. We lived in a rural rural village. Eti balabaa oottidaba gidikkokka, Xoossaa ufayssidosona. What good results come from showing Christlike kindness? Although they had done wrong, they made God's heart rejoice. Nohee genccana koshshido metuwaa, giishin makkalida kiitanchati ashuwaa maayidi loˈˈiya maccaasaara issippe deˈiyoogaa qoppite! How do "the peaceable " conduct themselves? Just think of Noah, who had to endure the trials of the angels - that of the materialized angels! Sohuwaara aqinye gidida. Astrology is a form of divination that holds that the stars, the moon, and the planets significantly influence the lives of people on earth. Soon, pioneering was a pioneer. (Yaaqooba 1: 5, 17) Yesuus Kiristtoosi keha gidida ba Aawaa leemisuwaa polo ogiyan qonccissiis. And a good friend will listen carefully when you tell him about your problems and concerns. Jesus Christ perfectly reflected his Father's perfect qualities. (Ibraawe 13: 17 nabbaba.) (a) What effect can music have on an individual? (Read Hebrews 13: 17.) SHin Addaamee Xoossawu azazettidi merinawu deˈiyoogaappe mooppite geetettida mittaa ayfiyaa Hewaana immin miyoogaa dooriis. Name has been changed. However, Adam chose to ate the fruit of the forbidden fruit by eating the fruit of the forbidden fruit. Ermmaasi kaddida Yerusalaamessinne Yihudaassi pirddaa kiitaa sabbakanaadan Yihooway a hananabaa yootiyaagaa oottidi sunttiis. When Reuben became guilty of misconduct, the right of firstborn passed to Joseph. Jeremiah was appointed as a prophet to preach to Jerusalem and to preach the good news of Jehovah's judgment. Yihoowayyo oottida he asati genccanaadaaninne wottaa wurssanaadan maaddidabay aybee? " The eyes of Jehovah are everywhere, watching both the bad and the good. " - PROVERBS 15: 3. What helped such individuals to endure and endure the race? Zi Niwu Inssaykloppidiyaa Biritaanika giyo maxaafay, Yihoowa Markkati "xoqqa kandduwaa maaraa minttidi kaalliyoogaa " yootiis. 8 The New Birth - How Does It Take Place? The New Encyclopædia Britannica states: "The Witnesses began to conform to the moral standards of Jehovah's Witnesses. " SHin Xoossay ba gita wolqqaa goˈettidi ba sheniyaa poliyoogaa akeekana danddayoos. We are not just talking about unity but are enjoying it every day. But we can discern that God is using his power to accomplish his will. Ha wodiyan Richarddayyo aybi siyettii? When God destroyed the violent ancient world by means of the Flood in the days of Noah, very few humans survived. How does Steve feel about today? (Maz. 110: 3) Yihooway Mase Kawotettaa baggaara maalaalissiya gitabaa oottiis. Is it unrealistic to believe that such a global change can happen? By means of the Messianic Kingdom, Jehovah performed miracles. 3: 14) Yihoowa nuuyyo miixa oottikko, nuuni "woppu giidi, saro de7ana; metuwaa hirggaappekka shemppana. " They regularly conduct over eight million free home Bible studies. When we look to Jehovah for help, we will "keep on walking in security, " and he will reside" in security. " He galla shiiqoy wuri simmin, shiiquwawu yiidaageeti konttiraatiyaa geliya koyro asa gidanawu daro saatiyawu salppidosona. After centuries of apostasy and spiritual darkness, can anything other than holy spirit explain the rapid increase in spiritual understanding since 1919? After the convention, the convention was held for many hours to be held in order to become the first member of the convention. (Iyyooba 42: 10, 12, 16, 17 nabbaba.) The storm clouds of Armageddon cannot be far - off. (Read Job 42: 12, 16, 17.) • Iyyooba maxaafaappe Seexaanaabaa ay tamaariyoo? David's enemies " loved empty things. ' • What do we learn from the book of Job? Ha wodiyan daro cimatuyyo xaafiyoobaara gayttida oosoykka deˈees. The arrival of Jesus as the Messiah made it necessary to have new divine direction and a further revealing of Jehovah's purpose. Today, many elders also have a work with the elders. Hankkoode eti waanidi naaˈˈu markkadan qoodettana danddayiyoonaa? 14, 15. How could they be witnesses of these two witnesses? Ogiyaa balada payn giyo qantta mittaa giddo gelaas; qassi amarida saatiyau hegaappe kiyanau danddayabeykke. What can we say about the way God would have ruled if Adam and Eve had not sinned? A fig tree was born in a small forest, and I could no longer spend a few hours at the market. Qumaa maanau nuussi deˈiya koshshaa goˈettidi, Seexaanay nuuni Xoossaa ufayssennabaa oottanaadan paaccanau malana danddayees. 3: 11. To satisfy our desire for food, Satan may try to tempt us to do things that are displeasing to God. (Maa. 25: 31, 32) Hegee nuuni qoppenna wodiyan gakkiyaaba gidiyo gishshau, " giigi uttite ' yaagiya Yesuusa zoriyaa wozanan wottiyoogee keehippe koshshiyaaba! - Luq. 12: 40. (b) What questions need to be answered? How vital it is that we be ready to heed Jesus ' admonition: "Keep on the watch "! - Luke 12: 40. Hegee taani oosuwaa dosanaadan denttettiis. You may have received this magazine from one of them. That motivated me to feel motivated. Attamuwaa Konttiyaa Jehovah's worshippers are precious to him. Committee Yesuusi nuna tamaarissidoogaadan haratuyyo atto giyo wode nu issippetettaa naagoosinne minttoos. There, Jesus presented to God the value of his perfect human life to redeem what Adam had lost for himself and his offspring. As Jesus taught us to be forgiving, we promote unity and strengthen our unity. Yesuusi Kawonne Qeese Ubbatu Halaqaa gidiyo gishshawu ay oottanee? Ananias and Sapphira failed to do that. What will Jesus do because of High Priest and High Priest? (Luqaasa 2: 46 nabbaba.) The baptism candidate must also believe that the holy spirit is God's active force, not part of a Trinity. (Read Luke 2: 46.) Yesuusi ba erissiyo ashkkaratuyyo, "Geeshsha Ayyaanai, minttettiyaagee, Aawai ta sunttan kiittanaagee, inttena ubbabaa tamaarissana. Taani intteyyo odido ubbabaakka inttena hassayissana " yaagiis. Our fellow believers usually enjoy expressing their thoughts on the Bible Jesus told his disciples: "The helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one will teach you all things. " Porttugaale biittan, Lisboone kataman 1755n denddida biitta qaattay, tamaynne sunaami giyo beetay 60,000 gidiya asaa wori simmin, keehippe erettida palasppaa Volteeri, "SHori baynnaban ufayttiyoogee darido Paariseppe Lisboonen deˈiya iitatettay darideeyye? " yaagidi oychiis. We widely advertised the public talk and were overjoyed to have nearly 500 in attendance. " After there was no war in Portugal, it was said that there was no earthquake, no earthquake, an earthquake, and it was no wonder that it would be better for people to cry out. " Ane issi leemisuwaa beˈoos. In what ways must we exercise our faith? Consider an example. 10: 5) Nuuni qoppiyoobay nuna maaddana woy qohana danddayees; yaatiyo gishshau, nuuni ubbatoo loˈˈobaa " qoppana ' koshshees. - Pili. If the hiker were to put a magnet near his compass, the needle would point away from north. Because our thoughts or feelings can affect us, we need to "keep on doing what is good. " - Phil. Yeyihowa Misikiroch P. Yes, the letters that Paul and Peter wrote conveyed "sayings previously spoken by the holy prophets. " Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Nu moottan ubba keettaa biidi haggaaziyo wode, nuuni asaassi Kawotettaa mishiraachchuwaa odoos (Mentto 14 xeella) Second, " we must listen to Jehovah's voice ' by studying God's Word and obeying his commandments. When we preach in our territory, we preach the good news (See paragraph 14) Alamiyan a mala maxaafi baawa. " - ZI PROBLEM OF ZI OLD TESTAMENT, JEMS ORI XAAFIDOOGAA Would you please read that verse? No other god is like this in the world. " - ROM. (Doo. 1: 28) Xoossay koyro maccaasiyo medhanaappe kasetidi, "Bitanee barkka de7iyoogee lo77o gidenna; taani ayyo injjetiyaabaanne maaddiyaabaa kessana " yaagido gishshau, barkka deˈiyoogan issi urau siyettiyaabaa erees. [ Box / Picture on page 12] Before God created the first woman, God said: "It is not good for the man to continue to be alone, because it is not good for a man to dwell on his head. " 3: 11) Yaatiyo gishshau, Kiristtaane gubaaˈiyan oonanne imattadan xeellokko. Granted, Eve was deceived; yet she should have consulted her husband as to the propriety of heeding the voice that claimed to tell her what "God knows. " Hence, we do not view anyone as strangers in the Christian congregation. 11, 12. (a) Ooratta asatettaa maayanawu suurebaa qoppiyoogee keehi koshshiyoy aybissee? Paul also discussed dangers that exist down to this day and that can deprive us of the prize. 11, 12. (a) Why is it important to reflect on the new personality? Isho giyo michiyaanne Sakiko Tanaka giyo cima michiyaa kawotettan gita maatay deˈiyoogeeta haasayissanawu eta biittan erettida kemonas giyo maayuwaa maayidi biidosona. " [Jehovah] will not always find fault, " wrote the psalmist. In the United States, a sister named Jane and I traveled to the international convention in the country of C.E. to speak to the elderly sister who had the privilege of visiting a large village in the country. He wode, beni wode deˈida hananabaa yootiya Daaneelaagaadan aybi gakkikkonne aggennan Xoossawu goynniyaageeti nu xalaala. - Dane. In the mid - 1970 ' s, we began to realize that our aging parents needed more attention. In those days, God's worshippers in the past continued to face whatever challenges we may face. - Dan. Gidoppe attin, nuuni ay oottanau doorikkonne Yihooway nuuni a siiquwan deˈanaadan oottees giyoogee? Why was it difficult for the people of Israel to be loyal to God while Saul was king? What, though, does it mean for us to choose what we will do and remain in Jehovah's love? (Roome 1: 20 nabbaba.) In what way was Psalm 22: 7, 8 fulfilled in Jesus? (Read Romans 1: 20.) Hara asa ubbay tana aggibayiis. This new arrangement is a gift from Jehovah that spiritually refreshes us - if we use the time in the way we are supposed to. " I stopped attending all the meetings. Eti asaanne ubba qassi Xoossaakka cayiyaageetanne kashi erikke giyaageeta gidana. If we have fallen victim to the leanings of a treacherous heart and have become accustomed to justifying wrong behavior, we can make changes. They will be happier if they don't know God and all things. (a) Iita waayiyaa wode aybi aybippe kasetidi hananaakko nuuni qoppiyo wode ay hassayana koshshii? 1: 13) Paul was not proud of having to write such things about himself, but neither did he try to act as though none of that had ever happened. (a) What do we need to remember during the great tribulation? (Maatiyoosa 16: 21 - 23) Yaaqoobinne Yohaannisi Xoossaa Kawotettan banttassi gita sohuwaa immanaadan Yesuusa oychido wode, boncho koyiyaageeta gidiyoogaa bessidosona. " For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. " - John 3: 16, King James Version. James and John showed that when they asked Jesus to give them a big place in God's Kingdom, they showed that they were worthy to receive it. Nu naati ayyaanaabaa halchanaadaaninne hegaa polanaadan maaddiyo wode xala gidiyoogaa bessoos. The Bible describes a coming new world, where each one of us will feel secure. We show courage when we help our children to set spiritual goals and to reach them spiritually. A naatettaappe doommada shemppoy hara mereta gididi zaaretti yelettees giya timirttiyaa ammanausu. How can we remain steadfast in our loyalty to our marriage mate and to Jehovah? She had been raised as a soul from birth to birth. Leemisuwau, nu payyatettau maaddiyaabaa immanaadan Xoossaa oychiyoogee a kawushshiyaaba gidenna. It is a tree of life to those taking hold of it, and those keeping fast hold of it are to be called happy. " For example, she did not expect God to provide for our health. (b) Ushacha kushee oottiyoobaa haddirssa kushee erennaadan waatidi oottiyoo? What about the ancient nation of Israel? (b) How do the right hand of the left affect the right hand of the left? " Nuuni nu deˈo ubban Yihoowayyo yexxanau, qassi paxa deˈido keenan ubban nu Xoossaa sabbanau ' murttidaageeta gidoos. - Maz. As an expression of his appreciation for all that Jehovah has done for him, Renato was baptized in 2002 and became a full - time Christian minister the following year. " May each of us please Jehovah, and may we be determined to praise God with all our life. " - Ps. (Qol. 3: 8, 12 - 14) So giddon siiquwaaninne kehatettan haasayiyoogaa naati ubbatoo siyiyo wode, loˈˈo hanotan dicciyoogaa xalla gidennan bantta haasayan banttana yelidaageetu leemisuwaa kaallana danddayoosona. To help avoid that outcome, we need to ask our student how he feels about what he is learning. Children can imitate their parents by being kind and kind to their children, not only when they talk to them but also by listening to their parents. Masiyaa xeelliyaagan daro hiraagata oyqqida Ibraysxxe Geeshsha Maxaafaa Xuufeta nashshennaageeti Yesuusa issi gita asappe aattidi xeellennay aybissakkokka hegee qonccissees. Does Jehovah maneuver matters to remove the trial? This also highlights why Jesus was not the greatest Teacher in the Hebrew Scriptures. Heezzu gaasota ane beˈoos. of September 22, 1983. Consider three reasons. Daawiti mishettidoy bessiya ogiyan qanaatiyoogaana; giishin loˈˈo sunttay moorettennaadan naaganau woy moorettidaagaa giigissanau keehippe koyidoogaa, morkkiyaa woy cayiya uraa coˈˈu giidi xeellibeennaagaa malaatees. In the first century C.E., Jehovah cast off the unfaithful nation of Israel. David's fervent prayer is an act of resentment; he does not hold a grudge against the enemy; nor does it indicate that he does not have the right to do what is right or that he is looking for an enemy. Kiristtoosaagaa mala kehatettaa bessiyoogan demmiyo loˈˈobay aybee? Eric: Sure. What fine results come from cultivating Christlike kindness? " Sarotettaa medhiyaageeti " ay oottiyoonaa? Trumpets were used in Israel to assemble the camp and to disperse it, as well as to spur the army to do battle. What do "the Peace of peace " accomplish? Xoolinttiyaa qoodiyoogee xoolintteti, aginaynne pilaaneeteti saˈan deˈiya asaa deˈuwaara gayttidaba giidi ammaniyo kaayo qommo. What does sharing in full - time service teach a young person? The stars of stars are said to believe that the stars, stars, and stars are based on the earth. Qassi neeni nena metidabaanne nena qofissidabaa yootiyo wode ne loˈˈo laggee akeekan ezggees. But you can and should put a limit on anything over which you have control - like time spent on hobbies or with friends. Also, when you discuss your concerns and concerns with your friend, you are wise to talk carefully about your concerns. (a) Muuziqay issi ura waatana danddayii? To a large extent, faith follows the things heard from God's Word. (a) What can be said about a person's life? Sunttay laamettiis. How Would You Respond? Name has been changed. (Doo. 29: 31 - 35; 30: 22 - 25; 35: 22 - 26; 49: 22 - 26; 1 Odi. In the mid - 15th century, what factors contributed to a slight loosening of false religion's grip on the people? He did so. - 1 Chron. 22: 22; 22: 26 - 22; 1 Chron. " GODAA aifeti ubbasaa xeelloosona; iitaa oottiyaageetakka lo77uwaa oottiyaageetakka be7oosona. " - LEEMISO 15: 3. He says: "Baptism was the right decision. " The eyes of Jehovah are everywhere, and the bad are good. " - PROV. 15: 3. 8 Naaˈˈantto Yelettiyoogaa - Hegee Waanidi Polettii? By his perfect obedience "as far as death... on a torture stake, " Jesus upheld God's sovereignty. 8 The New Birth - How Does It Take Place? Nuuni issippetettaabaa coo haasayiyoogaa xalla gidennan, galla galla he issippetettan ufayttoos. I feel much better after talking to God. " - Matthew 26: 39. We are happy not only to talk but also to one another every day. Xoossay beni Nohe wode makkalancha asaa Bashshaa Haattan xayssido wode, bashshaappe attida asay keehi guutta. Early Christians "became filled with holy spirit, " and Jehovah said:" I shall pour out some of my spirit upon every sort of flesh. " When God destroyed Noah's ancient people in ancient times, the majority of mankind survived the destruction of the Flood. (Paydo 19) Israaˈeelati nagaraa oottido gishshau azzanidosona. Those addresses were the basis for productive return visits. The Israelites were disappointed because they sinned. Alame yuushuwan deˈiya asay hara asaa allaga biittaa asadan xeelliyoogaa tumu agganee? And when I meditated on 1 John 4: 16, which says that "God is love, " I began to discern why God hates violence. Will we avoid being influenced by other nations around the world? 28: 20) Eti ubbatoo hosppun miilooneppe dariya Geeshsha Maxaafaa xinaateta xannaˈissosona. Family worship strengthens the bond between young and old (See paragraphs 12, 15) They regularly conducted over eight million Bible studies. (1 Qor. 2: 13) Kaddidaageetu timirttiyan daro layttawu ayyaanaaban xuman takkoogaappe guyyiyan, 1919ppe simmin ayyaanaabaa eesuwan darobaa akeekanaadan maaddana danddayiday geeshsha ayyaanaa gidiyoogee qoncce. 1: 5. Without question, the holy spirit would be a source of great spiritual help after the apostasy began in 1919. Armmageedoona olau attida wodee he keena. After school, several classmates assaulted me and knocked me to the ground. It is the time for the remaining ones of Armageddon to be destroyed. Wordduwaanne aude gakkanaassi caddi oiqqi kaalluuteetii? " Joanna was one of several women whom Jesus cured of their infirmities. Would you not agree? " Yesuusi Mase gididi yiido wode, Yihooway ooratta kaaletuwaa immiyoogeenne ba halchuwaa gujji qonccissiyoogee koshshiyaaba gidiis. • The man who sowed the seed When Jesus came to earth as the Messiah, Jehovah proved to be the Source of his new creation and the vindication of his purpose. 14, 15. A gardener may use a variety of tools to prepare his garden to receive seed. 14, 15. Addaameenne Hewaana nagaraa oottibeennaakko, Xoossay haariyo ogiyaa xeelliyaagan woygana danddayiyoo? I used to attend Mass every day, and I had even thought of becoming a missionary like a cousin of mine who was a friar in Africa. Despite Adam and Eve's sin, what can we conclude about God's way of governing? 3: 11. * This fruitage characterizes "the new personality. " 3: 11. (b) Zaarana koshshiyo oyshati awugeetee? Michelle: Your feelings and questions are understandable. (b) What questions must we consider? Ha maxeetiyaa neessi immiday etappe issuwaa gidennan aggenna. WHAT MAKES OUR MINISTRY VITAL? You may have given them some of these magazines. Yihoowayyo goynniyaageeti ayyo alˈˈo. With that in mind, how would you answer the following questions? Jehovah's worshippers are precious to him. Biidi, Addaame gaasuwan, Addaameppenne a zerettatuppe halidabaa wozanawu yarshshido ba deˈuwaa waagaa Xoossawu immiis. 10: 24. Follow the Wise King As a result of Adam's descendants, Jehovah God gave him the life of Adam and his descendants. Hanaaneenne Saphphiira hegaadan oottibookkona. 17, 18. Ananias and I did not have to do that. Xammaqettanau giigettida uri geeshsha ayyaanay Sillaasiyaa shaaho gidennan, Xoossaa wolqqa gidiyoogaakka ammanana bessees. (Doo. However, the composite faithful and discreet slave has continued to keep on the watch and to provide nourishing spiritual food. A person who is baptized must believe that the holy spirit is God's active force, not a person, but God's active force. Darotoo, ishantti Geeshsha Maxaafaappe nabbabidobaa yootiyoogaa dosoosona What problem existed in the first - century congregation in Corinth, but what solution did the apostle Paul recommend? In most cases, brothers show interest in the Bible Dere haasayawu daro asaa shoobbida; qassi 500 gidiya asay shiiquwaa yiido gishshawu keehi ufayttida. 5 Implement the Decision At a public talk, a talk was given, and we were thrilled to attend some 500 attended meetings. Ayba ogetun nu ammanuwaa bessana koshshii? How do team members collaborate? In what ways should we demonstrate our faith? He bitanee ba komppaasiyaa matan maagineetiyaa wottikko, huuphessa bagga malaatiya marppee harasaa malaatana danddayees. " In the past, my house was full of stolen goods, but now it is free from such things; and this gives me a clean conscience. If the man had just finished his compass, he could make it easier for him to enter the north of the north. PHauloosinne PHeexiroosi xaafido dabddaabbetun "hananabaa yootiya geeshshati beni yootido qaalaa " qofay deˈees. (2 PHe. Worldwide, there are now well over 7,900,000 Witnesses, with millions more associating with them, especially during the annual observance of the Memorial. The letters of Peter and the apostle Paul have been translated "from the holy writings. " (Maatiyoosa 22: 37) Naaˈˈanttuwan, Xoossaa Qaalaa xannaˈiyoogaaninne a azazuwaa naagiyoogan " nuuni Yihoowa qaalaa siyana bessees. ' A Bible translation that was easily understood when first produced may later become less effective. Second, by studying God's Word and studying his commandments, we must " listen to Jehovah's voice. ' He xiqisiyaa nabbabuutee? What snares of the Devil will we consider in this article? Would you please read that verse? [ Sinttaa 18n diya misiliyaa] Accordingly, the prophet Malachi wrote: "You people will again certainly see the distinction between a righteous one and a wicked one, between one serving God and one who has not served him. " [ Box / Picture on page 18] (Doomettaabaa 2: 16, 17; 3: 3; 1 Qoronttoosa 11: 3) Hewaana cimettidoogee tuma; gidikkonne, " Xoossay eriyoobaa ' eriyaabadan iyyo yootida uraa cenggurssaa ammanana bessiyaakkonne ba azinaa oychana koshshees. Taking our brothers and sisters seriously would rule out flirting with them or doing anything that would make a brother or a sister feel uncomfortable around us. Although Eve was deceived, Eve had to believe that God would "come " to an accurate knowledge of him. 2: 16 - 18) Hegaa bollikka, PHawuloosi ha wodiyan qohananne woytuwaa nuuppe halissana danddayiyaabaa yootiis. * Moreover, Paul referred to things that could cause us to lose sight of the prize and cause us to lose the prize of the prize. Mazamuraawee, "Abeet Godau, neeni kehanne atto giyaagaa; nena xeegiya ubbaayyo aggenna ne siiqoi dariyoogaa " yaagiis. (Maz. After watching the video Stealing Is Bad in Portuguese on jw.org, he courageously confessed. " You, O Jehovah, are good and kind, " wrote the psalmist, "and the loving - kindness of all those calling upon you is abundant. " Nuna yelida cimidaageeta loytti xeellana koshshiyoogaa 1975 heeran akeekida. And Jehovah always delights in your prayers, even if you are limited in what you can do. - Prov. We learned that we should be able to care well for our aging parents in the mid - 1960 ' s. Saaˈooli haariyo wode Israaˈeela asay Xoossaassi ammanettanawu metootidoy aybissee? Thus, action is needed on our part. Why did Saul compromise his loyalty to God during his reign? Mazamure 22: 7, 8y Yesuusa bolli polettidoy ayba ogiyaanee? What trying situation did one congregation face? How was Psalm 22: 7, 8 fulfilled by Jesus? He wodiyaa nuuppe koyettiyaagaadan goˈettiyaaba gidikko, ha ooratta giigissoy Yihooway immido, ayyaanaaban nuna minttettiya imota. " For instance, after many Jews and proselytes became Christians, they devoted themselves "to the teaching of the apostles, to associating together, to the taking of meals, and to prayers. " As we use that gift, Jehovah has given us a spiritual gift, which is a source of spiritual encouragement. " Nu wozanay cimmin mooridobau nuuni gaaso yootiyaageeta gidikkokka, laamettanau wodee wuriichibeenna. (Efi. Books, magazines, newspapers, movies, TV shows, and the Internet are flooded with material of this sort, primarily because that is what most people set their minds on and really want. Despite our treacherous heart's imperfections, it is not until it is time for us to change the way we react to it. 1: 13) PHauloosi babaa hegaadan xaafido wode ceeqettibeenna; shin hegaa polibeennabadankka hanibeenna. Consider two modern - day examples. Paul did not feel this way when he wrote himself to himself; yet, he did not succeed. " Xoossaa Na7aa ammaniya ubbai merinaa de7uwaa ekkanaappe attin, xayenna mala, Xoossai ha sa7aa keehi siiqido gishshau, ba mexi issi Na7aa immiis. " - Yohaannisa 3: 16. My outlook on life changed. " God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " - John 3: 16. Matan yaana ooratta alamiyan nuuni ubbay woppu giidi deˈanaagaa Geeshsha Maxaafay yootees. (b) How did Jehovah respond to the rebellion in Eden? The Bible assures us that in the coming new world, all of us will come to an end. Nu aqo laggiyaunne Yihoowau ammanettidaageeta gididi deˈana danddayiyoy ayba ogiyaanee? How does she feel about her ministry as a need - greater? How can we remain loyal to Jehovah and remain faithful to him? [ Aadhida eratettay] bana oiqqiyaageetussi de7o mitta; a mintti oiqqiya ubbatikka anjjettidaageeta " yaagiya qaalay tuma gidiyoogaa nu huuphe akeekana danddayoos. Satan is pleased when someone despairs of finding true happiness and satisfaction, even in God's new world. We can see the truthfulness of these words: "Happy are all those who have fallen asleep in wisdom, and all those who have fallen asleep in death. " Beni Israaˈeelati shin? The daughters of Shallum took part in what work, and how are Christian women doing something similar today? What about ancient Israel? 12: 17 - 19) Nu hiixan zinˈˈiyo wode nu wozanan deˈiyaabaa woosan qonccissana danddayoos. He also showed what it will do. In our heart, we may reveal something in our heart. Renaatoy Yihooway baassi oottidobaa akeekiyoogaanne nashshiyoogaa bessanau, 2002n xammaqettidi, issi layttappe guyyiyan kumetta wodiyaa haggaaziya Kiristtaane gidiis. One person may be gentle, considerate, mild - tempered, generous, or forgiving. Rosa has been baptized as a full - time minister of Jehovah's dealings with him in 2002 and was baptized as a full - time minister. (Maa. 13: 20, 21) Nuuni xannaˈissiyo uri hegaadan hanennaadan maaddanau, tamaariyoobaara gayttidaagan au aybi siyettiyaakko oychana koshshees. Then three false comforters arrived and attacked Job with cruel words, basically saying that God was giving him what he deserved! If we are conducting a Bible study with someone who does not do so, we need to ask how he feels about how he feels about it. Yihooway he paaciyaa nuuppe diggii? What role, then, do husbands, wives, and young ones play in helping their families to "stay awake "? Does Jehovah allow us to face trials? Masqqalaa 22, 1983n. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE in September 22, 2000. Koyro xeetu layttaa M.Ln, Yihooway ammanettibeenna Israaˈeela deriyaa aggi bayiis. 14, 15. (a) How is Satan trying to affect our heart condition? In the first century C.E., Jehovah abandoned the nation of Israel. Ermmaasa: Ero. What Jehovah's Day Will Reveal Eric: OK. Beni Israaˈeela biittan asay shiiqanaadaaninne shiiquwaappe laalettanaadan oottanawu, qassi olanchata denttettanawu malkkataa goˈettoosona. Good communication is essential for a couple to have a happy marriage and an enjoyable family life. In ancient Israel, the people of Israel gathered together to gather and advertise themselves for the public, and the sound of a sound sound car. Yelaga uri kumetta wodiyaa haggaaziyoogan ay tamaarii? If we control fire, we can use it to cook our food, warm our bodies, and light up a dark night. What does a young person develop in the full - time ministry? SHin intte laggetuura woykko dosiyoobaa oottiyoogan aattiyo wodiyaa mala giigissana danddayiyo hanotata giigissana danddayeeta; qassi giigissana koshshees. Jesus said: "I always do the things pleasing to him. " - John 8: 29; Prov. 27: 11. You may need to adjust your recreation or entertainment so that you can spend more time with your friends or friends. Daro baggi, ammanuwaa Xoossaa Qaalan siyidobaappe demmoos. (Roo. Does God approve of all worship? In most cases, we receive what we learn from God's Word. Woygada Zaaruutii? The subject? How Would You Answer? Worddo haymaanootee oyqqido asaa 1450 heeran guuttaa yeddi bessanaadan maaddidabay aybee? On at least two occasions, David took refuge in caves - one near Adullam and the other in the wilderness of En - gedi. What has helped her to let some of false religions take place in the area? I, "Taani xammaqettanawu kuuyidoogee bessiyaaba. Today, our presence can likewise console those who grieve. He concluded: "It is reasonable to conclude that I decided to get baptized. Mittaa " bolli hayqqana ' gakkanaashin polo hanotan azazettiyoogan Xoossay ubbabaa haariyo maatau exatiis. In fact, remarkable peace and prosperity marked Solomon's 40 - year reign. Under God's rulership, "the tree of life " has made a solemn promise to uphold God's sovereignty. Xoossaakko woossa simmada woppu gays. " - Maatiyoosa 26: 39. (Read 2 Peter 3: 11.) After praying to God, I felt inner calm. " - Matthew 26: 39. Beni wode Kiristtaanetun "Geeshsha Ayyaanai [kumiis], " qassi Yihooway," Taani asa ubbaa bolli ta Ayyaanaa gussana " yaagiis. Meditating on what happened to Jehoshaphat can help. In Bible times, "the holy spirit was filled with holy spirit, " and Jehovah told the early Christians:" I will pour out my spirit upon every sort of flesh, and I will pour out my spirit upon every sort of people. " He adrashay he asata biidi oychidi, Geeshsha Maxaafaabaa etaara loytti tobbanau maaddiis. 13: 12. The address would be answered and helped to discuss the Bible with them more fully. (Oosuwaa 2: 38) Qassi 1 Yohaannisa 4: 16n deˈiya, "Xoossai siiqo " yaagiya qofaa wotta dentta qoppada, Xoossay makkalabaa ixxiyoy aybissakko akeekaas. Martin, who has been a member of the Bethel family for 20 years, recalls with gratitude the interest that a circuit overseer took in him 30 years ago while the two were in the field service together. And I realized why God's thinking is recorded at 1 John 4: 16: "God is cruel, and I perceive why God hates evil. So asaa goynoy yelagatunne gasttatu issippetettaa minttees (Mentto 12, 15 xeella) Being at peace with our fellow worshippers is of utmost importance. Family worship promotes unity (See paragraphs 12, 15) 1: 5; Efi. ▪ Always Trust in Jehovah! 1: 5; Eph. SHin eti dechidoogee taani "asau azazettanaappe Xoossau azazettanau " yaa murttanaadan oottiis. - Oos. WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: "Let the one who steals steal no more; rather, let him do hard work, doing good work with his hands, so that he may have something to share with someone in need. " Yet, they had been determined to obey "God as ruler rather than men. " He wode Yohaananne hara macca asati Yesuusaaranne i kiittidoogeetuura issippe manddaroosona. - Luq. Eric: Sure. Joanna and other women traveled with Jesus and his apostles. • Zerettaa zerida bitanee We can discern the answers in the closing words of the book that bears his name. • the man who sowed the seed (Maa. 13: 18, 19) Ataakilttiyaa tokkiya uray ayfiyaa demmanawu ba gadiyaa dumma dumma miishshan giigissana danddayees. GOD'S NAME: The Bible teaches us that God has given himself a name. A plant may provide a variety of tools as a result of a plant's fruitage. He wode taani Qiddaasiyaa siyanawu ubba galla bays; qassi Afirkkan malakuse gididi deˈida ta mata dabbuwaadan misoonaawe gidanawukka qoppaas. Another reason why Jehovah has waited patiently is so that more people can have everlasting life. During that time, I traveled to South Africa, and I felt as a close friend. * Ha ayfee issi uri " ooratta mereta ' gidanaadan oottees. However, despite the parents ' best efforts, some children leave Jehovah. * This fruit enables a person to become "the new personality. " Martto: Neeni hegaadan qoppiyoogeenne oychiyoogee bala gidenna. In her book Talk to Me First, Deborah Roffman writes that "conversations, advertisements, movies, books, song lyrics, TV shows, texts, games, billboards, and phone and computer screens [are] so laced with sexual imagery, language, and innuendo that many [teens, preteens, and even young children] must conclude, at least unconsciously, that sex must be... the absolute most important thing. " Michelle: That's wrong thought and feelings. NU HAGGAAZUWAA KEEHIPPE KOSHSHIYAABA OOTTIYAABAY AYBEE? How do the discoveries made by scientists make you feel about Jehovah? WHAT IS THE REWARD? Hegaa akeekada, kaallidi deˈiya oyshata woygada zaaruutee? What a joy it is, therefore, for us to observe the zeal with which our brothers worldwide are carrying out Christ's preaching commission! With that in mind, how would you respond? Aadhida Erancha Kawuwaa Kaalla 119: 99. Imitate Their Faith - She Speaks From the King 17, 18. God does not tolerate willful disobedience to his law. - Heb. 17, 18. SHin, ammanettida wozannaama ashkkaray ba goday yaanaagaa naagi uttiis; qassi keehi koshshiya ayyaanaa qumaa ubbatoo giigissees. Some of the topics considered by Jehovah's Witnesses in their Bible study program: However, the faithful and discreet slave has a key role in providing timely spiritual food. Koyro xeetu layttan Qoronttoosa gubaaˈiyan deˈiya metoy aybee, shin eti he metuwaa waatidi giigissanaadan kiitettida PHawuloosi zoridee? May we be determined to maintain a serious view of our life and worship. What problems did the apostle Paul give in the first century, but how did the apostle Paul urge them to handle the problem? 5 Kuuyidobaa Oosuwan Peeshshite Surely the apostles regretted their failure to keep on the watch. 5 Draw Close to God - "I Know the Truth About God " Birshshiya heezzu asati issippe waati oottiyoonaa? The enemies of Jehovah will vanish like glorious pastures; they will vanish like smoke. " - Ps. How do three translators work together? " Kase ta son wuussa miishshi kumiis; shin haˈˈi hegaa malabi ta son baawa; hegee qassi ta zoriya wozanay geeshsha gidanaadan oottees. In addition, Nicholas and his wife, Deborah, help with sign - language translation in the Britain branch while Steven and his wife, Shannan, are part of the sign - language translation team in the United States branch. " I didn't have a lot of money in my home, but it has no effect on my conscience. Kumetta saˈan 7,900,000ppe dariya Yihoowa Markkatinne miilooniyan qoodettiya hara asati Godaa Kahuwaa Baalaa bonchanawu issippe shiiqoosona. What, then, are some of the realities that may bring on the " tribulation in the flesh ' that Paul mentioned? More than 7,000,000 Witnesses around the world attend the Memorial, millions of Jehovah's Witnesses attend the Memorial. Birshshettido wode koyro heeran nabbabanawu wayssenna birshshettaa qofaykka guyyeppe qoncce gidennan aggana danddayees. Yes, their uncontrolled anger brought disfavor both from God and from their father. In the first century, the translation of the original text may not always be easy. Ha huuphe yohuwan Dabloosa gitetuppe awugeeta beˈanee? All faithful humans will be raised to perfection. What will be considered in this article? Hegaara moggiya ogiyan hananabaa yootiya Milkkiyaasi: "Intte zaarettidikka xilluwaappenne nagaranchchaappe gidduwan de7 iya zawaanne Xoossaassi azazettiyaageetuppenne azazettennaageetuppe gidduwan de7 iya zawaa be7ana " yaagidi xaafiis. Parents give their children a precious gift when they help them to have faith that God "is real and that he rewards those who sincerely try to find him. " - Hebrews 11: 6, Holy Bible - Easy - to - Read Version. Under such circumstances, the prophet Malachi wrote: "You will also see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked one standing before God and the only true God. " 31: 1) Ishanttanne michontta xoqqu oottidi xeelliyoogee eta lambbechennaadan woy eti nuukko shiiqiyoogaa dosenna mala oottiyaabaa polennaadan diggees. It is not Scripturally required that marriage mates limit sexual relations to efforts to produce offspring. Showing concern for the brothers and sisters will prevent them from attending meetings or even drawing them away from attending meetings. * What contributed to Martha's confidence that Lazarus would be resurrected? * Wuuqqiyoogee Iita giyo Porchugaale qaalan giigida biiduwaa jw.org saytiyan beˈidi, ikka wuuqqidobi deˈiyoogaa yootiis. Gary has also encouraged a Christian who was inactive for 25 years. He said that he had come to the jw.org website, listening to the negative voice found on jw.org website. Qassi intte oottana danddayiyoobay guutta gidikkonne, Yihooway intte woosan ubbatoo ufayttees. - Lee. Christian elders likewise have the benefit of being guided by God's holy spirit. And whatever you can do, Jehovah always delight in your prayers. - Prov. (Gal. Jeremiah lived in Anathoth, a Levite city near Jerusalem. [ Footnote] Issi gubaaˈiyaa ayba paacee gakkidee? (2 Cor. What trials did one congregation face? Leemisuwawu, Ayhudatinne Ayhuda gidenna daroti Kiristtaane gidi simmidi "Yesuusi kiittidoogeetu timirttiyan, issippetettan oittaa mentti miyoogaaninne Xoossaa woosan genccoosona. " " I SHOOK hands with the devil. " So said the commander of the United Nations forces in Rwanda, reflecting on their failure to stop the genocide in that land during 1994. For example, after his death and resurrection, many non - Jews "continued devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles and Pharisees and proselytes. " SHin, Geeshsha Maxaafaa maaray hegaa mala hanotankka atto gaanaadan maaddana danddayees. That, though, is a privilege that we must never take for granted. However, Bible principles can help us to forgive fellow believers even in a similar situation. Maxaafatun, maxeetetun, gaazeexatun, pilmetun, televizhiine prograamiyaaninne Intternneetiyan hegaa malabay kumiis; aybissi giikko, daro asay keehippe qoppiyoynne koyiyoy hegaa malabaa gidiyo gishshataassa. That is my name. " - Isaiah 42: 8. In the magazines, movies, television programs, television programs, television programs, and television programs, so many people think that they are simply interested in such things. 4: 22 - 24) Ane naaˈˈu asatu leemisuwaa beˈoos. Jehovah - "The Happy God " Let us consider two examples. Taani deˈuwaa xeelliyo ogee laamettiis. On another occasion, Jehovah's spirit settled upon some men, causing them to prophesy. I've changed my view of life. (b) Addaameenne Hewaana makkalido wode Yihooway waatidee? It is vital for all in the family to shoulder their Scriptural responsibility. (b) How did Jehovah respond when Adam and Eve rebelled against Him? Maadoy koshshiyoosan haggaaziyoogan iyyo aybi siyettii? Did Abigail do what was right? How does she feel about serving where the need is greater? (Ibr. 2: 14, 15) Seexaanay issi uri Xoossay ehaana ooratta alamiyan ufayssaanne woppaa demmanau yeemottiyoogaa aggiyo wode ufayttees. Although he passed the test of integrity here on earth and presented the value of his ransom sacrifice in 33 C.E., he had to wait until 1914 before commencing his rule. Satan is pleased when someone wants to find happiness and satisfaction in God's new world will be filled with joy and happiness in God's new world. SHaaluuma macca naati oottido oosoy aybee, qassi Kiristtaane macca asay ha wodiyan hegaa malabaa ay oottii? Thus, ample advance notice of what was going to happen to their nation in the future was given to God's people. What role did women play, and what do Christian women today? I he Kawotettay oottanabaakka bessiis. 4: 6. He also showed what the Kingdom will do. Issi uri ashkke, asau qoppiyaagaa, ashanqqa, keha woy atto giyaagaa gidana danddayees. Paul reminds us that God is "the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive. " A modest person can be forgiving, considerate, and forgiving. (Iyy. 1: 13 - 21) Hegaappe simmin minttettiyaaba milatidi heezzu asati Xoossay Iyyoobawu A kushiyaa zaariis giidi hanttaara qaalatun A qohidosona! (Iyy. In some cases, we may come to realize that we were not the victim of an injustice after all. Then God answered three men and sentenced him against Job's hands! Yaatin, azinay, machiyaanne naati so asay " beegotti ' deˈanaadan ay oottana koshshii? Better yet, he has promised that he will soon eradicate death once and for all and resurrect the billions of humans who are in his memory. What, then, should a husband and wife do to stay awake spiritually? MAZAMUREE: 46, 49 Like Jesus, we understand that our loving heavenly Father desires that people acquire the knowledge that leads to everlasting life. REGULAR FEATURES 14, 15. (a) Yihoowayyo mishettidi oottiyoogaara gayttidaagan, Seexaanay nuna shugissana maliyoy ayba ogiyaanee? What is more, the assertion that Christ had "died for our sins " would also be untrue - for if the Savior himself had not been saved from death, he could not save others. 14, 15. (a) How does Satan try to weaken our zeal for Jehovah? Yihoowa Gallassay Qonccissanabaa " I stayed single for two years, after which I remarried in a Christian way, " she says. Can You Explain Jehovah's table? SHonggaara deˈiyaabaa haasayiyoogee, so asaa ufayssaunne azinaynne machiyaa aqo deˈuwan ufayttanau keehi koshshiyaaba. The Israelites loved the foreign residents (See paragraphs 11 - 13) Good communication, good communication, and family relationships are essential to a happy marriage. Tamaappe naagettidi, qumaa kattanawu, hoˈˈanawunne qammi pooˈissanawu a goˈettana danddayoos. He says that even though each member serves a different function, all are necessary. We can use it to keep our food, clothing, shelter, and so on. Yesuusi: "Taani ubba wode a ufaissiyaagaa [oottays] " yaagiis. - Yohaannisa 8: 29; Leemiso 27: 11. For the sake of variety, different family members read the parts of various individuals mentioned in a Bible portion. Jesus said: "I always do the things pleasing to him. " - John 8: 29; Proverbs 27: 11. Ubbaa goynoy Xoossaa ufayssii? If he is to help his family to stay awake spiritually, though, he must prove to be more than just a breadwinner. Are worship of God happy? Haasayaa qofay aybee? In other words, God used his invisible energizing force, holy spirit, to transmit his message to the writers of the Bible books. What is the meaning of the talk? Guuxxiis giishin naaˈˈutoo, Daawiti gonggoluwan qosettiis; issoy Adulaama mataana gidishin haray qassi Enggaada bazzuwaana. However, as the years passed, they came to respect us because of our beliefs and the way we raised our children. In two or second, David lived in a manger, where one of David's bones was hidden, and one of the front of the north was close to the wilderness. Ha wodiyan, nuunikka kayyottidaageetukko biyoogee eta minttettana danddayees. " It is part of our culture, and we enjoy giving, " explains Eduardo, but he adds: "There is a limit. Today, too, we too can comfort those who are bereaved. 8: 65, 66) Solomoni haarido 40 layttan asay daro sarotettaa demmiis; qassi keehippe duretiis. In what way, other than giving of our time, can we show honor to fellow believers? Solomon's reign grew up in 40 years, and most people became rich. (2 PHeexiroosa 3: 11 nabbaba.) Paul was not here referring to just any type of prisoner. (Read 2 Peter 3: 11.) Yoosaafixa gakkidabaa wotti denttidi qoppiyoogee maaddana danddayees. What about the quarantine of lepers or those with other diseases? Meditating on Jehoshaphat's experience can help us to meditate on what happened. 13: 12. Jehovah intended for good things to develop on the earth, not the bad things that we see so often today. 13: 12. Beeteelen 20 layttau oottida Marttini, 30 layttappe kase woradaa bollaara geeddiya issi ishaara issippe haggaaziyo wode, he ishay bana minttettidoogaa nashshidi hassayees. Paul's words to fellow Christians contain a warning. During his 20 years of serving as a circuit overseer, Kevin, who has been a circuit overseer for 30 years, expressed his appreciation and appreciation. Nu ishanttuura sarotettan deˈiyoogee aybippenne aadhiyaaba. Christians should weigh the place that secular work has in their heart. - w17.05, pp. Maintaining peace with our brothers is more than anything else. ▪ Ubba Wode Yihoowan Ammanetta! My own experience has taught me how important it is to give encouragement to others, and I go out of my way to give it. " ▪ Trust in Jehovah! GEESHSHA MAXAAFAA QOFAA: "Wuuqqiya urai hagaappe sinttau wuuqqoppo; shin hegaa aggidi, hiyyeesata maaddanau, ba kushiyan lo77obaa oottiiddi daafuro. " How do the religions that you know of measure up in this regard? WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: "Let the sun steal no more, but rather let him do what is good. " Ermmaasa: Ee, tuma. Before Jehovah's day comes, we can express our appreciation for his patience in the following ways. Eric: True. A sunttan xeegettiya maxaafaa wurssetta qaalatuppe hegaa zaaruwaa akeekana danddayoos. Jesus told his disciples: "By your endurance you will preserve your lives. " We can find the answer to that question in his name. XOOSSAA SUNTTAA: Xoossay bawu suntta kessidoogaa Geeshsha Maxaafay odees. Because the peace that I found was so precious, I just could not risk losing it. " GOD'S name is evident in the Bible's description of God's authority. Yihooway danddayido hara gaasoy, daro asay merinaa deˈuwaa demmanaadaana. In medieval "Christian " Europe, some of Aristotle's teachings attained the status of received truth - that is, they were generally accepted as being correct. Another reason for Jehovah's ability is that many will gain everlasting life. SHin, aawaynne aayyiyaa maaddanawu keehi baaxetiyaaba gidikkokka, issi issi naati Yihoowa aggoosona. Knowing the answer to that question is a key to understanding accurately what it means to be born again. Yet, even if our parents worked hard to help, some children do not go back to Jehovah. Debrah Rofman giyo maccaasiyaa Tok tu Mi Ferst giyo maxaafan, "haasayan, erissotun, pilmetun, maxaafatun, yettaa danttotun, televizhiine prograametun, kiitatun, kaassatun, kaqettida erissotuuninne silkkiyaankka komppiyuteriyankka beˈiyooban pokkobaa qofisiyaabay, pokko qaalaynne hara iitabay kumido gishshawu, [panttaara deˈiya naati, yelagatinne, haray atto yiira naatikka] daroti akeekennan, asho gaytotettay... aybippenne aaruwan koshshiyaaba giidi kuuyana " danddayiyoogaa yootaasu. Yes " Many young children, movies, television programs, and TV programs, " notes the book The Old Testament Words, "is probably a professor of television programs, such as movies, movies, movies, and video games. " Saynttistteti mati eridobay Yihoowabaa neeni ay qoppanaadan ootti? That is painful and sad, even tragic. What have you learned about Jehovah? 4: 6, 7) Nu wozanaanne qofaa tumuppe naagiya, aybippenne aadhiya " Xoossaa sarotettaa ' ubba wode nashshiyaageeta gidoos. Because we realize that sharing in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work is a demonstration of our love for God and for our neighbor. May we always deepen our appreciation for "the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. " Hegaa gishshau, sabbakanaadan Kiristtoosi azazidoogaa, alame yuushuwan deˈiya nu ishati mishettidi poliyoogaa nuuni beˈiyoogee ayba ufayssii! To "keep awake " spiritually means more than just having good intentions. Therefore, what joy we see as Christ's brothers observe our zeal for the preaching work worldwide! 119: 99. Most important of all, our "labor is not in vain in connection with the Lord. " 119: 99. Xoossay a higgiyaa eriiddi kanttiya uraa coˈˈu giidi xeellenna. - Ibr. (b) What is one way to strengthen our faith and courage? God does not approve of him. - Heb. Yihoowa Markkati Geeshsha Maxaafaa xinaatiyau goˈettiyo huuphe yohotuppe amaridaageeti kaallidi deˈiyaageeta. Also on jw.org, the study guides "What Does the Bible Really Teach? " Some of Jehovah's Witnesses are included in the study of the Bible. Nu deˈuwaanne nu goynuwaa ubbatoo xoqqu oottidi xeellanau murttidaageeta gidoos. " Love is not jealous, " so true love will not allow us to covet another person's possessions or privileges in the congregation. Let us be determined to keep our life simple and our worship strong. Kiitettidaageeti naagi uttibeenna gishshau zilˈˈettidoogee erettidaagaa. But it is important to think about whether what you put on befits your role as a servant of Jehovah. Clearly, the apostles had no regrets because of keeping on the watch. GODAA morkketi gam77enna dembbaa ciishshaa mala; eti cuwaadan xayana. " - Maz. That would mean that Christians who had died, in some cases as martyrs, had perished with a false hope that they would be resurrected. The enemies of Jehovah will certainly be like the top of the hair; like the top of the hair will certainly be destroyed. " - Ps. Hegaa bollikka, Nikolasinne a machiyaa Deboora, Birttaaniyaa macara biiruwan malaata qaalan birshshiyoogan maaddoosona; qassi Istefeninne a machiyaa SHanena, Amarkka macara biiruwan malaata qaalan birshshiyaageetu yame. That "slave " has put forth great effort to make spiritual food available in more and more languages; the number has now risen to over 700. In addition, Deborah and his wife, Deborah, serve at the branch office in Britain, and his wife, Britain, and the United States, were part of the United States branch office. Aqo deˈuwan woy so asaa bolli waayee gakkana danddayiyoy aybissee? Believers can add to their own happiness (1) by endeavoring to cultivate peace in the home and (2) by sincerely trying to help unbelieving family members to embrace true worship. Why can it be said that marriage or family problems occur? Ee, eti yiilluwaa teqqibeennaagan Xoossaanne bantta aawaa ufayssibookkona. For what purpose? Yes, they did not focus on their own understanding of God's ways and their father's father. Ammanettida asa ubbay polo gidana. One year later, at the age of 100, Abraham became father to a son, whom he named Isaac. All faithful humans will be perfect. (Isiyaasa 48: 17, 18) Yelidaageeti bantta naati "Xoossai de7iyoogaanne bana koyiyaageetuyyo woituwaa immiyoogaa " ammananaadan maaddiyo wode, etayyo alˈˈo imotaa immoosona. - Ibraawe 11: 6. " You, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart. " Parents give their children a precious gift when they help them to believe that "God is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " - Hebrews 11: 6. Aqo laggeti asho gaytotettaa poliyoy naata yelana xallaassa giidi Geeshsha Maxaafay yootenna. You will not find any Bible text that uses the expression "immortal soul " The Bible does not specifically say that marriage mates marry only children. Alˈˈaazari denddanaagaa Martta ammananaadan oottidabay aybee? " I learned to accept any sort of work, and we cut down on all unnecessary expenses. " - Jonathan What convinced Martha that Lazarus was going to resurrect Lazarus? Geeri 25 layttau aassiyoogaa aggida issi michiyookka minttettiis. 10: 11. Gary also encouraged a sister who had been raised for 25 years. Gubaaˈiyaa cimatikka hegaadan Xoossaa ayyaanaa kaaletuwaa kaallana bessees. For example, God gave Adam and Eve only one restrictive command - the prohibition against eating from "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. " Elders likewise must follow God's spirit. Ermmaasi Yerusalaame matan deˈiya, Leewatu kataman Anatootan deˈiis. Euodia and Syntyche, two Christian sisters in ancient Philippi, apparently had some difficulty in resolving a problem that arose between them. Jeremiah lived near Jerusalem, a town near Jerusalem. (2 Qor. What must we do to remain in God's "secret place " of protection? You cannot slave for God and for Riches. " RUWANDDA biittan 1994n, meqetti baynna hanotan asaa busakkidoogaa beˈido gishshau, Kawotettatu Issippetettaa wotaaddaratu halaqay, he hanotay Dabloosa beˈidoba mala gidiyoogaa yootiis. Harboring ill feelings toward our brothers can lead to distorted judgments that are not based on the facts. DO YOU see the contrast between the United States and the United States because of the harsh treatment of the United States, it describes the role of the United States as the Devil. (Maa. The Bible speaks not only of the attack by " Gog of Magog ' but also of the attack by "the king of the north " and of the attack by" the kings of the earth. " No. Hegaa gishshawu i, "Taani GODAA [" Yihoowa, " NW]; hegee ta sunttaa " yaagiyoogan, Geeshsha Maxaafaa baggaara ba sunttaa neessi yootiis. - Isiyaasa 42: 8. How vital that marriage mates not allow the activities of daily life to rob them of exchanging expressions of affection! Hence, he stated: "I am Jehovah. That is my name. " - Isaiah 42: 8. Yihoowa - "Ufayttiya Xoossaa " When Jesus saw people suffering, he was moved to show them love. Jehovah - "He Is God " Hara wode, Yihoowa ayyaanay issi issi asatun wodhin, eti hananabaa yootidosona. Is that true? On another occasion, Jehovah's spirit empowered some of those who had been fed by some of them. Eti oottanaadan Geeshsha Maxaafay yootiyoobaa son deˈiya ubbay poliyoogee keehippe koshshiyaaba. God's memory of that one does not fade even after thousands of years. Whatever the case, it is important for each member of the family to do what they read in the Bible. Abigaala oottidobay likkee? * Is Abigail right? I saˈan ba suuretettaa paacciyaabaa xoonidi ba wozuwaa yarshshuwaa waagaa 33 M.Ln qanxxikkonne, 1914n haariyoogaa doommana gakkanaashin naagiis. (Oos. 2: 33 - 35; Ibr. Since the inscription on a previously found ossuary thought to belong to the high priest himself calls him Yehosef bar Caiapha, or Joseph, son of Caiaphas, * Miriam was related to Caiaphas in some way. He had to wait until Pentecost 33 C.E. when his integrity was tested and offered the ransom sacrifice. Xoossay kasetidi hegaadan yootiyoogan sinttappe hananabaa ba deriyaa akeekissiis. It is estimated that each year some three million children die from hunger. In a similar way, God had warned his people about the future. 4: 6. Yet, they resolutely coped with things like a famine and dangers from surrounding nations. 4: 6. Xoossay "nu giddon oottiya ba wolqqaa baggaara nuuni woossiyoobaa woi qoppiyoobaa ubbaappe keehi darissi oottanau " danddayiyaagaa gidiyoogaa PHawuloosi yootiis. The second article examines several Scriptural reasons that motivate us to carry out the preaching work with endurance. Paul explained that "God is able to do all we can through him or by means of him who imparts power to us. " Issi issi hanotan nuna ayba naaqoynne gakkibeennaagaa akeekana danddayoos. Yes, may their love compel us to follow the steps of Jesus closely, to reach out and express our love for our brothers, and to forgive our brothers from the heart. We may see that we have not seen any injustice and that we have not experienced. Ubba i matan hayquwaa muleera xayssanawunne i hassayiyo, biilooniyan qoodettiya asata hayquwaappe denttanawu qaalaa geliis. They did not consider circumcised Gentiles as " people of the nations ' but as brothers. Instead, he promised that billions of resurrected ones would be brought back to life, bringing them back to life. Yesuusaagaadan, saluwan deˈiya nu siiqo Aaway merinaa deˈuwau kaalettiya eraa asay demmanaadan koyiyoogaa akeekoos. It is not supported by the Bible, and it has its roots in ancient pagan religions and philosophies. Like Jesus, we realize that our loving heavenly Father wants humans to gain everlasting life. Qassi, "Kiristtoosi nu nagaraa gishshau haiqqiis " giyoogeekka worddo; aybissi giikko, ashshiyaagee hayquwaappe denddibeennaba gidikko harata ashshana danddayenna. He burned all his possessions connected with the occult. Moreover, "Christ died for our sins, and if he died, he would not have been resurrected. " A "gelennan naaˈˈu layttau takka simmada, issi Kiristtaanessi bessiya ogiyan zaarettada azinaa gelaas " yaagasu. Because God fully knows us, his discipline is always appropriate and properly measured. " After two years of age, " she says, "I got married again after I got married. " Siyada he kare biittaa asi i oichchiyoobaa ubbaa ootta. 15, 16. Listen to him all that he calls. Bollaa qommotu oosoy dumma dumma gidikkonne, ubbaykka koshshiyaaba gidiyoogaa i yootiis. His holy spirit can empower us to do the same. He says that all members of the body are different, but all of us are needed. Geeshsha Maxaafaappe nabbabiyooban odettida dumma dumma asatuugaadan hanidi so asay kayan kayan nabbabees. The foretold "seed " would crush the serpent's head, eliminating the cause of rebellion, sickness, and death. The men quoted in the Bible took a series of books that were different from those mentioned in the Bible. SHin i ba so asay ayyaanaaban beegottidi deˈanaadan maaddanau, so asau asatettan koshshiyaabaa kunttiyoogaappe aadhiyaabaa oottana koshshees. Do You Recall? But if he is willing to help his family spiritually, he should do more than provide materially for their families. (2 PHeexiroosa 1: 21) Hegee Xoossay Geeshsha Maxaafaa xaafidaageetuyyo beettenna ba wolqqaa, geeshsha ayyaanaa baggaara ba qofaa yootidoogaa bessees. asked Jesus. That is what God inspired writers to write about the invisible power by means of his holy spirit. Gidoppe attin, daro layttappe guyyiyan, eti nu ammanuwaanne nuuni nu naata dichido hanotaa nashshiyoogaa doommidosona. Thus we become ever more anchored in the soil of God's Word. Years later, however, they began to appreciate our faith and appreciation for our children. Edwardoy hagaadan giis: "Hegee nu heeran meeze gididaba; qassi nuuni immiyoogan ufayttoos; shin ubbatoo hegaadan oottana danddayettenna. Who are especially worthy of being respected and honored, and why? " It was normally easy, " Eduardo says, "but it was not easy for us to do so. Nu wodiyaa immiyoogaappe hara ayba ogiyan nu mala Kiristtaaneta bonchana danddayiyoo? * "I wanted to lighten his load and to help buy our son, Jimmy, some of the nice things his schoolmates enjoyed. " In what other ways can we show honor to fellow believers? Inchirichay woy hara harggee oyqqidoogeeta hara asaappe shaakkiyoogaabaa shin? Levites are abandoning their assignment. What about those who suffer from another person or another person's illness? Nuuni ha wodiyan beˈiyo iitabay gidennan, loˈˈobay saˈan deˈanaadan Yihooway halchchiis. It contains an accurate mention of Enoch's prophecy, but that may have been drawn from an ancient source now lost to us - whether a written document or an oral tradition. Jehovah has given us the hope of living now, not just bad things but on the earth. PHawuloosi ba mala Kiristtaanetussi xaafidoban seeray deˈees. You see, I have always been extremely shy. Paul's counsel is available to fellow believers. Yesuusi hayqqi simmin, PHeexiroosi ba kase oosuwawu, moliyaa oyqqanawu guyye simmiis. My God, I am in despair. That is why I remember you. " After his death, Peter returned to his work and returned to the fish. Harata minttettiyoogee ay keena koshshiyaabakko ta deˈuwan beˈidobaappe tamaaraas; qassi tau danddayettida keena ubban hegaadan oottays. " [ Picture on page 7] From personal experience, I learned how much encouragement to encourage others, and I did as much as I could. " Ha allaalliyaa xeelliyaagan neeni eriyo haymaanooteti ay oottiyoonaa? Would angels have been able to say that they were "unworthy, " as Jacob said he was, or were" sinful, " as Peter felt he was? What do you think about this subject? Yihoowa gallassay yaana gakkanaassi, hagaappe kaallidi deˈiya ogetun a danddayaa gishshau Yihoowa galatana danddayoos. So we cleaned up the room, vacuumed the floor, and put the chairs out. " Since Jehovah's day is near, we can thank him for his patience. Yesuusi ba erissiyo ashkkaratussi, "Danddayan intte intte shemppuwaa ashshana " yaagiis. (Luq. They had heard how beautiful the city of Jerusalem once was. Jesus told his disciples: "You will save your souls. " Ta demmido sarotettay keehi alˈˈoba gidiyo gishshawu, hegaa xayssiyaabaa mule oottana koyikke. " She made a list of Bible characters who went through periods of intense grief. My peace is precious because I don't want to do it, so I don't want to do it. " Arsttotili tamaarissido issi issibaa 500 - 1500 M.Ln, Kiristtaane giyo Awurooppaa asay tuma giidi ekkiis. Up to this point in my life, I had learned to be somewhat macho. One of Aristotle's teachings was true in some 500 C.E. - Jewish Europe. yaagiya oyshaa zaarees. He oyshaa zaaruwaa eriyoogee naaˈˈantto yelettiyoogee woygiyoogaakko loytti akeekanau keehippe koshshiyaaba. AS THE boat steamed up the Belfast Lough, a sea inlet, the little cluster of passengers standing on deck caught sight of green hills bathed in early morning light. The answer to that question is vital for us to understand the meaning of the new birth. SHin Yihooway hegaa mala aawa gidenna. 72: 17 - 19. But Jehovah is not like that. Kawotettaa mishiraachuwaa yootiyoogeenne erissiyo ashkkara oottiyoogee, nuuni Xoossaanne nu shooruwaa siiqiyoogaa bessiyaaba gidiyoogaa eriyo gishshataassa. In an effort to comfort the elderly, we can visit them and listen carefully to what they tell us about their past experiences and obvious blessings in Jehovah's service. Because sharing the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work is an expression of our love for God and our neighbor. Loˈˈobaa amottiyoogaa xallay ayyaanaaban " mino ' gidiyoogaa woy beegottiyoogaa bessenna. Our worship is a way of life, not a mere formality. The desire to have a good heart should not be "a strong person " or" a strong desire to remain spiritually strong. " 126: 6) He ubbaappekka aaruwan, nu "daafurai Godaa baggaara mela " gidenna. No one should be made to feel uncomfortable because of his or her moderate use of fragrances. More important, it is not "as far as death through our Lord. " (b) Nuuni ammanuwan minonne keehi xala gidanaadan maaddiyaabay aybee? Accordingly, we need to remain ever vigilant to the nearness of Jehovah's day. - Zeph. (b) What will help us to build strong faith and courage? Qassi jw.org saytiyan xannaˈanawu giigida, "Tumuppe Geeshsha Maxaafay Tamaarissiyoy Aybee? " " You have corrected me... like a calf that has not been trained. " published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Hegaa gishshawu, tumu siiqoy haratussi deˈiya aquwaa woykko etawu deˈiya dumma haggaazo maataa nuuni qanaatennaadan oottees. Moses showed love for his fellow Israelites. Thus, genuine love moves us to avoid being free to share in the ministry or to have various privileges of service. SHin, neeni maayiyoobay Yihoowa ashkkara gidida urau bessiyaabaakkonne qoppiyoogee keehippe koshshiyaaba. Saul began his kingship with a modest and humble view of himself. On the other hand, it is important to think that you are part of a servant of Jehovah. (1 Qoronttoosa 15: 3) Hegaa giyoogee, hayquwaappe denddana gi ammanidi, hayqqidanne bantta ammanuwaa gishshau hayqqida Kiristtaaneti xayidosona giyooga. Michelle: After all, honesty is not something like strength, which can be proved with a simple test. That means believing Christians who have died for their dead belief in the resurrection and who have died for their dead loved ones. 24: 45) He " ashkkaray ' kaseegaappe daro qaalan ayyaanaabaa qumaa giigissanawu keehi baaxetiiddi takkiis; he qooday haˈˈi 700ppe daro. A soft breeze off Lake Erie ruffled the ladies ' feathered hats. This " slave " has grown up in many languages, and the number of spiritual food is still being made available in over 700 languages. Kiristtaaneti (1) son sarotettay deˈanaadan baaxetiyoogan, qassi (2) so asaappe ammanennaageeti tumaa ekkanaadan maaddanau wozanappe baaxetiyoogan ufayttidi deˈana danddayoosona. On a zone visit with Daniel and Marina Sydlik in 1977 (1) By striving to maintain peace in the family and (2) work hard to help unbelieving family members to accept the truth. Ayba halchuwaassi? Gail says: "This promise says it all. What is the purpose of that purpose? 18: 14) Issi layttappe guyyiyan, Abrahaamayyo layttay 100 gidido wode, i Yisaaqa giidi sunttido naˈaa yelliis. (Doo. [ Picture on page 7] One year later, when Abraham was 100 years old, her son, Isaac, was blessed with her son. " Solomonaa, ta na7au, ne aawaa Xoossaa era. Ne kumetta [wozanan] ayyo ootta. " But then again, no one - not even an overseer - has a monopoly on good ideas. " " My son, know the God of Solomon, and serve him with all your heart. " Geeshsha Maxaafan "hayqqenna shemppo " giyaaba demmakka We can imagine Jesus asking thought - provoking questions that made those learned teachers sit up and take notice. You don't want to "come " in Bible chapter chapter chapter chapter 17, which says in the Bible: "You don't want to" Do what is " Ay qommo oosuwaakka oottiyoogaa meezetaas; qassi darin koshshennabawu miishsha kessokko. " - Jonatana (Read Acts 20: 20, 21, 24, 35.) " I have learned to do whatever I can, and we do not pay more money. " - Jonathan. 10: 11. He asks the elder to help him find a doctor who will cooperate on the matter of blood. 10: 11. Leemisuwau, Xoossay Addaameenne Hewaana oottennaadan azazido azazoy issuwaa xalla; hegeekka, "lo77uwaanne iitaa erissiya mittaa teeraappe " meennaadan azazidoogaa. (Doo. Do not let mortal man prevail against you. " For example, God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat from "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. " Beni wode Piliphisiyuusan deˈiya, Ewodiyoonne Sinxxiikko giyo naaˈˈu Kiristtaane michoti bantta giddon merettida metuwaa giigissana danddayibeennaba milatees. 2: 3. Brothers and sisters in Philippi apparently seemed to be able to solve problems that arose between the two Christians in Philippi. Xoossaa " naaguwaa ' demmiyoosan ubbatoo deˈanau nuuni ay oottana bessii? Clearly, those new disciples understood that baptism is a requirement for Christians. What must we do to maintain "the protection of God "? Nu ishanttubaa nuuni iitabaa qoppiyoogee issibaa tumu naqaashi baynnan kuuyanaadan oottana danddayees. In all circumstances, we need to lean on Jehovah for guidance, trusting in him to support us and do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Our brothers ' motives may cause us to decide whether we are wrong or not. Geeshsha Maxaafay " Maagooga Googi ' denddiyoogaa xalla gidennan, " huuphessa biittaa kawoy ' denddiyoogaanne "sa7aa kawoti " denddiyoogaakka yootees. (Hiz. 38: 2, 10 - 13; Dane. 11: 40, 44, 45; Ajj. Our hope will also strengthen us to say no to those who would lead us into conduct condemned by Jehovah. The Bible refers not only to "Gog of the kingdom, " but also the kings of the heavens and the kings of the earth. Aqo laggeti galla galla oottiyoobaynne eta qofissiya darobay deˈikkokka, issoy issuwaa siiqiyoogaa yootiyoogee keehi koshshiyaaba! For example, 1 out of every 142 children born in the United States will become a murder victim. How important it is that marriage mates love each day, but how important it is for each other to love one another! Waayettiya asaa beˈido wode, Yesuusi etawu qarettiis. However, this assurance still holds true for God's people today. When Jesus saw people suffering, Jesus felt compassion for them. Hegee tumee? Satan tries to distance us from Jehovah by moving us to make wrong choices. Is that true? (Marqqoosa 10: 27) SHaˈan qoodettiya layttay aadhi simminkka, he uraabaa Xoossay hassayees. Even though each slave received a different number of talents, what did the master expect? Even after thousands of years, God remembered the person who had died. * We honor these brothers regardless of their nationality, education, social standing, or financial status. * Hegaappe kase beettida, qeese ubbatu halaqaagaa giidi qoppiyo, meqettaa yeggido hara saaxiniyan xaafettidabay a Yehosef bar Qayaafa, woy Qayaafa * naˈaa Joosefa giyo gishshau, Miiriyaama Qayaafa dabbo gidennan aggukku. On average a woman will be assaulted by her partner 35 times before contacting the police. " - A SPOKESWOMAN FOR WALES DOMESTIC ABUSE HELPLINE. Earlier, High Priest Caiaphas, mentioned earlier, likely thought that the high priest of Caiaphas, who was called Caiaphas, was the son of Caiaphas, or High Priest Caiaphas. Layttan layttan heezzu miiloone gidiya naati namisaa gaasuwan hayqqiyoogee odettees. It reads: "God's Kingdom, which is a real government in heaven, will soon bring an end to all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. " More than three million children have been killed each year. SHin, eti koshaa wodenne shooro kawotettati qohiyo wode keehi genccidosona. (Doo. Let anger or bitterness sour relationships, leading to isolation and loneliness However, they had to endure the wars and kingdoms of the nations. Naaˈˈantto huuphe yohoy nuuni sabbakiyo oosuwan genccanaadan denttettiya amarida gaasota Geeshsha Maxaafaappe yootees. For what other reason might Jehovah have been angry with Moses and Aaron? The second article considers some reasons why we can persevere in the preaching work. Ee, eta siiqoy nuuni Yesuusa leemisuwaa mintti kaallanaadan, nu ishantta siiqanaadaaninne nu ishanttussi wozanappe atto gaanaadan denttettana mala amottoos. But in 1919, there was a call to wake up! Yes, may their love move us to follow Jesus ' steps closely and genuine love for our brothers and sisters. Eti Ayhuda gidenna, qaxxarettida asata " he biitta asadan, ' giishin Ayhuda gidenna asadan gidennan ishadan xeelloosona. Observing that the boundary wall between the Kingdom Hall and the neighbor's property needed repair, they offered to do the work at no cost. They were considered to be "a Jew, " not" a Jew " of the circumcision. Hegee Geeshsha Maxaafaa timirtte gidenna; beni eeqaa goynuwaappenne beni palasfatu timirttiyaappe yiidaba. But how can we complain if our children want to open up to us? This is not a Bible teaching; it came from ancient worship and from ancient writings. Baayyo deˈiya kaayuwaara gayttida aquwaa ubbaa xuuggiis. See Revelation 6: 4. He had all the resources of his life. Xoossay nuna loytti eriyo gishshawu, A seeray nuuyyo ubbatoo bessiyaabanne koshshiyaaba. Regarding the Paradise earth, God says: "The earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah. " Since God is keenly aware of us, his discipline is always important. 15, 16. And he does! - 2 Tim. 15, 16. Nuunikka hegaadan oottanaadan A geeshsha ayyaanay maaddana danddayees. THE Bible states that certain areas of the Promised Land were forested and that trees were "plentiful. " We can likewise do the same by means of holy spirit. Kasetidi odettida zerettay, makkalau, harggiyaunne hayquwau gaaso gidida shooshshaa, huuphiyaa qoxxidi xayssana. As a young person, he was victorious over the Philistine giant Goliath. As foretold, the offspring of the woman, the serpent, will wipe out the death of the serpent, the serpent, and the serpent. Hassayay? However, you can rise above such thinking when it comes to your own beliefs. Do You Recall? Bantta Dosan Eeno Giidosona (azina gelibeenna michontta), Ich. " I found these people to be among the nicest I have ever met. " They Offered Themselves Willingly - Three Questions Worth Asking, Jan. yaagidi oychiis. F. asked the psalmist. Yaatiyoogan, nuuni Xoossaa Qaalan xaphuwaa yeddidi minnidaageeta gidoos. Let love motivate your hospitality, and you need not worry. In this way, then, let us bear fruit of the root of God's Word. Keehi bonchettana bessiya asati oonee, qassi aybissi? Jehovah thwarted that attempt and liberated his people from enslavement to Egypt. Who should praise, and why? Hegaa gishshau, taani amarida miishshaa demmanaunne nu naˈaa Jiimayyo aara issippe tamaariya naatuugaa mala issi issi loˈˈobaa shammanau koyaas. " It seems likely that some events will overlap. So I wanted to buy some money together as one of the two students with whom I could buy a car. " Leewati bantta oosuwaa aggidosona. If you find public witnessing challenging, do not give up. The Levites did their work. He maxaafan Heenooki yootido hiraagay deˈiyaaba gidikkonne, he qofay ha wodiyan deˈenna, beniisappe odettiiddi takkida, xaafetti uttidabaappe woy yootiyo taarikiyaappe ekettidaba gidana danddayees. Jesus later associated Abel with "the founding of the world. " Although Enoch lived in that book, he may have written a letter, perhaps from ancient times or from ancient writings. Taani keehi dungguuxa. (b) Name three things God's gift will motivate us to do. I was shy and shy. Aissi giikko, taani ha77ikka tana ashshiyaagaanne ta Xoossaa galatana. In your Bible, look up the scriptures that your partner is using. For now is my salvation and my salvation. [ Sinttaa 7n deʼiya misiliyaa qonccissuwaa] * Clearly, Abel did not grow up among the best of influences. [ Picture on page 7] 32: 10; Luq. 5: 8) Kiitanchati Yesuusi erissiyo ashkkaratuugaadan yayyana danddayiyoonaa? What good reasons do we have to continue to serve as stewards of God's undeserved kindness? Like Jesus, can angels fear the coming of the disciples? Yaatiyo gishshau, nuuni keettaa pittoosinne oydiyaa giigissoos " yaagidi hassayees. But no underlying dread should agitate one who fears Jehovah. So we remember that we made our house and that we stayed there. " Eti kase Yerusalaamee keehi loˈˈiyoogaa siyidosona. Yet, they kept free from being entangled in the desires and pursuits of the people around them. They listened to the beauty of Jerusalem. A Geeshsha Maxaafan etabay odettido, keehi azzaniiddi daro takkida asata xaafa oyqqaasu. To learn more, visit jw.org and search for JW Language. She, mentioned in the Bible, looked back on many people who had been distracted by what they had experienced in the Bible. He wode gakkanaashin, tana mino attuma asadan xeellays. (See opening image.) Meanwhile, I felt as a strong man. MARKKABEE abbay biittaakko gelo sohuwaa, Belfast Lak giyoosaa kanttidi biyo wode, markkabiyan eqqida amarida asati maallado xalqqee wodhdhido, mittati kumido dereta beˈoosona. Seeking the Truth About Heaven IT WAS late early morning, a group of men sitting on the sea side of the sea and saw a net surrounded by weeds. 72: 17 - 19. Christian parents realize that a child's upbringing entails more than providing for his material needs. 72: 17 - 19. Nuuni cimidaageeta minttettanau eta soo biidi oychana, qassi eti bantta deˈuwan beˈidobaanne Yihoowa oosuwan demmido anjjuwaa yootiyo wode loyttidi ezggana danddayoos. 4: 11. We visited their homes and may be able to listen carefully to them and listen carefully to Jehovah's blessing by listening carefully to their experiences and experiences. Nuuni coo meezetido gishshawu gidennan, wozanappe goynnoos. Such matters are not bad in themselves; they can be normal aspects of life. It is not easy for us to be sincere, but it is our devotion to God. Keehi peenotenna shittuwaa tiyettiyaageeti unˈˈettanaadan oottana bessenna. There are no distractions, no sounds of chaotic city life drifting in over some nearby wall. Those who were not anointed should not have to be anxious about the occasion. Ha ubbabaappe denddidaagan, nuuni Yihoowa gallassay matidoogaa ubbatoo hassayana koshshees. - Sof. They must remain faithful until death in order to obtain this prize. As a result, we need to keep in mind that Jehovah's day is near. - Zeph. " Neeni nuna xurqqayettibeenna mirgguwaadan wadhdhadasa. " Avoid asking questions out of curiosity. " You are not going to beat us up. " Muusee Israaˈeelata siiqiyoogaakka bessiis. Picture three widows, their garments blowing in the wind as they walk on a road stretching across the plains of Moab. Moses also showed love for the Israelites. Saaˈooli kawo gidiyo wode ashkkenne bana kawushshiya asa. (1 Sam. To live a purposeful and satisfying life. Saul was humble and lowly in heart. Martto: Issi asi ammanettiyoogaa, i mino gidiyoogaa woy gidennaagaa eranau paaccidi eriyoogaadan sohuwaara erana danddayettenna. At many of our meetings, we review the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Michelle: Of course, it is hard to know that a person can get to know him or that he is strong. Eeri Abbaappe denddiya leddan carkkiya carkkoy maccaasaa qophiyaa qaattees. * - 1 John 5: 14. The Red Sea did not provide food for women who had to run out of the air. Daaneel Sidilikaaranne a machee mariniira zooniyaa xomoosishin, 1977 " With your counsel you will lead me, and afterward you will take me even to glory. " - PS. In 1977 the chariot sent his wife and his wife to care for the Governing Body Geela hagaadan gaasu: "Ha xiqisee yootiyoobay qoncce. What view of religion do many people have? The Shulammite says: "This verse is clear. [ Sinttaa 15n deʼiya misiliyaa qonccissuwaa] The account does not say. [ Picture on page 9] SHin oonanne gidin, ubba oosuwaa bollaara xeelliyaagaakka gidin, loˈˈo qofaa eriyay a xalla gidenna. " While the younger ones are with you, they can observe that affection and harmony are important no matter how long one has been married. - Titus 2: 3 - 7. Yet, no one knows better than anyone else, whether he has the right to carry out his work or not. " Yesuusi he erancha asttamaareti yuushshi qoppanaadan oottida oyshaa oychidoogaa akeekana danddayoos. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. We can see that Jesus asked the wise teachers whether they were in a position to reason on the matter. (Oosuwaa 20: 20, 21, 24, 35 nabbaba.) Perhaps the governor feared that Jesus could cause political unrest, a principal concern throughout Pilate's rule. (Read Acts 20: 20, 21, 35.) I he cimay suuttaa goˈettennan akkamiya dottoriyaa koyanaadan oychiis. 12: 10. He asked the elder to seek the blood's blood. Abeet GODAU, neeni nu Xoossaa; nena asi xoonenna. " After 70 long years of captivity, they were freed from Babylon. O Jehovah our God, O Jehovah. " 2: 3. (b) What will we consider in this article? 2: 3. Xammaqettiyoogee Kiristtaanetuppe koyettiyaaba gidiyoogaa he asati akeekidoogee qoncce. Consider Jesus ' model prayer, and note what he said about God's name, His Kingdom, and His will. Clearly, baptism means that baptism is a requirement for Christians. Ay hanotankka kaaletuwaa demmanawu Yihoowan zemppana, qassi i nuna maaddanaagaanne nuuni oottana danddayennabaa nuussi oottanaagaa ammanettana koshshees. See The Watchtower, June 1, 1987, pages 30 - 31. You need to rely on Jehovah and rely on him in any situation, and we need to trust that he will do whatever we can and that he will do. (2 Xim. 2: 16 - 19) Nu hidootay nuna minttees; qassi Yihooway ixxiyoobaa oottennaadan maaddees. It gives practical advice about the following. Our hope strengthens us and helps us to avoid what Jehovah hates. Leemisuwau, Amarkkan yelettiya 142 naatuppe issoy asa kushiyan hayqqees. Whether single or married, how can we follow the example Paul set as a disciple of Christ? For example, one of eight sons died in the United States. Gidikkokka, ha minttettoy ha wodiyan deˈiya Xoossaa asaukka oottees. As told by Yvonne Quarrie Today, however, God's people today provide comfort to God's people. 2: 11) Balabaa dooranaadan denttettidi, Seexaanay nuna Yihoowappe haassanau malees. Because we live in a world filled with bias and prejudice. Satan tries to alienate us from Jehovah. Ashkkarati ubbay ekkido biray issi likke gidana xayikkonne, goday etappe koyidoy aybee? His example speaks to us, does it not? Although each slave had all the talents, what were the slaves willing to do? Nuuni eta zaree woy eta timirttiyaa hanotay aybanne gidin, woy eti dure gidin hiyyeesa gidin he ishata bonchoos. Writing to fellow Christians, he said: "We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you. " Whatever our background, we honor these brothers, whether they are rich or poor. Issi maccaasiyaa ba bolli gakkiya qohuwaa polisiyau erissanaappe kase azinay o 35too bukkees. " - WELSSEN, SO GIDDON QOHOY GAKKIDO ASATA SILKKIYAN ZORIYA DIRIJJITIYAA OOSANCHAA. How can we overcome the fear of using our voice to sing praises to Jehovah? Before a woman who opposes his attacks, her husband tells her that "Jehovah's Witnesses... will not bring an end to the violence of the wicked one. " - FROM THE B.C.E. Hegee hagaadan gees: " Xoossaa Kawotettay, giishin saluwan deˈiya tumu aysoy, mata wode iitatetta ubbaa xayssidi saˈaa gannatiyau laammana. ' Therefore, if you can possibly discern what the person may have been thinking about, why not use that to start a conversation with him? It says: "The Kingdom of God, the heavenly Kingdom, will soon bring an end to all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. " Yiilloy woy ixoy dabbotaa mooranaadan paqqadees; hegaappe denddidaagan eti shaahettoosonanne boorasoosona A dedicated scientist may have spent a lifetime studying a certain law of nature. Do not let anger or violence cause them to feel at home; nor do they feel at ease and at home? Yihooway Muusanne Aaroona hanqqettido hara gaasoy geella aybee? Verse 9 reports what happened next: "During the night a vision appeared to Paul: a certain Macedonian man was standing and entreating him and saying: " Step over into Macedonia and help us. ' " What other reason could Jehovah have been for Moses and Aaron? SHin 1919n issibay eti beegottanaadan oottiis! Send me. " But something happened in 1919! Kawotettaa Addaraashshaanne bitaniyaa zawan deˈiya dirssay moorettidoogaa beˈidi, ishantti appe aybanne oychennan giigissidosona. Most important, you can rest assured that you will experience the peace of mind with which Jehovah blesses those who honor their parents. - Phil. When the local brothers looked at the Kingdom Hall and saw what was needed, the brothers prepared for him. SHin nu naati nunaara haasayana koyiyaabaa gidikko, nuuni hegaa aybissi ixxiyoo? At times, I get depressed about my former lifestyle, but Barbara is an enormous support to me. But if our children want to talk to us, why do we do so? Ajjuutaa 6: 4 xeella. Consider what happened next. See Revelation 6: 4. Gannate saˈaa xeelliyaagan Xoossay, "Sa7ai GODAA eriyoogan kumana " yaagiis. (Isi. " THE TWO WILL BE ONE FLESH. " Regarding Paradise on earth, God said: "The earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah. " Qassi I giigissees! - 2 Xim. Jesus spent his life teaching people the truth about God and His purposes. He also provides training! - 2 Tim. HIDOOTAA BIITTAN issi issi heeran woray kumidoogaanne " cora ' mittay deˈiyoogaa Geeshsha Maxaafay qonccissees. (1 Kaw. They included it in the names they gave their children, such as Elijah, which means "My God Is Jehovah, " and Zechariah, which means" Jehovah Has Remembered. " THE Bible tells us that in some parts of the area, "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad " is" very precious. " I yelagatettan wogga wolqqaama asa gidida Pilisxxeemiyaa Gooliyaada xooniis. When the scribes and older men were unwilling to give an answer, Jesus said: "Neither am I telling you by what authority I do these things. " As a young man, he stuck to Goliath. SHin intte hara asay yootido gishsha xallau issibaa ammanana koshshenna. (Read Exodus 34: 5 - 7.) However, you do not need to believe just because other people say it. Ha asatu mala keehi loˈˈo asi darenna " yaagiis. Were an anointed Christian to become unfaithful, he would not receive "the unfadable crown of glory " promised to the chosen ones who remain faithful until death. - 1 Pet. Such people are much better than they are. " F. Distressing circumstances can have a terrible impact on us. F. 15: 17) Imattanaadan siiqoy nena denttettana bessees; qassi neeni hirggana koshshenna. Jesus knew the importance of putting God first in marriage. Love should motivate you to be hospitable, and you need not feel anxious. Yihooway hegee polettennaadan oottiis, qassi ba asaa Gibxxe aylletettaappe kessiis. (Kes. If we imitate Jesus, however, we view our ministry as if it were food. That was what Jehovah purposed for his people and delivered them from slavery in Egypt. Amaridabay issi wode hanennan waayi aggana. 30 How Can You Adjust to Your New Congregation? In some cases, things may not be easy. Dabaaban markkattiyoogee nena wayssiyaaba gidikko, agga bayoppa. Moreover, he did not itemize all the needs or problems of each person in his audience. If a preaching work seems difficult, do not try to stop you. Yesuusi guyyeppe, alamee woy " saˈay merettido ' wodiyaa Aabeeli deˈido wodiyaara gatti yootiis. That is why no angel of God announced the birth of Jesus to the astrologers. Jesus later spoke of "the time of the world, " or" the earth. " (b) Xoossaa imotay nuna denttettiyo heezzu ogeta yoota. And concerning company, we need to determine: " With whom will I share in entertainment? (b) Relate three ways in which God's gift works. Nenaara haggaaziya uri xiqisiyaa nabbabiyo wode, Geeshsha Maxaafaa kessada kaalla. What reasons do we have for welcoming strangers among us? When you read someone who is in the field service, take time to read the Bible and meditate on it. * Aabeeli loˈˈo asa gidanaadan minttettiya asi baynna hanotan dicciis. " Turn the other cheek. ' - MATTHEW 5: 39. * Abel grew up as a man who grew up to be a good man. Xoossaa aaro kehatettaa gishiyaageeta gididi ubbatoo oottiyoogee keehippe koshshiyoy aybissee? Are content with what they have Why is it vital that we continue to serve God's undeserved kindness? SHin Yihoowan ammanettiya uri xala, qassi yayyenna. (1 PHe. Today, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures is appreciated for its clarity, fidelity to the Bible text, and usefulness in our ministry. But trust in Jehovah and put faith in him. SHin eti bantta yuushuwan deˈiya asay qaaqqatiyoobaanne oottiyoobaa qullibookkona. But what of those who lived in small towns and rural areas? But the people around them were not influenced by what they are doing and what they do. Gujjada eranawu jw.org xomoosa; qassi JW Language giyaagaa koya. He stated: "They did not get the fulfillment of the promises, but [in faith] they saw them afar off and welcomed [" embraced, " ftn.] them. " For more information, see jw.org, and look for JW Broadcasting. (Ha huuphe yohuwaa doomettan deˈiya misiliyaa xeella.) 8 / 15 (See opening image.) Saluwaa Xeelliyaagan Tumay Aybee? As the above quotation shows, the concept of sin appears to be in deep crisis today. What Is the Truth About Heaven? Yelida Kiristtaaneti naˈa dichiyoogee asatettan au koshshiyaabaa kunttiyoogaappe aadhiyaabaa koshshiyoogaa akeekoosona. For example, when a strong earthquake struck Chile on February 27, 2010, Jehovah's Witnesses quickly responded to help those affected. Christian parents realize that it is more important for a parent to care for your child's needs. 4: 11. Of course, more is needed than merely reading Bible texts to those we are conversing with. 4: 11. Ha allaalleti bantta huuphe iitaba gidokkona; asa deˈuwan meeze gididabata. Of course, working to attain a worthwhile goal takes time. These are not wicked people; they are just one thing. He sohuwan qofaa laaliyaabinne wocamay kumido katamaa deˈuwan asay yaanne haanne simerettiyoogan siyettiya cenggurssi baawa. Jesus established the Christian congregation so that the work he had started would continue. I have no peace in the city's mind and heart. Eti he woytuwaa demmanau, hayqqana gakkanaashin ammanettidaageeta gidanau bessees. That is what God did for Ruth. To receive that reward, they must be faithful to him until they die. Erana koyiyoobaa ubbaa oychoppa. In most parts of the world, communities are close - knit. Do not hesitate to ask questions. Mooˈaaba dembban carkkoy eta maayuwaa yaanne haanne shochishin hemettiya heezzu amˈˈeta qoppa. That is not to say that a forgiving person condones the offense or denies that it happened. Think, too, of three widows in Moab. Ufayssiyaanne injje deˈuwaa deˈanaassa. A CONVERSATION WITH A NEIGHBOR Happiness and happiness depend on life. Nu shiiquwan darotoo Geeshsha Maxaafaa hiraagay waani polettidaakko tamaaroos. But how is that possible? " We usually learn how Bible prophecy was fulfilled at our meetings. * - 1 Yohaannisa 5: 14. So how could they keep him in mind? * - John 5: 14. " Ne zoriyan tana kaalettaasa; hegaappe guyyiyan neeni tana bonchchuwaayyo efaana. " - MAZ. " Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, and he himself will sustain you, " says the psalmist. " You have led me by your counsel, and then you will be led to the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. " - PS. Daro asay haymaanootiyaabaa ay qoppii? A few minutes before leaving to pick him up for the meeting, however, you realize that there is not enough fuel in your vehicle to make the trip. What do many people think about religion? He taarikee aybissakko yootenna. 100: 2. The account does not tell us why. He yelagati inttenaara takkiyo wodiyan, aqo deˈuwan ay keena gamˈˈikkokka siiqoynne issippetettay keehi koshshiyaaba gidiyoogaa akeekana danddayoosona. - Tii. 2: 3 - 7. Ask yourself, " Where would I be without Jehovah? ' As you associate with those young ones, these young ones can discern the importance and unity of their marriage. - Titus 2: 3 - 7. Hara qonccissoy imettana xayikko, xiqiseti ekettidoy Wolayttatto Geeshsha Maxaafaappe. " NW " giyaagee xiqisee Ooratta Alamiyaa Geeshsha Maxaafaappe ekettidoogaa bessees. What can move Christian men to imitate Jesus ' example in serving others? Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. (Yoh. 18: 33) Deriyaa ayssiya he bitanee Yesuusi asaa polotikaaban shabbirana danddayees giidi yayyennan aggenna. How so? It may have been fear of Jesus ' political leaders who refused to kill people. 12: 10. This arrangement has drawn Bethel families closer than ever. 12: 10. Eti 70 layttawu omoodetti simmidi, Baabilooneppe laˈa kiyidosona. He described the ministry of the new covenant as a "treasure in earthen vessels. " After 70 years in Babylon, they had been separated from Babylon. (b) Ha huuphe yohuwan ay pilgganee? But once the contrite king experienced the beauty of divine forgiveness, he could say to Jehovah: "A heart broken and crushed, O God, you will not despise. " (b) What will we consider in this article? Yesuusi ba tamaarissido leemiso woosan Xoossaa sunttaabaa, A Kawotettaabaanne A sheniyaabaa woygidaakko akeeka. After two years, I am writing back as your Christian sister. " Note what Jesus taught in his model prayer about God's name, his Kingdom, and his will. Wochiyo Keelaa (Inggilizettuwaa), Tamme 1, 1987, sinttaa 30 - 31 xeella. Surely the holy angels must have been appalled when they witnessed the beginning of revolt in God's household. See The Watchtower, June 1, 2009, pages 30 - 31. Kaallidi deˈiya allaalletuura gayttidaagan zorees. We are living in the time of the end, and there is plenty of evidence - both Scriptural and historical - to prove that. The following are the following questions. Nuuni aqo oyqqidaageeta gidin gidana xayin, PHawuloosa leemisuwaa waati kaallana danddayiyoo? For a change, thrust out your hand, please, and touch as far as his bone and his flesh and see whether he will not curse you to your very face. " Whether married or single, how can we imitate Paul's example? Evon Kuwora Remarkably, after that the economic pressure lessened and obtaining our material necessities became much easier. " - Isa. " You Must Be Holy " Nuuni geella pirdday kumido alamiyan deˈiyo gishshataassa. 3: 15 - 17. Because we live in a world full of injustice. Nuunikka a leemisuwaappe darobaa tamaaroos. From time to time, I still face difficulties, many of which only Jehovah knows about. We too can learn much from his example. I ba mala Kiristtaanetuyyo, "Nuuni intteyyo Xoossaa woossiyo wode, Xoossaa nu Godaa Yesuus Kiristtoosa Aawaa, ubba wode galatoos " yaagidi xaafiis. This will not be the time to preach the "good news of the Kingdom. " He wrote to fellow believers: "We always thank God, our Father, Jesus Christ, when we pray always for you. " Nu qaalaa xoqqu oottidi yettan Yihoowa sabbanawu yayyiyoogaa waati aggana danddayiyoo? They have learned not to be timid or embarrassed about their beliefs. How can we prevent praise from praising Jehovah with praise? Hegaa gishshau, geella he uri qoppiyoobaa gaada neeni akeekidobi deˈikko, ayssi hegaa denttada haasayiyoogaa doommikkii? What a unique position! So if you have the idea of what the person says, why not start a conversation with him? (Iyy. 38: 4) Issi saynttisttee ba deˈo laytta ubban issi mereta higgiyaabaa pilggana danddayees. In Frankfurt, Germany, in 1951, resourceful brothers rented a locomotive that provided steam for 40 cooking kettles. Without a doubt, a man could examine his life for the rest of his life. Kaallidi hanettidabaa Paydo 9y hagaadan gees: "PHauloosi qammi ajjuutan issi Maqidooniyaa asi bana " Maqidooniyaa pinnada nuna maaddarkkii ' yaagiiddi eqqidi woossishin be7iis. " Read Matthew 6: 25. Verse 9 states: "After a vision in Paul's night, a man of Macedonia fell into Macedonia and heard him say: " Come up into Macedonia. ' " (Isi. Considering what happened to Jesus shortly after his baptism can help us to understand the need for the request: "Do not bring us into temptation. " Send me! " Ubbaappe aaruwan, neeni keehi ufayttana; qassi Yihoowa anjjuwaa demmana. - Pili. Indeed, many Christians, past and present, who have faced and overcome persecution report that at the height of their trials, they experienced inner peace, one aspect of the fruitage of God's holy spirit. Above all, you will be happy and will enjoy Jehovah's blessing. - Phil. Issi issitoo, ta kase deˈuwaa qoppada unˈˈettays; shin Barbara tana keehi minttettawusu. Was it finally the time for Christ to appoint one organized channel to dispense spiritual food? At times, I felt depressed about my past lifestyle, but I was very tired. 14: 1 - 7) Hegaappe kaallidi aybi hanidaakko beˈa. SONGS: 20, 119 Consider what happened next. " ETI NAA77AI ISSI ASA GIDOOSONA. " We are participating in this work together with the "angel flying in midheaven. " " THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES. " 18: 37) Yesuusi ba deˈo ubban asau Xoossaabaanne A halchuwaabaa tumaa tamaarissiis. All rights reserved. Jesus taught people the truth about God and his purposes. Eti bantta naata Xoossaa sunttay deˈiyo sunttaa sunttidosona; leemisuwawu, Eelaasa giyoogee "Ta Xoossay Yihoowa, " qassi Zakkaariyaasa giyoogee" Yihooway Hassayiis " giyoogaa. Can we present the Kingdom message to such people in a way that will appeal to them? They called God's name, which means "Jehovah is my name, " and" my God. " Higgiyaa tamaarissiyaageetinne cimati zaarennan ixxido wode, Yesuusi: "Taanikka hagaa ai alaafetettan oottiyaakko, intteyyo odikke " yaagiis. He could have stood, for example, on the southeastern corner of the temple area. When addressing the Law and the elders, Jesus said: "I tell you not what authority I do. " (Kessaabaa 34: 5 - 7 nabbaba.) After the Babylonian exile, Aramaic became the everyday language of some of God's people. (Read Exodus 34: 5 - 7.) (Ajj. 3: 10, 11) Tiyettida Kiristtaanee ammanettennaagaa gidikko, hayqqana gakkanaashin ammanettidaageeta gidida doorettidaageetuyyo immanau qaala gelido, "moorettenna bonchcho akiliiliyaa " ekkenna. - 1 PHe. However, that challenge was by no means insurmountable. If a Christian is faithful, he will not receive the crown of glory that the chosen ones "will receive until he die. " - 1 Pet. Unˈˈissiyaabay gakkiyo wode nuuni keehi metootana danddayoos. Malachi specifically stated that we must " fear Jehovah and meditate on his name. ' When distressing situations arise, we may find it difficult to face. Aqo deˈuwan Xoossaa kaseyiyoogee keehi koshshiyoogaa Yesuusi erees. Perhaps you were partly to blame for what took place because you were distracted in some way. Jesus knew the importance of putting God's interests first in marriage. Gidikkokka, nuuni Yesuusa leemisuwaa kaallikko, nu haggaazuwaa qumadan xeelloos. (Yoh. 1, 2. However, if we follow Jesus ' example, we view our ministry as our ministry. 30 Ooratta Gubaaˈiyaara Ne Hanotaa Giigissanawu Waatana Danddayay? What if we have a relative or a close friend who is disfellowshipped? 30 How Can You Prepare for Your Congregation? (Luqaasa 11: 2 - 4) Qassi shiiqida asa ubbau koshshiya woy eta metiya ubbabaa qonccissidi woossibeenna. She says of her family: "We just could not provide the 24 - hour - a - day care that Mommy needed. And he did not show that all of them were necessary or clearly. (Zaarettido Wogaa 18: 10 - 12) Xoossaa kiitanchatuppe issoynne xoolinttiyaa paydiyaageetuyyo Yesuusi yelettidoogaa yootibeennay hegaassa. Why do the man's guards say such a thing? That is why Jesus did not say that one of God's angelic sons would be born again. (1 Xim. 4: 8) Qassi laggeta xeelliyaagan kaallidi deˈiyaagaa shaakki erana koshshees: " Taani oonaara allaaxxiyaanaa? What principle did Paul learn that helped him serve God without having more regrets? And regarding friends, we need to ask ourselves: " Am I making friends? Nu giddon deˈiya imattata mokki ekkana koshshiyoy aybissee? When were the anointed freed from Babylonian captivity? Why should we welcome strangers in our midst? " Haddirssa bagga qinxxalliyaakka a bessa. " - MAA. 5: 39. I still went to Mass regularly, and one Sunday I heard a startling announcement from the pulpit. " Keep on the watch over him. " - MATT. 5: 39. Deˈiyaaban woppu giyaageeta Jesus was concerned about those "who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and who considered the rest as nothing. " Table of Contents Ha wodiyan, Ooratta Alamiyaa Geeshsha Maxaafaa Xuufetu Birshshettay akeekanau metennaagaa, Geeshsha Maxaafaa suure qofaa oyqqidaagaanne haggaazuwan maaddiyaagaa gidiyo gishshau, he Geeshsha Maxaafaa birshshettaa nashshoos. He had faith in the promise made to Abraham and devoted himself to caring for the family who would play a special role in the outworking of Jehovah's purpose. Today, we are grateful that the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures is now made available in the Christian ministry, as well as in the Christian ministry. He wode guutta katamatuuninne gaxariyan deˈiyaageeti shin? [ Box / Pictures on page 10] What about those living in a small rural area? I: "He asati ubbati ammanuwan haiqqidosona; banttau Xoossai immana giidoogaakka ekkibookkona; shin haahuwan hegaa be7idi, sarotidosona " yaagiis. • a prophet? He said: "In faith all these died, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, they saw them afar off. " 8 / 1 When she reopened her store after a few hours, customers flocked in to buy. 8 / 15 Qommoora deˈiya qofay qonccissiyoogaadan, ha wodiyan asay nagaraa xeelliyo hanotay keehippe moorettidaba milatees. Publishers needed to know how to overcome objections tactfully and how to teach honesthearted ones skillfully. As mentioned above, people today seem to be extremely dangerous in today's world. Leemisuwau, Usuppune 27, 2010n, CHiile biittan biittay qaaxxido wode, Yihoowa Markkati qohettidaageeta sohuwaara maaddidosona. But would it not be worth the effort to get to know God better? For example, in January 27, 2010, Jehovah's Witnesses immediately found relief when the earthquake was destroyed. Nuuni haasayissiyo urawu Geeshsha Maxaafaappe nabbabiyoogaa xallay gidenna. MEANING FOR US: It is not enough to read the Bible with someone we meet. 13: 12) Kessana bessiya, maaddiya hoolliyaa gakkanau baaxetiyoogee wode ekkiyaaba gidiyoogee tuma. Ask them what work is practical for pioneers. Of course, it takes effort to reach a realistic goal. Yesuusi ba doommido oosuwaa oottanaadan Kiristtaane gubaaˈiyaa essiis. If so, the words recorded at Nehemiah 13: 31 may be of encouragement to you. Jesus went to the Christian congregation where he began his work. Xoossay Urutiyookka hegaadan oottiis. Perhaps we have endured in the ministry for many years despite apathy, ill health, emotional pain, or persecution. God did this with Ruth. Alamiyan darosan asay hashetidi oottees. Jesus said that there is happiness both in giving and in receiving. In many parts of the world, people work together in unity. Hegee nuuni yohuwaa xaasayidi xeelloos woy aybinne merettibeennabadan qoppoos giyoogaa gidenna. By his actions, Jesus revealed many beautiful facets of Jehovah's personality. It does not mean that we are not alone or that we are not alone. GEESHSHA MAXAAFAAPPE TOBBIYOOGAA " Little by little, I discovered the existence of a loving Father and merciful God, " Jaime says. A CONVERSATION WITH A NEIGHBOR SHin hegaa mala deˈuwaa demmana danddayiyoo? " Then Adam's other offspring grew old and died. But can we find such a life? " Yaatin, eti abaa qoppiyoogaa waati bessanee? Rulership for Some, Benefits for Many How, then, will they show that they care about him? Mazamuraawee: "Ne toohuwaa Xoossan wotta; i nena zemppissana. All these faithful ones and many others worked along with Jehovah to accomplish his will. The psalmist sang: "Throw your burden on Jehovah, and he himself will sustain you. Gidikkokka, neeni a shiiquwaa efaanau aara gayttanaappe guuttaa kasetada, ogiyau gidiya benzzilee baynnaagaa akeekadasa. You face a similar situation as you grow toward adulthood. However, before you come to meet him, you realize that it isn't hard to see that you are going to meet him. Yaatiyo gishshau, " Yihoowayyo ufayssan goynnana ' danddayoos. - Mazamure 100: 2. Table of Contents Let us, therefore, be able to " worship Jehovah joyfully. ' - Psalm 100: 2. " Yihoowa erennaakko, taani waananeeshsha? ' gaada nena oycha. What valuable lessons can we learn from those texts? Ask yourself, " How do I feel about Jehovah? ' Kiristtaane gidida attuma asay haratuyyo oottiyoogan Yesuusa leemisuwaa kaallanaadan aybi denttettana danddayii? Cameron: The Bible book of Revelation, which is closely connected with the book of Daniel, helps us to determine exactly how long the seven times are. What can help Christian men to imitate Jesus ' example in doing so? Waanidi laamettidee? How does that understanding affect our view of our ministry? How so? Hegee Beeteele keettaa asay kaseegaappe aaruwan siiqettanaadan oottiis. He examines his worshippers, not to condemn them, but to find their good qualities and to help them. This has led to more love than the Bethel family. Ooratta maachaabaa sabbakiyo oosuwaa i "urqqaappe merettida miishsha giddon " deˈiya minjjadan qonccissiis. (2 Qor. Let us confidently press on in Jehovah's service. He described the heavenly part of the new covenant as "the treasure of the covenant. " SHin nagaraappe simmida kawoy Xoossaa maarotay loˈˈo gidiyoogaa akeekidi Yihoowayyo: "Abeet Xoossau,... meqqida wozanaa neeni karaka " yaagiis. There, our sons Yaroslav and Pavel were born. But repentant king, who repentant sinners knew that God's mercy is good, said: "O Jehovah, you will make the heart of your God. " Naaˈˈu layttappe guyyiyan, intteyyo Kiristtaane micho gidada hagaa xaafays. " The good news of the Messianic Kingdom is something good that touches our heart. Two years later, I write to you a Christian sister. " Ammanettida kiitanchati saluwan Xoossaa keettan makkalay denddidoogaa beˈido wode dagammidoogee sirissenna. 18, 19. No doubt, the faithful angels were devastated when they saw the rebellion in God's heavenly Kingdom. Nuuni deˈiyoy wurssetta wodiyaana; qassi hegee tuma gidiyoogaa bessiya daro naqaashaa Geeshsha Maxaafaynne taarikee yootees. (Maa. 24: 3, 33; 2 Xim. • Do I drink more alcohol than I used to? We live in the last days, and Bible accounts show that we are convinced that this is true and true. SHin neeni ne kushiyaa yeddada, a bolla ubbaa ane shoca. Yaatiyaakko i nena tumu ne sinttan qanggana. " (Read 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11.) Yet, with the hand of your hands you, he will strike you up, and he will strike you in front of you. " Hegaappe simmin, miishshaara gayttidaban darin metootibeenna gishshaunne deˈossi koshshiyaabaa demmanau waayettibeenna gishshau maalaalettida. " - Isi. Just as nourishing food strengthens the physical body, feeding our mind on Christ's thinking fortifies our spirituality. Then we have not been amazed because of financial problems and economic problems. " - Isa. 3: 15 - 17. The year 537 B.C.E. was one of rejoicing for Jehovah's dedicated people. 3: 15 - 17. Hanno gakkanaashin, wodiyaappe wodiyan tana metoy gakkees; hegeetuppe daroti Yihoowa xallay eriyoobata. How can we act in harmony with 1 Corinthians 13: 5, 6? From time to time, many of my problems have come to realize that they have come to know Jehovah. He wodee " kawotettaa wonggeliyaa mishiraachuwaa ' yootiyo wode gidenna. He offered to speed up the payments - if we gave him some of the money as a kickback. " - JOHN. It was not the time for us to declare "the good news of the Kingdom. " Eti bantta ammanuwaa xeelliyaagan yayyana woy yeellatana bessennaagaa eroosona. When it was announced that Gilead School would begin the next year, my desire to become a missionary was sparked. They know that their beliefs do not depend on their beliefs or feelings. 1: 14; 3: 18) Hegee dumma maata! Although an ordinary person, he set an extraordinary example of faith, humility, and love. What a unique privilege that is! Jarmanen, Frankfert giyo kataman, 1951n, hiillaa eriya ishati qumaa kattiyo 40 disttetussi penttoy gakkanaadan oottiya kaamiyaa keraa ekkidosona. Many also devote some of the time during family worship to congregation meetings so that they will be aware of what will be considered at those meetings. In 1951, the brothers in Germany received an free car to help those who knew the skills they had received, which were given to pay a room for the work they had received in Germany. Maatiyoosa 6: 25 nabbaba. So let us not give up in doing what is fine, for in due season we shall reap if we do not tire out. " - Galatians 6: 8, 9. Read Matthew 6: 25. Yesuusi xammaqetti simmin takkennan a gakkidabaa qoppiyoogee, nuna "paacen gelissoppa " giidi nuuni woossana koshshiyoogaa akeekanaadan maaddana danddayees. These hollow molecules of carbon come in shapes that include microscopic balls and tubes called nanotubes. Meditating on Jesus ' baptism can help us to realize that after Jesus ' baptism, he can help us to pray: "Do not bring us into temptation. " (1 Tas. 1: 6) Beni wode deˈidanne ha wodiyan deˈiya, yedetay gakkin xooni kiyida daro Kiristtaaneti, paacee banttau keehippe wolqqaamido wodiyan Xoossaa geeshsha ayyaanaa ayfiyaa macara gidida, garssa sarotettaa demmidoogaa yootidosona. (Gal. 4 Many Christians in Bible times experienced the fruitage of God's holy spirit when they faced severe persecution and persecution. Yaatin, Kiristtoosi ayyaanaabaa qumaa a baggaara immiyo citaa sunttiyo wodee gakkidee? You may do this by restating the thought - conveying words or by asking questions that will help the householder to recognize them. So, then, is the time for Christ to appoint spiritual food through his spiritual food? MAZAMURE: 20, 48 How can we benefit from Biblical examples of faithfulness? SONGS: 20, 48 Nuuni he oosuwaa " bolla saluwan paalliya kiitanchatuura ' issippe oottoos. (Ajj. Despite the danger in which it placed him because of the existing hatred for Jeremiah, Ebed - melech appealed to Zedekiah in behalf of the prophet. We share in "the birds of heaven " with the angels. Geeshsha Maxaafay Dumma Gididoy Aybiinee? What does the resurrection hope mean to you? How Does the Bible Make Personal Decisions? Hegaa mala asatussi eta ufayssiya ogiyan Kawotettaa kiitaa yootana danddayiyoo? That belongs to Jehovah. Can we tell such ones the Kingdom message in a way that is pleasing to them? Leemisuwawu, i beeta maqidasiyaappe tohossan arshsho baggan deˈiya heeran eqqana danddayees. Then, Egypt oppressed Israel. For example, he could stand in the eastern side of the temple in the eastern north. Baabiloona omooduwaappe simmin, Aramayke qaalay Xoossaa asaappe amaridaageeti ubbatoo haasayiyo qaala gidiis. How will Jehovah respond to such supplications and petitions? After Babylon, some of God's Word gradually became familiar with the language of God's people. 3: 1 - 7) SHin hegee giigana danddayennaba gidenna. That would rule out wearing clothing that exposes or accentuates private parts of our anatomy. But that could not be impossible. Nuuni " Yihoowassi yayyananne A sunttaa bonchchana ' woy wotti dentti qoppana bessiyoogaa Milkkiyaasi yootiis. This faithful brother suffered repeated hardships. Malachi goes on to say that we should " fear Jehovah and glorify his name. ' Geella ne qofay shaahettido gishshau, laaggaydda moorobaa oottennan aggakka. Well - chosen words in times of peril can inspire courage. Perhaps you fall short, and you may at times avoid making mistakes. 1, 2. First, we should ask ourselves, " If I were in the other person's shoes, how would I want to be treated? ' 1, 2. 12: 11, NW) Nuuyyo bohettida dabboy woy mata laggee deˈikko shin? WHAT IS THE CHALLENGE? What if we have a close friend or a close friend? A ba soo asaabaa hagaadan gaasu: "Ta aayeessi gallassa kumettan koshshiyaabaa kunttana danddayokko. The Bible states: "Safeguard practical wisdom and thinking ability. She says about his family: "I cannot provide a full day for my mother's needs. He bitaniyaa naagiyaageeti hegaadan giyoy aybissee? Yes, such attentive Christian elders truly are " fellow workers for our joy. ' Why can we say that? PHauloosi sinttappe ba deˈuwan keehi zilˈˈettennaadan ay oottidee? 145: 14; Jas. What regrets did Paul have in his life? Ayyaanan tiyettidaageeti Baabiloonen omoodettidoy awudee? God wants us to "honor men of all sorts. " When did anointed ones come into Babylonian captivity? Taani Qiddaasiyaa siyanawu ubbatoo bays; qassi issi Woggaa galla madirakiyaappe garamissiya erissuwaa siyaas. And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew you! I kept on attending all the meetings, and I heard one of the magazines that I attended. " Banttana xillo giidi, hara asa ubbaa " kariyaageetubay Yesuusa qofissiis. Thus Boaz fathered Obed, whose son was Jesse. - Ruth 4: 17, 20 - 22; 1 Chron. Jesus was concerned about those who were "righteous, " and he was concerned about those who were" righteous. " Yesuusinne i kiittidoogeeti haaho sohuwaa bi sabbaki simmidi, guuttaa shemppi ekkanawu asi baynnasaa baanawu koyidosona. All my companions who were harvesting with me in the heat of the sun will testify... that what I have said is true. After preaching abroad, Jesus and his apostles wanted to go to a place where they would go. I Yihooway Abrahaamayyo gelido qaalaa ammaniis; qassi Yihoowa halchchoy eta baggaara polettiyo ba keetta asawu koshshiyaabaa kunttiis. (Doo. Worldwide, about 30 percent of women report having been assaulted by a male partner. He believed Jehovah's promise to Abraham, and Jehovah made sure that his purpose was to be fulfilled through their families. [ Sinttaa 10n deʼiya saaxiniyaa] All its members, "from the least one of them even to the greatest one of them, " Jeremiah foretold, would" know Jehovah. " [ Box on page 10] • hananabaa yootiyaagaa At first, the friend is reluctant to get up because his family is fast asleep with him. • A prophet? A guutta saatiyaappe guyyiyan zaarettada ba suuqiyaa dooyiyo wode, asay shammanawu zulees. Surprisingly, I still got the same pay! When she prepares a few hours a little while, the people will buy out well. Eqettida urawu waati akeekan zaaranaakko, qassi eranawu koyiya uraa hiillan waati tamaarissanaakko aassiyaageeti erana koshshees. (a) How do we know that God and Christ love mankind? To answer, we need to know how to answer a person's questions and how to teach him. SHin Xoossaa loytti eranau danddayettida ubbabaa oottiyoogee bessiyaaba gidennee? They must always make sure that what they teach is solidly based on God's Word. But is it not reasonable to do all we can to get to know God better? HEGAAPPE NUUNI AKEEKIYOOBAA: He had to flee to the nearest city of refuge. MEANING FOR US: Issi aqinyee oottana danddayiyoobaa eta oycha. The world offers every kind of material thing, from the superb to the absurd, some of which look very enticing. As a pioneer, ask them what they can do. Yaatikko, Nahimiyaa 13: 31n [NW] deˈiya qofay inttena minttettana danddayees. Questions needed time to be settled. If so, you may find comfort in the words recorded at Nehemiah 13: 31. Nuuni asay siyanau koyennan ixxishin, woy nuna sakkishin, woykko unˈˈissiyaabay woy yedetay gakkishin daro layttau haggaazuwan genccidaageeta gidana danddayoos. (1 Tas. Immediately, Jews rose in revolt, slaughtering the Roman forces in Jerusalem and asserting their independence from Rome. If we try to listen to people, neighbors, or persecution, we may be in the ministry for years. Immiyoogeekka ekkiyoogeekka ufayssiyaaba gidiyoogaa Yesuusi yootiis. What was "indecent " is not defined, but it is reasonable to assume that it did not include petty issues. - Lev. Jesus said that giving is a source of happiness. ▪ Yesuusi ba oottidoban maalaaliya Yihoowa eeshshata darota qonccissiis. In another vision, Daniel described how a goat with a prominent single horn quickly kills a two - horned ram, Medo - Persia. ▪ Jesus revealed many marvelous qualities about Jehovah. Kaˈemi yaagiis: "Taani siiqiya Aawaanne maariya Xoossay deˈiyoogaa loddan loddan eraas. Notice these frank warnings: " I learned that a loving God and merciful Father has grown to me. (Doo. 4: 8) Hegaappe simmin, Addaame naati harati cimidi hayqqidosona. She recalled experiences of other Witness youths who had enjoyed success while preaching to classmates and teachers. After that, Adam's sons died in a foreign land. Amaridaageeti Haaroosona; Daroti Goˈettoosona * On the other hand, if you have milder food allergies or food intolerance, you may see some benefit from simply reducing how often you eat certain foods and the amount. The New Birth - What Is Its Purpose Ammanettida ha asatinne hara daroti Yihoowa shenee polettanaadan aara oottidosona. He can use any part of it to disseminate his lies. Those faithful and other faithful men followed Jehovah's will. Asa gamma gakkiyo wode, hegaa malabay inttena gakkees. That year, leaders from many nations and religions joined the head of the Catholic Church in Assisi, Italy, to offer prayers for peace. When you reach adulthood, you face a similar situation. Kesuwaa 3, 4. (a) What political expectations did the Jews have in Jesus ' day? Table of Contents He xiqisetuppe tamaarana danddayiyo goˈˈiya timirttee aybee? Helping many people to learn precious, lifesaving truths has brought us inestimable happiness. What valuable lessons can we learn from those verses? Kaasa: Geeshsha Maxaafan Daaneela maxaafaara keehi gayttida qofay deˈiyo Ajjuutaa maxaafay nuuni he laappun layttay woqqakko eranaadan maaddees. What will happen to the weeds, and when will that event occur? Cameron: The Bible book of Daniel helps us to learn more about the seven times in the book of Daniel. Nuuni hegaadan akeekidoogee nu haggaazuwaa waati xeellanaadan maaddii? We read that he "continued to love Jehovah by walking in the statutes of David his father. " How does this understanding affect our view of the ministry? (Isi. 55: 8, 9) I baassi goynniyaageeta qoriyoy eta pirddanaassa gidennan, eta loˈˈo eeshsha eranaassanne eta maaddanaassa. Understanding her sincerity, Jesus did not condemn the woman for her sins. He does not expect his worshippers to judge them, not to judge them as his worshippers, but to minister for their good qualities. Ammanettidi Yihoowa oosuwan sinttau sugiyaageeta gidoos. So as the civil war raged around us, the three of us felt that our consciences would allow us to take care of the sheep. May we remain steadfast in Jehovah's faithful service. Nu attuma naati Yaraslavinne Paveli yan yelettidosona. Among other things, Manasseh set up altars to Baal, worshipped "all the army of the heavens, " made his sons pass through fire, and promoted spiritistic practices. My sons and I were born there. Mase Kawotettaabaa mishiraachoy nu wozanaa denttettiya loˈˈoba. Since the first century, the earthly part of God's organization has been making known his provision for salvation. The Messianic Kingdom is a good influence on our heart. 18, 19. (Read 1 John 5: 3.) 18, 19. • Kase uyiyoogaappe daruwaa uyiyaanaa? All those who imitate Satan's hatred of God and oppose God's people. • Do I drink more than I drink? (1 Qoronttoosa 6: 9 - 11 nabbaba.) However, it does say that "great earthquakes " will occur" in one place after another, " making them one of the notable features of this momentous period of history. - Mark 13: 8; Luke 21: 11. (Read 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11.) Qumaa miyoogee bollaa minttiyoogaadan Kiristtoosaagaadan qoppiyoogee nuuni ayyaanaaban minnanaadan oottees. 13: 17. Having a sense of urgency will help us to grow spiritually. Yihoowayyo banttana geppida asati 537n K.K. keehi ufayttidosona. God said to Adam: "In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. In 537 B.C.E., those dedicated men were thrilled to serve Jehovah in 537 B.C.E. Nuuni 1 Qoronttoosa 13: 5, 6n deˈiya qofaara maayettiyaabaa waati oottana danddayiyoo? Many have made great sacrifices in order to make room in their lives for the pioneer service. How can we act in harmony with the principle found at 1 Corinthians 13: 5, 6? Nuuni ayyo mattaayiyaa immiyaaba gidikko, miishshay eesuwan qanxxettanaadan oottanaagaa yootiis. " - JOONA. A person who has wisdom is able to combine knowledge with understanding and put them to work in a practical way. He told us that if we were to kill him, he would be cut off and cut it down. " - J. Giiliyaade Timirtte Keettay kaalliya layttan doommanaagee odettido wode, misoonaawe gidanawu taani kaseegaappe keehi koyaas. If we can offer a word of encouragement, why not speak up? When the Gilead School arrived in Gilead School, I wanted to become a missionary. I nu mala asa gidikkokka, ammanuwan, ashkketettaaninne siiquwan keehippe loˈˈo leemiso. In 2009, Cheri's whole situation in life changed. He was a man of faith, mildness, and love. Daroti so asaa goynuwaa omarssan shiiquwaukka giigettoosona. How did Moses cultivate love for Jehovah? Many also prepare for family worship. Aissi giikko, nuuni azallennan aggikko, cakkiyo wodee sinttappe yaana " yaagiyoogan ammanetta. - Galaatiyaa 6: 8, 9. Any governmental arrangement that does not follow his guidance is bound to be inferior. For we trust that the harvest will not reap if we tire out. " - Galatians 6: 8, 9. Gomppay kofa gidido, ayfiyan beettenna ha karbboone molekiyuleti kuwaase mala woy tubbo mala gidida nanotiyub geetettiyaabata. They may sincerely believe that they are helping others. Such IUDs are influenced by images of the Dead Sea, such as the Dead Sea. 4 Ruth could easily have reasoned that she had a family there in Moab - a mother and other relatives who would take a young widow in and help provide for her. 4 Qofay deˈiyo qaalaa zaarettada yootiyoogan, woykko keettaaway hegaa akeekanaadan maaddiya oyshaa oychiyoogan hegaadan oottana danddayaasa. When did this division of the mountain of the olive trees take place? You might do so by answering a number of questions or by listening to a question related to the householder's question. Geeshsha Maxaafay etabaa yootiyo ammanettida asati oottidobaappe waani goˈettana danddayiyoo? A Warning to the Israelites How can we benefit from the examples of faithful men and women mentioned in the Bible? 38: 4 - 6) Abemeleki Kawuwaa Sedeqiyaasi Ermmaasa maaddanaadan oychiis. Daro asay Ermmaasa ixxiyo gishshau, hegee Abemeleka qohana danddayiyaaba. An elder helped her to realize that Jehovah understood the pain she felt. Jeremiah's secretary, King Zedekiah, could have had a negative influence on Jeremiah, so that it could be dangerous. Dendduwaa hidootay nena waatidi goˈˈii? How has Anna benefited? How does the resurrection of the dead benefit you? Hegaadan oottana danddayiyay Yihoowa xalla. Thus, people of all walks of life - from the very wealthy to the very poor - had a share. - Luke 21: 1 - 4. Only Jehovah can do that. Yaatin, Gibxxeti Israaˈeelata huqqunnidosona. It will bring to mind Bible principles that we have already learned and help us to grasp how they apply in directing our next step. Why, then, were the Israelites oppressed? Hegaadan mintti woossiyo woosaa Yihooway waatidi zaarii? Associate with those who believe what the Bible teaches. How may Jehovah answer such prayers? Hegee nu pokko bollaa bessiya maayuwaa maayennaadan diggees. What he learned touched him deeply and changed his view of life. This would move us to avoid wearing clothing that includes wearing our dress and grooming. Seexaanaa alamee xayanau matattiiddi diyo ha wodiyan, Xoossaara deˈiya dabbotaa mooranaadan oottiya misileti nu yuushuwan awudeegaappenne aaruwan dariiddi deˈoosona. Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to discuss these answers with you. Today, we are surrounded by Satan's wicked system of things, which affects our relationship with God. Ha ammanettida ishaa metiya darobay gakkiis. To Pilate, Jesus did say: "For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. " Those faithful brother faced many difficult circumstances. Qoppidi haasayidobay iita wodiyan xalanaadan maaddana danddayees. In such circumstances, a Christian might view a tip as an additional fee that he is required to pay in order to obtain a legitimate service. A brief speech can help a faithful slave to muster up courage during the time of bad days. Koyruwan, " Taani he ura gidiyaakko asay tawu waatanaadan koyiyaanaa? ' yaagidi nuna oychana koshshees. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) First, we should ask ourselves, " How should I view this person? ' XUBE GIDIYAABAY AYBEE? " Let a rotten saying not proceed out of your mouth... WHAT IS THE CHALLENGE? Geeshsha Maxaafay, "Aadhdhida eratettaanne adussi qoppiyoogaa naaga. A similar account appears at Numbers 14: 11 - 20. The Bible warns us: "Be wise and understanding. " Hegaa mala cimati nuna ufayssanau minnidi oottoosona. 2: 8. Such elders work hard to please us. 145: 14; Yaaq. If you have advance knowledge of an approaching hurricane, you can take lifesaving action. 145: 14; Jas. 7: 12) Nuuni "asa ubbaa " bonchanaadan Xoossay koyees. After healing a man who was lame from birth, Paul and his companion Barnabas were hailed as gods. God wants us to respect "all sorts of people. " Ne sunttan xalaheta kessibookkonii? Examine your study habits prayerfully. Are you casting out devils in your name? 4: 17, 20 - 22; 1 Odi. Many publishers have enjoyed directing people to our website, jw.org, where they can read and download Bible - based literature in over 700 languages. 4: 17, 20 - 22; 1 Chron. Taani yootidobay tuma gidiyoogaa... suulliya awan tanaara kattaa shiishshida ta laggeti ubbay markkattana. How are my personal study habits? The message I say is true: All my friends will bear witness with me in the field. Kumetta saˈan, xeetaappe 30 kushe gidiya macca asay ba aqo laggee bana qohiyoogaa yootiis. Such ones are known as givers, not takers. Some 30 percent of the world's population say that it was harmful to divorce his wife. Eti ubbay "guuttaappe doommidi, gitaa gakkanaashin, " " Yihoowa eranaagaa ' Ermmaasi kasetidi yootiis. What decisions must we avoid? From that time onward, Jeremiah foretold that all "the magnificent things of Jehovah " would come" to pass away. " Koyro, a laggee ba soo asaara xiskkido gishshau, denddanau koyibeenna. (b) How can parents make sure that their family worship is a source of refreshment? At first, his friend, his friend, did not want to go to his house, for he did not go to the house. He wodekka tawu kaseegaa keena damoozaa qanxxidoogee garamissiyaaba! WHILE LIVING IN CANAAN It was no wonder that this time I returned home! (a) Xoossaynne Yesuusi asaa naata siiqiyoogaa waati eriyoo? Some 2,300 people filled Osaka Asahi Hall to capacity to hear the talk "The Kingdom of God Is at Hand. " (a) How do we know that God and Jesus love mankind? 3: 1) Eti tamaarissiyoobay Xoossaa Qaalan deˈiyaaba gidiyoogaa eti ubbatoo akeekana bessees. The ransom is totally undeserved. They must keep in mind that their teachings are based on God's Word. I matan deˈiya baqati attiyo katamaa baqatana koshshees. During 2014, the new moon nearest the vernal (spring) equinox will be on March 30, at 8: 45 p.m. (20: 45), Jerusalem time. He needed refuge near the city of refuge near the city of refuge. 3: 6; Lee. 27: 20) Ooratti merettidabaa shammanaadan nuna ammanttanawu erissiyoobaa darotoo ha alamiyan beˈoos woy siyoos. NIGHT has fallen. We often hear of what we see in the mid - 20th century that we do not want to buy out what is bad or do what is bad in this world. Denddida oyshata zaaranawu wodiyaa koshshiis. What about the majority of faithful Christians today who have an earthly hope? There was a need for answers to the questions raised. Sohuwaara Ayhudati makkalidi Yerusalaamen deˈiya Rooma wotaaddarata busakkidosona; yaatidi eti Rooma haaruwaappe laˈa kiyidoogaa yootidosona. With my partner (right), serving as special pioneers in Mistelbach, Austria Immediately, the Jews destroyed Jerusalem in Jerusalem and declared their independence from Rome. (Zaa. 24: 1) " Iitabay ' woy pokkobay aybakko qonccibeenna, shin hegee guuttaba giidi qoppana bessenna. - Wog. He ruled for only three months before an Egyptian Pharaoh imprisoned him, and Jehoahaz died in captivity. It would be inappropriate for us to consider what "the wicked one " is or" what is bad, " but it does not mean that. - Lev. Yihooway he deeshshay Giriike kawotettaa malaata gidiyoogaa qassi a gita kacee he kawotettaa kawotuppe issuwaa malaata gidiyoogaa Daaneelassi yootiis. When a Pharisee disapproved of what had happened, Jesus spoke to him kindly too. - Luke 7: 36 - 48. Jehovah indicated that this goat would represent the royal kingdom of the head of the goat and that it would represent him as one of the kings of the kingdom. (Isiyaasa 48: 17) Kaallidi deˈiya qoncce zoriyaa akeeka: (b) Why were many in the crowd moved to get baptized? Note the following: A banttanaara tamaariyaageetussinne asttamaaretussi loytti sabbakida yelaga gidida hara Yihoowa Markkati oottidobaa hassayaasu. The composer of Psalm 111 gives many reasons why Jehovah is so deserving of our united praise. His classmates and other young Witnesses remembered what had been done by Jehovah's Witnesses. * SHin qumaa alerjee hegaa keena wolqqaama gidana xayikko woy qumay baqalikko, he qumaappe guuttaa xalla issi issitoo miyoogee he sahuwaa denttennan aggana danddayees. He is receptive to our prayers. * However, if a food allergy is unable to provide food for a food allergy or a food intolerance, it may at times have been a health problem. I alamiyan deˈiya aybi baggaaranne ba wordduwaa yootees. (1 Yoh. (Read Matthew 10: 8.) Through his Word, he speaks of false religion and false teachings. Dorssaabaanne deeshshaabaa leemisoy bessiyoogaadan, " dorssati ' Yesuusa ishantta maaddana. Martin Goodman, professor at Oxford University, observes that the "sense of mission set Christians apart from other religious groups, including Jews, in the early Roman empire. " As indicated by the illustration of the sheep and the goats, the "other sheep " will help Jesus ' brothers. MAZAMUREE: 20, 25 Her home is a pleasant and comfortable place for the entire family. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE He laytti, sarotettay yaanaadan deriyaa kaalettiyaanne haymaanootiyaa kaalettiya daroti Kaatolike Woosa Keettaa kaalettiyaagaara issippe woossanau Xaaliyan, Assiisi kataman shiiqidosona. The Gospels give us a comprehensive account of Jesus ' life and ministry, including specific details about people, places, and times - the hallmarks of authentic history. During that year, a group of Catholic leaders and Catholic leaders gathered together to pray for peace in the city. 3, 4. (a) Ayhudati Yesuusa wode naagidobay aybee? The book of Genesis says that when Jehovah drove disobedient Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden, he posted cherubs, or angels, to the east of the garden to prevent anyone from entering it. 3, 4. (a) What did the Jews have in Jesus ' day? SHemppo ashshiya tumaa daro asay eranaadan maaddiyoogee nuuni ufayssan hombbocanaadan oottiis. Some have moved to where the need is greater. It has been a source of joy to help many to come to know the truth. Zarddoti waananee, qassi hegee hananay awudee? Valentina was willing to sacrifice everything to maintain her integrity What events will happen, and when will this happen? Geeshsha Maxaafay i "GODAA siiqiyoogaa ba aawaa Daawita wogan hemettiyoogan " erissidoogaa yootees. (1 Kaw. Most of the congregations were relatively small and new. The Bible describes David's love as "the father of Jehovah. " Yesuusi i ashkketettaa akeekidi, he mishiriyo i nagaraa gishshau pirddibeenna. Another act of kindness made a lasting impression on me. When Jesus saw that he was mild - tempered, he was not alone for the woman's sins. Yaatiyo gishshawu, nu yuushuwan olay teeqqi uttidaashin, nuuni heezzay dorssaa heemmiyoogan nu kahay qumˈˈennaagaa qoppida. Eric: Not really. So when we were surrounded by war, we thought that our conscience would not have been involved in feeding the flock. Minaasee Baˈaalayyo yarshshiyo sohota keexxiis, "saluwaa xoolinttetu ubbaayyookka " goynniis, ba naata taman xuuggidi yarshshiisinne iita ayyaanaa oosuwaa aassiis; hagee i oottidobaappe amaridaagaa. In holding that conviction, we differ from the Jewish Sadducees, who strongly denied that the dead are raised. Manasseh built the high places of worship that included the worship of Baal, "the god of the heavens, " who also spread all the things that were done by his own sons, and by some means of this wicked spirit works. (1 Yohaannisa 5: 3 nabbaba.) 7: 9, 14, 15. (Read 1 John 5: 3.) Seexaanaagaadan Xoossaa ixxiyaanne Xoossaa asaara eqettiya ubbata. No sooner had we made that adjustment than we were invited to attend Kingdom Ministry School, at that time a one - month course of instruction at South Lansing, New York. Like Satan, all who oppose God and oppose God's people. SHin " wolqqaama biittaa qaatay ' " ubbasan deˈanaagaa ' yootees; hegee ha wodee taarikiyan dumma wode gidanaadan oottiyaabatuppe issuwaa. - Mar. 13: 8; Luq. 21: 11. We read: "I saw, and look! But it tells us that "the conclusion of the system of things " will take place in all history. - Mark 13: 13; Luke 21: 11. 13: 17. He will not let pride or stubbornness prevent him from adjusting or even reversing a decision. 13: 17. Xoossay Addaamessi hagaadan giis: "Neeni biittau simmana gakkanaassi, daafuran ne som77oi cawattin oottido ne qumaa maana; aissi giikko, neeni biittaappe ekettadasa; neeni baana; neeni baanau simmana. " (Doo. Through the Messianic Kingdom, Jehovah will soon put an end to human suffering by destroying the wicked and delivering his people from this unstable world lying in Satan's power. God told Adam: "In the middle of your face you will return to the ground until you return to the ground, and you will return to it, for you will return to the ground. " Etappe daroti aqinye gididi haggaazanawu bantta deˈuwan darobaa aggi bayidosona. This choice involved more than just the welfare of the Israelites. Many of them have left behind serving as pioneers. Aadhida eratettay deˈiyo uri eraanne akeekaa goˈˈiya ogiyan oosuwan peeshshana danddayees. When they obeyed Jehovah, the Israelites were organized and unified. A wise person can acquire wisdom and understanding. (Oos. 13: 13 - 16, 42 - 44) Nuuni minttettiyaabaa haasayana danddayikko, haasayiyoogee loˈˈo. However, if they are not going to be safe on their own, more permanent assistance would be in order. If we have a positive effect on our speech, good communication will be good for us. SHeri deˈoy 2009n laamettiis. But the course of each of the two perfect men has led to very different results. Jason has changed in 2009. Muusee Yihoowa keehi siiqanaadan maaddidabay aybee? If you are single, can you use your freedom to expand your share in teaching others the truth? What helped Moses to deepen his love for Jehovah? A kaaletuwaa kaallenna ay haaroynne kunddiyoogee attenna. 5: 8. Would she fail to follow his direction and rule without fail? Yaatiyoogan, eti harata maaddiyaabadan qoppana danddayoosona. You have broken my heart. " Thus they may think of themselves as individuals. Uruta baassi koshshiyaabaa kunttiya so asay, i aayyiyaanne hara dabboti deˈiyo Mooˈaaba biitti baanawu qoppana danddayaasu shin. He said: "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves. " Ruth's family, his mother, and other relatives decided to move to Moab. Dabira Zayte Deree phalqqettidoy awudee? " [God] rescued righteous Lot, who was greatly distressed by the brazen conduct of the lawless people. " - 2 Peter 2: 7 When does the mountain of the olive trees fall? Israaˈeelatuyyo Odettida Zoriyaa He will personally pass judgment on all humans. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Iyyo siyettiya seelaa Yihooway eriyoogaa a akeekanaadan issi cimay maaddiis. He said to anointed Christians: "For as often as you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, until he arrives. " One elder helped her to realize that Jehovah understands her pain. Aana ayba ogiyan goˈettadee? Williams of the University of Melbourne, Australia) However valid that might be, there is a bequest or gift of far greater value. How did Anna benefit from her use? 21: 1 - 4. How was the transmission of the Bible opposed? 21: 1 - 4. Nuuni tamaarido Geeshsha Maxaafaa baaso siraataanne nuuni baana ogiyaa kaalettanaadan hegaa waatidi oosuwan peeshshana danddayiyaakko akeekanaadan he ayyaanay maaddees. After trying the program, you find that it works! That spirit helps us to see how we can apply Bible principles and apply it. Geeshsha Maxaafay yootiyoobaa ammaniyaageetuura issippe shiiqa. He neither burdened them with unreasonable demands nor advised them to do one thing while he himself did something else. Draw close to those who believe what the Bible says. Tamaaridobay a keehi ufayssido gishshau, deˈuwaabaa kaseegaappe dumma ogiyan qoppiyoogaa doommiis. He wants them to maintain good order, and that is vitally important because they have so much important work to do. She was so impressed by what she learned, and he began to think about the difference in life. Yihoowa Markkati he zaarota nenaara tobbanau ufayttoosona. Recommendations: With wholesome friends or family; not with problem drinkers. Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to discuss these answers with you. SHin Yesuusi haˈˈi PHilaaxoosau: "Taani tumatettaayyo markkattana gishshau yelettaas; qassi hegaa gishshau, ha sa7aa yaas " yaagiis. Frankfurt, Germany, 1951 But Jesus now said: "I am born to Pilate, because this I was born into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. " Hegaa mala hanotan, issi Kiristtaanee miishshaa immiyoogaa bawu bessiyaabaa demmanawu immana koshshiyo miishshaa bolli gujjidi qanxxana bessiyaabadan qoppana danddayees. Do not let yourself be affected by those who are not taking a firm stand on Jehovah's side In such situations, a Christian may feel that money is needed to pay money to a fellow believer. (GEESHSHA MAXAAFAA TIMIRTTIYAA > OYSHAANNE ZAARUWAA xeella) Through his Word, Jehovah repeatedly admonishes us to use our abilities for good. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Intte doonaappe "iita qaalai mulekka kiyoppo. With that Scriptural guideline in mind, a sister named Christa has been trying to touch her husband's heart by her conduct ever since her baptism in 1972. Let a rotten saying not proceed out of your mouth. Hegaa mala taarikee Qoodaabaa 14: 11 - 20n deˈees. " He Had Pleased God Well " The account recorded at Numbers 14: 11 - 20. 2: 8. Jephthah's heart was broken. 2: 8. Wolqqaama bashshay gakkana haniyoogaa kasetada eriyaaba gidikko, he bashshaappe attanawu issi issibaa oottana danddayaasa. " I Have Hope Toward God, " Dec. If you are familiar with disasters, you can do something that will protect you from the destruction of that tragedy. 7 Ammanuwan Minonne Kawotettay Koyiyoobaa Oottiya Asa Gidana Danddayiyo Ogiyaa After discussing such matters with the fellow believer, an elder will allow him to make his own decision. - Rom. 7 For Young People - How to Be Happy Yelettoosappe doommidi tohoy sila gidido issi bitaniyaa PHawuloosi patti simmin, asay awunne Barnnaabaasawu goynnanawu koyiis. 22: 37. After the birth of a man's feet had been poured out, Paul wanted to worship him and Barnabas. Minna woossiyoogan, neeni aggennan xannaˈiyaakkonne eranawu akeekan ne huuphiyaa qora. In turn, the deeper our appreciation for Jehovah, the stronger our desire to draw close to him and to imitate him. - Josh. 23: 8; Ps. Be determined to examine your own study habits, pray carefully, and examine your own study. Aassiyaageetuppe daroti asay Geeshsha Maxaafaa qofay deˈiyo 700ppe dariya qaalan giigida xuufeta nabbabananne duuqqana danddayiyo jw.org giyo nu weyb sayttiyaa beˈanaadan maaddoosona. The first article will discuss five spiritual building blocks for a strong and lasting marriage and the mortar that can be used to bind them together. Many publishers visit our website, jw.org, jw.org, and available in over 700 languages. Ta buzo xinaatiyaa meezee ay malee? [ Box on page 17] What is my personal study? Hegaa mala asati ekkiyoogan gidennan immiyoogan erettoosona. (b) Despite what do God's people observe his commandments? In such cases, such ones are well - known. Nuuni ay mala dooro doorennaadan naagettana koshshii? In what way? To avoid what type of entertainment should we avoid? (b) Yelidaageeti bantta so asaa goynuwaa waatidi ufayssiyaagaa oottana danddayiyoonaa? How will God glorify his name? (b) How can parents make their family worship interesting? KANAANEN DEˈIYO WODE He is a man of prayer. WAS IT DESIGNED? " Xoossaa Kawotettay Keehi Matattiis " giya he haasayaa siyanawu 2,300 gidiya asay Osaka Asahi Addaraashaa kumidi shiiqiis. In most cases, helping people to understand the truth requires scheduling regular conversations with them over a period of several months. Among the "good news of God's Kingdom " was 230 - year - old men gathered together to attend the Kingdom Hall. Wozoy aaro kehatettan giigidaba. I felt abandoned. " The ransom is a kind provision. Badheesaa wodiyan gallassaykka qammaykka 12 saate gidiyo wode heeran 2014n ooratta aginay kiyiyoy Yerusalaame saatiyan, Laappune 30n omarssi 2: 45na. In the mid - 1980 ' s, Wendy moved to Vanuatu, an island nation about 1,100 miles (1,770 km) east of Australia. At the age of 17, there were 12 hours when she was about 30 hours a day in the morning to Jerusalem. 3: 15. " Without a doubt, the single greatest challenge for us has been leaving our comfort zone, " says William. 3: 15. 2: 9, 10) Sinttappe saˈan merinawu deˈanawu hidootiya, ha wodiyan deˈiya Kiristtaanetuppe daroti shin? How that message reached Kyrgyzstan and spread here is a thrilling story. What about most Christians today who hope to live forever on earth? Ta laggeera (ushachchan), Osttiriyan, Mistelbake kataman dumma aqinye gididi haggaaziyo wode I began to appreciate life, but I also became violent and devious. My friend, Austria, was assigned to serve as special pioneers in Austria, Austria I Gibxxe kawoy a qachanaappe kase heezzu agina xallaa kawotiis; yaatidi qasho keettan deˈiiddi hayqqiis. (2 Kaw. No. 6 He had just three months before the king of Egypt, and he died in prison. I oottidobaa issi Parisaawee dosana xayikkonne, Yesuusi assikka kehatettan yootiis. - Luq. 7: 36 - 48. 3: 10. Although he was not a Pharisee, Jesus was kind and kind. - Luke 7: 36 - 48. (b) Daro asay xammaqettanaadan denttettiday aybee? Consider the case of a Christian couple named Tom and Carol, who live in a large North American city. (b) What motivated many to get baptized? Mazamure 111 giigissidaagee nuuni Yihoowa issippe hegaadan galatana bessiyoy aybissakko daro gaasuwaa yootees. " Our single mom's grasp of the language we understood best was limited, and my sisters and I didn't speak her language very well, " recalls an elder named Shan. That is why we should show our gratitude for Jehovah's mercy. I nu woosaa siyees. Loyalty to Jehovah and to our brothers will protect us from making such a mistake. He listens to our prayers. (Maatiyoosa 10: 8 nabbaba.) (Read Proverbs 4: 23; James 1: 14, 15.) (Read Matthew 10: 8.) Okisfordde Yuniversttiyaa profeeseree Marttin Gudmaani, "Kiristtaanetu ubbawu kiitettidaageetuugaa mala qofay deˈiyoogee eti Ayhuda haymaanootiyaa gujjin, Roome haaruwan deˈiya hara haymaanootiyaa kaalliyaageetuppekka dummatanaadan oottiis " yaagiis. Very likely, he would have been heartened to think about mankind as being set free from oppressive rule, inherited sin, and death. " The idea of being among all the Gentiles has contributed much to the contrast between the Jewish and Gentile members of the Christian Greek Scriptures, including the Jewish religious leaders. " 14: 1) I keettay kumetta so asay ufayssaa demmiyoonne etau injjetiya soho. As the harvest season began, a vital question thus arose: With many imitation Christians claiming to be Jesus ' true followers, how could the wheat - anointed Christians - be identified? He will find happiness and satisfaction in the home of families. Wonggeleti Yesuusa deˈuwaaranne haggaazuwaara gayttidaagan asaa, sohuwaanne wodiyaa xeelliyaagan ubbabaa qonccissi odiyoogan a taarikee tuma gidiyoogaa yootoosona. Not at all! The Gospels tell us that the Gospels record accounts about the time of Jesus ' life and ministry, the history of people, and the field ministry. Azazettibeenna Addaamanne Hewaano Yihooway Edene ataakiltte sohuwaappe kessido wode, ooninne ataakiltte sohuwaa gelennaadan appe arshsho baggan kiruubeta woykko kiitanchata i wottidoogaa Doomettaabaa maxaafay yootees. Touma), 8 / 1 The Genesis account states that when Adam and Eve were not created in the garden of Eden, Jehovah created a cherubs, or angels on the eastern side of the garden of Eden. Issoti issoti maadoy keehi koshshiyo sohuwan haggaazanau biidosona. Three service conventions, held in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Curitiba in 1937, provided fresh impetus to the evangelizing work. Some have moved to serve where there is a greater need. Valenttina ba suuretetta equwaa naagada deˈanau ubbabaa agganau eeno gaasu Jehovah is a real Person who lives in a real place. Valentina accepted everything she had to maintain her integrity Yan deˈiya gubaaˈetuppe daroti guuttanne ooratta. Since "all Scripture is inspired of God, " you will find the answers God gives in his Word, the Bible. Many congregations there were fewer and a few new congregations. Nuussi kehidi oottido harabaa awudenne dogikke. In that year, a number of important developments began to unfold. I will never forget another kind of kindness that we have done. Ermmaasa: Akkay. The fact is, young ones can win, and they are winning! Eric: No. Nuuni hegaadan ammaniyoogan Saaduqaawetuppe dummatoos. Eti hayqqidaageeti denddiyoogaa ammanokkona. We endeavor to participate in the ministry at times when householders are most likely to be at home and receptive. They do not believe in the resurrection. 7: 9, 14, 15. (Read Acts 7: 20 - 22.) 7: 9, 14, 15. Hegaappe simmin takkenna, he wode issi aginawu tamaariyo Kawotettaa Haggaazuwaa Timirtte Keettan, Niwu Yorken Sawuz Lansing giyoosan tamaaranaadan shoobettida. Messages From the Dead? After that, we were invited to attend the Kingdom Ministry School, New York, U.S.A., to attend the Kingdom Ministry School for Kingdom Evangelizers. Xiqisee hagaadan gees: "Taani issi bootta paraa be7aas. Twice the angel encouraged Elijah to eat. It says: "I saw a white horse and a white horse. I ba kuuyido kuushshaa giigissennaadan woy laammennaadan otorettiyoogee woy zozzu giyoogee digganaadan paqqadenna. You could choose to be a spectator and watch others do this work. Or you could be part of the action. It would not be easy for him to control his decision to make decisions or avoid unnecessary actions. Yihooway mata wode iitata xayssiyoogaaninne Seexaanay haariyo iita alamiyaappe ba asaa ashshiyoogan, Mase Kawotettaa baggaara asaa metuwaa qaarana. (1 Yoh. 2: 12. By means of his Messianic Kingdom, Jehovah will soon solve mankind's wicked and destroy his sovereignty by means of the Messianic Kingdom. He dooroy Israaˈeeleta goˈˈiyoogaappekka aadhiyaabaa gujjees. " Have plenty to do in the work of the Lord. ' - 1 COR. It also involves more than anything else. 133: 1) Israaˈeelati Yihoowawu azazettiyo wode, darajjayettidi issippetettan deˈidosona. As the next article shows, only integrity keepers can hope to have the joyful privilege of upholding God's sovereignty forever. When the Israelites obeyed Jehovah, they were united in unity. SHin eti banttarkka deˈiyoogee hirggissiyaaba gidikko, eta ubbatoo maaddiya ura koshshees. Cameron: Here's another prophecy in the book of Daniel that points to God's Kingdom. Yet, if they seem to be alone, they should always support someone who is in the best interests of their life. 15: 45) He naaˈˈu polo asatu oosoy kaalettidobay issuwaagee haraagaappe keehi dummatees. After inviting her, the couple were invited by some friends to come to their home that same evening, and they accepted. Those two perfect men differ greatly from each other. Intte ekkibeenna woy gelibeennaba gidikko, harata tumaa tamaarissanau intte hanotaa loyttidi goˈettana danddayeetii? * This great work, Jesus foretold, would be carried on right up to "the conclusion of the system of things, " and that has proved to be the case. If you are not single, can you make good use of your circumstances in order to teach others the truth? 5: 8. On hearing that she had asked permission to glean - even though she was within her full right to do so - Boaz generously allowed her to glean even among the sheaves. - Read Ruth 2: 5 - 7, 15, 16. 5: 8. Tana kaushsharggadasa " yaagiis. Granted, someone might simply offer general, practical suggestions. I am a sign. " I: "Intte issoi issuwaara siiqettikko, ta erissiyo ashkkarata gidiyoogaa asai ubbai erana " yaagiis. The wise Creator provided for this by means of another legal arrangement, the covenant for a priest like Melchizedek. He said: "By this all will know that you are my disciples - if you have love among yourselves. " " SHaaramuxiya asatu giddon tuggatidi de7iya xillo Looxa Xoossai ashshiis. " - 2 PHeexiroosa 2: 7 Did one of the hours you devoted to him require a special sacrifice on your part? " God delivered Lot from among those who are weak. " - 2 Peter 2: 7. GODAI asa ubbaara pirddettana; i iitata bisuwau aattidi immana. After deciding a matter, could a Christian change his mind? Jehovah will execute judgment upon all men, and he will give him judgment. I tiyettida Kiristtaanetuyyo: "Intte ha oittaa miido wode ubbaaninne ha burccukkuwaappe uyido wode ubban Godai yaana gakkanaassikka, a haiquwaa yooteeta " yaagiis. The householder, an older man who had been a teacher, was quick to remind me that we should not call at his home. He told anointed Christians: "In every evening you eat this bread and drink this cup of bread and of the Lord's death. " Hegee xoqqu ootti xeelliyooba gidana danddayikkokka, hegaappe keehi aadhiya laatay woykko imotay deˈees. To receive blessings under that Kingdom, Abraham will have to live again. Although it may seem precious, it is far more valuable than any riches or inheritance. Nuna keehippe qofissiyaabay nu atotettaa gidennan, Yihoowa sunttay geeyiyoogaanne ubbabaa haarana bessiyaagee a gidiyoogee erettiyoogaa. Such wholehearted service brings deep joy to Jehovah, who will never forget their work and the love shown for him. The most important thing we are, not our salvation, but the sanctification of Jehovah's name and the sanctification of his name. Geeshsha Maxaafay asawu gakkennaadan waani digettidee? REGULAR FEATURES How did the Bible prevent people from destroying them? Hegaadan oottada hegee maaddiyoogaa akeekadasa! Paul's metaphor compares the Christian congregation to "a large house " and individual members of the congregation to" utensils, " or household implements. Do you see that help! I eti oottana danddayennabaa oottanaadan azazibeenna woy i oottennabaa eti oottanaadan yootibeenna. According to one reference, the vanquished city then "passed into oblivion for 2500 years. " He did not tell them to do what they could not do or do. I eti maaran mankkan deˈanaadan koyees; qassi eti oottana bessiya darobay deˈiyo gishshawu hegee keehi koshshiyaaba. When religion is mixed with politics, violence can easily erupt. He expects them to live, and it is important for them to do so. Zoriyaa: Bessiya xeelay deˈiyo laggetuura woykko so asaara gido; ushshaara gayttidaagan metoy deˈiyoogeetuura gidoppo. No doubt you found joy and deep satisfaction in your assignments, but then for some reason you had to give them up. Modesty: Maintain a friend or a family member with whom we have dealings with family members, and those who do not share the problem with those who are not involved. Jarmanen, Frankferten, 1951 To request a Bible study or to locate a Kingdom Hall near you, please speak to the person who brought you this magazine or visit our Web site, www.jw.org, and look under the heading CONTACT US at the bottom of the page. In Germany, Germany, Germany Minnidi Yihoowa bagga gidennaageetu hanotan qohettoppa We are told that he "did not sin or ascribe anything improper to God. " Do not be distracted by the pride of Jehovah's Witnesses Yihooway nuuni nu eraa loˈˈobawu goˈettanaadan ba Qaalaa baggaara zaari zaaridi zorees. What will be the privilege of many modern - day Christian integrity - keepers? Jehovah repeatedly urges us to use his Word to help us make good use of our abilities. Kiristto giyo michiyaa Geeshsha Maxaafan deˈiya he zoriyaa hassayada, 1972n xammaqettido wodeppe doommada ba eeshshan azinaa omooddanau baaxetaasu. Bank Accounts: Bank accounts, certificates of deposit, or individual retirement accounts set up as a trust or made payable on death to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses in accord with local bank requirements. Looking back on the Bible's advice found in 19th - year - old sister, who was baptized in Brooklyn, tried to cross her husband on the basis of his conduct. " Xoossaa Ufaissiis " This message is to be proclaimed to those who have a desire for righteousness and truth. " Draw Close to God " Yofttaahee keehi azzaniis. Is closeness with Jehovah really possible? Jephthah must have felt devastated. " Nu Xoossaa Qaalai Merinau Eqqidi De7ees, " Mas. You need clearly defined goals. " The Word of Our God Endures Forever. " (Lee. 3: 5, 6) Issi cimay ba ishaara hegaa malabaa tobbi simmidi, ishay ba huuphe kuuyanaadan aggiigees. - Roo. A fine example is one of the best teachers. After discussing such matters with a brother, an elder has to make a decision. - Rom. Hegaadan oottiyoogee neeni Xoossaa kaseegaappe aaruwan siiqanaadaaninne i immiyo ufayssay neeyyo daranaadan oottana danddayees. - Maatiyoosa 22: 37. In our own case, if we continue to be led by God's spirit, we will be privileged to learn about him forever. Doing so can increase your love for God and your joy. - Matthew 22: 37. Nuuni Yihoowa eeshshaa loyttidi akeekiyo wode, akko shiiqanaunne a leemisuwaa kaallanau keehi koyoos. - Yaasa 23: 8; Maz. As directed by the elders, we may be blessed with the privilege of helping certain new ones, even as Aquila and Priscilla "expounded the way of God more correctly " to Apollos. - Acts 18: 24 - 26. As we deepen our appreciation for Jehovah's qualities, we want to imitate him and imitate his example. - Joshua 23: 8; Ps. 23: Ps. Koyro huuphe yohoy minonne giiga aqo deˈuwaa keexxanawu maaddiya, ayyaanaaban xuube mala gidida ichashubatanne he xuubeta gatti oyttiya simintto malabaa qonccissees. This starts right in our own congregation. The first article identifies five building blocks for building and building a strong marriage. [ Sinttaa 19n deʼiya misiliyaa qonccissuwaa] Have them discuss with you what the Bible says you must do to be among those whom Jehovah God protects. [ Picture on page 17] (b) Xoossaa asay a azazuwaa naagiyoy ayba hanotay gakkishiinee? (b) What is our yeartext for 2014, and why is this fitting? (b) What circumstances do God's people have in common? Ayba ogiyan? 2 - 4 How? Xoossay ba sunttaa bonchanay ayba ogiyaanee? He did not want it to be defamed. In what ways does God honor his name? 5: 22, 23) I ubbatoo woossees. Therefore, if a householder expresses doubts about God's existence, we could ask, "Have you always felt that way? " He regularly prayed. Asay tumaa eranaadan maaddanau darotoo unddenna aginau ubbatoo xannaˈissanau prograamiyaa giigissiyoogaa koshshees. Still, Jesus ' reputation and demeanor must have convinced her that he could and would heal her. To help people come to know the truth, we need to conduct a regular schedule for a month. I oottidoban taani keehi azzanaas. " If God is not to blame, who is responsible? He deeply hurt me. " Wenda 1986n, Awusttiraaliyaappe arshsho baggan 1,770 kilo meetire gidiyaagaa haakkiya Vanatu giyo haruuruwaa baasu. Clearly, by the term "the ones chosen, " Peter referred to those who, like him, had been anointed by holy spirit and given" a new birth to a living hope " to rule with Christ in the heavens. In 1947, Tony moved to eastern Australia to sail about three miles (1,600 km) east of the island of Australia. Wiliyami "Nuussi keehi deexxidabay ishalo deˈuwaa aggi bayiyoogaa gidiyoogee erettidaba " yaagiis. (Jer 31: 15), 12 / 15 " It's difficult for us to give up our life. " He tumay Kirggistaane gakkidonne yan aakkido ogee keehi maalaalissiyaaba. Why did Paul remind Christians that God is "one Jehovah "? The truth was remarkable. Taani deˈuwaa xoqqu oottada xeelliyoogaa doommaas; shin makkalanchanne iitabaa oottiyaagaa gidaas. In this illustration, Jesus did not directly say what that fruitage is, but he did mention a significant detail that helps us to determine the answer. I made changes in my life, but I became violent and violent. Lefavre de Etaples (birshshiyaagaa), AM Paydo 6 Yes, meditation and prayer are essential if we are to have the law of loving - kindness upon our tongues. Offered Selves in Ghana (T. 3: 10. Like Jonathan, Abner knew that God had chosen David to rule as king of Israel. 3: 10. Huuphessa Amarkkan issi gita kataman deˈiya, Toomanne Kaarolo giyo Kiristtaane azinaanne machee hanotaa qoppa. • How can you remain loyal to Jehovah even when alone? Consider the example of Ruth and Naomi, a Christian couple in North America, a Christian couple in North America. SHana giyo gubaaˈe cimay hagaadan giis: "Nuna barkka dichida nu aayyiyaa nuuni loytti haasayiyo qaalaa keehi erukku; qassi taaninne ta michontti a haasayiyo qaalaa loytti erokko. With the written Word of God in hand, we have drawn close to Jehovah and he has drawn close to us. " We didn't know how much we had been able to communicate with our mother, " recalls a Christian elder. Nuuni Yihoowayyoonne nu ishanttussi ammanettiyoogee hegaa mala mooro moorennaadan naagees. Without being preachy, give evidence of how the truth has affected you for the good. Our loyalty to Jehovah and our brothers protects us from such wrongdoing. (Leemiso 4: 23; Yaaqooba 1: 14, 15 nabbaba.) We cling to Jehovah when we heed his Word, which often runs contrary to human wisdom. (Read Proverbs 4: 23; James 1: 14, 15.) Asay huqqunniya haaruwaappe, nagaraappenne hayquwaappe laˈa kiyiyo wodiyaa qoppiyoogee a minttettidoogee erettidaagaa. 20, 21. (a) How can meditating on the ransom help us combat negative feelings? It must have been a time for him to recall the time when people were freed from government, sin, and death. (Maa. 13: 36 - 43) Yaatiyo gishshau, cakkiyo wodee doommin, " Daro worddo Kiristtaaneti banttana Yesuusa kaalliyaageeta giyo gishshau, gistteti woy tiyettida Kiristtaaneti aybin erettana danddayiyoonaa? ' No. So how could "the harvest of the harvest " refer to anointed Christians, Christians, or anointed Christians, who make up the wheat class? Yaagiyoogaa gidenna! 11, 12. Not at all! Saˈo Pawulo, Riyo di Jenironne Kuritiba katamatun 1937n shiiqido heezzu gita shiiqoti mishiraachuwaa sabbakanaadan ishantta denttettidosona. 37: 22, 29. During a three - month convention in São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, U.S.A., a large group of brothers from three towns and three towns were asked to preach the good news. Yihooway saluwan deˈees. * The teenage sisters were convinced that God had answered their prayer for help. Jehovah is in heaven. " Xoossaa maxaafa ubban Xoossaa Ayyaanai " deˈiyo gishshau, Xoossay ba Qaalaa Geeshsha Maxaafan he oyshatu zaaruwaa yootees. (2 Xim. Soon, though, you may face trials that will test your faith and resilience. Since "all Scripture is inspired of God, " God's Word answers those questions. He laytti, keehi koshshiya unddennabay haniyoogaa doommiis. What resulted from Solomon's disregard for God's warnings? During that year, a large number of important events began. Ee, danddayoosona; qassi xooniiddi deˈoosona! Hence, ask yourself, " How earnest and frequent are my prayers? ' Yes, they can, and there is no work! Asay son deˈiyo wodiyaaninne siyanawu ufayttiyo wodiyan haggaazanawu baaxetoos. You may soon realize that you have more things in common than you have differences - real or imagined - and that each culture has its own strengths and weaknesses. We try to find people in the family and in the full - time ministry. (Oosuwaa 7: 20 - 22 nabbaba.) 10: 5, 6, 12 - 15. (Read Acts 7: 20 - 22.) Hayqqidaageetuppe Yiya Kiitee? Try to imagine how the widow felt as she entered the temple courtyard carrying her two small coins. What Is the Truth About Life? He kiitanchay Eelaasi qumaa maanaadan naaˈˈutoo minttettiis. Why is it so important to "be hospitable to one another "? The angel urged Elijah to eat twice a meal. 1: 8) Intte he oosuwaa oottennan agganau woy oottanau doorana danddayeeta. Within a few years, the shift was complete. You may choose to do this work or to do something that you would choose to do. 2: 12. Others, although well along in years themselves, are caring for elderly relatives. 2: 12. " Godaa oosoy daridoogeeta gidite. " - 1 QOR. Jehovah, though, can do much more, as he did in Jeremiah's day. " Keep busy in the work of the Lord. " - 1 COR. (Ibr. 1: 14) Kaalliya huuphe yohoy qonccissiyoogaadan, Xoossay haariyo maatau merinau exatiyo, ufayssiya maataa hidootan naagana danddayiyaageeti suuretettaa naagidi deˈiyaageetu xalaala. Perhaps it was not as dramatic as crossing snow - covered mountain peaks at midnight, but it surely required hard work on the part of many fellow believers who unselfishly serve you. As mentioned in the following article, only those who have the prospect of living forever under God's sovereignty will be able to maintain integrity keepers. Kaasa: Daaneela maxaafan deˈiya, Xoossaa Kawotettaabaa yootiya hara hiraagaa beˈa. In contrast, God can and will bring about a global solution. Cameron: Consider another prophecy about God's Kingdom in Daniel's book of Daniel. Eti o shoobbi simmin, hara laggeti he galla omarssi bantta soo yaanaadan eta shoobbido gishshau eeno giidi o shoobbennan aggidosona. Since legal requirements and tax laws vary, it is important to consult qualified tax and legal advisers before choosing the best way to donate. After they invited her to welcome her, other friends would have allowed her to come to their home for the evening. * He gita oosoy "wodiyaa wurssettai " gakkanaashin oosettanaagaa Yesuusi kasetidi yootiis; qassi hegaadan haniis. The Bible says that later "another girl noticed him. " * Jesus foretold that "the conclusion of the system of things " would continue until the conclusion of the system of things. Poshilanawu iyyo maatay deˈikkonne bana poshilissanaadan oychaasu; oychin Booˈeezi iyyo kehidi a mirqqetu garssappekka poshiluwaa qoranaadan oottiis. - Uruto 2: 5 - 7, 15, 16 nabbaba. In his hometown of Nazareth, Jesus spoke of how Jehovah had favored foreigners, such as the Phoenician widow from Zarephath and the Syrian leper Naaman. Although the Philistines asked for help, Boaz asked her to turn away from her. - Read Ruth 2: 7, 16 - 15, 16. Issoti issoti yootiyoobay qohennaba gidiyoogee qoncce. With Angela in 1975, before a television interview Of course, some have concluded that what is wrong. Aadhida erancha gidida Xoossay hanotaa giigissanawu Malkki - Xedeqa mala qeese gidiyo maachaa giyo hara maachaa maacettiis. Jesus saw beneath the surface; he recognized that those who came to hear him speak had been taught falsehoods and had been mistreated by their religious leaders. God made a covenant with a priest like Melchizedek. Neeni au haggaazido wodiyaappe issi saate gidikkonne, hegee ne goˈˈaa aggabayanaadan oottidee? " I learned that we can never go wrong if we apply Bible principles, " says Kyle. Although you have been serving him for a hour, did that make you feel self - sacrificing? Issi Kiristtaane kuuyidobaa laammana koshshii? Additionally, we must maintain our own spirituality. Should it be necessary for a Christian to adjust his decision? Kase asttamaare gididi oottida he cima bitanee nuuni zaarettidi a soo beennaadan sohuwaara yootiis. Nearby, Korah along with 250 men were also offering incense to Jehovah, each one with his own fire holder. The elder immediately told us that the older man did not return home again. He Kawotettaa garssan anjjuwaa demmanau, Abrahaami zaarettidi deˈana koshshees. On the other hand, there is a criminal entity ruling by fraud, violence, and murder. To receive that blessing, Abraham needed to live again. Hegaadan wozanappe oottiyoogee Yihoowa keehi ufayssees; i eti oottido oosuwaanne a siiqido siiquwaa mule dogenna. " The head of a woman is the man. " - 1 COR. 11: 3. Doing so will bring great joy to Jehovah, and he will never forget his love for them. ISIINE 2 - 8, 2012 (Read Psalm 78: 40, 41.) 12 Our Readers Ask... PHawuloosi he leemisuwan gubaaˈiyaa "gita keettan, " qassi gubaaˈiyan deˈiyaageeta so giddon deˈiya dumma dumma miishshan leemissiis. A family baked enough bread for a day, so borrowing was common if the supply ran out. Paul described the congregation in that illustration as "a great shepherd, " and he makes it possible for those in the congregation to become rich in the congregation. Issi xuufee ha xoonettida katamay hegaappe simmin "2500 layttawu dogettidoogaa " yootees. " He acted rather as if he were converting Christianity into what he thought most likely to be accepted by his subjects as a catholic [universal] religion, than as if he had been converted to the teachings of Jesus the Nazarene, " says the book The Non - Christian Cross. Since then, crosses of many forms and shapes have come into use. According to one reference work, one reference work notes that this city "was never missing. " Haymaanootee polotikaara walahettiyo wode, kobabay sohuwaara denddana danddayees. Consider the prophet Habakkuk, who was commissioned to foretell the destruction of Jerusalem. During religion, religion may quickly be forced to suffer. Neeyyo imettida oosuwan wozanappe ufayttidoogee sirissenna; shin hegaappe simmada issi gaasuwan he oosuwaa aggabayadasa. If your parent is still living at home, make sure that trusted caregivers have keys that will give them access to the elderly person in case of an emergency. You have no doubt appreciated your assignments, but then you have made sacrifices for that work. Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈanawu woy ne heeran Kawotettaa Addaraashay awan deˈiyaakko eranawu, hayyanaa ha maxeetiyaa neessi immida uraa oycha; woy qassi www.jw.org / wal giyo nu Weyb sayttiyaa beˈa. DOOMETTA SINTTAA > NUNAARA GAYTTA giyaagaa garssan xeella. Like them, you can discover that God still fulfills this heartwarming promise: "As a mother comforts her son, so I will keep comforting you. " - Isaiah 66: 13. If you would like to learn more about the Kingdom Hall or the local Kingdom Hall, please visit www.jw.org and look under ABOUT US > FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. I, "Nagaraa oottibeenna; Xoossaa amassalibeenna " yaagidi Geeshsha Maxaafay yootees. (Iyy. Why is that important? " He did not blame God, " he said, "but he did not blame God. " Ha wodiyan deˈiya ammanettida daro Kiristtaanetuyyo ayba hidootay deˈii? True, it is a challenge to remain clean. What hope do many faithful Christians have? Bankkiyan Deˈiya Miishshaa: Deˈiyo biittan bankkiyaa higgiyaara maayettiya ogiyan, bankkiyan deˈiya miishshay, miishshay deˈiyoogaa qonccissiya woraqataa woykko xurataa miishshay hadaran woykko hayqqiyo wode Yihoowa Markkatuyyo imettanaadan qonccissana danddayettees. Full of faith, he said: "Jehovah is the stronghold of my life. Bank Accounts: Bank accounts, certificates of deposit, or individual retirement accounts set up as a trust or made payable on death to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses in accord with local bank requirements. Ha kiitay xillotettaanne tumaa dosiyaageetuyyo odettana koshshees. See the video Why Study the Bible? This message should be directed to those who love righteousness and who love the truth. Yihoowakko shiiqiyoogee danddayettiyaabee? What is the key to a happy family life? Is it really possible to draw close to Jehovah? Qoncce hoollee intteyyo deˈana koshshees. (a) What did the apostle Paul say about encouragement? To set goals, you need to have a measure of success. Loˈˈo leemiso gidiyoogee tamaarissiyo loˈˈo ogetuppe issuwaa. Yes, God definitely has the power to intervene and heal a sick person. One of the best ways to teach good manners is by setting a good example. 4: 8) Yaatiyo gishshau, saluwan deˈiya nu siiqo Aawaabaa harati eranaadan maaddanau nuuyyo danddayettida ubbabaa oottiyaageeta gidoos. All of us, though, should examine ourselves closely. Let us, therefore, do our utmost to help others come to know our heavenly Father. Aqiilinne PHirisqqila "Xoossaa ogiyaa kaseppe sittayidi, [Aphiloosayyo] geeshshidi " yootidoogaadan, gubaaˈiyaa cimati immiyo kaaletuwan oorattata maaddiyo maataa demmiyoogan nuuni anjjettana danddayoos. - Oosuwaa 18: 24 - 26. According to the Bible, what will happen to organizations that seem solid to many people today? As told by Aquila and Priscilla, we can be blessed with the privilege of helping new congregations of "the way of God " to come. - Acts 18: 24 - 26. 13: 7, 17) Hegaa doommiyoy nu gubaaˈiyaana. Preserve the Positive Spirit of the Congregation That begins with our congregation. Xoossaa Yihooway ashshiyoogeetuppe issuwaa gidanau neeni ay oottana bessiyaakko Geeshsha Maxaafay yootiyoobaa nenaara tobbanaadan eta oycha. (Ajj. (See opening image.) (b) What do we need to know about the illustration of the sheep and the goats? Ask them what the Bible says about Jehovah God's blessing for you. (b) Layttaa xiqisee 2014gee woygiyaagee, qassi hegee bessiyaaba gididoy aybissee? By turning to God's Word, the Bible, we can find satisfying explanations about life and death and about God's eternal purpose regarding the earth and the human family. - Ephesians 3: 11. (b) What is the yeartext for 2014, and why is it appropriate? 2 - 4 Why not invite those of a different background to work with you in the field ministry or invite them to your home for a meal or a gathering? 2 - 4. I Yihoowa sunttay borettanaadan koyibeenna. What attitude should we avoid, and why? He refused to bring reproach on Jehovah's name. Yaatiyo gishshawu, issi uri Xoossay deˈiyoogaa siriyoogaa yootikko, "Neeni beniisappekka hegaadan qoppay? " Joseph was an outstanding example. So if someone has doubts about God's existence, ask yourself, " Do you ever feel that way? " (Wogaabaa 15: 25 - 27) Gidikkonne, asay Yesuusa loˈˈoban denttiyoogeenne i asaa oyqqiyo ogee i bana pattana danddayiyoogaa, qassi pattanaagaa a ammananaadan oottennan aggenna. " These people are genuinely interested in me, " Cheri told me later. Yet, Jesus ' response to the good news could cause people to have a good influence on him and his role as well as on how to heal and heal. Hegawu gaasoy Xoossaa gidana xayikko, oonee? Therefore, those who put faith in evolution are robbed of true hope. If that is true of God, who would not be involved? (1 PHe. 1: 1) PHeexiroosi, Kiristtoosaara saluwan haaranaadan "de7uwaa " hidootaa ekkanau naaˈˈantto yelettida ayyaanan tiyettidaageetussi he dabddaabbiyaa xaafiis. The physical love shared by a man and a woman in the marriage arrangement is truly a gift from God. Peter wrote letters to anointed Christians in "the heavenly hope " to rule with Christ in heaven. (Ivaris Vigalis), 4 / 1 Consider a few field - tested examples of topics, questions, and scriptures that you might try in your territory. Are you using the Bible and tracts effectively in your ministry? (For fully formatted text, 11 / 15 Xoossay " issi Yihoowa ' gidiyoogaa PHawuloosi Kiristtaaneta hassayissidoy aybissee? Even if some do not appreciate our message, Jehovah appreciates our efforts. Why did Paul warn Christians that God is Jehovah's "one Jehovah "? Ha leemisuwan Yesuusi he ayfee aybakko yootibeenna; shin I ha oyshaa zaaruwaa demmanawu nuna keehi maaddiyaabaa yootiis. (Read Isaiah 44: 5.) In this illustration, Jesus did not tell us what his eyes were, but he gave us an important question. Ee, aggenna siiquwaa higgee nu doonan deˈanaadan wotti dentti qoppiyoogeenne woosay keehippe koshshoosona. LOVE based on right principles (a·gaʹpe) is a gift from Jehovah. Yes, it is vital that we meditate on the law of loving - kindness and meditation. Yonaataanaagaadan, Daawiti Israaˈeela kawo gidanaadan Xoossay dooridoogaa Abaneeri erees. ▪ Answer: Jesus did not command his followers to have children. Like Jonathan, Jonathan knew that God had chosen David to be the king of Israel. • Neeni nerkka deˈiyo wodekka gidin, Yihoowau ammanettada deˈana danddayiyoy ayba ogiyaanee? 26 Russia's Summer District Conventions Bring Blessings • How can you remain loyal to Jehovah even when you are alone? Xoossaa Qaalay nuna maaddiyo gishshawu, Yihoowakko shiiqida; qassi ikka nuukko shiiqiis. As Christians, we can enter into God's rest by obediently working in harmony with his advancing purpose. God's Word is helping us to draw close to Jehovah, and he draws close to us. Ne dabbotuyyo ubbatoo tumaabaa yootiyoogee koshshennan aggana danddayees. And if we tell others how much we have benefited from our personal study of the Bible, we may encourage them to obtain such benefits by being diligent students of the Scriptures. Your relatives may not always need to share the truth with you. Asaa eraappe darotoo keehi dummatiya a Qaalaa kaalliyo wode, nuuni Yihoowa baxuuxoos. While living in Brazil, he had heard a public talk given by Brother Young. When Jehovah's Word is often different from humans, we stick to Jehovah's Word. 20, 21. (a) Wozuwaabaa wotti denttidi qoppiyoogee nuuni iita qofaa agganaadan waati maaddii? " Peace, ' " a future, ' and " a hope. ' 20, 21. (a) How does reflecting on the ransom help us to overcome negative feelings? Geenna. May we continue to find refreshment in spiritual things. No. 11, 12. While we may be impressed with the power, position, or reputation of another person, what does God look for in humans? 11, 12. 37: 22, 29. One of Eliashib's grandsons was married to the daughter of Sanballat, governor of Samaria, who was one of Tobiah's closest associates. 37: 22, 29. * Maaddanaadan woossido woosaa Xoossay zaaridoogaa he yelaga michentti ammanidosona. Because some cleaning jobs need attention after every meeting and others can be addressed less frequently, good coordination and oversight are required to make sure that nothing gets overlooked. * You did not believe that God had answered those prayers in prayer. SHin takkennan, intte ammanuwaanne intte minotettaa paacciyaabi gakkana danddayees. (2 Xim. In Jesus ' day, field workers were paid on a daily basis. Before long, though, you may be able to strengthen your faith and strength. Solomoni Xoossay yootiyoobaa xaasayidi xeellido gishshawu A aybi gakkidee? If so, try the seven steps described in this article. What did Solomon experience because he did not ignore God's warning? (Luq. 6: 12) Yaatiyo gishshau, " Minttada ubbatoo woossiyaanaa? ' Would you like to strengthen it? So ask yourself, " Do I regularly pray continually? ' Tuma gidin woy coo qoppiyoobaa gidin, inttena issuwaa issuwaappe dummayiyaabaappe issi mala gididabay daro gidiyoogaanne ubba wogan loˈˈobaykka iitabaykka deˈiyoogaa sohuwaara akeekana danddayaasa. The faithful prophet trusted in Jehovah. You may find it hard to understand that even among those who are truly true, whether the truth or not, is just one of the best interests of many cultures. 10: 5, 6, 12 - 15. The Last Enemy, Death, Brought to Nothing 10: 5, 6, 12 - 15. He amˈˈiyaa naaˈˈu bakkannaa ekkada beeta maqidasiyaa geliyo wode iyyo aybi siyettidaakko ane qoppa. 29: 13, 14. Imagine how the widow must have felt when she entered the temple. Nuuni " issoi issuwaa imattatettan mokkiyoogee ' keehi koshshiyoy aybissee? 13, 14. (a) What helped Moses to qualify for the assignment that Jehovah would give him? Why is it important to "be hospitable " to one another? Guutta laytta giddon, nu soo asaa qaalaa muleera aggaas. If the Devil did not exist, would that not make God responsible for all evil? In a few years, I left my family completely. Harati banttawukka cimi uttidi ceeggida dabbota heemmoosona. For example, after visiting one Christian who was battling a serious illness, Antonio learned that this brother did not want to go to the meetings. Others were old and old. SHin, Yihooway hegaappe keehi aadhiyaabaa oottana danddayees; Ermmaasa wode i hegaadan oottiis. (Read Deuteronomy 3: 28.) Yet, Jehovah could do more for Jeremiah than that. SHachay maayido deriyaara bilahiyan kanttiyoogaa keena wolqqaama gidana xayikkonne, hegaa neeyyo giigissanau ne mala Kiristtaaneti daroti minnidi oottidoogee qoncce. Remember, congregation meetings are part of our worship. Although the snow may not be severe, many Christians have worked hard to handle the matter with you. Hegaappe dumma ogiyan, Xoossay alame yuushuwan hegaa giigissana danddayeesinne koyees. It follows, then, that it gives him no pleasure to see us suffer. On the contrary, God can guide and care worldwide. Higgiyaa hanotaynne qaraxaa wogay dumma dumma gidiyo gishshau, neeni ayba ogiyan immiyoogee loˈˈokko dooranaappe kase qaraxaabaanne higgiyaabaa eranchata zoretaa bessiyoogee keehi loˈˈo. What the Ransom Cost Since legal requirements and tax laws vary, it is important to consult qualified tax and legal advisers before choosing the best way to donate. Guyyeppe "hara ashkkariyaa a be7ada " eridoogaa Geeshsha Maxaafay yootees. * In fact, the Bible describes him as "a servant of the true God. " 4: 25 - 27) Qassi Yesuusi Samaare biittaa maccaaseessi sabbakidoogaa xalla gidennan, asay siyanawu koyido gishshawu Samaariyaa kataman naaˈˈu gallassaa takkiis. - Yoh. What factors determine whether a sacrifice will be acceptable or unacceptable to Jehovah? And not only did Jesus preach to a Samaritan woman but he spent two days in the town of Samaria. Anjjeliira 1975n, televizhiiniyan oyshaa zaaroos In fact, he is called "the father of all those having faith. " With Jehovah's answers to Gary's Internet sites (Maa. 9: 36) Yesuusi wozanaa xeellees; I yootiyoobaa siyanawu yiyaageeti worddobaa tamaaridoogaanne haymaanootiyaa kaalettiyaageeti eta qohidoogaa akeekiis. Like the apostles, what are we eager to find out? By observing Jesus ' heart, he saw religious leaders who had been deceived by false religious leaders and religious leaders. Kiila, "Geeshsha Maxaafaa baaso siraataa oosuwan peeshshikko, nuuni iitabaa mule oottana danddayennaagaa taani eraas " yaagaasu. (Read Matthew 2: 16 - 18.) " I knew that if we apply Bible principles, we could never do anything wrong. " Hegaa bollikka, nuuni ayyaanaaban minnana koshshees. (Read Psalm 119: 130; John 16: 13.) Moreover, we need to grow spiritually. Qassi hara baggaara, Qoraahinne 250 asatikka ixaanaa cuwayiyoobaa oyqqidi Yihoowayyo cuwayoosona. (Qoo. (Read Isaiah 55: 6, 7.) On the other hand, Korah and the priests were burnt incense in Jehovah's hand. Hara baggaara, cimmiyoogan, danobaanne makkalabaa oottiyoogan, qassi woriyoogan haariya dirijjitee dees. Saul was still God's anointed king. On the other hand, a organization consists of crime, violence, and violence. " Attumaasi maccaasassi huuphe. " - 1 QORONTTOOSA 11: 3. But the greatest threat to our peace may come from unbelieving relatives. " The head of a woman is the man. " - 1 COR. 11: 3. (Mazamure 78: 40, 41 nabbaba.) People Are Changing - Even Now (Read Psalm 78: 40, 41.) Eti so asau hachi hachi gidiyaagaa uukkiyo gishshau, wurikko talˈˈiyoogee meeze gididaba. The Israelites failed to consider the possible consequences of their disobedience to God. Because of their families's daily bread, it is common for them to collect a piece of bread for a day. Zi Nen Kirischiyan Kros giyo maxaafay, "Qosxxenxxinoosi hegaadan oottidoy Yesuusi tamaarissido timirttiyaa kaallanaassa gidennan, Kiristtaane ammanuwaa, eeqau goynniya a haaruwan deˈiyaageeti kaatolike [ubbay kaalliyo] haymaanootedan kaallana mala hanotaa giigissanau koyido gishshataassa " yaagees. This may result in quite a change in a Bible student's lifestyle. In the book Drawing attention to the teachings given at Pentecost, the book Draw Close to the Christian Greek Scriptures states: "In order to follow Jesus ' teaching, the religious teachings were not merely to be influenced by false religion. " Yerusalaame xayuwaabaa kasetidi yootanaadan kiitettida, hananabaa yootiya Imbbaaqoomabaa qoppa. How fitting it is, then, that humans dedicated to God cooperate with the headship arrangement within the congregation and in the family! Think about the prophet Habakkuk, who foretold the destruction of Jerusalem's destruction. Aaway woy ayyiyaa bantta son deˈiyaaba gidikko, daafabay merettiyo wode eta maaddana mala eta xeelliyaageetuyyo qulppiyaa immiyoogee loˈˈo. 4: 7 - 10. If a parent or a family member is in their home, the key is to help them deal with the effects of disasters. Yaatiyo wode, neenikka etaagaadan, "Aayyiyaa ba na7aa minttettiyoogaadan, taanikka inttena minttettana " yaagida Xoossay ba qaalaa naagiyoogaa akeekana danddayaasa. - Isiyaasa 66: 13. While at the convention, I attended the meeting for those who were interested in serving at Bethel. As you do, you can be sure that God will comfort you like that of the psalmist who said: "I will comfort you like the young woman, just as I have promised you. " - Isaiah 66: 13. Hegaa eriyoogee keehi koshshiyoy aybissee? Hence, after reading the brochure, you should confer with your own legal or tax advisers. Why is knowing this important? Geeshsha gididi deˈiyoogee deexxiyaaba gidiyoogee tuma. We also sent subscriptions to different countries that requested them. Granted, it is not easy to remain chaste. yaagidi, Yihoowa keehi ammaniyoogaa yootiis. - Maz. The great majority of Jehovah's people are doing their best to care for the spiritual needs of their families and have a full share in the ministry each week. You have faith in Jehovah. - Ps. Geeshsha Maxaafaa Waati Xannaˈiyoo? Those serving in his office found him to be easy to talk to. How Can We Study the Bible? So asaa deˈoy ufayssiyaagaa gidanaadan maaddiya waannabay aybee? At the street corner, he is approached by the woman, who may be clothed in revealing attire. What will contribute to a happy family life? (a) Minttettiyoogaa xeelliyaagan kiitettida PHawuloosi woygidee? " I believe that many marriages could be saved if spouses kept to the fore what they like about each other, " says a husband named Michael. (a) What did the apostle Paul say about giving encouragement? Ee, Xoossay issi uri harggin a pattana danddayiyoogee tuma. This aspect of Jehovah's kingship has far - reaching significance. Yes, God could cure a person who was sick. 20: 35) SHin, nuuni ubbay nuna loyttidi qorana koshshees. * But all of us need to examine ourselves carefully. Geeshsha Maxaafay yootiyoogaadan, ha wodiyan daro asawu keehi mino milatiya dirijjiteti waananee? That was not just an isolated incident. According to the Bible, what will happen to many people today? Gubaaˈiyaa Loˈˈo Ayyaanaa Ubbatoo Naaga Even so, she willingly left, trusting that Jehovah would bless her for her obedience. - Acts 7: 2, 3. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE (Ha huuphe yohuwaa doomettan deˈiya misiliyaa xeella.) (b) Dorssaanne deeshshaa leemisuwaabaa nuuni ay erana koshshii? Did Arthur have a sharp pocketknife? (See opening image.) (b) What should we learn about the illustration of the sheep and the goats? (Mazamure 145: 16) Xoossaa Qaalaa, Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈiyoogan, deˈuwaabaanne hayquwaabaa, qassi saˈaanne asaa naata xeelliyaagan Xoossaa merinaa halchuwaabaa aliya zaaruwaa demmana danddayoos. - Efisoona 3: 11. How much better to seek other employment! By studying God's Word, we can find satisfying answers to life's suffering, life, and death. - Eph. 3: 11. Nenaara issippe haggaazanaadan woy ne son qumaa maanaadan woy wodiyaa aattanaadan dumma dumma wogan diccidaageeta shoobbiyoogee loˈˈo. (Oos. Which world power will be the dominant one when Armageddon strikes? It would be good to invite you to share with you in the ministry or to share a special meal with you or to enjoy a special meal. Nuuni ay mala qofaappe haakkana koshshii, aybissi? (b) What should be our objective when engaging in personal study? What sort of thinking must we avoid, and why? 15: 4) Yooseefabay hegawu loˈˈo leemiso. By assigning them things to do in the congregation, they can be "tested as to fitness " to shoulder responsibility, so that their" advancement may be manifest to all persons. " - 1 Tim. Joseph set a good example. Taani hanotaa giigissin a Vankover kataman deˈiya CHayna qaalaa gubaaˈiyaa biyoogaa doommaasu. Some people view those who show compassion as weak and vulnerable. I began working in a Chinese - language congregation where I worked. Yaatiyo gishshau, lodda laamiyan ammaniyaageeti tumuppe hidootiyoobi baawa. On the one hand, we exert ourselves, not holding back in our service. So there is no real hope for believing that evolution is based on evolution. Gelidaageetinne ekkidaageeti issoy issuwau bessiyo siiqoy tumuppe Xoossa imota. Before writing, she reviewed Bible principles. Those who make themselves available to one another are truly God's gift of love. Hagaappe kaallidi deˈiya, dumma dumma moottan loˈˈo ayfiyaa demmido amarida qofaa, oyshatanne xiqiseta neenikka haggaazuwan goˈettana danddayaasa. What are the rewards for being humble? You might use several suggestions and scriptures in the ministry, such as the good news, and the following. 43: 10) Issi issi asay nu yootiyoobaa nashshana xayikkonne, Yihooway nu oottiyoobaa nashshiyoogaa eroos. 2, 3. (a) To what can the challenge to Jehovah's sovereignty be compared? While we may not appreciate what some people say, we realize that Jehovah appreciates our efforts. (Isiyaasa 44: 5 nabbaba.) You too will benefit from examining for yourself the evidence regarding Jesus. (Read Isaiah 44: 5.) YIHOOWAY siiquwawu Pultto. If Jesus had not been resurrected, we might never have even heard of him. JEHOVAH is the Source of love. ▪ Zaaruwaa: Yesuusi bana kaalliyaageeti naˈa yelanaadan azazibeenna. 18: 6 - 17. ▪ Answer: Jesus did not give up on his followers. SINTTAA 25 MAZAMUREE: 6, 48 XANNAˈIYO HUUPHE YOHOTU HALCHUWAA If we want to be truly effective teachers, we too need to make sure that we continue to strengthen our love for God. 16 Learn From God's Word - What Does the Bible Really Teach? (Ibr. 4: 9, 10) Nuuni Kiristtaane gidiyoogaadan, polettiiddi deˈiya Xoossaa halchuwaara maayettiyaabaa azazettidi oottiyoogan a sambbataa shemppuwaa gelana danddayoos. For example, every morning you probably have to decide what clothes to wear. As Christians, we can enter into God's rest by obediently working in harmony with his purpose. Qassi nuuni Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈidoogee nuna ay keena maaddidaakko haratuyyo yootikko, Geeshsha Maxaafaa minnidi xannaˈiyoogan eti nuugaadan goˈettanaadan denttettana danddayoos. What role does holy spirit play in the appointment of elders and ministerial servants today? Also, if our study of the Bible has helped us to do so, we may be moved to use our study habits by studying the Bible with others. I Brazilen deˈiyo wode, Ishaa Yangi Geeshsha Maxaafaappe haasayiyo dere haasayaa siyiis. Of course, we understand that the time you spend on caring for important congregation activities may already make you feel stretched to the limit. When he was in Brazil, Brother Young listened to the Bible's message in Brazil. I nuussi qoppidobay " sintta wodiyaa, ' " ufayssaanne ' " sarotettaa. ' In 1978, I returned to Los Angeles to care for my ill mother. He had "the hope of the future, "" peace, " and "the peace of God. " Ayyaanaaban ubbatoo woppaa demmiyaageeta gidoos. God abandoned Jesus to his enemies by taking away His protection so that Christ's integrity might be fully tested. May we continue to find spiritual refreshment. Ammanuwaa minttiya, he oyshatu zaaruwaa neeni ha huuphe yohotun demmana. They marvel at the impressive designs in nature, some of which humans try to mimic in man - made products. In these articles, you will find the answers to those questions. Issi urau deˈiya wolqqay, maatay, woy i hayttatidoogee nuna maalaalissana danddayikkonne, Xoossay asaa wozanan koyiyoobay aybee? " Lord, teach us how to pray. " What does it mean to be influenced by a person's power, power, or fame, but what is God's will for us? (Nah. 6: 17 - 19) Eliyaashiba naˈaa naatuppe issoy Samaariyaa biittaa ayssiya Sanbbalaaxa naˈiyo ekkiis; qassi Sanbbalaaxi Xoobbiyau mata laggetuppe issuwaa. Learn the language. Maria's adopted son, then one of the boys, married a young child, and then one of the closest friends. Issi issibaa shiiquwaappe simmin ubbatoo geeshshanawu koshshiyo gishshawunne harabaa qassi issi issitoo geeshshana koshshiyo gishshawu, aybinne oosettennan attenna mala maara kaallana bessees. To receive God's spirit, we must develop in ourselves "the mind of Christ. " In some cases, there is no need to keep on making sure that after a meeting, it needs to be kept clean and to follow through certain circumstances. Yesuusi saˈan deˈido wode goshshan oottiyaageeti damoozaa hachi hachi ekkoosona. (Read Galatians 5: 22, 23.) During his earthly ministry, Jesus returned from work at work. Koyiyaaba gidikko, ha huuphe yohuwan qonccida laappun ogeta kaalla. Why must we avoid bad associations? If so, consider seven ways in this article. Ne dabbotaa minttanawu koyay? To illustrate, think of an exquisite wall mosaic that is made up of a thousand closely set small pebbles. Would you like to strengthen your relationship with him? Mikiyaasi Yihoowan ammanettiis. (a) The faithful slave is charged with what responsibility, and what does this include? Micah trusted in Jehovah. Ubbaappe Wurssetta Morkkee, Hayqoy Xayana Like God's servants before us, we will receive what God has promised if we have strong faith and wait patiently for his time to fulfill those promises. The Last Days of Death, Death, Brought to Nothing 29: 13, 14. How our hearts swell with love for our heavenly Father, who has given us the marvelous resurrection hope! 29: 13, 14. 13, 14. (a) Yihooway immido oosuwawu giigettanaadan Muusa maaddidabay aybee? May we likewise benefit from keeping Jehovah's reminders. 13, 14. (a) What helped Moses to prepare for his assignment in Jehovah's service? Dabloosi baynnaba gidikko, hegee iitatetta ubbau Xoossay oyshettanaadan oottiyaaba gidennee? Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. If the Devil does not die, does that not make God responsible for all the evil? Leemisuwau, Antoniyoy wolqqaama harggee oyqqido issi ishaa oychi simmidi, he ishay gubaaˈe shiiquwaa baanau koyennaagaa akeekiis. After speaking to Nicodemus in Jerusalem, Jesus traveled north toward Galilee. For example, after a severe illness, Antonio learned that the brother did not want to go to the congregation. (Zaarettido Wogaa 3: 28 nabbaba.) Additionally, the writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures refer to Abraham more than 70 times. (Read Deuteronomy 3: 28.) Gubaaˈe shiiqoy nu goynuwaa shaaho gidiyoogaa hassaya. " I knew that he probably would never know who had received the extra money. Remember, congregation meetings are a part of our worship. Hegaa gishshau, nuuni waayettiyoogaa i beˈanau koyenna giidi qoppiyoogee bessiyaaba. In part, he prayed to Jehovah: "[May your] eyes... prove to be opened toward this house night and day, toward the place of which you said, " My name will prove to be there, ' to listen to the prayer with which your servant prays toward this place. " Therefore, it is reasonable to think that he does not want us to see us suffer. Wozoy Qanxxissido Waagaa " DOES life have any meaning? " ALSO IN THIS ISSUE * Common answers: * Nu yarshshoy Yihoowa ufayssiyaagaa woy ufayssennaagaa gidanaadan oottiyaabati aybee? God's "eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " - 2 Chron. What makes our sacrifice acceptable or pleasing to Jehovah? Xoossaa ammaniya ubbau "Abrahaami aawaa " geetettiis. (Doo. Learning the truth about God is more than an intellectual exercise - it can change your life for the better. Abraham was called "the father of all the faith. " Nuunikka kiitettidaageetuugaadan ay eranau yeemottiyoo? in the Cabecar language Like the apostle Paul, what do we look forward to? (Maatiyoosa 2: 16 - 18 nabbaba.) You might occasionally want to help congregations to preach in seldom worked territory. (Read Matthew 2: 16 - 18.) (Mazamure 119: 130; Yohaannisa 16: 13 nabbaba.) As a result, I redirected my focus to serving Jehovah. " (Read Psalm 119: 130; John 16: 13.) (Isiyaasa 55: 6, 7 nabbaba.) 4: 12. (Read Isaiah 55: 6, 7.) Saaˈooli he wodekka, Xoossay tiyido kawo. (a) What does Galatians 6: 4 tell us to do? Even then, Saul was anointed as God's anointed king. 10: 4, 5) Gidoppe attin, nuuni saro deˈennaadan oottiya wolqqaamabay gakkiyoy ammanenna dabbotuppe gidana danddayees. In time, she saw that I had a stable job, was taking care of myself, and was happy. However, it may be difficult for us to stand firm against unbelieving relatives who may not be among the most serious consequences of our life. Asay Ha Wodiyankka Laamettiiddi Deˈees Why does discussing our hope benefit us? Imitate Their Faith Israaˈeelati Xoossaayyo azazettennan ixxidoogee kaalettanabaa qoppibookkona. David's son Solomon also prefigured Jesus. Israel did not ignore God's disobedience. Hegaappe denddidaagan, nuuni xannaˈissiyo uri keehi laamettana danddayees. (1 Qor. 3, 4. (a) What significant request did the writer of Psalm 71 make to Jehovah? As a result, we may be able to make changes in conducting a Bible study. (1 Qoronttoosa 15: 27, 28) Hegaa gishshau, ba huuphiyaa Xoossau geppida asay gubbaaˈiyaaninne so giddon huuphe gidiyaageetuura hashetiyoogee ay keena koshshiyaabee! That was when my dad began studying. How vital it is, then, that a dedicated servant of God strengthens his people in the family and in the family! 4: 7 - 10. If we do so, we can be certain that nothing "will be able to separate us from God's love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. " - Rom. 4: 7 - 10. He awuraajjaa shiiquwan Beeteelen oottanau koyiyaageetuyyo giigida shiiquwaa shiiqaas. That counsel is as relevant today as it was when it was written almost two thousand years ago. At that convention, I attended an assembly that wanted to serve at Bethel. Yaatiyo gishshawu, ha brooshuriyaa nabbaba simmada, higgiyaa woykko qaraxaa xeelliyaagan zoriyaa oychana koshshees. God's Word mentions fornication and other "works of the flesh " as being opposed to the operation of holy spirit, adding that" those who practice such things will not inherit God's kingdom. " Hence, after reading this brochure, you should consult with tax or tax advisers. Maxeetiyaa ekkanawu konttiraatiyaa gelida dumma dumma biittan deˈiya asawukka kiittoos. Hopkinson), Dec. We have also sent copies of a variety of different parts of the country. Yihoowa asaappe dariya baggay ba keettaa asau ayyaanaaban koshshiyaabaa kunttanaunne saaminttan saaminttan haggaazuwan shaahettanau minnidi oottees. It is a 2,000 - year - old burial ossuary - a decorated limestone chest into which the bones of a deceased person were placed after the flesh had decomposed. Many of Jehovah's people work hard to provide for their families spiritually and to work in the field ministry each week. A biiruwan oottiyaageeti i haasayissanau deexxenna asa gidiyoogaa eroosona. Yet, there are other activities or aspects of life about which the Scriptures provide no specific command. He knew that his fellow workers were approachable. Kalluwaa bessiya maayuwaa maayida, ogiyaa doonan eqqida issi maccaaseekko i biis. Eric: Sure. In a certain way, he moved to a woman who was wearing clothing. Mikaˈeela giyo azinay hagaadan giis: "Aqo laggeti issoy issuwaaban dosiyoobaa loytti qoppiyaakko daro aqo deˈoy laalettennan attana gaada qoppays. Such intrepid Witnesses kept on cautiously spreading the good news in my home region of northern Kyrgyzstan. Michael says: "I think that a married couple really care about each other for each other's needs will be saved. Yihooway waani kawotiyaakko akeekiyoogee keehi koshshiyaaba. To illustrate: Imagine a ship that capsizes. How important it is to understand how Jehovah is to rule as kings. * 18 500 Years of Calvinism - What Has It Achieved? * Yihooway eta naagidoy he wode xallaana gidenna. Their way was blocked by the Jordan River at flood stage. Jehovah was not only with them. Gidikkokka, azazettido gishshau Yihooway bana anjjanaagaa ammanettada, ba dosan aggada baasu. - Oos. 7: 2, 3. 3: 10. Yet, Jehovah rewarded him for his willingness to bless him. - Acts 7: 2, 3. He saatiyan Arterawu qara billami daanee? 6: 2 - 4. How extensive was Arthur's stuck in the evening? I he oosuwaa aggidi hara oosuwaa koyiyaakko loˈˈo! REGULAR FEATURES He would have good reason for doing that work! Armmageedoona olay denddiyo wode alamiyan deˈiya wolqqaama kawotettay awugee? Take a good look at the cover of the magazine you are holding. What powerful world power will be during Armageddon? (b) Nuuni xannaˈiyo wode ay halchana koshshii? (b) What questions will we now consider? (b) What should we do when we study the Bible? (2 Xim. 2: 22) Eti gubaaˈiyan oottanaadan oosuwaa immidi, aawatettaa poliyoogan eta " paaccana ' danddayettees; yaatiyoogan eta "dichchai asa ubbau qonccana " danddayees. - 1 Xim. Why is it well worth our effort to use gracious speech? They can "put them out in the work of the congregation, " as they carry out their responsibilities in the congregation, and they may be able to make their advancement manifest to all. - 1 Tim. Issi issi asay qarettiya asaa laafadaaninne qohettiya asadan xeellees. It affords them opportunities to exercise their free will and to honor God by serving him in a unified, harmonious way. - Ps. Some people are viewed as normal and ordinary. Hegeetuppe issoy, haggaazuwan xibennan aggidi, wozanappe oottanau warettiyoogaa. The book Pillars of Faith - American Congregations and Their Partners states: "For Jehovah's Witnesses, the missionary focus overwhelms all other concerns. " For one thing, I put forth earnest effort to do what is right in the ministry. Dabddaabbiyaa xaafanaappe kase a Geeshsha Maxaafa maaraa pilggaasu. (1 Qor. Brother Russell entered the dusty, dingy hall and found that religious services were being held there. Before writing, he was asked to write the Bible's principles. Issi uri ba huuphiyaa kawushshiyoogee ayba anjjo demissii? Even in the direst of circumstances, you can enjoy a measure of satisfaction in life right now from working diligently and honestly. What benefits come from cultivating humility? 2, 3. (a) Yihooway ubbaa haariyo maataa xeelliyaagan denddida metuwaa aybiira leemisana danddayiyoo? See the book "Bearing Thorough Witness " About God's Kingdom, chapter 16, paragraphs 5 - 6. 2, 3. (a) What situations might arise regarding Jehovah's sovereignty? (Yohaannisa 1: 43 - 51) Yesuusabaa qonccissiya naqaashata ne huuphe pilggiyoogan neenikka goˈettana. What shows that Mary was a spiritual person? You can benefit from examining the evidence about Jesus. Yesuusi hayquwaappe denddibeennaba gidiyaakko, abaa nuuni mule siyana danddayokko shin. " Other women are so emotionally damaged they won't even lift their eyes off the floor. " If Jesus had not been resurrected, we could never have heard of him. 18: 6 - 17. Zechariah's prophecy stated: "Be very joyful, O daughter of Zion. 18: 6 - 17. Nuuni tumuppe muruta asttamaare gidanau koyikko, Yihoowa siiqiyoogan gujji gujji baana bessees. A loving person covers over minor transgressions. If we want to be effective as teachers, we need to increase our love for Jehovah. Leemisuwau, neeni guuran ubbatoo maayanabaa kuuyana koshshennan waayi aggana. That would be "at the end of the days. " For example, you may have to make decisions early in the morning. 20: 28) Ha wodiyan cimatanne gubaaˈiyawu oottiyaageeta sunttiyoogaara gayttidaagan geeshsha ayyaanay waati maaddii? And we have learned to show love to others. How does holy spirit help elders and ministerial servants today? Intte gubaaˈiyaa oosuwaa oottanawu daro wodiyawu keehi baaxetiyaageeta gidiyoogaa nuuni eroos. Marco, who lives in Italy, observes: "I have the priceless joy of knowing that I am giving my best to Jehovah and not to someone who will soon forget what I've done. " We know that there is a long time for you to work hard in the congregation. SHin 1978n ta aayyiyaa sahettido gishshawu o maaddanawu Losanjjelese simmaas. He finished first in the exam! In 1978, however, my mother took me to care for her health as a result of supporting her mother's health. 15: 34) Yesuusi hegaadan giidoy, saluwan deˈiya ba Aawan ammanettiyoogaa aggido gishshataassa gidenna. At that time, three of our children were still at home. That is because Jesus did not put his trust in his heavenly Father. Eti meretan qonccida maalaalissiya diizayiniyan keehi garamettoosona; hegaappe amaridaagaa malatissidi medhdhanawu asay malees. The young woman poured out her heart to Jehovah, as the Scriptures tell us to do. They are often amazed by the marvelous design of nature, making it easier for people to use. " Godau,... nuuni woigi woossanaakko, nuna tamaarissa. " It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. " Draw close to Jehovah, and teach us how to pray. " Qaalaa tamaara. Have you carefully read the recent issues of The Watchtower? Learn to say. Nuuni Xoossaa ayyaanaa ekkanau " Kiristtoosa qofaa ' kaallana koshshees. (1 Qor. It is a matter of obedience. To receive God's spirit, we need to "become imitators of God. " (Galaatiyaa 5: 22, 23 nabbaba.) QUESTION: Was Jesus just a good man? (Read Galatians 5: 22, 23.) Nuuni iita laggetuppe haakkana bessiyoy aybissee? Impressed by Jesus ' abilities, the people wanted Jesus to join the political process. Why must we avoid bad associations? Leemisuwau, shaˈu suuppa shuchata issippe oyttidi medhido keehippe loˈˈiya misiliyaa qoppa. Similarly, true Christians differ from many of their neighbors in certain respects, as in conversation or choice of entertainment. Take, for example, a beautiful picture of a thousand pieces of wood. (a) Ammanettida ashkkarau imettida aawatettay aybee, qassi hegee ay ay gujjii? The same is true of anything that we accomplish in our sacred service. (a) What responsibility did the faithful slave receive, and what does this involve? Beni wode deˈida Xoossaa ashkkaratuugaadan nu ammanuwaa minttiyaabanne Xoossay qaalaa gelidobaa poliyo wodiyaa danddayan naagiyaaba gidikko, i qaalaa gelidobaa nuuni demmana. Of those who responded, the vast majority - some 89 percent - felt that religion divides us. If we imitate God's faithful servants in Bible times and patiently wait patiently for the fulfillment of his promises, we will have the assurance that he will wait patiently for his promises. Maalaalissiya dendduwaa hidootaa immida, saluwan deˈiya nu Aawaa nuuni keehi galatoos! For years, God's prophets had warned the Jews that if they continued to disregard God's Law, they would be delivered into the hands of the Babylonians. How grateful we are that our heavenly Father, who gave us hope! Nuunikka Yihooway yootiyoobaa ubbatoo naagiyoogan hegaadan goˈettiyaageeta gidoos. His reaction might be terrible! ' May we too continue to benefit from meditating on Jehovah's reminders. Hara qonccissoy imettana xayikko, xiqiseti ekettidoy Wolayttatto Geeshsha Maxaafaappe. " NW " giyaagee xiqisee Ooratta Alamiyaa Geeshsha Maxaafaappe ekettidoogaa bessees. Whether in Corinth, Ephesus, or Rome, they became widely known as "fellow workers in Christ Jesus. " Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Yesuusi Yerusalaamen Niqoodimoosaara haasayi simmidi, huuphessa baggan deˈiya Galiila biis. PAGE 13 • SONGS: 83, 57 After his conversation with Nicodemus in Jerusalem, Jesus traveled to Galilee. Qassi, Giriiketto Geeshsha Maxaafaa xaafidaageeti 70 ppe dariya sohuwan Abrahaamabaa yootidosona. He arranged for the diocese to transfer me to my previous convent in Zaragoza. In addition, the Greek Scriptures mentions more than 70 different times. Asaa naatu haaroy giigaa xayi xayi biyo wodiyan deˈoos. Likewise, an unbelieving wife should be shown self - sacrificing love and tender affection by her Christian husband. - Eph. Mankind's human rule is limited at the time of human history. Halaafee aaro miishshaa immidoy oossakko erana danddayennaagaa akeekaas. How has the New World Translation made a positive impact in languages other than English? The supervisor realized that the money was not granted. I Yihoowakko woossido woosaappe amaridaagee hagaadan gees: "Neeni, " Ta sunttai he sohuwan de7ana ' giido ha Beeta Maqidasiyaa ne aifee qamminne gallassi xeello. Taani ne ashkkarai ha sohuwaakko simmada, woossiyo woosaa neeni siya. " In what ways? In part, he prayed to Jehovah: "Your eyes will be made known to you today, and you will answer this day and night, ' and I will answer your prayer. " " DEˈUWAN tumu ufayssaa demmana danddayettii? " Meaningful conversation may be almost nonexistent. " Is it really possible to gain true happiness? " Asay darotoo zaariyo zaaruwaa: Here again, we can learn from Hezekiah's experience. Common answers: " Ba kumetta wozanaappe GODAN ammanettiya asa minttettanau GODAA aifee sa7aa bollan ubbasaa xeellees. " - 2 Odi 16: 9. Michel and Marie - Agnès, a married couple from France in their late 50 ' s, moved to Benin about five years ago. " The eyes of Jehovah are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " - 2 Chronicles 16: 9. Xoossaabaa tumaa tamaariyoogee, issi oorattabaa tamaariyoogaappe aadhiyaaba; hegee ne deˈoy kaseegaappe loˈˈanaadan maaddana danddayees. (Yoh. He suffered death for us so that we could live forever. Learning about God can help you to learn new things more about him, and it can help you to improve your life. Kebesare doonan What obstacles do they face? Spanish A French - language translation Darotoo ootti erenna moottan oottiyoogan, gubaaˈeta issi issitoo maaddanau koyana danddayeeta. (See paragraph 11) In many territories, you may at times want to help those in the field ministry. Hegaappe denddidaagan, Yihoowawu loytta haggaazanawu zaarettada qoppaas. " 100 Years of Kingdom Rule - How Does It Affect You? As a result, I thought about serving Jehovah more fully. " 4: 12. [ Box / Picture on page 5] 4: 12. (a) Galaatiyaa 6: 4y nuuni waatanaadan minttettii? (a) To what did Paul compare the Memorial, and what warning did he give partakers? (a) Explain Galatians 6: 4 gives us what encouragement? He wode, taayyo loˈˈo oosoy deˈiyoogaa, tau koshshiyaabaa kunttaydda deˈiyoogaa, qassi taani ufayttiyoogaa akeekaasu. How can we imitate God? At that time, I felt that I had a good job, and I felt happy and happy. 6: 10) Tamaaree he iita amaliyaa xoonanau maaddanaadan Xoossaakko woossana mala tamaarissiyoogee i Yihoowa loˈˈotettaa beˈanaadan maaddennee? " There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth, " we are promised. " On the top of the mountains there will be an overflow. " Does it not help him to pray to Jehovah for his goodness? Nu hidootaabaa yootiyoogan nuuni waani goˈettiyoo? Do not the miracles Christ performed show the tremendous power he had at his disposal? How do we benefit from talking about our hope? Daawita naˈaa Solomonikka Yesuusau eesho. How could a Christian grieve Jehovah's spirit? David's son Solomon was also the Mosaic Law. 3, 4. (a) Mazamure 71 xaafidaagee Yihoowa ay mintti woossidee? What does God require of me? 3, 4. (a) What did the writer of Psalm 71 pray to Jehovah? Ta aaway Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈiyoogaa doommidoy he wode. Many waters themselves are not able to extinguish love, nor can rivers themselves wash it away. That was when my father began to study the Bible. Nuuni hegaadan oottana danddayiyoy, Yesuusa leemisuwaa kaalliyoogaananne Yihoowa siiqiyoogaa bessanau A azazota naagiyoogaana. How can that statement help us in determining how much time and importance to assign to recreation? We can do so by following Jesus ' example and imitating his love for Jehovah and following his commandments. He qaalay xaafettoosappe naaˈˈu shaˈu laytta heera gidikkokka, haˈˈikka keehippe goˈˈees. 1: 3, 4. Although those words were two years or two years ago, they still still benefit greatly. Xoossaa Qaalay, wodiraa laammiyoogeenne hara "asatettaa oosoi " geeshsha ayyaanaara moggennaba gidiyoogaanne hegaa malabaa" oottiyaageeti Xoossaa kawotettaa " laattennaagaa yootees. Stars: Anglo - Australian Observatory / David Malin Images God's Word tells us that "the works of the flesh " and" the works of the holy spirit " will not inherit God's Kingdom. He beettidabay ashoy musin meqettaa yeggido, booshinchaappe woocidi alleeqissido, 2,000 layttaappe kase merettida saaxiniyaa. Why can all who honor Jehovah's great name look to the future with confidence? The facts contained 2,000 years ago, sentenced to death's hair, and so on. SHin, Geeshsha Maxaafan dumma azazoy baynna hara oosoti woy deˈo ogeti deˈoosona. Protecting Your Love for God Yet, there are other ways in which the Bible uses different commandments. Ermmaasa: Ero. Doubtless moved by God's spirit, Nathan H. Knorr saw the need to train publishers to use the gift of speech in the ministry. Eric: OK. He xala Yihoowa Markkati taani deˈiyo huuphessa bagga Kirggistaanen mishiraachchuwaa akeekan yootiyoogaa aggibookkona. But if he is not infallible, then the doctrine may be false. Those courageous Witnesses kept on preaching the good news in Kyrgyzstan. (Luq. 6: 17 - 19) I huqqunnettidaageeta shemppissiis, shin pirdda pacan asay tuggatiyoogee attibeenna. I had made my decision. He did not blame those who were oppressed, but he suffered the suffering of the oppressed ones. Leemisuwawu, issi markkabee muukettiyaabadan qoppa. PAGE 28 • SONGS: 72, 63 Think, for example, of one bed. Nu mala Kiristtaaneta bonchiyoogee ay ay gujjii? The territory of the Lakselv Congregation includes the village of Karasjok, in the heartland of the Sami - the indigenous people of the northern regions of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. What is involved in showing honor to fellow believers? XANNAˈIYO HUUPHE YOHOTU HALCHUWAA Taylor. Satan will use fear of man, fear of persecution, fear of death, and any other kind of negative fear to try to dominate you and make you shrink back from serving Jehovah. - Isa. 26 The Bible Changes Lives Yorddaanoosa SHaafay keehi kixxido gishshau, eti pinnana danddayibookkona. WHEN Gwen and I were five years old, we began to learn to dance. They could not escape the Jordan River because they had finished the Jordan River. 3: 10, NW. Imagine that you were present for the Sermon on the Mount and heard Jesus say: "Who is the man among you whom his son asks for bread - he will not hand him a stone, will he? 3: 10. 6: 2 - 4. If that is the case, take heart! 6: 2 - 4. QASSI HA MAXEETIYAN: Prior to Eve's creation, God declared: "I am going to make a helper for him [Adam], as a complement of him. " REGULAR FEATURES Hara doonan xinaatiyau giigida maxeetetu koyro sinttan gimbbee deˈees. But why are you sure of your answers? In other languages, study has been held first in the study of the Bible. (b) Nuuni beˈana oyshati awugeetee? Which fruit best illustrates your speech? (b) What questions will we consider? Kehabaa haasayanau nuuni baaxetana koshshiyoy aybissee? This has put to shame those who charged that I would never bear children again. " Why should we strive to be gracious? I hegaa oottidoy ayyaana meretatunne asaa naatu goˈˈaassa. 5, 6. He did so for humans and for the benefit of humans. (Mar. 13: 10) Pilars of Feyz - Amerikan Kongrigeeshins end Zeyr Partners giyo maxaafay, "Yihoowa Markkati hara aybippenne aaruwan misoonaawe oosuwaabaa qoppoosona " yaagiis. " Run... That You May Attain It " " Jehovah's Witnesses feel superior to the fact that the New World Translation of the universe is more important than any other missionary work. " Ishaa Raasili baanattiyaanne xuma gidida he addaraashaa geliyo wode, haymaanooteera gayttidabay yan oosettiiddi deˈees. Be assured that "the restful odor " of your sacrifice of praise will reach Jehovah and that he will grant you his approval. During the time that Brother Russell went into the hall, religion was being destroyed. Ubba metiya hanotan deˈiiddikka, ha wodiyan minnidinne ammanettiyaageeta gididi oottiyoogan deˈuwan amarida ufayssaa demmana danddayoos. God placed the first man, Adam, in the garden of Eden, an earthly paradise filled with abundant wildlife and beautiful vegetation. Even now, even in difficult situations, we can enjoy a measure of joy and satisfaction now. Xoossaa Kawotettaabaa " Loyttidi Markkattiyoogaa ' (Amaarattuwaa) giyo maxaafaa shemppo 16, mentto 5 - 6 xeella. What will be the focus of the next study article? See chapter 16, 16 of the book "Keep Yourselves in God's Kingdom. " - See chapter 16, paragraphs 5 - 6. Mayraama ayyaanaabaa qoppiya asa gidiyoogaa bessiyaabay aybee? Notice the answer given by the apostle Paul: "It is not as though the word of God had failed. What shows that Mary was a spiritual person? Bantta bolli gakkiyaaban azzanida hara maccaasati qassi asaa xoqqu giidikka xeellokkona. " These articles highlight an effective method of Bible study and show how we can allow godly wisdom to influence our ministry and our personal life. Others who were hurt by others do not view themselves as superior. " Nenoo Yerusalaame katamau, ilila! Be7a, xoonida ne xillo kawoi neekko yees. With that evil influence out of the way, the Kingdom will move ahead to apply the benefits of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice and to eradicate the effects of Adamic sin. O daughter of Jerusalem, O daughter of Jerusalem, coming down out of you, O king of Jerusalem. Siiqiya uri hara uri moorido guuttabaa kammees. Consider just one example of the good that can come when a family loyally upholds Jehovah's decree not to associate with disfellowshipped relatives. A loving person shows no injustice in another person's eyes. Hegee "gallassatu wurssettan " hanana. How does Jehovah give us advice? This will take place "in the last days. " 13: 35) Nuuni harata siiqana koshshiyoogaa tamaarida. Teaching Committee We learned that we should love others. Xaaliyan deˈiya Markoy, "Taani danddayiyo ubbabaappe aadhiyaabaa ta oottidobaa sohuwaara dogiya urawu gidennan, Yihoowawu immiyoogaa eriyoogee tana keehi ufayssees " yaagiis. Now, if you were the prophet, would you have taken your wife back? " Knowing that I have done everything I can to do, " says Jason, who lives in Italy, "but knowing that I am giving thanks to Jehovah. " I paaciyan hara naatu ubbaappe aadhiya markkiyaa demmiis! (Read Isaiah 37: 15 - 20.) After all, he brought back the second of all the other children's trials! He wode nu naatuppe heezzay nunaara son deˈoosona. They had the Live Forever book, and every weekend they used it to study the Bible. At that time, three of us were living in our home. 22: 6) Geeshsha Maxaafay nuuni oottanaadan yootiyoogaadan, maccaasiyaa ba wozanan deˈiyaabaa Yihoowawu yootaasu. (b) What do the qualifications for Christian elders tell us about Jehovah? According to the Bible, the woman said that Jehovah put in his heart what is in her heart. Kumetta saˈan Geeshsha Maxaafaa tamaarissanawu giigissiyoobaappe issuwaa; he oosoy asay ba dosan immiyo miishshan oosettees. The annual observance of the Memorial of Christ's death will be held on Saturday, March 31, 2018. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Mati kiyida Wochiyo Keelaa maxeeteta loyttada nabbabadii? The writer of Third John calls himself "the older man. " Have you carefully read the recent issues of The Watchtower? Hegee azazettiyoogaara gayttidaba. He also reminded me of Jesus ' words - that each of us is worth more than many sparrows. It depends on obedience. OYSHAA: Yesuusi coo loˈˈo asee? After serving in a foreign - language field for over three years, Serge and his wife, Muriel, noticed that their 17 - year - old son lacked joy in theocratic activities. QUESTION: Was Jesus a good person? Asay Yesuusau deˈiya eraaninne wolqqan maalaalettidi i polotikan gelanaadan koyiis. Jesus ' disciples allowed his teachings to affect them in what ways? Jesus sought to get him into the political and power of the people. Hegaadankka, tumu Kiristtaaneti haasayan, woy wodiyaa aattanau dooriyoobaa malaban bantta shooron deˈiya daro asaappe dummatoosona. 145: 18 (See paragraph 9) Similarly, true Christians differ from their neighbors in public or in other parts of the world. Nu geeshsha haggaazuwan nuuni oottiyo ubbabankka hanotay hegaa mala. Why are more chapters now in poetic format? The same is true in our sacred service. Ha oyshaa zaaridaageetuppe dariya baggay, woykko xeetaappe 89 kushe gidiyaageeti, haymaanootee shaahotettaa medhiyoogaa yootidosona. Over the years, I have had the privilege of conducting many Bible studies, and 11 of the students got baptized. Most of these questions have been said that the majority of over 7 percent of those who claim to be influenced by religion, whether they were divided or not. Ayhudati Xoossaa Higgiyaa azazettennan ixxikko Yihooway eta Baabiloonetussi aattidi immanaagaa, Xoossay kiittin hananabaa yootiyaageeti etassi daro layttawu yootidosona. Paragraph 2: On an earlier occasion, Jesus related a similar illustration in which he referred to the "slave " as a" steward " and to the "domestics " as" his body of attendants. " - Luke 12: 42 - 44. For centuries, when the Jews rejected God's Law, Jehovah told them that they would receive them from Babylon. Qassi i keehi hanqqettana danddayees! ' For example, when he and his disciples arrived at the town of Sychar after a long morning of walking, the disciples went to purchase food. And how dangerous he can be! ' Eti Qoronttoosan, Efisoonaaninne Roomen " Kiristtoos Yesuusa oosuwaa issippe oottiyaageeta ' gidiyoogan erettoosona. (Roo. Their efforts to proclaim the Kingdom resulted in intense persecution. They were known as "the work of Christ Jesus " in Ephesus and in Rome. SINTTAA 13 • MAZAMURE: 52, 22 Jesus said: "You must love your neighbor as yourself. " PAGE 13 • SONGS: 57, 22 I taani kase deˈiyo Zaragoza gadaamiyaa baanaadan hanotaa giigissiis. So if the brothers at the branch office have bought cards, that does not make any difference to us. He allowed me to move to a convent where I lived. Hegaadankka, Kiristtaane azinay ba machiyaa ammaniyaaro gidana xayikkonne, o siiqananne iyyo koshshiyaabaa qarettidi kunttana bessees. - Efi. Now he makes his way up to Jerusalem. Similarly, a Christian wife should have tender affection for her husband, even though her husband does not need to care for her needs. - Eph. Ooratta Alamiyaa Birshshettay Inggilizettuwaappe hara qaalatun waati maaddidee? On occasion, new circumstances or information may require our doing similarly. - w17.03, pp. 16 - 17. How have the New World Translation benefited from other languages? Ayba ogiyan? " You Are My Witnesses " How? Eti issoy issuwaara malˈˈo qaalaa haasayiyoy he keena. Holy spirit - the dynamic force behind creation. It is quite different with each other. 17: 10) Hegankka Hizqqiyaasa gakkidabaappe tamaarana danddayoos. By means of the publications of the faithful and discreet slave class, Jehovah provides a wealth of Scriptural counsel. We can learn from what happened to Hezekiah. Mishelinne Maari - Agines giyo azinaanne machee layttay 58 heera; eti Paransaayeppe Beeniine boosappe ichashu laytta heera gidiis. When attending a gathering, what practical measure can you take to abide by God's standards? We moved to Benin and his wife, a married couple in her mid - 58 ' s, who moved from France to Benin for five years. Nuuni merinawu deˈanaadan i nu gishshaa waayettidi hayqqiis. God's righteous ones also have to put up with the hatred and lies spread by opposers, but this has failed to silence true Christians and will continue to fail. He died so that we might live forever. Eta ayba metoy gakkii? Why does it bother you to see her suffer? What challenges do they face? (Mentto 11 xeella) (b) As used in the Bible, what does Jehovah's "hand " often refer to? (See paragraph 11) Ubbatoo Ta Massaariyaa Oyqqada Yuuyays (Anunsiyato Lugara), 7 / 1 Again, the apostle does not merely say what we should not do; he tells us what we should be doing. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS), 7 / 15 [ Box / Picture on page 5] " The world is passing away and so is its desire, but the one who does the will of God remains forever. " - 1 JOHN 2: 17. [ Box / Picture on page 5] (a) PHawuloosi Godaa Kahuwaa aybiira geeddarssidee, qassi oyttaa miyaageetanne woyniyaa uyiyaageeta woygi zoridee? With the end of this system so close at hand, how grateful we are that Jehovah has progressively shed light on this illustration and on the related illustrations recorded in Matthew chapters 24 and 25! (a) What kind of wine did Paul make at the Lord's Evening Meal, and what counsel did Paul give? Nuuni Xoossaa milatana danddayiyoy ayba ogiyaanee? You will also want to learn to use the Bible in the ministry. How can we imitate God? Xoossay, "Biittan daro kattai mokko; dereti kattan kamettona " yaagidi qaalaa geliis. During the Memorial talk, what hopes are discussed? God promises: "There will be an abundance of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains it will overflow. " Yesuusi oottido maalaalissiyaabati au deˈiya gita wolqqaa qonccissokkonaa? Later, when they felt ready to tackle the local language, they moved to a Malagasy - speaking congregation. Do you not agree that Jesus performed miracles that he performed? Issi Kiristtaanee Yihoowa ayyaanaa waatidi azzanissana danddayii? Such changes are not easy but can be made because God's spirit will help those who sincerely desire to do God's will. How might a Christian grieve Jehovah's spirit? Xoossay taappe koyiyoy aybee? Or what if a youth claiming to be a Christian brings alcohol to a gathering and you and others present are not of legal age to drink? What does God want me to do? Ufayssiya Deˈo Deˈiyoogee Danddayettiyaabee? As a tree is removed from the ground, most of its roots are usually cut off to make it easier to transport. Where Is a Living? Haattaa daroi siiquwaa tamaa toissanau danddayenna; di7oikka meeccidi efaanau danddayenna. Flight became increasingly difficult. There is no escape from the fire of the fire; and it is impossible for them to go through the heat of the fire. 6: 33) Nuuni allaxxiyooban woqqu wodiyaa wurssiyaakko, qassi hegaa ay keena xoqqu oottidi xeelliyaakko shaakki eranau ha qofay waatidi maaddana danddayii? They were manifesting a major concern of the society in which they lived. How can this view help us to determine how much time we spend in leisure activities, and how can this view affect us? 1: 3, 4. A glazed - brick frieze from ancient Babylon 1: 3, 4. Xoolintteta: Anglo - Australian Observatory / David Malin Images 2: 1 - 4. The New Encyclopædia Britannica - U.S.A. Yihoowa gita sunttaa bonchiyaageeti ubbay sinttanaa wodiyaa hidootan naagana danddayiyoy aybissee? Sensing God's will and recognizing the time in which he lived, Paul tirelessly expended himself in "the ministry of the reconciliation. " Why can all who honor Jehovah's name look forward to the future? Xoossaa Siiqiyoogaa Naagiyo Ogiyaa It was not that all were materially well - off. How to Show God's Love Haasayiyo imotaa aassiyaageeti haggaazuwan goˈettanawu loohana koshshiyoogaa Naatan Noori akeekiis; qassi Xoossaa ayyaanay a denttettidoogee qoncce. Why? Nathan knew that the need for training was needed in the ministry, and it was clear that God's spirit operates upon the field ministry. SHin i balikko, he timirttee worddo gidana danddayees. If you think about it, though, wisdom dictates that we be different. However, it can be false, or false. Taani qofaa qachchaas. Wisely, he thought of the long - term consequences of his actions. I decided to put up. SINTTAA 28 • MAZAMURE: 3, 18 For example, when William was relieved of his responsibilities as an elder after serving for some 30 years in that capacity in Britain, he felt resentment toward some of the elders. PAGE 28 • SONGS: 3, 18 Norweyen, Siwidinen, Finlanddeeninne Eraashiyan huuphessa baggan mayzza maˈˈe wodeppe doommidi deˈiya Semi giyo sheeshshay deˈiyo sohuwau humˈˈo gidida Karisyoki, Lakiselva gubaaˈiyaa moottan deˈees. At school. From then on, we have a congregation in northern Ontario, California, U.S.A., in the United States, and in the United States. Seexaanay nena haaranawunne neeni Yihoowawu haggaazennaadan oottanawu asaa yayyiyoogaa, yedetaa yayyiyoogaa, hayquwaa yayyiyoogaanne qohiya hara ayba yashshaanne goˈettees. - Isi. Yet, all present on that momentous Passover night in Jerusalem were convinced that Jesus was the promised Messiah, the Son of the living God. Whatever the fear of Satan, the fear of Jehovah, the fear of man, the fear of man, the fear of man, and the fear of death. - Isa. GUWEENANNE taani nuussi layttay ichasha gidiyo wode, durssaa tamaariyoogaa doommida. He asked, in effect, " What does it all amount to in the end? ' WHEN I was five years old, I began to learn English. Yesuusi Deriyaa Bolla Timirttiyaa tamaarissiyo wode neeni he sohuwan deˈiyaabadaaninne Yesuusi hagaadan giishin siyidabadan qoppa: "Woi intte giddon ba na7 i, " Oitta imma ' giikko, shuchcha immiya aawu de7 ii? So can we if we adhere to "the ways of Jehovah " and never depart from him. - Read 2 Samuel 22: 21, 22. Picture Jesus ' Sermon on the Mount and his famous Sermon on the Mount: "Is there anyone who is in the place where he is going to raise his son? Ne hanotay hegaadan gidikko, hidootaa qanxxoppa! How can we "be aglow with the spirit "? If so, do not give up! Xoossay Hewaano medhanaappe kasetidi, "Taani ayyo [Addaameyyo] injjetiyaabaanne maaddiyaabaa kessana " yaagiis. (Doo. Sure enough, Jehovah differentiated between genuine worshippers and counterfeit ones when "a fire came out from Jehovah and consumed [Korah and] the 250 men offering the incense. " Before God created Eve, God told Adam: "I am going to make a helper for him [Jesus] and to make a helper for him. " SHin neeni zaaroy hegaa gidiyoogaa ammanettiyoy aybissee? The apostles kept careful watch over the congregations of God's people as long as they lived. But why do you believe that? Ha ayfetuppe ne haasayay awugaa malee? (Read Matthew 5: 27 - 30.) What is your speech like? Hagee tana mule naˈa yelakka giidaageeta ubbaa yeellayiyaaba gidiis. " For help in dealing with a marriage mate's disloyalty, see the article "Coping With a Spouse's Betrayal, " in the June 15, 2010, issue of The Watchtower, pages 29 - 32. This proved to be a shame for me even for all the little girl. " 5, 6. What a privilege we have to help people find answers to their questions! 5, 6. " Woituwaa Ekkanau Woxxite " Because human rulers often concentrate on gaining political power and making financial profits rather than on improving the lives of the people. " Follow the Christ " Intte shiishshiyo "sawuwaa tonggu giya " galataa yarshshoy Yihoowakko gakkanaagaanne i inttena nashshanaagaa ammanettite. (Hiz. The Genesis account simply says: "Enoch kept walking with the true God. Then he was no more, for God took him. " Be assured that Jehovah is pleased with your willingness to sacrifice your sacrifices "in the midst of the earth. " Xoossay koyro bitaniyaa Addaama daro doˈaynne loˈˈiya ataakilttee deˈiyo Edene gannatiyan wottiis. " Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, " wrote the apostle Paul. In the garden of Eden, God created the first man and woman in the garden of Eden. Kaalliya huuphe yohuwan ay xannaˈanee? It has come about primarily because we "enjoy peace with God " through our faith in his Son, whose shed blood covers our sins. What will we consider in the next article? 11: 12, 25) Kiitettida PHauloosi hegau immido zaaruwaa akeekite: "SHin taani, " Xoossai immana giidoogee attana ' yaagikke. I still remember the strong smell of ink and the effort required in the intense tropical heat to print all this literature by hand. Consider the answer of the apostle Paul, who gave this answer: "But I will not be saved. " Ha huuphe yohoti Geeshsha Maxaafaa loyttidi xannaˈiyo ogiyaa qonccissoosona; qassi Xoossaa Qaalaappe demmido aadhida eratettaa nuuni haggaazuwaaninne nu deˈuwan waatidi goˈettana danddayiyaakko bessoosona. How could we imagine that it had no Creator? These articles will deepen our appreciation for the way we study the Bible and show how we can use God's Word in our life. 20: 1 - 3) Iitabay baynnasan, Xoossaa Kawotettay Yesuusa wozuwaa yarshshuwan goˈettidi Addaame nagaraa gaasuwan gakkidabaa muleera xayssana. He wants us to know that we are loved and safe just as a child feels loved and safe when he is in the embrace of a caring parent or as we do when in the company of a true and loyal friend. During the great tribulation, God's Kingdom will completely remove Adam's sin from the start of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. Bohettida dabbotuura issippe gayttennaadan Yihooway azazidoogaa issi keettaa asay ammanettidi naagiyo wode demmiyo anjjuwaappe ane issuwaa beˈoos. With the help of yet another gift. Let us consider one of the blessings we can draw from Jehovah's command to disfellowshipped relatives. 32: 8) Yihooway nuna zoriyoy ayba ogiyaanee? It is reasonable to believe that this angel, who had " Jehovah's name within him, ' was God's firstborn Son. How does Jehovah instruct us? Timirtte Konttiyaa Doing so can bring joy and may ease a person's grief. Service Committee Neeni Hooseˈa gidiyaakko, ne machiyo zaarettada ekkanee? How delighted Onesmus was to have as his instructor one of the two brothers who initially called on him! If you had been in Hosea's case, would you return again to your wife? (Isiyaasa 37: 15 - 20 nabbaba.) 7, 8. (a) Describe the work that Christians today are privileged to do. (b) How should we respond to Jehovah's direction? (Read Isaiah 37: 15 - 20.) Eti banttawu deˈiya Merinawu Deˈa giya maxaafaa goˈettidi saaminttan saaminttan Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈoosona. What encouragement did Jesus give to his apostles and to Peter in particular? They study the Bible each week with their neighbors. (b) Gubaaˈe cimatuppe koyettiyaabay Yihoowaabaa nuuni ay akeekanaadan oottii? Do you understand the dangers of flirting? (b) What does the Christian congregation teach us about Jehovah? Layttan layttan bonchchiyo Kiristtoosa Hayquwaa Hassayiyo Baalay Qeeraa, Laappune 31, 2018n bonchchettana. These works include "sexual immorality, uncleanness, brazen conduct, idolatry, spiritism, hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, dissensions, divisions, sects, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and things like these. " On March 31, 2018, the Memorial of Christ's death will be fulfilled. Heezzantto Yohaannisa xaafidaagee bana " cima ' giis. How can we build appreciation for God's discipline? John the third writer of John called him "the older man. " I Yesuusi nuuni daro siine kafotuppe aadhiyoogaa yootidoogaakka tana hassayissiis. Regarding his feelings about Christ's followers, he confessed: "I was extremely mad against them. " Jesus also reminded me that we are worth more than many sparrows. Hara qaalaa goˈettiya gubaaˈiyan heezzu layttappe daruwaa haggaazi simmidi, Serzhinne a machiyaa Miyurˈela, layttay 17 gidido bantta naˈay Xoossaa oosuwaa oottiyoogan ufayttennaagaa akeekidosona. As to how to find refuge, we can look for the answer in the history of God's ancient people. After serving in a foreign - language congregation for over 17 years, Kevin and his wife, who served God in a foreign - language congregation, learned that their daughter had been in opposition to God's service. Yesuusi erissiyo ashkkarati a timirttee banttana ayba ogiyan denttettanaadan paqqadidonaa? And what of teenagers who stick to the truth despite the bad influences in school? How did Jesus ' disciples allow their teachings to influence them? 145: 18 (Mentto 9 xeella) A Christian who is "full - grown in powers of understanding " develops such gratitude and enjoys intimacy with Jehovah. - 1 Cor. 14: 20. 145: 18 (See paragraph 9) Kaseegaappe daro shemppoti haˈˈi dantto gididoy aybissee? * How did the master respond? Why are many chapters and why? Daro layttaa giddon, taani daro asaa Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈissiyo maataa demmaas; qassi he xinaatetuppe 11ti xammaqettidosona. What, then, is our motive for doing this work? Over the years, I had the privilege of conducting a Bible study with many people, and 11 Bible students were baptized. Leemisuwau, inne a erissiyo ashkkarati wonttaara adussa ogiyaa hemettidi, Sikaara giyo katamaa gakkido wode, erissiyo ashkkarati qumaa shammanau biidosona. Should this increase trouble us? For example, when he and his disciples traveled through a long journey through the city, they came unto the mount of Olives. Eti Kawotettaabaa sabbakiyoogaa gaasuwan eta wolqqaama yedettay gakkiis. They do not believe that they necessarily have more holy spirit than their companions of the "other sheep " have. They had been persecuted for the sake of the Kingdom - preaching work because of their persecution. Yesuusi, "Neeni ne shooruwaa ne huuphedan siiqa " yaagiis. For Jehovah your God will bless you just as he has promised you. " Jesus said: "You must love your neighbor as yourself. " Macara biiruwan oottiya ishantti karddiyaa shammikkokka, hegee nu qofaa laammenna. When viewed from the street of a well - lit city, though, how does the same sky appear? Although the brothers were given money to the branch office, the brothers did not change our thinking. He baalaa wode i Yerusalaame biis. Consequently, we could lose our joy in God's service and become inactive. On that occasion, he traveled to Jerusalem to Jerusalem. Hanotay laamettiyo wode woy oorattabaa siyiyo wode nuuni hegaadan oottana danddayoos. - w17.03, sinttaa 16 - 17. 10: 23. We can do so when it comes to handling circumstances or when it comes to answering a new language. - w17.02, pp. 16 - 17. XANNAˈIYO HUUPHE YOHO 1, 2 - Yihooway qoppiya ba meretati ubbay maalaaliya laˈatettaa demmanaadan koyees. He would "judge the lowly with fairness. " ALSO IN THIS ISSUE " Intte Ta Markkata " I learned a lot from that faithful spiritual brother. " You Are My Witnesses " Nuuni deˈuwan deˈiyoy Yihooway ubbabaa oottanau he ayyaanaa goˈettido gishshataassa. - Iyy. What was supposed to be a one - hour fueling stop turned into a 44 - hour ordeal at a remote airport without adequate food, water, or sanitary facilities. Because we live by Jehovah's spirit, we have the ability to do all that we can to do. - Job 1: 4, ftn. Ammanettida wozannaama ashkkaray giigissiyo xuufetu baggaara Yihooway nuuyyo daro zoriyaa immees. (Maa. To remain faithful, will we be willing to experience material loss? Jehovah gives us abundant counsel through the faithful and discreet slave. Issippe wodiyaa aattiyo sohuwan beettiyo wode, Xoossaa maaraa kanttennaadan ayba tanggo ekkana danddayeetii? It is the conscience. When it comes to recreation, what steps can you take to avoid walking with God's standards? Xoossay xillodan xeelliyoogeeti banttana eqettiyaageetu ixuwaanne eti aassiyo wordduwaakka danddayana koshshiis; shin hagee tumu Kiristtaaneti sabbakennaadan mule diggenna. It was most important for them to recognize that the flock belongs to Jehovah and Jesus Christ. Those who view God's righteous standards also had to be patient and false, but true Christians would never fail to carry out this preaching work. Neeni i waayiyaa beˈiyo wode azzaniyoy aybissee? Yet, we can be confident that God will give wisdom to men entrusted with congregation responsibilities so that they can care for his sheep properly. - Prov. 2: 6. Why will you experience the pain he sees? (b) Geeshsha Maxaafan Yihoowa " kushee ' darotoo ay bessii? What will help us to resist "the temporary enjoyment of sin "? (b) What often does the Bible indicate that Jehovah is "the hand of [Jehovah's] hands "? (Efisoona 4: 29) Ha xiqisiyankka, PHauloosi nuuni oottana koshshennabaa xallaa gidennan, oottana koshshiyaabaakka yootiis. by saying, "the Lord. " In this context, Paul tells us not only what we should do but also what we need to do. " Ha sa7ainne ha sa7an asi amottiyo ubbabai aadhdhana. SHin Xoossai giidoogaa oottiya urai merinau de7ana. " - 1 YOH. 2: 17. [ Footnote] " The world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever. " - 1 JOHN 2: 17. Ha alamiyaa wurssettay keehi matido ha wodiyan, Yihooway ha leemisuwaanne Maatiyoosa shemppo 24 ninne 25n deˈiya hegaara gayttida leemisota nuuni loddan loddan akeekanaadan maaddido gishshawu keehi galatoos! Did Jesus Promise the Evildoer Life in Heaven? Since the end of this system of things is near today, how thankful we are that Jehovah has helped us to understand those examples of Jesus and Matthew 24: 25! Geeshsha Maxaafaa haggaazuwan goˈettanaukka koyeeta. In Bible times, a trusted slave, or steward, was a house manager. You also want to use the Bible in your ministry. Godaa Kahuwaa wode shiishshiyo haasayan qoncciya hidootati awugeetee? Jesus helped his disciples to acquire both, and Jehovah, through his organization, helps us to do so today. What hope do we have during the Memorial season? Guyyeeppe, eti kaseegaappe daro wodiyaa he qaalaa tamaarana danddayiyaabadan qoppido wode, Malagaase qaalaa goˈettiya gubaaˈiyaa biidosona. Jehovah gave him double what he had before. " As they thought, they moved to a congregation where they could learn more. Hegaadan laamettiyoogee deexxiyaabaa gidikkonne, Xoossaa sheniyaa oottanawu wozanappe koyiyaageeta Xoossa ayyaanay maaddiyo gishshawu eti laamettana danddayidosona. In an attempt to prove his contention, Satan brought great tribulation upon Job, killing his livestock and all ten of his children. While these changes are difficult, they have been able to change their desire to do God's will for those who want to do God's will. Woykko inttenne wodiyaa aattiyo sohuwan beettida harati cammiya ushshaa uyanau bessenna naata gidishin, bana Kiristtaane giya yelagay cammiya ushshaa he sohuwaa ehiikko shin? As such feelings move us to obey God, we gain experience because we see how obeying him works out. Or what if you were tempted to drink alcoholic beverages and to abstain from alcoholic beverages? He mittaa puutee saˈaappe shodettiyo wode, harasaa efaanawu metennaadan xaphuwaappe dariya baggay qanxxettees. Job will see that promise fulfilled. When the tree was cut down, it would be better for more than a tree to grow. Katamaappe baqatiyoogee metiyaaba gidiis. How to Maintain the Spirit of Self - Sacrifice, 3 / 15 The city was difficult. 9: 46; 22: 24) Eti hegaadan oottiyoogan he wode deˈiya asaa qofissiya waannabaa qonccissidosona. This arrangement strengthens the family unit. They thus made major changes in the human family. Beni Baabilonen xuubiyaappe merettida misiliyaa When it came time for God's Son to be born as a human, Jehovah selected a humble virgin girl, Mary, to be the mother of this special child. 1 / 1 Being 1 2: 1 - 4. This ongoing battle has affected every aspect of my life.... 2: 1 - 4. PHauloosi Xoossaa sheniyaanne ba deˈiyo wodiyaa akeekiyoogan, "sigettiyo oosuwaa " xalalennan minnidi oottiis. How? By observing God's will and doing his will, Paul "continued devoting himself to the work of the reconciliation. " Hegee eti ubbay dure giyoogaa gidenna. A brother made a return visit on an elderly gentleman who had read our magazines for a number of years. This does not mean that all they are rich. Aybissi? We can show mercy to others by our kind words and deeds, bringing relief to those who need our help. Why? SHin hegee aadhida eratetta. 7, 8. (a) What trials befell faithful ones of long ago? But that is wisdom. I ba oottidobay adussa wodiyawu maaddanaagaa qoppiis; hegee aadhida eratetta. So these cells have a way to store and copy the information needed to replicate themselves. He thought that his job would sustain him for a long time, and that was wisdom. Leemisuwawu, Wiliyaami Birttaaniyaa biittan 30 gidiya layttawu cima gididi haggaazi simmin he maataappe wodhido wode, issi issi cimatu bolli lancciis. He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel. " - Genesis 3: 15. For example, William, who served as an elder for 30 years after he was serving as an elder in Britain for almost 30 years, fell down with anger. Timirtte keettan. [ Picture on page 26] At school. (Yohaannisa 1: 43 - 50) Gidikkonne, Yerusalaamen he dumma Paasikaa Baalaa bonchiyo omarssi yan deˈiya ubbay, Yesuusi qaalaa gelido Masiyaa, deˈo Xoossaa Naˈaa gidiyoogaa ammanidosona. In the parable of the virgins, Jesus states: "While they were going off to buy, the bridegroom arrived [" came, " Kingdom Interlinear]. " However, all those days before the Passover meal began to believe that Jesus was the Son of God, who was the Messiah. I, " Hegaa ubbaa wurssettay aybee? ' giidi oychiis gaana danddayettees. Then someone reads that paragraph out loud. He asked: " What is the end? ' " Yihoowa ogiyaa ' minttidi kaalliyaabanne appe mule shaahettennaba gidikko, nuunikka hegaadan ammanettana danddayoos. - 2 Sameela 22: 21, 22 nabbaba. (b) What balance did Jesus display regarding his work? We can have similar confidence if we "keep on walking in the way of Jehovah and follow him. " - Read 2 Samuel 22: 21, 22. Nuuni "ayyaanan dochennaageeta " gidana danddayiyoy ayba ogiyaanee? How Would You Answer? How can we be "aglow with the spirit "? 16: 5) Tamay "GODAA matappe yiidi, ixaanaa cuwayiya [Qoraahanne] naa77u xeetanne ishatamu asaa " mi bayido wode, Yihooway bawu tumuppe goynniyay oonakko, qassi tumuppe goynnennay oonakko erissiis. (Qoo. An increasing number believe in nothing in particular, and many are openly hostile to the creeds of churches, which they consider absurd. " Jehovah came down out of the altar and said to them: "This is what belongs to men [the people], because of the burnt offering and the bones of the covenant. " Kiitettidaageeti deˈido wode ubban Xoossaa asaa gubaaˈeta loytti xomoosidosona. And the prayer of faith will make the indisposed one well, and Jehovah will raise him up. Also, if he has committed sins, it will be forgiven him. " Early in the apostles ' day, the apostles spent all the congregations with God's people. (Maatiyoosa 5: 27 - 30 nabbaba.) When tempted in this way, we need to take strong action to keep mentally, morally, and spiritually clean. (Read Matthew 5: 27 - 30.) Aqo laggee kaddiyo wode genccanau maaddiya qofaa demmanau, Wochiyo Keelaa (Amaarattuwaa) Tamme 15, 2010, sinttaa 29 - 32n deˈiya, "Aqo Laggee Kaddiyo Wode Gencciyoogaa " giya huuphe yohuwaa xeella. Being imperfect, all of us make mistakes. For helpful suggestions, see the article "How to deal with a marriage mate, " in The Watchtower of June 15, 2010, pages 32 - 32. Asay ba oyshau zaaruwaa demmanaadan nuuni maaddiyoogee gita maata! We take various Bible topics and examine Bible verses that relate to those subjects. What a privilege it is to help people find the answer to their question! Haariyaageeti darotoo asaa deˈoy loˈˈanaadan oottiyoogaappe banttawu maataa demmanawunne miishshaa demissiyaabaa oottanawu baaxetoosona. Though exercising faith in the ransom can free us from the law of sin and of death, we are still imperfect and sinful. People often strive to obtain a better way of life and to earn more money than they do. Doomettaabaa maxaafay, "[Heenooki] Xoossaara hemettiiddi xayi bayiis; aissi giikko, Xoossai a ekki efiis " yaagees. Moreover, they regret the mistakes they made when they were young and earnestly want to protect you from making similar ones. The book of Genesis states: "He went on walking with God, and he took him. " (Efisoona 5: 23) Kiitettida PHauloosi: "Inttena kaalettiyaageetuyyo azazettite; qassi eti azaziyoogaakka oottite " yaagidi xaafiis. Says Hermilo: "I learned to cook, wash, and iron. " The apostle Paul wrote: "Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you, and be obedient to those taking the lead. " He sarotettay deˈana danddayido waanna gaasoy, nu nagaraa gishshau ba suuttaa gussida, Xoossaa Naˈan ammaniyoogan "nuuyyo Xoossaara sarotettai " deˈiyo gishshataassa. (Roo. 5: 1; Efi. Help was available to the unintentional manslayer, but he had to seek out and accept that help. The primary reason for gaining peace is that we have faith in God's Son, who made it possible for us to live forever in harmony with "the peace of God. " Keehi hombbiya heeran he ubba xuufiyaa daafuridi kushiyan attamiyoogaanne qalamiyaa peenuwaa hanno gakkanawu hassayays. 4 - 6. (a) Why can we be thankful that Noah and Moses fulfilled their assignments from Jehovah? I still remember spending all the hours in the area and then missing it on it all. Hegaa Medhidaagee baawa giidi waatidi qoppana danddayiyoo? " [People from] many nations will certainly go and say: " Come, you people, and let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths. '... How can we expect that there is no Creator? Siiqiya aaway woy aayyiyaa qoommiyo wode guutta naˈau siyettiyoogaadan woy qassi ammanttiyaanne tumancha laggiyaara deˈiyo wode nuuyyo siyettiyoogaadan i nuna siiqiyoogaanne naagiyoogaa nuuni eranaadan koyees. In fact, on many occasions Paul went to synagogues, where he could witness to people who knew of the God of Abraham and with whom Paul could reason on the basis of the Hebrew Scriptures. - Acts 9: 19, 20; 13: 5, 14 - 16; 14: 1; 17: 1, 2. A loving parent wants us to know that he loves and wants us to feel secure when we feel that we are close to a close friend or a close friend. Hara imotaa maaduwan hegaa polana danddayoosona. Racism ran high in those days. Other gifts could lead to such a gift. 23: 20, 21) " Yihoowa sunttay a bolli deˈiyo ' ha kiitanchay, Xoossau bayra Naˈaa giidi qoppiyoogee bessiyaaba. His Background It is reasonable to conclude that this angel, "the name of Jehovah, " was the firstborn Son of God. Hegaadan oottiyoogee ufayttanaadaaninne kayyottiyoogaappe minttanaadan oottana danddayees. (Read Matthew 6: 1 - 5.) Doing so can strengthen and strengthen your confidence. Koyro baassi markkattida naaˈˈu ishatuppe issoy bana tamaarissiyoogaa eridoogee Onesmasa keehi ufayssiis! Meditating on the consequences of pursuing selfish desires can help us to avoid them. What a joy it was to learn to teach one of his brothers in the first place! 7, 8. (a) Ha wodiyan Kiristtaaneti oottanaadan imettida oosuwaa yoota. (b) Nuuni Yihoowa kaaletuwaa waati xeellana koshshii? KATHERINE grew up in the United States and at age 16 was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. 7, 8. (a) Explain how Christians today should view theocratic assignments. (b) How should we view Jehovah's direction? Yesuusi ba kiittidoogeeta, ubba qassi PHeexiroosa waati minttettidee? Who will escape? How did Jesus encourage his apostles, especially Peter? Lambbeechiyoogee kaalettiyo daafaa akeekay? Follow a character. Do you sense the danger of viewing pornography? He oosoti "shaaramuxiyoogaa, tunatettaa, yeellaa xayiyoogaa, Eeqau goinniyoogaa, bitiyoogaa, morkketettaa, palamaa, qanaatiyoogaa, hanqquwaa, bana xoqqissiyoogaa, ooyettiyoogaa, issoi issuwaappe shaahettiyoogaa, miqqainniyoogaa, woriyoogaa, mattottiyoogaa, yettanchcha kiyiyoogaanne hageeta milatiyaageeta. " Take a deep breath Such activities include such deeds as "the works of the flesh, idolatry, idolatry, strife, strife, strife, strife, strife, strife, strife, strife, strife, strife, strife, strife, jealousy, strife, strife, strife, strife, strife, strife, strife, strife, strife, strife, strife, and spiritism. " Nuuni Xoossaa seeraa siiqiyoogaa waati tamaarana danddayiyoo? Jesus taught what about the best way of life? How can we learn to love God's discipline? I Kiristtoosa kaalliyaageeta kase waatidi xeelliyaakko, " Taani wogi baynnaagaa eta hanqqettaas ' yaagiis. Are such notions correct? He reflected his view of Christ's followers, saying: "I have become angry with them. " Baqati attiyoosaa waatidi demmanaakko, beni wode deˈida Xoossaa asaa taarikiyaappe akeekana danddayoos. As a perfect man, Jesus had prospects similar to those of Adam before he sinned. We can understand the history of God's people in the past and understand the history of God's people. Timirtte keettan iita paacee gakkishin tumaa mintti oyqqida yelagata shin nashshikkii? Her destruction will be final. - Read Revelation 17: 16. What if you are not grateful to young people who are in school under school, do you not appreciate the truth? (Roome 3: 24) " Wozanaa qofan wozannaama ' gidida Kiristtaanee hegaadan keehippe nashshiyaagaanne Yihoowaara deˈiya dabbotaa minttiyaagaa gidees. - 1 Qoronttoosa 14: 20. I told her that it did not make sense for me to work hard so that others could line their pockets while my family needed my help. Such "setting the mind on the heart " will grow to our relationship with Jehovah and strengthen our relationship with him. - 1 Cor. 14: 20. 13: 28) Goday woygidi zaaridee? Some have even said that a human is just another animal, so it should come as no surprise when a person acts in an animalistic fashion. How did the Master respond? He oosuwaa oottanaadan denttettiyaabay ayba gidana koshshii? When I returned home in the evening, my children were already asleep, having been put to bed by a nanny. What should be needed to do in such a work? Hegaabay nuna qofissana bessii? Suppose a fellow believer has said something negative about us. Should we be concerned with these matters? (Ajjuutaa 7: 9) Banttanaara oottiya " hara dorssatuugaappe ' aadhiya geeshsha ayyaanay banttassi deˈana koshshees giidi qoppokkona. The sisters were about the age of my mother, so I certainly had respect for them. They do not expect the holy spirit to be poured out on those who are "other sheep " or" other sheep. " GODAI intte Xoossai intteyyo giidoogaadan, i inttena anjjana. " [ 1] (paragraph 5) Names have been changed. Jehovah your God will bless you. " (1 Qor. 15: 40, 41) SHin, pooˈoy walallido kataman ogiyan eqqidi xeelliyo wode, he saloy ay keena qonccidi beettii? We can uphold Jehovah's sovereignty by maintaining our integrity and by serving God faithfully. But what happens when the light of the light in the city was sitting on the road to light, and how would it feel as if the sun were gone out? 3: 19) Hegaappe denddidaagan, Xoossaayyo haggaaziyoogan ufayttiyoogaa aggidi shuggana danddayoos. Who Is God? As a result, we may lose sight of our joy in serving God. 10: 23. God was not describing the nutritional benefit of eating figs. 10: 23. " Hiyyeesatuyyo i xilluwan pirddana. " (Isi. When you are undergoing hardship and difficulties, remember the example of Joshua and Caleb. " A righteous person will judge the poor. " Ayyaanaaban mino gidida he ammanettida ishaappe darobaa tamaaraas. Neither Jesus nor his apostles did secular work during their preaching tours. That faithful brother learned much from the faithful brother. Katamaappe haahuwan horophilliyaa essiyoosan nadaajjiyaa kunttanau issi saatiyaa takkanau qoppidoogee 44 saatiyaa takissiis; he sohuwan gidiyaagaa keena qumi, haatti, woy geeshshatettaa naaganau goˈettiyoobi baawa. As this world sinks deeper and deeper into debauchery, we must "hate what is bad, " as Jehovah does. The city was looking for an hour when I thought that I was going to work at a o'clock, making it easier for me to get some water, and it was not enough for me to remain clean or to protect it. 13: 15 - 18) Nuna hagaadan oychana koshshees: " Aquwaa agga bayanawu giigetta uttidanaa? Slowly, he regained much of his mobility. We need to ask ourselves: " Do I look for material possessions? Hegee zoriya wozanaa. Then ask, "What qualities must each person have if all in the group are to live in peace and get along well? " That conscience is a conscience. Eti wudee Yihoowabanne Yesuus Kiristtoosaba gidiyoogaa akeekiyoogee keehippe koshshiyaaba. Why is that so necessary for us? It is important that they recognize that they belong to Jehovah and Jesus Christ. Gidikkokka, Xoossaa dorssaa suure heemmanaadan, gubaaˈiyan aawatettay imettido attuma asau Xoossay aadhida eratettaa immanaagaa ammanettana danddayoos. - Leemiso 2: 6. Or as he put it on a later occasion: "Give us each day our bread according to our daily needs. " However, we can be sure that God will give the older men in the congregation the care of God's flock. - Proverbs 2: 6. Nuuni " nagaran guutta wodiyau ufayttiyoogaa ' eqettanau aybi maaddii? They did not leave us alone for the first two or three days. What will help us to resist "the temporary enjoyment of sin "? giya oyshau "Godaa " giidi zaarana danddayoosona. More important, from an early age, children who receive such genuine concern in the congregation learn that Jehovah's spirit is on his people. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. [ Tohossa qofaa] Reflecting on Jesus ' humble mental attitude can help us to " conduct ourselves as lesser ones ' among our brothers. [ Footnote] Muusee Oonee? ▪ Do You Appreciate Our Spiritual Heritage? Who Was Moses? Beni wode, ammanettida ashkkaray, issi keettan alaafe gididi sunttettees. The quest for life's purpose led Alexei to examine the Bible. In the past, the faithful slave has been appointed as a member of the slave. Yesuusi ba erissiyo ashkkaratuyyo he naaˈˈubati deˈanaadan maaddiis; qassi Yihoowaykka ha wodiyan ba dirijjitiyaa baggaara nuna hegaadan maaddees. Do You Recall? Jesus helped his disciples to make twofold decisions, and Jehovah uses his organization to help us do so today. Iyyoobi ufayttidi " daro wodiyaa deˈiis. ' - Iyy. After relating illustrations in which Jesus likened the Kingdom to a developing mustard grain and to leaven, Matthew states: "Without an illustration [Jesus] would not speak to them; that there might be fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet who said: " I will open my mouth with illustrations, I will publish things hidden since the founding. ' " Job was "a long and satisfying life. " - Job 1: 12. Seexaanay ba mootuwaa boxooxissanau, Iyyooba mehiyaanne a naata ubbaa woriyoogan a bolli wolqqaama waayiyaa gattiis. Little did I know then that I would soon become acquainted with a far more impressive brotherhood - a spiritual one. To answer his victory, Satan brought his sons on Job and all his sons, who were killed by Satan. He koshshay nuuni Xoossawu azazettanaadan denttettees; qassi ayyo azazettiyoogee waati maaddiyaakko nu deˈuwan beˈoos. After Brother Russell died, another effective method of spreading the good news began to be used. That desire moves us to obey God and experience how obedience helps us to him. Siyidi eti duufuwaappe gaxi kiyana " yaagiis. Doing so would make the task of delivering that message pleasant - like the taste of honey. - Read Ezekiel 2: 8 - 3: 4, 7 - 9. And all those in the memorial tombs will come out. " 8 / 15 Yelagatettan Loˈˈobaa Dooriyoogaa, 1 / 15 What are the "heavens " mentioned at 2 Peter 3: 10, and how will they pass away? 8 / 1 Hegee so asaa issippetettaa minttees. He provides for the needs of all humans, including those not yet worshipping him. This promotes unity. Xoossaa Naˈay asa gididi yelettiyo wodee gakkin, bana ziqqi oottiya geelaˈiyaa Mayraama ha dumma naˈaa aayo gidanaadan Yihooway O dooriis. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses. When the time came for God's Son to be born as a virgin, Jehovah chose to become a special mother. Ha baaxee ta deˈuwaa ubbaban qohiis.... Daily acts of compassion and kindness are often eclipsed by these accounts. This friendship has affected me in all my life.... Waatidi? " I can't thank these [people] enough, " says the owner. How? Issi ishay daro layttawu nu maxeeteta nabbabida cima bitaniyaa zaaretti oychiis. The remaining members of the "little flock " of anointed Christians have the hope of immortal life in heaven as kings and priests with Christ in his Kingdom. One brother asked us to read our magazines for years. (Oosuwaa 20: 35) Kehabaa haasayiyoogaaninne oottiyoogan harata maarana danddayoos; hegaadan oottiyoogee nu maadoy koshshiyoogeeta woppissees. Jehovah helps him to "get a firm hold on the real life. " By gracious words and deeds of kindness, we can show compassion toward others, doing so may bring comfort to those who need encouragement. 7, 8. (a) Ammanettida beni wode asata ayba paacee gakkidee? * Moreover, Jehovah's Witnesses are not paid to preach. 7, 8. (a) What trials did faithful men in Bible times face? Hegaa giyoogee ooratta seeleetuppe eta malay merettanaadan maaddiyaabay seeletun deˈananne hara seeletuyyo aadhana danddayees giyoogaa. When the dust settles, the interested man approaches the brothers to learn more. This means that such new information can improve the quality of a new environment, a new environment, and other factors. Makkalay denddanaadan oottida ayyaana meretaayyo Yihooway: "Taani nenanne maccaasiyo, ne zerettaanne i zerettaa morkke kessana; i ne huuphiyaa qoxxana; neenikka a qirbbiyaa dukkana " yaagiis. - Doomettaabaa 3: 15. * Then, in 1919, Jesus appointed "the faithful and discreet slave " over God's cleansed people to give them spiritual" food at the proper time. " Jehovah told the serpent: "I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed, and you will bruise him in the heel. " - Genesis 3: 15. [ Sinttaa 29n deʼiya misiliyaa qonccissuwaa] 1 - 3. (a) What should we include among our core beliefs? [ Picture on page 29] Yesuusi geelaˈotubaa yootido leemisuwan, "Eeyya geela7oti lambbaa shammanau biichchidaashin, machchiyo bullachchiyaagee puttu [giis] " yaagiis. Each Israelite could give whatever he was able to give, and each voluntary contribution - no matter what it might be or how much - could be used in an appropriate way to carry out the divine purpose. In his parable of the virgins, Jesus said: "The bridegroom is coming; the bridegroom is ready. " Hegaappe simmin, issi uri cenggurssaa xoqqu oottidi he menttuwaa nabbabees. Or would you resist the temptation and flee from it, as did Jacob's son Joseph, who was tempted by Potiphar's wife? - Read Genesis 39: 10 - 12. Then a person reads it aloud as the voice turned out. (b) Yesuusi ba oosuwaara gayttidaagan bessiyaagaadan deˈiyoogaa waatidi qonccissidee? Also, how does it affect our understanding of other parables, or illustrations, of Jesus that are being fulfilled during this time of the end? (b) How did Jesus illustrate his balanced view of employment? Woygada Zaaruutii? The length of God's reign makes his rule unlike that of any human. How Would You Answer? Aybiininne ammanenna asaa qooday gujji gujji bees; qassi daroti bessennabadan xeelliyo, woosa keettaa timirtteta ixxiyoogaa qoncciyan bessoosona. Still, as a whole they willingly responded to Jesus ' cleansing work and made the needed changes. In fact, the number of those who lack faith has grown to an increase in number of churches, and the churches display a lack of hatred for the church. Ammanuwan Xoossaa woossido woosai hargganchchaa pattana; Godaikka a harggiyaappe denttana; qassi nagara i oottidobaa gidikkokka Godai ayyo atto gaana. " Those words emphasize our heavenly Father's active interest in the salvation of mankind. And the prayer of faith will heal him, and the Lord Jehovah will raise him up. " Hegaadan paacettiyo wode, qofan, kandduwaaninne ayyaanaaban geeshsha gidanau nuuni danddayiyo ubbabaa oottana koshshees. For a mere 30 pieces of silver! In such situations, we need to do all we can to keep morally and spiritually clean. Nagaracha gidiyo gishshawu, nuuni ubbay baloos. But what could we use to study with them? Being imperfect, we all make mistakes, and all of us make mistakes. Geeshsha Maxaafaappe dumma dumma qofaa denttidi, hegaara gayttiya Geeshsha Maxaafaa xiqiseta pilggoos. " I've found that a good overseer creates an environment where people feel free to express themselves, " says an experienced supervisor named John. With these Scriptural passages, we will examine the Bible's message and examine its references. Wozuwan ammaniyoogee nuna nagaraa higgiyaappenne hayquwaa higgiyaappe naxa kessana danddayiyaaba gidikkonne, nuuni polo gidenna nagarancha. Will nature deal humankind a deathblow? Though faith in the ransom can free us from sin and death, we are imperfect. Qassi eti yelagatettan oottido balan zilˈˈettiyo gishshau, intte hegaa mala balabaa oottenna mala naaganau wozanappe koyoosona. On occasion, Jesus and his disciples mourned the death of loved ones. As a teenager, they sincerely desire to avoid making such mistakes so that they do not have to make such a wrong decision. Ermeelloy, "Taani qumaa kattiyoogaa, maayuwaa meecciyoogaanne tokkosiyoogaa tamaaraas " yaagiis. And as a reminder that human reproduction transmitted imperfection and sin, a woman who gave birth was required to observe a period of uncleanness, after which she was to make atonement by means of a sacrifice. - Lev. " I learned to prepare meals, clothing, and clothes. " Erennan asa worida ura cimati maaddoosona, shin i maadettanawu koyana bessees. All such warnings are really evidence of Jehovah's loving, watchful care for us as individuals. An unintentional manslayer had the help of the elders, but he needed to seek help. 9: 4. 4 - 6. (a) Noheenne Muusee Yihooway etawu immido oosuwaa polido gishshawu, nuuni ufayttiyoy aybissee? Can we apply this principle so as to have more time to assist with work in behalf of the Kingdom? 4: 6. (a) Why are we happy that Jehovah gave Moses and Moses fulfill their assignment? " Daro kawotettatu asai yiidi, " Haayite; GODAA deriyaa, Yaaqooba Xoossaa Beeta Maqidasiyaa ane pude kiyoos. I koyiyoogaadan nuuni baana mala, i nuna ba ogiyaa tamaarissana ' yaagana.... * - Ps. 145: 1, 2; Isa. 43: 10 - 12. " The nations will come and say: " Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah your God, and let us walk in the mountain of Jacob.... ' 9: 20) PHawuloosi Abrahaama Xoossaa eriya, qassi Ibraawetto Geeshsha Maxaafaappe etawu yootiyo asaa demmana danddayiyo Ayhudatu woosa keetti darotoo biis. - Oos. 9: 19, 20; 13: 5, 14 - 16; 14: 1; 17: 1, 2. Christians in Corinth became divided over the matter of eating meat that may have been offered to idols but was thereafter sold in a meat market. Paul traveled with the Hebrew Scriptures and often traveled into the synagogues of the Jews to whom they could read. - Acts 9: 9; 14: 1, 2, 14; 16: 1, 2. He wode ubbasan asay zariyan zaggidi asaa coo ixxees. After all, our commission today is similar to that of the prophet Ezekiel, to whom Jehovah said: "You must speak my words to them, whether they listen or not. " At that time, people were hated by prejudice. I Kase Deˈido Hanotaa What is the source of our joy? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE (Maatiyoosa 6: 1 - 5 nabbaba.) Milan, his brother, his parents, and a number of other Witnesses were riding on a bus from Bosnia to Serbia. (Read Matthew 6: 1 - 5.) (Yaaq. 1: 14, 15) Nuuni iitabaa ixxananne loˈˈobaa tumuppe dosana koshshees. The quake struck about 50 miles (80 km) northwest of the capital, Kathmandu. We must love those who hate what is bad and truly love what is good. AMARKKAN diccida Katiriina iyyo layttay 16 gidiyo wode xammaqettada Yihoowa Markka gidaasu. Then Elijah ascended in a windstorm. WHEN she was 16 years old, she was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. 1: 6 - 9) Yaatin oonee attanay? At 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5, we read that in "the last days, " people in general would be obsessed with self, money, and pleasures. Who, then, will be saved? Issi uraara gayttidabaa nabbaba. (b) What must Christians recognize when it comes to resolving social and political problems? Read one's relationship with another. Loytta shemppa She said that she felt like a hypocrite because she enjoyed gambling. Take a lot of time Ubbaappe aadhiya deˈo ogiyaa xeelliyaagan Yesuusi ay tamaarissidee? Admittedly, though, not everyone who is unmarried is single by choice. What did Jesus teach about the best way of life? 18: 2, 3) SHin hegaa mala qofay tumee? To console the bereaved, we need to listen well. Is that true? Yesuusan nagari baynna gishshawu, merinawu deˈana danddayees. Why should we trust Jehovah's reminders, and how do we benefit from doing so? Since Jesus was perfect, he could live forever in perfect health. A merinau xayana. - Ajjuutaa 17: 16 nabbaba. He has shown over the millenniums that what he promises is absolutely trustworthy. She will be gone forever. - Read Revelation 17: 16. Nu soo asawu ta maadoy koshshishin harati worddotidi miishshaa demmanaadan taani daafurana bessenna gaada qoppiyoogaa iyyo yootaas. What matters most is whether Jehovah views us as successful, for our very lives depend on his approval. I told her that when my family needed help, I didn't feel that I didn't want to give money to others. Ubba issoti issoti asay mehiyaappe yiido gishshau, issi uri mehedan hanikko, hegee garamissiyaaba gidenna goosona. Next, we might ask the householder: "If you wanted to teach me that two people are equal, what type of family relationship would you use to illustrate the point? " Some say that if the animals were come to the animals, it is no wonder that if a man ran out of the animals. Taani omarssi soo yiyo wode, naata naagiya maccaasiyaa eta ichissin naati xiskkiichoosona. But I have seen that lasting happiness depends on a person's friendship with Jehovah. When I came home from house to house, the wife of their children fell asleep. (Luqaasa 11: 4) Leemisuwau, nu mala Kiristtaanee nuna qohiyaabaa haasayiis giidi qoppoos. I felt " destroyed. ' " For example, suppose a fellow believer offends us. He michoti ta aaye lagge; yaatiyo gishshawu, eta bonchays. 12: 13; 1 Tim. These sisters are my friends, so I respect them. [ 1] (mentto 5) Asatu sunttay laamettiis. Why is our request for our bread for the day important even if we have sufficient material things? [ 1] (paragraph 9) Names have been changed. Ubbatoo ammanettidi deˈiyoogaaninne Xoossawu ammanettidi oottiyoogan Yihooway ubbabaa haariyo maatawu exatana danddayoos. Yes, it is. We can uphold Jehovah's sovereignty by maintaining our integrity and upholding his sovereignty. Xoossay Oonee? Noah got it right the first time. Indeed, he had to! Who Is God? Xoossay hegaa giidoy balasiyaa miyoogee bollau maaddiyoogaa yootanaassa gidenna. He can prevent anything harmful from dominating us. - Ps. That did not mean that God did not allow the figs to eat. Metoynne tuggay nena gakkiyo wode Yaasunne Kaaleeba leemisuwaa hassaya. The Pentateuch and Haftorahs points out that Exodus 12: 6 says that the lamb was to be slaughtered "between the two evenings. " Remember the example of Joshua and Caleb when you face trials and difficulties. Yesuusikka i kiittidoogeetikka mishiraachuwaa yootanawu biyo wode hara ooso oottibookkona. The tax in question was the "head tax, " a tax of one denarius levied on Roman subjects. When both Jesus and his apostles traveled to preach the good news, they did not. Qassi daro asay iitabaa oottiyoogaa dosikkokka, nuuni Yihoowagaadan " iitaa ixxana ' bessees. (Maz. What can man do to me? ' " - Heb. And if we love Jehovah, we must hate "the wicked one. " I loddan loddan, ba bollaa qaattana danddayiis. • a mediator? His body gradually became self - centered. Yaatada, "Yan deˈiya ubbay sarotettan siga deˈanaadan ubbaa eeshshay ay mala gidana bessii? " gaada oycha. Early and open communication is vital Then ask yourself, " What kind of quality must all be to peace? " Hegee nuussi keehippe koshshiyoy aybissee? Instead, he focuses his energies on finding purpose and enjoyment in his present role because he views it as coming from Jehovah. Why is that vital for us? 6: 11) Hara wodekka, Yesuusi eti galla galla banttassi koshshiyaabawu woossanaadan zaarettidi odiis. (Luq. " I had a special friend in my local congregation, who understood the pain I was suffering, " recalls Eva. On another occasion, Jesus urged them to pray for their daily needs. Qassi hegaappe simmidi naaˈˈu woy heezzu gallassaa nu matappe bibookkona. [ Picture on page 5] And after two or three days, we did not go back from us. Ubbaappekka aaruwan, naatettaappe doommidi gubaaˈiyan wozanappe qoppiyo hegaa mala hanotan oyqqido naati, Yihoowa ayyaanay a asaara deˈiyoogaa akeekoosona. Angels Above all, children in the congregation realize that Jehovah's spirit is involved in such a situation. Yesuusi ba huuphiyaa kawushshidoogan wotti denttidi qoppiyoogee nu ishanttuppe nuuni " guuxxiyoobadan ' xeellanaadan maaddana danddayees. Sophia: I'm Sophia. Meditating on Jesus ' humility can help us to reflect on our brothers ' humility. ▪ Ayyaanaaban Nuuni Laattidobaa Nashsheetii? On the contrary, God's servants today are a devoted, clean people. ▪ Do You Appreciate Our Spiritual Heritage? Deˈuwawu halchchidobaa xeelliyaagan Alekse eranawu koyidoogee I Geeshsha Maxaafaa pilgganaadan oottiis. Adversity may take many forms - a financial reversal, the loss of employment, a natural disaster, the death of a loved one, a health crisis, and so on. Alex wanted to read the Bible about life's purpose for the purpose of life. Hassayay? These articles will discuss seven areas of life in which we should let nothing distance us from Jehovah. Do You Recall? Yesuusi Kawotettaabaa sanaafici giyo miitta ayfiyaa dichaaninne irshshuwan leemisidoogaa yooti simmidi, Maatiyoosi hagaadan giis: "Leemisoi bainnan [Yesuusi] issibaakka odenna; hananabaa yootiyaagee, " Taani etayyo haasayiyo wode leemisuwan haasayais. But consider what Jesus said when a certain self - righteous man asked him: "Who really is my neighbor? " After Matthew describes Jesus ' illustration of a vine and a vine, Jesus said: "When he [Jesus] spoke to them, he said: " I will say to you in an illustration of a prophet, not even a sign, but a sign of a prophet. ' " Daro gamˈˈennan taani hegaappe keehi aadhiya ayyaana ishanttu maabaraabaa eranaagaa he wode akeekabeykke. Jehovah's adverse judgment cannot be kept out by bars and locks. I didn't realize that it was the most precious spiritual brotherhood that I had ever started. Ishaa Raasili hayqqi simmin, mishiraachuwaa darosaa gattanawu hara loˈˈo hiillaa goˈettiyoogaa doommida. How does God view the matter? After Brother Russell's death, many other tools began to spread the good news in order to spread the good news. Hegaadan oottiyoogee, he kiitaa yootiyoogee ufayssiyaagaa gidanaadan, ubba eessaadan malˈˈanaadan oottiis. - Hizqqeela 2: 8 - 3: 4, 7 - 9 nabbaba. What will help us to reflect Jehovah's concern for people from a foreign background? Doing so even gave birth to the occasion. - Read Ezekiel 2: 3 - 4, 7 - 9. Naaˈˈantto PHeexiroosa 3: 10n " salota ' geetettidabati aybee, eti waanidi xayanee? The study of God's Word at our meetings and the kind and loving support that we give one another help us to keep our eyes focused on the prize. What is "the heavens " mentioned at 2 Peter 3: 10, and how will they end? I asa ubbau, ubba bau goynnennaageetuyyookka koshshiyaabaa kunttees. PAGE 17 • SONGS: 133, 16 He cares for all people, especially for them. Yihoowa Markkati attamissidoogaa. What would you have done? Published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Ha odettiyaabati, asay galla galla qaretaanne kehatettaa bessiyoogee darotoo hassayettennaadan oottoosona. Yet, not one of them connects Jesus ' appearance on earth with the prophecy of the 70 weeks. Millions of people often refuse to hear the word, compassion, and compassion for their daily needs. Keettaayiyaa: "Taani ha asata keehippe galatays " yaagaasu. * Then, in 70 C.E., a new Roman army heads for Jerusalem and destroys the city. She said: "I am so grateful for these people. " " Amarida dorssa wudiyaappe ' attidaageeti, Kiristtoosa Kawotettan aara kawonne qeese gididi saluwan hayqqenna deˈuwaa demmanau hidootoosona. (Luq. 12: 32; Ajj. He admits: "I was crushed. The remaining "little flock " of Christ's anointed followers look forward to living as kings and priests in heaven with Christ. " Tumu de7 uwaa " mintti oyqqanaadan Yihooway he ura maaddees. " If you are happy and satisfied with your life now, you are more likely to be healthy in the future. " Jehovah helps the person to "get a firm hold on the real life. " 13: 13) Hegaa bollikka, Yihoowa Markkati sabbakiyoy miishshi qanxxettiina gidenna. There is a difference between a serious trait that needs to be weeded out and a mistake that just needs to be pointed out. " - Wendell. Moreover, Jehovah's Witnesses do not receive money merely to preach the good news. Wocamay zarbbiyo wode, tumaa eranawu koyiya bitanee gujjidi eranawu ishanttuura tobbiis. Indeed, indulging in immoral reverie can be spiritually deadly! - Read James 1: 14, 15. When the publisher arrived, he spent more time learning the truth with the brothers who were interested in the truth. 3: 1 - 4) Hegaappe simmin, geeyida Xoossaa asawu ayyaanaabaa "qumaa koshshiyo wodiyan immana mala, " 1919n Yesuusi " ammanettida wozannaama ashkkaraa ' sunttiis. (Maa. The town of Liberty was surrounded by small farms, and the basic crop was corn. Then, in 1919, Jesus appointed "the faithful and discreet slave " to provide spiritual food for God's people. 1 - 3. (a) Nu ammanuwawu waanna timirttetuppe issuwaadan nuuni xeellana koshshiyoy awugee? This belief is so strong that it is woven into the fabric of customs and rituals that involve almost all aspects of life. 1 - 3. (a) What should we view as one of the primary doctrine of our faith? 35: 5) Israaˈeela asa gidida uri bawu deˈiya aybanne immana danddayees; qassi asay ba dosan immiyoobay aybanne gidin, woy ay keenanne gidin, hegaa Xoossaa sheniyaa polanawu suure goˈettana danddayettees. Then we will discuss in detail five ways to avoid even starting to blame Jehovah for our problems. In any case, a person could give anything to his own life, and it is possible for people to do God's will, whether they are willing to do whatever is right or to do. Naaˈˈantto huuphe yohoy qassi, nuuni huuphe xekkan Yihoowa sambbata shemppuwau gelidoogaa waati erana danddayiyaakko qonccissees. 8: 38, 39. The second article explains how we can find out how we can enter into God's rest. Woy PHoxiifaara machiyaa paaccido, Yaaqooba naˈaa Yooseefaagaadan, paaciyaa eqettada baqatuutee? - Doomettaabaa 39: 10 - 12 nabbaba. If an iron object is exposed to the elements, it might begin to rust. Or would you be tempted to flee the test of Joseph's wife, Joseph, and Joseph? - Read Genesis 39: 10 - 12. Qassi he qofay Yesuusi yootido, wurssettaa wodiyan polettiya leemisota nuuni loytti akeekanaadan waatidi maaddii? 65: 14. And how does those words help us to understand more fully what Jesus foretold about the conclusion of the system of things? Xoossay haariyo wodee a haaroy ay asaagaappekka dummatanaadan oottees. Then, for no apparent reason, they retreated. God's way of ruling affects humans. SHin, xaaxi waaxi xeelliyo wode, eti Yesuusi geeshshiyo wode geeyidi laamettidosona. Jesus ' prophecy about the last days reveals that he will for the very first time act as Judge of all nations after the destruction of false religion. However, as a whole, Jesus changed the cleansing of the cleansing work. Ha qofay, saluwan deˈiya nu Aaway asaa naata ashshanau keehi koyiyoogaa qonccissees. Like him, we need faith and courage in order to preach the Kingdom message. This statement shows that our heavenly Father is eager to save mankind. Hasttamu bira xallaassa! What lends the film more poignancy is the likelihood that it was filmed in April 1906, just prior to the deadly earthquake and fire on April 18 that claimed thousands of lives and nearly destroyed that part of the city. THAT was not silver! SHin eta xannaˈissanawu nuuni ay goˈettana danddayiyoo? " The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. But what can we do to help them make personal study available? Issi oosuwaa alaafe gididi daro wodiyaa oottida Joona giyo bitanee, "Loˈˈo hanotan oosuwaa bollaara xeelliya uri, asay yayyennan ba qofaa yootanaadan oottiyoogaa akeekaas " yaagiis. Were Jehovah to choose which trials would come upon us, would he not, in effect, be diminishing the gift of free will? One man named John, who served as a traveling overseer, said: "I have found it difficult to talk to everyone. " Meretay asaa naata xayssanee? But in view of his great love for his Father, the very idea that he was to die accused of blasphemy must have added to his suffering as Jehovah's Servant. Will creation destroy humans? Issi issi wode, Yesuusinne i erissiyo ashkkarati eti siiqiyo uri hayqqin azzanidosona. (Yoh. And then she would try to return to Hosea. On one occasion, Jesus and his disciples were disappointed at the death of a loved one. (Qoo. 19: 1 - 13) Asi yelettiiddi nagaraanne polotettaa pacaa laattidi yelettiyoogaa hassayanaadan, issi maccaasiyaa yeliyo wode amarida wodiyau tuna gidada deˈana koshshees; hegaappe guyyiyan ba nagaray atto geetettanaadan yarshshuwaa shiishshausu. - Wog. 11: 9. In order to remember that a woman's sins and sinful nature required that she be born again, after he was born again, should have been forgiven by a woman who would be guilty of sins for a time. - Lev. Yihooway seeriyo he ubba ogee i nuna siiqiyoogaa bessees. Jesus was without sin, so he did not need to repent. His way of doing so reflects Jehovah's love for us. 5: 16) Kawotettaara gayttidabaa oottanau daro wodiyaa demmana mala nuuni he maaraa kaallana danddayiyoo? " I was amazed, " he says. " The Bible contains practical information for everyone. " Can we apply these principles in order to share in the Kingdom - preaching work? * - Mazamure 145: 1, 2; Isiyaasa 43: 10 - 12. [ Chart / Pictures on page 7] * - Psalm 145: 1, 2; Isaiah 43: 10 - 12. Qoronttoosan deˈiya Kiristtaaneti eeqawu yarshshetti simmidi giyan bayzettiya ashuwaa miyoogaa xeelliyaagan issoy issuwaara maayettibookkona. 2: 8 - 14. The Christians in Corinth did not have to eat bread at the market after eating the idols. Ha wodiyan nu oosoy hananabaa yootiya Hizqqeelaagaara issi mala; Yihooway ayyo, "Eti... siyin ixxin, ta qaalaa etau yoota " yaagiis. (Hiz. 2: 7; Isi. Soon thereafter came the death of the prophet Samuel, who had anointed David to be the future king. Today, our work is similar to Ezekiel's successor, Jehovah, who told him: "They will listen to my voice and listen to my voice. " Nu ufayssau pulttoy aybee? It may arise suddenly, and it can be very difficult to resist. What is the source of our happiness? Milani, a ishay, a aaway, a aayyiyaanne hara daro Yihoowa Markkati Bosiniyaappe Serbiyaa otobisiyan boosona. Has it been worth it? Kevin, his father, his parents, and other Witnesses traveled to a bus nearly bus. Waanna katamaa Katamanduppe huuphessa baggan arggokko baqqidi 80 kilo meetire haakkiya sohuwan biittay qaaxxiis. Paolo and I got married in 1965. The city was nearly 80 miles (100 km) north of the city. Hegaappe simmin, gotee Eelaasa ekkidi biis. What does the Bible say about divorce and separation? Then he took Elijah into a storm. Naaˈˈantto Ximootiyoosa 3: 1 - 5y, "wurssetta gallassi, " daro asay babaa, miishshaanne ufayttiyoobaa xallaa qoppanaagaa yootees. Something similar happened centuries earlier when Egypt's Pharaoh decreed that Hebrew male babies be cast into the Nile River. At 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5: "In the last days, many people will devote themselves to pleasures rather than to material things. " (b) Asaa deˈuwaaranne haaruwaara gayttidaagan metiyaabaa maarayiyoogaa xeelliyaagan Kiristtaaneti ay akeekana bessii? To Ella, Jehovah was just as real as the men standing before her. (b) What should Christians recognize regarding the origin of human history and human history? A ceeriyaa kaaˈiyoogaa dosiyo gishshawu, ba hanotaa asa bessanawu haniyoobadan xeellaasu. As events unfold, he continues to cause his will and purpose to be realized no matter what any opposer, such as Satan, may do in an attempt to thwart the progressive outworking of God's will. She felt loved because she loved me, so I felt that I viewed her as a human. SHin ekkennan woy gelennan deˈiya ubbay hegaadan deˈiyoy koyido gishshataassa gidennaagee qoncce. Look for ways to apply what you learn, and pray for Jehovah to bless your efforts. Of course, not all singleness is because not everyone does. Kayyottidaageeta minttettanau nuuni loyttidi ezggana koshshees. Could Gentiles also be accepted into it and be anointed with holy spirit? We need to listen carefully to the bereaved. Nuuni Yihooway yootiyooban ammanettana koshshiyoy aybissee, yaatiyoogan nuuni goˈettiyoy ayba ogiyaanee? Abraham cherished and maintained his friendship with Jehovah. Why do we need to trust in Jehovah's reminders, and how do we benefit from it? 1: 2) I gelido qaalay keehippe ammanttiyaagaa gidiyoogaa shaˈan qoodettiya layttau bessiis. Through the Kingdom, Jehovah will take drastic, positive action in behalf of the human family. He has proved to be a real Person for thousands of years. Nuussi keehippe koshshiyaabay Yihooway injje deˈo giidi qoppiyooba. Nuuni a sinttan injje deˈo deˈikko, merinaa deˈuwaa demmana danddayoos. The apostle Paul noted that Christians in Thessalonica had accepted the message of truth "under much tribulation " yet" with joy of holy spirit. " If we really believe that Jehovah wants us to do what is best for us, we can gain everlasting life. 14: 28) Kaallidi, "Naaˈˈu asay issi likke gidiyoogaa neeni taayyo yootanawu koyiyaakko, qofaa qonccissanawu so asaappe oonanne oona leemiso oottada goˈetuutee? " What shows that the Servant had confidence in his Father's support during his trials? Next, we might ask ourselves, " Whom would you use someone who wants to make me think that you would be right? " SHin issi uri ufayttidi deˈiyoogee Yihoowaara deˈiya dabbotaara gayttidaba gidiyoogaa taani akeekaas. As long as we live "amid this present system of things, " we will face situations that will put our exclusive devotion to Jehovah to the test. But I realized that being happy is a person's relationship with Jehovah. Ta xayidabadan tawu siyettiis " yaagiis. It will also help us to encourage others to follow Jesus. I felt that I didn't care. " 12: 13; 1 Xim. In Austria, I was able to enjoy many forms of witnessing, including street work The brothers in Eastern Europe also produced literature in their own countries by using mimeograph machines or by reproducing material from film. 12: 13; 1 Tim. Nuussi koshshiyaagaa keenay deˈikko, hachi hachi koshshiya qumaabaa woossiyoogee bessiyaaba gidiyoy aybissee? How would you explain to them what it means to be born again? Why is it appropriate that we pray for the needs of our daily needs? Ee, oottees. But the mayor of the community spoke out in their behalf, reasoning: "The Witnesses who serve there have their own way of life, but one that in no way disturbs the lives of others in the community. " Yes. Aawa gididi oottiyooban Nohessi ushachchiis. He will call on me, and I will answer him. The same is true of Noah's actions. I nuna qohiya aybinne haarennaadan oottana danddayees. - Maz. Merciful and willing to forgive Jesus knew that imperfect humans need Jehovah's abundant mercy. He can save us from harm. - Ps. giya saaxiniyaakka xeella.) Kessaabaa 12: 6y yootiyoogaadan, dorssay "omarssi lankkilankkiyaagan " shuhettana bessees. 1, 2. (a) What kinds of problems do many face today, and with what result? According to Exodus 12: 6, the lamb was to be slaughtered, according to Exodus 12: 6: "A sheep must be slaughtered. " Eti denttido giiray Rooma haaruwan deˈiyaageeti ubbay issi dinaariyaa dinaariyaa qanxxiyo giiraa. How should elders care for spiritually ailing ones? They were given a tax collector in Rome under the Roman Empire. Asi tana ai oottii? ' yaagoos. " - Ibr. Jehovah will not allow those trusting in him to stumble or to experience a fall - an adversity or a setback in their worship - from which they cannot recover. What can man do to me? ' " - Heb. • gaannatiyaagaa Says Isabel: "Since the town we moved to is small, my biggest challenge was to find work to support myself as a pioneer. • A mediator? Kasetidi ubbabaa qoncciyan haasayiyoogee keehi loˈˈo What should parents consider if a child who is already baptized begins to waver in faith? A effective speech is the best communication. SHin i oottiiddi deˈiyoobaa Yihoowa imotadan xeelliyo gishshawu, ba kumetta wolqqan hegaa oottidi ufayttanawu koyees. Moreover, we can look forward to the day when all mankind will display zeal for true worship in honor of our Creator, Jehovah. Yet, he wants to be happy because he is doing Jehovah's will, so he wants it to be fully pleasing to him. Eeva hagaadan gaasu: "Tana hirggissiyaabaa akeekiya loˈˈo laggiyaa nu gubaaˈiyan deˈawusu. Table of Contents Yes, she says: "I have a good friend who understands me and cares about my problems in the congregation. [ Sinttaa 5n deʼiya misiliyaa] Because "he had not resolved in his heart to search for Jehovah. " - 2 Chron. [ Picture on page 5] Kiitanchata This can be likened to a businessman dictating a letter to his secretary. No Saaro: Taani Saaro. The truths he taught were easy to grasp yet truly profound. Sophia: I'm not sure. SHin, Daawiti Yihoowakko woossido woosaa wotta denttada qoppa. Similarly, some individuals today who have not responded to the Bible's message before may have a change of heart and look for help when their world is suddenly shaken by a seismic event. But reflect on David's prayer to Jehovah. Dumma dumma metoy, giishin miishshaa metuwaa, oosuwaappe kiyiyoogaa, meretay gattiyo daafaa, siiqiyo uri hayqqiyoogaa, payyatettay xayiyoogaa malabay gakkana danddayees. 11: 33. Those who suffer from various problems - such as ill health, sickness, natural disasters, natural disasters, and death - may be a result of the loss of a loved one. Ha huuphe yohoti aybinne nuna Yihoowappe haassanaadan nuuni oottana bessenna laappunbata qonccissoosona. If so, please consider the following three questions. These articles show that we must allow nothing to distance us from Jehovah. 27: 10) SHin bana xillissanawu koyida issi bitanee, "Ta shooroi oonee? " FROM OUR COVER But a man who was willing to justify himself asked: "Who really is my neighbor? " Hegaa Xoossay waatidi xeellii? I have learned to wait on Jehovah and his organization, and how I have benefited from doing so! How does God view this? Yihoowaagaadan nuuni hara biitta asawu qoppanaadan aybi maaddanee? Many pioneers can attest to how encouraging it is for them to learn that some of those they helped into the truth years ago are staying faithful and perhaps are even serving as pioneers. What will help us to adopt Jehovah's view of foreigners? Nu shiiquwan Xoossaa Qaalaa xannaˈiyoogee, qassi issoy issuwaa kehatettaaninne siiquwan minttettiyoogee nuuni woytuwaa ubbatoo qoppanaadan maaddees. With the help of God's prophetic Word, let us get a glimpse of the marvelous things yet "unseen. " - 2 Cor. Studying God's Word and encouraging words will help us to keep our eyes on the prize. SINTTAA 17 • MAZAMURE: 49, 16 But they may not be aware that his disciples also included women who were closely associated with him. PAGE 17 • SONGS: 49, 49 Nena gidiyaakkoshin, ay oottuutee? This does not mean that discouragement will instantly vanish. What would you have done? 1: 22, 23; 2: 13 - 15; 4: 13 - 16) Gidoppe attin, etappe issoynne 70too 7 layttaa xeelliyaagan odettida hiraagaa Yesuusi saˈan qonccido wodiyaara gattenna. 13, 14. (a) What service did Epaphroditus and the Philippian congregation perform for Paul, and how did the apostle feel about it? However, Jesus was referring to the time when one of them died for 70 years and 70 years. * Hegaappe simmin, 70 M.Ln Rooma wotaaddarati harati Yerusalaame biidi katamaa xayssidosona. (Read 2 Corinthians 6: 4, 5.) * Then, in 70 C.E., Roman armies destroyed Jerusalem in 70 C.E. I hagaadan giis: "Taani keehi yiillotaas. The Messianic Kingdom is the means that Jehovah is using to fulfill his purpose for the earth and mankind. " I was angry, " he says. Amarkkan Nebraska Yuniversttiyan payyatettaabaa darobaa xannaˈida issi bitanee hagaadan giis: "Neeni haˈˈi ne deˈuwan ufayttiyaaba gidikko, sinttappe payyatettan deˈana danddayaasa. " In what situations might some wonder if God really notices their suffering? " If you now have a lot of information in the United States, you can now enjoy life now, " says a man in U.S. United States.A. Eeshshaara gayttidaagan giigissana koshshiyaabay zaari zaaridi balabaa oottiyoogaappe dummatees. " - Wendela. 1, 2. (a) What did Eliphaz and Bildad claim about the effect of our service to God? Rather than making adjustments in order to settle matters again, we are more sensitive and overly critical situations. " - Judg. Mehee woy doˈi haasayennaba gidikkokka, haasayiyaaba milatanaadan issi ayyaana mereti oottana danddayiyoogaa eroosona. Jehovah's Witnesses offer a free home Bible study program. Even though animals are not created to talk to animals, they know that a spirit creature may be able to communicate with them even though they are not able to communicate with or speak to them. SHori baynnabaa qoppiyoogee ayyaanaaban hayqqanaadan oottana danddayees! - Yaaqooba 1: 14, 15 nabbaba. However, they foolishly disregarded God's command and suffered terrible consequences. - Gen. It can lead to spiritual harm! - Read James 1: 14, 15. Liberta katamaa yuushuwan shooqati deˈoosona; qassi zerettiya waannabay badalaa. And I saw how Jehovah answered my prayers, especially when I felt demoralized after a relapse. YOU lived in the city of Philippi, and the main goal was to be built. He ammanoy keehi wolqqaama gidiyo gishshau, asi ba deˈuwan oottiyo ubbabaara gayttida meeziyaaninne wogan qonccees. Cruel sarcasm is one form of abusive speech that Christians should "put away. " Because of that faith, it is a powerful form of culture that is common in everyday life. 19: 3) Qassi nuuni Yihoowa bolli yiillotiyoogaa doommennaadan naagettana mala maaddiya ichashu ogeta aahuwan tobbana. The qualifying term "in proportion " indicates that qualities and abilities may vary not only in nature but also in extent. Additionally, we will discuss five ways in which we can protect ourselves against Jehovah. Nuuni hegaadan oottiyaaba gidikko, aybinne "Kiristtoos Yesuusan de7iya Xoossaa siiquwaappe nuna shaakkanau danddayennaagaa " ammanettana danddayoos. - Roome 8: 38, 39. But they do not have a part in dispensing spiritual food to the worldwide brotherhood. If we do so, we can be sure that "the love of God which is in Christ Jesus is in union with us. " - Romans 8: 38, 39. Birataa karen ayssikko shiyiyoogaa doommana danddayees. (Read.) There may begin to take steps to break the pace and break it. 65: 14. The Bible contrasts modesty with presumptuousness. 65: 14. SHin gaasoy erettennan guyye simmi aggidosona. How can you try to avoid such an outcome and help your child to "grow to salvation "? But there was no doubt until the end of the night. Yesuusi wurssetta gallassaabaa yootido hiraagay, worddo haymaanootee xayi simmin, i Daanna gididi ubba asaa bolli pirddiyoogaa doommanaagaa qonccissees. Notice what he said next. Jesus ' prophecy about the last days reveals that false religion will soon come upon all mankind after the destruction of false religion. 8: 1) Aagaadan, nuunikka Xoossaa Kawotettaa mishiraachuwaa yootanau, ammanoy deˈiyoogeetanne xala gidana koshshees. " Our heavenly Father is merciful, and he wants to heal the wounds of those who repent of their mistakes " Like him, we too need faith and courage to declare the good news of God's Kingdom. He pilimee Hosppune 18n daro shaˈu asaa woridanne kataman he heeraa bashshida wolqqaama biittaa qaattaappenne denddida tamaappe guuttaa kase, Hosppune 1906n giigennan aggenna; he pilimee keehi azzanttiyaaba gididoy hegaassa. Nothing extraordinary. Sadly, such scientists may have been influenced by 1 Kings 18 million in April 18 and April 18 in April 18 and April 18 C.E. to April 18 and April 7. " Saluwaa Xoossai mulekka kunddenna, hara asaukka imettenna kawotettaa essana. In sacrificing his perfect human life, Jesus offered a ransom that might release, or redeem, Adam's offspring from sin and death. - Matt. " The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. (Gal. 6: 7) Yihooway nuna gakkana paaciyaa dooriyaakko, hegee nu koyidobaa dooriyo imotaa i xaasayees giyoogaa mala gidennee? For 33 years, Angie and I enjoyed both circuit and district work, including a good deal of preconvention and convention work. Does this not suggest that Jehovah does not use our gift of free will to prevent us from bringing us into temptation? SHin, i ba Aawaa keehippe siiqiyoogaa akeekiyo wode, Xoossaa cayadasa giidi woranaagaa qoppiyoogee, i Yihoowa Ashkkara gidiyoogaadan a waayiyaa yaa gujjiyaaba. Read Philippians 2: 4. However, when he realized that his Father had deep love for his Father, he would be cut off to the point that he would be killed by Jehovah God. Xoossaa A Sunttan Eranau Metootanaadan Oottidabaa All of them endured because they had an "assured expectation of what is hoped for. " - Heb. Imitate God's Name by Name Qassi hegaappe guyyiyan Hooseˈakko simmanawu malana. Jesus worked along with Jehovah for perhaps billions of years, and they forged a strong, unbreakable bond of love and affection for each other. After that, Hosea would try to return to Hosea. 11: 9. A few years after Louise was born, I became ill myself, with multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia. 11: 9. 3: 13 - 17) Yesuusi nagara oottibeenna gishshawu, nagarappe simmana koshshenna. At first, I thought I was dreaming. Since Jesus did not sin, he did not need to repent. I, "Geeshsha Maxaafay asa ubbawu maaddiyaabaa yootiyoogaa akeekada keehi garamettaas " yaagiis. Trials and tribulations will continue as long as we are imperfect and are in this system under Satan's control. He says: "I was impressed by the Bible's powerful message. " [ Sinttaa 7n Deˈiya Misiliyaa] As a young man named Saul, the apostle Paul seemed to have so much going for him. [ Picture on page 7] 2: 8 - 14. (Read Isaiah 48: 16 - 18.) 2: 8 - 14. 25: 1) Hegeekka Daawiti maaddiyaabi baynnabadan qoppanaadan oottennan aggenna. Then, the prayer continues about what else Jehovah had done for his people: "You proceeded to subdue before them the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites... However, David may have had to do something that David could not have imagined. Hegee qoppennan gakkanau, qassi eqettanau keehippe metana danddayees. How did Solomon lose sight of what he had been given? This may not be easy, and it can be a challenge to resist it. Hegee anjjo demisssidee? What is noteworthy about Jacob's prayer when he was about to meet Esau? Was it a blessing? Taani 1965n Peˈola gelaas. A story that is only 10 percent true is 100 percent misleading. With my husband in 1965, I ended up in 1965. Paraman shaahettiyoogaanne coo shaahettiyoogaa xeelliyaagan Geeshsha Maxaafay yootiyoobay aybee? It is important to note, however, that neither Jesus nor the Bible writers ever claimed that he would rise from the dead by natural means. What do the Scriptures say about divorce and divorce? Xeetan qoodettiya layttaappe kase, Gibxxe kawuwaa Paarooni Ibraawetuppe yelettiya attuma naati Nayle SHaafan olettanaadan awaajjido wode hegaa malabay haniis. We should forgive others freely. - Eph. 4: 32; Col. 3: 13. Centuries earlier, this was the case when Pharaoh's sons of Egypt invaded Egypt. Eliyyo Yihooway i sinttan deˈiya asatudan qoncce. Rather, Jehovah forgives those sins and puts them behind him - permanently. - Rom. Clearly, Jehovah is walking before the throne. Qassi Yihooway issibaa oottanaagaa yootikko, Seexaanaa gidin hara oonikka i hegaa polennaadan diggana danddayenna. He explains: "Elsebeth and I had thought about the possibility of serving where the need was greater - but that would be later when the children had left home. " Also, if Jehovah chooses to do something, he cannot prevent anyone from carrying it out. Intte tamaariyoobaa oosuwan peeshshana danddayiyo ogiyaa qoppite; qassi Yihooway intte baaxiyaa anjjanaadan woossite. (1 Xim. 4: 15; 1 Yoh. " For thirty five years of my life I was, in the proper acceptation of the word, nihilist, a man who believed in nothing. Consider the way you can apply what you learn and pray for Jehovah's blessing. Ayhuda gidennaageetikka he maachan gujettidi, geeshsha ayyaanan tiyettanee? Reason on the matter. Are both Jews and Gentiles included in that covenant? Abrahaami Yihoowaara deˈiya dabbotaa xoqqu ootti xeelliis; qassi minttidi deˈiis. He was to be received hospitably. Abraham put his relationship with Jehovah and kept his relationship with him strong. Yihooway asaa naati goˈettana mala, ba Kawotettaa baggaara darobaa laammana. " In the midst of a heated confrontation, " recalls Maria, "I said something particularly disrespectful to Martin. By means of his Kingdom, Jehovah will make it possible for humans to make many changes. Kiitettida PHauloosi Tasalonqqen deˈiya Kiristtaaneti tumaa kiitaa ekkidoy " daro waayiyaana ' gidikkokka " geeshsha ayyaanaa baggaara demmiyo ufayssaana ' gidiyoogaa yootiis. Our infirmities were to be borne by the Messiah. The apostle Paul described Christians in Thessalonica as "aglow with the spirit. " He Ashkkaray bana metoy gakkido wode ba Aawaa maaduwan ammanettidoogaa bessiyay aybee? It can help us to endure trials. What shows that the Servant maintained his confidence in his Father's support? Ha wurssetta gallassan, nuuni Yihoowawu ammanettiyoogee paacettanaadan oottiyaabay ubbatoo deˈees. How so? In these last days, we have every reason to trust in Jehovah. Hegee harati Yesuusa kaallanaadan nuuni minttettanaadankka maaddees. (a) To be blessed by God, what did Adam and Eve need to do, but what happened? It also helps us to imitate Jesus ' example. Arshsho Awurooppan deˈiya ishanttikka pootuwaa pilimiyan xaafettidabaa goˈettidi woy xuufiyaa attamiyo guutta maashiniyan bantta biittawu xuufiyaa attamidosona. Finally, I started pioneering when I was 19. In Eastern Europen European Europen Europe, the brothers used literature to produce literature or to translate literature. " Intteppe issi urai shuchcha keettaa keexxanau koyikko, keettaa polanau woqqu miishshaa koshshiyaakko, koiroora uttidi qoodennai oonee? " - LUQ. Why so? " If anyone wants to build a tower, who is first going to build a house or to finish it? " - LUKE Naaˈˈantto yelettiyoogaa giyoogee woygiyoogaakko etau waata qonccissuutee? 1, 2. (a) Jesus ' friends came from what different backgrounds? How would you describe their being born again? SHin he katamaa ayssiyaagee etau exatidi, "Yan oottiya Yihoowa Markkatu deˈuwaa hanotay haratuugaappe dummatees; shin hegee heeran deˈiya asaa hirggissiyaaba gidenna " yaagiis. There are approximately 600,000 members of the clergy in the various denominations in the United States, where there are some 1,200,000 Witnesses of Jehovah. However, when they attended their meetings, they said: "It is different from what others are doing, but it is not the cause of helping people in the area. " I tana xeegiyo wode, taani ayyo koyana. He and his wife were the first Witnesses of Jehovah in the Dominican Republic, and they had arrived in Puerto Rico in 1957. And when he had sometimes used me, I wanted him to seek him. Maariyaagaanne atto giyaagaa Polo gidenna asaa naatuyyo Yihoowa maarotay keehi koshshiyoogaa Yesuusi eriis. " It is unthinkable for the true God to act wickedly, for the Almighty to do wrong! " Jesus knew that Jehovah's mercy was essential for imperfect humans. 1, 2. (a) Ha wodiyan darota ayba metoy gakkii, qassi hegee eti waananaadan oottii? " Since death is through a man, " said Paul, "resurrection of the dead is also through a man. " 1, 2. (a) What challenges do many face today, and with what result? Ayyaanaaban sahettida uraa cimati waati oyqqana koshshii? He told the Ephesian Christians: "You have heard about the stewardship of God's undeserved kindness that was given to me for your sakes. " How should elders treat spiritually sick ones? Yihoowan ammanettiyaageeti xubettana, woy qassi moorobaa oottidi woykko metuwan kunddana danddayikkokka, eti denddana danddayenna hanotan hegee gakkanaadan Yihooway paqqadenna. What might we ask ourselves regarding our communication with Jehovah? Even if those who claim to be loyal to Jehovah may not be distracted or stumbled, Jehovah will not allow them to succumb to temptation. Isaabeela, "Nuuni deˈanau biido katamay guutta gidiyo gishshau, aqinye gidada tau koshshiyaabaa kunttanau maaddiya oosuwaa demmanau keehi metootaas. Many think that money will make them happy or that material possessions are the key to success. " Because we wanted to move, " Isabel says, "I found it difficult to support my pioneering. Xammaqettida issi yelagay ammanuwan shuggiyoogaa doommikko, a yelidaageeti ay qoppana bessii? In fact, in the same verse where God's Word foretold that the miraculous gifts would eventually cease, it says: "Love never fails. " - 1 Corinthians 13: 8. If a young person begins to get baptized, what should his parents think about? Qassi, nuna Medhidaagaa, Yihoowa bonchuwau asay ubbay mishettidi au goynniyo wodiyaa hidootan naagana danddayoos. Speaking of his fellow anointed Christians, Brother Rutherford said: "Beyond the time of trouble by the eye of faith they see the Golden Age of the glorious reign of the Messiah.... Moreover, we can look forward to the time when all people honor our Creator, Jehovah. Kesuwaa Moreover, since he that "practices fornication is sinning against his own body, " immoral conduct of any kind renders his sacrifice offensive to Jehovah. Table of Contents I Yihoowawu "wozanappe goynnanau koyibeenna " gishshaassa. - 2 Odi. Jon: I see. He did not want to " worship Jehovah. ' - 2 Chron. Hegee ooso alaafee xaafiya uri dabddaabbiyaa xaafanaadan yootiyoogaa mala. 6, 7. It is like a letter stating that a donation is inspired to write a letter. I tamaarissidobay keehi ciimma gidikkonne, akeekanau metennaagaa. 30 For Young People - Appreciate Sacred Things! Although his teachings were deep, their understanding of what he taught was deep. Hegaadankka, Geeshsha Maxaafaabaa siyanawu kase koyenna issi issi asay akeekennan keehi azzanttiyaabay gakkiyo wode ba qofaa laammidi maaduwaa koyana danddayees. Paul four times says that "some of them " disobeyed. Similarly, some who are not interested in the Bible's message may find it hard to change their attitude toward helping those who have not yet heard it. 11: 33. Consider the following: 11: 33. Hegaadan qoppikko, kaallidi deˈiya heezzu oyshata beˈa. In those days, many Kingdom Halls were extremely simple. If so, consider three questions that we can consider. SNTTA HUUPHE YOHOTA Use the Bible and our theocratic publications to help you do research, meditate, and identify potential stumbling blocks. FROM OUR COVER giya oyshatu malaa wotti dentti qoppiyoogaa doommiis. How does she deal with this attack? I began to meditate on such questions as the following. Taani Yihoowanne a dirijjitiyaa naagana bessiyoogaa tamaaraas; qassi hegaadan oottiyoogan taani keehi goˈettaas! What did Jesus mean when he said: "Never be anxious "? I learned to keep on walking in Jehovah and his organization, and I did so in ways that I could benefit from it! 4) Daro aqinyeti eti amarida layttappe kase tumaa eranaadan maaddidoogeetuppe amaridaageeti ammanettidi deˈiyoogaa eriyoogaaninne ubba qassi aqinye gididi haggaaziiddi deˈiyoogaa eriyoogan keehi minettana danddayoosona. Give an example of Jesus ' showing love for his disciples in a practical way. Many pioneers who have been able to help with the truth some years ago have found comfort in knowing that they have been able to help them learn the truth and become pioneers. Haˈˈi " beettennaba ' gidikkokka, sinttappe hanana ha maalaaliyaabata amarida hanotan akeekana mala Geeshsha Maxaafan deˈiya hiraagay nuna maaddees. - 2 Qor. Our brothers, even those who are in poor economic situations, are like the Macedonians who were in "deep poverty " and yet begged for the privilege to give and did so generously. - 2 Cor. Although we now see some exciting events, Bible prophecy helps us to see the future with regard to the future. - 2 Cor. SHin i erissiyo ashkkaratu giddon awu mata lagge gidida macca asati deˈiyoogaa eti waayi erana. What can we learn from Nehemiah's example? However, they may have known that he had close friends among his disciples. Hegee neeni hidootaa qanxxiyoogaa sohuwaara aggaasa giyoogaa gidenna. Regarding one funeral, a report from South America says: "Three Christian meetings had extremely low attendance. That does not mean that you quickly feel frustrated. 13, 14. (a) Eppafiroditoosinne Piliphisiyuusa gubaaˈee PHauloosa aybin maaddidonaa, qassi hegan PHauloosau aybi siyettidee? I was assigned to a circuit that covered a huge area of central Luzon, the largest island in the Philippines. 13, 14. (a) How did Epaphroditus and Paul assist the congregation in Philippi, and how did Paul feel about this? (2 Qoronttoosa 6: 4, 5 nabbaba.) Her teacher asked the class to write an essay on some topic or issue about which they felt strongly and then to try to persuade the class. (Read 2 Corinthians 6: 4, 5.) Yihooway saˈaassinne asaa naatussi halchidobaa Masiyaa Kawotettaa baggaara polana. What decisions have sped up Bible translation? By means of the Messianic Kingdom, Jehovah will fulfill his purpose for the earth and mankind. Issoti issoti " Xoossay ta waayiyaa beˈiishsha ' giidi qoppiyo hanotati awugeetee? If we respond to the spirit's direction, we will display "the greatest freeness of speech " in our ministry. What are some things that some people wonder if God sees my suffering? 1, 2. (a) Nuuni Xoossawu oottiyoobaa goˈˈaa xeelliyaagan Elifaazinne Bilddaadi woygidonaa? Why is it important to have a forgiving spirit? 1, 2. (a) What do we think about the benefits that we serve God? Yihoowa Markkati miishsha qanxxissennan asaa Geeshsha Maxaafaa xannaˈissoosona. In part, he said: "This is what you are to say to the sons of Israel, " I SHALL PROVE TO BE has sent me to you. ' " Jehovah's Witnesses are free to study the Bible with the Witnesses. Gidoppe attin, eti eeyyatettan Xoossaa azazuwaa kaallibeenna gishshau, eta iita waayee gakkiis. - Doo. He also likened Christians to the different stones that make up a building. However, they were suffering because they failed to obey God's direction. - Gen. Yihooway ta woosaa waati zaaridaakko beˈaas; zaarettada he amaliyan xoonettada hidootaa qanxxido wode hegaa akeekaas. (Read Philippians 4: 6 - 9.) I saw how Jehovah answered my prayers, and I noticed that I had not been discouraged by this habit. Kiristtaaneti " xayssana ' bessiyo iita haasayaappe issoy marzze mala baceessuwaa. • How can holy spirit affect our lives? One way Christians can fight "the deceptive power of evil. " " Maaraadan " giya qaalay abbeenne eeshshay qommuwaa xallan gidennan, yesuwankka dumma dumma gidiyoogaa bessees. Although he was a perfect man, Jesus did not try to remain perfectly obedient on his own. According to the term "the power of creation, " the term" ability " refers not only to man's ability but also to man's ability. SHin, alame yuushuwan deˈiya ishanttu maabarau ayyaanaabaa qumaa immiyay eta gidokkona. How can they separate the good from the bad? However, they are not allowed to provide spiritual food for the worldwide brotherhood. Danddayaara gayttida he qofay Yaaqooba 5: 7, 8n (nabbaba) odettiis. The Israelites were to do what in preparation for being set free? The context of James 5: 7, 8. (Read.) (Read James 5: 7, 8.) Geeshsha Maxaafay ashkketettay otoruwaappe waani dummatiyaakko geeddarssees. • Helping children The Bible compares modesty to pride. 2: 4) Ne naˈa siiqoy ubbatoo mino gidanaadaaninne i " diccidi attanaadan ' waata maaddana danddayay? (1 PHe. The apostle Paul had spent considerable time building up the brothers there. How can your child's love help him to remain strong and to "be strong "? Ane i woygidaakko akeeka. The expense has been covered by the voluntary donations of Jehovah's Witnesses, who have followed Jesus ' instruction: "You received free, give free. " - Matt. Note what she said. " Saluwan deˈiya nu Aaway maariyaagaanne bantta nagaraappe simmiyaageetu masunttaa pattanau koyiyaagaa " We can maintain our integrity! " Our heavenly Father is merciful and merciful " (Ibr. 2: 10) Yesuusi ba polo deˈuwaa yarshshiyoogan, Addaame zerettaa nagaraappenne hayquwaappe naxa kessiya wozuwaa shiishshiis. - Maa. However, the information applies to both males and females. Jesus offered the ransom sacrifice of his perfect human life, the ransom sacrifice of Adam and Eve. - Matt. Anjjanne taani gita shiiqotuppe kasenne he shiiqotu wode oottiyoobaa gujjin, woradaanne awuraajjaa xomoosiyo oosuwaa 33 layttawu oottida. The articles point to a time in the near future when we will see spectacular miracles take place earth wide. Tony and I have been serving as a district overseer for 33 years, including assemblies and district conventions. Piliphphisiyuusa 2: 4 nabbaba. Growing numbers are disabled by other diseases, including mental illness. Read Philippians 2: 4. Eti "demmana giidi ufaissan naagi uttidobai ammanttiyoogaa " eriyo gishshawu, ubbay genccidosona. - Ibr. 12, 13. Because of "the assured expectation of the things hoped for, " all of them continued to endure. - Heb. Yesuusi Yihoowaara geella daro biilooniyan qoodettiya layttawu issippe oottido gishshawu, eti naaˈˈay keehi siiqettoosona; qassi eta dabbotaa aybinne moorana danddayenna. It indicated that divine sovereignty toward the earth expressed by a kingdom in the line of King David would be manifested again after a period of 2,520 years, beginning in 607 B.C.E. Because of Jesus ' many billions of years in Jehovah's service, both of them have worked together for two years - and nothing can stop their relationship with Jehovah. Luwiza yelettin guutta layttaa takkidi, guugge giddon, qassi xossadan tana keehi sakkiis. 5, 6. (a) Why was so much attention given to music during David's reign? Louise grew up in her mid - 20 ' s, and she became very angry with me. Koyro heeran hegee tawu aymo milatiis. Clearly, God in a very literal way raised up the boy in Shunem, proving His ability to resurrect. At first, it seemed like a dream. Nuuni nagarancha gidiyo gishshawunne Seexaanay haariyo alamiyan deˈiyo gishshawu, paaceenne waayee attenna. (1 Yoh. I did not turn in the opposite direction. " Because we are imperfect and living in Satan's world, we will be persecuted and persecuted. PHauloosi yelagatettan Saaˈoola geetettiyo wode ayyo daro qaaday deˈana danddayees. Saaˈoolantta so asay dure gidennan aggenna. The songs that this God - fearing musician and song writer composed have stood the test of time. As a youth, Paul may have had the family head who had spent many years in his youth. (Isiyaasa 48: 16 - 18 nabbaba.) " Let wives be in subjection to their husbands as to the Lord, " wrote the apostle Paul. (Read Isaiah 48: 16 - 18.) Hegaappe simmin, Leewati woossiiddi, Yihooway ba asau oottido harabaa hagaadan giidosona: "He biittan de7iya Kanaane asaa ubbaa eta sinttan neeni kaushshadasa.... " We have to be flexible, " says a father of two in Germany. Then, after praying to the Levites, Jehovah told his people: "Your people rejoiced before you... Solomoni baayyo odettidaban xeelaa wottibeennay ayba ogiyaanee? Give an example to show that women prophesied. How did Solomon focus on what he had said? Yaaqoobi Eesawaara gayttanau woossido woosaara gayttidaagan akeekana koshshiyaabay aybee? How did the prayers of Jesus give evidence of reverence and faith? What should Jacob realize about Esau's prayer? Xeetaappe 10 kushee tuma gidido odoy muleera balettiyaaba. 6: 7, 8. The fact is that the weight of the hand is complete. (Maa. 16: 21) Gidoppe attin, Yesuusa gidin Geeshsha Maxaafaa xaafidaageeta gidin, i maalaaliyaabi hanennan hayquwaappe denddana gibeennaagee akeekana koshshiyaaba. [ Footnote] However, neither the Holy Scriptures nor the holy writings of Jesus did not mean that he would be resurrected. Nuuni haratuyyo coo atto gaana koshshees. - Efisoona 4: 32; Qolasiyaasa 3: 13. They will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not tire out. " We need to forgive others freely. - Ephesians 4: 32; Colossians 3: 13. I nu nagaraa merinau atto gees. - Roo. THE belief that God brings about disasters to punish bad people is not new. He forgives our sins forever. - Rom. Roˈali he oyshan keehi garamettiis. I, "Taaninne Elsabeeta aassiyaageeti keehi koshshiyoosaa biidi haggaazanau qoppida; shin sinttappe naati gitaa gididi sooppe kiyiyo wode hegaadan oottanau qoppida " yaagiis. The Israelites had experienced a bitter life as foreign residents, but Jehovah expected them to treat the foreigner "like a native " among them. - Lev. Roald, who was surprised to see the question, says: "I wanted to serve where the need was greater, but that was what I expected of my children when they arrived at home. " " Ta deˈuwan 35 layttau aybiininne ammanenna asa gidada deˈaas. How are Jehovah's Witnesses organized today? " I lived in a world where I lived for 35 years. Ane akeeka. It is noteworthy that when writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures quoted from the Hebrew Scriptures, they usually did so from the Septuagint. Consider. Eti a loytti mokkoosona. (Yaas. The point is, Joseph recognized that it was Jehovah who had rewarded him and blessed him. - Gen. They were well - drawn to him. Maariyaa hanotaa hassayada, "Issitoo nuuni keehi palamettishin, Marttiina bonchennaagaa bessiya issibaa gaas. Moses turned his back on the treasures of Egypt, "choosing to be mistreated with the people of God rather than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin. " Maria, mentioned earlier, recalls: "When we realized that we would not give up, I felt that we would not give up on the subject. Masee nu harggiyaanne daafuraa tookkana. Rachel's two sons did not die before she did. The Messiah will protect us from sickness and aging. He wolqqay paaciyan genccanaadan nuna maaddana danddayees. After Pentecost 33 C.E., the apostle Peter clearly identified Jesus as Jehovah's "Servant. " What can we learn from these Messianic prophecies? That power can help us to endure trials. Waatidi? To the once - enslaved Israelites, he proved to be a Deliverer, a Protector, a Guide, and a Provider who satisfied all their material and spiritual needs. How? (a) Addaameenne Hewaana Xoossaappe anjjuwaa demmanawu ay oottana koshshii, shin aybi hanidee? Jesus pointed out that there is joy in heaven when a sinner has come to repentance. (a) What did Adam and Eve have to do to receive God's blessing, but what happened? Tawu layttay 19 gidiyo wode aqinye gidaas. Are you carrying weighty responsibilities in the congregation? When I was 19, I started pioneering. Aybissi? Soon, however, he will make his presence manifest by executing Jehovah's judgments on the various elements of Satan's system of things. Why? 1, 2. (a) Yesuusa laggeti kase ayba dumma dumma hanotan deˈidonaa? Two basic steps will help: Prepare well, and do not give up sharing what you know with others. 1, 2. (a) What contrast was there between Jesus ' friends and his friends? Amarkkan Kiristtaane giyo dumma dumma ammanuwan 600,000 gidiya asttamaareti deˈoosona; shin he biittan 1,200,000 gidiya Yihoowa Markkati deˈoosona. Luigi made a note of the man's insurance details and left while the man was still shouting. In the United States, there were some 3,000 teachers in the United States, but there were about ten Witnesses living in that country. Doominikan Ripabiliken Yihoowa Markka gidida koyroogeeti anne a machiyo; qassi eti Porto Riko biitti 1957n biidosona. It may be necessary to reason with the sinner more than once. In 1957, the first human pair were Jehovah's Witnesses, and they moved to Puerto Rico to Puerto Rico. Geeshsha Maxaafay yootiyoobaa " Ubbaa Danddayiya Xoossai iitabaa mulekka oottenna. " He was loyal and cared for them as a loving parent cares for a child. The Bible does not say: "God Almighty is Almighty. " I, "Haiqoi issi asa baggaara ha sa7aa yiidoogaadan, haiqqidaageetu denddoikka qassi issi asa baggaara yiis " yaagiis. " Stop judging by the outward appearance, but judge with righteous judgment. " - JOHN 7: 24. He said: "This man came through the resurrection of the dead, also through the resurrection of the dead. " I Efisoona Kiristtaanetuyyo, "Xoossai ba aaro kehatettan, taani inttena maaddanaadan, ha oosuwaa taayyo immidoogaa intte loitti siyideta " yaagiis. Nonetheless, throughout the generations "a great cloud " of Adam's descendants have chosen to uphold God's sovereignty. He wrote to the Ephesians: "You have heard that by means of his undeserved kindness, I have heard of this work that God has given you by means of undeserved kindness. " Yihoowa haasayissiyoogaa xeelliyaagan nuna woygidi oychana danddayiyoo? Ironically, it had to do with the observance of the Mosaic Law. What questions might we ask ourselves about Jehovah's communication with us? (Maa. 13: 22) Daroti banttawu miishshay deˈikko ufayttana, woy deˈoy injjetanaadan aqoy keehi maaddees giidi qoppoosona. I have many wonderful memories of outstanding elders with whom I served. Many feel that money can make life more money, money, or career. (Yoh. 13: 35) Maalaalissiya imotati attanaagaa yootiya he xiqisiyan, "Siiqoi mulekka xayenna " yaagidi Xoossaa Qaalay kasetidi yootiis. - 1 Qor. 13: 8. 8: 3, 7 - 10; 11: 1, 24; 37: 1, 2. God's Word foretold that such miraculous gifts will never fail. " - 1 Corinthians 13: 8. Ishaa Razerfordi aagaadan ayyaanan tiyettida Kiristtaanetubaa hagaadan giis: "Eti meto wodiyaappe simmin yaana, Masee haariyo ufayssiya wodiyaa ammano ayfiyan beˈoosona.... " Setting the mind on the spirit " does not imply that a person has to live with his head in the clouds, so to speak. Brother Rutherford told his anointed brothers: "After they faced a difficult time, they see the fulfillment of the Messiah's prophecy: "They saw a happy time when they saw the coming of the Messiah... 7: 1) Hegaa bollikka, "shaaramuxiyaagee ba bolli nagaraa " oottiyo gishshau, shori baynna kanddo ubbay Yihooway a yarshshuwan shenetanaadan oottees. The Watch Tower reported: "These [interested ones] were gathered to a little meeting in one of their homes. Moreover, Jehovah makes it possible for all who commit "the sins of his flesh " to commit adultery with him. Yohaannisa: Haˈˈi akeekaas. Serving theocratic interests depends more on spiritual health than on natural ability. Jon: I see. 6, 7. Everyone then on earth will benefit from that heavenly marriage, for it guarantees a perfect government for all. 6, 7. SINTTAA 17 - MAZAMUREE: 27, 51 Hosppune 18 - 24, 2011 They need to be certain that nothing indecent is taking place in their households. 18 Our Readers Ask... Asi Zerido Kattaa Bolli Zardduwaa Zeriyoogee Tumee? Families would lack natural affection, and children would be disobedient to parents. The Messiah's Role - Is It True? PHawuloosi "etappe issooti issooti " azazettibeennaagaa oyddutoo yootiis. 13, 14. (a) What should we remember about circuit overseers? Paul wrote that some of them were "not disobedient. " Kaallidi deˈiyaagaa beˈa: How so? Consider the following: He wode, daro SHiiquwaa Addaraashati keehi kawushsha. That dreaded disease could attack the sufferer's nerve endings and lead to permanent damage and disfigurement. At that time, a number of Kingdom Halls were built. 4: 7, 8) Yaatikko, Geeshsha Maxaafaanne nu xuufeta xannaˈanne pilgga, qassi nena xubbana danddayiyaabaa shaakka eranau wotta denttada qoppa. We need to do what in order not to fall into temptation? If so, meditate on what we read and study our Bible - based publications and our Bible - based publications. He wonddafiyaa A waatada teqqay? (b) How was it that Jehovah could view Abraham as righteous? What is involved in looking forward to it? Yesuusi, "Hirggoppite " giidoy woyganaassee? Or do you find yourself trying to fit theocratic activities between periods of leisure? What did Jesus mean when he said: "Never be anxious "? Yesuusi ba erissiyo ashkkarata siiqiyoogaa oosuwan bessido leemisuwaa yoota. The Bible also says that in "the day of judgment " that is fast approaching, God will eliminate suffering and those who cause it. Give an example of how Jesus showed love for his disciples. Nu ishantti, keehi guutta miishshay deˈiyoogeetikka gidin, beni Maqidooniyan deˈiya Kiristtaanetu leemisuwaa kaalloosona. Eti "hiyyeesa, " shin immanawu woossidi, kehatettan immidosona. - 2 Qor. When we humbly and obediently trust in him, we too will be precious in his eyes. - Hag. Even relatively few brothers and sisters in Macedonia, whether they had little money or not, they kindly gave in to the example of "those in Macedonia. " - 2 Cor. Nahimiyaa leemisuwaappe nuuni ay tamaarana danddayiyoo? Likewise, God created the man and the woman to cooperate closely, not to compete with each other. - Genesis 2: 24. What can we learn from Nehemiah's example? Issi baliyaa xeelliyaagan, Tohossa Amarkkaappe kiitettida irpporttee hagaadan gees: "Heezzu gubaaˈe shiiqotun shiiqida asaa qooday keehi guutta. She explains: "At first, I got a sense of security when having immoral relations, thinking that I was needed and loved. Regarding Christian meetings, one sister wrote: "The small number of congregations attended meetings at the Kingdom Hall. 2: 21) Pilippinsse haruurotu ubbaappe gitatiya Luzene giyoosawu gidduwan deˈiya aaho woradan oottiyo oosoy tawu imettiis. This situation must have caused Jonathan emotional stress while he tried to keep Jehovah's favor. In the Philippines, I was assigned to work in the Philippines. I asttamaariyaa tamaareti eti keehi dosiyo issi huuphe yohuwan xuufiyaa xaafanaadaaninne kifiliyan deˈiya tamaareta ammanttanawu malanaadan yootaasu. The former things have passed away. " Her teacher explained that the students were so impressed that they could tell the students what they had read in one of the magazines and that it was like to make a room for them. Geeshsha Maxaafaa birshshanawu maaddidabay aybee? How does Paul's letter to the Hebrew Christians connect blood with forgiveness? What helped the Bible to make it possible? Nuuni ayyaanaa kaaletuwau eeno giikko, "yayyennan daro qonccissidi " haggaazana. 22 Our Readers Ask... We are willing to accept the guidance of the spirit, for it is clear that we can "widen out. " Nuuni haratussi atto gaana koshshiyoy aybissee? Then, in words meant for those living during the last days, he urged vigilance, saying: "You do not know on what day your Lord is coming " and," At an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming. " Why should we forgive others? I giidobaappe amaridaagee Ooratta Alamiyaa Birshshettan hagaadan gees: "Neeni Israa7eelatuyyo, " TAANI HANANA [giya Xoossay] tana inttekko kiittiis ' yaaga. " Millions of Scenarios were given away free. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures says: "I tell you, " You must not hate me, ' and I will say to you, " You must not turn away from me. ' " 1: 10) I Kiristtaaneti, issi keettaa keexxiyo dumma dumma shucha mala gidiyoogaakka yootiis. I told him we get it from Brooklyn. He also stated that Christians were like a building building building place. (Piliphphisiyuusa 4: 6 - 9 nabbaba.) I felt crushed, concluding that I was a spiritual failure. (Read Philippians 4: 6 - 9.) • Geeshsha ayyaanay nuna nu deˈuwan maaddana danddayiyoy ayba ogiyaanee? Here is another important reason for continuing with our preaching work: We preach because we love our neighbor. • How can holy spirit help us in our lives? Yesuusi polo asa gidikkonne, ba shenedan kumetta hanotan azazettanau malibeenna. And the two fish? Although Jesus was perfect, he did not try to obey his perfect course. Eti loˈˈuwaa iitaappe waati shaakki erana danddayiyoonaa? Was Jehovah's promise that they could furnish "a kingdom of priests " therefore an empty one? How can they determine what is right? Beni Israaˈeelati naxa kiyanau ay oottana koshshidee? Although having a strong desire to share in the preaching work, some publishers were shy and did not know what to say. What was required of the Israelites in ancient times? • Naata Maaddiyoogan • A sons in the U.S.A. Kiitettida PHauloosi yan deˈiya ishantta minttettanau daro wodiyaa goˈettiis. The apostle Paul used much time to encourage the brothers there. Yihoowa Markkati he oosuwaa maaddanawu bantta dosan miishshaa immoosona. Eti Yesuusi, "Intte coo ekkideta; coo immite " yaagido zoriyaa kaalloosona. - Maa. Jehovah's Witnesses willingly responded to Jesus ' counsel: "You received free, give free. " - Matt. Nu suuretettaa naagana danddayoos! We can protect ourselves from our integrity! Ha huuphe yohoti mata wode nuuni kumetta saˈan polettin beˈana keehi maalaalissiyaabay hanana wodiyaa qonccissoosona. These articles show us how long we will see fulfilled events that will soon take place on earth. Daroti guuggiyaa sahuwaa gujjin, hara harggiyaa gaasuwan qohettidosona. Many have suffered from illness, including illness. 12, 13. 12, 13. Hegee Kawuwaa Daawita zariyaa kawotettaa baggaara saˈan qonccida Xoossaa haaroy 2,520 layttay aadhi simmin zaarettidi qonccanaagaa malaatees; he wodee 607 K.K. doommiis. It began in 607 B.C.E. when God's rulership entered the world through David's reign, that time began in 607 B.C.E. 5, 6. (a) Daawita haaruwaa wode muuziqaa keehippe xoqqu oottidi xeellidoy aybissee? 5, 6. (a) Why did David highly esteem David's kingship? (1 Sam. 2: 6) Xoossay he naˈaa denttiyoogan i hayqqidaageeta denttana danddayiyoogaa bessiis. God showed that the dead could raise that child from the dead. (Isi. Send me! " 16: 23) Xoossau yayyiya he yettanchaynne mazamuriyaa xaafee giigissido mazamuree hanno gakkanaashinkka maaddees. Such God - fearing music and songs are still important to us. Kiitettida PHauloosi, "Maccaasatoo, Godaayyo haarettiyoogaadan, intte azinatuyyo haarettite " yaagidi xaafiis. The apostle Paul wrote: "Let wives be in subjection to their husbands as to the Lord. " Naaˈˈu naati deˈiyo, Jarmane biittan deˈiya aaway, "Nuuni hanotaadan laammana koshshees " yaagiis. " We need to adjust our approach to Germany, " says the father of two children in Germany. Maccaasay hananabaa yootidoogaa bessiya leemisuwaa yoota. Give an example of what women say. Yesuusa woosay bonchuwaanne ammanuwaa qonccissiyoy ayba ogiyaanee? How is prayer related to Jesus ' glory and faith? 6: 7, 8. 6: 7, 8. [ Tohossa qofaa] [ Footnote] Eti argganttatudan, qefiyan pude kiyana; woxxidi daafurokkona; hemettidikka wolqqaa wurokkona " yaagidi xaafiis. (Isi. They will run like a sword, and they will not grow up, and they will not grow up. " XOOSSAY iita asaa qaxxayanau daafabaa yeddees giidi ammaniyoogee beniisappe deˈiyaaba. WE faith in God's ability to punish people when they suffer. 43: 32; 46: 34; Kes. 1: 11 - 14) Israaˈeelati hara biittan deˈiyo wode tugga deˈo deˈidosona; shin Yihooway eti bantta giddon deˈiya hara biitta asaa " bantta biittaa asadan ' xeellanaadan koyees. - Wog. The Israelites were in a foreign land, but Jehovah wanted them to view them as "a foreigners. " - Lev. Ha wodiyan Yihoowa Markkati daraajjayettidoy ayba ogiyaanee? How is Jehovah's Witnesses organized today? Giriiketto Geeshsha Maxaafaa xaafidaageeti Ibraawetto Geeshsha Maxaafaa qofaa yootiyo wode, darotoo Septujenttiyaappe xaafiyoogee akeekana koshshiyaaba. When the Hebrew Scriptures refer to the Hebrew Scriptures, it is important to understand the original text of the Hebrew Scriptures often. Yooseefi bana woytidaageenne anjjidaagee Yihoowa gidiyoogaa akeekiis. - Doo. Joseph realized that Jehovah had rewarded him and that He would bless him. - Gen. 11: 8, 13, 15, 16) Muusee Gibxxe duretettaa koyennan ixxiis; qassi "nagaran Muusee guutta wodiyaa ufaittanaagaappe, Xoossaa asaara waayettanaagaa dooriis. " Moses rejected the riches of Egypt, and Moses chose "to be ill - treated with the people of God rather than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin. " Raaheeli attuma naati naaˈˈati a hayqqiyo wode paxa deˈoosona. Rachel's two sons died when she died. (Maatiyoosa 26: 67; Luqaasa 22: 63) Kiitettida PHeexiroosi PHenxxaqosxxe gallassi 33 K.S., Yesuusi Yihoowa "Ashkkaraa " gidiyoogaa geeshshidi qonccissiis. The apostle Peter clearly identified Jehovah as "the Son of man, " who was at Pentecost 33 C.E. Yihooway Ashshiyaagaa, Naagiyaagaa, Kaalettiyaagaanne etawu asatettaaninne ayyaanaaban koshshiyaabaa Kunttiyaagaa gidiyoogaa Israaˈeelata bessiis. Jehovah proved to be our Provider, Protector, and spiritual well - being. 15: 1 - 3) Yesuusi nagarancha uri ba nagaraappe simmiyo wode saluwan deˈiyaageeti ufayttiyoogaa yootiis. Jesus said that there is joy in heaven when a sinner is repentant. Intte gubaaˈiyan gita aawatettaa tookkidetii? Are you taking the lead in your congregation? 3: 3, 4) Gidikkokka, matan i Seexaanaa siraataa dumma dumma kifiletu bolli Yihoowa pirddaa poliyo wode, ba yuussay qonccanaadan oottana. However, when he comes to execute judgment upon Satan's world, he will continue to accomplish his purpose. Hegawu naaˈˈubay maaddana: Loytta giigetta, qassi neeni eriyoobaa haratuyyo yootanawu mammottoppa. Consider two factors: Do not hesitate to use them to share what you know and to share what you know. Luji inshuranssiyaara gayttida ubbabaa a oychi xaafidi biyo wodekka, bitanee waassiyoogaa aggibeenna. He continued to make an effort to pay all of him, even though he could not do all that he could not do. Naaqqida uraara he yohuwaabaa darotoo haasayiyoogee koshshana danddayees. It may take time to talk with the person about the matter. I ammanettiyaagaa; qassi siiqiya aaway ba naˈau koshshiyaabaa kunttiyoogaadan etau koshshiyaabaa kunttiis. He was loyal, and he cared for his father's needs as a loving parent. " Tumu pirddaa pirdditeppe attin, asa som77o xeellidi pirddoppite. " - YOH. 7: 24. 7: 24. Gidoppe attin, aadhida daro layttatun Addaame zerettaappe " shaara keena daro asay ' Xoossaa haaruwawu exatanawu dooriis. (Ibr. However, many centuries earlier, the majority of Adam's descendants have chosen to support God's sovereignty in "the great cloud of witnesses. " Eti issi issiban Muuse Higgiyaa kaalloosona. They follow some aspect of the Mosaic Law. Tanaara haggaazida mino cimati oottido loˈˈobaa hassayiyo darobay deˈees. I have many good examples of faithful elders who worked with me. Taani geema sohuwan merettiyo wode, ta meqettati neeppe geemmibookkona.... When I was in peril, my bones were not hidden from you... 8: 3, 7 - 10; 11: 1, 24; 37: 1, 2. 8: 3, 7 - 10; 11: 1, 2; 37: 1, 2. " Ayyaanaabaa qoppiyoogee " hanennabaanne baynnabaa coo qoppiyoogaa gidenna. " The minding of the spirit " is no longer a person nor a mental attitude. Wochiyo Keelaa maxeetee hagaadan gees: "He asati [koshshay deˈiyoogeeti] etappe issuwaa son issippe shiiqoosona. The issue of The Watchtower states: "In fact, those in their homes could regularly associate together with one another. Xoossau oottiyoogee meretan demmidobaappe aaruwan ayyaanaaban payya gidiyoogan baasettidaba. Having God's approval involves more than physical health. (Ajj. 19: 7 - 9) He wode saˈan deˈiya ubbay saluwaa bullachan goˈettana; ayssi giikko, he bullachay wottiyoobi baynna Kawotettay ubba asaa haaranaagaa bessees. At that time, all on earth will benefit from the heavenly Kingdom, for the heavenly Kingdom will take full advantage of all mankind's resources. Eti bantta son bessennabi aybinne polettennaagaa akeekana koshshees. They need to realize that nothing was missing from their home. So asay siiqoy baynnaagaa gidana; qassi naati banttana yelidaageetuyyo azazettennaageeta gidana. The family will be no natural affection, and children will be disobedient to parents. 13, 14. (a) Nuuni woradaa xomoosiyaageetubaa ay hassayana koshshii? 13, 14. (a) What should we remember about circuit overseers? Waatidi? How? He yashshiya harggee narbbiyaa qohidi paxennaadan ootteesinne bollaa moorees. This fear would prevent the child from causing the child to lose it and destroy the body. Nuuni paaciyan gelenna mala ay oottana koshshii? What must we do to avoid temptation? (b) Yihooway Abrahaama xillodan xeellidoy ayba ogiyaanee? (b) How did Jehovah view Abraham as righteous? Geeshsha Maxaafay matattiiddi deˈiya " pirddaa gallassan, ' Xoossay tuggaanne hegau gaaso gididaageeta xayssanaagaa yootees. (2 PHe. The Bible tells us that we are living in "the day of judgment " and that God will bring an end to suffering and cause suffering. Nuuni nu huuphiyaa kawushshidi ayyo ammanettiyoonne azazettiyo wode, nuunikka A sinttan alˈˈoba gidoos. - Hag. When we humbly submit to him and obey him, we bless our precious possession before him. - Josh. Hegaadankka, Xoossay attumaasaynne maccaasay annaacettanaadan gidennan, hashetidi deˈanaadan medhiis. - Doo. 2: 24. Similarly, God created men and women, not for themselves, but for women. - Genesis 2: 24. A gujjada hagaadan gaasu: "Tana asi koyiyaabadaaninne siiqiyaabadan qoppada, attuma asaara zinˈˈiyoogaa doommido heeran daro hirggikke. She adds: "I felt that I wanted to love people as if I wanted to love me and to live in a village where I felt more secure. Ha hanotay, Yihoowan nashettidi deˈanau baaxetiyo wode, Yonaataani unˈˈettanaadan oottennan aggenna. This situation may have caused Jonathan to lose his joy in Jehovah's favor. Aissi giikko, ceegabai xayiis " yaagees. The former things have passed away. " Suuttay nagaraa atto giyoogaara gayttidaba gidiyoogaa PHawuloosi Ibraawe Kiristtaanetuyyo xaafido dabddaabbiyan waati qonccissidee? In his letter to the Hebrews, how did Paul describe the need for forgiveness of sins? Hidaare 15 - 21, 2010 15 Did You Know? Hegaappe simmidi, wurssetta gallassan deˈiyaageeti naagetti uttanaadan zoriis; I, " Simmi intte Goday ay gallassi yaanaakkonne intte erekketa '; qassi "Taani, Asa Na7ai, intte qoppenna saatiyan yaana " yaagiis. Then he urged those living in the last days: "Keep on the watch, and you do not know what hour the Lord is coming, and you do not know when the Son of man comes. " Miilooniyan qoodettiya he xuufee asawu coo imettiis. Millions of people have been distributed. Brukiliineppe demmiyoogaa ayyo yootaas. I told him about getting married. Taani keehi azzanada, ayyaanaaban zawa gakkabeennabadan qoppaas. I thought that I was spiritually inactive, but I felt that I was spiritually inactive. Nuuni ubbatoo sabbakiyo hara gaasoy qassi nu shooruwaa siiqiyoogaa. (Maa. We continue to preach the good news and show love for our neighbor. Naaˈˈu moleti shin? But what about two small fishes? Yaatin, " qeesetu kawotettay ' etappe kiyanaagaa Yihooway coo mela qaalaa gelidee? Did Jehovah promise them to be "a kingdom of priests "? Aassiyaageetuppe issoti issoti markkattanawu keehi amottikkokka, yayyoosonanne woyganaakkokka erokkona. Even if some publishers were very discouraged, they did not know what to say and what to say.